Volume 11 - Number 7 -July 1994 1.50 ISSN 8750-1731. Covering the· world of competition in the dirt
Volume 11 - Number 7 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation 0. Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Barry Don Calloway Carrera Photography Carol Clark Don Dayton John Elkin Homer Eubanks Don Holbrook Martin Holmes Daniel Maimer Matt Marcher Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Judy Smith ' Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Inc. Wizer Photos Art Director Larry E. Worsham July 1994 -.VIl,LS OffllOAD IIACIIIII &DOH Subscription Rates: lllrifSerlescf~Racing• $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311--4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this _publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing. office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311--4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311--4408. Item Of The Month ••• These two shots from the Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group race in Las Vegas were lost in .the mail for a time, so didn't make it into the race coverage layout. So we thought we would make them the Item of the Month, not penalizing the drivers for what is lacking in the postal_ system. On top is #42 Andrew Buck who won the first SuperLite heat and placed second in the Main event driving a Triple E. Next Stacy Fay flew her Briggsbilt over the lumps in . style and she followed Mercedes Gonzales across the line in the SuperLite Main event, placing a strong fourth in this big class. Photos by T rackside Photo Inc. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar interest on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 preferred but clear color prints will be considered. Dusty Times July 1994 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page La Rana Spangler 200 by Jean Calvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 FRT Buzz Bomb 150 by Judy Smith ........................ 18 MTEG Stadium Racing in Las Vegas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 FORDA at East Bay Raceway by Wayne Simmons ............ 26 Rod Hall Invitational Reno 300 by Jean Calvin ............... 30 WRC Safari Rally by Martin Holmes ....................... 36 Curt Elrod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Chevrolet Diesel Suburban Report by John Calvin ............ 39 Whiplash Racing at Wickenberg by Tony Tellier ............. 42 SCCA/ Michelin Wild Wild West Pro Rally by John Elkin .... 44 Wild West Rally Notes by Jim Culp ........................ 46 Geo Tracker Road Report by Jim Ober ..................... 47 VORRA Preview by Matt Marcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 DEPARTMENTS Soap Box by Jim Ober . ................................... 4 Trail Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Fair News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 7 Competition Review Board Report by Reese King ............ 34 Checkers Column by the Big Wahzoo ...................... 43 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Classified Ads ................................... 53. 54. 55 Index to Advertisers ........................ : ............ 43 ON THE COVER - Dave Brown came out of the west to win the Reno 300 race overall and also win some dandy Nevada cash. Despite an early brake problem he led nearly all the way, although Raymond Fisher was !n hot pursuit all the way. Brown hails from Gresham, Oregon and said this race, despite the heavy rock pile near the start pictured here, certainly made the tow worthwhile. Also in April Californian Jason Baldwin took a vacation from 'Big Time' racing and came to the La Rana Spangler 200 near Ridgecrest, CA. In fact the Baldwin clan brought three race cars with them, but it was Jason who won the race overall despite never having seen the course before. Our congratulations to botb these winners. Cqlor Photography bx_ Trackside Photo Inc. tO-S~7DMUf DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year - $15.00 □ i years -$i5.00 □ 3 years - $35.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus •• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name ______________________ _ Address _____________________ _ City ______________________ _ State ___________ Zip-----------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311--4408, (818) 882-0004 (Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S.• Ov~rseas subscription rates on request) Page 3
Soap Box ••• A radio report came in about how water flooding the race course near Valle De Trinidad was a potential hazard for the drivers. The answer by the race officials was "That's Baja", so don't respond to it, or let it affect the event. Do hoodlums throwing rocks through car windshields, spectators digging tank traps, and drunks running wild on the course fall under "That's Baja?" l}y]im Ober I've been involved with off road racing and been to every major Baja race for 24 years, and I've kept my opiniqns to the spoken word. Until now. My observa-tions at the recent Baja Interna-tional force me to speak out. I fear the death of the spm:t, due to neglect -on the part of the race promoters. As a professional observer and journalist, I thought I'd seen everything the sport could show me, until the morning of the International, now called the Baja 500. · Right past the El Alamo road crossing, at a jump at the top of the hill, Pandemonium was King. Drunk spectators, both American and Mexican, were everywhere -driving up and down the course and standing in the middle of the track until seconds before the vehicles roared into their midst. Cars were passing people by inches. I spotted a young man wearing a Score Course Marshall T-shirt, holding an FM radio. I ran up to him and said, "Well, it's time to start marshaling, or turn in your badge". He looked at me blankly, and then said, "What can I do about this?" I replied, "Get on the radio and call some police in here--someone's going to get hit by a car. Or get some yellow tape, and move the people back. At least call Sal or Danny and let them know what's going on here". "Danny's right up the road", he said as he pointed up course. "He knows what's happening". With a mental picture of photos I'd seen from the Portugal Rally some years ago when more than a couple of people were killed by an errant race car, I thought to myself "Well if a family gets wiped out, and they ban the sport in this country, it's on their shoulders". Minutes later, a motorcycle racer, while in full flight, missed a truck traveling backwards on the track by about a foot, according to crowd consensus afterwards. Two separate times, I was approached by amateur photo-graphers who were business owners in Ensenada who asked me why this was happening, and since I knew the promoters why couldn't I say something to them about this chaos. It may sound corny, but I believe this: the skill of each driver, together with the hand of God, kept anyone from being hit by a race vehicle at that jump that day. (A spectator was hit at the Los Compadres pit -at this writing I haven't heard of his condition.) I'd personally seen such· a miracle happen before, at the SLA shootout in South Central L.A. in 1977, where over 6,000 rounds were fired, and no one (including me) except the bad guys were hit by bullets, despite hundreds of newspeople and spectators standing round watching. That incident taught me that a round close to your head sounds like a bumblebee going past. I was both gla'd and relieved when I left there at noon time to travel to my next photo shot in the second loop of the race. At least I would be in the desert all alone, and not have to see the deadly drama that was sure to continue at the jump. I wis wrong. A couple of hours later a motdrcyclist had to lay down his bike to avoid hitting a local family and their pickup cruising backwards on the track about 100 yards south of my location. I listened to radio conversation later that day which led me to believe that the sport of off road racing is like a healthy looking person who is minutes away from a massive heart attack; he looks great now, so why worry? The recent popularity of the sport has led to massive crowds at certain points on the course and at finish lines. Also, there are now fans on the course at points that were formed y considered in-accessible. And when those fans decide the race is over (for them), they drive up or down the course to go home, with a car full of family or friends, many (if not most) of them intoxicated. Would you or I drive up a narrow, twisty, Baja road with your family, knowing that any one of about a hundred cars at speed might try to climb in through your windshield and kill you and yours? What is happen-ing here? Am I the only one that cares? The racing community - racers and spectators, sponsors and promoters, are allowing auto-motive Russian Roulette to be played out in Baja. I've decided that in order to continue my usual practice of sound sleep, I can't let this go on without voicing my opinion. Like the ad says, 'Don't let a friend drive drunk', and in this case, I won't allow friends to play auto roulette in Baja without trying to say or do something about it. Sal and Danny -let's solve the problem while it's still solvable, and we can possible save some lives. ----------Volunteers are im•itcd to dimh on their "Soa/J Box" and fill this s/mce with their thoul{hts ahour «•hat is good and «•hat is not so good about the state of the s/Jort. Your words, short of being libelous, will he /1rinted. So, send a long your /Jraise or damnation on your Soa/1 Box toJ>ic to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St. , Chatsu'Orth, CA 91311-4408. Trackside Photo, Inc. Racing photography since 1970 We cover all La Rana, SCORE and MTEG events. For professional quality photos, call us! Call us for: Calendars• Press Kits• Photo Business Cards• Autograph sheets Page 4 P.O. Box 91767 Los Angeles, California 90009 (310) 670-6896 July 1994 Trail Notes ••• GLEN HELEN RACING INC. in conjunction with BBM Marketing Promotions has unveiled the plans for an upcoming short course race series. The Glen Helen Short Course Championship Series will consist of five events in 1994, conducted at the Glen Helen OHV Park in San Barnardino, CA. The first scheduled event will be on July 16, which is coming up soon, with additional dates set for August 27, September 17, October 22 and December 3 1994. ' The new series fills the void for the recently canceled MTEG "Sportsm1m Off Road Series" and will follow the same basic racing format. With a competitive race course developed in front of grandstand seating, this new short course series is bound to provide exciting racing action. The Glen Helen Series will offer classes to suit both stadium and desert race cars, and will include ATVs, Superlites, Pilots and Mini Mags. For more1nformation check the ad in this issue, and for details contact Bob Beyer BBM Marketing Promotions at (310) 988-6250. THE SNORE CALIENTE 250 heralds the start of spring racinl? in southern Nevada, although it is 150 miles north of Las Vegas, it is still well attended by out of state entries along with the regulars. The new Class 10 car built for Rob MacCachren and Larry Job was the hit of tech row, shiny, clean and very potent looking. The team led the race almost from flag to flag and won overall as well as in Unlimited and Class 10. Kenny Freeman Jr. and his wife Kerry triumphed in Class 1-2-1600 and took second overall, just beating Unlimited driver Tommy Bradley by six seconds. Bradley was the first Class 1 home, third overall. Dave Petrillo and Bryan Pennington won Class 9 and had fast lap for the class. Sportsman Buggy honors went to John Gangroff and Jeff Lewis, while Tom Dunn and Mark Snow won the Sportsman Truck class. We'll have a full report next month. THE SCORE BAJA 500 left some participants in limbo. The finish ratio in most classes was fairly low for a Baja event and traffic was heavy in most areas. Ivan Stewart won the Trophy Truck title in his Toyota by 14 minutes over John Swift in a Ford. Roger Mears was third in a Chevy and Rob MacCachren was fourth in his Ford. In the regular classes Pat Dean won overall in a Chenowth Porsche with fast time of the day in that division, but he was later disqualified for "unsafe driving, and the second place man Carl Renezder, in another Chenowth Porsche was also disqualified for driving backwards on the course. This action gave Corky McMillin the win in Class 1, as he :was third to arrive. Rodrigo and Rogerio Amp~dia won Class 1-2-1600 in their Neth and Mike Jakobson won Class 5 by over an hour. Class 5-1600 went to Ernesto Arambula by 12 minutes over Guillermo Quintero, Jr. Jeff Lewis drove his Chevy S-10 to the win in Class 7S, and David Ashley, Ford, won Class 8 by just under three minutes over Brian Stewart and Curt LeDuc was another five minutes back in the battle of the Dodges. Alfonso Lacarra was the fastest in Class 9 but was disqualified for going backwards on the course, giving the win to Terry Walsh, who was over an hour back on time. Class 11 went to Eric Solorzano, Scott Sells was the only Stock Mini Truck finisher, winning in his Toyota, and Rod Hall bested his son Chad in the battle of the Hummers in Stock Full sized trucks. We'll have final results and the full story with pictures next month. JIM WRIGHT - a colleagu~ and a good friend as well as the publisher of Dune Buggies and Hot VWs magazine, Jim lost his long battle with cancer last March 2 7. We met while we were both.working for Petersen Publishing Co., he as technical editor of Motor Trend and we served as rally editor of Sports Car Graphic. Later we shared offices with a free lance group made up of all ex-Petersen employees, and this was during the dawn of off road racing with NORR A and the Mint 400. Jim, who had done some drag racing and stock car competition, then bought a Funco Wampus Kitty for serious racing, although he did do a Baja race on the AMC Rambler team. He also served as technical editor of Popular Science magazine. In April of 1970 he joined the staff of Dune Buggies & Hot VWs magazine then owned by Bond-Parkhurst Publishing. He acquired the magazine in December 1971, which many in the industry said was doomed to failure. Jim not only proved them wrong, his efforts at the helm of Hot VWs was a great influence on the growth and success ot the VW performance industry. During this time he also published a mini truck magazine and an A TV magazine, and his company prospered. Jim is survived by his wife Judy, daughter Gina and sons Jimmy Wright, Michael Sommer and Frank Sommer, and cousin Donna Wright. The sport and the industry will miss Jim Wright, and those of us who knew him will definitely miss a very good friend. THE FINAL FLAG fell recently on Carol Lyons who many oldtimers in the sport would know as Carol Brown, half of the KC HiLites team. In fact, the name came from Kim and Carol, but most folks know Kim better as Peter Brown, head of the light company in Williams, AZ. Although they were divorced, Carol was in Williams to be an executor of a friend's estate, when she was killed in an auto accident. Few details are available, but this happened just before press time. She had two children with Brown, but was living elsewhere at the time of her too early demise. Our sincere sympathy to her family and her friends. FAST FACTS FROM SEMA posed an interesting idea. What would happen if government regulation forces major sponsors out of sports? Top racing teams could be dismantled, ticket prices will have to be higher ... the list goes on. With sponsorship from cigarette companies, for example, drag racing and stock car racing have reaped great benefits. With sponsorship the growth of motorsports has been unprecedented. Don't let the politicians destroy our progress. Send a petition to American Coalition for Entertainment and Sports Sponsorship. Mail a letter that reads: "Add my name to the petition. I oppose government efforts to interfere with sports sponsorships." SIGN it, then print your name and full address; include your age and phone. Mail to ACESS, P.O. Box 27380, Washington, D.C. 20038-7380. (It sounds like a lobby group is forming, but we would ha:te to see racing sink below the level it now enjoys because of the federal government making more regulations.) THE MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP announced the app0intment of Craig Hoelzel as director of marketing, and the selection of the Venice, CA based agency Bob Thomas & Associates to handle national media relations and long range local market publicity for its venerable Stadium Off Road and Supercross Racing series. Hoelzel, who was MTEG's special promotions and marketing director from 1988-91, returns to the organization after a two year stint as executive director of the International Hot Boat Association. Meanwhile they also announced the cancellation of the Pontiac, MI event this summer, trouble getting a track date apparently. After Salt Lake City's event, the troops will get a rest before the final two races of the year, October 1 at Las Vegas and October 8 in Denver. Dusty Times
1994 Hattpenings ••• Crandon, WI54520 (715) 478-2222 June 24-26, 1994 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34087 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 944-7541 AMSA Jim Webb P.O. Box 26084 Fresno, CA 93726 (209) 439-2114 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 47 Teenan St. Ferny Hills, Q 4055, Australia 011-18-07 -851-0444 July 24, 1994 Kempsey New South Wales September 11, 1994 Mt. Gambier South Australia November 2 7, 1994 Puckapunyal Victoria (Stadium Races TBA) AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville. Quebec, Canada K7B IHI (514)434-5792 BAD DOG'S OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN Callaway Fun Inc. 3825 No. Main Cleburne, TX 76031 Barry Don Callaway (817) 645-0003/ (817) 641-9985 Gene Peugh (817) 790-8268 nights Racing the 3rd Sunday of each month March thru October BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 311163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico ( Mexicali ( 65) 68-34-72 July 22-24, 1994 Ensenada 200 Ensenada, BC, Mexico October 7-9, 1994 Mexicali 400 Mexicali, BC, Mexico BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 July 29-31, 1994 Gran Carrera de Ensenada 350 miles or Closed Course September 23-25, 1994 Gran Carrera de Campones 250 miles San Felipe, BC, Mexico BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1533 Obden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. July 1-2, 1994 Jackpot 200 Jackpot NV September 2-3, 1994 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 (613) 475-11Q2 /Fax (613) 475-3250 1994 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O . Box 101 111 tJI i ·Jt l/ UN/FILTER September 2-4, 1994 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI BUMP Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions 43943 Sierra Hwy., Suite G Lancaster, CA 93534 (805) 723-1549 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison, CRS Director 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 (909) 736-1442 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 July 15-17, 1994 Prescott Forest National Pro Rally Prescott, AZ September 17-18, 1994 Treeline Rally Palmdale, CA October 22-23, 1994 Gorman Ridge Rally Gorman, CA December 4-5, 1994 East of Indio Rally Indio, CA CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 October 15, 1994 Whiskey Springs 400 Bend, OR CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 645 Pierre, SD 57501 Kevin Miller (Baja) (605) 224-6923 / I , SWAY·A·WAY.I ! ~ . -· .... _. TRI-MIL EXHAUST SYSTEMS BUGPACK 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW....................... . $65. 95 ~~ Don Engleman (Motocross) (605) 224-4967 GUMBOBUTES BAJA & MOTOCROSS July 24, 1994 August 21, 1994 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO SAN VICENTE San Vicente Off Road Ensenada, BC, Mexico USA Jan Wright (011 52 617-46834) Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo (6163717 0034) August 26-28, 1994 Fiesta San Quintin 200 September JO-October 1-2, 1994 San Vicente (Media Noche) 200 December 2-4, 1994 Location TBA CMC Continental Motosport Club Sand Drags P.O. Box830 Adelanto, CA 92301 (619) 246-7262 June 18, 1994 Sand Drags August 6, 1994 Sand Drags November 19, 1994 Sand Drags December 1 7, 1994 Sand Drags (All euents at SVR, Adelanto, CA) COLORAIX> HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W 1(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 ~ COLORADO OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Bertram Productions Inc. 15073 Hwy 119 Route #4 Golden, CO 80403 (303) 936-5960 June 26, 1994 Ft. Morgan, CO July 10, 1994 Ft. Morgan, CO July 31, 1994 Ft. Morgan, CO August 7, 1994 VDR Berthoud, CO August 21, 1994 Ft. Morgan, CO September 11, 1994 Ft. Morgan, CO October 1, 1994 Ft. Morgan, CG> CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-36491(214) 641-2090 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 ( 407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES June 25, 1994 Plaster City Blast El Centro, CA CHENOWTH ~ WI-EELs ULTRA WHEELS ,Cov, V. 15x4 FRONTS $80.00 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME .................... $100.00 Flt.TERCHARGER.EOU1'¥ED 15x7 REAR STD OFFSETS $85.00 1 1/2 TYPE 1 RAW ............................ $65. 95 1 1/2 TYPE 1 CHROME .................... Sl 00.00 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW ........................... $73. 95 1 5/8 TYPEJ CHROME .................... $107.95 KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200 mm DISC 4-PUCK ...................... $48.01!'1 200 mm 1700 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $85;00 200 mm 2500 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $103.95 : EARLY. OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELT 2' ............................. $23.95 LAP BELT 3' ...................................... $58.95 SHOULDER BELT 3' .......................... $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/ STERNUM STRAP .... $72.95 'A MUST FOR COMPETITION USE' PARKER PUMPER 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WITH BUILT IN HANDLE TO POUR ... $62.95 SCRIBNER JUGS . 5 GALLON JUGS WHITE & BLUE ............................... $18.95 NEON COLORS ............................... $22.95 FILLER HOSE FOR JUGS (SCREW IN LID STYLE).$3.95 CHENOWTH CLASS 11 CAGE ............................ $154.95 QUICK RELEASE STEER_ING HUB._..$32.95 UMP SUPER FILTER UMP SUPER FILTER ................... $159.95 UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX $89. 95 THIS AD SUPERCEDES ALL OTHERS MENTION THIS AD TO RECEIVE THESE SALE PRICES YOKOHAMA REARS 33x10.50.15 $109.00 FRONTS HIGHWAY TREAD AND TRACTION $85.00 WORTH DRIVING SUITS 1 LAYER HORA/SCORE LEGAL W/ RED or BLUE STRIPE. ............. $87 .95 Rob MacCachren Signature Serles Shirts NOW AVAILABLE , plus, On The Edge Desert, Stadium, And Wanna Ride Shotgun Shirts (Call for info) T-Shirt Designs & Vinyl Lettering Available In The Store PHONE (702) 871-4911 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW OPEN 6 DAYS, 'MON-FRI · FAX (702) 871-5221 LAS VEGA$ ~_l;_y~p}\ .89102 8AM-5PM. SAT 9AM-2PM' Page 6 July 1994 Dusty Times
The Ultimate in · Action Packed Racing! MICKEY THOMPSON STADIUM . ........ :··.: ··········--·: ....... OFF-ROAD ... . · •,• ... . ·············• .... ·.· RACING TM Mickey Thompson Stadium Off-Road Racing Upcoming Events c ... . . .. . ' ..... . . · . . . .. · . . ., . . . -.. ~ -·. Sa It Lake City Denver June 18 October 8 Las Vegas Anaheim October 1 January 1995 Schedule Subject to Change For More Information Call: 1-800-795-7708 For Tickets Call: r1CK~(u'V-l.5'Tl:'",, Am-e-rLca.n ~,eJ--!'-9 ~mWh.e.e~ MTEG Series Sponsors BOSCH YAMAHA
August 27, 1994 Superstition 250 El Centro, CA 'October 29, 1994 Squeaky Springs Gran National El Centro, CA December 31, 1994 Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA ATV, BIKE & DESERT SUPERLITE SCHEDULE Julyl7,1994 T ankslappers Gran Prix Carlsbad, CA July 23, 1994 Mr. Patterson's Wild Ride El Centro, CA August 6, 1994 Night Team Race El Centro, CA September 18, 1994 Desert Sprint El Centro, CA October 9, 1994 Mudhen II El C!!ntro, CA November 20, 1994 Notorious Dawg El Centro, CA December 4, 1994 Rudolph's Revenge El Centro, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (714) 880-1733 September 4, 1994 Car Enduro October 30, 1994 Car Enduro November 27, 1994 Car Enduro Short Course Races for Cars and Trucks July 15-16, 1994 August 26-27, 1994 September 16-1 7, 1994 October·21.22, 1994 December 2-3, 1994 (Contact BBM Marketing Promotions, P.O. Box 582, Lakewood, CA 90714 (3 ro) 9BB-6250) GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 ( 404) 963-0252 June 26, 1994 Vienna, GA July 24, 1994 Vienna, GA August 21, 1994 Vienna, GA September 25, 1994 Vienna, GA October 23, 1994 Vienna, GA November 26, 1994 Thanksgiving 250 Vienna, GA December 3, 1994 Annual Banquet TBA GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 ( 402) 333-0517 Eve. Keith Koesters 6716 N. 106th St. Omaha, NE68122 ( 402) 496-0846 Eve. July 9, 1994 July 30, 1994 (Fair) August 6, 1994 August 20, 1994 (all races at Westfair Fair Grounds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a¾ mile course similar r.o the MTEG tracks, and run under class regulations from SODA) ROD HALL INVITATIONAL 5445 Equity Ave. Reno, NV 89502 ( 702) 856-3100 IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 Page 8 ( All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) INTER-SHOWS . MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 465 Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 Bob (604) 374-7175 days Randy ( 604) 5 79-9621 eves Keith ( 604) 828-1 795 anytime ( All etJents start 7 miles NW of Kam loops) LA RANA DESERT RACING P.O. Box 1365 Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 240-1335/(619) 240-1312 August 19-21, 1994 Johnson Valley 200 _Lucerne Valley, CA October 14-16, 1994 California 200 Ridgecrest, CA November 18-20, 1994 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (517)627-6200 July 23, 1994 Fowlerville, MI July 31, 1994 Mason, MI August 4, 1994 Sandusky, MI August 9, 1994 Corunna, MI August 11, 1994 Bad Axd, MI August 14, 1994 Imlay City, MI August 18, 1994 Cadillac, MI August 24, 1994 PENDING August 25, 1994 Hudsonville, MI August 2 7-28, 1994 Off-Road Nationals Fowlerville, MI MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD STADIUM SERIES Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 Anaht'im, CA 92825 . (714) 254-3001 •0 A~~ljr.~·~" e"~W7' (. ktoher I • 1994 Sam Boyd Silwr Bowl Las Vegas, NV October 8, 1994 Mile High Stadium Denver, CO MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION David Cronin, President. MAORA 2590 Mullanphy Florissant, MO 63031 (618) 765-2199 (M.A.O.R.A. sanctioned races. Series produced by Lincoln Trail Off Roaders) June 19, 1994 Bond County Fairgrounds Greenville, IL July 10, 1994 Washington County Fairgrounds Nashville, IL July 22, 1994 So. Illinois Fair & Expo Mt. Vernon, IL August 13, 1994 Lincoln Trail Motosports Park Casey, IL September 9, 1994 Bond County Fairgrounds Greenville, IL NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. 111 -Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 July 2, 1994 Hopewell-Louden Young Farmers Bascom, OH July 3, 1994 Morristown Raceway Park, OH July 23-24, 1994 Niprock Raceways Canada August 7, 1994 Morristown Raceway Park, OH September 4, 1994 Niprock Raceways Canada OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasque= 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (913) 855-8899 June 25-26, 1994 Cars & Bikes El Paso, TX November 5-6, 1994 Cars & Bikes El Paso, TX OHIO OFF ROADERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 15 Stonecreek, Ohio 43840 (216) 339-4674 or (216) 897-5100 Hill Climb & Stadium Sryle Off Road Racing at Bear Creek Amphitheater Bolivar, Ohio July 16-17, 1994 August 13-14, 1994 September 10-11, 1994 September 24-25, 1994 ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Jeff Sargent 1480 Lakeridge Rd. N Ajax, Ontario, Canada ( 416) 427-4782 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car .Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 July 29-30, 1994 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ August 27-28, 1994 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji, MN September 23-24, 1994 Sunriser Forest Rally Chillicothe, Ohio October 22-23, 1994 Press On Regardless Houghton, MI December 2-3, 1994 Maine Forest Rally Rumford, ME * Indicates Divisional Rally with 6o percent National Points SCORE Score International 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702)361-5404 July 1-3, 1994 SCORE Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 9-11, 1994 SCORE Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV November 10-13, 1994 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, MX December 16, 1994 Awards Night Location TBA July 1994 more Trail Notes ••• RIM OF THE WORLD RALLY -California's only entry in the SCCA Pro Rally Series held few surprises on results. Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker won overall in the Audi Quatro beating Jeff Zwart and Tony Sircombe, Porsche Carrera 4, by nearly two minutes. Goran Ostlund and Steve Baker won Group 2 in a Saab 99 and Vincente Frontinan and Frank Arruda won Group A in a Toyota Celica. Production GT honors went to Rhys Millen and Chris Griffin in a Toyota Celica and Dave Turner and Ben Bradley won Production class in a Mitsubishi Eclipse. In the SoPac Divisional rallies run at the same time, we received only the second page of the results, so you will have to wait until next month when we'll have the full rally story and pictures in the next issue. BOLINK R/ C Cars, Inc. is marketing the AMB Automatic Scoring Systems to areas other than R IC racing. Bolink has been an importer of the scoring systems in the USA since 1984. Now they offer Automatic Scoring Systems for full size cars (Systems 600 & 9200), and for go-karts (System 400), and the radio controlled cars (System 20). Remember there are two different systems for full size racing. The AMB System has scored every Formula One race in the world since 1990. Many other prestigious races, including the 24 Hours of Le Mans, has used their system. In fact, it has been used all over the world. The system hooks up to your IBM compatible computer, and comes with transponders to attach to each vehicle. When the vehicle crosses the pick-up loop installed in the track surface, the lap counts on the computer. At the end of each race you can get reports on race results within seconds after the last vehicle crosses the finish line. Each system includes a one year warranty from the date of purchase. Bolink has a full time technician in house to service or advise you about your system (if purchased from us). If you would like more information about this trick scoring system and to find out if it works on the dirt for short course racing, contact Bolink Inc., 420 Hosea Road, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30245 or call ( 404) 963-0252 or fax ( 404) 963-7 334. THE SCORE BAJA 500 ended on a sour note, but it had been a good race in good weather, and seemed to run smoothly, other than a greater than usual amount of Mexican spectators driving in both directions, on the course, and at El Alamo adults and children were running back and forth across the race course. Unfortunately the fall out from the mess that ended in Pat I.Jean being disqualified, despite video tape from the helicopter following him showing he was not at fault, as the bike rider swerved in front of him, and the Chenowth showed as being under hard braking. This cut no ice with SCORE officials who had apparently already made up their minds and would not change it. The official cause of the DQ was" unsafe driving", and Pat Dean would be the last fast driver in the desert who would do such a thing intentionally. Law suits are rumored, sponsorships may go away and a lot more problems may come back to haunt SCORE officials. Most of the others who were disqualified were going backwards on the course trying to get to a pit where they could get fixed. We did not pre-run the course so we don't know first hand how difficult it was to use a side road or access a pit by some other method. We also did not have the bike results at the topDf this column but h,:re they are. In fact, Walter Prince of Candy Cane fame won the Sportsman buggy class which we forgot to mention also. Paul Krause and Ted Hunnicutt won overall on a Kawasaki, Ted Mitchell and Fred Willert, Honda, won the 250 honors, Rex Staten and Dan Worley topped Class 30 on a Kawasaki, Eli:aburo Karasua won Class 40 on a Honda, and Leroy Crew and Joel Parker won Class 50 on a Kawasaki. In the Quads Angel Garcia won Class 24, Carman and Mike Cafro took Class 25 on a Honda, and there were Sportsman too in these categories. 1994 CAMEL TROPHY ADVENTURE -Spain won the title and the U .S. team was sixth after a strong challenge. Teams from 18 nations ended their long journey in Hornitos, Chile, surviving the greatest temperature and climate extremes in what has become known as "The Olympics of Four Wheel Drive." Jorge Corella, 35, and Carlos Martine:, 28, topped the teams making the 2000 mile trek in Land Rover Discoverys that started April 16 in sub-tropical climes at Argentina's Igua:u Falls. The convoy pushed through the mud and flood of Paraguay's "Road to Hell", climbed 16,000 feet up the Andes in well below free:ing temperatures, and descended to Chile's Atacama desert where it has not rained for 68 years, before arriving at the shores of the Pacific Ocean on May 4. The U.S. team of Dave Simpson from Alta Loma, CA and Mack Barber from Macon, GA was a close second at one point in the skills competition, but a winching task on a rocky hill in the desert ended their chances. They finished sixth overall. South Africa participated in the Adventure for the first time and won the Spirit Trophy awarded by a vote of all team members for the team that demonstrated the best combination of cooperation and competence over the course of the entire Adventure. In the competition the teams drive identically prepared and equipped Land Rover Discoverys. AUSTRALIAN SAFARI - A fourth Australian Motorsport event has been accepted into a major world championship with the decision in Paris by the FIA that the annual Sydney to Darwin Australian Safari will become a round of the 1994 World Cup Driver's Championship for cross country competition. The Australian cross country rally is 6500 kilometers long and there are no five star hotels. There are no pit stops or service crews, only tents and sleeping bags and nights under the stars. There is only limited ability to live off the land, since very little in the way of towns exist on the varying outback courses between Sydney and Darwin. The tenth anniversary Australian Safari is set for August 13-21, 1994, so you can just make it. There is one more eventthis year in the World Cup Rally series after Australia, the United Arab Emirates Desert Challenge on November 9-12, 1994. Earlier events were held in Tunisia, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Italy. Sounds like a fun series if you have deep pockets or a heavy duty sponsor. For information in the USA contact B Bar H Unlimited, Rancho Del Oso, P.O. Box 11, Dulzura, CA 91917 or call (619) 468-3609 or FAX (619) 468-3979. BONNEVILLE MEMORABILIA, ART & COLLECTIBLES SHOW is coming to Wendover, Utah on Sunday, August 21, 1994. It is sponsored by the National Parts Peddler Newspaper and will take place at the State Line Convention Center in Wendover. Encouraged by individuals who flock to the Salt Flats every year, Corky Stockham has arranged an informal gathering of Bonneville history to be held during the 46th Annual Bonneville Nationals Speedweek -Saturday, August 20th through Friday, August 26th. The show will feature pins, posters, scale models, programs, books, paintings, jackets, hats, decals, photos, and of course, the ever famous Bonneville T-shirts. Remember, it is a "bring what you have and come as you are" event, and everyone is welcome to display one item or an entire collection. For information contact National Parts Peddler Newspaper, P.O. Box 257, Bridgeport, NY 13030 or call (315) 699-7583. Dusty Times
S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 (714) 783-8293 SNORE Southern Nevada O(f Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 July 22-24, 1994 Midnight Special Nelson Hills, NV September 23-25, 1994 SNORE250 Las Vegas, NV October 28-30, 1994 Double Trouble 200 Nelson Hills, NV December 2-4, 1994 Eldorado 250 Henderson, NV SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W . North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA,(414) 257-0422 June 25-26, 1994 Spring Run IOI Crandon, WI July 9-10, 1994 Fox Riverfest Challenge Luxemburg, WI July 23-24, 1994 UPOffRoad 100 Bark River, MI August 6-7, 1994 Road America Elkhart Lake, WI August 20-21, 1994 Great Northern Challenge Lake Odessa, MI September 2-4, 1994 Brush Run IOI Crandon, WI September 17-18, 1994 Wisconsin Off Road Festival Oshkosh, WI October 1-2, 1994 Blackhawk Farms Off Road Challenge So. Beloit, IL SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 ( All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa, TX TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 ( 607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowic:, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (all events at Owego Motar Sparts Park, Rte. 434, Owebo, NY) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W . Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 656-1122 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 June 17-19, 1994 Virginia City 200 Virginia City NV July 29-31, 1994 Fallon 250 at Night Fallon, NV September 3-5, 1994 Yerington to Fallon and Back Yerington, NV October 1-2, 1994 VORRA Fall Spectacular Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA Du1tyffma October 29-30, 1994 1994 Championship Race Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson ( 604) 538-0692 WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 Sumas, WA 98295 WESTERN PENSYLV ANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 (412) 532-0802 June 19, 1994 Heavy Metal & Buggies Muddy Run Raceway July 23, 1994 Heavy Metal 4x4 (Only) Challenger Raceway August 20, 1994 Heavy Metal 4x4 (Only) Challenger Raceway September 4-5, 1994 Heavy Metal & Buggies Muddy Run Raceway WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 (602)971-3730 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP June 29-July 3, 1994 Rally of Argentina July 30-August 2, 1994 Rally of New Zealand August 25-28, 1994 Rally of 1000 Lakes Finh,nd September 1 7-20, 1994 Rally of Australia October 9-13, 1994 Sanremo Rally Italy November 19-23, 1994 RAC Rally Great Britain ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans know about your event, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your I 994 schedule as soon as possible far listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race ar rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 2075 z Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 913 I 1-44o8. S~7fUUUf ta DUSTY TIMES (Subscription farm on Page.3) ' JOIN THE VALVOLINE PERFORMANCE TEAM AND YOUR IMAGINATION WILL START RACING. Imagine yourself behind the wheel of a Valvoline~ NASCAR while doing the bump and grind at 200 mph! That's the feeling you get when you join the Valvoline Performance Team™and wear official Team Valvoline merchandise. Join the Team now and we'll send you a free Valvoline Performance Team racing hat:" Just buy one case of quality Valvoline motor oil or get one professionally installed Valvoline oil change. You'll also receive a catalog full of great gear, plus a book with valuable advice from the top mechanics on motor oil, engine main-tenance and other car-care subjects. Join today because the hats are going fast. Of course they are, they're Valvoline hats! FOR UP-TO-DATE RACE HIGHLIGHTS, CALL 1-900-73-RACING • ADD $2.00 SHIPPING OR HANDLING. OFFER ENDS 11 /30/94 PEOPLE WHO KNOW USE VALVOLINE® • nEVAl\lllJNECJMINff. ADMSOf~ASN.Nl>Ol.K. Aiiil:ir9UXIIGTIII.KY40509 01993 July 1994 Page 9
LA RANA SPANGLER 200 Jason Baldwin Wins Overall At Ridgecrest By Jean Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Jason Baldwin with Charlie Gioffredi whipped the Chenowth Porsche into first overall despite having the 'black box brains' detach from the mountings and he also made a quick stop to put his dad's car back on its wheels. There were two stories at Ridgecrest late in April about the La Rana event. The big one was that the late April rains hadn't helped the course. It is always tough, but this year it was unusually rough, some say the lack of normal winter rainfall was to blame, but whatever the cause it was tough on racers and their cars. The other story from the race was the unrelenting wind. All week it had been warm in Ridgecrest, CA, mid 70s, low 80s, but on Friday afternoon, as contingency row was setting up, the winds came like a Santa Ana ------from the north. The velocity was contingency donors showed to on not great at the beginning, but as Friday to half fill the spacious the day, in fact the weekend went parking lot of the Kerr McKee on, the wind got strong enough to Community Center and 92 racers blow young children right off registered inside this downtown their feet. Needless to say it and nifty facility for a race affected many race cars as well on headquarters. Even with the wind the 50 odd mile course so familiar it was a nice social time for racers, to dirt bikers and to car off road with time to talk to contingency racers too. But race day all the people and also with other banners survived, the sun was competitors. All day Friday there bright, the rain stayed away and was a steady stream of cars and the racing was extremely close in many local folks were spectating several classes. Anyone who got a during the contingency row first place trophy really earned it hours. this round. Early Saturday morning the A goodly crowd of drivers meeting came at 7:00 a.m. A.J. Martin ran his Raceco hard, often leading Baldwin by seconds, but at the flag, flat tires cost him, and he was second in class, third O/A seven minutes behind Baldwin, and two minutes out of second overall. in the start/ finish area, Teagle ground. After the pair of Class 8 wash offTrona Road. The course trucks, there were three Mini had some new miles on it, mostly Mags but Frank Bristing was rocky as the whole area is loaded unable to start. There were two in with volcanic rock, some fast Class 6, one in Class 4, as the running, and some nice sandy heavies didn't come out in washes. numbers, but the 5-1600s did There was a slight delay on the with seven on the line. The biggest start to get the checkpoint radio class was 9 with 15 going for the system in place, and then Ron win, and they were followed into Stobaugh led off the line in his the morning dust by four in 7S Class 1 Ford truck followed by Class, the Balch truck unable to Kim Mohr in another Ford, Russ start. Shad Balch taking a short Jones, Ford, Grant George in the run before the start in the Nissan . Funco built Ford and Larry discovered cracked and broken Deaton in the Prism built Ford, spring shackle bolts, specially then John Devito, Chevy filling made, and they didn't have any out the Class 1 trucks. with them. So dad Sherman Class 2 held five cars starting decided it would be better not to with Morley Williams in a new start and do more damage, and creation, then Scott Fusco/Jeff carry the entry over to the next Quinn in a conventional open event, which La Rana graciously wheeler, Jason Baldwin, Cnen-did. The various classes of stock owth, A.J. Martin, Raceco, and trucks left last behind the lone Jim Baldwin, Chenowth. Plenty of quad of Jeff Stafford and James heavy hitters here. Walker aboard a Su:uki. Class 10 was next with all ten potential winners, led away by Nick Baldwin/ Mark Post and the herd. A quartet of Class 5s started with local driver Danny Reider or Dave Baeskens/ Gary Bates the heavy favorites, and a pack of a do:en 1600s were all the First around was Larry Deaton, former VORRA Class 2 champ-ion in 58.26, followed by Jason Baldwin, the Porsche power bringing him to the line in 57:37 despite trying to learn the unfamiliar course at the same time. Next it was John De Vito in 58:56 and this was to be a real contest in Unlimited Class. But Class 10 was flying too, as Dale and Mike Dondel were fourth around at 59:36, but that was the only lap for their Bunderson. Quinn/ Fusco were next followed by A.J. Martin, and the Class 10 of Jerry Leighton at 1 :00:50. The first 1600 around was Steve McMullin/Tom Craig at 1:07:32 with several more in the same minute. By now the 10 cars were mixed up with the 1600s and the dust was thick so we gave up scoring and went pit hopping. Tom Koch and Rex Keeling flew fast and far in their Class 10 Raceco, and without ten minutes down time with the spark plug wires they might have won it, but they were second overall, the Class 10 winner, by miles, and five minutes behind Baldwin. Jim Joyce and Jon Kennedy had a great race in the 1600 Raceco SS, only one flat for trouble, and won the drag race to the finish, winning Class 1-2-1600 by merely 34 seconds, and this young team was eighth overall. The Checker pit team, always hospitable, reported that Tom Koch, their hope for Class 10 victory, had lost a spark plug wire twice on the first lap which cost him about ten and Jim Baldwin with Lee Perfect had a good run in the Chenowth Porsche, and even with the rollover, they were fourth overall and' third in Class 2, 4½ minutes further back. Page 10 Larry Lariviere and Don We"s got lost a couple of times, hit Tom Mangione ran alone in the Meco to third in Class 10 and he some boulders, but had no big trouble and they were second in lost an hour on the first lap, ran good times after that and also Class 10 in the ORE, 7th 0/A. finished strong. July 1994 Dusy Times
Coming in ninth overall and second in 1-2-1600 action were Ronny and Rick Wilson, Rick's first time out in the new car, his first race ever, and what a way to start. Steve Mc Mullin and Tom Craig brought their Mateo in third in Danny Reider and Jamie Davenport lost a real squeaker in Class Class 1-2-1600 reporting no trouble at all, unusual on this 5, finishing on the winner's bumper; it was the first race for the course; they were 10th overall. _co_m_.:....p_le_te_lc....y_re_b_u_i_Jt_B_u_g_. _____________ _ Dave Baeskins and Gary Bates got a most enthusiastic welcome as they won Class 5 by 31 seconds after having a near vis.ual race with the second place Bug all during the race. It was an exciting duel. midway in the four lap race Jerry Leighton was leading Class 10, but several others were within a minute of two of his halfway time. Upfront Deaton had a three hour plus second lap and was seen no more; neither Jones, Mohr nor George ever finished lap 1 , and Stobaugh was leading Class 1. But the Class 2s of A.J. Martin and Jason Baldwin were in a virtual tie midway, with A.). leading by 17 seconds. However, Scott Fusco and Jeff Quinn had the overall I"' ... lead at 2:00: 13, 24 seconds ahead of A.J. But this barn burner of a race dwindled a bit as the Fusco car was not seen again. Morley Williams only did one lap in his newest design. Meanwhile pit action was heavy. Mike Cohen stopped for fuel and Craig Dillon got in the Class 10 Lothringer. Tom Koch stopped briefly for more repairs, while Dave Baeskens handed over to Gary Bates, and fueled and Jamie Davenport stopped for gas . i Chris and Greg Garrett flew around the course to win the Chenowth Mini Mag class, with only a loose limiting strap for trouble. They went so fast that they finished 13th overall. Daniel and Steve Drake have been racing for ten years and took their first victory at Ridgecrest, winning Class 5-1600 with an assist from Rich Fersch, and they had merely two broken throttle springs for problems. Dusty Times and to hand over to Danny Reider, all three cars in the Checker main pit at the same time, but they had figured on that and had three crews waiting. In a couple minutes Billy McCool brought the 1600 in to give to Russ Butow whose daughter Jamie was taking a ride with him. This class had another tie going for the lead with Steve Mc-Mullin/Tom Craig at 2: 14:06 and Ronny and Rick Wilson at 2:13:31 and Ryan Schank was in midway at"2:15:24. Meanwhile the radio reported that Craig Dillon was out on the third lap with trans failure and Jim Tucker was losing a cylinder and parked his Class 10. Bob Plaskon was out somewhere on lap 1 in his 1600 Mirage and Frank Krepsz had no time at all recorded in his 1600. The 5-1600s had some early attrition, losing both Mike Molina and Lee Patten on lap 1 and Wayne Camarano on lap 2, but the other four finished. The truck folks don't report their woes, but in Class 8 Greg Saavedra and Rick Holmes each made two laps, so no class finishers. In Class 6 Scott McKinney made three laps in a Jeep, but Barry Bates' Chevy had no time. In Class 4 David Crinklaw/ Barry Funk were alone, hit a big rock, had a few fl;its, bent the front I beam, broke a trans mount, did three laps in the Ford and ran out of time, but thanked Tami. In Class 7S contender A .J. Farris made one decent lap before vanishing into the desert. Meanwhile David Winner had a good lead at 2:43:56 in his Toyota midway, then had bad ignition, two flats on the last two laps, computer woes with Tim Cecil driving and took second at 6:26:41. Dan Cannon turned four very consistent lap times and won by three minutes, five seconds. He had no trouble and thanks Kent Lothringer and pit crew. A.J . DeNumio ~ Thing Drums Straight from Germany. The real thing! 103 Press Lane #4 * Chula Vista, CA 9191 0 Phone: (619)691-9171 * FAX: (619)691-0803 i .,_ ________________________________________ J July 1994 Page 11
Second in Class 5-1600 were Frank Omboli and Mitch Griffin who were going well until Mitch rolled on the last lap, but they finished well anyhow. Jim Petersen and Earl Handy hit a rock and broke a fender but David Winner and K. Donahoe had a good lead in Class 7S finished third in Class 5-1600, and found more damage on the midway, then had bad ignition, two flats, but Tim Cecil drove it door from the hit. ;;;;;.;;,_,__.;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;. _h_om_e_fo_r_s_e_c_on_d_in_C_l_a_ss_.--::c============ Ron Stobaugh and Dave Rittenhouse had their share of problems with the Ford, but they carried on to get four laps done, 40 minutes back, second in Class 8. Larry Deaton and J.R. Huffman had their fancy Ford going well with Class 8 fast lap, 58.26, on the first round, then vanished into the desert after two laps. Chick and Wendy Martin started out strong, but lost second gear on lap 3, but they still finished second in Class 9 in only their second race. ~ and Gorden Azeuedo had problems each lap with the Toyota but got all four done for third place. Since they only do one lap the quad of Jeff Stafford, who started and James Walker, who finished were first to the checkers, and they blew a head gasket right at the flag. They wanted to thank MMF, Ice Line, Red Eye Engin-eering, friends and family, and were on their way to the MTEG Las Vegas race that evening. Strong young men indeed. The battle raged on the course behind this pair. Martin had a I :03 and dad Jim Baldwin was not far behind this pair. Martin had a I :03 third lap while Jason did a I : 12 which was his gas stop; then he stopped on the last lap to help his dad, who had rolled, get his car right side up and under way again. But on the last lap A.J. had a 1: 12 and Jason did a 54:01, apparently fast lap of the day, to win the race overall and take Class 2 honors. Jason said his 1: 12 lap included two stops to jury rig the brain boxes, that run the Porsche fuel injection, into place. They were still a little loose, but had plenty of tie wraps securing them in the impound. He said it made for a shakey throttle, but his only other problem was the oil light coming on on the first lap, but nothing more. He said he really enjoyed the course in the high country, ·The Off-Rooder's Choice· • E-Z UP"" INSTANT SHELTERS Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter in less than 60 secondsl NO missing parts NO center poles NO. ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics l.nstont Pit Shelter La Rana Contmgency Sponsor SCORE Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Authorized Dealer CASTEX RENTALS, INC. 1dll4 N. C"ole Ave. Los· An_geles, CA 90038 CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 Page 12 and that it was a fun race. Young A.J. Martin drove all four laps and confessed to getting lost on the first lap. His second lap was good, under an hour then he had two front flats on the third round, then broke a rear wheel. He got it together to hold second in Class 2, seven minutes later and third overall. Just 4½ minutes behind came Jim Baldwin in another Chenowth Porsche. Jim said other than the roll over he had one flat and ran trouble free otherwise. Only these three finished in Class 2. Tom Koch recovered from his early troubles, and with Rex Keeling taking a couple laps in the single seat VW powered Raceco they not only won' Class 10, they were second overall and disap-pointed that they were just five minutes out of the overall title at 4:13:48. Tom confirmed he was down ten minutes with spark plug wire trouble on lap 1. They had knocked a rear caliper off and finished the race on front brakes only, quite a trick on this demanding course. Second in Class 10, seventh overall, was the Dan Cannon, here being stalked by Ray Currie's Ford, turned four very consistent lap times in his Ford Ranger to take the win in Class 7S by just over three minutes. Class 1 turned into a two horse race and John DeVito and Jim Merrit had a broken spindle that cost lots of time, but they got the four laps done to take the victory in Class 8 in the Chevrolet. July 1994 ORE of Larry Lariviere and Don Wells at 4:30:58, who said they got off course a couple of times and hit some big boulders, but had no problems, the Y okohamas held good, this being their third race with no flats. They thanked the CORE pit for their help. Jerry Leighton, who had a good lead after three laps, broke down on lap 4, a real shame as his three lap time was 3:09:50, good for fourth in class. Thomas Mangione ran alone in his Meco, and after a 2:42 first lap, turned three good ones for third in Class 10. He didn't stop in the impound so we don't know what the trouble was. At this time the impound came alive with shouts and hilarity. The two leading Class 5s, who had a near visual race all four laps, had arrived , nose to tail, both cars of similar vintage too. Dave Baes-kenzs and Gary Bates ended up winning by a slim margin of 31 seconds over Danny Reider and Jamie Davenport in Bates' old car. Gary, who drove the winning car the last two laps, said it was a wild and exciting duel, real close and lots of fun, and no troubles. Their lap times were I :06:24, 1 :05:33, I :09:27 and the last lap at 1:07:12. Compare that to Danny Reider's times, 1:08:14, 1:04:24, I: 10:23, and a last lap of 1 :06:05. Seldom does such tight racing . happen over 200 miles of rugged desert and rocks. Jamie had started the car, got a flat and thought it keen that they wete in the pits together. Danny finished up and kept a good pace, had some carb flooding tro1,1ble over the rollers and said it was the first race for this completely rebuilt car. Ken Deck and Eric Hall were almost two hours behind in third, but they finished. Lyn Mocaby went out after just one lap~ The l-2-1600s began arriving in bunches, led by Jim Joyce and Jon Kennedy. Joyce started and had a flat on lap I, but Jon (L.J.) Kennedy had no trouble at all with the Raceco on the last two rounds. This young team won the class by 34 seconds in a shoot out dash to the flag with Ronny and Dusty Times
Brian Maginnis hauls out of a ditch in his Jimco, pursued by first lap leader Tom Mattingly. Brian finished third in Class 9, Tom didn't finish. David Rogers and Keith Wilfiams were fourth in Class 9, 19 Mike and Tom Barnett took the restored 1979 Jeep Cherokee minutes behind third, as Class 9 strung out some on the °last lap, out for its second race, had some troubles, losing a front drive but they look good here. • line and a rear U joint, but they finished second in Class 1575. Rick Wilson. The Wilsons had a trouble free race and it was Rick's first time out along with being the second race for the car. They had no flats on the BFGs and no shock woes with the Kuster equipment. Less than two minutes out of the win Steve McMullin and Tom Craig brought the Mateo in third, reporting no flats and no troubles, which Tom said is unusual on this course. Fourth 1600 was the Raceco of Jerry Erstad and David Zuniga, just another six minutes back, followed in two minutes by Russ Butow and Billy McCool. A few more minutes back came Brad Inch/ Sandy Parker who had carb icing on the first lap, a flat on the second, but Sandy had no trouble on the final two. Brad thanked Lothringer, Adam Wik and Dan Richardson for their help. They were less than a minute ahead of Wes and Scott Wisdom whose Meco was losing the ring and pinion, so they babied it in ~ving lost a shock also. Just 48 more seconds down in eighth place, the final class finisher was the W .R. of Loren:o Rodrigue: and Rudy Gon:ales as eight of 12 finished and the time span from first to eighth was only 25 minutes and that is close combat indeed on a 200 mile course. Chris and Greg Garrett won the Mini Mag bash by a lap. Chris drove the first stint, Greg the second, and they had a limiting strap come lo·ose and had a lot of fun. Rick Ellison vanished on the fourth lap after running fairly close to Garrett, and setting class fast lap. Second lap he had two flats, later hit a tree and tore off the whole front suspension. No, we didn't forget Class 1, it's just that they were a bit later than usual. Three of the six had no time, Larry Deaton did ju~t two laps, so it was a two horse race, and the winner was John Devito ahd Jim Merritt in a Chevrolet. They had no problems on lap 1 , except at mile marker 35 they had a battle with Baldwin who wanted to pass, so they let him, before the narrow canyon. Then a spindle broke at the end of lap 2, they replaced it with a bolt, replaced a tie rod and then stopped about every 20 ruiles to replace the bol_t that was acting as a spindle. They had one flat on lap 4, but got in all four for the class victory. It was their first race on Yokohama tires and felt they helped keep the flats away. They wanted to thank the Fair Pits for their help. Only 40 minutes behind, Ron Stobaugh Class 9 was the biggest class at 15 starters, but at the checkered flag it was the same old story, as Jim Clements and Mike Brown took the victory, but they won by less than four minutes in the close contest. =c-=== Kathy Fay, with Keith Wilfiams and dad Jim Fay signed on to ride, won Class 1500 in her 2WD Ford Ranger, set class fast lap too, and she reported no troubles at all with her truck this trip. Dusty Times and Dave Rittenhouse struggled home, all four laps completed and in second place. The most happy fellows were Daniel and Steve Drake, Rich Fersch and Harry Dunn who won Class 5-1600 by 37 minutes. Danny drove the first two laps and Rich Fersch did the second two. Steve rode the whole way and their only trouble was two broken throttle springs. The Drakes have been racing ten years and this was their first victory! In second it was Frank Omboli and Mitch Griffin who said they had no real troubles, except Mitch rolled the Bug on the last lap, flattened a tire and had to drive five miles on the flat to get a fresh tire. It also bent the rear suspension and roof. Less than six minutes behind them came .lim Petersen and Earl Handy who said it was fast and rough, and their problem was easy. They hit a big rock and broke the door and fender. Charlie and Danny Smith were well back in fourth place. The big Class 9 bunch was led to the flag by Jim Clements and Mike Brown, no surprise. While Tom Mattingly led the first lap with fast class lap, 1 :20:36, he only covered two laps and Clements turned a 1 :22:31. He and Mike Brown continued with three more laps in the low 1 :20s to win the class. Their crew keeps close tabs and on times to keep them in the ball park. They won Class 9 by three minutes, 55 seconds in the Clemco. They reported no troubles, took the lead on the last lap, and they thought it was a good course. It was their third wi.n in a row. Chick and Wendy Martin thought they led the early laps, but lost second gear on lap 3 in the Fortune. It was the second race ever for Chick who .ran the SNORE Twilight as his first race. Their only trouble was getting stopped by three trains, losing no time, just aggravation. Brian Maginnis took third in his Jimco and said he had no problems except two other people were faster, and he has the car for sale. He was another 15 minutes back and 20 ahead of fourth placing David Rogers and Keith Wil-liams.We missed talking tu many in this class, as they were whipped into an impound area where they ended up doing a complete teardown on the Clements car. Wedidhe~r~ ** TORSION BARS** AXLES** SPRING PLATES** COIL SPRINGS** .. .. ti) a: LU 0 < C. ti) LU ...J X < .. .. ti) a: w .... ti) ::::> -, C < .. .. ti) C, z a: C. ti) u. < w ...J .. .. ti) C ::::> ~ ti) ...J w w :c 3: .. .. SWAY·A·WAY MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY OFF ROAD SUSPENSION COMPONENTS FOR OVER 20 YEARS PRESENTS SWING AXLE AXLES - ALL 3 STOCK LENGTHS 0 ()() 0 2 PIECE STUB AXLES 6 & 7 LEAF FRONT SPRINGS. FOR SOFTER RATES SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER TODAY! CALL OR WRITE FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG • • C z " :2 z ti) • • 2S z C) :2 z ti) • • ti) :c 3: (/J • • r-e C) z C ci! • • 20755 MARILLA ST. I CHATSWORTH, CALIFORNIA 91311 I 818-700-9712 July 1994 Page 13
Midway in the four lap race Jerry Leighton was leading Class 10, Les Willis and Art Becker with Kevin Askier had trouble with but serious problems took him out on lap 4, and he was fourth their Toyota somewhere along the way, but they got in their two with three laps done. laps for second in 1500s. David Crinklaw and Barry Funk were the only Class 4 in the entry, but they drove the Ford around, covering three laps, and got points and a trophy. Jerry Erstad and David Zuniga flew the Raceco over the high desert terrain and they kept it all together to finish fourth in Class 1-2-1600. Russ Butow and Billy McCool had a good run going in the Class Brad Inch and Sandy Parker had carb icing problems, but kept 1-2-1600 Mirage, took fifth and were merely ten minutes out of the almost new Lothringer moving to place sixth in Class 1-2-the win. ==cc=== _1_6_00_ a_c_ti_o_n_. --------------,-,--====---==== v,,-,wm-,.,.,..·-~· Jeff Stafford and James Walker were the lone quad entered, but Scott McKinney made three of the four laps required in his Jeep they rode the Suzuki hard and fast and took the trophy and in good time and he won the two car race in Class 6 in 4:56:13. honor home to Barstow. A.J. DeNunzio and Gordon Azeuedo had a good run in the Class 7S Toyota, and they covered all four laps to finish third in the class. Greg Saavedra and Mike Eads were first in Class 8 by virtue of getting further on lap 1, apparently, than the other Class 8 truck entered. Mike Hampton does a typical Class 9 hop in his Funco SS2, and Mike went the distance, four laps in good time, to place fifth in Class 9. Page 14 Rick Holmes catches a little air in his Class 8 Chevy and he was Rick Ellison was having a great dice for the lead in Mini Mag credited with second in class at the La Rana Ridgecrest race. action, but on the last lap he broke down in no man's land, so he was second. Mix Rix drives a Fortune in Class 9, a chassis from the high desert, and he got his four laps done, with troubles along the way, and was sixth. .July 1994 Larry Gross and Joe Valentine placed second in Class 1525, and must have had big troubles along the route, finishing two laps nearly six hours behind.
The 4WO-stock mini truck class was all Toyotas, and Bill Quitmeyer and John Barajas had a quick first lap, then backed off as the engine kept overheating, but they begged water along the way and won Class 1525. I@" that Larry Adams in started· with a 1 :37 lap and the Mike Rix 9 car rolled on lap 4 finished with a 1 :41 lap, and you and 1526 stopped and helped him can't get much more consisten~ back on the wheels. He wants to thank them and let them know they finished sixth. Scott Johnson and his bunch broke a front spindle, the rear end, a ball joint, had a left front and a right rear flat but carried on to finish eighth. Paul Kells and Jess Fordyce finished just a couple of minutes over time and ended up 13th with credit for three laps, a heart breaker finish. The stock truck classes were required to cover just two laps, plenty for most of them. Of the four minis in Class 1500, two didn't make a lap, the Ford of Bob and John Beyer and the Toyota of George and Pack Perret and Tony Castillo. Up front Kathy Fay turned a first lap class fast lap of 1 :39: 18 in her Ford while Les Willis and Art Becker were about 12 minutes back. Kathy, with Keith Williams riding along, had no troubles with the truck, got a good hit once, thought the course was rough after hitting a rock, but pulled back a little to a 1 :41 :26 second lap and took the 2 WO class victory. Les Willis and Art Becker lost nearly an hour on lap 2, but made it in for second place, but we didn't catch them to find what the trouble was. Class 1525 had four starters, but Mike Yarman didn't make a lap and Larry Gross and company had two fairly long laps for second in class. Out front with a 1 :36:05 first lap were Bill Quitrneyer and John Barajas, backed off to a 1 :57 on the second because . of the truck overheating, used their water jug, and then got more water from friendly pit crews to place second in class. They won the class by almost three hours. Unfortunately, Jay and Beth Parodi and Sean Alberoni were on their first race with a new truck in this all Toyota class. They had a David Edelstein and Dennis Lightle race a vintage Ford Bronco in full size stock 4x4 action, and they turned quick and consistent lap times to win the Class 1575 by almost two hours time. than that. Dave said the Bronco ran like a clock, and they stayed with their game plan. They thanked BFGoodrich, All 4~ Wheel Drive and Vintage Broncos for their support. Mike LOOK AT THIS PICTURE VERY CLOSELY. and Tom Barnett were second in class, two hours back in their 1979 Jeep Cherokee. It was the second race for the car and a good trip, and their main trouble was second lap down time with a broken front drive line and later a broken rear U joint. T hey had about a do:en companies they wanted to thank, we don't write that fast, but fellows list them on the entry under sponsors so they get recognized. Riders in the Jeep were Steve Benveniste and Pat Massey. Sunday morning the awards were presented back at the Kerr McGee Community Center, in air conditioned comfort, and folks were back on the road home well before lunch. Of the 85 starters 46 finished, 54.12 percent. It was a good race, clean with no big post race hassles, and best of all most everyone had a good time. very long first lap, as they hit a hole so hard in the early miles that the motor moun,ts broke, ripping the engine out. One of the team had a broken arm and was taken to Ridgecrest Hospital and later to Antelope Valley Hospital. So they didn't have a good debut day, but were third in the class with one lap done. ONE OF THESE CARS HAS A TINY LITTLE WINDOW STICKER Fred Nelson and company were the only starter in Class 1550, and their Ford did not cover a lap. But, there were four in Class 15 7 5 for big trucks and they all finished their two laps. David Edelstein . and Dennis Lightle had their vintage Ford Bronco out for the race in almost concours condi-tion, too clean to race, but they raced right into first place. They Dusty Times WITH JUST THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY! ! ! ! ! ! SO, COME ON DOWN AND JOIN THE FUN AT DON-A-VEE, CALIFORNIA: $ #1 JEEP/EAGLE DEALER. WE DELIVER MILES OF SMILES! DON-A-VEE JEEP/EAGLE 91 FREEWAY AT THE BELLFLOWER EXIT SALES: SERVICE: 9AM TO 9PM -SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 7AM TO 7PM -17308 BELLFLOWER. BLVD., BELLFLOWER. CA 90706 PARTS & ACCESSORIES: MONDAY THRU i'RlDAY 7AM TO 7PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9AM TO 5PM SATURDAY ''r. SUNDAY 310-867-7256 ** 800-366-5337 July 1994 Page 15
F.A.I.R. News By Dave Massingham The La Rana Spangler 200 at Ridgecrest on April 23 saw 11 FAIR entries. Bob Bezzant took the Race Manager and FAIR van driving duties and we thank him, both jobs mean a lot of work. A.J. Martin took dear old dad's Class 2 car and finished second in class third overall. He thought he was leading overall, until they learned that the Baldwin's car was in front of them. Wes Wisdom finished seventh in Class 1 -2-1600, but we have no details. Gerald Erstadt was fourth in the tough Class 1-2-1600, even though his trans was leaking and he had a problem with the side nets. He was 11th 0 / A, not bad for his second race! Bob Plaskon, DNF on lap 2 in Class 1-2-1600. Thanks to Bob for marking the largest FAIR main pit ever. Tom Mangione finished third in Class 10 overcoming problems with the power steering, throttle cable and the radio. Frank Omboli finished second in Class 5-1600 even after Mitch rolled Frank's brand new car. Frank had two clean laps to end the day, but it looks like it is new roof time. Danny Drake won Class 5-1600, his first win in ten years of racing. Danny took the first two laps and Rich Fersch finished the last two without problems. FAIR had another winner in Kathy Fay as she won Class 7S. It was also her first win in the desert, although she did well in a short course 5-1600 for some time. Dave Rogers was fourth in Class 9, having trouble on the first lap and a flat tire. But, Dave Edelstein took another first place in Class 1575, and he ran trouble free. That's a first for Dave! Max Villalobos was a DNF running out of time, even having Harry Dunne drive the last lap or maybe that's the problem. Just kidding Harry! We had a new addition to FAIR at the race, Lorenzo Rodriguez from WR Racing. With Rudy Gonzalez co-driving the team finished eighth in Class 1-2-1600 covering all four laps. Welcome aboard Lorenzo. At the next meeting Bob Bezzant took a different approach to reviewing the race. He fined each racer for something they did, right or wrong. It was all done in good taste with Bob matching dollar for dollar with his own money. Bob raised $54.00 to buy tools for the FAIR van. What a hell of a guy! At the April 20 meeting we had Nate Jones as guest speaker. Nate's business is tires and wheels in Long Beach. Did you know a 26" wheel will rotate 900 times every mile? Nate talked about how important it is to balance wheels on the vehicle. He also said using nitrogen in tires generates 20<¾1 less heat. If anyone wants to talk to Nate, you can call Bob Steinberger for the phone number. The Fair Raffle to update the FAIR van hasn't been a success to date. By the time you read this article we will have had our · drawing,June 15th. Sure hope we sell more tickets. Bob S. sold $160 .00 worth at the last La Rana Race and several books at a Duster meeting. Total sales so far here ·s no time time to worry about your wheels at 140 mph. That's why me trust ff merican Racing Custom lUheels. Dusty Times are about $1,500.00. Our thanks to Brian Parkhouse for picking up 10 cases of oil donated by Valvoline. FAIR has collected $250.00 from its members and matched it for a $500.00 donation to help COR VA/DESERT COALITION keep the desert open. Thanks to all the FAIR members who contributed. Pit Equipment Update: We replaced the old metal pit boxes with light weight plastic boxes. Hope everyone takes care of them. If you want the old boxes, for a small donation they could be yours. We pur-chased two more Ringo Ranger Antennas from PCI, we now have four of them. Thanks to-Rich Fersch, most of the missing tools have been replaced. Dates to Remember: July 1 at the Barstow race we will have a BBQ on Friday afternoon at the equipment hand out. It will be pot luck, FAIR will furnish a large BBQ if you want to bring hamburgers, hot dogs or steaks. Don't miss ;it. Then, on July 16, the FAIR picnic is at the Yorba Linda Regional Park, on La Palma. Pot ,Luck with FAIR to furnish some of the goodies. · More details to come. Planning ahead it is FAIR Fun in the Desert at Lucerne on October 7-9. This will be a relaxing weekend. Bring your pre-runners, dune buggies, Baja Bugs, Things, motorcycles, quads or whatever. We will take some day trips into the unknown. Saturday evening will be a pot luck dinner with a bonfire to follow. Maybe Bob Steinberger will attempt his famous fire walk again. Plan on a lot of fun. Reserve December 3 for the FAIR July 1994 details. Christmas Party with details in the planning stage. Anyone interested in FAIR? We meet the first and third Wednesday each month at 8:00 p.m. at the Holiday Inn located on Harbor Blvd., and the 91 Freeway. If you can't make a meeting give me or Bob Stein-berger a call at PCI for more A Special Note: George Morgan, the oldest charter member of FAIR, is in need of some help around his house. Anyone having some spare time, give Pete Dutton a call. Thanks for your time. See you at Barstow for the SCORE FIREWORKS 250! Don't. Be Locked OUT. Of Your Favorite Riding Areas FIGHT BACK JOIN BlueRibbon Coalition Receive one years' subscription. Your contribution will work immediately to fight land closures. YES! I will join the 8/ueRibbon Coalition D New Individual Membership $20.00 D Organization S100.00 All Dues are D Business S100.00 for one year Name __________ _ Address _________ _ City ______ State_ Zip_ Send contributions to: BlueRlbbon Coalition, P.O.Box 1427 Idaho Falla, ID 83403 / (208) 524-3946 Page 17
FRT BUZZ BOMB 150 Gregg Hibbs Wins Overall By Judy Smith Photos: C&C Race Photos Everyone led Class 10 at some time it seemed, but Gregg Hibbs took the lead on the fourth lap and held off all strong challenges to win the class and overall in his Jimco by a scant margin of 48 seconds. Gregg Hibbs won the April seconds ahead of Ken Stroud in a this event, testing some new FRT Bu:: Bomb 150 overall in his Raceco. In third it was Hibbs, suspension changes before the Class 10 Jimco by the scant another 50 seconds back, and a Baja 500, but his Chenowth had margin of just 48 seconds. The minute and 45 seconds behind lost a wheel bearing on the first event, second in the six event him was Richard Binder in his lap, and he played "catch-up" for Superstition Championship new Rabbit powered Raceco, the rest of the day. Series, took place at the OHV catching up after being stuck in a Binder, really enjoying his new area at Plaster City East, just off trench not far past the first check. car, recorded the fast lap of the theEvanHewesHighway,whi.ch Snaith continued to lead dayonhisnextlap,at35:49,and parallels Highway 8 as it heads through the second lap, but moved into the lead, but he'd toward El Centro. Binder, with the quickest time so broken his oil cooler, and headed The race, as do all FRT events, far, moved himself into second into the pit. Snaith was still started at noon after an early place, and Stroud was.third, with second, a minute and 23 seconds morning motorcycle and ATV a broken shock, and Hibbs, not back, with Stroud, who'd broken race. A quick drivers' meeting a reali:ingit,wasrunni.ngwithaflat another shock, in third, and half-hour before the start gives front tire, and was now fourth. Hibbs, whose pit had flagged him everyone a reminder about the Steve Soura as was also running in for a tire change, still fourth. meaning of the course markers, and if anyone has had second thoughts, there's a last minute chance to withdraw and get the entry fee back. Then the con-testants line themselves up for the start, staging according to the pie-plates neatly staked across the desert, with car numbers on them, to sort things out quickly. This was a 180 mile race, consisting of six laps around the 30 mile course, and Fud, the kingpin of the FRT, would call it complete at 6:30 p.m. The Class 10 cars were the first to start, and it was one car at a time, at 15 second intervals. At the end of the ffrst lap the lead belonged to Bob Snaith in a Jimco, and he was a minute and 40 Ken Stroud and Scott Prill ran with the leaders the whole race, broke some shocks but tough back in the tidy Raceco to finish second in Class 10 and overall. m !ii SCORE 1993 ENGINE BUILDER OFlHE YEAR! ,•,•······················································································································· ... ·········}~ We would like to thank and congratulate all these FAT-powered, 1993 Class points champions: MTEG Super 1600 Champion ........................ Jerry Whelchel SODA Clas.5 2-1600 Champion ....................... Jim Wiggens SODA Clas.5 1-1600 Champion ....................... Todd Attig SODA Clas.5 5-1600 Champion ....................... Mike Brue SODA Clas.5 9-10 Champion ........................... Todd Attig SODA Clas.5 1 Champion ................................ Todd Attig SCORE Class 5 Champion .............................. George Seeley BAJA PROMOTIONS Clas.5 l ·2 Champion ....... Brent Miller FUD Class 2· 1600 Champion ......................... Jim & Mike Abatti RAO NG ENGINES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARlS Send or call for our new catalog $5.00 •--•·••••• ••••••••••••••••··•W••••· .w.•.-.-.w.·.·.• ... ·.•··•·•·········••••·•••· ... •.••••••••••••••••••••••••w••.,. •••••••••• •.·••·•••·•··•·••·•••••·••••••••·•••••••,••••••••••••••••••••• ... •.••w.-.-11: Page 18 We would also like to thank and congratulate all our customers for all their clas.5 wins in SCORE, SODA, MTEG, SNORE, FUD, lA RANA and BAJA PROMOTIONS. 1558 No. Case • Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889•fax (714) 637-7352 July 1994 Ken Thompson entered the family pre-runner Raceco in Unlimited class, drove alone for the six laps snagged the lead midway in the rt!ce and his 2400cc engine helped him slide into the win in Unlimited class, 3rd overall. Binder put Rod Goodsell into about four and a half minutes on hiscarforthenextlap,butthecar Prill. Basore and Snaith were was now running with no oil third, m_:er a lap down, and no one cooler, and, when running into else was running by now. the wind it was o.k., but it Prill charged hard, trying to overheated quickly with the wind catch Hibbs, but, even with the at its back. So Rodney didn't get best lap time for the team, much driving time in. At the end couldn't make up that deficit, and of the lap Snaith 's co-driver, Hibbs got to the checkered flag Kevin Basore, was in the lead, and firs.t. Prill and Stroud took a nice he had eight minutes on Hibbs, second, and Snaith and Basore who'd moved into second, and were third, 40 minutes later. was three minutes in front of Next to start was the unlimited Stroud 's co-driver, Scott Prill, class, and in this group the lead who'd lost some time with belongedtoDavidWebster,inhis replacing the broken shocks, and Ford truck, who actually had the changing drivers. overall lead at the end of the lap, Basore, who was finding Class with a time of 36: 19. He was 10 "very much more fun" than burning up the track, and had two his accustomed 1-1600, lost minutes on Kevin Thompson, about 50 minutes on the fourth who was second in his Chenowth, lap when the nuts on the pins on powered by a 2400cc motor. In the front trailing arms came off third it was Vance Allen in his and the trailing arms came out of Baja Bug, and he was followed by the beam and the tire and wheel Kurt Spiegelberg, in a Raceco. foldedbackunderthecar.Hehad Then came Ken Thompson, to do some selective cannibalizing Kevin's brother, in the family's to find some nuts that would hold Raceco, which they'd brought out things together, and meanwhile, to use for pre-running, and had Hibbs went into the lead, with decided thev might as well race it Bob Snaith and Kevin Basore led Class 10 early in the Jimco, came close in the later laps, but fourth lap woes put the team down to third in Class and eleventh overall. FRT BUZZ BOMB 150 RESULTS - April 23, 1994 # Paa Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Time O/A Claea Open - Unlimited Single & Two -t - 8 etart - 2 finish 109 1 Ken ThorJl)SOn Raceco 110 2 Dave Brown/Kurt Spiegelberg Raceco Claea 1-1600 - 1600cc Restricted Engine • o etart - 0 finish Claea 2-1600 -1600 Restricted Engine - 2 etart - 2 finish 1653 1 Anthony Baker/Oon Myers Chenowth 1651 2 Bill Sr. & Bill Pate Jr. Raceco Clau Mini Meg - 0 etart - 0 flnieh Claee 5-1600 -1600cc Baja Bug - 2 etart -1 finish 553 1 Dale & Bob Snaith Baja Bug Claee 7 - Unlimited Mini Pickup - 6 etart - 2 finish 711 1 Scott Young/Mike Smith Ford 704 2 Mike HenryNictor Lopez Ford Ranger Claea 8 -2WD Standard Pickup - 2 etart - 1 finish 802 1 Ben Abatti Ford Cleea 9 - 1600 cc Restricted Buggy -10 etart - 2 finish 910 1 Yvette & M Ike Plankkuch Rayco 905 2 Wayne Rltayik/Kevin Pratt Claea 10 - Unlimited 1650cc - 7 etart - 3 finieh 1011 1 Gregg Hibbs Jimco 1004 2 Ken Stroud/Scott Prill Raceco 1003 3 Bob Snaith/Kevln Basore Jimco Claea 100 -100 Inch we Buggie• - 4 etart - 2 finieh 3 1 Dave Bonner/Mike Hawley Chenowth 2 2 Ken & Bob Hargrove Funco Total starters • 41 - total finishers - 1 s Course 6 laps of a 30 mile route - Weather: warm. verv wlndv and dustv. 4:13:39 3 4:39:22 6 4:42:30 8 4:45:19 10 5:25:52 13 4:39:29 7 5:39:45 15 4:17:46 4 5:20:34 12 5:27:05 14 4:11:29• 1 4:12:16 2 4:52:05 11 4:31:04 s 4:45:03 9 Dusty Times
Dave Brown and Kurt Spiegelberg g·ot up to second in Unlimited Tommy Watson and Mike Scaroni started out running third in class midway in the race, lost the power steering but still Unlimited action, in a 1-1600 Jimco, and eventually finished The Bill Pates, Sr. and Jr., had a good run, had the 2-1600 lead for a time, switched drivers midway, and ended up two minutes out in second, tenth overall. finished second, sixth overall. ___ =th=ir=d=d=o=in=g=1=·u=s=tf,---iv..,,e.,...o,_f=s==ix=l=ap=s=.==-=-,--,,,,=-------,,==---,-too. At the end of the second lap both Webster and Thompson were gone. Webster was out with unknown causes, but Thompson had rolled his car right in front of his main pit, tearing up the right side so badly that he was unable to go any further. Now Allen took over the lead and he had about seven and a half minutes on Ken Thompson, in that pre-runner, who'd moved into second place. In third it was Spiegelberg, while Tom Watson and Mike Scaroni, in a 1-1600 Jimco, ran fourth. They'd decided to run in this class because of an absence of entries in their own class. The way the FRT works these things is to give the competitor points in his own class, while allowing him to run for the purse in the bigger group. It was no contest in Class 8 as the contender had early terminal trouble and Ben Ab.atti had his Ford flying along at a good pace, stopped once for fuel, and won Class 8 and finished fourth overall. The team of Anthony Baker and Don Myers took the 2-1600 lead off the line in the Chenowth ran a visual race with the Pates, had a few flats, Jost a distrib-utor wire, but despite confusion on course, Myers brought it home first, eighth overall. Thompson moved into the lead on the third lap, and Spiegelberg moved up to second as Allen broke the eye off his steering rack, and lost time while it was welded back into place. Watson and Scaroni moved into third, and Josh Waddell, in another Baja Bug, was now in fourth place. Thompson, whose car is powered by a 2400cc motor, was having a good day, and he increased his lead to 12 minutes by the end of the fourth lap. Watson and Scaroni were second now, and Dave Brown, Spiegel-berg's co-driver, was struggling with no power steering, in third place. Allen was now back to fourth, but he was now stuck in third gear. Thompson continued to run strong, and at the end of the fifth lap was only 12 seconds behind Hibbs, and a contender for the overall win. But he didn't know it, and no one on his pit crew was keeping times either. Watson and Scaroni were still second, Brown muscled the car around in third, and Allen was fourth, a lap down. Waddell, after a couple of long laps, had fallen to fifth, and last, over two hours down. Class 100 folks have a good time in their short cars, and Dave Bonner and Mike Hawley led the first lap, most of them in between, and the last lap to win in the Chenowth and place fifth overall. Dale and Bob Snaith, with Dale starting, led Class 5-1600 from flag to flag as the competition had early mechanical woes. The Snaiths had no serious down time and won Class 5-1600 easily and were 13th overall of 15 fnishers. Dusty Times Thomspon decided he had a good lead, so he eased up on that last lap, not realizing he'd had a good chance at the overall, and took the class win by 26 minutes. He was also third overall, just two minutes and 11 seconds behind Hibbs. In second in the unlimited class it was Brown and Spiegel-berg, getting their first finish in four tries. All of the others faded away on the last lap,.and never got the checkered flag. Class 8 consisted of just two trucks, the Ford of Ben Abatti, and the Chevy of Marty Coyne ( which used to be Steve Mc-Eachern 's truck). It looked as if it would be good racing, but Coyne's truck broke a front torsion tube, which dropped the whole front end down on the ground, about 15 minutes into the race. It was a major problem, and they were unable to fix it, so the crew just concentrated on getting the truck back to the pit. Meanwhile, Abatti ran steadily, with no problems, and no flats. He stopped once for fuel, enjoyed his run., and took the win, and fourth overall. The two seat 1600 cars were the next to go, and in this class there were only two entries. Anthony Baker, in a Chenowth, took the lead, as Bill Pate.Jr., in a Raceco, floundered a bit with two flat tires on that lap. On the second lap Pate ran well, but Baker had a couple of flats, and lost a distributor wire. Now his lead was reduced to nine seconds. The two cars were running in sight of one another, and at the end of the third lap it was still Baker, who'd ticked off the fast lap for: the class, at 41 :44, and had a minute and 17 seconds on Pate, Jr. Both teams switched drivers a-t the half-way point, and now it was Bill Pate, Sr. at the wheel, and Don Myers. Myers became a little confused, missed Check 5, and had to go back for it. But Pate, Sr. had no trouble, and was now 12 seconds in the lead. Myers then poured on the steam and put himself back in front, having no further prob-lems, and hung on to the lead to the end. So ~ PROFILE: MTEG SUPER 1600 Racer Jammin Jimmy Nichols '92 season - $25,000 + spent on broken transaxles - major loss in points '93 season - $6,000 for new Rose transaxle -2nd in points '94 season -10 MTEG events later on the same ring & pinion - aiming towards # 1 Zero problems - Zero Failures NO WONDER HE'S SMILING!! He has the best - A ROSE TRANSAXLE ADD IT UP: ~ THE ONLY BOX designed exclusively for Class 10 (1650cc) off-road race cars ~ THE ONLY BOX with a guarantee "NOT TO FAIL" during a race for any score class 10 car ~ THE ONLY BOX that pays a $500 contingency in score class 10 series ROSE TRANSAXLE'S - THE SMART CHOICE ROSE TRACTION;~ ... CONTROL~\ --------.-INTERNATIO NA L El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 443-2480 - Chris Rose SEND SELF ADDRESSED ST AMPED ENVELOPE FOR CATALOG AND WARRANTY INFORMATION July 1994 Page 19
Ken and Bob Hargrove race a tidy Funco SS2 in Class 100, had to change an oil cooler and got Jost once but finished second in class, ninth overall. Rick and Rich Flores had an early rollover in their Class 100 Baja Bug; they really crunched the bodywork, but got in four laps to place third in the class. John and Dave Gaddis lost almost two hours to mechanical problems on lap 1, but they came back with good lap times to place second in 5-1600, with five laps done. ~ Anthony and Myers took the win, with the Pate family second, just over two minutes back. In Class 100, which was the next to get the green flag, the first lap leader was Dave Bonner in a modified Chenowth. He was pre-running that first lap, and finding it so dusty that it was difficult. But then it was dusty for everyone, because the wind, which had been strong all day, was picking up, and making dust even where there were no moving vehicles. Ken Hargrove, ina Funco, ran second, and he was also pre-running. In third it was Rick and Rich Flores, in a Baja Bug, but they lost an hour and 20 minutes after rolling over and seriously crunching their car. Bonner picked up a little time on the second lap, and on lap three recorded the class fast lap, at 40:4 3, and by then he had almost 13 minutes on Hargrove, who'd been lost. Both teams changed drivers after three laps, and Mike Hawley took over for Bonner, getting his first look at the course, while Bob Hargrove got into the Funco. Hawley ran steadily, with The ten car herd in Class 9 had several leaders but at the checkers it was the husband and wife team of Yvette, who started, and Mike Pfankuch who took the win, the first, they think, in Class 9 for a lady driver of record. no problems, and took the win, victims of some mechanical while Hargrove, who changed an problems, an hour and 40 oil cooler, in addition to being minutes down, in second place. lost once, took second place. The Snaith ran three steady laps, and Flores car, apparently suffering a then put his brother, Bob who'd lot from the effects of the just done three laps in the Class rollover, managed only four laps, 10 car, in for the second half of for third place. the race. Meanwhile the Gaddis lnClass5-1600therewereonly car was now running good lap two entries, and it was Dale Snaith times, but was unable to make up in the lead at the end of the first that lost hour and 40 minutes. lap, with John and Dave Gaddis, Bob Snaith had a couple of bad Every other hotel Page iO • zsan also ran. 1-800-634-6755 Las Vegas, Nevada July 1994 Scott Young and Mike Smith led the first Class 7 lap in their Ford Ranger, got class fast lap, and Jed just about from flag to flag with no troubles and took the victory and seventh overall. moments when a bolt rolled under the throttle pedal, and caused it to stick wide open, and he also lost a battery cable, but otherwise had no trouble, and, with the quick lap for the class, a 45:54, on the sixth lap, brought the car in for the win. The Gaddis team was able to complete only five laps for their second place. The Class 9 cars were next of the line, and in this bunch the first lap lead belonged to Ray Miller and Dennis Daniels, in their new Jimco. They had recorded the class fast lap, at 47:03, and were exactly three minutes in front of Wayne Ritayik who ran second. In third place it was Ron Winterbottom and Tim Law-rence, while·Yvette Pfankuch ran fourth in her Rayco, with her 12 year old son, Adam, as passenger. Mike Stroh was fifth in a Dusty Times
Wayne Ritayik and Kevin Pratt ran second early in Class 9 action, led for a time but finished second in class by six minutes and were 14th overall. Mike Henry and Victor Lopez run a 7S legal Ford Ranger, lost second gear and also got lost, but they carried on to second in class and 15th overall. The spiffy Toyota of James Highley and John Seeger is also a 7S model, but managed to cover just five of the six laps, good for third in class. Suspensions Unlimited chassis. At the end of the second lap the Miller/ Daniels team had six and a half minutes on Ritayik, and Stroh had moved to third, with Vince and Bryan Leone, in a Chenowth, in fourth, followed by Pfankuch. Miller and Daniels led through lap three, and were nine minutes up on Ritayik, with Pfankuch 's co-driver, her hus-band, Mike, now at the wheel and in third place, as Stroh lost about 1 S minutes and dropped to fourth. Tony Steingraber, in a Funco. was now fifth, and the Leones had dropped out. Some sort of disaster befell Miller and Daniels 6n the fourth lap, and they never came around again. Ritayik's co-driver, Kevin Pratt, moved into the lead, with Pfankuch in second place, and • closing up, and Steingraber third. Ray Saucedo and Robert Bose, in a Chenowth, were now fourth. On the fifth lap Pfankuch moved into the lead, with 48 seconds on Pratt and Ritayik.-But Pratt and Ritayik had not kept close watch, and thought that Pfankuch was missing a lap, so they didn't make the extra effort. The Pfankuch team took the win, finishing six and a half minutes in front of Pratt and Ritayik. Yvette Pfankuch goes into the record books as the first woman to co-drive to victory in Class 9, since the inception of the class. This includes all the promoting organi:ations that offer Class 9 in their desert schedules. The Class 7 trucks were the last group to start, and at the end of the first lap the lead belonged to Scott Young and Mike Smith, in their Ford with the 302 c.i. motor. They had recorded the class fast lap, at 44: 16, and were 10 minutes in front of second place Mike Henry, in his Ranger. In third it was James Highley and John Seeger, in a Toyota. Young and Smith continued to run good laps, and held their lead, building it to 20 minutes, and then 24 minutes at the end of the third lap. Henry held on to second, having no problems, except for his Class 7S legal motor, which is grossly under-powered compared to that 302. In third it was Highley and Seeger. Larry Phoenix and John Hurley were a steady fourth place in a Bronco, earning some class points for Hurle y, who anticipa tes having his new truck ready this season. Jeff Clark and Dave Collier, in a four-wheel-drive Chevy ran fifth, but completed only three laps. Smith and Young ran all six laps at a steady pace, to take the win, while Henry, and his co-driver, Victor Lope:, had a flat, and at the beginning of the fifth lap, lost second gear, and got themselves a bit lost for a while. Still, they hung on to second place, and finished Dusty Times second, almost exactly an hour dark, and everyone retreated to down to Smith and Young. their campers and motor-homes Highley and Seeger could early, eager to get in out of the complete only five laps, for their howling wind and stinging sand. third place, and Hurley and The big Alaskan storm brewing Phoenix, also with only five laps, up in the mountains, and to the were fourth. north, sent no rain to the Plaster The racing was all over before Cityarea,anddidn'tcoolitdown, but it sure kicked up a gale. By morning things had calmed down some, and the FRT people were able to have their traditional brunch before the awards. (It had been thought they'd have to pass up the pleasure, since gritty doughnuts and sandy cantaloupe doesn't appeal much to anyone.) The next event for rhe FR Twas the 24 Hours of Le Fud, on May 14th and 15th. This was a non-points race, and the next points event will he the June 25th Plaster City Blast. GERMAN AUTO DEIST SEAT BELTS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4•polntsandrai/seatbelt . . $74.95 RACE BELTS 2"·5pointmount ......... $79.95 3"-5pointmount .. ... . . . . $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS ............ . . . . ..... $54.95 Swing axle . .... • .•....... $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm•1700# ... . . . . . . ... $79.95 200mm-up to 3000# ....... . $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# . . from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC r;ush/ocks .... ........... $39.95 4pucferramic .. ... . ...... $44.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub .... . . .......... ... ........... $54.95 SACO MAGNUM RACK BIiiet housing, 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops . ................. $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4cages . ....... ea $44.95 930orT-4orT·2flanges .ea $15.95 Trick boots (specify) .... ea $15.95 930 CV star . . ." . . . . . ..... ...... call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel·stock width ... . $199.95 8" travel•wldened beam . $219.95 10• travel·stock width .... $224.95 10• travel•widened beam . $244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T·11 ½•chrome . . .... . . . $ 98.95 T·11 ½•raw . ........... $ 65.95 T-11518' chrome ........ $105.95 T·115l8' raw ........ ... $ 72.95 T·4chrome .... . ..... . . . $189.95 T-4raw ................. $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .............. $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T·4 engine, ut/1/zes T-1 alternator, Includes alternator stand . $299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ . •.•.•.... ........• $489.95 MK II ............•...•. $589.95 I ------... PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ... . .... $164.95 With chrome pedal . .... . . $184.95 With hydraulic throttle . . . $259.95 Replacement slave .... . . $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . $269.95 Mount plate . ........... $ 9.95 Coupler ....... . . . . ..... $ 8.95 Racksteeringstops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS-Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length . ........ pr.$449.00 1¼" longer .......... pr.$474.00 2¼ • longer . ......... pr. $499.00 4 • longer-coll over style pr. $ 54 9. 0 0 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. (specify Ford or International) set ... ........................ $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3" ................ $435.00 1·2 1600, 5-1600 .. ... . .... $415.00 CATALOG ..... ........ US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461. July 1994 Page 21
MICKEY THOMPSOM STADIUM OFF-ROAD RACING Rod Millen Scores Truck Points For Toyota Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. Rod Millen is on a mid season roll it seems, as he flew the Toyota to the first heat race win, rested up a bit and came back to win the main event for Toyota, his second in a row. There have been many shifts in Saturday, October 8. the Mickey Thompson Off Road Meanwhile back at Glitter schedule in 1994, and the most Gulch, the Silver Bowl pits were recent result was a spring event filled Friday morning as practice last April at the Las Vegas Silver and later qualifying took place all Bowl, a much easier commute for day long. In Sport Truck action most of the series regulars than Rod Millen was fast qualifier the Kansas City race that this followed by his Toyota teammate event re(?laced. No sooner was the Ivan Stewart, followed by Rob Las Vegas race in the record MacCachren about a half minute books than the August date at the back. Then in the next minute Silverdome in Pontiac, MI was came Rick Johnson, Jimmie canceled for the 1994 season,and Johnson and Roger Mears, scheduled for early 1995. Salt followedbyRogerMears,Jr.Jerry Lake remains firm on June 18, Whelchel, taking over the thenitisbacktoLasVegasforthe Venable Ford that Danny usual fall event at the Silver Bowl Thompson vacated to become on October 1, and the season president of MTEG, did not finale in Denver will happen on qualify. After the autograph session the racing began with the usual _ fireworks intros of the drivers and then it was time for the first Sport Truck heat. Rod Millen and Ivan Stewart were on the front row, Rob MacCachren, Ford, and Rick Johnson, Chevy, were on row 2, Jimmie Johnson, Chevy, Roger Mears, Nissan filled row 3 and Roger Mears Jr., Nissan, and Jerry Whelchel, Ford, filled row 4. Rod Millen grabbed the lead from his pole position on the first turn. Rick Johnson, who broke for the inside,.was in second place for the entire race. Ivan Stewart rolled on lap 2, l;,ut was able to get righted for another complete lap This heavy hitter lineup makes a good shot off the the line. From the left is Ricky Johnson, Chevy, Ivan Stewart, Toyota and Rob MacCachren, Ford. It makes you wonder what it sounded like in the first turn! Rick Johnson started out strong in his Chevrolet grabbing second in the first truck heat race, but he fell to sixth place in the main event action. before a flat front tire forced him off the ·track. Meanwhile, it was all Rod Millen as the two time defending champion extended a sizeable lead to eventually take the heat race win. Rick Johnson was second, Rob MacCachren, third, Jimmie Johnson, fourth. _ Jerry Whelchel said he was learning, but still not throwing the truck into the turns, but that was just a matter of getting more laps done in the Ranger. His teammate Rob MacCachren said he had a sticky throttle, and the tr~ck had real tacky, heavy dirt, while the Johnsons said Rick had a fuel pressure loss, and Jimmie said his Chevy was running great. Roger Mears said it was follow the leader on the course saying he kept it all together and on the track and that was like a victory for him. In the Toyota camp Ivan Stewart, after heat 2, said it had been a very good night for Toyota so far, and Rod Millen remarked "I've worked my way into a good position. My main focus is to at least maintain third or fourth position in the main. I'm behind some very fast competitors and it will be bloody hard to get in front of them. I'm just going to focus on finishing well so I can slowly work my way back to the lead. Joe Price got his Triple E home second in Heat 2, and then came back to win the main event using hand controls. Just behind him here, Andrew Buck won Heat 1 in his Triple E and finished the day with a close second in the main. Mercedes Gonzales, left, won SuperLite Heat 2 in her Honda, and here is putting a pass on John Savinski in the tight traffic typical of this class. A healthy pack of eight American Racing Wheels Sport Utility trucks took to the field for their single heat race. Defending champion Tommy Croft sat on the pole in his Jeep Cherokee out of the Ken Hodgdon team. Croft took the early lead, but T.J. Clark gave a close chase in his Ford, running in second place. But, by the half way mark Croft had pulled a good lead, and Tommy cruised to the easy victory. Clark finished second with Jack Millerd in another Jeep in third place. Robert Gayton got his Mazda in fourth followed by Ken Hodg-don, Jeep, and Joe Anchondo, Nissan. Filling out the.field were Brad Person, Toyota, and Christopher Neil, Nissan. Rick Marshall nabbed second place in the hectic SuperLite second heat race, his Triple· E going well all day long, but usually caught in the traffic. Page 22 Shannon Millen returned to the Honda/Nature's Recipe team this event and whipped her Briggsbilt into third place in Heat 2 in fine style. July 1994 The first 4 Wheel ATV heat began with a three way battle for the lead between points leader Greg Stuart, defending champion Doug Eichner and an unidentified rider. But, midway in the race the fight was between Stuart and Eichner. Greg Stuart, Laeger, just eked out the victory over Eichner, Laeger, who was second, and Shane Hitt, Honda, was third. Roger Helsley was fourth on a Laeger followed by the Hondas of Cris Berger and Brian Acree. Charles Shepherd used his experience to push his Laeger quad to the second heat race victory. Niclas Granlund,JP, gave Shepherd a good run for the lead, Dusty Times
but had to settle for third behind the Laeger of Joe Byrd. Gary Denton was fourth, Fred Shep-pard was fifth, and Jesse Wozniak sixth, all three on Laegers. The Super 1600 single heat race held 14 cars and brought out five Las Vegas drivers. Gary Gall sat on the pole and jumped out to an early lead, and he kept the lead the entire race. It was hard to pass on this course, so starting in front was a great advantage. Bill Goshen ran second and Jimmy Nichols held down third place, all three driving Chenowth Magnums. O n lap six Goshen made a move for the lead, but didn't get the job done, and he finished second followed h o m e b y Nichols. Taking fourth was Cory With-erill, followed by the first Las Vegas driver, Aaron Hawley, then Eric Arras, all Chenowths and defending champion Jerry Whel-chel in his Chabasco. Tommy Croft got the advantage in the corner in Sport Utility action, his Jeep not only nosing ahead of T.J. Clark, left, but winning both the heat race and the main event with scant problems. Robert Gayton, #77, gets clear of a real traffic jam forming in the Sport Utility class, and Gayton got away to finish second in the heat in the Mawa. The first motorcycle Ultracross heat featured a pile up on the first turn, giving Mike Healey, who excited the crowd with his double jumps, the lead on his Honda. He later lost the lead to Kyle Lewis, Yamaha, who won the heat. Healey finished second, followed by Ray Crumb, Yamaha, Chris Ridgway and Robert Drew, both on Kawasakis. Craig Canoy flew into the early lead in the second Ultracross heat race on his Kawasaki. He made defending champion Larry Brooks play catch-up on his Yamaha. Canoy maintained the lead throughout the race, although Brooks closed the gap. Ryan Carlisle, Kawasaki, was a distant third, followed by Scott Myers, Yamaha, Tracy Asher, Suzuki and Ray McIntosh, Honda. Quite a mix of brands in this heat! The race notes reporter apparently went to dinner during the Superlite heat races, but we do have results from the heat races. The Triple E of Andrew Buck won the first heat with the Triple T.J. Clark drops over a jump in his Ford Sport Utility and it must have been a good move. as he came in a good second in the single heat race. -- ~;::_ Jack Millerd, a long time short course racer, wheelies his Jeep en route to third in the heat race, and he also placed third in the hectic main event. Kevin Smith ran his Mirage in the middle of the pack in the single heat race for the Super 1600 class, maybe angling for an up front main event starting spot. It didn't matter as Kevin won the main event handily in his tidy car. Dusty Times E of Rick Marshall in second, Allen Yaros, Btiggsbuilt, in third and Las Vegan J.C. Dean drove his Mirage to fourth followed by Alex Briones, Briggsbuilt. The Nature's Recipe drivers might have been sand bagging for a good Main event start position, but defending champion Greg George, Honda, was sixth, then came Stacy Fay in her Briggsbuilt followed by team leader Rennie Awana, Honda. The second heat race was a victory for Mercedes Gonzales, Honda, and she has won a heat race before. Joe Price got his hand control Triple E home second Dale Wilch S P.O. Kansas C Phone (913) 788-3219 FAX (913) 788 9682 followed by Shannon Millen in although plenty of 1600 stadium her Nature's Recipe Honda. It experience, sat on the pole and he seemed like ladies day in this sailed into an early lead. Jimmie class. Troy Lindhorst was fourth Johnson executed a barrel roll, in a Honda, followed by Casey but managed to land on all four Mears, Honda, John Savinski, wheels and he stayed in the race. Triple E and Pat Dean subbing for Ivan Stewart was side by side with Brendan Gaughan in the Mirage Whelchel and he took the lead in was last trying to stuff his tall the third lap. Ivan extended his body into the tiny car. lead out front and finished with a The final heat race was number comfortable margin in victory, 2 for the Grand National Sport making it an all Toyota show in Trucks and all eight made it back the heat races. However, there on the grid. Jerry Whelchel, who was a close battle for second was not running his first stadium between Roger Mears and his son, truck race as the race notes report Roger Jr. Mears broke to the said, out does have limited inside and finished second and experience in these trucks, RogerJr.ended ~ ger • • * CNC machined aluminum and steel construction that looks as good as it works * Easily adjusts in single degree increments to 45 degree angle notches * Notch any round tubing up to 2" OD in less than 30 seconds * Automatic round tube centering and alignment * Uses inexpensive "BIMETAL" hole saws (under $10) * Power vertical with a drill press or horizontal with any 1 /2" hand dri!I Complete RTN 1000 fixture includin a wrench to adjust quadrant angle and easy cutter removal We also offer a steel model RTN 100 with most of the same features All credit cards or COD/UPS orders OK -Freight and all handling charges are included in the lower 48 states WAIINGII Inferior imitations are in the marketplace 11 Buy the fixture with the moneyback guarantee • July 1994 Page i3
Gary Gall, #4, just leads Bill Goshen over a jump and they finished the Super 1600 heat race in the same order, Gall winning, and leading Goshen to the flag. Defending champion Jerry Whelchel got off to a slow start in the 1600 heat race, but in the main event Jerry was up to speed and finished second. It got a bit rough for the trucks, but Rough Rider Rob MacCa_chren wa_s third in the first heat, and here in foreground, worked into second in the main. I@" up third followed by Whelchel, really getting with the program. in the Ford. Rod Millen sank to fifth, followed by both Johnsons and Rob Mac-Cachren, all having troubles. The first main event was the American Racing Wheels Sport Utility bash with seven lined up on the grid, missing Brad Person. PIKE'S SERVICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... . THANKS! Denny'!l RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HOURS ·Mobil. SERVICE EVERY DAY YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page !4 Roger Mears Jr. passes dad Roger here and Jr. was third in Heat 2 and the main event, while dad Roger was second in Heat 2 and had trouble and did not finish the main. Bill Goshen, #7, wiggles through the congestion of the Super 1600 racing and he got second in the heat and a good third in the main event which was busy. Jerry Whelchel made a fine debut for the Venable Ford Team, getting faster every heat, and he finished a smart fourth in the hectic truck main event. Tommy Croft had the pole position and the race in his pocket. He took the early lead in his Jeep and was the eventual winner. Robert Gayton, Mazda, and Jack Millerd, Jeep, were battling for the second spot. On the second lap T.J. Clark rolled, and was able to stay in the race, but fell to the back of the pack. Gayton did a somersault, but maintained his second place to the finish.Jack Millerd finished third, Ken Hodgdon was fourth, Chris Neil fifth, followed by the hapless Clark, and Joe Anchondo. herself in the back of the pack. Andrew Buck was now second and Gonzales had moved into fifth spot when the race went into a full course yellow condition because J.C. Dean rolled on lap 6. After the restart Price, the eventual winner, still maintained the lead, while Buck finished second and Mercedes Gonzales got back up to third followed by Stacy Fay in her Briggsbuilt, Rennie Awana, Shannon Millen, Greg George and Cain Smead. This was the first main event win in this class for Joe Price. Congratulations Joe! A field of 13 survived to the Super 1600 main event. Cory Witherill sat on the pole and took the early lead, but got mixed up with Jimmy Nichols on the second turn. The race went into a full course yellow condition when Troy Herbst spun his Chenowth completely blocking the lane. Another Las Vegas driver Aaron Hawley also rolled in turn 2 and had to be towed off the course, bringing an end to his night. After the restart Gary Gall was in the lead while Kevin Smith was second and Jerry Whelchel was third. Gall rolled on lap 6 and Smith took over the lead. Kevin Smith held the lead in his Mirage after the second restart and was the eventual winner; Congrats to Kevin. Jerry Whelchel made a bid for the lead, but he had to settle for a second place finish. Bill Goshen was third, followed by Jimmy Nichols, T.J. Clark, Tommy Bradley, the first Las Vegan, and Gary Gall. Bringing up the rear were Tim Herbst, Ed Herbst, Aaron Hawley, Troy Herbst and Gory Witherill. The Ultracross main event put 20 motorcycles on the course so there were no race notes. Larry Brooks won, Kyle Lewis was second, and Ray Crumb third, all on Yamahas. Chad Smanjak was fourth on a Honda, Robert Drew was fifth and Craig Canoy sixth on Kawasakis. The event had wound down to the final contest, the Grand National Sport Trucks main event. Jimmie Johnson was on the The A TV Main event started fast and furious with rookie sensation Joe Byrd and his Laeger on the pole, but Doug Eichner jumped past him into the early lead. Greg Stuart charged for the lead also and got it halfway through the race, and Stuart went on to victory on his Laeger. Doug Eichner was second, Joe Byrd third, followed by Charles Shepherd, and Gary Denton on Laegers and Niclas Granlund on a JP. Allen Yaros gains some ground on this jump in his Briggsbilt SuperLite and he got through the traffic in good shape to place third in Heat 1. Joe Price sat on the pole position for the SuperLite main event, and he charged into the lead. Mercedes Gonzales broke to the inside and moved into second spot, then went to the outside but she was not able to get the lead. Gonzales got tangled up with Price J.C. Dean tries a little side hilling off the hydro barriers in his Mirage as she cut to the inside and found SuperLite, but he did place fourth in the first heat for the class. July 1994 Dusty Times
pole and dashed out to the early .>i lead. However, he rolled on the second turn bringing on a full course yellow condition. Johnson was back on the pole for the restart, again taking the lead, but in similar fashion, Johnson rolled in the final turn for another full course yellow. For the third restart, Johnson again was on the pole with no one beside him. O n the second turn Roger Mears took the lead, but it was short lived as Rod Millen charged into first place, where he finished, with Mear s running secon d a n d Johnson third. Mears was black flagged putting Johnson in second. Rob MacCachren moved into third. O n lap 9 MacCachren passed Johnson to move into second where he eventually Rennie Awana keeps piling up points for the Nature's Recipe team of Hondas, which didn't do well this trip but Awana was fifth in the main event. Ken Hodgdon is the man behind the Jeep team this year in Sports Utility racing and Ken finished fourth in the class in the main event. finished. The final tally was first, Rod Millen , Toyota, his second main event victory in a row, Rob Joe Anchondo drives a Nissan in Sports Utility racing, with mixed results, but in Las Vegas Joe finished fifth in the main event in the former sedan class. Cory Witherill took fourth in the Super 1600 heat race, but had troubles with the Chenowth in the main event and did not finish all the laps. ---------T.J. Clark runs a Sport Utility as well as this Chenowth in the Super 1600 class of racing, and was leading this pack, he finished fifth in the main. Las Vegas driver Tommy Bradley wins often on the desert, did OK in the stadium, and finished sixth in the main event, and well in the heat race. Dusty Times MacCachren , Ford, second in front of his home town crowd, Jimmie Johnson, Chevy, third, Roger Mears Jr., N issan, fourth, Jerry Whelchel, Ford, fifth, Ivan Stewart, Toyota, sixth, and Rick Johnson, Chevy, seventh. Toyota leads the truck points, Utilities, and Jerr{Whelchel Jeep leads Sport Utility, Laeger leads Super 1600 points. Greg leads 4 Wheel ATV and Yamaha George leads S uperlite, Greg leads the Ultracross standings. Stuart leads ATV and Kyle Lewis After four series events Rod leads in Ultracross Pro Motor-Millen leads truck driver points, cycles midway in the Stadium T ommy Croft the sam e in series. canhave~ Bilstein shocks for utility vehicle at a Bilstein's single gas pressure desig outperforms· conventional shocks our-to-one. Our patent self adjusting, deflective disc valving system • delivers continuous suspension contrOI in 1he rough yet maintains a comfortable ride on the street. Truck and sport utility vehicle drivers demand more shock performance and Bilstein provides ... • Highest gas pressure for fade-free long life • 98% efficiency over 100,000 miles • Largest piston working area (1.81" diameter) • Limited lifetime warranty These are the same high quality Bilstein shocks that ~ normally cost up to $119.00 each. f>.ct. oow and save! : w 55.: *Limited time offer on selected applications Contact the Distributors listed below or your nearest Bilstein dealer: CANADA Performance Products NEVADA Performance Assist Accessories Ltd. Toyota Specialist Friendly Ford CALGARY, AB -403/279-2807 VAN NUYS -800/553-2840 LAS VEGAS -702/877-6546 Bramall Turbo Supply COLORADO NORTH CAROLINA MARKHAM, ONT -800/567-7559 Automechanika Rowells, Inc. ARIZONA Race Shock Company PHOENIX -602/254·0744 CALIFORNIA APS -8001423-3623 CAM AR I LLD -805/388-7171 McKenzies Performance Products ANAHEIM-714/441-1212 Auto Service & Performance MOUNTAIN VIEW-415/969-1050 Fairway Sport and Performance PLACENTIA - 714/528-4670 ASI -800/683·2890 SAN DIEGO -619/584-2890 Off-Road Wharehouse SAN DIEGO -619/565· 7792 Downey D.R. Toyota Specialist SANTA FE SPRINGS -310/949-9494 June 1994 ENGLEWOOD -800/582-2886 CHARLOTTE -704/333-5213 'CONNECTICUT William Sander BEACON FALLS -800/227-9763 GEORGIA Specialty Parts Warehouse LIBURN -404/978-2801 HAWAII Zubehor Hawaii, Inc. HONOLULU -808/595-5381 ILLINOIS Precision Frame HIGHLAND PARK -708/432·0082 INDIANA Power Brake and Spring SOUTH BEND -800/282-1044 LOUISIANA Brinson HARAHAN -504/733-7326 Autosport Gallery RALEIGH -919/872-2002 NEW JERSEY Euro Tire FAIRFIELD -800/631-0080 Woodlawn Auto and RV Service LINDEN-800/959-3658 OREGON ipd PORTLAND - 800/444-6486 TEXAS Pro Am Parts and Accessories HOUSTON -800/847-5712 VERMONT Rovers North -Rover Specialist WESTFORD -802/879-0032 WASHINGTON Northwest Off -Road Specialties BELLINGHAM -206/676-1200 Page 25
FORDA Off Roading At East· 8'Y Raceway Text & Photos: Wayne Simmons Jason Crowder, following here scored a wire to wire victory in the first 1600 heat race, and was moving in on whee/standing Mike Hester in this shot. Crowder was third in the second heat and won the main event. After a shaky season opener, opened there was a small line of F.O.R .D .A . (FLORIDA OFF cars waiting to enter the pits. ROAD DRIVERS' ASSOCIA-Soon the hustle and bustle of cars TION, received a much needed · and drivers lined pit row, with shot in the arm. The second race · some drivers that pulled their cars of their season was held in Tampa, out of moth balls for this race. FloridaatEastBayRaceway.The LIMITED BAJA! Two new track is a three eighth mile dirt· rookie drivers brought out their oval, which usually runs stock and cars to try their hand at racing. sprint cars. This weekend they Excitement filled the air as race were host to off road racing. time drew near. Soon man and Although no modifications were machine were lined up on the made to the original oval, the starting line waiting for the green. infield was set up with tight turns It was a land rush style start, with . and jumps. Many thanks go out to all the drivers lined up side by side the people who put their time and headed into the first turn. Robbie money into making this event Johnson and Neil Huckstep both happen. • rookies, led the pack through the The day dawned under dark first set of turns before losing clouds and a light sprinkle of rain. control in the mud, and sliding off Although the weather did not the track. Bill Whatley took the improve much during the day, lead with Wayne Simmons, Dean this did not dampen the spirits of Anderson and Richard Partridge the racers. Before the gates in hot pursuit. Simmons slowly BIGGER IS BETT-ER Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the l~!~er C.V. ioints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bell to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. onvert Type 11 stub axles and output bell to accept 930 C.V. joints. '1 All axles and bells for Type 11 or Type IV fC.V.s can be threaded 3/a-24 or stock 8mm. .rAII axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be . thre;:ir>r~ -~4oJ.stocK 10mm threads. ,, .. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER " WITH UPGRAbED AXLES AND .BELLS Only $49.95 per flar.i.11e on yo_ur supplie~ parts. __ HER Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. ThesE: Bump Stops come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane nd piece, and enough valving to get the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. Including the mounting hardware and the GR8 bolts SEE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER OR CAU. US DIRECT. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview P. 0. Box 845 1-602-427-3551 YamP.11, AZ. 85382-0845 Page 26 began to lose power forfeiting his position to Anderson. Johnson was quickly making up lost ground as he passed Partridge. Whatley had found the right groove and was walking off with the lead. Huckstep· and Partridge were battling for position when Partridge suddenly fell to the wayside with motor trouble. Simmons was feeling pressure from Johnson, but just could not get his car to nm, dropping another position as Johnson moved up. It was all over as Whatley took the win unchal-lenged. Anderson came in a distant second with Johnson third. SECOND HEAT: Simmons had found water in his gas from the first race. Having drained his gas tank he was ready to go, he thought. Partridge was unable to make the line up, as he tried to fix his motor. With a lot of bumping and banging the race got under · way. Johnson took the lead out of the first turn with Anderson and Simmons on his bumper. What-ley and Huckstep tangled wheels causing Huckstep to roll. In the excitement Whatley's car stalled and by the time he was rolling he was a lap down. Johnson had begun to pull away from every-body as he set a blistering pace. Anderson was unable to shake Simmons as they battled for several laps. Suddenly Anderson lost control in the mud giving Simmons the chance to pass. Simmons' new position was short lived, as he was still having some slight trouble with his car. Anderson had regained second position as the top three closed on a lapped car. With all the front Bill Whatly and Dean Anderson get together in main event action, earlier each had won a heat race, and Whatly salvaged third for the main event race. runners bunched up, Anderson way point and started to come got the upper hand in a turn, back to its wheels. When all had sliding by Johnson. Although stopped, Anderson's came to rest Simmons was on his tail it was not on Whatley's hood. Wasting no enough as he had to settle for time, Anderson gave it the gas and third when the flag fell. Johnson drove off leaving his tire mark on was pressuring Anderson hard the other car, but stalled when he but time ran out leaving him in hit the ground, leaving room for second. Anderson took the Whatley to continue on. White victory flag, with inches to spare. flag lap and Olsen had not been FEATURE: Partridge was back ahle to get it into passing position in the running, but was hitting on for the lead. Johnson the" rookie only three of the four cylinders. sensation" took the win for a Huckstep had damaged his car second time. Olsen was a close some when he rolled, but was not second, with Whatley third. going.to give up now. At the drop CHALLENGER: Bryan Peter-of the green it was again Johnson son quickly put himself in the lead in the lead with Anderson, and never looked back. Don Whatley, and Larry Olsen Crews rolled on the first lap, challenging for position. Olsen putting himself against the inside, had replaced Simmons as driver upside down. He was a lap and a in this race. While Partridge.and half down by the time help Huckstep battled for last place, managed to right his buggy. The thefrontfourweregivingthefans real race was between Mark a race and a half. Olsen .out Amrheim and Sam Pace for maneuvered Whatley and by the second pla~e. Zoomie Hinson next lap had passed Anderson, started his day out without leaving the two to fight it out. It second gear. The battle for second wasJohnsonandOlsengoingfor heated up as Pace passed the lead. Anderson got his car up Amrheim hut was unahle to hold on two wheels, with Whatley too on, with positions changing each close to stop before going under few laps. Amrheim had it under Anderson's floor pan. Whatley control until he went up on two turned his car quickly as wheels, giving Pace the edge. At Anderson's stopped at the mid the wave of the checkered it was Peterson first, Pace a well raced second and Amrheim a close third. Larry Olson and Wayne Simmons combined driving chores to finish fourth for the day in Limited Baja class, and Wayne had finished third in heat 2. SECOND HEAT: Once again Peterson took the lead early, putting an embarrassing gap on the rest of the pack. Hinson had improved on his trouble, holding on in the next position. It was Sam Pace, Don Crews and Ken Kersey, co-driving for Amrheim, chal-lenging for position. Kersey developed steering trouble and had trouble staying in the tight turns. Pace had moved up to pressure Hinson but was unable to pass. Crews and Kersey tangled in a turn sending Crews into a large tire that was marking the track. Kersey had ended up against the left rear wheel of his fellow driver. Neither driver had reverse in their cars and had to wait for help to push them out of their predicament. The flag told the score as Peterson won a flag to flag race, with Hinson second and Pace third. Ken Kersey and Mark Amrheim drove 945 Challenger, leading here, to third place, but Marty Neri, following here, was fifth in the day's 1600 action. July 1994 FEATURE: Hinson and Crews were both out for this race with car trouble preventing them from making the line up. With a wave of the flag Pace sped into the lead. Managing to hold off the attack of Peterson for a lap Pace soon gave in, and Peterson had the lead. As Peterson put more ground hetween the others, the fans were seeing a real race for position. Pace and Amrheim were wheel to wheel as the laps began to count down. As they changed places a Dusty Times
few times it came down to the wire with Pace taking it from Amrheim in the last lap. Peterson had his third victory for the day with Pace coming in second, while Amrheim rolled in a close third. 1600s: Chuck Gurr was the only Unlimited to bring his car to the race so the officials let him run with the 1600s. It was just a Sunday drive for him. The action started from the drop of the flag. Jason Crowder whose car is sponsored by Goodyear Tires, jumped off the line and into control of the lead on his Goodyear Eagles. Mike Notary tangled with another driver in the first turn losing a position. Marty Neri and Ray Short were in pursuit of Crowder as the pack began to spread out. It was not long before Mark Bicker started to move up and challenge Short. Mike Hester was testing out his new race car, holding his own midway back. Short took a turn too fast, going up on two wheels. That cost him several positions as Bicker moved up. Notary stalled, and restarted only after being passeJ. Neri was in the sights of Bicker with only a few laps left. Power and maneuverability put Bicker ih front of Neri, who now had to fend off Hester and he now made his move. As the white flag signaled the last lap Neri dropped another position, giving third to Hl'ster as thl' chl'ckered fell. Bicker took second, with Crowd-l'r a flag to flag win. SECOND HEAT: It was a hl'ctic start as Andy Mc Millin lost it in the first turn. Ray Short and James Heste r wen:· too clos'e, getting caught up in McMillen's spin. Mike Notary now in the lead , watched as Mark Bicker went up on two wheels, while closin , the ga . Jason Crowder Mark Bicker flew to second in the first 1600 heat, was second again in the second heat, third in the main which placed him second for the day. had started at the rear, after winning the first race, but moved up to challenge Bicker. The fans got the full taste of off road racing when Ray Short rolled approach-ing a jump. While help ran to Short's rescue, McMillen rolled just two turns away. Short was quickly put back on his wheels and into the race as help raced to McMillen. Just as McMillen was uprighted, Short came into the same turn as McMillen and rolled a second time. Luckily help was already there. In all the ex-citement, Crowder had closed in on Bicker and was riding his bumper. Notary was still in the lead as the white flag came out. With just one lap to go it was a dash for the line as Bicker and Crowder went side by side. It was not in the cards for Crowder, as Bicker edged ahead. All Crowder cclUld do w;Ts take a very close third, Bicker a hard fought second, and Notary a flag to flag win. FEATU R E: Mik e Hester jumped into the lead but was passed by Jason Crowder before half a lap. Hester did not let up on the pressure as the two drivers sped away. The rest of the pack spread out into individual sets of racing. Neri and McMillen were trying to close the gap on the leaders while James Hester and Mark Bicker closed on them. McMillen could not stay up with the pace and soon dropped back. Bicker moved up quickly in the next two laps passing J. Hester and Neri, to close on M. Hester. Notary was slowly moving up but was several positions off the leaders. Crowder had increased. his lead with no threat from M. Hester now. A real challenge was shaping up between Neri and J. Hester, as each driver took turns passing each other every other lap. M . Hester and Bicker went at it side by side for a few laps until M. Hester got the upper hand with only two laps to go. It was again Crowder all the way to another victory as the flag fell. Mike Hester came in second with Bicker a close third. Mike Notary scored a flag to flag victory in the second 1600 heat race, taking the lead during a first lap mishap; didn't get through the traffic well in the main, but he scored third for the day. STREET CLASS: A new class for the street rails is a chance for drivers to race a real off road course, for a few laps. Only two rails showed up for the day. This class gets ,only two races for a few laps apiece. It was Keith Crew_s taking the lead over Mike Cox for the start of the race. Crews lead was short lived as he hit a largl' tire marking thl' course, the result of which left his rail with only three wheels to gl't home on. With Crews out for the day, Cox easily finished the first heat, and made a by run for the second heat to win his class, and finish out a day of · off road racing. Mike Hester was testing his new car, so new it wasn't painted, and he was third in heat 1, stayed close to the winner in the main and came in second, quite a good test for the car. Andy McMillen didn't get off to a good start, but had a great dice James Hester and Marty Neri had a real close dice in the 1600 with Neri in the main in the early laps, but ended up back in main event, and they kept at it until flag fall, and Hester, pictured Marty Neri looked good in his 1600 flying around the course, but had some traffic problems and he ended up fifth for the day for the three races. seventh place. here, was sixth. Complete Race Ready Transmissions VW * Hewland ~ Porsche Off-Road Racing's Most Complete Facility: * Over 21 Years in Racing and Still "The Best!" * Gearboxes to Suit Most Budgets * USAC Certified Magnaflux Inspection * In-House Shot Peening 1600 Racers Achieve "Unbelievable Reliability" with Mendeola Racing's own 4.57 r&p with BULLETPROOF FTC GEARS! Phone: (619)691-1000 FAX: (619)691-1324 Hours: Tues.--F=ri. 7:00 am--5:00pm 290 Trousdale Suites I & J Chula Vista, CA 9191 0 DustyTirncs July 1994 Our 1993 Champs: Mike Julson SCORE 1/2-1600 Toyota True Grit ·· Tom Schilling SCORE10 Toyota True Grit Tim Allen FUD 10 & Overall Bobby Snaith FUD5/1600 Vance Allen FUD 5 Unlimited Kevin Basore FUD 1-1600 "The Miller Boys" FUD Challenger Page 17
In 11 years of off-road racing, Toyota Trucks have won a total of 64 desert and stadium events, resulting in 26 Championships. That's a record no one else comes close to. But don't get us wrong. It's never easy. And it's never over. As soon as we complete a race, we bring our trucks back and take them apart piece by piece. Bolt by bolt. ~l the way to the bare frame. We inspect every part. Every weld. i 1@V.♦l·Jt·.taZ.Vtitt1ili&&1 I Ill :~:::~:::::r failed, ·or shows undue wear, we_ don't just repair it. We re-engineer it. To make it even better than it was before. © 1994 Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
If you think this excessive, well, you're right. But it's just one of many examples of the lengths we go to build the best racing trucks possible. IMAGINE How FM WI Go ro BUii.i) YOUR roYorA. Like our racing trucks, Toyota production Trucks also go through a rigid · battery of testing and quality-control procedures. Because whether we're building a one-of-a-kind racing machine or your one-and-only 4x4, our philosophy is the same. We build the best truck possible. Piece by piece. ®TOYOTA "I love what you do for me:'
Dave Brown Strikes Gold At The Reno 300 By Jean Calvin Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. Dave Brown came from Gresham, Oregon to run his two seater in Class 2 with Mike Jones. Dave Jed every lap, overall most of the distance except the first lap, and won overall by about 4'h minutes. The Reno 300 turned out to be a nifty race lacking only more cars to make it a great race. 1he organi:ers, a Reno Civic Group with Rod Hall as their spokesman got off to a bad start a year ago when they had the race ready to go, mainly on Indian land near Reno, and at the last minute the tribal politics changed hands and the permit was withdrawn, so the race had to be canceled. A lot of teams had planned to run the event, hut when the 1994 edition of the race, on different ground near the Fernley truck stop, was announced, few within easy commuting distance planned on entering. They missed a good time and a fun race with some tight competition going for the entire distance. The organi:ers had a reception before the Nevada 400 in Las Vegas, in an effort to gain some extra entry for the race on April 29, 30 and May 1. But Vegas racers don't like to tow far, gripe about 40 miles sometimes, and a trip to Reno would require vacation time for racers in the Los Angeles megapolis area. But a host of sponsors were on hand for the inaugural Reno 300 last spring, starting with the host hotel and race headquarters, the Clarion Hotel and Casino in Reno, along with QM Resorts, featuring fine accommodations at the Thunderbird Inn, Lakeside Tennis Club. and the Ridge Sierra, Morrey Distributing Co., local distributors of Budweiser, Quality Nut Company the California Almond Growers, Makita Tools, Citi:en Watches, Reno Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority and the Downtown Renovation Agency Special Events Downtown Reno. Along with all that Rancho Suspension was the title sponsor, and was joined by AM General Hummer, Rod Hall Racing Lights, BFGoodrich Tires, Shell Truck Guard light truck motor oil, and Zexel Gleason, Inc., maker of exceptional differen-tials. The Hooters Restaurant across the street from the Clarion Hotel, Balle fine eyewear and Lyon County pl•Js the all CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' - any Length Hose • Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS $215.00 HELMET ONLY important Fernley Truck Inn, site of the start/ finish line and race day race headquarters, 30 miles east of Reno on I-80, who graciously gave up half of their parking area to accommodate the race start/ finish,. completed the · sponsor list. There were six classes sched-uled for the race, a Sportsman class and five Pro classes, 1, Unlimited vehicles, 2, Unlimited Baja Bugs, 3, 1600cc class, 4, modified production trucks, and 5, full stock two and four wheel drive vehicles. Novel in Nevada was the fact that you could pre-run the 100 mile course that would be three laps for all classes for a finish. It started out with a 15 mile long rock garden, progressed to washes, mountain passes, 250 foot drop offs, nice twisty mountain roads and contained the always popular silt · beds. But the serious drivers liked the course, but felt access for chase crews was poor, especially at the top of the course. The festivities started on Thursday evening with a recep-Bill Webb scored his first victory in four years of racing as he won Class 10 and was fifth overall. His lap times were consistent and the local Reno driver had no problems except one flat tire on course. tion at Hooters with free beer for of a Hummer. There was a pause an hour and lots of VORRA while a couple of trains went by, people on hand. VORRA, headed just past the Arch, then the truck by Ed Robinson would be paradewithaMa:da,anewDodge running the actual race, did some diesel, a new Dodge V-10 4WD course marking and would be gas pickup, a beautiful 1966 scoring and flagging, manning the Cadillac Coupe de Ville from the checkpoints and so forth. There Bonan:a Casino, and finally a Jeep wasn't much information except CJ show type rig from the 4WD that they had about 20 pre-world. entries. Outside near the fron"t Not many cars rolled through door a couple of race cars were on contingency row, and the activity display, and regular patrons were came mainly from passers by, quite interested, asking the wondering what was going on. It owners all sorts of questions began to look like a very small about their cars and the race. entry number. Thursday evening, Most of the race folk on hand, back at the Clarion, there was a stuck around and kept the reception preceding the drawing Hooters girls busy serving beer for starting numbers. At this and fast food. It was a fun affair. point merely 11 cars had been Friday morning contingency through tech inspection, and row was set up right under the three more had paid but would famous Reno arch that proclaims tech in the morning at the track. the town as the "Biggest Little The organi:ers did not seem too City in the World:" It stretched disappointed by the lack of cars, for three blocks on Virginia Street they envision this race growing up and we had the chance to roam to the stature of the Mint 400, a through the older casinos, admire few years down the road, and they the gun collection in Harrahs, and could be right. There· is land here enjoy a quiet day on contingency available for racing, and land is row. Attracting the most atten-hard to come by further south. tion was the giant si:e bright blue The drivers meeting followed BFG tractor trailer, fully staffed the reception Friday night, and but they mostly did public the race was described as three relations work this day. The 100 mile laps, an early rock pile, program started with a parade at then silt, then mountains, a big 10 a.m. led by a Mustang carrying loop on a fast pole line style road RodHall,theMayorofReno,and on the way back with a few other civic people. Then came a whoopees near the finish with a second Mustang full of Budweiser nine hour time allowance. The ladies, then a glass buggy full of BLM officer on hand, Lynn more Bud girls. Three limos full Clemens from the Winnemucca of more girls came along, ·i:nese office, said there are two from Exe cu ti ve Limousine, archaeological spots alongside the followed by three Hooters girls course. They are heavily marked on roller skates and more DQsodon'tstrayontothem,one Hooters girls in a golf cart, a dry lake, both are certain DQ followed by Ray Crawford's areas. Rod Hall thanked Clemens Carrera Pan Americana race for expediting the permit process. winning Lincoln. After a slight Ed Robinson announced that lull Ed Robinson drove by with a chase vehicles should not stray off couple more girls in the back seat the access roads; if need be they should travel in race direction on the course to retrieve a vehicle. Vehicles would start one every minute. It was quite a well done meeting; for the pri:e money the cars were divided into three groups. Class 1 & 2, Class 10, 4x4s plus Sportsman, and mini trucks. The overall winne~would receive lots of goodies including a Citi:en watch that does almost everything. 51?3 Bowden Ave.• San Diego• CA• 92117 • (619) 279-2509 Things started early at Fernley, about a half hour from Reno, and the time allowance was extended to ten hours. The weather was cool with overcast skies. A total of 15 cars were on hand, but the 1600 of Steve Long had a head gasket problem, and started over an hour after the pack. Leading Clayton Scudder didn't get a mile before pitting, but he recovered from the off at 9:00 a.m. was Dave Brown down time to place second in Class 2 and was also seventh overall. from Greshaqt, Oregon in his Pagc30 July 1994 Dusty Times
Dale Smith plows a little silt in his two seater, and he ran good Rod Hall, whose name was on.the race, the Rod Hall Invitational lap times to finish second in Class 10 and sixth overall on this Reno 300, drove his diesel powered Hummer home second in Chad Hall digs out of a hole in his Hummer, on his way to third in Class 4 and fourth overall, a bit behind his dad Rod, but Chad had flats, Rod didn't. very rugged course. Class 4 and a fine third 0 /A. ----------------------Class 1 racer, followed by Bob Land in his Class 1 , then came the two seater of Everett Paul, followed by Clayton Scudder who lost a CV just down pit row, and lost 15 minutes right there. There were two Class 10 cars who left next, Dale Smith, then Bill Webb, and Dennis Kordonowy in his Unlimited. The trucks were out next led by Jim Jennings in his tidy Chevrolet, then VORRA champion Raymond Fisher in an equally tidy Jeep J-10 Honcho. The Class 7 Ma:da of Brett Fra:ier was followed by Gary Mecham in his Ford Ranger, then the two Hummers, Chad Hall leading dad Rod Hall away. Last away was Richard Harris in his Sportsman buggy, followed over the hill by Clayton Scudder. The radio came alive with news that Dave Brown was through Check I and, at the same time, Dennis Kordonowy landed i"n the BFG main pit, in need of welding on the shaft to keep his steering together. They did a good ten ibrfd Serifs of Qff-Road. Racing 8 1994 SODA minutes work and sent Dennis on his way. Also came the report that Everett Paul had broken down, while the 1600 of Steve Long was looking to buy a fuel filter so he could start and he had shifted his entry to Sportsman class, required to cover just two laps. Meanwhile Brown was through Check 3 around 10 a.m. with three cars in hot pursuit, but they were still working on Everett Paul at Check 1 . He did not complete even the first lap. First around at 1 I : 15 was Dave Brown but he stopped for fuel and a change of rear brakes, caliper and rotor damaged on a big rock. He was out at 11 :35, still leading on the road and close on time. Raymond Fisher arrived at 11 :38, took on gas and water and was gone in a couple of minutes, probably leading the race on time. Just behind him Steve Long finally started in his 1600, only to wander onto the forbidden dry lake and he was disqualified. Jim Jennings' Chevy was towed RAC.E SCHEDULE Chevrolet Memorial Day 100, May 28-29 Lake Geneva, WI Chevrolet Off-Road Championship June 11-12 Antigo, WI Chevrolet Spring Run June 25-26 Crandon, WI Chevrolet Off-Road Challenge July 9-10 Luxemburg, WI U.P. Off-Road 100 July 23-24 Bc;1rk River, Ml Road America Off-Road Race Aug. 6-7 Elkhart Lake, WI Chevrolet Great Northern Challenge Aug. 20-21 Lake Odessa, Ml Chevrolet World Championship· Sept. 2-4 Crandon, WI Wisconsin Off-Road Festival Sept. 17-18 Oshkosh, WI Blackhawk Farms Off-Road Challenge Oct. 1-2 Beloit, IL to th~ pit with the tranny gone at 11 :45 and the crew set to work · changing the trans. At the same time Chad Hall came in for fuel, a quick stop. Gary Mecham brought the Ford Ranger in for fuel and Jason Cobb got in to drive. They had been delayed when a spark plug wire came off, but got running again. Bob Land was out of the race with a broken cam gear at mile 17, just past the big rocks. Meanwhile Rod Hall had a four minute pit stop for fuel and a check over. Bill Webb went by in good shape at noon, and Clayton Scudder arrived at noon for just a few minutes and was gone, apparently healed, followed closely by Dale Smith. Brett Fra:ier was working on his mini truck engine, the team from Bend, Oregon searching for the prob-lem. About 1 :00 p.rn. Dave Brown was through Check 2, his 2300cc VW Type 1 engine giving him good power. Meanwhile Dennis Kordonowy did not finish a lap, BFGaadricH ----------•T~s FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT .,,/((;,---Raymond Fisher carried his teenage son Richard as co-driver in the Jeep Honcho, and despite a few problems the local favorite won Class 4 easily and he finished a remarkable second overall too. nor did Everett Paul. After changing the trans, the Jennings Chevy went back on course only · to have more trans trouble, but kept moving through two -laps. Mecham was up and running Arn.e-rLca-n ~ again also and tht' lt'adt'rs wt'rt' finishing tht' St'cond lap. Davt' Brown made a quick fuel and checkout pit stop and started the final 100 miles as 2:02 p.m. Raymond~ ESFIN ESFINE! COVERAGE SHORT-COURSE OFF-ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION • 7839 WEST NORTH AVENUE • WAUWATOSA, WISCONSIN 53213 Dusty Times July 1994 Page 31
-1 Brett Frazier's truck looks like a mix of Dodge and Mitsubishi Jim Jennings broke the trans on the first lap, decided to change pieces, but despite extra time in the pits he got two laps done for it, and got one more lap done before the second trans quit, so he Gary Mecham and Jason Cobb had no luck at all, getting in one lap, a big fix and about half a lap more in the Ford Rang(!r placing sixth in Class 4. fourth in Class 4. retired the Chevy. ------------------------Bob Land is another who had no luck in the Tecate Class 2 car, but they were a hit on contingency row. However, they didn't do a lap in the Reno 300 race. Everett Paul only got to the first check before he had trouble, and it didn't get fixed there well enough for him to complete so much as one lap. Dennis Kordonowy, from Sparks, NV, didn't have good luck either, he had the steering fixed early on lap 1 and basically was not seen again, not covering a lap. ~ Fisher had caught up to Brown, led him for a time on the middle lap, but Fisher stopped to replace an important belt and started the last lap about 12 minutes behind. Rod Hall had another two minute pit stop, and Chad Hall's was even shorter. Clayton Scudder had to have some frame welding done at Check 2, the double pit, on the second lap and said he hroke a stuh axle, not a cvoff the line, but later had to have a new cv hpot and fuel. Gary Mecham's truck was still running but before it got two laps done a hroken spindle in no man's land put them out of the race. On the last lap Raymond Fisher got close to Dave Brown, but not quite close enough, Brown :ipped under the checkered flag with 12 minutes margin on elapsed time. He said after hending the rotor, caliper and hub on the first lap he cooled it some on the second lap, then had to pick up the pace to sta y ahead of the Jeep. He thought the nastiest part of the course was thl' first 20 miles, but the whole Oregon team was glad they came to takl' homt· first overall cash, product and bragging rights. Long time readns might rl'memher Brown when several years ago he used to win overall in a super Class 5 Baja Bug. Relief driver Mike Jones never got in the car as Dave drove it all the way for seven hours, 26 minutes, 20 seconds. hought from Clayton Scudder. Local favorite Raymond Fisher He had one flat on the first lap with his son Richard riding along, four miles before Check 4, had no said without the power steering problems with the 1650ccType 1 belt problem it might have been engine, running virtually trouble real close. His truck still looked free. He thanked his sponsors TCI good, and he told us it was his Tire Center in Reno and Allied 44th hirthday, and winning this Petroleum. Sixth overall and the class, at 7:30:54, taking second second Class 10 at 8:38:27 was overall was a swell hirthday Dale Smith. He said he had lots of present. Se1,ond in the class and flats all three laps, with no other third overall was Rod Hall, at time consuming problems. Looks 7:50:53 saying his Hummer ran like he needs a tire sponsor too. flawless, h4.t on the last lap the The two Class 10 cars swapped rocks were growing higher out of the lead each lap until the final the silt. Rod claimed he cruised round. the first lap as he had BFG hoss The man that started out with man Dan Newsome riding with trouhle, Clayton Scudder, with him. On the second lap he took Curtis Clark co-driving was the Colin Butcher of Rancho Suspen- last one in at 8 :59:06, darn close sion for a ride, and on the last to the original time allowance of round Yance Rohinson, the car nine hours. They hroke two stuh huilder who saw what his efforts axles, had ignition trouhles, and could make the Hummer do. Rod myriad prohlems including had no flats, just ran steady. Chad running out of gas at the hottom Hall was third in class, fourth of the hill on the last lap. Good overall reporting a pair of flats, thing the radio worked. They one each on laps 2 and 3, finishing must have been a tired team when in 8:07:23. He carried journalist the race was over. a limiter strap, and got that replaced at Check 3 on the first lap. Pro Pit loaned them one. In fact, the pit had everything they needed. The second of two required laps for the class went a lot smoother for them and they went faster, finishing in 7:28:43, and these Reno racers were happy to finish, which some folks didn't think they could. Later Saturday evening hack at the Clarion Hotel there was another round of free drink tickets and other casino goodies for all who came to the post race Truckers Ball which included the presentation of awards. The organi:ers really rounded up a lot of support from this and other hotels in Reno, as well as a host of local husiness people. So with some serious guidance on how to get off road racers to come to race, this event could be a biggie in 1995. Current plans have scheduled an August date to insure good weather, hut a route up in the cooler high country. Stay tuned, we'll let you know more as soon as we know more! Cory Farley on the first lap, then The final finisher was the single his regular co-driver Kevin Goran Sl'at /:189 Sportsman huggy of did the last two. Chad thinks the Richard Harjo and Terry Shelton. cl'ntral tire inflation devices on Right off the line they broke a cv Reno racers Richard Harjo and Terry Shelton covered the two laps required of the whl'els may not mate well with at the top of the hill before the Sportsman entry and won the class, despite stopping twice for mechanical hig rocks. ~rc~>e:.:k~s~•c..'.h.'..'u::'..'t:Jg~,0~t~t~h.'..'.a~t....'.f..'..:i x~e:.':d:'.c•c..'.t:.'.:h'..'.::e..'..n'...:l~o'..::s~t __:f=ix=e=s=o=u=t=o=n=th=e=c=o=u=r=s=e=a=n=d=t=h=ey==w=e=r=e=h=a=p=p=y=. ==============-Rill Wehh was fifth overall, the first Class 10 home at 8:14:22, and the Reno resident was thrilled with his first victory in four years of racing in the home made car he CAR# POS Rod Hall Invitational-Reno 300 Results April 30 1994 NAME LAP 1 LAP 2 "LAP CLASS 2 3 TOTAL 0/A - . ---~_~"~~~.. -107 121 101 243 1 2 3 4 David Brown/Mike Jonea Clayton Scudder Robert Land Everett Paul Class 10 Bill Webb 2:33:45 2:28:56 2:23:39 7 :26:20 1 3:02:53 2:50:23 3:05:50 8:59:06 7 NIT NIT ·------:-~ ~~-~-- -Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or Call For a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road Courses driving school can help you be your best! and Oates But be ready. .. the road isn't smooth! Page 32 Great Basin Consulting 2738 Chavez Dr. Reno, NV 89502 002) 825-8830 1021 1 1044 2 299 3 400 1 863 2 865 3 728 4 401 5 701 6 89 1 Dale Smit h Denn i s Kordonowy Class 4 Raymond & Richard Fisher Rodney Hall Chad Hall Brett Frazier Jim Jennings Gary Mecham/Jason Cobb 2:54:02 2:58:37 NIT 2 :31: 44 2:37:38 2:34:09 3:21:09 4:43:49 2:37:58 2:40:22 2:39:58 2:55:24 2:44:26 2 : 34 :55 2: 2 4 : 15 2 :38:10 2:36:05 2 :43:20 2:49:54 3 :10:56 3:04:19 Sportsman (2 l ap s required for a finish) Richad Harjo/Terry Shelton 3:56:42 3 :32:01 8:14:22 5 8:38:2 7 6 7 :30:54 2 7 :50:53 3 8 :07:23 4 7:28:43 July 1994 Dusty Times ---------------------------------------------------------------
CHEVRD/ET SEPTEMBER 2,3,& 4, 1994 IABGEST PURSE IN OFF-ROAD RACING HISTORY . CHEVROLET. A~i.c:.a.n ~ eu....&.om Wh.&ew> BF Goodrich llbrid&ncsofOffRoadRadng"' ~~ GOODfiEAR ~USliJ lilHIUG , .j@m4HiiiirJI BA1W DANCE FR.l. &· SAT. NITE @pcnh~f tnjSKOAl RACING .. GENERAL INFORMATION: MCING BEGINS DAI~Y AT 9:00 A.M ADMISSION: AD0LT$ (12 & UP) WEBKEND PASS-$15 DAILr ADMlSS1ON -SlO CHILDREN (6 TO 12) -~2 ~t~ DAY UNO&R 6 YRS. -tREE CAMPING - $20 ~ER WEEKEND PHONE: 715-478-2222 FAX: 715-470-5815 ®
-Competition Review Board Report By Reese King The CRB moved from the Pool Hall to Disco at the San Felipe 250. They met Saturday evening in the Las Misiones Hotel's discotheque, a great improvement from the billiard room near the swimming pool in that it provides better lighting, more room and much needed privacy. Last year we felt as though we were in a fish bowl (pun intended) with everyone staring in through. the large windows. At one point we were interrupted when "friends" of two competitors decided to circumvent the CRB and decide their case with their fists. Oh sure, it was entertaini'ng, but when you're meeting at 10:00 p.m., after a long day in the desert you just want to get things handled. The San Felipe CRB members were Rogerio Ampudia, 1-2-1600, Neal Grabowski, Class 5, Curt LeDuc, Class 8, Mark Hansen, Class 7S, David Ashley, Board Alternate, Danny Cau , SCORE President, Paul Fish, SCORE Vice President and Reese King, CRB Marshal. Four cases had been posted, but one was found to be against an unlisted entry, trimming the agenda to three. The first case was a charge of traveling backward on the course filed by Bob Kruger, Captain of checkpoints 3 & 4 at Borrego. Bob stated that while on duty at the checkpoint he heard a vehicle approaching from the rear. He then turned and observed a motorcycle entering the check Out Here ••• You need somebody you con depend on! CUSTOM \NI-IEE=• S 6300 Valley View Ave., Buena Park, CA 90620 Page 34 from the wrong direction. The rider then turned around, entered from the proper direction and continued his race. Kruger identified the bike as #102X, Tim Morton, rider of record. In answer to questions from the board, Bob stated that he did not know how long or far the entry h ad traveled since he was directing his attention to the checkpoint entrance and not the exit. Tim Morton was called before the board and advised of the charge against him. He was accompanied by Brent Blount who identified himself as rider at the time of the incident. Blount explained that he had become separated from the race course and was attempting to reacquire it when he found himself entering a checkpoint. It was at this time he realized he was going the wrong way. After Brent and Tim were excused from the room we were advised that Tony Tellier, journalist and IDRA Ambassador of Goodwill had been an eye witness to this incident. Tellier (Why was he at this meeting? ed,) informed the board that Blount had used the course for a very small distance and t hat he appeared to be lost. Additionally, senior SCORE official Bill Wick advised the board that there were obstacles, both natural and man made that could have precluded Blount from entering the check-point without using the course. Board alternate David Ashley added that some confusion was · present in this area due to its proximity to the old route former! y used to access the San Matias pass. But the real cinch was delivered when the ever cynical Danny Cau stated that he felt Blount was lost and shouldn't be DQ'd. In a 5-0 vote the board dismissed the charge against 102X, Brent Blount was advised to be certain of the direction of travel before re-entering the race course at future events. Our second San Felipe case was a charge of abusive nerfing and unsafe driving brought against the #505 entry of Mike Jakobson by Class 10 driver,Jon Tanklage. In a hand written statement, Jon , stated that he had been racing without power steering for about ten miles and therefore, was running at less than normal race speed. Knowing that the first Class 5 car should be catching him soon, Jon began to monitor his mirror more frequently. At about mile marker 39 he observed a white Baja Bug approaching rapidly and began looking for a turnout. Jon attempted to leave the race course and while in the process of doing so was hit from behind, causing his 10 car to roll over. He said that the driver of the Baja did not stop and that the incident caused severe damage to his wheel, axle and CV joint. After transporting his car to his trailer at Borrego, Jon contacted the Chapala Dusters and dis-July 1994 covered the first Class 5 car through El Chinero, mile marker 43, was Jakobson. Later, when Mike stopped at the Borrego pits, Jon spoke with him and con-firmed that it was, in fact, Jakobson who had hit him. In discussing his claim with the board, Jon stated that, "The hit was unnecessary because I was out of the way and because there was ample passing space on both sides." He also indicated, and the board members agreed, that there was more than one line in this area. Mike Jakobson was invited before the board and informed of T anklage'scomplaint. Mike stated that he had caught up with Jon, and found him running slowly through a high speed section. " I followed him for a long period of time;"' Jakobson said. "He was obviously having troubles. I knew he was looking for a place to turn off. I never nerfed him. I never hit him meta I-to-metal." Mike went on to say that he was taken by surprise when Jon, "Slammed on his brakes and turned hard right." At this point the 10 car was "sideways in front of my car. I didn't have any reaction time." Jakobson said that his only contact that occurred was when his right front tire hit Jon's right rear tire. "It was just enough to send him over on his side." The board had a few questions for Mike after his detailed account, and he was then excused from the room. The discussion that followed focused on Jakobson's behavior preceding the contact. In his own statements, he had been following for a long period of time. He knew that Jon was having trouble. On three separate occasions during his testimony, Mike indicated that he was one or two inches from the rear of Jon's car and·, therefore, had no time to react. The board members felt that Mike Jakobson exercised poor judgment and that the incident was, on his part, avoidable. He was found guilty of minor nerfing and penalized one position. ( It droJJJJed him out of his first Class 5 win that he had celebrated at the finish line, and he had won Class 5 by almost an hour. ed.) The final San Felipe case was another instance of abusive nerfing. This protest was filed by #809 Beny Canela, against newcomer Rocky Anderson. Mr. Canela, with co-driver Mark Anderson (no relation I hope) stated to the board that they were five miles into the race traveling at approximately 60 mph when, without warning, they were struck hard in the rear by entry #811. Ben y, a soft spoken man of few words, said that the impact caused him to lose his spare tires and also damaged his fuel cell and related components. Entry #811 was called before the board and Perry McNeil entered the room, identifying himself as driver at the time of this incident. Perry admitted to the board that he did hit him too hard, but that he didn't do it on purpose. This case was quickly decided. First, Perry's a(jmission that he did hit Canela too hard, and second because the #811 entry had already been dis-qualified by SCORE officials for a severe checkpoint violation. Rocky Anderson, driver of record for this entry, was found guilty of minor nerfing and the penalty, however moot, was one position. In Mr. McNeil's defense the damage to Beny's fuel system components was likely due to improperly secured spare tires (i.e. webbed tie down straps) and not a direct result of the collision. The IDRA would like to thank the board members from this race for contributing their valuable time to this important, although admittedly sometimes disagree-able aspect of our sport. Es-pecially Mark Hansen whose Class 7S entry broke early and went home without him. THE NEV ADA 400 CRB members were David Massing-ham, Board Administrat o r / FAIR, Steve Martin C lass 1, David Bryan Class 8 , Larry Job Class 10, Peter Rosenstein Class 11, Danny Cau SCORE president, Paul Fish SCORE V.P., George Thompson, IDRA Managing Dir-ector, Reese King CRB Marshal. They met at Michael Gaughan 's Gold Coast Hotel & Casino. Only two cases were flagged for our 7:00 a.m . meeting. Not bad for a four hundred mile, four lap race. The first case was nicknamed "Where have all the Flores gone?" A charge of unsafe driving was filed by the #702 entry of Raul Flores against Class 1 and overall winner Bob Gordon. In their handwritten complaint, with diagram, the Flores team accused Gordon of everything but a drive-by shooting, and then fai led to show up at the board meeting! Bob Gordon was there. The board members were there. SCORE was there. Even the lovely and talented Bill Wick was there. Where was tne Flores team? After patiently waiting for over thirty minutes, the case against Bob Gordon was dismissed. Our second case was a charge of abusive nerfing filed by #102, Aaron Hawley, against Pat Dean, #105 .. Mr. Hawley also was a no show. And just when I was ready to lump him in with the Flores team I found a note at the bottom of his protest form from the crew at checkpoint #5. It read, "Driver wanted someone to know what happened, does not want to put up $500.00". Time to read your rule book Aaron. It does not now, nor has it ever required a cash deposit to file a non-technical protest. However, this does not preclude an entrant from making a cash donation to the IDRA. It's just better done when you don't have a case before the board. Serious! y, more than a dozen people dragged their tired butts out of bed, some driving in from other locations, to devote time to this important cause only to find that they could have slept in. Oh sure, sometimes, like Parker this year, there are no cases to be heard and we meet for no reason. But these occasions are rare and they are, in a sense, their own reward. When a protested competitor fails to show for the CRB they are issued a Letter of Reprimand. It seems to me that it is only fair that if the protester fails to show the same penalty should apply. It is my intention to recommend to SCORE President Danny Cau that he amend the rule book to define "Failure t'o appear before the Race Director or at the CRB" as applying to b9th parties. A couple of simple phone calls could have made a lot of lives easier. Dusty Times
Hell for Drivers ... Heaven for Fans . '-J O O ~ □' r□) n fril ~ "'~■--:•: .................... , ...... . Li5l u ~ ~ . ~;..~t:,--,,:C-:.'1-.~ ~ ••/: The Country's Finest Road Racing • Circuit is Getting Down and Dirty 22 classes of truck and buggy competition. More than 300 entries expected. Don't miss the action of . America's fastest-growing motorsports form over the country's finest new off-road course. At Road America, you'll enioy a panoramic view of the action, plus the best food anywhere-including char-broiled brats and fresh corn-on-the-cob. No vehicle charge for ad,nission ~ Sheboygan Fond=~1 1051.AmMCa ~ ROAD AMERICA WJO~JL Elkhart Lake, WI Road America is located midway between Milwaukee and Green Bay on Wisconsin Hwy 67 and County J-obout one hour from Milwaukee, 2 1 /2 hours from chicago and 4 1 /2 hours from .Minneapolis. Milwaukee WISCONSIN VISA, ADULT ADMISSION: $10.00 1 1 • Children 12 and Under Admitted FREE with Paying Adult [., ILLINOIS Chicago
4tND TRUST BANK SAFARI RALLY Kenyan Ian Duncan Wins In Kenya! Text & P1wtos: Martin Holmes A most popular Group N winner, the Subaru lmpreza WRX-RA of Kenyans Patrick Njiru and Abdul Sidi did have problems, but got them fixed well enough to finish a remarkable fourth overall, almost three hours behind winner Duncan. Although the other three cars were full team entries in Castrol red and green colors, the semi-official car of Ian Duncan also carried stickers from his local sponsor Farmer's Choice Saus-ages. Kenyans Ian Duncan and Dave Williamson plow through the wet en route to the hat trick victory for Toyota, in the sausage sponsored Cel,ca Turbo 4WD, winning by over 24 minutes, the first local victory on Safari in 12 years. after the finish knowing from the size of the hangover that his victory had been no dream. Subaru recognized their limita-tions; instead of a major attack for victory they homologated a new version of the Impreza specially for this event and finished 1-2 in Group N , with Patrick Njiru fourth overall in front of Richard Burns on an impressive debut performance in Africa. Toyota pulled well ahead in the Champ-ionship tables and Juha Kank-kunen, despite his first major accident in over three years, retained the lead in the Driver's series. The main competition came from the veteran Mitsubishi driver Kenjiro Shinozuka, on the final appearance by the original Evolution model, due to be replaced by the Mark II version at the Acropolis. There was a big surprise from Subaru. While the 555 team prepared for Corsica, the Fuji Heavy Industries company ran Group N Imprezas in Kenya for the local driver Patrick Njiru and the young British hope Richard Burns, who was on only his second event outside Europe. Although they entered as lmpreza 555s, they appeared with a brand new design called the Impreza WRX-RA, which did not feature a rear wing, but which in standard form had a strong gearbox with close ratios. Passing some colorful spectators Kenjiro Shinozuka arid Pentti Kuukkala kept the Mitsubishi Lancer together for a fine second overall despite some troubles. 4 SEAT BUGGY FRAMES • Large enough for four adults, using tube-frame seats (Beards, etc .. ). • Accepts all stock VWiype 11.R.S. sway bars, axles, trans axle and engine. • Complete with dual shock mounts, motor mounts, light tabs, antema tab, front end clamps, shift box and seat belt tabs. · • Main Frame Tubing-1.112• x .095. diagonal bracing and gumtts-1• X .065. • 11&• Whaal Base with 10• raar wheel travel at stub shaft. ftp •rt 111••111■ ClltlCt /FallCDII/ 888! 11111 AVNII, El Cajll, CA 8!0!1 (818) 581-!H! Page 36 A dream come true! Nairobi resident Ian Duncan, a once-a-year World Championship rally driver whom Toyota retained as their Safari test expert, but whom the team did not want to include in their official line up, won the toughest World Championship Rally and saved the biggest rally team in the world from the disgrace of being beaten by a single Mitsubishi entry! The man who was told to find his own sponsorship for the rally didn't know he would compete until six days before the start was required by his supporters to put an image of a 'flying sausage' on the side of the car, but woke up the morning As has become traditional, Toyota entered four cars on the Trust Bank Safari Rally in the hope of attaining their third successive win on this classic Kenyan rally and gaining a major advantage, points wise, in the World Championship. Their regular World series drivers Juha Kankkunen and Didier Auriol were supported by Kenyan resident Ian Duncan, who carried out the pre-event testing, and the Japanese driver Y oshio Fujimoto, the Toyota Find-A-Driver competition winner on his first major outing with the team. Check the snorkel on the Audi S2 Coupe for the water crossings, and Rudi Stohl and Jurgen Berti finished sixth, only six minutes ahead of seventh place. Spectators watch the Trabant 601R of Michael Kah/fuss and Ronald Bauer check in at a control: the little car retired on the last legs, too late to be an official finisher. July 1994 Like January's Monte Carlo Rally, the Safari Rally counted for the main World Championships, but not the associated 'Formula 2' World Cup. Already this event stands at a cross roads; it is the first rally this season over which th e FIA 'rotation' selection process will dictate demotion out of the World series next year. The FIA had offered 'Formula 2 ' status this year, but when it was found that there were insufficient local cars to justify this oppor-tunity, the 'F2' status went instead to Portugal. If the Safari is anon-World Championship rally next year, the top teams will still be admitted, but, will they come if the event does not count for World Championship points? Will the Safari survive a year out of the limelight? The organizers too k great strides to make the event more competitor and media friendly, limiting the opportunities for teams to make expensive servicing plans and running, at least for the first cars, always in the daylight, maximizing visual opportunities. The total running time had been reduced by one day, yet value had been increased as the competitive distance was greater. However, these plans were announced too late to increase top level interest in 1994 and 43 cars started compared with 44 last year. Teams still searched for cost saving possibilities and Toyota became the first World Champ-ionship team to use an Antonov jet freighter: in this they took 100 tons of vehicles and equipment to Kenya, and also as an act of friendship, the little rally T rabant 601R of a private German Dusty Times
competitor. Still in the event, and with three On paper this event promised , other competitors behind him, to be another Celica steamroller was the private German driver effort, the second time Toyota Michael Kahlfuss with his would take a hat trick of Safari Trabant. Auriol's delays meant he wins in the past decade. It is nine was struggling to stay in the top years since J uha Kankkunen took ten, and he was awed by the his first World Championship special challenge of the Safari. "I Rally win, on his first attempt in started off driving at 75% and Kenya. Now he is the most after my trouble went at 60%. I successful W arid Championship feel like I am a tourist!" Rally driver ever. Could Auria! In Group N Burns was leading also win first time here? With two after his Subaru teammate Njiru of Toyota's four drivers new to lost four minutes with a flat. this event, it seems a lot of Burns earlier suffered broken responsibility was on the four shock absorbers. Hasmat Shamji times W arid Champion. in another Impreza suffered three There were setbacks to Toy-punctures and had a split turbo ota's plans soon enough, when pipe. Yashuhiro Iwase retired early leader Auriol suffered two after long delays firstly with time consuming problems on the suspension trouble and then with same section. Firstly a front shock a fuel pump failure. absorber failed and then, for-The organizers had devised a tunately as he was driving slowly, new and novel timing system the drive shaft and steering failed; which worked remarkably well. he had to wait for a helicopter to Using times taken from Ian arrive for repairs. Later in the Duncan's simulated test run, and same section he had a wishbone making appropriate adjustments, fail and he lost more time. After the organizers predicted within the fourth competitive section he two minutes the exact time taken was an hour behind. ·Kankkunen by Kankkunen for the first leg. went into the lead in front of The weather had been dry with a Duncan who lost some time at the few small mudholes. end of the day with a broken After problems on the first leg driveshaft, but otherwise was Toyota were hoping for better happy. Kankk unen had no things on Leg 2, but instead their problems, "The car is still like troubles got worse! Kankkunen new", but he had one sca,e. "We hit an unexpected washaway and left the service point a little ahead crashed out of the rally when of our traffic warning helicopter, leading, although Duncan took and we found a matatu (local bus) over. Juha suffered minor cuts to and a truck in the middle of the the head, his codriver Nicky Grist road. Fortunately we missed had a broken bone in his hand. both." When queried as to why Kank-Fuj imoto meanwhile was kunen crashed-when a course having a smashing time. He went checking car had already passed off the road in Auriol's dust, that way a lit.tie earlier, Phil Short without much problem, then he said: "It was Marc Duez who had went off again, in top gear and this job, but when he passed this smashed his windscreen against a place it was so full of dust from tree before regaining the road. passing traffic that he was Finally he went off the road a traveling at a walking pace and third time, sideways into a tree, couldn't tell where he was. There injuring his codriver. Before was a further complication, the knowing if he would carry on, the radio link with our communi-team waited for medical advice · cation planes wasn't working at about a suspected broken hip. that time. Everything that could Hakaru !chino was taken to a possibly go wrong went wrong." Nairobi hospital for a check-up Fujimoto did not restart and returned to the service point because of a confirmed cracked and continued to the rest halt. hip of his cod river. Two of Lying third on Leg 1 was Toyota's three official entries Shinozuka after an uneventful were out through accidents but run. "For the last five years I have this gave cautious optimism "to had trouble on the first day on the second placed Shinozuka, who Safari. This time I have been hasneverwonsuchamajorevent, driving even slower!" African and a glimmer of hope for the Champion Satwant Singh was amazing Group N Subaru Im-driving carefully in his Subaru prezas of Njiru and Burns which station wagon, troubled only were lying third and fourth. when a red warning light After restarting tenth, running mysteriously appeared, but sixth car on the road as a safety without any apparent fault in the concession, Auriol started his car. He was determined to regain comeback. Although only one the best privateer award he first minute quicker than Duncan over won in 1973.Jonathan Toroitich, the day, he took seven minutes off the son of Kenya's President, was Shinozuka, 29 off Njiru and close behind him, slowed only by ended up only two minutes two broken shock absorbers on behind Burns. The Frenchman his Toyota. Austrian Rudi Stohl had twofrontshockabsorbersfail suffered a flat and a slight gearbox in the Taita Hills section, but still oil leak with the Audi Coupe S2. made best time, while the 'Flying 42nd Trust Bank Safari Rally Ian Duncan/Dave Williamson EAK Toyota Calica Turbo 4WD Kenjlro Shinozuka/Pentti Kuukkala J/SF Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution Didier Aurlol/Bernard Occelll F Toyota Calica Turbo 4WD Patrick Njiru/Abdul Sidi EAK Subaru lmpreza WAX-RA Richard Burns/Robert Reid Cl3 Subaru lmpreza WAX-RA Rudi Stohl/Jurgen Berti AID Audi Coupe S2 Karim Hirji/Frank Nekusa EAU Toyota Calica GT-Four Sammy Aslam/Joey Ghose EAK VW Golf GTI Rob Hellier/Phil Valentine EAK Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 Azar Anwar/Shai\en Shah EAK Subaru Legacy Estate 43 starters • 14 finishers • *Group Winner •• F2 winner • # Ladies winner A• 20 :49 A 21 :14 A 21 :59 N • 23:30 N 23 :40 A 26:30 A 26:36 A 27:03 A 28:04 A 29:54 World Championship f>oints • Toyota 57, Subaru 41, Ford 34, Mitsubishi 10, Skoda 2 WAC Drivers Points • Kankkunen 35, Auriol 27, Biaslon & Sainz 22 Group N Points -Puras 23, Janot & Njiru 13, Holderied 12, Madeira & Burns 10 FIA ladies Cup Points• Holderied 18. Dusty Times Sausage' Celica of Duncan was trouble free. "We were warned by our helicopter about the wash-away thatJuha hit; we would have done just the same if they hadn't told us." Shinozuka had no problems of significance, arid was happy to have made a late route inspection in the southern sections. "We were there three days before scrutineering and already knew about the prob-lem." In Group N Subarus were still running 1-2-3. Until the.final competitive section the leader had been Burns, but 9 km from the end of that section the brake pedal locked solid and he spun off at high speed. A rear wheel was almost torn off in the impact against a bank and he lost 21 minutes in repairs. "The only reason we did not crash where Kankkunen did was that we caught up with a matatu at that point. There were many stray vehicles and on the final section we passed eight matatus." Njiru had a second flat tire and had dust enter the car through a broken rear screen. Two disappointments came when first Singh retired when the camshaft tensioner failed in the morning, then later Michael Hughes' Subaru Legacy retired with head gasket failure. Azar Anwar and Shailen Shah finished tenth O/A in this Subaru Legacy Estate (station wagon). All sorts of odd rigs compete with local folks at tlte wheel in Kenya's classic rally, first run in 1953 in honor of Queen Elizabeth. total distance, although the third leg promised to be incredibly tough, with 855 km in competi-tive sections out of a total run of 970 km. Once again it had been dry all the way. Cars were arriving back at Nairobi until after 2300, five hours later than the leaders. It had been the longest day of the rally in Leg 3 was finally a day without dramas for Toyota although Duncan hit an impala and tore off a front fender, fortunately without mechanical trouble. By the end of the day he had doubled his lead over Shinozuka. The organizers allowed Toyota's surviving official team driver Auriol to restart, not in the fifth place of his overall position, but third, ahead of the two slower lmprezas. However, he was only able to reduce his deficit behind the Mitsubishi slightly. By mid-morning he was running second behind Duncan but on the third section had two failed shocks. Auriol was due to start the final competitive section of the day on the same minute as Duncan, but the team ordered that Auriol should go first. This enabled him not only to act as a high speed road clearer for the leader behind him, but also meant the French-man might have the chance, in clear air conditions, to go faster and take more time off Shino-zuka. Short! y before sunset the longest ll@f' li:::llitll4Mmf■lllfa"Clil=l11111l\1J\ll&'MI@ SCORE & LA RANA CONTINGENCY SPONSOR D.G.RACING DJ TRANSAXLES JIMCO RACING PRODUCTS DENUNZIO RACING PRODUCTS 708 W. Mill, Unit M 10623 Blackfoot Road 10965 Hartley Road, Suite R P.O. Box 6057 San Bernardino, CA 92410 Apple Valley, CA 92308 Santee, CA 92071 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 (909) 885-5226 (619) 240-3930 (619) 562-1743 (805) 683-1211 FEX PERFORMANCE HOTLINE AUTOMOTIVE LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING J. PENHALL FABRICATIONS 1098 Stockton Avenue 6951 ldlewylde Circle 825 N. Glendora Avenue 1660 Babcock, Bldg. B San Jose, CA 95110 Melbourne, FL 32904 Covina, CA 91723 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (408) 295-0707 (407) 724-1270 (818) 915-2212 (714) 650-3035 SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED T.U.F. OFFROAD OFFROAD BUGGY SUPPLY DOWNEY RACE HAUS 1345 Dynamics, Unit D 3255 E. Columbia 2525 E. 16th Street 8734 Cleta St., Unit C Anaheim, CA 92806 Tucson, "'1. 85714 Yuma, "'1. 85365 Downey, CA90241 (714) 996-6260 (602) 294-3511 (602) 783-6265 (310) 862-1671 , MACHINE SHOP SERVICES AVAILABLE FDR SHORT TD MEDIUM PRODUCTION RUNS -(619) 240-2266 • Dealer Inquiries Invited _ July 1994 Page 37
..... Eighth overall and first in the displacement class, Sammy Aslam and Joey Ghose were more Kenyans happy to finish this very tough WRC rally in the VW Golf G Tl. Mark Tilbury teamed with Kenyan Chris McLean and Briton Tilbury finished third in Group N and eleventh overall in the Nissan Pulsar GTI-R. Robin Boyd-Moss and Mark Trower came from Britain to rally the Ford Saphire Cosworth; they were sixth in Group N, 14th overall, the very last finisher. ~ action in a day of Safari rail ying came to an end in Eldoret, but Duncan wasn't tired. "When things go well you don't feel exhausted. But we are still nervous about tomorrow. The sections in the north with soft red sand are treacherous." Shinozuka fell back in a few minutes when his front lower suspension arm broke, his first real problem of the event. In Group N the two official Subarus were still well ahead. Burns lost 14 minutes carrying out more repairs after his accident the day before, and Njiru lost 16 minutes with a badly bent engine cross member, caused by hitting a bump on the roughest rail y section, and on the final leg he had turbocharger failure 20 km from He was in 11th pla!=e. The only home. By pre-rally arrangement, remaining car out of the six that the driver ahead at Eldoret would complied with the FIA 2-liter Cup be allowed to win the Group, rules at the start was the VW of which bode well for Njiru. Shamji Sammy Aslam. On the first day he kept his third place despite a fire was delayed by steering trouble; when a fuel overflow pipe from today he lost 45 minutes welding the engine sprayed fue 1 on a the rear frame, but he was still broken exhaust pipe. About 90 lying eighth, five hours behind the minutes were lost, then the brakes leader. And one place in front of failed and another half hour was Aslam was Karim Hirji with an gone. ex-works Toyota, from Uganda. For nearly seven hours cars It has been four years since a were arriving at Eldoret. Azar driver from this country com-Anwar was among them even peted on this event. Disappoint-though his Subaru Legacy Estate ing news of the day: the Trabant had started the event without retired. It suffered various second gear. "We haven't problems,themostseriousbeing changed any parts, everything the steering, and was well too far fitted to this car is second hand!" behind schedule to continue. Phil Short, Toyota's Team Manager, said "I'm really sad. That little car West Coast Distributor was like a mascot to our team!" It had been hot·and dry all day with only a few kilometers of muddy fOfl roads. Arriving late at Eldoret was Toroitich who had fallen too far behind after engine trouble and then steering problems. Good news for the top teams: punctures seemed to be almost something of the past in Africa. Shinozuka's Yokohamas had stayed inflated all event so far, Toyota's Michelins had punctured on a competitive section (Fujimoto, losing abqut one minute) and on a road section, Auriol with no time loss. The final day began with another run through the long section tackled the evening before, only this time with the· promise of more slippery conditions after overnight rain. Auriol had to stop in the middle of the section to change his front struts at an emergency service point, while Stohl began a fraught day. It started with a puncture, then the engine management system went wrong, often forcing him down to 70-90 kph. Having to run in the dust of other drivers, he went ott the road and broke an oil cooler, but eventually kept his sixth place. Samji, last year's Group N winner, lying third in the Group in his Impreza, retired when the car stopped at the start of the final competitive section, the only retirement of the day. Shinozuka continued suffering a leaking transfer box, but having once already 'changed his trans~· mission was forbidden from doing this again. Amid tensions caused by extraordinarily badly handled finish line control which led to a stampede and injuries among Njiru's fans, eventually Duncan made the finish in front of the Mitsubishi and the whole inquest about team tactics began. For the Japanese it may not seem to have been a joke, but for the fans this was otherwise one of the happiest days in the history of the sport - a local driver took the spoils for the first time in 12 years. HEWLAND OFF ROAD-GEARS God Speed · Curt Elrod ALL OUR PRICE $695.00 GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Per Set 2 Ratio's Available NEW RA TTOS AV AI LAB LE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 38 This past spring has been a tough one for some off road racing pioneers. We were saddened by the news last May that Curt Elrod was killed in a freak accident. He was working on his motor home and the jack collapsed, and the impact killed the father of Jeff and Wes Elrod, short course racers with VORRA and for some time with Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group where Jeff won the Ultrastock championship in a VW in 1988. Wes won the 1-2-1600 champ-ionship back in the days when MTEG scheduled that class. Curt Elrod built his first drag car in 1956, a 1940 Willys coupe. But it was in the early '60s that he started off roading. He was one of the founding members of the Mountain Goats Jeep Club and also their sargent of arms. In 1964 he took my brother and I to Pismo Beach for the first time. It was there we all fell in love with Off Roading. July 1994 In the early 1970s we went to an off road race at Caringe Cycle Park and that changed our lives forever. Curt and a man named Gary Kanawyer bought an Ascot buggy and took it to Pikes Peak with Roger Mears. They won the race to the clouds in 1972 and 1973 and again with Rick Mears in 1975. The locals laughed at the VW powered car, but the Mears boys were the fastest on the hill. After helping Wes and Jeff to turn Pro Motocross riders, injuries forced them to stop. We bought a dune buggy. Bdth brothers spent a lot of time at Pismo learning to drive the buggy. In 1980 Curt built another Pikes Peak car, and Jeff drove it up the hill for three years, with both Jeff and Wes driving in 1981. We raced local circle tracks like Baylands, Ascot, Oildale and Pearsonville, racking up over 30 wins in a chopped, winged VW powered buggy., In 1984 Jeff raced his first VORRA off road event and we were all hooked. In 1985 Donsco, in Belmont, gave my father a 1-2-1600. Jeff ran VORRA, AMSA and most important won three MTEG events and the champ-ionship. Then he went to Ultrastocks with a VW body and Wes won the 1-2-1600 champ-ionship. In 1988 we won the Ultrastock championship in MTEG in a Mirage chassis. In all dad racked up over 50 VORRA wins and 19 MTEG wins as our crew chief. The team towed everywhere from their base in San Jose, CA and they always came ready to race with the car(s) ready to run when they came off the trailer. But most importantly, Curt Elrod was a hard working man that put nothing before his family. He was just 58 years old at the time of his accidental death. We love you and we miss you dad! Jeff and Wes Elrod and Crew Dusty Times
The 6.5 liter Turbo/Diesel gives you lots of power, is fairly economical and coupled to the 4 speed automatic transmission gives you a massive towing package. The rear glass hatch and tailgate enhance the versatility of the Suburban. Good looks are evident from any angle, as seen here. Elegant upholstery and attention to detail is evident everywhere in the Suburban. These center seats fold forward and down and are as comfortable as they look. FLAGSHIP OF THE FLEET 1994 Chevrolet Suburban Diesel Massive as well as beautiful, the 1994 Chevy Suburban is at home on the highway or on the desert, almost anywhere. It's a wee bit smaller than it was a few years ago, but the Chevrolet Suburban is still the largest thing afloat on the road, and still one of the most 1 uxurious and most comfortable of all the land ships that roam the seven freeways. This particular Suburban came in red, Victory Red to be exact, and it's about the reddest red you'll ever see. The first thing that gets your attention is the diesel engine, all 6.5 liters of it, and turbocharged to boot! This engine is really very quiet and the large VS produces 180 horsepower at 3400 rpm and over 350 pounds of torque. This gives you the power of a gasoline 450 cubic inch engine whilst holding fuel mileage up in the high nineteen's on the road; realizing that you have the capacity of towing 7000 pounds ( that's a hell of a lot of trailer and race car) with ease, and still having all that power available whenever you need it. off road roaming we were very careful not to get stuck and not to scratch the paint. The tires were Uniroyal Laredos.LT245175R16 M&S steel belted radials and the Suburban is fitted with a full size spare tire tucked away 1_1eatly inside and covered with carpeting, matching the rest of the interior. Front disc brakes and rear drums with anti-lock, of course, supply plenty of stopping power. The transmission is the smooth as glass 4 speed automatic with overdrive that shifts effortlessly and coupled to the 6.5 diesel makes quite a power package. The instrument panel was the standard General Motors, easy to see, easy to read and everything always in the same place. The speedometer leaves a bit to be desired as it tops out at 80mph, a speed which is easily attainable and then some. The tachometer runs up to 5 k and is red lined on the diesel at 3500rpm. The usual gauges give you all the vital signs and the normal amount of bells and whistles alert you to anything and everything you have for-gotten to do before takeoff or while cruising. do mean all the goodies; electric everything including windows and door locks, remote rear hatch opener, heat and A/ C controls both front and rear, six way power front seat, cruise control and a sound system with tape deck, and an equalizer mounted center dash for your own personal listening pleasure. Seating for nine was provided, all covered in custom cloth trim with Scotchguard as standard equipment. The rear bench seat comes up and out easily, giving you over 100 cubic feet of hea vii y = = = = =======::::. Instruments and controls have not changed in quite a few years, with everything within the drivers easy reach. 4WD'selector is located center. carpeted cargo space. With the center seat also moved forward and down to its cargo position the capacity jumps to just under 150 cubic feet; lots of room for most anything you might want to take on a camping expedition or for whatever you have to bring home from the store. There is heating and air conditioning aplenty to add to your comfort and enjoy-ment and there is also a set of controls overhead center that control the rear climate of the Suburban. The four wheel drive control is located on the floor, center of the cab, and you move in and out of four wheel drive with ease. Again, the Chevrolet Suburban will take you most anywhere you want to go, just pay attention to the looong wheel base while you're out in the dirt. We kept breaking 15 miles per gallon, and with the42 gallon fuel tank you have a cruising range of 600 miles, a lot further than my bladder will allow me to go. Cruising down the highway in absolute comfort is wonderful and it is also very nice to know that you have all the horsepower under your foot. Passing other vehicles is a snap for when you hit the right hand pedal the Turbo comes in and away you go! It really gives you a boot and it certainly does change your mental outlook a wee bit. Power, power, power, that's what we're all hungry for. Off the road we did not do too much speeding, but we did manage to get ourselves into the out-back a bit and the off road handling was great. There was no harshness to the ride and as I said before, we didn't break any speed records but we certainly did get where we wanted to go. If you are looking for the ultimate in elegance, comfort, ease of handling, and an option package that will enhance all the other good things, then you want the 1994 Chevrolet Suburban, there's no two ways about it! If you want big, brawny and beautiful, then again you need the 1994 Chevrolet Suburban, male or female, it's your kind of vehicle. Try one in your driveway or on or off the road and you'll fall in love too! Simplythe Best! Fuel Safe's Pro Cell Racing Bladders are designed to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all of the major racing associations. Top Racers, like Robbie Gordon, demand the best and so should you. Fuel Safe Racing Cells • The Champions Choice! At your local dealer now! Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing. Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 842·2211 (800) 433·6524 (Outside CA) As most of you know, I have a definite love affair with the Suburban and that continues on today. The Suburban is huge, fun to drive and gives you a sense of command of all of those around you. This version was four wheel drive and although we did a bit of Being a top of the line vehicle, this Suburban came with all, and I Interior room is tremendous, as shown here and the center seats have not yet been folded down! SAFETY ... It's what we're all about. Dustvnma July 1994 Page 39
.... --Shannon Schulz Mines Gold At Wickenburg Text & Photos: Tony Tellier Shannon Schultz, the man from Farmington, had to force the long Porsche powered Fod Fab around the tight corners to score a come from behind overall and Class 1 victory after a long dry spell. Vulture Mine, AZ on April 23. reached these pages,, that he Shannon Schul: re,grouped, after would "win the Overall by eleven suffering through last season with minutes." Part of the scheme may several less,than,rewarding races, have had something to do with and regaining his winning ways by brother Kevin running both fending off a surging Stan Steele Albert and arch,competitor Jim and full throttle "Ten" pilot Pierce's pits simultaneously. How Albert McMullen at the Whip, could he adequately serve tu'Q lash Wickenburg 125. Albert masters? (FobFabulous Danny McMullen had been "semi", Foddrill was not to be found in quoted,, the rumor's path had the desert caring for his charges, become quite convoluted when it but, rather, lounging in Las Vegas' Silver Bowl at the Mickey Thompson stadium bash.) The five,lap race provided almost every type of terrain imaginable for the forty buggy, VW bug and pickup entrants ( there were no mud holes or water crossings ... ). The Vulture Mine property abutted the BLM land which included circuitous sand washes, blazingly,fast power line roads, choppy desert trails, a silt HI-TECH • SUSPENSION SPECIALISTS • FREE EXPERT CONSUL TING • INSTALLATIONS f VISA j -iii] OFF ROAD RACING HEADQUARTERS LARGEST INVENTORY IN LAS VEGAS FF.ITIJIIDIG • RICING BPOBTIWUB • NO FF.Ill 8EII • AERO GAS TAND • HITCHES • AIIIOIL •ABT CARR •AUTOFAB .... •BEITOP •BODYLIFTS • DOEITCB TECH •IIBTIIIITI •tEillli:Bn.AIIES •n.ow■AITEI •FIJa.CDrlel •GBIIZLY •BEY-I Page 40 July 1994 Albert McMullen led a couple of laps overall, with his Fat Rabbit power, ahead in Class 10 for sure, but a stop to repair the power steering cost him that title, but he won Class 10 and was third overall. bed or two, fence lines, exposed ahead of hard,charging McMullen rocks, ledges and rolling whoops. but bobbled at the Whitaker Plus jumping cactus. Plenty of Obstacle Course section on the jumping cactus. After a week or fourth lap. "I didn't get it in gear more of" unseasonabl y,warm'' and Albert made the (bypass) and conditions (i.e. blast furnace got ahead. Yea, I saw '900' on his levels), the day,time temperatures top before the second power line were moderated to a large degree road." He didn't need any of his by some mysterious Arctic air help, just a winch. mass and it was only 75. Heat was Sha nnon a !so up,rooted, not a fac tor over the rock y, Rototilled (TM) actually, a huge sometimes tight course. granite rock in the middle of a On Lap 1 Jim Pierce led the turn. (A "boulder" has rounded charge, a nd the pack, right corners.) This was a rock o f through a gnarly palo verde tree a gargantuan proportions; a true few miles out. Situated on the off, gotcha. "1600" racer Smitty hit it camber side of a downhill lip, square with both right,side everybody hit that tree. It was wheels, vaulting him into the air. eventually trimmed by Tom As had Daniel Hyde. In a relaxed Struttman's off,course excursion, moment, Shannon admitted that leaving a six,inch stump just he "went berserk trying to get looking for a sidewall. Enjoying away from Stan Steele." the clear air, Jim and co,driving The Struttman Family V6, mechanic Larry Foddrill kept well Powerglide's EFI system came ahead of the dusty pack. Until, under close scrutiny when the air that is, a throttle cross,link broke waves rang with real,time trouble giving JP throttle authority to shooting by patriarch and only one bank of the Type IV. It technical maven Don. Tom, with sounded like a Husky chain saw as brother Mike holding down the they struggled to keep moving right seat, was instrumental in through the uphill sand wash past pruning that invasive palo verde Check Four. After a lengthy weld that threatened to dismount repair, they were back out on the virtually every car's left rear tire hot ol' dusty trail. But the big early in the race. Aftertheir pass it heavy Ari:ona,street,legal pre, looked as if a bark chipper had runner ,, a windshield can be rolled through the plant. slipped in in minutes ,, lost a half Tom was soon to be radioing an hour putting in to the pits and about apparent "fuel starvation then fixi ng it up. They were never hut it is running cool." "Keep to he a factor again. JP asked Larry moving then," the pits suggested. if he'd like to take a turn behind Late r the mood was more the wheel but he politely technical. "Disconnect the each demurred. and the 'Check Engine light'," While all this was going on, Dad radio,ed. " How's the water Shannon was not babying his temp?" Struttman continued Porsche,powered FobFab, al, firing trouble,shooting hints: though you might think he would, "Look for a fuel flow of a gallon a abit.1993hadfoundthestraight, minute like a garden hose." shooting Buckeye "farmer" "Make sure the ten,percent sidelined with piddling problem switch is not on ' I O '¾,'. " after problem. This time, "Disconnect the radio." "Take however, there were no re, your time and call us back." occurrences of broken switches "Check the three,pin connector and augured,out alternator under the (black) box," Don pulleys. He did finish, however, finally asked. "Yeah two of them with a badly,bent left rear down, are burned," Mike replied. The stop; a spherical end wallowed instruction was terse: "Bring it out of a shock, and a broken beam in!" stay, so itwasn'tlike he was taking Stan Steele was dogging Schul: it easy. every step of the way until he and The run for the Overall did not son Zeb took an inadvertent slacken. The end of La2 Three detour on a power line jog, losing saw Albert, Shannon, Rueben several turn,around minutes. The Wood, Stan and Daniel Hyde all Farmington (NM) machinist then throwing dirt within a few really stepped up the pace., minutes of each other. But Albert turning the fastest Class 1 lap on was slowed within handful of . his final circuit but still finishing miles from the checkered by a 80 seconds behind Shannon's steering problem, Wood had lost Porsche,Foddrill. This was a belt earlier, Stan missed a turn Steele's finest race in a few events. and Daniel also lost a belt, in Stan Steele was troubled by the addition to destroying a tire. dust even though there was a stiff (Carrying a spare was deemed bree:e, it was blowing down the inappropriate that day ,, or for power line road. That was a sissies only.) mitigating factor (i.e., "excuse") Shannon str uggled to keep for Farmington's Favorite Son to Dusty Times
Stan and Zeb Steele p1.1t on a late race charge, after missing a turn, but they could not quite catch Schultz, took a detour and finished second overall. Jim Pierce and Larry Foddrill led for a couple laps too until an unusual throttle link failure cost time and moved them back to Third Unlimited, fourth overall. While Gary Anderson didn't do that well, he finished fifth in Class 1, a tough group; the checkpoint people loved his marginally in control driving style. go straight when the course turned to the left. (Note: A common typo is to turn "course" into "curse.") Ross Whitmeyer tried the old Man:anita CRA trick and turned the rotary rocket all around, backing it into a tree. That sojourn kept Ross back, being the last car to do all five laps. Gary Anderson hit a bank which was not surprising as he kept the pedal to the metal when he was running. And known as always ready for a Good Time. In Class Ten McMullen was backing up his boast by moving through the eight front starting "l" cars, and taking the lead on the third lap. Albert cut two laps some thirty seconds quicker than Stan, which required serious driving skills as the Fat Rabbit motor is as peaky as a 125 road racing two-stroke motorcycle. His shifting skills needed to be precise and flawless to keep the car moving at such a pace. ( Al did get bogged down in the tight sand wash where bugs, buggies and big cars were churning up the sands.) With the lead in hand and the finish almost in sight, Al had to have brother Kevin tool out to the toolies with power steering fluid. What was once a comfortable lead turned into a ten-minute delay. While McMullen did take the Class Ten crown, Shannon and Stan sneaked by for First and Second Overall. Daniel Hyde had a thrown belt that necessitated ingenuity from a pair of road crossing monitors. John WallerandJaimeDesRoche used the old noggin (Daniel's car required pulling the power steering belt to install the alternator belt), and used the shoe laces off Hyde's sneakers to rig a cheapo-cheapo drive belt that actually got him safely back to the pits. Jaime was roaring: "He's racing on a shoe string!" Enough, enough. Hyde finished his second lap under the duress of a totally-shredded rear skin. And what had been thought to be a broken limit strap was, in fact, a flopping tire tie down. His spare was some-where out in the desert. Schul: lost his spare off this same car on the same course a couple of years ago. The ex-ATV racer was Number Two in class. Rueben Wood finally forsook his smallish (2000cc) Class One Pinto engine and slipped in a Kenny Major motor -- a major decision --and went into "Ten." He lost an alternator belt and wisely caged it. "(Kenny) makes a good motor, he grinned. "My pulley had a wobble --loose washers." Wood confirmed Steele's confusion on the power line road: "I saw (him) coming backwards out of the construe-Dusty Times tion site. I almost ended up in it got real hot. In the pits we there, too." Steele saved Rueb a changed the plugs and added a side trip. Wood was reported to new belt, but it had lost a have trimmed some ocotillo, cylinder." He went out for his however. Hard to believe. In spite final lap anyway. The Pros did not of the pulley problem he was all cut the Ronco's Sports Bar and smiles with his new power..plant. Grill-sponsored Chenowth any He was running with typical wild slack: "(Rueben Wood) hit me abandon. real hard: I saw him coming and Dr. Dwight Lundell came pulled over to let him by ... but he through Check Two with Rueben was in my dust, followed me off right behind. Check 214 inter- the course and I hit the brakes to change on lap 2. Bob Weber was miss a cactus and he got me." sidelined less than ten miles out And if the race wasn't enough, with a blown CV on the left rear. Ronco had trouble getting the car "Uh, no spare. It's tearing itself on the trailer."#$#@!!." The Pro apart." Scott Rhone was burbling 10 winner also received a free but running hard. Rhone, who entry for the next race from Billy only did three laps, ended up in Tsakiris' Mexteca Restaurant. the bushes at Check 4 on the first Even though Billy was not even at lap where Bruce Mills was stalled. this race, he forked over the entry The check crew had momentarily bucks! re-routed the racers around In Class 1600 there is not too Bruce, whose broken header had much to tell as Bill Krug ran alone burned some necessary wiring. "I in the Pro ranks and only got in was doing real good, I thought. Ed two laps and the Riviera Rocket, (Beard, who lost his rear brakes), R.K. "Smitty" Smith did the Doc (Lundell) and I were running same in Sportsman. With only a hard, then it quit on me. Hyde handfulof"1600"carsinthearea caught my tire as he went around future entries look quite bleak, me hung up there in the corner." indeed. Perhaps Tony Pierce, Jim Bruce also did the Steele deal on Borel, Wayne Greene and Dick the power line road. Newell could put a series Jack Farmer had such super-together. But off-roaders have soft slats that "he bottomed out always been a pig-headed indi-(going into the Check Two wash) vidualistic lot, so don't count on everytime." The same semi-it. reliable sources indicate that he In Class 8 "Subway Mike" has broken a front arm in each of Doherty got his cold cuts in line the three '94 Whiplash events. by snapping a troubled four-race Drawing board time, perhaps! streak, defeating a healthy four-Jack, in spite ofany such criticism truck Pro field. Mike's day started regarding his front end set-up, off on the wrong wheel when he did, indeed execute a perfect tossed an alternator belt testing cutting brake turn at Check 4... on the jetting loop. Since this loop and got a Second in the four-car of rubber· also drives the water field. But, man, he would really pump, he was understandably "Clang" that front end in the concerned. "I need to carry a lot dips. The passenger had to be just of spares. But I only have one." At begging for mercy. the three-mile point on the initial Richard Ronco made his debut lap he pulled over for a visual in the Pro ranks --after winning check. "No belt, man," was the the Sportsman class at Rainbow unencouraging fender well report. Valley --and got a Third, Tenth He took a hig chance by con-Overall. He had belt problems tinuing some fifteen more miles to just like Daniel, hut without the the next flat spot near Check One. shoelaces. "It was in the wash and Since the course had dumped the The Class 9 contest was a free-for-all. But Rod Hayes turned out to have only a burned condenser, ten minutes for trouble, and the pride of the Beer Belly Racing group won Class 9 and flew in sixth overall! July 1994 racers into an uphill sand wash, this was risky business for a truck without any cooling flow. "My cooling system is so large with the bed-mounted radiator," Mike explained, "that I can let the system 'thermo-siphon' and it doesn't lose any water." The oil temperature becomes the critical parameter. "It goes up about a degree per mile. We watch THAT (gauge) instead." That wash was soon to capture Dean Whitaker's Chevrolet (an ex-Doherty racer). It was buried This is the ~ystem run by most off road race winners up to the rear housing and acting as a large dodge-em obstcle for the better part of the race. Tom Buck had to make several attempts ('o get straightened out to make a run around Dean. All cars were stumbling at the wash turn -except, perhaps, Struttman. While Mike was installing his last spare belt (i.e. only), arch-enemy Tom Buck (Mesa) was changing a flat on his Jeep Honcho. "Just as I buttoned it up, Tom got the (flat) tire on the rack. I ate his ~ TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME "NEW SUMMER SPECIAL CHROME" 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234•9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page
This is a rare photo of Ed Beard's A-armed car moving under its own power, as at this race the new, now getting older car suffered from brake problems. Nick Vanderwaey had not so great a race day with four flats, two at one time (which seems reasonable considering this type of driving style), and later he was a DQ. Tom and Mike Struttman got their ex-Doc Cook V6/Powerglide car sideways thru the desert growth, trimmed the palo verde tree, and spent all day on the PC/ radio trouble shooting the EFI. IF dust for the full half of that lap!" Mike was no match for Nick Vanderwey -at least in the Bei-zerko arena --as the no-visible-means-of-support un-employed engineer refused to lift at the critical section, throwing stones and detritus off his skid plate. After flipping off his buddy Bob Cunningham, who was standing in slack-jawed amaze-ment --"You were supposed to tell me it was rough" -- Nick soon had to stop to review his truck. (Class l's Dan Spencer was also lounging there, deciding which was the shortest hike back to the pits. His two-seater had a huge tear in the BFG's sidewall ... and no spare! No spare at the Vulture? Bad form. Dan was spied wearing Paul Sigmundson 's old driving suit. Real old ... Paul couldn't get into it now even with K-Y and a shoehorn.) Mike stopped for a little pit .. v:: rk on his alternator support and when he pulled back onto the course he got tapped. "I figured it was a fast buggy and I moved over. It was Nick (Vanderwey's pickup). He hadn't stopped at the pits. I woulda NEVER let him by!" Mike, Tom Buck and Vanderwey then proceeded to _play bumper cars for half of the second lap, never more apart than fast lap of the class. In fact I think half a football field. "It was a the Third (lap) was quicker, but freight train," Mike described, the(lap)timeincludeda(routine) and one of the best races in some pit stop." Doherty did pick up a time. Nick's day was punctuated cholla onto his left arm --"Kevin by flats -- four of them. In an Patrick's pit crew guy had a big attempt to get going, his crew comb and flicked off. Right onto shuttled in more wheels --my foot." They tried, at least. backwards on the high speed Mike was already thinking of the section of the course, unfor-next race: "I need to wash it; get a tunately. This dangerous stunt new grill ... I stuck a big tree into resulting in an instant DQ_! the passenger side_ ... and go over it (Course access could be nut by bolt. The new Sandy Cone difficult or complicated, at best. "$400 axle" turned into a With only one non-loanable 'Thousand'. And I decided to go course map available, racers and to a 4 .56 ( rear end ratio). Now it crews were kept scratching their drives easier than (with) the. heads as to locations of disabled 'four-eleven'." vehicles. The lack of mileage Kevin Patrick hit a palo verde markers was also a point of hardonthesidewall,struggledall contention. Marking got mixed day, but won the $500 random reviews as some racers bemoaned drawing for pre-entries -- cash. the lack of ADRA-style arrows His second place was the reward and warnings, while others noted for not taking the fast way back. that it was, actually, ·.SCORE "We had a top shock come off quality. McKinley did note at the and beat it into the air cleaner. Drivers Meeting that it was not When we looked down into the "ADRA and you better read the carb Paul and I just stared at each terrain for yourself." A "down other. There were carb casting arrow" for Kevin Patrick may not pieces laying on the secondary mean one for Albert McMullen... butterflies." Kev took a deep you can bet on THAT.) breath. "If l'da stomped on it I Mike got his Chevy's legs really would've eaten those parts and stretched on the final lap: "The blown the engine." But the ~at edges were all knocked down, I still goes on. Lori, Kevin's long-was out of the dust and turned the suffering wife, is ready for co-MOBILE SERVICE TO YOUR HOME OR TO YOUR CHASSIS BUILDER SERVING ALL OF LOS ANGELES , ORANGE AND SAN DIEGO COUNTIES CALL TODAY FOR INFORMATION AND PRICING ON CUSTOM· RACE CAR WIRING! CONGRATULATIONS TO MIKE MARTIN, CLASS STOCK MINI WINNER, AND MIKE McDONNELL, CLASS 10 WINNER AT THE NEVADA 400. 1525 West Burbank Blvd. Burbank, CA 91506 818-845-7493 July 1994 driving again afterthe recent race, wash required hands-on work by but no more of that on-course some transient motorcyclists to down-time ... for a while, anyway. get him moving. The Tucson racer Earlier, in a serious power play, was soon reported on its top near the Usual Class 8 Suspects Check 3 near the double wash-threatened Jay McKinley with the outs. It was a long time before old "it's him or us" gauntlet and help would get in to get the car the consistent "4/8" winner, backonitswheel,sohisdayinthe Tom Buck Auto's 401 Honcho, dirt was reduced to only three was relegated to racing against no laps. one,allbyhimselfinPro4.Tom Jeff Knupp came through on went on to Ninth, beating all four three wheels at the end of lap two-wheel-drives overall. three, and went back out. "I won TheClass9Challengerracewas eighty bucks!" Jeff hit a palo a typical Ari:ona free-for-all as verde, blew a rear tire then it came Rodney Hayes, Dave Anderson, off the rim. "I had no jack so my SteveLong(inbrotherMike'sex-dad (Daryl) lifted it up and put Ron Dalke center-seating Bug), the front on the rear ( is this a andJeff Knupp(The Buckeye Co-common Challenger trait, or driver T errori:er) threw caution what?). Then I broke the front to the winds and drove like men drum although I WAS trying to possessed. But, hey, isn'tthathow baby it." Sure, uh-huh. the "9" guys have to do it anyway? They had to pinch the brake Grab a pocket full of ball joints line off, then proceeded to go out and jam it! Rod and Dave were to where Long had stuffed it out for blood; Dave had gotten earlier. "It rattled our teeth. And the better of Hayes atthe previous how about' a plug for Volks-Whiplash Rainbow Valley race power; Lee Finke's Race Shock and Hot Rod could not let down Company; Bryan Kendall, my the large contingent of (large) tranny man; Bad Boy Racing and Beer Bellies that made the drive ( the ever-popular radio man) Paul down from the River. Sigmundson (ORC)." Consider The two were on top of things it done, dude. "Oh, and my dad. with Anderson in Rick and Eileen He built a killer motor. It's five Vogel's sanitary Tucson Motor-years old and still turns six-kay." sports and Machine "9" feeling The Baja Bugs started off Hayes' pressure lap after lap. Rod getting stuck as Guy Sakir and explained how it went down: "I Steve Long had to be pushed out was making a move to pass Dave while Mark Hansen waited at the Anderson, about the time when hill where Whitaker was stuck. his spindle came off. I thought And waited, and waited, and that I had some breathing room waited. finally but then I burned a John Poulson made a rare visit condenser and lost ten minutes." to the desert and completed four Bigdeal,Isay,astheprettyParker laps in his VeeDub. While all Auto/Beer Belly Racing Team others around him were losing Chenowth finished all five laps their head he was content to keep and was Sixth Overall. Dave's day his and do the deed for the win. was less rewarding did the old The Herbie Report was that "rear tire on the front" swap-0-Gary Hendricks had broken the rama and teeter-tottered his way front end off his "11" and "will into the access road and the try to patch it and get in." The trailer. pretty "Touch of Gray" had no Long's day started out bad and trouble getting through the sand things deteriorated from then on. wash, however. Gettin stuck by Whitaker in the Tom Buck was not welcomed into the 2wo· big trucks ranks this round, so he won a lonely Class 4 title, but he also beat all the 2WDs on total time in the handsome 4WD Jeep J-10 Honcho. Dusty Times
••••••• .~HE~1:i&; (a .-.-.-.--.-. ■ 'The Straight Poop' From the Big Wahzoo SPANGLER 200 -With nine Checker cars out at this four lap La Rana event, the Club naturally shined at the finish line. But earlier on, Keeling was yellin' on the radio about spark plug problems in Koch's 10 car. And then Tom, at one of our outlying Checker pits, buried his big chase truck up to the axles while rushing off to rescue Rex. Reverend Roy promptly came to Tom's rescue in his 4x4, and then proceeded to bury it too. As the guys turned to and got both vehicles out, it was noted that Tom and The Rev both have similar driving styles. When Tom finally did get moving and back to Checker Main, Rex was just pulling in for the halfway point driver change with the buggy still up near the front. Then in a classic Koch charge, the 'Ridgecrest Rocket' blasted off in hot pursuit. During the third lap Koch rapidly closed up on the leader. On the 4th lap, despite the fact that the fleeing infidel apparently lost a tranny, Tom continued on to the finish line at Mach 1 for an impressive First Place in Class 10 and second· overall! Congratulations to both Tom Koch and Rex Keeling on a great race! Gary Bates teamed up with prospective member Dave Bae-skins in Dave's new Class 5 car. Baeskins used to be Bates' co-driver back when Gary owned his own 5 car. Back before he traded it to Reider for Danny's 1-2-1600 tandem car. And ... Danny was at this race with HIS brand new 5 car, which was built to a large degree out of old Bates parts. Got all that? Good, 'cause there's gonna be a quiz later. OK, now back to the race. These two unlimited Baja Bugs left the starting line in sequence, went right to the front, and then never lost sight of each other for the entire four laps. What an exciting race! All three· of these Checker drivers, plus Danny's non-Checker co-driver, had the lead on a number of different occasions. With Reider's Baja working noticeably better in the rough and Baeskins type 4 horsepower ruling the road in the faster sections, these guys quit wavin' at each early on. The exciting last lap saw Gary and Danny swappin' both paint and positions right up into that last fast section down to the finish line. Here was a run where Bates could really let 'er rip and he pulled out all the stops for a big 30 second win! After the race 01' Man Bates was reportedly overheard threatening to put one of those type 4s in his tandem and "win one of these suckers overall". Congratulations go out to both Baeskins and Bates, 1st Place Class 5 and 5th overall! And also to that Checker who made 'em earn it, Danny Reider, 2nd Place in Class 5 and 6th overall! Hey guys, ya had the pitters up on their toes all race long. Hell of a show! or 3rd spot at the halfway point. Russ then proceeded to have a problem out at one of the check points. Something about ram-ming another car after a lot of the check point signs had been knocked down by another Checker?? This resulted in some Promoter's down time right before the finish line. When Butow was finally allowed to cross the line, he was back in 5th place and one spot out of the money. DRAT! New prospective member Dreik Pa'iement, and B.J. Bates who used to own the car, finished 7th in the Challenger Class. Sadly, they lost a lot of time when minor Bates pulled in unexpectedly after one lap and got out of the car. B.J. claimed the buggy was beatin' him to death, but 01' Dad suggested that he was simply suffering from too much 'Friday night boogie'. Later, after either B.J. or the car got better, he did get back in and run the last lap. Hey B.J., if I were you, I would've gotten back in that car too! Four of our cars DNFed with the following sad stories: Two heavy hitters in Class 10 went out early_. Jimmy Tucker lost his. tranny on the first lap, and the Dillons parked their buggy on the next lap with the same ·problem. The prospective Krepez Brothers went out even earlier in their 1-2: 1600 car with an engine problem, and then Frank 'tmlled a Kevin' while limping back to Checker Main and came in 'wearin' Challa'. Early on in the race 01' Fred tore up the rear end of the Nelson Family's big stock truck, and then finally had to park it a little later. These La Rana Ridgecrest races have proven to be very popular with the Club, with over 10% of the entries at this event being Checker cars. CLUB OFFICERS -It's been about five months since the installation of our current set of dedicated Club Officers, so it's obviously about time for a serious Wahzoo critique of their per-formance: We all know that our Treasurer, Steve Burak, has been stealin' us blind for the past 20 years in the name of God. But, since he's still generally con-sidered to be the most honest guy in the room, he once again comJ1etently occupies the import-ant money seat at the left end of the front table. Off the other end of the table is Rosenstein, who has comfortably taken over an entire booth to conduct his various activities. He appears to be doing a very fine job, while obviously sizing up Burak for a possible challenge in the future. Tom Koch, our Club Vice President, is known as a member who hauls ass, parties down, and strangely has become some what of a Club philosopher over the years. As a Checker Tom has been flying his plane down from Ridgecrest for our Wednesday night meetings on a regular basis. Normally he would sit back in a rear booth, and then start callin' out for the meeting ending raffle around 9 o'clock. "Shake 'em up" he'd yell out, "shake 'em up!" Like he was gonna miss his flight home or something.Well, how things have changed now! It seems that with Koch up at the front table helping to run things, the length of the weekly meetings is apparently no longer a concern of his. Not only does this make for some more Billy McCool charged the cold and windy California desert in· Butow's 1-2-1600 car, then handed it over to Russ in the 2nd · interesting meetings, but it also . Dusty Times __ gives some of the members back in the cheap seats a chance to yell out "Shake 'em Up" at Koch when he starts to rattle on. When this VP finally does get around to conducting the evening raffle he really gets in to it. Hey Tom, we're all bettin' that you're gonna end up shakin' the dick right off our raffle box before the year's out! It seems like only yesterday when John Hastings was sweatin' his ass off over at Crowley's mounting up some Checker spares just to earn enough points to stay IN this Club. Well, today he's not only still a Checker, but he's running the whole show. Big John Hastings has recently hit his stride as the Prez, and let's all thank the Checker Gods for the good fortune of again having a leader that is really fun! Hastings is currently enjoying the big increase in Checker racers out at all our events, and everybody is having fun with him runnin' things. If ya hav~n 't been down to a Wednesday nite Checker meeting lately, you're missin' a good time. Recently, with his designated driver standing by, the Prez has taken to ending the meetings with various funnel demonstrations. This has given every member in attendance a new appreciation of those tranny funnels in all the pit boxes. And all the while, the Ridgecrest Rocket is busy making big plans for our big July 16th Summer Party, and 'shakin 'em up'. SUMMER PARTY -After approaching close to 300 people at last year's spectacular, this year the Club intends to try to keep it.a little closer to 200 folks by limiting the number of guests. With a great barbecue, an unlimited river of ice cold tap beer, some real Checker-like live music, helicopter rides, a Checker Poker Run, plus the famous death • ' I THE defying 'Checker Games', this year's party should again be way cool! Tickets are only available at our weekly meetings, so it ya can't make it in before the party date I suggest ya call up one of our Officers and try to make some special arrangements. As the popularity of our Checker Summer Party moves it closer to an 'invitation only' event, don't be left out. This will definitely be another major 'he there or he square' Checker Gathering Dude! AND FINALLY -For all you non-Checkers that still insist on reading this column, here again is your official position status regarding the Checkers: "We're us, and you're THEM!" The Checkers are not only a unique Off Road Racing Brotherhood, but we're also the winningest team in Off Road Racing History. And obviously, we got that way by beatin' non-Checkers like you. This is not to suggest that our members are just naturally unfriendly to all non-Checkers, quite the contrary. Most of you guys are all right, just as long as ya remember that, yes, the Checkers DO own the whole God damn desert, and that you are just a guest. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS American Racing Equipment • . . . . . • • • . . . 17 Barbary Coast • Gold Coast Hotels . . . • . . . . 20 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Blue Ribbon Coalition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 B.O.R.E. Jackpot 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 2 Brush Run 101 . . . ...... • . ••••.••. • . 33 Cactus Racing Products • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 California Pre Fun . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . 44 Castex Inc., E-Z-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Don-A-Vee Jeep Eagle . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . 15 Fab Com .....•..... . . ............ 36 FAT Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . 18 Fuel Safe ..... . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 39 German Auto ...... , . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 21 Glen Helen Short Course Series . . . . . . . . . 5 Rod Hall Driving School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Hi Tech Off Road . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Mike Jakobson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 La Rana Johnson Valley 200 . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Mendeola Racing Technology . . . . . . . • . . . 27 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . 6 Off Road Entertainment . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 31 Parker Pumper . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . 45 Pike's Family Restaurant ...•••........ ~ Pro Wire .............••.......... 42 Race Ready Products . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 11 Reid Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Road America . . . . • . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Rose Traction .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . 19 SNORE Midnight Special . . . . . . . . Back Cover SNORE 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group . . . . 7 Toyota Motorsports ... . . ........... 28-29 Trackside Photos Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Tri-Mil Industries .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . 41 Ultra Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Valvoline Oil Co. . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . . . . . . 9 Valley Performance . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 38 Wilch Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 23 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Yarnell Specialties Inc. . . . . . . • . . . • . . . . . 26 Coming Next Month ••• SCORE Baja 500 SCCA/Michelin Rim of the World Pro Rally SNORE Caliente 250 Australian Championship race at Griffith WRC Acropolis Rally MTEG Stadium Racing at Salt Lake City SODA's Memorial Day 100 [II -... plus all the regular features WRIGHT 9420 Flinn Springs Ln. PLACE El Cajon, CA 92021 INC. _July _j 9-94 1
Wild West National SCCA/Michelin PRO Rally By John Elkin Photos: Jim Culp/Colleen Mahoney of Trackside Photo Inc. Jeff Zwart and Martin Headland ran third in Open Class the first few stages, but the Porsche Carrera 4 likes the northwest rally roads, and with help from officialdom, the pair won again in Washington, overall and Open Class. As we all stood and waved goodbye to Subaru and thanked them for their help the past several years in Maine, we no sooner have turned around with hands outstretched to welcome u,.:'lfhelin as our new title sponsor. Officially we are now the SCCA/Michelin PRO Rally Championship. And now we also welcome• in the new American Rally Association (ARA) who will take care of at rally administration, rules making and class restructuring. Although the ARA is new the people involved are not. Familiar names like John Buffum, Tom Grimshaw and a host of regional representatives are attempting to take PRO Rally to a higher plane while knowing that our sport, as wonderful as it is and as popular as it is in Europe will probably never replace football or NASCAR in media and spectator attendance. Still, we have a lot tu offer manufacturers, aftermarket parts companies and those interested in promotion in an economical forum. However, the sky is still the limit. So it is with this renewed enth.usiasm and experienced leadership we set sail into the 1994 season. Twenty-five teams gathered in Tumwater, Washing-ton, for the Wild West Rally. East and west coast gathered together for the first time after a pair of 60% Divisionals started the year oh each coast, a unique and smart -cost saving manuever keeping teams from travelling the length of the country for just 60% points. This will be repeated in July as Pre.scott, Arizona and Rumford, Maine will host national points counting divi-CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN BYPASS VALVE KITS! Thousands Of Race Winning Miles Went Into The Testing And Development Of These Kits. They Feature Large 9/16" Bores, Externally Adjustable, 4130 Steel Bodys, Internal Check Valves And Lightweight Aluminum Valve And Jam Nut. Available As A Kit With Full Instructions For Only $74.00 Each. We Can Also Custom Install Them To Your Ex-isting Kuster, Bilstein Or Bunderson Shocks. Also Available In Stock; Solid Brass Pistons For Kuster Shocks. Installing These Kits On Your Shocks Can Stop Harshness, Kicking, Hard Bottoming And Packing. Call To Order Or For More lnformr1tion. · California Pre-Fun 39067 ORCHARD STREET CHERRY VALLEY, CA 92223 909-MS-8820 July 1994 Greg and Lynne Lund won a lot of titles in the Mazda 323 and they rolled home first in Group A in the National Rally, first 0 /A in the Saturday Divisional and they were third overall in the National Rally too. _ sionals. The rally was co-hosted by four cities in Washington (known to many as the WET STATE). Tumwater held the rally head-quarters, Olympia hosted a pare expose and registration/scru-tineering, Shelton started the rally on Friday night and Oakville again served as the official service area for Saturday's stages. It is a smart move to let different towns do what they do best for the rally. Friday night would see the brave 25 set forth on five stages in the Shelton area on roads graciously provided by the Simpson Paper Company. These roads are very challenging and would see several teams end their rally early, or suffer insur-mountable losses in time. On Saturday teams would head off to the more familiar roads in the Capitol F~rest for 10 stages and then return to Tumwater for the final control then to the South Puget Sound College for awards; the college also donated their auto shop for registration and scru-tineering on Thursday and Friday. All the heavy hitters attended. Joy, Choiniere, Merrill, Zwart and a special west coast visit by Doug Shepard. And while the event looked to be shaping up as a good one it was not the same ex-citement level as last year with a gaggle of new cars and the return of the Buffum vs. Millen rivalry. On top of all this (as if it weren't enough), the debut of the new Group -2 class was on tap with some real talent entered in the class. Production class is another that has seen some lean times. The class was formed in the late 70s as a manufacturer's class but as of late no car makers are competing full time. This did not stop one entrant, Dave Turner/Bill Gutzmann in the Valvoline Mitsubishi Eclipse, from coming to run the Pacific Northwest. Turner is a desert racer who is quickly getting the handle of this rally business and used the event to hone his still fledging skills in unfamiliar front wheel drive. Turner and veteran navigator Gutzmann cruised the roads, had a few moments to add to their bench racing collection of stories, which just goes to show they were trying hard despite the lack of competition. Group 2 made it's full national debut with seven cars, mostly local teams and those from out of area were still west coast teams. ·On paper it looked to be quite the battle with most of those entered capable of winning but nobody told that to Goran Ostlund/ Steve Baker whose T ACA Airlines Saab outran the competition from the word go. The San Salvador driver held a two minute lead after the first night with Mike Whit-man/ Kevin Linville next in the Datsun 510, but on day two the New Mexico team tried to mate the 510 with a tree, the result was not pretty and the team advises people to buy stock in Bondo real soon. It was not a 510 event as the other Datsun of Pete Lahm/ Keith Roper also had an off in the final stages but the Ari:ona driver is showing a lot of improvement in his stage times and should be a factor in the remaining events this year. On paper it shows second place to go to Erik Thompson/Cam Jackson in the Mint Snuff Volvo three minutes back and three minutes ahead of Sam Bryan/ Rick Delamere in the Scania Autosports Saab, if only it were that easy. Thompson and Jackson came into the Wild West as heavy favorites along with about three others, but on the first night two seized rear shocks made the ride kind of rough. The seized shocks caused a problem early in stage Henry Joy and Brian Maxwell kept their Mitsubishi Eclipse clean and tidy, at least this far, and they carried on to second in Open Class and overall. Dusty Times
CRS fast guys Mitch McCullough and Scott Webb did the division proud as they finished third in Open Class and fifth overall in their SoPac winning Mazda. Erik Thompson and Cam Jackson zipped around corners in the ; Chris Weflef and Brian Paul sling the Toyota Celica past a patch Volvo 142E on the way to second in Group 2 and sixth overall, of some spectators and officials. They were second in Group A despite troubles en route. ____ and ninth overall. Chad Dykes and Pat Hanson drove the only truck in the rally, and they fit into Group 2 class nicely where they were fourth in class and the last finisher. Dale Beard and Richard Simmons rolled out of the National on Friday, but finished the last stage and they won the first Sou'wester Divisional. Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker had a good overall lead until they rolled the Audi S2 on Saturday's stage 13, putting an end to their points hopes early in the season. four as the rear end launched into the air causing the car to bounce several times on the nose, this damaged the crossmember and made the car, as they. say in NASCAR, 'Bad Loose' for the rest of the rally. The nose auger also broke the front shocks and one mount. Day two saw the exhaust break in the first stage but they persevered until the final stages when a rock kicked up under the floor pan where Cam's foot was and a resulting three inch dent in the floor pan also separated the floorpan from the firewall. Cam was walking gingerly for a couple of days, but is otherwise OK. After the Saab of Bryan/Delamere came the American Racing Equipment Mitsubishi of Chad Dykes/ Pat Hanson. The duo also had a long weekend of troubles starting with a rollover on stage from· an apparent tire failure. Quick thinking put the team back on their wheels and they continued to a fourth in class and the final finisher. Interesting to note that the class winner also placed fourth overall and with all their troubles Thompson placed sixth overall. Production GT had a slim field of three, probably also due to the missing Mitsubishi money. But the battle looked like a classic. Locals Dale Beard /Richard · Simmons in the Mazda 323 against the Rhys Millen/Chris Griffin Rubys Restaurant Toyota Celica All Trac and Selcuk Karamonoglu/John McArthur in their Mitsubishi Eclipse. Beard/ Simmons were favored due to their exciting showing in the 60% event five weeks earlier but fate would see them make an error in stage five and roll the Mazda shortly before the finish. They righted the car and got to the stage finish in time to win that night's divisional, but the damage was exten·sive and they could not continue. Similar troubles nabbed the Toyota of Millen/ Griffin as an admitted driver's error put the team in the trees just a mile off the start of the first stage. After being extricated they continued to run for experience and ran the divisional the next day. This left Karamonglu/ McArthur a trouble free run to win the GT class and nab seventh overall. Group A is normally the less attended class, what with homologation rules and strict car building guidelines, but for whatever reason there were five cars and four of them would finish. Vinnie Frontinan/Frank Arruda in the Toyota Motor Sales backed Celica went just far Goran Ostlund and Steve Baker led Group 2 on its full National debut, all the way on both days in the Saab, and they kept it tidy and out of the trees in Washington's woods and finished first in Group 2 and fourth overall. Dusty Times enough off the road to be high centered. By the time the car was freed the 30 minute allowable lateness kept them from con~ were looking forward to better tinuing in the national. They tried rallies. Back at the front it was a hard in the divisional but all in all, great l(i"
weekend for Greg and Lynne Lund. Their HKS/Bell Motorsports Mazda 323 held the lead from start to finish in a flawless run culminating in a third place overall finish just five minutes from first overall. Jamaican rally champions Peter Moodie/Michael Fennell ran a Rod Millen prepared Mazda 323 and were standing well in second after the first night two minutes behind the Lund's and kept up the pace on day two until a 18 minute road penalty dropped the team down to fourth in class and 11th overall. The team plans to run the entire SCCA/Michelin schedule. The penalty was good news to Chris Wellef/Brian Paul in a Toyota Celica. The pair are from our own California Rally Series and they did us proud by placing ninth overall and second in class with a steady drive. Rick Davis/ Ben Greisler brought out the Otto's BMW backed BMW and placed third in class and tenth overall with the immaculately prepped car. Davis says he will run much of the year, but will skip the rougher Rim of the World in order to save the rather low slung BMW. Group A is being talked about being consolidated next year with Open but after this showing that could change if interest keeps up in this class. Open Class was a battle royale but a post rally shake up of events would dramatically change the results from the stages. But in the beginning there was Paul. Paul Choiniere/Jeff Becker in the Remy sponsored Audi S-2 came out of the first night with a 44 second lead over the always improving Carl Merrill/Jon Wickens in the Norseman Resorts Ford Es~ort Cosworth. Jeff Zwart/Martin Headland were another 45 seconds back in the Valvoline Porsche with just 17 seconds in hand over Doug Shepard /Pete Gladysz Eagle Talon. Henry Joy/ Brian Maxwell were just another 20 seconds back, so in reality it was still anybody's rally at this point. Going into day two at the halfway point in the day Choin-iere/Becker opened up their lead to a minute and 48 seconds. Shepard/Gladysz overhauled the Porsche for third less than a minute back while Zwart/Head-land staved off Joy/ Maxwell with about two minutes cushion. Then the strange things started. happening. On stage 13 Choin-iere / Becker did something very much out of character, they rolled the Audi into a rut making it very hard to upright. They recorded a very rare DNF but luckily the Audi was not badly damaged. This put Merrill/Wickens into the lead with 57 seconds in hand over Shepard/ Gladysz who were a minute and a half up on the Porsche of Zwart/Headland. Stage 14 would be no easier as Merrill blew a turbo inlet hose off in stage and Shepard suffered a loose or broken ball joint, still Shepard took 38 seconds off the Ford's lead. Stage 15 ~aw M .:-rill pull back to a 58 second lead and the apparent win. But on returning to the T yee Hotel for the final Main Time Control things went higgledy piggledy for the top two finishers. Before and during the rally competitors were warned about a sensitive transit where local Selcuk Karamonglu and John McArthur stir up the dust with their Mitsubishi Eclipse, and they had a trouble free run to win the GT class and take seventh overall, as the competition eliminated itself. Dave Turner and Bill Gutzmann had a good run in the Mitsubishi Eclipse and they were first in Production Class, a dying breed, and 12th overall as well. Not bad in a rally where only half the field finished. resident's were complaining third place in class with their about the rally cars. A quiet zone Torco Racing Oils Mazda 323. was installed with a 25 mph speed limit and teams were warned that there would be a radar gun in use and that penalties would be assessed. On the transit in question, both the Merrill Ford and the Shepard Talon were clocked at over 15 mph over the posted speed limit and as per the rule, 12.9.E in the National PRO Rally Rules, it means exclusion from the event. Shepard accepted his penalty, although not happy about it. Merrill and his navigator Jon Wickens started protesting officials throughout the evening, reminiscent of a lawyer trying to At ·the awards the officials received an enthusiastic ovation from the crowd for standing up and upholding the rules. As drivers and navigators swapped stories over the dinner supplied by the College, it became known that late in the event Janice Damario and Monty Horn who were running fourth in open had rolled their Datsun 510 late in the rally. Both were OK but it was a cruel twist of fate that made all the entered Datsun 510s rollover or crash. Strange things happen in the WET ST ATE. save his client from the death Crews are packing up their cars penalt/ :it the last minute. ARA and heading south for the Rim of and rally officials stood their the World Rally in Palmdale, ground and the results stood with California, which will be history Jeff Zwart and Martin Headland by the time this issue hits your first place by two minutes over mailbox. So the year starts with a Henry Joy and Brian Maxwell. strange twist and it will be Seed six driver Mitch McCul-interesting to see how this affects lough and Scott Webb, divisional the points title as the series moves champions from California back east at the latter end of the moved up into fifth overall and year. By]im Culp Wild West Rally Notes limits. Well said Jim Culp! We missed getting pictures of the others among the thirteen fnishers, but Sam Bryan and Rick Delamere were eighth overall in the Saab, third in Group 2. Rick Davis and Ben Greisler finished third in Group A in the BMW and Peter Moodie and Michael Fennell were fourth in Group A driving a Mazda 323. April in the Northwest is always interesting for weather. It was clear and dry at the Pare Expose in the Washington logging town of Shelton, but a few miles to the west a sudden shower dampened stage one just minutes before the Friday start. Many were looking forward to the rematch of Rhys Millen and Dale Beard in the two fast, west coast Production GT cars. Sadly, it didn't last much past the driver's meeting. Millen stuffed the Toyota less than a mile into the first stage. Beard's Mazda briefly dazzled the National crews, running third overall after four stages. Then Beard clipped a stump and snap-rolled on stage five. He limped through the stage, winning Friday's Sou'west-er Divisional, the first five stages of the National, and ending the night sixth fastest in the National. With a badly damaged transmis-sion, Beard was unable to restart on Saturday morning. Saturday started sunny and dusty in the Capitol Forest near Olympia, Washington. Midway through Saturday's ten stages July 1994 crews were treated to the unique experience of heavy rain, slippery mud, loose gravel, bright sun, and heavy dust, all on their second pass of the A-Line stage! Spectators near the end of the stage saw mud streaked cars. with wipers flapping through clouds of dust. What was I saying about April. Almost everyone was disap-pointed at the disqualification of Merrill and Shepherd, but crews were on notice that transit speeds would be monitored, and violat-ors penalized. It was documented in the rules, and discussed at the driver's meeting. The problem is that clearly identifiable rally cars speeding through rural communities are very visible targets for local residents. These unhappy citizens get vocal and exert their political pressure. This could end up limiting the use of the pHblic lands this sport depends on to exist. It is really pretty simple. The only way to keep our stage roads open is to keep the peace with the local folks on the transits and obey the speed Among other DNF cars both the Ford Escort Cosworth of Carl Merrill and Jon Wickens and · the Eagle Talon of Doug Shepard and Pete Gladysz did finish but were disqualified for spee.ding on the sensitive transit leg. Others who failed to finish include Steve Walker and David Lowe, Dodge Omni, and Rui Brasil and Tony Tavares with engine trouble in the Audi 4000. Peter Lahm and Keith Roper rolled their Datsun 510 out of action, and Janice Damatio and Monty Horn also rolled their Datsun 510. Vern Johnson and Ben Bradley couldn't fix the distributor in their Toyota, and Vinnie Frontinan and Frank Aruda high centered their Toyota Celica and retired. Finally Mike Whitman and Kevin Linville crashed their Datsun 510. Dusty Times
1994 GEO Tracker Text & Photos: Jim Ober Fitting neatly between the trees in front of the Mono County Courthouse in Bridgeport, CA, which is a real turn of the century relic still in use, the Geo was at home on the highways and the byways. The consumer's choice of off-road vehicles is at an all-time high. At the high, large, luxury end of the scale are the behemoths such as a Chevy Suburban, which can easily transport a squad of marines, complete with fighting gear. But on the economy end of the scale, it's definitely the Geo Tracker. Its the mini-micro of off-road vehicles, but don't let that worry ·you. It's a true off-road machine that will easily get 30 mpg on the open road while zipping along at 75 miles per hour, and not much less mileage than that while trail running. However, I found that when the fuel gauge reached half-a-tank, it was time to refill. It seems that although I got 260 miles plus per fill-up, it was only good for 90 miles once the fuel gauge reached the halfway point. The slight! y-larger-than-jerrycan 8 gallon tank would make an extra gas can mandatory for any extended desert or Baja trips. Power is supplied by the snappy 1.6 liter 16-valve L4 engine, which puts out 95 horses. The non-California version has 2 valves per cylinder and delivers 80 horsepower, which is adequate for most on and off-road applications. Luckily, our test version had the 5 speed manual trans--I'm afraid the 3 speed automatic would be a bit much for the engine on those long uphills like the Baker grade. Our supplied manual version did fine in all situations. Two features available on the LSi version are the automatic locking hubs, which make shifting in and out of 4-wheel drive very easy, and the power-assisted steering makes maneuvering in tight spots a breeze. This year's Tracker has factory supplied Goodyear tires that have a less aggressive highway tread pattern than offered in years past. The GM planners figured out that most off-road vehicle drivers rarely go off road--hence an all-season tire instead of an off-road version, but luckily that can be corrected--a big improvement for desert exploring or pre-running would be the addition of a size larger BFG All-Terrains (P2151 75R 15) which would add a lot to the traction department, add a half-inch to the marginal 7 .9 inches of ground clearance, and help a little with the already snazzy looks of this machine. Stopping power was standard for this type of vehicle--disk fronts with rear wheel anti-lock drums. The instrument cluster was spartan, but did supply you with just enough information not to The cockpit appointments are as plush as most utility rigs, complete with air conditioning and comfortable seats, although the instrumentation was a bit spartan, it was adequate. confuse the driver. Heat and air-provide more storage space, plenty of conditioning controls were room for camping gear, and the rear straight-forward and convenient. - door, with spare tire, swings out to Headroom was more than allow easy access to the storage adequate, and the seats were _ar_e_a_s_. ___________ _ comfortable. matter how, much you and your Driving this little firecracker companions might enjoy off-was more fun than we thought it roading, nothing can n1in an would be, and surprisingly, was outing like arriving at your very comfortable on the long trip campsite and discovering your to Las Vegas. Despite the short gear is dusted out, and this goes wheelbase, it was very stable and double for camera equipment. competent on the Interstate. Only Get the hard top. in the windiest of conditions do The rear seats fold (independ-you have to pay extra attention to ently) forward, allowing enough the steering, but that's the case storage to equip two for up to a with most utility vehicles. week of camping and cooking. The Tracker comes in both a The rear door ( with spare tire) soft and hard top versions. swings out to allow great access, Although the soft top can be but unsnapping the back window removed for summertime fun (a to do this is positively medieval. built in rollbar/roofbow keeps Another reason to opt for the your noggin' safe), I would hardtop. recommend the hardtop for any The Tracker's off-road pe.J'-serious off-roader. Although formance was very good. The nicely and snugly fitted, the soft suspension seemed to handle the top allows too much silt and dust ruts and bumps very well. Only to come in while cruisin' the once did I hit the bump stops. In boonies, and, without knowing it, the loose stuff while hill-climbing, your gear just gets silted out. No the 4 wheel drive/ low range really worked well. Even coming down steep rocky grades, the little Geo was very sure footed. It's small size (60.2 inch overall width) and easy turning allowed it to easily avoid the big rocks and holes that it otherwise couldn't handle because of its limited ground clearance. It did have optional differential and transfer case skid plates. We did a little pre-running type travel in the Tracker and the Geo handled the ruts and bumps very well, and while hill climbing 4WD low range worked well and also when coming down a steep, rocky grade. Just off Interstate 40 on old Route 66, or what is left of it, in southern California is the town of Ludlow, no longer a bustling stop on the road to Phoenix. The Tracker looks right at home on the gravel in front of the cafe. If you 're looking for an economy 4 wheel drive that's American made, this is the closest thing to a Jeep Wrangler that you're going to get. Although it's the same vehicle as the Suzuki Sidekick, it's made in Ontarjp, Canada. Well, that's almost American-made. Suggested price for our vehicle, with air, was $15,335. Dusty Times July 1994 Page 41
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY UTOCRA PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 . 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages . John Ehn,ke ·10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 Auto Meter~, Auto Meter instruments are the No.I choice of serious competitors and professional racers worldwide. Our Tachometers and Liquid Filled Gauges are American engineered to provide the finest in accuracy and durability. your 1994 Catalog. (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 •Send $3.00 for Auto Meter Products, Inc. Dept. DU 413 W. Elm St. Sycamore, IL 60178 (815) 895-8141 Protect your engine with a race-proven "Clip-On" Engine Hour Meter M.C. $34.50 + tax & $2.50 S&H Autonnic Research Inc. 2511 W Winton 3C . Hayward, CA 94545 :510-887-1512 Fax 510-887-1518 RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories Export & Int'l Sales Race Car Preparation Consulting & Management: 6630 MacArthur Dr.•Lemon Grove•CA•91945 619) 583-6529•FAX (619) 583-1851 ~ . HELMET~/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS · Featuring Aral & Bell Helmets BDR. McKenzles• (714) 650-4566 (714) 441-1_212 SUSPENSION SEATS. IN FIVE STYLES NETS !" TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS AJ..L SEATS CAN.BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER-SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD Shawn Meadows 752 La Presa Ave Spring Valley, CA. 91977 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 853~6 (602) 386-2592 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. G<>Qd Stuff Directory Ads are merely.$ Z5 .00 per month. BRANDWOOD CARS Custom Vehicle Shifter for mid-engines and other -appllcatlons · 602-437-3107 Fuel Regulator Lowe1'11 fuel preuure at part-throttle, to 1.Spel at Idle. Clune up rlchnns-at the lower end, tune for more po1!1f8r,.MC\(fels for all car&uretore. Box 2536 Rolling HIiis, CA 90274 310-3n-1so1 Power rtl1h MIieage $57.45 dellvered U.S. Cal res +7.75% tax Ca¥,>7t!eD PRE-FUN ·_ Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Prt-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberolass Di,nple Dies BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON ====CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 8" · 8" · 1 O" • 13" · 15" • 16" · 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ ffJ(Q) rtrrr a{L (Q) rt: fr( SIMULATED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 [209) 275-5183 FAX [209) 276-2365 CHENOWTH -------~-UCING PRODVCTS, INC. (;heck the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon. CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 'o; c·N, _ c· 3-, Manufacturers of Brbke and Clutch Pedal Assy Master Cylinders stave Cylinders CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena81vd. San Diego, CA'9211.0 (619) 275-1663 Cuttlhg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Tl:trottle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalop _ FLOATER REAR END~., f'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JO.INTS • TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hangirg Tr~e Lane • Templeton, CA '13465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d_3', (l'OO~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive -Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep -2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495~3344 FAX(805)495-2339
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Differentials Spools - Ball Joints Axles -VW Components - Etc. ~//'5~ :/2:;A/&S ~..(C/...v'4 CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE GOLETA.CA 805-968-1_ 067 4720 Felspar Street Glen Avon, CA 92509 Phone: (909) 681-6889 ;e.At:1=C41!;' t' P.£E",t<c>v,v,v,s:-~ 7"itV/IL-ERS I c#'Ar;F r ,c-vi::~ Fax: (909) 360-9817 ~EP ,1-:<'".A.BR'/C~_-nav -rvl/!'80 e,1-1A1; t$A~L✓N'E ---1 Hffls,t -~ Rebuild Rod Ends Helm Joint Speclallst_ (714) 979~6631 11661 Martens River Circle, Unit H, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 HUNT PERFORMANCE 11330 -A Sunco Dr. Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 638 - 4388 ~MPSON• Keith Black • ·HUNT Magnetos ~ Hoosier Tire West Factory Outlet[,,}JKiJ (<~I MANUFACTURERS OF : \~ BllAKE ANn. CLUTCH ASSY PEIIFORAl.4NCEPROCIICTS MASTER CYl, I NOERS SI.AVE CYl,I NnERS TURNING b STAGINd DRAKES SHif' TERS AVAILABLE AT FINER SPECIALTY SHOPS DEALEll JNQURIES WELCOME 1158FLINTSTREET __ ~• ELSINORE, CA 92350 ~ _ . ' PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 909-245-6050 FAX 909-245-6052 .JAMES GANG -RACING PRODUCTS ◄ ARLINGTON SHEET MET AL CORP. 13424 1-,.riol H....,. • SoaJa f • Spn,,,, • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax (310) 926-0699 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner" Owner James Hall ~a.-.-m.11LYNi Desert, Short Course & Street v.w Racing Transmission!'; Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO (714) 632-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION . ~adluJ p~4 (619) 562-1743 -~------------------"OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 FiARTLEY RD. SUITE A SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN COOLEY KARIS COMMUNICA'fiONS, INC. 3463 Massillon Road, Suite B Uniontown, Ohio 44685 216-699-1777 Fax: 216-699-1771 Athene Karls • KUSTER OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS • 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE • 2" DIAMETER, 6" TO 14" STROKE AIR JACKS • BALL JOINTS KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E, 29th STREET, P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90805 TELEPHONE (310) 595-0661 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818) 768-0371 A full line of Power:Sieerlng gears, pumps and acc11ssories for any type of racing. · Magnaflux and Zyglo facllities available. OFF ROAD SHOCK SERVICE EIOHTO# RACING d BILSTEIN • FOX • MOTORCYCLE --Jerry Leighton Hesperia, CA 619-244-9075 • CUSTOM CHASSIS . • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLi, Cf,GES -Engineering . FABRICATION/RACE PREPA({ATION TO YOUR SPECIFl9ATION 825 N GLENDORA AVE. COVlNJ<, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT LOTHRINGER The Mag 7 Racing Team is organizing to support the 1994 Baja 500. If you are interested in pit support, or would like to help out in the pits, please call Race Director Dave Hornback (619-562-3618) or President Terry Walsh (619-582-3728). Assembly· Machine Work· Parts Engine Dyno Facllty SCORE 1992 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 10722 Kenlfey Street, SUlte D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Fax (619) 562-9079 !iIN./t:t!tm PEl-7FC:,F?IVI.AIVC-E. ~~<-,LJl1C.. ..... , !-~ "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 l:.. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 9?.~06 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax (714) 444-1622 /ll~_AffUC/E ,-.,~~~~ NOW OFFERING MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOURESCENTINSPECTION (818) 883-2115 -42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lahcaster, CA 93535 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 -~ 42425 5th St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA 93535 Racing Product, Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514
. ,. •&"it+ 1••1,·,1+. 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [9~ 5] 857-5200 NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Motorsports Suspension gives smooth.First Class Finishes To 7 of 7 Classes, As Well As The First 5 To Finish Overall. CONGRA1:ULATIONS TO EACH OF YOU! Class 1 & 1st Ove.rall ........ •simon & Simon Ford F150 2X Class 8 & 2nd Overall ........ •Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2X Class 6 & 4th Overall ........ • John Swift Explorer 2X Class 4 & 5th Overall ........ ·David Ashley Ford F150 4X j J. PENHALL 1eeo Babcodl Bldg. ,e Coal& MNa. Ca 92627 • Body Panels • Boat Repairs • Manufacturing of Moulds Pete Van De Hey 414-532-4186 FABRICATIONS Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 Fax# (714) 650-4721 Route 3 3786 DePere, WI 54115 STEVE BARTON • OWNERS LEE FINKE RACE5HOCK COMPANY Light Truck, Sport Utility, RV & Racing Shocks Rough Cow,try Off-Road Racing Shocks 1711 West Culver #1 TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 486-4845 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 LAURA -I .. S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335 Class 3 & 7th Overall ........ ·Dan Smith Bronco 4X Class7S ................ Brown, O'Blian & Johnson Ranger 2xr-------------------+----------~--~---__J Class 7 ...... ···:···· ............ Scott Douglass Dakota 2X ·Member BFG/Ford ·Rough Rider• Off Road Race Team NSC _Would like To Thank All Seven Class Winners, For Once Again Counhn!J On NSC Suspension Systems. You Too Can Have A Winnin Ride W1lh NSC Custom Computer Designed Leaf Springs. . For More Info. Please Call Ro£t<d Buggy S1L11ppJ1y 1 (800)231-8156 Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans. Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, Az. 85365 (602) 783-6265 • OFF ROAO CHASSIS tfllfl#·11~P }f/llfl BUENA PARK. CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR ToUCKS. VANS & MINI ToUCl<S PRE•RUN ToUCl<S • CUSTOM SUSPEN<;ION AXI.E SERVIC E • WEI DING & F AARIC /\ I ION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 711-9460 a. C. /. t\~"' ~ J" .y~½ \t\1~~0 ~,,~ :z:~:>s J<:11 C.t J{J11JJ[)3 ~\l\> st111> ~ ~ ~ Todd Francis ~ P11ci1ioa Alloy, /,/d, fl). 700 N.E. 117th StrNt " \ Vancouver, WA 98685,$ ~ » Phone ~q, . ~~ Fax (206) 574-5474 ~,on & ~ (206) 576-1109 Chassis & Suspension • Desi,:n & Fabrication Ken Sypolt 916-63Q-9869 3666 Omec Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 · CUSTOM ELECTRICAL FABIUCATION ----....,---, · FUEL INJECTION CONVERSIONS l, ft •r, · COMPLETE TURN KEY CARS ff II::.' · MOBILE SERVICE AVAILABLE RACE & CUSTOM CAR-WIRING S!!!Aft,!! G,,o017 . Computerized Vinyl Lettering f< ,4.c_ -, \-v--'v \L TIM CECIL f ~~ ~ 4010 N. Palm Street, #103, Fullerton, California 92635lu -(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 870-9132 §V~W . -Z-/i(;J& ---==~w~1~ ~J ,..~== 12221 DITMORE DR. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 (714) 539~5162 JOB SITE SIGNS· BANNERS· Wlt«'N lfITER"2 · CAA LEITER~· G!APltXS 15855 Dell View Rd. 818-845-7493 1525 West Burbank Bl d I v.S s ·ktf Burbank, CA 91S06 teve pir o /Owner El Cajon, California 92021 · 619/561-2913 . Telephone: (714) 5354437 (714) 5J54438 David Kreisler anca er, Las Vegas, NV ....................... 702-"43-9200 Long Beach, CA.................... 310-432-3,46 Oxnard, CA........................... 805-485-6,00 Van Nuys, CA ...................... 818-786-8180 ROADMASTER, MOTOROLA, YAESU RADIOS SIMPSON. ARAI, BELL, SHOEI HELMETS 2888 GUNDRY AVE ,s1mJAL HILL, CA. 90806 920 East Arlee Place (:lll1) 427-8177 TOLL FREE (800) 869-5636 IS Anaheim,CA 92805 Riverside, CA ........................ , 714-877-0226 - - · ··-·-AL-l.OT.H~N.QWRlES CONTACT SPORTS RACING hFiiF'ii=v=.==.=ii9iiii=iii=ii=ii.=iiii;:::;::;:::;::;;::=====+-----0-=----:F-1'_\'\ __ ~___,_-------4(' · r. O. BOX &10, LONG BEACH, CA 90801 (714) 363: 1236 PARKER PUMPER· HELMET 2318 S VINEYARD SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91761 909-923-7016 FAX 909-923-3118 .LIU::.A.J. COMPANY ..... ____ ..,. ■ Free Advice & Technical Assistance ■ R&D ■ All Size Jobs Welcome RACERS MACHINING SERVICES "If You Can Imagine It, I Can Make It" SCOTT DORDICK 909-394-1802 2041 E. Gladstone #H Glendora, CA 91740 · Fax 714-394-195)3 _ rsf!!3[!!30 (213)583-2404 SANDERSSER~C~INC METAL PROCESSING 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOUAESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith ,
# -~ ,..,"' Straight ~1$. 1e Linc nt ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31420 96TH STREET EAST LJTTLEROCK, CA 93543 805'944-2719 FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS BODY PANELS & HOODS BILL STROPPE MOTORSPORTS, INC. . 4330 Cherry Industrial Circle 1-ong Beach, California 90805 (213) 634-2730 Jaime Martinez: SUSPENSIONS / UNLIMITED * Welding * Fabrication* Flame Cutting * Front Ends •* Custom Chassis* Race Prep* Custom Lt-Weight Trailers Mlg'r. ot Blue·Flame Producls (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 Suspension Components SAW Performance, Inc. 20755 MARILLA ST. • CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818·700-9712 FAX 818·700-0947 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober 310-610-6a91 Commercial Photog,;aphy P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 IMC£ TNANS BY JEFF FIEIJ)S TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering UnltH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TURBO BLUE RsclngOnoOna 1 8446 Garfield Ave.• Bell Gardens, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp (UIIP) 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS · FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR All TYPES vF RACING & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOi> (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) DUSTY TIMES BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE $ l. 7 5 for a single copy each f~>r 5 or more copies Any mix of dates Send check or money nrder and your UPS ,street address to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla street Chatsworth, California 91311 QUALITY FUELS (818) 882-0004 FOR MOTORSPORTS (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 0 C CD ciJ C - (J) 0-mZ ,, o m I\) ~* iil 5 g> $1> C "1 RACE CAR BUMPERS JC CUT TO LENGTH a ~ )> gi o:f t3 0) '@ ~~-9 8.9 □~ 33 ...... ,,,. ...... p;· ~ Cl> (.,) Cl> (0 a. I\) C11 I\) o-· ~~~ C11 (D .............. gi N Ol u> "1f $10.00 PER FT VIP RUBBER COMPANY, INC. 945 South East Street (714) 774-7635 (800) 722-4VIP (outside 714) Anaheim, Callfornla ~2805 FAX (714) 774-9084 RICH-PERFORMANCE SHOT-PEEN/NC Tired of premature breakage of drive axles, torsion bars, spindles and other critical suspension, transaxle and engine parts? Shot-peening could be the solution. But we don't perform your ordinary, garden-variety shot-peenmg-we provide . aerospace-certified shot peening in accordance with MIL-SPEC 1131658 ensunng the highest in quality. That means added assurance when you need ,t most. While each situation is different, we've seen torsion bars last 5 seasons or more. Duty cycles are commonly increased 7-1 0 times. . Gall fax or write today for more informatton regardmg our advanced shot-. • peening services. We UPS daily for quick turnaround. ,tJ;l ..II fl//lTJ/11/~ 780 Second Ave. • Redwood City, CA 94063 I(~· ffltf ftl/1,J Ph. (415) 367-8098 • Fax (415) 367-8105 /IIIITI/EI / t:J erformance Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 Fax 909/369-7266 (310] 598-2731 'WEddlE ENGiNEERiNG Exclusive distributor of I.Dck-Right'mvw Locking Differentials PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLE PRODUCTS Billet Super-Pitts, Gearsets, Hard to Find New and Used Parts Whole5aleiRetall. Dealer lnqulrfe5 Welcome P.O. Box 15466 Long Beach, CA 90815 • From Parts to ■~ Complete fnginee Is~-• ..,1.,... WIND RIVER GROUP PUBLIC RELATIONS ANO MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C . JACOBS PRESIDENT 900 STATE MILL ROAD AKRON. OHIO 44319 (216)644-7774 Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. AZ. 8501 7 Jack Woods 1602) 242-0077
VORRA Prairie City Spring Special Preview We missed getting the report on ed up for VORRA's summer season this 'race in this isssue, but we of desert racing. Weshouldhavetqe thought a preview of the class win- full report, and the Yerington race ners was in order, since the race was from VORRA as well next month. the end of April. They had a good At any rate here are the Prairie City turn out at Prairie City as folks tun- winners from the April event. Although he was second in both heat races for Class 2 and 10 combined, Wes Elrod gained the most points in the. class and won 427 dollars for his efforts while brother Jeff finished fourth in the class for a bit more cash. Glen McAdon won the first heat and placed second in the next one which gave him the victory in the Sportsman Vet class which was combined with Class 9 here. Glen also won just a trophy, no cash. Photos: Matt Marcher Having better luck than his brother did in April, Shane Balch won the honors in Class 1-2-1600 and the cash prize of $360.00. Shane won both heats in this usually tight running class, beating out Tyler Mort. The team of Lee Hopkins and Mike Bearden topped a 13'car field in the Novice Sportsman Class. They placed second in the first heat and came back to win the second heat and the trophy for the day on points. THE Don and Chris German walked away with first place in the three entry Class 4 battle, winning both heats in their Chevy powered, . highly modified Jeep. They also won $240 in payback money. The Pro Pilot class is growing nicely and Clint Wolsey put together a pair of second place finishes in the heat races to take the class victory and the $112.50 cash prize that went with the win. Classified ~. GOLD COAST FOR SALE: Bilstein Shocks: 9-12" Travel Shocks 1986 Vintage·. Complete with 12mm Heims and Boots. Good condition. List Price $199.00 each. Will sell for $65.00 each. Call Lee at Race-Shock in PHX. (602) 254-0744. HOTEL AND CASINO AND SNORE PRESENT THE 25TH ANNUAL "SNORE 250" Dusty Times THE SNORE 250. CELEBRATING ITS 25TH ANNIVERSARY WILL BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 23 - 25, 1994. YOU SHOULD BE THERE!!!!!! SNORE AND THE GOLD COAST HOTEL AND CASINO WILL DO EVERYTHI~G IN THEIR POWER TO MAKE IT A RACE YOU \\'ILL NEVER FORGET. YOU CAN MAKE IT THE BIGGEST AND BEST SNORE 250 EVER!!!!! $$$$$$ LOTS OF DOLLARS FOR YOU TO WIN$$$$$$ July 1994 FOR SALE: Race-Air System: 2 helmets-I medium/I small, blower, with hoses, Nomex skirts, 2-way radio communication sys~ tern built in helmet, bought Jan. '93, used 4 races. X-lent shape. (818) 914-9169. $400.00 oho. FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum Super 16shortcoursecar, MTEG legal, Rabbit engine, Mendeola . gear box, all the good stuff, spare parts to go. Engine and trans need freshening up. $11,500.00 or offer. (619) 482-7618. Not a replica. FOR SALE: 92 JIMCO 1-1600 1549½ lbs. '93 SCORE points champ and true grit winner. Complete JIM CO prep and fresh paint. Motor, transmission. Call MikeJulsonatJIMCO(619)562-l 743. $17,000.00. Race Ready. ~
" Classified ••• 1■ FOR SALE: 42' Dorsey, Large awning, tire racks, loading ramps, good tires, lights, air lines, work benches & cabinets no power EX: general tire semi 1978 model. First $6,000.00 buys, FOB Las Vegas, Trailer in very nice condition. ( 310) 318-9803. FOR SALE: 1993 FR T Class 10 and high points champion. This car is fast & light. Everything is fresh, no money spared. Buy a winner & save big bucks, $25,000.00. Mendeola trans, Majors motor, UMP, Wright, all the best stuff. (619) 344-1925. FOR SALE: 2 seat Pre-run-ner/Class 100. 100% fresh, powdercoat, Body, 1835, 4.86 B.us w/ close 3rd & 4th, 6" wider FOR SALE: Class 9 single seat. Raced only three times. Is in excellent condition. Over $15,000 invested. Will sacrifice for $7,000. Has all the good stuff. Too much to list. Call (805) 943-4643. FOR SALE OR TRADE Ford Ranger ( 1983-1993 ). Mexico Imported Pree Run, Chase, Street, 2.8 V6, Auto, Fiberglass, A IC, Posi, Low R&P, Holley, Minga suspension 10 shocks, Limiters uretane, headers flow master, Schnider cam, 33 BFG, American, RLH racing, Beard, ½ cage, tool box, two gas tanks, two extras, jack, chase tire rack, custom tow bar. Clean Clean Clean. $8,500.00 Baja Concepts Ref #304 (619) 583-6529. earn, FIR Adjusters, spare mount, new dash/wiring, new '-Fuel Safe, Mastercraft, Wright, f:NC, Neal, Deist, $4,900.00 or $3,900.00 w l o motor & tranny. Jim (714) 362-0227. FOR SALE: Chevrolet S-10, Class 7S, 2WD, Ex MacPherson truck, 2.5 liter 4 cycl Pontiac motorsports 700R4 automatic, FOR SALE: Class 9 Jimco, Awesome car always runs up front, Fox Fire System, all Chromoly, show condition, one eason. Single seater w/ Pumper, · BUILT TO WIN! Moving up in . Class$9,000.00RACEREADY-' Brian Days (310) 630--5896. ALE: Best Chenowth Magnum available, complete setup to go racing MTEG. Rev-Power Rabbit, 5 point suspen-sion, coil-overs, Fox, Foddrill arms & spindles, best of every-. thing, plus, 24' trailer, flawless, workbench vise, AC, 5kw Honda ' generator, elec start, 3 E-Z Up caopies, carpets, chairs, tables, spare fresh transaxle. Call Steve ( 602) 994-4029. Summers 9" w /floater, Fox T-MagsingleseatClass9. Totally shocks, Cal wells cage, All the rebuilt. In excellent cond. New Best Parts. Some spares incl.· 1600cc Matthews eng., Raceco trailer. MUSTSELL,$16,000.00. trans., 5.75" frt & 6" rr trvl., Fox (619) 466-7879 or (619) 464-shox, Sway-A-Way torsion bar, 2351. ' · German drums, wooven shoes, ' Semi. Great Dane air ride. 13'2" overall height, 8' overall width, 9'6" inside Id. height, 2 axles, 18 KV gen. Awning, water tank, diesel tank, underfloor storage, int. storage rack, work bench, 40 gal compressor, welder, AND MUCH MORE! Best Offer, Trades Welcome. Baja Concepts Ref #332 (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: 1987 Kentucky Electronics Van; 17.5 KW Diesel Generator; 5 horse air compres-sor; Belly boxes from front to rear; 110 and 12 voltlighting; full bathroom & kitchen facilities; set up for transporting 2 vehicles; many more features -too numerous to list. $55,000.00. Call Bill Anderhalt at McMillin Racing (619) 474-8472, ext. 593. 15 gal. fuel cell. Everything new and READY TO RACE! Spares. $6,500.00 or Best Offer. Baja Concepts Ref #308. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: RACECO 2 seat 3.5 Porsche 340 H.P. Fourtin trans, 934 CV's Big axles, Fodril front arms and spindals, Fox Shocks. Best available equipment. Race Ready Now, many spares $38,000.00. Stuart Chase Days (818) 841-2316 Nite, (818) 845-4714. FOR SALE CLASS 9: Single seat, new German drums & ball joints, Oiest seat, Neal brakes, BFGood-rich tires, Fox shocks, Porsche steering box, K.C. lights, K&N, lots of spares & parts. $4,500.00. Mike (209) 738-1423. FOR SALE: Class 511600 Race Car. Adam Wik 78HP engine, Bus transmission w/Hewland, Bypass Fox shocks with reservoirs by Kent Lothringer, Wright rack, spindles, trailing arms, Parker pumper, 30M torsions, Loth-ringer chassis. Tons of spares inc. 12 Centerlines with Yokohamas. $4,900.00 obo. MUST SELL to build 7S Truck! (714) 528-9600 Day (Bruce). STONE STOCK MINI. '89 . Nissan Hardbody 4x2. Stock Z24-Napa-Z eng., Stock trans., -Ranchos wi res. dual, 8" frt & rr trvl., Sway-A-Way, bump stops, New rear end. Beard seats, Diest belts, AutoMeter, fire ext. Can be a 7S or Str. legal pre-runner. Good spares, $8,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref #356. (619) 583-6529. MATURE Off Road Driver seeking same to team up. I have several years as the primary driver and looking to share the expenses and responsibilities. Very flexible for the right situation. Call Brian Maginnis at (310) 630-5896 days or (310) 371-0407 eves. · ~ -BETTER THAN NEW!! Class 2 Raceco. Completely rebuilt in '93 from the ground up. Carillo eng., Awesome Motec E.M.S. inj. ign. system w / laptop. Raceco trans. Rebuilt Fox coil over, 1 r frt & 22" rr trvl. Fod. frt trailing arms. Custom brakes. All the spares. Monster Package. Baja Concepts Ref #333. (619) 583-6529. Class 2 Steve Hallidays "Moul-ton" two seater. 125"wb 3000cc ARPM motor, Dry Sump, Fuel lnj., Hewland 00300 prepped by Fortin, Fortin 935 Turbo cv's, Fox progressive air shocks, 22" rr & 1 r frt trvl., Saginaw PIS, ¼" heim ends. A front runners. Fast and Clean Prep updated, ready to win. $25,000.00 Baja Concepts Ref #108 (619) 583-6529. ~-,-,--,--,__;_~_;_-____ _ Nissan 4x4. Extremely trick. Can fit any body panel or engine. Very versatile. Great for int'l racing. Unbelievable spares! Nissan V6, fuel inj., Turbo 400 trans., 18" frt & 21" rr trvl. The best equip. throughout. Technology adv. A steal at $49,000.00. Baja Con-cepts Ref #184. (619) 583-6529. Make an Offer today. WANTED: Class 5 Unlimited Baja Pre-runner, the tricker the better, the cleaner even better, possibly street legal, I am willing to travel. Call Mike (702) 646-3304. r---------------------------------------------------------_. ... _, I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in f, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I J DUSTY TIMES. Classified Ad~ertising.rate is only $15 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now ;)nd subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. Enclosed is $ (Send check or mone;y order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. Name Mail to: Address ______________________ Phone ______ _ DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 City _________________ _ State ___ _ Zip __ _ Page 54 July 1994 I FOR SALE: Race Ready, Turn Key, 118" Single seat Bunderson. Best of Everything. New Motor, New Trans, Tires & Rims. 2 Radios & AMP, Fire Suit, Flame Out.-1 MUST SELL this car. Call, let's talk, make offer. (505) 271-9015. I HALF BUILT -'92 Chevy C ass I 8. Can be any class you want. All I major fab. done. Ready to finish. I Set up for small or big block eng. Art Carr trans. 22" frt & 24" rr I trvl. Chromoly cage. Bed, cab, I doors, grille iill mounted. $10,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref ! #341. (619) 583-6529. Dusty Times
'87 Jeep pick-up 4x4. Big. H.P. Class 8, 4, orT.T. Art Carr trans., 3000 torq. conv., Summers rr end, 18" frt & 24" rr trvl., Fox/Rancho shocks, Nat'! springs, Summers brakes, Dana 60, 40 spline, 44 gal. fuel cell, Beard seats, Autometer, fire ext. GREAT SPARES! $29,000.00= motors and more. Baja Concepts Ref #244 (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Toyota 4x4 stock mini class. SCORE legal 1992-1993 Class Champion truck at La Rana. Includes new motor, new shocks (Fox), spare trans and transfer case, tires and wheels, x-tra motor, Mikunis, etc. (619) 347-1858 leave message. $8,000.00 OBO. MUST SELL. FOR SALE: Arciero '92 Magnum Super 16, Best MTEG car ever!! Bilstein bypass shocks and more extras than imaginable. $38,000.00 oho. For complete package include 2 motors and 3 transmissions. Call Baja Concepts Ref #365 (619) 583-6529. ~ FOR SALE: '91 FordClass8,five firsts! Four seconds! Seven thirds! 600hp Patton/Parabocks eng. BFG's wl beadlocks. Shitloads of spares. ¼ elliptical C-6 Mogi. Bunderson shocks, Chrisman/ -Summers 9". $45,500.00. Must Sell! Baja Concepts ref #228. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: It's Moto Cross Sea-son!!! Kawasaki KX 125cc and Honda CR 250cc. FAST! FAST! FAST! $1,650.00 for the pair. Tom (916) 334-5232. FOR SALE or TRADE: Class 9 Tubeular Designs, two seater, best of everything. Also Class 9 single seat T-Mag. 3rd in 93 SCORE Series. One trailer & lots of spares. $11,500.00 obo or trade for Class 10 two seater. Call John Holmes at (909) 784-6113 night/ weekends. FOR SALE: Funco Short Course Car, Chromoll y rear arms, A-arm front, Summers axles, Willwood discs, FAT type 1, 091 Bus box, Flame-Out, Kyb, Bilstein, Jamar, Rack & pinion new nets, seat and harness, completely rebuilt, including paint, $9,250.00-trade for Class 7, 8 or 10 desert running or not (619) 669-7675. FOR SALE: Race ready 1-1600 Bunderson car, best of every-thing. 1990 Class Champion in La Rana Series. Stored since 1990 season. Parker Pumper, power steering, Sway-A-Way torsion bars, Fiela 's transmission, Layton motor, 117" wheel base, some spares, good trailer. Everything GOES, best offer takes it. Call ' (619) 949-2991, ask for Mike. FOR SALE: UNBELIEVABLE! Class 7S Ranger. Former Rough Rider! SCORE/HORA champ. Knows the Winners Circle very well! Stroppe built engine. New Art Carr C-4 trans. Stock susp. 12" frt & 17 .5 rr travel. National Springs. Comes with everything! You'd be stupid not to take it. $30,000.00 firm. Baja Concepts Ref #183. Call (619) 583-6529. THANK YOU Dan Cannon for turning me on to Dusty Times & The Decals. The Gas Man. FOR SALE: C lass 5-1600 Lothringer Car, Fox shocks staged by Lothringer, Saginaw Steering Box, 300 M Torsion Bars, Dave Folts Transmission, WIKS Racing Motor. 92193 La Rana Championship Car. $7,500/obo turn-key/Prep & ready for Fireworks 250. Call Brian (714) 821-8514. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Single seat Jimco, Class 10, 1993 FRT High Points and Class 10 Champion. Major motor, Mendeola trans, CNC, UMP, Yokohama, All the Wright Stuffl! 6 starts at FRT, 4 overalls and a 2nd overall was asking $25,000.00. Now 1st $20,000 takes it! Call ( 619) 344-1925, ask for Tim or leave message. FOR SALE: 1969 VW Baja Pre-runner, full roll cage, fiberglass front end, Saco Rack & Pinion, Beard seats, Fuel Cell, Sway-A-Way, 1600cc, wl trimill stinger, can be street legal, spares, tow bar, optional trailer, $3,500.00 oho. Call James (714) 494-2469. FOR SALE: Super 1600, Funco, 1 Rabbit motor, Fox, Best of every-thing, has raced Mickey Thomp-son, perfect for Glen Helen Series $8,500.00 cash, or will consider trade for l/2 1600 car. If you have a l / 2 1600, Let's Talk. Call Dad (909) 695-6644 days. WANTED: Outboard hub~ , good use with or without trailing arms. Call Don Hatz at(619)425-1639. FOR SALE: BITCHIN 5-1600 J & G Tranny, Fuel Safe Cell, Race Co. Rear Arms and Front Beam. Killer Saginaw Steering Box, J-mar shifter, Centerline Wheels, all spares, etc. ONLY 500 MILES ON GROUND UP RE-BUILD! Best of the Best! Super Deal! $6,500.00 Must Sell Fast! Baja Concepts Ref #364 (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Class 5 (Suspension Unlimited) Built, Sway-a-Way, Wright Rack, Fuel Safe Cell, new tires, Saco wheels. 80% done. MUST SELL $3,000.00. (909) 982-2687. FOR SALE: 1600 single seater, 1 l 7"wb, new Major Performance motor, new Mendeola trans, fresh Fox shocks, Neal pedals, Wright, Superboot, AMS, UMP, SAW, Parker Pumper, Beard seat, Simp-son belts, Y okohamas, 22 gal. Fuel Safe cell. Best of everything -Super Clean, low mileage. Ready to race. $9,500.00. Must sell. (619) 344-0748. FOR SALE: New Class 10 Hew-land 5 speed DG300, fresh from Mendeola. Call Robert days (619) 344-0535, nite (619) 344-1328. Also 1 1994 Jimco single seat frame & jacks. Alum body, Class 10 or 1 trans $5,000.00, body and frame $3,000.00. FOR SALE: Class 5 Unlimited Baja, complete frame & body w/power steering, no pump, includes 12" wider beam, 3x3 rear arms w / spring plates. Car is set up for 10" coilover front, torsion-coilover rear. Calif title & reg. $3,500.00 or part out. Bill Gill (714) 871-1744. FOR SALE: Mirage 1993 Class 10 2 seater. New Major motor, Fox Shox, Mastercraft, PCI inter-com radio, Wright,Jamar, Parker Pumpers, spare tires & misc. parts. Super light & fas t . $16,000.00 oho. Will consider trades, land, boat, car, etc. Call Darren (702) 798-1055 or (702) 277-1080. FOR SALE: Mirage 1992 Class 10 single seat. Full coil-over car, Fox Shox, new Major motor, new JG trans w/ 4:57 R&P, Summers floaters, Fodrill arms frt/ rear, PCI radio, PI steering, new tires/ wheels, new spare shox, 10 spare tires, all associated equipment. Dual axle trailer included. $25,000.00 oho. Would trade for land, boat, car, etc. Call Darren at (702) 798-1055 or (702) 277-1080. FOR SALE: AWESOME 2-1600, Front runner always, excel-lent condition, fresh prep, win-ning history, centerlines, 1989 Race Co., FAT Motor, killer tranny, Best of Everything! Includes Trailer, spare, etc. Call me, I drove it. $13,800.00 Baja Concepts Ref #363. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Class 9 single seat-150 Race MilesNew Fat5 Engine, Fuel Cell 229al UMP Filter's Fields, Trans, Saco steering Beards seat, Filler Belts, stinger lNq system, CNC pedals, Fox shocks, spare parts. Car is fast & strong. Set Fast lap at Mint 1994-2:40 min. (818) 504-6908 days, (818) 846-4309 eve. FOR SALE: New old Stock VW Type IV engine case $250.00 obo. New old stock VW 215MM fly-wheel $85.00 obo. (909) 688-8043, before Noon. FOR SALE: 1969 Grey Baja, fbrgls hood & fender, hlgn. Imps. 1835cc, 16,000 miles rblt eng. dual carbs, c.b. alum. interior, full vdo gauges, custom seats, roll bar, nerf guard, rock guard. $6,500.00. Matt (714) 635-6530. FOR SALE: FAR Out 2-Wheel Drive Blazer LOADED, cage by FOR SALE: Class 10/100 Funco Russ Wedermont, clean vehicle, SS II single seat. 2 1st place FR T all new multiple Fox Shox, BFG's, '93, 1 1st place M I T Sportsman alum. dash, 3 Mastercraft seats, \, '94. Wright plus 1" arms, com-Art Carr shifter, Full cage, Earls ._...,__,,.....,_ bos, Fox wires, 3x3 Woods, hoses and much, much more. FOR SALE: 1993 Mirage Super-300M bars, SAW, 930c.v.'s, disc Pricedtosellquick!Rich'sfavor-lite, Fresh paint, Fresh 350 brakes, Fuel Safe, W l o motor & ite $9,000 Baja Concept Ref motor, MTEG legal, Fox Shocks, trans. $5,500.00. Bus box, all #359. (619) 583-6529. BFG tires, Spares: Motors, gea s, Hewland 4:57 R.P. 930 flanges, ¥ clutches, CVS, Arms, Wheels, $1,500.00.Call(714)871-1744. Tires, Everything to go racing. FOR SALE: New 1994 Jimco Class 10. Major motor, DG300 5 speed trans. All new & high dollar parts. Most detailed car you will see. Call Robert at (6 19) 344-0535 days, (619)344-1328 nites. $22,000.00 firm. FOR SALE: 1993 BAJA 1000 and 1993 PARKER 400. Now available in VIDEO. Both tapes include exclusive interviews with top Racers. Each tape $20.00. Please specify. Send check or money order to: Chris Rowland, 15252 Seneca Road, #113, Vic-torville, CA 92392. July 1994 New Price!! Call John Savna-Home (714) 842-7238 or Days (310) 327-8323. FOR SALE: Lothringer Class 9, 2 seater, only seven years old, i staged Foxes by Lothringer, Best ..,.,,,,,. ....... ,..,-~, of everything, WR trans, Wright, FOR SALE: FRESH PREP, Class Beard, Fresh motor & trans, 10, 1989 Bunderson, Coil over, pumper, FM radio, Sway Away, bump stops, FAT Heads, RimCo. FuelSafe, IPF, WIKS, car is fast & motor, Hew land geared 486 safe, includes spares, needs race tranny, fuel cell, Penhall Prep, prep.$7,000.00Firm.(818)339-Bead Locks with Yoko's, Unbe- 9892. lievable Deal!! $9,S00.00. Car is F_O_R_S_A_L_E ____ C-h-en_o_w-th_M_a_g_n_u_m_ Super Fresh! Baja Concepts Ref Race Car, W inner 1994 Florida #379. (619) 5S3-65Z9. 400 Unlimited. 1835cc 091 Bus FOR SALE: AWESOME! VS Tran, Neal pedals, powersteering, TOYOTA 4x4 Truck '86 X-tra disc brakes-W right Rack pinion, cab, 327 Chevy Turbo 350 Trans Centerlines, too much to list. NP203, 33" tires, 130 amp alter-$5,000.00. W ill sell with or nator, headers, Interior Roll cage, without motor & trans ... Al"O 40k miles, 42 gal tank, Rancho Chenowth 1000, New. Never put shocks, Axle Truss. Too much to together with body $1,000.00. list. $8,250.00. Call (408) 265-(912) 474-0394 work, (912) 8146. 477-5115. Page 55