Volume 1 O • Number 8 -$1.50 ISSN 8750-173t' Covering the world of competition in the dirt
TOYOTA ~NS 3RD STRAIGHT BA.IA 500. In a desert race like the Baja 500, it's all or nothing.Win or lose. Feast or famine. And we seldom leave hungry. Not only have we now won the last three Overall tirles, we've won the Unlimited Class five years straight. This time, Ivan "lronman" Stewart drove his awesome V6-powered Toyota, prepared FECHNOI.OGY .0 N A by PPI, across the finish line almost eight minutes ahead of his nearest rival. So where did that leave all those big V8's? With the leftovers. As usual. And if you . think that's rude, well, fine. We never claimed to have good manners. FAST Just great trucks. -''I love what you do for me?' ®TOYOTA u .E "' Q) 0 V) .2 ~ .E 0 >-~ M 0-£: @ FRACK
Volume 10 - Number 8 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Janay Smith Controller John Calvin Circulation 0 . Osborne Contributors Jim Baker Darla Crown C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Don Dayton Daryl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Matt Marcher Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Darryl Smith Judy Smith 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Inc. Art Director Larry E. Worsham SNAPSHOT August 1993 ~ •o•rnu.a OffJIOAD uc11a1 llUO•r Subscription Rates: Wrid&riescf~Racing~ $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage-paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty .Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. OF THE MONTH •• ~ -~~ s,\l11i.iiik ' Gary Waller, Top Gun at S.N.O.R.E. begins his rain dance at the start/ finish line, which was quite successful in Caliente, NV. It rained hard as the first cars were finishing. Here Bekki Freeman, waiting to go in her 1600, is telling Gary there is plenty of water on the course already. Another member of the Fukawi tribe stands reverently at attention atop the Northern Nights Bar, hoping to become the new lightning God. Photo by Don Dayton. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies"or woes on this page each month. Send.µs your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 will be considered. Dusty Times August 1993 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page Supercross at the Rose Bowl by Homer Eubanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 SCORE Baja 500 by Judy Smith ................. .......... 12 WORRA Racing in the Northwest by Roger Caddell ...... . ~ .. 20 MTEG Stadium Racing at the Rose Bowl by Homer Eubanks ... 22 GMC Sierra Club Coupe Pickup by John Calvin ............. 28 VORRA's Season Opener by Matt Marcher ..... ... ......... 30 ADRA Snowflake Buggy Bash by Tony Tellier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Australian Season Opener at Toowoomba by Darryl Smith .... 38 WRC Tour de Corse by Martin Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Oregon's Millican 300 by Terry Silbaugh . ................... 42 SCCA Rim of the World Pro Rally by John Elkin .......... . . 44 SNORE Caliente 250 by Don Dayton/Jean Calvin ............ 48 SODA at Road America by Barb & Marilyn Schultz .......... 52 FR T March Madness by Fud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 VORRA Virginia City Classic 200 Preview by Tammie Wise ... 67 DEPARTMENTS IDRA Corner by George Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes ............................... ........ ....... 4 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Checkers Column by the Big Wahzoo ........... ... ... ..... 57 Pit Team Register .... ................ ... . ..... . . ......... 57 Spirit Pit T earn Repo~t ..................... .............. 58 The Straight Poop on the Fireworks by Tony Tellier ........ . . 58 FAIR by Dave Massingham .... . ............ .............. 59 Chapala Dusters Report by Helen Henesy .............. ·.· . . . 59 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Index to Advertisers ................... ...... ............ 67 ON THE COVER -Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson splashed through the water crossings in the weather plagued SCORE Baja 500 in the well prepped Chenowth, had no real troubles and not only won the 22 car Class 10 but they finished 12th overall. In 1992 this team not only won the SCORE Class 10 Championship they were SCORE's overall points champions as well driving the same car. Ricky Johnson took his first drive in a big Class 8 desert truck in the Baja 500, a spare for Larry Ragland's newer model Chevrolet. Proving once again that winners are winners on two or four wheels, Johnson brought the big truck through the miserable conditions to win Class 8 by 16 minutes over teammate Ragland, who had late night steering woes, and the young charger also finished a great fifth overall. Color Photography by Jay McNally and Ed Filijan of T rackside Photo Inc. to S~7oMU! DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year - $15.00 D · 2 years - $25.00 □ 3years - $35.00 Takeadvantage of your subscription bonus ••• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name ______________________ _ Address ____________________ _ City _____________________ _ State -----------Zip-----------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 ( Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates on request) Page 3 I I I I I I I I
-The IDRA Corner SCORE's New Deal Those of you who read this column may have noticed that I have been absent from the pages of the OT for the past month or so. The reason for this is that I have been involved in endless meetings, faxes, conference calls and whatever else it took to supply driver input from the reps to SCORE in an effort to help them structure their new platform and rules for the 1994 series. Now that the dust has settled and there is something to say, I'm bat:k, armed with information on what appears to be mostly a done deal for 1994. Allow me to summari.:e the results of all this activity: Beginning with 1994, t~ere will be two series. The Trophy Trucks, a sort of cost is no object group of factory guys, will cough up a $2,500 entry fee and run for trophies and a si.:eable year end points fund. The Trophy Truck group will start first and some distance will be allowed before starting the first of the Pro Classes. All vehicles in this class must run the same engine/body · combination, i.e. Ford body-Ford engine, and media attention, whenever SCORE puts some-thing together, will focus on this class. There will be some sort of modified points scale so that a member of the Trophy Truck class is always assured of winning the overall year-end points title. Only the Trophy Truck class will be allowed to use air support and only for communications pur-poses ( As a repeater). As of my last conference call with Sal and Savage, the feeling was that Helicopters would, at last, be declared illegal. No final decision has been made on the helicopter question, but IDRA will continue to lobby fo·r outlawing these, often abused, support vehicles! Recogni;:e, however, that on the other side of the coin there is also a powerful lobby who would like to see them retained in this class, so there is more to be said on this issue! We'll know by the Fireworks and I will report on this issue once it has been settled. Another requirement for participation in the Trophy Truck Class is that each member of the class be represented on the manufacturer's board by his vehicle and tire manufacturer. Membership on the board costs $7,500. As an example, it is safe to assume that Ivan Stewart will move up to the Trophy Truck Class. In order to do so, Toyota and BFGoodrich must both be paid up members of the board. Once paid, any number ofToyota and/ or BFG entries are free to . compete at no extra cost to either of these two board members. This seems simple enough until you consider the possible case of Roger Mears who runs a Nissan with Yokohama Tires. This is not out of the question since Roger has always felt he would be competi-tive for the overall if he could start near the front, rather than the Page 4 By George Thompson middle of the pack. Looks like he will have to make a deal with Nissan and Yokohama to ante up or he will have to take $15,000 out of his budget to buy them a place on the board. I'm not certain how this will work but does this mean that Roger now has the same voting powers on the board that a Ford or a BFGood-rich has? This has yet to be clarified but such a scenario, which is not out of the question, could create some interesting conflicts ... Sorry Roger, You were convenient! The Pro/Sportsman Classes ( 1 through 11) will be allowed no air support. Some of the larger teams may attempt to put a repeater up there but be advised: It is illegal! The word is that the Sportsman Classes will start after all Pro classes but I think the question of starting order will require some tuning. All Pro classes will have a Sportsman division. Pros run for payback, as before and Sports-man run for trophies but pay ½ the entry fee. In the production classes, Sportsman will have more severe suspension travel limita-tions. Production class vehicles ctirrently running will be "Grand-fathered" for two years. While the new rules specify stock pivot point location and 15" of front wheel travel, a Grandfathered vehicle, i.e., Dave Ashley, will only be required to limit his travel to 15" but will not have to return his pivot point location to the stock position until 1996. There are some other changes: 1 12-1600 single seat cars will have to compete with a 20mm restrictor plate and two seat cars have been opened up to 24mm. Both will carry the same weight requirement, 1550 lbs. and both 112-1600 and 5-1600 can, at long last, use aftermarket rear trailing arms as long as they are SCORE approved. Now there's an interesting new term; "SCORE Approved". Here's what it means to you. Apparently, SCORE wants to define the construction of the suspension products used in certain limited classes a la NASCAR and they have come up with a licensing scheme so a · manufacturer will presumably have to cough up a fee and build his products to SCORE specs. This new regulation will mainly effect suspension components in Classes 5-1600, 112-1600 and the production classes. The long term effects are said to be ease of tech inspection, economy of construction and closer competi-t.ion between professional and independent teams. Could be a good thing??? Exact details on how this plan will be implemented have not been worked out and I will advise you of the details when the deal is done. Basic Rule Changes Class 3 will be limited to 15" of front wheel travel with no restriction in the rear. Stock pivot points must be retained and track width will be limited to within 4" (plus or minus) of stock, except for grandfathe red vehicles. Sportsman are limited to 10" of front wheel travel. Classes 4, 6, 7 & 8 are similar except that front wheel travel for Pro is 15"and 12"forSportsrnan. 7 ~s wi II be limited to 12" of front wheel travel with no restriction on the rear suspension. Sportsman Class will be the same except that they will have a 2500cc engine limitation instead of the 3000cc limitation placed on the Pro division. Current 7-S 2WD racers wanted to be allowed to open up their track widths to the same dimensions as that of the 4 WO vehicles in the class but this was denied for reasons only the Tech Director knows! 5-1600 guys can use SCORE approved aftermarket rear trailing arms, Class 10 has an engine displacement allowance which supposedly will make up the difference between single and two seat cars. This is a highly experimental formula which Tech will be watching and is subject to adjustment to accomplish the stated goal, There were no changes in Class 5. Class 9 is now allowed the use of rear torsion adjusters and Class 11 made a series of little deals with Tech that I just can't comment on! I think that these guys are the GODS of the sport anyway and pursµe an agenda of ·masochism which is simply alien tq my way of thinking! Right on you guys!!! The Real Losers Let'stalk about the real losers in this deal, the truck guys in Class 1 who won't be able to come up with the additional $2,500 entry fee to move up to the Trophy Truck Class. No trucks will be allowed in Class 1, it returns to being an open wheel class, exclusively and that's OK as far as it goes. Maybe this isn't a problem for anyone but it seems to me that a few of these guys are going to have no place to go given the fact that a few are operating on the edge of their budgets while they struggle to dial in their cars in the hope that they can land a sponsor. Change is not always good!! Overall, however, l think this is shaping into a decent program, if we step back and look at the big picture. The future of the sport depends on coverage from the media and the media wants to focus on the best we have to offer. While it may be arguable exactly who is the best, the Big Trucks are certainly the most exciting to the viewing audience, un-initiated in the ways of off road racing. If we focus on these guys, sponsorship programs will open up for all of us, allowing more racers to compete using less of their own money. The changes in the production classes will ultimately result in better competition between the factory guys and the independents. All in all, I think the buggy guys are happy and who knows, perhaps there may be a trickle down effect that will make their burden a little easier. What the Hell; let's give it a shot and see what happens! There's plenty of time to be critical later on .... .August 1993 Trail -Notes ••• THE SODA MEMORIAL DAY 100 was a bit soggy underfoot from heavy rain earlier in the week but the second event in the series fielded some excellent racing on a track made considerably smoother and faster than the last time we saw it. We'll have the full story, hopefully with pictures, next month. The winners were Mark Oberg Class 11 D, Tim Kamm Class 6, Gerald Foster Class 3, Chuck Johnson Class 5-1600,JeffSt. Peter Class 9/10, Scott Taylor Class 8, Geoff Dorr Class 4, Greg Smith Class 2-1600, Class 11 S Rod Attig~ Class 13, Dan Vanden Heuvel Class 7S,JeffKincaid Class 7S, Todd Attig Class 1-1600, Jeff St. Peter Class l /2, Heavy Metal Championship, Kevin Probst, Limited Buggy Championship, Todd Attig. AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD RACE TOUR - It is not too late to join a tour to Australia's Premier Off Road Race, the Bridgestone. International at Kempsey, on Australia's east coas·t on July 25. The eight day tour departs Los Angeles Airport on June 21 and stops over in New Zealand to meet up with the rest of the tour party before traveling on to Australia. The Bridgestone International is Australia's largest Off Road race and is a round of that country's National Championships. Organizers claim it is the world's best orga11ized Off Road race and it is open to pickup trucks, four wheel drives, buggy and sedan classes. Previous Bridgestone Internationals have included American drivers Bob Gordon and Rod Hall in the competition. The tour has been formatted to allow additional days of travel in either Australia or New Zealand, including buggy jumping, white water rafting, jet boating, skiing, fishing, hunting or other outdoor pursuits. The tour is f'ully escorted by Vince Beckett, the Event Director of New Zealand's longest Off Road race, the Bridgestone 1000, and will include all transportation, Pit Passes, accommodation and transfers. Additional stop overs in Australia's Sydney or Melbourne, or New Zealand's Auckland or Christchurch can be built into the tour package. Passes for the qualifying, race day and awards banquet are included, and visits to behind the scenes areas of the race.that are normally off limits to spectators have been arranged. The cost of the eight day tour is$ 1400 US. Get full details from Ultra-Sport Travel, Phone 011-649-379-2707 or fax 011-649-379-2706 or from their California office by calling Vince Beckett, (619) 287-6356 or fax to (619)583-1851. It is winter down under so it should be a fun trip. WESTERN SHORT COURSE RACERS have a dandy coming up soon, the Ultra Custom Wheels Closed Course Off Road Championship, August 26, 27, 28 opening the 55th annual Antelope Valley Fair in Lancaster, CA. The entry fee·is merely $150, 100% payback, plus $50 for insurance, and eligible classes are Heavy Metal, Mini Metal, 1-2-1600, 5-1600, 5, 10, and Stadium SuperLite. Get details from Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions, 43943 Sierra Highway, Suite G, Lancaster, CA93534 or call (805) 723-1549 or fax (805) 942-4463. THE MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP has a new Public Relations Manager. As most of you know Bob Russo retired on July 1 to get a little well earned rest. His assistant Tony Gardea has been promoted to the position, and he is not a newcomer to stadium racing public relations. He joined MTEG in November 1991 and was later promoted to the position of Publicity Coordinator, working directly with Russo. A graduate of Chapman College where he majored in Communications and Public Relations, Gardea worked directly with Russo at the events, and in the MTEG offices full time. Now he will be responsible for a myriad of public relations and publicity duties including media relations and interfacing with marketing promotions. Our hearty congrntulations to Tony Gardea, a bright and talented young man. MTEG SALT LAKE CITY -Round 6 of the stadium series happened in a new place, Rice Stadium in Salt Lake City, but a lot of names in the winners circle were familiar. Rod Millen won the ON Sport Truck main event for Toyota, followed by teammate Ivan Stewart, and champion biker Jeff Ward now driving for Dodge. Tommy Croft, followed by Jeep mate Cory Withetill was tops in Sport Utility class, and Kevin Smith won the Super 1600 battle over Jerry Whelchel. Greg George increased his points lead in SuperLites with the main event win over teammate Rennie Awana. Doug Eichner took top spot in 4-Wheel ATV action, while Brian Manley topped the UltraCross Motorcycles on a Kawasaki. Watch for the full report and pictures next month. CASH CONTNGENCY FROM TRICK GAS - Trick Racing gas has announced a new cash contingency program for SCORE teams and individual racers using Trick Racing Gas, starting with the SCORE Baja 500 last June. "Trick Racing wants to provide its customers with another way to offset the rising cost of racing." said Trick Racing Vice President, Kerry Rauch. "Our goal is to offer something different and we're sure that a cash program is better for the racers and SCORE." In the past Trick has offered product only contingencies. The new cash program provides more flexibility for winners and the company hopes that it will also enhance product sales. Eight SCORE racing classes are eligible for Trick cash. Four wheel vehicle classes include Class 1, 1-2-1600, 5, Class 8, 10 and Stock Mini truck. Bike classes include Class 21 and 22. Winners in Class 1 and Class 8 will take home $500 in Trick <;:ash. Racers must use Trick Racing Gasoline (leaded or unleaded) exclusively, provide proof of purchase for 55 gallons of Trick Gas for the Baja 500, and display 3x5 Trick decals on both sides of the vehicle and sign up at SCORE contingency. Racers can order for upcoming events by calling toll free 1-800-444-1449. THE FIN AL FLAG -We learned late last spring that pioneer off road racer Bill Howard, from Phoenix, had died of a lingering illness. Bill was a giant supporter of racing in Arizona, and was a big help to Walt Lott as he tried to diversify the HORA with events in the Phoenix area. Howard was a very active person, running more than one business, racing in Class 8, and only his family knows the full extent of his heavy schedule. It is to his family and close friends that we offer our condolences, but no doubt Bill and Walt are busy somewhere in the afterlife, bench racing about off roading. THE TEMECULA SUNRISE OFF ROUND CHALLENGE is a joint effort between the Temecula Motorsports Park and the Continental Motorsports Club that will allow motorcycles, quads, buggies and off road trucks to compete at the same race venue. The three race series for 1993 had events in July. August, an.cl September, the July date already finished. The format features the old Riverside style land rush starts and the track is wide enough that even the four wheel vehicles can go two abreast off jumps and through turns. Race Promoter Don Shoemaker says they have incorporated stadium racing and desert racing into the 1.2 mile course and says the track is suitable for all levels of racing. The second event will be August 7 -8 at Sunrise Raceway in Adelanto, CA and number 3 will be back at Temecula during Speed W eek, September 3-6. Call (909) 698-4800 or fax (909) 4804 for details. Dusty nmcs
1993 CLOSED COURSE OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP AUGUST 26, 27 & · 28, 1993 Scherbaum Photographies OPENING THE 55TH. ANNUAL ANTELOPE VALLEY FAIR FOR INFORMATION CONTACT : BOB UTGARD MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS 43943 Sierra Hwy, Suite G · · Lancaster, CA 93534 Phone: (805) 723 - 1549 Fax: (805) 942 - 4463 BFGoodrich rres
1993 Happenings ••• A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34087 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 July 31, 1993 Cinder Mountain 100 Flagstaff, AZ October 9, 1993 Young Classic Chc:rry Creek, AZ October 30, 1993 RLM Conservation Project December 4, 1993 17th Annual Sonoyta to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico AMSA Jim Wehh P.O. Box 26084 Fresno, CA 93726 (209) 439-2114 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 47 Tc:c:nan St. Ferny Hills, Q. 4055, Australia 011 -18-07-851-0444 July 25, 1993 Kempsey New South Wales September 12, 1993 Mount Gamhier South Australia November 7, 1993 Puckapunyal Victoria AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lamh .. rt 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quehec, Canada K7B IHI (514) 434-5792 August 3, 1993 Autodrome, Rive Sud Laprairie, Quebec August 31, 1993 Autodrome, Rive Sud Laprairie, Quebec BAD DOG'S OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN Callaway Fun Inc. 3825 No. Main Clehurne, TX 76031 Barry Don Callaway (817) 645-0003, (817) 641-9985 Gene Peugh ( 817) 790--8268 nights Racing the 3rd Sunday of ench nwnth March thru October BAJA ~ROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calahasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 Golden Crown of Baja Desert Series (cars) July 23-25, 1993 Gran Carrera de Ensenada Ensenada, BC, MX September 24-26, 1993 Gran Carrera de Campeones San Felipe, BC, MX December 10-12, 1993 Mint 400 Desert Challenge 400 Miles Las Vegas, NV BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden. Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. August 21, 1993 Bonneville Challenge Wendover, USA BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R. 3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-I HO (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 4 75-3250 1993 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI54520 (715) 478-2222 September 3-5, 1993 Brush Run IOI Crandon, WI BUMP Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions 43943 Sierra Hwy, #G Lancaster, CA 93534 (805) 723-15'1-9 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison, CRS Director 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 (909) 736-1442 Mike Giheault, SCCA Steward 149 No. R~whide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (6 I 9) 375-8704 July 30-August 1, 1993 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ September 18-19, 1993 Treeline (3) Palmdale, CA October 23-24, 1993 Gorman Ridge (3) Gorman, CA December 4-5, 1993 East of Indio ( 3) Indio, CA CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silha ugh 205 I 5 Whitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 October 16, 1993 Whiskey Springs 300 Central Oregon CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265--8618 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barh Vahsholt:, President (719)531-3642 W _.(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 July 3 I-August 1, 1993 Tentative Race Date Location TBA September 4-5, 1993 Lands End Auto Hill Climh Grand Junction, CO September 25-26, 1993 Buffalo Peaks Auto Hill Climb Buena Vista, CO COLORADO OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Bertram Productions Inc. I 5073 Hwy I I 9 Route #4 Golden, CO 80403 (303) 936-5960 July 11, 1993 1-76 Speedway Ft. Morgan, CO August 8, 1993 I-76 Speedway Ft. Morgan, CO California's largest CUSTOM TRUCK SHOW Sunday, Aug. 1st 10sm-5pm ~3,.::~9-~_":,_..,, ..... ~n"" .,.~~~~ Camlval Atmoaphere • Trucks on Dlaplay _ Food, Music, Games • Bikini Contest Page 6 Truck Hopping • Bed Dancing • Audio Explosion DISCOUNT COUPON Good Aug 1st Only Good lor $1.00 Off One Adult Admission INTER-SHOWS '93 California Truck Jamboree August 29, 1993 1-76 Speedway Ft. Morgan, CO September 12, 1993 1-76 Speedway · Ft. Morgan, CO October 2, 1993 Island Grove Park Greeley, CO CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 958 14 (800) 237-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649, (214) 641 -2090 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Co:umel Drive //1116 Melhourne, FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 July 11, 1993 Sharpes, FL August 8, 1993 'Lakeland, FL September 5, 1993 Tallahassee, FL October 10, 1993 Sharpes, FL November 14, 1993 Lakeland. FL January 9, 1994 Lakeland, FL Febru~ry 13, 1994 Naples, FL March 26, 1994 Florida 400 Talahassee, FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, //2 Chula Vista, CA 9201 I (619) 427-5759 SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES August 7, 1993 Superstition 250 Lake Superstition, CA September 25, 1993 Plaster City Blast Plaster City East, CA October 30, 1993 Squeaky Springs Gran National Lake Superstition, CA December 31, 1993 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA ATV, BIKE& DESERT SUPERLITE SCHEDULE August 21, 1993 Otter Z Night Team Race Plasta City West, CA September 5, 1993 Desert Sprint Plaster City East, CA October 10, 1993 4th Annual Mudhen II Plaster City West, CA November 21, 1993 Notorious Dawg 3 Hour Team Race 1-8 & Dunaway Road, CA December 5, 1993 Rudolph's Rt:veng<' plus Tt:am Race Lake Superstition, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (714) 880-1733 July 25, 1993 MTEG Off Road Races August 22, 1993 MTEG Off RoaJ Races Courses for stadium and desert cars C.all MTEG for complete information GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 ( 404) 253-1033 July 25, 1993 Vienna, GA August 22, 1993 Vienna, GA September 26, 1993 Vimna, GA October 24, 1993 Vienna, GA November 27, 1993 Thanksgiving 250 Vienna, GA August 1993 more Trail Notes ••• THE SRING RUN 101 in Crandon, Wisconsin drew nearly its usual horde of spectators, and a good sized field of 391 racers. Rain had flooded the track, so practice time was limited as the ponds and puddles were pumped off the course on Friday. The two seat Class 11 class was first to tackle the muddy spots Saturday Morning, 25 of them, and the race went to Cory Friday, with Dan Baudoux right behind him. The ten 5-1600 racers were led flag to flag by Mike Brue, then Bill Bowles and Stuart Dahlin all the way from South Dakota. Class 3 was another wire to wire victory for Gerald Foster in his Bronco followed by Milan Mazanec from Bancroft, Ontario. Fay Statezny did his usual winning in Class 6 with buddy Allen Fannin just behind him. There was fierce dicing in Class 9 / 10 but Art Schmitt started on the pole and won the race with Jeff Probst right behind him. Class 7S went to the brilliant drive of Scott Taylor who followed second place Jim Wiggins for some time before making the winning move. Jimmie Crowder in an ex-Taylor Ranger was third. Todd Attig did another flag to flag dash in Class 2-1600 as he won over Greg Smith and they finished nearly side by side with Todd half a car length ahead. Next up were the roaring Class 4 rigs, 17 _strong, and this was a good battle, but hometown favorite Jack Flannery got the lead midway and was first in victory circle followed by Geoff Dorr and Ken Kincaid. Most Class 13s this year have truck bodies but the 2WD modified rigs are still wild on the track. Tom Jensen won the war after Bruce Shilts had problems and Dan Vanden Heuvel was second. The last race of the day was Class l / 2 buggies with high attrition. There were several leaders but at the flag it was Todd Attig with the Alfa engine, then Jeff St. Peter. On Sunday the l-1600s opened the program with Greg Smith and Todd Attig dicing for the lead, and this time Smith won, Attig was second. A dozen Class 8s were on the line including Walker Evans jetting in from Salt Lake City. Evans led early on, but Jack Flannery kept him in sight. Evans overheated and was second at the flag behind Jack Flannery. The single seat Class 11 s rounded out the class races with two dozen ready to go. This round Keith Berard bested Dan Baudoux for the win but not by much. The Challenge races began with Rear Engine Limited cars and Greg Smith taking his second win of the day with Todd Attig a car length behind. The Class 6 & 7 Challenge was a real battle between Fay Statezny and Scott Taylor, but the Class 6 rolled and Taylor won in the Ranger followed by Tom Hockers and Jimmie Crowder. Don Ponder came from St. Louis to win the Rear Engine Unlimited Challenge, followed by Scott Schwalbe. Geoff Dorr, 4x4, took the early lead in the big iron Production Challenge. Then Jack Flannery, 4x4 led, but Walker Evans got the 2WD Dodge out in front and stayed there to win the Challenge race with Greg Gerlach placing second. Dan Vanden Heuvel won the non-production Heavy Metal Challenge followed by Jimmie Crowder, then Scott Taylor in his 7S Ford. A staggered start for the ladies races in rear engine classes, limited ( Class 11) and Unlimited. In Unlimited Rhonda Smith took the lead early in the game and won easily over Tracy Crump as four of the eight finished eight laps. Karen Christensen did the same in Class 11 and Paula Parsons was the only one of 11 on the same lap at -the flag. Sheri Parsons borrowed Jack Flannery's Class 8 for the Ladies Heavy Metal bash, and she and Gail Brand had a real battle until Gail dropped out and Robin Schultz took second. LATE FLASH FROM THE SCORE FIREWORKS 250 -Rob MacCachren won overall at Barstow by 24 seconds over Paul and Dave Simon who won Class 1. Brent Grizzle and Mike Davis won Class 1-2-1600 by 53 seconds and Dan Smith won Class 3 by 44 minutes. Jerry McDonald won Class 4 by nearly an hour, and Greg Diehl and Tony Kujala won Class5 by well over an hour. Class 5-1600 went to Mike Kalicki and Randy Cochrane by just 12 minutes. John Swift took Class 6 by two and a half hours and Scott Douglas won Class 7 by nearly two hours. Class 7S went to Darren and Doug York by an hour and MacCachren had a 26 minute lead in Class 8. Class 9 went to Barstow's Rick Johnson who iron manned it on a hot day and Brian Parkhouse and Willie Melancon won Class 10 by a skinny four minutes. Peter Rosenstein got his lap in to win Class 11 while Gordon DiCarlo won Class Stock Full size truck by well over an hour. Larry Carpenter won Class Stock Mini Truck. RENO/ PYRAMID 300 - Save the weekend of August 21 for a new desert race, independent of any organization in the west, The Rod Hall Invitational Reno/Pyramid 300. Rod is inviting all drivers of trucks, buggies, motorcycles and quads to come and compete for cash and trophies on August 21. Sponsored by Rancho Suspension, the Reno/Pyramid 300 will be held on the Pyramid Lake Pauite Tribe's reservation, which surrounds the lake and is located 30 miles northeast of Reno, Nevada. "This looks like a step into the future of Off Road racing to me," Hall said as he described the locale of the race, with the opportunity to have spectator viewing for thousands of people, where they can literally watch most of the race. Pyramid Lake is one of the great tourist attractions of northern Nevada and is known for its world class fishing. As well as being close to Reno, Pyramid is about 60 miles from its sister lake, Tahoe, on the Nevada/California border. The lakes have in common the famous Truckee River which flows through Reno. The Truckee is the only river in the world which drains one lake, Tahoe and feeds another, Pyramid. Major sponsors along with Rancho Suspension are BFGoodrich, California Almond Growers, Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority, Morrey Distributing (Budweiser), Rod Hall Racing Lights and AM General Hummer. The race schedule calls for all SCORE desert classes, including bikes and quads who will run 100 of the 300 miles for the other classes. Race week starts with prerunning August 16-19, a Contingency Parade through downtown Reno on Friday August 20, race day Saturday August 21, and awards brunch on Sunday. do check the two page centerspread ad in this issue for details. (All events at Vienna, GA) GREAT PLANES OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA Mike Johnson, President 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE68144-l 122 ( 402) 333-05 I 7 Eve. July 10, 1993 August 7, 1993 August 21-, 1993 (all races at Westfair Fair Grounds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¾ mile course similar to the MTEG tracks, and run under class regulations from SODA) GRR Golden Rule Racing P.O. Box 40211 Phoenix, AZ 85067 ( 602) 263-5329 HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Harvey Wald (605) 224-6678 days (605) 224-5534 evenings IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) ~ Dusty Timcs
INTER-SHOWS. MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 465 Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 Bob (604) 374-7175 days Randy(604)579-9621 eves Keith (604) 828-1795 anytime July 11, 1993 Short Course Mudbog Motorsport Facility Kamloops, BC Canada September 19, 1993 Kamloops 400 km Kamloops, BC Canada October 3, 1993 Lacdubois ATV Area Kamloops, BC Canada October 16, 1993 2 /3 mile Short Course Lilooet Motorsport Park Kamloops, BC Canada ( All events start 7 miles NW of Kamloops)' LA RANA DESERT RACING 22769 Chambray Dr. Moreno Valley, CA 92387 (909) 924-2226 July 24, 1993 Womans Only Race Barstow, CA e August 27-29, 1993 Johnson Valley 200 Lucerne Valley CA October 22-24, 1993 California 200 Ridgecrest, CA November 18-20, 1993 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (517)627-6200 July 24, 1993 Fowlerville, MI July 25, 1993 Caro, MI July 29, 1993 Holland, MI August 1, 1993 Mason, MI August 5, 1993 Sandusky, MI August 10, 1993 Mt. Pleasant, MI August 24, 1993 Kalama:oo, Ml MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD ST ADI UM SERIES Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 •• IS . ' n . ' '-" ...... In ... CENTER LINE - -RACING WHEELS• THE STRONGEST OFF-ROAD WHEEL MONEY CAN BUY! 'FAT Performance has in stock the largest inventory of 5-lug VVv CENTER LINE wheels in the country. Whether you need wheels with polished or satin finish, FAT has them in all popular styles. Need them in a hurry? FAT can ship the same day as ordered ... and with the best . price in the industry. FAT can also supply your CENTER LINES with Champion bead locks. Buying a set of CENTER LINES can be exceedingly easy with . FAT Performance. We do all the legwork. Call for current pricing. Quantity discounts are·also available. FAT IS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR VW, PORSCHE AND TOYOTA OFF-ROAD ~NGINES AND PARTS. FAT Racing Parts Bilstein Shocks Sway-A-Way Perma-Coal S&Sl-leaders WeberCarbs IPF Lights JaMar Products Page 8 Wright Place Tri-Mil Exhaust Gem Gears Beard Seats • Simpson Safety Super-Trapp Yokohama Tires Petro-Tech 2000 PERFORMANCE For your FAT Perfonnance calalog, send $510 Dept. GW, 1558 No. Cose St., Orange, CA 92667. or can (714)637.2889. FAX(714) 637-7352 1 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4100 September 11, 1993 Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV October 9, 1993 Mile High Stadium Denver, CO November 6, 1993 Candlestick Park San Francisco, CA November 20, 1993 Awards Banquet TBA MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION David Cronin, President. MAORA 2590 Mullanphy Florissant, MO 63031 (618) 765-2199 August 7, 1993 One day race program September 11, 1993 One day race program October 9, 1993 One day race program All events at Okaw Valley Campground Shelbyville, IL (Additional track dates may be added) NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION 11842 Jason Court Madera, CA 93638 (209) 486-45901(209) 266-5558 August 22, 1993 Johnson, VT September 12, 1993 Johnson, VT October 3, 1993 Johnson, VT OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 September 17-19, 1993 Kern River Jamboree Kernville/ Lake Isabella, CA OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasque: 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-97671(915) 855-9767 ONT ARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Jeff Sargent 1480 Lakeridge Rd. N Ajax, Ontario, Canada (416) 427-4782 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 July 30-August 1, 1993 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ August 27-29, 1993 Ojibwe Forests Pro Rally* Birnidji, MN September 17-19, 1993 Bangor Forest Rally Bangor, ME October 1-3, 1993 Gold Rush Divisional Westcliffe, CO October 22-24, 1993 Press On Regardless* Houghton, Ml December 3-5, 1993 Maine Forest Rally* Rumford, ME *Part of the Narth American Rally Championship SCORE Score International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 August 6-8, 1993 Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV August 1993 November 12-14, 1993 August 7, 1993 Baja 1000 Motocross/Stadium Off Road cars Ensenada, BC, MX August 22, 1993 November 19, 1993 Ventura County Fair Off Roadsrnan and Awards Banquet Motorsports Gold Coast Hotel & Casino September 18, 1993 Las Vegas, NV Motocross/ Stadium Off Road cars SCORE SHOW October 16, 1993 Mickey Thompson Motocross/ Stadium Off Road cars Entertainment Group November 20, 1993 Torn Lewis Motocross/Stadium Off Road cars P.O. Box 25148 VORRA Anaheim, CA 92825 Valley Off Road Racing Association (714) 938-4155 1833 Los Robles Blvd. S.C.T.A. Sacramento, CA 95838 Southern California (916) 925-1702 Timing Association July 30-31, August l, 1993 El ice Simonis Tucker Fallon 250 at Night 22048 Vivienda Ave. Fallon, NV Grand Terrace, CA 92324 September 4-6, 1993 (714) 783-8293 YeringtonlVORRA 250 SNORE Yerington, NV Southern Nevada Off October 16-17, 1993 Road Enthusiasts VORRAI All Pro Auto Parts P.O. Box 4394 Off Road Championship Race Las Vegas, NV 89106 Prairie City SVRA Park (702) 452-4522 Sacramento, CA July 24-25, 1993 WESTERN OFF ROAD Midnight Special RACING ASSOCIATION Las Vegas, NV Ron {Rocky) Weinstein, President September 17-19, 1993 Box 246 - 106 - 1656 Martin Dr. SNORE 250 White Rock, B.C. V4A 6E7 Las Vegas, NV (604) 582-3338 October 29-31, 1993 WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 Double Trouble Sumas, WA 98295 Las Vegas, NV July 11, 1993 December 3-5, 1993 Interior Short Course Eldorado Valley 250 Karnloops, BC Canada Las Vegas, NV July 31, 1993 Hannegan Short Course SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD Bellingham, WA DRIVER8_ASSOCIA TION August 14, 1993 Terry Wolfe Hannegan Short Course 7839 W. North Avenue Bellingham, WA Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA/(414) 257-0422 August 28, 1993 July 9-11, 1993 Hannegan Short Course Fox Riverfest Challenge Bellingham, WA Luxemburg, WI September 19, 1993 July 23-25, 1993 Interior Long Course Karnloops, BC Canada UP Off Road 100 October 3, 1993 Bark River, Ml Interior Enduro August 20-22, 1993 Kamloops, BC Canada Great Northern Challenge Lake Odessa, MI October 16, 1993 September 3-5, 1993 Lillooet Short Course Season Finale -lights Mandatory True Value World Championships Lillooet, BC Canada Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS September 17-19, 1993 2939 E. Grovers Wisconsin Off Road Festival Phoenix, AZ 85032 Oshkosh, WI (602) 971-3730 ( All events at Thrasherland, October l-3, 1993 z 17th Ave. & Glendale in Phoenix, AZ) Blackhawk Farms South Beloit, IL WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL SWORDS Terry or Bev Friday South West Off Road Racing 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Desert Series Oskosh, WI 54901 4209 So. CR 1300 (414) 688-5509 Odessa, TX 79765 September 18-19, 1993 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 Wisconsin Off Road Festival August 6-8, 1993 Winebago Co. Expo. Centre Oshkosh, WI 4th Annual Rock N' Roll 250 FIA WORLD RALLY September 11, 1993 CHAMPIONSHIP Nightmare 150 October 16, 1993 July 14-17, 1993 Rally Argentina Swords 150 Buenos Aires, Argentina All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa, TX August 4-8, 1993 New Zealand Rally TORA Auckland, New Zealand Truck Racing Association August 25-29, 1993 Ray Carney, Director 1000 Lakes Rally 7 Prutell Drive Jyvaskya, Finland Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 September 18-20, 1993 Rally Australia UORRA Perth, Australia United Off Road Racing Association October 10-14, 1993 Dave Urbanowic:, President Rally de Italia 589 Amwell Road Sanrerno, Italy Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 November 1-4, 1993 Rally of Spain July 17-18, 1993 Catalunya, Spain August 21-22, 1993 November 21-25, 1993 September 25-26, 1993 RAC Rally October 16-17, 1993 Nottingham, England (all events at Owego Motor Sports Park, ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS Rte. 434, Owebo, NY) List )'OUT coming events in DUSTY VENTURA RACEWAY TIMES free! Send )'OUT 1993 schedule as Business Office soon as possible far listing in this column. 2810 W. Wooley Road Mail your race or rally schedule to: Oxnard, CA 93030 DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., (805) 656-1122 Chatsworth, CA 913 I 1-44o8. Dusty Times
GREAT NORTHERN CHALLENGE At The 'PEEDIURY --------.___.--------™ AUGUST 21 - 22, 1993 (Racing Starts at 11 :30 a.m.) COMPETITOR INFORMATION Deadline for Pre-Drawing - Midnight August 7th MEDIA DAY - Friday, August 20th -9:00 a.m. - 11 :30 a.m. TECH & REGISTRATION - August 21/22 -7:00 a.m. - 11 :00 a.m. :-:-:•:-. .. »:-:ff'.~~ HYDRA•MATIC MOTORSFCMTS @penhagen/SKOAl RACINGSM BFGaadrich· ------r.r, [!JQJ][/llil/J Hbrfd Seri.es OJ Off-RDCJd Racing ~ 8alle1ies ~CHEVROLET OFFICIAL S.O.D.A. SPONSORS· SPECTATOR INFORMATION Gates Open Daily -10:00 a.m. 17 Classes Run Over 2-Day Event On-Site Concessions "Rain or Shine" *Friday Night -All-Star Sprints IMCA & Prostocks Racing on the 1 /2 Mile Track For More Information - Contact: Bob Moon - 915 S. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48103 Phone: (313) 665-0358 -FAX# (313) 668-8886 Dir~ctions to 1-96 Speedway 1-96 is located just south of Interstate 96 at Lake Odessa Exit #64, Between Grand Rapids and Lansing, Michigan
McGrath Wins Supercross Championship At The Rose Bowl vincing fashion. McGrath got the holeshot at the event and ran away. When McGrath crossed the finish line he was 1 7 seconds ahead of Mike Kiedrowski and had lapped up to 10th place of the starting grid. McGrath's team-mate and current champ Jeff ;::---::-:--=:;====:;;---~-:---:-::;==:=--::==~-Stanton had second until Kied-win the first Semi. Denny Stephenson crossed over behind Swink and Guy Cooper, Mike Larocco and Jeremy Buehl also transfered to the main. Doug Henry won the second Semi after placing sixth in the second heat race. E:ra Lusk crossed over second and Eric Kehoe, Cliff Palmer and Rich Taylor also transferred. rowski passed him on the next to last lap. Fourth was Honda rider Steve Lamson and Mike Larocco was fifth. Coming into the event Kied-rowski was McGrath's main concern since Kiedrowski was second in the points battle. Should Kiedrowski win, McGrath would have only two events left to clinch the title. Things didn't start @ out good for McGrath as he was I third off the line in his heat race. Ezra Lusk had the holeshot and Jeff Stanton was second. McGrath was sandwiched between the Japanese rider Kohji Ohkawara won his first Supercross victory in the Last Chance qualifier. Ohkawara finished 14th in the first heat and came back to place seventh in the first semi before earning his transfer spot. Ohkawara then came back to place 20th in the main. El Cajon's Mike Craig was not at the Rose Bowl. The Team Kawasaki rider suffered a broken left ankle when he landed wrong off the triple during Friday's practice. Craig hopes to be back in action by the San Jose or Las Vegas final. ~ Jeremy McGrath's 250 championship came on his rookie year in the Super-cross National Series, having domin-ated the west coast series in the 125 class for two years. Looks like Honda made a super good choice! Supercross series held in Pasa-dena's Rose Bowl stadium. This year was McGrath's Rookie year for 250 Supercross racing. McGrath was signed to ride the coveted 250 class by Honda after dominating the 125 West Coast Supercross series as a privateer in 1991 and 1992. Beginning next year he can turn in Jeremy McGrath displays the winning style that brought him the 1993 his # 15 for the # 1 plate after a Supercross championship long before the series was over for the year, taking spectacular season of winning the title on his Honda and a 100,000 check at the Rose Bowl. nine of the 14 Supercross events On May 15, while riding his red champion. McGrath secured the so far this year. One of these was #15Honda250,JeremyMcGrath title and a check for $100,000 the 250 main event at the Rosl" hecame the 1993 Supercross. during round 14 of the Camel. Bowl where he won with con-Page 10 ..ARE nnI1,r1I 111\11 ,1, other Honda rider Steve Lamson. The Honda Bridgade helped McGrath gather the momentum so it didn't take him long to take the lead and go on for the win. Jeff Emig pulled his Yamaha into second but wasn't close enough to challenge for the lead. During the heat, Jeff Matiasevich fell and was taken to the hospital with a neck injury which was not thought serious. Damon Bradshaw was a real " Beast from the East" in the first 250 heat race and showed Mike Kiedrowski the fast line around the Rose Bowl. Larry Brooks gave Bradshaw a run early in the heat but fell back to fourth and was 16th in the main. Brian Swink had finished fifth in the first heat then came back to Damon Huffman piloted his Su:uki to a double victory at the Rose Bowl. Huffman won his 125 Supercross heat race and backed that win with a flawless ride in the · main. Huffman was third off the line but moved to second on lap two. Huffman found an opening on the fifth lap to put Phil Lawrence back to the second spot. Current points leader Jimmy Gaddis finished third ahead of Ryan Hughes. James Dobb was fifth. Phil Lawrence won the second heat race with Kyle Lewis trailing. Billy Mercier won the Last Chance qualifier after a 12th plan· finish in the second heat. · Be it our race team, sales team, or service team . . . at Fiesta Ford we're all driven by excellence. We race what we sell and sell what we race, so we know what it takes to keep your vehicle in top form. Not only will you get the best parts and service available anywhere, but Fiesta Ford will give racers special discounts on parts and major fleet pricing incentives on cars and trucks. Fiesta Ford . . . your off-road racing connection. ~ N•ME 83-407 HWY 111, IN0/0, CA 92201 (619) 347-1234 Dusy Times
TECATE SCORE BAJA 500 By Judy Smith And The Winner Is ••• Who Else! ••• Ivan Stewart Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. The surprise of the night was Rick 'Johnson winning Class 8 in the older Chevy. The former motocross star had never been to Baja before, never driven a full size truck before, and he was fifth overall in a super drive. - · altitude was pretty high, there was . was second, and Walker Evans . something called sleet, or snow by . had brought his Dodge up to third various observe rs. D own at place, with Jason Baldwin, in a Trinidad the rain settled in at Porsche Chenowth, in fourth, about 7 p.m., and it got to the after repairs to his rear brakes, beach at about the same time, so and Simon was fifth. The course the entire bottom end of the was proving to be as tough as course, which they had thought expected, or even tougher. Ivan would be so easy, was wet and had predicted a time of two and a cold and muddy and slippery for half hours to two hours and forty most of the finishers. five minutes for himself around The unlimited Class 1 cars were the loop, and it had actually taken .first off the line, and right in front him three hours and 40 minutes ,., it was Jerry· Whelchel in the V6 for the 177 miles. ¼, Pontiac powered Raceco, with the After completing their second Ivan Stewart proved the Toyota to be a good, fast mudder, as he dashed to his third Baja 500 victory in a row, and his automatic transmission, that loop the racers headed down the 12th, over the years. He got out front early, stayed there and celebrated his birthday with the win. belongs to Carlton Post. Whel-highway, on the pavement for 33 Ivan Stewart made it his third outskirts ofOjos Negros, and the . blocks made of limited class cars. chel had installed a turning brake miles, before diving off into the overall Baja 500 win in a row, finish line. that had become mired, and they-that morning, and he was ready. dirt at Valle Trinidad. At that when he hustled his Toyota to But the already difficult road were right. Race teams signed up Right behind him was Bob point Ivan had a little over five Victory Circle in front of from Santo Tomas to Ojos had third drivers in some cases, and a Gordon in his Type IV powered minutes on Evans, and he was 13 everyone else at the tough and deteriorated so badly that fewteamsdecidedtheydidn'tlike Chenowth, and he had Paul minutesinfrontofDaveSimon, rainy SCORE event. With entries SCORE decided to leave it out. this race, and decided to pull out. Simon on his tail, in his big Ford who'd taken over for Paul. In back up a bit from last year, there That put the finish line in Santo It was a real off road race. truck. Gordon had pre-run the fourth it was Baldwin, who'd lost were some strong challengers for Tomas, 29 miles south of Ensen-All the pre race festivities took first few miles carefully, and he about 15 minutes when some the overall win, but Stewart has at ada, in the big wash behind the place in Ensenada, with con ting-had it figured that he'd get bolts fell out of his rack, and Pat least 20 years of experience racing campground, which proved to be ency on the road near the Whelchel (except he hadn't really Dean, in a Porsche Chenowth, in the Baja 500, and has scored 12 one of the better finish lines Convention Center and the La expected it to be Whelchel in that who'd thought the course was wins in the springtime event in a SCORE has been privileged to Pinta hotel. The weather was car) or whoever drove the "terrible", was fifth. Gordon's variety of classes, making him the enjoy in recent years. beautiful, with gentle bree;:es and number 102 car, when they co-driver, Butch Arciero, had got odds-on favorite any time he warm sunshine , after early slowed for the firs t water into a tum a little too hot, and takes the green flag south of the Another chunk of road, from morning mist and fog. Typical crossing. He, Bob, would just gas gone way off the road, and ended b d near Santa Catarina to near Valle d h d I b h d 1 or er. June Baja weather. Hundreds of it an y rop ane across, ecause up perc e precarious y some-A couple of weeks before the Trinidad was deleted a few days racers and their crews enjoyed the it was one of the few wide spots. how where they needed a tow to race, when prerunners started to before the race, and that knocked Friday night BFGoodrich barbe-Whelchel 's years of stadium get back to the course. It was a trickle back home, the word the total mileage down to 437 ·2· cue outdoors at Estero Beach, racing must have paid off, because couple of hours before someone spread that the course was really The top loop was run twice, to the where it started to cool off Gordon had still not got past him with a tow strap came by and difficult. A late rainstorm had dismay of some racers who'd dramatically after dark, and a at Mile 65. helped them. Of course, right off worsened some roads already looked forward to a nice, smooth, brisk wind came up. People began Whelchel was in front, on the the hat the Simo n truck had badly d amaged b y the winter old-fashioned Baja 5oo, and then to wonder about the storm road, and on elapsed time, with a stopped to check on them , and rains, and there were tales of the run from Trinidad to Santo comingdownfromthenorth,but lead of about two minutes. would have towed them out if people needing four days to travel T omas was expected to get them in general, expected continued Gordon was still behind him, but they'd had a strap tied to the 50 miles, or of veteran racers to the finish line with no pain, no dry weather for race day. he'd managed to hold off Simon, bumper, but Butch thought thev who'd had to turn back due to the strain. They didn't plan for rain. And it was dry, or as dry as which he hadn 'tthought he could didn't have one. He didn't know it bad conditions. The course had Up at the top of the course early morning in Baja can get, with do for long. Yet it was Stewart was neatlv mounted on the chassis been designed to start and finish there was a narrow, twisty, dusty a mist burning off by mid who'd started fifth, and was now under the hood. at Ojos Negros, with a double road,withlotsofwashouts,trees, morning. Up at the top of the fourth on the road, who ran Stewart, his wrists tired from loop up in the north, taking racers big shrubs and rocks. There were loop the bikers, who started a second, while Simon was third the constant "back and forth" nearly to the Tijuana/ Mexicali many water crossings, and narrow couple of hours earlier than the and Gor,lon fourth, and Doug driving of the top loops, was highway. Then there was a hunk places where a stalled car would cars and trucks, found it was Fortin was fifth, in his Chevy dealing with a dead mike, and he of familiar old course, a jog across jam up the works. It was impos-actually sprinkling, and pit crews truck. had to send replies to his pit the pavement, and into Valle sible to pass for much of its reported that they kept bonfires Simon had some ignition crew's radio queries by bleeping Trinidad before turning out length. This was the part they had burning all day long in order to problems, and Whelchel simply once for "no" and twice for through the grapevines, to the to run twice ( except for Class 11, stay warm. The early morning disappeared somewhere down the " yes". He had some shifter beach, and north into Santo Stock-Mini and Stock-Full cars). dri::le dried up and the day was road, and Stewart had moved to problems, and one wonders how Tomas. From there the course The faster cars fully expected that clear for a while, but about supper the front of the pack, with a four he'd explain chat with bleeps. wouldwindbackuptowardsTres when they came around the time it started to rain, and up at _minute lead by the time he got .He'dbeenstuckonce,butstillgot Herma nos, and then into the second time they'd find road-the northernmost part, where the back around to Mile 65. Gordon to the finish line first, and got out -~ .,,.., Walker Evans hits one of a Zillion water crossings on course, but the Class 1 Dodge was trusty; only a late flat kept Walker from contesting overall, but he finished second overall and in Class 1. Page 11 Paul and Dave Simon dropped a few positions on the mud loop, got most of them back and the big Ford arrived a very close third overall and third in Class 1. August 1993 J(~ Larry Ragland wasn't far behind his winning teammate bringing the later model Chevy home second in Class 8, eighth overall, losing time with a broken steering system. Dusty Times
f ...... ❖:' ,;;, :,;,:., Rob MacCachren gets a thumbs up as here he had a good lead in Class 8, but in sight of the finish he had to change a rear end just to get there, third in class and still tenth overall. Tom Schilling and John Marking had the Jimco tied for the Class 10 lead early in the going, but electrical trouble slowed them to finish second, 16th 0 /A. Jack Johnson lost the steering in his Class 7 Ford, but got fixed and got help getting through the mud and brought the truck home a good second in class. of the car soaked and muddy, hut grinning happily, celebrating his ---48th hirthday one day late with thl' overall win. The Simon truck was nt:xt to show up, no fenders . ;,: ;:;;:. 1/· on it at all, hut otherwise healthy, and not sure if Evans would get thl'rl' soon L'nough to hump them to third. Which he did. He'd come around a turn near tht: l'nd of the course, and nearly collided head on with a local's truck. As he slid hy he sliced a tire on the truck's humper, and lost a few minutes replacing it with his spare. Still, he was quick enough to make it to the finish line in time to gl't second place, putting the Simons into third, about three minutes heh ind him. Baldwin was fourth a half hour later, and a wet and chilll'd Dean finished fifth, the first to report'rain for the last thirty or forty miles. Scott Douglas had some husky competition in Class 7, but he stayed with the leaders. and had the Ford in the lead all the way from Trinidad to win by over an hour and olace ninth overall. · Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson are the team to beat in Class 10, and no one did. They had to fight for it in the early legs, but won by 40 minutes and finished 12th overall in the Chenowth. Class 8 had a tight five way hattle at the front for the early part of the day, hut they couldn't do much passing either. When they went through Mile 65, it was , Larry Ragland in front, and he had a lead of a minute on Brian Stewart in his Dodge. In third it was Roh MacCachren in his Ford, followed hy Frank Vessels in his Ford, and then Danny Beaver, in fifth, in still another Ford. But Beaver was destined not to complete another loop. spectator truck gave. him a tow to the top of the hill, and he coasted down, down, to the pavement and across, and rolled to a stop just short of the finish line. His crew hustled in to change the rear end, hut meanwhile, Johnson motored on. He did the almost unthink-able, and won C lass 8 in his first ride in a hig truck. When Ragh;nd finished second about 15 minutes later, Johnson was properly sympathetic, hut allowed as how . he figured Chevy wouldn't mind having a first and second place in Baja. MacCachren was repaired in time to take third place, and Bryan, still not well, finished fourth, while Vessels, who had seriously expected snow at one . point, had surmounted prohlcms with water, his electrical system, his battery, and a non-working radio, to finish fifth, very late. He was still celehrating the birth of his new son, Frank Christian Vessels, Jr., ( to he called "Colt"). only a few days before the race . The other four continued their tight hattle, switching positions, " and sta ying in sight of one another much of the time. When they got hack to Mile 65, MacCachren was . . PIAA in front, and Ragland was second, three minutes later, while Rick Johnson, who was driving a twin to Ragland's Chevy, was third. He'd had some early electrical prohlem that caused his truck to stall, hut it had been repaired, and he was running well now, racing in Baja for his first time, and driving a big truck ·for the first time. Vessels, who'd heen stuck hehind another stuck vehicle for a while, was fourth, and David Bryan, in a Ford, was struggling with a dose of T urista, or flu, and held fifth place. Ragland and MacCachren continued to stay close, switching. the lead back and forth, and by Ragland's estimate, generally within 30 seconds of each other. When they went through Valle Trinidad MacCachren had the lead, but Ragland was second, two minutes back on our timer's watch. Johnson was still third, 25 minutes later, with Vessels fourth and Bryan fifth. And hy now there were no other trucks running. Still the duel for the lead continued, but when they wer~ within 15 miles of the finish line, Ragland dropped out with a broken steering hox. MacCachren charged on, only to lose a ring and pinion about two miles before the finish, just before the last hill. A Dusty nmes . CEIITERLINE WHEELS ~Al. HALOIMJII &..AaP ff8Jmlll · 1-s,-M-,s-0-NI CHENOWTH DIRTBAGZ "BRAND NEW FOR Cl.ASS 1 or CLASS 10 BUGGIES" ULTRA CUSTOM WHEELS TRI-MIL EXHAUST SYSTEMS 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $59.95 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME ...................... $91.00 15 X 3 5 LUG ................................... $75.00 11/2 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $59.95 15 x 7 5 LUG ................................... $80.00 11/2TYPE1 CHROME ...................... $91.00 ~p I AA LIGHTS 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $67.00 ~ 1 5;5 TYPE 1 CHROME ...................... $97.95 DRIVING LIGHTS f:'R W/WIRING ... $221.00 KENNEDY CLUTCHES SPOT LIGHT PR W/WIRING $221.00 200 mm DISC 4-PUCK ...................... $48.00 · DRIVING/SPCT/PENCIL LIGHTS.. $ 88.00 200 mm 1700 PRESSURE PLATE.. ... $85.00 ,· . 200 mm 2500 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $103.95 * EARLY OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELT 2' ............................. $23.95 LAP BELT 3' ...................................... $58.95 SHOULDER BELT 3' .......................... $46.80 SHOULDER BELT WI STERNUM STRAP .... $72.95 'A MUST FOR COMPETITION USE' E-Z UP TENT 10' X 15' ......................................... $499.00 PHONE (702) 871-4911 FAX 702) 876-0873 . . . - . . PARKER PUMPER 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WITH BUILT IN HANDLE TO POUR ... $62.95 SCRIBNER JUGS 5 GALLON JUGS WHITE & BLUE.. ............................. $18.95 NEON COLORS ............................... $22.95 FILLER HOSE FOR JUGS (SCREW IN LID SlYLE).$3.95 CHENOWTH .. CLASS 11 CAGE ........................... $154.95 QUICK RELEASE STEERING HUB ... $32.95 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89102 _ · -:,: I'll • ; • • -August 1993 CNC HYDRAULIC SINGLE or DUAL HANDLE CUT BRAKES ................... $74.95 SAND RAIL PEDAL PACKAGE W/ CHROME THROTTLE PEDAL..$189.00 ADJ. PEDAL MOUNT... ................... $33.95 UMP SUPER FILTER UMP SUPER FILTER ................... $159.95 UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX ...... $109.00 WORTH DRIVING SUITS 1 LAYER HORA/SCORE LEGAL W/ RED or BLUE STRIPE.. ............ $87.95 ~ .()NtheEDGE Graphic: Art and Design T-SHIRTS & STICKERS OPEN 6 DA VS, MON-FRI 8AM -5PM. SAT 9AM-2PM . --Page 13
.. Greg Diehl and Tony Kujala had front end breakage on the second loop, but got repairs and carried on in the cold and wet to second in Class 5. Mike Julson went all the way in the driver's seat in the 1-2-1600 Jimco, also got stuck in the mud, and Mike was second in the close class finish. Kevin Davis was the early leader in Class 1-2-1600, but had mud in his eyes and dropped time in the Lothringer, but he went on to finish third in class. Class 4 turned into a survival exercise, and while Jerry McDonald lost his steering early, he got the Chevy repaired, pushed on after three hours and won Class 4, the only finisher. Cbss 10 took off next, and Bill Hernquist had the lead at Mile65,. in his Jimco, with just two minutes on Dave Richardson in Steve Sourapas's Chenowth. Ryan Thomas had his Chenowth in third place, followed hy George Erl in his Raceco, and then Tom Schilling in his new Jimco. They were very close to one another, along with Kyle and Joel Whitted in their J imco, who ran sixth. But hy the second time they got to Mile 65, things had thinned out. Richardson and Schilling were on the same minute, tied for the lead, with Hernquist in third place, now about seven minutes. hack. Erl was another 26 minutes behind him in fourth place, and Thomas ran fifth. The Whitteds were gone, and so were most of the others in the class. When they got down to Valle Trinidnd, there were even less of them still running, nnd it was Sourapas, now at the wheel, in the lead, while Schilling's co-driver, John Marking ran second ( though actually first on the rond), and having some recurring electrical problem. In third itwnsThomas's co-driver, Mini Mag ace, Charlie Townsley, while Erl was fourth and now Ray Croll and Tom Rhodes, in a Jimco, who'd been. ·The Off-Roader's Choice· Page 14 • E-Z UP"" INSTANT SHELTERS Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter in less than 60 seconds! NO missing parts NO center poles NO ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics Instant Pit Shelter La Rana Co_ntingency Sponsor SCORE Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Au1horlzed Dealer CASTEX RENTALS~ INC. 1044N. Cole Ave. Los An_geles, CA 90038 . CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 emhankment. He lost ahout three hours. When they had gone around the loop nnd hack to Mile 65, Shapiro and Salmont had the lead, with ahout three and a half hours on McDonald, and Ashley was out. The Pikes ran third still, ahout 18 minutes bter. Down at Valle Trinidad McDonald was nil hy himself, although he didn't reali:e it until he'd got to the finish line. He enjoyed a real come from hehind win, and was the only finisher in the class. , v..-,.:.,;~,;-; M<,,.;:;i:: .,,. The familiar name of Mears was hack in the Class 7 lineup for this race, hut the Nissan said Roger' Mears, Jr. on the door. Dad was part of the pit crew. Scott Douglas put his Ford into the lead, with ahout a half minute on Jack Johnson, in another Ford, at the Mile 65 pits. Mears had got stuck behind a Class 8 truck that was in trouble, and lost some time, hut was third, while Brendan Gaug-han, who'd rolled his Dodge twice in the first seven miles, ran fourth, 32 minutes later. In Class 5 some favorites faded early, and Conrad Diaz Jr., with Louis Varragon driving relief, kept his bug moving, got stuck a few times but came home first by almost two hours in the nasty conditions. ,,, -i=J:. ) Flying high past the pines John Swift reported no troubles with his Class 6 Ford Explorer and led the class all the way, finishing 11th overall and he was the only Class 6 to finish in the time allowance. Douglas had taken a few minutes to bleed his brakes because they'd heen locking up enrly in the morning, hut then he had a smooth run, and had a lead of a little over an hour on Johnson, who'd lost a steering box, hy the next time through Mile 65. Mears was third, just seven minutes later, and then came Gaughan, who'd been stuck a few times, in fourth. At Valle Trinidad Douglas had nn hour and 14 minutes, and it was still sruck up in the pine forest for an hour, were fifth, an hour and 40 minutes hehind the leader. -Marking, in Schilling's cnr, hadn't planned to drive, hut had been pressed into service when Schilling's scheduled co-driver, Jimmie Johnson, stadium Ultra light racer, discovered that race day coincided with the date of his high school prom. Marking stopped to fix his problem, and Sourapas pnssed. him, and thought he was done for the day. Marking hnd hoped to give him thnt impression, nnd hoped he'd slow down so much that he could he cnught. But Sourapas knows better than th:it, although he did hack out of the throttle n hit, since it was wet nnd slippery on the fast roads. He brought the car hnck to the finish line for the win, and Mnrking and Schilling were second, almost 40 minutes hack. Thomas and Townsley, who thought the car was "nwesome", were third, with Croll and Rhodes moving up to fourth when Erl fell hack with some time consuming problem .. Dnve Bufe, Jerry Higman and Rodrigo Ampudia finished fifth in their Neth, happy to do so well nfrer hrenking a spindle early in the day. August 1993 Class 4 was the next group off Johnson in second, followed hy the line, and David Ashley had his Gaughan 's co-driver, J.C. Dean, Ford leading hy five minutes~.,and then Menrs, who'd hrokenan when they got to Mile 65. Alan aide, and been stuck once or Shapiro and Randy Salmont were twice. in second place, in another Ford, Douglas ran trouble free, until while Matt and Noah Pike ran he had a flat, and then he lost third in their old Dodge. Jerry about 35 minutes hecause the McDonald had parked his Chevy ends of the wheel studs were all at ahout mile 5, while he hustled chewed up, and they couldn't get up a spare part and a welder, to the flat tire off the truck. repair part of his steering, hroken Eventually it wns accomplished, when he tried to crowd hy a. and no one had caught him, so he stalled Class 10 car and fell off an got the win. Johnson, meanwhile, In Class 3 there was a good battle for a time, but Dan Smith emerged with his Ford Bronco out front, got stuck in the mud, but regained the lead at Trinidad and took the class win and 13th overall. Dusty Times
had started to cross the soft riverbed, and been blinded by lights from the other side (remember, it was raining) so he'd had to stop for a while to get his bearings. He managed to avoid disaster, and came, to the finish line in second place. Mears had steering pump seal problems, and brake problems, hut still managed to get hack around Dean and Gaughan, to finish third, while the teenagers limped their truck in without a transmission cooler for fourth plan:. Gaughan was tickled that he'd managed to finish the 500, and his dad, Michael (of the Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas) has never m,1naged to accomplish that feat. In Class 5 the favorite at a Baja race is always the Klawitters,. Wolfram and Hartmut, and they looked like a good bet this time too, until they were about five Jim Fishback Sr. and Sam Castro were in a tight three way battle on the first loop, but as the ranks thinned out, Castro handed over to Fishback with a three minute lead, and their Neth came in first by 15 minutes in the tough Class 1-2-1600 class. miles into the race and radioed to their pit that they were coming hack because the car wouldn't run right. Their problem reportedly .Jeff Lewis had the early Class 7S lead in his 4x4 Chevy, then lost tie rods and more, but the team struggled onward and finished second, two hours back. Ernesto Arambula with, co-driver Adofo Arambula came in a good second in the close 5-1600 competition. Ross Craft and Jim Dizney teamed to run up front in Class 5-1600 for a time then had their share of getting stuck in the mud, but they finished a close third. turned out to be a broken crank, and they were not contenders. In the meantime, Tony Kujala was charging in his convertible, and Darren York had a tough drive, with Doug riding along, in Class 7S but their 4x4 drive in the Ford helped in the mud holes, took the lead on the second loop, had only minor problems in winning and taking 20th overall. had a six minute lead on Conrad Swift and Jeff Williams were Dia: at Mile 65. Neal and Mike fourth. · Grahowski·ran third, seven· Kujala said he took some .minutes further back, while Pete . "unscheduled-~ It was a family affair for the Ledezmas as Mario and Elias drove their Bug in fourth most of the way, and they finished a long fourth in 5-1600 class. PEOPLE WHO KNOW USE VALVOLINE® VALVOUNE INC. A SiJeSIOIARY OF Asltl.ANO 0tL. INC.$eLEXINGTON. KY 40509C1993 Dusty Timcs AUgust 1993 Page 15
' ~Ji~ --~ Of 23 starters only five finished in Class 5-1600, and leading the pack most of the way was the father and son team of Hector and Danny Ledezma, who had some problems but won the class by a fine 24 minutes. There was a good 17 starters in Class 9, but only four finished. Pancho Bio and Sergio Gutierrez ran with the leaders, took first place on the second loop and held it despite getting stuck, to take the class victory. Hector Juan Sarabia drove all the distance in his Class 11 in the tough conditions. took the lead after the big traffic jam, and drove to the win, by 13 minutes on the shorter course for the Beetles. ~ flights", which caused the front end to come unglued a bit, and he needed some time with a welder. Dia: went into the lead. We're unclear who ran second and third, but Swift and Williams came through the second time, and so did George Seeley, as well as Greg Diehl who took over for Kujala. None of the others in the class got that for. At Trinidad it was Dia:, and now he had a full hour on Diehl, who was two hours and I 7 minutes in front of Seeley, while Swift and Williams foiled to show. It was cold, dark and wet on the beach, and Dia:'s co-driver, Luis Varragon, got stuck in "the big holt:" on the beach, but managed to gL"t unstuck in ti~e to save his lead, and g·et the win for the team. Diehl and Kujala took second place, and Greg was mighty glad to get out of the car and into some dry, warm, clothes. Seeley finished third, only a little more than six minutes before his time would have run out. He was the last finisher of the race. In Class 6 John Swift had no problems, and led all the way in his Ford Explorer, finishing in front, and 11th overall, the only one to make it to the finish line under the time limit. Darren Skilton and Larry Noel made a game try in their Jeep, but some problems slowed them so much in the later part of the race that they were 46 minutes overtime when they crossed the finish line. In Class 3 Curt LeDuc had his Jeep Gr:md Cherokee out in front at Mile 65, just eight minutes in front of Dan Smith and his Ford, PIKE'S SERVICE CENTER -~AKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS .... THANKS! Mobil. Denny's. SERVICE RESTAURAf,rr OPEN 24 HOURS EVERY DAY -YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT who was in turn, only one minute in front of Dale White and Eric Russell, in their Chevrolet Bla:er. The lead cars had been stuck in a traffic jam, which LeDuc escaped from first, but Smith was in hot pursuit. Both were stuck for a while a little later, but then Smith closed up a hit, and then LeDuc lost his steering ram, and lost his lead. Smith had almost two hours on him by the time they got back to Mile 65, and White and Russell were running second, an hour and 45 minutes out of the lead. When they got to Valle Trinidad Smith had just under two hours on Mike Lesle, who· took over for LeDuc, and White and Russell ran third, still, another 17 minutes back. Smith had an easy drive the rest of the way, his only problem being the rain, and he took the win, and finished 13th overall. LeDuc and Lesle made it home in second place, after an uneventful beach run, and White and Russell were third, giving this class a lOO'X, finish record. The next group to get the green flag was the l -2-l 600s, and the lead belonged to Kevin Davis in his Lothringer at Mile 65. Mike Julson, in a Jimco, was only two and a half minutes behind him, with Sam Castro a minute and a half further back in a Neth. Then it was Hector Ramire:, in a Funco, and in fifth, Dennis Hight and Jon Kennedy. And there was a good si:ed group running close behind them, waiting to fill in the gaps. While most of the class had made it through the first65 miles, about half of them couldn't get back through the second time. But Castro had moved into the lead only three minutes ahead of Mark Ruddis and Danny Porter, in their Suspensions Unlimited car, who were second now.Julson was third, and Davis had dropped back, nearly blind after lifting his rain smeared face shield and driving with no eye protection for a while. He finally borrowed a pair of sunglasses, which helped some. His co-driver, Adam Wik, drove the second loop, and held fourth place. Gary Anderson and Gary Sewell had their Lothringer in fifth place, about five minutes behind him. Castro handed his car over to Jim Fishback, Sr., and they held the lead at Trinidad, but were still only three minutes in front of · Julson, who was driving all the way, and had already been out of gas and had trouble with his power steering. Davis had got hack in and pulled back up to third, and was probably more comfortable than some of the others, because he'd taken the _ _,_,,,_..,,.,.,..,,===,.,..,, -...,,..........,....,,.........,...,,..,,.,,,...., ...... _,. ______ _. . time to put on a large plastic bag, Page 16 August 1993 for protection from the wet. Kevin Anderson had taken over. for the two Garys, and he was now fourth, and just three minutes behind him it was Rod Muller and Mike Halliday, in theirChenowth. Castro and Fishback, who said they had no problems beyond one flat and the fact that they couldn't see in the rain, took the win, finishing 15 minutes in front of Julson who'd got himself stuck on a hill and needed help from a spectator to get going again. Davis was third, and Muller and Halliday poured on some steam and came up to fourth, while Hector and Sal Ramire:, with Willie Valde:, driving the middle loop, finished fifth. Valde: said the buggy was "three times harder" to drive than his Class 7S Ford had been. The 7S and 7 4x4 trucks started right behind the l 600s, and Jeff Lewis put his Chevy into the lead, with seven minutes at Mile 65. It was Darren York, in his four wheel drive Ford in second, and then Javier Sacio, in a Nissan ran third, followed by Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen, in their Toyota. The remainder of the class were far off the pace, and then never came around again. Yark took over the lead by the second time through the pits at mile 65, and now he had a big cushion, as Lewis straggled past an hour and 38 minutes behind him in second, after changing a couple of tie-rods and losing his lights pushing a stuck Class 5 car up a hill. Sacio was still third, also apparently having some prob-lems, and was followed almost an hour later by Vinje and Hansen. York, who says he rarely uses his four wheel drive, put it to good use in this race, and he still led at Valle Trinidad, now an hour and 52 minutes in front of Lewis. Lewis had stuffed his truck into a ditch, and lost some time when he drove off a corner, but Vinje and Hansen were having their own problems, and were no threat to catch him, running another two hours behind him. And Sacio, also apparently finding it tough going, was now about 40 minutes after them, in fourth. York took the win, and at the finish line listed one of his problems as having to replace a screw in his radio, and the other was changing his track-rod bushings. Somehow, neither sounded like real severe troubles. Darren also reported seeing Danny Cau on the course, directing traffic around a stuck car, and he said that's how he used his four wheel drive: getting around those stuck cars. Lewis got to the finish line in second place, two hours and 19 minutes later, and Vinje and Hansen followed him in much later, in third. Sacio didn't make it. The 5-1600s took to the road next, and the Cook'n sedan of Daryl. Wayne and Alan Cook was in the lead at Mile65, with just 13 seconds on Danny Lede:ma in his yellow car. Jim Di:ney was driving Ross Craft's car, and he was third, four and a half minutes later, followed by Steve Taylor and Juan De Gracia only a minute behind him. In fifth it was Manuel and Alberto Covarrubias, one of nine Mexican National teams entered in this class. The Cooks lost almost two hours in the next section, and Lede::ma moved into the lead, but he'd hurt his right hand by jamming it in the steering wheel, and was looking for his dad, Hector, to take over. In second it was now Di:ney, only seven minutes back, and Ernesto Arambula, who raced this class long ago, before switching to Class 7, was in third now. He had the ouickest time in this class from ·Mile65 back around to Mile 65. Steve and Tim Lawrence moved up to fourth, and.Julio and Octavio Felix ran fifth. Only about a third of the class made it to Valle Trinidad, and at that point it was Hector Lede:ma in the li:ad, with 15 minutes on Craft. Hl· was having trouble seeing, since his windshield wiper hadn't worked, and he'd had to push out his windshield. In thir,I it was Arambula, and he put his co-driver, Adolfo Arambula, in for the run to the finish, and another pair of Lede:mas, Mario and Elias, ran fourth. The Lawrences had dropped to fifth, nearly three hours behind the lead car. Hector was stuck a couple of times, he blew a shock and his throttle came loose, but he had no major troubles, and came in to take the win, making it two in a row for him and Danny. The Arambulas finished second, in spite of being stuck on the heach. Craft and Di:ney were third, and Craft, who said, "It }Vasn 't much fun.", had been stuck also, when he'd tried to get around a stuck Class 9 car. In fourth it was Mario and Elias Lede:ma, while the Lawrences were a late fifth place, with only 21 minutes'oftheir time allotment left. The last big bunch of cars were the Class 9s, some of whom were seriously worried that the time allowance was too short for them. A few thought there was a good chance that none of them could get to the finish line in 18 hours. But all of them made it to Mile 65, and Joel Stankavich was in the lead in his Raceco, three minutes in front of Pancho Bio in his Tubular Designs car. In third place it was Greg Hawks and Carrol Ditson, in their Hawk, and Mario Sala:ar ran fourth. followed by Greg Davis and Stew Colletti, in a Chenowth. Seven more cars dropped out before they got back around to Mile 65, and this time it was Bio in the lead, with six minutes on Warren Messick, who'd taken over for Stankavich, and had a flat. Sala:ar was now third, and Alfonso Lacarra and Eduardo Mayoral ran·fourth in their Jimco. David Callaway and John Holmes were in fifth place in their T-Mag, 50 minutes behind the leader, as things spread out. Four more cars dropped out by Dusty Times
&iii!tiit,•oo• ·-.a;m....,.;m kept it on the road, and got to the finish line in good shape for the win. The Stock Minis showed up in greater numbers, with six in staging, five of whom actually started. Of those, all of which were Toyotas, Scott Sells and Michael Martin were tied for the •· lead at Mile 65, with Daniel Groff running third and Danny Clay and Gary Whipple fourth, about an hour behind the lead group. Michael Martin nose dives his Toyota into a nasty looking water crossing, was tied for the lead at Trinidad, but had fewer problems on the beach and won the five truck Stock class by well over an hour. Of the two that started in Full Size Stock class, the winner and the only finisher was the Ford F-150 of Gordon DiCarlo and Jeff Yocum who did their 266 miles in well over 12 hours. This bunch had the fun ofbeing at the front of the pack when they got to Trinidad, and it was still Sells in front, with Martin only nine minutes back. Groff was still I third with Clay a distant fourth. When they got down on the beach, Sells jammed his frorit end .into a big ditch, and tore up his front end. While he made repairs, Martin bumped in and out of the .ditch, and went on his way to take the time they got to Valle Trinidad, and it was beginning to look like a case of" survival of the fittest". Bio had put Sergio Gutierre: in for the last stretch, and he was in the lead, with Stankavich, who was back to driving, 39 minutes in back of him. Callaway and Holmes were now third, and Dave Dietrich and Larry Kern had their Jimco in fourth place, followed by Doug Perrault, Rich Richardson and Jan Wright in a J imco, almost another hour back. Gutierre: got stuck in the river on the beach, but got himself back on the road in time to bring Bio's car in for the victory. Stankavich, who ran in heavy fog part of the way, finished second, while Callaway and Holmes were third, only a minute and 39 seconds later. In fourth it was the weary three man team of Richardson, Perrault and Wright, just 15 minutes shy of being too late. None of the others got to the finish line. In Class 11 there were eight starters, all but three from Baja. These little cars would make only one loop, and then would hustle on down the highway, and go through Valle Trinidad and on to the finish. It was a good course for them, minimi:ing the threat of being rear ended by bigger, faster cars. Hector Juan Sarabia went into the lead, as soon as he and all the other Class 11 s got out of a big traffic jam, and he had only three minutes at Mile 65. It was Hector Rodrigue: in second place, and then Roberto and Jesus Ramos in third, followed by Jose Lope: and Antonio Valen:uela. It took the lead car about three and a half hours to finish the loop and get down to Trinidad, where his lead had diminished to one minute. It was still Sarabia in front, but now Eric Solor:ano had taken over for Rodrigue:. Lope: and Valen:uela had moved into third, an hour and a halflater, and in fourth, another three hours later, it was the Ramos team. None of the others got to Trinidad. The VWs ran in daylight, and well ahead of the rain, so they had few problems on the beach, and Sarnhia, who Iron-Manned it, was tht: winner, in a time of nine hours and 19 minutes. He pronounced tht: course "difficil!" In second it was Solor:ano and Rodrigue:, who finished with no alternator pulley, only 13 minutes later. Then there was a long wait, before Lope: and Valen:uela arrived, in third, followed in another two hours later, by the Ramos car. The Stock Full trucks, full si:ed pickups with almost no modifica-tions, were down to two for this Dusty nma event, and Gordon DiCarlo and Jeff Yocum had their Ford in the lead all the way. Marc Stein and David Sykes vanished after Mile . 65 the first time. DiCarlo and . Yocum had their share of trouble, including being tipped over on their side, and having to wait for . help. They also found the rain had created some slimy red mud near the end of their day, and it was .hard to control the truck, but they BUMPERS THE PERFECT ACCESSORY TO MAKE YOUR VEHICLE STAND OUT FROM THE REST! • • • • ALL BUMPERS ARE: Fabricated in 3" dia. heavy steel tubing Direct bolt-on - no modifications All hardware included - easy installation Protects vehicle while enhancing looks • • 3 year warranty on wor_kmanship - 90 days on finish Recommended by USA #1 Jeei, Volume Sales Dealer! Retail Chrome Front ............ $219.95 Chrome Rear· ............... 249.95 Chrome Side .............. 169.95 Black Front"" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159.95 Black Rear"" ....... ! ••••••• 179.95 Black Side"" ............. ~ . . 119.95 PLUS SHIPPING & HANDLING (Bumpers also available for Cherokee) • also available in white AUgust 1993 DON•A•VEE .. Your One Stop Jeep Shop! .. 17308 Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower, CA 90706 1-800-59-PARTS Page 17
Jason Baldwin pulled up on the leaders in his Chenowth on the second loop, and Porsche power propelled him to a good fourth in Class 1. David Bryan fought off the flu and drove all the way in his Class 8 Ford, and he finished a fine fourth in this tough class for a privateer. The team of Dave Bute, Jerry Higman and Rodrigo Ampudia broke a spindle early on t he Neth, but got on the road to finish well, fifth in Class 10. Mike Leste and Curt LeDuc got a good start, LeDuc leading until the steering broke, but despite getting stuck often, the team got second in Class 3 in the Jeep. David Callaway and John Holmes drove an original Class 9, a T-Mag and they finished just over a minute behind second place in this competitive class. Page 18 With scant experience in Baja Las Vegan Pat Dean did a great job in what he said were "terrible" conditions, fifth in Class 1 in the Barbary Coast car. Former Mini Mag racers, Ryan Thomas and Charlie Townsley teamed up in a Class 10 Chenowth and splashed their way to a good third in Class 10 action. Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen started well, missed the early hazards, then fell on evil times and ended up a long third in the Class 7S Toyota. Rod Muller and Mike Halliday had most of their trouble early, then cranked up the Chenowth and finished the race fourth in the hectic Class 1-2-1600. Former class champion Rich Richardson, Doug Perrault and Jan Wright all took a turn in the Richardson Jimco and the trio came in fourth in Class 9. August 1993 Bob Richey, who plans to be a trucker soon, drove his faithful Porsche/Raceco home sixth in the really tight Class 1 action. · Ray Croll and Tom Rhodes got stuck in the pine forest early, got moving quickly to work up to fourth in the Class 1 0 Jimco at the finish line. George Seeley drove the distance in his Class 5 Bug, had plenty of delays, but George pressed on to be third in class, last overall with 7 minutes left. With plenty of help standing by, Hector and Sal Ramirez and Willie Valdez survived this and many more water hazards and finished fifth in the 1600 class. Jose Lopez and Antonio Valenzuela fell well behind the leaders in Class 11, but they kept going anyhow and the reward was third place in the class. Dusty Times
It took all but 20 minutes of the time allowance for Tim and Steve Lawrence to get their 5-1600 to the finish line, but they did and finished fifth. Joel Stankavich had the early lead in his Raceco, then co-driver Watren _Messick had a flat, other trouble and they ended up a fine second in Class 9. Eric Solorzano and Hector Rodriguez dive into a river crossing in their Class 11, survived this and the many pitfalls to finish a good close second. the win. Sells got himself repaired . in time to make second place, and. when he left the ditch, Groff was in it, but soon on his way, to finish third. Clay and Whipple finished fourth at nearly 11 :30 p.m. It's to be hoped that they didn't have to drive the truck back to their U tah home. there was no significant change in the finish order. SCORE will now proceed to the very popular Fireworks 250, scheduled for the Holida y weekend, at Barstow. The FAIR pits at Mile 65 and . This Baja 500 will surely be remembered as the toughest ever. Even Ivan said it was difficult. T here were some incidents for the Competition Review Board, but most of them came to little, and Valle Trinidad were kind enough to forward their pit records to me, so I'd be able to figure out who was in front at what point, since SCORE's timekeepers do not supply checkpoint times. Many thanks to the hardworking FAIR people. SCORE Tecate Baja 500 RESULTS-JUNE ~ 1993 • Poa Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Time O/A 109 1 121 2 105 3 100 4 114 5 1612 1 1615 2 1609 3 1608 4 1621 5 301 1 300 2 302 3 400 1 504 1 503 2 502 3 563 1 567 2 560 3 555 4 599 5 600 1 700 1 705 2 701 3 721 1 722 2 759 3 809 1 802 2 800 3 807 4 805 5 900 1 916 2 999 3 998 4 1000 1 1001 2 1008 3 1019 4 1014 5 1104 1 1197 2 1105 3 TT7 1 760 2 761 3 860 1 Cius 1/2-Unllmited alngle & two -t. 24 start -12 finish Ivan Stewart Toyota ,. Walker Evans Dodge Dave & Paul Simon Ford F-150 Jason Baldwin Chenowth Porsche Pa1 Dean Chenowth Porsche Qaaa 1/2-1600 • 1600cc Restricted Engine - 20 start• 7 finish James Fishback Sr/Sam Caslro Ne1h Mike Julson Jimco Kevin Davis Lothringer Rod Muller/Mike Halliday Chenowth Hector Ramirez/Wille Valdez Funco Cius 3-Short WB 4x4 - 3 start - 3 finish Dan Smith Mike LeslelCurt LeOuc Dale Wh.e/Erlc Russell Cius 4-Long WB 4x4 - 5 start - 1 finish Ford Bronoo Jeep Grand Cherokee Chevy Blazer Jerry McDonald Chevy K-100 Cius 5 - UnUmited Baja Bug - 8 start - 3 finish Conrad Diaz Jr/Luis Varragon Baja Bug Greg OlehVTony Kujala Baja Bug George Seeley, Jr Baja Bug Cius 5-1600 -1600cc Baja Bug Danny & Hector Ledezma Baja Bug Ernesto Arambula Baja Bug Ross Crah/Jim Dizney Baja Bug Marlo & Elias Ledezma Baja Bug Tim & Steve Lawr91lC8 Baja Bug Qaaa 6 • Production Sedan • 2 start - 1 finish John Swift Ford Explorer Qaaa 7 • Unlimited Mini Pickup - 6 start - 4 finiah Scon Douglas Ford Ranger Jack Johnson Ford Ranger Roger Mears, Jr Nissan Qaaa 7S • Stock Mini Pickup • 7 start • 3 finiah Darren York Ford Ranger Jeff Lewis Chevy S-1 O Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Toyota Cius 8 - 2WD Standard Pickup - 1 0 a tart - 5 flnlah Rick Johnson Chevy Larry Ragland Chevy Rob MacCachren Ford F-150 David Bryan Ford F-150 Frank Vessels Ford F-150 Qaaa 8 • Restricted Buggy - 17 start - 4 finish Pancho Bio/Sergio Gutierrez Tubular Design Joel Stankavich/Warren Messick Raceco David Callaway/John Holmes T-Mag Rich Richardson/Doug PerralVJ Wright Jimco Qaaa 10 • Unlimited 1650cc • 22 start - 6 finish Steve Sourapas/Dave Richardson Chenowth Tom Schilling/John Marking Jimco Ryan Thomas/Charlie Townsley Chenowth Ray Croll/Tom Rhodes Jimco Dave Buie/Jerry Higman/A Ampudia Neth Qaaa 11 -Stock VW sedan - 8 start - 4 finish (this class was only required to complete 266. 1 miles) Hector Juan Sarabia (solo) VW Beetle Eric Solorzano/Hector Rodriguez VW Beetle Jose Lopez/Antonio Valenzuela VW Beetle Qaaa Mini Stock - Stock Mini Trucks - 5 start - 4 finish (this class was only required to complete 266. 1 miles) Michael Martin Toyota Scon Sells Toyota Daniel Groff Toyota Claaa Stock Full , Stock Pickup Trucks - 2 start. 1 finish (this class was only required to complete 266. 1 miles) Gordon DICarlo/Jeff Yocum• Ford F-150 Starters, cars 162 - finishers, cars 63 - 39% - Race Distance 437.2 miles Fast Time - Cars/Trucks • Ivan Stewart • Class 1 Toyota 10:10:39 Fast Time - Motorcycles - D Hamel/l. Roeseler 5:20:59 (266.1 Miles) Dusty nmcs 10:10:39 10:18:30 10:21:21 10:54:50 11:09:53 13:11:27 13:26:25 13:51 :31 14:31:40 14:47:4234 12:06:10 14:21 :35 16:02:30 16:11:19 13:52:38 15:45:02 17:53:20 14:05:50 14:29:03 14:56:46 16:36:38 17:39:39 11:53:05 11 :43:55 12:54:09 15:47:27 13:01:11 15:20:30 17:22:37 11:03:47 11:19:46 11:49:56 12:49:15 14:06:49 14:20:48 15:00:01 15:01:40 17:44:29 12:03:47 12:42:18 13:11:28 14:33:28 14:49:34 9:19:50 9:32:57 11:41:49 8:58:05 10:16:12 12:26:30 12:46:19 1 2 3 4 6 22 24 25 32 13 30 43 44 26 41 54 27 31 37 48 52 11 9 18 42 20 40 51 5 8 10 17 28 29 38 39 53 12 16 21 33 35 Coming Next Month ••• SODA Memorial Day 100 • SCORE Fireworks 250 VORRA SHORT Course Race• La Rana Lucerne Valley 250 MTEG Racing in Salt Lake City 24 Hours Le Fud • WRC Acropolis Rally SCCA Susquehannock Trail Rally ••• Plus MUCH, MUCH more I I I I I I I I I Popular Law Ratio Gears Wide Selection of Input Shafts Bullet-Proof 4-Spider D~ffs CBOBJ B7B-6B .__ 2 P.G. Transrnissions PO Box 158 I I I I I I I I I I I L ---Kula, HI 96790 - - - -.J August 1993 Page 19
WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Off Road Racing By Roger Caddell At Hannigan Speedway The Wes tern Off Road Racing Association began their American tour with an afternoon/night race at Hannigan Speedway in scenic Bellingham, Washington. Bell-ingham is located 80 miles north of Seattle. Hannigan Speedway is a multi-purpose facility. In addition to the ¾ mile off road track, there is a % mile banked clay oval and several motocross layouts. Off Road racers from Wes tern Canada and Washington race approximately every three weeks in the region with most races held at Hannigan Speedway. On race day the off road racers shan; the show with the local group of mini-sprints and go-cart racers with the groups alternating races. this leaves the spectators with a night full of diverse racing! The Saturday of May 8th began by being overcast and threatening rain, but the rain stayed away most of the night. Registration and tech inspection went smooth-ly in the pit area and a drivers meeting was held with new and old drivers alike given their instructions for the night's racing. After the meeting the drivers and crews from the 26 race cars went back to work to prepare for the practice session. Because of the rain, the track was a little sloppy. Due to these conditions and the short practice session all of the cars made it through in one piece. The first off road heat race of the day was for the WORRA Sportsman class. On the pole was Brad Anderson of Delta, B.C. and next to him in row 1 was Dave and Terrie VanDeren, a husband and wife team from Everett, W A. In row two on the inside was long time off road racer Harvey Lange from Marysville, WA, with his son in the co-drivers seat in an ex pro-rally Baja Bug. Outside row 2 was Audie Brooks in the Tacoma Offroad Baja Bug. Scott Lackey was inside row 3. Scott is a local driver from nearby Ferndale, WA and was driving the fast "Baja N.W." Bug. Next to Scott was Sherri Wood from Surrey, B.C. Rounding out the field of 9 Sportsman racers were Debbie Nield, second generation driver Paul Wardstrom, and the eve-ning's only Class 9 or "Street Stock Sedan" driver Chris Fox all from the Surrey, B.C. area. Starter and WORRA president Ron Weinstein waved the green flag on the front straight of the clay oval, and Brad Anderson took the lead from his pole position in his Bow Wow Parts 2 seater followed closely by the Quik-Lube, Motor Service, and Discount Tire sponsored racer of the VanDerens. Paul Wardstrom made a great start from his fourth row start to hold third position by the end of the first lap. Sherri Wood also had a good start to pick up two spots. At the end of lap 3 the rough and soggy track began to take its toll on the cars as Scott Lackey fell out with a tossed fan belt, Paul W ardstrom appeared from my ear to have torn up a gearbox or some other very noisy parts, and Page 20 Debbie Nield wasn't heard from again in this heat race. At the end of lap 5 the leader was a smooth and fast Brad Anderson even though he was having trouble shifting his car due to a balky shifter, followed closely by the new papa of just a couple of weeks Audie Brooks. His new son Spencer I'm sure was cheering him on from the stands. In third was Harvey Lange driving very hard to make up for some first lap problems that had put him as far back as seventh place. Fourth place was held by the improving Sherri Wood in her 2 seater. Sherri was followed closely across the line by the VanDeren team. . On lap 6 the Lange Baja Bug also tossed a fan belt and was forced to withdraw after some good racing. The order stayed the same to the end of the race with the winner of the heat being Brad Anderson followed close! y by Audie Brooks in second. Third place was Sherri Wood and fourth was Dave and Terrie VanDeren. Next up were the fast cars of WORRA, the pro classes made up of Class 10 cars, Unlimited Buggies, and the 1-2-1600 cars. This heat held only six cars but would prove to be very exciting. ' On the pole was Calvin Mckenzie in the Bow Wow parts, Ocean Pacific Scuba and Ski, unlimited car he recently purchased. This would be his first time racing the car. Outside Row 1 was Steve Cock ing in his great looking Magnum sponsored by Quick-N-Brite, Marysville Powder Coat, and The Carpet Shop. Row 2 belonged to the very fast Rick Hoekstra from Abbotsford, B.C. Next to Rick in row 2 was Richard Vandervelden in the first of the 1600 cars. In the third row were old rivals Joe Mabberley from Surrey, B.C. in a Funco and Ron Hart from Marysville, WA in a 2 seat Raceco. Both cars were originally from California. As the field got the flag and dove into the first turn, a tight 90 degree right hander, only pole sitter Mckenzie got out without getting knocked about. Rick Hoekstra got the worst of the deal when he was hit hard enough in the rear wheel to shove the drive axle into the transmission and break the bell housing into many parts, ending his day on the spot. Steve Cocking's engine seemed to be missing and was having trouble keeping up with the pack. At the end of the first lap Calvin Mckenzie held a good lead over Vandervelden in the first 1600 car, Joe Mabberley was close in third, followed by Ron Hart in fourth and Cocking in fifth. On the third lap the single seat racer of Vandervelden broke its rack and pinion steering box and was unable to continue. This appeared to be a result of that first corner action on the first lap. The order remained the same for the remainder of the heat with the exception of Steve Cocking getting past Ron Hart's 2 seater on the sixth lap. At the finish the order was Mckenzie in first, Joe Mabberly cam e across second overall and first in class. Steve Cocking sputtered to second in class and third overall and he was followed across the line by Ron Hart who placed second in class · and fourth overall. Next to take on the track was the Jr. Odyssey class with six anxious drivers ready to go. On the pole was Keitn Hoekstra, son of pro driver Rick Hoekstra; on the outside of row one was Ryan Devilbiss. Row 2 inside belonged to Cory Fanning from Everett, WA and lined up next to Cory was Brendan Devilbiss. The third and last row was made up of youngsters Jason Justice and Lindy Hart who is the daughter of pro racer Ron Hart. When the green flag fell pole sitter Keith Hoekstra jumped to the lead followed by Cory Fanning, and Lindy Hart jumped up three spots in her Quick-Lube Pilot. Rounding out the first lap were the Devi !hiss Brothers, Brendan and Ryan in fourth and fifth, with Jason Justice in a close sixth place. During the next two laps Hoekstra and Fanning were having a great race for the lead with Lindy Hart following close enough to have a good view. T he separation from first to third was only five seconds. Cory Fanning made his move for the lead on lap 3 and never looked back on the way to a sweet victory. If he could · have, he would have seen a last corner pass for second place by Lindy H art over third place finisher Keith Hoekstra. Round-ing out the field were Brendan Devilbiss in fourth and Jason Justice in fifth. Ryan Devilbiss was a D.N .F. T he Senior Odyssey class was up next and on the pole was Robert Neil, next to him was Ron Sherin. Row 2 on the inside was Jim Whitcher in a Pilot and on the outside was Shane Crowie in his full race Odyssey. On the back row all by himself was Bill Hart in his Quik-Lube Pilot. When the green flag dropped the racers shot for the first corner and when they got there the pole sitter Robert Neil spun and was hit by Shane Crowie hard enough that neither car finished the lap. This tangle left the race to the Pilots of Sherin, Whitcher and Hart. They ran in this order until the last trip through the esses in the infield section of the course when Jim Whitcher made a clean pass on Sherin to take the victory. Bill Hart was close enough to see the action but not quite close enough to join the fun so he had to settle for a close third. WORRA runs a straight up, no invert type starting system for the mains in all classes so the starting order for the mains would be the same as the finishing order for the heats. The first of the two mains for the cars was for the Sportsman racers. The lineup for this race was on pole, heat winner Brad Anderson and next to him was the Baja Bug of Audie Brooks. Row 2 consisted of Sherri Wood and Dave VanDerin. In row 3 was the August 1993 . Baja of Harvey Lange and Debbie Nield's 2 seater. Next up was Scott Lackey with his Bug. and Chris Fox in his Chevette. When the flag fell Anderson took over where he left off in the heat race by taking the lead with Audie Brooks in hot pursuit. Third place was held by Sherri Wood in her 2 seater followed by Harvey Lange and Debbie Nield holding fifth. Chris Fox in his "Street Stock" had some problem in the esses and spent the rest of the race stuck there with probably the best seat in the house. By lap 3 the order was still Anderson in first with Audi Brooks about five seconds back in second. The Baja of Harvey Lange was really making up ground and was up to third and closing fast on Brooks' Baja Bug which was starting to sound a little ragged. Fourth was held by Nield only a few seconds back. A little way back was Sherri Woods in fifth. The cars ofVanDeren and Lackey seemed to be struggling but were still running in sixth and seventh. On the fourth lap Lange made a nice move down the back straight to take second place from Brooks. During the fourth lap Harvey Lange pulled to the side with a t.Qssed fan belt. He said that this was his third belt lost during the evening and that equaled the number of belts that he had lost in all of his 20 years of off road rafing. At the end of lap 8 the first three cars were only five seconds apart due to Anderson's small miscue in the esses trying to get around the stuck sedan of Fox. Second place was held by Brooks and he was followed closely by Debbie Nield doing a good job of driving. About 30 seconds back · were the cars of Sherri Wood and Dave VanDeren having a nice battle for fourth and fifth. While they tried nobody could do anything to get around Brad Anderson, who is manager of the Abbotsford, BC, Bow Wow Parts store, who must be doing his homework as his car handled well and had plenty of power from his 164 1 cc VW engine. Audie Brooks, a firefighter from Tacoma, WA, came home a happy second place. Third in the main and fourth for the night was Debbie Nield and fourth in the main and third for the night was Sherri Wood who has had some trouble finishing lately and was happy to see the checkered flag. The last finisher was the VanDer-en team who appeared to have trouble most of the race but were able to finish fifth in the main and for the night. Harvey Lange, Scott Lackey, and Paul Wardstrom ended up sixth through eighth for the night. The last race of tht: night was for the pro cars of WORRA which consist of Unlimited, Class 10, and 1-2-1600 cars. Thist:wnt for some reason had a small entry in these classes, although 1 hear more cars will turn out next race. At this race the Unlimited and Class 10 cars were comhined for money and the 1-2-1600s ran for their own purse. The lineup for this thin main·, made up of only four cars saw, on the pole, Calvin McKen:ie in his unlimited class car. Calvin recently purchased this homehuilt Magnum style 5 link racer from Washington driver Mike Strong. Calvin's decision to acquire the car is looking pretty good hased on his .domination of his heat race. Next . to Calvin on row 1 was Steve Cocking in his Class 10 Magnum with word from the pits that he had solved most of his prohlems from his heat race and was looking forward to this race with McKen:ie. Row 2 held the two 1600 cars of Joe Mahherly on the inside and Ron Hart on the outside. These two fine racers have had some good races in the past and were looking forward to a lot of fun in this event. , When the green flag fell the Cocking Magnum shot out to the lead followed closely hy McKen:ie in his single seat racer. The 1600 racers ran close heh ind the leaders with Ron Hart getting the jump off the start over Joe Mnhherly in his Fuoco single seat racer. At the end of lap 2 the order remained the snme with two groups of two racing hard with pnint heing swapped. Right after the start-finish line rnhle top jump, Ron Hart landed hard and snapped off a renr stuh nxle. Momentum carried the Mnbherly rncer right into the hnck of Hart's Ract:co 2 senter hut luckily there was little damnge to either car and Joe continued on to he the only 1600 cnr left running. On lap 3 Cocking held a 10 foot lead over McKen:ie with Mahher-ly ahout 30 seconds hack. This exciting race continued for s1:veral lnps w ith the Cock in g cnr seemingly superior coming out of the corners and on the straights with McKen:ie closing in very close in the corners. These two were running so fast thet they put a lap on Mabherly on the seventh lap. On lap 8 Cocking lost some time coming out of the esses and this allowed McKen:ie to get pnst in the short chµte leading to the north corner. But when McKen:ie went into the corner too fast and slid out wide, Cocking jumped inside and regained the lead down the hack straight. Cocking held the lend until he got on the hrakes to get around the hroken racer of Hart and was tapped from hehind by McKen:ie; this shot Cocking into the infield and straight ncross to the race course going the other way. While Cocking was re-enter-ing the track, he and McKen:ie had some minor contnct. As they raced into the next corner, McKen:ie held a slight lead, Coming out of that corner first was Cocking nnd then McKen:ic. What happened in that corner differs with whom you talk to and I will leave it at that. Thnt prohlem in the north corner didn't mntter hecause as they raced up to the white flag, Coe king had been pen a li:ed hecause he hnd short coursed. McKen:ie went on to win the race with Cocking nlmost n full lap hnck. Mabberly came home first in class and third overall. After the race WORRA 's drivers committee discussed the situation and decided to uphold the decision. The final order for the dny in the unlimited class was McKen:ie in first, Cocking finished second, and Ric k Hoekstra, a D.N.F. in third. In the 1600 race the results were Mabberly with the win followed by Hart in second, and Vnnder-velden in third, both D.N.F.'s. WORRA has five more races at Hannigan Speedway and we all hope those races are ns exciting as this race was. See you next time ,and good luck at the races! Dusty nmcs
MICKEY THOMPSON STADIUM OFF ROAD RACING Ivan Stewart wins 16th Sport Truck Main at the Rose Bowl By Homer Eubanks Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. It was Ivan Stewart night at the Rose Bowl as he took the Toyota to the win in the second heat, and came back in the main event to take the lead after a restart and hold it to the victory. Marty Coyne didn't figure in the money in either Super 1600 heat, but he made up for it by driving the Toyota powered Chenowth to a hard fought for victory in the main event. The Pasadena Rose Bowl was . Coliseum which is currently being the setting for round five of the remodeled. Drivers and crews had Mickey Thompson Stadium Off to put out extra effort for this Road Series. The Rose Bowl had event as the previous week the been dropped from the schedule series visited Phoenix, AZ. recently but was serving as a At the end of the evening .. _replacement venue for the LA .. Toyota's Ivan Stewart couldn't .. have cared less where the event was held as he had won his heat race, and backed that up with his second main event win of the season in the Grand National Sport Truck class. Stewart now . has 16 Sport T nick events to his credit. Team Jeep couldn't have .crossing over second. Rob been happier either as Larry Noel MacCachren and Walker Evans captured the heat win and current battled for third place with champ Tommy Croft won the MacCachren crossing over ahead Sport Utility main. Marty Coyne of Evans. Current points leader weaved his way through traffic to Roq Millen was fifth. After the win the Super 1600 main. And in heat was over the Rough Driving the competitive SuperLite Committee (RDC) penalized division Greg George added Brian Stewart one position for another feather to his main event pushing Roger Mears Jr's Nissan victories. Larry Brooks rode his into the hydro barriers on one of Yamaha to victory in his heat race the starts. So Brian Stewart was and then came back to win the listed in eighth ppsition. UltraCross main event. Mark The Sport Utility heat race Ehrhardt was also a repeat winner began with TeamJeep on the front in the 4 Wheel ATV class at the row so Larry Noel was able to Rose Bowl. After winning his heat jump off the line and head straight race he returned for the main to the checkered flag. Noel did event victory as well. have to defend his lead once when When the Sport Trucks came Jim Smith rolled causing a restart. out for heat one Brian Stewart But once racing was underway the started on the pole and had Roger action was left up to Christopher Mears' Nissan sitting outside him. Neil and Tommy Croft. When it Row two had Roger Mears, Jr. was over Croft had to settle for inside and Danny Thompson third behind Neil. Fourth was outside. Due to the inverted Jerry Whelchel who was trying starting order fast qualifier Rod out the Toyota of Paul Nissley. Millen sat at the back of the pack. Brian Collins was fifth. Rob MacCachren shared the Mark Ehrhardt came from the fourth row with third fastest Ivan second row to take over the first4 Stewart. Wheel ATV heat. Once out front When Starter Gary Shimer set the current champion showed the the event in motion Roger Mears other 15 riders his backside all the was able to slip inside Brian way to the finish line. Mike Stewart and take the lead. Roger Olmsted was able to keep Niclas Mears opened the door for son Granlund at bay throughout the RogerJr.andBrianStewartfound heat. Fourth went to Craig himself in third midway in the Newton and Ryan Strehorn first lap. Before the racing action managed fifth. . could get heated up Rob Mac-In the second 4 Wheel ATV Cachren rolled his Ford causing a heat race a fierce battle for the restart. Ivan Stewart parked his lead started off the line between Toyota after losing an engine Doug Eichner and Donavon because someone caught his oil Holland. Once Eichner got out cooler and cut off the engine's oil front Holland had to battle with supply. Sean Stubbs for the second spot. On the restart Roger Mears This time Holland was the grabbed the lead but was dominantriderandStubbshadto immediately pressured-by Rick settle for third. Fourth went to Johnson in the Chevrolet. Brian Acree and Kory Ellis Johnson dogged the Nissan for a crossed over in fifth. lap before making an attempt for Scott Klaers jumped out the the lead. Johnson cut inside one of early leader in the Super Lite first the sharp switchbacks but Mears heat race. Klaers was able to hold was able to keep control of the the lead for a couple of laps until race. But on the next lap Johnson defending champion Jimmie replayed the inside move and Johnshomaneuveredinsideonthe stole the lead. However Brian big sweeper for the lead. Klaers Stewart had rolled his Dodge so spun his Briggsbuilt allowing the restart starting order went Frank Chavez to take the second back to the previous lap. . spot. Klaers was able to hold third On the second restart Roger and Joe Price came across fourth. Mears again took control of the Erik Cobb was fifth. event. Rick Johnson kept close In the second SuperLite heat hoping Mears would make a fatal Stacy Fay and Greg George shared mistake. On the next to last lap the front row. Fay was able to Roger Mears got up on two jump George off the line and lead wheels and Johnson quickly took the 14 car field through turn one over the lead. When Mears got but the more experienced George back on all fours he was not giving maneuvered his Nature's Recipe up and elbowed his way back Briggsbuilt into the lead. Rennie around Johnson who was con-Awana had settled in behind Fay tending with a hood flapping but caught a hydro barrier and fell around partially blocking his back to fifth. vision. Greg George had run away Roger Mears managed to hold from the field when Peter onto the win with Jo_hnson_Robertson rolled, causing a ·::w· restart. George however, had little ~-· trouble on the restart keeping his lead and went on to wili. Stacy Fay held second and Rick Geiser crossed over third. Rennie Awana managed fourth ahead of Shan-non Millen. Heat one for the Super 1600's had only nine cars lined up. Marty Hart and Kevin Smith shared the front row. Wes Banks and Ed Martensen made up the second row. Roger Mears got the Nissan out front and won the first Sport Truck heat, but a broken control arm dropped him out of contention in the main event. Rick Johnson, here being passed by Roger Mears, was fighting for the first heat lead when the hood blocked his vision, but he finished third in heat 2 and second in the truck main in the Chevy. On the start Jimmy Nichols got sideways· and defending cha.mp Jerry Whelchel ended up sand-wiched between Nichols and Bill Goshen to cause a restart. Once restarted Marty Hart grabbed the lead and was able to pull a good .lead over Jimmy Nichols and Jerry Pagen AUgust 1993 Dusty nmes
Larry Noel flew his Jeep into the Sport Utility lead off the start and the restart, and won the heat despite a close challenge from Chris Neil. Whelchel who were arguing over Only one lap remained so on the second spot. the restart Hart was able to sprint While Whelchel was battling to the checkered. Kevin Smith with Nichols, Kevin Smith managed second and Wes Banks slipped up and passed him on the crossed over third. Fourth was Ed fourth lap. However, Whelchel Martensen and Jimmy Nichols was able to repass on the workedhiswaytofifthafterbeing following lap and take up his sent to the back of the pack for battle with Nichols. Nichols . h Wh l h l 11 Tommy Croft defended his 1992 championship nicely with a third in the Sport Utility heat, and then he turned up the nosed under Whelchel at the end ca~h~gJu;er 1600 e s;~on~{h~at _ wick and led the main event from flag to flag, his third such consecutive victory. of the rough section causing consisted of another set of nine_ juice to his Chenowth and got. Jr. outside. Ivan Stewart was first switchback and found Whelchel to roll and while upside cars. Ed Herbst got the holeshot sideways, allowing Cory Wither-inside the second row alongside hi mse If last before getting· down the Ultra Wheel Special but Gary Gall held the power on ill to also slip by. By the half way Danny Thompson. Brian Stewart straightened out. Ivan Stewart caught fire causing a full course over the rough stuff and so did mark Gall controlled the race. got spun sidways on the first turn took over the race and Roger yellow. . Aaron Hawle . Herbst shot the. Hawley held second but Witherill and sardined all the trucks. Danny Mears Jr slipped into second. n and Ed Herbst pressured. Gall's Thompson was able to get around Danny Thompson held third and Chris Neil had a good night in the Sport Utility Nissan, placing a tight second in the heat race and also taking a strong second in the main event. Gary Gall was in control of the second Super 1600 heat from mid-distance, and he won the race despite finishing with a seriously smoking engine. Dusty nrncs engine began to smoke towards the outside and grab the lead _but Roger Mears Sr was fourth ahead the end but he had little trouble since so many trucks were held up of Rick Johnson. winning. in the first corner a yellow flag With a clear track Ivan Stewart When the Sport Trucks came came out. was able to pull away from the back out it was Brian Stewart On the restart Brian Stewart younger Mears who had Johnson inside row one with Roger Mears .. lost control of'the Dod eon the a cou le ~ .. .. (/) a: w 0 ct 0. (/) w ...J >< ct .. .. (/), 0: w t;; ::> c3 ct (/) C, z 0: 0. (/) lL ct w ...J .. .. (/) C ::> t; ...J w w :::c 3: .. .. . ** TORSION BARS ** AXLES ** SPRING PLATES ** COIL SPRINGS ** SWAY·A·WAY MANUFACTURERS OF QUALITY OFF ROAD SUSPENSION COMPONENTS FOR OVER 20 YEARS PRESENTS SWING AXLE AXLES - ALL 3 STOCK LENGTHS 0 ()0 0 0 2 PIECE STUB AXT.FS 6 & 7 LEAF FRONT SPRINGS . . ·- ·~ . FOR SOFTER RATES SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER TODAY! CALL OR WRITE FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG • • 2S z G') !! z (/) • • (/) ::I: 3:: (/) • • r-e G') z C ~ • • 20755 MARILLA ST. I CHATSWORTH, CALIFORNIA 91311 I 818·700·9712 August 1993 Page 23
There is fierce competition in the SuperLite class, one of the largest in the series, and Greg George began by winning his heat race, took the lead midway in the main and won the cash and the points. ~ of lengths behind. The .and never had need to look back . racing. And Whelchel, driving the action now was for fourth as enroute to his first series win. borrowed Paul Nissley Toyota, Thompson and Mears Sr. fought Second went to Erick Hilton and rolled in turn one but landed on for the position, and Rod Millen Craig Canoy managed third. all four of his Ultra Wheels and moved into the battle. Fourth was former series champ stayed in the case. Whelchel was Johnson moved up on Mears Jr Jim Holley. Early leader Joe able to pass Tim Lewis and make a and had pulled some breathing T uttobene finished fifth. run on the leader but once Croft room over Thompson about In the second UltraCross heat settled in he pulled a comfortable midway in the eight lap race. On Tony Amaradio grabbed the lead lead. the last lap Johnson tried to cut with Larry Brooks trailing. Mike Croft apparently got too inside the first switch back on Bell held the third spot and Ryan comfortable all alone up front and Mears Jr but Jr was able to hold Carlisle was fourth. Amaradio by midway Chris Neil had moved the second spot. had some distance between up to challenge. But a challenge Ivan Stewart went on to win the himself and Brooks the first three was all it ended up to be as Croft eventhandilywithRogerMearsJr lapsbutBrookswasabletoclose went on to win his third taking second. Rick Johnson was in and apply pressure. Meanwhile consecutive main event for the a close third. The battle for fourth Carlisle was able to close in on season. Behind Neil was Jerry went to the finish line, or should I Brooks making it a good three Whelchel. T .J. Clark managed say just before the finish line. way fight for the lead. Amaradio fourth ahead of Brian Collins. Roger Mears and Danny Thomp-apparently had the race until the In the 4 Wheel ATV main 18 son were fighting for the position last corner when he drifted wide riders showed up to race, around the sweeper when on the sweeper and Brooks was although Sean Stubbs and Thompson rolled the Ford and there to steal the win. Carlisle defending champ Mark Ehrhardt Mears was able to cross over dropped to fifth on the last lap provided most of the action. fourth. Fifth was current points allowing Ray Crumb and A.J. Stubbs pulled out early with leader Rod Millen. Whiting to get by. Ehrhardt trailing in second. Joe Tuttobene was the early In the American Racing Niclas Granlund slipped into UltraCross heat one leader. Wheels Sport Utility Main third. Ehrhardt had to watch and Tuttobene had Erick Hilton in a current defending class champ study Stubbs the first half of the close second place and a hard Tommy Croft and Super 1600 race then mounted a serious last charging Mike Healey third. champ Jerry Whelchel shared row half effort. Ehrhardt was all over Healey only stayed in third for the one. When the green came out Stubbs, especially on the last lap. first lap as he moved his Suzuki Croft was able to show Whelchel Ehrhardt pulled alongside and into the lead on the second lap . how it was done in Sport Utility .squeezed Stubbs to the outside Defending points champion Jimmie Johnson snagged the SuperLite heat 1 lead on the third lap and charged on to win the race in the Nature's Recipe car. .and stole the lead by cutting back inside. The win was Mark Ehrhardt's second consecutive win of the season. Sean Stubbs held second and Niclas Granlund was third. Fourth went to Mike Olmsted and Doug Eichner crossed over ..fifth. Starting on the front row is very helpful in stadium racing. When Rick Geiser was positioned on the Superlite Main event pole it allowed him the advantage over Greg George, and he used it wisely on the start. Geiser's lead was short lived as George made his move on the second lap. But Geiser was to get another chance as back in the pack Joe Price and Chris Urquidez got hung up, causing a restart. The line up went back to the previous lap so Geiser was again up front. On the restart Geiser held his position and was able to pull some breathing room on the other 17 drivers as Greg George had trouble with Scott Klaers. Klaers spun and George was able to focus on Geiser. On the following lap George grabbed the lead and began pulling ahead. Geiser however did not give up and picked up the pace, resulting in the front two drivers pulling away from the pack. Greg George was able to keep the lead and Rick Geiser stayed in second. Third went to Keith Ehlers and Shannon Millen crossed over fourth ahead of Steve Cobb. A total of 18 cars came out for the Super 1600 Main. Aaron Hawley and Kevin Smith shared row one. Gary Gall and Marty Hart made up the second row and Wes Banks and Cory Witherill were in the third. Points champ-ion Jerry Whelchel started on the inside of row six. On the start Gary Gall and Marty Hart tangled at the starter area with Gall ending upside down, causing a restart. Three cars couldn't make the restart so Kevin Smith sat out front alone. During the restart action Hart got hung on the barrier and held up traffic. Marty Coyne got going in second with Whelchel, Ed Martensen, and Jimmy May trailing. While running all alone Kevin Smith suffered mechanical woes and had to pull off. A roll over blocked the track back in the pack and a restart was called. With Smith out Marty Coyne inherited the lead. Jerry Whelchel settled into second with Ed Martensen third. Whelchel made his move early but Coyne held the lead 00 the restart. With Whelchel being aggressive Coyne picked up the pace and the front two quickly pulled from now third place Marty Hart. Marty Coyne gained a couple of lengths on Whelchel but then spun in the first switch back and Whelchel was able to again show him. Lapped traffic tightened the race up so Whelchel took the outside on the last lap and closed .in on ll@r' Kevin Smith wheelies his Mirage over a rough section en route to second in Super 1600 heat 1, while Ed Martensen, back-ground, heads down the other lane. Wes Banks flies over the lumps in his Chenowth to third in Super 1600 heat 1, but the man in the background is Bob Gordon hiking home after a big mishap. Arron Hawley was second in the second Super 1600 heat, but had to work for it as Cory Witheri/1, #28, was on his bumper all the way to the finish line. Cory Witheri/1, here leading Troy Herbst and Marty Coyne, held onto his third place at the finish of the second Super 1600 heat race. Page 14 Frank Chavez heads down the slide in his Triple E SuperLite and he overtook the early leader to move into second place in the first heat race. AUgust 1993 Scott Klaers shot off the line in his Briggsbilt in the first -SuperLite heat, but a late spinout dropped the hard charger to third in the race. Dusty nmcs
Stacy Fay was the early leader in the second SuperLite heat but was overwhelmed by the eventual winner and she had to settle for second in the race. The only sedans left in Sport Utility class swap a little paint here. T.J. Clark, left, was fourth in his Volkswagen, and Brian Collins fifth in the Porsche. Shannon Millen does a little bicycle number here, but she held onto her Briggsbilt, and drove to fourth place in the hectic SuperLite main event. : Y-77~.r~ Roger Mears Jr. rears his Nissan up in front of Ricky Johnson, and Mears was second in heat 2 in Sports Trucks and took a good third in the main. Rick Geiser started the SuperLite Main event in the front row, coming off a third in his heat, but he dropped to second from his early lead at the checkered flag. Jerry Whelchel had his Toyota powered Super 1600 Special flying in the main event, starting in the back he survived the traffic to finish in second. COAST 1-800-634-6755 Jerry Whelchel borrowed Paul Nissley's Toyota for the Sport Utility action, and despite this ungraceful nose dive, Jerry took third in the main event. Keith Ehlers flew flat and level in his Briggsbilt in the hotly contested SuperLite Main, and after much shuffling about he finished in third place. Eric Arras, foreground, chops a tight corner to hold his position and he did, with a fourth place in the Chenowth in the Super 1600 main event. ·1-800-331-5334 Las \egas, Nevada 6 Dusty Times AUgust 1993 Page 15
"'f(/,,, ~ l tr ,,:a;. ,,.;,;,~,~ Rob MacCachren was another victim of disappearing hood pins, Bob Gordon starts his long walk to the pits atop the hydro-but he was third in the first heat in the Fo!d and fifth in the truck barrier, leaving his race car on a hydrobarrier for the track folks Walker Evans flies his tidy Dodge Dakota high for the fans, and at the Rose Bowl he finished sixth in the fender banging action of the main event. main event. to pick up. This is a picture of total dejection. ~ Coyne heading into the sweeper, but he bumped into Coyne. Having to back off the throttle dropped Whelchel off Marty Coyne enjoyed a well the pace and gave away any chance deserved win with Jerry Whelchel at the. win. holding second. Third was Marty_ T Jamar Super Shifte Make missed shifts a thing of the past! Fortin CV Cages Polished & Strong/ Available in both: 930 and 934.5 Thing Drums Straight from Germany. The real thing! 103 Press Lane #4 * Chula Vista, CA 91910 Phone: (619)691-9171 * FAX: (619)691-0803 Page H August 1993 Hart and tourth was Eric Arras. Ed Herbst was fifth. UltraCross Main was full of excitement as Robert Drew holeshot the event with Mike Bell taking over on the second lap. Drew closed in to challenge but tangled with Bell and they both fell, allowing Yamaha riders Larry Brooks and Kyle Lewis to get by. Lewis clung to Brooks like a junk yard dog biting into a steak but wasn't able to get around. Larry Brooks won with Kyle Lewis a close second. Robert Drew managed third and Ryan Carlisle was fourth ahead of Scott Myers. Sitting inside row one was Roger Mears Jr when the Grand National Sport Trucks came out for their main event. Ivan Stewart sat outside row one. Row two was made up of Roger Mears and Rob MacCachren outside. Rick Johnson and Rod Millen made up row three. Walker Evans and Danny Thompson were next with Brian Stewart sitting alone. The only B driver entered was Evan Evans who had petitioned the other drivers to get into the Rose Bowl competition after missing qualifying by a few hundredths of a second. Once the green flag came out the younger Mears took charge with Ivan Stewart in close pursuit. Before the action could heat up, a yellow flag came out to signify a restart. Rick Johnson had been pushed up on a hydro barrier on the start and had to be pushed off. On the restart Mears again held the lead with Ivan trailing. Roger Mears Sr was settling into third and Rick Johnson fourth when Brian Stewart flipped the Dodge causing yet another restart. After repeatedly studying Roger Mears Jr's start, Ivan Stewart was able to find the young Nissan driver's weak spot and this time took over after the switch-back. A lot of.shuffling occurred on this restart as Ivan Stewart took the lead, Mears Jr was second and Rob MacCachren was ahead of Rick Johnson. Some-where Rod Mill en got over anxious and was sent to the penalty box where he lost two po~itions. Roger Mears Sr was able to keep going but dropped out of contention when he spun and broke a steering control arm. This put Johnson in third. At the midway point Johnson was closing in on Mears, Jr but just as he was closing in on Jr, Ivan Stewart was pulling yet further ahead. When Johnson did get hy Roger Mears Jr, Ivan Stewart had pulled a good ten car lead and only two laps remained. When Ivan Stewart crossed over the finish line he added another victory to an already impressive list. Rick Johnson brought the Nelson & Nelson Chevrolet across second and closed within 10 points of Rod Millen for the series champion-ship. Third went to Rogers Mears Jr and fourth was Rod Millen. Fifth was Rob MacCachren who is now third for the year in points. After five rounds of racing Rod Millen is leading the Grand National Sport Truck points race. Tommy Croft has a comfortable 194 points to teammate Larry Noel's 144 points in the Ameri-can Wheels Sport Utility class. Defending champion Jerry Whelchel leads the Super 1600 battle with 193 to Gary Gall's 153. Greg George appears to be the Superlite champ for '93 as he leads the class with 233 to Sean Finley's 161. Mark Ehrhardt has totaled 187 points to Doug Eichner's 161 in the 4 W heel A TV division. Shaun Kalas can feel Larry Brooks breathing down his neck in the UltraCross war as Kalas has 224 and Brooks has 222. Toyota is again dominating the Grand National vehicle manu-facturers series with 474. Jeep is dominant in the American Wheels Sport Utility class with 381 points. Yamaha appears headed to the podium with 573 points over 422 for Kawasaki. BF Goodrich (576) leads the tire wars with Yokohama (364) in the Sport Truck class and is also dominant in the Super. 1600 battle. Goodyear (348) has the edge over BF Goodrich (313) in the American Wheels Sport Utility division. Dusty nrnes
FOR THE 1st TIME EVER -- BOTH STADIUM & DESERT RACING IN THE SAME ARENA!! M.Jdw,cJl.om,p,40M-Sanctioned by 2 DAY ADMISSION TO PITS & GRANDSTANDS ONLY$10 OFF ROAD 8HllIB8 [l~iiSrl] GLEN HELEN OHV PARK e SAN BERNARDINO, CA RACING DATES- e July 25 e. August 22 EACH RACING -EVENT OFFERS: )( 2 DIFFERENT RACE TRACKS- 1 STADIUM; 1 DESERT Each designed to provide tough, but safe challenges to both MAN & MACHINE! K 24 CLASSES/ • 1, 1/2 1600, 3, 4, 5, 5-1600, 6, 7, 7s, 8, 9, 10, 11, Stock Mini, Stock Full, 24, 25, Grand National Sport Truck, 4-Wheel ATV, Superlites, Pilots, Sport Utility, and Mini Mags )( TROPHIES AWARDED IN ALL CLASSES! K FREE OVERNIGHT CAMPING ON SATURDAY NIGHT! :: =tENTRYFEE:'$40~0IJ; FIRSrENTERED\CLASS I GATE.FEE$10.00)\::}<\:::<t?: == :==}==/= = 1!llil~~!lf tf SfrTf £J!!Ji~~i/2~~~;.,.llim~1ih1}iJ~f ~i~;;;~J~i~f~t!!iiil•1··1m·rn ::tcourita ori:MICKEYTHOMPSON<STADIUM:OFF4i0AD .RACINGSERIES:Everlt VIPTlckets 'eOfl/cliilRacer~s ? ? t tflf!tfe =i,,Jifif!lefihif><Ji,fvrsteflei•'MTEa;Pafct, ~~f1gibiif tfior=sp6rts.m.~n gifmPet1ifgri.t · · =·.·==· ==== '}/l;\/}}!:;'.}/{/(fl\~lil)I :::::::::::::::::::::::;:i::::;::. ')\:<;:/\~/:;;:::;:::i\):::::::. REGISTER NOW! FREE SATURDAY NIGHT PARKING WITH PRE-ENTRY!! For more information, please write to MTEG, P .0. Box 25168, Anaheim, CA 92825 ATTN: SPORTSMAN ENTRY Remember to include your address, daytime phone num-ber and the Class of Competition you are interested in. or Call MTEG at (714) 938-4100 Produced and Sanctioned by [----~ Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group . ~ Anaheim, CA 92825 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SATURDAY PITS OPEN Pre Registration SUNDAY PITS OPEN Registration Practice Racing Starts 12:00 noon 12:00 - 5:00pm 7:00am 7:00am 9:00am 1:00pm Class designations and SCDIE safety rules courtesy of INTIIRNATICNA&:
1993 GMC SIERRA CLUB COUPE PICKUP Good Looking Beige ·Brute Text & Photos: John Calvin Good looking and at home in the desert or on the street, the 1993 GMC Sierra also doubles as a workhorse ready to perform any chore you require. The 1993 GMC pickups are quite handsome, quite large, quite comfortable and a lot of fun to drive. We procured a '93 Sierra Club Coupe pickup and put a lot of miles on it whilst touring the desert covering a race. This particular model was two wheel drive, all we needed as the off road terrain was not soft and we were able to navigate easily with the locking rear end. The first thing that strikes you about the Sierra Club Coupe is its size. It looks like a stretcho version of a regular pickup but it's a lot more than that. It is a very powerful workhorse that just happens to look good and is able to deliver loads of comfort as you work or play. Power originates in this particular Sierra with the massive 7.4 liter gas engine (454cid) with electronic fuel injection, deliver-ing 230 horsepower and almost 400 foot pounds of torque. Horsepower is transmitted to the rear via the 4 speed automatic transmission with overdrive, electronically controlled to be even smoother on the shifting than before. The actual links to the ground are four General-Ameri 550AS LT245175R16 M&S tires, very smooth and quiet on the road and able to do a good job off the road as well. The rear axle ratio is 4 .10 and coupled with the engine and transmission package in this . Sierra Club coupe we had a gross trailering weight rate of 17,000 pounds. Deleting the approxi-mate 4,000 pounds of the Sierra itself, you have a mighty healthy towing package. Needless to say the optional heavy duty trailering package was installed and although all the shocks and springs are tailored for a very heavy load we found the Sierra a very comfortable ride on the open road. Stopping power is via front disc brakes and rear drums with anti-lock system are standard on all Sierras. The instrument cluster is a semi-standard, as seen on most GMC and Chevy truck models. A good sized tachometer left of center with the odometer located in it, and the speedometer to the right of center with a resettable odometer located in it. Across the top of the cluster are oil pressure, water temperature, battery condition and fuel gauges. Just outside the cluster on the left are the headlight switches and directly beneath that the cargo lamp switch. To the right of the cluster is the electronically controlled AM /FM stereo sound system, with all the graphics to denote sound levels, bass/ treble, etc., and, immediately below the sound system is the heat/air conditioning system, also com-plete with graphics to indicate which part of you is being heated . or cooled. A good sized ash tray rand cigarette lighter is just beneath the climate system, and a companion to the sound system, a tape deck with its own controls is located in the center of the dash. The steering wheel is adjust-able, a truly handy feature. And the left steering column stalk controls the intermittant wipers and the cruise control and turn signals while the right hand stalk is the automatic transmission control, the visual indicator of which is located on the instru-ment cluster. The interior is large, I mean large. Two bucket seats which reclined a great deal and were covered in a nice beige cloth were very comfortable, even on a long trip. Between the seats was a mammoth console where you can store all the goodies and still have room to spare. There was a cup holder built into the console and, wonder of wonders, it slid right out the back to service those who may be relegated to the back seat. Speaking of the back seat, a bench seat that looks fairly hard and is not very thick turns out to be fairly comfortable for an adult and, for kids would be just fine. The entire seat folds up to increase your cargo area and I have always found this large area behind the front seats to be a real boon as it allows you to store and secure things inside the vehicle, a welcome gift. A good sized glove box graces From any angle the GMC Sierra is smooth and sleek looking. The Sierra performed well in the desert with only two wheel drive. ~ > Almost twenty feet long the GMC Sierra Club coupe still sports an eight foot Jong bed for the working man and has all the comforts of home inside. Long can be beautiful. the right side of the dash and that door, when opened fully sits level as a die and also has built in facilities for a couple of cups. Electric windows and door locks complete the convenience pack-age and they are an absolute must for any truck package as far as I am concerned. Controls are located nicely out of the way on both doors and are really a pleasure to have. Halogen headlights are the norm now and the Sierra was so equipped. A good looking rear step bumper in chrome enhances the overall good looks and the bed was protected by GM C's own bed liner, another must if you intend to put anything in the bed. Our test Sierra had an eight foot long bed and at one point we loaded it to the gunwales, lots of bulk and weight and drove around like it wasn't even there. The big advantage of a large V8 and heavy duty suspension. Tinted glass surrounds you and this light tint is supposed to filter out the ultraviolet and infr,red -rays and keep things cooler inside. Although with the air condition-ing in our Sierra you can almost freeze yourself to death if you've a mind to! -A 34 gallon fuel tank is standard on the heavy duty models and I must say that in spite of my usual light right foot I was only able to break thirteen miles . per gallon with the big 454 gas engine around town. But a long highway cruise at a fairly steady speed will still give you a 450 mile range and that's plenty for anyone. Our overall impressions were good. A handsome vehicle, loaded with all the goodies we have come to love, lots ot power whenever you punch the throttle and a good sure footed feeling on the highway. This 2 wheel drive version of the Sierra was a pleasure to drive and we hated to give it hack. Perhaps laterthis year we can get a four wheel drive and · run it around for a while. Check out the 1993 Sierra. It's a good solid truck and is able to offer you most anything you want . in ruggedness and comfort . Beneath the hood is the mighty 454 cubic inch powerplant, lots of tractable horsepower and plenty of torque to get any job done. The instruments are easy to see, easy to read and the heat and air conditioning controls are within easy reach of the driver. The rear bench seat can seat three or four across comfortably, and, when folded up increases storage capacity for things not re.legated to the truck bed. Page U August 1993 Dusty Times
A Strong Entry Came To VORRA's Season Opener Text & Photos: Matt Marcher decided to launch their careers at this race. In the first heat Garry Pinheiro pulled off the win from the front row starting spot, with Patrick Timmons, who started seventh coming in second. Gary Steele was third with Sacramento driver Keith Ison very close in fourth in the field of twelve starters. Jason Paul won the first Class 2 moto, was second the next time and came home first in class for the day, earning $320 in the six car class, slim for the unlimiteds at Prairie City. The Sportsman Vet class was up next with twelve entries also, and the traffic caused a little trouble for Corina Mack who. barrel rolled her car three times in heavy traffic on the first lap. She was quickly uprighted by the VORRA course crew and hack in the race two laps later. But, by the end of the heat Glen McAdon in the Creasy Racing car had taken the win. The Mini Mag of Floyd and Mike Haas was close behind all morning. But, midway through in second. Steve Bradford was tech the weather broke and took a following up with a close third turn for the better. The entries while Troy Robinson and Ryan also took a turn for the better with O'Callaghan finished fourth. 67 by the starting time; although Class 9 which started during the number wasn't a short course the Vet heat again only consisted record, it was a good sign for the of three cars. Robert Milner and rest of the season. team were hack with VORRA The first race of the day was the after their tenth place run at the Sportsman Novice class, with Baja 1000 last winter. Starting There were fourteen in Class 1-2-1600 and Ken Ruff came from 12th to second in moto 1, then came out and won the second moto and he won the class on points and took home $504.00. The Prairie City SVRA Park was-the site of VORRA 's first race of the 1993 season. The park was sporting some new improvements since last year, including a new guard rail in front of the spectator area. Other improvements were mainly to the track itself; most of the high berms were lowered or removed to allow better visibility for the spectators, and the main jump in front of the viewing area was also reworked. several of last year's drivers second the Milner, Mclean team Of the five starters in Class 10 Dana Van Noort won the first moto, only two moving into the Vet CI ass, pulled out the win here, with Paul finished and he won the second moto also, a perfect score for the day and he including class champs.Mack & Taylor finishing all the laps for _ea_r_n_e_d_$_2_66_._65_a_s_w_e_ll_. __________________ _ The race looked like it was going to be a cold and wet one · with chilly winds and a light rain Mack and second place Peter second. Forest Creasy dropped -he did not return for the second-were fourteen cars ready--to go Marks. But to make up for the from the race midway with a heat. racing. Tim Riordan, the odds on loss several new teams had blown motor after two laps, and In the first 1-2-1600 heat there favorite to win, put on quite a -""""!l~~----· -It was all in the family in Class 2 as Jason's dad Everett Paul put together a fourth and a win to place second in class, two points behind his son. Sid Smith of the Smith/Rigsby team won the first 1-2-1600 moto, slipped to fifth place in the second round and ended up second in class with $257.50. Turek Zdenek got in 8 laps for third in the first Class 10 moto, then did all ten laps for second in the next round, and he was second in class on points. ,. BILSTEIN RACING APPLICATIONS CLASS 1 TO CLASS 11 OUR SHOCK PRICES ARE VERY COMPETITIVE CALL TOLL FREE FOR PRICES & APPLICATION FUNNELS $11.95 t -I , • 11 GAL DUMP CAN 5GALJUGS WHITE $19.95 RED-YELLOW-ORANGE $20.95 HOT PINK $23.95 $49.95 2 FOR$89.95 2" IIATCHET WHEEL ITIIAP 2" COMBO IIATCHETIAXLE SlllAM: 7' WMl'-AIIOUND AXLE STIIAN 10 FT. $29.95 RED-BLACK-BLUE . 10 FT. $38.95 RED-BLACK-BLUE : 21 IN. $~.95 ECONOMY FUEL CELLS. 8 GAL $172.50 12 GAL $187.50 22 GAL $217.50 '@'.~ 0 CLEARf-UELHOSE 1• $2.90FT 2" $5.72FT 3" $8.94FT ijEADQUARTERSFORALLYOUROF~ROAD EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES. -WE SHIP WORLD WIDE OFF-ROAD USE ONLY RALL YE 500 76109 $28.95 RALL YE 1000 75701 $68.95 RALL YE 2000 77411 $81.95 iii -~•15 AMBER AVOIDANCE LIGHT TWIN HORN $12.90 $53.95 WRIGHT · RACK & PINION .$309.00 ~~. WRIGHT COMBOS WITH BEARINGS $599.00 805-683-1211 TOLL FREE TECHNICAL SALES LINE 800-622-3939 Page 30 August 1993 5 PT HARNESS $94.38 NOMEX Ill SUIT $243.38 REP-B[!\CK:BJ.UE BOTH SFI APPROVED RED-Bl.ACK-BLUE T DUAL M/CYLINDER ~ $199~ SUPER SHIFTER $13;.~ _ .. ◄ $99.00 . M/CYLINDER & SLAVE [I DE ~_yr:g1Q)] Dusty nmes
show, moving from the middle of the pack to the number one spot in two laps; then just as quickly he dropped from the race, leaving the lead and heat win to the Humbug Automotive car of Rigsby and Sid Smith. Ken Ruff who this season has joined forces with the Humbug team finished second after starting 12th. L:irry Folsom, YORRA's 1992 class champ, finished the rnce in the number three spot, while T e:im Scream, Tyler Mort and Jon Havlick, came in fourth. Fifth place went to Arden Dennington in the 1661 PBA special. T he Cl:iss IO :ind Cl:iss 4 vehicles rnn their rnces together this day due to the low three truck Don and Chris German take turns driving the old Chevy powered CJ Jeep, There were but three starters in Class 9 and Robert Milner cleaned house, as turn out in Class 4 . In Class I 0, and they won the first moto by half a lap and won the second moto too for the he won both motos, and of course first on the day in class and earned $120.00 justly named the most destructive Class 4 win and the $240 purse. for his efforts. c_l:iss in YC?RRA, only two of the. I_s_o_n_f_i-ni_s_ht-.n-g-th-i-rd-:-:i-c-ro_s_s_t....,.h_e_. H-o-o-te_r_M_e_y_e_r_, -w-h:-o----,,h--,l_e_w---,-h-is by T erry Shelton, and Eric and five sta rtm g en rs m:i n:iged to. : boards. Fourth in the he:it and on . motor in practice, ran the race on Terry Schroth. G:iry Steele got finish ten laps. D:ina Yan Noort the day went tojt'rry W ald, while :i stocker :ind w:is fifth. followed fifth place points :ind Terrv .Shelton w:is sixth followed hy .Toby Lavender. All hut one Yet -~ won the heat with Rick Phil:istre ______________________________________ ...,;, __________ ...,..--= in a Mini Mag in second place with ten laps done. Turek Zdenek man:iged to finish eight laps enough to give him third. Just think, YORRA now has enough Mini M:igs to h:ive their own cl:iss! As for the he:ivys, the Ger-mans, Don :ind Chris, who :ire triking turns driving the old .kep until Don's new truck is finished, drove the old w:irhorse from srnrt to finish in the lend crossing the finish line :ifter nine laps with half the course bL"tween thdr Jeep and the C lass 4 of class ch:imp Raymond Fisher, in the No Fear Ge:ir, CHE Ho ncho. Fisher who :ilso covered nine laps, and third place John Herm:in rnn the raet: neck :ind neck until Herm:in, leading, stopped his truck only 75 y:irds from the finish line in ;i cloud of smoke, good for third place. There were six cars rendy to run the first Cl:iss 2 he:it :ind Jason P:iul pulled off the he:it win followed by Sam Berri in second :ind Jeff Elrod in third, :ill covering ten l:ips :is did Everett Paul in fourth, driving his new car previously owned by Larry Deaton who h:is moved up to a new Prism Designs t ruck Nobody else was within five la, In the Oddy class, which w11. run in the desert this ye:ir, there was :i strong 11 car entry for the Pro class. The top two spots went to newcomers, Gilbert Toste w:is first to do the eight laps, followed by Ne:il Affinto in second. Michael D:iws finished third followed in by Ben W:ild. 1992 cl:iss ch:imp Scott Stew:irt was fifth and he :ind Dave M:icArthur rounded out the eight lap finishers. There were just three Oddys and Pilots in the Novice class. Eric Gomberg did his eight laps foster than Andy Wald did his rounds. Keith H:ias w:is third with seven laps done. The second Sportsm:in Novice Moro got under wa y with all hut two cars returning. T ohy Lav-ender dropped out after two l:ips, and Matt Oliphant soon followed only completing five laps. Gary Steele st:illed his car :it the start and stayed there for three laps, then got st:irted and finished seven laps, good for seventh, and fifth on the day. All the rem:iining cars got in ten laps with Patrick Timmons taking the win in the heat and with his second e:irlier he won the class for the day. Gary Pinheiro came in second, :ind w:is second for the day, with Keith Dustynmes NORTHERN CALIFORNIA, NEVADA 1993 Race Schedule V.O.R.R.A. 'S SUMMER OF FUN DESERT SERIES JULY 30, 31 & AUG 1 FALLON 250 AT NIGHT 250 Mile Desert Race * 4-60 Mile Laps - New Course Race Headquarters - Bonanza Inn And Casino, Fallon NV July 31: Race Registration & Tech 9am-1pm Race Start: 4pm - - Entry Fee: Pro - $375 Sportsman - $175 Pilots -$1 oo IF YOU MISSED RACING AT NIGHT, THIS ONE'S FOR YOU! SEPT. 4,..§_& 6 YERINGTON/VORRA 250 OCT. 16 & 17 250 Mile Dese,t Race • 4-60 mile laps Race Headquarters - Casino West• Yerington, NV VORRAIALL PRO AUTO PARTS 1993 CHAMPIONSHIP RACE 1 Mile Short Course Race • All classes PLUS VORRA's in-famous Mechanics and Lady's Race Prairie City SVRA Park • Sacramento, CA VALLEY OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION For Information, Contact VORRA: 1833 Los Robles Blvd.• Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 • FAX (916) 925-8217 BFGaadricli Tires T/A~1Tires Month 1993 Page 31
Raymond Fisher kept his championship winning Jeep J-10 Honcho clean and tidy and placed second in both motos and on the day in the small trio in Class 4. Paul Taylor catches a little air to entertain the spectators on his way to second across the board in Class 9, despite not finishing in moto 2. Floyd and Mike Haas run the Mini Mag in Vet class and put together a second and a fourth to finish second in class for the day among a dozen starters. Troy Robinson and Ryan O'Callaghan finished fourth in the first VET heat, got moving in the second round to finish second in the moto and they won on points for the day. ~ car returned for the second moto. There was a hot four car race for the lead'hetween the Haas Mini Mag, Glen McAdon, Randy Miller and Brian Holloway. Holloway ended up winning the race which gave him the third spot in the class. The Robinson/O'Callaghan team made a super fast last few laps to come up from the hack of the pack and finish second, which gave them the class win. Randy Miller, who had run most of the race in fourth gear, inherited third after the McAdon car suffered oil pressure loss and pulled off on the eighth lap.Miller ended up fourth for the day. The Haas F & S Drywall Mini Mag took fourth place in the heat giving them second in class. Class 9 started the second heat with only two cars on the line, one of which soon dropped out, leaving only the racer of McLean and Milner to take the heat win and end the day first in class. Paul Taylor covered seven laps for second on the day, and Fori;_st The Pro Odyssey & Pilot class starfed 11 entries, and former champion Michael Daws took third in the first moto, then won the second heat and won the class on the day and $137.50 in cash. Creasy was third without starting. . Ken Ruff won the second 1-2-1600 heat after running behind Arden Dennington until the last lap. Ruff ended up taking home first for the day, while Dennington, who finished the heat in second, ended the day in third. Tyler Mort and Jon Ha dick took fourth in the moto, and with three 4s for the day they were fourth. Dennis Dugan was third in the moto, giving him the fifth spot in class standings. Rigshy and Smith finished the moto in fifth, which together with their first uneventful. The Germans drove moto win put them in second for way out in front and finished first· the day. to take the class win. Raymond In Class IO only three of the Fisher finished the moto and the five returned to start. Dana Van day in second and John Herman Noort, who managed to outlast was third. All three covered all the other racers, took the moto nine laps on the final round. win and the class win. Turek In the Class 2 finale the action Zdenek was second in the heat and was a little hotter with Sam Berri on the day, and Rick Philastre and Jeff Elrod way up in the front dropped out just after the start and hoth fighting for the lead, line, but still managed to end the until lap 6 when Berri lost a front day in third place on points. wheel assembly, and soon after Class 4 ran pretty much the ended up sitting on top of Clayton same as the first moto, fast and Scudder's car with Scudder's front tower up into and locked with Berri's rear trailing arm. Unfortunately Elrod only went two more laps before retiring with carh trouble, leaving the door open for Everett Paul to win the heat and finish second for the day. Jason Paul was right hehind to finish the moto second and take first in class, the only other ten lap finisher. Geoff Van Noort was third in the moto ending the day in fifth. Elrod camr up with a fourth, third for the day. Berri who finished hack in sixth managed fourth for the Jay. Patrick Timmons scored a second in the first 12 car novice moto, got even better organized and won the second round, and he won the novice honors by winning the second moto. The final Oddy rac~ saw Michael Daws, Scott Stewart ·and Neal Affinto run 1-2-3 the whole race with no one coming close. Daws ended up with the win, which gave him first for the day hy one point. Scott Stewart finished a close second which put him third in class. Neal Affinto ran to third in the moto and second on points, while Ben Wald nailed down fourth in the moto rind fifth for the day. Gilbert Toste was sixth in the heat and earned fourth for the day. The Novice Oddy Class has turned into Pilots also. Eric Gomberg started first, won the first moto, then came back to win the second moto in his Pilot and top honors for the day. As for the novice Oddys, Eric Gomberg won the second h1:,1t giving him a perfect score and the class win. Andy Wald finished the heat second and was second for the day. Keith Haas came in third in the heat and third in class. Well, that was the end of the VORRA Season Opener. The next covered race will be the Spring Special, this year held nt Prairie City due to a complaint about the dust at the Hollister Hills SVRA. So until then, "Go make some Dusty Times". Gary Pinheiro brought his tidy racer into first place in tfte first Novice moto, but his second place second moto finish was only good for second place. Neal Affinto brought his Pilot out to race in Pro class, and he is one to be reckoned with, as his pair of third place finishes put him second on the day. Andy Wald tried hard in the Oddy Novice motos, but his Pilot placed second in both motos and was second on points, one lap down to the winner. Page 31 August 1993 Dusty Times
Earn KC Contingency Dollars for Running Off Road Racing's Winningest Lights! --. SCORE Racing Series -_, $250 Available in Each 4 Wheel Class Winners are determined by the KC "SHOT IN THE DARK"random drawing consisting of KC equipped finishers at each race. You just might win, even if you don't win your class. All class finishers have an equal chance. KC 11SHOT IN THE DARK11 WINNERS BAJA 500 Class 1/2-1600 - Gary Anderson. Class 3 - Dale White Class 5-1600-Steve Lawrence Class 7 - Dean / Gaughn Class 7S - Darren York Class 8 - L.arry R~gland Class 11 - Hector-Juan Sarabia FRT, La Rana, Vorra, Baja Promotions & Soda Series - _, $50 to Each KC Equipped Class Winner --t ~ These special racer only lighting packages are available exclusively through Jim Conner Racing. Products can be ordered directly from Jim Conner Racing or purchased from Jim at all SCORE events. Jim Conner Racing also offers the racer FRffreplacement of burned out bulbs and repair parts. *SCORE approved rear collision light (required safety equipment on all four wheel classes) (2) 150 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (2) 100 Watt Chrome Fog Lights (1) 55 Watt Rear Collision Light* (4) Stone Guards (4) Vinyl Light Covers ............ (2) 100 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (2) 100 Watt Chrome Fog Lights (4) Stone Guards (4) Vinyl Light Covers (2) 150 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (2) 100 Watt Chrome Fog Lights #2 $152.00 (4) Stone Guards (4) Vinyl Light Covers (2) 150 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (1) 55 Watt Rear Collision Light* #5 $92.00 (2) Vinyl Light Covers (2) 100 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (2) 100 Watt Chrome Fog Lights #3 $143.00 (1) 55 Watt Rear Collision Light* (4) Stone Guards (4) Vinyl Light Covers (2) 100 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (1) 55 Watt Rear Collision Light* #6 $66.00 (2) Vinyl Light Covers Any of the above lighting packages will qualify you for KC's contingency program. Listed prices are available to competitors only. Don't miss out on any races, pre-order today for delivery at the next SCORE race. For more information on KC's 1993 Contingency Program, contact: Jim Conner• P.O. Box 1129 • Lake Havasu City. AZ 8~405 • 1-602/855-09.12 • i=ax 1-602-453-9641
RANCHO SUSPENSION prese1 AN OPEN LETTER FROM ROD HALL '' It gives me a great deal of pleasure to invite all drivers, teams and quad and motorcycle _ riders to join us for the First "Reno/Pyramid 300" Off-Road race sponsored by RANCHO Suspension and others on Saturday, August 21, 1993, on the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe reservation (30 miles northeast of -Reno, Nevada]. I believe it will be a step into the future of Off-Road racing for participants and fans alike. For the first time you will be able to view most of a desert race from advantageous points around the course. Pyramid LBke itself is one of the great scenic wonders in the west and offers boating, fishing, camping, swimming, rock-hunting, hiking and every outdoor adventure imaginable. You can even launch your boat and wat.ch most of the race from the lake itself. In addition, the Tribe has recently completed a multi-million dollar Marina, complete with RV and Trailer hook-ups. Another exciting part of this race is that you are only a half hour from the 24-ho_ur action of Reno, Nevada. Reasonable room rates, great food, live entertainment and terrific hospitatity has always been the Reno reputation and it hasn't changed! We are planning a great weekend of fun for you in Reno that includes race day on the 21st of August, a Contingency Parade · downtown on Virginia Street on Friday, August 20, a "Truckers" Ball on Friday night, Awards Brunch on Sunday, and several other surprises. If you want to have a full week of fun - topped by the Off-Road race of the year in a brand new, beautiful venue, then I'm inviting you to make your plans .early to be in Reno, Nevada on August 21 ! '' Sincerely, i ~ Rod Hall SCHEDULE MONDAY through THL AUGUST 16-19 • REGISTRATION • PRE-RUN FRIDAY, AUGUST 20 • CONTINGENCY • TRUCKERS' BAL SATURDAY, AUGUST f • RACE DAY, Pyra1 SUNDAY, AUGUST 22 • AWARDS BRUN1 TO SAN FRANCISCO 1-80 A
its. ''The Rod Hall Invitational'' . ' : OF EVENTS JRSDAY, PARADE, Downtown Reno .L, Friday evening ~1 mid Lake CH BUFFET SPARKS CARSON CITY I TO DENVER The Reno/Sparks/Tahoe area joins with the Double Bar . S Production company, Rod Hall International, Rancho Suspension, Morrey Distribution/BUDWEISER, The California Almond Growers, Rod Hall Racing Lights, Mikita Tools, The Reno/Sparks Convention and Visitors Authority, AM General "HUMMER", and the other fine sponsors of the "RENO/PYRAMID ~OD" to welcome com-petitors and fans alike to' the most exciting new venue in Off-Road racing -the colorful Pyramid Lake Paiute Reservation. As Kent Bullock, president of Double Bar S, has noted, ''Your days will be Pyramid - Your nights will be Reno.'' Not only will you enjoy the miles of unspoiled beaches at the Lake, you will be able to commute in an easy half hour to the 24-hour action and excite- · ment of Reno, still the "Biggest Little City in the World." Once in Reno you will be impressed by the friendliness of the workers in the hotels and casinos that offer the best in accom-modations, the finest and most reasonable food, and plenty of live entertainment. Then too, you are within forty-five minutes of beautiful alpine Lake Tahoe, the historic and liveliest ''Ghost Town'' in the west - Virginia City, and close to the historic state capitol, Carson City. So come to America's newest Off-Road race, meet the legen-dary Rod Hall in person, enjoy the most abundant and beautiful assortment of scenic splendor that nature has to offer and enjoy all the area's amer:,ities that are so reasonably priced that you will find yourself planning for a return visit . . -------------------------YES! I AM INTERESTED IN COMPETING IN THE "Rancho Suspension/Rod Hall Invitational RENO/PYRAMID 300'' PLEASE SEND ENTRY INFORMATION TO: NAME ______________ _ _ ADDRESS ______________ _ Please clip this coupon and mail or fax to: Laurie Hall, 5445 Equity Ave., Reno, NV 89502 FAX: (702) 856-3105 VEHICLE TYPE & CLASS __________ _ _ _ L-------------------------
ADRA MEMORIAL DAY SNOWFLAKE BUGGY BASH Melton Melts ~hulz, Burns Wood In The Arizona Heat Text & Photos: Anthony Tellier Ten cars of Melton; Schulz; and the I'm-getting-used-to-it-but-still-blistering-the-course Rabbit Funco of Keith McMullen. Shannon swears by his Yokohama recaps by LA-based Edward's Tire. "At $105 per they aren't cheap, but they're tough; they last. And Eddco straightened, redrilled and dressed my 'Vul-ture' wheel, only twenty bucks each. JP (Jim Pierce) sent over fifteen -then fifteen more. It's a real deal." Murray took to the course under free and clear conditions, and considering the dry, silty, dusty conditions, proved the Steve Melton was all go and no show on his way to the overall victory and d f d 1 winning Class 10 as well as having a $3600 pay day at the ADRA Snowflake "wis om" 0 rawing an ear Y Buggy Bash in Arizona. number. But the course was also ---------------------------· fast and the hounds were on Tom Shannon Schulz chased his long time buddy Steve Melton right to the finish line, but missed the win, taking second overall and second in Class 10. ADRA's traditional 250 Mile mind: Victory. Frank Turben and Snowflake Buggy Bash -named Paul Rich spiffed up the crowd for a nearby small town -had an· pleasing Chevrolet and entered· increased turn-out for this-Class 1, hoping to break the· popular Memorial Weekend streak of bum luck that has event and Race Director Phil followed them around the state Auernheimer breathed a sigh of this year. Tom Murray planned relief. ADRA has been presenting on regaining that edge he showed a ri$ing-$cale bonu$ to both the so well at last year's Gold Coast Unlimited and Limited Group -while Paul Nolte and Conrad 1600s - overall winners and this Monroe had their Powergliding award will get as high as $4000 at sorta-Pontiac V6 buggy ready for the final event{ for the Unlimiteds a repeat of their Parker 400 finish. -$2K for the small bores), plus Dan-the-Man Foddrill snuck the cash pay-back. Jerry Finney's Porsche single and Bent Mann's tail immediately. Turben wasted no time in demonstrating the authority of his big power plant as he turned the fast first lap, . almost picking off Murray before the pits. Frank gave a great show for tne bystanders as he looped a spare out of its basket over a nasty Baja-style water bar at pit center. "Ooh man. You missed it, it went way= up. Real high. Didn't hit anybody." Almost a three-pointer. Frank's lead would prove to be tenuous, at best, as the· Fod flew on, full throttle, making up a minute on the big truck by the end qfLapTwo. Gayton spent the first lap feeling the course out, then wasted a good position and the chance for a three-peat when a "2¢" output flange circlip flicked off. "That will never happen again," he vowed. "That's too cheap a part to cost (me) so much. Now there's a threaded hole down the center (of the output shaft) and I can bolt in a large-diameter {retaining)washer." Always thinking. Wayne and Leonard Greene attacked the BLM water bars and beat the system. They took home the 1-2-1600 class bonus and as well as the purse they also placed fifth overall. -No, MikeDoherty is not subscribing to an alternate form of public transporta-tion in his "Subway" Chevrolet; he's just heading for first place in Pro Class 8. rack and pinion was broken. the pedal down and kept out ot Cannibalbng Murray's car would trouble. · prove to be ineffective as a failed, A three minutes longer fourth or defective, UMP power steering lap spelled the negative difference control valve was unavailable in for Wood as Melton drove a either car's tool bag or chase smooth error free race, ran over truck. 50 mph, and collected the There were no one car classes at' seater out the shop's back door Snowflake and a healthy group of and was ready to race -only ls and lOsdidseriousbattle, with Rueben Wood, in the 2-liter Shannon Schulz missing the Pinto Meco, stood between him Overall by 44 seconds to and the Big Bucks. (Race Day it Arlington, AZ Ace Steve Melton. would be Tom Murray who Wayne Green took his second would stand in the way of Fod's consecutive 1600 class win in as onslaught.) A rare appearance many ADRA races entered since was put in by Station 1 's way back in '88. struggling Steve Godfrey in a big The racing deteriorated right after Danny started to think about catching leaders Turben, Murray, and Wood. While the "facts" depend upon whom you ask, a likely scenario went something like this. Murray was hot to get back by Turben, and Frank, of course, wanted no part of that action. In the rollers, where vision Danny: "I mighta been able to Unlimited bonus win, the class get going, but my buddy, my pit purse, and the $1000 Class 10 captain, elected to go up to the bonus for a whopping $3600 (Colorado) River instead, to do take-home pay day. Steve allowed some boating and some partying that" this almost makes up for the with Bill Herrick" - referring to engine problems I've had in the Jim "JP" Pierce who has reported-previous races. Almost." Robert ly benefited greatly from Danny's Gayton was pleased and quite innumerable late night hours surprised to find that persever-servicing his racing cars. Danny ance does indeed pay off as his had been using the course to the two-hours-in-the-pits repaired maximum. Checkpoint radio car took the second place monies reports squawked that "(Fodd-in Class 1. rill)tookmyturnsofast{that)he _ Kevin McMullen finished went up on the bank!" and I fourth and third in 10 with a personally observed Dan violat-serious driving display in the ing the "SO-foot rule" when he Albert McMullen Funco. He thoughtfully swerved over toward _ certainly entertained the Lookie-me, "so I could get a better Lous in the pits with easily the picture," so he said. most sterling water bar jumps -Even with the competition the front end ski jumping with taking each other out, Turben was lots of altitude and attitude. He unable to capitalize on the. also put the car into the Fastest misfortune of others. On the Lap category, Class 1 included. · fourth ( of seven) laps, and as had Gotta love a sweet job like that. Robert Gayton's RX7 Chap-two seat Sandhawk. Steve, those arral, winner of the previous cars DO have a shelflife-"almse, it Vulture Mine and La Playa, was in or lose it." town with but one thing on his But you couldn't ignore the, -~--4~11=1",,-_ . --=-_;J . ~ - . - -~~~---------Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road driving schoorcan help you be your best! But be ready. .. the road isn't smooth! Page 36 Call For Courses and Dates Great Basin COnsmtilg 2738 Chavez Dr. Reno, NV 89502 (702)8t5-8830 is limited and the turns always a surprise, Murray spun out -at speed. Rueben was just able to squeak by, but Danny, deep in both cars' dust, met Murray who was pointed the wrong way, disoriented after the spin and blinded the truck's and Wood's dust. Front wheels were torn off, beams bent, and shocks only partially absorbed. Danny said in disgust: "When I got out I just walked away. I had nothing to say ( to Tom). I had just lapped Ricky Geyser in Godfrey's car when Murray turned to the left right into me -when I turned right. Aren't you supposed to swerve to the right?" No one was hurt but Foddrill's ride needed some serious chase crew and parts bin help to get going. Spindles, tie rods, wheels, calipers, arms were all trucked out. When it was all back together they found that the August 1HJ happened too many times this (Note: according to a several-year, Frank parked it. This time it year-old Teen Gazette article, Kev was a transmission. But Frank was has been a Baja 1000 contender -not the first to go down with if not a champ!) terminal drive train problems. Ed Beard is (hopefully) nearing The long wheelbase Nolte/Mon-the end of his Development roe Woods Vulcan had dumped a program on the A-armed Ten. transmission, not completing one "Yeah, it's work in' good. Now lap. we're breaking things that aren't The Ten cars, however, were peculiar to our set-up. Just not wasting any time, battling normal race car stuff is going sour. through the dust and trying to reel Power steering hoses; brake in the big boys. Front" 10" starter pucks; that kinda stuff. This car Melton matched Schulz' pace, lap has to come down all the way and for lap, only dropping a few extra get the used st-uff replaced," seconds for a pit stop and the nodding at the second-hand repair of a throttle return spring. controls and accessories used to With the more over enthusiastic bootstrap the testing of the light-drivers now watching from the weight, long-travel front end. sidelines it was simply a matter of A new face on the ADRA waiting to see if Steve could catch scene, which has been somewhat Rueben and whether Shannon limited by the economy lately, could catch either one of them. was the well-detailed, self-Melton passed Turben in the pits prepped Chenowth of Texan and kept lookin' back on the high James Martin. The Odessa oil biz-speed stuff: "I wanted to beat him man uses FAT engine parts - self-to the trees, where I knew that assembled again. "We knew he'd hold me up." Steve just kept Robert ( Gayton) from the El DustyTimcs
Kelly Reedy violated Air Traffic Control airspace during his unsuccessful/ catch-up attempt; he and Tony Pierce were second in Pro 1600 at the flag. Ed Beard sat comfortably in his Super Seated, A-Armed Class 10, but he still had teething trouble, this time burning the rear Danny Foddrill ran hard through the junipers in the high country around Snowflake, but was on his way to a head on with Tom Murray, but there were no injuries, only to the cars. Paso/Juarez events and thought, why not?" "Just gotta keep it outa the trees." Racing since '87, Martin had a few problems. "We got a flat when we clipped a stump getting around a stopped pickup. That took ten minutes away right there." Then we lost an alternator and the replacement had a bad shaft threads. It took 25 minutes and that set them way back. And they had to change emulsion tubes. It was too fat and wouldn't run strong. The Lone Star car just used up their race time in the pits. James demonstrated his driving ability with a 51 mph lap -just before the flat. Does this tell you anything? Melton's win was not without its drama, unfortunately it took place after the finish line. There was some question regarding an exhaust leak: Number Two port's nuts had backed off their studs, allowing a composite gasket to blow out, leaving a thin gap in violation of ADRA's fairly straight and BLM-complaint rules. But, in the heat of the wild finish as Wood and Steve slid in, Phil acknowledged Melton as the winner and had him get his car out of the impound area. It was only after Steve had taken his car back to his trailer that the auestion was raised. By then, how'ever, it was too late and the ensuing discus-sion was moot and simply conjecture: the decision, even if premature, stood. Case closed. Wasn't no big thing, anyway. With four ADRA races run this year Wayne Greene is the only repeat winner in the limited suspension and restricted ( 1600) engine class (Tony Pierce and . Tom Struttman were the others). As Greene has only entered the last two events, he's now eagerly looking for a sweep in the remaining three season races. Each successive ADRA race merits an ever increasing purse, for those who enter every event ... rewarding the faithful. Wayne, with father H.L. Greene riding shotgun, fell behind at the start to arch-rival Tony Pierce (if he wasn't before an arch-rival, he is now) by three minutes, but was able to bring up his pace and hold the gap. TP got a good smack by Martin. When Pierce decided to give pal Kelly Reedy a chance behind the wheel, Green~'s window of opportunity opened wide. Reedy, somewhat rusty after months of inactivity, tagged a stump, according to a broken-down Danny Foddrill and blew ten minutes getting a spare wheel and tire. "And we were running 35 pounds to avoid just this sort of thing." Chase vehicle access onto ADRA courses is minimal, limited by the BLM, the USFS, and the AZ F&G, and, well, Wayne just cruised home for the big bucks, a 5th Overall, . and another big-money win over Dustynmcs brake out during the race. Pierce. _ Pat Mershon went without usual passenger Cory Sappington to keep the weight down but the hurry-er he went the more behind-er he became, losing a spindle to one of the many Tree Monsters lurking on the rolling grasslands. Pat took it to the Highway. Mike Doherty and Rick Munier brought out the Class 8 Subway Chevrolet pickup for fun and games and had a smooth day through the junipers. "I only smacked the truck once, with a tree, of course, on the driver's visor." Mike ate lots of dust playing follow-the-leader behind the freight train of Kevin, Dalke, Shannon, and Gayton. A longish pit stop to field-repair a cracked header runner cost him 9th Overall (per ADRA and the_ BLM, et al, rules again) but he easily took the Pro 8 class over Scottsdale's Kevin Patrick's Chevrolet. Co-driver Lori Patrick, Kevin's allegedly-long-suffering wife, adamantly insisted on a published correction: "Hey! I get out and work on this thing all the time. He won't let me sit in it and just wait." . Ron Dalke had the Green Gang Challenger Bug prepped and ready for a fast race, and he got it, . with a rapid 7th, beating Jeff · Knupp's solo-driven 2-seater by some 18 minutes over the eight-lap, 32-mile, high-altitude (6,000 feet) route. Ron liked the course, getting big-time air at every chance, averaging over 44 miles an hour, and not losing a throttle spring for a change. Number plate follies were in evidence. Pat Mershon's FAT-Raceco 2-1600 had to resort to a . rear plate cut out of cardboard 1· box while Ed Beard Magic Marker-ed his on the air box: "Tino 1 " (1001 ). I In SPORTS MAN Class after his Second Place finish, Shannon turned the yellow Farmco car 1 over to brother-in-law Daniel I Hyde for the Sportsman race. Hyde had had about ten minutes in the car, any off-road car, actually, prior to the three lap trophy race and then went out to demonstrate why he is also the man to beat in the Amateur ATV ranks. Hyde's laps continued to get faster and smoother, event-ually approaching Shannon's times (50.65 vs. 50.92 mph). Shannon considered taking action: "Whoa! Bring him in!" "That was 'Fun'," he grinned after taking the win. "Yeah!" And it was a legal pre-run for the following day's bike and quad race. Heh, heh. Rudy Leon and Don Graham had the old Levi Beard/Junior McClusky Funco running smooth and steady, while providing a golden opportunity for a whole passel of folks, friends and family to enjoy the cool clear Mogollon rim air. ( U nfortun-a tel y, the summer's normal afternoon showers never mater-ialized and the course continued to silt up and sand down the racers.) "It's a good ol' car-home-prepared -and it gets everybody out together." Larry and Emma Weiser took son Donny's 2-seat Challenger out for the three lapper and cranked it to Second Overall. The pre-race prediction was that he would "run it as hard as it'll go." It was fun through the trees, if I kept it in second and didn't get too impatient. I'm surprised that this transmission still works. Ron Dalke keeps running his heavier Baja Bug in Class 9 and here he shows We've raced it and even loaned off on his way to the Pro Challenger win, and he has won several times in this for the past few years. Ron, _c_ar_. _________________________ _ nodding at Pro winner Dalke, .. Larry found some bright green . the dust of the dry course for Fifth even borrowed it at Gila Bend." harnesses for an extra bit of in the big-engined Baja Bug class. (Continuing the Tucson Green flambeaux.) Pete Surdez and Rob ''We had to clean out the Gang Challengers' propensity for Tanner had get-out-and-in distributor a bunch of times. You neon green chassis and bumpers, · ignition woes, struggling through_ · know, I thought Roh sealed it .. .' OFF ROAD COMPONENTS ► ,tr MADE BETTER IN THE U.S.A. * ~• AXLES• SPRING PLATES• PREDRILLED CV BOLTS LINK PINS • LINK PIN BUSHINGS & SHIMS TIE RODS• WHEEL STUDS• BUSHING INSTALLATION TOOLS • NEW PRODUCTS IN DEVELOPMENT• SCORE & LA RANA CONTINGENCY SPONSOR DJ TRANSAXLES D.G. RACING HOTLINE AUTOMOTIVE LOTHRINGER OFFROAD DENUNZIO 10623 Blackfoot Road 708 w_. Mill, Untt M 6951 I dleW'flde Circle ENGINEERING BUGGY SUPPLY RACING PRODUCTS Awle Valley, CA 92308 San Bernardino, CA 9241 O Mebourne, FL 32904 825 N. Glendora Avenue 2525 E. 16th Street P.O. Box 6057 (619) 240-3930 (909) 885-5226 (407) 724-1270 Covina, CA 91723 Yuma, AZ 85-165 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 (818) 915•2212 (602) 783-6265 (805) 683-1211
Mark Burrows with Ross Waller set a fast lap of the day on the fast round in the Bridgestone Trekka, and were second in Class 1 and third overall. Mark Bush kept his single seat Class 9 Hunter Rivmasta roaring all the way, survived the many pitfalls on course and was second in class, 10th overall. Robert and Jason Graham launch the Class 2 Hornet out of a silty, dusty hole, kept it on the road to finish second in class and seventh overall. AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP - ROUND 1 Daren Wells Wins The Rough And Dusty Opener Text & Photos: Darryl Smith Daren Wells, with Ian McPhee navigating the Class 1 Rivmasta with turbo power, took the lead on the third lap by inches, and held it in the Yokohama car to win Class 1 and overall by less than a minute. Simplythe Best! Fuel Safe's Pro Cell Racing Bladders are designed to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all of the major racing associations. Top Racers, like Robbie Gordon, demand the best and so should you. Fuel Safe Racing Cells • The Champions Choice! At your local dealer now! e Aircratt'tlubber Manufacturing, Inc. The Australian Off Road Championship for 1993 got under way with the first round of the Series run late last April. The event, called the Perserverance Off Road Challenge, was spons-ored by Isuzu-General Motors. The venue was a new one, just north of T oowoomba in Queens-, land. One's first impressions were . that such a picturesque_ area of. grassy rolling hills and valleys would make an ideal track. But that soon turned out to be the opposite as crews encountered what must be the roughest and definitely the dustiest track in history. The Prologue on the Saturday to determine who would start off first was going to be important on such a dusty track. Terry Rose-;k ~"., -rc~ < "t;'~;f,f::r~ Terry ai?d Marueen Rose had fastest Prologue time and led the race for two laps in the 2-1600 Goodyear Hunter Rivmasta, won the class handily, and took second overall, just 56 seconds behind the winner. was the one who set quickest time gearbox trouble, losing 1st and on the short circuit, giving his new 3rd. The Baja of Nev Taylor was sponsor, Goodyear, something to also parked with clutch failure. In smile about. Rose was also driving Class 2 Richard Bennett also a Class 2-1600 car. Only one retired after a collision with Les second slower was Daren Wells in Siviour's 4x4 tore off the shock a turbo Class 1 car. Then it was mounts. another second to Brett Osborne Terry Rose, meanwhile, was in a V6 powered Class 1 buggy. making the most of his dust free Leading the other classes were vision. Mick Myers slipped back Geoff Beckett (Class 3, 1200); in Class 9 after he hit a stump in Nev Taylor (Baja), Norm Vesty, the dust of a slower car. Warren FlOO (Class 5, 2WD cars and lronsactuallyrolledhisBajawhile trucks); George Croucher (Class Robert Knott gave up in his 6, Challenger); Les Siviour, Nissan pickup after blowing a Nissan ( Class 7, 7 4x4 stock); diff. The times for that opening Peter Hadlow, Mitsubishi (Class lap saw Rose fastest, and leading 8, 4x4 modified) and Doug Class 2. Wells came next, Class 1, McMillan ( Class 9 single seater) then Mark Burrows ( 1 ), Barry in his brand new, imported Johnson (1), Nev Marshall (9), Raceco-Porsche. and McMillan (9). Geoff Beck-The start format varies from kett still led Class 3, while the event to event with sometimes a surprise was in the 4x4 Class 7; two at a time start. But in these there was a new car in the class to · conditions that was out of the take on the Siviour Nissan. Mark question and crews lined up in Manns and IGM had built a single file. Luckily a strong wind Jakaroo V6 thatlooked capable of had come up and would help in the job. But, nobody told Eric the open paddocks, but there was Whitbread and he led the class in a lot of close racing amongst the his older Mitsubishi truck. trees. Not long after the start, one There was a small break before favorite was out; Neville Boyes' cars started their second lap. The new Class 1 came to a halt with track really began to break up and gearbox failure. Third placed numerous track redirections took Brett Osborne was also suffering. place. Many of the cars were 18062 Redondo Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 842-2211 (800) 433-6524 (Outside CA) SAFETY ... It's what we·re all about. Peter and Glen Had/ow had fastest time both first half laps in Class 8 in a Doug McMillan had a great debut in his new imported Raceco-Porsche, ran Mitsubishi Triton unlimited 4x4, fought off the challenge from Ken Smith to with the leaders all day and won single seat class as well as taking fourth 0/ A. win the class in the Yokohama truck. Page 38 Au9ust1ftJ Dustynmcs
Ken and Laureen Smith got fast lap in Class 8 on lap 3 in the turbo Holden Rodeo, but the Goodyear truck was second in class by about six minutes . Fabio Zarfati with Greg Campbell riding in the Class 8 Ral/iart Mitsubishi Pajero had a good run, placing a close third in the really tough class. Plowing through the dust clouds Bryan ·and Michelle Basham survived the course to place their Hunter Rivmasta a fine third in Class 2 and the 1600 was ninth overall. . getting bogged in the hill sections . . had got back up to lead the Class 7 with three foot deep bull dust. times over Manns. Ken Smith Neill Morrison slipped out the picked up fastest Class S time in Class 1 chances when he got a flat • his turbo Holden Rodeo truck. tire. Howard Ford was without The final lap 4 commenced and power steering in his Class 9 but the few surviving crews would still doing well. Not so lucky was have been happier to call it off. Robert Moore who traveled half The attention centered around way across the country to have his -the Wells/Rose duel. Manns motor pack up in his Class 3. though left the 4x4 scene with Marshall surrendered his Class 9 broken rear shock mounts, then lead with gearbox problems, also in the Class 7 field Whit-while Kevin Hufschmid's Baja bread blew out a welsh plug. The broke a rear spring plate in half. VS 4x4 Nissan of Grahame Baxter Manns slipped back in Class 7, stopped with a mystery electrical actuallyboilinghispowersteering fault. Up front though, the fluid to the point where it melted quickest lap of the day was set by the reservoir! Barry Johnson's Goodyear Class The second lap was now over 1 over Burrows, Wells, McMillan and the times came through. Once and Rose. It was certainly a again Rose set fastest lap. Equal survival of the fittest with the second were Wells and Johnson, track taking its share of casualties. then Hayden Bentley and Jamie In fact only 45 percent of the field Robinson, all Class 1 cars chasing finished the four lap journey. Rose's Class 2-1600 Hunter The happy crew at the end of it Rivmasta. Back in the Class S 4x4 all was Daren Wells and Ian field, Hadlow had control with McPhee who took the win in their fastest class lap both times.. Yokohama Class 1 Rivmasta. McMillan had taken back Class 9 · Only 56 seconds in arrears was also. Schmidt's rotary Baja easily the husband and wife team of led the reducing Baja field. Terry and Maureen Rose, The Recovery crews were kept winning Class 2-1600. In third busy·as more cars failed to get up only 25 seconds back came Mark the hills without a tow. The track Burrows and Ross W aller in a was either deep in dust or very . Class 1 Trekka for Bridgestone. rough. The roughness accounted The end result was very close for the brpken drive lines on front indeed. In the Class 1 placings runners, Osbourne and Robin-behind Wells and Burrows came son. Then Schmidt left the Baja Bentley, then Johnson and scene with a broken pivot bolt. Charlie Albins. In Class 2 behind The new Nissan Patrol 4x4 of Reg Rose came Bob Graham, Bryan O wen with a Sprintcar Donovan Basham (having his first drive in VS withdrew after the deep dust Class 2 ), Chris Owen in a Funco, actually pulled the dry sump belt then Ron Vander Haar. off. Geoff Beckett held his grip on At the front of the field Class 3 all day and took the win though, Wells pulled up the pace over Warren, Cheers and Latter. and set fastest lap 3 time and George Croucher was in fact the actually took over the lead from last car home but won in Class 6 . Rose. Burrows was next quickest The Class 7 Nissan Patrol of Les that lap, then Bentley and Bob Siviour took the win over the tiny Graham'sClass2.Beckettstillled Suzuki of Bruce Chapman. The Class 3 but had the Warren Class S 4x4 modified battle was brothers right on his tail. By the close all day, but in the end it was endoflap3 therewerenocarsleft the Peter Hadlow Yokohama in either Class 4 or 5, while the Mitsubishi Triton taking the win sole Class 6 Challenger of George over the Goodyear Rodeo of the . Croucher still circulated. Siviour .Smiths. Fabio Zarfati's Ralliart · a ,,,,..,..,, .... On lap 4 Barry Johnson just bested Burrows fast lap to claim that honor for the race in the Rivmasta, place fourth in Class 1 and take sixth overall as well. DustyTimes Mitsubishi took third. Doug McMillan had a dream debut for his new Raceco taking full points in Class 9, followed by the Hunter cars of Mark Bush and Howard Ford. Lady driver Sabine Brand was fourth over Mich Myers' .Dirtrix. The new venue has certainly made its mark with many competit9rs saying it must take over the title of the toughest event from the Kempsey race. One . roughest he had ever seen and that included many US races he had witnessed. The area of the race can now go back to being in the grips of the worst drought on record. . driver said it was the dustiest and (Results on Page 41) o-ooe. Our patented self adjusting. defle:;we disc valving system continuous suspen-sion control in the rough yet main1ain.s a comfortable ride on the street Truck and sport utility vehicle drivefs demand more shock performance and Bllstein provides ... • Highest gas pressure for fade-free long life • 98% efficiency CNet 100,CXXl miles • Largest piston wori<ing area (1.81" diameter) • Limited lifetime warranty These are the same high quality Bilstein shocks that normally cost up to $119.00 each. kt OON and save! *Limited time offer through August 15, 1993. Contact the Distributors listed below or your nearest Bilstein dealer: CANADA CONNECTICUT NORTH CAROLINA Performance Assist Accessories Ltd. William Sander Rowells, Inc. CALGARY, AB • 403/279-2807 BEACON FALLS • 800/227-9763 CHARLOTTE -704/333-5213 CALIFORNIA GEORGIA Autosport Gallery APS -800/423-3623 Specialty Parts Warehouse RALEIGH -919/872-2002 ANAHEIM-714/630-1144 LIBURN -404/978-2801 NEW JERSEY McKenzies Performance Products HAWAII Euro nre ANAHEIM -714/441-1212 Zubehor Hawaii, Inc. FAIRFIELD -800/631-0080 Auto Service & Performance HONOLULU -808/836-1980 Woodlawn Auto and RV Service MOUNTAIN VIEW-415/969-1050 LINDEN-908/862-3695 Fairway Sport and Performance ILLINOIS OREGON PLACENTIA - 714/528-4670 Precision Frame ipd ASI -800/683-2890 HIGHLAND PARK -708/432-0082 PORTLAND -800/444-6486 SAN DIEGO -619/584-2890 INDIANA TEXAS Downey Off-Road MFG. Power Brake and Spring Pro Am Parts and Accessories SANTA FE SPRINGS -310/949-9494 SOUTH BEND -800/282-1044 HOUSTON -800/847-5712 Performance Products LOUISIANA VERMONT Toyota Specialist Brinson Rovers North -Rover Specialist VAN NUYS -800/553-2840 HARAHAN -504/733-7326 WESTFORD -802/879-0032 August 1993 Page 39 ~~
37TH TOUR DE CORSE Francois Delecour Wins In The New Ford Text & Photos: Martin Holmes here. This was perfect revenge for their last night defeat at the hands of Toyota driver Auriol at Monte Carlo. This was also the first rally finish this season for reigning World Champion Carlos Sainz, but he was an unconvincing fourth behind Auriol's teammate Francois Chatriot, who had not entered a rally for 14 months. The two major sensations were the speed of the Renault Clio Williams cars making their competition debut and the performance of Pirelli who made two fastest times in the hands of Andrea Aghini and thereby broke this season's monopoly by Michelin . . Delecour's second victory of · the season puts him into the lead of the series, ahead of Juha Kankkunen (absent on this occasion) and Auriol. This year the World Champ-ionship sees four not two all asphalt qualifying rounds, which means that the development of tires and of cars for the Tour de Corse carried a greater than usual significance. And bolstered by politically originated funds ( aimed at compensating teams previously sponsored by the now outlawed tobacco advertising industry but widely seen as state support for motor sport in general) this event reflected the remarkably high level of teams competing on the French champ-The sensation of the Tour de Corse was the debut of the Renault Clio Wilfiams ionship series. 2 liter, designed to win Form_ula 2, and they_ came in 1-2, led by this team, Jean This year the Mediterranean Ragnotti and Gilles Thimomer who were eighth overall. . island expected to witness a Ford's new Escort Cosw~rth. ato took Group N as well. This. _,second major confrontation cars scored an impressive double· was Ford's second win this season between Didier Auriol in the when Francois Delecour won this and repeated their victory here in championship leading Toyota and specialized all asphalt rally 1988 when their driver was Portugal winner Francois Dele-outright and Giovanni Manfrin-.Didier Auriol who was second cour with his Ford. The two last BIGG-ER IS BETTER Upgrade the C.V.s and .torsion axles on your pre-runn1:r, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmissio·n output bells to accept the lar er C.V. joints. \ .X' it -~,z,oo ·-~ -~, Convert Type I stub axles and output bell · ~· to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. · onvert Type II stub axles and output bell to accept 930 C.V. -joints. i.· .. •·.•.•.··· All axles and bell~ !c;>r Type 11 or Type IV· . C.V.s can be threaded 3/e-24 or stock 8mm. ·:. All axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be . threaded 31e-24orstock 10mm threads. FIT YOUR ,OFF R_QADJ!l f _ WITH UPGRADED AXlES AND BELLS Only $4~J s--=-pe~ ~•.!'J• on JO.II! ~_pJi!!d P!l.!U,. ER Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. Bump Stops come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurelhane nd piece, and enough valving to get the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. Including the mounting hardware and the GAS bolls_ · SEE YOUR OFF R:>AD RACNG PARTS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. MARVfN SHAW ENGINEERiNG 101 Broadway P.O. Qpx845 Yarnell. A°l 85362 Pagc40 met at the week-long Monte Carlo Rally and had a remarkable fight decided on the final night. This year Corsica was a three day event, unlike Monte Carlo held only in the daylight, in warmer conditions, and in which the anticipated hazards were not. unexpected patches of ice but sudden changes in weather. Ford were quietly confident with less hills and the daylight event. There was happiness in the Jolly Club camp at the news that Alfa Romeo let them have m ore powerful engines, developed for Touring Car racing, to improve perform-ance to what they had last year with special fuels. The hig pre-rally story was the s udden en d o f Michelin's monopoly as tire supplier to the top World Championship teams, as Jolly Club Lancia decided that Andrt:a Aghini would use Pirelli tires, but leaving Carlos Sainz still on Michelin. Renault came back with a bang. After two years competing with a 1790cc car they have, now homologated a bigger engined Clio called the Williams, which at two liters gives them an extra 20 horsepower and brings them to maximum capacity allowed for cars in 'Formula 2'. Last year the smaller engined Clios took the first four places in this then unofficial <;:a tegory. Their greatest F2 championship challenge was expected to be the single GM Astra entry of Bruno:-Allsast1993 Francois Delecour and Daniel Grataloup won their second WRC rally of the year on the pavement in Corsica in the Ford Escort RS Cosworth. They had no real troubles en route to victory. Thiry but Citroen were in mistakenly thought they could trouble. Having withdrawn on run French street fuel if they matters of principle from the stayed outside the championship. recent secret-route Tunisia rally The status of their drivers Jean raid, they now withdrew their·· · Ragnotti and Alain Oreille still privately developed ZX 16 valves· ·forced them to~secont~olpetrol. ,due to make its World Rally-Subaru came with Cohn McRae debut here. Although they were · · making his first appearance in represented here by the AX Sport C~rsica. T ?YOta had three French of Christine Driano, her regular dnvers with Yves Loubet and co-driver withdrew for health Francois Chatriot supporting reasons and Christine had to Auriol in the official team; three make her pre-rally training musketeer~ dedicated to thetas~ driving alone in the car. of controllmg the efforts of their There had been controversy rival Francois Delecour. this year when FISA's cost cutting 0~ Etape 1 Ford won_ every reduced service rules were special stage, but the surpnse was imposed on organizers. The the speed in ~h~, ear~y st~ges of Corsica Rally, held on a mount-Andrea Aghm1 s P1rell1 shod ainous island, is known for Lancia, the only driver even to sudden weather changes, and equal the times of the Fords. teams were nervous that the Frequently changing weather organizers would have insufficient played havoc with tire choices. warning of any change in weather. On the afternoon's four stages Sanremo Rally last year showed drivers confidently fitted dry the risks of banning service weather slick tires and each time it between stages in cases when one rained unexpectedly! Jean Rag-stage might be held in clear n~tti,,.°n his 18th To:ur de Cor~e conditions and the next stage said, In all my expenence of this unexpectedly in rain. Here almost notoriously tricky event, I have 50 km of stages had to be run on never seen such incredible thesamesetoftires.Corsicaalso weather changes as today!" highlighted an anomaly in the new Aghini fell back on stage 4 when 1993 rules. FISA's control fuel is he went off the road backwards of considerably lower quality that on a patch of water, and then that bought in the street in France. suffered handling problems for Teams who enter top drivers are the rest of the day; teammate obliged to use the official type fuel Sainz was lying third on Michelin while private teams can use tires and very happy with the commercially ava ilable 102 performance of the Jolly Club octane fuel. Lancia with the new racing The rally was a bargain, the engines prepared by Alfa Corse. shortest in the World Series since Leading all the way Delecour 1978, with over 50 percent of the was almost unbeatable, but he route held as special stages. It had suffered from fumes from a fuel the highest stage ratio of any event spi!lage which distracted hi~, ~nd since 1986. Still only 85 cars twice he made small dnvmg started this event compared with errors. "The smell got so bad we 105 in 1992. Five manufacturers had to open the windows at one registered their entries with FISA point". Rival Didie~ Auriol was for championship points includ-the fastest Toyota dnver, but had ing GM, but not Renault who an engine problem for the first Frenchman Francois Delecour now leads on points by 12 in the battle for the Wo;td Championship for Drivers, but, the season is young yet and the gravel rallies are coming soon. Dustynmcs
.:-fu:.-1-~X< Didier Auriol and Bernard Occelli tried hard but fell a minute short in the Toyota Celica Turbo 4WD; placing a strong second overall and keeping Toyota in the points lead. Colin McRae and Derek Ringer did a good job on their first trip to this rally, cruised the coastline in the Subaru to a good fifth overall. Andrea Ag.hini and Sauro Farnocchia were going well in the Lancia until suspension failure in the middle of a turn put them out of the rally. Teammate current world champion Carlos Sainz finished fourth overall. ;1'.J'Z~/Q4. • ... Despite retiring with an accident in the mountains, Christine The spectators are well mannered on Corsica watching Bruno Jolly Club Team Manager Claudio Bortoletto, left, chats with Carlos Sainz about the Lancia team's plans for the rally. Sainz finished fourth. Driano, in her Citroen AX Sport, still leads the contest on points Thiry corner hard in the Opel Astra GSi which later retired with for the FIA Ladies Cup. brake problems. ------------------------three stages, and had a flat on the . works Renault Clio Williams of 5 when her foot slipped off the last stage of the day on his worn Oreille and Ragnotti. Oreille's brake pedal and the official front tires. co-driver Jean-Marc Andrie said Peugeot 106Xsi of Gilles Fanizzi Francois Chatriot had a fire in "The bigger engine is incredible. went off the road on stage 3, his Toyota caused by overfilling We seem to be one gear higher broke a wheel, and abandoned the the tank. Local fire marshals than before; it has made a mess of rally. extinguished the flames but he our old pacenotes!" Williams cars Overnight there had been two drove one stage with a faulty were 1-2 in two classes, the iqtportant decisions. Ford were intercom system and lost nearly a 'Formula 2' category and also 1-2 told that Bias ion's 11 minute minute. At one point after the top in Group N. penalty remained, but Jolly Club crews had passed, there was a There was chaos because badly were told they could have a heavy thunderstorm which spelled written supplementary instruc-special 15 minutes lateness free trouble for the later running tionscaused competitors to arrive allowance today bec,ause they drivers. This happened in one of at various times at the end of day suffered from having no service in the controversial no-service 1. During the melee of arguing the finish confusion. On Etape 2 zones. The driver who suffered about what was the correct Biasion had more trouble; at the worst was Lou bet; "It was prodecure to follow, Miki Biasi on start of the first stage he had unbelievable, it seemed the center arrived 11 minutes late bacause of intercom trouble, and later had of the storm followed me around a service delay with a clutch fuel problems. The team then the stage." problem. Leading retirements decided his best course of action The Ford of Bernard Beguin centered around Formula 2 . was to test alternative tires, to had steering trouble which had Bruno Thiry had his brakes seize help his teammate Delecour make manifested itself before the start, on stage 6, managed to reach his· the right decisions. and was a severe handicap on the service point, but the problem In conditions clear and sunny wet sections. He was hard pressed could not be rectified. Christine virtually all day, Delecour's Ford to keep ahead of the remarkable . Oriana went off the road on sta e . continued to lead but twice had dramas. On the second stage a IGM Perserverence Challenge (From Page 39) plug electrode broke, costing Results • April 11, 1993 about a half minute, then on the Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Time 0/A long section over the Col de Class I• Unlimited Two Seat -18 start• 9 finish Verde in the middle of the island, Daren Wells/Ian McPhee Rivmasta 3:39:58 1 Mark Burrows/Ross Waller Trekka 3:41:19 3 the engine went off song, possibly Hayden Bendey/Owen Lloyd-Wright Rivmasta 3:44:23 5 because of damage caused by the Barry Johnson/Phillip Horn Rivmasta 3:46:15 6 earlier spark plug trouble, but this Charlie Albins/Craig Hoare Trekka 3:48:14 8 was rectified by a turbocharger ii Pos. 103 1 101 2 104 3 164 4 120 5 ClaH2•1600ccTwoSeat-18start-11 finish change. He consistently drew 201 1 Terry & Maureen Rose Hunter Rivmasta 3:40:54 2 ahead of Auriol who was troubled Robert & Jason Graham Hornet 3:47:45 7 by an engine which did not rev Bryan & Michelle Basham Hunter Rivmasta 3:48:26 9 fully all the time. Chris & Matthew Owen Funco 4:00:43 16 Auriol's teammate Chatriot Ron Vander Haar/Simon Cunado Buggy 4:03:35 18 ClaH 3 • 1200cc Two Seat •13 start. 4 finish speeded up, passing Sainz into GeoffBecketl/AaronSpinks Buggy 3:53:20 11 third place straightaway. "Al-Mark & Daryl Warren Southern Cross 4:02:59 17 though I have kept my hand in 282 2 233 3 215 4 240 5 302 1 301 2 318 3 Andrew & Helen Cheers Rivmasta 4:42:16 28 driving Super-tourism racing 307 4 Stewart Latter/David Worboys Rivmasta 5:00:39 33 cars, it has taken me a day to get marked by thick black lines disappearing over the edge of a left hand bend. Colin McRae continued a steady drive in fifth place and he was determined to finish in the Subaru without drama. The astounding Clio Williams still led Formula 2. Serge Jordan still led Group N, but his colleague Claude Balesi suffered fuel woes and retired with a bizarre problem. He reversed out of a garage at a service halt and damaged the gearbox on the garage door rails. A 20 minute delay came in the afternoon. The rally was halted after the first 16 cars · passed when the route -became completely blocked on the Col de Verde, a remote area. Jean-Claude Torre, BMW M3 and Peugeot driver Christian Bruzi collided after Torre spun, completely blocking the course. Torre retired but Bruzi went on, third Formula 2 car. Only 48 cars restarted from Bastia on Etape 3, as the private Subaru o( Frederic Dor, Uth overnight, was excluded from running too late after he had suspension damage. The curious details of Aghini 's accident emerged. "The suspension collapsed when I was braking for a left-hander. There were several spectators there at the time, and happily they cleared my name. Auriol started the day 51 seconds behind Delecour and the battle between the two on the first three stages was incredibly close. Both of the drivers were finally content . with their cars, but Auriol seemed . to be harder on his tires, and maybe this finally made the difference. Over the eight stages of the day Delecour could only increase his lead by 11 seconds! There was a major change of fortunes in Group N when the leader Jordan lost time with a broken engine mounting which caused the gearbox to be jammed in third on the Renault. This leis the Ford Escort of Italian Giovanni Manfrinato inherit the Group N lead which he held to the finish with co-driver Claudio Condotta. Biasion gradually pulled up the leader board, overtaking Jean Ragnotti and Alain Oreille, the Formula 2 leaders, but little else happened before the rally returned to Ajaccio. Ford's victory with Francois Dele-cour/Daniel Grataloup estab-lishes them as the logical challengers to the leaders, Toyota. GM extended their lead in Formula 2, despite their only serious entry retiring early. But, in Group N we finally have a top driver scoring twice, the Portu-guese Antonio Coutinho, Ford Escort Cosworth, consequently takes the lead in the series. 1992 winners Didier Auriol/Bernar Occeli were a minute two seconds back for second overall in the Toyota, followed by teammates Francois Chatriot/ Denis Girau-de t, then Carlos Sainz/Luis Moya, Lancia, and Colin McRae/ Der_ek Ringer, Subaru.Jean Ragnotti/ Gilles Thimonier won Fromula 2 in a Renault Clio . Williams at eighth overall. Class 4 • Baja Bug· 6 start· o finish I back into rally driving again." Class 5 -2WD Sedans & Pickups -1 start• 0 finish ILoubet felt happier, "Finally I RESULTS -1993 TOUR DE CORSE 617 701 1 777 2 802 1 801 2 806 3 Class 6 • Restricted Two Seat Challenger -1 start -1 finish -made a stage without any rain and George Croucher/Peter Best Cobra 6:24:54 35 I l h Af l h h Class 7. Production 4x4. 5 start • 2 finish I ove t e car." ter unc t ere Les Siviour/Peter lseppi Nissan Patrol 4:28:39 25 was a very heavy rainstorm. The Bruce Chapman/Peter Vial Suzuki Sierra 4:46:31 29 on 1 Y car able to ch a 11 en g e Class 8. Modified 4x4. 7 start. 3 finish Delecour's Ford and the Toyotas Peter & Glen Hadlow Mitsubishi Triton 4:06:23 19 had been Aghini's Lancia and he Ken & Laureen Smith Holden Rodeo 4:12:27 22 made fastest time on stage 11 . On Fabio Zarfati/Greg Campbell Mitsubishi Pajero 4:16:36 23 the three stages he completed Francois Delecour/Daniel Grataloup Didier AurioVBernard Occelli Francois Chatriot/Denis Giraudet Carlos Sainz/Luis Moya Colin McRae/Derek Ringer Bernard BeguintJean-Paul Chiaroni Miki Biasion/Tiziano Siviero Jean Ragnotti/Gilles Thimonier Alain Oreille/Jean-Marc Andrie Giovanni Manlrinato/C. Condotta F Ford Escort RS Cosworth A• 6:14:41 F Toyota Calica Turbo A 6:15:43 F Toyota Celica Turbo A 6:17:23 E Lancia HF lntegrale A 6:18:29 G3 Subaru Legacy 4WD T A 6:23:44 F Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 6:31:12 I Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 6:33:39 F Renault Clio Williams A .. 6:36:11 F Renault Clio Williams A 6:38:48 I Ford Escort RS Cosworth N• 6:55:30 Class 9 • Unlimited Slngle Seat• 8 start• 5 finish today his Pirelli shod Lancia was Doug McMillan Raceco 3:43:45 4 faster than his teammate Sainz on • Group winners -.. Formula 2 winner -No Ladies Cup finisher Mark Bush Hunter Rivmasta 3:51 :45 10 Michelins, but unhappily ·he and 85 start. 44 finish . Winners average stage speed . 89:12kph 913 1 902 2 Howard Ford Hunter Rivmasta 3:54:36 13 WAC Makes Championship points - Toyota 77, Ford 57, Subaru 36, Mitsubishi 33 Sabine Brand Manxco 4:53:58 31 Loubet retired on the fourth stage WRC Drivers Championship points . Delecour 55, Kankkunen, 43, Auriol 35, 905 3 933 4 Mick Myers Dirtrix 5:09:30 34 of the day. Loubet struck a water Biasion 31, Alen 25, McRae 24, Jonsson 20, Eriksson 18. puddle, and spun one way and FIA Production Cup (Group N) - Coutinho, 14, Spilotis, Backlund, Fassina, 909 5 Starters -77 - Finishers -35 - 45% -Race Distance 260 km - 162 miles Fastest Prologue #201 Terry Rose - Fastest lap #164 Barry Johnson First All Girl Crew - #933 Sabine Brand 54:13 then off the road, only the nose of Shamji, Manfrinato 13, Jordan 11. the car level with the road. FIA Production Manufacturers Cup - GME 34, Peugeot 22, Citroen 20, Skoda 19. -Aghini's car was over the side FIALadiesCup - Driano15,Holderied9. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ DustyTimes August 1ff3 Page 41
The Millican 300 By Tt!rry Silbaugh Photos: Rich Carlson Photogra/Jhy Gordon Scott goes well in rough terrain and he set a new lap record at this race in his Jeep CJ, doing the ten laps in 7:18:50, winning the Pro Truck class by over an hour. Todd Francis brought his unlimited single seater from Vancouver, WA ·to race, and he and co-driver Brian Johnson outlasted the competition in his very tidy racer to not only win Pro Buggy Class, but win overall as well. . The 1993 COD RA season. many phone calls and newsletters,. conditions, 2" of fresh snow and finally got underway on April 24 we settled on the April 24th date snowing hard. Enter anxiety with the running of the Millican to combine the two events. The attack #12 for the promoters. By 300. Our schedule called for the course was set on the site of last late morning it had cleared off Mi Ilic an 300 on Ma re h 6 year's Bear Butte 200, a 30 mile enough for a few brave souls to Perry and Chris Warren had a smooth ride, and occasional good road like this followed by the Bear Butte 200 on loop with lots of rocks, juniper preview the course. one, on their way to the first place honors in the Sportsman Buggy Class, not April 3. By mid February we trees and some fast roads. The driver's meeting was held _th_a_t_fa_r_o_f_f:_p_ac_e_,_·n_t_h_e_1_6_00_ca_r_. _______________ _ -~new our dates were in jeopardy On Wednesday, April 21, at8 am on Saturday and everyone through the first lap when the oil winner. . since we did our course inspec-Perry Warren and Terry Silbaugh was ready to get on with the pressure went away, causing him The next class to start was the tion on snowmobiles. In years began layi_ng the course out on racing. Drivers received the usual to park the potent pickup. His Pro Buggy event. There were only past we have had a trace of snow motorcycles. The weather was cautions about pit speeds being crew discovered the rear main seal three cars entered which we for our March race, however, this warm, the traek damp and best of 20 mph, which met with the usual had gone out. attributed to our date change year we had over two feet of the all, no dust. On Friday the 23rd, apathy until Terry produced a At the end oflapone however, conflicting with other events. cold stuff in mid February. After we woke up to very cold radar gun. The weather cooperat-it was Gordon Scott and Tony First away was Mike Jones from ed for a change and by the 9 am Allen setting a blistering pace, Portland in his potent Class 10 starting time we knew we would both well under last year's one lap that carried him to 4th in the last also have a Millican tradition ... recordsetbyToddFrancis.Bythe Baja 1000. Second to start was dust. First class to receive starter end of lap seven, it wa.s Allen Todd Francis from Vancouver, Terry Silbaugh's green flag was enjoying a 3:45 lead over Scott. WA in his unlimited single seat. the Pro Trucks with Spanaway, Prine who was running 3rd, The third to start was Canadian Washington driver Diana Prine dropped out with power steering Joe Mabberly from Surry, BC in leading off in her trusty Jeep CJ. problems on lap seven, giving 3rd his beautiful Class 1-1600. By the She was followed one minute later to Kellogg. Halfway through lap end oflap four, Jones was setting a by Joe Kellogg and his Mitsubishi eight, Allen found the only rock blistering pace and had a 2 ½ from Yakima, WA. Third to start in the meadow while running minute lead over Mabberly and Jim and Sandy Ka/Jeck showed off their new racing Blazer, drove like real veterans, had no serious down time and won the Sportsman Truck Class and had no real trouble all day. A really great debut! ,CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' - any Length Hose • Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS .. $215.00 HELMET ONLY • 5153 Bowden Ave.• San Diego• CA• 92117 • (619) 279-2509 _Page 41 was Tony Allen from Bandon, wideopen.Theresultwasmessy. was 41½ minutes ahead of OR in his potent Chev Blazer. Everything under the truck that Francis. Then starting lap six it Next away was longtime north-should have held fluids no longer was Mabberly leading Francis and west racer Gordon Scott in his did. At the same time on another Jones nowhere in sight. We later bright orange Jeep CJ. The last part of the course, Kellogg lost a saw Mike being towed to the pits truck off the line was Spanaway, front spindle, making handling with a terminal braking problem Wash. driver Scott Livernash in difficult and stopping impossible. that helped cause transmission his brand new Dodge Dakota He completed lap eight in 2½ failure, endingJones' excellent which was almost entered with hours after making temporary run. On lap 7, Mabberly broke the Pro Buggies. Reports from out repairs, good enough to finish the right rear stub axle putting on the course had Prine and 2nd. Gordon Scott again showed him on the trailer for the day. Kellogg racing very fast and he is almost unbeatable in the That left the gate open for Francis . . consistent. Livernash was also Oregon Desert by completing the and co-driver Brian Johnson to ... running very well until midway .. ten laps in 7: 18:50 as class coast home in first. They kept up Joe Mabberley, of Surrey, BC, led overall for a time in his 1-1600, but a broken stub axle dropped him to second in Pro Buggy Class with 7 laps done . August 1H3 a blistering pace however and finished first overall. The largest field of the day was the Sportsman Buggy class with Jo·hn Huffman from Seattle drawing the first starting position in his new 1-1600 car. Second to start was Bend's Genelle Standi-ford in her 20-plus year old two seater formerly known as the Vinagaroon Special. Third to start was another Bend driver, Chris Warren driving a 1-1600 car. Warren was followed off the line by Randy Silbaugh from St. Helens, OR in a 2-1600 with sister-in-law Carey as co-driver. Fifth starter was Steve Read from Eugene in his brand new 1-1600. Next was Brad Lecklider, another Bend driver in his older 1-1600 Dusty Times
Joe Kellogg has spent a lot of time on his Mitsubishi truck, but trouble on the last lap slowed his quick pace, but he finished, second Pro Truck. Gene/le Standiford had husband Brad drive a few laps in relief, but then she charged on to finish a close second in the Sportsman Buggy Class. Sam Smith was last off the line in the Class 8 Sportsman Dodge, but he moved right into second place in class, had front end trouble but was awarded second place. Flying like the Funcos used to, Brad Lecklider finished third in the Sportsman Buggy Class, the biggest class in the entire race Mike Jones set a blistering early pace in his Class 10 car, had a couple minutes lead when the transmission failed him some-where on lap 5. Diana Prine climbs through the rocks in her Jeep, going well until the power steering quit, then she ended up fourth in Pro Truck Class. M~ ' Bend local driver Brett Frazier turned quick time in Sportsman Trucks, but lost motor mounts on the Toyota on lap 6, and still earned third in class. John Huffaman drew the first starting spot for his new 1-1600 in Dave and Terri Van Deren dodge the rocks in their Sportsman the Sportsman Buggy herd, was in the huntfor the lead until/ate Buggy Class 2-1600, and they finished all 8 laps required to in the race when a long pit stop dropped him to fourth. place a solid fifth in this competitive and large class. . and last but not least was Dave . and Terri V anDeren fro m Everett, Wash. in their 2-1600 car. On lap one the Silbaugh 's knew they were in for a long day when they dusted the distributor and Carey repaired it with her makeup kit. Randy now carries an emery board and chapstick. On lap two they rolled the car three times but continued to the pits hoping dad wouldn't notice. The car was retired for good on lap three with engine problems. Steve Read and codriver Ken Dare had an excellent run until the last lap when their car broke a spring plate, placing them in sixth. Dave and Terri VanDeren drove a conservative race vowing to finish. They did just that, completing all eight sportsman laps in fifth place. Huffman was in the hunt for the lead all day while sorting out the bugs in his new 1600 car. One long stop tor repairs put him in fourth and he was unable to regain the lost time. Third was Lecklider, another motorcycle racer turned car racer. Brad had an excellent and consistent run for third, his best finish ever. Lecklider put together three laps in a row within two seconds of each other. The closest race of the day was between Chris Warren and Genelle Standiford, both from Bend and both in 1600 cars. After lap four Standiford led Warren by 1.04. Perry Warren took over from son Chris and Brad replaced wife Genelle for a few laps. Perry . Dusty Timcs . ran the last 4 laps without . drivers saw the penalty box. I . the October race should be even . various environmental groups to incident for the win, overtaking really doubt that while sitting out better. get off their backsides and do Standifords while they pitted for their sentence, Perry Warren and The next CODRA event will some..real good on public lands by another driver change. The finish Joe Kellogg thought much about not be a race. CODRA has signed adopting areas of their own gave Bend racers a 1-2-3 sweep. what bad boys they were and they up with the BLM "Adopt an open instead of complaining about The final class off the line were will probably get caught again. space" program and has adopted what we are doing. the Sportsman Trucks, with Bend After the races there were the all 90 square miles of the Millican The next race will be the driver Brett Fra.:ier leading the usual trophy and cash awards to Valley ORV area. The weekend Whiskey Springs 400 on the old way in his sano Toyota 7S. be presented. There were also ofJuly31-Augustl wewillhosta Millican Valley course with the SecondawaywereJimandSandy several merchant awards that familycampoutinMillicanValley stagingareaagainbehindthestore Kalleck in the first outing for their were given in a drawing by area and participate in a weekend of in downtown Millican. The date is brandnewBla.:erfromBeaverton, merchants. The biggest pri;:e of camping, riding ATV's and October 16 and this will be a OR. Last off the line was Sam the weekend was the B F cleaning up litter. We hope this double points race for CODRA Smith from Boring, OR in his big Goodrich "I'm a Lucky BF . will also serve as a cnallenge to .members. Dodge Class 8 . Fra.:ier let Goodrich Racer" drawing. To be everyone know he came to race by eligible for the drawing for two turning five very fast laps with a chances for two tires, racers had quick time of 44.50 on lap four. to race exclusively on BF Unfortunately his day came to an Goodrich tires, be a member of end on lap six with broken motor Team TA and display the mounts. Smith was second and appropriate decals. finished that way after two long We now know what Joe and stops to repair broken front Perry were doing while in the suspension parts and on lap seven penalty box. They no doubt were broken steering. Smith parked the putting the whammy on the box Dodge after lap seven since it the drawing entries were in. You would have been impossible for guessed it, they were the winners him to overtake the Kallecks who of two BF Goodrich tires each. were driving -like real veterans all We must give special thanks to day long. Their Blazer showed it Diane Cummings ofBFG in Reno will be a real force in future races. and Fred Ankeny of A-n-T Tire, They finished the truck only and Wheel in Portland. Other hours before leaving for Bend and donors were Cascade Auto Parts got their first win in their first (NAPA) a $100 check to first. outing. overall, Thompson's Import Oh yes, the radar gun. Drivers Specialties and Todd Francis a ' were told they would spend 15 pair of special VW stub axles, a seconds in the "box" for every 5 Bug Pack camshaft and push rods, mph they exceeded over the 20 All Pro a case of oil and T shirts, mphpitspeedlimit.LeonardDay The Millican Store $20 in volunteered as late race flagman gasoline and Traughber Oil two and recently retired racer Randy cases of oil. We are beginning to Silbaugh ran the radar gun. We see more support for desert racing . are pleased to_ say that only two . in Bend from our merchants and August 1ffJ REMEMBER THE GOOD OLD DAYS~ When desert racing was on television! Relive the memories with racing videos from ARROW PRODUCTIONS Each 1992 SCO.RE and High Desert event on individual 60-minute VHS tapes. Only $19.95 each Plus $5.00 shipping & handling per order. Send check or money order, with your list of races, to Arrow Productions, 255 Count Fleet, St. George, UT 84770 Page 43 -
By John Elkin Rim Of The World National Pro Rally Photos: Trackside Photo lnc. Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker bided their time in the early stages on their first time out in the new Audi S2, then turned up the wick and defending champion Paul Choiniere won the rally overall by 3½ minutes. Chad DiMarco and Erick Hauge made their season debut in the Subaru Legacy and Jed Group A easily Friday night, kept up the pace Saturday to not only win Group A but they took second overall! It is rough;it is treacherous; it is resulting high cloudiness helped. teams honed their machines for .....,,,..,;;, = . . . dusty; it is RIM. Another rally cool things for the day. All in all the task ahe.id on Friday night, Jeff Zwart and Tony_S,rcombe sure showed the_ p_otent,al_of the 4WD Porsche destined for legendary status if it one of the more pleasant RIM's in. four stages consisting of 35 stage_ 911, and they ran th"d overall all the way and fm,shed th"d overall. is not there already. Not many memory. miles. _Behindthisgroupwereagroupof. .Zwart/Sircombe were happy races get a one word recognition Before the rally began stories Stage one was a 10.8 mile piece teams all within seconds of each second in open class finishers, ~ lj\<.e Indy, Daytona or Baja; it abounded through the head-of road, about 80% paved and other including Kyoichi Taka-third overall. Over)OYed to be in •"rakes a special type of event. The quarters at the Ramada Inn of fast, not the ty_pical twisting, • ori/Fumiaki Yamazaki second in . third in class and fifth overall Rim Of The World Rally is just Palmdale. In the press stage before waterbar infested roads that made . Group A with their Mitsubishi. were Henry Joy/Jimmy Brandt in such an event. the Friday stages early in the day up the remainder of the entire Galant, Henry Joy/Jimmy Brandt the ex-Merrill Mitsubishi Eclipse It all started May 14, in the three teams, all Mitsubishi Eclipes rally. also Mitsubishi powered. that so nearly won this event last heart of the Antelope Valley, in had troubles. Open class runners The open class was its usual Going into Day two the bulk of year. Corley/Headland overcame Palmdale, California. That Friday Dick Corley/Martin Headland strong field showing the array of rally would be run, eight stages in unknown ills to nab fourth in saw rally teams gathering from all broke their motor mounts, as did top cars. Carl Merrill/ ] . Jon all totalling 67 stage miles. Some open fending off local hotshoes overtheUnitedStatesfromasfar GT class contender Antonio Wickens showed that their were looking forward to better JeffandChrisGriffinintheVolvo as Maine, and international teams Menendez/Juan Goya. Both cars European spec Ford Escort was runs, including the Corley/Head-142 which was also the first two came from Japan and Mexico. In effected repairs to be in top shape. up to the challenge in stage one land Bowl New England Eclipse. wheel drive car to finish, eighth all 32 teams entered this, the It was however, Lon Peterson/ winning by seven seconds over The pair suffered through two overall. second event in the 1993 Subaru Bill Gutzmann the GT winners Paul Choiniere/Jeff Becker and flats the night before and a lack of Back to the Group A shootout, PRO Rally Championship. from round one this year that had the Audi S-2. After stage one rear brakes. Still they held third in DiMarco/ Hauge held the lead at The organizers of this event the crowd around their service rumors abounded about Mer-class.AnothertoprunnerB.J.and the end of Friday over the Mike and Paula Gibeault and Ray vehicle. Coming back from the rill/Wickens running hot, and it Stuart Beal were felled by a flat Japanese entry ofTakaori/Yama-"Flying Start" Hocker have gone press stage the car started making was just at the end of stage two tire the night before and hoped to zaki by three minutes. Another into full year around preparation· funny noises {funny strange, not that the rumors proved true as move out of 11th place but on Japanese entry, the Mazda for RIM these days, and it not funny haha.) and the Dave Wolin Merril's very expensive 400+ stage six the car snapped a half 323GTX of Yamanaka/Nishi-only shows, but it paid off. To team found the cam had seized horsepower engine overheated shaft putting the Colorado team zawa was well back in third nearly quote top navigator Joe Andreini, from no luberication. An engine and ran out of life at the first on the trailer. five minutes behind second place. "I had to think if I had ever been change was effected with just two service. Choiniere/Becker then Meanwhile back at the front Going into the main service and to a better organized event, and hours 20 minutes to go before the set about clicking off fast times Choiniere/ Becker continued to after the four stages Saturday the the answer is no. I have seen start. The engine was taken from a through the remaining three inflate their lead on the day's first Subaru increased its lead to over events just as well done but none team chase car and Lon would be stages that night to lead the class four stages to nearly seven six minutes over the Galant. On better."Therallyforathirdyear downonhorsepower. and overall by 1:57. DiMarco/ minutes in class over the stagell,secondtolastoftherally in a row, ran on time. A feat not Making their debut for 1993, Hauge held sway in Group A and Zwart/Sircombe Porsche; and Takaori/ Yamazaki ran off the easily achieved. the Subaru factory effort from second overall still contending four and a half minutes over road and became a DNF. Leaving Weather conditions were Chad DiMarco /Erick Hauge with that pesky engine miss. Jeff second overall DiMarco/ Hauge, Chad MiMarco and Erick Hauge predicted to be typical of the found a clogged fuel filter in the Zwart/Tony Sircombe moved first Group A. The lead built by to bring the Michelin shod Southern California desert, hot, press stage, accounting for a miss swiftly in the Porsche Carrera the Audi team would prove handy Valvoline Subaru to first in class dry and dusty. But Friday's night in the engine at 6,000 rpm. Later four wheel drive to stay in third as nearing the end of stage eight a and second overall, their best stages were very pleasant with a the miss reappeared and was overall :51 behind the Subaru. power steering failure made the RIM result to date. mild breeze, and on Saturday an countered by replacing engine Dick Corley/Martin Headland team slow their pace, never As we left Lon Peterson/ Bill unexpected thunder storm rolled management controls and igni-and their fresh motor mounts winning any of the four remaining Gutzmann and the rest of the through the pare expose' and the .. tion. With all this going on other . were just :20 behind the Porsche.. stages and taking the win by 3:31. . . Production GT field, Peterson -" Vinnie Frontinan and Francisco Arruda came from.New England and drove the Mitsubishi Ga/ant to second in GT and also placed a smart sixth overall. Page 44 Antonio Menendez and Juan Goya came from Mexico City, made the trip worthwhile as they drove the Mitsubishi Eclipse to a third in GT, 11th overall. August 1ft3 Roger Hull and Rob Cherry moved from their championship winning Jeep to a Mitsubishi truck this season, and they ended up a close second in class in the National. DustyTimcs
. year's Budweiser Rim Of The World PRO Rally, the quiet backbone of o ur sport, the divisio nal competito rs waged their own battles on roads already , entrenched by the high horse-power, four wheel drive cars. An amazing 44 cars started the Friday night co-effecient two rally that would carry teams through four stages of competitio n driving totalling 35 twisty miles. Rising star Todd Bawden with Cal Coatsworth drove the Mitsubishi Eclipse to first National GT, fourth overall, and in the Divisionals they were second overall on Friday and won overall on Saturday. Quite a record! The CRS Stock class started 15 cars, and the competition would be fierce. The field was stacked with t a lent, o f course Jeff Hendricks, H arris Done, Nor-berto Gomez, Sam Moore and George Tavares would all be front Henry Joy and Jimmy Brandt took to the hills well, and they took their runners as would Tony Shumaker Mitsubishi Eclipse to fifth overall and a good third in the Open Class. . . in his Production class Eclipse that slips in under the new rules , formed at the last stock class meeting. It was the Mazda RX-7 of Harris Done/Larry Scott that came out swinging on the open 10.8 mile stage, opening up a :20 lead on Norberto Gomez/Jorge Facio in a Toyota Corolla 16 valve. George and Elza Tavares came a blink of an eye later witp Tony and Liz Shumaker right on the Toyota MR-2 bumper. Jeff Hendricks/Noble Jones came next with the Jeep Comanche not as well suited to the mostly paved stage. Stage two ·started ·as more Peter Cunningham and Joe Andreini have one of the best looking rally cars in Guy Light and Dave White came out of Nevada to again do the number on the I traditional RIM fare with a twisty the Acura lntegra, and after an early contest they cruised to the win in rally truck class, winning by just over a minute in the tidy and well prepared I and dusty 7 mile run. Gomez/ Production Class and placed a well driven ninth overall on the national. GMC Sonoma pickup. Facio and Tavares tied for fast had just had an engine change . . Integra, but Shumaker stayed , uncharacteristic fifth in class. Ken , then makes a return to the west_, time of the stage with Gomez/ completedbyhiscrewintimeto, closedespiteLiz,whowasstarting White/Adrian Crane in the coast on July 30, in Prescott, Facio taking the lead after ~- get to first stage just on his minute to feel some ill effects from .fourth Mitsubishi had a fusible . Arizona. For now the memory of Done/Scott were slowed by a flat. and was relieved to start to get someone else s prescription link burn out and were well back , the Budweiser Rim Of The World , Also slowed by a flat was the going. Three miles into stage one anti-motion sickness medicine. .of the field. will go into the legendary art of .Shumaker Mitsubishi finishing the team pulled off the stage t',) Liz stuck with it throughout the Going into day two Hend-exaggerated bench racing for well down the order. Sam change a flat tire. In the rush to night as Tony slid four minutes ricks/Jones were quickly out of months to come. Moore/Jennifier Peterson were change the engine a turbocharger down to the Acura. The next day the running when the water pump still sorting out the newly built heat shield was not replaced and Liz was still not well, and with the broke on the Jeep sending the RIM OF THE Plymouth Arrow, but comfort-the ensuing heat that built permission of SCCA and Peter assembly through the radiator. WORLD able in fifth. without the cooling of oncoming Cunningham, Tony was allowed Light/White continued to lead After a service break the rally air ignited some oil lines in the to switch navigators for the after changing the suspension DIVISIONAL PRO turned east toward two very Eclipse and the fire spread remaining eight stages. Enter the around the morning before to get RALLY I challenging stages through the throughout the engine bay, idle Bill Gutzmann who subbed more travel from the GMC. Little R o ck D a m area. The quickly. With some help from for Liz. Cunningham/ Andreini Hull /Cherry battled against While all the hoopla surrounded Hendricks/Jones Jeep took well two other GT class competitors utilized their power advantage and Dykes/Hanson for the better part , tJ:ie National event end of this . . to the .. ~ · Vinnie Frontinan and Frank cruised home the victors again as of the day, still holding second Cunningham who helped extin-both cars head to Pennsylvania place when the overzealous Dykes guish the fire the car was saved, next month where there is sure to put the truck off the road in stage but the engine is a writeoff ending be more competition awaiting the 11 and could not free himself in Peterson's day, but not Bill both of them. time to continue. Hull/Cherry Gutzmann's, stay tuned. The truck class was back in took the Goodyear shod Mitsu-With one top runner out of the action at RIM with six starters. bishi into a clear second place. running the class was still wide Four Mitsubishi trucks and the The Gooch Mitsubishi came open. Both the Mitsubishi teams lone GMC Sonoma of Guy home third, well back. of Frontinan/ Arruda and Cun-Light/Dave White and the lone Sunday morning dawned far ningham/Bradley were given Jeep of Jeff Hendricks/Noble too early for most of ~he teams adjusted times for stopping to aid Jones. Four stages shook the lone that had been battling the stages as the flaming Peterson. However GMC and Jeep into the first two late as 1:00 am, but the awards for Frank Cunningham/Charles positions. Light/White led breakfast is in RIM tradition and Bradley the fight ended one stage Hendricks/ ] ones by : 19 with was again fabulous thanks to the lateraselectricaltroublesstopped Roger Hull/Rob Cherry third efforts of the organizers and the the team in the start of stage two ... and Chad Dykes/Pat Hanson .. Ramada Inn. After four stages it was a rookie fourth. Defending class champ-The series moves back east in up front. Todd Bawden/Cal .ionsGaryandJudiGoochwerean ,three weeks to Pennsylvania and Coatsworth had their Mitsubishi -"W'J'""'ImMl- rt W~ Eclipse just :27 in front of Frontinan/ Arruda and then a wide gap down to third with Antonio Menendez/Juan Goya. These were the only three GT cars left, and they all made it to finish in that order. Bawden/Coats-worth enjoyed 1: 15 cushion after twelve grueling stages to take their first national win. The Production class was once again a two car field. Peter Cunningham !Joe Andreini versus Tony and Liz Shumaker. Shu-maker was o n more fam iliar ground at his home national, but Cunningham was the defending champion. In the first stages Cunningham/ Andreini pulled out a slight lead with the Acura Dusty Times Tony and Liz Shumaker, and substitute navigator Bill Gutzmann nailed second in National Production, took third in Divisional Stock on Friday and first in Divisional Stock and seventh overall on Saturday. August 1H J THE WRIGHT -·PLACE~. larger Diameter llnka ·--' larger Dl...eter Splndlea ---------"EXTREME" TRAILING ARMS STRONGEST ARMS AVAILABLE 3" More Ground Clearance DirecUy replace• other manufacturer• trailing arma . . • 9420 FLINN Sl;RINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 TEL: (619) 561-4810 FAX: (619) 561-7960 Page 45,_-
,,4: , ¾ t~:A/b •. .,~.:t 5""l!!•r1<& /, .••• .t~ "·"""~ Gary and Judy Gooch are driving only the Nationals this year in a Mitsubishi rallytruck, and the California team came in third in the pickup truck class. Rui Brasil and Frank Nunes had a good rally in their Audi Quattro as they finished sixth Open national, 12th O/A, took 3rd Open 4WD in Friday's Div. and were third overall again on Saturday, and second in 4WffOpen Class. Carl Jardevall and A. Karleson hauled the Saab 99 into fourth overall on Friday, first 2WD; moved to second overall and first 2WD·on the Saturday run. ~ road on stage three and• Bruett/Deb Pearson;s Dodge• their chances once the dirt stages posted fast class time :06 over the Charger. started. Griffin again just edged Toyota MR-2 of Tavares. Five cars started in the four Whitman/Linville but the Shumaker started reeling in times wheel drive class, many double Wood /Walsh VW started to making up for the flat on stage entered in the National event, edge closer as didJardevall/ Karle-two to take third spot in stage. getting the better road conditions. son. after the second stage. Gomez/Facio struggled on the It was a very lopsided class as After the service Griffin con-severe uphill stage but still Todd Bawden/Cal Coatsworth tinued his tear through the two-maintained a healthy stake to first took the Mitsubishi Eclipse and wheel drive ranks, stormed stage place. ran away from most of the field three just ahead of Jardevall/ Going into the final stage, a ten winning handily over the four Karleson. The uphill took its toll mile exercise, fate dealt two top stages. Five and a half minutes on the small displacement group runners a blow. The Done/Scott later came the rookie team of and both the VW and 510 fell ltx-7 got caught by surprise by a Mitch McCullough/Scott Webb, back a bit, still holding third and broken car and in an attempt to in their first non rallysprint event. fourth. In his typical never say die scrub off speed stuck the Mazda The Mazda 323GTX, recently style Jardevall went ballistic and on a berm and lost over an hour rebuilt after a crash never missed a won the final stage by nearly 25 and a half. The Tavares MR-2 also beat and edged the Rui Brasil/ seconds, but it was not enough to found the soft edge of the road Frank Nunes Audi Quattro by a make up the deficit as the Locals Jeff and Chris Griffin ran all three rallies in the venerable Volvo 142. and spent a good 40 minutes scant three seconds. Tony and brothers Griffin notched a first They were fifth Open eighth overall in the National, won the Friday Divisional digging out. Also the Shumaker Carlos Tavares had axle woes in overall and first in class just six outright, and sank_ to fourth on the Saturday run, 2nd 2WD Open. Eclipse found another flat tire, the hybrid Toyota FX-16 4x4 but seconds up on the Saab and only . resulting ove·rcast took the edge . Andersson and Erik Thomp-. but on the rear, not too detri-stayedinthereforfourthandfinal two seconds ahead of the, off the heat. son/Cam Jackson resumed the mental to the front wheel driver. class finisher. Bawden/Coatsworth Eclipse for , Most of the Friday night Swedish invasion of fourth and. The stage went to Hendricks/ Two wheel drive open was the, overall. starters took the start Saturday fifth spots battling each other to Jones Jeep but the previous lead dogfight that everyone thought it Whitman/Linville stayed on minus just three. Those wh9 ran the finish separated hy two ilt by Gomez/ Facio was too would be. Jeff and Chris Griffin in the gas to take third place in class into trouble Friday were out to set minutes. Sixth place after a rash of much to cover as the Toyota the ageless Volvo 142 came out firmly ahead of fourth place the pace on this day and the ones flat tires was the Dan Hook/John Corolla won stock class by just swingingonstageonewithathree Wood/Walsh. Another Volvo, who were top finishers were out Elkin Toyota Celica. The Ron :09. Some three minutes later second edge on Mike Whit-that of Bill Malik/Raine Anders-to solidify their shot at the first Wood/ Kelly Walsh VW Scirocco came the Shumaker Mitsubishi in man/ Kevin Linville in another son was fifth in class. Still another place trophy signifying the overall was running in the third spot a solid third. Smart driving paid legendary rally car, the Datsun Volvo, this one from Oregon winner of the two divisionals coming up on the mid way point off for the Arrow of Moore/ 510. Ten seconds further back driven by Erik Thompson/Cam combined in their class. of the day but just about the Peterson as they completed the was the VW Scirocco of Ron Jackson missed the Malik Volvo The four wheel drive open class middle of stage four that day the final stage and took fourth place. Wood /Kelly Walsh who have by just five seconds. Interesting to again turned out to be a cakewalk engine gave up the fight stranding Rookie drivers Dennis Chiz-had great success on these very note is that four of the top six two for Todd Bawden /Cal Coats-the pair high on a ridge. ma/Robert Kalb drove their VW roads last year. Carl Jardevall/ A. wheel drive cars were of Swedish worth who took their Mitsubishi ·Stock class had the battle of the Rabbit to a solid fifth place nearly Karleson in the Saab 99 started manufacture. Eclipse to the overall win by a day as all the top runners were · a minute over sixth place Jeff•· slowly, but were confident about-The teams all reassembled back healthy minute and a half and the back for another day of battling NELSON & NELSON RACING NEW 1993 NELSON & NELSON RACING APPAREL I · SIX COLOR GRAPHIC DESIGN I • T-SHIRTS - $16 (WH,ASH) SWEATSHIRTS - $21 (WH,ASH) • TANK TOPS-$16 (WH,ASH) LONG SLEEVE-$18 {WH,ASH) • 14-16,SM,M,L,XL,XXL (ADD $1) f .r 11 Class 1 OFF-ROAD ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 1007 HOMELAND CA 92548 909-926-8308 QR FAX 714-738-7057 NAME _____ _ ADDRESS ____ _ CITY/ST/ZIP ___ _ Q~T~· COLOR -------+$3S&H. TOTAL ________ _ CA RESIDENTS ADD 7.75% SALES TAX Page 46 ,_attheheadquartersinPalmdaleto classwinbyoverfiveminutes.On. _the twistier roads. Tony Shu-start preparations for tomorrow's their way to the divisional victory maker was to team with his wife co-efficient three divisional rally. they also scored the GT win in the for day two, but the night before National. Rui Brasil/Frank Liz became ill and was not fit to Nunes hooked up the Audi and compete the next morning. It did outdistanced the Mitch McCul-not take long to find his team-lough/Scott Webb Mazda. mate's co-driver, Bill Gutzmann, RIM OF THE WORLD DIVISIONAL PRO RALLY II Two wheel drive open class was who was out of the national again a Swedish car sweep of the earlier. So now Gutzmann, the first two spots. Carl JardevalJ/ A. grand old man of rally navigation Saturday dawned clear and Karleson liked the Saturday roads would ride the days eight stages. bright leaving· most teams to better and put time on the Griffin Shumaker/Gutzmann clicked prepare for typical RIM weather, brothers Volvo to take the class on the first stage taking first by a hot and dry. But during the pare win and second overall by almost half a second over last night's expose at the Antelope Valley four minutes. Mike Whitman/ winners Norberto Gomez/Jorge Mall the clouds rolled in and a Kevin Linville motored the day Facio. George and Elza Tavares small thundershower wet the in the Datsun 510 taking third, were still only about one second newly washed rally cars. The rain·--upholding their belief that the-back. Unfortunately the Tavares did nothing for road conditions venerable 510 is still the ultimate · MR-2 would only go a couple which were very dusty, but the . r a 11 y car. Bi 11 Malik /Rion e more stages before a seized engine Norberto Gomez and Jorge Facio won the Friday night rally in Stock Class and were sixth O/A, but on Saturday they dropped to eighth overall and second in CRS Stock class in the tidy Toyota Corolla. Aqust 1H3 would drop the team to spectator status. Friday's second place finisher Jeff Hendricks/Noble Jones broke a water pump in the Jeep and the fan assembly went through the radiator, repairs were effected but it was too late for the Prescott, Arizona team, they were time barred. Harris Done/ Larry Scott were uncharacteristically slow through the day and would even get stuck once. They would eventually finish fourth in class. Stages two, three and four would see the Shumaker/ Gutz-mann Eclipse widen it's lead on the Gomez/ Facio Toyota. As the day grew long the Joe Vondra-cek/ E. Quigley Dodge Charger started to separate itself from the crowd after four stages. Going Dusty Times
·-No rally is complete without a Datsun 510. Mike Whitman and K. Mitch McCullough finished midpack in the Friday night divi-·Jeff Hendricks and Noble Jones had a good run in the Jeep Linville took this one to fourth 0/A on Friday, sixth 0/A on sional, but was strong on Saturday, taking fifth overall and third Comanche, taking second CRS stock on Friday and seventh Saturday and third 2WD'Open. _in_t_h_e_O_p_e_n_4_w_o_·c_la_s_s_. ______________ 0/A but trouble put them out of the Saturday rally. good early in the day the Sam "How ca~ you stay so calm?" . hold on to while riding out the . usually were made up of, "I don't , do) and the ever popular, "My Moore/Jennifer Peterson Arrow How indeed? And our hat's off bumps and other obstacles that know how we made it." "We arms hurt." suffered through a myriad of to all of us in the right seat who RIM dishes out. Other interesting were this high in the air!!" "I will Sounds like a typical RIM troubles about the third stage of_ have nothing more than a book to . quotes from the end of the day . never do this again." (but they . to me. the day. First the fuel pump started to quit, it was rewired but then quit again. Angry at the offending pump Moore hit it with a tire iron and the pump obeyed the abrupt command and worked flawlessly through the rest of the night. Then after catching some air off a yump the pair came down to earth only to have the oil pressure sending switch break off the motor, losing oil. Limping in off the stage Moore/Peterson thought to be out of contention until the service 'crew from Hook/Elkin got u~der the hood of the newly built Arrow and righted the trouble. Some oil was added and the duo cruised the night section to finish ninth in class. Back up at the front Shumak-er/Gutzmann never relented their lead to Gomez/Facio and came home the victors. Vondra-cek/Quigley motored on with their own ingenious fix to take third in class. Early in the day the team had found they had no skid plate over their fuel and brake lines, probably losing it the night before. Realizing they were at a mall before the rally started the team ran into a nearby Sears, bought a cookie sheet and fabricated a skid plate out of it. It worked well and no plans were made to change it before the next event. As reported earlier Done/Scott finished fourth after digging out of stage six. Then it was another Rookie team, Bob Scott/Chris Smith who took their Toyota Celica to a fine fifth place finish in stock class, reporting no troubles along the way except the usual dust. , Once again, as in the previous two events in this year's Cali-fornia Rally Series, rookies are proving to be competitive right off the bat. The teams of Mitch McCullough/Scott Webb and Bob Scott/Chris Smith are signs that the sport is attracting already well suited competitors. At the headquarters after the end of the rally the bench racing started and everyone agreed that it was by far the best organized RIM to date and that also it was the worst year for roads in memory. The road condition definitely attributed to one of the best quotes from the rally, amazingly it happened in the car yours truly was navigating. On the fourth stage of the day our Toyota got quite wild coming off a corner, nosing the car toward the edge of a cliff; my driver Dan Hook, was all elbows trying to regain control of the car. After a couple of rather anxious moments the car was back on the road. Dan yelled, _DustyTimes
SNORE CALIENTE 250 Tommy Bradley Cleared Obstacles To Win Overall To lend credibility to our statement of the start/finish line being on the street with two bars and a grocery store here is Rocky Magee, with James Warren riding along, turned three 52 minute laps in a row to establish the Class 10 lead, slowed a tad in the final three laps, but Splashing through the 'water , along with the class win he was third overall. graphic proof as Kevin Colan waits for the green light. Caliente, Nevada, roughly 150. charm of an old west mining miles northeast of Las Vegas, is town, the abundance of places to little more than an oversize get a drink, play slots, and some whistle stop on the Salt Lake to beautiful homes plus the railroad Las Vegas railroad route. In fact style row houses. Suddenly it is the tracks run down the middle of the 1930s in this setting. the main street, where the race Once a year in May SNORE has starts and competitors can be a race here, and you can describe delayed by a time out as a train racing in Caliente in one word, goes by, usually about ten a day "FUN!!!" Most everybody seems during race time. But it has the to enjoy the race course. crossings and sliding around the other retail establishments. high mountains combined to· mountain roads is a welcome The biggest plus for this race make extra water crossings on the contrast to our usual desert race has got to be the people of course. And there was the terrain. Having the start/ finish in Caliente. If there is a friendlier problem with the "mud bog" that the middle of town on the main and more helpful bunch any-seemed to attract (and hold) street is also a big plus for the where, I have yet to hear about trucks, and there are the trains. event. How many races of any them. Of course there are a couple From SI F the route leads over the kind have you heard of that have of things the drivers would like to tracks and west on the creek end the S/ F line across the street from change. Recent heavy rainstorms of town and on into the twisty two bars and a grocery store, plus. plus the spring runoff from the trails, so each lap one had to cross the tracks, and if a train was coming, you were timed out and waited. Danny Anderson and Larry Job whipped off fast times, matching Class 10's Bill Holbrook, the overall SNORE points leader, added to the total with a best and they reported no troubles at all, changing drivers midway while textbook run to victory in Class 9, five laps almost in the same minute, and Class l /2, 10, and 1-2-1600 would do six laps of the 40 odd mile course and Unlimited Class, only three starters out of 57 cars, went off the line first. Tommy Bradley Jr. soon established he was the man to beat with fast lap for the race at 50.15. But Tommy also had some bad luck. On the second lap he hit the "bog" and found it was still full of trucks from lap 1. He blasted past a couple of '7S' only to fetch up behind a '4' that was firmly planted in the muck and goo. Tommy also had bad luck with 'train time'. Seems like every other time he hit SIF the bells would start to ring and another winning Class 1-2-1600 and taking second overall. taking the lead on the last lap for the win. John and Mike Gaughan had their best run in a long time in the Chenowth and the brothers were happy with their second place finish in Unlimited Class. Page 48 Mark Larson, with John Phegley, ran close in Class 10 the first half, lost a little pit time on the fourth round, but took second in Class 10 easily. Allpst1"J . long, slow freight train would Brendan Gaughan started out upside down in a water hole but recovered and he and J.C. Dean got in enough laps 'to take home third place in Class 10. Dusty Times
Luck finally rode with Kenny Freeman Jr. as he drove his older 2-1600 very hard, wore out the passengers and finished second in the 13 car class. Regan and Tory Gubler stop at Check 3, greeted by Carlton, Colette, Alicia and Erin Shirley. The Gublers finished a close fifth in Class 1-2-1600. Dan Bradley catches a little air just out of Caliente, and his good laps brought him home third in the very competitive ranks of Class 1-2~1600. Dave Petrillo led Class 9 until 3 miles from the finish, broke a ball joint, 3 wheeled it down the killer hill and salvaged second in class. Bekki Freeman also tried an inverted float in the pond, but she got back in action and with her dad doing the anchor man bit they took fourth in Class 1-2-1600. Clay and Dale Carr and Jeremy Harmon got in their five laps, just eight minutes out of second, to take a strong third in the busy Class 9 action. chug through ii:i front of him. While "waiting for the train" didn't affect the outcome, it sure is frustrating to sit there counting boxcars when you'd rather be racing. topside down in the first water crossing. Brendan said only the tops of their helmets were actually under water, but it stirred up the spectators like a tromped on ant hill. Fortunately Rob MacCach-ren was scrambled from nearby pits and he quickly organized spectators efforts to get them back on their wheels, add some oil and send them on their way to a third place finish. The car continued with under the hour laps through lap 4, and then was withdrawn for unknown reasons, but they were good for third place . anyhow. Causey was the last car in Class 10. He started out well, running about third on lap 1, but he . disappeared into the swamps on lap 2, leaving not even a good rumor. The biggest class with the most finishers was the baker's dozen in Class i@" John and Michael Gaughan Jr. had two good laps, lost ten minutes on lap 2, probably getting by the stuck trucks, but held second easily midway. Hal, Clay and Kenny Flippin and Todd Ashley ran their new" 5" car with the unlimiteds, had serious two plus hours down time on lap 2 did a decent third lap and then vanished. Bradley kept turning 51 minute laps until lap 5 which was seven minutes longer. But it didn't keep him out of the lead, and he turned a 52:42 last lap despite finishing on a flat tire, and had passed a 9 car anyhow on the hill that is in sight of the finish line. The brothers Gaughan kept up their steady, but quick pace, had no big troubles and were happy to finish second, even if Bradley was 27 minutes ahead of them. Class 10 was pretty cut and dried, at least on paper but in reality the six car class was laced with drama, including a sudden heavy rainstorm just as they were finishing. Rocky Magee and James Warren jumped out front on lap 1, set fast time for the class on lap 3 at 52:02 and stayed in front flag to flag. They were pushing hard to win overall, having a fourth lap stop for fuel and, having the suspension working just great, but got delayed behind a Sportsman car on the last lap and Rocky himself got stuck in the mud trying to pass, but finally did. They won Class 10 and were third overall. Mark Larson and John Phegley ran strong and steady to grab second in Class 10, having a fourth lap stop for fuel and general fix up. The rest of the racers in Class 10 had most of the fun. These guys caused more radio time than all the other classes combined. First to have woes was the J.C. Dean/Brendan Gaughan/Billy Goerke Chenowth, getting DustyTimcs It was on the third lap when Brent Bell, running in second with either Scott Bedford or Brett Ritter riding, was only seconds out of the lead, but without brakes when Brent hooked a corner which pitched the car into a hole. The sudden stop injured Brent's back, and in strict compliance with Murphys Law, they were in the farthest and most inaccessible part of the course at the time. Michael Gaughan took his helicopter in to try to fly Brent out, but they couldn't fit him inside without folding him up and they didn't want to take a chance on hurting his back any more than it was. The story goes they used the hood of Brent's car as a back-board, duct taped him down, then lashed him across the hood of a truck and hauled him out on the course to checkpoint 3 where the ambulance met them.We heard it was Pat Dean that performed this service. Their concerns were legitimate. Brent had some cracked vertebrae and will be spending quite a bit of time in a back brace, but should be up and running in about six weeks. The Class 10 of Darren Wilson and Keith Underwood had medical type problems too. According to rumor, on lap 1 they got too close to a "surgical tree" that amputated a corner of their car. They performed a transplant and had a good second lap, but things turned terminal on lap 3. The operation was a success but . the patient (car) died. Rick
Gene Griepentrog and Kent Lothringer finished three minutes back, having one flat to slow their progress, but they made it home for fourth in Class 9. Mike, Tracey and Stan Kline and Lizzard Griffith finished their five laps for fifth in Class 9 and aonated their winning check to the local Rodeo Club. Bill Dickton takes off past the timing bus on his final lap in the Dodge and with Glenn Dickton, Chip Bruner, and Scott Bassett was second in Heavy Metal. 1f0'.t ••• ft ¼ Patrick Carter and Steven Wafler have a new body replacing the former bullet ridden Bug, but still lost the hood en route to second in 5-1600s. Milt Moore hauls from Colorado to race with SNORE in his Bug, but a third lap rollover did a lot of damage, but three laps were good for third in 5-1600s. John Pellissier, Debbi Gibson and Richard Sibeilrud had a couple of good laps, trouble on lap 3 and retired with second place in Sportsman truck in a Datsun. ~ 1-2-1600. Does anybody remember when 1-1600 and 2-1600 were started? This was supposed to be a low-buck, entry level class. Like the airport sign used to say "Progress is Our Most Important Problem." Larry Job Danny Anderson won the class and they were in second place overall from the first lap to the checkered flag. Danny ran the first half of the race setting fast time, 51 :54, for the class on the way. The stop for gas and driver change on lap 4 cost about tw.o minutes, and Larry said he had an easy run to the victory, faster by nearly two minutes than Class 10. ·Some entry level effort that was! The rest of Class 1-2-1600 wasn't more than a couple of ticks behind. Regan and Tory Gubler ran tight in second until slowed by a last lap flat. One flat dropped them from second to fifth. Ke~ny . flURORI\IE We have the best prices on the largest rod end and bearing selectiorv Safety & comfort • NASA inventory in the U.S. developed to protect · HIGH-PERFORMANCE astronauts from fatigue BAKER BATTERY caused by vibration, shock loads and " G " forces. Cut to size-great protect• lion for driver & equipment. NEO SYNTHETIC LUBRICANTS Holds stronger charge much SubStan_tial in-. crease m per-longer and w,11 rec~a~ge formance while to 100"/o even_afler sm,!'!I greatly reducing for 30 days m total dis-. . . charged state. Unmatched friction and high vibration resistance. temperatures. . 1'BAKER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2865 Gundry Ave. " v,,.. · · ... ~ ~ Long Beach. CA. 90806 -1~-2'✓ 3101427-2375 Q&] '-<\._..__,, i'0, 3' 0 .\26-5294 ..... -i,".',_., OEA.E'l INQUIRIES WELCOME ..., !"age 50 Freeman Jr., Kerry Freeman and and the spectators had been Chad Estus had Gublers in their practicing on Brendan's car and sights all day, only seconds apart they quickly put her back on the all the way, so they grabbed wheels, drained the helmets and second place at the finish. Kenny got her back into the race. She had was driving his "Flintstone Flier" no more troubles, handed over to (This car was old when Barney her dad midway and they finished Rubble was in Rompers), ran only three minutes back in fourth. short of riders toward the end. Bekki was a little miffed to find They quickly shanghaied Brendan her dad had beaten her best time Gaughan. Brendan said he tried to by half a minute, but then he tell them he was a driver, not a wasn't soaking wet either. rider and the next thing he knew Mark Davidge and Dennis he had a helmet on and was tied Stevens ran a good race to take to the suicide seat going way too sixth, and B.J. and Jon Almberg fast to change his mind. In third ran quickly to finish seventh. The was another "experienced" car, Jack Herdts, Ron Cloud and this one only 12 years old. Dan Herman Salaz were eighth, while Bradley, Brian Comend and Mark Dan Ischo rolled his racer on lap Dustin said the only problems . 1, getting hung up in a tree, got they had were getting stuck once stuck in the water later and still and breaking a shock. went the distance for ninth. Dan In fourth was Bekki and Ken Jewitt, Hugh Helms, Greg Ewan Freeman Sr. and Robert Young. and Robert Fillmore were tenth, a Bekki had most of her fun real finisher. It is hard to believe that early at the first water crossing, a ten of 13 starters made all six laps. real trap. Billy Bryan, who had got Trying hard Kevin Colan ran hard to the water first and was trying to for the first half, but never got figure out how to remove the past lap 4, ending up 11th, excess water from essential parts followed by one lapper Billy of his 1600 motor, said he saw her Bryan, and Rob and Bob Guevara hit the water, then he saw pink J were on the trailer before and silver, then pink and silver, I completing a lap. and said it was a great endo. That's Three of the big trucks came to when she learned that a Parker Caliente to compete in the Heavy Pumper moves water almost as Metal Division, a five lap class. , well as it pumps air, right into her Turbo Lamke and Jay Andrews . helmet. Fortunatel MacCachren. set fast time, 1 :01 :44 on the first Turbo Lamke with Jay Andrews riding in the Chevy won the Heavy Metal class by over an hour, then Turbo announced his retirement from off road raci!)g. August 1993 lapintheChevyandtheteamled Unfortunately on lap 4 his the race wire to wire, with a transmission went terminal and couple of slower laps in the he parked in tenth place. Dave middle. Turbo said the reason his Petrillo kept Dixon within spittin' truck was looking considerably distance and grabbed the lead on disheveled at the end was because lap 4, setting fast lap for the class, he had lost his power steering, and 56: 11, in the process. He held the "if there was a tree in the turn, I front spot until about 3 miles hit it." He said if there was fromthecheckerwhenhebrokea something solid on the outside of ball joint. He stopped just long a turn he used it to bounce the enough to get rid of the tire and truck around the corner, but the wheel and charged on, coming truck ran flawless other than the down "Wahoo Hill" ( which is steering problem. At the awards, visible from the finish line) on Turbo announced his retirement three wheels and with no brakes. from racing, citing health It was the third race on this car. problems. He then, very gener-The trouble slowed him enough ously, donated his winning check to allow Bill (Top Points) to the Caliente Girls Rodeo Club. Holbrook to ease on by and take We'll miss having Turbo around, the win by about 14 minutes but but it was a class way to retire. Dave Petrillo hung on for second. Taking a solid second in Heavy Holbrook said he got a slow start, Metal, over an hour behind, was stuck behind a pickup, then got the Dodge of Bill and Glenn lost, but he recovered nicely with Dickton, Chip Bruner and Scott most consistent lap times. Clay Bassett. They had mud troubles and Dale Carr and Jeremy on lap 1 but ran steady after that Harmon followed him across the to finish all five rounds. The team line taking third about eight of Joe Ferrara, Scott Silagy and minutes back. Brad Collie managed two good The fourth spot, just three laps before fading from sight on minutes back went to Gene lap 3. Griepentrog and Kent Lothringer. Class 9 at 17 starters was a Kent ran about a half a lap on a classic story of the tortoise and right front flat. Gene asked him if the hare. 1992 0 1 A points it hurt the wheel. Kent said he champion Mike Dixon jumped didn't hear it complain. Mike, out to an early lead and looked Tracy and Stan Kline and Li::ard unbeatableforthefirstthreelaps., Griffith were fifth and Mike. __ Bruce Fraley sails down the hill in his sano 5-1600 Bug on his way to yet another class victory, slowing on the final laps as he won by nearly an hour and said the car ran flawless. DustyTimcs
Dean Matsu(,hO. Paul a" d Pat Duffy and Scott Gillham were third in Sportsman trucks, but the first street stocker with three laps done in a Nissan. Floyd Terry with four partners in the buggy got in four good laps, but not the fifth, but still placed second in the Sportsman Buggy class. Jeremy Gubler had three quick laps but the fourth one was 30 minutes longer and he didn't get in a fifth, but he took third in Sportsman Buggies. donated their winning check to_ the Rodeo Cluh and Tracy received the Caliente award for top female driver in the race. The last 9 car car to finish all five laps was that of Joel Dnvis, Bill Cohh :rnd Eric Hnyes in sixth. Eddie Brink and Dnryl Bishop were one lap down in 7th. Dale, Ed& Mike Looney and Curt Banschhack finished all the laps, hut their final time wns just past the cut-off time. They did receive the coveted Caliente "Last of the Last" award which consisted of a cold bottle of heer, a plaque made up of left over race car parts, and a mule shoe and an antique church key to open the heer. Mike said, in keeping with tradition, they did their usu a I rollover. Marvin Barry Slatter, Mike Snodgrass and Anthony Bryant set some quick time in the Sumpter and Andrew McEvers Ford Ranger, a 1:06 first lap giving them the lead in the Sportsman Truck class d.d r I d J ff C M 'k and they stayed there all five laps. 1 1our aps,an e arr, 1 e .. -------------------------- -Oixon and Jason Avery each did . much damage to continue, and finished second after four laps. three laps, while Tom Mattingly the Colorado team parked in Pat Tighe and Bill Keena went covered hut one and the other third. Kevin Streety and team ran from second to first to second and four did none. High attrition in out of hrakes on their first lap, ended up fourth, doing three laps. Class 9 . and put it on the trailer. Jeremy Gubler went from third Class 5-1600 wasn't much of a The Sportsman Truck class went to fourth and finished third, with battle, in foct it could hardly he to the Ford of Barry Slatter four laps done. Meanwhile Jack, called a four car skirmish. Bruce Mike S nod gm ss, Anthony Will and John Bassett and Steve Fraley and Brian Stine, with Rob Bryant. They lost some time Ogle went from fourth to second MacCachren standing hy for relief helping an inverted racer get hack to first, decided they liked it driving, sailed off the line for the on his wheels, had to replace some there and stayed in front the rest fost time, I :00:25, then Bruce put radius nrm hushings and spent the of the race, the only entry to the newly painted Bug on cruise ohligatory time stuck in the "mud cover five laps, and they got class control and motored to another hog." But they won hy two laps fast lap of 1:01:13 on lap 4. Jay win.lnsecondwasthe"hulletcar getting all five done under the and Jim Shain had first lap 2" of Patrick Carter and Steven wire with class fost lap of I :06: 16. troubles, then managed two more Waller, who had one wheel John Pellissier, Debbi Gibson rounds before parking it in fifth. brakes, the left front, which and Richard Sihelrud also spent Darwin Parsons and Steven wasn't too had when you had time some "mud hog" time, hut got in Wilfling got through two laps for to plan your moves. When you three laps for runner up honors. sixth, and Robert Eldridge and suddenly reali:ed you were going De:in Matsouko, Paul and Pat Robert Hall only made one lap into a corner too fast or when you Duffy and Scott Gilham did three for seventh. Lenny and Stan stahhed the hinders going down laps for the Stock Mini Truck James and Weston Adams fought Wahoo Hill it was instant title. adisentegratingfuelcelltocover excitement! Pat is prohnhly the The Sportsman Buggy Class is one three hour lap in eighth only person to get a car com- growing every race with eight cars place. pletdy sideways halfway down takingthegreenatCaliente. They The awards were held in W ahoo, save it, and finish the are fun to watch too, though not h race. Milt Moore, Joel Pnrker nnd Mary Ann Roether ran second for three bps, which included n rollover, hut they hnd a hit too. :mot er main street bar and grill as easy to keep track of as some h h other clases. Floyd Terry, Keith t at was ig enough for meetings, the Desert Rose, where most of Simmer, Mike Dunn, and Jnmie h d II M' D D E (S & J ) f t ecrow ate as we . 1ss esert fee gr 1 r. h" } ient2 rod Ros1: helped with the trophies, irston ap tot •r on ap ,an • and the ceremonies went off quickly. Ama:i~gly almost every one who earned a trophy was there to pick it up, rare at a desert event. Jack, Wilf and John Bassett and Steve Ogle kept their tidy buggy together to out run the eight car field and win the Sportsman Buggy Class by a lap. SNORE and all the racers want to thank Michael Gaughan, of the Gold Coast and Barbary Coast Hotel /Casinos. Michael gener-ously donated his helicopter when Brent Bell was injured, to render whatever assistance was possible. When communications with checkpoint 2 foiled, he flew in a replacement radio, quickly putting them hack in contact with S / F. He also contributed a generous check to the Rodeo Club, whose youngsters sold tickets for SNORE's annual Baja Bug raffle throughout the event. Thanks Mike, we really appreci-ate all your help. DustyTimcs August 1993 It was time to part the veil of dampen the spirit of this event. time, pack up and leave the quaint Besides most of the stores have hut modern town of Caliente. roofs over the sidewalk, just like Your editor looks forward to this in the movies, and that is where race every year nnd even the late we got many of our post race in the race cloudhurst didn't interviews. Don't forget the SNORE 250 September 17-19, 1993 BIG CASH BONUS for various classes This is the system run by most off road race winners TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME JEEP STRAIGHT 6 "NEW SUMMER SPECIAL CHROME" 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 51 n t : ...
SODA Rock N' Rolls Road America! B,· Rm/, & Mmil;1n Schultz Photos /,y J.:amie Brown & Gregg Witte/Dan Mainzer Class 6 welcomed back former champion Fay ·statezny, and he and his Chevelle have lost nothing in the layoff last year. Fay went flag to flag in the six car field. Classes 3 and 6 combined to make the opening Saturday event, and 1992 Rookie of the Year Chad Schleuter won Class 3 in the Ford Bronco leading all the way from green to checkers. Gerald Foster forsook his Jeep for the ex-Rosborough Chevy Blazer and he finished the Class 3 race in a strong second place in his new to him truck. Road America, Elkhart Lake, was all there at Road America's~ Wisconsin, international! y Off Road Challenge. If ya' missed recogni:ed as a premier center for it, ya' missed out! motorsports racing, hosted the SODA racers opened their 1993 SODA Series opening Race season with a brief memorial Event on May 15 & 16 with its service in memory of and in usual brand of dynamite, action tribute to Joe Plummer. Joe packed racing. The World Series fought a year and a half battle with Of Off Road Racing, SODA, cancer with courage, dignity and hegan its racing season unusually an attitude for all to admire. He early and still played to an lost his battle February-4, 1993, extremely large number of race one week short of his twenty-first fans. birthday. The first race of the season is Saturday morning's racing always exciting; time to get the opened with pre-run and racers adrenalin flowing with the throb were pleased to find that the of heavy metal engines, the second year of Road America's distinct rhythms of the buggy track had brought the expected engines, old friends, new faces, results - a track that was" settled", who did what to their race groomedandreadyforsomerock machine, new paint jobs to look at 'n roll! Certainly was nice to hear and new territory to conquer. It the familiar voices ofTerry Friday SODA's President Terry Wolfe fought hard to take third place in Class 5-1600 but he didn't quite make it and ended up fourth in class at the flag. Page 51 and Ronn Krueger, SODA's Official Track Arinouncers, on the PA system! This year they are being referred to as "World . . . . . Famous" _ seems Friday is World Seven started m Class 5-1600 with an early tight fight for the lead, but it was d K . F W Id Michael Brue who took the lead on lap 3, and opened a healthy margin of an rueger 1s amous. or space in victory. and Famous what???? Track Patrol .t. ------ - ---------------------the pack for position and points with nice racing by Tom Brock-man, Gary Plummer and Ron Karlman. was provided by the Green Bay other out ~f the race before each High Riders and Promoter Kevin had put in fifty feet, so we wait 'til Dawson served as the Official the next race to see what these two Flagman. add to the competition! Gregg Classes 3 and 6 were first on Witte and Tim Kamm went heads deck and took the green flag on for second position until together for the first dust, dirt and Witte pulled off in front of the mud for 1993! Class 3 came off main viewing area with flames the line first with 1992 's Rookie coming out from underneath the oftheYear,ChadSchleuter,hard front end! Fortunately Witte charging his way to a flag to flag went without injury and his Ford victory. Young Schleuter was Mustang sustained minimal driving his newly revamped Ford damage. Kamm powered his way Bronco and definitely looked like on to take second. Jay Martens the guy to beat! Chad is in his kept his machine going for a well junior year at Ferris State driven third place. . University, Big Rapids, Michigan, Class 5-1600, SODA's comp-maintains a good academic level liment to the Baja Bug, took the and still has time and energy for track next with an increased top notch racing! Gerald Foster, number of entries. They came in a switch from his customary flying out of the Hell Hole like Jeep to a Chevrolet, made a corks out of champagne bottles, definite run at Schleuter finishing each driver ready to draw blood with a strong second place. Grant for first place. Greg Smith came Mohalland, also in a brand new popping out for the first full lap machine, rounded out the top with the coveted number one spot three. but handed it over to Mike Brue Class 6 welcomed back the within another two laps. Brue incredible Fay State~ny who also went on with a healthy stretch for went flag to flag for a win. Holy the victory. Smith kept his foot Headers, the guy makes the run nailed to the floor for second look like a cruise down main place. Both Terry Wolfe and Bill street! However, Bill Groboski Bowles wanted third place, and 1992 Class Champ Greg Bowles winding up with the Bekavac roceeded to take each position. War waged throughout / Michigan's Dan Baudoux drives his Mirage cars in a variety of classes, and he started out winning 2 seat Class 11, then won Class 9-10, and finished the weekend winning single seat Class 1.1. August 1993 What an experience for Class 11 Double Seat -they didn't take the track first! Makes ya' kinda' wonder if they knew exactly what to do???! Obviously they did as the racing action was terrific! This Class usually has a lot of new faces - new drivers -and the 1993 season is no exception.W ay to go guys and gals, you put on an excellent show! We expect to have a lot of fun with "The Old Guy", Rod Attig, as he begins a serious count down to his fiftieth birthday. Tell ya' what, The Old Guy came out of the green flag in first and held off hard charging Dan Baudoux, Harold Smith and a host of others until a bump and run incident put Attig out of first. Baudoux said "thanks ever so much" and took off for the win. Attig regained his composure and held on to second place. Rod's helmet proclaims this as his Metallic Age - silver hair, gold teeth and a lead foot! Harold Smith did one heck of a joh hanging on to third place. We've had the pleasure of watching Cory Friday go from a teenager to a young man of 21 showing some real expertise behind the wheel of his Class 11. Friday started darn near dead last and snaked his way through to a nice fourth place finish. As usual, there wasn't a place on the track that didn't hold some serious racing action. Ain't no doubt that Class 2-1600 showed up to do some wheel to wheel, fender to fender racin'! Greg Smith and Jim Wiggins gave new meaning to the phrase "who's on first?" as lap after lap they either played lead change or did excellent battle for the same. The early laps were fairly smooth sailing but half way through the race both drivers encountered lapped traffic that made the pass and move on Dusty Times
Another Wiggins has joined SODA racing, John, and he competes in Class 11, finishing sixth on Saturday, but had troubles and dropped back on Sunday. "Farmer" John Konitzer flies out of the "Hell Hole" in his Class 8 Chevy, and was one of few to hold things together and finished a solid third. Locked in a three-way battle for second in Class 9/10, Jeff Probst placed second, and he was also second in the Class 1 /2 combined race next day. -:;----;;;;--:;;:-:;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;=--:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;......;;-=-=-=-=-=-;-;;----------------:::::::::::::::==-' Taylor gave early indication of a Jim Wig.gins and Greg Smith had a side by side race in Class 2-1600, but at the flag it was Wiggins in front trailed closely by Smith and Todd Attig in a very close race. maneuvers that m~ch harder. On the final flag lap Wiggins made the last pass for first place off the table top for an on their feet audience. After taking most of the 1992 racing season off Greg Smith put on one heck of a performance. But the action didn't stop there, no sir! Mark Steinhardt, Todd Attig and Walt Carlson went at it tooth and nail from the green flag through the white flag. Each made several attempts to gain position and each had doors shut in their faces. The battle went down to the wire with the Hell Hole providing the last battle field when diasater struck Carlson. His machine died out of the Hole and would not refire in time to give him position in the top five. The final five were Wiggins, Smith, Attig, Steinhardt and Dan Baudoux who. slid in where Carlson left off. The mighty Class 8s were up next, well, okay, some of the SODA Series Class 8 drivers were up next. Grant ya', many drivers simply were not finished fine tuning their machines in time for the first race event, but then there is the question of who could have made it and who did. Defending Class Champion Scott Taylor ,Jed Flannery debuting in the Parsons truck, Pete Van De Hey, Dave Hockers and "Farmer" John Konitzer made up the starting grid. Hackers blew a tranny at the line leaving four machines to put on a good show for the spectators. Dan Baudoux appears to be going for the altitude record out of the "Hell Hole" and along the way he also won the hotly contested battle in Class g and 10 combined this year. Class 13 was the first truck class on track on Sunday, and Tom Jensen who finished third, here leads eventual winner Robert Flanagan through the green Wisconsin hills. DustyTimcs repeat Championship perform-ance with a solid win. Young Jed Flannery, yep, of the Flying Flannerys, did an excellent job of moving the Parsons' machine t around the track and placed a very ID respectable second. Van De Hey broke down early in the race and Farmer John placed third. ' Watching these machines come out of the Hell Hole reminded one · of drops of crystal suspended from one large crystal chandelier as the wheel assemblies, for a brief moment, fell free from the main body of the trucks. Classes 9 and 10 have been Class 8 had a slim six truck entry, but put on a good show. Defending combined for the 1993 SODA champion Scott Taylor gave notice he planned to be champ this year as he Series making the fie Id much_. _sc_o_r_e_d_a_c_o_n_v_in--,c_in,....g_vi_ct_o_ry_._--,-_______________ _ larger and much more exciting if~-having none of that! By lap four, th is first race event is any . with Attig still in an apparent run-.indication of things to come! a-way, Lee W uesthoff, Jeff Fourteen of these fast moving Probst, and Art Schmitt III were buggies took the track and the in a deadly battle just a lug nut action was in-cred-i-ble! All came behind Baudoux. Now, Attig is in off the line in a clean start with first, Baudoux in second, Dan Baudoux. coming out of the Wuesthoff in third, Probst in Hell Hole like a kite with no fourth and Schmitt in fifth with a string. By the time lap one was good action packed crowd behind officially in, the pack had them. tightened up and Todd Attig put Next lap the picture changes; his machine in a dandy power Wuesthoff, Probst and Schmitt slide and took over the lead. are putting the pressure on both Whee-ha, looked like a smooth Baudoux and Attig. Attig must ride tb the checkered for Attig, have lost concentration for a split but no! The top contenders were hair's time and Baudoux moved ....... ~---.. .into the lead. Two laps later and . Wuesthoff is off the track, Baudoux is still holding the lead, Attig is playing a hard driving catch-up game and Probst is playing tag with Schmitt. Hello, here comes Canada's Bill Le-Feu vre with Jeff St. Peter pounding the pavement behin him. Time wise there is a seven tenths of a second lead for Baudoux-who's radng the mile plus track in a minute and twenty eight seconds. This kind of action continued for lap after lap. Schmitt, after running a trerl)-endous race, ~ ,HJ-TECH • SUSPENSION SPECIALISTS • FREE EXPERT CONSUL TING • INSTALLATIONS I \1SA , • .a] OFF ROAD RACING HEADQUARTERS LARGEST INVENTORY IN LAS VEGAS FEITIIIIIII • UCIIII IPOIITIWEIII • 10 FF.II 111111 • AIIIO 811 TIIIKI • Bl'N:IIES •AIIIOO. •ABTCIIIII ; • llffllFAB • ..... • ■•£11!11NTOaftllP •BODYLIFTI •IOW • DOEITCII TECII ·:: • IIBT •n '·•••mn-aaa • FLOWIIIITEII •FUa-CP:LI •IBIIILY August 1993 Page 53
~ had to pull off. By now Randy Eller is coming up hard onJeffSt. Peter. At the white flag Baudoux still had the lead, Attig was in second and Probst was on his tail pipe in third. The checkered flag is out and Baudoux has the win! Probst puts on a power move and takes second out of Attig's hands. Attig has third,' St. Peter persevered for fourth and Eller had fifth. Gentlemen, nice race! The day's racing action was over, the 1993 SODA Series was definitely underway and no one went home without seeing some excellent racing. The weather had turned just a shade windy - well, this Kansas Kid was ready to click her heels three times -and despite. the conditions spectators stuck it. out to the end. Shows to go ya' when there's quality, there's quantity! Greg Smith, Dan Baudoux and Jim Wig.gins renewed their battle in Class 1-1600 but this time Smith pulled out a flag to flag victory, followed by Baudoux, Wiggins, and Waft Carlson. Geoff Dorr put on his usual performance in his potent Ford 4x4 and he led the class from wire to wire, holding off a serious challenge from Greg Gerlach, Dodge. Sunday's pre-run left Class 13 Road Warrior Bruce Shilts holding the dubious distinction of being the first to endo for the 1993 season. Shilts' brand new truck went end over end four times. Most fortunately neither Shilts or co-rider/brother Larry. Shilts were injured. The truck was trashed. The big question -can the. Shilts Gang get anything back together before the next race??? Whew, thank the racing gods that Class 11 Single Seat started out Sunday's racing! Without the traditional Class 11 takes the track first schedule, we'd have thought the omens were against us and gone back to bed. Good thing we didn't as this Class put on a terrific show! It was a Wiggins off the start in first place, this time it was John Wiggins doing a heck of a job! Nuts, the Wiggins machine broke a ball joint in the early going costing Wiggins position al-Todd Attig made a flying leap into first place on the first lap in Class 1/2 action, and his Alfa Romeo engine powered him to a flag to flag victory over Jeff Probst and L.ee Wuesthoff. West Coast Distributor'. fOfl HEWLAND . OFF ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PRICE _$69~5~00 GEARS . _ . AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Per Set 2 Rati<)'S Available NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Products-~ 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 54 though he did manage to finish! . Glen Mathews was hot on his tail and was only too pleased to move into the lead. Mark Oberg lost no time in pulling into second place and Harold Smith was on his bumper for third. One more time, it's Dan Baudoux running in the top five with a solid fourth and ready to put the moves on. The "Old Guy", Rod Attig was putting the pressure on Baudoux. Unbelievable, on lap five Smith is making a fantastic run for the money and gets a rock stuck under his clutch pedal putting him out of the action. Out of the blue, so to speak, comes Min-There is no doubt that Jeff Kincaid drives this Class 7S Ford, and drives it very nesota 's Keith Berard making a well. Kincaid led from start to finish, fought off challenges and eventually won tremendous effort to get to the· _by_3_o_s_ec_o_n_d_s_. _____________________ _ lead. __ laps a real hard run for the money . pedal to the metal and pulled out a Meanwhile, Mathews still has . losing Vanden Heuvall to a flag to flag win. Jim Wiggins had first, but Baudoux has put the. trashed tranny early on. Jensen his hands full fending off Cary move on Oberg and now holds and Flanagan kept up the pace Bowles, Todd Attig, Walt second place. More bad news for with Joe Zilisch and Thornton Carlson, Dan Baudoux and Oberg, the determined Berard "Ed" Schultz duking it out for Pennsylvania's Tom Surace. wanted third place and takes it third. John Schultz had his brand Some real hot racing took place leaving Oberg in fourth with Old new 1993 Ford pick-up out for for second, third and fourth Guy Attig on his bumper. Tell ya' it's first run as did Bob Silloway positions with lapped traffic what, Class 11 is always full of and Ron James. The field definitely playing its part! surprises! With four laps to the narrowed considerably as Jensen Bowles, Attig and Carlson went checkered flag the stage is set this went off the track with that lap after concentrated lap with way, Mathews in first, Baudoux in ominous tranny smoke, and each driver doing everything second, Berard in third and Oberg Zilisch came out of the Hell Hole possible to make the position in fourth and Old Guy Attig in a burst of flames. What a pass. holding down fifth, but all things shame! Zilisch got out uninjured It was a no go for all until mid-fall apart! Oberg breaks a tie rod but the really beautiful paint job way through the race when Attig and is seen pounding his steering on his new truck took some heavy got by Bowles and then proceeded wheel in frustration but doesn't damage. to surprise Wiggins with a hello, pull off! Mathews is overcome by Flanagan went on for the win, I'm on your bumper! Bumper heck, the hard charging Baudoux, Thornton Schultz pulled out Attig went on to pass Wiggins for Oberg is still hanging in there with · second place and despite a bow a very well driven second place. the broken tie rod and Berard is out from the-track Jensen placed Wiggins was contending with a fighting a now flat left front tire. third. With one of the Schultz clogged air filter and no fourth The checkered flag waves boys jumping from Class 6 to gear! Meanwhile Bowles got hung Baudoux in first, Mathews in Class 13, this race has become a up with lapped traffic that cost second, Oberg in third and here family affair. When questioned him some big time positions and comes Berard for, nope, he can't about finishing placement, drove hell bent for election to gain make it out of the Hell Hole, and original Road Warrior John back to seventh place. This left fourth place goes to Old Guy Schultz attributed his brother's Wiggins with third and Carlson Attig! What a stand-up way to second place finish to "getting with fourth. Again, nice racing start a racing day! more of the beans". Could be!! gentlemen! Without Endo Shilts, the Class Class 1-1600 came off the line Defending Class Champion 13 Road Warriors took the next twenty strong and ready to clean Geoff Dorr led the Class 4 race green flag with grit and gusto! house with some up front racing from the git go to the end putting Tom Jensen, Dan VandenHeuvell . . action. This time around Greg -on his usual fine performance. and R.J. Flanagan gave the early Smith took no chances, put the Mr. Dorr held off a hard charging ", Greg Gerlach who is taking this The ladies race as hard as the men for their trophies, but in buggy class they often follow Rhonda Smith to the checkere flag and here she is a jubilant winner at Road America. August 1993 year's tracks with an experimental suspension and drive train that sure looked good to us. The Probst machine took the green flag but pulled off immediately having discovered metal filings where they didn't belong! This machine ran an experimental suspension in 1992, did well and it's sure good to see ya' back! Bob Bemmels held down second place until his machine had to pull off. This left the door open for Gerlach to finish in second followed closely by Gerald Foster who was most certainly getting the feel of his new Class 3! Hope to see the rest of SODA's Class 4 drivers at the next race. Class 2110 flagged ne~t with Dusty nmcs .
Thorton Schultz flies out of that nasty hole, but he did keep his Class 13 running well and finished second in his first time out this year in the Ford. Greg Gerlach had experimental suspension and drive train that really worked well, and Greg flew the big Dodge right into second in Class 4. Tom Hackers had his brand new Class 7S out to see how it would do and it did very well as Tom drove the new truck to a fine third in class. Todd Attig making a cool, clean moved around Bailey for second, flag to flag run for the win. Jeff Bailey taking third. Probstalsomadeaflagtoflagrun As is customary, Class for second but not without some Women's Heavy Metal finished serious threat from Jeff St. Peter. the inaugural 1993 Race Event at St. Peter developed troubles and Road America. Starting her first had to pull off leaving Probst and full year of racing, Valerie James his Autocraft engine an open in a brand new Class 13 did some shot. Lee W uesthoff and Scott 1 Schwalbe put on some top notch racing with a battle for third. Schwalbe tried at every opportun-ity to get around Wuesthoff and found each time that the door was closed. The two crossed the finish line about a half a wheel apart with Wuesthoff taking home third, Schwalbe in a very close fourth. Out of an original field of twelve buggies, Bill LeFeuvre, in fifth place, rounded out the machines who finished the race! Jeff Kincaid may have had a rough season last year, but this year it looks to be a d_andy for young Kincaid! Kincaid came off the Class 7S start with John Greaves in hot pursuit, both trucks running an average lap speed of one minute, thirty-eight seconds around a 1.1 mile course! Now that's moving right along for an all stock class! Greaves hung on to the battle for about half the race when his motor could be heard breaking up and sure enough, that nasty motor took him off the track . Kincaid had an open door to the checkered flag with Jim Wiggins thirty seconds behind in a well .driven second place. Tom Hackers, in a brand new Ford truck and getting some awesome air out of the Hell Hole, finished third. Scott Taylor brought out his Ford truck with what he termed a "junk yard motor", managed to kiss a tree peeling the left front fender back like an open can of sardines and still finished in fourth! Two classes of ladies and their buggies flagged next with some new faces in the field and some very familiar, hard to beat gals on the track too! The Limited/Un-limited Class flagged first with Rhonda Smith and her winning ways taking home the checkered flag. "Wrong Way" Ruth Schwartzburg had her foot hard on the pedal and drove to a nice I second -place finish. Ruth was checkered flagged and evidently was having such a good time she figured she'd just take another lap! Ruth was "run down" behind the announcer's tower and came back for a most gracious inter-view! Tracey Crump made her usual good showing and placed third. Women's Class 11 took a DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name in driver safety equipment. 4-pointsandrailseatbelt . . $74.95 RACE BELTS 2 "-5pointmount . ........ $79.95 3"-5pointmount ....•.... $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS .............. ....... $54.95 Swing axle . . ........ ..... $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm-1700# .. ... ....... $79.95 · 200mm-upto3000# ........ $99.95 GERMAN AUTO PRESSURE PLATES RACING 200mm 1700# - 2400# .. from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks . ......... ..... $39.95 4pucferramic ...... . . . . . . $44.95 4 puc ferramlc with spring hub ..... . ............. ........... $54.95 steady trucking to take home the win. Husband Ron James had the machine out earlier for the Class 13 race and had mega carb troubles. Not so for Valerie, the machine ran well and she raced very well. Robin Schultz placed . second in a Class 13, a move for Robin from last year's Class 6 machine. Kelly Hammes in a class 7 truck rounded out the top three. For Wisconsin in early May, the weather held pretty well leaving racers and fans knowing that the first SODA Race Event of . the 1993 season was a dandy. Now it's on to the Ultra Wheel Memorial Day 100, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, for SODA fans and more of the kind of driving one expects to see from the World Series Of Off Road Racing's drivers. GERMAN AUTO SACO MAGNUM RACK BIiiet housing, 1 ½ • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops .............. . . . . $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T-4 cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-2flanges .ea $15.95 Trick boots /specify) .... ea $15.95 930 CV star . . . . . ............. . call "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS s• travel-stock width .... $199.95 s • travel-widened beam .$!19.95 10• travel-stock width . . . . $224.95 10• travel-widened beam .$244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T-11½"chrome . . . .... . . $ 98.95 T-11 ½•raw ........... . $ 65.95 T-11518" chrome ... : .... $105.95 T-11 5/8" raw ........... $ 72.95 T-4 chrome ...... . . . .... $189.95 _T-4raw ..... . .... . . ..... $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS .... $4.95 GERMAN AUTO T-SHIRTS .............. $8.50 specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4 engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand . $299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK I .............. ... . . $489.95 MK II .......• .• . •..... . $589.95 PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ....... . $164.95 With chrome pedal ....... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Replacement slave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion .$269.95 Mount plate ......... . . . $ 9.95 Coupler ................ $ 8.95 Racksteerlngstops ...... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1.7, 1.8, and 2.0 ....... . ... ... . pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99. 95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ............ 4130 Chromoly Stock length . . . ..... . pr. $449.00 11/," longer . . ........ pr.$474.00 21/, • longer . . . . . .... . pr. $499.00 4" longer-coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1 • chromoly tie rods w/ends. /specify Ford or International) set ... ........................ $89.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3" ................ $435.00 1·21600, 5-1600 .......... $415.00 CATALOG .. ........... US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 delayed flag and put on a heck of a · show! 1992 Class Champion Karen Christensen took an early lead, an early broken front tie rod and an early exit from the field. Dawn Byer made a couple of nice passes o n Jennifer Bailey and Sarah Sawall for the win. Sawall 11324 Norwalk Blvd~ Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 DustyTimes August 1993 Page 55
7.iaev'Jae,~ WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP OFF •ROAD RACE® Crandon, Wisconsin Sept. 3, 4 & 5, 1993 c:::;:, CHEVROLET OVER $130,000 [9] PURSE BF Goodrich· -----r,,u ll«fd S,ries qf C,.ll.oo4 Racing• liJIJOIBJ/il Dattarl•• . OFFICI-AL S.O~D.A. SPONSORS: .. Chuvrolol, or Goodtlch, Optima Batteries caB GENERAL INFORMATION: Racing Beglna Dally at 9 a.m. Dally Admission: 12 yrs. & up • Weekend Pass $15 Overnight Camping: $20 lor Race Weekend Phone (715) 478-2222 FAX (716) 478-5815 Barn Dance Belie\ ·c It. @penh•ten/SKOAl RACING,..
-~ -..... . - ~ui~iOsA .-.-.-.-.--;,,; The Straight Poop From The Big Wahzoo BAJA 500 -Over 220 entries glady l~ft the chaotic gridlock that quickly developed on the narrow highway in the Ojos Negros starting area. Eventually seven Checker cars did takt: the green flag and charged off onto one of the most challenging Baja 500 courses in recent memory. Twice around about a 140 mile loop thru the northern high country took it's toll on a large number of cars, as a storm moved into the area to further complicate the driving conditions on an already muddy course. Now contrary to popular opinion, Mother Nature actually does cause the Checkers a problem or two on occasion, as evidenced by the fact that only two Checker entries finished this race. Kevin Davis picked this toughie for his first race down in Mexico, and although he also had his share of problems, his car ran with the leaders all day and into a rainy night for a close third place finish in the 20 plus 1-2-1600 class. This impressive first time Baja effort kept our boy in the second place position at the halfway point in the tight points run of this popular limited class. Reportedly Sprinklerman left Baja impressed. Our other Checker finisher also earned a third place, but in Class 5 ... Now just who do ya think that could be?? I mean hey man, if Seeley were a race horse and all us Checkers were "show bettors", we'd all be major bucks up by now! George you're amazing, and obviously consistent. Seeley had a few more problems than Kevin, crossing the finish line less than seven minutes before his time limit would have expired, but still the third Unlimited Bug across. Good Show Guys! Our non-finishers had the following Checker-like excuses: Tom Koch's non-Checker co-driver rolled their open car on the first loop and then succumbed to related problems. Steve Holladay broke an axle right off the start, fixed it, but then he and Robertson went out later with fuel pump problems. The quiet brother rolled the Cook's 5-1600 car on the top loop, then got it going again, only to disappear for good in the rain and mud on the Pacific side. The Checker "Good Guy Award" for this race has to go out to George Seeley. Seems our hero paused long enough during his run to help get the Cook's Baja Bug upright and running again, before continuing on to finish this killer event. George Seeley, a true Checker! Atta Boy Dude! Greg Hawks had tranny problems on the first loop while PIT ffAM .REGIS I ER BAJA EXPRESS RACING TEAM Hayward Mendenhall 15518 Le Floss St Norwalk, CA 90650 213-864-0893 BAJA PITS RACING/SUPPORT Carlos Orozco-President 619-449-nn Leo Calderon-Race Director 619-267-9928 10362 Carreta Court Santee, CA 92071 CHAPALA DUSTERS Evan Harbottle-President 909-676-8625 Matt Hansen-Race Director 714.951.n55 CHECKERS Russ Bulow-President 28447 Aldee Park Canyon Country,CA91351 805-251-5970 John Files-Pit Coordinator 22311 Kentfield Grand Terrace, CA 92324 C.O.R.E. Kevin McGillivray-Race Director 33722 Agua Dulce Canyon Road Agua Dulce, CA 91350 805-268-8405 DESERT RACE SUPPORT Craig Lane-Race Director PO Box 1822 Apple Valley, CA 92307 619-247-0120 or 619-247-6258 F.A.I.R. Dave Masslngham-Race Dir 16269 Placid Drive Whittler, CA 90604 310-943-1916 1.0.R.A. George Thompson-Director 343-0 Montezuma St #19 Prescott, AZ 86303 602-nG-8528 LOS CAMPEONES Andy Felix-President 1069 S Santa Fe Vista, CA 92083 61 9-726-0130 MAG7 Bruce Cranmore-Race Dir 11244 Horizon Hills Drive El Cajon, CA 92020619-440-3737 TIGHT TEN John Llppett-Race Director 153 Lindell Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 619-448-5500 • We welcome all Support Team news artides. Typed and double spaced copy is acceptable. Copy deadlines vary slighdy, usually by the tenth of the month to make the next issue. To list your pit club here, send the information to Dusty limes. The service is free. Please send us a list of your current pit club contacts, especially those who are not listed here at all. DustyTimes getting his Challenger car to his old time Checker co-driver; unfortunately Ditson had to park it shortly thereafter. Rosenstein also had his share of problems on the northern loop in his green Class 11 charger. Peter reportedly ran out of spare tires, got stuck in the mud, hiked for miles to a Checker pit, and then found out that trying to pack a spare tire back to his car on your back is much easier said than done! Rosenstein 's trusting passenger ended up spending the night out on the trail, while Peter reportedly spent the night saddled up next to a nice fire in a fuzzy warm blanket. Hey Peter, the only thing that's saving your ass here, is the fact that the guy you left out in the storm wasn't a Brother Checker! BITS & PIECES -Thumper was a no show at his own Annual El Bahia Checker get together this year, and so, he was obviously not available to buy his traditional "first round". The members that did show up wisely got an accurate bill of about 50 zillion pesos from the bartender and then presented it to him at the post-race meeting. Apparently Thumper was tipped off and brought about 20 years worth of unintentionally collected Mexi-can coins to the meeting and paid his bill. But, since no one was willing to count this impressive pile of metal it was appropriately included in the evening's raffle. Norris was the lucky winner of this small fortune and I'm sure Uncle Max will drive the local senoritas nuts in the downstairs bars with this sack of cash on his next trip south. Two other members had problems this trip, with our Prez suffering the indignity of having his Ramcharger burn to ·the ground on his way out of El Rayo. Reports differ, but the most often heard story was that a Pick-like explosion in his engine started the whole deal and then it quickly went down hill from there. After intense questioning at the post-race meeting, Russ steadfastly stuck to his "flaming arrow" story, insisting to all that he "really loved that Dodge!" Our other trouble maker was Utgard, who got his ass arrested on the way out of town. Seems a couple of cops saw only the second half of a near accident and took ol' Bob in for being a reckless gringo. One cop put him in the back of the police car and headed for the station. The other cop followed, driving Bob's dually, which also carried two of Utgard's buddies, now riding the back seat. About halfway to the slammer the cop chauffeuring the dually spots a reckless speeding local, and of course, takes off in hot pursuit. Now this is not really too out of character, since U tgard kinda has a history of bringing newcomers down to a Baja race and scaring the hell out of 'em! I mean here's this cop in a big white American dually racing thru the streets of Ensenada, frantically waving and yelling out the window in an attempt to convince his quarry that he is a cop and not some wild gringo pre-runner. I'm sure Bob's heritage came into question more than ohce in the back seat of the dually during this ride. Finally, after everybody did show up at the police station, Bob got to talk with the ''El Capitain''. Now being a Checker, Utgard August 1993 .quickly impressed on this fella .newsletter do ya? Nah! But that he was not only an important seriously now Russ, this is not race promoter and maker of fine your column to censor, it belongs coins, but also, and most to all the members. And besides, importantly, that as a Checker, he I'm not gonna change a good thing would not lie about something as over one complainer who's gonna important as this! Naturally, on be back in booth #1 in about five his way out, Utgard presented the months! Captain with one of his special AND FINALLY, lets talk Baja 1000 silver coins as an flavor. In response to some expression of gringo goodwill. questioning comments from a Nice touch Bob! couple of our newer members Speaking ofUtgard, our Club's regarding the Checkers' tradition other promoter is putting on a of eating our dead, I feel obligated short course race on the 27th & to clarify my comment in last 28th of August as the opening. months column concerning event at this year's Antelope flavor. The vast majority of our Valley Fair in Lancaster. All deardepartedClubBrothershave members are encouraged to call basically been plain ol' everyday Bob for free tickets ... Just tell him white dudes. They have of course the Big W akoo sent ya! been predictably very tough and SCORE -With this promoter flavorless, with Biswell probably now being the "Keeper of all the being the tenderest of the lot. Jewels", SCORE will be making a Although a little before my time, I major change in the structure of do understand that a kosher Hal it's racing classes for 1994. Sal Harris actually did have a little bit Fish will reportedly be invited different taste, and that most of down to a Checker meeting in the those in attendance agreed Black near future to explain this new Pete was way too salty. But one plan, which sounds pretty scary thing I think we can all be sure of, for the rank and file buggy racer. is that when old man Symonds Details later. -finally departs for that big CHECKER QUIZ: What's an motorhome in the sky, he'll "Ooley", and where the hell is surely challenge that crusty ol' JR Exeter? The first six members as the toughest old Checker of with both correct answers will them all! A complete report on win the right to help hold our Annual Checker Summer Thumper down during his up party & Barbecue next month. coming tatto session! NEWSLETTER -What's this AffENTION PIT TEAMS Send us your tales of triumph and troubles and they will be featured on these pages. Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street shit? No matter how many times I read it, it still sounds like direct and down right ornery criticism of the Big Wahzoo in the latest edition of our own Club news-letter?? But wait, before I get into that, what the hell happened to Dunn? Last I heard, Butch was merrily rolling right along in his second year as the Editor/Pub-lisher of our Checker Newsletter, when he was apparently axed. Ya don't suppose Butch's dismissal had anything to do with him being foolish enough to include a "Message from the Wahzoo" in Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 what turned out to be his last NOBODY COVERS OFF ROAD LIKE DUSTY TIMES SUBSCRIBE TODAY - DON'T MISS OUT ONLY $15.00 FOR 12 ISSUES SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: DUSTY TIMES 20751 MARILLA STREET CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 Page 57 -
' I Spirit Pit Support News tractorltrailerrig,aswellasa25. Rayo"sagabeganFridaymorning. 4x4's and lots of Spirit pit footmotorhome, into the wilds at at BFG's Estero Beach pre-race pit personne 1, proved everyone El Rayo junction. There primarily exchange where Dan Newsome, wrong as they steered, jockeyed, to support all BF Goodrich teams BFG race director, after hearing jack-knived, bumped, pushed, and independent Ford ( non-what Spirit was going to do with careened, towed and joustled El Rayo, BC -Steve Spirkoff Rough Riders) teams, in the end, the tractor/trailer rig, said, "there their way up the mountain that and his merry band of jolly men Spirit was there for any team ain't NO way ... I mean NO way afternoon. By 8:00 pm Friday andwomen,namelytheSpiritOff needing help ... including the you guys are gonna get that night the big rig and the Road Race Support team, went Rough Riders. While Spirit tractor /trailer rig up that motorhome, ably piloted by Ken forward du ring the recent played host over the race weekend mountain and into El Rayo." Schuettenhelm, were in place and SCORE Tecate/ Baja 500 and did to Dan Stutz of Ford SVO and Steve and Earl Irey, tractor were now a part of the junction whatnoonehasdonebefore(that Dave and Vicki Petlichkoff of pilot and co-pilot respectively, and the pine forest. At that we know of) ... put a 40 foot Rousch Racing, the "into El with a little help from some Spirit point ... SPIRIT, BFG and FORD 1993 Soutar Motors- Budweiser SCORE Fireworks 250 ~e~~t~D6:a~~~~~~r ,¥1~~h~t by Tony Tellier The Stral.ght Po·o RAYo JUNCTION!!! P And while a dozen or so Spirit crew "slept over" with the pit No Name Top Tip Odds vehicles and its attendant 111 Ivan Stewart Bet against a season three-time 1 :2 equipment and parts that Friday night at El Rayo, the Spirit winner? You won't even get Even leadership had a delightful time at Money. the annual BFG cookout at Estero 104 Walker Evans Will take physical lead by Slash X. 1: 1 Beach and it was again nice doing some benchracing with friends 101 Jim Smith Wheel!es his way into front row start! 2:1 and seeing Athene Karis and her 112 Bob Gordon Smooth driver has opportunity to up-2:1 BFG crew. By 8:00 Saturday morning, the stage A.J. Foyt pilot. Spirit pit activity had subsided 109 Doug Fortin, Jr. Might be Fortin-atet.o finish. Dark Horse 3:1 but only after about 100 mounted Special BFG's had been unloaded and 15 or so dump cans topped off and 105 Paul & Dave Fimwvrkstoo much of a drag race for 4:1 -· "at the ready". Mike Flohr, Spirit Simon long-haul specialists. Pit Boss was also ready with a full 102 Troy Herbst After the Gaming Commission hearings, 5:1 complement of mechanics, fire fighters, tire handlers, welders, course will seem smooth! fuelers, handymen, politicians, 106 Bob Richey Ready to p/umbthe depths of the desert 5:1 indian chiefs and candlestick 124 Gary Hymes T. Rex stuntman could be T-Riffic 12:1 makers, all resplendent in their crimson red (NOT orange as was 115 Steve Kelly Jumbo Jeep could jump up front -or just 15:1 recently reported by what is jog in place obviously a color blind writer) BFG fire suits while the fuel 118 Jason Baldwin Traditional trouble with back-markers 17:1 handlers had added protection (100) spells tangles with traffic with full face helmets with Nomex 119 Bob Griffiths Bob crazy to try to stay with pack 25:1 helmet skirts and Nomex gloves. By the time the first four 302 Dan Smith GP-style electric 4WD control is his 3:,1 wheeled racer, the 11105 Ford of Formula Won the Simon's, roared through the junction (NOT bikes and quad's 501 Greg Diehl Baja water crossing woes won't be a 2:1 'cause they sorta scream instead factor in dry Barstow desert of roar) at 1 0: 5 7 am,, the 503 George Seeley Furniture "magnate" won't be SQfast! 6:1 Spirit/BFG/Ford crew of fifteen were ready for "anything". ~60 - TtesCooks Close-to-Home Team should bring 5:1 Within the next two and one-half Valvoline VW home 111 minutes, the pit crew watched as 599 Vince Surf may be "Up!", but could be wiped out 7.5:1 the Gordon/ Arciero Chenowth, Ivan Stewart in his Toyota and Alcouloumre Doug Fortin Jr., piloting his 719 Jack Johnson Stroppe Ford won't stop until Herzog's 4:1 radical Chevrolet, all blasted by. Spirit's first job of the day went to Scott-free the # 100 Chenowth of Baldwin 704 Russ Jones Motorcycle and sidehack racer moves up 8:1 and Dunlop, about 14 minutes off to four wheels. the Simon's time, who took 25 gallons of fuel, a quick check over 800 Rob MacCachren Venab/enot invulnerable 3:1 and was out in less than a minute. 802 Larry Ragland Could be mgged out about steering 3:1 And "anything" was what was happening up tb, re on the top of problems that mountain. l he sun, what was 805 Scoop Vesse_ls Scoop not hotsi~around anymore -3:1 seen of it, offered no warmth as ready to assume Class 8 crown cold winds battered the crew all day. In the late afternoon rains 807 I D~vid Bryan F/yin' B,yanlooked good again in Mexico; 4:1 began, first as a mist but then I foolish to count out anymore more heavily as darkness settled 863 Gordon Dicarlo Can make the _StockFu/;pull the 2:1 in. Dan (Newsome). of BFG, (860) distance. showed up at about 3:00 that 1000 Steve Sourapas Steve and Dave never have a sourpuss 2:1 afternoon and stood there shaking his head as he looked at at the finish line the tractor/trailer sequestered 1002 Mike Zupanovich Harbotsno ill-will; and will perform! 3:1 among the pines. Then he said, "I 1015 Tom Schilling Biggest challenge is deciding which hi-3:1 didn't believe you guys could do it and I stilt think you're crazy". potential car to drive! When Spirkoff asked if he was 1001 Ricky Johnson Stadium; Supercross; Baja; Class 8 - RJ 4:1 happy to see the rig in place, Dan's wins everywhere. But in Barstow? retort was "I'm so happy I'd like to get on my knees and kiss your 1016 Mark Weyhnch Oregon team shunned BaJa rarn; ready 8:1 a@#'¾i$". With that, the Spirit for Barstow bake-out. Go figure. crew went on about their 1199 Peter Rosenstein Extracted his Bug out of the Pine Forest 1:1 business. Ivan (Stewart) was through El just in time for Barstow. Rayo for the second time at 3:19 1604 Mike Julson There's not a a:mard on the Loftin team 5:1 pm and had in hand what appeared to be the overall lead. 1609 Kevin Davis Ex-La Rana racer feels more comfortable 5:1 The next rig thru, the Dodge of in OHV area than the wilds of Baja Walker Evans, was approximately 1610 Scott Steele Stee/esurgical -on Danny Porter 5:1 11 minutes down to Stewart. Third by was the Ford of the Pagc58 August 1993 Simon's, about seven minutes behind Walker. As regards these three teams, the Spirit/ BFG pit was really a "security blanket", there in case of a dire emergency and that's all as Evans runs non-BFG rubber, Ivan is ably overseen by PPI and the Simon's hold Rough Rider membership. During the ensuing 12 hours (Spirit started shutting down the operation at 11:00 pm) the Spirit pit crew serviced forty two race cars, each suffering a variety of concerns and ills. The list of stops and maladies ranged from driver changes to windshield cleaning to "sounds like something's loose, would you check it" commen ts e from drivers to the complet disassembly and rebuild of a we II known carb on through th straightening of an I-beam and th e e welding of several body pan el s111'1'orts and headers. With th L"XCcption of fuel, loose link pin on several VW based race car proved to be the "most often e s s corrected problem. And throug h-out those same 12 hours, rac e e s e 0 y vehicle timing ( if one could se through the mud on the vehicle in the mid to late stages of th race) and SpiritlBFG El Ray radio network control was abl performed by Julie Schuetten helm and Vicki Petlichkoff. The fuel handlers dumped 61 gallons of fuel during the day an the only time they were real bus 4 d y g r t was around 11 :30 that morn in when the teams of Richey / Bake (Raceco), Renezeder/Wes (Chenowth), Vessels and Bund erson (Ford) and Ragland/Stile s e s ( Chevrolet) all stopped at th same time for service. Richey wa away in 15 seconds, the Chenowt h of Renezeder had a I : 15 stop Vessels roared away after minute and Ragland, taking o a n 44 gallons of fuel stayed with u s for 1 minute and 20 seconds. After darkness fell and the rai began falling in earnest, at abou n t n 0 8:00 pm, horror stories bega trickling in, via the BFG Radi Net, of racers stranded and stuc k all over the top part of the Ojo s Negros/ El Compadre/ El Rayo, K77 / El Mezcal loop. The course on the hills became quagmires, small streams became ragin g torrents and rutted parts of the race track became lakes. Let's face it, no one was having any fun trying to traverse, much less race, through this stuff. The BFG I Boots location, at about 40 miles into the loop from Ojos Negros, was busy keeping the BFG network informed about the various teams, their vehicles' whereabouts, vehicle condition, and ET A's to the next recogni~-able place on the course. At about 9:00 pm BFG/Boots reported that the #403 Ford of Dave Ashley was stuck up near El Compadre and had the course completely blocked. With that, dozens of cars were turning around, returning to the BFG/Boots location and calling it a day. At about that same time, Steve Spirkoff and crew began calculat-ing which racers were out there and that the Spirit pit were still looking for. BFG/Boots came to our rescue with information that several of the cars we awaited were indeed out of the event. With that, the SpiritlBFG bunch started an orderly shutdown of the pit. As we shut down for the night, at about 11:00 pm, #561 and # 1095 both pulled in and . DustyTimes
withdrew based on bitter cold, exhaustion and a race course that had "center stage" as a mud bog. The shutdown was complete and a majority of the pit crew jumped aboard Spirit chase vehicles for the two or so hour trip to Ensenada and what would hopefully be a good night's sleep. The entire Spirit pit crew, excepting five of us, headed back up to El Rayo Sunday morning to bring the tractor/ trailer rig and the motorhome back down the mountain and home. That' effort took the better part of six hours and with that, another successful pit support operation was "under the Spirit belt". FAIR NEWS By Dave Massingham It appears that FAIR is growing a little, lots of new and young faces at the meetings. It's nice to have them. Our meeting place seems to.be an ongoing problem. For years we met at the Holiday Inn and paid $75.00 to $125.00 per meeting. We moved around the corner to Shakeys Pb:a on Harbor and Orangethorpe in Fullerton. They have a real nice separate room and there was no cost to FAIR. All they require is a sale of$100.00 in food and drink. Sounds good, until their service went down the toilet and nobody bought much of anything. The last two meetings we lost our spot . to other, larger groups. I can't blame Shakeys, they sold more to the larger groups. I have talked to the owner and the manager, they promised it will improve. It doesn't look promising. We need help in finding another meeting spot. It needs to be somewhere close to the 5, 91 and 57 freeways. Any help would be appreciated. FAIR fielded seven cars in the Baja 500 but only two of them finished! Bob Richey, and Tom Baker of RCR Plumbing in Riverside finished seventh in Class 1. Bob and Tom reported no major problem except the safari drive in the northern section. Bud Feldkamp and Jim Fishback Jr. finished tenth in Class 1. Bud and Jim rented Jerry Penhall 's car, of Penhall Fabrica-tion in Costa Mesa. They had several steering and brake problems due to the roughness of the course, a really muddy mess. Danny Letner and Jerry Penhall DNF'd. I guess I could write a book on my favorite Grandpa and friend Jerry, butl won't. I guess a week or two before the race the truck motor decided to blow. _ There wasn't enough time to replace it, but they had their backs to the wall. Danny had just sold his old race car to Ron Brant, so Danny called Ron and rented it back. After a few problems pre-running, like Danny and Henry rolling the pre-runner down the hill at Santo Tomas, they got another idea. "Hey Henry, have you cried uncle or told grandpa Letner that you love him yet?" Jerry came back from the northern loop and thought it might be a good idea to race the pre-runner due to how tight the course was. It took Henry two days to prep it and off they went. Jerry got stuck in traffic, they were down for an hour or more and had other problems with the pre-runner on the first loop. They decided to hang it up at the highway crossing. Dustynmes Brian Parkhouse and Willie ( ex-Checkerj Melencon didn't finish. Brian, after pre-running on his new XR600 wasn't prepared for all the mud and water the car throws. Brian had a very slow first loop, and corning into Ojos Negros he flew one of the rolling hills and landed on a boobie trap. The locals had planted a rather large rock in the middle of the course and Brian landed on it. The rock came through the belly pan and into his seat, driving his tailbone up to his neck; he thought he broke his back. After stopping at Ojos, he tried to continue and got stuck at the now famous river crossing for over an hour. With his back problems, being way behind and time running out, Brian made an executive decision to pull the plug. As much as it hurts to drop out of a race, we all have to agree it's not worth injuring yourself any more. Sorry Willie, maybe next time. Steve Meyers had a good race going until the 75 mile mark, where his tranny decided that was it. I believe it was a long day for Steve to sit and watch the race go by. Greg Davis was out with a broken trans too. It seems Greg got stuck in the mud ten miles before Hwy. 3 and broke it trying to get out. Co-driver Harry Dunne spent the rest of the day trying to find him and got himself stuck. Greg got pulled out by a McMillin chase truck and Harry finally got back to town in the wee hours of the a.m. Maybe Greg will have better luck in Barstow. Darnen Jeffries and "Team . Brothers" were also DNFs. They got stuck at the 23 mile marker with nobody to pull them out. They passed the day and night helping others. Tough luck guys. At the La Rana Lucerne Valley 250 on June 19, FAIR had only one car, Frank Omboli in Class 5-1600. Frank hired a hot shoe in 5-1600, Rich Fersch, to drive the first half. They finished first in class. This was the first win for Frank. Rich got back into his old car and felt at home after a few miles. He ran clean with no down time. Frank took over for the last two laps and finished six minutes ahead of second place. Great racing Frank and Rich! The Score Barstow Fireworks 250 is our next race with nine cars entered. The publicity run on Saturday June 19 went well, all pits were marked by. Wayne Morgan'~gang. The idea of having breakfast and drawing for positions "urked great. I think everyone, ,joyed the day, I know I did. Anyom· 111terested in FAIR can call me, Pave Massingham, at (714) 634-2307 days or (714) 879-7697 nights or come to a meeting. We meet the first and third Wednesday of every month at Sha keys Pizza at 250 W . Orangethorpe in Fullerton, CA. Hope to see you at the next one. Chapala Dusters Race Review By H. Henesey BAJA 500 - Ugly. That about sums it up. This year's course had to be one of the worst in a long time, even the flash flood of the 1990 race dims in comparison. The first section of the course, the getting too late to fix it ( 18 hour warm, inviting fire. By this time, • two loops north of Ojos Negros, overall time limit for the race) so the clouds were getting very low were the survival part, and if you they called it a day. Thanks to and it was starting to rain. We had were able to clear these, then you Tom Brown and Mike Long for a no radio, it had been watered out' could get down to racing. long day of chasing. about a hundred miles earlier. Problem was, a storm opened up Pat H enesey drove the first The carburetor started to act up near nightfall making conditions section of the race in Car 917, again, and wouldn't pull the car on an already poorly marked with passenger Joel Mohr, who out of the mud holes. We then course very dangerous. The like Evan Harbottle, had a little ended up in one of the washouts Chapala Dusters supported six too much to drink Friday night. after missing one of the fine entries, and teamed pits with Joel said he was real sorry abut the course markings (a small arrow FAIR for coverage throughout helmet (it was borrowed from painted on a rock about 6 inches the course. Don Garbis), and he'll clean it off the ground at a hard right Mike Sandoval, in the Class 1 out. The first loop went smooth, turn). I thought I was an idiot to Mazda powered MECO entry of but on the second time around, miss it, until two other vehicles Morley Williams, was 27th off the carburetor was acting up, so behind us did the same thing. the line, and took it easy on the Pat and Joel, with his McGyver Sitting in the pitch dark, pouring first portion of the course, talents, cleaned out the carb on rain, soaking wet, with no radio working his way up to fifth place. the side of the course, but lost and the car on its side stuck in a Mike Williams got a flat around about 30 minutes doing so. Also, washout, Joel and I decided we mile 115, but there was no Duster much of the course was close to wanted to get back to civili:ation pit in this area, so they tried to get impassable at this time, so they real bad. A big thanks to the chase BFG to change it for them, but got in line with the others while a truck of entry 762 for pulling us BFG wouldn't put forth the effort truck pulled them up an em-out of that mess. We made it back for an entry not running in their bankment, and Danny Cau to Casa Verde and called it a program, so Mike ran the flat provided instructions to all cars at night, knowing there was no way ~ until he was on the rim, which another hill so they wouldn't end we could finish within the time lasted him for 30 miles on the up in a ravine as some other soul limit. highway run to Valle de Trinidad. had. Again, just a real tough day for Morley got in here to run the Down on time and soaking wet, a II racers. Congra tu la tions to beach section, only to have the Pat turned the car over to me on those who were able to finish. pin that holds on the beam break. the up leg at Compadre Trail, 40 Next race on the schedule is the They tried rope, and finally straps miles sooner than he was Fireworks 250 in Barstow. Not to hold it together, and made it to supposed to get out. I knew we any easier, but definitely much the finish with 2.more flats, but in .. shouldn't have let him see that .. drier. a respectable seventh in class. ~ In Class 10, Dave Bufe and · Jerry Higman ran pretty much trouble free, except for one broken spindle, and pulled off a fifth in class. George Erl solo'd his 10 car to a 6th place finish, but he definitely had to work hard for it . His run through the pine forest was pretty smooth, and he was gaining positions, then started to lose the clutch near El Rayo. He then had to stop when another 10 car got stuck on the course, and with the help of some other drivers in a Class 4 and an 8 truck, pushed him out of the way. Meanwhile, the clutch problem, which was actually a split/break in the slave cylinder, was getting worse. George got stuck about a dozen times, getting out with the help of some of the locals, and one time with a push from Jack Johnson up a hill. With another ' flat, and a stop for four hours while he dried the ignition and the cylinders, and yet another stop to clean off mud which took out his coil. George was able to finish sixth in Class 10. Thl· Class 1-2-1600 entry of Dennis Hight was having a good run, leading at Check 2, even while carrying a passenger (Duster pres. Evan Harbottle) who was a bit under the weather. Have too good a time on Friday Evan? Dennis handed the car over to Jon Kennedy II, who ran hard until he rolled it. They got him going again, and found out the steering box was severely damaged and called it a day. Danny Porter in Car 1611, had a good run for about an hour, when the plugs got wet and caused them to fall about 25 minutes behind the leaders (Hight's in 1601 ), at the Hwy 3 road crossing. Mark Rud,hs then took over, making up about 10 minutes by the time he came around to Ojos Negros again. By mile 265, Mark had put the car in the lead with a seven minute advantage over Jim Fishback Sr. when it all came apart. The clutch stopped working, and at this time of the evening is when the clouds let loose and the rains started. By the · time the chase crew was able to get _to him in the dark and rain, it was August 1993 0 00 (]] 00 [JJ D CID 00 0o O DESERT LOCK OUTER Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength * At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing * All parts are available separately *In stock-Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 13" MIDGET 8",.10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED MIDGET WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: 0 DO (JJ 00 CPD CID 00 0o O [1671 N. Brawley · Fresno, CA 93722 ~20~t~7?_:?1~. Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. 'Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Page 59 i I ! t I :
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY_ CA, NV, AZ, OR, WA ~ Antifreeze ,.2..~ Environmental ~~ Service Corporation WASTE ANTIFREEZE, USED OIL FILTER, WASTE AIR FILTER REMOVAL Jeff Cepielik Marketing Manager Southern California 16117 Montoya Street• Irwindale, CA 91702 (818) 334-1835 • FAX: (818) 334-7715 OCRA E PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke 10996 N. Woodside Ave. '.Santee, CA 92071 619-583-(,529 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 BY APPOINTMENT O~L Y ·RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP . 66301 MacAR~R., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 . ,. HELMET~/FILTER_ED AIR SYSTEMS · Featuring Arai & Bell Helmet~. .. ·BDR McKenzies (714) 650-4566 (714) 441-121 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOLBAGS• HARNESSPADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ···suPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 , Bonneville "Red" Bonneville "106" , F & L Racing Fuels Turbo Blue Racing Fuels VP Racing Fuels Methanol 13~'6 UUuttofe ~ F~ For Those With the Need for Speed SHAWN MEADOWS 619 463 6244 619 "62 2926 FAX BRANDWOOD CARS 752 Lapresa Ave. Spring Valley, CA 91977 Custom Vehicle Shifter . for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORYH and reach new cuatomen. Good Stuff Directory Ads . are :merely$[is].oo per mon_th. .. RT Fue~ Regulator Lowera fuel preaaura at part-throttle, to 1.Spal at Idle. Cleans up richness at the Power Yll1h MIieage lower end, tune for mora po-r. Models for all carburetora. $57.45 delivered U.S. Box 2536 Rolling HIiis, CA 90274 . 310-3n-1so1 Cal res +7.75% tax · ·~ -c: ~z.~' . ~ vtZ(1/C-?<7ZUZ PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley. CA 92223 (714) 845-8820 Jim May 1957 So. Lewis Rd. Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies (805) 482-0103 Camarillo, Ca. 93010 BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON EE=ECARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 .' 943-_Vernon Way ·, 619-449-2991 ·. El Qajon,. CA 92020 FAX 619-449-7'.10~ CHENOWTH' aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..Ff I ltCING PRODIJCTS, INC. Ch,eck the Record; ·rhe Winners Choice; = #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way ~I Cajon, _QA ~2020 M1ftut1cturere a Dletrlbutor1 (602) 747-7059 PO Box sn1s • Tuceon, AZ asn2-n15 u·· :J. --, . Manufacturers of ' . C· -NC i ••ake aad .cl""h.Pe,fol . ....,: , _ , _ Master Cylinders > J Slave Cylinders CNc,·-1nc.-,121 West Morena -B~d .. San Diego, CA'92J 1Q (619) 275-1663 .. . . Cuttihg and_ Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals , ~nd'all_ of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog \. -FLOATER REAR ENDS• f-'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton. CA 93465- ·
MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ 431,, 6:oo~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805) 495-2339 ~RACING VII/GASOLINE LEADED 108 OCTANE "'Official Gas of NASCAR,,, CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-.1211 P.O. Box 6057. Santa Barbara. CA 93111 MOTORSPORTS DESIGNS JOHN HOST Ph. (714) 498-7443 1411 Colle Mlrodor Truck (714) 349-1168 San Clemente. CA 92672 JOHN VERHAGEN'S IDJTl .... :.-.... ..:::1:s PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLACKFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930. APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 RICHFERSCH 8734 Cleta St. "C"· Downey, Calif. 90241 (310) 862-1671 M-F 10-6 SAT9-4 ~att ~aus OFF ROAD FABRICATION & DESIGN RACE PREP • FOX SHOCK REBUILDING V. W. REPLACEME_NT f>ARTS & ACCESSORIES LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE SPICER· INCORPORATED SPICER" <e> (714) 877-6491 <e> PARTS ANO SERVICE ON AUTO, TRUCK, INDUSTRIAL, CN ANO FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMIZING FAX (714) an~ California Watts 1-800-427-4238 1750 S. Lilac Ave. Continental U.S. Wans 1-«J0.525.0395 Bloomington, CA 92316 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc. (714) 87&-3107 P.O. Box 1090, Colton, CA 92324 Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. EDDCO Aluminum Wheel Straightening Specialist Aluminum Wheel Straightening Metal Polishing Street, Offroad Circle Track Bob Cassetta ----.2703 9435 Wheatlands Ct. Sui:e J Santee CA 92071 Shop - (619) 258-2575 Pager • 973-0998 Don Rountree 408 S. Arrowhead Ave. SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 E-ZUP-' INSTANT ~ • ~ SH.ELl'EiS ~~ ~116111 .. \. '> FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHcLTEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS -AUTHORIZED DEALER CASTEX RENTALS 213-462-1468 * Mandrel Tube Bending * Welding * Flame Cutting * Custom Fabrication FABCOM. 4-SEAT BUGGY FRAMES * Large enough for 4 adults * Will accept tube frame seats (Beards, etc.) * Stock VW Type I IRS components (619)-561-2292 FAX (619)-561-6162 .\LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLl»VES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLE~ & HELMETS 9017 SAN'FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Carson, CA 90746 Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257 ().-~ DENNIS WAYNE rv'\ . ,, ~ "'-\ .:~~-""~~ RE-LU81.£ V.W. PAim 11823 SHEL.DON ST. SUN VAL.L.EY. CA 913!52 PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin ~ ,,,,c:...._ C: I r---J C3 SHO:X NOW YIU CAN en THE . RACING GEARS TIE WINNEIS ABE USING Jl,n,f FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (313)294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE. Fuel Safa's Racing Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all major racing associations. Call or write for e your FREE copy of the UEL SAf 1992 Fuel Sale Catalog ~c.tr for yow local Fuel Sale Dealer call 1-{800) 433-6524 Aircraft Rubber Mfg., Inc. 5271 Business Or., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 "PRO" 1992 CHAMPIONS FRT BUDWEISER/BUD LIGHT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES SPONSORED BY: RACE READY PRODUCTS, CYCLE PARTS WEST CLAIR~ EQUPIENT RENTALS, SEPULVEDA BULDNO MATERIALS AJYS AND IIOJORcycLEs •sPORTSMAN" STEVE MAMER DEWEY BELEW CRAIG SMITH JASON CORFMAN PHIL MEANS JOHN BILKEY MIKE HARPER ATV OPENMIC 250 MIC 125 MIC VETMIC SENIOR MIC SUPER SENIOR M/C VINTAGE MIC CLASS3MIC DAVID NEWLAND RON WILSON JAMES HENDERSON VON MEDEARIS BILI.MCNEER SMOKING JOE STIDMAN DICK BIRD TRACY RAYBON DAN JARREU. DESERT SI/PEBWES STEVE FENTON OPEN(HIGH POINTS) RUSS TURNER 360 JOHN SHULTZ CL.ASS n ART GIBBS PILOT IY991§ CARS AND JRUCJCS MIKE PFANKUCH Cl.ASS 9 TODO TEUSCHER(HIGH POINTS) CLASS 1-1600 JIM ABAm CLASS 2-1600 CRAZY LARRY MCCALLUM UNLIMITED Cl.ASS JOEL WHITTED CLASS 10 VANCE Al.LEN CL.ASS 5 KEVIN THOMPSON CLASS 100 ED OROZCO CLASS 5-1600 BENNY ABAm JR CLASS 8 ROY GARCIA CLASS 7 RORY CHENOWTH MINI MAG CLASS 61M27-5759-250 KENNEDY UNT6-CHULA VISTACA91911 FAX 619-427-6759 ... Hffls,,-MJ Rebuild Rod Ends• Heim Joint Specialist (714) 979-6631
~ Silver ~nopyKits Reflects heat Easy Set-Up <800>188-3969 L ~ · Engine Rebuilding I Buggy Repairs ff NT PERFORMANCE 11330-A Sunco Dr. Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 638 - 4388 ~MPSON_• K~lth Black eHUNT Magnetos ~ HOOS1er'lire West Factory OU:tletldit::!J .,-~ \' ' ·,··•· ., .. ·, "'· .. . ,. IIANUFAC fUllEllS OF: . BllAKE AND.CLUTCH ASSY PERFOI/AIANCEPRc>WCTS MASTER CYl,J NOERS SJ.AVE CYLINDERS . TURNING & STAGING BRAKES SHIT'TJms AVAILABLE AT FINER SPEC1Al.1"i SHOPS DEALER INQURIES WELCOME 1158 FUNT STREET ~ ELSINORE, CA 92350 · ~~ · PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 909-245-6050 FAX 909-245-6052 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner· ~'LYNNLV.1,Yi Joe Giffin Desert, Short Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION 'ieaa-., P~, (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS'~ 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITE A SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN COOLEY -~ ~~5~ :hM£S ~..fC/A/4 CUSTOM FAB~ICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE GOLETA.CA 805--968-1067 ~ C;ll~ ~ ~..e.e/KN~ '11CIIILE);!S I c,y,4~ r1eve4· ~~ ~ ,.,.-A&E'l.::A~ . 7'"~ SI-vi£' ~s;,t::,,uA/E 1'5ENNEDV ENGINEERED PRO.DUCTS;; 38830 17th Stree't East Palmdale, CA 93550 (805) 272-114 7 Send $2.-00 for our catalog . ".The experts in Engine Adapters to Transaxles" Rotary, Toyota, Rabbit. V-6's, Porsche and more to VW, Porsche (901 & 915) and Hewland. , MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS KENNEDY CLUTC~E~. KUSTER . OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS • 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE • 2" DIAMETER, 6" TO 14" STROKE • AIR JACKS • BALL JOINTS KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29th STREET, P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90805 TELEPHONE (310) 595-0661 earnsnalts 1-1eads cv\inder Cust<>fl'I ' POWER LEE MFG. CO. E STEERING 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818) 768-0371 THOMAS E. LEE A full line of Po«e•:::lleering gears, pumps and accassories for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities . !'Vaila!>ll!. • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT t OTHRINGER Assembly· Machine Work· Parts Engine Dyno Facllty SCORE 1992 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR 10722 Kenney Street, Suite D santee, CA 92071 (619)596-0886 Fax(619)562-9079 I • "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax(714)444-1622 MIKE MENDEOLA 10722 Kenney St. C-D ~ntee, CA 92071 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lahcaster. CA 93535 42425 5th St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA 93535 (619) 562-9010; Fax (619) 562-9079;_ · Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 Pete Alamar _.. . 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514 a -,~,, ·••1,•,11. 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [941 SJ 857-5200 S OF 1" Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim,CA 92805
NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Motorsports Suspension gives smooth.First Class Finishes To 7 of 7 Classes, As Well As The First 5 To Finish Overall. CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH OF YOU! Class 1 & 1st Overall ........ *Simon & Simon Ford F150 2X Class 8 & 2nd Overall ........ *Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2X Class 6 & 4th Overall ........ *John Swift Explorer 2X Class 4 & 5th Overall ........ *David Ashley Ford F150 4X 1 ••••.raam:a ·---------• Free Advice & Technical Assistance ■ R&D ■ All Size Jobs Welcome RACERS MACHINING SERVICES · "If You Can Imagine It, I Can Make It" SCOTT DORDICK 909-394-1802 2041 E. Gladstone #H Glendora, CA 91740 Sc,S RRCiNG "Public Relations services tor the independent racer" ♦ bios ♦ press releases ♦ press kits ♦ 40485 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd.# D-2223 Murrieta CA 92563 tel 90~77-0553 fax 909-677-3323 Class 3 & 7th Overall ........ *Dan Smith Bronco 4X Class7S ................ Brown, O'Brian & Johnson Ranger 2Xl".-;--:,-:-:o:;;;;;·:-'-jf-jf-=-----:--:---:--=-~:-:--==-::-:----,---,-+-----------------_j Class 7 .......................... Scott Douglass Dakota 2X Race Car Chassis !M/.~~-v· •Member BFG/Ford ·Rough Rider· Off Road Race Team Race Car Parts.. · ._ . (213)583-2404 Fax 714-394--1903 Counting On NSC Suspension Systems. You Too Can Have A Winnin -11 Lll]llnUm bO ies NSC Would Like To Thank All Seven Class Winners, For Once Again R Al · d" R1deW1thNSCCustomComputerDesignedlealSprings. <Dc£l.~L 1/2-1600 Motors SAND_ ER_S SERVICE, INC. . For More Info. Please Call A COMPLETE LEAF SPRING DESIGNER & MANUFACTURER BU aay And Trans MET AL PROCESS I NG \lAT __ lONAL, (G•1s9IN) 4c4E1~1994071" . .c)ci> CuStom Machine 5921 Wilmington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 S Work & Fabrication · · -Fax (619) 441-2460 . upp}w SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL ~ ~ "' ~ 1402 N. Magnolia Ave.· J 2?25 E. 1.§th St. • Yuma, Az. 85~65 ~ · , ~ El Cajon, CA 92020 (602) 783-6265 • FLOURESCENT INSPECTION 1(800)231-8156 Fax (602) 783-1253 · Larry Smith OFF ROAD CHASSIS {J,nr?/)'~ BUENA PARK, CALIFORNIA OFF ROAD PREPARATION FOR TRUCKS. VANS. 8t MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPENSION COMPLETE AXLE SERVICE. WELDING 8t FABRICATION Bill Montague PARKER Est.1974. (714) 781•9460 (714) 521-2982 PUMPER HELMET 2318 S VINEYARD SUITE B ONTARIO, CA 91761 COMPANY · 714-923-7016 FAX 714-9~3-3118 1860 Babcock Bldg. •B Costa ...... ca 92827 FABRICATIONS Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 Fax# (714) 650-4721 RACE & CUSTOM CAR WIRING JOEDAVITIAN TEL: 213 / 550-1069 FAX: 213/550-1091 3263 SAN FERNANDO RD., Los ANGELES, CA 90065 Mark Smith '1:eettJ CallforFREECatalog!: SIGN PROS --1"/<(} ► CUSTOM LETTERING OFF ROAD COMPONENTS ('_d)T7 ComputerizedVinylLettering l<,4c..-\:J \)-/v\l-TIM CECIL f ~ Cf2.£ Dealer Inquiries Invited 21430 WMLEW ROAD, APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 TEL (619) 240-2266 • FAX (619) 240-1359 DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU·to BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in vo,ur shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is a great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St.lite 0, Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-882-0004 ... /JJ I /iJJtllllTIJ/JJ IJJ/1/llltil!l§IJI RACE VEHICLES & STREET RODS SPECIALIZING IN • CHASSls-susPENSION • HANO FORMED ALUMINUM M)RK -CUSTOM HEADERS (805) 461-1949 (805) 461-1447 ·RACE PREP RUSS's V.W. · Recycling 756 Alpha St., Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 303-4366 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914's ~ c~< 4010 N. Palm Street. #103. Fullerton, California 92635 -(714) 447-3581- Fax (714) 870-9132 12221 DITMORE DR. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 . (714) 539-5162 · .QI SllE SK'MS· IWfBS· WINlOlr' LETTERN, · CNI LETIERWG· tilAAIXS -·~ Pa A»t»w-=e Products I ~q5~ DC"II Virw Rd. !:I Cq,,:, Californi;i 92021 6 19 56 1-:!913 LAURA -I RICHARD SPORT ~ ~ a-= ENGINEERING .. S. B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT" HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 [702) 372-5335 OFF ROAD METAL FABRICATION VW RACE ENGINES SUSPENSION PREP TURN KEY VW CLASS RACE BUGGIES TUBE BENDING SHEET METAL MACHINING FLAME & PL~SMA SHAPE CUTTING 818-994-7475 GREGG HAWKS VAN NUYS, CA CARROLL DITSON .
~- LEAD-ED/UNLEADED Lancaster. CA ................................. (800) 462-9499 Las Vei:ias. NV ................................. (702) 643-9,20,0 , , Van Nuys, CA .................................. (818) 786-8180 1 Riverside, CA .......... :., ....... _ ............. (714) 877-_94?6_ San Diego,·CA. ................................ (619) 691-917_!_ ----AL-LOTHER INQUIRIES CONTACT SPORTS RACING • P.O. BOX 7835. LAGUNA NIGUEL. 92677 (714) 363-1236 FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS BODY PANELS & HOODS . BILL STROPPE MOTORSPORTS, INC. 2330 Cherry Industrial Circle Long Beach, California 90805 (213) 634-2730 Jaime Martinez , :susPENSIONS 1 UNLIMITED * Welding * Fabrication * Flame Cutting * Front Ends ; * Custom Chassis* Race Prep-* Custom Lt-Weigh,t Trailers Mlg'r ol Blue Flame P,oducl s (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 Suspension Components SAW Performance, Inc. 20755 MARILLA ST. • CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818·700-9712 FAX 818·700-0947 Trackside -Photo, Inc. Jim Ober _ . 310-610-6891 ·commercial F:hotography P.q. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 Custom made Any style or size 1(800)788-3969 !li'!P I LI.D ..... -KACE mANS BY JEFF FIELJ):f TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEE~NCi JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering UnltH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TRANSMISSIONS WEST We Race What We Sell Kevin Plrtle 800/435-0418 310/782·2413 22545 S Normand le Ave., Torrance, CA 90501 :/:\\:\}"{H°E ~{i~il~,~~: ANCE •:•::::-.• :>:::::-:•::::•:•:::-:•:•·FUELS RACE PROVEN IN OVER .-.-.-:::::;::::. .;:-:-::::/::-:-::::::'.::>:<•:·10 MILLION MILES O F:::::·:·.::::::::::::::/::_. • .".: :_:.:: .. _._-- CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION _ </:-: .. -:::.:•:•: :-:-.·.·-·.· Foi information and a distributor near you, call ... _.'.:;:·;;·. - ---1-800-444-1449 ----· -... ·::~~::. NEED A SPONSOR? Professional Racing Resumes $25 High quality computer generated documents for the polished, professional image you_ need to convey. For information send self addressed stamped envelope to: TTR 'Enterprises P.O. Box 2381, El Cajon, C~ 92021 TURBO BLUE Rat:lngOnaDnn 8446 Garfield Ave. • Bell Gardens, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp (Ul'IP) -619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR AU TYPES OF RACING & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) r HICH-PERFDRMANCE SHOT-PEEN/NC Tired of premature breakage of drive axles. torsion bars. spindles and other critical suspension, transaxle and engine parts? Shot-peening could be the solution. But we don't perform your ordinary, garden-variety shot-peening-we provide aerospace-certified shot peening in accordance with MIL-SPEC #131658 ensuring the highest in quality. That means added assurance when you need it most. While each situation is different, we've seen torsion bars last 5 seasons or more. Duty cycles are commonly increased 7-1 0 times. i, Call, fax or write today for more information regarding our advanced shot-* peening services. We UPS daily for quick turnaround. fl//111/11/(1 780 Second Ave. • Redwood City, CA 94063 fJJtf ftl/ltJ Ph. (415) 367-8098 • Fax (415) 367-8105 IIDIITIIEI / , i;;;,.-1' r:, / r 7 -erformance Camsha s Automotfve • ATV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 -Fax 909/369-7266 (31 OJ 598-2731 WE~dLE. ENGiNEERiNG ExcluS1ve distnbutor of l..Dck-Right'mvw Locking Differentials PERFORMANCE TRANSAXLE PROOUCTS Billet Super-Diffs, Gearsets, Hard to Find New and Used Paris Wholeeale/Retall. Dealer lnqulrlee Welc;ome P.O. Box 15466 Long Beach, CA 90815 ADAM WIK • Computerized Dyno 535 E. Central Par1< Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 956-WIKS • Aow Bench Facility • Tum Key Racing Engines Engines PUBLIC RELATIONS ANO MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C. JACOBS PRESIDENT SOD STATE M ILL ROAD A KRON. OHIO 44319 1216} 644-7774 Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Nms • Spindles · Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels , 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. AZ. 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 :
FRT March Madness Team Race B:,i FuJ Photos: C&C Rae<! P/{otos Veteran riders Dan Worley and Earl Roberts made a strong team, ran up front all the way and they not only finished first Vet they were third overall! not get by. Slowly but surely Loh into a commanding lead. Holl-gained ground. man/ Phelps won the 125 class. The course came back within Among the A TVs there were Jim "Preacher" Loh, teamed with Mark Girsch, made a last chance pass just 300 yards from the checkers on his Yamaha to win the race overall and in 250 class for. the team. sight of home check with only five some awesome teams that rolled miles left to go. The lead was to the star t line. David New-down to 15 seconds. The next land/Mike Patte rson , M a r c time the bikes were in view they Spaeth/Jim "The Cigar'; Mon-we r e side b y side-with the segur, Todd and Eric Dunlavey, throttles pegged . Loh's 2 5 0 Carmen and Mike Cafro, Greg nudged by Prayther's 125 about Row/ Vic Bruckmann, and Ben 300 yards from the finish and Schlimme/Steve Mamer. How-won by a couple of bike lengths. ever, when the green flag dropped Loh/Girsch were first overall, David Newland made the bone-The C ycle Parts West March . Madness Team Race. was the fourth of 16 events in the FRT District 38 Championship Ser.ies. It happened on March 21 at Plaster City West near El Centro, CA. In a last gasp 300 yards from the finish line]im "Preacher'.' Loh on a 250 Yamaha passed Robert Prayther on a 125 Kawasaki to capture the victory, the first bike and Loh teamed with Mark Girsch. In the ATV action Ben Schlimme anchored the last few laps when his partner Steve Mamer crashed to win by a lap over Greg Row and "Quik" Vic Bruckmann. Steve Fenton's · Green Apple Triple E DesertLite bobbed to the top on the first lap and stayed there the rest of the way. However, it was the Team. Bonehead madness that stole the . show. We use a typical desert_ start with each row determined by _ skill levels. While we have no "Bomb" run on the first lap, any line to Check 1 is legal. For some reason T earn Bonehead decided that because it was easier. to reach Check 2 than Check 1, they would omit Check 1 on the first lap. This happened not once or twice, but five times. Some racers, when they reached Check 2, turned around and, after much searching through terrain where not even furry animals make trails, belatedly found Check 1. Those that didn't reali:e their. mistake and kept going were not scored unt_il they finally went through the check, dropping them over a lap behind. In the Bike Division Craig. Steve Mamer and Ben Sch/imme were the top team in the A TV action, as four of their competitors went first to Check 2. They had to race for it still, and won A TV Division overall,· first Open. Smith holeshot the race and with L first 250. Prayther /Smith were head move of the day as he "Preacher" Loh in tow set sail for second while Roberts/Worley rocketed off for Check 2. In his Check 1 with vet expert Dan were third, first Vet. The Senior wake came Cafro, Monsegur, and Worley a heartbeat behind. These Class was dominated by Pat Dunlavey. Thus, four of the top were the teams to watch all day. "Flatpan" Flanagan and Kelly teams were eliminated from the Smith on a KX 250 had teamed Hori. The Open class went to -hunt from the git go. with Robert Prayther on a KX amateurs Mike Barnhill and Brian Steve Mamer led the first lap 125 and they were out in front at Scottfree on another last lap pass. with Greg Row in second. Then it the close of the first laps. Earl This time though, it was a broken was Schlimme vs. Bruckmann. Roberts, Dan Worley's partner, chain on Mark McCulty's bike While both held their positions made a hard charge to jump into that allowed the pass. The· 125 things were a little precarious. second place over Mark Girsch, battle was between Justin NeitherRow'snorMamer'sATV Loh's partner. This was short Hollman/Troy "Daddy Long had finished a race this year. lived as "Preacher" Loh resumed Legs" Phelps and Jason Corf-Row's went out first and they the battle and sent Worley back man/ Ed Foland. Hollman led the were down to only one, which let to third. On the last lap Robert first lap and then Foland went to Mamer pull a lead. Then his ·Prayther held a two minute lead school on "Long Legs" Phelps shocks broke and his high speed overallgoingoutintothetoughest and leaped back in front. bail left the racing to Ben part of the course. Prayther's 125 However, four laps later it was Schlimme, and he won the race. got trumped by a 250 ATV, Greg Phelps' turn to squish Foland. He Bruckmann/Row took second Row, who was running second in surprised him going over a jump with the Cafro Brothers digging the ATV Division, but ·was just and while Foland played tumbling themselves out of a deep hole to fast enough that Prayther could. dice, "Long Legs" high stepped-~ finish third. · The Desertlite race was not Who else but Steve Fenton would win the DesertLite bash overall, and here he demonstrates how to make time in a soft, silt filled corner in his fancy Open Class Triple E. scheduled as a demolition derby, however, except for Steve Fenton and the Brandon Lee /Rob Madison Pilot ATV team it was. Fenton 's Triple E Green Apple ran flawlessly as he coasted to victory. Andy W ehe and Stu Peace teamed up. Wehe broke on the first lap, Peace picked up the race from the breakage point, only to fall apart on the next lap at the same spot as Wehe. John Shultz called it quits after four laps and the Saasta wrecking crew buried their little 360 in Wise.co Wash and came home dope on a rope. The results were simple: Fenton first overall-, first Open, Lee/Madison first Pilot, Shult: first Class 77, and Bryan and James Saas ta first _360 Desert Lite. _ Craig Smith on a 250 Yamaha teamed with Robert Prayther on a 125 Kawasaki, and they finished second 0 /A by a mere couple of bike lengths at the flag. Marc Spaeth and Jim Monsegur, lost a lap on the Check 1 act, but still kept moving to finish second A TV 250 AM (amatuer) in a comeback ride. Brandon Lee rode his Honda Pilot, (or is it drove?), to the victory in a class within the DesertLites ca-,led PilotLite. Should bring more out to the races. Dustvnmcs August 1993 Page 65
f-l l I l . I ' I ' Classified ••• FOR SALE: 1990 Raceco/T oy-FOR SALE: Raceco Class two ota 2 seater. 120"wb, 12" seater, last one they built. Parker coil-over beam, Wright arms and Pumper, Beard seats, very fresh spindles, GM power steering, FAT engine. Priced to sell at Bilsteins, Beard seats, Simpson $6,000.00 firm. (602) 776-7383. belts, 22 gal cell, V-Mar trans, Summers Bros full floater rear, Superboot 930 c.v.'s, secondary torsion, SAW, Parker Pumper, spares. $18,500.00 obo. Also, double axle trailer with racks. $2,000.00 obo. Call (707) 544-3737. FOR SALE: '67 Ford stepside pre-runner. New motor as of 11-92. Rancho shocks front and rear, 16" of travel front and rear. Lots of spare parts. (714) 771-1537 or (714) 776-6584. ,'.i - ~, J FOR SALE: Raceco SS, Class 10. 1990 Class 10 points champion. FAT air-cooled 126hp, 091 bus, FTC gears, Summers floater rear end, ·secondary, coil over front end, new: spindles, arms, UMP, Bilstein, SAW, PCI radio equipment, extra parts, tandem trailer. $14,500.00. Call (310) 640-6119. WANTTOGET AWAY FROM IT ALL? 871,200 square feet of pine trees, approximately 6000 feet up; enjoy a four season climate located in the Tehachapi mountains, behind locked gates. 20 acres of pure isolation. 2 pads ready for your mountain hide-a-way. Overlooks entire Antelope Valley. Easy in and out on graded road. Call Don at (805) 268-1644. FOR SALE: VW Rabbit 1650cc · Class 10 motor. Built aP.d maintained by FAT Performance. Ready to race & very fast! S&S Headers, Weber carb, clutch & VW trans plate. Less than 400 race miles since rebuild with new block and aluminum head. $1,900.00 firm. Ca 11 ( 619) 352-0299. Also, 1988 1 or 10 Chaparell chassis, single seat with front & rear arms. $1,500.00. WANTED: Spares for Class 2-1600 car. Tires, wheels, 2 way radios, Fox shocks, dump cans, etc. Have cash, will buy now if price is right! Also, need good used single axle trailer. If you have any spares please call John at (714) 361-0744. FOR SALE: Fortin transmission, 5.64 final drive ratio, new 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th gears, new dog rings, new reverse slider. $9,300.00 obo. Call Lance (909) 371-5000. FOR SALE: 1988 International \ J Model 160036'van. 7.3 literdies-FOR SALE: Outlaw Mini Modi-el, 5 plus 2 trans. Professionally I fied dirt oval race car, Invader built, tons of storage, cabinets, chassis, VW bus trans, Ma:da benches, locker, tire rack, winch, 13B rotary motor, Midget gear Honda 6.Skw, compressor, full · box, MSD ignition, extra motor, intlextpowerandlights,36'xl5' ,,,·, ... /, . : assl Hi umper, ~·· ~··· · I 250 · 1 I trans, tires, wheels, parts. Trailer canopy system, tow package, cus- F R SALE: Sandrail Mfg 4 seat on Y m1 es on comp ete b Id W h UMP d w/tirerack.1978Ford ¾ton van . . tom cab, Imron, much more. buggy. $700.00 w l o engine or re ui , rig t, , pow er Only 13k miles. 80k invested; trans. $1,995.00 with good dual coat, spare engine & trans, 930's, Complete package$ l 0 ,000.00 tt-35K obo. Call Todd (702) 825-port1600racemotor& Transaxle 400M bar~ Fox shocks, Master- Call (310) 719-7036, 1863, leave message. Engineering trans with Moly axle icraft, 118 wb, lots of snares. tubes. Call (805) 584-8134. Jturnkey, race ready. $5,900.00 FOR SALE: Air cooled 10 car, ------''-----'------obo (510) 783-2342 days. WILL very light & basic. Chromoly FOR SALE: 1988 Raceco single DELIVER! frame, 4 disc Summers, Super seat Class 10 car. A-Arm front -----~==~---Boot cage, 300m bars, Fox 23", rear 20", all coil-over Fox FOR SALE: Class 7 Ranger and shocks, new cell, Hewland bus. shocks, Bump shocks front & / Class_ 7 Nissan Pickups. _Both 1470 lb. This car can win. Only rear, Summers hubs, Wilwood previous class champions; $7,500.00. ALSO Bunderson brakes, Tommy Lee power drivers, Manny Esquerra, Roger A-Arm 23" travel coil-over steering pump & box wlram Mears and Raci? Gardner. ~any FOR SALE: SUPER C L.EAN front/ rear, 4 wheel dixc brakes, assist. 100 miles on FAT Rabbit spare parts;·engme, wheels, ~ires, PRE-RUN TRUCK. '8 1 GMC Hewland bus by Jeff Fields, 1 S0hp and Raceco bus box. etc. Ranger $29,000.00, Nissan Stepsidt1. Fiberglnss front panels, Shrlyn power steering, new Spares. Raced 8 times. Fully $19,500.00. Also, great pre--one owner for seven years, 11 powder coat red/white, new prepped & race ready. Always a runner Cla_ss 8 Ford _truck has inches, 12 inches rear. Braced body. All bushings/heims c.v. top runner and fast lap car. 2nd won the Baia 1000, Baia 500 and frame 60 inch springs Turbo cages, Padel master cylinder, 125" overall '91 FRT New Years eve. the Mint. Driven by "Sco~p" 350 & cooler, 12 bolt Ch,evy Jiff, wb, Rabbit lS0hp, UMP air Changing class. $14,250.00. Call Vessels $8,000.00. Entire 355 Chevy 4 bolt with good cleaner, 4 race radios 34 Ron at (619) 352-0299. Spare package_ $50,00~.00. Call Gard-equipment. Centerline wheels, Centerlines/Yokohama 15" & motor available. ner Racmg (805) 688-4922 BFG's, Taylor seats & much 16N. Lots of spare parts. Over FOR SALE: Super 1600 Chen-FOR SALE: New DG-300 more. Ask for full details on this $30,000.00invested.$15,000.00 owthMagnum.BESTOFEVERY-Transmission Case. Center super nice truck. REDUCED, obo or both cars, all parts THING!!!Willsellcompletewith'sectiononly,nobellhousing,no NOW $9,500.00 Call Baja $20,000.00. Call Bob Scott(619) spares orless motor & trans. Call !gear carrier. $1,800.00 obo. Call Concepts REF 148 (619) 583-949-1049 or (818) 442-1090. Scott at (303) 238-5876. • Lance (909) 371-5000. 6.::5=2=9========:-::::;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:.;;;;;::;;;;_ rr--------w---------~wwrmwwrn.--·---ww-...-....-.... ... ---....... ·---------~-www.., •I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I : DUSTY TIMES. : I Classified Advertising rate is only $15 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of I I black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. I I . NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If I· I you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. 11 I ---------------~----------I' I -----------------------~ ' I; 11 I' I I Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). · Please run ad _______ times.. I I Name Mail to: Address ______________________ Phone _______ _ ll ti. City ________________ _ _ State _____ Zip _______ _ DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street Chatsworth, CA'91311-4408 I I I I --•-' Page 66 August 1993 % --,..;:::c~ ..... FOR SALE: 1992 SCORE C ass 112-1600 champion. Completely updated and redone to race 1993 season, but, we were not able to. Call us and we can FAX or mail a detailed list about the car and what extras are included. $12,500.00 obo. Ask for Dale or Darren at (909) 244-3942. FOR SALE: Mirage Unlimited Class 5. Only 2 races, profession-ally prepped and race ready! DRIVETRAIN: FEX 2070cc Type I ( 130hp ), JG Bus IRS trans wlFTC gears. FRONT END: 12" wider ( 15" travel), new Fox Racing Shox (2 shox per wheel), Wright rack, arms & combo spindles, alum wheels w/BFG Mud-Terrain tires. REAR END: 12" wider (18" travel), new Fox Racing Shox (4 shox, 1 bump-stop per wheel). Woods arms, Sway-A-Way bars & axles, 930 c.v.'s, Super Boots, Alum wheels w /BFG Mud-Terrain tires. PLUS: power steering (UMP pump), Fuel Safe cell (22 gal), dual batteries, Beard seats, Deist 5 point harness, VDO gauges, spare wheels & tires & white/ grey paint. All chromoly chassis & torsion housing. $11,500.00 complete or $9,900.00 w/ o trans, or trade towards highly competitive 1-1600 or 1 / 10. Serious offers only! Call Michael at Fox Factory: ( 408) 269-9200 or home: ( 408) 866-0301. FOR SALE: 2wd Bla:er pre-runner, full roll cage, Beard seats, Art Carr, Rancho, Doetsch Tech, urethane bushings throughout, American Racing, BFG's, fresh motor, Turbo 400 trans. $10.000.00 oho Call (402) 421-7450 or (402) 397-7967 leave message. RACE CARS WANTED: We have buyers waitng for the following off road vehicles. 1-trailers, 10-30' enclosed. 2-5th wheel trailers, several clients waiting for these. 3-Pre-run trucks between $20,000.00-25,000.00 needed for buyers. 4-Class 8 trucks needed between $20,000.00-45,000.00. 5-two seater off road race cars, Class 10 or pre-run style. FOR SALE: Class 10 motor, 16 valve 1607cc engine, Carrillo rods, VW trans adapter, clutch & pressure plate, S&S header system, motor is complete and fresh, excellent condition. $4;000.00 obo or trade for??? Call (619) 448-5392 or (619) 441-8936. DustyTimcs
FOR SALE: 5-1600 race car .. · Wright arms & combos, fresh bus box w /Hewland, rebuilt Bilsteins w/ reservoirs, pumper, Flame-Out. Floor mounted fuel cell, spare parts & tires, new motor. $7,500.00 May take Class 9 car as trade-in. (619) 244-0888. OR SALE: '92 JIMCO 2 seat mid engine, 4AG Toyota 16 valve, with Corrillo rods, built by Smart Racing Products, Fortins new "5" trans, UMP, Wright place, CNC, Parker Pumper, BFG tires w/ Centerlines, Taylor made seats. Race prepped. Currently 2nd in SCORE points. $26,000.00 oho. Spare parts available. (619) 448-5392 or (619) 441-8936. FOR SALE: '81 Subaru hatch-back 4x4, four national rallies, all finishers. Best finish 13th at '92 Coachman. Won appearance award at '92 Coachman. 2 spare engines, 1 spare trans plus misc spare parts. '93 legal cage. $3,000.00 ( less comp-ch-inter-com-lites ). $1,900.00 with rally accessories removed. Call Gerry (916) 442-2745. RACE CARS FOR SALE: We have full details including reference photos & videos of over 120 off road race cars for sale. All classes, all budgets, including trailers, pre-runners, chase trucks, . Rally-Raiders, and part finished projects. Gontact Baja Concepts Race Car Sales - phone (619) 583-6529 or FAX (619) 583-1851. FOR SALE: Berrien Lazer l /2-1600. Immaculate shape, Centerlines, Bilsteins, Fox remotes, Neal Pedals, Beard seats, UMP power steering, new racing type 4 joints. 1650 engine, new exhaust, new nerf bars. Transmission by Transform. Reasonably priced at $6,000.00 Make offer. Call (717) 672-3028. FOR SALE: '91 Int Truck Mtr Hm Conv -OT 446 diesel, turbo charge, 245hp, 650/:/ torque 1600rpm, 32,000 actual miles. Bendix air, 30' box; 40' OAL motor home interior, 8' rear cargo area, 100 gal coach water, 200 gal aux fresh water, cellular phone, washer/ dryer, TV/VCR, 30 gal race fuel tank, oak finish interior, tons of storage inside and outside, 1000/:/ winch & jib crane. Call (503) 873-2828 or (503 )651-2101 days. Ask for]im or Andy. PARTNER WANTED: I am looking for an individual to start new partnership with. I have a very competitive Class 10 2 seater; looking for person with proven race record & financial ability to pay ½ of all expenses. Also, must be easy to get along with! Call Gary Johnson (805) 529-1005. OFF ROAD GARAGE SALE: 1-Challenger motor for sale. Don Hat: long block, only 300 miles since new. $1,200.00 oho. 2-Porsche 911 body shell complete with roll cage, engine and trans. Ready to make into a bitch1n pre-runner or street car. Call (619) 583-6539. FOR SALE: /:/1 -5-1600 car, /:/2 -convert pre-run car, /:/3 - 2 seat chassis, 111 "wb, plus misc parts, tires, wheels, etc. All must go . . CallJeff(714) 996-4936. PETE WILSON GOT ME TOO!: out of work firefighter needs to sell Class 10 Stadium car. FUNCO, with usual good stuff. Car, trailer and spares $5,000.00. Will sell, less engine & trans. Call ' (310) 592-5796. FOR SALE: Semi trailer, 45', Sage Council support & car hauler. 18kw ~enerator, Shp air compressor, 80 gal water tank, 80 gal race fuel tank wlpump, TIG welder 250 amp, oxy & acc., hose reels, stainless steel cabinets, custom full length canopy. _$35,000.00. Call Lloyd (909) 767-1435. FOR SALE: 1986 Ford Ranger, Class 7S legal pre-runner, Built 2300 Beard seats with console, Auto-meter, ORD front suspen-sion, National rear springs, full roll cage, 10 Rancho take-aparts, 4:56 gears, posi, new tires, KC's lockable spar e tire mount. $4,300.00 obo. Call (208) 378-8251. FOR SALE: Class 9 Challenger: fresh FEX engine, WR Racing transaxle, Bilstein, SAW, Yokohama, CNC, Pyrotech, Beard, 20 gal cell, Wright, Lothringer. Race ready. Spares included. $4,500.0 oho. Call (209) 832-1595. FOR SALE: '75 Chevy Blazer, 10,000 miles on motor, like new. 33x12.5-lo5 BFG tires, 2 ·gas tanks, 2 wheel drive, 2 shocks per wheel. P.J. pre-runner. $3,500.00 obo. Call Jerry at (818) 764-2446. DustyTimcs FOR SALE: 5 acres in Temecula, CA, located 10 miles west of Interstate 15 in Avacado and citrus groves area. Gently sloping lot, paved road, water on property local area developed. Asking $125,000.00. Call Bruce after 5pm (818) 704-1760. Also, looking for Beard seats, street or super, any condition. FOR SALE: ¼ elliptic springs, built by National Spring for 1100/:/ per wheel. Also have 14" Fox shocks w/ reservoirs. Also have 205 transfer case for GM 4 speed and a 203 for GM automatic. Both have been rebuilt. Call (702) 873-4953. FOR SALE: 5th wheel 34', 12.Skw generator, air com-pressor, water tank, lights. $7,500.00 Call Lloyd (909) 767-1435. WANTED: Class 5 chassis with suspension, steering and brakes for pre-run car. Call (909) 985-2541. VORRA Virginia City Classic 100 Preview Text & Photo: Tammie Wise Don German got the Chevy powered Jeep out for Virginia City racing and rolled through the dust and rocks to the overall victory. THE VIRGINIA CITY overcoming power steering CLASSIC 200 off road race was · difficulties in his Class 4 Jeep held recently in Virginia City truck. FirstinClass2 went to Sam Nevada, a VORRA event. This Berri of Arnold, California, even year's course though similar to with having problems on the first past tracks was made even more lap and being off the pace by an treacherous by all the winter run hour, he came back and ran hard off. To keep the number of the rest of the day. Randy Le finisher's up VORRA President Plante of Portland, Oregon took Ed Robinson lowered the number the Class 10 win, after experienc-of laps from 10 to 8. With only 8 ing·down time of his own on lap laps to run the race was like a 7 · 5. The Haas Brother's of Lodi, hour sprint. Taking the checkered California finished first in flag, and overall win, VORRA's Sportsman Veteran in their hard own Iron Man, Don German of charging Mini Mag. The largest Petaluma,Californiain his Class 4 class in this years V.C. 200 was Jeep once again proved, patience Sportsman Novice. The win in and plenty of ponies are a winning class went to Hooter Meyer of combination. Second overall Carmichael, California in his went to Sid Smith of Yuba City, Class 5 Baja Bug. Approximately California driving his 1600 single 50% of the starters finished and seater to his first big desert win of everyone had a tale to tell about the season. the mountain. Details and Photo's Third overall went to Raymond to come. Fisher of Sparks, Nevada after INDEX TO ADVERTISERS A D R A Cinder Mountain . . . . . . 29 Arrow Productions . . . . • . . . . . . . 43 Baker Precision Products . . . . . . . 50 Barbary Coast -. Gold Coast Hotels . . . . • . . . . • 25 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . . 39 BUMP Off Road Championships . . . . . 5 Brush Run 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 56 Cactus Racing Products . . . . . . . . 42 Castex Inc., E-Z-Up . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . . . . • 59 Class 1 ..•.....••........• 46 OeNunzio Racing Products . . . . . • 30 Oon-A-Vee Jeep-Eagle . • . . • . . . . 17 FAT Performance • . . . . . • . . . . . 8 Fiesta Ford . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . 10 FRT Superstition 250 . . . . . . . . . 11 Fuel Safe • • • • . . . . . . • • • • • . . • 38 German Auto • • . . . . . . . . • . . . . 55 Great Northern Challenge . • • . . • . 9 Rod Hall Driving School .•• ·. . . . • 36 Hi Tech Off Road . • • • . . . . • . . • 53 kltershows Truck Jamboree • . . . . . 6 KC HiLites . . • . • • . . . • . • • . . . • 33 La Rana Johnson Valley 200 . . . . 21 · Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . • . . • 13 Parker Pumper ...•.....•... , 49 P. G. Transmissions . • . . . • . . . . • 19 Pike's Family Restaurant .•. : . . . 16 Race Ready Products . • . • • . . • . • 20 · Reid Pro .•.• _-_-•· .• · •..•..... · 3°7. Reno/Pyramid 300 ......... 34-35. SCORE Gold Coast 300 . . Back Cover Marvin Shaw Engineering • . . . • . • 40 SNORE Midnight Special . • . . • . . 7 SNay-A-Way . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . 23 MTEG -Short Course -Glen Helen •.....••.•..•.• 27 Toyota Motorsports . • . . . • . . . . • 2 Trackside Photos Inc. . . . • • . . . . . 67 Tri-Mil kldustries . . . . • . . . . • . . . 51 Valley Performance . . • . . . . . • . . 54 Valvoline Oil . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . • 15 V O R R A -Fallon 250 . . . . . . . . 31 \Mich Sales . • . . • . • • . . . . • • . . 4 7 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . • . . . • . 45 Trackside Photo, Inc. Racing photography since 1970 . We cover all La Rana, SCORE and MTEG events. For professional quality photos, call us! Call us for: Calendars• Press Kits• Photo Business Cards• Autograph sheets AUgust 1993 P.O. Box 91767 Los Angeles, California 90009 (213) 670-6896 Page 67 •
·"_1993 SCORE Desert Championship Series Presents the Las Vegas, Nevada 5th Race of the SCORE Desert Series SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, July 30 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM - Publicity Run Registration Gold Coast Hotel & Casino 9:00 PM - Drawing for Starting Positions Gold Coast Hotel & Casino Saturday, July 31 7 :00 AM to 9:00 AM - Publicity Run Late Registration Sloan Gravel Pit -Las Vegas Blvd. South 3 miles South of Sloan Nevada 7:30 AM to 9:00 AM - Breakfast in the Desert Sloan Gravel Pit - 3 miles South of Sloan Nevada 9:00 AM - Publicity Run Start Sloan Gravel Pit - 3 miles South of Sloan Nevada Thursday, August 5 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM - Test Area Open Sloan Gravel Pit - 3 miles South of Sloan Nevada Friday, August 6 :00 AM to 11:00 AM - Test Area Open Sloan Gravel Pit - 3 miles South of Sloan Nevada 1:00 PM to 5:.00 PM - Test Area Open ~ Sloan Gravel Pit - 3 miles South of Sloan Nevada 9:30 AM to 5:00 PM - Driver Registration Gold Coast Hotel & Casino 10:30 AM to 5:30 PM - Tech Inspection and Contingency Row Gold Coast Hotel & Casino 12:30 PM -Driver's Meeting #1 Mandatory attendance 6:00 PM - Driver's Meeting #2 at one meeting only Gold Coast Hotel & Casino 6:45 PM - Welcome Racers Cocktail Party Hosted by the Gold Coast Hotel & Casino Saturday, August 7 6:00 AM -Late Registration and Tech Inspection Jean, Nevada 7:00 AM - Race Starts - Start\Finish Line Jean, Nevada 9:00 PM - Posting of Unofficial Results and CRB Meeting Gold Coast Hotel & Casino Sunday August 8 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM -Driver's Br~ch Gold Coast Hotel & Casino 10:00 AM -Awards Presentation Gold Coast Hotel & Casino For More Information and Entry Forms Contact: SCORE International, Las Vegas Office 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. South Las Vegas, NV 89124 Tele #: (702) 361-5404 Fax #: (702) 361-5037 Los Angeles Office 31125 Via Colinas #908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 Tele #: (818) 889-9216 Fax #: (818) 706-8833 -------------------tJ/1«,1,at setJ~E s~ -------------------V IMt.wne. TOYOTA THE OFFlCIAL TRUCK OF SCORE INTERNATIONAL BF Goodrich· ~ ...... __,.;...,,;,,..;;.;;r.., ~ \M-EELS