$1.50 Covering the world of competition in the dirt
It was a classic desert race. 250 miles across some of the roughest terrain Mexico can serve up. And in the end, in only its second appearance, Toyota's new V6-powered desert truck finished well ahead of i tidt4'1-Jt·Wt·Vtitt1ibZNifl/H its nearest (VS-powered) competitor. There were, of course, plenty of fans on hand to congratulate Toyota's driver, Ivan "Ironman'' Stewart. But there were also others present deserving of credit. Toyota engineers. Some of the very people who designed Ivan's awesome new ride. A truck that under-went no less than 18 months of development and testing before its first race. Of course, if we go this far for one race truck, you can be sure we go even further to build your Toyota. Fact is, every new Toyota Truck we intro-duce is the result of hundreds of engineers working for as long as four years. Because that's what it takes to engineer a winner. ®TOYOTA "I love what you do for me:'
Volume 11 - Number 5 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Janay Smith Controller John Calvin Circulation 0 . Osborne Cont rlbutors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Barry Don Calloway Carre~a Photography Carol Clark Don Dayton John Elkin Homer Eubanks Don Holbrook Martin Holmes Daniel Maimer Matt Marcher Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh Darryl Smith Judy Smith Tony Tellier Trackside Photo Inc. Wizer Photos Art Director Larry E. Worsham May 1994 -ILL■ Ol'PIIOAD L\CIIICI IUOH Subscription Rates: lllrif Series,f~Racing~ $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (lSSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 207 51 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class ' Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty 'ifimes, 20751 ~Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• . . . ·•· .)_ . . , .,. ,, ... This Trackside photo of the Uniroyal Laredo Racing team in the 1970s should jog some memories among the old hands. From the left it was Jim Ellis, Dub Smith, Tom Spiel and Dave Rogalia. Spiel went on to become Vice President and investor in HDRA, the others left off road racing after the team disolved but they made quite a splash while the support lasted with jazzy paint jobs ( for the era) and matching race suits. Uniroyal Tires got bought out by BFGoodrich, and now Michelin Tires owns the whole shebang. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies"or woes on this page each month end us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIME! ill pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self !dressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or BxlO will be considered. Dusty Times May 1994 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page Tecate SCORE San Felipe 250 by Judy Smith .. .............. 12 Tecate SCORE Trophy-Trucks by Judy Smith ............... 22 American Rally Association ... ... ......................... 23 MTEG Stadium Racing at San Diego by Homer Eubanks . . . . . . 24 SCCA Sand Hill Pro Rally .. .............. . . .... . ........ . 28 La Rana Presidential 250 by Carol Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 GPORRA Year in Review by Keith Koesters ... .............. 37 E Ticket Rally Sprints by John Elkin . . ..................... 38 WRC Swedish Rally by Martin Holmes ..................... 42 Off Road Get-Away by Wizer Photo . . . . .... . .............. 44 Chevrolet SlO Blazer Report by John Calvin ................ . 45 Akan Winter Rally by Tom Grimshaw . .... ..... ........... 46 Whiplash Buckeye Bash 125 by Tony Tellier ............... . 48 Michelin in Action by Martin Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Bad Dogs Season Opener by Barry Don Callaway . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 DEPARTMENTS Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Competition Review Board by Reese King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Fair News by Dave Massingham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Reno 300 Press Conference by Wizer Photo . ................ 47 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Checkers Column by the Big Wahzoo ...................... 57 Chapala Dusters Report by H. Henesey ..................... 57 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57, 58 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ON THE COVER -We feature a pair of rising stars in racing, second generation off road folk at that. On top is youngster Ryan Thomas, still in college, who cut his teeth bouncing around the Amo Borrego desert and Baja California. Ryan went to SCORE racing last year, and with Mike Lund co-driving he won Class 10 in the exhausting Baja 1000. Here he drove solo in the Chenowth to the Class 10 victory in the San Felipe bash winning by 20 minutes and he was also a quick fourth overall. Pat Dean, not that much older than Ryan, won the whole ball game in the Barbary Coast Chenowth/ Porsche at San Felipe, taking the lead on the road and on time before the first check. He had a "flawless" day in the well prepped race car and won overall and in Class 1 by 11 minutes, and set fast time of the day, 4: 16:21. Dean drove the entire distance, and this race, like Parker, was an all Las Vegas show for the overalls. In both events Danny Hamel won the motorcycle honors, Ed and Tim Herbst won Parker in a Chenowth/ Porsche and Pat Dean won San Felipe. Is there a message here? Color Photography by Trackside Photo Inc. tO-S~7oaatf DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $15.00 □ I years -$15.00 □ 3 years -$35.00 Take, advantage of your subscription bonus .• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name _________ _ ____________ _ Address __________________ ~--City State ___________ Zip-----------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES ·I 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818)882-0004 I ( Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates on requ_est) Page 3
1994 · Happenings ••• A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34087 Racing the 3rd Sunda:y of each month March thru October Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 944-7541 AMSA Jim Webb P.O. Box 26084 Fresno, CA 93726 (209) 439-2114 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 47 Teenan St. Ferny Hills, Q. 4055, Australia 011-18-07-851-0444 May 29, 1994 , Griffith New South Wales July 24, 1994 Kempsey New South Wales September 11, 1994 Mt. Gambier South Australia November 2 7, 1994 Puckapunyal Victoria (Stadium Races TBA) AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B IHI (514) 434-5792 BAD DOG'S OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN Callaway Fun Inc. 3825 No. Main Cleburne, TX 76031 Barry Don Callaway (817) 645-0003/ (817) 641-9985 Gene Peugh ( 81 7) 790-8268 nights llirif Series of QtT-Baad Racing. 1994 SODA RACE SCHEDULE Chevrolet Memorial Day 100, May 28-29 Lake Geneva, WI BAJA INTERNATIONAL P.O. Box 392 Calexico, CA 92232 Apartado Postal 31 / 163 Mexicali, BC, Mexico (Mexicali (65) 68-34-72 May 27-29, 1994 Carrera Fuera de Camino "El Mayor" Mexicali, BC, Mexico July 22-24, 1994 Ensenada 200 Ensenada, BC, Mexico October 7-9, 1994 Mexicali 400 Mexicali, BC, Mexico BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 April 29-May 1, 1994 Gran Carrera de Mexicali Multi Lap, 250 miles .lune 17-19, 1994 Gran Carrera de Tecate 250 mile, New Concept Julv 29-31, 1994 Gran Carrera de Ensenada 350 miles or Closed Course September 23-25, 1994 Gran Carrera de Campones 250 miles San Felipe, BC, Mexico BONNEVILLEOFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1533 Obden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. Chevrolet Off-Road Championship June 11-12 Antigo, WI Chevrolet Spring Run June 25-26 Crandon, WI Chevrolet Off-Road Challenge July 9-10 Luxemburg, WI U.P. Off-Road 100 July 23-24 Bark River, Ml Road America Off-Road Race Aug. 6-7 Elkhart Lake, WI Chevrolet Great Northern Challenge Aug. 20-21 Lake Odessa, Ml Chevrolet World Championship Sept. 2-4 · Crandon, WI Wisconsin Off-Road Festival Sept. 17-18 Oshkosh, WI Blackhawk Farms Off-Road Challenge Oct. 1-2 Beloit, IL May6-7, 1994 Wendover Express Wendover USA July 1-2, 1994 Jackpot 200 Jackpot NV September 2-3, 1994 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1994 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, W154520 (715) 478-2222 June 24-26, 1994 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI September 2-4, 1994 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI BUMP Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions 43943 Sierra Hwy ., Suite G Lancaster, CA 93534 (805) 723-1549 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison, CRS Director 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 (909) 736-1442 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 May 13-15, 1994 Rim of the World National Pro Rally Palmdale, CA July 15-17, 1994 Prescott Forest National Pro Rally Prescott, AZ September 17-18, 1994 Treeline Rally Palmdale, CA BFGaadricH -----------r~s FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT -~lid,--October 22-23, 1994 Gorman Ridge Rally Gorman, CA December 4-5, 1994 East of lndio Rally Indio, CA CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 May 7, 1994 Three Hour Enduro Olympia, WA October 15, 1994 Whiskey Springs 400 Bend, OR CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CMC Continental Motosport Club Sand Drags P.O. Box 830 Adelanto, CA 92301 (619) 246-7262 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719)531-3642 W 1(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 COLORADO OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Bertram Productions Inc. 15073 Hwy 119 Route #4 Golden, CO 80403 (303) 936-5960 CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Am.e-l"Lcon ~ Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/ (214) 641-2090 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116. Melbourne, FL 32935 ( 407) 254-5167 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERiES April 23, 1994 Buzz Bomb 1 SO El Centro, CA May 14-15, 1994 24 Hours Le Fud El Centro, CA June 25, 1994 Plaster City Blast El Centro, CA August 27, 1994 Superstition 250 El Centro, CA October 29, 1994 Squeaky Springs Gran National El Centro, CA December 31, 1994 Dunaway Dash El Centro._ CA ATV, BIKE & DESERT SUPERLITE SCHEDULE May 8, 1994 Sweetheart's Kiss El Centro, CA July 3, 1994 T ankslappers Gran Prix El Centro, CA July 23, 1994 Mr. Patterson's W ild Ride El Centro, CA August 6, 1994 Night Team Race El Centro, CA '~ ESFtN ESFtNE! COVERAGE SHORT-COURSE OFF-ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION • 7839 WEST NORTH AVENUE • WAUWATOSA, WISCONSIN 53213 Page 4 May 1994 Dusty nma
.,,~.· .··~······.··/.".. ·~· .....• · •·.·.· -. ··.·. !11.··.···.•··:··· .. '' ·· .... ·.'_ •... ,,, ·•···. · .. -; ·.· ,> :· ...... ·.}:t· ::: .·• t 6-' '',, .•.. ;_t '. . /.. ~ -~ ,, ,ROUND ?IJll: -1~ w --cerne· f!a1le, Jam 250 % Lucerne· Valley, Ca June 17-19 ,.,, ~ ~ .. -~-'% l(:";i( , ~ ""'·' . · dnd ·Tech ,. ;..1t .. : ~ ~ ,•;.;' .... ~ ... ,. J~to 9.pm~ f' ~ Desert R<Jcing 7', ~ ~ 'fM# P.O. BOX_l365 n APPLE VALLE.f, CA "PHONE: 619-24<PJ'
September 18, 1994 Desert Sprint El Centro, CA October 9, 1994 Mudhen 11 El Centro, CA November 20, 1994 Notorious Dawg El Centro, CA December 4, 1994 Rudolph's Revenge El Centro, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (714) 880-1733 September 4, 1994 Car Enduro October 30, 1994 Car Enduro November 27, 1994 Car Enduro GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 ( 404) 963-0252 April 24, 1994 Vienna, GA May 29, 1994 Vienna, GA June 26, 1994 Vienna, GA July 24, 1994 Vienna, GA August 21, 1994 Vienna, GA September 25, 1994 Vienna, GA October 23, 1994 Vienna, GA November 26, 1994 Thanksgiving 250 Vienna, GA December 3, 1994 Annual Banquet TBA WENDOVER USA TAKE EXIT 4 .Follow Slg_na Pa,c 6 GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER August 18, 1994 RACING ASSOCIATION 4WDCLUB Cadillac, MI GPORRA P.O. Box465 August 24, 1994 13621 Pierce St. Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-SL2 PENDING Omaha, NE 68144-1122 Bob (604) 374-7175 days August 25, 1994 ( 402) 333-0517 Eve. Randy (604) 579-9621 eves Hudsonville, MI Keith Koesters Keith (604) 828-1795 anytime 6716 N. 106th St. August 27-28, 1994 Omaha, NE 68122 (Allewntsstart7milesNW ofKamloof?_s) Off-Road Nationals ( 402) 496-0846 Eve. Fowlerville, MI April 30, 1994 LA RANA DESERT RACING MICKEY THOMPSON'S May 21, 1994 P.O . Box 1365 OFFROAD June 11, 1994 Apple Valley, CA 92307 STADIUM SERIES Race & VW Car Show (619) 240-1335/(619) 240-1312 Mickey Thompson July 9, 1994 April 22-24, 1994 Entertainment Group July 30, 1994 (Fair) Spangler 200 P.O . Box 25168 Ridgecrest, CA Anaheim, CA 92825 August 6, 1994 June 17-19, 1994 (714) 254-3001 August 20, 1994 Lucerne Valley Jam 250 April 23, 1994 (all races at Weslfair Fair Grounds, Lucerne Valley, CA Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¾ mile course August 19-21, 1994 Las Vegas, NV similar to the MTEG tracks, and run under Johnson Valley 200 June 18, 1994 class re~lations from SODA) Lucerne Valley, CA Rice Stadium October 14-16, 1994 Salt Lake City, UT ROD HALL INVITATIONAL 5445 Equity Ave. California 200 August 1994 (TBA) Reno, NV 89502 Ridgecrest, CA Pontiac Silvertlome (702) 856-3100 November 18-20, 1994 Detroit MI High Desert 300 October 1994 (TBA) April 29-May 1, 1994 Lucerne Valley, CA Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Reno 300 Off Road Race Reno, NV Las Vegas, NV MICHIGAN OFF ROAD Octoher 1994 (THA) HIGH PLAINS OFF CHAMPIONSHIPS Mile Hi).!h :-iradium ROAD RACING M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. ()l'fl\'l'f, l 't) ASSOCIATION Harvey Wald 15529 Jones Road MTEG SPORTSMAN SERIES Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (605) 224-6678 days (SI 7) 627-6200 AT GLEN HELEN OHV P1K (605) 224-5534 evenings April 30-Ml W!~ y July 23, 1994 IOK FOUR WHEELERS Fowlerville, MI ~~-' -P.O. Box36 July 31, 1994 ,Jl l~i?, 199 Cleves, Ohio 45002 Mason, MI ember 1 , 1994 ( All events staged at the club grounds August 4, 1994 Oc r 22-23, 1994 in Cleties, Ohio) Sandusky, MI INTER-SHOWS. August 9, 1994 . Mll)-AI\IERll':\ MOTORSPORTS Corunna, MI OFF ROAD AS~OCIATION PROMOTIONS, INC. August 11, 1994 David l.'.ronin, Pr,·sr<i<-nt. MAORA P.O. Box 2910 Bad Axd, MI 2590 Mullanphy Mission Viejo, CA 92690 August 14, 1994 Florissant, MO 63031 (714) 364-0515 Imlay City, Ml (618) 765-2199 STAK Lin, / SILV,R SffllTII WENDOVER CASIDOS NEV AD A IJlNt BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING Presents 200 MILE OffR0AD DESERT RIICf PRO CLASSES 200 MILES -SPORTSMAN CLASS 100 MILES POWDER PUFF FOLLOWS THE FEATURE RACE * AWARDS AT CLOSING * OVER-THE-HILL DERBY AFTER THE LADIES FOR MORE INFORMATION BORE Box 1583 -Ogden, Utah IU402 -PhoM 801-821-2613 May 1994 All events at Okaw Valley Campground Shelbyville, IL (Additional track dares may be added) NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 -Box 380 Dave or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 May 1, 1994 Johnson, VT May 22, 1994 Morristown Raceway Park, OH May 1994 (tentative) New Breman Georgia Raceway, GA June 4-5, 1994 Johnson, VT June 4, 1994 Niprock Raceways Canada July 2, 1994 Hopewell-Louden Young Farmers Bascom, OH July 3, 1994 Morristown Raceway Park, OH July 23-24, 1994 Niprock Raceways Canada August 7, 1994 Morristown Raceway Park, OH September 4, 1994 Niprock Raceways Canada OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O . Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasque: 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (913) 855-8899 REGISTRATIOM & TECH INSPECTION FRIDAY 6:00 -8:00PM DRIVERS MEETING SATURDAY 8:00AM RACEWIU START AT 9:00 SHARP SATU~Y -~ Dusty Times
R .,...-\ < . I N <; . . . ' . . . . . . . ·::~: . CHEER SIX CLASSES TO SIX VICTORIESI · Grand National Sport Truck · Four Wheel ATV · Sport Utility · Superlite · Super 1600 · UltraCross 250 cc Motorcycles Las Vegas Silver Bowl SATURDAY, APRIL 23 1994 • 7:00 PM For Information Call: (800) 795-7708 For Tickets· Call: r,crce,:@:~ &..nnl I ROa-lJNa---MAY ITCNIIDI ~ 7021474-4000 Proudly sponso:·ed :Jy: -~'M c ........ w...-... BOSCH YA■AHA
June 25-26, 1994 Cars & Bikes El Paso, TX November 5-6, 1994 Cars & Bikes El Paso, TX ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Jeff Sargent 1480 Lakeridge Rd . N · Ajax, Ontario, Canada (416) 427-4782 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. ·Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561 ·32081(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 May 14-15, 1994 Rim of the World Palmdale, CA June 3-5, 1994 Susquehannock Trail Wellsboro, PA July 29-30, 1994 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ August 27-28, 1994 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji, MN September 23-24, 1994 Sunriser Forest Rally Chillicothe, Ohio October 22-23, 1994 Press On Regardless Houghton, MI December 2-3, 1994 Maine Forest Rally Rumford, ME * Indicar.es Divisional Rall:, with 6o percent National Points SCORE Score International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 June 3-5, 1994 SCORE Baja 500 Baja California, MX July 1-3, 1994 SCORE Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 9-11, 1994 SCORE Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV November 10-13, 1994 • SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, MX December 16, 1994 Awards Night Location TBA S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 (714) 783-8293 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 May 20-22, 1994 Caliente 250 Caliente, NV July 22-24, 1994 Midnight Special Nelson Hills, NV September 23-25, 1994 SNORE250 Las Vegas, NV October 28-30, 1994 Double Trouble 200 Nelson Hills, NV December 2-4, 1994 Eldorado 250 Henderson, NV SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA/(414) 257-0422 May 28-30, 1994 Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva, WI June 11-12, 1994 Antigo Kiwanis Off Road Race Antigo, WI June 25-26, 1994 Spring Run IOI Crandon, WI July 9-10, 1994 Fox Riverfest Challenge Luxemburg, WI July 23-24, 1994 UP Off Road 100 Bark River, MI August6-7, 1994 Road America Elkhart Lake, WI August 20-21, 1994 Great Northern Challenge Lake Odessa, MI September 2-4, 1994 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 17-18, 1994 Wisconsin Off Road Festival Oshkosh, WI October 1-2, 1994 Blackhawk Farms Off Road Challenge So. Beloit, IL SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915)337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa, TX TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (all events at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owebo, NY) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W . Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 656-1122 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 May 28-30, 1994 Yerington/ VORRA 400 Yerington, NV June 17-19, 1994 Virginia City 200 Virginia City NV July 29-31, 1994 Fallon 250 at Night Fallon, NV September 3-5, 1994 Yerington to Fallon and Back Yerington, NV October 1-2, 1994 VORRA Fall Spectacular Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA October 29-30, 1994 1994 Championship Race Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Ron (Rocky) Weinstein, President Box 246-106-1656 Martin Dr. White Rock, B.C. V4A 6E7 (604) 582-3338 WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 Sumas, WA 98295 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 (602) 971-3730 (All events at Thrasherland, z 17th Aue. & Glendale in Phoenix, AZ) WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414)688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List :,our coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the onl:, wa:, some fans know about :,our event, if the:, don't happen to be on :,our club mailing list. Don't call, but mail :,our z 994 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it-could bring :,au some extra entries! Mail :,our race or rail:, schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-44o8. SCORE 1993 ENGINE BUILDER OFlHE YEAR! ... ··.·.··.·•·•· •.• · .• ·•· ... ·.· •. · ••.•• ·.· •. · •.• ·.· ••• · .• · .. · .• · .• · .. ·.· ..• · .• · .• · .• ·•· ••• · .• ·•· •• · •• · ••• ·•· •.• ·•· •• · •••• · •• · •• · •• ·.•.··.···.·.· •• = ............................................................. •,•••'•'•'••·······································•'•"•'••·"•'••··· .. ··••'••"'•'•·········································• ...... , .............. ·.•,···" ... ', We would like to thank and congratulate all these FAT-powered, 1993 Class points champions: MTEG Super 1600 Champion ....................... .Jerry Whelchel SODA Class 2· 1600 Champion ....................... Jim Wiggens SODA Class 1 · 1600 Champion ................... : ... Todd Attig SODA Class S· 1600 Champion ....................... Mike Brue SODA Class 9· 10 Champion ........................... Todd Attig SODA Class 1 Champion ................................ Todd Attig SCORE Class 5 Champion .............................. George Seeley BAJA PROMOTIONS Class 1 ·2 Champion ....... Brent Miller FUD Class 2· 1600 Champion ......................... Jim & Mike Abatti RAONG ENQNES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS Send or call for our new catalog SS.00 v w•••••wwv •••••·••••••·•w••·•··•····••·'········•·'·········•.'··•••••••·•·•••••••••·•••·.'•·•••··•··••w•·•w•••··· ................................. • ............... J Page 8 We would also like to thank and congratulate all our customers for all their class wins in SCORE, SODA, MTEG, SNORE, FUD, I.A RANA and BAJA PROMOTIONS. JJ'-M81ia1::· 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889•fax (714) 637-7352 May 1994 Trail Notes ••• THE SCORE NEV ADA 400 drew a better number of entries than last year, including the Trophy-Trucks. It made a much more exciting race, with twelve of these exotic vehicles on the line, as they started much closer together this trip, 30 seconds apart. They did two loops of the 100 mile course starting at 6 a.m. Paul and Dave Simon got their second win of the season in the Ford F-150 in this class. When the full complement of classes took off at 9:00 a.m. to run the full four laps there were many potential winners. But it was Bob Gordon and Frank Arciero Jr. who won overall in the trusty Class 1 Chenowth powered by a Type 4 VW engine. In fact Frank turned the fast lap of the whole race, beating the Trophy-Truck fast time by a few minutes. Class.1-2-1600 went to Brian and Scott Steele, there were no finishers in Class 3, and no entry in Class 4. The Class 5 winner was the James Gang Bug driven by Michael James and John Cooley, and Class 5-1600 belonged to Danny·and Hector Ledezma. There were no finishers in Classes 6 and 7, but Class 7S went to Jeff Lewis in the Chevy. It was quite a battle in Class 8 but Dave Ashley and Dan Smith won in the new Ford. Darnen and Casey Jefferies took the victory in Class 9 in their Jimco and the huge Class 10 honors went to Tim McDonnell and John Kruger.Terry Kiely and Chris Woodward won Class 11 and Lee Finke and Rudy Leon won the Sportsman group overall. Stock full size honors went to Steve Olligies and Tim Casey in a Ford and the Stock Mini Truck class victory belonged to Michael Martin and Don Lampus in a Ford Ranger. The weather was beautiful and the course as mean as ever.We'll have a full report with pictures next month. RIM OF THE WORLD-Coming up fast on May 13-14 is the 11th Annual Rim of the World SCCA Pro Rally headquartered in Palmdale, CA. The rally registration and tech inspection happens at the Palmdale Ramada Inn on May 13 from 1:00 p.m .until the rally starts at 7:00 p.m. On Saturday the rally will restart at the Antelope Valley Mall. From 10:00 a.m. the cars will be on display there and most of the drivers will be there too, until the restart at 1 :00 p.m. There will be a dinner break at the Lake Hughes Community Club from 5:30 p.m. to 9:00 with all the surviving teams on hand. Then the third section of the event climbs into the Angeles National Forest until the wee hours. For details contact Mike Gibeault, 149 Rawhide Lane, Ridgecrest, Ca 93555. THE MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP made some heavy duty changes late in March into early April. Mickey's sister Collene Campbell resigned as Chairman of the Board, her husband Gary Campbell taking over that spot. Mickey's son Danny Thompson takes over as President and has resigned as driver of the Venable Racing Ford in stadium racing. For the five remaining events in the stadium series, Venable will test a different driver at each venue as he looks for a teammate for Rob MacCachren. MTEG has a new marketing and advertising agency for that work that formerly was done in house, so some familiar faces will be missing from registration and the press room. Next the June Kansas City date was canceled and a new date, April 23 is the replacement at the Silver Bowl in Las Vegas, NV, one of two races there this year. And, finally MTEG has canceled the entire Sportsman Series they were running at Glen Helen OHV Park after just one event. That is all we know at press time. Stand by! SABOT AGE IN VEGAS - Scalzo Brothers Racing had high hopes at the recent Nevada 400. Drivers T im Scalzo (22) and Jimmie Johnson ( 18) teamed up for the remaining events in 1994. They had many sponsors and crew members supporting them for this tough event. Sad to say, the morning of the race Jimmie found that someone had kicked in the oil cooler. oil went everywhere when he started the motor. After the oil cooler was replaced ( thanks to the guys at Toyota), we found that there was also anti-freeze in the gas. One mile into the race the car shut off. After a long day of fighting the odds, eventually the problems ended their hopes of just finishing the race. These two young racers would not quit until they had no choice. I hope the presons resfonsible forthis is not a Class 10 competitor. If they are, just call us and we wil build you the same car. We have no secret parts. Tim and Jimmie are excited about the Baja 500 coming in June. Scalzo Racing and its sponsors have great expectations from these two young drivers. VORRA opened their 1994 series at Prairie City OHV Park in mid March with an excellent turnout of northern California and Nevada racers. It was no surprise to see Wes Elrod win both motos and the Class 10 title. Mike Lee topped the Sportsman Novice crowd with a pair of seconds while Forest Creasy won both motos and the Class 9 title. The Sportsman Vets were the biggest car class and Brian Holloway put together a fifth and a sixth to top the points for the Class win. Class 1-2-1600 had a great turnout too and Sid Smith won both motos over ten other cars to take the cash and title. Class 4 went to Jim Cope and Class 2 was won by Sam Berri with a second and a third. The Pilots turned out in force for the race and Scott Stewart won the title among the Pros while Steve Bray was tops in Pilot Novice. We will have the full report and photos on this race next month. THE FINAL FLAG has flown too often in recent months. We recently learned tha a SODA racer, Dan Elwell of Joliet, IL, was killed with two friends when their truck was struck by a train. Dan was building a new 2-1600 car for the coming season. He leaves behind his wife of three years, Kelly, who wants to finish the car and race it for Dan, and his dad Bill and family. We met Bill and his then young son at the first Memorial Day 100 we attended, when he was part of the Mud Turtles that did course control at the race and that was back in the mid 1970s. Our sincere sympathy goes to the entire family. Jeff, Kevin and Steve Probst will finish the car and others plan to help also. Dan was just 27 years old. Then we learned that Jim Wright, owner and publisher of Hot VWs Magazine succumbed to cancer on March 29, after a long fight" against the deadly disease. Jim was a fellow worker at Petersen Publishing Co. when we started in this business. and was one of several of us that shared office space as the VW boom accelerated and we all went to free lance work. Jim bought Hot VWs from Bond-Parkhurst Publishing when they thought the VW craze was dying, this nearly 20 years ago. Our heartfelt sympathy goes to his staff at the magazine as well as his family. The sport will miss this pioneer in off road racing ... he raced a Wampus Kitty, and a real gentleman in a tough business. We also learned that Rosemary Tindall, the co-driver on the Doo Wop Ill and IV Divisional Pro Rallies, who was critically injured when the car driven by Joel Wright hit a tree, died of her injuries on March 22. Rosemary was an Oregon native, a long time Pro Rally enthusiast, working the rallies for several years before she started competing as a co-driver in 1990. ~he was a well rounded athlete and professional, who in addition to being a licensed aircraft pilot enjoyed sky diving. She will be missed by the Pro Rally community, and again our sincere condolences to her parents and Joel Wright. Dusty Times .
Competition Review Board Report By Reese King This report covers the 1993 Gold Coast 300, Baja 1000 and the 1994 Parker 400. The Gold Coast 300 CRB members were Evan Harbottle, Board Admin-istrator from Chapala Dusters, Torn Bradley, Class 1, Open Wheel, Dale White, Class 3, Vince Alcoulournre, Class 5-1600, Bekki Freeman, Class 1-2-1600, Danny Cau, SCORE President, Paul Fish, SCORE Vice President, Reese King, CRB Marshal. The Competition Review Board for the 1993 Gold Coast 300 met in the first floor conference room at the Gold Coast Hotel & Casino. It was clean, quiet and dignified. Unfortunately this was one of the few dignities offered to the board. For reasons yet unknown, only one case was presented to the CRB. A second case was decided by SCORE and a third mys-teriously disappeared! Addition-ally, this board heard a complaint · from a Class 5 racer and offered an opinion in the matter. The case of Bunch vs Lewis involved #720 Billy Bunch who filed a protest of abusive nerfing against #724 Jeff Lewis. Bill appeared before the board with truck owner Ron Lister and Mike Shannon, who both witnessed the incident. Billy related that he entered and stopped at Check 4, with Lewis immediately behind. According to Bunch the course at this location forks, with the left lane being the preferred line and the right lane leading to the pits. Billy said he went to the right intending to stop at the BFG pit. As he slowed Lewis struck his vehicle in the left rear quarter, pushing the truck to the left and then collided with the driver's door. Bunch spun around and came to rest in the MacPherson pit, Lewis' sponsor! Responding to questions by the board, Billy stated that he and Lewis left the check at the same time. Evan Harbottle asked for clarification on SCORE policy; both Cau and Wick responded that their policy is one vehicle per green light. After the protesters were excused from the room, the board discussed two issues. First two members who had raced that day commented that they had been directed to continue racing when the vehicle ahead of them received the green light. Second, at least three of the racers present felt that the right lane was the better line out of the check because of the silt to the left .. Next Jeff Lewis was called in and came with five witnesses who had been present at pit "E". As is often the case, their version of the incident was substantially different. Jeff stated that he had caught Bunch just before the checkpoint; both racers stopped at the check and Lewis received the green light three seconds after Billy. "He went to the far right and I went to the far left.We were going flat out and from my recollection he started corning from the right lane over, which starts necking down, and we came together, side to side. And that's it. We came together, I kept going; I never lifted; he dis-appeared." At this point it appeared to be Page 10 another case of one team's word against another's. However, one of Lewis' witnesses was a member of the Walker Evans team. This apparently unbiased witness corroborated the testimony of Jeff Lewis. In a 5-0 decision, the board voted to dismiss the protest, believing that the incident was an accident. A BUM DIEHL? Greg Diehl with son Bradford and co-driver Tony Kujala, asked to address the board regarding the SCORE requirement that the driver of record either start or finish the race. Apparently Greg, the driver of record, and Tony had agreed that they will alternate as starting drivers. This is a common arrangement between partners which ensures that each gets to drive in, at least, every other race. At the Gold Coast it was Tony's turn to start and he handed the Class 5 to Diehl at the halfway point. After driving about five miles the car lost its power steering pump, but Greg con-tinued while his crew attempted to locate a replacement. Then later he jammed his wrists and was unable to continue racing, turning the car over to Kujala, and they eventually won their class. After much discussion the board voted 4-1 that Greg Diehl should not receive points, even though on more than one occasion a driver has started a race, drove 200 yards and got out, it seems very unjust. If the Diehl team had DNF'd they would have at least received starting points. Again it seems unjust. My personal opinion is that when Diehl got in the car he intended to finish, and should receive starting points. However, I must support SCORE's decision to enforce their rules. (Seems there is something wrong with that rule; at least Greg and Tony got the class winner's trophy and check, just no points ed.) Clearly the bottom line here is obvious. If you are the driver of record start every race, but this could be hard on many private teams. The Baja 1000 CRB Members were David Ashley Board Administrator, Class 4, Stuart Chase, Class 1 Open Wheel, Darren York, Class 7S, Mark Johnson, Motorcycles .. Only one protest was filed, but it was a tough one. The FAIR Pit Support Team from Campo Don Abel filed a protest of unsafe driving against entry# l 00 Jason Baldwin, Class 1 Chenowth. Apparently these volunteers were enjoying a fine day of rnotorsports when their normal routine was rudely interrupted by a racer using their pit for a short cut. The racer was not Jason Baldwin but rather the legendary Ivan Stewart. Ob-viously the question in everyone's mind was why wasn't the protest against Stewart? FAIR Pit Captain Harry Dunn and partner Bruce Streeper explained to the board that it was their belief that Baldwin's actions caused the incident. Moments before this potentially disastrous episode Baldwin was stopped in the BFG pit and Stewart was on course. According to Dunn,Jason exited the BFG pit, on the west side of Highway 5, and engaged Ivan on course. Both racers traveling side by side crossed the highway and continued toward the FAIR pit. It was at this point that Dunn and Streeper believe Baldwin forced Stewart's Toyota over the berm and into their pit. The board questioned Dunn considerably regarding the location of the involved pits and the layout of the course. He stated that the FAIR pit was approxi-mately 200 feet east of the highway and the required 50 feet from the edge. Jason Baldwin was called before the board and advised of the charge against him. He recalled that he was signaled to leave the pit and as he approached the highway Stewart attempted to pass him. After crossing the highway together, Jason was forced to the side and in his words, "I was able to keep my speed up and inch back on the course," in an attempt to avoid colliding with a large white boulder. "I don't think it was a safe place for him to try and pass me." Board members Ashley and Chase questioned him regarding vehicle positions and pit locations and then Baldwin was excused from the room. Next Ivan Stewart and PPI team owner Cal Wells were called before the board. Ivan stated he first noticed Jason while ap-proaching the BFG pit. He recalled Baldwin's car was stopped on the return road waiting to re-enter the race course. He next observed him to be at his right side as Stewart began to set up for the road crossing. As both cars continued down the course, Ivan recalled that Jason began to move over on him and that ultimately his only options were to give up his line and drive through the FAIR pit or collide with Baldwin. From his position in the air Wells observed these events and immediately ordered his pilot to land. After meeting with the FAIR people and ensuring that all was well, he went to the BFG pit and spoke with pit captain Jerry Stansbury and team director Dan Newsome. Wells thought that BFG per-sonnel had directed Baldwin to the race course and felt that it was unsafe. He stated to the board that Stansbury and Newsome indi-cated the opposite, that Baldwin had been directed to stop, but continued against their wishes. U nfortuna tel y, neither person was present at the CRB and this information was treated as hearsay. Space precludes detailing the thorough discussion that fol-lowed. The big question is should one or both of these drivers have realized the potential danger and lifted? (Both Stewart and Baldwin were going for the overall lead at this point in the race, making it difficult for either man to lift and lose. -ed) With one board member a no show and another abstaining, the remaining members voted unan-imously to uphold the protest. Then they discovered such endangerment of pit crews, spectators, etc. carries a penalty o( automatic disqua!C.-fication so another long debate was launched. In the end the board's unanimous vote was to dismiss the charge against Jason Baldwin. When simply viewed as two vehicles traveling down course together, it quickly becomes apparent that both May1994 111orc TRAIL NOTES ••• BERTRAM PRODUCTIONS sent their 1994 schedule to us, but too late to make the Happenings column this month. The Golden, CO based promoters have racesonJune 12,June26,July 10,July 31, August 21, September 11 and October 1 at the 1-76 Speedway in Fort Morgan, Colorado. On August 7 they have a fun, no points run and barbecue at Berthoud, Colorado. Bertram states how pleased they are to be working with a facility (l-76) that is working extremely hard to make the racing program a success. 1-76 has completely redone the infield and Bertram has designed a new track for 1994. There is a very good chance that the Stock Subaru class will be joining in the race program again this year. Welcome back Subarus - we missed you! For complete information on this series write Bertram Productions, Inc. 15073 Highway 119, Route #4, Golden, CO 80403 or call (303) 582-5660. SPICED UP DRIVER VS SPOILED SALSA -When Mike Jakobson accepted the Class 5 second place trophy at the San Felipe 250 awards c_er_emony, the smile on his face belied the rage he felt inside. After all he had finished the race a good hc:mr before the offici~l first place finisher. Confused! Well you are no~ alone._ First lets shed s'?me light on the events preceding the awards presentation. Poised and ready Mike Jakobson waited for the race start a 250 mile sprint set to start and finish around San Felipe. He was excited abou; ~h~ race,_ with a new and more powerful engine and veteran Dave Snoddy had Jomed his team. Just 17 miles from the green flag Jakobson was in the lead and said the car ran like a dream. Prior to reaching the first checkpoint at El Chi~ero he had ~ome up behind the Class 10 car ofJon Tanklage, who had radioed his ~rew to mform them he wa~ out of contention due to power steering problems. At the pace he was running I could tell he was having problems. He waved acknowledging I was behind him; I waved back and followed him since there was no pla~e for him to pull of! the track." recalled Jakobson. "Suddenly he g~abbed his brakes, turned his wheel to the right, which pitched his car sideways off the track. To avoid a side impact I quickly turned to the left but it wast'?? la~e and my right _fro_nt wh~el caught hi~ rear wheel as his car was ;oiling over. This was the only mc1dent man otherwise trouble free run to the finish. J~kobson was declared the Class 5 winner, ninth overall on the preliminary time sheets posted. However he was flagged to appear at the Competition Review Board that evening. Jon Tanklage was called to the meeting first and then later Jakobson was called in. "This was my first time in front of the board and I was under the impression that I was called in for abusive nerfing," explained Jakobson. "So when they asked for my side of the story I told them how the incident happened and that I hadn't nerfed him." Mike was excused but a short time later called back before the board. It was then explained to Jakobson he was being penalized one position because he followed another race car too closely. (Here we thought that was the way to pass without getting off course, getting close to the car in front and then zipping around it when the roaa widens a tad. This sort of decision we feel is grossly unfair. Obviously they couldn't hurt Jakobson with a time penalty, since he finished an hour and eight minutes ahecul of the official winner. By the way Mike said it was his first win with this Class 5 car. ed.) SNORE TWILIGHT 200 is a favorite race for many Las Vegas racers, and this year they got several teams from surrounding states in the entry, which was low due to the pre-run for the SCORE Nevada 400 happening across town the same day in March. It started out as a real battle but the rocks on the course near Henderson, NV, claimed victims early. After five tough laps, starting at 5:00 p.m., Brendan Gaughan and J.C. Dean not only won Class 10 in a VW powered Chenowth, they won the race overall. Danny Anderson, won Class 1-2-1600, was second overall, and had third fastest lap for the race! Dave Petrillo and Bryan Pennington combined to win Class 9, the largest group there at 14, by an unusually large margin, almost 10 minutes. Scott Bassett won Heavy Metal Honors, and Ed Dunn again took top spot in the growing Sportsman Buggy/Truck Class. We'll have a full report with pictures next month. ARTSCHMITI, themanytimeSODAchampioninClasses 1,2, 9and 10,is becoming a truck racer. Art, known for his extremely tidy car prep and equally tidy trailer, (you can literally eat off the floor), has been running a Nissan engine in his Laser in recent years, and has decided to join the truckers club in 1994 with a Class 7 Nissan pickup, rumored to be the one campaigned by Spencer Low in SODA races a couple of seasons back. Schmitt, from Pittsburgh, PA, has secured support from Nissan Motor Sports, Goodyear and American Racing Wheels, but of course could always use more help. He will race the truck and his Class 1 Laser car in the ESPN PRO Series and the full SODA Series, wh~ch starts the_ end of this month at Lake Geneva, WI. JOHN SARNA of JMS MOTORSPORTS ls moving on. John has been a top competitor in the MTEG Super Lite class as well as a team owner, and he is leaving the series to pursue a career in circle track racing. Last season he drove a TQ Midget on a part time basis, and this year he elected to step up to a full Midget with Fontana Automotive sponsorship and he will run the full 1994 USAC Western States Midget Series. John writes "Although I will miss the series and the relationships I had with my fellow competitors I feel it is in my best ii:iterest at this time that I leave the series to pursue my other goals of eventually competing in a stock car. I would like to extend my gratitude and appreciation to everyone at MTEG, to all of the competitors I have had the opportunity to compete against, to all my sponsors and to Dusty Times for the excellent coverage you have provided me and JMS Motorsports in the MTEG Stadium Series." Sarna ends by writing "I will miss you all". We will miss you John, but wish you the best of everything on your new racing endeavors. drivers had other options. To penalize Jason for Ivan's decision would be wrong. I agree with the board's conclusion. I just don't like the path we had to take to get there. The 1994 Parker 400 CRB held Dennis Crowley, Board Admin-istrator Checkers Off Road. Jim Smith Class 1, Danny Porter Class 1-2-1600, David Sykes, Class Stock Full, Jim Roewer, Motorcycles, David Ashley, Class 8, Board Alternate. The Com-petition Review Board was to convene at the Blue Water Marina Lounge. At 6 a.m. MST no protests had been filed and this power board was excused upon arrival. As always thank you to our hosts Jo & Jeff Fennel of the Blue Water. There was a Class 9 entry that wanted to protest a Class 1 racer for abusive nerfing, but their case was filed too late. These gentlemen won their class so I imagine that took some of the sting out of it. Dusy Times
F.A.I.R. News By Dave Massingham At the SCORE San Felipe 250 on February 28 FAIR had four entries. Brian Parkhouse finished second out of 28 starters in Class 10 with Willie Melancon co-driving. Brian drove a clean first half and Willie had one flat. Brian is second in point standings. Hey Brian, keep up the 85 percent. Dick and Mark W eyhrich were a DNF in Class 10 after driving all the way from Oregon. Motor problems put them out very early. Darnen and Casey Jefferies finished fourth in Class 9 out of 11 starters. Darnen had a flat going through the dump; maybe you should talk to Parkhouse about flat proof. Darnen also had front beam problems that slowed him down. At Borrego the plan was for brother Willie to drive the second upper loop back to Borrego. It seems when Willie got to Borrego he changed his mind and blew by the Borrego pit, leaving Darnen high and dry. Willie didn't feel he had enough seat time. All worked out without any hard feelings. Scott Steinberger was a DNF in Class 7S. Scott won our FAIR hard luck award again. Many problems followed this race team into Baja. Motor and suspension problems right off the line. Then Scott rolled his pride and joy. They got the truck rolled back on its wheels, but more damage was done and that put them out. The problems continue: Leaving early Sunday and arriving home on Monday at 5 :00 p.m., motor home problems several times and trailer tire flats finished the weekend off. Looks like Scott and crew have their work cut out for them to prepare for the Nevada 400. We did have RCR entering the Trophy-Truck race on Friday. Unfortunately Bob Richey had a flat leaving a pit and turned around and went backwards on the course. SCORE disqualified him, must have been brain fade. Thanks to all the pit teams wl-\o spent a great weekend in sunny Baja. Thanks to Evan Harbottle and Bob Beezant for helping out at· the Oasis pit. FAIR fielded nine entries at the La Rana Presidential 250 on March 5, but only two of them finished. Bob Plaskon finished fourth in Class 1-2-1600 and fourth overall. Not bad at all for his third off road race. Bob is a transplant drag racer from the east coast. It looks like he's enjoying off road racing. Bob had one flat and set fast lap for his class. He might be rookie of the year. Ed Pauley and Jon landiorio finished second in Class 1-2-1600 and second overall. What's the world coming to - a 1600 second overall! As a matter of fact 1-2-1600 cars finished first through fourth overall. All the Unlimited cars had major problems. Ed and Jon are past FAIR members, returning to FAIR after racing with D.R.S. Welcome back guys! After doing well the last time out in Class 1500, Kathy Fay had suspension and transmission problems on the second loop that did in the Ford Ranger. She is a hell of a lady and a fine race driver.Tom Mangione was a DNF in Class 10 as he ran out of time. Tom tore the rear torsion housing out on the first lap at pit A. Gary Bancroft came to the rescue from Dusty Times pit F to weld up the damage. It sounded like it was terminal, but thanks to Gary, they got Tom going, but he ran out of time after completing three laps. Mike Nix didn't finish in Class 5, because he lost a CV joint, CV boot and spring plate bushings. A stub axle failure finally put him out at mile 50 or was it 57 or 4 7, nobody knew. It took three or four hours to find poor Mike due to some wrong information given to him by a spectator. Good lesson! Always know where you are ... Wes and Scott Wisdom were DNF in Class 1-2-1600 with stub axle and front trailing arm failures putting them out. I watched them test for several hours, looking good, but no luck. Keep going guys, it will come around. Daryl Gibson didn't finish in Class 1-2-1600 with the transmission giving up on the last lap. Sorry, I didn't receive any other details. . Danny Drake and Rich Fersch didn't finish in Class 5-1600 with motor problems. Rich took the first two laps, putting them into first place. Danny took over and had rocker arm problems. They got that fixed and in doing so the valve cover gasket was not installed properly, losing all the oil and roasting the motor. David Edelstein was a DNF in Class 1575 with major sus-pension problems. Dave had ~rake trouble. with a split brake line. Barstow 1s a very convenient race area. His chase crew drove to town, picked up a brake line, returned to the main pit to install it. Going out on their second lap the leaf springs gave up, ending Dave's day. Looks like Dave is back in good standing with the · FAIR pits. No rocks and dust thb race manager and van driver. The race. Thanks Dave. Morgan crew went to the pre-run I want to thank all the La Rana and marked all the pits. See you racers and their crews for a great there. weekend. I drove the old FAIR FAIR has received Valvoline as van arrivingat9 p.m. Friday. I was a new sponsor. Thanks to Jim impressed with the help that was Arbuckle, we will be flying waiting for me. It sure made the Valvoline banners and stocking weekend enjoyable. Thanks to our pit boxes with Valvoline Charlie Lamar and Bruce Streeper Products. who helped run the main pit. We There has been some discus-had great radio communications · sion on FAIR T shirts. Do we and excellent pits. Thanks guys. It want a new team logo?? Let us sure makes all the time I spend on know what you want! FAIR worth while. We also want Don't forget our FAIR raffle to to thank the Checkers for their raise funds to refinish the old help at pit A. It shows that we can FAIR van. A$1.00 ticket can win. work together. First prize - Free entry in the Our next race will be the SCORE Fireworks 250 or Nevada 400. I still want to say the $500.00 cash. Second prize - A "Mint 400". FAIR will have 12 weekend in San Felipe. Third entries, with pit teams at all five prize - Free FAIR membership pitlocations, plus the FAIR van at and more. We need everyone's the main pit. Charlie Lamar is the help to sell the tickets. JOIN THE VALVOLINE PERFORMANCE TEAM AND YOUR IMAGINATION WILL START RACING. Imagine yourself behind the wheel of a Valvoline® Indy Car heading into turn one at 240 mph! That's the feeling you get when you join the Valvoline Performance Team™ and wear official Team Valvoline merchandise. Join the Team now and we'll send you a free Valvoline Performance Team T-shirt,:t Just buy one case of quality Valvoline motor oil or get one professionally installed Valvoline oil change. You'll also receive a catalog full of great gear, plus a book with valuable advice from the top mechanics on motor oil, engine maintenance and other car-care subjects. Join today because the shirts are going fast. Of course they are, they're Valvoline shirts! LOOK FOR DETAILS RIGHT ON THE VALVOLINE CASE CARTON AT FINE RETAILERS EVERYWHERE. "ADD $2.00 SHIPPING OR HANDLING. OFFER ENDS 5/31/94 FOR UP-TO-DATE RACE HIGHLIGHTS, CALL: 1-900-73-RACING PEOPLE WHO KNOW USE VALVOLINE® THE VALVOUNE COMPANY. A DIVISION OF ASHLAND OIL, INC. =®LEXINGTON, KY 40509 @1993 MIiiy 1994 Pase 11
SCORE TECATE SAN FELIPE 250 Pat Dean Dominates ci (.) .... Q) .Q .Q ::, ct 00 ! .... C1l Q) -6' 0 0 (!) i:? 0 it By Judy Smith Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. Starting fourth Pat Dean was soon first on the road in the Chenowth/Porsche and he had a "Flawless day", no troubles at all and Pat stayed out front all the way home, winning overall by a full 11 minutes. Pat Dean went into the lead early, and ran a flawless race to take the overall win at the SCORE San Felipe 250 in his Porsche powered Chenowth car. This second event on SCORE's '94 calendar enjoyed a special ambiance, generated by its location. The Parker race deals with over-regulation, but it has the River, the Nevada 400 has the grueling course, the Baja 1000 has an aura of romance and ad-venture, and Barstow is the " race-next-door." But San Felipe is fish tacos, shrimp cocktails, boiled shrimp, breaded shrimp, Tecate, Corona, margaritas and wander-ing jewelry salesmen. There's a fiesta feeling about the race, and . the balmy weather intensifies it. Part of the special feeling about the San Felipe event has to do with the fact that the race is a sprint by Baja standards. It's one long loop, of 250 miles, and for Baja, it's laughably easy to get to much of the course with pit vehicles to fix a disabled race car. The logistics are easy, and then, for most, it's all over before dark. There's time to relax and party on Saturday evening. Last year this event was not a points race, and the paltry entry reflected the fact, but this year, with points to be earned, the entry was triple that of '93, at 160 cars and trucks, counting the Trophy-Trucks, which ran on Friday. morning. For the main race, contingency was on Friday, and a steady stream of contestants rolled past the booths, getting more than they anticipated out of their day, as they watched an occasional Trophy-Truck lumber to the finish interview area just at the end of contingency. SCORE had thoughtfully set the finish line a little short of downtown San Felipe, and that put the Trophy-Truckers right into the thick of the contingency and tech inspec-tion activities when they came in. Saturday's race started at the Arches that dominate the entrance to San Felipe, traveled as far north as the southern tip of. Laguna Salada, looped through Borrego twice, then headed south to Morelia Road, before curving in a broad arc, and coming back to San Felipe and the Arches, for the finish. Pre-runners labeled the course "rough", especially along the infamous " Beach Route", and Brian Stewart had quite a tussle in the early legs with Curt LeDuc, but he also had a flat in the Mini Summit, a narrow goat trail, but he soldiered on in the Dodge to take his second Class B win of the year, and was 5th 0 /A. " some feltthatitneedsa rest. With two SCORE races a year using at least part of the trails, and other promoters staging racing on the same roads, it has been dug up, and there'd been too little rain over the winter to smooth it out again. Everyone was to run the full length of the course, including the extra loop south of Borrego, even the Sportsman classes, Class 11, the Stock-Minis and the Stock-Fulls. The first cars, Class 1, were Ron Brant also did a solo run on the sometimes rough course in his Raceco/Porsche, ran with the leaders in the tight Class 1 bunch, and moved into second place late in the race and he finished second, and second overall. flagged off at 8 a. m., single file, 30 seconds apart. Dean, who was the fourth car to start, had passed those in front of him by about Mile 20, and ran first on the road from then on. There was only an occiasional biker to make dust for him, but then, generally speaking, it wasn't a very dusty race for anyone. Dean had a slim lead at Check 1, El Chinero, and there it was Frank Arciero, in Bob Gordon's Chenowth, in second place about a minute and a half ..,., later. Mark Post, in a Chevy powered Raceco, a n d Jason Baldwin, in a Porsche Chenowth, were on the same m inute, in fourth place. Ron Brant, in a Porsche Raceco, ran fifth, only three and a half minutes behind the lead car. When they went through Check 2, at Mile 74, Dean had five minutes on Baldwin, who'd moved up to second place. Brant was third and now Ed and Tim Herbst, in their Porsche Chen-owth, were fourth, followed by Arciero. It was still a very tight race. The Herbst's brother, Troy, was already out, with front end woes, and so was Post, reputed to have rolled over near La Ventana. Carl Renezeder, Baldwin's brother-in-law, had lost a motor before reaching Check 1. Dean had built his lead to seven minutes at Borrego, and it was still Baldwin in second place, followed by the Herbsts, and a minute later, Brant, with Arciero now in fifth place. When they completed the loop, which included the very rocky Mini-Summit, it was still Dean in front, and now Brant and Baldwin were on the same minute in third, and the Herbsts were looking for a trailer. Arciero was fourth, and Tom Bradley, in a Type IV powered Raceco, ran fifth. The final stretch included a fast run across Diablo Dry Lake, and when they reached the Zoo Road crossing, at Mile 206, it was still Dean, now just four minutes in front of Baldwin. Brant, who'd had a slight ignition problem, ran third, and Arciero and Gordon were out with a broken output shaft. Bradley was up to fourth, and Jim Baldwin, Jason's dad, who'd had a flat and blown a couple of fan belts, was in fifth place. Dean just motored serenely in to the finish and his overall win, arriving at the checkered flat at about 12:15 p.m., in plenty of time for lunch. He'd beaten the quickest bike team, Danny Hamel and Ty Davis, by about four minutes and 20 seconds. Fin-ishing second it was Brant, who reported seeing Baldwin just before the finish, with a smoking motor. Sure enough, Baldwin coasted over the line a few minutes later, in third. It seems he'd tossed a fan belt five or ten miles before the finish, but, knowing that Brant was close, had decided he'd try to make it in. His gamble didn't pay off. Not only did the motor blow, but it caught fire in the process. They ex-tinguished the flames and started pushing, getting a legal, but fatigued, third place finish. In fourth it was Jim Baldwin, who'd been slowed a bit by the need to remove some cactus spines from his person. And in fifth, dis-playing the greasy black hands and driving suit that showed he'd been playing with a broken c.v., it was Tommy Bradley. The Class 8 trucks were next off the line, and in this group the early lead belonged to Brian Stewart in his Dodge. But Curt LeDuc, in his Ford pre-runner, with a small block motor, and running on pump gas, was just three minutes behind him at El Chinero. Scott McKinney and Harvey Risien, in a Chevy, ran third, eight minutes fater, followed by Dale White, who's relearning to drive his Chevy, after shortening the travel to fit this year's rules. Perry McNeil ran fifth in his Ford. Jason Baldwin almost kept Pat Dean in sight, but his Porsche engine blew about 20 miles out, and he coasted across the finish line, still third in Class 1 and overall. Jim Baldwin, who started his sons racing, was fourth in Class 1, sixth overall, had a few stops en route but finished just behind his son Jason. Curt LeDuc has upgraded his Ford pre-runner for lacing, ran second all the way except for stops and finished second in Class 8 and seventh overall. Page 11 May1994 Dusty Times
Darren Skilton, with Derek Diaz co-driving the Jeep Cherokee in Class 8, had a good day in the desert, no major problems and he was third in class. Brian Parkhouse and Willie Melancon said they had one flat late in the race, but their Mirage not only was second in Class 10, it came in eighth overall. Steve Melton was another who drove the distance alone, had no troubles with his Chenowth, fought the dust and finished third in Class 10, 9th O/A. Stewart and LeDuc continued to lead through Check 2, but McNeil had moved up to third, and White was fourth, as McKinney and Risien dropped to fifth place. Jerry McDonald, in his .Chevy, had started the day badly. His axle had slipped out, causing the truck to take a bad left turn into what Jerry called a "major tree". The resultant damage took over an hour to repair, and he was less than 20 miles into the race. And from then on a series of other parts, from that corner of the truck, failed and needed fixing. · At Check 3 Stewart had about seven minutes, but it was still LeDuc in second. White was up to third now, 30 minutes later, and Darren Skilton, in his Jeep Cherokee, had finally figured out his electrical gremlins, and now ran fourth. These folks did the Borrego loop in about an hour and three minutes, except for Stewart, who had a flat while approaching the Mini Summit, and had to drive on it for a while before he could find a place to stop and change it. Still, he held his lead, but it was down to three minutes at Check 4, and it was still LeDuc in second. McNeil was in the lead group, and so was White, and then Skilton, but our unofficial scorekeepers confused the truck numbers a bit at this point so we don't have precise times. Stewart put some time back on LeDuc in the fast stretch that came next, and had nine minutes by the time he'd crossed the dry lake and reached Mile 206. LeDuc, who says his truck tops out at 90 mph, was having a good day, with no flats at all. McNeil was still third, Skilton fourth, and McKinney and Risien were fifth. White had blown his front bump stops, then lost his rear brakes, then broken a steering knuckle. And McDonald was still fixing things. At the finish line it was Stewart first, in fifth overall, followed in ., by LeDuc in second place, lS . in the Trophy-Trucks on Friday) minutes later. McNeil had wasinfourth.InfifthitwasSteve actually sneaked by him to take Sourapas, whose co-driver, Dave second place, but was later dq'd Richardson, had done the first for charging a checkpoint. In third half of the race in the Chenowth. it was Skilton, and then McKin-Harman put his brother, Bob, ney and Risien were fourth. In into the car, and he ran out of gas fifth it was Dave Ashley and Dan about a quarter mile before he got Smith, in a Ford. They'll be a back to Check 4. Their bad guess tough team if they can get things about the mileage, plus the fact working right. This time they that the car started to pop out of changed a transmission while still gear, dropped them to sixth place. in sight of the arches, then lost a Thomas was having no trouble, pitman arm before Check 2. and held his lead, with Snaith now Other than that they had a good second, 14 minutes back. In third day. it was still Melancon, who had Class 10 took off next, and this one flat, and then came Steve group was led by Jim Pierce in his Melton, in a Chenowth, driving Toyota Raceco, at Check 1, with solo, and having a trouble-free Mike Harman, in a Lothringer, in day. Sourapas was fifth, and second, five minutes later. In Pierceandhisco-driver,JimKirk, third it was Ryan Thomas, in his were out ·~ Ryan Thomas reaches for the sky in his Chenowth, and he had taken over the Class 10 lead at Check 2, by seconds, increased his lead and had no trouble at Chenowth, and Ray Croll, in a Jimco, ran fourth, followed by Dwight Lundell, in a P.M.S., and Bill Hernquist, in a Jimco, on the same minute, and just eight minutes behind the leader. Thomas moved into the lead by Check 2, with Harman in second place, only 30 seconds later. In third it was Hernquist now and Croll was fourth, with Pierce in fifth. They were still very close, and there were six or eight running close in behind them. At Check 3, Borrego, Thomas still had only 30 seconds, and it was still Harman in second place. Pierce was back up to third, and now Mike Zupanovich, who'd lost a front shock, ran fourth in his Moulton. Craig Watkins and Michael Daws, in a Jimco, ran fifth. After the Borrego loop some changed drivers, but not Thomas, who made a quick stop for gas, and stayed in the lead. He now had 14 minutes on Hernquist's co-driver, Bob Snaith, who'd moved up to second. In third it was Willie Melancon, who'd taken over for Brian ?arkhouse, in their Mirage, and Zupanovich 's co-driver, Steve Kelley (the same who'd driven the Jeep Cherokee all and won Class 10 by ten minutes and was fourth overall. AXLES, SPRING PLATES, LINK PINS, BUSHINGS AND MORE! SCORE & LA RANA CONTINGENCY SPONSOR D.G.RACING DJ TRANSAXLES JIMCO RACING PRODUCTS DENUNZIO RACING PRODUCTS 708 W. Mill, Unit M 10623 Blackfoot Road 10965 Hartley Road, Suite R P.O. Box 6057 San Bemardino, CA 9241 O Apple Valley, CA 92308 Santee, CA 92071 Santa Barbara, CA93111 (909) 885-5226 (619) 240-3930 (619) 562-1743 (805) 683-1211 FEX PERFORMANCE HOTLINE AllTOMOTIVE LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING J. PENHALL FABRICATIONS 1098 Stockton Avenue 6951 ldlewylde Circle 825 N. Glendora Avenue 1660 Babcock, Bldg. B San Jose, CA 95110 Melboume, FL 32904 Covina, CA 91723 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (408) 295-0707 (407) 724-1270 (818) 915-2212 (714) 650-3035 SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED T.U.F. OFFROAD OFFROAD BUGGY SUPPLY DOWNEY RACE HAUS 1345 Dynamics, Unit D 3255 E. Columbia 2525 E. 16th Street 8734 Cleta St, Unit C Anaheim, CA 92806 Tucson, I\Z. 85714 Yuma, I\Z. 85365 Downey, CA90241 (714) 996-6260 (602) 294-3511 (602) 783-6265 (310) 862-1671 Defending points champion in Class 5, George Seeley plows the silt, later had shifting woes and a flat, but survived it all to get to the finish, and was the official winner of Class 5, much to his surprise. MACHINE SHOP SERVICES· AVAILABLE FDR SHORT TD MEDIUM PRODUCTION RUNS (619] 240-2266 • Dealer Inquiries Invited Dusty nma May 1994 Page 13
Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson didn't have the best of days, ran in the top five, and moved the tidy Chenowth up to fourth in Class 10, 11th 0 /A. Mike and Jim Abatti had their two seat Raceco in the midst of the 1-2-1600 war and after the loop moved into second, where they finished, first on the road, but Webster was a late start and beat them by 1 ½ minutes. Kevin Davis went solo and had a good run in Class 1-2-1600, except his Lothringer bagged a cholla bush, but Davis finished third despite the cactus needles in his body. Mike Jakobson scored his first ever victory on time in Class 5, but after the CRB meeting he was dropped one position for a course infraction so he is officially second in Class 5, tenth overall. · IE with a broken trans-mission. And Kelley was in trouble near Morelia, about the hardest point to get to, with either a broken c.v., a broken axle, or both. Thomas went on to take his win, finishing fourth overall, reporting nothing eventful during his day. Parkhouse and Melancon were second, while Melton finished third. In fourth it was Richardson and Sourapas, who finished on a rear flat, and then Hernquist and Snaith, who'd had a flat and lost third gear, came in fifth. The Harmans salvaged a sixth, and were still only 32 minutes behind the first place car. Class 5 was next off the line, and when they got to El Chinero, it was Mike Jakobson in the lead in his convertible. He had two minutes on Nick Gula and Robert . Bryant, who ran second, and Michael James and John Cooley were third, another minute later. In fourth it was Neal and Mike Grabowski in their convertible. George Seeley had already had a flat, and Conrad Diaz was making some hasty repairs after his fan assembly came off. He found the lost parts back down the course a piece, borrowed a pulley, and "mickey-moused" it all together. Jakobson ran hard to Check 2, but could only hold off the Grabowskis by a minute. Seeley was then third, but 19 minutes back, and Lyn Mocaby and Carlos Zuniga had moved up to fourth place, over a half hour later. Gula and Bryant were out, and James took some time figuring out that the reason his motor quit was PIKE'S SERVICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... THANKS! 'i!e~y9 RESTAURANT Mobil SERVICE EVERY DAV OPEN 24 HOURS YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 14 Class 1-2-1600 showed up 25 strong, running in a giant pack at the early checkpoints. At Check 3 Scott Webster moved his ORBS into the lead and he stayed there, though challenged, to win the class and place 16th 0/A. because his points had closed. . almost exactly an hour lead, with Jakobsonhadnoproblems,and Seeley, whose car wasn't shifting led by two minutes at Check 3, well, in second,James and Cooley and it was still the Grabowskis in in third, and Diaz, back in the second, with Seeley third and hunt, in fourth place. Mocaby fourth. But at the end of 1akobson crossed the finish line the Borrego loop, while Jakobson first and took the win, only to be still led, the Grabowski team was penalized one position by the looking for a welder to fix a Competition Review Board, for steering knuckle. Seeley moved nerfing. Seeley who'd finished an up to second place. hour and eight minutes behind Across the dry lake and onto him, moved up to get the win, Morelia Road, Jakobson had with Jakobson officially recorded Jason Cobb made it two for two at San Felipe, following his Class 7S win at Parker with another victory in the 7S Ford Ranger at San Felipe, with co-driver Pete Sohren doing the anchor man job. Class 5-1600 held 17 Bugs but just one leader. Danny Ledezma led almost: from the green flag, handed over to his dad Hector midway in the fray, and he. held onto the lead, winning by almost nine minutes. May 1994 as second. James and Cooley were third, followed in by Diaz, and in fifth, over four hours behind the first finisher, the Grabowskis, enjoying their first Mexican finish, but their worst finish ever. Class 1-2-1600 came to this race in a crowd, with 25 entries, almost as big a field as Class 10 had. They all made it to the first Checkpoint, but one, and in front of the pack there was a virtual six-way tie for the lead, among Brent Grizzle and Dale Ebberts in a Chenowth, Tom and Frank Rusich in a Chenowth, Mike ' Abatti in a two-seat Raceco, Rodrigo and Rogerio Ampudia in their Neth, Roger Caddell and Mike Olson in a Mirage, and Ronny Wilson. And behind them there was another bunch, close enough to keep the pressure on. By Check 2, 74 miles into the race, the lead belonged to Caddell and Olson, and then there was a tie for third between Abatti and the team of Larry Smith and Jon Kennedy, only four minutes later. Another five minutes back came the Rusich brothers, who'd rolled over after El Chinero, tied with Scott Webster in his ORBS, and then in sixth place, a minute after them, Grizzle and Ebberts, who'd been rolled over at the same time as the Rusich boys. When they got to Check 3, there were only five of them missing, and Webster had moved into the lead, with two minutes on Abatti. Caddell was among the missing, with an exploded battery. John Peckham and Mark Wilkinson, in a Suspensions Unlimited car, were now third, a minute later, followed by Gary Anderson and Dale Johnson, in an ABR Trick Racer, another minute back. Then it was Kevin Davis, in his Lothringer, having a tough ride, since he'd tangled with a cholla cactus at about the 40 mile marker. For the inexper-ienced among you, it might be interesting to note that a cholla has fish-hooked shaped spines, and, while the branch may be pulled off your body, the spines stay firmly embedded. It can take pliers to get them out. After completing the loop, the lead was still Webster's, and he was having a good day: He needed to, since he was carrying no spare, figuring that since he won at the Baja 1000 without a spare, he certainly didn't need one for this short race. Abatti was also not carrying a spare, but it hadn't been planned that way. His spare and mount fell off early in the day, and he had his fingers crossed. Anderson and Johnson were third, Davis wa& fourth, and Grizzle and Ebberts, their rear suspension sagging a bit, were in fifth, followed ~Y the Rusich car Dusty nma
Brent Grizzle and Dale Ebberts were fourth in Class 1-2-1600, a class that ran so tight that from first to fifth there was only a span of seven minutes. Brady Helm and Pete Swift had a great day in the desert, no serious woes to report with the Toyota, and they motored smartly into second in Class 7S. Charlie Watters and Brian Goodrich stayed in the lead five all the way in Class 5-1600, and late in the game moved up and finished a good second. in sixth. replacement set. Webster stayed in front, kept his tires aired up, and Abatti held a very close second, only 29 seconds off his tail pipe at mile 206. Davis was up to third now, with Anderson and Johnson in fourth, Grizzle and Ebberts still fifth, followed by the Rusich team. There were still only 13 minutes between first and sixth place. who'd started at the back of the seconds behind them. In sixth it pack, came along next, to take the · was the Rusich brothers, seven win by a minute and 29 seconds. minutes later. In fact, all 20 who'd Three minutes behind Abatti it got to Check 3 managed to finish, was Davis, who was literally and the ninth place car was only a pinned to his seat by the cholla, half-hour behind the winner. and avoided hugs from his family Each car was only one flat tire, or once he got out of the car. Grizzle a missed turn behind the one in front of him. Only the 20th, Rob Nolin and Todd Teuscher, in their Chenowth, and winners at Parker, were hours off the pace after breaking both their stock spr_ing plates, and building a Class 7 fielded only one car, the Ford of Gary Mecham and Bob Land, and Mecham, who started, lost a valve, and was never even reported as far as Check 2. Abatti actually took the checkered fla first, but Webster, . . ~ '-¾10i'¾ii•1\~~ and Ebberts finished a minute and a half behind him, in fourth, followed in by Anderson and Johnson, who'd run the last 10 miles on a rear flat, only 45 Only 11 Class 9 cars started but the competition was close. As the early leaders faded Luis Guevara and Federico Montes moved up from fifth to second, just three minutes back, but they inherited the win after the penalty phase after the race. There was a lot of position changes among the five Class 1-1 starters but they all finished. Finishing first it was Terry Kiely and Chris Woodward, winning by nearly 14 minutes at that. Steve 01/iges and Tim Casey kept the Ford Lightning moving despite a very leaky transmission, stopped often for fluid, but others had trouble too, and this team won the Stock Full Size truck class by 29 seconds. Dusty Times In Class 7S however, A f':\llj;;/¥ ' L.;J.j''t A .,-, .. .~ It is a fact Bilsteil1 is -shock absorber on the marl< have the proven long life Bitstein shocks for YQUrtn.i' utility vehicle at a fantastic BilStein's single tube · gas pressure conven · shocks -tO-One. Our patented self adj~g. deflective ·aisc vaMng system .continuoussuspen-· sion control in the rougt, yet maintains · a comfortable ride on the sbeet-· Truck and sport utility vehicle drivers demand more shock perfonnanc;:e and Bilstein provides ... • Highest gas p~reforfad&.froo long life • Largest piston working ama (1.81" diameter) • Limited ~ warranty These are the same high quality Bilstein shocks that normally cost up to $119.00each. kt. now and save! *Limited time offer on selected applications Contact the Distributors listed below or your nearest Bilstein dealer: CANADA Performance Products NORTH CAROLINA Performance Assist Accessories Ltd. Toyota Specialist Rowells, Inc. CALGARY, AB -403/279-2807 VAN NUYS -800/553-2840 CHARLOTTE -704/333-5213 ARIZONA CONNECTICUT Autosport Gallery Race Shock Company William Sander Phoenix -602/254-07 44 BEACON FALLS -800/227-9763 RALEIGH -919/872-2002 CALIFORNIA GEORGIA NEW JERSEY APS -800/423-3623 Specialty Parts Warehouse Euro nre Camarillo -805/388-7171 LIBURN -404/978-2801 FAIRFIELD-800/631-0080 McKenzies Performance Products HAWAII Woodlawn Auto and RV Service ANAHEIM -714/441-1212 Zubehor Hawaii, Inc. LINDEN-800/959-3658 Auto Service & Performance HONOLULU -808/836-1980 OREGON MOUNTAIN VIEW-415/969-1050 ILLINOIS ipd Fairway Sport and Performance Precision Frame PORTLAND -800/444-6486 PLACENTIA -714/528-4670 HIGHLAND PARK -708/432-0082 ASI -800/683-2890 INDIANA TEXAS SAN DIEGO -619/584-2890 Power Brake and Spring Pro Am Parts and Accessories Off-Road Wharehouse SOUTH BEND -800/282-1044 HOUSTON -800/847-5712 SAN DIEGO -619/565-7792 LOUISIANA VERMONT Downey 0.R. Toyota Specialist Brinson Rovers North -Rover Specialist SANTA FE SPRINGS -310/949-9494 HARAHAN -504/733-7326 WESTFORD -802/879-0032 May 1994 Page 15
Alfonso Lacarra and Lalo Mayoral led the latter part of the Class grace, finished first on time but were bumped back to second by the officials. Mike Pfankuch and Larry Kern ran second in the Rayco in Class 9, but a flat tire in the wrong place cost them some time and they finished third. Bill Hanson and Tony Gomez plow some silt in their Class 11, but they cleared it all, later ran the wash on a flat, but finished second in class. ~ it was Jeff Lewis in his Chevrolet in front, followed by John and Mike Becker, in a Ford and then Jason Cobb, in another Ford in third. Javier Sacio in a Nissan, and Chris Taylor in a Ford, were tied for fifth place behind them. At Check 2 Lewis had 11 minutes on Cobb, and Brady Helm and Pete Swift had their Toyota in third place, with Sacio in fourth. Darren York, usually a contender in his Ford, was having major transmission trouble, and Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen had lost their Toyota's motor. At Check 3 Lewis had 16 minutes on Cobb, and then it was Helm and Swift, 40 minutes later, followed by Sacio. But when they came around to Borrego again, Cobb was in front, and Lewis had retired with a blown motor. Helm and Swift moved into second, while Sacio held onto third, and Out Here ••• You need somebody-you con depend on! CUSTOM \NHEE•S 6300 Valley View Ave., Buena Park, CA 90620 Page 16 Taylor broke a spindle. Cobb had handed the driving over to Pete Sohren, who hadn't raced since his terrible crash in a Class 5 car at PIR in 1990. But Pete hadn't forgotten a thing, and even without third gear, he held the lead through Mile 206. Helm and Swift were now over an hour back in second place. Cobb and Sohren took the win, finishing an hour and 26 minutes in front of Helm and Swift. In third it was Sacio, who'd had some leaf springs replaced, and had some broken shocks, and he was followed in by the Beckers, who were fourth, and last of the class to finish. In Class 6 there was only one Michael Martin and Rick Hughes beat the other two Stock Mini trucks by over vehicle, the Jeep Cherokee of an hour in their Ford Ranger, and they seem to like plowing silt instead of y i ct Or Ace v e d O and J as On . _u_s,_·n_g_t_he_h_ar_d_g_r_o_u_n_d,_a_n_d_t_h_e_y_le_d_f_r_om_f_la--'-g_t_o_f_la..c.g_. _______ _ Griffin, and they managed to get , mintues back. free run. In third it was Al-through Check 3, but couldn't Ledezmacontinuedtolead,and couloumre, finding this the make it to the finish. had three minutes on Goodrich roughest course he'd ever driven, Class 3 fielded only one entry, who was alone in second place by while Brian Logan, who'd had an the Bronco of Jim Pierce, and he Mile 74. Brindel! ran third there, early flat, was now up to fourth was out even before Check 1, for two minutes back, followed by place, followed . by Carlos lribe, unknown reasons. Arambula, only another minute who'd not only started late, but Class 5-1600 was led by Danny later. And Alcouloumre ran fifth, had rolled over and flattened two Ledezma, who had five minutes another two minutes back. tires before he got to the first on Ernesto Arambula and Brian Orozco had rolled over and lost checkpoint. Goodrich, who were tied for some time, but was running again, Ledezma let his father, Hector, third. In fourth it was Jon aswereallbutoneoftheentriesin drivethesecondhalfoftherace, Brindell, another minute back, the class. and Hector held on to the lead, and then a clump, tied for When they came into Borrego, staying nine minutes in front of seventh, included Miguel Vildo- where the double checkpoint and Goodrich's co-driver, Charlie sola and Antonio Lopez, Ed· it setup was, it was still Ledezma, Watters at Check 4. Alcoulou-Orozco, and Vince Alcouloumre now with 10 minutes on Good-mre, who'd stopped once to have . and his surfboard, all another two . rich, and both havin a trouble someone check his rear tires to see ~, ·~ if they were flat, was still third, and Logan's co-driver, Jim McGill, finding his rear suspen-sion too soft, was in fourth, followed by lribe. Watters picked up the pace a bit and had moved into the lead at Mile 206, but Hector was only two minutes behind him. Brin-dell's cro-driver, Howard Hugh-es, who'd lost about 18 minutes with a flat at the Mini-Summit, was also quick here, and came up , to third, followed by Alcoulou-mre and McGill, who were tied for fifth place. Towards the end of the day Ledezma had really bad brakes, and was slowing by gearing down, Raymond Santos Del Prado/Alfredo Munoz drove their TUF Class 10 to the while Watters was finding his overall Sportsman victory, outrunning their six car field by over an hour, and suspension loose, and the car a bit obviously had a good time on the course. -hard to handle. The Ledezmas Coming Next Month ••• SCORE Nevada 400 La Rana Spangler 200 MTEG at Seattle's Kingdome FRT Buzz Bomb 150 WRC Rally of Portugal SNORE-Twilight 200 VORRA Prairie City Season Opener ... Plus MUCH, MUCH more May 1994 took the win by just under eight minutes, with Watters and Goodrich in second. In ·third it was Brindell and Hughes, their zoomy front airfoil crunched by a sudden meeting with a tree. Logan and McGill finished fourth, and Alcouloumre, who soloed, w;is fifth. The Class 9 cars all made it through Check 1, and Rich Richardson had the lead in his Jimco, with just a minute on Larry Kern in his Rayco. In t:hird it was Alfonso LaCarra, in a Jimco, followed by Howard Goldsmith and Dave Beverly, in a Smithco, Dusty Times
Eric Solorzano and Hector Rodriguez fly their country's flag, had flats and shock trouble, but kept moving to finish third in the Class 11 ranks. Rod Hall and Jim Fricker lost a close one, a heart breaker, by seconds, but they were second in Full Size stock truck class in their Hummer. Scott Sells broke a torsion bar mount three times, finished with it broken, but he drove the Toyota to second in the Stock Mini Truck class anyhow. tied with Dagoberto Salazar and Mario Salazar, in a Chenowth, for fifth place. Richardson continued to lead, and he had two minutes on Kern at Check 2. LaCarra was now three minutes back in third, and Goldsmith and Beverly had moved to fourth, a minute later, with Federico Montes and Luis Guevara, in a Tubular Designs car, in fifth place. But Richardson lost his clutch, and then broke a push rod before he got to Mile 89. Kern, who'd had a flat, moved into the lead, with four minutes on Goldsmith and Beverly. In third it was still La Carra, followed by Montes and Guevara, and in fifth now, it was Tim Hanna. Kern got out and put Mike Pfankuch in to drive, and they lost some time somehow, as Gold-smith and Beverly moved to the front. They were three minutes up on LaCarra's co-driver, Lalo Mayoral. In third it was Montes and Guevara, who had eight minutes on Pfankuch. Darnen and Casey Jeffries ran fifth at this point, in their Jimco. In the next section Goldsmith and Beverly tore off the left rear corner of their car, and Mayoral moved into the lead, but he was only four minutes in front of Montes and Guevara, who ran second, feeling that this course was really too rough for this class. Pfankuch was now third, and the Jeffries team ran fourth. Bill and Jason Avery, a father and son tea.m, had broken a throttle cable, and had shift linkage t_rouble, but were now in fifth place in their DRP chassis. Mayoral and LaCarra finished first, but were bumped from their win by a penalty for running a checkpoint. That gave the win to Guevara and Montes, who'd been just three minutes and 19 seconds back. Mayoral and LaCarra dropped to second. In third it was Pfankuch and Kern, while the Jeffries team was fourth, followed in by the Avery family. A.J. and Herman DeNunzio, in a DeNun-zio, had a terribly long day, mostly spent fixing and refixing their broken spring plates, and almost ·didn't get back before the cut-off time. They were sixth, and last. In the Stock-Full class, the early leader was Rod Hall in his Hummer, with David Sykes and Marc Stein second in their Ford, and Gordon DiCarlo, in another Ford, in third. Steve Olliges and Tim Casey ran fourth in still another Ford, only six minutes behind Hall. The race stayed tight through the second check, and with Hall still in front, the Olliges and Casey team were tied now with DiCarlo for third, -and Chuck Johnson had put his Jeep into Dusty Tlma fourth place. Olliges had a leaky transmission, and knew the fluid level was low when he lost first gear. Then he'd stop, add fluid, and get his gear back. Hall continued to lead through the first time at Borrego, but was only seven minutes up on DiCarlo. Our unofficial time keepers lost track of the trucks a bit through here, no doubt because they saw everyone twice, and the traffic must have been thick at times. As nearly as we can tell, Olliges moved into the lead the second time through Borrego, but only by two minutes on Hall. Chad Hall, in the other Hummer was now third, probably. At mile 206 the notes show Hall back in the lead, but Olliges and Casey only 30 seconds behind ~ o~-A-'ifE' J1 -~l I ~ ·;;?,?-r; ....:,,-~ --oop~ - _,~ . r~.,~ ~ ,: '-,.✓c;,~\~1~1], ,' ~ O,!~y___,._ -QD ~~V . K __ / • ~ ~~ ~f~. A ~~~ . i~.~:;:_::,;-;~}✓-~ ~ ~~~ l) 0 \ 0 D Q \\)\ --~~ \ "~ r \ ~f, A ':L--.• -1 '-. LOOK AT THIS PICTURE VERY CLOSELY. 1; ONE OF THESE CARS HAS A TINY LITTLE WINDOW STICKER r WITH JUST THE PRICE YOU WANT TO PAY!!!!!! SO, COME ON DOWN AND JOIN THE FUN AT DON-A-VEE, CALIFORNIA'S #1 JEEP/EAGLE DEALER. WE DELIVER MILES OF SMILES ! SALES: 9.AM TO 9PM -SEVEN DAYS A WEEK DON-A-VEE JEEP/EAGLE 91 FREEWAY AT THE BELLFLOWER EXIT 17308 BELLFLOWER. BLVD., BELLFLOWER. CA 90706 310-867-7256 ** 800-366-5337 May 1994 SER.VICE: 7AM. TO 7PM -PARTS & ACCESSORIES: MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7AM TO 7PM MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9AM TO 5PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY Page 17
Bryan Moynahan and Brian Jeffrey won Class 9 in the Sportsman category in their Raceco, and were second overall. It must have been rough in here. The Trophy Trucks started early Friday morning and they started four minutes apart, so it was rare that one passed the other on the course. finish Pat Dean was greeted by his crew, and the inevitable young Mexican boy, who gets a thrill from just seeing the face of the winning driver, and if they wait long enough, they get an autograph. ~ him. Chad Hall was clearly third here, and Johnson ran fourth, about 25 minutes later. Olliges and Casey took the win, finishing just 21 seconds in front of Hall. In third it was the other Hall, and Johnson finished fourth. There were no protests or challenges this time, and the finish positions stood. The Stock Mini class had just three entries, and Michael Martin and Rick Hughes, in a Ford Ranger, led all the way. Scott Sells, in a Toyota, was in second all day, while Bill Quitmeyer, in another Toyota, ran third. Martin and Hughes had a problem free day, and, in their second race on the truck, got the first win for Ford in this class. Sells broke a torsion bar mount three times, and finished with it broken, in second place. Quit-meyer and Urick had a scary period, when they wandered off the track, up before Check 2, and had no idea where they were for an hour. Their radio wasn't working, so they couldn't call for . ...... ..... -... +--.1--BUS BOX CONVERSION!!! Converts your Type II Transaxle into a Heavy Duty racing Transaxle for use up to 2. 8 liter motors or rotarys. * 9 inch Ring & Pinion * Mid or Rear engine * only 30 lbs. over stock bus box * All Heat treated billet aircraft steel used throughout * 12 years experience in transaxle, chassis, and suspension designs * Units start at $5500.00 Just ask these top racers: Jimmy Nichols - 2nd points overall-MTEG (619) 462-3898 6 Heat wins-always in top 3 Bill Goshen - 7th points overall-MTEG (714) 642-4340 - Going faster than ever Dick Weyhrich - Class IO Score Desert series (800) 547-2414 - Hardest driver out there Ray Gastelum- Class IO Baja Pro series (01152) 66-821936 - Won Overall 1st time out Wayne Bri~ey-Class 10 FUD series (619) 448-6745 - 3rd Overall 1st time out Art Schmitt - Class I &9 Soda Series (412) 687-5093 - Watch him kick butt in 94! OVERALL 1993 season - no problems, no failures. All Rose equipped cars are notably faster! For free Catalog please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: ROSE TRACTION;~; CONTROL ~\~' ---------rINTERNI\TIONI\L . 1700 E.Main Street, El Cajon, CA 92021 or contact CHRIS ROSE ( 619) 443-2480 Pase 18 help. Suddenly they were back on the course, 10 miles from where they'd last seen it, and from then on they had no problems, and finished third. Class 11 often gets overlooked, and our unofficial time keepers were no different. Apparently, they had no Class l l s to pit, so they closed up and stopped taking notes before all the Class 11 s got there. But we do know that Duane Morimoto ran first at Check 1, only two minutes in front of Eric Solorzano, who was about five minutes in front of Bill Hanson· and Tony Gomez, the Parker winners. At Check 2 they missed Morimoto, but, assuming he led, Solorzano still ran second, with Terry Kiely and Chris Woodward in third place now, and Gomez and Hanson dropping to fourth. At Check 3, Kiely and Wood-ward were in the lead, with Morimoto in second, and Solorzano in third. Gomez and Hanson still ran fourth, and Victor Barajas and Gilbert Garcia were about an hour down, in fifth place. Kiely and Woodward, who reported no problems at all, held on to their lead, and took the win. Hanson and Gomez, who ran through Huatamote wash on a rear flat, moved up to finish second, followed in 11 minutes later by Solorzano's co-driver, Hector Rodriguez. They reported two flats and a broken shock. Morimoto and his co-driver, Peter Rosenstein finished fourth, and Barajas and Garcia were fifth, to give the class a 100% finish rate. And it's to be remembered that they drove the same course as everyone else. There were only six Sportsman class entries this time, and the best finish was recorded by Raymond Santos del Prado and Alfredo Munoz, who ran a Class 10 TUF chassis, and completed their race in six hours and 35' minutes. Bryan Moynahan and Brian Jeffrey ran a Sportsman Class 9 car, a Raceco, and brought it all the way back, in seven hours and 52 minutes, good enough for fourth place in the Pro Class 9 race. The team of Armando Avilez and Jesus Valle, who ran a Sportsman Class 11 car, beat all the Pro cars back to the finish, but then it developed they'd omitted the Borrego loop. It was their first race, and it was an easy mistake to make. Their time for the miles they did cover was good, and they should do well in future events. Luis and Jorge Leal ran a Class 5-1600 Sportsman, as did Milt Moore and Don Weiser, and neither car got back to the finish. This time the Competition Review Board had work to do, May 1994 and after handing down a few FAIR pits at El Chinero, Oasis, penalties and disqualifications Borrego and Mile 206 who took things looked a bit different on times and passed them along to the finisher boards. me. And to Bob Hynes, of the SCORE is now in the final BFG Relay, who sent along his throes of setting up the Nevada team notes. SCORE does not 400, which will be held April 1st record checkpoint times at these through the 3rd, and then they go loop races, so, without the help into Baja to prepare for the Baja from the FAIR and BFG people, 500, on June 3rd through the 5th. we'd never know how it went out Many thanks to the folks in the . on the course. Thanks again. # Poe 104 1 114 2 113 3 102 4 116 5 1647 1 1604 2 1611 3 1602 4 1610 5 500 1 505 2 501 3 506 4 502 5 561 1 556 2 579 3 553 4 564 5 722 1 739 2 726 3 725 4 802 1 801 2 810 3 804 4 807 5 906 1 904 2 910 3 948 4 901 5 1004 1 1018 2 1023 3 1015 4 1026 5 1101 1 1105 2 1102 3 1100 4 1104 5 777 1 760 2 761 3 866 1 861 2 863 3 862 4 865 5 1097 1 997 2 1151 3 11 1 38 2 13 3 80 4 10 5 SCORE Tecate San Felipe 250 Reaulte . February 25,27, 1994 Driver/Co-Oriver Vehicle aeaa 1/2. Unlimited eingle & two eeet. 14 etart. 7 finieh Pa1 Dean(solo) Chenowth Porsche Ron Brant (solo) Raceco Porsche Jason Baldwin Chenowth Porsche Jim Baldwin Chenowth Porsche Tom Bradley Jr. & Sr. Raceco VW Type 4 a.ea 1/2·1600 • 1600cc Reatricted Engine. 25 start. 20 finish Scott Webster (one seat) am Mike & Jim Abatti (two seat) Raceoo Kevin Davis (One Seat) Lothringer Brent Griulle/Dale Ebberts (one seat) Chenowth Gary Anderson/Dale Johnson (two seat) ABR Trick a.ea 3 • Short we 4x4 • 1 start. o finish a.u 4 - Long we 4x4 • o etart. o finl•h aaee 5 • Unlimited Baja Bug • a start • s finiah George Seeley Baja Bug Mike Jakobson (Penalty) Baja Bug Michael James/John Cooley Baja Bug Conrad Diaz Jr. Baja Bug Neal & Michael Grabowski Baja Bug a... 5•1600 • 1600cc Baja Bug• 17 atart • 14 finish Danny & Hector Ledezzrna Baja Bug Charlie Watters/Brian Goodrich Baja Bug Jon Brindell/Howard Hughes Baja Bug Jim McGilVB,ian Logan Baja Bug Vince Alcouloumre/Mlke Molina Baja Surf Bug a.ea 6 • Production Sedan • 1 start • O finish Oeu 7 • Unlimited Mini Pickup . 1 start • O finish a.ea 7S • Stock Mini Pickup • 10 eta rt • 4 finish Jason Cobb Ford Ranger Brady Helm/Pete Swift Toyota Javier Sacio Nissan Mike & John Becker Ford Ranger a... 8 • 2WD Standard Pickup : 12 start. 9 finish Brian St-art Dodge Curt LeDuc Ford Darren Skilton/Derek Diaz Jeep Cherokee Scott McKinney/Harvey Risien Chevrolet · Dave Ashley/Dan Smith Ford F-150 Oeee 9 · Reetricled Buggy· 11 etart. 6 finish Luis Guevara/Federico Montes Tubular Design Alonso Lacarra/Lalo Mayoral Jimco (Penalty) Mike Pfankuch/Larry Kem Ray co Darnen & Casey Jefferies Jilnco Jason & William Avery unk a.ea 10 -Unlimited 1650cc • 28 start• 16 finish Ryan Thomas (solo) Chenowth Brian Parkhouse/Willie Melancon Mirage Steve Melton Chenowth Steve Sourapas/Dave Richardson Chenowth Bill HernquisVBob Snaith Jimco a.ea 11 - Stock YW eeden • 5 start • 5 finish Terry Kiely/Chris Woodward VW Beetle Bill Hanson/Tony Gomez VW Beetle Eric Solorzano/Hector Rodriguez VW Beetle Peter Rosenstein/Duane Morimoto VW Beetle Victor Barajas/Gibert Garcia VW Beetle a... Mini Stock • Stock Mini Trucks • 3 start. 3 finish Michael Martin/Rick Hughes Ford Ranger Scott Sells Toyota Bill Oultmeyer/John Urick Toyota a... Stock Full· Stock Pickup Trucks· 10 start. 9 finish St8V8 Otllges/Tlm Casey Ford Rod Hall/Jim Fricker Hummer Chad HalVKevln Horan · Hummer Chuck Johnson/Jack Murphy Jeep Grand Cherokee David Sykes/Marc Stein Ford Sporteman a.--6 etart • 3 finish Raymond Santos Del Prado/Attredo Munoz TUF Bryan Moynahan/Brian Jeffrey Raceoo L Annando Aviliz 0/Jesus Valle O VW Beetle SCORE Tecate Trophy.Truck· 11 etart. 8 finish Ivan Stewart Toyota SR5 Rob MacCachren Ford F·150 St8V8 Kelley Jeep Grand Cherokee Larry Ragland Chevrolet Jim Smith Ford F ·100 Total Starters, cars 160 • finishers, cars 98 • 61%. Race Distance. 250 miles all classes· Time Allowanoe 11 hours all classes. Fast Time · Cars/Trucks • •104 Pat Dean - Chenowth Porsche. 4:16:21 Fast Time Motorcycles • Danny HameVTy Davis • Kawasaki • 4:20:48 Time o,A 4:16:21 ,-4:27:21 2 4:31:39 3 4:57:45 6 5:51 :06 21 5:44:47 16 5:46:16 17 5:49:38 18 5:51:02 20 5:51:47 23 6:19:20 32 5:11:42 10 6:47:00 42 7:58:5t 62 9:18:22 73 6:24:31 35 6:32:46 36 6:37:12 38 6:50:29 43 6:52:06 44 6:05:50 27 7:31:35 57 10:06:55 78 10:36:26 82 4:46:52 5 5:01:31 7 5:56:10 24 6:32:46 37 7:01 :25 49 7:20:39 53 7:17:20 54 7:27:05 55 8:14:34 64 8:33:05 67 4:46:00 4 5:06:46 8 5:12:41 9 5:13:46 11 5:16:18 12 9:47:46 76 10:01 :40 n 10:12:33 79 10:45:25 83 11 :00:59 85 7:46:35 8:47:31 9:02:43 7:07:09 7"!)7:30 7:42:02 8:06:23 9:06:35 6:35:23 7:52:07 8:49:02 4:14:02 4:16:14 4:40:25 4:47:57 jj:05:35 Dusty Times
The first Rod Hall Invitational RENO 300 Off .. Road Race will be held on April 30, 1994, on a new course located one half--hour from downtown Reno, Nevada, due east on 1--80. The official headquarters and the Start--Finish and Pit Area will be the Fernley Truck--lnn, a major truck stop facility that features accommodations, fuel, · convenience store, bar, restaurant and casino. *** The new course will be open for pre--running April 28, 1994. *** Contingency parade on Virginia Street in downtown Reno is scheduled for Friday, April 29, 1994. EVENTS PRE-RUN REGISTRATION CONTINGENCY PARADE RACE "TRUCKERS' BALL" AWARDS BRUNCH April 2 8 April 2 8' April 29 April 30 April 30 May 1 r-------------------, I YES! I : I AM INTERESTED IN COMPETING IN THE : 1 "Rancho Suspension/ Rod Hall Invitational .1 I RENO 30011 I I PLEASE SEND ENTRY INFORMATION TO : I I I I NAME ____________ I I ADDRESS ___________ I I I I Please clip this coupon and mail or fax to: I I Laurie Hall, 1360 Kleppe Lane I I Sparks, Nevada 89431 I I TEL: 702-331-4800 FAX: 702-331-5107 I I VEHICLE TYPE & CLASS _______ I L-------------------~
Dave Ashley and Dan Smith had to change the trans right off the start, had more new race truck blues down the road but finished the Ford fifth in Class 8. Tommy Bradley led Class 1 early, stayed with the leaders in his Raceco, but had to change a CV himself 40 miles out and finished 5th in Class 1. Gary Anderson and Dale Johnson ran fourth in Class 1-2-1600 through Check 3, moved up one spot later on, and then had trouble and were fifth. Javier Sacio had his Nissan primed for this event in Class 7S but had to replace some leaf springs and some shocks, but he still finished third. Darnen and Casey Jeffries got a slow start, but got going, moved through the Class 9 pack in their Jimco, a bit off the pace, but they finished fourth. -Page tO Bill Hernquist and Bob Snaith ran right near the front in the Class 10 Jimco, but missing third gear later on dropped them to fifth in class. John Gaughan does a bicycle act for the spectators in his Chenowth, but no harm done, and John went on to finish the race sixth in Class 1. Tom and Frank Rusich got their Chenowth home sixth in Class 1-2-1600, only 14 minutes behind the winner in the very close competition in class. Jon Brindel/ and an unretired racer Howard Hughes stayed with the leaders in Class 5-1600, had some problems, then climbed back to finish a close third. Victor Barajas and Gilbert Garcia lost an hour in the early going, but they recovered to be the fifth and final finisher of five in Class 11. May 1994 Michael James and John Cooley ran third from the start in their Class 5 Baja Bug, dropped time with distributor ills, but finished in third place. Scott McKinney and Harvey Risien launched their Class 8 Chevrolet here, but made the landing, and carried on to place fourth in Class 8. Martin Romeo and Rodolfo Olivares came from Tecate to race and did quite well in Class 1-2-1600, eight minutes behind sixth taking seventh in class. · Jim McGill and Brian Logan found their new rear suspension too soft, but they carried on through the rough stuff to finish fourth in 5-1600s. Midway in the Stock Full Size action Chad Hall recovered from early ills and at the flag he and Kevin Horan got the Hummer home third in class. Dusty Times
CHEVROLET SPRING RUN --JUNE 25 & 26 SEPTEMBER 2,3,& 4, 1994 IABGEST PURSE IN OFF-ROAD RACING HISTORY . CHEVROLET. A~i.c.a.n. ~™;) eu.,J;,om w~ BFGoodrlch llbrld&ncsoj'OffRoadRacing., ~~ COODfiEAll uus1;vffinms l•·-b\iill BARN DANCE l'ltl . &· SAT . NITJe @pcnhlf en/SKOAL RACJNG .. GENERAL INFORMATION: MCING BEGINS DAILY AT 9:00 A.M ADMISSION: · AD0LT$ (12 & UP) WEEKEND PASS-$15 DA!LY ADMISS10N -$10 CHILDREN {6 TO 12) -$2 ~~R DAY UND&R 6 YRS. - tRE£ CAMPXNG -$ZO fER WEEKEND PHONE: 715-478·2222 FAX: 715-470-5815
Rob MacCachren had an early flat had a tree branch come into the cockpit and break a finger, but Rob carried on in the Ford F150 to second place. Steve Kelley flew high in the Jeep Grand Cherokee, had a few flats, lost the 4WD on course, finished on three tires but finished third in the race. Arriving second on the road, but first on total time, Ivan Stewart salutes his cheering fans while standing on top of his Toyota at the finish line. SCORE TECATE TROPHY-TRUCKS Stewart Bags The Second Installment By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Ivan Stewart zipped over the tough terrain on the east side of Baja using his vast experience in the area to advantage and he won the Trophy Truck Friday race by over two minutes in the new Toyota racer. Ivan Stewart cashed in on his stops, because it would have ContingencyandTechlnspection Baja know-how, a quick new "required too much land to be set for Saturday's race were being Toyota truck, and a little bit of aside." The race was held on held, so SCORE realigned the last luck to win the second event in Friday, one day before the main mile or so to bring the finish line the SCORE Trophy-Truck series event, because three of the entrants in close, and allow the finished at San Felipe. had commitments to fill at the drivers to pull their trucks in right This event, unlike the one at MTEG Stadium Series in San at the end of Contingency Row. Parker, was a one-loop race, Diego on Saturday. The route of That was especially nice after totaling roughly 249 miles. This the race brought it in close to the Parker, where many of the trucks time there were no mandatory pit town of San Felipe, where were spirited back home the day fl,_,~, Slttli ·The Off-Roader's Choice· • E-Z ur INSTANT SHELTERS . ~ ~~ Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter in less than 60 seconds! Pagcn D11611~\ c, NO missing parts NO center poles NO. ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics Instant Pit Shelter La Rana Contingency Sponsor SCORE Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Authorized Dealer CASTEX RENTALS, INC. 1044 N. Cole Ave. Los An~eles, CA 90038 CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 after the race, and didn't hang around for the fans to peer under and take snapshots. This time they got a hands-on chance at them at the finish line, and they loved it. The Parker event had been miserably dusty, so for this event the drivers and officials had worked out a way to avoid that. They started four minutes apart, not a very exciting way to get a race going. The most interesting thing at the start line that morning was the saga of John Swift. It seems Swift had lost a motor in testing the afternoon before, and had made arrangements to install a new one in his Explorer in a friend's shop in El Centro. 125 miles up the road from San Felipe. As a precaution, he arranged a switch from his assigned start position in the middle of the pack, and became the official last starter, scheduled to go off the line at 7 :44 a.m. Swift's crew hustled the disabled truck north, and worked all night to install the new motor. They were in touch by phone and radio, so Swift was able to keep tabs on what was happening. Word came to the start line that Swift's truck was at La Ventana at five minutes to seven, or 60 miles from the start. His crew had a difficult drive ahead of them, head-on into pit vehicles for the May 1994 race, and threading through Friday morning commuters as they neared San Felipe, as well as the steady stream of race folks coming into town. Swift was seen in his driving suit, pacing. And the clock moved on, bringing up the green flag for the first starter, Steve Kelley in his Jeep. Kelley, who'd never started at the front of a pack in his entire career, was delighted at the opportunity, but a little extra nervous because of it. Slowly the line of cars inched to the start line and the green flag. Swift had 12 more minutes, then eight, then four, and there it was! Just four minutes before his assigned start time, he was in line and ready to go. And by the time he got the green flag, several of his competitors had already gone through the first check, at mile 43. The fastest cars to that point were Stewart in the Toyota, and Walker Evans in his Dodge, both getting there in 38 minutes, give or take a few seconds, and Evans had reportedly had a flat in there somewhere. Then came Jimmie Smith in his Ford, Scott Douglas in a Dodge, and Larry Ragland with a new fuel injected motor in his Chevy, a minute slower, but all in the same time. Rob MacCachren, in a Ford, had had a flat at Mile 15. When they got to the second Checkpoint, at Mile 74, there was a clear leader, and it was Stewart, who had two minutes on Ragland. Then Dave Simon, in a Ford, winner of the Parker event, and MacCachren, were tied, two minutes back, and followed by Smith, another three minutes later, in fifth place. Swift was already having suspension problems, and reported! y had broken an axle. But his replace-ment motor ran fine. Things got tough for some of these expensive vehicles now, and Smith lost some rear trailing arm bushings, and banged up the arm badly, while Tom Baker and Bob Richey had some power steering trouble. Kelley was having flats, Douglas lost a transmission and torque convertor. Frank Vessels, in a Ford, had lost an hour and 10 minutes before he got to the first check, and things were looking gloomy for him. At the Borrego check, where the main pits were located, Stewart put on some new rear tires. He'd h_ad no problems to that point. Kelley lost his four wheel drive, which he sorely missed, after Borrego, Swift lost a differential, and another axle, and Ragland broke a balljoint, which pulled the other one apart, and he had to make on-course repairs. MacCachren was finding the course very rough, and he was hurting, because at about mile 40, a tree branch had hit the edge of his open windshield, snapped, and sprung into the cab, smashing the little finger on his left hand. He also had another flat, at about mile 90, when he hit a rock. Evans was having major shock problems in the rear, but Simon and Simon were reported to be flying low. And then they were out, with a broken crank on the dry lake. At Checkpoint 5, 218 miles into the race, Stewart pulled into his pit to have a broken shock replaced. He was in the lead, and it took about four minutes to replace the shock. Meanwhile, MacCachren, in front on the road, pushed hard, because he was only two minutes back, and thought he might be able to catch Stewart. Except that the last section of the course was tight, he later said, and he figured Ivan had the advantage there, over the 5800 pound Class 8 truck. Kelley was third at Check 5, and Ragland was fourth, about 12 minutes later, and followed by Smith, in fifth. Evans was changing a transmission. MacCachren finished first, but Stewart came in about five minutes later, to take i:he win by two minutes and 12 seconds. MacCachren gave him a con-gratulatory handshake and then headed to the first aid trailer for some ice for his hand, before going to San Diego and a doctor. A few minutes later Kelley slithered in, no tire on his left rear corner at all. He'd driven that way for about five miles he said, and reported that he wasn't sure he liked starting up front. because "you don't know where you're at." He took third place, and that put him into a tie with Stewart in the points, for third place. Ragland took fourth behind Kelley, and then it was Jimmie Smith, fifth, about 18 minutes behind him. The drivers said that no one had caught and passed anyone who was moving at speed. The only passing done had been when someone stopped for a flat, or fuel, or was limping to a pit. Ragland said he closed up on Simon, who'd started in front of him, when Simon had a flat, and then he ran in Simon's dust for a while, but decided to just hang back there because the pace was "plenty fast." Simon still has the points lead, at89 after two races. Even though he didn't finish this event, he placed 8th and earned some points. MacCachren is now second in points, with 88, followed by the Stewart/ Kelley tie, with 80, and then Ragland, in fifth, with 71. The next event is in conjunc-tion with the Nevada 400, and the Trophy-Trucks will run on the same day, starting early in the mornii::i-g. · Dusty Times
....._ • ,,, 1, tE , , ~ . _ ,\ Larry Ragland had a new fuel injected engine in the Chevy, but he suffered double ball joint failure on course, lost a lot of time and was fourth. Jimmy Smith kicks up some dust with his Ford F100, and he also had some troubles on the long point to point race and he finished fifth at the flag. Ivan Stewart, right, and Rob MacCachren pose on the winner's podium after the trophy truck dash for 250 miles, the pair were close on points after this race with MacCachren holding the advantage. AMERICAN RALLY ASSOCIATION Newsletter March 1, 1994 This newsletter will be a regular addition to national events results. Its purpose is to keep you, members of the national rally community, informed of import-ant developments. It also is designed to involve you in ARA's decision-making process, es-pecially for rule changes. The ARA Board cannot call every rallyist for their input. so we expect to hear from you at events or by phone or FAX, especially when we are addressing an issue you are interested in. This edition explains the formation of ARA as well as decisions that were made at the SCCA Convention con-cerning ARA's operation. What is ARA? The ARA ( American Rally Association) is a group of six experienced rally competitors and organizers who have reached an agreement with the Sports Car Club of America to manage the national level SCCA/MICH-ELIN PRO Rally Series for a period of three years. The ARA consists of a Series Steward, Tom Grimshaw, and a Board consisting of the Series Manager, John Buffum, national organizers Bob Grass and Paula Gibeault, and two competitors, Henry Joy and one yet to be determined. Similar to the PRO Rally Board at the divisional level, the ARA's primary responsibilities will be rule interpretation, maintaining event quality, stewarding events, and developing rule changes for the following year. Why was ARA formed? At the end of the 1993 season, several individuals wished to continue the momentum de-veloped in the National PRO Rally Series by Subaru as Series Sponsor and Rusty Campbell as Series Manager. Hoping to make this happen without unduly bur-dening the event organizers, these individuals proposed paying for the expenses of the Series Manager and Steward. This concept quickly expanded into forming a group of experienced rallyists who could guide the series, while allowing SCCA to handle sponsorship, marketing, and administrative duties ( member-ship, licensing, sanctioning, and insurance). As a result of these benefactors' contribution, event sanction costs, and therefore entry fees, will be maintained at levels similar to last year's. What are ARA's goals? ARA's primary goals are to maintain a high-quality series Dusty nma with event-to-event consistency, expand communication with competitors and organizers, and build the visibility of PRO Rally by supporting public relations and sponsorship efforts of SCCA, competitors, and event or-anizers. How will ARA work on a day, to-day basis? As in previous years, the Series Manager (John Buffum), will handle pre-event rule inter-pretations, such as determining a vehicle's eligibility to compete. At events the Series Steward (Tom Grimshaw) will oversee event operations ( with the exception of maintaining diversity in the areas of geographic location, status as competitors or organizers, and competitor seed and class. This should allow the ARA Board to present a broad variety of viewpoints. ls ARA receiving any of the sponsorship provided by Miehe, lin? No, the ARA is independently funded. The sponsorship funds from Michelin are targeted and administered by SCCA for Series promotion, including media relations and videotaping for ESPNITNN. would like to address for 1995 is the imbalance of the participation in the various classes. Some dasses have small entries (Group A, Production, and Rallytruck), while Group 2 may become "overpopulated". We would like to hear your thoughts on this subject. In the next issue we will share with you the ideas and options that have been con-tributed. ARA Board member vacancy: production classes, located in the Eastern portion of the country. However, these criteria are not absolute, and any interested volunteers are encouraged to apply. To share your nomination, ideas, or suggested rule changes, call an ARA Board member: NORTHWEST: Bob Grass-(h) (206) 824-4558, (w) (206) 872-9696, FAX (206) 872-3458. SOUTHWEST: Paula Gibeault-dayl eve. (619) 375-8704, FAX (619) 384-2640. duties performed by the Spec-Possible class structure changes tator Safety Steward) and will be for 1995: There is one ARA Board member position that is currently vacant. We are seeking nomina-tions or volunteers to fill this. Given the composition of the current board it would be desirable if we could find a national competitor in one of the NORTH CENTRAL: Henry Joy-day/ eve. (708) 256-0068, FAX (708) 256-8593. EAST: John Buffum-(w) (802) 655-5768, FAX (802)655-1030. solely in charge of rule inter--One of the problems ARA pretations. Any appeals on decisions made by event protest committees, or on decisions made by the Series Manager between events, will be decided by a three-per son, standing Court of Appeals. These people will be selected by SCCA, the PRO Rally Board, and ARA, and will be announced in the next newsletter. The ARA Board will be respons-ible for actively soliciting the input of the PRO Rally com-munity concerning rule changes for the following year and any issues that develop during the current year. What is ARA's role in the decision-making process for major rule changes? Problems and potential solu-tions identified by elther mem-bers of the rally community or the ARA Board will be presentedoJo national license holders via~e· · ARA newsletter. ARA Board members will collect the opinions of rallyists who contact them. They will receive concurrence from the PRO Rally Board regarding safety issues and integration with the divisional level, and from SCCA regarding sponsor, insurance, and club policy considerations. The ARA Board will then develop a plan based on the best options available. The proposed rule change( s) will be presented to the rally community in general, via publication in both Fastrack (SportsCar magazine) and the ARA Newsletter, for final comments. The goal will be to have rule changes for the next year finalized by August. How will future ARA Board members be selected? When a vacancy such as the p1esent one occurs, nominations will be sought from the rally community in general, via the ARA Newsletter. The ARA Board will select the new member from those pr:o-posed, with consideration for --NC>TICE ... REMEMBER THIS NAME TRU-COOL ••• BECAUSE TRU-COOL SETS THE INDUSTRY STANDARD AS THE BEST AIR TO OIL COOLER IN THE WORLD! NOTICE: Tru-Cool Oil Coolers by Long Manufac the largest and oldest producer of oil coolers in has taken their patented, state of the art techno produced the most efficient oil cooler for racing . Tru-Cool Oil Coolers have been engineered for high temperature, high stress, high flow systems. They are built for durability with welded side supports, and are 100% leak tested to 200 psi. What makes Tru-Cool Oil Coolers out perform every other cooler? Tru-Cool's supe~ior dimple plate design produces the highest heat transfer w~ile maintaining the lowest oil side pressure drop. Performance! Tru-Cool out performs the competition in heat transfer by 20%-30%. Lower temperatures equal increased component life, and consistent performance! May 1994 Tru-Cool's unique dimple plates turbulate oil flow for improved cooling withqut creating high resistance and corresponding pressure drop. On average, Tru Cool's pressure drop is one half less than other coolers. Higher operating efficiency permits the use of a smaller Tru Cool model, resulting in important weight savings. REGIONAL DISTRIBUTORS: • PORT CITY RACING 616-773-4886 • BEHLING RACING 414-783-7474 AMERICAN FABRICATING CO. . 0 TOWNSEND RACING 804-550-2886 P.O. BOX 548 • BOONVIU£, IN 47601 AVAILABLE THRU AFCO DEALERS NATIONWIDE! Page 13
Rick Johnson had another grand night in his Chevy, taking second in the first heat race and then put on another flag to flag leading performance to post his second consecutive truck main event victory. The Super 1600 main featured some close infighting as here Bill Goshen #7 battles Cory Witherwill, #28 for third place while Kevin Smith tries to squeeze through the middle. Cory got third spot and Bill was fourth. MTEG STADIUM OFF-ROAD RACING Rick Johnson Repeats At Jack Murphy Stadium Jimmie Johnson leaps high in his Chevy and the young racer scored his first stadium truck victory, blowing off the veterans in the second truck heat. In San Diego Jack Murphy's Stadium hosted round two of the Mickey Thompson Stadium Off-Road Racing series. The local fans (nearly 37,000) were entertained by not only the fierce competition but also knowing that many of the top stadium racers call San Diego home. With home town bragging rights at stake all six of the events took on special importance for the drivers as well. When it was said and done many local drivers awarded their fans with wins in either heat races, and/or, main events. The biggest rivalry was staged between Rick Johnson and Ivan Stewart. They did end up in a heads up contest in the main but early on Roger Mears upset the match up by winning the first truck heat. In the second heat Rick Johnson's teammate Jimmie Johnson, of nearby El Cajon, treated everyone by putting a move on Stewart to take the second heat race. The win was Jimmie Johnson's first ever win in the Nelson & Nelson Chevrolet. Rick Johnson dom-inated the main event but had a very determined Ivan Stewart on his tail. In the UltraCross action Larry Brooks, also from El Cajon, won his heat race and put on a hard charge through the pack in the main but had to settle for third. Photos Track.side Photo Inc. San Diegan Tommy Croft took command of the Sport Utility heat race but suffered mechanical woes in the main. Jimmie Nichols from Alpine gave his local fans a good show but had to settle for second behind Jerry Whelchel in both his Super 1600 heat and main. The track provided a fast pace and offered more than one spot to pass. As usual a two lane option was designed into the track. Each lane offered different obstacles and yet was designed to be equal. This option intersection provided a focal point for the racing action as the action drew back together for side by side confrontations. A rhythm section allowed even the trucks to double some jumps to provide some high flying action. The Grand National Sport Trucks were the first event to break ground. The Mears Gang, Roger Mears Sr. & Jr. sat on row one with an uncluttered view of the track. Chevrolet's Jimmie Johnson sat inside row two with Rob MacCachren alongside. Ivan Stewart and Rick Johnson made up the third row. Current Champion Rod Millen and Danny Thompson made up the back row by virtue of their fast qualifying times. Before the green flag could get things started Jimmie Johnson lost fire in the Chevrolet and had to be pushed from the track. On the start ·of the eight lap heat Ro er Mears Jr. went inside with --The family that plays together etc. Roger Mears just barely leads son Roger Jr. in truck action. Roger won the first heat and was fifth in the main while Roger Jr. took fourth in truck heat 1. the senior Mears opting for the outside option of turn one. At the intersection Roger Mears pulled his Nissan ahead of Roger Jr.'s to confirm the early lead. Danny Thompson settled into the third spot and Rick Johnson was fourth ahead of Ivan Stewart. Once Roger Mears settled into the lead he left all the racing for second place. Roger Jr. had . Thompson pacing his every Jerry Whelchel once again dominated the Super 1600 action in his Toyota powered special as he sailed to the heat race win, and despite a roll over in the main event, Jerry worked up the field to win the feature again. After winning the Trophy-Truck desert race at San Felipe, Ivan Stewart flew to San Diego in his truck to run the stadium, and posted second in heat 2 and second in the main in his stadium Toyota racer. Rob MacCachren also zipped from San Felipe to San Diego for his second event of the weekend in the Fords and at Jack Murphy Rob was stuck in third place, in both the second heat and the main event in the Venable Ford. Danny Thompson gave it a good effort in his Ford taking a third in the first heat, but troubles dropped him out of the picture in the truck main event. Page 14 May 1994 Dusty Times
Jimmy Nichols took pdvantage of a front row starting spot to place second in the 1600 heat race, and he put the Chenowth home second in the main too. :;· ~ ~ ;:/a,,,1 Cory Witherwi/1 heads for the sky in his Super 1600 Chenowth, but when he returned to earth h.e drove on to place a hard fought third in the main event. Wes Banks survived the hectic traffic in the Super 1600 main event, and he flew his Chenowth to a good fifth place finish in the wild action. Robert Gayton surprised a lot of folks by dri~ing his Sports Utility Ford/Mazda to the main event victory. Gayton is a former unlimited buggy driver who hails from Albuquerque, New Mexico. m,ove. On the following lap Thompson took the outside lane and· managed to steal the second spot, and Rick Johnson was able to pull within striking distance of third. Running order again changed on the next lap as Rick Johnson moved to third and went to the outside option in an attempt to close in on Thompson. Mean-while Roger Mears was running uncontested two truck lengths ahead. As the white flag came out Rick Johnson closed in on Thompson and again capitalized by using the outside option to take second. Before Rick Johnson could close in to challenge Roger Mear.s the checkered flag had been waved-over the Nissan. Brad Person and Robert Gayton enjoyed the front row positions for the American Racing Wheels Sport Utility heat. When the race got underway it was Person that took the early lead. Person's lead was relin-quished on the following lap as T.J. Clark moved around. Clark held the lead for one lap but San Diegan Tommy Croft took over and took off to the checkered. Croft continued his winning streak as T .J. Clark trailed across in second place. Third was early leader Brad Person with Robert Gayton and Ken Hodgdon fifth. In the first 4-Wheel A TV heat Roger Helsley led the pack of 16 riders around the first lap. However, Greg Stuart was back in . the pack and working his way through traffic fast. Stuart had his momentum going when he encountered Charles Shepherd. Stuart and Shepherd diced one another for a couple of laps until Stuart managed to get around and continue his drive toward the front. After Stuart took over the lead the action was provided by early leader Helsley and Shep-herd. Helsley mana ed to hold the second spot. Shepherd crossed over third but was dropped one position for rough driving. · Joe Byrd was listed third ahead of Shepherd. Fifth was Kory Ellis. In the second 4-Wheel A TV heat Gary Denton dominated from the~ Defending class champion Tommy Croft drives the other Hodgdon Jeep and he won the heat race, but had engine trouble in the main and finished third. T.J. Clark drives in the Sports Utility Class as well as Super 1600; and he drove his Chenowth to third in the 1600 heat and sixth-in the main event. Marty Coyne led the Super 1600 ·main event for about half distance, then he tangled with Jimmy Nichols, who went on, and Coyne was stuck in a hydro barrier. Ken Hodgden is fielding the Jeeps in Sport Utility class this season, and Ken drove his Cherokee to a fine second place in the main event action. Complete Race Ready Transmissions yw * Hewland * Porsche Off-Road Racing's Most Complete Facility: * Over 21 Years in Racing and Still "The Best!" * Gearboxes to Suit Most Budgets * USAC Certified Magnaflux Inspection * In-House Shot Peening 1600 Ra~ers Achieve "Unbelievable Reliability" with Mendeola Racing's own 4.57 r&p with BULLETPROOF FTC GEARS! Phone: (619)691-1000 FAX: (619)691-1324 Hours: Tues.--Fri. 7:00 am--5:00pm 290 Trousdale Suites I & J Chula Vista, CA 91910 Dusty Times May 1994 Our 1993 Champs: Mike Julson SCORE 1/2-1600 Toyota True Grit Tom Schilling SCORE10 Toyota True Grit Tim Allen FUD 10 & Overall Bobby Snaith FUDS/1600 Vance Allen FUD 5 Unlimited Kevin Basore FUD 1-1600 "The Miller Boys" FUD Challenger Page 15
The Sports Utility start is always tight, but #10 Brad Person survived the close quarters in his Tovota to finish third in the heat and fourth in the main in the Diehl sponsored rig. Another Arizona driver T.J. Clark drives in the Sports Utility class with Ford power, and drove to second in the heat race but had woes in the main. Casey Mears, the youngest of the Mears Gang, nailed a third in his heat race and whipped his Superlite into second place in the . main event. Greg George seems unbeatable in his Nature's Recipe Superlite, and the many time Class winner and defending 1993 points champion worked up to r,-in his heat race, and also win the main event. ~ · green flag. Denton 's ride get going ·again. .through the countryside was Stacy Fay had not seen all ofher interrupted by current champ troubles yet. Awana's teammate Doug Eichner on the final lap. Greg George closed in on the Eichner had closed in on Denton third lap and took over the second and took the outside option and spot. It was the next to last lap pulled alongside at the inter-before George pulled alongside section. However, Denton had Awana and after a couple of the inside .line and held for the unsuccessful attempts finally w i n . ·: l'.h i r-d.. :Went · to Ni cl as pulled ahead to add yet another Granlund/ Travis Spader crossed win to his long list of victories. over fourth . and Craig Newton Stacy Fay held the third spot and wasJifth.. Rick Marshall brought his Triple . )t'he.pr'e'tty lady Stacy Fay sat on E across fourth. Fifth was Michael the-pole in the Super Lite first heat Bentley. r~ce. Fay felt heat from Rennie Tim Baker and Andrew Buck Awana as soon as the green flag shared the front row of the second flew. Awana managed to steal the SuperLite heat. Baker dove into lead before the first lap ended and the first option on the start but quickly pulled some breathing Buck managed to make the distance over Fay. Back in the first outside option faster and emerged lap confusion Mercedes Gonzales the leader. Baker wasn't through flipped her Honda but was able to challenging for the lead and kept Simplythe Best! Fuel Safe's Pro Cell Racing Bladders are designed to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all of the major racing associations. Top Racers, like Robbie Gordon, demand th'e best and so should you. Fuel Safe Racing Cells • The Champions Choice! At your local dealer now! Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 842-2211 (800) 433-6524 (Outside CA) SAFETY ... It's what we're all about. Page 16 pressure on Buck. While these two battled C.J. Mears snuck up and joined in on their fun. In fact Mears provided most of the action as he was able to challenge Baker on two separate occasions. Lapped traffic held him to third on one occasion and Baker didn't give in under pressure on the other occasion. When the checkered flag came out it was the first time in this series that Andrew Buck had seen a clear view of it. Tim Baker held his second spot and the hard charging C.J. Mears was third. Fourth went to Lance Gremett and Rick Geiser was fifth. Gary Gall sat on the pole of the first Super 1600 heat. Gall took the inside option and found it to be the slow lane as Jimmie Nichols took the lead before the lap was over. Aaron Hawley had settled into the third spot and current points leader Jerry Whelchel was back in sixth when they entered lap two. Nichols quickly pulled a couple of car lengths ahead of the pack and everyone seemed to be settled into their positions. That is every?ne except Whelchel and he Andrew Buck broke up the Briggsbilt domination by winning heat 2 in his Triple E, and he stayed together to take fifth in the Superlite f!lain. was on a hard charge that took brakes hard to avoid him. This him all the way to the front in lap gave Johnson the advantage he· five. Once in the lead Whelchel needed to take his first win for held the pedal down all the way to Chevrolet. Ivan Stewart held the the checkered. Nichols held the second place position and Rob second spot. Third place was T.J. MacCachren was third. Fourth Clark ahead of Marty Coyne then was current champ Rob Millen Bill Goshen. and Roger Mears Jr. crossed over The second Sport Truck heat fifth. had eight trucks lined up. Jimmie A total of 17 riders came out Johnson was back in the line up for heat one of the Pro 250 after solving an ignition problem. UltraCross event. No sooner had Johnson sat on the pole with Rob the green flag dropped that the MacCachren. The second row race became a two man battle for was Ivan Stewart and Roger first. Mike Healey pulled out Mears Jr. Danny Thompson and front with Yamaha's~ le Lewis Rod Millen shared the third row. in hot pursuit. Lewis shadowed Roger Mears and Rick Johnson Healey throughout the event and sat at the back of the pack. was able to take the lead on the Once the green flag flew Jimmie last lap. Healey retook the lead Johnson naturally took the inside just before the checkered and won option with MacCachren driving the event by a front wheel's hard into' the outside lane. At the length. Third place went to Scott intersection it was Johnson still Myers. Fourth was Ryan Carlisle the leader and Stewart had come and Chris Ridgeway was fifth. on strong and elbowed his way San Diego has always been a into the second spot. Mac-breeding ground for motocross Cachren held third with Millen in racers, so when Homeboy Larry fourth. Brooks came from the back of the At the midway point Stewart pack to take command of the had closed in on Jimmie Johnson second UltraCross heat few were but the young Chevrolet driver surprised -but all were thrilled. still had a couple of truck lengths Partially because Brooks is the of security between himself and current class champion. Some the more experienced Stewart. may have been surprised when By the white flag Stewart had Ron Lechien grabbed the second closed up on the rear bumper of spot as Lechien has been absent Johnson. Throughout the race from racing for a while. But once Johnson had taken the outside the two settled in, the racing had option to hold his lead. Stewart to be shared between the other had made up ground by always riders as these two took off for the taking the inside lane. Stewart checkered. Third place was taken appeared to have his game plan by Ray Crumb and fourth was down, and was ready to make his Chad Swanjak. Ray McIntosh was final attempt at the two lane fifth. · option.' However, the young The American Racing Wheels Johnson displayed the same type Sport Utility main event proved to of good driving sense that won be a disappointment for the local him the"SuperLite Championship fans hoping to see Tommy Croft a couple of years ago, and caught win. Robert Gayton sat alone on Stewart off guard by taking the the front row with T .J. Clark and inside option. Stewart had pulled Croft lined up behind. When the the Toyota right up on the racing got underway Gayton was Chevy's bumper, so when· able to use the open field to his Johnson braked to take the inside advantage. Brad Person closed in lane Stewart had to get on the on Gayton and Clark and Croft May 1994 were trailing. On the second lap Clark and Croft tangled and Clark flipped the Ford and lost his right front wheel. Croft soon after developed engine woes and allowed a couple of cars to pull away from him. Gayton managed to hold five lengths lead over Ken Hodgdon after Hodgdon took over the second spot when Person drop-ped out. The front two held their · positions until the checkered and Croft, who has 14 main event victories to his credit, had to settle for third. Jimmie White currently owns the honor of winning the most 4-Wheel ATV main events (12) for the series, however, new-comer Joe Byrd feels records were made to be broken. Byrd entered the series this year ar,d won the opening round at Anaheim then repeated his performance here at San Diego. Niclas Granlund sat on the front row and took the hole shot but then stumbled long enough in turn four to let Byrd ta_ke over. Byrd was pressured by Granlund and Doug Eichner throughout but held for the win. Greg Stuart was the most active rider as he passed his way through traffic to earn fourth. Shane Hitt was fifth out of the field of 20 riders. The Super Lite main event lined up with C.J. Mears on the pole. Mears read the starter perfectly and jumped out front with little effort. Traffic bunched up behind him allowing Mears to pull some breathing room. But as it turned out not enough breathing room. Greg George was able to shake himself loose from the pack and closed in on Mears. Mears had good control of his Honda and kept George at bay throughout the remaining five laps. Then on the last lap Mears was slowed by lapped traffic and the all-time main event winner George slipped past to steal the win. Mears held the second spot and third was Rennie Awana. Stacy Fay was fourth ahead of Andrew Buck. The Super 1600 main event was full of action throughout the 12 lap race. From the beginning it was Marty Coyne that made the best of his front row starting position. T.J. Clark settled into the second spot and then during an argument over third defending champ Jerry Whelchel drove up on Gary Gall and cart-wheeled. He was able to land rubber side down and held the fourth spot, Midway, Marty Coyne was holding his own in front of his home town crowd when he and another local, Jimmy Nichols tangled and Coyne ended up driving through the hydro barrier. This caused a full course yellow and racing came to a stop. Coyne was able to free himself from the Dusty Times
The Nature's Recipe team came in 1-2-3 in the Superlite main event and team manager Rennie Awana was the anchor man tking the third place spot. Stacy Fay had a good night in her Briggsbilt, even with a new baby she had lost non·e of her skill and was third in her heat and fourth in the main. Tim Baker has his Mirage in close combat with Casey Mears, and Tim went on to place second in heat 2, while Mears was third in that heat race. barrier and get back on track. On the restart Clark hooked a barrier in one of the corners and Whelchel took over the event. Once out front Whelchel put the hammer down and drove to the flag which gave him his 19th career class victory. Jimmy Nichols brought home the second place money and third went to Cory Witherill. Fourth was Bill Goshen and Wes Banks managed to survive in fifth. From the start of the 250 Ultra Cross main event Kyle Lewis let his presence be known. It was the second lap before Lewis flew into the lead after working his way from the third row starting position. Lewis had his Yamaha airborne most of the 10 lap main event. In fact Lewis was clearing doubles that many good riders were getting pitched off on. Defending champ Larry Brooks also put on a good show but found he needed a couple of more laps ifhe were to challenge for the lead. Brooks started back in the 11th row and had to work hard to move through the traffic. When it was over Brooks crossed over third behind a consistent Ray Crumb. Fourth went to Ryan Carlisle and· Robert Drew was fifth. The Grand National Sport Truck main event was full of excitement but ended in frus-tration for the fans. Danny Thompson enjoyed the pole starting position with Rick Johnson outside. Row two had Ivan Stewart and Rob MacCach-ren. Roger Mears and Rod Millen made up the third row and Jimmie Johnson and Roger Mears Jr. shared the last row. From the get-go it was Rick Johnson taking comma nd. Johnso n drove hard into the outside option and edged out. Thompson at the intersection. Shortly after Thompson got the Ford up on it's nose after one of the doubles. Thompson was able to regain his second spot but this allowed Johnson to pull ahead a few precious seconds. Rob MacCachren challenged Millen for the third place spot and he and Millen tangled causing Millen to roll. MacCachren settled into the third spot and Stewart was fourth. Millen came back into the action in fifth. Thompson allowed MacCach-ren and Stewart to slip past. Once in the second spot MacCachren pulled the Ford up to challenge Rick Johnson. While MacCach-ren focused on Johnson, Stewart closed in on the Ford's rear bumper. MacCachren pressured John-son for several laps to give him his biggest threat of the evening. However, Stewart was able to get around MacCachren and begin a Dusty Times charge on Johnson when mis-not stopped only slowed to a fortune struck in the form of snails pace. Once Millen was Stewart's teammate Rod Millen righted the race was basically over rolling and getting upside down and Johnson received the check-on the back straight. This caused a ered which was shadowed by the full course yellow but the race was yellow flag. Johnson was able to bring some excitement into the win by gassing it on the final corner and causing the pack to follow. This made Johnson two-for-two for this year and he said he looks forward to Seattle. Ivan Stewart was second and Rob MacCachren held the third spot. Jimmie Johnson came through the carnage to place fourth and Roger Mears held fifth. DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4·point sand rail seat belt .. $7 4.95 RACE BELTS 2"·5pointmount ......... $79.95 3" ·5point mount ...... . . . $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS ..................... $54.95 Swing axle ... . . ..... ..... $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm•1700# ....... ... .. $79.95 200mm·up to 3000# ........ $99.95 GERMAN AUTO PRESSURE PLATES RACING 200mm 1700#•2400# . . from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cush/ocks ............... $39.95 4pucferramic ..... . .... . . $44.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub ..... . ......... .. ............ . $54.95 GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with Stf!PS . : .......... . ..... $395,QQ SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T•4 cages . ....... ea $44.95 930orT·4orT·2flanges .ea$15.95 Trick boots (specify) .... ea $15. 95 930 CV star .............. . . . . . call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T·4 engine, utilizes T·1 alternator, includes alternator stand .$299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ ...... ..... . . ...... $489.95 MK/I .................. $589.95 I B" trave/•stockwldth .... $199.95 -'-= B" travel·widenedbeam .$219.95 .._J --== ti;; 10• travel·stock wid!h .... $224.95 ;;'!i ' 10• travel·widened'beam .$244.95 •~iY!·· <* \·'10( PEDAL ASSEMBLIES ~·., CNC TRI MIL EXHAUST T·11 ½•chrome .... ..... $ 98.95 T-1 l ½"raw ............ $ 65.95 T·115/8' chrome ....... . $105.95 T·115!8" raw . . . ........ $ 72.95 T·4chrome . . ........ . . . $189.95 T-4raw ................. $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 , GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .............. $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG tch and brake assemblies for e throttle black pedal ........ $164.95 • 1 llghromepedal ...... . $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Repiacementslave . . .... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . $269.95 Mount plate ........ .... $ 9.95 Coupler ... . . . ...... .... $ 8.95 Racksteerlngstops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T·4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0 ..... . . ........ pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Pol/shed finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ..... ....... 4130 Chromoly Stock length . . . ...... pr. $449.00 1'1, " longer .......... pr.$474.00 2'1, • longer . .... . . . . . pr. $499.00 4• longer-coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods wlends. (specify Ford or International) set . . . ........................ $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3• X 3• ................ $435,QQ 1·21600, 5-1600 .......... $415.00 CATALOG ..... ........ US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 May 1994 Page 17
MICHELIN SCCA PRO ·RALLY Sand Hills Sand Blast To Paul Choiniere Ph.ows: John Wynn entered a year ago, winning two straight national championships, and Carl Merrill entered in the 400 horsepower Ford Escort RS Cosworth, the Sand Blast Pro Rally will certainly attract more national attention than ever," said Healey, who runs a Dodge Ram 50 pickup in the series when not organizing his home event. Choiniere, from Burlington, Vermont was the pre-rally favorite as his fast, smooth driving style and reliable car give him an advantage on the sandy South Carolina forest roads. Besides Carl Merrill, whose team hails from Ogunquit, Maine, other top national contenders Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker led after two stages in the Audi S-2 by 14 include Vinnie Frontinan from seconds, increased their lead leg by leg and the defending champions led all Somerville, Mass, in a Toyota the way from there to score the overall victory once again. ---------------------------. Celica all wheel drive, and Tom The Sand Hills Sand Blast several compounds and tread Ottey, from Columbus, Ohio, in SCCA Pro Rally was the season designstohelpthecarsrunfastin a fast Production GT Mazda openerlastFebruarytakingplace the wide variety of conditions 323GTX. The local drivers in Cheraw, South Carolina. It was encountered in the series. include Bruce Newey, from the first time in the five year Yet another first is the debut of Atlanta, GA, in a new Group 2 history of the former divisional the new national class -Group 2. Mazda RX-7 and Jim Anderson, event that national cars, those These cars, small displacement, from Carboro, NC, in a debut who run for .points in the two wheel drive, normally appearance of the Production SCCA/Michel-in PRO Rally aspirated open class cars give a class Honda Prelude V-Tech. Series have c0mpeted in South place for both competitors and 31 cars was the final count as Carolina. Drivers running for manufacturers to enter a broader they left from the Town Green in national points will receive 60 range of vehicles which pre-Cheraw at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday percent of a full national event viously had to run in the big car on the first transit to the first points. The final overall national class. For this event seven Group stage. This was the largest field standings will by-pass the 2 cars are entered, including ever for this rally which is limited divisional only competitors. Mazda RX 7s, Nissan 200 SX, to a 40 car maximum field. The Another first is the Michelin Tire Saab 900 and 99 and a Ford temperature at starting time was Corporation sponsorship for the Ranger. 73 degrees F and the sun was national series, a three year Organizers Greg Healey and Jim shining brightly around puffy agreement between the Carolina Kloosterman were excited about clouds. Carl Merrill was the first based US arm of the tire company the high horsepower Open cars away in his Ford and second, a and the Sports Car Club of coming to Carolina. "With Paul minute later, was Paul Choiniere America. Most of the top Choiniere bringing his turbo-in the Audi. Although the Audi competitors are already using the charged, all wheel drive Audi S-2, and Carl Merrill and Jon Wickens specially constructed Michelin which with Jeff Becker navigating in the Cosworth were favored, the XGT Rally tires, which come in won five of the six events it. only o n cars in the rally others Selcuk Karamanoglu and John McArthur kept the Mitsubishi Eclipse humming to not only win the GT class, but they also finished a fine third overall, a great season opening performance by the Turkish driver. could jump into the lead should either have trouble. The 1990 Production GT champions Tommy Ottey and Pam McGarvey in their Mazda 323GTX could move right into the front running spot as could Selchuk Karamanoglu, a former Turkish rally champion now residing in Bath, Maine. He drives a Mitsubishi Eclipse in Produc-tion GT class with John Mc-Arthur navigating, and on his national rally debut at the 1993 Press on Regardless, he finished third in _class. Another good bet would be the Toyota Celica GT 4 of Vinnie Frontinan and Frank Arruda. The Group A class battle will be between Rick Davis/ Ben Greisler in their BMW M-3 and veteran Swedish born racer Tibor Von Denes with co-driver Constantine Monotopoulis in their Audi 200 Quattro. Tibor, who ran a factory Lada last year flying American colors in the Moscow Rally, now resides in Charlestown, SC. The defending champion for this event is the Chevy Blazer of Ken Stewart and Steven Scott. Stewart, of Grove, OK, is a Pro Rally Board member and veteran rallyist. He said his S-10 really likes the sandy surface of the Sand Hill Forest roads, but he doesn't stop as fast or handle as well as some of the others, so he has to plan ahead. The cars will run four stages, all in daylight, before a dinner/ ser-vice stop, and then complete the last five stages in the dark. The event should finish by 10:00 p.m. But early reports from the field indicate that the rally is running behind schedule due to course problems and a shortage of ambulances on course. One was called back to town on an unrelated emergency, the other broke down. And there was a closed gate that needed to be opened on stage 1 and the start had been moved, causing delays. Consequently the organizer decided to make up some time by canceling stage 5. After two stages Choiniere had a 14 second lead over Merrill, whose crew re-ported the Ford Escort Cosworth was running a bit hot. As the rally cars limped in Cheraw for the service and dinner break after the completion of stage 4, the major complaint was the very soft sand that constitutes the roads of the Sand Hills State Forest. Rally leader Paul Choin-iere, who held a 36 second lead over second place Carl Merrill, said he was glad to be first on the road the rest of the rally because the ruts caused by rail y cars could cause backmarkers to get their wheels caught and overturn right in the middle of the road, especially on off camber, down-hill turns. Ken Stewart and Steven Scott won the divisional honors handily in the Chevy Blazer, taking both rallies in first place and they also finished fourth overall and third Open car on final time. Mike Hurst and Todd Houtz charge down a sandy trail in the Nissan 200 SX and they ended up fifth overall as well as winning the new Group 2 in both National and Divisional categories. Several competitors overshot a very sharp turn aftet a straight-a-wa y on stage 1, and lost several minutes getting back on the course, including the Front-inan/ Arruda Toyota, who found themselves at a stop sign more than a mile off the course. When they went back up the road to get back on the stage, they almost hit the Von Denes/Monotopoulis Audi 200 Quattro, which had made a similar mistake two minutes later. Cars in the DNF column after , four stages were Sobczak/De-Loughary Mazda 313GTX -three flat tires and only two spares; Gage/Hampton Ford Escort -strut pulled apart after going over a berm; McCrary/Lombard Mazda RX-7, Stepniewski /Pell VW Scirocco and Kreisler/ Bonasera Saab 99, all three with causes unknown. The Mer-rill/Wickens Ford· Escort Cos-worth was still running hot because of wheel spin and warm weather. But, after almost a whole year of bad luck, Ivan and Olga Orisek are running well in the Production GT Mitsubishi Eclipse. Carl Merrill and Jon Wickens stayed close to the top in the Ford Cosworth RS Escort, but finished over a minute back, second overall and in Open Class. Pagcn Vinnie Frontinan and Frank Arruda make a little dust in the Toyota Celica G T-4 on their way to second in GT Class and a good sixth overall finish. May 1994 Group 2 leaders Hurst/ Houtz in their Nissan 200 SX lost the use of the odometer on the transit Dusty Times
Ivan and Olga Orisek had good luck this round in the Mitsubishi Eclipse and they drove it all the way to third place in GT Class and tenth overall. Robert and Sharon Waits had a good run in their Mazda RX-7, driving the twisty sand trails expertly to finish third in Group 2, 12th overall. Rick Davis gets some good service work at the break, and he and Ben Greis/er finished last overall in the BMW M-3 but they were second in Group A. leading to stage 1, but were able to rig a makeshift connection at service for partial use. The Dick Casey/Martin Dapot VW GTI was moved from Production class to Open because the vehicle is now seven years old, one over the limit for Production. That leaves first place in class to Ander-son /Bradley in the Honda Prelude, if they can finish the rally. The Karamanoglu/Mc-Arthur Mitsubishi Eclipse currently leading the very competitive Production GT class, is running well, although Selchuk claims he is being too cautious. He said the sandy surface is not unlike the Canadian Voyageur rally. After four stages Choin-iere/ Becker led Merrill/Wickens by 36 seconds, Karamanoglu/ McArthur were third almost three minutes back, leading GT, followed in a minute by Ottey/ McGarvey, GT. Just another 31 seconds down Hurst/ Houtz were next leading Group 2, followed in 12 seconds by Von Denes/ Monotop, leading Group A and they had Frontinan/ Arruda just one second behind them, third in GT. Anderson/ Bradley were just 52 seconds later leading Pro-duction class followed by the Oriseks in another minute. The Stewart/Scott Blazer would have been third on ET among the National Open standings and fifth overall, but were entered only in ~_,;;;,;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~~iimiiiii" ... ,. >-d Tibor Von Denes and Constantine Monotopoulis charge into a corner in the Audi 200, and they won Group A as well as finishing eighth overall. It was a debut for-the Honda Prelude rally car of Jim Anderson and Charles Bradley in Production Class, and they kept it tidy to win the class, the only finisher and they also were ninth overall. the Divisional. After the restart more com-petitors were stuck in the sand, and because of this the rally was again running an hour late. Choiniere continues to lead Merrill, now by more than a minute and that duo leads the rest of the field by more than five minutes with a few stages left to half to that margin, and, although overall. Vinnie Frontinan and overall by nearly two minutes and Merrill was able to close the gap a Frank Arruda were sixth overall third in GT class. The only entry little during the evening stages, in another 24 seconds in the in the truck class was Kerry Voll Choiniere was always able to get Toyota, second GT, followed in of Rally Magazine with Bob Voll the time back and add a couple of 18 seconds by Bruce Newey and navigating and they borrowed the seconds to his lead each time. Kennon Rymer, Mazda RX-7 who Dodge Ram of organizer Greg Selchuk Karamanoglu and John were second Group 2, seventh Healey and they finished some McArthur got the Mitsubishi overall. Tibor Von Denes and minutes off the pace but they home third overall and first in GT Constantine Monotopoulis were finished and won the class and the class followed in just 35 seconds first Group A in the Audi 200, points. In fact, 24 of the original run. by Ken Stewart and Steven Scott eighth overall by a mere 35 31 finished the rally, a very good At the finish Paul Choiniere who won the Divisional honors seconds. First in Production, average for a tough course indeed. and Jeff Becker won the event and fourth overall in the Chevy about three minutes back but The next stop all the way across outright in the Audi S2 by a Blazer. ninth overall was the Honda the country for the SCCA/ Mich-margin of one minute and 13 Mike Hurst and Todd Houtz Prelude of Jim Anderson and elin Pro Rally Series is in mid-seconds over the Ford Escort won Group 2 in the Nissan 200 Charles Bradley followed in by March out of Olympia, Wash-Cosworth of Carl Merrill and Jon SX 34 seconds later, and fifth Ivan and Ol~a Orisek, tenth ington. Wickens the two Open cars out ... -••••Ill!!••••••••••••••--------•-••-------•· running the field by nearly five minutes. Choiniere increased his 36 second lead goin into the last CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN-_::' __ -BYPASS VALVE KITS! Thousands Of Race Winning Miles Went Into The Testing And Development Of These Kits. Rally Magazine Editor Kerry Voll borrowed the Dodge truck from event organizer Greg Healey and she and her hu·sband Bob, the navigator, won the class, as they were the only truck entered. They Feature Large 9/16" Bores, Externally Adjustable, 4130 Steel Bodys, Internal Check Valves And Lightweight Aluminum Valve And Jam Nut. Many readers may wonder what the navigator does. The route is kept secret and this route book is the only clue to the course, and plus the timekeeping, a navigator is busy. Check the note "Deep soft sand." Dusty Times Available As A Kit With Full Instructions For Only $74.00 Each. We Can Also Custom Install Them To Your Ex-isting Kuster, Bilstein Or Bunderson Shocks. Also Available In Stock; Solid Brass Pistons For Kuster Shocks. Installing These Kits On Your Shocks Can Stop Harshness, Kicking, Hard Bottoming And Packing. Call To Order Or For More lnform~1tion. California Pre-Fun 39067 ORCHARD STREET CHERRY VALLEY, CA 92223 909-845-8820 May 1994 Page 19
In 11 years of off-road racing, Toyota Trucks have won a total of 64 desert and stadium events, resulting in 26 Championships. That's a record no one else comes close to. But don't get us wrong. It's never easy. And it's never over. As soon as we complete a race, we bring our trucks back and take them apart piece by piece. Bolt by bolt. All the way to the bare frame. We inspect every part. Every weld. i 1@iW.-i!·W%·:♦'t it t1iht 03 f JU :~ :r :~::::::r failed, or shows undue wear, we don't just repair it. We re-engineer it. To make it even better than it was before. ©1994 Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.
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LA RANA DESERT RACING The Presidential 150 Win Goes To Jina Joyce and Jon Kennedy By Carol Clark Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Jim Joyce, who rolled on the first lap, and Jon Kennedy, who drove the other three laps had just one flat, after the roll, no trouble at all for Kennedy, and he flew home first overall and perhaps made history being the first 1600 team to win a La Rana race overall. Ed Pauley and Jon landiorio zipped in second overall and second 1600 in the tidy Mirage, only three minutes behind the winners but couldn't quite catch them. Young Jason Hatz drove the distance alone in the new Suspensions Unltd. car, was thrilled at passing a Class 8 truck, was third overall and in class and had no trouble all day. day and they were running second and third on the first lap, hut just could not quite catch up with first place. Their only mishap of thL' day was a flat on the first lap. Thl'Y wanted to thank Boh Goshen for the motor that now has eight raCl'S on it, and John Sny for a tranny that also hns eight races on it. They said that the FAIR pits did a great job for them· and also wanted to thank Eddil' for thL' rough course. The first place Class 10 and fifth overall was the Raceco of Jim Tucker and Mike McGee. The boys from Ridgecrest had all kinds of troubles, but the Checker pit team kept them running to the victory. In sixth overall Steve Krieger and Tim Clark won Class 1 despite rolling the Chevy on lap 3 and losing time. Most of the damage was cosmetic so they carried on to the class win. Third overall and third in Class 1600 was Jason Hat: who drove the entire four grueling laps. This time when I interviewl'd him hl· remained standing for the t.·ntire time. The first time I talked to him, last summer, in Lucernl' Valley, he took a short nap during the interview process. Now that this young man is a Sl'asont.·d veteran, he decided to stay awake. His biggest thrill of the day was passing the unlimited truck of Steve Krieger. He got l'nough speed in a few places to grab just a little air, hut had a perfect day in all ways, the car had no problems and neither did ht·. I do believe that the starting Road and the injured parties were field for this race was one of the taken to the hospital. I do not best ever. There was a total of I 12 believe that any of the injuries entries, 104 starters, 36 finishers were life threatening however. ( which was pretty low) and a The people that I talked to said finishing rate of 34.62'};,, hut it was like something from Back considering the terrain these folks To The Future, the way the truck had to endure, I think the was so high in the air, they could finishing rate was understandable. see the entire undercarriage of the Most of the folks I talked to said truck and it seemed like it stayed that they did not know any course in the air forever before it camt' could be that full of rocks, one down and started rolling. It was racer said that he thinks that very scary, I know it sure must Eddie left out a few because he have been for the occupants of the saw them on the side of the trail. truck, hopefully they are well on Once again it was a great day for their way to recovery now. racing and the starting line was so I.think this is the first time that full of spectators that it was hard a Class 1600 car has taken one of to see the racers. Once the last vehicle left the line, the spec-tators, chase crews, etc., headed for their respective vehicles and headed out to assist wherever they were needed, leaving me a clear view of the course. these races overall, perhaps in another series, but not La Rana. The 1600s were 2 I strong at the starting gate, of these I 2 finished their four laps and leading the pack was the team of Jim Joyce and Jon Kennedy. Their average speed of this course from hell was 37.78 mph, their total time• was 6:37:02, which was ama:ing. Jim took the first lap and rolled the car and had a flat and decided he had had enough and turned the car over to Jon for the last thrl'l' laps. Jon said that he has a flat also and was really surprised that he didn't have more because of the billions and billions of rocks. Jon As I was monitoring the race channel on m y radio, I heard that the Class 1 truck of Larry Minor crashed in a very spectacular way. Evidently the truck launched about 8 feet high and then came down and started somersaulting about 3 or 4 times before coming to rest. There were some pretty serious injuries and 91 I was called for both the driver and co-r id er. The ambulance was dispatched to the area near Hodge Of the three in Class 2 Steve Houston and Robert Riffle did the best, doing three laps in their Raceco before trouble struck and they won the class. Page 31 Mlly1994 said that he stopped for fuel once and got hack out there and just drove a good steady pace. He tdt confident that he had a chance at the overall considering all the dead soldiers he was passing along the way. There was no need for any spectacular moves, so he just kept on keepin on and got that coveted checkered flag before any of the other four lappers and he was real happy. The second plan· overall and second in C lass 1600 as well was· the team of John Iandiorio and Ed Pauley. They were a little over three minutes behind Jim and Jon. They had the first place car in sight most of the Fourth overall and in Class 1600, hy only about a minute or less came Bob Plaskon and Craig Marsha!!. They had a flat on the first lap, which caused them ahout 4-5 minutes of down time. They spent most of the day dicing it out There were three in Class 5, none finished four laps, but Ken and Tom Deck held their Bug together in the rocks for three laps and won the class. DustyTima
Ron Stobaugh and David Rittenhouse had Jots of trouble with the Chevy, losing brakes, two wheels, etc., but they finished the race second in Class 1. Dave Crinklaw flew his Ford through three laps, and being the only Class 4 entrant, Dave and co-driver John Penner ended up the class winner. Mike Molina and Dennis Sletten got in their four laps in Class 5-1600, but they also had a few problems along the way, but finished second in class. Of the dozen 5-1600 Bugs that started only three finished the rugged run. Finishing first it was Lee Patten and Greg Burgin, who survived a host of different troubles and breakage to take the win. with Jason H a t:, which m ade• things" a little more fun. ThL'y had a good day, no complaints othL'r than the ro ugh course. The first place Class 10 car to finish was driven h y Jim Tucker and Mike McGeL'. They lost second gL'ar about thL' last 30 miles of the last lap and covering this terrain with I st and 3rd gL'ars was somewhat of a task , hut nL'verthdL'SS it could he JonL' and thL'y knew it. These hoys did nvt know just how good thL'ir pit crL·~• ( ThL' Cheek ers) were at their rL'SpL'ctivt· johs. TherL' was L'Vidently morL' than the usual amount of noise coming from thL' L'nginL' compartmL'nt of thL'ir race car. When they made their pit stops, thL'y told the crew to chL'ck out thL' rackL't and seL' what thL' hL'II all that hanging was. ThL' crL'w SL'nt somL'onL' to thL' drivers. whilL' t h l' r L' s t o f th e m fr v L' r i s h I )' "opnatL'd" on thL' motor and various things that WL're falling off of same. A fL'w pit stops and many )·ards of duct tapL'. wirL' and tiL' ~lowns and :ip straps of various si:L'S WL'fL' put into placL', thL')' \\'L'rL' SL'n t on thL'i r way, not knowing that thL' genL'rator stand had hrokL'n loosL' and thL' spark plugs were falling out, L'tC. ThL' crL'w chief Jay Mathis did a grL'at joh and thL'y also wantL'd to thank Tom Koch for the loan of th-. motor, BF Goodrich for the awesomL' tires and the CheckL'rs for their Psychological and mechanical abilities in keeping things flowing in a manner to be compared to no other crew on earth. Jim did want to add that he thinks Eddie should put in a few more rocks and a little less dust for the next race, that way he could test his suspension a little hL'tter . He knows for sure that he missed some of the rocks and he is no t satisfied about that at all, so listen up Eddie, your racers are talking to you. The ever together team of Steve Krieger and Tim Clark brought in first place· in Class I SO, hut not without a little work on their part. They rolled the truck on the third lap after a minor miscalculation, and had to gather the crew up real fast to put everything back where it hdonged and then put them-sdves hack where they hdongcd, having suffered no ill effects from the crash. They lost about a half an hour, hut still won their class. They were the first of two finishers in this class out of five starters. They saw rhe Minor truck crash on the first lap and said only a Chevy could survive a crash like that. They saw the tru"k launch and it really scared them, they were afraid that the guys would really get hurt after a had crash like that. The Mini Mags had a 100'¾, finishing rate, there were two starters and two finishers. Rick Ellison and Mike Thurlow got around their four laps in 7:09:32. Rick Ellison hopped over the rocks in fine style in his Chenowth Mini Mag and he had a great race with another Mini Mag, but came out on top, with Mike Thurlow co-driving to the win, seventh overall. DustyTimcs Barry Bates and Mike Pannell drove this tidy Chevy in Class 6, and they beat the other starter by nearly an hour to score the victory in class, covering three laps of the race. They blew a drive belt along the way and got it replaced quickly and kept on going. Rick said he lost the visor off of his helmet with about 60 miles to go, so his May 1994 eyes were sore and red from all the debris in them . The second Mini Mag to finish was the team of Chris and Greg Garrett. They were right behind Rick and Mike until they got a front flat and lost a few minutes changing the tire. Greg said that on the third lap, he broke an exhaust pipe after pit C and 'stopped to get it changed at pit D and it was clear sailing from there on in. They did make mention the large quantity of rocks and whoops on the course, but did not really complain too much. Class 900 had 23 starters and only four finishers, hut the ever present face of Jim Clements aka "June Bug" climbed out as the leader of the pack . This should go down in the his t o r y book s because after Jim caught his breath for a minute, he said " we just plain kicked everybo d y's ass' '.Jimand Mike Brown did say that they lost their roof along the way, but could survive without it. He said he only saw one rock on t~e course ~ Page 33
.~ and he missed it (ha ha). Jim said that he took his vitamins this morning to prepare for the worst course he has been on in five years without a doubt. It was a good race and he did lots of , praying. The roof and the mirror came off in the third lap and after holding the mirror for a few miles decided that they would not have time to stop and re-attach it, so tossed it aside. They did bump wheels with a few other cars, but "no biggy". Just a good day of racing. In Class 550 or 5-1600 there were 12 starters and three finishers. Lee Patten and Ed Burgin came in first place and evidently the last time I inter-viewed them I quoted them as saying something they did not in fact say, so now I am a member of the "egg on face" department, sorry again guys, I'll try to keep my stories a little straighter from now on. Maybe even some day I'll go to school to learn how to do these interviews. Lee took the first three laps and memorable they were. 200 yards after the start line, the carburetor fro:e up. They had to stop and get it thawed out and running again, which caused some down time. Then the driver's door came off the hinges and the passenger door latch broke; co-rider Anita Patten had to hold onto the door for one whole lap. At the beginning of the 4th lap the trailing arm broke and Lee had to weld it back up. Ed got in for the last lap and kind of babied the car around to the finish line, hoping no other disasters would befall them. Only four of the 23 starters in Class 9 finished, and it was no surprise to see James Clements taking the victory. He lost a few pieces from the car on course, but he and Mike Brown moved right on to finish 11th OJA. The Dick Cepek Class 150 truck did come in second place in class, but it was not an easy thing to do. Ron Stobough, who took the first two laps, was supposed to he in the truck for just a short while, could not bring himself to get out. They lost two wheels and one of them took off the brake caliper with it. Then they found out that the jack had taken an Bruce Raymond and Kevin Peterson won Class 8 although none of the three starters finished. The winners did one more lap, three, than the others and the truck looks good here amid the rocks. unauthori:ed leave, so they had to wait for the crew to find them to put on the new wheels and tires. They lost about an hour and ten minutes with that incident. Dave Rittenhouse who is actually the crew chief, took the third lap and said he was glad his lap was uneventful because he has never driven off road before, but he did widen the course by about 10 feet he said. Darten Skilton, who normally drives the Don A Vee Jeep, took a spin on· the last lap and kind of smashed the front bumper a little as he had to push a Bug up a hill. These guys are so considerate of their fellow racers that they stopped and pulled a Class 1500 truck on its wheels. They did that and still managed to pull off a second place finish . Chris McCauley, son of "Win-son" rode for three laps and said all the lack of sleep he's been dealing with is still worth it. The crew comes from evl'rywherl' to work on the truck and thl'y haw a grand time doing it. Thl'y said that the Fabtech crew came out of nowhere and brought them a jack and wheel and tire and got them going in about 30 minutl'S. The night before all the competitors were helping them out with sparl' parts, a cold bel'r and some good old dhow grease. They frlt a lot of comraderie out thl·re and it was kind of like a "warm fu::y". In Class 900 the second of thl' 4 SEAT BUGGY FRAMES Scott Johnson is a third generation driver, the Old Goat's Kid's Kid, and the family was out to support him and co-driver Todd Johnson. The Old Goat was a champion 1200cc Class 10, and the young Johnsons finished seventh in Class 9 in their debut. -----------------David Winner and Randy Clary were the only four lap finishers of the five that started in Class 725, so they won by a full lap and did it in good time, 8:47:44. four die hard finishers was Steve stuff a try and was pretty pleased Poole. He said he got lost twice, with the results. He said they lost o nce on the first lap and drove at all hut one holt out of the spring least 20 miles off course before plate. They had to keep stopping finding his way hack to the trails to have the existing holt tightenl·d of dust. He lost about a half hour and prob a hi y lost about 1 5 when the car died and it flooded minutes overall with that trying to get it re-started, then a problem. Gary said it was really condensor went out so, that was rough out there and tha_t he lost quickly replaced. Bill Casper got the spare tire, broke a hl'ader anJ in for the third and fourth laps broke one 12 year old shock. He and had no probll'ms l'xcept he said that the top end on thl· motor ran out of fuel on the last lap was thl' only thing thq• had which cost them another 10 replacl·d and they think this is a minutes. sport worth sta ying in. Gary said Clnss 10s second plact' finishl'r that thl· car is basically a 1600 car was Gary Samples and brother-hut havt' to run with the I Os in-law Chuck C u ts hall. They hecause of thl' disc brakes and the bought a 12 year old car and wider suspt·nsion. decided to go racing and this was M ichad Rix took third place in their first race evt'r in an off road C lass 900, finishing just ninl' car. Gary used to racl' motor-minutt'S hl'hind Steve Pook and cycles and dt'cidl·d to giw this s...-wn minutes behind him was ·•,,,M,-,:;,,..,,.~- ::tj, Pnr)' King, who I believe is related to Jay and Donnil' King. I did not gl't to talk to l'ithcr of thl'Sl' two ran-rs. hut am glad they Wl'rl' ahle to fin ish within the allotted time. In Class 725, Dnvid Winner took first placl', hut I clid not gl't to talk with him at thl' finish line. He finished the racl' in eight hours 47 minuk.:i. • Large enough for four adults, using tube-frame seats (Beards, etc .. ). • Accepts all stock VW type 1I.R.S. sway bars, axles, trans axle and engine. Alberto Tejera must like La Rana racing with the advertising on his Toyota and he with co-drivers Frank Parrish and Richard Robbins covered three laps to win Class 750. Clnss 550s Sl'cond place finisher was Mikt· Molina who finished in eight hours 50 minutes :ind third place went to Thomas Sbggs who finished in nine hours 28 minutes. I think the reason I missed these guys was due to the fact that the sun was gone and there was no light in the interview • Complete wHh dual shock mounts, motor mounts, light tabs, antema tab, front end clamps, shift box and seat belt tabs. • Main Frame Tubing-1.112• X .095. diagonal bracing and gussetts-1• X .065. • 11&• Wheel Base wHh 10• rear wheel travel at stub shaft. t., .,. 111••111■ c1■t1ct /Fa■1:11111/ 888! B1111 AVIIII, E Cl,III, CA 8!0!1 (818) 681-!H! Pagc34 Steve Poole and Bill Casper took second in Class 9, and Michael Rix had a good day in the McDonald's Fortune, Steve said he got lost twice, Bill ran out of gas, and they drove alone in Class 9 and finished close behind second had other troubles but were happy. spot, third in the class. ---------------------May 1994 Dusty Times
Fred Nelson and Fred Jr. had just one problem, they ran out of gas, but \ Bob and John Beyer flipped their Ford, but got repaired quickly and they spectators helped them out and they did their two laps for the victory in Class ' carried on to win Class 1500, fastest of the five starters in class. 1550. race and the minor things that went wrong will be worked out by the next race. They wanted to thank Anaheim Gear, Larschco Construction, Mateo Tool, BFG, Cu::o Detailing, Shoreline Graphics, Driveline Shop of Orange County, Rancho Sus-pension, Explorer and T .J. 's 4 WO Center. They said that their pit crew is the best there is and they are eternally grateful for all their time and effort, and they are always there when they are needed. They also wanted to thank Fred Larsch and Phil T erra:as for setting up the pits and co-drivers Kevin and Steve for the great jobs they do. area, so one could not distinguish the finishers from the spectators. Class 1500 had five starters and three finishers. Bob and brother John Beyer, who had a pretty good ride. They came over a rise and came down in a hole, got off camber and flipped the truck. Bob said there were no arrows to warn him of the danger, so he was totally unprepared for the area. They broke a radius arm bushing on impact but thanks to the Cepek truck, got back on their wheels, repaired the bushing and took off. They wanted to thank the Cepek crew, James Gang Racing Products, BBM Marketing Promotions, Long Beach .Yama-ha Honda, Sea-Doo, Auto "B" Craft and especially the BAJA T'A's from BFG, they have gone almost two years now without a single flat. Sl·cond in Class I 500 went to Les Willis who said it was a very · rough day out there. He did say that it was a fun course too. They broke the front end twin: on the second lap and ripped the steering wheel off twice. Luckily they had the parts and the tools with them to do the necessary repairs. Thl' · Bud Boy: helpl'd out once again and the Dunlop tires were great and they also wantl'd to thank Becker Racing. Glen Cohen and Tim Serviss finished in third place in Class 1500; they too escaped without an interview. In Class 1525 we had a 100'.½, finishing rate. Larry Gross was the first place finisher and I swear I talked to him but my notes took a hike. In second place was Chuck Foreman who drove both laps. This was his second race in his life and he said he had a great time. He blew a shock and the motor was cutting out a lot, but he muddled through that way. He said he has an awesome pit crew and most of all wanted to thank his Dad, for giving him a truck that ran like a winner. An interesting thing happened to the third place finisher, Mike Yarman's co-rider, Mike Stock-berger. Well into the first lap, co-rider Mike said his vision was getting bad and by the timo they got over near the Slash X Cafe, he had lost his eyesight altogether. He pulled over and the crew from one of the checkpoints took him back to the main pit and they took him to Barstow Community Hospital. where he was diagnosed as having a mild concussion and his eyesight had returned. Evidently he hit his head pretty hard and the helmet did not absorb all the shock like it's supposed to. Thankfully he is alright and will probably want to race again. Mike said that as far as Larry Gross and Jason Tran ran hard in their Toyota in Class 1525 and they had no apparent troubles for their required two laps and Won the class. Ray Curie and George Maher kept their Ford running despite power steering woes and electrics gone bad, and they motored into victory in Class 1575. DultyTIIIICI ----------------------------he and the truck goes, there were · some electrical problems which finally got fixed after abqut 2½ hours of down time, and he finished just 15 minutes after the ·second place finisher. 1550 had one starter and one finisher, that being Fred Nelson. His only problem was running out of gas, he said that the spectators were giving him gas one quart at a time, and thanks to them he made itbecause his radio was out and he could not get in touch with his crew for a long time and then someone else contacted the crew and they brought him about eight gallons, of gas to finish the race. His Dad Fred Sr., drove the first lap and had no troubles at all. In Class 1575 Ray Currie and George Maher took first place out of three starters and two finishers. Their power steertng oil boiled over and the coil wire fell off, these were fixed on. course and they had no other problems. Second place in I 575 was Tom and Mike Barnett. This is a new race vehicle for them. They built the truck in 2½ months and said this is more affordable racing than Class 4. They too ran out of gas on the first lap and were down about 45 minutes. They said that the . truck wmked good for the first Only one Quad raced this time and he finished ( they finished). Jeff Stafford and James Walker ·each took ½ a lap, 32 mill's each and they were each thankful that it wasn't a step further. They said that the course was full of rocks and whoops. They had two rear flats and the chain kept coming off. They even got blisters on their hands through their glows. The course really took it's toll on thl' boys. They ran out of gas near pit arl·a E and stcippl·d to changl' a plug because the hike was running too rich. They wanted to thank MMF. Ice Line Water, Red Eyl' Engineering and their friends ·ind family for all thl· he~p . ~~~ Jamar Super Shifte Make missed shifts a thing of the past! Fortin CV Cages Polished & Strong! Available in both: . 930 and 934.5 Thing Drums Straight from Germany. The real thing! 103 Press Lane #4.* Chula Vista, CA 91910 Phone: (~19)691-9171 * FAX: (619)691-0803 May1994 Page 35
~ Bob Plaskon and Craig Marshall were fourth in 1600s, fourth overall in the Mirage, and were only a half minute down at the checkered flag from third. Thomas Scaggs was third in Class 5-1600, and he also earned the dubious honor of being the last official four lap finisher in the tough race. David Girdner and Tommy Craig have a lot of fun and also do well in the old Hi Jumper, and this round they finished fifth in the tight running Class 9. Curt LeDuc or Larry Roese/er, it could be either, fly high in the pre-runner Ford, and they managed a couple of laps for second in Class 8. Glen Cohen and Tim Serviss are probably the last team racing a desert Jeep Comanche, but they ran well and took third in Class 1500 with a finish. Pagc36 Jpsh Baldwin and Justin Benham had a good day in their 1600, learning all about Barstow's rocks/silt combinations, and they were fifth in class. Chris and Greg Garrett were the second Mini Mag under the checkered flag after breaking an exhaust pipe. It's too bad this class didn't catch on. Gary Samples and Chuck Cutshall brought a 12 year old Chenowth for their first ever off road race, had some woes, but finished second in Class 10. Walt Shrader and Mark Bryant pfus A. J. Farris got in three laps in the Ford, that looks new, and that was good enough to place second in Class 725. Chuck Foreman and Rick MacPherson raced the Chevy S-10 in Class 1525, Four Wheel drive minis, we think, and they took a fine second in class. May 1994 Larry Deaton and J.R. Huffman got the Ford going well, but sadly for only one lap, but it was qood for third in Class 150. Perry King and Jimmy Hook had a decent run with some problems in their Class 9 Jimco, but they finished fourth, the last of the 23 car class. Tom Mangione drove alone in Class 10, only got in three of the four laps required, but it was good enough for third place in the ten car class. Les Willis and Art Becker catch some air in the Class 1500 Toyota, and they did the required two laps in good time for second in Class 1500. Mike Barnett with brother Tom and others drove the Jeep Cherokee in Class 1575, a new truck for them. They ran out of gas but finished second. Dusty Times
Russ Coors shows off his new Class 1 car here, and Russ finished third on the season points in class, a good debut for a new car. Terry Fitzgerald shows the bottom of his car to corner worker Mike Coons, and the 1992 Class 1-2-1600 champion had to settle for second in points in 1993. Mike Johnson widens a corner just a bit on a soft track, but he kept his car going well and finished the year third in Class 1-2-1600 points. GREAT PI.AINs·oFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION The 1993 kason In Review By Keith Koesters Champion Keith Koesters, with Russ Coors doing a fine job to take third. Although these events are basically organized by two guys in Omaha, Nebraska, Keith Koest-ers and Mike Johnson, the events take place across the Missouri River. The 3 /8 mile course is similar to MTEG courses, but run under class regulations from SODA's rule book. The track is located at W estfair Fair Grounds in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Racing starts when the snow melts. See Happenings column for more details and who to contact. The top three Class 1 cars throw up plenty of dirt, and that helps them get clear of the other drivers as they stay close together in tight dicing most of the time. With new cars and drivers and the start of another new class, Class 7S trucks, GPORRA is looking forward to another great year. Everyone at Great Plains wants to thank all its volunteers heartily! Without you our success would be short lived. Thank you and see you all soon. Yes, there is off road racing in Nebraska and Iowa, primarily short course style racing. The Great Plains Off Road Racing Association was started in 1988 and has slowly grown year after year. GPORRA offers tw0 classes of Quad racing, 250 anci 4 stroke and three classes of buggies - a Trophy class for beginners, a 1-2-1600 class plus a Class 1 Unlimited. Also they added a new Class 5 for Baja Bugs in 1993. Congratulations to all the participants as well as all the top finishers. Ryan Olsen for the most part had his way in both of the Quad classes in 1993. When Ryan was on the track it was generally a race for second place. Keep up the good work Ryan and the rest of you guys keep trying. Justin Parry did a fine job in his new 5 car, taking year end points in the first year of the class. Racing his first season Mike Bruggerman · finished second in Class 5. . The trophy class proved to be very entertaining with several different winners throughout the year. Unfortunately none of them were listed on the release we received. Class 1-2-1600 had a changing of the guard last season. Steve Socha took the points in 1993 with the 1992 champion Terry Fitzgerald in second. Racing only his first full year at the wheel, Mike Johnson was a strong third. Last but not least, Class 1 Unlimited was tight. This one went down to basically the last few laps of the year. Justin Parry took the class championship by a mere two points over 1992 Dustynma AT RIGHT One of the organizers, Keith Koesters, also turns up the dirt at the races, and his tidy single seater carried him to a very close second in Class 1 points. Justin Parry, foreground, and Mike Bruggerman take the start in the Class 5 action, new to GPORRA this year. Parry won the points title but Bruggerman did a fine job in his first year of racing, taking second. May 1994 Justin Perry kicks up a lot of Iowa dust here, but he was on his way to the Class 1 championship for the season, winning the title by merely two points over the 1992 champion Keith Koesters. Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your ore -runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the -!~ger C.V. ioints. _ Convert Type I stub axles and output bell to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. C_pnvert Type II stub axles and output bell to a<=_cept 930 C.V. joints. , _All axles and bells for Type 11 or Type IV ic.v.s can be threaded ¾-24 or stock 8mm ' All axles and Bel Is for 93(rC.-V .s can be I ·threaded ¾-2~to~K 10.m.m t_hreads. · . FIT YOUR OFF ROAD_ER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95. per flan.11e on yo_ur supplied parts. Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. ER ThesE: Bump Stops come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurelhane nd piece, and enough valving to get the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. lncludinQ the mountinQ hardware and the GAS bolts SEE YOUR OFF OOAD RAClr-JG PARTS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview · P. 0. Box 845 1-802-427-3551 Yarnell, AZ. 85362~845 Page 37 '-
E Ticket Rallysprints I a II H-Mitch McCullough, Mazda 323 4WD won his class and overall on the second rally, was third in class in E Ticket I and also won the two foot high trophy for the fastest combined time in the two events. Rally driving, possibly more before and after the rally. An giving other drivers a chance to than any other motorsport, event that strives to take the mutuallyadmireother'sstylesand demands exacting concentration pressure away yet retain the same relentlessly ridicule any small on an unknown road, in unknown competitive spirit and level of visible mistakes. conditions. Drivers and navi-competition, is called 'Rally-In this case the event was gators are trying to work in sprint'. Run on a short course, or dubbed the E Ticket Rallysprints unison in the most demanding stage in rallyesque terms, it I & II taking place in the foothills environment under adverse usually ranges from one to two oftheSanBernardinoMountains conditions. This is rallying. miles long and does not require a north of San Bernardino. The Rallying also has a lighter side navigator. Most of the stage is stage measured 1.2 miles and was besides the usual socializing visable from the start/ finish area wholly enclosed ip. a fenced area ,; HI-TECH • SUSPENSION SPECIALISTS • FREE EXPERT CONSUL TING • INSTALLATIONS ~ 1-iilJ OFF ROAD RAGING HEADQUARTERS LARGEST INVENTORY IN LAS VEGAS FEITIJIDIG • 111ml IPOITIWEII • NO FEIi 8EIB • AERO GAS TANKI • BITCHES • AIIIOIL •ABTCAIIII •AlffllFIB .... •BEITOP •BODYLIFTI •llEEID • IIIESTCB 'fECII •IIBTll&rn •FENDEBn.AIIES •MWMIITEB • FUEi-ffl.l,S •GRIZZLY Page 38 May1994 Windy Imperial won the first round in the Eagle Talon, first 0 /A and in 4WD, but dropped to third overall and second in class in the night running of E Ticket II. for better spectating. This event started off the 1994 California Rally Series and its new four class structure. Added to the already existing Open classes for two and four wheel drives were a split of the stock class cars into Per-formance Stock and Stock. Vehicles with twin cams, fuel injection or National Production class legal cars were moved to Performance Stock, leaving the carbureted, single cam cars to themselves. The rally is actually two separate events counting for single points. E Ticket I woulq be six stages on the 1.2 mile road while the second event run after dark would count five stages. Event one would run clockwise and event two would run counterclockwise at Glen Helen OHV Park. Being the first rally of the year there were new cars and new faces, new cars and old faces and in some cases old cars purchased by old faces. 35 drivers in all ran the rally. The class split ran 13 in 2WD Open; 6 in 4WD Open; 6 in Peformance Stock and 10 in Stock. The four wheel drives were a very potent field and wide open for the win. Rui Brasil opened strong in his new Audi 4000 as did Windy Imperial in an immaculately prepared Eagle Talon. Through the first five stages the pair would never be separated by more than one second. Mitch McCullough in his Mazda 323GTX lurked in third about eight to ten seconds in back of the leaders. Anton Musev had a strange beginning to his 1994 rally season. Because of the newness of the stage layout the organizers thought to run a controlled parade lap to define the stage. In the final corner of the parade lap Musev, with Dan Hook along for the ride, and going a very sedate speed ran up the inside berm and rolled his Subaru RX. Both occupants were fine and car suffered a cracked windshield, some race tape was applied and Musev was back in the running. Remember this story come Cap'n Crunch voting time later this year. Brasil and Imperial kept exchanging stage times staying within one to two hundredths of a minute of each other. In stage five Brasil pulled up even with Imperi_al setting up a final stage ' Ron Wood absolutely dominated the 2wo·open class in his VW Scirocco. He won the first rally at fourth overall, by a minute, then won the class in the next rally, and also was fourth overall at night. Dusty Times
John Brasil ran his Audi 4000 in 4WD'and was fourth in the first round and moved up to a good third in the evening run that required driving lights. Anton Musev zips past the hay bales on the flat running and his Subaru RX was fifth 4WD"in the first run, and moved to fourth in the second round. Harris Done got the Mazda RX7 home fifth overall in both rallies, and was also the second 2WD'in both events, very close to a win at Glen Helen. Tony Shumaker drove the Mitsubishi Eclipse to third 2WD in Rally 1, and Dave Turner drove the car to third Performance Stock. Both DNF'd rally 2. Bill Malik drove his Volvo 240 to a good fourth in 2WD'class in E Ticket I, but unfortunately was unable to finish E Ticket II with mechanical ills. Norberto Gomez heads for the hills in his Corolla GT and he drove to second in Performance Stock class, and dropped to third in class in the night run. dash for the win. McCullough still lurked within striking distance of the win but Musev found himself 30 seconds out of the lead battle. John Brasil, in another Audi 4000 sat in fourth but 20 seconds out of the lead battle. Mitch McCullough pulled the fast time of the stage but not by enough as he fell into the third place position. Rui Brasil had a stage time two seconds slower than the Imperial Talon leaving Windy Imperial as winner of the four wheel drive class and the overall victor. John Brasil staved offMusev for the fourth spot with new rallyist Kim Adams, sharing the Mitch McCullough Mazda turning excellent stage times but still bringing up the rear in sixth. The two wheel drive unlimited cars had a dandy battle over the turns and jumps. Lon Peterson, driving the Tony Chavez Datsun 510 started out well, leading the first two stages over Harris Done in a Mazda RX-7 with the VW Scirocco of Ron Wood close behind. Peterson held his lead in stage two despite losing a couple of hundredths to Done and Wood, but in stage three the 510 snapped both drive axles ending Lon's day in open class, but not completely as he still had a stock class car to drive. The two horse race became a three horse race after stage three as Tony Shumaker, driving his production Eclipse in the open class started to move up the leader board. By the halfway point Done held just over two seconds over Wood with ·shuma"ker another second back. Also close were Bill Malik's Volvo and rookie Cable Rhodes in a Mazda RX-7. Stages four and five saw little change except Cable Rhodes had a suspension problem that cost him two minutes dropping him from trophy contention. It was the final stage that was the decider for the win. Ron Wood turned the fast time in class of the day on the final stage edging Done by a mere second for the win. Shumaker held onto third place four seconds back edging out Bill Malik by 18 seconds. David Jacobus, son-in-1 aw to rally patriarch Bill Gutzmann, took the ageless Dodge Colt into fifth place actually tying Rod Koch in his VW 411 but the organizers tie breaking procedure put Jacobus in the fifth spot because of his faster first stage time. The new performance stock class looked very competitive with four of the six entered favorites for a victory. Norberto Gomez in his Toyota eked out a half second lead after stage one over the Dennis Chizma VW Rabbit. Robert Tallini, in a recently purchased Toyota from Rui Brasil tied for third with Jeff Hendricks' Jeep Comanche. Four more seconds back were the final two cars; the Eclipse of Dave Dennis Chizma, a former off road racer, felt right at home at Glen Helen and he whipped his VW Rabbit to the Performance Stock class victory in both events finishing second overall in the evening round. Dusty Times Turner and rookie rallyist Garnet Baril in a VW Rabbit. By the halfway point Chizma edged out to a three second lead over Gomez with Hendricks breaking clean away into third with Dave Turner close. By the end of the stages Chizma lengthened ~ 01' Joint Ji er •••••••••••••••••••• •• RTN*1000 p11'f-9E, "11i"s 1"110~ Dale Wilch s P.O. KansasC Phone (913) 788-3219 FAX (913) 788 9682 All credit cards or COD/UPS orders OK * CNC machined aluminum and steel construction that looks as good as it works * Easily adjusts in single degree increments to 45 degree angle notches * Notch any round tubing up to 2" OD in less than 30 seconds * Automatic round tube centering and alignment * Uses inexpensive "BIMETAL" hole saws (under $10) * Power vertical with a drill press or horizontal with any 1 /2" hand drill Complete RTN 1000 fixture includin a wrench to adjust quadrant angle and easy cutter removal We also offer a steel model RTN 100 with most of the same features Freight and all handling charges are included in the lower 48 states -WAIINGII Inferior imitations are in the marketplace 11 Buy the fixture with the moneyback guarantee • Mlly1994 Page 39
Jeff Hendricks brought his Jeep Comanche from Prescott to run in Performance Stock class, taking third the first time out, and fourth in the second run. Another ex off road racer Dan Hook, is now hooked on rallying. He was a good second in Stock class in both rallies in his neat Toyota Celica. Tony Delacuesta drove his Toyota Corolla to fourth in the first rally and seventh in the second one, slowing for various reasons in the darkness. ~ his lead to six seconds over Norberto Gomez. Turner bagged third place another four seconds back sharing the Mitsu-bishi with Tony Shumaker who ran it as an open class car. It was another 11 seconds back to Jeff Hendricks comfortably ahead of Robert T allini. An oil venting problem plagued the VW of Garnet Baril through the first event dropping him to sixth in his debut as a rally driver. Stock class was well repre-sented with a strong field. Jeff Bruett's Dodge Charger jumped This is the ~ystem run by most off ,oad race winners out to a second lead over Lon Peterson in a Plymouth Arrow. Steve Scott in a Toyota Corolla was just three more seconds back with a second on Al Chavez and Dan Hook who tied. By the halfway point Peterson and Bruett tied for the lead with Steve Scott now 10 seconds back chased closely by Dan Hook's Toyota Celica still tied with Al Chavez in a Datsun 510. Stage four saw Bruett pull four seconds out of the hat on Peterson while Hook improved his time to tie Steve Scott and Al Chavez for TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME JEEP STRAIGHT 6 Pagc40 "NEW SUMMER SPECIAL CHROME" 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED third. After stage five Bruett had pulled out further in front of Peterson as Hook just got ahead of Chavez by less than a second. . Steve Scott was just now finding a problem lurking under his valve cover as a camshaft tower was pulling loose. Hardware bolts were pulling out of the damaged cam tower until Jeff Bruett came up with some machine bolts that held the faulty tower down, but the young Scott had to hold the engine under 5000 RPM to ensure seeing the end of the rally. The final stage saw Al Chavez see his fight for third drain away as his left front tire took a powder and rolled away from the car midway through the final stage. He effected repairs in the middle of the stage and took 14 minutes to finish the final stage ending what was a beautiful run for the Condor Racing Datsun 510. Bruett was gone and Peterson settled into a fine second place in another of the B&.D Automotive stable of Arrows and Colts, just in case any of you were wondering if he converted the open Arrow to stock. Dan Hook outran the Scott Toyota for third. Steve held onto fourth just three seconds ahead of the California Rally Sports Toyota driven by Tony Dela-Cueasta. The Plymouth brand tied for sixth as Sam Moore and Michael Marcy finished in a dead heat, due to Marcy's faster first stage the sixth place was awarded to him. A 40 minute break ensued so workers could rest, organizers could reset the stage to run in reverse and cars could be serviced. At 5:40 p.m. the first car started E Ticket II on the first of five stages. With a clean slate drivers attacked the stage with renewed vigor and turned times better to the first event. For whatever reason one direction always proves faster than another at a rallysprint. The four wheel drives started in the night with lights blazing the way around the 1.2 mile stage. Rui Brasil opened up with fast time again with a second in hand over Windy Imperial and another second behind stood Mitch McCullough. John Brasil came next about 6 seconds back with six more seconds on Anton Musev. Brasil held his lead after stage two but McCullough overhauled Imperial by three seconds to move into second. By the third stage Rui Brasil had thrown a tire and fell two minutes back and out of contention. McCullough then put together a string of fast stages not to be touched by any other car propelling him to the class and overall victory by nearly 20 seconds over Imperial 's Eagle Talon. John Brasil motored into third place with 6 seconds over May1994 Anton Musev. Filling out the top five was Kim Adams in the Mazda who is a solo II racer trying rally for the first time and claiming a fine overall standing . Two wheel drive open class started out with a tie for the lead after stage one with the Harris Done RX-7 matching Bill Malik's powerful Volvo with Tony Shumaker just a half second behind this. Unfortunately Shumaker would run well until stage four when his Mitsubishi would lose a CV joint putting him and Dave Turner out of action, Turner was running performance stock. Coming up from a bad first stage Ron Wood pulled into the lead in stage two by two and a half seconds over Malik and Done who were still tied. In a tie for third Rod Koch's VW 411 battled David Jacobus's Colt. Clint Heuring, making a wonder-ful return to rally, after running antique cars in the Great American Race for a couple of years, was running in the lead pack also. By stage three Wood was pulling away slightly on Harris Done, at this point the Malik Volvo pulled off the stage with a mechanical trouble that made him a DNF after promising early stages. Jacobus pulled slightly ahead of Koch at this time but not comfortably as Clint Heuring was feeling the Mazda RX-2 of Marcus Clark start to move up on him. The final stage saw Harris Done valiantly try to make a run on Ron Wood but to no avail as the VW Scirocco swept both events in class. David Jacobus pulled off some great late stages and cleared himself for a third place finish. Rod Koch pulled into fourth just eight seconds ahead of CHnt Heuring in fifth. Marcus Clark, running both rallies with no brakes pulled off the sixth place finish. Rookie rally driver Bill Nation used his off road racing Mazda RX-7 to get his feet wet in the sport and pulled off a seventh place. In performance stock with .... Dave Turner a victim of a bad CV joint the rally came down to Dennis Chizma and his VW Rabbit battling to stay ahead of Norberto Gomez and Jeff Hend-ricks. By stage four Chizma was comfortable with 15 seconds in hand over Gomez who was just one second ahead of the Jeep of . Hendricks. Robert Tallini was still feeling out his new Toyota but was close to the second place battle by 10 seconds. Garnet Baril, who came from Utah to rally with us, had some misfor-tune in the first stage when he got stuck on a hay bale after a tricky downhill left after a jump. He continued to run well posting excellent times. the final stage saw Chizma hold the lead and join Wood as the only winner in both events, quite a day for the Volkswagens. It was Jeff Hendricks who pulled up to tie Norberto Gomez in the last stage. Due to Norberto's faster stage one he was declared the second place finisher. T allini was set in fourth still turning good times all day. After the first event .with his camshaft tower troubles Steve Scott went out to drive his car until he either finished or broke seeing as he had to fix the car one way or another. Lon Peterson opened up a four second lead over Scott in the first stage. Jeff Bruett and Dan Hook were locked in a tight battle for third with Mike Marcy in his Saporro. By the fourth stage Peterson had opened up almost 15 seconds on the Toyota of Steve Scott while Dan Hook, who was giving his car its last run before a reshell into a lighter Toyota body, came within four seconds of Steve Scott. Jeff Bruett was edging closer after a slow first couple of stages while John Rosello in a Plymouth Arrow edged close also. Going into the final stage Peterson was just having to finish the stage when about a half mile from paydirt the Arrow quit running. Steve Scott stormed past the ailing Arrow and snatched Jeff Bruett had his Charger storming in Stock class winning the first rally in class, but he dropped to third in the second run, maybe he didn't have good lights. Dusty Times
No rally is complete without a Datsun 510 competing, but the surprise of this one is that Lon Peterson was driving in the second round, to a DNF. Rod Koch has totally rebuilt his VW turning it into a 411 model, and he drove the tidy car to a sixth, then a fourth in 2WD' Open class. Clint Heuring, almost a name out of the past, came out to drive a 2WDDodge Colt and drove it to a seventh and a fifth in the Open 2wo·cIass. victory from the veteran driver. Dan Hook stormed through the last stage but fell an agonizing two seconds short of the win. Jeff Bruett joined the two second club as he trailed by the same amount for third place and just one second ahead of Mike Marcy. John Rosello nabbled the fifth place. Rosello is normally the crew chief for the Peterson Arrow and was showing his stuff as driver in his annual appearance in the driver's seat. Trophies were awarded after the last stage for the first three . places in each class plus the best combined time for the two rallies would get the two foot tall overall award. With his convincing win in E Ticket II Mitch McCullough had the lowest time and garnered the award. But awards could have been awarded for many other things, almost everyone running had to overcome something or another to register their finishes. First thing to be overcome was a rain delay, the event was to have taken place on the 19th of February but rains pounded Southern California and caused a one week delay to the 26th. This move cost a couple of people the chance to rally but it allowed four more to enter, so it kind of balanced out. There were others who came, ran h.ard and had fun. Jeff Hendricks had to fit the rally in among his plans to attend a friend's wedding that weekend. David Jacobus is an active member of the U .S. Navy and had to arrange his leave accordingly. Norberto Gomez had to fix his car after damage from the North ridge earthquake. Anton Musev had to quickly repair minor damage from his parade lap rollover. Marcus Clark should get a medal for completing the demanding rally with no brakes. John Moore is a circle track racer giving rally driving a try so he had to learn how to turn right just for this. TRI-MIL EXHAUST SYSTEMS 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW....................... $65. 415 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME .................... $100.00 1 1/2 TYPE 1 RAW ............................ $65. 415 1 1/2 TYPE 1 CHROME .................... $100.00 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW .......................... : $73. 415 1 5/8 TYPE 1 CHROME .................... $107. 415. KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200 mm DISC 4-PUCK ...................... $48.01!'1 200 mm 1700 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $85.00 200 mm 2500 PRESSURE PLATE.. ... $103.95 * EARLY OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELT 2' ............................. $23.95 LAP BELT 3' ...................................... $58.95 SHOULDER BELT 3' .......................... $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/ STERNUM STRAP .... $72.95 'A MUST FOR COMPETITION USE' Kim Adams entered the toughest class we have with no rally experience and showed herself to be quite the driver. Sam Moore m.ade a red~eye flight from the eastern seaboard to make it home from a business trip to rally with us. Rui Brasil postponed his trip to the Rally of Portugal so he could compete in light of the rain delay. The rain was a blessing to Tony Shumaker who was on business in Cincinnati on the scheduled weekend. The stories are numerous, inspiring and funny . The organizers were myself and Tony Chavez, and we would like to thank everyone who ran, worked and offered help. We would also like to thank the past organizers who with their past ideas along with our new ones made this the best rallysprint ever, so thank you Sam Moore, Marcus Clark and Mike Blore. And speaking of Mike Blore, he announced his move to Seattle E-Z UP TENT 10' X 15' ......................................... $499.00 THIS AD SUPERCEDE.S ALL OTHERS MENTION THIS AD TO RECEIVE THESE SALE PRICES Steve Scott got a slow start in the first rallysprint, third in Stock class, but he came alive at night in the Toyota Corolla and won the class by two minutes in the second round. this month for a new job. Our loss is the Northern Pacific Division's gain. Thank you Mike for ten years of unselfish participation as an organizer, driver, navigator and worker. Next for the California Rally Series will be the Rim of the World in Palmdale, California when the nation will come to us for a combined National/ Divis~ ional PRO Rally in May. CHENOWTH ULTRA WHEELS 15x4 FRONTS $80.00 15x7 REAR STD OFFSETS $85.00 Rob Maccachren Signature Serles Shirts NOW AVAILABLE plus, On The Edge Desert, Stadium, And Wanna Ride Shotgun Shirts (Call for Info) T-Shlrt Designs & Vinyl Lettering Available In The Store PHONE (702) 871-4911 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW OPEN 6 DAVS, .MON-FRI FAX (702) 871-5221 LAS VEGAS ~-~V~DA 89102 8AM-5PM. SAT 9AM-2PM' ... Dusty Times Mlly1994 Page 4 ..
THE 1994 SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL RALLY Privateer lhomas Radstrom Wins In A Toyota Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Tomas Jansson (Toyota-Sweden Celica). In Group N cars, the top runners were the Mitsubishi-Sweden Qalants of Kenneth Backlund and Stig-Olaf Wal-fridsson, and the less powerful Opel-Sweden Astra of lngvar " Carlsson, an eventual class Overall winner the last two years Mats Jonsson suffered from having to use FIA fuel in the Mazda 323 GT-R, but Mats and Johnny Johansson were Thomas Radstrom and Lars Backman came out of the pack to lead going into Etape 3, and despite a few mishaps for the young driver of the Toyota Celica Turbo 4WD, he won the rally outright and it was the hat trick for Backman, navigation three in a row to outright victory. Local enthusiasts found a new rally hero on the Swedish Rally this year. 28 year old Thomas Radstrom, running a private Celica Turbo 4WD with the support and encouragement of the official importers' team, held off the challenge of twice previous winner Mats Jonsson (hindered by fuel restrictions) and seven times winner Stig Blomqvist (battling with unsuitable tires) until the end of the three day _event. The rally was also the opening round of the FIA 2-liter Cup. In this category there was a wide range of cars, but only one official team entry, Skoda. Per Svan, last year's winner, was untouchable in his Opel Astra after early leader Tommi Maki-nen (Nissan Sunny) retired on the first day with a disconnected clutch plate. Five different types of cars finished in the top five 'F2' finishers, four manufacturers scored points and four made fastest sta times in the cate ory. %$)!1!11'7 '"''.%'. In Group N, four year old Mitsubishi Galant cars took the top three places while British driver Jonny Milner finished best placed non-Swedish driver overall despite gearbox troubles with his Ford. The regular teams contesting the World series were absent, but nevertheless a virtually full route in the Varmland region of central Sweden was run over stages made popular in previous years. There was the usual one night stopover in the skiing resort of Falun in the Dalarna region. Regulations allowed four wheel drive turbo-charged cars to take part for outright awards; this concession attracted virtually all the top Scandinavian national team competitors, headed by Jonsson (Mazda 323 GT-R), Blomqvist ( Ford Escort RS Cosworth on his 26th Swedish Rally), Per Eklund (Lancia HF Integrale on his 27th event!), Marcus Gronholm "(Toyota-Finland Celica) and Although they slid off the road once, Kenneth Backlund and Tord Andersson led the Mitsubishi Ga/ant VR-4 contingent in Group N, winning the category and they placed a swift fifth overall. winner. The first competitors to leave second overall, a mere 12 seconds back. the start in Karlstad drove 2-liter • . . . . - . . . Cup cars headed by Tommi . quizzed by safety con~c10\'s despite carrying_ Michelin stick-Makinen in the British-run Nissan ?we~es ~bout the c~a~p1onsh1p ers, ~ad bee~ usmg the new local Sunny GTI, the car which led its 1mphcat1ons of the cns1s at Monte LaJ?Pl rally tires, as had J_onsson, category on the first day on its Carlo. . wh1c~ _were comparable_ m these debut at last year's Network Q On Etape 1 the early retirement condmons, hard packed·1ce rather RAC Rally. Second and third of Marcus Gronholm l~ft th~ race tha~ softer p~cked snow, but with away were the Skoda factory team for the overall lead ent1:ely in the a, th1~ covering of snow on top. with Emil Triner and Jindrich hands of the _local dn_vers, and Runn~ng at car #15, Rads~rom st O l fa at the whee 1, while w~er:1 fellow_ Fmn ~ak!nen went ~ the first car to run at o~e minute following was the Opel T earn ~1ssmg the fight for F2 became a intervals) had trouble w1_th snow-Sweden car of Per Svan. 'F2' littl~ bare as. well_. Svan w~s dust fr~m slowe~ cars in front. favorites,were Makinen, Svan and w_alking away ~1th this category in Bl?mqv1st mysteriously lost half a Citroen driver Cemoni Ohlsson, his ~stra GS1, but only af~er minute_ on stage 1 and was with the VW Golf of Jonasson a Makm_en_ cam~ to a halt with s~rugglmg to catch back the little known outsider. transm1ss1on failure shortly after difference. Tommi had the chance to further help develop the Nissan Sunny GTI during pre-rally testing. "The brakes and handling are very good, but the car is still too nervous, so we must do more work with the rear suspension. Compared with four wheel drive Group N cars you obviously lose time at starts, but you gain time braking and in the corners, and the best thing is you can drive these cars much harder." Tommi's entry was sponsored by Pall Mall cigarettes and Valmet, the Finnish tractor company. A driver suddenly in the spotlight was Anders Nilsson, Opel Kadett GSi. He was the surprise winner of the opening round of the Swedish champion-ship when he took full advantage of more favorable conditions lower down the field, where he had been seeded. He went so well he beat all the 4 WD turbocharged cars! "I had no intention of entering the Swedish, but suddenly everyone started to offer help, and in three weeks I collected all the sponsorship money I needed!" The weather was not too cold, maybe five degrees C, but there were high snowbanks all round the route, maybe the most snow on this rally for 20 years. The special pre-rally excitement for the Swedes was the impending arrival of FIA President Max Mosley who was going to be the start of stage 4 . There were Gronholm had a bad event; he many rumors about the cause, but lost time spinning in a narrow when Makinen found not only road on stage 1 which unnerved Gronholm but also Renault him. On stage 3 he went off for driver Kari Isolehto back in the ten minutes, on stage 6 he went hotel,afinepartyfortheFinnwas off for good. In Group N started and problems forgotten. Mitsubishis reigned unchal-Ohlsson, with a Citroen ZX 16 lenged. On stage 3 Backlund slid valve, had been lying third but off the road, on stage 5 his went off the road for three teammate Walfridsson had a minutes on stage 3; there was front wheel puncture. Ford-stress between him and Opel 'F2' Sweden's· trainee driver Andreas driver Anders Nilsson when Eriksson retired his Ford after the Ohlsson regained the road just in gearbos broke on stage 1. Swedish front of him. drivers dominated the event as a Expectations that these 2-liter, whole; the highest placed non-front drive cars would be Swede was Milner, 15th with his hopelessly outclassed on the high Group N Ford. The happiest man speed icy surfaces did not prove of the day, however was Mosley, real; after every stage today a 'F2' after being taken by Mikael car had been lying in the top ten Ericsson in a Group A Toyota places. In second place was Celica Turbo 4WD through stage Jonasson, third Nilsson. While 3. Running ahead of the field they the two leaders pulled ahead, made 13th fastest time, without three minutes covered the gap 'pace notes! Mosley said "I'm glad from third to seventh. The two I did not know about rallying highest placed non-Swedish when I was younger. If I had, I drivers in this category were could have wasted a lot of time Czech teammates Triner and and money on rally sport. It was Stolfa in their Skodas. great fun!" lntheoveralleventJonssonwas On Etape 2 Svan led the FIA fighting hard for the lead; after 2-liter Cup event all the way, losing his Toyota drive this season rising in the overall field as firstly in favor of the younger Tomas the unhappy Toyota team driver Jansson, Mats was motivated. He Tomas Jansson went out hitting a led until slowed by steering tree stump, then crashing upside trouble in stage 5: the broken down, and then Eklund retired steering arm was replaced but with engine trouble. In the 'F2' work was not finished. The category he stayed ahead of turbocharger was not giving full Jonasson and Nilsson. Magnus power on stage 6 and he lost the Gustavsson in a Citroen BX lead to Jansson's fellow Toyota started.the day as fourth car in the driver Radstrom. Radstrom, FIA category but went off the Veteran Stig Blomqvist with Benny Melander tosses the Ford Escort RS Cosworth through a turn, en route to third, four more seconds back of winning. FIA President Max Mosley had a thrilling ride as· the course opening car on stage 3 in the Toyota driven by Michael Ericsson, who made 13th fastest time. Second in Formula 2, only five minutes back, and tenth overall came Jorgen and Nie/as Jonasson in a VW Golf GT/ 16v, and they earned some points too. 9agc41 May 1994 Dusty Times
ushing past a ppo Harjan Cemoni Ohlsson and Goran Lonnmark looked good in the Emil Triner and Kiri Klima were the best placed Formula 2 team Citroen AX 16 v, but they had an off road excursion, and from outside Sweden placing seventh in Formula 2 in the Skoda The Lappi tire was used by many competitors, ideal for the icy conditions, even though the sign on the fender says Michelin. Lappi tires had longer studs. electrical woes dropped them to fifth in F2. Favorit 136L. ------------------------road on stage 10, close to where. official position stated by the. and there were cheers for Milner the Opel Corsa driver Lars-Goran steward was: "Being run within when he reached the finish, Andersson (lying fifth) also the framework of the FIA WRC, highest placed non-Swedish crashed. Ohlsson had a·lot more all articles in the ... general driver, despite last day delays problems, electrical troubles as regulations of the rally champ-because of a broken gearbox on well as going off the road, but ionship of the FIA concerning the his Ford. continued, while Triner, the top WRC are applicable." Thus the A new name in international placed Skoda, was now seventh in event was subject to TV rights rallying is Thomas Radstrom who the category and in the points control, FIA control fuel had to comes from Umea, is a former scoring sector. Stolfa was close to be used by the top seeded drivers, Swedish Junior Rally Champion Triner consistently, even though World Series seeding rules and is also experienced in this was his first event away from . applied, rules regarding sealing rallycross. He gained his corn-European Championship Rallies. turbos and transmissions applied, petition license ten days after his In the overall standings Radstrorn and the limits on servicing were in 18th birthday, and in his spare pulled further ahead, now driving operation, but only the total time assists at the famous Anders in clear conditions, and unlike lengthoftheeventcouldbeeased. Kullang driving school. He is Jonssonnothavingtousetheless Framework•is a neat word. some three years younger than powerful FIA control fuel. In Championships are out nowa-Toyota Sweden's new official Group N the Mitsubishis of days, we enter frameworks driver Tomas Jansson, and the Backlund and Walfridsson were instead... importers are happy to help his still ahead. Milner was fourth in On Etape 3 someone was likely private efforts. He is no relation Group, 11th overall, despite a to get a hat trick win. This year to brothers Arne and Anders clutch change last night and time Lars Backman partnered Rad-Radstrom, who also finished in lost in a spin today. It had been a strom; on the two previous the top ten places. Was the twice colder day, starting at -25 degrees Swedish Rallies he partner~d . previous winner Mats Jonsson The rally was the official debut of Formula 2, and Per Svan and Johan Olsson assumed command of the class early in the event in the Opel Astra GSi 16v and they were seventh overall. suffering having to use FIA control fuel because he is a seeded driver? He said it cost him 20 bhp. The Chief scrutineer said all his rivals were using pump spec tuel too, as they must in the Swedish National Series, so neither teams had high performance fuel. and progressively warming to -10 Jonsson on his wins. Starting r..---------------------------------------;,;;;;;-.7 before evening. today Radstrom had a minute The tire war continued. lead and needed all of Backman's Blomqvish explained: "The prob-calm experience to keep him safe. !em is that the studs on these 100 meters from the end of the conditions need to protrude penultimate stage, his concen-further from the tread. The tration wandered, he spun and Lappis extend 7mm but the stalled. "I tried to restart the Michelin only five. It has made all engine and it wouldn't run. I tried the difference to being compe-again and the same again. I told titive or not". The Swedish Lars everything had been wasted. Michelin press att'ache was Lars then calmly told me to try unmoved. "Technically the Lappi one more time, which I did and is no better; it is only a financial the engine fired up. I then had a matter!" lead of only 13 seconds before we The strange nature of the event went to the final stage!" Blom-pervaded. Wasittobeconsidered qvist crashed just after the flying a full qualifying round of the finish, but got the time he wanted. World Championship? The. Rads·trom's was a popular win 42nd Swedish International Rally Thomas Radstrom/Lars Backman S Toyota Cellca Turbo 4WD A • 4: 1 2 :oo Mats Jonsson/Johnny Johansson S Mazda 323 GT-R A 4: 1 2: 1 2 Stlg BlomqvisUBenny Melander s FordEscortRSCosworth A 4:12:16 Johan Kressner/Jorgen Edstrom S Toyota Cellca GT-Four A 4:20:01 Kenneth Backlund/Tord Andersson S Mitsubishi Galan! VR-4 N • 4: 25 :53 Stlg•Olov Walfrldsson/Gunnar Barth S Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 N 4:26:48 Per Svan/Johan Olsson S Opel Astra GSI (7th) A+ 4:29:02 Jorgan Jonasson/Nicklas Jonasson S VW Golf GTI (10th) A+ 4:33:42 LlzBeth Kerttu/Carlna Wlderstrom S Opel Corsa (33rd) A .. + 4:58:37 Anders Nilsson/PerSchlegel S Opel Kadel! GSI 16v (14th) A+ 4:34:56 Chrisler Steen/Per Westman S Opel Corsa GSi (17th) A+ 4:40:59 Cemonl Ohlsson/Goran Lonnmark S Citroen ZX 16v (18th A+ 4:41 :06 Peter Nilsson/Jan Lambertsson S Opel Corsa GSI (21st) A+ 4:46:02 Emil Triner/Jirl Klima CZ Skoda Favorlt 136l (24th) A+ 4:47:28 Jlndrlch/Stolfa/Miroslav Fanta CZ Skoda Favorlt 136L (26th) A+ 4:50:01 91 star1ers (26 F2) • 55 finishers (18 F2) • •Group Winner, +F2 • .. ladles winner Winner's average speed over stages 102.60 kph Positions In FIA World Cup for Manufacturers of 2-liter cars after Round 1 In 1994 GME 10 points, VW a, Citroen 4, Skoda 2 Dusty Times Trackside Photo, Inc. Racing photography since 1970 We cover all La Rana, SCORE and MTEG events. For professional quality photos, call us! Call us for: Calendars• Press Kits• Photo Business Cards• Autograph sheets Mlly1994 P .0. Box 91767 Los Angeles, California 90009 (310) 670-6896 Pagc43
Another runner who spent most of his time on 2 wheels was Gary White from Shingle Springs, California, in his home built sand rail. Mitch McDonald came out to play in his Blown Bucks Sand Rail, after taking first place in the off road division at a recent Sacramento Auto Show. Shawn McCord from Fernley, Nevada came out on one of the few 2 wheeled vehicles. Shawn was another who wheelied his way to the top of the mountain. Off Roa~crs Get Away By Wiser Photo Kirk Levering from Redding, California wheelied his dune buggy to the top of the hill, just for the kicks and maybe for the camera. Only a few short miles east of usually one of the big ones forthe Fallon, Nevada stands a mountain mountain but this year due to an of pure sand, where Off Road unexpected snow storm many of Enthusiasts of all sorts come the usuals didn't make it up. together to play. The weekend Those who did were in for a treat. that I was able to make it out to Saturday was a beautiful day and the mountain was President's Day the dye hard fun lovers enjoyed Weekend. This weekend is everysecondofthegoodweather. West Coast Distributor fOII HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PltICE $695.00 GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Per Set 2 Ratio's Available NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 70'l/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Prorfocts ""' 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Pagc44 Unfortunately the weather wasn't far behind and late Saturday the storm hit. ¼ Rick Gardner on his Yamaha Banshee Quad Runner and Ray Bohaner on a TRI Z Yamaha 3 wheeler, drag race to the top to see who was king of the mountain. Another acrobat in a Buggy was Garry White up from Shingle Springs, California in a Maroon-ish home built Sand Rail. Two show cars showed up on Saturday. Mitch McDonald from Sacramento in his Blown Bucks purple Sand Rail. Mitch's toy ran a Chevy Aluminum V6; this was undoubtedly a one of a kind vehicle-. David Gausted also from Sacramento showed up in his Candied Plumb Sand Rail. These two had just taken First and Second in the Off Road Division at the recent auto show in Sac. held by cars. Many unbelievable cycles were present, along with the many quads. Among the exceptional runners was Ray Bohaner. Ray has been coming to the mountain since 1970. This trip he brought a new toy, a 1985 TRI Z Yamaha 3 wheeler with a 1100 GSXR street bike motor. This is only the second time Ray has been out on the trike. The first time he ·ended up crashing, fracturing his collar bone and bruising several ribs. As Ray put it "this is one fast 3 wheeler". He While the weather was nice I was able to play and get some great shots of people having fun. There was a lot of power out on this weekend from VS Bajas to major powered quads, as well as the traditional sand buggies. One of the most unusual on the mountain was the Baja of Steve Larson out of Roseville, Cali-fornia. Steve's toy is VB powered. As Steve told me he has been coming out to the mountain for • the past 10 years and is able to get out about four times a year. To watch him he has a lot of fun. One statement Steve made about the low turn out this weekend was that the people who were supposed to come out were a bunch of whimps, he was speaking of his friends Brad Jepson, Kevin Jinkins, and Tim Compsin. Other buggies on the mountain were Kirk Levering making the trip from Redding, California in his Blue Sand Rail. Kirk wheeled his way up to the to of the mountain several times. Power and pride wasn't only. did have a lot of fun on what I would like to call his Double Black Diamond ride, this one is Steve Larson out of Roseville, California came out in a Chevy powered Aluminum VB Baja Bug. I caught up with Steve at the top of the mountain, in the infamous Super Bowl, Steve came flyin by on his way across the rim. The mountain stands as back drop to the Kanackas Family, who came down from Elko, Nevada. These folks take their fun very seriously, and all had a great time this year playing in the sand. May1994 definitely for experts only. Another fast runner was Rick Gardner out from Reno, Nevada. Rick brought out among his other quads a 1989 Yamaha Banshee running a punched out 577 alcohol fueled motor. When I asked Rick about putting around the mountain his response was one of amazement. He said "You don't putt on this, it's either on or off". the way he ran the mountain was fast, as he wheeled across the sand a rooster tail flying behind. This weekend isn't for just the grown up kids, there were lots of real kids out there too, some of which have been coming out since they were little and some who .. were still little. This is a definite family affair. The Kanackas' came out from Elko, Nevada, making the trip in their custom 4x4, which as I was told doesn't have much left in the way of original parts. As Garry Kanackas put it this thing started as a stock 2WD 2 door gas powered pick up, now well where to start; it's a 4WD 4 door diesel powered flat bed dually, with a rack that holds 4 quads. It caught my eye as they came pulling in, this family takes their fun very seriously. There were people from as far away as Washington and as close_ as Fernley, and all were just having a great time. I know I did, and am looking forward to next year. Dusty Times
The instrument panel and all the accessories are very familiar. The consistency of placement is really a boon; your eyes know right where to look for everything. With the rear bench seat folded forward and down, there is plenty of room for cargo. A six foot tall body in a sleeping bag fits back there quite nicely as well. An easy-lift rear hatch and a good sized tail-gate help to make loading cargo easier while also supplying you with a nice upholstered seat for just settin' and lookin'. 1994 CHEVROLET 510 IWD BLAZER worth having. A spare tire How Green Was My Blazer exterior carrier is an option that swings away for rear access. There is a good sized center console, nice and deep with cup holders in front and a good sized . tray in front of that. A parcel tray couple of trips in the Blazer and found it comfortable, very quiet and easy to handle on the highway. We did do a bit of off the road activity but with only two wheel drive available we were rather cautious, but nonetheless we managed a few excursions in the desert, all without incident. Text & Photos: John B. Calvin One of the better looking vehicles introduced for 1994, the Chevrolet S-10 Blazer is a fantastic performer also. The 1994 Chevrolet line of vehicles includes most everything you have ever wanted and within that line is the S10 Blazer, a sweet sort of compact vehicle that is both a pleasure to look at and a pleasure to drive. This particular S 10 Blazer came in Forest Green with Khaki in the LT Tahoe trim and was a show stopper all the way. The power package was strong and very usable in all manner of situations and al-though this particular test vehicle was of the two wheel drive persuasion we were able to get out in the dirt a bit with it and get most places where we wanted to go. Power was supplied by the 4.3 liter V6 CPI (Central Port Fuel Injection) producing two hun-dred horsepower and two hundred sixty pounds of torque, plentyofstuffforanyone. The V6 was coupled to the famed four speed automatic transmission with overdrive, always a great combination for your driving pleasure. A 3.42 rear axle ratio was installed and a locking differential added to the package. Four Uniroyal Tiger Paws, P205175R15 M&S coupled the SI O Blazer to the ground and they were mounted on very good looking cast aluminum wheels, only adding to the good looks of the vehicle. Stopping power is supplied by power assisted front disc/rear drum brakes with four wheel anti-lock included. The instrument panel is the familiar, never seems to change pattern with a 110 mile per hour speedometer with resettable odometer with the usual gauges for oil pressure, temperature, battery condition and fuel. The usual amount of warning lights, bells and whistles show up just beneath the instrument cluster. Heat and air conditioning controls are immediately to the right of the instrument cluster and located centrally on the dash is the Lots of horses! The 4.3 liter V6 Central Port Fuel Injected motor produces two hundred horses and two hundred sixty pounds of torque. DustyTima .sound system consisting of stretches across the dash for some AM/FM stereo with CD player small parcel capacity up front and and it comes with enough power there is also a good sized glove box to burst your eardrums with ease. on the far right of the dash. Electric window and door lock Overhead is a long console with controls are located on the map reading lights, a garage door driver's door, handy to get to and opener holder and sunglasses easy to use. holder to add to your conven-Seats, ah the seats, boy are they ience. comfortable. These high back A leather covered steering reclining bucket seats with power wheel is part of the LT package adjusters, deluxe cloth covered, and is adjustable to many , were a real pleasure. Long trips positions for your comfort. The with your butt planted in one of windshield wipers, cruise control these buckets are a breeze. They and turn signals are located on the adjust every way in the world and left steering wheel stalk, the gear are really a great feature. There is a selector lever is located on the I bench seat in the rear which folds _ rig~t stalk. All in all the driver · forward and down for lots of enioys a well placed set of cargo capacity. controls, easy to see and easy to All the seat backs are carpeted understand. so in the fold down position you Driving the S10 Blazer is fun; have this good looking floor for you are comfortable and have a all your necessities and with over lot of power under your right six feet of cargo area depth inside foot. This Blazer was equipped you have lots of room. The full with a 3 .42 rear axle ratio so there sized spare tire was mounted was lotsofpepforflyingdown the inside and also carpet covered and road, climbing those long hills although it took some room away and zipping around the slow from cargo capacity, it is well pokes on the highway. We took a Fuel economy was great, old leadfoot here got almost-22 miles· per gallon no matter what I did so you have a very long cruising range. Everything mechanical worked smoothly and effort-lessly. The rear glass hatch raised and lowered easily, the tail gate gave you that extra seating you desired for that picnic type lunch break and we were also equipped with the heavy duty towing package, able to pull a 5500 pound trailer, which is a lot of race car and spares. Did we enjoy the Chevy S10 Blazer, you bet we did. We put a lot of miles on the vehicle in a short time and enjoyed every minute of it. Next time we will test the four door model instead of two door and also will get the four wheel drive option so we can go out in the desert without fear. Head on down to your local Chevy dealer and give the S10 Blazer a try. I know you 'II find it . to your liking. CUSTOM RACE CAR WIRING MOBILE SERVICE TO YOUR HOME OR TO YOUR CHASSIS BUILDER SERVING ALL OF LOS ANGELES AND ORANGE COUNTIES CALL TODAY FOR INFORMATION & PRICING! Joe D•viti.an 3263 San Fernando Road Loa Angeles, CA 90065 213-550-1069 tel 213-550-1091 fax Mlly1994 Page 45 -
1994 Alcan Winter Rally By Tom Grimshaw Literally loaded for bear the 4WD. Isuzu Rodeo charges off into the Artie on a 4000 plus mile adventure called the A/can Wiriter Rally that travels 230 miles above the Artie Circle before returning to Anchorage. warmth whatsoever to what has-been called "The Land Beyond". vehicle I haven't navigated in a rally. The Alcan always attracts its share of Walter Mitty teams -folks who refuse to become couch potatoes and live to hear the words, '• And now for something a little different." Of course it also attracts a few serious teams - fools who really think they can win this thing. Like Billy Edwards and Greg Lester in a factory sponsored Ford Explorer Limited. Mr. Edwards is an excellent race/ rally driver who has finished second on several One Lap of America rallies. Lester ( who I dubbed "Hannibal Lecter") is one of the pre~ier rally navigators in North America. Like Steve Norman, Satch Carlson, and Dennis Gunn in a dealer backed BMW 325ix, sporting skinny tires with enough studs to double as a concrete scarifying machine. Carlson lived in Alaska for eighteen years or so and won the 1993 Alcan Summer Rally. , line in Seattle to begin a 538 mile run to Quesnel, B.C. which included two TSO rallies timed to the second. Paul drove the first rally and John drove the second. Both rail y courses were covered in snow and included twisty uphill climbs past hidden checkpoints timing us to the exact second. On the first rally our computer died when its odometer input line bounced loose and we ate a bundle of penalty points. We corrected the problem and did much better on the second rally but still arrived at the overnight halt in last place. I went to bed thinking it was going to be a very long eight days. Day Two started off with a race around the Gold Pan Speedway in Quesnel and the Glamour Boys went to work and posted fastest times and we began to move up. Over the next six days we kept inching up through the rankings, winning some rallies, staying close on those we lost and picking up points on the ice races. Corser and his camera crews were everywhere in their two identical white Rodeos. Between What do swaying palm trees, T-back bikinis, and scantily covered hooters jiggling to a · Jimmy Buffet tune have in common with Eskimos, the Arctic Circle, elk burgers, and yapping sled dogs mushing across the frozen tundra? Not a damn thing. So how was I enticed to leave the gulf coast beaches of Florida to run the eight day 4,200 mile Alcan Winter Rally from Seattle, northward through British Columbia, the Yukon and Northwest Territories, past the Arctic Circle to the Arctic Ocean, then southwest to the finish in Anchorage, Alaska -in Feb-ruary? In short, this is a place where man and his machines are not welcome. But it is also a land of irresistible beauty covered by virgin snow fields so white they blind the naked eye, so vast they seem to stretch to the end of time. The kind of snow that reminds you of your childhood. Like R. Dale Kraushaar and his Looking more like Artie terrain here, Paul Dallenbach drives the ice race on son Russ in a Mazda 323GTX. R. the Yukon River. The ice race scores helped bring the Rodeo up in the I can only plead advanced senility. After all, I do live in Cootland, U.S.A. (Florida) and since my arrival here two years ago I have noted a growing loss of memory and an uncontrollable urge to wear knee length checker-ed shorts with long black stockings and open toed sandals. Actua 11 y, there were some legitimate reasons for traveling north. When I was first contacted by Isuzu to navigate their 4WD Rqdeo S Sports/Utility vehicle I said "No way". Then I was called by John Corser of Corser Communications in Los Angeles. John explained about the won-derful documentary he was filming for Kogei Productions and Isuzu. When that didn't convince me he told me I would be teamed with two young men named Unser and Dallenbach, that I would get a lot of very fancy winter clothes, and a jacket with my name on it. I finally reminded myself that even though I had won a Summer Alcan Rally with John Buffum back in 1985, I had never won the Winter Akan. So I signed a contract, ordered an airline ticket, packed my only wool sweater, bought a dozen boxes of Kleenex and headed for Seattle. The Winter Alcan Rally is one of the few remaining truly awesome automotive adventures. During the 1992 event tempera-tures dropped below sixty degrees Fahrenheit. The roads are frozen icy trails winding between roof high snow banks. The course crosses frozen rivers and un-inhabitable moonscapes obscured by blowing snow carried on seventy mile per hour winds. The sun never crosses the sky in a civilized way. It rises and lowers on the same horizon, lending no Page 46 I met Corser, Unser, Dallen-bach and the rest of the filming crew in the bar of our Seattle hotel. We became acquainted over a few beers - which struck me as a good sign. Dale campaigned PRO Rally cars _ _ st_a_n_d_in....:.g_s_a_ft_e_r_a_ro_u_g:....h_ fi_rs_t _d_ay_. _______________ _ for several years and co-drove for Thirty-four year old Johnny Unser hails from Sun Valley, Idaho, while twenty-eight year old Paul Dallenbach camps out in Aspen, Colorado. Another good sign. Despite the fact they had never been on a rally, had never driven average speeds to the exact second, they did know about snow and ice. And their names alone said they could drive very quickly when the need arose. These two gentlemen were born to go racing. Paul Dallen-bach 's most recent achievement was breaking Ari Vatanen's five year old record on the Pikes Peak Hillclimb -and he beat it by a hefty four seconds to become the fastest man to ever "climb to the clouds". Johnny Unser is preparing for his rookie tests at Indy in the hopes of qualifying for the 500 on Memorial Day. Both men are All-American handsome which prompted the other teams to give them the handle of "The Glamour Boys" over the radio network and to present them with tubes of Ultrabrite toothpaste at the awards banquet. I received a toy Conestoga covered wagon be-cause it is believed to be the only . ~ Rod Millen in his wondrous 4 WO Mazda RX-7 on the pro circuit. Russ teamed with Satch Carlson in their '93 Alcan win. Like Ron Clyborne, "Fast" Eddie Botwick and Michelle Anderson in an Audi 5000 Quattro. Clyborne is best known for his off-road racing in all parts of the world. Fast Eddie is a veteran Alcan competitor who earned his nickname on a summer event when he forgot to change his watch over to a new time zone and ran a rally section an hour before the checkpoint crews were in place. Despite the fact that one line of my contract read "You will drive and navigate with the intent of winning the rally", I was a bit nervous about our chances. The day before the start of the Alcan the Glamour Boys and I went into the mountains to do some testing of our bright red V-6 powered (175 hp) Rodeo, while the majority of the teams attended a winter survival seminar which included printed instructions titled "Transporting From The Wreck", and "Heat-Pooling For The Injured", and "Carrying Pistols and Shotguns For Bear Protection". This was not a good sign. At 8:30 the following morning, Friday, February 25th, we were the first car waved off the start . This is our mystery car shot from the rally supplied by one Satch Carlson but not identified. The results say #9, a Saab 900 was the first 2WD.home and sixth overall. May1994 --i::,, '.4' ,, .. ........, #,,1 The overall winning team included veteran and many time champion rally navigator Tom Grimshaw, left, Johnny Unser (heading to Indy) and Pikes Peak record holder Paul Dallenbach; neither racer had ever been on a rally before. R. Dale Kraushaar and his son Russ teamed in a Mazda 323, here doing the side slip on .an ice race, and veteran rallyman Kraushaar and his team were fifth overall, second 4WO-in the results. In this shot the winning Isuzu Rodeo looks more like a Paris-Dakar entry with signs plastered everywhere rather than a North American Rally car, but no doubt they don't have to keep a low profile in the Artie. Dusty Times
their work and the film we ran through our in-car camera they produced 16,000 feet of film and took over 500 still photos -and all that in temperatures ranging from -20 to -52 degrees. Despite the extreme cold this was the first Winter Akan Rally that I actually believed I was not going to freeze to death. We were outfitted with jackets, hats, scarves, gloves and snow pants from Descente. Our LaCrosse boots were rated for -100 degrees. During the races on frozen lakes I could comfortably stand outside and time every car. I did not have the feeling that my blood had turned to icy slush and my nose, · ears, fingers, toes and one other important extremity were all turning black and would require multiple amputations. By Day Four we had moved into fourth place and had helped extract almost every car on the rally from various snow banks and drifts. When we checked into the Mackenzie Hotel in lnuvik, NWT, 200 miles north of the Arctic Circle crossing, a snowball throw from the Arctic Ocean, we had taken the lead by eight seconds. Roel Hall Invitational Press Conference By W izer Photo Coming soon to the desert of northern Nevada "The Rod Hall Invitational-Reno 300". The speculation as to will it or won't it happen came to rest Tuesday, March 29, with a press conference at the Harrahs Auto Museum in Reno, Nevada. It's a GO for the inaugural Reno 300. After a disappointing defeat last year I for '\-_._·_· < I , . t,...., __ ..... Kent Bullock explained to the Reno Press the ins and outs to the first Reno , 300, a race that has been planned for quite some time now, almost a year. John Corser was a happy man at dinner that night. For days he'd been doing his impression of the typical Hollywood producer, yelling(good naturedly), "You're killing me," whenever his film crew or the three of us did something particularly silly. But that night he joined us all in the pool room to watch Satch Carlson take on the Eskimos with his new Steve Mizerak 19 ounce cue I'd brought him from Florida. During the final two day run to Anchorage, Billy Edwards rolled his Ford Explorer, all three drivers in the Kraushaar Mazda one was more than thrilled to see that Off-Road Racing is coming back to Reno. Press from all around the area turned out for the Announcement. The Host Hotel for the race will be the Clarion Hotel and Casino in Reno, the race itself will start at the Fernley Truck Inn, about 20 miles east of Reno. Rod Hall put into words what a lot of us have been feeling, he said "When Harry came to me and told me what he wanted to do I thought, 'it will never happen,' but Harry's tenacity did it, which didn't really surprise me." Anril 'l~> took turns stuffing themselves off the road, and Carlson's BMW moved to within 1.2 seconds of our Rodeo. It was a very close thing but after 4,133 miles we drove across the Anchorage, Alaska finish line with a squeaky six second win for Isuzu. Despite our resolve to get ripping drunk, the Glamour Boys and The Old Coot retired for the night after a single beer apiece. My last day in Alaska was the perfect end to this latest adventure. We watched the start of the Iditerod - twelve hundred Other racers on hand were Raymond Fisher in the Class 4 Jeep Honcho, Jim Jennings in newly built Class 8 Chevy race truck, Clayton Scudder in a Class 2 race buggy which had just been finished and was on it's way to run the Nevada 400, and of course, Rod's Hummer was on hand for the festivities. All of these-guys came out to show their support to this event and racing in Reno. Some of the main planners for the race are Harry Spenser, George Galante, and Kent Bullock. Kent has been trying to get racing back to Reno for about 4 years now. I '.i huskies strammg at their lines, barking all at once, making small yellow ice ponds on the main streets of Anchorage. Then later in the day, some final filming at a dog sled track where I got to drive a team at speed through the woods for two miles before they launched me into the snow. I loved it. Will I go back to the Winter Akan in '96? Hell no! Will I go back for a jacket with my name on it? Well, maybe. Will I go back if I get to ride again with Johnny Unser and Paul Dallenbach? You bet I will. Officiating for this event will be the responsibility of The Valley Off Road Racing Association's Ed and Jenny Robinson, who were on hand to let the Reno press know the race will be run, as Ed put it "after 17 years I have the right way of doing it, Right Raymond?" (directed to Ray-mond Fisher). As the press people took in the information I couldn't help but feel great about the fact that racing is back in Reno and I am sure many racers will be looking forward to adding this event to their yearly race calendar. The Hall name tops the list of Runners at the inaugural Reno 300 with the home town racer giving his name as well as his support to this event bringing off road racing to the Reno area. After a disappointing defeat in 1993 the Rod Hall Invitational got quiet a boost at a press conference held March 29th at the Harrahs Auto Museum in Reno, Nevada. Every other hotel DustyTlma • zsan also ran. 1-800-634-6755 Las Vegas, Nevada May1994 Page 47
BUCKEYE BASH 115 AT RAINBOW VALLEY, ARIZONA Melton Motors As Anderson Tops Stron9 Field Text & P1wt.os: T on:Y Tellier Steve Melton won Pro Class 10 and the overall honors in the Ken Majors motored ex-Fortin car. the single seater started life as a 1600, moved up to Class 10, and does very well in Melton's hands. Steve Melton came off his. superb 3rd Class Ten and 9th Overall at the recent SCORE San Felipe 250 to blast an aggressive seven-car "10" field at the Whiplash Motorsports Tecate 125. The course, sort of a South Buckeye site, was used by ORR some years ago and was a · miniature of the Parker 400, complete with fast graded roads, long sand washes, wash-outs and the prerequisite dangerous Power Line Road. Melton never faltered on his way to an eleven-minute victory over Mesa's Randy Miller. Steve's closest competitor, Bill Tsakiris, was sidelined in the middle of his fifth lap by a shelled gearbox. With ADRA suspiciously silent during these first months of '94, the best racing weather of the Arizona season, Whiplash's Jay McKinley was pleased to greet a reasonable turnout in most classes. For example seven Pro Ten cars came out, including such notables as Ed Beard who accurately predicted an early day for his ever-troubled A-armed car. "I'll be back having a sandwich before noon." Barbara chimed in: "You (meaning me) had better get back in and off that bike if you want a sandwich, too." Well, OK! Nothin' like being taken care of. Melton was not about to let his new-found confldence -well--. -placed, one might add - lay down and die or rest on his laurels. With Buckeye's Shannon Schulz on hand to direct the activity, the pleasant day in the desert was a push-button affair for the Arlington racer. Steve has had a troublesome year blowing engines, popping transmissions and dropping valves -like at Parker. His new Kenny Major motor "was the best decision I've made!" Combined with Dougie Fortin's old 1600/10 chassis, the Bottomland Badboy's single-seater may well become a force to be reckoned with. "We only had to re-do the rear of the cage ( where they got tagged by Bill Hernql!ist) and replace one leg of the heaaers." Billy T. did his normal frantic never lift pace but couldn't quite keep up with Steve's Kenny Power, eventually shelling a gearbox on the granite stairstep power line road section. "Got any water?" was his question. At least he never plans on having any down time -but he should carry some H20. It IS the dez, after ali. Send all water-bottle donations to his Restaurante Mexteca. Randy Mills pushed the issue for a while but the lack of top end speed put their car well back into Second. Prescott's Jim Allison had his older chassis a few minutes bade. It may be getting a little long in the tooth but Jim ~~-- --§§§§~~§~~ Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road driving school can help you be your best! But be ready. .. the road isn't smooth I Pa9c 48 Call For Courses and Dates Great Basin Consulting 2738 Chavez Dr. Reno, NV 89502 (702) 825-8830 can't tell. He kept up a torrid pace and completed the full six laps, finishing Fourth Overall. (Jim was irritated some time ago for someone making light of his car. But this time he ran so strong here he can't be ignored.) Chris Arnold ran a strong Sportsman 1-2 car to a rewarding Third and First in class. The best race of the day was between the five Challengers -three up from Tucson. The tidy Dimmettl Anderson/Vogel Or-eO Challenger ended up with a torn left side axle tube -dripping oil on the trailer -and a terribly spider-webbed right rear wheel at the finish -but they were First. Driver Dave Anderson agreed that "It couldn't go another lap." Full, deep cracks radiated from every lug. So much so that it looked like the Sun's rays on the Arizona flag. In addition, the cage was breaking up across the front. "Keep it on the wheels," was the pre-race instructions. Larry Dimmett, Designated Roving Ambassador of Good Will, noted that Dave is " ... a hard driving man. And we're good guys on top of being winners." Spare me. The ebullient Dimmett was crowing big time: "I think 01' Krug was p-o'd that we could beat his '1600' " - referring to Bill Krug and his 2-1600 that ran alone in the class, some six minutes in arrears. In his inaugural race, Mike Long got his hand into the steering wheel of the old Ron Dalke "9" Bug and broke his wrist. Within minutes it was puffing up like road kill in the Arizona summer. And try locking in your five-point with only one hand. The wrong one. He needed help to get buckled back in. When he left to limp in to the finish, a large steaming pool of tranny oil was left gleaming on the granite. It was probably just as well he was parking it. Mike's brother Steve Long was the pick for the Challenger win but blew out a ball joint and dropped a lap, although semi-reliable sources (i.e., Dimmett) .. May 1994 Dave Anderson in the Eileen and Rick Vogel-Larry Dimmett Oreo race car took on a strong field of Challenger cars and won the class, beating the 1600 time. indicate that his driver, Ander-that "the Subway truck had a big son, had passed Long on the first bite taken out of it's fender!" So lap. After that problem was what's new? repaired he was heard fighting his Kevin Patrick had everything loading-up engine when he missed happen this day -that was wrong. a couple shifts at the Check Two He lost a left front ball joint: "The hairpin. sleeve for the Kuster ball joints Parker's Rodney Hayes had to worked its way out-but don't say stop for a belly pan re-bolting and it was a Fod deal." Kevin often has his close race with Anderson was to come begging after the race, cut short by three minutes. Rod helmet in hand, to recoup things lost a minute or two here, made said over a few Buds. "Words are up one there, and was basically like bullets - you can't get 'em nickel-and-dimed out of the back (after they're printed)." On victory. A little here, a little more it goes: two flats; a loose ignition here. As the late Sen. Everett wire; plus he kicked out the Dirksen (R-IL) once said about windshield when he soiled the the U.S. budget: "A million hei:e, glass in the only mud puddle a million there -pretty soon it within a 400-mile radius. Never a adds up to Big Money." dull moment with the Rad Raider Jeff Knupp hit it hard from the and his street-legal daily-driver start - where the course magically grocery-getter Chevrolet. They changes from fast, smooth, and also indicated that someone straight into a whooped-out dog-"mooned" them out on the leg. {When I hit that section on course. the DR I knew this was to be a Nick Vanderwey took out a troublesome spot: a good photo tree within the first quarter-mile. op by definition.) Nick - a part-time student and Right off the get-go there was unemployed Mechanical En-evidence of water pouring out of gineer -had a new quarter-one of the four trucks that came elliptics that " ... worked like a out to play in the dirt. Overflow? champ." Steven Arila of Four-Pe re n n ia lover-heater Mike WheelerSupplywasinvaluablein Doherty? (I can hear it now: the set-up. "We were completing ''Hey! Lighten up. I got that taken it late Thursday so we didn't get care ofl ") It looked bad then but the bed on." nothing more could be made of it; Once again the 2WD guys were nor needed to be. Tom Buck took belly-aching about the "obvious" the Flamingo Racing401 Honcho advantage of Buck's 4WD. "He out to the front quickly and never just motors around the corners -was formally headed, although while we 'push'. Then when we Kevin Patrick had the fast lap. have to lift for cross-drainage and Buck kept his cool and the shiny spin our wheels in the sand, well, red 4WD never really got dirty. his front end just pulls him up." His crew kept him fully advised as Hmmm. If it was that good Rob to his competition and did the job MacCachren, Simon and Simon, in style. and Ragland would all be sticking Class B's "Subway Mike" abigoldChrismanthirdmember Doherty broke an axle ... and also under their front ends. Perhaps had a fan belt come off on Lap 1. those cars with spools need to be That Mike. He's always finding broken loose in the corners to set that special creative method for 'em up? taking a break! "The rain (several R.K. "Smitty" Smith wasn't days before) had made the edges , really out of control; it just sharp -but we picked up the pace , appeared that way to the casual as they got rounded off. We : observer. And the question was caught (Pro truck winner Tom) asked: "Does the Bullhead City Buck's Honcho -then broke the bon vivant always come to the axle. This was on the side that we races with a different female crew broke in Mexico -we musta member -or what?" Smitty damaged the bearing, or some-loaned one of the many vehicles thing, back then. Then the from his expansive racing stables alternator belt adjuster slot to Dennie Lee -the BB of the wallowed out and the bolt pulled BBRT -who got in four laps on through. I'm going to use the old the way to the Sportsman 1600 NASCAR Heim adjuster deal. crown. Dennie, being a big ol' We don't want this to happen boy, ran the car's lid open and when they have those (planned) a-flapping so he could fit his TV cameras up in Wickenburg." helmet in without scrunching his "Weturnedoff{thecourse)to neck. This is not an unusual let a buggy by ... and he just scenario for him. followed me and ran into me! Sportsman 1600 Dean Orem When we get · those new Cone had a disappointing day when he axles, Hoss, ain't gonna be too began to shed fan belts. Dean lost many buggies bangin' on our back his fan belt and must have been door." Serious words. A course the only car outthere with a stock worker couldn't wait to report crankshaft pulley (he tried to bu_m DustyTimcs
Tom Buck flies over the tundra in the Flamingo Racing red Jeep Honcho, and it stayed together to win the Pro Class 4 & 8 purse. The Sportsman Class 10 winner Richard Ronco, right, works his way up the wash, bypassing embarassed competitors Chuck Turner and Hogn Shaw's cars which have "turned turtle." Kevin Patrick ran off the road and tested his front suspension. Kevin's daily driver truck had many small woes and ended up third in Pro 4/8 action. ..-,, -;;-;-;-Jim Allison kept up the pressure in Class 10 in his older chassis, and the Prescott driver arrived third in Pro Class 10 and a smart fourth overall. Jack Farmer had a little trouble keeping the Toyota powered "Subway" Mike Doherty has all the tools and this keen truck, but Brandwood car on the right line, grabbed a little grass here, and he needs to sort them out so they all work together with the only finished two laps. driver's style. ------------------~ Charging over the grass, maybe by missing a turn, Jeff Knupp terrorized his passenger and some of the spectators but was fourth in Challenger class. Tony Pedotto worked the ex-Steve Miller single seater through two flats, and the new driver finished in the Sportsman Class 1 action too. Ed Beard catches a little air in his somewhat radical new car but again had trouble in just a few miles, the 10 car losing a steering shaft. another belt from cars that were broken ... but they all had smaller-diameter Power Pulleys). He ended up hanging out with the #2 car of Billy Tsakiris. "Tranny?" "Yeah. Got any water?" A good joust was with Richard Ronco and the Popiel Pocket Class Ten, Smitty and Chuck Turner before Turner went on his side and Smitty shredded a sidewall. The class was full of fear and loathing. Jaime DesRoche tagged a power pole on the Power Line Wash and his left nerf bar and went into several barrel rolls. After slamming into the sand the frame was torn apart, the rear left arm was bent and torn ... but the Fuel Safe cell was intact. The ever-effusive 757 pilot was happy to be out and OK ... "and I've got a shot of tequila in my survival pack." What a planner! What a guy. No sniveling; no whining -just plenty of pressure on Brandwood Buggy's Jim Cunningham as to when it can be ready. "Before the Mint", of course. "I was on (Scott Rhone's) butt all the way. In the dust. Then, POW ... ! It cork-screwed through the air. I was actually laying back, waiting for a wide spot. I !#$#!-ed up!" Jaime's motor, by Ken Moore's European Automotive, sounded particularly loud, nasty and raspy. Everyone perked up when it shrieked by. There can't be any correlation between his power and the accident ... or could there? (We leave that reader to the reader.) Ed Beard thought that the Dusty Times lay-do~n seat was a significant me lee. Scotty was seen out factor in the safe ride Jamie beating the creosotes looking for experienced. (Paid Advertise- his wheel. Free fact: when a wheel ment) Moore was noted to be "a comes off of a moving car, its good driver" by Checkpoint speed doubles and it travels a long Two's Don Struttman as Ken way. (Conservation of angular tastefully backed his Sportsman 2 plus translative momentum and car into a corner like (sprint car all the Mechanical Engineering driver -and Ed Beard's brother-jive.) Rhone had new calipers on in-law) Darrell Dockery would. the front and, with a depleted Beard was down at the inter-pocketbook, had to resort to a section of the pole line and said cardboard number plate. Re-that when the car hit the pole -member when Ragland ran some some miles up the course - they, local events with cardboard body he and the Checkpoint crew,· panels on his Funco? No spend-heard a loud "BANG!" and saw thrift, that Larry. the lines crack-the-whip and the A novice racer finally behind poles wave back and forth in the the wheel of his own car, Tony breeze. Beard shrugged that he Pedotto got a flat on the graded had lost the steering output shaft. road on the way to the finish -''I've got an Audi rubber afterpitchingitintoabermonthe hexagonal isolator and a bigger U-downhill left-hander. "That one joint than when I broke in Gila snuck up on me - I thought that Bend ... and I still broke it." Son I'd already gone by it. But there Levi Beard had been suggesting were two of them. It broke the for some time that a slip joint was bead and the tube was sticking out what was needed to compensate and was down by the time I got for the flexi-flier. "I guess I'll have done." Earlier Tony had tagged to look into that. Of course I was Jaime's Pole and taco'd a wheel driving like an idiot.You have to; I ! real good -and then found that could cruise and it would last the lug wrench/tire-hold-down forever. But I'd hate to go to the wasn't welded quite as well as it trouble to race at Parker or the I should have been. So he decided Mint and break it 'cause I'd to drive it in but when he got to babied it during the development Chuck Turner and John Shaw's period." Smitty waddled in to the cars, on their sides, he found the accident site with a rear flat and I course to be chewed up at the borrowed a wheel of Jaime's -detour. after all, he wasn't going (Accident Report: On the anywhere. And he returned it, second lap Shaw had hard-too. charged over a rise and stuffed the Scott Rhone lost his left front · car's nose into a soft sand section: spindle nut a mile later and tore Flip-O-Rama. A closely following off his new disc caliper in the , Turner was able to avoid the May1994 . wreck but went over onto his side as he tried to climb around and up an off-camber bank. Oddly enough neither car had a lug wrench to loan Pedotto: "We didn't take any spares.") Dad Vince Pedotto sent out a flex handle and socket after an intermittent-reception radio interchange and a pleased Tony finished his first race with four laps under his belt. The old Steve Miller Chenowth had been taken down and put back together and didn't hiccup once. "The (2400 Type IV's) oil temp was getting high." He plans to move the cooler out of his helmet "shad-ow". The crew, headed by Ryan May, started the day off on the wrong Yokohama what with backing the trailer into curl-, and tweaking the hitch -but finished up on a high note. "The car looks good!" Don Struttman, working a checkpoint, recently bought Doc Cook's V6-Powerglide car and was already deep into the mysteries of the Electromotive FI system. "Call Nils Castillo at B&B Porsche. He sets up Gary Hymes and Stuart Chases' Porsche systems." ELM-Meister John Read was full of thanks for everyone coming out and having a goo time -and behaving. Well, almost. He did get a little air himself -one-inch worth -in the Bureau's truck. I think JR needs a . ride in a racer. CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' - any Length Hose . • Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS $215.00 HELMET ONLY 5153 Bowden Ave.• San Diego • CA• 92117 • (619) 279-2509 Page 49
Michelin In Action useful for single cylinder mach-ines, the twins had too much torque, but eventually it worked for them as well. Now the mousse is used in many rally applications, Text & Photos: Martin Holmes . lightening the load in the rally car by eliminating multiple spare tires on board, and saving stage time. There is still much to be done with ATS in relation to materials and shape and even to the basic way in which the roll of foam sits inside the tire before it becomes inflated. Of course there is the story of original slick tires! The reason for slicks is to put as much rubber on to the ground as possible, to allow more softness and have more rigidity to give better traction. Michelin people still have memories of the day when slicks were fitted to Alpine 3 liter sports cars at a race at Nurburgring in 1968, and the organizers threw them out! Shortly afterwards slicks came to Formula 1 so they became acceptable. Michelin works with their associated company BFGoodrich in off road competition. They In 1991 Didier Auriol and Bernard Occelli scored Michelin's 100th WCR victory in a Lancia lntegrale. Michelin advise Buggy drivers to use these dominated the Wot/d Championship then and until last year. = tires but Michelin themselves are Experience in extreme condi-tions is Michelin's attraction to motor sport. No production tire is made with one single type of condition in mind, but individual competition tires can be made to cater for extremes: wet asphalt, dry asphalt, snow, ice, gravel or rocky surfaces. Competition also gives the chance to gain this =xperience in public, to give people the chance to translate the name they know through com-petition into what they ought to know in the industry. When Michelin entered the Grand Prix racing field ( which until then was monopolized by cross ply tires) in the late '70s with the radial they started a revolution. When rival Goodyear brought in their radial racing tire, Michelin's effort was justified. Michelin Competition is part of the research and de-velopment side of the Michelin group. Currently it is situated in a building within Clermont Fer-rand, the world headquarters city for the company, but competition activities have been operating from the turn of the century. Their spirit of competition, which began with the bicycle, already existed when the car arrived! was a very critical time for the car industry. Michelin needed to continue their operation then, but there had to be changes, so teams were asked to help financially and did. Independently came the monopoly of the supply for the World Rally Championship teams, but they knew that situation would not last very long, and that if they began to sleep a bit the wake up later on would be very difficult. For that reason they continued their development work without a break. Michelin now chooses rallies over racing. Each sport offers a quite different feedback. Rallies involved a wide variety of conditions and factors while in races conditions are better known and things are technically easier. In rallies there has to be much more compromise because a tire will face a much wider range of conditions._ Racing is more about adj1,1sting the car to the circum-_ also actively interested in desert stances with a narrower choice of research. "We are amazed what available tires. people like Citroen and Mit-In the tradition of Michelin, subishi have done with their rally some particular types of tire raid cars. Theyarenowinanother became legends in their time. world compared to a few years People at the factory still ago. It wasn't so long ago we remember the success of the crossed the desert with a Land Michelin X used for all purposes Rover at 50 kph. Now rally raid in the '60s. The TBlS asphalt tire cars are doing this at 200 kph, not was a really popular multi-slowing for holes or stones! We purpose tire in the '70s, good for want our tires to be able to match all weather with rubber that was this huge increase in the capability very grippy for its time. It is still in of the car." Lessons are still being demand! It was the first appli-learned as the change from 16 cation of the folded belt tire, inch to 18 inch wheels did not which was intended to offer high produce the all around per-lateral forces and top speed. The formance expected, only doing TRX was a case where road tire the job when the car was moving technology was applied to atflankspeed.Michelingotothe extreme conditions and was used desert for many reasons. They to win at Monte Carlo. The ATS want customers to be able to (Flexible Temporary Support) depend on their technology even mousse story, where a punctured if they are in the middle of the tire does not deflate, began with Sahara. They have made special motorcycles. At first it was only tires for people to ride bicycles there! Much of Michelin's strength lies in the personal experience of their staff, learning things no textbook ever taught and applying quite unexpected factors into the production line. Competition Manager Pierre Oupasquier is one of them. "I will never forget the first time, in the old Alpine Berlinette days, we worked with the very tall Ove Andersson. It was incredible to see him fit into the car, with knees wrapped round the steering wheel, and what's more he drove as if there was no brake pedal. He slowed down by adjusting the angle at which the car was sliding down the road." There were many more stories about both Timo Makinen and Bernard Darniche, both contributing unheard of ideas that worked in practice. There have been many visible changes in recent years, like heating the tires before each rally stage to optimum for that tire. This year Michelin will use a new range of asymmetric tread pattern rally tires, to learn more of what four wheel drive can offer. Assymetrical tread patterns are logical because the work of a tire is not normally symmetrical. Now thoughts are on traction control as spinning wheels limit tire capability. On long stages spinning destroys the tires. When traction control, as being developed by people like Toyota, ~arks well it is possible to use softer tires. Traction control can easily halve the tire wear·and is an important factor. Another important factor under develop-ment concerns active suspension. Still when a company like Michelin launches into new concepts, does it really go into the unknown? Sometimes life goes in a circle and Michelin is finding little which is actually new. Today's technology gives a new hope to concepts invented at the turn of the previous century. The task of tire manufacturers to avoid the need for holding air inside a tire is never ending. Michelin Competition does not :,eek to make money and their budget is limited. They make a different agreement with each partner with whom they are active in motor sport and there is no rigid structure. Agreements are made by the two parties with a common interest to make a successful package-of car and tires, drivers and a dedicated and competitive team. Two years ago Wouldn't it be keen if these Michelin folks were packing for a U.S. WCR event. Here they display a mixture of asphalt and gravel tires for the Rally of Portugal in 1988. Michelin's first sponsored racing car was called 'Ee/air' and competed in 1895, almost 100 years ago . . ::~ _,_ When the A TS mousse came to rallies, Lancia soon discovered they could make fastest stage times without air at the 1989 Acropolis Rally. Page 50 Clermont-Ferrand is Michelin's home town, and Pierre Dupasquier, the Competitions Manager, was interviewed there last January. • May 1994 Michelin's Competition headquarters is in this building, part of their complex in Clermont-Ferrand in France. It doesn't look like a place where high performance tires are made, tested and produced, but maybe that is part of the plan. Dusty Times
Up front Eric Wood dominated the Pro A TV action while Bobby Parr ran a close second all day long, chasing the leader right down to the checkered flag. David Modlin put the finishing touches on his truck late in the week, and it all worked just fine as he placed third in the Class f1 The Sportsman Buggy Class lines up for the start of the first heat on the 1994 Bad Dogs season. It looks like pretty country around Cleburne, Texas. Mud Drags. Spring Fever Hits llad Dog's On Opening Day By Ban, Don Callaway The aerie/ view of the Bad Dogs racing facility shows a near stadium style short course track and the mud drag and mud bog tracks in the center. Off Road acitvity 'Texas Style' looks like fun. Over 85 racing entries lined up position over Pearland's Calvin to the starting grid this past "The Rookie" Perry taking the Sunday ready for action at Bad fourth position. Randy Berry also Dog's Off-Road showdown for from Missouri rounded out the the opening day of the '94 racing Super Challenger Class for the season. The first day of spring fifth and final spot. brought out some 300 spectators Cleburne's Wes Gabel pushed cheering for their favorite drivers his buggy to the limits to capture throughout the day's events. The the first place position in the track conditions were excellent Challenger division. thanks to the crew working late In the amateur A.T.V. action, into the night in preparation for thirteen entries crowded the Sunday's activities. All the seats starting line anticipating the wave were filled with fans anxiously of the 'starter's' flag. Chad Smith awaiting the drop of the green flag of Mesa, Texas punched his way for the start of the racing season. up front to capture the overall Pearland's bad Benny Perry win. John Perkins of Prosper, showed up with his guns a-blazin Texas chased Smith to the to take the overall win in the checkered for the 2nd position Sportsman Class of Dune Buggys over a hard charging Bill Zemak winning both heats and the main from Plano who settled for 3rd. event with room to spare. Arlington's Rick Townsend Cleburne's Barry Don Callaway bulldogged his way into the 4th chased Perry all day, but had to spot over Boling's Douglas Beebe settle for the runner up position. rounding out the class for 5th. Cleburne's Don "The Yank" Pro A.T.V. action was up next Westman put the finishing withleadchangestakingplaceon touches on his motor only almost every lap, Wichita Falls' minutes before the start to take Eric Wood put his Honda into the the third position over a hard winners' circle ahead of a charging Greg Durman of Flower disappointed Bobby Parr from Mound for 4th. Grandview's Mt. Pleasant, having to take the Anthony Russell came out of a runner-up position. Denton's semi-retirement stage to take the Andrew Prose cruised into the 5th position in the high! y 3rd position to round out the pro competitive Sportsman division. A.T.V. action. In the Super Challenger Class, The little boys on their little Steve Dutton of Gainsville put his toys showed up next in the Pee-racer up in front of the com-Wee 50 Class of motorcycles' petition and held on to the fin'ish putting on a great show for the for the number one spot. crowd. Piano's Scott Wenner-Cleburne's own Gabe Gabel ran strom Jr. was unstoppable on his close to Dutton all day, but way to victory over a hard couldn't make the pass and settled charging Cody Don Callaway of into the 2nd spot doing some Cleburne, taking the runner-up great driving. Gordon Heldt came spot. Cleburne's Chance Berg had all the way from Lebanon, the gas on wide open to take 3rd Missouri to capture the third over Arlington's Ryan Miller in Dustynmes 4th with both doing some fine riding. Burleson 's Steve Roland crossed the finish line ahead of Clifton's William Hammons for the overall win in the Vintage Motorcycle Division. 3rd Place went to Weatherford's Terry Gilley with Richard "Booger" The "wild bunch" in the Sportsman buggy division played bumper cars in the Martin riding his vintage equip-opening laps of the first heat. The action settled down with Benny Perry, far ment into the 4th spot. right, taking the win. In the Non-Current Division of -"------'=--------------------------motorcycles (87 & older), Grand , ~th John 1:-3,rison_d?i_ng the ~a~e the 2nd spot. In the 9-12 group Prairie's Kenny Long cruised to !~ the,~ cylmder division. lr~mg_ s Matthew had the competition victory over Arlington's Dave Hot R~d Taylor_put ~is_ big covered {with mud) and crossed Schartz in 2nd. Cleburne's Mike bore Ford mto the wmners circle the finish line first withJessica hot Hathcock and Burleson's David with a full-pull in the Class 2 on his heels for the 2nd spot. Green battled for the 3rd position competition of the mud bog The racing season at Bad Dog's with Hathcock going home with event. Off-Road Showdown runs from the bragging rights. Hillsboro's The "Dash for Cash" (spo~-March to October, racing every Eddie Poteet rode up through the sored by McDonalds) once a_g~m 3rd Sunday at 12-noon. . packtotaketheSthandfinalspot d~ewalargecrowdofcompetltlve We would like to invite in the class. kids 12 & under to tackle the everyone out to one of the finest Dallas' Tim Lee came to the · muddy mess. All kids that entered motorsports parks in the area. track with one thing on his mind received a free hambur~er pass We also would like to thank all and that was to win the Odys-fr?m McDonalds _for their ~f~~rts the folks who helped Bad Dog's sey/ Pilot Class. He did just that! with_ t?e top two m each division Off-Road Showdown get to Ft. Worth's John Myers chased receivmg big bucks. Ka~! slopped where we are today, "Thanks!" Lee settling for 2nd with Dodge's thru the_~~d the[astes~n:~ the~& For info: (817)645-0003/641-Da vid Gillaspie powering his under division with Knstm takmg 9985/ 790,&268. Odyssey into 3rd over an injured ---------------------------.. Tim Silence of Ft. Worth ending w R I G H T up in the 4th spot. The mud trucks entered the TH E track next raising everyone to their feet as the highly colored PLACE ~ monster trucks roared through c. the 160 ft. side by side muddy JUMBO COMBO OROPPED drag lanes. . L•ger Diameter Link• J MBO In Class 1, 8 cyl Nemo's Tim · ---· White had the quickest time to take the top spot over Garland's John Larison in 2nd. Palmer's Jodi Hoffman plowed through the mud to take the 3rd position. In Class 1, 4&6 cyl Garland's Chris Mitchell took 1st over Garland's Ken Sparks, 2nd, and Dallas' Jason Williams was 3rd. Class 2 drags were next with Melissa's David Hunt taking the win over Princeton's Cody Lee 2nd and Alvarado's David Modlin ending up in 3rd: The A.T.V.'s even got intb the mud drag action with Matthew Sperry taking the victory over Cody Lee for 2nd and Cody Smith in 3rd all from Anna, Texas. They all looked like creatures from mud land after making the pass thru the muddy mess! The mud bog action was one of the final events of the day in which competitors tried to power their way through a 100 foot long by 3 foot deep mud bog. Chris Mitchell again took the overall honors in the 4 & 6 cylinder class May1994 Larger Diameter Spindle• -------L•ger Diameter "EXTREME" TRAILING ARMS STRONGEST ARMS AVAILABLE Directly rt'placea other manufacturer• trailing arma . ·-' ' 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL C:AJON, CA 92021 TEL: (619) 561-4810 FAX: (619) 561-7960 Page 51 , C
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~ 1(/od4, Dlfferentlals Spools - Ball Joints Axles -VW Components - Etc. ill!li1 ~~S~ j2JA/£S 1?..fC/A/c:'.r CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANT A FELICIA DRIVE GOLETA.CA · 805-968-1067 4720 Felspar Street Glen Avon, CA 92509 Phone: (909) 681-6889 ;e,11~1:c.A~ ~ ;P,eE."2'vHtV£~ 771!:Att..E)ZS I c#A~ r,cve~· Fu: (909) 360-9817 ;t",e,EP ~ ;<'"'A.B.E"/<==1.77.:W' -r~ e1-1,1£ ,:;,As;&>LJA/E Hffl~ re,~ Rebuild Rod Ends Helm Joint Specialist (714) 979~6631 11661 Martens River Clrcle, Unit H, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 H NT PERFORMANCE 11330 -A Sunco Dr. Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 638 - 4388 ~~==r= ::::~:;~~:~o[Z '~ / : ~-· ~. . . .,-... , t .. MANUFACTURERS OF: \ , BRAKE ANO CLUTCH ASSY =uCT$ MASTER CYLI NDE:RS . SLAVE CYLINDERS , TURNING & STAGING BRAKES sttfrnms AVAILABLE AT FINER SPECIALTY SHOPS DEALER JNQURIES WELCOME 1158FUNTSTREET ~ ELSINORE, CA 92350 . .. • PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 909-245-6050 FAX 909-245-6052 ·JAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINGTON SHEET MET AL CORP. 13424 1--1 H...,. • S...ta F• Spri,,p • CA 90670 Complete Race car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew CNef Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax (310) 926-0699 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner· Owner James Hall ~WllffN,-.Yi Desert, Short Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO (714) 632-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITE A SANlEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON , JOHN COOLEY KARIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC 3463 Massillon Road, Suite B Uniontown, Ohio 44685 216-699·1777 Fax: 216-699·1771 Athene Karis ♦ KUSTER OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS • 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE • 2" DIAMETER, 6" TO 14" STROKE • AIR JACKS • BALL JOINTS KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29th STREET, P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90805 TELEPHONE (310) 595-0661 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818) 768-0371 A lull line ol Po,,..e,,Sieering gears, pumps and accassories for any type of racing. Magnaflux · and Zyglo facilities 11v11il~bl@. OFF ROAD SHOCK SERVICE E. ,,a., •. , I · .. T-·a·· -.. , .. _ - . ..·• 'f . ; , ~ • • . . ·, . - . ' ·-- . . - . : .·· RACING d BILSTEIN •FBX • MOTORCYCLE Jerry Leighton Hesperia, CA 619-244-9075 • CUSTOM CHASSIS . • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK . • WELDING • ROLL, CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPA~TION . TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N.;_GLENDORA AVE. COVfNA';i'eA. 9.l·723 (818) 915-2212 KENT tOTHRINGElt The Mag 7 Racing Team Is organizing to support the 1994 Baja 500. If you are Interested In pit support, or would like to help out in the pits, please call Race Director Dave Hornback (619-562-3618) or President Terry Walsh (619-582-3728). Assembly• Machine Work• Pans Engine Dyno Facllty SCORE 1992 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 10122 Kenney Street, Suite D · Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Fax (619) 562-9079 /jJli/{fjJ!f D1{9 PEFlFC>RIVIAIVCE l--,.R•-7DLIC-1 :·, "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lahcaster, CA 93535 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax (714) 444-1622 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 «··~ 42425 5th St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA 93535 {(acing Product, Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-9"°"5514 a •1,-;,4 ·••4,.•44 • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [941!$] '857-5200
NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Motorsports Suspension gives srnoolh,First Class Finishes To 7 of 7 Classes, As Well As The First 5 To Finish Overall. CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH OF YOU! Class 1 & 1st Overall ........ 'Simon & Simon Ford F150 2X Class 8 & 2nd Overall ........ 'Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2X Class 6 & 4th Overall ........ 'John Swift Explorer 2X Class 4 & 5th Overall ........ 'David Ashley Ford F150 4X Class 3 & 7th Overall .. , ..... 'Dan Smith Bronco 4X ~\l\> st111, ~ ~ ~ Todd Francis ~ Pr1ci1ion I/Joy, /,Id, ~-700 N.E.117th Street ~ ~ Vancouver, WA 9868S.$ ;Q » Phone ""' • ~<:J Fax (206) 574-5474 ~,on & ~ (20&) 576-1109 LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 [702) 372-5335 Class7S ................ Brown, O'B1ian & Johnson Ranger 2xll--------------------+---------------------t Class 7 ......... _ ................. Scott Douglass Dakota 2X "Member BFG/Ford "Rough Rider' Off Road Race Team NSC Would Like To Thank All Seven Class Winners, For Once Again Counling On NSC Suspension Syslcms. You Too Can Have A Winnin Ride Wilh NSC Custom Computer Designed Leal Springs. • For More Info. Plc11se Call Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Motors B And Trans uggy Custom Machine Work & Fabrication s~1JP>JP1Y 2525 E. 16th St.• Yuma, Az. 85365 (602) 783-6265 • 1 (800)231-8156 OFF 110110 CHASSIS lt,,,r,'n~#' "'"? BUENA PARK. CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR ToUCKS. VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE"·RUN ToUCKS. cusroM SLISPF.;N<;l()N AXLE SERVICE • WEI DING & FAAmr:: /\ I ION Bill Montague Eat. 1974 (714) 711-8460 PARKER PUMPER HELMET 2318 S VINEYARD SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91761 COMPANY 909-923-7016 LI I I Chassis & Suspension • Desi,:n & Fabrication Ken Sypolt 916-638-9869 3666 Omec Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 • CUSTOM ELECTRICAL FABRICATION ___ ,_...., · FUEL INJECTION CONVERSIONS · COMPLETE TURN KEY CARS · MOBILE SERVICE AVAILABLE RACE & CUSTOM CAR WIRING JOE DA VITIAN TEL: 213 /550-1069 FAX: 213/550-1091 3263 SAN FERNANDO RD., LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 THEONLYREASONFORNOT ADVERTISING IN DUSTY-TIMES 1SBECAUSEYOUALREADY HAVE MORE BUSINESS THAN YOU CAN HANDLE Telephone: (714) 5354437 (714) 5~54438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 _____ J. PENHALL•---,eeo Babc:oCk Bldg. ,e Coal& ...... Ca 921127 • Body Panels • Boat Repairs • Manufacturing of Moulds Pete Van De Hey 414-532-4186 FABRICATIONS Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 . Fax# (714) 650-4721 Route 3 3786 DePere, WI 54115 • Free Advice & Technical Assistance ■ R&D ■ All Size Jobs Welcome RACERS MACHINING SERVICES "If You Can Imagine It, I Can Make It" SCOTT DORDICK 909-394-1802 2041 E. Gladstone #H · Glendora, CA 9j 740 · , Fax 714-394-1903 STEVE BARTON • OWNERS LEE FINKE RACESHOCK COMPANY Ligh1Truck, Sport Utility, RV & Racing Shocks 1711 West Culver #1 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 Rough Country Off-Road Racing Shocks TEL: (602) 254-0744 FAX: (602) 486-4845 'S!!!M~~g,! ('_,0ciT7 . Computerized Vinyl Lettering/< ,4_. c__E. \5' . . c,,\L TIM CECIL r Cr> - Q S. \-v-, -~Lei < 4010 N. Palm Street, #103. Fullerton, California 92635 - -(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 870-9132 §V(jW Z-§(;!M ~~t+~1~~J~~ ' 12221 DITMORE DR. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 (714) 539-5162 JOB SITE SIGNS· BANNERS· WltiXlW l.fTIBlt«l · CAR LETTERING· GRAPIIXS Steve Spirkoff/Owner anca er, .Sil»Wt" ,. A».»IDIICe Products 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 · 619/561-2913 las Vegas, NV ....................... 702-643-9200 long Beach, CA.................... 310-432-3946 Oxnard, CA........................... 805-485-6 900 Van Nuys, CA ...................... 818-786-8180 Riverside, CA......................... 714-877-0226 _ AL-l- OT.HER.JNOUIRIES CONTACT SPORTS RACING r. O. BOX 610, LONG BEACH, CA tOIOI (714) 363-1236 ___ . ___ .;;..-
[!fgff!JJO (213)583-2404 SANDER_S SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith Straight i ,·nft --'-nl ALUMINUM _WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31420 96TH STREET EAST LITTLEROCK, CA 93543 ~-2719 FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS BODY PANELS & HOODS BILL STROPPE MOTORSPORTS, INC. 2330 Cherry Industrial Circle · long Beach, California 90805 (213) 634-2730 Jaime Martinez_. SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED * Welding * Fabncation * Flame Cutting * Front Ends ·* Custom Chassis* Race Prep* Custom Lt-Weight Trailers Mlg'r ot Blue Flame Producls (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 Suspension Components SAW Performance, Inc. 20755 MARILLA ST. • CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-700-9712 FAX 818·700-0947 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober 310-610-6091 ·commercial Photogr,aphy · P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 NACE T!(IINS BY JEFF flELDY TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEE~NG JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering UnltH Chatsworth, CA 91311 ' woow ~o~ ..9..9..9 ...... -I>-...... CX) w CX) I\) 0, I\) c'..l6r() ...... -I>--I>-...... ~~ I\) Cl) w ::1:1111111:t ·1-· ------A--..... ic· -. . . -Li ·:1111:1:1 ;1 .•:=:~ • - 1._ . n .-.-:::···=) , .-.-:::::::::--~-acing gasoline ... •.-:-<:•:• ::3 :~t~\/i~~~~~~~t;: '. ·•:•:•:-;.:,:,:,:::,:,;,:-::·.· ... :::,!~f}f:r~{ . J :.::::::::::\::·:·::.1?-:fE LEADER IN HIGH PERFORMANCE -::::::::f•·•:r ::" -:-:-·-·.·: :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:FUELS, RACE PROVEN IN OVER .·.·.·.·,-.·.: • •••• :-::;:>:::::::::·:····<<•::::>>:•: JO MILLION MILES OF::::::::.::\:?\.:/•:::::••: _:_,:.·.·.::. ·:·: · CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION . :-:-:-:-:-.;:,.;: ·:: ::··:········· For information and a distributor near you, call . . ·.-:-.... 1-800-444-1449 .. ·.· .... ·---·-TURBO BLUE Racing OasaDnn 8446 Garfield Ave. • Bell Gardens, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp DUSTY TIMES BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE $ 1. 7 5 for a single copy each for 5 or more copies Any mix of dates Send check or money nrder and your UPS -street address to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street Chatsworth. California 91311 (UMP] (818) 882-0004 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS . FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES vf RACING & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) ' QUALITY FUELS FOR MOTORSPORTS (909) 674-9167 Fax: (909) 674-7367 c..\.\~ .. DFJ~ ANO fUtJ,ty ~ ~-.. 7 A~ 1 · 8,t,,1, -~~ VAttlY">-.re: ·A-~~-T,f¥/A/(JM~g10111 447-4353 ~ 1158.HORTH 2ND ST.• EL CAJON, CA 92021 fiiil. V' · ·GREG BOEHM ~ RICH-PERFORMANCE SHOT-PEEN/NC Tired of premature breakage of drive axles, torsion bars, spindles and other critical suspension transaxle and engine parts? Shot-peening could be the solution. But we don't perform your ordinary, garden-variety shot-peening-we provide aerospace-certified shot peening in accordance with MIL-SPEC 1131658 ensuring the highest in quality. That means added assurance when you need 11 most. While each situation is different, we've seen torsion bars last 5 seasons or more. Duty cycles are commonly increased 7-1 0 times. , . Gall, fax or write today for more information regarding our advanced shot-*t peening services. We UPS daily for quick turnaround. ff/J11l/ll/(I 780 Second Ave. • Redwood City, CA 94063 ffltf ftl/11) Ph. (415) 367-8098 • Fax (415) 367-8105 IUIITIIEI Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 Fax 909/369-7266 (310) 598-2731 WEddLE ENGiNEERiNG Exclusive distributor of Lock-Right'"'VW Locking Differentials PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLE PRODUCTS Billet Super-Dilts, Gearsets, Hard to Find New and Used Parts WholesaleiRetall. Dealer Inquiries Welcome P.O. Box 15466 Long Beach, CA 90815 WIND-RIVER GROUP PUBLIC RELATIONS ANO MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C. JACOBS PRESIDENT 900 STATE MILL ROAD AKRON, OHIO 44319 (216) 644-7774 Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing /vms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. N.. 8501 7 Jack Woods 1602) 242-0077
• • ■ ■ ■ iii -~ui:,aiiics A rl"rr.-.-.-~ 'The Straight Poop' From the Big Wahwo SAN FELIPE 250 -On this, another beautiful weekend in Margaritaville, seven Checker cars charged off into the Baja desert with six finishing. Seeley led the Club this race with a win in the unlimited Baja Bug Class, but only after getting a Ii ttle help from the CRB. It seems that one 5 car did get to the finish line a bit before our hero, but he was quickly moved back a position after a rough driving protest by a Class 10 driver was upheld against him. We'll take 'em any way we can get 'em, right George? Congratulations to George Seeley, 1st Place in Class 5 at SCORE's '94 San Felipe 250. Kevin Davis was charging right along with the leaders in his 1-2-1600 car when he missed a turn in the dust and flew off into a big patch of Chollas. Naturally, Baja's legendary jumping cactus promptly jumped all over our boy, and I mean ALL OVER! A lot of drivers would've pulled out of the race in that condition, but not this Checker. Kevin 'The Pin Cush-ion' Davis pressed on for a close Third Place finish. Atta Boy Dude! The Rosenstein's Class 11 car reportedly had some trouble with it's new satellite locator system and got lost. This contdbuted to their disappointing Fourth Place. The Harman Brothers were running along strong until they ran out of gas about mid-race. Then after gettin' a splash from Kevin's chase crew, they exper-ienced some irritating tranny problems, and the result was another Sixth Place finish in Class 10. Reportedly Richard Young forgot to bring his heart medicine to Mexico, and then 'over-amped' while waiting for his unlimited buggy at the halfway point. After his non-Checker co-driver showed up, Richard was con-vinced, in the interest of safety, that he oughta stick around where his Checker Buds could keep an eye on him. And then, the guys promptly put his co-driver right back in. As a car owner, Mumbles earned a respectable Seventh Place finish at this race. Our only DNF was by Haw-kins, who was co-driving a 5 car, owned and also driven by the local Corona Beer distributor. Definitely a very Checker-like arrangement! On the first leg Lonnie r_eportedly tore off one rear corner of his buddy's car, and then, of course, radioed for help. Naturally, chase crews responded from all directions, including one vehicle that crashed, breaking the shoulder of the car owner! Hey Lonnie, if that's the way you're gonna treat ·your new partner, why don't ya just steal his wife and be done with it? Speaking of 'El Halcon', the party's bill-of-fare over the weekend at Lonnie's was mucho clams at the shop on Friday, shrimps at his house on Saturday, along with plenty of Coronas, especially for Hawk's pal with the broken shoulder. Brian Moynahan was also a Class Winner at this race, but his victory presents this W ahzoo with an unusual problem. Should the Wahzoo praise a member who races his car in a Sportsman Class where he's the only car entered? ... Dusty Times I think not! Considering they rolled their Challenger car over 3 times, if a winner has to be called here, I'd have to pick The Desert. Speaking of Moynahan, Brian was recently voted into the Club as a full Checker member, despite his strange insistence that he's really a Sportsman. Welcome aboard Brother Brian! 20TH YEARBOOK -The Wahzoo would not only like to once again compliment Max and Lou for a job well done, but also recognize the following members of our off road racing community, who kicked in enough bucks to make this fine publication possible: Baja Promotions; Barbary Coast; BF Goodrich; Dusty Times; E-Z Up; Fiesta Ford; Gold Coast; KC Hilites; La Rana; McKenzies; On Dirt; Robertson Honda; SCORE; Sierra Auto recycling; Smittybilt and Ultra Wheels. Thanks Guys! 3STRIKES& YOU'REOUT-After more than a month of wrangling over changing or· eliminating the black ball/white ball vote on full memberships, a decision was finally made. In an extremely close vote, the 3 black balls and you're out rule was upheld, and is therefore, still in effect! Hopefully, this issue will now be put to bed for a while. PRESIDENTIAL 250 -On this cool and overcast Barstow Saturday, seven Checker cars· charged the desert in this four lap La Rana event. Jimmy Tucker backed up his Second Place finish at the last La Rana race with a big win in his 10 car this time out. Despite having to deal with a tranny that was losin' aboutageara lap, Tuck' still held on to his victory and a third overall. Congratulations to Jimmy Tucker, 1st Place in Class 10! Fred Nelson survived both the desert and his fl yin' kid this event. With no nose-dives or fire problems on their two laps, this prospective member brought his 'stock' Ford truck home in Third Place in the combined Stock & 4x4 Class. The Krepsz' Brothers, alias "Big" & "Bigger", got their first official Club finish this race with a respectable Seventh Place in their 1-2-1600 car. Our sad DNF stories are as follows: The Dillon's Class 10 car pulled out after one lap with a badly leaking tranny and broken front end. Butow and McCool went out next with an engine problem after two laps. Ken Miller, co-driving in a Challenger car, suffered through a broken front end and clutch failure before they parked it. B.J. Bates, co-driving in his old Challenger car, helped his partner oil down the trail for over three laps before they finally ground to a stop with an empty tranny. AND FINALLY -The Big Wahzoo wants to announce the start of a new Wahzoo-For-A-Month Club. Basically, with the exception of Pick, it offers any active Checker an opportunity to write one of our upcoming Checker Columns without any interference or editing from ·anybody! This offer goes out to both our literary scholars and Club whiners. Yeah Bu tow, that includes you! Right along with ol' man Symonds, who should have at least one more angry tirade left in him before senility completely takes over. And also to that complaining Hibbard, who probably deserves a shot at writing one of these columns on his own, since he's gotten a lot of the credit and/or blame for writing' the rest of them. And Peralta? Yeah, what the hell Lou, just as long as ya promise not to try to sell us anything! And what about Files or Davis, both of whom could have been described as disgnmtled in the past. And, of course, I can't forget our resident 7-11 clerk, I'm sure ol' Sol would just love to put in his 2 cents worth. Some other Checkers that would seem to be potential candidates for 'Wahzoo-For-A-Month' would obviously be Dunn, Thompson, Max, Prince, and Banks. I apologize to any of the other literary giants in our Club that I might have missed. OK, now that I've pissed some of ya off, here's the deal: You'll be mailing your column directly to the Dusty Times with absolutely no editing or censorship by the Wahzoo. You'll also have the choice of using your real name or remaining anonymous (pick your own name). Sound like a good deal? Well, there is one little rule you have to promise to follow; "The true identity of the Wahzoo will not be a topic of discussion in · your column"! If you're interested, let me know via Thompson, and I'll put you on the list, and then notify you plenty of time ahead of your turn. If this kinda sounds like a Jmt uJ> or shut uJ> J>TOJ>osal, well, you're right. But, the more I think about it, having a 'Special Guest Checker' write one of our columns every few months might be a real giggle and actually make for a better column in the long run! Chapala Dustcn Race Rniew l3y H. Henesey At the March Duster meeting, we had two races to report on, the SCORE San Felipe 250 and the La Rana Presidential 250 in Barstow. SAN FELIPE -The first tale of woe came from the Class 5 entry of Lyn Mocaby. They had trouble all day, were on the road for over 12 hours, had a bad oil leak ... And this was BEFORE they even started the race!! They started off running out of transmission fluid, but Pres. Harbottle brought fluid from the pit, so they let it cool off a bit and then got back into the chase, only to roll the car through some of those nasty sticker bushes. They did get the car going again, fueled up in Borrego and continued on, only to start having brake pt oblems. More down time for repairs, but they were still around 4th in class, and deter-mined to get a finish, but they were on a roll. About 38 rniles from the finish, the electronic ignition started acting up, costing more repair time, and causing a finish 1 :09 minutes over the time limit. Jon Kennedy, in 1616, started _ off running trouble free, until he came across a traffic jam behind a rolled 1600 car. He found his way through that mess only to break both throttle springs, and also have to replace the power steering ·belt. Do you think our hero has had enough problems for one May1994 race? Of course not! Throw in a servo going nuts, a steering rack chattering, and the final insult, a flat tire. But he and Larry Smith brought the car across the finish for a 10th place finish. Danny Porter, also in a 1600 car, had a half hour down time, eventually finding the small gold piece on the coil wire was loose. He then handed the car over to co-driver Mark Ruddis, who was running about 6th in class. Mark had his share of repairs as well when a leaf broke, and a grub screw backed out, and the front end came apart. He did bring the car in to a 9th place finish, just ahead of Jon Kennedy. Steve Poole enteretl his Class 9 car, and somehow ran out of gas just before Pit C. He received some gas from some other older guys out spectating, which got him to the next pit and eventually on to a finish. LA RANA PRESIDENTIAL 250 -Let's start off with the good, no, the GREAT news first. A BIG congratulations to the team of Jim Joyce and "L.J. Kennedy for their OVERALL win in a 1600 car.· They are also the first Chapala Dusters to accomplish this, since most of the club members run in the limited classes. Was it a nice, smooth race with no problems? Not really.Jim Joyce had L.J. take the car out to tech and con-tingency· Friday night, where L.J. ended up being the last car through at about 11 :00 p.m. Jim Joyce arrived Saturday morning to start the race, and went 30 Classified FOR SALE: Best Chenowth Magnum available, complete setup to go racing MTEG. Rev-Power Rabbit, 5 point suspen-sion, coil-overs, Fox, Foddrill arms & spindles, best of every-thing, plus, 24' trailer, flawless, workbench vise, AC, 5kw Honda generator, elec start, 3 E-Z Up caopies, carpets, chairs, tables, spare fresh transaxle. Call Steve (602) 994-4029. FOR SALE: Class 9 Chenowth, very competitive car. 2nd in points for VORRA 1982 & 1983. Extra parts & 15 tires. Motor & transmission need work. $2,500.00. Also, FUNCO single seater 1835 motor, super condition. Extra parts & tires. $3,500.00. Ask for Paul or Chuck at (916) 983-4615. FOR SALE: Class 8 truck, 1979 Ford, SCORE legal, 15" front suspension, 1 r rear 4 link. 35"' tires, Class winner 1991 La Rana High Desert 250. Perfect for La Rana Series, fun and dependable. $6,500.00 oho. Call Matt (805) 399-5564 day, (805) 399-6552 nite. miles and got a flat, went 10 miles farther and rolled the car in a rough section. He landed back on -all four wheels, but he had knocked off the power steering belt and also bent an axle. With repairs to the belt, he was able to get the car back to the main pit. Jim had informed L.J. that since he had the first game of the season' in his softball league to play that day, and he would only be able to drive one lap and then he would. have to leave. L.J. got in and ran the next two laps with no problems, telling himself to pace and not get tired so he could handle the third lap. When he gassed at the start of the 4th lap, he was passed by another 1600 car, but was able to pass him back 20 miles from the finish, and grab the overall honors. This puts Jim Joyce first in overall points in the La Rana Series. Pat and Helen Henesey moved from Class 9 to 10 this year, with this being the race in the Meco car. Not only does the 10 car go much faster, you really have to pay attention. Pat started the race and had passed the three other 10 cars ahead when the hose feeding the fuel pump came off, sending gas all over the back of the motor. Repairs were made and he was getting back into the hunt, when the transmission locked up around 20 miles into the second lap and put an end to the day. Again, a great job by Jim Joyce and L.J. Kennedy on their 1st place overall. These guys make a winning team!! .. ,,;,?t::!Lif:\~---}'-'''-~: ::,.;~, FOR SALE: Class 9 single seat, less than 500 miles on new car. Yokohamas, Mastercraft, seat, Filler belts, Fox fronts, Bilstein rears, 22 gal fuel cell, SACO steer-ing, JAMAR brakes, Neal clutch, Sway-A-Way front & rear. Call Jim after 4pm (702) 382-5908. FOR SALE: 1991 MECO 1~ 1600. Best of everything. FAT, Fox, Charlyn, Leighton, Dura-Blue, Sway-A-Way. Winningcar, low mileage, fully prepared, ready to race. $8,995.00. Call Chris Cash (208) 345-6451 days, (208) 362-411 7 nites. FOR SALE: Class 1-1600, SODA legal car & trailer. BAD BACK Everything goes! Fresh motor & trans. Ready to race. Neal pedals, Fox shocks, Sway-A-Way torsion. Beard seat center-lines, etc. $5,000;00 cash or trade, OBO will .consider 4 wheeler, snowmobile, antiques, collectibles, etc. Jeff (906) 863-6795. Page 57. 1
-~Classified ••• : omp ete y restore , SUPER CHAMP!! ~E, &rebuilttwoseatClass2unlim-HORA, Fud, LaRana. 89 ited buggy. Attributes include: 4 Chenowth Mini Mag. Yamaha speed type II transaxle, 5:38 final 577cc, Chenowth newly rebuilt drive, 12" over Wright front end trans. A-arm susp., 16" rr & frt & rack & pinion, Super-Boot, trvl. Bilstein coil over, Wright 930 turbo joints, Neal systems, spindles, Eibach springs, CNC Jamar, Taylor Made seats, Simp-brakes. TONS OF SPARES! son harness, Centerlines, BF- Great for new short course series! Goodrich, VDO instrumenta-$14,000.00 Baja Concepts. Ref tion, nitrogen shocks, completely #323. (619) 583--6529. ___ _ SCORE legal, 3 spare engines, etc. $5,999.00. Call Bob (408) 265-5027. FOR SALE' '94 Parker 400 winner. '90 Jeep Cherokee .. '89-'90 SCORE champ, '92 La Rana champ. Newly rebuilt engine. Killer motor, 300 plus hp. New Art Carr. All Chromoly, Walker Evans built rr susp. Kuster shocks. Tons of spares! Motors, tranny, frt end, like new! • $28,000.00 Baja Concepts Ref #321. Call (619) 583--6529. Class 1 Moulton two seater. wheelbase, 3000cc ARPM motor, Dry Sump, Fuel Inj., Hewland DO300 prepped by Fortin, Fortin 930 Turbo CV's, Fox progressive air shocks, 22" rr & 1 7" frt trvl., Saginaw PIS, 3/4" heim ends. SCORE legal. Always among the front runners. Recently reduced $33,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref !#108. (619) 583--6529. The Don-A-Vee Built '91 Jeep Cherokee, Awesome engine, Mogi built trans., Lesle designed coil over, massive trvl., bump stops, full floater. ca-n be either a Class 6 or 8. You know this truck is a Champ! '92 SCORE Champ. Whole truck rebuilt after every race. Reduced! $45,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref #348. (619) 583-6529. HALF BUILT -'92 Chevy Class 8. Can be any class you want. All major fab. done. Ready to finish. Set up for small or big block eng. Art Carr trans. 22" frt & 24" rr trvl. Chromoly cage. Bed, cab, doors, grille all mounted. $12,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref #341. (619) 583--6529. ==7"7-::, NEW & USED PARTS FOR STONE STOCK MINI. '89 SALE: 9 700x15" front Yokoha-Nissan Hard body 4x2. Stock CLASS 7 IN GREAT CONDI-TION! GMC Class 7 truck SCORE/HORA raced. Falconer 2 .8L, fuel injected V-6, Nash trans. A-arm susp. Fox shocks, 18" frt & 20" rr trvl. 1/4 elip. rear. CNC brakes/hubs. New fiberglass, wiring, paint. Lots of misc. spares. $23,500.00. Baja Concepts Ref #297. (619) 583-6529. '87 Jeep pick-up 4x4. SCORE/ HORA Class l / 4. Art Carr trans, 3000 · torq. conv., Summers rr end, 18" frt & 24" rr trvl. Fox/Rancho shocks, Nat'l springs, Summers bral,<es, Dana 60, 40 spline, 44 gal. fuel cell, Beard seats, Autometer, fire ext. GREAT SPARES! $35,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref #244. (619) 583--6529. ma tires. New $75.00 each. 6 Z24-Napa-Z eng., Stock trans., 700x16" front Yokohama tires, Ranchos wi res. dual, 8" frt & rr T-Mag single seat Class 9. Totally New$100.00each.435x16"rear trvl., Sway-A-Way, bump stops, rebuilt. In excellent cond. New Yokohama tires, New $145.00 '87 Chenowth Magnum Super New rear end. Beard seats, Diest 1600cc Matthews eng., Raceco each. 1 35xl5" rear Yokohama 1600, Goshen built. Rabbit belts,AutoMeter,fireext.Canbe trans.,5.75"frt&6"rrtrvl.,Fox tire mounted on new centerline 1649cc., Carillo rods, FAT cam, a 7S or Str. legal pre-runner. shox, Sway-A-Way torsion bar, wheel $175.00 each. 15 35x16" Bus Type II trans., 14" frt & 20" Good spares, $8,000.00. Baja German drums, wooven shoes, rear Yokohama tires mounted on rr trvl., Fox shox, Sway-A-Way Concepts Ref #356. (619) 583- 15 gal. fuel cell. Everything new centerline wheels, New & Used torsion bars/axles, Wright 6529. and READY TO RACE! Spares. $100.00 or $150.00 each. 4 spindles, Summers brakes. Very FOR SALE: 197 3 5 11600, $6,500.00. Baja Concepts Ref 35x12.5 16" Yokohama Mud competitive. Loads of spares. Wright Arms, Rack & Pinion, #308· (619)583--6529· Diggers3used,lnew$150.00all. $l5,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref Bilstein,Beard,Filler,Pumper,22 BUSINESS FOR SALE: Auto 1 3.5 Litre Bobby Hart Porsche #343. (6l9) 583--6529. gal. fuel safe, centerlines with Repair, $120,000.00 inventory Motor $15,000.00, 1 Tilton FOR SALE: 81 Chevy Stp Side. Yokohamas, Chromoly rein-new parts, 140 vehicles in Clutch complete with spare parts BLTbySandyCone350ci. Turbo forced trailing arms, heavy duty wrecking yard, used parts, $1,20.00, 1 UMP Power steering 400 trns. 9" Ford rr 4 Discs. 12 axles, stub axles & CV's. Thing welding and paint shop. Nine · pump, used $100.00, 15 Rancho shocks. Holds 60 gal Silverado drums, bus trans with close ratio bays. Established 13 years. shocks, RS-5000 series, used Pkg. Call for more info. gears, strong motor, very clean, Located in Tucson area on 10 $10.00 each. Phone RCR Racing ($10,000.00 oho) Geoff (818) race ready $4,500.00 oho. Call acres with 3 mobile homes. (909) 371-8334. 796-8705. Todd (909) 923-2823. Contact Neil (602) 648-2757. ,.------------------_,..------·iliili---...----------------------·----~-... ----.,i I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in 1 · ; DUSTY TIMES. I I Classified Ad~ertising rate is only $15 for 45 words each month, ~ot including name, address and phone number. Add $5 .00 for use of : . I black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. I I NEW _AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If I I you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 1, I --------------------------1· I -------------------------l I ! I -------------~------------11 I -------------------------------1: I i I ---------------------------·I I ---------------------------I · : Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. I I I I Name -------------------------------Mail to: 11 DUSTY TIMES I Address ----------------------Phone-------20751 Marilla Street I I Chatsworth, CA.9131 !-4408 I J City __________________ State ____ Zip____ .!!I· Page 58 May 1994 BETTER THAN NEW!! Class 2 Raceco. Completely rebuilt in '93 from the ground up. Carillo eng., Awesome Motec E.M.S. inj. ign. system w/ laptop. Raceco trans. Rebuilt Fox coil over, 1 7" frt & 22" rr trvl. Fod. frt trailing arms. Custom brakes. All the spares. $60,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref #333. (619) 583--6529. · ,-,,i, ~-,;;,,,·.»,·"··'· ->:;.,, « , iM Nissan 4x4. Extremely trick. Can fit any body panel or engine. Very versatile. Great for int'l racing. Unbelievable spares! Nissan V6, fuel inj ., Turbo 400 trans., 18" frt & 21" rr trvl. The best · equip. throughout. Technology adv. A steal at $49,000.00. Baja Con-cepts Ref #184. (619) 583--6529.· ,·~ 5' Semi. reat Dane air ride. 13'2" overall height, 8' overall width, 9'6" inside Id. height, 2 axles, 18 KV gen. Awning, water ·tank, diesel tank, underfloor storage, int. storage rack, work bench, 40 gal compressor, welder, AND MUCH MORE! Reduced! $32,500.00. Baja Concepts Ref #332. (619) 583--6529. aceco seat. uper Nice and . ready to go. Can be Class 1 or 10. Type IV motor, DG-300 trans., coil over, Bilstein/ Fox shocks, Summers, PIS, good wheels & tires, 123" WB. 100% Prepped. Without motor or trans. $11,500.00. Complete package $19,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref #200. (619) 583--6529 . FLAT BED TRAILER. 34' Custom two car trailer. Specially built for hauling off-road vehicles. 30' ld. length, 98" ld. width, 3600 lbs. empty, 2 axles, New tires, 10' hide-away loading ramps, spare tire rack. Totally new. Never used. $3,800.00. Baja Concepts Ref #319. (619) 583-6529. WANTED: 0000 used 10" coil-over fox shocks. Call Dave (714) 891-3008. Dusty Times
FOR SALE: RACECO CLASS 10. Very competitive car. Curnut - Fox coil-over -CNC -UMP -Parker pumper - Summers hubs -Foddril Spindels & arms - Flame out - P.C.I. Radio, includes 20' diamond plate traif.er wlparts box. J .G. Transmission - Leighton motor. Call (909) 988-8130. Price $10,000.00. FOR SALE: Mirage Class 9 two seater. Chromoly frame Wright rack, Durablue torsion bars, Chromoly spring plates. Beard seats, Simpson seatbelts, spares, Fox shocks, new paint, parker pumper, radios. Won 2 class championships. $6,000.00. Call Tim (702) 293-5420, leave message. FOR SALE: '72 Class 8 Ford 351 W, new floater rear end, Fox 718 shocks with reservoirs, Fox air bumps, semi-eliptic springs, rear Willwood brakes, BFG 35" Baja TA. Won SNORE Midnight Special and Bottom Dollar. Tandem axles trailer included, $12,000.00 OBO. Call Tim at (702) 293-5420, leave message. WIN A RIDE IN THE BAJA 500: For a $10.00 registration fee you can enter a drawing to win the starting passenger seat in a 2-1600 race car in the 1994 Baja 500. For more information send a S.A.S.E., or to enter include a 3x5 card with name, address and phone number and check for $10 .00 to: R&R Racing, 13320 Camino Canada #6-186, El Cajon, CA 92021 (some restrictions apply). TRAILER, 30' Dico enclosed. Easily towed w/pick-up or van. 7.5' insd. height, 88..,. load wid., lrg. rear & side doors. 4,400KV gen. Shower, cot, work bench, table, race radio, int. storage rack. Water/hold/propane tanks. Lights. $12,000.00. Baja Con-cepts Ref #334. (619) 583-6529. 1993 Mirage Stadium Superlite -New paint, new tires, Fox shocks, lots of extra parts, gears, motors, tires & wheels, CVS, Hubs, brakes, race ready. Call John . (310) 327-8323 could be used a desertlike or (714) 842-7238. PARTS FOR SALE 35 gal fuel safe cell $2 7 5 .00, four Fox shocks $300.00, two Bilstein shocks $100.00. (909) 949-4580. Dusty Times 1984 Ford 4x4 Super cab. New 351 engine. New auto trans. Full roll cage, custom interior, air conditioning, much more. $7,000.00 OBO. Call RCR Racing (909) 371-8334. No brokers, direct sales only, please. -~ , 1 ""!«fl • FOR SALE OR TRADE Ford Ranger ( 1983-1993 ). Mexico Imported Pree Run, Chase, Street, 2.8 V6, Auto, Fiberglass, A IC, Posi, Low R&P, Holley, Minga suspension 10 shocks, Limiters uretane, headers flow master, Schnider cam, 33 BFG, American, RLH racing, Beard, ½ cage, tool box, two gas tanks, two extras, jack, chase tire rack, custom tow bar. Clean Clean Clean. $8,500.00. Night (619) 421-3695, Day (0115266) 842771. "MOVING MUST SELL ... "ASAP" '84 FORD RANGER 4 cyl. 5 speed, 6 point cage, no interior, no bed, needs to be finished. $3,000.00 OBO. (909) 874-7415. FOR SALE: JEEP Scrambler. S.O.D.A. Class 3, 440 C.l. motor, Rancho lightning shocks. Many spare parts. Must Sell ( 608) 781-1957. . CLASS 5 type car 105..,. W.B. built by Giese Racing, all parts new car never fully assembled. Must sell, all or part or trade. Serious buyers only, please. Too many parts to list. No reasonable offer refused. (619) 951-3433. % FOR SALE: Triple "E..,. Superlite Stadium Car B.V. Performance Engine plus Spares M.T. E.G. Race Ready $7,000.00 OBO. Chris or Bob (805) 252-8346. Leon Patton 373 small block Chevrolet race engine approx. 540HP RPM range from 3800-7500. (714) 494-114 9.- call for details. $1,000.00 (reduced). $5,500.00 Magi turbo, 400 race trans with converter. FOR SALE: Class 8 Ford 1990, quarter lip. Spring shocks cut low wheels Sum rearend less motor & trans. $5,000.00 or oho. Would make great Class 13 also (715) 478-2543. FOR SALE: Class 9 Chenowth, very competitive car. 2nd in points for VORRA 1992 & 1993. Extra parts & 15 tires. Motor & transmission need work. $2,500.00. Also, FUNCO single seater 1835 motor, super condition. Extra parts ~ tires. $3,000.00. Ask for Paul or Chuck at (916) 983-4615. FOR SALE: Stadium Super lite, A Arm Car, EEE Gear box, 13" ·~"i!f~ wheels, Fox airshox rear spare · parts. Call Ron (719) 576-3129. $8,000.00 OBO. FOR SALE OR ADE: 4 wheel drive "JEEP" tube frame, fiber-glass body, independent suspen-sion, rear mounted aluminum V-'67 Baja Bug, bright orange, 8, automatic trans, many spare complete roll cage, turned front parts. Lots of racing history, good beam, fresh 1 776cc engine, Dave LA RANA or Baja Promotions Foltz trans, tach and VDO gauges, CLASS3. $6,000.00 or trade for 20 gal fuel tank, new tires and clean 2 seat CLASS 9 after 6pm. rims, nerf bars, one piece front-(909) 867-7685 • end, street licensed, Downey Race I Haus prepped, ready for off-road · fun! Asking $3,500.00. (310) 927-3046 Max. I FOR SALE or TRADE: Class 9 I Hi-Jumper Single Seat, with trailer, spare motor, Flame-out, Fox shocks, Sway-A-Way, Taylor ...... ~..i1made seat, Pumper, Filler belts, FOR SALE RACE READY 1-Transaxle Engineering trans, 1600CHENOWTHWiksmotor, some spares, for desert or short WR trans, SAW 300M torsion course. $4,500.00. (818) 353-bars, Flame out, Parker pumper, 8889. ------------power steering, Fox with reser-CO-DRIVER LOOKING FOR voirs with position sensitive NEW RIDE-Will pay own way. valving by Lothringer, radio, Interested in SCORE or LA 11 7WB, lots of good spare tires. RAN A events. Experienced in co-$8,500. 00. Days (909) 428-driver in Class 10. Will ride in 1678, Eve. (909) 466-5344 Class 1/2, 1/2-1600, 8, 10, 7, 4. Dennis. Call (714) 858-5367. FOR SALE: 42' Dorsey, Large FOR SALE: (1) New Genuine VW Type IV ... BUS STYLE ... engine case. $250.00. ( 1) New Genuine VW type IV 215 MM "BUS STYLE ... fly wheel. $85.00. Call Jeff Bef. noon (909) 688-8043. ~ _ --/t '.)l\,\::':~ '85 TOY6tt.. COROLLA GTS Performance Stock Rally Car. All the best equipment: Safety Devices cage, Sparco seats, Sabelt h;irnesses, Bilstein shocks, TRD springs, fire system, Terra trip, 15..,. Panasport wheels w/ Michelin tires, new paint, current log book. $3,900.00 OBO. Jeff (714) 588-6295. ~ awning, tire racks, loading ramps, good tires, lights, air lines, work benches & cabinets no power EX: general tire semi 1978 model. First $6,000.00 buys, FOB Las Vegas, Trailer in very nice condition. (310) 318-9803. FOR SALE: CLASS 10 F.A.T. Rabbit motor, 150 H.P., S&S, Weber, Kennedy plate, new clutch, radiator & brackets. This motor is complete and ready to race. $2,200.00. Raceco Bus Box Best of Everything. 4.86 R&P. FTC & Hewlands O miles $1,900.00. Torque Limiters $650.00. FAT Alum. Dual Air Log $100.00 (619) 352-0299. CLASS 9 RACECO Single seat Mendeola trans. Fox shocks. This car has best of everything, Sway-A-W a y 300m bars etc. Race ready $6,500.00. Call (909) 849-3533 . NEW CLASS TEN MOTOR Never run, $2,200.00 OBO. Bus trans, 4.86R/P. Hewland stack (tall). Call after 6 pm. or leave message (310) 860-3753. OR SALE: Class 5 Unlimited, raceready,bestofeverything.Fox coil-overs, shocks and bump stops, Summers Brothers, Calif-ornia Motorsports auto trans, Lee Leighton 2340cc Type I, UMP, JAMAR, Wright, new BFG Baja T I A, Ultra, Parker Pump, Fuel Safe, Simpson, Beard. $15,000.00 OBO. Call (909) 653-0697. FERRIS ST ATE UNIV. Automo-tive, heavy equip., mgt grad seeks summer intern job, have excellent verbal, writing, and tech skills, have retail exp., love off-road racii:tg. Jake Nath, in MI, (616) 592~129, TN (615) 851-6831. May1994 Class 9 Funco, single seat, chassis never been used w/suspension, transmission, 31" tires. 14" of li(round clearance. Must sell. $300.00. San Diego area Shane (619) 942-5626. FOR SALE: 5-1600 pre-runner, potential race car or street Baja. Full roll cage front to rear, fuel cell, Beard seats, Sway-A-Way, Diest, fiberglass front end, good engine and tranny. Spares, tires, c.v.'s, axles, brakes, tow bar. $3,500.00. James (714) 494-2469. FOR SALE or . TRADE: Single seat Chenowth Class 9 car, 22 gal fuel cell, Fox, Yokohamas, UMP, Mastercraft, Wright rack, Flame-out, Sway-A-Way, a lot of spares, fresh motor & trans. $5,500.00. (619) 240-1144 or Paulaat(503) 883-8566. FOR SALE: Toyota 4x4 stock mini class. SCORE legal 1992-1993 Class Champion truck at La Rana. Includes new motor, new shocks (Fox), spare trans and transfer case, tires and wheels, x-tra motor, Mikunis, etc. (619) 347-1858 leave message. $8,000.00 OBO. MUST SELL. SELLING OUT: ARP - Trade Seal - Redline oil & coolant - new flow bench - custom 680 cfm @ 36". $4,000.00. Also, 2 new 45 plus 2 rebuilt 50 DCOS, flowed, profiled. Mallory, new fuel pump $100.00. Call (310) 403-3364. FOR SALE: 1993 SODA Class 9 1 Unlimited; fresh FAT 1650cc, tube-ported head, Web/Cam Summers front, FTC gears, carbon fiber wheel wl dual bead locks. Tons of good used parts: Complete setup to bolt 215ci aluminum VB in. Must sell! $8,200.00. Also, 34' enclosed 5th wheel trailer. $4,500.00. Call Chad (715) 547-6103. Short Course Racing Association and The Las Vegas Motorsports Park Along with Stewart Race, Pure Attitude, Total Performance Present the 1st Annual Closed Course Jamboree April 30. 1984 Las Vegas Speedway 1st Race of a 4 Race Series for 1994 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS AFCO ••.........•.•............ 23 Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels . . . . 4 7 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Brush Run 101 ...•.............. 21 Bonneville Off Road Racing . . . . • . . • . 6 Cactus Racing Products • . . . . . . . . . • • 49 California Pre-Fun . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 29 Castex Inc., E-Z-Up . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 22 Don-A-Vee Jeep Eagle • • . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Fab Com ..•..................... 34 • Fat Performance . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 8 Fuel Safe • • • • . . . . . . . . • . • . . . • • • • 26 .. German Auto . . . . • . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Rod Hall Driving School . . • . . . . . . . . . 48 Hi Tech Off Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 La Rana Desert Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Mendeola Racing Technology . . . . . . . . 25 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Off Road Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Parker Pumper . • . . . . . • . . . . • . • • • . 33 Pike"s Family Restaurant . . . . . . . . . • . 14 Pro Wire •...•.....•............ 45 Race Ready Products . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Reid Pro •....•.............••.. 13 Reno 300 Off Road Race . • . . . . . . . . . 19 Rose Traction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 SCORE International Baja 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover· SNORE Caliente 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Toyota Motorsports San Felipe . . . . . . . . 2 Toyota Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Trackside Photos Inc. . . • . • . • . . . . . . . 43 Tri-Mil Industries . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Ultra Wheel . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • 16 Valvoline Oil Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Valley Performance • • • • . . . . . . . . . . • 44 Wilch Sales . • • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . 39 Wright Place • . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . • . 51 Yarnell Specialties Inc. . . . . . . • . . . . . 37 Page 59
I ' I I I I I I 1994 DESERT &1~~1?~/JJfimfi&:1lli CHAMPIONSHIP nm [Em&J@ffi~C!)~ SERIES 23 Pro. and Sportsman Classes Cars • Trucks • Motorcycles • ATVs BRINGING THE RACERS BACK TO THE DESERT WITH LOWER ENTRY FEES AND COMPETITIVE RACING Drawing • May 4 For More lnfor111ation: (702) 361-5404 TECATE TROPHY-TRUCK SERIES ROUND4 ENSENADA • JUNE 4 ~ BFGaadricli TO y OT A ~ The Official Tire of SCORE Internatr::al THE OFFICIAL TRUCK OF SCORE INTERNATIONAL \NHEELS L.NIOl...E "'1E1'AL PAQCU(.;lS. NC ~HONDA •