Volume 11 • Number 11 • Noftmbcr 1994 $1.50 ISSN 8750-1731 Covering the world of competition in the dirt
• l • l ll B l! l 0 Cf) Cf) ~ 1994.DESERT CHAMPIONSHIP ' . . l 27th Annual S E R I E S November 11 -9:00 a.m. November 11 -9:30 a.m. 23 Pro and Sportsman Classes Cars • Trucks • Motorcycles • A TVs BRINGING THE RACERS BACK TO THE DESERT WITH LOWER ENTRY FEES AND COMPETITIVE RACING Drawing - October 5 Pre-Running • October B -.November 10 «77@~» ~@~□~~@~ THE OFFICIAL TRUCK OF SCORE INTERNATIONAL
Volume 11 - Number 11 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Bekki Wikel Controller John Calvin Circulation 0. Osborne Contributors Jim Baker C&C Race Photos Barry Don Calloway Carrera Photography Carol Clark Don Dayton John Elkin Homer Eubanks Don Holbrook Martin Holmes Daniel Maimer Matt Marcher Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Terry Silbaugh • Darryl Smith Judy Smith' Tony Tellier T rackside Photo Inc. Wizer Photo~ Art Director Larry E. Worsham November 1994 -ILL8 OffllOAD IUCllNI IUOaT Subscription Rates: llrid&rieslf~Racing19 $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributior DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited ~aterial will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may " be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to DttSty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. Ten years ago Curt LeDuc and his shop looked like this! Curt hasn't changed but the shop really has changed for the better. He is well know for his precision assembly and new designs. Can't you just hear Curt saying, "Not to worry, your truck will be ready to race tomorrow morning." Don't know who the photographer is, but this is a classic shot. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar interest on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for_ the p~cture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Black & white prmts, 5x7 or 8x10 preferred but clear color prints will be considered. · Dusty Times November 1994. In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page SCORE Gold Coast 300 by Judy Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 FRT Superstition 250 by Judy Smith ....................... 16 SCORE Tecate Trophy Trucks by Judy Smith . .............. 19 SODA UP Bark River by Barb & Marilyn Schultz ............ 20 Milbrodale Classic by Darryl Smith ........................ 24 Whiplash Racing at Snowflake by Tony Tellier ............... 26 Suhriser Forest Rally by John Elkin ..................... ... 29 SCCA Ojibwe PRO Rally by John Elkin .................... 32 Road America Off Road Racing by Earb & Marilyn Schultz .... 34 Glen Helen Short Course Races Round 2 by Jean Calvin . . . . . . . 38 Rally of 1000 Lakes by Martin Holmes ..................... 42 Yoko Blue Lake 350 by Darryl Smith ....................... 44 Brush Run 101 by Judy Smith .................... , ........ 46 DEPARTMENTS CRS Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes ................ , .............. ............. .. 4 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Checkers Column ....................................... 41 Good Stuff Directory .................................... 52 Christmas Goodies Galore ............................ · .... 57 Fair News .............................................. 57 Classified Ads ................................... 57, 58, 59 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ON THE COVER-Brian Collins' Chenowth is a prime example of form following function. In development for nearly two years this Porsche powered dandy was the fastest of all through the-rocks and silt of the southern Nevada desert last September at the SCORE Gold Coast 300. Brian won the race overall with minutes to spare, and using tall tires he didn't suffer from the flat tire epidemic that plagued others. Remember, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this car looked beautiful in the winner's circle. Walker Evans has been commuting between Wisconsin and California all summer to run the SODA TV series with a purpose built Dodge. The crowd loved the sound of the engine and Walker's high flying style of driving at Crandon, and he won the points needed to make .him the overall points winner of this series within a series that pays off in big bucks. Our congratulations to both big winners. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Inc. to S~7Maff DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year -$15.00 □ 2 years -$25.00 D 3 years -$35.~ Take advantage of your subscript.on bonus .• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name ______________________ _ Address ___ -'-------------~----City _____________________ _ State -----------Zip-----------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES -1 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 I (Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates on request) Page 3
Califomia Rally Series By John Elkin As y~u read this the Treeline Rally will be a distant memory and cars will be getting ready for our second to last event of the year in Gorman. Also at this time some teams will be traveling back to Michigan to compete in the National Divisional Run-offs. For those of you new to the CRS we have fielded the National · Champions four times in the 10 year history of the run-offs. In 1984 Mike Whitman won the inaugural championship then in 1985 Scott Child made it two in a row. A dry spell hit from 1986 through 1990 as wt.: captured the runner-up spot several times with Lon Peterson and Jeff Griffin. Then in 1991 Peterson broke through and got the SoPAC the title back. And then in a win by association only, Mike Whitman is the reigning champion, and while he is officially a Rocky Mountain Region member he will always be a CRS favorite. Now we have three chances to gain titles in the new divisional class structure. We will have an update in the next· issue as to how Mitch McCul-lough, Jeff Hendricks and others do back on the rough and wild roads in the Upper Penins_ula._ Also done is the stock class meeting where the ballot has been set for rule changes in the two classes .. If you do not receive a · ballot and are an active stock class competitor call Tony Chavez, days at ( 310) 906-263 7 for yours. These rule changes, after being voted in will take effect on January 1, 1995. The CRS Awar s Banquet has been scheduled for January 14, 1995, the location has not been decided yet but Lynette is looking into another Old Spaghetti Factory with a 'larger banquet room. Mitch McCullough and Kim Adams have decided to tie the knot which would normally be good news except that after the nuptials the pair will be leaving their jobs and going back east to start a new life. We wish them well in their careers and their lives and hope they can make the occasional trip west around a rally weekend. The planned move will probably not be until after Gorman sometime. In Ohio a good sized contingent of CRS folk went National at the Sunriser 400. Some did well, others were done in. Mike Whitman took Paula Gibeault for a short ride that ended against a tree rearranging the front of the Datsun 510. Whitman is done with nationals for the year as Goran Ostlund clinched the title and may come out to Gorman. AffENTION PIT TEAMS Send us your tales of triumph and troubles and they will be featured on these pages. Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 207 51 Marilla Street, Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 ·----------------------------OFF ROADERS SCORE! WITH MOTORSPORTS JEWELRY The perfect gift for Xmas. Choose the car shown, or send us a side-view photo of your car, and we'll create a custom piece, just for you. Interested In matching earrings, belt buckles, or key chalns?Once we've made your first custom piece, additional orderswlll cost less as we have already made Chris Weleff and Brian Paul moved into third place in the Group A points with their third place finish in the Toyota. Dave Turner and Bill Gutzmann. rearranged the rear suspension on the Eclipse and soldiered on to second place in Production. Pete Lahm took Michigander Jimmy Brandt for a ride to third place in Group 2 and Jason Priestley with Kevin Caffery did the CRS proud in the GT ranks with a fourth place and twelfth overall. At the BoG Meeting last month Lon Peterson relinquished his position as Competitor Liaison. Until a new person is elected to the position John Moore has been appointed to take his place. You can catch him at events riding in the Dennis Chizma VW or call him days at (619) 947-4309. Are you on the information superhighway yet? Many rallyists are, and they are converging on CompuServe. We have our own forum for rallying where you can talk with rallyists from all over the world. You can advertise for a navigator, organizers can post messages asking for workers, the list is endless. So grab your PC, throw a modem on it, get rally results from everything from selected divisionals to the WRC. As reported earlier in this column some England based rally teams are looking to the USA to further their goals in rally. It was finally announced that Greg and Lynne Lund from Washington have garnered the RED ride for 1995. The Lund's will be campaigning a Ford Sierra Cosworth 4x4 (known here as the Merkur XR4Ti) with well over 400 horsepower. No word yet as to any plans by Prodrive but you can bet with one team here more are to follow. Next month we will talk about our teams at the run-offs, T reeline . Rally and the stock class meeting. the artwork. We're the racers jewelers, insuring you great quality and factorydlrect prices. If you've bought custom ¾, made jewelry before, you'll realize our prices are a real score! Also, we can be of service for other fine jewelry needs. OMS20 14KT OFF-ROAD PENDANT OMSC2 14KT 18" 2.5mm ROPE CHAIN RETAIL DT PRICE $2,,,00 $179.00 $199.00 $149.00 SEND US ANY PHOTO & WE'LL QUOTE CUSTOM WORK Trail Notes ••• DESERT BILL PASSES! Well, after a good decade or more of impasse, the California Desert Protection Act passed the Senate, just before they adjourned for the year. As the bill reads, millions of acres in the California Desert will become either new national parks or federally protected wilderness areas in southern and eastern California. Of course nowhere that we have seen in the bill does it mention any source of funding for the huge police force it will take to keep rereational off roaders off lam;! and away from campsites they have been using for years. In fact no source of funding is mentioned for anything including the two new National Parks and their staff. Still the bill designates 69 new Bureau of Land Management parcels totaling 3 .5 million acres of wilderness, elevates the Death Valley and Joshua Tree national monuments to national parks and a new national preserve in the East Mojave. Most of the land already belongs to the federal government. The vote was 68 to 23, eight votes more than were needed. Generally senators from the western states voted against the last minute action. Several Western senators had mounted a fillibuster in hopes of blocking the passage of the bill, a move that was labeled "politics" by the proponents of the act. Senator Larry Craig of Idaho, a former rancher, denied the charges, he and others said the creation of parks would severely strain the ability of the National Park Service to maintain the quality of existing facilities. They also argued that the bill was another example of the federal government's "war n the West" and individual property rights, "What we are doing is taking a vast piece of land off the map," Craig complained. Unfortunately the political forces that campaigned for this bill have probably never been to the desert, no doubt getting no closer than the airport at Las Vegas. The Mojave desert is a huge bit of land that for many years has been enjoyed by recreationists of all types. Of course the miners have been in action before California was a state, but they will be shut out of some of the digs by this bill. But primarily it is the weekend boondocker, who with family in tow goes to the desert to enjoy its peace and beauty and maybe do a little dirt bike riding or four wheeling on the trails that already exist at most popular areas, who will feel the brunt of the land-closures. The children will be denied the fun of a weekend in the desert, and southern Nevada is likely to be buried by folks who will go that far just for a desert outing. If this sounds like sour grapes it is. We have never seen anyone cut down a living Joshua tree in the desert, but, in recent years stands, even forests of Joshuas have been uprooted and tossed away by developers building more and more tracts of inexpensive housing, most of which stands empty now as the military shuts down in the Victor Valley. What the feds are telling us is that it is OK for a developer to destroy a Joshua tree forest to build cheap and tacky looking housing halfway between Los Angeles and San Bernardino, whose roads are already choked with long distance commuters, but it-will no longer be OK for you and I to take our four wheeler, green stickered buggy or bike and bounce around on existing roads or trails. They expect people to back pack in to see the special wonders of the desert, most of whom have roads leading to them anyhow. Well with one leg we can't hike, and we find it too hot most of the year to peddle a bicycle in the desert. There are people with heart problems who must drive into the area to view scenic wonders, but Feinstein and her gang of power hungry cohorts dismiss this large segment of American society. Well we know this doesn't affect people east of the Mississippi who own most of their own land and have probably never heard of the BLM (Bureau of Land Management, US Dept. oflnterior). But what will affect them will be the new taxes from the Clinton Administration to pay for all this, studies, survey crews, it could go on for years. Besides, if it is wilderness, you can't get in legally on that inviting looking trail, so the parcel does not generate a dime of income. The Forest Service, the BLM, Fish & Wildlife are all strapped for funds now. How can they hire the people to do the extra work, without congressional funding? It happened in California to glorify former Senator Alan Cranston and his stand-in these days Diane Feinstein, neither of whom live near the desert. So folks watch your back door on this type of land grab. It could happen in your state unless you marshall forces early to protect your own public land and in many areas, fight to keep it open for hunting and fishing. Yes, apparently they can take that away too! THE NEWS 'is short this month because your editor foolishly.slipped on a rock and broke her hip at the SNORE 250. So we lay around in the hospital in Las Vegas for some time, surrounded by flowers from many, many folks in Las Vegas and elsewhere in the sport, before we could get home and started on finalizing this issue. We may not be out and about before the Baja 1000 in November. Build It, Race It, Wear It! ORDER TODAY, SCORE TONIGHT! THE JEWELRY FACTORY 7525a ETHEL AVENUE NORTH HOLLYWOOD CA ,1605 PLEASE ENCLOSE PERSONAL/COMPANY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER NAME _________ _ At any rate the SNORE 250 overall honors went to Pat Dean and Keith Underwood. Pat set fast lap of the race at 55:57 and won overall by 11 minutes. Se~ond in Unlimited Class was Tom Koch in his big car and he was followed by Mike Peterson. Class 10 went to J.C. Dean making it a double for that family, I and J.C. also set class fast lap at 1:04 flat. Robbie Goerke was second Ken Fl_ipp_en was a long third. John Prosser took Class 1-2-1600 ip a squ;aker, wmnmg by a mere minute over Danny Anderson and Larry Job. Kenny Freeman Jr. was third followed by Kevin Davis then Bekki Freeman. Dave Petrillo won Class 9, David Hendrickson won Class 5-1600, Scott Bassett took Heavy Metal and Tom Dunn won Mini Metal. John Gangloff again won Sportsman Buggy while Ed McCormick won Class 11. Full report next month. COMPANY _________ . __ ___________ _ 818-503-,436 800-421-0200 FAX 818-503-,562 M-F 7:30AM • 2:30 rM rACIFIC TIME ADDRESS ____ _ CITY STATE ___ _ ZII' __ _ DAY PHONE _________________ _ _ SHU'l'INC CHARGES UP TO $500 $500 . $1000 OVF.R $1000 Page 4 $ 8l)IJ Sll.00 $13.00 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: THF. JEWELRY FACTORY QJY ITEM # DESCRIPTION __ ---'P=RICE EACH CA RESIDENTS ADD 8 1/4'11, SALF.S l'AX SHIPPING oil INSURANCE TOTAL ENCLOSED PRICETOTA1< November 1994 THE MTEG LAS VEGAS race went on just a few miles from our hospital bed but they wouldn't let us out to see it. The truck population has shrunk in number some, but they still had a good show. Jimmie Johnson won the first truck heat for Chevy, Jerry Whelchel won the second one for Ford but Jimmie Johnson, with teammate Ricky Johnson just astern, took the big points for Chevrolet. Tommy Croft swept the Sport Utility Class in a Jeep, and Jerry Whelchel did the same in 1600 class. C.J. Mears and Mercedes Gonzales each won a Super Lite heat and Mears won the Main. We'll have a full report on that race next month. Dusty Times
INSURANCE SER VICES, INC _ GLEN HELEN OHV PARK• SAN BERNARDINO, CALIFORNIA .. PROUDLY S-PONS-ORS-ROUND FOUR OF THE ... 199? C/fAJJl?fOll'S/ff? ?Of/YT SERIES -~~::~ireof ► CLASSES FOR Sl7/Pff/JJI e PESERT RACE //E/ffCLES ► FREE 0//ERIJl./'0/fT ?ARK£/Jl0 OJI' FRIPAY FOR RACE TEAJJIS ~= Motorsportsl 1 1 LARSEN PRINTINO SERVICE A DMslon of The JSI( Larsen CorpomHon al GlEN HElEN OHV PARK in San Bernardino, California Located five miles north of San Bernardino, at the San Bernardino Regional Parks and Recreation area in Devore, the Park is at the Palm Avenue/Kendall exit off the 1-215 ( exit west to Park). _ c; A Th~ t?Ph.lv A T 680 AJvf. PIZ.ACT/~h ~ T AIZ. T ~ A T 9:00 AJvf. IZ.AC!Nc; 8h.9!v~ A T /2:00 PM 410.00 - AOUL-T ~ . 4 .5.00 -12 T t? 16 Yh.AIZ.~ t?LO FIZ.h.h. U!v0h.lZ. 12 -Yh.AIZ.~ t?LO iiF~~i~~ION BBMPM~ORMKOE TTIINOGNS PLEASE CONTACT: I\ P.O. BOX 582 • LAKEWOOD, CA 90714 (310) 988-6250 1-1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111111111111111
1994 GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 tl San Bernardino, CA 92412 Happenings ••• (714) 880-1733 October 30, 1994 Car Enduro October 15, 1994 Halloween Haunt A.D.R.A. Off Road Enduro Race Whiskey Springs 400 $5,000 guaranteed purse American Desert Racing Association Bend, OR P.O. Box 34087 November 27, 1994 A Phoenix, AZ 85067 CENTRAL SOUTH DAKOTA Car Enduro (602) 997-1633 RACING ASSOCIATION Short Course Races P.O. Box 645 for Cars and Trucks AMSA Pierre, SD 57501 Jim Webh Kevin Miller (Baja) October 21-22, 1994 ~. P.O. Box 26084 ( 605) 224-6923 December 2-3, 1994 Fresno, CA 93726 Don Engleman (Motocross) (Contact BBM Marketing Promotions, (209) 439-2114 ('605) 224-4967 p P.O. Box 582, Lakewood, CA 90714 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD GUMBO BUTTES (3 IO) g88-fo50) BAJA & MOTOCROSS CHAMPONSHIP GORRA Darryl Smith CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Georgia Off Road 47 Teenan St. RACING ASSOCIATION Racing Association Ferny Hills, Q. 4055, Australia C.J. Richards 420 Hosea Road r 011-18-07-85 1-0444 P.O. Box 332 Lawrenceville, GA 3024.S November 27, 1994 Fair Haven, VT 05743 ( 404) 963-0252 Puckapunyal (802) 265-8618 October 23, 1994 p Victoria CLUB AUTOMOVILISTICO Vienna, GA (Stadium Races TBA) SAN VICENTE November 26, 1994 AUTOCROSS QUEBEC San Vicente Off Road Thanksgiving 250 Ensenada, BC, Mexico Vienna, GA OFF ROAD USA Jan Wright (011 52 617-46834) Class 10 cars only Ramon Castro & Ruben Acevedo December 3, 1994 Serge L,mhert (61637/7 0034) Annual Banquet TBA - ~ y 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B I HI Decem.ber 2-4, 1994 GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD (5-14) 434-5792 Location TBA RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA BAD DOG'S CMC 1362 I Pierce St. OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN Continental Motosport Club Omaha, NE 68144-1122 Callaway Fun Inc. Sand Drags ( 402) 333-0517 Eve. 3825 No. Main P.O. Box 830 Keith Koesters Cleburne, TX 76031 Adelanto, CA 92301 6716 N. 106th St. Barry Don Callaway (619) 246-7262 Omaha, NE68122 (817) 645-0003/(817) 641-9985 November 19, 1994 ( 402) 496-0846 Eve. Gene Peugh · Sand Drags (all races at Westfair Fair Grounds, ( 817) 790-8268 nights December 1 7, 1994 Council Bluffs, Iowa on a Mi mile course Racing the 3rd Sunday of each month Sand Drags similar to the MTEG tracks, and run under March thru October ( All events at SVR, Adelanto, CA) class regulations from SODA) BAJA INTERNATIONAL COLORADO HILL ROD HALL INVITATIONAL P.O. Box 392 CLIMB ASSOCIATION 5445 Equity Ave. A Calexico, CA 92232 Barb Vahsholt:, President Reno, NV 89502 Apartado Postal 31 / I 63 (7 I 9) 531-3642 W 1(719)687-9827 H (702)856-3100 Mexicali, BC, Mexico P.O. Box 9735 (Mexicali (65) 68-34-72 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 BAJA PROMOTIONS, COLORADO OFF ROAD Cleves, Ohio 45002 LTD.S.A. CHAMPIONSHIPS (All events staged at the club grounds Lou Peralta Bertram Productions Inc. P.O. Box 8938 15073 Hwy I 19 Route 114 in Cleves, Ohio) L Calahasas, CA 91302 Golden, CO 80403 INTER-SHOWS . (818) 340-5750 (303) 936-5960 MOTORSPORTS December 2-4, 1994 . c ancelled. PROMOTIONS, INC. Gran Carrera de Campeones P.O. Box 2910 400 miles Triple Points Series Mission Viejo, CA 92690 San Felipe BC, Mexico for 1994 (714) 364-0515 Year End Party! L BONNEVILLE OFF POAD KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB RACING ENTHUSIASTS CORVA P.O. Box 465 Jim Rakcr 1601 10th St. Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 P.O . Box l'iB Sacramento, CA 95814 Bob(604)374-7175 days l )!-kn. Utah 84402 (800) 237-5436 Randy (604) 579-9621 eves • (tl,ll) n27-R.O .R.E. DECATUR Keith (604) 828-1795 anytime BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB (All events start 7 miles NW ofKamloops) R.R.3 Decatur, TX 76234 · 0 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 Tofl:l Allen LA RANA DESERT RACING (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 (800) 662-36491(214) 641-2090 P.O. Box 1365 1994 BRUSH RUN FORDA Apple Valley, CA 92307 POINTS SERIES Florida Off Roaders (619) 240-13351(619) 240-1312 P.O. Box 101 Drivers' Association October 14-16, 1994 Crandon, WI54520 2750 Co:umel Drive 111116 California 200 (715)478-2222 Melbourne, FL 32935 Ridgecrest, CA \AJ BUMP (407) 254-5167 November 18-20, 1994 Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions FUDPUCKER High Desert 300 43943 Sierra Hwy., Suite G RACING TEAM Lucerne Valley, CA Lancaster, CA 93534 250 Kennedy, 112 MICHIGAN OFF ROAD -~ ~ -(805) 723-1549 Chula Vista, CA 92011 CHAMPIONSHIPS (619)"427-5759 M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES SUPERSTITION 15529 Jones Road Lynnette Allison, CRS Director CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Grand Ledge, MI 48837 £ 2001 Oakland Hills Drive October 29, 1994 (517)627-6200 Corona, CA 91720 Squeaky Springs Gran National (909) 736-1442 El Centro, CA MICKEY THOMPSON'S Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward OFFROAD 149 No. Rawhide December 31, 1994 ST ADI UM SERIES Ridgecrest. CA 93555 Dunaway Dash Mickey Thompson (619) 375-8704 El Centro, CA Entertainment Group October 29-30, 1994 ATV, BIKE & DESERT P.O. Box 25168 E Gorman Ridge Rally SUPERLITE SCHEDULE Anaheim, CA 92825 Gorman, CA October 9, 1994 (714) 254-3001 November 18-20, 1994 Mudhen II MID-AMERICA East of Indio Rally El Centro, CA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION ,, Indio, CA November 20, 1994 David Cronin, President. MAORA CENTRAL OREGON Notorious Dawg 2590 Mullanphy , N El Centro, CA Florissant, MO 6303·1 DESERT RACING (618) 765-2199 Terry Silbaugh December 4, 1994 20515 Whitehaven Circle Rudolph's Revenge (M.A.O.R.A. sanctioned races. Series -Bend, OR 97702 El Centro, CA produced by Lincoln Trail Off Roaders) Page6 November 1994 Dusty Times
NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION Rt. #1 -Box 380 Daw or Marlene Ryan Palatka, FL 32177 (904) 325-5422 OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 ( 707) 822-8508 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasque: 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (913)855-8899 November 5-6, 1994 Cars & Bikes El Paso, TX OHIO OFF ROADERS ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 15 Stonecreek, Ohio 43840 ( 216) 339-4674 or (216) 897-5100 Hill Climb & Stadium Style Off Road Racing at Bear Creek Amphithearer Bolioor, Ohio ONT ARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Jeff Sargent 1480 Lakeridge Rd . N Ajax, Ontario, Canada (416) 427-4782 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-32081(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 801 12 (303) 779-6622 October 22-23, 1994 Lakl· Superior Rally Houghton, MI December 2-3, 1994 Maine Forest Rally Rumford, ME * Indicates Divisional Rally with 6o percent National Points SCORE Score International 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 November 10-13, 1994 SCORE Baja 1000 Baja California, MX December 16, 1994 Awards Night Location TBA S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 ( 714) 783-8293 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 October 28-30, 1994 Double Trouble 200 Nelson Hills, NY December 2-4, 1994 Eldorado 250 Henderson, NV SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 ( 414) 453-SODAi ( 414) 257-0422 SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 (All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa, TX Dusty Times TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowic:, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 October 29-30, 1994 1994 Championship Race Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Henderson ( 604) 5 38-0692 WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 Sumas, WA 98295 WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL Terry or Bev Friday 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP November 19-23, 1994 RAC Rally Great Britain ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List :your coming et1e11ts in DUSTY TIMES free! It is the only way some fans knowaboutyouret1e11t, if they don't happen to be on :your club mailing list. Don't call, but mail your 1994 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column; it could bring you some extra entries! Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 2075 z Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-44o8. (All et1e11ts at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owebo, NY) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W. Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 656-1122 WESTERN PENSYL VANIA WHEEL TO WHEEL OFF ROAD RACING Patrick McGuire 1255 Waverly Drive Latrobe, PA 15650 AfflNTION DISIRT RACIRS VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916)925-1702 (412) 532-0802 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85023 (602) 971-3730 DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all SCORE, SNORE, LA RANA and FRT desert races for Last Official Finisher. Check it out on contingency row. DDN·A·VEE 1993 Double Baja 1000 Winners! We just bolt on the same lights you buy - no strengthening - no modification - no extra rivets. Just stock lights. Don-A-Vee Motorsports Competition Series 916 l 69B Off-Road Lights w/Black Housings 9l 6 l 69C Off-Road Lights w/Ch.rome Housings 916269B Flood (work) Lights w/Black Housings 9 l 6269C Flood (work) Lights w/Chrome Housings Don-A-Vee Motorsports Thin Line Series 916129B Driving Lights w/Black Housings 9l 6129C Driving Lights w/Chrome Housings 916229B Flood (work) Lights w/Black Housings 9l 6229C Flood (work) Lights w/Chrome Housings Don-A-Vee Motorsports Rectangular Series 917129B Driving Lights w/Black Housings 9l 7l 29C Driving Lights w/Chrome Housings 917139B Clear Fog Lights w/Black Housings 9l 7139C Clear Fog Lights w/Chrome Housings 917149B Amber Fog Lights w/Black Housings 917l 49C Amber Fog Lights w/Chrome Housings 91 7229B Flood (work) Lights w/Black Housings 917229C Flood (work) Lights w/Chrome Housings $ 90.59 pr./kit $102.69 pr./kit $ 90.59 pr./kit $102.69 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96.59 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96.59 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96.59 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96.59 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96.59 pr./kit $ 85.99 pr./kit $ 96.59 pr./kit All Don-A-Vee Motorsports Lights are available with 55, 100, or 130 watt bulbs. Please specify when ordering. Kit includes: 2-halogen lights, 2-Don-A-Vee Motorsports lens covers, 1-30 amp relay, 1-30 amp fuse, an illuminated switch w/mounting panel, and all necessary hardware. Competition Thin Line To Order, write: Rectangular Don-A-Vee Motorsports 1 7308 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower, CA 90706 ■ Call: (800) 366-JEEP or (800) 59-PARTS FAX: (310) 920-0067 We accept checks, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discovery Cards. No cash or C.O.D.'s please. Wholesale inquiries welcome. November 1994 Page 7
SCORE GOLD COAST 300 Collins Bags Overall Win At Las Vegas By Judy Smith · Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. It took two years to develop this Chenowth Porsche, but it was worth it for Brian Collins. On home turf Collins had won here twice before, but this was a ! sweet victory, proving the radical ideas in the car can make it an overall winner. · Brian Collins ran a smart race in his Class 1 Chenowth to take the overall win at SCORE's Gold Coast 300 in September. This was his third overall victory at the · tough Las vegas event; his other two wins were in '88 and '92. This race, sixth in SCORE's seven-race series, attracted 136 starters (including the Trophy-Trucks), which was a big increase over last year's 105. The course was just shy of 70 miles, and competitors were required to complete three laps in most classes, for a 210 total, about 21 miles shorter than last year and the year before. There was a time limit of seven and a half hours, which is an hour and a half less than what they got last year, presumably at least in part to enable the Trophy-Trucks to start and finish in daylight, in their separate event later in the afternoon. This year the Class 11 cars, Class Stock Full and Stock Mini, as well as the Sportsman classes all ran only two laps, and they als~ had seven and a half hours to complete their races. In theory, the last car to start, at just about 7 :30 a.m., would have until just about 3 p.m. to finish, which was scheduled to be about 45 minutes after the Trophy-Trucks started. The race was later in the year than last year, but it was still plenty hot, though cooled a bit by a scant cloud cover and some breezes. Start time came at 6:30 a.m., just after the sun rose, and the Class 1 cars took off first, one at a time, every 30 seconds, down the two mile pavement of pit row. Jason Baldwin had been the first starter, and he was also the first back around, his Porsche powered Chenowth recording the fast lap of the day at 1: 16:58, and two minutes and 13 seconds in front of Collins, who'd started right behind him. Frank Arciero, Jr. ran third in Bob Gordon's VW powered Chenowth, followed by Corky McMillin, in another Porsche powered Chenowth, and then Ed and Tim Herbst, still another Porsche Chenowth. Already parked was Mark McMillin, Corky's son, whose car became stuck in third gear. He came back to the pit to persuade his dad to let him co-drive. On the second lap the Herbsts lost their motor, Arciero lost his transmission, and Baldwin lost Brian Stewart started out running second in the Dodge, had some problems Jerry McDonald, with driving assistance from Rick Johnson, Chevy's stadium, on the course, got fixed to win Class 8 by over seven minutes and take second star, scored a close second in Class 8, third overall. Look for Rick to have a full overall as well with V-10 power. time ride in this truck next season. ---------------------------the lead. Collins took over as Baldwin had a couple of flats. He was now second, almost six minutes back, and followed by Mark McMillin, in his dad's car. In fourth it was Troy Herbst, in another Porsche Chenowth, . who'd lost about 10 minutes on lap one when he got a rock in a caliper and his brake caught fire. He was also plagued by dust, and, having started 16th, felt that the front starters had a "big, big advantage". Jim Baldwin, Jason's dad, was now fifth, in one more Porsche powered Chenowth. Going out on the last lap, with Collins solidly in front, Baldwin gave chase, and about six miles into the lap he was in dust when he " hit a hole too hot." The car endoed, folding the front beam back under the car and breaking the rear trailing arm. Jason and his passenger, Regie Dunlop, were o.k., although Dunlop did bite his tongue severely. But they were out of the race. Collins, who's been trying to get his car's suspension worked out for nearly two years, had a perfect day, with not even a flat to slow him down. He said he's still got more work to do on the suspension, but, "It's hard to complain." His car is a mid-engine with an automatic trans-mission, front and rear A-arms, and a 3.2 liter moter on 35 inch tires front and rear. Collins says the rear-engined cars can't hope to keep up with him in the whoopies. In second place, about 19 minutes later, it was Corky and Mark McMillin, who's had a couple of flats, and also lost the cap on their master cylinder and had brake fluid everywhere but where it belonged. For those who keep track, their car is another A-armed mid-engined Porsche. They don't run an automatic, have 3.5 liters, and use 35" tires only on the rear, as a rule. They finished with their rear spare on the left front, and reported "a lot of feedback". Troy Herbst, who drove the last lap with no brakes, was third, four minutes later. He also runs an automatic transmission. Jim Baldwin was fourth, reporting only two flats on the way, and Doc Ingram, Jack Garner and Tommy Bradley teamed for fifth place in a VW powered Chapar-ral. Doc, you will remember, had broken his back at the Fireworks race, but returned to racing, unruffled and unworried. The team probably broke some kind of record at this event, with three drivers, and one rollover per lap, per driver. The Class 8 trucks got off the line next, and it was Rick Johnson, in Jerry McDonald's Chevy, i~ the lead at the end oflap Troy Herbst zoomed into third in Class 1 in his single seat Chenowth Porsche, overcame a severe lack of brakes on the last lap to also finish fifth 0 /A. Gorky McMillin shared his Chenowth Porsche with son Mark and they were second in Class 1, fourth overall about 19 minutes behind Brian Collins. Jim Baldwin outran his son Jason and other family members in his Chenowth Porsche and finished fourth in Class 1, having only two flats for the day. Page 8 November 1994 Dusy Times
For the first time in his career David Bryan let someone else drive his truck, handing it to Curt LeDuc to see if the suspension changes were producing the desired result. The Ford finished third in Class 8, 7th overall. Defending Class 10 champion Tom Schilling with Bill Hernquist flew the Jimco across the soft desert to second in Class 10, and ninth overall. Andy Wehe jumped out of Desert Lites this year and into Class 10 and his Jimco was third by less than a minute and tenth overall, a good run. one. He had 47 seconds on Brian Stewart in his Dodge. Dave Ashley and Dan Smith ran third in their Ford, a minute and 22 seconds later, followed by Evan Evans in his Chevy, which was transformed from a Class 6 car into a Class 8 vehicle by reducing the front travel. And then came Davd Bryan in his Ford. Somewhere along the line Stewart had a vibration in the rear of his truck, but he didn't allow it to interfere as he racked up the fast lap in the class, at 1 :20:30, and moved into the lead. Jerry McDonald had got into his truck now, and was second, three minutes back, followed by Bryan, then Evans, and Jimmie Johnson, in a Chevy. He'd ridden the first lap with Marty Coyne, to pre-run, and it had paid off. Stewart's crew made a quick drive shaft change, hoping to solve the vibration. It didn't, but whatever it was didn't develop into anything worse, and, with no flats, he charged on to take the win. McDonald, running in sight of Stewart on the last lap, tried to reel him in, but flattened another tire, and couldn't get the wheel off the truck. He and Johnson were second, seven minutes and 46 seconds later. Bryan got out of his truck, for the first time ever, and let Curt LeDuc drive the last lap, while he dithered at the finish line like a worried father. LeDuc brought it back in fine shape, to give them a third place, followed in by Coyne and Johnson, who said this was their best run. Evans, finding his car a little harder to drive with its shorter wheel travel, nevertheless had a clean run, to finish fifth. There was one Class 8 Sports-man who was supposed to start a the end of the Class 8 field, but he became a horrible example of snoozin' and losin', when he showed up late and he had to wait until all the Class 10 cars had started. Roger Ketelsleger and Brian Hubbard, in a Ford, didn't find the rest of their day going well either, because they managed to finish only one long lap. The Class 10 horde started third, and competition is intense in this class, with almost every car a potential winner, and nearly every driver the same. Four cars didn't get through the first lap, Rob MacCachren drove the first lap, Larry Job d;ove the next two· scooping rocks into the Toyota Mirage and the pair led Class 10 over 27 others all the way, winning by 13 minutes and taking sixth overall. Mike Jakobson hustled into the Class 5 lead from the git go, pushed to score class fast lap on the second round, had a lead on the last lap which he used with clutch trouble, but still won by over 20 minutes. Dusty Times and the lead was in the hands of Rob MacCachren, in a Toyota powered Mirage, with over two minutes on Mark Weyhrich in his Toyota Raceco. In third it was Rick Romans in a Rabbit powered Raceco, followed by Robert and Michael Harman in a Lothringer, and then Larry Bolin in a VW Raceco, and Mike Julson in a VW Jimco with front A-arms. Sixth. place was only three minutes and 49 seconds behind the leader. MacCachren got out and gave the car to Larry Job, who stayed in the lead, fighting with rocks under his throttle pedal. The Weyhrich team still held second place, about five minutes back, followed by Julson, less than a minute later. In fourth it was Romans, and then Andy Wehe was fifth with his 1715cc two-seat type VW single-carbureted motor, in a Jimco. Dave Richardson ran sixth in Steve ~ourapas's VW Chenowth, as Sourapas suited up. He'd arrived at the race course during the second lap, fresh from a San Diego area hospital where his wife had given birth to their son, Steve, Jr., at 8:20 the previous evening. Things changed some on the last lap. The W eyhrichs disap-peared and Julson broke a rocker arm shaft, but, while Job had a flat, and more trouble with the rocks ( he had to get out of his car to dig 'em out from under the throttle), he held on to the lead, and he and MacCachren got the win. A little prognostication of things to come. With a zippy last lap the team ofT om Schilling and Bill Hernquist, in a Jimco, moved up to second place, reporting no problems. And in third, after losing his clutch, and with his motor definitely not liking it, was Andy Wehe, who'd never raced this course before. Sourapas and Richardson were fourth, and Sourapas ~ Jamar Super Shifte Make missed shifts a thing of the past! Fortin CV Cages Polished & Strong! Available in both: 930 and 934.5 Thing Drums Straight from Germany. The real thing! 103 Press· Lane #4 * Chula Vista, CA 9191 O Phone: (619)691-9171 * FAX: (619)691-0803 l '------------------------~-~--------~----_,_) November 1994 Page 9
/JgJ () IJEfER7 R/lt'/Altr p;Effl/15 I "7~ tjlteat ?ltajaue 'Oe4e'tt Poud4 Seuea" -~,,,.._,. 2' \.·\,r~".\:·,~1-• O\.CO \<VO\' -~t1 ROUND VI: ~ ~~~~ DOUBLE POINTS RACE NOVEMBER f 9, f 994 CONTINGENCY, TECH, AND REGISTRATION FRIDAY, NOV. f8 = FROM 3:00 TO 9:00 PM AT THE ll!CERNE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL RACE DAY SATURDAY, NOV. f9TH = RACE START TIME 9:00AM AWARDS SUNDAY NOV. 20 TH = AT THE LUCERNE VALLEY COMMUNITY CENTER
THE "7~ tfaeat ?Ho-jaue 'De4eltt 'Poueta Se,uea" () /JE5ER7 R/lt'/Jlltf' Lauifllin, NevaOa ROUND VII: DOUBLE POINTS RACE NOVEMBER 19, 1994 CONTINGENCY, TECH, AND REGISTRATION FRIDAY, NOV.f8 = FROM 3:00 TO 9:00 PM AT THE LUCERNE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL RACE DAY SATURDAY, NOV. f9TH = RACE START TIME 9:00AM AWARDS SUNDAY NOV. 20 TH = AT THE LUCERNE VALLEY COMMUN/'TY CENTER Friday, December 16, 1994 Dinner & Program 7:00pm to 12:00am Formal Affair ~~ Seating is Limited RSVP by December 6, 1994 ~~ Phone 619-240-1335 ,.,,,,,_,,..,,,.,,,,..,,_,,..,,_,,...,,_,,...,,_,,..,,_,,..,,,.,,,,..._,,..,,_,,...,,_,,...,,_,,..,,_,,..,,_,,...,,_,,..,._,,..,,_,,..,,_,,..,,_,,..,,_,,...,,_,,..,,_,,...,,_,,.,,,,,_,,.,,,,,_,,..._,,..,,_,,..,,_, For accommodations, contact the Ramada Express and mention the La Rana 94' Year End Awards/or discounted rates : Ramada Express CLASS c is 2121 S. Casino Drive Laughlin, Nevada Phone: 702- 298-4200
Commuting to San Diego and back Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson moved up from sixth to fourth at the finish in the Class 10 Chenowth and 12th overall. Neal and Mike Grabowski shared the driving on the slick Class 5, and they moved into second place midway in the game and finished second in Class 5. Lorenzo Rodriguez ran solo in his 1-2-1600 WR' chassis and survived all the rocks and finished second in class only five minutes behind the winner. ~ took off running for the airport, and his flight back to the new baby. Ryan Thomas, in a Chenowth, finished fifth, a minute later. Ray Croll, teamed with Tom Rhodes, finished seventh in aJimco, after recording the fast lap for the class, on the last lap, at 1:24:53. Class 5 was the fourth group to start, and Mike Jakobson put his convertible into the lead, with two minutes on John Cooley and Michael James, in another convertible. George Seeley, in his aged sedan, ran third. Jakobson pushed hard on the second lap, to score the class fast lap, at 1:35:01, and build his lead to 24 minutes. Now it was Neal Grabowski in second, and he'd been stuck on a rock, as well as plagued by a short in his yellow safety light that killed his ignition. He was followed by Seeley, who says his old car is so rattly he keeps thinking "it's not going to finish". James and Cooley had lost their motor. Jakobson, who said driving in the silt beds was "like driving in the dark -it's black", had a good lead through the last lap, and he was glad for it at the last check when his clutch stayed engaged after he stopped. He final! y got his crew, who were nearby, to Danny Porter and Mark Ruddis had a great day in the desert in the Suspension Unlimited car, and they ran trouble free all the way to victory in Class 1-2-1600 on the tough course. understand what was wrong, and they and the check people rocked the car ti! it let loose, and he took off for the finish and the win. Mike Grabowski did the final lap and a half in the family car, to bring it home in second place. And Seeley was third, vowing that he'd have a new car for the Baja 1000. In fourth, and last, it was Javier Espinosa and Salvador Avila, from Baja, who'd broken a . throttle cable, had a couple of flats, and had roblems with their electric fan. The lone Class 5 Sportsman, Lee Finke and Rudy Leon started next, and they got in one good lap, and one not-so-good, and made it back to the finish line by about 11 :30 a.m., keeping their 100% finish record intact. Class 1-2-1600 started next, and Gary Anderson and Mike Halliday put their Lothringer into the lead, over three minutes ahead of Danny Porter in his Suspen-sions Unlimited car. Then it was There was a field of five in Class 3 and Chuck Johnson took command right from the green flag in the Jeep Grand Cherokee, set class fast lap, had a two hour lead midway and was the winner and only Class 3 finisher. Rob Nolin in his ORC, just seven seconds behind him, and Paul Huffman and Ron Klarenback, in a Neth/Chenowth, were fourth less than a minute later, followed by Tom Rusich, in a Chenowth, another 18 seconds later. Porter pressed on, picking up the speed a little, and at the end of the second lap he had a minute and 13 seconds on Gary Cogbill in his Jimco. Rusick was now third, and Lorenzo Rodriguez, in a WR chassis, was fourth, and followed by Mike and Jim Abatti in their Raceco. Running late after replacing a clutch, Kevin Davis ran the fast lap for the class, at 1:37:08, trying to catch up. Porter put Mark Ruddis into the driver's seat for the last lap, and he ran another consistent lap, having a completely trouble free day, to bring the car to the finish line first. Rodriguez, who soloed, finished second, five minutes later, followed in by Jon and B.J. Almberg, in a Lothringer, who were just 21 seconds behind him, in third. Nolin lost about 20 minutes with fan belt troubles, and also had to stop to give his radio to someone after it fell out. He managed fourth place, followed in by Tom and Frank Rusich, first year racers, who'd lost a power steering belt and had a flat. The first eight cars were within 17 minutes of one another. Jeff Lewis really wanted to win Class 7S in the Chevy S-10, ran out of gas on lap 2, a common mistake here, but he had no more problems of note and sailed on home the 7S winner. Jeff Holmes put his 5-1600 in lead right from the start, led midway at the driver change to Ramsay El Waidani who held the lead all the way to the checkered flag, winning by over ten minutes. The 7S trucks were next, and Jeff Lewis put his Chevy into the lead, with nearly 14 minutes on second place Brady Helm and Pete Swift in their Toyota. Mark Hansen was third in his Ford after fixing a shock, and Darren York, in another Ford, was making repairs to a steering box that cost him an hour. He'd also had a flat. Lewis, who wanted this win so he could say he's won each of Jon and B.J. Almberg clear a small rock garden in their 1-2-1600 Lothringer and they finished third, just missing second place by 21 seconds time. Page 12 Kirk Koval ran his spiffy looking '67 Ford Bronco in Class 3, but he had troubles, long lap times and only finished two laps, good for second place. November 1994 Guillermo Quintero and Francisco Ortiz ran tight with the leaders most of the distance in Class 5-1600, stayed in second and finished second. Dusty Times
Brady Helm and Pete Swift exit a pit area in the Class 7S Toyota, lost 1st gear midway in the race but soldiered on to finish a good second in class. · Bryan Moynahan and Brian Jeffrey were only 20 seconds behind on the first Class 9 lap, dropped a little time on the next one and took second in class in the Raceco. A.J. and Herman DeNunzio, son and father, drove their home built creation fast enough to finish a close third in the tight running Class 9 race. Darnen and Casey Jefferies are having a dusty time of it in the silt here, built a good lead in Class 9, had steering woes with the Jimco on the last lap, but kept it straight to win this close running class. SCORE'seventsatleastonce, ran surprise, with only three cars out of gas on lap two, due to a showing up. Danny and Hector miscalculation in his gas usage Ledezma, who would have been figures. He dropped about 20 the fourth team, were-noshows minutes, and Hansen got up to due to a death in their family. within four minutes of him, with Jeff Holmes put his car into the Helm and Swift now in third, lead on the first lap, with the another three minutes back. York quick time of 1 :51 :08. He was was running again, and had ticked three minutes and 44 seconds in off the fast lap for the class, at front of Guillermo Quintero and 1 :36:08, in an effort to stay in the · - · race. Lewis had no more problems, and did get the win, finishing 20 minutes in front of Helm and Swift, who'd lost their first gear about half way through the day. They'd missed it, a lot. Hansen lost his motor. York, with another very fast lap, in spite of another flat, moved up to finish third, only 44 minutes behind the winning time. Francisco Ortiz, who were 26 minutes up on Vince Alcoul-oumre, who'd obviously had some trouble with his surfboard-topped car. Holmes did another half-lap, and then gave the wheel to Ramsey El Wardani, and they still led, even though they were down to just one front brake. Quintero was now up to a minute and 40 seconds off their back bumper. Alcouloumre was still having problems, but moving along, although about an hour and 15 minutes down. Holmes and El W ardani took the win, with Quintero and Ortiz second. Alcouloumre, who did finally get one good lap in, was third, still an hour down. Class 5-1600 boasted just one Sportsman, and that was the team of Milt Moore and Amy Brand, from Telluride, Colorado, in a '67 Bug. They put together a pair of almost identical laps, for a nice finish. The Class 9 field was small also, with only three entries, But it was a good race, nonetheless. Darnen Jefferies, in a Jimco, recorded the class fast lap, at 2:03:44, and took In Class 7, Sergio Nolasco and Alejandro Abaroa, in a Dodge Dakota, had a good lap, and the best for the group, at 1 :50:44, to go into the lead. But most of their class faded away early, and they completed only two laps them-selves, to get the win. Class 3 was something of a surprise, with five entries, and in the lead, Chuck Johnson, in a Jeep Terry Kiely and Steve Woodward took the Class 11 lead on the first lap, switched seats for the second go around, and won the class by nearly an hour over three other Beetles. Grand Cherokee, which had recently undergone some serious suspension modifications. He had 24 minutes on second place which was Kirk Kovel in a 'o7 Ford Bronco, and just 11 minutes up on Dick Sasser and Genaro Curiel in their '77 International Scout. Johnson's lap time, fast for the class, was 1:56:28. Johnson did another lap almost identical to his first, and at the end of lap two he had a lead of nearly two hours. It was still Kovel in second, and now Carty and Spencer Beal, in a Nissan, ran third. Sasser and Curiel were out. Johnson.was the only one of the class to finish, taking the win, with Kovel earning second place for his two laps completed. Class 5-1600 was also a Dusty Times There were seven starters and seven finishers in Stock full size pickups, and Marc Stein kept his Ford on course for the two laps to win the class. November 1994 the lead. This group had a tight schedule, with a relatively short cut-off time, they'd have little time for big repairs, and would have to nurse their cars carefully. Bryan Moynahan and Brian Jeffrey were second, in a Raceco, only 20 seconds behind Jefferies, and A.J. and Herman DeNunzio, in a DeNunzio, were third. Jefferies ran another good lap to increase his lead, while Moynahan and Jeffrey dropped about seven minutes and held on to second "place. The DeNunzio team was only a minute behind them now. Jefferies had a steering problem on his last lap, but he kept the car pointing forward, and brciught it in for the win, just five minutes exactly in front of Moynahan and Jeffrey. The DeNun:ios were only two minutes and 36 seconds behind them, for one of the tight-est races of the day. ~ Out Here ••• You need somebody you can depend on! CUSTOM \NHEF•·s 6300 Valley View Ave., Buena P.ark, CA 90620 Page 13
The team of Jack Garner, Tommy Bradley and Doc Ingram drove the Chaparral fast enough to make the driver changes and still take fifth in Class 1. Ryan Thomas was contending for the Class 10 honors in his fancy Chenowth, had his troubles early and never caught up but took fifth in Class 10. Rob Nolin had fan belt troubles and other woes with his ORC but he kept it going and finished fourth in 1-2-1600, just one second out of third. Virrce Alcouloumre and the Surf Bug had various troubles, all the way it seemed, but he kept moving to take a long third in Class 5-1600. Michael Yarman swings wide in his Toyota and ran well in the Stock mini Truck class for some time, but troubles on course kept him from finishing. Page 14 Marty Coyne teamed up with Jimmie Johnson in the Coyne Chevy in Class 8, and they scored fourth in class, only a minute behind third place. Todd Denton has been racing elsewhere, but took a fling at SCORE action and the Nevada rocks, and he finished sixth in Class 10. Tom and Frank Rusich are doing well in the 1-2-1600 Chenowth in their first season with SCORE. They finished fifth in the hotly contested class. :-, J:_ ;~ ifr' Darren and Doug York have often won on this course, but the Ford Ranger ended up third in Class 7S last September at the Gold Coast 300. Evan Evans made a Class 8 out of his Chevy racer and he drove it well and came in fifth in Class 8 without any factory help except Goodyear. George Seeley finished another tou·gh race in his aging Class 5 Baja Bug, which he swears will be replace(J by the Baja 1000 coming up soon. Sergio Nolasco and Alejandro Abaroa covered more distance than any of the four starters, so they won the class with two laps done in the Dodge. Gordon DiCarlo seems to have some debris on his windshield, but he and Don Krause brought the Ford in a close third in Stock full size pickups. Joe Bogart and Barry Blanchard run the T-Mag in Class 9 Sportsman, and they did two good laps to win the class by well over an hour. There is a Mini Truck Sportsman class now-and Patty Hayos took the early lead and held it through the next lap to win her first ever off road race in the Toyota. November 1994 Dusty Times
Peter Rosenstein and Duane Morimoto had some troubles on course in Class 11, but they pressed on to take the checkered flag before the Trophy-Trucks started. Rod Hall and Jim Fricker had the Hummer roaring across the dry lake on course and the intrepid pair scored a close second in Stock full size class. Matt and Michael Vaughan had the first lap lead in the Nissan in Stock Mini Trucks, broke an idler arm and finished the race a few minutes back, second. There were two Sportsman Class 9 cars, and at the end of their first lap the lead belonged to Joe Bogart and Barry Blanchard, in their T ~Mag. They were ove_r an hour up on Colby and Matt Sherard, in a Raceco, who'd had some kind of difficulties. Bogart and Blanchard, with a trouble free day, went on to take the win, and the Sherards did better on lap two, and got their second place finish. and Don Krause, in another Ford, and Chad Hall ran fourth in a Hummer. They were all finding the dust just awful. The Stock Full trucks took the green flag next and they had a good race. At the end of the first lap it was David Sykes and Greg Woodington, in their Ford, about four minutes in front of Marc Stein ·and Chris Tartar in their Ford. Then came Gordon DiCarlo Sykes got to mile 48 on his second lap, his last lap, and his rear axle housing broke in half, so his crew went to work with repairs. But in the meantime the others went on. Rod Hall's Hummer broke a shock, which flattend a tire, and Chad Hall's Hummer lost an exhaust pipe, and they were being asphyxiated, and had to kick out their front window. Stein, however, was having a good day, and he went into the lead, and took the win. But he was only a little over two minutes ahead of Hall, who was still elated over the good, close SCORE Gold Coast 300 RESULTS-September 10-11, 1994 I P .. Driver/Co-Ori-Vehicle Time 0/A Claaa-1/2-Unllmlted alngle & twoaeat -15 start -8 flniah 102 1 Brian Collins (solo) Chenowth Porsche ·103 2 Corky & Mark McMlllln Chenowth Porsche 116 3 Troy Herbst (solo) Chenowth Porsche 115 4 Jim Baldwin (solo) Chenowth Porsche 104 5 Jack Garner/Tommy Bradley/Doc Ingram Chaparral 1609 1 1611 2 1604 3 1649 4 Claaa 1/2-1600 -1600cc Reatrlcted Engine -16 atart -12 finish Danny Porter/Mark Ruddis Suspensions Un ltd Lorenzo Rodriguez (solo) Homemade Jon & B.J. Alrmerg Lothringer Rob Nolin ac 1605 5 Tom & Frank Ruslch Chenowth 301 1 503 1 505 2 500 3 502 4 552 1 554 2 553 3 703 1 720 1 723 2 722 3-Claaa 3-Short we 4x4 - 5 atart - 1 finish Chuck Johnson Jeep Grand Cherokee Claaa 4-Long we 4x4 - o atart - o finish Claaa 5 • Unlimited Ba)II Bug - 5 atart - 4 finish Mike Jakobson Baja Bug Neal & Mike Grabowski Baja Bug George Seeley Baja Bug Javier Espinosa/Salvador Avila · Porsche 911 Claaa 5-1600 -1600cc Ba)II Bug - 3 atart 3 finish Jeff Holmes/Ramsey El Wardanl Baja Bug Guillermo Quintero/Francisco Ortiz Baja Bug Vinve Alcouloumre Baja Bug Claaa 6 - Production Sedan - o atart - o finish Claaa 7 - Unlimited Mini Pickup - 4 start - 0 finish Sergio Nolasco/Alejandro Abarca Dodge Dakota (2 laps) Claaa 7S - Stock Mini Pickup - 7 atart - 4 finish Jeff lewis Chevy S-1 O Brady Helmtl'ete Swift · Toyota Darren & Doug York Ford 737 4 Charles David SrJEric Sanchez Toyota 803 1 810 2 806 3 808 4 Claaa 8 - 2WD Standard Pickup -13 atart - 11 finish Brian Stewar1 Dodge V-10 Jerry MacDonald/Rick Johnson Chevrolet David Bryan/Curt LeDuc . Ford F-150 Marty Coyne/Jimmie Johnson Chevrolet 807 5 Evan Evans Chevrolet Claaa 9 - Reatricted Buggy - 3 atart - 3 finish 949 1 Darnen & Casey Jefferies Jlmco 902 2 Bryan Moynahan/Brian Jeffrey Raceco 901 3 A.J. & Herman DeNunzio DeNunzlo 1014 1 1000 2 1004 3 1013 4 1017 5 Claaa 10 - Unlimited 1650cc - 28 start -15 finish Larry Job/Rob MacCachren Toyota Mirage Tom Schilling/Bill Hernquist Jimco Andy Wehe Jimco Steve Sourapas/Oave Richardson Chenowth Ryan Thomas Chenowth Claaa 11 - Stock VW aedan - 4 atart - 2 finish (this dass was only required to run only 2 laps) 1101 1 Terry Kiely/Steve Woodward VW Beetle 1100 2 Peter Rosenstein/Duane Morimoto VW Beetle Claaa Mini Stock -Stock Mini Trucks • 4 atart - 2 finish 760 1 (this dass was only required to run only 2 laps) Scott Sells/Alan Ross Toyota 778 2 Matt & Michael Vaughan Nissan 864 1 862 2 860. 3 865 4 861 5 Claaa Stock Full -Stock Pickup Trucks - 7 start - 7 finish (this dass was only required to run only 2 laps) M arc Stein Ford Rod HaU/Jim Fricker Hummer Gordon DiCarlo/Don Krause Ford F-150 Chad Hall Hummer David Sykes/Greg Woodington Ford Starters total 136 - finishers 88 total . - 65% - Race Distance 21 o miles Fast Time - Cars/Trucks - Brian Collins, Class 112 Chenowth Porsche Dusty Times 4:00:17 4:19:59 4:22:54 4:41:50 5:01 :58 5:00:25 5:05:13 5:05:34 5:05:35 5:11:43 5:58:54 4:47:38 5:09:33 5:32:17 5:43:16 5:48:38 5:59:13: 7:05:33 5:24:08 5:16:21 5:36:56 6:00:07 7:11:51 4:11:51 4:19:37 4:35:39 4:36:52 4:55:28 6:16:31 6:29:31 6:32:07 4:24:51 4:37:55 4:38:40 4:42:41 4:43:47 5:53:29 6:51:55 4:21 :45 4:26:31 4:02:43 4:05:21 4:07:16 4:10:10 5:07:49 1 4 5 11 24 25 26 27 28 30 46 15 29 37 43 44 47 59 32 39 48 60 2 3 7 8 20 51 53 55 6 9 10 12 13 race as he sat in the post race area. DiCarlo and Krause, who'd tangled with a buggy and flattened a tire, were third. Dead last, Steve Olliges and Tim Casey struggled with major repairs on their first lap, and then zipped off the fast lap for the class on their last lap, to finish, dead last. The Stock Mini trucks were next, also doing only two laps, and at the end of the first one it was Matt Vaughan, in a Nissan, in front, and 13 minutes ahead ot Scott Sells in his Toyota. Michael Yarman and Jeff Minor struggled in third place. Vaughan broke an idler arm, and as he was replacing it with the onboard spare, Sells went into the lead. He'd lost his steering stabilizers and four-wheel~drive, and claimed to have "noises we have no idea what they are", but took the win, only four minutes and 46 seconds in front of Vaughan. None of the others made it to the finish line. Scott Sells and Alan Ross had steering trouble, lost the four wheel drive on the Toyota, but carried on to win the Stock Mini Truck class again but only by four minutes and 46 seconds. The Sportsman Stock Mini trucks were next _off the line, and in this group the early leader was Patty Hayos, in a Toyota, racing for the first time. She had 22 minutes on Steve Vaughan and Gary Whipple, in another Toyota. Hayos maintained her pace, and went on to get the win, a heckuva way to start a racing career. Vaughan and Whipple were second, and no one else made it in. Class 11 was another two-lap class, and Chris Woodward took the lead in his '67, putting his car 36 minutes in front of Jack Zandbergen and Don Gillilan. Peter Rosenstein and Duane Morimoto wee third. Woodward switched seats with· Terry Kiely for the second lap, and they went on to take the win, driving the last 12 miles on a flat rear tire. Zandbergen and Gillilan ran out of steam, and Rosenstein and Morimoto moved up to take ROSE TRACTION ii; CONTROL ~,~, ---------.-/Nl[RNI\TIONAL CONGRA TULA TIO NS second, and last,_place. As the "last of the Gold Coast entrants trickled in, the focus of attention was already starting to split, to the row of pits that were now setting up and ready to go into action with the Trophy-Truck race, next on the agenda. Although there was some talk about protests and the like, SCORE's race notes do not indicate any disqualifications or penalties for this event. There is only one event left of the series, the Baja 1000, running from Mexicali to Mexicali on the weekend of November 10~13. Art Schmitt/Class 1 Soda/Racer. Art has propelled lus 2. 5 liter Nissan/Propst Lazer Class 1 car to seven 1st place wins in the first 5 races in the soda series. Also ... Congratulations to Mark Weyhrich on his 1 st place win at the Snore Mid-Nite run, in his Fat Toyota/Penhall chassis. Just 2 more racers who drive all-out and never worry about their TRANSAXLE breaking! Why? They have the Best' A ROSE TRANSAXLE ! ! ! Add it up: i;zJ The only TRANSAXLE guaranteed not to fail in any Class IO Score car i;z)The only TRANSAXLE paying $500.00 contingency in Class 10 Score car i;zJ Simply the best SYCRO-MESH TRANSAXLE available Contract: Chris Rose 1700 East Main Street El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 443-2480 November 1-994 Page 15
FRT SUPERSTITION 150 Wehe Wins It By Judy Smith Phot.os: C&C Race Phot.os Andy Wehe formerly drove Desertlite class, but made the jump to Class 10 in grand style, winning the race overall in the Jimco, and he won overall by'a solid 20 minutes in the competitive class. Andy Wehe had a really good a significantly shortened track. day at theFRT Superstition 250, By the time they'd completed and took the overall win with his their abbreviated event, things Class 10 two seat Jimco. had dried out some, so Fud and The race was the fourth event in some accomplices went out to re-· the six race desert series, and was mark the event for the cars, who sited just off Huff Road, in the were scheduled to start at six p.m. Borrego Desert, east of El Centro. The result of the realignment was It was scheduled to be an eight lap a course that was just 19 and-a-event, around a 29 mile loop. But half miles long, with a 10 lap late on Friday, as racers were requirement. The mud wouldn't already gathering in the pit area, be a big problem as long as the there was a gully-w'asher, a drivers stayed on course, but for remnant of a Baja storm, that those who'd pre-run, there were a dumped a couple of inches of rain couple of areas that were seriously on the area. In the morning, Fud, different from what they'd the head man in the FRT, sent practiced. Ah well, as the pundits some of his motorcycle racers to say, "that's racin' ". scope it out, and they came back The temperature was hovering to report thai: it was wet, and somewhere in the triple-digits, they'd been stuck a time or two. with the humidity running at So a major part of the course was about the same numbers, and scrapped, and the bikers raced on onl faint breezes to cool the spectators. With the start at 6 p.m. there were a few dusk laps, one or two directly into the sunset, and the balance after dark. Cut,-off time would be 2 a.m., and anyone not already finished by then would be flagged off the course. The honor of starting first and getting the only dust free lap, went to Vance Allen, in his Baja Bug, who won the event overall last year, and he charged out in search of another overall win. Unfor-tunately, he lostaboud2 minutes on his first lap with some kind of problem, and never could make it up. He then ran eight good laps, and as he headed out onto the course for his last lap a nearby engine builder, observing the sparks coming out of his exhaust, was heard to mumble that it Fast lap of the day belonged to the Class 10 of Ken Stroud and Scott Prill leading the first lap in the Raceco, but they fell back into a tie for second in class and overall. The other half of the tie for second in Class 10 and overall was the Pontiac powered Raceco driven by Steve Wolcott and John Johnson, who had one flat. looked as if he was burning a piston. We don't know for sure what happened, but he didn't come around again. The next group in the lineup ,was Class 10, and when they'd completed their firsdap the lead, and the fast lap of the day, at 22:28, belonged to Ken Stroud in a Jimco. Wehe, who's been a Desertlite racer in the FRT events until just recently, ran second, only six seconds later. Wehe runs a two seater, and he has one of the newly legal, single carbureted, 1715cc motors to propel him across the desert. Chris Harrold, in another Jimco, ran third 52 seconds later. · At the end of lap two Stroud's . lead was nine seconds, and at the end of the third lap, Wehe had moved to the front, with a lead of 13 seconds. Harrold had dropped out on the second lap when. his power steering ram broke. Now in third it was John Johnson in Steve Wolcott's Pontiac powered Jimco. He was eight minutes back. At the end of the fifth lap Wehe's lead was a minute and 47 seconds, on Harrold, and Johnson still ran third. No one else was running now. The Unlimited class had five starters, but only two survived, led from the third Catching some air a little sideways didn't bother John Brindel/ and Howard lap by John Currier and Joey Teague in a 1-2-1600 car, and they won the class Hughes and though they rolled the car testing on Friday, they led the first lap By now it was well and truly dark, and Wehe stayed in front. Harrold's co-driver, Bob Snaith was holding firm in second, while Johnson had given up th~ driver's seat to Wolcott. They had all dumped some fuel at the end of lap five, and Wolcott had flattened a front tire on the sixth lap, which gave his crew a chance by 20 minutes, fourth 0 /A. That's one for the record books. and most of the distance to win Class 5-1600 and place fifth overall. Running in Unlimited class Ben Abatti had woes with his Ford pickup, and he lost second gear early on and then began tossing fan belts, but took second in class. Page 16 Despite showing the same style as the 5-1600 winner Charlie Watters came in second despite getting stuck and driving solo, lacking his usual co-driver. November 1994 Dean and Chuck Hovey had some late breaking suspension problems but hung in there to bring the Jimco home second in Class 9 and tenth overall as well. Dusty Times
Greg and Paul Harrold are fairly new at racing in Class 5-1600 in the desert, but they moved to third on lap 2, and they finished third and were 11th OJA. Dave and John Gaddis fly through the sand in the dark in their 5-1600 racer, and they had a good run on the way to fourth in class and a fine 13th overall. Mike Stroh and P.J. Gedman outlasted most of the Class 9 cars in their Suspensions Unlimited and took third in Class 9 and a fine 12th overall. to practice with his prototype knock-offs. He declared that they were great, really speeding up the tire change. By the eighth lap Wehe had 12 minutes, and Snaith and Wolcott followed. And at the finish line it was still Wehe, taking Class 10 and the overall win. Snaith and Harrold took second place, and -Wolcott and Johnson were third. They were also second and third overall. The unlimited class started out enthusiastically, with Rod Goodsell, in his ORBS two-seater taking the lead, with the class fast lap, at 22:32. But as the cars came back from that first lap they brought scary reports of a crash and fire out on the course. It seems that David Webster, in his unlimited Ford, had flown off of an embankment and nosed into the opposite bank, tipping the truck over. As he and his passenger, ·13 year old Harold "Goose" Carter, tried to get out, flames curled up under the fenders. Tim Lawrence, driving in another unlimited truck, the Ford/Chevy of Bob Wagner, stopped and helped them both out of the car and away from the flames, getting a bit singed in the process. Others also stopped, and used their fire exting·uishers, but the sneaky flames would recede, >1nd seem to be out, only to flare up again and again, gradually consuming the fiberglass body of the truck. They were unable to stop it. Webster had suffered a painfully bruised leg, but no broken bones, and Goose was back at school the next week, sporting a broken arm. The truck was a total loss. At the end of that first lap Lawrence was second, but then as he headed out into his second lap his air cleaner fell off, tearing a fuel line loose, and the fuel spill started a fire in his truck. It was quickly extinguished, but enough essential bits and pieces were damaged to put him and Wagner out of the race. Goodsell, erstwhile leader of this class, disappeared on the second lap, and the lead fell to the team of Joh'n Currier and Joey Teague, who'd decided to enter their Class 1-2-1600 car in the unlimited group, so they'd have someone to race. The. only other vehicle racing was the Ford truck of Ben Abatti, and he'd already lost second gear and tossed some fan belts. Teague and Currier charged along at a steady pace, while Abatti struggled with a failing alternator. That meant he had mighty dim lights some of the time, and he lost a lot of time switching to fresh batteries. And then, somewhere in the evening, Abatti's wife, Judy, who was Dusty Times Dave Dietrich, Mike Pfankuch and Larry Kern teamed up in a Class 9 Jimco and it proved a winning combination as they took the lead at the end of lap 5 and even though he got lost, Larry Kern drove the car to the win, 8th OJA. expecting a baby in 12 days, birthday gift for his daughter, reported she was having labor . Beth, who turned 12 on race day. pains. Ben continued to· race, but The Flores family was second, and his crew was, not surprisingly, Hawley and Bonner, after a more interested in the labor pains comedy of errors, which involved than the truck, and things were a radio that didn't work, a lost fairly disorganized for a while. chase vehicle, and a lost race car, Currier and Teague kept finished third, another half-hour moving along, leading this uneven back. contest by 20 minutes at the end When the 5-1600 cars com-of the fifth lap. Abatti 's wife pleted their firstlap the leader was decided the labor pains were false, the crumpled car of John Brindell, the crew settled down, and ultimately transplanted six batteries into the truck. Still, Currier and Teague took the win, and never even stopped at the finish line, but headed straight for their home pit and a celebration. Abatti was second, still 20 minutes down, declaring that without his crew he could never have made that checkered flag. Mike LaPlant and Jake Batu/is won the Class 100 honors in a Hi Jumper. But along the way they broke a shock near their pit, but didn't lose the lead they took after two laps and also finished ninth overall. John Gaddis, another minute back, and then came Greg and Paul Harrold, on1y 24 seconds later. Brindell continued to lead, with Watters pushing him, still only 55 bruised and dented by a· rollover committed while "testing" on Friday. He had the class fast lap at 27:25, and was 51 seconds in front of second place Charlie Watters. In third it was Dave and seconds back, but the Harrolds ( cousins of Chris Harrold in Class 10) moved into third on the second lap. At the end of lap four it was Brindell in front by 25 seconds, Watters second, and the Harrolds third. But at the end of lap five it was Watters in front and Brindell 's co-driver, Howard Hughes, in second, trailing by six minutes and'~ The Class 100 folks started next, and in this group the first lap leader was Mike Hawley, in his Chenowth, with a flat 2 7 minutes, the class fast lap. He had a mintue and 25 seconds on second place Rick and Rich Flores in their little red Baja Bug, and they were just a minute and three seconds in front of Jake Batulis and Mike LaPlant, 5-1600 BAJA BUG in their HiJumper. But Hawley got stuck in the mud a couple of times on his second lap, and that let Batulis and LaPlant move into the lead. The Flores car, with dad, Rick,· driving, was second, and Hawley ran third. By the end of the fifth lap Batulis and LaPlant had 15 minutes on Flores, who'd been lost a couple of times. Hawley was still third, and he then put Dave Bonner into the car. They ran in the same order for the remainder of the race, with only minimal problems. LaPlant broke a front shock when he hit a hole right in front of his pit, and it was swiftly fixed, so they held on to their lead. At the end of the evening they took the win with almost an hour to spare. LaPlant reported that the win was a COMPLETE BUMPER TO BUMPER $1,200.00 All Skid Plate Tabs Dual Coil Mount Headlight Mount Spare Tire Mount Oil F'ilter Tabs Tail light Tabs MUST SUPPLY OWN BODY AND FLOOR PAN November 1994 DEZ FAB 10734 Kenney, Suite D Santee, CA 92071 619-562-6039 Page 17
Alfonso LaCarra and Lalo Mayoral started out fast in the Class 9 Jimco, but had to stop to fix a leaky valve cover and finished fourth, 14th overall. Vince and Ryan Leone kick up the heels on their Class 9 racer, kept it on track, covered all the laps and placed fifth in class and 16th overall. Rick Flores and his son Rich run their Baja Bug in Class 100 and after two laps they were second and they stayed in second to pay dirt and were 16th overall as well. Mike Hawley and Dave Bonner run their Chenowth in Class 100, Dale and Janice Wentworth brought the Isuzu Amigo all the way led the first lap and then got stuck in the mud twice, had more from Massachusetts for the race, but they only completed one This was all that remained of David Webster.'s Unlimited truck after the roll over and subsequent fire. Happily they were rescued by Tim Lawrence and none were seriously injured or burned. Photo by Scott Prill. woes and finished third. _la~p_a_n_d_c_ha_n_:g:_e_in_t_h_e_s_a_n_d_. ____________ _ ~ 52 seconds. Watters, whose usual co-driver, Brian Goodrich, was recovering from a broken wrist, was Iron-manning it this time, so~ething he'd sworn never to do again, while Brindell had stopped for his driver change. The Harrolds, who are new to racing, had some brake problems along the way. On the sixth lap Watters, who'd lost his reverse gear, managed to get his Bug seriously stuck. His passenger, Billy Wesley, got out and persuaded two spectators in a pickup to come over and help them get unstuck. It was still oppressively hot, so Wesley took off his helmet, and stowed in the bed of the pickup. They worked to-gether, and got the Bug free, and the truck took off. Wesley. was about to get back into the race car when he realized where his helmet was. He headed out, running across the desert in the dark, to chase the truck down. Meanwhile Charlie sat and waited, and Hughes went back into the lead. Wesley, after doing a couple of pratfalls in the dark, finally did catch the truck and get his helmet back, but by the time he returned to the race car they. were nearly seven minutes behind the lead. Charlie was a man on a mission now. There is one thing about the 19 mile laps -it meant the spectators got to see the cars more often, and it was apparent, as we watched Watters charge around again and again, that he was pushing his car, and his weary body, to the limit, trying to catch Hughes. Howard, in the meantime, was wearing blisters on his hands, and he also was stuck, really stuck, a couple of times. But he held on to the lead. Hughes and Brindell took the win, with Watters in second, just three mtnutes and 27 seconds later. The Harrolds were third, in a fine finish for a fledgling team, followed in by the Gaddis family. Class 9 was the next group to go, and the first lap lead was held by the team of Wayne Ritayik and Kevin .Pratt, scoring the class fast lap' at 28: 11 . He was just 21 seconds in front of Alfonso LaCarra in a Jimco, and he had only seven seconds on Vince and Ryan Leone, who were only eight seconds in front of Mike Stroh in a Suspensions-Unlimited car. Things loosened up~ bit on the second lap, but Ritayik and Pratt held the lead still, with a minute and a half on LaCarra. Stroh had moved up to third, 20 minutes behind them, and now Dave Dietrich was fourth in his Jimco, Mike Henry and Victor Lopez out ran two other Little Trucks, and ended up the only class finisher, the winner at 17th overall in the Ford Ranger. They set the class fast lap and led all the way. Page 18 two minutes later. But it was the end of the road for Ritayik and Pratt, and Stroh took over the lead on the third lap, with LaCarra now a minute and 20 seconds behind them, and Dean and Chuck Hovey, in a Jimco, in third now, three minutes later, and followed by Dietrich's co-driver, Mike PfaQkuch, 21 seconds back. The first two places stayed the same, but Pfankuch moved up to third, and the Hoveys dropped to fourth on the next lap, and then, as Stroh continued to lead, Pfankuch came up to second, about three and a half minutes back, with the Hoveys third, and LaCarra in fourth, with a leaky valve cover. . At the end of lap five Stroh hopped out and P .J. Gedman took over, and Pfankuch sailed into the lead, with four minutes on the Hoveys, who were now second. In third it was LaCarra's co-driver, Lalo Mayoral, who'd fixed the leaky valve cover, and Gedman was fourth. Things stayed in the same order for the next lap, but by the end of the eighth lap Mayoral lap done, Henry ran evenly paced laps, while Becker struggled some, and Henry had nearly a three hour lead at the end of the fourth lap. Then Becker failed to show, and it was all the Ford's race. Lopez drove the final half of the race, also putting in steady lap times, and, except for getting stuck in the mud, had no problems on the way to the win. The Isuzu Amigo of Dale and Janice Wentworth, who came all the way our from Massachusetts for this race, was being debuted at this event, and was in a class all its own. The FRT has a "Jeep" class, for short wheelbase four-wheel-drive vehicles, and that's where they put the Amigo. Wentworth did a lap in 39 minutes, and was feeling pretty good about his first race in a car, but on the second lap one of the front shock towers broke, and as they were limping in the other went also. So the Wentworths retired from the fray. The weather stayed hot until the last straggler was finished, so it was a nice change that the traditional pre-awards brunch was held in the air conditioned Vacation Inn back in El Centro. Everyone was ready for some air conditioning by then, and some even partook of the swimming pool. Fud's next event will be the Squeaky Springs Grand National on October 29th, and that will be followed up by the season finale, the Dunaway Dash on New Year's Eve. FRT SUPERSTITION 250 RESULTS -Auguat 27, 1994 # Pm Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Time 0/A had dropped to fourth after replacing a balljoint. By now the 801 Hovey car was experiencing some suspension problems, and Larry Kern had taken over for Pfan-kuch, and he hung on to their lead, in spite of getting lost. 162 579 551 Class Open - Unlimited Single & Two eeat - 5 start - 2 finish 1 John Currier/Joey Teague 1-2-1600 2 Ben Abaml Ford F-150 Clau 1-1600 - 1600cc Restricted Engine - 0 start - O finish Clau 2-1600-1600 Restricted Engine - O start-0 finish Clau 5-1600 - 1600cc Baja Bug - 5 start - 4 finish 1 John BrtndelVHoward Hughes Baja Bug Charlie Watters Baja Bug 5:06:27 5:26:19 5:14:52 4 7 5 So at the finish line it was the three man team of Dietrich, Pfankush and Kern, taking the win by 16 rp.inutes. The Hoveys were second, and discovered that · the reason for the suspension woes was a broken rear shock mount. Stroh and Gedman were third reporting no major prob-lems, and LaCarra and Mayoral were fourth, and still only 36 minutes behind the winning team. In the Little Truck class the first lap leader was the Ford of Mike Henry and Victor Lopez, with Henry at the wheel. He'd recorded the class fast lap, at 30:09. Mike Becker lost an hour on the first lap, and Felipe Fonseca got started late, by about 40 minutes. and then never got a November 1994 2 553 3 Greg & Paul Harrold. Baja Bug 554 4 Dave & John Gaddis Baja Bug Clau 7 - Unlimited Mini Pickup - 3 start - 1 finish 704 1 Michael HenryNictor Lopez Ford Ranger Clau 8 • 2WD Standard Pickup - O start - 0 finish Clau 9 - 1600 cc Restricted Buggy - 8 start - 5 finish 902 1 Dave Dietrich/Mike Pfankuch/L. Kern Jirnco 903 2 Dean & Chuck Hovey Jirnco 905 3 Mike Stroh/P .J. Gedman Suspensions Unlimited 904 4 AHonso LaCarra/Lalo Mayoral Jimco 907 5 Vince & Ryan Leone Unk. Clau 10 - Unlimited 1650cc - 5 start - 3 finish 1001 1 Andy Wehe Jimco 1004 2 Ken Stroud/Scott Prill Raceco 1002 3 St8V8 Wolcott/John Johnson Raceco Class 100 - 100 Inch we Buggie• • 3 start - 3 finish 4 1 Mike LaPlanVJake Batulis HiJUIT'f)8r 99 2 Rick & Rich Flores Baja Bug 9 3 Mike Hawley/Dave Bonner Chenowth Total Starters -31; Tot.al finishers • 18 • Course 19.5 miles • 10 laps required. •oenotes overall winner - Weather; extremely hot, muggy, not much wind 5:18:19 6 5:46:19 11 5:59:10 13 5:55:50 17 5:27:24 8 5:43:59 10 5:50:12 12 6:03:17 14 6:50:47 16 4:05:50 1· 4:25:55 2 4:25:55 2 5:30:40 9 6:25:41 15 6:57:52 18 Dusty Times
Walker Evans started strong in the big Dodge, but he had engine woes in the later stages, not running on all cylinders, and finished fourth. Doug Fortin Jr. had his best ever run in the nearly self-sponsored Chevy, after an early and long pit stop to fix a very hot brake; but he went on to finish fifth. Curt LeDuc worked hard to keep the Jeep Cherokee rolling with the leaders but its six cylinders were not quite enough, and he broke a wheel on a rock also on the way to the finish line. SCORE TECATE TROPHY-TRUCKS MacCachrcn Finally Wins One By Judy Smith Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. Rob MacCachren got his first Trophy-Truck victory, and increased his points lead at the race outside his home town of Las Vegas. He fought off a hevy challenge from Ivan Stewart to win in the Ford truck. A long overdue Robby Mac-Cachren avoided the pitfalls of the Gold Coast course, and powered his way to the front of the Trophy-Truck event, getting the win to solidify his lead in the series points. This race wa~ on a shortened bit of the Gold Coast 300 course, encompassing some 35 .44 miles on the Southern end of the track, bringing the big trucks back around to the spectators in a hurry. They were required to run six laps, and had a five and a half hour time limit. The start of this race was a real change, since there was a two mile length of pavement past the pits, they took off two at a time, every minute. The drag races were fun to watch, and there were some surprises. In the first pair, the Simon and Simon Ford versus Bob Richey's Ford, it was Simon and Simon in front. Then Jimmie Smith got his Ford out in front of Doug Fortin 's Chevy, Rob MacCachren pulled Ivan Stew-art's Toyota, and Stewart, knowing he couldn't get by, settled in for a helpful draft. Walker Evans got his Dodge out just a smidgen quicker than Steve Kelley's Jeep, and John Swift put his new Ford in front of Keith Jackson's Chevy. Scott Douglas and his Dodge bested Curt LeDuc in his Jeep,· and Roger Mears, caught napping at the flag, made up for it by just honkin' past Larry Ragland, both in Che:vys. When the trucks came back around again, Simon and Simon were in front, with the fast lap of the event, at 34:41, obviously Dusty Times having taken full advantage of the lack of dust. Walker Evans ran second, three minutes back. Stewart was third, having passed MacCachren, and Mears was fourth, having passed LeDuc. MacCachren was fifth. Other than those two passes, everyone pretty much ran in the order they started. Richey was already out. Then the news came over the radio that Simon and Simon were in trouble about four miles out, and soon it was apparent that their race was over. At the end of the second lap Jimmie Smith was first on the road, but MacCachren had the lead by 54 seconds, and it was Smith in second place. In third it was Stewart, behind MacCachren again after a flat, then Evans in • fourth and Mears in fifth, and he was only two minutes and 45 seconds behind MacCachren. But Mears never did come around for his third lap, out with a broken harmonic balancer. MacCachren, who looked faster every lap, led Smith by the same 54 seconds at the end of the third lap, and Smith was still in front of him, while Stewart was on his rear bumper, in third, another 12 seconds back on elapsed time. This was the time they were required to make a pit stop, take on fuel, and change two tires. They were all in the pits at the same time. MacCachren was out first, then Stewart, and Smith sat there, captive, while his crew tried to figure out why the fuel didn't release properly. By the time they'd discovered that the vent hadn't been opened, he'd lost precious time, and positions. Larry Ragland, who'd broken some shocks on the first lap, had moved up to fourth now, and Evans, missing on a few cylinders, fell to fifth. Scott Douglas, having prob-lems with fuel injection :md getting all his 10 cylinders to work, lost a full lap, while Doug Fortin lost about 15 minutes when his rear brakes caught fire. LeDuc, hampered by his six cylinder motor, was concen-trating on getting a finish, but he broke a wheel when he hit a rock. Jackson was reported at a halt out on the course, and John Swift had trouble with a power steering pump. Steve Kelley also had power steering problems, and some flats, and his convertor was fading out. Now Stewart was hanging as close behind MacCachren as he could, trying to push him into making a mistake, but MacCach-ren, very savvy, knew what Ivan was doing, and he was being extra careful. He finished the fourth lap 15 seconds in front. Stewart was then eight minutes up on Evans, and then came Ragland, and Fortin, in fifth. Smith, after that disastrous pit, had lost a bolt from his lower front A-arm. On the fifth lap, as their duel continued, MacCachren had a flat. He expected Stewart to go past him, but what he didn't know was that Ivan had stopped to fix a flat also, and when he got it repaired, noticed that his other rear was also flat. He didn't have any more spares. He finished that lap three minutes and 16 seconds November 1994 Ivan Stewart kicks up a little Nevada silt in the six cylinder Toyota, got very close but he had to settle for second place in this next to last round of Trophy-Truck competition. Larry Ragland has his best result with the Chevy in Trophy-Truck action, and while he blew some shocks he came in a happy and close third in the race. back, on a shredded tire, with a lot of time to make up in 34 miles. Evans was still third, Ragland fourth and Fortin fifth. MacCachren steamed through his last lap, and finally got his long awaited win, happy to do it on home turf. Stewart finished three minutes and 31 seconds behind him, and in third it was Ragland, who was tickled to find himself on the podium after one of these events. He says his truck is being pushed faster than it r~ally can go, and it keeps blowing front shocks. Still, he ran his best time on lap six, and it was the second fastest time of the day, at 35:19. Evans was fourth, and Fortin, in his First Trophy-Truck event, finished fifth. It all comes down to the Baja 1000 now, and the Trophy-Trucks will go the whole distance for that grueling event early in November. PIKE'S SERVICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIEN-OS ..... THANKS! RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HOURS Mobil SERVICE EVERY DAY YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DE!:>ERT Page 19
U.P Off Road 100 Bark River, Michigan By Barb & Marilyn Schulz Photos: Melinda Rothe & Jeanne Brown The lead 5-1600 racers ran like this the entire race just inches apart, and they had started together. At the flag Greg Smith, leading here, led Mike Brue, after each led from time to time. The opening race on Saturday was Class 3, and Gerald Foster led most of the way in his super Chevy Blazer and he led when it counted, at the checkered flag and he won by a goodly margin. went to Class 3 . R. Jerry Bundy came around for the first complete lap in first place but was soon overtaken by Gerald Foster. Foster put the hammer down and from that point on basically had the track to himself. Al Drews and Bundy had a neat battle for second going when Holy Hannah, Bundy took the corner just past the finish line a shade wrong and rolled it over. Second place was in Drew's pocket. Dennis Chen-charick drove his machine to third place but later lost it by disqualification to Grant Mahol-land. Class 3 is undergoin_g some transitional growing pains making this year's entry numbers relatively low. This does not, however, keep the racing action down! It was beginning to get cloudy. SODA drivers and fans took a break from the hot and sticky weather and headed north to Bark River, Michigan for the seven-teenth annual U.P. Off Road 100 the weekend of July 23 and 24. Located in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Bark River never fails to offer the racer two things: a superb track and unpredictable weather. The smart. SODA participant watches the weather forecast, disregards it and packs the rain gear, sweat shirts and bathing suits! Once again the Bark River Lions Club had made some real improvements to their track including just about 100% passing room, widened jumps, no corn fields for clear viewing of the track and its consistent challenge to the driver. The Bark River track is one that challenges the driver, challenges the machinery but is not designed to tear up either the driver or his machine! Setting the track at a glance: Bark River has one of the most unique Oklahoma land rush starts around, all entrants are lined up side by side at the top of a big old hill, are given the green flag and rush about two hundred yards down a funnel to a two to three Class 6 had a healthy entry at Bark River and Tim Kamm got the lead in the race after some tight dicing, and he carried on to win the class in an exciting duel for the title. buggy wide right hand turn; drivers proceed down a very short stretch to a hair pin turn that leads to what becomes the finish line; on to a 180 degree left hander, brief straight, gentle left hand turn with two medium sized jumps; on up the front hill with a nasty angle, whip by pit row, make another 180 left, a nice straight stretch, a 180 right at cemetery corner, veer left along the swamp, up and over the back hill, maneuver around two sharp left turns, take the sweeper, and head back down through the funnel. Saturday's opening honors With transitional growing pains just about completed Class 5-1600 came out seven entries strong with some dyn-o-mite action. Terry Wolfe got off to a ·poor start, he cleared the funnel okay but his machine decided to set the right front tire free with a broken spindle before the first lap was made. Gotta' hand it to him; Wolfe made an entire lap on three wheels before pulling off the • . ............ .-•• ,.,•,·,:.:.-,:,:•:•:::i::•::::::::::::' Geoff Dorr, trying hard to repeat as Class 4 champion on points, took off fast in his powerful Ford at the green flag, and he ran away to the win as the serious competition faded away. Al Drews had quite a battle to come in second, ahead of Jerry Bundy, but Always a contender Bill Graboski led Class 6 for the first half of the race, Drews got the job done and arrived second in Class 3 in good time. · made one small error, and then had to settle for a close second place. Page 20 November 1994 track! Greg Smith and Mike Brue put on an awesome show!! These guys went door handle to door handle, nose to tail, tried the pass on the outside, tried the pass on the inside, passed and re-passed from green to checkered. How-ever, Smith had the final pass that led to the win with Brue close enough to be a Siamese twin. Great show guys! Tim Chris-tensen and Tom Brockman were dog fighting like two Dobermans after a bone when both had to leave the track with mechanical woes; Brockman had enough smoke going to cook the John-sonville brats, Christensen's engine sounding like a good dose of Vicks might help. This left Gary Plummer to sail in with a well driven third place. John Mason rounded out the top four. And the clouds got heavier. Despite threats of extinction, Class 6 had a very healthy number of entries. Unfortunately break downs put Leonard Gehl, Larry Wood and Rick Rayford out early. Rayford got it back together for a few laps. Darrin Parsons met with early disaster in the form of a flat right front tire, but, thanks to a fast pit crew had the tire changed and was back on the track without losing a lap! Parsons took it on in for third place. The red hot racing was between Bill "The Survivor" Groboski and Tim Kamm. Groboski took the lead out of the start with Kamm challenging every inch of the way. Groboski went wide coming down the funnel half way through the race, Kamm. took advantage of the error and moved in for the lead and the win. Larry Wood had a good run going but went down a third of the way through the twenty minute race. Ya' know, it's going to rain this afternoon. Get off that lawn chair, Class 4 is at the start line and ready to roll! With a mighty Hi Ho Silver and away, all eleven Class 4 machines made it through the funnel with no problem and Geoff Dorr put his Ford into action. Dorr took off like a shot, took advantage of the mechanical woes of Kevin Probst and ran off with the win. If the clouds of doom would just leave Probst alone, he'd be one hell of a handful of competition. This time the power steering took a leave of absence and, while driving with a fury, Probst finished in fourth place. Now not just taking up space on the track, Gerald Foster in a Chevy and Milan Mazanec in a Ford put on a top notch show for second place. Mazanec is Team driver for the injured Chad Schlueter. Wow-sers, Ford and Chevy were close enough to share dental floss through the funnel, around the Dusty Times
_ _ _ _ ... i.w~ Grant Maholland finished fourth on the road but due to a DQ on the man just ahead, Grant officially took third in Class 3 in the bright blue machine. Darrin Parsons overcame a pit stop early in the race to replace a flat right front tire, fought his way back up the ranks to take third in Class 6. Milan Mazanec subbed for the injured Chad Schlueter in the new Class 4 Ford, fought hard with Gerald Foster, but took second place in the fast race. Mike Seefeldt Jr. surprised the regular winners in Class 2-1600 sliding into second early in the race, and he stayed in position, got the lead on the last lap and won Class 2-1600 over 17 others. pulling away from Brian Donlevy, the truck gave out an "I quit" signal at the finish line, did quit for a while and then limped Crowder into the pits. Now, who's leading this race? Why the invincible Scotty Taylor, that's who. This year's new Ford Rough Rider romped around the track to chalk up another win. Donlevy drove a very nice race for second place and it was good to see him there. Donlevy never misses a race, is a consistent competitor and all around nice guy! Third place? The "I Beat Walker Evans At Luxemburg King", Farmer John Konitzer! Perhaps the next . track will be a lot nicer to Class 8. Whatta' you mean you don't have the umbrella? tight corners. Mazanec made the position pass at the finish line and went on home five laps later for second place. Right after the pass Foster must've hooked a tire -or something -and went over wheel · to wheel then went on racing as though it was no more than a rock stuck in the tire grooves. Awesome!! Mark Seidler did a heck of a job finishing in fifth. Native-Yooper Jack Heidtman had his share of racing gremlins, he lost a tire and the engine had a bad cast; of racing flu. Later his crew reported finding lots of metal shavings where they didn't belong leaving Sunday's racing ... "not an option". Those dark clouds were most certainly headed our way. The f.irst race of the season, we told ya', keep an eye on that Seefedlt Kid! Class 2-1600 green flagged with eighteen en tries and a fuel tank full of top notch drivers. Put Todd Attig, Greg Smith, Dan Baudoux, Jason Crowder, Mark Steinhardt, Roy Holmes and a host of others on the same track and we 're here to tell ya', you got a race! Despite being able to hear sheet metal clanging against opposing sheet metal, all got through the treacherous funnel pretty well with Greg Smith in an early lead. Right on his fanny were Todd Attig, Mike Seefeldt, Jr., Dan Baudoux, Cliff Holiday, Jason Crowder and Mark Stein-hardt. During lap three we lost Smith with what appeared to be steering problems. By mid race . the rest of the pack had strung out a little but the other five dudes were at it to take no prisoners. Then Attig starts pulling a pretty healthy lead, looking like the race was his, but NO! The action came down to the wire and, to quote Terry Friday, Attig had a nineteen minute motor in a twenty minute race! That Seefeldt Kid never missed a beat, slid into first and kept it to the checkered. Baudoux made the position pass on the white flag lap for second, Crowder snapped up third, Roy Holmes drove to fourth and ,Dusty Times rounding out the top five was Cliff Holiday. There was super racing anywhere on the track you chose to look! Did you bring the umbrella? This track was not kind to Class 8 , even though it was Jimmie Crowder's birthday. Dave Hackers and Chuck Brand were in the pits to stay before two laps could be p1,1t in. Jed Flannery's Bad Bow Tie Chevy was shooting flames out the bottom at cemetery corner and he didn't realize it until he had made the loop up to the back hill. While the wiring and other parts were definitely fried, Jed and his co-driver got out safely. Now it's Birthday Crow-der's turn. The Alligator Man was Boy are we glad we didn't have to "officially" score Class 11 Double Seat! Holy Hannah, there were twenty nine of these dudes lined up to take the green flag and rush down to the two to three man funnel! Remarkably only one machine rolled at the funnel's end. Cory Friday grabbed the lead and kept the door closed on a hard charging Mark Oberg for the entire race. At age twenty two Friday is quickly becoming.a "seasoned veteran" and ya' just don't want to let him get ahead of you. Mark's twin brother, Mike Oberg battled Harold Smith Jr. the entire race for third position. Oberg took that spot and left Smith to take home fourth. Now ----------Rough Rider Scott Taylor took the high attrition Class 8 victory, threading his Ford through the broken trucks to win. Taylor also scored a fine second place in the Heavy Metal Challenge. R.J. Flanagan unseated usual winner Van den Heuvel in the Class 13 melee 11 that started in heavy rain but finished in .the dry. Flanagan's new truck this year is a winning Chevy. • November 1994 these two got the positions but threat of lightning and lies is too not without some serious threat much to mess with! It rained so from Glen Mathews, Wes Frehse hard that the drops stung like and John Huven. This is Frehse's rocks being thrown. The now rookieyearandheisdoingitwith termed "super trucks" took the a great deal of style and talent. infamous land rush start twenty Veteran Mathews had his hands four entries strong. Forget the tear full fending off Frehse for fifth offs, forget the best tire tech-place. Rounding out the top ten nology and be happy if you made were, John Huven, Billy Scott, it through the funnel off the green Gregg Stingle and Larry Bayer. flag! The early battle was between Great Gobbermoochers, it isn't David Reetz, Dennis Ferdon, Dan just raining, it's a typhoon! Vanden Heuvel and R.J. Flan-As much as we'd love to tell agan. Reetz, after carrying the you that we never missed a tire lead, lost his right front suspen-rotation of the Class 1_3 race, the sion ~ · This is the i;ystem run by most off road race winners TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME 198~91 CORVETTE· 2 1/2" OR J" S.S. TARGA MUFFLER 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED. Page 21
Kevin Probst had another poor luck race in Class 4. This time the power steering quit in the Chevy, but Kevin soldiered forward to fourth place. Brian Donlevy, who never misses a SODA race, drove a good steady pace in his Class 8, and finished in second place; good for him for lasting. Farmer John Konitzer, still talking about beating Wafker Evans at Luxemburg, drove his Holstein spotted Class 8 into a good third place in class. Jeff Probst started his weekend by winning Class 9/10 on Saturday in the Probst Laser after a tough bout with Todd Attig who finished second. Jeff went on to win the Unlimited Challenge race too. -~ giving way for Vanden Heuvel. Vanden Heuvel then had his hands full of Flanagan and Ferdon. First Ferdon got arou:id him, next lap Flanagan made his pass on Vanden Heuvel. By this time the rain had at least died down to a bearable regular rain and believe it or not, the track began to get tacky! By the white flag lap with Ferdon in the lead, there was a neat scrap for position going on! Flanagan would get close enough to read Ferdon's helmet and Ferdon would shut the door. Ferdon held on to first with Flanagan right there for second. However, Ferdon was assessed a penalty and the win sent to Flanagan. This put Ferdon in second; Vanden Heuvel in third. Jeff Camp drove to fourth place and Lowell DeGreef rounded out the top five. It's worth noting t~at out of the original twenty four entries, twelve made it to the finish line. And, yep, by the end of the race the rain had stopped but it didn't look like it was going to hold. Nothing, but nothing keeps a good off roader down and the drivers in Class 9/10 were obviously "good off roaders" as they came out fourteen buggies strong for an excellent show. This. time the funnel took a big bite out of Todd Wallace and Jeff St. Peter. The two became hooked together disabling Wallace · BIGGER IS BETT-ER . Upgrade t_he_ C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS BaJa Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the lar9er C.V. ioints. "° , _ Convert Type I stub axles and output bell ]to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. Convert Type II stub axles and output bell to accept 930 C.V. joints. p All axles and bells for Type 11 or Type IV , iC.V.s can be threaded 3/s-24 or stock 8mm. 1AII axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be / threaded 3/s-24 g_r.stocK 10mm threads. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER' . ;; . WITH UPGRAbED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flan.111 on your supplie~ parts, Stop the ~p-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. Th~ Bump Stops oome complete with a mounting system, poly~urethane nd piece, and enough valving to get the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. Including the mounting hardware and the GR8 bolts SEE YOUR OFF FOAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER OR CAU. US DIRECT. Yarnell Specialties, Inc. 102 Crestview P. 0. Box 845 1-802-427-3551 Yarnell, AZ 85382-0845 Page ii Todd Attig led a lot of race laps in various classes, got a lot of seconds, but in the Class 1-1600 race on Sunday Todd got the lead on the fourth lap and held it by inches at the finish for the win. completely. St. Peter went on to drive hell bent for leather eve~tually going from last to a respectable sixth place finish. Nice work, Jeff. Tom Schwartz-burg came around with the lead on the first lap with Todd Attig, Jeff Probst and Scott Schwalbe hot on his tail pipe. By the second lap both Attig aod Probst had made their way around Schwartz-burg and were in a deadly duel for first. Two thirds of the way through the race Probst made the move he was working for, went on to put about a second per lap on Attig and on in for the checkered flag. Atti•g placed second. That congenial Californian Rick Welch and his Sun Drop machine came sneaking through the pack, got around the fast moving Schwalbe and placed third. Curses, curses and foiled again -Schwartzburg was still looking very good when his machine started putting out smoke signals and shut him down. By the white flag lap the rain was back on giving fourth place Schwalbe a tough time. Bill LeFeuvre finished in fifth and Trent Hanson topped off the list of finishers. Young Hanson has had a real struggle to keep it all together and is working hard at getting his own motors dialed in. Class 7S was staged and ready to go, but Mother Nature had other plans! WOW, when you can see, feel, hear and sme11 ·the lightning, it's time to book! Move out we did and the racing was delayed until the next day. Of course the clouds passed through, the stars came out in full force and it was a perfect evening for campfire/bench racing, shootin' the breeze and getting ready for the next day's racing! After spending Saturday in jackets and under ~he old umbrella, Sunday's hot and clear weather was most welcome. Sunday's racing began with a Bark River Special - a Class 10 Air Cooled Engine Only Race. Dave Vandermissen Jr. had to really enjoy this one. It has been some time since Dave Jr. has been on the track and he looked good on his flag to flag romp. Todd Wallace shot it out with Harvey Lewis for second position, Wallace coming out on top. Ron Schaden, Brian Kleiman and Dale Beauchamp rounded out the list of finishers. · Hot damn! We wouldn't be the least surprised if the first Class 11 single seat buggy wasn't sitting in Eastern Standard Time while the last of the entries was parked at the start in Central Standard Time! Talk about a land rush, whew, when the dust cleared there looked to be only three casualties out of thirty-one starters! Lonnie Andrews came out of the funnel in first place and despite the best efforts of ----"'1 In Class 1 /2 the competition is tight between the top two performers, Art Schmitt and Jeff Probst, plus a coyple of others. First Probst, then Attig led the race, but Schmitt came across the Class 1/2 winner. November 1994 numerous drivers, Andrews stayed in first from flag to flag. Both Larry Bayer and Dan Baudoux gave Andrews some determined challenge -Baudoux dropping out by lap five, Bayer going the distance to the white flag lap and then just disappeared off the track! Cory Friday moved through traffic and at the half way mark was in a solid second place and closing in on Andrews. John Huven worked his way through to do battle with Curt Gerald -good to see ya' back Curt! Huven won the shoot out for third place, Gerald took fourth. Mark Oberg stayed about a·buggy length ahead of Harold Smith Jr. for fifth place. With a field this big and this good it wouldn't be cool at all to not list the top ten finishers. Tom Dart placed seventh, Ed Holtger took eighth, Gary Behrens held down ninth and Glen Mathews carried home tenth. Love to watch those dudes in Class 11, ya' gotta' have guts just to get out on a track with that many people who all want first place! The battles that have developed between Greg Smith and Todd Attig have become legendary and the Class 1-1600 race was no exception. Attig has already toted up an incredible number of 1994 wins, as has Smith. Mark Steinhardt, another formidable name in Classes 1 & 2-1600, came out of the funnel start in first and held the posfrion for three laps fending off both Attig and Smith. But, you don't make any mistakes with these two behind you, not even a slight slip! By lap four Attig had the lead with Steinhardt holding off Smith-lap five and Smith was in second. Smith gained one second per lap on Attig, the white flag is out, Smith made a corner just a shade too wide and Attig came across for the win with four seconds on second place Smith! Todd Crump had a real good grip on the race giving Steinhardt, Dan Baudoux and Mike Seefeldt Jr. fits when his buggy decided that the day .was over with a third of the race left to go. Steinhardt held on to his third place, Baudoux moved up into fourth and Seefeldt took home fifth. Mark Krueger, Jason Crowder and Gordon Zima diced it out for points and position, finishing in that order. Rounding out the top ten were Bill Brown and Cary Bowles. When you speak of legendary battles, you can't leave out "the ongoing contest in Class 1 / 2 between Art Schmitt and Jeff Probst. Throw in that Attig fella' and you've got a race! Probst came out of the chute with the lead, lost it to Schmitt, regained the lead. and had it all going his way until he had to head into the pits. Meantime Schmitt's buggy is backfiring, smoking and in g~rreral, acting nasty. Attig whips Dusty Times
The only Class 11 we got a picture of was Mark Oberg, most deserving as he slogged around in Class 11 D to second place in a close contest for the win. Californian Rick Welch has been running the SODA series this season, and he came through the pack to place third in Class 9/10 at Bark River. Canadian lady racer Linda Lou Schlamb goes to most SODA races with her Class 4 and does OK. Fellow Canadian Bill LeFeuvre runs the truck in the Challenge events. into the lead. Now we don't know what kind of threats Art made to his buggy, maybe stuff like "junkyard, rust moths", but whatever, the buggy cleaned up it's act, passed Attig and w~nt on for the checkered flag with Attig on his bumper for second. Pit stop or no, Probst put on a hell of a show and made the rounds back up into third place. Scott Schwalbe placed fourth and despite a complete roll over, Owen Walther hung in there for fifth place. Want an impressive sight? Try twentv-two Class 3s, 4s, 8s and 13s lined up for the Heavy Metal Championship! Cool! Kevin Probst and Geoff Dorr were racing within inches of each other, Probst in the lead, all the way through three laps when presto, both hard chargers were off the track. Probst lost the left front wheel and Dorr was down with no right front suspension whatso-ever! Milan Mazanec, driving the Schleuter Class 4, was right on the heels of the unfortunates and took over first place. Meantime, Bryan Frankenburg had his foot and the pedal glued to the floor and grabbed the lead from Mazanec as the two came down the funnel. Mazanec had a tire going down and still managed to , fend off the likes of R. Jerry Bundy, Jeff Holtger, and a cast of thousands. Now while all this action is going on you're asking,-"where was Scott Taylor?". Right off the start Taylor had to pit with a flat tire, lost mega positions but no laps; fact is, Taylor held down last place. Then the screamin' demon Taylor hit the gas, wrestled the wheel and charged through the field to challenge Frankenburg on the last lap for first place! What a · show Scott!!! Frankenburg took the win by half a truck length, Taylor pinned down second and Mazanec and his three wheels held . down third. Holtger hooked it up for fourth and Bundy placed fifth. Attrition took a big bite out of this race making it most note worthy to pass on that John Schultz and Scott Smith also finished the race. 'Twas indeed a Championship race! The Limited Championship showed a shake up in the ranks! While the awesome Greg Smith was there the usual cast of "up fronts" were not! Todd Attig was in the fracas until about the halfway mark and his motor just went away on him. Mark Stein-hardt was there and held down second place for.a while"then went off-the track! After the race we saw Jason Crowder being towed in with Steinhardt's machine in his tow minus the right front wheel. Smith took charge of the entire race from start to finish and made the checkered flag with a very flat right rear tire! Now-all of Dusty Times Class 7S finally got to race a day late, and there was high attrition in the strong running lead group. Three leaders retired and Art Schmitt moved his Nissan into the lead and the victory. this break down stuff was not a the early lead over John Greaves, problem for Todd Crump, Gary Scott Taylor, and Art Schmitt UL McGowan, Bill Scott and Jeff • Further back were the likes of Bill Sakovitz. Crump wrestled the Bowles, Tom Hackers, Kevin field for a well driven second Norris, and Al Walentowski. place.with McGowan just a wink Michael Burkee came screaming behind for third. Bill Scott came around the back hill, hooked a rut around the last corner for fourth and barrel rolled about four with Sakovitz ho_lding down fifth. times. Positions were basically Roy Homes, Matt Lyon, Gordon maintained until the halfway Zima, Cliff Holiday and Mark mark then all Hell broke loose. Krueger completed the top ten. Greaves pulled off with obvious The track conditions were mechanical blues and Scott perfect for speed and Jeff Probst Taylor belched smoke and pulled and Art Schmitt, as well as the off. Our leader Kincaid suddenly other entrants in the Unlimited lost the engine, tough break! This Challenge, were out there to take pushed everyone forward and put advantage of it! Top speeds hit a Schmitt in the winning position, good 100 miles per hour and the Bowles and Hockers did two laps racing was outa' sight. Probst and of battle, Hackers going out with Schmitt got together at the start no right rear wheel. So how did it sending Schmitt sideways and end? Schmitt in first, Bowles treating the crowd to the music of second and Kevin Norris driving a sheet metal against sheet metal. well driven third. Sure didn't seem to cause much Eight determined ladies and damage as the furthest apart the their t01cks took the line for the two were for the entire race was now popular Women's Heavy about five seconds. Probst had Metal race. Sherri Parsons had to this race under control and with be pleased with her first flag to the two running equal lap times,· flag victory in this highly Probst was at the checkered flag competitive class. Shari DeGreef, first with Schmitt close enough in Robin Schultz, Val James and second to whisper sweet nothings Marilyn Schultz _were all right in his ear! there putting the pressure on. Wow, just wasn't the race for With ValJamesoffthetrackwith Todd Wallace as he went wheel to truck failure, DeGreef worked wheel over at the start! What a her way around Robin for second guy, Wallace got it together again place definitely headed for first. and pulled OU! a nice fifth place. To the bitter end it was Sherri vs. Early on Owen and .Robert, Shari. Bad Bow Tie Parsons held Walther had their V--8 powered her position. DeGreef came machine under control in third across for a close second. The place until they came down the Schultz Ladies, first Robin then funnel waggled when they should Marilyn rounded out finishers on have wiggled and smoked a tree. the lead lap. Paula Parsons, getting So who wound up doing the her feet wet in the family Class 6 racing for third and fourth? Scott Ford Explorer also finished. SchwalbeandJeffSt.Peterputon In their usual double flag, a dandy show for position. In fact Women's Unlimited Buggy and St. Peter was a scant two seconds Women's Class 11 hit the track behind Schwalbe when he had to next. These "buggy ladies" have pit with a flat right front tire. become very competitive as their Dude, he was smokin' coming numbers have increased! Tina back out on the track and in the Crowder and Janet Bowles put on remaining two laps regained his one heck of a show for points and spot for third. Schwalbe was right position with Crowder coming on St. Peter's tail pipe for fourth. out on top. Bowles fended off Thanks to Mother Nature the Ruth Schwartzburg for second 7Sdriversfinallygottosqueezein place, Schwartzburg finishing their race - and what a race it was. third. We don't get to see Wendi Jeff Kincaid came on strong with Brue on the track as much as we November 1994 Sherri Parsons finally got her reward in Women's Heavy Metal racing as she ran the Class 8 Chevy out front from flag to flag in this highly competitive class. ·· used to and it was nice to see her finish this race with nine competitors in fourth! Tracey Silloway and Sarah Sawall continued their on-going battle in Women's Class 11 until Silloway had to pit with a flat tire. Sawall went in for the win, Shari Huven in a well driven second and Vivian Holtger rounding out the top three. In spite of the flat tire Silloway finished fourth. Usually this would be the end of this race event but then and again no one counted on Satur-day's thunder. and lightning. Having had time to do minor repairs the· Class 7S men and Class 6's Darrin Parsons lined up for the Mini-Metal Champion-ship. Ouch! Scott Taylor had a , tire cut down on the start, pitted, reentered the track with lead-lust in his eyes. The hard charging Taylor wove his way back to within 30 seconds of winner Art Schmitt III. Third place Jason Coppens did a dandy job of fending off Kevin Norris. Also finishing were Jim Moskalik and Parsons. It is always hard to pack up and leave the beautiful UP. It gets easier when you think of the upcoming World Series of Off Road Racing's next event at Road America, Elkhart Lake, Wiscon-sin. See ya' trackside. West Coast Distributor fOR HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE OUR PRICE $695.00. Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 8910'2 702/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Products 23fJ6 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 23
Ford Finally Takes The Classic Text & Phots by Darryl Smith Howard Ford set fastest time on the long lap, giving him the overall win for the weekend and the new South Wales Championship too. After ten years it was his first decent long course win in his Class 9 Turbo Mazda. One of the most popular races on the Australian off road calendar is the Milbrodale Mountain Classic which is the one race, New South Wales state championship. This year the event attracted 88 cars showing how well supported it is. The format is good for competitors and spectators alike with four heats over a shorter course than the last heat over a longer track. Racing is close and action-packed all weekend, with heats on Saturday and Saturday night. Looking to make it a hat trick this year was Neill Morrison who showed he was favourite again after fastest prologue time of3.47 in his turbo Nissan Class 1. Howard Ford followed on a 3.51 in his single seater Class 9, with Barry Johnson also on a 3.51 in third. Filling the last spot on the front row for race 1 was Jason Graham who has _made the move Sliding through the muck here, brothers Luke and Russell Pell put their turbo VW into the Class 1 win (Unlimited two seaters) taking the lead late in the race and holding it to the checkered flag. LEARN TO DRIVE AN Win a Co-Drive in '95! You'll have one ofthe most memorable times of your life learning the· techniques of off-road racing in the beautiful desert surrounding Las Vegas. The Baja School of Off-Road Racing is the most affordable school of its kind, and the most complete, including: • Hands-on desert off-road • Personal attention with racing experience limited class size •Drive a 400+ HP race-• Classroom Training prepared Class B truck • Evening entertainment in exciting Las Vegas Absolutely no prior off-road experience is necessary! Don't Get Le~ In The Dust! Call today for more information and a free brochure with details and course availability . . (702) 348-5763 TN1; il.4J.4 SCNOOt,. OF OFF.:.R'0.41> l?.4C1NG 1105 Terminal Hwy, Suite 202 • Reno, Nevada 89502 Page 24 up to Class 2 by fitting a 1600 motor. Cars started in groups of20 per heat so it was a bit hard to tell the placings until all cars had run their first race. Some cars got a better run by starting on the front row of a different heat. It was, however, the front four cars that lead the times after race 1 . The Hankook buggy of Morrison lead the pack over Ford.Johnson, and Graham. Tony Guy had moved a good way up in the turbo Class 9 to be 4th ahead of Walsh, Martin and Whittaker. Connor was the big .. mover having started midway in heat 3 and was now in 9th overall in another Class 9. Baxter had his VB Patrol. running well and completed the top ten. Sadly the very quick sand buggy of Towers went out after dropping an axle. Likewise Adam lost a CV, Simmonds a wheel and Schafer a front link pin and spun right in front of Baxter. The quick Class3 of Perrin was out for good with gearbox failure. There was to be a break which · gave everyone time to fit their lights ready for the night race. However, in that time it clouded over and began to rain. The rain soon became quite steady and ' heavy forcing organisers to cancel the night race. Next morning saw a very wet track but the rain had eased. Morrison-again put-h-is-extra horsepower to gopd use and lead the first heat. His win here put him at the front again. Second fastest in race 2 was Simmonds who wasn't really a contender for final placings after a DNF in race 1. Johnson was next for that race over Ford and the Class 3 of Scott Brown, then the 4x4 of Baxter. Schafer had fixed his problem and ran 7th fastest time ahead of Adams also with a repaired car. There was much concern at the About three minutes out of glory came Chad Conner making it a single seater 1-2, second overall and ifl Class 9 in his Alfa Romeo powered race car. Bryan Basham took out the Class 2 (1600) award in the fast drive on the long last leg, taking fourth there in a fine drive, and he picked up so much time that he placed fifth overall. start of race 3 as Ford had an· completed the racing over the electrical fire while gridding up. short laps. What lay ahead were He raced back to the pits and five gruelling laps of the long returned-just-in time to see the course out through the mountains light go green and go with the rest. and valleys. The entire field was He was, however, to be the only regrouped and would start in their car on that front row to actually order up to that point. Still finish as first the lead car of starting in rows of four, it was the Morrison stopped with a blown single seater of Ford leading with a diff and then the ongoing rate of 2¼ minute lead over fellow Class broken gearboxes hit Johnson 9 Conner. Holding down third again, then the car of Graham spot with some great driving was snapped a rear torsion bar. For the Hankook Patrol of Grahame that race 3 though it was Baxter,reallyputtingthepressure Simmonds that set fastest time on the buggies. Fourth spot was over Ford then Connor, Adams, · another great drive from the Class Martin and Allport. That_ 3 of Scott Brown. Martin, Whit-taker, Walsh, and Allport com-Third outright was a pretty good birthday present for Scott Brown who drove· a tremendous race and pushed his mighty 1200cc car home the class winner, but not by much, but the winner and third overall is keen too. , pleted the second row. All the drivers were looking forward to getting out on the long laps espe-cially when they were still damp from the rain. The lights went green and the whold field gradu-ally set off on the gruelling part of the event. One of the first cars to pull out was the local lead Class 5 car of Graham Smith, who suffer-ed cliff failure in the Galant. An-other class leading car soon drop-ped out of Baker's Baja. Both the Class 2 cars of Latter and Adams (again) had a CV fail and put them out. Having better luck though in Class 2 was Bryan Basham who, after starting 30th, was carving his way up the field. Sadly the tin top fans who were hoping on Baxter to run up front heard the news he had a broken front axle . . Ford meanwhile was making the most of the perfect conditions and extended his lead at the front. The immaculate 2WD HiLux of Rod Kilby was showing its awesome horsepower and took over Class 5 only to come to a halt with a combination of throttle prob-lems, gearbox noises and a minor fire. The Class 2 of Walsh that had been running so well pitted to attend to a broken rear shock. That gave the class lead to Simpson but he then came to a stop when the engine simply died. There were many cars exper-iencing problems; the leading Ron Schmidt now runs a turbo rotary motor, and it proved to be the winning ticket in Class 4, its awesome power was very impressive. Schmidt did not report any big problems on course. November 1994 Dusty Times
Grahame Baxter was running as high as third overall in the VB Patrol, but he slipped off the pace near the end, still won Class honors and still won the tin top award as well as Class 8 and took seventh overall. Class 5 Porsche ~f Lees had his came in second only by just over a brakes fading away while a brake minute, then the Patrol of problem of the imbalanced kind Mc William, and the 'Cruiser of was hampering Tony Schafer's Muldoon. As expected, Baxter Class 1. Having no trouble at all streeted the Class 8 field in the and certainly none of the bad luck that seems to follow him wherever he goes was Howard Ford who brought his car across the line ahead of the pack. He had indeed set fastest time for the long lap part of the event. Behind him for the Race 4 times came Connor, Brown, and Basham with a top drive. It was fairly obvious that Ford would be the winner when all race times were added up and indeed he was. After almost 10 years of serious competition, this was his first decent long course win and put him as New South Wales Champion. Almost three minutes behind came Chad Connor's Alfa powered single seater, making it a Class 9, 1-2. Third outright was a pretty good birthday present for the Class 3 of Scott Brown. Then followed another Class 3, that of Geoff Beckett who has been off the scene for a while but showed he can still run up front with his Suzuki power. Brian Basham's late charge moved him up to 5th overall and first in Class 2, just over John Borthwick in a Class 2 also. The VS Patrol of Baxter slipped off the pace in the end, but still won the tin top honours, Class 8, and took 7th overall. Next in was the third placed Class 3 of Stephen Bromfield, who snuck in ahead of the third placed Class 9 in Matt Martin. When Whittaker smashed the front wheel off his Class 1 it left the class for the Pell boys, in Luke and Russell to take Class 1 and make 10th outright with their turbo VW buggy. Running through the classes; it was Pell, Cripps, Millgate, Trotter, and Nicholls in Class 1. While in Class 2 behind Basham it DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-point sand rail seat belt .. $7 4.95 RACE BELTS 2"·5pointmount ......... $79.95 3"·5pointmount ......... $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS ..................... $54.95 Swing axle .....•.•.•..... $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm·1700# ............ $79.95 200mm·up to 3000# ..... , ... $99.95 GERMAN AUTO PRESSURE PLATES RACING 200mm 1700#-2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks ............... $39.95 4puclerramic ............ $44.95 4 puc /erramic with spring hub ..... . ........................ $54.95 Returning to the scene Geoff Bt;1ckett drove his Suzuki powered 1200cc Class 3 buggy to second in class and a remarkable fourth overall. Class 3 is a strong one on this circuit. a CV boot hanging off. Martin had lost an exhaust off the third car. Ian Boyd took fourth place while Tony Guy finished fifth with a broken gearbox mount. The last car to finish was the three wheeled machine of Whittaker that took 44th place, making it a 50'}/'1 finishing rate but never-theless it was as usual, a very well run and popular race. Congrat-ulations go to Howard Ford for finally getting the fnonkey off his back and showing what he is capable of. My personal thanks go to the Hankook team for letting me navigate for both Morrison and Baxter in a couple of heats and that in itself was quite an experience and a terrific way of comparison. Also, as usual the fine people at Isu:u let me borrow one of their superb Jackaroo V6 for the drive to and from the event in great comfort. Patrol. Waters came in next in the VS Landcruiser, over the Subaru wagon debuting for Glenn and Mattew Norley. Although the class nines dominated the race, a SACO MAGNUM RACK Billet housing, 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops .................. $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T·4 cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-2/langes .ea $15.95 Trick boots (specify) .... ea $15.95 930 cv star ................... call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAV~L BEAMS 8" travel-stock. width .... $199.95 B"trave/-widenedbeam .$219.95 10" travel·stock width ... . $224.95 10• travel-widened beam . $244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T·11 'lz •chrome ......... $ 98.95 T·11'1z"raw ............ $ 65.95 T·115!8"chrome ........ $105.95 T•115/8"raw .......... $ 72.95 T·4chrome ............. $189.95 T·4raw ................ . $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .............. $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG closer look revealed it finished just in time. The car of winner, Ford blew a radiator hose sitting in winners' circle, while the second placed car of Connor had PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T·4 engine, utllizes T·1 alternator, includes alternator stand .$299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK/ . . ................. $489.95 MK/I .................. $589.95 I _,/ ~ .;,,.tw V I -=«tit= PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ........ $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Replacement slave ... ... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, lull contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion . $269.95 Mount plate ............ $ 9.95 Coupler .... · ............ $ 8.95 Rack steering stops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no teak" style lits 1.7, 1.8, and2.0 ............... pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length ......... pr.$449.00 71/, • tonger .......... pr. $4 7 4.00 21/, •tonger .......... pr. $499.00 4• longer-coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods w/ends. {specify Ford or International) set ... ....................... . $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3", , ....... , , . , , , , $435.00 1-21600, 5-1600 .......... $415.00' CATALOG ............. US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 · was Borthwick, Allport, Baker, and Heathcote. As mentioned it was Brown, Beckett, and Brom-field leading Class 3 over Walker and Lia. Ron Scmidt with a new, awesome turbo rotary motor won the Baja battle over Currie, and the new car of Allport. The Class 5 fight see-sa\.1/ed and ended in the favour of Alan Latimore's Hemi-powered Volvo. The Lees Chev V6 powered Porsche came in next over the Lancer of Roy Pring and Mitsubishi of Michael Latimore. In the Class 6 competition, the neat car of Chris Browning took the win over Stephen Cause, and the mother and daughter crew of Sandra and Tracey Duck. In the 4x4 Class 7 everyone expected the Whitbread 'Cruiser to win but it was the ex-Whi thread car that got up, namely the Jason Dymock Mitsubishi L200. The 'cruiser .11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 Dusty Times November 1994 Page 25
Schulz's· No Flake at Snowflake Shannon Schulz took advantage of all the chaos, paced the race for a few laps, and moved ahead in the Porsche Chaparral to take the Open Class win as well as the overall victory. ARIPINE, AZ. Sept. 4 Buckeye, Arizona, gentleman farmer Shannon Schulz kept his wits about him while all those around him were losing theirs and defeated a surprisingly-strong 53-car field at the wet and muddy Whiplash Labor Day Snowflake 200. Deluged by a 40-days-and-40-nights downpour, the 6500-foot rim country course was· puddle upon puddle. It was so muddy that Danny Foddrill had his, (Noah's) Arc-welder ready. When Course Marshall Bill Graham warned during the drivers' meeting that the cattle-men who rent the Forest Service land ( for pennies an acre per year) had put in seven new cattle guards -that were only 7.5 wide -no one was seriously amused. "Better line up straight on these suckers" Graham warned. "The flame-cut edges will take our your side-walls." Pragmatic souls noted that the wise racers would back off but that the hot dogs would hammer over the railroad rail guards, leaving the "wise guys" in the dust. If it had been dusty. A terrific turnout, indeed. So what's the story? Simple. No local races for months. The classes were full. Even two "Sixes" showed up, and the Buckeye Brigade showed their stuff. .. a lot. The event was comprised of seven loops of thirty-miles of f-a-s-t dirt and mud, with the checkered flag flown for everyone after the first car completed that number. Jim Travis must find racing stressful: deciding which car to race can be a serious problem. This time Jim, who is in league with Casa Grande's ace race mechanic Ron League, selected his big Porsche-powered single seat Chaparral, leaving his ex-Jim Greenway Toyota twin-cam powered two-seat Raceco ·at home. Starting in the fourth slot, Travis astounded front-running ( and eventual winner) Shannon Shultz. Shannon's Porsche I Chaparral is a strong runner in its own right but the Buckeye farm supply supplier said that "Travis blew by me so fast ... " Jim's run was sidelined on his second lap when he (got?) clipped by the backmarking Old "6" car and tore the sidewall out of a rear tire, even to the point of breaking the bead ... with bead locks. With the field now all behind him, Shannon motored on to the Pro 1 / 2 and Overall win. Travis tried to regain his early advantage but got wound up in a gaggle of "Ten" cars on the roller coaster power line road. Randy Maddux's "10" led a freight train that included the aforementioned Travis, and "Ten" racers Daniel HydeandJohnRaitter. Travis and Hyde both tried various exotic ploys to pass going through Check Three, even resorting to jumping corrugated iron culvert . Unsuccessfully. Tucson's Steve Vesterdal loaded big brother Al into his new ( to him) three-liter Toyota Jimco · and proceeded to wring it out to dry. The torrential rains the evening before the event had the red sandstone clays soaked, with pools arid ponds at every low spot. (The ponds were for Al.) Steve's ignition got the water business on the first lap and the Quarter-Ton Brothers found it difficult to keep up the pace of the front-r:unning Jim Travis. The Vesterdals' water-induced stumb-ling cleared up and they pro-ceeded to see just what the huge buggy would really do. Steve confused his brother, who wondered why he wouldn't hit the lapped cars they would catch, rather than wait until they moved over when "he'd always hit me when we race each other." I think it's a brother t-hing. They admitted that they could only pull fifth gear in a few places, what with the high altitude and the gumbo mud. Even coated with a good two hundred pounds of red adobe, the car w~rked according to the Sahuarita mining engineer' expectations and he was not particularly concerned with the susceptibility to deep water. Besides, he was not the only one to experience stuttering, stumb-Billy Tsakiris ponders his situation after getting tagged by the Chevrolet of Mike Doherty. Looks like he may have a long wait until help arrives. ling and shut-down. Figure it ... I **** up!", Tsakiris wisely water-proofing is not an Arizona-understood. , learned skill. Dust-proofing, A following Subway Mike certainly. But some racers have _Dohertythenslidoutrightthenat never driven in mud or rain. It's the same spot and tagged the Tex-like the legendary Salome frog: Mex restauranteur's rear 114-"Seven years old, never learned to panel. Mike said that when he hit swim," according to the store wall Billy "he .was looking right at me in the Rte 60 wide-spot burg. when I plowed into him." The Shannon admitted to planning Vesterdals were getting ready to on letting everyone go their own pqss Mike when his yellow way and see what shakes out. "I Chevrolet drilled Billy, who, this knew there were going to be time, "did have plenty of water mistakes made and I'd just watch carrying a Camelbak in the car. and. see." Schulz erred himself, (Billy had two hot-weather races suffering a right front flat after a where he was stranded without minor excursion into the trees any water and he has not been and stumps ( wood cutting is allowed to forget it.) Larry had to allowed in this part of the stop at his pits to have the car's National Forest), but had that dual carb set-up tied down with a wheel changed by Dave Wellman couple Ancra bike tiedowns. of Travis' chase crew. Schulz MTEG Ultra racer Gayton dug shook his head. "Can I see? **** out his venerable, and loud, RX-7 no!" It was there that the problem Chaparral and gave .it the go. But with Travis and the Olds was losing the front brakes on this fast reported. However, Jim handled course meant needless excursions the situation by himself and into the weeds. "First it was one continued racing albeit some pump (on the pedal). Then it was twenty minutes down. · two .. Finally it was three or more." Jim Pierce was a noticeable He lost more precious time when a stranger, too busy extracting a fuel pump connection got soiled downed Garrett Turboprop-and he had to get out and attend to powered crop duster out west of it. He finished right behind Travis Phoenix to play in tht; mud. Hey, who was a tiny thirteen seconds Jim. Tell those airplane drivers to off Gary Anderson's torrid Third keep it outa the power lines. Place pace. Gayton offered that But Larry Foddrill took the red "it was. neat ... but weren't all JP Mobile around for six laps with those cattle guards getting broken Greg Geiser in the dirty seat. up? The last one was brutal," Larrydidgetoutonceoncourse... referring to the washed-out to do a drain job. It was originally approach that made it like thought that he stopped to help running through the Southern Bjlly Tsakiris get out of the ditch, Pacific freight rail yard in Daggett. but nooo. Larry: Try Depends; Dan the Man Spencer had his DeJJends. Billy had gotten owntailoreddrivingsuitthistime sideways on a right-hand slimy (just kidding, Paul) and promised sweeper and put the rear wheels in that he would keep all the wheels a ditch. Make no mistake; driving ·on this day, then added, "Famous out there was like setting up a Last Words." Well, it can be sprint car to do both lefts and reported that Dan kept the wheels rights: Can't set the stagger both and the throttle down almost all ways. The off-cambers offered day. But a sickening motor plenty of chances for a surprise, as sidelined him after five fast laps Billy eventually found out. "I and he was brought in on the never get in 'Dusty Times' unless string. Tony Pedotto took his ex-Steve ("Fly Like an Eagle") Miller car to Sixth Pro 1 behind the brake-less Robert Gayton. Pedotto figured that if he was going to get into the game, he ought to go "Pro'-' rather th:!n Sportsman. (Pedotto's dad, Vince, used to be the author's· boss at Garrett. He couldn't take it any longer and is now much better. Vince also replaced the throttle cable on the tow truck and did not notice that it was not getting full pedal. Tony had a long slow climb out of Phoenix at 67% throttle authority.) CHALLENGERS Steve and Al Vesterdal overcame some water related problems and pushed the big Toyota powered Jimco to second overall. Rueben Wood ran hard all day to the Pro 10 purse in a good drive for him in the soggy conditions on course. JeffKnupp's late nights paid off as the three cars,that he prepped all finished with two in the #1 slot. Jeff himself won the Page 16 November 1994 Dusty Times
Greg Geiser, left, and Larry Foddrill show off their mud packs, Mike Doherty's Subway Chevrolet was in and out of trouble all Snowflake style. Happy Labor Day racing in the mountains! day and was finally sidelined by a totally blown engine. Challenger class while Chris when he goes to the big races he · ask the racers their car number. Hansen was Third in 1600 and can make the big mistakes. Just Not James.) Looking good here, Jim Travis tangled with an Oldsmobile and ended up fourth. Thomas Hansen won the SP1600. like all the big kids do. Randy Maddux was a surprise "I couldn't have done it without Jeff Hustin's rag top VW was Fourth in Ten while Scott Rhone, these guys," as Jeff rattled off a list the sole Class 5 car and put in a back in Eighth, was able to make of sponsors almost as large as fine six laps, even getting passed in good his pre-race boast that "I'm Dusty Times' "Good Stuff the pits by Jim Travis' Class 1 no-finishing on four tires this time. Di rectory", including Jack holds-barred catch-em up assault. The ones I start with, too." After Woods; BFG; Volkspower; Diehl CLASS 10 the race he admitted to "a couple Equipment; Tall Paul of ORC The Class Ten field was the close calls, my eyes are fried and I Radios; Lightning Bolt Motor largest seen in quite some time as got some frame cracks." Robert Sports; The People's Car Shop; sixteen cars lined up for the Mud Wood's A-armed single seater got BryanKendall'sRacingTrans-Run.RuebenWoodhadthefront watered down but Rueben's missions; and Lee Finke's Race row start -positions were Buckeye Brother came back to Shocks. (I didn't know Jeff knew determined by entry postmark - finish Sixth behind Gila Bender that many people!) "It was a near-and went for it, trailed by Daniel Bruce Mills. Shane Hill broke a perfect race day. Now we're going Hyde and Steve Melton. Hyde spring plate and walked a couple SCORE racing full time in '95 in was the odds-on favorite by virtue miles back to' the Mud Check to the purple (1600) car." Knupp of his previous results but his wait for the race to end and a and Brent Mann's weekend was charge was stifled by a plugged trailer. Mills remarked on the Not allowed to run with the Class Bs, Tom Buck went four wheeling in the · h · d ·d h h H d , s T m d h dd d so Jeep Honcho to a solo victory in Class Pro 4. How about some competition? not wit out its owns1 e as t ey ex aust. y es uper rapp was u .. . ow o ... an me tangled with a Tacoma tourist positionedouttothesideandthe electrical gremlins. "The Toyota The best race of the day was thesameelapsedtime.Luckilyfor past Star Valley and Mann totaled forward fins quickly filled up with ran great ... I had plenty of HP, between Jack Farmer and John scoring, Jack was running in his Ford P / U as he locked it up adobe. The heat of the exhaust even up here." Raitter as they both got the flag at Sportsman.~ wlo trailer brakes ... into Jeff. "sefup" the mud into stone and ..--------------------------------------.. These guys have a serious winning the engine's power dropped like a attitude, though. "Hey, that's turd in a well. Operating with (going) racing." only half the opening area worked More Vesterdal-style sibling like a spud in an exhaust pipe. rivalry was seen in the Challenger Rueben told of catching Melton: ranks as Steve and Mike Long had "He never knew I was there - I a good battle going ... until Steve shot right by him. I couldn't get roosted Mike. Blinded at top rid of him though." The nine speed, Mike got off-course and second finish-time differential jammed the binders big time, tells it all. burying the car almost to the Hyde, and Shannon for that gunwales. The goo collected in the matter, are pretty well known for "cheelstosuchanextentthatthree being chargers but when they grown men could not lift what is went over to California to test usually a hundred-pound front drive Gary Hymes' 3.8L Por-end. "I shoulda just run up and sche/Krielser/Raceco, well, they smacked him," Mike shrugged, returned to Buckeye with a whole echoing Al Vesterdal 's sen ti-different attitude. Shannon said ments. Steve went on to finish, that Hymes hammered the huge Second behind Buckeye's Jeff car through canyons and trenches Knupp ( who had cars entered in at speeds beyond comprehension. three classes. Q: How could he be "I'm not saying that it scared in three places at once ... when he's Daniel, but it did open his eyes." nowhere at all?) and then had the That's the way I got it, anyway. audacity to laugh about sidelining The two Kenny Major motors his brother. "He should be glad he of Wood and Melton were on the didn't break his wrist again," same power curve. Steve laughed referring to a previous Whiplash that "We had exactly the same event where Mike got an arm into top speed over the grass lands. the steering wheel. It appears that We ran the same distance apart -the Longs and the Vesterdals are nose to tail -for miles." The new not from Philadelphia. No engine has Reub beaming, as his brotherly love he.re. old two-liter Pinto pumper was T ucsonian Ron Dalke came up nothing if not unreliable.Wood is without Walt Baranick to take on reportedly walking tall in Buckeye the Sportsman S/1600's and, as with his nine-second win over has come to be expected, won, Melton. this time over Mesa's Tom The Tex Tornado, James Geringer, who was eventually Martin, kept out of the trees and sidelined with a broken CV. Tom shrubs this race and wound up had some chow and drinks with Third. The likable oil country him, so he built a campfire for racer did get watered early on but company. Unfortunately the was able to keep out of the soup Vesterdals saw the smoke and and clean the last laps to finish as thought that Tom was ready to the final car doing seven laps. "I pull out in front of them on the never left the road ( what a Mach-speed straight where the change) although I spun out little red bug was sidelined. "We twice." Martin was issued a new swerved out into the field, ignition system by Jacobs Electric slipping and sliding," Al chuckl-of Midland (TX) and he also ed. "My brother never lifts. Even cleverly featured a keep-it-clean when he can't see." Tom is using in-the-cockpit flip-up number his sano swing-axled car as a plate for the checkpoints (Most stepping-stone to Class Ten and cars ... and people ... were SCORE. He wants to make all the unidentifiable after the first lap beginner's mistakes now so that and checkpoint personnel had to Dusty Times 1995 Introducing the 1995 Off Road Racing Calendar featuring 13 full-color action photos of trucks and buggies from most major racing series. This quality 11" X 14 '', spiral bound calendar lists the 1995 Off Road Race dates. The calendar sells for $14.95 plus $4.00 freight. (California residents add 7% sales tax) and is available from: November 1994 SOUTHERN IMPRESSIONS 103 Press Lane, #1 Chula Vista, California 91910 (619) 422-7841 Page 27
Tony Pierce took the hard line through the junipers at the aptly Chris Hansen had a troubled day, finishing third Pro 1600, then named Mud Check, but it still doesn't look like much fun on Tony Pierce and Kelly Reedy won the Pro 1600 class, with what a friend rolled the car while playing the next morning. course. looks like a minimum of mud on the Raceco. ~ and John in pro so no cash-paying decision had to be made. Dodged another bullet, Jackie. The Beards had, well, an Ed Day. "So what's new?," you may ask? Well, son ( Big) Levi took the old car ... which is the "new" Beard/Toyota car and Grampa took thenewex-Penhall/VW car. Ed was reported to have said that: "I've changed the engine; I've changed the frame; I'm even changing to boxer shorts. I'm gonna le.tit all hang out!" Yes and -No. Power steering problems sidelined his inaugural effort while Levi watered out. Water is a pretty scarce commodity way out in Buckeye so the boys have trouble putting any serious effort into waterproofing anything like a racing car. Both the Beards were DNFs. (Little Levi Beard stepped off his 4-stroke quad during the following day's bike race and broke his leg big time. Both lower bones -one a compound -and a buster collar bone. "Dad, I think the (football) season is over right now." Considering that the apple never falls too far from the tree, Ed's thoughts about a cage sound pretty "sabe". Levi's first race ended with the usual "dirt, sky, quad, dirt, dirt" scenario plus a couple 2-inch incisions to clean the wound. "It was awesome ... how soon can I get back on?") Ed has a real good layman's handle on the physics and aerodynamics of form drag: "Those big shock towers kill the top end ... and drag is (a function of the speed squared) .. " Pl us power is a unp Fuel Safe's Pro C are designed to highest perfor and safety standards se by all of the major racing associations. Top like Robbie Gordon, demand t e es and so should you. Fuel Safe Racing Cells • The Champions Choice! At your local dealer now! Aircratt Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 842-2211 (800) 433·6524 (Outside CA) SAFETY ... It's what we're all about. Pagen function of the speed cubed! A-arms for Laguna Diablo, is what that says. Richard Ronco got into the juniP,ers and was struggling getting out - hanging out in the road -when the Bob Weber car tore into the Chenowth's right rear. Ronco 's stub axle went away as did Bob's beam. It was really . the only incident in a safe race. Both cars were seriously disabled and neither crew was amused. Weber removed the dangling hardware from the front end and three-wheeled it down to where the ever-popular Emmett Warren was idled with "mysterious" electrical problems and a busted front brake line. Bob towed the Car of Many Colors back in. Quite a sight with the deafleading the blind. Ed Beard offered that the "W" markers were "Warren Marks", as Emmett has displayed a propensity for getting off-course in the past. "Hey! If you don't care where you are you ain't lost" would be his credo. Tucson's Melissa Hall had her tidy little T.U.F. Sportswoman Ten car out and had one of her best races in quite some time. She did five laps, taking Second Place behind Cave Creeker Jack Farmer's Toyota rig, beating all the trucks and most of the Challengers. "Don't touch my hands," she begged after alighting. Dime-sized blisters adorned her palms. Hall has it made. The number ofT ucson guys that pitch in and do the deal for her would be the envy of any most other pit organization (Not the Checkers, of course.) Wood and Melton were laughing like big dogs at the finish as Steve told of Rueben hitting a bank coming into the Mud Check. "And nobody was lifting. You'd go into (the soup) at full throttle and be barely moving. We saw the sedan (Class 6) guys driving along and cleaning the rear view mirror and talking to each other." Melton's eyes looked as red as Grateful Deaohead's. " I used up my towels trying to get past Daniel." Shannon had opted for Rain-X "but after forty-nine clumps of mud it was all ground off." Everybody had their visors up ... except for Tom Buck's windshield-equipped Jeep Hon-cho. CLASS 1600 Tony Pierce really got it together in the 1600s as he, Kelly Reedy and Kelly's son, Cam - in his first car ride -ran untroubled to the win and Twelfth Overall. TP did get a leaky rear tire out by Check Three. That information was radioed to him to prepare his pits for a fast wheel swap. (ls that a "DQ" offense? If so ... this was a made-up story.) Cam did admit to some gastrointestinal distress. "I ate too many pepperoncinis at lunch, I guess." Urp. Pierce finished with the fan's dog house fatiguing and breaking away before his very eyes. "I felt a bad vibration through the steering wheel," he reflected, eyeing the huge sections missing. "But it never heated up." Bill Krug had his first actual race in a while and comforted himself well with Second, twelve minutes back and a couple ahead of the purple Knupp/Hansen car. (The next morning Cory Sap-pington took his girl friend for a ride and rolled the racer in a ditch. He wanted this to be a secret.) The James Borel/ Nels Dutton Flying Circus came into town and everyone in the party got to drive or ride or both. Borel's wife was appropriately blase about her ride. "Sure. It was fun." Ho-hum. They still finished a half minute behind Hansen's Third Place. Sportsman racers Brent Mann and Tommy Hansen got out of control through the first puddle and spun out, killing the engine and having to be hand-push started by passing sweep riders. Once underway they motored on trouble free to a decisive win over Dean Orem's tiny single-seater. CLASS8 Subway Mike Doherty was the hit of the event. "Did you see the rods come out?" spectators raved. The Class 8 winner Kevin Patrick sets his big Chevy up into a right hand slide on a relatively dry section of the race course. November 1994 Mike was leading the Class 8 big-engine trucks when a four-year old rod bolt let go. Ventilating the pan, he reckoned that with only two miles to go he could make the finish line. Spouting plumes of oil smoke and steam, Mike motored on, clanking to the checkered where one could spy a rod cap on the engine's skid plate if they looked carefully. Unfortunately, overall leader Shannon had not yet finished his seven-lap race so Doherty's engine failure put him down a lap to Glendale's Kevin Patrick, who had to pull the bowl off the Holley's secondaries for some back-flushing with ever-engaging wife Lori handing him tools like a nurse. "Screwdriver!" "Check. Screwdriver." The only single-car class was "4" where the "8s" won't let big ol' Tom Buck run his Honcho with the 2WDs. Such weenies! He still woulda get Second out of four cars ... and by only 49 seconds. See, the two wheel drive guys think that the four-wheel drive rig has a distinct advantage (!) and won't let him race with them. Unless he promises to lose. Tom just motors relatively cleanly while the " Eights" play Walker Evans and tear their cars apart. Buck hit a stump and tore up a BFG for his only damage to the fire-engined red 401 cid pickup. CLASS 6 Class 6 was a surprise with not one, but two SODA-style sedans ready to test the high country. (In fact, the whole of the race reminded one of the Dusty Times-covered Midwest Mud-O-Rama Fests). The Monte Carlo of Prescottonian John Wilson had a simple run, getting in five laps on the Cadillac-springed 350 cid behemoth. Known as "Team Slag," they certainly picked an event that was friendly to the basically-stock rig. With double shocks and a full cage, it actually looked like fun. Put in two more Beard SuperSeats, take a cooler and some sandwiches and have a smiley-face day in the pines. "The Subway truck hit us in the truck," John smiled, "and spun us all the way around." Competitor Dave Doty had less fun, overshooting a corner at the end of a long, smooth straight and getting wound up in a full-size juniper. A lot of digging and even more pushing got the Oldsmobile back on track -only to tangle with Travis over the meadowlands. Make no mistake, the lack of sand washes and little or no whoops made this an ideal course for the "Sixes". NOTES AND COMMENTS Race Director Bill Graham needs to be lauded for the excellent course markings: not too much, not too few. Always at the right place, with a marker at every mile point. Bill used the convention that arrows will always be in the inside of a turn. Jay used his unpopular "GP Finish" format at Snowflake -which everybody hates. Which is: "When the first car finishes, EVERYONE gets the Checkered flag." Now these are desert racers and they want their.buck's worth. No doubt. It's not as if everyone had somewhere else to go after the event, either. They came to Heber to get outa the summer heat down in the Valley and they will be sticking arounq anyway. Right? So why not get the cars off and running by, say, zero-niner-hours and run all day long. No, he wanted to start at Two PM - after the sun is way high. "We wanna give all the racers a chance to get here," was the reported reason for the late start. Hell, they were in Snowflake by Friday afternoon if they were coming at all. It's not like Ivan Stewart has a Friday night race and had to rush to get to Aripine on time for a ten o'clock start. (Class B's Nick Vanderwey did miss the race, dilly-dallying on the highway and getting caught in a two-hour down-time accident-clearing snafu. He was bringing Doherty's helmets, too. Jay let ,Nick lead the parade lap for the minicycle racers the next day. Wow.) ,,,, ,., What ya gonna do 'til two, anyway? Tune the rods out of it? No, it was six o'clock by the time the leaders were done, and any broken cars had to be retrieved in the dark. And there was virtually no time to bench race after the awards were complete ... and after loading up in the dark. And the socializing is a big part of the desert racing scene. Rumor has it that Whiplash said, basically, "If you don't like it, go race SCORE." Pretty strong words in a Customer's Market. Remember, this is a popular venue due to the cool weather site and the three-day weekend. If the race had been held in, say, Globe on any other weekend, the turnout might have been sub-stantially less. Whiplash's Jay McKinley was also lobbied long, loud and laboriously to be certain that he runs the super-popular Sonyota-to-Rocky Point race in Decem-ber ... like always. Be advised that Levi Beard won the $600 drawing open to those that pre-entered and stuck around for the awards. Those moneys came from FodFab, Brandwood Cars, Rad Screen Printing (aka Pro Image), CT Racing Fuels (Cam 2), Whiplash and Tucson Motorsports. Rueben Wood also won the free Class Ten entry put up by Bill Tsakiris' Mextex Restaurant to go with his $700 purse. Dusty Times
Sunrise, 400 Forest Rally By John Elkin After some years absence from the SCCA scene the Sunriser 400 Forest Rally returned to the calendar. The rally was aban-doned several years ago by organizer Dick Paddock for lack of sponsorship. Dick, being a smart organizer realized to beat a dead horse·and put on the rally with ·no financial or gther help would mean the event would suffer and he would accelerate the burn out process that eventually fells many good organizers who should get back in the game { are you reading this Ken Adams?) and recreate great rally events. Last year Dick proudly an-nounced the return of his event much to the delight of some veterans on the championship trail. Those newer to the National scene were to find out what a treasure this rally can be and had been in the past. It's rejuvenation even brought John Buffum out of semi-retirement, but this time a·s a navigator for his driver and stepson Paul Choiniere in the Audi. Others came in droves, some to relive great rallies past and others to see what all the hoopla was about. In all 38 rally teams retraced the wheel tracks of great rallyists past like Scott Harvey, T aisto Heinonen, Hen-drick Blok, Jon Woodner and John Woolf. The new teams would soon learn what the veterans would remember all too well about rallying in and near Chillicothe, Ohio, great roads! Lots of dust! If you are not' first on the road in Ohio you are running for second place normally. The Porsche of Jeff Zwart/Martin Headland got· the nod as first car out at the draw for starting position. This would make life difficult for other front-runners the first night, but a rainstorm between night one and day two would equalize every-thing but not before the dust would claim victims in its wake. Ohio is a unique stop on the SCCA/Michelin PRO Rally Series for this rally has more tarmac {paved) stages than any other in the premier series. Some of the pavement is interwoven with gravel stages making tire selection a premium, much like on the World Rally Champion-ship. This, accompanied by unforgiving trees that act as rally car magnets make the event varied and challenging to say-the least. The town of Chillicothe lies in the south central part of Ohio just south of Columbus and east of Cincinnati. It is a quiet but industrious town which wel-comed the rally back after its absence. The good people at Kroger Food and Drug sponsored the most popular Y octangee Park stage which happens in the middle of town to start the second day. Rain made the pavement slick and the always spectacular paved yump made for flying rally cars to thrill the town's populous. But things started first with six stages on Fr~day night in the forests, the following day cars would tackle the remaining 13 stages. Unfortunately no-one from the Rall ytruck ranks thought to make the trip to Ohio leaving the class vacant, as it has been much of the year. Rule changes are in place for Dusty Times next season allowing the four wheel drive sport utilities and four wheel drive trucks with six cylinder engines to run which the SCCA and the ARA hope will spark interest in the class. This, unfortunately, leaves an esti-mated 10 rallytrucks uncompe-titive in National competition, but people like Greg Healey, Jeff Hendricks and Roger Hull are proving the trucks to be com-petitive in the divisional classes, so hopes are these low mainten-ance vehicles which are very strong will be snatched up by smart divisional rally teams and run for many years. The Open Class turned out to be quite a battle throughout the 19 scheduled stages (18 were scored, one thrown for safety reasons). Jeff Zwart/Martin Headland were the lucky pair who drew the # 1 starting position in the Valvoline Porsche and the duo took advantage drawing out a 31 second lead after the first nights stages, but not without incident. On stage four at the flying finish Zwart lost control of the German rocket and damaged some body parts, the exhaust and the rear spoiler, still they continued, bent but undaunted. There were other casualties that night. In stage one,just four miles into the rally Carl Merrill/John Bellefleur put the Ford Escort off the road in the dust and were time barred from continuing making for a quick weekend for the Norseman Resorts team. Also in stage four Henry Joy/ Brian Maxwell barrelrolled the Mit-subishi Eclipse damaging the car very badly. All vehicle occupants were uninjured in their incidents. Paul Choiniere/John Buffum did their best in the dust behind the Porsche as they put the Libra Racing Audi Quattro S-2 in second place. 50 seconds back came the Eagle Talon of Doug Shepard/ Pete Gladysz, who only runs selected events these day and is missed in' many parts of the country. Canadians Frank and Dan Sprong! fell into fourth just three seconds behind Shepard biding their time in their Audi S-2. On day two Zwart's crew had patched the Porsche up as best they could and sent their driver off to the park stage where with everyone watching the Porsche came hard off the paved yump and slid into the haybails on the rain soaked road, the car lost little time but it was a crowd-pleaser. Choiniere/Buffum turned fast time on the 2.92 stage with the only sub three minute time. With the onset of rain Zwart/Head-land's dust advantage was gone and soon enough so was their lead as the charging Choiniere took the lead after the third stage and never gave it up all day. Zwart/Head-land held onto second place finishing two minutes and four seconds behind the Audi. Doug Shepard/ Pete Gladysz started to battle an overheating prc,-blem later in the day slowing their effort to what looked to be a fourth place finish as the Sprongl's Audi was strong and running second place until a navigator's error in stage cost the Audi team four minutes dropping them to fourth place in class. Needless to say Choiniere/ Buf-fum also grabbed the first overall best time, Zwart the second. Fifth place in class went to the intrepid team of Gail Truess/Cindy Krolikowski in their Chevrolet Citation who easily edged Ken Beard/Jim Miner's Dodge Omni Turbo which grabbed that spot by just three seconds over the Mazda RX-7 of Carl and Nancy Redner. Group A again showed well with five cars taking the start and amazing enough, five taking the finish. The news in class was the debut of Vinnie Frontinan/Frank Arruda in their new Toyota Celica All Trac. After a disap-pointing Pikes Peak debut the Metro Rallysport Team decided to take the time to dial in the car and use the remaining events in 1994 to shape up for a strong 1995. Peter Moodie came out strong as he and Michael Fennell drove masterfully to a two minute plus lead in their Millen Motor-sports Mazda Familia GT-R. Frontinan pulled into second place keeping the privateer Toyota of Chris Weleff /Brian Paul at bay in third. Points leaders Rick Davis/ Ben Greisler decided to gain· points after repairing damage to the car inflicted at Ojibwe in August. A newcomer to Group A, Robert Parks/Jerry Robin brought an Alfa Romeo Milano and ran in. the fifth and final class position. And I hate to sound boring but that order after the first stage was the order followed the entire rally to the finish. Some excitement came when the Moodie /Fennell Familia climbed into third overafl spot, finishing there just three minutes out of the first overall spot. As long as we are talking classes starting with the word "group", the Group 2 cars came out nine strong with all eyes on the lead points battle between Mike Whitman and Goran Ostlund, a classic battle of rear wheel drive versus front wheel drive, Saab versus Datsun {Nissan), Ameri-can b_prn driver versus Scandi-navian born driver. It was, however, unfortunate when Whitman, and his navigator Paula Gibeault lost a battle of Datsun 510 versus a tree in stage four. But the battle still raged up front between Saab Scandia teammates Ostlund/Steve Baker and Sam Bryan/Rob· Walden. These two put on quite a show for the better part of the event never more than seconds apart when in the day two while trying to run a light fuel load Bryan/Walden ran out of gas and were timebarred by the time petrol was found. This left Ostlund/ Baker to gain the win and tenth place overall, plus clins=hing the first ever Group 2 championship in the USA. Karl Schieble/Russ Hughes had their VW GTI running well and climbed to within a minute and change of the Saab but ran out of stages and claimed the second place. Arizona driver Peter Lahm with Michigan's Jimmy Brandt navigating claimed third in class, their best effort this year for the Datsun 510 team, who were not without excitement as an off course excursion in the final stage November 1994 bent the suspension making for a thrilling ride back into town as · both men waited for their blood pressure to stabilize. Wayne and Annette Prochaska brought the VW GTI home fourth in class, somewhat back in the pack but leading the VW Beetle of Mike and Rene Villemure by just seconds at the finish. Production GT was also looking up with eight four wheel drive turbo cars entered. The field was made up Mitsubishi Eclipse's, Mazda 323's and a lone Toyota Celica. Selcuk Karamonoglu/ John McArthur, Mitsubishi Eclipse, have been controlling the class most of the season and this would be the most competition they had faced all year in terms of numbers of competitors. Tom Ottey/ Pam McGarvey were back with their Mazda 323 after an absence but showed that Ottey had no rust on his skills as he started out strong, staying with the Selcuk in the early stages finishing the first night just 33 seconds back. Cal Landau/Eric Marcus had the Dominos Pizza Mitsubishi Eclipse in third two minutes back and fighting overheating troubles while Jason Priestly/ Kevin Caffery in the lone Toyota held fourth place after a rough start. Priestly, a star in the FOX series Beverly Hills 90210, was overwhelmed with a turnout of teenyboppers to see the act r start the rally, some crowd control allowed the pair to get the Toyota off on time. These four would be the major players in the class. Ottey/McGarvey put the Mazda in high gear and challenged Karamonoglu/McArthur early in the second day until the faster and paved roads catered to the power and handling of the Mitsubishi as Selcuk Karamonoglu and Jo}m McArthur nabbed the win, fourth place overall and the season championship all in this one event. Ottey made it home second place and seventh overall in a fine re-emergence to the sport. Landau/Marcus kept the Mit-subishi cool enough to get home third in class and ninth overall almost three minutes behind Ottey.Jason Priest! y I K evin Caffery flew the Toyota colors proudly to a fourth place finish, 12th overall as the rookie team gets used to the fast roads of the eastern half of the country. The Production class has been coming back in entry numbers as the series goes back east where the bulk of these teams live. But series points leaders Dave Turner/ Bill Gutzmann are from California and made the trip to Ohio to try and clinch the championship early. Standing in their way were the Honda Prelude of Jim Anderson/Charles Bradley and the Foi-d Escort of Tad Oh-take/Bob Martin. Ohtake/Mar-tin grabbed the early lead over the Valvoline M itsubishi o f Tur-ner/Gutzmann, but that lead would be ·short lived as a rollover put the Ford out of the running leaving the rally to the top two in points. Late in the first night while battling with the Honda Turner put the Eclipse off the road damaging the front wheels enough to make the car ill handling for the remainder of the rally. Ander-son/ Bradley drove smart, stayed out of trouble and won the rally easily over the hobbled Mitsu-bishi. The points battle now goes to Michigan_ where even both contestants for the title had a DNF the title would go to Turn er, Anderson has to win to bring the battle to the icy and snowy Maine roads in December. Other points battles are making the competition interesting as teams prepare for the Lake Superior Rally in the Michigan Upper Peninsula. In the Overall picture the battle comes down to Choiniere with 114 points and Zwart with 90 points. If Choiniere beats Zwart by one position he-clinches the title again this year, no one else is close to contend for the overall championship as the same scenario goes for the Open-Class points where Choiniere has 114 points and Zwart 94. Group A has Rick Davis leading by 25 points over Jamaican rally champion Peter Moodie, a good finish in class in Michigan will clinch the title for the BMW team. In Rallytruck Jeff Hendricks has a two point lead on Greg Healey. The question remains, how badly was Healey's truck damaged in Maine last summer and will he compete in Michigan? Hendricks is planning on attend-ing both for Rallytruck points and the Divisional run-offs. Our first year as the SCCA/ Michelin National PRO Rally Championship is winding down to a conclusion in Rumford, Maine, where we will crown the champions for another year and prepare for an even better 1995 season. Lots of rumors are already flying about 1995 plans. Look for Carl Merrill's tube framed pickup truck, Henry Joy to run the Asian; Pacific Series in a right hand drive Mitsubishi Lancer, factory interest in the new Rallytruck Class and a banner year for Group 2. Look also for the Prescott Forest Rally in Arizona to maybe be reinstated as a full National and another California divisional event to be upgraded to 60% status. While we still have many stages to travel together before 1994 is complete, make your plans now to be part of next year. SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO-80112 (303) 779-6622 October 22-23, 1994 Lake Superior Rally Houghton, MI December 2-3, 1994 Maine Forest Rally Rumford, ME Page 29
PROUDLY PRESENTS 1/,e • · ind ANNUAt HOTEL & CASIN ' SUNDAY I OCTOBER 30, 1 '111,.T "'Ill 1 SUNDAY SCHEDULE T l'JU lVlr::!!!IJC. Gates Open ........................................ 6:30 a.m. Sign Up ..................................... 6:30-8:30 a.m: Parade Lap ......................................... 9:00 a.m. Racing Begins-................................. 10:00 a.m. T Two Divisic -yDependant T Six Entries -yPurse For I -yFree Overn Park Admission Aduns $10.00 • 1?-16 Years Old $5.00 For Race TE Under 12 Free T Starting Po. Pre-Entry Until 10-22-94 • Post-Entry Fees $225 by Entry Pc For an Entry Form or More Information, Contac
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Ojibwc SCCA National PRO Rally By John Elkin Going for the season championship Paul Choinere and Jeff Becker slid into the overall win by just a minute, two seconds in the Audi Quattro S-2, and took the Open Class lead late in the rally. Production GT winners Selcuk Karamanoglu and John McArthur took the lead in the Mitsubishi Eclipse after a couple of stages, put in a flawless rally and won the class by over five minutes and finished third overall. The SCCA/Michelin series steers back toward the midwest after a rash of 60% events on both coas_t~-The final four events of the 1994 series start in Minnesota and progress their way east to the final showdown in Maine this December. The homestretch of the season starts in Bemidji, Minnesota with the Ojibwe National PRO Rally, which is round eight of the SCCA/ Miche-lin series. Ojibwe has become, in its short history a respected event both for the quality of the roads and the on time record it has that most airlines would envy. The people of Bemidji have always welcomed the rally since the series started running there three years ago. The town provides closer proximity to the stages than the old headquarters city of Grand Rapids. And besides all that, rally teams are proud to run the rally out of the town that claims to be the hometown of Paul Bunyan himself. No affiliation has been made to Babe, Paul's blue ox. Bemidji offers many things to rally teams. Reasonable hotels, good restaurants, well stocked auto parts stores, mosquitoes and humidity. We never said every-thing they offer is for the best. The Ojibwe rally is a challenge from all aspects, the roads are as challenging as any in the United States and with its short straight-aways into tight corners and the ever-present trees. The schedule is challenging in that the later in the event you go the tighter your timetable becomes, but there are plenty of opportunities to service the car. Pre-rally happenings were not as abundant as at most events this year, but there are a few stories. On Friday, while on the highway Henry Joy was setting his fuel management system for the rally when the engine in his Stopped CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' -any Length Hose • Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS $215.00 HELMET ONLY 5153 Bowden Ave.• San Diego• CA• 92117.~ (619) 279-2509 Page 32 Photos: Lome Trezise Motion Mitsubishi Eclipse spun a bearing. Not to be deterred in earning some points Joy and co-driver Brian Maxwell pushed the car into the Friday afternoon pare expose and then pushed the car through the starting MTC ( main time control) to garner the two starting points. Another Mitsu-bishi Eclipse, this. the new creation from Steve Gingras/ Bill Westrick , <;uffered a hroken windshield and dented roof as a failure to re-install-the hoodpins m ad e for som e last minute scrambling for the local team from Duluth, who repaired the car and started the rally. Amazingly the press stage went off well, nobody hurt their car as a result of driving the local media around the Beltrami County Fairgrounds and a field of 28 teams lined, up to start. · The Ojibwe Forest Rally is a 400 mile event; in that duration is 18 special stages comprising 165 miles of flat our rallying. In the end one stage was thrown due to civilian traffic making the final count 17 scored stages to determine the winning team both overall and in six classes. The rally runs south and east of Bemidji through the White Earth and Paul Bunyan State Forests. Regis-tration and scrutineering started Friday, all day leading to a late afternoon pare expose and a 7: 10 p.m. start. After six stages the teams would return to Bemidji for the overnight halt and restart the next afternoon for 12 stages and· the eventual finish again back in Bemidji. The Truck Class fielded one entry, Jeff Hendricks/Noble Jones made the tow from Arizona to try the fast roads. Another overriding reason they made the trip was a finish in the divisional rally here would ·giv~ them the championship in the Southern Pacific Division Under Two Liter class. The pair went along well, had a small trip into the bushes in an early stage but finished to capture their first national win and the divisional title back home. Next year Truck class will take on a new set of rules allowing the four wheel drive sport utilities and trucks with six cylinder engines to compete which should revive the class to its prior stature, if not improve it. On paper the Group A seemed like quite a battle with four teams entered. Three of these teams would together name a new corner that will go down in Heavy attrition struck Group· A, but the Jamaican Rally champions Peter Moodie and Michael Fennell posted great times in the Mazda 323 G TX and won Group A and also finished fourth overall. history along with the Vermont Vortex in Colorado, where a couple of years ago all the cars entered from Vermont went off the road. Audi Corner in Pennsylvania where one year all the entered Audi's went off the road. And now there is Group A Corner at the Ojibwe event. This corner is so-versatile that it took cars in two different directions. Going in the first direction in stage three Tony Takaori/Ken Cassidy put the right hand drive Mitsubishi Galant into a ditch badly damaging the car, and sending Tony to the hospital for a check up. Takaori was fine and released; Cassidy stayed with the car until it could be extracted. Going in the other direction as stage five two other cars, the BMW of Rick Davis/ Ben Greish-ler and the Toyota Celica of Chris Weleff/ Brian Paul hit a washout in the road that was not in the route book and broke their suspensions. The BMW suffered rear suspension failure while the Toyota broke the front. Through all this carnage the Mazda 323GTX of Peter Moodie/ Michael Fennell continued through the stages, posted great times and thrilled SQeCtators. After the first night the -Mazda was in fifth place overall and all alone in class. On day two they missed a spectator corner and made for some great video footage shared by all after the rally and eventually the Moodie/ Fennell effort moved into fourth overall at the finish making the Jamaican Rally Champions very happy. The Production class has been picking up popularity in the eastern rallies, and next year is sure to pick up as the age limit for this class is put' to eight years· instead of five years in the present rules. In the meantime, four teams entered including the points · leader Dave Turner/Bill Gutz-mann, but absent from the entry was second place points team Bob Elliot/Mark Williams who are concentrating on the Canadian series. Two Hondas, a Mitsubishi and a Ford Escort head out into the forests. Walter Peterson/ Harry Pressey put their Honda Prelude out front early taking a two minute lead on the Valvoline Eclipse of Turner /Gutzmann after the first night. Jim An-derson/Matt Chester in a Honda Prelude VTEC followed another three minutes back. Tad Oh-take/Bob Martin had a fuel pump go away early and put them on the trailer after stage three: Going into day two Peter-son / Pressey moved the Honda out to three minutes over Turner/Gutzmann while An-derson/Chester continued to learn the roads in their rookie ·season. In stage 17, one from the finish all looked secure until three miles into the ten mile stage the Racing For Kids Eclipse lost a bolt out of the rear panhard rod allowing the rear suspension to move freely from side to side. Turner found a constant speed allowed him to keep the car on the road. A mile from the finish a charging Bruce Newey in a Mazda RX-7 caught the Mitsubishi, Turner looked for a place to move over in a friendly gesture to allow the faster car to pass and saw a grassy area and pulled off, unfortunately the grass was about five feet tall and the Mitsubishi slid off the road and onto the navigators door ending their rally. Anderson/Chester inherited the second place as a dejected Dave Turner missed his opportunity to clinch the class championship and has to go on to Ohio. and get a third place or better finish. The Canadian team of Peterson/ Pres-sey continued on to capture the win and a fine 11th overall finish. · Six teams entered the GT class which has been having an up and down year, entry wise. Two early favorites came to an earlier than expected end. Barry and Sandra Latreille had unknown ills in the Eagle Talon wh ile the C a l Landau/ Eric Marcus Domino's Pizza Mitsubishi Eclipse had overheating troubles in stage one and were an early DNF. Steve Gin ras and Bill Westrick had some good results from the Ojibwe: they were sep_ond G_ T National in the Mitsubishi Eclipse and first in the companion Divisional Rally. Back up front it took a couple of stages for points leader Selcuk Karamanoglu/John McArthur to gather the lead from early hotshoe Craig Sobczak/ Kevin DeLough-ary whose Mazda 323 turned a scathing first stage time. Steve Gingras/ Bill W estrick also had a good fi rst stage in· the new M itsubishi and quickly p u t Sobczak/DeLoughary into third and started pursuit of the leaders. Jason Preistley / Kevin Caffery had their factory Toyota Celica in Minnesota and were looking for November 1994 Dusty Times
Carl Merrill ar>d John Belefleur led the Open Class and overall Jeff Zwart and Martin Headland found some puddles to dirty the from time to time in the fan cy Ford Escorl Cosworth but they Porsche 911 Carrera 4 and they went on to finish third in Open finished second m class and overall. class and 5th overall. Mike Whitman and Kevin Linville still rally a Datsun 510, this one in Group 2 and despite troubles they finished third in Group 2 and tenth overall. their first national finish after two heartbreaking DNF's early in the year. Going into day two it was a flawless performance by Kara-manogl u /McArthur in the Mitsubishi as they pulled off a fine third place overall and a convincing victory in class by over five minutes on the Eclipse of Gingras/Westrick. The local team was happy with the second place and sixth overall finish in the new car despite the early hoodpin incident. There was no reason given as to the time lost by the Mazda of Sobczak/DeLoughr ary but they hung on for a third place finish and seventh overall. The fourth place finisher was the Toyota <;::elica of Jason Preist-ley /Kevin Caffery who were greeted by their elated service crew at the final time control. The rookie team hopes to hone their skills in the remaining events this year. The Group 2 continues to be popular as six teams came to see if they could outrun each other and the mosquitoes. Points chasers Mike Whitman / Kevin Linville and Goran Ostlund/Steve Baker were present along with hotshoes Sam Bryan/Rob W alden and Bruce Newey /Charles Bradley. Bryan/Walden had troubles early as they crashed the Saab 900 at the end of stage two lightly, in stage three they had an engine management problem later diagnosed as a crankshaft sensor. They would eventually fall out of the rally. Newey / Bradley would suffer a two minute road penalty early in the first night but would set very good stage times placing them in third after the first leg and not at all out of the picture. Whitman/ Linville held the lead by a minute after leg one over the Ostlund/&kerSaabwithNewey/Brad-ley another minute and change back . M ike H urst / Rob Bohn were suffering through the Loss of various gears in their Datsun's transmissio n but soldiered o n . Brian Pepp/Dean Rushford had their Mazda RX-7 in the top five also going into day two. On day two the Whitman/ Linville Datsun 510 slowed on stage 10 losing five minutes to a bad fuel pump, allowing the Ostlund/ Baker Saab to nab the lead early. But while this wholesale change was happening among the top two a hard charging Bruce Newey /Charles Bradley were setting blistering stage times and edging up on Ostlund and Whitman, event-ually overtaking them for the lead, fully making up the two minute penalty from the night before. Ne\1/ey/ Bradley held the lead into the finish of the rally but word filtered in of the team having to service the RX-7 within a control zone; the team was penalized eight minutes dropping theil) to fourth in class. Ost-lund/ Baker now take the lead and the win in class, eighth overall. Bryan Pepp/Dean Rushford moved into second place 32 · seconds out of first. Mike Whitman/Kevin Linville came home third despite their woes two minutes back of the Mazda while Mike Hurst/ Rob Bohn had just enough gears left in their transmission to make the finish and fourth place in class. The Open Class struggle was les-sened some by the early demise of the Henry Joy/ Brian Maxwell car with engine failure but three heavy hitters still remained. The Valvoline Porsche of Jeff Zwart/Martin Headland was looking for maximum points here to help close up the points battle, th u s a plan was formed to concentrate on finishing safely and gambling the others would not. Carl Merrill had his new navigator, John Bellefleur, in the car, the two had already put one event together in Canada where they worked well for a second place. Paul Choiniere IJ eff Becker were ready to go in the Remy spon-sored Audi confident they could . win this rally for the third straight time. In the first stage the Norseman Resorts Ford Escort of Mer-, Goran Ostlund and Steve Baker grabbed the lead in Group 2 as others still running had troubles. The lead changed often but their Saab 99 led across the finish line to win Group 2 and take eighth overall. Dusty Times rill/Bellefleur trailed the Audi by just a half second. In the second stage Merrill/ Bellefleur, unaware that the stage would be thrown later sideswiped a tree with the Escort suffering cosmetic damage only. They regained the lead through stage four as Choin-iere/ Becker knew to keep the Ford within striking distance for this is a long event. Zwart/ Headland kept up the pace and motored along in third counting on the points more than position. At the end of the night Choin-iere / Becker edged a six second lead on Merrill/Bellefleur with Zwart/Headland three minutes back. The only all female team of Gail Truess/Cindy Krolikowski had the Chevy Citation in fourth place but well back fighting a rash of punctured tires. Carl and ~eui Nancy Redner were doing well in the Mazda RX-7 until Carl felt ill and they dropped out for safety reasons. Day two would make for exciting rallying between the two front-runners. Choiniere / Becker edged out a one minute lead over Merrill/Bellefleur by the halfway point in the day's stages despite another stage being canceled that day to keep the rally running on time as well as second thoughts by organizers on the fast condition of the road. On stage 10 Choin-iere / Becker got a scare when a ball joint popped loose on the Audi losing their minute. A quick service after the stage got the team going again but the race was now on. Zwart/Headland had kept their pace but were by this time hopelessly out of touch with the leaders. With two stages to go the Merrill/Bellefleur Ford held a half second lead over the Choiniere/ Becker Audi. Choin-iere turned up the wick and timed in to the final control with just a minute and two seconds in hand over Merrill. Zwart motored in third comfortably ahead of fourth place T ruess/ Krolikowski. With the Ojibwe said and done all teams cannot take too much of a breather as the Sunriser 400 Rally stands just three weeks away in Ohio where teams will tackle roads not seen for several years along with seldom seen paved sections. From there series goes into the final two events of the year in Michigan and Maine to determine the champions for 1994. --'PiefJ--O_F_F_R_O_A_D_C_O_M_P_O_N_E_N_T_S _ _,. * MADE B 'R IN THE U.S.A. * YOU HAVE BEEN ASKING . . . 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Columbia 2525 E. 16th Street 2366 East Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tucson, f,,l 85714 Yuma, f,,l 85365 Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 996-6260 (602) 294-3511 (602) 783-6265 (714) 441-1212 SCHROEDER RACING PRODUCTS BRANDWOOO CARS 800 S. Rower St. 4319 East University Burbank, CA 91502 Phoenix, f,,l 85040 (818) 845-8283 (602) 437-3107 CUSTOM LENGTH AXLES ARE NOW AVAILABLE ·• CALL FDR PRICE AND DELIVERY (619) 240-2266 Dealer Inquiries Are Not Only Invited, But Encouraged! November 1994 Page 33
Road America Off Road Challenge Phot.os: Melinda Rothe & Jeanne Brown Bill Graboski came another step closer to the Class 6 championship for the season with a decisive victory at Road America •in his Chevy. This event did have high attrition in the sedan class. Leading here Jeff Probst managed to hold Todd Attig at bay to win the Class 1/2 race, despite Jeff's car having a deflating tire for two thirds of the race: Attig finished a close second. Road America, Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, is famous worldwide for its racing facility. They advertise their Off Road Chal-lenge as "Hell for drivers, Heaven for Fans". Whether or not you were there for Hell or Heaven, Road America was the place to be the weekend of August 6 & 7. SODA racers and fans converged on this race facility for the customary World Series of Off Road Racing's finest. Perfect weather paved the way for Saturday's opening ra.,ce. Class 3 was dominated by Smiling Gerald Foster. Even the dauntless Foster, in his post-race interview, stated that the track was "Very Rough''. Betcha' having no power steering made it that much harder. Hey, it was nice to see Greg Swiston' racing! Swiston and Grant Maholland put on a show for second place. Swiston edged out Maholland and grabbed second. Attrition played havoc with next to take the flag - Class 6. Six vehicles lined up and before lap one could be completed three of them were already out. Bill Groboski came one step closer to the Class Championship with a decisive win. Larry Wood gave it one heok of a try even though he had -::mgoing troubles with his driver's window net. Nuts, the damned thing even cost him a black flag. All in all, though , ·The Off-Roader's Choice· Page 34 • E-Z ur INSTANT SHELTERS Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter in less than 60 seconds! NO missing parts NO center poles NO. ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics Instant Pit: Shelter La Rana Contingency Sponsor SCORE Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Authorized Dealer CASTEX RENTALS~ INC. 1Cflt4'°A. Cole Ave. Los·A.n_geles, CA 90038 . CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 Woods had a good run. This is the race Darrin Parsons had been looking for. Parsons endured the full nine laps behind Groboski for his first second place finish. What happened to the others?? Rick Rayford went down with mech-anical woes, Leonard Gehl lost a wheel and Tim Kamm wound up stuck tight as a cork in a bottle in the infamous "Hell Hole"; Mike Brue has a habit of winning Class 5-1600 no matter what track the SODA racing may be visiting and Road America was no excepton, but this was a very tight pack, all running together on the course. Seven Class 5-1600's green flagged and created a mushroom cloud of dust that sort of covered the entire track! That Mike Brue looks to be the guy to beat on every track, this was no ex-ception. Even being pursued by Greg SIJ1ith· in the Joe Epper's machine, Brue pulled out another victory. For most of the race, the Baja Bugs were spaced like a string of pearls with Tim Christensen, Tom Brockman, Terry Wolfe, Gary Plummer and John Mason being the pearls. Disaster struck with three laps left taking out first Christensen before the "Hell Hole". Guess Brockman thought he looked lonely and decided to join him. Hey Terry W olfe, they say three is a crowd! If you had to Greg Smith has spent most of the season chasing Mike Brue in Joe Eppers 5-1600, and sometimes he wins, but he was second all the way at this race. . " : (IT Gerald Foster is a dedicated racer and his Chevy Blazer is unstoppable in Class 3, which he won here; he also ran the Class 4 race in this rig and was third in Class 4. November 1994 go out, why not on the far side of the track? Not just a hop, skip and a jump away from the others. These mechanical failures put Mason in third and Plummer in fourth. Cory Friday, John Wiggins, Dan Baudoux and John Huven had a dandy battle in Class 11 Double Seat right off the green flag. In fact, all held the lead at one point or another; however, young Friday met with a full three-sixty _spin out putting him out of contention. Baudoux hung in there and took the flag that counts -the checkered. Mark O berg has had an excellent year and it was exciting to watch him work his way through the pack and come out in second place. Wiggins maintained a steady pace and finished third. Holy Cow, that other Oberg tWin, Mike, snuck through for fourth. Curt Gerald rounded out the top five in this always exciting buggy contest. Greg Stingle, Dan Rothe, Gary Behrens, Dave Tate and Steven Schlieicher completed the roster of the top ten out of a whopping twenty three entries. Don't ya' just love those wild and wacky Class 11 drivers? With a large : number of entry level vehicles this class still maintain s a very professional race. Given little space to work with, this year's start line still remained more than a little tricky. Class 2-1600's eleven entries ran into problems with a MEGA pile up before lap one could be com-pleted. In spite of the pile-up, all contestants made it through the Hell Hole, some made their way through with no problem, some had to de-tangle before they got off to their· start. Greg Smith made it through the start fine and dandy, took the lead, and held it to the finish. Dan Baudoux also got through followed by Cary Bowles, Guy Crump, and Mike Seefeldt, Jr. What a show these four fellows put on. Nose to tail, Dusty Times
Hard charging Jeff St. Peter tried hard to move up in Class 9/10 action but he remained in third place in the race, despite setting fast class lap. Jimmie Crowder, the· Alligator man, from Florida flew some Jumps in exciting style, had a good race and trouble free too, and he was third in Class 8. Californian Rick Wefch usually drives a 9/10 buggy, but made his debut in Cf ass 8 at Road America, led the herd untif the last tap when the truck quit. bumper to bumper and often door handle to door handle, the four scrapped lap after lap. About half way through, Seefeldt limped off the track with the buggy flu. Hello, it is the white flag lap and Baudoux was forced by an "I quit" machine to pull off the track. With the two drop outs, Crump took second position. Having maneuvered through the pack, Mark Steinhardt was making serious moves on third place Bowles. Steinhardt finished fourth. Also finishing on the lead lap was rookie Peter Kowatsch. ' · Gentlemen, despite your start troubles, it was a very good race. How are ya' gonna keep a driver like Todd Attig down? For the Class 9 I l O race, you didn't. Attig took the lead and never looked back. Jeff Probst looked terrific for the one lap his machine let him take. Enter Dan Baudoux and Jeff St. Peter. An interesting fact -consistently, by about the fourth or fifth lap, St. Peter will put in the race's fast time no matter what track is being raced . Road America's track was no excep-tion. Baudoux held off the hard charging St. Peter placing them second and third respective! y. Young Trent Hanson and veteran Walt Schwalbe -had a nice dice going until Schwalbe's machine let him down. Hanson placed fourth. Joining the ranks of those BIG Class B's was California's Rick Welch. Normalfy found in his Class 9 /10 bu , Welch made his debut in a truck at this race -and what a debut it was! To back track a little, at the green flag Ford's new Rough Rider Scott Taylor jumped on the gas, jumped into the lead and ran away with the race. No matter the race or the track, Taylor and truck, truck and Taylor are 'like a perfectly balanced symphony, each blends into the other for perfect Todd Attig whips along the Road America off road course in a tidy Terminator that he builds himself, a d Todd took the read in Class 9/10 action from the green flag and fed all the way to the checkered flag. Every other hotel Dusty Times • isan also ran. 1-800-634-6755 Las Vegas, Nevada November 1994 . harmony. Back to Welch and the rest of the field. Welch. put his foot to the floor and fended off all comers right up to the checkered flag lap when the truck said "no more" putting him out of the race. While Welch was busy impress.ing the crowd, Jimmie Crowder wowed the crowd by taking the wicked front two jumps with such speed it put the. truck into a straight up and down tail stand! Okay, so Taylor is off and running, Welch is impres-sing, Crowder is standing and poor Jed Flannery heads into the pits before he got a shot at the Hell Hole. Resetting the field, we now have Dave Hackers, Brian Donlevy, Chuck Brand and Farmer John Konitzer giving it all they-~ Dan Baudoux fought hard to·maintain second pface in crass 9/10 in his Mir-age built by his own company, and Da..n hefd second all the way in this race. Page 35
Mike Seefeldt Jr. has sure made a splash in 1600 racing this season, and he is usually in the top five in these big classes. Look for some wins next year. The 2-1600 class had a pile up off the start, but some made it through the mess and one who did was Cary Bowles who ran third all the way home. Dennis Ferdon joined the ongoing battle in Class 13 between the points leaders, fell off the pace late in the race and finished in third place. • I@' had. When Welch bowed out, Hockers, who was right on his tail, easily moved into second place. Crowder ·tamed the "Alligator" on his tail, moved up on Hockers bJt had to settle for third. Donlevy brought home a solid fourth place. Brand had a nice run going but was bitten by the racing gremlins again. Farmer John must have felt civic minded -he laid down enough smoke to kill off all mosquitoes in the county. So ended Saturday's racing events and camping fires began. Sunday's racing on this famous 1.1 mile course opened with, you got it, Class 11 Single Seat. Dan Baudoux just couldn't get a break, he started with what appeared to be a run away lead only to go off the track coming out of the Hell Hole. Mark Oberg didn't mind a bit, slipped into the lead and made a hard charge to the final flag. Boy, has that John Huven made headway in this class. He came from mid pack, and worked his way by veterans Curt Gerald and Glenn Mathews to put a serious charge on Oberg for first. Nice try, but Huven had to settle for second. Gerald drove a consistent third place, Mathews finished fourth. Rookie Wes Frehse rounded out the top five. Finally, the clouds of doom seem to be lifting from Jeff Probst in Class 1 / 2. Probst ran three quarte.rs of the race on a flat tire holding off both Todd Attig and Art Schmitt, for the win. Attig had his hands full with a deter.mined Scott Schwalbe - rats -Schwalbe lost his left rear tire leaving the contest open to Schmitt. So we have Attig in second, Schmfrt in third and Owen Walther in fourth. Seems Owen and Robert Walther are in a roll over contest! At this point, thanks to Owen's roll, the score is tied. Todd Attig and Greg Smith went at it pick and shovel in another Class 1-1600 duke out. The two looked like they were chained together for the entire race, Attig coming out. on top. Smith never let up but did have to be happy with second place. Guess that means Attig took the win. There was a neat battle for 01' Joint Ji •••••••••••••••••••• RTN*1000 "~ e'-"t1'-"s 1'>tlofC Dale Wile P.O. Kansas Phone (913) 788-3219 FAX (913) 788 9682 All credit cards or COD/UPS orders OK * CNC machined aluminum and steel construction that looks as good as it works * Easily adjusts in single · degree increments to 45 degree angle notches * Notch any round tubing up to 2" OD in less than 30 seconds * Automatic rou.nd tube centering and alignment * Uses inexpensive "BIMETAL" ho(e saws (under $10) * Power vertical with a drill press or horizontal with any 1/2" hand drill Complete RTN 1000 fixture includin a wrench to adjust quadrant angle and easy cutter removal We also offer a steel model RTN 100 with most of the same features Freight and all handling charges are included in the lower 48 states • third place between Peter · Kowatsch and Todd Crump. · Well, there was a good battle until Kowatsch loudly lost his left rear tire. Crump sailed in for third. Dan Baudoux, Mike Seefeldt and Cary Bowles had a heck of a battle for position and points and finished in the order listed. There was' th under in the valley as Class 4 green flagged with some serious competition. Sakes alive, Kevin Probst just can't avoid the · racing gremlins. At the green flag, Probst and Geoff Dorr took off like cannon shots, ran door handle to door knob when presto Probst had to pit with a flat tire. Although, Probst retook the track and finished the race, he finished three laps behind the leader. Dorr had it hooked up and running, looking for all the world like a run away for first place. Surprise! Here co·mes Milan Mazanec powering the Schlueter machine full bore to give Dorr a run for the money. Dorr did take first but not without serious contention from Mazanec, who came in a close second. 1'hat Gerald Foster is incredible. He took his Class 3 vehicle to a very respectable third place finish. Rounding out the finishers were Jeff Holtger, Mark Seidler, and Kevin Probst. Nineteen Class 13 Super Trucks lined up for the start and as the flag dropped there was a cloud of dust in the Valley. The ongoing fracas between R .J. Flanagan, Dan Vanden Huevel and Dennis Ferdon kept the crowd on their feet from start to finish. This time Flanagan took the win with Vanden Huevel second, close enough to count the treads on the tires. Ferdon fell off the pace and finished in third. Dave Marks held it all together, finishing in a close fourth behind Ferdon. Wow, Brian Hord, Rookie to the Class, sure grabbed the attention of both fellow classmates and spectators with an outstanding fifth place. Also finishing were, Don Gregoire, Joe Zilisch, and Tom Drews. Wow-sers, attrition took a big bite out of this class. Class 7S with thirteen vehicles had its share of fierce compe-tition. In spite of the best efforts of Jeff Kincaid, John Greaves took · revenge on his dismal 1993 season with a run away win. Kincaid had his hands full of Jimmie "Alligator" Crowder and Scott Taylor. Kincaid fended off all advances and took second, Crowder kept the door shut on Taylor for third. Whoopie, Taylor and Tom Hockers gave the crowd quite a thrill coming out of the Hell Hole side by side. Not the way we would choose to shake Rough Rider Scott Taylor jumped out in front in the Class 8 race and led from the green flag, and this round he was never seriously challenged for the Class 8 victory. WAIINGII Inferior imitations are in the marketplace 11 Buy the fixture with the moneyback guarantee -Todd Attig in another Terminator fought off a serious challenge from Greg Smith, as the pair ran nose to tail the entire Class 1-1600 race, but at the finish it was Attig with the victory. Page 36 November 1994 Dusty Times
Jeff Kincaid put up a mighty fight with John Greaves for the Class 7S win, but didn't get it done and Jeff had to fight to hold his second place too. Jimmie Crowder also drives a 7S Ford, and this was its best performance in a while, as the Alligator man flew to third place ahead of Scott Taylor. Greg Swiston returned to SODA racing in grand style. Despite this risky cornering technique Swiston came in second in Class 3 in the Ford Bronco. hands. With that many entries it would take up too much room to detail all of the great racing action. Suffice it to say, it Was A Great Race, Gentlemen. The Ladies in the buggy classes took the track next in their mandatory staggered green flag. Coming out of the Hell Hole first was Rhonda Smith with Ruth Schwartzburg hot on her tailpipe. Tracy Crump and Janet Bowles were holding down third and fourth place in this "unlimited" class. While running their race in the midst of the Women's Class 11 race, the gals maintained position until the finish line flag. Thus the finishing order was: Smith, Schwartzburg, Crump and Bowles. Also finishing were Gwen Holmes, Barb Schaden, and Amy Haese. The Class 11 Ladies had a real stand up battle for first and second with Sarah Sawall and Tracy Silloway. Sawall kept the door shut on Silloway right to the last turn, last lap. Holly.Hannah, Silloway said no way and nosed . around Sawall at the checkered flag. Heck of a race!! Shari Huven held down third with Annette Van Wychen in fourth. The contest in Women's Heavy Metal has become more than interesting. Up to this point there have been no repeat winner, this · race was the exception. Robin Schultz took the lead and held it for three laps only to fall prey to the gremlins that plagued others at Road America. Sherri Parsons took advantage of Schultz's gremlins and moved in to first place and the win. Valerie James Geoff Dorr flies through the green Wiscons'in hills in his Class 4 Ford. He had a bit of a struggle for the victory with a serious challenge from Milan Mazanec ' in the Schlueter Ford, who finished second. IIJfii t 'Ji Ll UNIF/LTEn and Gail Brand swapped positions for second and third. At the final flag however, James took second with Brand in third. Katie Smet took a weil driven fourth. Also finishing were Paula Parsons and Marilyn Schultz. The curtain came down as the Women's Heavy Metal Class took the checkered flag. Fans and racers began the packing up process and set their sights for Lake Odessa, Mlchigan, and more racing action from The W arid Series of Off Road Racing in the SODA Series. See ya' trackside. Sheri Parsons took the lead on lap 4 in the Women's Heavy Metal·race, a good one to watch: she held the lead to the checkered flag despite some chal-lenges, driving the Class·B Chevy. CHENOWTH ' cerrERUNE WHERS l,._ SI-M-PS_O_N I r SWAY•A•WAY.1 ! ~ ~ \NI-EEL.s TRI-MIL EXHAUST SYSTEMS 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW....................... $65. 95 BUGPACK ~ ~ KIN w ULTRA WHEELS 15x4 FRONTS $80.00 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME .................... Sl 00.00 FILTERCHARGER"EOUIPPED 15x7 REAR STD OFFSETS $85.00 1 1/2 TYPE 1 RAW ........................... $65. 95 1 1/2 TYPE 1 CHROME .................... Sl 00.00 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW ........................... $73. 95 1 5/8 TYPE 1 CHROME .................... Sl 07. 95 KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200 mm DISC 4-PUCK ...................... $48.0l'l 200 mm 1700 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $85.00 200 mm 2500 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $103.95 * EARLY, OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELT 2' ............................. $23.95 LAP BELT 3' ...................................... $58.95 SHOULDER BELT 3' .......................... $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/ STERNUM STRAP .... $72.95 'A MUST FOR COMPETITION USE' Dusty Times PARKER PUMPER 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WITH BUILT IN HANDLE TO POUR ... $62.95 SCRIBNER JUGS . 5 GALLON JUGS _ WHITE & BLUE.: ............................. $18.95 NEON COLORS ............................... $22.95 FILLER HOSE FOR JUGS (SCREW IN LID STYLE}.$3.95 CHENOWTH CLASS 11 CAGE ............................ $154.95 QUICK RELEASE STEER_ING HUB .... $32.95 UMP SUPER FILTER UMP SUPER FILTER. .................. $159.95 UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX $89.95 THIS AD SUPERCEDES ALL OTHERS MENTION THIS AD TO RECEIVE THESE SALE PRICES November 1994 YOKOHAMA REARS 33xl 0.50.15 $109.00 FRONTS HIGHWAY TREAD AND TRACTION $85.00 WORTH DRIVING SUIJS 1 LAYER HORA/SCORE LEGAL W/ RED or BLUE STRIPE .............. $87.95 ·Rob MacCachren Signature Serles Shirts NOW AVAILABLE, plus, On The Edge Desert, Stadium, And Wanna Ride Shotgun Shirts (Call for Info) T-Shirt Designs & Vinyl Lettering Available In The Store Page 37
ROUND 2 OF THE GLEN HELEN SHORT COURSE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES By Jean Calvin Steve Bishop Again Was The Fastest 1·1·1600 Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. Rick Boyer and Steve Bishop put on a great show in short course 1-2-1600 as Boyer, leading here, and Bishop trailing, Tim Evans put together a third and a fifth in short course 1-2-1600 racing to ran tight each heat. Boyer won the first heat over Bishop, second, and Bishop won Heat 2 and the purse. _fin_i_sh_th_e_d_a..:..y_t_h,_'rd_o_n..:..p_o_in_ts_. __ _;__ _________ __,_ __ _ lt was a beautiful late August day at Glen Helen OHV Park for the second in the five race series of events in their new short course championship series. It was hot but not oppressive as there was a good breeze blowing off the hills around Devore, CA, and plenty of shady areas for the pits. The format was familiar with two heats for each class, some of which were combined in a single heat on the track but not for points. The course was changed a bit, with some of the rougher stuff tamed down to less than car breaking difficulty, and a good sized bunch of racers turned out for the event. · After the morning practice . sessions, the racing began leading off with the Short Course 1-2-1600 class. Rick Boyer got1 the early lead and seemed to have a bit more power up the hills than arch rival Steve Bishop on up grades. Bishop stayed close however, and the next group held Glenn Neese, World-Class I DIFFERENTIALS The most "Bullet-Proof'' off-road differential ever designed-overbuilt by Salisbury/Dana/or U.S. Military off-road severe usage. ♦ All housings are heat treated aluminum with stainless steel thread inserts • 122 lbs. wet weight · • 1 O½" ring gear - 12 bolf-safety wired • 1 ½" - 17 spline axels ♦ 4 spider gear posi-traction • Multiple clutch packs in 12 bolt safety wired housing • Oversized Timkin bearings • _5:57 gear ratio • 6 well placed mounting points for use as independent suspension or adaptable to straight axles ♦ Monster U-joint provisions • Inside coated with Zinc-Chromate • Designed for fast, easy tear down • Parts available • Can be used front & rear for 4 W D Regular price s12ao00 (1 /3 of original cost) INTRODUCTORY RACERS SPECIAL -30% = $896°0 Call for quantity discounts JERRY'S MACHINE SHOP 349 Olympia Ave. • Sand City, CA 93955 • (408) 394-1658 Page 38 Dan Mathews and Tim Evans. They stayed close for several laps, then Mathews was gone, into the pits after having a good dice with Neese. Then late in the race Evans and Neese closed up, but Boyer, with Bishop on his rear bumper, was long gone. At the checkers it was Rick Boyer out front with Bish?P still close and Tim Evans was a long third as Neese also failed to finish. This was a good race for the spectators. · Next up · were the Superlites seven strong with a trio of Pilots mixed in. Leading the pack for the first half of the race was the # 1 . Pilot, then· Joe Price, who had been running second, moved into the lead in his Superlite followed by Steve Cobb and Kathy Fay, but her machine failed with only a lap . or two to go. At the flag it was Joe Price, Steve .Cobb and Ron Buccieri leading the pack home, which included the lone Odyssey of Mike Lucey. It was all in the family at the start of the 5-1600 race as Stacey Fay drag raced her dad Jim Fay off the line. Stacey led her dad through the second lap with Mario Panagiotopoulos in hot pursuit, followed by Mario Bustamante. The Bugs shared the track with four Class 9 cars who wore hard to read numbers. But we think John Holmes led the Challengers from flag to flag with Art Velasco close enough to pounce. That is how the Class 9s finished with Holmes winning over Velasco while Jeff Mower was third and Sheldon Noah fourth, although they were well back at the finish. The Bugs were really battling with Mario P leading Stacey then Jim Fay; on the last turn of the last lap Stacey flipped her Baja on its side, and Steve Bishop has been winning at Glen Helen for many moons, and he flies her dad ( who does all the work on _th_e_s_p_e_ct_a_to_r_iu_m_p_h_er_e_e_n_r_o_u_te_t_o_ft_·rs_t_in_sh_o_r_t _co_u_r_se_1-_2_-1_6_0_0_c_la_s_s.__ -both cars) drove into her car with mainly cosmetic damage and nothing else hurt but some pride as both Fays were dnfs. ,.. ~ , ..... . - ,r --~ ~ :~ -....... , ..,.,-$',~,wt:~ Mario Bustamante flew his 5-1600 Baja Bug a little faster than the others in this good sized class.-He was second in Heat 1, won Heat 2 and won the points for the day. November-1994 The mixed bag of trucks were in the same race with the 7S trucks of Dean Williams, Dan Cannon and A.J. Farris leading off, then came the lone Class 6 of Mike Meshkoff and the two Stock Full size trucks of James Hall and Bob Ryan. Cannon led off the line, but was soon passed by A.J. Farris who drove hard and held the lead until midway when he got up on his side, handing Dan Cannon the lead and the win. Meanwhile Dean Williams was now in a solid second all the way to _the flag. Meshkoff was circulating too but James Hall and Bob Ryan were having quite a two car race in the big trucks with the win going t~ Dusty Times
All by himself in Class 10, Gary Gall ran every lap in the heats and was tes_ting some new ideas on his usual MTEG racer. Brian Dague was all alone in Class 5, honing his skills in his desert style Baja Bug, and he was trying some shock combinations. James Hall was having a ball in his big Stock full size truck, blew away the competition as he won both heats for this class. Hall, and both were running at the finish. Glen Cohen led the Stock mini truck 2WD quartet to the win and Chris Roberts did the same, being the only one in stock mmi4WD. The Class 10 car of Gary Gall le,1 off the line in the next group followed by the 1-2-1600s of Shane Balch, John Hulsebosch and Big Bob Dziurawiec, who stalled getting off the starting line but recovered. Gary Gall streaked away from the others which included the Class 5 car of Brian Dague, just out having fun and doing a little real world testing. Balch led the 16oo·s and ran second overall followed by a real dice between Hulsebosch and Dague, while Big Bob moved up on the white flag lap to finish third on the road ahead of the Baja Bug. Erik Cobb won the Advanced A TV class followed by Tyson Leaver, Mike Nixon and Jimmv As Jim Fay is landing, Mario Panagiotopoulos is passing to win Heat 1, but Bustamante won Heat 2 and the points title, Pario P. was second. ' Joe Price leads Steve Cobb all the way in Heat 1 for Superlitss, but Joe didn't finish the second heat and Cobb won the points for the day. John Holmes had a hefty battle in Class 9, but he eventually came out on top, winning both heats and earning top points in the class for the day. Dusty Times Stephenson, and Edward Franco won the Intermediate category. There was a lunch break and then the second round of heat races began. Steve Bishop jumped out to a good lead over Rick Boyer in short course 1600 action. Dan Mathews ran third followed by Glenn Neese then Tim Evans and that's how they finished. On points Steve Bishop won the class over Rick Boyer, Tim Evans, Dan Mathews and Glenn Neese. In Desert 1600s Shane Balch won the second heat and the points with a perfect score. Big Bob Dziurawiec was second, ~ a .. Truck and sport utility vehicle drivets d more shock peitom,anqe and Bilstein provid • Highest gas pressure for fade-free long life • 98% efficiency over 100,000 miles • Largest piston working area (1.81" diameter) • Limited lifetime warranty These are the same high quality Bilstein shocks that-~ normally cost up to $119.00 each. Pct now and save! : ci 5: ·umited time offer on selected applications Contact the Distributors listed below or your nearest Bilstein dealer: CANADA Performance Products NEVADA Performance Assist Accessories Ltd. Toyota Specialist Friendly Ford CALGARY, AB -403/279-2807 VAN NUYS -800/553-2840 LAS VEGAS -702/877-6546 Bramall Turbo Supply COLORADO NORTH CAROLINA MARKHAM, ONT -800/567-7559 Automechanika Rowells, Inc. ARIZONA ENGLEWOOD -800/582-2886 CHARLOTTE -704/333-5213 Race Shock Company CONNECTICUT Autosport Gallery PHOENIX -602/254-0744 William Sander RALEIGH -919/872-2002 CALIFORNIA BEACON FALLS -800/227-9763 NEW JERSEY Euro Tire APS -800/423-3623 GEORGIA FAIRFIELD -800/631-0080 CAMARILLO -805/388-7171 Specialty Parts Warehouse Woodlawn Auto and RV Service . McKenzies Performance Products LIBURN -404/978-2801 LINDEN-800/959-3658 ANAHEIM -714/441-1212 HAWAII OREGON Auto Service & Performance Zubehor Hawaii, Inc. ipd MOUNTAIN VIEW-415/969-1050 HONOLULU -808/595-5381 PORTLAND -800/444-6486 Fairway Sport and Performance ILLINOIS TEXAS PLACENTIA -714/528-4670 Precision Frame Pro Am Parts and Accessories HIGHLAND PARK -708/432-0082 HOUSTON -800/847-5712 ASI -800/683-2890 INDIANA VERMONT SAN DIEGO -619/584-2890 Power Brake and Spring Rovers North -Rover Specialist Off-Road Wharehouse SOUTH BEND -800/282-1044 WESTFORD -802/879-0032 SAN DIEGO-619/565-7792 LOUISIANA WASHINGTON Downey D.R. TQyota Specialist Brinson Northwest Off -Road Specialties SANTA FE SPRINGS -310/949-9494 HARAHAN -504/733-7326 BELLINGHAM -206/676-1200 November 1994 Page 39 _,,..
I r I I I Mike Meshkoff was the only entry in Class 6, but he had a couple of good rur:,s on the course and hopes for more trucks next round. Art Velasco gave it a mighty effort in Class 9, got close but he had to settle for second place in both heats and therefore was second on the points. Chris Roberts was all alone in Stock Mini 4x4 class, but he dutifully did all the laps in the Nissan to collect the trophy and the points for the day. ~ John Hulsebosch, third. Brian Dague was the natural Class 5 winner. In Class 5-1600 Mario Busta-mante won the heat and the points, Mario P was third behind Jim Fay in the race but second on points ahead of Jim, while Stacey didn't finish. Mike Meshkoff was the certain Class 6 winner. In 7S Dean Williams won the second heat and the points by one point over Dan Cannon, and Farris didn't start the second round. In Class 9 John Holmes won both heats and the points, Art Velasco was second on both putings and on points, and neither Jeff Mower nor Sheldon Noah finished the second heat. Gary Gall of course won Class 10 with no competi-tion in the class. James Hall won both heats in Stock Full Size trucks and the points while Bob Ryan was second all the way. Glen Cohen won the second stock 2WD mini truck heat and the points title, while Pat Soffee, with a second and a third was second on points. Larry Gross was a dnf in•Heat 1 and Darren Frey was a dnf in heat 2. The stock mini 4 WO honor went to the only entry Chris Roberts. In the Superlites Steve Cobb won the second heat and the points for the day. Ron Buccieri put together a third and a second for second on points, while the first heat winner Joe Price was a dnf late in the second heat and ended up third on points followed on the score by Kathy Fay, Todd Wittman and Doug Goodenough. Erik Cobb won both heats and the points in Advanced ATVs followed by Tyson Leaver, Mike Nixon and Jimmy Stephensen all four finishing both heats. The only Intermediate ATV entry Edward Franco won the category with a good performance. Among the Pilots Clint Wolsey won both heats and the points and Rob Slagle was second all the way. A dnf in the first heat Denise Wittman was third in the second heat and on points, while Steve Bray was fourth. The Odyssey honor went to Mike Lucey the only entry. It was a fun day in the !?ark in cKEN IE'SAI ILTERS K& NI- ILTE S YOUR OFF-ROAD SPEC/Al,/STSI i PHONE: (714) 441-1212 FAX: (714) 441-1622 en PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2366 E. ORANGETHORPE AVE., ANAHEIM, CA 92806 a: ...J w iii I-(/J ...J iii ► 0 w w ...J (.) (/J a: w :i:: I-0 a: a, (/J ii: w ::. :::, (/J 'fl a: w :i:: w _, 0 (.) :5 a. :i:: Cl a: DEALER INQUIRIES WELCOME T2 BOOT HOLDER .......................................... MRB-86-9305 930 BOOT HOLDER-CHROMOLY .................... MCK-0108 930 DUAL BOOT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-3 934 DUAL BObT HOLDER ................................ MCK-0108-1 930 CV .................................................... MCK-0250 934 CV .................................................... MCK-0251 LIGHTEN 930 CV ................................... MCK-0254 930 POLISHED CENTER STAR ............ MCK-0237 930 CENTER STAR ............................... MCK-0232 934 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0142 930 CAGE 300m .................................... MCK-0140-1 930 CAGE ............................................... MCK-0140 TYPE 4 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0138 TYPE 2 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0136 TYPE 1 CAGE ........................................ MCK-0132 CV JOINT TYPE 1 ................................... HDR-113~501-331 CV JOINT TYPE II .................................. HDR-211-501-331 B CV JOINT TYPE IV ................................ HDR-113-501-3310 875 STD BALL ........................................ HYP-19005 934 STD BALL ........................................ HYP-19006 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-101 CV GREASE ............................................... SWE-103 CV GREASE ............................................... SUP-400 CV GREASE CARTRIDGE ........................ WES-4401 CV GREASE CHALKING ........................... WES-4601 CV GREASE ............................................... RED-CV2-MOLY STD BOOT ......................................... : ....... SUP-101 SM BOOT ................................................... SUP-102 BATES BOOT ............................................. BAT-BOOT 930 ROTAT LEATHER ................................ STC-6000 934 ROTAT LEATHER ................................ STC-6001 . / E FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6010 L FLOATER NO BAG - LEATHER ............. STC-6020 DUAL SNAP-RING DIFF ........... MCK-0113S THREADED DIFF ...................... MCK-0113T ECONO DIFF T-2 ...................... MCK-0101 RACE DIFFT-2 .......................... MCK-0101-1 T1 SPIDER GEAR ..................... MCK-0103-1 T1 SIDE GEAR .......................... MCK-0103-2 SIDE COVER S/A ..................... MCK-01]1 IRS SIDE COVER ..................... CLA-4560 ~ <D SI PS N B D S A S IPF C Cl IE LJG S BUGP C REDLIN OIL FUEL SA OE S :V-A-AY Page 40 November 1994 a, 5 m JJ (/) a, 0 () m z -I m JJ C :i:: m m r (/) () -0 5 z ~ 9 r () 0 in -I () z () (/) C -0 m -I JJ :,, -0 s pleasant weather (for August) in the San Bernardino area, and many folks had camped out the night before. This series can build into paying good purses with a bigger entry, so get those short course cars out of the barn and let's have some fun times at Glen ·Helen.· Don't forget the big money, $10,000 is up, guaranteed purse, for the Glen Helen Halloween Haunt sponsored by the Gold Coast Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV. It happens on October 30, so fix up your racer and be there. Glen Cohen dominated the Stock Mini truck 2WD class all day. Glen won both heats in convincing style and the points for the day by quite a margin. ... RESULTS - GLEN HELEN SHORT COURSE SERIES Au.911at 27, 199' Car I Drivar/Co-Driver Cla•• 1-2-1600 Short Courae 21 Steve Bishop Rick Boyer 51 Tim Evans Dan Mathews Cl••• 1-2-1600 Deaert 1646 Shane Balch 31 Big Bob Dziurawiec 1698 John Hulsebosch Cl.••· 5 511 Brian Dague ci ... 5-1600 559 Mario Bustamante 598 Mario Panagiotopoulos 595 Jim Fay 580 Stacey Fay ci ... , 615 Mike.Meshkoff Cl••• 78 728 Dean Williams 725 Dan Cannon 722 A.J. Farris Cl.••·, 998 John Holmes 905 Art Velasco 998 Jeff Mower 999 Sheldon Noah Cl.a•• 10 4 · Gary Gall Superlit•• 29 Steve Cobb 96 Ron Buccieri 28 25 1525 150 1503 15 -853 68 41 31 84 15 Joe Price Kathy Fay Todd Wittman Cla•• Stoclt Nini 411D Chris Roberts Claaa Stoclt Kini 2llD Glenn Cohen Patrick Soffe Claaa Stoclt 1'1111 Size James M. Hall Bob Ryan Ody•••y Mike Lucey ATV Advanced Erik Cobb Tyson Leaver Mike Nixon Jimmy Stephensen ATV Interaediat• 187 Edward Franco Moto1 1 2 0/A l 2 2 3 5 3 DNF 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 l 3 2 DNF 2 3 DNF DNF 4 2 2 2 DNF 0 3 2 2 2 3 DNF 3 DNF 4 1 1 2 3 2 DNF 3 DNF 4 3 0 3 4 2 3 2 2 2 2 l 3 2 2 2 3 Dusty Times
venture to Mexico then. Even the Hawk would put aside his Vice-Mayor of San Felipe diplomatic duties to attend. Now the Peruvian Promoter's "The Checker Straight Poop" event turn-outs are on the slim From El Chismoso of El Chinero side ( to say the least_ although he THE BIG WAHZOO is a may not be ... ) and the Checkers busy man, make no mistake about have been of little or no help. that, and the time necessary to Good thing he's not El Presidente adequately cover all your Checker or there would be mandatory pit activities {legal, moral... and and racing attendance for BP otherwise) can turn into a full- events. What's the deal? Rather time job. The Wahzoo, omni-patronize Sal than one of our potent as he may appear, can own? For shame. extract no more than twenty-six GOLD COAST 300: In spite of hours per day and, once in a very the Baja 500 DQ deal, Checker great while, thirty-five days per Mike Gaughan still supported the month. race for SCORE, once again But the day-to-day pressure of providing the hospitality that just being Wahzoo have forced makes the race such a popular him to cry "Uncle!" (This is not event. "Checker Corner" at the to be considered in any way as a casino bar was fully staffed, as hint pointing to Uncle Max as the usual. Unfortunately there were Wahzoo! In fact the Wahzoo's no Checker winners at the Gold identity is as closely guarded Coast but three did make the secret as, say, a Mason's hand-podium: Petey and Josh -Second shake or O]'s attorney fees and in "11 "; Moynahan _ Second in will never be revealed. Rumor has 5 "9"; and Seeley -Third in " " -itthattheWahzooisn'tevensure and five finished . Only the who he is himself; and your Harmans and Larry Bolin got the dreams would be shattered if you trailer instead of the Checker(s) knew. Remember when you fl found out about the Tooth Fairy? aK.1organ Malocco once again Hold on, hold on ... this is not ran Pit Main but the boys had a some back-handed slur at the slow day as all the action was in preferences of the Wahzoo and the outback. George Jirka, Marc Checkers in general.) Casillas and Scott Urquhart had Therefore the W ahzoo asked only schmooze duties to attend to for, and received, help for this while the Rev Roy and Keith issue from the bench - a stand-in Dennis only changed one tire. Wahzoo, as it were; a shallow pale Michael Lee ran a bead contest imitation; a Poor Man's Wahzoo. with his new MIG welder: Jimmy THE CHECKERS NEWS~ Tucker won over Bruce Tiffany LETTER has been the task and ML hisself. assigned to El Presidente, Big John Kevin Davis gutted out a clutch Hastings (and we do mean BIG!), swap but still made it across the and quite a task it is. But being finish line in 11th place after a such a hardware magnate how three-hour lap. He had the engine does he find the time? No matter, out when his chase crew got there; he should find more time to add then did the fastest two laps in the Lou's races into the Upcoming class after that. KO is still in the Race Schedule. running for the True Grit and Remember when Checkers Mileage awards. Way to go. (The used to actually support Lou Checkers' 1600 Champ-To-Be Peralta 's Baja Promotions races? · Kevin Davis had a small mention Remember when the long and the in a recent issue of Cycle News short of the Longs - Al and Alex - where it was noted that the ex-would be racing with Dennis motorcycle racer was the big McGeorge and there would even winner at the Riverside Off-Road be a brace of McDowells on hand: Championship fifteen long years Ta Ta and Thumper. Dad 'n' Lad. ago.) Bryan Moynahan flew in Richard Young w_ould dare from Tucson and took over the _ ____ !'!'.::. , ... , .. final laps in his "9" car to a d~ltJ!.~. :a, .. w .... , ..... u ..... , ...... "'"'''"11""';:;!,.:;;~;·;;!·~: Second Place. ( (This was my =...,:;---1,1,1,ti,"ti 11 r,-=,~----second Pro entry - I took so much ..... ,, ..... ·~-~---t~· .. :--· ·· heat from the Checkers running ·-- -.!W!.'Jl!.-... - - .----•-···--"' ·-· · · ·· as a Sportsman -and here we are ,._., ___ ::_''.'..""'.'..''· ::~..':...~·;;:_::~·:.~: ... ..... in Second Place." Billy McCool jumped into that black Porsche/ Raceco with Tom · !;.:.::.~ ·,:.:..:;: .... ,~·,! '.!c::!'!, ,•: .. :• ·:·::: ·" · ,!•!: Koch as he battled back from a • , .... 'l-.,, .... __ ,. ·"·' ........ •••·•• ................ ·-' " " broken axle. "We had to run up and down the pits looking for _:,,:::=·=..,_ -=-:E,(:.~.,;--=~- , ....... ,., .• · ··· one." said Tom. They finally '""' ...... , ............ ,.... .... found one. "We lost two hours 1.1111 .. ,.1 .. u .... 11.o,i-. .. ,.,. ;;;;; ~:;;;; :;:;·;: ;:::; : .. ,. just looking up and down pit row. It only took thirty minutes to fix the car.'' Koch got in and did two-and-a-half-laps as the DOR lost his contact lenses. It was reported that Koch was "unbelievably calm _____ _ -----.r ___ _ . . ... and collected", I don't buy that r .... 11 • , _ ..... n . , .. ~-... ·----·--....... .., .. _,..,,.. ~--···-··· -------· ---- -one bit. Sounds certainly out of character and a fine should be ==·-- ____ ,..,... imposed if it is· true; or for lying l , U I about it. McCool said that whenever he "thought they were going fast, Tom would up-shift and really smoke it." They laughed about catching the Harmans' "Ten" car and passing them 30-40 miles an hour faster .. . then getting j)!!_3§/I:,: ~::=:. ;" : ~:-_, .·· .~:., . sideways into a corner. "We passed Rosey stuck in the silt and Tom actually stopped and went back to see if he was OK." You Dusty Times Checkers ought to see if the George Seeley Syndrome is contagious. Should Koch be fined for being (as Lou might say) "such a schmuck" to stop and go back? T om was Seventh Un-limited. McCool had downed more than a "few" brewskis when B.J. Bates, who was riding with Tom, asked if he'd like to take over riding with Koch. Billy ended up sloshing around and had to relieve himself ... wearing B.J. 's suit. Typical Checker buddies to the end, B.J. just shrugged it off. Sorry Billy, you can't borrow my suit anytime soon. Ever. Speaking of Seeley, the Kouch King finished Third in a hotly-contested "5" war but is now on Hasting's short list. George had some advanced design CV boots fabricated from some remnant floor covering material. El Presidente reported that "Seeley radioed in that he had a flat and we were all set for him. But he motored right on by into the BFG pit next door." Look for a fine here, too. (Seeley,Jr., one of three sitting Class Champions, con-tinued to wear his SCORE Fireworks Class 5 arm band for two months after the race and, when closely questioned, said that it guaranteed him an Unfair Advantage.) Rumors abound regarding a new Seeleymobile ... but no one has really ever seen it. Stealth, perhaps? Tony Tellier hitched a ride with some guys in a "5" car and they broke down in front of Michael Lee and Bates' pits. Being sensitive guys that they are, Master Bates, Prospective Bruce Tiffany, Brian Crowder, Jimmy Tucker and ML were truly unhappy with the lack of thanks they got from some of the intruders. "Rude" and "de-manding", plus "blocking the pits" was how it was described. Hey, Tony. If you can't keep your non-Checker buddies in line you'll have to leave your Visa card number with Burak for a standing fine. Maybe Hibbard is right: you'll ALWAYS be a Prospec-tive! The Kar Killers were out in full form as Robert Harman took advantage of his # 1001 draw and roared to a Tenth Place O verall on the first lap. But the shift rod gave up the ghost - again -and they struggled with second gear only and had to trailer it. Koch asked "Bullhorn" just who the hell does their tranny - he isn't a Checker, by the way. Maybe they should ask for Joe Giffin what the secret is. They played hell with a bad coil and found that Mike had tie-wrapped the wiring harness so tight that oil line flexure would pull the connectors off the coil. ''I'd pass guys then, then I'd have to get out and fix it all over again." And speaking of being hard on hardware, the two riggers borrowed McCool's pre-runner for the Publicity Run and killed the two seater dead. They had a flat ... and no spare and no jack. Then the rack and pinion mount broke right off the beam. Mike admits to being behind the wheel when it happened but "it was on Robert's side" so it wasn't his fault. The other Checkers "Ten" car, Larry Bolin, blew an engine on the first lap and had a short day. Pete and Josh, the Pecker Checker Brothers, now can add the Title of Pugilists of the Pits to their list of honors. Josh was repeatedly smacked by some Las Vegas "7S" to such a degree that the sheet metal caved in on their engine and broke off the alter-nator station. In response to this unnecessary damage, Pete took matters literally into his own hands, breaking into fisticuffs with the alleged perpetrators. "He hit me unecessarily," Josh swore, "so Pete slugged him through his window net." The driver wa wearing his helmet so it didn't hurt him. Our Class 11 Champ then filed a protest for abuse· nerfing. The CRB had to release "El Presidente" Hastings from his scheduled sitting as it was considered that he might have been biased and so, with no one to stand up for him, Pete was chastised for the scuffle and had to accept the Board's ruling that these were counterbalancing wrongs. "Baywatch Josh" mistook one of the board members for the offending driver and was lashing out at him until calmer souls intervened. The Checkers were pretty restrained on race day and refused to give the Checker salute to the infamous "Big John Files Left Us· For Dead" "Seven" team. Maybe it's because Master Bates was. getting ready for his next knee-and-foot operation and was into the pain remedies big time: terminally mellowed. Bates' legs alone have bought his sawbones a boat, a Porsche, a cabin in ·the pines and innumerable vacations. Both Stuart Chase (he's such a Stuart ... ) and The Doctor, Steve Kassanyi, came up to Vegas with their ladies but did no serious Checker Corner hob-nob bing nor pitting. What's the deal here? Kassanyi swore he didn't even know there was a race that weekend. Well, The Big Lie worked for Hitler, Steve. Might as well try it here in 'Vegas. Michael Lee got into a drunk insuranceless illegal alien's way leaving the Dugout, totaling th wife's grocery-getter. Will the plethora of honest Checker witnesses sway a jury? The "1000" is coming up sooner than you think and Hastings and Files swear they won't beg anyone to work the pits. Be advised: no people, no pits. MOBILE SERVICE TO YOUR HOME OR TO YOUR CHASSIS BUILDER SERVING ALL OF LOS ANGELES , ORANGE AND SAN DIEGO COUNTIES CALL TODAY FOR INFORMATION AND PRICING ON CUSTOM· RACE CAR WIRING ! CONGRATULATIONS TO MIKE MARTIN, CLASS STOCK MINI WINNER, AND MIKE McDONNELL, CLASS 10 WINNER AT THE NEVADA 400. 1525 West Burbank Blvd. Burbank, CA 91506 818-845-9473 November 1994 Page 4~
THE 44TH NESTE 1000 LAKES RALLY Tommy Makinen Wins For Ford Text & Plwt.os: Martin Holmes Tommi Makinen and Seppo Harjane spread joy among the Ford ranks. They really dominated the rally· in the Escort RS Cosworth, scoring their first World Championship win. Toyota has won the World Manufacturers' title for the second year running. Simply by staying ahead of Subaru, notwith-standing the overall victory of Ford 'works' driver Tommi. Jarmo Kytolegto and Arto Kapanen won the Group N honors in the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and they won by the slim margin of six minutes and also finished eighth overall. • ' 1 II THE WRIGHT 9420 Fllnn Springs ln. PLACE El Cajon, CA 92021 INC. Page 41 Makinen. Toyota has achieved their objective after the eighth event in the ten event series. Makinen 's victory made this one of the happiest events of the sea-son: he is the first Finnish driver, except for Toyota driver Juha Kankkunen, to have won a World Championship event in almost 5 years. He made only two mis-takes: firstly spinning on a narrow road during the first day cost about half a minute which let Did-ier Auria! take the lead, but the Frenchman could not maintain this, and secondly on a publicity stage he clipped a rock and bent the steering. Second placed Auriol wa.s not downhearted, however. " I started off by wanting to win, but when Juha had his trouble I realized I had to be a little bit clever, and think more about the championship." Auriol had the edge of his ability blunted by various small engine troubles dur-ing the event. Selected as a guest driver to replace Miki Biasion, Makinen (no relation to former winner Timo Makinen) ran free from championship presures, as the team had already lost their championship chances back in New Zealand. Third placed Carlos Sainz drove hard in conditions that were difficult for him. He had not driven this event for three years, since a big accident which had frightened him a lot. This year's 1000 Lakes Rally also qualified as a round in the FIA 2-Litre Cup, now at the half-way point. Skoda's third place in the category enabled them to maintain the championship lead, ahead of GME and Renault. Next November 1994 Didier Auriol and Bernard Ocel/i scored second place points, enough to give Toyota the 1994 Makes Championship long before the season was over. They drove the trusty Celica T 4WD. Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya tried hard in the Subaru lmpreza 555, had some good times, but at the finish they had to settle for third place overall points. year under FIA's rotation system the 1000 Lakes Rally will only qualify for Formula 2 points, which will not be widely appre-ciated. GME's rally winner here Gregoire de Mevius, who had led all the way, explained "Front drive cars are not the best for this event. If you see our distance recorder, our wheels turned much more than those on the four wheel drive cars on these roads." In Group N the two Mitsubishi drivers Isolde Holderied and Jorge Recalde had bad events. Local Mitsubishi drivers led the Group most of the event, though the official development new-style Celica GT-Four ST205 of Thomas Jansson made many good times until he crashed out of the event. Fastest was Jouko Puhakka, but he crashed heavily with sus-pension failure, leaving teammate Jarmo K ytolehto to successfully defend Mitsubishi's honor for the third year running. In Group A Toyota elected to run the old style Celica Turbo 4WD with its proven handling characteristics, rather than the new ST205. Sub-aru entered only one car for Car-los Sainz. Virtually all the stages were held on Finland's uniquely three-dimensional gravel public roads, closed for the event, where driver accuracy and determination are probably tested more than on any other championship event in the world. On Etape 1 last year the excitement started when Markku Alen crashed on the very first spe-cial stage. This year it was the turn of Kankkunen and Vatanen who both had spectacular accidents on the second stage. Juha was fastest on stage 1 but on stage 2 he slid wide on a stretch of road never rallied before and rolled. He suf-fered suspension trouble and lost almost 20 minutes having the damage and ensuing fanbelt trou-ble rectified. The car, thou~h bent, was then driven flat out tor the rest of the rally and he set several best stage times. Vatanen lost a wheel on the same stage and like Kankkunen, his troubles were compounded because no service was allowed between that and the next stage. Ari had to drive through on three wheels, eventually wearing away the rear differential guard. A stone then penetrated the casing, the differ-ential failed and because of the rule forbidding axle/ transmission changes until the end of the day, he retired. Vatanen was dis-traught, "My future now looks bleak." Meanwhile Makinen was lead-ing, but the attention focus was on the second place battle. Sainz was desperately trying to keep in touch with Auria!, in order to stop Toyota from winning the Championship. The Frenchman was gradually pulling clear of the Spaniard, but was unable to hold the young Finn. However Makin-en spun on stage 10, lost half a minute and Auriol inherited the lead, though gradually Makinen pulled this back.To the rear was a great battle between Ford team-mates Francois Delecour and Bruno Thiry; Delecour driving well considering the severity of his recent injuries. The best non-works driver was Marcus Gron-holm with his ex-works Toyota, ahead of veteran Lasse Lampi in an old Galant VR--4. It was excit-ing; three different leaders; after 15 stages only two seconds between Auriol and Makinen. In Group N the surprise was the speed of the new ST205 Celica of Swedish driver Jansson. Early on he held the early lead, but delays with turbo trouble enabled Puhakka's Mitsubishi Lancer to pull in front, while original leader K ytolehto had power steering and front suspension trouble. Recalde slid off on stage 1; he could only regain the road by allowing spec-Dusty Times
his nep g at a 21st century rally Gregoire de Mevius and Willy Lux herd the Opel Astra GSi past what could be a hidden course control. The team went on to finish 14th overall in the rally and they won the new Formula 2 category. Familiar names to rally buffs, Alister McRae and David Senior ran the Nissan Sunny GT I Formula 2 and were second, and took 15th overall as well. Leading the Formula 2 points, Pavel Sibera and Petr Gross man-aged a third place finish in the category this round in the Skoda Favorit 136L. Toyota unveiled their new rally car, the Celica GT-Four (ST205) in Group N for its WC debut. Tomas Jansson and Ingemar Algerstedt went fast before crashing out of action. tators to push his car on to the retirement. roof and back to the wheels, The other excitement of the day which damaged the oil radiator was the recovery by Kankkunen and he was out. Holderied, who whose second stage drama had now needs only to start one more dropped him to 76th. By the end event to become 1994 FIA World of the day he was 11th overall and Ladies Champion had overheat-only three seconds out of tenth ing trouble; that evening the head place. He was also testing tires for gasket was changed but the engine his teammate Auriol but neither of never revved properly again. · them used the optional traction In Formula 2 Alister McRae control system. had troubles when an oil leak led In Group N Puhakka had a to clutch slip. His Nissan team-painful crash on stage 17, the mate Ari Mokkonen initially steering knuckle failing after a went well but retired with gearbox heavy landing. The car was problems. GME driver Gregoire launched into trees and the driver de Mevius led, having only a bad had a suspected cracked pelvis. misfire on stage 9. Championship The stage was canceled to help leaders Skoda were third and evacuate the crew. Finnish Junior fifth: Sibera fell marginally Team driver Tapio Laukkanen behind teammate Triner after retiredwithavarietyofproblems, landing heavily and damaging the and Jansson had turbo failure, suspension. leaving K ytolehto with a four Immediately the rally restarted minute lead. Makinen recovered his overnight In Formula 2 de Mevius held deficit of two seconds, passed his lead, driving carefully despite Auriol into the lead and held this being pressed by McRae. GME's for the rest of the rally. Tommi trainee driver Freddy Loix found to his dismay that he had jumped from seventh to fourth left his pacenotes for the Himos for a while, and the Russian Lada superspecial at his home. He was driver Alexander Nikonenko rose so angry that he won the stage! from eighth to sixth. Auriol ran as first car on the road After two fine days, on Etape 3 and was unable to prevent Sainz, rain fell during the final day. running third car, from reducing Sainz's challenge seemed spent as the gap between them. By the he was unable to match the pace evening Makinen was 22 seconds of Makinen and Auriol on stages in front of Auriol with Sainz only he did not know so well. In Group seven seconds further back. The N K ytolehto lost three minutes race between Thiry and Delecour with a puncture which allowed ended at the end of stage 17 when Jansson to take the lead but he Thiry over turned. The damage then crashed. In Formula 2 de suffered led to engine failure and Mevius drove safely to win the Dusty Times category although McRae won most of the stages. The respect for Makinen's performance was uni-versal. His co-driver Seppo Har-janne said, "We started rallying together five years ago. I told him ~t' would be top level by now, but I guess there have been a lot of times between then and now when he never believed me!" "What he did was very good for himself and his career," Sain: added. "Even without my engine trouble, I am not sure I could have heaten him," said Auriol. The Ford mechanics were ecstatic in their happiness, the only man who missed it all was Colin Dobinson, their Motorsport Director. It was the first rally all year he had not attended. .. .. en a: w 0 c:( C. en w ...J >< c:( .. .. en a: . w I-en "::) -, C c:( .. .. en CJ ·z a: C. en. ·u. '<( w . ...J .. .. .en C :::> I-en ...J w w :c 3: .. .. ** TORSION BARS** AXLES** SPRING PLATES** COIL SPRINGS** SWAY·A·WAY MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY OFF ROAD SUSPENSION COMPONENTS FOR OVER 20 YEARS PRESENTS NEW FROM SWAY-A-WAY MODIFIED 300M RACING BARS • NO NEED TO "RESET THE BARS" AFTER FIRST RUN • WILL HOLD RIDE HEIGHT FROM THE START • 3-5% HIGHER SPRING RA TE FOR GIVEN DIA • 5-10% HIGHER MAXIMUM ANGLES OF TWIST • MORE WHEEL TRAVEL • ANY DIAMETER AVAILABLE SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER TODAY! CALL OR WRITE FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG • • C z " -a z en • • 2S z G) . ::2 z en • • en :::c s: en • • I""" C G) z C ~ • • 20755 MARILLA ST. I CHATSWORTH, CALIFORNIA 91311 I 818-700-9712 November 1994 Page 43
-OFF ROAD RACING REPORT Bunows Unbeatable, Yet Again Text & Photos: Darryl Smith Mark Burrows, with Ross Waller, takes a tight corner in his Class 1 Trekka on his way to his third overall victory in four races. With no second gear he still won and secured the National title for the second year running with one race to go. Terry and Maureen and Howard Rose alternated in the high flying and still-new Raceco, and they finished third in Class 1 and third overall in the race. When a driver has two wins with another win, well, good form and a second from three races, it's is quite an understatement. Mark fair to say he's in pretty good Burrows has done just that with a form, but when he backs that up win in the 4th round of the Australian Off Road Champ-ionship: the Yokohama Blue Lake City 400 at Mount Gambier, South Australia. Burrows had the handicap of no second gear basically the whole race, but beat home the field of 82 crews and secured the National Title for the second year running even with one race to go. Recapping the race class by class, firstly with Class 1, and everyone expected Brett Os-bourne to lead prologue and he did have fastest time for most of the session until Daren Welk spurred on by his sponsor Yokohama looking on, set fastest time. Class 1 cars took the first 11 qualifying spots. In the 2 lap shootout it was again Wells getting the upper hand over Osbourne. Into the race on Sunday and Wells took the lead while early outs were Osbourne Second overall Daren Wells plows some deep sand in his Rivmasta. Wefls did the fastest race lap and also won the Prologue, led the race until pitting with mechanical woes, but carried on to second. with driveshaft failure, and Boyes Burrows, Southey, Baker, Wells, with a motor problem, both on and Rose. Southey was reeling the opening lap. Glen Owen Burrows in when a CV and moved into second with Alex gearbox packed in. Burrows took Fitcher moving from 9th to 3rd. the win with Wells coming back Morrison moved up to 5th before with fastest lap of the day to finish the next lap where he lost a lot of 2nd. In third c·ame -the Rose, time with a blown turbo hose. Goodyear car but less than 20 Rose also slipped back with a flat seconds back in the drive of the tyre. Owen went out with a motor day was Eric Schmid in his Baja-failure, Johnson distributor bodied car. Fifth place was Bob breakage and in one of two Mowbray in a much more identical and very large and advanced VW bodied car. impressive cars, Schmid had an In Class 2 for the 1600's it air cleaner catch fire. So many of looked like John Patard would be the lead cars were dropping out pace setter after setting a long gap early; Robinson, Fitcher, and over the rest in qualifying, then Bentley had gearbox problems won a rough and tumble shootout then Wells had a steering joint with Ziems, then opened up a big break and he lost time. At the lead in lap 1 of the race but then it half-way pit stop after three laps it started going downhill with a flat , was the Motorcraft car of Geoff tyre then a bent tie rod. Ziems Southey that had moved into the took the lead which was aided lead after starting 21st! Burrows with Prendergast breaking a was holding second over the gearbox. Matt Owen moved into Western Australian car of 2nd before a flat tyre then a Graydon despite no clutch. Crisp broken gearbox housing. Patard was in 4th but then the next lap was finally out with coil failure both he and Graydon withdrew so while Ziems came through to take again the order was altered. the win, and run 9th outright. Southey now led Burrows, Lee, Only two other finishers in Rose, and Wells. Then Southey Gerard Walsh and Rodney Smart had a flat tyre and let Burrows completed six laps. take over. Lee slowed with a As expected in the Class 3, broken rear shock. After five laps 1200 cars it was the Warrens that with just one to go, it was set fastest time, butS.A. has some quick cars. The shootout was held between Moore and Williams and after some close racing it was the tiny turbo motor of Williams that took the win. Locals England and Oakley started side by side and they set out looking to win the class. With Warren slowing with a vibration and Moore out with a broken gear selector as well as Johnson getting two flats, their job was made easier. Indeed,.by half way England was leading with Oakley close behind. Williams was 'soon gone with a wheel bearing letting go while Pulford blew a gearbox. England went on to win the class and place a high Andy and Alex Ziems survived bet'ter than most in the 1600 2 seat Class 2, and I Andy Brown and Russell Cairns won the Modified 4x4 Class 8 by nearly te:7 8th overall. Oakley came in next they swing this hard turn wide in the Rivmasta: they won the class by over an minutes in the Nissan Patrol, and they finished 12th overall as well m this over a struggling Warren then hour and finished a smart ninth overall. close running class, just eight minutes between the first three. , Johnson and Perrin. Les Siviour rolls on in Class 7, winning the prologue, but then he rolled the Nissan Patrol in the Shootout, got fixed to race to the class win the next day and he finished 10th overall. Page 44 In the VW Baja Class 4 there were only four cars and it was Nev Taylor who certain! y likes his new turbo Renault power that set the pace. The shootout race between Taylor and Kevin Menzel was close for the first lap then next time around Menzel 'turned in too tight and put the yellow beetle over and on its side. Taylor then opened the race up with a steady lap and watched both Menzel and Irons drop out with motor failures. Then when Gard pulled tout, Taylor had the class to ,, himself and comfortably cruised in to take the win and make the points battle more interesting. There were 13 mighty 1200cc cars on the line and five came back. Leading them home was the Verco of Murray England and Kevin Casement who won by over ten minutes and were eighth overall too. November 1994 There were seven cars in the ZWD utes and sedan Class 5. Watson lead qualifying but was Dusty Times
Nev Taylor and Bob Oxley won Class 4 in their VW Baja Bug powered by a new turbo Renault. It was a good race off the start, but Taylor outlasted them all to claim first in class. Ross and Maura Watson were the sole survivors of seven star-ters in Class 5 for2WD rigs. Watson led the qualifying on time in the Holden Rodeo, broke a rear wheel off in the race but went on to win Class 5. The drive of the day was turned in by Eric Schmid: after an air cleaner fire and repairs, he roared back to finish just 21 seconds behind Rose in Class 1, fourth in class and fourth overall. down in 61 st place and elected to sit out the Shootout. It was Marshall's V8 Rodeo that lead the shootout until a broken front stub handed the race to Poel's Mazda rotary. Watson picked the pace up in the race and moved up to 24th after one lap! After three laps though it was only the two V8 Holdens left. Watson· had broken a rear wheel off but still lead Marshall by 30 minutes. With the rear wheel back on Watson still lead while Marshall fixed a broken throttle cable but then couldn't fix a broken front arm and Watson cruised in for the class win and secured his '94 Title. Only three challenger Class 6 cars fronted and reigning champ-ion Ken Houston lead prologue and then held off Wilson to win the shootout. Houston was leading the race until the third lap when a flat tyre put him back to second behind the father and son team of Wayne and Greg Green. Wilson meanwhile was out. A broken throttle cable on Hous-ton's car secured the win for the Green's while Houston came in second and just beat the cut off time for six laps. In the Class 7 4x4 category Les Siviour was looking to securing his 10th class Title ancj accord-ingly won the prologue. Then in the Shootout with a good lead, the unthinkable the big Nissan grabbed on a corner and flipped. The body was a wreck but underneath was OK. Whitbread took the Shootout win in his Landcruiser truck. Siviour was back on race day. It was a little wrinkled but had a screen in it. He immediately took command of the class, with the Manns Jackaroo keeping touch. Whit-bread slipped back with a broken U-bolt. Siviour continued Shane Cottee debuted his new self built single seater and it looked and per-formed just great. Shane won the prologue and the shootout, and ran fast in the race to finish fifth overall and win Class 9 by 36 minutes. Yokohama Blue Lake City 400 September 10-11 1994 Mount Gambler, So. Australia # Poe Driver/Co-driver Vehicle lime aa .. I - Unlimited Two Seat - 24 atart -SI finiah 1 1 Mark Burrows/Ross Waller Trekka 3:50:13 102 2 Daren Wells/Ian McPhee Rlvmasta 3:58:01 111 3 Terry, Maureen & Howard Rose Raceco 4:01:22 120 4 Eric Schmid/Kathy Walker VWBaja 4:01:43 105 5 Bob & Jeanette Mabray VWJimco 4:09:23 Qua Two - 1600 cc T-Seat -11 atart. 3 finlah 214 1 Andrew & Alex Ziems Rlvmasta 4:16:40 290 2 Gerard & Mark Walsh Graeme 5::29:43 237 3 Rodney & Paul Smart Buggy 5:40:55 Qua Three -1200cc Two Seat 13 atart -5 flnlah 323 1 Murray England/Kevin Casemen1 Verco 4:11 :12 371 2 Trevor & Annette Oakley Buggy 4:21 :38 301 3 Mark & Daryl Warren Southern Cross 4:43:38 364 4 Daryl & Paul Johnson Buggy 4:58:36 331 5 Daren Perrin/John Stevens Rivmasta 4:59:41 Qua Four - Baja Bug• 4 atart • 1 finlah 402 3 Nev Taylor/Bob Oxley Baja Bug 5:37:31 Qua Five • 2WD Sedan & 'Pickup • 7 start • 1 finlah 505 1 Ross & Maaura Watson Holden Rodeo 5:04:28 as .. 6 - Challenger Buggy - 3 start - 2 finish 621 1 Wayne & Greg Green Rlvmasta 5:1 9:05 601 2 Ken Hous1on/Michelle Roberts Aligator 5:50:20 Qua Seven -Production 4x4 - 3 atart - 3 finlah 701 1 Les Siviour/Josh Golsby-Smith Nissan Patrol 4:18:57 702 2 Mark Manns/Allen Cartledge Holden Jackaroo 4:28:17 707 3 Eric Whitbread/Benjamin Davis Toyota Landcruiser 5:01:45 Qua Eight • Unlimited 4x4 -11 atart - 6 finiah 809 1 Andy Brown/A ussell Cairns Nissan Patrol 4:19:42 803 2 Grahame Baxter/Nigel Burley Nissan Patrol 4:25:34 801 3 Ken Smtth/lan Allaries Holden Rodeo 4:27:22 814 • . 4 Fred & Theresa Parker Land Rover 5:08:07 802 s Peter & Glen Hadlow Mitsubishi Trtton 5:18:28 a. .. SI - Unlimited Single Seat • 6 •tart - 3 finiah 907 1 Shane Cottee CRC 4:07:51 925 2 Anthony Horkings Buggy 4:44:05 917 3 Trevor Copeland Southern Cross 5:15:05 Starters 82 - Finishers 33 - Finish ratio 40% Race Distance 400 kilometers (250 mile$) Fastest Prologue • #103 Daren Wells 322 - Winners Average Speed 63.02 "1)h Fastest race lap• #102 Darren Wells 36:23 Dusty Times 0/A r 2 3 4 6 9 29 31 8 14 19 21 22 30 24 28 33 10 18 23 12 15 16 25 27 5 20 26 trouble-free and took the class win and placed highest tinstop in 10th overall. Manns came in some 14 minutes back then Whitbread only two minutes further back. The modified 4x4's in Class 8 formed an impressive line up. The quick Falken tyres Pajero of Zarfati lead qualifying and looked to have the shootout sewed up when a rear axle broke letting Hadlow take the win. More bad luck for Zarfaci when the gearbox/ transfer let go on the start line for the race. Andy Brown was having a guest drive of the Owen V8 Nissan and moved up to lead the class. Knott went out with a cliff failure while Pickering lost a clutch. Baxter was in 2nd until a flat tyre put him back to 4th with Smith now in 3rd. Hadlow was in 2nd until he struck a mystery problem that November 1994 shut down the Mitsubishi turbo. At half way it was Brown, Smith, Baxter, and Richards. Chris Owen was fighting overheating in the Nissan, then Richards rolled and was out. Baxter's V8 Nissan was slowly reeling in the Smith turbo Rodeo and passed him on lap five. Brown, however, went on to win the class despite a possible blown head gasket in the Donovan motor. Five minutes later came Baxter with Smith only two minutes further back. Parker's V8 Landrover took 4th while Hadlow got going again and finished 5th. · The single seat buggies make up Class 9 and it saw the debut of Shane Cottee's own built car. The car looked great and ran good too taking leadspot in the prologue and winning the shootout in the closest race of all with Peter Lennon. However, Lennon would go out on the opening lap along with Growden and Bush. Cottee's smooth and fast style was paying off as he moved further up the field and his Nissan turbo motor pushed him to a 20 minute class win after six· laps and indeed placed him a fine Sch overall. Horkings came in second in class, while having his first race was Copeland in third with a fine drive. In all only 33 cars made it to the finish line, a mere 409/'J but according to the drivers the track th rough the long pine forests soon turned nasty and ended up being quite tough and enduring. Even though the overall Title and some class title have been decided the final round in Victoria on November 27 should still hold some good racing. 7
- . 15TH ANNIVERSARY BRUSH RUN 101 Gala Celebration In Crandon Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. """"~iii,/~~-.;;;;.. Recovering from a bad starting position, Greg Smith beat out 22 entries in Class 2/1600 to take the win after 9 laps. He also was second in 1-1600 and Limited Challenge and his wife Rhonda won the Ladies Unlimited Buggy Challenge in the same strong 1600. Crandon, Wisconsin cele-brated the 25th annual Brush Run 101 with a parade, a pig roast, fireworks, a fly-over, a presen-tation by the governor and some terrific racing. It was perfect parade weather on Friday as the small town in northern Wisconsin started the day with a tire changing contest, won by the Stingle Off Road team, crew for Greg Stingle, who races in Cla~s 11. They defeated the very experienced teams of Walker Evans, Scott Douglas and Jack Flannery to win the $500, first prize. After the game, .traffic was stopped on Highway 8, and the parade commenced. It was a glorious parade. The floats were home made, and nearly all depicted some race vehicle or another, many moved by pre-schooler pedal power. The High School band played a rousing rendition of the Budweiser jingle, and the local fire department tooted their sirens to the delight of the kids. A couple of drill teams performed, -politicians tossed candy, and the hit of the parade was a four-wheel-drive vehicle with a body made of logs. There was practice on the track late on Friday afternoon, for those who'd arrived early, and they discovered that the Wolf-shead Sportsman's Club, owners of the track, had resurfaced most of the fast sections of the 1. 7 mile circuit with a layer of clay, which served to hold down the dust (but didn't eliminate it), and gave a slimy surface when freshly watered. The clay, dug from right there at the track, also brought a new supply of potato-sized rocks that the tires of the cars in front would toss at the following cars throughout the weekend. As always, weather was an issue, and the reports indicated that there was a chance of rain late Sunday. But Friday was nice, and hopes were high for the weekend. Spectators tend to stay home if things look wet. The facility, always being After t-he fir.st lap Steve· McCrosson had his Bronco in third but pulled it up to first at the end of nine to win. The Canadian did a fast 9 laps for the Class 3 victory. improved by its owners, had been enhanced by a couple of new gateways, one for the walk-in spectators, and another for the camping area. There was also a new fence along the side of the infamous pond, which lies in wait just beyond the first turn, and has sucked in more than a few unlucky drivers. And there was a new, taller fence in front of the corporate "Skyboxes", aimed at catching the rocks and other debris that might get tossed through one of the Skybox windows. The biggest news came as an announcement Friday night at the pig roast, which was also the occasion for some special awards, the first of which went to our publisher, Jean Calvin, as thanks for her assistance, some years ago, in bringing Cranclon's events into the limelight. Other awards went to longtime racers, Tom Sch-warzburg, Dave Vandermissen, Jeff, Kevin and Steve Probst, Geoff Dorr, Scott Taylor and Jack Flannery. The proprietors announced their plans to build the Off Road Hall of Fame Museum on the grounds of the race track, and they presented a special award to Gary Bradley, the only racer who'd started every event for the entire 25 years of its history. The e¥ening was capped with an announcement by Doug Davis, of Borg Warner, the transmission manufacturers who supply the legendary "Borg Warn·er" trophy for the Indianapolis 500 race. Mr. Davis announced that Borg Warner· will ·create a "Borg-Warner Automotive Trophy for the World's Championship Off-Road Race held annually each Labor Day weekend in Crandon. Right off the starting line Jim Wyiner took the lead in Class 11 D fending off 35 other drivers to take the win. Next day in the same car Lonnie Andrews won the 34 car Class 11 S in the Phazer. ' In addition, the company ... would provide $25,000 in first place prize money to the driver and team that captures the Trophy." That news got the weekend off to an enthusiastic start. The race schedule began at 10:40 a.m. on.Saturday, with the two seat 1600 cars. There were 22 of them, and even with a bad start position, off in the weeds, Greg Smith, in a Ross Chassis, got the hole shot and took off in front. Mark Krueger ran right behind him for a while, but rolled over and dropped way back. Dan Bau-doux tried to get his Mirage past Mike Seefeldt in his Laser, and Todd Attig had his Terminator in close pursuit after getting a poor start. Seefeldt was driving with a broken finger, and it was hard to hang on to the steering wheel while he used his turning brake. About midway through the race as Smith's lead grew, Bau-doux ran second, with Attig, final-ly past Seefeldt, now trying to catch him. A couple of laps later Attig caught Baudoux in a tight turn, and got by, but he didn't have enough time left to get up to Smith, who took the win, with Attig second, then Baudoux and Seefeldt. The officials hustled things right along, and headed into the Class 11 two seat event, with 35 cars.Jim Wymer, in a Phazer chas-sis, got into the lead right off the start line, but he could see Mark Oberg, in another Phazer; in his rear view mirrors. In third, it was Cory Friday, in a Friday, and finding things a little loose, was John Huven, in a Gilson, in fourth. The lead two cars got a good distance in front of the pack, where there was a lot of pushing and shoving going on for several laps. Peter Kawleski slid nose down into the pond at one point, but managed to back out, while Larry Bayer developed a flat rear tire. Huven got past Friday about halfway through the race, and took over third, and Dan Baudoux had his Mirage up to fourth. On the last lap Oberg got really close up behind Wymer, but Wymer mashed the gas pedal and held him off to the finish line. Wesley Freshse developed a front flat, and Gordon Cudahy broke a spindle. But there was still a big crowd running on the lead lap. Wymer took the win, reporting no troubles at all, and Oberg, who says he's been running the same set of tires all year, was second. Huven finished third, Friday was fourth and Baudoux came in fifth. Next there was a break for the introduction of some local veterans, and the raising of the POW /MIA flag. A fly-over, a speech·, and a 21 gun salute terminated the solemn presen-tation, and then it was back to the racing. jlo. This time it was a small group of Class 3 cars, and Gerald Foster, in a Chevy, got the hole shot and charged out in front of the pack. But by the time he came around by the scoring tower again he had a right rear flat that he was trying to ignore. Jerry Bundy was second in his Jeep, and Steve McCrosson had his Bronco in third, all pushing hard. And working extra hard was Al Drews in his Ford, who wanted past McCrosson in the worst way. By the third lap Foster's tire was dead fl:ft, and McCrosson, who'd got past Bundy, also reeled in Foster, and took the lead. And a little further back in the pack, Cheryl Walton, in a Jeep W rangier, got a bad hop off the big jump and nearly ended up in the swamp in front of the Skyboxes. She made a masterful sa\Te. Meanwhile, Foster decided his tire was a gon!!r, so he moved over to let the others go by. McCrosson was now well out in front, but Drews was trying to catch up, until the eighth lap, when his right rear wheel and tire parted company from the rest of the vehicle. He wasn't the only one in trouble, as the doors were falling off of Jim Barringen 's car. McCrosson led the rest of the way, and took the win, his best finish here, with Dennis Chen-The #707 car of Todd Attig had a poor start but ended up finishing in second in his Terminator in 2-1600, but he came back on Sunday to win 1-1600 honors and the Limited Challenge race. Dan Baudoux held on to second until about mid way through the race, but ended up third at the checkered flag, in 2-1600, placed high in several other races and classes including 4th in the Limited Challenge. #1141 Mark Oberg gave Jim Wyiner a run for his money in the Phazer finishing a close second, in Class 11 D in another fast Phazer. _P_a_gc_4'-___________________ N_o_ft_m_bc_r_199_4 __________________ D_u_styTimcs
Making a masterful save after nearly ending up in the swamps Finishing in a solid fourth place position was the #1101 of Wisconsin native Cory Friday, in the Class 11 D race. was third place Cheryl Walton, who brought her Jeep from · Jeff Mease of Hellertown, PA, completed his nine laps to cross Michigan to race at Crandon. the line fourth in Class 3 driving what looks like a Jeep Wrangler. charnick, who'd been steadily working his way up after a poor start in his '94 Blazer, in second. Wa ton, who'd lost track of where she was, was delighted to find herself in third in her first attempt at racing at Crandon. Eleven Americ·an sedans showed _up for the Class 6 ·race, and to no one's surprise, it was Fay Statezny in charge in his V8 powered Chevelle." Right behind him came Al Fannin in another Chevelle, both generating that sound that sets your earrings to vibrating: Fannin's car hadn't run well at the Spring Run, but he was back to his old carburetor, and everything was working just fine this time. Jay Martens tried to stay with them for a while, but his car went up in steam after five laps, and in t e meantime, Rick Rayford had put his Malibu into third. Bill Graboski also went up in steam, and Randy Zimonick's deck lid was flapping as he took the jumps. Statezny and Faimin continued to lead, but Rayford dropped sev-eral positions when his hood popped up. He dropped to fifth by the time he could see again. . Greg Bekavac ha.d moved up to third then. Statezny and Fannin were first and second at the finish, and Rayford, who'd climbed back up through the pack, was third, glad to finally finish one. Tim Kamm, in a Malibu, finished fourth on a flat rear tire. Statezny reported that his throttle had stuck full on on the seventh lap, and he'd been scared to give it full throttle after that. The 1650cc cars started next, and as this big pack rounded turn one, Bryan Bernloehr, running about third, got up onto the bank, stood his car on edge, and somersaulted down into the middle of the pack, where he landed flat on his roof. Some of the racers, unaware of the severity of the accident, went on, while, others, slamming on their brakes to avoid him, were tangling with each other, and stopping com-pletely. The officials red-flagged the race. It took a while for the E.M.T.s to get Bernloehr out of the car, because they were uncertain how badly he was hurt, but eventually they loaded him on a back board, into the ambulance, and sent him off to the hospital. He showed up at the track later in the afternoon, sporting casts on two broken arms, but otherwise feeling okay. When the race was restarted, things had dried out, and the first turn was really dusty, but Jeff Probst guided his Laser through it to the front of the pack. Todd Attig, usually right there, had broken a stub axle in the first start, and was out.Wes Elrod had his Mirage in second place, and Scott Schwalbe ran third in his Taylor. Things started to go wrong for some, and Heath Schooley waded through the shallows of the pond, while Rick Welch went up in smoke, and Todd Wallace parked at the side of the road. Probst built a long lead, and it got longer as Elrod dropped out with a sick motor, and left Schwalbe in second, with Dan Baudoux up into third, his car starting to run hot. Then came Don Ponder, in a Laser with no front brakes, in fourth, followed by Jeff St. Peter, another Laser, with Bill LeFeuvre, still another Laser, trying to get past him. They ran that way until the sixth lap, when LeFeuvre moved up to fifth. Then they stayed in that order until the finish. Probst had landed badly off the '.'timing j_ump" one time, and one of his contact lenses had popped out and landed on his cheek. It stayed there until he took the checkered flag, and the win, and then he salvaged the lens. Schwalbe was second, displaying a big hole punched in his floor by a rock, and then it was Baudoux, Ponder and LeFeuvre. It was time for the big Class 4 trucks next, as the weather cooled, and some clouds started to roll in. There were 20 trucks, and Kevin Probst put his Chevy into the lead, as Jim Ladyga lost his left rear wheel, and pulled out. Right behind Probst was Curt LeDuc in the Ford belonging to Chad Schlueter, who was side-lined for the rest of the season with a broken elbow, result of his crash in the Spring event. Lots of heavy hitters chased the leaders, including Jack Flannery in his Chevy, Steve Kelley in his Jeep,· and Geoff Dorr in a Ford. Probst disappeared on the third lap when a wire-end broke, and Flannery· moved into the lead. LeDuc was second, and Kelley third, with Dorr fourth, and then Greg Gerlach in his Doqge. They ran that way for several laps, with LeDuc, Kelley and Dorr very close to each other, and working on improving their_ positions. Local boy Fay Statezney took the lead right from the get go in his Chevelle to beat out 12 starters in Class f3, a common practice for Fay, especially on his home track at Crandon. Dorr moved up to third on the sixth lap, and then things went the same way until lap nine, when a fuel line came off Flannery's injectors, and gas spewed everywhere, including on him: He got off the track and out of the truck as fast as he ·could, and watched his race finish without him. LeDuc moved into the lead, with Dorr second, and Kelley · close behind. Then Dorr bicycled through a turn, Kelley got by, and when Dorr went to reel him in again, he found he had no brakes, and had to back out of it. LeDuc has been living in California for some years, and hadn't raced at Crandon for a while. He was delighted with his win and Kelley's second place, because he'd built both cars. In addition, as this was the Gover-nor's Cup event, LeDuc had the honor of being presented with a handsome trophy by Wisconsin's governor, who was helping celebrate the 25th Annual event. Gi;eg Gerlach 's fourth place secured his 1994 True Value Pro Points Championship, for which this was the last of six events, all televised by ESPN. Next came the mini trucks, with 22 entries, and Johnny <Greaves had his T qyota in the lead from the flag: Art Schmitt ran second with his Nissan, followed by Jeff Kincaid and Scott Taylor, both in Fords . As he chased Greaves over the Skybox sweeper on his third lap, Schmitt's left front whee l separated from the truck, and he glided to a stop on the sidelines. That moved Taylor up into second, with Kincaid in third. In the meantime, there was some hard driving back in the pack, as Al Walentowski, in a Ford, Brendan Gaughan in a Jeep, and Tom Hackers and Dave W oulff, also~ After recovering from a disappointing race at the Spring Run, Al Fannin came on strong, finishing second in Class 6 with his Chevelle wearing its proper carburetor. After falling back to fifth when his hood popped up, Rick Rayford powered his Malibu into third in Class 6 with his giant air box. Finishing in fourth place on a flat rear tire in Class 6 was Wisconsin's own #605 Tim Kamm. Sedan class is alive and well in this off road racing series. -Displaying a large hole in the car floor, Scott Schwalbe finished second in his 'Taylor' made car in Class 9/10 and he was fifth in Class 1 /2 as well. Dusty Times In his second race of the day, Dan Baudoux finished in third place in class 1650cc. He also took fourth in the Limited Challenge in a different Mirage. November 1994 #908 Don Ponder Jr. from St. Louis, MO finished in fourth place with absolutely no front brakes in the Laser in Class 9/ 10 action. Page 47
Jeff Probst built a long lead following a re-start in the 9/10 1650cc class and guided his Laser to a first place finish, and here he flies past 921 on his way to victory. Equipped with a Chevy drive-train, Dan Vanden Heuvel took the checkered flag for Class 13 in his #1377 Ford truck. Dan has won nearly every Class 13 race this season, and he also won the Challenge race for Classes 3 & 13. ~ Fords, battled for fourth place. Greaves' lead gradually grew and then Taylor's truck lost a timing belt on the fifth lap and he pulled out. Now Kincaid was second and Gaughan was third, with Hockers and Walentowski following. That's how they finished: Greaves, Kincaid, Gaughan, Walentowski, and Hockers. But in post-race tech it was discovered that Gaughan's truck, legal all season, now measured ¼" too wide in the rear track. He was disqualified. Greaves, who said he was "nervous" going into the race, clinched his True Value Pro Points Series championship for the season with this win. The next event was for the Class 13, with 28 of the big trucks charging through the first turn safely. Lowell DeGreef had his Sha Boom out in front, with Dan Vanden Heuvel chasing hard in his Ford, which is equipped with a Chevy drive-train. Robert Flanagan, in a Chevy, Terry Severson, and Dennis Ferdon were also running hard. DeGreef fell back and Vanden Heuvel took over the lead, while Ferdon fell out. Now it was Bruce Shilts, in a Ford, in se<:ond, DeGreef third, Flanagan fourth and Joe Zilisch in fifth. Then for several laps it was a hard fought battle, with Shilts, DeGreef, Flanagan, Zilisch and Dave Marks all trying to get up to third place. Vanden Heuvel was increasing his lead, in spite of the ·fact that he was driving with a broken axle. Zilisch worked his way up to fourth, but then practically immediately pulled out with a fire • Win·ning Class 4, #421 Curt LeDuc fought his way to the finish line to receive the trophy for winning the Governor's Cup event in the Ford he built for Chad Schleuter. under his truck, quickly extin-guished by track workers. Now it was Vanden Heuvel, DeGreef, Flanagan, Severson and Shilts, but then Severson blew a power steering belt, lost a fan belt, and his truck overheated. Vanden Heuvel took the win, with Flanagan second, DeGreef, who says he's g9t his suspension working now, in third, and Shilts, who'd struggled with a baseball sized rock under his throttle pedal, so he couldn't give the truck full throttle, in fourth. The Class 8 trucks were next, charging into the downhill, bli11d Turn .One full throttle, and crowded. Brian Donlevy and Gary Garton ended up as tumbled wreckage at the side of the hill, leaving only 9 trucks to battle. Walker Evans had his Dodge out in front, with 19 year old Jamey Flannery in a Chevy, second, and Scott Douglas, another Dodge, close behind him. Douglas was driving with a broken left leg, result of a hit he took in a previous race, but it didn't bother him as much as the fact that he'd lost all but third gear right off the start. Scott Taylor was in fourth place in -his Ford, regretting his tire choice and his shock valving. Dave Hockers and Jed Flannery were having a good battle for fifth place. By the fifth lap they were evenly spaced, running 'in the same order, and too far apart for any catching and passing. They were fast, and it was an exciting display of up_ to the minute truck technology at work, but it wasn't a very exciting race. They needed a yellow flag to close it up. But no such thing happened,and they ran that way to the finish, with Evans taking the win, and the True Value Pro Points Series champ-ionship with it. Flannery was second, running out of gas on the last three laps, Douglas third, and there were three more on the lead lap at the finish. The next event was an eight lap run on a shortened course for the Soda Lites. These were the cars, derived f;om Odysseys, that run in the Mickey Thompson stadium series. They use a variable drive belt system instead of a trans-mission, and run a 350cc single cylinder Honda motor, similar to a snowmobile motor. The Soda Lite drivers are trying to get the class going, and as the rules stand now, the legal motor is a 440cc · two cylinder snowmobile motor, which is widely available in the midwest. They're trying to change the rules to permit the 350cc motors also, in an effort to attract the west coast folks, some of whom have now raced here twice, and thoroughly enjoyed it. For this race they were all running the 350cc cars. Rennie Awana jumped into the lead, with Greg George and Brad Wilmert right be.hind him. As they comp1eteo their first lap Mike Cherry rolled over, breaking something in the front end, and retired to the side. By now the lead had changed, and it was Wilmert in front, and George ...... ~ ... ~ . ~ second, as Casey Mears struggled with a flat tire. He ran a couple of laps that way, and finally gave up. Wilmert spun in the gravel pit, and Awana was back in the lead, but then next time around he dropped out with a blown motor. Then it was Mercedes Gonzalez in the lead, with George pushing hard, as Holgeir Oksnevad dropped out with a broken tie rod. . Phil Doyle got by Gonzalez and went into the lead, and then George passed him as they flew _the timing tower jump, to take over. Doyle went by again at the end of the sweeper, and as they came over. the jump next time it was Doyle, George and Gonzalez three abreast, in the most exciting· race of the day. Doyle regained the lead, but George got him back, and then Gonzalez moved into second, and up into the lead. As -they neared the end of their last lap it was neck and. neck driving for George and Gonzalez. Gon-zalez was in front coming into the timing turn for the last time, but George squeaked by in time to take the win. The small size of these cars makes it possible to race two abreast in places where all the other classes are forced into single file. It makes a very exciting show. It was George, Gonzalez, Doyle, Wilmert and Shannon Millen, at the finish. With racing over about 6 p.m., the pit crews went to work, and the drivers went to dinner and early ,bed, to be ready for all the racing still to come on Sunday. Overnight the clouds came in, and Sunday dawned dark and gloomy, and about 25 degrees colder than Saturday. The threat of rain seemed imminent to a Cali-fornian, but Wisconsin residents thought it was a pretty fair day for September, and observed that the weather forecasters had said there was just a 60% chance of rain. The first event for Sunday morning was the very quick Class 1 and 2 race, with 17 cars. Jeff Probst had himself out in front from the start, with Art Schmitt and Pat Dean, of Las Vegas, running hard behind him. This was Dean's first try at Class 1 (he had raced in the Class 9 & 10 event on Saturday, with less than ~>~··· Steve Kelly followed LeDuc across the finish line for second in his Leduc built Jeep: 2 for two in Class 4 for Californians. Competing against 20 4WD trucks in his class defending champion Geoff Dorr crossed the line third in his Ford in the Class 4 Governor's Cup race. Greg Gerlach's fourth place finish secured his 1994 True Value Pro Points Championship win scoring the victory on points driving a Dodge. This #707 Ford truck was driven hard all eight laps in Class 7S for the second place finish by Jeff Kincaid, almost a home town driver here. Page 48 What started off as a battle for fourth place ended in a third place win for Al Wafentowski in-7S flying his Ford high over the spectator jumps. November 1994 After a grueling race against 28 other competitors, Robert Flanagan powered his Chevrolet into second in the busy Class 13 action. Dusty Times
wonderful results, mostly because the car wasn't set up correctly), and his first trip to Crandon. He drove a 3.5 liter Porsche powered Chenowth with an automatic transmission; not quite the usual Crandon car. Todd Attig, Jeff Elrod from California, with a V-4 Chevy in his Mirage, and Scott Schwalbe, were all up at the front of the pack. As he neared the end of his first lap, Probst flew off the timing turn jump and as he landed, both stub axles broke, and his rear wheels went sailing. His crippled buggy slid on its belly up into the grass, and Probst was finished. Schmitt was now in front, and Attig, who'd passed Dean when he erred in a turn, took over second place. Schmitt, running a Nissan three-valve motor, which equates to about 2400ccs, held his lead, running smoothly as always. Attig, with a two liter Porsche in his Terminator, ran second, liking the new clay surface, noting that the ruts didn't seem to develop as quickly. Dean was adjusting to dodging the rocks. And they just followed one another to the finish line. Six cars had dropped out by the end of the race, and the first six all ran on the lead lap, with almost no passing after the first lap. They fell into position and stayed there, except for Dave Vandermissen, who passed Don Ponder on the fifth lap. This race was like the Class 8 race on Saturday; it needed a yellow flag to close it up. At the finish line it was Schmitt, Attig, Dean, Elrod, Schwalbe and LeFeuvre, all on the same lap. The next event was for the 5-1600s. There were 10 of them, and right from the first Tim Christensen, Mike Brue and Greg Smith had a three-way battle going that got the spectators' attention. But, when they dove into that far turn behind the trees, only two cars came out. And Brue was in the lead, with Smith second, leaving Christensen upside down in the weeds. So now it was Brue, Smith and Stuart Dahlin, who drives a genuine 5-1600 car, a sedan, rather than a "grandfathered-in" Class 5 convertible as the two ..._ Greg George took the checkered flag by seconds for the Soda Lites in his #1 Briggsbuilt defeating nine others, half of them his Nature's Recipe teammates. leaders drove here. Dahlin is from third place, passing both Mathews South Dakota where he runs in a and Friday, but on the whole, "real" 5-1600 series, in which the things didn't change much at the cars are limited to sedans, much as front of the pack. They started to in SCORE events, and his car is lap slower cars on lap five, and set up for longer, rougher races. Baudoux got right up on Holtger, Smith pulled up to right behind but then disappeared on the next Brue, but didn't catch him lap with a broken transmission. sleeping and couldn't get by. Wesley Frehse, in a Friday, liked Smith was losing second gear, the course better as it dried out, finding it harder and harder to get, and he moved up to third place on but Brue wasn't having any the sixth lap, with Mathews and problems at all. They ran their Keith Berard behind him. Berard, eight laps in order, and finished who'd been hit in the eye with a that way; Brue, Smith and Dahlin. rock in June, was back to one Brue, who called it "awesome hundred percent, having regained racin"', said that his nerfbars had his 20120 vision after a frighten-taken a little more bumping than ing period of blindness in the eye. usual in that race. Andrews, who'd built his car The Class 11 cars were next, himself, had a good, clean race, this time with only one person in except for a shock that blew on the cockpit, and there were 35 of the last lap, and took the win, his them. The scorekeeping team first at Crandon. In second really has to. work hard to keep behind him it was Holtger, who'd this bunch straight. They got had a problem with his brakes through Turn One all right, but heating up, and then it was Frehse, found the sweeper turn very wet, Mathews and Berard. and they did a lot of slipping and For the next event, it was sliding to get past it. Tom another repeat performance, this Hoppock, who got pushed into time the 1600 cars with just one the fence in the muddy melee, person in the cockpit, and 26 of ended up with a broken ball joint them took the green flag. Todd and tie rod end, and out of the Attig jumped to the front, with race. Peter Kowatsch, in a Taylor, in Lonnie Andrews, in the car that second, then Greg Smith, Mike won the two seat event on Notary in a Hesco, and Tom Saturday, with Jim Wymer at the Surace in a Berrien, and using his wheel, was in front, followed by tear-offs at a fast rate. Bryan Ed Holtger, in a Berrien, then Norris was down to three Cory Friday in a Friday, Glen cylindersandoutoftheraceearly. Mathews, and Dan Baudoux in a Attig pushed out ahead to a big Mirage. Scott Stelzer was out early lead, having an uneventful race, with a broken shock. On the third while Smith worked hard, and lap Baudoux had moved up tQ then passed Kowatsch to get imo -,. iii¼ . Jamey Flannery in the #815 Chevy couldn't hold off Wafker Evans in his Dodge. Evans came in first with Flannery in Class 8 close behind, and Evans won the TV points series with this victory in Class 8 -Flannery was fourth in the Challenge race for Classes B & 4. Scott Taylor came in fourth in his 2WD Ford truck with bad tires and rotten shock valving but he fixed all that and won the 8 & 4 Challenge race, unusual fora 2WD. second place. The whole field ran in a tight clump until the third lap, when Attig had drawn way out, and Smith was making space behind himself also. Kowatch was third, Surace fourth and Notary in fifth. There was a good fight back in the pack as Dan Baudoux tried to pass Mark Steinhardt, and also between John Makson, Joe Wutke and Gordon Zima. Mike Seefeldt passed Mark Krueger and Michael Notary, to move into fifth on the fourth lap, and Krueger got past Notary then also, but Notary was working hard to regain the position. Except for Attig and Smith out in front, traffic stayed thick, and there was some pushing and shoving, and occasional victims, like Pete Derezinski, who got bumped into a spin on the sweeper. It could be seep, from the vantage point of the infield that Kowatsch's motor was loose, but it didn't seem to bother him as he made his laps in third place, even when the motor clunked on landing off the jump. Steinhardt and Baudoux continued their struggle, and Makson developed a right rear flat. Attig ran smoothly, followed by Smith, and they took first and second, with Kowatsch, a left rear shock unattached, and two bottom engine bolts missing, in third place. Surace, bleary eyed after running out of tear-offs, was fourth, and Seefeldt finished fifth. Baudoux had finally got past Steinhardt, and when they learned they'd finished ninth and tenth, they looked at each other and said, "If I'd known tl}at, I'd have let you have it!" There were 21 cars still runnin on · .. Quick off the start, Lowell DeGreef fell to third in traffic after the first few laps of the nine lap event for Class 13 and finished third. Hindered by a baseball size rock caught under the throttle pedal, Bruce Shilts still finished fourth in his Ford and he was third in the 3 & 13 Challenge race. Wisconsin native Don Gregoire drove the #1305 truck to a fifth place finish in Class 13. He's a regular competitor on the circuit. Uninterupted by a broken left leg and no third gear, Scott Douglas finished third in Class 8, but mechanical woes on the Dodge slowed him in the Challenge race. Dusty Times ~ --~ At~-_:~ " .,>:.,... .. -;~ .. + • , . .,}t't:0 Second place Mercedes Gonzales almost took first in Soda Lites but was edged out at the finish in the eight lap event by mere inches. November 1994 Todd Attig of Dixon, IL drove the Terminator to second in Class 1 /2 and a strong second in the Unlimited Challenge race for open wheel cars. Page 49
.. In his first try at Class 1, and at Soda racing #117 Pat Dean powered the Chenowth to third place in Crandon. The Las Vegas Desert racer also was third in the Unlimited Challenge race. Coming from sunny California Jeff Elrod drove the Mirage single seater with a V-4 Chevy to take fourth in Class 1 /2 and fourth in the Unlimited Challenge. Losing second gear proved no obstacle for second place winner Greg Smith in Class 5/ 1600, close behind winner Mike Brue. Running smooth with his Nissan three-valve motor, the #t27 Laser car of Art Schmitt crossed the line first in Class 1 /2 after an early battle, and he also won the Unlimited Challenge. l!E' the lead lap at the finish. The first and most beloved of the Challenge events came next, the mix of Class 4 and Class 8, pitting Crandon's favorite son, Jack Flannery and his Chevy, against everyone else. There were 26 trucks: They all made it through Turn One, but Gerald Foster ended u1-. mked on his side on the sweeper turn, and was badly crunched and out of the race after a lap. Kevin Probst had his Chevy's nose in front as they came through the first turn, but Walker Evans got past him to take over the lead, with Steve Kelley in third in his Jeep, then Flannery, Curt LeDuc, Geoff Dorr, Scott Taylor and Ken Kincaid. There was a lot of talent up there at the front. Evans and Probst were side by side as they neared the end of their first lap, but then Evans' right front tire went flat and Probst was back in front, with Flannery second. Then, as they cleared the sweeper turn the next lap, Probst pulled out with a blown trans-mission, and just like that Flannery was in the lead. Dorr was now second, LeDuc third, with Taylor working on getting by, and Scott Douglas had his Dodge in fifth, and already smoking. The noise was incredible, and rocks and dirt flew as the tires skimmed the track. Evans came back out, nearly two laps down, and would ,surely have been a fine sight to see as he worked back up through traffic, but his motur blew after two laps, and he was out for good. Flannery continued to lead, building a good cushion, with Dorr and Taylor trying hard to catch up, and LeDuc, bothered by ,.. ~,, The #792 of Greg Smith passed Peter Kowatsch, #730, early on and stayed in front finishing second with Kowatsch in third, in Class 1-1600 action. a turnip sized rock rolling around he toppled over, down the other under his throttle pedal, now in side, 15 feet to the bottom, by the fourth. Douglas was gone with a pond, landing on his wheels. blown torque convertor, and The shocked audience watched Kincaid moved into fifth place. Taylor go by into the lead. Then Flannery lost his brakes and Flannery might have hobbled on had to use his transmission to to the finish, but the heart had slow for the turns. He still held gone out of him. He climbed out the lead, but Dorr and Taylor of his truck and walked off to the crept up a bit, and then, on the other end of the infield to sit, seventh lap Dorr developed a alone and frustrated, while the right rear flat, and first Taylor, race came to an end. Taylor, and then LeDuc went by. Kincaid who'd also been without brakes lost his transmission and was out. for the last couple of laps, took As he neared the timing turn at the win, followed in by LeDuc, the end of his eighth lap, with the and then Dorr, with nothing but flagman waiting, white flag in shreds left of his tire. hand, Flannery backshifted to The next event was the Rear slow down, and everything locked Engine Unlimited Challenge, and up. He slid up onto the big berm 16 cars showed up, with Art right at the finish line, hitthe steel Schmitt in the lead from Turn beams holding the finish line One. Probst, Dean, Attig, and Jeff banner, and hovered on the tip of Elrod followed. Schmitt and the berm. Then, in slow motion, Probst had one battle gain , and_ Starting at the back of the pack, Scott Taylor moved steadily ahead in his 2WD Art Schmitt is also truck racing this year, but he is no novice. He took the Ford to win the Class 4 and 8 Challenge that used to be the Heavy Metal Nissan to victory in the Class 6 and 7 Challenge race, after having a flat in the Challenge. Scott was a happy man. class race earlier. -----------------------------•• • , , _.,, .• •• ,., ••••••• -•• -.:;,,;,,,; .,,..✓.-.«·.·~'.~ ....... ,·."',,:;..::•._-c-0,.-,JtB"" With the car set up for longer, rougher races in South Dakota, Attig was working on Dean. On the second lap, Probst pulled off into the grass in front of the Skyboxes when his valve ad-justment cap came off, moving Dean up to second. But then the officials waved the black flag at him, and he briefly stopped, as they realized they'd got the wrong car and waved him on, but it was enough for Attig to get by. The black flag was meant for Elrod, whose car was the same color, and he was flagged in for a stop and go penalty on the next lap, for "jumping" the green flag. By now Schmitt had a long lead, and Attig took off after him. Probst came back out briefly, but his car didn't run well, and he went into the pits. Dean had a handful when the rock shield attached to his front down bars was knocked loose by the rocks, and wanted to fall into his lap, or tip into the steering wheel. Schmitt, on the other hand, had a good run, felt good, and "nuthin' fell off" on the way to his win. Attig said Schmitt threw a few rocks at him, but his race was also trouble free, and so was Dean's, except for that con-founded black flag. Elrod finished fourth, his car sick, but surviving, and in fifth it was Keith Koesters, from Omaha, Nebraska, driving a Chenowth with a V6 Nissan and a VW bus transmission. Jim Struble from Pennsylvania, in a Laser, finished sixth, also on the lead lap. The Class 6 and 7 Challenge came next, as the weather turned cold, and the trucks got the hole shot this time, with Jeff Kincaid, John Greaves and Art Schmitt all in front of Fay Statezny, the first sedan. Then it was Bill Water-stradt in a truck, and Rick Rayford, in a sedan. Kincaid, Greaves, Schmitt and Statezny stayed there, but Waterstradt couldn't complete his first lap. Brendan Gaughan moved up to fifth, his truck still ¼" too wide, but with special dispensation from the other drivers, permitting him to compete in this event. Stanley Wood spun out in his sedan and had to be towed off, while Zane Roberts did a triple rollover and ended up in the ditch next to the Stuart Dahlin finished this short course in third in the tight 5-Tom Brockman finished the eight lap 5-1600 race in fourth place 1600 action. with the #559 VW. Ed Holtger raced against 35 other cars to take second in his #1186 Berrien after eight laps of tight Class 11 S racing. Page 50 November 1994 Dusty Times
Glen Mathews traveled in from Rhinelander, WI to drive the Out of tear-offs and blury eyed, #606 Tom Surace came from the #1102 car to a fourth place finish in Class 11S on Sunday. east to claim fourth place in Class 1-1600 driving his Berrien. Michael Notary came from Florida to race the Brush Run and took a fine third place in the Limited Engine Buggy Challenge race in the Hesco. pond. Kincaid, Greaves and but they were still mighty close in good lead, ~nd Flanagan was Schmitt ran in a close pack, with the turns. And on the seventh lap losing oil, from the "big ass Statezny still fourth, and Al Attig showed up in front. Smith rocks" pounding on the bottom Walentowski now up to fifth. chased hard, but couldn't get him of his truck. He tried hard, but the By lap five Greaves was right on back. race wasn't long enough. Vanden Kincaid's bumper, but was At the finish line it was Attig, Heuvel took the win, Flanagan obviously overheating. He went then Smith, with a tire stripe was second, and Shilts third. by on the next lap, and went into across his hood, Notary in third, The Women's buggy races were the lead, but was steaming heavily Baudoux fourth, and Crowder in next, with both Limited and by then. Kincaid had tossed his fifth. Todd Crump finished sixth, Unlimited on the track at the left front wheel, down in the and Seefeldt was seventh after same time, but running separate quarry turn, and now Schmitt was that tough climb through traffic. events. In the Unlimited class, second, Walentowski ran third, Also notable was the fact that mostly 1600cc buggies, the lead Stat'-ny fourth and Gaughan Harold "Moose" Smith, in a wenttoRhondaSmithwithTracy fifth. The big question was, would Class 11 Mirage, the only Class 11 Crump in second place, and then Greaves' truck last? It did, but as it car in this event, finished 10th, Gwen Holmes with Tina Crowder struggled through the last lap well ahead of a bunch of Class chasing her hard, and then Schmitt went past to take the win. 1-2-1600s. He said it was his last moving past into third place. Greaves held on for second, with race of the season, and he figured Smith ran up a big lead, with Statezny third, and the first Class he might as well go for it. Crump also far ahead of Crowder, 6 car. Walentwoski finished The combined Challenge for and they ran that way for several fourth and Gaughan was fifth. Class 3 and 13 came next, with 17 laps, until they got into lapped Rick Rayford was the second cars, and lots of thunder. Bruce traffic. But still, Smith held onto sedan, and sixth in the event. Shilts led off the line, with John her lead, Crump, except for one It was closing in on 3:30 by Schultz second, then Dave Marks brief, scary excursion up onto the now, and it was time for the in a Blazer, Dan Vanden Heuvel bank on Turn One, ran a steady Limited Challenge, with 23 and Jeff Camp in a Ford/Chevy. second, with Crowder trying to entries. Attig was in front, and as Shilts was smoking in the turns, catch up. They finished that way, the pack crossed in front of the and he'd lost his power steering. Smith, Crump and Crowder. barn, Tom Surace endoed and They ran that way for a couple of Startingjust30 seconds behind another car plowed into him, with laps, and then Vanden Heuvel, the 1600 ca rs, the Class 11 a terrible, rending crash. Mike who'd been caught unprepared at women were led by Sarah Sawall, Seefeldt came to a stop to avoid the start line, his truck not yet with Vivian Holtger in second, hitting them, and when he'd safely fully warmed up, got by Marks then Karen Christensen, and got past them he was 19th. down in the quarry turn, and took Shari Huven. But on the third lap Surace, Billy Brown and Richard third place. Schultz pulled out on Tracy Silloway had moved into Pelner were out of the race. lap four with a blown torque third place, with Christensen Attig had fallen to second, and convertor, and both Vanden dropping to fourth. now Greg Smith was in the lead, Heuvel and Marks sailed past Sawall continued to lead, but with Dan Baudoux third, Michael Shilts. Then Robert Flanagan got they were battling behind her. Notary fourth and Todd Crump Shilts also, and Shilts re-passed Christensen moved into second, in fifth place. Then Notary moved Marks, and, in third place, started followed by Silloway and Huven, up to third. And by lap two trying to get around Flanagan. and for a couple of laps they Seefeldt had come up to 12th. Vanden H euvel had built a stayed in that order, until the last Remember, he was the one with the broken finger, who had a hard time holding on to the steering wheel. Smith and Attig were spreading out, and Notary and Baudoux following, and now Jason Crowder in a Taylor, was fifth. Seefeldt had come up to ninth. He was moving through traffic like a snake through the weeds. Attig was gaining on Smith by about the fourth lap, and on the fifth lap he was close behind him. Notary was still third, Baudoux fourth, Crowder fifth, and Seefeldt had moved into eighth. Smith put on a burst of speed, and put some distance between himself and Attig on the sixth lap, Johnny Greaves flies his 7S Toyota over the Crandon lumps on the way to the class victory, again, but he had to settle for second place in the 6 and 7 Challenge race. Michael Brue continued on his winning ways at the Brush Run, winning Class 5-1600 after a race long tussle with Greg Smith for top honors in the class. lap, when Silloway moved past big, furious clouds of it from her Christensen. At the finish it was overcooked transmission, laying a Sa wall, who admitted to spinning smoke screen on the track. James out once, Silloway, Christensen was in trouble then, her tear-offs and Huven, all on the lead lap. gone, and, having run with her The Women's Front Engine visor up for a while, she was Challenge was next, and last on nearly unable to see. the program, but the audience Brand's truck seemed on its last knew better than to leave yet. legs, but she kept pushing it (after Sherri Parsons got the hole shot in all, it was the last race of the her Chevy, with Gail Brand hard weekend), and stayed in front, after her in her Ford, and then while Parsons and James, now in Valerie James in a Class 13 car, third, tried to fee 1 their way. being chased by Robin Schultz. Brand took the win, with Parsons There were two very hard fought second and James third, in one of battles going on. the best events of the weekend. And then, nearing the end of So the 25th annual World's the second lap, James went by Championship Off-Road Race Brand, and moved into second went into the history books. And place. Then she passed Parsons, the happy campers stayed put to taking the lead, with Brand watchtheG.O.B.srace,butDusty coming up to second. But on the Times closed up shop for another fifth lap, Brand got by James, and weekend in Crandon. One of the then her truck started to smoke, best, yet! -: ·, A-;:;!~:£~,i-~ .~~1f Teenager Brendan Gaughan, from Las Vegas, went Soda racing this season in an older Jeep pickup, and he did very well, usually in the top five, and he was fifth in the 6 & 7 Challenge. Could be in line for rookie of the year? Jeff Camp took his Ford/Chevy hybred to fourth place in the Challenge race for Classes 3 & 13, which was a hectic affair with lots of early traffic. Tina Crowder, of the Florida Crowders, shares the 1600 with brother Jason, and Tina had a great race to third in the 10 car Women's Unlimited Class. · The head of the Crowder clan from Florida is Jimmie, who loves driving his big Ford, and he drove it right into fifth in the Class 8 and 4 Challenge race. Dusty Times November 1994 Page 51
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY AUTOCRA ENGINES PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke , 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 Auto Meter· Auto Meter instruments are the No. I choice of serious competitors and professional racers worldwide. Our Tachometers and Liquid Filled Gauges are American engineered to provide the finest in accuracy and durability. (619} 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 •Send $3.00 tor [1}4:f:r your 1994 Catalog. =.:::I=:=-="='-="''-=". Auto Meter Products, Inc. Dept. DU 413 W. Elm St. Sycamore, IL 60178 (815) 895-8141 RACE CAR SALES & EXPORT -~~&ii Off-Road ~\ . Fabrication & Accessories · · Export & lnt'l Sales Race Car Preparation Consulting & Management 6630 MacArthur Dr.•Lemon Grove•CA-91945 619) 583-6529•FAX (619) 583-1851 HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets BDR McKenzies (714) 650-4566 (714) 441-1212. SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS AJ_L SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS 13EARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avt.,lUe E. Buckeye, AZ 8532,6 (602) 386-2592 Shawn Meadows 752 La Presa Ave Spring Valley, CA. 91977 BRANDWOOD CARS Custom Vehicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely$·25 .00 per month. CAGLE ·-SMART Fuel Regulator Lowers fuel pressurs at part-throttle, to 1.5psl at Id le. Cleans up richness at the Power mlh Mileage lower end, tune for more power. Models for all carburetors. $57.45 delivered U.S. Cal res +7.75% tax Box 2536 Rolling Hills, CA 90274 310-377-7501 /J . (,It'/'¥ I' ?I~.« PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 • Our Specialty Race Trucks Pr~Runners 84·89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON ====CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 8" •-9" • 10" • 13" • 15" • 16" • 17" RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ [f>(Q) ~ i( .. [L (Q) (C /J{ SIMULATED BEADLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE. FRESNO, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 FAX (209) 276-2365 CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiR'.ACIN6 PRODIJCTS, INC. <;heck the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 OCNC:J Manufacturersof . - , Brbke and Clutch Pedal Assy _ ~ Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena81vd. San Diego, CA.92110 (619) 275-1663 Cuttihg and Staging Brake; Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• f'RONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (Rn'>\ 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hangirg Tree Lane • Templeton, CA "3465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d_3>i, <WV~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805)495-2339 l~RACINGI I .GASOLINE i LEADED 108 OCTANE '"'Official Gas of NASCAR,, CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA
DE UNZIO RACING PRODUCTS HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 . Santa Barbara, CA 93111 JOHN VERHAGEN'$ '.DJ PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLACKFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE INCORPORATED SPICER" $ (909) 877-6491 SPICER" <G:-PARTS "ND SERVICE ON AUTO. TRUCK. INDUSTRIAL. CN AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMtZING FAX (714) an-&203 California Watts 1-800-427-4238 1750 S. Lilac Ave. Continental U.S. Watts HI00-525-0395 Bloomington. CA 92316 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc. (714) 876-3107 P.O. Root. ·,090, Colton, CA 92324 @{W~ a3 ~ © PRE-nUNNER BUMPERS Front}Bumpers $280-360 w/skid plate .. Rear Bumpers $175-250 Double/Triple shock set-ups $200-450 6-Point Cage $900(Mini truck) PAUL DUFFY (fl18) 91'1-9169 By appointment only Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. Aluminum Wheel Repairs & Polishing EDDCO Wheel Co. Street, OffrDad, Production Aluminum Welding Tires - Wheels 9437 Wheatlands Ct. Suite K& L Santee, CA 92701 (619) 258-2575 E-Z UP"'-INSTANT: \f .,-t-~ SHELTER$ ~·16111~'-FREE-ST ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHcL I c.11$ THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER CASTE,X RENTALS 213-462-1468 ~Motor sport PRE-RUNNER Sl'ECIAUST • DUMPERS • CAGES • SHOC!;, MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT ms • LOWERING ms • DUAI.LYS AIR DAG SUSPENSION • SHOW CARS & DISPlAYS • ATV F/\5 WORK. EXPERT INSTAUATION & FMRIC/\TION AYAILA5LE FIBERGLASS FENDERS & BEDSKINS TOYOTA-CHEVY-NISSAN-FORD-ETC. 4010 N. PALM STREET. UNIT 103 (714) 870-9422 FULLERTON, CA. 92635 FAX (714) 870-91:32 ,. \LLE SAFET DRIVING SUIT~ SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES 'NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818:768-7770 FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CON~AD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Car$6n, CA 90746 RE-IICA81.£ Y.W. PAim IU523 SHEL.DON ST. SUN VAL.L.EY. CA0 91382 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257'-DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin SHOf JERRY WOHLGEMUTH SALES REPRESENTATIVE Pt-e.~h A • ~ T.M. Dfl.1 Systems sy Raffo Racing, LTD. ✓ Eliminate helmet shield fo91ln9, heat buildup, & breathing/eating dud. For the largest selection of hi9h performance helmet ventilation systems give us • call. Cell 701-259-1810 42S S. Duaton Ave. or Fu 708-2S9-970S Arliagton tleights, IL 6000S-1907 ~ NOW YOU CAN an THE RACING GEARS THE WINNERS ARE USING FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (313) 294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Racing Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all major racing associations. Call or write for your FREE copy of the 1992 Fuel Safe Catalog For your local Fuel Safe Dealer call ~ 1·(800) 433-6524 ~ Aircraft Rubber Mfg., Inc. 5271 Business Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 1993 CLASS CHAMPIONS FRT BUDWEISER /BUD LIGIIT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSIIIP SERIES BUGQIE$ CARS AND JRycjtS TIM ALLEN CLASS 10 MIKE HART UNJ.IMITlsD BRADY STtu:s CLASS 8 KEVIN BASORE CLASS 1-1600 JIMABA'ITI CI.ASS 2-1800 CHRIS GARR~:TT MINI MAG DAN LEWIS CLASS 100 BOB SNAITH Cl.ASS 5-1600 RAT MILLER CLASS9 CLA667 CLASSS RICHARD VALENCIA VANCE ALLEN AJYS AND MPIQRCVCLES DEWEYBEl..EW CRAIG SMITH OPEN PRO BIKES 260 PRO BIKES &. BIKE HIGH POINTS CHAMPION JUSTIN HOLLMAN MARTIN McNn'R JOHN Bil.KEY MIKEHARl'ER BEN SCHLIMME 125 PRO BIKES VETBIKES SF.NIOR PRO Bl KES SUPER SENIOR PRO 111 !\ES OVERAI..L & 250 ATV PRO ATV HIGH POINTS CHAMPION DESERT SUPERUJES ANDY "ANY" WEHE OVERALL & OPEN DESERTLITE DEZLITE HIGH POINTS CHAMPION BRYAN SAASTA CLASS 860 UESERTLITES Ml KE MAXWELL CI.ASS 77 DESERTLITES 619-1,27-6760 • 260 KENNEDY UNT 6 • CHULA YIST A CA 01011 _· FAic 610~27-6760 ONeck Colla.r $2995 $13995 forcamlock S-Point Ha.rness Add shipping & handling . UPS Daily ~ -Ha.rness pa.cis $270CVpair Window Net $1995 Aluminum Racing Sec,;ts from $17000 ...-.~~ ~ ' "':;\I,' t ~ ; ii' ....... .---, Dealer In uiries Welcome! 6951 S. Park Tucson, AZ. 85706 (800) 741-0382 (602) 294-7474 FAX 800 741-0383 Gltt-,;f\CC ..,,:.r ING PRO DU C'S ------ - -Roll Bar Pad.ding $450/3 ft. stick Black, Red. Blue, Yellow, Orange, Silver ll1 R~~ Colored "'•1~.\.~ue. Orange, Purpll, G~ G • ·-on Pink, Neon 0rano8• Cable ties Pkg. of 100 = $B!<i Neon= $995. Add shipping & handling UPSDaib _ ~ R 6951 S. Park Tucson, AZ. 85706 ~~~ ....... .--Dealer In uiries Welcome! JOO) 741-0382 602) 294-7474 F 800 74Hl383 Glt~~cc ~;. !N.., ?ROOLCTS DJfferentlals Spools - Ball Joints Axles. - VW Components -Etc. 4720 Felspar Street Glen Avon, CA 92509 Phone: (909) 681-6889 Fax: (909) 360-9817 Hffls.,c .• ,. Rebuild Rod Ends Helm Joint Specialist (714) 979-6631 11661 Martens River Clrcle, Unit H, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 ,.
***OFF ROAD RACERS*** DO YOU NEED IN8)UQANCE PROTECTION FOR YOUR: RACE CAR EQUIPMENT TRAILER TOOLS THE MICHAEL E. JAMES INSURANCE AGENCY OFFERS INSURANCE FOR YOUR OFF TRACK VEHICLES AND ALL RELATED EQUIPMENT. CALL FOR A FREE, NO OBLIGATION QUOTE CALL 619-445-5797 ,·--""----~--:. l -~ · MANIJFACTUl\c.n."'I \JI' : \ HRAKE ANO CLUTCH ASSY l~IIFL'lllf>NCtfV/(_lDI/CfS MASTER CYl,I NUERS SI.AVE CYl, I NJ)ERS TURN I NG ,~ STAG! NG HRAKES SHI i-"fEllS AVAILAlll,F. AT l'INEH SPECIALTY SHOPS OEAL,Ell I NQIJR I f.S WELCOME 1158 FLINT STREET ~I ELSINORE, CA 92350 ~ PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 909-245-6050 FAX 909-245-6052 JAMES GANG RACING PRODUCTS ARLINGTON SHEET MET AL CORP. 11424 1_.a H...,. • S...1a P• Sp,lap • CA 90670 Complete Race Car Fabrication., Pre Runners, Chase Trucks, Roll Cages, Bumpers, Suspensions, Tube Bending, Aluminum Fabrication, Engine Tuning Crew Chief Don Connors Phone (310) 921-2693 Fax(310)926-0699 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner" Owner James Hall ~L~'L .... 'l,, Desert. Short Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO (714) 632-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITER SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN COOLEY ~P-s~ :h.d!'S :e.-fe/4/~ CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE GOLETA,CA -805-968-1007. ~£' C.AI:!' tL ~1"'.,..,NN.£,ie' -ntrAl~S t! CKA>F ~.e-t:"4; ~~ ~ ,=-~l~n.::>V' _,-~ -I-vi£° c:;:;.f~A/',ff" KARIS Cl)~tMUNICATIClNS. INC Hb1 Mas,ill<1n R,1ad, Su11~ IJ l'ni,1r11m,n, Ohio 44685 216-699-1777 Fax : 216-099-\771 Athene Karis ♦ KUSTER OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCl'.(S • 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE • 2" DIAMETER, 6" TO 14" STROKE AIR JACKS • BALL JOINTS KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS . 2900 E. 29th STREET, P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90805 TELEPHONE (310) 595-0661 POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818) 768-0371 A lull line of Po<11er-Sleering gear~. pumps ana acc11ssoriet for ar:y type of racing. Magm,flux and Zyglo fac1l,tii::1 11vailsble. OFF ROAD SHOCK SERVICE EIDHTOit RACING L ·e1LSTEIN •FOX• MOTORCYCLE Jerry Leighton Hesperia, CA 619-244-9075 • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N .. _GLENDORA AVE: COVINA;X:A 9,l723 (818) 915-2212 KENT LOTHRINGER The Mag 7 Racing Team is organizing to support the 1994 Baja 500. If you are interested in pit support, or would like to help out in the pits, please call Race Director Dave Hornback (619-562-3618) or President Terry Walsh (619-582-3728). Assembly· Machine Work· Parts Engine Dyno Faclllty SCORE 1992 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 10722 Kenfi"ey Street, Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Fax (619) 562-9079 /iilll[@' Ufll PEF7FC>~IVIAI\IC:E p~c,c,uc..-7 ~ "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. 0rangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 9?.806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax(714)444-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 290 TROUSDALE #1&.J CHULA VISTA CA 91910 619-691-1000 F,~X 619-691-1324 /ll~/1//Uu/E ,_,,, ~~~~ NOW OFFERING MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOURESCENTINSPECTION (818) 883-2115 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lahcaster, CA 93535 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 «··-~ r 42425 stn St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA 93535 Racing Product, Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514
NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Motorsports Suspension gives smooth.First Class Finishes To 7 of 7 Classes, As Well As The First 5 To · Finish Overall. CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH OF YOU! Class 1 & 1st Overall ........ 'Simon & Simon Ford F150 2X Class 8 & 2nd Overall ........ 'Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2X Class 6 & 4th Overall ........ 'John Swift Explorer 2X Class 4 & 5th Overall ........ 'David Ashley Ford F150 4X Class 3 & 7th Overall ........ 'Dan Smith Bronco 4X c· PENHALL 1660 Babcock Bldg. tB Coat• M""a. r.~ CY.>627 FABRICATIONS Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 Fax# (714) 650-472 l Pr1ci1ion I/Joy, /,/d, T/l. 700 N.E. 117th Strut ~ i Vancouver, WA.9868S.$ ~ » Phone ~~ • ~~ Fax (206) 574-5474 ~,on & ~ (206) 576-1109 TERESA M. SANDERS ATTORNEY AT LAW MOSER & SANDERS TELEPHONE 16921 PARTHENIA STREET, SUITE 301 (818) 892-2688 SEPULVEDA, CALIFORNIA 91343 LAURA RICHARD S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX I 1030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 [702) 372-5335 Class7S ................ Brown, O'Brian & Johnson Ranger 2X11---,---------------~----1--------------------I Class 7 .. ... .......... ........... Scott Douglass Dakota 2X ·Member BFG/Ford ·Rough.Rider· Off Road Race Team NSC Would like To Thank All Seven Class Winners, For Once Again Counting On NSC Suspension Systems. You Too Can Have A Winnin_ Ride Wilh NSC Custom Computer Designed Leal Springs. . For More Info. Please Call Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans Custom Machine Work & Fabrication Ro~cl .B1Ulss:, Sll.11pp1y 1 (800)231-8156 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, Az. 85365 (602) 783-6265 • OFF ROAO CHASSIS <f11!/i1tf'#' ,,/,,? BUENA PARK, CALIFORNIA Complete Off Road Preparation FOR TRUCKS. VANS & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPEN<;ION AXLE SERVICE• WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Eal. 1174 (714) 781-1460 ~.C. I. t\t\JJ t\ J" -,y~<A, ,t\1t~O ~,,~ .!z;~:'s f{/1 CZ f{JJ1JJ fJ:3 ROADMA.fTER, MOTOROLA, YAESU RADIOS SIMPSON. ARAI, BELL, SHOEI HELMETS 2888 GUNDRY AVE.,SIGNAL HILL, CA. 90806 (:!10) 427-8177 TOLL FREE (800) 869 -5636 PARKER PUMPER VINEYARD ONTARIO, CA 91761 909-923-7016 FAX 909-923-3118 I.1...1...AJ. HELMET COMPANY · CUSTOM ELECTRICAL FABSIICATION ----....,,--...., · FUEL INJECTION CONVERSIONS l · COMPLETE TURN KEY CARS · MOBILE SERVICE AVAILABLE RACE & CUSTOM CAR WffiING 818-845-9473 1525 WEST BlJRBANK BLVD. BURBANK CA 91506 . eleP,hone : (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East AIiee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 ,aa;;~;;aia--& . ■ Free Advice & Technical Assistance ■ R&D ■ All Size Jobs Welcome 'RACERS MACHINING SERVICES "If You Can Imagine It, I Can Make It" SCOTT DORDICK 909-394-1802 2041 E. Gladstone #H Glendora, CA 9J740 Fax 714-394-1903 STEVE BARTON • OWNERS LEE FINKE RACE SHOCK COMPANY Light Truck, Sport Utility, RV & Racing Shocks RoughCOW'ltry Off-Road Racing Shocks S!!!M~,~! (;,,o017 . Computerized Vinyl Lettering A f<-4 C.(S . , ....,.v\L TIM CECIL 1 (0;::.: l?.S, \-" -'-1..Ci c:: 4010 N. Palm Street, #103, Fullerton, California 92635 -(714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 870-9132 §V(jW fl§{;M --======ff"t~1~ ~J ~~== 12221 DITMORE DR. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 (714) 539-5162 Xii! SITE SIGNS· BANNERS· WltroN LETIERtlG · CAR lfllER~ · GRAfilXS 15855 Dell View Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 1711 West Culver #1 TEL: (602) 254-0744 Steve Spirkoff/Owner FAX: (602) 486-4845 619/561-2913 Phoenix, Arizona 85007 IF YOU READ IT, THEY \.\'ILL COME "SPONSORS" HOW TO GET ONE HOW TO KEEP ONE Read the book that tells you what they want and bow top drivers got theirs and more. $21 (includes shipping & handling) Send check 01· monf'~ order to: Murflnk 1 722 wollacott street Redondo Beach, CA 90278
R[ffIJ[fJJO (213)583-2404 SANDERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith Straight IE nl ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31420 96TH STREET EAST LITTLEROCK, CA 93543 80&944-2719 SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED * Welding * Fabrication* Flame Cutting * Front .Ends * Custom Chassis* Race Prep* Custom Lt-Weight Trailers Mtg·r. ol Blue Flame Products (714) 996-6260 .1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim· Ober 310-670-68Y7 Commercial Pnorog,;aphy P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 NACE TT(ANS BY JEFF RELO'S TRfiNSfiXLE .ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 0 C o:J ciJ C - CJ) 0-mZ ~ o m )< )> ~ 9833 Deering UnltH r-h,.tsworth, CA 91311 TURBO BLUE Racing Basollnn /Uocaoy Racing 8446 Garfield Ave: • Bell Gardens, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp (upiP] 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 . CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS FUU LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES ·vf RACING,& RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODucnoN SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) - . A1RLocK Authori:cd Multi Seal Distributor Now available in California STOPS FLATS -NOT YOU • Seals up to ¼" punctures Instantly -----~ ™ • Helps dissipate heat by up to 20% • Seals bead leaks, pin hole leaks and slow leaks • Wilfnot separate at any speed- puncture protection Is always available • Contains rubber preservatives and rust Inhibitors IN CALIFORN.IA CALL TOLL FREE: (800) 350-8635 ALLOY & MECHANICAL TUBINb Cellular (702) 373-9976 Message (702) 566-1585 734 SO. BOULDER HW SUITE 331 HENDERSON I NV. 1 89015 · Nonferrous Metals, Toolsteels, Small Pieces Our Speciality DEAN PEEPLES ,t RACE CAR BUMPERS JC CUT TO LENGTH '( $10.00 PER FT ll VIP RUBBER COMPANY, INC. 945 South East Street (714) n4-7635 (800) 722-4VIP (outside 714) Anaheim, Callfornla !!2805 FAX (714) n4-9084 QUALITY FUELS FOR MOTORSPORTS ~c PAtNr /INDC0411NGs'l(oRAMn;* If'~* . ·~TO~ MAJN!eA/ANCF• f51~/IY/tf)~/,l/1M/N/;1'-I "W-#ld MY~''!'orFicklJpt¥f 06190 o ID{l{!Jfi~ A . - r J-Performance Camshafts / Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave 909/369-5144 Riverside, CA 92507 •Fax 909/369-7266 (310) 598-2731 WEddlE ENGiNEERiNG Exclusive distributor of Lock-Righfm VW Locking Differentials PERFO_RMANCE TRANSAXLE PROOUCTS Billet Super-Diffs, Gearsets, Hard to Find New and Used Parts Whole5aleiRetall. Dealer lnG\ulrle5 Welcome P.O. Box 15466 Long Beach, CA 90815 PUBLIC RELATIONS ANO MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C. JACOBS PRESIDENT 900 STATE MILL ROAD AKRON, OHIO 44319 (2161 644-777-~ Off Road Products Front ana 1<ear Trailing Nms • Spindles Susoenslon Specialists • Custom Wheel: 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ. 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077.
Christmas Goodies Galore ••• FAIR News At last the FAIR van is com-plete. I haven't seen it yet, but I am told it looks great. Thanks, Bob Steinberger, for all the end-less hours you spent. Also, thanks again to Gary Bancroft and Bruce Streeper for your help. These three guys did most of the work. To the rest of us who helped once or twice, thanks to you too. could you expect! Darnen drove with Casey snoozing in the right seat and except for the fact of hav-ing no steering once in a while, Darnen man-handled it to the win. A rack and pinion broken tooth almost put them out of the race. They currently lead the class in points and look to be the class winner for the year. Keep it up guys. New Bulk Filter Foam I Need to make your own air-filter, pre-filter, or skid plate mudguard? Here's what you need and it's new from Uni Filter! Sheets of bulk filt:,er foam - three to choose from -for you to create your own design. The bulk filter foam is the good old green filter material that you have seen around for over 25 years. Try it for vintage or custom applica-tions. Size: 12"x24"x¾" it is a thick, green fine foam. The pre-filter foam is a thick course foam · to cover the airbox-opening or to act as the outer layer of a two layer filter. Size: 12"x24"x%". The skid plate foam is trim to fit in the space between your engine and skidplate, pedals and frame. This thick, very course foam will keep out the mud while letting the water drain through. Size: 8"xlO"x2". Available through your motorcycle or accessory dealer the suggested retail price for the Uni Bulk-Filter Foam is $12.95 ea. For more information contact Uni Filter, Inc., 1541 S. Harris Court, Anaheim, CA 92806. Hatch Style Bed Cover Craftec, Inc. has designed -an aluminum frame hatch style truck bed cover. This unique concept adds style to any make and model truck. The cover is made of dura-ble 18 oz. premium grade vinyl fabric in a soft hatch style. Craftec has taken it one step further by creating convenient access with the hatch back feature which elim-inates the hassle of snaps, velcro or roll tops. Simply lift and close as easily as the trunk of a car. Each kit comes complete with brackets, gas struts, hardware, etc. Within minutes you will have upgraded your vehicle with its easy to assemble kit. Available for Amer-ican and domesti~ trucks. For details contact Craftec, Inc., 231 E. Lockwood Rd., Coldwater, MI 49036 or call 1-800-272-3832. Classified~ .• FOR SALE: Simpson Parker Pumper helmet. Used only 2 races, Wired by RLH. R~ady to go! Over $500.00 invested $300.00 oho. ALSO Bell Parke; Pumper Helmet. Brand new $190.00. Call Jeff at (714) 286-2823. FOR SALE: Short course, Class 1-1600 mild steel, 100" w.b., built with all the best; Neal, Beard, Fuel Safe, Sway-A-Way, Wright place, FOX & Bilstein Shocks Centerline, BFGoodr1ch, fresh built 1600 , New Bus trans with FTC Grs., Never raced. Comes with spare parts. MUST SELL!! $3,800.00 oho. Call Joe in N.). (908) 359-2191. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Orbs. Twin car to 9~ Baja 1000 -San Felipe 250 Winner. Lee Leighton Motor, Mendeola Trans Fox Wright, CNCS~ay-A-Way: Yokohama. Very low miles. Race ready. (619) 344-1321. Leave message. Ask for Don. FOR SALE: 2 Rear 3x3 Trailing arms with Sumner Bros. Disc brake, calipers, Bearings, Stub axles, spring plates -$550.00. ALSO 6" wider front beam with saw torison leafs, Wright place 1 ¼ trailing arms & two Bilstein shocks with reservors $450.00 ( or will trade for other parts). (818) 761-0680. FOR SALE: Class 6 Jimmy, 4 door, Summers Bros. Rear, Bil-stein Res. shocks Artcarr, Nascar Motor, V-6, National Springs, BFG Baja T A's, Nice Alum Dash, Loaded with Goodies. A steal at $16,000.00. Baja Concepts Ref. #396 (619) 583-6529. Dusty Times . FOR SALE: 1987 Sandhawk 2 seater, strong 1583 VW Motor, Dave Folts transaxel Wright rack, Fox Shocks, fuel safe cell, 5 KC Lights, Parker Pumper, Yoko-hama · Beard seats, Deist Belts, CNC Pedals, well prepared and set up. New brakes, quick shifter, freshly serviced. Spares, receipts. Ready to Race. $5,495.00 OBp. Call (805) 268-8308. FOR SALE: SODA Class 4 Truck. Chevy Fiberglass body wl molds. 600 hp small block Chevy. Four link suspension, 8 Fox 2 stage Coil over shocks. Art Carr 9" Floater C&S fuel system, Vertex Magneto, Simpson, Beard Auto Meter. Parker trailer. Many spare parts. Mustsell$13,000.00. Bob ( 414) 434-8890. FOR SALE: Motors & parts: 2 Toyota ZTC $2,500.00 both. 2 rear Giese air shocks $200.00 each. lBFG Mud 33x9.5 on 15" American Race $100.00. 3 Simp-son helmets, 80 & 85 Snell $25.00 each. Alpine CD pullout $200.00. Box speakers for p/ u $100 .00. Sliding rear window-fits Ranger $25.00. Call Rob (310) 549-5400 days, (310) 831-4380 nites. HELP WANTED: Dusty Times is actively seeking a Race Reporter to cover races in Northern Cali-fornia and Nevada -Write story and furnish pictures. Call Dusty Times (818) 882-0004, ask for Jean Calvin. FOR SALE: Funco S-S II Older car needs upgrades Toyota motor-Bus trans-Fiber Gfass body. Great starter car. $2,500.00. (702) 437-0117. New 9 Spoke Wheel Value, style and quality. That's the new AR-24 FWD by Ameri-can Racing Equipment. This new one-piece alloy is a sporty nine spoke design that's sure to get noticed. Available in sizes 13x5.5 .and 14x6 the AR-24 is clear coated for added protection and lasting good looks. All American Racing Equipment wheels come with a lifetime Structural War-ranty. For more information on the AR-24, d_1e warranty, or any othe_r American Racing Equip-ment custom wheels, contact American Racing Equipment, 19067 S. Reyes Avenue, Rancho· Dominequez, CA 90221 or all (310) 635-7806. Lock Resistant Brakes The Gold Coast saw seven FAIR racers and six finishers. That's a record! Brian Parkhouse and Willie (Checker) Melancon were 15th in Class 10. Brian took the first two laps and driving as hard as usual, b.roke a front shock. After lots of looking for another shock, they borrowed or stole one from Reliable Lumber, since their car was out of the race. Wee Willie finished with lots of dust and no problems. "Hey Wil-lie, I see you sucked your way back into the Checkers. Good Luck!". Lee Finke took first in Sports-man Class 5 and according to Lee, no other cars were in the class, he just had to finish. Lee had shock problems the first lap. Thanks to Pit C for changing it in no time at all! Anyone looking for coil-over shock conversions, call Lee at the Race Shock Company in Phoenix, (602) 254-0744. • Lorenzo Rodrigu·ez finished second in Class 1-2-1600 but I have no details other than they ran with the leaders all day. Looks like a possible winner, next race. · Frank and Tom Rusich finished fifth in Class 1-2-1600. Tom started, ran in the top three for two laps and Frank took over for the last half of the race. Having a flat in one of the worst spots, Frank drove into a FAIR pit for the change. These two guys are showing everyone the way to go racing, their first year. They are up for the Milestone Award for finishing every race this year and having a class win. First in Class 9 were Darnen and Casey Jefferies. What else LBS is far superior to any ABS system For details write Stewart Components, P.O. Box 5523, High Point, NC, 27262 or call 1-800-334-7946. Stainless · Steel Tip Dick W eyhrich was a DNF in Class 10 but I didn't get any details from Dick and due to sus-pension problems Scott Stein-berger failed to start the race. Non FAIR membe,:, John Almberg fin-ished third in Class 1-2-1600 but I'm told he signed up at contin-gency and is a possible member. Welcome to FAIR.John. Thanks to Bob Beezant and Jeff Randall for driving the new FAIR van and being race managers. Hope everything went well. Thanks to all the pits, I heard you were great. Thanks to the Dusters, Gary Portier, Harold Curry and Evan Harbottle for the pits. On Saturday September 24th, Wayne, Mac, Dave and I met Bill Varnes at Sidewinder to test our new rear suspension. It worked great!!! While I was out driving, I saw Robby Gordon's chase van and another truck pulling a trailer · with what looked like a new car. I decided to be nosey and drove over to see what was on the trailer. As I closer, I noticed someone waving their arms at me, telling me to go away. It was Robby, fol-lowed by his crew, all telling me to get out of there. "Hey Robby, if your new Trophy-Truck is such a secret, why do you go out to 'Pub-lic BLM Land' to test??" Maybe you should rent your own track. See you out testing again ... Don't forget, the FAIR Christmas Dinner Party will be December 7th at the Holiday Inn. FAIR meets at8:00 p.m. on the first and third W edn'esda y of every month, at the Holiday Inn on Harbor Blvd. and the 91 free-way in Fullerton. Stewart Compo9ents has deve--!oped the hottest thing in race car brake systems since disk brakes. The Lock-Resistant Brake System utilizes a unique dampening valve installed in the rear brake line that senses how hard the brakes are applied and automatically slows rear brake application letting you drive harder into corners without the rear coming around under braking. The Stewart LBS con-trols the tire slip -not the brake lock. The LBS is inexpensive at $89.95 and easy to install. Deve-loped and proven on race winning Winston Cup cars, LBS also works great on street cars and light trucks. Used by 28 top NASCAR Winston Cup teams The latest addition to the Borla Performance line of exhaust · . accessories is their large round ~he US~ of T-304 Aircraft Qual-angle-cut intercooled tailpipe tip. ~ty Sta1r:i-less Steel. For more Currently available in diameters mformauon contact Borla Per-up to 3", Borla tips add that for_mance _Industries, Inc., 5901 aggresive-looking finished touch Edison Dnve, Oxnard, CA 93033 to your vehicle. They are made in or call (805) 986-8600. d~llltlBJISllll.~1.!.IJej.lC!Ji1.lilitii~d We would like to thank and congratulate.all FAT has d~minated SCORE Class lO th F.A1' d 1994 Cl · . racing, with 4 different winners. ese powere . , ass pomts champions: Nevada 400 McDonnell & Krnger MTEG Super 1~00 Champion SODA Class 2-1600 Champion SODA Class 1-1600 Champion SODA Class 5-1600 Champion SODA Class 9-10 Champion SODA Class 7S Champion BORE Class 10 & Overall Chalilpfon Jerry Whelchel Todd Attig Todd Attig Mike Brue Todd Attig John Greaves Mike Flinn RAONG ENQNES, TRANSMISSIONS AND OFFROAD PARTS Send or call for our new catalog SS.00 . ................................................................. •,•,•,•,•····················································································································.::: November 1994 Baja 500 Penhall & Erl F1reworks 250 Ray Croll Gold Coan 300 .Job & MacCacbren BJ;B.IQB.IAll.GB:' .. 1558 No. Case • Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889 •fax (714) 637-7352 Page 57
Classified' .••• FOR SALE: Lothringer 5-1600 FAT Motor, Fox shocks, Sway-A-Way, Ralker pumper, P.C.l. intercom, some spares, built for a tall driver, seat adjusts, Race ready. Call for details. (909)676-8620. $8,000.00 or best offer. 1984 Toy 4x4 Trail or Pre-Run Truck. TOO TRICK TO LIST EVERYTHING! 231 Buick V6, Turbo 350, Auto Trans,35" BFG Muds, 26 gallon tank, 488 Gears. Super Serious Rock Climbing 4x4 Specialty vehicle. LOADED with too much! Please call for details! $8,500.00 obo. Baja Con-cepts Ref #,392. (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Bitchin' 5-1600, J&G tranny, Fuel Safe cell, Race Co rear arms & front beam, killer Saginaw steering box, J-Mar shif-ter, Centerline wheels, all spares, etc. ONLY 500 MILES ON GROUND UP RE-BUILT! Best of the best! Super Deal! $5,500.00. Must sell fast! Baja Conc.epts ref #364. Call (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: 112-1600 SODA legal X John Greaves' car. Best of Everything. Fresh Motor, trans, brakes. Ready for Racing. Will pay for itself in one year. $6,000.00. John (414) 788-3360. ATTENTION: Aii.yone inter-ested in racing in a class of older Class 8, 4x4's or pre-runners with stock type suspension & limited restrictions, please call Tom at (714) 554-3300 or (714) 530-8807. FOR SALE: 2 seat Class 10 Raceco, l lS"wb, best of every-thing. Power steering, 22 gal fuel cell, 50 miles on completely recon. Wired for radios w/int-er-com, Flame-out, 930's, Wright combos, coil-over front beam. W /trailer & spares $8,500.00 obo. Will separate. Call (714) 3 7 5-5650 days, ( 714) 892-5267 ...,,.,,.---------~--FOR SALE: Class 9 Chenowth 2 seat -Chrome Moly frame and spring plates. Beard, Wright, Sway-A-Way, 2 sets Fox shocks with cooling sleeves, Y okos, PCI radio & intercom, Fresh Jeff Fields tranny, PIAA lights. Not raced since professional prep. Best of everything. Many spares. $6,500.00 or best offer. Partner split. Greg (310) 608-1243 days or (310) 519-0774 evenings. FOR SALE: Class 9 Single seat, Class 9 points champ 1992 & 93 at FRT. Wright, Beard, Bilstein shocks, Fresh trans, 15 gal fuel cell, pumper, Sway-A-Wav $4,000.00 oho. (619) 729-7315-, Larry. I ---'----= FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum, MTEG Stadium car. Best of ever-ything. Long travel extra wide coil-over shocks w I adj bypass tube shocks. Call Bob Gordon at (714) 771-1537. TRICK 1991 MTEG Magnum. As Fresh as you can ·get with not a penny spared! FAT Rabbit Race Motor with a complete spare · included. Two "top-of-the-line" Bus Box trannies, both fresh! Coil over Fox Shocks, UMP Power Steering, 5 Link Rear, with Disc Brakes. Centerlines w/Beadlocks and BFG's. Super Deal! Complete Package for $28,000. Baja Con-cepts Ref #384. (619) 583-652~. FOR SALE: Class 9 two seater. 1993 SCORE points champ. Best of EVERYTHING. 8 Races. Four 1st Four 2nds, Turn key, race ready, tons of spares, $7,500.00. Call Rick Johnson ( 619) 253-7906 or (619).253-7837. FOR SALE: CLASS 10 S IS, 115 w.b., Fox, Ump, Saw, Wright, Woods· Simpson, Beard, Ultra Wheels, Air Bumps, New 1641 Type l O miles, Hewland 091 trans, car is very light $11,500 oho or trade for Pleasure boat or? Call Rick Days (702) 355-8883 nites (702) 856-3808. 1983 PPI/Ivan tewart Toy. Excellent Condition. 2200cc motor, Centerline, BFG, Loaded with Extras, Best Parts Available, T-mag Shocks, Disc brakes all around, Spare Parts Galorel! Can be yours for $12,500. Baja Con-cepts Ref#387. (619) 583-6529. lllii¼\.~ Fc5R L : seat re runner. coil suspension, 116 wheel base. Nisson V6 engine. Bus transaxle special gears, 2¼' front arms, super spindles, disk brakes front and rear. Best of everything. Ask-ing $15,500.00. Will trade, make offer. Jack Woods (602) 242-0077. FOR SALE: Arciero '92 Magnum Super 16, Best MTEG car ever!! Bilstein bypass shocks and more extras than imaginable. Want 30K or best. For complete package include 2 motors and 3 transmissions. Call Baja Concepts Ref #365 (619) 583-6529. OR SALE: Rally Raid or Off Road 4x4. Extremely trick. Can fit any body panel or engine. Very versatile. Great for int'l racing. Unbelievable spares! Nissan V6, fuel inj., Turbo400 trans., 18" frt & 21" rr trvl. The best equip. throughout. Technology 1tdv. A steal at $49,000.00. Baja Con-cepts Ref #184. (619) 58;3-6529. Make an Offer today. =----== FOR SALE: Class 5-1600 Loth-ringer Car, Fox shocks staged by Lothringer, Saginaw Steering Box, 300 M Torsion Bars, Dave Folts Transmission, Wiks Racing Motor, 92193 La Rana Cham-pionship Car. $7,500.00.obo. Turn key/Prep & Ready for Fireworks 250. Call Brian (714) 821-8514. FOR SALE: Mirage 2 seat Class 2 or 10 -your choice. 2350 Wasser Boxer or 1650 Rabbit-Both Pro built & Fresh. New coil over Beam, New Bump stops, all Fox Wright rack and 2 spindels, Woods Arms, Dura Blue, Jamar Beard, New Body. Excellent shape. Jeff ( 408) 926-0522 -$12,000.00 obo. < • • r ·1111a.--.............. --- -........ --------- --------....--------------·._-:-- ........ _, I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces i-I ; DUSTY TIMES. : I Classified Actvern:smg uw! is only $15 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of I I black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. I I NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If I I vou wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified-Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. ( I --------------------------c---I I --------------------------~ I I I I --------------------------l I __________________________ I I 1· I --------------------------I I -------------'-----~----------I I I I Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. I ' I Name ---------------------------------Mail to: I I DUSTY TIMES I I. Address ----------------------Phone--------20751 Marilla Street I I Chatsworth, CA,°9i311-4408 I J City __________________ State _____ Zip______ _ .,1. Page 58 November 1994 FOR SALE: 48' Great Dane 20' sleeping area w/bath & shower, 150 gal fresh water tank, 100 gal waste water. Hot water. Self con-tained. Back 28.' shop area with benches & storage area. 82 IH Tractor w/350 Cummins 9 spd. Will separate. $21,900.00. Bill (414) 734-3700. FOR SALE: SODA Class 1 or 9 single seat 1800cc Rabbit, FAT manifold, FAT exhaust, 44 dd Weber Fresh Bus tranny w/324 changed. Car is a 5 link w/ air shocks, Fuel Safe, FlameAway, CNC, Cutting Brake, 930 c.v.s, Dura Bulr, Combo's, Saco Rack, Simpson Belts & Centerlines. Complete car except/back tire & rims & disc brakes. $4,000.00 (715) 345-1083 or (715) 344-5445 work. Ask for Mark. FOR SALE: Lothringer 2 seat Class 9. Car is only 7 races old. Best of everything. Excellent con-dition, staged Boxes, radio, fresh Wiks motor & WR trans, Fuel Safe, Ump, Sway-A-Way, Wright, Yokohama, car works excellent. 100% finish ratio. $7,000.00firm. (818)339-9892. FOR SALE: 20' Race trailer-Diamond plate bed-Extra long ramps-Tire rack-8'parts box-Price $1,800.00. (909) 988-8130. FOR SALE OR TRADE: Class 2, 125'wb, 3000cc ARPM motor, dry sump, fuel inj., Hewland DG300 prepped by Fortin, 935 c.v.s, Fox progressive air shocks, 22" rr & 17"frttrvl. Saginaw PIS, ¾" Heim ends. Updated, ready to win! asking$24,000.00 oho. Will sell wino motor $19,900.00. Baja Concepts Ref #108 (619) 583-6529. Dusty Times
FOR SALE: Raceco Unlimited car. Top 3 runner, awesome 3.5 Porche Motec EMS inj ign system 2 /laptop. Raceco auto trans Unbelieveable package. Enclosed trailer & everything needed to win. Package at a great deal. Baja Concepts Ref #333 Call (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: '79 Ford 2wd pre-runner, Birchen dash full of gauges, full roll cage, race seats & belts, 351 built motor, 3" exhaust, all disc brakes, Winters shifter, dual batteries, 55 gal tanks, Rough Country shocks, lights Jack. Too much · to list! $10,900 obo. Baja Concepts Ref #388 (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Lothringer Class 9, 2 seater. Fresh motor & trans; Saginaw steering box, Fox Shox staged by Lothringer, New tor sions & spring plates; This car is fast & fun & race ready. Includes spare tires and parts. $6,500.00 Call (909) 394-1225 days (909) 596-8287 nites. Ask for Dan. FOR SALE: Nelson & Nelson's 1991 Class8/TrophyTruck. Yes, this is the same truck that Larry Ragland drove over 2 dozen wins. It is 1995 Class 8 or Trophy Truck legal. It's fresh & ready to · race! Call for details. $80,000.00 Call (909) 925-4448. FOR SALE: Chenowth 1000. Chromoly 1-1600 Ran last two seasons at Ventura Raceway short course. Simpson, Halon, Beard, BFG. $4,600.00 ( 805) 658-195 2 days. " FOR SALE: 1986 Raceco Class 2. FAT type 4, bus tranny w /Hew-land gears, Centerlines, Taylor seat, Fuel Safe cell, Bilstein & Fox, Summers Bros outboard disc brakes. TOO MUCH TO LIST: 125"wb, Killer Car - awesome race or pre-run car. $19,000.00 obo Baja Concepts ref #385. Call (619) 583-6529. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Tmag 1-2-1600. Trophy winner and #2 in points Ventura Raceway. $4,000.00 firm. Car and trailer go racing or great Pre-runer - Less seat belts. (310) 838-7575. ---------FOR SALE: BRAND NEW STREET LEGAL Baja prerunner. First place bug show winner! 105in wheel base. Coil front end w l combos, 12in travel fro~t rear, 2 litre type IV w/ 911 fan & alt. built by fat performance. Bus trans, power steering, centerlines, Yokohamas, fuel sale fuel cell, Beard seats w/ full harness, Fox shocks. Too much else to list. Comes with Trailer & spares. This bug is brand new and Trick. 30k invested. $18,000.00 obo. Day (909) 625-3381, Eve. (909) 593-6208. Ask for Steve. FOR SALE: SODA, Class 2-FOR SALE: KILLER DEAL!!! 1600, Taylor chassis, Chromoly, Complete '84 Toyota 7S 2WD 96" W.B., FAT 1600, Bus trans and ready to build '86 2WD with FTC GRS., FOX, UMP, Toyota XTRA Cab frame and Wrightplace,Sway-A-Way, body. Race 4 Cyl and stock 3.0 Summers, Centerline, BFGood- V6 w/auto trans, 33" Yoko's, rich, New spare 1600 Motor, FOX w/Res, ·Rancho w/Res. NewFAT1650Motor,Bustrans Beard, Beefy 9" w lsumner, and numerous other spare parts. Richmond, Long Beach Springs, Top Notch! Must sell!! 86 2WD needs cage, set up for $10,000.00 obo. Call Joe in N .J. 35" tires, auto trans, the rest is up (908) 359-2191. to you. Plus all spare equipment. ;..._----'------------= • $11,500.00 takes it or trade for?? FOR SALE: 1993 RACECO 2-1600. Everything like new. 1st class car. Must see. Call for details $14,000.00. ALSO FOR SALE: New 5-1600 or 2-1600 Racing transmission. Built by RACECO. 5.43 R&P, AMS 4 Spider Jiffer-ential, FTC gears, Gusseted 1974 case. 0 mi !es New cost $3,200.00. Steal it for $1,600.00. (619) 481-0923 (San Diego). Ask for Mike (213) 223-7063. FOR SALE: 1979 E-350, Leon Patton 460, MOGI Auto trans & transfer case, 4x4, 10,000# hitch, new upholstery, 75 gal fuel tanks, P.S., P.B., Elec brake control, 12.Sx35 BFG's, Very Nice, Must See, $7,800.00 obo. (909) 873-5114 or Pager (909) 439-2666. FOR SALE: Class 13 short course truck. Kuster shocks with coilov-ers, 4 wheel discs, Sumners axels, Auto meter gauges and Pro Con-trol, 905 fiberglass, 60 over 351 Windsor, roller valve train, 12½ to!, Ported heads and intake. $10,900.00 obo. (309) 674-2865. FOR SALE: Race Ready, Turn Key, 118" Single seat Bunderson. • Best of Everything. New Motor, New Trans, Tires & Rims. 2 Radios & AMP, Fire Suit, Flame Out. I MUST SELL this car. Call, let's talk, make offer. (114) 424-9720. FOR SALE: Raceco SS, Class 10. 1990 Class 10 points champion. FAT air-cooled 126hp, 091 bus. FTC gears, Summers floater rear end, secondary, coil over front end, new: spindles, arms, UMP, Bilstein, SAW PCI radio equip-ment extra parts, tendem trailer, FOR SALE: Class 9 single seat Mirage, Chromoly, New Jeff Fields trans, FOX, Mastercraft, Wright, CNC, SAW, Reid Pro. Very clean and simple, proven winner $8,500.00 Race Ready now. (818) 954-0103. FOR SALE: 1973 Chevy 2WD Chase Truck, 350 VS, ACPS, PB, 33" Centerlines, 8 take-aparts. Mastercrafts, clean interior, 40 gallon fuel tank. Ask for Mike $5,200.00. (213) 223-7063. FOR SALE: 1993 Toyota 4x4. LaRana Class 15 Legal. 22gal fuel safe. 8 remote reservoir nitro charger shocks, Parkerpumper, 4.88 gears, full cage, Beard race seats, 5 speed, Too much to list. No engine. Must sell FAST. $7,500.00 with trailer. Call Jay (818) 919-4259. $10,500.00. Call (310) 640-6119 after 4 or (310) 322-1637 9-5. FOR SALE: '65 Ford Prerunner, 315C, C6auto, full cage, 9" Nod-ular rearend, 4 shocks per wheel front, 3 shocks per wheel rear, S& W gauges, Mastercraft seats, Centerlines, 33x 12 .50 tires, cus-tom paint, must see to appreciate. $6,200.00 obo. (805) 466-5329 or (714) 577-2143 work. -~ } FOR s~A-ct~: Fa~out PreRunner, Class 5 Street legal, Best of the Best. Brand New Baja Bug, No Quality spared, Excellent Fabrica-tion. Sacco, Fox, Woods, Dura Blue Mirage, Fat Performance Motor, Power Steering, Simpson, Momo, VDO, S&S. Call for details. Baja Concepts Ref. #397 (619) 583-6529. November 1994 FOR SALE: Hi Jumper mid-eng. 22 7 5 custom show 1st place winner. Comes with sand tire, also 2 ATV with trailer 87 Ban-shee with many goodies, 88 Blas-ter FMF pipe. All come with 10 extra tires. Take it all for $10,000.00. Call after6pm (619) 947-6451. FOR SALE: Mirage Class 10-1992 Single seat-New Major Motor, New J.G. trans, full coil-over Foxs, Wright, Jamar New Powder Coat, Fully Prepped. New tires and more. Getting out of rac-ing. $18,500.00 obo. Call Darren at (702) 798-1055 or (702) 498-7600 or (702) 361-1598 any-time. FOR SALE: 5-1600 RACE READY , Combos, Woods Arms, Fox, SAW, Parkerpumper, Cen-terline, Fresh EFC engine, REB E.F.C. tranny. Beardseats, includes spares $6,500.00 ALSO FOR SALE: 28ft. Santeh-trailer, triple axle 7ft. high ceiling $6,750.00 or special deal for whole package. (909) 983-6534 days /(909) 989-6140 evenings. FOR SALE: 89 TOY OT A CLASS 7 s TOT AL REBUILD Fields Trans and Ford 9" rear w/355 pline axels-spool Fox shocks-Bump stops-Cone ball jts. New motor. Competitive SCORE-SNORE-LA-RAN A. (702) 437-0117. FOR SALE: Single seat, Class 10-1650. New Motor Custom Porsche tranny. Air shocks Light and Fast. Ready for Race. $8,500.00 or trade for a car. Call (916) 487-4120 or (916) 971-3208. FOR SALE: Class 9 single seat, low miles on new car, Sway-A-Way, front and rear, Saco steer-ing, Jamar brakes type II drums, mastercraft seat Y okohamas, Fox & Bilstein. 22 gal cell spare front arms, needs minor race prep. $3,000.00 firm. Jim (702) 431-0452. FOR SALE: Class 1 or 10 DRP frame. Type 4-Summers, Jamar Wright, Saco, Imp Bus trans. Hewlands, Fox coil, Secondary Raceco trailing arms. Sway-A-Way, Parker Pumpers-Beard, Simpson, Fuel Safe, Centerlines, Yokos. Trades welcome. Cars, boats, land or $15,000.00. Call Large Trucking Co. at(602) 763-7880. WANTED: Class 10 racer look-ing to complete his ride to La Rana, needs used parts. UMP power steering, Wright spindle link combos, chase equipment, or whatever you have. Call and ask for Tim at (805) 482-1280 8:00-5:00 M-F. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Baja School of Off-Road Racing . . . . • . . . . . . . . 24 Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels . . . . . . • . . . . . . 35 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . . . . . 39 Cactus Racing Products . . . . . . . . . . . 32 -. Castex Inc., E-Z-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Oez Fab ............ .......... 17 □on-A-Vee Jeep Eagle . . . . . . . . . . . • 7 FAT Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 28 German Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Glen Helen OHV Park ........ 5. 30-31 Rod Hall Driving School . • . . . . . . . . . 29 Jerry's Machine Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 The Jewelry Factory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 La Rana Desert Racing . . . . . . . . . . 1 0, 11 McKenzie's Performance Products . . . . 40 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Parker Pumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Pike's Family Restaurant . . . . . • . . . . 19 Pro Wire ..................... 41 Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Reid Pro ..................... 33 Rose Traction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 SCORE Baja 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SNORE Double Trouble 200 . . Back Cover Southern Impressions Calendar . . . • . . 27 Sway-A-Way .................. 43 Tri-Mil Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 21 Ultra Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Valley Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Wilch Sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Yarnell Specialties, Inc. . . • . . . . . • . . 22 Page 59
J t, . ,. --'' ~Rn''ERS MEEI'ffiG SAT AT 8:00 am .AT START FL'USR. RACE STARTS AT .9:00 am SHARP!?? AWAROS B-B-Q SATURDAY AT THE TRACK 'RIGHT AF .I ER THE RACE . . . ENI'B..Y !"EE·········-····-····-··-···-··-···-•·----'$310.00 SPOJlTS~lAN TRUCK Al-'ID .BUGGY··---------• $75.00 llACE M&NA.GMENT FEE•·----·--··-----.. -.. $10.00 < ,,.i-~ INSt,~~CE AI-I, <=LA.SSES----·-••n••····••--···· $95.00 DUE TO U.S. FISH AND WILDLFE SERVICE REGULATIONS Tt£RE WLL BE NO ·FUN RtJN. IT PAYS MORE TO RACE SNORE IN ,,94" FOR l\'IORE INFO CALL THE SNORE HOTLINE AT (70i) 4524S22 ---t,; ,