Volume 11 - Number I - February 1994 $1.50 Covering the world of competition in the dirt
1994 TtCATt/SCORE San Felipe 250 February 25-27, 1994 2nd Race of the SCORE Desert Championship Series PRO DIVISION - FEE SCHEDULE Entry Fee - Classes 1-11, SF & SM-------------$400.00 Entry Fee - Motorcycle and ATVs ------------------------- $250.00 Insurance Fee -----------------------$190.00 Land Use Fee ---------------------------$50.00 Baja Communications Fee-----------------------$10.00 SCORE Points Fund -------------------------$25.00 **************************************** SCORE Membership Fee--------$75.00 SPORTSMAN DIVISION - FEE SCHEDULE Total Fees - Classes 1-11, SF & SM------$295.00 Total Fees - Motorcycles & ATVs $195.00 **************************************** SCORE Membership Fee -----------------$75.00 The Sportsman Di.vision will compete only for contingency awards and trophies - no cash purse The Pro Di.vision will compete for 50% of the entry fee, contingency awards and trophies. Only finishers qualify for a share of the cash purse COURSE FOR ALL SPORTSMAN CLASSES: 200 miles These classes will not run the interior Mini-Summit loop t.noo OH ' ', ' "I I I - I COURSE FOR AU PRO CLASSES: 260 miles \--gvno ~ c::( ;oblo ~ ':,J --- -0 Q: Q Bl c.ro..., .... ft.,MO Ce«oKino A R.-l .fl,AUISO ~ NAW,Uf _..,.....,. &M' & UTUW W-O&S<ll ,.._ ••NAHC.< tart & Finish • San Felipe •• Arches • ••• .. •••••-un:a7adar Arr . .,_....,..,_ oyo Punla Estrella --Huatamote unta Diggs -· ....,. .. The drawing for starting positions will be held on Wednesday, February 2, 1994 TOYOTA THE OFFICIAL TRUCK OF SCORE INTERNATIONAL BF Goodrich· ---------Ttres 111e Official Tire of SCORE llllernational SCORE INTERNATIONAL 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. South Las Vegas, NV 89124 Tele#: (702) 361-5404 Fax#: (702) 361-5037 31125 Via Colinas #908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 Tele#: (818) 889-9216 Fax #: (818) 706-8833
Volume 11 - Number t Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Janay Smith Controller John Calvin Circulation 0 . Osborne Contributors Jim Baker Darla Crown C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Don Dayton Daryl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Matt Marcher Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Darryl Smith Judy Smith 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Inc. Wi:er Photos Art Director Larry E. Worsham SNAPSHOT February 1994 __.,,ILLS OffllOAD UCIINI Ul'OH Subscription Rates: llrifSeries,f~Racing,. $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Ciass Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. OF THE MONTH ••• J .. ~i'~ '-~~; w:, . Think Spring and coming in March is the Ultra Wheels Nevada 400 on the old Mint400 course. This photo goes back a few years but it shows one of the classic 'gotchas' on that nasty desert course, this time catching Roger Mears in his Nissan. Sorry Roger, but is is a great picture. With a motor drive photographer Stuart Borden caught this wheelie at its fullest extension for a prize winning shot. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "fun~ies"or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 will be considered. Dusty Times February 1994 In This Issue ••• . FEATURES Page Salute to the SCORE Desert Champions by Jean Calvin 12 La Rana Hi Desert 300 by Carol Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Colorado Championships by Juli Cox ...................... 26 SODA at Blackhawk Farms by Barb & Marilyn Schultz ....... 28 SCCA Porter Creek Divisional Rally Runoffs by Jim Culp ..... 31 ADRA Sonoyta to Rocky Point by Tony Tellier .............. 32 1993 Range Rover County by John Calvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 WRC RAC Rally by Martin Holmes ................ ....... 36 MTEG 1993 Awards Banquet by Jean Calvin ................ 38 Devil's Road 150 by Joey Vasquez ......................... 40 SCORE International 1993 Awards Banquet by Jean Calvin .... 42 CRSISCCA East of Indio Rally by John Elkin ............... 44 WRC Rally of Spain by Martin Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Whiplash at West World by Tony Tellier .. ................. 48 Maine Forest Rally by John Elkin .......................... 50 SCCA Subaru PRO Rally Wrap Up by John Elkin ........... 51 DEPARTMENTS Soap Box ................................................ 4 Trail Notes .............................................. 4 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 First Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Mexicali Off Roaders News by Laguna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Good Stuff Directory .................................... 52 Checkers Column by The Big Wahzoo ..................... . 57 F.A.I.R. Column by Dave Massingham ..................... 57 Classified Ads ................................. . . · ....... 58 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ON THE COVER - Ivan Stewart and his trusty Toyota won and won in 1993, topping the year with the overall victory at the Baja 1000 and it was absolute overall, beating.the bikes on time too. At year end awards Ivan collected a table full of trophies'for his 1993 accomplish-ments, and his Class 1 championship and overall points championship was testimony to the strength and depth of Cal Wells PPI T earn and the · extraordinary talent of the driver, Ivan "Ironman" Stewart. We also feature the anchor man on the Baldwin Racing team of Chenowth Porsches, Carl Renezeder who had bad luck at the Baja 1000, but it didn't take much to make the car race ready, so Carl went to the La _ Rana High Deset 300 in mid-November racing near Lucerne Valley, and Carl went so fast that he won the race overall. Congratulations to both these men who had a good November of racing. Color Photo-. graphy by Trackside Photo Inc. to S~7~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year - $15.00 □ i years -$i5.00 D 3 years - $35.00 Takeaclvantage of your subscription bonus •.•• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name _______________________ _ Address _____________________ _ City ______________________ _ State -------------Zip-----------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 (Canadian.-1 year $20.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates on request) Page 3
Soap Box By Paul]. Gedman & Michael Stroh Sal Fish: Score International I'm writing this letter to review the facts concerning the dis-qualification of vehicle 901 during the 1993 Baja 1000 off road race. After going through Post Tech inspection we checked the official results and found our race team disqualified. We located Paul Fish and he stated he observed vehicle 901 in an out of bounds area at approximately mile marker 25. He stated he was there because this was a problem area and the land owner did not want us in this sensitive area. I told him I remembered the incident because after making the left turn at the end of the double paved road some spectators waved their arms and pointed to the right. I then realized I was off course and immediately turned right into a gulley and back onto the course. Paul stated this is exactly what he observed. He also stated he didn't think there was any attempt to short course but the fact that I was in the area in question was cause for immediate disqualification. I asked about appeal procedures and he stated there was no appeal process for this violation and therefore we could not present our case before the CRB. He stated the decision was entirely his and the dis-qualification would stay in effect. After talking to Paul, our entire race team went out to the area in question. We found one "w" marker approximately 100 yards down the graded road. No other markers were found. We also went down the course at this location and found numerous burned in trails bearing left off the course heading toward the "environmentally sensitive" area. There were no markers on any of these trails indicating you were leaving the course and entering a restricted area. When realizing this was a problem area, Score had a responsibility to the land owner and the competitor to make sure this area was properly marked. I submit Score was negligent in their responsibility to protect the area and to protect the integrity of the competitor. We all realize the environmental · problems associated with con-ducting an off road event, therefore, Score must take all necessary precautions to protect any sensitive areas adjacent to the race course. It is a lot easier to properly mark a sensitive area than try to explain the damages to a land owner or environmental group. H&G Racing feels Score is partly to blame for this violation. The disqualification is unfair and the reluctance of Score to let us present our case before the CRB is entirely unacceptable. Respectfully Submitted Paul J. Gedman H&G Racing, Lakeside, CA To: Dusty Times We, H&G Racing, feel after submitting the prior letter with no response from Score Interna-tional, Sal or Paul Fish, we feel the need to pursue this matter further. Sal Fish, Paul Fish and one unknown individual with SCO-RE INTERNATIONAL that was directly involved with this problem, brought to their attention at the finish of the Baja 1000. We feel that the race course was poorly marked at mile marker approx. 25, near or about the gravel pit, and unfairly judged. Due to the fact that as stated by PauI Fish, we were on a restricted area which was supposedly THE WRIGHT PLACEk JUMBO COMBO DROPPED Larger Diameter Linke J MBO ---3" More Ground Clearance Larger Diarneler Spindle• --------"EXTREME" TRAIUNG ARMS Directlyrt-placeaother STRONGEST ARMS AVAILABLE manufacturer• trailing arma 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 TEL: (619) 561-4810 FAX: (619) 561-7960 Page 4 announced at the drivers meeting, Paul also stated he remarked the course, which in fact he didn't after inspection of the course after the fact. Paul also stated that after being advised of wrong travel by spectators he observe-cl vehicle 901 make a turn just prior to the "W" marker and then corrected their travel onto the correct course. Let it be noted that this "W" marker was approx. 100 yards up this restricted course with no prior markers, and Paul Fish was monitoring this at the 100 yard marker. Paul Fish also stated that it was obvious that the driver was not trying to "short course" the race but, we were on a restricted part of the course and that's automatically a DQ. Sal Fish being present at this conversation, did not open his PRESIDENT'S mouth, turned and walked away, showing excellent leadership in doing nothing. Paul Fish stated that we, Gedman & Stroh could not go before the CRB, HIS DQ was final. We had no rights. H&G Racing, Gedman & Stroh feel that this judgment was unfair and incorrect due to the following reasons: 1) Course was poorly marked in a sensitive area; 2) was allowed to continue the full distance and knowing the mandatory vehicle radio freq. with total disregard to all monies and racers who made it a race; 3) that no one person (Paul Fish) has the power to DQ any racer without going before the CRB, when the CRB was formed just for situations as this; 4) that SCORE owes H&G racing 3rd place monies and all its rights; 5) an aplogy to H&G Racing and any other racers who fell into SCORE's trap; 6) if this error by SCORE is not rectified H&G Racing will not ever again be active participants in any future SCORE International races. Michael Stroh H&G Racing Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space 1 with their thoughts about what is good and what is not so good about the state of the sport. Your words, short of being libelous, will be print-ed. So, send along your praise or damnation on your ~oap Box topic Simplythe Best! Fuel Safe's Pro Cell Racing Bladders are designed to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all of the major racing associations. Top Racers, like Robbie Gordon, demand the best and so should you. Fuel Safe Racing Cells -The Champions Choice! At your local dealer now! Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 842·2211 (800) 433-6524 (Outside CA) SAFETY ... It's what we're all about. February 1994 Trail Notes ••• DEVOTED FRT RACERS saw the old year out at the Dunaway Dash on December 31 at Plaster City West near El Centro, CA. The race has become a tradition with many folks who enjoy their midnight toasts under clear starlight skies in the desert. Craig Smith and Joey 'Lane capped off their season with a come from behind victory to win the motorcycle race overall and the 250 class also. Dewey Belew and Paul Krause led the first of five laps, but got reeled in by Smith and Lane at the end of the second. Belew and Krause were second overall, first open bike. For the A TV team of Ben Schlimme and Lance Schoonmaker it was a wire to wire victory fighting off the challenge of Ike and Vic Bruckmann mid-race. In the DesertLite Division Andy "Any" Wehe had free sailing after Steve Fenton broke on the second lap. Joe Jackson was second overall, first Class 77, and Bryan Saasta was third, first 360. In the high noon showdown for the buggies, cars and trucks it was Heartbreak City for many. Bill Hernquist led for 149 & 718 miles of the 150 mile event. In sight of the finish line he broke the left front wheel bringing him to a screaming halt. While he worked feverishly to remove the wheel, Tim Allen drove by as did Mark McMillin. Finally a very frustrated Hernquist made it to the finish line third overall, second in Class 10. It was a fantastic finish for Tim Allen, winning overall. The best five out of six events count for points and he had four first overalls and a second in class. He is the Class 10 champion, high points champion, and in his first full year of racing is an odds on choice to be division Rookie of the Year, to be announced at the Awards Banquet in El Centro on February 5. Other class winners were Unlimited, Mark McMillin, 1-1600, Kevin Basore, 2-1600, Mike Abatti, Mini Mag, Chris Garrett, Class 9, Larry Kern/ Mike Pfankuch, Class 100, Dan Lewis & Richard Green, Class 5, Vance Allen, Class5-1600, Bob Snaith, Class 8, Carlos lbarra,Jr. & Sr., Class 7, Scott Young. We'll have a full report with pictures next month. THE SNORE AW ARDS BANQUET was a month later than usual this year, due to date conflicts at the host hotel, where else but the Gold Coast in Las Vegas, whose head man Michael Gaughan is a big supporter of SNORE events, from the racers to the awards breakfasts the next day.They give away a ton of money at these awards to the top points earners as the non-profit organization spends all their surplus on the racers. The overall winners are rewarded, regardless of class, and this year the number one man was Class 9 driver Billy Holbrook who not only got several thousand dollars, but also gets a free entry in every SNORE competition which starts this month with the Bottom Dollar race in the Nellis Dunes on February 5. We'll have a full report on who won what and what the rewards were next month. We do want to say that SNORE has a most prestigious award, selected by a committee of former winners, called the Jimmy Schaefer Memorial Trophy. Schaefer is a past president of the club who died in office, anq was a super guy. Your editor could not believe her ears when they announced the 1993 winners, a pair, Michael Gaughan and Jean Calvin. What a tremendous honor and we do appreciate being chosen and being in such august company. It was r«;ally quite overwhelming. THE 1994 ROUGH RIDER LINE UP - The BFGoodrich/ Ford Rough Rider Off Road Racing team are spreading the wealth around the country this year. Instead of having six vehicles in six of the SCORE classes open to trucks they are moving into the midwest, picking up many time champion Scott Taylor ofBelevidere, Illinois who will field a Ford F-150 in Class 8 and a Ford Ranger in Class 7S, both classes he has been competing in anyhow. In face he won the SODA championship in 199.:' in both classes. Instead of competing in many classes in the SCORE Series the Rough Riders will have three trophy trucks, Paul and Dave Simon the big Ford they have been running in Class 1, and current Class 8 champion Rob MacCachren will have a new modified big truck. Class 6 champion John Swift will do the Trophy truck series in a new V-6 powered Ford Ranger. This class will be running a couple days early in the first two SCORE events, so darn few of us will have a chance to see them in action. However Enduro Racing will have a new Ford F-150 for 1993 champions Dave Ashley and Dan Smith to race in Class 8 in the Pro Series, where apparently the new rules allow two or four wheel drive. The Rough Riders will continue to contest the Mickey Thompson Stadium Series with highly modified small Fords out of the Jim Venable stable, with the same drivers coming back for another year, Rob MacCachren and Danny Thomp-son. This schedule is going to keep the drivers busy, especially those teams that will be traveling to distant places for the MTEG series. THE 1994 CHEVROLET S-10 - Late in November we went along on a ride and drive program featuring the new Chevrolet S-10 pickup which has a new and sleekly styled body among many other new features. They are a bit bigger this year, have a bit more room, and are both quieter and more powerful than their predecessors with a higher level of standard equipment. They had one of every model on this day long excursion over the old Ridge Route through the National Forest lands, and it was often hard to tell which one you were in with what drive train as we changed trucks about every 40 minutes. We'll get one soon for a full evaluation, but they have a pair of 4.3 liter V-6 engines available and a really spunky 2.2 liter four cylinder engine. The two wheel drive models with the base engine have standard rear wheel anti lock braking systems. If you get the V -6 engine option you get a new computer controlled four wheel anti lock braking system as standard equipment. There were far too many different trucks to get a solid impression of a model, but we will get one for a week or two soon and bring you a full report. Coming Next Month ••• FRT Dunaway Dash SNORE El Dorado 250 La Rana New Years 200 Georgia Season Review Paris-Dakar Rally Raid Australian Off Road Championships -Round 5 ... Plus all the regular features. Dusty Times
1994 Happenings ••• , A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34087 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 AMSA Jim Webb P.O. Box 26084 Fresno, CA 93726 (209) 439-2114 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 47 Teenan St. Ferny Hills, Q 4055, Australia 011-18-07-851-0444 AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B I HI (514) 434-5792 BAD DOG'S OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN Callaway Fun Inc. 3825 No. Main Cleburne, TX 76031 Barry Don Callaway (817) 645-00031(817) 641-9985 Gene Peugh (817) 790-8268 nights Racing the 3rd Sunday of each month March thru October BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. 1056 May 20-21, 1994 Wendover Express Wendover USA July 1-2, 1994 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV August 26-27, 1994 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1993 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI54520 (715) 478-2222 June 24-26, 1994 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI September 2-4, 1994 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI BUMP Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions 43943 Sierra Hwy., Suite G Lancaster, CA 93534 (805) 723-1549 May 14, 1994 Tulare County Fairgrounds Tulare, CA July 30, 1994 Temecula Showgrounds Temecula, CA August 2 7, 1994 Location TBA October 8, 1994 Santa Clara Fairgrounds San Jose, CA CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison, CRS Director 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 (909) 736-1442 Kevin McGillivray and Don Angel Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 January 15, 1994 Annual Awards Banquet Location TBA February 19, 1994 Fenceline I, II Rall ysprints Glen Helen OHV Park San Bernardino, CA May 13-15, 1994 Rim of the World National Pro Rally Prescott, AZ July 15-17, 1994 Prescott Forest National Pro Rally Prescott, AZ September 17-18, 1994 Treeline Rally Palmdale, CA October 22-23, 1994 Gorman Ridge Rally Gorman, CA December 4-5, 1994 East of Indio Rally Indio, CA CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silbaugh 20515 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 April 9, 1994 Bend Off Road Unlimited Bear Butte 300 Bend, OR May 7, 1994 Three Hour Enduro Olympia, WA October 15, 1994 Whiskey Springs 400 Bend.OR CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CMC Continental Motosport Club Sand Drags P.O. Box 830 Adelanto, CA 92301 (619) 246-7262 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W 1(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 COLORADO OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Bertram Productions Inc. 15073 Hwy 119 Route #4 Golden, CO 80403 ( 303) 936-5960 CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-36491(214) 641-2090 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 27 50 Cozumel Drive # 1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 February 13, 1994 Naples, FL March 26, 1994 Florida 400 Talahassee, FL FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619)427-5759 SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES February 5, 1994 Awards Banquet (Location TBA) February 12, 1994 King of the Desert El Centro, CA April 23, 1994 Buzz Bomb 150 El Centro, CA May 14-15, 1994 24 Hours Le Fud El Centro, CA June 25, 1994 Plaster City Blast El Centro, CA August 2 7, 1994 Superstition 250 El Centro, CA October 29, 1994 Squeaky Springs Gran National El Centro, CA December 31, 1994 Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA ATV, BIKE& DESERT SUPERLITE SCHEDULE February 19, 1994 D-38 Awards Banquet (Location TBA) February 2 7, 1994 Coyote Wash Bath El Centro, CA March 13, 1994 Team Race El Centro, CA March 27, 1994 Attack Kamakize El Centro, CA May 8, 1994 Sweetheart's Kiss El Centro, CA July 3, 1994 Tankslappers Gran Prix El Centro, CA July 23, 1994 Mr. Patterson's Wild Ride El Centro, CA LA Ri\NA CLi\SS 10 Clli\lVII)ION would like to thank everyone for their support in helping our team in 1992-1993. :1 ()v('raJ] \,Vin:-; Transaxle Engineering.: Zero transmission problems for over 10 years. Chenowth: A winning chassis for us in 6 out of 11 races so far. Schroeder: Custom torsion bars and drive axles, quality parts. Kendall: Oil that performs beyond our expectations. C.O.R.E. Pits: The key to our success is team work. C.O.R.E. has it. Yokohama Tires: The right tire for winning. Center Line Wheels: Survive the punishment we give them. Sports Racing Gas: Consistant quality fuel. Page 6 SPECIAL THANKS TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS: Gloria, Sara, Stacy, Bryce, Jennifer, Scott McKenzie, Greg Shapiro, Jim Wagner, Don Smith, Arnie Gustin, Brent Gustin, Mike Dubois, Jeff Fields, Gary Schroeder, Jim Hook, and all of C.O.R.E. February 1994 · Dusty Times
e ACTION-PACKED RACING e FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT DON'T MISS OUT!! MICKEY THOMPSON STADIUM OFF-ROAD /~ACING TM TOGET: e THE BEST RESERVED SEATING e DISCOUNTS ON TICKETS e FREE PIT & QUALIFYING PASSES e THE LATEST INFORMATION ON UPCOMING EVENTS FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW AND MAIL TO: MTEG, ATTN: MKTG., P. 0. Box 25168, Anaheim, CA 92825 Or Call 1-800-795-7708 --------------------------------------D YES! SEND ME INFORMATION ON UPCOMING·EVENTS!! NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE Please circle the events you are interested in: An.aheim 1/22/94 San Diego 2/26/94 Seattle 3/12/94 Kansas City Salt Lake City Detroit Denver ZIP ______ PHONE( ) _____ _ Las Vegas
August 6, 1994 Night Team Race El Centro, CA September 18, 1994 Desert Sprint El Centro, CA October 9, 1994 Mudhen II El Centro, CA November 20, 1994 Notorious Dawg El Centro, CA December 4, 1994 Rudolph's Revenge El Centro, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (714)880-1733 September 4, 1994 Car Enduro October 30, 1994 Car Enduro November 27, 1994 Car Enduro GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association 420 Hosea Road Lawrenceville, GA 30245 ( 404) 963-0252 March 26, 1994 Florida 400 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL April 24, 1994 Vienna, GA May 29, 1994 Vienna,GA · June 26, 1994 Vienna, GA July 24, 1994 Vienna,GA August 21, 1994 Vienna, GA September 25, 1994 Vienna, GA October 23, 1994 Vienna, GA November 26, 1994 Thanksgiving 250 Vienna, GA December 3, 1994 Annual Banquet TBA GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA Mike Johnson, President 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 ( 402) 333-0517 Eve. (all races at Weslfair Fair Grounds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¾ mile course similar to the MTEG tracks, and run under class regulations from SODA) ROD HALL INVITATIONAL 5445 Equity Ave. Reno, NV 89502 (702) 856-3100 April 29-May 1, 1994 Reno/ Pyramid 300 Reno, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Harvey Wald (605) 224-6678 days (605) 224-5534 evenings IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All etients staged at the club grounds in CletJes, Ohio) INTER-SHOWS . MOTORS PORTS fROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O . .Box 465 Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 J R. Bob(604)374-7175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves Keith (604) 828-1795 anytime (All e4Jents start 7miles NW of Kamloops) LA RANA DESERT RACING P.O. Box 1365 Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 240-13351(619) 240-1312 March 4-6, 1994 Presidential 250 Barstow, CA April 22-24, 1994 Spangler 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 17-19, 1994 Lucerne Valley Jam 250 Lucerne Valley, CA August 19-21, 1994 Johnson Valley 200 Lucerne Valley, CA October 14-16, 1994 California 200 Ridgecrest, CA November 18-20, 1994 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (517) 627-6200 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD STADIUM SERIES Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4100 January 22, 1994 Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, CA February 26, 1994 Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA March 12, 1994 Kingdome Seattle, WA June 18, 1994 Rice Stadium Salt Lake City, UT June 25, 1994 Arrowhead Stadium Kansas City, MO August 1994 (TBA) Pontiac Silverdome Detroit MI October 1994 (TBA) Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV October 1994 (TBA) Mile High Stadium Denver, CO MTEG SPORTSMAN SERIES AT GLAN HELEN OHV PARK March 19-20·, 1994 April 23-24, 1994 May 14-15, 1994 July 16-17, 1994 September 17-18, 1994 October 22-23, 1994 MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION David Cronin, President. MAORA 2590 Mullanphy Florissant, MO 6303'1 (618) 765-2199 All etients at Okaw Valley .Campground Shelbyville, IL (Additional track dates roy be added) NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOQATION 11842 Ja'son Court Madera, CA 93638 (209) 486-45901(209) 266-5558 OFF ROAD ADV.ENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (913) 855-8899 April 9-10, 1994 Cars & Bikes El Paso, TX June 25-26, 1994 Cars & Bikes El Paso, TX November 5-6, 1994 Cars & Bikes El Paso, TX _______ .;..._ ____ ~ OUR FIRST COVER is reproduced on the opposite page and it adorned our Preview issue published in September 1983. It was a big 16 pages with a sampling of the type of coverage we would be doing on . various race and rally events across the country and the world. We had advertising support from Bilstein Shocks, KC HiLites and Tri-Mil Industries and still do as these three have been in most every issue we have published. Our first ad came from K J Howe for the Mint 400, and as long as the race existed that was ongoing. Hi Jumper out of San Fernando Buggy Center had a big ad as did David Kreisler Raceco, Sway-A-Way, SNORE Ltd. and the now inactive Silver Dust Racing Assoc. BFGoodrich took the centerspread and there was a page of Good Stuff. Truly we were off to a good start and after ten years of effort, Dusty Times is the leader in off road racing publications. We thought you might like to know how this 60 page tabloid got started. George See l e y SCORE Off-Roa d Racing Class 11511 Unlimited Baja Bug Point s Champion 'SEELEY RACING RECOGNIZES THE PEOPLE THAT MOE THIS CHAMPIONSHIP REAL: BFGOODRICH TIRES & PIT SUPPORT FAT PERFOR.~NCE, ENG. OF THE YEAR .BFGaadrich· ALL THE CLASS "5" DRIVERS ----------------------••Tires ~~~~:~RS~H!I~o~~!MTgFA;:i~~~R . SIGN PROS·[§m ~ ~nn~!)m !.OCTI'l'E PERMATEX nK · · , ~eat~ sEELEY" s ruRNITuRE, ovERDRrVE cusro .. 1.,1,.,,,Na Ac . ..·~"-s .. .\RRO\>i PRODUCTIONS' BUMI_' PRODt.:CTI ONS ... - - ... ·~;:; :!!:;;:::!!;::; ~== ~=-. ~ The ~uper eat ~~~~~~n:~~E~~p~~~~::e::c:RIGHTER ::::A~oBody ~tJ;jj) ■ ,ot:~7~~ '!'HE WEATHER !>!AN AND PCI RADros ~~~'~ k• k . • n i)USTY TIMES. HOT VWS. MOTORS PORTS-~ 1n o•s u NEWS, KINKO'S COPIES. ® SCORE, DANNY, SAL, THE SUE ' S AND OJ.a ' ' EX~~~ !~~sPi~P~T~;I5;~:~· r.& RAC/N, . ~l.~:IJ~~i~-ALL THE P:'.OPLE THAT MAKE RACING ffj 1!111!I,. ~ PossIBL.c. IN BAJA. r.,~• PBBfOBIUICB TREADUGHTIY.' ~ _______ _ SIGN PROS, VALVOLINE,S&S HEADERS lllnlhellijal0OO ONPUBLJCANOPRIVATELANQ "" ..... _ ...................... .,,,,, THE WRIGHT PLACE, F&L FUELS, VHT . ALL THE RACE FA~AT THE RACES , n,·1,-• ·<n,ENDALE AUTO BODY' ·HER."IAN MAG FTJ'£-CUSTOM WELDING & REPAIR, REDLANDS. HOTELS; THE GOLD COAST, LAS VEGA~ THE HOLI DAY INN, MEXICALI · BEST WESTERN DESERT VILLA, TH~_~OKER, ENSENADA 1/ ~~'t ,:~~oµ~j•.,. bII.•~~-!.!!!~ti.4..."C-'8'" -~ .... ,_, --=::~.-4 , ...... Se-e1e1, F1.;rr\ture Cornpary ~1e~0~1..t= .._,.! THE.SEELEY TEAM: 'Big George CREWCHEIF, RICK . FREDERICK CHASE COMMAND, CAIN SMEAD TECK WIZARD, S. ZAMBRANO. CO-RIDERS , ROBERT JUDY BILL WALTMAN MIKE "BUGMAN" YARMAN SHANON POWELL ROBBY ANDERSON TX GOODE ROBERT ROMAIN. +. tt\t"1 tt.t . For JI! the toll the desert u.kes of J mJn i~ g1n:-s compc-ns~t,ons. deep bre.uhs, deep sleep, Jnc the communion of Nie stars. Mary Ausur. This Championship is dedicated To My Mom, My number one Race Fan, She will always be My Co - pilot Page 8 February 1994 Dusty Times
over1ng t e world of comP-etition in the dirt •• -;£; ~ ,..,;,.,, .. ' '·
ONTARIO OFF ROAD December 2-3, 1994 February 4-6, 1994 September 2-4, 1994 May 28-30, 1994 RACERS ASSOCIATION Maine Forest Rally Bottom Dollar 8 Hour Enduro Brush Run IOI Yerington/VORRA 400 Jeff Sargent Rumford, ME Nellis Dunes, NV Crandon, WI Yerington, CA 1480 Lakeridge Rd. N * Indicates Divisional Rall::Y March 25-27, 1994 September 17-18, 1994 June 17-19, 1994 Ajax, Ontario, Canada with 6o percent Narional Points Twilight 200 Wisconsin Off Road Festival Virginia City 200 (416) 427-4782 Eldorado Valley Oshkosh, WI Virginia City, NV PIKES PEAK SCORE Boulder City, NV October 1-2, 1994 July 29-31, 1994 P.O. Box 6962 Score International May 20-22, 1994 Blackhawk Farms Off Road Challenge Fallon 250 at Night Colorado Springs, CO 80934 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Caliente 250 So. Beloit, IL Fallon, NV (719) 685-4400 Westlake Village, CA 91362 Caliente, NV September 3-5, 1994 (818) 889-9216 July 22-24, 1994 SWORDS Yerington to Fallon and Back s.c.A.T. INC. January 21-23, 1994 Midnight Special South West Off Road Racing Yerington, NV Michael R. King SCORE Parker 400 Nelson Hills, NV Desert Series October 1-2, 1994 4209 So. CR 1300 P.O. Box 277 Parker, /\I.. September 23-25, 1994 Odessa, TX 79765 VORRA Fall Spectacular Morrisonville, NY 12962 February 25-27, 1994 SNORE 250 Mike Parker Prairie City SVRA Park (518) 561-32081(518) 236-7897 SCORE San Felipe 250 Las Vegas, NV (915) 337-3437 Sacramento, CA SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES San Felipe, B.C., MX October 28-30, 1994 All races held at Notrees, TX October 29-30, 1994 Sports Car Club of America April 1-3, 1994 Double Trouble 200 25 miles west of Odessa, TX 1994 Championship Race P.O. Box 3278 SCORE Nevada 400 Helson Hills, NV Prairie City SVRA Park Englewood, CO 80112 Las Vegas, NV December 2-4, 1994 TORA Sacramento, CA (303) 779-6622 June 3-5, 1994 Eldorado 250 Truck Racing Association WESTERN OFF ROAD (tentatitie schedule) SCORE Baja 500 Henderson, NV Ray Carney, Director RACING ASSOCIATION 7 Prutell Drive Ron (Rocky) Weinstein, President February 19-20, 1994 Baja California, MX July 1-3, 1994 SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD Apalchin, NY 13732 Box 246 -106 -1656 Martin Dr. *Sandhills (607) 625-5676 White Rock, B.C. V4A 6E7 Hartsville, So. Carolina SCORE Fireworks 250 DRIVERS ASSOCIATION March 12-13, 1994 Barstow, CA Terry Wolfe UORRA (604) 582-3338 7839 W. North Avenue WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 *Doo Wop II & IV September 9-11, 1 994 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 United Off Road Racing Association Sumas, WA 98295 Olympia, WA SCORE Gold Coast 300 ( 414) 453-SODA/( 414) 257-0422 Dave Urbanowicz, President Las Vegas, NV 589 Amwell Road WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS April 22-23, 1994 November 10-13, 1994 Wild West Rally Olympia, WA SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, MX May 14-15, 1994 December 16, 1994 Rim of the World Palmdale, CA Awards Night June 3-5, 1994 Location TBA Susquehannock Trail Wellsboro, PA S.C.T.A. July 29-30, 1994 Southern California Prescott Forest Rally Timing Association Prescott, AZ Elice Simonis Tucker August 27-28, 1994 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grana Terrace, CA 92324 Ojibwe Forests (714) 783-8293 Bemidji, MN September 23-24, 1994 Sunriser Forest Rally SNORE Chillicothe, Ohio Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts October 22-23, 1994 P.O. Box 4394 Press On Regardless Las Vegas, NV 89106 Houghton, MI (702) 452-4522 \IVOULD UK E TO THANK' ALL THESE PEOPLE FOP MAK.ING OUR FiRST & SECOND SFASCI\I A \tVINf\UNG SUCCESS May 28-30, 1994 Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva, WI June 11-12, 1994 Antigo Kiwanis Off Road Race Antigo, WI June 25-26, 1994 Spring Run 10 I Crandon, WI July 9-10, 1994 Fox Riverfest Challenge Luxemburg, WI July 23-24, 1994 UP Off Road 100 Bark River, MI August 6-7, 1994 Road America Elkhart Lake, WI August 20-21, 1994 Great Northern Challenge Lake Odessa, MI Neshanic, NJ 08853 2939 E. Grovers (908) 369-6550 Phoenix, AZ 85032 (all events at Owego Motor Sports Park, (602) 971-3730 Rte. 434, Owebo, NY) (All events at Thrasher/and, I 17th Ave. & Glendale in Phoenix, AZ) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office WISCONSIN 2810 W . Wooley Road OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Oxnard, CA 93030 Terry or Bev Friday (805) 656-1122 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Oskosh, WI 54901 VORRA ( 414) 688-5509 Valley Off Road Racing Association FIA WORLD RALLY 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 CHAMPIONSHIP (916) 925-1702 ATTENTION March 19-20, 1994 RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS Prairie City Season Opener List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! Send )'OUT 1994 schedule as Sacramento, CA soon as possible for listing in this column. April 16-17, 1994 Mail your race or rally schedule to: Prairie City Spring Special DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Sacramento, CA Chatsworth, CA 91311-44o8. WIKS RACING ENGINES ADAM WIK (714) 956-9457 Brian Logan Co-Driver: Keith Westerfield LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING KENT LOTHRINGER MO<ENZIES JEFF, MARK, JOHN (714) 441-1212 (818) 915-2212 DAVE FOLTS TRANSMISSIONS DAVEFQ1S WCKERTIRES JIMlUCKER (818) 332-1142 Page 10 (310) 694-5591 A SPECIAL THANKS TO: Michelle Logan, Dee Logan. Sean & Val Logan, Sallie Brown, Chris Danley, Tim & Pilar Gunn. John Brockway, Susan Leahy, Carolyn & Jeff Harless. Brandon Reeves. Scott Fusco, Dave "No" Cash. Monica Pinkham. Joh'." G .• Vi~. Gene, Kevin. Charlie, Gary. Randy. Mike, Chris & Mandy. Manlyn & Michelle Mendoza and the Holidays February 1994 1992 & 1993 LA RANA DESERT RACING CLASS 550 POINTS CHAMPIONS 1992 HIGH DESERT 300 1993 PRESIDENTIAL 250 1993 HIGH DESERT 300 1ST PLACE 1ST PLACE 1ST PLACE Logan_O!f R~d Racing T-Shirts (High Quality· 6 colors) For a hm1ted time only • $18.50 (Includes Shipping & Handling) Send Check or Money Order to: · Brian Logan, 6712 San Alano Circle, Buena Park, CA 90620 Specify Size · Dusy Times
PRESENTS MAHONEY'S SILVER NUGGET BOTTOM DOLLAR 8 HOUR ENDURO FEBRUARY 5, 1994 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4 SIGNUP & TECH: MAHONEY'S SILVER NUGGET 6 - 9pm DRAWING FOR STAR'I' POSITIONS 9:30pm SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5 RA.CE STARTS: 9am AT NELLIS DUNES SUNDAY, F'EBRUARY 6 AWARDS 3RE.:'\.KFAST: MAI'!ONEY'S SILllER NUGGET 10am. ENTf<Y FEE: CLASS 9· SPORTSMAN TRUCK: SPORTSMAN BUGGY: INSURANCE: RACE MGMT FEE: Class 1i2-1600 Weight Rules WILL NOT Change F·or 1994. {On,c; 5E-;at:.: 1500/t, Two Seat= 1350# And A 24mm Restr.ictor Plate) Class 9 -(One Seat = 1550#, 2 Seat = 1350#) $;.ll0.00 $165,,('0 $ 75.00 $ 75 .. 00 $ 95~00 $ 10.00 NEW RULE: IF YOU FAIL TO MEET _Ti.:gt REQUIRED WEIGHT, YOU ONLY !L~'\!"E 15 1\-tJl\fUTES TO ADD FUEL. OTHERWISE YOU'RE DQ'D!!!!!!!! .A\11 Classes Will Have 8 Hours To Complete As Many Laps As Possible. Laps Count From Start/Finish To Start/Finish. $500.00 BONUS BUCK.S 1'0 FIRST PLACE IN CLASS ? BON'i/:';I!." 't:lucx· s CLASS DJ:r"l''C"'D'ilAl'Tl\,11:rn All" n'DATITT~T~ 'l:'DTnAV .,._,. .... .,...IiT . u ~ .D a:., .L .lw.L'-J.'f.L.LJ.',i.a.;,,..., .n. .1. .a.,.1,'-"2, n .1.,n _. 1: "'-1..&.l'.nr. • · .L'= .LU $$$ -IT PAYS MORE TO RACE SNORE IN '94 -$$$ FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL THE SNORE HOTLINE 702-452-4522
Salute To The 1993 &j Jean Calvin SCORE Desert Series Champions _ Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. ,.M :-:-:w: ;-. Ivan Stewart once again proved to be the Grand Master of the Desert in 1993 starting the year with the overall victory at Parker, the Nevada 400 and the muddy Baja 500. Ivan suffered mechanical troubles at the Fireworks 250, the only time in the entire year, but the Toyota was repaired in the field and he finished tenth in Class 1. Stewart was second in class at the Gold Coast 300, third overall, and finished the year in a stunning performance at the Baja 1000, winning the absolute overall, beating the bikes by about half an hour. Congratulations to the Class 1 and overall points champions. Our annual Salute to the Desert Champions was modified last year to accommodate the split between SCORE International and the High Desert Racing Association, and this year we must modify it again to just the SCORE Series Champions as HORA no longer conducts its own races since they merged with SCORE a year ago. And for 1993 no Heavy Metal or Mini Metal Champions were announced, which messed up our traditional three picture cover. But the times are changing, so we must change too. It was a seven race series in 1993 starting with the traditional Parker 400 and ending with the Baja 1000 with the Nevada 400, San Felipe 250, Baja 500, Fireworks 250 and Gold Coast 300 in between. Sal Fish was now CEO of SCORE and Danny Cau was now President of SCORE, and it all worked out well logistically. The SCORE Parker 400 drew 170 starters in cars and 29 motorcycles, not quite up to the Simon, Ford, and Steve Kel-. his new Jimco into a good lead, usual count but good because of ley/Curt LeDuc, Jeep Cherokee but lost the engine on the third the deep recession in the were about 20 minutes back in and final lap. Rick Romans and southwest in defense and con-fourth and fifth in class, fifth and Greg Hibbs won Class 10 in a struction industries. The race sixth overall. Race.co with a three minute once again began a new reign of Of the ten in Class 8 Rob margin over Ryan Thomas and Ivan "Iron Man" Stewart, as he MacCachren led the first lap, Mike Lund, Chenowth, and the drove his Toyota to first overall close to Ivan's time at that, Zupanovich team was third with a and first in Class 1, whipping 39 followed by Brian Stewart about long last lap followed by Tom otherstartersinClassl/2.Giving 15 minutes back. Favorite Larry Schilling and Jimmie Johnson, chase were the likes of Robby Ragland was down for repairs. and defending overall champions Gordon, his dad Bob Gordon, MacCachren increased his lead Steve Sourapas and Dave Rich-more big trucks including Baja lap by lap and not only won Class ardson. 1000 winners Simon and Simon, 8 in the Venable Ford, he finished Only four started in Class 4 and and some potent buggies. But second overall just two minutes Dave Ashley led followed by after three laps it was Ivan out. David Bryan got his privateer Mike Schwellinger/ Alan Sha-Stewart, with a bloody nose from Ford home second in class, while piro. Ashley sailed on to victory a wayward rock, that won the day Brian Stewart had plenty of followed by Schwellinger and by over two minutes. Second various troubles and finished a Shapiro, both in Fords while Rod overall, that close, was Rob long third, well ahead of Ragland, Hall/Jim Fricker trailed in the MacCachren in Jim Venable's big all that finished in Class 8. Dodge by hours. Class 6 had two Class 8 Ford truck, a great Class 10 was the second largest . starters but it was no contest for performance. class at 30 starters and they had John Swift in the Ford Explorer In Class 1 Jim Smith was quite a battle with the early leader who won by hours. Darren second in a fancy Ford truck and being disqualified on a BLM rule. Skilton was second in a Jeep third overall, nine minutes back, Mike and Jim Zupanovich had the Cherokee. Class 3 fielded three followed closely by Bob Gordon first lap lead by a minute with the starters led from flag to flag by in his Chenowth VW at fourth leadpackallinasingledustcloud. Dan Smith, Ford Bronco. Dale overall. Both Paul and Dave . After two laps Ricky Johnson got White, Blazer was a very long ------•¢: second, followed the Mike Lesle/ Larry Noel Jeep penalized one position, who actually had a faster time. The domination of many truck classes by the Rough Riders Ford team really showed in lack of entry in those classes early in 1993. Class 7 had five on the line, three faded on the first lap and there was no stopping Scott Douglas, Ford. He led easily all the way over Racin Gardner, Ford. Class 5 had nine starters but only four finished, led all the way by Neal and Mike Grabowski who had· some close dicing en route. Conrad Diaz Jr. finished second and George Seeley Jr. was third. Rob MacCachren had another good year repeating his SCORE Class 8 title he won in 1992. Rob took the Venable Class 1-2-1600 was a biggie at 26 starters. Kevin Davis, Loth-ringer had the fast first lap but several cars ran just minutes apart all three laps, with the lead changing often. At the checkered Mike Julson and Bob Lofton, Jimco, won the battle by two minutes, followed in another two minutes by Dennis Hight and Jon Ford to first in Class 8, second overall at Parker, scored third in class at both the Nevada 400 and the Baja 500, got with it at the Fireworks and not only won the class but won the race overall, then dropped to fifth at the Gold Coast but won the tough Baja 1000 at third overall, one of the four Rough Riders to win a class championship. Page 11 February 1994 Kennedy II, Chenowth, followed in three minutes by Jason and Erik Linker, Mirage. Early leader Davis was fourth, Rod Mul-ler /Mike Halliday, Chenowth, fifth. The combined 7S and 7 4x4 class held eight starters, but like many other truck classes it was no contest. Darren and Doug York won in a Ford, followed by Jeff Lewis, Chevy S-10 which set a pattern for the season in this class. Billy Bunch was a long third as four finished. The dozen 5-1600s lost some contenders early, and John Holmes set class fast lap followed in a minute by the Cook Brothers. Holmes rolled in the middle lap, the Cooks took over the lead, extended it and won the class by nearly half an hour. Ross Craft and Jim Dizney took second, followed by Rick St. John/ Steve Miskiewicz then Guillermo Quintero/Francisco Ortiz. Six Bugs finished the fast-rough race. Class 9 was down in numbers with only 11 on the line but they had a close race, a remarkable ten finishers. Steve Poole led the first lap but others were scant minutes . behind. Next lap Poole held his lead being pressed by Billy Kem and then Rich Richardson/Doug Perrault. It was the familiar blue 'Jimco of Rich Richardson and Doug Perrault, who did a fast last lap, that pulled out the Class 9 win by two minutes over Bill Kem in his ORBS. Steve Poole had trouble with his Jimco and was over an hour back in third followed by the Holmes/ Calla-way T-Mag that was actually faster but penalized one position. Peter Rosenstein and Duane Morimoto drove the lone Class 11 entry around in good time for its two required laps and the victory. Only two started in Stock Full size trucks with the usual winner Gordon OiCarlo doing it again in the Ford F-150. It was also a familiar story in Stock Mini Trucks as Scott Sells and Rick Nunez won by four hours in their Toyota SR5. Four in that seven truck field eventually finished. In fact 90 of the 170 car starters finished the race. But the story of Parker is that it lost some of the fun time first of the season flavor with officials going bananas with radar guns in the pit area and handing out penalties, and a virtual invasion force of BLM officers from various jurisdictions handing out $100 to $300 tickets for such crimes as going around a deep pond on a well worn track that wasn't the marked course. That · sort of activity tends to dis-courage people from going to a race so plagued, but we will find out in just a few weeks from this writing how or even if the travail of last year affects the 1994 Parker 400 entry. A month later at the Ultra Wheel Nevada 400, son of the Mint 400 sponsored by that now defunct Las Vegas hotel, the racers were on solid ground with no surprises. The tech inspection was on Fremont St. with a smaller but still sizable turnout of contingency donors. The entry was a disappointing 165, the course the same rough stuff, rocks and silt you love to hate for four laps of 98 miles each running north beyond Nellis Air Force Base. Class l / 2 was again the largest at 32 starters but the results had a Dusty Times
and Larry Noel, finishing all four laps in second almost six hours later. There were 23 in Class 1-2-1600 and Tom Burns and Louis Silvas recorded fast class lap on the first round by eight seconds over Jim Joyce and Drew Keys, Raceco, who had a minute 20 seconds on Danny Porter, and this was going to be some race. Midway Mike Julson in the Bob Lofton J imco recovered from troubles and moved into the lead with over four minutes on Billy McCool, Mirage, as new names moved into the top five. Julson handed over to Bob Lofton, Porter to Mark Ruddis, who moved into second behind Lofton, McCool was third, and Kevin Davis ran fourth in the Lothringer. On the last lap Lofton broke a throttle cable, but saw "'" ... ,.., . _ _ -~~ -=~· "' Julson spectating, so got a quick his Ranger. Chuck Johnson and J.M. Bragg won the class by over an hour from Darren and Doug York. Vinje/ Gilchrist were third in the Toyota followed by the Fords of Mike Schwellinger /Gary Hulsey and Billy Bunch/Manny Esquerra. Tom Schilling teamed with young Jimmie Johnson to win the Class 10 title in the tidy Jimco. They were fourth at fix and the pair won their second Parker, second at the. B_aja 500, fifth at the Gold Coast 300, and second at the Baja 1000, finished further back in the class title of the new season, and other two races, but finished them all to win the championship. Tom Schilling does 90 percent of the prep work on the 11th O e II M k R dd· cl racer himself and is understandably proud of their finishing record. D Pv ra · ar u cl .1s al n Rick St. John and Steve Miskiewicz led the 5-1600s on lap 1 by about six minutes over Jim McGill, with Alan Cook on his bumper, and the pack. Wayne Cook drove lap 2 set class fast lap and took the lead. Tom Mace in the McGill car was second, Steve and Tim Lawrence third, and St. John and Miszkiewicz had been stuck and dropped to fourth. Lap 3 was Daryl Cook's turn and he put 20 minutes on Mace, still trailed by the Lawrences, St.John, and the bunch. Wayne Cook got back in for the last lap, had a flat but stayed out front for the team to win by 40 minutes over Jim McGill, Tom Mace and Mark Miller, who had late problems. Third, another hour back came Vince Alcouloumre and Mike Molina, followed in 41 minutes by Guillermo Quintero/Fran-cisco Ortiz, just three minutes ahead of Rick St. John/Steve Miszkiewicz. ____________ _;_; _______ _.::. ____________________ . . anny orter were secon m c ass familiar ring. Ivan Stewart led the first lap in his Toyota, led all the way and finished the 392 mile race in quick time, first overall for the third time here. Ivan had some serious challenges for the title, in fact after early down time Robby Gordon set fast lap of the day in his Ford, but Stewart kept his pace and got the job done. Just six minutes behind in second in class and overall came Bob Gordon and Frank Arciero Jr. in the Type 4 VW powered Chenowth, a half hour ahead of Bob Richey IT om Baker in a Raceco/ Porsche who were third overall. Danny Letner and Jerry Penhall did the best of the fancy trucks, fourth in class and overall in a Chevy bodied rig, with Ron Brant and Tom Koch rounding out the top five overall and in class in a Porsche powered Raceco. In all 14 cars finished in Class 1 / 2 on the rough run. Class 8 was down to eight starters, and began in the usual fashion with the first lap lead going to Rob MacCachren closely followed in a few minutes by David Bryan then Frank Vessels, all in Fords. Rob MacCachren led midway followed by Vessels, Bryan and Brian Stewart, and Larry Ragland was going through transmissions, but held fifth. Vessels took over the lead on lap 3, about ten minutes up on Bryan, while MacCachren got a new torque converter. Early on the last lap Vessels was down on course and Bryan went into the lead which he held to the checkered flag. It was David Bryan's 100th race and his first win since switching to Class 8. His pit team, mostly family were overjoyed while David was nearly speech-less, finding it hard to believe he had beaten all the factory trucks in his Indio maintained Ford. Larry Ragland worked up to second, and MacCachren sal-vaged third ahead of Brian Stewart who had last lap front end trouble. Class 10 had a highly competi-tive 28 car field and Parker winners Rick Romans and Greg Hibbs led the first lap in the Raceco just ahead of Mike Lund, and several more all under a five minute blanket. Midway Ro-mans/Hibbs still led, now by 10 minutes over Jerry Leighton, Raceco, Lund lost his engine and Brian Parkhouse moved into third in his Mirage, with Dave Richard-son right on his bumper, then Dusty Times . handed over to Steve Sourapas for the second half. Romans/ Hibbs slowed a tad on lap 3, Sourapas moved to second, Leighton third, and Ricky Johnson moved up to fourth in a tight race. Romans and Hibbs lost their engine on the last lap, so SCORE's 1992 overall champ-ions Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson won Class 10 in the Chenowth, seventh overall Steve's third victory on this race. Ricky Johnson, getting used to buggy racing, charged to the class fast lap on the last one and moved up to second spot at the finish, eighth overall in his Jimco. John Hays and Tony Modica patched and fixed the Raceco enough to finish third, while Jerry Leighton had late trouble but got in fourth, and Dave Bufe/Jerry Higman managed fifth as ten finished in Class 10. T any Kujala led the seven Class Ss in Greg Diehl's Bug on the first lap after a repeat win but the field behind him was close and tight. Kujala moved through Class 10 traffic with ease and led midway by 19 minutes over Lisa Dicker-son and Scott Cameron, and Neal Grabowski. Tony Kujala, ob-viously having fun built 47 minutes lead as others had problems, and handed over to Greg Diehl for the last lap. They won by over an hour and were a dandy sixth overall. Neal and Mike Grabowski salvaged second while George Seeley was over two hours back in third. Class 7 had seven starters and most seemed to have trouble. But Jack Johnson, Ford, had no trouble leading, followed by Scott Douglas almost 37 minutes back. Midway Johnson led Douglas by about a half hour. After a transmission change Brendan Gaughan was third in a Dodge, and over two hours further back the other three were running within seconds of each other.Jack Johnson got his long sought win in Class 7, and Scott Douglas managed second despite blowing a piston on the last lap. Brendan Gaughan and J.C. Dean were third and John Gable was fourth in his Ford about four hours back but a finisher. Of the six in Class 4 Dave Ashley took the early lead, and stayed ahead of his main com-petition Jerry McDonald to win another one for Ford. Alan Shapiro and Randy Salmont, Ford, were second over three despite various troubles, followed hours back and McDonald in by Rogerio and Rodrigo salvaged third in the Chevy after Ampudia in a Neth, then Kevin last lap breakage, while Rod Davis, with only about a ten Hall/Jim Fricker were fourth in minute spread between those the Dodge. It was the same three. scenario in Class 3 as Dan Smith Class 7S had ten starters and six took the lead in his Bronco off the finishers. The first lap leader was line, had a couple of flats but ran the Ford of Chuck Johnson and a . to victory, 37 minutes ahead of name from the past, J.M. Bragg Mike Lesle/Curt LeDuc, Jeep with 17 minutes on the Malcolm Cherokee, the only other class Vinje Toyota. Johnson had a 34 finisherofthefourthatstarted.In minute.lead midway when he Class 6 John Swift drove to handed over to Bragg. Darren another untroubled victory in the York was second suffering spring Ford and finished ninth overall. troubles, Vinje held third with The only other starter was the Jim Gilchrist driving now, and Jeep Cherokee of Darren Skilton Mike Schwellinger was fourth in %._::.--:,x.~:f• Class 9 sank to nine starters at the Nevada 400, too rich and rough for most of them. Four broke on the first lap, which was led by Mike Dixon by two minutes over Brad Maurer and next was Barstow's Rick Johnson and Dewey LaMora. Midway Dixon led by four minutes over Maurer who had 19 minutes on Johnson. Dixon led most of the third lap~ ,, -< /",,;. , ~ • ¾,_ ,,,; >_:it,. "' David Ashley had an outstanding year in the 4x4 Ford F-150, winning Class 4 at Parker, the Nevada 400, the Gold Coast 300 and the Baja 1000. He was second at the Fireworks 250 in Class 4, and had a rare DNF for him and Enduro Racing at the Baja 500. David Ashley is also a Rough Rider and will be moving to the Trophy Truck action in 1994. SCORE 1993 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR! We would like to thank and congratulate all these FAT-powered, 1993 Class points champions: MTEG Super 1600 Champion ....................... .Jerry Whelchel SODA Clas.s 2-1600 Champion ...................... Jim Wiggens SODA Clas.s 1-1600 Champion ....................... Todd Attig SODA Clas.s 5-1600 Champion ....................... Mike Brue SODA Clas.s 9-10 Champion ........................... Todd Attig SODA Clas.s I Champion ................................ Todd Attig SCORE Class 5 Champion .............................. George Seeley BAJA PROMOTIONS Clas.s 1-2 Champion ....... Brent Miller FUD Clas.s 2-1600 Champion ......................... Jim & Mike Abatti RAONG ENGINES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARlS Send or call for our new catalog $5.00 February 1994 We would also like to thank and congratulate all our customers for all their class wins in SCORE, SODA, MTEG, SNORE, FUD, 1A RANA and BAJA PROMOTIONS. -B.l'QIIWGI .. 1558 No. Case• Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889•fax (714) 637-7352 Page 13
W until losing a wheel and tire and lots of time. Maurer had handed over to Rick Paquette who now moved into the lead. Dixon was gone on lap 4. So Rick Paquette and Brad Maurer won Class 9 a little over an hour ahead of Rick Johnson/Danny LaMora. Darnen and Willie Jefferies were third a final finisher in their Jimco in a high attrition run for Class 9 . Again Peter Rosenstein and Duane Morimoto were the only Class 11 entry, and did not get through the first lap. In the Stock Full Trucks Marc Stein led the first lap, but Gordon Di Carlo and Jeff Yocum led them by over an hour at the checkered flag. Of the five Stock Mini Trucks, four finished their two laps, led home by Michael Martin in a Toyota, over 12 minutes up on Scott Sells in another Toyota. sections. Scott Douglas always thought his Class 7 Ford could win overall given the right conditions, and San Felipe was it. The only Class 7 entry, Scott got an early start, drove a well paced race after starting just behind Class 8, enjoyed running on a fairly fresh track, and had no troubles posting an average speed of 54.4 mph and winning overall, back in time for lunch in the Herzog Team Ranger, winning overall by over half an hour. Bowing to the Manufacturers Committee request that only six races be point races, Lake Havasu, which didn't happen anyhow, and the San Felipe 250 were elimin-ated from the points count for 1993. It was a costly move for SCORE; merely 51 cars went to San Felipe, none of the high rollers from back east sent their teams, and 31 bikes brought the total entry to 82, an all time low for SCORE. Those that went enjoyed a good race course, beautiful weather and wildflowers and cactus still in bloom in some Nine started in Class 1 / 2 about half trucks and half open wheelers. Favorite Bob Richey in the Raceco Porsche was out early with engine trouble and it appeared Mike Newhan led for a time in his GMC truck. Both Greg George and Bob Land were reported out around 3 Poles. Despite getting lost heading for the finish line Mark Newhan and Frank Artzer won Class 1 / 2 in their GMC truck and were sixth overall. Hauling into second in class, seventh overall were Morley and Mike Williams in the Meco Mazda, a good finish for them. Billy Bunch and Mpnny Esquerra drove Billy's Class 8 Ford F-150 to third in class and 18th overall Bob Land and Eric Sargent were almost out of time when they finished fourth. John Swift is another who repeated his 1992 SCORE Series title, with an almost perfect score for the six events in his well maintained Ford Explorer, prepped by his co-driver Dino Pugeda. John won Class 6 and scored well in the top five or so overall at the Parker 400, Nevada 400, Baja 500, Fireworks 250 and the Gold Coast 300. With rare mechanical woes he dropped to second in class at the long and often brutal Baja 1000. There were two Class 8s, both Fords, but Beny Canela and Art Peterson had a serious wiring fire early on, and finally got going Next away was Class 10, the again. Curt and Nancy LeDuc in biggest class at 11 starters. The their pre-runner were having favorites all had troubles, but got engine pinging and broke a wheel, fixed and carried on. Dave Bufe but kept on charging. Nancy, and Jerry Higman apparently driver of record for the day, didn't have troubles with their brought the truck to the finish Neth, were soon the second car on line winning Class 8 and taking the road enjoying a dust free run fifth overall. It was three hours in the Class 10 lead. They took before Peterson arrived in the Class 10 win and second Canela's truck. overall. Jon and Brian Tanklage were second in class about 13 minutes behind, fourth overall followed in by Javier Cevallos and Vicente Serrano, eighth overall and Bill Hernquist and Bob Snaith, ninth overall all inJimcos. Steven Vesterdal was fifth in Class 10. Dan Smith joined his Enduro Racing teammate David Ashley in winning a SCORE championship. Dan drove the older Ford Bronco to class domination in Class 3 winning the Parker 400, Nevada 400, Baja 500 and Fireworks 250. Dan was second at the Gold Coast 300, but the ex desert biker won the grueling Baja 1000 at sixth overall, and won the Class 3 championship in the Bronco, the rig scheduled for retirement this season. There were three Class Ss, one a late starter, and Conrad Diaz and Luis Barragan passed Rudy Cortez early and never saw them again on their way to victory. Luis and Jorge Leal were second and last in Class 5 despite their late start. There were six in Class 1-2-1600 also, and just two that finished. Rogerio and Rodrigo Ampudia led in their Neth two thirds of the way, then lost the engine on the dry lake. This moved Paul Huffman and Ron Klarenbach into the lead in their Chenowth and they won the class and finished a fine tenth overall. Larry Cossio rolled his Raceco, lost time, but finished second in class. There were three in Class 7S including the Chevy of Jeff Lewis who had Jerry McDonald co-driving, declaring they were trying out new things on the S-10. They hit a booby trap, had to make repairs, but still led all day and took the win, finishing third overall as well. Javier Sacio had some overheating woes in his Nissan, but finished second, an hour behind. .!:I~~ -~·-.. ~: @id:,,,dL,,...... ..fil~~-Scott Douglas had a dream year in the Herzog Class 7 Ford Ranger. He won the class at Parker, dropped to second at the Nevada 400, then won the San Felipe 250 overall in the small displacement, then went on to keep winning at the Baja 500, the Fireworks 250, the Gold Coast 300, and capped off his last season in Class 7 with the victory at the Baja 1000. It was a remarkable combination of a top driver and a top preparation team, all privateers. Page 14 February 1994 Of the six S-1600s, five of them finished, most after having down time. Danny and Hector Ledezma won the battle of the pit time in this class, finishing 11th overall as well. Guillermo and Javier Quintero were just 14 minutes back in second followed in an hour by Michael Vildosola and Rich Minga, who were 15 minutes ahead of Manuel Rodriguez and Victorio Esparza. Eric Muller and Antonio Lopez were another 15 minutes back in fifth place in the competitive class. Class 9 had five start and three finish leaving· Bruce Mangold and Tim Gavett in the lead in a Raceco. Bruce had never raced in San Felipe before, but he held the lead to win Class 9 by 21 minutes. Edward McLean and Philip Breedlove were second in a J imco, followed in an hour by third placing Ruben D. Garcia. There were four Class 11 st.arters and all four finished, not having to cover the second loop. Ruben and Leonardo Fernandez led the pack home by nearly two hours. Eric Solorzano and Hector Rodriguez were second just ten seconds ahead of Ernesto Martinez and Erick Del Peral. Almost two more hours back were Felizardo Munoz and Tom Poston. Larry Carpenter and Randy Bass, Toyota, were the only Stock Mini Truck entry and did not finish. So ended the non-points race experiment, where every-body seemed to have a good time in the easy traffic, often dust free running, and early finish. Entry numbers continued to droop as the Tecate Baja 500, usually the most popular of the races in Mexico, attracted 162 cars. Heavy spring rain all but destroyed the course, and SCORE had to start beyond Ojos Negros and finish at Santa Tomas, as the trails closer to Ensenada were impassable, and that news could have hurt the entry to some degree. While it may have slowed him down, it didn't seem to bother Ivan Stewart that much as he set off to win overall for the upteenth time on the Baja 500, the race where he earned the "Iron Man" title years back. He did say that his wrists got tired on the twisty top loop where the sprinkles turned to rain for the later starting classes. Ivan wa~ wet and muddy but grinning as he celebrated his birthday one day late with the overall victory, and a perfect score for his Toyota midway in the season. There were 24 hardy starters in Class 1 and half of them finished but there were no halfway time checks to see who was leading where, except for Ivan. Walker Evans appeared to be running second ahead of Simon and Simon but the rain got serious and communications were not good. Paul and Dave Simon arrived next just ahead of Walker Evans whose Dodge was second in class and overall on time just three minutes ahead of the Simon's Ford, third overall. Jason Baldwin was fourth and fourth overall in his Chen-Dusty Times
Toyota, the third and last finisher in class. The early leader in Class 5-1600 was no surprise, the Cook Brothers, but they then had just seconds on Danny Ledezma. Jim Dizney was third in Ross Craft's car, followed by Steve Taylor and Juan De Gracia. The Cooks had two hours down time in the next section, Ledezma got the lead but had hurt his right hand and was looking for his dad Hector to take over. Dizney was only a few seconds behind the new leader, and Ernesto Arambula was now third. Only a third of the class made it out of the east side and Hector Ledezma led by 15 minutes over Craft. They all had trouble on the beach, but Hector and Danny Ledezma won the class, their second win in a row, by 23 minutes over Ernesto Arambula. There were eight starters in Class 11 who ran a shorter course and got across the dreaded beach in the dry and daylight. It was a close battle up front early on between three Mexican entries, but -when it shook out Hector Sarabia led Eric Solorzano as they headed west. They finished that way with Hector Sarabia driving the distance to win over Eric Solorzano/Hector Rodriguez by 13 minutes, while Jose Lopez and Antonio Valenzuela were third and final finisher, three hours back. ,,. .. ,G.-..-Ross Craft and Jiin Dizney were George Seeley has be:n =;;cing the sameC lass 5 car for sever':i ye~;;:·"a'"nd his luck turned good this past season. third, 2 7 minutes later followed George placed third at Parker, the Nevada 400, the Baja 500 and the Fireworks 250, but there he was over time. He lost home in well over an hour by the engine at the Gold Coast 300, but he_ still had a chance at the title and went to the Baja 1000, drove alone and Mario and Elias Ledezma and Tim The Stock trucks ran the same shorter course with a familiar result. Gordon DiCarlo and Jeff Yocum led from flag to flag in their Ford, the other entry did not finish. Five Stock Mini Trucks started, all Toyotas, and four of them finished. Scott Sells and Michael Martin were tied for the lead on the first section with Daniel Groff third. They were the first group through Trinidad with Sells in front and Martin nine minutes back. Sells got stuck in a ditch on the beach and Michael Martin went on to win by over an hour. Sells salvaged second and Daniel Groff was third followed by Danny Clay and Gary Whip-ple. fm1shed second m Class 5 earning the points needed to make this true privateer the class champion. d St La II • . an eve wrence, a survivors. owth Porsche, followed by Pat Dean, fifth in class, sixth overall in another Chenowth Porsche; he thought the course was terrible. Class 8 had a tight five way battle going early between Larry Ragland, leading, Brian Stewart, Rob MacCachren, Frank Vessels and Danny Beaver, who vanished about midway. They strung out later with Rick Johnson, Chevy, and Dave Bryan, Ford, moving into the picture. At the finish it was a muddy and amazed Rick Johnson who won Class 8 in his first ride in a big truck, Ragland's older Chevy, while Larry was second in the latest Nelson & Nelson Chevy creation. Mac-Cachren, who lost a ring & pinion a few miles from the finish line while leading was third in the Ford, followed by David Bryan, Ford, and Vessels, with many problems was a long fifth in his Ford. Bill Hernquist was the first Class 10 leader, but on the east side Dave Richardson and Tom Schilling were tied for the lead in the same minute, Hernquist held third followed by George Erl and Ryan Thomas and early conten-ders, Kyle and Joe Whitted were gone, as were most others in the class as the weather worsened. Steve Sourapas took over from Richardson and John Marking for Schilling, running 1-2 ahead of Thomas with Charlie Townsley now driving. Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson won the 22 car class, 12th overall in the Chenowth, followed in 38 minutes by Tom Schilling and John Marking who had late breaking problems in the Jimco, and in another 28 minutes by Ryan Thomas and Charlie Townsley, Chenowth. Ray Cross/Tom Rhodes were over another hour back followed by Dave Bufe/Jerry Higman/Rod-rigo Ampudia. Of the five in Class 4, only one survived to win, Jerry McDonald in the Chevy. Early on Dave Ashley led Alan Shapiro and Randy Salmont in their Fords. McDonald had early troubleii, Ashley vanished on the east side, Shapiro had the lead but was destined to vanish too. McDonald didn't know he was the only one left until he got to the finish line, overjoyed to have won the weather plagued event. There were seven in Class 7, a good entry, with Roger Mears Jr. Dusty Times going solo in the Nissan and Dad working pit crew duties. Scott Douglas took the lead by seconds over Jack Johnson, both in Fords, on the early legs, Mears ran third, and Brendan Gaughan, who'd rolled his Dodge twice in the first miles was fourth, a half hour back. Douglas ran nearly trouble free, kept increasing his leading time margin, and despite tire changing woes he won the class and was ninth overall. He had a few delays in the rain but Jack Johnson held second place an hour later and Roger Mears Jr. was nearly three hours back in third, followed by the teen team of Brendan Gaughan and J.C. Dean who were thrilled to cross the finish line, something Brendan said his dad Michael never accomplished in many years of trying. Class 5 fielded eight Bugs, and usual favorites the Klawitters were out early with a broken crank. Tony Kujala was charging in Greg Diehl's Bug in the lead early, followed by Conrad Diaz and Neal and Mike Grabowski. Tony stopped for a weld job, Diaz took the lead on the far side and Pete Swift and Jeff Williams were the only other car running as they headed west. Despite confusing heavy rain on the beach Conrad Diaz Jr. and Luis Varragon won Class 5 by nearly two hours over Greg Diehl and Tony Kujala. George Seeley Jr. drove solo to a distant third, the final finisher in Class 5. In Class 6 only two started, John Swift led all the way, finished first and 11th overall. Darren Skilton and Larry Noel made it to the finish but their Jeep was 40 minutes over time. All three Class 3 starters finished with Curt LeDuc leading the early legs, but they were all close. Troubles struck the Jeep, Dan Smith put his Ford in the lead and stayed there for the win and 13th overall. The Mike Lesle and Curt LeDuc Cherokee managed a long second, and Dale White and Eric Russell were third in a Chevy Blazer, a nice mix of brands. Of the 20 starters in Class 1-2-1600 a half dozen ran within a few minutes of each other around the top loop with Kevin Davis in the lead then. Half of the class vanished in just over 100 miles, and the rest plowed on with Sam Castro now leading by a few minutes over Mike Julson. The leaders held on, on the rainy Class9had 17startersbutonly Pacific beach and Jim Fishback Sr. four finished the rugged run. Joel and Sam Castro won the class in Stankavich was in the lead in his their Neth, just 15 minutes ahead Raceco by three minutes over of Mike Julson. Kevin Davis Pancho Bio in the first section. survived mud in his eyes to take The attrition rate was high, seven third followed in much later by more gone after the second loop, Rod Muller/Mike Halliday then and here Bio led by six minutes Hector Ramirez and Willie over Warren Messick in the Valdez. Stankavich car. On the western Only seven contested Class 7S leg four more went missing, and and Jeff Lewis, Chevy had the Bio had put Sergio Gutierrez in early lead by a few minutes over for the last nasty run by the Pacific Darren York, Ford, then came Ocean. Despite getting stuck on Javier Sacio, Nissan, and Malcolm the beach Sergio got the car home Vinje/Mark Hansen, Toyota. first, and he and Pancho Bio won Therestoftheclasswasdownand Class 9 bv. 40 minutes. Joel out early. York had the lead Stankavich got a little lost in the midway as Lewis had various fog coming in but he and Warren mechanical problems. Darren and Messick were second in the Doug York went on to win in the Raceco, followed in a minute 39 Fiesta Ford and Val voline seconds by David Callaway and sponosred Ford by over two John Holmes in a T-Mag. Rich hours over Jeff Lewis in the Chevy Richardson/Doug Perrault/Jan S-10, who was two hours ahead of Wright were the fourth and final the Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Class 9 finisher. A month later the Fireworks 250 produced a car entry of 136, about a break even number for the three lap, 219 mile race. The format changed from tradition moving the start to early Saturday morning and forcing participants to spend Friday in Barstow going through tech and contingency, instead of doing it all Saturday morning as in the past. Most regular runners like the day into night and the four lap format of days of yore, but that's progress. There were 31 potent Class 1 / 2 starters off the line beginning at 6:30 a.m. Saturday. After one lap Walker Evans, Dodge, was first on the l@i" CUSTOM RACE CAR WIRING MOBILE SERVICE TO YOUR HOME OR TO YOUR CHASSIS BUILDER SERVING ALL OF LOS ANGELES AND ORANGE COUNTIES CALL TODAY FOR INFORMATION & PRICING! Joe Davitian 3263 San Fernando Road Los Angeles, CA 90065 213-550-1069 tel February 1994 213-550-1091 fax Page 15
Mike Julson and Bob Lofton had a good year, with some setbacks for the Class 1-2-1600 Jimco. They won at both the Parker 400 and the Nevada 400; but were second on the Baja 500, fifth at the Fireworks 250, third at the Gold Coast 300. With different winners every race, this class goes down to the wire and Mike and Bob pulled out a fourth place on the Baja 1000 and won the Class 1-2-1600 championship by a good margin of points. ~ road but Dave Simon led flat on the last lap and won Class 1 got his transmission troubles on time in his Ford as the course by over three minutes, second fixed and finished tenth. was a mild version of the former overall. Walker also had lost his Of the ten in Class 8, most rocks and ditches used years back. power steering, but held second in suffered fro!]l flat tires. Larry After two laps the Simons led class, third overall. Pat Dean Ragland led the first lap in the Evans by less than a minute, Bob going solo was third, fourth Chevy by over a minute. Frank Gordon took over from Frank overall about five minutes later Vessels was second and Rob Arciero in the third running followed by Bob Gordon and MacCachren ran third, David Chenowth, and Pat Dean was Frank Arciero, fifth 0 / A and Bryan, fourth all in Fords. fourth. Paul and Dave Simon Doug Fortin Jr. Chevy, in seventh MacCachren had the lead after passed Evans while he was fixing a. overall. Ivan Stewart eventually two laps by over three minutes on Jeff Lewis drove the Mac Pherson Chevrolet S-1 0 in Class 7S/4x4 and was stuck in second place most of the season, taking second at the Parker 400, the Baja 500, the Fireworks 250 and the Gold Coast 300, in his first full season of racing this class. Jeff pulled out the 1993 class championship by winning the tough Baja 1000, pictured here in one of many silt beds, and so close was the class that he won his title by just four points. ,;..:--~~ _,$);: The Cook brothers, Wayne, Alan and Daryl, scored a repeat championship too in their spiffy looking Valvoline/Good-rich sponsored 5-1600, a familiar sight in the winners circle. All three Cooks drive and they have three riders, and they all work together in real harmony. They won the Parker 400, Nevada 400, and the Gold Coast 300, had a couple of dnf races, tied on points, but they won the title on a tie breaker of most races won. Page 16 February 1994 Vessels, ·Ragland had more. rebuild, and Dale White moved troubles and dropped to third and into second. Dan Smith won the trucks were breaking up. On easily at 13th overall, LeDuc and the last lap MacCachren's crew Lesle had a good last lap to claim saw his big class lead and then second, 13 minutes ahead of Dale computed the overall, so they told White and Eric Russell. him he had that chance at glory. Class 1-2-1600 had a low entry He turned fast lap of the day on for· a Barstow race, just 15 the last round to squeak by the starters, but they had a good race. Simon brothers and take the Mike Halliday got class fast lap overall. Larry Ragland was second and the lead on the first lap, followed in by Harvey Risien/Jeff followed by Kevin Davis, Brent Spooner, Beny Canela/ Art Grizzle, Mike Julson, Gary and Peterson, and David Bryan, all Kevin Anderson, all within three Fords. minutes of the lead. Lap 2 saw There were 28 Class 10 cars, Grizzle in the lead as it was a pit half of them capable of winning. stop lap, which put Davis still Rick Romans led the first lap by second over Julson, Halli-over a minute. Steve Soura-day/Muller, Scott and Brian pas/Dave Richardson were Steele and the pack. Brent Grizzle second seconds ahead of Brian stopped on lap 3 for a splash and Parkhouse, followed by Ryan go, had a smooth run all day in the Thomas then Mike and Jim Jimco and took his first win, Zupanovich, all under a three under a minute in front of Kevin minute blan)<et. Romans still led Davis. Rod Muller/Mike Halli-the second lap, the Sourapas car day over ten minutes back in third dropped time but held second and were just five seconds up on Scott Parkhouse was third, followed by and Brian Steele, while Mike Thomas, and Ray Croll had Julson finished fifth in his Jimco, moved up to join this tight group. another 90 seconds back, in a real Romans had serious electrical tight run, the best race of the day. trouble on the last lap, and Willie Class 7S was the usual story as Melancon, now in the Parkhouse Darren York led all three laps to Mirage, had a great time and won victory in the 4x4 Ford co-driven the class by a little over four by his dad Doug York. Jeff Lewis minutes, 11th overall Ray Croll had some down time on the was second in his Jimco just 20 second lap, but came back to seconds ahead of Ryan Thom-finish the Chevy second in the ten . as/Mike Lund. Rick Romans car field. Malcolm Vinje and salvaged fourth using his truck's Mark Hansen had the Toyota in battery, and Sourapas/Richard-third, and the Jeep of Tony son were fifth. Modica and Larry Stephey Class 5 started four Bugs. Mike finished fourth ahead of the Ford and Neal Grabowski led the first of Mike Schwellinger. lap with class fast lap, followed In Class 5-1600 Michael and closely by Greg Diehl and George Kevin James got class fast lap on Seeley was third. On the second the first, but it was a tight pack lap the Grabowskis broke down, behind them, the top five just as did Tony Kujala in the Diehl over three minutes apart. On lap 2 Bug. Kujala got running first and Ross Craft and Jim Dizney took took the lead, Lyn Mocaby was the lead, almost two minutes up into second and that is how they on Mike Kalicki, Jim McGill/ finished. Both the Grabowskis Mark Miller were third followed and George Seeley got to the by Jason and Robert Kleber and finish line, but both were over Guillermo Quintero/Francisco time. Class 7 had five starters with Ortiz. Jim Dizney led all but the Jack Johnson leading the first lap last mile on lap 3 when he broke a followed by Barry Slatter, then stub axle, so Mike Kalicki and Scott Douglas well back after a Randy Cochrane won the 12 Bug crash, all in Fords. After two laps 5-1600 class about 12 minutes up Douglas had the lead, Slatter was on Jim McGill/Mark Miller, who second, and Johnson was getting had 16 minutes on Guillermo repairs, but got rolling again. And Quintero/ Francisco Ortiz. Ross that is now they finished with Craft/Jim Dizney were another Scott Douglas winning another five minutes back followed in by Class 7 title, and Barry Slatter Kevin and Michael James seven placing second two minutes ahead minutes back. A tight finish, they of)ackJohnson, the final finisher. ran that way all day. Jerry McDonald, Chevy, led The ten Class 9 cars were up to the four Class 4 rigs on the first the course as half of them lap just ahead of Alan Shapiro and finished. They were led every lap Randy Salmont, Ford, and Rod by home town hero Rick B. Hall, Dodge. Dave Ashley was Johnson in a Barstow built single down for repairs. McDonald led seater he drives alone. Johnson through lap 2 despite blowing the did break a ball joint but didn't power steering, about ten minutes lose enough time to lose the lead up on Shapiro and Salmont. on the last lap and won by over Ashley was back running about four minutes over Rick Paquette 40 minutes behind Hall. Jerry and Brad Maurer in a T-Mag. McDonaldhungontowinClass4 Pancho Bio/John Fisher were without power steering by almost third, 3½ minutes further back an hour over Dave Ashley, Ford, followed in half an hour by Greg who was just a few minutes ahead Davis/Harry Dunne, Chenowth ofRodHall.ShapiroandSalmont and Dave Callaway/John Hol-finished a long fourth. In the two mes, T-Mag. car Class 6 race John Swift led all Class 11 had but one entry. the way in the Ford Explorer for Peter Rosenstein and Duane the win, Darren Skilton and Morimoto did one lap and Barrie Thompson were nearly parked, the winner. Three started threehoursbackinsecond,buta in Full Stock Trucks, with finisher. The three in Class 3 were Gordon Di Carlo again taking the the usual group, were led all the win by well over an hour over way by Dan Smith in the Ford, Marc Stein/ David Sykes, the two closely tagged by Curt LeDuc, Fords the only finishers of the two Jeep on lap 1, and Dale White, laps. Stock Mini Trucks had 6 Chevy a bit later. Smith held the start and three finish, all Toyotas. lead on lap 2 while the Lesle/ Le-Larry Carpenter led the first lap Due Cherokee had a major over Scott Sells, and Carpenter Dusty Times
took the win 11 minutes up on Scott Sells. Michael Yarman/ Scott Sharitz were a very long third. It was an early finish in blistering July heat and most everyone had time for supper before the awards were presented late Saturday eveni gin a Barstow style disco. The penultimate event in the SCORE series, the Gold Coast 300 had been moved to early August and that and other forces hurt the entry numbers as · only 106 cars showed up to brave the Las Vegas three digit heat and the silt beds out of Jean. Once again a Class 8 truck won overall as Larry Ragland got the Chevy home first, only a minute, four seconds ahead of Pat Dean in a Class 1 Chenowth Porsche. The Friday contingency parade in the Gold Coast Hotel Parking lot was almost blown away by wind, which was followed by a gully washer rainstorm on Friday. The course was 77 miles long and three laps were required. Although Ivan Stewart was first to finish lap 1, Steve Kelley led on time in the Jeep, just ahead of Brian Collins, Porsche Chenowth and Pat Dean, Porsche Chenowth in the 22 car Class 1 field. Kelley had down time and Dean led the second lap with Stewart's Toyota just behind him.Two time overall winner Brian Collins was third. Ivan Stewart set fast lap for the class on the third round, but it wasn't enough to catch Pat Dean who won the class, and was second overall. Stewart was second, third overall 1 ½ minutes back, followed in by Doug Fortin Jr., Chevy, Steve Kelley and Bob Richey/Tom Baker Porsche Raceco, fourth, fifth and sixth overall. Class 8 held only seven trucks and Rob MacCachren led the first lap in the Ford by two minutes on Ragland. Frank Vessels was third, David Bryan fourth in Fords. MacCachren then lost a torque converter, Vessels was down too for an hour, but second behind Ragland and Brian Stewart moved up in his Dodge. Ragland 's biggest problem was a flat about 20 miles from the finish. He got first overall, and won the class by an hour over David Bryan / Bill Loper who were only 56 seconds ahead of Brian Stewart. Vessels was fourth, MacCachren, fifth. 14 did battle in Class 10 and Darren Ebberts led the first lap by a couple of minutes ov~r Rich Fersch. Randy Wilson was third, seconds later in the Toyota powered Raceco, ahead of Dave Richardson in the Sourapas Chenowth and Jimmie Johnson in the Schilling Jimco. Wilson took the lead on lap 2 and put brother Rick in for the second half. Rich Fersch/Brian Parkhouse were two minutes back, Steve Croll, age 1 7, was now third ahead of Richardson and Schilling.Wilson did class fast lap on the last one and won Class 10 at 11th overall. Parkhouse and Fersch were second about five minutes later in the Mirage, 13th 0 / A followed by the young Croll and Ebberts team, third in an old Raceco, followed by Sourapas/ Richard-son, and Schilling and Johnson. Two of the four starters in Class 3 had a good run and finished. Curt LeDuc led lap 1. with class fast lap in the Jeep Grand Cherokee, three minutes up on Dan Smith Ford. On the second lap LeDuc/ Lesle built the DustyTimcs lead up to 11 minutes in the newer rig, Smith had flats and breakage and Dale White was going well but didn't finish lap 3. Mike Lesle/CurtLeDuc wonClass3 by 12½ minutes and were tenth overall. Dan Smith got fixed, and ran fast to second, 14th 0 / A . Three of the four in Class 7 finished, led all the way to victory and eighth overall by Scott Douglas in his Ford. Jack Johnson stayed close on lap 1, but the Ford broke hardware that had no spares so that was that. Brendan Gaughan and J.C. Dean were third in the Dodge Dakota, but moved to second on lap 2 ahead of Barry Slatter and Eric Shenberger, Ford. At the flag Dean and Gaughan were second, hours back just five minutes ahead of Barry Slatter in third. It was the usual pair in Class 6 and as usual]ohn Swift won in the Ford Explorer taking 12th overall. Darren Skilton and Larry Noel followed about an hour later in the Jeep Cherokee, getting points. A trio in Class 4 saw Dave Ashley lead the three laps in his Ford as rival Jerry McDonald got stuck losing a lot of time, finishing third. Alan Shapiro and Randy Salmont ran second all day, their Ford a half hour behing Ashley, who finished 15th overall despite overheating. *·· Rick Johnson surprised a lot of Class 9 regulars with his Barstow built special, and he took second at the Nevada 400, first at the Fireworks 250, and first at the Gold Coast 300, the_n dropped to second on the Baja 1000. Johnson was tied on points with Rich Richardson, and SCORE had to go through more than one tie breaker system to come up with the winner and it was Rick B. Johnson. In Class 5 George Seeley set class fast lap to lead lap 1 by 29 seconds over Neal Grabowski. Having troubles Tony Kujala was third and Lisa Dickerson fourth in a four Bug class. Seeley led by two minutes on lap 2 over Grabowski, but his motor blew on the last lap. Greg Diehl put Tony Kujala back in his Bug, and Tony got the job done, winning Class 5 for the team by five minutes over Neal and· Mike Grabowski. Lisa Dickerson/ Scott Cameron got their prob-lems patched up and took third, two hours behind. Class 1-2-1600 fielded ten and Mark Ruddis led the first lap by almost four minutes over Kevin and Gary Anderson. After a roll over Mike Julson was third, followed by Don Lampus, Jimco, and Rod Muller/Mike Halliday, Chenowth. The driver change point was midway in the second lap, and Danny Porter took over from Ruddis, Lampus, Jr. & Sr. were now second, Muller/ Halli-day third, Julson fourth, and Kevin Davis fifth, also recovering from a first lap roll over. Danny Porter and Mark Ruddis carried on despite a dead battery to take the win in the Suspensions Unlimited car. Kevin Davis was second 17 minutes back, followed by Mike Julson/ Bob Lofton, then Muller/ Halliday and young Josh Baldwin rounded out the top five of eight finishers. Class 7S held the usual seven, b · • DIRT BAG QGG • CEIITERUNE WHEB.S -,s-•M-Ps-o--.NI STREET & OFFROAD ACCESSORIES ~,Aa~® and Darren York was out front quickly with class fast lap, five minutes up on Billy Bunch/ Ron Lister who were three minutes ahead of Jeff Lewis, Chevy. The York Ford was eight minutes up on Lewis after two laps. Darren York lep all the way home to win fa his Ford, about seven minutes ahead of Lewis in second. Bunch and Lister were third, Mike Schwellinger and Jon Snyder moved to fourth, both in Fords and Malcolm Vinje/ Mark Han-sen were fifth. In Class 5-1600 the Cook Brothers ief' CHENOWTH @9 -T-RI--M-IL-EX-H-AU_S_T S-Y-ST-EM_S __ p I RA LIGHTS CNC HYDRAULIC 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $59.95 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME ...................... $91.00 1 1/2 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $59.95 1 1/2 TYPE 1 CHROME ...................... $91.00 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $67.00 1 5/8 TYPE_1 CHROME ...................... $97.95 KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200 mm DISC 4-PUCK ...................... $48.0ll 200 mm 1700 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $85.00 200 mm 2500 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $103.95 * EARLY OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELT 2" ............................. $23.95 LAP BELT 3" ...................................... $58.95 SHOULDER BELT 3' .......................... $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/ STERNUM STRAP .... $72.95 "A MUST FOR COMPETITION USE' E·Z UP TENT 10' X 15' ......................................... $499.00 DRIVING LIGHTS PAW/WIRING. $221.00 SPOT LIGHT PR W/WIRING .... $221.00 DRIVING/SPCT/PENCIL LIGHTS .. $ ss;oo PARKER PUMPER 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WITH BUILT IN HANDLE TO POUR ... $62.95 SCRIBNER JUGS 5 GALLON JUGS WHITE & BLUE ............................... $18.95 NEON COLORS ............................... $22.95 FILLER HOSE FOR JUGS (SCREW IN LID STYLE).$3.95 CHENOWTH CLASS 11 CAGE ........................... $154.95 QUICK RELEASE STEERING HUB ... $32.95 UM_P SUPER FILTER UMP SUPER FILTER. .................. $159.95 UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX ...... $109.00 SINGLE or DUAL HANDLE CUT BRAKES ................... $74.95 SAND RAIL PEDAL PACKAGE W/ CHROME THROTTLE PEDAL..$189.00 ADJ. PEDAL MOUNT.. .................... _$33.95 WORTH DRIVING SUITS 1 LAYER HDRNSCORE LEGAL W/ RED or BLUE STRIPE .............. $87.95. Graphic Art and Design Rob MacCachren T-Shirts Available T -Shirt Designs & Vinyl Lettering Available In Store THIS A[) SUPERCEDES ALL OTHERS - MENTION THIS AD TO RECEIVE THESE SALE PRICES February ·1994 Page 17
. Peter Rosenstein and Duane Morimoto were first in Class 11 at Parker, and a dnf at the Nevada 400 but were first anyhow, then won the Fireworks 250 and the Gold Coast 300 with finishes, and won the Class 11 points championshit> by just six points. The team worked at it all year long and didn't have much luck in Baja, but their stateside success carried them to the Class 11 title. # While the Stock Full Size Truck class hasn't attracted much entry, those who do compete are serious racers. Gordon OiCarlo is another repeat winner taking the HORA title in 1992. His Ford won at Parker, the Nevada 400, the Baja 500 a·nd the Fireworks 250. He dropped to second at the Gold Coast 300 and fifth at the Baja 1000, where he was the first 2WD finisher and he won the class championship by 17 points. ~ - were in their element in fellow Barstow drivers Warren the Nevada desert, and Darryl did Messick and Joel Stankavich, class fast lap to lead lap 1, but Raceco. Darnen and William Ross Craft and Mike Kalicki, Jeffries were 12 minutes back in combined this race, were only a third, followed by Bio/ Gutierrez. minute back. Jim McGill/Mark There were two starters in Class Miller ran third, Tim Lawrence 11 required to do just one lap of fourth, and Guillermo Quintero this tough course. It was Peter and Francisco Ortiz ran fifth. Rosenstein and Duane Morimoto Darryl handed over to Wayne who won easily over Eric Cook for the second half and they Solorzano and Hector Rodriguez had a 13 minute lead at the end of who changed a trans mid lap and. two. McGill/Miller were second, finished their race. Of the two in Steve Lawrence third, Craft/ Ka-Stock Full Size truck both Fords licki fifth. Wayne Cook con-finished but2½ hours apart. Marc tinued a nice clean race to victory Stein and David Sykes won doing by 16 minutes over Ross two laps in six hours. Gordon Craft/Mike Kalicki in second. DiCarlo was second. In Stock Steve and Tim Lawrence were Mini Trucks five started but the another six minutes back in third only two lap finisher was the while Vince Alcouloumre was Toyota of Scott Sells and Daren fourth in the ten Bug class i.n his Klopp. So ended the short entry SurfBug. Gold Coast 300, that will Only nine showed up in Class 9 hopefully return to its October and Ron and Bill Brady set class date in 1994. be made to feel so welcome in Mexico, not common ·recently. If you read the last issue, you know that Ivan "Iron Man" Stewart did a number on the entire field not only coming home first overall car, but he beat the fastest motorcycle by nearly half an hour. It was a classic per-formance as he stopped only for gas and routine checks on his fast lap to lead lap 1 by 2½ The season finale was the big minutes over Rich and Jim· one, the Tecate sponsored, Richardson, Jimco, a minute up double points Baja 1000. lt drew a on Rick Johnson. Warren heftyl85carsand78motorcycles Messick was third after a roll to the capitol of Baja California over, followed by Pancho del Norte, Mexicali, just a few Bio/ Sergio Gutierrez. Richardson miles south of El Centro, CA. The took the lead on lap 2 by about town was most hospitable, three minutes over Johnson, the providing their civic center for *~ Bradys dropped to third. Jim let tech and contingency activity, half swift journey that ea~ned him the SCORE overall points champion-ship as well as the Class 1 title. Class 1 / 2 started first facing a short pavement run, which took out a few of the soon-to-be trophy trucks as well as a few buggies. Ivan started 25th, and it took him many miles to become first on the road, although he led on time much earlier. His challengers midway were Jason Baldwin, Porsche Chenowth, and Bob Gordon/Frank Arciero, Chen-owth VW. As they headed ·north Stewart had about 50 minutes lead on Arciero on the road, Mark McMillin/ Brian Ewalt were third and Baldwin fourth. Stewart lost some spokes from the steering wheel but stayed out front to the checkered flag around 10:00 p.m. The weather had turned sour down course it was raining, hard in many areas especially on the dry lake, and the air waves were full of sad stories. With a stressed out suspension Bob Gordon and Frank Arciero got the Chenowth in second in class and overall about an hour behind, followed in 1 ½ hours by the Chenowth Porsche of Mark McMillin/ Brian Ewalt, seventh overall. Jason Baldwin/Regie Dunlap were fourth, tenth overall, and Stuart Chase drove solo to fifth in his Raceco Porsche, 14th overall. The nine Class 8 rigs were next. Larry Ragland led to the first check in his Chevy a minute up on Robby Gordon in Frank Vessels Ford. Then came Rob Mac-Cachren, Ford, Dave Wes them, GMC and Larry Minor, Jr., Chevy. Soon Gordon began a long day of rear end and trans troubles, and MacCachren charged ahead into the lead, and down south was only two minutes behind Ivan Stewart. Westhem was third and Dave Bryan was fourth and others were missing. The front four charged on to Diablo Dry Lake now wet and slick as ice and heading north MacCachren built a two hour lead on W esthem with Bryan third, and Ragland's crew fixing the trans. Rob MacCachren began thinking of the overall, with a three hour class lead but got stuck in the mud on Laguna Salada and it took four tow straps together to get him out, but he won Class 8, was third overall and won the points title. Dave Westhem/ Alex Bourland were second in the GMC, 11th 0 1 A and David Bryan cured electrical woes to finish third. Only these three finished the course in Class 8. Four started in Class 3. The early leader was the Jeep of Curt LeDuc and Mike Lesle, five minutes up on Dan Smith, Bronco. Somewhere down south the Jeep lost a couple of hours and dropped to ~cond, Dan Smith led, and all four were still running. But at the finish line Dan Smith son by two hours in the Ford, sixth 0 1 A. Lesle/LeDuc were second and 12th 0 / A. Texans Spencer and Carty Beal got to the finish line but were two hours overtime, and the Scout didn't make it at all. In his farewell ride in the Herzog Ford Ranger Scott Douglas made it a good one, the only finisher of the trio starting in Class 7. He had some breakage but his big challenger Roger Mears Jr. had vanished and Scott just carried on, winning Class 7 and the points title and he finished eighth overall. There were four in Class 6, but two went out early, and John Swift then led Darren Skilton and Larry Noel. But Swift lost hours with a front end rebuild in Motomi, Wash. At the finish Darren Skilton and Larry Noel took the win in the Jeep Grand Cherokee, and Swift finished second, having already insured his class championship before this race even started. Class 4 was the usual battle between Dave Ashley, Jerry McDonald and Alan Shapiro, although six started, they didn't keep up very long. All the way south Ashley and McDonald dueled with Alan Shapiro and Randy Salmont a strong third. The two leaders exchanged the lead often through the rain squalls, and the cloudbursts. At the flag it was David Ashley who won in the Ford, fourth overall. Dripping trans fluid Jerry McDonald was second and fifth 0 1 A, forty minutes back. Shapiro and Salmont were over two hours further back in third, the last finisher in their Ford in the high attrition race for all classes. The pack of 22 Class 1 Os were the next starters and they ran so close the lead four were tied on wrist watch time at the first check with another bunch about a minute back. It thinned out after 80 miles and it looked like Brian and Jon Tanklage might be leading his dad Rich Richardson drive the a four lane highway south of town last lap and he lost time welding for the timed start/ finish, and an up the rear suspension and individual police escort for the finished fifth. Rick Johnson won finishers from there to the civic easily by nearly half an hour over center ceremonies. It was nice to Scott Sells had a lot of competition in the all Toyota Stock Mini Truck class, but he drew first blood, winning at Parker, then took second at the Nevada 400, Baja 500, and Fireworks 250, won the Gold Coast 300, and.took a good third in the tough Baja 1000. Sells won the class championship by a husky margin of 54 points in the class that averaged five or six trucks per race, particularly in the races in the high desert. Page 18 February 1994 Dusty Times
Mike Lund, then Russ Welch tied with Jim Pierce/Jim Kirk. Trouble hit several on the southern loop and by mile 300 Ray Croll led Tanklage and Lund was third followed by Jimmie Johnson, then Steve Sourapas. Nearly all the leaders got lost in the standing water on Diablo Dry Lake with the rain at its worst too. Some fell out, others came back to life, and at the finish Ryan Thomas and Mike Lund took the win in a Chenowth by over an hour, ninth overall. Tom Schil-ling and Jimmie Johnson got the Jimco home second in class, 15th overall and won the class points championship. Jerry Higman and John Hagle moved their Neth up in the night to third and 18th overall, and George Erl went solo in a Raceco to fourth, 22nd 0/ A while Nick Baldwin and Jack Millard, Chenowth took fifth, 24th 0/ A, and nine finished in this most competitive class. Class 5 fielded nine starters but only two finishers. The early battle was between Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter, Mike Ja-kobson, and Greg Diehl/Tony Kujala, who led at mile 87, but they melted a piston not too much later. Klawitters maintained their lead, info on others in this class is sketchy, and after 300 miles Jakobson was second, George Seeley down on time but third. The Klawitter brothers ran untroubled to the finish line and the victory and 13th overall. George Seeley drove alone and finished second, just 18 minutes short of the 24 hour time allowance. Mike Jakobson/Dave Snoddy got to the finish line, but over an hour over the time allowance. There were nine starters and two finishers in Class 7S also. Jeff Lewis took the early lead by a few minutes over Darren York, Javier Sacio and Billy Bunch. York had a few engine problems, but Lewis. apparently had none. From all reports Jeff Lewis led all the way in the Chevy S-10 to the victory and 17th overall. York's Ford eventually succumbed to oil problems and did not finish. The second and final finisher in class was Billy Bunch and John Kearney in a Ford. Lewis also won the points title with his victory. A big bunch, 20 started in Class 1-2-1600 and they stayed close together for many miles with Scott Webster the early leader by a minute in his ORBS. This group ran so close it was tough to pick a leader. At the driver change on the middle loop Webster got out and put Todd Teuscher in, who stayed in front and was first on the road. Bikers Alex Avila and Matias Arjona liked their Chenowth and moved to second, 52 minutes back followed by Jim Fishback Sr./Sam Castro, Kevin Davis/Jeff Hibbard, and Brent Grizzle/Dale Ebberts. Later Teuscher handed Webster's car to fresh from Brawley driver Rodney Woolf, and at the last check he had a 47 minute lead. The Webster/Woolf /Teuscher team took their first SCORE victory, 19th overall and were ready to celebrate at six in the morning. Avila and Arjona enjoyed their ride and were second, 4 7 minutes back and 21st 0 1 A. James Harris/Jim Fishback Jr. were third followed by Mike Julson/Bob Lofton and Brent Grizzle/Dale Ebberts, all three teams in the same hour! Dusty Times Class 5-1600 had 25 start and just 6 finish the rugged race. The Cook brothers were the early leader followed by the Ledezma family, and the class stayed close for a good 100 miles, then strung out. Around mile 250 Cooks still led the Ledezmas, and Brian Goodrich and Charlie Watters were close, but here the rain was fierce, and records hard to keep. The Cooks lost a trans on the second southern loop, Watters and Goodrich took over the lead, nine minutes up on Craft/Oizney and Kalicki, at around 600 miles. It was last year's winners Brian Goodrich and Charlie Watters who first drove to the finish line, scoring their second consecutive Baja 1000 victory. The Kalicki Bug broke a trailing arm, so Steve Taylor, Juan de Gracia/Wayne Lacher came in 51 minutes later for second in class, followed in over an hour by Jorge Galva-don/Samuel Cisneros who beat the cobbled together Craft/ Diz-n e y /KaliGki team by ONE SECOND for third, while Guillermo Quintero and Fran-cisco Ortiz were 35 minutes back in fifth. Class 9 started 13 and three finished. The early leader was the Richardson Jimco, but the lead changed often in the first 200 miles. The rain and darkness scrambled things for these undersuspended cars on the lower loop, but starting the second round Richardson still led followed by Johnson/Currier and Callaway/Holmes/Downey. It was a long haul, and at the finish it was Rich and Jim Richardson and Doug Perault who won in the Jimco by 28 minutes over Rick Johnson and Mike Currier. Dave Callaway/John Holmes/Steve Downey were third and last 26 minutes later as high attrition struck out most Challenger cars. The Stock Full Size Truck class was enhanced by the British entry of seven Land Rovers plus two domestic Hummers driven by Rod and Chad Hall. This class did not do the lower loop twice, and they trailed so far back we don't know who was where when. At the finish it was no surprise to see Rod Hall and Jim Fricker win in their Hummer with son Chad Hall and Bill Thompson 40 minutes back in second, four wheel drive being a big help on this course. The Land Rovers of John Saxton/Graham Roberts and Mike Wooley/James Tenant were next and fifth, Gordon Di Carlo was the first 2WD. The Stock Mini Trucks were four at the start and three finished led by Chuck Johnson and Jack Murphy in a ft;lly luxurious Jeep Grand Cherokee, California plates and all. They cruised to the win by 26 minutes over Larry Carpenter, and Scott Sells was third, both in T oyotas. Class 11 is l:5ig in Mexico and nine started, with three finishing the shorter course. Eric Solorzano and Hector Rodriguez won by well over three hours. Rogerio Rivera went solo to second place and Tony Gomez and Bill Hansen were third, just 13 minutes back. That is the story of the first year of the SCORE HORA merger. It held some changes but many more are in store in 1994, including new classes, divisions, and a drag racing type of program. Only time will tell if the racers like the new format, or if they end up taking their entry money else-where. We'll be there with the story, race by race. GERMAN AUTO DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-point sand rail seat belt . . $74.95 RACE BELTS 2"·5pointmount ....•. . . . $79.95 3" -5point mount . . $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS ..... ............ .... $54.95 Swing axle . . . . . . . . • . . . . . $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# ....... . . . . . $79.95 200mm-up to 3000# .... ... $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700# - 2400# . . from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cush/ocks ............... $39.95 4puc ferramic .......... . . $44.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub ..... . ... .... .......... ....... $54.95 SACO MAGNUM RACK BIiiet housing, 1 'h " allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops . . . . ............. . $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4 cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-2flanges .ea $15.95 Trick boots (specify) .... ea $15.95 930 CV star . .... .............. call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel-stock width ... . $199.95 8" trave/-wldenedbeam .$219.95 10" travel-stock width .... $224.95 10• travel-widened beam . $244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11½"chrome ......... $ 98.95 T-11 ½"raw ............ $ 65.95 T-115/8" chrome ....... . $105.95 T·115l8" raw ........... $ 72.95 T-4 chrome ............. $189.95 T-4raw .................. $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .......... .... $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand .$299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK I . . . . . .............. $489.95 MK II .. , . . . . . . . . . $589.95 PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184. 95 With hydraulic throttle . . . $259.95 Replacement slave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . $269.95 Mount plate ............ $ 9.95 Coupler ................ $ 8.95 Rack steering stops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 " no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0 . . . ............ pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length ......... pr. $449.00 1 'I, • longer ......... . pr. $474.00 21/, "longer .......... pr. $499.00 4" longer-coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods w/ends. (specify Ford or International) set ... ............... ... ...... $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3" . . .............. $435.00 1-21600, 5-1600 .......... $415.00 CATALOG ............. US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 February 1994 Page 19
LA RANA DESERT RACING High Desert 300 Goes to Carl Renaeder By Carol Clark Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. . ,..,,,;.._ ··i:W>o' Carl Renezeder with Jim Sizelove riding, had a near perfect day, and an average speed of 54:04 on what is usually a rough course, and despite a broken shock mount he won the race overall in the Baldwin Porsche/Chenowth. This race may not go down in history as one of the coldest, but it , sure did come close. As long as I . was sitting in my beautiful red Blazer, it was just right, tempera-ture wise. When I had to get out to start doing interviews, it was a little different story. So much for the BS, now on to the subject at hand ... racing and the results thereof. I was quite surprised to see that this was not a real high entry race. I guess the only folks that entered this double pointer, were the ones in the hunt for the points champ-ionships or at least one of the first three places in their respective classes. I know Dan Cannon decided to sit this one out. He knew that he had the 750 class sewed up for the year, so why spend the extra money to beat yourself and your race truck up if you don't need to. We ran into Dan and his wife Sheryl at the Toys for Tots Poker run held ear-lier in the month and he said then that he would probably not be running this race. His wife Sheryl was going to drive the truck in the Poker Run and she didn't have anyone to co-ride with her, so she invited me to ride with her and I'll have to admit I was a little appre-hensive about riding with some-one I didn't know that well, but I was pleasantly surprised, she was a great driver and her husband and mine (Roadcrossing Dave) chased us around the course to make sure we didn't have any trouble and a good time was had by all ... Thanks folks, it really was fun. This race had a total of 82 entries, 76 starters and the fin-ishers were as follows: 31 did 4 laps, 6 did 3 laps, 19 did 2 laps, 13 did 1 lap and 7 did not complete the first lap. The lone quad entry of Wayne Ellis and Gregg Wal-ston left the Start line, never to be seen again, guess he got lost. I heard over the radio that car #1001 driven by Robert Ander-son or Ty Goode got DQD for passing at a checkpoint and knocking down some flags and poles in that checkpoint area. Car #1003 came in to the finish line too hot and knocked out the photo cell just entering his second lap. He will be presented with a bill for the damages. The balance of the race had to be run without the photo cell. After some intense efforts by the LRDR computer boys, it was declared un-repairable, in other words, back to the stop watches, etc., at least for this race. The first racer to take the checkered flag of the 2 lap racers was the Class 14 Jeep Eagle driven by Class 6 veteran Eric Heiden. I do believe that this was some sort of test for this Sport Utility class and I'd say this is a pretty durable vehicle. Eric was really impressed with the performance of this truck. He said the race was trou-ble free and uneventful. He even planned on driving the truck home. This was the second time out for this particular truck and Eric said that he thought it was a good class and was hoping to do it again soon. The second place finisher in this class was his team mate, Clive Skilton who like Eric, drove both laps. Clive said that the only things changed on these trucks, were the radius arms and the shocks. He thinks that this is a real endorsement for Jeeps and their durability. When things got too dusty out on course, he just put up the Power Windows, the Air Conditioning did have to be removed to install some of the necessary gauges. He said that these trucks are All Wheel Drive and have what is called Quadra-trac to power through the silt. He also said that the engineering on these Jeeps is great and that they can really handle this off roading. Class 15 had a 100% finishing rate, the first of which was the team of Les Willis and Art Becker. Their first lap was slow and uneventful but the second lap saw the demise of the shocks and the battery went south, so they finished the race on just the alter-nator. They still smiled and said that it was a great course and they had the greatest pit crew anyone could ask for, "The Bud Boyz". They said that this whole crew is just made up of a few guys on a low dollar budget, just out to have a GOOD TIME. Second in Class 15 was Joe and Denny Bourassa. They broke an idler arm and finished the last 60 miles of the race without a muffler, so things were very loud · and they had no ear plugs. They said thanks to BFG for making a "'•;-:-:-,> .• •,❖n:S·'•"·"·,_.····. ,, ::<' The incredible Class 10 Chenowth of Kevin McGillivray and Don Angel was back on track, not only winning Class 10 by half an hour, they took second · overall even with a gas stop every lap and one driver change . Curt LeDuc's Ford was the only Class 8 entry, so he gave his children a ride each lap and still came in third overall. Look out Curt, you'll soon be building trucks for your youngsters. great tire. They had absolutely no flats. Third place went to Kathy Fay, dad Jim Fay, and Keith Williams. Kathy said they were leading the pack until 30 miles into the second lap when the welds on the X beam tore loose and they had to wait for Dad to show up with the welder. They had about an hour down time here. She says this is only the third race for them in this truck and they are still getting used to it. Fourth place was Bob and John Beyer. Their biggest problem was getting stuck on a sand hill for 2 hours and almost getting plowed by a 10 car. They also were having some fuel and charging problems which didn't help things any, but they too wanted to thank BFG for the great tires and also Don-A-Vee Jeep for their help out on course. In Class 152, Kaz Yamanaka and Shuzo ltakura took first place. This was Shuzo's first time driving and he said the first couple of miles was kind of scary, but after that it was fun. They lost a left rear shock mount on the ·second lap and the headlights fell off, so they were real glad to have finished in the daylight. On the first lap they were kind of driving over their head and almost flipped the truck, so Shuzo said they slowed down and had fun driving safer. As of the end of this race, it looks like Bill Quitmeyer and team have sewn up the champion-ship for this class and by a very narrow margin. This time his usual co-driver Fred Espinosa didn't show up so Bill had to Ironman both laps. He stopped only fora co-rider change and fuel and had a GREAT DAY of racing. Mike Yarman and Hector Bur-rel took 3rd place in Class 152. Their day of racing did not start out real good as they had a flat right off the start line, then a motor mount broke and caused the fan to hit the fan shroud, the throttle cable stuck wide open and caused some real exciting moments until their great pit crew got to them and fixed the cable. From the way Hector and Mike talked about this pit crew, it looks like they really have a great bunch of guys with them, they are defi-nitely not the keystone cops. On the second lap, they lost their oil pressure and the pit crew caught them and added 2 quarts of oil and got them going again and then the last part of the second lap they hit a REALLY big dip and when they made contact with Mother Earth upon landing, they twisted a steering arm, but they did make it to the finish and at that point that was all they cared about. Larry Gross got in one lap and Chuck A.J. Martin is certainly a chip off the old Martin Brothers Racing block, and this round he got to drive Bob Gordon's Baja Chenowth. A.J. kept the shiny side up on the car he preps for Gordon and took second in Class 2. Road crossings do make for nasty berms, and here Mark Post and Jack Millerd nose into the far side on their way to second in Class 10 in the Chenowth. The father and son team of Mike and Jim Zupanovich took third in Class 10 and eighth overall depsite losing the power steering on the first lap. Page 20 February 1994 Dusty Times
Foreman did not make the start line. In Class 157, Dave Edelstein took first place, but not without some major problems before the race. It seems they were out test-ing on Friday nite and snapped the front axle housing in two. At 10:30 PM on Friday nite it was total panic. They had no way of replacing or repairing until the FAIR van showed up at 11:30 and they got out the torches, welders and metal silicone. Allen· Hurni did most of the work and it took him until 5:00 AM to put the truck back together. They once again went for a test ride and every-thing was OK by then. On the first lap they took it kind of easy and then put the hammer down on the second lap. They said the course was fun and rough. They wanted to thank the Chevy boys for push-ing them, so that they stayed in front of them. Dave says this is their third wi'n in a row and they really like the feeling. They wanted to thank the Dusty Times for the great coverage of the races and Dave Lightle for a bullet proof motor. The second place finisher and only other entrant in Class 157 was John Barajas and Marty Jensen. They said their race was pretty uneventful, they just could not keep up with Edelstein, but they got the championship for the year and that is what they were working for. They said that their transmission was acting a little strange; but it never quit on them, so they just kept on going. The overall four lap winner was the Baldwin Chenowth, driven by Carl Renezeder along with co-rider Jim Sizelove. Carl said they had no flats and sure were glad because he was flying low and probably would have flipped the car if he had gotten one. His aver-age speed for this race was 54 .04 MPH, so that kind of says it all. His laps were so consistent, they were all within seconds of each other. Carl drove all four laps and says he did tap a couple of guys, for which he apologizes, but he had to let them know he was back there. He did lose a left rear shock and said the front end was a little squirrely and then he lost a rear shock mount. He actually thought that he was taking it easy on his first lap and that was actually his fastest lap of 1:22:28. He was real happy that he took the overall and Class 2 win in the Bardwin Porsche/Chenowth. Second overall and first in Class 10 were Don Angel and Kevin McGillivray. Donny took the first and third laps and Kevin took the second and fourth ones or Donny took the first 3 and Kevin the fourth, I was so cold, my hand was shaking while I was writing and lcan't make out what I wrote down. Kevin did say that the fourth lap was real dusty .. Donny said they stopped for fuel every lap and a driver change at the end of the third lap. They said that all the pits were keeping them up dated on what was going on, so they knew what position they were in at all times. The only entry in Class 8 this time around was Curt LeDuc. He took first and last place and third 0 I A. Curt said he took his kids for a ride every lap, he didn't have anyone in his class to race with so he had fun. He could not keep up with the Class 2s and 10s, so he quit trying and started having fun. He said this time he never got out Dusty Times .. . ,,, 1 = ,t;;..,""'/llW~ $¢ &I Darren.Skilton drove his Baja 1000 class winning Jeep Cherokee to another Class 6 triumph and probably the La Rana points title. He had two riders, Barrie Thompson and Gavin Skilton and won by an hour, fifth overall. John Prosser and Craig Forrest had a storybook finish, winning Class 1-2-1600 and placing seventh overall in the brand new Mirage, had no problems at all and were thrilled with the flawless performance on the car's maiden voyage. ot the driver's seat because he had no problems, he did hit some bushes pretty hard and did some damage to the front end of the truck, but nothing major. He wanted to thank Goodyear Tires for helping him with the series. Fourth overall and second in Class 2 was Junior Smurf A.J. Martin. A.J. has been weaned on off road racing and it shows. He is now doing the prep work for Bob Gordon and Bob let him drive his own Class 2 car in this race, so it looks like Mr. Gordon has a lot of faith in young A.J. This time the tables were turned for Poppa Smurf Steve. He was riding shot-gun with his son and they had two flats, so guess who had to get out and change the tires???? A.J. had his brother Mark riding the first lap, but Mark bailed and Dad got in just in time to handle the trou-blesome tires, sorry Steve, pay-backs I guess. They had a trouble free race after that, you done good fellas. The team of Mark Post and Jack Millerd took second in Class 10 and 5th overall. Mark said they had about a 20 minute lead in the first 200 miles. Jack took over with about 100 miles to go and rolled it and lost the lead trying to get going again. After he finally got going, he got a flat and evi-dently had to get out and change it himself because he said that cost him another 15 minutes. But with all these troubles, I'd say they did OK. The other Skilton, Darren brought home his Class 6 Jeep in first place and got sixth overall. He said he got back from the Baja 1000 which he just won in class and had to do at least three laps here to win the championship, so he took it slow the first 3 and put the hammer down for the last lap, because even if he didn't finish, he had the class wrapped up. He did get airborne on the last lap and landed on his nose and wasn't quite sure if he was going to go back on the rear wheels or flip end over end, but God and gravity prevailed and he made it back on his wheels. He had no flats at all and the only prep work done after the 1000 were new springs, axle, hub and rotors. He wanted to thank his father Clive for having the faith in him. it is his dream to race with his father and dad made it all possible. In Class 1600 the first place fin-isher and seventh overall was John Prosser and Craig Forrest. They said they had a good day, nothing went wrong with their brand new Mirage; they were real thrilled to take this Bill Varnes creation out on it's maiden voyage and have it perform so flawlessly. They only did some last minute prep in the morning before the race to make double sure everything checked out. This is only their second La Rana race, the first one they did in their old car and decided to build a new car for the series because they liked it so well. They plan to run the entire '94 series and go for the points. The Father /Son team of Mike and Jim Zupanovich took 3rd in Class 10 and 8th overall. Pop,Jim took the first two laps and lost the power steering about a quarter of the way into the first lap, so had to pull into a pit to get the pump changed. When Mike took over for the 3rd and 4th laps he had a flat on each one. They said the race was kind of boring because it was so dusty and they really could not safely get out and race because they couldn't see what was in front of them. Jim says this was his first race since the Mint 400 and that was a few years ago, so welcome back Jim. Ed Pauley and Jon Iandiorio took second place in Class 1600, ninth overall, but somehow I missed them at the finish line. David Saderup and Mike Bain took third in Class 1600 and said they had a great day, just need more horsepower, or would you believe a motor sponsor? The Moulton car performed like a champ, so they were pleased about that. They did get lost along with a bunch of other cars on the first lap, but the corner was marked better on the second lap so did not have the recurring problem. They did have a prob-lem with driving into the sun; with the extreme amount of dust, it made it very hard to read the course. If they hadn't gotten lost, they think they would have placed better. Bob Miller got fourth in Class 10 and 11th overall. He did not have a real good day. He had 3 flats on the first lap and 1 on the second. Then his gear box cracked and developed an oil leak. On the tpird lap he lost his power steering and developed an engine oil leak, then somewhere along the line he lost his~ ** TORSION BARS** AXLES** SPRING PLATES** COIL SPRINGS** .. .. en a: UJ 0 <( 0. en UJ ...J X <( .. .. en a: w t-en :::> ci <( .. .. en C, z a: 0. en u. <( UJ ...J .. .. en C :::> ~ en ...J w w ::c 3: .. .. SWAY·A·WAY MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY OFF ROAD SUSPENSION COMPONENTS FOR OVER 20 YEARS PRESENTS .. SWING AXLE AXLES - ALL 3 STOCK LENGTHS 0 ()() ·O 2 PIECE STUB AXLES 6 & 7 LEAF FRONT SPRINGS FOR SOFTER RATES SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER TODAY! CALL OR WRITE FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG ~ • • C z " :2 z en "' • " z C) :2 z en • • en ::I: :i!: en • • r-C C) z C --t en • • 20755 MARILLA ST. /CHATSWORTH, CALIFORNIA 91311 I 818-700-9712 February 1994 Page 21
Ed Pauley and Jon landiorio got their Hot Lick Racing Mirage home second in Class 1-2-1600, and raced to a smart ninth overall as well. in the 1600. David Saderup and Mike Bain took third in Class 1-2-1600 in their tidy car, here flying the road crossing nicely in the Moulton, and had no big trouble. B.J. Bates and Billy McCool had a few problems, like running out of gas, but overall they did OK, patching their way to fourth in Class 1-2-1600 in the tandem Raceco. In Class 9 it was a close battle but in the end Sandy Parker took the win and the championship in his Chenowth, having only minor problems en route to the win and 15th overall. ~ air cooler and-got another flat on the last lap. He wanted to thank the stranger as well as his pit crew for coming to his aid when he needed it, which was a lot. Even with all the problems, he had fun playing with Pete Swift and Jerry Penhall out on course. He said it was a rough and dusty course. Pete Swift and Jerry Penhall teamed up for this race in Pete's Class 5 car and came in first place. They only had one flat and that was on the third lap. Pete says Jerry did a g'reat job of building the car; this win cinched the championship in class for them. B.J. Bates brought home fourth place in Class 1600. He says with-out the old man, Gary, they did great, just kidding Dad. On the first lap, BJ was leading and ran out of gas. When co-driver Billy McCool took over, he had a flat tire and then broke a shock and had to stop and clean out the air cleaner, which was so packed with silt, the motor would not run. Danny Reider hopped in on the last lap to go for another ride after getting out of a Class 511600 car. He was the guy riding in the back of the Bates Tandem 2 seater, after the original co-rider Jennifer hurt her back and wanted out. Scott McKinney got in his four laps in Class 6 with a good enou h ·The Off-Roader's Choice· Page II • E-Z UP"' INSTANT SHELTERS Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter in less than 60 seconds! NO missing parts NO center poles NO ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics Instant Pit Shelter La Rana Contingency Sponsor SCORE Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Authorized Dealer CASTEX RENTALS~ INC. 1044 N. C-ole Ave. Los An.9eles, CA 90038 CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 Pete Swift and Jerry Penhall teamed up in the Class 5 car, had only one flat for troubles and Pete was happy tha_t the win earned him the class points title. time to take second place in class. He said they had some shock problems, which made for kind of a rough ride. They tried to make the necessary adjustments as best they could. They had no other problems and found out when they finished that all the shocks had in fact gone away, hence the rough ride. In Class 9, Sandy Parker took the win and the championship for the year. Some minor torsion bar problems befell them on the first lap and he said he really had to push his little car hard to stay in front of #976, Jerry Meridith. Sandy says that the Parker broth-ers who do the prep on his car and Tom Moessner are about the best guys to have on your team. They all make a real winning combina-tion and he's proud to be asso-ciated with his two brothers, Greg and Eddie and 'fom and Bev Moessner for helping make it all happen. Sandy said he got a call on the radio that his friend Jim Clements had blown his motor, so put the pedal down and took 15th overall! There was a problem on the first lap when Tom was in the car and Tom and Jim kind oflocked Brian Logan and Keith Westerfield had a smooth ride to victory in the tidy 5-1600 with only a torn cv boot to slow them, winning by about 13 minutes. Kreg Donohoe and David Winner had a great day in Class 725, were the only four lap finisher in the Toyota and trucked right into a first place trophy. February 1994 wheels in a passing situation and Jim ran over the rear tire of Tom's car which caused Jim to roll side-ways. Tom saw his friend crashing so he stopped and went back to help him. It looks like it was a good thing he did because Jim had hit his helmet on the roll bar pretty hard and was dazed and disoriented when Tom got him out of the car. After he started realizing who and where he was, he and Tom and some of the crew, got the car back on it's wheels, put some oil in it and checked things over a little. They made sure that Jim was OK and put him back in the car and then Tom belted back up in his own and they took off to race again. That is real cam·-araderie. Brian Logan and Keith Wester-field took first in Class 5-1600. They started first but were soon passed by the Kleber car, but a short distance later, the Kleber car had rolled and was out of the run-ning. They had no troubles and Brian wanted to say that he has the best crew and co-rider any racer could ask for, they always give 100% and don't complain. Evi-dently there was some sort of bet before the race that if they won, Keith had to get a hair cut. He was not real happy with that thought because he likes his hair the way it is and does not want to cut it, but then one of the girls told him that he did not have to cut it all off, just an inch or two would be enough, so that made him feel bet-ter. ,The only mechanical prob-lems they had were a torn CV boot, which I guess they fixed with some good old duct tape and kept on cruisin'. In Class 900, Brian Sallee and Stan Hignett came in second place, ten minutes back. They did not have too many problems, a flat and a shock that went south on them. Last year they ran out of gas at this race, so they made sure they stopped every lap for fuel. They wanted to thank Dewey Lamour and Reid Pro for the great support, they helped make it all come together. They also wanted to thank Willies On and Off Road, Tom Mattingly, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Sallee and Grandma and Grandpa for their monetary support in this strange and wond-erful sport. I believe that they said this is their third year with DJ Transaxles and this is the third year that they have had no prob-lems with their transmission or was it three races { cold hands again). Rick Johnson was also given a big thank you for always being there when he was needed. Class 5-1600 saw Brad Clausen take second place who said he had fun in the silt bed. The car needs a new driver but the car worked great. The Fox Shocks worked great, the Fat Motor never . skipped a beat, and after a whole Dusty Times
Class 1 belonged to Steve Krieger and his Chevy pickup, no matter what. The only Class 1 entry, the Chevy cruised for three laps to the class win. Brian Sallee and Stan Hignett were second in their Class 9 Chenowth, had a flat and a bad shock for troubles and finished over ten minutes behind. Brad Clausen and Matt Miller come from the north to race their 5-1600 and took second iin the race and they took second in the series class points. year of abuse too. He was pretty . sure that he got second in the class points for the year which he was pretty proud of after only racing for one year. He said he had one flat and saw lots of rolled cars, just glad he wasn't one of them. Third place in Class 9 went to Jerold Meredith of Victorville. His co-driver Steve Thomason took the first two laps and ran out of fuel at the start of the second lap, right at the Start/Finish line. Some of the La Rana workers had to hotfoot it out of the timing and scoring trailer, to push him out of the way and put him somewhere that his crew could fuel him and send him on his way. It was during this few moments that Sandy Parker passed him and sort of left him in the dust. This was only their third race ever and they got third place, very good going I'd say. When Jerry got into the car he hit a really big gotcha and hurt his back, so he shrunk about two inches from that experience. At Ridgecrest this same car was a tandem, but they rolled it and his son got hurt, so they turned it back into a single seater so no one but the driver would get hurt. In Class 2, Clay Bintz got third place and was lost in the crowd, hence no interview. Fourth place in Class 2 went to the Craig Wat-kins team which also included Michael Daws and Steve Reyling. Steve and Mike each took turns at driving and Craig himself got in on the third lap. They said the through bolts for the front trailing arms sheared off and the rear trail-ing arm bolts loosened, so they had some down time for front end welding and knew they had to do some kind of driving to even fin-ish the race after about an hour down time. Steve got a flat on the fourth lap, but the car really did work well. Craig and Steve built the car on a Raceco chassis and have been running off and on for a couple of years. Mike and Steve had been teamed up in a Class 9 car, but they all decided to com-bine their efforts and talents to run the unlimited class car. In the truck classes, I got to see no one finish, because of drop-ping temperatures and inability to read my own scribbling after my fingers, even with gloves on, could no longer make the pen write things that were compre-hendable. I did however get a phone call from Kreg Donohoe in Class 725, who proceeded to tell me that he had a flat on the second and fourth laps, that is, he had the first one and ,co-driver Dave Winner had the second one, because Kreg had to hot foot it home for a play he was to be in. Dave Winner, who owns Fabtech took over the last 2 laps for Kreg and knew he was doing OK when the pit crew told him that the next truck in his class was over two Dusty Times hours behind him. They said the first lap was real dusty and then it cleared up pretty good. It wasn't too much fun in the rough stuff, but great in the fast sections. They wanted to be sure and thank •!folmes Mini Truck, Wolfe and Cappello Janitorial Supplies, Fab-tech Engineering and the pit crew, Totally Off Road Racing and Dick Cepek. Kreg said that this was Jerry Welchel's old truck and it has gotten three seconds and a first out of only four races raced and this puts them in second place for points in '93 and they's gonna be back in '94 for sure. Kreg said that his other co-riders did a great job of jumping in and out of the truck to change tires which wer-en't flat, just broken beads. That is strange! His co-drivers/riders really take a beating in the truck because it is so heavy, but they are all troopers and K reg really appreciates their never say die attitude. DON-A-VEE MOTORSPORTS OFF-ROAD AND AUXILLIARY LIGHTING *FIRST RACE - FIRST PLACE! In the La Rana desert night race Jeep Cherokee Class 6 *"Made In America" lights are competition proven for strength and durability *Heavy-Duty 20 gauge steel housings and precision cut lead crystal lenses *Reflector seals resist dust and moisture • Available in durable black powder-coat or triple plated chrome finishes *Reflectors/lenses are reversible for above or below bumper mounting *Choose from 55, 100, or 130 watt bulbs *All kits include: 2-Halogen lights, 2 Don-A-Vee Motorsports lens covers, an illuminated switch with mounting panel, 1-30 amp relay, 1-30 amp fuse, and all necessary wiring and connectors DON-A-VEE MOTORSPORTS COMPETITION SERIES-SPECIFY 100 OR 130 WATT BULB WHEN ORDERING 916169B Off-road Light kit w/black housing 916169C Off-road Light kit w/chrome housing 916269B Flood (work) Light kit w/black housing 916269C Flood (work) Light kit w/chrome housing $ 90.59kit $102.69kit $ 90.59kit $102.69kit DON-A-VEE MOTORSPORTS THIN LINE SERIES - SPECIFY 55, 100 OR 130 WATT BULB WHEN ORDERING 916129B Driving Light kit w/black housing 916129C Driving Light kit w/chrome housing 916229B Flood (work) Light kit w/black housing 916229C Flood (work) Light kit w/chrome housing $ 85.99kit $ 96.59kit $ 85.99kit $ 96.59kit DON-A-VEE MOTORSPORTS RECTANGULAR SERIES-SPECIFY 55, 100 OR 130 WATT BULB WHEN ORDERING 917129B Driving Light kit w/black housing 917129C Driving Light kit w/chrome housing 917139B Clear Fog Light kit w/black housing 917139C Clear Fog Light kit w/chrome housing 917149B Amber Fog Light kit w/black housing 917149C Amber Fog Light kit w/chrome housing 917229B Flood (work) light kit w/black housing 917229C Flood (work) light kit w/chrome housing TO ORDER CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-59-PARTS OR FAX 310-920-3475 OR MAIL YOUR ORDER TO: $ 85.99kit $ 96.59kit $ 85.99kit $ 96.59kit $ 85.99kit $ 96.59kit $ 85.99kit $ 96.59kit CREDIT CARDS, CHECKS & MONEY ORDERS ONLY NO CASH OR COD'S PLEASE PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE SHIPPING OR HAND UNG CAL!!=ORNIA RESIDENTS ADD 8.75% SALES TAX DON-A-VEE MOTORSPORTS 17308 BELLFLOWER BL VD BELLFLOWER, CA 90706 FAX YOUR ORDER TODAY FOR AN EXTRA 5% DISCOUNT! February 1994 Page 13
i~"4~ ~--« • ~ __ ;..~~-::-,--<$.,,, The first arrival of the two lap classes was the Class 14 stone stock Jeep Cherokee of Eric Heiden and Mark Martin who had a smooth and comfortable winning ride. Class 15 had a 100 percent finish ratio, and fastest of all for the two laps was the Toyota of Les Willis and Art Becker who did have battery woes. Joe and Denny Bourassa slipped their neat and tidy Toyota into second place in Class 15, and they were just a heart breaking minute away from the win. . \P!W;f/~1/i ,: ... ~;:.....;;;; .. W'M.~-........ Kaz Yamanaka and Shuzo ltakura have fine tuned the Toyota over the season and they won Class 152 in a squeaker, by exactly two minutes ... very close! The sanitary Bronco of David Edelstein and Dennis Lightle is too nice to race, but looks sano each time and Dave won Class 157 once again in the Ford. Page 14 Dean Galloway and Eric Boisa drove their Toyota pickup all four laps to be the only finisher and the winner in Class 750, taking almost 11 hours too. Clive Skilton drove his Class 14 Jeep Cherokee to a smart second in class only 17 minutes behind the winning Eric Heiden, a veteran off road racer. Kathy Fay, with dad Jim riding shotgun along with Keith Williams, got the Ford Ranger a finish, a good third in Class 15 for stock mini trucks. Bill Quitmeyer and Bob $hannon came close, couldn't get much closer but they were second in Class 152 by a skinny two minutes in the Toyota. John Barajas and Marty Jensen steered clear of the rocks, stayed close to the leader, but their Chevy ended up second in Class 157, just four minutes out. February 1994 Clay Bintz flies past a course monitor in his new Class 2 racer, and he had some troubles along the way but was third in Class 2 with all four laps done. Mitch Griffin and Stacy Shaffer arrived third in Class 5-1600, about 2½ minutes behind second. It must have been a very tight dice for those two Bugs. Jearold Merideth and Steve Thomasson had a good day in their Class 9 single class seater, staying with the leaders most of the time and they were third in class. Perry and Jay King and company covered the four laps in decent time in the Class 9 Jimco, finished fourth in class, just 30 minutes behind the winner. Bob Miller ran alone in his handsome Raceco to fourth in Class 10 and 11th overall, despite having four flats in the first half of the race and other woes. Dusty Times
Cong1~c1t11lati<.)ns To The 1993 Class Champions CLASS 2,,;, ( :L_\ S~~ l ::,O CLA~~s 200 CLASS :J00/400/600 CLASS 500 CLASS 550 CLASS 700 Cole \Varren Ron Stobaugh ,Jim Pierce Darren Skilton Pete Swift Brian Logan Dave Wittner Denny \.\"olf I ,~tlT) '.\,Unor Mi.kc Stickle Scott McKinney Danny Reider Brad Clausen ,l.unes ,, a Iker Billy Bund1 Sttwc llouston Mike Duncan Scott Weir Mitch Griffin CLASS 7:!6 (::J, \~'.S 7 GO CLASS 800 CLASS 900 CI,ASS 1000 CLASS 1100 CLASS 1200 Dan Cannon Dt~an (;aUoway Steve Krieger Sandy Parker Kevin McGillivray Larry Adams Mike Thurlow K.1·e~ Donohoe l{alph Blundell Curt LeDuc ,fames Clements Tom Koch ,Jim Hendley A .J Faris Hill \;Valtman Rick Holmes Brian Sallee Craig Dillon (~LASS 1 JOO l ~I..-\SS J i'>OO CL.\SS J 525 CLASS 1550 CLASS 1575 CJ,ASS 1600 CL.ASS 4400 Eric Heiden Bob Beyer Bill (~uitmeyer Fred Nelson John Barajas Ji~d Pauley Donald Kleinhenz ,J,,e Bourassa Larry Gross Charles Davis Glen Coh<m Eaz Yamanaka Wes Wisdom 1994 GREAT MOJAVE DESERT POINTS SERIES Thanks To Ot1r Sponsors >*(Im: BFGoodrlc,!j R-f!flliJ!f! T/lfTires SWAY•A•WAY .,,c:..,~ ~ FOR MORE INFORMATION LA RANA DESERT RACING P. 0. BOX 1365 APPLE VALLEY~ CA 92807 $19-240-1336 "Presidential 250" March 4 - 6, 1994 March 4-Registration & Tech 3:00 to 9:00prn The Goodnite Inn, Barstow March 5-Race Starts 9:00am Sidewh1der Road l\tlarch 6 -Awards 10am Rosita's Restaurant
Colorado Off Road Championship By]uliCox At Greeley Chad Bertram and Skippy Stearns mix it up in the 1-2-1600 contest in the class that ran very tight. Bertram won the main event while Stearns placed fourth at Greeley, Colorado. Scott Viers was i;':;~ 1-2-1600 battle all day, taking second in heat 2 and third in the main event. Viers garnered enough points to win the 1993 class championship over eight other contenders. Mike Fetters was one of the two Challenger car drivers in the points hunt, and he raced with the Pilots and managed to win the two heats and the main for the series championship. The weather was better than expected, the track looked to be technical, but fast in early October when Bertram Produc-tions and Rocky Off Road Racers, Inc. combined for a day of off road racing. The two groups had combined to present a full slate of racing in the Colorado Off Road Championship series which used two tracks in 1993, one at Greeley and the other at Ft. Morgan. A total of seven races were held for the 1-2-1600 cars, quads, Odysseys and Pilots. The spectators were ready for off road action and drawing first blood was the Pro Quad Dash for Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road driving school can help you be your bes/I Bilt be ready. .. the road isn't smooth! Page 16 Cash. This pitted the six fastest Pro Quad qualifiers against each other in a completely inverted start, the prize, $150.00 cash, winner take all. Steve Lewis, starting mid-pack blew by everybody with a quick start and in a short, four lap format, no one had the time to nail him down and pass him; Lewis took the cash. Next off the line were the 1-2-1600 buggies on this extreme-ly tight and rough course for these cars. Bertram, the fastest qualifier, started on the back row and literally beat, banged, could we say bullied Stearns. Bertram made his wav to the front and claimed Call For Courses and Dates Great Basin Consulting 2738 Chavez Dr. Reno, NV 89502 (702) 825-8830 ~ ~ Doug Bath was in and out of the Unlimited lead through the heats and the Main which he won in his sedan bodied race car. Apparently anything goes in this Unlimited class. Brian Koch leads Doug Bath into the lumps on the straight in some of the Unlimited class action, this happening at Ft. Morgan, CO in a prior race. the $150.00 cash prize. The last dash was the Amateur Quads, the eight fastest qualifiers this day. Scott Fleming was the quickest and earned a back row start. On the other hand Mark Hensick had some problems in qualifying, but managed to make the cut for the dash and used his third fastest qualifying time to get a bit of a head start to charge to the front of the pack. B.J. Wilcox locked onto Hensick and pulled in a solid second place showing. The nice part about this dash was every racer who made the dash received a Prize!, The Pro Quads started the heat race action, first away. Jimmy Anderson won the first heat followed by Jason Wiswell, Russ Gass, Pat Groulx, Tom Rohr, Steve Lewis, and Pam Cook. Jimmy Anderson also won the second heat, leading flag to flag, followed all the way by Pat Groulx, a newcomer. Then came Tom Rohr, Russ Gass, Jason Wiswell, from a dead last start to · fifth after he got through playing with the barrels. Next was Pam Cook who was trying to avoid Jason and the barrels, Steve Lewis and Don "Dangerlove" Alles. When' the Unlimited Buggies came out everyone could see there was going to be a battle for first between Bertram and Bath who went at it hard right off the start. Koch tried to stick it in between them a couple of times but kept getting squeezed out. Bertram eventually stayed out in front of · Bath to take the first heat. Bath was second followed by Koch, Gallegos and Simone. The second heat was just as fast paced; about the only difference in the outcome was that Doug Bath edged Chad Bertram for the win. Koch was third, Simone next and then Gallegos. Joseph Ornelas won the first B Quad heat followed by John Knespal and Randy Jagodzinski. Contender in the points race Brian Burns took a hard fall on the big double in the fourth lap and was transported to the hospital. He is on the mend now and looking forward to next season. Randy Jagodzinski won the second heat shooting out of the gate first and he never looked back, while John Knespal fended off Joseph Ornelas for second place. The Vet/ Banshee/Open Quad first heat went to Walt Cate followed by Ivan Schweitzer. Vet quad champion Brian Cox made a heated move to the front of the pack by the third lap to make a Big Dipper in the moguls that ended the night's action for him. Walt Cate moved up quickly, seizing the opportunity. Walt Cate also won the second heat with Ivan Schweitzer second; Ivan faded after a good start, not bad for his first day of racing. Mike Morris was third. Talk about throwing a bunch of February 1994 racers together, the Challeng-the mishaps and the barrels and er/ Odyssey/ Pilot and Motocross gave chase to Anderson, and races were a unique show. Stacy almost reeled him in by the finish Ditter, motocross racer and track flag. Newcomer Patrick Groulx, designer, hey something fishy from Michigan, was third looking here, was racing this event as an like he was used to this rough a exhibition to coax some interest track with the showing he made. in the motorcycle racing. Mike Russell Gass was fourth, followed Dowdy, first place Pilot, contin-by Steven Lewis, Pam Cook and ues his saga of spectacular top Don Alles, a respectable seventh. racing, yes we mean on the top of B Quad/Banshee combined his Pilot bringing it back down to main event was due to attrition, the rubber side and not missing a and the over exuberance of some beat. Troy Hodges, second and of older competitors resulting in hot on Dowdy's tail might have crashes, to make a good sized been a bit intimidated by field. Walter Cate made a charge Dowdy's antics. Mike Fetters, from last in the final two laps to first Challenger, just wasn't claim the victory for Banshee. equipped to run with the rest of John Knespal was second, (first B the maniacs in this class. In the Quad) avoided Randy Jagodzinski second heat Pilots took the start and Mananita Ornelas who were on this one, motocross Pilot tangled up, and finished what included. Mike Dowdy beat, '·could be his best season. Ornelas banged and barged to the win with was third after getting loose, but Troy Hodges second in a tight, Jagodzinski suffered mechanical heated battle. Stacy Ditter, damage and couldn't finish the witnessing the banging going on race. Ivan Schweitzer got out of accepted the better part of valor, rhythm in the rhythm section and especially on a motorcycle, and played a sour note against the avoided the Pilot contest. Fetter ground. first and Garcia second stayed Next came the Challenger/ Pi-back and let the Pilots have their lot/Motorcycle main event. Due fun and folly. to major breakage in the second In the 85 Modified group Pete heat Troy Hodges did not start. Pederson won and· Mananita With nobody to beat up on, Mike Ornelas was second in both heats. · Dowdy styled it around the track Both of these competitors showed to the win. Stacy Ditter kept up their style and determination on with Mike in most sections, but this tough track. just couldn't hang in the tight In the C Quad and 4-stroke slippery corners. Mike Fetters first heat Mark Hensick won won the Challenger Class and followed by Scott Fleming, B.J. Garcia was second. In the 85 Wilcox, Ken Coet, and Jim Coet. Modified main event Pete In 4-stroke class Duncan Gore Pedersen continued his charge to won followed by Ross Cox. The take first place with Mananita second heat was the race for the C Ornelas a close second. quad class for the evening. B.J. The C Quads and 4-Stroke Wilcox blasted off the start to Main Event saw Mark Hensick, take first, while Mark Hensick after suffering defeat in the had to work his way up through second heat, get serious with a flag the pack, couldn't quite catch up to flag charge to take first place. and was second, followed by Scott Fleming was in hot pursuit Scott Fleming, Shannon Under-until lap 5 wh~n Murphy's Law hill, and Ross Cox surprised took charge and enforced the Law Duncan Gore on the last lap with of Gravity on Scotty, and he was a charge to the win in 4-strokes. second. B.J. Wilcox suffered also There was a big pack for this from the Law of Gravity in a tight track in Class 1-2-1600, but fourth lap get off and was third. In Perschbacher was broken and the 4-Strokes Duncan Gore won didn't get to the line for the first but felt heavy pressure from Ross heat. Viers and Bertram along Cox who was second but begin-with Vair fought throughout the ning to reel Duncan in. There race. There was a lot of contact on were many comments from other the track between each other and competitors on Cox's smooth-the barrels, and Bertram took the ness on this rough track. win. The second heat went about In the Unlimited Car main the same, Perschbacher was back event Doug Bath won over Chad in the running, but not before Bertram and Simone. In the Blea managed to hit a whoop too 1-2-1600 main event Bertram was hard, knocking himself out and first while M. Perschbacher was taking out a section of the rodeo second, S. Viers third and K. arena fencing. The second heat Stearns was fourth. The report on results show Bertram winning the buggy main events is a bit again followed by Viers and sketchy, as Juli Cox is associated Stearns. with the Rocky Off Road Racers The Pro Quad main event was Inc. who sanction the quads, ano'ther flag to flag victory for Odysseys and Pilots who race the Jimmy Anderson. On the other series. It appears that Chad hand, Tom Rohr took an excep- Bertram won the Unlimited Class tionally hard start as his quad had Championship, Scott Viers took a mechanical failure and tried to the 1-2-1600 season honors and drive him into the ground. Jason Mike Fetters was tops in Chal-Wiswell was second, avoiding all lenger points. Dusty Times
Blackhawk Fanns Off Road Challen9e By Barb & Marilyn Schult:t Photos: Jeanne Brown & Gregg Witte Mike Brue did the number on Class 5-1600 once again, passing into the lead about the third lap, and despite serious challenges behind him he won yet another 5-1600 title. Class 11 D opened the final 1993 race, so we use the only picture we have of that often ignored class for our lead. This is Cory Friday, a young drirer who finished third Saturday morning at Blackhawk Farms. Blackhawk Farms, Rockton, victory. Some mighty tight racing who took the position one lap be-Illinois, was host to the SODA action took place between John fore the white flag and held it. Series' last Race Event for the Huven, Cory Friday, Glen Math-Rookie Larry Bayer took home 1993 season. This was it, door die t;ws, Jim Wymer and Rod Attig. fifth. for the Points Championships! W owsers, that Friday young man Being a little short on track Racing took place October 2 and has sure come a long way from his • workers, Blackhawk Farms relied 3, with weather to make a penguin te<;n years in that buggy! Huven on the services of SODA's very Class 9/10 was a real dandy dice with some attrition. When the smoke cleared kill for! Blackhawk Farms is may-ha·s made incredible improvement own Ruth Schwartzburg to do the it was Todd Attig out front and he stayed there all-the way to take the victory. be one of the best kept secrets in thro~ghout the racin_g season, now official "heads up, are you ready. around for third place. Johnson, stadium blankets, hot coffee and a the motorsports world. Home to . challenging the entire Class for to race?" job! Ruth did an out-· the early leader, had to settle for real dedication to off road racing road rally races and the like, the first place at each and every turn! standing job and beyond a shad-fourth. Both Gary Plummer and were the only protection against facility holds promise to become Huven effectively kept the door ow of a doubt, was by far the most Tom Brockman were obviously the cold and the wind! 1992's one ·of the best off_ road short shut on the rest of the pack for a attractive staging director for the experiencing some serious mech-Rookie of the Year Chad Schlue-courses around. Add some good nice second place. Friday and season!RuthlinedupClass6next anical trouble, each managing to terendedhisSODAyearonadis-tacky clay to the existing black Wymer had a nice battle going un-and these fellows took off like a stay on the track and finish the appointing note. His Ford Bronco dirt, sand and silt surface and the til Wymer went down with mech-herd of thundering elephants only race. registered little if any oil pressure track layout is good! anical blues. Friday went on to to lose both John Znidorka and Class 9 / 10 had a very nice acthe line leaving young Schlueter Saturday's first racing action challenge Huven but had to settle Gary Gottschalk before lap one showing and some dandy racing! with no choice but to green flag, was in Class 11 Double Seat fea- for third place. Attig had fourth could be put in. Leonard Gehl The clouds of doom are just not make a one lap roar around the turing Dan Baudoux with a com-nailed down, except for the per-met with a roll over, leaving Jay going to leave Jeff Probst alone! track and pull off. Gerald Foster manding lead in the flag to flag sistent efforts of Glen Mathews Martens and Bill Groboski to go Probst came around the first half quickly went to the front of the at it. Graboski sailed through the of the race in first place and then pack and stayed there for a deci-course with first place. Martens the clouds broke open and put sive Class 3 win and the Points took second and rolled over Gehl him off the track. During this first Championship. Ken Beilke and placed third. half of the race the entire field Sky VanDalson gave spectators a Back from the grave it seems is the old Chevy, nearly destroyed at Crandon last fall, and R.J. Flanagan• says its as good as new, as he went out and won the Class 13 Road wa;rior contest. Gerald Foster has been having a very good year since he parked the CJ and bought the Blazer for Class 3 competition. Foster not only won the race in Illinois, he also won the 1993 Class 3 points championship. Page n For the last time in 1993 Mike stayed extremely tight. The real dog fight tor second place, Brue, Bill Bowles, Chuck Johnson clouds of doom were out for Dan Beilke taking the position. Also and Terry Wolfe came off the Baudoux and by lap two he was finishing were Richard Hiebing, start in Class 5-1600 with their out of the race. Meanwhile Todd Grant Mohalland and Greg usual top of the line racing action. Attig, Art Schmitt III, and Jeff St. Swiston. Johnson, with Brue breathing Peter were hammering it tooth Thirteen Class 13 Road War-down his neck, came around the and nail, door to door, fender to riors played out their last hurrah first two laps in the lead. Brue fender! A determined Attig kept it with it's usual red hot racing ac-made a picture perfect pass on the all together to take home the win. tion. Dan Vanden Heuvel and R.J. infield section of the track, took St. Peter put his foot to the floor, Flanagan picked up the battle the lead and went on to claim the made a neat pass around Schmitt where they left it but now had to Points Championship with the and placed second with Schmitt in contend with Lowell DeGreef as win. Bowles didn't like looking at third. Don Ponder rounded out well! VandenHeuvelcamearound the back of Johnson either; he · the top four. Also finishing were with the lead, DeGreef on his tail made the pass and took home Kenneth Poole, Tom Schwartz-and Flanagan bearing down on second place. By now it was evi-burg and Trent Hanson. both of them. DeGreef was doing dent that Johnson's machine had Even though Class 3 didn't race an excellent job of holding Flana-some real troubles and Wolfe ot until around noon, extra coats, gan off until his machine gave up The racing gods finally smiled on Jeff Probst who made his usual fantastic start in Class 1 /2 in the Laser, but he stayed out front, had no trouble and scored a flag to flag victory in the class. Photo: Dan Mainzer February 1994 the ghost with a cloud of nasty looking smoke. With DeGreef off the track, Flanagan put the ham-mer down and with two laps to the checkered flag made the key pass on Vanden Heuvel for the win. Meanwhile John Schultz had been holding down the fort against Dave Marks, Don Greg-oire, Joe Zilisch and brother Thornton "Ed" Schultz. Zilisch-made an incredible run from back of the field to the position battle with John Schultz having had the steering wheel pop off in_ his hands on the first lap! John Schultz placed a very well driven third, Zilisch took fourth and Thornton "Ed" Schultz placed fifth. By the Class 2-1600 race we Dusty Times
.. •"'" ·w . SODA 's President Terry Wolfe is a top contender in Class 5-1600 but his desert legal Bug can't keep up with some others, but he finished in third. Jeff St. Peter gave it quite a try in Class 9/10, running third until he made a late but neat pass to take second place when the checkered flag flew. Geoff Dorr had a short tow to Blackhawk Farms from his Illinois home, and he had the Ford in good shape to co/J,test the year's last race, and he did well, winning Class 4 once again. were ready to pour the coffee on our feet to make our toes aware of the super racing action! Super it was with Jim Wiggins in an early lead with Dan Baudoux, Curt Greaves, Greg Smith, Cary Bowles and Mike Seefeldt Jr. ready at any given time to take over! Wiggins went down early with the blue smoke blues; Baudoux stepping in to make a successful run for the checkered. Greaves, showing signs of mech-anical problems, lasted a little less than half the race. Smith kept a consistent second place position after an odd start! At the green flag the troops came over the front jumps packed so tight that Smith's buggy was literally lifted off all fours by the pressure of the buggies beside, behind and in front of him. Smith sorta' "stood up and over" the field! Bowles and Seefeldt gave the crowd their money's worth with an excellent battle, Seefeldt making the third place position pass with two laps to the checkered flag. Bowles fin-ished in fourth by less than a bug-gy length. Jason Crowder did a fantastic job of driving from next to last place to a very nice fifth After the truck was set back on place. Also finishing on the lead it's wheels, Holtger went on to fin-lap were Ed Tessmer, Walt Carl- ish the race. Jeff, it's gotta' go son and Mark Steinhardt. better in 1994! Ya' know the expression, "It'll Saturday night's campfire/ be a cold day in hell???" We'd bet bench racing was held with frost the farm that Kevin Probst in the forming, a beautiful Harvest Class 4 race could've put a whole Moon and the promise of more new light on that expression. It SODA style racing on Sunday! was a cold day, Probst came off Say, we'd like to thank Grant and the line in great form and the hell Jack Mohalland for the firewood of the deal was he had to pull right and the firewater that made the off the track. Bob Bemmels last campfire of the season warm couldn't have been any too thrill-and cozy! ed with things either as he had to What a great way to start a day pull off after two laps. Geoff Dorr, of racing - watching the Class 11 on the other hand, settled into a Single Seat race go to the final flag neat lead, checked over his for a winner! It was an all star cast shoulder to make sure John of thousands with Dan Baudoux, Heidtman wasn't too close and John Huven, "Old Guy" Rod At-went on to take the checkered flag tig, John Wiggins, Darrin Par-in first. Heidtman gave it his best sons, Scott DeGroot and Mark shot but had to settle for second Oberg in a real shoot-out. Baud-. place. Gerald Foster finished in oux came out of the start in first third. Goodness gracious, Jeff with Huven and company breath-Holtger new owner of SODA's ing fire and brimstone to get the #444 machine had a most unfor-lead. Baudoux met with the tunate first race. Holtger, doing an mechanical goblins, had to leave excellent job of staying clear of the track and Huven moved into traffic, came around the last corn-the lead with Attig ready to take er, dropped into a really nasty over. Wiggins was there, making grooved out hole and rolled over. the moves, on his way when, rac-Every other hotel Dusty Times • zsan also ran. 1-800-634-6755 Las Vegas, Nevada February 1994 ing demons took him off the track on the white flag lap. Despite the hard charge, Huven got the win, Attig took second. With Wiggins being devoured by the track Mathews battled his way to third, Parsons pulling out a nice fourth. DeGroot pulled out fifth followed by Oberg. Also finishing out of a starting grid of twenty-two were Jim Walters, Gordon Cudahy and Keith Danke. Sooner or later it had to hap-pen, the racing gods·can 't hold out against one guy forever! Yet, Class l /2 lined up and finally Jeff Probst made not only his usual fantastic start the dude took it all home for a flag to flag win! What a way to end the season! Art Schmitt III had a go at the lead for two laps, both Schmitt and Probst giving the crowd the best in racing action as Probst took the lead back. Don Ponder had a nice race going with a solid third place for about a third of the race and then disappeared. Jeff St. Peter was running an equal lap time to sec-ond place Art Schmitt but got off the start down just enough to keep him in third. Scott Schwalbe, always putting on a dynamite show, finished in fourth place. Even though Sunday wasn't quite as cold, it was definitely long underwear weather until Class 7S roared off the start. Whee-ha, the action was so hot you could take the long johns off and keep warm with sheer adrenalin! Once again : it looked to be a day of retribution for John Greaves. Greaves had that Toyota hooked up and mov-ing, holding off Jeff Kincaid, Scott Taylor, Jim Wiggins, Jimmie Crowder and the rest of the gang when disaster struck just one more time. Greaves came around c9rner three and the truck hook-ed a wheel ripping it out by the roots and putting an end to what should have been. Now, Kincaid isn't just sitting back there playing darts, the man is also hooked up and moving! Kincaid was follow-ed by some real heavy door to door racing between Wiggins, Tom Hockers and Taylor. Hock-ers went into a full loop, lost posi-tion and eventually had to park it. Kincaid, with his fans going nuts, went across the finish line in first. Wiggins~ Page i9
:~ -s{S , .. J: ' John Heidtman flies high in his Ford, but such antics didn't keep him from driving to a strong second place in Class 4 at the Blackhawk Farms event. Class 6 was there and had a good race. At the finish line it was Bill Grabowski who won the class honors, leading most of the distance at that. Dave Hackers kept up the pace in Class 8 competition and he finished a very respectable second in the tough class. ladies were there to race, just ask Paula St. Peter, Rhonda Smith, Brenda Tessmer, Janet Bowles and Tina Crowder. These ladies jockeyed for position in an out-standing race. St. Peter had an early lead and lost it to Smith. Smith held the lead for a lap and then on came Crowder to take the lead and hold it for the win. Tes-smer and Bowles fought their way around St. Peter for third and fourth respectively. Rounding out the field were Barb Schaden Wendi Schmalz, :Kristen Seefeldt and Amy Haese. Jeff Kincaid is a strong runner in his Class 7S Ford, but he sometimes has on Scott Taylor once again took the lead in Class 8 in his potent Ford and as he course troubles. This time he didn't and took over the lead in the heavy action has been doing all year he led the Class 8 troops to the checkered flag, and Ten ladies of Women's Class 11 took the last green flag. A very excited Cindy Wiggins went from green to the final checkered flag in first place - nice race Cindy! Paula Parsons, Karen Christensen, Sar-ah Sawall and Dawn Bayer each wanted second place and each fought hard for it. Parsons devel-oped mechanical trouble and was put out of the race as did Sawall. Christensen ran into trouble on the back stretch of the track cost-ing her time and position. Bayer saw the advantage of the situation and drove into a nice second place. Christensen put the pedal down and came back to take third place with Anne Schuster placing fourth. As the final checkered flag waved another season of SODA racing was over and sights are already set for the 1994 season! And the World Series Of Off Road Racing -SODA - will just get better and better. and won the Class 7S race. earned another championship. --------------------------~ and Taylor were literally door to door much of the race and took the checkered flag that way, Wiggins taking second place by half a door's margin, Taylor in third. Jimmie Crowder finished on the lead lap in fourth. Also fin-ishing were Joe Dunlap, Robert Chasteen and Dave W oulf with a decidedly flat tire. It was a pleasure to wish Class B's #855, Farmer John Konitzer a very happy fifty-fifth birthday! Hope there are many more to come! Scott Taylor took home the honors in Class 8 racing action with Dave Hockers in a very re-spectable second place. Jimmie "Alligator Man" Crowder was ready to give Hockers a real run for it but the truck developed a bad case of flat tire putting them out of the action. Dan Vanden Huevel was also trying to put the moves on Hockers and his truck lost its left front wheel. Brian Donlevy had his hands full of Chuck Brand and Farmer John for third place. Brand developed mechanical woes and had to pull off. Donlevy placed third with Birthday Farmer John holding down fourth place. Class 1-1600 sported nineteen entries, a low attrition rate and some top notch racing! Dan Baudoux, Greg Smith, Tom Surace, Rob Kinner, Walt Carl-son and Jason Crowder certainly gave any racing crowd what they pay for, racing at it's best! Baud-oux ( one more time!) had the lead for the majority of the race with both Smith and Surace right on his tail pipe. Smith must have CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN BYPASS VALVE KITS! Thousands Of Race Winning Miles Went Into The Testing And Development Of These Kits. They Feature Large 9/16" Bores, Externally Adjustable, 4130 Steel Bodys, Internal Check Valves And Lightweight Aluminum Valve And Jam Nut. Available As A Kit With Full Instructions For Only $74.00 Each. We Can Also Custom Install Them To Your Ex-isting Kuster, Bilstein Or Bunderson Shocks. Also Available In Stock; Solid Brass Pistons For Kuster Shocks. Installing These Kits On Your Shocks Can Stop Harshness, Kicking, Hard Bottoming And Packing. Call To Order Or For More Information. California Pre-Fun Page 30 39067 ORCHARD STREET CHERRY VALLEY, CA 92223 909-845-8820 February 1994 sensed the white flag coming up as he made the race winning pass just before the flag came out! Baudoux had to settle for second with Sur-ace in a very close third. Kinner did an excellent job of holding off both Carlson and Crowder for fourth plac;e. Cary Bowles also finished on the lead lap. What do Jeff Probst and Gail Brand have in common?? It has to be the racing "clouds of doom"! Brand lined up with the other ladies of Class Women's Heavy Metal, made a lap in first place, had obvious steering problems and had to pull off. Sherri Parsons got to make her race in her truck with no previous race weekend damage and drove it to a very nice first place. Now right behind Sherri was the driving half of Barb & Marilyn! Marilyn Schultz had a super race and landed a well earn-ed second place. Katie Smet pull-ed into a tidy third place after Robin Schultz hooked up with Jodi Bornberg putting Robin in fourth place. Somehow it just didn't seem possible, but here it was, the last race of last Race Event of the SODA Series' 1993 season! The Women's Buggy Classes lined up for their staggered start and put the finishing touches on the World Series Of Off Road Rac-ing! Tell ya' what, Limited buggy We'd like to take this space to thank some very special people. Thank you, Jean Calvin, for you thoughtfulness, encouragement and help. Thank you each SODA racer, for providing us with the best racing around to watch, it makes reporting more fun than work! Thank you SODA Pro-moters for all of the "extras", the golf carts that made getting around your facility possible for Barb, the smiles and words of en-couragement and your willingness to answer what must have seemed to be some really dumb questions! See ya' all trackside! Class 1-1600 had a big entry and some tight dicing in the ranks as well as up front. Greg Smith got the lead late in the race, others fadad and Greg Smith won the race. Dusty Times
Greg and Lynne Lund, Pacific Race and Rally Mazda 323, were northwest division champions but had engine computer problems and they finished sixth in the rally, third in the runoff. Goran Ostlund and Steve Baker, Scania Autosport Saab, had a good run and the California Rally Series crew captured seventh overall. Mark Simons and Mark Johnson were going well in the Toyota until they beat up a rim running out of the Cedar Creek stage without a right front tire. 1993 SCCA DMSIONAL PRO RALLY RUNOFF Porter Creek Crossing Pro Rally Whitman, Linclville Capture Runoff Crown in another Mazda 323GTX slipped to fifth with clutch prob-lems. Beard and Simmons in the Paradise Car Care Mazda had cap-tured the Dryad Quest Rally, the previous day's warm up for the Runoff, edging the Patersons by two seconds. for his cereal eating habit, not his rally style. In fact, Whitman has crashed off the road only twice in his rally career. Co-driver Lind-ville, from Durango, Colorado, is part owner of a security badge making company. Text & Phot.os: Jim Culp Runoff champ Whitman, a 36-----------------------------------------. year old pilot for Mesa Airlines, The format for the Runoff allowed each team to drive in a coefficient two rally on Saturday to get· familiar with the Capitol Forest roads and make notes. The Porter Creek Crossing, coeffic-ient three event, decided the over-all Divisional Pro Rally Champ-ion on Sunday, November 7. stolen from a motel parking lot starteddrivinga510in 1979rally just before the start of the 1992 events. The 1993 winning car is a Porter Creek Crossing. This year 1972 model with a two liter the Paterson's posted fast time on 180hp engine. A Farmington, the first four stages and five of the New Mexico resident, Whitman nine stages in the event. , is nicknamed "Captain Crunch" While the 1993 event brought much better news for the Pater-sons, the Northwest Division champions, pre-event favorites Greg and Lynne Lund, struggled through a weekend they'd rather forget. Overheating and over-boosting caused by computer problems dropped the Lund's Pacific Race and Rally Mazda 323GTX to a sixth place finish in the rally, third in the runoff. Mike Whitman and Kevin Lindville, in their eternal 1972 Datsun 510 captured the SCCA Divisional Runoff for the second time. They finished second in the rally, 51 seconds behind the Patersons. Fourth overall was the Mint Snuff Volvo of Erik Thompson and Cam Jackson, two seconds behind Jardevall and Karlsson. Dale Beard and Richard Simmons Rocky Mountain Division champs Mike Whitman and Kevin Lind ville finished second in the Porter Creek Crossing Pro Rally to capture the SCCA's Divisional Rally Runoff in their ageless Datsun 510. Whitman and Lindville matched their 1984 Divisional Runoff win to become the first ever repeat runoff champions, while finishing 51 seconds behind Tim and Penny Paterson's Falcon Racing Mazda 323GTX. Southern Pacific Division representatives Carl Jardevall and Anders Karlsson finished fast in their Ahark Motorsport Saab 99 with fastest time of the day on f •m, four of the last five stages. The transplanted Swede from Santa Monica, Jardevall actually topped Whitman's stage times by six seconds, but a one minute road penalty for a late arrival at the start of stage two cost him the runoff title. Still the California team finished second in the runoff and third in the rally, 1 :45 back of the Patersons. The two top teams from each of the SCCA's seven Pro Rally Div-isions were invited to compete in the Divisional Pro Rally Runoff. Capitol Forest roads were in top shape for the Porter Creek event, and the cool, but dry weather offered crews and spectators an unusually comfortable weekend. The Divisional Runoff covered nine stages with a total of90 stage miles. The Paterson's rally win helped erase the memory of another November morning, when they discovered their RX7 rally car Dusty Times Tim and Penny Paterson won the Porter Creek Crossing in their 'new' Mazda 323 and took fast time on the first four, and five of the nine stages; last year their rally car was stolen the night before the rally. Dale Beard and Richard Simmons won the Dryad Stages Rally, a tune up for the Divisional run offs the next day in the Mazda 323. The Northwest newcomer had clutch problems on the Sunday Runoff rally, slipped to fifth. February 1994 Carl Jardevall and Anders Karlson, CRS veterans, captured fast time on four stages but being late to start stage 2 gave them a penalty that cost them the Divisional Runoff title. They were third in the rally, 1 :45 out of the lead. JOHN BUFFUM In Like A Lamb, Out Like A Lion A Biography By Tom Grimshaw A LIMITED EDITION BOOK PERSONALLY AUTOGRAPHED BY JOHN BUFFUM AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL RALLY ORl',/ER Published by Tabby House Books, Florida In the lJ. S. $19.95 plus $4.00 shipping & handling In Canada: $24.95 plus $4.00 shipping & handling Mail to: LIBRA-LION P.O. Box 2113 S. Burlington, VT 05407 Make checks payable to Ubra International Racing. Page 31
M>RA SONOYl'A TO ROCKY POINT IN SONORA, MEXICO laronlck Finishes Race While Kujala Wins Overall Text & Plwtos: Tony Tellier Class 10 winner Daniel Hyde had it all together this round as he sails past a typical roadside structure on his way to first in Class 10 action. racers -and the harsh Sonoran quickly distanced himself from desert. Whatever you got, you the field, obscuring the course can race it in ADRA. The course with a hanging, choking, clinging, was a combination of rock, more blinding cloud of dust. It was a rock, sand and then lots more no-wind morning. sand. The word is: make it The pack was not, however, through the rough stuff... then about to let him run away with the blast to the beach. huge bonus purse. Three-ADRA-A large field of potential race winner Robert Gayton wide-winners lined up for the start opened his Predator carburetor, including previous winners looking for another scalp but the Porschemeister Shannon Schulz Mazda-powered car ground to an and furniture fabricator Ed Beard, ignominious halt some 12 miles plus a plethora of powerful into the loop around the granite protagonists. Farmington, NM's mountain. The rugged pink one " favorite racing son, Stan Steele; that sits south of Sonoyta . . . .. "' , " ' =· the ever-popular Buckeye Jim between the Caborca and Puerto Tony KuIala said the Class 5 Ba1a Bug was so fast it was like cheating", and he won overall in cars just four minutes "JP" Pierce. Frank Turben 's Penasco highways. Stranded and behind the first bike. ------------------------------------------~bellowing Chevrolet VB; New needingapushstart,Robert'sday TheADRASonoyta-to-Rocky. Championships for many. A car owner Greg Deihl many MexicanRobertGayton'sshriek-wasoverearly."llostmybeltand Point desert race was the surprise entry, Tony Kujala, months ago if he could do the ing Mazda; and Schulz' whining when I stopped to put them back culmination of year-long battles driving the Deihl VW ragtop, was Point-to-Point in the SCORE six-cylinder Porsche added an on it wouldn't restart. When it's for recognition and Points Class the top car. Tony had petitioned, Class 5 DirTrix. "Sure." With a almost-orchestral timbre to this hot it has low static compression. Flying down a rocky road, there were no sad songs for Waft Baranick this race as he not only finished the entire distance, he also was second in Class 10. Pagc31 large purse on the line, the Duel in the Desert. I need to squirt some oil into the ~ Unlimited Buggies and their Tonywaspumpedatthefinish: intake to seal the seals. No one smaller but more nimble 1650cc "This new engine is so strong-it's would give me a shove, I guess, counterparts came to the start for almost like cheating." Starting in since I was winning all season." the chance to pick up some the back of the pack is not The street-legal Jeep of Mike Farmco Bonus Bucks. The everybody'ssteinofTecate,soto Mastro -the last vehicle on the Glendale (AZ) convertible Bug of speak, but at least you know you course -did give him a hand ... or Kujala, Brad Person and Deihl are really in the lead when you maybe a bumper. forsook their usual restricted- pass everybody who started in Wood continued on his flight class start and went for the brass front of you. "I could see these but eventually had his wings ring with the big-engined buggies. bike short cuts across corners but clipped down past the gold mine The Sonoyta to Rocky Point they usually wouldn't work since as his engine burned up. "l broke race has always been ADRA's they can go between things we the water neck near Check 3 and season finale and a real crowd-can't. I remembered the course by the time I got to "4" it was all pleaser. This year was no different pretty well - since its been eleven over." Buckeye crop duster Jim as a strong field of cars, ATVs, years. And it was faster than ever. "JP" Pierce inherited the lead as and motorcycles flooded the It's so short you can't pace numerous contenders quickly border town of Sonoyta in yourself like in the '1000'. gotta became also-rans. preparation for the 125 mile run go for it." JP and co-pilot Larry Foddrill to the beach. Competitors came It wasn't that simple, however, streaked toward victory but as has from as far away as Colorado, as hay hauler Rueben Wood put happened so many times this year Long Beach, West Texas, old and his Pinto-motored single-seat a flat tire, at M55, forced the two New Mexico and the Louisiana oil Meco out in front from the start. to stop and put on a spare -where fields to test their cars and No one can accuse Wood of they were passed by a low-flying themselves against a fine field of having a feather foot and he Tony Kujala. Talk about dusting some crops. JP lamented the not-so-rapid-response of his pit crew "That Danny (Foddrill); he did a tire change in the pit with air tools and it took him five minutes. I timed it. Larry and I did it out on the course in three and a half." JP did garner a Second Place but not quite as much dinero as he had expected. Once in the lead Kujala needed only to "cruise and don't make any mistakes." Hardly cruising, he finished with an elapsed time of only four minutes longer than Ken Kozlik's winning Kawasaki dirt bike, averaging an amazing 52 miles an hour. Some people can't do that on the Interstate. "This new engine runs so fast and 'jumps' so quick when you nail it-I have to re-learn how to bump all . over again." His checkered flag Wayne Greene continued his winning ways in Class 1-2-1600, and this time he was worth over $3000 in purse had a $1500 payday, saying now he can afford the power steering he needs. and bonus monies. February 1994 Dusty Times
Frank Turben and Paul Rich finished, Frank's first finish in some time, and despite a few troubles, when the big truck ran well, it looked like this. Big Al Vesterdal drove his Sportsman two seater hard, trying to beat his /;>rother Steve, which he did, and he was also eighth Texan James Martin whips his Class 10 Chenowth down the trail and was with the leaders until his new engine started to smoke, near the finish, so he shut it down fast. This desert (and stadium) racing team is smarter'n a tree full of owls; never at a loss for that innovative twist. Their three-litre Type IV is based on horizontally-split Pauter cases ("You can pull the cam without splitting the cases. It's got 'cam caps' like rods.") topped off with a n Electromotive fuel and engine management system. "It's got a great mid-range and will spin out good horsepower to ' seven'.'' Tony admitted that "it was sometimes hard to keep it wide open. But I did." Roger that. Buckey's Shannon Schulz once again discovered a bizarre way to lose, this time breaking a terminal on a 15¢ ignition switch. It was intermittent, so it was hard to trouble-shoot. "I never break anything big-it's switches; it's fan belts;" it's nickel-and-peso stuff. "I was the fastest of the last place finishers." Here are the top pre-race handicaps: JP / Larry Foddrill - Starts last and finishes first -if no flats, keeps on course, and if Bill Herrick shows up to help Danny. 3: z Robert Gayton - Bet against the New Mexico Mazdaman? No way-no. 3: z Shannon Schulz - Hard charger fixed charging system; hungry, but what about Danny? 3: z Greg Deihl -Can win if valves .keep their heads. Dark horse pick for overall. 3: r The "Tens" started as formid-able foes, to be sure. The attrition did not look to be a factor early on but after t_he halfway point things began to rearrange themselves. The Class Ten cars were head-lined by hard charger Daniel Hyde in his Farmco-sponsored buggy. (Note: Farmco - aka The Schulz Family of Buckeye -supported ADRA's extremely generous bonus purse this season. A tip of the old helmet to local off road racing's benefactors.) Hyde lost an alternator belt at "3 ", almost hit a stalled Ed Beard in the middle of the road and missed the Overall win. Daniel hit Walt Baranick, down in a ditch. He followed Walt's yellow anti-collision light ( that some people think is a target) but then Baranick stopped fast in the ditch. POW! Walt spun out, came back around and hit Hyde's rear tire. " I had to get away from him ... fast", smiled winner Hyde. Hyde came within fifteen minutes of capturing the overall, and the additional$ 1000 bonus available if a small-motored car won. But that tossed belt interfered in achieving that goal. Soon, perhaps. Ed Beard ground to a halt on the run to the Tree. "It was in the middle of the course. I almost hit Dusty Times overall, really quick. · him," laughed Jaime Des Roche. Jaime, a 757 pilot for America West, was driving in only his second off road race and was thrilled to finish Third in the old Doc Ingram 1650cc buggy. Robert Wood's A-armed Chen-owth was working totally awesome. The add-on suspension has been trouble-free and looks as if it works good. Unfortunately, the little car was on the trailer at Check Six -only a few miles shy of La Meta - with a blown motor. Those Krazy Kirk Kids bot-tomed their 1650 Datsun-engined car into a hole and jammed the skid plate into the tranny and the power plant. Dad James Kirk: "It was jammed in Third (gear) and they got a hole in the oil pan. It was running when we had to park it." Steve Melton was down and out with a missing rear hub nut. Requir-ing a trailer to get the old Doug Fortin car out, Steve had to wait until his crew could make their way slowly into the interior of the course. It was real late. Schulz, while he was pondering his switchology problem, had earlier seen Melton "come by with his top all crunched into the driver's area. I un-Dzus-ed it and helped get him some room." Scott Rhone's run was confused by getting a stick through a new tire. " I don't know where a stick came from -there's no wood at all out there in the sand. But there it was, through my new 'Yak's' sidewall. Walt made headlines -just by finishing. Walt has struggled for so many years just to get past the 53-mile point in the particular race. And this time his new FAT motor ran flawless. The rear sus-pension, however, was another story. Ron Dalke and Dan Spencer and a host of others all played Mister Wizard in a late-evening attempt to remedy a serious lack of rebound damping on the_ rear of the buggy. "Walt didn't give himself enough test time to work out the bugs," Dan shrugged. "We did the best we could... considering the circum-stances." Heaver oil; lots of air pressure; crossed fingers. But Walt force-fed the new fuel injec-tion system with his Nikes and brought it home to a popular Second. As Shannon said; "Man, I'm so glad he finally finished." It's been so long since Walt Baranick just finished any race that he was speechless when he came in behind Daniel. And finding Walt speechless is a pretty rare thing. Cherish it while it lasts. Mexicali's Jorge Vargas in the Taller J .E.F.E. "Challenger" car surprised the seven limited car field to snag a choice $ 1000 paycheck. "Trouble-free ... no problema!" While Jorge - a · Dimmett complained of inter-mainstay of Baja Promotion mittent ignition woes: "It's racing - was charging to a great cutting out again," was the all-Tenth Overall, his competitors too-typical radio transmission. were falling by the wayside. In They swapped coils; leads; points; fact, even the Second Place car of connectors; anything they could Dave Anderson and Larry lay their hands on. Donny Weiser and Kelly Suber had plenty of woes with their _ transmission, as it went away, gear by gear. "When we got down to having only Fourth, it looked pretty bad. But I used Reverse to get out of~ ¥ ·~ oontrol in the l0lJQh yetmaintains f, a ~ooeoo 1hestreet. . t.tuck and sport utility vehicledrive,s more shock perfonnanceand Bilstein provides ... • Highest gas pressure for fade-free !Ong fife • 98% efficiency9V('lt 100,000 miles . • Largest piston worl<lng area (1.81" dfameter) • Limited lifetime warranty These are the same high quality Bilstein shocks that noonally oo,t up to $119.00 each. Act. now and savel *Limited time offer on selected applications Contact the Distributors listed below or your nearest Bilstein dealer: CANADA Performance Products NORTH CAROLINA Performance Assist Accessories Ltd. Toyota Specialist Rowells, Inc. CALGARY, AB -403/279-2807 VAN NUYS -800/553-2840 CHARLOTTE -704/333-5213 CALIFORNIA · CONNECTICUT Autosport Gallery APS -800/423-3623 William Sander RALEIGH -919/872-2002 BEACON FALLS -800/227-9763 ANAHEIM-714/630-1144 GEORGIA NEW JERSEY McKenzies Performance Products Specialty Parts Warehouse Euro Tire ANAHEIM-714/441-1212 LIBURN -404/978-2801 FAIRFIELD -800/631-0080 Auto Service & Performance HAWAII Woodlawn Auto and RV Service MOUNTAIN VIEW -415/969-1050 Zubehor Hawaii, Inc. LINDEN-800/959-3658 HONOLULU -808/836-1980 OREGON Fairway Sport and Performance ILLINOIS ipd PLACENTIA -714/528-4670 Precision Frame PORTLAND -800/444-6486 ASI -800/683-2890 HIGHLAND PARK -708/432-0082 TEXAS SAN DIEGO -619/584-2890 INDIANA Pro Am Parts and Accessories Off-Road Wharehouse Power Brake and Spring HOUSTON -800/847-5712 SOUTH BEND -800/282-1044 SAN DIEGO -619/565-7792 LOUISIANA VERMONT Downey Off-Road MFG. Brinson Rovers North -Rover Specialist SANTA FE SPRINGS -310/949-9494 HARAHAN -504/733-7326 WESTFORD -802/879-0032 February 1994 Page 33 (
Driving a 1600 Tony Pierce leads a strong Steve Long in his Class 9 racer. They were both destined not to finish this race which usually has high attrition. Shannon Schulz continued to have new car blues, this time a 15¢ switch on the Fod Fab that was the fastest of the last place finishers anyhow. Flat tires, lots of them, and slow pit work cost Jim Pierce and Larry Foddrill too much time and put them out of the running for the overall victory. _ ~ an over-shot corner and · I had First back." The shifter wanted to pop out of gear so Kelly got to hold it in gear all the way. Talk about forearm pump; she'll have a, "Popeye" left arm if Donny doesn't get this rectified ASAP. He set up the following commercial: "We needed this finish to sew up the (9) Champ-ionship and it was all due to Kelly's efforts." Other Challenger challengers were Ron Dalke who was Third; John Lee, Fourth; Donny, Fifth, and smoking Steve Long a DNF. Touted to Win, Steve lost his starting system and was stranded out in the featureless When we saw a red truck stopped tracts of the Pinacate Desierto. we thought, hoped, that we had Earlier, Long stopped to have a caught ( class leader) Rich flat rear replaced and was passed (Severson'sJeeppickup). But, no. by both Vargas and Weiser - It was only Frank Turben (who while the latter still had a few was racing in the Unlimited gears left. class)." The full-sized VS-powered "Subway Mike" Doherty, the trucks experienced mixed results. Big Cheese in Class 8, took to the Kevin Patrick got a rock in a course with relish but couldn't pulley and pitched the water quite cut the mustard and, caught pump belt. "That lost us five up in Kevin's dust cloud, minutes. Then I followed some sandwiched the front end of the re-placed "W" arrows up to the pretty Chevy deep into a ditch. "It mine." A quick study, "I figured bent my transmission cooler -that out pretty quick when I saw smoke and oil were spraying some buggies go by the other way. everywhere. We bypassed it and Jamar Super Shifte Make missed shifts a thing of the past! Fortin CV Cages Polished & Strong! Available in both: 930 and 934.5 Thing Drums Straight from Germany. The real thing! 103 Press Lane #4 * Chula Vista, CA 91910 Phone: (619)691-9171 * FAX: (619)691-0803 '-----------------------~-----------------J Page 34 February 1994 limped back to the pits. Eric it tied up big time. He figures that Jones' (Class 10) buggy had the high-speed melt-down run blown a transaxle so we appro-kept the fan rotating, fooling the priatedhiscooler.Wejustranout "no charge" alert. He didn't get of time. I was hot-doggin' it and back into town until way past was running and handling good, sunset. too. Just let us race." Verdict' Al Vesterdal threw his car throttle -foot fade. together, and caution to the wind, Gilbert 4 18 winner Rich asheandco-driverGaryWaddell "Stretch" Severson -whose blistered the Sportsman ranks to attitude and stature tower over an Eighth Overall. The Sports-most men -now has four Point-· men "no-cash-purse" fun-racers to-Point wins in four times. "We are usually suited up in older less-drove fast; we drove hard. No technically-sophisticated cars. flats on the BFGs. Our 'no Open winner Al caught and problem' run evened out the tapped two trucks. "We moved better suspension on the competi-one over -· and I caught Stretch tion." He celebrated over three times. Jim Allison's buggy shooters _at La Cu_rva e!~ow-t_o-hit me good just while I was elbow with local icon T-Shirt getting ready to 'tap' Rich. And Bob" and co-driver Ellen my brother, Steve? That sucker Coughlin. The Class 8s in the hit me too." combined class were not amused. . A driver who should remain Al and _compet1to'.-brother namelesssaidthat"ldon'tmindit st~v~ got mto a s~wvmg match if he races in the rough ones wt1h1~. a coup!e miles of~ of the ( where he has but a slim chance of ~ta.rt. Ste:,re hit me bad. I m glad winning), but not in the real soft it bent his ~umper .. When. he courses ( where Rich's 4 WO is an passed me' I flipped hi~ off. I JUSt advantage)." They liked him laughe1 when I ~~whim b'.oke_a when he broke and only added to few miles later. Steve, m his the purse haste, broke a rear axle, snapped 1600 ~inner Wayne Greene on t_he TUF-loaned c~assis, never got out of his car until the ~ndmg the wheel and tire out finish but "I had a lot of 'almost mto the Ch~lla _forest. Al V. had mistakes., The little buggy ran blo~n an_ 011 fi~ter off the race great _ but that sun and shadows engme "'.h1le gettmg ready to leave and dust really blinded me." He for Mexico; It sprayed 011 all over lamented that "I need power theracec_ar sseatsa~? the top and steering!" showing quarter-sized the steering wheel. Th~re must blisters on the heels of both have been a .~uart of 011 on the hands. He can afford to get rid of foam_cover. He ducte~-ta~ed armstrong steering with his over_1t; now everyone will thmk $1537.50 take-home check. In that is the Hot Setup. fact, the Tucson team has received The Lakewood, Colorado over $3500 in ADRA prize husband and wife team of Tom monies this year. Class arch-and Amber Dunn drove their enemy Tony Pierce continued his sanitary Ford Ranger pickup to string of lousy luck with a blown Second Sportsman." Amber motor, stranding him out in the drove from the Big Tree in. Some geographical middle of nowhere. buggy really hauled off and hit After throwing a belt but only us," he smiled, showing a badly seeing a flickering alternator light stove-in rear quarter panel. Jorge Vargas led a large field of Challenger cars to the finish line, and Vargas had a $1000 payday for his efforts on the rugged course. DustyTlma
We took the Range Rover out into the desert and found it to be nimble and strong, as well as super comfortable. With the rear hatcf1 open and the tail gate down rear cargo access is great. The cargo cover disappears easily. Square but good looking, the Range Rover is a super expensive but fantastic sport utility vehicle for any excursion. BY APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN 1993 Range Rover County switch, cruise control master switch, interior lights, rear window heater and front wind-shield heater switch. Sandwiched just above the auxilliary panel are Text & Photos: John B. Calvin the electric outside mirror --------------------------------------------i-switches and just to its right is the The Range Rover County long wheel base is a handsome machine. We found the Range Rover to be as sturdy a vehicle as it looks. I figure that if the entire British royal family recognizes this Range Rover we here at Dusty Times should too! We have wanted to test a Range Rover for a long time and finally we were able to get our hands on a long wheel base Range Rover and see what it was all about. This particular Range Rover arrived in Brooklands Green with a Light Stone leather interior and looked and felt very plush. The Range Rover comes equipped with everything but the kitchen sink and I feel I may have overlooked that somewhere. According to the book, there are no extras, no accessories, it comes complete with everything your little heart desires and believe me, that is a bunch of stuff. · Starting in our usual place we find that the Ran e Rover comes equipped with Michelin 205 R16 x M&S 244 all season radials which are nice and quiet on the road but also deliver a lot of tractive power off the road. Mounted on 5 spoke alloy wheels, painted in the Brooklands Green, it makes a nice attractive package as well as being strong enough for anything you can throw at the Rover. The transmission is a ZF automatic four speed with reverse featuring permanent four-wheel drive, a two speed center differential with viscous coupling with a high and low ratio, all controls being mounted on the center console and they do slide in and out with the flick of the wrist. The powerplant is a 4 .2 liter V8 with an alloy block and heads, 182 horsepower, 232 pounds of tor ue and is electronically fuel The instrumentation is more than adequate, everything is within reach and is easy to see and use. Dusty Times injected. The factory specs state a maximum speed of 109 miles per hour and a zero to sixty of 10.6 seconds although we didn't try the top speed we did find the 10.6 to be close. Stopping power is supplied by disc brakes all around with ABS and there is really plenty of braking power under· any conditions. Instruments are plentiful, easy to see, easy to read and the area we usually call the instrument cluster is wonderfully called the "Bin-nacle" ( which used to be a box mounted on gimbals on a ship). But in this case it contains a zero to six thousand rpm tachometer beneath which is the fuel gauge and the engine temperature gauge. To the right is a zero to one hundred thirty mph speedometer with resettable odometer and mounted between these two gauges is the aurora borealis, a collection of fifteen various warning lights, three across and five deep, everything from. directional signals, oil pressure, brake pad wear, you name it and it's there. There is even a light to warn you that your trailer lights are not working properly when your trailer is hooked up through the electrical socket provided. I tell you, when you turn on the ignition it is a sight to behold. Just beneath the binnacle on the right is the auxilliary switch panel, yes folks, six more switches to play with, the Sub-Woofer volume control for the low bass notes eminating from Marconi's invention, the front fog lamp February 1994 clock, mounted in the center of the facia. Just below the auxilliary panel is the switch for heating the drivers seat and then there are three additional switches that control the electronic air suspension. You can vary the body height up or down at will or select the center switch which always returns to standard ride height. The steering wheel does not adjust but is fairly comfortable in most seat positions. On the steering wheel are the controls for accelerate and decelerate when the cruise control is on. The left stalk on the steering column operates the turn signals, the high beam control and the horn. Just below is a snub stalk which controls the headlights and a button on the side of the column opens the gas door. Stalks on the right side of the column control the wipers and wash features and just below a stub stalk controls the rear wipers. We must note that when you activate the front washers you also activate headlight washers which are mounted on the front bumper and spray with high pressure directly onto the headlights. Located in the center of the Range Rover, just under the clock are the heat and air conditioning controls and just below that is the AM /FM stereo with cassette and CD controls. (The CD's are stored behind the right rear panel in the rear cargo compartment and has a 6 CD magazine, any of which can be selected from the radio controls in front.) There is plenty of audio power and lots of speakers to allow for your listening needs. Immediately to the right of the radio is the seat heater switch for the passenger seat and also the cigarette lighter. Located on the center console is the transfer gearbox selector and just back of that is the control for the automatic transmission. Further back are the electric window switches ( with rear window lockouts), and directly behind the switches is a decent sized storage console with the ever present cup holders inside. Located between the front bucket seats and the console on each side are the electric seat controls which allow you an infinite variety of seat positions which can be stored in memory so you can just push a button and have your seat return to a pre-selected position. Up above the rear view mirror has various settings for anti-glare at night; you can select the intensity and of course, the electric sun roof which slides back for lots of the fresh stuff or has another function which raises the rear of the sun roof for a little less air. A sliding cover blends nicely into the interior roof, cutting off all overhead light if that is your desire. The rear bench seat is split 60140 and, of course, is all leather too. The seats fold forward and down with the push of a button giving you lots of cargo room on the carpeted floor. The rear seat, when in the upright position has more leg room than needed by a basketball team and only adds to passenger comfort. ~The rear glass hatch lifts vertically and a real live tailgate comes down for your outdoorsy seating comfort. A parcel cover is mounted in the upper rear, keeping sunlight and prying eyes away from your treasures. Performance, well, on takeoff it -does seem a bit sluggish but overall there seemed to be adequate power to handle most situations. We did a bit of off roading with the Range Rover and although we were particularly careful not to put any scratches on the paint, we thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Mind you, this vehicle wasn't made to traverse the desert at seventy miles per hour, it was made to handle most terrain in a calm and gentlemanly manner and GET YOU THERE! The Range Rover is probably the most ruggedly built multi-purpose passenger vehicle available anywhere, easily proved with a test drive. Needless to say, a vehicle in the way upper price bracket comes with all sorts of features that are found nowhere else. Under the doors there are "Puddle Lights" which illuminate the ground when the door is opened "To avoid the prospect of stepping in something unpleasant". So states the owner's manual. There are too many subtle features to mention here, you have to see them and utilize them to really appreciate them. Keyless entry is the latest thing and the Range Rover has it. The press of a button secures everything and the transmitter range is enormous. The fuel capacity is 21 .6 gallons and with our average of almost eighteen miles to the gallon you have a cruising range just under 400 miles, plenty for us. We m usn 't forget trailer towing capabilities; the Range Rover with the 4.2 liter VB can haul 6500 pounds of trailer ( with trailer · brakes) allowing you to haul your race car with ease or go traveling in absolute comfort. ' It is expensive, about SOK, but if you are looking for the ultimate on/ off road vehicle fromjollyold England, this is it ... Page 35
NETWORK Q RAC IW-LY Ford entry in this category gave them high hopes. Juha Is The kstl A new sponsor gave its name to the rally. After a record 19 years of support Lombard had passed their privilege to Network Q, a retail marketing facility of Vauxhall. International rules prevent a manufacturer giving its name to the title of a rally. The organizers followed FIA's con-tinuing initiative to make motorsport ecologically attentive, by forcing cars to be quieter than before but the drop from 108 db to 100 db was not feared by the teams who welcomed the move. Recently ·organizers_ were required to reduce the time spent in training, the number of spare parts that can be changed en route and the number of times the cars can be serviced by mechanics for this reason and also to reduce expense generally. .... Text & Phor.os: Martin Holmes Juha Kankkunen and Nicky Grist pass some very hardy spectators in the snow on their way to another overall victory, Juha's 20th, in the Toyota Celica Turbo 4WD: They finished with nearly a two minute cushion in victory. Four Time World Champion Gwyndaf Evans scored victory in Juha Kankkunen won his third Group N, gaining equal fastest RAC Rally last November and time on stage 2, the first time in took his 20th World Champion-six years a Group N car has made a ship Rally victory, making him best time on a World event and it undisputedly the most successful gave them the FIA Cup for Group rally driver in history. Driving in N . David Llewellin won the the most treacherous conditions 'Formula 2' category · in his seen all year, he overcame the Vauxhall ahead of the Skodas of anticipated challenge from Czechs Emil Triner and Pavel Britain's Colin McRae who had Sibera. Gregoire de Mevius had no sooner taken the lead than he engine t-rouble after fan belt suffered a broken radiator which pulley failure in the new Group A caused terminal engine over-Nissan Sunny GTI when leading. heating. For the second time The final round of the World Subaru's new lmpreza had led Rally Championship started in _ only to deceive. After poor results the central England City of earlier this season Mitsubishi Birmingham on Sunday, Novem-went well. Schwarz led on the her 21. The British forests opening day before going off the featured as largely as ever, with road, then Eriksson scored his only the first day given over to the third second place on the event in promotional stages held on four years. private land where excitement foi: Ford, on the other hand, spectators is the premier objec-experienced a rally they would tive. Virtually all the World like to forget, and the semi-Championship titles had been official car of British driver settled on the previous round in Malcolm Wilson, on his 18th Spain, if not earlier in Australia or attempt on the RAC, beat the Italy, so in theory we could sit official driver Francois Delecour. back and enjoy a rally devoid of The man from Cumbris, who in political intrigue. 17 attempts had never previously Juha Kankkunen started finished higher here than ninth, number 1 in his Toyota with a finished third. Their only special objective in mind, to add satisfaction was when Welshman one extra accolade to his fourth ~t- t _.,,,,r #'· Kenneth Eriksson and Sta(fan Parmander flew the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution over the rough stuff, ran a consistent and quick rally into second overall. ~ World Championship title gained in Spain. His last World Champ-ionship Rally win, in Australia, was the 19th in his career, so victory in Britain would be his 20th. Markku Alen also officially enjoys a list of 20 victories to his name, but that includes the controversial win due to organiza-tional errors in Sanremo 1986. One more victory for Kankkunen would give him the undisputed title of the most successful rally driver in the world. Delecour was the only official Ford driver in the entry, and his challenge was to retain his 16 point championship lead over Didier Auriol, Kankkunen's Toyota teammate. Why only one Ford on the team's home territory? Colin Dobinson, the Competition Director explain-ed:" Firstly, Toyota won the Manufacturers' title in Australia, secondly we initially promised both our drivers equal programs. Miki (Biasion) went alone to Argentina, so the single entry for Francois here makes up for this. But Miki will not be idle as it will give him a chance to start testing the cars for next year." Ford had hopes of two titles. When Juha Piironen's illness forced Kankkunen to change codrivers in mid-season, Daniel Grataloup was given an oppor-tunity to gain the newly promoted trophy for codrivers. Going into the RAC oniy one person, Bernard Occelli (Auriol's co-driver) was able to prevent Ford from winning this trophy. Again it was a gap of 16 points meaning victory for Auriol or nothing. Auriol explained: "Kidder is my problem. Every year I have troubles in those stages. If we can survive Kielder ( on the third evening), I think we will win!" Ford's other hope was the Group N World title. Before the event the rankings were very close, Ford 40 points, Mitsubishi 38 and Mazda 3 7, but the strength of the The really unique feature about the RAC Rally remained the same as ever. Just why is this event the biggest spectator event in Britain? What is it that persuades more than a million people to take to their cars and head for the forbidding forests and suffer the deprivations of humid and cold winter weather? For years the actual spectator attendance figures, vouched for by official police estimates, were so great the organizers feared to release them to avoid inciting discredit. Relieved of championship pressures Kankkunen tackled the RAC Rally with a sense of fun and freedom. On Etape 1 after initially being threatened by the Mitsubishi driver Armin Sch-warz, J uha pulled ahead and held a lead of 14 seconds after the first nine stages. "These first day stages are always tricky, you can lose much more than you can ever gain. And the rally itself is very difficult. I have had some of my biggest accidents on the RAC Rally." If Kankkunen was easy in his mind, his fellow Finn Ari Vatanen was far from happy, having heard that Subaru's main plans next year were not going to include him. A win here would give.him a self confidence that the veteran's continued career badly needed. Malcolm Wilson and Bryan Thomas were the first Britons home and Wilson was on home ground on the last legs, taking third in the Ford Escort Cosworth RS. At the end of the day he was close behincfColin McRae but both of them chose the wrong tires on stage 2, and generally Vatanen had a difficult day. The Subaru B team of Legacys suffered prob-1 ems on stage 5 when water entefed both cars through the gearbox housing and badly soaked the crews. Ford did not fare well either. Delecour had troubles, spinning twice, while Wilson went a long way off the track on one stage and hit a parked marshals' car. Sebastian Lindholm was badly delayed by windscreen misting problems. Mitsubishi showed sudden improvement in form the first day after a very bad display at the 1000 Lakes Rally, having changed the suspension settings. Another striking feature was the per-formance of the young British drivers, four British drivers in the top 12 places, all 25 years old or younger. Gregoire de Mevius easily led the 'Formula 2' category with the Nissan Sunny GTI on its debut appearance, ahead of the Vaux-hall Astra GSis of David Llewellin and Mark Higgins. The Belgian's fortunes were not to last for long. He changed the camshaft belts and was late into the control at the end of the day, and there was more to come the next day. This was also the first appearance of the Mk3 VW GolfGTI 16 valves. Driven by Jimmy McRae the car was lying seventh. Five different makes of car were in the top seven places. In Group N Ford Escort RS Cosworths held the top eight places in the category; Evans led the Group easily, followed by Jonny Milner, his Shell teammate. British Mintex winner Dougie Watson-Clark was third ahead of Matthew Clark, son of double RAC Rally winner Roger. Ari Mokkonen was badly delayed with gearbox trouble but con-tinued. Evans made equal fastest time on stage 2, the first time for a Group N driver to have a best stage time on an orthodox rally since 1987. On Etape 2 Malcolm Wilson lay third, his Ford well ahead of works driver Francois Delecour who had many small problems. Hopes of a fighting comeback by Vatanen faded in the morning when he went off the road, damaged his Impreza and lost three minutes falling to eighth place. "We spun off the road on the outside of the corner, but it took time to lift the car back to the road." Mitsubishi's dreams ended on stage 10 when Eriksson had a double puncture and lost three minutes, and early leader Armin Schwarz went off the road and was stuck in mud for a quarter-hour. Incredibly all the top seeded drivers were still in the event as they approached half Ari Vatanen and Bruno Berglund had good times and bad times, but nose dived the Subaru lmpreza 555 into fifth overall, scoring some points for Subaru. Jimmy McRae and Chris Wood made the first appearance of the VW Golf G Tl a good one, running seventh after the first Etape, but the car retired later in the rally due to an accident. Here is a look at the new Saab Cambi Coupe, which looks huge · for a rally car. Driven by Ola Stromberg and Stefan Ohlsson it was fifth in Formula 2. Page 36 February 1994 Dusty Times
distance. It had been dry and sunny most of the day, but there were patches of ice, especially on the morning stages. Colin McRae ,: said the road was always changing from ice to dry and back without warning, but he made up his lost first day time and on stage 19 McRae went into the lead. Kankkunen faced one of his stiffest challenges of this year with Colin gaining a few seconds on most stages, until suddenly Juha lost 28 seconds on stage 19. Knowing the lik e lihood of worsening weather in the final two days of the rally, and the pressure of running first car on the road, many wondered if Kankkunen had purposely let the Scotsman into the lead. Kank-. kunen's only problem was when a tire tread flew off at high speed and the bare carcass of the tire made the car almost uncontroll-able. This was the first time Kankkunen's new codriver had accompanied him through his home country, Wales . Nicky Grist said: "It was particularly encouraging when we saw signs saying 'welcome Nicky andJuha', in that order!" Gwyndaf Evans and Howard Davis won Group N in the Ford Escort RS Cosworth leading most of the way, and they also won the FIA WoNd Manufacturers Cup for Group N for Ford, their only series win for the year. at a time control (four minutes anyone who reached the rest halt lateness meant four seconds at Rothbury was allowed to penalty), so as to force other rival restart the next morning, even if drivers to drive the afternoon they missed the ensuing four stages which were snowy ahead of stages. him . After stage 25 Juha held an On Etape 4 n othing much impressive lead of 2 minutes 44 happened in the order of the top seconds, but then he had three runners, but there was plenty of flats on two stages and this was excitement. The winter weather reduced to 32 seconds. Only on caused stage 29 to be substantially stage 28 were things working well shortened at short notice, and again. Lindholm ended an thereweretreacherousconditions unhappy rally when he crashed in even on the road sections. Both the morning. Robbie Head went Vatanen and Llewellin crashed off the road, had to wait five between stages. The Finn said he hours for help to get going and went off avoiding one of his own retired. Auriol was sixth and service cars! Crews continued to everything was going wrong. be nervous about using Michelin Malcolm Wilson started going David Llewellin and Ian Grindrod won the Formula 2 category in the Vaux hall Astra GSi giving GME that series championship and here they plow a little snow en route to 12th overall, just behind Evans. snow tires because they had no problem was adjusting to Pirellis, A TS. Crews found the tires came but it made no difference to his off the rims as soon as the air went speed. He simply put down his out. The organizers struggled to poor performance to lack o f absorb lateness to ensure the rally practice driving on ice without finished on time. studs. Evans, despite the ice, was Kankkunen had his good luck complaining about brake troubles when he slid off and hit a post with his Group N winning Ford. luckily without damage. Delecour Ford folk wer e wo nder in g said it mus t b e lo ve l y for whetherthewholeeventhad been spectators to see the cars sliding a waste of effort, but then they around in the snow, but "There is realized something rather special more stress than pleasure for us!" had happened . Ford had won the Wilson thought his transmission AA W orld Manufacturers' Cup had failed when the car juddered for Group N cars. Suddenly the to a stop but it was a rock bus driver fro m W ales was the jamming the wl;teel. Jonsson had toast of the day. And the 1993 been trying Michelins to see if his World Series was over. The overnight 'Formula 2 ' leader Gregoire de Mevius had a pulley failure on his new Nissan and was forced to retire on stage 10. This let the two Vauxhall drivers Llewellin and Higgins go in front of Triner's Skoda after Sibera overturned his and lost nine minutes. Jimmy McRae was up to fourth despite a broken driveshaft, but retired on stage 19 after going off the road. In Group N Evans continued to lead, despite having a gearbox break just as he approached a service point but teammate Milner fell back with a double puncture. better after a delay in the morning when he jumped heavily, broke the suspension and flattened a ti re. U sing his experience of forests close to his home he stayed in front ofDelecour, though both made bad tire choices for the 01' Joint Ji er O n Etape 3 hopes of a British RAC Rally winner were dashed when Colin McRae retired on stage 21 puncturing the radiator with a piece of wood, letting Kankkunen take over again. Earlier hopes were raised as McRae survived his bogey stages at Grizedale in the Lake District, stages where he had lost his lead on both the last two events. In weather conditions fre-quently encountered in his native Sweden, Eriksson showed model consistency and pulled up the field; from 11th place 24 hours earlier he rose to second at the end of the day, having one flat for trouble. The World Champion, who had seen the effect of his earlier ploy of slowing down on a stage to force McRae to drive today's stages as first car on the road, employed more tactics. This time he voluntarily ~eported late snow. In Group N Evans was enjoying breaking his personal tradition of breaking down in his native W ales and was 20 minutes ahead of teammate Milner. Fellow Ford drivers Easson and Petch retired, accident and engine respectively. In ' Formula 2' Llewellin con-tinued t o lea d comfortably, despite being forced to run normal forest tires on the snowy stages. His teammate Higgins fell back after an accident with T riner and Sibera second and third. An unusual car was fifth, the 2.3 liter Saab Comb i Coupe of O la Stromberg. It had been clear, cold and after the first two stages snowy and very icy, but the passage of cars made the surfaces shiny and even more hazardous for the two wheel drive cars. On stage 24 a complete blockage ensued, the overall maximum lateness extended by an hour and only 54 cars completed all the stages that night. In the end 49th Network Q RAC Rally Rally Juha Kankkunen/Nicky Grist Kenneth Eriksson/Stafan Parmander Malcolm Wilson/Bryan Thomas Francois Delecour/Oaniel Grataloup Ari Vatanen/Bruno Berglund Didier Auriol/Bernard Occelli Richard Burns/Robert Reid Armin SchwarZ/Peter Thul Mats Jonsson/Lars Backman Alister McRae/David Senior Gwyndaf Evans/Howard Davies David Llewellin/lan Grindrod Emil Triner/Jiri Klima (15th) Pavel Sibera/Petr Gross (18th) SF/GB Toyota Calica Turbo 4WD S Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution G3 Ford Escort RS Cosworth F Ford Escort RS Cosworth SF/S Subaru lmpreza 555 F Toyota Calica Turbo 4WD G3 Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo D Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution S Toyota Calica Turbo 4WD G3 Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo G3 Ford Escort RS Cosworth G3 Vauxhall Astra GSi cs cs Skoda Favorit l36L Skoda Favorit 136L A. 6 :25:48 , A 6:27:32 A 6:31 :26 A 6:32:57 A 6:33 :59 A 6 :39:39 A 6:47:25 A 6:51 :02 A 7:00:48 A 7:02:12 N• 7:10:44 A•• 7:26 :42 A 7:31 :52 A 7:39:25 165 starters - 94 finishers -·Group Winners •· F2 winner -No Ladies finisher 100 crews allowed to restart after delays in stage 24 Winnefs average speed over stages - 52.57 mph - Final points (best 8 scores) World Championship - Toyota 171(157), Ford 145, Subaru 110, Lancia 92, Mitsubishi 86 WRC Drivers - Kankkunen 143(135), Delecour 112, Auriol 92, Biasion 76, McRae and Sainz 50, Eriksson 41, Vatanen 38, Trelles 28, Makinen 26 Group N Points - Fassina 56, Coutinho 28, Bin Sulayem 15 etc. FIA Manufacturers Cup (Formula 2) GME 76, Skoda 54, Peugeot 38,Citroen 26, Lada 23, l=IA Ladies Cup Points - Christine Driano 15, (only qualifier) Dusty Times •••••••••••••••••••• Dale Wilch S P.O. B Kansas C Phone(913)788-3219 FAX (913) 788 9682 All credit cards or COD/UPS orders OK * CNC machined aluminum and steel construction that looks as good as it works * Easily adjusts in single degree increments to 45 degree angle notches * Notch any round tubing up to 2" OD in less than 30 seconds * Automatic round tube centering and alignment * Uses inexpensive "BIMETAL" hole saws (under $10) Power vertical with a drill press or horizontal with any 1/2" hand drill Complete RTN 1000 fixture includin a wrench to adjust quadrant angle and easy cutter removal We also offer a steel model RTN 100 with most of the same features Freight and all handling charges are included in the lower 48 states -WAIINGII Inferior imitations are in the marketplace 11 Buy the fixture with the moneyback guarantee • February 1994 Page 37 ·
Dan Newsome of BFGoodrich, here claps for another award winner. He presented a ton of money to high points drivers on Goodrich tires, and Dan also received the High Points Trophy for Tire Manufacturers for BFG, who richly deserved that award. Robert Drew won the Rookie of the Year award for his perfor-mance in the high flying Ultracross Series. Drew rode a Kawa-saki to sixth in points. Gary Denton, left, and Doug Eichner, right pose with Mark Laeger, center whose Laeger 4 Wheel ATV brand won the 1993 A TV Cup, Laeger's first major award. Mickey_ Thompson Off Road Racing Awards Banquet By Jean Calvin The day after the SCORE Banquet in Las Vegas, we once again spent the morning on 1-15, heading home to clean up, put on more finery, and get to the Red Lion Inn in Costa Mesa for the MTEG awards banquet. It makes - -"'it hectic for those of us who cover such affairs, but nn doubt it suits the manufacturers from back east who only need one more trip to the west to cover both forms of off road racing banquets. Two loads of fancy munchies in two days seemed a bit much for the digestive system, but we ate all the goodies anyhow. The cock-tails and the munchies were sponsored by BFGoodrich, and when they rang the dinner bell, nobody was hungry. But the food was good, served promptly and the show began. Banquet Chair-man Bob Russo welcomed one and all, and this room was also full, thanking BFGoodrich for sponsoring the cocktail hour and thanking all the volunteer workers at the races. Next up was MTEG President Gary Campbell who congratu-lated all the class champions, racers and their teams. Gary introduced the Board of Directors and their wives. Gary also announced that the ~xpanded Sportsman series at Glen Helen OHV Park will contain six events West Coast Distributor fOR HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PJtICE $695.00 GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Per Set 2 Ratio's Available NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED · Page 38 Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. and they all will be televised. Next he introduced Marty Reid, the MC for the evening and showed the special ring made for ·some awards. Reid introduced Nye Frank, the 1992 Mechanic of the Year, who introduced the 1993 Mechanic of the Year. It was Rennie Awana, longtime Super-lite driver, and he said the award was due to the efforts of the crew that made him look good. Rennie Awana was picked as Mechanic of the Year, and the Nature's Recipe The Series High Point Trophy team manager, right, was presented with the honor by 1992 winner Nye Frank. for Tire Manufacturers went to Both Yokohama and Goodyear Goodyear. Again Walker Evans BFGoodrich, the overall winner. were presented with appreciation accepted for Goodyear. The DanNewsomethankedtheracers plaques, Kevin Rogers for UltraCrossManufacturersCup who earned the points for BFG. Yokohama and Jim Alexander for went to Kawasaki according to the • 4. .a_. ■, u· · " . ~· ·~•rn·· program, but they gave the -&. ,.,_ honors to Yamaha, who were not on hand. Larry Naston, chief announcer accepted for Larry Griffith, Larry Brooks and Shaun Kalas. It was the first such win for Yamaha. Jerry Whelchel repeated his 1992 championship in Super 1600 competition, driving the super light, super quick Nye Frank Special, powered by Toyota. It was Whelche/'s third 1600 championship in the MTEG Series. fJ ■■ I • I Tommy Croft dominated the American Racing Wheels Sport Utility Class winning seven consecutive main events driving a Jeep Cherokee from the Mike Leste team. Tommy also won for the second year in a row. February 1994 The America Racing Wheels Sport Utility Manufacturers Cup went to Jeep in a landslide, due largely to seven wins by Tommy Croft during the season. Bob Wildberger from Chrysler accepted the trophy and thanked the Lesle Jeep team for three championships in a row. The four wheel A TV Cup went to Laeger whose President Mark Laeger was there to accept the honor. He said he was nervous, but really thrilled . with the Cup and this was the first such award for Laeger. Toyota's Les Unger made the familiar walk to the podium when the Grand National Sport Truck Manufacturers Cup was an-nounced. Toyota has won this championship 11 out of 12 years, quite a feat. Unger also said he is blessed with some super team-work from Precision Preparation and Drino Miller the engine wizard, and a pair of super drivers in Ivan Stewart and Rod Millen, and their efforts combined to bring home the Manufacturers Cup. It was time for some personal awards. First was the Rookie of the Year, presented by Ricky Johnson, the 1992 Rookie, to Robert Drew, one of the high flying Ultracross motorcycle riders. He finished sixth overall in Dusty Times
tDs BA - \ i ~Vii✓ rJ l\ : Les Unge(once again came to the podium to accept the coveted high points Manufacturers Cup on behalf of Toyota, the 11th time Toyota drivers have earned the Cup for their major sponsor. They have only missed one year in the history of the award. Rod Millen accepts his trophy for being the top Grand National Truck points man for the second consecutive year, a rare feat indeed, from Miss California Petite, Kristine Cox. Larry Brooks in his working clothes here, won the top points in the Ultracross competition and just edged out his teammate Shaun Kalas at the final race of the season by 11 points on his Yamaha. che class points aboard a 1600 race car. The new vehicle, Kawasaki. MTEG's Ric Miller nicknamed the "Chubasco" with took this opportunity to express Whelchel at the wheel has racked gratitude to all the volunteer up two championships, six main workers that make each race event wins, three each season, and possible. Marty Reid introduced nearly a dozen heat race victories. BobRussowhowastopresentthe The car uses a 1650cc Toyota Muddy Sneaker award to the engine and an automatic trans-team PR Person who was most mission. Whelchel also won the deserving of recognition. It was 1600 championship in 1985 Madeline Bullman of DeAngelo, when he and Bob yordon ended Minton and Associates. up in an absolute tie. Jerry said The Golden Heart Award is this year had been a tough season presented in the memory of and he was happy to get three MTEG founders Mickey and main event wins. He thanked his Trudy Thompson to a deserving sponsors, Nye Frank, BFGood-individual or individuals who rich, Ultra Wheel, Valvoline,. demonstrate unselfish devotion, Toyota, Fat Performance, Bryce's dedication and service to the AutoRepair,andhisallvolunteer sport of Off Road Racing and crew. especially to the MTEG Stadium Tommy Croft dominated the off road series. Collene Thomp-American Racing Wheels Sport son Campbell, the chairman of Utility Series after the first two the board of MTEG, as always events ran in the mud. In the dry presented the award with an Tommy and his Jeep Cherokee emotionalspeec;habouttheaward won seven consecutive main and the new recipients. This year events, a record and he tied Jeff it went to the hard working tech Elrod for the all time Sport Utility inspection team of Max and Mary T "T ~ ff" Lou Thuma. This announcement ..._ .a..,&.,"'-. brought on a standing ovation for the popular officials. Last but far from least were the trophy awards for the points champions in six classes. It began with Larry Brooks, the Ultra-Cross points champion who just edged out his Yamaha teammate Shaun Kalas at the last race of the season. Brooks had a narrow eleven point margin in victory. He thanked Nolin Racing for their support, and he also recently became the father of twin boys. main event wins with thirteen. What Tommy didn't win, his teammate Larry Noel did or so it seemed. In his impressive year Croft won the championship by · over 150 points. It was the second consecutive year for Tommy Croft and Jeep to take the title. Tommy thanked Mike Lesle Racing and the sponsors. The Grand National Sport Truck Champion, as everyone knows by now, is Rod Millen. Rod accomplished something that only one other driver in the history of the Grand National Sport Truck Series, has, and that is score back to back Grand National Sport Truck champ-ionships. Millen equaled team-mate Ivan Stewart's 1983 and 1984 mark of consecutive titles, and he joins his brother Steve, who is also a two time truck champion, winning titles in 1986 and 1988. All three men drove · T oyotas to the championships. Al~houghBANQ. Doug Eichner rode a Laeger to the i. -■-■-4 Wheel ATV championship. Greg George won the SuperLite points title by a goodly margin winning often Until this season he had never throughout the season in the Nature's Recipe Briggsbuilt and Greg now tops' won a main event, but he won th(! all time win list in the series with 23 main event titles. three in 1993, Salt Lake, Las Vegas and San Francisco. Eichner, who lives in Portland, OR thanked his sponsors and his mom and dad who were in the audience for this occasion. Greg George started the season with a pair of main event victories and he never looked back. He led the points in his Nature's Recipe Briggsbuilt the entire season, and stretched his career win total to 23, tops on the all time series win list. George said it is a lot of work and effort by the whole team that wins races, and he thanked Jeff and Nan Bennett and the entire Nature's Recipe group for the support. Jerry Whelchel was a repeat winner from 1992 in the super quick Nye Frank designed Super DustyTirncs Doug Eichner came out of Portland, OR to ride a Laeger to the 4 Wheel A TV Championship, winning three main events in 1993, and prior to this year he had never won a main event in the MTEG Series! February 1994 from four in 1992 to only one this season, it was Millen's con-sistency that played the deciding factor. He amassed five heat race wins, five top three main event finishes, six fast qualifying times, . This is the system run by most off road race winners in addition to setting a series record for the most passing points in a season 82. Rod thanked the entire PPI team, Les Unger and Toyota, TRD Engines and BFGoodrich. TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME JEEP STRAIGHT 6 "NEW SUMMER SPECIAL CHROME" 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED' Page 39
Scottie DeArmond and Cecil Robertson hauled in from Odessa for most of the events, and this time they came up short, second in the Pro Class action. The photographer gets a wave from the co-driver as Abel Gomez held his older style buggy together nicely to finish second in the Beginner class. Rudy Maello and his brother came from Juarez, Mexico to race their Hi Jumper in the Sportsman class, and despite an injured foot for Rudy, they came in second. · Devil's Road 150 In Texas After a season of losing motors, Joey Vasquez finally had everything come together to take the overall race win and the Pro Class honors. Joey is from El Paso, TX. Off Road Productions prayed and 10 mph winds. It was just to the WEATHER GODS for a right! good race weekend. All week Our Beginner class started prior to race day El Paso weather things off with a bang as several gave us all kinds of different carslost wheels,suspensionparts, elements, rain, wind, and even and that was in the first turn. snow, something we are not used Although we lost a few cars to to. But come race day it was mechanical woes, Rick Kearns beautiful and sunny, 65 degrees pulled another first place win with 1993 RACE VIDEOS!! TECATE/SCORE BAJA 500 BUMP ULTRA WHEELS CHAMPIONSHIPS TECATE/SCORE BAJA 1000 $19.95 plus $5 Shipping & Handling Parts and Accessories Fabrication and Preparation Consulting and Management RACE CAR BROKERAGE Call to order a FREE copy of cars for sale or prodocts catalog. 6630 Mac Arthur, Suite B, Lemon Grove, CA 91945 second place going to Abel Gomez and Carlos Hernandez. Third place was a tie. They came all the way from T & C New Mexico to drive the J.W . Auto Parts entry and Terry and Carlos Wightman did a lot better this time than their last outing with the tie for third. Congratulations guys. Tim McClain tied for third place, our first ever tie. Tim has started two races and finished two races despite troubles on and off the course. He did a great job. I'd like to say something about our beginner class. They are usually our biggest class entry, we don't give them any prize money other than trophies and T shirts. They also are the biggest, contributors on helping put on Rick Kearn pulled out another Beginner Class victory here, the El Paso driver having no trouble at all, apparently, along the route. our races. They help mark the Johnny O 's 1600 car. These guys course, hand out flyers, and clean have finished almost every race up after everything is over. Off either on four wheels or three. Road Productions wants to thank ORP wants to mention a race them all for their help and team that comes all the way from support. W ithout them we CollegeStation,Texas.Theyrana couldn't do what we do. Thanks Class 11 and finished. My back again guys! ached just watching them take off. The next wave of cars off the A great job congratulations and line were the Sportsman. This loads of thanks to Mark Olivieri class has everything, Bugs, trucks, and his team. cars, old prerunners, anything The last class to leave were the that can roll. All the way from Pro cars, and the guys from El Telluride, Colorado came Milt Paso and Odessa fought all day Moore in his 5-1600 car. He took long, not more than 30 or 40 first place going away without any seconds apart all 150 miles. But problems. We offer congratu-on the last lap Scottie DeArmond lations to him and his co-driver from Odessa pitted for gas and a from Clintonville, Wisconsin, tire change and Joey Vasquez Christine Wienke. Christine was from El Paso slipped by for the heard to say she liked this alright, win ( it's about time!). but she likes stadium racing This was the last race of the better. She enjoys the bashing and season. Off Road Productions of crashing. Second place went to El Paso, Texas would like to thank the Maello brothers racing team the racers, pit crews and the from Juarez, Mexico. Rudy and families for making our season his brother traded off driving fun and injury free. We ran a lot chores in their Hi Jumper chassis of miles and were tickled pink our since Rudy hurt his foot the day EMS crew had nothing to do. before the races and couldn't Without our sponsors we finish the race. This could have wouldn't be able to do what we hampered their time, nonetheless, do, so thank you all very much: they finished and did a great job. Dick Knapp, MSD, Servicio Third place and another finish Autobahn, Victor Lujan and went to Larry Salcido in the _ Chuy Rosales, Cycle Max, Travis Beach , Dick's Automotive, Sonny's Pizza, Niland Co., Kellie R oberts, Paul's Wheel Align-ment, American Wrecker, Robert Manley, Snap on Tools, Tony Welch. Special thanks to Ed Monte, Chris Wienke, Abel, Mr. Gomez, Gilbert, Sonny, Jennifer, Candy and our checkpoint people: Check 1 - Frank Wienke and D&M Enterprises, Check 2 -Shawn Taylor, Check 3 -Rob Spearman, R&D Auto Body and Paint. 619-583-6529 FAX 619-583-1851 Milt Moore towed his 5-1600 Baja Bug from Telluride, CO, to race in the Texas sunshine, and he drove hard enough to win the Sportsman class honors. The people in Juarez, Mexico had two races following ours last November, and there were some problems with the promoters on the race dates. I hope we can hash out the problems and get together next year. Here are the results of their races. On the Juarez 250, Page 40 February 1994 Dusty Times
Larry Salcido in the Johnny O's 1600 zipped into third in Sportsman class in spite of having a smaller engine than most drivers in that class. This Class 11 team came all the way from College Station, TX to race the scenic desert, and they finished with a clean car and had minimal problems. Alonzo Gutierrez had a good run going in his first off road race, but a broken spindle put paid to his drive before the checkered flag flew. Martin Duarte won Open Pro followed by Alex Garcia. Truck Town's Armando Acosta won the Mexicali Offroadcrs' News By LAGUNA The Mexicali Offroad Associa, tion has been organized for about three years now and important enough to have Sal Pescado (Fish) visit us before the Mil and explain all the same changes to SCORE he did to all the other clubs. We even helped him mark the course. Our president is Manuel Cobarrubias, our trusty treasurer is Carlos Davila, and major troublemakers are Marco Antonio Villalobos, Alfonso Lacarra and Eduardo May~ral. Of course, I can't mention all the other desma, drosos who won't shut up during the meetings or races, but no doubt, a bunch of amigos who are dedicated and enthusiastic about racing. All the hombres above helped make the Mil possible, and will keep offroad racing alive in Mexico for a mucho long time. We meet every Miercoles at a pizza place, that has round tables (hint) in Mexicali's civic center. We welcome prospective mem, hers or visitors from Mexico and the U.S. The Baja Mil was an hija de su madre race, which translated loosely means a son of a bitch, not only for Mexicali Offroaders, but for most of the racing world. From what I gathered only 24% of the starters finished within the time limits and the toll was worse for us. Despite our round the clock chasers and strategic pits at Oasis, Borrego and Santa Maria, most of the club racers didn't make it back. The only Mexicali Offroaders to finish in the money were Bill Hanson and Tony Gomez, in a Class 11 pulga, car 1105. They pretty much had as tough a race as anyone, doing only one San Felipe loop. Bill, who drove first, recalls no major problems just dumb stuff like getting lost while doing doughnuts in the mud at Diablo, getting stuck 15 times, a flat, shorting out his lights with the jack and aiding a downed Japanese motorcyclist in Matomi (not so dumb) before giving up the car and the ghost at Santa Maria around 1 AM. At Santa Maria they gassed up and Tony got in and took it home, literally, to Cachanilla land, without m:tjor problems, only a flat and a scuff with another Class Eleven. Tony actually caught the second place car, that was stuck in a sand dune, rear ended him and got stuck himself. All that happened somewhere after Check 14. Mala Dustynmcs 4 Wheel Drive honors followed class, Rudy Maelo was second and by Fernando Hernandez. Jesus Gabriel Alarcon was third. Class Rosales/Victor Lujan won 1600 8 went to Jose Alvarez and Peppin suerte hit when his chaser couldn't find him and the other Class 11 car got help first. Third in Class 11, 22 hours and 18 minutes later. Not bad for a first timer and a Bug. Good job guys, es todo muchachos!! Lalo Mayoral, his co,driver/me, canic, got to him and replaced the unit, 5 hours had gone by. Lalo put on his sombrero, took over driving duties only to lose 2nd gear in the Matomi wash. With that he did the entire loop holding 2nd gear, showing up like road, kill at Santa Maria where Lacarra's crew decided to pack it in at 8 AM, blaming tranny trouble. There were three Class 5,1600 Baja Bugs from the club and the first to finish, but not in the time, was Manual Covarrubias' yellow car 564. His co,driver Jose Ventura missed it by 25 minutes. Things looked great at first, driving hard out of Oasis, check 3 in the first three positions until the flats slowed them just before Borrego. Once at the pit they lost more time due to the lack of a jack. But, thanks to some rapido thinking from chaser Villalobos, a three man lift jack was organized, the tire changed and the yellow Bug sped out in tenth place. From there they logged 1000 mile long list of probs. More flats, sieve oil leaks onto the clutch, as a result of a slipping clutch, electrical fires, and the one thing that almost stopped them, a broken rear torsion bar. With that replaced they jerked to the finish. Maybe manana Mekie. Another Class 11 was in the group of Mexicali Offroaders that started the big one. Fransisco Mendoza in his Coyote car 1102 got to mile 4 not far from the dump and stopped. A siezed tranny took his chances of glory · The next Baja Bug to struggle in was Gustavo's Cassanova's brand new car 566. His was the classic · maiden voyage. Before Check 2 he got zapped, shaked apart his electronic points and melted the coil. "The problem was finding the fault and not expecting problems so close to the start", said Gus, " it took hours for my chaser to get to me at Check 2 and then find the problem" . With a set of old fashioned points they resumed and reported the usual probs from then on, like hitting a ditc h before Morelia thus breaking the front support bar from the roll cage and flats. Ed Orozco did the loop with zero nukies and Carlos Davila took it home from Santa Maria, only to -find Check 14 closed. Now for the guys that bit the polvo. Our third Baja Bug, Pietro Brasea's car 555, took a hit early in the bad lands of Borrego, junking a spindle and that's all she wrote. But like a true Mexicali Offroader, he sent his shotgun walking to Borrego for help while he kept traffic from hitting his new rig. Needless to say, all Mexicali Offroaders are good, experienced, desert hikers. Hey Pietro, how about visiting a brujo for a limpia. Next to hit pavement was Alfonso Lacarra in his single seater, Class 9, car 903. Alfronso was racing along in the top positions, singing Burn, Baby, Burn when his clutch did just that, right before Check 5. By the time February 1994 Mendoza was second. T he results from the Juarez International were not available. Thank you all again and see you next year. •· • Miss you Vato ... for the overall. about. Villalobos said that Zorra One member, Oscar Reveles, was mumbling in English to the who after officials told him his SCORE Officials claiming he was Class 7 truck was illegal and a Checker. They took him to a would have to race with the big hospital ASAP, of c_ourse. He is boys in Class 1, said "what the fine now. hell" and raced anyway, only to I would like to thank all the break before Borrego. No report people who helped the Mexicali was given as to his position when Offroaders to complete a great his tranny failed. However, racing season and we are looking Reveles claimed that he was - forward to a much better season leading in true Mexicali Offroader in '94 with a larger participation fashion. Another of our mem, from our members in the U.S. hers, Pablo Zorra, riding a two and Mexico. Definitely Poncho wheeled beast, 208X fell and hit" can't wait to help lay out another his cabeza just before Borrego too. course for the next 1000. And to Amazingly Zorra got back on, all our members, good luck and rode to Borrego pits where chaser keep paying those dues. It's what Villalobos saw him wandering makes you win. Adios. "tj;::....:=:t.ll,Q Page 41 ...
-· I SCORE OFF-ROADSMAN AND AWARDS BANQUET Michael Gaughan Is The Person Of The Year Ivan Stewart won a table load of trophies, from the overall and Class 1 championship to a pair of Iron Man awards, Toyota's Milestone awards and Ivan graciously thanked all his many supporters. A mere week after the massive effort by SCORE in producing the Baja 1000 race sponsored by Tecate, came the awards banquet on November 19 at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV. The locale had become a tradition in recent years, but it has never been so close to the finish of the Baja Mil on date before. Usually the banquet is the first weekend or two in December. But SCORE's Las Vegas crew had all the trophies done and on the head table, all other arrangements complete, the points champions already announced in a press release, so it was party time for those who had any fun time money left after the long race in Mexico. Michael Gaughan's Gold Coast Hotel and Casino is a genial host, starting with a couple hours of hosted cocktail hour in the Western Dance Hall, the recep-tion one of Gaughan's many contributions to the sport. Finally the lights dimmed and the crowd moved up a floor to the banquet hall where the room was sold out and more chairs had to be brought IIURORAIE We have the best prices on the largest rod end and bearing selection/ Safety & comfort -NASA invenlOl'f in the U.S. developed to protect in for late comers. A delicious prime rib dinner was the main course with veggies and baked potato preceded by a green salad and topped off with a choice of desert. They eat hearty in Las Vegas, but diet type dinners could be ordered if one did it early, like the day before. The compli-mentary wine on the ten person tables was a bottle of red and a bottle of white thanks to Allied Specialty Insurance, and as folks were finishing desert, Sal Fish and Danny Cau began the program. Sal thanked the many workers and committee heads, all volun-teers at the races, and SCORE's 1993 Series and Event sponsors, Toyota, Goodrich, Valvoline, Ultra Wheels, Tecate, Ford, Gold Coast Hotel and Casino, Bilstein, Baja Sun, Downey Manufactur-ing, PCI Race Radios, Smittybilt, Unique Metal, H. Olson Dis-tributing, Soutar Motors, and last but far from least the Secretary of Tourism of Baja California, and the Mexicali Committee of Tourism and Conventions. Sal thanked in advance Laurie Jones, Miss Toyota, who was the awards Presenter and did yeoman service all night long. The awards began with the overall points champions for 1993. Ivan Stewart was no surprise as the overall points champion in all the car classes driving the Class 1, Cal Wells prepped Toyota SR5. Stewart garnered 33 more points than his nearest challenger, Mike Julson .driving a 1-1600 car. Ivan thanked all the Precision Pre-p a ration guys that were so dedicated to giving him the best -~ possible truck to race, and Ivan remarked he had been with Cal Wells and P.P.I. and Toyota for 11 years, a most rewarding experience, and he couldn't wait to get started on the new season, coming soon in Parker, AZ. The overall motorcycle points winners were Danny Hamel and Larry Roeseler. Larry couldn't make the party but Hamel did, as he lives just a few miles from the Gold Coast in Boulder City. It seems we have found a replace-ment for both Rod Hall and Rich Richardson, known for their hilarious acceptance speeches, in Danny Hamel. First he told us how they had to modify the Kawasaki for Baja because he is taller and heavier than Roeseler or third rider Ty Davis, then the young man regaled us with his tales of the race itself and the now funny but then near tragic travail · they went through, especially in the heavy rain he had troubles, but he rode the bike home to second overall, Stewart having taken first overall by a bunch. The A TV overall winners Doug and Mike Roll rode a Banshee to their title. Doug was not quite the public speaker like the other two, and he thanked his parents and friends for their support all year long. Second in Class 1 points, Bob Gordon and Frank Arciero thanked their sponsors, especially BFGoodrich, and third placing Steve Kelley simply said thanks to all. Mike Julson, who with Bob Lofton won the 1-2-1600 points battle, second overall in cars, in Bob'sJimco were also both on the podium. Lofton thanked all their supporters and Julson made a long emotional speech about how much the title meant to him and the team. Second in 1600 action Kevin Davis, a rookie in 93 with SCORE thanked the Checkers Pit Team and Ultra Wheels. Taking third in 1600 points, Danny Porter was not present. Dan Smith won the Class 3 points and he thanked his wife for her support and especially Dave Ashley and Dick Landfield's Enduro Racing for giving him a neat Ford to race and getting him the title. Mike Lesle was second on points and Dale White was' third. Had there been a Heavy Metal driver champion this year it would have been Dan Smith. In HIGH-PERFORMANCE astronauts from fatigue BAKER BATTERY caused by vibration, shock loads and " G " forces. Cut to size-great protect-lion for driver & equipment. 1 ~ NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS Substantial in-Holds stronger _charge much crease in per-longer and will recharge formance while to 100% even. after sitti~g greatly reducing for 30 days m total dis-. . . charged state. Unmatched friction aod high vibration resistance. temperatures. 1'BAKER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2865 Gundry Ave. .,... • .,..,,;., Long Beach, CA. 90806 -·~~,c'~ 310/427-2375 ~ '<.,~.,_-.._,. Fax 310426-5294 ,....: ",(..r' DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME __,, Page 41 Danny Hamel, part of the overall motorcycle winning team of Kawasakis, was the hit speaker of the evening and he posed with some of his trophies with Miss Toyota. February 1994 Class 4 the top man was Dave Ashley with a 1 7 point lead over Jerry McDonald. Dave made a long speech, saying his was the second championship out of Enduro Racing, quite a record for a two Ford truck team, and he thanked all the sponsors, the team and Dick Landfield for making it all possible. In second Jerry McDonald thanked the MacPher-son Chevrolet Race team, all their sponsors and congratulated Dave Ashley on his down to the wire victory. They both got big checks from BFGoodrich also. Third place Alan Shapiro was not present. The Class 5 champion was George Seeley Jr., a bit of a dark horse too. George said he has been racing the same car for eight years and he thanked his family and friends, the Checkers Pit Team and crew for their support. Second place Greg Diehl and third place Neal Grabowski were not on hand. It was more thanks to the Checkers when the trio of Cooks, Wayne, Alan and Darrel came to the podium to take the Class 5-1600 laurels, winning in a tie breaker of most races won during the season. Spokesman Wayne thanked his brothers and the riders in the Valvoline Bug, a six man team, and of course the Checkers, their sponsors and BFGoodrich who gave them a check for $1000. Ross Craft was second by one point on the tie breaker and thanked all his crew. Guillermo Quintero took third in points, thanked his family and friends, and then presented a beautiful framed plaque to Dan Newsome of BFGoodrich, a very nice gesture. John Swift was an easy winner in Class 6 in the tidy Explorer and he thanked his family for putting up with his racing and Dino Pugeda who keeps the Ford running well and also rides with Swift in the races. John earned $3000 from BFGoodrich and also thanked his other sponsors. Darren Skilton drove his Jeep Cherokee to second in Class 6 and thanked Don-A-Vee Jeep, his other sponsors, and also Eng-lishman Darren thanked BFG for supporting the seven rig Land Rover brigade at the Baja 1000. In Class 7 Scott Douglas not only won the championship going away but his Herzog Ford team won the title of best appearing truck. Scott thanked the whole team and Ford for the great race truck all year long. Both Las Vegans neither Jack Johnson, second or Brendan Gaughan third, away at school, were present. By winning the Baja 1000 Jeff Lewis eked out the Class 7S title by four points, worth $3000 from BFGoodrich also, and he thanked Joe MacPherson for giving him the S-10 for his first · full season in SCORE racing, the sponsors and BFG. Darren York led the points all year, but was a dnf at the 1000, and lost the title. He said second place doesn't really cut it, but he did thank the sponsors, his codriver and father Doug and Fiesta Ford. In third Malcolm Vinje was happy thanking the sponsors, Toyota and BFGoodrich. He enjoys racing to the hilt. Class 8 was a battle for points most of the year, but with his big win at the Baja 1000 Rob MacCachren won the champion-ship by 15 points. Rob got a handsome check of $5000 from BFGoodrich, and thanked them for their ongoing support, his team owner Jim Venable, his faithful riding mechanic Mike Schoffstall and Ford. With this title Ford won the Heavy Metal Challenge easily, and with Scott . Douglas' title they also took the Mini Metal Challenge. Nevada 400 winner David Bryan was second in Class 8 points, with his whole family on hand; he thanked his sponsors on the Ford and his whole privateer team, especially his wife and the family for their support. Larry Ragland was third in points in a Chevrolet but was · not present. Class 9 was another tie on points between Rick Johnson and Rich Richardson. They went through two tie breaker programs to come up with Rick Johnson as the winner. The Barstow driver simply thanked all who support him. Richardson made no speech nor did third placing Dave Callaway, and they may not have been present. Class 10 had a tight points battle between defending SCORE overall champions Steve Soura-pas and Dave Richardson and Tom ·Schilling and Jimmie Johnson. Schilling and Johnson pulled it out in Baja by finishing second in class on the 1000, and won the championship by seven points. They earned $1500 from BFGoodrich who Tom thanked along with his other sponsors and Jimmie thanked everyone and BFG for the· pit support for the Jimco. Second placing Steve Sourapas sent a note congrat-ulating Tom Schilling and his team. Young Ryan Thomas was third on points, only ten out of the win and he thanked his dad Mike, majordomo at Chenowth, and Ultra Wheel and Mike Lund who co-drove with him to victory on the 1000 where they picked up the points. They also helped BFGoodrich take the Open Wheel Classes Tire Challenge Dianne Thompson of Carrera Photography had a tough trip to Vegas, but glad that she carried on when Carrera Photography was voted Photographer of the Year for the second year running. Dusty Times
Jimmie Johnson, left,.and Tom Schilling not only won the Class 10 points title, they also received an unexpected $6,000.00 bonus from the Toyota True Grit Program, as only two teams qualified this year. Dan Newsome of BFGoodrich proudly holds the Contingency Company of the Year trophy, and he paid tribute to all the fellows who worked so hard on the tractor trailers and the others that aid in pit support too. Ricky Johnson was thrilled with the Rookie of the Year award because it came by a vote of his peers. He started out driving a Class 10 car, but surprised a lot of people by winning Class B last June in a Chevy truck. The Checkers won the Pit Team of the Year honor and also had Tony Tellier was both surprised and thrilled to have received the a trio of class champions, posing here with the Off Roadsman The A TV winners pose with their trophies. On the right, Doug vote for Journalist of the Year. He writes for several publications trophy, from the left, George Seeley, Class 5, Pete Rosenstein, Roll, the overall and Open A TV champ and John Courts, the in California and Arizona and covers everything off road. Class 11, and Wayne Cook, Class 5-1600. 250cc points winner. along with a dominating win in 1000. These are paid to drivers in the honor, and this was the case phy means a lot to him since it champ, came to the podium to the Truck Classes Tire Challenge. classes that have no factory with Bill Varnes whose Mirage came from a vote of his peers. The accept the trophy, and the wild Class 11 had two points leaders entries, based on their combined won the Original Buggy Chassis nominees for Entry Sponsor of bunch were all attired in tuxedos. all year, one from each side of the average speeds for the six point Manufacturer trophy, and FAT the year were all deserving, but The last honor bestowed for the border. In the end Peter Rosen- scoring races and it is a $12,000 Performance who won Engine the trophy went to our host for 1993seasonisPersonoftheYear, stein won by six points, earning points fund. Winners in each Builder of the Year. It was a tight the evening and his Barbary Coast and though it was a tough choice it $1000 from BFGoodrich and he class would earn $2000 each, but vote for overall Mechanic laurels, Hotel & Casino. The Off Road was our host Michael Gaughan, thanked the Checkers, his co- only two survived of the 213 but Russ Wernimont was the Photographer of the year vote who was out of town. Walker driver, BAG and everyone who drivers eligible to share in this winner, the trophy picked up for again went to Carrera Photo-Evans accepted the trophy on his helped. From Ensenada, Eric Solo- award, finishing all the races with him b Y J imm Y Smith. The graphy, who cover a wide variety behalf. zano brought his family to Las the fastest average speed in their Motorcycle Manufacturer of the of series, and a new name The trophy shelf was bare,-Vegas, a long haul, to remark that class. So, Mike Julson in Class 1- Year honor went to Kawasaki appeared on the Off Road people began table hopping he had finished all the races. He 2-1600 and Tom Schilling in accepted by Danny Hamel. Journalist list, Tony Tellier, and swapping war stories, but it thanked the racers and sponsors, Class 10 each got a Toyota check There was a fine cropofrookies he won the honor. The Pit wasn'tlong until most drifted off especially his friends and family for $6000·.00. The prestigious this year, but the honor went to Support Team trophy has been tosampletheactiondownstairsin who helped with the car. He was Toyota Milestone awards com-former motocross champion going to factory backed teams in the casino. It was a nice party, the second in Class 11. petition ended with 14 drivers Ricky Johnson, who won Class 8 recent years, but in 1993 it was many presentations had been In the Stock Mini Trucks Scott still eligibile out of an eligibility in a Nelson and· Nelson Chevy at the Checker Off Road Pit Team tightened up so it was all over well Sells won driving a Toyota by a list of 367 after six races. The theBaja500,hisfirstdesertracein who won the vote, and all three beforeMidnight,anearlyhourin considerable margin over Larry Milestone award is given to a truck. He remarked that the tro-Cook brothers plus Pete, Class 11 Las Vegas. Carpenter, also in a Toyota. Sells drivers who complete every ------------------------------------------111 thanked BFGoodrich for their racing mile of all six events, and contingency money, and all who are open to all four wheel helped prep the truck. In Stock competitors regardless of class. Full Size Trucks Gordon DiCarlo Fastest of the Milestone drivers dominated all year in his Ford, was Ivan Stewart with a 51.080 and he thanked his family and mph cumulative average speed sponsors. aft~r 2,442.12 miles of racing. Among the motorcycle classes Along with Julson and Schilling . Robert Prayther won for the and Stewart, the other Milestone fourth year in Class 20 and he awards went to Dan Smith, Rob thanked his wife for her great MacCachren, Scott Douglas, John support of his racing. Scott Swift, Mike Lesle, David Bryan, Morris took Class 21 honors on a Steve Kelley, Jeff Lewis, Darren Kawasaki and, of course, the Skilton, Scott Sells and Gordon overall winner Danny Hamel won Di Carlo. It certainly is quite a feat Class 22 also. Earl Roberts won to finish every race in the series, Class 30, Chris Haines took Class and it is a keen award with no 40 and Bob Ashcraft won Class strings attached for Toyota to 50. Among the ATVs Doug Roll present each year. in Class 25 was the overall The Tourist Department of champion, and Jeff Courts took Baja California presented plaques Class24,thankingallforthegreat to a pair of Mexican based pit support. comp'etitors. Guillermo Quin-Now SCORE presented the terrowiththemostpointsonfour Humanitarian Award to Mike wheels and Earl Roberts with the Burns and Day Racing who with most points on two wheels. It was Valvoline's help organized an hard to hear this speech, so we extensive flood relief trip to Baja hope we have it right. California during last winter's The evening was winding heavy floods and Dan Scahill of down, and it was time for the Off Valvoline accepted the award. A Roadsman of the Year presenta-baker's dozen of Ford awards tion, these winners decided by a followed to their drivers who had vote of the SCORE members and won often in many classes. Dan associates. The Contingency Scahill then presented Valvoline's Company of the Year honor and Iron Man and Iron Team Awards, trophy went•to the hard working the top Iron Man being, of course, BFGoodrich crew, who also pay Ivan Stewart. The Iron Team was out a lot of contingency money, split between Walker Evans/John accepted by Dan Newsome, head Searles and Bob Gordon/Frank of the off road motorsports team. Arciero. The results of the vote are kept The Toyota True Grit awards secret until the banquet so often were a bit decimated by the Baja the winner isn't present to accept DustyTima ENDURO RACING Dan Smith Bronco Class Three Champion 1993-1990-1989 Heavy Metal Champion 1993-1990-1989 Baja 1000 Winner 1993-1992-1990-1989 Plus wins at Baja 500, Goldcoast, Fireworks 250, Parker 400, Nevada 400 (Mint), San Felipe 250, Nevada 500, and the Mojave 250. SOLD RACE READY WITH "TONS" OF SPARES. FOR DETAILS CALL (909) 381-4088 $68,900 February 1994 Page43
WTOFIMDIOX Anton Muscv Wins In A Subaru RX Anton Musev has had a long dry spell, but with Wayne Engen navigating the team won the rally outright and the 4 WO class by nearly two minutes on the fast Indio roads, a happy pair at the finish in the Subaru RX. AfterathreeyearhiatusEastof 10 from Indio to Desert Center. rally supporter .. Indio has returned to the The rally is made up -0f eight Strange things happen at Indio, California Rally Series schedule. stages, although there are · only almost any veteran team can tell - l~dio means a lot of things but the four stages they are each repeated you Indio stories but this year main point oflndio is speed, sheer just to refresh your memory of maybe the strangest of all. No one greasy fast speed. The· desert how it feels to fly 100 plus miles broke! Not <;>ne. There was one roads, owned by the Metro-per hour over a blind crest in the car that failed to start, but politan Water District, were not road. Oh what fun it is to ride... everyone who started stage one, originally open for our use and After four stages a service break finished stage eight. This ~ay b~ a organizer Roger Allison had to is taken in Desert Center, who first for the CRS, certainly m make several court appearances to year after year has welcomed us to recent memory. Either the rally securethefutureofrallyingin this their community giving us a gods have found a new way to section of southern California. civilized place to service our rally confound us or people are Thanks to Roger's efforts for cars. Then the route is retraced . prepping their cars better and years to come rallyists can test back into Indio and the head-driving smarter. Although the their nerve against sheer speed on quarters hotel, The Date Tree. the roads that parallel Interstate Motor Inn, another long time BIGGER IS BETT-ER Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the ,!.~I_ger C.V. ioints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bell , to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. ,!Convert Type II stub axles and output bell to accept 930 C.V. joints. · All axles and bells for Type 11 or Type IV C.V.s can be threaded %-24 or stock 8mm. All axles and Bells for930 C.V.s can be threaded -24 or stocK 10mm threads. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER Mitch McCullough, a fast rookie, and Scott Webb tried hard and got the Mazda 323 home second overall and a fine close second in 4 WO Open Class. words smart-driving could be Mitch McCullough/Scott Webb considered a oxymoron, knowing in a Mazda 323GTX were chasing most drivers. Musev/ Engen throughout the So with the one car that did not event but could not reel in the start, that left 18 teams who left Subaru and came up a minute and the headquarters hotel to do ahalfshortintheend.Antonand battle with arguably the fastest Wayne garnered their first overall rally stages in the United States. win and have shown the Subaru About one year ago four wheel RX to be a viable contender. drive cars were split into their In two wheel drive open the own class, the argument being same thing was being muttered on that they would evolve their cars everyone's lips after the rally, into the elite class in the CRS. "What do you have to do to keep With the large amount of national Lon Peterson down?" Peterson, competition that has come our with Bill Gutzmann navigating, way in '93 the four wheel drives well sort of navigating, they lost have been taking the overall wins their odometer early and ran the nearly every event, and Indio entire event without it, tried would be no exception as the first everything to throw away the rally two overall positions would come early_ Right off the start of stage out of this class. one the Plymouth Arrow started It has been a long dry spell for running on three cylinders .. They Anton Musev, now with Wayne ran the car through the stage Engen navigating, since his last figuring on the worst until the end .win in rally competition, but the of the stage where a spark plug fast, devil may care roads seem to wire was found disconnected, fit the Bulgarian's style. Early in with that fixed they head into the first two stages it was Rui stage two still with the lead in class Brasil/Joe Dutra who held sway over Ron Wood/ Kelly Walsh by in their Audi, but in the third a couple of seconds. A mile into stage the northern California the second stage a tire puncture team lost 10 minutes in stage and forced the duo to pull over and was essentially out of the running. change rubber, losing more time, but would finish third in class. about four minutes however that is disputed by the Arrow team, but in the long run it would not matter. With his woes now out of the way Peterson/Gutzmann took fast time in five of the remaining six stages gaining back on the field and passing everyone for the class win and third place overall in the Arrow. --· - . WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per fla~.11• on yo_ur supplie~ parts. _ _ Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzmann were back in the Plymouth Arrow and turned in the expected performance, and, but for trouble on the first stage, might have won it all. They were first in 2 WO Open and third overall. Bill Malik /Roine Andersson put their Volvo into second place outdistancing the VW Scirocco of Wood/Walsh by over a minute. Two minutes back came the Datsun 510 ( every rally needs one) of Tony Chavez/Robert T allini who reported several small woes enroute to the finish line including a broken header. Everyone's favorite old VW of Rod Koch/Todd Bane survived the desert again for a fifth place finish a minute ahead of Dan Hook /John Moore who were nursing an ill handling Toyota which got very squirrelly around 40mph; unfortunately at Indio the slowest part of the course is about 40mph. The Toyota garnered sixth spot out of the eight entries in class. Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. HER ese Bump Stops come complete with a mounting system. poly-eurethane d piece, and enough valving to,get the job done. . EC0NOMICALL V PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. lncludinQ the mounting hardware and the GR8 bolts SEE YOUR OFF FOAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. MARVIN SHAW ENGINEERiNG l~-3551 Pagc44 101 Broadway P.O. Box845 Yomell, AZ 85362 Harris Done and Larry Scott stayed with the leaders all the way, got a break late in the game by others misfortune and won the hotly contested Stock class by seven seconds and were fourth overall, in the Mazda RX 7. February 1994 The stock class is always a great rally within a rally and this event would see the battle intensify. Out front first was Jeff Hend-ricks I Noble Jones in the Jeep Comanche with 24 seconds in hand over Harris Done/Larry Scott Mazda RX-7. Only a breath back from second place fell the Shumakers, Tony and Liz tied with Dennis Chiima/Robert Dusty Times
W;!i?'"" --Bill Malik and Raine Anderson nailed down second in 2 WO Open Class in the Volvo 240 and drove it fast enough to score a fine sixth overall. Jeff Hendricks and Noble Jones led Stock Class most of the way in the Jeep Comanche, but a flat tire on stage 7 dropped them to a close second, fifth 0 /A. Ron Wood and Kelly Walsh had a good run in the VW Scirocco taking it to third in 2 WO Open Class, tough to do on the fast roads with less engine displacement. -Tony and Liz Shumaker drove their Mitsubishi Eclipse to third in the tight running Stock Class and moved into third place late in the rally, in class. Rui Brasil and Joe Dutra led the early stages, but a ten minute delay later in the game put the Audi down to third in the 4 WO Open Class action. Substitute driver Matt Sweeney with Jorge Facio co-driving the Toyota Corolla did a fine job in the unfamiliar car and took fourth in Stock Class. Kalb, VW Rabbit. Stage two saw Hendricks/Jones make just a couple more seconds on the RX-7 of Done/Scott but the Shumaker Mitsubishi Eclipse put a little bit of a comfort zone on the Chizma/Kalb VW. By stage four Done/Scott had finally started to gain some time back on the Jeep and Chizma/Kalb pulled back in front of the Eclipse. It was about this time that Matt Sweeney/ Jorge Facio started coming along in the Toyota Corolla GTS normally driven by Norberto Gomez. Facio had a chance at doing well in the points champ-ionship and Gomez found himself on vacation in Argentina so the search began for a driver who could drive the Toyota reason-ably well, a trusted individual, but mostly someone who could fix the car if he screwed up. Thus, Matt Sweeney. At the service break in Desert Center Hendricks/Jones held about 38 seconds in hand over Done/Scott. Dennis Chizma/ Robert Kalb were just 30 seconds more back followed very closely by Tony and Liz Shumaker, another 30 seconds back lurked Sweeney / Facio. Stage five saw no changes but stage six would see Done/Scott start to mount a charge on the Jeep and gain back 20 seconds. Stage seven had Hendricks/Jones driving with a tire going flat toward the end of the stage and seeing Harris jump into an 18 second lead. Going into the final stage Hendricks put everything he had into the run through Cactus City but came up seven seconds short as Harris Done and Larry Scott found victory for only the second time this season. Tony and Liz Shumaker would inherit third place when eight minutes extra stage time would befall Chiz-ma/ Kalb, presumably a flat tire, the VW would move down to sixth in stock class. Unfortunafe for them as they were turning times in the top five overall area towards the end of the rally. Matt Sweeney/Jorge Facio brought the Toyota home in fourth place and unscathed, making Norberto happy and Matt happier, nothing Dusty Times to fix! Irwin Salgado/ Ismael Beng would bring their Toyota in fifth place in class after having a great time out in the desert. Being this was the final event for the 1993 California Rally Series there were some points battles raging coming down to the outcome of this rally. With Todd Bawden out grabbing a national title in Maine that weekend Mitch McCullough/Scott Webb came to Indio needing to finish to garner the championship. They did so and despite a rocky start to. the year the rookie team did a fine job in winning their class. Bawden 's early successes were enough to nab the second spot for he and co-driver Cal Coatsworth. Rui Brasil grabbed third in the four wheel drive open class after a year of sorting outhis Audi 4000. Wayne Engen moved into third place in the class championship co-driving for Anton Musev. The four wheel drive class enjoyed a total of 17 entries in 1993, the shape of things to come. In the stock class the Starlight Foundation Mitsubishi Eclipse of Tony Shumaker had a very good year with several wins to his credit including day two at Rim and Gorman Ridge on his way to the stock class title. Harris Done had some problems this year and a terrible Rim weekend causing him to not be able to defend his championship, but still getting the second spot with a win on day two in Prescott and here in Indio. Jeff Hendricks knew his year would get tougher when he DNF'd day two at Rim because of a broken water pump and a couple of bad rallysprints early. Still Prescott, Arizona can hold its head up high with a third place for Jeff. Larry Scott walked off with the co-driver title as Liz Shumaker had to sit out day two at Rim, the one day her husband won. Still Liz gets the second place just ahead of Jorge Facio who rode with Norberto Gomez and Matt Sweeney this year. Consistency pays for Ron Wood and Kelly Walsh as their VW Scirocco took them to their first points championship ahead of the Volvo of Bill Malik and Roine Andresson in 2WD Class. Dan· Hook must feel like he changed tires 100 times enroute to his third place year end finish. The Hesperia resident did well in several rallysprints and at Rim . and Gorman but a rash of flat tires put a damper on his year. Chris Griffin edged his way into third place in the championship riding with his brother Jeff as he did well at Rim and Gorman. The awards banquet to honor these fine competitors will be January 15th, then the year starts in earnest on Februarv 19th wifh a Rally Sprint at Glen He en Raceway, barring rain. NEW PRODUCT: ROD END ADAPTORS . . .· .. · AXLES• SPRll)IG PLATES• PREDRILLED CV BOLTS · ••·•· / LINK PINS• LINK PIN BUSHINGS & SHIMS flilFiof!/s~ WHEEL STUDS. BUSHING INSTALLATION TOOLS • NEW PRODUCTS IN DEVELOPMENT• SCORE&LARANACONTINGENCYSPONSOR D.G. RACING FEX PERFORMANCE 708 W. Mill, Unit M 1098 Stockton Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92410 San Jose, CA 95110 (909) 885-5226 (408) 295-0707 JIMCO LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING SUSPENSIONS UNUt.lTED 1345 Dynamics, Unit D Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 996-6260 DJ TRANSAXLES 10623 Blackfoot Road Apple Valley, CA 92308 (619) 240-3930 HOTLINE AUTOMOTIVE 6951 ldlewylde Circle Meboume, Fl 32904 (407) 724-1270 T.U.F. OFFROAD 3255 E. Coumbia Tucson, l+1. 85714 (602) 294-3511 RACING PRODUCTS 10965 Hartley Road, Suite R Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1743 825 N. Glendora Avenue Covina, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 OFFROAD BUGGY SUPPLY 2525 E. 16th Street Yuma, AZ 85365 (602) 783-6265 DENUNZIO RACING PRODUCTS P .0. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 (805) 683-1211 J. PENHALL FABRICATIONS 1660 Babcock, Bldg. B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 650-3035 February 1994 Page 45
CATALUNYA-COSTA BRAVA RALLY OF SPAIN Francois Delecour Wins And Juha Kankkunen Wins The World Championship Text & Photos: Martin Holmes the Finn. The title chances may have fancied Kankkunen, but he was under no illusion about the problem. "I am not so good on asphalt, I freely admit, but I like Sporting a flat front tire here on stage 14, Juha Kankkunen and Nicky Grist this event a lot", he said. Last year came back up the ranks to finish third in the Toyota Celica Turbo 4WD, and when half of the event was on with those points Kankkunen won his fourth WC drivers title. gravel, his driving on the second checking on possibilities that gent events. Their gravel roads part of the event brought him up someone, somewhere had a few may have been popular with driv-to second place. Strangely enough millions to spare on a champion-ers but were a nightmare for the Delecour's chances were not ship program for him next year. organizers, because of the need to uppermost in his mind. For him The on-off Ford-Subaru-sabbati-negotiate with countless land-the most pressing objective was to cal saga had become a daily soap owners. While the first and third beat Auriol, his fellow French-opera on the Spanish radio sta- days were based on roads in the man. All through the event, it was tions. Shortly before the event it hills behind the Costa Brava, the like he took no notice of the pres-was announced that Sainz would stages on the second day were .,. ence of the Finn at all! renounce his use ofMichelins and held behind Tarragona to the Francois Delecour and Daniel Grataloup did all they could, winning the rally For all the fun the other teams opt instead for Pirelli, despite his south of Barcelona, a region new by a full minute over fellow Frenchman Didier Auriol, but Delecour still lost were having, things were not avowed preference for the to foreign drivers. The rally the chance at the World Championship in the Ford Escort RS Cosworth. going well with the Italians. It was former. timetable was strange being run "Ilove the sport and don't want ished third and gave Toyota their a shock when Andrea Aghini, Toyota like Ford brought their from Tuesday to Thursday, a to stop. I'm not Alain Prost, you second ti tie of the year, J uha 1992 Sanremo winner and cur-cars to Spain in orthodox specifi- midweek format aimed at avoid-know!" Juha Kankkunen won his Kankkunen. rent member of the Jolly Club catio_ns, although Toyota did not ingspectatorproblems, inevitable World Rally title at Catalunya This was the last time Lancia, Lancia Team, was dropped from deny they are considering future if the rally was run on Monday, and declared himself as excited Toyota and Ford were to meet in Lancia's Grand Finale entry. Sug- use of active suspension systems November 1 a public holiday. with his work as ever. Spain's all World Rally Championship con-gestions in Italy about a row over ( self leveling suspension), which There was an interesting associ-asphal t W or Id Championship frontation. Toyota and Ford were sponsorship have been diverted on the undulating cambered roads ation between the 'Formula 2' and Rally was the occasion when all still locked together in combat as by Jolly Club manager Claudio in Spain would offer a significant the Group N cars on this event, the remaining titles w·ere settled: their respective drivers Juha Bortoletto, who said: "We have advantage. Ford likewise were becauseonthenationalchampion-GME won the 'Formula 2' cate-Kankkunen and Francois Dele-run out of cars. Andrea's car was -keen to enjoy maximum reliabil-ship events they run in direct gory and, after an extraordinary cour vied for the World Driver's too badly damaged in his San-ity at this point, although Miki competition with each other. ~ series of events in the Group N title. To guarantee the Frenchman remo crash and we cannot now Biasion had been released from Concerned by escalating costs, Division, Alex Fassina jumped the title, he had to win both Cata-reschedule the preparation work the Network QRAC Rally, so he the Spanish federation decided to from tenth to first in a day and lunya and the Network RAC Ral-for reigning World Champion could help with development of stop Group A four wheel drive, won the series. While all this lies. Juha would be Champion if Carlos Sainz and Spanish speak-more advanced specification turbocharged cars from scoring excitement went on, few noticed he finished just once in the top ing driver Gustavo Trelles from work on the Escort for next year. points. Main front drive contend-that Francois Delecour had won three places. Delecour, who only Uruguay. Supporting them was LikeSanremo, this was the first ers have been the team of GM the event outright, Ford's fifth a month before had been the an lntegrale from the Astra team all asphalt Catalunya Rally in Astra cars and the Peugeot 309 win of the year, with Didier odds-on favorite, had harmed his for Alex Fiorio. Sainz had his many years. Previously held on and 106 cars. On this series Aurioltryinghardbutwasunable chances seriously when he mindonotherthings.Everyeven-mixed surfaces, asphalt was an manufacturers, not drivers actu-to match his pace. All eyes, how-crashed on the first day in Italy, ing he reached for the phone and easy option when FISA presented ally score the points, so although ever, were on the man who fin-and he started 29 points behind~ began ringing round the teams, their one-surface edicts for emer-Bruno Thiry headed the list of Finishing third, nonetheless Juha Kankkunen and Nicky Grist stood on the Toyota's hood and celebrated winning the World Driving Championship for Kankkunen giving Toyota yet another 1993 title. It was a set of strange circumstances that brought Alex Fassina and Luigi Pirollo home 14th 0/A and first in Group Nin the Mazda 323 GT-R, and the points gained earned Fassina the 1993 Production Car drivers title. Pagc46 ~.~!ft 'F2' cars, a good performance by local drivers J osep Maria Bardo let or Luis Climent would serve the interests of GME just as well. Indeed if a GME car finished even third in 'F2' General Motors would take the title. In Group N the current Spanish champion-ship leader Daniel Alonso started favorite against Mohammed bin Sulayem with his Escort Cos-worth, and current Group N ser-ies leader Alex Fassina with his Mazda 323 GT-X; Fassina was already champion assuming neither Sulayem nor Antonio Coutinho could secure a late entry in Britain. On the second Etape the midday pare ferme was at the monestary at Poblet. It looks like a photo for a travel brochure somewhere in southern Spain. Too bad we didn't get more information on the place. Belgians Bruno Thiry and Stephane Prevot drove the Opel Astra GSi to eighth overall and first Formula 2, earning the FIA Manufacturer's Cup for General Motors Europe and congratulations to them for a season long effort. February 1994 Etape 1 was to be a day of dis-appointment for Sainz fans. Des-pite winning (jointly with Dele-cour) stage 1, Delecour pulled ahead on the misty stage 2 and the Spaniard dropped to eighth place on stage 3 when a rear driveshaft broke and a tire burst. When he reached the service point, a second driveshaft had also frac-tured. Later he climbed back to fifth before electronic trouble caused him to retire. Delecour went into the lead in conditions which often threatened to be wet but sometimes turned out to be drier than expected. Behind Dele-cour, Auriol recovered from brake trouble on stage 2 and held second place in front of Biasion, who had not rallied on these stages for eight years. Kankkunen had been driving consistently but lost a quarter of a minute through . a bad tire choice on stage 4. ("Our Dusty Times
Making what may be a last appearance in the Lancia HF lntegrale, local hero and defending world champion Carlos Sainz with Luis Moya failed to finish due to electronics gone haywire. Tenth overall and first in Class, Spaniards Oriol Gomez and Marc Marti did very well in the Peugeot 106 XSi on the all asphalt rally roads. A big crowd watches this S bend as the Skoda Favorit 136L of Pavel Sibera and Petr Gross heads for town and the finish line, first in class, 11th 0 /A. tires were too soft, the stage was much drier than we expected"), though he stayed ahead of the remaining Jolly Club Lancia of Trelles. The Uruguayuan spun and stalled on stage 1 but later scored fastest stage time on stage 10. For the first time in nine years no fewer than four Opels were in the top 10 on the penultimate stage of the day, including Erwin Doctor, a Dutchman seldom seen outside his native Holland, in an unusual car, a Cali bra Turbo 4x4. In 'Formula 2' the Belgian Opel driver Thiry pulled ahead of the local GM team cars of Bardolet and Climent. The Clio/Williams of Kiko and Cima retired after stage 7 with oil filter seal failure. In Group N Piergiorgio Bedini made fastest time on the first stage but then withdrew, leaving Cata, lan driver Jordi Ventura to lead the rest of the day in front of Spanish championship leaders Alonso and Coutinho. In the night stages Fassina rose to third. Two British retirements came when Kenny McKinstry withdrew having lost 1 7 minutes on stage 3 with a broken electrical connec, tion, and Mike Rimmer, whose Northern Ireland registered BMW was carrying the curious slogan "Shoot for Charity"; It broke the camshaft belt. On Etape 2 through the second day it was now dry and sunny. Auriol matched the speed of the leader Francois Delecour except on stage 10, the longest stage of the day, when Delecour chose tires too hard and his lead was cut from 44 to 2 7 seconds. Kank, kunen started the day four seconds behind Biasion but his hopes of catching the Italian and clinching his title aspirations were deferred when a tire exploded at the start of stage 14. "I thought the tire had pulled off the rim on the first sharp corner, but a film crew's video showed it deflated just as we were leaving the start." He had to drive the 14 km stage with a flat tire and lost more than a minute. On the final stage of the day he rose to third when Bia, sion's turbocharger wastegate failed. The twilight days for Lancia were not very happy; the remain, ing Jolly Club driver Trelles had been overtaken by Fiorio. The Uruguayan said "The suspension is wrong, the car hops around like a kangaroo and it is difficult to keep it on the road." One driver continuing to impress was Doc, tor, on his first ever event outside the Low Countries, but when he was about to leave his service point and check into Lloret con, trol the oil pump drive failed and he had to retire. I { * " Now a four time World Driving Champion Juha Kankkunen, right, clowns a bit at the post rally press conference, while outright rally winner Francois Delecour looks pensive with his victory a bit overshadowed. Alex Fiorio and Vittorio Brambilla were fifth, the first Lancia HF lntegrale to finish, as the factory supported Lancias of Jolly Club failed to finish. Dusty Times In 'F2' Thiry continued to lead without problems but the Peugeot 309 driver Borja Moratal retired on stage 13 after losing a wheel. Fourth was the Peugeot 106 driver Oriol Gomez, his only problem being a broken gearbox on the final stage of the day, but he was now tenth overall! Skoda Favorits were fifth and sixth. In Group N the overnight leader Jordi Ventura withdrew for per, sonal health reasons, while Alonso retired after stage 14 with broken wheel studs after first hav, ing changed the gearbox. This let Fassina into the lead, but his wastegate actuator failed and he lost a quarter hour which meant that Coutinho went ahead! Fas, sina fell to tenth place in the Group but recovered to fourth. Peugeot 309s were lying second and third. The weather reverted to type; it was wet and miserable on the final day. All the time Delecour was fretting about his mistake in Italy. "This is my hardest rally", Dele, cour admitted afterwards. "I was · thinking all the time! It was so later the dramas began, all cen, tered on the Group N battle. There had already been an amaz, ing fall out of Production cars during the rally, but after the final stage Coutinho was first, David Guixeras's Peugeot 309 GTI second and Fassina third. Having come from tenth to third in the space of a day seemed amazing enough, but seven hours after the finish Alex was leading! The scru, tineers discovered that Coutin, ho's car was fitted with a Sierra not an Escort frontanti,roll bar. It was just one millimeter thicker, but that wasn•~ the point. The equipment wasn't homologated and he was excluded. Then a rival Peugeot driver, who had already retired, protested that the man who would have inherited the lead, had a lightweight rear seat. The scrutineers found he had gained an illegal advantage. All of which meant Alex Fassina, son of the 1982 European Champion, gained a World Championship in Spain, all by himself. So Juha Kankkunen won another World Championship ti de, Alex Fassina won the World ti de in Group N, and Bruno Thiry won the Formula 2 drivers points, winning this rally, for General Motors Europe. 12th Catalunya Rally of Spain Francois Oelecour/Oaniel Grataloup F Ford Escort RS Cosworth Didier Auriol/Bernard Occelli F Toyota Calica Turbo 4WO Juha Kankkunen/Nlcky Grist SF/GB Toyota Calica Turbo 4WO Miki Biaslon/Tlzlano Slviero I Ford Escort RS Cosworth Alex Florio/Vittorio Brambllla Lancia HF lntegrale Gustavo Trelles/Jorge Del Buono U/RA Lancia HF lntegrale Bruno Thiry/Stephane Prevot B Opel Astra GSi Luis CllmenUJose A Munoz E Opel Astra GSI Jose-Maria BardoleUJ. Muntada E Opel Astra GSI Oriol Gomez/Marc Marti E Peugeot 106 XSI Antonio Coutinho/Antonio Luis P Ford Escort RS Cosworth Alex Fassina/Lulgl Pirollo (14th) I Mazda 323 GT-R A. 5:36:19 A 5:37:19 A 5:40:28 A 5 :42:57 A 5:44:07 A 5:46:27 A•• 6:03:47 A 6:07:37 A 6:08:02 A 6 :18:19 N++ 6:28:27 N• 6:37:41 much simpler winning in Corsica, where we went flat out all the time!" Few things happened before the finish of the event; but two hours 95 starters, 39 finlshers,"Group Winner, •• F2 winner, No Ladles starters ##excluded World Championship Points - Toyota 151, Ford 145, Subaru 100, Lancia 92, Mitsubishi 69 WRC Drivers Polnts-Kankkunen 123, Delecour 102,Aurlol 86, Blaslon 76, McRae.Sainz 50 Group N Points· Fasslna 56, Coutinho 28, Bin Sulayem 15 - Fassina Now Champion FIA Manufacturers Cup (Formula 2) GME 66, Skoda 46, Peugeot 36, Citroen 26. FIA Ladies Cup Points - Oriano 15 - Now Champion HI-TECH • SUSPENSION SPECIALISTS • FREE EXPERT CONSUL TING • INSTALLATIONS ~I-~ OFF ROAD RACING HEADQUARTERS LARGEST INVENTORY IN LAS VEGAS FIITIIBDII • uma IPOITIWIIB • NO FF.Ill 11111 • IEIIO Ill TUKI • Bl'l'CIID •IIIIOO. •AITCABI • llffllFAB . ... •BEITOP •BODYLIFTI •IID-AiC • IIIESTCII TECH •IIBTllll'n • fEIIIIEII FLUES •n.ow■AITER •FOELCD,J,S • IIIIIILY February 1994 Page 47 'r
r,. WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS Jimmy May Doubles His Winnings At WatWorld Stadium Text & Plwtos: Anthony Tellier Jimmy May drove this Fod Fab stadium 1650 car to a pair of victories, taking the main event in the 1650 Class 10 activity, and out lasting the regulars to .drive smoothly to the win in the Open Class as well. Whiplash Motorsports jefe Jay plus several motorcycle classes. McKinley struck pay dirt in wran-Two heats were used to both gling the use of the ultra-sano · determine starting positions for WestWorld facility in north the Main and for series points. Scottsdale. The user-friendly city The stars of the show were the owned property featured an out-MTEG Sport Utilities. The tech-standinglayoutwithgenerouspits nical champ was the 4Runner of and stadium quality track access, Brad Person. Suffering new car good lighting, pay phones, decent blues·, Brad just had to let Chris bleachers, unsullied "facilities" Neil's Ghia Racing take the show, and beautiful Saguaro-studded but not without a serious chal-McDowell Mountains as a back-lenge from Sport Ute newcomer drop; while a good PA system Robert Gayton. allowed the clarion-like tones of Person's 2500cc V6 Toyota Announcer Jim Cunningham's '(made from a 3-liter) was fitted words to ring unfettered through-with a TRD intake manifold, an out the grounds. This culmina-oldsetoflvan'sdesertheadsanda tion of the year long Off Road de-stroked crank (plus Carrillo Wars series saw a full slate of rods for a Rabbit and 1600 flat-classes. MTEG Super 1600s; top off-the-shelf J & E pistons) Sport Utilities; Open buggies for making it a technical tour de force big motored and desert cars; in its own right. The automatic bomber Baja Bugs; Pilots; ATVs transmission is Audi-and "may Tony Kujala, in the Deihl Class 5 desert Bug got into it with John Stuart in the Pro Main event, they hooked wheels and the big VW took John for quite a ride over the jumps and through the hairpin turns. give away some power, but right now we're having trouble getting traction. A-arm suspension works for the trucks ... why not us,'' reasoned sound-thinking Brad. Deihl "5" driver Tony Kujala pointed out the water jackets surrounding the shocks: "These share the engine coolant, so they're always theromostati-cally controlled. So we can dial in with consistency." And while trying to maximize , his seat time, Brad had to struggle with a turning brake plumbed bassackwards, then an engine shutdown requiring some exten-sive pit thrashing. Was it brain-box bugaboos? Swapping electri-cal co.mponents is the only way to find out without a sophisticated Electromotive test box. But it turned out to be mechanical in nature, a loose external timing gear that was walking on the crank snout's keyway and eating up the speed sensing monopole. Tran-nyMan Pat Hughes sat back and chatted: "I'd gladly do anything they ask me to; but there are fif-teen guys around the car already.'' Albuquerquean Robert Gay-ton was having a good day in the not-that-ex-Jimmy Smith Ultra Wheels Explorer. "I'm running Parker in the old desert car if I don't sell it." Gayton is looking better and better, and as he said, "The learning curve is pretty steep." A false start in the initial Ute heat allowed Brad to hit Califor-nian Chris Neil a good shot right off the line. Gotta get 'em while you can, I guess. On the restart Gayton spun out, while Brad killed it, losing a good ( or is it "bad") half a lap and a quickly educated Gayton getting the checkered. On the next heat Brad got out fast and held the lead to the finish while Chris flailed away with a flat rear tire. The Main wasn't to be per the Person plan, however. Brad got the goods on the group and headed out first from the flag but after less than two laps the Toyota began firing in the exhaust -"Pop pop" - a sure sign of retarded timing. Then it stopped and could not be re-fired. Brad had lost the speed pickup again. "The keyway's wobbled out now -the timing moves around," he reported in a post-race critique. With Brad parked in the hairpin for the duration, Gayton took up the chase and gave Neil's Nissan a concerted effort but came up shy Sport Utility Main Event winner Chris Neil got his troubles out of the way in the heat races; note the de-mounting rear tire on the Nissan in this event, but his main event win was clean. · at the flag by about three car lengths. He was catching up and catching on. Robert Gayton discussed the ramifications of the current Sport Utility and MTEG situation. "First they want a guaranteed six cars. When we got those they wanted eight. T.J. Clark is spear-heading this problem with Mickey Thompson." He indi-cated that T.J. didn't come (to WestWorld) to avoid any appearance of impropriety and lack of commitment to MTEG. But Whiplash allows me the seat time I need. IfMTEG is a go, then I'll build a track for testing." The majority of the Super 1600 stadium cars were courtesy of Danny Foddrill who brought two of his own cars to be driven by Jimmy May and journeyman driver Ricky Geiser. Danny and Larry also prepped the two Mar-tensencars-EdandRob's. "We won everything," Danny noted, suggesting that "Foddrill Sweeps" would be an appropriate headline. Fairly presumptuous! Fourteen-year-old Larry did the prep - and he may drive the Datsun engined Funco in the next Whiplash. He even did a few practice laps. Only Emmett Warren was the ringer. Of course, Emmett was out running with the gang in his reclaimed desert car, which wasn't the best of all possible sta-dium worlds. But he did give it hell. His plans for Parker sound like Hell on Wheels: "Scott Rhone, Gray Hendricks and I have this '11' car we and the Griz built. We're sick of the Dinosaur car (referring to '93 SCORE Champ Peter Rosenstein), and we're going to Parker to show him just how much. Plus we'll have the best seat in the house for the race." Sure -but you better like to. shove and shovel. Herbie Goes to Parker. Ed got up on his top in practice without any apparent problem and the four FodFab cars ran trouble-free all day. Ed Mar-tensen put a good run on hard charging Jimmy May in the Main and if the ~ace had been longer? Who knows. The Open Class was a mixed bag ranging from Bob 'Austin's old DirTrix desert "10" car, that he now races solely in Whiplash stadium events, to a load of desert cars such as Tony Kujala in the old DirTrix Deihl "5" car; Billy Tsakiris's "10" and Mike Perez' Mazda rotary two-seater. Stadium experienced drivers included John Stuart in the bare-bones buggy; Dirt Chea p's GeoffKneale and Jimmy May in the FodFab "1650." Austin admittedly hasn't raced in some time. ""Got mar-ried, got a new house, and con-struction business is picking up." Oh, stop it! "This car needs some serious work to go desert racing. Whiplash or ADRA. $SCORE i$ too expen$ive right now." Just to demonstrate his resolve, Tony landed on Bob Austin's car during his first heat while May and Stuart ran off and hid with the eventually-freed "5" car trailing. Mike Wright ended up stuck on a hav bale for far too long. In the following heat it was a reversal of fortune as Wright and Austin came out on top with points-picker Kneale getting a Third to go with his previous Fourth. Kujala got left-side-up in the hair pin with zero car damage. Tony was having a power problem: too much from the 3-liter Baja motor. "I can't hammer it: there's no traction. We'll put larger tires up front to bias the weight rearward." In the Main Tony tangled with a pestering and persistent John Stuart and carried him along on a fast ride, due to John's front wheel stuck in Tony's side nerf bar. Side by side. The added weight on Tony's rear tires added that needed traction and the Deihl car rocketed up and over the first of the double jumps with John in tow, front end high. Geoff Kneale followed that crowd-pleaser with a roll over in the hairpin and couldn't re-start so was sent to the trailer. "I still got the season's point champion-ship_ anyway!" - after getting hit Greg Deihl chauffeured three Brad Person Racing ladies around the track during the Amateur Buggy Races. It must have been quite a ride in the tandem. Brad Person held all the cards at the "Deihl", but the chips did not fall his way as the de-stroked Toyota V-6 fell victim to a loose crank speed sensor gear and that was that! Desert racer Billy Tsakiris picked up the course banners in the Pro Buggy Main, but it didn't seem to bother him as much as the long wheelbase did. Page 48 February 1994 Dusty Times
Trailing here Bill Fielder bulldogs Marc Zahniser's "Your Worst Nightmare" convertible, and Zahniser drove to second in the class main event for Bajas. Ricky Geiser (107) and Emmett Warren battled for the penultimate Stadium 1600 spot, but neither driver placed better than third for the day. Series "Pro" champ Geoff Kneale upper right, tries to keep Tony Kujala's Class 5 at bay, while Beer Belly Racing Team's Mike Wright works the berm. on the top by Bob Austin. Then Tony pushed Bob; then Mike Perez banged John Stuart; and then John got hung up on Mike's 119-inch car and went for a ride like he did on Kujala's. Mike admitted that his car was a moving roadblock: "It's too big for here, it feels like a Lincoln." In addition to hitching rides on dez cars, Stuart also loves to run over hair-pin inner corner berms and hay bales. While all of this umbrage was going on, May smoothly drove to the win over a charging, a closing, but too-distant Kujala. Bob Austin spelled out the game as he saw it: "They know me. They have to take me out ... or I'll win!" Bajas! This is the affordable class. The roll-able class. And the jump-the-berms-and-hit-an yth-i ng-a nd-everyth ing-class. This class defines the term "contact sport" -and some of it obviously unintentional. This is the class that the infield flagmen really have to keep an eye on. You don't know where the cars'll end up, nor do the drivers. Instructions such as "Stab and steer" must be engraved on each and every steer-ing wheel hub. Cowpuncher Bill Fielder, in the Holstein VW, made it a point to cut the inside of the hairpins. At least it looked as if it was intentional, hard to tell sometimes. The full ten car field fell one by one during the first heat starting when the well-detailed and too-shiny TUF Off Road car of Mike Mastromarino fell prey to a smok-ing breather which quickly escal-ated into a blown engine. "Well, that motor's been in the car for a full year of this so I can't be too surprised and upset. Hose clamps won't fix it this time," referring to a bizarre, but effective, try-anything pit repair job on a tranny nose some races prior. Five VWs pulled off in the first heat alone. Chris Peterson tore off a lower ball joint but was able to return for the subsequent heat where he was on the ragged edge of going over all day. Perennial class com-petitor "Copout" John Chafey suffe_red the ignominious defeat of three DNFs. John also lost his front fender in a series of colli-sions with a number of competi-tors. He was their punching bag as Mark Wise went on his top result-ing in one of the heat's two red flags. In the second heat Bill Fielder cut all the corners some more and Peterson lost his fender as Mark Zahniser's "Your Worst Night-mare" fought the good battle with Chafey, Wild Bill and Chris. Until those three all faded to the back or the pits and Mark breezed. Note: To set the image of the class, Tobin Leslie's car is street legal. In the Main Peterson had shift-Dustynrnes ing trouble and was only able to Welding and Fabricating. "Todd use second and fourth. Chafey Gatrell - a 'Three' - will be r-un-stalled in the middle of the track, ning with us as a team. (My ATV) where he sat for the whole race as is gona be retired. Make a trophy Wise, Mark cruised to victory out of it." over Nightmare Marc. Wise Pro Bike ranks were looking wasn't an unlikely winner as he stout with stadium warriors was the driver who didn't run Shaun Kalos and David Pingree over berms, didn't spinout or being joined by Eastern AMA didn't T-bone others during his SuperCross Series 125 go-getter heats, where he was Second twice. Jimmy Button. Button's parents In fact Mark, Marc and #3 man live in the north Scottsdale area, Paul "Wasted Wages" Arm-giving the frequent flier a warm-strong all had four points from weather base of operation when the heat, meaning that racing abil-the cold Canadian winds close ity can mean as much as racing down Corning, NY. "I'd like to luck. develop a test track, but it has to In Amateur Buggys, Tom be out of the North Scottsdale Velasquez took out Robert Gay-area. Growth and all. Casa ton's RX7 desert "1" car for a Grande is the place." The lanky spin, literally. Tom did kiss the American Suzuki rider ·enjoyed spectator wall on the way to the the opportunity to "put on a good finish line jump, but it was light show" without submitting to any and no damage was done. Similar significant airline seat time. The to Perez' car, his was also pretty well spoken well-traveled 20-long and tall for the tight track year-old generates plenty of free and the hairpins were a problem, flight miles but has little time to unable to pirouette through them use them sandwiched between but having to come to a complete Suzuki trips to Europe, Japan, stop to make the turn. Tom's car Florida, the East Coast and SoCal. had, at least, a muffler. Perez, on "I've flown to France, rode a cou-the other hand, inflicted serious pie days, then turned right around ear drum damage to a number of and came right back. It can be bystanders with his bugle-ing rugged." open exhaust. Todd Taylor In the UltraCross Main, Litch-couldn't withstand the straight field Park's favorite MX-son linepowerofTom'srotaryrocket Kalos fell in a turn and Button so he tried the old blocker-oo took his hassle-free ride as the trick. And received the red/ yel-opportunity to style for the fans. low flag for his troubles. Dan With Scottsdale MTEG Ultra-Harwell began to exhibit some Cross racer Pingree, on a RM250, death smoke from the left rocker in Third. Note: In the heat race, cover area -but still won in the KTM's Destry Abbott caught the Brad Campbell stadium buggy. lip of the second double and went The Pilot race was essentially down, tangling with his bike and between Zack McKinley, Tony breaking his wrist. Bad news for Osuch and Todd Jesperson. Dez' BitD, ADRA and AMA ser-Osuch used the different route ies plans. Buddy Bryan "Sugar-than McKinley -the longer, but boy" Bruning was not amused by much faster, alternate. Osuch the accident: "This was supposed gave Zack a run for the gold but in to be just a fun day at an easy his exuberance he almost turned it track. I'm just going through the over. That gave McKinley some motions now." breathing room. With all mis-Yuma Rider Scott Conley takes and back markers out of the eclipsed the 80cc Mini field with picture these two can put on quite some serious riding. And most a show, with McKinley being a agreed that the Race Tech rider little more flambeaux. Once the could have cleared the doubles if heat was off, Zack split to an easy he had taken a stronger run victory and the Championship. around the sweeper. No matter, Todd gave a good account of him-here was a look ata future sta~·. Be self in his Jesco Plumbing rig, advised. running hard and even putting it Beginner Bike winner was Chris over in his first heat, while win-Godfrey, son of Station 1 's Steve ning the second and getting Third Godfrey Third in the Amateur in the big one. Bikes was Pro Sports Racing The Quad event had a simple Gear's Teddy Mink on a YZ ("I story: Greg Longie had to beat have nine bikes") while Greg Lon-Robert Olander in both heats and gie tried to make up for his A TV the Main to win the local series faux pas with a Second in the Championship. But Greg Longie Amateurs. flipped, losing a lap, and lost the Nelson and Nelson's Larry event and the Championship to Ragland, 1992 Baja 1000 winner, Olander. But his mind was else- was out spectating with brother where. "Jason (Cobb) and I are Dan and swore he had no interest going to go '7S' racing in the old in getting out and doing a little Willy Valdez car. We're dealing buggy racing. A broken shoulder with Rich Minga and Gil Divine." blade suffered a few years ago at The two are sponsored by Propel an MTEG event prior to the Mint Thirst Quencher and Winn's probably elicited a "no race" February 1994 clause in his contract. But he did things to say about his employer's race a "Danny" Super 1600 at a racing car. The vintage FodFabu-Cottonwood (AZ) Whiplash lous "Funco" held up once again event this summer. And won. Go but needs some up-dating. Some figure. Scottsdale Mayor Herb work. The plan is for Rick to run "Superb" Drinkwater dropped in the "Pros" and Larry the to see the action, as did Valley "Ams." ·"Good prep can make it racingiconJimVeach. all happen," interjected a FodFab guest driver Rick conversation-domineering Geiser had nothing but good Foddrill. Check Out the DUSTY TIMES Special Club Sub Offer (818) 881-0004 lfyou~egot a license to fly ••• Weire got approved landing gear! EE•S 1 2350 Edison Way • Garden Grove, CA 92641 800/321-4456 _Page 49
SCCA MAINE FOREST PRO RALLY Paul Choiniere Wins In Championship Style By John Elkin Photos: Tom Buckhoe/Rick Corwine Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker, who had already Carl Merrill and Jon Wickens had some fast stages in the secured the overall series points championship, drove Ford Cosworth RS Escort, but also had many troubles the Audi S2 to yet another resounding victory, over six and ended up third in Open class, tenth overall. minutes margin, in the Maine Forest Rally. Vinnie Frontinan and Frank Arruda were fifth overall in the Toyota Celica GT4, but second in Production GT which cost Vinnie the class Championship by 12 points, but Arruda lil(On co-driver honors. Roger Hull and John Elkin brought the· Mitsubishi from Arizona but after leading for a time, a wayward patch of ice put them in a ditch and second in truck class by just three seconds. So, your rally car is all prepped, you and your navigator are ready - • ut it is December, where do you go to rally? Why Maine, of course. You know Maine, don't you? That's the state that puts the nifty lobsters on their license plates of cars to proclaim their greatest asset to the rest of the United States. Maine is the state with the bumper stickers that say 'Brake For Moose It Will Save Your Life' and Maine is the place with snow, ice, really really cold weather, and really really big Moose. For the uninitiated Moose are a bigger version of a deer but on steriods, and not at all like Bullwinkle. This rally is organized by the know-all-be-all of US PRO Rallying, John Buffum and a host of very dedicated volunteers and course workers who brave the icy roads, cold weather and of course, Moose, to put on the season closer of the Subaru PRO Rally Championship for 1993. In-cluded after this rally would also be the year-end awards banquet for those who persevered through-out the year to garner champion-ships in five classes. Rallyists gathered in Rumford, located on the western central part of the state not far from the New Hampshire state line. As a matter of fact, one stage would actually cross into the state for a short period. To everyone's knowledge this is the only stage to do so in the United States. Just one of those things that make Maine Forest unique; after all it is the only snow rally on the schedule. Or is it? This year the major snows of the past few years seemed to have eluded the ;irea but the resulting freezing weather of the past weeks and the packed down snow from the previous week caused an icy condition for about 85% of the rally stages. For many teams Hakkapaliita Tires were the call of the day and night. The tires are a blessing in any ice Page 50 or snowy conditions but the tires are not as well suited to gravel roads, the tread is grippy enough but the sidewalls are only two plys leaving them susceptible to punctures, and many teams suffered this malady on the changing ice to gravel conditions. It even caused one DNF. Things started on Thursday night with the rally officials hosting a clam bake at the headquarters, the Madison Hotel. The annual clam bake is a real pleasure with oodles of clams and even full size, not long dead lobsters were served up to all. After sampling the dark red crustaceans they deserve a place on the states license plates as sure as Idaho means potatoes and Texas means BIG. The social gathering was well attended and talk centered on tire choice, road conditions and the sole remaining battle for a points championship in the GT Class. More on that later. Friday started with icy condi-tions throughout the region, including the roads in Rumford. Luckily the 11 :00 am registration opening time gave city workers a chance to clear the roads, but several teams had a dickens of a time getting to breakfast. Registration happened back at the Madison Hotel while cars were inspected at the Autotech Garage down highway 2. The rally would start with the first car leaving a Pare Expose in downtown Rumford at 6 :00 pm. Teams .would start at minute intervals and go tackle five stages this night, including the longest stage in US PRO Rally this year, a 25.8 miler that would prove challenging and would have a decided effect on the rally for two teams. Then back to Rumford for a nine hour break before heading back out to the forests on Saturday for four stages, ending the rally early, at about 4:00 pm so teams could come back into town and clean up for the awards buffet at Eagles Hall in downtown Rumford. Since most of the points titles have long since been decided, sans the GT Class battle between Vinnie Frontinan in his Toyota and Todd Bawden in a Mitsu-bishi, many winners chose to skip Maine to compete. Missing were Peter Cunningham/Joe Andrieni the Production Class winners, however they were there for the awards and to service for some friends. Guy Light, Dr. Dave White, the Truck Class champs passed on the trip east as did Chad Di Marco/Erick Hauge the Group A winners. The only champions running were Paul Choiniere/Jeff Becker the overall and Open Class winners, but this was basically their home rally being close to Burlington, Vermont. The numbers on this event looked good, 415 miles total, with 118 of those stage miles. Nine stages total between the two days and ample time to service the rally vehicles and crews. The service crew instructions were easy enough and well laid out with no more than two stages being traversed before a service opportunity, many times just one stage. With these higher tech cars and mega dollar trick parts they seem to require more attention while the older cars and trucks seem to go much longer with less service. Cars gathered in downtown Rumford by 5:00 pm and crews waited someplace warm for the 6:00 pm start time. On hand in Maine was Subaru executive Alex Fedorak to flag the cars off for the final event in the 1993 Subaru Championship, which is also Subaru's final PRO Rally involvement as the economic times have caught up to Subaru and PRO Rally and they will, sad! y, not return to our series next year. Teams drove north out of February 1994 Rumford toward the event's first stage. John Buffum had promised everyone a short stage each of the days to be first so drivers could reacclimate themselves to the 'go fast' condition, so a six mile stage would be the first of five this night. In the Open Class Carl Merrill/Jon Wickens came out swinging with their Ford Escort Cosworth putting seven seconds on the Audi of Paul Choin-iere/Jeff Becker. Henry Joy/ Jimmy Brandt were another 24 seconds back in the solely Henry Joy owned Mitsubishi Eclipse. At this point Jeff Zwart/Harry Ward were in the hunt but on special stage four the pair rolled the Valvoline Porsche, their time card was never retrieved and so their position in these early stages is unknown. In stage two, a 11 mile road, Choiniere/Becker gained back the lead from Merrill/Wickens by 12 seconds with Joy/Brandt closing on the lead pair. Stage three was a 13 mile stage that saw the Audi lengthen the lead again by another 18 seconds and it started to look as though Choiniere/ Becker were checking out on the competition leaving Merrill to battle with Joy for the second spot. But going into the long 25 mile stage things would change. The Parmachenee Long stage was very treacherous with very icy spots and some snow along its length. This piece of road would see the end of several teams, including the previously men-tioned Porsche team. And it was here that Carl Merrill/Jon Wickens, while pushing hard to reel in the Audi found themselves gently stuck off the road losing 17 minutes to Paul Choiniere/Jeff Becker, who had put another minute and 45 seconds on Henry ~oy/Jimmy Brandt. In the final stage of the night, which was the six mile long stage run in reverse, Merrill claimed fast time even with passing cars in stage to serve notice that he was not through fighting by a long shot. The teams returned to Rum-ford for the night long impound of cars with Choiniere/Becker firmly entrenched in the lead by five minutes over Henry Joy/ Jimmy Brandt. The Dodge Omni of Carl Fischer/Ted Mendham found third spot two minutes behind the Mitsubishi, and Mer-rill still had fourth place but many minutes behind. The next day in the four remai-n ind stages the Audi never stepped wrong on the icy condi-· tions and went on to win the class and take the overall win for the fifth time this year. Everyone also stabilized their positions with Henry Joy/Jimmy Brandt taking the second place and fourth over-all. Carl Fischer/Ted Mendham proved that the Dodge Omni is still a viable rally car taking third spot and eighth overall while Carl Fischer/Ted Mendham proved that the Dodge Omni is still a viable rally car taking third spot and eighth overall while Carl Merrill/Jon Wickens bagged tenth overall, fourth in class. Group A had one car turn out. Japan's Tony Takaori and Arizona's Ken Cassidy towed the Mitsubishi Galant from Little Rock, Arkansas, to compete in the final event. With no direct competition the duo prepared to do as well overall as possible and to solidify their second place in the championship points chase. Things started slowly for the Galant but quickly improved as they posted three second overall fast times in stage in the Ralliart Mitsubishi and in the end claimed second overall some six and a half minutes behind the overall winner. Takaori says he will return for some rallies next year and we look forward to rallying with him. In the Truck Class wars three came to the northeast, a pair of Mitsubishi trucks from the west coast and a Dodge from the east. The Gooch 's have been busy moving into their retirement home in Oakhurst, California. Chad Dykes/Pat Hanson had intended to run Maine and arranged to leave their rally truck and tow rig back in Michigan between the POR and this rally. For those of you that do not remember, Dykes had a drive-shaft splinter during the POR and so flew himself back with the necessary parts to rebuild the truck's rear end. He and Hanson arrived in Rumford with some work still yet to do filling their copius free time before the rally start. Roger Hull/John Elkin had towed the Mitsubishi back to Arizona to repair various damage inflicted by deer at the POR and had made the drive east to contest the roads. Greg Healey/John MacLeod brought the D-50 up from South Carolina without incident and were looking to do well in the season closer. Chad Dykes/Pat Hanson came out driving fast in the slippery conditions and set fast time through the first three stages, but in the fourth stage a comedy of errors ended their rally. In the 25 mile stage four Dykes had a tire go flat, Pat Hanson kept pointing out places to stop and change the tire but Dykes pressed on to find another spot, and before they found it the icy conditions got the better of the California team and they became stuck off the road and eventually time barred. So the tow was not a complete loss the duo entered the divisional the second day and finished sixth overall there. This left the battle to Hull/ El-kin and Healey/ MacLeod. After stage five the Arizona Mitsubishi team of Hull/Elkin trailed by seven seconds, setting up quite a battle on the remaining four stages. In the opening six miler of the day Healey/MacLeod storm-ed off and beat Hull/Elkin by a healthy 18 seconds. Not detered Roger Hull gained back 24 seconds on the next 12 mile stage but still trailed by a scant few seconds. In the next 16 mile stage Greg Healey stepped out a few more seconds on Hull/Elkin, and left the final 16 mile stage as the deciding factor. Roger Hull had to make 13 seconds up on a very icy stage with his Goodyear Mitsu-bishi, Greg Healey, knowing he was not in a comfortable position, set his Dodge into high gear. Now, here is where the story gets personal for yours truly as I was sitting next to Hull for this ordeal. Healey/MacLeod started right in front of us and they got off the line very well and were obviously not going to lie down for us. One minute later we left the start control and started a 16 mile very sideways odyssey down this nameless road. 12 miles into the stage it feels good, we know we are Dusty Times
fast and gaining on Greg and John, you just get a feeling for it, all of a sudden there is this right/left combination turn, we make the right, but that left is awfully slippery and we slide off into the ditch, losing little time but a lot of vital momentum, then with a mile to go we blow another corner but recover to drive hard all the way through the flying finish to beat Healey by 12 seconds. One second short of the win. Greg Healey and John MacLeod take home their first national class win, however Roger Hull does finish well enough to garner second place in the champion-ship. The Production Class started six cars in the icy nether regions of Maine, possibly the highest starting field in this class all year. In the early going Karl and Walter Scheible put their VW GTI out front after the first night with over a minute on Bob Elliot/Mark Williams also in a Volkswagen. But in the start of day two the Scheible GTI went too quickly into a corner and handed a commanding lead over to Ell-iot lW illia ms. The duo had a commanding lead over the VW of Dick Casey/ Martin Dapot and cruised the Bridgestone shod VW into the win, making this Elliot's second class win in Maine in as many years. Lisa Pelling/Steve Walkington brought their Honda Civic into third in class several minutes behind Casey/Dapot. Every entry in production was a front wheel drive car. The Production GT battle was the one that all eyes were trained on, it was also the only class title left undecided after POR. Vinnie Frontinan/ Frank Arruda pitted their Toyota Celica GT4 against rookie Todd Bawden/Martin Headland in a Mitsubishi Eclipse . prepped under the watchful eye of Rod Millen Motorsports, al-though Bawden had left his car back east after POR to cut down on towing expenses and had to prep the car with the help of Henry Joy's people. Also in the hunt to play spoiler in the battle were the Domino's Pizza Eclipse of Cal Landau/ Eric Marcus and Selchuk Karamanoglu/John McArthur also in an Eclipse. While the talent ran deep in the field the rally basically came down to a battle of the points con-tenders. In stage one Tom McGeer IT rish Sparrow came out swinging in their Subaru Legacy, even won the second stage overall, but in stage three a collision with a tree dropped the pair from contention. They would go on to finish the rally though in sixth place in class. Bawden/ Headland showed that there was no surface that the young rookie feared as the Mitsubishi put over 30 seconds on Frontinan/ Arruda who were third six seconds back from Landau/Marcus. Kara-manoglu/McArthur also stayed another six seconds back. Stage two saw Bawden lengthen the lead on Frontinan as he also did in stage three, but in the fourth and longest stage Bawden suffered a puncture losing two minutes, essentially his lead, to Frontinan /Arruda.Bawden, knowing his second place would stand up for the championship started to reel in Landau/ Marcus and would maintain his position. In the morning before the final four stages Vinnie and Frank led Bawden by just 7 seconds as Karamangolu/McArthur lurked 1993 SCCA Subaru PRO Rally Championship Wrap Up By John Elkin It was an interesting year, it was a successful year and it was a competitive year. Yet in some ways things remained the same, yet diverse. We had new faces and new events, old rallies strived for new roads and one very old rally strived to return to it's rightful home and legendary stage roads. It was a very good year to "go national'', whether you were new on the series or just getting started. The new cars were fascinating from Carl Merrill's Ford down to the western appearances by B.J. Beal and his Mazda 323. Rallies took us from the wet, shale roads of Washington State to the slippery, icy tracks of western Maine. We braved the demanding cliff-edged roads in California and the ultra fast flat out roads in Pennsylvania. The heat of Arizona in July and winter's bite in the upper peninsula of Michigan (at least the first day). Yes, it was a diverse 1993. New cars abounded, mostly of the Mitsubishi variety all chasing a very lucrative contingency program set up by the Japanese company. Eclipse's, Galants and Mighty Max Trucks dominated most entry lists. But never let it be said that there are not individuals in PRO Rally. Jeff Zwart decided an exotic approach was the way to victory in 1993 so he had the folks at Rod Millen Motorsport build him a Porsche 911 4WD. He had some very good finishes but never found the winning combination. Carl Merrill decided to use what works in Europe so he imported the Ford Escort Cosworth, one piece. at a time, into Vermont so the Libra Racing guys could assemble a winner, Carl had moderate success. Paul Choiniere had a new Audi brought over with a new 20 valve engine, and it was just right as Paul and car owner John Buffum tasted victory nearly every time the car was rolled off Dusty Times the trailer. Their winning ways had clinched them the Open Class and Overall titles at the end of the demanding Press On Regardless Rally in Michigan. Carl Merrill with Jon Wickens navigating all year enjoyed wins in Colorado and Michigan on their way to the second place in the Open Class Championship having what had to be an expensive year in the Ford which needed one engine replacement and then later in the year a complete reshell. Now that is dedication to the sport. Very close to the Ford was the determined team of Henry Joy and Jimmy Brandt. Henry is in his third season in rallying while nobody knows how long Brandt has been around, most folks just take it for granted that he must be older than he looks.Joy had good runs in California and Minnesota. If not for a contingent of Japanese businessmen who brought over their cars to race in America the Group A would have been just two cars strong. Of course, none of that could stop America's Group A specialist, Chad DiMarco and Erick Hauge from claiming another class title for Subaru, even on a slightly limited schedule this year. DiMarco and Hauge also had success overall by taking second place in the Overall Champion-ship with three second place overall placings. Tony Takaori borrowed a navigator from America in the guise of Ken Cassidy from Arizona, attended most events and recorded wins in Prescott and Maine. Rick Davis and Ben Greisler brought out a BMW M3, which was beautifully prepared, attended some back east events and came away with third place in the class for their efforts. The Production Class was the year of the Acura as road racer Peter Cunningham with Joe Andreini utlized the know-how of American Honda to out power the Eclipse of Tony and Liz Shumaker most of the year. The Shumaker's garnered second place in the championship driver and third place navigator. Dick Casey attended events back east and came away with third place driver, his navigator got second place in the championship. The Trucks came out -running for the Mitsubishi money, except for Guy Light and Dr. Dave White who took a V-6 powered GMC Sonoma and outhorse-powered the Japanese trucks most every rail y taking four wins and a second place in their five starts. Roger Hull proved that con-sistancy can pay off as he picked up second place in the champion-ship with good finishes all year. Gary Gooch ran a limited schedule while trying to get a new house built and had one win in Pennsylvania and a second in Minnesota. Judi Gooch claimed second place co-driver over John Elkin who. spent his year directing Roger Hull. Chad Dykes and Pat Hanson attended every event this year, but had sporadic success and a lot of crashes. Their high points came at Prescott and Colorado with wins. Production GT was dominated by the Mitsubishi label but the championship came down to a Toyota and a Mitsubishi. Vinnie Frontinan, who campaigns his Toyota most of the year fought valiantly for the second year in a row for a national title, but again for the second year he had to see it go to another. This year youthful exuberance won out as rookie Kiwi Todd Bawden put a tre-mendous effort into his rally team, took advantage of the wisdom of two fine navigators, Martin Headland and Cal Coats-worth, and found success early in his rally career. Mexico's Antonio Menendez laid claim to third place for the year with mostly con-sistent finishes and three third place finishes. And while Vinnie February 1994 two minutes back while Lan-dau/Marcus stayed right on the third place team's tail. Sylvain Vincent/ Pierre Racine were fifth in a Mazda 323 another minute arrears. In stage six the Toyota put· another 18 seconds on Baw-den/Headland but stage seven would see Bawden jump hard on the gas to pull back the lead by a few seconds. The dueling teams tied in the next stage leaving Bawden not very comfortably out frpnt, much like the Truck Class battle but things have a way of happening in Maine as in the final stage Frontinan/ Arruda pushed hard for the win only to have a tire fail halfway through the stage and their championship went with it as Todd Bawden/Martin Head-lar:id took the title and the class win. Vincent/ Racine moved up into third place with a spirited drive and a driving error eliminated Landau/Marcus midway through the final day's stages. Fourth in class came the well prepared Mazda 323GTX of Rich Swen-son/Rod Hendrickson. The Orisek's, Ivan and Olga had a did not claim his title he did propel his navigator Frank Arruda to the number one spot because Bawden utilized two people during his year. Bawden's first navigator, Cal Coatsworth claimed second place while Martin Headland claimed fourth. Menendez's navigator, Juan Goya got the third spot. The competitors have a profound effect on the series, there would not be rallies without them, but more importantly we would not have rallies without the hundreds, maybe thousands of volunteers who stand out in the forest all night to work the controls, blockages and stages for us. Without an organizer to co-ordinate these people we would also not have rallies. There seems to be a circle forming here. But if not for the effort of three special· people this year the season would have been less enjoyable for all, and because these people incon-venienced themselves we had a better year.We must thank Rusty Campbell, our National Steward. · rough rally as Olga soldiered on in -• the right seat with the flu and a -loss of her voice. Ivan and Olga came up with hand signals and pressed on to a finish that inspired many. As cars rolled back into Rumford the feeling of another season coming to a close crept up on many of the competitors. It had been an exciting year for the Subaru Championship and the end was just that. With the completion of this rally so comes the close of the Subaru involve-ment with SCCA PRO Rally, and they will be missed. Subaru gave us a lot, they gave the organizers a lot and they will be missed. For the regulars on the Championship next year affords another opportunity to travel the length and width of the USA in search of the perfect stage, much like a surfer looks for the perfect wave or George Hamilton looks for a tan. The year starts with a couple of 60% divisionals on each coast then the first couple of nationals will be on the west coast, first Washington, then Rim. Should be interesting. Jean Long, formerly our loudest voice at the SCCA head office. And last but certainly not least Andy Shupak, he made sure we were seen on TV, mentioned in the finest publications and developed local interest in the things we were doing. All three people did fine jobs, but for some reasons none of them will be back for 1994. The reasons are not that important, but to make an effort to thank them the next time we run across their path is. Subaru also will not return to our series next year; with their help we were able to make quantum leaps in noticability, and luckily SCCA vows to continue that effort with or without a sponsor. We thank Alex Fedorak and Subaru for all they have done. 1994 looks promising, if not interesting. We will return to Ohio in 1994 for the Sunriser and that has a lot of people excited. Look for all the news from 1994 here in these pages of Dusty Times, and we thank you for reading our words. PIKE'S SERVICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... THANKS! 't!e~y9 RESTAURANT Mobif SERVICE EVERY DAY OPEN 24 HOURS YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 51
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke "10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 Protect your engine with a race-proven "Clip-on· Engine Hour Meter M.C. $34.50 + tax & $2.50 S&H (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 Autonnic Research Inc. 2511 W Winton 3C Hayward, CA 94545 510-887-1512 Fax 510-887-1518 Off Road Race car preparation. Fabrication and accessories. Export and international sales. Race car brokerage. Consulting and management. 15 years experience. Rich Minga By Appointment Only 6630 Mac Arthur Drive-Suite B, Lemon Grove, CA. 91945 U.S.A. Phonil: 619-533-6529, fax: 619-583-1851 , Mobil: 619-987- RACE HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS . Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets BDR McKenzies (714) 650-4566 (714) 441-1212 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOLBAGS• HARNESSPADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 Bonneville "Red" Bonneville "106" Turbo Blue Racing Fuels VP Racing Fuels Methanol 13~'3 U~ RaciluJ Fueb For Those With the Need for Speed SHAWN MEADOWS 619 463 6244 619 462 2926 FAX BRANDWOOD CARS 752 Lapresa Ave. Spring Valley, CA 91977 Custom Vehicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 CAGLE -SMART Fuel Regulator Lowers fuel pressure at part-throttle, to 1.5psl at Id le. Cleans up richness at the lower end, tune for more power. Models for all carburetors. Box 2536 Rolling HIiis, CA 90274 310-377-7501 Power Y!l1!l Mileage $57.45 delivered U.S. Cal res +7.75% tax Cr, I ~ -I' ?I c.u PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pr~Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON ===CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 8" · 8 " · 1 O" · 13" , 15" • 16" · 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS ;$ [p(Q) !ttrr 0lL (Q) rt: f( SIMULATED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 1209] 275-5183 FAX 1209] 276-2365 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 619-449-2991 FAX 619-449-71.03 CHENOWTH aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~tACING PRODIJCTS, INC. Check the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Clt:1SS'f Products Manufacturers & Distributors (602) 747-7059 PO Box 57715 • Tucson, AZ. 85732-7715 [CNC] CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA.92M0 (6.19) 275.-1663 Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Assy Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories . Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS • ·rRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d81,, G-00~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners• Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX (805) 495-2339
~RACING I VlflGASOLINE~ LEADED 108 OCTANE ~ "Official Gas of NASCAR11 ~ -CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR ~ DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE 1-aoo-669-4504 I COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE_ SPRINGS, CA . DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 MOTORSPORTS DESIGNS JOHN HOST Ph. (714) 498~7443 1411 Calle Mlrador Truck (714) 349-1168 San Clemente, CA 92672 JOHN VERHAGEN'$ IDJTI ............... ES PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS ~ 0623 BLA~KFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE SPICER- INCORPORATED SPICER" <,> (714) 877-6491 <,> PARTS AND SERVICE ON AUTO, TRUCK, INDUSTRIAL, CN AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMIZING FAX (714) 877-6203 California Watts 1-800-427-4238 1750 S. Lilac Ave. Continental U.S. Watts HI00-525-0395 Bloomington, CA 92316 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc. (714) 876-3107 P.O. Ro!< t090, Colton. CA 92324 Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. EDDCO Aluminum Wheel Straightening Specialist Aluminum Wheel Straightening Metal Polishing Street, Offroad Circle Track Bob Cassetta 909-825-0583 90f.$!8.2703 9435 Wheatlands Ct. Suite J Santee CA 92071 Shop - (619) 258-2575 Pager - 973-0998 Don Rountree 408 S. Arrowhead Ave. SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 • e-z:u.r INSTANT: • Sf:laJEIW I ~ ~~ --......!•1&111t.\. <; FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHi:LTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER CASTEX RENTALS 213-462-1468 • Mandrel Tube Bendin_g • Welding • Flame Cutting • Custom Fabrication FABCOM 4-SEAT BUGGY FRAMES * Large enough for 4 aduits • Will accept tube frame seats (Beards, etc.) • Stock VW Type I IRS components (619)-561-2292 FAX (619)-561-6162 ~Motor sport f'RE·RUNNER Sl'ECIAUST • 5Ut.11'ERS • CAGES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT ms • LONERING ms • DIW.LYS AIR 5/IG SUSPENSION • 5HOW CARS & Dl51'LAYS • ATV FA5 WORK EXPERT IN5TAU.ATION & FABRICATION AVAILA5LE 4010 N. PALM STREET, UNlf 103 FULLERTON. CA 926:35 .\LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS· NDMEX GL~VES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS (714) 870-9422 F~ (714) 870-91:32-9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 ~, RACING ,tj FUEi.:• FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD ·1537 E. Del Amo Blvd carson, CA 90746 RE·UCAIU V. W. PAim 11623 SHEL-DON ST. SUN VALLEY. CA, 913!52 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin I ~,,,O..,.C:::lr---.Jc:3 . . NOW YOU CAN en THE . RACING GEARS THE WINNEIS ARE USING ;J.hi,f FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (313)294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 SHOX THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE. Fuel Sale's Racing Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all major racing associations. Gallorwrltelor e your FREE copy of Ille UEL SAf 1992 fuel Safa Catalog 1/amg<:Lls For yow local fuel Sale Deals call 1-(800) 433-6524 I Aircraft Rubber ~lg., Inc. 5271 Business-Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 1993 CLASS CHAMPIONS FRT BUDWEISER /BUD LIGHT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES IY091E$ CARS AND JBUCKS TIM ALLEN CLASS 10 MIKE HART UNLIMITl<ill BRADY STtu:s CLASS 8 KEVIN BASORE CLASS 1-1600 JIMABATl'I CHRIS GARRi:Tr DAN LEWIS BOBSNAITH RAT MILLER RICHARD VALENCIA VANCE ALLEN CLASS 11-1800 MINIMAG CLASS 100:' CLASS 6-1800 CLASS9 CLASS7 CLASS5 4yys AND IIQJORCYCLES .DEWEY BELEW CRAIG SMITH ,JUSTIN HOLLMAN MARTINMcNEER JOHN Bil.KEY MJKEHMU'ER BEN SCHLIMME OPEN PRO BIKES 260 PRO BIKES & BIKE HIGH POINTS CHAMPION Ul6PROBIKES VET BIKES SENIOR PRO BIKES SUPER SENIOR PRO BIKES OVERALL & 260 ATV PRO ATV HIGH POINTS CHAMPION DESERT St/PEBUJES ANDY "ANY" WEHE OVERALL & OPEN DESERTLJTE DE'LLITE HIGH POINTS CHAMPION BRYAN SAA ST A CLASS 880 DESERTLITES MIKE MAXWELL CLASS 77 DESERTLITES 619-427-6750 • 250 KEMIEDY UNIT Ii· CHULA VISTA CA 01011 'FAX 6111-427-6759 Dlfferentlals · Spools - Ball Joln~s Axles - VW Components - Etc. 4720 Felspar Street Glen Avon, CA 92509 Phone: (909) 681-6889 Pu: (909) 360-9817 . Hffls,, •W<J' Rebulld Rod Ends Helm Joint Spechillst (714) 979-6631 . 11661 Martens River Clrcle, Unit H, Fountain Valley, CA 92708
HUN PEBFO~ANCE 11330 -A Sunco Dr. Rancho Cordova, CA 9S742 (916) 638 - 4388 ~~==r= ::::;~~~~:~o~ _! •~ MANlJI'ACTUllERS OF: /'~,~~,--\ KllAKE AND CLUTCH ASSY PE/IFORMANCE PROCIICTS MAST Ell CY!. l NDERS SLAVE CYLINDERS TURNING & STAGING llllAKF.S '-Hli•"fERS AVAILABLE AT FINEH SPECIALTY SHOPS DEALER JNQURIES WELCOME 1158FUNTSTREET ~ ELSINORE, CA 92350 .. . . PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 909-245-6050 FAX 909-245-6052 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" WNNIM'LYi Joe Giffin Desert, Short Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 (714} 632-1240 . . ;)IMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITE R SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN COOLEY lllfld ~//5~ ~A,/e'S ~.4C/,V'~ CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE GOLETA.CA 805·968-1067. ~t:£ ~~ ~ ?.et:';.:"v,v,vE-e "171!4tl-£)ZS I c#Ar;F r,c-veK"g PJ(?'£"P ,I-PAB.l<'/C~'rla\/ _,-~ '61-VIZ' t::rA~N~ JAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINGTON SHEET MET AL CORP. U4U 1..,..W Hwy. • S..1a F• Spriap • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication, Pre Runners. Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (31 0) 921-2693 Fax {310) 926-0699 Karis Communications Motor sports Owner James Hall And Public Relations Consultants Athene Karis 216-699-1777 Tel 216-699-1771 Fax KUSTER OFF-ROAD RACIN.G SHOCKS II ·. 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE 2" DIAMETER, 6" TO 14" STROKE • AIRJACKS • BALL JOINTS KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29th STREET, P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90805 TELEPHONE (310) 595-0661 ,.. .... POWER E STEERING THOMAS -E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY. CA 91352 (818) 768-0371 A full line of Powe,:S!eering gears. pumps and acc»ssories for any type ol racing. · Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities available . OFF ROAD SHOCK SERVICE EIUHT03R RACING ,.;£: BILSTEIN * FOX * MOTORCYCLE Jerry Leighton 619-244-9075 • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA. CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT tOTHRINGER Assembly• Mactine Wor1< • Parts -._ Engine Dyno Facllty SCORE 1992 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 10722 Kenney Street, Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Fax (619) 562-9079 !Jll3¥i't1{Jlf "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim , CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax (714) 444-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 10722 Kenney St., Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-9010 FAX: (619) 562-9079 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lancaster, CA 93535 42425 5th St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA 93535 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514. Racing Product, Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514 ·" . •&9iti ·••&,•,11 • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO; TX 79936 [9~ SJ 1357-5200 NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Molorsports Suspension gives smooth.First Class Finishes To 7 of 7 Classes, As Well As The First 5 To Finish Overall. CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH OF YOU! Class 1 & 1st Overall ........ 'Simon & Simon Ford F150 2X · Class 8 & 2nd Overall ........ 'Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2X Class 6 & 4th Overall ........ •John Swift Explorer 2X Class 4 & 5th Overall ........ •oavid Ashley Ford F150 4X Class 3 & 7th Overall ........ 'Dan Smith Bronco 4X ~""'-_,~ .. W'l"!'l!'lnr-T!'~'P!W .. 'T;"_.;.::.-~~ Class7S ................ Brown, O'Brian & Johnson Ranger 2X Class 7 .......................... Scott Douglass Dakota 2X ·Member BFG/Ford "Rough Ridor• OIi Road Race Team NSC Would Like To Thank All Seven Class Winners, For Once Again Counting On NSC Suspension Systems. You Too Can Have A Winnin Ride With NSC Custom Computer Designed Leaf Springs. . For More Info, Please Call
Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans Custom Machine Work & Fabrication Ro~cl B\!Jl.sgy S 1u1ppRy 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, Az. 85~65 (602) 783-6265 • 1(800)231-8156 Fax (602) 783-1253 OFF ROAD CHASSIS rf11f/i1tf'P J<i11f1' BUENA PARK, CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS, VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPF.:N'ilON AXLE SERVICE • WELDING & FABRIC/\ I ION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 781-9460 PARKER PUMPER 2318 S VINEYARD SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91761 909-923-7016 909-923-3118 ..L.I HELMET COMPANY · CUSTOM ELECTRICAL FABRICATION • FUEL INJECTION CONVERSIONS · COMPLETE TURN KEY CARS · MOBILE SERVICE AVAILABLE RACE & CUSTOM CAR WIRING JOEDAVITIAN TE\.,: 213/550-1069 FAX: 213/550-1091 Or 3263 SAN FERNANDO RD., Los ANGELES, CA 90065 Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 515-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 For Race ~ For Play SCORE S.C.C.A. HORA RACEPREP FABRICATION Race Car Pickup Service Available .suspension Work .custom Tube Bending •Race Repairs & Setup .custom Bumpers GEORGE MALDINI 49626 N. 230th St West Lancaster, CA 93536 1-805-724-0887 •Grill Guards •Roll Cages •Pre-Runners Get the word out about your business, big or small. · Put your business card in the "GOOD SnJFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely$i25,.00 per month. S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRU~P (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335 S-!!!M~E~!!! (;,,o0'7 Computerized Vinyl Lettering f< 412. -\-v-,·c,,,\L TIM CECIL f C~ ='2,S 4010 N. Palm Street, #103, Fullerton, California 926351..u 5 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 870-9132 Z-~(;mf ' ---====="t+~I~ ~J --~== 12221 DITMORE DR. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 (714) 539-5162 JOB SITE SIGNS· BANNERS· Wlt{)()W LETTERtKl • CAR LETTERING· GRArmS .S,J,art Pa ft.Vna»Ke Products J. PENHALL ft8RII & ■ Free Advice & Technical Assistance ■ R&D ■ All Size Jobs Welcome FABRICATIONS RACERS MACHINING SERVICES 1660 Baocock Bldg. •B Costa M•a. Ca 92627 • Body Panels • Boat Repairs • Manufacturing of Moulds Pete Van De Hey 414-532-4186 Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 Fax# (714) 650-4721 Route 3 3786 DePere, WI 54115 Chassis & Suspension • Desi,:n & Fabrication Ken Sypolt 916-638-9869 3666 Omec Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 "If You Can Imagine It, I Can Make It" SCOTT DORDICK 909-394-1802 2041 E. Gladstone #H Glendora, CA 9j740. Fax 714-394-1903 Call for FREE Catalog! ~evi -1",efJ-~► OFF ROAD COMPONENTS Dealer Inquiries Invited 21430 WAALEW ROAD, APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 TEL (619) 240-2266 • FAX (619) 240-1359 Steve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561-2913 . /j] 0 !iI!t,1l1f!JJI lf,1}!§/JJ!t!l'//111 RACE VEHICLES & STREET RODS SPECIALIZING IN • CHASSIS-SUSPENSION • HAND FORMED ALUMINUM WORK -CUSTOM HEADENI •ltACEPREP (805) 461-1949 (805) 461-1447 SPORT ~ ~ ffl' ENGINEERING OFF ROAD METAL FABRICATION VW RACE ENGINES SUSPENSION PREP TURN KEY VW CLASS RACE BUGGIES TUBE ~ENDING SHEET METAL M~CHINING FLAME & PLASMA SHAPE CUTTING a1·a.994.7475 VAN NUYS, CA .GREGG HAWKS CARROLL DITSON
Mark Smith Straight lg IE ► ,n c nt ALUMINUM _WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31420 96TH STREET ~AST LITTLEROCK, CA 93543 805'944-2719 FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS BODY PANELS & HOODS BILL STROPPE MOTORSPORTS, INC. 2330 Cherry Industrial Circle Long Beach, California 90805 (213) 634-2730 Jaime Martinez . SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED-* Welding * Fabrication * Flame Cutting * Front Ends ·* Custom Chassis * Race Prep * Custom Lt-Weight Trailers Mtg'r. of Blue-Flame Products (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 Suspension Components SAW Performance, Inc. 20755 MARILLA ST. • CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-700·9712 FAX 818-700-0947 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober . 310-670-6897 .. Commercial Photogr,aphy · P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 !(ACE THANS BY JEFF flEiJ)'S TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 7NGS~GRAP!M WOG * ; ~~V~~ MAIN!l'MWCl"•~/IY~*/,1/1FRIHG* : =#M MY~''!'ar Fickllp i!!:[!ll:::r ·T--------A· ... ··1·· -·c· --. -~-t:::It f .. .. ' ...... :=:~ • '. • . . .-:-1i;;:;:1 / A "' '.;-:.:❖.:::::. • .•••. .:. acing gaso/,ne .·.•.•:-·····•:-:1mt::3 ::~:~:~::~~:;:;:~~~~~~!#!;~,~~';. ~--.. ~•-~:·•.:·~-~;:t:::.!;;;!;t,:~:r•·· ... :::.; ~ ~:•:~·~·;·; :·•: :~~ . :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:•··THE LEADER IN HIGH PERFORMANCE.-:-:-:-: : .. j il\:(\:/?\<f~-~-~o ~~c1~~Oi,i~s1~~~?-<:::::i~\{::.-1~z:. ::l : .· ·.·.::. ·.·.· · CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION ·:-:-:-.: .. -:❖::'.• >:>-·.·.·.· F~~ information and a distributor near yo~. c~i1· ·:: :~:i·· . . . . . . . . 1-800-444-1449 . . ·.·.:. ·:•:~::. DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is a great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St. · Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-882-0004 TURBO BLUE Racing BasaHnn Racing 8446 Garfield Ave. • Bell Gardens, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp (UJtlP] . 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS. FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES OF RACING & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) 4 j # ormance Camshafts Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 Fax 909/369-7266 (310) 598-2731 WE~d~E. ENGiNEERiNG Exclusive d1stnbutor of Lock-Righfmvw Locking Differentials PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLE PRODUCTS Billet Super-Dilts, Gearsets, Hard to Find New and Used Parts Whole5ale/Retall. Dealer lnqulrle5 Welcome , P. 0. Box 15466 Long Beach, CA 510815 WIND RIVER GROUP PUBLIC RELATIONS ANO MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C . JACOBS PRESIDENT 900 STATE MILL ROAD AKRON, OHIO 44319 [216) 644-7774 Off Road Products : Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles ' Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. AZ. 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 '
•••••• ~m:i"IWC; A - - --,;;,:,,--.. V 1111 ■71 • ■ ■ The Straight Poop Fom The Big Wahzoo RUMOR CONTROL -Con-trary to some cockamamie letter our outgoing Prez read at a recent meeting, the Big W ahzoo is still right here on duty! Hmm?? Hey Russ, maybe there's more than just one of us? Holy Cow, maybe there's a dozen wahzoos? And, God forbid, even if ya did shut one of us up ... Ya just might have pissed the rest of us off. ORA T! There have been three separate presidential flare ups over this column during the past year: First it was because of some bad poop I reported about the BFG pits back in May 93; Next was some presidentially perceived 'politic-ally incorrect' comments I made in April 93; And then again in August 93, for supposedly fanning the flames of the Karlinda cat fight. After each incident, our Prez made repeated references to numerous complaints that this paper was said to have received, · and warned us all about the problems the evil Wahzoo was causing the Club. BUT, here's the straight poop guys: The Dusty Times has only received one letter critical of our column ... ever! It was unsigned, but probably from Rosie Strait, and we all know she ain't no lawyer! But even more importantly, the Dusty Times has NEVER censored anything I've ever sent them, nor have they ever threatened to censor anything I may send them in the future. This Wahzoo's column is printed as just another 'letter to the editor' and not as any official voice of the Checkers. So we have always enjoyed, and still do, a broad legal protection under this particular Checker's constitu-tional right of free speech. The Dusty Times is happy with the Checkers Column as is. Also, the vast majority of our membership strongly supports the Wahzoo, despite the knowledge that it's just a matter of time before they'll be the one I'll be pickin' on. Off the record, the promoters will often grumble about the Wahzoo, but the Checkers are surely treated just that little bit better because of our definite ability to loudly speak out in this column when wronged. But, more importantly, I hope this monthly column has been a giggle for most, 'cause that's really what it's all about'. Hey Russ, the Wahzoo has to congratulate you on steering our Club to another fine Checker year of Off Road Racing Excellence, but as far as your battle with the Wahzoo is concerned, I have to think the final score is 'Fun Checker Dudes' -98, 'Sour-pusses' - 2 (maybe you've been sittin' next to Symonds too long). And finally Russ, Wahzoo #3 from Laguna Beach wanted me to ask ya if that 'Hat' he sent ya fit? And to close this subject, the Big W ahzoo has to once again give all my 'fellow Wahzoos' a big 'Atta Boy' for their loyalty. As President, Butow was on a major crusade during '93 to find out the identity of the Wahzoo, but of course, my secret associates have all once again proven to truly have LiJ>s of Stone! I'm proud they appreciate that "Some secrets are only valuable when ya keep 'em." Dusty Times HIGH DESERT 300 -This four lap La Rana event in Johnson Valley, saw four Checker cars start the race, but only one finished. With the 01' Man out of town, BJ teamed up with McCool in the Bates' 1-2-1600 tandem. And, at the halfway point, he was leading the class despite running out of gas in route. BJ then turned it over to Billy, who surprisingly hit something hard enough on the beginning of his last lap, that he had to return to the main pit to replace a broken front shock and a shaken up female passenger. The replacement person turned out to be none other than Reider. This was reportedly a unique exper-ience for Danny, who had never ridden in the rumble seat of his old car. Feeling poorly himself later in the lap, Billy turned the car back over to BJ, who salvaged a fourth in class. Nice recovery guys! Our DNFs included Keeling, who lost a motor on the third lap in Koch's 10 car; Danny Reider, who lost a tranny in his unlimited Baja Bug on the 2nd lap; and Brian Monahan who really had a bad day. Seems this prospective member shattered a throw out bearing right on the starting line, pulled over and replaced it, then rolled his 9 car after he finally did get it racin' ... and then lost the tranny. Hey Brian, your per-sistence is admirable, but your prep sucks! SCORE BANQUET -Not too unexpectedly, the Checkers did pretty good at this year's Score Awards, gathering up five major titles for the year. In 1993 the Checkers once again were rightfully recognized by Score as "The Pit Team OfThe Year". Say what? Hey Sal, we know that! What's amazing to us is that you guys over at Score still continue to put that issue to a vote. I mean hey, ya oughta change the ballot to read "Second Best Pit Team Of The Year" and just retire that # 1 spot over to the Checkers permanently! Our own Michael Gaughan, one of the last of the 'Vegas Checkers', was deservingly named this year's Score "Man Of The Year". Although Mike did drive a section down at the recent 1000, lately he has pretty much left the racin' up to his kids and concentrated on makin' money. Hey Mike, with the possible exception of the whore houses, I hope you also know that the Gold & Barbary Coasts are the only establishments in Nevada that are now officially endorsed by the Big Wahzoo! Congratulations on both of these honors Dude! The Club had five Checkers step up this year to put together three Score Points Champion-ships. Starting in numerical order, let's begin with George. After a number of years ofbangin' on the door, with admittedly less than superior equipment, Seeley finally put it all together this year. Congratulations to George Seeley, Score's Class 5 Points Champion in 1993! In a real last race nail biter, the Cooks once again put their 5-1600 Valvoline Bug on top in the Score Series. Congratulations to Alan, Daryl and Wayne Cook, Score's Class 5-1600 Points Champs. And last but not least, there's Rosenstein. Pete ran 'em. all, against all comers, and convincingly put his green Spirit of Northridge into the points lead early on. Congratu-lations to Peter Rosenstein, Score's Class 11 Points Cham-pion! The Checkers are not just famous for runnin' hard for the flag, it's being first to the 'checkers' more often than not that's our claim to fame. Good Show Guys! HALF-STAFF-Checkered flags will fly a little lower in '94, with the recent death of Chuch Sugar. A good number of Checkers, along with a large group of other folks, gathered in Whittier to say a final goodbye to our dear departed Club brother. As one of the Checker's all time characters, Sugar always stood out in any crowd. He was a high dollar contractor who knew how to spend it, knew how to party, and had even bigger balls than his sizable biceps. Naturally, it was always fun to be with Chuck, and even occasionally scary. With this competitive spirit, it was not too surprising that he drove his single seater just as hard as he rode his old desert bike. Sugar feared neither man nor machine, yet he had a soft and humorous side with his friends and brother Checkers. Not surprisingly, Chuck was the subject of a number of funny stories in this column, ranging from his fondness for sheep, to some of his more inventive uses of a 'pee tube' when he was not in his race car. I'm sure he would've liked to wring my neck on occasion for what I wrote about him, but he never whined. He was above that! But, like most heroes, Sugar had a weakness ... women! It would've taken 3 men, a truck and a couple of big dogs to take him in his prime, but bring on a little snuggle from a short skirt with a push up bra, and Chuck was down! He married 2 or 3 times more females than he should have, and had as many legal problems as racing trophies. I'm sure there's some technical term for what he died of, but if ya ask me, it was a combination of sexual harrassment and a serious distrust of doctors! Chuck consistently worked life to the limits, enjoying its pleasures and experiencing its pain. He was a bucks up free spirit that everyone of us had to envy. Sugar was a classic Checker! Chuck Sugar will mostly be remembered by his friends as the kind of guy that would've stayed put at the Alamo, even if he knew the ending. He was a man's man, and a true Club Brother. Those of us that knew him are better men for it. Hey Chuck, we and the sheep are gonna miss ya dude. F.A.I.R. News By Dave Massingham The last race of the year was the La Rana High Desert 300 in Lucerne. FAIR had six entries, all in different classes. Dave Edel-stein was our star, and he was first again in the Full Size Stock Class, after spending all night welding the Ford's front end after it broke while testing. That must be the trick to winning! Kathy Fay's 7S truck got third place again. Looks like the old Ford Ranger is very consistent. New Member Mitch Griffin placed third in 5-1600, but sorry Mitch, I didn't get any details. Scott and dad, Wes Wisdom, fin-ished fifth in Class 1-2-1600 even Feb~ary 1994 after rolling. Way to come back guys. Scott Duncan was a dnf in Class 10. He lost the motor and trans 20 or 30 miles into the race. A.J. Martin with brother Mark and father Steve riding, managed a second in the Unlimited Buggy Class. Bobby Gordon loaned A.J. his race car for prepping it so well for the Baja 1000. A.J. and Mark got used to the car on Friday, so well, they rolled it while testing. Hey Tom Martin, hope you didn't take me seriously when I mention-ed you lost your seat to A.J. Just kidding! The FAIR Christmas Party was held Saturday December 4th in the form of a road rally. Bob Bee-zant and Steve Ollie organized and laid out the event. We met at the Holiday Inn in Fullerton and were given a folder with the starting times, and after a briefing on details we were off. With my wife Linda as navigator, we read through the instructions for directions to our first destination and the questions to be answered. Two pages of blanks were to be filled in having to do with street signs. Linda began writing down all street names as I drove our first leg to "Slic Trac" in Anaheim, where we were given two tickets to race around the "Slic Trac". We received a raffle ticket for every four laps we completed. I made 12 laps and Linda made 14 laps. It was a gas! I guess I'd better have Linda drive the race car for me. After everyone had a chance at this "Slic Trac", we were on our way to our second destination, the "Planes of Fame" at the Chino Airport. Linda continued writing down street names as we made our way to Chino without travel-ing on a freeway. Arriving at Chino Airport, we were given passes to visit the "Planes of Fame" Museum. After spending 30 o_r 40 min-utes in the museum we were off on our third leg to "Tom's Farms" between Corona and Elsinore. Linda and I have never been there and enjoyed it a lot, buying warm sourdough bread and some local wines. It was getting late so we pushed on to our final location, RCR Plumbing, for dinner. We were greeted with a great catered dinner of Tri Tip steak, potatoes, fresh vegetables, salad, rolls and fresh fruit. To top it all off they pur-chased fresh baked pies from "Tom's Farms" for desert. All the above activities were merely $10.00 per person, dinner included. For the 30 of us who attended, we enjoyed our day almost as much as the races. Everyone remarked how much fun it was and thanked Bob and Steve for their efforts. Big thanks also to Bob Richey's RCR Plumbing for hosting the place for dinner, Mike Butricks, our VP and Barbara Jahnke, our Treasurer for deco-rating the tables and the room. I hope Bob Beezant will put on another great fun day like this next year. It is a great idea for a Christmas Party! 1984 starts off with a La Rana race on January 8th and two weeks later the Parker 400. It's getting very difficult to coordi-nate all these races and keep up with our equipment. I need every-one's help in keeping track of equipment problems by tagging it with a date and the problem.Your hame and telephone number would be helpful in case I have any questions. I hope everyone has a great first race of the season, with or with-out the trophy trucks, which seems to be a minor problem for SCORE. I hope they will work out the format and race with the rest of us, letting them start first. At the meeting on December 1 two new members were voted in, Chris Persey and Mitch Griffin. Welcome aboard and Good Luck. Don't forget the FAIR raf-fle to raise funds to upgrade the old FAIR van. It needs all of us to sell tickets. FAIR meets the first and third Wednesday of every month at the Holiday Inn located at the 91 Freeway and Harbor Blvd. in Full-erton. Guests are always welcome. Thanks for your time. See you in Parker. AffENTION PIT TEAMS Send us your tales of triumph and troubles and they will be featured on these pages. Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' - any Length Hose . • Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS $215.00 HELMET ONLY 5153 Bowden Ave. • San Diego • CA • 92117 • (619) 279-2509 Page 57
Classified ••• FOR SALE/TRADE for off shore boat/plane/motorhome. 1989 Mirage Class 10, Type 1 motor with Hewland transmission. This car has the best of everything, too many to list. $20,000.00 cash or will consider trade of higher or lower value. Call (702) 897-8838 days or (702) 456-0304 nites. • .,llff£ ..-FORSALE: '91 For Cass 8, ive firsts! Four seconds! Seven thirds! 600hp Patton/Parabocks eng. BFG's w/ beadlocks. Shitloads of spares. ¼ elliptical C-6 Mogi. Bunderson shocks, Chrisman/ Summers 9". $45,500.00 Must Sell! Baja Concepts ref #228 (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: 2-1600 SAW leaves & 300M, Mirage beam & rear arms, Fox, 930's, Wright, Char-Lyn, combos, Woods, -Beard, 20 gal Fuel Safe, Y okohamas, Centerline, Fresh motor & trans, race ready $8,000.00 oho. Call ( 407) 459-1373 days. Fl Deliver? ,1~·•' /:ii FOR SALE: Raceco SS, Class 10. 1990 Class 10 points champion. FAT air-cooled 126hp, 091 bus, FTC gears, Summers floater rear end, secondary, coil over front end, new: spindles, arms, UMP, Bilstein, SAW, ,PCI radio equipment, extra parts, tandem trailer. $13,500.00 Call ( 310) 640-6119 or (310) 322-1637. RfJ;,;if; __ ><-. ~:\Jtfa:··c:.,,... .., . FOR SALE: New 1993 Jimco "'Ultra Light" 5-1600. Zero miles on new Majors motor & Mende-ola trans. Best of everything. No expense spared. Over $28,000 to build. Race Ready, always professionally maintained. $13,000.00 obo. Will consider jet or fish & ski boat as part trade. Call Mike James at (619) 445-5797. FOR SALE: Jeep Wrangler, 401 motor, 400 tranny, Summers Dana 60 rear, 44 w/locker front, Rancho rebuildable shocks, National springs, new seats/belts, Flameout, pumpers, spare tires, trailer. Grear '94 Sportsman class fun; fast, dependable. Currently racing FRT series. $10,000.00 obo. Call Don (619) 748-5785. FOR SALE: Factory built 5-1600, 1 year old. 100% chrom-oly, Kister bypass shocks, Fodrill arms & spindles, Centerlines, Goodyears, Sway-A-Way, Dura-Blue, Fuel Safe. Featured in November Dune Buggies & Hot VW's. This car is the best money can buy. Call Bruce (702) 367-4311 day, (702) 256-0964 nites. FOR SALE: 1991 MECO 1-1600. Best of everything. FAT, Fox, Charlyn, Leighton, Dura-Blue, Sway-A-Way. Winning car, low mileage, fully prepared, ready to race. $8,995.00. Call Chris Cash(208)345-6451 days,(208) 362-411 7 nites. '':<:'¾-<{-::,,,,,. FOR SALE: Class 1 or 10 Chen-FOR SALE: '93 Probst Laser Ill owth, l l 7"wb, fresh FAT Rabbit, unlimited single seat SODA Class Tube Port head, fresh trans, Fox 1 & 9. Coil-over double A-Arm shocks, Summers Bros rear disc, front, coil-over torsion trailing new 3x3 rear arms, 30 gal fuel cell, FOR SALE: Class 1-10 100". arm rear. Light weight, uncler pwrstring,Jamarhydraulics,PCI FOR SALE: Class 8 '92 Chevy Wright coil front, two Type 1 l400pounclswithRabbit.Allthe radio.Raceready!Shortcourseor stepside, 10 miles. SCORE/ motors, 1 is 1650cc, 1 is 2400cc, good stuff. American Racing, Bil- desert. $7,500.00 obo. Call Dave HDRA b h 406 cl M Type II transmission, Hewland, stein, CNC, SummerS, etc. (916) 272 2068 , ig P ci • ogi trans $16,500.00 complete/of:i:er. Will - · I A c h'f 26" I SACO, low hours since fresh, fire 1' p h 3 5 I w rt arr s 1 ter, trave sell less engi·ne & trans. Also: FOR SALE: orsc e . iter f 28,, I K system, Fuel Safe, UMP, Simp-300 h ront, trave rear. uster l many 90 degree Chevy V-6 parts engine. genuine orsepower, ·1 c h b & c son, Mastercraft, 930's, Wi -cl f C ·11 c01 s, one u s rear. age, l i·ncludi'ng·. heads, i'ntake, alum 290 poun s o torque. an o H I cl. · · k B ·1 wood, Fox, Bilstein, Center ines. cl W b b W b C a on, ra 10s, air Jae s, etc. mt cl block, Ki'nsler Inv. rockers, much ro s, e er car s, e -am WIN" $75K B · c f Complete w I aluminum decke h f T M'I h cl cl 1 to .. aJa oncepts re more. Call Probst Racing (815) cams a ts, ri- 1 ea ers, ua #295. Call (619) 583-6529. trailer. Many spa$re parts, evebry-485_7223 days, (8l5) 485-4691 sparkplugs per cylinder heads, 90 thing must go! 7,500.00 o o. 1 · I T'I FOR SALE: 1992 Class 8 Dodge, nites. amp a ternator, opttona 1 ton bigblock450cubicinch,550hp, Call (305) 634-2111 or (305) -:.::.:.:.:,_ _________ carbon dual plate clutch assy Kuster shocks, Summers 40 553-4572· FOR SALE: Chevy pre-runner, 3 w/flywheel. Engine is 100% spline, ¼ elliptic, Art Carr con-FOR SALE: 1989 1/2-1600 piece front end, triple shock/ fresh. Built by Bobby Hart at verters, steel planateries, lots of SODA legal, best of everything. double shock, race seats, like new California Motorsports. Call spare parts. Second in SODA in FAST! ex John Greaves car. Will tires, recent rebuild on motor. RCR Racing (909) 371-8334, 1991, third in 1993. Call for payforitselfinoneyear.Spares. Good overall condition. $15,000.00 less clutch. more information (414) 532-$6,000.00. Call Jon (414) 830-$4,900.00 oho. Call Rod (909) Option on Tilton dutch 4186. $24,500.00. 2365. 687-0515. $.:....2....:.,5_0_0_.0_0_o_b_o_. ---=---:,--...llilli.l------------~-....... ..-----........---~----.-._-__. __ _..._ _______ ._._~ I I I I I I J Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I DUSTY TIMES. : Classified Advertising rate is only $15 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. I I I: 11 I I I 1: ,, I I I Enclosed is$ ____ _ (Send check or money order, no cash). Pleas.e run ad _______ times. I Name---------------------------------;-Address ______________________ Phone _______ _ City _________________ _ State ___ _ Zip ______ _ Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street Chatsworth, CA 9131 l-440t5 I I I I ,. Page 58 February 1994 FOR SALE: RCR Racing's Class 1 Raceco 2 seater. Numerous class wins, top 5 runner, very competitive car. Immaculate preparation for ever.y race. Porsche 3.6 liter engine, 125" wheelbase, auto trans, big Wright, Filler harnesses & nets, Mastercraft seats, VDO instru-ments, Fodrill front arms, Flame-Out system, 2¼" front beam, Bilstein coil-over reservoir shocks, Centerline wheels, BFG tires, PCI race radio & intercom, CNC cylinders, JAMAR pedals, . 934 Porsche c.v.'s, Summers full floating hubs, CNC front hubs & brakes, Saginaw steering with UMP ram assist, Paterson dry sump tank, PIAA lights, 4 light bars, full compliment of race spares & parts. Ready to go racing and win Class 1. Call RCR Racing (909) 371-8334, $45,000.00. FOR SALE: Best Chenowth Magnum available, complete setup to go racing MTEG. Rev-Power Rabbit, 5 point suspen-sion, coil-overs, Fox, Foddrill arms & spindles, best of every-thing, plus, 24' trailer, flawless, workbench vise, AC, 5kw Honda generator, elec start, 3 E-Z Up caopies, carpets, chairs, tables, spare fresh transaxle. Call Steve (602) 994-4029. FOR SALE: 'valley Performance Chenowth Class 10 or Unlimited 2 seater, new 5 speed Hewland trans, complete Cornutt shock with coil-overs, New 1650cc VW motor 100 miles, Curnutt rear hubs, Summers front discs. Best of everything includes PCI Road-master radio & intercom system. A proven car, race ready. Must sell due to back injury. $25,000.00. Call Brent at (702) 382-7060 days, (702) 228-3055 evenings. WANTED: Class 8 co-rider. Seat available for '94 SCORE season. Money, brains & balls is all you need when you call (619) 329-7668. FOR SALE: 24' trailer - FRP, ramp door, 48" side door, electric brakes & tongue jack, 20' awning, work bench, lights & storage. $7,500.00 oho. Call Art ( 412) 687-5093. FOR SALE: Complete model 60 rear ends 410 Star 8 bolt wheels. Excellent condition, $250.00 each. Also, ½ ton Blazer rear end 3:07 gears with positraction. $250.00 each. Write or call Don Prine, P.O. Box 92022, Tillicum, WA 98422 or (206) 584-6648. Dusty Times
FOR SALE: Desert Lite, Briggs Built, 521 Rotex engine, top speed 95 mph, 2 eight gallon fuel cells, can be taken off for short course, lots of extra parts. Car just been completely gone through. $12,000.00 (619) 663,3789. FOR SALE: 2 Seat Hi,Jumper pre,runner. Fresh paint & gear box. 1835cc, Beard seats, Sway, A,Way, Centerline, Baja Blower. Very sound car. $2,800.00 oho. Call (310) 679,2375. FOR SALE: Tandem car carrier trailer with tire rack, new 1500 P.O. axles, new tires, new paint. $800.00 obo. Call (310) 679, 2375. FOR SALE: 1981 Subaru Hatch, back 4x4, four National finishes, won pride in professionalism award. Two spare engines, one spare trans, other spares. '93 legal cage. Must sell, let's deal! Call (916) 442,2745. FOR SALE: Fuel Safe fuel cell, Toyota EFI external fuel pump, Filler/Simpson harnesses, Fox shocks, PCI Roadmaster radio, Beard Super seats, two 11 gal dump cans, Sway,A,Way 28mm torsions & National springs for Toyota 4x4. All must go. Call Curt after 6pm (714) 692,9038. FOR SALE: SODA Class 4 Chevy Sl0. 355 Chevy small block, Fox coil,over, TH400 Art Carr. 9" floater, Vertex, C&S, Howe Auto Meter. Many spare parts & moulds. Must sell. Bob Bemmels (414) 434, 1175. FOR SALE: Single axle trailer, 5, 1600, 9 or sandbuggy size. Excel, lent condition. Diamond plate deck, swing down ramps , $600.00. Also, Type I IRS trans, mission 462 R&P Super Oiff, HID side cover, stock ratio 3rd & 4th. Less than 1000 miles, built by Dave Folts trans. $500.00. Also, 1776cc prerun motor, complete w / exhaust, alternator, Weber carb, low miles, low com, pression, very streetable. Built by Downey Race Haus $1,500.00. Also 3 Parker Pumper helmets, Snell '85, good condition, sizes 7¼,7¼ $150.00 each. Call Rich Fersch (310) 862,1671 days. FOR SALE: 1,1600 MECCO chassis, front & rear trailing arms, fuel cell, body, electrical, needs rear torsion housing. Very light car. $2,500.00 obo. Call (909) 878--4010 nites. FOR SALE: 4 bead lock wheels 2 15x10/ 5 on 5½,% studs, 2x15x7 5 on 4½ studs. 1 Wilwood power rack w/servo & pump, used twice. 4 Rough Country Nitro Chargers 14 ... travel, 6 Nitro chargers 12 ... travel. Valved for mini pickup. All in excellent con, dition. Many spare parts. Good, year inner liners & air containers w/valves. Call (413) 525--4841 after 6pm EST. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Challenger race 'car frame with extras. Never raced. Make offer (619) 247-0219. FOR SAL : Corne Racing: Class 1,2, Raceco 2 seater, La Rana '92 class champion, Bobby Hart 3 .2 liter Porsche engine w/ triple throat Webers, 2.28mm Kennedy clutch, Tri,Mil six into one exhaust. Transmission by Raceco/ Hewland, 00300 ratios, 8:31 ring & pinion, 3.6/2.6/ 2.0511.711.4 outboard c.v.'s, 125,.,,wb, Wright rack & pinion, Wright front arms, Char Lynn power steering w/UMP pump, Summers Bros front disc brake kit, twin stage front spring kit, rear secondary suspension w/ slapper system & twin secon, dary shocks, Neal pedals, Palmer spindles, Raceco king pins, 15,.,, front travel w/ 4 Shock Techs, rear full floater hubs w/930 c.v.'s Bilstein/Shock Tech shocks. SAW torsions, Summers hubs, SAW axles, Beard seats, Filler Harness', Raceco shifter, Center, line wheels w/bead locks, & Yokohama tires. Full Flameout system, special tunnel fuel cell, custom dry sump tank behind seat. Fully prepped by Raceco, ready to race & win! $25,000.00 oho. Call Don at(818)575,3547, ext. 311. WANTED: 2 seat serious pre, runner, preferably with trailer. Class 2 or 10 type chassis with or without engine. Prefer VW Type IV or I engine, 110,.,, wheelbase minimum. Will pay up to $6,000.00 cash for turnkey. Call Don (602) 771,8154 or Jay at (602) 778,5023. FOR SALE: '86 Funco C ass , SCORE approved, 2180 FAT motor, fuel cell, excellent condi, tion. $6,500.00 Call (714) 573, 4449 days, (714) 997 '8430 nites. FOR SALE: Lazier short course car, Class 1, 2, 9 or 10. Cham, pionship car SODA. Coil,over car with all the good components. Bertile Rabbit or unlimited Toy, ota motor. For the racer who wants to be competitive. Car with @ motor $11,900.00. Call for price for all spares & extra motors, trans, etc., too many items to list. Call Bill or Lee W . at (414) 228,1400 or (414) 242, 3422 after 6:30pm. FOR SALE: 2700cc Type IV Leighton motor dry sump Tri Mil fresh. $4,500.00 and bus trans with Henry carrier Hewland gears torque limiter. $2,500.00 Call Larryat(909)679,2313 or(909) 658-0142 nites. SALE: Pro,Built 5,1600, 1990 BORE overall champion. Numerous wins, fast and reliable. Wright, reservoirs Bilsteins, Sway,A,Way, Pumper, Bears, Diest, 22 gal ATL cell, KC, 091 bus, Skinny motor, Yak's & SACO. Some spare parts. $4,750.00 turnkey. Call (208) 733,3074 or (208) 733,9084. FOR SALE: Class V parts, frame, bodyconv. new style Wright coil, over front end complete. New , fuel cell, wheels & tires 5x5 rear arms , outboard c.v.'s, floater hubs torque limiters, 2 14"' Fox wi res 2,12,.,, Fox wi res. Summers front disc brakes, 3"' Wright drop spindles & rear coil,over arms. Summers rear disc brakes & stub axles. Call Larry (909) 679,2313 or (909) 658-0142 nites. FOR SALE: 1993 Herzog Racing Ford Ranger, Class 7 champion. 1st Parker 400, 2nd Nevada 400, 1st overall San Felipe 250, 1st Gold Coast 300, 1st Baja 1000. 4.5 NASCAR V6, Magi C,6 trans, Dana 60 or Ford 9... rear end, 24,.,, front wheel travel, 28" rear wheel travel, 2 stage coil,over springs front & rear, Kuster shocks, air bump shocks, air jacks, 57 gal fuel cell and more. Spare parts included, too many to list. Call ot have FAX'd or sent. $150,000.00 Call (619) 443, 8034 or (619) 390,7131, ask for Scott. FOR SALE: 118" wb, 2 seat Vulcan, Woods race car. Tons of stuff on this car. Will mail com, plete breakdown. With trailer. Call Mike (702) 377,1454 $15,000.00 oho. FOR SALE: '92 JIMCO 1,1600 SCORE points champion and True Grit winner. Nothing but the best, Major engine, Mendeola transmission, built turnkey and professionally maintained at JIMCO. $20,000.00 Race Ready. Call Mike at (619) 562,1743. HELP WANTED: FABRICA, TOR , Looking for hard working professional to join our team at JIMCO. Send resume to 10965 Hartley Road, Suite R, Santee, CA 92071. ·,:,;;. FOR SALE:° Ni;s;n Class 3 or Euro Raid Pathfinder 4x4. Fae, tory built T ,Mag. 18,.,, front, 21"' rear travel. 9"' full floater, Turbo 400 trans, fuel injected V6, Kus, ter shocks. BEST OF EVERYTHING! $200K invested. Complete package priced to sell at $49,900.00 or trade, offers considered. Baja Concepts ref #184. Call (619) 583-0529. FOR SALE: MTEG Ranger, Ess, linger 3.0 liter, Art Carr, C--4, Rancho built suspension, 22,.,, front, 24,.,, rear travel. Tons of spares! Very competitive! Com, plete package $35K. Must sell FOR SALE: Class 2 Raceco complete fast or will start parting Porsche, Hewland 00300, dual out! Baja Concepts ref #236. Call BDR pumpers, new 3"' drop spin, (619) 583-0529· dles, new Summers floater rear STOP! You've found us! Tired of hubs, 126,.,,w/ b. Fresh complete searching for that perfect off road rebuilt (everything new!) vehicle. We can find it for you. $30,000.00 obo. Call Rick (714) Baja Concepts has placed hun, 493--4505 leave message. dreds of people, just like you with ----------------off road vehicles.We specialize in . FOR SALE: '61 Ragtop Baja Bug. 1776, less than 3000 miles, super trans 4:12 ring & pinion, welded 3rd & 4th gear, cutting brakes, reinforced front end, rack & pin, ion. $3,000.00 obo. Call Darryl (714) 544-0948 or (714) 547, 7862. February 1994 selling trucks, race cars, pre, runners and equipment. Specials: Brand new 2,1600, never driven, 14K (ref 310). 44' competitive trailer, super clean & loaded 14K (ref 313). 1 seat comptv cl 10 FAT VW Hewland 5 speed, 10.SK (ref 296). Cl 10 2 seat RACECO, great car 18.SK (ref 272). Super nice cl 5, coil over, big travel 15K (ref 117). Awe, some cl 6 Jeep driven by Evan Evans & Brian Stewart, complete package, race ready 38K (ref 321). Cl 8 Ford w/ spares 19.9K ( ref 14 3 ). Pre,run Ranger long bed, 2 tanks, cage, very clean, loaded 9K (ref 304 ). Too many to list! Looking for more 4 seaters & bitchin' pre,run Baja Bugs. Trucks, as always are really mov, ing. Call today for the best deals. Baja Concepts (619) 583-0529. ~ -~-FOR SALE: Ford Class 8 428, 13:1 motor. 20" travel, 35" BFG 15 spares tires & wheels, Fox shocks, Sandy Cone cliff, PCI radios, trailer, JFZ brakes 1992 body spare parts, 35 gal fuel cell. $14,000.00 Call (805) 251, 5565. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Class 9 Challenger, new. Best parts money can buy. FAT engine, Fields trans, Fox, SACO, UMP, Sway,A,Way, pumper, Beards, Fuel Safe 22 gal cell, 116 miles on car. Yokohama, Neal. All or part, less engine or all hardware. Sell just chassis. Call (818) 504-0908 day, (818) 846--4309 nite. fORSALEOR TRADE:Class9, started new business, out of money! No time! DJ trans, Fox, Seco, Reid Pro, Sway,A,Way, all updates Parker Pumper, KC's, close ratio gears, tors adj, lots of spares, trailer green sticker, dump can, black Imron paint. Come drive it. $5,500.00 (805) 831, 7919 Tom. FOR SALE: Class 9 Raceco 2 seat. Chromalloy frame, Raceco trans, alum body, Wright rack, 300M Sway,A,Way bars, inter, com, pumper, Simpson belts, Beard seats, Flame Out, best of everything, lots of spares, ready to race. $8,000.00 (909) 789-0706 nitel wknds. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Baja Concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Baker Precision Products . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 42 Barba,y Coast · Gold Coast Hotels . . . . . . . . 29 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 .. John Buffum Biography . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 31 Cactus Racing Products . . . • . . . . . . . • . . . 5 7 California Pre-Fun • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 30 Castex Inc., E-Z-Up . . . • . • • . • . . . . . . . . • 22 Don-A-Vee Jeep-Eagle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Enduro Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 FAT Performance .. ................. 13 FRT King of the Desert . . . . . . . . . . . . • ? 7 Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . 4 German Auto . • . . . • . • . • • . • . . . . . . . . . i " Rod Hall Driving School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Hi Tech Off Road . . . .....••.••...... 47 Jimco ........................... 5 La Rana Desert Racing . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 25 Logan Off Road Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 McGillivray Off Road Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Nevada Off Road Buggy • . • .. .. .. .. .. .. 17 Parker Pumper . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 41 Pike's Family Restaurant . . • . • . . . . • . . . . 51 Pro Wire ......................... 15 Race Ready Products . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Reid Pro . . . ..... ......... ....... . 45 SCORE kltemational . . . . • • • • . . • . . . . . . 2 George Seeley Racing . • • • . . . . . . . . • . . . 8 Marvin Shaw Engineering . . . • • . . . . . . . . . 44 SNORE Bottom Dollar . ... , . . . . . . . . . . . 11 $Nay-A-Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 21 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group . . . . 7 Toyota Motorsports • • • . • . . • • • • • Back Cover Tri-Mil kldustries . . • . • . . • • . • . . . . . . . . . 39 ~ Ultra IMleels . .. . • . • . • .. .. .. .. .. • . • 49 Valley ~erformance . • . • . • . • • . . . . . . . . . 38 Wilch Sales . • . . . . • • • . . . • • . . . . . . . . • 37 Wight l'tace . . . . . • . . . • • • • . . • . • . . . . 4 Pagc_59
TOYOTA \1ES To RETAIN STADIUM AND DESERT CHAMPIONSHIPS. If you're an MTEG stadium race fan, you just had to love those Toyota Trucks last year. Drivers Rod Millen and Ivan "Ironman'' Stewart thrilled the crowds at every venue. Winning early and often. ~ut then, what else is new? It was only Toyota's 10th Manufacturer's Champion-ship in the past 11 years. Plus, Rod also earned Toyota its 8th Driver's Championship. Of course, if you're a SCORE desert race fan, you were treated to even more of the same. In his awesome Toyota V6-powered desert truck Ivan served notice from the start-winning last season's first three races. But the best was yet to come. His amazing I-hour-plus victory in the Baja 1000 was Toyota's first ever and secured the SCORE Overall Championship. So congratulations to Rod and Ivan, as well as to Precision Preparation, Inc. and Toyota Racing Develop-ment, USA. Yes, it was a very good year. But that's what you expect. .. from truly great trucks. @TOYOTA "I love what you do for me:' T CH 0 & 0 ON A • .A .,. TR.ACK © 1993 Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.