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1993 Volume 10 Number 2 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 10 - Number i - February 1993 $1.50 ISSN 8750-1732 Covering the world of competition in the dirt

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THE BUDWEISER FAMILY OF BEERS & FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM PRESENTS (ft ©¼'i)) .......... I: -,, I __,......._,_ ~ . E), ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 'BcWZAi I B~ /<u.k.L.4 SATIJ~DAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1993 RACE 1 OF 7 OF THE 1993 BUDWEISER/BUD LIGHT/BUD DRY FRT SUPERSTnlON CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES FRT DISTRICT 38 AND THE BLM ARE WORKING TOGETHER SO THAT EVERYONE MAY ENJOY OUR PUBLIC LANDS. TREAD LIGHTLY! LOCATION: LAKE SUPERSTITION • Bikes Ignite at 7:00 a.m. • The Car Showdown is High Noon • 5 times around a 30-mile lap • Pre-running is encouraged • Stadium Infield FUN GREEN STICKERS SPARK ARRESTORS MANDATORY! ~ ' .-.,~ BLM APPROVED LESAR RESCUE ~.t;-1'' ).fJi ::="-------C&C RACE PHOTOS Carlos & Carol Avina TELEVISION VIDEO PRODUCED BY BRAZEAU VIDEO Info: 619-427-5759 SPONSORED BY Race Ready Products Cycle Parts West Clairemont Equipment Rentals Sepulveda Building Materials General Contractor's Equipment Rentals NEW CLASSES X 1-1600 K 2-1600 X Class 3x4 K Short Wheelbase 4x4 IN 1993! DESERT RACING FOR •ATVS •BIKES •BUGGIES •CARS •DESERTLITES •MINI-MAGS •TRUCKS RESTROOMS FREE CAMPING EVENT T-SHIRTS FOOD

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Volume 10 - Number i Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Janay Smith Controller John Calvin Circulation 0 . Osborne Contributors Jim Baker Darla Crown C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Don Dayton Daryl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Matt Marcher Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Darryl Smith Judy Smith 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Inc. Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typography & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services SNAPSHOT February 1993 --.VII.I.a OffllOAD IACIIIG Ul'OH Subscription Rates: lbldSerlesff~Raclng<D $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. OF THE MONTH ••• The 25th Anniversary of the Baja 1000 evoked memories in us old timers, ama.:ed that few in Ensenada recogni.:ed Ed Pearlman who was the ceremonial starter. Continuing the nostalgia theme the folks here are jubilant, as they just won the 1975 Mint 400. See how many you recogni.:e. They are, from the left, Don Arnett, co-owner of the winning Sandmaster car, a kid named Rick Mears who co-drove to the victory with Gene Hirst, center. Behind Gene is an old buddy Gary Lowes, then a pillar of the now defunct Clark County Sheriff's Jeep Posse that were always on the checkpoints keeping order and manning the radios. On the far right is K J Howe, for many years the man that steered the Mint 400 race to great glory, and he also found time to race his Class 2 car with Andrew Zorne, then GM of the Mint Hotel. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies"or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration, DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8xl0 will be considered. Dusty Times February 1993 I I I In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page Salute to the Desert Champions by Jean Calvin ............ 10 MTEG Awards Banquet by Jean Calvin . . . ............... 16 La Rana High Desert 300 by Carol 'Scoop' Clark .......... 20 HORA Awards Banquet by Jean Calvin .................. 24 GMC Safari Van by John Calvin ........................ 27 SCORE Awards & Off Roadsman Banquet by Jean Calvin ............................ 30 Capitol Forest Rally .................................. 33 WRC Ivory Coast Rally by Martin Holmes .............. . 34 ADRA Sonoyta to Rocky Point by Tony Tellier ........... 36 Whiplash Gila Monster JOO by Tony Tellier .............. 37 Stuart Engineering Desert Sprint by Fud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 SNORE El Dorado 250 by Don Dayton ................. 41 Dusty Russia by Jim Ober ............................. 44 Plaster City Revisited by Fud ........................... 47 DEPARTMENTS FAIR Notes .......................................... 4 Trail Notes ........................................... 4 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Losers by Judy Smith ............................. 38 Good Stuff Directory ................................. 48 Checkers Column by the Big Wah:oo ................... 53 Classified Ads ....................................... 54 · Index to Advertisers .................. ................ 55 ON THE COVER -Complimenting the Salute to Oesert Champions our cover features the SCORE and HORA Overall champions in full flight. Driving his Class 10 Chenowth with VW air cooled power Steve Sourapas and long time co-driver Dave Richardson won all four SCORE races in class, and you can't do any better than that for a season. They ran nearly trouble free in each race too, a sign of well paced driving and super race prep on the car. Our congratulations. to Steve and Dave for heating the big inch machines with 1650ccs. Color Photography by Moses Jurs:, Trackside Photos Inc. Walker Evans won the High Desert Racing Association overall points championship and the Open Wheel Division plus Class 112 in the Dodge D-150 truck. Walker won the Fireworks 250 and the long distance Nevada 500, and finished well in two other events. By contrast Walker did not have trouble free races, hut he kept up the pace anyhow. Our congratulations to Walker for taking the last HDRA overall'Championship, one for the record hooks. Color Photography by Jim Ober ofTrackside Photos Inc. I to S~7fU«Uf DUSTY TIMES I I I I I -.1 THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! I I I I D 1 year - $15.00 □ ·i years -$i5.00 □ 3 years - $35.00 Takeadvantage of your subscription bonus ••• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name _______________________ _ Address ____________________ _ City State -----------Zip-----------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 (Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates on request) Page 3

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• FAIR NEWS By Dcwe Mmsinglwm Guess what? FAIR is still alive and doing well! It has been a while since we have written a newsletter, but I will try. Here are a few items to bring everyone up to date. Our new officers voted in during July 1992 are President, Pete Dutton, Vice-President, Charlie Nieto, Treasurer, Jeff Randa 11, Secretary, Mickey Dutton, Race Director, Dave Massingham, and Sargent at Arms, Bruce Streeper. They have all been hard at work for some six months now. We finished off 1992 with a few class champions, and several top points finishers. Brian Parkhouse won Class 1-2-1600 in the HORA series, and Scott Steinberger won the SCORE Mini Mag Series. Our congratula-tions to them both. Other top finishers on points were Bob Richey, second in SCORE Class l /2, Steve Meyers, second in SCORE Class 10, Dave Shively, second in HORA Class 5-1600, Hal Hibbard, second in La Rana Class 10, Dan Fisk, fourth in La Rana Class 10, and Alan Bow-en/Rick Pew, fourth in La Rana Class 5-1600. FAIR pits for the following teams, active racers in SCORE, HORA and LA RANA events. Class 112, Tom & Steve Martin, Bob Richey& Tom Baker, Danny Letner, Jim & Mark Temple, Aaron Hawley, Wayne Morgan, Malcolm Smith & Bud Feldkamp, and Jerry Penhall. In Class l Oare Dick & Gary Weyhrich, Steve Meyers & Mike Sullivan, Hal Hibbard and Dan Fisk. Nick Vanderway & Paul Dennis run in Class 8, Mike & Traci Nix in Class 5 and Brian Parkhouse in 1-2-1600. In 5-1600 we pit Frank Omboli & Jim Enders, Dave Shively, Alan Bowen& Rick Pew, Rich Fersch & Harry Dunne, and Jeff Sherrill. In Class 9 we have Steve Colletti and Tom & Lita Whitehead, Scott Steinberger is our only Mini Mag and Curt & Jason Lamb the lone Mini Stock. We feel FAIR has had a successful year even though we were split between three series. FAIR was split about 75% SCORE/HORA and 25% La Rana. We teamed up with the Chapala Dusters for most of the SCORE and HORA races, and I feel we had very good success combining our efforts, especially for the Nevada 500, the Baja 500 and the Baja 1000. Our thanks to Evan Harbottle, President, Matt Dog, Race Director and Harold Curry, P.R. of the Dusters for all their help. It looks like 1993 will be a muc h easier year with the combination of SCORE and HORA. We feel with Sal's strong leadership and direction and Danny's firm commitment to the racers for continual improvement at every race, we will have one of the best years of racing ever, if the economy allows it. FAIR will continue to support SCORE and La Rana races. As long as we have five cars going to each race, the famous FAIR van will roll. FAIR requires all members to pay a pit support fee, $50.00 in California and $75 .00 outside of California. Each race team furnishes two pit workers, with two front and two rear VW type spare tires, to work an assigned pit. We set up as _many pits as we have man power to do so, and we stay at the pit until ALL FAIR cars have completed the race. We don't leave early! Our meetings are on the first and third Wednesday of each month at8:00 p.m. TheJanuary6 and January 20 meetings will be held at Shakeys Pi.:.:a, 250 W . Orangethorpe, Fullerton, CA, located in front of Montgomery Wards at Harbor Blvd., and Orangethorpe. Phone (714) 871-6340. Future meeting locations will be announced at the January 20 meeting. AffENTION PIT TEAMS Send in your tales of triumph and troubles to DlJSTY TIMES A -Winning Tr~dition In Off-Road Racing Bilstein gas pressure shock absorbers were first introduced to the American market in off-road racing in the late 1960's. Over the past 20 years, more off-road races have been won on Bilstein than any other shock absorbers. Today, with their proven record of performance, Bilsteins continue to be the choice of serious off-roaders who run to win. Celebrating 20 Years of Winning in Off-Road Racing. We thank all the teams and drivers for their loyal support over the years. It's been great! Now Available -Repair and Revalvlng Services. Page 4 Contact: Motorsport• Department BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 8845 Rehoo Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • 619/453-n23 For additional technical infonnation and a complete catalog send $2.50 February 1993 ·1,ail Notes .•. LA RANA CHAMPIONS FOR 1992 -We missed the La Rana Awards Banquet this year, but we<tid find a listing of the points winners in their latest edition of the house organ. Billy Bunch, driving a GMC pickup, won Class 150 ( Class I). Don Cornell won Class 200 ( Class 2) in a Raccco, followed by Larry Deaton then Mark Post. In Class 1600 Kevin Davis won in his new Lothringer, Billy McCool was second in a Mirage, and Don Lam pus was third on points. Class 300 and 600 were comhined, and Eric Heiden won that honor in a Jeep Cherokee, Mike Duncan was second and Darren Skilton third, both in Jeeps. Class 400 went to Rick Seiman. Gary and.BJ Bates won Class 500 (5) in their Bug, Pete Swift was second, and Jeff Renick third. Brian Logan was tops in Class 550 (5-1600), followed by Bruce Landfield and Hector Burrel. Art Becker won Class 700, Dan Cannon won Class 725, followed hy Gordon A:evedo and Frank Muscia, while Jay King was tops in Class 750, followed by Richard Rohbins and Alan Buchanan. Class 800 (8) went co · Steve Kreiger in a Chevy, Allen Repashy was second, Lance West was third. Joel Stankavich won Class 900 (9) making him a double winner, taking HORA Class 9 points too. Dave Girdner was second and Joel Mohr third. Tom Koch and Rex Keeling won Class 1000 ( JO) in a Raccco, followed by Hal Hibbard and Tony Modica. Class I JOO ( 11) wentto Larry Adams. Class 1500 points went to Glen Cohen, followed by Brady Helm and Al Ortlepp. William Quitmeyter won Class 1525, followed by Dan Auer and Katsuhisa Yamanaka. Gordon DiCarlo won Class 1550 in a Forcl, and Mike ( "olcman won Class 1575, followed by Brian Owens, Honda Pilot. Ralph C:arnet:ki was second, Donald Kleinhcn: third. Whew, an,l just think La Rana has added another class, 14, this year for stock utility n·hidcs. Su·rc hate to have their trophy bills with so many of these classes having just a few entries each at each event. THE SNORE POINTS FOR 1992 have bt·cn published, hut their awards banquet where the substantial amounts of cash arc· distributed is yet to happen as we go to press. Mike Dixon will get the lions share of the dough as the overall winner, and it looks like second on points was Gene Griepentrog, Class 9 and Mike Spina, fourth overall took Class 1-2-1600. Steve Ogle won the mini truck honors, fifth overall, and Brendan Gaughan took Class IO at sixth overall. Patrick Carter took the 5-I 600 points, and Bill Dickton was the Heavy Metal winner while Tommy Bradley Jr. won the Unlimited honors. We will have a full report on the awa rds banquet in the next issue. · THE CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES AW ARDS for i 992 also happen after press date, but we can tell you that Jeff Griffin and Lon Peterson finished in a tie for overall and Open Class points, while Chris Griffin won the Open Class co-driver honor. Roger Hull and Rob Cherry took top spots as driver and co-driver in Stock GT Class, which has been eliminated for 1993. In Stock Class Jeff Hendricks won the driver points and Larry Scott • was tops in co-driver points. We will have the results of that awards party and also some of the unusual trophies CRS presents'at the end of the season next month. Two days before the RallySprint scheduled at Glen Helen in January the monsoons have come to southl'rn California, so it is doubtful if that event will happen on schedule. It was rained out last year too. MICHIGAN SW AP MEET -While the snow may not he all gone by March 28, the Michigan Buggy Builders arc prt·senting their 12th annual swap meet and Dune Buggy Show on that date in 1993. It happens at the Lansing Center, Lansing, Ml, the midwest's largest show, with 50,000 square feet of parts and accessories and over 180 booths. If it is made for a dune buggy, you can find it here. There will be seminars, clowns, three show classes: off road buggies, sand buggies and street buggies. For full information phone (517) 543-7214, or write Michigan Buggy Builders, 3749 Needmore Hwy., Charlotte, Ml 48813. THE FINAL FLAG-Terry D. Wilshire, wife of noted off road journalist Sam Wilshire, passed away due to cancer on the 15th day of December 1992. Services were held a few days later in Lemon Grove, CA. Terry is survived by Sam, her husband of 31 years and a son Stephen, who lives in New Cross, London, England. She is also survived by her mother and father, Su:anne Taylor and Millard Miller, one sister Yvonne and two brothers, Leonard and Mack, who all reside in the San Diego area. Prior to her death Terry was a respected travel agent with the Rancho San Diego Travel Agency in La Mesa, CA. During the years 1985 to 1990 the Wilshires resided in London England where Terry worked for the Department of Defense Dependent School System as an assistant to the Finance Officer. While not active in the sport of off road racing, Terry supported her husband's efforts for the 19 years he was involved, primarily with Off Road Action News. Our deepest sympathy goes to Sam, a long time friend, and the entire family. CAMEL TROPHY COMPETITOR SEARCH ht·gan early in December at Grand Junction, Colorado. Ten candidates selected from hundreds of applicants will be tested virtually around the clock to find the four men best qualified to go on to international selection trials to he held near Rome, Italy in February for the 14th annual Camel Trophy Adventure. There two of the four finalists will emerge as the U.S. entry in the adventure that each year tackles a stretch of the world's toughest terrain. The pair will drive a Land Rover Discovery sport utility vehicle over I 000 miles of Borneo hack country in the Malaysian state of Sabah next spring. They will he one of 16 two man teams from as many nations driving Discoverys in the annual adventure that attracts thousands of applicants worldwide, although it posts no pri:es other than trophies. Last year's United States team, Dan Amon of Milton-Freewater, OR and Jim West of Glendale, AZ, were the first American team to win a trophy in the event's I 3 year history. They won the "Spirit" trophy for the best combination of overall competence and cooperation. It is awarded by an actual vote of the participants and cadre. KC HILITES recently announced a larger Contingency Program for I 993. The popular light company announced that it will participate in SCORE International, La Rana Desert Racing, Baja Promotions, and the SODA Series contingency programs. KC Hilites will be participating in more events in 1993 and has raised the individual race award amounts. Additionally they will again award the KCHiLite equipped SCORE International Class Champions with a season award of $2,000. For complete award and product information contact Jim Conner Race and Promotional Coordinator, KC Hilites, 2169 Daytona Ave., L-ike Havasu City, AZ 86403 or phone (602) 855-0912. _( mme TRAIL NOTES on page 8) Dusty Timcs

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Tour the pits Enjoy the FREE Motorsports Expo & Custom Bike Show Watch practice & qualifying Gates open Watch opening ceremonies Racing starts Tour the pits Enjoy the FREE Motorsport Expo & Custom Truck & Hot Rod Show Watch practice & qualifying Gates open Meet the racers at the FREE autograph session Watch opening ceremonies Racing starts General Information 714-938-4100 1 :00 -6:00 1 :00 -3:00 5:30 1 :00 -6:00 1 :00 -3:00 5:00 5:30 -6:30 6:30 7:00 Information on Travel Packages 1-800-967-7409 Produced by Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group @TOYOTA Official Pace Truck I Iii :i 77CKEf' ~ .llod.57Er,. MAY COMPANY / TOWER / MUSIC PLUS -•ec• WHEREHOUSE locatlona &"191278-TIXS

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1993 Ha~~enin9s ••• Quart: Hill, CA 93536 Chula Vista, CA 92011 Plaster City West, CA (805) 256-8520 (619) 427-5759 September 5, 1993 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES SUPERSTITION Desert Sprint A.D.R.A. February 5-7, 1993 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Plaster City East, CA American Desert Racing Association Gran Carrera de San Felipe 250 149 No. Rawhide February 13, 1993 October 10, 1993 P.O. Box 34810 San Felipe, BC, MX Ridgecrest, CA 93555 King of the Desert 4th Annual Mudhen II l'hoenix, AZ 85067 March 26-28, 1993 (619) 375-8704 Lake Superstition, CA Plaster City West, CA (602) 252-1900 Gran Carrera de San Luis Rio Colorado CENTRAL OREGON April 3, 1993 November 21, 1993 AMSA Puerto Penasco DESERT RACING Bu:: Bomb 150 Notorious Dawg 3 Hour T earn Race Jim Webb Sonora, MX Terry Silbaugh Plaster City East, CA 1-8 & Dunaway Raad, CA P.O. Box 26084 April 29-May 2, 1993 20515 Whitehaven Circle August 7, 1993 Dec 5; 1993 Fresno, CA 93726 Mint 400 Short Course Bend, OR 97702 Superstition 250 Rudolph's Revenge plus Team Race (209) 439-2114 Stadium Championships March 6, 1993 Lake Superstition, CA Lake Superstition, CA AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD May 14-16, 1993 Millican 300 September 25, 1993 GLEN HELEN OHV PARK CHAMPONSHIP Gran Carrera de Tecate 250 Bend, OR Plaster City Blast P.O. Box 2339 Darryl Smith Tecate, BC, MX April 3, 1993 Plaster City East, CA San Bernardino, CA 92406 47 Teenan St. June 25-27, 1993 Bear Butte 200 October 30, 1993 (714) 880-1733 Ferny Hills, Q. 4055, Australia Gran Carrera de Mexicali Night Race Central Oregon Squeaky Springs Gran National April 4, 1993 01 l-18-07-851-0444 Mexicali, BC, MX October 16, 1993 Lake Superstition, CA Off Road Grand Prix AUTOCROSS QUEBEC July 23-25, 1993 Whiskey Springs 300 December 31, 1993 All Classes - Desert & Stadium OFF ROAD Gran Carrera de Ensenada Central Oregon Dunaway Dash San Bernardino, CA Class 10 cars only Ensenada, BC, MX CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Plaster City West, CA GORRA Serge Lambert September 24-26, 1993 RACING ASSOCIATION ATV, BIKE& DESERT Georgia Off Road 65 Rue de Valcourt Gran Carrera de Campeones C.J. Richards SUPERLITE SCHEDULE Racing Association Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B IHI San Felipe, BC, MX P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 February 13, 1993 Box 11093 Station -A (514) 434-5792 December 10-12, 1993 King of the Desert Atlanta, GA 30310 (802) 265-8618 BAD DOG'S Mint 400 Desert Challenge Lake Superstition, CA ( 404) 253-1033 OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN 400 Miles I COLORADO HILL February 20, 1993 March 27, 1993 Barry Callaway (817) 645-0003 days Las Vegas, NV CLIMB ASSOCIATION 1992 Awards Banquet Florida 400 (817) 641-9985 nights BONNEVILLE OFFROAD P.O. Box 9735 San Diego, CA Tallahassee, FL Colorado Springs, CO 80932 Gene Peugh (817) 790-8268 RACING ENTHUSIASTS February 28, 1993 April 25, 1993 3825 No. Maine Jim Baker CORVA Coyote Wash Bath Vienna, GA Cleburne, TX P.O. Box 1583 1601 10th St. Plaster City West, CA May 23, 1993 SHORT COURSE RACING Ogden, Utah 84402 Sacramento, CA 95814 March 21, 1993 Vienna, GA "TEXAS STYLE" (801) 627-B.O.R.E. (800) 237-5436 March Madness June 27, 1993 Ri1cing th.: fourth S111ula~ of .:aclt month BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY DECATUR Plaster City West, Ca Vienna, GA /,,:ginning in March R.R.3 FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB April 28, 1993 July 25, 1993 BADGERLAND VW Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 Decatur, TX 76234 Attack Kamikaze Desert Vienna, GA (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 Tom Allen Gran Prix & T earn Race / CLUB, INC. (800) 662-36491(214) 641-2090 L-ike Superstition, CA August 22, 1993 Terry Friday 1993 BRUSH RUN Vienna, GA 5913 Fond Du Lac Road POINTS SERIES FORDA May 9, 1993 September 26, 1993 Oshkosh, WI 54901 P.O. Box 101 Florida Off Roaders Sweethearts Kiss ( 414) 688-5509 Crandon, WI54520 Drivers' Association Lake Superstition, CA Vienna, GA ( All .:wnts lo.:at.:d in C/1ilton. WI (715) 478-2222 9385 Florence Ave. May 15-16, 1993 October 24, 1993 at th,: Wi,ihd,ago Count~ Ex/>O c ... ~tter) June 25-27, 1993 Apopka, FL 32703 24 Hours of Le Fud Vienna, GA Spring Run 101 ( 407) 291-12151(305) 823-4487 Plaster City West, CA November 27, 1993 BAJA PROMOTIONS, Crandon, WI February 14, 1993 June 13, 1993 Thanksgiving 250 LTD.S.A. September 3-5, 1993 Lakeland, FL Carlsbad Gran Prix & T earn Race Vienna, GA Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Brush Run JO I March 27, 1993 June 19, 1993 ( All .:t•c~ltS at Vicwu1, GA) C,labasas, CA 91302 Crandon, WI Tallahassee, FL Mr. Patterson's Wild Ride GREAT LAKES (818) 340-5750 BUMP FUDPUCKER Plaster City West, CA FOUR WHEEL Golden Crown of Baja Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions RACING TEAM August 21, 1993 DRIVE ASSOCIATION Desert Series (cars) 4 2 263 50th St. West # 108 250 Kennedy, #2 Otter Z Night Team Race Bob Moon ~ COAST 1-800-634-6755 -. ·1-800-331-5334 Las Vegas,.Nevada Page 6 February 1993 Dusty Times

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BARSTOW, ~ Desert Racing 22769 Chambray Drive Moreno Valley, CA 92557 PHONE: (909) 924-2226 SECOND EVENT / FEBRUARY 26-28, 1993

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915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 665-03581(313) 996-9193 GREAT PLAINS OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Keith Koesters 4605 N. 130th Circle Omaha, NE 68164 ( 402) 496-0846 ( All short cmmt races and hdd at Weslfair in C',01mcil Bluffs, Iowa) GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Bertram Productions, Inc. 15073 Hwy 119, Rt. 4 Golden, CO 80403 Colorado Off Road Championships ( 303) 936-5960 GRR Golden Rule Racing P.O. Box 40211 Phoenix, AZ 85067 ( 602) 263-5329 HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Harvey Wald (605) 224-6678 days (605) 224-5534 evenings IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( A II ..-wnts stag..-d at the du/, grounds in Clews. Ohio) INTER-SHOWS . MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB Randy Chamberlin 835 Wawn Road Karnloops, B.C. V2B-6N3 Don (604) 372-9501 days Randy ( 604) 579-9621 eves (All ..-n:nts start 7 miles NW of Kamloo/>s) LA RANA DESERT RACING 22769 Chambray Dr. Moreno Valley, CA 92387 (909) 924-2226 February 26-28, 1993 Presidential 250 Barstow, CA April 30-May 2, 1993 Spangler 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 18-20, 1993 Lucerne Valley 250 Lucerne Valley, CA July 24, 1993 Womans Only Race Barstow, CA August 27-29, 1993 Johnson Valley 200 Lucerne Valley CA October 22-24, 1993 California 200 Ridgecrest, CA November 18-20, 1993 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (517) 627-6200 June 19-20, 1993 Off Road Nationals & Swap Meet Mason, Ml July 24, 1993 Fowlerville, Ml July 25, 1993 Caro, MI August 1, 1993 Mason, Ml August 5, 1993 Sandusky, MI August 10, 1993 Pt. Pleasant, MI · August 13, 1993 (t><mding) August 25, 1993 Kalama:oo, MI MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION Keneth Coleman 742 E. Roosevelt Road Ashley, MI 48806 (517) 838-4483 MIDWEST OFF ROAD RACING Tommy Bowling 19019 W . CR 128 Odessa, TX 79765 (915) 561-5222 "The Texas Challenge Off Road Points Series" (All events at Notrees, TX) MICKEY THOMPSON OFF ROAD STADIUM SERIES Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4100 January 30, 1993 Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, CA February 20, 1993 Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA March 20, 1993 Kingdorne Seattle, WA May 1, 1993 Sun Devil Stadium Tempe, AZ May 22, 1993 L.A. Memorial Coliseum Los Angeles, CA September 1993 TBA Mile High Stadium Denver, CO October 1993 TBA Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV October 1993 TBA Candlestick Park San Francisco, CA November 20, 1993 Awards Banquet TBA CAMEL SUPERCROSS SERIES January 23, 1993 Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, CA February 6, 1993 Jach Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA May 15, 1993 LA Memorial Coliseum . Los Angeles, CA June 12, 1993 Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION 11842 Jason Court Madera, CA 93638 (209) 486-45901(209) 266-5558 April ts, 1993 Johnson, VT W&iOOif if@ ~IMJ@W if~~ ~~®if ®~@OOif ©@QJJOO®~ OOffei©□IM@ rn~oo~. □® 1111111111, ffeirPOO□l1. ~II ll ®®~ ~©®®0®@ rPQJJOO®~ if@ fF□OO®if [?)11.ffei©~ ffeil1.11.' ©11.ffei~~®g g g g g g IC/All.I!. 00~00 CIXIII/JOOCIXI IF@OO @~~I!.~ ~ Pagef 8 May 15-16, 1993 Johnson, VT June 27, 1993 Joh!lson, VT July 3, 1993 Bascom, Ohio (TL>rttatiw) August 22, 1993 Johnson, VT September 12, 1993 Johnson, VT October 3, 1993 Johnson, VT OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 April 23-25, 1993 Big Bear Adventure Big Bear Lake, CA May 14-16, 1993 Redwood Coast Jamboree Fort Bragg to Eureka/ Arcata, CA June 18-20, 1993 Ghost Town Adventure '93 South Lake Tahoe, CA/Stateline, NV September 17-19, 1993 Kern River Jamboree Kernville/ Lake Isabella, CA OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasque: 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-9767 1(915) 855-9767 ONT ARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Jeff Sargent 1480 Lal_ceridge Rd. N Ajax, Ontario, Canada (416)427-4782 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-32081(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box3278 Englewood, CO 80112 ( 303) 779-6622 SCORE Score International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 January 22-24, 1993 Parker 400 Parker, AZ March 11-14, 1993 Nevada 400 Las Vegas, NV April 16-18, 1993 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, BC, MX June 4-6, 1993 Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX July 2-4, 1993 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA August 6-8, 1993 Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV October 1-3, 1993 L,ke Havasu 300 Lake Havasu City, AZ (tentatiwJ November 12-14, 1993 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, MX SCORE SHOW Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group Torn Lewis P.O. Box 25148 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714)938-4155 February 12-14, 199) Visalia Convention Center Visalia, CA April 23-25, 1993 Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association ~ • February 1993 . THE WORLD CHAM'PIONSHIP RALLY SERIES silly season began on December 2, with a remarkable chain of events. In 'one of the most intense days in the history of world championship rallying, the defection of world champion Carlos Sainz to the Jolly Club Lancia team preceded a remarkable series of changes in the composition of the 1993 teams. In one working day, half of the plans for next season were settled! Events started at midnight yesterday, Spanish time, when the Toyota deadline for Carlos to accept the offer to continue with the team expired. There was no reply, and Spanish TV then announced that Sainz had decided to drive a Lancia, sponsored by Repsol, instead. This then created a vacancy in Toyota T earn Europe, which was immediately filled by Juha Kankkunen. During the morning it was announced that the Prodrive Subaru team, known to have been interested in Sainz's services as well, had engaged in a 'long term' aggreement with BAT ( rallying under the name 555) for both the world and the Asian Pacific championships. Drivers were not announced, but Colin McRae and Ari Vatanen are expected to be the regular drivers. Shortly afterwards Martini issued a release, saying they would stop sponsorship of rallying after a 12 year alliance with Porsche and mainly Lancia. Toyota and Castro! then issued releases during the afternoon, confirming a three year mutual agreement, which also announced that TrE had formed an alliance with Michelin. This was followed shortly afterwards by a release from Jolly Club confirming they would run Sainz and also Andrea Aghini. Few factors in the equation now remain to be solved. Aghini is apparently to run under Totip colors with Repsol stickers: Sainz's car will be in substantially Repsol colors, but not yet announced is the tire supplier for Jolly Club, though this is presumed to be Pirelli. Toyota are expected to retain Markku Alen, but at this time only for the Safari Rally. Factors already agreed are at Mitsubishi where Eriksson and Armin Schwarz will be partners, the latter with Nicky Grist instead of Arne Hertz, and at Ford where Miki Biason and Francois Delecour will continue. What a day for European sports writers, wh0 put motorsports on the front page regularly. . THE AARWBA ALL AMERICA AUTO RACING TEAM, selected by a vote of the members of the auto racing writers and broadcasters association, have been announced. Named to the first team in Open Wheel division are CART champion Bobby Rahal and runner up Michael Andretti. NASCAR Winston Cup Champion Alan Kulwicki and Davey Allison top the Stock Car category. In Road Racing the selections were IMSA Camel GT champion Juan Manuel Fangio II and SCCA Trans-Am Champion Jack Baldwin. The Drag Racing kudos went to NHRA Top Fuel champion Joe Amato, and to Kenny . Bernstein. The Short Track category was headed by perennial champion Steve Kinser, and Mike Eddy from the American Speed Association. The At Large category saw our own MTEG Grand National Truck Champion Rod I Millen head the list followed by Irv Hoerr the IMSA Exxon Supreme OTO Champion. There were no off road racers selected for the second team, but in the Honorable Mention At Large Category Larry Ragland led that vote. If memory serves only a few off roaders have even made honorable mention before, but we recall Roger Mears, Ivan Stewart and Robby Gordon on the first team in various years past. DEANGELO, MINTON AND ASSOCIATES, the Motorsports Marketing firm that handles the Rough Riders among many clients, is expanding. Bill Korbus recently joined the firm and moved to its home base in Warren, Ohio. Bill formerly worked for the Nelson and Nelson Chevy Thunder group as team manager in Hemet, CA and prior to that he worked for Rancho Suspension. Perhaps a more familiar face to off road racers is Madeline Bullman, who also joined DM&A in December, and this native Californian will now be based in Warren, Ohio also. She will continue to be 1 the contact point at all 1993 off road races just as she was in 1992 for the Rough Riders. Since 1985 Maddie has been handling rnotorsports public relations for her own company, Performance PR, and prior to that worked for several well known agencies on the West Coast. So we will still see Madeline at the desert and stadium races out west, but she will now be closer to the source of manufacturers associated with off road racing on a day to day basis. PARIS-DAKAR 1993 -Scores of motorcycles and close to 100 vehicles on four wheels started the annual Paris-Dakar trek, this year sponsored by Total, early in January. We have searched news sources available locally for any information on the event, but there is no info' to be found as yet, In a way that is good news because it means there have been no serious accidents, which our local press always reports. Our on the spot reporter Glenn Harris tells us that thousands of spectators turned out in freezing weather in Paris to watch the start of the rally raid, with Jean Schlesser in a well developed buggy leading the parade out to the prologue. Some early starters were rallyman Kenjiro Shinozuka leading the official Mitsubishi Pajero team, followed by the Pajeros of Bruno Saby, Erwin Weber and Jean Frontenay. In the official sounding Citroen ZS Sports were often winner Ari Vatanen, Huber Auriol, Timo Salonen and Alain Ambrosino. The usual factory backed Range Rover team seemed to be missing from the entry list, but so were others that formerly competed on a regular basis. We will have an early report from the first part of this unique rally/ race in the next issue. 1993 LOOKING GOOD IN THE DESERT -While entry numbers drooped last summer in desert races, 1993 started out extremely strong. The FRT Dunaway Dash on New Years Eve near El Centro, CA fielded 76 cars and a flock of motorcycles. SCORE's overall points champion Steve Sourapas won the race overall driving his pre-runner. Then January 2 the La Rana New Years 200 put 91 cars on the starting line six miles west of Barstow, CA. Kevin McGillivray and Don Angel won this one overall in a Class 10 machine. there were 24 in Class 9 alone, a big entry these days in any class but l /2, so things are looking up for desert racing, at least for the U.S. desert organizers. Hopefully the renewed interest will spill over into the big time SCORE series, but there is no question that it costs more to run SCORE now, even the membership fee has gone up for 1993. The Parker 400, yet to come at this writing will portend the future of entry numbers in this series. Coming Nut Month ••• FRT Dunaway Dash La Rana New Years 200 The Bend 300 Desert Race ... plus MUCH, MUCH More Dusty Times

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Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 ( 7 14) 783-8293 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 February 5-7, 1993 Mahoney's Silver Nugget Bottom Dollar North Las Vegas, NV March 27-28, 1993 Twilight 200 Las Vegas, NV May 14-16, 1993 Caliente 250 Caliente, NV July 24-25, 1993 Midnight Special L1s Vegas, NV September 17-19, 1993 SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV December 3-5, 1993 Eldorado Valley 250 Las Vegas, NV SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7H39 W . North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 ( 414) 453-SODAI( 414) 257-0422 January 15-1 7, 1993 1992 Awards Banquet & Convention Paper Valley Hotel Appleton, WI , May 28-30, 1993 Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva, WI June 11-13, 1993 Kiwanis Off Road Race Antigo. WI June 25-27, 1993 Spri~ Run 101 Crandon, WI July 9-11, 1993 Road America Elkhart Lake, WI July 23-25, 1993 UP 100 Bark River MI August 6-8, 1993 Fox Riverfest DePere, WI August 20-22, 1993 Great Northern Challenge L1ke Odessa, MI September 3-5, 1993 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 17-19, 1993 Midwest Points Championship Oshkosh, WI October 1-3, 1993 Blackhawk Farms, IL TEXAS OFF ROAD GRAND PRIX Short Course Racing - Texas Style Class 10, Sportsman, Challenger Mike Bernardo 1606 Lancelot Circle Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (214) 855-2232 < All ... , ... ,its ac sr ... ,,h ... m •ilk rx s,, ...... du>ayJ TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowic:, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 ( Rm:t's at C,lanial Valley RL'sorrs in PA) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W . Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 656-1122 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 March 20-21, 1993 1993 SeasOI\ Opener Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA ·Dusty nmes March 27-28, 1993 Season Opener Rain Date Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA April 24-25, 1993 The Spring Special Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA May 29-31, 1993 Yerington/VORRA 400 Yerington, NV June 18-20, 1993 Virginia City 200 Virginia City, NV July 31-August 1, 1993 Summer Sider Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA September 4-6, 1993 Yerington 250 Yerington, NV October 16-1 7, 1993 VORRAI All Pro Auto Parts Off Road Championship Race Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA (Tcil!atiw) WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125-87AAve. Surrey, British Columbia, V3R 5X7. Canada (604) 576-6256 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 ( All L't'<.11!S at Thrasli...rlan,I. , 17r/i At•L'. & Gb1<la!t: in P/11x,1ix. AZ) FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP January 21-28, 1993 Monte Carlo Rally Monte Carlo, Monaco February 11-14, 1993 February 1993 Swedish Rally Karlstad, Sweden March 2-7, 1993 Portugal Rally Estoril, Portugal April 8-13, 1993 Safari Rally Nairobi, Kenya May 1-5, 1993 Tour de Corse Ajaccio, Corsica May 29-June 3, 1993 Acropolis Rally Lagonissi, Greece June 18-23, 1993 Ivory Coast Rally Abidjan, Ivory Coast July 14-17, 1993 Rally Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina August 4-8, 1993 New Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand August 25-29, 1993 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September 18-20, 1993 Rally Australia Perth, Australia October 10-14, 1993 Rally de Italia Sanremo, Italy November 1-4, 1993 Rally of Spain Catalunya, Spain November 21-25, 1993 RAC Rally Nottingham, England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS Lisr your c·1m1ing L't'c11rs in DUSTY TIMES [rt'<!! Sc11<l your 1993 schdulL' as soon as /)()ssi/,ll' for liscing in this column. Mail vour race or rn!h scheduk ro: DUSTY TIMES, 207_~·, Marilla Sf,·, Clwrsmmh, CA 91_p 1-4408. Page 9

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A s A L u T E ldra To The 1991 SCIIE ., ••• ,.,., .. c,NG ASSOCODesert Series Champions~~~~ By Jean Calvin Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. ·-Walker Evans campaigned his big Dodge 0 -150 truck in Class 1/2 and won the HORA class and overall championship. Walker won the class at the Fireworks 250 and the Nevada 500, finished for 12th place points at the Nissan 400, and was a good eighth in the big class at the Gold Coast 300. He won by 25 points over Jason Baldwin. Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson drove their Chenowth with an air cooled VW engine to the overall SCORE championship and Class 10 as well. They had a perfect season, a dream time, starting out by winning Class 10 at Parker, carried on to win at San Felipe, then the Baja 500, and the pair toughed it out to win the Baja 1000, the first open wheel car to finish. Since the 1985 season Dusty Times had made the February issue its Salute to the Desert Champions of the combined SCORE/HORA Series, with an overall, heavy metal and mini metal champion on the cover. Well, 1992 was a racing year born in controversy with major teams choosing up sides between SCORE and HORA after they split to produce their own events in their own fashion. The inevitable happened as entry numbers shrunk, privateers in many cases found other places to race, and basically nobody made any money. 1992 ended in controversy also with SCORE buying out HORA, and a firm calendar very late coming out for the 1993 SCORE Desert Champ-ionship Series. In 1992 only one race was actually added to the schedule, the HORA American Custom Wheels 250 out of Barstow -Lucerne Valley on January 11. Only three winners that day, Lisa Dickerson in Class 5, Larry Ragland in Class 8, who also won overall, and Billy Bunch in Class 7S kept up the pace to win their class championships. With short notice 65 showed up to race, with 46 finishers of the two laps of 105 miles of the race. Buggy Classes dominated the entry and Aaron Hawley won Class l / 2 and was second overall. Danny Porter took Class 1-2-1600, Dale White won Class 3, and Rod Hall won Class 4 in the newly rebuilt Dodge. Dave Shively won Class 5-1600 and Danny Ashcraft triumphed in Class 6 and was third overall. Wayne Lee took Class 7, Tim Hanna scored in Class 9, and Barstow'sJ.D. Ward and Gary Johnson won Class 10. Travis Howard took the Class 11 Page 10 points. HORA added two new classes for stock trucks and Curtis and Jason Lamb won the mini truck class while Gordon Di Carlo started his drive to the champion-ship in stock full si~e trucks. It was a fun race and Ragland finished in 3:43:40, rnakingitashortracefor the front runners. ---SCORE 's Parker 400 on rich, Class 5-1600, John Swift, heels. Baldwin won the season January 25 drew a better crowd, Class 6, Scott Douglas, Class 7, class points title eventually. Mike 118 starters and 64 finis.hers. Steve Sourapas, Class 10, Martin Schwellinger won Class 4, Jeff Nine of the class winners here Garibay, Class 11, and Scott Lewis won Class 7S and Michael would go on to points titles in the Steinberger, Class Mini Mag. Schuringa took Class 8. Billy Kern four race SCORE series, Dale and Open Wheelers reigned in Class was tops in Class 9. The race was Darren Ebberts, Class 1-2-1600, l / 2 as Tim and Ed Herbst won held entirely on the Ari~ona side Mike Les le, Class 3, Hartmut overall, with Jason Baldwin/ of the Colorado River and the Klawitter, Class 5, Brian Good-Reggie Dunlap right on their course lengthened some each lap Jason Baldwin and Reggie Dunlap were a close second in Class 1 /2 at Parker starting their march to the class SCORE cha'mpionship. They were seventh at San Felipe, second at the Baja 500 tenth at the Baja 1000 after changing a trans on the Chenowth/Porsche, but they won the SCORE championship. Brian Parkhouse and co-driver Wilfie Melancon won the HORA Class 1-2-1600 points title by just two points. They were third at Barstow, won the Nissan 400 in the Mirage, were second at the Nevada 500, sixth at the Fireworks and third in the Gold Coast 300, which gave them the class title. . Dale and Darren Ebberts started the SCORE season right winning Class 1-2-1600 at Parker, slipped to 12th at San Felipe, then were third at the Baja 500 and tenth on the Baja 1000, with dad Tom helping out with the driving as well as the funding, the young team won their SCORE championship. February 1993 Mike Les/e had a fantastic season winning the Class 3 championship in both the HORA and SCORE series in the Jeep Comanche. In SCORE he won Parker, was second at San Felipe, won the Baja 500 and was third at the Baja 1000. In HORA races he was second at Barstow, third at the Nissan 400, won the Nevada 500 and the Fireworks and was second at the Gold Coast. He was a busy man, as his team also competes in the MTEG series. Dusy Times

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~~--~ ~~ , r Jerry McDonald was another double champion but had to work hard for his Class 4 titles in the big Chevy. In SCORE he started with a third at Parker and was third again at San Felipe, won the Baja 500, and was fifth on the Baja 1000, winning by just four points. In HORA he was second at the Nissan 400, won the Nevada 500, was second at the Fireworks and finished it off by winning the Gold Coast, winning the HORA title by just eight points. Lisa Dickerson may be the first woman off road series champion, and she drove a couple events alone, but the long ones Scott Cameron co-drove. She won the HORA Class 5 title by winning at Barstow and the Gold Coast, and in between she was second at the Nevada 500 and third at the Fireworks, and fastest DNF at the Nissan 400. for a distance of 408 miles. were the order of the day. 161 cars The HORA Nissan 400 was trooped down Fremont street early, on March 14, and jackets through tech and started the 389 Dusty Timcs ---~'tt• _........,.,._.;...,..., . -~ ·-~~ the· flag by lvan Stewart, second overall. MacCachren was second in Class 8 and third overall followed closely by Jason Baldwin second in Class l / 2 and fourth overall and this was a most Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter favor racing in Baja, where they won Class 5 at San Felipe and the Baja 500, winning too at Parker. They dropped to third at the Baja 1000, but won Class 5 points by a huge margin in the SCORE series. They take racing seriously and do a lot of the prep work themselves. · exciting duel in the sun. Class 1-2-1600 went to Brian Parkhouse, Class 3 to Dan Smith, and Dave Ashley took Class 4. Tony Kujala won Class 5, while defending champs Wayne, Alan and Darryl Cook took Class 5-1600. Curt LeDuc won Class 6, and Scott Douglas did the same in Class 7, while Jeff Lewis triumphed in Class 7S. Class 9 went to Ron and Bill Brady and Rob Challmen, Class 10 to Rick and Randy Wilson, eventual points champ-ions, and Martin Garibay won Class 11 by hours. Stock Mini Truck honors went to Brady and Steve Helm/ Mike Hart, and the Full Si:e Stock winner was Ken & Cheryl Parr and George Line. This race on the old Mint 400 ,course evoked many memories from old timers and wonder from all at how fast a pair of Class 8 trucks could go over this really tough terrain, rocks, silt, the worst of everything. Brian Goodrich, with Charlie Wafters co-driving the Bug, won the SCORE championship in Class 5-1600, starting out by winning at Parker, taking second at San Felipe and the Baja 500, and they finished sixth on the long Baja 1000, earning enough points for the championship. It was back to Nevada, Pahrump in fact, on May 16 for the HORA Nevada 500, as it turned out it was the last time this point to point race would be run in a series. l 06 hardy racers turned out to swallow the silt in the early going and other parts of the 516 mile loop route, and 30 bikers started too. This was another horsepower battle between the pickup trucks of Larry Ragland and Walker Evans, and some Porsche~ mile race and 82 of them fi~ished. Ivan Stewart with Rob MacCach-The overall win was a day long ren mixing it up too. Ragland won battle between Larry Ragland and overall and Class 8, followed to ~RE l\n11,r11 11n11,11 February 1993 Be it our race team, sales team, or service team . . . at Fiesta Ford we're all driven by excellence. .We race what we sell and sell what we race, so we know what it takes to keep your vehicle in top form. Not only will you get the best parts and service available anywhere, but Fiesta Ford will give racers special discounts on parts and major fleet pricing incentives on cars and trucks. Fiesta Ford . . . your off-road racing connection. ~ ~ N•M£ 83-407 HWY 111, INO/O, CA 92201 (619) 347-1234 Page 11

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1991 5-1600 champions, Wayne, Alan and Daryl Cook won again this year in the HORA series in their Bug, by 11 points. They were fourth at Barstow, won the Nissan 400, the Nevada 500, and the Fireworks 250, dropped to sixth at (he Gold Coast, happy to finish and get the points for the championship. Curt LeDuc won HORA Class 6 honors by a considerable margin driving the Jeep Cherokee. He was second at Barstow, won the Nissan 400 and the Nevada 500, was second at the Fireworks, didn't finish the Gold Coast 300 but he had plenty of points in hand to bring home the championship. Chuck Johnson had to share the Class 7 Ford, driving it only in HORA races, and he ended up in a tie on HORA points with Scott Douglas for the season championship, and the rule book has no tie breaker. Chuck won the Nevada 500 and the Gold Coast 300, was a dnf third at the Nissan 400, second at the Fireworks. ~ po\\'ered Class l / 2 cars. r\t th~· finish Ragland won the race in Class 8, and overall by ten ~ ONtheEDGE Graphic Art and Design 3054 S. Valley View #6 Las Vegas, Nev. 89102 Order Your Rob MacCachren T-"S.hirts /with pockets "WANNA. Rll)E SHOTGUN" White only XL,L,M. $15.00 Plus $3.00 S/H (702)876-6735 Need a Motorsports Designl (jive Vs A Calli minutes from Walker Evans who was second overall and a winner in Class 112, just three minutes ahead of Jason Baldwin who was third overall. Danny Porter won Class 1-2-1600, Mike Lesle headed for a title, winning Class 3 and so did Jerry McDonald in Class 4. Mike Jakobson won Class 5, the Cook brothers triumphed a •ain in Class 5-1600, and Curt .,, .¼ John Swift lived up to his name in the Ford Explorer finishing high overall every time out winning SCORE's Class 6 title by 14 points. John won at Parker, the Baja 500 and the Baja 1000, and failed to finish the San Felipe race. He was so swift he was fourth overall on the Baja 1000. Scott Douglas was a double winner but had to share HORA Class 7 glory with an absolute tie on points. In the SCORE series he won all four races in Class 7 and the championship by 45 big points. In HORA the Dodge Dakota was a winner at the Nissan 400 and the Fireworks 250, second at the Nevada 500 third, but a dnf at the Gold Coast, locking him in a points tie at 87. iii L~ Terry Brown, with Bill O'Brien and John Johnson co-driving won the SCORE Class 7S/7 4x4 points title, starting out fifth at Parker, and San Felipe, but moved up to second at the Baja 500, and pulled out the championship by winning the Baja 1000, and they won by only 12 points. LeDuc won Class 6 . Chuck Si:e Trucks. By the way Larry Johnson triumphed in Class 7, Ragland beatthe fastest bike, Dan and Billy Bunch won Class 7S. Ashcraft, by some 41 minutes. Billy Kern won Class 9 again and The Nevada 500 was _an adventure Jim and Mike Zupanovich topped type race in the beginning, but the Class lOs. Martin Garibay land use restrictions have taken made it all the way around to win out most of the fun parts and left Class 1 1 . The stock trucks ran a only the silt, and it has become a shorter course; Scott Sells took very expensive event for good pit the Mini Truck Class, and coverage. Maybe it will return in Gordon DiCarlo won in the Full the original format, Vegas to Reno one day. April means south of the border for the SCORE San Felipe 250 which brought out the best field so far, 145 cars and 80 of them finished the multiple loop 265 mile race on really rough ground. Some of the fastest trucks were not on hand, but there still was a good fight for the overall honors. Bob Richey won the race overall in his Class 2 Raceco fitted with a Type 4 VW engine for reliability. Steve McEachern was only six minutes back in a Class 2 • Jeep Cherokee, and nobody else was under five hours ET. Larry Martin soloed to the 1-2-1600 victory, Dan Smith won Class 3 and teammate Dave Ashley won Class 4. Hartrnut and Wolfram Klawitter won by just over two minutes in Class 5, and the Cook brothers again took 5-1600 honors. Curt LeDuc repeated his win in Class 6 as did Scott Douglas in Class 7. Defending champ Chuck Johnson won Class 7S, and Bill Church kept his new truck together to win Class 8. Russ and Ray Miller and Dennis Daniels won Class 9, and Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson added more points in winning Class 10 as did Martin Garibay, first Class 11 and Scott Steinberg-er, first Mini Mag. The San Felipe race was blessed with ideal weather; Ted Hunnicutt rode his Kawasaki to absolute fast time of 4:32.22, 15 minutes faster than Bob Richey. June 6 saw the troops back in Mexico, for the SCORE Baja 500, a 415 mile trip from Ensenada to the gulf and back to Ensenada. A hefty entry of 14 7 cars and 62 bikes were on hand and it seemed as if the sport was settling down and supporting their favorite races with not so many running for a points title as in the past. Last June there was no catching Ivan Stewart in the Class 1 Toyota, and he led the car race from flag to flag taking first overall by 16 minutes. Ivan Stewart was not running for any points title in 1992, but finishing just behind him, second in Class 1 2 and overall was Jason Baldwin in a Chenowth/ Pocsche. Rodrigo and Rogerio Arnpudia won Class 1-2-1600, Mike Lesle won Class 3 again and Jerry McDonald won Class 4 again, as did the Klawitters in Class 5. New blood in Class 5-1600 prevailed as John andJeffHolrnes and Ramsay El Wardini won, while]ohn Swift took Class 6, fourth 0 1 A, and Scott Douglas took Class 7. Darren and Doug York triumphed in Class 7S and Rob MacCachren won Class8 and was third overall. Russ~ Billy Bunch, with super co-driver Manny Esquerra, started his HORA year with a dnf at Barstow, but got third at the Nissan 400 and won the Nevada 500 in the Ford, finishing the season third at the Fireworks and a close fourth at the Gold Coast 300, but he won the Class 7S/7 4x4 by just four points. Class 8 was a battle of youngsters in the SCORE series, but Rob MacCachren, who was second overall on thr. Baja 1000 in the Venable Ford, won the points championship. He started with a fourth at Parker, moved to third at San Felipe, then won both the Baja 500 and 1000, in outstanding performances. Page 11 February 1993 Dusty nmes

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1993 Contingency & Awards Program SCORE Racing Series -_, --. 'i· $250+ Available in Each 4 Wheel Class \-.,.. ~-1'\ \ Winners are determined by the KC . "SHOT IN THE DARK" random drawing ~,.OJ~~"\ consisting of KC equipped finishers at each race. You just might win, even if \ \O,"'f\.~~ you don't win your class. All class finishers have an equal chance. " La Rana, Vorra, Baja Promotions & Soda Series - _, $50 to Each KC Equipped Class Winner --. SCORE -KC HiLiTES Year End Awards -_, k $2000 to Each KC Equipped Class Winner ~~ '-,~~-~ To be eligible, a competitor m11:5t use KC HiliTES exclusively ~i ~oJ',~ ~ efP, \ c\, for the entire season. ~ ~19• ~ ~~ ~' Contingency eligibility: To qualify for the KC Contingency & Awards Program, a competitor ~ Z \ ~ oJ' ~J.\ must use KC HiLiTES lighting products exclusively, display KC approved decals on both ~l"'Q.; \i\\.} • .. .J<-~ sides of the vehicle, have a minimum of two KC lights on the vehicle at all times and 'JC.,""'".,.~ \ o,70~ always use KC light covers during daylight hours. v,61 ~~~=I SPECIAL TEAM KC RACER LIGHT PACKAGES 1~~~~ These special racer only lighting packages are available exclusively through Jim Conner Racing. Products can be ordered directly from Jim Conner Racing or purchased from Jim at all SCORE events. Jim Conner Racing also offers the racer FREE replacement of burned out bulbs and repair parts. *SCORE approved rear collision light (required ~afety equipment on all four wheel classes) (2) 150 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (2) 100 Watt Chrome Fog Lights (1) 55 Watt Rear Collision Light* (4) Stone Guards (4) Vinyl Light Covers ........... ~ (2) 100 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (2) 100 Watt Chrome Fog Lights (4) Stone Guards (4) Vinyl Light Covers (2) 150 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (2) 100 Watt Chrome Fog Lights #2 $152.00 (4) Stone Guards (4) Vinyl Light Covers (2) 150 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (1) 55 Watt Rear Collision Light* #5 $92.00 (2) Vinyl Light Covers (2) 100 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (2) 100 Watt Chrome Fog Lights #3 t1&~ nn (1) 55 Watt Rear Collision ~ight* (4) Stone Guards li.MMill .. -.(4) Vinyl Light Covers (2) 100 Watt Chrome or Black Daylighters (1) 55 Watt Rear Collision Light* #6 $66.00 (2) Vinyl Light Covers Any of the above lighting packages will' qualify you for KC's contingency program. Listed prices are available to competitors only. Don't miss out on any races, pre-oder today for delivery at Parker. For more information on KC's 1993 Contingency Program, contact: ~,;-:.----Jim Conner• P.O. Box 1129 • Lake Havasu City, AZ 86405 • 1-602/453-8889 • Fax 1-602-453-9641

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Larry Ragland had to battle the youngsters in Class 8 to win his HORA title, which he did by just three points. Larry won at Barstow, the Nissan 400, the Nevada 500, was second at the Fireworks and the Gold Coast 300 in the potent Chevrolet that he also ran to third in the Baja 1000. Joel Stankavich set out to win both the HORA and La Rana championships in Class 9, which he did in fact accomplish. In HORA Joel was second at Barstow, the Nissan 400, and the Fireworks. He was fourth on the Nevada 500, and won the HORA points with a third at the Gold Coast, winning by nine points. Pancho Bio and regular co-driver Sergio Gutierrez pulled out the SCORE Class 9 championship by a mere three points. Bio was second at Parker, dropped to seventh at San Felipe, but moved up to fourth at the Baja 500, and won the points chase by finishing second at the long haul Baja 1()00. ; Rick and Randy Wilson won the HORA Class 10 championship by a slim six points and fighting all the way, for the title. They were second at Barstow, won the Nissan 400, were second at the Nevada 500, fourth at the Gold Coast and did not compete at the Fireworks. They also raced to second in Class 10 on the Baja 1000. two hours. Show Your Colors Chaser dudes! ~ anJ Ray Miller and Dennis Danids repeated their San Felipe Class 9 victory, and Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson were locking up the class 10 title with a victory. Martin Garibay again was the lone C lass 11 finisher. The Larry Roeseler team o n a Kawasaki wo n fast time overall by a bunch this trip, over Returning stateside it was the 4th of July in Barstow for the HORA Fireworks 250 and 142 midsummer fun lovers showed up to run the 210 mile course, smoother than usual due to weather and some new graded roads. It was back to the battle of the big trucks between Walker Evans, Larry Ragland and Rob MacCachren for overall honors and they ran tight on the three lapper. MacCachren was surprised at the finish to find he had not only won Class 8 but also won the race overall by some 15 minutes. Walker Evans was second overall and won Class l / 2 over Bob Richey, and Ragland, with some late trouble, was second in Class8 and third overall. Gary Sewell debuted his new Class 1-2-1600 and won the class, and he was to win four races in a row befon: the season was over. Mike Lesle slid into another Class 3 win, and David Ashley not only won class 4 he was fourth overall. Neal and Mike Grabowski took Class 5 honors, and Wayne and Alan Cook won Class 5-1600. It was John Swift in first in Class 6 and Scott Douglas in Class 7, and Darren and Doug York in Class 7S. Rick Johnson won Class 9, Tony Kujala took Class 10 and Travis Howard beat Martin Garibay in Class 11. The Stock · Mini honor went to Scott Sells, and Gordon DiCarlo took the Stock Full Si;:e win. It was a classic Fireworks 250 with tech Saturday morning, the race start at four in the afternoon, so that only the first lap is a hot one, and everyone has to run some distance in the darkness. The long scheduled Utah race did not come off in 1992, so the HORA finale was the Gold Coast 300, and no better place to have to host the season ending HORA event than the Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas. 115 racers showed $15! "An asset to anyone's wardrobe, the Chaser Dude Tee takes a lighthearted view of raclng's unsung heroes, the Chase Crew. "Unique multi-color graphic design on the front with creative '7op 10 Chaser Dude Excuses" on the back. "M, L, XL, XXL WE SH/PUPS! l~-a/,f~•• .. -----~, [; tt~Vf0 ~(} lill~K FOi< i!!!!F ,1 fr, t,ontt~T >:Ml>l♦AW,,,Cit. -✓ (j W0,,1DT'4 ~ACO'ZV 'f'Atc'rYMl'f{ .. / G:, -•YTJIEf-._ Falt -·I ;:_, wl/lltl II,-J4T Tl" -"7T f L IH,J.EP r,_sow TH& M.fP/ [.. HII, ff $'TOP-FM Ftlll TALIIJ_I .,.....,, • .,,,.(;, ,,,,,...,,,1111tr-m JIITUtEli' PIT• 1111.U•""'•/ == "'"' n, •·,,i.H/111';.,(-....,T>! ~. S,. ,v r11E p,41,u:,,., •• (~ _,. TD""'1 F'OllMOltC !s" Parker Pumper Helmet Company 2318 South Vineyard, Ste. B Ontario, CA 91761 Phone: (714)923-7016 FAX: (714)923-3118 CA residents add 7.75% sales tax -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-NAME ---------------------Qty/Size ADDRESS ------------------CITY/ST/ZIP ____________ _ PAYMENT: (do not send cash!) Check VISA M/C A/Express Discover + Card# __________________ _ X $15 + $3 s&h Exp _____ _ Signature _________________ _ Page 14 February 1993 LI ,,1'. Martin Garibay was a double winner in Class 11 in both series. In SCORE he won all four races, crossing the border to race Parker. In HORA he won the Nissan 400 and the Nevada 500, was second at the Fireworks and won the Gold Coast 300. All this accomplished in a near stock VW Beetle, that we show here near Garibay's home in Ensenada, and here on his way to finish the Ensenada to La Paz Baja 1000. ~,..~~-'» Scott Steinberger and a variety of co-drivers won SCORE's Mini Mag class championship. Scott won at Parker, San Felipe and he won the Baja 1000 too. There were no class finishers at the Baja 500, and it took five drivers to get the tiny car to the finish line in La Paz. Dusty Times

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up on October 15 to tackle the rocks and rills south of the city, in fact south of Jean, NV. It was no real surprise that a couple of Las Vegas racers, Brian Collins in his Class 1, automatic transmission Porsche/Chenowth and Rob MacCachren, Class 8, fought it out with Larry Ragland for overall honors. It was a fast 232 miles and Brian Collins won Class l / 2 and overall by a slim three seconds over Rob MacCachren and his big Ford, and Larry Ragland was third overall, second in Class 8, the Chevy just a minute 12 seconds behind MacCachren,I Scott Sells and different .co-drivers in the Toyota, won the points ,,.,,w while Robby Gordon was fourth championship in the HDRA Stock mini truck class. Sells was second at , Gordon DiCarlo and Jeff Yocum won the HORA Stock full size truck class title overall, second in Class l / 2 Barstow, sixth at the Nissan 400, won the Nevada 500 and won the Fireworks ' in a Ford. Gordon won at Barstow but only made one lap at the Nissan 400, another 11 minutes back. Gary 250, then fell to second at the Gold Coast 300. He won the title by a big 15 then won the Nevada 500, the Fireworks 250 and the Gold Coast 300, winning Sewell won Class 1-2-1600 and points. a championship in their first try at major series racing. Dan Smith took Class 3. Jerry· fastest bike, the Kawasaki of Simon & Simon Ford. · HORA and SCORE in action weeks at the Parker 400, and we'll McDonald won Class 4 and Lisa Danny Ham e JIG a rt h Sweet -That wraps up the 1992 season with a brief summary of how they bring a full report on how it a II Dickerson/Scott Cameron won land/ Paul Ostbo was only less ::ind we h::ive featured here gained the points for the title. It works out there and throughout Class 5 handing Lisa the honor of • than three minutes faster th::in the pictures of each cl::iss champion in starts all over again in ::i couple of the season. being the tirst 1::idy series class champion. Dave Shively captured Class 5-1600, John Swift won Class 6 and Chuck Johnson took Class 7. Darren and Doug York captured another Class 7S victory. Class 9 went to Gene Griepentrog and Kent Lothringer, and J .0. Ward and Gary Johnson snagged Class 10 and sixth overall. Martin G..<!ril:i_~_y won Class 11 by only ten minutes, and Chris and Greg Garrett won the Mini Mag honors. Stock Mini truck went to Danny Clay and Gary Whipple and Gordon OiCarlo/Jeff Yocum won the Stock Full Si:e honors as 69 cars finished the fast rough route. At the time few suspected this was to be the last race for HORA, as the new buyout merger by SCORE of HORA had yet to be announced formally. The final race of the 1992 season was the biggie, the 25th Anniversary of the SCORE Baja 1000 November 12-13. A nostalgia trip concept brought many of the 169 starters in cars out for the run from Ensenada to La Pa: and a Japanese tour package swelled the ranks of the bikes to 132. This turned out to be a battle of trucks with Ivan Stewart out early and Robby Gordon in his Class 112 Ford in the lead for many miles, breaking just 50 miles from La Pa;:. But earlier Paul and Dave Simon had taken the overall lead in their Class l / 2 Ford and they held it to the finish line, winning the class and overall. Rob MacCachren won Class 8 and was second overall followed by Brian Stewart, second in Class 8 and third overall. It was a race for the young lions, for sure. Rod Muller and Mike Halliday won Class 1-2-1600 in a Chenowth. Dan Smith won Class 3 in his Ford and Dave Ashley won Class 4, his Ford fifth overall. Brad Person and Tony Kujala took thewininClassS,and the team of Jesus Luna/Bill Rodrique: and Javier Tiznado wonC1ass5-1600.JohnSwiftwon again in Class 6, finishing fourth overall in his Ford, and Scott Douglas nailed down his double championship winning Class 7 in the Dodge, and George Erl/Rich Kichardson/ LJoug Perrault won Class 9. At eighth overall Steve Sourapas insured the Class 10 and overall SCORE points champion-ship, and Martin Garibay won again in Class 11, another double champion. Scott Steinberger and four friends won Mini Mag honors and the points title for Scott. It was interesting that the Dusty Times AMERICA'S 4x4 LEADER OFFERS THE LEADING 4x4 AT THE LOWEST PRICE! '93 JEEP CHEROKEE 4x4 FOUR DOOR 4x4 WITH 4.0 6 CYL 190 H.P. ENGINE, AIR COND., OVERDRIVE TRANS., DUAL REMOTE MIRRORS, PWR. STEERING & BRAKES, ETC. S 14,699 After Rebate and Discount. GREAT DEALS _ON QUALITY USED 4x4s TOO! '84 CHEROKEE '88 1/2 SUZUKI '86 CHEROKEE '86 NISSAN '85 DODGE '89 FORD 414 Samurai Pio■eer 414 XE Pick UJ Ramcbarger 414 f150 4X4 XLT Cassette. l111maculatt, low mlles. Ailto, UH, cruise, Uft. Hahl u, alt, mags. Y-1, auto., loaded. Alf, 2-tone. pwr., etc. (2BY693) (2LDS&37) (077694) (3F95005) (2"23588) (404499) $5,995 s5 995 s&,995 Sfi 995 S6 995 $8 995 '87 LAREDO '87 CHEROKEE '89 CHEROKEE '92 WRANGLER '91 WRANGLER '90 PIONEER 4-D001414 Laredo 4-Door 4x4 Laredo 4-Door 414 Hard Top 6 Cyl. 4-Door 414 Air, c:ass.. inaas, etc. Loaded. Loaded, Pwr. steering, alallll, etc. Stereo, mags, etc. Allla, air, cass., low mlles. (21iNXS54J (047642) (2MQS315J (22FOG44) (2YAF19&) (222577) $8,-995 sg,995 $10,9Q5 S11,995 $12,995 S13,995 '89 LIMITED '89 LIMITED '88 GRAN{J '91 BLAZER '90 BRONCO '91 LIMITED 4--Door 414 WAGONEER 4--Door 414 Tahae V-8 XLT 4-Door White, loaded, tow Pki-Loaded, lm111acuJate. Ufted, customfted far Loaded. Loaded. Lift kH, off road special. (2PGM532) l2PNP909) off road. (190512) (2TPM564) (2TTJ428) (582387) $14,995 $14,995 $15,995 S15,995 $15,995 $18,995 All vehicles subject to prior sale. AU vehicles plus tax, license and doc. fees. February 1993 Page 15 I -·

Page 16

The 1991 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group Awards Banquet By Jean Calvin The awards banquet season for the major race promoters in the west was all compressed into two weekends, with Thanksgiving in between, and the Friday HORA banquet in Las Vegas was followed in less than 24 hours by the MTEG banquet in Costa Mesa, CA, but most of the faithful made them both. The MTEG affair was quite elegant with a good third of the crowd in formal dress. It began early with a cocktail hour hosted by BFGood-rich, and as they have for the last five years, BFG outdid themselves on fancy snacks, a wide variety of hot and cold foods, so that one really didn't need to eat dinner after the cocktail hour. This year there was a very nice 30 page maga:ine si:e program at each table place, truly a Souvenir of the · stadium season packed with stats and thumbnail sketches of the champions. After a good steak dinner MTEG Public Relations Director Bob Russo began the program by thanking BFGoodrich for the cocktail hour, and the MTEG banquet committee for a job well done. Then President Gary Campbell extended thanks to all for a good year and congratulated all competitors. Then he intro-duced the MTEG Board of Directors headed by his wife Collene Thompson Campbell, and introduced the MTEG staff. , He also announced that in 1993 the races will be known as the Mickey Thompson Off Road Stadium Series with eight or nine events, and that Marty Reid would again be producing a show on each event for ESPN television. Campbell then introduced Marty Reid who incidentally served as MC for the evening and did a fine job of it too. The Awards began with the announcement of the Mechanic of the Year, a secret until the banquet. The 1991 Mechanic of the Year, Randy Anderson of Walker Evans Racing, was there to present the ring, but the recipient David Feregua of Nelson & Nelson Racing wasn't there, so team driver Rick Johnson accepted the award on his behalf. Reid announced that the four tire companies in the series paid out a grand total of $120,000 during the 1992 season. Named the Tire " Mark Ehrhardt won the A TV overall title with a couple of wins, seconds, and thirds. He accepted the trophy while thanking A TV series sponsors Diane and Ken Stewart of Skat-Trak who put up a cash season ending purse for the class. SimplytheM Fuel Safe's Pro Cell Racing Bladders are designed to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all of the major racing associa-tions. Top Racers, like Robbie Gordon, demand the best and so should you -Fuel Safe Racing Cells! At your local dealer now. For your FREE copy of our 1992/93 Catalog call or write Fuel Safe today. Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 842-2211 (800)433-6524 (Outside California) SAFETY ... It's what we're all about. Page 16 Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Company of the Year was BFGoodrich, with the trophy presented by.Jerry Stansbury, Competition Director, to Dan Newsome of BFG, a familiar figure at both desert and stadium events and Dan also collected the points trophy for Super 1600 class. Points trophies were awarded to Yokohama, tops in Sport trucks accepted by Scott Reams, Goodyear, tops in UltraStock, accepted by Little Joe Aguirre, and Bridgestone accepted by Gary Gall. The manufacturers awards began with motorcycles, and Kawasaki was on top in Ultra-cross, with Mark Johnson accepting. Motorsports Manager at Chrysler Walter Voss accepted the trophy won by the efforts of Tommy Croft and Larry Noel in UltraStock competition. With no manufacturer interest, apparently, in quad racing, Ken and Diane Stewart of Skat Trak had posted $10,000 year end prize money for the class for which their company makes some components. Naturally they won the 4 Wheel ATV vehicle award and took their time on the Rod Millen did the most winning on the Toyota truck team this year, scoring a clean sweep at Anaheim, winning four main events on his way to the Grand National Sport Truck Championship. Mike Craig made history by scoring his third consecutive \ UltraCross title in 1982 aboard a Kawasaki. This year he won at Anaheim, Dallas and Denver, backed that with seconds and won the title by a good point margin. February 1993 1991 Rookie of the Year Jimmie Johnson showed that award was no fluke, as he drove his Briggsbuilt to_the '92 Superlite Championship, winning main events at Anaheim, Dallas, L.A. Coliseum and San Francisco, and three seconds. Dusty Times

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teammate Greg George at every opportunity.Jimmie wants to be a professional racer, and he certainly has a good start with a Series championship at a very young age. In second was another Nature's Recipe teammate Rennie Awana, 145 points back, and Greg George was third with one main event win to his credit and Greg also drove a Ford truck in the series, which kept him very busy. The entire team drove near identical Briggsbuilt machines. their support and especially thanked Nye Frank who designed the new lightweight car around its Fat built Toyota engine. The UltraStock points battle was basically a battle between Jeep teammates Tommy Croft and Larry Noel. Oh the Porsches won a couple ot main events, Tim Lewis at Dallas and Brian Collins at Las Vegas, but it will definitely be an all utility vehicle class soon. Tommy Croft won the first two, and two of the fall races to crank his points total into the Ultra-Stoek Championship, as he was nearly always in the top five. He had 45 points over Mike Lesle teammate Larry Noel at the end of the season, and he thanked his sponsors as he accepted the trophy, and especially thanked the team that kept the Jeep running so well. Although a many time champion on two wheels, Rick Johnson was a novice in stadium truck racing, and won two main events tor Chevrolet, and was most certainly the Rookie of the Year in MTEG stadium racing. Mark Johnson accepted the Manufacturers Cup for UltraCross Class on behalf of Kawasaki, and for sure Team Green made a big impact and good showing at the stadium races. If there was a manufacturers Cup for Super 1600 class, Chenowth would certainly win it. All but the points champion drove Chenowths, and this title fight came down to the last race of the season in San Francisco. Champion in 1989 and 1990 Mitch Mustard had a shot at the title, after winning the opening race and placing well with a couple of thirds, but he ended up fourth on points, two points behind Marty Hart, who won at the Coliseum and Denver, and also had a pair of thirds and he was four points out of second. Defending champion Frank Arciero Jr. had a good chance this season to repeat, winning at San Diego, and placing high in almost every other event. But Frank was a close second at San Francisco, and Jerry Whelchel won the main event, his heat race and was fast qualifier in his new automatic transmission driven car and he won the title by 15 points. He also won at Dallas, and scored three thirds in a row. Jerry had tied with Bob Gordon for the champion-ship in 1985. Jerry thanked his sponsors and BFGoodrich for And last but far from least was the glamour class, Grand National Sport Trucks. Rod Millen was a most deserving and gracious champion accepting his award and giving credit to the whole Toyota team, PPI's team leader Cal Wells, Ivan Stewart and the PPI guys who toiled so long and hard ar each race to keep the trucks in tip top and good looking shape for each track appearance. Millen won four main events at Anaheim, Seattle, Dallas, and Denver, and at Anaheim accomp-lished a clean sweep of both heats as well as the feature, the second driver in the series history to accomplish this feat. He was a close second at the Coliseum, Las Vegas, and San Francisco, and third in San Diego. Quite a record!~ podium to present first, second · and third place monies to first, Mark Ehrhardt, $5000, second, Greg Stuart, $3000, and third Gary Denton, $2000, and they each got a nice trophy too. Many readers may not be aware that MTEG has no year end prize or points fund. The MTEG purses are paid at each individual event, and the manufacturers provide year end cash awards for their champions. The unique angle to the Skat Trak prizes is that it didn't matter what breed of quad the rider used to earn his points, the money went to first, second and third regardless. The coveted Manufacturers Cup in Sport Trucks had long since been won by Toyota, but it was presented here to Les Unger ofT oyota, a brand that won six of the eight main events in 1992 en route to their ninth Cup title. Unger thanked his drivers Ivan Stewart and Rod Millen and Cal Wells head of PPI that builds and maintains the race cars. Now it was time for the Rookie of the Year announcement. Last year's rookie 17 year old Jimmie Johnson presented the rookie award to the 1992 man, Rick Johnson, who after seven champ-ionships on motorcycles moved to truck racing this season. A quick study Rick drove the Nelson & Nelson Chevrolet to a pair of victories last season at the L.A. Coliseum and the Las Vegas Silverdome. Both these young Johnsons, who are no relation, have bright futures in racing on four wheels. After VP Operations Ric Miller presented appreciation awards to a number of the race day workers, generally committee heads, The Golden Heart Award in memory of Mickey and Trudy Thompson was presented. It goes to a deserving individual involved in the sport of off road racing, especially those close to the Gran Prix Series. Collene Thompson Campbell, last year's recipient, presented the Golden Heart Award this time to a stunned Cal Wells who was speechless, possibly for the first time in his • life. Cal composed his thoughts and then made a nice speech. Finally it was time to present trophies to the competitors. The Ultra Cross motorcycle winner was a repeat winner, having taken the title in 1990 and in 1991. Dusty Times Three in a row is quite impressive, and Mike Craig got there by winning three main events taking a couple of seconds, points in numerous heat races and passing points. Craig thanked Mark Johnson of Kawasaki, and all who helped out along the way. He said he is going to Europe to race in 1993, so the title is open this season. Yamaha riders Kyle Lewis, who was second on points 76 behind, and Larry Brooks, third another 45 points down are likely good bets to move up the points ladder to a 1993 championship. Next up was Skat Trak ATV champion Mark Ehrhardt. Mark won a pair of main events, took seconds and thirds all year, and this is a very competitive class. Mark won the title by just 42 points riding a JP. Greg Stuart r'ode his Honda to second on points, and just ten points further back Gary Denton was third A TV on points, also aboard a Honda. The ·superLite class belonged to Jimmie Johnson this year, and' the teenager won four main· events, had three seconds, several heat race wins and was nearly always fast qualifier. He dueled race by race with defending champ and his Nature's Recipe CUSTOM WHEELS e,~~• ©JfillIE~ ~ CHENOWTH ~~ .. !SIMPSON! TRI-MIL EXHAUST SYSTEMS "BRAND NEW FOR CLASS 1 or CLASS 10 BUGGIES' ULTRA CUSTOM WHEELS 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW ........................... .. $59.95 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME ...................... $91.00 15 x 3 5 LUG ................................... $75.00 11/2 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $59.95 15 x 7 5 LUG ................................... $80.00 11/2TYPE1 CHROME ...................... $91.00 ~ .p I RR LIGHTS 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW: ............................ $67 .00 ~ 1 5/8 TYPE 1 CHROME ...................... $97•95 DRIVING LIGHTS PR W/WIRING ... $221.00 KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200 mm DISC 4-PUCK ...................... $48.00 200 mm 1700 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $85.00 200 mm 2500 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $103.95 * EARLY OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELT 2' ............................. $23.95 LAP BELT 3' ...................................... $58.95 SHOULDER BELT 3' .......................... $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/ STERNUM S'fRAP .... $72.95 'A MUST FOR COMPETITION USE' E-Z UP TENT 10' X 15' ............. :: ......................... $499.00 SPOT LIGHT PR W/WIRING $221.00 DRIVING/SPCT/PENCIL LIGHTS.. $ 88.00 PARKER PUMPER 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WITH BUILT IN HANDLE TO POUR ... $62.95 SCRIBNER JUGS 5 GALLON JUGS WHITE & BLUE ............................... $18.95 NEON COLORS ............................... $22.95 FILLER HOSE FOR JUGS (SCREW IN LID STYLE).$3.95 CHENOWTH CLASS 11 CAGE ........................... $154.95 QUICK RELEASE STEERING HUB ... $32.95, CNC HYDRAULIC SINGLE or DUAL HANDLE CUT BRAKES ................... $74.95 SAND RAIL PEDAL PACKAGE W/ CHROME THROTTLE PEDAL..$189.00 ADJ. PEDAL MOUNT... ................... $33.95 JAMAR ALL MASTER CYL. 17,19, or 22 DRUM or DISC .... $48.00 ALL REBUILD KITS .................. $12.95 UMP SUPER FILTER UMP SUPER FILTER ................... $159.95 UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX ...... $109.00 WORTH DRIVING SUITS 1 LAYER HORA/SCORE LEGAL W/ RED or BLUE STRIPE .............. $87 .95 NEVJIDA OFFROAD T-SNIRIS 100 " -conoN ••If •7 .SON. PH# (7021 871-4911 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW OPEN 6 DAYS. MON -FRI FAX# (702) 871-5604 LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89102 8am -6pm. SAT 9am -5pm THIS AD SUPERSEDES ALL OTHERS • MENTION THIS AD TO RECIEVE THESE SALE PRICES February 1993 Page 17

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~ Rod's brother Steve won the title in a Toyota in 1986 and 1988 and Rod won some main events for Mazda in the 80s too. A versatile driver he has won rally championships in the USA and abroad, and his class at Pikes Peak. Ivan Stewart completed the Toyota sweep of the truck class in 1992 by winning at San Diego and San Francisco, with seconds and thirds along the way, finishing 61 points behind his teammate. Las Vegas Rob MacCachren was third on points driving Jim Venable's Rough Rider Ford. Well the party was nearly over, when Collene Thompson Camp-bell took the podium to present the new Lifetime Achievement Award, designed to go to someone who worked in all forms of motorsport. This award went to Bob Russo· who was over-whelmed by the honor and amazed at the video show full of pictures from earlier days. Part of the presentation was a paving brick from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway where Russo spent much of his early years in a·"':':. .i \ rr. . ... New this year was the Life Time Achievement Award presented to Bob Russo, now Public Relations Manager for MTEG, but a long time writer in the sport. Here a United States Auto Club Representative makes the presentation to a surprised ano emotional Bob Russo, right. Diane and Ken Stuart of the Skat Tire Company, the majo~ sponsor of the A TV Class in 1992, awarded ten thousand dollars to the first, second and third place on points to riders at the banquet. the journalistic and PR fields in motorsport. The season starts all over again in Anaheim late in January, and there will be some new faces on some teams, all just rumors at this writing. But one sure thing is that Danny Thompson will return to stadium truck racing in the second Ford in 1993. Race Ready Products Is a full service warehouse supplying the Off Road Industry with racing equipment from over one hundred manufacturers. Our goal Is simple: helping you build winning race cars by offering quality parts, quick service and competitive prices. 103 Press Lane, No. 4, Chula Vista, California 91910 (619) 691-9171 UPS Shipping Daily (619) 691-9174 Visa/Mastercard FAX (619) 691-0803 Mon. -Fri. 9-6/Sat. 10-3 Dealer Inquiries Invited CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR. FRIENDS From The Home Of The 11192 "li" Hour Overall World Champion• SCORE BAJA 500 BAJA PROMOTIONS • ENSENADA 350 ClASS 1 & OVERALL - IVAN STEWART ClASS 1-2-1600 1 ST R & R AMPUOIA ClASS 1-2-1600 2 NO BRENT GRIZZLE PRO 1 ST "ClASSS 5 TH A COPPOLA & E HAMBLETON SPORT 1 ST 1 ST H & W KLAWITTER ClASS 5 PRO 1 ST 2 NO R MINGA & O ROBERTSON SPORT 1 ST ClASS 5-1600 ClASS 5-1600 1 ST J & J HOLMES & R EL WAROANI PRO 1 ST 2 NO B GOODRICH & C WA TIERS SPORT 1 ST 3 RO G QUINTERO & F ORTIZ ClASS 9 PRO 1 ST 4 TH M & O LEDEZMA ClASS 10 ClASS 7S 5 TH A & M COVARRUBIAS SPORT 1 ST 2 NO - T BROWN & B O'BRIEN ClASS 11 PRO 1 ST 3 RO - ERNESTO ARAMBUIA SPORT 1 ST "ClASS 8 3 RO - S KELLEY & 0 WESTHEM 4 TH - P MCNEIL & R AMAYA ClASS9 1 ST • R&R MILLER & 0 DANIELS 2 NO G ERL & R RICHARDSON - RAFAEL ECHEGOLLEN - RUSSELL ROOT • CONRAD DIAZ GERADO GONZALES • ERNEST ARAMBUIA PIETRO BRASSEA JOHN FISHER EDUARDO LUCERO DAVID BADILLO • FEDERICO SANCHEZ 3 RO V GIFFORD & B NEWKIRK & BUILDERS OF THE ClASS 10 ClASS 11 RJACKSON 4TH P BIO & S GUTIERREZ 1 ST - S SOURAPAS & 0 RICHARDSON 2 NO - T SCHILLING & J MARKING 4 TH • J CEVALLOS & V SERRANO 1 ST • M GARIBAY & U ACEVEDO Page 18 "C PROGRAM" UNDEFEATED 1-1600 FUNCO RACE CAR ·-----"°'!, .'· Les Unger of Toyota Motorsports was the happy winner of Toyota's ninth Manufacturer's Cup in Sport Truck Racing. Toyota won six main events and numerous heat races on the road to the title. Unger thanked drivers Ivan Stewart and Rod Millen and Cal Wells' PP/ for getting the job done. Scott Reams accepted the plaque for Yokohama, the high point tire company in Grand National Sport Truck Class, and were second in the 1600 class too. (~----•-,. ~(~ Dodge/Jeep Motorsports man Wafter Voss thanked Jeep UltraStock drivers for the trophy in that class, a good showing for Goodyear too, and in the desert also. February 1993 Dan Newsome accepts the Tire Company of the Year award for BFGoodrich, who had the most points of the four companies involved in stadium racing. Dan also got the trophy for high points in the Super 1600 Class competition. n Little Joe Aguirre thanked the racers for Goodyear who won the tire points in the UltraStock Class by a bunch. BFGoodrich was a distant second there. Collene Thompson Campbell was smiling this year as she presented the Golden Heart award in memory of her brother Mickey Thompson and his wife Trudi, and Cal Wells was overcome a bit himself at being named to this high honor. Dusty Times

Page 19

16th ANNUAL Mickey Thompson April 23, 24, 25, 1993 Anaheim Convention Center - Hall ''D" SHOW HOURS: Friday, Noon-1 0pm • Saturday, 1 0am-1 0pm • Sunday, 1 0am-6pm "Great Exposure" ... If you are a manufacturer, distributor or an enthusiast of light trucks,4WD1s, vans, buggies, ATV1s, radio controlled vehicles, motorcycles or their related products, the 1993 SCORE SHOW is for you! • "Showcase" for the Off-Road industry! • An ideal selling environment to present your products or services to a "pre-selected audience" • Increase your market share • Create new product awareness • Affordable exhibit rates Off-Roadings #1 Selling Event! A.U"T<> TH,A.I>EH, THE ORIGINAL PHOTO AD MAGAZINES Be a part of what the SCORE SHOW has for you ... The Latest Off-Road Equipment • Radio Controlled Car Championships • Race Vehicle Displays • Aftermarket Displays• Motorcycles• Transport and Trailer Showcase • Show Truck Competition • Racing Celebrities• Product Give-A-Ways • and Much More! ,j~ii::(€11 A DIVISION OF IIICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINIIENT GROUP For additional information call the SCORE SHOW office P.O. Box 25148, Anaheim, CA 92825-5148 • (714) 938-4155 FAX (714) 938-4158

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LA RANA DESERT RACING High Desert 300 Win for Don Cornell and Davici Kreisler By Carol Clark Photos: Tracksidt! Photo, Inc. Don Cornell, with David Kreisler as co-driver, got his first overall win in the Raceco, and he thanked David and the Raceco crew for the fine set up and hands on testing. He won overall by less than a minute. The final La Rana Event of the car. They said that the 1600 cars Keeling. They did not have a year was greeted by yet another will not get out of the way when whole lot to say except that the high entry list. There were 97 they get the horn, which some-prep job on the front end was not entries and 94 starters this time at times can cause a problem in completed and they had to spend Lucerne Valley, which was pretty passing. Their Class 10 car was 10 minutes in the pits getting high considering it was unmerci-not quite up to tunning in this things tightened up to where they fully cold and luckily not too extreme cold weather and they should have been before the race. wind.y. 28 vehicles did 4 laps, 14 had about 9 minutes of down time Other than that they had a pretty did 3 laps, 26 did 2 laps, 16 did l re-setting the points in their · good day with no flats and no lap and 10 did not complete l lap. CORE pit. They really wanted the breakdowns, just really a lot of silt The three that did not start will overall win, but will go for it next to contend with in the Raceco. probably have their problems time. Their average speed for this A surprise first in Class 5 and worked out by the next race and racewas46.86 MPH, which is just fifth overall was the smiling face be ready to roll by then. a shade under the winning car, so of Pete Swift. He said he spent Don Cornell and David Kreisler they should feel pretty darn good most of the day dicing it out with drove an Unlimited Class Raceco about themselves. Gary Bates. He said that one time to victory lane by a very narrow Kevin Davis took third overall, Gary's son BJ passed him while he margin. Their official time was first in 1600s and the Class 1600 was fixing a flat and when he got 6:23:28, with Gary Johnson and points championship with a great the flat changed, he put the J .D. Ward following close behind sigh of relief. Evidently there is a hammer down and passed BJ at at 6:24:07. We had to wait a few mis-print in the rule book about the end of the dry lake. He said minutes to make sure which one the weight of a 1600 car, the book they would both go wide and pass was the overall winner. Don and says 1550 lbs and it is supposed to each other and in doing so, Pete David did have their fair share of say 1500 lbs, so after much hit a bad bump and the steering flatsthough.Theyhadatotalof3, conversation with officials and stiffened up on him and he one on the first lap, one on the many. opinions voiced, they finished with very sore arms and second and they finished on a flat. decided that right was right and no power steering. They knew they were in con ten- Kevin's car which weighed in at Bates and company finished 5 tion for the overall win and 1530, was the winner and minutes behind Pete, sixth figured it would be better to take a rightfully so. Kevin did not even overall, and they said the car was chance on winning with a flat than want to be interviewed until he running really rough and figured coming in second with 4 good knew the outcome, he was quite out that a plug wire had come off tires. They said it was a rough concerned and said to just wait ti! about the 30 mile mark and then I course and that was evidenced by the results were known. He said it guess it was the team of Gary and the number of other racers· that was _a very good race except for Maxine that hit a sea of rocks that they passed with flats also. It was a the last lap, when a 10 car hit him they figured had done some good day otherwise, this time co-and broke the exhaust: He had no damage to the car so they stopped riders Mike Monohan and Scott other problems at all and wanted to check things out before Fipton had to work for the honor to thank Adam Wik, Lothringer, continuing on to Grandma's of riding shot gun with these very WR Trans and Tucker Tire and of house. They said the first lap was fast drivers, the average speed for course, the Checkers for all their dusty, the second lap was clear this car was 46.94 MPH. That assistance. These folks all made it and they went through earthquake must have been a ride and a half possible for him to take this win country that h~d been somewhat for them. as well as the points championship re-arranged since their last trip J.D. Ward and Gary Johnson, for 1992. out this way and it was just a little who took second place overall, The fourth car to take the spooky to see what Mother first in Class 10 were a little checkered flag was the Class 10 Nature can do when she wants to. irritated when they got out of the team of Tom Koch and Rex They also mentioned that the 1600 cars would not move over GLEN HELEN OHV PARK BACKUNDERTHEOLDMANAGEMENT AND READY TO RACE *****APRIL 4 1993***** ' OFF ROAD GRAND PRIX $5000.00 PURSE TO 1 ST PLACE -ALL CLASSES!! CALL BRIAN CHURCH FOR INFO: 909-384-9342 Page 20 when they got the horn. The whole team of Gary:, Maxine, BJ and Shirley Scott were really happy because they got the Class 5 points championship for the year. Seventh overall and second in Class 1600 was the team of Don Lampus Sr. and Jr. with co-riders Mike Martin and Terry Wallace. They said this was a fast race with lots of good stuff in it. On the 4th lap they must have gotten bored so they laid the car over on it's side at about the 15 MM and the two occupants got out unhurt but were unable to put the car back on its wheels by themselves, and February 1993 Gary Johnson and J.D. Ward won Class 10 by 15 minutes in the Bunderson and they stopped to reset points and still finished a keen second overall, just about 38 seconds out of first overall. Tom Koch and Rex Keeling were the fourth car to finish, had no big troubles with the Raceco and took second in Class 10, and a fine fourth overall. Joel and Kyle Whitted flew their new Class 10 racer over the rough course and despite last lap troubles they were third in Class 10, eighth overall. there were no spectators around points race, they were real glad to to help when out of nowhere take second place. The only other came truck #750, driven by Jay problems they had were i:hat they and Donnie King. They pulled lost the radio going about 70 overandgotoutandall4menput ·MPH, evidently part of the the car back on it's wheels then all mounting bracket broke, so had 4 racers got back in their vehicles to continue on with the radio in and commenced racing again. The Mike Martin's lap. They had a Lampus fellows were ever so really fun day and wanted to grateful to Jay and Donnie, for thank La Victoria and Kevin their unselfish help. I have known Davis for getting them through these boys for quite a few years their first year of racing. and they are always thinking of The third Class 10 to take the the other person first. They really checkered flag was the Whitted are a nice couple of young men, family, in eighth overall, Robert, your Mom should be very proud Joel and Kyle. They had their of ou. Since this was a double share of problems. They broke a Kevin Davis has been cleaning house in La Ran·a races lately, and once again he drove the Lothringer to first in Class 1-2-1600, and Davis went so fast that he finished third overall, just eight minutes behind the winner. Dusty Times

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-~,:. -~::.;;., ~ ' ~ ;f,l;,; ,,,.;i.;, Don Lampus and Don Lam pus Jr. had their Jimco primed for the race, and they flew it into second in 1-2-1600 action, seventh overall, despite a half roll on the last lap. Rich Fersch took his first ride in a 1-1600 Mirage, and had a trouble free day, and, after getting used to the car he finished third in class, tenth overall. Gary and B.J. Bates with riders Maxine Bates and Shirley Scott were second in Class 5 with a rough running engine, but they were also sixth overall. Pete Swift was a happy man after dicing all day with the Bates team. Pete took the Class 5 victory by five minutes, and finished without benefit of power steering, but in fifth overall. Steve Krieger and Tim Clark were the only finisher in Class 8, so they took it easy on the Chevy, doesn't look like it here though, and won the class and were a smart ninth overall. tie rod end on the last lap, the clutch pedal lost the pin, so they McGyvered a bolt in place of the missing pin. Then they lost the brakes so they couldn't stop, then the motor started running too rich. They wanted to thank the 2 strangers along the course that helped them with some of the repairs. They said this was a good course and a bad course, and they were glad to finish their 4 laps. In Class 8 we had only one racer who completed 4 laps out of 4 racers. The team of Steve Krieger and Tim Clark took the honors in 6:55:16 in a Chevy. They had a pretty good hunch that they would be the only finishers, sp they took their time and took some long pit stops to check the truck over to make sure it was ok. They even helped work on Allen Rapashy's truck so that they would have somebody to race against and make it more fun for everyone, but Allen's truck must have been terminal because he only got in 3 complete laps before calling ita day. Steve and Tim said it was very hard to see in some places due to the dust, but that was their only complaint. They said there was a good variety in the terrain, so they enjoyed the race. The third Class 1600 over the line was the familiar face of Rich Fersch, tenth 0 / A. This was the first race for Rich in this class and ~w. °t! ?Ji ·:( Brian Logan started last and finished first in the 15 car 5-1600 field and they said that's the way to do it; it was Brian's first win of the season, and his tidy Bug finished 11th overall. Dusty Times in this car, which is Brian Parkhouse's old HORA/SCORE car. He had a trouble free day and since he did not get much time to test the car, he did not get going fast enough, simply because he was not used to the car and did not want to take any unnecessary chances. After he got to feeling comfortable with the Mirage, he started going a little faster and he decided that he likes this class pretty well. In the 5-1600 class, Brian Logan took first place with no problems. He says this is the way to go racing, start last and finish first. This is his first win and his first season of racing, so he felt pretty good. I think he told me that the car had won the SNORE class championship in '89 with Kent Lothringer behind the wheel. He wanted to thank his co-rider Keith Westerfield for doing such a good job of helping pick their way through the silt. Second place in 5-1600s went to Bruce Landfield of Anaheim, CA and 3rd place went to Jim McGill of Temecula, CA. I had already departed the scene at the finish line, due to the fact I can't write too good in the dark a& well as write with fro::en fingers covered with gloves that don't grip pens very well. When the sun went behind the clouds and finally disappeared, it was like Alaska at the start finish line. In Class 9, Joel Stankavich of Barstow took the win as well as the points championship for the class for the year, with Jim Mobly and Dennis Petersen of Apple Valley taking second. This was their only race for the year, but I think it got them pumped up for next year. Andrew Lindquist of Barstow took 3rd place in the class. In looking through the official , results, I see that I missed Mark Post, who took second in Class 2 in 8:06:45, which would indicate some major problems. There were only two racers that did 4 laps in this class. In Class 6, Eric Heiden ofDon-A-Vee Jeep Eagle took first place in 8:20:36 and his team mate Darren Skilton, also of Don-A-V e e, took second place in 10: 18:4 7. In Classes 700, 725 and 7 50 there were no official finishers. In Class 15, Glen Cohen and Mike Williams took first place in a Jeep. Their biggest problem was the silt bed about seven miles from the finish line that grabbed their truck by the axle and would not let them out until the chase crew for car 924 came and pulled them out. They figure they were stuck for about 10-15 minutes. After that it was clear sailing. Brady Helm, Mike Hart and Steve . Holm took second place honors February 1993 about a half an hour in back of Glen, so they might have had some minor problems with their Toyota. Ron and Ronnie Martin of Costa Mesa, took 3rd in Class 15 in another Toyota about 12 minutes behind Brady, so all three of these racers must have had encounters with each other and Mother Nature during the race. The best story I got on the whole race was from Bill Quitmeyer, who took first in Class 1525, by the grace of God and quick thinking on his part. He and wife Teri got stuck in the silt bed, Bill got out to start digging the truck out and heard the sound of a race car approaching at Mach 10 and dove to the ground underneath his truck and that is probably what saved him from serious injury or worse. He did get -a pretty nasty cut on the leg and his truck had quite a lot of rear end damage, but overall they were OK. After they were removed from the silt bed by this Class 10 race car, they proceeded on their way without a problem of any kind. This win cinched the Class 1525 ~ o 00 (]] lliJ ~ D CID 00 00 0 DESERT LOCK OUTER Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength • At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing • All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 13" MIDGET 8"-10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED MIDGET WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Page 11

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--~~ ";t ;C~ ,d.. Bruce Landfield and Brett Turley must have had some troubles on course in their 5-1600, but they finished second in class, about 19 minutes behind. Darren Skilton, Barry Thompson and David Shrum shared this Jeep Cherokee and they drove it all four laps into second in It was the first race of the year for Jim Mobly and Dennis Petersen, and they had a good run in Class 9 taking second place in the L.H.F. chassis. ~ championship for them too. Dan Aua and Tom Degen of Moreno Valley, took second in Class 1525. They had kind of a Disneyland ride of the roughest kind. They lost 2 rear shocks, stood it on it's nose, broke a front shock tower, broke the frame and still finished their 2 laps in 4:58:48. Only 2 out of 3 1525 trucks did 2 laps, but in the 1575 class, we had a 100'½, finishing rate. Mike and Chris Coleman took first place in the Chevy and said it was a perfect race except for the last I() miles when they lost thi.:ir exhaust. They had fun dicing it out with th.e Rrian Owens Jeep for ahout 15 miles until they got slowed down somewhat by a huge · cloud of dust and then the Jeep lost a tire. The Colemans wanted to thank BFG, The Auto Works, Sign Tech, Ramona Transmis-sions Norm's Service and the great pit people who always take care of them and most of all Mom and Dad. Second place goes to the Jeep owned by Brian Owens, but due to some pretty recent back surgery, Brian only drove about 2 or 3 miles before turning the truck over to Mike Hoskins. All was going well until the right rear brake locked up and snapped the lug nuts off the wheel and the wheel and tire took off to race without the cumbersome truck. They did lose some time there as they had to get out of the truck and crawl around and try to find as many lug nuts as they could. Thev managed to scrounge up Class 6. · It was a Don-A-Vee Jeep day in Class 6, as Eric Heiden did his usual number on the field in the fancy Cherokee, winning the class by nearly two hours and nailing down the class championship. . ._ Horacio and Arturo Munoz showed up as the lone Class 11 entry, but they ran the Beetle anyhow for the required two laps, kept it tidy and got some winning points too. · enough to keep the wheel on and went back to the business of racing. This time they took second, but are planning to win the next one. In the Odyssey class, we had 4 starters and only 2 official finishers and the first of those was a very happy Ralph C:arnet:ki, who says he had lots of fun and much prefers winning over second place. He had no troubles today and said that it is much better to race with no dust, kind of like a ride in the country. Tony Benda and Jim Garcia took ·second place and Jim got to take the last 50 miles of the course and Jim thought this was much . better than pitting. He said the first 30 miles of his trip were really crowded and had to do some creative driving and then he got clipped by a VW and flipped and managed to land on all 4s but bent the steering wheel in the process. So when Tony got back in for the last few miles, he had to cope with a bent steering wheel. They lost about 20 minutes trying to get the wheel straightened out enough to drive. All in all it really wasn't too bad. Looks like the next race will be back to the original date of January 1 through 3rd, so see you at the races in Barstow. Happy holidays and a great New Year to all my friends in the desert. Mike and Chris Coleman, Kew Levitt and Dan Thomas had a good run in the big Chevy, no trouble until ten miles out when they lost the exhaust, but they still won Class 1575 by a full hour's time. February 1993 Joel Stankavich had co-drivers Mike Currier, Jimmy Childs and Chris Schmitt signed on the Class 9 Raceco, but Joel drove it once again to victory and he also secured the season points championship in class. Glenn Cohen and Mike Wilfiams zipped around their two required laps in the spiffy looking Jeep pickup, and despite getting stuck in the silt, close to the checkered flag, they got out and won Class 15. ~ ¥ ~ ~ Bill and Teri Quitmeyer, Fred Espinoza and John Barajas got stuck in the Toyota, got hit by a 10 car which apparently helped unstick them as they carried on to win Class 1525 and the championship . R7lph Czarnetzki was only one of two finishers in the Odyssey class, but h·; finished in the right place, first, having no troubles at all with his Honda Pilot. Dusty Times

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Mark Post and Nick Baldwin with riders Jack Millerd and JT Niedenthal had some troubles along the way but got second in-the Class 2 Raceco. ~. Tom and Jeff Bo/ha with Ross Meyers and Jennifer Pope were down for a time but came back strong to take fourth in Class 5-1600. Dan and Matt Cannon, Joe Petralia and Tom Hetzel claimed second in Class 725 in their Ford, also covering three of the four laps. Andrew Lindquist with co-driver Warren Messick flew high over the road crossing in the Dirtrix en route to a fine third in Class 9. Dan Auer, Tom Degen and Perry Savro_had a good run in the Toyota, and they grabbed second in Class 1525, only eight minutes back. Dusty Times Allen Rapashy, Thomas Young and Bruce Tiffany, shown here flying the Ford at a road crossing, nailed down second in Class 8, a lap back. Art and Mike Becker finished three of four laps the fastest in Class 7 in their Toyota, ahead by nearly two hours. Gordon and Carl Azevedo, David Eldridge and Glen Phipps look good here in the Toyota, but their three laps in Class 725 were very long. Joseph Sparkman and Roger Castellano drove their handsome Chenowth in good form, and they finished the four laps fourth in the 18 car Class 9. Brian Owens and Mike Hoskins, plus Tim Serviss got the Jeep around its two required laps in good shape, and they placed second in Class 1575. February 1993 Jim and Terri McGill, with Mark Miller and George Scott were third in Class 5-1600, only a scant eight minutes out of second place in the Bug. Frank Muscia and Dean Galloway got in three of four laps in the Ford to claim the Class 725 victory by a full hour. Ralph Blundell with Randy, Eric and Red Pettit and Dan Wagenseller got the win in Class 750, with three of the four laps done in the Toyota. Brady Helm and Mike Hart, plus Steve Helm, are often winners in Class 15, but this time their Toyota finished second, about half an hour back. Usually a contender, Billy McCool had to call in Brad Inch to help drive the 1600 to keep points going, and his usual co-driver Ed Pendley, but they got seventh in Class 1-2-1600. Page 23

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HDRA USA Cup Awards Banquet Larry Ragland took the Heavy Metal Championship by just 13 points driving the husky Nelson and Nelson Chevrolet. Larry thanked the whole team for the enormous effort all year, and he also thanked the sponsors. He finished every race he entered in 1992. The High Desert Racing Association staged their annual awards banquet for 1992, where else but at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino, and the turnout was surprising! y good with most every table filled at dinner time on a Friday night in November. Earlier, our genial host Michael Gaughan hosted the traditional cocktail party in his Western Dance Hall where the drinks were on the house, that's Mike. After more than an hour of bench racing over drinks the lights dimmed and the party goers trooped up the escalator to the banquet room. A beautiful maga:ine si:e program with many pages in full color made a terrific souvenir and also was a handy guide to who won what through-out the year and at season's end. HORA had enjoyed a half million dollars in sponsorship monies, and he especially thanked Ford for their support during the year and Dan Newsome of BFGood-rich. He ran through a laundry list of major helpers like the Gold Coast Hotel, Budweiser and also thanked the Bureau of Land Management for their help as well as the Fish and Wildlife services, the Ute Indians and most especially his wife Dawn for putting up with it all. His words were "Thank you all for your support''. The trophy awards began with a Photos: Tracksidc Photo, Inc. huge and tall trophy for Walker Evans, the Overall and Class l / 2 points champion. He had said that he wanted a trophy taller than Rod Hall, and that is what he got, except that he wasn't there. Walker and his team were still in Baja Sur, and he ~as running a race near La Paz the next day. (He finished third.) Chrysler Motor-sports Manager Walter Voss accepted and thanked all the Dodge and Jeep teams for their efforts and success during the season. The Heavy Metal Champ-ion was Larry Ragland driving the potent Nelson & Nelson Class 8 Chevrolet. Larry thanked Chev-rolet for their support, Jon Nelson for his heavy effort, and Ivan Stewart for sage advice, plus the sponsors. Larry finished every race he entered in 1992. The Mini Metal Champion Billy Bunch thanked Danny for the best races in the industry, his sponsors and most especially his co-driver Manny Esquerra. Gordon DiCar-lo was the Super Stock Champion and he thanked Danny for good races and thanked Ford for their ,upport. Next came the class trophies and the all important checks. In Class l / 2 Jason Baldwin was second on points and his dad Jim was right behind him, just six points back. Jason, whose mount is a Chenowth/ Porsche, and his After all had consumed an excellent dinner and enjoyed the table wines courtesy of HDRA's insurance company, HDRA's President Danny Cau opened the program with a big thank you to Mike Gaughan for hosting so many ofHDRA's social activities and awards presentations for the Las Vegas based events through-out the year and· this statement was met with thunderous applause. Race weekends the hotel is sort of an off road club house. Danny announced that' Brian arkhouse won the tight battle for lhe championship in Class 1-2-1600 by just two points. Brian thanked his sponsors who helped out, and especially thanked Bill Varnes for building such a super car, his Mirage, and Rich Fersch who kept the car tuned and race ready all year. BILSTEIN RACING APPLICATIONS Z" RATCHET WHUL ITMI' r COllao ftATCHET/AXl.E l'TIIM'I 10 FT. $29.95 RED-BLACK-BLUE . Billy Bunch, with Manny Esquerra helping with the driving chores, took the Mini Metal Championship. He thanked Manny especially, and his sponsors for helping out on the Ford Ranger, and he also thanked Danny Cau for putting on the best desert races in the industry. dad drive separate Class l / 2 cars competition, and he thanked his in the races. Jason said this had parents for the opportunity to been their third year in off road . race, his crew chief Tony Vanilla Gordon DiCarlo was the big winner and champion, with Jeff Yocum co-driving, in the new Super Stock truck class driving a Ford. This team moved up to HORA racing in 1992, and found it more rewarding at year's end with some cash from both Ford and BFGoodrich along with the points money. Mike Lesle, a double winner in Class 3 in 1992, drove his Jeep Cherokee to victory in both series, winning the HORA title by just three points. Mike thanked all his sponsors, especially his whole crew, many of whom are 1 volunteers, for the tremendous effort, with special thanks to Russ Winkler. RALLYE500 76109 $28.95 RALL YE 1000 75701 $68.95 RALL YE 2000 TT411 $81.95 5 PT HARNESS $94.38 CLASS 1 TO CLASS 11 OUR SHOCK PRICES ARE VERY COMPETITIVE CALL TOLL FREE FOR PRICES & APPLICATION APPLICATION r• WRAP-AROUND AXLE STRAN 10 FT. $38.95 RED-BLACK-BLUE : 21 IN. $9.95 Ill ee~,,, AMBER AVOIDANCE LIGHT TW!N HORN TOP QUALITY NOMEX Ill SUIT $243.38 fl_ED-BLACK-BLUE RED-BLACK-BLUE 1 FUNNELS $11.95 11 GAL DUMP CAN $49.95 2 FOR $89.95 WHITE $19.95 RED-YELLOW-ORANGE $20.95 HOT PINK $23.95 ata fCONOMY FUEL CELI.Se 8 GAL $172.50 12 GAL $187.50 22 GAL $217.50 32 GAL $255.50 FENDER FILL &• CLEAR FUEL HOSE 1" $2.90FT 2" $5.72FT 3" $8.94FT . $12.90 $53.95 WRIGHT RACK & PINION $309.00 ~~ WRIGHT COMBOS WITH BEARINGS $599.00 BOTH SFI APPROVED f SUPER SHIFTER $99.00 DUAL M/CYLINDER \... $199~ $13;.~ ....... M/CYLINDER & SLAVE HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR OFF-ROAD 805-683-1211 ~I ~•uNziQJ~ EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES -WE SHIP WORLD WIDE TOLL FREE TECHNICAL SALES LINE DE " OFF-ROAD USE ONLY 800-622-3939 RACING PRODUCTS Page i4 February 1993 Dusty Times

Page 25

for his efforts, and Dan Newsome ofBFG. Moving on to Class 1-2-1600, Brian Parkhouse won the top honors by just two points over Danny Porter, and Gary Sewell Jr. was just three more points back in a tight race. Brian thanked all his sponsors, and especially Bill Varnes who built the Mirage, and Rich Fersh who massaged it into life. Mike Lesle was one of three double winners last season, winning the Class 3 point title in both the HORA and SCORE Series driving a Jeep Cherokee. He took the HORA title by just 3 points over second placing Ford driver Dan Smith and Chevy Blazer man Dale White was just another six points back in a tight . battle. Lesle thanked all his sponsors, his volunteer help and his whole crew with a special thanks to Russ Winkler. Dan Smith thanked the Rough Riders and the sponsors, but especially Dick Landfield and Dave Ashley. Dale White was brief, thanking his sponsors and crew. Jerry McDonald was another double points winner taking Class 4 in both series in the big Chevrolet despite formidable battles with Dave Ashley in the Ford that was just 8 points back. McDonald thanked his sponsors and Danny and the HORA for great races. Dave Ashley said much the same things as his teammate Dan Smith had. Third placing Rod Hall was 20 points behind McDonald, but no HORA affair is complete without a speech from Hall. This one was brief saying it had been a tough year for his team, thanked his sponsors and said maybe next year that somebody would write about his team. Here it is Rod. Jerry McDonald claimed double victory in Class 4 in 1992, winning the title in both major series, and at HORA he thanked his sponsors, MacPherson Chevrolet, and also thanked Danny Gau and HORA for great races. · Wayne Cook and brothers Alan and Darryl were repeat 5-1600 champions, and Wayne thanked Valvoline and BFG for their sponsorship and super co-driver Eddie Miller, and all those that help with the car prep and he thanked Danny Gau and HORA for a great series. Class 5 represented a major breakthrough as Lisa Dickerson won top points beating out Mike Jakobson by just five points and Neal Grabowski was third 19 points away from the class title. Lisa thanked friends, her family, Dan Newsome and her co-driver Scott Cameron, as well as everybody in HORA for such good races. Wayne Cook and his brothers Alan and Daryl won Class 5-1600 by 11 points over David Shively, and Joseph Grier and Marty Seefried tied for third, 35 points out of the win. Wayne stated that their Valvoline and BFG sponsored Bug won 12 races and he especially thanked super Curt LeDuc was the big winner in Class 6, by a big margin driving a Jeep Cherokee. Curt thanked all the Lesle volunteer crew for helping keep the rig in shape, and he also thanked his wife Nancy who supports his racing efforts all the way. m,,,.tt.,.m Chuck Johnson, left, finished the series in Class 7 in a tie with Scott Douglas, so he got half of the break-away trophy. Chuck came from Illinois for the party to thank Bill Stroppe and his crew for their efforts on the Ford Ranger, and here is congratulated by Billy Bunch. · Dusty Times co-driver Eddie Miller, and Danny Cau for a great series. Marty Seefried was on hand to thank all his sponsors too. Curt LeDuc won Class 6 by 21 points over John Swift and Danny Ashcraft. Curt thanked all the Lesle volunteer crew for their. help keeping the Jeep Cherokee in shape, and thanked his wife Nancy for her support. Class 7 came up with an absolute tie on points between Scott Douglas, who also won the SCORE class points in the Dodge, and Chuck Johnson, driving a Ford Ranger. Douglas was with the Walker Evans crew in Mexico, but Chuck was there from Illinois to accept the trophy which Danny broke in half, to remind everyone who saw it of the tie. Chuck thanked the sponsors and Bill Stroppe and his crew. The Class 7Sl7 4x4 winner was Mini Metal champ Billy Bunch, but young Brendan Gaughan and J.C. Dean were just . four points behind him in second driving a Jeep Comanche. Just 17 years old, the boys thanked Danny for the Series, Walter Voss of Chrysler, Jim Alexander of Goodyear, Butch Dean who helps with the truck, Bruce Fraley, who does the prep work and Craftsman Tools and Walk-er's crew chief Randy Anderson. J.C. also thanked Walker and Phyllis Evans, the Barbary Coast Hotel, and Brian Stewart who helped them pre-run. Another 13 points back Darren York was third by one point in the class and he thanked everyone for a great team effort. It had been a tight battle all year between Heavy Metal champ Larry Ragland and Rob Mac-Cach ren, Ford, in Class 8. Ragland won by just three points over home town Vegas hero Rob, who thanked all his sponsors including BFG saying he ran the ,1000 with no flats. Walter Voss :accepted the third place trophy February 1993 Lisa Dickerson was the happiest lady in town savoring her championship in Class 5, winning by just five points. Lisa thanked her friends and family for great support, and her co-driver Scott Cameron plus Dan Newsome of BFG · for great help, and everybody in HORA for such great races. for Brian Stewart, also in Mexico. Messick, Roy Prince & family Joel Stankavich commuted all and Helen Hennessey for all their year between California and support. Nevada competing in two series in Rick and Randy Wilson won his Class 9 Raceco and he won Class l O by a -big six points over them both. Joel, from Barstow, J.D. Ward, and their Raceco won CA, topped Class 9 runner up the Nissan 400 in class and placed Gene Griepentrog by nine points, high in other events. Rick Wilson andhesaidhedidn'twinaHDRA was on hand to thank 'all his race all year but kept finishing in sponsors and all the people who the points. He thanked Warren help ~ • IS ee . ' n . ' ""~ITT ... CENTER LINE - -RACING WHEELS THE STRONGEST OFF-ROAD WHEEL MONEY CAN BUY! FAT Performance has in stock the largest inventory of 5-lug VW CENTER LINE wheels in the country. Whether you need wheels with polished or satin finish, FAT has them in all popular styles. Need them in a hurry? FAT can ship the same day as ordered ... and with the best price in the industry. FAT can also supply your CENTER LINES with Champion bead locks. Buying a set of CENTER LINES can be exceedingly easy with FAT Performance. We do all the legwork. Call for current pricing. Quantity discounts are also available. FAT IS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR VW, PORSCHE AND TOYOTA OFF-ROAD ENGINES AND PARTS. FAT Racing Ports Bilstein Shocks Sway-A-Woy Permo-Cool S&SHeoders WeberCorbs IPF Lights JoMar Products Wright Place Tri-Mil Exhaust Gem Gears Beard Seats Simpson Safety Super-Tropp Yokohama Tires Petro-Tech 2000 PERFORMANCE For your FAT Performance catolog, send $5 to Dept. GW, 1558 No. Case St., Orange, CA 92667. Or call (714) 637,2889. FAX (714) 637-7352 Page 25

Page 26

Rick Wilson, along with Randy Wilson won Class 10 points by a mere six points, a real cliff hanger at the Gold Coast race. Rick thanked all the people that helped the team effort and all his sponsors as well. Scott Sells won the championship in the Stock Mini Truck Class and he thanked his sponsors, his crew, friends, and BFGoodrich for their help. He also thanked HORA for a good season, good races, his first on a major circuit. ~ him before and° during the the Nevada 500, two very long races. Martin Garibay from races for a Class 11,andfinished Ensenada was another double the year by winning the Gold points winner in Class 11, taking Coast 300. He thanked his both series with a dedicated effort sponsors Papas & Beer and BFG to do so in 1992. In HORA for their support and his long Martin won the Nissan 400 and suffering riding companion With the Class 1 /2 and overall champion absent, Jason Baldwin was second in class by some points. Jason was only six points ahead of his dad Jim in the class totals, and he thanked his parents for making the racing possible and his crew chief Tony Vanillo, as well as Dan Newsome of BFG. Alejandro Avifa. Scott Sells won Ford won both the Heavy Metal the Stock Mini Truck class in his and Mini Metal vehicle Manu-Toyota, winning the Nevada 500 facturers Challenge points, and the Fireworks 250, finishing followed by Toyota and Dodge in near the top at all five events. He Mini Metal and Chevrolet, just 31 thanked his sponsors and his points back, and Dodge in Heavy crew, BFG and HORA for a good Metal. Dan Stut: of Ford SVO season. accepted the trophies along with After all the series trophies had Frank DeAngelo of the Rough been handed out there was more Riders·, and Stut;: handed out checks to Ford drivers who earned year end rewards. The Cook brothers won the Valvoline Hard Charger award, and Danny presented Dust Buster awards to all drivers who finished every mile of every race. Danny Cau finished the program by thanking all his workers, who stood up to he applauded, and thanked Sue Smuskiewic:, HORA Vice-President, and his wife Dawn for their support. It was a fine ending for the series that was well presented if a little low on entry at some events. And, it was over early enough in the evening for plenty of bench racing in the room, plus any of the numerous watering holes around the hotel. The mood was up, everyone looking forward to the new season starting in January. At this writing, before Christmas, it is still too early to tell how the proposed combined SCORE with HORA series will pan out, hut one thing is sure, the drivers can't wait to get started racing in the desert, starting at Parker late in January. to come. Ray Potter had a desert trophy for Teri Garman, the mirror saved from a rollover near Beatty that didn't break but they had to walk six miles to Beatty on a course marking adventure for the Nevada 500, a race that has been scrubbed from the 1993 calendar. At this point the manufacturer awards were presented. It didn't take long as BFGoodrich won both the Open Wheel and Truck classes tire manufacturers trophies, and these went to Dan Newsome, who thanked everyone who helped earn .the points and said BFG is heavy into the sport of off road racing. Yokohama was a close second, 31 points back, followed by · Goodyear in Open Wheel, while Goodyear took second in trucks followed by Yokohama. Danny Gau, left, congratulations Martin Garibay who came from Ensenada to claim the first half of his double Class 11 championship. He thanked his sponsors and BFG for their help and Papas ·& Beer _and his co-driver most of the time, Alejandro Avila for great support. II KUSTER SHOCKS • 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 inch strokes. • 3 times the dampening of 2" shocks. • Completely rebuildable. • External dampening adjustment. ·• No cast or welded pieces. • 17-4 PH SS heat treated shaft. • Completely threaded 4130 cylinder. NEW PRODUCTS KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29th STREET P.O. BOX 7038 BALL JOINTS • 300M Ball and socket. 300,000 lbs. tensile strength. (3 times stronger than chromoly) • Rotates a full 80 degrees. • Ball and socket fully spherically ground, not just lathe turned. • Socket wear surface nitrided to Rockwell 75 to increase durability. LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90806, USA TELEPHONE (310) 595-0661 FAX (310) 426-7897 Page 26 February 1993 Joel Stankavich won two series in 1992, HORA and La Rana, in Class 9 and he · did a lot of commuting on l-15. He thanked Warren Messick, Roy Prince and family and Helen Hennessey for all their s_upport and he won the Class 9 HORA title by just nine points. Dan Newsome began his series over two weeks of acceptance speeches as BFGoodrich won high points in both Open Wheel and Truck classes in HORA in 1992. Dan thanked all the drivers who earned the points for BFG and all the HORA workers who put on such a good racing season. Dusty Times

Page 27

Even with the middle seat still installed, there is lots of room for cargo, but please cover up the beautiful carpeted floor. All the instrumentation is easy to read. Radio controls are within easy reach of the driver. Beneath the maze of hoses and cannisters beats the 4.3 liter VORTEC V6 EFI engine with plenty of horses to haul you and your trailer around. Van Is A Van Not a Van? Tt?xt & Photos lry John C,alt•in Equally at home in the desert or the mountains, the Safari Van is a real people pleaser, able to seat eight folks, carry a lot of luggage and tow your trailer too. The 1993 GMC Safari SLX All Wheel Drive Van is one of the nicest vehicles on the market today. Even though the Safari we tested had lots of miles on it and had been put through the wringer by lots of other people before us, there was not a squeak, not a rub; the Safari was tight as a drum and, as usual, was a pleasure to take out on the road. The GMC Safari Van is not particularly inexpensive, in fact, it's a lot of bucks, but on a dollar for dollar investment weighed agains t value received you get your money's worth and then some. Coated in a dark teal and metallic gray paint with gray velour cloth interior, the Safari was as good looking as it was functional. Equipped with the 4.3 liter V6 electronically fuel injected motor which delivers 165 horsepower there is always power to spare. The 4 speed automatic transmis-sion with overdrive compliments the engine and the all wheel drive viscous coupling is the icing on the cake. Maximum traction all the time, on wet or dry or snowy roads gives one a great feeling of security and would certainly give mom a boost when ferrying the little ones around. Uniroyal Tiger Paws, steel belted of course P215175Rl5 M&S tires only enhanced the feeling of security and braking is provided by front discs, rear drum an.ti lock brakes. Front bucket seats are standard and with the arm rests on either side it's like sitting in your own living room as far as comfort is concerned. The middle and rear bench seats seat an additional six people and the bench seats too are quite comfortable, even for extended trips. No skimping in Dusty Times the comfort department, and there is adequate leg room and easy in and out via the large sliding door on the right side of the vehicle. The middle and rear bench seats are easily removable by one person and even easier with four hands. With the rear seats removed the cargo capacity is over 170 cubic feet and that's a lot of room! By the way, the center and rear seats have a fold-down drink holder in the middle, obviously these cannot be used when the seat is occupied by three people. The instrument cluster, con-sis"ring of analog gauges is easy to read, well lit at night and well into the line of sight for the average driver. Heat and air conditioning controls are to the immediate right of the instrument cluster, without the fancy displays some of the other GMC vehicles have. The AM /FM stereo system is located dead center on the console and within easy reach of the driver. Na tu rail y, the Safari came equipped with power windows, power door locks, electric adjustable mirrors (a fantastic feature), front and rear air conditioning, cruise control and a tilt steering wheel and an interior roof console, very handy for map storage as wdl as for sunglasses, etc. Also, the Safari was equipped with what they call "deep tinted glass" which didn't seem deep to me but it sure is nice to have. Also, one feature I really like is the switch on the dash that allows you to turn off ALL the interior lights. When you are sitting around all day in the outback or in some ·contingency line it always concerns me that, with a door or doors open there is always some light on and this lovely switch deactivates them. I really think of this little item as a great boon. 'Nuf said. Another plus for the Safari is you find yourself sitting a lot higher off the ground than you are used to. Forward visibility is fantastic, and with almost solid glass running down the left and right side of the Safari, visibility is great all around. We did a bit of gentle off roading while we were testing the Safari and it adapts well to the northern Mojave desert. The All Wheel Drive gives you a sure footed feeling and we were able to move around quite a bit, remembering that the ground clearance is not excessive and that you have to sort of pick your way along; unlike some of the taller trucks we have tested. The UniRoyal Mud and Snow tires worked quite well on the fairly hard desert floor. There was a good positive feeling and the Safari went exactly where you pointed it, a great help in avoiding rocks and bushes. We dropped down a gear or two a few times and plowed through some places that didn't look too inviting and were really pleased with the Safari's off road performance. On the highway, well, that's where it becomes real! The Safari takes to the long stretches of highway like a duck to water. Wet or dry pavement, it makes no difference in the way the Safari handles and feels. We put lots of freeway miles on the Safari on our way back and forth to Glitter Gulch and, as a nice difference of scenery, we have another road out there in the Mojave that has been there for a long, long time, full of potholes and rough as a cob. The February 1993 Safari weathered this road with ease, rocketing along well above the speed limit in absolute comfort; very quiet inside, almost :ero wind noise and hardly any body roll when the steering wheel was turned quickly to avoid the next hok. Our trips across the desert arc usually done at high speed, high as we frel we can get away with and the Safari averaged 18.5 milc:s per gallon, giving you well over a 500 mile cruising range. Comfort is expected and Safari really delivers. Hour after hour of This is the system run by most off road race winners non-stop driving without any fatigue or discomfort. Cost? Not cheap at $18,000.00 for the base vehicle. Tht: Safari we tested had a cosnwtic and comfort package prict:d at $8,000.00 so cheap it ain't! Howcvn, I ht:licve the Safari all wheel drive van would he a long term keep, making it a very reasonable investment. If you need something to tow the race car with, something with the capability of holding a lot of people and a lot of cargo at the same time, then try the Safari on for si:e. TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME JEEP STRAIGHT 6 "NEW SUMMER SPECIAL CHROME" 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 2~4-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 27

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Page 30

The SCORE Off Roadsman By Jean Calvin and Class Champions Awards Banquet Photos: Tra.ckside Photo, Inc. Dan Newsome collected a bag of trophies for BFGoodrich, Off Roadsman of the Year Contingency Company, Entry Sponsor and Pit Support Team, but the biggest award of all was for Dan, the man, voted Man of the Year by the SCORE membership and sponsors. SCORE International held their annual Off Roadsman and .._ Class Champions banquet near the L.A. airport, and it was the third such affair for southwestern racers in two weeks, and also held on a Friday night, December 4. · Again the attendance was gratifying, even though the ocktail hour was not hosted and this round BFGoodrich supplied the table wine. Here the ranks of the competitors are swelled by the numerous bike and quad classes in addition to the four wheel classes, and a number of the Mexican officials and competitors came north for the party. So the room was well filled and the food was a pleasant surprise; it was a good meal with ood service at the tf Steve Sourapas brought his entire team, four tables worth, to celebrate winning the overall and Class 10 championship, and gave a good deal of credit to his long time co-driver and super fixer upper Dave Richardson. And both men thanked their sponsors, especially Coors and Yokohama Tires for support all year long. Airport Hilton. As he introduced the new SCORE team of himself CEO, Danny Cau, President, Paul Fish, Vice President, and Jim Conner, Race Director, Sal Fish was in good spirits and full of enthusiasm for the 1993 SCORE Desert Championship Series. The dates were printed on the back of the program, the same as we listed last · month. Sal said it would be a long program with so many awards to present, so he got right into it, doing the whole MC job himself, with Laurie Jones, Miss Toyota, helping sort out the rows of trophies on the stage. The program started at the top with the introduction of the 1992 overall points champion Steve Sourapas, and he brought his Class 10 co-driver and super mechanic man Dave Richardson to the podium with him. Steve . thanked his major sponsor Coors, Yokohama Tires, and the whole team for their hard work and extra effort that resulted in a privateer winning overall points with just 1650ccs of engine pushing the Chenowth to glory. He also thanked Cal Wells' team for a sandwich and coffee somewhere along the Baja 1000 route. In fact while Sourapas snacked, Richardson drove the first open wheel car of any class across the finish line in La Paz eighth overall. The overall poin;s winner on two wheels was Scott Morris of Las Vegas, who rode a 250cc Kawasaki with Craig Smith to top the big bikes on points. Jeff Courts rode a 250cc Honda to top the ATV Division of SCORE racing. Jason Baldwin and Regie , Dunlap won the Class I 2 title h\' a very slim three points over Boh Richey/Tom Raker. Baldwin and Dunlap also won an Iron T earn award for their win at the Baja 500, and a fat $5000 from BFGoodrich who richly reward the points winners using their tires. The k·am also qualified for the Toyota Milestone award, having finished every mile of all four SCORE International races. Not had for a young team just starting their racing careers. In only their second year of racing the SCORE circuit, youngsters Dale and Darren Ebberts drove their Suspensions Unlimited l-2-1600carrightinto Scott Morris looked elegant in his tuxedo as he won the overall motorcycle championship and Class 21. He and co-rider Craig Smith topped the big bikes on a 250cc Kawasaki, who he thanked for the great support. Jeff Courts was the overall A TV quad winner, and took Class 24, Jason Baldwin and co-driver Regie Dunlap had a tough time getting their finishing points in Baja, but they did and won the Class 1 title in the Chenowth with Porsche power. Jason thanked his family for the super support. Dale Ebberts, with brother Darren, and sometimes dad Tom, helping out driving the Suspensions Unlimited car won the Class 1-2-1600 points title after a year long battle, and he thanked his family and friends for their help. Page 30 with John Courts sharing the ride aboard the 250cc Honda, winning the Baja 1000 to secure the championship points. One of the double points winners, Mike Lesle took Class 3 in both SCORE and HORA series in 1992. He thanked all his sponsors, and his family, as he especially thanked Curt LeDuc for his contributions to the team effort. February 1993 Jerry McDonald kept piling up the points in Class 4 all year in the Chevy, and he ended up a double winner, both SCORE and HORA points champion, and he thanked the MacPherson team and sponsors for the tremendous effort. Dusty Times

Page 31

·" "'IA"' Alf' _,;, Hartmut Klawitter was a repeat winner for SCORE in Class--5, Brian Goodrich won the 5-1600 points title and was voted Off Roadsman Rookie of the Year. He thanked his family, friends who pitted, especially Bob Hummel in a rather long speech, and he also thanked his sponsors. John Swift was dominent in Class 6 every time he raced the desert in the Ford Explorer, and he brought his chief mechanic, who also rides with him, Dino Pugeda to the podium to thank and he thanked his brother and co-driver Wolfram, Goodrich and all the people who chased and pitted for the team. · him for his efforts. · the class championship by 14 points, and they had a little driving help from dad on the very long races. Mike Lesle was the Class 3 winner, as he was in HORA, and he again thanked all the sponsors, Jeep, his family and Curt LeDuc for the great team effort all year. Irr Class 4, double points winner Jerry McDonald repeated his HORA speech, and especially thanked Joe McPherson for the heavy sponsorship and team effort on his big 4x4 Chevy. He won by just four points over Dave Ashley, Ford. Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter repeated their past years' points championship in Class 5 in 1992, and Hardy graciously thanked all who labored on the fancy Bug, and helped chase and pit on race day. Brian was the right first name to win a 1600 class this year, and it was Brian Goodrich, no relation to the tire co., who won Class 5-1600 and he made a more lengthy speech than most with a lot of helpers to thank besides the pit folks, and his family, plus Bob Hummel of Race Ready Products. Class 6 winner John Swift led the Ford parade in Class 6 by 14 points, and he brought Dino Pugeda to the podium to thank him for all the work he does on the race truck and for riding with him every inch of the way. Swift thanked his entire crew and his family for all the support for his racing program. Scott Douglas was a near double winner, a tie for Class 7 in HORA, in SCORE he won the class by 45 points driving the Dodge Dakota. He mentioned the three good years he had with Walker Evans Racing, the team effort that brought him the dual championships, and he thanked them all. C. Terry Brown brought a bit of humor with him to the podium to accept his trophy for winning Class 7S/ 7 4x4, pulling a 12 point lead over Darren York in winning the Baja 1000. Terry thanked all his crew, especially John Johnson who drove the last leg in Baja in the Ford to record his 15th class win on the 1000. Brown men-tioned the Baja 1000 trophies looked like two beer cans stuck together, and that Willie Valdez received a trophy (best Mexican national entry) big enough to move his whole family in under it. Rob MacCachren won Class 8 by 17 points, in a Ford, over Brian Stewart, Dodge, both second generation off road racers doing very well. Rob thanked his sponsors, his family for support, the Rough Riders and his co-driver, who also helps prep the Venable Ford, Mike Schoffstall. Dusty Times Pancho Bio won Class 9 top ariother in English thanking all honors by just three points over who helped him achieve the George Erl, and he made a long championship. The Class 10 speech in Spanish, and then winner Steve Sourapas had already made his speech as overall winner on points, and he won the class by 79 points over Steve Myers. Doub_ler winner Martin GERMAN AUTO Garibay had again made the trip from Ensenada to claim the Class 11 points title, and in SCORE _racing he;IIFI 'YOUR OFF-ROAD HEADQUARTERS'' DIEST SEAT BELTS The greatest name in driver safety equipment 4-point Sand Rail Seat Belt FROM $74.95 Race Belts 2"-5 point 3"-5 point ,$79.95 from$99.95 TYPE 4-PORSCHE-STYLE FAN SHROUD Utilizes type 1 altern~tor custom alter-nator mount included .. $299.00 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 170Dlb . , , $79.95 200mm reinforced maximum 2300, 2500, 2700, or 30001b S99.96 "GERMAN AUTO" COM-PETITION PRESSURE PLATES 200mm20Dlb 215mm Porsche 914 . $54.95 $114.95 CLUTCH DISCS FOR 200MM AND 215MM Cushlocks ... , , , , , ... , . 4 puc ferramic , , . 4 puc ferramic with spring hub $39.95 ~44.95 $54.95 CNC CUTTING BRAKES Uprig tor lay down styles available single or dual handles . S69.95 CNC RACE CAR PEDAL AS-SEMBLES Brake pedal with dual master cylinder and balance bar (specify disc of drum brakes) . . from S199.95 Clutch pedal with slave . $119.95 Swing pedal or floor mount pedals available. SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS * Polished finish* *Bolt together replaceable halves• • available in 15" and 16" .... from S99.95 SACO IRS BUS SUPER DIFF 1DOC\bmachined form billet. Uses 091 series parts. Fit s all years ............ , S424.55 SACO transmission drive flange. 100<\b machined from billet, Fits 930 CV joints Ceachl . , . , . , , S55.95 SACO "No LEAK" 4 bolt polished valve covers fits 1. 7, 1.8, and 1.0T4 engines. (pair I $44.99 POLY FUEL JUGS 5 Gallon . . , Square Design . Cap Anti-Vortex Fuel Funnel 11 Gallon ... Quick Dump . Screw On ' $18.95 S17.95 $49.95 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS AND FLANGES 930 or T.4 cages (each) . , . . 930, T.4 & T.2 boot flanges (eachl $44.95 $15.95 Trik boots (each) . . . . , .• , • . . . S15.95 SACO RACK AND PINION SACO rack and pinion features alloy gears full contact housing, and hard anodized for long wear. Standard rack and.pinion Rack and pinion mount . Rack and pinion coupler Rack steering stops $269.00 S9.95 $8.95 S19.95 H.D MAGNUM RACK Billet housings . , , 1 'k" alloy gear . . thru bolt mounting ... complete with stops 1" CHROMOLYTIE RODS WITH H.D. ENDS 1" ChromolyTie Rods with H.D. Ends (specify Ford or lnternationall set $89.95 Quick release steering hub , , , . $39.95 ·•.e•J.e-.::.:=:~t:l JE--) •) ~ ---::-E-.... , .... e, ... :·,:i.::.,. ·.,0 ·---12--:.•--,J·:-·,-E-·-·~e·:'.I :._ ::-:1--:" ... ,:i ... ,:-. ·;.:• .. ·::.:::. ... t;.::. ... - : ..... ,.. .... ,J"QE-.J:·---.: ---:::·:::e ·\:=-,::--:--.:..,·--.:.::-.:..;o :"':1- '"': ::.:::-.0-. FAX 310-863-1504 310-868-9393 310-929-1461 11324 Norwalk Bl. Santa Fe Springs, CA. 90670 February 1993 SWAYAWAY IRS spring plates . . .... FROM $64.95 S/ A spring plates 1 . . . . . FROM S77 .95 4130 Spring plates , . from $159.95 H.D. ~orsion bars ....... from S134.95 Front V. W. Bug sway bars . $44.95 Rear V. W. Bug sway bars S64.95 Front and rear V. W. sway bar kit TRIMIL BOBCAT SYSTEMS 1 'k" Type 1 raw , 1 'k" Type 1 chrome 1%"Type 1 raw. . 15/e"Type chrome 15/a"Type4raw. 15/a" Type 4 chrome Baffl.e for Bobcat System . . S59.S5 $89.95 $69.96 $99.95 S149.95 $179.95 $8.95 TRICK REAR TRAILING ARMS 3"x3" .... Class 1-2 1600, 5 1600 pr. _$395.00 pr. $395.00 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link Pin 4130 Chroma: Stock length 1 ¼" Longer ...•. , .. , . , , 2 '/•" Longer , , . , 4• for coil covers . $449.00 pr. $479.00 pr. $499.00 pr. S550.00 WEEKEND WARRIOR LONG TRAVEL BEAMS B" travel stock width beam , , . , $199.95 8" travel widened beam . , . , . . $219.95 10" travel stock width beam ... -S2'!4.95 1 o• travel widened beam , , . S244,95 *Catalog $3. Page 31

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Scott Douglas won every SCORE race in the Class 7 Dodge Dakota, and he thanked Wafker Evans' race team for a great truck and the sponsors and said he had enjoyed his three years racing with the Evans team. Terry Brown, with co-drivers Bill O'Brien and John Johnson pulled out the Class 7S/7 4x4 points title by winning in the Baja 1000. Terry thanked Johnson for super prep work and was a happy man with the points trophy. Rob MacCachren won the Class 8 points title in a tight race all year, and he thanked Ford and all the sponsors and the Rough Riders for their help, and he especially thanked his mechanic and co-driver Mike Schoffstall. " Pancho Bio made his first acceptance speech in Spanish, and then switched to English, thanking ·all who helped him win the Class S points title, taking the honor by just three points. Martin Garibay, a double winner in SCORE and HORA Class 11 points, thanked his sponsors, especially Dan Newsome and BFGoodrich, and Martin was a regular commuter from Ensenada during the banquet season. Scott Steinberger was a happy points winner, walking away with the Mini Mag title, and he had worked hard for it. He thanked all his sponsors; especially his dad Bob, whose PC/ Race Radios funded a lot of the effort. 1@f was the only one who had rnm1 ,eted in all four points t·ountin).! ,·vents. Among the Mini Mags Scott Steinberger, some-times known as "Weatherman Junior", walked away with the class, winning by over 50 points. Yoshi Ogasawara was a long second on points. Scott thanked his sponsors, including his dad Bob, whose PCI Radios helped pay for the long trip on the 1000 that pulled out victory for Scott on points. When it was time for the bikers to get their points rewards, Team Green came in for a lot of praise, with memories of their 22 pits along the Baja 1000 trail still fresh in most riders minds, and they helped everybody they could too. Danny Hamel took top spot in Class 22 by 14 points over Jim O'Neal. Hamel and Gar t'h Sweetland were the overall winners of the Baja 1000 with Paul Ostbo riding relief also. Quad ATV Class.24 went to the overall points champion Jeff Courts who won by a slim four sports came forward to present points. Aboard a Kawasaki. Scott the Toyota True Grit Awards, Morris, as overall motorcycle that is $2000 to the drivers in champion had already said his Classes 1-2-1600, 5, 5-1600, 9, piece, and he also won Class 21 by 10, and 11 who finish all four 36 points. John Braasch Jr. races and record the highest seemed to be the only one eligible, continuous average speed. The and"therefore the winner in Class winners were James Harris, 20. Dan Worley, in fact all of 38.737 mph , C lass 1-2-1600, these guys, thanked Team Green Hartmut Klawitter, 40.369 mph, for support, some major and Class 5, Brian Goodrich, 36.667 some just pit support. Worley mph, Class 5-1600, Pancho Bio, won Class 30 by 12 points over 35.096 mph, Class 9 , Steve David Callaway. Chris Haines was Sourapas, 47 .519 mph, Class 10, the only one listed in Class 40 and Martin Garibay, 31.041 mph, with 146points,thesamenumber Class 11. Unger also presented as Hamel. And Class 50 honors the Toyota Milestone trophies went to Al Perrett, 20 points given to competitors that start all ahead of Al Guzman. Overall four races and finish all 2,119.2 ATV champion Jeff Courts was miles. This was a larger group just four points ahead of Ben than when SCORE/HORA had Schlimme in Class 24, under one series, and -they were Rob 250cc, and in the Open quad MacCachren, Steve Sourapas, Class 25 brothers Rodney and Brian Stewart, Bob Richey, Randy Engen won on a Yamaha Walker Evans, Jason Baldwin, going away, the only one in class Steve Kelley, Hartrnut Klawitter, to finish the 1000. They won their Scott Douglas, Danny Ashcraft, class by 48 points. James Harris, Mike Lesle, Jon Les Unger of Toyota Motor Tanklage, Dale Ebberts, Fred CACTUS RACING Wing, Brian Goodrich, Pancho Bio, Guillermo Quintero, Al Covarrubias, Jerry McDonald and Martin Garibay. RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES 5153 BOWDEN AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92117. TEL. (619) 279-2509 HELMET COMPLETE SYSTEM $195 $320 A FRESH Am HEL.'dET AND BLOWER ASSEMBLY Di::51GNED FOR OF>' ROAD USE AT A REASONABLE PRICE BUILT AND BACKED BY BELL HELMETS LIGHT WEIGHT-REDUCES NECK STRAIN COOL, COMFORTABLE TERRY CLOTH LINER BLOWER MOTOR AND ASSEMBLY ARE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR SNEl'LOO APmOVID The Ultra Wheel Baja Chal-lenge had a $10,000 purse to the top three point scorers at the three ·Baja races. In first Rob MacCachren got the big check, $6000 fro m W endell Smith, standing in for brother Jimmy, President of Ultra Wheel. Dan Smith was second, good for $3000, and Paul Simon was third and $ 1000 richer. The Valvolin e Ir o n M a n Trophy was revived this year, given to solo overall winners of the Baja 500 and Baja 1000 and the unique trophy was revived also, along with a check for $1,000. The Iron Team award is new, given to the overall four February 1993 wheel winners who have the assistance of a co-driver and carries a check for $2000, along with the trophy. Valvoline's Dan Scahill announced the awards saying it was first won by Ivan Stewart in 1975 at the Baja 500. This year Ivan Stewart again received an Iron Man for the Baia 500 and David Ashley won his Iron Man at the Baja 1000. Jason Baldwin and Regie Dunlap were the Baja 500 Iron Team, and Paul and Dave Simon were the Baja 1000 Iron T earn. It is keen to have this unique award return to Baja ' races. KC Hilites had a unique program in 1992 paying $2000 to the KC Hilites user who accumulated the most points in his respective class. Collecting these fat checks were Walker Evans; Class 1, Mike Lesle, Class 3, Wayne Cook, Class 5-1500, Curt LeDuc, Class 6, Scott Douglas, Class 7, and Martin Garibay, Class 11. More cash came from BFGood-rich rewarding· racers who win their respective classes on BFG rubber. In Class l Jason Baldwin collected $5000 as did Rob MacCachren in Class8. In Class4 Jerry McDonald got $3000, and so did John Swift in Class 6 and T erry Brown in Class 7S. Hartmut Klawitter earned $1500 in Class 5 , and Martin Garibay took home$ 1000 for his Class 11 championship. No wonder these points champions all praised BFG for their heavy support of off road racing. Next Dan Stutz of Ford · SVO presented checks to Rob MacCachren and Terry Brown for winning their class championship driving a Ford. Now Sal Fish presented a plaque to Juan Tintos Funcke, Director of Tourism of Baja California de! Norte, and Tintos,. in turn made a nice speech and presented a plaque to Sal Fish for bringing the racers to Baja. And now the second place finishers on points were called to the podium to receive their trophies and checks. Many made nice speeches in the same vein, thanking all their sponsors, families and friends. Finally it was time for the Off Roadsman of the Year awards, always the last item on the agenda, these coveted trophies gained by a popular vote of SCORE members and sponsors. Naturally Kawasaki took Motorcycle Manufacturer of the Year, and Jimco was voted Buggy Chassis of the Year. The Engine Builder of the Year was Kenny Major of Major Perform-ance, and the Overall Mechanic of the Year was Russ Wernimont. The Off Road Photographer of the Year honor went to Bill and Diane T hompson of Carrera Photography and Judy Smith was voted Journalist of the Year. BFGoodrich received three Off Roadsman honors as Contingency Company of the Year, Entry Sponsor of the Year and Pit Support Team of the Year, all accepted by Dan Newsome. Brian Goodrich was voted Rookie of the Year in a four way close vote. The final honor, the top prize is Person of the Year and Dan Newsome ofBFGoodrich received a standing ovation as he went to the podium, a bit choked up because of so many honors voted to him and his team and this final accolade of the evening was well deserved . Dan said he got lucky and worked his way up from a tire store to this super job and said it is a pleasure to work with the off roa·d racing community. The party was over, it was almost midnight, and the post banquet talk was of Parker and the new season starting soon. Dusty Times

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SUBARU PRO RALLY SERIES Tim O'Neil Wins The Capitol Forest Rally In A Mitsubishi As the Pro Rally Season picked up steam in early winter, the Capitol Forest Rally out of Olympia, Washington was one that a few of the far eastern competitors skipped. But, according to those on the scene it was clearly the best Subaru Pro Rally Championship event of the season. The Mitsubishi teams of Carl Merrill/Jon Wickens, from Ogunquit, Maine and Tim O'Neil/Tom Burgess from Franconia, New Hampshire swapped the overall lead back and forth in the Capitol State Forest near Olympia. The rally, formerly known as the Coachman Stages, uses many of the same forest trails that were used for the Olympus World Championship Rallies several years ago. With a long history, there is a good pool of experienced rally workers to help keep things running smoothly as well. The event was scheduled for 284 total miles of which 134 were stage miles contained in 14 stages. The two day rally included a pair of divisional events. The Saturday run was called the Dryad Quest Divisional and the Sunday Divisional was named the Porter Creek Crossing. Missing from the ranks of the regular competitors was the Paul Choiniere/Jeff Becker Audi Quattro, who skipped this event and the cross country trek from Vermont. The weather was cloudy with rain expected most of the weekend, with temperatures in the 45-55 degree F range. Mostly the gravel forest roads should be slippery, but not too muddy. Some teams entered both div-isional events as well as the national, hedging the bet as it were. Oddly enough after the first asphalt stage Greg and Lynne Lund led overall in their Mazda with a stage time just a second faster than Chad DiMarco. Things moved around after Stage 6 with Tim O'Neil leading overall and in Production GT class, followed in nine seconds by Carl Merrill, and then came Richard Corley, both in Open Class and the Group A Subaru of Chad DiMarco. Tne Lunds were now running fifth out of the 21 that started the National Rally and four cars were reported out of the rally. After ten stages Merrill and Wickens led by 25 seconds over O'Neil and Burgess, DiMarco/ Hauge were another 18 seconds down in third, followed in nearly two minutes by Corley/Smith who had ~ flat on Stage 9. The Lunds also had a flat on stage nine and dropped to seventh, but were still looking good in the divisional standings. On the next stage Tim O'Neil retook the lead and seventeen cars were still in motion in the National event. After Stage 12 Carl Merrill snatched the lead back from Tim O'Neil and Chad DiMarco was a close third. Then on Stage 13 Merrill's leading Mitsubishi had a flat tire, and then another flat on the same stage. So, it was Tim O'Neil and co-_ driver Tom Burgess, from Dusty Times Photos: Jim Cul/J Chad DiMarco and Erick Hauge were the bridesmaid in their Subaru Legacy this rally, but they did take home first in Group A class and second overall. Vancouver, B.C., who won the rally overall in the Mitsubishi Galant, the first win for that model since its debut last year. Two weeks ago Dick Corley and Lance Smith won the POR in Michigan in an Eclipse, and had given the marque its first overall win. It was O'Neil's first overall victory since 1989 when he did the job in Georgia in a Production Class Volkswagen. Californians Chad DiMarco and Erick Hauge finished second overall and first in Group A in their Subaru Legacy just a minute, 27 seconds behind O'Neil. The Dick Cor-ley I Lance Smith Mitsubishi Eclipse was third overall and first in Open Class. Greg and Lynne Lund were fourth overall and might. have won both the Divisional rallies in the Mazda 323GTX. Somehow the computer print outs don't seem to contain the final results on the divisional events, or if they are in the pile of papers full of numbers, we are too stupid to find them. So we apologize to those divisional drivers whom we are unable to list. New Englanders Vincente Frontinan and Francisco Arruda were fifth in the national in a Toyota Celica GT 4, second in Group A followed in by western-ers Dave White and Dave Peterbaugh in a Mazda 323 GTX who were sixth overall and must have done well in the Divisionals in Production GT class. New-comers Antti Seppanen and Erkki Hanhela who were competing in a Toyota Corolla. Antti is the 1992 Finnish Junior Champion in this car built to Group N specs, but here it had to run in Open Class. They finished seventh overall in the National and did well in the divisional. Eighth overall came CRS' own Matt Sweeney in his hybrid Toyota Pickup. With John Elkin navigating they were eighth overall and fourth in Open class. More Californians, Gary and Judy Gooch, won the Rally Truck class in their Toyota pickup, and were ninth overall. Midwesterners Henry Joy and Jimmy Brandt put their GT class Mazda 323 home tenth overall, followed by W.G. Giles and Bob Pierce in the VW GTI who won the Production class. Giles blew the transmission on Saturday, found a spare in a salvage yard in West Seattle and together with the salvage yard operator spent the night building a new trans from a wreck to enable him to finish the event and clinch the season class champion-ship. There were only 14 National finishers, and in 12th were John Forespring/ Mike Huffman, Saab 99, Gerry Valentini/ Mike Neff, Subaru Hatchback and Erik Thompson/CamJackson, Volvo, all three in National Open class. In the Divisional event on Sunday Vern Johnson and Ben Bradley in a Toyota Corolla and the Ridgecrest, California team of Mike and Paula Gibeault in a Subaru finished in a flat footed tie - a very unusual occurance in PRO rally (there is no tie breaker). Local favorites Grant Whiting and Ray Damitio from Olympia broke a differential while leading the event in their Dodge Colt. Whiting/Damitio won the Saturday Divisional event. The Capitol Forest Stages rally ran like a text book exercise, and everything, even the weather cooperated. Although several cars rolled over and others went into ditches signalling the end of their day of competition, there were no February 1993 Gary and Judi Gooch swing the Toyota pickup around a tight corner on what looks like slippery leavt;s. They won the Rally Truck class at 11th overall. Grant Whiting and Ray Damitio drove the ageless Dodge Colt to victory on the Saturday Dryad Quest Rally, actually beating the first place national car on time for those six stages. major incidents and none of the go through the woods over the drivers were injured. More than two days, which were unusually 1,000 spectators watched the cars dry for this event late in the year. ROUGH RIDERS CLEAN UP AT BAJA 1000 1992 Limited Edition Rough Rider Apparel five color graphic design *T-shirts $17 (Wh, Ash, Lt. Bl.) . *Sweatshirts $22 (Wh, Ash, Lt. Bl.) *Hats $9 (Wh, Pink) * 14-16, S,M,L,XL,XXL (add $2) Class 1 OFF-ROAD ENTERPRISES @ We also design custom team shirt P.O. BOX 1007 HOMELAND CA 92548 @ Dealer inquiries invited 909-926-8308 OR FAX 714-738-7057 NAME _____ _ ADDRESS ____ _ CITY/ST/ZIP ___ _ OT\/ I SUE COLOR -------+ $3S&H TOTAL~-----CA RESIDENTS ADD 7.75% SALES TAX Page 33

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I' Ivory Coast Victory Goes To Shinozuka, Again T.:xt & Photos: Martin Holm.:s Kenjiro Shinozuka, with John Meadows navigating, used up three turbos but came back each time to lead the rally when it counted, at the finish line, winning the Ivory Coast for the second year in a row. Even though Japanese driver the most unorthodox in the constructed. There was serious Kenjiro Shinozuka won the Ivory series. · confusion with travel plans for Coast Rally for the second year Every time the rally world many competitors and visitors by running and Mitsubishi for the comes to Abidjan it seems as Air Afrique. Some had to wait 25 third, hearts went out to the thoughmoreproblemshavetobe hours airside in Paris and Rudi luckless Belgian Group N driver overcome than even those of the Stohl's team lost a day in Paris Gregoire de Mevius who was year before. This year was the even though their bags were leadinguntilafewhoursfromthe samescenario,butwithdifferent already in Africa. Plus the finish. With the engine failure on problems. The most pressing was country's phone company was on the Nissan went the Belgian the power struggle within the strike. When Kenjiro Shinmuka driver's hopes of eventually country's motorsport Federation went home to Japan after Paris-gaining a World Rally win, of as the President, Mrs. Kady Beijing he found all his plans had Nissan's final vindication of the Angelbert was voted out, and Mr. come to a halt, and it took a lot of controversial Pulsar/Sunny Cesar Koussai-Lenoir had re-energytogetthingsmovingagain. program and very possibly the placed her. However, Mrs. But some things were going chance of Gregoire retaining his Angelbert claimed foul on voting surprisingly well. In surely the Group N title. It was the final procedures and she denied the biggest challenge in her quest to twist in a series of events which Lenior team the use of the rally become World Lady Rally made the West African rally live timing clocks and the traditional Champion this year, which meant up to the tradition of being quite starting ramp, but a new ramp was starting all five final series rounds-~,~, Slttli ·The Off-Roader's Choice· • E-Z UP"' INSTANT SHELTERS . ~ ..,~~ 0116\"t.\. Imagine setting up a free-standing sheffer in less than 60 seconds! Page 34 NO missing parts NO center poles NO ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics Instant Pit Shelter Lo Rona Contingency Sponsor HORR Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Authorized Dealer CASTEX RENTALS~ INC. 1Ci44 N. Cole Ave. . Los Angeles, CA 90038 CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 Eija Jurvanen had to search for a car to drive, as Ford were not represented here. She ended up with Patrick Tauziac's spare Mitsubishi Galant VR-4. Tauziac himself was in a change mode having just fallen out with his regular codriver Claude Papin, but he teamed instead with Christian Boy, and the ladies' car seemed to be even smarter than his. There were many changes in the philosophy of the rally itself. The whole concept was Europeanized with better quality roads. The whole event was contained within the area Abidjan, Abengourou, Bouake and Yamoussoukro, returning each night to Abidjan. Instead of taking a traditional five days, it was held over just three. Persistent rain eased up and the sun came out just before the rally started also. None of the top world champ-ionship contenders were here. Group N driver Gregoire' de Mevius was on hand, eager to make up for his Argentine disappointment in his Nissan. None of the top African champ-ionship contenders were here either. The Zambian and Ivory Coast rounds were held within a week of each other, which meant none of the regular contenders could do both. The minute Billy Rautenbach failed to start here, Italian Aldo Riva became African champion. February 1993 In clear weather without the often oppressive level of humid-ity, the first day promised to be very pleasant and dry. Shinozuka started first and led the field up the eastern side of the country until his turbocharger failed on the Mitsubishi. This was changed just after Abengourou, but then it failed again; the delays cost the '91 winner about 75 minutes, but he was the seventh car ·eventually to reach the evening rest halt at Bouake. This let Tauziac run first car on the road and he went into the lead of the rally. "The roads were better than I can ever remember them, but also a lot more slippery." Rudi Stohl had been third car on the road but went missing, getting going again, but then landing on his roof, all costing about 54 minutes. Finally going again he had a big crash going off the road in top gear and overturning. The next car to start had been de Mevius, but he had a shock absorber break and also had a flat. This let car number 5, the Audi 90 Quattro of Patrice Servant get ahead on the road, and he was going well but had to remove a headlight in the heat of the day to let more air into the engine compartment. The Formula 2 Opel Kadett of Bruno Thiry was running without any significant trouble, and was being followed a few cars back by the new Astra chase car with team manager Alain Lopes at the wheel. One section before Bouake saw the end of the effort for Lopes' engine suddenly expired with a large hole in the block, causing Thiry to be grateful for his earlier decision to drive the older car instead! Behind Thiry we had Samir Assef in his recently acquired ex-works Toyota Celica GT-Four, suffering only with an obscure electrical fault. The other Austrian team, Gottlicher's Ford, was going well, although delib-erately slowly, but a nother Belgian Guy Colsoul came to a halt with broken suspension on his Galant, 500 meters from where fellow countryman Lopes had stopped. Bouake was reached as the sun began to dip, and when the cars restarted at 1845 it was completely dark, the top drivers having rested for over an hour, while later crews left just as soon as they arrived. Shinozuka continued to lead, now with a third turbo in place, and he had led from the start, although there was chaos when organizers tried to calculate how the cars should be timed on the SuperSpecial section. Originally most top cars were wrongly given a three minute penalty, then these were removed leaving Servant with a three minute early penalty (six minutes). All penalties were then announced to be provisional. until the end of the event. The night time drive back to Abidjan produced few surprises. Tauziac struggled with oil pouring out of the power steering system, which could not be resolved until morning. The Group N Mitsubi-shi of Colsoul suffered trailing arm trouble a further three times and h e lost a lot of time. Shinozuka was frustrated by not being able to catch up more time. Meanwhile de Mevius, running second on the road, found he could only get up to within a minute of Tauziac, first on the road, before dust forced him to slow down. The Belgian admitted, "We hit a pot-hole and damaged the suspension, so I slowed down after that!" Gottlicher's efforts to go slowly became involuntary when the throttle connection slipped and forced him to go at half throttle. The Sunday run of Etape 2 began with a repeat of many of the same roads used the day before. Tauziac was soon in trouble with more than just his unrepaired steering; he hit a flock of sheep~ Hiroshi Nishiyama and Hisashi Yamaguchi zip past spectators in the Nissan Pulsar G TI-R and they won Group N and also placed a great fourth overall. . J .. Cementing their World Ladies Championship, Eii~ Jurvanen, left and Margo Berglund did not try to finish, but they posed happily with a group they called their local service crews. Dusty Times

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.. Plowing through the dirt in the Opel Kadett GSi, Bruno Thiry and Stephane Prevot were second overall despite troubles and were first Formula 2 car. Racing past the tropical shrubbery, Patrice Servant and Thierry Brion were third overall in the Audi 90 Quattro and the best placed local drivers. Samir Asset and Clement Kanan had a good run in the ex-works Toyota Celica GT-Four, and they were fourth Group A car and also placed fifth overall. ff! i;' B "' Kenjiro Shinozuka looks all business here as he awaits a restart in the Mitsubishi Ga/ant VR-4 that he drove to victory with John Meadows pointing the way. Proving that you are never too old to participate in motorsports, Georges Houel admits to 79 years of age, and the Frenchman retired after three flat tires. Gregoire de Mevius and Willy Lux were on their way to victory and the Group N title when well into the last leg the Nissan Pulsar G TI-R suffered engine problems that proved to be terminal. then his clutch failed, and after considerable time at service, and midway through the day came news he had retired with terminal clutch damage. Shinozuka did his best to catch up, and he took back 11 minutes from new leader de Mevius, but far too little if nothing untoward was to happen on the night run out of Yamoussoukro. doesn't make for proper competi-of heartbreak for Belgian drivers tion. It would be better to restrict on this event. De Mevius started the event to the daylight and make off according to plan, carefully it even shorter." De Mevius was controlling the situation with the lucky driver with a clear run Shinozuka, which, all things being ahead, so long as no mechanical well, would give him that elusive mishap befell. But it did. Halfway success by evening. But it was not through the evening he was left to be. The agony of Pascal Ga ban with only second and third gear, in 1988, the sadness that afflicted and he struggled slowly onwards Jean-Pierre Van Der Wauver in to Abidjan. Shinozuka started 1989; this time it was to be the lot away from Yamoussoukro in of Gregoire. "The engine had third place, passed de Mevius to been overheating a bit; when we lead on the road, but even so he stopped to put water into the could only take four minutes off radiator, as fast as we put it in, it the leader until de Mevius got to was coming out again. That was the last competitive section and the end.'' Servant also had changed the 'box', which cost the overheating trouble and was using Belgian 23 minutes. inordinate amounts of oil, having to stop to let the engine cool. regular competitor could recall. Thiry broke a shock, but that Ivory Coast is a place where the was all, while Assef reached the unreal take precedence. The finish exhausted after driving for official speaking clock this year two days without power steering. was exactly 2m22s ahead of the The two other Nissans, Nishiyama GMT it is supposed to be. They and Oudit continued without forget to add the superspecial problem. Of course, Shinozuka, stage times to the results (for having passed de Mevius on the three days they had been issuing road, was still attacking for some the wrong times), and for some time, unaware that his foe was out while they insisted that Thiry was of the event. For him the going third not second. The Ivory Coast remained difficult. He and Rally has kept up its position as a codriver John Meadows event-Drivers'onlychampionshipevent ually made the finish on only for the past 11 years, but how on three cylinders for the victory. earth it can host a qualifying The organizers worked in a round of the Manufacturers' friendly and quaint way, and the Championship in 1993 defies the weather was nicer than any imagination. Thiry continued onwards, thinking it better not to change the clutch and live with the problem. Servant had more alternator trouble which dropped him back to fourth behind Shinozuka. Colsoul lost another 48 minutes before Abidjan in service with rear suspension troubles. De Mevius led by 27 minutes from Thiry as 22 cars finished the second etape. However, there were now only ten minutes between Shinozuka and Thiry, and also between the two all ladies crews, the March Turbo of Solange Barra ult and the front drive Corolla of Viviane Evina. HOWE ALUMINUM RACING RADIATOR ~ ?:: ~:-~ I ~:::: lll!: :: 16.5 POUNDS SIZES AVAILABLE 16 X 27 18 X24 De Mevius embarked on a plan of caution, changing the front right suspension to match the left front changed the day before. Even in the midday heat the car had gone well, and the roads were better than ever. His fellow countryman Thiry was now up to second place, having got ahead of Servant, but the Opel had a failed clutch slave cylinder which could not be repaired. He was bump starting away from controls on the starter, and hoped for the best. Servant had a variety of problems, but was now third. Rudi Stohl arrived at Yamous-soukro looking the-worse for wear after his accident. Codriver Peter Diekmann had many bruises, but denied they came from an angry driver after their crash. Assef (lying fifth the night before) had gearbox problems, trouble with the hydrolock system, so he drove a long way in 2WD. Nissan was first overall and lying 1-2-3 in Group N. Gosh! Whatever next? Someone in Japan might be feeling unhappy that they are canceling the Group A program in such a hurry! On the third etape it seemed such a fine day for an historic win, the first Belgian driver to score a World Rally victory, the first victory for the Nissan Sunny/ Pulsar after all its teething troubles, the end of a long history ~L ...................... , .... ·,w>:•:<,•· ••. ............ ,,,.,❖,- , •• ,.,,., , .. , ......... , .. , , , •• , . j: .. ,~ ........... , ........... · ........... , · ..... Jl:::::t::::::~~ 19 X28 19 X 31 The dust was terrible. Colsoul said "Driving in the dry at night 1992 11.!ory Coast Rally Results Kenjiro Shinozuka/John Meadows Bruno Thiry/Stephane Prevot Patrice Servant/Thierry Brion Hiroshi Nishiyama/H. Yamaguchi Samir Asset/Clement Konan Alain Oudit/Frederic Spaak Manfred StohVKay Gerlach Denis Occelli/Franck Michel Jean-Claude Dupuis/N. Copetti Guy ColsouVEdy Paquay J/GB B F J RUCI F AID CVF CH/F B Mitsubishi Galan! VR-4 N Opel Kadett GSi A Audi 90 Quattro A Nissan Pulsar GTI-R W Toyota Calica GT-Four A Nissan Pulsar GTI-R N Audi 90 Quattro A Toyota Corolla 16v A Toyota Corolla 16v A Mitsubishi Galan! VR-4 N 42 starters - 13 finishers •Group A & N winners - No Ladies finisher Winner"s average stage speed - 97.73 kph. Drivers Championship Points - Auriol 120, Kankkunen 107, Sainz 104 FIA Production Cup Points - Nishiyama 30, de Mevius 27, Menem 26 Dusty Times 4:09:41 5:32:59 5:38:02 6:24:07 7:42:27 7:46:36 8:14:19 8:44:44 9:04:49 10:42:25 CURRENTLY USED IN CLASS 2, 8, & NASCAR Hl-'l,HIH ttFI~ l~ttAlt February 1993 Page 35

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ADRA SONOYTA TO ROCKY POINT Buckeye Boys Blast Sonora Text & Photos: A.H. Tellier $hannon Schultz never lifted, had no trouble at all with his front starting spot in the FodFab Class 10 single seater and not only won Class 10 going away, but won overall by a slim eleven seconds. · Shannon Schul.: made good his promise to dust the troops in the American Desert Racing Associa-tion's (ADRA) 16th Annual Sonoyta to Rocky Point race - the run to the beach in Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico early last December. Schulz had the front start in the bright yellow Farmco sponsored FodFab Class 10 single seater, but had to contend with fellow Buckeye (AZ) Class 10 driver Steve Melton. The personable Shannon allowed that he "was going to let Steve get around me, if he wants, and then watch what happens." The two have raced together for some time and know each other's methods. He didn't have to "watch what happens" for too long. Steve set a furious pace from the flag, passed Schul.: at the first road crossing, and at the 35 m ile' point broke off the pitman arm on his Saginaw steering box, plowing through mesquite and Palo Verde trees. When he unbuckled to initiate some Damage Control he found the engine was pumping out the black stuff like the Exxon Yalde.:. DNF. Shannon Schul.: found the course rough, as expected, but the three foot whoops past T he Big Tree " had me going for a time. I tried third, nope. I went to fourth and it smoothed out. It was a blast. Past Check 5 I went as fast as it would go." The ADRA course was the same as every year: one grueling, choppy 30 mile loop arou~d a cross-drainage-rich mountain, then a sandy super quick 95 miles t;p the beach. The first lap saw cars dropping like the proverbial flies. Tom Murray lost a clutch by Mile 10; Doc Ingram's engine sounded like a chain saw right from the start and he eventually putted back to the pits (backwards on the course, so they say). Dr. Bill Cook broke a front arm and then the eve West Coast Distributor ·fo·11 HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PRICE $ffgs_o-o GEARS AVAILABtE SEPARATELY Per Set 2.Ratio's Available NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1 !1>2 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 36 , off a front shock which they d~ct taped out of the way and went on with a sagging front end. In fact most of t h e car s sounded extremely fat: Jim Allison's 10 car loaded up so bad at the first left hander that you could smell it through the clear desert air. It had rained the day p rior and the course was Perfect! But Shannon wanted none of that kind of woes. "Trouble? Nah; none, .:ero, nothing, nada. W ell maybe a little after the race. He had to do the clock watching · routine for the overall honor as Jim "JP" Pierce had been flying in his two seater pre-runner. Feeling the onus of getting no further in the Baja 1000 than the Ensenada Hospital, four miles from the start on the highway, he drug out the Type 4 FodFab and stuck his foot in it. "It had a leaky cylinder head when we left Buckeye", and it eventually vented big time, blowing a hole through the cooling shroud and losing more power with every mile. "I caught Stan Steele, Class 1, about five miles out and he wasn't going much slower than me. Stan had lost fourth, reverse, third, then the clutch began to slip, all in that order, and he couldn't go much faster than 5500 in second. How fast is that? About 25 mph. I waved JP past but he just hung on my bumper, literally! It looked like a freight train at the finish. JP laughed, "He motioned for me to go by, but I couldn't accelerate around him." Which was a good thing for Schuh as JP, in winning Class 1, just missed the Overall by eleven seconds. JP reckons that ... " if Danny (Foddrill) hadn't been so slow at my pits I would have won easily. While it was running good I hit Paul Nolte hard enough so he'd know it." The Nolte/Monroe V6/Powerglide mid-engined car ended up like the Cook/MacDer-.'i,.: :<•;o Rich "Stretch" Severson and Bill Gogh/in were the qui~kest truck in the J10 Jeep pickup, and Rich took his third win in a row in this race, and had no mechanical trouble along the tough course. mid V6/ Audi Car on the trailer. The truck class· saw Rich JP also hit some cactus, chain fruit "Stretch " Severson and Bi 11 Cha lla, one of nature's little tricks Coughlin take the J 10 Jeep pickup thatscream " danger"andsprayed to a win over Tucson's Subway it all around the car. If they had sponsored Mike D o herty's had a flat they would have had to Chevrolet. Mike had TuboHydro de-Challa the spare before they troubles from the start and was could manipulate it. Nephew Tony way back at the finish. But he Benson got his first ride ever, and finished and that's th"e name of the spent plenty of time dodging and game. Rich was stoked. "It was so ducking flyi ng cactus. "Uncle JP, good. This is 3 for 3 wins down how come your side never hits here. No flats on the Sun Off any cactus?" W hy ask why? Road/ Tom Buck Auto Repair/ The surprise of the event, a Flamingo Racing/Republic Off surprise if you are not familiar Road Center BFGs. (Rich has with Donny Weiser, was his fifth apparently been watching too overall finish in the TUF much NASCAR winner's circle Challenger. He and Kelly Suber jive.) The hood pins came loose, caught the Borel 2-1600 driven by but who cares!" he crowed over Rich Thorner in the cross-grains. refreshing beverages at J & J's "He was kinda erratic so I hit him Cantina. real good! He moved right over." Ron Dalke, Tucson's Godfather Rich, a SCCA gentleman racer, of Challengers, tried a different confided to second section driver method for Class 9 - a mid-seated Nels Dutton, "Of everything Bugthatusedtobea5-1600. "It's we've done, this mountain section got lots of elbow room and room was the tightest. And I 'bicycled' for parts. I need to lengthen it to it too." Donny, who got sixth in the 100 inch limit and put a spare · the '92 HORA Class 9 points and in it." Apparently all legal, it found he could run with the best looked good and was 12th overall and beat the rest, was pumped. "It beating the Dick Newell Beer worked perfectly all day. This is Belly Racing Team Hi Jumper the same motor we used at the last Challenger ("We're gonna do the HORA races and at GRR." S CORE events in '93) and Donny did knock Kelly's mirror Allison's Class 10 among others. off with a tree, but since nobody Ron reported that he "saw Walt caught them, no problem. "I'm Baranick out at the 50 mile point, puttng together a 5 -1600 for again. Man, he just can't get past Kelly so she can race in the that place. That's the fourth time Whiplash short courses." he's been broke there.". Walt was Jim Pierce took a close second overall and won Class 1 /2 handily in the FodFab Type 4 two seat pre-runner, avenging his early demise in Baja, and he had his nephew Tony Benson out for his first off road race ride. ~❖:-W The Beer Belly Racing Team was well represented here, and Dick Newell used all his rear suspension getting through the rough to fifth in Class 9. Cory Sappington finished tenth overall and second 2-1600, but it looks here as if he is thinking about turning his two seater over en rou.te to the beach. February 1993 t ·-k~. wt' -1-wart Baranick can't seem to get past the 50 mile mark on this race, and while looking good here he broke at the same point, the fourth time on this race. Dusty Times

Page 37

GILA MONSTER 100 Capatch Uncat,chable at Gila Bend By A.H. Tellier Bill Capatch and his Class 10 car took control from the green flag and covered the field at the Whip-lash Motorsporl:s 100 miler Gila Monster 100, run on private land on the outskirts of Gila Bend, AZ late last November. The seven lap, 15 mile course was to Steve Ves-terdal 's liking as he turned in the fast lap on his way to second place overall and the Class 1-2-1600vic-tory. Actually Steve was winning big time until he put his TUF-framed two seater on its lid on the next to the last lap. The eight min-utes spent getting it back on its feet made up the two minute margin of overall victory for Capatch. And Steve Vesterdal was second 250 Novice on his KTM in the motor-cycle event the following day. Steve had no significant prob-lems within his own class as the Nick Nolte V6 -come on, not THAT NICK - was in arrears by 90 minutes, while third place Dennie Lee was back by almost two hours. Someday, somewhere, the clever Nolte-Monroe car will come into its own. Featuring a mid-engined injected GM V6 and a Powerglide, the thoughtfully detailed and well presented car is stilt suffering development problems. Ahead of their time, I guess. It will be nice when they catch up to their promises. The Gila Bend course mixed a tight stadium style infield bowl with some Mach speed, wide open desert roads and trails. And, of course, plenty of blinding dust. The Gila River riverbottom is full of talcum and he who gets the jump at the flag gets the huge advantage. If a driver didn't like to go all out, blind, then perhaps he would not have a Nice Day. Race Director Jackie McKinley was pleased, thankful and surprised by the relatively stout entry list that the race drew. Thirty-five cars is three times what recent Phoenix , area events have been drawing and most of the entries here were not of the usual crowd. New old blood, so to speak. In Class l/2 Ron Brown's two seater effort was lucky, as his delayed fifth lap with a flat did not penali.:e his effort, as all other Pro l / 2 cars retired much earlier.Jerry Everett's T-Bird powered car devel-oped more of those mysterious afflictions associated with the Fo-Mo-Co engine management sys-tem and was forced to call it a day after running with Ron for two laps. Doc Ingram, in t'he KC HiLites Chenowth got in one extremely slow lap and was first -on the trailer. The experienced and almost too fast Phoenix chiroprac-tor has had,a rough season with several recent DNFs. In Class 10 hard charging Billy T sakiris had his car flying in the early laps, actually running ahead of Capatch, until a long fourth lap and deteriorating performance. T sakiris is not afraid to bury the throttle pedal, but the high speed open course would take its toll on a number of motors, Bdly's included. Emmett Warren can always be counted on to be noticed, in some manner. At the Gila Monster, he blindly and blithely missed a course marker and wandered out Donny Weiser and Kelly Suber fly over a series of whoops in the Class 9 two seater, and they ran such a fast pace that they finished a fine fifth overall in winning the class in the TUF Challenger. seriously beating cheeks in the American Mine Supply AME 10 car, but the combination of high compression, soft sand, and long straights serve to toast his motors. In the Sportsman Division the winner was Erik Jones in his TUF Class 10 that took Al Vesterdal's Class 1 to task with a 45 mph drive, although Al really lucked out at his gas pit. Rob Tanner, Weiser'screwman, saw that some CV bolts were backing out. They fixed them there and it was OK. It would have been a bad deal out on the course. Vesterdal is the kind of guy who probably calculated the possibility of riding the morning motorcycle race on his KTM, then rocketing back to the start for his car race. He could have done it, honest! Jones was irritated to see Jim Allison's chase crew, not just out on the course, Dusty Times but in the course. "I was p###ed, and I hit 'em a good one." I guess that is the price you pay. Jones ran the course in 2:49, a 44 plus MPH average speed. The Parker based Beer Belly Racing Team had Rodney Hayes in a pretty Chenowth 100 Class 10 car. But crossed signals, or perceived as such, cost Hayes some time looking for a pit that did not exist. Could that have made the three minutes difference behind Vesterdal? That will be a BBR T bench racing subject for some time. ADRA 's Phil Auernheimer was pleased by the turn out. It was a significant improvement from the year long drought. The course was A-1 and the racing great. Paybacks were generous and most everybody yukked it up after-wards at La Cantina. · into the desert at ·a high rate of speed. Going nowhere - real fast! The Checkpoint radio'd that he was the first car totally confused. By the time Warren found his mis-take ("I was first overall to the wrong place" might be his boast), he was out of touch and out of sight. Emmett put a 1650 engine in for this event. Their high bhp Class 1 engine had expired at the last Whiplash event. But he is quite a show even with the smaller engine. Class 1-2-1600 Sportsman included the Parker, AZ based Beer Belly Racing Team (honest) who bring more and more cars to Whip-lash's races, and they do well. The venerable R.K. Smith had his equally venerable 1-1600 Funco ( once owned and raced extensively by DT's Editor Jean Calvin) out for second place in class. The dust hampered Richard's first lap and he could never get back in touch with winner Guy Mershon. Eric Ba.:inaw, another BBRT denizen, finished third in the class. Bill Krug won the Pro 1600 class. In Pro Class 8 Danny Sullivan -come on, not THAT Danny Sulli-van -brought out his ex Frank Turben Chevrolet and did a couple hot laps then retired with cooler problems, but he was the Pro 8 Ron Brown was delayed on the fifth lap with a flat tire, but he came back to finish the 100 mile race first in Class 1 /2 at Gila Bend, Arizona. winner anyhow. In the Sportsman won the Challenger honors and Class 8 ranks Kevin Patrick's Ford Weiser was second. Running an went three laps but field repairs ate abbreviated race, Larry Dimmett up a two hour third lap, but again was glad just to be back in the he was the class winner. The infield OreO sponsored T-Mag car. Larry stadium type terrain is not friendly • had taken an enormous shot in a to the older technology pickups. street accident many months ago. The Challengers were out in Knees and internal injuries force with six cars taking the flag-a required extensive recuperation huge field for Arizona these days. time and therapy effort. Then, just And, four covered all seven laps! to see if he was paying attention, John Lee took advantage of a super his beat up body dealt him a gall long lap by Tucson's Larry Weiser, bladder attack prior to Labor Day the father and sometimes co-driver and he had to undergo emergency of HDRA's #6 Series Point TUF surgery. Give Larry a big "thumbs man Don Weiser. Lee almost let it up" for just strapping on the old slip away, however, with his own five-point: · Dean Orem won the long fifth lap. It's just that he did Sportsman 10 honors with a fine not squander his cushion by as run. Scott Rhone placed second in much as Larry had lost. So Lee the class. When ·Peter Piper Picked A Parker Pumper Helmet, How Many Drivers Wanted The Helmet That Peter Piper Picked? Helmet includes Nomex Skirt • More Nose Room • Lighter • Seals Better Against Dust • 30% More Vision • Also Available - Full Line of Simpson Products • Bell Helmets • Glass Shields • Drinkers • Kool Pac's • Pumper Motors • 4'-8' Hoses • 1985 Snell Approved Helmets We Also Convert Helmets! We Ship UPS Parker Pumper Helmets 2318 S. Vineyard, Ste B Ontario, Calif. 91761• Phone (714) 923-7016 February 1993 Page 37

Page 38

The Losers ••• home, since breaking down somewhere south of Purisima and not having the right spares, did not appeal to us. About halfway up the pavement the next day we realized we hadn't heard the noise · · for a while. But by then we were having a small problem with a fuel line, after taking on a tank of Nova (all that was available in Guerrero Negro), so we continued northward, and home. Days later, after poking around in the back of the car for hours,John discovered a worn spot, on the outer rim of the c.v. joint, and came to the conclusion that we'd picked up a rock, and it had been stuck in I there, between the c.v. and the trailing arm, gradually wearing itself away, and when it had worn Jerry Penhall had just put Malcolm Smith in his car while Cari Penhall puts on down small enough, it dropped " a fresh spare tire, but the car later crashed and was out of the race. out. over the top of the truck, and in the other truck. He needed a bit Scott McMillin and Ron Stacy were with the leaders but a long stop to fix the rear end dropped them 30 minutes down, and with more trouble later they finally finished fourth in Class 8, over 27 hours on the road. It was reported that Larry broken bottles and parts of the of soothing when it finally did Ragland had a tree jump out and rear brake scattered across the sink in, and in the meantime Lee get his pre runner, and that John road. The crew got to work, first was being reassured that they Thul endoed on the road below getting the truck off the road, then raced down here for years with no San Felipe, when he hit one of gathering up parts. They had to more lights than he had, and he those culverts too fast. There's take one of the complete brakes didn't need to go that fast in the The Baja 1000, often called the to sit on the seat-inside the truck, "grand daddy" of off road races, and moved to the back, where he puts some folks into the Losers rode lying down. When he got to column even before race day, and El Arco, Church made arrange-even when they aren't racers. men ts for him to be flown back Larry Bolin, for example, who across the border in his plane, tried pre-running in his race car. saving Bolin from many painful He got safely down to the area hours of travel on the Baja south of the Bay of L.A., where highway. Bolin was mighty the nice road bed had been so grateful for the assistance from chopped up by the spring rains. the two gentlemen, and his back There were many, many washed was making a good recovery the out culverts, some of which could last we heard, but he did not get to be driven across, and some of race the 1000. which decidedly could not. Larry Yours truly tried to prerun the decided to try to fly one of them, 1000 also, a week or so before and, as he later said to Dave Bolin and Stewart were there. We Kreisler, "I knew I was in trouble had some minor problems on the when my shock towers disappear-second day, while coming down ed!" He didn't make it across the the Mini Summit, but that was washout, hit the square edge of easily fixed, and then, just after the culvert and ripped the beam the Bay of L.A. we hooked up off the car. He didn't do his back with Wolfram Klawitter and his any good either, and while his friendly group, spending the night friends were tying the front end on the beach, just off the course back on the buggy so they could after some of the worst boulders. limp it up-to El Arco, and thence The next day we developed a back home, Larry hitched a ride in strange noise in the back of the Ivan Stewart's prerun truck. It car, and as we traveled the road up seems that Ivan and Bill Church to El Arco we kept stopping to drove up not long after the check this or_ that to figure out accident, and when they realized what it was. We couldn't find that Bolin had hurt his back, anything specific, but we thought offered to take him to El Arco. it might be a c.v., or maybe a Larry accepted with pleasure, but wheel bearing. And finally, we then fo~nd that it was too painful decided we'd better head for t ------··-·· . BJGG_ER_ IS_ 6ETTE.R. 1---""""------. Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C.V. joints. . Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. joints. · Convert Type 11 stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C.V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s can be threaded 3/a-24 or stock 8mm. All axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be threaded 3/a-24 or stock 10mm threads. · FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per fl11_!1J8 on your suppl~ed parts. MARVIN SHAW ENG. HIPPED sv ups Page 38 P.O. BOX 845 • 101 BROADWAY YARNELL, AZ 853132 (602) 427-~551 :_ _DEALER INQUIRIES INVIT-ED also a long complicated story apart, so they'd know what they'd next section anyway. about his prerun of·the mini lostfromtheotherone,andthen Leehadablast.Heputonmore summit,inaJeep.Wordisittook theysentsomeofthecrewbackto miles in his section than he him three days to get from there Ensenada for replacements, while normally races in a whole season to San Felipe, and he and his three other members of the crew in Wisconsin, and was surprised friends tried to hitchhike, but stayed with the truck. and elated to discover that he looked so awful (pre running does Meanwhile, Hendrickson raced didn't get tired, because, "it was that) that no one would pick them on. And half of the chas~ crew so stimulating." He said it was "so up. went to El Crucero to wait for fun, it's unbelievable." There was Finally, it was race day, and him. Lee, who was to get in at that some fog and dust, and "oriental nowthedamagebeganinearnest. point, was with them, excited bikes all over the place". He Before he could even clear the about his first Baja race. almost hit a cow and a dog, and Ensenada border, Jim Kirk had Hendrickson ran a bit late thanks got stuck once on a big rock. But put a rod through the side of his to a broken gas pedal, and a torn he got the car back to Hendrick-C lass 10 motor. Then Dan c.v. boot, but he got to Crucero son, who got back in, and after Bradley and Sam Dunham, the car about ten of six. Lee climbed into going about 55 miles below San that started behind Kirk, tossed a the car as the pit crew checked Ignacio had a leaky seal spit oil on motor at about mile 70. And things out, and Dave hollered for his clutch. He couldn't find any Kevin Singleton and a team his light bar. He couldn't partstofixit,sotheyweredone consisting of Javier Quiros, understand why they didn't put for the day. Andres Montalto, Manrique the light bar on the car, and his Dave Kreisler rented a car to Mata and Max Rorhmoser, who mind just wasn't grasping the Steve Fossett, from Chicago, and all came from Costa Rica for the story about the other chase truck he had Rick Scal:o as a co-driver. race, had a miserable morning. and the lost wheel, and the fact They were doing fairly well when First of all, the car rolled into a that the crew h~d left the light bar (continued on t>age 40) ditch, very early in the day, not 1 too far before Uruapan. Then along came Jerry McDonald in his Class 4 Chevy, and slid to a stop, almost, but not quite on their car. But when someone tried to pull McDonald free, the truck slid sideways, and on to the Class 10 car. Finally, the buggy was pulled out, and McDonald was freed and sent on his way. But the Costa Ricans had a broken spindle, and some other problems, and needed a lot of work before they could get going again. They went on, hours late, but still with hopes of finishing. But they didn't get a whole lot further into the race before their motor fried. It appeared that when they'd been uprighted an air bubble had been caught in a water line, and, short of water, they overcooked. Ivan Stewart, who'd spent weeks pre running, had an oil -cooler problem at the start line, but knew he'd be able to get it fixed at his pit in San Felipe. He spent some time there having the car worked on, but just a few miles south of San Felipe, his motor grenaded. In Class 1-2-1600, Dave Hendrickson took off in the race car, and Lee Wuesthoff, his co-driver from Wisconsin, who'd never driven in Baja before, was with the chase crew, in two vehicles. As they headed down the road, just below Uruapan, the left rear wheel came off one of the chase trucks, and they skidded to a stop just at the edge of a cliff. The ice chest flew out of the bed,. February 1993 Doug Fortin Jr. and his family crew check out his serious brake problems. He went on from here, but his Class 1 /2 truck failed to finish the race. Willing hands help hook up to the tow truck as the trans went out very early on the Len Newman, Pat Dean, Mike Gaughan Chenowth/Porsche, a big disappointment to the team. Dusty Times

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_,.......,, ........ ,\,; JJJ· Mark Girsh looks in fine shape here, must have had trouble somewhere, but when he finished he finished first in the 250 bike class. The DesertLite class has started to attract new cars, but it was local man Bryan Saasta who was the first 360cc to finish and he was third overall. Rick Wessels sails over some fun running sections of the course and he went on to win the Vintage Class on something called the Yuha Chapel Hussy. By Fud The Stuart Engineering Desert Sprint :1::: ··Vet Expert Phil Means showed why he has that title, as he led the first lap and all the way to the checkers, winning overall as well as the Vet class, aboard a Honda. Dewey Belew had a tough dice all the way, fell short of challenging the overall winner, but was second overall and first in Open class. lt happened last fall at Plaster winning changes your perspective. City West, and the Stuart Vet expert Phil Means led to Engineering Desert Sprint was Check I, check 2 and Home Round 11 of the FR T District 38 Check on the first lap. As a matter Championship. Before the race of fact he led everybody all the StuPeace,theniceguywhoowns time to take first overall Stuart Engineering, came over to motorcycle honors and first Vet me and said, "Fud, when I too. Ho Hum, just another day at sponsor a race I want something the office. But, what a day it was! fast where I can let it all hang out First Troy Phelps came up to and power slide around the threaten for the lead and Means corners. I want to have some simply shooed him away. Next it fun!" At the awards the next day was Dewey Belew's turn, and there he was raving about how Means swatted him with a Honda great the course was. Funny how fly swatter. Once bitten, twice Lee Henry came from Yuma, AZ to beat the Californians in 125 class and he also came in well ahead of any in the 250 bike class. Dusty Times Photos: C&C Raa Photos shy, so Phelps and Belew diced for second and third. It was a short lived battle as a rear flat left Phelps floundering in third. Next in line came the war for fourth and fifth. Dan Worley and John Keifer, two Vets, took turns · swapping positions. Finally, with a last lap gasp it was Keifer by an eyelash taking the win. It was a • Steve Mamer cleaned up in the A TV action on his Honda, winning the division good day for the Senior Class. Pat overall, and the A TV class, but he didn't catch the lead until a last lap problem "Flatpan: Flanagan came out on put the leader out. top in sixth overall as well. He had -::c-:-:::---------=-=:-::==::;:::=::;:::=-==-==-==-=---------:= no pressure from Tom Nolan or Dave Krider who finished second and third. The lead ATV captured seventh overall with a run for the roses. Steve Mamer was not given much of a chance against Greg Bringle's Banshee, because the "' track was so fast. It looked like the odds makers were right until the last lap, when Bringle busted something. Steve Mamer, follow-ed by SCORE teammate Ben Schlime happily picked up first and second on their Honda Fourtraxes. "Madman" Douthitt drove into third. Where was the 250 class? Not here yet because next it was the 125s turn. Lee Henry, from Stu Peace had the fun of winning the race his company, Stuart Engineering, sponsors. He took the overall victory in the DesertLite division as well as the win in Open Class. Yuma, AZ rode steadily through the field to come out on top. Justin Hollmann led the first lap, Lee Henry second and "Rippin" Robbie Pippin third. Lee Henry took over the top spot on the next lap and kept it for the win. For the next few laps Hollmann and Pippin banged bars until finally Hollmann wilted and Pippin roared into second while Holl-mann placed third. In the Desertlite Division Steve Fenton has relished winning the race his main competition, Stu Peace, sponsors. This year it looked no different. Fenton had a nice lead after one lap. In was nip and tuck after two, and then there was Stu. He had taken a bite out of the Green Apple. Stu Peace pigged out on green apples and won first Open and first overall Desertlite honors. Andy "Any" Wehe was second and third was the first 360 Desertlite Bryan Saasta. The Vintage Class was led by Rick Wessels on his Yuha Chapel Hussy. However, it was close as his Hussy threw a shoe and Tracey Raybon came within a heartbeat of burning down the Chapel. Alan Leonard was a distant third. Anybody seen the 250 class. AAh Yes, here it comes. Mark Girsh won it, Sal Garcia was second and James Henderson finished third. February 1993 MADE BETTER IN THE U.S.A. !!! OFF MANUFACTURER OF ROAD COMPONENTS -VW REPLACEMENT PARTS--• Link Pins • Axles (Porsche & VW) • Link Pin Bushings • Racing Spring Plates • Heat Treated Link Pin Shims • Predrllled CV Bolts Call Today for Your FREE Catalog I 21430 WAALEW ROAD, APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 TEL (619) 240-2266 FAX (619) 240-1359 Dealer Inquiries Invited UPS Shipping Daily VISA/MasterCard MON-FRI 8-4 Pacific Time Page 39

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The Losers ( contim«:J from />aKe 38) they got to El Crucero, at about Neal and Mike Grabowski got ten minutes to four, but they their Class 5 car to El Crucero, needed their light bar, and it but no further. It seems that wasn't there. It seems that the before Puertecitos they'd hit one chase vehicle had been forced to of those concrete culverts, and runonMexicangas,andcouldget had bent their front "rock only Nova, and had melted the crusher" into a right angle just as catalytic converter, and would neatly as if they'd planned it. But now run no faster than about 10 the sudden stop had also jammed miles an hour up any hill. Fossett their transmission into third gear, had to wait a half hour for the and that's where it stayed. truck and the light bar to get to Jeff Lewis, in Class 7Sl4x4 was where he was. d r one ror the day near Catarina Just after dark, the big whenawristpinbrokeandpoked tractor I trailer that had served as a a rod out through the side of the pit vehicle for Yokohama, and block of his Chevy. And Dennis their star, Ivan, pulled out, Hight, in the 1-2-1600 class, carefully making way across the broke his transmission trying to course, and gingerly threading go up the nasty little hill at mile through the parked spectator and 45. Further down the road some chase crew vehicles scattered in f f o his riends were trying to figure "the shrubbery. But the driver out how they could capitalize on made a tactical error and tried to h is room reservations in La Paz, get up on the highway on the first assuming he no longer needed little trail he came to, instead of them. going a little further, to where the approach was less steep. How do you suppose that driver felt, high centered on the edge of the main highway, with traffic blocked both north and southbound? He sat there, completely blocking the road, for at least a half hour, while chase crews already safely in the pit area chuckled, and those caught in the jam stewed. Traffic was literally lined up for a mile in Walter Prince had serious clutch trouble, and spent a long time fixing it at El Crucero, only to get further down into the depths of Baja and break an oil cooler. either direction. Some of the bikers were having no fun also. John Carmona came off his bike about five miles south of Bay of L.A., and was knocked a bit goofy. The folks who went in to get him thought his neck might Wafter Prince had a long stop at Crucero to repair the clutch, later lost the oil cooler, and the Candy Cane Class 1 /2 Raceco did not make it to La Paz. HE BUMP STOPS HER Introducing the MARVIN SHAW ENGINEERING BUMP STOP! Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. These Bump Stops come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane end piece, and enough valving to get the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. lncludinQ the mountinQ hardware and the GR8 bolts FOR MORE INFORMATIOtll 00 THIS FINE PFODUCT. SEE YOUR CLOSEST OFF FOAD RACING PARlS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. Page 40 MARVIN SHAW ENGINEERING 101 BroadNay P.O. Box845 Yornell. AZ 85.162 1-602-427-3551 be broken, so they hauled him back to Bay of L.A., leaving his bike at the side of the course temporarily. Only, when they got back to get it, it was gone. No one had seen it come back through Bay of L.A., so they assumed it had been spirited southward, toward El Arco. Carmona went back a couple of weeks after the race, planning to offer a $1000 reward for its return. Another biker, Marc Tauss, from Switzerland, was riding the whole distance himself, on a 125cc Yamaha. He'd been on vacation in the States with his girlfriend, when he heard about the race, and decided it would be fun to enter. Of course, he'd no idea what he was getting into. 0 ll h If d h After this stop for suspension woes and more stops down the fine the 1600 of rigina Y is gi r rien ad Packy Wheeler and Raff Barwig finished the race with an ET of 34:49:00. planned to chase for him on her bike, but some kind person had a radio report that he was looking crew was. They didn't make it to dissuaded them of that plan and for his pit with his spare La Paz. she'd borrowed a van. At El transmission. Healsodidn'tgetto The crew loaded things up and CruceroTausswaslate,he'dhurt La Paz. headed north early, partly his leg, his girlfriend and his gas Darren Skilton and Eric Heiden bec·ause they were going to have to wer_e nowhere to be found, and he were brief! y held up in their get to San Felipe to replace the didn't know where he was in Class 6 Jeep, at the Mile 45 parts they'd borrowed. So, by relation to anywhere. But he was traffic jam, but got moving again, Saturday night, at about 9:30 cheerful, and various folks in the until they got to the soft sand p.m., they had got to Jesus Maria, FAIR pit gave him water, cookies before the mini summit. They got just north of Guerrero Negro. and an apple, and then the stuck, and someone pulled them They were in their Ford van, Kawasaki pit filled his gas tank, /out, but the car was now towingtheracecar.ABuickcame and after wondering a bit about overheating. They made it over up on them fast, got next to Vince his girlfriend's whereabouts, he the boulders of the mini summit, and turned on a blinking light, headed south to Bay of L.A. and down to the other side, still then moved in front of the van, where he had a Chapala Duster reading hot. But when they got to and slowed them down. He pulled pit. About an hour later along the Zoo Road it had cooled down, into a turn-out, and, being a law came a fragile looking young lady, and they had plenty of water so abiding citizen, Vince followed speaking English with an accent, they went on. When they got to him. The two men in the Buick looking for bike #363. We told the Arches in San Felipe the got out of their car with drawn her he'd gone on to Bay of L.A. motor started to knock, so they guns, a pistol and an assault rifle. She was apprehensive about going pulled the head off and discovered There was no other traffic on the any further south, because she that one piston had a hole in the highway. was about'to run out of gas (no top. They had chosen to run a Speaking only Spanish the two one ever heeds the old-timers stock motor for this race, men indicated that Vince and when they say to stop and buy gas be I ievi ng it wou Id be more Molina should get out of the van, ateveryopengasstation),shewas reliable than their usual race which they did. Then Mike tired, and the highway scared her. motor. noticed that the Buick had We never saw either of them Even ESPN had some problems, California license plates on it, and again, but noted that the finishing when the plane they were using to they knew they'd been had. The list showed that Tauss didn't get ferry a photographer and some two asked for money, and Vince to La Pa.:. • equipment from San Felipe to handed them about $8. worth of The team of Jerry Penhall, points south, had a small fire in pesos, while Mike handed over Malcolm Smith and Bud Feld- the starter motor, and couldn't about $20. Then they made the kamp was slowed a bit by three get off the ground. other two drivers climb out of the flat tires in the early part of the Darren York had the early lead van. Vince was frightened to see day, but were still in pretty good in Class 7Sl4x4, then spent about that the bandits were so scared shape at El Crucero where 20minutesinValleTrinidadona themselves that they were Malcolm took over the driving. rear end seal. He got back to the shaking. He got to Bay of L.A. in good front again, but a little past San Altogether they took only time, but then in the treacherous Felipe lost his motor. And Bob about $80. from the four racers, section beyond there hit an Land, in an unlimited car, hit one surprisingly not asking for all abutment, and blew his left front of those culverts at about 110 their cash, and then, saying "No tire, destroyed the wheel, bent the miles per hour, and bottomed the problem, no problem", signed for trailing arm, and the tie rod. He car seriously. At Puertecitos his them to get back in the van. As put on a rear spare, and now with crew checked the car over, and Vince and the others sat in their five inches of tow out, proceeded spotted a crack in the transmis-vehicle they heard shots, and to El Arco. He took on fuel, got sion, but he elected to go on. didn't know for sure if any of another spare and went on, not Only, by the time he got to Coco's their group had been hit, but then, wanting to take the time to change Corner the crack had grown as the bandits pulled away, they the tie rod. about six inches, so Land decided realized that they'd shot out both Down around Purisima, in the it made good, economical sense to of the driver side tires. They'd put soft sand, he ran out of gas, smack pack it in. the bullets right through the rims. in the middle of the course, and Vince Alcouloumre, in the Vince had one spare. But some had to be pushed out of harm's Class 5-1600 car with the surf race traffic came down the way by Walker Evans. Then he board on its roof, lost a cylinder at highway now, and, while they got some fuel, but was now buried San Felipe, and borrowed parts didn't realize the magnitude of in the silt, and fried the clutch from a Mexican's play buggy. He what had happened, they saw a trying to get himself out. used up three hours making the race team with two flats, and Eventually he was able to limp repair, but, it's a long race. Then various people stopped to help. along, and then he got going too he got stuck in the mud in They were able to borrow a spare fast on a downhill, hit the brakes, . Calamjue Wash, and tore off his from one of the other teams, so and the car made a sharp right exhaust system, so when he got to they could get going again. The turn and went off a cliff, ending El Crucero he borrowed one from side trip to San Felipe was up on its lid at the bottom. That Mario Panagiotopoulos, and forgotten, and they headed for the was finally the end of what had spent another hour or so border, glad to be alive. been a very bad day for Malcolm installing it. Vince said he and his friends, Smith. Vince and his two co-drivers, on thinking it over, decided that In Class 5, E. Ruiz got to El Mike Molina and Mike Russell the bandits had been "kind of Crucero with a cracked transmis-got all the way to Mile 900, and amateurish". He also suggests that sion case. There was a lot of then the borrowed rod went others should learn from his bad discussion in his pit about what away. Also the push rod tubes luck, and plan to stay in a caravan couldbedone,andtheconsensus were leaking, and the rings were with other vehicles, when was, nothing. So he went on, but bad, and they had to keep adding traveling on the open highway. mid-morning on Friday we heard oil, just to get to where their chase Anywhere. February 1993 Dusty Times

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Ken Freeman Jr. led his little sister on the road until a stub axle let go on the last lap, and he parked, still goo<! for third in Class 1-2-1600. Mich~el Flinn hauls from Salt Lake City to race with SNORE and he turned quick times in his single seat Class 10 for second in class and seventh 0 /A. Brent Bell and Scott Bedford had an assortment of troubles, mostly flats and a wheel came off, but they finished all five laps for third spot in Class 10. SNORE ELDORADO 250 Bekki Beats the Boys and Wins Overall Text & Photos: Don Dayton Bekki Freeman set a bunch of records, winning the race not only in Class 1-2-1600, but OVERALL, the first time in history a woman has driven the entire distance to overall victory in an off road race. She won overall by less than a minute over the unlimited cars. The ELDORADO 250 was one dandy, barnburner of a race. There were some hot battles for the lead in most of the classes and when the smoke had cleared, there was a new winner. Bekki Freeman was not only first in 1-2-1600, she was FIRST PLACE OVERALL. This is the first time in off road history that a woman has won the overall title. There have been other female winners in the past, but they all had men co-driving. Bekki's dad, Ken, Was signed on as co-driver, but she wouldn't even stop long enough to let him get in the car. Ken was all suited up and ready to go, but Bekki wasn't about to get out of the car. The on! y problem she had all day was rolling the car a little. It ended up laying on its side in Butch Dean's Valley Performance pit. Butch told her she might want to try that corner a little slower. Bekki promised she would next time ( that was on the last lap). She had good reason to be in a hurry, because Mike Spina was ahead of her. Mike had led from the green flag, set fast time and looked to be on his way to another win, when he had both a front and rear tire go flat simultaneously. The flats plus an off course excursion that cost him a half hour dropped Spina to second place at the finish, just eleven minutes down to the flying Freeman. Spina wasn't the only challenger to Dusty Times Bekki's win either. Her older brother Ken Freeman Jr. was never more than a couple of minutes behind and you can bet Kenny wasn't about to let little sister beat him, ifhe could help it, even though he had to drive the old car. He held his own until the last lap, when a stub axle came unglued and parked him for the duration, though he was far enough ahead to hold on to third place. Grabbing the number four spot was Adam Wik in his Wik Racing Engines entry. He ran a strong race and despite last lap troubles, finished less than five minutes behind Kenny. Dan lscho ran well in his Superior Iron sponsored . racer, until things turned terminal ~-.,, . on lap four, leaving him in fifth place. The sixth spot was taken by Bill Witt and Brian Burgess in the car coincidentally sponsored by Bill Witt Concrete Cutting. They got in two good laps before third lap troubles sidelined them. Another new team, sporting the Sports Card Connection colors, took seventh place. The car, driven by Keith Raether, Dominic Gonzales, David Plum and Mike Gomez, looked good on their first lap, but rolled on the second. Right into Butch Dean's pit. Leave it to Butch to find the fun places on the course. They got going again, but somewhere along the line, a rock had bashed a valve cover into the rockers and some essential internals met an Troy Herbst flew his single seat Chenowth to a very close second overall, despite four flats along the way and he finished with only third and fourth gears operating on the Chenowth/Porsche. February 1993 Bekki Freeman could hardly believe her rider who is telling her, yes, we did win this race overall, at the finish line, and no doubt her new car helped her to set this record. untimely demise. When Rob and Bob Guevara drew the number one starting position in 1-2-1600, they thought it was a good sign. They should have looked up, because there was a great big black cloud hanging over the car. They had a good run, for about a quarter mile. Then a fan belt came apart. No big deal, they slapped on a new belt and charged out to make up the lo~t time. About three miles out the distributor cap disinte-grated -just kinda blew up. They got word back to the pits and a replacement cap was brought out, but when they got back underway, the engine wasn't running right. An intake manifold stud had pulled out and they had an air leak. They limped back to the pits and fixed the manifold, but then someone noticed the frame had developed a major crack. At that point they decided, the way things were going, the pits were the best place to be and they gave it up for the day. Another victim of the "first off the line" curse was the Barbary Coast Valley Performance Unlimited racer driven by John Gaughan, Mike Gaughan Jr. and Greg Balelo. They finished all tn<. laps, but there wasn't a single lap they dido 't have problems. Despite all their woes, they still finished fourth. Maybe they should get an award for "Persist-ence in the Face of Adversity". Pat Dean.came around at the end oflap one with a one minute lead, but his Barbary Coast car developed an appetite for tires and had eaten five of them before the checker came out, with Pat in third place. Tommy Bradley in the Alenco1fffG1Hi-Tech entry and Troy Herbst in another Barbary Coast car both hit the line at the L'nd of lap onL' with identical times of 58 minutL'S, 58 seconds. . Lap two-~ PIKE'S SERVICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS .... M·obit· SERVICE THANKS! .-_,. an-REST AU RAl'1T OPEN 24 HOURS EVERY DAY - YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 41

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Brendan Gaughan and J.C. Dean led Class 10 handily for four laps, but engine trouble on lap 5 was terminal so they did not finish, but were fourth in Class. Patrick Carter and Steven Waller had a little traffic problem on their way to second in Class 5-1600 in the newly bodied car that started as a wreck found in the desert. Wefl Known engine builder Adam Wik ran his first race as a driver, turned quick times, but the steering broke on the last lap, but he still placed·fourth in Class 1-2-1600. Rocky Magee led Class 10 in his two seater to the win and fifth overall, picking up the lead on the final lap, as attrition took out many of the eight Class 10 starters, two on the first lap. ~ saw Tommy with a four minute cushion over Pat with Troy another two minutes back. Lap three saw Tommy first, but Pat had shaved a minute off his lead and Troy had knocked off •wo minutes. Things got some-what rearranged on lap four when Tommy lost his steering in the middle of BLM's Revenge. A woodruff key disappeared from the rack and pinion coupler, leading to a few seconds of extreme entertainment, as he tried to dodge the boulders with the steering wheel no longer commun-icating with the front wheels. Lap four had Troy five minutes in front of Pat and ten minutes up on Tommy. The final score had Troy in front with a total of four flats and finishing with only third and fourth gears. Tommy set fast lap and was less than two minutes down in second and Pat another four minutes back in third with five flats. Maybe next year we should get Big-O to send out a few mobile flat fixing trucks. Class 10 looked like a battle in the making, with the second largest entry of the day. Things became somewhat decreaseJ. right off the bat, when Darren Wilson and Keith Underwood blowed their best and only motor about twenty miles out. The T onapah trio of Rick Causey, Daryl Bishop and Eddie Brink also encountered terminal troubles in their nifty new D&D Tire car on the first l~p-'!'he ~II Seasons Marine Tommy Bradley had led lap 3 in his Unlimited car, but had a major steering problem on the fourth round but finished second in class and third overall. - --~--._ -.-.-!!II?:";::. . --: -~ . Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road driving school can help you be your best! But be ready. .. the road isn't smooth! -?age 41 Call For Courses and Dates Great Basin Consuhing 2738 Chavez Dr. Reno, NV 89502 (7D2) 825-8830 ,,,,,,,; just fine, thank you. Patrick Carter, Steven Waller, Evah Shelmet and John Pellissier did a fine job and brought the car home in second place. I did hear a rumor that an unidentified mini-truck rammed the "magic" rear bumper a little and rolled himself, then jumped Pat after the race. Seems he blamed Carter for putting him on his head! All the bad luck in the class seemed to concentrate on the Flinn Automotive racer of Barry and Troy Merriam and Jeff Neagle. They came from West Jordan, Utah to get in a little good-weather racing, but a bad trans parked them before they could make the first lap. Bruce Fraley, with Don Laikowski riding along, set fast lap on the first go in Class 5-1600, led all four required laps easily and won the class by over 18 minutes at the checkered flag. · Four trucks showed up•for the Yokohama Mini-Metal Challenge, but only one of them was able to go the distance. The Hi-Tech Off Road/Pure Attitude Toyota of Steve Ogle.John and Jack Bassett, Chris Grata and Jeff Richard overcame a few problems on the last two laps to take the first place trophy and the Yokohama $1000 Check. As the last official finisher to complete all their laps, they also took home a check from DUSTY TMES. Todd Olcott, James Farari and Tim Thackston took their Virginia Truck Lines Toyota to second place, despite Todd standing the truck on its nose in a ditch. This caused a severe derangement of some of Todd's favorite front end and steering components and prob-ably made it harder than usual for him to drive the truck back home after the race. That's right, he drives the truck to the races and then drives the remains home. Damage must not have been terminal though, as he was able to drive the truck to the awards Sunday morning. How many people do you know who have their racers valet parked? A new truck in the class was the tidy Ford ofT ed May ,Jeff Welk er and Tommy Bradly, Jr. They drove the T.J. May Construction/Total Performance racer to third place, despite finishing only one, very long lap. Another Ford, this one driven by Michael Tieman, Brad Collie and Joe Ferrara rounded out the field and finished in fourth place. They ran into some terminal type troubles on their first lap and had to call it a day. I may be wrong, but this truck looks a whole lot like the one that took first place in the Midnight Special in 1991 except it doesn't have MOJADO ALEMAN on the back fender. sponsored car of Paul Greimann, Mike Miller, Pat Miller, Mark Abratowski and Robby Foster was in fourth place on the first lap, but their promising start came to a quick end and they couldn't complete lap two. The "X-Spectators" Mike Larson, John Phegley and Tom Hood also had a fine first lap, coming around in third place, just one second behind the number two car. Unfortunately, their Italy Service sponsored car gave out on the next lap, leaving them in fifth place. The Barbary Coast team of Brendan Gaughan, J.C. Dean and Perry Gwinn had a five minute lead on lap one and got even better each lap. They set fast lap for· the class on lap four and were twenty four minutes in front when the white flag waved. Then a camshaft broke. What a way to finish a fantastic drive. Well, at least fourth place was enough to cinch the Class 10 points for the year. Whittlesea Taxi & Bell Trans. backed the ride for Brent Bell and Scott Bedford. They had a (mostly) uneventful day, except for the usual assortment of flats. Well, there was the time when a rear wheel fell off. That provided some continuing entertainment. When the wheel came off, the right, hind caliper got sorta ground up, leaving them with no brakes on that corner. Got their attention every time they hit the brakes hard. Brent did manage to hold it together long enough to take third place. Michael Flinn came down to Vegas from Salt Lake City to race and to get away from the Utah winter. It may not have been real summery here, but at least the sun was shining and Mike's Flinn Automotive/Fat Performance machine had only one flat (is that legal?). He took the number two trophy back home with him. Out in front when it counted was the team of Rocky Magee, Noel Dwatko and Eddie Doyle. They reported a virtually trouble free day (don't you hate guys like that?) and ran a strong, steady race to take the number one trophy in Class 10 and the $500 SNORE Bonus Money for the race. The 5-1600 Class was a little shy on entries for the El Dorado. Only three cars took the green, but Bruce Fraley and Don Laikowski took off like there were twenty cars chasing them. Bruce set fast time for the class on the first lap and his Barbary Coast Goodyear sponsored car was never headed for the rest of the day. Bruce said he had an "uneventful day, just stayed out of trouble" and motored in for first place. The Acme Automo-tive/ D.I. Texaco car just doesn't look right without the bloody bulletholes in the doors, but it ran Mike Spina was leading Class 1-2-1600, as usual, when he had a front and a rear flat at the same time, and other woes all dropped him to second in class, sixth overall. February 1993 The biggest class of the day and ( one of) the most fun to watch was Class 9. Mike Dixon showed a two minute edge on lap one in his VW W erks racer. T hat must have been a burr under the saddle of Bill Holbrook, because his Aboco/Webbweld ca r set fast time on lap two with a twelve Dusty Times

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Clay Carr and David Perry started out blowing an oil line, but they got back in action, had no more problems and finished a fine second in Class 9. Ian Dent, Tim Crain and Robbie Foster grabbed third place in Class 9 wars with a couple of quick laps, a few stops along the way, but a good day of racing. Bill Holbrook and Tom Burns got Class 9 fast lap on the second round, went well until the last lap, leading until a rear brake came apart, but they fixed things and finished the lap in fourth. second lead over Dixon and barely two minutes over Gene Griepentrog and Kent Lothringer. Kent had lost a little time when he rolled the Lothringer Engineer-ing/WR Trannys machine while trying t o pass a 1-2-1600. ( Darned it them Challengers ain't gettin uppity!) Kent ended up on the wheels, hut pointing the wrong direction and with a few new wrinkles in the car to explain to Gene. Dixon dropped to third on lap three when he limped in with a broken hall joint and the time taken for repairs dropped him t o sixth a t the finis h . Holbrook held a slim lead over Griepentrog/Lothringer as the white flag came out, but he got only another four miles before a rear drum disintegrated. The down time set him back into fourth place at the checker. Griepentrog eased off a bit on the last lap as the brakes were about gone and the suspension was starting to show the strain of a fast, rough race. Everything held up to take the first place trophy and the number two spot in the year-end points. Clay Carr and David Perry ran a great race to take the number two position for their sponsor, Classic Door & Trim. They had their problems right off the start when an oil line blew. They quickly bypassed the oil cooler and filter and ran the whole race without them. Good thing it was a cool day! Ian Dent, Tim Crain and Robbie Foster grabbed the third spot. Hey Tim, how do you like holding down the "hang on and shut up" side for a change? Jeff Carr had a good day in the other Classic Door & Trim racer and brought it home for fifth place. Tom :ind Ann Sturgis and John Thomas came up from Bullhead City with their O'Learys/ River Valley Auto machine. Their luck improved considerably over the last couple of races and they finished up in a strong sev'enth place. Jason and Bill Avery and A.J. Delap overcame some second lap woes to take the number eight spot. Charles F. David and Charles M. David Jr. brought their Uavid Masonry Inc. car home in ninth and Bill O'Donnell II took his Lothringer sponsored car to tenth. The score shee t lists the eleventh finishers as "Dennis Looney & The Looney Tunes" and the sponsors as "Mom". Mom is Billie Looney and she was one of the eight people signed in on the car. The firstlap was driven by Lynn Dickton with Billie in the white-knuckled seat . Dennis drove the second lap and he is the one who broke the car. (Lynn and Billie told me.) An axle tube fractured, maybe out of sheer panic at carrying that many people around. Daryl Bishop and Dusty Times Only one of the four mini trucks that started went the distance, and the winner / Class 9 was the biggest at the race with 13 starters. Gene Griepentrog and was no surprise, Steve Ogle, John and Jack Bassel/ and more. They overcame Kent Lothringer won by 14 minutes despite a time out for a roll over, no big last lap trouble to finish and win the big Yokohama prize money. damage to the Lothringer, however. - ----------------------------Eddie Brink came down from solo drive in her new car, she better on average, as eight out of Sparks for the race, but could insisted on a trophy boy. Since 13 starters finished in Class 9 led only get in two laps for twelfth she was in her early teens Bekki by Gene Griepentrog, then Clay place and Joel Davis, Eric Hayes has served as trophy girl for Carr, Ian Dent and Bill Holbrook, and Robert Hamblin finished SNORE events for years. Second who had Tom Burns for a co-only one for thirteenth. place in Class 1-1600, Mike Spina driver and got fast class lap on the Next morning the awards made the max effort, showed up second round. In Mini Metal the breakfast at the Gold Coast Hotel at the awards in a suit and tie, and tidy Toyota of Steve Ogle was the & Casino was as lavish as ever, presented Bekki with her trophy only one of four who finished and and the mood was festive, as the and check. Bekki and Mike, who he got $560 plus the $1000 1992 SNORE season was done, was sixth overall were the only Yokohama bonus. and the first race in the 1993 five lap finishers in the eight car If you miss the January 9 season is in early February giving class. Christmas party, do come to the first SNORE race of the 1993 season, the Mahoneys Silver Nugget Bottom Dollar 200 on February 5, 6, 7, and get in on some of this keen bonus money that swells the SNORE purses in -some classes far beyond the regular paycheck. Check the ad in this issue for all the details on the race, and the new Sportsman . classes for 1993. everyone several weeks break It was much the same in Class from working on race cars over l0asRocky Magee, who was fifth the holiday s~ason. After stuffing overall and the Class 10 winner, themselves with all the good food, his purse enriched by the SNO RE the awards ceremony began, $500 bonus, Michael Flinn and conducted h y new President Brent Bell, seventh and eighth Gary Waller, who thanked all overall, were the only five lap the workers and the racers for finishers out of eight starters. The supporting SNORE, and thanked Unlimiteds had the best finishing Michael Gaughan for his gener- average with four out of five, led osity in supplying the awards by Troy Herbst, who earned breakfasts all year. He announced $500, covering five laps. Next the Christmas party and points came Tommy Bradley Jr., Pat winners awards presentation Dean, and they were 2, 3, 4 would be held early in January as overall and John Gaughan was they started looking for a room ninth overall. And it was two out too late to hold it before of three in Class 5-1600 with Christmas, everything was Bruce Fraley taking home first hooked. place money of $531, about 18 Mike Dixon led the first half in Class 9, then broke a ball joint and had a Jong stop to replace it, taking sixth in Class with all four laps done, and Mike got the points to make him SNORE's 1992 points champion overall. When Bekki Freeman reali;;ed minutes ahead of Patrick Carter. she had won the race overall in a The four laps required classes did t At the awards brunch at the Gold Coast Hotel Mike Spina dressed up in a suit and tie, a rare occasion, to present Bekki Freeman with her overall trophy and the Class 1-2-1600 trophy. Mike was second in the class, and the 1992 class points champion. February 1993 CUSTOM AUTOMOTIVE & ,i~~G 1991 HORA SCORE CHAMPION AWARD WINNING QUAIJ1Y PRODUCTS FROM :=CND:::::: (602)778-2433 ASI# 359251 625 N. 3rd. Street #2 • Prescott, Arizona 86301 Page 43

Page 44

Text & Photos: Jim Ober Dusty Russia vehicles packed with everything but the kitchen sink, some were obviously too heavy (and top heavy with travel tents and Jerry cans on the roof) for any serious off road travel. Despite being assured by Cjarney that all food and drink was provided, many entrants stocked a chuckwagon kit to rival many German delicatessens. As the trip unfolded, these packrats were to be the lucky ones. In addition to the many 4x4's, we also had a couple of 6x6 trucks with such unknown ( to Ameri-cans) makes as Styer-Puch, Mercedes Unimogs and IFA (East German military). But the most interesting big rigs were the factory-sponsored, Czech-made The Mercedes G-Wagen of the author and Harald Pietschman enters the vast Tatra six w~eelers. These Kazakhstan desert, watched closely by a local rider atop a two hump former • legendary vehicles are used as mode of transportation in the desert areas. support vehicles in the Paris-I had been on many off road Pietschman. He is an accomplish-Da_kar race, and with ~heir rear adventures -the Rubicon Trail, ed off road journalist and guide, swmg axles and reductt0n gears, pre-running Baja with Ivan and has photographed moi;t cangoanywhereanoffr<?adrace Stewart, and off roading in the major races in Baja and the car can,_ and alm~st as quickly .. English mud. To get a close-up Mojave. Many of the photc;>s that The fir_st morn~ng we crossed m view of a country, there's no appear on the pages of Dusty to Austria. Traffi_c wa~ heavy on better way than to go off road. Times are taken by him. My t~e Autobahn, smce tt ~as the You don't just see the terrain, but navigational and GPS (Global ftrSt day_of school vacation ar:id · l d p · · · s ) k'll many Turks who work 1n you get to see its peop e an os1tionmg ystem . s 1 s w~re Germany were headed home for culture -up close. You see what among the reasons m my bemg the break. In Vienna, we did a really make~ up a c_ountry. So I set asked t~ go. . . uick tour of the cit ( includin a off to Russia, which a mere two Munich's <?lymp~c Stadium io-go order at M:Donald';), years ago was the Western wa~ the_ starting p_omt. The~e, wherelmadeastartlingdiscovery: •uorld's arch-enemy. . reg1strat1onandadnver's~eetmg Fats D ino and his rev e was The owner of Off Road Vehicle began the month long tnp. We booke~for a concert a wee~ later. Magazine in Germany, Adolph soon realized our long column of It occurred to me that I had never Cjarney, conceived of the idea to almost every make of 4x4 truck thought of where he had gone for leadSOvehiclesofoffroadsadists would wind its way through all these years. Vienna was as plus support vehicles through the Austria, Hungary, Romania, the good a place as any for an over-former states of the USSR. Few in Ukraine, Georgia, the Volga the-hill musician who has lost all the group could conceive of the Delta, cut across the vas·t his thrill to hide out. adventures that awaited us during Kazakhstan Desert, proceed north After a lengthy wait at the Cjarney's planned arduous trek of along the Volga to Gorky, west to Hungarian border, we finally 4000 miles of Soviet roads and Moscow, and finally to St. madeittoourmotel/campsitein trails. Petersburg for a ferry boat trip mid-afternoon. Several miles My assignment was to assist back to Kiel, Germany. before reaching camp, however, one of the group leaders, Harald Most off roaders came with we discovered a portent of things to come - Cjarney, was pulled over to the side of the road with a flat. Upon closer inspection, it seemed that most of the remaining Michelins on his Toyota had served better days. Cjarney boasted these tires had been ~ throughout Africa, and were six years old! Hardly good news for those of us who like to be properly prepared for any long trip with good equipment (and like to think others prepare as well as we do). The organizer's lack of preplanning would rear its ugly head many times on this trip. The sand dunes, about 180 miles into Kazakhstan, were real dunes, the sand was soft and silty, and about four tenths of the group made the trip through, the others on the expedition went around on paved roads. The third night of the journey found us in Romania, in the foothills of the Transylvania Mountains, made famous by Brad Stocker in his book Dracula. In fact, we were close to the Rodney Mountains, and I couldn't help think that Rod Hall should be here, adding a bit of his 'Will Rogers' brand of American 1 humor to the situation. We had been promised by the organizer that every night, except in the qesert section, we would camp near 'drinkable water'. It might have been drinkable, but it sure wasn't potable. When we started setting up tents and preparing for a dip in the nearby stream, our doctor warned us not to go near the water. He said that he had walked upstream and, about 200 meters north, there were two dead sheep floating in the water. So much for 'drinkable quality', or a bath that night. At least we had a hot meal to le·ok forward to, or so we thought. Before the trip, Cjarney had promised the world to the participants, but he wasn't delivering. The tour was to include a hot breakfast and dinner, with a lunch of potted meat, bread and Cokes. Some participants had even called Cjarney's office saying they wanted to bring their own food. "No," Cjarney insisted. "All will be taken care of." We had potted meat that night and for most of the journey; this potted meat ( its trade name is· Lutz) and a small package of German bread was to be our regular fare. "Dinner with Lutz" became a sad, but morale-saving joke among the group. Once every few days, Cjarney would try to arrange for dinner to be made, but since our itinerary called for us to drive eight to ten hours a day, dinner was usually too little, or too late at night. Small pieces of meat, with a small potato cost 10 marks (about $6.00), to add insult to injury. Conversation around the campsite was on one topic -how could the group get Cjarney to live up to his promises? Soon, though, people got smart and pooled their resources. No longer content to place their fate in the. hands of the organizer, we began making occasional stops at roadside produce stands and thus were able to put together some decent vittles at night. Sausage, cheese, bread and a small bell-pepper and cucumber salad, washed down by semi-cold German beer was a treat I looked forward to at the end of the day. Watermelons for dessert were readily available from the local vendors, and were among the tastiest I 've ever had. The packrats on the tour who had stuffed every available crack of their 4x4 with food started sharing with those of us who had believed the promoter. Food -~ .. ~,· ( ~ One of the famed Mercedes Uni Mogs slides past one of the remains of a one time Russian missle site on a good, hard track, still in Kazakhstan, and still in the desert most had come to see and experience. Page 44 The campsite near Mt. Elbrus in the Caucasus Mountains saw the off roaders draw the wagons in a circle in the high mountain meadow, as they shared their food and swapped stories of past glories. February 1993 became the catalyst for many friendships that developed during the trip. Our first real off road challenge came in the Caucasus Mountains, near Mt. Elbrus (14,500 ft.), the site of a famous German-Russian army standoff in WWII. While some decided to take an organized tour up the creaky ski lift gondola, I and some of the other experienced off roaders decided to see how high up the ski area access roads we could travel. Steep inclines and loose rocks, growing worse at every treacher-ous turn, ended the challenge at 9,500 feet. We didn't really realize how steep uphill we were traveling until we turned around and began the descent, our trusty Mercedes Benz G-Wagen, shod with equally trusty BFGoodrich All-Terrains, was as sure footed as a mountain goat, and we got down safely and returned to camp at the end of the day. On the way down, we took a sign discarded by the side of the road as a souvenir. Our Russian interpreter told us the sign read "Danger, avalanches." Those who had gone on the 'tour' were disappointed -the much lauded military museum that some had gone to see was the size of a large closet. Russian text trumpeted the glorious victories of the Red army, etc., etc. -not a shred of information about /any German army involvement whatsoever. A special note about our camp: it was a run down track and soccer stadium, with rusting light standards, that we discovered had been the high altitude training site for the Russian teams preparing for the 1968 Mexico City Olympics. As usual in Russia, it was almost abandoned afterwards, and left to rot away on its own. We were to find out that derelict structures are rarely razed in that country. Also, a nearby hotel housed a high altitude air-bell used to train Russian cosmonauts until a few years ago. An uncharacteristically clever hotel manager converted the chamber into a sauna. Earlier on the trip, one of the Mercedes G-W agens developed a nasty overheating problem, which was diagnosed by one of the service crews as either a cracked head or head gasket. Fortunately, one of the doctors had a satellite fax machine on his mammoth Steyr truck. He sent a faxed message to Mercedes Germany, asking where we could find parts in either the Ukraine or Georgia, A return fax informed us that a Mercedes mechanic would be flying, with parts, from Moscow to a town near Elbrus, to do the necessary repairs. I couldn't help but think that Ford and Chevy management could learn a bit about customer service from this incident. The Mercedes was fixed in one day. The following day, our G-Wagen, as cramped as it was, was designated to drop the mechanic at a road intersection closest to the airport. On the way, in casual conversation, we thanked him for his service, and to our astonish-ment, found that he had flown from Moscow, 1600 miles away, for about $5 .00 -the government subsidized fare. On the other side of the coin, however, a heavy bribe was paid to get the ticket to fly almost without notice. The entire bill for the new head gasket, with fly-in service, was about Dusty Times

Page 45

$500.00. By this time the rough Russian roads were beginning to take their toll on many vehicles, mainly the under-car tire carriers. Flats were also a problem. Our tire repair man usually had five tires per day that he either repaired or replaced atthe end of each day. The owners of the half dozen vehicles that had BFG's, ours included, were getting pretty smug about how smart we were, because on the entire trip, only one BFG had a problem - a minor puncture. ~-The silty clay roads are bad enough, but when it rains, they turn into a slick, almost non-controllable mess. You couldn't help getting sideways, and driving was almost enjoyable once you got over your fear of going down an embankment. We found that driving our full-time 4WD Mercedes with the rear axle locked, and the front unlocked, was the best for getting through the goo. But others, with optional 4WD, said that running in two-wheel drive worked best. This heavyweight Styer Puch was the medical support vehicle, and it could go nearly anywhere, and cross the desert with ease with an experienced crew on board. A pair of Tatra six wheelers cross in the desert, and veterans of Paris-Dakar races they can go anywhere with rear swing axles and reduction gears, and they go nearly as fast as the race cars. A couple of days later, after a particularly nasty day on some dusty tracks, Gunther, a war veteran, having served with the 3rd Panzergrenadier Division, commented, "These dirt· roads haven't changed in 50 years. Can you imagine having to transport supplies 1500 miles from Germany to Moscow? Now you know first-hand why Germany lost the Eastern front!" He added how it was almost 50 years ago to the day that he was on similar roads, headed towards the eventual disaster at Stalingrad. We soon arrived in Astrakhan, a main port at the mouth of the Volga River. It was a trading port at the top of the Caspian Sea in t_he 1700's before Communism was even an idea. The group had a nice two-day cruise on the river, but everyone was worrying about their rigs being safe back in our 'secure' parking lot. Fortunately, the only thing missing was the hood symbols from every Mercedes in the group. The woman guard insisted in Russian that thieves must have pried them off from outside the fence. That seemed plausible, but only if a lacenous Russian version of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar lived in Astrakhan. The next day, we crossed a rickety wooden pontoon bridge into Kazakhstan, and we were indisputably in Asia. The friendly inhabitants looked Mongolian. It seems as if everyone there is descended from the hordes of Genghis Kahn, who obviously were quite the party animals. It was the first time any of the inhabitants had seen foreigners with their strange vehicles, and at every stop we were mobbed by adults and kids alike. earn my keep. Our OPS system ( with me as the navigator) was going to get us through the uncharted desert. One of the first problems was finding the paved road where we planned to enter the desert. We had no problem in finding it, although all we had to work with was a 1:100,000 scale map - a U.S. Air Force chart designed for pilots traveling at 1000 m.p.h. in an F-16. About 50 miles up a good graded road, we pulled off about a mile into a dune area. Everyone had fun zipping around the soft sand, getting stuck and unstuck. Harald and I ran around giving impromptu classes on tire air pressure and sand driving techniques. Some listened and thanked us, but like some Americans, Germans have quite a stubborn streak. Those 'instant · experts' remained stuck until well after dark. After a quick one-canteen shower in the dunes, I went to find dinner. A barbecue cook-out was attempted, but cooking enough meat with a 16-inch charcoal grill for 50 people just doesn't do the job. So considering this an "emergency", I dug out two of my U.S. Army MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat) that I had brought all the way from California, and which had been issued to me during the L.A. Riots. My new friends, Gunter and Jens, had little to eat, so I gave them one of my MREs. I had 'Ham Slices,' and they drew 'Meat slices in barbeque sauce'. The army food prompted tales of military stories. Jens served four years in the peacetime German Navy, rising to the rank of Lieutenant. Gunther, had experiences during WWII that rivaled any that I'd heard. He had been wounded at three major battles in WWII -Stalingrad, Anzio and the Battle of the Bulge -rising to the rank of First Lieutenant. He retired a couple of ye~rs ago from diplomatic service with the United Nations, where So far, most of our navigation had been done with road maps or police escort. But we were nearing the area that most on the trip signed up for -the vast Kazakhstan desert. The organizer kept telling 1 • horror stories about the area, and had directly told some drivers that their vehicles were junk that would never survive the 150 miles of wasteland. Some had been so intimidated by this rhetoric that half of the drivers - all novices to he served as undersecretary to Kurt Waldheim. His finely-honed diplomatic skills would be a welcome tool before the end of the trip, but we had no clue of it that night. A new appreciation for MRE's was realized in the desert. "This food, in this situation", Gunther said, "reminds me so much of when the Americans at Anzio would retreat a few miles, and we would move-in and re-occupy their positions. We would find their C-rations and it would really be a treat -just like these rations here. It brings back many memories", Gunther said.We sat ~. there quietly for a few minutes The two diplo_mats got a little high centered and then some in the Kazakhstan • k MRE' l ' sand, but their gas powered 350 turbo Mercedes got pushes from others on t~ymg to ma e ou~ . s aSt a the tour, and they were soon on the track again. little longer and enJoymg the soft • . . . cool evening breeze. I also was ~ u nth er remarked . No one dead reck~nmg. ~ ~ fmall y found trying to sort out the irony of disagreed. . our campsite a_nd JOl~ed the o~her eating American army food in the We encountered many semi-group late at mght. Ciarney seized middle of the Russian desert nomadic cattle and sheep herders the moment and boasted that he talking about politics·, world i~ the deser~, a~ well as. m_any was t_he best navigator since e c On Om y and the Russi an pieces of Soviet air force missiles. Horatio Hornblower, and how he revolution with two highly We were traveling in the missile was the greatest ~t !eading h~s respected German diplomats. test range. But the dreade~ desert group out of th~ wilderness . The next morning, we followed turned out to be made ent_irely of Luck would have it that everyone tracks in the sand almost directly sand. I had been expectmg the who heard those comments were north. The OPS system was worst-and to me that would have too tired to verbalize the rude reading the satellites well, giving been 200 miles ?f Mint 400 'rock co~ment~ they were thinking. us good positioning. In addition garden'. _But as it was, I nev~r saw Besides, it wasn't clear that to his satellite fax machine, the a rock bigger than a pebble m the Hornblower had been known as a doctor in the Styer also had a OPS entire desert. One woman, at the great navigator, obviously system, and he and I would next stop, wanted to know when Cjarney was as bone-tired as the compare notes at rest stops to we were going to get to the desert rest of us and had his heroes make sure the column was on the part. wrong. right bearing. The organizer, My OPS k~owledge was sorely Two days later we reached the Cjarney, was in command, and n~eded again ,at sundown, as banks of the wide Volga River. the further we got into the desert, Ciarney couldn t use the sun for Many~ the less he asked over the radio what our position was. His self · confidence grew, until, suddenly, he found himself at a strange spot. "Hubert (another one of our guides)", Cjarney asked over the airwaves, "do you have a compass?" Many in the column were listening in on the frequency, and at a rest stop, Gunther observed that the entire trip's problems had been condensed into that one sentence. "Imagine bringing 150 people 4000 km. and then asking if someone brought a compass. Absurd!" i TOYOTA RACE ENGINES Complete computerized Engine Dyno testing facility. The finest & fastest Toyota race engines available for class 1, 7-S. 74x4, 15 and SCCA Pro Rally. Complete computer dyno tested Engines are available, as well as in kit form. Send today for our new 38 page catalog which includes Complete Engines with Dyno Charts. Ported Heads. Corrosion Proof Headers. Cams. Stainless Steel Valves. Blowers, Mikuni Carb. Kits. Clutch Kits. Ignition Systems. Flywheels and more. Call today or send S5.00 for complete catalog. Shipping world wide. Contingency program offered. Call: (714) 596-5494 Send to: L.C. Engineering off road travel - decided to join a separate group ,to go around the desert on a paved road, instead of through it. . I was told that it was time to ome interested young spectators watch the cavalcade of various vehicles as they cross a tributary of the Volga, close to Turkey, and at this point they actually entered Asia. 2978 First Street. Unit G La Verne, cl!.. 91750 Some products not legal on pollution oontrolled vehicles. February 1993 Page 45

Page 46

The tour had almost reached Georgia in former Russia, as they set up camp by this high mountain stream. This was in the summer, and it must have been cold as they are all wearing jackets or sweaters. ~ vehicles went out to play ed, including the mandatory and became stuck in the river's vodka toast, and everyone left rnudbanks. One of our characters happily. on the trip was a Bavarian, Tony A shorttime later, having heard Peilmeir, and he brought his full- a report of the meeting, I found sized Ford longbed pickup down Gunther and told him what a fine to the riverbank to unstick the job he had done. It didn't occur to bunch that were buried, while the me at the time that a former rest watched from the cliff above. United Nations diplomat hardly American products, especially needed my congratulations for a trucks, got some new respect that job well done. day. Gunther thanked me for my The next day, we arrived in kind words, but confided in a Gorky, a closed city to foreigners' loud whisper that he had other since the Russian revolution in thoughts during his short speech 1917 and known as the city to to the Captain, but the rules of where Soviet 'intellectuals' were diplomacy wouldn't allow his exiled. Even though it opened last saying it. "I wanted to tell that February, foreign tourists are a Russian so-and-so that his rarity there. We soon found General Chuikov' was a murder-ourselves aboard our ship/hotel. ous son-of-a-bitch who allowed The first night aboard the Hotel his troops to rape and loot all the Albatross was, diplomatically way to Berlin, and that this statue .speaking, a near disaster. Until a of Chuikov was in bad taste, ·year ago, the vessel was called anyway. It should be removed, General Chuikov, after the great just as Stalin's likeness has been Soviet General who led the final eradicated throughout the battle in WWII against the country -and Lenin's is next." Germans and subsequently Gunther's riveting comments stormedBerlinwiththevictorious engraved themselves in my Red Army. After dinner, some of thoughts, I realized that, despite the more rowdy German drinkers the trip's shortcomings, I had just in our group decided between had another on-site lesson in beers to go to the forward salon to world dynamics that I could not see a large bust of the General. have learned in 100 years worth They dethroned the 'general' and of subscriptions to Foeign Affairs threw him onto the floor. Magazine. Upon discovery of the 'prank' A couple of days later, we the next morning, the ship's neared Moscow. The roads Captain and his staff were highly became better and wider with agitated. (To say nothing of the each passing kilometer. Nine factthat defacing -or dethroning - million live here, mainly in the of any public monument in huge and drab apartment corn-Russia is a criminal offense, and plexes that ring Moscow for this heinous attack, the captain miles. One of the organizer's team, Ladey Monica, explains to Russian National Police, who the group are and shows them the map of the trip planned through Russia itself. She drove a Lada Niva. was increasing as our companions Mac costs 140 rubles (75 cents), a werecomingoutoftherestaurant. week's pay for the average Soon we had 50 Germans Russian. Surprisingly, the food clamoring for their passports, and was as good as any in the U .S. the three-person hotel staff was McDonald's management should clearly beginning to worry. The be congratulated for having crowd was turning nasty. We pulled off the miracle of keeping were tired and the dinner we had their quality and service top-just had was not worth the 15 notch and considering Russian marks ($10.00) that we had just 'produce standards and the work been charged. ethic. "You don't understand, this is This trip was one of contrasts, Russia",saidthewornanrnanager. so in keeping with that theme, I "No, we don't understand, we are later joined Gunther and Jens stupid -but we still want our ( who himself owns one of the top passports," chanted the Germans, hotels in Berlin) for dinner at the almost in unison. It was eerie how 4-Star Penta Hotel, owned by the group, for the first time in Lufthansa Airlines. Fabulous! four weeks, was acting as one. Ten We mentally became lost in the minutes later we all had our floor show of can,can girls, passports. Another victory for traditional Russian dancers and democracy. the great food. We could easily Moscow is immense, just as I have been in New York or Paris. expected. Traffic is not heavy, This hotel was proof that you even in the middle of the day, and could get anything you wanted in about half the vehicles on the road Russia. It was all just a matter of were commercial trucks. Owner-money. ship of private vehicles is rare in Back at our hotel, that axiom the rural areas, but quite a few in was being practised by the Moscow were enjoying their 'working' girls in the disco, along ' vehicles, as poorly made as they with their 'Mafia' managers. We are. found out the next morning, that Red Square is the focal point of before dawn, the police, along the city. The Krim, or Kremlin, with a ·squad of Russian soldiers, was closed to visitors for the day. surrounded the hote l and So was Lenin's Tomb. We were rounded up the gangsters and mildly disappointed, but then took them to parts unknown. It Thomas from Dusseldorf (anoth-did nothing to allay our uneasy er friend who spoke English well) feeling about being in a crime-put it all into perspective. "You ridden capital. don't want to see-someone who The rest of the group was doesn't have a brain, do you?" He preparing for the final leg of the was referring, of course, to the journey, a three-day trip to St. recent news that all of the dead Petersburg, and after a brief stay Russian leaders' brains are kept in there, they would embark on a a storage cabinet at KGB three day ferry boat trip to Kiel, Headquarters, only about a mile Germany, where the trip would away. We all laughed, and then end. headed towards McDonald's The trip to St. Petersburg was Moscow, about a 15 minute walk. to be made mainly on side roads, Like Moscow, McDonald's is a with plenty of mud on the roads must-see. It seats more than 300 and in the campsites. Since I had people, with at least 40 serving already had my fill of camping, lines working at once. We waited little food, and of Russia in' in line about 30 minutes. On a general, I decided I needn't hang weekend one can wait up to three around one minute longer than said, fitwellinsidethisdefinition.) We checked into our hotel, a After some discussion with our joint venture type built for staff, be promised not to notify tourists. It was clean and the authorities. But he said that spacious, and best of all, the bar news crews would arrive shortly was stocked with German beer. to cover the story. Immediately, When I ordered one, I tried to pay visions appeared of a large angry with Russian rubles, they would group of protestors, consisting not accept them -only U.S. mainly of WWII veterans, dollars or German marks. I was complete with battle ribbons, tired and cranky, so I asked the chanting outside our portholes. barkeep what country we were in. Fortunately, the news crews never He answered with a blank stare, arrived. Maybe the Captain was and then I threw my wad of rubles bluffing. in the air. No one made a mad __ hours, despite the fact that a Big_ necessary. After all, I wasn't That evening, just before scramble for them as they hit the dinner, a six-man delegation from floor. ''Well, I added, if you'll ourgroupgatheredatthesceneof only take dollars how about the previous night's crime and, taking off that Turkish music, and with the Chuikov now back on his put on some American tunes?" pedestal (none the worse for After dinner, Manfred and I wear), Gunther, our professional decided to collect our passports diplomat extended a formal from the front desk. We were apology. He eloquently pointed leaving early in the morning on a out that the purpose of our trip photo shoot of Moscow and we was friendship, how he and the didn't want to wait until late in the captain were both war veterans morning to get them. (on opposite sides, however), that "Impossible", said the desk his home town of Cologne was a lady, with her arms sturdily sister city to another in Russia, folded. We insisted, loudly. She and how this act was not protested back, just as loud, and representative of the group. then she called the manager. Other pleasantries were exchang-By now, the crowd behind us Pagc46 Passing through a village in Rumania photographer Jim Ober could not resist taking a shot of geese checki,:,g out the food alongside the road in what looks to be an extremely rural area. February 1993 needed to drive a vehicle back to Germany. After I bid farewell to my friends, I went directly back to the Penta Hotel and the Lufthansa ticket office where I booked a flight for later that day. On my way to the airport, I took an extra hour and went by the first-ever Moscow Auto Show. It was not large, by U.S. Standards, but it was interesting by its significance. There were plenty of 4x4's on exhibit. Jeep/Chrysler had a prominent display, as well as Range Rover, Nissan and Toyota . . It was a pity, though, to see many Russians queue up to drool over vehicles they would never be able to afford. But with all of the rapid social change ready to happen there, anything is possible. The dull and drab Sherernet-yevo Airport was filled with tourists, both foreign and Russian, all trying to leave. After passing what seemed to be an endless amount of customs and passport controls, I finally got on the plane. I have to admit, the last 100 feet before I got on the plane, I expected to be detained at any second. Maybe I had seen one too many spy movies. The cheerful crew's remarks as I boarded the plane caught me off guard. I had become used to the somber mood and lifeless faces of the Russian Federation. But I quickly got into the mood of things. I ordered a cold Heineken which brought me back to a western reality. We were soon airborne. It was raining, and as the plane gained altitude, I wished my off road companions, who were now down below, slipping and sliding on the mud roads towards St. Petersburg, Godspeed. Just out of Astrakhan near Mt. Elbrus the brave ones crossed a stream on a rickety wooden pontoon bridge, one at a time for sure, but the heavy trucks took a longer but different route that day. :~~ Those on the tour had to supplement their diet with whatever they could find and bought things like potatoes from roadside vendors as they traveled, and this pair in the Ukraine did a brisk business. Dusty Times

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John "Peanuts" Shultz does a one wheel stand here in his Desert Lite, but it didn't keep him from going on to win the Class 77 and third overall. Phil and Jimmy Means moved into second overall on total ET on an early lap and they charged on the whole race finishing absolute second overall and they won the Vet class as well. In the Senior class Mike Harper and John Bi/key put away the rest of the field in short order and carried on easily to win the Senior class. PLASTER CITY BLAST REVISITED Craig Smith, Doug Roll and Steve Fenton Win Their Divisions By Fud Photos: C & C Race Photos two turned out the way you would expect. Just when Davis/ Nolan were about to reel in Estrada/Wilson/Henderson, a very fresh rider was on and Davis/Nolan were suckin' dust again. They finished first and second Open Sportsman. Bill Grant and Tom Godby were third. Dewey Belew was the first around on lap 1, and he and Craig Smith led the race wire to wire winning absolute overall and first Open Class honors. In the 125 Sportsman Class there were three teams fighting for first. They were Robbie Pippin, Craig Corda, 'Wild' Bill McNeer; Bob Bell, Justin Hollmann, Lee Henry; and Tim Belew and Von Medearis. Pippin/Corda/ McNeer jumped out in front and stayea there, while Medearis /Belew were holding off Bell/Holl-mann/Henry. Once again three against two was no match. The exciting thing was that on the last lap Pippin slowed and Henry almost caught him. Close but no cigar. It was a beautiful October day at Plaster City East, CA as nearly 150 bikes, quads and Desert Lites were poised to tackle over 180 miles, eight times around a 30.4 mile loop course that held a little bit of everything. There was a long fast fun sand wash, a desert road, a trip across the moon, eye poppin' cross grain, a few fun rollers, the dreaded teeth ticklers, Tucker's Trench and a fun cross country trip to home check. The Pro A TVs and Bikes were first off the line and it was no surprise when Dewey Belew showed up first at home check on the eventual winning Open bike. But, when "Jimbo" Zinn on a Doug Roll 250 A TV came in second, mouths dropped open. Phil Means, the first Vet was next followed by Doug Roll, second A TV. Jason Corfman captured fourth, first 125, and then another shocker appeared. Mark Girsh on a Yamaha 250 was the first Sportsman into home check. After the first lap there there were few changes in the top five. It's great if you are a racer because they are not your competitors, but boring if you are a spectator. Dewey Belew and Craig Smith won overall leading wire to wire. Greg Row blew up the ATV "Jimbo" Zinn had brought in second overall, thus Phil and Jimmy Means inherited second overall and did not surrender it. Doug and Mike Roll and Greg Bringle finally got around Jason Corfman and Ed Foland to win the A TV class and finish a nice third overall. Corfman /Foland came in fourth and first 125. All the while Mark Girsh and Dennis " Never in Control" Green were sailing to the Sportsman Champ-Dusty Times ionship and first 250. However, there were a lot of exciting races taking place in the other Sportsman Classes. In the Open bike class Isreal Estrada, Ron W ilson and James Henderson fought tooth and nail with Bill Davis and An.thony "rollin" Nolan. However, three against In the Senior Class Mike Harper and John Bilkey put away Joe Dobosz and Bob "old man" The Sportsman class riders have more fun than anybody, and Mark Girsh and Dennis "Never in Control" Green rode to the Sportsman Championship and the first place title in 250 class. Jason Corfman and Ed Foland rode their 125 bike hard over the trails and they captured a fine fourth overall and, of course, first 125. February 1993 Steve Fenton in his Green Apple Triple E are almost unbeatable in the desert, and once again he dominated the Desert Lite class at-Plaster City, taking the lead early and keeping it to win first Open and Overall. Cate ,ng a , o a,r ,n e suns me, oug ol w, h , e ol and Greg Bringle helping out, flew right into the Overall A TV victory, and the absolute third overall on a very quick A TV. Thompson, with Dick Bird and Joe Stidman in third. In Class Three Dan Jarrell and Steve Netto came out on top as did Irwin Markwardt in the Vintage Class. There were two teams in the VET Sports Class that were foaming at the mouth trying to beat each other. Mike Cuff, Whiner Whaley, John Coldwell, and Joe Hamner ganged up on Denis Hunsinger, Judd Neves and Craig Rens. While they were dueling with each other they forgot about Mike Goldsmith and Carlos Kurianski who won the class. However, when Hunsinger came across the finish line in front of Cuff it didn't matter. Greg Gibbs and David "King" Newland tied a juggernaut around the Sportsman A TV Class and said cut it if you can. None could! Mike Cafro and Jim Neeley finished second, and 'Crazy Earl' Dunlavey was third. The hit of the A TV class was when Karen "Mudhen" Douthitt and Dawnzi Jones beat Mike Patterson and Wally Ebbs. The Desert Lite Class was once again dominated by Steve Fenton. He let Andy "Any" Wehe show him the good lines on the first lap, then drove off into the sunset with the victory. Andy Wehe finished second while John Shultz finished third, first in Class 77. Bryan and James Saasta sashayed into first 360 honors, fourth overall. Art Gibbs once again won the Pilot class. GLEN HELEN IS BACK!!!!!!!! APRIL 4, 1993 ENTER NOW FOR THE APRIL 4, 1993 OFF ROAD GRAND PRIX 1sr PLACE PURSE ALL CLASSES $5000.00 FOR MORE INFO CALL: BRIAN CHURCH 909-384-9342 Page 47

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY CA, NV, AZ, OR, WA ~ · Antifreeze .2.~ Environmental ~~ Service Corporation WASTE ANTIFREEZE, USED OIL FILTER, WASTE AIR FILTER REMOVAL Jeff Cepielik Marketing Manager Southern California 16117 Montoya Street• Irwindale, CA 91702 (818) 334-1835 • FAX: (818) 334-7715 OCRA PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-4 76-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke i0996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 619-583-6529 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP . 6630 MacARl:HUR DR., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 FABRICATION & REPAllt CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF~OAD RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. \\fl.DING TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: · BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE TOMMINGA 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764, HELMET~/.FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS . · Featuring Arai & Bell Helmet~,. ·eoR McKenzies (714) 650-4566 : (714) 441-1212~ SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOLBAGS• HARNESSPADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD Bonneville "Red" Bonneville "106" F & L Racing Fuels 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 Turbo Blue Racing Fuels VP Racing Fuels Methanol '8~'3 Uetiffude R~ F~ For Those With the Need for Speed SHAWN MEADOWS 619 463 6244 619 462 2926 FAX 752 Lapresa Ave. Spring Valley, CA 91977 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the 0GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merel-y.$/25 ;.00 per month. BRANDWOOD CARS Custom Vehicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 CAGLE - -.-SMART Fuel Regulator Lowers fuel pressure at part-throttle, to 1.Spsl at Idle. Cleans up richness at the Power Yil1h Mileage lower end, tune for more po-r. Models for all carburetors. $57.45 delivered U.S. Box 2536 Rolling Hills, CA 90274 310-3TT-7501 Curt LeDuc 3906 7 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (714) 845-8820 Cal res +7.75% tax Our Specially Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84-~9 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies Jim May (805) 482-0103 1957 So. Lewis Ad. Camarillo, Ca. 93010 BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON :=:=CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 · 943 Vernon Way El Qajon, CA 92020 619-449-2991 FAX 619~449-7103 CHENOWTH ,iiijjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwF-f 1A.CIN6 PRODVCTS, INC. Check the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 [CNC] CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA'921 l0 (619) 275-1663 Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Assy' Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Se_nd $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• f'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465

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MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY ~ d_31,, ~~~ Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners -Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd. • Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX (805) 495-2339 ltfttRACING ~ Vlt,I GASOLINE LEADED 108 OCTANE uOfficial Gas of NASCAR" CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA PILOT OWNERS! 12 vears Odvssev, Superlite and Pilot Racing Experience I c.w RAC.ino enoinE.I' -· Get your two-cycle machine work done by true craftsmen •carbs, Pipes, Intake Manifolds, etc. •Powerbloc clutches hi-stall-Call • Nerf Bars $175, w/mounts $225 •ITP Alum wheels $39/Beadlocks $120 ·Fox Shox-clickers w/remotes $895/set • Pilot quick-rev Motoplat ignition $500 (eliminates 13Ib of sluggish crank weight) ·Trick digital off-road tach & temp gauge with memory $225 •Pilot 435cc big-bore kits .... complete $235 •Pilot big-bore kit plus porting. (includes all machine work & par1S) complete $300 •Pilot porting reg $225 .... NOW $150 TAX & Quad porting Reg $175 ... •Reshape compression chamber Pilot or Quad .NOW $125 (should be used w/porting) .... $50-$65 Don't let cu low prices fool youl Ttis is 1he finest & fastest po,tir,g you can buyl 6898 CW Racing Engines (408) 374- 3921 Via Cristobai. Campbell, CA 95008 DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 MOTORSPORTS DESIGNS JOHN HOST Ph. (714) 498-7443 1411 Calle Mlrador Truck (714) 349-1168 San Clemente, CA 92672 JOHN VERHAGEN'$ IDJTl .. -~ ............. ES PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLACKFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 F~er the Difference! TRICK SHOCKS F R: Single, Double, Triple, Quad Applications. Take-Aparts & Remote Reservoir Kits. 10728.Prospect Ave .. '.'~". Sl!r.lit, ,._. 92071 • (619) 582-8773. DON-A-VEE JEEP EAGLE THE HOT SHOE . Finally a race shoe· tough enough for the desert I Competition Proven ~ , ~ightweight .Qe~ign Comfortable & Durable · ~ Quality Construction Can Be Worn Everyday 17308-Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower CA 90706 PARTS: 7am-7pm M-F 9am-1pm Sat 310-867-4258 RICHFERSCH DOWNEY 8734 Cleta St. "C" Downey, Calif. 90241 (310) 862-1671 M-F 10-6 SAT9-4 ~ate ~auz OFF ROAD FABRICATION & DESIGN RACE PREP • FOX SHOCK REBUILDING V.W. REPLACEMENT !>ARTS & ACCESSORIES MOVING? Don't miss an issue of DUSTY TIMES Send Your Old and New Address to 20751 Marilla St. Chatsworth, CA 91311--4408 Allow six weeks for processing LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE SPICER· INCORPORATED SPICER· <e> (714) 877-6491 <e> PARTS AND SERVICE ON AUTO, TRUCK, INDUSTRIAL, CN AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMIZING FAX (714) STT-6203 California Watts 1-aoo-427-4238 1750 S. Lilac Ave. Continental U.S. Watts 1-800-525-0395 Bloomington, CA 92316 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc. (714) 876-3107 P.O. Box 1090. Cotton, CA 92324 Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. EDDCO Aluminum Wheel Straightening Specialist Aluminum Wheel Straightening Metal Polishing Street, Offroad Circle Track 9435 Wheatlands Ct. Suite J Santee CA 92071 Shop - (619) 258-2575 Pager - 973-0998 Bob·cassetta Don Rountree 408 S. Arrowhead Ave. 825-0583 888-2703 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 E-Z UP-INSTANT ~ , !,. SHELTERS ~~ -......J?_-,G111t.\., FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER CASTEX RENTALS 213-462-1468 ~\LLE SAFET ORIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS' NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNOERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 ~, RA(ING ffj . FUEi.:• FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Carson, CA 90746 Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257 (} ~ DENNIS WAYNE r ·v:"\ . '-, ; ""-,\ ,, .. :~:, J'".,. .. n,-~·.:~ . . . RE-~ABLE V. W. PAffl 11623 SHELDON ST. SUN VALLEY. CA 91352 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin ~ .,,c,.._ c::::; I r--..J C3 SHOX

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-1991 CHAMPIONS fRT BUDWEISER BUD LIGHT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES SPONSORED BY: THE WRIGHT PLACE, RACE READY PRODUCTS AND.THE SCHILLING CORPORATION AJYS AND MQTQRCYCLES 0PRO° DEAN SUNDAHL (HIGH POif'ITS) ATV DEWEY BELEW OPEN MIC JOEY LANE 250 MIC CRAIG SMITH 125 MIC EARL ROBERTS VET MIC JOHN Bil.KEY SENIOR MIC BOB THOMPSON SUPER SENIOR MIC DESERT supERUTES STEVE FENTON BRYAN SAASTA SARA MORRIS VINTAGE MIC OPEN 360 DEZ STAR BUGGIES CARS AND TRUCKS LARRY KERN CLASS 9 0SPORTSMAN" MIKESTROMP GARY ROYER CHARLES BUCY BRENT COLEMAN "ELMO" BRITT JAMES TUCK TED SCOTT SCOTT ANDERSON TODD TEUSCHER CLASS 1/2-1600 JEFF WRIGHT UNLIMITED CLASS TIM MCDONELL (HIGH POINTS) CLASS 10 KYLE WHITTED CLASS 5 DWAYNE WHITNEY CLASS 100 DALE SNAITH CLASS 5-1600 BENNY ABATTI JR CLASS 8 JEFF HOSKINS CLASS 7 ROBERT STEINBERGER MINI MAG CLASS 619-427-5759 -250 KENNEDY UNIT &-CHULA VISTA CA 91911 NOW YOU CAN Im THE RACING GfABS THE WINNERS ARE USING ~ FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (313) 294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE. Fuel Sale's Racing Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all major racing associations. Callorwrltefor e your FREE copy af IN U EL 1992 fuel Safe Catal119 _ RamgCels For,-local Fuel Safe Dealer call 1-{811111 433-6524 Aircratt Rubber Mlg., Inc. 5271 Business Dr., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 Create a Winning Image GRAPHICS & APPAREL • VINYL NUMBERS & LETTERS • CREW UNIFORMS • TRAILER GRAPHICS • T-SHIRTS, HATS, & JACKETS • DECALS • CUSTOM LOGOS CALL TOLL FREE 1 (800) 878-4401 riNiSHi.iNE Visa & Mastercard Accepted ··············•"-·•·•"-·•· APPAREL & GRAPHICS 1582 Wagner Dr. El Cajon, CA 92020 "4 Hffls-r ·~ Rebuild Rod Ends • Heim Joint Specialist (714) 979-6631 ~ 1~81 M..-na Aivef Clrc:le. Unit "H"', Fountain vatley, CL 92708 Engine Rebuilding ,'ug Pack . CNC . Moore , .a;~ ~ · Dune Buggies; · · . . HOUSE of BUGG:lES 11 0308 Mission Gorge Road Santee CA 92071 Mitchell Wheels 619-448-4180 SAW Performance H NT PERFORMANCE 11330 -A Sunco Dr. Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 638 - 4388 ~~==r= ::::a:~~~:~(ZJ ,~ I , ~ # I ~ MANIJl'A<'.:TURERS ,,r: \ BRAKE ANO CLUTCH ASSY PWFORAIMCEPRCIGtiCTS MASTER CYl,I NDERS SJ.AVE CVI.INOERS TURNING b STAGING IJHAKES SHI i•"fERS AV/IILAllLE AT FINER SPECIALTY SHOPS DEALER INQURIES WELCOME 1158FLINTSTREET ~ ELSINORE, CA 92350 ~I PEnFnRMIIN(;( PRODUCTS 909-245-6050 FAX 909-245-6052 Joe Giffin JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' Desert, Short Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 DUSTY TIMES INVITES You·,o BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in vqtir shop; to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is :i grc:it traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. C0NTAO DUSTY TIMES, · 20751 Marilla St.lite 0, Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-882-0004 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY AD. SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN MARKING ~~sg .72:i~ ~,.(C'/..V~ CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE GOLETA.CA 805-968-1 067 ;e,,t~E CA~(' P£e"..ev...v,v£~ -rKAIL-~S I cKA~ r~vcK'!: PR'EP ~ -PABR1CAnav -rvJ?B.o 13,i-t,,IE" e:;As;OL/N,/: KENNEDY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. 38830 17th Street _East Palmdale, CA 93550 (805) 272-1147 Send $2.-00 for our catalog ".The experts in Engine Adapters to Transaxles" Rotary, Toyota, Rabbit, V-6's, Porsche and more to VW, Porsche (901 & 915) and Hewland. fAANUFACTURF.RS OF THE FAMOUS KENNEDY CLUTCHES K-U-ST-ER OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS • EXTERNAL DAMPENING ADJUSTMENT • 3• DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE .. ·COMPLETELY REBUILDABLE • COMPUTER SUSPENSION DESIGN ASSISTANCE KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29TH STREET P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90806 TELEPHONE 310-695-0661 FAX 31~26-7897 Pefiorrnance 10!11R En~nes 0 no-1' ti computer y I g.Oua\C Singe \-leaders Camshafts Cvlinder t-1eads custom , POWER LEE MFG. CO. E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818) 768-0371 A lull line ol Power Steering gears, pumps and accessories for any type ol racing. · Magnallux and Zyglo facilities . . A_yailable. • ·cuSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering EABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work • Parts Engine Dyno Facility 10722 Kenney Street, Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Fax (619) 562-9079 SWAP MEET AND LANSING CENTER, LANSING SUNDAY MARCH 28, 1993. 11 A.M. TO 5 P.M. .... • ..,. AT THE RADISSION HOTEL 1-800-333-3333 TWO PEOPLE FOR $65,00 PER NIGHT! JUST TELL THEM YOUR THERE FOR MICHIGAN BUGGY BUILDERS SHOW.

Page 51

!iIN!!ffjffJlB "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax (714) 444-1622 1s0Fi\'\ Tefephone: (714),535-4437 (714) 515-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Motorsports Suspension gives smooth.First Class Finishes To 7 of 7 Classes, As Well As The First 5 To Finish Overall. CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH OF YOU! Class 1 & 1st Overall ........ •simon & Simon Ford F150 2X Class 8 & 2nd Overall ........ •Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2X Class 6 & 4th Overall ........ • John Swift Explorer 2X Class 4 & 5th Overall ........ •David Ashley Ford F150 4X J. PENHALL 1680 Babcock Bldg, tB Coata M98a, Ca 92627 FABRICATIONS Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 Fax# (714) 650-4721 ,,...._ & ~ ---■ Free Advice & Technical Assistance ■ R&D ■ All Size Jobs Welcome RACERS MACHINING SERVICES "If You Can Imagine It, I Can Make It" SCOTT DORDICK 909-394-1802 2041 E. Gladstone #H Glendora, CA 91740 Class 3 & 7th Overall ........ •Dan Smith Bronco 4X 1---------------------tClass?S ................ Brown, O'Brian&Johnson Ranger 2x•+--------------------t MIKE MENDEOLA Class 7 .......................... Scott Douglass Dakota 2X Fax 714-394-1903 . 10722 Kenney St. C-0 Santee. CA 92071 (619) 562-9010. Fax (619) 562-9079 Brackets & ComP.Onents for Chassis Fabrication Pro-Clamps • Battery Boxes • Radio Mounts Pedal & Shifter Mounts • Skid Plates Aluminum Floor Boards • Scoops & Shrouds Metal Fabrication N/C Punching to 30 Tons Forming • Sawing-Tool Shearing • TIG & MIG Welding STEVE WRIGHT 399 E. Harrison, Unit D Corona, CA 91720 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lancaster, CA 93535 (714) 272-4272 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 «··-,.._.r 42425 5th St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA 9353S Racing Producti Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514 a •4,-;1& •·••1n·r1+. 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [9~ 5] 857-5200 *Member BFG/Ford "Rough Rider" 011 Road Race Team NSC Would Like To Thank All Seven Class Winners, For Once Again Counting On NSC Suspension Systems. You Too Can Have A Winnin Ride With NSC Custom Computer Designed Leaf Springs. Road Buggy For More Info. Please Call Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans S1!.11 ppll y Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, Az. 85365 (602) 783-6265 • 1(800)231-8156 Fax (602) 783-1253 OFF ROAD CHASSIS 6'nfjf;,,,tef'/1l~ BUENA PARK. CALIFORNIA OFF ROAD PREPARATION FOR TRUCKS. VANS. & MINI TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPENSION ~OMPLETE AXLE SERVICE e WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 761·9460 (714) 521-2962 OFF ROAD DYNAMICS (714) 592-2271 LA VERNE, CALIFORNIA FRAMES• RACE PREP CUSTOM MACHINING AND FABRICATIQN Dennis Rogers By Appointment Only RUSS's V.W. Recycling 756 Alpha St., Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 303-4366 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses. Ghias and 914·s RICHARD LILLY LAURA LILLY • S.B. ENGINEERING F"ORKERLY ~-, 1·1:"~·r, ·~·DD'r ;:JU-..:..i--.:;J -NOW IN NEVADA (702) 372-5335 .-213) 583-240~ lmiil{@ff}}PsERVICE, INC. ~ ~ETAL PROCESSING S9Z I W;Jmington A venue Los Ange/cs·. Ca/1/orn,a 9000 I Mark Smith GLASS READ FLOURESCErin INSPECTION MAGNETIC PARTICAL Larry_ Smith 4045 GUA.5TI RD., SUITE 208 ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 91761 (714) 460-1222 FAX (714) 460-6551 Pager (714) 398-6266 §V~W Lf~~mi --:::::::=~rt~!~ ~ J "'~== 12221 DITMORE DR. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 (714) 539-5162 -al SITE SK'a'lS • BANtiRS · WINX1N l£T181Hi · CAR I.E11ERWG • ~

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SPORT ~GIN~RI~ OFF ROAD METAL FABRICATION VW RACE ENGINES SUSPENSION PREP TURN KEY VW CLASS RACE BUGGIES TUBE BENDING SHEET METAL MACHINING FL.AME & PLASMA SHAPE CUTTING 818-994-74 75 GREGG HAWKS VAN NUYS, CA CARROLL DITSON LEADl;J:)/UNLE_APED _ _ Lancaster. CA ................................. 1800) 462-9499 Las Veqas. NV ................................. (702) 643-92QO Van Nuvs. CA .......................... , ....... (818) 786-8180 Riverside, CA ................................. (714) 877-0226 San Dl_e_g_o_,__Q~.:·:.: ... : ... ·..:.:!·:.·: .. : .. _ .... _. ... (~1 ~L ~91-~~ 71 --ALL OTHER INQUJRIES CONTACT SPORTS RACING P.O. BOX 7835, LAGUNA NIGUEL, 92677 Starlet Corolla Toyota Rally Spares Tel. (818) 765-5542 Fax (818) 764-1051 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober Commercial Photography Topi HynynenrrRS USA 310-670-6897 P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 l(ACE TN/INS BY JEFF FIEL/lS TRfiNSfiXLE -ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Oeeri ng Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 [UMP] 619/449-9690 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING -FOR ALL TYPES OF RACING & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) UNITED TERRI GARMAN President AMERICAN -RACING--------Phone or FAX (714) 270-0319 801 Ranch Vista Rd., Corona CA 91719 · Professional Race Consulting • Marketing ~ Promotions (714) 363-1236 ____ ....;a.;;.a.;;...-4,--------------------;-----------------------1 FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS BODY PANELS & HOODS -BILL STROPPE MOTORSPORTS, INC. 2330 Cherry Industrial Circle Long Beach, California 90805 (213) 634-2730 Jaime Martinez SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED * Welding * FabncatIon * Flame Cutting * Front Ends * Custom Chassis* Race Prep* Custom LI-Weight Trailers Mlg ·, ol Blue Flame Products (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 Suspension Components SAW Performance, Inc. 20755 MARILLA ST. • ' CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818·700-9712 FAX 818-700·0947 TOTAL PERFORMANCE Race Prep. Roll Cages Tube Bumpers TOMMY BRADLEY Tube Bending Nerf Bars -~~-;.~~?_~~~ spensions 702-736-4406 2520 E Sunset Rd #4 Las Vegas, NV 89120 TRANSMISSIONS WEST Kevin Pirtle 213/782-2413 22545 S. Normandie Ave., Torrance, CA 90501 TURBO BLUE Racing 811SDHnn 8446 Garfield Ave.• Bell Gardens, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp Intelligence on anew level. Introducing the new SMART LEVEL A digital inclinometer COMPLETE MODULE with up to 0.1° repeatable accuracy. It will zero to any angle $ 7 995 and can be re-calibrated. Ideal for chassis building, body fabrication, fixture work or anywhere precise angular measurement is a must (such as wheel camber/easier settings, wing angles, etc.). Camber adjusting fixture • available separately for $59.95. __ \.W,· =$:WATKINS .o,·•-~··~~·~•-, MD us TR IF g_ ·-""d~ - . ,• 760 Second Ave. RedwoOd Cl!)', CA 94oe3 PH 800-383-0808 FAX 415-.367"8105 WEB-CAM PERF sports winning drive in professionals before ur • Our dedication to ce you on top . Call WE · for street . _strip an $3 for the compl catalog. John Weddle WWEB-CA/111 PERF_9RMANCE CAMSH~Fl$ (_714) 369-5144, Chris Weddle Weddle Engineering Performance Transaxle Products Gear Sets, Super-Diffs, Bearing Retainer Plates Complete Racing Transmissions P.O. Box 15466•Long Beach, CA 90815 (310) 598-2731

Page 53

ADAM WIK 535 E. Central Park Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 956-WIKS • Computerized Dyno • Flow Bench Facility • Tum Key Racing Engines WIND R I V E R G R O U P Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Nms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels Engines The Straight Poop From The Big Wah:::oo HIGH-DESERT 300 -This four lap Lucerne race was La Rana's series finale, and the Checkers did good! Kevin Davis put it on auto-pilot for another first in Class and third overall, plus winning the 1-2-1600 Points Championship going away. Congratulations Kevin! Koch had some early down time and was back in the pack, but Rex was able to get his Class 1 () car back up in the standings late in the race for a second in class and fourth overall. But more import-antly, this fine finish secured our boys the Class 10 Points Champ-ionship for the year. Congratula-tions to Tom Koch and Rex Keeling. Gary Bates, who had to be talked into racing this race since he and BJ had locked up the Class 5 Points Championship at the previous race, had an ego deflating first half. Seems Master Bates had to turn his Baja over to the fast guy about 20 minutes down from the leader. But BJ smiled as he left, saying "Don't worry Pop, I'll catch'em for ya!" Going into the last lap, RJ had not only caught the offending infidel, but passed him ... then a spark plug wire came off! Diving into a Checker Pit quickly corrected the problem, but allowed his tormentor to gt·t back by. With time running out. BJ mounted another charge that once again saw him catch and pass the leader, only to have another plug wire fall off. Damn! Sadly. our Points Champs had to settle for a second place this race. the apparent victim of had prep. After the race Gary sheepishly admitt<.:d that he hadn't really touched the car since the last race ... Congrat-ulations guys on a great year! Jeremiah closed up the pits in his successful effort to finish the race, with apparently no regard whatsoever for the possibility of actually finishing last in the Challenger Class. Way to go Tom! GUEST SPEAKERS -At a recent regular Wednesday night meeting, the members in attend-a_nce were ,graced with the presence of SCORE/HORA 's Technical Director. Not only did Bill Savage finally show up, but he also brought along a couple of his buddies, or was it maybe visa versa? With the scheduled combining of the sports two major promoters into one big SCORE Series for '93, the Checkers were presented with a rare opportunity to discuss some serious issues with all those in charge in the same room. Sal Fish made some opening DustyTima PUBLIC RELATIONS AND MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C . JACOBS remarks and then answered some questions regarding SCORE's take over of HORA and he also reviewed SCORE's tentative '93 race schedule. The mircophone was then turned over to Savage and a pattern quickly developed. Although Bill didn't duck any questions, he was often bailed out by eith..:r Sal or Danny Cau, who would take ov<.:r tht· mike to explain th<.· answer from the promoters point of vi~w. A free wheding and open discussion quickly ensued that was very interesting to say the least! Rather than try to review the whole m<.'eting, on<.' that went on until almost 11 p.m., here are sonw Wah:oo ohs..:rvations. Savag<.' dt:finitely knows his shit. H<.· never once looked at the rule hook as he discussed a variety of technical issues regarding a numh<.·r of ,liffrrent classes and also remembered in detail all the dealings he has had with some of our members regarding their p.1rticular problems with the rules. In fact, the only time he ever r<.·all\' rais<.·d his voice was when he insist<.·,l on giving his side of th~ story on the Cook's rect·nt disqualification for an improper fender mount. This probably would not haw hdd true ifhe had of com<.· alone. Cau put on a happy face about the whole deal throughout, while enthusiastically promising to combine the best aspects of HDRA's races and the best parts of SCORE's races into the new SCORE Race Series. But some-how, the Wah:oo got the funny feeling that Danny was really thinking "What the hdl am I doing here!" The general consen-sus after the meeting was that the odds are long on this new marriage lasting. If ya looked up smooth in the dictionary, ya just might find a pictur<.· of Thl' Fish. Sal was not only as smooth as ever, but he has sort of developed a new Checker-like attitude when dealing with us. I think recently Sal has a better attendance record at our Wed-nesday night meetings than a number of our members, and he's definitely learned from these experiences. In years past, Sal's regular line of shmoo:e has often gotten him nailed to the wall. But of late, he's adopted a more effective approach. Repeatedly, whenever push came to shove over some serious issue, Sal was not hesitant to end the verbal assault by reminding his critics that "since it's my business, I'll make the final decisions on how to run it." Although we often disagreed with his reasons, most Checkers ha·d to begrudging! y respect Sal's Checker-like attitude and frank response when pushed for an answer on a controversial issue. But let's get back to smooth. Billy Robertson got the full treatment when he jumped on PRESIDENT 900 STATE MILL ROAD AKRON. OHIO 44319 (2161644-7774 Sa I's case over the 'cheapo' trophies SCORE awarded at the 25th Annual Baja 1000 Race. But Sal never missed a heat as he gave a detailed · account of how he himself was crossed up at the last moment hy the sponsor providing the trophies and that he was not only very sorry, hut sincerely embarrassed hy the whole situation. The explanation ended with Robertson's feathers not only smoothed out, but with Billy even-appearing to sympathi:e with Sal's sad plight by the time he was through. Grins were common all around the room, since most Checkers can truly appreciate watching a man do something he is really good at. Although this mwu1,~l' a trois of Checker Guest Speakers definitely he!,\ their own this round. there were a couple of embarrassing moments and some questions that they didn't answer. At one point, after being pressed over the need to disqualify a racer over a non-performance technicality, this trio unanimously agreed that "The rules will he enforced as written in OUR rule book ... Period!" This authoritative attitude looked a little silly when the next questioner asked about the open trucks, pointing out that Class I 12 is clearly described as an Of>..:n Wh..:..:l.Class in THEIR rule hook! After some squirming hy all three, Sal finally took the mike to point out that, of course, the promoter always has the right to change certain rules when necessary. The pending split of the 1-2-1600 Class got a good going over, as did how the new Competition Review Board will operate. The long 1-2-1600 argument proved nothing except that there are two different opinions on how to improve the two seat entries. As for the CRB, it eventually became clear that it will now be run hy a SCORE official and the promoter will reserve the right to deny CRB review for certain previously stated violations. Although this meeting failed to produce any big racer/promoter break-th roughs, it was very beneficial for everyone in attendance. The Checkers got a chance to air their bitches about how some things are done, and the promoter got a chance to . explain why they do things the way they do. Open discussions like these are good for everyone involved and continues the Checkers tradition of providing a public forum for the important issues of the day in the sport of Off Road Racing. Thanks for the visit guys, you're welcome to stop by anytime. SCORE AW ARDS BANQ-UET -This year the Checkers were once again one of the three nominees for "Pit T earn of the Year", but, as usual in recent years, a paid factory team won again. Also, the ol' Wah:oo is February 1993 . 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ. 850 I 7 continuing to be ignored as a candidate for "Journalist of the Year". Hey Sal, if ya ever give that award to the Big Wah:oo, I promise ya I'll haw Elvis pick it up for me! Also, Mr. Fish reportedly pushed his new Checker-like attitude to the limits around the bar at his gala awards event, when he surprisingly qui::ed our Club Secretary as to wheth..:r or not the Checkers had turned into a hunch of" wussies", aftn witnessing the Club's mild treatment of Savage as a Checker guest speaker! Humm!!! VAN ELLA AW ARD -This perpetua I trophy is awarded annuall)• by the Club to recogni:e an individual's unique contribu-tion to the sport of off road racing. It is named in memory of Brother Checker Vic Van Ella who died of a killer heart attack while he had the />..:dal w thl' mewl in his Porsche powered buggy during a race a number of years back. Not wanting to forget Vic's true Checker-like way of packin' it in, the Checkers have been presenting this monster trophy since 1986. this year's recipient fits right in with the characters that have been so honored in years past. With the recent 25th annual running of the 1000, the Club fdt it was appropriate to honor the man that started it all, none other than Ed Pearlman! Not surpris-ingly, this had some of our newer members looking around asking "Ed who?" But all the old 1-,,rey Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 beards nodded their agreement and once again took an opportun-ity to remind the youngsters about those 'good ol' days, back when 10" of wheel travel was unheard of and there was no paved road down the peninsula. And also, when you paid your entry foe, it included Mexican gas at all the check points, plus a motel room in La Pa:, if and when ya got there. Congratulations Ed, see what ya started. NEW MEMBER -Tom Jere-miah is the latest prospective member to survive the dreaded marble vote to become a full Checker member. This new Lake Isahella ( :hecker is kinda a man of extremes. At work he drives a hig truck cross country. and 0L)t at the races he bounces across the desert in his Challenger car! Welcome aboard Tom! ELECTIONS - It is generally accepted that the past 12 months of the Fascistlike leadership of Hibbard/Dunn have shown a big 'improvement in our member's Club participation. Ya gotta give a the devil his Llue on this one, Hibbard did what he said he'd do and it got results. Atta Roy Jeff! With that said, it's once again that time of the year when ya get a chance to vote the bastards out. VOTE ON JAN. 27th. THE WRIGHT DROP SPINDLE 3" MORE GROUND CLEARANCE ~ ., ~ -PLACE~. CV JOINTS RACK & PINION STEERING UNITS 1. REGULAR 2. SAND BUGGY 3. MINI 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 TEL: (619) 561-4810 FAX: (619) 561-7960 Page 53

Page 54

., Classified •.• ;t·~ FOR SALE: Short course Class 10 Funco. Ground up rebuild. All new 1650 VW, Fox, Wright, UMP, 930 c.v.'s, Dura-Blue, Sway-A-Way, Wilwood, new FOR SALE: 1987 Dodge Vista Colt 4-wd 5 speed tranny. Noisy fourth gear but runs okay. Make offer - you haul. Call John at Dusty Times (818) 882-0004. urathene paint. Must see!! FOR SALE: 1992 Suspension Prepped and ready to go! - U 1· · d 2/1600 I d 3 $7,500.00 oho. Call Tim (805) n tmtte • on Y race FOR SALE: Chenowth 102" rolling chassis. Was FR T Class 100. Has U.M.P., Mastercraft, Neal, Fuel Safe, Wright. $2,400 obo. Short course wheels & tires. Weld wheels, straight w/bead-locks. 10" rear, 6" front. 6 tires, $600.00 oho. Rev Power Rabbit, fresh & totally complete $2,900.00 Call Ken at (619) 475-6326. FOR SALE: Class 1 short course race car. Built by Unique Metal Products 4130 chrome moly tubing, 2.7 liter 914 Porsche engine. Dual Weber 481 OF carburetors. 5 speed 00300 Hewland Transaxle. $7,500.00 (408) 722-1226. times. Fresh motor & trans, 499-3686 day, (805) 492-3037 prepped and ready to race. All of nite. - the best equipment used to build ~\i::;f FOR SALE: 1990 Class 9 Challenger. Fresh engine & DJ trans. Fox, Wright, UMP, Sway-A-Way, Parker Pumper, K&N, & spares.included. Consistent top 5 finisher. Prepped & ready to race! $6,000.00 oho. Call Tim (805) 499-3686 days, (805) 492-3037 nites. this car.Just like new. $16,000.00 oho. Call L.J. Kennedy at (714) 771-7324 or (714) 969-1066. FOR SALE: Pre-run two seat Hi-Jumper, 2180cc VW, bus trans, Chrome-Maly front end, Porsche axles & c.v. joints. 20 gal fuel cell, Fox gas shocks. One axle car trailer. Call (805) 644-7570 or (805) 524-0431. FOR SALE: 1990 H&R Mirage Superlite, MTEG legal, Fox FOR SALE: Mickey Thompson shocks, FL 350 motor, Fuel cell, Ultra _Stock short course Nissan Bead locks, Triple E gearbox, Pathfm1er. Ready to rac:. _Best of Type IV c.v.'s, 13" tires, Jots of everythm_g, very competitive car. extra parts. Very competitive. 1 Less engme $6,500.00 or best Call John at JMS Motorsports. ' offer, or Rolling Chassis (714 )842-7238 nites, (310)327-$3,000.00. Joe (619) 323-9722. 8323 days. FOR SALE: Class 10 short course ",. -.i~· ~ lj!_ Class 1 & 2, single seat. 3 .5 Porsche, Fortin gear box.'. Complete, race ready $35,000.00 oho Call (602) 582-2499. stadium Rabbit engine. Built by Dyna Shop. Assembeled with all the best parts available. Call for more info. Smith Racing (818) 579-2135. WIN NOW!! 1991 overall points champion sells his special secrets. A proven winner! Hewland 00300, Major motor, Class 1 or 10. The best of everything! Parts & spares included. Serious inquiries only. Rich Minga (619) 583-6529 or FAX (619) 583-1851. FOR SALE: Probst Laser 2 seat FOR SALE: '77 RX3 Mazda open classrallycar.12ptcage,200+hp, 3 link suspension, fuel cell, adjustable front & rear suspen-sion, much more. $2,800.00 FOR SALE: '73 4WD¾ ton Suburban, full Rancho suspen-sion, 55 gal gas tanks. Fully outfitted, great chase & pre-run. Great condition C.B., new engine $4,500.00 Call (310) 691-1176. FOR SALE: Chenowth MTEG Super 1600, Rev Power Rabbit motor, fresh bus trans (FTC 3rd, Hewland 4th, Super Diff), Fox coil-bver rear suspension, Foddrill cambered spindles & front arms, UMP power steering, Wright rack, much more. Fresh, race ready. $16,000.00, spares available. (602) 272-2659 or (602) 566-0144 Brad. FOR SALE: FAT air-cooled Class 10 motor (fresh), Fireworks 250 ·winner.Complete, carburation thru exhaust. Only $2,500.00. Bus transmission for Stadium 1600. 4:57 ring & pinion, Super Diff, FTC 1st -3rd, Hewland converted 4th. One race only $2,500.00. (602) 272-2659 or (602) 566-0144 Brad. b coil car. Multiple class winner. FOR SALE: Berrien Laser, Class WANTED: 5-l600 Baja. MuSt e Meticulously maintained. Best of 1 or 10. 2 seater, coil-over Bil-FOR SALE: Class 9, race ready, 1992 SCORE legal, top quality h 11 f 1 T II M everything. Less engine & trans. steins, Rev-Power, 2 fresh Mend-Custom c rome a oy rame. 2 fabrication on. y. " a ans $11,500.00 Toyota 4AGE eola transmission, Wright com-seater, one of a kind; must see. Version", race ready. ·Mon-Fri f I I 8_5_ Lorenzo at (800) 247-3202. engine, 1650cc. Built by Bob hos, UMP, Flame-Out, Fuel Safe, Best o everything. Fue ce I, Goshen. $8,500.00 invested. Summers front & rear, liquid Bilstein, Parker Pumper, FM FOR SALE: 2 new short course $6,000.00obo.Toyota3literV6 filled gauges & much more. radio, strong engine. A definite 091 bus tr_ansmiss~o~s. FTC engine. Best of everything. Proven winner with tons of winner. Many extra parts. gears, 4:86 nng and pmtons. Call $13,500.00value.$7,500.00obo 1spares. First $18,000. Call $7,500.00. Car is to be seen in for more info. Smith Racing CallArtSchmitt(412)687-5093. (512) 679-7489. LA. Call (702) 883-2524 . . ~18)1..79-213~----------------------------------------wwwww~ I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I ; DUSTY TIMES. :. I Classified Advertising rate is only $15 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of I I black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. I I NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If I I you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. I: I --------------------------I I ________________________ I I t I ---------------------------I, I __________________________ I I I I --------------------------I I ---------------------------I : Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash): Please run ad _______ times: : I Name --------------------------------Mail to: I I DUSTY TIMES I _I Address----------------------Phone_______ 20751 Marilla Street I .I City _________________ State____ Zip________ Chatsworth, CA _91311-4408 I _.J__ • Page 54 ·February 1993 t.::-: FOR SALE: Chenowth Mini Mag, fresh top end, fresh shocks, Aluminum radiator, UMP, 14 tires -& wheels, dump cans, 3 radios, many spares. $12,000.00. Oico 20' Boe enclosed trailer w/air, sink, toilet, fridge, shower, water heater, 40 gals water, 40 gal fuel tank, electric brakes. $5,000.00 Call Dave at (310) 540-0996. FOR SALE: Hewland DG-300 -Ashcraft C.V. slip discs -Henry's diff, fresh prep -$6,500.00 Raceco 6". over rear trailing arms w /Summers Bros floater hubs w/Wilwood brakes. $2,500.00. Many 10", 12", 14" wl reservoirs Bilstein shocks. Misc 28 x 30 spline C. V. 's & axles. ( 310) 863-5217 Steve or A.J. F R SALE: Class 10 Hi Jumper, only 250 miles on complete rebuild, Wright, UMP, powder coat, spare engine & trans, 930's, 400M bars, Fox shocks, Master-craft, 118" wb, lots of spares, turnkey, race ready. $6,500.00 oho. (510) 783-2342 days WILL DELIVER! '.J:k·,_·,~., ... SALE: Class 2 or 10 115" wb. Custom chassis, Mirage front beam, coil front, 4 wheel discs, Pro Link rear, 300M torsions, Wright combos, Woods, Fox, Girling, Beard, Flame-Out, Dura Blue 930's, power steering, fresh trans -less motor. $5,800.00 Type IV available. Keith (510) 458-5812. FO ALE: Fu I race Nissan Pathfinder, 18" front, 21" rear wheel travel, 9" full floater, quick change transfer case, turbo 400 trans., fuel injected V6, Kuster shocks. BEST OF EVERY-THING. Over 200k invested, many spares, incl. engine & trans. $79,000.00. Call (510) 429-9400 days, (510) 794-8456 nites/ weekends. FOR SALE: 44 IDF carb kit (new) 300pr; 041 racing heads w I r .rockers (new) 300pr; 34 ICT carbs w I manifolds lO0pr; Weber prog w/ manifold 50; dual port heads (new) 120pr; 8 & 10 gal spun alum gas tanks 40 ea; l /8" alum Porsche style fan shroud w/ gen stand50. Call (619) 432-0945. Dusty Times

Page 55

,;;::;.,; FOR SALE: 1-1600, only 2 races on brand new car. VW Works tranny & motor, 930's, Summers Bros., Neth rear arms, Wright, Fox, Parker Pumper, Char-lyan power steering, Centerlines, combos, Bosch, Simpson, Sway-A-Way, Beard. Car is spotless and ready to race. Fully prepped. Call Ted (702) 897-2532. 0 FOR SALE: Chenowth Class 10 car including Wright Steering rack, UMP power steering, Fox shocks, Neal, 4 wheel disc, Summers Bros. spindles, hubs & rear axles. Parker Pumper air filtration system, Beard seat, Type I VW (Porsche) 1648cc by Lee Leighton. 22 gallon Fuel Safe cell, rear Kernut drive assembly w/outboard 930cv's that achieve a true 15" of rear wheel travel. $11,000.00 (909) 279-9470. FOR SALE: '92 Ford4x4Class4. 430ci, SVO small block, Kinsler injected. C6 trans, 9" converter, Kuster shocks, Dana 60 front & rear. 9" Ford parts. '90 Ford fiberglass fenders. Some big block Chevy motor parts. (715) 623-4151 days, (715) 275-4044 nights. HELPING BUYERS OR SELL-ERS to do it right. Over 50 cars & trucks & prerunners for sale. 12 years experience. We find you just what you're looking for and with our contacts & prices we guarantee your happiness. Currently brokering to 8 count-ries. Call your off road consultant Rich Minga at Baja Concepts. (619) 583-6529 or FAX (619) 583-1851. FOR SALE: S-10 Chevy short course truck. Ryan Falcner motor, V6 Chevy, 300hp, 3 Webers, Mogi trans, gear reduction, Henry's Dana 60, 1 extra body & molds and all spare parts and tires. Excellent truck. $20,000.00. Contact Rich Minga (619) 583-6529 or FAX (619) 583-1851. WANTTOGET AWAY FROM IT ALL? 871,200 square feet of pine trees, approximately 6000 feet up; enjoy a four season climate located in the Tehachapi mountains, behind locked gates. 20 acres of pure isolation. 2 pads ready for your mountain hide-a-way. Overlooks entire Antelope Valley. Easy in and out on graded road. Call Don at (805) 268-1644. FOR SALE: 1-2-1600 2 seater, fully prepped, ready to race. Finished 12th in Baja 500 and 6th in Gold Coast. Car has been completely gone through. Must see! Over $20,000.00 invested. MUST SELL!!! $7,500.00 Call Bob (909) 829-1140 or (909) 823-3911. FOR SALE: Class 10 Bunderson. Curnutt, new motor & trans. Never been raced since ground up rebuild! Disc brakes, Flame-Out, U.M.P., Mastercraft, dump cans, too many things to list. Call!!! Will consider trade. (505) 271-9015. FOR SALE: ENTIRE RACE TEAM. Mickey Thompson Grand National Sport Truck, race ready with spare parts, too many to mention $40,000.00. 45' Trailmobile Semi Trailer, com-plete with air conditioned living room, bathroom. Full shop w/ work benches, welder, torches, generator $30,000.00. 1990 7S Ford Ranger Race Truck, 2500cc engine w / spare parts $17,000.00 1991 7 S Ford Ranger Race FOR SALE: 1988 NISSAN 4:ic4 RACE TRUCK. Auto trans, full floater, 4 wheel discs, Fox shocks, many spare parts. $10,000.00. Call (510)429-9400 8 to 5, (510} 794-8456 nite/ weekends. FOR SALE: 1989 U.D. Truck, 1800 G.V.W. Turbo 6 cyl, (6.9) Diesel engine, exhaust brake, low miles, 14' custom bed, excellent condition. $18,500.00. 1985 3 axle 44' Competitive trailer. Work bench, 5KW generator, air, lights, excellent condition. $11,800.00. Call (510) 420-9400 days or (510) 794-8456 nites/ weekends. FOR SALE: Racec~ SS, Class 10. 1990 Class 10 points champion. FAT air-cooled 126hp, 091 bus, FTC gears, Summers floater rear end, secondary, coil over front end, new: spindles, arms, UMP, Bilstein, SAW, PCI radio equipment, extra parts, tandem trailer. $14,500.00. Call (310) 640-6119. FOR SALE: RACECO Class 1 or Truck, 3000cc alum roller head, 10. 117" wb. Wright coil-overs-dry sump, many spares. combos, Fox, 091 Hewland. $45,000.00.1980Suburban4x4: FOR SALE: 1987 and 1991 SCORE/HORA Class 7S and Mini-Metal Championship winning Ranger. 5 time Baja 1000 winner. All the best, up to date equipment. Former Rough Rider 1992. Ford Ranger. READY TO WIN!!! Chuck Johnson (815) 332-9681. Super Boot 930 c.v.'s, Woods. 454 engine $5,500.00. 1981 arms, radio, Parker, Beard, Diest, Blazer 4x4 prerunner:. 350 engine Centerlines, rear disc. Mazda $5,500.00. 7 PCI Land master rotary, Earls, Fuel Cell. Radios: $500.00 each or $9,000.00? Trade for 1-1600 will $2,500.00 for all. Miller Synco-deliver west coast (206) 284-wave Heliarc: $1,600.00. 2850cc 2025. Esslinger engine w/ alurri. roller FOR SALE: 1990 2 seat Class 10, 1650 Rabbit, Wright coil front end, Summers discs, axles, Woods arms, Fox Shocks. 930 c.v.'s. Also 2000 Pinto engine, 4 Mikuni's & more. Everything in great shape. $6,500.00 firm. Call Jamie in PA (717) 544-3731. Dusty Times rocker head: $4,800.00. For FC:f : 1990 single seat more information call Gil Divine Class 9. FAT,JGTrans, Fuel Safe, (619)346-0694days,(619)568-Wright rear adjuster and rack, 2371 evenings. Beard, CNC clutch, shocks, brake FOR SALE: PARTS!!!!! Summers & turning brake, BDR blower, reardiscsw/finespline930stubs, Simpson belts, powder coated $650.00, Wright coil-over beam, chassis & body. $9,500.00 $250.00, 4" coil-over arms, invested. Best offer or trade. Call $300.00, front discs, $300.00, 4 Dana (714) 646-5918 or BDR 12,, Bilsteins, fuel cell, pedal (714) 650-4566. assembly (Airhearts), torsion FOR SALE: 5-1600. Almost bar~, spring plates, 3x3 arms, new, best of everything, including Wnght rack, 930 axles & c.v.'s, Wright rack & pinion, Beard, old 2 seat Funco frame & more . . SAW, Diest, FOX, Raceco. Top Sellseparatelyorallfor$2,500.00 quality. $7,500.00. Call Scott oho. Call (510) 458-5812. (909) 394-1802. February 1993 FOR SALE: Berrien Laser Class 10, 1650 Rabbit, Mendeola, UMP, Centerlines. Best of everything, ready to race. First $10,000.00 takes it! Beck (512) 679-7489. FOR SALE: 2 grear short course MTEG 10 cars. #1 -'89 Mears Magnum, Rev Power, Fox, Mendeola, combo's, Centerline Simpson. Super competitive & ultra clean & trick. $22,000.00. #2_ -'88 Raceco, FAT Rabbit, new coil-over front, new Mendeola box, Bilsteins, Centerlines, driven to many wins by Jimmy Nichols. Asking $13,500.00 oho. Contact Rich Minga (619) 583-6529 or FAX (619) 583-1851. Also, 1 coil-over Chenowth Magnum super trick. Best offer$$$$. ' ¾f" , FOR SALE: Class 9, 2 seat. Competitive, dialed in and race · ready. Best of everything. Dump cans, full spares incl. tires. $7,000.00. Enclosed trailer 21' Fridge/ microwave/ stove/ water i toilet. Hauls 100" wb vehicle. $3,000.00 Roadmaster radios $350.00, Base antenna $150.00. Call Mike (310) 696-6577. SEEKING EMPLOYMENT: Chief Mechanic/Fabricator/ Race Shop Manager. 14 years of experience. Four times class champion chief mechanic/ fabri- · cator w/Simon & Simon Racing. Excellent references. Possibly willing to relocate. Call Ed Frisk (909) 676-2535. FOR SALE: BRAND NEW Rancho Lightning Rods, 18 ... travel. Still in the box! Call after 6 pm for info. (714) 531-0433 Ask for Greg. WANTED: Co-driver, very competitive, top of the line. Single seat Class 9. You need to be approx. 6' & not afraid to spend money. Call for details (619) 329-7668. WANTED: Chromoly 2¼" longer trailing arms; Wright combo spindles. (916)485-2566. ··* FOR SALE: Class 9 two seat. 22 gal fuel cell, Beard, Neal, nice car. $3,000.00 Call Steve (619) 367-1939. FOR 0SALE: 50 gallon F~0;l Sa e fuel cell w/aluminum container & fuel filler, plus mounting straps. Used in only one race. $280.00. Call (909) 737-0336. FOR SALE: Rally Car, 1986 Dodge Omni GLH (Turbo). Ready to race. Fresh engine & trans. $5,900.00. Fully equipped w I spare tires, wheels or make offer. Call ( 313) 4 79-4100 or (313) 782-0990 or (313) 525-0879. FOR SALE: 1979 Ford F-150 Extra Cab. 166,000 miles. Rebuilt C-6 w/ A-1 reduction gears, rebuilt 351 16,000 miles ago. AIC, Pl A, P/B, dual gas tanks, trailer towing package, Stockland shell. Runs great. Needs SMOG. $4,000.00 oho. Wanted: Beard seats, Street or Super. Call (818) 704-1760 after 5pm. FOR SALE: Chenowth 1/1600 Neth rear arms & beam, UMP power steering, Wright combos, arms & rack, reservoired Bil-steins, Summers axles & stub axles, much more. $7,500.00. Wells Cargo 32' trailer work bench & other extras. $7,000.00. Both for $14,000.00. Call (801) 566-0741 or (801) 562-9298. FOR SALE: Trucks & prerun-ners. From mild to wild, from half started rolling chassis to turnkey complete packages or lots of bitchen prerunners. Call Rich Minga Off Road Brokers (619) 583-6529 or FAX (619) 583-1851. FOR SALE: Class 5-1600. Race or pre-run. Just built & ready to race. New engine & trans. Full spares, incl tires. $4,500.00. Call Mike (310) 696-6577. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Baker Precision Products . . . . . . . . . 22 Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Barbary Coast Team Congratulations . . . . . . . . . 9 Bilstein Corp. of A!flerica . . . . . . . . . 4 Cactus Racing Products . . . . . . . . . . 32 Castex Inc .• E-Z-Up . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . . . . . . . 21 Class 1 ...................... 33 DeNunzio Racing Products ........ 24 Don-A-Vee Jeep/Eagle . . . . . . . . . . 15 FAT Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Fiesta Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 FRT King of the Desert . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 German Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Glen Helen OHV Park ....... 8, 20. 47 BFGoodrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 Rod Hall Driving School . . . . . . . . . . 42 Hi Tech Off Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 KC Hilites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Kuster Performance Products . . . . . . 26 La Rana Presidential 250 . . . . . . . . . 7 LC. Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 On the Edge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Parker Pumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Parker Pumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 PCI Race Radios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Pike's Family Restaurant . . . . . . . . . 41 Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Reid Pro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 SCORE Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Marvin Shaw Engineering . . . . . . . . . 38 Marvin Shaw Shocks . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 SNORE Bottom Dollar . . . . . . Back Cover Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group ......... . 5 Tri-Mil Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Valley Performance -Hewland . . . . . 36 Whiskey Row Screen Printing . . . . . . 43 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Page 55

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