Volume 11 - Number 3 - March 1994 $1.50 ISSN 8750-1732 Covering the world of competition in the dirt
FUD RACING & THE BUDWEISER FAMILY OF BEERS PRESENTS 1 f s A T u R D A y ~ --~ 0 A p R ©PLA TER CITY EAST ~ ·: INFO 619-427-5759 C&C RACE PHOTOS Carlos & Carol Avina SPONSORED BY Clairemont Equipment Rentals Callen Campers WHERE THE FUN GOES ON and ON and ON I> ooa ,---_~----=---.;:i.~---L_i_ RACE::' I L 2 3 1 9 I 9 L--=-(J) --=----=-------~0 4 Y 14-15,
Volume 11 - Number 3 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Janay Smith Controller John Calvin Circulation 0 . Osborne Contributors Jim Baker Darla Crown C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Don Dayton Daryl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Matt Marcher Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Darryl Smith Judy Smith 3-D Photography T rackside Photo Inc. Wizer Photos Art Director Larry E. Worsham aa.JIYILLS OffllOAD IIAClllll UIOH March 1994 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Subscription Rates: llrilSnscf~Racing• $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: -DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduceC: without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to -DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. Item Of The Month ••• CONGRATULATIONS TO BEKKI FREEMAN WHO WON THE SNORE BOTTOM DOLLAR RACE OVERALL! The lovely blonde lady went through a couple of riders in the two seat Miraco race car that is painted pink and white and she wore nail polish that matched the pink on the car exactly. It brought her luck, the car ran flawlessly, she stopped only for gas and finished in about seven hours, 45 minutes, doing 12-laps con-siderably faster than the others in the approximately 40 car field. How about that for an unsponsored team. Dusty Times March 1994 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page FRT Dunaway Dash by Judy Smith ......................... 10 Bad Dogs Awards , ............ ......................... , 14 La Rana New Years 200 by Carol 'Scoop' Clark ......... . .... 16 Brush Run 101 by Michelle Halverson ...................... 22 SNORE El Dorado 250 . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Georgia Report by Bob Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Paris-Dakar-Paris by Martin Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Australian Championship -Round 5 by Darryl Smith . . . . . . . . . 34 Michigan Off Road Round Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 36 California Rally Series Banquet by John Elkin ................ 37 1993 VORRA Awards Banquet by W izer Photos . . . . . . . ...... 38 Frontera Juarez 150 by Jaime Gonzalez . .................... . 42 Nissan King Cab Pickup by John Calvin ... ......... . ........ 43 DEPARTMINTS Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes . .............................. .......... ..... 4 Fair News by Dave Massingham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Paris by Night Divisional Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Checkers Column by the Big Wahzoo . . . ............ ... ; . . . 44 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44, 50 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Index to Advertisers ................. .................. · .. 51 ON THE COVER-Tim Allen flies over the sand near Plaster City. CA on New Year's Eve. Tim won the FRT Dunaway Dash race overall in the Class 10 Jimco and he has won here overall at least four times during the 1993 season. The former stock car racer certainly adapted to the rugged desert racing quickly as this was his first full year in the sport. Our heartiest congratulations to Tim Allen. January was a busy month in desert racing as the La Rana New Years 200 ran out of Barstow'. Before the race Bob Miller announced to our reporter that he was sure he could win overall if he didn't have any trouble with his Class 10 that he calls a BMP /RCO. Bob whipped around the four 50 mile laps in 4:46:31 to win overall by over 11 minutes in an outstanding run to the checkered flag on the rugged Barstow trails. Our heartiest congratulations to Bob Miller also and both drivers went the distance alone. The single seater is coming back! Color Photography by c&C Race Photos and Trackside Photo Inc. to S~7fUUUf DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $15.00 □ ·i years -$i5.00 D 3 years - , $35.00 Takeadvantage of your subscription bonus ••• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name ____________________ _ Address ____________________ _ City _____________________ _ Stace----------Zip----------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES ·l 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 I (Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates on request) Page 3
1 "4 Happenings ••• A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34087 . Phoenix, AZ 85067. (602) 944-7541 AMSA Jim Webb P.O. Box 26084 Fresno, CA 93726 (209) 439-2114 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 47 Teenan St. Ferny Hills, Q, 4055, Australia 011-18-07-851-0444 April 3, 1994 Queensland May 29, 1994 Griffith New Soutj-1 Wales July 24,' 1994 Kempsey New South Wales September 11, 1994 Mt. Gambier South Australia November 27, 1994 Puckapunyal Victoria (Stadium Races TBA) AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B lHl (514 )434-5792 BAD DOG'S OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN Callaway Fun Inc. 3825 No. Main Cleburne, TX 76031 Barry Don Callaway ( 817) 645-0003 /(817) 641-9985 Gene Peugh (817) 790-8268 nights Racing the 3rd Sunday of each month March thm October BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. I Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O . Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. May 6-7, 1994 Wendover Express Wendover USA July 1-2, 1994 Jackpot ZOO Jackpot, NV September 2-3, 1994 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1993 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI54520 (715) 478-2222 June 24-26, 1994 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI September 2-4, 1994 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI BUMP Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions 43943 Sierra Hwy., Suite G Lancaster, CA 93534 (805) 723-1549 May 14, 1994 Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA July 30, 1994 Temecula Showgrounds Temecula, CA August 2 7, 1994 Location TBA October 8, 1994 Santa Clara Fairgrounds San Jose, CA CONGRATULATIONS TO CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison, CRS Director 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 (909) 736-1442 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 February 19, 1994 Fenceline I, II Rallysprints Glen Helen OHV Park San Bernardino, CA May 13-15, 1994 Rim of the World National Pro Rally Prescott, AZ July 15-17, 1994 Prescott Forest National Pro Rally Prescott, AZ September 17-18, 1994 Treeline Rally Palmdale, CA October 22-23, 1994 Gorman Ridge Rally Gorman, CA December 4-5, 1994 East of Indio Rally Indio, CA CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 April 9, 1994 Bend Off Road Unlimited Bear Butte 300 Bend, OR May 7, 1994 Three Hour Enduro Olympia, WA October 15, 1994 Whiskey Springs 400 Bend, OR CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CMC Continental Motosport Club Sand Drags P.O. Box 830 Adelanto, CA 92301 (619) 246-7262 ----'--'-'--:...:....;~.::._--I@" DDR RACING ~~ ~,€ Page 4 ard ANDREW WEHE d~i~1'e~ '.'9d' SPECIAL RECOONITIOM QOES TO: ED MORRIS <TRIPLE E ENTERPRISES> RUDY CAST AtEl>A <PRO PREPT RACING SERVICES> BRUCE <VP FUELS> SHAWN B. BRIAN <MAHR'S TIRE VILLAGE> AND KIRK <FALLBROOK MUFFlER> PIT SUPPORT: ALBIE ll. DEBBIE POSTE~, TRAVIS WAGNER, ~HAWN PAGETT, rlA'I MCLAI~ RUST'( &\ll>N tCULP, SHANE MCSll:EHY, TIFF~'( AND ALI. TIIANKS: TOT~ FODPUCKER RACING TEAM FOR A OREAT RACING SERIESI March 1994 Trail Notes ••• EARTHQUAKE-That has been the big news in these parts since January 17. Quite a number of people in the northwest end of the San Fernando Valley, the Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks and points north were hit by the early morning wakeup call that damaged many structures that lived through the Sylmar quake in 1971. Dusty Times got a double whammy out of this one as the offices we rent from Sway-A-Way were just a few miles from the epicenter of the Northridge quake, and our home in Granada Hills, totally repaired since 1971, this round lost more. However, the structure is sound, but all the dishes, china, crystal, trophies, are trash, walls split open a little bit, but we both and the two cats came out without a scratch so we can't complain too loudly. In the office the drop ceiling tiles crumbled as they fell, most of the bookcases fell over and we are still digging stuff out from under the debris that litters every floor. Happily there was no water damage, but no water for days or phones either. But we are on schedule with this issue, and hope the post office is recovered a bit by now as well. If you sent us a news item last month, it may be hiding in the debris and we apologize for not using it. But one can only clean house so much time a day, and the rest you must spend getting the issue together. We don't know of any injuries in the local off road community, and if there are we send our sympathy to the victims. But we are in a different month now and February should be the harbinger of good things to come to each and every one of us. WANTED TO BUY - a victim of the October fire storms that raged through southern California, long time racer and restaurant man Gale Pike lost his home in Laguna Beach and everything in it, really everything, when the fire swept down his block. Again nobody was injured but some real treasures were lost, including Pike's favorite trophies the Mexican Indians with the Spears from Baja races in the 1970s and other unique trophies. WANTED TO BUY - Yes if you have one of the following stuffed away in the comer of your garage unloved, Pike wants to buy it from you. Check your stuff against the following list. 1st place 1975 Baja 1000 "Montezuma"; 1st Place 1976 Baja 500 "Montezuma''.; 1st, 2nd or 3rd Place 1977 Baja 1000 Eagle; 1st Place 1978 Parker 400; 1st Place 1982 Nevada 500 "Inaugurational". Please contact Gale Pike at (714) 494-9707. SODA CHAMPIONS -The 1993 champions of the World Series of Off Road Racing were crowned at the gala, black tie awards banquet at the Olympia Resort in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin on January 22. An energetic crowd of more than 400 drivers, sponsors, SODA officials, race promoters and guests attended the year end festivities. The championship honors and awards were presented by SODA (Short Course Off.Road Drivers Association) President Terry Wolfe to drivers who competed in 17 classes in SODA's ten race series. · Todd Attig captured championships in Classes 1/2, 1-2-1600 and 9/ 10; Jim Wiggins in 2-1600; Gerald Foster in 3; Geoff Dorr in 4; Mike Brue in 5-1600; FayStatezny in6; Scott Taylor in 7S and8; Dan Baudoux in l lD and llS; Dan Vanden Heuvel in 13; Karen Christensen in Women's 11, Amy Haese in Women's Limited Buggy' Paula St. Peter in Women's Unlimited Buggy and Valerie James in Women's Heavy Metal class. The 1993 Pro Series Points Championship honors went to Scott Taylor in Classes 7 S and 8, Jack Flannery in Class 4 and Jeff St. Peter in Class 9110. This is the series in SODA of six races that are shown on ESPN. Mr. Wolfe also recognized the 1993 SODA Series sponsors. "We are very fortunate to be associated with such fine companies as Chevrolet, BFGoodrich and Optima Batteries" said Wolfe, "and we thank you for your support and dedication to the SODA Series". The evening culminated in the presentation of four special awards to people who, over the course of the racing season, demonstrated the highest level of professionalism, dedication and sportsmanship among their peers and the SODA organization. Scott Taylor was the recipient of the SODA Driver of the Year Award; Ed Schultz received the Sports Person of the Year Award; Valerie James won the Joe Plummer Rookie of the Year Award and, the Mel Freimuth 1993 Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Terry Wolfe. In his speech, Glenn Maddox, Motorsports Marketing Manager of Chevrolet, emphasized the importance of the SODA series to Chevrolet and pledged continued support. Maddox also expressed pride in Chevrolet drivers and teams. "One of the traits of all great Chevrolet drivers and teams is that no matter what happens on the race track, we all embrace when it's over.We shake hands, we are friends, we understand one another - be it Ford, Dodge - it doesn't matter. We are all racers at heart and we understand that. And that's extremely important -that sense of camaraderie, that sense of leadership. We are setting an example for all the young people coming up" concluded Mr. Maddox. The 1994 SODA racing season kicks off with the Chevrolet Memorial Day 100 race on May 28 and 29 in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. ATTENTION DUSTY TIMES CONTINGENCY RECIPIENTS-We were a little lax toward the end of 1993 in getting caught up and paying those racers who earned our small contingency prizes in the fall and early winter races. Well the one flower arrangement, live flowers, dumped over during the big earthquake on, you guessed it, the stack of our contingency notices we were going to pay in January and start anew in 1994. Of course, that wasn't all that caught the small amount of water but it did wipe out any legibility of to whom we owed money for what race. Now, if we owe you for a "last official finisher" prize please drop us a note so we can clear up these debts, small to be sure, but we would like to pay those deserving of the cash prize. In the future we plan to pay up as soon as we get the notice from the race organizer. Help us out so we won't feel guilty when you go by us while we are set up in contingency row. PARKER 400 TROPHY TRUCKS: It was a test of the grand experiment with the Trophy trucks and those that attended said it went off just fine, but there wasn't much action, and nobody passed anybody even in the mandatory pit stop for fuel and tires. Paul and Dave Simon took the big Ford to the victory and Rob MacCachren was about seven minutes back. in second driving his upgraded championship winning Class 8 Ford. Another seven minutes back Steve Kelley was third in a Jeep, followed in seven minutes by John Swift in the former Class 6 Ford Explorer. They seemed to finish in seven minute intervals as Keith Jackson was another seven minutes down in fifth, filling out the ranks from sixth to 11th were Larry Ragland, Walker Evans, Jim Smith, Scott Douglas, Ivan Stewart and Robby Gordon. The other two, Bob Richey and Danny Lemer did not complete a lap. Watch for the TV show! , (more TTail Notes on page 6) Dusty Times
1994 SCORE Nevada 400 Las Vegas, Nevada April 1-3, 1994 3rd Race of the SCORE Desert Championship Series PRO DIVISION - FEE SCHEDULE Entry Fee - Classes 1-10 ---------$450.00 Entry Fee - Classes 11, SF & SM --7-----------$300.00 lmurance Fee $165.00 1 Land Use Fee $75.00 SCORE Points Fund $25.00 **************************************** SCORE Membership Fee---------$75.00 The Pro Di.vision will compete for 50% of the entry fee, contingency awards and trophies. Only finishers qualify for a share of the cash purse TOYOTA THE OFFICIAL TRUCK OF SCORE INTERNATIONAL BFGaadricl'i _______ ,.,.~ nu Official nrt of SCORE lnttrnntionnl PUBLICITY RUN SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Fri.day. Marc_b 18 Publidty Run Rrgistration 7:00PM - 10:00PM ~ Gold Con,t Hott-I & C:1~ino Gnmcf R:1t1n,c,m Dra1t•lnf for Rnu Starting Po.<itions Q:OOPM Gold Coos! Hotel & c .. ino Grond Rnllroom Saturday, March 1_2 Lott Publldty R1111 Rtgistmtinn 7:00/\M Start/Fini,h Arca L•• Ve~•• Blvd. North - 6 miles ra,t N~lli• AFR (Arc• RnnJ exit offl-15) P11blic:ity Run Start 8:00/\M Slnrt/Fini,h Attn For Entry Forms and Additional Information Contact: SCORE lnternati.onal: Los Vegas Office 12997 Los Vegas Blvd. South Los Vegas, NV 89124 Tele#: (702) 361-5404 Fax#: (702) 361-5037 Los Angeles Office 31125 V'ra Colinas #908 w~stlaA:e Village, CA 91362 Tele#: (818) 889-9216 Fax #: (8111) 706-8833 lVliiJ l~ NIEl'Al. PAQOLJCTS INC l~HONDA. I n,.o,w.c.--~.SCOlll__,.,, • SPORTSMAN DIVISION - FEE SCHEDULE Total Fees-Classes 1-11, SF & SM------$295.00 **************************************** SCORE Membership Fee---------$75.00 The Sportsman Di.vision will compete only for contingency awards and trophies -no cash purse The drawing for starting positions will be held on Friday, March 18 at the Gold Coast Hotel & Casino, Las Vegas ~mnnflo~lf8nn OFF ROAD ~ LAJUU~'c..J MANUFACTURING SMITTY BI LT .. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Thursday, March 31 High Speed & Suspension Testing 1:00PM - 5:00PM Start/Finish Area Las Vegas Blvd. North - 6 miles past Nellis AFB (Apex Road exit off I-15) Registration 6:00PM - 9:00PM Gold Coast Hotel & Casino Grand Ballroom Friday, April 1 High Speed & Suspension Testing 8:00AM - 11:00AM & 1:00PM - 5:00PM Start/Finish Area Registration 9:00AM - 5:00PM Gold Coast Hotel & Casino Grand Ballroom Contingency Row 9:00AM - 5:00PM Gold Coast Hotel & Casino Parking Lot Pre-Race Tech Inspection 9:00AM - 5:00PM Gold Coast Hotel & Casino Parking Lot Mandatory Drivers Meeting 6:00PM Gold Coast Hotel & Casino Grand Ballroom Welcome Racers Cocktail. Party 6:45PM - 8:45PM Gold Coast Hotel & Casino Grand Ballroom - Hosted By Michael Gaughan Saturday, April 2 Late Registration & Tech Inspection 7:00AM Start/Finish Area Pro & Sportsman Start 8:00AM Start/Finish Area
COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719)531-3642 W /(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 COLORADO OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Bertram Productions Inc. 15073 Hwy 119 Route #4 Golden, CO 80403 ( 303) 936-5960 CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/ (214) 641-2090 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 March 26, 1994 Florida 400 Talahassee, FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES April 23, 1994 Buzz Bomb 150 El Centro, CA May 14-15, 1994 24 Hours Le Fud El Centro, CA June 25, 1994 Plaster City Blast El Centro, CA August 2 7, 1994 · Superstition 250 El Centro, CA October 29, 1994 Squeaky Springs Gran National El Centro, CA December 31, 1994 Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA Class Three Champion 1993-1990-1989 ATV, BIKE & DESERT SUPERLITE SCHEDULE March 13, 1994 Team Race El Centro, CA March 27, 1994 Attack Kamakize El Centro, CA May 8, 1994 Sweetheart's Kiss El Centro, CA July 3, 1994 T ankslappers Gran Prix El Centro, CA July 23, 1994 Mr. Patterson's Wild Ride El Centro, CA August 6, 1994 Night Team Race El Centro, CA September 18, 1994 Desert Sprint El Centro, CA October 9, 1994 Mudhen II El Centro, CA November 20, 1994 . Notorious Dawg El Centro, CA December 4, 1994 Rudolph's Revenge El Centro, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (714)880-1733 September 4, 1994 Car Enduro October 30, 1994 Car Enduro November 27, 1994 Car Enduro GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 . ( 404) 963-0252 March 26, 1994 Florida 400 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL April 24, 1994 Vienna, GA May 29, 1994 Vienna, GA ENDURO RACING Dan Smith Bronco Heavy Metal Champion 1993-1990-1989 June 26, 1994 Vienna, GA July 24, 1994 Vienna, GA August 21, 1994 Vienna, GA September 25, 1994 Vienna, GA October 23, 1994 Vienna,GA November 26, 1994 Thanksgiving 250 Vienna, GA December 3, 1994 Annual Banquet TBA GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA Mike Johnson, President 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 ( 402) 333-0517 Eve. (all races at Weslfair Fair Grounds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¾ mile course similar to the MTEG tracks, and run under class regulations from SODA) ROD HALL INVITATIONAL 5445 Equity Ave. Reno, NV 89502 (702) 856-3100 April 29-May 1, 1994 Reno/Pyramid 300 Reno,NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Harvey Wald (605) 224-6678 days (605) 224-5534 evenings IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( All a.oents staged at the club grounds in Cleties, Ohio) INTER-SHOWS . MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 ___ (.,_7_14-',)_364_-0_5_15 ___ 11:1Y' Baja 1000 Winner 1993-1992-1990-1989 Plus wins at Baja 500, Goldcoast, Fireworks 250, Parker 400, Nevada 400 (Mint), San Felipe 250, Nevada 500, and the Mojave 250. SOLD RACE READY WITH ''TONS" OF SPARES. FOR DETAILS CALL (909) 381-4088 $68,900 Page 6 March 1994 •ore Trail Notes ••• PARKER 400 First Report: There was a good turnout of racers for the Parker 400, about the same as last year, but the spectators were gone. The town was literally empty, as over the years racers have learned it is cheaper to get a group together and rent a mobile home up river than it is to try for a motel, some up over $70 a night for a room not much more than one ina Big 6. But the walking spectators were missing on Friday as the cars pushed through the contingency line. Usually these streets are quite congested, but in 1994 you could walk freely through the line, and race morning after the statt you could easily drive up Shea Road to the main pits, a hitherto impossibility. While the stands were doing a good business up and down the street, it was mostly race peoi,-,le, pit folks and family that were doing the buying. Proof that the town was empty was that you could walk into one of two downtown restaurants with a party of eight or nine and sit right down at 6 p.m. the night before the race. Guess more and more people are coming to places that tend to raise their prices to the roof on race weekend self contained. Then too the massive BLM presence last year and the proliferation of $100 tickets that they handed out, might have made more people think twice about exposing them~lves to that risk. The entry was about the same as in 1993 but the results were not. Ed and Tim Herbst won overall in the Chenowth/ Porsche 1 7 minutes ahead of brother Troy in the single seat Chepowth/ Porsche. 1-2 in Class 1 for the brothers Herbst, followed in by Bob Gordon in a solo drive in the Chenowth, and Pat Dean in another Chenowth Porsche in fourth. Bob Nolin and Todd Teuscher won Class 1-2-1600 over Kevin Davis and Adam Wik, and Tom and Frank Rustich were third. The truck classes was truly down on entry with the new rules, and Dick Sasser and Genaro Curiel won Class 3, a two rig class. There were no Class 4 vehicles at all. Neal and Michael Grabowski won the 7 Bug Class 5 by a goodly margin over Michael James/John Cooley and Conrad Diaz/ Luis Barraga and George Seeley. Scott and Earl McKinney won in their Jeep over the other Class 6 entry. And having it their way Charlie Watters. and Brian Goodrich won Class 5-1600, coming off their Baja 1000 win. Lee Patten and Greg Burgin were second a minute ahead of Carlos and Gerardo lribe. G;iry Mecham had the only Class 7 there and did not complete a lap. Class 7S held 10 trucks and Jason Cobb and Fred Blumengagen won top spot in a Ford. Joel Stankavich/Sam Goldsmith were second, Darren and Doug York third. Brian Stewart won ,Class 8 in a new Dodge, followed in by Jerry McDonald, Chevy, and Dale White, Chevy. Rick Poole and Michael Faulkner took Class 9 honors, followed by A.J. and Herman DeNunzio and Darnen and Casey Jefferies. Doug Fortin parked his fancy truck, and went solo in a Class 10 Chenowth and won the class. Also solo Tim McDonnell was second, followed by defending points champion Tom Schilling with John Marking co-driving. Eric Solorzano won Class 11 over Victor Barajas and Dave Hendrickson. It looks like Larry Carpenter won the Stock Mini truck class and Gordon DiCarlo won the full size stock class, but the results are a little mixed up. And, lest we forget Danny Hamel won Class 22 on a Kawasaki well ahead of Dan Ashcraft on a Honda. We'll have a full report complete with pictures next month on all the details of the Parker 400. WEATHERMAN REPORT - Racers, have you ever been helped by the Weatherman PCI Radio Relay voice when you have had trouble on the race course? We sure have been in the past when we were racing. Now we all have a chance to give back a little of that help to the race team, as Weatherman Jr. Scott Steinberger has a new Ford Ranger and is racing in Class 7S with Mark Martin, son of Steve Martin of the famed Martin Brothers Race team. They have product sponsors starting with BFGoodrich tires, Rancho Suspension, Ultra Wheels, Long Beach Spring, The Converter Shop, Transmission by Mogi, Baker Performance Products and batteries, Neo Synthetic oil lubricants, Parker Pumper filtered air systems, Bill Stroppe Motorsports for our engine and their vast knowledge of racing Fords, and PlAA is lighting the way. Making us look like winners will be Sign Tech and Dave Wachter will do the paint. But the team needs some people help for prep, pit and chase work. They are looking for clean cut, non-smoking, personable folks with a winning attitude. The pay stinks because there isn't any. Sometimes there is a hotel, most times it is just the floor space in the pit truck or motor home to toss a sleeping bag. The food is as good as you can afford and the hours are as long as you can stay awake. There are some perks though! Co-driving, T-shirts, great fun in the desert parties, discounts on helmets, driving suits and radios and being part of a first class winning effort. Come join us and enjoy the exciting world of off road racing in the desert. Interested? Call Scott Steinberger at ( 310) 4 2 7 -81 77. AN INTERESTING CONCEPT came in the mail from Elizabeth Wiley. She has founded a new club for women with a couple of friends, because they were tired of staying home when the "boys" didn't want us around.We found our own niches in four wheeling and have developed a logo, and have written to COR VA and Cal Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs to see what we do now that we are growing in numbers and other women have shown an interest. We decided to use our activities to raise money for charities. If we go to an event we go together since we feel it is not safe for us to be out in the wilderness alone. We do agree with the "boys" on that issue. Some of us are Hunter Safety certified, and we do take shotguns when we go way out in small groups. We decided safety was a big issue as well, and we stress having safety checks on vehicles at real four wheel places rather than the dealerships who expect you to stay on the highway and a few dirt roads. We are beginning work on a project that would raise money as well as educate people about four wheeling and wilderness safety. We hope to have the first one in San Gabriel and work with the Forestry Service, Quail Unlimited, Wild Turkey Foundation and Big Horn Sheep Conservancy as well as one or two dealers in Four Wheel vehicles and supplies to do this. We will be splitting the proceeds between the participating non-profit groups. Sounds like the ladies have a good thing going and you can contactthemat4W4W, P.O . Box 7211, La Verne, CA 91750-9998. ASWEPULL THE CURTAIN DOWN ON 1993, it was quite a year, full of changes and several date conflicts. Well the date conflict between the Anaheim Stadium Race, now on February 12, and Parker was resolved by the great Northridge earthquake that toppled the Big A that took out rows of seats as it fell from the top of the stadium. But 1993 was a safe year and 1994 is starting that way. We take this opportunity to thank our advertisers for their faithful support of Dusty Times through thick and thin, for without them there would be no publication. We also thank the many racers who offered assistance to us at Parker to help repair quake damage both at home and in the office, and we are so grateful for that support too. Off road racing is more than a race community, it is family for many of us who have spent years with the sport. Here is a toast to 1994, may it be without conflict and the races all be safe and sane. Cheers. Dusty Times
The Ultimate in Action Packed Racing! ---w>-=~ .~-·~ · STADIUM ~::~,.lr;J\-~ OFF-ROAD ) . t RACING ! CHEER SIX CLASSES TO SIX VICTORIES! . . . ·.· . . . ... . . • Grand National Sport Truck • Fou~ Wheel ATV • Sport Utility • Superlite • Super 1600 • UltraCross 250 cc Motorcycles The Kingdome SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1994 • 7:00 PM ONE NIGHT ONLYI For Tickets Call: TICK - · ~STE~ NOnT/-fWl=ST (206) 628-0888 SELECT PAY LESS DRUG STORE LOCATIONS * THE WHEREHOUSE DISC JOCKEY * TOWER RECORDS/VIDEO * BUDGET TAPES & DISCS PLUS VARIOUS INDEPENDENT LOCATIONS ALL TICKETS SUBJECTTO AGENCY CONVENIENCE CHARGE For Information Call: (800) 795-7708 Proudly sponsored by: ~YYOKOHAMA Am..e.rLc.a.n R.a.c!:!'-9 c:.u...l.om~ YAMAHA BOSCH -I -tt A ILO<IIIISTll Mi911t.
KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER · 4WDCLUB P.O. Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 Bob (604) 374-7175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves Keith (604) 828-1795 anytime ( All events start 7 miles NW of Kamloops) LA RANA DESERT RACING P.O. Box 1365 Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 240-1335/(619) 240-1312 March 4-6, 1994 Presidential 250 · Barstow, CA April 22-24, 1994 Spangler 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 17-19, 1994 Lucerne Valley Jam 250 Lucerne Valley, CA ' August 19-21, 1994 Johnson Valley 200 Lucerne Valley, CA October 14-16, 1994 California 200 Ridgecrest, CA November 18-20, 1994 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 July 23, 1994 Fowlerville, Ml July 31, 1994 Mason, Ml August 4, 1994 Sandusky, Ml August 9, 1994 Corunna, Ml August 11, 1994 Bad Axd, Ml August 14, 1994 Imlay City, Ml August 18, 1994 Cadillac, Ml August 24, 1994 PENDING August 25, 1994 Hudsonville, Ml August 27-28, 1994 Off-Road Nationals Fowlerville, Ml MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFFROAD STADIUM SERIES Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O . Box 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4100 February 12, 1994 Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, CA February 26, 1994 Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA March 12, 1994 Kingdome Seattle, WA June 18, 1994 Rice Stadium Salt Lake City, UT June 25, 1994 Arrowhead Stadium Kansas City, MO August 1994 (TBA) Pontiac Silverdome Detroit Ml Coming Next Month ••• Page 8 SCORE Parker 400 CRS Fenceline Rally FRT King of the Desert MTEG Anaheim, California ... Plus All The Regular Features Every other hotel • zsan also ran. 1-800-634-6755 Las Vegas, Nevada March 1994 October 1994 (TBA) Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV October 1994 (TBA) Mile High Stadium Denver, CO MTEG SPORTSMAN SERIES AT GLAN HELEN OHV PARK March 19-20, 1994 April 23-24, 1994 May 14-15, 1994 July 16-17, 1994 September 17-_18, 1994 October 22-23, 1994 MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION David Cronin, President. MAORA 2590 Mullanphy Florissant, MO 63031 (618) 765-2199 All events at Okaw Valley Campground Shelbyville, IL (Additional track dates may be added) NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION 11842 Jason Court Madera, CA 93638 (209) 486-45901(209) 266-5558 OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (913) 855-8899 April 9-10, 1994 Cars & Bikes El Paso, TX June 25-26, 1994 Cars & Bikes El Paso, TX November 5-6, 1994 Cars& Bikes El Paso, TX ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Jeff Sargent 1480 Lakeridge Rd. N Ajax, Ontario, Canada (416) 427-4782 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-32081(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O . Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 ( 303) 779-6622 ( tentatiue schedule) March 12-13, 1994 *Doo Wop II & IV Olympia, WA April 22-23, 1994 Wild West Rally Olympia, WA May 14-15, 1994 Rim of the World Palmdale, CA June 3-5, 1994 Susq"l!ehannock Trail Wellsboro, PA July 29-30, 1994 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ August 2 7-28, 1994 Ojibwe Forests Bemidji.MN September 23-24, 1994 Sunriser Forest Rally Chillicothe, Ohio October 22-23, 1994 Press On Regardless Houghton, MI December 2-3, 1994 Maine Forest Rally Rumford, ME * Indicates Divisional Rally with 6o percent National Points Dusty Times
SCORE Score International 3 I 125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 February 25-27, 1994 SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, B.C., MX April 1-3, 1994 SCORE Nevada 400 Las Vegas, NV June 3-5, 1994 SCORE Baja 500 Baja California, MX July 1-3, 1994 SCORE Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 9-11, 1994 SCORE Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV November 10-13, 1994 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, MX December 16, 1994 Awards Night Location TRA S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association El ice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 (714) 783-8293 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 March 25-2 7, 1994 Twilight 200 Eldorado Valley Boulder City, NV May 20-22, 1994 Caliente 250 Caliente, NV July 22-24, 1994 Midnight Special Nelson Hills, NV September 23-25, 1994 SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV October 28-30, 1994 Double Trouble 200 Helson Hills, NV December 2-4, 1994 Eldorado 250 Henderson, NV SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry \Volfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 ( 414) 453-SODA/( 414) 257-0422 May 28-30, 1994 Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva, WI June 11-12, 1994 Antigo Kiwanis Off Road Race Antigo, WI June 25-26, 1994 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI July 9-10, 1994 Fox Riverfest Challenge Luxemburg, WI July 23-24, 1994 UP Off Road 100 Bark River, MI August 6-7, 1994 Road America Elkhart Lake, WI August 20-21, 1994 Great Northern Challenge Lake Odessa, MI September 2-4, 1994 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 17-18, 1994 Wisconsin Off Road Festival Oshkosh, WI October 1-2, 1994 Blackhawk Farms Off Road Challenge So. Beloit, IL SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915)337-3437 All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa, TX Dusty Times TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (all etleT\ts at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owebo, NY) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W . Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 656-1122 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 March 19-20, 1994 Prairie City Season Opener Sacramento, CA April 16-17, 1994 Prairie City Spring Special Sacramento, CA May 28-30, 1994 Yerington/VORRA 400 Yerington, CA June 17-19, 1994 Virginia City 200 Virginia City, NV July 29-31, 1994 Fallon 250 at Night Fallon, NV September 3-5, 1994 Yerington to Fallon and Back Yerington, NV DURABLEND'S a remarkable new motor oil October 1-2, 1994 VORRA Fall Spectacular Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA October 29-30, 1994 1994 Championship Race Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Ron (Rocky) Weinstein, President Box 246 - 106 - 1656 Martin Dr. White Rock, B.C. V4A 6E7 (604) 582-3338 WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 Sumas, WA 98295 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85032 (602) 971 -3730 ( All etleT\ts at Thrasherland, I 17th Ave. & Glenda~ in Phoenix, AZ) WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTiV AL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 C:o. U.S. Hwy 45 Os!-:osh, WI 54901 (414)688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans know about your etleTlt, if they don't happen to be on your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 1994 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 2075 r Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-44o8. conventional motor oils. that's a unique combination of technically advanced synthetic oil and the highest quality conventional motor oil. With regular maintenance, Valvoline DURABLEND can help your car stay on the road for 100, 200, even 300,000 miles and more. ltl/yo//ne But (and this is a big but) it costs substantially less than other synthetic oils. Sound like the best of both worlds? A better oil at a lower price? Well you're right. So try new Valvoline DURABLEND. It's a motor oil whose time has come. PEOPLE WHO KNOW USE VALVOLINE® THE VALVOLINE COMPANY. A DIVISION OFASHLANO OIL, INC. = ®LEXINGTON, KY 40509 ©1993 -March 1994 Page 9 I
FRT DUNAWAY DASH Tim Allen Inds The Year In Front By Judy Smith Photos: C&C Race Photos Tim Allen celebrated New Years Eve by winning overall, again, at the Dunaway Dash, not only insuring his Class 10 points title by a bunch, but also having a bit of luck on the last lap. Tim Allen had plenty of reason · finished before they'd gone a full to celebrate on New Year's Eve, lap. Corky McMillin rolled his after winning the FRT Dunaway mid~engined A~armed UMP car Dash overall, and cinching the and broke a spring plate, and Rod season points in Class 10. Goodsell and Steve Scaroni broke This event, the last of the '93 the oil cooler mount on their Superstition Series, was sited on ORBS, and couldn't see the the western end of the Plaster City warning light on their dash. At the OHV area, and consisted of five front of the pack on their return it 30 mile laps on a course described was Reuben Woods in his Pinto as "rough" by many of the powered MECO, just five entrants. In the morning the bikes seconds in front of Vance Allen in and A TVs had their chance to his Baja Bug. But Allen finished race, and they churned things up the lap on a rear flat, and headed fair! y thorough! y, ensuring a for his pit. Scott McMillin, in a dustyraceforthecarsand trucks, Porsche powered two seat which started at noon. Chenowth, ran third. Then it was The Unlimited cars were first · Kirk McDaniel, who'd chosen to off the line for this go 'round, and race in this class in his Mini Mag, a couple of contenders were in fourth, and in fifth, the late Scott and Mark McMillin brought out one of the family Chenowth Porsche cars for their annual trip to Plaster City. Although dad Gorky rolled his mount, Scott and Mark ran second early and ended up winning Unlimited Class, 2nd 0 /A. starting team of Larry McCallum and Greg Sanden, in a Baja Bug. Woods continued to lead, and at the end oflap two he had nearly two minutes on McMillin who'd come up to second, with the fast lap for the class at 34:46. Then it was the Sanden/ McCall um car, on the same time as Ross Whitmoyer, in a Mazda powered Chaparral, and behind them. Mike Hart in his Hi Jumper, who was trying to drive conservatively, aiming for a finish, since he had the season points lead in the class. The day was surprisingly calm, and the heavy, hanging dust had some of these drivers frustrated as they tried to find their way around. · Wood disappeared on the third lap, and the McMillin car, with Mark now at the wheel, went into the lead. He had six minutes on Whitmoyer, who had never raced here before, and was feeling more familiar with the course each lap. In third it was Sanden and McCallum, with Hart in fourth and Vance Allen, who'd lost nearly 20 minutes on his second lap, in fifth place. Steve Sourapas was racing his Chenowth here also, but had got off to a bad start with a loose brake line, and things went from bad to worse, with stopped up fuel filters, and then an exhaust pipe that broke at the head, so he'd parked it. On the fourth lap McMillin whacked the side of the trestle as he ducked through it, and Bill Hernquist led Class 10 for four laps, almost five as he lost the front suspension in sight of the finish line, but the crew got him going for a second in class, third overall finish, just four minutes back. Scott Prell and Ken Stroud kept the Raceco in contention all the way, and had scant mechanical problems on their way to third in Class 10 in the Raceco. flattened a rear tire. It was only a Hernquist, in his Jimco, had no short distance to his pit, but he problems at all, and put himself lost a few moments. Whitmoyer into the lead. He had the overall was still second, with Vance Allen lead, also. In second in another third now, and Hart, whose clutch Jimco, it was Tim Allen, who was was slipping, in fourth, followed in his first full year of off road by Kurt Spiegelberg, in a driving, and his stock car racing Chenowth, in fifth. McCallum experience had not acclimated and Sanden had disappeared. him to the dust, which he was McMillin stayed out of trouble finding very troublesome. Steve on the last lap, and took the win, Wolcott had his Pontiac powered with Whitmoyer finishing in Raceco in third, followed by Ken second place, his back hurting Stroud in another Raceco. because some of his shocks had Hernquist, who hadn't prepped faded. In third it was Allen in the his car since racing th~ Baja 1000 Baja Bug, who earned Class 5 in November, managed to record points, and took the ClassS series the fast lap for the day, at 34: 15, championship, while racing for to open up his lead at the end of the purse in the unlimited group. lap two, to three minutes. Allen Hart nursed his car in for fourth held second place, and Wolcott place, and also got his season third, with Stroud still in fourth points championship, while place. McDaniel took fifth, and last, They continued in the same after a very long second lap, with order through the third lap, with repairs to a throttle cable. Hernquist now four minutes up The Class 10 cars were the on Allen. And Stroud was now second group to take the green another seven and a half minutes flag, and in this bunch the team of back, followed by Wolcott, Greg Symonds and Billy McCool, who'd been unhappy with the way in Symonds' Toyota powered his car handled when its 38 gallon Raceco, had fuel injection gas tank was full. None of the problems, and they broke twice others were running by now. on the first lap; once with Things went the same way for Symonds at the wheel, and then another lap, except that Scott with McCool driving. So they Prell took over for Stroud, and called it a day. Meanwhile, Bill he'd had to stop for a few minutes Ross Whitmoyer had a good day in the Mazda Chapparal, running second in the Unlimited Class almost all day, and he finished second in class, fifth 0 /A. Vance Allen bucks the odds running his Baja Bug in Unlimited Class, and he moved into third in class late in the race and stayed in third at the flag. Todd Teuscher and Rob Nolin had their Chenowth ready for the 1-1600 battle, but Todd rolled on lap 1, losing some time, but they finished second in class, tenth overall. Page 10 March 1994 Dusy Times
Phil Green, Todd Acosta and Mike Cohen combined in the 1-1600 Chenowth and despite Green hurting his back on his stint, they finished third in class. The Bill Pates, Jr. and Sr., had a good race in the Class 2-1600 Raceco, ran second all day, changed drivers and held second to the checkered flag. Ernie Silva and Scott Plunkett in the car they call Obsolete were third all the way, even with a driver change stop, in the 2-1600 tight competition. when he hurt his back. He later said, "I thought I was dyin'." Wolcott was less than two minutes behind him. Hernquist continued to lead for about 29 miles of the last lap, and then, within sight of the finish line he ground to a halt as his right front corner fell apart, apparently the result of a collision he'd had earlier in the day. While he and some crew members worked frantically to take the dragging wheel off the car, Allen went past, and took the checkered flag, and the overall win, as well as the ready to try again after their season points championship. rollover and fire in the previous Hernquist limped to the finish in race. But neither vehicle had a time for a second place, with good first lap, and, while Stiles Stroud and Prell in third, and was in front, he'd broken an axle, Wolcott in fourth place. and was manhandling the truck There wasn't much in the way around the course with a piece of of a big truck class at this event, wood holding things together. and it didn't last long, either. The officials told the team that Brady Stiles had Tony Alvarado's completing the one lap had Ford going at a good clip, with assured them of their seascn every intention of challenging for points win, so they decided to call the overall win, and Carlos Ibarra, it a day. both Senior and Junior, were back In the meantime, the Ibarras with their hastily repaired Ford, _ were sidelined with a bad coil, and when their crew got one out to them, it didn't work either. Finally, after two and a half hours, they completed their first lap, and headed out for their second. And, after an uncontested second lap, they had the class win for this event, so they also called it a day. There was only a pair of Class 8 trucks on hand, one had one lap but this Ford of Carlos Ibarra, Jr. & Sr., did two laps and they won the Class 8 title and the points. The one seat 1600 cars went next, and the points leader, Kevin Basore, in a Jimco, was in front when they came back around. One of his toughest challengers, Doug Halvin, in a Raceco, didn't get his first lap done, but Tom Watson and Mike Scaroni, in a Jimco, were close behind him, in second place. Todd Teuscher had his Chenowth in third place, after rolling when he hit a ditch in the dust. He'd needed help from spectators to get upright again. Todd Acosta was fourth in Phil Green's Chenowth, and that's all there were. At the end of the second lap Basore had a little over three minutes, and it was still Watson and Scaroni in second place. Teuscher was third still, with Acosta only 11 seconds in back of him. On the third lap Basore ticked off the fast lap for the dass at 3 7 minutes flat, and now he had five and a half minutes on Watson and Scaroni. Acosta was still third, followed by Teuscher, who'd got his second wind, and was closing up. Basore, who didn't even have to stop for gas, stayed in front, with Watson and Scaroni following, now 11 minutes back, at the end of lap four. And Teuscher had moved to third place, while Acosta made a driver change, putting Phil Green into the car, and he was now fourth. Basore had no problems at all, but said he was "used up" at the finish line, after taking the win, his sixth in a series of six events, and the~ Kevin Basore soars over this chunk of desert that he knows very well, and he held a slim lead in Class 1-1600 for a few laps, others had trouble, he made no stops and won the class by 20 minutes at fourth overall in the Jimco. NEWPFi'ODUCT: ROD END ADAPTORS AXLES. SPRING PLATES. PREDRILLED CV BOLTS Mike and Jim Abatti had their Raceco flying, taking the lead in Class 2-1600 on the first lap, scored class fast lap on the third round, and they won by 11 minutes, won the points championship too, and were seventh overall. DustyTirnes !ifti1:i!iitJ~f r l~~;.'i:~: ~;::i~~i:r!Z:~n:-7cm TOOLS . ..... • NE:WPRODUCJ"S IN DEVELOPMENT• SCORE&LARANACONTINGENCYSPONSOR D.G. RACING FEX PERFORMANCE 708 W. Mill, Unit M 1098 Stockton Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92410 San Jose, CA 95110 (909) 885-5226 (408) 295-0707 JIMCO ----LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING SUSPENSIONS UNUMTED 1345 Dynamics, Unn D Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 996-6260 DJ TRANSAXLES 10623 Blackfoot Road Apple Valley, CA 92308 (619) 240-3930 HOTLINE AUTOMOTIVE 6951 ldlewylde Circle Mebourne, FL 32904 (407) 724-1270 T.U.F. OFFROAD 3255 E. Coumbia Tucson, AZ. 85714 (602) 294-3511 RACING PRODUCTS 10965 Hartley Road, Suite R Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1743 825 N. Glendora Avenue Covina, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 OFFROAD BUGGY SUPPLY 2525 E. 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365 (602) 783-6265 DENUNZIO RACING PRODUCTS P .0. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 (805) 683-1211 J. PENHALL FABRICATIONS 1660 Babcock, Bldg. B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 650-3035 March 1994 Page 11
Roaring out of a ditch, John Brindel/ also drove alone in his Class 5-1600 Baja Bug, in his second race, and he ran steady and was a close second in class. Mike Thurlow and Rick Ellison stayed close to the front all day in their tidy Mini Mag, led lap 2 but dropped to second at the Mini Mag finish line. Bill Gill drove alone in his good looking Funco on familiar ground, and he had no apparent trouble flying around and took second in Class 100. Bob Snaith and Chris Harrold survived a pre-run rollover by Harrold and Snaith drove all the laps in the tidy 5-1600 to win the class by a skinny 25 seconds and finish 15th overall. ~ season points champion~ ship. Teuscher had put Rob Nolin in for the last lap, and the team moved up to second place as Watson and Scaroni disappeared. Green ran into trouble when his throttle stuck, and he hit a ditch way too hard, grievously hurting his back. Nearby stood Mike • Cohen, who was signed on another car, and he quickly suited up and hopped in to bring Green and Acosta's car to the finish line in third place. family, with Bill, Jr., at the wheel of their Raceco for the first three laps. In third it was Scott Plunkett, in the Obsolete chassis, and the other two entries in the class had bombed out on the first · lap. The Chenowth of Don Myers and Anthony Baker disappeared without a trace, and the tandem Raceco that Gary and B.J. Bates were driving quit at about seven miles into the race with a big hole in a piston. The next group to go was the two seat 1600s, and at the end of the first lap it was Mike Abatti in front, his Raceco just a little over a minute in front of the Pate Abatti held the lead, and at the end of two laps had 58 seconds on the Pates, while Plunkett held on to third, about-four minutes back. On the third lap Abatti scored the class fast lap, at 39:34, and his FRT DUNAWAY DASH RESULTS - December 31, 1993 # Pos Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Time 0/A Claaa Open. Unllmlted Single &Twoaeat -13 start -5 finish 111 1 Scott and Mark McMillin Chenowth/Porsche 106 2 Ross Whitmoyer Mazda Chaparral 101 3 Vance Allen Baja Bug 102 4 Mike Hart Hi JufTl)&r 129 5 Kirk McDaniel Mini Mag Claaa 1-1600 - 1600cc Restricted Engine -5 start - 3 finish 1602 1 Kevin Basore Jimco 1600 2 Todd Teuscher/Rob Nolin Chenowth 1649 3 Phil Green/Todd Acosta/Mike Cohen Chenowth Claaa 2-1600 -1600 Restricted Engine - 5 start-3 finish 1650 1 James & M Ike Abatti Raceco 1651 2 Bill Pate, Jr. & Sr. Raceco 1654 3 Ernie Silva/Scott PlunketVD Woodward Obsolete Claaa Mini Mag - 4 start - 3 finish 1299 1 Chris Garrett Mini Mag 1250 2 Mike Thurlow/Rick Ellison Mini Mag 1201 3 Yoshi Ogasawara Mini Mag Claaa 5-1600 - 1600cc Baja Bug - 4 start - 2 finish 551 1 Bob Snaith/Chris Harrold Baja Bug 599 2 John Brindel! Baja Bug Claaa 7 - Unlimited Mini Pickup - 4 start - 1 finish · 711 1 Scott Young/Mike Smith Ford Claaa 8 • 2WD Standard Pickup - 2 start - 0 finish 801 1 Carlos Ibarra. Sr. & Jr. Ford (2 laps) Claaa 9 - 1600 cc Restricted Buggy -11 start - 8 llnlah 900 1 Larry Kern/Mike Pfankkuch Rayco 906 2 Kevin Graves Jimco 907 3 Ray Miller/Dennis Daniels Chenowth 914 4 Jack Hettinger/Steve Reynolds Funco 902 5 Dave Dietrich Jimco Claaa 10 - Unlimited 1650cc • 7 start - 4 finish 1003 ·1 Tim Allen Jimco 1001 1004 1020 4 99 2 Bill Hemquist 3 Scott PrelVKen Stroud Jimco Raceco 4 Steve Wolcott Pontiac /Jimco Claaa 100 • 100 Inch WB Buggies - 5 start • 2 finish 1 Richard Green /Dan Lewis Sandhawk 2 BillGill Funco • Denotes overall winner Total starters - 59 - total finishers - 30 Course 5 laps of a 30 mile route - Weather: warm, sunny and dry. Page 11 3:06:49 3:18:01 3:28:26 3:37:39 4:49:58 3:08:08 3:28:15 3:53:38 3:21 :24 3:32:54 3:47:47 3:32:53 3:39:53 5:51:57 3:38:24 3:38:49 4:32:08 3:28:44 3:57:23 3:59:38 4:01 :26 4:18:10 4:28:02 3:03:10· 3:07:27 3:22:23 3:24:11 3:43:31 3:46:00 2 5 11 14 21 4 10 22 7 13 20 12 17 29 15 16 28 23 24 25 26 27 1 3 8 9 18 19 The Mini Mags were out in force and the lead changed hands every other lap. But leading where it counted at the checkered flag was Chris Garrett who took that lead late in the game and held it. for just his second time, while the team of Robert, Ruben and Mario Gutierrez ran third, not liking the way they had their suspension set up. Snaith settled in to a steady pace and stayed in front, with Brindell firm in second place. Brindell was at something of a disadvantage, since his race trans had broken on Thursday, during testing, and he'd had to install a transmission from a Class 5 car, which gave him the wrong gearing, and a fourth gear that was literally not usable on this course. The Gutierrez team kept moving along also, in third. They ran in the same order through the remainder of the race, and Snaith took the win, and, with it, the season points. Brindell finished second, and the Gutierrez team expected to finish third, but when last seen, Robert and Ruben were still at the finish line, wondering what had happened to Mario. He'd been seen on the last leg, but never got to the checkered flag. The Mini Mag folks took off into the desert next, and Frank and Steve Bristing had the early lead, and the quick lap for the group, at 41: 11. Rick Ellison ran second, Chris Garrett was third, less than a minute later, and Yoshi Ogasawara was fourth, just 19 seconds later. But at the end of the second lap it was Ellison in the lead, Garrett second, and the · Richard Green and Dan Lewis brought out the Class 100 Sandhawk, were in Bristings third, while Ogasawara and out of the lead, despite a flat, but they came back fast enough to win the spent over an hour making some _c_la_s_s_b.c..y_j_u_s_t _2_½_m_in_u_t_es_,_a_n_d_w_in_t_h_e_c_la_ss_s_ea_s_o_n_p_o_in_t_s _ti_tl_e. ______ , time consuming repairs. lead increased to two minutes, with Pate still second, and Plunkett's co-driver, Ernie Silva, now at the wheel, and in third, still. Abatti continued to charge, while the Pates made a driver change, putting Bill, Sr. in for the last two laps, and at the end of the fourth lap the Abatti car was nearly nine minutes in the lead. Silva still ran third, but they'd had to weld up the front end, and he'd been driving conservatively, not suce the welds would hold. On the last lap, Mike Abatti put his brother, Jim, into the car, and he continued at the same kind of pace, to take the win for the team, and the season points champion-ship. The Pates, who'd lost time when a teflon coating on their throttle cable had slipped and caused a sticky throttle, finished second, very pleased with the results of their first full year in racing. Plunkett and Silva put Dave Woodward in for the last lap in their car, and he decided not to worry about the welded front end, and ran hard, but couldn't make up the lost time. The team still had a nice third place for their scrapbook. The 5-1600s were next off the March 1994 line, and Bob Snaith immediately went out and recorded the class fast lap, at 41 :54, to take the lead. Snaith did things a little different~ ly this time, and started out with a crumpled car, thanks to his co-d river, Chris Harrold, who'd been out testing the day before and had rolled over. Harrold hadn't enjoyed the experience, and still feeling a bit shaken, had decided to let Snaith have all the f~n on race day. In second behind Snaith was ohn Brindell, racin At the end of the third lap things had changed again, and it was now Garrett in front, Ellison second and the Bristings third, with Ogasawara a distant fourth. Garrett then led to the finish line, his only stop being one quick fuel dump, and took the win by seven minutes. Ellison drove all but the last several miles of the fifth lap, when he handed over to Mike Thurlow, to keep the entry legal, and they were second, .followed in two hours later by Larry Kern and Mike Pfankuch have an odd looking body on their Class 9 car, but looks are not everything, and the boys went fast into second in the Rayco, and took the lead late in the game and won Class 9 by two minutes. Dusty Times
Kevin Graves led the majority of the race in Class 9, but sad to say his Jimco lost a wheel, it broke, just before the finish line, and he was second. Ray Miller and Dennis Daniels had a good run, in 1hird in Class 9, and they finished third in the Chenowth to win the season points championship. Scott Young and Mike Smith outlasted three other srarters in small trucks and they were the only finisher in Class 7, the winner in their Ford Ranger. Ogasawara in third, as the Bristings faded on the last lap. In Class 100, which was next to take off, the first lap leader was Richard Green, in a Sandhawk. He had about43 seconds on Dave Bonner and Mike Hawley in their Chenowth, and they were a minute and 12 seconds in front of Bill Gill in his Funco. Ken and Bob Hargrove, in another Funco, were fourth, 20 seconds later. Bonner and Hawley moved into the lead on the second lap, with 45 seconds on Green, who was now three minutes and a little more up on Gill. The Hargroves had dropped out. On the third lap things changed again, and, while Bonner and Hawley continued to lead, Gill moved into second, as Green and Lewis dropped back to third, with a rear flat. But then Bonner and Hawley disappeared. Dan Lewis took over for Green, and his first lap was the fast lap for the class, at 39:53, moving him back in front of Gill by a minute and five seconds. His luck held, and he had a good last lap also, giving the team the win and the class season points. Gill was second, only two and a half minutes later, and none of the others finished. Class 9 was a big group, and Kevin Graves put his foot in it and zipped off the fast lap for the class, at 43:07, to take the early lead in his Jimco. Larry Kern ran second in his Rayco, over two minutes back, followed by Todd Johnson, in a MECO, and then Mike Stroh, in his Suspensions Unlimited car in fourth. In fifth place fr was Dennis Daniels in a Chenowth. Graves had just under four minutes on Kern at the end of lap two, and Johnson was still third, followed by Stroh and then Daniels, still running fifth. The third lap was a bit different, though Graves still led. Mike Pfankuch had taken over for Kern, and he was second, now five minutes back. In third it was Stroh, as Johnson broke his car, and that moved Ray Miller, who'd taken over for Daniels, into fourth. They were fighting with a coil wire that kept breaking. Jack Hettinger and Steve Reynolds, in a Funco, were now up to fifth place. Graves was driving the whole distance, and his only problem so far had been a flat. At the end of the fourth lap he was eight minutes in front, and Pfankuch still held second, followed by Miller, who'd moved up a position as Stroh lost some time. Stroh was now fourth, with Hettinger and Reynolds still fifth. Graves looked like a sure fire win, but as he headed for the last stretch his car suddenly settled out and his rear wheel went past him, in two pieces. While he waited for his crew to bring out a spare, the Kern and Pfankuch team motored on in to the checkered flag. Graves got back together in time to salvage second place, and Miller, who was third, only a minute and 48 seconds later, took the season points win. Hettiiiger and Reynolds moved extra long lap, and never came up to finish fourth. · around again. But Smith and Class 7 was the final group to Young went on to finish all five start, and Richie Valencia and his laps, to take the win. Valenci.1 Toyota came around first, in the won the class season points. quick time of 45:27, with a good The racing was all over just lead. In second place it was Scott after dark, with the official cut off Young and Mike Smith in their time at 6 p.m. Post race tech went Ford, which already had an smoothly, and there were no overheating problem. They'd conflictsorproteststobehandled blown their race motor while by the officials. With the racing testing about a week before the done, and the racers all back in race, and were running with a their pits, it was time to light the junkyard motor they'd installed camp fires and settle in to as a replacement. In third it was celebrate New Year's Eve. Terry and Scott Brown in their In deference to the celebrants, Ford, and Jim Patelli and Craig the FRT folks set up their pre Comer had reportedly performed . awards breakfast an hour later on a spectacular endo in their Blazer, Saturday, serving fruit, dough-which slowed their firstlap a great nuts and hard boiled eggs, along deal-They did get around once, with Fud's Bloody Marys and looking very crumpled, but that's orange juice at nine a.m. all. The FRT 1993 Superstition On the second lap Valencia put series closed the year on a bright an end to his race by rolling the note, with a great weekend of Toyota, and that left it to the two racing and off road fun. Their Fords. Smith and Young werre 12 1994 season starts on .February minutes in front at the end oflap 12th, with the double roint~ King two, and then the Browns had an of the Desert .:vent. 02cmd (J2 ., Would like to thank our sponsors. for our PIT SUPPORT Ron Ellison OWNERS/DRIVERS Mike Thurlow '93 * * * * * * * Dusty Times Class C~ampionship Shin Produce Horizon Marketing Silvas Oil Company, Inc. Dinuba House Movers Jim's Body Shop Dinuba Auto Clinic Smith Auto Parts Gary Hadley Rich MacQuarrie James Garrison March 1994 Rick Ellison MARKETING Al Michaelson Page 13
Benny Perry, left, received the runner-up honors in the Sports Class of Buggies embracing B.D. Callaway, who won the class and was the M.C. too. Darla Peugh handed Steve Dutton his award for third place overall in the Super Challenger Class at Bad Dogs Off Road Showdown. The "Bad Dog Crew", without whom there would be no races, posed as a group. Each worker received jackets and awards for all their support throughout the racing season. The 1993 Bad Dog's Off Road Showdown Awards Banquet was held on December 11, 1993, to acknowledge all the overall winners of this past year's racing series. We congratulate them all, so we have listed deep in the larger classes. Of course the Bad Dogs open their season at Cleburne, TX this month, on March 20, so if you are in the area, drop in to race or watch. It is a lot of fun. Barry Don Callaway won the Sportsman car class at 175 points after a season long battle with lad Dogs Benny Perry who was second at 162. Don Westman got third in class at 144 points. Mark Rogers earned 124 points and Greg Durman was fifth at 116 points. In the Super Challenger Class Jerry Daigle· won at 167 points, followed by a close battle with. John Myers at 131 points and Steve Dutton at 129. Rod Taylor won both the Class 1 Mud Drags and the Class 1 Mud Bogs. Pete Lauritsen was second in Mud Drags Class 1. David Modlin won Mud Bogs Class 2 while Chris Boulet won Mud Drags Class 2 with 145 points over Johnny Mask 108, John Pritchett 91, and Rod Taylor 77. Pro A TV honors went to Bobby Parr, 169 points, over Paul Audet at 104. The Odyssey,Pilot honors went to Tim Silence at 189 points, followed by John Myers, 131 and Tim Lee at 105. The AMA A TV title went to Chad Smith, 149 points, trailed by Rick Townsend, 13 7, Ed De Tavernier, 116, Adam Sins, 110 and Henry Castro, 105. 01' Joint Ji er •••••••••••••••••••• ••• RTN*1000 "'"' et "11tflS 'flJ1101C al,e Wil P.O. Kansas Phone (913) 788-3219 FAX (913) 788 9682 All credit cards or COD/UPS orders OK * CNC machined aluminum and steel construction that looks as good as it works * Easily adjusts in single degree increments to 45 degree angle notches * Notch any round tubing up to 2" OD in less than 30 seconds * Automatic round tube centering and alignment * Uses inexpensive "BIMETAL" hole saws (under $10) * ·Power vertical with a drill press or horizontal with any 1/2" hand drill Complete RTN 1000 fixture includin a wrench to adjust quadrant angle and easy cutter removal We also offer a steel model RTN 100 with most of the same features Freight and all handling charges are included in the lower 48 states -WARNINGII Inferior imitations are in the marketplace 11 Buy the fixture with the moneyback guarantee • Page 14 March 1994 Jay King topped the non, and the popular Pee Wee Class current MX bikers with 80 points title went to Cody Don Callaway over John Newman at 60, just a at 170 points over Chance Berg, point ahead ofJason Kirk. Bobby 146, Scott W ennerstrom Jr., 134, Lucas won the Vintage Masters Eric Campbell, 69, Ben Sorenson and Alan Davis took the Vintage Jr., 56, Ryan Miller, 38, Scott Int. title. The Vintage AMA Cadieux, 28, Robby Shinn, 22, honors went to Rick Denney at Adam Reson, 17, Jennifer De · 117 points over Don Kraft at 105, Tavernier, 13. · ; Bobby Parr took home the cash in the Pro A TV Division for earning the top points in that category and also had a good time at the Bad Dogs Off Road Showdown Awards Banquet. The "Sarge" Bobby Lucas received his award for first in the Vintage Masters division and a plaque for the T. V.R.C. from B.D. Callaway, left, as well. Tim Silence took the overall class win and "Driver ot'the Year Award" for his efforts in the Odyssey/Pilot Class. B.D. Callaway, right, congratulates Tim on his victory. Dusty Times
LA RANA DESERT RACING Bob Miller Wins The New Years 100 At Barstow Overall l3y Carol Clark 1 Bob Miller said before the race he was going for the overall, and he wasn't kidding. His four laps were within two minutes of each other, and he swept into the overall victory by 11 minutes, having no trouble at all on the way. This was indeed a beautiful day names and very few racers. I did for racing. The sky was bright get flagged down by old friends blue and the sun was out and Tom and Jeff Bohla. Jeff was smiling down on the racing starting the race and I think this is community in the beautiful the first or second race he has Mojave Desert. The race was tried since he got his hand almost about a half hour late in getting cut off at work. He did lose a started, with last minute officials finger and the rest of his hand has getting set up and getting their some severe tendon and nerve equipment and radios up and damage for which he has to have operating. When all was ready therapy regularly. The good news and the green flag dropped, there is that the way the fingers are bent, were a total of88 racers out of91 they just fit around a steering entries who took off in 30 second wheel, so Jeff was going to give it a intervals. shot and see just how much he I was able to walk amongst the could take. I wished them luck racers while they were in the and that was the lastl saw of them staging area prior to the start of ·for the day. They got in two~3 the race. I must say it was a very hour plus, laps, so I know they strange feeling, it almost felt like I were not too happy. I just never was at a race in another state or found out what happened to something. I recognized very few them. Truck racing may have gained a convert at this race as Larry Roese/er tried four wheels instead of two and drove two laps in Curt LeDuc's Class 8 winning Ford and this odd couple also finished fourth overall. ~ P1wtos: T rackside P1wto Inc. I also ran into Bob Miller, who has been known to win a race or two in his day and I asked him if he was going for the overall and he said yes, "If all goes the way I have it planned, I'll take the overall". Guess what, he did! Bob brought his Class 10 race car across the finish line in a total time of 4:46:31. He was very pleased with himself and very grateful to all who helped him get this win. He was especially grateful to Bob Bower of BF Goodrich Tires for telling him what tire to run. He had had a different type of tire on the car at the last race and had 4 or 5 flats. He knew some of the mistakes he had made at the last race and he said that besides having the wrong tire, he had too cocky of an attitude and that doomed that race even though he did finish in the top ten, it just wasn't a good clean race. Bob had a real special thanks for his crew chief, Gene, who "worked his ~ Brad Inch turned in a great race, winning Class 1-2-1600 by about 12 minutes, a big margin in that class. He lost the exhaust but that was his only trouble en route to a 1<een second overall in the race. ass" off to get the car ready for ""-M • _ this race. He had one stop all day Jim Tucker and Mike McGee whipped their Raceco over the tundra to a fine and that was for gas. The rest of second in Class 10 and they also finished a swift third overall too. the day all he had to do was aim ~ the car and follow the course off the line. markings. He says that since he The second place overall and started the New Year off so good first in Class 1600 was Brad Inch, maybe his wife will let him run the Lothringer, who has been around whole series if he takes her on a off road racing for a long time and little vacation to some place really just hasn't had a real good run of nice. Stay tuned, we'll see if she luck lately. He finished just about goes for it, come on Mrs. Miller, 10 minutes behind Miller. He was Bob has a lot of fans out here that very happy with his finishing would like to see him take the position and said that the only overall for the year. He also thing that went wrong for him all wanted to thank his chiropractor day was he broke his exhaust for getting his back into shape for during the race and that was about this race too. His last thank you it. He wanted to thank Eddie for was to Eddie Castro for letting the great rocky course, he loved it. him use the scales to weigh his car His other thank yous went out to before the race so he could fine Lothringer, Wiks, Transaxle tune his suspension before going Engineering and C.O.R.E. The eventual winner in Class 1, John De Vito in his Chevy, pulls up a typical Barstow trail loaded with sharp inclines, and after first lap trouble, the Chevy ran well to the checkered flag. Jim Tucker took third overall and second in Class 10. He says he got beat by 13 minutes, but he did have a few minor problems like a broken shock, broken exhaust and a bent right front wheel, so he figured if all of the above did not occur, he would have had a real chance at the overall because the car ran flawlessly. He did say that he would like a little less dust next time. Our fourth place finisher and first in Class 8 was the team of Curt LeDuc and nearly world famous motorcycle racer, Larry Roeseler. Curt started the race and averaged about 1:11:22 per lap and said he had no troubles at all. His Goodyear Rambo Tires did a magnificent job and he wanted to also thank Shell Truck Guard for their help. This was Larry's first time in a 4 wheel vehicle and he was really impressed; he and Curt traded seats at the beginning of the third lap and Larry said this kind of a ride is a totally different experience and he was really impressed. He did say however that he really was tempted to take the motorcycle trails and had to keep reminding himself that he wasn't on a bike. Having that big truck body around you and all the protection of the cage in the truck is just amazing. He says he really . thinks he could learn to like this ,,.,. Steve McMullin and Tom Craig had a fine drive in the desert in the Mateo 2 seater, and they placed it second in Class 1-2-1600 and also fifth overall. Jim Joyce and Drew Keys had some delay on the second lap, about ten minutes worth, but they carried on in the Raceco to take third in Class 1-2-1600, 6th 0 /A. Ron Stobaugh and Dave Rittenhouse were second in Class 1 over 40 minutes back with big problems on the last lap, but they finished, second in class. Page 16 March 1994 Dusty Times
Steve Houston was the only entry in Class 2, but he dutifully covered three of the four laps after using an extra hour to fix the Raceco on lap 1. Michael Nix drove all the way to victory in his Class 5 Baja Bug and he turned most consistent .lap times, and went so fast he won by well over an hour and finished a smart ninth overall. anything to do with racing, but I am just crazy about babies. This little beauty's name is Ashley and she was right there along with her Mom to see Grandpa take that winning checkered flag. Mike said that Tom Moessner passed them and left tire marks on the side of the car. They had no problems, everything went real smooth and they just picked off the cars one at a time. They did, however, run through a pit that wasn't supposed to be there. I had heard something about that on the radio and I guess the officials were having a hard time convincing this particular group to relocate. Perhaps they got the message after Jim flew through. They had one . pit stop and that was for fuel. Out . on the course they did plow into the rear of a 1600 car that was stopped in front of them and they hit the binders but could not stop fast enough; for this they are sorry. Mike attributes their tremendous good luck to Jim's driving skills and his ability to read the desert so well, especially Barstow and Lucerne, since they are in his back yard. kind ofracing. Maybe we can look · . and adjusting the torsion bars a forward to this dynamic duo for couple of times. On race day they the entire series, whadda ya say continued to have problems with guys??? With this being Larry's the suspension, so they stopped a firsttimeinacarortruckinanoff couple of times for gas and road race, his times are pretty torsion bar adjµstments. They impressive, his first lap behind the said the course was really rough wheel was 1 :23:37 and his second and dusty but they really enjoyed was 1:22:44, I'm impressed. winning. On the first lap, they Steve McMullin was right on passed Reider and then Reider LeDuc and Roeseler's tail pipe. stopped to pit at pit area C and He missed fourth place by just 10 they never saw him again, nor seconds, but he did take fifth anyone else in their class again for overall and second place in Class that matter. 1600. You really don't get a whole In Class 10, Larry lot closer than that. He would have gotten an easy fourth, but had a flat on the second lap and his rear suspension took off on him so had to stop again and get it tightened up enough to make the car controllable again. The rest of the day he says he spent chasing Brad. Steve took the last two laps and Tom Craig took the first two. finished third in class and 12th overall. He said it was rough and spine tingling. They thought they had some clutch problems, but after stopping to get things checked out, they could find nothing wrong, so the pit crew sent them on their way. Larry drove the entire race by himself and said he was real glad to see that checkered flag, cuz he was flat pooped. He had a good day and was very happy with their finish. In Class 9, ever faithful and ever winning Jim ements took Hot on his tail was the sixth overall finisher, Jim Joyce and co~ driver Drew Keys, they came in about 58 seconds behind the McMullin car. They took third place in Class 1600 and were pretty happy considering they decided to race at the last minute, and praised FAT for a great engine. They got their last minute ·problems worked out and paid their entry fee and went racing. They got lost on lap #2 and Lee Patten, with Bob Roper and Greg Bergin co-driving did a number on the Class 5-1600 racers, winning the class by over an hour with lap times only a couple minutes apart, and he finished 14th overall. figured that cost them about five minutes. They were really looking for a win like they got at this very race last year. Jim said it was real dusty and kind of hard to pass some of the big trucks because of the dust. Their overall finishing position was sixth. -Since there were so many 1600's, they were coming in faster than I could keep track. Fourth place in Class 1600 and 7th overall was the team of John Prosser and Craig Forrest. Craig took the first lap and then climbed into his persona[ vehicle and headed for Paso Robles for some important function. He did not have a real easy time of it on his one lap. He lost his clutch and master cylinder on his lap, quite a bit of down time required to make these repairs. When John got in the air cleaner came off and a return spring broke, I don't know spring to what, but they had to stop to get that fixed too. After that, things seemed to go pretty smooth. They didn't have any flats, butthey did wear out a set of Yokohama tires and may switch brands since Yokohama is not paying contingency this year. In Class 500, Mike Nix took the first place honors and 9th overall. He was testing on Friday and broke a torsion bar about a mile into the test track, so they replaced it and continued testing Dusty Times Barry Bates and Mike Parnell were the only finisher, four laps in the Chevy in Class 6, with two fast laps to start with, and they slowed a tad on the final two, winning the class at a keen 13th overall. Bill Driggs was the only starter in Class 7, but he did a good 1 :40 first lap, then had troubles and a pair of two hour plus laps, but still won the Class 7 honors. March 1994 ·. first place out of 29 entries. He does not like to be interviewed so he turned things over to Mike (did not get a last name). Mike said that Jim drove the whole thing this time and I got to meet his 6 month old granddaughter who is pretty as a picture; she even has grandpa's cute little fat cneeks and big beautiful brown eyes and eyelashes that are going to drive little boys crazy. I know this doesn't have Second place in Class 9 went to a former ~ This is the i;ystem run by most oft road race winners TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME JEEP STRAIGHT 6 "NEW SUMMER SPECIAL CHROME" -• ................ ;._. ------• I 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 17
Wayne Camarano and Adam Ostlund got their 5-1600 Bug home second in class with most consistent lap times and no big problems in the tidy Baja Bug. Another Barstow driver Tom Mattingly, with Joel Stankavich helping out on the driving, got the Brut home second in Class 9, a minute behind and 11th 0 /A. Despite some electrical troubles that cost time on the first lap Kathy Fay got her Ford Ranger home second in Class 15, a finisher at last in this class. didn't have any unforseen problems. He won the last race Class 9 was the biggest one at this event, but the result was familiar as Barstow's own Jim Clements drove his Clemco steadily up the ranks to not only win Class 9 but finish tenth overall. and says he plans on winning them all. His co-driver showed up three hours late for the race, but he did show and Lee was glad to see him. He wanted to give special thanks to " Chief Peaches" , his# 1 man for all the great work in the pits. He says he rolled the car on the third lap and some spectators got the car upright and sent him on his way after a quick check to see that there was nothing broken. These people came from nowhere and flipped him over immed-iately. His total down time was Bob and John Beyer had a great run, no troubles to speak of in their Ford, and probably all of two minutes. they won the CJ ss 15 which is for mini trucks, a two lap run for the glory and The third place finisher in Class the cash. ~ Barstownian, Tom racing still feels good after all ---------------------------- 9 was Stan Hignett and Brian Comp Racing and John De Vito. trucks. Sallee. They said they just had a He had a pretty good day in spite In Class 5-1600 or 550, Lee flawless day, the car ran real well of losing his rear brakes on the Patten was our first place finisher on this very rough course and 3rd lap and two rear leaf springs, out of 9 entries. He says he passed they just wanted to thank all those but that evidently happened on them all in the first 50 miles and that made this finish possible and the last lap so the ride was deliberately requested a rear start they are: Willies Off Road, DJ tolerable, knowing it would soon so he could put the notches on his T ransaxles, Reid Pro and also be over. They did combine with gun as he went by. He said he hid Rick Johnson for the front arm the big trucks for the money since the car all prepped and ready to go ( trailing arm I assume). They also there were only two Class 6 right after the last race,. so he wanted to thank La Rana for Mattingly, who says he hasn't these years. raced in a year. Tom says that a In Class 6, the winner was Barry Baja Bug held him back a little. (not to be confused with Gary) Tom let his co-driver, Joel Bates.Barryhasbeenaroundthe Stankavich take the first three sport for quite a few years. He laps and he decided he could used to race with Giti Gowland in handle the last one. Their only the Fudpucker series, but said stop was for fuel also; they had a that Giti kind of faded away and real good day of racing. He says now he is teamed up with Pro b b@{Gj OIRT BAGZ ~ CEJITERUNEWHEB.S Q (i G CHENOWTH STREET & OFFROAD ACCESSORIES "'----~ ~ --1 s,-M-Ps_o__,N I l!IHA_6 ©illilJE® -T-RI--M-IL-EX-HA-U-ST-S-YS-TE_M_S --P I RR L I 6 HTS 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $59.95 CNC HYDRAULIC SINGLE or DUAL 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME ...................... $91.00 1 1/2 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $59.95 1 1/2 TYPE _1 CHROME ...................... $91.00 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $67.00 1 5/8 TYPEJ CHROME ...................... $97.95 KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200 mm DISC 4-PUCK ...................... $48.00 200 mm 1700 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $85.00 200 mm 2500 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $103.95 * EARLY OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELT 2' ............................. $23.95 LAP BELT 3' ...................................... $58.95 SHOULDER BELT 3" .......................... $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/ STERNUM STRAP .... $72.9~ 'A MUST FOR COMPETITION USE' E-Z UP TENT .10' X 15' ......................................... $499.00 Page 18 • DRIVING LIGHTS PR W/WIRING. $221.00 SPOT LIGHT PR W/WIRING .... $221.00 DRIVING/SPCT/PENCIL LIGHTS .. $ 88.00 PARKER PUMPER 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WITH BUILT IN HANDLE TO POUR ... $62.95 SCRIBNER JUGS 5 GALLON JUGS WHITE & BLUE ............................... $18.95 NEON COLORS ................. : ........... :.$22.95 FILLER HOSE FOR JUGS (SCREW IN LID STYLE).$3 .95 CHENOWTH CLASS 11 CAGE.. ......................... $154.95 QUICK RELEASE STEERING HUB ... $32.95 UMP SUPER FILTER UMP SUPER FILTER ................... $159.95 UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX ...... $109.00 HANDLE CUT BRAKES ................... $74.95 SAND RAIL PEDAL PACKAGE W/ CHROME THROTTLE PEDAL..$189.00 ADJ. PEDAL MOUNT... ................... $33.95 WORTH DRIVING SUIJS 1 LAYER HORA/SCORE LEGAL W/ RED or BLUE STRIPE .............. $87.95 Graphic Art and Design Rob MacCachren T-Shirts Available T ~Shirt Designs & Vinyl Lettering Available In Store March 1994 putting on the race and making it possible for the little people to still race and have fun. In Class 55015-1600 second place went to Wayne Camarano and Adam Ostlund. I looked through my notes and can't find any words of wisdom from them, so either they did not stop for an interview or this aged reporter had her contacts in backwards and just didn't see them; I am sorry fellas. If I do miss you, remember to hunt me down, I'm usually lurking somewhere in the immediate area just outside of post tech, with pad and pen in hand ready to hear all the war stories. Third place in Class 55015-1600 went to an ex LRDR checkpoint dude, Scott Boyd and he was nothing but smiles when co-driver Rick Houstrnan brought the car into the finish line. This was their first finish after four tries and third place was just fine with them. They had NO troubles, no flats, no problems at all. This was their first finish in an old car and now want to get their first finish in a new car, but first they have to build one, a detail which they will get around to one of these days. Class 1 / 2 combined only had two official finishers. The first of these was John De Vito who has been building his S 10 mid engine, extra cab truck for the last four months and finished it at 2:30 AM the night before the race and loaded it in the semi and came racing. He had absolutely no test time whatsoever on the truck, but decided to give it a shot to see what she could do. They did lose the power steering, I don't know on what lap and had four flats, one front and three rear, John attributes the flats to driver error Dusty Timcs
and a really rocky course. Second place went to Ron Stobaugh who must have come in after I left. In looking at the times for his laps, 1 and 2 were really slow and 3 and 4 were really fast, so some problems that happened on 1 & 2 must have gotten solved by 3 & 4. In the 7 trucks, Dan Cannon in Class 725 was the only finisher. He said they let the competitors get in front of him and let them break and he just cruised right on by them. About the only thing that happened was they lost radio communication on the third lap, so they just kept their fingers crossed that nothing major went wrong. The rest of the day they just tried to stay away from the rocks and when they could they opened it up in the short fast stret c hes. H e was glad that nothing went wrong, because his crew consisted of his wife Sheryl and his mailman, the rest of the crew pulled a "no show". Class 9 had a new guy named Dewey LaMora, first time ever in a race car, Rick Johnson's car and said he lost a coil wire and rear brakes, but started pumping them and all came back. W e didn't get a chance to talk with the stock truck racers, but we do have results. In Class 15 the winner was a Ford driven by Bob and John Beyer and sponsored by BBM Marketing Promotion. They did two good laps, the first at 1:43 and the second at 1:48, and apparently had no troubles. Their winning time was 3:32:37. In second place it was 5-1600 racer turned trucker Kathy Fay with both Keith Williams and her dad Jim Fay riding a lap in the Ford R anger, sponsored by Engine Machine Service. Kathy had 20 minutes worth of trouble on the first lap but a good 1 :59 second lap to secure second in Class 15, about 12 minutes ahead of Joe and Denny Bourassa in a Toyota sponsored by DG Racing and BFGoodrich T. Les Willis got in just one lap in his Toyota and Barry Beacham didn't do a lap in his Toyota. In Class 152 Larry Gross and Roger Malcolm won the two truck duel ofT oyotas, doing their two laps a full hour faster than Mike Yarman and Mike Stock-berger. 3:40: 18 for Gross on total time in the Full Tilt Off Road rig and 4:43:54 for Yarman, spon-sored by Goodyear and Prime W heel. Fred Nelson, Jr. and Sr. were the only Class 155 starter in their Ford, but they didn't cover a lap. Ray Currie and George Maher won Class 157 in their Ford by almost an hour doing their two laps just 12 minutes apart and finishing in 3:40:30 . David Edelstein and Dennis Lightle had a good 1 :53 first lap in the vintage Ford Bronco, but took almost an hour longer on the second round with some unknown troubles, finishing in 4:39:32. In the quads Derek Nye and Mike Haney won on a Honda in 3: 19:09 for their two laps, with Cole Warren and Steve Deing-man on a Suzuki right behind them at 3:22:01. David Totten also finished his two laps on a Suzuki, but took 4:20:22 to get it done, having big trouble on the first lap. All three starters covered the route. The lone Odyssey type vehicle in Class 44 was the Selstad of Don Kleinhenz, and he had his troubles on the second lap, but finished the Dusty Times ~. Larry Gross and Roger Malcolm had two good laps in their Toyota and they won Class 1525 by over an hour with no apparent troubles on the rough Barstow course. Mike Currie and George Maher had a good race in the big Ford, looking like a daily driver, but they turned some good lap times for the two required and won Class 1575 by one minute shy of an hour. course in 3:58:57. Of the 88 starters the weekend after New Year's day, 32 of those required to cover four laps did that on the Barstow course. Ron Stobaugh and Dave Rittenhouse in the troubled Class 1 Chevy had the dubious honor of being last overall at 7:54:09. Of the 14 starters in classes required to cover two laps, 11 finished, a very of their events run in the Barstow high ratio for the stock trucks, or Lucerne Valley area. The bolstered by the quads. It was a exception is the spring and fall fine race and a good start for La events further north in Ridge-Rana's race series and all but two crest. ~ DAILY DRIVER, WEEKEND WARRIOR! You've always wanted a JEEP ... Why wait any longer. Race down to America's #1 volume JEEP dealer. DON-A-VEE JEEP/EAGLE 1993 BAJA l000WINNERS CHEROKEE SPORT • Affordably priced 4x4 excitement. • Powerful 190 horsepower, high-output, 4.0 lllre engine standard. • AM/ FM ETR stereo system at no extra charge. • Choice of two lour-wheel drive systems; both with shlll-on-the-lly. SERVICE HOU RS: Monday thru Friday 7am to 7pm WRANGLER GRAND CH ERO KEE LAREDO • Standard 4.0 Hire, 6 cyllnder. 190 horsepo-r. 220 horsepower V -8 avallable In lour wheel drive models. • Spacious, well appointed Interior. • Drivers side air bag and lour-wheel anti-lock brakes standard. DON-A-VEE JEEP EAGLE • 4x4 excitement tor years lo come! • 2.5 Hire. 123 horsepower. 4 cyllnder mulll-polnt fuel-Injected engine standard. "'Shift-On-The-Fly tour-wheel drive. • Optional 6 cylinder, 4.0 engine avallable GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED • 4x4 performance with touring sedan cornor1. • Standard 4.0 lllre high-output, 190 horsepower 1-6 engine, or 220 horsepower V-8. • Standard drivers side air bag and anti-lock brakes. • Luxurious leather trlrnned Interior. PARTS AND ACCESSORIES: Monday thru Friday 7am to 7pm Sat'-'rday 9am to 1 pm 17308 Bellflower Blvd., Bellflower, California 90706 310-867-7256 - 800-366-5337 . March 1994 ... I,. , •• Page 19 • . '
Josh Hall dug out one of dad's older Dodges and with Gardner Armstrong co-driving Josh, a driving school instructor, was third in Class 1. Brian Dague, Aaron Borelli and Jon Hart combined in the neat Class 5 Baja Bug to overcome third lap troubles and finish second in this quick class. Dewey LaMora drove his Fortune quickly in the tough Class 9 action and he had two fast laps, slowed a bit on the last two but took fourth in class. Rick Romans had a three hour disaster on the second lap in his Raceco, but he got it fixed for two more good laps and took fourth in Class 10 action. -.!;. ~ st -~·-.JJ Joe and Denny Bourassa had a few problems en route to third in the two laps required Class 15, got both laps done for third place in class. Page 10 A John Prosser and Craig Forrest had a little trouble on the second lap, but carried on in the Mirage to finish fourth in Class 1-2-1600 and 7th 0/A. J. Scott Boyd and Ric Houstman got their first finish in four tries in the Class 5-1600 Baja Bug, and they were very happy with good times and third place. Current Class 9 champion Sandy Parker with Tom Moessner co-driving had some trouble this race in the Chenowth, but they kept it going to finish fifth in Class 9. Dan Cannon, Michael Robertson and Mike Fetcho drove their Ford to first in Class 725 with very consistent lap times for all four rounds. Mike Yarman and Mike Stockberger had a quick first lap, but used another hour on the.second round in the Toyota, still good for second in Class 1525. March 1994 Paul Huffman and Ron Klarenbach kept a steady and swift pace in the Class 1-2-1600 Chenowth, taking fifth in class and a fine eighth overall. ~ "'~ t~,,.,~. ; Stan Hignett and Brian Sallee had two fast laps, two more a tad off the pace, but they drove the Chenowth home to a fine third place in Class 9. ~ __.;t~ Larry Lariviere and Don Wefls had a long third lap in the handsome ORE two seater but they got fixed and finished third in Class 10, 12th 0/A. Dean Galloway was the only entrant and starter in Class 750, and he got through two long laps and retired the Toyota, still the class winner. t'·"+, -_*-4;;,S " .;,;;..~-~,;_:;,.; David Edelstein and Dennis Lightle drove the vintage Ford Bronco to second in Class 1575, despite a very long second lap in the two lap class. Dusty Times
BRUSH RUN 101 ALookAtHow The World Championship Off Road Race llqan By Michelle Halverson It was Labor Day Weekend, 1969. It seemed like any other weekend in the small town of Crandon, WI, population just under 2,000, but after it was over, the lives of many people would never be the same. The air was clean and fresh, the trees and grass a deep green, the birds were sing-ing and everything was peaceful. Then they came -hundreds and hundreds of them. They were all different but, yet, connected by something. It had happened. Off road racing had hit Crandon, WI, and so the tradition began. Tradition. According to the dictionary, tradition is the hand-ing down of information, beliefs, or customs from one generation to another. This year Crandon will be celebrating 25 memorable years of an off road racing tradi-tion known as the Brush Run 101 World Championship Off Road Race. What has grown into "the Granddaddy of them all" or the "Daytona 500" of off road racing began only as a twinkle in the eyes of a few people 25 years ago. Started by the ~randon Area Jay-cees, the off road race was basic-ally a challenge of the country folk and the "city dudes". Each of the 4 7 entries gave their heart and soul, over 101 miles, through the rugged forest of Northern Wis-consin. They struggled over boulders and fallen trees, dodging gravestones in the cemetary a_!ld cattle in the fields, with mud holes that could almost engulf all of man and machine. All of this, just for a shot at part of the$1,500.00 purse. People came from all over to cheer on their friends, neigh-bors, or anyone they could for that matter. It had only just begun. This first year would start a family. They would come back year after year, each time adding new family members. The drivers, the spon-sors, the fans, the volunteers, the off road racing family is like no other. As the years went by, the Wolfs Head Sportsman's Club became the event organizer. Since the very first race to the present all the proceeds have gone back into making the race better for eve-ryone and into making the com-munity and surrounding area bet-ter for its residents. The club donates to numerous clubs and organizations, plus families who are in need due to fire, medical problems or similar catastrophic circumstances. Bigger and better became the motto: The word was spreading that Crandon was the place to be for the best in off road racing. By 1976, the purse had grown to over $20,000, with over 300 entries and 35,000 spectators. In this same year, the World Champ-ionship Off Road Race became an official trademark and would prove to everyone to be a fitting name. In 1979, the peacefulness of the forest, fields and cemetary would return, due to the anger of numerous landowners, as the track was moved west of town. This new five mile track provided a better viewing area for specta-tors, but still offered the excite-ment and challenge that everyone had grown to love. But the club wanted something to call their own. After coming across an extreme! y good deal, the World Championship Off Road Race finally found it in 1984, as it moved to the 300 acre farm where it is located today. This provided the opportunity to make the off road race better for everyone involved. The crowd would be able to view 95% of the 1.7 track, making it hard to miss any of the action. The fans, drivers, spon-sors, and volunteers would benefit from the renovations done to existing buildings and construction of new buildings, including the barn, pavillion, tower, registration and tech build-ing, and the office. A one of a kind in off road racing was just added last year with extreme success. Skyboxes were added that allow comfort while being able to see close to 100% of the track. Due to great success of the Labor Day race, a second race, called the Spring Run, was added in June of 1984. This would ena-ble the drivers a second chance to CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN BYPASS VALVE KITS! Thousands Of Race Winning Miles Went Into The Testing And Development Of These Kits. They Feature L,.arge 9/16" Bores, Externally Adjustable, 4130 Steel Bodys, Internal Check Valves And Lightweight Aluminum Valve And Jam Nut. Available As A Kit With Full Instructions For Only $74.00 Each. We Can Also Custom Install Them To Your Ex-isting Kuster, Bilstein Or Bunderson Shocks. Also Available In Stock; Solid Brass Pistons For Kuster Shocks. Installing These Kits On Your Shocks Can Stop Harshness, Kicking, Hard Bottoming And Packing. Call To Order Or For More lnformr1tion. California Pre-Fun 39067 ORCHARD STREET CHERRY VALLEY, CA 92223 909-845-8820 March 1994 test their skills, strength, and endurance against the track at Crandon, while the fans cheer them on. One of the most important years came in 1989. This would be the first year that ESPN would give international coverage to the World Championship Off Road Race. In this spotlight, came top drivers from all over the country and Canada, including, now famous Indy car driver, Robby Gordon and the legendary Walker Evans, both travelling from California. Although strangers at first, Walker Evans and ESPN are now a familiar and important part of the family. Now it's 1994, and the 1994 racing season is just around the comer. The World Champion-ship Off Road Race endured and withstood through 25 years and came out on top. There seems to be no stopping it. This year the off road racing family will celebrate the Silver Anniversary of this his-toric event. -To make this celebration even more special, events and attrac-tions have been planned for a full week of excitement. Some of the plans in the woiks right now include a possible appearance by the Governor of W isconsin, the Budweiser Clydesdales, a parade of race vehicles down main street, racing related workshops, and a Governor's Cup Race. The club is also planning a purse of $100,000, the most in.off road racing. Every-one will be extremely busy to make this the best and most excit-ing race yet. The help of many people must be there to make this race possible. This race is a total community involvement with all the help being done all by volunteers. They ask for no payment, except to know that they put on the best off road race in the country. There is also a tremendous amount of help from all of their sponsors. There are so many, but the major sponsors are Chevrolet, Budweiser, and Pepsi-Cola. Come join us in 1994 for the SODA sanctioned Chevrolet World Championship Off Road Race and its Silver Anniversary celebration. Become a part of the family and start your own tradi-tion. For more information, please call the World Champion-ship Off Road Race office at (715) 478-2222. In the early days of the now famous race it ran through the woods, and a lot of creeks. We don't know who these people are, how they ever got scored, but they kept coming back for more and their numbers grew year by year. The locations changed almost yearly until the sponsoring club literally bought the farm, right on the outskirts of Crandon, yearly continue to improve the facility right on Highway 8, and it is now the most modern of short course facilities for off road racing anywhere, the only one in fact with sky boxes added in 1993. It is an American success story as the race grows yearly, attracting more major sponsors, more entries, and more and more spectators to a place remote from any major transportation route. The 25th Anniversary edition is preceded in June by the Spring Run on the super good track, and it is also a must see for off road racing fans. Dusty Times
' Biggest Purse In Off Road Racing Historyl Crandon, WI SEPTEMBER 2, 3 & 4.1994 . Labor Day Weekend C: ;;J CHEVRDI ET WORLD CHAIIPIONSHIP OFF-ROAD .~L" 1!~ I/ ,, , ~~=~~~-~ ~---~~, ~ . Class 1 - $10,000 Class 4 - $10,000 Class 7 - $10,000 Class 8 - $10,000 1st Place - $5,000 C ~ ~-<\NDO W,scoNSIN , SPRING RUN: JUNE 25 & 26 -)ifHMWil @rsll'wlrn/SKOA£ RACING' ~CHEVROLET. BFGoadricli ...... O.R.E. -Off Road Entertainment Class 3 -$10,000 2x4 & 4x4 Production Challenge 1st Place - $5,000 Heavy Metal Challenge 1st Place - $3,000
SNORE EL DORADO ISO Mike Flinn Takes The Overall Home To Utah By Don Da1ton -Notes lry Jean Calvin Plwtos: Don Da,wn It wasn.'t an easy win in Unlimited Class for Tommy Bradley who had a pair of flats and worse yet sev9re engine trouble that slowed him, but he got in all five laps to keep his string of Unlimited victories going. ~ .....c, ___ .:.__ __ __::__ _______ _::::_-=-----------~ <~_:.-~~ ~~ Traffic can get heavy in the desert as here Ed Dunn's Sportsman Buggy is passed by John Gaughan's Unlimited Class 1 Chenowth. Notice the courtesy of the slower car in moving over in the foreground. John Gaughan, with Peter Castleton riding shotgun, set fast lap of the day on the second lap, took the lead on the third round, then had serious brake troubles, finished lap four of five for second in Class 1 /2. The Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts closed out their 1993 season with the Eldorado 250 on December 3-5, with all activity near Henderson, Nevada. . Sponsored by the Lonesome Dove Steak House, long time eat-ery near Henderson south of Las Vegas on Boulder Highway, the course was just off Boulder High-way on the road to Nipton, Hwy 95 and used a former motocross course for the start finish area. . · The course_ basically is the back side of the Mint 400 course when that race ran out of Jean, NV and it is a rough one, and five laps were required for Classes l/2, 1-2-1600 and lO, while the others needed four laps for an official finish. The festivities began on Friday evening at the Lonesome Dove with Registration and tech inspec-tion in their side parking lot from 6 to 9 p.m. A good turnout of racers appeared, and also in line were several contingency donors. Mike Flinn took another big check home to Utah and $500 in bonus bucks as he had no troubles at all with all five laps within two minutes of each other and he won Class 10 by 15 minutes and won the race overall . . ..... , Everyone was in !I festive mood·-and Christmas lights added to the remarkable outdoor lighting that is typical of Las Vegas. It was all over on time, several local racers registering but asking for early morning tech as their cars were not done yet. It was cold, but the organizers provided a glorified smudge pot to keep hands and feet functioning for the tech boys and others just standing around. We repaired to the Lonesome Dove to sample the food, and it is good, before calling it a night. The staging for the 9 a.m. race start. drawing for starting numbers was The five unlimited cars went off· held just after tech closed, some-the line first led by John Gaughan thing new for SNORE in an effort in his two seat Chenowth Porsche to get more local folk to tech on with Brian Collins in his wake in Friday instead of waiting for race his single seat Chenowth Porsche. morning. Ed and Tim Herbst had their two Saturday dawned bright and seat Chenowth Porsche away sunny and by the 8 a.m. drivers next, and favorite to win Tommy meeting at the track the tempera- Bradley Jr. was the last away in turewaspleasant,acateringtruck class in his Chenowth. Jim had appeared to keep the hungry McKenzie had become sick over-alive, and soon it was time for night and withdrew . The wind was light and the dust was thick, and the stones, rocks and boulders on the BLM Revenge section and the Boulder Highway, self descriptive, had not gotton any smaller or friendlier since the last event here. Some said earlier they knew how to avoid the worst rocks, but only · fourteen cars were still alive when the checker came out, many barely survivors at that, and those reporting a trouble free race wouldn't use up all the fingers on a Mickey Mouse glove. The Unlimited class turned into 'The Disaster Division' and ~ maybe should go by the name . """· ,.,., Calamity Class. Two of the four Kenny Freeman had a great race going in Class 1-2-1600, slowed with a pair didn't cover a lap. Brian Collins of flats later on but made a strong finish with a 1:07 to win the class by just lost the left front shock when the under a minute and finish second overall to boot! shaft came right out and he was on Darren Wilson had four good laps in his Class 10 car, but brake troubles slowed him on the second round and he finished second in class, third 0/A. Rich Fersch got a great start with fast Class 10 lap. on the first one, but was down for 35 minutes on lap 2, came back strong for third in class and fourth overall. Larry Job and Danny Anderson led Class 1-2-1600 for three laps, had trans trouble and were down about an hour, but came back charging to finish second in class. P~l4 Dusty_nma
Mike Baker came from Utah to try his skills against SNORE racing and he had four good laps but was down on the fifth with mechanical woes and still placed third in class. Regan, Tory and Jeremy Gubler ran well for four laps, then it all came apart, finally losing a spring plate which put them down to fourth in 1-2-1600 class. Billy Bryan and Les Carter had three good laps, slowed some on lap 4, and had carb troubles, ran out of gas, but placed fifth in Class 1-2-1600. Jim O'Donnell also drove solo in Class 9, ran just off the winning pace all the way, lost the pumper hose but made it home OK for a good second in class. Ralph Chadwick drove alone in his new car to third in Class 9, Jason and Bill Avery ran a steady pace all four laps in Class 9, led for two laps, broke a throttle cable on the last lap and ended and despite breaking a throttle cable they motored home by up third in class. · _h_an_d_th_r_o_tt_le_t_o_f_o_ur_th_p_la_c_e_. ____ _______ _ the top end of the rocky road, but the crew got him in. Ed Herbst had a laundry list of woes starting with losing the front hood, then he and Mike Corrigan hit a big rock and popped a spring plate, got to their pit, got fixed and went on to make it to Check 3 near the end of the lap with the oil light flickering, so Ed stopped and when he did all the oil, or plenty of it, fell out of the Porsche engine on the ground, so he was parked. Up front it was a tight game between John Gaughan/Peter Castleton and Tom Bradley Jr. / Eric Record. Bradley was first on the road from lap 1, but Gaughan, who had a first lap flat, took the lead at the SI F leading Bradley on time and on the road, as Tommy's troubles began. Gaughan made a gas stop and shortly thereafter the left rear brake caliper locked up for good, and that doesn't work in the rocky hills that make up most of the course. John did finish lap 4 after a couple of hours, to take second place. Meanwhile Tommy Bradley had a couple of flats, had lost a cylinder, had a hole in the head, but he wanted to finish to insure his class championship so he putted around the fifth lap in 1 :20:02 after having set fast lap for the race on lap 2 at 57:55. But he got the checkered flag and the class victory. A cadre of BORE racers made the trip from Salt Lake City to race the rocks and hills in December and team leader on record was Mike Flinn who had won Class 10 here at SNORE races before. Despite a $500 bonus to the Class 10 winner, only six showed to contest the class. Starting first Flinn held the lead on the road and second on time after one lap by a minute over Darren Wilson, but fellow Utah racer Barry Merriam was last five minutes back, but that was his only lap, so he placed sixth. But Rich Fersch led the first lap with fast lap of 1 :04:26. Wil-son had throttle cable problems on the first lap, then lost his brakes on the second round, which putJ.C. Dean into a tie with Flinn on time for the lead. Wilson had brake trouble on lap 2 and slid off a 30 foot cliff, but reco-vered and carried on, losing about ten minutes. Mike Larson and John Phegley had a great first lap, in third, but three and a half hours on the second lap was all she wrote, and they were fifth in class. Lap 3, midway saw Fersch re-cover from 35 minutes down time on lap 2, to run third behind Wil-son, while Flinn sailed on with a I :07 lap to take the lead, and J.C. Dean stopped midway with a Bill Holbrook was leading the points overall going into the race, so he ran a conservative pace after setting fast Class 9 lap on round 2, had front end trouble on lap 3 but survived to finish with enough points to be the champ. rough sounding engine, so rough day. Jean Calvin explained the guys are as tough as sidewinder that he was done for the day, in reasonforallthenewrocksisthat steaks and not quite as friendly. fourth place. Darren Wilson tried they are now a protected species, Kenny Freeman Jr., with riders hard in the closing laps, but he and they're multiplying like crazy. Kerry Freeman and Eddie Chas-couldn't catch Mike Flinn, so Flinn's winning time for five laps taine, got off to a good start lead-Darren finished second about five was a swift 5:32:41. A neat touch ing the first two laps with a pair of minutes back. Fersch was turning at the finish line was seeing the 1 :04s. Keeping the Freeman Car-fast laps and took third with a owner of the Lonesome Dove pet/Lonesome Dove Steakhouse finish despite his early down time. Steak House and his music man sponsored car in sight was Larry Out front Mike Flinn not only there, presenting each winner Job/ Danny Anderson, who set won Class 10, but took first over-with a bottle of champagne and a class fast lap on the second at all. He stopped only for gas, had Lonesome Dove hat. What a nice 1 :04:33. Utah's Mike Baker was no flats on his Y okohamas despite gesture from the race sponsor. in third after two laps, having what appeared to be lots of brand The third class away was the ten done his pre-running by helping newrocksoncourse,andhisFAT entry 1-2-1600 bunch and this the author mark the course, a bit motor never skipped a beat all promised to be a close race. These surprised at the amount of rocks. John Peake and Brian Brown came out of Utah also, in a borrowed pickup and got lost, later had steering troubles, but went fast enough to be the only finisher and the winner in Class 7. Up front the battle raged as Freeman shucked a cap off a rear tire, and later had another flat. This put Danny Anderson in the lead, but when he stopped to turn the car over to Larry Job they found serious transmission trou-ble and it took an hour to get it all together. ~ " AURORA~ We have the best prices on the largest rod end and bearing selection/ Safety & comfort • NASA inventory in the U.S. developed to protect HIGH-PERFORMANCE astronauts from fatigue BAKER BATTERY caused by vibration, shock loads and " G " forces. Cut to size-great protect• lion for driver & equipment. NEO SYNTHETIC • LUBRICANTS ~ Substantial in-Holds stronger_charge much crease in per-longer and will recharge formance while tJ , to 100% even_ after sitti~g greatly reducing OW 5 for 30 days m total dis-friction and high GEAR ot charged state. Unmatched ....,_. vibration resistance. temperatures. .._, ~BAKER ~~:rn~~!~Cf!~ODU,C~. ~~ Long Beach. CA. 90806 -<y"~ 310/427-2375 ~ ~.,_,..✓ Fax 310426-5294 ----t.,.r DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME
Waft Shrader and Daniel Lewis got Class 7 fast lap on the first Jim Duncan and Scott Hall started out with two good laps in Jack Clinkenbeard and Jeffrey Sims got fast lap in Sportsman Buggy class, but only covered two of the required four laps, so they were second in class. round, but it turned out to be their only lap, broke wheels and their Bug, then the Dayton, NV team had troubles, but got in all brakes on lap 2 but were second in class. four laps for second in Cla·ss 5-1600. ~ Others were soldiering trailing arm. Since this made the came Bill Bryan and Les Carter on to the rear, running in packs it car hard to handle, they put it on who had competitive lap times. seemed. Kenny Freeman whipped the trailer, and actually it even They said the big problems was off a 1 :07 final lap to win the class made it hard to put on the trailer, with the carburetor and they ran by an hour and he also placed but they placed fourth. In fifth out of gas, but the motor was tired second overall in this tough race where skill counts more than horsepower. Larry Job managed to nurse the car to the checkered flag in second place, good for the all important points battle. Mike Baker turned. four fine lap times to hold third place even though he parked on Boulder Highway on the fifth lap with a duff starter and trans trouble. Four other 1600s got in four laps. Regan, Tory and Jeremy Gubler had a good day going before things started to turn to tortoise skite ( that's a technical term). Aside from breaking a trans mount, losing a skid plate and wearing out a driver, things were not too bad until the last lap when the left rear spring plate mount ripped clean out of the It was another triumph for Bruce Fraley in his tidy 5-1600 Baja Bug. Bruce did class fast lap at 1 :16 on lap~. kept up the pace for all four laps and won Class 5-1600 by a wild 45 minutes. too, but things went very well for four laps. Mark Davidge got in four good laps before having a disaster on lap 5, but his four laps were good for sixth. Kevin Ruesch, Jack Bassett and David Saxton survived a spectacular wheel to wheel roll-over losing only one position in the process, but a blown motor on the last lap ~ The Heavy Metal class was a family affair as the Lynn Dickton entry turned a 1:14:38 with Scott Bassett driving the opening lap, but troubles hit and that was their only lap, a class winner. 1992 - SNORE ROOKIE OF THE YEAR WOULD LIKE TO THANK EVERYBODY FOR MAKING THIS YEAR POSSIBLE ABOCO ENGINE/TRANSMISSION ENGINE - VICTOR TORRES TRANS -TROY YOUNG 702-6424747 WEBBER CONCRETE CUTTING 702-644-6717 A SPECIAL THANKS TO: WEBBWELD1'aci1i1 DICK WEBB EDDIE WEBB 702-367-9820 TARGET SAWS JEBCO AGGRESSIVE EXCAVATION PIAA BARBARY COAST PITS -VALLEY PERFORMANCE PITS - BUTCH DEAN -GUY CLARK -JON BLOCK -TIM CRAIN - PAT DEAN - DOUG INGRAM -KEITH UNDERWOOD -JIM BUNTY - BRENDAN GAUGHAN - BRUCE FRALEY -RUSTY HAMBLIN - DICK BEECHER - ROB MACCACHREN - BILLY BRYAN -GOLD COAST HOTEL -SNORE -1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 AND ALL MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS WHO SUPPORTED ME THROUGH THE YEAR. Page 16 March 1994 - SNORE OVERALL POINTS CHAMPION - SNORE CLASS 9 CHAMPION - BOTTOM DOLLAR 250 -1ST PLACE - TWILIGHT 200 -1ST PLACE - CALIENTE 250 - 1 ST PLACE - SNORE 250 - 1 ST PLACE THIS YEAR AND CHAMPIONSHIP IS DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF JEFF HOLBROOK. Dusty Tlma
J.C. Dean, with brother Pat standing by for relief, tied for the Class 10 lead on the second lap, but lost the engine midway on the tf:lird lap. Ed Herbst was trying some new suspension tricks on his unlimited Chenowth/Porsche, but something put him down and out on the first lap. Brian Collins, out of the same Las Vegas shop as Herbst, also tried out a few new things on his single seat Chenowth/Porsche, with the same result, NIT. left them in seventh. Another of the Utah/BORE racers Jack Bingham broke a spindle, then ripped the center out of a Center-line, but persevered to bring his sixteen year old car home in eighth place with three laps done. Bekki and Ken Freeman and Dan lscho/James Harris tied for utter frustration honors as both cars broke on the first lap. Dan shucked out a CV joint and Bekki broke a drive axle, naturally right in the middle of the "Can't get to them" section of the course. Next to start were the 11 Class 9s which looked like a re-run of last year's races. L.M.D. (Last Minute Dixon) thrashed on the car ti! the last minute, signed in late, started at the back of the Class and won the race. Mike said he had to get out four or five times to put the belts back on, a coil wire fell out a couple of times, and he had to hold it in second gear for most of the day. Other than that things went pretty well. He won Class 9 by over three minutes after carving his way through the traffic. Jim O'Donnell got a much deserved second place which was a vast improvement over most of this season. He out ran the black cloud that followed him around for many races. He said he lost a lecting the Dusty Times Award pumper hose on lap 1 but racer for last official finisher, beating tape took care of that, and that his out Larry Job for the honor by head was banging off the cage fre-just 36 seconds! Bill also got fifth quently and left him with a king place in Class 9, winning the size headache at the end, but get-SNORE Points Championship ting second place was worth it. for 1993, which is worth a good Ralph Chadwick led for the deal of money. first two laps until Dixon got by, and Ralph looked like he had a lock on second. But he broke a throttle cable on the last lap in the middle ofBLM's Revenge. He got going in time to salvage third place. Coming in fourth were Jason and Bill Avery, Robert Uszynski and A.J. Delap. Their only problems were having the top of the car come loose, then breaking a throttle cable. They finished with the co-driver pulling a wire to operate the gas. Bill Holbrook needed at least a fifth place finish in order to cinch the SNORE Points Champion-ship. He was seventh after one lap and Gene Griepentrog was right on his tail, trying to move him back even farther. Bill got inspired on lap 2, set fast time for Class 9 at 1:12:37, moving into fourth. Then the front end failed, the crew worked for an hour and a . half but got Bill back on course, and he completed all the laps, col-Bryan Pennington went from fourth to second to third, trading spots with Dixon and Petrillo and chasing Chadwick. Lap 4 was his downfall when he ran out of ball joints and couldn't finish the lap, but his three rounds were good for sixth, 13 minutes ahead of -t.cxxle, OtJr patented adju&iing, deffeclJve dfscvalvlng &)'Stem conlinuous suspen-sion control in the rough yet mairrtains a comfortable ride on the street Tt1..1Ck and sport utility vehicle drivelS demand more shock perfom,ance and Bllsteln provides . . . Dave Petrillo who ran with the leaders all day, but broke a spring ·plate on lap 4 right in the middk of BLM's Revenge where no on1: could get to him for repairs, his three laps good for seventh. Mike Kline, Lizzard Griffith and Steve Hanson ~ • Highest gas pressure for fade-free long life • 98% efficiel1cy over.100,000 miles • largest piston worl<ing area (1.81" diameter) • Limited lifetime warranty Ed Dunn, Jamie Egan Sr., and several others won the Sportsman Buggy class and were, in fact, the only finishers of four starters. They changed teams every lap and had a grand old time of it, and were happy to find they won. These are the same high quality Bilstein shocks that normally cost up to $119.00 each. Act now and save! None of the Sportsman mini trucks finished, but the Charles David entry did one good lap and that lap was good for the class win in the rough race. Dusty Times *Limited time offer on selected applications Contact the Distributors listed below or your nearest Bilstein dealer: CANADA Performance Products NORTH CAROLINA Performance Assist Accessories Ltd. Toyota Specialist Rowells, Inc. CALGARY, AB -403/279-2807 VAN NUYS -8001553-2840 CHARLOTTE -704/333-5213 CALIFORNIA CONNECTICUT Autosport Gallery APS -800/423-3623 William Sander RALEIGH -919/872-2002 BEACON FALLS -800/227-9763 ANAHEIM -714/630-1144 GEORGIA NEW JERSEY McKenzies Performance Products Specialty Parts Warehouse Euro Tire ANAHEIM -714/441-1212 LIBURN - 404/978-2801 FAIRFIELD -800/631-0080 Auto Service & Performance HAWAII Woodlawn Auto and RV Service MOUNTAIN VIEW-415/969-1050 Zubehor Hawaii, Inc. LINDEN-800/959-3658 HONOLULU - 808/836-1980 OREGON Fairway Sport and Performance ILLINOIS ipd PLACENTIA -714/528-4670 Precision Frame PORTLAND - 800/444-6486 ASI -800/683-2890 HIGHLAND PARK - 708/432-0082 TEXAS SAN DIEGO - 619/584-2890 INDIANA Pro Am Parts and Accessories Off-Road Wharehouse Power Brake and Spring HOUSTON -800/847-5712 SOUTH BEND -800/282-1044 SAN DIEGO -619/565-7792 LOUISIANA VERMONT Downey Off-Road MFG. Brinson Rovers North -Rover Specialist SANTA FE SPRINGS -310/949-9494 HARAHAN -504/733-7326 WESTFORD -802/879-0032 Mardi 1994 Page 17
,.,. y ti~ wm# .. Former champion Bryan Pennington, took some time off from racing, but came back with three fast laps in Class 9, but he didn't come around for a finish. Tom Sturgis, supported by Ann Sturgis and Chick Martin had a pair of fast laps in his tidy Class 9 car, then the trans went south so they were ninth. Looking healthy here the Sportsman Buggy of Wilf Bassett and Scott Silagy had a good first lap but then lost both a trailing arm and CV, end of story. <". ·ill\ ~ .... -, .. -;,.~ The team of Kevin Ruesch, Jack Bassett, David Saxton did a real number on their 1-2-1600, here getting sideways, almost falling off a cliff. Completely turned turtle, the Ruesch 1600 responded to the photographers call saying they were all right, and others appeared to help right the buggy. ~ useJ up some ball joints lap the trans seal let go and oiled on the first lap, got going again to the clutch. Ergo, though the car cover three laps in eighth place. ran fine it wouldn't make it up the When asked why they didn't fin- hill to Check 3, so they were ish, Mike said "Not enough ball tenth. Last was Jeff Carr who van-joints." Tom and Ann Sturgis and ished on the first lap and no doubt Chick Martin were ninth, running was home in time for lunch. fifth on the firstlap, dropped a bit Class 5-1600, a trio, heard the on the second, but lost the trans same old tune, although Bruce on the third lap. Gene Griepen-Fraley with Robert Webb riding trog and Kent Lothringer got in a in the sano Bug, left the line and good first lap, but on the second went directly to his pit as he broke ,CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' - any Length Hose . • Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS $215.00 HELMET ONLY 5153 Bowden Ave.• San Diego• CA• 92117 • (619) 279-2509 Page 18 ------·-------------Now it is apparent the save maneuver didn't work and the Ruesch car is just about to turn over, happily clear of the cliff just to the rear. Getting under way the Ruesch car suffered a bit of body damage, but had already completed three good laps, got in a fourth for seventh place in class. a coil wire right off the line, but he to drive the other truck, as Scott was soon under way. And it was Bassett started the race and rolled again all his race as he set class fast it big time on the second lap, end-lap on his second lap and charged ing their day. But, their first lap on to make it a perfect year, seven time was good for Lynn's truck to races and seven wins. This 5-1600 win the class. is for sale, by the way and is quite The Mini Metal Class did better a well built car, obviously. Bruce with all three starters making at is building a truck racer and natu-least one lap. Charles F. David rally could use money from sel-and Eric Sanchez made a lap and ling the Baja Bug. Jim Duncan, three quarters before their differ-Scott Hall and Samuel Palmer ential went out on strike leaving came down from Dayton, NV, them in third place. Walt near Carson City, to give Bruce a Shrader, Daniel Lewis, Mark Bry-run. They kept him honest run-ant and Robert S. Peck turned ning a strong race and finishing best class lap on their first go-second, 45 minutes behind. Kevin round, but they broke a wheel in Streety and John Gangloff haven't the Boulder Highway which des-had a good luck year, and it didn't troyed a brake caliper and rotor get much better at this last race. so they didn't finish lap 2, but They fried an engine on the power were second in class. John Peake line road before they could even and Brian Brown missed the tum finish a lap. We hope next year onto the gas line on lap 1 and will be better for thes folks. rearranged a few boulders before The Heavy Metal division getting back on course. They did looked like a family shootout was have steering problems later, brewing with Bill Dickton, Chip maybe boulder related woes, but Bruner, Darren Lattin and Dale they covered three laps to win Looney driving one truck and Class 7 by two laps in decent time Lynn Dickton, Scott Bassett, Scot at that. Smith and Joe Behr in the other The Sportsman truck guys entry in the class. The battle really had a bad day. The team of quickly fizzled however, when the Charles M. David Sr. & Jr., Cha-motor in Bill's ride went junk on rles F. David and Eric Sanchez set the first lap. Lynn didn't even get fast time for the class but that was ------------------their only lap, as it turned out good enough for the class win. Tony and Jimmy Leonard and Steve Westlund were on the trailer with discombobulated front struts before completing a lap. The entry in the Sportsman classes has been lower than expected by SNORE officials. The Sportsman Buggy Class put four cars on the starting line but some of them were ill pre-pared for the major hazards on course it seems. Dennis and Ed Looney, Curt Banschback and Kai Louks got fourth place with one very long lap completed, 3:24:09. Their hydraulic clutch went junk early and things went rapidly downhill from there. Will Bassett and Scott Silag took third place with one good lap, but on the second they lost a trailing arm and a CV which parked them for the day. Jack and Ellen Clinken-beard and Jeffrey Sims got off to a great start, turning fast time for the class at 1: 17 :59 on the first round, followed that with a 1:22, and had a good lead midway. Then they lost a tire, the whole wheel and tire went rolling off into the desert. They replaced the tire, but then the battery was dead and they could not get restarted, so they were second. The winners were Ed Dunn, Jamie Egan Sr, Michael Dunn, Michael Tucker and Fred Carstensen. They made a fun day of it, changing drivers every lap and giving everyone a ride in the race. It is pleasant at a winter race to have it all over in the daylight. In fact SNORE had already picked up the banners and ribbons at the start/ finish area when we left, and were going to sweep part of the course before dark. We headed back to our home away from home in Las Vegas at the Gold Coast Hotel, moving out of the desert and into the glitter of the city for the evening, and it is quite a contrast. Next morning we headed back towards Henderson and the Lonesome Dove, who hosted the tasty race Awards Breakfast for racers and their crews and fami-lies. The first timers from Utah had never seen anything like this, and the group of five were already planning how they could coordi-nate vacations to do another SNORE event before the snow melts and their own Bonneville Off Road Series begins in late spring. We took the scenic route, heading south on Boulder High-way a few miles to Route 95 head-ing toward Searchlight, then jogged onto 164 and headed west to 1-15 through the most incredi-ble Joshua tree forest we have ever seen. All too soon we reached California, 1-15 and the road to Barstow and home, and the work-a-day world.
F.A.I.R. News By Dave Massingham We had our year end van cleaning and equipment prep for the 1994 season. Thanks to Wayne Morgan for hosting it at Quality Auto Parts in Norwalk. We cleaned, restocked and oiled the pit boxes and tested the radios. All welders received an oil and filter change and all were started and test welded and adjusted. Seems we have prob-lems with the welders at the races. It is a good idea to start and run your welder and test weld to make sure all is OK before the action starts. Thanks to all who helped at the work party: Bruce Streeper, Harry Dunne, Jim Fay, Keith Williams, Anthony Burton, Wes and Scott Wisdom, David Edelstein, Scott Duncan, Brian Parkhouse, Bob Bezzant, Steve Ollie, Jim Enders, Mike Butricks and David (Garf) Jamison. An extra "atta boy" to Garf for his great barbecue. · A special thanks goes to Brian Parkhouse for letting us park the van at his Bell Gardens plant. Brian also got the van smogged for us and that is a big help. "Thanks again, Brian." At the December 15 meeting we had a guest speaker, Al Stein of Diversified Business Services. Al is a financial advisor and works with the off road racing industry. He gave us some tips on IRS deductions and a few other helpful hints. Al is located in Chino and his phone number is (909) 628-1922 should you have any questions. Bob Steinberger is asking for. help calling for donations to the F.A.I.R. raffle at the meetings. Anyone with the time, please contact Bob at PCI Race Radios. The new members voted in were Jerry Beal, Scott Duncan and Chris Duncan. At the first meeting of 1994 on January 5 we reviewed the La Rana January 8 race and planned for the SCORE Parker 400 on January 22. For the La Rana New Years 200, we had eight entries with SO percent finishing, Danny Drake took the controls of the FAIR van, drove to Barstow and took care of Race Manager duties. Assisting him were Rich Persch, Harry Dunne and Mike Robelido. Here are the results of our teams from the New Years 200. Mike Nix was first in Class 5 after over a year off. Mike had his share of problems testing Friday and prior to the race starting. Mike did a hell of a job. "Welcome back". Kathy Fay was second in Class 7S even after all her problems with the alternator and batteries. Wes and Scott Wisdom were seventh in Class 1-2-1600 after having several brake and carb problems. In the DNF column came four of our racers: Jerry Erstad in Class 1-2-1600, as it was too late for him to complete the last lap; Joel Mohr in Class 9 who lost a motor after losing a valve cover as a result of being hit; Danny Drake and Rich Persch who led Class 5-1600 for two laps, then they broke an axle; Bob Plaskon came in with a broken lower trailing arm on his Class 1-2-1600 racer. Last but not least David Edelstein, Class 1575 4WD Full Stock, finished second but not . without causing some problems at pit "B". It seems David came into pit ''B" too hot and while turning around, showered the pit with rocks and dust. Then when leaving, he did the sam~ thing. Dave committed a cardinal sin in off road racing, "Don't piss off the pits!" This act, in fact, pissed off a lot of pit people, not only FAIR but all others in the area. There were many nasty words sent over the radio to David sounding something like, "Don't come back here you Blank De Bleep Bleep!" Dave called me, confessed his sins and asked for names and phone numbers to call each FAIR pit person to apologize person-ally. He also asked me to print an apology to everyone else at pit "B". Dave feels like a fool and realizes what he did was wrong. I hope all racers take this to heart and do their best to have the utmost respect for all pits. Danny Drake told me how much help Mike Robelido was in the main pit. Mike is a good example of a dedicated FAIR pit person. He will soon be in a race car of his own or driving with someone else. Thanks for being there Mike! Rich Persch and Harry Dunne were helping when they weren't in the race car. I don't want to forget Bruce Streeper. Bruce is always there to help. "Thanks Bruce, we do appreciate your help." No matter what Harry says. The bulk of the January 5 meeting was covering Parker 400 pit assignments and duties. Much discussion on how important it is to coordinate a good pit location, layout and job assignment. A pit captain should take charge assigning jobs to everyone. It's important to have this done before the cars start coming in. One person should talk to the driver and let the crew know what needs to be done. One person should stand in front of the car until all work is done, making sure all is clear before letting the car out. The pit should have tires lined up for easy access and identification. You should have tools out with easy access and organized so there is no problem getting the right size tool. Keep the gasing and welding at opposite ends of the pit with a fire extinguisher easily available. Each of our pit boxes has this information on it. Try reading it! New members voted in were Brady Wisdom, Bob Plaskon, Jerry Erstad and David Zuniga. Welcome fellows! Finally I want to respond to a letter that was anonymously mailed to Bob Bezzant. I will address one issue and Bob will respond to the rest in our FAIR News. The issue' is FAIR pitting with the Chapala Dusters and the questions were: 1) When we pit for the Dusters, do they pay FAIR for the use of the equipment? No, nor does FAIR pay the Dusters. 2) Do they supply pit workers and tires on the same level as FAIR members? Yes, the Dusters take their assigned pit location and man them with their members and equipment, unless we team up at the same pit location. Then we split the equipment equally. 3) At La Rana races we pit for all of the Duster guys and I don't think they ever signed up or paid a . dime! FAIR pitted for one Duster in 1993, Joel Mohr. We might have had a few more, but Joel was at most of the races. We came to the· agreement that Joel will become a member and pay FAIR support fees for 1994. He will also furnish pit support as he always did in 1993. 4) The last statement in the letter said, "If the Dusters can't survive on their own, they should join FAIR and dissolve their club." FAIR can't make it on our own at the longer races either, for example, the Baja 500 and Baja 1000. Both FAIR and the Dusters would have a hard time setting up 8 to 10 pits. FAIR doesn't have the equipment nor manpower. We have com-bined our efforts to support th ·· racers. That's the bottom line! The FAIR Board of Directors would like to meet with the person who sent this letter to resolve any questions and bad feelings he or she may have toward us. Please contact me. The FAIR raffle is a fund raiser to upgrade the FAIR van and it is under way. We hope to generate enough funds to add equipment and repair and repaint the truck. Any proceeds left over will be donated to COR VA. First Prize is a free entry into the SCORE Fireworks 250 or $500.00 cash. Second Prize is 3 days and 2 nights in San Felipe. Third prize is one year free membership. FAIR meetsat8:00 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of each month, at the Holiday Inn in Fullerton located at the 9 Freeway and Harbor Blvd. Guests are always welcome. Thanks for your time and I'll see you at the races. CONGRATULATIONS ED & TIM HERBST!!!!! FIRST OVERALL AT THE SCORE PARKER 400 DRIVING A CLASSl/2 CHENOWTH PORSCHE MIKE SMITH RACING SHOCKS 2901 E MJRALOMA A VE #18 ANAHEIM, CA 92806 714130-7899 March .1994
Georgia Report By Bob Rule Photos: Rotten Ralph/Bob Rule Michael Notary was the first to retire with something terminal after just three laps in his 1600. Amazingly enough all the rest went at least 16 laps before giving up. Jim Mcfadyen got in 16 laps in his Challenger, and Wayne Simmons/ Larry Olsen went 1 7 laps in their Bomber, while Andrew McMillen managed 18 laps in his 1600. Steve Rule managed 20 laps in his 1600, while visiting MTEG racer Jimmy Nichols got in 24 laps in his 1600. Jimmy came all the way from California only to have early clutch problems. James Lair ran 39 laps in his Challenger, good for Going into the first turn the Bombers had ~o idea what they were in for, the third place, and Fred Babinchek mud holes lurking just around the turn. Notice how clean they all are. got in22 for second in Class 1-10. Now we have the results from Friday night. The rain stopped-Bob Rule and Charlie Pritchard the Thanksgiving 250 from about6:00a.m. butitwastoolate ran44 laps in their bomber sedan GORRA, but the report is a little to save the track. Although some for third place and no doubt the brief for two reasons. It was a six of the course dried out to rest were running, albeit with hour race, and no one seemed to reasonable during the day, one some down time, at the checkered care too much about who broke spot stayed s9upy all the day and flag. what or fixed which. We did have caused the drivers lots of Winning overall and covering prize put up by Rabbit for any class winner that used his chassis; Covering 118 laps were Jeff Lucas and James Mitchell, who won Class 1/10, and Marty Neri and Jay McKeage, second in 1600 class. Rick Breitenbach was the • second place Challenger with 60 laps done. · Rabbit Haire and Bill Porter won the Sedan/Bomber class with. an incredible 106 laps completed, a couple of good mudders obviously. Bill Whatley was second in the class with 75 laps finished. The largest class was 1609 and Sten and Marty Pounds took third with 113 laps on the books, followed by Ray Short and Jerry Allen at 110 laps. With his third place finish Marty Pounds clinched the FORDA 1600 points championship, Marty Neri finished second, in the race· and in the FORDA pcints championship. A little history is presented here on the Georgia Off Road Racing Association. It was founded by Bill Porter and Bob Rule and is in its 16th year of operation. The membership in 1992 exceeded 70. GORRA runs a nine race schedule starting in March with a six hour FORDA race in Tallahassee, Florida and racers frotn several states as far problems. At one time • no less the most laps by a bunch were . . . . M. h· cl 1 h r 'k . h J d J H t "th 146 Just around the f,rst turn the mud from the overnight rams was a maIor hazar.d away as 1c 1gan an one coup e t an rour cars were stuc m t e ames an _oey ~s er w1 to all the entry, but many of them made it through and most of the course drove all the way from New Jersey same spot. laps to their credit. They_ must dried out some as the race went on for six hours. just to watch. Still 18 diehard racers took the have had a good day despite the ---------------------------It turned out that the weather green flag in the muck; and mud. Trailing in a near tie were turned sour for the race. It rained charged off into the race that is Banks Behling, 119 laps, in his (better yet POURED) all night traditionally a six hour enduro. Challenger, and he won the $50 Page 30 March 1994 James Hester, left, and co-driver and brother Joey not only won the 1600 class but they won the enduro race overall covering 146 laps, 27 laps m_ore than any other team in a remarkable performance. Banks Behling, left and co-driver Lindy Herrell covered 119 laps and won the Challenger Class by 59 laps, and they also finished a great second overall. Jeff Lucas, left and co-driver James Mitchel won the Open Class title by 96 laps, but went far enough, 118 laps, to tie ·on laps completed for third, overall with Marty Neri and Jay McKeage in the 1600 class. Dusty Times
finishing the season the Saturday. after Thanksgiving with another six hour race, this one on their own track. In fact, all but one of their points races are run on their home track in Vienna, Georgia. Four of GORRA's members own a 40 acre farm there and lease it to· GORRA for their races. Most of their race program is a short course format with two heat races and a main event. They vary the track on the farm from event to event. They run a three class program with Classes 1-2-1600, Challenger and a Bomber class unique to the southeast which is a chopped VW sedan with a stock 1600 motor. To get to the track take Interstate 75 to Exit #36 {Vienna). Turn toward Vienna (west) and go through Vienna. Exactly one mile after the only red light in Vienna, turn left onto Highway 27. Go three miles and turn left at Campers' Haven sign. Approximately three miles further, the race track is on the . left. Signs should be posted for all . to see. GORRA IS CHANGING ITS ADDRESS and will be using Bolink's address and phone number for GORRA. The old post office box will be closed in early 1994 because Billy and Joy Porter have moved their business. So mark down for GORRA, 420 Hosea Road, Lawrenceville, GA 30245. The phone number is (404) 963-0252 or FAX (404) 963-7334. GORRA's officers are Steve Rule, President, ( 404) 623-1785, Banks Behling, VP Chal-This trio won the Bomber Class covering 106 laps, a tough run for the sedans. From the left it is Rabbit Haire with co-drivers Bobby Bramblett and Bill Porter. lenger Class, ( 404) 787-514 7, Mickey Smallwood, VP 1600 Class, (404) 948-3493, L.O. (Rabbit) Haire, VP Bomber Class, ( 404) 366-9891, Rick Breitenbach, Secretary IT reasur-er, ( 404) 938-3070. They start racing in April and continue monthly through November, usually late in the month. Check the Happenings column for exact dates. They have a lot of fun at their races and you just might enjoy their laid back style too. MTEG Stadium racer Jimmy Nichols, left, only did 24 laps, and poses here with Charlie Pritchard who was third in Bomber Class in his first off road race. ~--~-·"* ._,..., __ .,....,,_, :Jff{~d;mm. flt v ,,;o, ~ The first turn slope wasn't too hard on these buggies on the first lap, but it got worse before it got better, and soon they were axle deep in mud, and finally this 1600 looks like it is about to grind to a halt, but willing hands got dirty and pulled cars out of the muck all day. Paris lly Nlsht Divisional Rally By Dave Thomas Southwest Division SCCA driving champion Ken Stewart of Grove, OK and co-driver Ralph Starr of Alamogordo, NM took the victory at the Paris by Night Pro Rally held in Paris, Texas on 27 November, Thanksgiving weekend. Their winning time of 1:47 :44 for the 102 stage miles in Ken's 350 cubic inch, super-charged four wheel drive Chev-rolet S-10 Blazer, also topped the 4WD class, which had only one other entry in the coefficient three divisional Pro Rally. Second overall and first in 02 ( over two liters, two wheel drive) was the Indiana team of Mike Hurst and Brent Cary in the Schmidt Automotive Nissan 200 SX with a time of 1:50:38. Four minutes back, third overall and second in 02 was the Lawrenceville, GA father/ son team of Robert and Bill Waits in a Mazda RX-7 at 1:54:10. Floyd Shrader and Don Gage in the Mediquick Clinics/ Don Gage Auto Service Ford. Escort were the U2 class winners ; ( under two liters, two wheel' drive), and finished eighth· overall. There was a considerable amount of ice in the shaded areas of the course as well as in the parking lot of the Paris Holiday Inn, which made everyone a bit cautious but caused no major offs. Stew-art/Starr won the first stage. Then another Georgia team, Charles McCrary and Erik Lombard in the Barron Garage Mazda RX-7, won the next four, -letting the Chevrolet team have the sixth stage and a cumulative lead of Dustv11ma seven seconds at the main break. The finishing order of the rally was all but determined at this point as the Colorado team of Bob and Rick Burtis in the Renaud Excavation/Coys Tire and Wheel Volkswagen Rabbit had blown a head gasket and had the car back on the trailer. Seems . the turbo was making way too much boost for the lower altitude. McCrary /Lombar-d slowed considerably on the next stage, and then at the start of a turnaround stage, their car refused to start, netting them 14 minutes of road points and dropping them to seventh place overall at 2:05:23. The Ohio team of Richard Paddock and Karen Finnerty in their Eagle Talon placed fourth overall and second in 4WD at 1:54:57. The only Texans to enter the rally rounded out the top five: father and daughter James and Renee Cook in another RX-7 at 2:03:29. A first time rally team from Birmingham, AL, "Two Bald Guys Racing" Bill Patridge and Rusty Megois, showed their desert racing experience in a Ford Ranger pickup placing sixth at 2:03:41. Lester Ewing and David Cole in a Saab Sonett were the ninth place team at 2:28:31 and were the final finishers. Scott Justus and Mike McAdoo from Arkansas ran consistent sixth and seventh overall times until the engine on the RX-7 overheated, I spraying sparks from under the hood. They wisely decided to pack the car up with two stages yet to run. A huge thank you is owed to the Burtis clan: when the Turbo Attack Rabbit died they pitched in to help the rally where needed, pulling the fast sweep vehicle out of a ditch (the only vehicle to get stuck). Rick jumped in to co-drive the course opening car, and Bob and Susan took the score cards to the motel and set about scoring the event. Trophies were awarded to the class and overall winners as well as ··· ····••:-:-,• the 1993 Southwest Division Championship trophies, with Ken Stewart and Bob Logue winning the driving and co-driving categories respectively. Everyone enjoyed the daylight stage footage from the Shra-.. _,. __ .-·-. der/ Gage Escort, complete with expletives when the car refused to do what was desired. Sorry, our designated photographer was drafted as a timing worker, so no pictures of the winning cars this time around. HI-TECH • SUSPENSION SPECIALISTS • FREE EXPERT CONSUL TING • INSTALLATIONS FDTIJIIIIII • IIICIII IPGIITIWEAII • ID FEIi 11111 •IDiiE • IIIEITCII TECII •IIBTIIIITI •tENDElln.AIIEI • FLOWIIIITEII • FUEL CDnf-1 •IBIIILY March 1994
Bruno Saby won the fi.(st stage in France, tasting local glory, broke an axle in Africa, but continued to run the Pajero until the Mitsubishi team withdrew. Jean Louis Schlesser builds this wild looking special and he also drives it. This doesn't seem like the type of event to be in a single seater. This is another idea of what a rally raid buggy should be. This Arnoux was driven by its creater, Arnoux with Fouladou navigat-ing on the changing route. 16th Paris-Dakar 1994 Text & Photos: Martin Holmes of a full advanced reconnaissance of the route. Problems were then · compounded by an argument between the organisers and FIA, . who denied them rally raid champ-ionship status because FIA could not gain the TV rights of the event. After threats and delayed decisions, Citroen agreed to send a reduced team to the event with cars which had experimental , equipment (principally specially big wheels developed in conjunc-tion with Michelin) 'for old times' sake'! By saying they were enter-ing without a serious intention to win, the spirit of this famous adventure was greatly devalued. The total entry however, was up Pierre Lartigue and Michel Perin dominated the event upon reaching the be (Z65 h desert in the Citroen ZX. They led by nearly an hour at Dakar and steadily in ~um rs. entries ~ is time increased the lead all the way to win by a hefty 12 hours. agamst 154 m 1993) and included Two official Citroen entries fin-ished the new-style two-way Paris-Dakar-Paris marathon event twelve hours ahead of the nearest rivals on an event marred when the rival Mitsubishi team with-drew in protest at being disadvan-taged by a sudden mid-event route change. What had already started as a poorly supported event in which Mitsubishi various special entries, like the appeared to be the most co!Ilmit-_ buggies of Schlesser and the ted runners progressed mto a Bourgoin team, but down in qual-great_disappointme~t: In the e~d, ity. There was a specially built a private b':1~Y finished third, Lancia from Spain for Servia, dnven by Philippe Wambergue, a while the Italian expert Vismara's ra~lyman who only accepted the Range Rover built to look like a dnve three days before the start. Korean Ssangyong Family. The first rebuff came when Cit-Big news of the rally raid world roen publicly disowned interest in was the chan ed nature of the the event because the organisers would not allow them the chance fl>.,.,., Slteli ·The Off-Roader's Choice· . ' ~~ D1161" .. \ c, • E-Z UP"' INSTANT SHELTERS Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter in less than 60 secondsl NO missing parts NO center poles NO. ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics 1.nstant Pit Shelter La Rana Contingency Sponsor SCORE Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Authotfzed Dealer CASTEX RENTALS~ INC. 10ll4 N. COie Ave. Los An..9~les, CA 90038 --~-""""'----Hubert Auria/ and Gilles Picard drove the second Citroen ZX Ra/lye, and they took second easily about 1 ½ hours behind the winning team, their mates. • course. Political difficulties and Also enthusiasts in Spain and failure by countries to guarantee France had more opportunities to safe passage made the usual watch the cars in action in course through the Sahara impos-Europe. sible to organise, and therefore The event started on December the route crossed Morocco and 28th and went southwards to the Mauritania almost exclusively - first stage, held on the private land twice altogether, there and back. of the remarkable sportsman Dakar, the Senegal capital which Gerard Bourgoin. Bourgoin had traditionally fetes the arrival of intended to take part at the wheel the winners, was now a halfway of one of his buggies, but he halt. One advantage of this format crashed a week before the event was that it was a chance to have while demonstrating his car to a two passages through Spain, visiting trade minister from Cuba. which meant (except for the offi-Both were hurt, Gerard withdrew cial rest halt) there was no day on from the event, and offered his theeventwithoutaspecialstage. driving seat to Wambergue instead. Bourgoin's number one driver was Jerome Riviere with a petrol engined car, Wambergue's car had a diesel. Saby won this stage with his Mitsubishi, a half second in front of Lartigue's Cit-roen. The section planned for the second day, near Bordeaux, was almost abandoned by rain. Water Simplythe Best! Fuel Safe's Pro Cell Racing Bladders are designed to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all of the major racing associations. Top Racers, like Robbie Gordon, demand the best and so should you. Fuel Safe Racing Cells -The Champions Choice! At your local dealer now! e Aircratt Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 Kenjiro Shinosuka ran as high as second in Africa in his Mitsubishi, but a major route change in Africa late in the game made him retire with the rest of the Mitsubishi team with good reasons. 18062 Redondo Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 842-2211 (800) 433-6524 (Outside CA) SAFETY ... It's what we're all about. Pagc31 March 1994 Dusty Times
Even Mercedes gets into the Paris-Dakar through privateers. This 500 GE or something similar is coming to the US soon and will be built here too. Fontenay and Musmurra are ready to race in this Mitsubishi Pajero, which in street form is similar to the rig called Montero and sold here through Dodge dealers. The prologue always draws plenty of spectators and the weather is usually cold and damp. Here a Nissan Terrano takes off the line, heading into the long journey. was everywhere, and after 38 cars • passed the stage was completely stopped, but meanwhile Lartigue had taken the lead he was never to lose. After the third stage in Spain the weather improved, but Lar-tigue's teammate Hubert Auriol had fallen back because of a five-minute road penalty, leaving Mit-subishis 2nd (Saby), 3rd (Web-er), 4th (Fontenay) and 5th (Shinozuka). On the first stage in Africa, Saby had front axle problems and fastest time of the day brought Auriol · up to second, but on the next stage he had two flats, and fell back to fifth again. Shi-no z uka was now second, a quarter-hour behind the leader. By January 3rd the rally reached Mauritania. New rules this year meant that cars restarted each day in the order of performance of the day before, not traditionally in the overall classification. This meant that Saby, although a long way behind overall, could run along with his teammates each day and adopt the role of fast service for his Mitsubishi teammates. On arriving in Dakar, Lartigue was 56 minutes in front of Shi-nozuka and whereas Saby had helped Shinozuka restart after he stopped with an electrical fault, the Frenchman could not assist when Weber had engine troubles and the German lost a lot of time. A two-day marathon section started the second part of the event. On the first day Mitsubishi lost Weber, who, running behind back markers because of his delay the~previous stage, rolled badly in dust and was withdrawn. Auriol rose to second place when Shinozuka took a longer route hoping to avoid the worst condi-tions. On the second day naviga-tion took a major role, long sec-tions continued and serious organisational problems arose. On the final section in Mauri-tania the first 20 cars and five · trucks survived soft sand and reached the main dunes, but because of the difficulty exper-ienced the other cars were stopped at a mid point passage check and sent back to the next overnight rest halt. The main team Mitsubishi drivers con-tinued through the stage, driving 30 hours non-stop and were pro-claimed the only crews to follow the official route. The organisers firstly greeted the drivers as heros, then announced not only had the section been cancelled, but also the next day's stage would begin on schedule. This was unaccepta-ble to the Mitsubishi team. "Hav-ing to restart immediately meant the drivers would have been on the road for more than 60 hours. We cannot allow our cars and drivers to continue, for their own Dusty Times safety." Interest in the event came to an abrupt end. Servia was out after losing his oil, Schlesser with an engine problem. Citroen were eleven hours ahead of the next driver while other Mitsubishis DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-polntsandrailseatbelt . . $74.95 RACE BELTS 2"-5pointmount . ........ $79.95 3"-5polntmount ..... . . . . $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS . . ................... $54.95 Swing axle ... ...... • ..... $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# ............ $79.95 200mm-up to 3000# . ....... $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#-2400# . . from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks ........ ... . . . . $39.95 4puc lerramic ... . ..... ... . $44.95 4 puc lerramic with spring hub ..... . ...... ....... .. ......... $54.95 were leading Groups TI and Tl. . Japanese driver Hiro Masuoka won Group T2 despite a five hour penalty on the first part of the event, caused by missing a passage check. At Dakar he had been lying 22nd overall. He then inherited the lead in his category when his and a triumphant drive into Paris rival Germanetti had a similar when came the news the rally was penalty. Masuoka ran out of fuel going to finish not in Paris but in during the dunes crisis but was the Euro Disney complex instead. rescued and could continue. The A strange ending to an event surviving drivers had been antici-which seemed doomed even pating the return through Europe before the start. GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK BIiiet housing, 11/, • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops ...... ............ $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4 cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-21/anges .ea $15.95 Trick boots /specify/ ... . ea $15.95 930 CV star ........... . ....... call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS B" travel-stockwidth .... $199.95 B" travel-widenedbeam .$219.95 10• travel-stock width . ... $224.95 10• travel-widened beam .$244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11½"chrome ..... .... $ 98.95 T-111/,"raw . ........... $ 65.95 T-11518" chrome .... .... $105.95 T-11518" raw ........... $ 72.95 T-4chrome . .....•.• . . . . $189.95 Hraw ................. . $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .............. $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utlllzes T-1 alternator, Includes alternator stand . $299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ ... .............. . . $489.95 MK II ..... . .......•... . $589.95 PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal . ..... . . $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle . . . $259.95 Replacements/ave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, lull contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . $269.95 Mount plate ... ......... $ 9.95 Coupler . . . . . . . ......... $ 8.95 Racksteeringstops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0 ............... pr. $44.15 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together ,,.,.rs lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length ......... pr. $449.00 1 'I,• longer ...... .... pr. $474.00 21/, "longer .......... pr. $499.00 4• longer-coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods w/ends. /specify Ford or International/ set ... .. .. .... .. ........... ... $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3" . . . . . ........... $435.80 1-21600, 5-1600 .....•... . $415.00 CATALOG ......... .... US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 March 1994 Page 33 >
... Australian Off Road Championship • Round 5 ' Text & Photos: Darryl Smith For the second time this season Ooug McMillan won overall as well as the single seat Class 9 in his Raceco/Porsche, as he moved steadily up the ranks and took the lead late in the race and held it to the flag. The 1993 Australian Off Road It was these creeks that were a 1600s in Class 2 over Richard Championship wound up with welcome change after so much Bennett. Doug McMillan's the final round being run over the dust this year, but unfortunately Firestone single seater led Class 9 Puckapunyal army base in many drivers suffered from and started 8th, while the Victoria with the help of Hella spluttering motors during the incredible Goodyear car of Mark and Isuzu General Motors. In all Prologue time trials. One not to Warren led the Class 3, 1200s 91 cars lined up.for the8 lap, 450 have any problems and in fact and would start 13th! Graeme kilometer journey over a track seemed to skip across the water Dowsett led the Baja class, Norm that had a bit of everything; from was 'Bridgestone's Neville Boyes, Vesty the 2WDs in his FlO0, Ken the very fast graded roads, to the scoring his first pole position for Houston was quickest Challenger _ tight, rough wooded sections, to some time. Following him were buggy, while Les Siviour's Nissan the steep rocky dimb up the fellow· class ls Daren Wells, Les Patrol led the Class 7 4x4s and Les Brown and Leigh Jones were right with the leader all day in their Class 1 Hornet, got through the creeks with no trouble and won the class and were just five minutes back in second overall. · Flying high here, the very quick 1600cc Hunter Rivmasta of Terry and Maureen Rose bested 20 other 1600s to win the class by ten minutes and also finish a very fine third overall. battling a clutch cylinder problem. The Ford Falcon pickup from Birdsville stopped to rectify ~ mountain, to numerous creek Brown, and Jamie Robinson. Grahame Baxter's V_8 Patrol · an exhaust problem, while his fellow Class 5 competitor, Rod Kilby broke a shock mount in the immaculate Hi Lux he was debuting. There was major drama at the front though as Wells came in with a flat tire. Les Brown then took over the lead at the end of two laps, followed by Robinson (with a slipping clutch), Bennett, Wells, Burrows, Bentley, and Osbourne. Baxter still led the 4x4s although Hadlow was moving up in the turbo Triton. Smith's turbo Rodeo pitted to fix a loose front arm. Parker's Landrover exited in spectacular fashion; approaching a corner at the end of a super fast section the front king pins broke sending the front wheel under and the VS Land Rover off the track Wells, Rose, Bentley, Morrison, Osbourne, and McMillan. Ben-nett led Rose for Class 2; Warren _ over Latter in Class 3; Irons led MacDougall in Class4; Smith just led V esty in Class 5; Houston was the only one left in Class 6; while crossings. Terry Rose was next and led the _headed the Class 8 4x4s starting Mark and Daryl Warren score amazingly high in their 1200cc Southern Cross. They ran in the top ten after the early laps, and won Class 3 by nearly 20 minutes and finished the race eighth overall as well. Puckapunyal- Hella 450 November 20-21, 1993 Puckapunyal, Victoria • Poa Drlver/CcH!river Vehicle 151 1 103 2 101 3 120 4 133 5 201 1 284 2 253 3 301 1 Class I - Unlimited Two Seat - 20 alart - 6 finish Les Brnwn/Leigh Jones Hornet Daren Wells/Ian McPh88 Rivmasta Mark Burrows/Ross Waller Trekka Charlie Abins/Craig Hoare Trekka Michael Baker/Peter Stevenson Enduro Claaa Two. 1600 cc Two Seat -21 atart - 3 finish Terry & Maureen Rose Hunter Rivmasta Richard Bennett/M lck Cowie Southern Cross Rod SlrTl)son/Ben Caton Buggy Class Three - t200cc Two Seat 13 start - 4 finish Mark & Daryl Warren Southern Cross 378 2 Adrian & Daryl Ferguson Southern Cross Rivmasta 307 3 Stewar1 Latter/David Warboys 358 4 Kevin Loo/Scott McNeil Hornet 460 1 604 1 701 1 Class Four - Baja Bug - 6 alart - 1 finish Stephen McDougalVMark Wilson Baja Bug Class Five - 2WD Sedan & Pickup - 5 start - O finish Class Six - Olallenger Buggy - 5 alart - 1 finish Ken Houston/Michelle Roberts Aligator Class Seven • Production 4x4 - 7 start - 2 finish Les Siviour/Peter lseppl Nissan Patrol 704 2 Mark Manns/Allen Cartledge Isuzu Jackaroo Class Eight - Unlimited 4x4 - 7 alart - 4 finish 805 1 Grahame Baxter/Nigel Burley Nissan Patrol 802 2 Peter Hadlow/Scott Foster Mitsubishi Triton 809 3 Reg Owen/Russell Cairns Nissan Patrol 801 4 Ken & Laureen Smith Isuzu Rodeo Class 9 - Unlimited Single Seat - 7 alart -2 finish 913 1 Doug McMillan 925 1 Anthony Horkings Raceco Porsche Buggy Time 5:18:12 5:24:13 5:27:33 5:32:11 5:53:13 5:23:25 5:33:31 6:08:43 5:36:42 5:56:20 6:14:05 6:33:52 6:14:05 6:33:29 5:44:29 5:50:57 5:52:15 5:56:27 6:04:18 6:36:11 5:13:35" 6:06:43 Star1ers 91 - Rnlshers 23 - Finish ratio 25% Race Distance 450 kms (280 miles) 8 laps Fastest Prologue - #109 -Neville Boyes/Collen Roper Fastest race lap - #103 Daren Wells/Ian McPh88 -36:01 • 0/A 2 4 5 6 12 3 7 17 8 13 20 22 19 21 9 10 11 14 15 23 16 first tin top in 30th. Prologue casualties included Brett Os-bourne's broken stub axle, Keith Owers' steering, Glenn Owen's misfire, Dean Williams' motor, and Barry Johnson's wet motor. The weather on the Sunday was perfect as the race start was signalled by the departure of the first pair of cars. Wells got the jump arid led the field. Boyes was soon out after breaking front shock bolts. Johnson wasn't even that lucky as the misfire contin-ued and he failed to get off the grid. Soon after, Kel Bryant rolled his Class 2, while the Baja of Dowsett pulled out after a rock went through the sump. No such -problems for Wells as he posted the quickest opening lap over Brown, Robinson, Bennett, Mark Burrows, and Neill Morrison. Baxter's Patrol was carving up the field and moved from 30th to 21st. Owers' race ended the next lap when he hit a rock big enough to stop a local tank! Rowston's Baja was out with a broken accelerator and Whisker's Challenger broke its gearbox mounts. The Crisp's Class 1 lost time fixing a CV, while Taylor's Baja also pitted to repair a shock mount. MacDoug-a ll, also Baja mounted was · somehow missing trees and fences. Other retirements includ-ed Strawbridge's Class 9 with a broken spring plate, Glen Owen a cliff, and Mark Bush a motor (borrowed from his dad actually). Glen Ingram made a return to racing only to end up deep in a water hole. After three laps, crews were allowed to take a much needed pit . break. Despite the slipping clutch, the T yrepower car of Robinson was now the leader. Only six minutes covered the Top Ten, and following Robinson they were: Brown, Bennett, Burrows, in Class 7 Siviour led Zacka's Rodeo and in Class 8 Baxter led Hadlow. Behind McMillan in Class 9 was Stephen Hilton. The next lap though spelled the end for many. Crisp went out with another CV failure, Bentley broke a rear torsion bar, Hilton an alternator, Williams his second motor for the weekend, Fitcher a cliff Smith's Galant with steering woes, and Moore's Class 3 after . three bent tie rods, no brakes and a split fuel tank! Whitbread's Mitsubishi 4x4 had a flat tire dropping him down the Class 7 list. Up front, Brown picked .up the pace and took back the lead position over Robinson and Wells who was also on a cha_rge. The big mover was McMillan who jumped from 10th to 4th as they reached the half way ·mark. His quest was helped by Bennett getting a flat tire and Burrows breaking a shock. Wells then pitted to replace a broken fan belt frustrating his efforts even more. But there were a lot who were out for good: Prendergast's terl'ible luck continued with a broken front stub, the Owen's Class 2 overheated and Bob Graham, also in Class 2, went off course breaking a shock and blowing a it4 Daren Wef/s and Ian McPhee had some down time, but Flying high over the grassland Richard Bennett and Mick set race fast lap in the Rivmasta and worked back to Cowie ran close all day and their Southern Cross was second in Class 1 and fourth overall as well. second, ten minutes back in Class 2, 7th OJA. March 1994 •
• ""' ;,; .... Mark Manns and Allen Cartledge put up quite a fight in the Isuzu Jackaroo, but they settled for second in Class 7, tenth O/A, about six minutes back. Adrian and Daryl Ferguson were a strong second in 1200cc Class 3 action in their Southern Cross racer, and they also went fast enough to be 13th overall. Peter Had/ow and Scott Foster ran fast to catch up in Class 8 after two flats on the Mitsubishi Triton, but they were second in class, four minutes back. - J It would be a surprise if Les Siviour and Peter lseppi didn't win Class 7. They won again in the reliable Nissan Patrol, leading most of the way at that, and came in ninth overall too. tire. · 1 hen more of the lead bunch average runs. The leading Class 5s disappeared: the Osbourne's had of Barnes (Falcon) and Kilby a roll, Morrison broke a front (HiLux), the Bajas of Irons and arm, then the fading clutch finally Taylor and the 4x4s of Coleman, gave out on the once leading car of Whitbread, and Langham were Jamie Robinson. sadly stopped from further Times were sorted and the competition. Holt's fine run came leading ten cars were announced. to an end on the last lap with They were: Brown, McMillan, suspension problems. Zacka's Rose (1st Class 2), Wells, Ken HoldenRodeoalsofailedonlap8 Holt (Class 2), Burrows, Charlie with computer problems. Bax-Albins, Bennett, Warren (1st ter's Patrol had developed Class 3 ), and then a tight bunch of gearbox problems along with rio 4x4s led by Siviour's Class 7 over fuel pressure, but he wasn't about Baxter, Manns, and Zacka. to give away · his Class 8 lead. Hadlow had dropped back with Another with fingers crossed was his second flat of the day. There Mark Burrows in 5th place, now was disaster up the front as Brown._ with a broken shock and clutch . pulled out in the dust to pass a problems, wanted a good finish to string of cars only to run into a secure the '93 title. deep hole and bend the steering. Vesty's ailing FlOO stopped to tow them out then Brown limped back for their 6-lap pit stop to fix the steering. McMillan now held the lead spot. Brown had only dropped to second while Holt had crept up into third. Albins had turbo and power steering prob-lems and was grateful of the pit break. Taylor's Baja stopped to work on his electric fans after. being earlier held up by two stray army trucks! Big problems hit the 4x4s; Coleman's Patrol had an exhaust drop off and wrap around everything, Pickering's Pajero broke a rear spring after earlier losing a CV, Michael Zacka also lost a CV then did a tire, while Ken Smith's Rodeo likewise was in 2 WD and losing spring function. _after one lap, but despite some shocker problems, ran the full distance to take the prize for his sponsors Jag-Art and Sidchrome. Les Siviour's Nissan Patrol completed 5 out of 5 Class 7 wins for the year. Manns was not that far behind though taking second in the Jackaroo. The clock denied any other finishers, indeed Chapman's Suzuki completed 8 laps only to be 1 minute over time. Despite some terril,le gearbox rattles, Baxter's Hankook Tires Patrol took out Class 8 and placed 11th overall. Hadlow's Yokohama pickup was next with Grahame Baxter and Nigel Burley led the early laps in the Nissan Patrol and the VS Nissan of Reg Owen in they kept on leading right to the checkered flag in Class 8, modified 4x4, and h • d K S · h, f f. · 1 · · h f . t 1r . en m1t s actory they 1n,shed 11th overa I, wmnmg t e class by our mmutes. H ld R d 1· d · • 4th For the second time this year the checker flag fell on Doug McMillan's Firestone single seater. The race time for the winning Raceco 'was 5 hours 13 minutes. About 4½ minutes behind was Les Brown, happy with his second place for Bridgestone but annoyed at his earlier mistake. Goodyear's Terry Rose took third in the 1600 car. Daren Wells was next in over Burrows who indeed had scored enough points to be the '93 Australian Champion. Complet-ing the top ten were Albins, Bennett, Warren, Siviour, and Manns, in his best result in the Isuzu Jackaroo V6. Lookin throu h the classes: o en o eo 1mpe m ,or Class 1 was taken out by Brown, •. place, nevertheless another finish over Wells, Burrows, Albins and for this super reliable team. Race Mick Baker. Baker in fact won at winner McMillan obviously won this track way back in 1979. Class Class 9, with a long gap to Tony 2 only saw 3 cars complete the Horkings the only other to get in distance; Rose over Bennett, then as a finisher. Rod Simpson. Next year will be In fact only 25% of the field interesting with both Rose and recorded 8 laps of racing. The Bennett moving to.Class 1. That Puckapunyal venue is a great one incredible 1200cc Class 3 of and thanks must go to the army Mark Warren took another win. for its use. Hella and Isuzu-GM This time over Ferguson, Latter were great to have as sponsors and and Lee. There was only one Baja the VORRA ran a good event to collect a trophy; Steve which was fine way to complete MacDougall's Falken Tires Bug. the 1993 season. Personally I The late-time saga also took care would like to thank the generosity of Class 5 to the extent there were of Isuzu-GM for the loan of a no finishers. In Class 6, Ken Jackaroo V6 which excels in both . Houston was the sole Challenger . . comfort and performance ... BIGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the · Jar ~r C.V. ioints. Convert type I stub axles and output bell to accept Type 11 or Type IV or 930 C.V. .iConvert Type 11 stub axles and output bell 1to accept 930 C.V. joints. I All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV J c .v .s can be threaded ¾-24 or stock 8mm .1AII axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be r threaded '~-24 _Qr stock 10mm threads. FIT YOUR OFF flOADER " WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.~·s· per fl~1_1.11e on yo_ur supplied parts .. Stop the up-trave on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. ER . Bump Stopa oome complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane nd piece, and enough valving to get the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. Including the mounting hardware and the GRS bolts SEE YOUR OFF R:>AD RACNG PARTS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. It was a two lap run to the finish and McMillan was confident of holding his position and was hoping Burrows and Wells would strike trouble allowing him to take the overall '93 champion-ship. Seven of eight laps down and McMillan now held a 4 minute lead over Brown and Holt. But while all the attention was on the leaders, it was obvious the organisers had fouled up further back in the pack. The cut-off time to commence the last laps was set way too early and many competi-tors were halted and not allowed · to continue even though they had Ken Houston and Michelle Roberts were in the only Challenger Buggy that finished and their Alig a tor was close on time, but they were 21st out of the 23 that did finish and the class winner. 'Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 182 Crnhiew · P. 0. Box 845 1-eol-427-3551 Yamel, AZ. 85312-0845 DustyTima March 1994 Page 35
ONAL H.K. Smith collects his championship trophy and the cash too, for his win in the muddy Class 11 competition, the opening race of the entire meet. Mike Savage collected a grand total of $2,000.00 in first place purse for winning the Heavy Metal in his Class 3 Jeep. Steve Brock won both the 0-250 A and the 9-500 Open for a $1,500.00. Michigan Off Road ·Championships OFF-ROAD NATIONALS & -~WAP MEET Promoter Mike Brunton presents Dan Baudoux with one of his several first place checks. Dan had a big day, winning often for a total payday of $3,120.00. On June 19 & 20, 1993 in SW AP MEET happened. The promoted by MTB Enterprises, Mason, Michigan the first annual event was sponsored by Caffeine the promoter for the Michigan OFF-ROAD NATIONALS & Free Mountain Dew and was Off-Road Championship series Advantages of LOCK-Right: •Dramatically increases traction in both 2wd and 4wd vehicles. •Simple & rugged design has survived some of the toughest terrain on earth. •Smooth, dependable operation both on- and off-road. • Won't rob your engine of precious horsepower. •Installs easily into your existing differential housing. •Affordable-most models priced under $350. (VW models start under $250!). STOP SPINNING YOUR WHEELS! Put the power to the ground with I Automatic Positive Locking Differentials Available for most 1/2-ton. 3/4-ton and 1-ton vehicles {over 35 models in all!) Ford GM Chrysler Jeep Dana VW 091 Model Shown Above Toyota Nissan Isuzu Suzuki vw The Revolutionary New LOCK-Right from Weddle Engineering. You won't find a t,etter looker and you won't find a t,etter pric;e! WEddlE ENGiNEERiNG P.O. Box 15466•Long Beach, CA 90815 (310) 598-2731 Page 36 March 1994 which runs at county fairs across the state. This was the fifth year for off-road racing at Mason and the crowds were really starting to turn out for this popular series. The weather was bad with over 2.2 inches of rain on Saturday & Sunday. Each class was scheduled to race two heats on Saturday and a feature on Sunday. However, heavy rain started after the first round of heat races and forced a cancellation of the second round. In this series everyone gets to run in the features with no additional entry fee! The rain put a damper on the , swap meet vendors who had selected outdoor spaces. The indoor space became even more popular. Even the giant Mountain Dew blimp was moved inside. Class 11 was a real mudfest as the track was wet from two days of rain. However, the sun was shining as the race started promptly at 1 :00 p.m. The gua-ranteed first place purse for the race was $1,000 (5 car min-imum). H.K. Smith (Moose) was the winner with Dan Baudoux fin-ishing second and Herman Ber-n um third and Eric McLaren fourth. First and second place finishers in the buggy features are allowed to remove their restrictor plates and move up to the next buggy feature. This format has proved very popular over the last 5 years that the Michigan Off-Road Championships has run. The Limited feature {1-2-1600) was another guaranteed $1,000 to win. This time Dan Baudoux was the dominant factor on his way to his richest payday ever in racing. Dan drove his two seat Mirage to first place . with Baron LeBlanc coming in second, third place was Gene Clausson and fourth was Brian Peterson with Dennis Aiken of Georgia finishing fifth. Dennis came to Michigan to race the speed week of Off-Road racing when 5 races are held in 13 days. Class 10 (1650 air cooled) is a popular class in Michigan. This was another $1,000 win for Dan Baudoux in his 2-1600 car, second place was taken by H.K. Smith in a Class 11 car! Third place went to Jack Haenlein with Robert Oldfield in for fourth. Water cooled 1650 cars run in Class 9 which competes with Class 1 & 2 in the unlimited fea-ture. This was another $1,000 payoff for Dan Baudoux in his Class 9 Rabbit powered Mirage with Baron LaBlanc coming in second in a 1-1600 car! Third place went to Greg Ward with a Rabbit powered car and fourth place was Bob Wardell. Heavy metal was a career high payday also for Mike Savage of Williamsburg, Michigan driving his Class 3 Jeep. It was obvious that the SODA drivers did not hear about this race as only 5 trucks started for the $2000 first place purse. Mike led most of the race with Chad Schluter a close second in his Ford. Chad missed a jump and was penalized a lap which put him in 5th place and gave second place to Nyle Weber (The Nylator) and a record pay-day for him too. Third place went to Cheryl Walton in another Jeep. Cheryl was the 1992 & 1993 Points Series Champion for the Michigan Off-Road Champion-ships. Ric Tischbourne finished in fourth place after a front stretch tangle which had all the fans on their feet. Quad A TV races are a popular part of the show in Michigan and the 250 pro class ( Quad # 1 ) was another $ 1000 payoff for peren-nial winner Steve Borek riding a Honda for Mickey Ballance from Jackson, Michigan. Second place went to Roy Banister with Robert Stier a close third. Pat Rogers was scored fourth and C.J. Stewart was fifth. The open pro A TV ( Quad #4) also offered $ 1000 for first place but only 4 machines pulled to the starting line for this feature. Once again Steve Borek won first with his 250 Honda· and Pat Rogers in second and Rob Stier in third with Dave Gloden a DNF. Pilots are a popular and grow-ing class in Michigan. The 350cc Modified Pilot class paid a first place purse of $500 to Phil Doyle with Holgeir Oksnevad finishing second with Ken Nelson third and David Collins fourth. The 400cc SS Pilot class was dominated by Richard Dilley with Roger Olm-stead in second and Dennis Maiden finishing third. 400cc Modified pilots raced for a $500 first place purse which was awarded to Phil Doyle with Hol-geir Oksnevad in second place. Third went to Ken Nelson with David Collins in fourth. The ever popular swimsuit con-test was a big hit with $250 at stake. 10 lovely young ladies entered and were judged by the crowd. Abbie Stecker was the winner and helped give out some of the giant trophies. The Bombers were a great wind-up to an exciting event. Thes1· stock bodied cars (Good Old Boys) raced for a $500 first place purse. The lead changed three times on the last lap and the winner was not decided until the last turn. Kevin Zalma was given the Championship trophy and the $500 check for his efforts in the Mud. The spectators loved every second of it. Plans are now underway for the second Annual OFF-ROAD NATIONALS & SWAP MEET, and the date is August 27-28, 1994 at the Fowerville Fair-grounds, 20 miles east of Lansing, ML Dusty Times
By John Elkin California Rally Series Awards Banquet carrot dangling at the end of a stick to hold in front of Lon to help him go faster, a low dollar in-car camera consisting of a disposable Kodak camera duct taped to a helmet. After giving away the speed secrets of the B&D Automotive team John was joined by John Moore for a special award for Dan Hook. Both John's navigated for Dan this year, a year marred by many flat tires .. , 18 to be exact. So for heroic tire changing efforts a tire iron was gold anodized and mounted on a plaque and hereby named the "Dan Hook Memorial Tire Iron & Navigator Adjust-ment Tool". lough & Scott Webb Co-master of Ceremonies Ray Hocker then surprised many by instituting a new award honoring his old friend and navigator, Bill Moore. Bill, for those of new, was a dedicated rally navigator, rally organizer, CRS Director and a founding membe of the CRS. His loss a few years ago was, and still is, deeply felt by many today. Ray wanted to reward someone who he felt typified Bill's attitude and much to yours truly's surprjse, the award was given to John Elkin, me. I hope this award is continued whenever someone meets the stiff criteria set by the life Bill Moore led for if that happens then with people such as these, and those who receive a Zimmerman Award then PRO Rally in California will always be strong and the class of the divisional system in the United States. There was not a rally car in sight, no sweet smell of race gas coming from a fine tuned race engine's exhaust and not a scrap. of Nomex to be seen; yet 102 rally competitors gathered in one place. It was the 1993 California Rally Series Awards Banquet. Organized this year by CRS Director Lynette Allison, she put together the largest attended banquet in the 20 year history of the CRS. Held in Fullerton at the Old Spaghetti Factory, rallyists were treated to delicious Italian cuisine and when all the food was gone the fun really started. Our annual awards are very di verse in the CRS, ranging from remembering competitors that have long passed on to the humorous and some comedy skits put together by competitors. The night started on a high note with the annual Cap'n Crunch Award, this is given to the team that best tells the story about their rollover or crash in the 1993 season. Odds on favorite for this was the team of Mitch McCullough/Scott Webb for their double rollover year both at Fenceline Ill and Prescott Forest but the applause meter surprisingly was pegged in the red by the story of Bob Scott/Chris Smith who at Prescott rolled the Toyota after hitting a boulder. Bob is a rookie driver and we are sure this is not the award he hoped for in his first year. Mike and Paula Gibeault, our divisional co-stewards and at large givers to the sport put together a comedy skit involving candy bar sponsorships and racers who deserved them. Case in point, for Mitch McCullough's efforts in his two rollovers this year he got a CRUCH bar, Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzman who caught fire at Rim in stage one were presented with a bag of RED HOTS. There were many such presentations of candy to competitors but the crowd favorite, at least for the ladies was a contest for the BIG HUNK BAR by previously selected panel of single, eligible ladies. The big winner was Terry Stonecipher who beat out the likes of Todd Bawden, Chad Di Marco and Lon Peterson. Our guest speaker this year was Mitsubishi Motorsports manager Dave Wolin who gave teams tips on getting, then building spon-sorships. Wolin fielded a pair of Eclipse's this year and garnered the CRS Stock Class Champion-ship and a second place in the national Production Class. He must know what he is talking about with his long and impres-sive list of associate sponsors, not to mention the charities he has helped along the way. Being a technical inspector is a somewhat thankless job, it requires one to donate a large part of his pre-race time to helping the organizer of a rally. Both Ron Wood and Dan Hook have worked hard this year and with Hook getting his full national tech license Wood may be able to take it easy so to that end the collective of the CRS gave Ron Wood his own folding stool and Dan Hook an official tech hat complete with flip down sunglasses built in. Thanks guys! The most prestigious, long standing awards one can receive in the CRS is the Zimmerman Award. It is presented by Karin Zimmerman-DiMarco in honor of her father; Dr. Kenneth Zimmerman. This was an extra-ordinary man who quietly and many times anonymously made sure money found its way to rally teams in need or organizers. The stories are numerous and after his passing in 1982 in a plane crash that also took his wife, this award was established to honor those who quietly and without much recognition donate much of themselves and their time to the sport. This year Chad and Karin pleased everyone with a most popular choice in picking a couple that for more years than they will ever admit have been active, helping teams young and old. Bill and Kay Gutzmann were re-warded with the 1993 Zimmer-man Award. Normally the award is a plaque that hangs in the DiMarco household, winners names inscribed on it from years past. This year a beautiful framed · certificate was awarded, not only to Bill and Kay, but to all the past winners since 1982 so now all have something to remember the The presentation of the Galal Souki Cup was next. This is given yearly to the stock class driver who best preps his car, keeps it dean and demonstrates sports-manship just as Galal did before his life was taken in a transit by a drunk driver. This year's winner, and deservedly so is Dennis Chizma who's immaculate VW Rabbit is everything the award stands for. , honor bestowed on them the year they won. Dusty Times The past winners are well worth repeating, and remembering here: 1982 -Tim Fountaine & Frank Jacobs 1983 - Ken Adams 1984 - Roger Allison 1985 -Mike Gibeault 1986 -Clint Heuring 1987 - Lynette Allison 1989 - Nancy Peterson & Sheryl Love 1990 - Michael O'Sullivan 1991 -John Elkin 1992 -Sam Moore Interesting to note that most of the names on this list are still out there helping rallying even today, showing the wisdom of their being chosen any number of years ago. Now in its second year the Rookie of the Year award was quite easy to call in 1993 as Mitch McCullough/Scott Webb took the 4WD Open Class Champion-ship in their first year. The pair have been on a real roller coaster ride this year as explained early but they finished the year well with two class wins, one overall win and a second place. And next year? It was time for some comedy again and John Elkin provided some comedy relief with his giving away of Lon Peterson's speed secrets, using homemade props. It was a very visual gag and some of the props included a The evening finished with the awarding the Southern Pacific Division Drivers Trophy which this year was given to Todd Bawden who in his rookie year also garnered the SCCA National GT Class title. Then it was on to the class awards that honors the top drivers and navigators in each of the three CRS classes. Photo-trophies were given to the first five places in class. The big winners were: StockClass -TonyShumaker& Larry Scott 2WD Open -Ron Wood & Kelly Walsh 4WD Open -Mitch McCul-The evening ended about 11 :00 and teams shuffled out of the Old Spaghetti Factory and drove home to prepare their cars, plan their year and make next year's banquet something to really celebrate with a great 1994 full of competition. The final award not handed out at the banquet is a big thank you to Jean Calvin and Dusty Times for their support of the California Rally Series and the sport in general. Jamar Super Shifte Make missed shifts a thing of the past! Fortin CV Cages Polished & Strong! Available in both: 930 and 934.5 Thing Drums Straight from Germany. The real thing! 1_03 Press Lane #4 * Chula Vista, CA 91910 Phone: (619)691-9171 * FAX: (619)691-0803 March 1994 Page 37 --
1993 VORRA Awards Text & Photos: Wizer Photo BFGoodrich Repr;s~~tatives Diane and Jeff Cummings presented certificates to racers who ran BFGoodrich tires exclusively, raced all the 1993 events, and received top honors. From left Jeff Cummings, Hooter Meyer, Forest Creasy, Everett Paul, Diane Cummings, Steve Bradford, Sam Berri, Kip Whitnack, Ken Ruff, Raymond Fisher, Sid Smith, Don German, and Chris German. Jackets were also presented from BFGoodrich for those racers who raced with BFG tires exclusively, but didn't take any contingency for 1993. From left Garry Steele, Jeff & Diane Cummings, Vim Nickell & Corina Mack, and Larry Folsom. The Valley Off Road Racing Association's 1993 Awards Banquet and Business Meeting was held November 20th at the Peppermill Hotel and Casino in Reno, Nevada. The Business Meeting which was at 1 :00 PM drew quite a crowd with standing room only by its start. The issues which were discussed were as follows: Ed reviewed 1993 rules which were either not followed or argued: Checkpoints: it was agreed that a checkpoint captain can hold a racer for unsafe speed or conduct. In conjunction with this the racer will be the one who pays if their pit personnel are out of line. One of the main arguments about checkpoints was consistency when it came to either stopping or letting a racer roll through a checkpoint. After a heated discussion the concession was that it is up to the discretion of the checkpoint personnel to make a racer stop completely or not. The explanation was if there are two racers coming into a checkpoint at ~li•J~llr'ill!llilli,~i!Ul,•'ll•Jl1i,iiNl.iJI We would like to thank and congratulate all these FAT-powered, 1993 Class points champions: MTEG Super 1600 Champion ....................... Jerry Whelchel SODA Class 2-1600 Champion ...................... Jim Wiggens SODA Class 1-1600 Champion ....................... Todd Attig SODA Class 5-1600 Champion ....................... Mike Brue SODA Class 9-10 Champion ........................... Todd Attig SODA Class 1 Champion ................................ Todd Attig SCORE Class 5 Champion .............................. George Seeley BAJA PROMOTIONS Class 1-2 Champion ....... Brent Miller FUD Class 2-1600 Champion ........................ Jim & Mike Abatti RAONG ENGINES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARlS Send or call for our new catalog S5.00 Page 38 We would also like to thank and congratulate all our customers for all their class wins in SCORE, SODA, MTEG, SNORE, FUD, lA RANA and BAJA PROMOTIONS. 1558 No. Case•Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889•fax (714) 637-7352 March 1994 Jerry Henton explained to the 1993 season's overall points champ Sid Smith about the Keepsake Quilt that he and his wife have been working on. They had a square printed with the T-Shirt design from each of the 1993 events and were now working on putting them together. Sid was to be presented with the quilt at the awards ceremony, but unfortunately, it wasn't quite finished. one time, and the car in front can got tangled up in the first corner. be seen but not the second the All racers agreed to the conditions checkpoint crew can stop any car of the rule change by a show of until they are able to identify it. hands. There was also a change in The 20 mph speed limit in the the points, at the Short Course Main Pits was upheld. Short races the motos will be worth 3 Course issues: Yellow flags were a points each. A racer must finish big argument. The final decision the moto to get the points. The in regards to them was if a racer price is going up a bit as of 1994. does not acknowledge or slow The Pro classes will pay $175.00, down they will get a stop and go Sportsman Veteran $75.00, and penalty for their trouble and there Novice $50.00. In the Desert the is no passing once the Yell ow flies. changes were few. Desert points On to New Business: At the will now be 6 per race rather than Short Course races the following 5. There was an entry fee increase applies. The working pits are just in the Desert as well. Open class that. They are not a place for racers will pay $400.00, Sports-spectators, also they will be man Veteran $200.00, Sports-farther back as of 1994. Other man Novice $175.00. With the pertinent changes. If there is a multi increase in entry Ed also increased car pile up on the first lap a the pay back in the Open classes Yellow/Red flag will fly and the to 50%. All other classes will field will slow and form a single remain the same. Something one file line to restart. No one will be of the 1600 drivers came up with penalized for causing the wreck, was that if a 1-2-1600 team wins a they will just restart in the race can the Class start the next position they are in upon catching event ahead of the Class 10s? As the pack, the lap will count, also you can imagine this was not the pile up must be within 3/ 4 of greeted with much enthusiasm, the lap to bring about a restart. the final answer "NO"! In the The reason this came up was due Pilot Class one of the drivers to the big Class 2 crash at the last suggested that they be allowed to Short Course where Everett Paul, run 2 laps at the Desert Events SamBerri,andRickHoeskeryall rather than only one. Ed's - .-.!!II~::;::; . ;;-·--¥ ---Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road driving school can help you be your best! But be ready. .. the road isn't smooth! Call For Courses and Dates Great Basin Consulting 2738 Chavez Dr. Reno, NV 895D2 (702) 825-883D Dusty Times
VORRA ·s charismatic Voice Garland Dyke accepted a plaque from Ed Robinson for all of his work. Garland made it very clear that he will be back next year and though we all love to give him a bad time, I think all were glad to hear it. reasoning in saying No to this one was that he doesn't want to see these mini racers get tangled up with the larger vehicles, one race where the Pilots will run the whole event will be the Yerington i to Fallon race being planned for September 3, 4, 5. All vehicles participating in any VORRA Event must have a 50 watt fog light, no exceptions, if you don't have it you don't race. Class Rule Changes:Class 10, 2 seaters can run 1 715cc motors, will use 99% SCORE rules, Min~Mags can run Class 10. Class 1-2-1600s are no longer restricted to Stock Rear Trailing Arms, after market version is allowable. The 1600 weight was set at 1550 lbs dry, for . . . ·.· 11\ . . : OFF Fi RA' Ed Robinson, VORRA 's President started the night's awards presentation with giving thanks to the many people who help put together VORRA and have been there for so many races. DustyTimcs Becky Hall received a plaque for all of her work with the VORRA Technical crew and for her help with the contingency program. Becky has become an integral part of this racing associatioh. both single and 2 seat race vehicles. Restrictor Plate size will be 24mm for 2 seaters and 20mm for single seat race cars. The 1994 race season is going to be a good one. VORRA will run an 8 race Series consisting of 4 Short Course and 4 Desert races. A New Short Course race will be added, VORRA's Fall Spectacul-ar held October 1-2, moving the Championship race back to October 29-30. There are also changes brewing in the Desert. The Labor Day race which is usu-ally the Yerington 250 will now be a point to point to point race, con-fused? I'll explain; the event will run from Yerington to Fallon and back. The plan is to have a 125 mile straight run to Fallon, with a 4 hour layover to sweep the course, ·then the field will line up the way they finished the first leg · and back to Yerington tl1'Y will go. Needless to say this Idea caused quite a stir with racers and crews. I guess we will have to see how this turns out. As Ed put it, "They have run most of the track already!" No more details were available. I'll keep you informed as I get info about this new event. The first race for 1994 will be March 19-20. The Season Opener at the Prairie City SVRA Park in Sacramento, CA, this event will be run on the one mile track. One last thing that was dis- ' cussed was in regards to Dusty ; Times. As of 1994, a Membership , to VORRA will get you a one year . subscription to the magazine . Also all competitors will be able to get information about their race teams into the articles. How you ask, by using the quote cards which will be at each event in the VORRA Trailer or you can get a hold of me personally. I am a wri-ter for the racer. Only the driver and his or her crew can get me the information I need to write accu-rate articles. So don't be shy. high flying one. Second place in Class 2 was filled by Everett Paul. Everett has few sponsors but with his strong run in 199 3 he is sure to pick them up. The Paul racing team placed second in both the Desert and Overall Series. Third Place in I@' ....... ,., ·-BUS BOX CONVERSION!'!! Converts your Type II Transaxle into a Heavy Duty racing Transaxle for use up to 2.8 liter motors or rotarys. * 9 inch Ring & Pinion * Mid or Rear engine * only 30 lbs. over stock bus box * All Heat treated billet aircraft steel used throughout * 12 years experience in transaxle, chassis, and suspension designs * Units start at $5500.00 Just ask these top racers: Jimmy Nichols - 2nd points overall-MTEG (619) 462-3898 6 Heat wins-always in top 3 Bill Goshen - 7th points overall-MTEG (714) 642-4340 - Going faster than ever Dick Weyhrich - Class 10 Score Desert series (800) 547-2414 - Hardest driver out there . Ray Gastelum- Class 10 Baja Pro series (01152) 66-821936 -Won Overall 1st time out Wayne Brinkley-Class 10 FUD series (619) 448-6745 - 3rd Overall 1st time out Art Schmitt - Class 1&9 Soda Series (412) 687-5093 - Watch him kick butt in 94! OVERALL i99~ season - no problems, no failures. All Rose equipped cars are notably faster! For free Catalog please send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: The Dinner and Awards pres-entation started at 6:30 PM with a cocktail hour till 7:30 PM, then dinner was served and by 8:30 PM VORRA began its awards presen-tation. In Class 2 three teams battled for the# 1 spot all year and in the end first place in both series was filled by Sam Berri and Heidi Burkland. Sam and Heidi thanked friends, crew and sponsors for all their support; among the team's sponsors were Tom Martin Log-ging, Highlands Quick Lube, and BF Goodrich. Sam's year was a ROSE TRACTIONj,i; CONTROL ~\~' ,--------• JNTERN'\TION'\L . March 1994 1700 E.Main Street, El Cajon, CA 92021 or contact CHRIS ROSE (619) 443-2480 Page 39
Ed's Better Half, Jenny Robinson, the heart of VORRA, had to do a little bit of reorganizing as the night went on. Ed somehow completely mixed up his cards. But as usual Jenny straightened it out with a smile. ~ Class 2 points went to Clayton Scudder and Curtis Clark. The team of Clayton and Curtis took the position in both Series' as well, their main spon, sors are Auto Diesel Electric, Fibercraft, and Vinyl Visions among others. The Scudder's Per, formance team also received a trophy from VORRA'sTechPer, sonnel for having the best Techni, cal Presentation in the Pro Classes. Clayton thanked his crew for all the work they put into the car this year. Class 10 had a very difficult year with there only being two races in the Desert with any of the competitors finishing. Even with this there was a serious points race and unlike many of the classes the point race was very close. Randy Leplante took ffrst in the Desert and second in the Overall Series. The Leplante team took their sin, gle seat Electric Works Spon, sored race car to the top. Randy and Phil weren't able to make the trip to accept their awards. Steve Bradford took top honors in the Overall Series in Class 10 and placed second in the Desert. Dale Smith landed in the #3 spot in both the Desert and Overall Ser, ies. Dale's Main sponsor is J.B. Machine. Dale also thanked his crew and especially Dennis Kor, donowy for building such a great car. . . The 1,2,1600 points race for 1993 was tough. Larry Zimmer, man captured the first place spot in the Desert, Larry thanked Lar, ry'z Auto Works and Trick Rae, ing Products. The biggest winner for the 199 3 racing season was the 1600 race team of Sid Smith and Kip Whitnack, not only did the team pick up the #1 spot in the Overall Series and second in the Desert, they also took the Overall win for the season. In doing so the team will receive a special gift. Jerry Henton went to all the races · West Coast Distributor· fOil HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PltICE $695.0-0 GEARS _. AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Per Set 2 Ratio's Available NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 891U2 702/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Products~ 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Pagc40 this year and had the t,shirt design for each event printed on a square, and then put them together to create a keepsake quilt for the Overall winner of the 1993 season. The Humbug racing team's main sponsor's are Hum, bug Automotive, The Tire Dealer, and Ferm Hydrolic. Ken Ruff placed second in the Overall Series and third in the Desert. Ken's sponsors are Humbug Automotive and Terrils Machine Shop among others. What I remember most about when Ken headed up to accept his awards was a bugle being blown from his table. Third place in the Overall Series went to Larry Folsom. Some of Larry's sponsors are Southwest Builders and Mom. Larry declared that he will retire his role as the VORRA crash dummy in Class 1,2,1600. Class 4 had brutal year only drawinj a few competitors to each event, nothing like they would like. Raymond Fisher took the win in both the Desert and Over, all Series. Raymond's sponsors are CHE Racing Engines and Fol, beck 4 Wheel Drive among oth, ers. Raymond's son went up with him to accept his awards and as most of the racers did Raymond· thanked his family and Crew. Don and Chris German placed second in both Series' for Class 4. Don thanked BF Goodrich, Trick Fuel, his Crew and family, and Roger McCarty presented three racers with trophies for best technical presentation in 1993, here he gives Hooter Meyer his for the Sportsman Classes. Clayton Scudder received the award for the Open Classes, and Mike Vandeburgh for the Pilot Classes. most importantly the spectators and workers who make this all happen. John Herman placed third_ in both Series for 1993. John was another racer who had a brutal year, but his pure determi, nation paid off. John thanked his sponsors, Donny's 4WD world, Levco Transmissions, and CHE , Off Road Engines among others and his Crew. In the Sportsman Veteran Class two names have stood out all year. Mike and Floyd Haas. The team picked up the win in both Series this year. They thanked a couple of their ·sponsors F&S Drywall and Sierra Gypsum Inc. Here a while back there was talk that the brothers would move their team up into the Class 2 ranks but the final word was that their new race class will be Class 10. Second in the Desert and third Overall went to the team of Ryan O 'Callaghan and Troy Robinson. The team's main sponsors are Cargo Web, Mobile Equipment Repair, and House of Signs. Among those they thanked were Mom and Dad Robinson for their "Support". These guys are another team that keeps changing their minds as to where they will race in 1994, after speculating that they would run in Class 2 they put that to rest, and committed to run Class 1,2, 1600 in 1994. Second in the Overall Series was filled by Brian Hollo, way. Brian's sponsors for 1993 were Holloway Land Co., Robert L. Smith Custom Homes, and Bauers Tires among others. The third place spot in the Desert Ser, ies was taken by Rich Bryden. Rich had a strong year, among his sponsors are The Fallon Glass Co., Yokohama, and Fibercraft. Class 9 has had only 3 competi, tors for most of the season. The As the awards were handed out the banquet room filled with the three foot towers. The joke for the night was that many of the award winners would be headin_fl to the U'haul dealer to rent a trailer to 9et them all home. March 1994 Dusty Times
#1 spot ~ent to Forest Creasy. Forest's main sponsors for 1993 were Hiatt's Metal Fab., Phoenix, and Creasy Racing. Paul Taylor placed in the #2 position in both Series for 1993. Paul thanked his main sponsors AU Pro Auto Parts 'and Wix Filters among others. Rob Milner and Vic Mclean placed third in the Desert and Overall. The team's sponsors included Mike's Auto Clinic and Brookdale Lumber. The team wasn't able to make it to the ban-quet to accept their awards. In Sportsman Novice the first -place in the Desert was filled by the team of Doug Fredrickson and Mitch Miguel. Doug thanked his crew and Dale's Autp Wrecking. I was told that the team's 2 seater is no more, after a serious crash totalled it. Hooter Meyer landed in the # 1 spot in the Overall Series and second in the Desert. Hooter ran his Baja strong all season, Hooter also received the award for best technical presentation from VORRA for the Sportsman Classes. Hooter thanked Hatch Heat/ AC, Performance V Dub, and of course, his crew. Second in the Overall Series was filled by Jerry Wald. Jerry ran his Mini Mag into the position with ease. Third went to Charlie Ketten. In his rookie year Charlie performed great. Some of his sponsors include Coyote Chassis, The Pizza Barn, and especially MOM. Another Rookie that placed in the top three was Matt Oliphant. the sponsors who helped this new racer were Larry's Auto Works and J&S Trucking. Sponsor information was unavailable for the Pilot Classes. In the Pro or Desert Pilot Class Rob Slagle took the first place position in the Desert but fell to third for the season in the Overall points series. First in the Overall Series went to Michael Daws who was an~ther racer who landed in third, but his was in the Desert. Second in the Desert and Overall Series went to Mike Vandeburgh. Mike also received the award for Technical presentation in the Pilot class. In the Overall Series for Pilots there was a Novice class. First place was filled by Keith Haas whose main sponsor is F&S Drywall. Second place went to AndvWald. BF Goodrich presented certifi-cates to those who ran BF Good-. rich Tires exclusively, ran all the events for 1993, and received contingency. Diane Cummings also gave jackets to those racers who ran BF Goodrich Tires exclu-sively, raced all the races for 199 3 but did not take any contingency. Those who received Certificates were: Class 2-Sam Berri; Class 10-Steve Bradford, Randy Leplante; Class 1-2-1600-Sid Smith & Kip Whitnack, Ken Ruff; Class 4-Raymond Fisher, Don & Chris German; Class 9-Forest Creasy; Sportsman Novice-Hooter Meyer. The BF Goodrich Jackets were given to: Larry Folsom; Cor-ina Mack & Vim Nickel; and Garry Steele. There were a lot of people thanked this night but a few deserve to be thanked again. Jerry Sypole for his organizing and run-ning Pro Pit, and to his Crew for all their great work. Elliot Lafre-niera with Trick Racing Gas, Diane & Jeff Cummings with BF Goodrich, Becky Hall for helping with these crazy events, and all of the VORRA crew. All ·of these folks have given more than their share in helping VORRA put together the 1993 season. Then there are the contingency donors: Trick Racing Gas, Rod Hall Race Series Lights, KC Hilites, Baker Precision Bearing, Denunzio Rac-ing Products, Rod Hall Off-Road Driving School, Prism Design/ -Dick Cepek, Unqiue Metal Pro-duct, Fox Shox, Rancho Suspen-sion, and BF Goodrich Tires. After all were thanked Ed annou·nced that the entertainment" which had been planned was being cancelled due to injury. Chris Oberg who was going to put it all together had been seriously injured after falling off the roof of the house he was building. Chris we all wish you a speedy recovery. One last thing before closing VORRA's 1993 racing season. I would like to thank all of the rac-ers for their support and patience with me and to let you all know how much I have enjoyed cover-ing VORRA. This year has been like a changing of the guard. Look for more in '94. PIK-E'S SERVICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... THANKS! Denny't! RESTAURANT Mobif SERVICE EVERY DAY OPEN 24 HOURS YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Dusty Times VORRA's 1993 Overall Season Points ~LASS 2 249 SAM BERRI 243 211 143 209 111 176 100 202 EVERETT PAUL CLAYTON SCUDDER JASON PAUL GEOFF VAN NOORT JEFF ELROD GLEN MCADON LARRY DEATON GAREN MCCUNE 117 16 133 JEFF STILES ROBINSON/01CALLAGHAN JOHN F. SMITH 400 358 322 286 201 179 119 93 73 50 ~~ ~LASS 10 1008 1004 1044 1047 1023 1007 1031 1012 lo~~ 1088 1018 ACE BRADFORD RANDY LAPLANTE DALE SMITH DANA VAN NOORT MIKE GUST TUREK ZDENEK HAPP I CH/WINDLE MIKE TURNER RICK PHILASTRE WES ELROD ROGER CADDELL BILL THOMPSON ;LASS 1-2 1600cc 1652 SMITH/WHITNCAK 1641 KEN RUFF 1691 LARRY FOLSOM 1616 TYLER MORT 1619 LARRY ZIMMERMAN 1628 KEITH ROBB 1661 ARDEN DENNINGTON 1658 ABREU RACING 1677 WEBB/MILLER 1605 TIM RIORDAN 1688 DENNIS DUGAN 1675 SCHAUPP/WIECHERS 1625 STEVE LONG 1646 SHANE BALCH 1611 DAN SCHRADER 1601 SEAN FARRELL 1648 MICHAEL THORNTON 1609 CHRIS CASH CLASS 9 917 FOREST CREASY 903 PAUL TAYLOR 910 MILNER/MCLEAN 950 ED MOORE PILOT--PRO 10 MICHAEL DAWS 3230 MIKE VANDEBURGH ROB SLAGLE 4146 MILES BERGHOLD JOHN HAMPTON 8 GILBERT TOSTE 1 SCOTT STEWART 99 BEN WALD 7 NEL AFFINTO 3x CLINT WOLSEY 15 LEE HOPKINS PILOT--NOVICE 4 34 ~ KEITH HAAS ANDY WALD •RTC GOMBERG March 1994 332 206 202 184 168 153 153 137 76 71 71 53 499 449 416 399 391 341 313 292 283 203 202 169 150 147 141 138 99 28 364 ~8~ 36 373 325 301 283 208 183 164 149 146 113 104 239 235 56 CLASS 4 400 RAYMOND FISHER 412 390 277 168 156 150 148 98-401 489 404 402 499 440 478 701 480 407 408 426 41.1 DON AND CHRIS GERMAN JOHN HERMAN JOSH AND BECKY HALL MIKE POVEY TOM SCAHILL ROD HALL CURT WENGELER JOE KELLOGG GORDON SCOTT STEVE BRUNER CHRIS LUMSDEN LANGE/SKAGGS JIM COTTRELL 62 56 39 36 35 33 SPORTSMAN--VETERAN 12 14 16 96 26 ~f 77 76 50 81 99 64 22 55 108 20 11 52 1215 33 17 47 70 67 58 .HAAS BROTHERS 559 BRIAN HOLLOWAY 465 ROBINSON/01CALLAGHAN 459 RANDY MILLER 339 MACK/NICKELL 329 RICH BRYDEN 257 MACK/MACK 195 MIKE LIVERMORE 195 CREASY RACING 194 KEN WIRTH. 183 BIGGS/MCKIM 174 VERN SMITH 129 VICTOR BORG 123 JERRY CANONIC 147 JAY LOMMEL 109 STEVE BRADFORD 61 MIKE GERTSEN 57 JEFF 01CALLAGHAN 53 TIM BOWMAN 52 RICK PHILASTRE 50 JOHN F. SMITH 44 DON KENNEDY 40 DANA VAN NOORT 36 JOE KELLOGG 32 JEREMY GORDON 29 PETER MARKS 28 SPORTSMAN--NOVICE 28 46 69 ~g 44 l~ 21 86 60 29 13 51 35 30 72 19 08 98 90 36 HOOTER MEYER JERRY WALD MATT OLIPHANT 477 441 404 TERI AND ERIK TERRY SHELTON SCHROTH 400 385 336 GARY STEELE CHARLIE KETTEN FREDRICKSON/MIGUEL PATRICK TIMMONS KEVIN WIRTH PETE CASSIDY GARRY PINHERO TOM SCHULTZ RICHARD HARJO KEITH ISON ROB CHAVEZ DOUG SEYMOUR MIKE ANDERSON TOBY LAVENDER TIM PRICE JOHN DURRETT RANDY NOREIGA 322 290 217 203 203 171 159 149 143 140 110 62 48 46 32 28 Page 41
Frontera Juara 150 Alex Sanchez won the race is his Porsche powered Class 1 Unlimited car, and he won handily, with about a 25 minute margin over the next vehicle. The Frontera Juarez 150 joined together two countries in the name of off road racing. The race was held on November 21, 1993 in Juarez, Mexico, a border town deep in its traditional Mexican If you\re got a license to fly ... r~• .• . ····-;: > ~-We~e got approved landing gear! EE•S 12350 Edison Way ■ Garden Grove, CA 92641 800/321-4456 Page41 Phots: Forest Ely heritage yet contemporary enough to host the second annual race that drew crowds from its sister city across the border - El Paso, Texas. Juarez International De Automovilismo (J.l.D.A.), in cooperation with the Secretary of J:ourism for the City of Juarez, helped organize the international event lending local officials and law enforcement. The course was carefully mapped out to loop around the city down south, 50 miles to Samalayuca, then back around to finish in the center of the town. The race began in the center of town near the Chamizal Park. The park is historical for large soccer games, carnivals and now, a new permanent motocross track. The track held time trials for starting positions giving record crowds from both countries a close look at the- vehicles in action. The roaring engines and crashing skidplates only wetted the crowd's appetite for more. Second fastest qualifier was Carlos Enriquez in the former 7S Mazda now power by a 500 hp V-8 Chevy thanks to the 4 Wheel Drive Center of El Paso. Despite down time with -a broken steering box, Carlos and Sebastian San-tiesteban finished second in the race. The race began with a time spaced manner similar to that ot the .Baja 1000 with the exception of an 80 mph police escort to the edge of town. The first car out was "Servicio Martin", a Class 1, The course looks like fun and this unidentified Baja Bug is making time over the whoops. We don't have full results from this race. Porsche powered unlimited car the wheel." Said co-pilot piloted by Alex Sanchez. Not far Sebastian Santiesteban. behind was 2nd qualifier Carlos Surely everyone in the race had Enriquez driving former factory high intentions of winning, but sponsored Class 7S Mazda co-none as high as these two piloted by Sebastian Santieste-professionals who dived full ban, a full time college student throttle into the race from the racing for the first time. "J.l.D.A. start determined to be the fastest race promotor and participant in the international event. Carlos Enriquez and Alex Sanchez Alex held the lead at the start, are friends off the track, but when widening the gap between he and they raced together in the same his rival to a lengthy four minutes. race friendship took a back seat as But Carlos and Sebastian caught sheer competitive adrenalin took up fast in the trusty formerly 4-cyl What a nifty trail for racing this uphill run looks like, as another unidentified racer in a Class 8 looking truck makes dust for the buggy. -~ This very tidy Class 10 car just might be the third place finishers but we really don't know. Doesn't this look like a good course though? March 1994 Mazda. The 4-Wheel CenterofEl Paso donated the truck after dropping a 500 hp, V -8 Chevy engine under the hood. Carlos held firm and got closer to Alex at the half way mark of the course. The two held close racing up to 80 miles an hour on the rugged Mexico desert terrain. But the Mazda ran into compli- · cations on a dry wash section near the Rio Grande when the steering box was sheared completely off. Alex's " Servicio Martin" went on to a trouble free victory. Meanwhile, the 4-wheel center chase crew headed by Forrest Ely quickly replaced the steering box with a spare that was mounted on the truck in around twenty minutes allowing for the truck to continue and complete the race in second place. Only two cars passed while the truck was down, but definitely not out. The 3rd place car was a Class 1 1600 VW, and the 4th place car was a Class 8 Ford. After the break, Sebastian took the wheel of the Chevy powered Mazda with less aggression, but more endurance and a lighter, smarter right foot. Sebastian finished the remaining 40 miles of the race along side the Rio Grande where most of the top speeds were reached. Juarez police recorded top speeds of both the "Servicio Martin", and the Mazda at 115 mph and 123 mph, respectively. Alex crossed the finish line with timeof3 hours45 minutes at an average speed of 40 mph. Sebastian and Carlos crossed 25 minutes later for second place in Class 1, second overall. Arturo Lujan and Jesus Rosales took first in the 1600 class and sixth overall. At least three more events are in the works for 1994 for the historical border cities of El Paso, Texas and Juarez, Mexico. J.l.D.A. encourages for larger turnouts from the U .S.A. with continued support from border officials. Dusty Times
.~;,, .. -~- " . Good looks, lots of cargo capacity, only enhance the overall capabilities of the Nissan. (Note: Unfortunately, the earthquake consumed the Dusty Times pictures of the Nissan 4x4 so we have had to substitute factory photos on a rush basis.) The interior is both good looking and functional. Everything is within easy reach of the driver and falls easily to the eye. Along with tfle good looks comes a powerplant of reknown; V6, fuel injected and over 150 horsepower to speed you on your way. 1993 NISSAN KING CAB 4x4 Hi Yo Silver By John B. Calvin The Nissan 4x4 King Cab is as good. looking as ever and, as is expected, performs like the off road warrior you are used to. It arrived in Sea Foam Silver, a most beautiful color and it really looked good on the clean lines of the 1993 Nissan King Cab 4x4. We were on our way to the SNORE 250 race in Las Vegas and the Nissan was the perfect compliment for the journey up there and a wee bit of off roading thrown in. The big black things that connect the truck to the road were Firestone Radial ATX 31x10 50R15 LT M&S and were stiff as hell until we lowered the air pressure a bit and then the ride became enjoyable on the road. The tires are great off the road and they are fairly quiet on the road, and coupled with the trick alloy wheels they make a good looking package as well as giving you all the strength you could possibly need. Stopping power is supplied by power. assisted front disc brakes with rear drums doing their share. An Anti-lock braking system on the rear wheels adds to your feeling of security if and when the panic stop occurs. A super smooth five speed gearbox gives you all sorts of versatility and the four wheel drive selector lever also works with ease and there is an indicator light on the dash that alerts you to the fact that you are in four wheel drive. Power is supplied by the V6 overhead cam three liter engine, complete with sequential multi point fuel injection and 153 horses to get you wherever you Dusty Times want to go. The engine has plenty of power, is fairly quiet and has a nice power range. The instrument cluster is ·lovely, just the basics and all in the right place for your eyes to fall on. Left of center is an 8000 rpm tachometer with a redline at6000 and a digital clock located in the bottom left of the tach. Right of center is the speedometer with two, count 'em folks, two resettable odometers. Central in the instrument cluster is the fuel gauge and just below is the temperature gauge. Just to the left of the tachometer are all the various lights and whistles to inform you of unfastened seat belts, low oil pressure, etc. Just beneath the dash, reading from left to right are the controls for the wonderful electric outside mirrors, the brightness control for the instrument lights, the rocker switch for the cruise control and way to the right is an interlock switch which allows you to bypass the clutch-must-be-depressed-before-you-can-start-the-engine sequence. All this just in case you stall the engine somewhere in the outback on something really steep, this switch allows you to turn it on and start the engine without depressing the clutch pedal. 'Nuf on that subject. Mounted on the driver's door are the electric window controls and the electric door locks and I again stress, never buy any truck without those controls. They are the handiest things in the world to have. In the center of the dash are the air conditioning controls, heat controls, etc and the fan controls. As in most trucks, the passenger compartment is fairly small and you can easily freeze yourself or cook yourself with ease. For-tunately, a happy medium is easily found and you are assured of driving anywhere with absolute temperature control. Still in the center, just below the heat/ air controls is a cigarette · lighter and ash tray, and beneath that is the AM/FM stereo sound system with tape cassette and four speakers, and there is plenty of power to blow you right out the window. Wait, there's more, just below the AM/FM is a compact disc player and although we only used the tape cassette for a bit we did not use the CD player, but we 1 must assume it is of the same high quality as the rest of the sound system. : The five speed transmission gear shift lever is mounted centrally on the floor and it shifts / effortless! y as does the 4 WD shift lever located immediately to the left. Just behind the gear shift lever is a small tray, the emergency brake and a fairly small central console. Finishing off the amenities, i there is a tilt steering wheel with ' the turn signals, cruise control settings and the headlights located , on the left stalk of the steering column while the wipers with March 1994 delay and washing sequence are on the right stalk. A sun roof with sun shade was part of the package, a sliding rear window was also installed and the rear side opera windows are a wonderful con-venience. Cloth covered bucket seats were super comfortable with manual adjustments in just about every direction you can imagine. We did a bit of adjusting when we picked up the Nissan King Cab and were comfortable on and off the road. Rear jump seats fold out of the side walls and although they don't look very comfortable they are not too bad to sit on. I wouldn't recommend ,them for long trips, although for kids· they would probably be fine. Outside we have a double wall cargo bed which was covered with a bedliner, another great feature which certainly helps to protect your paint when you are schlep-ping stuff around back there. There are cargo anchors installed in all four corners for your convenience and there are four pop-up cargo hooks on top of the side walls of the bed. Almost everything you can think of has been thought of and is there for you to use. A limited slip differential is part of the package, very handy in a lot of circumstances. Three skid plates underneath protect the vital organs when you venture off the road into the boonies and there is a full size spare tire mounted underneath the bed. Initially the ride on the Nissan King Cab was a back breaker, stiff as could be. We attribute a lot of this to the vehicle being brand new and all the shocks and springs not being broken in yet. We did drop the tire pressure quite a bit and that really helped a lot. You need to get a wee bit of a bulge in the Firestone sidewalls and you can really feel the difference in the ride. It improved dramatically on the road but off the road we could not notice much difference. Off the road the ride was sort of harsh, but that could be our doing as we were moving quite slowly, trying to avoid the heavy brush which tends to scratch the hell out of the paint. A twenty-one gallon fuel tank and an average of eighteen miles per gallon gives you a cruising range of nearly four hundred miles which is adequate for most folks. On the road the Nissan King Cab cruised with ease, speed is no problem and even in fifth gear on a good upgrade there was no problem maintaining speed and no downshifting necessary. We put nearly a thousand miles on the King Cab and enjoyed it all. It has looks, performance, versatility, comfort, all it needs is you. .-.... -a, WRIGHT PLACE~. DROPPED . Larger Diameter Link• J MBO ·--3" More Ground Clearance Larger Diameter Splndlea ------"EXTREME" TRAILING ARMS Direct!yrcplaceaother STRONGEST ARMS AVAILABLE manufacturer& trailing arm• Larger Diameter 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 TEL: (619) 561-4810 FAX: (619) 561-7960 Page 43 .
-The Straight Poop Fom The Big Wafuoo NEW YEAR'S 200 -The Club ran seven cars at this La Rana Barstow race, with three of them finishing. Jim Tucker borrowed a motor from Koch for his Class 10 car and then ran it hard enough to earn an impressive second in class and third overall. Good run Jim! Mike Duenas teamed up with Steve LuPort in Da-penis' 1-2 1600 car for a sixth place finish. Details of their run were scarce because apparently Mike invited all his in-laws out to the race and then set up his own 'Checker Main', far away from his Brother Checkers. Hey Mikey what's the deal, ya ashamed of us? BJ Bates returned to his old Class 9 car this race as a co-driver with the non-Checker he sold it to. In this 26 car class BJ had some fun wheel to wheel racing with Jimmy Hook for a while, with a number of obscene gestures reportedly being exchanged between cars. After some minor problems, Minor Bates ended up with a sixth place finish. Our DNFs were as follows: · Danny Reider broke his front suspension early in the race on his 5 car, patched it, but then ran out of time for a DNF. Prospective member Jimmy Hook finally got his Challenger car out to a Club event, and made a good impres-sion with it until a bad tranny put, him on the side. The exciting team of 'Fred Nelson and his Flying Kid' roared off into the Barstow dust with obviously only God and good sense on their side. But, somewhere on the first lap good sense must have bailed, as junior tried to imbed the Nelson family's stock Ford truck into the other side of ii big Class 8 type jump! Although ·lots of dirt was displaced on impact, this DNF produced no fire. State-of-Intents Frank & Sean Krepsz (Butow's instant Checkers) both pledged to donate their first born dauiiiters to the Club raffle if they could get some pit support for this race, and also promising to do whatever else it takes in the future to pay the Club back for bending our rules a bit for their benefit. The members agreed, and then the Krepszs ( pronounced like in Maynard G.) promptly got their monies worth as their 1-2-1600 car seemed to come completely apart on their first lap. The Checker Pits bolted and welded things back on almost as fast as they fell off, but these two Checker wanna bes finally ran out of time and parked it after three laps. These Krepsz brothers are really monster dudes, just think if we teamed them up with Growler Bates, the Checkers could very well have a legitimate 3-man tag team entry for '94 W restlemania! BITS & PIECES * Both Seeley and the Cooks further cashed in on their respective '93 Score Points Championships with $2000 cash awards each from KC HiLites in recognition of their excellence in the sport of Off Road Racing. A nice touch from KC, off road racings winningest lights. Speaking of the Cooks, the Brothers are taking a break in '94 and will park their championship 5-1600 car for a while. * All race reports and related BS that is written in this column appears in the order that it happened. * A special thanks to the Dusty Times for another year of solid support for this column. Very impressive actions for a bunch of non-Checkers! Round Brown got a bunch of stuff stolen out of his locked vehicle during a recent W ednes-d a y night meeting. A good Wahzoo rule of thumb her,e would probably be: "Don't leave anything in your rig that either a homeless dude or illegal immi-grant could use!" Jim Tucker, a Checker retread, was recently voted in again as a full and active Checker member. Welcome back Brother Tucker! Joe Giffin chose the biggest meeting of the year to face the dreaded marble box for his full membership vote, but sailed thru with no problem. Giffin is a tranny man out of Anaheim with the ugliest legs in the Club. Welcome aboard Joe! PARKER 400 -This Parker will probably always be remem-bered as the Earthquake Race, as about 150 cars charged off into the Arizona desert from the shores of the Colorado River. Despite the fact that a major earthquake had just shook Checkerville, the Club solidly supported our six Checker cars and we had five finishers, most of them in the money. This summer-like race week-end started out with 13 Trophy Trucks tearing up half the course during their Thursday sprint race. The only Checker in this Manufacturers Class was Kelley, who picked up a third. Good run Steve. Saturday's race saw many of the Trophy Trucks stick around, removing their fenders, and then entering as 'open wheel' unlimited cars. But they got little respect, as the first thru fifth overall spots went to unlimited buggies. Also, Uncle Max was again acting as the colorman for the local 1380 AM radio station, and once again conducted in depth interviews with all our Checker racers at the starting line. Atta Boy Max! Davis pulled a seat out of his 2-seat 1600 buggy and ran this race as a single seater. As expected Kevin ran with the leaders during . the day and into the night. But on the final lap his crew radioed him: CUSTOM RACE CAR WIRING MOBILE SERVICE TO YOUR HOME OR TO YOUR CHASSIS BUILDER SERVING ALL OF LOS ANGELES AND ORANGE COUNTIES CALL TODAY FOR INFORMATION & PRICING! Joe Davitian 3263 San Fernando Road Los Angeles, CA 90065 213-550-1069 tel 213-550-1091 fax Page44 March 1994 "Hey man~ ya got a big lead, cool it", and he did. But when he finished and went on to teardown, he found another 1-2-1600 car mentioned the word saw on the radio. Tom 'The Birdman' Koch, spectacular as always, even in defeat! already there? Hey Kevin, maybe ■_ - . ■. _■_■■. ■_ - -- -■.■. ____ ---■ _■_■ -- -•-•-• ya oughta start using the Checker pits for your position reports. Kevin Davis, second place. Classified Rosenstein also got a second place -------------in class, but Peter's was another story. During the 3 or 4 days between the earthquake and the time to leave for the race, the Northridge Flash had been living out on his driveway in 'Epicenter City'. At some point during this time he obviously decided "Hey man, this mess ain't gain' no -...FO_ R..,...S:...A ... L..;)E,: '87 Chevy Stepside where", so he loaded up his shit l / 2 ton. Street legal pre-run or Cl and headed for Parker. Regular 8. 350'c.i. stock eng., Turbo 400 folks don't really know what real trans., Art Carr shifter. 14" travel shakin' is all about until they've frt & rr. Custom susp., Ranchos. beenoverthegoattrailatspeedin Super nice & ready to go! a Class 11 car! Right Rosy? $10,800 Baja ConceptsRef#299. ls the reigning Class 5 Champ (619) 583-6529. getting maybe a little over confident? What other explana-tion could there be for Seeley apparently giving all his com-petitors an early advantage by takin' the longer section for the bikes & Quads on his first lap? After that, he actually ran a relatively trouble free race for George, bringing his unlimited Bug home in fourth place. The Harmans reportedly had very little trouble, but were only able to get up to the sixth place spot in the big Class 10 race. Stuart Chase had another good run, but as in the 1000, he suffered just enough little problems that it pushed him back from the lead and into the eighth spot, and 17th overall. Crowley and Hibbard hauled Dennis' 1-2-1600 car up to Parker, but put it back on the trailer shortly before the start of the race when they were unable to come to an agreement with Score's Bureau of Weights & Measures on the weight of their single seater. But, they both stayed on for the race, hanging around Checker Main, pittin' and bitchin'. AND FINALLY, let me tell ya the tale of 'The Birdman'. This story begins shortly after the Ridgecrest Rocket has dropped into the Osbourne Wash nearing the end of his second lap. Koch is really cookin', so much so that he blows a turn, hits an embank-ment, flies up over it and smacks into a big tree, knocking it part way over. Ouch! At this point Tom's Class 10 car is sitting at about a 45 degree angle, front wheels up in the now leaning tree and rear bumper down in the dirt. Naturally the first thing Koch does is call for help on the Checker channel. "Hey man, I'm stuck in the wash". No shit Tom! Now at this point he gave no mention whatsoever that his rescue crew might want to consider bringing some kind of a saw, or at least a beaver (the 4 · legged variety). But things were gonna get a lot worse for our hero before help arrived. As Tom stood off to the side surveying his dilemma, an unlimited buggy came roaring around the corner and made the same mistake. But, instead of hittin' the tree ... he smashed right into Tom's Raceco, driving it farther up into the tree! As the other car limped away, Koch's mangled car was now hanging nearly vertical, with it's rear bumper over 3 foot off the ground. I think it was somewhere around here that our hero first FOR SALE: '90 Raceco 2-seat 1600. "Brand new". Never raced! Seckatz/ Axtell 1600cc eng. Raceco trans. Hewland R&P. 4.86 gear ratio. 15" travel frt& rr. Fox & Bilsteins. Spares. Fast. All ready to go. Just needs a driver! Buy for l/2 price! $14,000 Baja Concepts Ref #310. (619) 583-6529. FOP SALE: '90 Jeep Cherokee. '94 · arker 400 winner. '89-'90 SCURE Champ. '92 La Rana Champ. Newly rebuilt eng. Killer motor, 300 plus hp! Art Carr. All chromoly. Kuster shocks. Tons of spares! Motors, tranny, frt end. Like new! $35,000 Baja Concepts. Ref #321. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: '92 Chevy Stepside Class 8. SCORE/HORA, Very competitive! Big ponies! 406 c.i., Mogi trans w/ Art Carr shifter. 26" frt & 28" rr travel, Kuster coils, Cone hubs & rear. Any offers and/ or trades (boats, planes, horses). $75K Baja Concepts. Ref #295. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: '85 MTEG Nissan Pathfinder. Built by Funco. 2200cc high perf. eng. Hewland DG300. l 7" frt& rrtrav. Fox coil over. Tons of spares. Easy 2 seat pre-run conv. Priced to sell quick! Recently reduced. $14,900 accepting all offers. Ref #302. Baja Concepts (619) 583-6529. Dusty Times
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY TOCRA NGINES PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages · John Ehmke :10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 . FAX (619) 562-6151 Protect your engine with a race-proven "Clip-On• Engine Hour Meter M.C. $34.50 + tax & $2.50 S&H Autonnic Research Inc. 2511 W Winton 3C Hayward, CA 94545 510-887-1512 Fax 510-887-1518 RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT Off-Road Fabrication & Accessories Export & Int'! Sales Race Car Preparation Consulting & Management 6630 MacArthur Dr.• Lemon Grove• CA .91945 (619) 583-6529•FAX (619) 583-1851 HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS , Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets. . ·eoR McKenzies Bonneville "Red" Bonneville "106" Turbo Blue Racing Fuels VP Racing Fuels Methanol '8~'3 Uethtude Racil<g F~ For Those With the Need for Speed SHAWN MEADOWS 6194636244 619 462 2926 FAX BRANDWOOD CARS 752 Lapresa Ave. Spring Valley, CA 91977 Custom Vehicle Shifter . for mid-engines and other applications -602-437-3107 CAGL.E -SMART Fuel_ Regulator Lowers fuel pressure at part-throttle, to 1.Spsl at Idle. Cleans up richness at th_e lower end, tune for more po-r. Models for all carburetors. Box 2536 Rolling Hills, CA 90274 310-377-7501 Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 Power With Mileage $57.45 delivered U.S. Cal res +7.75% tax · • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 . 943 V-ernon Way ; 619-449~2991 . El Gajon_. CA 92020 FAX 619-449::,'UOS .. CHENOWTH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-T-f »ACING PRODVCTS, INC. Check the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Classr Protl11cts (g (602) 747-7059 PO Box 57715 • Tucson, AZ. 85732-7715 Reuseable Washable Dust Masks r CNcq Ma;~:=:~d~C~"1chPedalAHy ~ ~ Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging Brake~ Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals CNC, Inc. and all of our accessories . 1221 West Moreno Blvd. San Diego, CA.921-10 (6_19) 275-1663 Send $3.00 for Catalog. FLOATER REAR END!::i • f'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS ( 805) ~.nl-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 (714) 650-4566 (714) 441-1212 --t---·-::::-----------------+------------------------1 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS ALL SEATS CAN.BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 HRMPION 8" • 9" • 1 O" • 13" • 15" • 16" · 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ !fl>@ !fd r~!L@<e D{ SIMULATED BEAOLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 (209) 275-51 83 FAX (209) 276-2365 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d~, (WU~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd.• Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805)495-2339
-~RACING 1Vlf/GASOLINE LEADED 108 OCTANE "Official Gas of NASCAR,, CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 _ DISTRIBUTORS HIPS AVAILABLE COSBY ~L (?OMPANY, SANTA FE_ SPRINGS, CA DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 ·· P.O. Box 6057. Santa Barbara, CA 93111 MOTORSPORTS DESIGNS JOHN HOST Ph. (714) 498-7443 1411 Calle Mlrador -.,, Truck (714) 349-1168 San Clemente. CA 92672 · JOHN VERHAGEN'S Im ................ ES PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLACKFOOT ROAD 619-24o-393o APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE SPICER" INCORPORATED SPICER-<$ (714) 877-6491 <e> PARTS ANO SERVICE ON AUTO, TRUCK. INDUSTRIAL. CN ANO FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMIZING FAX (714) BTT-6203 California Watts 1-800-427-4238 1750 S. Lilac Ave. Continental U.S. Watts 1~525-0395 Bloomington, CA 92316 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc. (714) 876-3107 P.O. Ro,,, t090. Colton. CA 92324 @(W~~~© PRE-RUNNER BUMPERS GLENDORA, CA PAUL DUFFY Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. EDDCO (818) 914-9169 Aluminum Wheel Straightening Specialist Aluminum Wheel Straightening Metal Polishing Street, Offroad Circle Track 9435 Wheatlands Ct. Suite J Santee CA 92071 Shop - (619) 258-2575 Pager - 973-0998 Bob Cassetta Don Rountree 408 S. Arrowhead Ave. SAN BERNARDINO, CA 1 92408' ·E-ZU~ 'IN.$TAtir' ~ • !,, .SHELTERS ~~ • '-.Q.•1Gtll~'-<; FREE-ST ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHi:L TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER CASTEX RENTALS 213-462-1468 * Mandrel Tube Bending * Welding * Flame Cutting * Custom Fabrication FABCOM 4-SEAT BUGGY FRAMES * Large enough for 4 aduits * Will accept tube frame seats (Beards, etc.) I • Stock VW Type I IRS components 1 (619)-561-2292 FAX (619)-561-6162 :.AMotorsport PRE-RUNNER Sf'EClAUST • !IUMPERS • CAGES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT ms • LOY-IERING ms • DUALLY& AIR 8AG SUSPENSION • SHON CARS & DISf'lAYS • AT'I FM WORK EXPERT INSTALViTION & FA!IRICATION AVAILA!ILE -4010 N. PALM STREET, UNIT 103 FULLERTON, CA 92635 (714) 870-9422 F}.;X. (714) 870-9132· \LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 ~, RACIN, _r,j Fl/El.:• FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd car~n, CA 90746 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin YOU CAN an THE . RACING GEARS THE WINNERS ARE USING FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (313) 294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 ~~C::::l l'JC3 SHO:X THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Racing Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all major racing associations. • Call or write for ,our FREE COPJ of the 1992 Fuel Sale Catalog For rour local Fuel Safe Dealer call 1-(8001 433-6524 Aircraft Rubber Mfg., Inc. 5271 Business Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 1993 CLASS CHAMPIONS FRT HllDWEl!l~.:Jum !D LIGI-IT SUPERSTITION CHAMPJO.',fSlllP SJ!:lllTW BUQG(ES CARS AND TRUCKS fl:MALLEN CLAS$ JO l\Jllll<: HART l'Ni.lMITJ;D n1<,\DY ~rn.1-:s II.EVIN BASORE JIMAlJATTI CHRIS GARR~:Yf DA~ LEWIS OOH SNAJTil RAY MIi.I.ER Rl<:HARD VAL.1-:NCIA CLASS 1 1600 CLASS 2-1600 :l<IJNJ MAG CI.ASS 100 ':I.ASS 5-1 u00 GLASS!! CLASS 7 ,;J.AS!,5 AJYS AND MPTQRCVCLES DEW.EV m:u,w CR/IT(; SMITM .JUSTIN HOU.MAN MARTIN :\okNE~:R .JOHN f!II.KF.Y l,fll(E HAlU'e:R B~.:N SCIII.IMME Ol'F:N PRO BIKES %UPRO llllH:S /~ llllill HIGH POINTS <:HMWION 1:15 PRO Bl KES VET BIKES SF.N!OR PRO "BIKES SLPl-:R SENIOR PRO BIK}cS OV~'.RAl ,L & '.!50 /ITV PRO ATV Hi G H POINTS CHAMl'lON DESERT supERUTES A.."UlY ',\NY"WEHI•: OVERALL & OPEN u~:s :1<:RTLJTE DEZJ.JT}; HIG H T'OJNTS C:HAMPION HRY A."I SAASTA Cl.ASS 360 TmSEilTLITES MIKE MJ\XWF.LJ. c.t.ASS 7': DESEllTl.lTES 619-427-5759 • 250 KENNEDY UNIT 6-CHULA VISTA CA 91911 FAX 619-42H759 Differentials Spools - Ball Joints Axles -VW Components - Etc. 4720 Felspar Street Glen Avon, CA 92509 Phone: (909) 681-6889 Fax: (909)360-9817 c4 Hffl~zn,~ Rebuild Rod Ends Helm Joint Specialist (714) 979-6631 11661 Martens River Circle, Unit H, Fountain Valley, CA 92708
HUNT PE~ORMAN_CE 11330 - A Sunco Dr. Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 638 - 4388 ~MPSON~ Keith Black. HUNT Magnetos ~ Hoosier'lire West Factory OutletiJMd AVAILABLE AT FINER SPllCIAt.TY SHOPS DEALER JNQURIES WELCOME 1158FLINT.STREET . ~ ELSINORE, CA 92350 ~ . PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 909-245-6050 FAX 909-245-6052 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" MYNMY.1LYi Desert, Short Course & Street -VW Racing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unft 0 Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES -RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" · 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITE R SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN COOLEY ~~ss :72'All£S ~...,C/4/4 CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANT A FELICIA DRIVE GOLETA.CA 805-968-1067 . ;ettt:1: CA~ t' ?.e'e"-"1:'v...v.-v~ -neA11 .. £J2:s I c#A~ -ncve~· Ple'EP ,'-;,::-,r1.BR/~7'7a\/ ,r~ 9L-PE' &"A.s:auN'E" JAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINGTON SHEET MET AL CORP. 13+24 1.,..W Hwy. • -Fe S,,..,. • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax (310) 926-0699 KARIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 3463 Massillon Road, Su11e B Uniontown, Oh,o '14685 216-699-1777 Fax : 216 ·699-1771 Owner James Hall Athene Karis • KUSTER OFF-ROAD RACING .SHOCKS • 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE • ~" DIAMETER, 6" TO 14" STROKE • JIR JACKS • BALL JOINTS ~o~· c~ ~o~ -:( ,~ee ~\O e,O e,?J. ~e <?\e'<f. KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29th STREET, P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90805 TELEPHONE (310) 59-5-0661 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 . (818) 768-0371 A full line of Po1Ner:8!eering gears, pumps and accassories for any type of racing. · Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities _availa.t,I~. 1 _ OFF ROAD SHOCK SERVICE EIBHTDI RACING .d BILSTEIN • FOX • MOTORCYCLE Jerry Leighton Hesperia, CA 619-244-907S • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N .. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA,-CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT tOTHRINGER Assembly• Machine Work. Pans _ Engine Dyno Facllty SCORE 1992 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 1P722 Kenney Street, SUlte D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Fax (619) 562-9079 !ifil!f¥i'l:UJII F>E FlF--c:JF? l'VIA IVC.7E # -..F~• ">L .._ t I< - i -. "OFFROAD JS OUR BUSINESS" • 2366 E. Orange.thorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax (714) 444-1622 -MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 10722 Kenney St., Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-9010 FAX: (619) 562-9079 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lahcaster, CA 93535 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 a · · -~ r 42425 5th St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA . 93535 Racing Product, Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514 a l •&9i11 •••4,•41 • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [941 SJ 857-5200 NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Motorsports Suspension gives smooth.First Class Finishes To 7 of 7 Classes, As Well As The First 5 To Finish Overall. CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH OF YOU! Class 1 & 1st Overall ........ *Simon & Simon Ford F150 2X Class 8 & 2nd Overall ........ *Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2X Class 6 & 4th Overall ........ *John Swift Explorer 2X Class 4 & 5th Overall ........ "David Ashley Ford F150 4X Class 3 & 7th Overall ........ *Dan Smith Bronco 4X ~~a,"-'liw'l'P."!'fl"lr-ff~'P!W~!T='.~-1'!1---+I ~ Class7S ................ Brown, O'Brian & Johnson Ranger 2X · Class 7 ......... _....... .......... Scott Douglass Dakota 2X "Member BFG/Ford "Rough Rider" Off Road Race Team NSC Would Like To Thank All Seven Class Winners, For Once Again Counting On NSC Suspension Systems. You Too Can Have A Winnin Ride With NSC Custom Computer Designed Leal Springs. . For More Info, Please Call . --
liace Car Chassis Race Car Paljs Al 1:1 IJ)intliT(bodies 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans Custom Machine Work & Fabrication Ro~d Bussy Supply _ 2§25 E. 16th St. • Yuma, Az. 8S .~ . (602) 783-6265 .• _ .. --1 (800)231-8156 Fax (602) 783-1253 a,, ROAD CHASSIS ,f ,,-fl~'.1t,,4!1l.,:1tfl BUENA PARK. CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS. VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE•RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPEN'>ION AXLE SERVICE • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Eal. 1974 (714) 711-9480 PARKER PUMPER HELMET 2318 S VINEYARD SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91761 COMPANY 909-923-7016 FAX 909-923-3118 I.LI.LI J. PENHALL 18808atx:oc:i(Bldg.lB ea.ta ...... Ca 92627 • Body Panels • Boat Repairs • Manufacturing of Moulds Pete Van De Hey 414-532-4186 FABRICATIONS Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 . Fax# (714) 650-4721 _ Route 3 3786 DePere, WI 54115 ~\l\> str,1, ~ ~ ~ Todd Francis ~ Pr1ci1i1111 I/Joy, J,f d, fll, 700 N.E. 117th StrNt ~ i Vancouver, WA 988SS.$ ~ » Phone ~II. • fb.~ Fax (206) 574-5474 ~,on & ~ (206) 576-1109 ffiliaiid Chassis & Suspension • Design & Fabrication Ken Sypolt 916-638-9869 3666 Omec Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 ---..,--, : ;~~~:~~R~;~~'::b~~TION I s I G N PRO s · COMPLETE TURN KEY CARS. ' · MOBILE SERVICE AVAILABLE I CUSTOM LETTEIIINIJ RACE & CUSTOM CAR wm.ING .JOE DA VITIAN TEL: 213 /550-1069 1FAX: 213/550-1091 3263 $AN FERNANDO RD., LOS ANGELES, CA 90065 S OF 1~-Or Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee l'Jace Anaheim, CA 92805 For Race ~ For Play SCORE RACEPREP S.C.C.A. FABRICATION HDRA Race Car Pickup Service Available GEORGE MALDINI 49626 N. 230th St West Lancaster, CA 93536 •Suspension Work •Custom Tube Bending •Race Repairs & Setup .custom Bumpers .Grill Guards 1-805-724-0887 ...... •Roll Cages •Pre-Runners , ........... ■ Free Advice & Technical Assistance ■ R&D ■ All Size Jobs Welcome RACERS MACHINING SERVICES "If You Can Imagine It, I Can Make It" ' SCOTT DOR DICK 909-394-1802 2041 E. Gladstone #H Glendora, CA 91740 · Fax 714-394-1903 * 1993 * RRCE UIDEOS Tccate/SCORE Baja 500 BUMP Ultra Wheels Championships Tecate/SCORE Baja 1000 Challenge of Baja $19.95 plus $5 Shipping & Handling ~ Send check or money order to: . . • - 6630 MacArthur Dr. • . Lemon Grove, CA 91945 /JJ I !ifkl!Jtl!rP/iJJ lli/l!J/j/J&ill1!/(!JIJ RACE VEHICLES & STREET RODS SPECIALIZING IN • CHASSIS-SUSPENSION -HAND FORMED ALUMINUM WORK • CUSTOM HEADERS -RACE PREP LAURA -(805) 461-1949 (805) 461-1447 . RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335 (;,o017 Computerized Vinyl Lettering /2 4<!..f::.Q_ . \.Yv\L-TIM CECIL f ½t5: S;. ~ ~< 4010 N. Palm Street, #103. Fullerton, California 92635 -(714) 447•3581 Fax (714) 870-9132 ··§V~W . if~(;H ! ---========"t+~\~ ~ J ~ . 12221 DITMORE DR. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 (714) 539-5162 iKlll SITT SK'iNS • BANNERS· WltilOW LETIERNG • CAR lEllER~G • GRAPltXS s,, .. ,. Pa ft»nllDIICle Products 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 Steve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561-2913 ·sPORT ~ ~ ~ ENGINEERING OFF ROAD METAL FABRICATION VW RACE ENGINES SUSPENSION PREP TURN KEY VW CLASS RACE BUGGIES TUBE BENDING SHEET METAL MACHINING FLAME & PLASMA SHAPE CUTTING 818-994-7475 _ GREGG HAWKS VAN NUYS, CA CARROLL DITSON . Lanc·aster. CA. ................................. (800) 462-9499~ , , Las V~gas. NV .............................. :··(702) 6_43-9'A),0 , , , Vari Nuys, CA. ........................ ,, ....... (818) 78~-81~0 :; '"' Riversfde, CA. ................................. (714) 8?7-0226_ San_Qia_qo,-CA ... ~·•, .. _ .... 0:···:.::·:;·_•·::.:.:::.l~19l_~91-9) 7_!_, ------ALI..OU-IERINQUIRIES CONTACT SPORTS RACING · 1 . P.O. BOX 7835, LAGU~A NIGUEL, 92677 I ______________________ ...,_ _________ __. __ ..,....._..__.,....__, ..... ,..~ ....... ,,,.;;-,a....-··-=-~ (714) 363-1236 · -.. , _ _____ , __
@ff130 .. (213)583-2404 SANQERS SERVICE, IN,C. , METAL PROCESSING . 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 • · SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Strai.ght l in a Larry Smith nl 31420 96TH STREET EAST UTTLEROCK, CA 93543 8051944-2719 1-----------FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS e·oov PANELS & HOODS BILL STROPPE MOTORSPORTS, INC. 2330 Cherry Industrial Circle· -long Beach, California 908'05 (213) 634-2730 Jaime Martinez· , SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED * Welding * Fabrication* Flame Cutting * Front Ends ·* Custom Chassis * Race Prep * Custom U -Weight Trailers; Mtg'r. ol Blue·Flame Producls (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 Suspension Components SAW Performance, Inc. 20755 MARILLA ST. • CHATSWORTH, CA 9 1311 818·700-9712 FAX 818-700·0947 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober 310-670-6897 ·commercial Photogr,aphy P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 NACE mANS BY JEFF RELJ)r TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering UnltH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TURBO BLUE Rat:lng 611$11///IIIS 8446 Garfield Ave.• Bell Gardena, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp Get the word out about your business, big or small. · Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" · and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are m~rely.${Z.5-i.OO per month. (UJAP] 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS.· FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES OF RACING & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It i~ :i grcrtt traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTAO DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St. l • -Chatsworth, CA 91311 . 818-882-0004 HIGH-PERFORMANCE IHOT-PEENINC Tired of premature breakage of drive axles, torsion bars, spindles and other critical suspension transaxle and engine parts? Shot-peening could be the solution. But we don't perform your ordinary, garden-variety shot-peening-we provide . aerospace-certified shot pe_ening in accordance with MIL -SPEC 1131658 ensunng the highest in quality. That means added assurance when you need it most. While each situation is different, we've seen torsion bars last 5 seasons or more. Duty cycles are commonly increased 7-10 times. . Call, tax or write today for more information regarding our advanced shot-• peening services. We UPS daily for quick turnaround . . "'1! _. II/ ATJ/11/~ 780 Second Ave. • Redwood City, CA 94063 I(~· ffhl ftl/1,J Ph. (415) 367-8098 • Fax (415) 367-8105 1111111/EI Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 Fax 909/369-7266 (310) 598-2731 WE"dlE_ ENGiNEERiNG ExcluS1ve cistributor of I..Dck-RighfmVW Locking Differentials PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLE PRO.,UCTS Billet Super-Diffs, Gearsets, Hard to Find New and Used Parts Whole5aleiRetall. Dealer lnciulrle5 Welcome , P.O. Box 15466 Long Beach, CA 00815 •FromP_..a. .. ·r•~.:_--...... w1m=-. ..,,.,,.., WINO RIVER GROUP PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C . JACOBS PRESIDENT SDO STATE MILL ROAD AKRON, OHIO 44319 (216) 644-7774 Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing l'<ms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom \I/heels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ. 8501 7 Jack Woods 1602) 242-0077
{ Classified. FOR SALE/TRADE for off shore, boat/plane/motorhome. 1989 Mirage Class 10, Type 1 motor with Hewland transmission. This car has the best of everything, too many to list. $20,000.00 cash or will consider trade of higher or · lower value. Call (702) 897,8838 days or (702) 456,0304 nites. . FOR SALE: American Racing Wheels 8N & ION Outlaws, 15N, 2 years old, $110.00 each. Call ( 414) 532--4186. ALE: orne acing: Class 1,2, Raceco 2 seater, La I, Rana '92 class champion, Bobby .... Hart 3 .2 liter Porsche engine FOR SALE: Best Chenowth ' w/ triple throat Webers, 2.28mm Magnum available, complete Kennedy clutch, Tri,Mil six into setup to go racing MTEG. Rev,· one exhaust. Transmission by Power Rabbit, 5 point suspen, Raceco/Hewland, DG300 ratios, sion, coil,overs, Fox, Foddrill 8:31 ring & pinion, 3.6/2.6/ arms & spindles, best of every, 2.05/1.7 /1.4 outboard c.v.'s, thing, plus, 24' trailer, flawless, 125Nwb, Wright rack & pinion, workbench vise, AC, 5kw Honda Wright front arms, Char Lynn _generator, elec start, 3 E,Z Up po~er steering w/UM~ pump, caopies, carpets, chairs, tables, Summers Bros front disc brake spare fresh transaxle. Call Steve kit, twin stage front spring kit, (602) 994--4029. rear secondary suspension w/slapper system & -twin secon, : ass sing e seat Chenowth 1000. 103"wb, wide beam, combo, Wright arms, 12 Bilstein, air cooled Type 1 and more good parts. Good starter car or short course. $5,600.00 obo. Call Mike (801) 485,5770 or ( 801 ) 3 28--4909. dary shocks, Neal pedals, Palmer FOR SALE: Retiring after 1993. spindles, Raceco king pins, 15N 1991 Wiggins,Berrien l /2,1600. front travel w/4 Shock Techs, 3 SODA championships in 2 rear full floater hubs w/930 c.v.'s years! Fastest car in the country! Bilstein/Shock Tech shocks. Best of everything; ALSO, 1993 FOR SALE: New 1993 Jimco SAW torsions, Summers hubs, built Ford Ranger 7S, very "'Ultra Light'" 5,1600. Zero miles SAW axles, Beard seats, Filler competitiver, winner of several on new Majors motor~ Mende, Harness', Raceco shifter, Center, SODA races and second in the ola trans. Best of everything. No FOR SALE: Va ley Perfo~mance . line wheels w/bead locks, & • points series. Both come with expense spared. Over $28,000 to Chenowth Class 10 or Unlimited · Yokohama tires. Full Flameout spare parts. Jim Wiggins, Dixon, build. Race Ready, always 2 seater, new 5 speed Hewland system, special tunnel fuel cell, '·IL _ __,_(8_1_5-").:...2_8_8_,..:..5..:..6..:..5..:..5.:.... ____ _ professionally maintained. trans, complete Cornutt shock custom dry sump tank behind FOR SALE: Lazier short course $13,000.00 obo. Will consider withcoil,overs,New1650ccVW seat. Fully prepped by Raceco, car, Class 1, 2, 9 or 10. Cham, Jetorfish&ski boat as part trade. motor 100 miles, Curnutt rear ready to race & win! $25,000.00 pionship car SODA. Coil,over Call Mike James at (619) 445, hubs,Summersfrontdiscs. Best of obo. CallDonat(8l8)575,3547, car with all the good components. 5797 • everything includes PCI Road, . ext. 311'. Bertile Rabbit or unlimited Toy, FOR SALE: Porsche 3.5 liter master radio & intercom system. •h ota motor. For the racer who engine. 300 genuine horsepower, A proven car, race ready. Must wantstobecompetitive.Carwith 290 pounds of torque. Carillo sell due to back injury.· @ motor $11,900.00. Call for rods, Weber carbs, Web,Cam $25,000.00. Call Brent at (702) price for all spares & extra camshafts, Tri,Mil headers, dual 382,7060 days, (702) 228,3055 motors, trans, etc., too many sparkplugs per cylinder heads, 90 evenings. items to list. Call Bill or Lee W. at amp alternator, optional Tilton __ _,_;_________ (414) 228,1400 or (414) 242, carbon dual plate clutch assy 3422 after 6:30pm. w/flywheel. Engine is lOO% FOR SALE: 118" wb, 2 seat fresh. Built by Bobby Hart at Vulcan,Woods race car. Tons of California Motorsports. Call stuff on this car. Will mail com, RCR Racing (909) 37l,8334, plete breakdown. With trailer. $15,000.00 less clutch . . Option on Tilton clutch '· Call Mike (702) 377,1454 $2,500.00 obo. l $15,000.00 obo: FOR SALE: 4 bead lock wheels 2 FOR SALE: RACECO Class 10. FOR SALE: 1989 112.:1600 15x10/ 5 on 5½,¾ studs, 2x15x7 This is the one! Rabbit powered SODA legal, beSt of everything. \; t,; .i!f/4\Mt¾k .:w!i, . 5 on 4½ studs. 1 Wilwood power vehicle driven to Baja 1000 vie, FAST! ex John Greaves car. Will FOR SALE OR TRADE: Class rack w/servo & pump, used tory by Mickey Thompson. pay for itself in one year. Spares. Challenger, new. Best parts twice. 4 Rough Country Nitro Winner of 4 Class 10 points $6,000.00. Call Jon (4l4) 830, money can buy. FAT engine, Chargers 14N travel, 6 Nitro championships, 2 in SCORE/ 2365- Fields trans, Fox, SACO, UMP, chargers 12"' travel. Valved for · HORA, & 2 Baja Promotions. FOR SALE: 1.:1600 MECco·: Sway,A,Way, pumper, Beards, mini pickup. All in excellent con, This is a good solid race car with a chassis, front& rear trailing arms, Fuel Safe 22 gal cell, 116 miles on dition. Many spare parts. Good, winning history. $6,000.00 and fuel cell, body, electrical, needs car. Yokohama, Neal. Allor part, year inner liners & air containers you fix the trans or $9,000.00 rear torsion housing. Very light · less engine or all hardware. Sell w/ valves. Call (413) 525--4841 turnkey. Call John at (805) 525, car. $2,500.00 obo. Call (909) just chassis. Call(818)504-0908 after 6pm EST. 9386 (with spares). 878--4010 nites. day, (818) 846--4309 nite. ·1r------------.... -------------w----------..... ----~ ... --......... ----------.... 1· .. -,~ '1 . Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I I ~ DUSTY TIMES. I I I, FOR SALE: Desert Lite, Briggs Built, 521 Rotex engine, top speed 95 mph, 2 eight gallon fuel cells, can be taken off for short course, lots of extra parts. Car just been completely gone through. $12,000.00 (619) 663,3789. ' SAtt · Class 9 Raccco ·· 2 seat. Chromolloy frame, Raceco trans, alum body, Wright rack, 300M Sway,A,Way bars, inter, com, pumper, Simpson belts, Ikard seats, Flame Out, best of everything, lots of spares, ready to race. $8,000.00 (909) 789,0706 nite/ wknds. FOR SALE: SODA Class 4 Chevy Sl0. 355 Chevy small block, Fox coil,over, TH400 Art Carr. 9" floater, Vertex, C&S, Howe Auto Meter. Many spare parts & moulds. Must sell. Bob Bemmels ( 414) 4 34, 1175. FOR SALE: 1993 Herzog Racing Ford Ranger, Class 7 champion. 1st Parker 400, 2nd Nevada 400, 1st overall San Felipe 250, 1st Gold Coast 300, 1st Baja 1000. 4.5 NASCAR V6, Mogi C,6 trans, Dana 60 or Ford 9" rear end, 24" front wheel travel, 28" rear wheel travel, 2 stage coil,over springs front & rear, Kuster shocks, air bump shocks, air jacks, 57 gal fuel cell and more. Spare parts included, too many to list. Call ot have FAX'd or sent. $150,000.00 Call (619) 443, 8034 or (619) 390,7131, ask for Scott. I Classified Advertising rate is only $15 for 45 words each month, no~ including name, a.:ldress and phone nu~ber. Add $5.00for use of I; I black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. 1 · I NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES, A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If I FOR SALE: Ranger pre,runner, I you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. I Buick 23 lcid V6, Th350, Ford 9", 4.11 Detroit Locker, Sum, I --------------------------------------~--------I mers axles, 1/4 ellipticals, Fox I I shox, fuel cell, 4 wheel discs, full I -----------------------------------------------1; cage, front and rear fiberglass , fenders, 33" BFG's. $9,999.99 I ---------------------------"--------------------Ii obo. Call Marc or Paul(818)445, I ------------------------------------I! 8_9_6_2. _______ _ I I' FOR SALE: Class l /2, 1600 VW I ------------------'------------------------------I .engine built by FAT Performance. I -----------------------------------------------I Engine is complete, fresh and race I I ready. $2,250.00. Also, 1 /2, Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. . 1600 Type II VW racing trans, I I mission built by RACECO . . I Name ---------------------------------I Transmission has all the best parts I Mail to: . I (Super,Diff, FTC gears, etc) DUSTY TIMES $1,600.00. Also, PCI intercom & I Address ----------------------Phone-------20751 Marilla Street I Bilstein shocks for sale. Call .I Ch.~tsworth, CAi913ll-4~08 I (619) 481,0923. J City __________________ · State ~----Zip _____ . ■: Page 50 March 1994 Dusty Times
FOR SALE: 1992 Harley David-son Low R ider. Lowered, chromed, immaculate condition. Only 2000 original miles. $13,800.00 oho.Tucson, AZ Call John (602) 299-1611 or (602) 449-4542. • FOR SALE: '65 Ford prerunner, 351 C, C6 auto, full cage, 9" Nod-ular rearend, 4 shocks per wheel front, 3 shocks per wheel rear, S& W gauges, Mastercraft seats, Centerlines, 33xl2.50 tires, cus-FOR SALE: 1983 Bronco XLT, strong '87 460, 4 sp., emissions equipment, L&L headers, 3" exhaust, low miles on Rancho 4 .5" suspension, 10 shocks, 5 33" All Terrains on Enkei 5 spoke FOR SALE: Class 8 truck, 1979 Ford, SCORE legal, 15" front suspension, 1 7" rear 4 link. 35" tires, Class winner 1991 La Rana High Desert.250. Perfect for La Rana Series, fun and dependable. $6,500.00 oho. Call Matt (805) 399-5564 day, (805 ) 399-6552 , tom paint, must see to appreciate. alloys, CB, Stereo, air, padded $6,700.00. Call (805) 466-5329. roll bar, mechanically perfect, body needs attention. $5,900.00 oho. Denver (303) 295-8347 d'] day, (303) 694-4202 nites/wee-kend. nite. 2001 Laser by Pro or 112 in Midwest Two 1641 air coole transaxles and oth Call (715) 674-28 HA LER FOR SALE: Chaparra 38' gooseneck, all the goodies, great condition with '79 GMC 1-T Dually.$18,500.00obo. Willsell separate. Call (719) 539-6152. FOR SALE: Class 1-1600 race car, 115"wb, Fox, Beard, Dura-Blue, Woods, Sway-A-Way, CNC, Neal, very fast, proven winner w/ trailer $9,500.00 oho. Call Scott (702) 826-6468. rt ~ .,,..,-FOR SALE: Class 10 2 seat Bunderson. 120"wb, turnkey. Air cooled VW, Type II trans, 930 c.v.'s, new 20 gal fuel cell, new tires, Centerlines, 4" Wright arms & spindles, Woods rear arms, 4 wheel discs, power steering UMP, Fox shocks, Beard seats. $6,500.00. Call Bob (801) 825-4336. FOR SALE: Class 10 or 2 two seat Berrien. Two Type 1 motors, . 1650cc & 2300cc. Hewland trans, 930 c.v.'s, Sway-A-W ay, Wright Rack & combos, power steering, Centerlines with BFG's, Fox shocks, Neal pedals, Fuel Safe. $8,700.00 Todd (906) 466-1914 after 5pm. Dusty Times ?r· FOR SALE: Class 9 two sea;;~, Sway-A-Way, Beard, Wright>·. rack, Deist belts, Bilstein, Fuel ~'Jt;,!il:,itY: .. Safe. Fresh engine & trans. Raced FOR SALE: '90-'72 Ford Class 8. once. Chassis in A-1 condi~ion. Fully prepped. Ready to r~ce! '89 $5,000.00 oho. Call evenings glass Fleetside. Ford :428 Cobra (6 19) 257-3140. w/400hp. C-6 trans. W arner FOR SALE: Ford Ranger, '89 V6 2.9 liter, Auto, Mastercraft seats, American Racing Wheels, BFG's, Front & rear pre-runner bump-ers, spare tire mount, front glass, custom tow hitch, custom shock hoops, cycles by Fab Tech, new paint, new trans, modified exhaust, smg legal flared RBar, Bedsides. $9,600.00. Call (714) 675-1985. FOR SALE: Suspension Unlim-ited Class 5 Baja, 80% done. Fuel cell, Wright rack, Fox shocks, 3 Solo wheels, 2 Centerline wheels, new tires, 091 trans. You finish, you save. Call for more info. $3,800.00 oho. Call (909) 982-2687. FOR SALE: A highly competitive MTEG Sport Utility. Finished 3rd in points for '93. Ghia Racing - Nissan, driven by Chris Neil. Tons of spare parts, suspension, driveline, body & tires. $18,000.00 takes all. Ready to race. Call Chris (619) 324-4934. FO R SALE: MUST SELL!! Desperation time. MTEG Ranger, Esslinger 3.0L, Art Carr C-4. Rancho built suspension. 22" frt & 24" rr trvl. Tons of spares! Very competitive. Accepting any/ all offers. Get a piece of the action! Starting to part out. $35K complete. Baja Concepts. Ref #236. (619) 583-6529. gages. Ranchos. 17" frt & 18" rr travel. Must sell quick! Spares & hauler· opt. Super bargain! $15,000 oho. Baja Concepts. Ref #227. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: T-Mag single seat Class 9. Bitchin' car at a bitchin' price! Rebuilt from the ground up. Excellent cond. Brand new 1600cc eng. Swing axle-Raceco trans. 5.75" frt & 10" rr travel. Super trick w / everything plus spares! $6,500 Baja Concepts. Ref #308. (619) 583-6529 . FOR SALE: '91 Int Truck Motor Home Conv. DT 446 Diesel, turbo charged, 245 hp, 650# torque, 1600 rpm, 30' box, 8' rear cargo area, 40' oal motor home interior. 100 gallon coach water, 200 gallon auxiliary fresh water, oak finish, TV /VCR, washer/ dryer, cellular phone, 30 gallon race fuel tank, Bendix air, 1000# winch & jib crane. 32,000 actual miles. $90,000.00. Call (503) 651-2101 days, Andy or John, (503) 873-2828 evenings. FOR SALE: Class 7S Ranger. SCORE/HORA champ. Over a dozen first class wins! This truck would make a rookie look great! Stroppe built eng. New Art Carr C-4 trans. 12" frt & 17.5" rr travel. National Springs, Spares! Reduced-$30,000 firm. Baja Concepts. Ref #183. (619) 583-6529. March 1994 FOR SALE: NewMirageClass io FOR SALE: 1993 FRT Class 10 single seat chassis & parts. Chas-and high points champion. This sis & parts are brand new & have · car is fast & light. Everything is never been assembled or used. fresh, no money spared. Buy a Chassis features include: 100% winner & save big bucks, chromoly tubing, front & rear $25,000.00. Mendeola trans, suspension, tabbed for Bus type Majors motor, UMP, Wright, all trans & either VW air-cooled or the best stuff. (619) 344-1925. VW Rabbit water cooled motor. FOR SALE· l Sh . p P · l d d · h h · 10 . oei umper arts me u e wit c assis: h 1 . 7i.t. 71A s 11 M85 each Fox racing shox, Jeff Fields e met, size Yll~ ~. ne . Bus trans; front chromoly beam, Worn only twice. Dust co~lar W right plus 2 ½ arms SAW front included. $85 .00. Also, 2 Quick-spring leafs W right ~ack & pin- fill 11 gallon dump cans. Good ion, Chro~oly tie-rods, tie rod condition. $70.00 for both. Call ends, steering wheel & shafts, (8 18) 335-6772. Woods rear arms ( w /Summer Bros floating brake hub plates), 3 ea. rear polished aluminum wheels ( w / Champion bead locks) & many used misc. spare Type! motor parts. Asking $4,500 oho or will consider trade for enclosed trailer, Honda Pilot, or Honda Cub. Call Fox Racing Shox and ask for Michael (408) 365-9700, ext. #51. FOR SALE: Race Ready, turn-key, fresh ground.:-up rebuild, never raced. 115" wb, single seat, 1650cc, new motor, trans, rims, tires spare also Bunderson frame. Curnutt shocks, race radios, BDR helmet, fire suie, Flame-Out, all the best parts. I was asking $15,000.00. Call and let's make a deal. (505) 271-9015. ., FOR SALE: GMC C ass 7. SCORE/HORA raced. Ryan Falconer 2.8L. Fuel injected V-6. Nash trans. 18" frt & 20" rr travel. 1 / 4 elip. rear. CNC brakes/hubs. Mastercraft. New fiberglass, wiring, paint. Misc. spares. In great cond! $30,000 Baja Concepts. Ref #297. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Class 1-1600 ~ FUNCO SSII, engine & IRS trans, 1 short race. Datsun half shafts, long travel front suspen-sion, extra parts. $3,000.00 Sin-FOR ·sA: : or lass 4, ' body, built by Curt LeDuc, Kus-ter shocks, 800 miles on new SVO "41 7" motor, Art Carr trans, Billett spindles, Alcoa wheels, Kuster air jacks, PCI radio w/ intercom. Spare body, trans, T-case, spindles, wheels, BFG tires, drive-lines, etc. 40' tractor type trailer also available $6,000.00. This is a very strong & reliable race truck; would also make one awesome pre-runner. $35,000.00 or $25,000.00 less motor. Call for all the details. (310) 318-9803. FOR SALE: 45' Great Dane Air Ride semi. 18kv gen. 45'x15' awning, 90 gal. diesel tank. 80 gal. water tank. Rear & side doors. Full length belly boxes. 5hp 40 gal. comp. Tig 250 amp welder. TOO MUCH TO LIST! Perfect /or any team. Only $35,000. Baja Concepts. Ref #332. (619) 583-6529. gle axle trailer, with tire rack $500.00. Delivery possible. VW Thing axles, drums, etc. In Florida (904) 862-9850. LOOKING FOR DRIVING CHORES: Very experienced, wou.ld like to help drive the Nev-ada 400, etc. Have experienced chase crew available. Money can be discussed. Call Craig Deardorf ( 909) 92 7 -5625. Classes 1/2, 1/2-1600, 10, 8 , 7 7S, 4, 3 & 6 . INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Baker Precision Products . . . . . . . . . • . • . . 25 Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels . . . . . . • • 8 Bilstein Corp. of America • • . • . . . . . . . . • • 27 Brush Run 101 •.•.............•.•. • 23 Cactus Racing Products . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . 28 California Pre-Fun . . . • • . • . • . • . . . . . . . . 22 Castex Inc., E-Z-Up . • • • . • • . . . . . . . . . . • 32 Central Oregon Off Road Racing • . . . • . . • • 21 DOR Racing • . . . . . • • • . • . • . . . . . . . . . • 4 Don-A-Vee Jeep Eagle • • .. .. . • .. .. • • • • 19 Rick Ellison Racing .. .. . .. .. .. .. • . • .. 13 Enduro Racing • • . . . . . . . . . . • • . • • . • . . 6 FAT Perfonnance . . . . . . . . • . • . • • • . . . . 38 FRT King of the Desert • • • . • . . . . . . . . . • 2 Fuel Safe . • . .. .. .. .. .. .. . • .. . • . . .. 32 Gennan Auto . . . . . . • • • • . • . . . . . . . . . • 33 f\Jd Hall Driving School • . • . . . . . . . • • • • • 38 Hi Tech Off Road • . • . • . . . . . • . . • . . • • • 31 Bill Holbrook Racing . • . . . . • • . . . . . . . . • 26 La Rana Desert Racing • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . • 1 5 Nevada Off Road Buggy .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 18 Parker Pumper • .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. .. . .. 30 Pike's Family Restaurant • • . . • . . . . . . • • • 41 Pro Wire ••..••••••••..... •......• 44 Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • . . 3 7 Reid Pro . ........................ 11 Rise Traction . . . . . . • • • • • • . . . . . . . • • • 39 SCORE International . . • . • . . • . • . . . . . . . 5 SNORE Twilight 200 • . • • • • . . • . . Back Cover Mike Smith Shocks .. .. • • .. • . .. .. . • • • 29 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group • . • • 7 Tri-Mil Industries • • • . • . • . . . . • • • . • . . . . 17 Ultra VVheels . . . . • . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . • . 42 Valley Perfonnance • • . . • . . . . • • • • . • • . . 40 Valvoline Oil . . . . . . . . • . . . • • • • . • • . . . . 9 Weddle Engineering . . • . . • • • • . . . . . . • • 36 Wilch Sales • . • • . .. . • .. .. .. .. . • . . • . 14 W-ight Place .. .. .. .. .. • . • .. .. . • .. . 43 Yarnell Specialties, Inc. • • • • . • • . . . • • . • • 35 Page 51