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1993 Volume 10 Number 11 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 10 - Humber 11 - November 1993 $1.50 ISSN 8750-1731 Covering the world of Competition in the dirt

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RACING /IC. PRESENTS 1993 GLEN HELEN rw~~~@~~~oo rw~lWOO¥ SCHEDULE 6:30 am Gates Open 9:00 am Parade Lap 10:00 am Racing Begins ENTRY FEE $100 all classes Starting Position Determined by Postmark CLASS DIVISIONS 1st Division Prize - $2500. 2nd division Prize - $2500. Depending On Pre-Entry RACE ~~~'" ONE RACE, ALL CLASSES / . /'-.._ ~1~ OCTOBER ~1, 1993 00 MAIL TO: GLEN HELEN OFF ROAD RACE PO BOX6950 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92412 RACERS NAME .......................................................... AGE ........... . ADDRESS ................................................................................. . CITY .................................................... STATE ..•.....•.... ZIP .......•.. ./'---./ "-../ "-! CLASS ENTERED ...................................... PHONE # ...................... . ........................................................... I release Glen Helen OHV Park (Glen Helen Speedway), Officers, Employees, Servants, Sponsors, Sanctioners and Co-Sanctioners, Its Parent Bodies, Agents, Employees, Servants, Sponsors, Sanctloners and Co-Sanctioners, From Any Claim, Or Right Of Action Of Any Kind Or Nature, Which Arises Out Of, Or Results From, My Participation In The Race And My Use Of Any And All Related Facilities For Practice Activities. I Also Agree To Indemnify And Hold Harmless Glen Helen OHV Park From All Such Action, As Well As Any Cost, Loss Or Expe·nse, Including Attorneys Fees, In Any Way Related To Or Arising Out Of Those Claims Or Rights Of Action. RACERS SIGNATURE. _________ _ PARK ADMISSION $10.oo PER PERSON GLEN HELEN OHV LOCATION- 5 MILES NORTH OF SAN BERNARDINO- EXIT 215 FREEWAY AT THE PALM/KENDALL OFF RAMP - GO WEST-FOLLOW SIGNS FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL JOEL SMITH AT 909-880-3090

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Volume 10 -Mumbe1 11 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Janay Smith Controller John Calvin Circulation 0. Osborne Contributors Jim Baker Darla Crown C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Don Dayton Daryl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Matt Marcher Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Darryl Smith Judy Smith 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Inc. Wi:er Photos · Art Director Larry E. Worsham SNAPSHOT November 1993 -IU.S orno.u, IW:11111 IIDOH Subscription Rates: llridSeriesff~Racing" $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. · Classified Ads:· will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by J:iillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. OF THE MONTH ••• , I¾, --""""'f,.,_....,. ' If you break down on course in Crandon,· ~ially here in front df ilie ian;ous ba~, the course clearing monster might swallow your buggy. It seems like overkill to send such a big unit out to pick up the small Class 11 of Heath Schooley, but the course workers at Crandon are adept in handling the heavy equipment, and rarely do any damage to an already broken car. But, you do have to watch for one of these monsters if you stop on the track. Photo by Daniel Mainzer. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies"or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8xl0 will be considered. Dusty Times November 1993 In This Issue ••• FEA'IURES Page Brush Run 101 by Judy Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 MTEG at Glen Helen OHV Park by Jean Calvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 SCCA Ojibwe National Pro Rally by John Elkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 CRS/ SCCA Divisional Treeline Rally by John Elkin ............ 24 MTEG Stadium Racing at Las Vegas by Jean Calvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 BORE Jackpot 200 by Jim Baker .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Bad Dogs Short Course Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 FRT Superstition 250 by Homer Eubanks .............. ....... 34 SODA Fox Rivet'fest Challenge by Barb & Marilyn Schultz . . . . . . . 38 WRC Rally of New Zealand by Martin Holmes .... ....... . . . . . 42 ADRA Cinder Mountain by Tony Tellier . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . 44 La Rana Johnson Valley 200 by Carol Clark ................... 46 VORRA Fallon at Night By ·wizer Photos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Chevrolet S-10 Pickup Road Test by John Calvin ............... 55 Antelope Valley Fair Racing by Jean Calvin .................... 56 Paul Bunyan's Ride Divisional by Sarah Brodt Lenz ............. 65 DEPARTMENIS Soap Box ........ ... ........ ........ . .... ............ .... 4 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 FAIR News by Dave Massingham ....... . .................. . 10 Trail Notes . . ....... . ............. . . -: .................... 10 Checkers Report by the Big Wahzoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 Goodies Galore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 CRS/ SCCA Divisional News by Lynnette Allison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Spirit Race T earn Report by Steve Spirkoff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 ON THE COVER - This month a pair of top SODA racers are the cover boys. Jeff St. Peter drives in Class 9/ 10 and Class 1 / 2 in his Laser race car. From Port Washington, WI, Jeff was third in the class at the Brush Run 101, scoring enough points there to win the 9/ 10 class in the ESPN Pro Points Series and a nice check, in the series within the SODA series that features the six events that were televised. He also leads the class in SODA points. Our congratulations to Jeff and his team manager wife Paula, who leads the Ladies Unlimited Buggy class on points. Color Photo by Josh ofTrackside Photo Inc. Scott Taylor, shown here in his 7S truck, did a double in the Pro Points Series as he won Class 7S and Class 8 in the BFGoodrich sponsored Fords, making Labor Day a nice payday. Our congratulations to Scott and his hard working crew. Scott was also leading both c!_asses in the SODA Series then. Color Photo by Daniel Mainzer. S~70<UU/ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year - $15.00 □ 2 years - $25.00 D 3 years - $35.00 Takeadvantagc of your subscription bonus ••• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name ______________________ _ Address ______________________ _ City ______________________ _ Stace ___________ Zip __________ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 9131 1-4408, (8 18) 882-0004 ( Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates on request) Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I I

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Soap Box Parker/BLM/ Feldkamp Update. Regular readers may recall Dr. Bud Feldkamp's problems with the BLM police force ai Parker in 1993. Bud did not drop the subject, but wrote to et1eryone in got1ernment concerned, the BLM and his Congressman, Jerry Lewis. He did get response, which will hopefully help Parker problems next year. But, as you can see from the following condensed t1ersions of the corres-pondence, the BLM in Washington is well behind the times concerning the size of entry and spectator count at Parker. The first reply in May went directly to Feldkamp's dental offices from the BLM in Wash-ington. We quote this entire letter. "Secretary Babbit's office has asked that I respond to your recent letter expressing your concern over your treatment by BLM law enforcement officers at the Parker Score 400 Race. As a long-time participant, you know how successful the Parker Score 400 Race has become. It is now attracting thousands of spectators and creating great impact on the public lands we are tasked with managing. Because of the in-creasing crowds (they must be counting pit crews as spectators, ed.) the BLM has had to establish restrictions to protect spectators, If you,re got a license to fly •.. We~e got approved landing gear! EE•S 12350 Edison Way • Garden Grove, CA 92641 800./321-4456 ... race car drivers and natural resources as well. The two officers in question are highly trained and experienced law enforcement professionals who were only trying to do their duty in protecting you and all others involved in this exciting event. I am sorry if you were left with the impression that they were 'less than courteous and professional in performing that duty. At the same time, I have carefully reviewed the actions of Special Agent Levine and Ranger Dorsey and can only conclude they were justified in issuing you a citation when they observed you operat-ing a vehicle in a congested area in an unsafe manner. Although I'm sure this response is not what you were seeking, I appreciate the opportunity to hear your con-cerns. If you have any further suggestion on ways we can improve our approach to serving you and the rest of the citizens who visit America's public lands, please let me know." (This letter was signed by Steve Robinson, Assistant Director, Fire and Law Enforcement, US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Washington DC, with a copy to Lester Rosen-k ra nce, BLM Arizona State Director.) (US Congressman Jerry Lewis sent Bud a copy of the reply to his letter to the BLM in Washington concerning this problem and it follows) "Dear Mr. Lewis: I am responding to your June 10, 1993 note on behalf of Dr. I.M. Feldkamp who expressed several concerns about the Parker 400 Off Highway Vehicle Race. Unfortunately some of the details he has requested are simply not available. I hope the following information is of some help. His questions are answered in the same order they appear in his letter. Because the race is held in an Open (OHV) area, there is no mechanism for obtaining precise spectator counts. Estimates are based on information from SCORE International, the race sponsor, La Paz County, and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) personnel in the area. We estimate about 20,000 spectators attended the 1989 race, with the number gradually increasing to approximately 25,000 in 1993. Citation records are not kept in such a way as to provide the specific information he (Bud) requested. Individuals cited are not identified in our records as participants, spectators or others. According to our records and our law enforcement personnel, an average of 10 to 12 citations have been issued at this event each year, almost exclusively ·to spectators. In 1993 seven additional citations were issued to participants. This was both unusual and unfortunate; how-ever, the participants who were cited deviated significantly from the marked course to avoid mud or other obstacles. The course was clearly marked, and the deviation was in obvious viola-tion of the race rules, the terms of the Special Recreation Permit, and the on-site instructions of SCORE International and BLM officials. During post-race discussions SCORE officials agreed that the citations were '---------~-------------------...l~ appropriate. November 1993 The average number of BLM law enforcement personnel · assigned to cover each 8-hour shift are as follows: 1989 -3; 1990-4;1991-4;1992-6;1993 - 7. The increase in law enforce-ment presence over the years has occurred for several reasons. First the numbers of spectators have risen. Second, La Paz County has reduced its law enforcement presence there and has requested that BLM take on a larger share of race supervision on public lands. Third, increased BLM presence is deemed appropriate to reduce the levels of noncompliance and spectator control problems experienced at the race in earlier years. (The letter goes on talking about for many years there were fewer damaged plants but the number increased to over 300 in 1993, a number considered unacceptable, and only larger major types of plants are counted in the inventory. It also goes on at great length about estimates on animals killed or injured each year; however their professional judgment is that the numbers, especially of larger animals are quite small, and the post-race review did not reveal any animal fatalities. There is more about soil compaction preventing plants from growing, and so forth.) "It is BLM's mission to prevent unnecessary and undue degrada-tion of the public lands while providing for appropriate multi-ple uses. We believe the com-pliance efforts at the Parker 400 are appropriate to that mission. We are pleased that, because of our efforts and the willingness of most.Parker 400 participants and spectators to respect the course rules, no significant degradation has occurred over the past several years. We fear, however, that any reduction in enforcement could jeopardize this record of en-vironmental protection. From the information we have, it is our firm belief that BLM law enforcement personnel acted within the scope of their authority at the 1993 Parker 400. All BLM law enforcement personnel are highly qualified. They must complete intensive training at the· Federal Law Enforcement Training Center at Glynco, Georgia, as well as regularly updating and supplementing their initial training and undergoing routine qualification scrutiny. We feel confident that administration of the 1993 Parker 400 and the actions of all BLM law enforce-ment personnel involved were completely within the parameters of the law and the terms· of the race permit. The BLM has a statutory responsibility to regulate activ-ities on public lands. We do not believe that there is any question about the constitutionality of BLM enforcement authority. BLM clearly has the authority to disqualify or cite, as appropriate, any participant who fails to comply with the terms and conditions of a Special Recreation Permit. Sponsors who fail to require and enforce compliance by participants may have their permits canceled or future permits may be denied or subjected to additional stipula-tions or bonding requirements. This event and others like it are allowed by the BLM specifically for the recreation and enjoyment of participants and spectators. As I am sure you understand, an event as large as the Parker 400 must be closely regulated to ensure the safety and enjoyment of spectators and participants as well as to protect the public land resources. I hope this information answers Dr. Feldkamp's questions. I also encourage him to contact the Havasu Resource Area Manager and SCORE International offi-cials directly. They would be pleased to meet with him to disGuss his concerns. Jim Baca, Director US Department of Interior Bureau of Land Management Washington DC. This response was well researched and came close to answering a few of Feldkamp's questions in his initial letter asking for breakdowns for the last fit1e years of damage done, citations issued, personnel assigned to the race and total costs incurred by the BLM as well as the total numbers of plant life, wildlife and land destroyed or considered permanently damaged as a result of the race. The course in Arizona runs basically but not entirely on dedicated OHV land that anyone can go out and drit1e on any week of the year except race week when it falls under the permit regulations. We find it hard to understand how the BLM or anyone else can estimate damage done specifically by the race when the trails are used most of the year by local people and tourists. With our own eyes we ·saw more than set1en BLM uniformed people at one time by their communications t1ehicle mid-day in the 1993 race. How can they boldly state that only set1en were on hand when they were t1isible all ot1er the place; our personal guess is a good dozen to 15 in uniform, all this for a less than 90 mile course. Also it stands to reason that less people are inoolt!ed when the entry has shrunk from close to 400 to under 200, actually 199 started ·in 1993 including the 29 motorcycles. Sadly, after the BLM actions last January, there may be some regulars who pref er to spend their entry money at a more ho'spitable race site in 1994. Now Parker is a Colorado Rit1er town that literally lit1es on tourists, and they always told us that more money is spent in town at the off road race than at set1eral of the major boat races combined. It would be a shame if these nice people lose income otier this - hassle, since many cited last year were handed $zoo fines, not tJeTy popular. Hopefully reason will premil, not as many BLM folks will be imported to bolster the Hat1asu fellows and Parker wiil return to being·the fun race it is famous for with a full entry next January. By the way the area that Dr. Feldkamp was cited for drit1ing upon is a pat.led roadway, and it is hard.for a light weight open wheel racer to hat1e much impact on pat1ement. His race car was broken and this road had been dos¢ to all but race traffic, lying abot1e the main pit area, an access route for chase crews. Feldkamp was trying to get the car to the main pits without impeding traffic on the actual race course. Got1emment does mot1e in strange and mysterious ways. Ed. Volunteers are int1ited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts "about what is good and what is not so good about the state of the sport. Your words, short of being libelous, will be print-ed. So, send along your praise or damnation on your Soap Box topic to Dusty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 913 1 1 -44o8. Dusty Times

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NOVEMBER 6 • -CANDLESTICK PARK SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Pits Open 1 :00 - 5:00pm FREE Motorsports Expo 1 :00 - 6:00pm Information 1-800-795-7708 SLJSS WHEREHOUSE I TOWER TICKETS• 5 f 0-762-.a.d.S'S All tickets subject to convenience fee. Practice & Qualifying 1 :OOpm Proudly Sponsored by: Gates Open 5:00pm ._..__..,./ CHEVRO/ ET. Meet the Racers at the • FREE Autograph Session 5:30 - 6:30pm BOSCH Atn.e-PLca-n VAMAHA ~ Opening Ceremonies 6:30pm ~ I 1 _R_a_cl_n_g_S_ta_rt_s _______ 1._:oo_'Pm___ '°""--'L:i~,-: ~tom w...-.a. ,n,oona . Produced by i1 ¢4 •isd) 'CE~ fl~CR8 GOOD1-,,;;rA111 ,,,~ ........ ,,.a;.-. Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. BOX 25168, ANAHEIM, CA 92825 Budwelsei ~ SPECIAL ADDED BONUS !! MONSTER TRUCK GRUDGE MATCH! NATURES ~!::~~-PRESENTS

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1993-1994 Happenings ••• A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34087 Phoenix, AZ 85067 . (602) 252-1900 October 30, 1993 BLM Conservation Project November 6-7, 1993 Desert race Buggy IT ruck / Motorcycle/ A TV (Location TBA) December 4, 1993 17th Annual Sonoyta to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico AMSA Jim Webb P.O . Box 26084 Fresno, CA 93726 (209) 439-2114 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 47 Teenan St. Ferny Hills, Q, 4055, Australia 011-18-07-851-0444 November 7, 1993 Puckapunyal Victoria AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFFROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B lHl (514) 434-5792 BAD DOG'S OFF ROAD SHOWDOWN Callaway Fun Inc. ~ 3825 No. Main Cleburne, TX 76031 Barry Don Callaway (817) 645-0003/(817) 641-9985 Gene Peugh (817) 790-8268 nights Racing the 3rd Sunday of each month March thru October BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 Golden Crown of Baja Desert Series (cars) December 10-12, 1993 Mint 400 Desert Challenge 400 Miles Las Vegas, NV BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O .R.E. BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R. 3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 (613) 475-1102/ Fax (613) 475-3250 1993 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI54520 (715) 478-2222 BUMP Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions 42263 50th St. West #108 Quartz Hill, CA 93536 (805) 256-8520 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison, CRS Director 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 (909) 736-1442 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 October 23-24, 1993 Gorman Ridge ( 3) Gorman, CA December 4-5, 1993 East of Indio (3) Indio, CA CENTRAL OREGON DESERT RACING Terry Silbaugh 20515 W hitehaven Circle Bend, OR 97702 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 CMC Continental Motosport Club Sand Drags P.O . Box830 Adelanto, CA 9230 1 (619) 246-7262 October 30, 1993 Sunrise Valley Raceway Night Event , Adelanto, CA November 20, 1993 Sunrise Valley Raceway Night Event Adelanto, CA December 4, 1993 Sunrise Valley Raceway --'P',efJ----O_F_F_R_O_A_D_C_O_M_P_O_N_E_N_T_s_ ... ► * MADE BETTER IN THE U.S.A. * ~• AXLES• SPRING PLATES • P R ED R IL LE D CV BOLTS LINK PINS• L INK PIN BUSHINGS & SHIM S TIE RODS• WHEEL STUDS• BUSHING INS TALLATION TOOLS • NEW PRODUCTS IN DEVELOPMENT• SCORE & LA RANA CONTINGENCY SPONSOR a,a;a1iiiiliiill■ DJ TRANSAXLES 0.G. RACING HOTLINE AlfT()M)TlVE LOTHRINGER OFFROA0 DENUNZJO 10623 Bladlfoot Road 708 W. Mill, Untt M 6951 ldleWflde Circle ENGINEERING BUGGY SUPPLY RAONG PRODUCTS Awle Valley, CA 92308 San Bernardino, CA 92410 Mel>ourne, FL 32904 ·s25 N. Glendora A venue 2525 E. 16th S1reel PO. Box 6057 (619) 240-3930 (909) 885-5226 (407) 724·1270 Covina, CA 91723 Yuma, AZ 85365 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 (818) 915-2212 (602) 783-6265 (805) 683-1211 Pagc6 November 1993 Night Event Adelanto, CA COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION Barb Vahsholtz, President (719) 531-3642 W 1(719)687-9827 H P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 COLORADO OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS Bertram Productions Inc. 15073 Hwy 119 Route #4 Golden, CO 80403 (303) 936-5960 CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 2750 Cozumel Drive #1116 Melbourne, FL 32935 (407) 254-5167 November 14, 1993 Lakeland, FL January 9, 1994 Lakeland, FL February 13, 1994 Naples, FL March 26, 1994 Florida 400 Talahassee, FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES October 30, 1993 Squeaky Springs Gran National Lake Superstition, CA December 31, 1993 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA February 5, 1994 Awards Banquet {Location TBA) February 12, 1994 King of the Desert El Centro, CA April 23, 1994 Buzz Bomb 150 El Centro, CA May 14-15, 1994 24 Hours Le Fud El Centro, CA June 25, 1994 Plaster City Blast El Centro, CA August 2 7, 1994 Superstition 250 El Centro, CA October 29, 1994 Squeaky Springs Gran National El Centro, CA December 31, 1994 Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA ATV, BIKE& DESERT SUPERLITE SCHEDULE November 21, 1993 Notorious Dawg 3 Hour Team Race l-8 & Dunaway Road, CA December 5, 1993 Rudolph's Revenge plus Team Race Lake Superstition, CA January 16, 1994 Barking Spider El Centro, CA February 19, 1994 ' D-38 Awards Banquet {Location TBA) February 2 7, 1994 Coyote W ash Bath El Centro, CA March 13, 1994 Team Race El Centro, CA March 27, 1994 Attack Kamakize El Centro, CA May 8, 1994 Sweetheart's Kiss El Centro, CA July 3, 1994 Tankslappers Gran Prix El Centro, CA . July 23, 1994 Mr. Patterson's Wild Ride El Centro, CA August 6, 1994 Night Team Race El Centro, CA September 18, 1994 Desert Sprint El Centro, CA October 9, 1994 Mudhen II El Centro, CA November 20, 1994 Notorious Dawg El Centro, CA December 4, 1994 Rudolph's Revente El Centro, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 6950 San Bernardino, CA 92412 (714) 880-1733 October 31, 1993 Halloween Haunt GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 ( 404) 253-1033 October 24, 1993 Vienna, GA November 27, 1993 Thanksgiving 250 Vienna,GA (All a,ents at Vienna, GA) GREAT PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION GPORRA Mike Johnson, President 13621 Pierce St. Omaha, NE 68144-1122 ( 402) 333-0517 Eve. (all races at Weslfair Fair Grounds, Council Bluffs, Iowa on a ¼ mile course similar to the MTEG tracks, and run under class regulations from SODA) GRR Golden Rule Racing P.O . Box 40211 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 263-5329 ROD HALL INVITATIONAL 5445 Equity Ave. Reno, NV 89502 (702) 856-3100 April 29-May 1, 1994 Reno/ Pyramid 300 Reno, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Harvey Wald (605) 224-6678 days . ( 605) 224-5534 evenings IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All a,ents staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) INTER-SHOWS . MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 2910 Mission Viejo, CA 92690 (714) 364-0515 KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WD'CLUB P.O . Box465 Kamloops, BC, Canada V2C-5L2 Bob (604) 374-7175 days Randy (604) 579-9621 eves Keith (604) 828-1795 anytime ( All events start 7 miles NW of Kam loops) LA RANA DESERT RACING P.O . Box 3699 Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 (800) 700-5737 October 22-24, 1993 California 200 Ridgecrest, CA November 18-20, 1993 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA December 4, 1993 Annual Awards Banquet Flamingo Hilton Hotel Laughlin, Nevada January 7-9, 1994 New Years 200 Barstow, CA March 4-6, 1994 Presidential 250 Barstow, CA April 22-24, 1994 Spangler 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 17-19, 1994 Lucerne Valley Jam 250 Lucerne Valley, CA ll:W Dusty Times

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August 19-21, 1994 Johnson Valley 200 Lucerne Valley, CA October 14-16, 1994 California 200 Ridgecrest, CA November 18-20, 1994 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, MI 48837 (517) 627-6200 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFFROAD STADIUM SERIES Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714)938-4100 November 6, 1993 Candlestick Park San Francisco, CA November 20, 1993 Awards Banquet TBA MID-AMERICA OFF ROAD ASSOCIATION David Cronin, President. MAORA 2590 Mullanphy Florissant, MO 63031 (618) 765-2199 All events at Okaw Valley Campground Shellryville, IL (Additional track dates may be adde.d) NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION 11842 Jason Court Madera, CA 93638 (209) 486-4590/(209) 266-5558 OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (913) 855-8899 November 6-7, 1993 El Paso, Texas ONTARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Jeff Sargent 1480 Lakeridge Rd. N Ajax, Ontario, Canada (416)427-4782 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/ (518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 October 22-24, 1993 Press On Regardless* Houghton, MI December 3-5, 1993 Maine Forest Rally* Rumford, ME *Part of the North American Rally Championship SCORE Score International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 November 11-14, 1993 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, MX November 19, 1993 Off Roadsman and Awards Banquet Gold Coast Hotel & Casino · Las Vegas, NV (Tentatiue 1994 dates) January 21-23, 1994 SCORE Parker 400 Parker, AZ February 25-27, 1994 SCORE San Felipe 250 San Felipe, B.C., MX April 1-3, 1994 SCORE Nevada 400 Las Vegas, NV June 3-5, 1994 SCORE Baja 500 Baja California, MX July 1-3, 1994 SCORE Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 9-11, 1994 SCORE Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV November 10-13, 1994 SCORE Baja 1000 DON-A-VEE MOTORSPORTS OFF-ROAD AND AUXILLIARV LIGHTING Pagel *FIRST RACE - FIRST PLACE! In the La Rana desert night race Jeep Cherokee Class 6 *"Made In America" lights are competition proven for strength and durablllty *Heavy-Duty 20 gauge steel housings and precision cut lead crystal lenses *Reflector seals resist dust and moisture *Available In durable black powder-coat or triple plated chrome finishes *Reflectors/lenses are reversible for above or below bumper mounting *Choose from 55, 100, or 130 watt bulbs *All kits Include: 2-Halogen lights, 2 Don-A-Vee Motorsports lens covers, an Illuminated switch with mounting panel, 1-30 amp relay, 1-30 amp fuse, and all necessary wiring and connectors DON-A-VEE MOTORSPORTS COMPETITION SERIES - SPECIFY 100 OR 130 WATT BULB WHEN ORDERING 916169B Off-road Light kit w/black housing 916169C Off-road Light kit w/chrome housing 916269B Flood (work) Light kit w/black housing 916269C Flood (work) Light kit w/chrome housing $ 90.59kit $102.69kit $ 90.59kit $102.69kit DON-A-VEE MOTORSPORTS THINLINE SERIES - SPECIFY 55, 100 OR 130 WATT BULB WHEN ORDERING 916129B Driving Light kit w/black housing 916129C Driving Light kit w/chrome housing 916229B Flood (work) Light kit w/black housing 916229C Flood (work) Light kit w/chrome housing $ 85.99kit $ 96.59kit $ 85.99kit $ 96.59kit DON-A-VEE MOTORSPORTS RECTANGULAR SERIES-SPECIFY 55, 100 OR 130 WATT BULB WHEN ORDERING 917129B Driving Light kit w/black housing 917129C Driving Light kit w/chrome housing 917139B Clear Fog Light kit w/black housing 917139C Clear Fog Light kit w/chrome housing 917149B Amber Fog Light kit w/black housing 917149C Amber Fog Light kit w/chrome housing 917229B Flood (work) light kit w/black housing 917229C Flood (work) light kit w/chrome housing TO ORDER CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-59-PARTS OR FAX 310-920-3475 OR MAIL YOUR ORDER TO: DON-A-VEE MOTORSPORTS 17308 BELLFLOWER BLVD BELLFLOWER, CA 90706 $ 85.99kit $ 96.59kit $ 85.99kit $ 96.59kit $ 85.99kit $ 96.59kit $ 85.99klt $ 96.59kit CREDrr CARDS, CHECKS & MONEY ORDER!fONL Y NO CASH OR COD'S PLEASE PRICES DO NOT INCLUDE SHIPPING OR HANDLJNG CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ADD 8.75% SALES TAX FAX YOUR ORDER TODAY FOR AN EXTRA 5% DISCOUNT! November 1993 Baja California, MX SCORESHOW. Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25148 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714)938-4155 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 (714) 783-8293 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 October 29-31, 1993 Double Trouble Las Vegas, NV December 3-5, 1993 Eldorado Valley 250 Las Vegas, NV SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA/(414) 257-0422 SWORDS South West Off Road Racing Desert Series · 4209 So. CR 1300 Odessa, TX 79765 Mike Parker (915) 337-3437 All races held at Notrees, TX 25 miles west of Odessa, TX TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 TOYS FOR TOTS Off Road Poker Run (619) 252-1197 /(702) 897-7769 November6-7, 1993 Off Road Poker Run Slash X Cafe Barstow, CA UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 ( all a,ents at Owego Motor Sports Park, Rte. 434, Owebo, NY) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W . Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805) 656-1122 November 20, 1993 Motocross/ Stadium Off Road cars VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Ron (Rocky) Weinstein, President Box 246 - 106 - 1656 Martin Dr. White Rock, B.C. V4A 6E7 (604) 582-3338 WORRA, P.O. Box 3241 Sumas, WA 98295 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 (All a,ents at Thrasherland, 117th Aue. & Glendale in Phoenix, AZ) WISCONSIN OFF ROAD FESTIVAL. Terry or Bev Friday 5913 So. U.S. Hwy 45 Oskosh, WI 54901 ( 414) 688-5509 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP November 1-4, 1993 Rally of Spain Catalunya, Spain November 21-25, 1993 RAC Rally Nottingham, England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming a,ents in DUSTY TIMES free! Send your 1993/94 schedule . as soon as possible for listing in this column. Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-44o8. DustyTimcs

Page 9

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 , 1993 Start/Finish in the Pista de Motocross CLASSES 1/2 Seat Unlimited 1/1600 4 4x4 Full Size/SUV 7 Mini/Mid size 2wd/4wd/SUV 8 2wd Full Size Motorcycles: 125cc and up 250cc and up 4 wheel ATV FEES: $200 -Trucks & Buggies $100 -Motorcycles/ATV's del Chamizal, CD Chihuahua ATTENTION: OFF ROAD RACERS FRONTERA JUAREZ 150 OFF ROAD RACE 4 WHEEE. CEN'.TER 5 S :i -~ S-4 8 EL Pl.SO, TX BOCACC:tO 2000 13-02-42 Centro PronaF, Cci. Juarez:, Chih · Awards will be given at the Hotel Sylvia's (Mex) Sunday evening This event is arranged by the J.I.D.A. with special cooperation with.the Secretary of Tourism in Juarez, Mexico. All customs permits are readily available. TRACK: Start/Finish is less than 5 minutes away from El Paso, TX/Juarez, MX border crossing. 150 mile loop around Juarez, Mexico. Conditions are FAST!!!!!!! For informat· on , call Carlos Enriquez or Sebasti an Santiesteban at The 4 Wheel Center of El Paso, TX

Page 10

Fair News B, Daw Massingham The La Rana Johnson Valley 200 saw eight FAIR cars and one Chapala Dusters car running with FAIR. A.J. Martin and dear old dad Steve drove their famous Martin Brothers Class 2 car to a second place in class. A.J. was in for the first loop, Steve in for the second loop and A.J. was back for the last two rounds. This was the first time out with their new automatic transmission and new Mike Smith shocks. All went well except for minor repairs on the shocks every lap. Looks like Uncle Tom lost his seat to young A.J. Martin, who works for Bob Gordon. A.J. preps Bob's Class 2 race car. Might be interesting if A.J. is in the same race as his boss. Hey Steve, how does it feel to be in the pits and watch your son drive the car? I can remember when A.J. wasn't old enough to drive. Wayne Morgan and Yours Truly entered Class 2, but dnf'ed again. The trans finally said too much horsepower for me and let go third gear. I think it was driver abuse! Looks like it's time for that automatic trans. I forgot to ask Wayne where he learned to do speedway slides in the mud. Mac wanted out after the start. The RCR Class 1 pickup dnf'ed. It wasn't all bad because Bob Richey led overall for two laps. Tom Baker went a half lap and broke both axles. This was Bob and Tom's first time out in the new old Robby Gordon truck Bob purchased from Robby and made some dramatic changes to the color scheme. The truck not only looked great, it was driven like these two guys knew what they were doing. Frank Omboli failed to finish in Class ·5-1600. Frank contracted with his "Hired Gun" Rich Fersch to drive the first half. All was going well, Rich was in second place until it happened. "The Hired Gun fell out of the saddle", as quoted by Wayne Morgan. Seems Rich was real close to the finish line on his second loop and hit some mud. The rest of the story is history, instant crunched roof. Looks like it's new body time for the Omboli crew. Sorry about that guys, it happens to the best of them. Chris Newman and Charlie Lamar also dnf'ed in Class 5-1600. Charlie, fresh off his honeymoon, took the first two loops, having some front suspension prqblems. Chris got in to finish and retired it on the third loop. Better luck next time. David Edelstein took another first in Class 1575 full size stock 4WD. We all at FAIR hand it to Dave for driving one hell of a race. The old Bronco looks and runs great. Kathy Fay and dad Jim entered Class 1500 Mini stock 2WD and finished third in class. This was the first time for Jim to ride with Kathy and it looks like he might have a permanent seat. They came close to finishing second except for having all their rear shocks come loose. Thanks to Pit E, Wayne Morgan and crew, who repaired it and sent her on the way. We will try to do the repairs a little faster next time. Dave Rogers finished fourth in Class 9. This was his first race with FAIR and he did a great job driving by himself. Welcome Dave, Good luck in the future. Jeff Quinn finished first in Class _ 2. Jeff's was the only Chapala Duster car entered, so we took care of his pit needs. I don't know if he used our services, but we were there for him. Hey Jeff, you can always become a FAIR member too. Thanks to all our pit crews, the race went very smoothly. A big thanks to Jeff Randall for driving the FAIR van to the race. He arrived at 11 :30 and drove home at 2:00 a.m. to see his son Ryan play soccer. What a dedicated dad, to FAIR and his family. The BIGGER IS BE·TT-ER Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runnE:r, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the C.V. ioints. weather was great! We had sun, rain, flooding, lightning and thunder. Saturday night was awesome with all the lightning. I think this race will be remembered for a long time. Our August 8 meeting had a special guest, Bob Bower from BFG. His talk on tires was very informative and interesting. I hope all who attended got as muchoutofBob'spresentationas I did. We didn't have a very good turn out, ohly 45 members and guests. Hope more attend our September 15 meeting with Sal Fish. We had a board meeting prior to the regular meeting. Much discussion on pitting and how to improve the "quality of the pits". We need to improve in several areas: better or~anlzed pits, coordination within the pits for work assignments.We need input from all the FAIR members and racers to help us improve.We will pay closer attention to who is going to man them. The racer's responsibilities are to furnish two qualified pit people to work the pits. If they send out unqualified people we all lose. They need to be informed before doing what is expected of them and why they are there. They are required to have a vehicle capable of taking all the pit equipment to the pit location. They furnish their own hand tools and remain at the pit until all FAIR cars have passed their location. FAIR Main will then clear them to close up and bring the equipment back. FAIR furnishes all other equipment. There is a pit book sent to each pit with several sheets of information. The pit people should take time to read through it and fill out the required sign in sheets. We log all cars in the rac~, ear number and time they passed. We log all tires changed and work performed on which cars. I have sample pit books for each team; they should review them with their pit people. We also discussed buying more printed trash bags, T-shirts and hats. Next meeting we will have firm prices on all items and a decision will be made. Anyone interested in some inexpensive advertisement on the trash bags, give us a call. .. Convert Type I stub axles and output bell to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. _ Convert Type 11 stub axles and output bell to accept 930 C.V. joints. . All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV /c .v.s can be threaded 3/a-24 or stock 8mm. \All axles and Bells for930 C.V.s can be j threaded · -24 or stock 10mm threads. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER ---. WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flan.11e on yo_ur supplie~ parts. ··-ER Stop the up-travelcm your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. Last but not least, FAIR has a major decision to make. We have two trucks that will be competing in the Trophy Truck class in 1994, Danny Letner and Bob Richey. We need to make some changes to accommodate these two heavy hitters. For instance:· Equipment, tools, jacks, training on these vehicles, practice pits, changing tires, etc. Knowledge about these two trucks can save a lot of time in the pits. We will get with Bob and Danny to get their needs and ideas on how FAIR can continue to support them. Anyone with good ideas, please send them in writing to me or bring them to the meeting. We hope FAIR can successfully support them in 1994. Until next month, thanks for your time. ese Bump Stops come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane nd piece, and enough valving to get the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. lncludinQ the mountinQ hardware and the GRS bolt~. ~EE YOUR OFF ROAD RACING PARTS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. MARVIN SHAW ENGINEERiNG 101 Broadway P.O. Box845 1-602-427-3551 Yamell. AZ85362 Page 10 November 1993 Trail Notes ••• RED ALERT FOR THE DESERT-For the first time i,ince 1986 the former Cranston act now by California Senator Dianne Feinstein, finally got the Desert Protection Act out of Committee, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee by a husky 13-7 vote. In previous sessions California Republican Senators had succeeded in blocking the legislation from reaching the Senate floor. It is the largest public lands act of its kind in the continental United States. This bill would preserve 6.6 million acres c,f desert, apparently a lot in wilderness status, could become law early next year, as it is now expected to pass the entire Senate. The House approved a more sweeping measure in 1991 and the legislation is supporteJ by the Clinton Administration. The Desert Protection Act would create three national parks, Death Valley,Joshua Tree and Mojave, and 71 wilderness areas in the east Mojave desert. Never mind that most of these areas are either uninhabited or inhabited in small enclaves with a zip code, and that giant power lines and Interstate Highways dissect the areas. California Governor Pete Wilson and the four Republican House members who represent the desert region strongly oppose the bill, contending it would cost mining jobs, eliminate any livestock grazing and off road vehicle traffic ( which supports some small communities) and they feel the desert is adequately protected by the Bureau of Land Management. The majority of the land in question contains many, many trails, some rarely used, that would be handy in case a wildfire should get going as it often does in late summer from lightining strikes. Apparently the new Senator from California bowed to the military and the bill as passed in committee allows for unlimited overflights by military aircraft. However there is no mention that we have seen of how the new National Parks and their staff will be funded, in this era of national recession. More vehicle or gas taxes locally maybe, but all that will do is drive more people out of California to live, work and pay taxes in a more friendly atmosphere in another state. · If the full Senate passes the bill, then the process of mating it to the earlier House bill begins, so it is not too late for folks in surrounding states as well as California to object and contact their representatives in the House and Senate. Just think of the impact on Nevada and Arizona, and the off road industry in general, if this bill passes. Off roaders will have to tow to other states to have a weekend in the desert, which would probably close those OHV areas in a very few years, due to heavy overuse, instead of being spread out in the existing OHV areas in the Great Mojave Desert. OBJECT! WORLD RALLY NEWS'- Juha Piironen, former codriver to Juha Kankkunen and winner of 14 World Championship Rallies, achieved perhaps the most important ambition of his caree~ by atte~ding the 1000 Lakes rally, Finland's premier event, after suffermg a bram hemorr!tage during the Argentine Rally training period. Still confined to ~ -:vh~el c]la1r_ he has now left hospital in Hel~inki to begin a peri~ of rehabilitation durmg which most movement of his left arm and leg 1s expected to be restored. Success in his long declared objective of meeting his old Toyota teammate and other friends in Jyvaskyla is likely to prove a major psychological help in the path to physical recovery. New Rally Car Rules are expected from the FIA World Council at its meeting in October 1993. The new rules, though running concurrently for three years from 1995 to 1997, alongside the existing competition cars, are widely expected to make current Group A and qr<;>up ~ models ?bsolete ahead of time. The new rules nicknamed the kit-car rules will allow manufacturers of mass production cars ( in volumes of over 10,000 exampl~s) to pick and choose equipment from cars in their ran~~• ra_ther than requ_1re 2500 examples to be built in the full complete spec1f1cat1on. (S~u~ds hke letting the fox loose in the chicken coop, ed.) All this really leaves ex1stm~ cars with a life expectancy of 15 months, and the release held a lot of details on how they will be kept equal with the kit cars through turbocharger restrictions should the kit cars become dominant. Max Mosley confirms that 'Rotation is to _Stay', for the 15 even~ in t~e World Rally Championship. Rallies will qualify for the full champ1onsh1p series for two years out of three, if the proposed rotation _becomes the rul~. Mosley said it is planned for 1994 and beyond, and there will be ten rounds m the series. They will be selected from the existing 13 rallies plus one more from Europe and another from outside. Mosley had some good thoughts on rallying, and SCCA might listen. FISA's chief said "~emus~ arrang~ an_d present our sport so as not to incite unnecessary opposition. I thm~ rallymg_1s the most accessible form of motor sport for amateurs and I believe 1t will grow, but we must be careful adn clever in the way it expands. We have a responsibility in the way we protect spectators and we have a duty to allow people the chance to spectate. I don't want to hide _the sport away fro~ ~he public. The net result of rallying to the community has to be benef1c1al. Rallying is a chance to drive competitively in an ordinary car, which you are not allowed to do on the open road." A good deal of what Mosley says also applies to off road racing, both short course and particu~arly desert racing. Presently the organizational trends here are to heavily restrict spectator access to desert events, but they had fewer problems years back when spectators just drove up an access road and parked by the course for the day than they do now with all the various law enforcement agencies out on the prowl. TOYS FOR TOTS POKER RUN -Don't forget to enter this Barstow based event November 6 & 7 if you are in the area. You en run Saturday or Sunday, or both days, and all proceeds go to help the Toys For T o~s program. The course is about 30 miles in a loop out of the Slash X Cafe on Highway 24 7 just south of Barstow, and it is an off road course. There are all sorts of donated prizes for the best poker hands, and the registration runs each day from 8:0 p.m. to noon. Get full information by calling the Slash X Cafe at (619) 252-1197. SODA UPDATE - Nest issue we are catching up to the hectic SODA summer race schedule with both the UP Off Road 100 and the Great Northern Chailenge at Lake Odessa coverage, both in ~ichiga~. Vf/ e apologize to SODA for the delay, but budget restraints keep this publication down to a maximum si~ each month. LATE FLASH! - Robby Gordon, born and bred to off road racing and having just completed a great Indy car year with A.J. Foyt has announced his signing with Derek Walker for the 1994 CART Season. Dusty Times knew Robby way back when and we wish him a fantastic 1994 season -Go Robby! DusyTimcs

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BRUSH RUN 101 Fast And Fun In The North Woods By Judy Smith Photos: Daniel Manger Photography & Tr.ackside Photo Inc. I Dan Baudoux was unbeatable in his Class 11, winning two seat on Saturday and coming back to win the single seat class on Sunday, but he didn't have much luck this race with his higher horsepower car. start at about nine a.m. on Saturday with a few laps of practice, first for the buggies, and then for the big truck classes. The track was in good shape, the last rain had been on Thursday, so the mud wasn't a problem, and, in fact, the water trucks were getting ready to wet things down. It was windy and cloudy as the first race of the weekend got underway at about 10:15. It was Walker Evans' former desert Dodge Class 8 got a real workout over the weekend; First Walker drove it to victory in time for the Class 11 two seaters, Class 8 on Saturday, then was second in the 4x2, 4x4 Production Challenge, came back to win the Unlimited Heavy the buggies that use mostly stock Metal Challenge, then loaned it to Sherri Parsons, who was fifth in Ladies Heavy Metal with a bent tie rod. They Volkswagen components in their packed it up and took it home to California. Photo: Pete Biro _construction, and run with The Brush Run 101, Crandon, addition of a two story structure track, and were greeted with such--1600cc motors. There were 35 of Wisconsin's biggest event of the on top of a hill on the east side of enthusiasm that the Crandon these little cars, and somehow year, attracted a full herd of racers the track. The building houses folks are already talking about they all made it safely through the to the Labor Day event, and what the Crandon folks call their building 20 more. first turn, with Dan Baudoux in entertained the big crowd of "Sky Boxes", which turn out to As is customary at Crandon, front in his Mirage, followed by spectators with the expected flair. be comfortable rooms, each there was a session of Hot Laps on Keith Berard in a Friday. In third Somewhere in the neighborhood equippedwithawetbar,afullsize Friday,timedlapsforthosewho place it was Jim Wymer in a of 40,000 folks crowded the refrigerator, heat, air-condi-cared to compete, risking serious Phaser chassis, and then came grassy hillsides to watch the tioning, wall to wall windows on damage to their cars the day Mark Oberg. Jim Schuster had racing, enjoying some 22 separate the race track side, and a covered before the race. Of those who did lost a valve cover, and was limping races, each event running about deck or balcony. In addition, subject their cars to the test, the for home. 20 minutes, or from eight to 12 every room was wired in to the quickest was Kevin Probst in his When they came around the laps, depending on the class. public address system of the race Class 4 Chevy, with a time of next time the two leaders were far The facility at Crandon, which track. There were five rooms on 1:36:76, followed by Art Schmitt ahead of the pack, result of a is owned by the folks who each floor, some with adjoining in his Class 1 Berrien Laser buggy traffic jam back near pit row, that promote the race under SODA doors for big parties, and they at 1:36:82, and then came Walker had brought out the yellow after ( Shortcourse Off road Drivers were snapped up as soon as they Evans in his Dodge truck, timed at those two went sailing by. Wymer Association) sanction, had been werefinishedbyvarioussponsors 1:37:25 for the 1.7 mile long was still third, with John Huven, improved during the two months or race teams. Without a doubt course. in his Huven chassis, moving up since the Spring Run, by the they have the best seats at the The weekend got off to a nois to fourth now, followed by -.... Michael Brue continued on his winning ways in his Class 5-1600 racer, an Chad Schleuter, who is dominating Class 3 this season, put down a 14 car open air one in rain country too. Brue sailed easily into the class victory, field in Class 3 to win in the Ford Bronco, and Chad, a youngster, also took leading all but the first lap of the race. second in the Unlimited Heavy Metal Challenge on Sunday. Michael Oberg. On the next lap Huven had moved up to third, with Wymer fourth and Michael Oberg fifth. They ran that way for several more laps, with Baudoux and Berard getting further and further ahead of the pack. Then they caught up with lapped traffic, and on the sixth lap Berard flew the jump on the front straight, and while he was in the air saw that a broken car was stalled on the track at about the point where he would land. Sure enough, he nosedived right into it, tearing up his front beam, flattening his left front tire, and shortening the car about 10 inches on the left side. He kept on moving, intending to drive as best he could in that condition, but then his passenger, Sherri Smoter made him under-stand that her back was hurting, and he pulled out immediately to get medical aid. While the first aid folks loaded her onto a board, the race continued. Baudoux had a big lead now, with Huven in second place, Wymer third and Richard W oulf fourth. And then the officials black flagged a bunch of cars, apparently giving them a stop and go penalty for not slowing at the yellow flag caused by Berard's crash. In the confusion someone threw a black flag at Baudoux, who'd passed several of the late runners, and he pulled off to the side, thinking something might be wrong with his car. An official quickly ran out and told him it was an error, and urged him to get going, but in the meantime Huven went past him. They were on their last lap by now. Huven finished first, with Baudoux coming in behind him, upset that his win had been taken away by the official's mistake. But they gave it back, as it had been apparent that Huven wouldn't have been able to catch Baudoux in the one lap remaining. So it was Baudoux, who reported that his race was uneventful except for the blac:k flag incident, then Huven, John Heuven flies his muddy Class 11, they always overwater the track before this class races, past the crowd en route to second in Class 11 two seat. Bill Bowles had his wife Maxine riding with him, and he charged along to finish a strong second in the competitive action in Class 5-1600. Jerry Bundy hauls his Jeep CJ 8 from New England to race Crandon, and while he is a mature driver, he still got second in Class 3 and was the first Class 3 to finish the Challenge race. Page 12 November 1993 Dusty Times

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Al Fannin, leading here, had a fight on his hands, but he kept his Chevy Chevelle in the second spot in Class 6 not far behind his buddy Statezny. Bill Grabowski ran second in the early going in Class 6 action, but as the race wore on so did his Nova's transmission, but he did finish third. Jeff Probst came close, but no cigar, in his hi tech Laser, taking second in Class 9/ 10 action and third iri the Open Wheel Unlimited Challenge. start position off in the rough stuff. Greg Bekavac was bouncing his sedan off Tim Kamm's Malibu as they fought for position, and then Bekavac ended up with a front flat. Crandon resident Fay Statezny often wins Class 6, on the circuit, and he does his own work on the Chevy Chevelle and enjoys running the local track as it has higher speeds than most SODA tracks, and he won. Statezny and Graboski con-tinued to lead, as Fannin worked his way up, the two Chevelles sounding like bull elephants in heat. Statezny had a long lead, and Fannin had to work hard to get around Graboski, but he moved into second place on the sixth lap, and then gave it a good try, but didn't have enough time to catch Statezny. Meantime Graboski tried to hold off a determined charge by Rick Rayford, in a Malibu. But Rayford slipped by into third, and then his car got so hot he had to slow down, and Graboski went back into third again. At the checkered flag it was Statezny, followed by Fannin, then Graboski, whose trans-mission was slipping in third gear, and Rayford finished fourth. who also had no problems, and Wymer, who runs tractor tires on the rear of his car, and reported that this was his best finish ever. Rich W oulf, with a bent spindle, and glasses so muddy he'd had problems finding his way around the track, was fourth. The 5-1600s came next, with 11 cars getting the green flag at 11 :30. Their numbers were reduced early asJeffKarlman lost a rear wheel before he got past the barn, and then Tom Brockman pulled out with a mystery problem that made his motor quit. Tim Christensen also pulled out and Scott Miller was running on a flat rear tire. Bur Greg Smith was out in front, with Michael Brue close behind him, and Bill Bowles chasing hard in third place. Terry Wolfe was fourth. On the second lap· Brue, whose car is a grandfathered in Class 5 convertible, went into the lead, with Smith second. Bowles, in another convertible, in third, and Wolfe, in a genuine 5-1600 sedan, in fourth. Bowles moved up to second place on the fourth lap, as Smith slowed, and then dropped out. Gary Plummer also pulled out about then, oil spewing, and the car smoking. Brue built up a big lead, and ran to the finish unchallenged, with Bowles, whose wife, Maxine, riding with him, said she's still pinching his leg to get him to drive ·faster, in second. Wolfe was third, and Stuart Dahlin, who said he'd been a little late getting off the start, ran fine after that, and worked his way up to fourth place. The Class 3 race came next, and they roared onto the track 14 strong, and as they thinned out, Gerald Foster had his Chevy in the lead, charging hard, with Jerry Bundy in second place in his Jeep and Chad Schleuter also coming along in a hurry, trying to catch them with his Ford. On the second lap Foster was out when an axle broke, and Schleuter was in the lead, with Dustynmcs Bundy second and Stephen McCrossan third in his Bronco, which was running hot. Schleuter and Bundy pulled out a big lead, and McCrossan got a quick stop and go penalty for not slowing at a yellow flag, which dropped him back further, though he didn't lose his third place. They ran in that order to the end of the 10 lap event. Schleu-ter's engine never missed a beat, • and Bundy, whose car was locking up in the left front, and not wanting to turn, nonetheless holding on to his second place. His motor, he confessed, was built in 1969. McCrossan was overheating, and behind him Al Drews, who'd got hung up on a tire in the scoring tower turn, and lost his front drive, was trying to catch up, but was also over-heating. Schleuter took the win, with Bundy second, McCrossan third and Drews in fourth. The Class 6 cars were next to race, and they got off the line at a few minutes before one p.m., with Fay Statezny out in front in his Chevelle. Behind him was Bill Graboski in a '79 Nova, and then came Jay Martens. Back in fifth place was Al Fannin, in another Chevelle like Statezny's, struggl-ing through traffic after pulling a The 1650cc buggies, Classes 9 and 10 ( one sea ters and two seaters) were next to take off, and the crowd of 27 made it through that tricky, blind first turn in good shape. Todd Attig had his Terminator in first place right from the start, with Art Schmitt in a Berrien Laser in second, and Jeff Probst in a Laser third, followed by Don Ponder, still another Berrien, and then Jeff St. Peter, in, you guessed it, a Berrien Laser. By the second lap, as the lead three held their positions, St. Peter moved past Ponder into fourth, and on the next lap, Dan Baudoux, who'd been sixth in his Mirage, dropped out when his motor went. Lee Wuesthofflosta rear tire and made a quick pit stop, which put him down a lap, and Schmitt's motor made a couple of funny pops, and stalled briefly, starting him on a backward slide through the ranks. By the fifth lap he'd dropped to fourth place. Meanwhile, Attig was having a Scott Taylor proved to be double trouble for the 18 Class 7 drivers as he ran second for a time behind Greaves, then won the Class and next day he also won the Clas 6 & 7 Challenge in the Ford. November 1993 Class 9/10 had a 27 car field, and Todd Attig put his Porsche powered racer out front on the first lap, and beat back all challengers that got close, and won this race with none of the problems he had on Sunday. good run, his Porsche motor that. behaving beautifully. Probst, Things moved along smartly, powered by a Rabbit, pushed and now it was time for the Class hard behind him, but couldn't 7S trucks and 18 of them took the catch up, and St. Peter was firm in green flag. Johnny Greaves had a third. Ponder, also Rabbit good lead from early on, in his powered, was now trying to get Toyota, with Scott Taylor, Jim past Schmitt. Wiggins, and Tom Hackers, all in When they completed their Fords, running not far behind eight laps, it was Attig, Probst, St. him. But the dreaded black flag Peter and Ponder, with Bill came out for Greaves, and he was LeFeuvre, from Canada, finishing held for several long seconds, as fifth in his Rabbit powered penalty for jumping the green flag, Berrien. Schmitt dropped all the and was in about eighth place way back to eighth, not sure why when he got going again. his car had been shutting off like That put 1GJr West Coast· Distributor-FoR HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE OUR PRIC_E $695.00 Per Set · 2 Ratio's Available Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 13

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................... , ... ,, ..... , ,·. . ,. · . . · \ t, Jeff St. Peter ran his racer hard to third in Class 9/10, then took second on Sunday in Class 1/2 and won the Class 9/10 ESPN Pro Series Points title. Crandon's own Jeff Kincaid drives fast in his Class 7S Ford, Florida's ambassador Jimmie Crowder brought Scott Taylor's moved through the field midway in the race to take over second previous Class 7 Ford to try small truck racing, likes the big place, where he finished. truck better but has fun in Class 7 and took third in the race. Jim Wiggins, who like Attig hails from Dizon, IL, zipped into second place in Class 2-1600 action, but had rear suspension failure in the 1-1600 race. Kevin Probst drives a super exotic GMC in Class 4, goes like the Tom Jensen started out fifth in Class 13 action, in his '87 Chevy, wind when it goes, and he took second in the 20 truck highly but he worked his way through the traffic to run second all the competitive field. way to the finish. ~ Taylor into the lead, with Wiggins trying to hold off Kincaid who wanted second place. Hockers was still fourth, and Jimmie Crowder, in another Ford, was fifth. On the fourth lap Kincaid got himself into second place, while the others held the same order. Crowder was now the only one to improve his position, and he passed Hockers, who had a bad vibration, on the seventh lap, and then got by Wiggins on the last lap when Wiggins tangled with a lapper. So at the finish line it was Taylor, Kincaid, Crowder, Wiggins and Hockers. Greaves had flattened a tire on the fourth lap, and ended up in 11th place. i' -----------------------With the little trucks all cleared disappeared, moving Steinhardt . Kincaid in a Ford. Amid all the one, with Bruce Shilts in front in a off the course it was time for the up a notch, and as Baudoux's coil thunder of the big motors, there Ford, and Robert Flanagan in two seat 1600s, and there were 31 wire broke and he stopped for was the special high pitched note second in his red 32 Chevy, a big of 'em. Todd Attig was having a repairs, Mike Seefeldt moved into of Probst's motor, that let even a favorite with the spectators. good day in his Terminator, and fourth, and Cary Bowles was now casual observer know he was Lowell DeGreef ran third, Joe he got the lead this time too, fifth. Smith was in the pits, running hard. Zilisch was fourth and Tom followed by Jim Wiggins in his discovering that the cause of his By the fourth lap, with Jensen, inan '87 Chevy, was fifth. Wiggins/Berrien, then Greg problem was a spark plug wire Flannery still firmly in the lead, Flanagan moved into the lead Smith in a Ross Wheel Service that came off. Probst was shooting flames out and Shilts went up in smoke down chassis, and Mark Steinhardt in a They ran a few more laps in that his exhaust, but staying solidly in in the quarry on the second lap, Berrien Laser, with Dan Baudoux order, and then on lap six along second. Dorr had moved up to while DeGreef flattened a front in fifth in his Mirage. Bill Scott came Ed Tessmer, who passed third, with Gerlach dropping tire, and also disappeared. On the ended up high centered on the both Bowles and Seefeldt, to back to fourth, and now it was third lap the order was Flanagan, berm outside the scoring turn move into fourth place, where he Joey Flannery in fifth place. Jensen, Zilisch, Dan Vanden, with a broken rear trailing arm. started concentrating on Stein, Gerlach dropped· out on the Heuvel, in a Ford, and Thornton Theleadfiveheldtheirposition hardt'sbumper.Meanwhile, seventh lap, when a piece of a Schultz,who'dmadeasuspension for a couple of laps, while there Attig and Wiggins were weaving piston went into his dry sump adjustment on his Ford that was was a scramble for position their way through lapped traffic, pump, and that stepped Joey wrong. He said it "hopped over behind them. Then Smith Attig finding the going a little Flannery up a position, and the jumps". tough, because he'd lost his brought Gerald Foster into fifth VandenHeuvel was working turning brake about halfway place. hardatgettingaroundZilisch,and through the race. At the finish it Flannery found his truck didn't • finally, on the fourth lap he was in was Attig, Wiggins and Tessmer, shift quite right after about the third place. By then Flanagan had who got by Steinhardt on the last sixth lap, but he had to keep his put some lapped cars between lap. Bowles was fifth, and Smith, foot in it because Probst kept himself and second place Jensen, who lost a lap with the spark plug pushing hard, and Dorr was and was building a nice lead. wire, was way back in 17th. staying right back there in third Trucks were falling by the It was that man Tod Attig, a second generation racer who builds his own cars called Terminators, who won Class 2-1600 over 30 others and on Sunday he won Class 1-1600 in the same car in a 32 buggy field. The Class 4 race, one of the also. They all managed to survive wayside every lap, and as the favorites of the weekend, came the stress, and Flannery mok the traffic thinned Flanagan's lead next,with20ofthebigfourwheel win, with Probst, who said his spread out, but Jensen and drive trucks lined up in staging. transmission blew up on the last VandenHeuvel stayed back there To no one's surprise, Jack lap, in second. Dorr was third, in second and third, with Schultz Flannery and his Chevrolet came followed in by Joey Flannery and in fourth after passing Zilisch. around the turn first, and he held Foster. Then Zilisch got a stop and go that lead through the first lap. There was more th under penalty for rough driving, which Hard on his heels was Kevin coming up, with the Class 13 cars, dropped him another position or Probst, in his exotic Chevy, with still described as "front engine two. Greg Gerlach, in a Dodge, in third buggies", but required to look Flanagan, whose truck hadn't place, and Geoff Dorr, in a Ford like trucks nowadays. A group of run well in the prerun had in fourth, followed by Ken .25 made it neatly through turn~. worried about his motor, but it CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES • Built & Backed by Bell Helmets • Light Weight • Lexan Sheild • Snell 90 • Helmet Conversions • Complete Blower Systems for Single or Double Seat Cars • Complete Line of Worth & Pyrotect Safety Products • Cool Boxes • Blowers • 4' -any Length Hose • Free Service & Parts • We Ship UPS $215.00 HELMET ONLY 5153 Bowden Ave.• San Diego• CA• 92117 • (619) 279-2509 Page 14 · ·· ran just fine in the race, and he got Jack Flannery is a hometown driver in Crandon, but often has woes at the Brush Run, but this year he won Class 4 in his high horsepower Chevrolet, after an early dice with both Kevin Probst and Greg Gerlach. November 1993 the win. Jensen had scared himself by almost rolling over, but had a · good run otherwise, to get his second place, followed in by VandenHeuvel, who'd had no brakes after lap one, and slowed down by back shifting a lot. Schultz was fourth, the last truck still on the lead lap. The Class 8 race was the finale for Saturday, and as they lined up for the five p.m. start the weather was cold, cloudy and windy, but the rain that always threatens had held off. There were just 12 of these expensive vehicles, but what a show they put on! Scott Taylor shot into the lead, with Jed Flannery, one of Jack's sons, in Dave Parsons Chevy truck, in second behind him, and followed Dusty Times

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Dan Van Den Heuvel often wins Class 13 in his Ford, but not this weekend, as his brakes went away but he did salvage a good third place in the class. Johnny Greaves proved he can drive just about anything, as he took the borrowed Class 8 rig to good heights, and placed second in Class 8 too. Scott Taylor's Class 8 Ford was really off its feed at Cranson, and while the crew worked hard; the best finish for the truck was third in Class 8. by John Greaves in a Chevrolet, . then Walker Evans in his Dodge. Jamey Flannery, another member of the family, was fifth in a Chevy, and these five were in a very tight clump. Just after they passed the scoring tower, they were bunched tightly, and went into the little left jog, which has a dip in it, and then a rise, and Jed was suddenly tumbling over the tops of them all, into the infield. It was a hard rollover, but Jed got out of the truck in good shape, with nothing more than bruises as souvenirs, though the truck was through for the day. The rest of the group went on, with Taylor in the lead, Evans second, Greaves third, Jamey Flannery fourth and Dave Hackers, in a Ford, in fifth. As . they started the second lap Evans. was close on Taylor, and made a spectacular pass by flying past him in the air. Geoff Dorr didn't go very well in the Class 4 race, third in his fancy Ford, but he made up for it all on Sunday as he won the 2x4 and 4x4 Challenge race fighting off Wafker Evans and others for the victory. with Todd Attig in front, in his he neared the finish, his skidpan Terminator. He was followed by only three or four inches above Rob Kinner in a Berrien, then the ground. Attig had a huge lead Cary Bowles, Jason Crowder in a by the end of the race, and took Taylor, and John Greaves. Greg the win, his eighth win in a row. Smith was right up in there also, Then it was Smith, Greaves, as well as John Huss. Kinner, and Bowles. Crowder was Things shifted around a lot, and sixth, reporting good racing with when they went by on lap two it Bowles, and enjoying Smith's was still Attig in front, but now motor. Smith was second, Kinner third, The next event was for the Greaves fourth, Bowles fifth and Unlimited Buggies, Classes 1 and Crowder sixth. Crowder is 2. There were 17 cars, but not for Jimmie Crowder's son, and he'd long. Don Ponder, now with his blown his motor in the two seat Chevy motor in the Berrien, came event, and borrowed one from off the jump, landed on a couple Greg Smith for Sunday's racing. of cars and pushed his clutch . Running about 12th, a most cylinder clear off its bracket, so he. unusual position for him, Jim became a spectator. Simultan-Wiggins could feel his rear eously, Dave Vandermissen, Sr. suspension fading away, and was got boxed in by a couple of cars, having to slow considerably for and was pushed into the weeds, the jumps. His torsion housing where he sat for a while, and Jeff was coming unglued and twisting Elrod was run into by the big out. · Chevy powered Walther car, They charged around the track in that order for a couple more laps, sending rocks and mud flying, and giving the spectators a great show. On the fourth lap Taylor's power steering went, and he dropped back a bit, putting Greaves into second place, with Flannery third, and then Flannery broke a rear trailing arm, and was out of it. Taylor moved back upto third, with Hackers running behind him in fourth and Dan VandenHeuvel in fifth, in a Dodge. Walker's truck was hot and Greaves had some steering difficulty, but nothing major went wrong with any of the leaders. They drove that way for another three laps, not even having to do much lapping because there weren't many trucks left on the track, and no one changed positions until the eighth lap when VandenHeuvel got around Hackers when he got his truck up on two wheels. At the finish it was Evans, then Greaves, Taylor, VandenHeuvel and Hackers. The racing over for the day, the pit crews started cleaning and repairing with an eye to Sunday's races. Any vehicle that had raced on Saturday was eligible to run in the Challenge events on Sunday. Those are generally big crowds of cars, with deep payback, and a go for broke atmosphere engendered by the fact that it's the last race of the weekend. But there were still a few regular events to be run early on Sunday, first of which was the 1-1600 race. Attig and Smith continued to which flattened Elrod's front tire, hold first and second, but Greaves and did the Walthers no good moved up to third, with Kinner either, because they ended up dropping to fourth, and Bowles parked for the duration down by was still fifth, with Crowder sixth. the quarry. Ed Koesters was also They ran that way for the rest of parked by the barn, and emerged their nine laps, moving through after a while with a flat rear tire. lapped traffic with no incidents. In the meantime, Art Schmitt, Wiggins was noteworthy because with a Nissan motor in his Laser, of his persistence in a bad took the lead, with Jeff Probst in . situation, and it was really bad as second in his Laser. In third it was The weather reports had again threatened rain, but the sky was clear, the weather cold and breezy as the 32 buggies took to the track. Bill Brown rolled over in turn one, bringing his race to an end in a hurry, but the major part of the crowd made it in one piece. Since many of these cars had run as two seat 1600s on Saturday, there was a familiar look to things, DustyTirncs Greg Smith had trouble in the 2-1600 event, but came back Sunday to place second in Class 1-1600, and later on he won the Limited Rear Engine Challenge race, and still had to prep the car for his wife Rhonda to drive. November 1993 R.J. Flanagan adds a bit of whimsey to Class 13 racing with his aged Chevy body atop full blown state of the art Class 13 racer. R.J. took the lead over 24 others on the second lap and won the class victory. Todd Attig, now powered by Alfa Romeo, while Lee Wuesthoff ran fourth and Jeff St. Peter was fifth. They held these positions for the three laps, and then Attig's motor went away, back in the woods. That put St. Peter into fourth place, with Scott Schwalbe in fifth in his Taylor. They all pushed very hard, and Schmitt had a scary moment when his car stalled on the back part of the course, but i_t started up again quickly. He slowed down a bit after that, to save it. His diagnosis was something to do with the ignition _box. T_hey ran_ right to the tenth lap in the same order, but before they got to the finish line Probst lost his clutch and dropped two positions. So it -was Schmitt, St. Peter, W uesthof and Probst, with Schwalbe fifth, and Jeff Elrod, from California, who runs with half a Chevy sprint car motor in his car, finished sixth, and had a great time. The Class 11 single sea·ters were next to go, and they did not come through turn one unscathed this time. There were cars turned in all directions, banging and bumping, and in the •midst of it all Mike Allen's rear ~ IV AN "IRONMAN" STEWART "T -HIRTS" ORDER TODA YI "No Fear" available in SPANISH or ENGUSH Surprise your hero driver, lover, pit crew with a genuine Ivan "lronman" Stewart T-Shirt. Only available through this ad. All sizes - Kids thru XXLarge • Specify English or Spanish $15.oo per shirt+ $2.50 S&H SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO P. 0. BOX 1175 ALPINE, CA 92001 Page 15

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Johnny Greaves drove two different size trucks, and also drove in Class 1-1600, quite a switch, but he handled it well enough to place third. Lee Wuesthoff flies his tidy Laser over a lump on his way to third in Class 1 /2 for points.and second in the Unlimited Rear Engine challenge for cash. Rod Attig, Todd's dad, races in Class 11 and does it quite well, and at this event Rod nose dived right into third in single seat Class 11 action. Mike Seefeldt sails over the watered bumps in his 1-2-1600 race Bill Waferstradt tries to dodge the bigger rocks on the back car, and Mike's best finish at the Brush Run was third in the section of the course as he drove his Class 7 truck to second in The younger Flannery son, Jamie, flew dad's Chevrolet Class 8 truck to a fine third place in the 2x4 and 4x4 Challenge race for Production trucks. Limited Challenge race. the Class 6 & 7 Challenge. -----------------------~ wheel came off and cars, led from wire to wire, and in half, and he drifted off into the bounced around in the chaos. took the win, followed in by woods. Crowder had moved up Three cars were left sitting in the Attig, who sports Goodyear into third place, with Seefeldt still turn when the dust had settled. implement tires, front and rear. in fourth and Cary Bowles in fifth Allen got all the way up into the Those are tractor tires for the now. There was a tight group of sweeper turn before he realized uninitiated, with big, stout about five cars fighting for 10th, the extent of the damage. But Dan t~eads. In third it was Gerry switching positions every lap, but · Baudoux came through it undam-Christensen, who said his only the leaders were slowly drawing aged and in front. problem had been a missed shift, out in front of the pack. Rod Attig, in a Terminator, was and Barnum also ran trouble free. Attig's motor sounded rough second, followed by Gerald Both of them were celebrating on the third lap, and then he Christensen in a Funco, and then their personal bests. Lonnie dropped to third place on lap Harold Smith, Herman Barnum Andrews, in a Phaser chassis, four, which put Smith in front, in a Mirage, and John Wiggins. moved up on the ninth lap to with Crowder (and Smith's other They ran that way for three laps, finish fifth. motor) in second place. Seefeldt gradually stringing out into single The next event was the first of was fourth, Bowles fifth. file, except for a clump of cars the Challenges, this one for rear Attig was gone completely on struggling over possession.of sixth engine limited cars, meaning the the next lap, cutting off his and seventh place. On the fourth one and two seat 1600s, and an remarkable winning streak. lap Barnum moved up into occasional 5-1600. Since these Smith, even with a broken front fourth, passing Smith, and then samecarshadstartedthedaywith end adjuster, was pulling out they ran in that order for the the Class 1-1600 race, they'd further and further, but Crowder balance of the race, gingerly been havfog a busy morning was chasing gamely in second. passing the lapped cars, but not getting ready to come back out They held their positions, as did changing any positions. again. Therewere35 of them, and Seefeldt, but Michael Notary, Baudoux, who wondered why they made a smooth run through another Florida resident, grad-he couldn't do that with his other -that first turn, with Todd Attig, in ually moved up through traffic in his Terminator, in front. Greg his Hesco chassis, to take over Smith charged after him, with fourth place, while Bowles ran Dan Baudoux, fresh out of his fifth. Class 11 car, in third, then Mike When they got to the finish line Seefeldt, Jason Crowder (still it was still Smith in front, running that borrowed motor), followed in by Crowder, grinning and John Greaves. Tom Brock-and saying, "I can't believe that!" BAKER BACKSAVER man, in his 5-1600, was still He was thinking that maybe.his bedeviled by the problem that dad, Jimmie, ought to buy that stopped him on Saturday. motor from Greg Smith. In third AURORA llm On the second lap Baudoux's it was Seefeldt, getting his best Wehavethebest pri:S throttle stuck full on, and when finish in two years, while Notary on the largest rod end he stamped on the pedal it broke recovered from his bad start for a and bearing selection/ Safety & comfort -NASA " inventory in the U.S. developed to protect HIGH-PERFORMANCE astronauts from fatigue BAKER BATTERY caused by vibration, shock [DJ loads and "G" forces. Cut to size. great protect-lion for driver & equipment. ~ii:~~EJ1Cj Holds stronger charge much SubStan.tial in-. crease m per-longe~ and will rec~a~ge formance while ~ ; to 100~even_after sIttI~g greatly reducing Ow 5 for 30 days m total dis-trier nd h' h GEAR charged state. Unmatched ion a ig vibration resistance. temperatures. nice fourth place. Next, they lumped together the mini trucks and the Class 6 sedans, for their Challenge race, and that drew a collection of roughly 1 7 vehicles. They came through the first turn in good shape, and this time it was the Toyota of John Greaves out in front, followed by Jimmie Crowder in his Ford truck, then Scott Taylor, Jeff Kincaid, and Joey Dunlap in fifth. The first sedan was Fay Statezny's Chev-elle, back in about 11th place because he'd started in the second row behind a truck that had stalled on the start. Denny Abney, the body man who smooths out Fannin' s car between races, was in Fannin's car right behind him. This was his first race. Things changed on the second lap, and, while Greaves still led, Taylor was second, Crowder third, Kincaid fourth and Bill Waterstradt, in a Ford, had moved up to fifth, with Statezny now in seventh. Billy Beck, who'd completed more laps than usual at Crandon, now developed a flat tire and pulled out. Statezny worked his way up to sixth place, and then pulled out when his car got hot. But Greaves he!~ his lead, with Taylor slowly edging closer, and Kincaid in third, chased by Crowder and Wat!!rstradt. On.the seventh lap, as Taylor got closer, Greaves was momentarily held up by lapped traffic, and then Taylor was on his bumper. They ran really close together for the next several laps, and then on the last lap, out in the back, where no one can see the race but the wood nymphs, Greaves hit a hole and turned his truck over. Taylor went into the lead. And he took the win, followed in by Waterstradt who'd moved up when Kincaid's motor seized. Jim Bradley, bad points making his motor pop and crack, made it one, two, three for Ford. The next event was the Challenge for rear engine Unlimited cars, and a group of25 took the flag, with Lee W uesthoff getting the hole shot. He had Art Schmitt in second behind him, then Scott Schwalbe, Jeff Elrod, and Bill LeFeuvre. Dave Vander-missen, Sr. and Jeff Probst tried to get through the scoring turn side by side and got hooked up, which ultimately lost them four or five ·positions. On the second lap Schmitt passed Wuesthoff in turn one, but his Nissan mo.tor was popping, and Wuesthoff repassed him. Then they ran very close for a while, and came through turn one side by side again, and this time Schmitt took over the lead. Schwalbe still ran third, with Elrod and LeFeuvre behind him. On the fourth lap Wuesthoff's car began to smoke, and he seell).ed to Art Schmitt had some troubles on Saturday, but he flew back into action on Jason Crowder, Jimmie's young son; flips his tidy 1600 past the dreaded pond Sunday, winning Class 1 /2 for starters, and then, despite a poor start, he won and Jason learned the track in the class races and came on very strong to the Unlimited Rear Engine Challenge event. place second in the Challenge, which even surprised him. Page 16 November 1993 Dustynmcs

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Dave Hockers shows off his entire front end design as he had some encounters, but carried on to third in the Non-Production Tina Crowder tried out the family 1600 race car in the Ladies competition and she did her dad proud, taking second overall and in Unlimited Class. Tracy Crump flies by the rough stuff on her way to a fine finish, third in the Ladies Open Wheel Unlimited Class in a good performance for Tracy. Heavy Metal Challenge race. drop off the pace some. On the sixth lap_ Schwalbe developed a rear flat, and Elrod was trying to get past him, but got tangled up and lost a couple of positions instead. He said he's still trying to learn the track. On the seventh lap the order was Schmitt, Wuesthoff, Schwalbe, LeFeuvre and Probst, followed by Elrod. By the next lap Probst was back up to third place, with LeFeuvre in fourth, and Elrod fifth, as Schwalbe finally gave in, and pulled off with the flat. Wuest-hoff's car was obviously overheating. Schmitt tookthe win, saying his poor start was due to his start position, "I didn't think it was that bad, but evidently it was." W uesthoff, his car very hot by now, was second, and Probst, who ran his Class 10 Rabbit motor, was third. LeFeuvre, also with a Class 10 Rabbit motor finished fourth, and Elrod was fifth, delighted to be there. Now it was time for some big trucks, and the two wheel drive and four wheel drive Production Challenge took the green flag. Things got hairy in turn one, with six trucks crashed and stopped at one point, and three of them ulti-mately there for good. But of those who went on, Jack Flannery was in front in his Chevy. Geoff Dorr ran second in a Ford, and Kevin Probst was third in his Chevy. In fourth it was Bill LeFeuvre in Linda Schlamb's Ford, and the first non four wheel drive truck was Jamey Flannery's Chevrolet, and he had Walker Evans and his Dodge just behind him. Late the night before, Evan's pit crew had decided that he'd blown a head gasket just at the finish of the Class 8 race, so they switched motors. Today he was running a desert motor, long on endurance, but not as aggressive as the one he'd used on Saturday. Gerald Foster did a lap with his hood . standing up and blocking his view and then didn't come around After a horrid crash, and many time endos, R.J. Flanagan's handsome old Chevy bodied Class 13 looked like this, most said it was junk, but R.J. said he would be back next year with another creation. Rhonda Smith flies high on her way to another first overall in the Ladies Open wheel event, and she won the Unlimited Buggy Class in the 1-2-1600, and she led the race from green to checkered flag. again. to get his overheated truck cooled Flannery built his lead, and dowri for the Heavy Metal race, Probst tried hard to get Dorr, and and Jamie Flannery was third, LeFeuvre continued to run followedinbyLeFeuvre.Thefirst fourth, but Evans got by Jamey of the Class 3 vehicles to finish Flannery, and took over fifth was Jerry Bundy in his old Jeep, place. And then he passed which had run out of brakes. LeFeuvreforfourthplace.Onthe Next came the Women's Rear fourth lap Flannery was gone, and Engine race; which puts three Probst was in the lead, with Dorr classes of buggies out on the track second and Evans third. Jamey at one time. There were only two Flannery fourth and LeFeuvre in of the Class 10 cars, but eight fifth place. But Probst's lead 1600s,and14oftheClasslls.In the Class 10 ranks, Lucy Baleancourt led most of the way, but Sharon Haenlein, gaining confidence as she went, took over the lead on lap six, and got the win. In the 1600 class it was Rhonda Smith, Greg's wife, all the way, with Tracy Crump in second place until -the second lap, when Tina, Crowder managed to pass her. She was driving the same car her brother, Jason, drove earlier didn't last long. As he came down off the sweeper turn, just past the new Sky Boxes, his right rear trailing arm broke, and his wheel took off into the weeds. Kevin rode it out, and landed safely, and Dorr moved up into the lead. Now Evans was second, Jamey Flannery third, and LeFeuvre was fourth. KUSTER Dorr now started to work past some lapped traffic, and soon had several slower vehicles between himself and Evans. They all proceeded to work their way through the pack, and practically everyone had been lapped but the lead four by the last lap. Dorr, who thought he had a weak cylinder, said it was the "best time I've had racing in a vear!", as he took the win. Evans finished second, and hurried off . • OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCK3 SHOCKS 3" DIAMETER. 8" TO 18" STROKE 2" DIAMETER. 6" TO 14" STROKE No cast or welded pieces. External damping adjustmem. Completely rehuildable. 17-4 PH SS heat treated shaft. Completely threaded 41 JO cylinder. Single and dual rate coil-ol'er. • AIR JACKS or info on our ~xtemal bypass tube shock. KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29th Streel with such success, still with the Smith's motor in it. Smith, Crowder and Crump went on to finish one, two, three. · In the Class 11 ranks the lead belonged to Karen Christensen in her Funco right from the start, and she looked good, moving through the ranks of less experienced drivers in the f600 cars. She was followed by Sarah Sawall for most of the way, in second, and ~ • BALL JOINTS Karen Christensen flew the family Class 11 to the Ladies Class 11 title, and earlier Gerald Christensen had finished third in Class 11 two seat in the same car; must be a real Class 11 family. Long Beach. CA. 90806. USA Telephone t310) 595-0661 DustyTimes November 1993 Page 17

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Robin Schultz drove her dad's Class 13 rig in the Ladies Heavy Metal and the young lady did a fine job, taking second in this hari Recla used to win a lot of Ladies Races in the old Sarah Sawall of New London, WI, l/ies past the spectators in her ShaBooms Class 13, but she is still getting used to the full Class 11 two seat racer and she kept it together to finish a close bodied truck and was third in the Ladies Heavy Metal. second place in the Women's Class 11 event. competitive class. · Val James took over the Ladies Heavy Metal lead after the first two rubbed sheet metal, and she did a fine job holding the lead all the way to the checkered flag. ~ for several laps Cindy Wiggins ran third, but she fell back late in the race and Dawn Bayer moved up. So at the finish line it was Christensen, Sawall and Bayer. The next event was the Heavy Metal Challenge, which means essentially anything that's big. There were trucks from Class 13, Class 8, Class 4, and one intrepid Class 7S. And it was a Class 4 truck, Flannery's Chevy, with Jamie at the wheel, that poked its front bumper around the first turn in first place. Chad Schleuter ran second in Gerald Foster's Chevy, with Walker Evans third in the Dodge, and then Dave Hockers in his Ford, and Joe Zilisch, the first of the Class 13 cars, in fifth place. Flannery looked like a chip off the old block, and Evans moved up to second place early on, then began a push to catch the leader. Schleuter held third, Hockers was fourth and Zilisch stayed in fifth. Flannery fell out on the next lap, and Evans took over the lead, with Schleuter in second place, Hockers third and Zilisch fourth, followed by Dennis Ferdon in fifth place. Evans and Schleuter looked fast and smooth, but there was no close duel. They were widely spaced as they worked their way through traffic neatly, followed at the same distance by Hockers, and then Zilisch. On the seventh lap Zilisch lost a wheel in front of the barn, and got a bit further around, then pulled out. That moved Ferdon up into. EXPORT & International Sales Fabrication, accessories Consulting and management WISHES TO THANK ALL OF Preparation THOSE CLIENTS THAT HELPED MAKE 1993 AN OUTSTANDING SUCCESS!! Offroad Brokerage Featuring: • Over 150 CARS • Ultd./Ltd. Desert Racers • Race Trucks and Pre-Runners • Short Course/Stadium Trucks • Part Finished Offroaders • Rally Raid Cars & Trucks • Trailers/Transpm:t~s~, C.\LL FOR Ol1R NEW '94 ()FFROAD PARTS.& ACCESSORIES CATALOG •••·•"N 6 ••••••• ~ •• andJ~ J'11}W lt~Hy.ffn.ick Listings ... ,,.,,.,,,,,; l!~~t,:~) ~~ lff;;;w;;.,c 61~)'!§83_,6529 FAX 619-583-1851 Page 18 . fourth place, and Bob Flanagan in . moved up to third, while Paula St. the '32 Chevy was hard on his Peter, in Billy Beck's little mini heels. On the ninth lap, as they truck, getting more laps complet-c am e off the second jump, ed than Billy had, was fourth, and Flanagan had just passed Ferdon, that's the way they finished. It was and Ferdon's front fender tapped James,Schultz, Recla and St. his rear fender, sending him Peter. Parsons was fifth, and the sideways, which meant that last one on the lead lap. It turned Ferdon hit him squarely in the out that the tie rod was badly side. That sent Flanagan and the bent, and the truck didn't want to Chevy up and over an estimated turn left. six times, with pieces of red body With the end of the Women's flying everywhere. In the mean- race it was time to pack it in for time, someone also nailed theweekend,exceptfortheGOBs, Tommy Drews, who was running which are the "Good Old Boys", along a lap down, just trying to get in American sedans, with almost to the finsh line. And Ferdon no modifications. They put 60 or coasted to the side, his front end 70 out on the track at a time, and destroyed. The '32 Chevy just there were two heats this spit parts everywhere, and landed weekend, butwedidn'tstaydown on its side, looking very bad. But in the infield to watch, having . Flanagan climbed out under his • long since decided that discretion own power, getting a rousing . is the better part of valor. hand from the spectators, who'd I'd like to thank the Polaris had a very close look at the folks who graciously lent me a six incident. wheeler to use for transportation While Flanagan got first aid for around the track and the huge pit a cut and bruised shin, the race area. Without that ·handy "little went on, and Evans took the win, machine it would be almost followed across the finish line by impossible to find people and get Schleuter, who said he thought his tires had been a little slick for the track. Hockers was third, and no one else was on the lead lap. The ladies came out next, for their truck race, and Sherri Parsons showed up in Evans's Dodge, her own number hastily taped over his. Her truck had been finished off in the earlier Challenge race, and Walker had generously offered his. At the start Gail Brand got the lead in her Ford, with Parsons in second, Valerie James in third and Robin Schultz in fourth. . any information. This time I also used the Polaris to take our publisher, Jean Calvin, and the first time visitor to Crandon, Ron Fleming, of FAT, on a slightly shortened tour of the track. They sat in the back (in the little dump truck bed) and the sturdy machine had no trouble at all carrying the three of us around, even though the track was very muddy in some areas. It's a tough little vehicle, which I thoroughly , enjoy, and many thanks to Polaris for the privilege. The folks at Crandon folded their tents and headed homeward, leaving the grounds a shambles. But by Labor Day morning the Boy Scouts had done a massive clean up, and all the aluminum . cans were salvaged, and the trash disposed of. By next spring the track will probably have sprouted some new accoutrements, they're talking about flush toilets for the campers, and maybe some more Sky Boxes. It'll be interesting to see what gets done over the winter. J ;,::j . "· As Parsons became accustomed to the Dodge she closed up on erand a little at a time, and when· they came around at the start of their second lap, she was very close behind her. When Parsons flew the second jump, she hit the left rear corner of Brand's truck on landing, and the impact tore off Brand's wheel. She ground to a stop, but Parsons kept going, now in the lead, afthough visibly slowed down. James and Schultz were now second and third. . Parsons· had some trouble steering, so she made a pit stop to see what could be done, and Evans' ·crew, who were watching the race very closely, diagnosed a bent tie rod. They told her she'd Happiness is having the opportunity to drive Walker Evans mega horsepower Dodge in the Ladies race, and Sherri Parsons ran out of Chevies, so took the Dodge out, but a bent tie rod later she was fifth, but did get to experience the Evans crew in action on her pit .stop. Had to be a thrill. Her husband Dave, helping her out of the Dodge here, is a Chevrolet dealer in the area. have some steering trouble, but to P.S Don't go ahead and go for it. By now 1 £. ~ to James was in the lead and Schultz lOh:a.6'-'~k'-:..~..:.t.. ran second, with Joan Silloway in C ec WlUl third place and Shari Recla fourth in the new Sha-Boom truck. She says she's still not used to driving the new truck, and it's hard because she can't see the front wheels the way she could on the old Class 13. As James and Schultz hustled towards th~ finish, Silloway developed _problems, and Recla November 1993 local fire officials for apennit. Photo: Pete Biro. DustyTimcs

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A Day In The Park With Your Race Car By Jean Calvin Photos: John Calvin John Nault came from Las Vegas to run his Class 1 car in the combined 1, 2, 1-2-1600 and 100 heats and he won the desert honors for the day in a good dice among the various class leaders. Last spring the Mickey Thomp-fee. son Entertainment Group came There are many big trees near up with the idea of running a the course, and the early birds got series of Sportsman events at their pits set up, remote from the Glen Helen OHV Park to track, but under the trees, and a introduce people to short course cooling breeze blew most of the racing and stadium style racing. day. The MTEG stadium crew The three dates were in the were on hand to perform their summer, the final one on August usual duties, albeit in somewhat 22 unfortunately indirect conflict more primitive conditions than with a money paying stadium the posh suites at major football style bash at Ventura Raceway stadiums, and the water trucks further north, right on the ocean and graders kept the course in with a considerably cooler climate prime condition all day. Still they than San Bernardino in mid- all seemed to have a good time, summer. The schedule included and we saw more smiles on the all desert classes and stadium officials' faces than we· have all classes including quads and year. Ittrulywasadayin the park, Super Lites, Odysseys and Pilots. and the primary toy was a race car. As expected a handful of each Families spread out picnics on showed up so they ran in groups blankets and children were on the race tracks in both the welcome and kept out of the stadium and desert classes. Many traffic patterns. This series could drivers entered both classes and really grow into a fine training raced all day for a minimal entry ground for all manner of off road racers. Each class ran two heats and the first round was Stadium Heat 1 for SuperLites, Pilots and Odysseys, seven laps on a tight little course complete with hydro barriers right in front of the grandstands. The start/finish straight was the only common ground for both stadium and desert events. Don Archibald did not start in his SuperLite still repairing damage done in a practice rollover, but Scott Klaers and Brady Stiles had a dandy bash with Scott taking the checkers first. He said he liked this course a lot, better than some stadium runs. At the rear in the same heat the Pilots fought it out with Neil Affinito winning a close one over Clint Wolsey, Todd Jesperson and Joe Mercier. The lone Odyssey of Mike Lucey dutifully covered his laps. Glenn Neese won both heats and the trophy in desert Class 1-2-1600 and also appeared on the stadium track in a mixed group, just for the fun of it, as many others did. A mixture of quads came out to run the much longer and rougher desert course with divisions for Pro, Intermediate and Beginner plus a mixed trio of bikes. There was an exciting moment when Beginner winner Jeff Jones came as close to flipping as possible without going over. This bunch also covered seven laps and Kory Ellis took the Pro honors and Mike Nixon did the same in Intermediate class. The first round of bike action went to Robert Barnum, second was Jay Athey on a 125 Yamaha and Dale Fresh was third. This group sure looked fast on the desert route which is being extended to a longer run for the upcoming blockbuster guaranteed purse race at Glen Helen on Halloween. The next group was 1, 2 and 100, 1-2-1600 and 9 on the desert course. John Nault and Rodger Lord battled for the overall with Nault, from Las Vegas, taking the honor, Lord was second, and Bob Plaskon third. Glenn Neese was the class of the 1-2-1600 bash, a guy that usually runs Ventura, but made a family day out of this meet. He tromped on the field that included second running Jason Baldwin, defending SCORE Class 1 champion who was testing an unfamiliar 1600 for a friend. Robert Dziurawin was the third finisher. Class 9 was four strong on the desert course and Rob Mac-Donald ran the strongest, winning the heat in his T-Mag ahead of Sheldon Noah but not by much. Glenn Crown and Art Velasco brought up the rear. Next on the desert course was the full fendered machines with John Holmes and Mario Panatioto-poulus having a good 5-1600 dice which Mario won, while Paul Marshall ran just astern, but ended up stopping and being pushed to the pits by Mario. In Class 7S Desert four set off into the tight hilltop turns and swift descents, and they all finished led by Jeff Hoskins from Brawley whose Ford is always well prepped. Mike Becker trailed into second followed by Dean Wil-liams and Christopher Morgon. Paul Strong had the only Class 6, a bit of nostalgia as it started life as an AMC Pacer, raced stock bodied for years in the desert, but Paul now has a lot of fiberglass outer pieces on the car. The pair of stock Mini trucks of Dan Groff and Jerry Beall Jr. had a good dice too., with Beall taking the top spot at the checkers. James Hall had the only Stock full size truck, so he won the heat even though he rolled it. The second round for the SuperLites and Pilots on the stadium course was wild and close racing. Scott Klaers and Brady Stiles put on quite a show, often running their tiny cars side by side in the tight quarters. Towards the end of the seven laps Klaers opened up a bit of a lead and won the race and the points over Stiles. The Pilots were right on top of each other most of the distance with Neil Affinito leading in the early laps with Todd Jespersen on his bumper and both Clint Wolsey and Joe Merci{"r close behind. Affinito took the win :ind the day's points home to Phoenix, with a second place. Jespersen won the heat and finished second followed on points by Wolsey and Mercier, and this round was a real race. The 5-1600 trio had some of the best racing of the day running every heat they Jeff Hoskins came from Brawley in the Imperial Valley to sample short track could. Mario Panagiotopoulus and teammate John Holmes passed and racing and he won both Class 7S heats over three others handily with Ronnie The Quads put on a top show too, led by Kory Ellis all the way to the victory plaque, although he had to work for it with Jeremy Hozen side by side with him in the early laps. Jeremy finished second in the heat followed by Jeff Jones some distance back, then Mike Parks and Joey Buchheit. Jones won beginner honors while Mike passed again with Mario taking the trophy for both desert heats. Gibson riding in the Ford Ranger. ---------------------------Class 9 also fielded four starters and they had a good race time too. Putting together a pair of second place finishes, Shelton Noah won the trophy for the class on points. Page 10 James Hall was the only Stock Full Size class truck on hand, but he ran with the minis and naturally took home his class trophy finishing both heats. November 1993 Of the pair of stock mini trucks in the entry, Jerry Beall Jr. won both 2wo· class heats with Ron Eaton co-driving, adapting well to the hills and valleys on the long course. Dusty Times

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Tim Lewis had his wife Linda Rae drive their sedan, and she won Class 6 on the track over one other entry in the Mazda RX 7 based racer and she had a good time, especially on the desert course. Nixon took the Intermediate trophy. The fun was watching the three bikes and Jay Athey again won over Robert Barnum on a 250, we think and Dan Fresh on a water pumper. Jay got the plaque, but they all had a good time. The 5-1600 Bugs came out to play on the desert course and this turned into a real battle between John Holmes and Mario P with Paul Marshall and codriver Joe Giffin trailing by a few yards. Holmes held his lead by inches until the white flag lap when· Mario passed him on the back stretch on the hill. All three Bugs finished in order with Mario winning the trophy for the day. The second round for the SuperLites and Pilots on the desert course was wild to watch as the Pilots flew the high jumps on the cliffs like pros. This time Jespersen won over Affinito with Mercier third, Wolsey fourth and Affinito won the trophy for the day. He said he liked the Glen Helen desert course, as it was rougher, but good, and more technical. Scott Klaers was the lone surviving Superlite so he did a lap to earn his trophy for the day. . Meanwhile in Unlimited class Roger Lord and John Nault were fighting right from the green but a red flag delayed the race. The restart was congested and Nault got the lead as the other two in class fell back. The dice went on but Nault held the lead to the flag and won the day's points ahead of Lord. Bob Plaskon was third all the way, and Linda Rae Lewis did a good job in her full b_odied rig against the more agile buggies, but she had a good time. The buggies gave the desert course another shot with a good field ready to tackle the dips and cliffs and 180 turns. Roger Stein led the field of 1600s and Challengers on the first lap, but then Glenn Neese and Jason Baldwin both sailed past on the second lap. Rob MacDonald led the Class 9s but had to fight with Art Velasco to keep the class lead, but he did; but meanwhile Shelton Noah snuck past into second spot and Velasco now had the lead as they really mixed it up. Glenn Neese won the race and 1600 honors followed by Baldwin who was second on the day. Art Velasco won the Class 9 heat, putting him third on points, and Shelton Noah put together a pair of seconds to win the trophy while Rob MacDonald was third apd second on the day. The little trucks and the single Stock full size 2WD came back to the desert course and the 5-1600s were in this mix too as well as the Pacer. James Hall led from the start but it wasn't long before Jeff Hoskins had his Ranger out front with Hall next, then Strong and the 7S trucks of Mike Becker and Dean Williams, then the three 5-1600s led by Mario P. This trio ran four heats throughout the day and kept the Bugs together! At the finish, by our ball park scoring, Hoskins won overall and Class 7S followed in by Mario P. and Holmes, then Williams, the stock mini trucks ofJerry Beall Jr. and Dan Groff and Paul Marshall's Bug. It had been a beautiful day, exceptionally good weather at Glen Helen. Some winners comments -Jeff Hoskins "it was great we had no problem all day except one broken shock; Roger Stein -My second ever race in the new Super 1600, neat to be a winner; Dean· Williams drove his stock mini truck to the race, planned to drive it home to Anaheim and to work on Monday. Even with the light turnout the racing was good, there were plenty of track workers to handle any mishap, and all went well anyhow, except for some bent sheet metal and broken fiberglass. Try it next summer and find out how much fun you can have off road racing for a little money but using lots of energy. Neil Affinito came from Phoenix to win a heat and take second in another in his Pilot, on the desert course, and Neil took home the winning trophy. Paul Strong had his rebuilt AMC Pacer ready for battle, but had trouble on course in both desert heats, but he took home the Class 6 trophy anyhow. There were more quads than any other class at Glen Helen and Kory Ellis, from Longview, WA· swept the field in both desert heats winning in flying style. Drive Away A Winner At Fiesta Ford! Headquarters for the most profile trucks in off-road racing history. The Ranger and F-1 50 have proven time and time again that "Ford Tough" is much more than an advertising slogan. ·Pure and simple ... if you want to be a winner, get a tough Ford truck from the winners at Fiesta Ford. Fiesta Ford Radng Darren York - Driver Doug York - Co-Driver Ed Frisk - Crew Chief 1993 Record to date: Parker 400 - First · Nevada 400 - Second Baja 500 - First Fireworks 250 - First Gold Coast 300 - First Baja 1000 - November Indio, CA 92201 (619} 347-1234 Page 11

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Roger Lord stayed right on the leaders bumper in Class 1, 2, 100 action and was there at the finish second in class all day long. Jason Ba}dwin missed that Porsche power at first, but got with the 1-2-1600 program in the afternoon and with two seconds, was second in class. John Holmes came within an eyelash of winning Class 5-1600, · Paul Marshall had tranny builder Joe Giffin riding in his 5-1600, but he had to settle for second in both heats and in the class and they ran well to third in both heats and third on the day in points. _c_la_s_s_. _____________________ _ Rob MacDonald won the first Class 9 heat, dropped to third in the second round on the long course and took second place in Class 9. Clint Wolsey was one of three Pilot drivers from the Phoenix area, and they finished 1-2-3, Clint taking a second and a fourth for third place. Dean Wilfiams ran very well on the desert course in his 7S truck, taking third in the first heat and second in the final for second place on points. Page 22 Art Velasco had troubles in the first heat but won the second Class 9 heat to pull his entry up to third in Class 9 on points for the day. Mike Becker brought his 7S out to sample the Glen Helen Hills and a second in heat 1 and third in heat 2 gave him third place points. Mike Nixon stands on his quad, literally, over a jump and he had a good day, taking the victory in the Intermediate class of quad racers. November 1993 Bob Plaskon ran well in Class 1 competition, but not quite with the tight running leaders and he took third in the combined class. Dan Groff, who often wins in the desert, ran second in both heats on the desert course in the Stock Mini Truck Class. Todd Jespensen towed from Mesa, AZ to race his Pilot, and he placed third in the first heat, won the second heat and was second on points. Christopher Morgan was fourth in the first Class 7S heat, but came to grief on the second and did not finish and ranked fourth on the day. Jeff Jones won't be in the Beginner class of quads very long by his good performance at Glen Helen, winning both heats and the trophy. Dusty Times

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OJIBWE SCCA NATIONAL PRO RALLY Paul Choiniere Wins Again By John Elkin In The Audi August. It means heat, trips to places with water and fun and the death nell of summer vacation for millions of kids. But for your basic SCCA PRO Rally team it means Ojibwe. It means an annual trek to the northern reaches of Minnesota. It means mosquitos. Big, fat blood sucking mosquitos that fly in formations that make the Navy's Blue Angels jealous. So it was little wonder that one of the sponsors of this years Ojibwe Forest PRO Rally was Deep Woods Off. This was round five of the Subaru PRO Rally Champion-ship, which has been enjoying large entries this year, and this round would be no exception. 34 national rally teams came north to tackle 17 stages totalling 180 stage miles. Total mileage for the weekend would be 400. Beryl Ann Burton, the organiz-er, and her crew always put on a first class rally with a well thought out schedule, good roads and better yet, good service areas. This rally almost always runs on time. This year the roads took on a whole new character. The rains that drenched the midwest earlier this year had also saturated the roads in the Paul Bunyan, Two Inlets and White Earth state forests. Thus all the usual sand found up here had been washed down to Iowa, leaving some washouts and standing water in parts of the stages. This would actually make the roads not only faster, but more treacherous. The pre-rally news floating about was mostly upbeat. Carl Merrill had his new Ford Escort ready, his original car took a 280 foot leap from Pikes Peak. The new Escort was the chassis that Miki Biasion had used to win this years Acropolis Rally in Greece. Jeff Zwart and Tony Sircombe were flying high after returning from the New Zealand round of the World Rally Championship and placing an incredible 19th overall, and were turning times in the top 15 at the end of the event. They were in a Mitsubishi for that, but would return to the Valvoline Porsche Carerra 4 for this event. The Japanese contingent returned with a two car effort this time, both entered in Group A. Bruce Newey figured to get a jump on the competition for next year as he prepped his Mazda RX-7 to the new Group 2 specs. Group 2 is a class slated to debut next season for low displacement two wheel drive vehicles of any age. Dust off your old 5 lOs!! Every rally Jeanne Long of the SCCA picks out two exceptional prepared cars one national and one divisional for the Pride and Professionalism Award. This rally a wonderful twist was added. Buckets were put in front of each car as it was displayed in Pare Expose at the Bemidji Holiday Inn, also race headquarters. After the weekend was completed the car with the most donations would win the awards. The stunt raised $480.00 for the local chapter of the United Way. Winners were announced at the awards banquet following the rally. The rally was split into two Dusty Times days. On Friday evening teams would tackle six stages totalling nearly 80 miles. Then after a night's rest back in Bemidji the remaining teams would tackle 11 more stages on the Saturday section. However at the last minute due to a worker shortage the organizer cut stage 11 on the final day leaving the rally one stage short. While we at Dusty Times hate to sound like a broken record the facts are the facts and once again Paul Choiniere/Jeff Becker took the Remy sponsored Audi S-2 and trounced the field. Felled only for a short time by a broken half shaft in the second stage on Friday the dynamic duo took off with a slim lead Saturday over Carl Merrill/Jon Wickens in the Norseman Resorts Ford Escort and won the rally by just over eight minutes. Merrill/Wickens would fail to finish due to a split transfer case. In the Ford the transfer case routes through the oil pan, so rather than soldier on in 2WD and risk very, very expensive engine damage Carl put the car on the trailer, but was encouraged by his very competi-tive stage times early on. Second place in Open was secured by the Stopped Motion Mitsubishi Eclipse of Henry Joy/Jimmy Brandt, who garnered ninth overall after recovering from several offs and a small mechanic-al woe. Goran Ostlund/Janice Damatio nailed third place in open, 12th overall in the Saab 99 just ahead of CenDiv hardcharg-ers Chris Czyzio/Eric Carlson driving the ever popular Plym-outh Arrow. The tales of woe in Open class were equally numerable. Doug Shepard/ Pete Gladyz brought ~mt their Eagle Talon, ran well in the first four stages, even won stage three overall, but in the fifth stage a right hander caught out the team and they took a tumble into a 20 foot ditch, upsidedown! Jeff Zwart/Tony Sircombe went great guns, for one mile, then turned the Porsche over landing back on it's wheels but unable to continue. Sam Bryan/ Rick Delemare had towed the turbo Saab 900 from Washington only to lose the transmission in the first stage, then run out of gas. Group A had a good turnout with four cars entered in what was becoming affectionately known as the Mosquito 400. Despite a failed fuel pump and a broken brake pad, the loss of first gear and a broken halfshaft the Sube · Sports Subaru Legacy of Chad DiMarco/ Erick Hauge and a tired service crew brought home the win in class and second overall. Japan's Tony Takaori and America's Ken Cassidy brought the right hand drive Ralliart blicked Mitsubishi Galant in second in Group A, third overall seven minutes in arrears of the Subaru. Rick Davis/ Ben Greisler debuted a beautiful BMW M3; the team found they still had some work to do on the car but soldiered on to the third place in class just ahead of the other Japanese entry of Taizo Shiina/ Makio Yamanaka in a Mazda 323 GTX. Group A had a 100% finishing rate. Production GT started 10 cars, mostly Mitsubishi's but there were a couple of Mazda's sprinkled in for variety. Vinnie Frontinan/Frank Arruda claimed a win by just over five minutes in the Chester Berg Toyota Celica. Returning to the sport after a small hiatus was Cal Landau/ Eric Marcus in the Dominos Pizza Mitsubishi Eclipse. The pair got back into the swing of things taking the second place and sixth overall by one minute over third place Antonio Menendez/Juan Goya in the lberria USA backed Mitsubishi Eclipse. Menendez/ Goya whacked a tree with the right side quarter panel the first night and, "calmed me down", said Menendez. Michigan rallyists Craig Sobczak/ Kevin DeLough-a ry brought the Mazda colors home fourth in their 323GTX. The GT class had a tough time in the finishing ranks as many fell out early. Locals Steve Ging-ras/Bill Westrick misjudged a 90 degree turn and smacked a tree stump with their Mazda 323 and called it a night. Tom Gillespie/ Rick Beson got to stage two in the ex-Nowicki Mazda 323 when they rolled the car softly, this was Tom's second roll in his new car. Russ Hughes/John McArthur, also in a 323 suffered a major vapor lock and were time barred. Sakis Hajiminas/Tom Burgess were felled by ignition trouble after three stages. Frank Cunning-ham/ Charles Bradley put their Galant on it's side in the second stage in a left hander. But the heartbreaker befell Todd Baw-den /Martin Headland; while running in the lead in GT and third overall the pair put the Roger Miller Mitsubishi sponsor-ed Eclipse off the road and into a tree in the twelfth stage. The Production class sprouted three entries in the fertile soil of northern Minnesota. Peter Cunningham/Joe Andreini fended off an early charge by Barry & Sandra Latreille the first night and stretched their lead the next day in the No Fear Acura lntegra. The Latreille's took their Ford Escort ( slightly less high tech than Merrill's) into the second place six minutes back. After the first night it looked like . it would be a closer race as Cunningham only held a 40 second lead on the Michelin sponsored Ford. Cunningham calls these roads, "My most favorite!" In third place was first time rallyist, but accomplished off road racer Dave Turner, who borrowed Bill Gutzmann to call the book. Turner turned out to adapt well to the world of front wheel drive in the Mitsubishi Eclipse he borrowed from Tony and Liz Shumaker. Production class was the only other class to enjoy a 100% finishing rate. The truck class looked to be quite a battle on paper. Guy Light/ Dave White in their BF Goodrich GMC Sonoma were fending off three Mitsubishi teams. In the early going it was national rookie and Prescott winner Chad Dykes/ Pat Hanson who took the self sponsored Mitsubishi into the lead until the second to last stage of the rally when a self admitted error by Pat Hanson cost the team their second win. At the end of the 9th stage Saturday coming up on a left 90 degree turn after a crest Hanson called it a hairpin. Just before the crest in the road Hanson figured out his error but could only say, "No, no". Hearing this Dykes figured that it was actually a right and threw the truck to the right, and into a 20 foot ravine. Must have been a quiet ride home. Guy Light/ Dave White, who had trailed by two minutes cruised on into the win and a ·····-··~--·---,: .. -··-.. probable lock on the -year end championship. The. only other DNF in the class came Friday night to Roger Hull/John Elkin in the Goodyear Mitsubishi, when a transmission seal failed gushing fluid in such quantities that the pair had to pack it in and find lots of fluid to get back to town. Seven quarts later, they did. The second place finisher was the Cooper Tire Mitsubishi of Gary and Judi Gooch. The Gooch truck had a odometer fail early the second day making the second day slow for them, but outlasted the majority of the field. At this time the Gooch's have the only chance to catch the Light/White GMC for the points title. As far as points titles go only one person has a lock on his position and that is Jeff Becker, who has clinched the open class and overall co-driver's tide. Paul Choiniere has not due to his missing the first rally of the year in Washington, where John Buffum won with the Audi. The Audi S-2 from Libra Racing is undefeated this year in every start it has made including the Mt. Washington Hillclimb. With this round of the Subaru Championship completed teams started figuring out their strategy. The next event is the Gold Rush Divisional Rally in Westcliffe, Colorado, counting towards 60% points. The next full scale National will be late November when the Subaru Championship will invade upper Michigan for the grueling and demanding Press On Regardless Rally. Odds are many of the series regulars will attend the Colorado event, it is cheap insurance in a points battle if you have bad luck in the final two events this year. In the end everyone benefitted, the United Way, the organizers and, of course, the mosquitos at the Ojibwe Rally. HI-TECH • SUSPENSION SPECIALISTS • FREE EXPERT CONSUL TING • INSTALLATIONS !v1sAJ-iil] OFF ROAD RACING HEADQUARTERS LARGEST INVENTORY IN LAS VEGAS FaTIJIIIIO • UCll8 IPOBTIWEAII • ND FEIi 1111B • IEIIO BAI TIIIKI • IIITCIIEI •AIIIOIL •AITCABI •llffllFAB .... •BEITOP •BODYLlffl •IJEI.-XEE • DOES'l'CII TECH •IIBTIIGITI • t'EiDEII nAIIES •MWIIASTEB •FIJa-ca.1,1 •GIIIILY November 1993 Page 13

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Treeline Divisional Pro Rally By John Elkin Photos: T rackside Photo Inc. Ron Wood and Kelly Warsh had a good run in the VW Scirocco to first in 2WD Open Crass and a very close third overall, a top finish for this team as here they swing wide on a rocky road. Carrying on the tradition of Stock Class wirining overall on this rally Norberto Gomez and Jorge Facio won Stock Class and Overall by a good 2½ minutes in the Toyota Corolla. Backing up the Stock Class triumph George Tavares and John Pires put their MR 2 home second in Stock and overall, taking it by just two full seconds. On September 11th, the rally community returned to Palmdale, California, for the second annual TreeLine Rally; a co-efficient three event that is the eighth event in the 1993 California Rally Series and serves as the kickoff event in the 1994 SoPac Division-al Championship as recognized by theSCCA. The organizing committee for this event involved three of the usual frontrunners in the CRS. Lon Peterson, Dan Hook and Sam Moore shelve their rally driving skills for one event a year to give back to the rally community that which they usually partake in. This year the trio put together a nine stage event, encompassing some of the roads used in the National event held earlier this year, but also had created two new stages that no one had ever rallied on before. These extraordinary efforts were appreciated by the 20 rally teams that showed up to do battle on the twisty, cliff~dged roads of the Angeles National Forest. Rally headquarters were again at the Ramada Inn of Palmdale, an excellent host with very good facilities for a rally. Scrutineering Rising star Mitch McCullough, with Scott Webb navigating, raced to first in 4WD Open crass, winning stage seven in the Mazda 323 and they finished a fine fifth overall in the rally arso. Page 24 and documentation took place on Friday night so as to get teams cleared for the 11 :30 a.m. start time. This event would be mostly run in the daylight, an added twist to most events. Stages would be mostly dirt, but this event incorporates some tarmac (paved) stages, something we get very little of in the CRS. The main dinner break would again utilize the Mill Creek Summit picnic area where the organizers put together an excellent barbeque. After which two more stages would be run before the return to Palmdale for the finish. Once in a while a phenomenon happens, a driver shines or a car is particularly adept to a road and-a Stock Class car takes an overall win. It has happened before, at the hands of Topi Hynenen twice and just last year with Harris Done at this same rally. So was it a surprise to see the Stock Class take the first two overall positions here this year, just like that? Yes, because it was two different teams than last year that pulled off the same feat. Whatever it is about these roads, or this event and its entry, makes it very appealing to the supposed low cost/low horsepower cars. Obviously a lot has to do with drivers, and their relationship with their navigators. Alf the same this is the story of the rally. In Stock Class nine cars took Jeff Henricks and Nobre Jones came from Prescott, AZ to run the Jeep Comanche in Stock Class, and they were third in class and a fine fourth overall. the start, and amazingly enough nimble cars. The duo put the third seven would see the finish in good spot in their pocket, along with running condition. Right from the points lead so far this season. the first stage the Toyota Corolla The Shumakers, Tony and Liz, Twin Cam of Norberto Go-decided to bring the Mitsubishi mez/ Jorge Facio showed the way, truck back out instead of their setting fast time in six of the nine Production Class Eclipse which is stages. It really never was close for being prepped for an upcoming the overall win even after the pair event in Colorado. The truck, ran the fourth stage of the rally along with a new engine had some with no brakes, still setting fast troubles with overheating on the time by less than one second. A twisty and slow stages but still well placed service area after the managed a fourth in class for the stage remedied the brake trouble Toyo Tire/ Starlight Foundation and Gomez/ Facio stormed the entry. In a disappointing fifth remaining stages to take the win in place in class fell last year's overall class and overall by two minutes winner Harris Done/ Larry Scott and 31 seconds. in the Independent Mazda Honda George Tavares/John Pires Care Mazda RX>7. Done/Scott held sway to the second place spot suffered through a rash of flat in class after just the first couple tires, including two flats at once. of stages in their B& T Auto While embroiled in the fierce Toyota MR2. An encounter with points battle for class honors the a boulder rearranged some body pair salvaged the weekend with work on the nose in what was some finishing points. essentially a trouble free run. Jeff Doing well early was the rookie Hendricks/ Noble Jones brought team of Dennis Chizma/Robert the Goodyear Jeep Comanche Kalb in the Motorsports Unlimit-from Arizona, put in some good ed VW Rabbit. Running among stages but had their trouble the top three in class the pair getting the truck over the paved found a rock in the sixth stage that roads as quickly as the more crackedtheiroilpan,endingtheir day. Jeff Bruett/Deb Pearson suffered a shifter linkage failure after stage two and could not continue. ~ ··< -The two wheel drive open class saw a short entry of just seven cars, four would make the finish. In a repeat of last year the VW Specialties Scirocco of Ron Wood/ Kelly Walsh struck out to an early lead, were challenged early by the Bill Malik/ Roine Anderson Volvo until the Swedish import suffered a rear differential failure in the final stage dropping them to fourth and final finisher in class. Wood/ Walsh encountered only one flat tire on their way to victory at the very end of stage six, costing them very little time. Tony and Liz Shumaker brought the Mitsubishi truck out of semi-retirement for these rough roads and despite overheating woes were fourth in Stock crass. November 1993 Taking advantage of a long Dusty Times

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~ -:,0-::,'i.)i:::•.~:· .-'<'.'Ii,;; -,: w. ,;;;;,.• ,-,' ..f.t,.;:, -Eduardo Villegas and Chris Lania had engine trouble but nursed the Toyota Carolla to the finish line, third in 2WD Open Class and tenth overall. Anton Musev and Wayne Engen were running well in the Subaru RX but a flat tire disaster that did a lot of damage dropped them to third in 4WD Open Class. Rui Brasil and Frank Nunes, usually top runners, had a major suspension problem and had to leave the Quattro and go for a tow vehicle instead of a finish. hiatus between CRS events the Condor Enterprise Datsun 510 of Tony Chavez/Robert Tallini underwent some refurbishing. The project paid off as the duo chalked up their highest finish to date, but not without some troubles. Early on a suspension failure slowed them for the early four stages. The next three stages picked the team's position back up to third until the dinner break at Mill Creek Summit. After the service, with two stages left, the 510 shed a halfshaft, taking out a rear brake line. Running the last stage and a half with no brakes paid off as the pair perservered to second in class. Ed Villegas/Chris Lania, in a Toyota Corolla also earned a position and trophy through perserverence as they nursed a sick engine to paydirt and third in class. The four wheel drive class has been the usual producer of overall winners this year, but by the same token it is also a class with high attrition. This time out attrition won out as three of the four entries were running slightly crippled. But the same three would make the finish. Rookie rallyists Mitch McCullough/ Scott Webb have had a heck of an introduction to rallying this year. Two major rollovers, broken suspension and sundry woes have been offset by some good runs at rallysprints early in the year. On their rollercoaster year this was a high as smart driving netted them not only the stage win on seven but the class win as well. The Mazda 323GTX outran the Subaru RX of Mike Gibeault/Jay Mathes by a minute and 40 seconds. Gibeault/Mathes work-ed hard up until the night before th-e rally rebuilding the engine for t~is event, and despite some overheating trouble with temper-a tu res hitting 320 degrees the Subaru finished well. Anton Musev/Wayne Engen also in the Subaru, were running well, oft times with the McCullough Mazda, but a misfortune on stage two lost the team 30 minutes when a flat tire turned into a bent rim that trapped itself against a brake caliper. The pair did fix the trouble and made the finish and the final trophy paying position. Rui Brasil/Frank Nunez had the Audi 4000 back out and were running well until in sight of the finish of stage one the pair overcooked a corner and got stuck, losing six minutes. Going into stage two the suspension broke in the Audi, possibly as a Mike Gibeault and Jay Mathes kick up a little dust on familiar Rim roads, and they got the Subaru RX to the finish line second in 4WD Open Class. Tony Chavez and Robert Tallini refurbished the Datsun 510 and entered 2wo· Open Class, and the 510, they never die, was second in class and 8th overall. Dustynmcs and dusty afternoon. result of the getting stuck over a berm in the road and caused the Audi to do a half roll. 14 of the 20 starters had the satisfaction of finishing the challenging rally. The short entty baffled most. It is a class event with good roads and excellent organization. Next year it is hoped word of the new stages brings more teams back to Palmdale. The organizers wish to thank the Antelope Valley Amateur Radio Club, Scott Armstrong and his Emergency Services crew (which luckily were not needed) and the many people that came out to work the stages in the hot Looking back on the results the new faces coming up into our sport are encouraging for our fu-ture. With two rallies left on the schedule, Gorman Ridge and East of Indio it will be ipteresting how the young lions charge after established teams. It is a fact. is~ as the finest 1 shock' ' 1he nmet. Now you can have the proven long life performance of Bilsteln shocks for your puck or sport utillty vehfcle afa fantastib price. Bilstein's single lube high gas pressure design · outperforms conventional shocks -to-one. Our patented self aqusling. deflective disc valving system continuous suspen-sion control in the rough yet maintains a comfortable fide on the street. Truck and sport utility vehicle drivers demand more shock performance and Bilstein provides ... • Highest gas pressure for fade-free long life • 98% efficiency over 100,000 miles • Largest piston wor1<ing area (1.81" diameter) • Limited lifetime warranty These are the same high quality Bilstein shocks that nonnally cost up to $119.00 each. kt. now and save! •umited time offer on selected applications .. Contact the Distributors listed below or your nearest Bilstein dealer: CANADA CDNNECTICUT NORTH C~ROLINA Performance Assist Accessories Ltd. William Sander Rowells, Inc. CALGARY, AB -403/279-2807 BEACON FALLS -800/227-9763 CHARLOTTE -704/333-5213 CALIFORNIA GEORGIA Autosport Gallery APS -800/423-3623 Specialty Parts Warehouse RALEIGH -9191872-2002 ANAHEIM-714/630-1144 LIBURN -404/978-2801 NEW JERSEY McKenzies Performance Products HAWAII Euro nre ANAHEIM -714/441-1212 Zubehor Hawaii, Inc. FAIRFIELD -800/631-0080 Auto Service & Performance HONOLULU - 808/836-1980 Woodlawn Auto and RV Service MOUNTAIN VIEW-415/969-1050 LINDEN-908/862-3695 Fairway Sport and Performance ILLINOIS OREGON PLACENTIA -714/528-4670 Precision Frame ipd ASI - 800/683-2890 HIGHLAND PARK -708/432-0082 PORTLAND -800/444-6486 SAN DIEGO- 619/584-2890 INDIANA TEXAS · Downey Off-Road MFG. Power Brake and Spring Pro Am Parts and Accessories SANTA FE SPRINGS - 310/949-9494 SOUTH BEND -800/282-1044 HOUSTON -800/847-5712 Performance Products LOUISIANA VERMONT Toyota Specialist Brinson Rovers North -Rover Specialist VAN NUYS -800/553-2840 HARAHAN -504/733-7326 WESTFORD -802/879-0032 November 1993 Page 15

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MTEG STADIUM RACING IN LAS VEGAS Toyota's Ivan Stewart & Rod Millen Sweep the Field Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Ivan Stewart runs in luck racing in Las Vegas and it was with him at the Silver Bowl. He won the wreckage strewn first heat, was second in the next one and survived to win the main event boosting Toyota's points lead. One champsionship was decided at Las Vegas, the Sport Utility Class. Tommy Croft won the main event in the Jeep Cherokee and earned enough points that night to assure him that nobody could catch him for the season title. which were later fixed. After qualifying Las Vegan Rob MacCachren commented that a hometown event is a double edged sword. "On one hand it's great to know that all my family and friends are out there cheering the Venable Ranger on to the winner's circle. But on the other hand, it puts a little more pressure on me to perform well for everyone. But the cheering outweighs the pressure any day." As always the first race was Sport Truck Heat 1, eight laps of mayhem. Roger Mears was on the pole and led the first lap but a rollover by Rick Johnson caused· the first yellow flag and a restart. Mears again grabbed the lead off the line, chased by MacCachren, Millen and Roger Mears Jr. Rick Johnson was running on a flat right rear tire, but running. They got in a couple laps while Stewart passed MacCachren, then midway when Mears got out of shape on a · 180, Mears flipped and so did Mil, len spinning to avoid the stalled Nissan. Roger Jr. had the lead then tangled with MacCachren in turn two and rolled, all this on one lap. MacCachren was penalized and put at the back of the pack. Ivan Stewart claimed the lead on the restart, but then Rick Johnson lost a wheel and flipped, red flag again. Ivan took the lead on the next restart and went on to win the heat despite losing a rear tire. Jeff Ward was second in a Dodge followed by team leader Walker Evans, MacCachren and Danny Thompson in what seemed to be the longest ET ever for eight laps. The Sport Utility rigs were out next for their single heat race with the only local driver, Brian Collins, driving the only sedan, a Porsche. Originally the class was designed by Mickey Thompson for sedans, but it has turned into a Utility truck class. Fast qualifier Chris Neil was on the pole and his Nissan Pathfinder took an early lead over teammate Tim Lewis, Jeep Cherokee. On lap 2 Larry Noel got his Jeep into second place, Brad Person was in the pits and Tommy Croft, Jeep, moved into third spot. Then Jimmy Smith, Ford, arid Larry Noel tangled and the Jeep fell back, while Smith held fourth behind Collins. At the flag it was Neil taking the win, followed closely by Lewis, then Collins, Croft, Smith and TJ Clark in a Ford. The quad racers had two heats of seven laps each, and Donavon Holland sat on the pole. He led off the line, but Niclas Granlund was close and the pair had quite a dice for the lead. Meanwhile Gary Denton closed in, passed them both and extended his lead to win the heat on a Laeger, Holland's Honda was second, Granlund third on a JP. Ron Collins, Honda, grabbed the lead in A TV heat 2 and put some distance on the field. Collins was never challenged, cruising to the easy victory, and the win was the first of his young career. Doug Eichner, Honda, was second, and third was Greg Stuart, Honda. The first seven lap SuperLite heat saw Rennie Awana on the pole for the Nature's Recipe team. T earn manager Awana held the lead for two laps but was unable to hold off the charge of teammate Greg George. Once out front George, who is the series all time main event win leader with 23, never looked back. Meanwhile Pat Dean, subbing for his brother, rolled, there was a restart and Dean threw a wheel and retired. 'Meanwhile the Nature's Recipe Briggsbuilt sailed on with Greg George taking the win, defending champion Jimmie Johnson putting Awana down to third and Allen Yaros was fourth in a Briggsbuilt. John Savinski had the pole for SuperLite heat 2, held the lead until he rolled midway handing the lead to Sean Finley. There was a full course yellow and after the restart Finley jumped out fast first and opened a big lead after a pile up for second place held up traffi<:_: Finley ran ~_way with the Majoroffroadpromotersseem once the sun dipped behind the 34.677 and teammate Ivan to like the summer heat in Las mountains it was considerably Stewart was second followed by Vegas, as the MTEG stadium cooler and more comfortable in the Fords of Rob MacCachren series moved into the Sam Boyd the grandstands. There were some and Danny Thompson. All was Silver Bowl early in September good Las Vegas numbers too, as not well in the Nelson & Nelson just a month after SCORE's Gold this was the seventh stop on the camp as Rick Johnson, second on Coast 300. On September 11 it nine race Stadium Off Road points, was disqualified for was searing heat on the paved Series, and 1993 marked the exceeding the maximum decibel parking lot of the football seventh season the series has (noise) level. It was fixed, but stadium that served as the pits, visited the Silver Bowl. Rick would start last in truck heat and the racing on the track that There were some mishaps in 1. New teammate Jimmie John, evening was equally hot, with qualifying in the afternoon, but son, making his debut in the bumping and banging, rollovers Rod Millen added to his driver second Chevy here, did not Chris Neil is really getting to the top in Sport Utility class. He took the heat and restarts by the dozen, but point lead with fast time of qualify due to engine troubles, win in his Nissan Pathfinder, and placed a strong second in the main. Jeff Ward sailed right past Rod Millen here, and the new Dodge driver is no stranger to stadium racing, but before he did it all on two wheels, not four. Ward placed second in the first truck heat. Page 16 --J In the wild first heat action among the trucks, Wafker Evans lost some at the rear bodywork but still managed to pull out third in the first heat race. November 1993 Brian Collins led the Sport Utility main event, until a red flag closed up the ranks, then a penalty dropped Collins and the Porsche back to fourth place. DustyTimcs

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Tim Lewis had a great run in the Sport Utility heat race, bringing the Jeep Cherokee home in second place, but he had trouble in the main event. Jimmie Johnson has not had a good year in Superlite action, but he led the main event with the checkerd flag in sight at the Silver Bow_/, his car quitting a half a lap from victory. Steve Cobb roars out of a corner in his Briggsbuilt on his way to third place in the very competitive SuperLite Class in Heat 2 for the little cars. Jerry Whelchel started out with a strong second place in Super 1600 action, which got a little hectic also in the main event, but Jerry avoided trouble and won the main event, close to defending his 1992 title absolutely. win, Rick Marshall was second and Andrew Buck third, Ric Geiser fourth in an all Triple E finish. At this point the Intermission included an exhibition race for Pee Wee riders and these kids are really young. Seems like it was past their bedtime when they made it around the course a few times. At this point the attend-ance was announced at 24,443, a good crowd. After a little track grooming, the Super 1600s had a pair of eight lap heat races. In the first one points leader and defending champion Jerry Whelchel was on the pole, but spun in the first turn and Kevin Smith grabbed the lead. This heat was hard on the cars, and many dropped out and only four finished. Smith led lap3 followed by Whelchel, Ed Herbst Greg George and Jimmie Johnson fought it out for the first Superlite heat win with George taking the position when the checkered flag flew with the defending champion Johnson in pursuit. and Eric Arras. Troy Herbst was Kukla was stalled on course. stalled on course and brother Ed Contrary to the truck heat, these flipped a lap later while Steve cars were just left on course as the Sean Finley surprised those who are used to winning top spot by winning the SuperLite second heat, and he backed that up with a win in the main event, a first place he inherited on the very last lap. DustyTimcs November 1993 race went on. Finally there was a full course yellow,· but Kevin Smith held on to win in the Mirage followed home by Whelchel and Bill Goshen, Chenowth, while Marty Hart nursed his Chenowth to the checkered flag with the front end all splayed out. Marty Coyne had the pole in the second Super 1600 heat and led off the line followed closely by Jimmy Nichols, Gary Gall and Bob Gordon. Coyne opened a five car length lead midway, while Nichols and Gall battled for second. Gordon's car stopped suddenly on course with clutch woes, Tim Herbst was running with sagged out suspension, but more were running at the flag than in the first heat. Marty Coyne won the heat followed by Jimmy Nichols, Aaron Hawley who moved up late in the race, Gary Gall, Ed Martensen and his son Rob Martensen. The second~ • IS •. ' n . ' . ~ITT ... C.ENTER LINE ---------------RACING WHEELS THE STRONGEST OFF-ROAD WHEEL MONEY CAN BUY! "FAT Performance has in stock the largest inventory of 5-lug W/ CENTER LINE wheels in the country. Whether you need wheels with polished or satin finish, FAT has them in all popular styles. Need them in a hurry? FAT can snip the same day as ordered ... and with the best price in the industry. FAT can also supply your CENTER LINES with Champion bead locks. Buying a· set of CENTER LINES can be exceedingly easy with FAT Performance. We do all the legwork. Call for current pricing. Quantity discounts are also available. FAT IS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR VW, PORSCHE AND TOYOTA OFF-ROAD ENGINES AND PARTS. FAT Racing Parts Wright Place Bilstein Shocks Tri-Mil Exhaust Sway-A-Way Perma-Cool Gem Gears Beard Seats S&S Headers Simpson Safety Weber Carbs Super-Trapp IPF ~ights Yokohama Tires JaMar Products · Petro-Tech 2000 Fox Shocks PERFORMANCE For your FAT Performance catalog, send $5 IO Dept. GW, 1558 No. Case St., Orange, CA 92667. Orcall (714) 637,2889. FAX(714) 637-7352 Page 17

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Andrew Buck sails off a jump, foreground, alongside of Mer-cedes Gonzales and Buck drove his Triple E ro fourth place in SuperLite Heat 2. It was quite a scramble in Super 1600 Heat 1, but Bill Goshen sailed his Chenowth in fine style to get the edge for third place in the hectic race. Marty Hart ran with the leaders in the first Super 1600 heat until he was involved in a pile up but he nursed his wounded Chenowth into fourth place. Gary Gall heads for the heavens in his Super 1600 Chenowth, and he landed just fine and went on to finish fourth in heat 2 in this tough class. Roger Mears Jr. had a little better luck than his dad in the Nissan, as he finished both fourth in heat 2, and made it through to fifth in the main. Cory Witherill flies his Jeep Cherokee flat and level and does well i.n the Sport Utility class as he finished in good shape, third in the main event. Nature's Recipe team manager Rennie Awana sailed his Briggs-bilt SuperLite into third in his heat race and a close second in the wild main event. The SuperLite main event held a lot of surprises, and Rick Geiser worked his Triple E through the surprises, up the ranks and finished third in the main. Rick Marshall started out with a second in his SuperLite heat in the Triple E racer, but in the traffic he finished fourth in the main event .. ~ truck heat was a replay of heat 1, but the players were rearranged. Rick Johnson was on the pole with Roger Mears beside him, but Rick pulled out an early lead, then Ivan Stewart flipped; red flag and it was still the first lap. Jimmy Nichols retired his Jeep. Rick again got the lead, but Mears rolled, so red flag and line up again. Again it was Rick off the line followed by Mears Jr., Walker Evans, MacCachren and Mears. Then Ivan and Jimmie Johnson touched on a corner, and Jimmie ended up in the fence, Ivan on his head, another red flag. Rick, Mears, and MacCachren got in a lap then Millen went over on a corner, another red flag. Again Rick Johnson led off the line, but his engine was smoking seriously. Rod Millen passed him, as two laps were left, and Millen won the heat for Toyota. Rick Johnson puffed into second followed by a battered MacCachren, Mears with a rear flat tire, Ward and Evans in good shape as was Jimmie Johnson. A pair of UltraCross motor-cycle 7 lap heats were next. Points leader Shaun Kalos, Yamaha, took the early lead from his pole position and once in front he never looked back. Kalos, in a close points battle with Larry Brooks, led wire to wire to put the pressure on Brooks, who is in heat 2. Robert Drew finished second followed by Ryan Carlisle, both on Kawasakis. In heat 2 Mike Healey left UltraCross veterans Kyle Lewis and Larry Broo' <: THE 20TH ANNUAL CHECKER YEAR BOOK IS COMING OUT SOON! WHERE ARE YOUR ADS? HURRY-HURRY-HURRY CALL MAX NORRIS 213-254-1531 Pagcl8 behind off the line and pushed his Honda out in front. Healey was never challenged and won. Lewis and Brooks fought for second, Lewis getting the position over Brooks, both riding Y amahas. In the Sport Utility 8 lap main event Tommy Croft led from the pole but was passed quickly by home town hero Brian Collins in the pristine white Porsche 911. However Jimmy Smith's Ford stalled on course, as the whole timing chain cover came off. Red flag and on the restart Collins shot into the lead, but Croft's V-8 power was too much. He passed Brian then Rough Driving sent Collins to the penalty box, giving Croft's Jeep a huge lead. He won his fifth consecutive main event, a series record. Chris Neil was second in his Nissan, then it was Cory Witherill, Jeep, Brian Collins, and TJ Clark, Ford. The 4 Wheel A TV main event was 8 laps, a rough run for these riders. Doug Eichner took the early lead from the pole position and was never challenged on his Honda. His runaway win left the battle between Greg Stuart, Honda, Gary Denton, Laeger and Charles Shepherd, Honda and they finished in that order. The SuperLites also had an 8 lap Main Event, with Rick Marshall on the pole, and he took the early lead, but Jimmie Johnson soon went past into the lead. Then Frank Chavez rolled causing a full course yellow, aJ d on the restart Johnson got the lead, and opened up a sizable November 1993 Kevin Smith grabbed the lead in the first Super 1600 heat after a pile up in the first turn of lap 1, and Kevin held his lead all the way to victory. margin. Greg George ran second, the pack. Hawley inherited the followed by Rennie Awana, Sean lead when Hart's Chenowth Finley and Marshall plus the herd. stopped suddenly, perhaps stuck Greg George lost a drive belt as between gears. In second was Sean Finley worked up to second. Coyne, then came Troy Herbst, Then, halfway around the last lap Eric Arras, Tim Herbst, Gary Gall Johnson stalled cold giving the and Steve Kukla. Midway Jerry win to a surprised Sean Finley. Whelchel had worked his way Awana was second followed by through the entire field to second Ric Geiser, Rick Marshall and spot behind Hawley, and soon Allen Yaros. made the pass on Hawley. And The Super 1600 main event that is the way they finished with was scheduled for 12 laps and Whelchel winning, Hawley Marty Hart had the lead. There second Jimmy Nichols third, Eric was a big pile up in the second Arras fourth and Marty Coyne in turnstartingwhenJimmyNichols fifth. A good number were still got sideways on the over watered running considering the early corner and Jerry Whelchel hit mayhem. him. Kevin Smith and Aaron The UltraCrossMaineventwas Hawley got into the mess, he got ten laps, and Honda rider Larry away OK as the other drivers Linkogle, hoping for his first ever sorted out the remains. After the series win, led the field through restart Marty Hart led Marty the first five laps. But Shaun Kalos Coyne, Hawley, Troy Herl,st and and Larry Brooks were giving Du1tynmc1

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Allen Yaros is usually with the SuperLite front runners in his Las Vegan Aaron Hawley races the desert as well as stadium Briggsbilt, and in Las Vegas he was fourth in heat 1 and ended up and here he took his Super 1600 Chenowth to third in his heat Jimmy Nichols, who also drives a truck in stadium racing, flew ·his Chenowth into second in his heat and third in the· wild Super 1600 main event. fifth in the main event. race and second in the main event. Eric Arras shows up for the MTEG races in tt,e southwest, and loses none of his edge doing it part time· as he drove the Chenowth to fourth in the main event. l Las Vegan Rob MacCachren didn't get the victory he wanted for the home town crowd finishing the Ford truck third in heat 2 and a good second in the main. Rick Johnson had troubles off and on all day and night, here puffing smoke in the Chevy truck, but he smoked along to fourth in the main event anyhow. Marty Coyne was on the pole and opened up a good five car length lead in Super 1600 heat 2, and Coyne carried on to win the heat and was fifth in the main. the flag, with Rob MacCachren second followed by Rod Millen in the other Toyota, Rick Johnson, Chevrolet, Roger Mears Jr, Nissan, Jeff Ward, Dodge, and Jimmy Nichols, Jeep. It was a good evening for Toyota extend-ing their points lead in the drivers' contest as well as Toyota's lead in the coveted Manufacturers Cup. There are just two events left in the 1993 series, at Denver and San Francisco and it will be over and the champions crowned in November. ,■ - • -■ ■ ■ ■. ■ ■ ■ -■ ■ ■ ■ ■ --CHENOWTH "MAGNUM" A PROVEN WINNER ONE OWNER VERY CLEAN close chase. Kalos was able to get by Linkogle for the lead, as did Brooks and Kyle Lewis, making it a 1-2-3 finish for the Noleen Yamaha team. Mike Healey was fourth and Linkogle came in fifth. banging, nerfing and leaning on each other, most of the trucks stayed upright for the entire 12 laps. Ivan Stewart slid his Toyota 1 into the lead early in the race, and As usual the grand finale for the night, now approaching midnight, was the Grand National Sport Trucks. Walker Evans, Dodge Dakota, was on the pole with Rob MacCachren, one sponsored by Las Vegas' Barbary Coast casino/hotel, the other a Las Vegas resident and Ford Rough Rider. Evans took the lead off the start and Roger Mears Jr. did a fast rollover. After the restart, Evans had some serious mechanical damage and retired to the pits. Ho\1/ever, even with the usual he gained a comfortable margin over Rob MacCachren and Rod Millen, and Roger Mears Jr. was back running well. The hood flew up on Mears Sr. so he prudently parked as the race was half over then. Rick Johnson ran fourth but couldn't move up nor could Jeff Ward advance from sixth. Ivan Stewart led almost wire to wire to record his seventeenth career main event win in this series~ in what was actually a pretty dull race for this class as they strung out around the course. But seven were running at 'f'j Fast qualifier in trucks,. Rod Millen put points on the,qqard for himself an<iJ ,., Toyota by winning the second heat race, and Millen also survived to place third in the main event. DustyTimcs EXCELLENT STADIUM SUPER 1600 REV POWER RABBIT BOSCH IGNITION CNC - TOTAL SEAL RINGS MASTER CRAFT 7 GALLON FUEL CELL WRIGHT/UMP SUMMERS AXLES FOX COIL/OVERS SIMPSON FIRE SYSTEM SUPER BOOT -MENDEOLA CENTURY CENTERLINE SCHRODER POSSIBLE TRADE FOR CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT OR SEA DOO'S VERY FAST AND READY TO RACE $18,000.00 November 1993 Page 19

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BOMMMLLE OFF ROAD RACING The Jackpot 100 Was A Dandy Race The Clawson Class 10 was headed for a sweep with Andy Clawson taking his first win in '93 in Class 10, then his wife Sherrie got in to win the Powder Puff, and finally Jimmy Autry jumped in to win the Over the Hill Derby, a strong car. parity was also apparent between cars. Lap 1 was to set the pace with Chris crossing the line 15 seconds ahead of Mike, but 45 seconds behind on the clock. Times were Mike 30:15, Chris 31:00, Todd, 31:37, Mike T. 31 :48, Jon 32:06 and Ken with a 33:05 for his first time in a car in several years. On the second lap it was Mike 30:25, Chris 31:01, Mike T . The 1-2-1600s started first and finished first, second, and fourth_ overall led by Mike Baker, who led all the way in his 3 l:00, Todd at 3l:29, Jon 31:40, Bunderson finishing well up on the field at 4:04:23 for the overall honors. and Ken 3 2: 5 2 • Ver Y little .::....:.... ____ _ _::__ __ :..._ ___________ .,.-... ---.,.-,..-"!I'-: ... -..,-,..-------,.------------------changed on the third lap except times. After three laps it was Andy with the lead over Brett and Mike. It stayed that way through the fourth until Brett bit the dirt, putting him out. We saw Barry return to run three good laps in the 31 area but he had lost too many laps in the pits. Andy Clawson took the win with a 4: 18:34, and third overall. Mike Hickey took his second second this year and Barry Merriam was third. You could feel it in the air that the 5-1600s were going to race hard today. The split second times would prove that at the finish. We welcomed a new-comer, Audie Brook from the Seattle area, and while he was a bit more 5 than 5-1600 the rest of the class voted to let him run with them. He drove a long way, too far not to be able to run competit-ively if possible. Craig Holt set out to win number two if possible. A 33:49 to Jim Magill's 34:34, three seconds faster than Chris Klick and 2:33 over Scott Butcher. Audie turned a 37:37 and was destined to fight a carburetor jetting problem between sea level and 5000 feet above. Lap 2 put nine seconds lap time between the top three with Craig still leading and Chris moving to second, six seconds up on Jim. Scott was holding fourth and would until the seventh lap. Chris Cash, from Boise, led on the road on the first lap, but his times were seconds slower than Batfer's, and he was second 1600 and second overall. It looked like a parking lot as Brett North was joined by Mike Hickey, and now they know about that ditch! Hickey went on to take third in Class 10, ih the car on the right, two laps down, and Brett stayed parked. -=-~ - . = -.:.. ---Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road driving school can help you be your best! But be ready. .. the road isn't smooth! Page 30 Call For · Courses and Dates Great Basin COnsuttlng 2738 Chavez Dr. ·Reno, NV 89502 (702) 825-8830 There are many reasons the Todd recaptured third place. racers like Jackpot, Nevada, not Mike T. lost his motor on lap 4 the least of which is the race and Jon also dropped out on the course. When you factor in the same lap. Fast lap of the day was support of so many firms in Twin Mike on lap 5 with a 30: 14 and his Falls, the Civic Club in Jackpot, slowest was lap 6 when he pitted along with the city officials, the for gas and ran a 30:57, very Fire Department and, of course consistent. Chris was even with the casinos, you just have to have only one slower lap and Ken just fun. Right up front, on behalf of didn't look like he had been away B.O.R.E. I wish to thank the from racing, looking at home in community, from the individuals Gary Brennan's car. Finishing on checkpoints, to the Advisory times in Class 1-1600 put Mike Board and Nevada Travel Coun-Baker in first at 4:04:23, Chris cil, all working to make this event Cash second at 4: 15:07, Todd a success. A note to put in your Bingham third at 4:15:54, very file for the July 4th weekend next close. Ken Heuring was fourth at year. Sometimes the weather is 4:27:14 and once again the 1-not just what you would expect 1600 class did very well, finishing for July 4th. A drop of 20 degrees first, second and fourth overall! and a brisk wind takes you one Second off the starting line, step past T-shirt and directly to a Class 10 was destined for some warm windbreaker. • major problems today. Drawing When you enter Jackpot you first off, Mike Flinn turned a quickly notice a message on the 30:58 on his first lap, pitted for a Big 93 Club sign ... Welcome front wheel problem, and never racers -Jackpot 200 race. Then came back to the course, and I you notice a parking lot full of think this is the first time Mike race vehicles, being teched, on has failed to finish, at least in this display and awaiting the annual car. Barry Merriam turned his fast parade Friday at8 p.m. This year lap, a30:23, buthedidn'tgovery all the permits were in place so the far past go when he broke the guys with the flashing red lights front end. A slight cannibalistic led a mixture of race vehicles raid on Mike's car put Barry back through town and back and then in the race after two hours repair to the pits. I was struck by the time, but out of the running. The impressive display of rear facing class was now going to Andy amber lights as this procession Clawson, or Mike Hickey or Brett stretched from the north end to North, with Andy holding the the south end of town. Someone lead over Mike after two 1:03:57 needs to thank the guy who to 1:06:45 to Brett's 1:08:12 lap . thought of those lights, a real safety factor for our type of racing. The leading trio had a near visual race lap after lap. Scott was still fourth, about to .be lapped. Craig lapped him,Jim lapped him, but Chris blew a CV in his attempt to pass. Audie was still running but out of contention due to carb woes and long laps. Craig hit his two slowest laps last and Jim Magill caught two quicker ones and came within 19 seconds of overtaking Craig. The final times were 4:33:51 for Craig Holt, with the victory and fifth O/A.Jim Magill was second at 4:34: 10 and sixth overall. Scott Butcher got third, a lap down, Chris Cash Saturday morning was nearly perfect, brisk enough to awaken you and clear the cobwebs from last night. The course was ready with all the dust anyone could ever want. Class 1-1600 earned first start by virtue of the first/third overall finish last race. Chris Cash drew dust free number one, followed by Jon Alm berg, Mike Baker, Todd Bingham, Ken Heuring and then Mike Thorton. Jon Almberg, from Ely, and Mike Thornton, from Boise, were first timers in Class 1-1600. Consistency was to be notice-able in many classes today and The first three places (n Class 5-1600 were up for grabs all day but Craig Holt grabbed the fastest and held a 19 second lead at the checkered flag, and he finished a grand fifth overall. November 1993 Dusty Times

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Todd Bingham passing go didn't collect his $200, but he did finish third in Class 1-2-1600, just 47 seconds away from the second place money. Class 1 0 had a high attrition rate. A broken spindle on lap 2 put Barry Merriam well down, but he came back to claim third, three laps down. Charging down a smooth road, Jim Magill was in the 5-1600 hunt all the way, but at the finish line he was strong second after two fast final laps. , 39:58. Phillip was having small problems but still hit a 52:52. Glenn was on his way to fast lap of 36:51 on the fourth lap. Dave had a 42:40 to 52:58 for brother Vernon in the now mortally wounded Smith car. Even with faster laps on the fifth and sixth, Glenn Cain fell just 2 minutes, 5 seconds short at the flag. Losing over 11 minutes on lap 1 was a big hurdle to overcome. Final times were 4: 10 flat for winner Dave Morse and 4:12:05 for Glenn Cain. John Peake decided that he wins more often when he goes slower and doesn't have to stop so many times to fix things. Here he is on his way to his second Class 7 win in 1993. Dave Morse is having more fun, and going faster and further than he ever did in Mini Metal competition. He took first in Challenger Class by 2:05 for his first ever victory. If you take the time to ask, you frequently discover that the folks running in Sportsman Class seem to take racing very seriously, and usually have more fun and always have more "war" stories than the more sedate "Pro" racers. We had four Sportsman start, with first timer Mark Rencher off first in his buggy, followed by another Arst timer Fred Neutch and his brother Mike in their Jeep. Larry Langdon brought his race ready Honda~ fourth, two laps down, and Audie · was fifth. Through the 1992 season and so far this year Craig has won five out of the six B.O.R.E. races plus a couple wins at the expense of the SNORE competiton in Las Vegas during that same time. No small achievement in any sport. Congratulations Craig. Class 7 also showed the potential for a tight race, with some very good rivalries building. We welcomed newcomer Scott Livernash from the Seattle area, Joe Kellogg from Yakima, Cam Peacock from up in Missoula to do battle with John Peake, Lynn Potter and Joe Nesbitt. Drawing first, Cam Peacock was followed from the green by Lynn, then Joe N, then John, Scott and Joe Kellogg. Our defending winner came in with a quick 35:39 to Lynn's36:56, Cam's37:44,Joe K at 39:38, 40:49 for Joe N and Scott had a 41 flat. John had to give first to Joe Kellogg after two laps by a scant 1 7 seconds with Scott just 55 seconds out of first. Lynn was less than nine minutes down and Joe N. was (ifth. Darn, darn, the Break Bug got Cam again; he was thinking he wouldn't have any luck if it weren't for the bad luck. John stepped it up to recapture first ahead of Joe K, Scott and Lynn. Four laps done and John still led by half a minute over Joe K, Scott was a couple more minutes back. Lynn lost a transmission and Joe N had more than enough troubles to give him an hour and seven ·minute final lap. Lap 5, it was the same three, tunning two minutes apart, but on lap 6 John did a 37:29, Scott a 37:21, and where did Joe i<-go? Scott picked up 8 seconds on lap 6 and 7 seconds on lap 7. But John Peake had him covered to take the win with a time of 4:22: 16 to Scott Liyernash at 4:25:56. Welcome··to B.O.R.E. Scott, we love good competition. With only a couple minutes from first to third midway, this race was anyone's to win. Dustynma We had promises but only Vern Crouch, coming all the way from LeGrand, Oregon, stepped up to run the Heavy Metal Class. He had a lock on the prize money, but I sure would have liked him to have some competition. At any rate you guys with the big loud V --8 type racers missed one of the best courses we've run in a long time - fast too. Once again three Challenger cars were in the field, two of them with upset on their minds and one with a defensive attitude. Glenn Cain left first followed by Phillip Smith, then Dave Morse. Lap 1 saw Dave with a 44:03, Phillip at 49:18andGlennat55:35. Things got faster and slower on the second lap. Once these guys master the course, then they start having fun. Like in lap 3 when Glenn ran a 39:54 to Dave's Amwuim,JII DIRT BAGZ CHENOWTH ~ CEIITERUNEWHEELS --1 s,-m-Ps_o__,N I STREET & OFFROAD ACCESSORIES E!JA& ~ ® @9 -T-RI--M-IL-E-XH-A-US-T-SY-S-TE_M_S --P I A A L 16 HTS CNC HYDRAULIC SINGLE or DUAL 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $59.95 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME ............... : ...... $91.00 DRIVING LIGHTS PR W/WIRING. $221.00 SPOT LIGHT PR W/WIRING .... $221.00 DRIVING/SPCT/PENCIL LIGHTS .. $ 88.00 HANDLE CUT BRAKES ................... $74.95 1 1/2 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $59.95 1 1/2 TYPE 1 CHROME ...................... $91.00 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $67 .00 1 5/8 TYPE 1 CHROME ...................... $97.95 KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200 mm DISC 4-PUCK ...................... $48.0ll 200 mm 1700 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $85.00 . 200 mm 2500 PRESSURE PLATE.. ... $103.95 *"!;ARLY OR LATE STYLES* SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELT 2" ............................. $23.95 LAP BELT 3" ...................................... $58.95 SHOULDER BELT 3" .......................... $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/ STERNUM STRAP .... $72.95 "A MUST FOR COMPETITION USE" E·ZUPTENT 10' X 15' ......................................... $499.00 PARKER PUMPER 11 GALLON DUMP CANS WITH BUILT IN HANDLE TO POUR ... $62.95 SCRIBNER JUGS 5 GALLON JUGS WHITE & BLUE ............................... $18.95 NEON. COLORS: .............................. $22.95 Fll~R HOSE FOR JUGS (SCREW IN LID STYL~).$3.95 CHENOWTH CLASS 11 CAGE._ .......................... $154.95 QUICK RELEASE STEERING HUB ... $32.95 UMP SUPER FILTER UMP SUPER FILTER ................... $159.95 ;UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX ...... $109.00 SAND RAIL PEDAL PACKAGE W/ CHROME THROTTLE PEDAL..$189.00 ADJ. PEDAL MOUNT... ................... $33.95 WORTH DRIVING SUITS· 1 LAYER HORA/SCORE ~EGAL .WI RED or BLUE STRIPE .............. $87.95 Graphic Art and Design Rob MacCachren T-Shirts Available T ~Shirt Designs & Vinyl Lettering Available In Store PHONE (702) 871-4911 3054 S. VALLEY VIEW . OPEN 6 DAYS, 'MON-FRI · FAX 702 871-5221 LAS VEGAS NEVADA 89102 8AM-5PM. SAT 9AM-2PM' I • • • • ' • • • • I • • I •• November 1993 Page 31

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Scott Livernash brought his MoPar mini truck all the way from Seattle to hit the Jackpot, but he fell 3½ minutes short at the flag in Class 7 action. Who's on first? Wefl the guy behind in the picture became the guy in first and the guy ahead became the guy on third, John Peak won, Joe Kellogg was third in Class 7.. Glenn Cain found out that losing 12 minutes on lap 1 is hard to overcome, but he almost did and settled for second in Class 9, 2.05 back of first. W Pilot down from Idaho and said "Can I, please?" A careful tech inspection found no reason not, so he started third, leaving last start to Rick Taylor from Nampa. Rick brought his 'new' car down, blew the motor Friday, took his junk yard 1600 out of the Baja and proceeded to take second in the race with fast lap. Except for a slow third lap he might have won. Anyway Mark came in first lap with a 40:42 but with terminal troubles. Larry had moved the Pilot up a slot or two when he found out a skid plate wasn't quite up to the task, locking th~ brake system ... two down. Rick turned a 41:09 to Fred's 41:57, but he made up that 48 seconds and more on lap 2 doing a 40:57 to Fred's 43:51. It appeared that the buggy with more suspension . Page 31 would outrun the Jeep but in . making the most of it, pulling off . · racing it isn't cut and dried. A the win with a five lap time of 55: 18 third lap put Fred back in 32:06 to Lorey's 33:51 and Sue's the lead. Even the fast lap of 40:20 34:20. Sherri Wood completed by Rick wouldn't unseat Fred in two laps. Sherri and Lorey had the his maiden voyage, winning in the same times for fast lap, both Jeep at 2:54:32 while Rick came turned a 6:14 on their fifth lap. in with 2:57:44 in what had been Needless to say these ladies are quite a battle for Sportsman. every bit the racers their guys are. Then there were the ladies of Congratulations. the Powder Puff, Lorey Bingham I get somewhat "into" the followed by Sherri Wood, from Over-The-Hill Derby. There were Seattle, then Sherri Clawson and six challengers for the win, all a Sue Sorenson, starting last. With little long in the tooth, really most of the five mile loop visible about as scruffy a bunch of virile, from the pits it gets real exciting. macho and otherwise upstanding Lap 1 showed Sherri C had made gents as you will find anywhere. up 51 seconds on first place Jimmie Autrey took Clawson's turning6:39toLorey's7:30and Class 10 and started first. Sue's 7:13. Sherri Wood was Jackpot's own Bob Bloom took having carburetor ills and was out the Sorenson Baja Bug off second, of the running but still moving. followed intensely by yours truly There was much to be said for in the Baker 1-2-1600. Then came dust free running and Sherri was Cloyd Oleson in Glenn Cain's 9 November 1993 Fred and Mike Neutch brought their hunting/farm Jeep out to race, their first ever race. Surprise, they won the Sportsman Class in the trusty Jeep and may have started a new career at Jackpot. car just ahead of Les Wolfe in the Almburt 1600. Last but not least was our old friend Frank Rowe from Star, Idaho jumping into Gary Brennan's car. I suppose there are those who say that youth is where it's at, and the mature man loses "it". Ha, just look at the lap times: Jimmie 6:07, Bob 6:11, JB 5:46, Cloyd 6:57, Les 6:13 and Frank 6:19. And that's the way it went lap after lap. Knowing the ability of Cloyd we handicapped him by putting him in a Challenger car, which allowed Les to overtake him as did Frank. Jim was having major problems trying to get past Bob who was the most consistent driver out there. After two laps Les led, followed by Jim, Jimmie, Bob, Frank and Cloyd. Les stayed in front by 15 seconds over Jimmie, with Jim next, followed by Bob, Frank and Cloyd. On lap 4 the dust thickened but positions stayed the same. It looked like we might be seeing the finish early ... but no. Lap 5 saw Les get a flat slowing him to 6: 14. Jimmie hit his fastest lap, 5:32, to move to first. Jim finally got around Bob's extrem-ely wide Baja and turned the fastest lap of 5:26, good enough for second but 14 seconds too slow. Les hung on even with the flat to take third, Bob was fourth @ " ) -;.<, and Frank fifth. Somewhere out there Cloyd was still eating dust for sixth. Finishing times were Jimmie 29:23, Jim 29:37, Les 29:46, Bob 30:45, Frank 31:57 and Cloyd 36:28. I believe that this is the first time the same car has won its class, the Powder Puff and also the Over-The-Hill Derby. We congratulate the Clawson race team for the achievement. The management of Cactus Petes took note of the cool weather and brought the awards ceremony into the Ruby Ball-room in the casino. We surprised everyone, including ourselves by filling the room to overflow. •More than 200 of you attended making that our largest awards ceremony. It was great! __ The gifts and cash provided by the casinos, Jackpot Community, and spon-sors in Twin Falls made for a great time. it was exciting to hand the winners their trophy and their check, then have Rod lay a couple hundred greenbacks into their hands, compliments of all those who sponsored the 'race, and then award jackets, Tees, caps and even some black velvet. Thanks racers, and thanks Jackpot. See you all at the Bonneville Challenge on August 21 at Wendover USA, our last sched-uled race this year. =w·· Rick Taylor was forced by troubles to use a back up motor to push his new two seater in Sportsman Class. With his junk yard motor he took second in class and turned fast lap at that. Dustyn~s

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Eddy. Silence Makes Noise At Bad Dogs The little boys on their little toys entered the course next for a race that will not soon be forgotten. Terrell's Eric Campbell pass he made. In the mud fun for kids, the McDonald's sponsored "Dash for Cash" on foot through the mud pit, Rex and Carl Tillery took first and second in the eight and under division with Marga Westman and Toby Troutman t_ilking first and second ir:i the 9-12 age group in the muddy mess. ---------------------------------~------..... ~ . put his Yamaha out in froht in the action over the entire course. Paul PW-50 class and never looked Tim Silence of Fort Wotth pounded the competition, flying the jumps in style on his way to the winner's circle in the Odyssey/Pilot class action. Benny Perry, left, and Barry Don Callaway do some midair wheel to wheel racing over the double jump in the Sportsman class of buggies. Perry held off Callaway, of Cleburne, to take first in class for the day. The line up for the McDonalds 'Dash for Cash' through the mud pit attracts more kids each month. Here they all look clean and ready for the start. Tim Silence of Fort Worth cruised o yet another victory in the Odyssey Pilot Class at Bad Dogs Off Road Showdown near Dallas in mid-August. Silence stayed in front of the pack all the way to the checkered flag to take first place over a hard driving Tim DustyTimcs Lee of Dallas, who chased Silence diligently all day. Ft. Worth's John Myers settled for third with Liz Rash of Burleson rounding out the class in fourth place. The Pro A TV action kept everyone on their feet throughout the day with some high flying Audet of Grand Prairie took first back and won over a determined place honors with Mount Pleas-Scott Wennerstrom Jr. of Plano. ant's Bobby Parr chasing him to Cleburne's Chance Berg fought the checkers for second. Eric off the competition for third with Wood of Wichita Falls was Garland's Ben Sorenson Jr. running well all day, but ended up twisting the throttle for fourth in third place due to mechanical over Arlington's Ryan Miller in failure. Azle's Doug Faulkner fifth. All these kids put on a great chased the front three, taking ride! fourth for his efforts with The wild and crazy Mud Drags Wichita Falls' Dean Coates wereupnextslingingmud60feet finishing fifth. in the air. In Class I Irving's Rod In the amateur ranks of the Taylor toqk the victory over ATVs Mesquite's Ed DeTaver- David Modlin of Alvarado. John nier couldn't be stopped on his Bracky of Garland powered his way to victory over a hard wayintothirdoverMikeCantoof charging Chad Smith of Mesquite. Farmersville and Garland's John Garland's Cliff Coppedge had Larison in fifth. John Pritchett another fine day at the races from Plano grabbed first in Class finishing third over Arlington's 11 over Irving's Rod Taylor. Rick Townsend for fourth and In Mud Bogs Rod Taylor again Garland's Henry "Crash" Castro took the Class I win over a muddy for fifth. John Larison. The Class II Mud :rhe Super Challenger class of Bog went to David Modlin in his dune buggies charged off the line big Chevy with a full pull on each The women took out all their frustrations when they entered the track in the Demolition Derby for women. Kerri Rodriguez was one of the last two competitors running receiving a trophy for her brutal attack on the rest of the field of felines. The crowd lined the fence cheering for their favorite female driver during the event. Thanks to everyone who volunteered their time on one of the hottest days of the summer. Thanks to you, Cleburne has one of the finest off road events in the state of Texas. Bad Dogs runs on the third Sunday each month through October, then starts again next March. Call (817)645-0003 for more information on the schedule and the rules. with Gainesville's Steve Dutton ------------•--------------•• taking his first victory of the year. Dutton has been chasing the front runners all season long but this race was his. Jerr.y Daigle of Arlington battled his way to a close second and Dallas' David Garland powered his way into third. Howard Harmon of Dallas put his buggy into fourth over Cleburne's Gabe Gabel for fifth place honors on the very demanding course. As usual the "Wild Bunch" in Sportsman Class buggies put on a hair raising show for the crowd with lead changes on nearly every lap. Pearland's Benny Perry held off Cleburne's Barry Don Callaway in the main event to take the victory in one of the hottest races of the day. Parts flew off , Perry's machine on the final lap but didn't break his concentra-tion on his way to victory circle. Temple's Norris Lischer came out of retirement to show everyone he still had what it takes, finishing third over a very competitive Mark Rogers of Houston. Greg Durman of Flower Mound did some fine driving to round out the top five in the Sportsman Division. The vintage class of motorcycles took to the track next with Waco's Rick Denny taking charge in the amateur ranks over Grapevine's Skip Miller finishing second. Waco's David Kirk squeezed into third over Cle-burne's own Gary Lee in fourth. Don Kraft from Haltom City rounded out the class in fifth with some mighty fine riding. David Allard of Arlington cruised to victory over Alan Davis of Hillsboro in second, ahead of Randy Brown of Grand Prairie in the Intermediate Division. The Vintage Masters division was next with Ft. Worth's "Jarnrnin" Joe Busby showing everyone the fast way around to take the overall victory over Waco's Jason "Captain" Kirk. "The Sarge" Bobby Lucas put his ,Penton into third with Richard "Booger" Martin ending up in fourth. Chris Cadieux from Allen, TX took the victory in the Non Current class of motorcycles over a hard charging Jay King of Brucevil)e. Jason Kirk rode hard to third over Waco's Scottie Payne and Greg White from November 1993 FEATURES A Scientific Blend Of Premium Suspended Fluoropolymer Particles Lower Friction Coefficient Universal Viscosity Permanently Bonds In The Metal Pores NO HYDROCARBONS OIL ADDITIVE . DESERT STORM FORMULA BENEFITS Improves Gas Mileage From 2-4 Miles Per Gallon Wear Reduction; Faster Reaction Cooler Runninmg; More Power Compatible With All Conventional Petroleum Oils And Greases Does Not Change Tolerances Of Bearings, Rings Or Pistons Safe To Ship, Store And Hant'le OR CHLOROFLUORCARBONS ENVIRONMENT ALLY SAFE FT/LBS FT/LBS TESTS OF STEEL BEARINGS UNDER LOAD SEIZURE SEIZURE FT/LBS WITHOUT AC!C!IIl~i; ~l;;IZ!.!BI; Q!.I. ~ CSX EXTRA 170 KENDALL GT-1 35 FRICTION WEDGE 130 VALVOLINE RF SOW 30 JUSTICE BROS 120 VALVOLINE RF 40W 45 BG 100 VALVOLINE PREM 5W30 25 TUFOIL 65 SHELLATF 12 ALEMITESW 35 MOBIL 1 15W-50 12 SLICK 50 30 MOBIL 1 10W-30 12 STPXEP2 20 UNOCAL RACING OIL 40 STP 10 UNOCAL GRDOL 30W 35 PENNZOIL GT 20W-50 38 QTt:!ER CSX PRODUQT~ MTRCRFT GLD 10W-40 27 MTRCRFT RAC 20W-50 38 GEAR OIL ADDITIVE FHS 4 CYCLE RACING 14 HYDRAULIC FLUID ADDTVE VALVOLINE GEAR SOW 70 GREASE ADDITIVE UNOCAL GEAR 90W 45 SPRAY LUBRIGANT MOBIL 1 GEAR 68 FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee. CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 WITH ~ 75 80 90 65 35 55 55 90 70 74 70 76 48 120 105 115 Page 33

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FRT SUPERSTITION 250 Vance Allen a Steve Mamer Win The Premier FRT Race By Homer Eubanks Photos: C&C Photos Taking to buggy racing very well Vance Allen and Steve Mamer ran second for a few laps, then took over the overall lead, withstood close pressure from Ibarra and won the Open Class and won the overall prize bonus too. The 1993 edition of the FR T's big race each year, the Supersti-tion 250 is in the record books. The overall car winners were Vance Allen and Steve Mamer in an Open Class VW. It is the first time an Open Class car has won an FR T race overall in some time. Allen and Mamer, better known for exploits on quad racers, navigated the eight laps consisting of27 miles each in 4:35:52. They were just 12 minutes ahead of the 1-1600 Jimco driven to that class victorv and second overall bv The pack of 1-1600 cars had quite a battle, separated by seconds and pushing , for overall honors. At the flag Kevin Basore and Bill Hernquist got their Jimco home second overall and won Class 1-1600 by minutes. PIKE'S Carlos and Leonoy Ibarra led overall on lap 2, but dropped back and then out on lap 7 but they still took home first in Class 8 in their Ford pickup. Only two of the Class 10 starters covered the eighr laps and Jessie Burns and John Disana drove the Steve Wolcott Jimco to the class win despite trouble en route, and they were seventh overall. Kevin Basore and Bill Hernquist: The event took place at Lake Superstition, just a few miles east of El Centro, California, close to Plaster City. All the motorcycle classes were blessed with the cool early morning breezes as they started at 6:00 a.m. on August 7. The race for car classes got underway 12 hours later with the first car away at 6:00 p .m . with 2:00 a.m. being the cut off time. One vehicle left the staging area every 15 seconds with Class 10 leading off, then came the Unlimited, 8, 1-1600, 2-1600, 5, 100, 5-1600, 9 and 7 classes. A steady breeze came out of the west to help clear the dust from the track which was also hampered by the fact that the event was run mainly under headlights. First off the line was the Class 10 team of Joel "The Ice Cube" Whitted and Robert W hitted in their Jimco. The leaders set an early lap average of just over 30 minutes so the dust barely settled when they came around for lap two. Rod Goodsell and Steve Scaroni, from nearby Heber, brought their ORBS Unlimited car into lap 2 leading overall with a fast lap of29:33. Three minutes later came second place Jessie Burns and John Disano inaJimco. A slew of competition trailed within seconds of one another making for a huge dust bowl. SERVICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA CELEBRATING Dave· Brown and Kurt Speigelberg ran with the leaders, then had trouble on the last laps but held the Chenowth together to finish the race, second in Open class. At the end of the second of eight laps a new leader emerged. It was the Ford Class 8 truck driven by Carlos and Leonoy Ibarra. Joel Whitted actually turned the fastest second lap at 32:51, but their first lap of 1:13:44 had them back in the pack. Ibarra had driven consistently with laps at 32:40 and 33: 15 to push them 45 · seconds ahead of Allen and Mamer in O pen Class. At the one quarter mark third place was held by the 1-1600 Jimco of Andres Estrada and Larry Wyatt, which was nearly a minute behind second place. 50 YEARS OF SERVICE TO OUR TRAVELING FRIENDS ..... THANKS! Denny's. Mobif RESTAURANT SERVICE EVERY DAY OPEN 24 HOURS YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT Page 34 Bob Reamer and Dale Shubert ran with the leaders through lap 3, but they suffered terminal trouble with their Open Class Chenowth and retired. November 1993 By the end of lap 3 Allen and Mamer had not closed the gap between themselves and the Ibarras, and still had 43 seconds to make up. Kevin Basore and Bill Hernquist bulldozed their 1-1600 Jimco around the course to move into third place trailed by Estrada . and Wyatt, close in fourth. Dustvnmcs

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Joel and Robert Whitted started out with trouble on lap 1, charged back into the fray and worked up to second in Class 10, eighth overall at the flag. Scott Webster and Coy Brigman turned some fast laps in the ORBS, got close but finished four minutes behind the leader, second in Class 1-1600, third overall. Andres Estrada and Larry Wyatt flew their Jimco around the eight laps and also got close but ended up third in Class 1-1600, fifth overall in the race. Dave Hendrickson dusted off his 2-1600 and came out to play, and he played hard, finishing the race second in Class 2-1600 and a fine ninth overall. Don Myers and Scott Murphy brought their 2-1600 Jimco into the battle, ran close to the leaders, had some trouble but were third in class and 11th 0 /A. Long time off road racers Robert Knight and Greg Krogh led the early laps in Class 5-1600, but slowed a tad and ended up second in class, 23rd 0 /A. When the leaders came around to complete lap 4, the halfway mark, Allen and Mamer had taken the lead. The race now heated up as the Ibarras dogged the leaders with only a few secondfs separating them. Third running Basore/Hernquist were also in the picture, only 20 seconds back, and the team of Phil Green and Todd Acosta had moved up to fourth overall in their 1-1600 Chenowth. The Ibarras held up the constant pressure throughout the fifth lap, but had to settle for second spot as Allen and Mamer held the lead. After six laps the Ibarra Ford dropped back a few minutes and then, on lap 7, never came around to see Allen and Mamer take the checkered flag. The overall battle was not over when the Ford fell ou though. Basore and Hernquist kept within striking distant:e of the leaders throughout the remaining laps. Less than two minutes separated the two leaders at the finish. Scott Webster and Coy Brigman brought the 1-1600 ORBS across for third overall only four minutes and 46 seconds behind, second in 1-1600. Fourth wentto the team of James and Michael Abatti, Danny Poloni and Pat Barbes. Andres Estrada and Larry Wyatt came across fifth three_ With their own class in Fud racing, the 2-1600s are back running strong and the strongest was the James Abatti team in their Raceco who won the class and placed fourth overall. Bob Snaith joined Chris Harrold and family to contest Class 5-1600, and the combo worked just fine, biding their time and taking the lead after four laps to win the class and finish a good 16th 0 /A. DustyTirncs more minutes behind. In Open Unlimited Class only two of the six starters finished. Vance Allen and Steve Mamer won overall as noted, and second in class was the team of Dave Brown and Kurt Spiegelberg in a Chenowth. They held consistent times with the front runners until lap 5 when they recorded a 2:16:36 lap. They had more trouble with a 1 :07 :04 last lap dropping them to 25th overall but second in class and a finisher. In third in class was Bob Reamer and Fred Lowell who ended their day on lap 3 . Rod Goodsell and company were fourth after only two laps, and fifth place Josh Waddell also only covered two laps in a Baja Bug. In the Class 8 battle neither of the two starters finished all eight laps in the allotted time. The Ibarras led the class and were in contention for overall honors but only covered six laps. Brady Stiles and his team brought their Ford out but the 351 motor let go before finishing the first lap. Two of the four starters in Class 10 completed the eight laps. Jesse Burns and John Disano were third overall after the first lap and their closest class competition, Joel and Robert Whitted had trouble on the first lap and fell over 40 minutes behind. The Whitteds were able to close the gap on laps 5 and 6, but Burns and Disano in Steve Wolcott's Jimco took the class win. The two teams were seventh and eighth overall too. Tim Allen lost the motor in his J imco an<i neither he nor Ky le Whitted finished the first lap. The 1-1600 cars proved the most consistent during the ~uperstition 250 as five of the six starters finished, three in the top five overall. Second overall and class winner was the Jimco of Kevin Basore and Bill Hernquist. Scott ~ CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN BYPASS VALVE KITS! Thousands Of Race Winning Miles Went Into The Testing And Development Of These Kits. They Feature Large 9/16" Bores, Externally Adjustable, 4130 Steel Bodys, Internal Check Valves And Lightweight Aluminum Valve And Jam Nut. Available As A Kit With Full Instructions For Only $74.00 Each. We Can Also Custom Install Them To Your Ex-isting Kuster, Bilstein Or Bunderson Shocks. Also Available In Stock; Solid Brass Pistons For Kuster Shocks. Installing These Kits On Your Shocks Can Stop Harshness, Kicking, Hard Bottoming And Packing. Call To Order Or For More Information. Callfomla Pre-Fun 39067 ORCHARD STREET CHERRY VALLEY, CA 92223 909-845-8820 November 1993 Page 35

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,, I Kevin and Hal Graves were just seconds behind the winners most of the way, lost time late in the race but were second in the Class 9 Jimco, 14th 0 /A. Larry Kern and Mike Pfankuch drive a Rayco in Class 9, and they went fast enough to finish all the laps and finish third in Class 9 and 15th 0 /A. Class rep Dan Lewis and Richard Green enjoy Class 100 racing and flew their 'Yellow Submarine Sandwich' car into second in Class 100 after leading the early laps. ~ · Webster dogged the leaders in the first two laps and even recorded a second lap time of 33:21 identical to Basore and Hernquist. The first lap had the two separated by just over a minute. Webster stayed within sight of the leader and was able to close in on the last lap, but found himself four minutes shy of the class money. Andres Estrada and Larry Wyatt turned in a similar performance back in third place, where they ended up, and fifth overall. Fourth in class and sixth overall went to Phil Green and Todd Acosta. The two trailed third place for three laps, closed in on laps 5, 6 and 8, but ended up 15 minutes off the pace. James Woodruff and Randy Anderson . gave Green/ Acosta a run for the money, but had to settle for fifth Class 9 always has a good turnout for FRT events, and this round Ray Miller and Dennis Daniels charged through the dusty twilight, and went on to win Class 9 after a close battle and were 12th overall. Class 100 is not growing these days, but it is a fun class. Midway in the race Michael and Chris Licari took the lead in their Hi Jumper and they held the lead, opening it up to the victory and 19th 0 /A. · in class in the Mirage. James Abatti and Michael Abatti, Danny Poloni and Pat Barbes teamed to take first in 2-1600 action and fourth overall. Only half of the 8 starters completed the full eight laps. Abarti threatened Scott Webster for third overall, but at the end found their seven minute differ-ence was too much to overcome. By lap 3 the winning team had pulled a 15 minute lead over second place Dave Hendrickson and were able to increase their lead to 30 minutes at the ~checkered.Hendrickson managed . second in class, ninth overall with -a total time of 5:25:46. Just six minutes back in third place Don Myers, Scott Murphy and Anthony Baker were tenth overall. The trio fell back a couple of minutes on the first lap, but turned quicker laps than Hend-rickson later in the race, but lost all the time made up on the last lap. Close on their tail was the trio of William Pate, Bill Pate Jr. and George Dewalt who were less than two minutes behind. In the 5-1600 battle there were three starters and two finishers. Teaming up to take first in class, 16th overall, were Bob Snaith, ·The Off-Roader's Choice· Page 36 • E-Z UP"' INSTANT SHELTE Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter in less than 60 secondsl NO missing parts NO center poles NO. ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics Instant Pit Shelter La Rana Contingency Sponsor SCORE Contingency Sponsor E.:.z UP Authorized Dealer CASTEX RENTALS~ INC. 1044"-N. Cole Ave. Los An.9eles,_ CA 90038 CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 Only one of the three in Class 7 managed to cover the eight laps and the Ford Ranger of Michael Henry and Victory Lopez did just that and won Class 7 in the tidy truck. Chris, Paul and Greg Harrold. It took four laps before the group took command of the class. Early problems had them behind 20 , minutes on lap 1, but thro~~h consistent driving they were able to overtake the team of Robert Knight, Greg Krogh, Tim Carle and Gary Haughley, who manag-ed second in class and 23rd 105 106 104 102 103 1604 1609 FRT SUPERSTITION 250 RESULTS -August 7, 1993 Poa Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Class Open • Uniimlled Single & Two seat - 6 a tart -5 finish 1 Vance Allen/Steve Marner WI • 2 Dave Brown Kurt Spielei>erg Chenowth 3 Bob ·Reamer/Fred Lovell Chenowth 4 Rod GoodselVSteve Scaroni am 5 Josh Wadden Baja Bug as .. 1-1600-1600cc Restricted Engine -6 atart -5 finish 1 Kevin Basone/Bill Hernquist Jimco 2 Scott Webster am 1602 3 Andres Estrada/Larry Wyatt Phil Green/Todd Acosta Jimco Chenwoth 1649 1603 1650 1652 1654 1651 501 556 4 5 James Woodruff/Randy Anderson Mirage Cla" 2-1600 - 1600 Restricted Engine - 8 atart - 4 finish 1 James AbattVDanny Poloni Racero 2 Dave Hendrickson Raceco 3 Don Myers/Scott Murphy Jimco 4 William Pate/Bill Pate Jr. Racero as .. 5-1600 -1600cc Beja Bug-3 start -2 finish 1 Bob Snalth/Chris Harrold Baja Bug 2 Robert KnighVGreg Krogh Baja Bug as .. 7 - Unlimited Mini Pickup - 3 start - 1 finish 704 _ 1 Michael HenryNiC1or Lopez Ford Ranger 802 907 906 900 905 908 1001 1000 5 3 Cla .. 8 - 2WD Standard Pickup - 2 start - o finish 1 Carlos & Leonoy Ibarra Ford as .. II - 1600 cc Reatricted Buggy -10 start - 8 finish 1 Ray Miller/Dennis Daniels Chenowth 2 Kevin Graves/Hal Graves Jimco 3 Larry Kern/Mike Pfankkuch Rayco 4 Dave Dietrich/Robert Gillingham Jimco 5 Michael Stroh/JD Zabrowski Funco Clase 10 - Unlimited 1650cc - 4 start - 2 finish 1 Jessie Burns/John Disano Jimco 2 Joel Whitted/Robert Whitted Jimco Cla .. 100 -100 inch we Buggies - 4 start. 2 finish 1 Michael & Chris Licari Hi Ju"l)8r 2 Dan Lewis/Richard Green Yellow Sub November 1993 Time 4:35:52 7:20:58 2:50:06 1:48:57 2:38:33 4:47:30 4:52:16 4:58:51 5:14:05 5:56:12 4:55:29 5:25:46 5:36:38 5:37:56 6:12:44 6:56:55 6:43:36 7 laps · 5:47:04 5:56:26 6:06:01 6:24:54 6:26:35 5:24:17 5:35:44 6:37:04 7:14:07 0/A 2 3 5 4 overall. Class 9 began with ten cars taking the green flag and eight were still in the fight at the checkered. Ray Miller and Dennis Daniels came out winners of the class in their Chenowth, and 12th overall, but had their hands full all evening with Kevin and Hal Graves, Jimco. On the first lap only 11 seconds separated the two cars, and on the following lap the gap increased to 14 seconds. On lap 3 a 25 second difference existed. Although the Graves did close the gap at the finish it was Miller and Daniels taking the win by 8 minutes, 22 seconds. The time was good for 14th overall. Third in 9 and 15th overall was the Rayco team of Larry Kern, Mike and Adam Pfankuch. The trio finished with a total time of 6:06:01, which brought them in nine minutes and 35 seconds behind the Graves. David · Dietrich and Robert Gillingham brought their Jimco home fourth in class, 17th overall. They actually led the Graves through-out the event until lap 7, then fell to fourth. Michael and· J .D. Zabrowski were fifth, 18th overall in their Funco. Class 7 had only three starters with only one finisher. Michael Henry, Victor Lopez, Rod Cooper and Jamey Butler brought the Ford Ranger around the eight laps in 6:43:36 which earned them their class win and 21st overall. A total of four cars started in Class 100 with two finishers. Dan Lewis and Richard Green led the event the first four laps, but fell to second after turning in a 1 :23:02 lap. Once out front at that point Michael and Chris Licari had little trouble taking the class victory and finishing 24th overall. Sunday morning before the awards presentations at the start/ finish area Fud had his usual Bloody Mary, sweet rolls and plain fruit juice breakfast for all, and then the awards and this race was now history. Dustynmes

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■■■■■■ f"!'!'~i❖ • ■ .. --. ■ ■ The Straight Poop From The BigWahz:oo JOHNSON VALLEY 200 -This La Rana evening race saw five Club entries take the 5 p.m. start, with only two of them completing the required four laps. But, both as winners! During the race weekend isolated thunder-storms moved across the area, leaving the course, according to one Checker: "50% silty, 50% muddy, and 100% shitty!" Gary Bates returned to Class 5 this race in a friend's new car and picked right up where he left off. Although experiencing a host of typical new car problems, they were still the first unlimited Baja across the finish line. Congratu-lations to Gary Bates, 1st Place in Class 5! Billy McCool was the Club's other winner in his 1-2-1600 car, but that's only part of the story. Seems McCool was voted into the Club as a prospective member just before the race and then showed up in Lucerne with the number one starting position in the 1-2-1600 class. Apparently Billy bought this prime starting spot from Mike Duenas, who unfortunately saw his car demo-ed while testing it up in Gorman. Hey Mike, don't ya know that kinda crap's gonna happen to ya whe n e ver ya le t some non-Checker drive your race car? Anyway, back to my story. Before the race, McCool was faced with a number of his fellow drivers complaining to the Promoter that, as a late entry, he oughta be moved to the rear of the class. Surprisingly, one of these "rule book thumpers" was none other than our own Kevin Davis, who obviously takes our Club tradition of 'screwing' with the Club wanna he's seriously. Finally this prospective Checker moved his buggy to the rear of the pack, but not before warning his tormentors to "Watch your ass 'cause I'm gonna be comin' up thru." And then, true to his words, he did just that! McCool not only dusted the snivelers, along with the rest of the class, but did it by almost 30 minutes! The Wahzoo's impressed with this ex-Core member's rapid progress towards the required Checker racing attitude, as he even put the needle to Davis at the post-race meeting. Billy McCool, 1st Place in Class 1-2-1600, Good Racin' Dude! Our three non-finishers had the following sad stories: Tom Koch put the hurt on himself and his 10 car with an endo right off the start. Repairs were made, but Keeling went out on the third lap with a fried clutch. Davis, apparently suffering from the same error in judgment as 'Da Penis', saw his non-Checker engineman also do a major endo in· Kevin's 1-2-1600 car on the first lap, Eventually the car continued on, but was finally parked on the third lap. Danny Reider, a recently resurrected ex-Checker and leader of the current unofficial Checker band had his first race in Bates' old 5 car end prematurely with tranny prob-lems. There was some major parts scavenging at this race, in keeping with the b est of Checke r traditions. Dustvnma Rosenstein's Class 11 rocket was a no-show at this race, but he did send six cases of beer out to BigJohn's pit. Hey Peter, what the hell did ya do to them? After word spread quickly via radio, the number of Files' pit personnel grew substantially. Atta boy Pete! And, a 'Thank You' goes out to The Wisdom Racing Team for donating $40 to our party fund after having a pleasant encounter with one of our outlying Checker pits at this race. Nice touch guys! THE MIL -The upcoming Baja 1000 will head south out of Mexicali, take 2 laps around Hawkins' house, and then head back. This greater San Felipe area has always been considered very Checker-friendly with Lonnie, Dunn, Leupold and Gary Randall all being local residents. So, not only should our traditional Baja good time be a gimme, we also have a good shot at wrapping up three SCORE Class Points Championships at this series ending race. Both Rosenstein and the Cooks appear to have a lock on the Class 11 and 5-1600 Championships going in, with Kevin Davis probably needing a win to gain the 1-2-1600 crown. ; The Club also has a rare membership drive planned at this race, with a special Checker booth in contingency. Besides providing information on the pros and cons of becoming a Checker, race and party videos will be continuously showri. Plus, I understand some of the girls from one of the local downstairs bars will be on hand to do the 'Hoochie Coochie'. And, for a buck or two, I'm sure ya can talk Thumper into showin' ya his new tattoo. So don't miss it, a good time will definitely be in progress! WARNING: Checkers Off Road will not be held completely responsible for any actions by some of our more unique members, so please keep a sharp eye on the wife and kids when you venture into the area. UPCOMING -Although admittedly a little early, the Wahzoo wants to remind all my . Checker Buds that '93 is rapidly . coming to an end and Club elections will be here shortly. Please consider this opportunity · at attempted leadership as a possible big step forward in your personal development as a Checker. And besides, it's probably your turn in the barrel! Also, the Checkers Awards Banquet will be sometime in January and somewhere in the southland area, we think? Another event that needs mentioning is the year end Secret Steering Committee Meeting that will determine who actually carried their load. this year and who didn't. Those that are judged to be deficient in this area will most likely be put on the Club's official shit list, the first step towards being de-Checkered! So ya might want to check your points. SCORE -After standing the Checkers up on July 17th and then doing the same thing to the Dusters, Sal is once again scheduled to appear before the Club on September 29th to discuss his upcoming class restructuring. Let's hope Mr. Fish doesn't press his luck again, since there's a lot of sentiment out there for holding the following W ednesday night's meeting on his front lawn if he gets lost again! AND ONCE AGAIN - Let me explain to any o°f you newer members who just can't under-stand why the Wahzoo doesn't include your sponsor and co-driver's name in this column when reporting your latest big finish? Or for that matter, mentioning the name of your old lady, the guy ya beat, or any of those non-Checker 'clucks' in your cre_w? Well ... it's simple, Stupid, they ain't Checkers! With the exception of race promoters, who often deserve it, non-Checkers won't be named in this column unless their identity is essential in the retelling of a story. Although not the official voice of the Club, this column is the closest thing you're gonna get to the straight poop in this sport. It is written by one Checker , for all my Checker Buds, and with the expressed goal of blowin' our own horn and rubbin ' it in when appropriate. As the self-appoint-ed Checkers 'Minister of Propa-ganda', I'll admit to you that I can often resemble a loose cannon with very few scruples, but ya can't dismiss the fear factor in that! Despite my protests, this has become the most widely read article in off road racing and most of those involved in this sport understand the potential dangers of openly screwin' with a Checker! SNORE 250 -In a last minute deal, t-hree Checker cars ventured up to this long running traditional Las Vegas race, along with enough of our regular Checker pitters to provide support. Although not usually a Club event, Koch stepped up this time to once again prove that the Checkers are a threat wherever we race, with a big overall win! Our Hero picked up the lead on the last lap, but he also chose to slow it way down on the last couple of miles before the finish line. One reason for this was a rear trailing arm that was quickly breaking up, and the other reason was a fem ale passenger pleading for a throttle back from his standard 'warp speed'. Well, Tom did slacken up his charge and was able to keep it all together for the big victory. Congratulations to The Race Winner! Tom Koch, First Overall & First in Class 2! McCool and BJ Bates ran Billy's recently victorious 1-2-1600 car at this race, only to have some engine problems that put them down for over an hour. Naturally they fixed it, and then continued on to salvage a fifth Place out of some 15 other cars. Good Show Guys! The Harmans were the Club's other representatives and Mike set fast lap in Class 10 with their new car on the first lap, and then suffered some problems. After repairs were made, Robert took over, only to suffer a rear flat in an unaccessible area with no spare. Being a very impatient Checker, Robert continued on anyway with predictable results: First the tire left, then the rim exploded leaving just the jagged spokes. None the less, junior Harman continued on, quickly wearing the spokes down to mere stubs. Then, after chargin' along a little farther on the brake rotor,· our boy finally completed the job of grinding everything off that corner of their brand new car, right down to the floating hub! At this po int he apparently lost anything resembling traction and finally stopped. Hmm? ... per-sistent lil' bugger ain't he? Hey Mike, that brother of yours is obviously running with some-thing way too tight, my guess would either be his jockey shorts or his ponytail! Ai IINTION NT TU.MS Send us your tales of triumph and troubles and they will be featured on these pages. Mail to: DUSTYTIMES 207S 1 Marilla Street, Chatsworth California 91311-4408 Jamar Super Shifte Make missed shifts a thing.of the past! Fortin CV Cages Polished & Strong/ Available in both: 930 and 934.5 Thing Drums Straight from Germany. The real thing! 103 Press Lane #4 * Chula Vista, CA 9191 0 Phone: (619)691-9171 * FAX: (619)691-0803 November 1993 Page 37

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Chevrolet Off Road Challenge Luxemburg, Wisconsin By Barb & Marilyn Schultz and Trina Domer Phots: Jeanne Brown/Greg Witte Chad Schleuter has the Class 3 field covered this year and won again in the Bronco with Ford backing. As elsewhere though, a factory car does shrink the entry, especially in the truck classes. There were three Class 3s at the race. They call Rod Attig 'The Old Guy', but he whipped a 17 car field of young drivers in Class 11 D Saturday morning, Randy Zimonick was the surprised and happiest winner in Class 6 action and washed the car, and won over.-a 20 car field in single seat Class 11 on Sunday. Son Todd does a lot of winning too. he tried the 6, 7S, 5-1600 Challenge race, but was outgunned and finished in L b W. · d ·d · ll t· E h h h k b ·1 ··-sixth place. uxem urg, 1scons1n, on roa s1 es, not to mention a o vent oug t etrac was Ul tas ---------------------------July 10 and 11, was the place to be the over flowing rivers, streams solidly as it could be, Class 11 ..; veteran Gerald Foster. These boys for the Chevrolet Off Road and lakes. Certainly our hearts go drivers had to be pleased - for were not about to' get off the Challenge and all of it's racing out to all of the people across once -that they took the track throttle and took no prisoners. action! This Race Event marked America's Heartland who are first as attrition did little damage Schleuter came around lap one in the half way point for SODA really suffering from the Floods pf to their race. Rod "The Old Guy" first position, lost it to Foster on racers and the fans of The World 1 9 9 3 . 0 k a y, so what's our Attig took off from the green flag an almost roll over and made the SeriesOfOffRoadRacing.ltwas genuine concern got to do with andneverlookedbackforaflagto winning pass about half way truly a great experience to be in a racing! We're here to tell ya' that flag victory. The hearty door to through the race. Foster was right real "racer's town" . Luxemburg is Promoters Lee Ellis and Dick door, scrappin' for position on Schleuter's bumper every home to some red hot stock car Shinnick had a mighty wet track racing took place for second, second giving neither driver any racing and the citizens and todealwithanddealwfthitthey thirdandfourthplaceswithCory kindofbreak.Onemightyexcited busin~sses were ready to greet did! Friday, John Huven, Dan Bau-and arm weary young man got out SODA racers with enthusiasm. Thetrackwaslaidoutusingthe doux, Rich Woulf and Larry 'of his Livernois/Ford Bronco to 'Twas very nice indeed to be existing clay oval track and clay Bayerallwantingtheirpieceofthe give the winner's interview. greeted by numerous road signs foundation jumps throughout the action. Huven did a fantastic job Helmets off to Foster for being a welcoming SODA, ESPN and Off infield and behind the existing of holding off young Friday to key part of this exciting race. Road race fans. track. The track was seven tenths come in with a tidy second place. Kendal Beilke did a fine job of Heaven only knows the area of a mile long and featured Friday, in turn, had no intention holding down third place. had more than enough rain and numeroustightcorners-bothleft of letting either Woulf or Class6flaggednextwith,what racers from all directions turns and right turns! Baudoux go by and took home for one lap, appeared to be reported an incredible amount of Racing began Saturday morn-third place. The fight was on for another Fay Statezny run-a-way water standing in fields and along ing with Class 11 Double Seat:. fourth between Baudoux and when NO, Statezny is off with a Track Photographer Gregg Witte is doing a little Class 6 racing this season, and he zipped his mud splattered Mustang right into second plate at the flag. W oulf when, with three laps to broken ball joint! Enter Bill "The go, the two hooked their Survivor" Groboski with a machines together! This unfor-commanding lead, hooked up and tunate error cost them both the movin' nuts, Groboski got hauled position as Bayer checked it out, off the track by the racing Class said "l can do this" and came in 3s. Enter Bob Rayford for a two for fourth place. lap lead with Randy Zimonick on Put seven Class 6 machines and his bumper. Oops,'back tracking a three Class 3 machines on the tad,GregBekavacwasjustagivin' track at the same time and see 'er when he lost a steering box and what kind of chaos ya' get!! While had to watch the competition go the track took out a number of by. Back to the leader, Rayford Class 6 racers, the racing action in went off the track with some Class 3 took out a few Class 6 serious overheating clouds and machines also. To the racing, although he came back, the race Randolph! Class 3 flagged first now belonged to Zimonick. Gregg with an immediate bumper to Witte was doing a fantastic job of bumper duel going on between holding down a steady position you~~ Chad Schleuter and anddidsowithhisrightfronttire Mike Brue has been dominating Class 5-1600 in the 1993 Soda Series and he Art sc·hmi t put in his usual unbeatable performance in his Laser after a long did it again, besting such top drivers as Chuck Johnson and Bill Bowles and tow from PA. Art won Class 1/2, then won Class 9/10, and finished the more in the eight car class. weekend by winning the Unlimited Engine Challenge. Pagc38 November .1993 laid rim up for several laps -sorta' like skiing! Witte wound up with second, Rayford with third. And the jubilant Zimonick??? Well, he was so pleased with his win that he announced in ·his interview with World and Famous that he and Patti could get married! How very nice -except Randy and Patti had already been married on the previous New Year's Eve!! Guess he meant that now they could buy an engagement ring since the true blue off roadin' Patti initially went for a full set of tires for the racer rather than the ring! Hey, we understand that having received half a welder, shocks, rear ends, etc., for our special occasion gifts. Mike Brue of Class 5-1600 definitely had it all dialed in when he .shot off the green flag for a decisive flag to flag win. This left Chuck Johnson and Bill Bowles to put on a nice run for the money for second and third places. Young Jeff Karl man ( son of Ronald 0. for Old Karlman) was in the thick of things when he had to exit with a stripped out rack and pinion. While Bowles tried every single maneuver possible to get around Johnson, the door remained closed with Johnson in second, Bowles in third. And welcome back Jim Ro.lefson! Rolefson took out a new to him machine and rallied around for a very nice fourth place! Other finishers included Terry P. Wolfe and Gary Plummer. OUCH, attrition took a big bite out of the Class 9/10 cookie! Art . Schmitt Ill did his usual heads up driving for a nice run from the git go to the end. After Art's lead things got wild, nasty and confusing. Tom Schwartzburg, Todd Attig, Dan Baudoux and Jeff St. Peter each held second for a while with St. Peter making the position stick. The incredible Schwartzburg -Mr.Tom to a few -finished in third, Attig in fourth. Who had to pull off with mechanical blues? All of these guys: Chad Ramesh, Jeff Probst, Randy Eller, Dave Hanson in son Trent Hanson's machine, Richie Ault and Dan Baudoux. DustyTimcs

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Jeff St. Peter rushes past the horse barns on his way to second in Class 9/10, later a third in Class 1 /2, then fourth place in the Unlimited Challenge. The "Gator Man" Floridian Jimmie Crowder got a Ford Ranger 7S truck this year and he took third in class and fourth in the Challenge race, wishing for more HP. Kevin Probst's luck turned sour in the Class 4 race and his fancy GMC S-10 one off was a no show in the Production Heavy Metal Challenge race. We mentioned the incredible amount of. rain the area had already received, however, by the time Class 7S was ready to stage, the water truck was needed to hold down the dust on the track! Fifteen trucks took the green flag with the banging of sheet metal audible above the roar of engines! John Greaves came around lap ' one with the lead and quickly had to pull off the track, another case of rolled off belts! Most of the rest of the race belonged to harcJ charging Jim Wiggins, fighting off the most robust of advances by Scott Taylor. Most of the race doesn't cut it though unless the "most" part comes at the checkered flag, unfortunately for Wiggins, Taylor.finally made the pass and took the win ·with Wiggins in a close second -sporting a banner that found it's way around a good portion oI the front of Jim's truck. Jimmie Crowder was six seconds behind for third place. Jim Bradley maintained a nice fourth place throughout the race and, with two other trucks, finished the race. Jeff Probst catches a little air in his Laser on his way to second in Class 1 /2, and on Sunday he finished second in the Unlimited Engine Challenge. We want to take time here to extend our condolences to the family of Kelly "Gooch" Kirk-hoff. Gooch had been Dave Hockers' friend and co-driver as well as a valued SODA member for as long as we can remember. Gooch passed away July 3. Before . the start of the Class 8 race, Dave ran a Memorial lap in memory and honor of his friend and co-driver. Walker Evans flew in from Riverside, CA to race Class 8, had a terrific dice with Scott Taylor, but Walker passed at two-thirds distance to hang on and win the class in the desert rig. Eleven mega-horse powered Class Bs took off from the green flag with Jack Flannery in the lead for a quarter of the race. Flannery's machine threw a power steering belt putting Jack out of the action. However, Jed Flannery, Scott Taylor and Walker Evans in particular didn't see this as a problem and were only too pleased to have Jack relinquish the lead! Taylor took first possession of first place with Evans right on his bumper. About, oh say, two thirds of the way through the race Evans made a slick pass to get around Taylor and head on in for the checkered flag. By the white flag lap Taylor still had second place definitely nailed down. Jed Flannery held off some serious hard charging by Troy Konitzei-, Dave Hockers, and the Flying Dutchman -Dan Vanden Heuvel-driving Pete Van De Hey's truck! Mechanical blues took Jed off the track, The Flying Dutchman made the pass on Konitzer and hung on dragging his sheet metal behind him for third place. Whew, the half way point spelled disaster for most of the field as by that point the only other truck still running in addition to the top five was Jimmie "Alligator man" Crow-der! Top that off with this one -on the half way lap both Konitzer and Crowder went out! Say, we definitely wouldn't have wanted While Class B wasn't friendly to Jack Flannery, his Class 4 Chevy ran like a champ and Jack won Class 4 over Reno's Chad Hall, and later came back to win the prestigious Heavy Metal Challenge with the 4x4. Dustvnmcs to be the ESPN camera ma~ ~n the last corner when Walker Evans came screaming out of the turn. Our guess is Walker missed that TV tower by a good four inches. Put it this way, the camera dude had one leg over the side ready for the "do or die" leap for life! Walker, of course, pulled his machine out of the treacherous direction, nice work, Walker! We've got back to back Heavy Metal Truck action!!! Class 4 lined up next with some awesome racing. At the green flag there was a major sheet metal battle for position with Geoff Dorr sustaining a permanent exit from the track with a blown left, rear tire. Wow, here comes Kevin Probst just haulin' the freight in first with Jumpin' Jack Flannery right on his bumper! Nevada's Chad Hall was right on Flannery's tail. Probst held off Flannery for the early laps, then Flannery took the lead, Probst stayed on his tail, Hall stayed on Probst's tail. Greg Gerlach was hanging in there with a decent fourth place and then had to pull off the track. Mark Seidler kept his machine in position, and more important, finished the race! Probst held in there for two thirds of the race and he had to pull off. The order of finish was Flannery in first, Hall took second, John Heidtman in third and Seidler in fourth. lsn 't there a song about "familiar faces in familiar places"??? If there is, it sure sized November 1993 Scott Taylor had a perfect weekend in his Class 7S Ford Ranger. He began by winning the class race, then on Sunday he won the 6, 7S, 5-1600 Challenge event, but he had to work for it m_oving through the pack to first. up the Class 2-1600 action: John stuff must've spooked the Class as Greves went flag to flag for the less than half the field finished the win. He was followed - flag to flag race. Thornton Schultz held a -by second place Jim Wiggins, brief lead as did Bruce Shilts. third place Dan Baudoux and Schultz hung on to the track, fourth place Todd Attig. The Shilts didn't. Dan "The Flying heads up action was the shootout Dutchman" Vanden Heuvel between Jon Huss, Ed Tessmer, snaked up to take a commanding and Jeff St. Peter filling in as Team lead and head on in to the member for Cary Bowles. These checkered flag. R.J. Flanagan was guys did some tight racing, some on deck in second place to keep nice position changing and in the door closed on a hard general, put on quite a show. The charging, third place Lowell contest was for fifth, sixth and DeGreef. With Joe Zilisch having seventh place and the winners to go off the track and Jeff Camp were: Tessmer, Huss and St. limping badly, Thornton Schultz Peter!! Sweet, guys, sweet. had his brother John Schultz to Hey, it's the last race of the day hold off for fourth place. and it's the mighty Class 13 Road Thornton held the door closed to Warriors!!! Thirteen Class 13's thewhiteflaglap,gotsidewayson green flagged and all of that" 13" a jump ~ NEW FOR '93 SIX COLOR GRAPHIC DESIGN ! T-SHIRTS & TANK .TOPS-$16 (WH, ASH) 14-16, S, M, L, XL, XXL (ADD $1) Class 1 OFF Road Enterprises P.O. Box 1007 Homeland, CA 92548 909-926-8308 Page 39

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Jim Wiggins tries a bicycle act on a tight turn in his 1600 racer. Jim had a .string of' three second place finishes, in 2-1600, 1-1600, and the Limited Engine Challenge. He also drove his 7S truck to second place in class. The Flying Dutchman Dan Vanden Heuvel d/d his act again, winning Class 13 over a dozen others, and then he came back later to win the 2wD· Challenge race in his hybrid truck. ~ and had to relinquish to Brother John! Sunday's racing began with Class 11 single seat and we're here to tell ya' there is a very tight points race going on between Rod Attig, Dan Baudoux and the Cory Friday/Darrin Parsons Team! Once again the Class 11 drivers had to be glad to be the first race of the day as the track was in excellent condition for them with way over half the field finishing the race. Rod "Old Guy" Attig nailed the pedal down for a green to checkered victory. Rich W oulf and Darrin Parsons went the entire race nose to tail with W oulf just not about to let Parsons by. Woulf took home second, Parsons had third. Gerald Christensen, Jr. and Dan Baudoux went the major portion of the race in a bumper to bumper hot pursuit with Chistensen leadtng the way until the last lap! Baudoux made the final challenge move and . came across the finish Hne with fourth place. Also finishing on the lead lap were Larry Bayer and Mike Allen. Give good old Cary Bowles a day off and the guy comes to the track the next day to race like gangbusters! Class 1-1600 came off the start to give the packed stands a fantastic racing show. While Bowles held an early lead he was soon passed by Todd Attig who took home the win. Bowles was hanging in there fending off the best of charges by Jim Wiggins until W iggins played "gotcha" on corner one. Wiggins went home with second place, Bowles was right on his bumper for third. There was a five second interval between the top three and the next set of three, but the next threesome also put on a great show! John Huss, Rob Kinner and Bill Brown were most definitely there to race and gave spectators a super good battle to watch! RACESHOCK CoMPANY -oug ountrY. RACING 50mm OR 65mm O.D. MONOTUBE BODY G a· THROUGH 13.s" TRAVEL .._c(t\~ \\-It URETHANE BUSHINGS OR s1 f>oJ: oO · · HEIM MOUNTING ENDS -< $?,.5• REMOTE RESERVOIRS AVAILABLE {).\ 7/8" SHAFT OPTION AVAILABLE Page 40 AV AILBLE FROM: ARIZONA . Wood"s Off Road Products Fhoenix 602-242-0077 Sunland Custom Buggies Phoenix 602-971-5069 BrandwoodCars Phoenix 602-437-3107 TUF Off Road Tucson 602-294-3511 "Off Road Buggy Supply Yuma 602-783-6265 •-8" TRAVEL STEM MOUNT SHOCK CALIFORNIA Race Ready Products Chula Vist.a61!Hl91-9171 McKenzie's Performance Products Anaheim 714-441 -1212 . NEVADA Nevada Off Road Las Vegas 702-671-4911 Hi-Tech Off Road Las Vegas 702-362-2089 looked to have fourth in his pocket and he rolled over costing him position but he also finished the race. So, you ask, who's in fourth? It's that Cary Bowles dude! Finishing behind Bowles but on the lead lap were Jon Huss, Walt Carlson and Bill Brown! Todd Attig started slow with a fourth in Class 2-1600, but he won the class in 1-1600 action next day and won the highly competitive Limited Engine Championship over a quick 14 car field. The Two Wheel Drive Chal-. lenge was up next and Dan The Flying Dutchman Vanden Heuvel went flag to flag in first place. R.J. Flanagan drove his awesome antique Chevy to second place, finishing the last two laps with some very loud and major ka-pow noises! Lowell DeGreef came in third. Pat Brown may have been, . as World (Terry) Friday would say, cooking the Jqhnsonville Brats with some mega over-heating problems but we think he was having one hell of a good time! W hy would we think that? Each time he brought h is definitely steaming truck around, the grin on his face was visible .,through the steam and the helmet! Lucky Pat is married to SODA photographer Down Town Jeannie Brown! Speaking of grinning, Randy Zimonick was STILL grinning as he and the rest of the field green flagged next in the Mini-Metal Challenge. Randy, wipe the smile off your face -you 're beginning to Paula St. Peter drove Jeff's Class-9 car to the overall win in the Ladies Limited and Unlimited Championship combined. She flew right along in good time and grins her joy at winning at the muddy finish line. . look like the proverbial grinning Championship time! The Rear idiot! John Greaves began this Engine Limited Championship race in his airplane gears as he flew was on deck first and one more around the track. Unfortunately, time it was familiar faces in the airplane ride was all over in familiar places and a cast of the middle of lap two. Once thousands! Jim Wiggins got the Greaves gets the bugs worked out early jump on friend Todd Attig, of that truck, you're gonna' ask to but Attig had other plans, made a see his pilot's license. But don't good clean pass and let everyone ever leave Scott Taylor out of any else follow him to the checkered racing action. He also had his flag. Wiggins had second place wings on, was reading the "I Brake nailed down with Rob Kinner, For Birds" bumper sticker on Dan Baudoux and John Greaves Greaves' truck when the lead each making a bid for position. opened up. Taylor took it, Kinner rolled 'er over a quarter of stretched it and went on home for the way through the race but got the win. Some very nice off road his wheels set down on the ground warfare took place between Jim and finished the race - nice work Wiggins, Tom Hockers and Rob!! Now Baudoux is in third Jimmie Crowder and they until John Greaves says "huh-finished in that order - Wiggins in uh", made the pass and he took second, Hockers in third and home third lace. Baudoux Crowder in fourth. Bill Water-Despite a low number of entries, Class 1 / 2 put on a dynamite show! In fact, Scott Schwalbe thrilled the crowd with a full 360 degree spin out before lap one could even be put in! Jeff Probst had the lead for half the race with Art Schmitt III appearing to be attached to the Probst rear bumper! Probst had the lead for half the race, but had the wrong half as Schmitt made a pass stick on corner one and went on in for the win. Probst placed second with Jeff St. Peter in third. Todd Attig took the green flag, went around two laps, shot out a lot of nasty looking smoke and pulled off. Schwalbe never fully recovered the time lost from his spin out but finished fourth. No kiddin', it's already A pair of most happy winners were the Class 11 girls, Paula Parsons and Tracy Silloway, and they beat a field of 11 Class 11s, some with male coaches riding shotgun. Half of our reporting team for SODA races, ari yn Schultz, also races and does.very well, finishing third in the seven rig Women's Heavy Metal race. Her husband John finished fourth in the Class 13 battle. November 1993 stadt rounded out the finishing trucks. Now folks, this track was designed for true short course racing and when you put thirteen Heavy M e ta l truck s on it, something has gotta' give! This also is the chance to see all three Flying Flannerys on the track at the same time ready to do battle " with some awesome competition. The ·green flag dropped and the action was in-cred-i-ble! Jumpin' Jack Flannery took an early lead but it was damed.hard to see who was where with the dust and the amount of action on the track! Chad Schleuter in the Heidtman Class 4 smoked a pole before lap one was in, Greg Gerlach ran into immediate mechanical problems and the line-up on Jack's bumper went like this: Walker Evans, Scott Taylor, Jamey Flannery, The Flying Dutchman, Geoff Dorr, Kevin Probst, Jed Flannery, Chad Hall and a host of others. Out of this honor roll of drivers, survivors included Scott Taylor in second, Geoff Dorr in third and Jed Flannery in fourth. Walker Evans went out about half way through the race with undetect-able mechanical blues. Dan Vanden Meuvel hard charged into two ,roll overs, both on the same 1 lap, leaving him uninjured but out of the running_. Chad Hall became Dustvnmes

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Robert J. Flanagan was another driver stuck in second place, taking his crowd appealing Class 13 to second in the class and second in the Challenge. Lowell DeGreef finally shucked his unique body for a truck style this year and he placed third in Class 13 and second in the 2WD Challenge race. Here is a good shot of the St. Peter 9/10, 1 /2 car in action, but we don't know who is driving, but the car deserves an unmuddied picture of it. a casualty after holding third place for a couple of laps. Farmer John Konitzer, Bob Bemmels and Bryan Frankenburg in the Seidler machine were the only other finishers. The Unlimited Challenge had some interesting side notes to it. For example, Jeff Probst took an early lead with the small engine in his machine fending off a hard pursuing Art Schmitt III. Schmitt made a winning pass but still had to keep one eye on the rear view mirror to make certain that our man Probst didn't get around him. With Probst taking second, third place went to red hot driver Scott Schwalbe who made the grade with his Porsche air cooled engine, up against a field of water cooled engines. Jeff St. Peter made one heck of a run for it but just couldn't get around Schwalbe. Chad Ramesh, whom we haven't seen for a while, rounded out the field. Aha! They're back! Who's back, ya' ask?? The Big Bad Buggy ladies and sports fans, they came to race! The Women's Unlimit-ed/ Limited Class Green flagged first and Paula St. Peter, in a Class 9 machine, made a neat flag to flag run: for the win. However, that Cary Bowles. dude has a racin' wife! Janet Bowles in the Bowles' Class 1-1600 stayed within a pinch of St. Peter for a very nice second place. Brenda Tessmer wasn't far behind Bowles for a nice third place. Ruth Schwartz-burg and Amy Haese completed the field. Women's Class 11 has become a sizeable Class and this Race Event was no exception! Eleven Class 11 ladies took the track and there was some fierce competition going on. Tracy Silloway and Karen Christensen never fail to put on a good show and these gals duked it out right to the checkered flag where Silloway took first by half a buggy length. . Nice work ladies! Sarah Sawall has been doing an excellent job and she came across the finish line in a very nice third place followed by Vivian Holger in fourth. "Twas the last race of the day, Women's Heavy Metal", the Marilyn end of Barb and Marilyn Schultz was on the track as was Robin Schultz, Barb's daughter and they were lined up with ladies that have become our very good friends. Gail Brand, I never want to see roll over like that ever again. Sherri Parsons and Gail Brand came off the start with good clean competition, Brand a breath ahead of Parsons. Parsons saw an opportunity to make the pass, Brand snap rolled twice, landed on her wheels and took off. What she couldn't see were the flames shooting out from underneath her truck until the track patrol got her signaled off. Du1tynma Thank heavens Gail and co-driver did a nice job of moving her truck were uninjured. Parsons went on around for second place while a for first place but did so, "feeling real battle developed - again -like I was going to throw up". No between Aunt Marilyn and Niece need for that, Sherri, everyone Robin. Rats, Robin hooked a knows that a more sporting driver course marking tire leaving Aunt couldn't be found. Valerie James Marilyn to sail in for a neat third place, Robin placing fourth. Both I~:dly Hammes and Katie Smet went off the track in the early laps. It was a great racing weekend, a great racer's town and the best part is there's more great racing to come on the SODA circuit!! The World Series Of Off Road Racing heads way North for the next Race Event, the U.P. Off Road 100, Bark River, Michigan! We'll be there, you be there and we'll see ya' trackside. GERMAN AUTO DEIST SEAT BEL TS The greatest name· in driver safety equipment. 4·point sand raifseat belt . . $74.95 RACE BELTS 2"·5pointmount ......... $79.95 3"·5pointmount .... •.... $99.95 SIDE COVERS IRS ..................... $54.95 Swingaxle .... . . ......... $54.95 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm•1700# ... ......... $79.95 200mm-up to 3000# ........ $99.95 GERMAN AUTO RACING PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700#·2400# . . from $54.95 PERFORMANCE CLUTCH DISC Cushlocks ............... $39.95 4 puc ferrafl}ic ............ $44.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub ..... . .. .. .. .... .. ............ $54.9~ SACO MAGNUM RACK . Billet housing, 1 'lz • allow gear, through bolt mounting complete with stops . ......... ... ..... $395.00 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS, AND FLANGES 930or T•4 cages ........ ea $44.95 930orT-4orT-2flanges .ea $15.95 Trick boots/specify) ... . ea$15.95 930 CV star . .................. call t rt: "WEEKEND-WARRIOR" LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel-stock width .... $199.95 8" travel·wldenedbeam .$219.95 10• travel-stock width . . . . $224.95 10" travel·widened beam . $244.95 TRI MIL EXHAUST T·11'1z"chrome ......... $ 98.95 T·11 'lz • raw ............ $ 65.95 T·115l8"chrome ........ $105.95 T·115l8" raw . . . . ....... $ 72.95 T·4chrome ............. $189.95 T-4raw ... . ............. . $154.95 GERMAN AUTO HATS ... . $4.95 GERMAN AUTO .J,~HIRTS ....... ;; .. , .. , $8.50 ~ specify M.LG.XLG PORSCHE STYLE FAN SHROUD Fits T-4engine, utilizes T-1 alternator, includes alternator stand .$299.95 MAGNUM SPINDLES MK I ....... ............ $489.95 MK/I . .........•. . . .... $589.95 PEDAL ASSEMBLIES CNC Clutch and brake assemblies for cable throttle With black pedal ...... . . $164.95 With chrome pedal . ...... $184.95 With hydraulic throttle ... $259.95 Replacement slave ...... $ 44.95 SACO RACK AND PINION The toughest available anywhere, alloy gears, full contact housing, hard anodized. Standard rack and pinion .$269.95 Mount plate .. ... . . ..... $ 9.95 Coupler .......... ..... . $ 8.95 Rack steering stops . . . ... $ 19.95 VALVE COVERS T-4 "no leak" style fits 1. 7, 1.8, and2.0 . .............. pr. $44.95 SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS Polished finish, bolt together rears lite spindle mounts too from $99.95 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link pin ... . . . . .... . 4130 Chromoly Stock length . ........ pr. $449.00 11/, • longer ... .. ..... pr. $4 7 4.00 21/,.,, longer .......... pr. $499.00 4" longer-coil over style pr. $549.00 CHROMOL Y TIE RODS 1" chromoly tie rods w/ends. /specify Ford or International) set ... ......... ............. .. $~9.95 SACO REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3" . . . . . .......... . $435.QQ 1·21600, 5-1600 . ......... $415.00 CATALOG ............. US$4.00 OVERSEAS $10.00 11324 Norwalk Blvd. Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 310-863-1123 FAX 310-929-1461 November 1993 Page 41 ...

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ROTHMANS RALLY OF NEW ZEALAND Colin McRae Scores His First Championship Win Text & Phows: Martin Holmes Scotsman Colin McRae and Derek Ringer won the New Zealand Rally giving Subaru their first ever World championship victory. Just 25 years old with a WC win, Colin has a bright future. championship title, but the series is now more exciting than ever. Equal on points with only tie deciding rules saying Toyota is still ahead of Ford, the top manufatturers have the best fight in histo~y on their hands. And in Francois Delecour and Daniel Grataloup scored points for Ford bringing the the Dn vers category Toyota Escort RS Cos worth home second overall, just 27 seconds out of the winning driver Kankkunen has now-time. · inched into the lead. Last year Sainz won in New Zealand,· the end of misfortunes and put him and Toyota on the road to a second title. For the past three editions the Spaniard has won this event for Toyota, but this year his Lancia/ Jolly Club team has so far not shown a rally winning performance. Only once in the history of the champion-ship has one driver won the same event four years running, and it was not to be here this year for the reigning World Champion. " This year teams may not-contest more than ten of the 13 Charging through beautiful country Didier Auriol and Bernard Occelli were qualifying ·rounds, and the New_ just two seconds back in third scoring points in the Toyota Celica Turbo 4WD. ZealandRallywasonlythesecond, hospital, is unclear though arrived with Ross Dunkerton of the season in which all five 'promising reports from Finland after last minute work building a main championship contenders say he is now able to walk again. Lancer to replace their faithful chose to enter. Also the change of Another motivated driver was Galant, with which Dunkerton It was the beginning of a new era. 25 year old Colin McRae's victory in New Zealand finally brought the young British driver into focus on the rally scene, gave the hard trying Subaru team its first ever World Championship victory and proved that there is more in the sport than Ford and Toyota. And more than that, Colin achieved his win amid the strongest possible opposition, even pulling away on the final day despite a fierce battle for second place between the championship contenders. It was all so con-trolled. "I wasn't driving faster than before, but remember when I date that enabled teams to ship Francois Delecour, Ford's driver had been Asia Pacific champion have gone quicker I haven't cars from here to Australia in one who saw his championship lead the past two years. always stayed on the road", the easy movement made it an taken away when his team sent Th f; h h traditionally accident prone attractive event for them as well. teammate Miki Biasi on to ll er were h~ c angesJo t e Scotsman quipped afterwards. He This was also the second round of Argentina, and not him. This was ra dy FlorSmA~t t is year. onde, th A · p ·t· · · h· h b h' f' • . un er s new recommen a-took the lead on the stage after his e s1a-ac1 1c series, m w 1c to e 1s 1rst nme competmg . h . elder team member Ari Vatanen local driver Possum Bourne outside Europe. New champion-~ons,l were t h ldrious prhml-hita rockand retired,even though scored victory on the opening ship leader Biasion himself had tlo~a stages e . ~n asp _at, Juha Kankkunen, Didier Auriol, round for Subaru. Even Bourne's only been to this event once while two of the twlStle~t se~tlons Francois Delecour and Carlos first win iQ Indonesia for the 555 before, in 1986. Technically there on th~ :Vorld Rally circuit had Sainz had all also led at some time team had been no palliative. .were few novelties here, bearing been Jomed together to form a or another. For a long time New Kankkunen went to New Zealand in mind most of the top team's remarkable stage of 44 km, Zealand enthusiasts knew this with new codriver Nicky Grist cars were due to enter two events expected to take ~ven the faStest would be a rally in a lifetime for with whom he teamed up at short down here. American driver Jeff crews about 40 mmute~ to cov~r · them, but none of them expected notice before their winning run in Zwart did his recce, went back to Th_e _dry roads experienced m l t ·m th b· th f Argentina At this moment the the USA .cor a national champ1'on trammg threatened to exacerbate a so o w1 ess e 1r o a new · 1' -the alr d h · h t ' star.Subaruarefarawayfromthe-futurecompetitioncareerofJuha ship rally, and he and Tony bl eaTh ig ire ~ear Piironen, Kankkunen's codriver _ Sircombe returned to New pro em. ere were ~nxious JOHN BUFFUM for the past eight years now Zealand for the actual event. The mom~nts ~s the cars arrived for convalescing in a Helsinki Australian Mitsubishi team scrutmeermg the day before the start. FISA rules say there must be ten cars qualifying, for the 'Formula 2' points to be issued, and there were exactly ten of them. There were 75 entries in all that appeared for scrutineering. In Like A Lamb, Out Like A Lion A Biography By Tom Grimshaw A LIMITED EDITION BOOK PERSONALLY AUTOGRAPHED BY JOHN BUFFUM AMERICAN PROFESSIONAL RALLY OR/VER Published by Tabby House Books, Florida In the US. $19.95 plus $4.00 shipping & handling In Canada: $24.95 plus $4.00 shipping & handling Mail to: LIBRA-LION P.O. Box2113 S. Burlington, VT 05407 Make checks payable to Ubra International Racing. Page 41 Possum Bourne and Rodger Freeth were the top placing New Zealanders placing a fine sixth overall in the Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo about 8 minutes out. Splashing through this stream in his Mitsubishi Lancer E¥olution didn't slow Yoshio Fujimoto and co-driver Hakaru /chino down, and the Japanese team went on to win the Group N title and place tenth overall. November 1993 Etape 1 started with an amazing fight for the lead. By stage 3 five different drivers had been in front, by stage 5 there was Delecour as well. Subaru's three car team was intact though Bourne fell back due to brake trouble on two stages. But Ford lost championship leader Biasion when he crashed on stage 4 . Cod river Siviero explained "It was an accident. The car was sliding under braking, but after it slid on the gravel the wheels touched the grass and we rolled twice down an embankment''. The Toyota team had minor delays. Kankkunen spun and had to drive the wrong way for 50 meters before turning round, and Auriol's car stalled between the arrival control and the start of stage 8. Just in time Occelli bump-started it. He had also spun on the stage before. Mitsubishi lost their sole entry when Dunkerton 's engine expired. Sainz's teammate Gustavo Trelles was struggling in eighth place, suffering badly from a broken hand he sustained in Argentina when his Lancia's Dusty Times

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Racing the twilight reigning World Champion Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya had misfiring trouble in the early stages, but did well later and finished fourth. With a photographer both overhead and on the ground, Alex Fassina and Luigi Pirollo finished 11th overall and were second in Group N which they lead on points in the Mazda 323 GT-R. Co-drivers are the unsung heros of rallysport; here are two of the best, on the left Bernard Occelli (Didier Auriol) and Nicky Grist now with Kankkunen. suspension collapsed. . the time. For the Finn this was the When the rally reached third consecutive rally he had Rotorua, Vatanen found himself been leading only to abandon. leading unexpectedly. Delecour "So long as this does not happen finished the ninth stage 14 to me in Finland on the 1000 seconds in front of him and 18 in Lakes, I suppose I must not front of Sainz, but then deliber-complain." Also in trouble was ately arrived at the final control Juha Kankkunen. "I cannot keep two minutes (20 second penalty) up the pace on the long stages. late, and consequently fell to, The rear differential loses its third. "I did not want to be first efficienty and it is hopeless". car on the road tomorrow, The competition was even especially over the Motu stage. closer than the previous day when There is bound to be a lot of six seconds had separated the top sudden ice, and it will be good to three crews. When, the cars have two cars going in front of returned to Rotorua after the long me". Gisborne loop it was five. Didier In Group N the leader had been Auriol kept his slender lead in Hong Kong driver Michael Lieu front of Colin McRae. Sainz had a making his debut appearance in a bad day with misfiring trouble on Lancer Evolution, but he spun several stages, actually stopping and got stuck in a narrow part of completely on a road section the route. He was overtaken by beforebeingrescuedbyhisteam's Yoshio Fujimoto in a similar car, service helicopter and then his and championship leader Alex power steering broke on the final Fassina was third in a Mazda. The stage of the day. This dropped Russian Aleksander Artemenko him to fourth, only 13 seconds led 'Formula 2' in a Lada Samara ahead of Kankkunen. In Group N and the leading lady was Vanessa Fujimoto continued to lead, now Slee, Subaru Vivio, in 43rd place, 1 three minutes ahead of Fassina, with Christine Driano going while earlier leader Lieu was carefully in 63rd place of the 67 fourth, having fallen back with a cars still running. spin and later with brake troubles. Etape 2 started with Vatanen Artemenko still led the Formula 2 proving himself undaunted by category ahead of David Black's Delecour's efforts to unsettle Toyota, and Slee's Subaru Vivio him. After his 20 second penalty was well ahead of Christine the night before, Delecour Driano's Citroen in the ladies climbed back to five seconds competition. behind the leader, uncertain On the second stage of the day whether the voluntary penalty on Etape 3 Colin McRae took a ploy had paid off, but Vatanen ,.. · immediately increased his lead. On the third stage, however, his Subaru's s.uspension broke and he was forced to retire. Delecour made a bad time, blaming his bad choice of tires. For a moment it seemed that Auriol would inherit the lead, but it was McRae who shot in front, jumping in one stage from fourth to first in the excitement on Motu. Ari denied suggestions he had caused the problem, saying the in-car video would show he was on the road all lead he would keep to the end of the event. By the return that evening to Auckland he was a quarter-minute ahead, the only problems through the day being an oil leak just before the lunch halt at Mystery Creek, but this was rectified without time loss. Auriol started the day first on the road and immediately this put him at a disadvantage; later the rear differential gave the same problems as that Kankkunen had had the day before, and the Frenchman fell more than a half minute behind the leader. Auriol's fellow countryman was untroubled in second place. Kankkunen's car was running well after his rear differential was changed the evening before. "We are now too far behind. Yesterday was a long day to drive a broken car!" Bourne had a spin with Japanese team boss Kuze watching from a helicopter! The best local resident driver Neil Allport had a front wheel come off and then a puncture; "It's challenging, my nerves are shattered" said codriver Jim Robb, while Joe McAndrew crashed into the same hole as scholarship winning driver Robert Leicester. A curiosity? McAndrews' codriver Rob Haldane is the father of Leicest-er's codriver Samantha! McAn-drew continued, Leicester was told to withdraw as his damage was too severe. Slee slowed when Vanessa Slee and Judy De Leeuwe drove their Subaru Vivio Sedan fast enough to win the Ladies Cup and the New Zealand team also finished 30th I overall in the 4WD'Super KK. We · often wondered what a man named Possum looked like, and here is Bourne at home, although the New Zealand driver competes in rallies all over the world. Dustynmcs Rothmans Rally of New Zealand Colin _McRae/Derek Ringer CJ3 Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo A• 6 :12:31 Francois Delecour/Danlel Grataloup F Ford Escort RS Cosworth A 6 :12:58 Didier Auriol/Bernard Occelli F Toyota Calica Turbo 4WD A 6 : 13 :OO Carlos Sainz/Luis Moya E Lancia HF lntegrale A 6: 14:38 Juha Kankkunen/Nicky Grist SF/GB Toyota Calica Turbo 4WD A 6 : 15 :26 Possum Bouma/Rodger Freeth NZ Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo A 6 :20:46 Gustavo Trelles/Jorge Del Buono U/RA Lancia HF lntegrale A 6 :23:48 Nell Allport/Jim Robb NZ Mazda 323·GT-R A 6 :36:58 Joe McAndrew/Rob Haldane NZ Subaru Legacy 4WD Trubo A 6:43:29 Yoshio Fujimotoil-takaru !chino J Mitsubishi Lancer E N • 6 :43:58 Aleksander Arte1J1enko/V. Tlmkovskiy SU Lada Samara (22nd) A • • 7: 11 :29 Vanessa Slee/Judy De Leeuwe (30th) NZ Subaru Vivio 4WD Sedan A# 7 :32 :14 Christine Driano/ Marie C Lallement F Citroen AX Sport (44th) A 8 :07:05 75 starters - 46 finishers - •Group Winner ·• F2 winner - # Ladies winner World Championship Points - Toyota & Ford 111, Lancia 67, Subaru 56, Mitsubishi 47 WAC Drivers Points - Kankkunen 71, Delecour 70, Biasion 6, Aurlol 59, McRae 44, Sainz, 35, Alen 25, Aghini & Trelles 22, Jonsson 20, etc. Group N Points - Fassina 36, Coutinho 24, Spiliotis, Backlund, Shamji, Manfrinato 13, Bin Sulayem and Fujimoto 13. FIA Manufacturers Cup (Formula 2) GME 36, Citroen 24, Skoda 29, Peugeot 22, Lada 18 FIA Ladles Cup Points - Drlano 15, Holderled 9. Moftmbcr 1993 troubled by a bad noise ( it was harmless, merely a buckled wheel) but her Vivio still led its class and the Ladies' category. On Etape 4 the hazards of running first car on the road were not serious on the final few stages. There was a growing opinion that Colin would bring that elusive victory to Subaru, and a lot of the attention swung towards the Auriol versus Delecour battle. Interval times were being shown to the drivers as they raced through the final stages. Didier restarted 19 seconds behind and . at the end he was only two. But, This is the ~ystem· run by most oft road race winners the magic was still in front! Colin extended his lead while all that was going on. Fassina cemented his second place in Group N when the local driver Chris Joblin went off the road, and finally the best race the country had ever witnessed came to an end. But not quite. The drivers did their traditional display of making doughnuts in the pare ferme, and Bourne set the seal on the remarkable day. He spun his Subaru into the back of Kank-kunen 's parked Toyota. Finland had better be good ~fter this. TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME JEEP STRAIGHT 6 GO FOR "NEW SUMMER SPECIAL CHROME" 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES,-CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED. Page 43

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ADRA CINDER MOUNTAIN 150 JP Holds Court While Greene Three-Peats At Cinders Text & Photos: Anthony Tellier Jim Pierce and Larry Foddrill were the surprised Pro purse winners when the competition self-destructed in the race. The overall winners, got the big bonus and Larry was even more surprised"with the $1,000 super prep award from driver Jim Pierce. The 1993 ADRA "Cinder-; 150" volcano race was a golden opportunity for everyone to lose and for Jim 'JP' Pierce to win. The dusty course outside of Flagstaff, AZ led a hungry field from the popular Cinder Lake Recreation Area (read "whooped out") through a merry ma:e of pine trees ,ind soft, steep cinder hills. It was a twi,;ti". turning singk Ian,· no-passing deal. The course initially was smooth and generally free of large rocks. But any deviation from the assigned routl' would greet the mistake m~ker with sawed off stumps (courtesy of the Forest Service) and large trees. Pierce started in the hack of thl" pack, hiding his time as the front runners fell by the wayside First off the line was novice Pro Daniel Hyde in the ex-Shannon Schul: Farmco IO car and was hlesseJ with a dust free run for several laps. Texan James Martin and Buckeye Billy Tsakiris were both waylaid right off the line by thl" soft ball hearing cinders and sonw mysterious electrical hui-:~ -respectively. James Martin over shot a herm right from the gl't-gn. caught some hrush, got stuck J:l'al bad and spent an hour getting back on course. Martin did get his Jar hack in spite of having to then get out to change a tire. The Cinders is definitely not the place to send a chase crew into the volcanic ash and rock terrain. There is at least a mi'llion trails and roads, hills and va:lleys, and they all look the satne. "The truck guys did get outa my way, but we hit Walt Baranick. We gave him lots of room and plenty of time. I had tu hit him." Martin correctly assessed the course: "You can't pull out and go around anybody. It's "one-lane." Martin, success-ful in the West Texas events has been plagued by niggling prol~-lems in Ari:ona. "Maybe I can get a good photo in Dusty Times, at least." Arlington's Steve Melton took advantage of the chaos and charged into second. But his new ( to him) Doug Fortin Class IO car had an old (to him) engine anJ it gave up the ghost after only fifteen miles. " I shoulda bought Doug's engine too." The disappointed winner of the recent Snowflake race took the long walk hack to the last checkpoint to wait for a tow. Shannon Shult: in the muscular ex-Finney Foddri II Porsche/Chaparral, moved up into Steve's slot for his run at tht' big bucks Overall pur~e. Butlater, after several laps which included his inheriting the lead after a few .soft surface flips sidelined Hydl', he was trouhled with a sour clutch. "Ir must have shattered. It wouldn't do the jot,; releasl·, transmit power, shift. You know the story." Rueben Wood was held in the pits by an exhaust system that . started to disassemble itself. The Wayne Greene dusted all the other limited engine Pros in his 2-1600 for the third time, and he beat the cinders to collect the $750.00 bonus plus the class purse for his winning run. Page 44 SuperSeat crew gave it the old Buckeye try: tie wraps and hose clamps. It came apart again within. several miles. Rueb's Hay Hauler· was assessed a five minute penalty for the dangling collector and SuperTrapp spark arrestor. But \\'ithout the repair atrempt. it would have been a big C'Q for the hard charger who e•1deJ up fourth, nine minutes h1·hind Jim Travis. Jim Travis, in le-1gue with Casa Grande's grand Ron Leagu,·, brought out a new used ,·ar in lieu of their Porsche six single searer; the old Toyota powered two Sl';lt Raceco of LA's Jim Greem,ay. But the combination of the ,;oft surface and high altitude put the somewhat pea kier L"ngine hack IL> third, a minute behind Gayton, an unusual :,pot for Travis Jerry Everett had a good run in the T-Bird powered Woods Vulcan until the sum of hi,, last few races equaled axle fatigue, and his stub axle let go in the pines. "When it went the car got real squirrely. We're rt:ally lucky it ,lidn 't collect a COl!pll' of trees." The course had to he routed around the disabled car, and som,· racers weren't reaJ y for the re-arrangement. Kevin and Laurie Patrick read the situation likt: a paperback and opted for the fost high line. But further down in the trash section, the ZWD Chevy got stuck good and Laurie got to gl't out to shovel. "Wl' came up behind Nick VanJnwey at a sharp 'ninety' and it stuck us." Laurie sa1J, "ever n hin).! \v,·nt wrong nn m y si,h- . a sh,H k reservoir hissed, then a re-routed exhaust system tucked ur under the rocker panel hented the sl'at support framework, and air flow wasn't enough to cool it." From then on Vanderwey and Paul Dennis battled the trees; when they hent a tie rod and just missed a stout pine, they spent nn hour changing parts, got stuck a bunch, then tore the exhaust off. and ADRA mandates a working exhaust system in this forest an·a. The Junk Yard Dog Nissan V6 Dirtrix of Tom Higgins was on a great run until "we hit that rock and that tree and t,roke a trailing arm and got high centered." With some hand Jigging and some tree limb pry-bar action they got our and limpc,I hack to the trailer. It became a race of attrition as Rich "Stretch" Severson charged the Tom Buck Auto Jeep Honcho into the lead early in the race, and Rich held tt to a decisive Pro 4/8 win and fifth overall. the· hot dogs and the low dug,, alike were sidelined hy mechani-cal woes. The course had h,·t·n touted as an eaS)' one, but humhled many a racer. H yde, an excellent quad rider, went on hio. side while leading hy a ·huge ten minutes. He was able to regroup and finish all seven laps and was the Class 10 winnn over Martin and got sixth overall. "I didn't have enough power. I got hit h)' Gayton and then hy Travis." This is a man to watch in the future. Scott Rhon,· suffned thl' embarrassmt·nr of getting his 10 car high cent,-red on a stump ;1t the Check 2 left turn. Scott disputed tht.· incident claiming it wasn't a stump, it was a shruh, and he wasn't stuck. Gilbert', Rich 'Stretch' Severson shm\ni up in the pretty Tom Buck Auto Jeep Honcho and put down a iarge field of VS powered rigs. Stretch did all seven laps and w:is fifrh overall car, bt'ating a health~· slew of potentially faster huggil's." \XI,: hauled from the first, then pla,·ed it cool, as it would run r,·al hot lm the first section, in the hills, then cool down on the way hack in ." Heavy .Cla,s 8 hitters Frank Turben and "Subway Mih" Doherty had snappy first l,1ps m their Chevrolets hut it was tra1kr time for hoth. Mike cut the fo,t class lap anJ diced with Ni,·k Vanderwev 011 the w:11· to thl' Pit'i. The spectators had a good show. Nick had his headers come unglued and had a lot of problems on that one item, mandatory to have by ADRA, BLM and the Forest Service. Mike Li ugh,·J, "We had caught that D50 of Allen Cluck early, and there was no place to pass. Then I thL)ught Walker Evans wouldn't wait! Th,· Dodge moved over right after we tapped him. That was fun, we don't get to do that very often." Leaving the pits and bouncing through the braking whoops at the end of the long straight they heard a "snap". It was the unihall that holds the locating wishbone. The rear end went uut l)( alignment like that. I thought a 3 14 Heim wa" gnoJ; no\\' I fin,I that ever)'onc uses the I ". that's a $60 item instl'ad of$20. En routl' to the pits they came upon Frank Turben and Paul Ric:h, who thought they had a jammed up water pump. Ir turned out that thl' cam gear drive was r,oking through the timing cover.$$$$$$ The Cluck's· Dodge did not complete a lap, and that's a Flagstaff truck too. The 340 powaed Mopar hroke a hall joint on the front end and had to hl' strapped together with a come-a-long just to get on the trailer and baLk to the Museum, a t,ar on thl' National Registry of Historical Places. Winner Jim Pierce was awarded a check to the tune of$ l ,700, anLI he passed a cool grand on to Larr)' Foddrill, his ace car prep mechanic. Larry, high school scholar, is tlw long suffering sn11 of famous fahricator Dann\' Foddrill. Pierce offered that "Wl" won in spite of Danny!" Larry has his eye on a MTEG Super Lite and banked the bucks in spite of repeated requests for loans hy Danny. Actually JP would he thL· first to admit that he inherited rh1· ll'ac~ from Albuquerque•~ Robert Ga \'ton. who was driving .is if on a mission. The winner t>f thl' Vulture and La Play·1 race~. c.;ayton took an unplanned excursion into the toolies with only a handful of miles t'1 thl' win. The coil leads were pulled out by tree limbs, so he had to stop, diagnose and repair. The propanl' fueled 4x4 of Todd Gatrl'll an ... ! John Winn motored the course to a second cash paying Class 4 '8 finish. Walt Raronick brought out his Class 10 Sandhawk, oddly noted in the Results as a 'Sand Hog'. Hl· was sidelined right from the start by a disconnected fuel pickup line. Three hours were spent trouble shooting it, and when he did get it hack on lint· he cut some fast laps, with the motor sound int! good, before being f!aggl'd in·. Walt did defeat Ed Be:ird's A-armed car, however. Ed sl.rugged: "Man, I'm getting to he like Doug Fortin(theSCOREClas~ I driver who had a long string of dnfs in a trick car). Now it's a clutch." Ed really takes these set hacks in stride and is always a gooJ source of stories. Daniel Hyde drove like this all day, led overall early on, rolled it but got things together and this novice Pro still won Class 10 honors. The Limited Purse race was a problem as they ran after the Pros had completed their seven laps and the terrain was chewed up big November 1993 Dustynmcs

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Tom Higgins was found digging to free the Nissan V6 DirTrix after a slight off route excursion, unearthing some rocks, clip-ping a tree and ripping up a rear arm. Todd Gatrel/'s propane fed Chevrolet truck dodges around Jerry Everett's stuck and crippled Woods T-bird on the tricky run through the pines. James Martin, the 'Texas Tornado', hasn't much luck racing in Arizona. He got stuck, but regrouped to claim a second place in Pro Class 10. time. Eight cars were caught stuck in the Competition Valley area on the first lap alone and had to make repeated runs at the ball bearing hill in the heat of the afternoon. Amid all this Tucson's Wayne Greene continued his winning ways as he motored to his third consecutive Limited Pro purse ( 1600cc VW powered ca rs including several SCORE clas-ses). Greene runs a venerable 2-1600 car but is super consistent and preparation oriented. He came out of the hills well in the lead with challenging Challengers Hayes, Dalke and Weiser plus Vesterdal's big car in hot pursuit. No more cars appeared for a long time. Limited leader Tony Pierce; first off the line, had gotten dug in immediately and then, when finally free and in one big hurry, turned it over onto a lurking tree. It was one of those deep whooped out berms and it just laid itself over into a tree. The two seater, with only one aboard, needed more arm-strong power to get it rabhit out of the helmet on r, back on its wheels. So TP sat and seriously deteriorating course. waited and waited until the rustic Third place Ron Dalke note,1 ADRA sweep assistance vehicle that''Wewererobbed.Therewa1 arrived. Soon after he left the not enough time. The time limit main pits with some added ballast for the seven 21 mile laps was a torsion housing dog ear broke only five hours. Look, it took the and that was that. class winner and second overall Greene, who has won over Rodney Hayes 4:53!" Steve Long $2000 this year in the ADRA was out for a good time in his series, is looking forward to the Nine Bug but smacked one of the season finale. He smiled, looking multitude of trees that beckoned at the rear tire that finished the on the big downhill and had to seventh lap squished out flat. "It limp in on three wheels. "I was so soft out there. that flat was uprooted it and it reached in and a big advantage}' However his ripped the visor off my helmet.'' race was not a walk as the Beer His five laps were good for fourth. Belly Racing Team of Rodney The Sahuarita "Quarter Ton'', Hayes and Dick Newell put on a each 250 pounds, won the three primo effort in their swing axled, lap Sportsman race over Jack ball jointed 9 car, only a couple of Farmer's Toyota powered Brand-minutes in arrears at the final flag, wood. Steve and Al put in their close enough to pounce. But Lady "2276" engine for the high, 7,000 Luck, as she has all season, was foot altitude run and smoked the riding with Wayne. The Parker field by over half an hour BBRT crew was dogged in turn by Farmer's first ever off road race in Tucson's Donny Weiser and his new buggy was rewarding Kelly Subers, but Hayes' last lap "We even beat some 'ls"' in thv was their fastest, pulling thl' old Stan Steele that he got from Billy Tsakiris. "Jerry Langford, my co-driver, put this 4AGE 16 valve engine from a MR2 in and it worked perfectly. It's just a stocker hooked to a bus tranny that has lower third and fourth". They got stuck in the bowl, but who didn't, and lost 25 minutes there, then trying to make up time, slid off in the trees and hit one, but there was no damage to the car. The Bob and Scott Weber Brothers team, El Guapo Racing, has an unusual gimmick. Passen-ger Bob is blind, the result of a bizarre freeway gunplay incident. Getting stuck is not in their playbook said Scott, because it's too dangerous to ask Bob to get out and push with all the other cars roaring around. The ex-Butch Dean Bunderson pre-runner is a self prepped effort. The Unlimited "TUF" Bug of Tom Surdez and Scott Clark had trouble on the one lap they did struggle through. The ever popular R.K. Smith made the trip from the exclusive Bullhead City suburb of Riviera and got wound up in the cinder bowl and called it a day. Be advised that the combination of a clear sunny July day at 7,000 feet and asphalt-black terrain spelled heat with a capital "H", which Hotter 'n Hell also starts with. Four Pilots gave it a shot, battling the proportionally bottomless whoops for three laps. Larry Ledford won, as usual, coming from behind to edge Todd Jesperson's Jesco-Honda by 50 seconds. Fast lap went to Kerry Horner who faded on the second, while Neil Affinito tried out his new racer and toasted the clutch by the first mile. The CRB met after the race to discuss Robert Gayton's com-plaint that Billy Tsakiris wouldn't move over and let him pass. Since Robert never got close enough in the ash to Billy to actually tag him, he was not close enough to pass. Case dismissed by unanimous .decision. The only Sportsman Class 5 entry, Tom Surdez and Scott Clark had an easy run to victory, but they still didn't finish all the required laps. Nick Vanderwey and Paul Dennis only got in three fast laps, as here they pass a downed buggy in the pines, before they broke the suspension in the truck. Pilot driver "Leadfoot" Larry Ledford drove this way all day to the class win, well out running the others in the Pilot class. ,. BILSTEIN RACING APPLICATIONS CLASS 1 TO CLASS 11 OUR SHOCK PRICES ARE VERY COMPETITIVE CALL TOLL FREE FOR PRICES & APPLICATION 1 FUNNELS $11.95 11 GAL DUMP CAN WHITE $19.95 RED-YELLOW-ORANGE $20.95 HOT PINK $23.95 $49.95 2 FOR $89.95 P RATCHET WHEEL ITlltAP 2" COMBO RATCHET/AXLE SffWll8 10 FT. $29.95 RED-BLACK-BLUE ~-~ \ -~-;-~~ ' - = -10 FT. $38.95 RED-BLACK-BLUE: T' WRAlt•AJIIOUND AXLE STIIA,S 31) 21 IN. $9.95 FCONOMY FUEL CELLS. 8 GAL $172.50 12GAL $187.50 22 GAL $217.50 E~-~l CLEAR r-,.tEL HOSE 1" $2.90FT 2" $5.72FT 3" $8.94FT RALL YE 500 76109 $28.95 RALL YE 1000 75701 $68.95 RALL YE 2000 77411 $81.95 Ill ee·"" AMBER AVOIDANCE LIGHT TW!N HORN $12.90 $53.95 WRIGHT RACK & PINION $309.00 .... 000000 WRIGHT COMBOS WITH BEARINGS $599.00 5 PT HARNESS $94.38 QUALITY NOMEX Ill SUIT $243.38 RED-BLACK-BLUE BOTH SFI APPROVED RED-Bl.ACK-BLUE T SUPER SHIFTER $99.00 . DUAL M/CYLINDER ~ $199~ $13;.~ .... M/CYLINDER & SLAVE HEADQUARTERS FOR_ALL YOUR OFF-ROAD 805-683-1211 [I ~· Q)~ EQUIPMENT & suPPUEs .. ~WE SHIP WORLD WIDE TOLL FREE TECHNICAL SALES LINE DE rJJ~~IO ~ OFF-ROAD USE ONL V 800-622-3939 · · Dusty Times November 1993 Page 45

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LA RANA DESERT RACING Dale & Mike Dondcl Win The Johnson Valley 100 By Carol "Scoop" Clark Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. It all came together this round for the Ron Stobaugh, David Rittenhouse, Edin Butcher combo. Stobaugh had no real problems, didn't like the eternal mud and silt, but he won Class 1 in the Ford by half an hour . . post race area instead of the way, finally he got the message "interview area", then took off to and moved over. They lost all his pit without being interviewed, their lights during the race, inside but I think he soloed this race so and outside, so co-rider Tim he probably wanted to get cleaned Serviss had to take the dash apart up and get some rest. The team of during the race and rewire it to get Cole Warren and Steve Dingman, the lights working again; not did an interesting thing, they each only did they need the lights to took 25 miles of each lap, so they finish the race, they needed them each got to get off the Quad, re-to get home and to work with. group and get ready to get back on They wanted to thank Yokohama again. They said it was rough and for great tires, they did have to muddy and the silt was a killer. change one tire, but it was the They got water in the air box wheel that bent, not the tire that _ _ _ _ _ _ about check 2 on the first lap and went flat. They also wanted to Dale and Mike Dondel were s_urpnsect_ to fmd they h~d ~on_Class 10 m thetr newly acqu,re1 Bunderson, but they also got that cleaned up and got back thank J & J Engineering in won the race overall, all this ,n thetr f,rst year of racmg, bemg from Hemet probably helps. __ to full power. They wanted to give Riverside for a bullet proof front This was a perfect day for go through it and some drowned racing at night. Between mile a big thank you to Terry Dingman bumper. They also mentioned racing in the desert in August. We out their motors in it. Some that marker 45 and 50, there was a for putting the motor back that they did the whole race had had a few scattered showers slowed too much almost had mountain to go over and the together on Friday night at Red without radio communication, as earlier in the day, which wet down other racers attached to their rear lightning show behind the Eye Engineering in Barstow; the radio took a dump at the very the course real good and kept the ends. As the race progressed the mountain was awesome. The cars evidently he had to rebuild the start of the race. dust down for at least a good racers were spaced further and came up and over the mountain, engine after they had blown a Bob Beyer and brother John -.portionofthefirstlap,exceptfor further apart, so the water like bugs, with this great show piston testing on Friday night. took second place in Class 15. the dreaded silt bed from hell. spectacular kind of lost it's edge, going on behind them. It would They had no test time and had not They finished in 3:55: 11. They There was a very large "puddle" but it sure was fun to watch for a have been the first place I would even broken in the rebuilt motor had a good race except for losing a shall we say, right off the while. have wanted to be with a video afterTerryfixedit. They said next radiusarmbushingatmilemarker Start/Finish line that put on quite During the race, it rained on camera. There were 95 entries at time they will come with better 5 by the first road crossing. Bob a show for the spectators when different areas of the course, like this race and 86 starters, which is lights for a night race. They took says that they drove a smart race the cars took off on th'e first lap. the surrounding hills and the just a tad lower than we have been· second place with a total time of at a good pace and didn't try Some of the faster vehicles with water runoff made things fun used to, but good enough to put 3:25:03. anything stupid. They wanted to sealed engine compartments, just again for the racers as well as the on an interesting race. In Class 15, Glenn Cohen be sure to thank all of their great flewthru the"puddle"andshota spectators and chase crews that Therewere4Quadsin this race finished his two laps in 3:36:49, sponsors, like Dick Cepek, Sta spray of water 50 feet in the air in had to go through washouts filled and 2 finishers. These guys had to which got him first place. He said Lube, BBM Marketing Promo-all directions, much to the delight with about a foot of water. After do 2 laps and tough they had to that he lost a shock, possibly due tions, James Gang Racing of children and adults alike. It was the sun went down, we had a great be. The first place finisher, Jeff to a limiter strap breaking. Glenn Products, American Racing and, kind of like a water show all by lightning show as the course Courts took 2:59:52 to complete says that they did hit one stock 4 of course, BF Goodrich for some itself. Some people tried to go became harder and harder to find his laps and after he got the wheel drive truck because he great tires. around it, some slowed down to for those who are not used to checkered flag, he went into the simply would not get out of the . Third place went to the team of ..1%&~--~-m,,,x Scott Fusco started the day by getting married in the pit area, drove two laps and turned the car over to Jeff Quinn and took off on his honeymoon, and Quinn had gearbox woes, but saved the Class 2 victory for Fusco. Billy McCool and Jerry Lawless had a great run and were going for the overall it seemed, but a 1-2-1600 Mirage just loses time in deep silt, but they won the class by 11 minutes, a huge margin for this class. Kathy Fay and Dad, Jim Fay. Normally Kathy would be in a 5-1600 car with her sister Stacy, but she was off nursing Doug Goodenough who crashed at Ventura Raceway a couple of weeks ago and shattered a lcnee· cap. The truck Kathy and Jim were racing is a converted SCCA truck and this was its second encounter with off road racing. Their problems were relatively minor; they pulled off once to tighten the rear end and they lost a header. They looked in the rear view mirror and saw Bob Beyer coming and thought it was a Class · 8 truck and pulled over to let him pass and then saw his number and started screaming because they had let him by and he beat them to . Larry Minor, the younger and Kyle Taylor were second in Class 1 in their plain painted Ford, and may have had a penalty added to their elapsed time too. i)agc46 Second generation racer A.J. Martin took the famed Martin Class 2 Raceco out for a good ride, and he did let dad Steve in to take the fourth lap and they were second in Class 2. November 1993 Jim Pierce and Sean McKenzie entered their GMC truck in Class 2 and the new rig did all right, as the team took third in Class 2 competition. Dustynmcs

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The combination of Dave Baeskins and Gary Bates in Dave's Class 5 sounds awesome, and went fast the first two laps; had things to fix on the last two, but the pair won Class 5 easily, the only class finisher. the finish line by 1 minute exactly. Kathy says that she learned her lesson this race and won't be so polite next race. This was a good shakedown cruise for the truck and she thinks they can pull off a win next time. There were seven entries in Class 15, five starters and four who completed their two laps, 4th place went to Les Willis who finished in 4:55:27. In Class 152 there were three entries, three starters and three finishers. Larry Gross and Roger Malcolm took first place with a total time of 3:52:09. They took the lead over points leader Bill Quitmeyer in the first lap and then had trovble in the silt bed. It was sooooo thick that silt clogged up the air filter and the truck was coughing and sputtering along for quite a while until they found either a Cepek or Checkers pit and they helped them out by blowing out the air filter and got them on their way again. They · said that their new Kuster shocks and BFG tires were great. The fast guys that they encountered on the course were great, went around them very safely. Everybody djd their jobs and they had a good day of racing. Chuck Foreman and r Larry Fisher took second place in , Class 152. They had only a blown shock, so the ride was a little rougher than should be expected but they kept on going because they knew Bill Quitmeyer was behind them and they wanted him to stay behind them. So they kind of eased down on the gas pedal a little more, just for a little insurance. Bill Quitmeyer did manage to take third place, but not without a great deal of help from his fellow racers and pit crew. Fred Espinosa took the first lap and evidently had some pretty hairy experiences on this lap because when he turned the truck over to Bill, the rear leaf springs were poking through the bed of the truck and the truck bed was riding on the axle. Larry Gross loaned them his Bob and Jason Kleber got their long sought victory in their 5-1600 Baja Bug, and this was their 35th race. They were ecstatic when they finished and had all their good luck icons on board, and it worked. spares and it took them over an hour to do the change out, but they got it done and he finished. He said the silt was like a giant Tidal Wave, some of the worst silt he's ever seen. We have a new Nelson & Nelson team in the off road circuit. This is a real family endeavor for Fred, Fred Jr. Sherry and Sherry K. Nelson. Fred Sr. took the first lap and said it was rough but had no problems. He turned the truck over to Fred Jr. and daughter Sherry for the second lap and Jr. said that they took a couple of wrong turns and got lost for a couple of minutes and then the tranny _line broke and sprayed tranny fluid all over the windshield so they couldn't see very well at all. It made for a pretty interesting race, but it was still fun ~ Steve McMullen and Tom Craig got the car dirty before sun-down, but the mud didn't slow them on their way to a close second place in Class 1-2-1600. More Martins (unrelated) were Dan and Ron, in fact Dan Martin iron manned it t~ whole distance, had only minor trouble and the Chenowth was third in Class 1-2-1600. Brad Clausen and Matt Miller took second in Class 5-1600, ran trouble free and were second to the Kleber brothers by a skinny four minutes. COAST 1-800-634-6755 -. . . ·1-800-331-5334 Las Veg·as, Nevada Dusty Times November 1993 Page 47

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even if they could see OK, maybe the other guys couldn't see them. Darren Skilton found the mud holes right away in the Don-A-Vee Jeep Class 725 came up with a five car field and Dan Cannon with co-drivers Jeff Cherokee, turned a very good time of 5:24:52 and with Gavin Skilton and Barrett and Maitten Cannon whipped his Ford into first place by a husky 27 Donny Angel and Kevin McGillivray came in fourth in Class 10 and 14th overall. Once again they had their share of woes. Donny took the first two laps and had a flat on the second lap. When he was coming into the CORE main pit, they found that the CV was devoid of grease, so the pit crew went to work packing the Constant Velocity joint with grease and then Kevin took off only to have carburetor problems. The car kept dying and at the end of the 4th lap about 50 yards from the finish line, it died and would not start, so since this is a single seater, only the driver Barrie Thompson co-driving, won Class 6 honors. minutes for a resounding victory in this mini truck class. .. could push it across the finish line, no help from co-driver. I do not have a rule book for 93, but I think that is the way it works. If you have a two seater, then both parties can push the car across the line. Anyway, Kevin had to make sure the rear tires cleared the beam at the finish line, to be an official finisher. He did and he was. Jay and Donnie King came back to Class 750 competition in their well kept and well prepped Toyota, and the boys have not lost their winning touch taking the class honors by just over one minute. ~ for the entire family. side, just to get out of that mess. In Class 157 there were again The third place finish went,to . three entries, three starters and Brian Owens. He wanted his story three finishers. First place went to printed because of what he and his Dave Edelstein who said that they crew went through to get a finish. cracked the steering box at the He was testing about two hours beginning of the race and had to before the race and was going well drive the whole race with no over 100 mph when his rear power steering, which made for a bearing exploded and left him real tough ride. They did pass plowing a path about two feet #1576 who had done a somersault deep and a couple of hundred feet on the course and was evidently long before he could stop the putting things back on the truck truck. He flagged down a guy on a that had fallen off as they passed. motorcycle to get back to his pit Dave said that Dad, Courtyard crew and tell them what happened Travel, BFG and All 4 Wheel and where it happened. He then Drive made it possible for him to got somebody to take him back to race this 20 year old truck the pit and he found out that they . through a bedofsiltthatputthem did not have a spare axle to on two wheels trying to get out of replace the blown one, so he it and I don't mean front to back. jumped in his truck and drove They wer.e bicycling the truck and home to Whittier to get a spare, trying not to lay it over on it's. while his crew went out and Simplythe ~! Fuel Safe's Pro Cell Racing Bladders are designed to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all of the major racing associations. Top Racers, like Robbie Gordon, demand the best and so should you. Fuel Safe Racing Cells -The Champions Choice! At your local dealer now! e Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing. Inc. 18062 Redondo Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 (714) 842-2211 (800) 433-6524 (Outside CA) SAFETY ... It's what we're all about. hge48 retrieved the broken Jeep. They had to remove a good portion of the desert from the remaining parts on the truck and got it ready to receive the replacement. By the time Brian got back and they got the new axle on, the race had already been underway for about an hour and a half. But instead of giving up, the crew encouraged Brian to go ahead and try. So most people were on their second lap and he would need to do some kind of driving to get a win, but if he-could just finish in the allotted time, he and the crew would be happy because they would get the points they needed and that is something they desperately wanted. Since the clock started at his designated starting time, he shows a 5: 17 time for the first lap, but he was actually out there about 2½ hours or so and his second lap was 2:07:39. I believe there was a 10 hour time limit on this race, so even though his overall time shows 7:25:19, he still got in under the wire and he says he has the greatest crew in the world for sticking with him and helping him do it. They are the . greatest. He says that he did break Curt LeDuc, with Doug Henderson in the right seat, zipped his Ford past the big rocks, had but one flat for trouble on the course, and finished and won Class 8 in the swift time of 4:47:42. a transfer case on the first lap, but that was repaired and put him back in the race in only a few minutes. He was the last racer to finish his correct number of laps in the time allowed, that is what you call stick to itness, right??? That is it for the two lappers, they do earn their spot in the world of off roading. They may only do two laps, but sometimes they can be worse than any four lappers could imagine. The overall winner and Class 10 winner was the team of Dale and Mike Dondel in a car that once belonged to Greg Akins, then Bob Scott. They said they just got the car back on Thursday night and did not get to do much testing. They had about four minutes down time for fuel and a fan belt between check 2 and 3 and they lost their exhaust system somewhere, but just had to mentally turn off the noise and keep going. T_hey said their Yokohama's worked great, no tire problems at all. This is their first year of racing, but they never were able to pull off a finish before in their old Class 10 car. This car has a new suspension system, but the engine and tranny are what came with the car and they say it handles awesome. They were almost stunned that they won O\'.erall, I don't think you could have knocked the smile off with a chisel. Their first lap was their fastest lap, with a time of 1:06:27 , and an overall time of 4:40:48. Second place in Class 10 and third overall went to Burl Beveridge and the friendly face of Mike Abbott. Burl took the first two laps and turned it over to Mike for the last two. These guys also had a trouble free race. The only thing that happened to them was that one of the headlights flew off and landed inside the car. I think it was when Mike was driving. He just got hold of it and gave it a toss because he got tired of it bouncing around inside the November 1993 . car and banging into him. The guys wanted to thank Fat Performance for the great Rabbit Motor, they said the water cooled motor handled great. This particular car has been around a time or two also, it is the 1986 Raceco that used to belong to Mark Barnes of Barstow. This goes to show you that these older cars can take the proverbial licking and keep on ticking. Their overall time was 5:00:36. I think they may have a shot at the overall one day very soon. I remember Mark winning with this car. Rob Anderson and Ty Goode took third in class and 12th overall. Ty used to ride with George Seely and has now teamed up with Rob. They said that they were told that they had run a checkpoint and had a long argument with the officials and proved the officials wrong and got their time adjusted to not show any down time for arguing. After the sun had gone down, they discovered that they had no lights, the bushes had knocked them out. They did manage to get one hooked up on the last lap, but they said they have driven night races in Mexico without lights, so this was really no big deal. This is another car that has recently changed hands. Rob just bought the car last Saturday from Bob Scott who seems to be cleaning out his off road inventory. I think Bob built this car and I know how good he would feel if he knew that two of his old cars finished in the top 20. The boys said if it hadn't . been for the problem with the officials, they would have been in the top 2 or 3. Their last lap was a 1:10:54, which is right up there with the other two Class 10 cars, so these three guys should give us a real show at Ridgecrest if they all show up .. They are converts from SCORE and MTEG and said they had a great time. They wanted to thank FAIR for hooking up the light on the last lap, they figured Curt LeDuc took the Class 8 win with a total time of 4:47:42. He said he ran over some bushes that punctured a tire and he had 8 minutes down time changing the tire. He said that he saw Steve Krieger lose it in the corner and started rolling, hoped they were OK. He also said the other guys on the course were very good about moving over when they heard him honk. I know there was a problem with him in this series, regarding rough driving, so maybe he has calmed down a little. Curt says he loves night racing and wanted to thank Goodyear, Shell Truck Guard; he just had a great day. The winning "war story" for the day goes to Steve Krieger and Tim Clark. They finished second in Class 8 and 8th overall, but it certainly took some doing. They were racing to the finish line with LeDuc and they were determined to beat him until fate intervened. They were racing to the finish when they hit something on the course that sent them into a roll that seemed to go on forever. They rolled 6 or 7 times, caught on fire and I guess had four flats caused by the violence of the 80-85 mph roll. They used all the extinguishers in the truck and .their water bottles as well and finally got the fire out, the crew must Have brought them tires, got them on, got back in and shot to the finish line. Steve said they were so pumped that LeDuc was on their tail, that they knew they were either going to win or crash; thankfully they weren't hurt, just banged up and sore the next day. When they started, they had to start last because of a faulty fuel pump, so they got that changed and took the last spot, they made up a lot of time and could have won, but that's racing. These are a couple of very nice young men and it is always a pleasure to talk to them at the finish line. The other two Class 8 's did not make four laps. Rick Holmes made two laps and I don't know what happened to him, but his first lap was 1 :07 :35 which impressed me, his second lap was 1:21:43 and that is the last I saw of him; hope to see him back at Ridgecrest. The other entry in Class 8 was R.J. Brown and he did not complete his first lap, better luck next time . Dusty Times

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Mitch Griffin and Paul Lane ran a little slower pace in their 5-1600 Baja Bug, had a little down time and carried on to a good third in class. Another second generation racer Kreg Donahoe with David Winner co-driving put his Toyota home second in the competi-tive Class 725 contest. Steve Poole and Bill Gasper got so close in Class 9 action in the Jimco but at the flag they had to settle for second place by less than a minute. There were 10 entries in Class 1600. Five of them saw the checkered flag for four laps. Billy McCool took first place along with co,driver Jerry Lawless. Billy said that they had to stop at their Checkers pit to get the headlight covers off and that was done with no time wasted. They passed everyone in their class and then got a flat five miles from the finish line, but got it changed without wasting a second and came in for the win in 5:01:58. They really wanted to thank the Checkers, they are a great bunch of guys. Second in Class 1600 went to Steve and Robyn McMullen. This is a whole new ball game for Robyn, she was the racer's widow and told husband Steve that if he wanted to continue racing, he'd best get a two seater. She was tired of hanging around the pits worrying about him out in the race car, so he got a two seater and here they are. They said they almost hit a cow out on course and that it was really wet and muddy and there were thousands of jack rabbits around the course. This was the maiden voyage for Robyn and the car and she loved every minute of it. She and Steve took the first two laps and Tom and Todd Craig took the last two laps. They had no problems at all, the only stops were for fuel and driver changes. Dan and Ron Martin took third place and Dan iron manned the whole four laps. This was his first race in two years and he wanted his money's worth. Two years ago he did five miles and that was it, so once he got behind the wheel he wasn't about to move. They had a problem with the shifter linkage and pulled into a FAIR pit for repairs, they got things loosened up and sent them on their way in record time, for which they really thank them. This is their first finish for Dan, he had novice off roader, Jeremy Brown ride three laps with_ him and then Pop Martin got in and did the last lap. He was impressed with Dan's driving ability. Ed Pauley and John landiorio took fourth in class and Wes and Scott Wisdom took fifth. Ron Stobaugh and David Rittenhouse took first place in Class 1. They said the truck worked great, their only problems were the silt and then the mud, but they crawled through them both thanks to the BFG tires and Rancho Suspension and Prism Design, they built the truck and did a great job on the Ford. They had the truck prepped at the Cepek shop and they said that crew is the greatest. Their overall time was 5:08:50. Larry Minor took second place with an overall time of 6:38:36, I can't see how that is right, but I do know there was some problem with him supposedly running a checkpoint. Dustvnmes I heard that that was all cleared up and he was reinstated, but it doesn't look that way in the results. Larry, call me and tell me what happened. Bob Richey was indeed a sight to behold in his new truck, his firstlap was a remarkable 1:01 :25 and that truck just about took your breath away when you saw it fly by. Troubles overtook Bob and he lost an axle on the third lap and then lost the tranny on the fourth, so that put him out of the .race. I think that this was probably just some seat time for Bob so he could get used to the truck and I think he's really gonna like it. Billy Bunch got in two laps before parking it, I have no idea what happened this time. Kim Mohr has a DNS next to his name, maybe we'll see him at Ridgecrest. The most intersting interview of the evening was with the Class 2 winner, Scott Fusco. He got married at the pit area at 12:00 noon and then proceeded with the business of racing. He took the first two laps while his new bride waited in the pit and wrung her hands and worried. He lost 5th gear on the first lap and 4th gear on the second. He turned the car over to Jeff Quinn with three forward gears and said "have fun", see you, bye. Scott's Best Man, Joe McDave rode the first two laps with him, how's that for being a buddy?? When Jeff got going he said he just left it in third most of the time and just prayed that 3rd gear would hang in for the rest of the race. He stopped four times for routine things, just to make sure that the maiden voyage for the car was not the last. He said there were no other problems and he wanted to thank the Cepek pit for letting him come through their pit to avoid the water. The silt bed will give him nightmares for a while, but nothing he can't live with. Second place in Class 2 went to the Smurfs, otherwise known as the nearly world famous Martins. A.J. Martin was listed as the driver of record and I saw them drown out the motor going into , the second lap. After a few minutes down time, some good hearted folks and by,standers got him going, they seemed to be doing alright, but they obviously had their problems. It took them 7:23:13 todo their four laps. Laps 2 and 3 seemed to be the worst ones and they must have gotten the problem taken care of by the fourth lap because that was only 1 :08: 15, maybe old Dad Steve got in and showed A.J. exactly how to do this off roading stuff. Class 5 had only three entries and one finisher and that was the brand new car of "Race Bare,, skins", otherwise known as Dave Baeskins and Gary Bates. Accord, ing to my interview on Monday with Mr. Bates, Dave had the car in the top 10 overall on the first two laps and things started going downhill from there. The leather boots tore and that caused 40 minutes down time. I guess Danny Reider was leading on the first lap and lost second gear and they stopped for some repairs and Danny passed them only to meet some i'foom down the road. Gary says that when they parked the car after finding that there were other problems that could not be fixed in time to continue racing, his crew went over and took the boots and flanges off it put them on his and Baeskins car. On the third lap, the flanges started tearing again, so that took another ½ hour for repairs. They were flying along pretty good when just after check 2, the clip off the end of the axle came out of the inner CV, that sort of stopped them dead in the water, so co,rider, Cliff Carter walked to pit C which evidently wasn't too far and got some help from Billy Robertson and Steve Holladay. They got the car back to the pit and de--gutted Robertson's Class 2 car's CVs to replace what was strewn across the desert from their car. If I understand correctly, the bottom of the chromoly arm was cracked and they had to do some creative welding to patch that up. They had a welder in the pit but no helmet, so Bates put on two pairs of sunglasses -and proceeded to . weld a wrench onto the arm to -As usual Class 9 had the biggest entry, and as usual Sandy Parker and Tom Moessner won in the swift Chenowth, but it was a battle of mere seconds, as they won the 16 car class by just 12 seconds. November 1993 , give it strength. This seemed to be the end of their problems, he says they took it easy in the rough stuff and flew through the fast stuff, well over 100 mph. Dave Baeskins borrowed John Files little Bug and was going around the course observing Gary and Cliff, being a Mother Hen, making sure that his buddies and his new car were OK. Gary says this is the first time he has driven a race wth Cliff and he is a really good co,rider, not a lot of screaming and yelling and he gave good directions and was a big help. Danny Reider had parked the car just after the second lap and Pete Swift must have really done something major on the first lap, because he didn't even get to finish the lap. Class 5, 1600 had a pretty good turn out this time, there were 10 entries, 9 starters and four 4 lappers. Leading the pack was the · Lucerne Valley team of Bob and Jason Kleber. These two brothers were absolutely ecstatic when they finished and finished in first place, after 35 tries. The boys had a fifth~ PRISM DESIGN WOULD LIKE TO CONGRATULATE DICK CEPEK RACING TEAM FOR THEIR FIRST PLACE FINISH AT THE LA RANA JOHNSON VALLEY 200 CURRENT LA RANA POINTS LEADER RON STOBAUGH - DICK CEPEK RACING TEAM BUGGY CHASSIS-FROM $1850 FULL SIZE PRE-RUNNERS UNLIMITED TRUCKS - $49,500 3666 Omec Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 916-638-9869 Page 49"'

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Bob Richey and Tom Baker brought the ex Gordon Class 1 Ford out for some real world testing, had a ball but trans woes put them out on lap 4. Scott, Earl and Mike McKinney plus anchor man Eric Heiden do a little wheelie in the Jeep Cherokee, on the way to a fine second in Class 6. Steve Krieger and Tim Clark rolled the Chevy big time while leading a few miles from the checkers in Class 8, but they salvaged second in class. A pioneer in Class 9 Dave Girdner and Rick Johnson still race the same car, a Hi Jumper and they came in fourth, a half minute back in Class 9. Chuck Foreman and Larry Fisher had a rough ride with a bad shock, but no other trouble with the Chevy that they drove to second in Class 152. Page 50 ' Ed Pauley and John landiorio were fourth in Class 1-2-1600 in Bruce Landfield and Doug Gladney dash between rocks and their Mirage, had a good race and were just a few minutes cactus on the way to a fourth place finish in the Lothringer built behind after four laps. 5-1600 Bug. A.J. Ferris and Bill La Porte of nearby Victorville, had two good laps for third in Class 725, but that was only halfway in their race. David Rogers came south from San Jose to sample silt, mud, and rocks, and he drove alone and well, finishing fourth in the big Class 9 contest. Heading into the night Rob Anderson and Ty Goode overcame official's penalty to finish the Raceco third in Class 10 and a good 12th overall. The Nelson family, Fred, Fred Jr., Sherry and Sherry K got lost, lost a trans fluid line, but survived it all to win Class 155 in the Ford. November 1993 -:--:--:--:--:---,----------------,------Ralph Blundell, Morgan Mccomas, Randy and Eric Pettit got the Toyota a bit dirty in the mud early in the race, but finished four laps, second in Class 750. Dennis Peterson and Jim Mobley stopped only once for fuel and a driver change and they were fifth in Class 9, two minutes behind fourth place. Kathy Fay, with dad Jim riding shotgun, got a good third place finish in her new Class 15 Ford Ranger, exactly one minute out of second place. John Barajas, Marty Dale Jensen and Tom Parker had serious down time with the Chevy, but finished their two laps anyhow for second in Class-157. DustyTimcs

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James Clements and Michael Brown must have had a little problem along the way but they drove James' Clemco into a Burl Beveridge and Mike Abbott had a trouble free race, except for knocking off one headlight that fell in the car, but they finished second in Class 10. Brothers Bob and John Beyer were second in Class 15 in their Ford, having just one serious problem along the route and they were 18 minutes back. good third place in Class 9 action. ~ place start and Bob, who took the first half of the race, got the car in first place and held it there even with a flat tire, when they stopped to get it replaced, someone put the wheel on backwards, so. had to stop again and put it on correctly. When Jason got in the car he made sure that all of his good luck stuff was in place, like his old high school football jersey, a medicine bag and a four leaf clover. He was hoping that these items would take away the jinx that they seem to have had and it must have worked. He did have another flat on the fourth lap, but this one was changed properly and in record time. I believe it was then when Brad Clausen passed them and Jason went ballistic and caught them at the silt bed and passed them, because· he had the win in sight and he wasn't going to take second place this time. They wanted to thank D .J. T ransaxles, Reid Pro, Valvoline, Drifter Racing, CORE, their Mom, Dad and brother Justin and ATE Motorsports for helping them reach the brass ring at last. We were even invited to a Victory party for the boys held at co~rider Dale Smith's house, a great time was had and we thank you. Second place finisher was the team of Brad Clausen and Matt Miller. They said they had a trouble free race and this is their second one like that so they are pretty pleased. They said their Fox Shocks were phenomenal and they wanted to thank Reid Pro for the bullet proof axles and Fat Performance for the great motor. They said that the silt bed was a major bitch and they drove around the puddles as much as they could but all in all had a pretty good day. They finished four minutes behind the Klebers. Kleber's time was 5:45:39 and Clausen's was 5:49:55, that is some pretty close racing and that is also what makes the adrenalin start pumping. Class 750 had four entries, three starters, and two finishers. Jay and Donnie King are back and they finished in first place, but things were a little hectic in the "interview" area, people were about 10 deep around the finishers and I don't think the boys could even get close to where I was. They finished in 7:32:47, followed real close by the #2 finish of Ralph Blundell Jr. who finished in 7:33:05. Class 725 had six entries,' five starters and two finishers. Dan Cannon took first in 7:18:27 and again I did not get to talk to him due to the large crowd at the finish line. Second place went to Kreg Donohoe with a total time of 7 :45 :33. Class 6 had three entries, three starters and two finishers. Both first and second went to the Don A Vee Jeeps driven by Dusty Times Glen Cohen and Tim Serviss are faithful to their Jeep pickup, lost a shock, then all their lights so Tim did a quick rewire job, and they went on to win Class 15 by a good margin, over 18 minutes. Darren Skilton, who took first in Steve Poole really tried for the 5:24:52 and Scott McKinney, · win, but he'll come back for second place with a time of more, he says he usually races the 5:56:59. Jim Pierce was third at SCORE series, but likes the 8:02:52. friendliness of this series. Third Finally we get to Class 9 with 17 place went to Jim Clements, who entries, 16 starters and 14 has the same smile on his face finishers that 1s a very high whither he finishes first or in the finishing rate, so there must have middle of the pack. Fourth place been some real contests going on went to David Rogers, a name I'm out on the course amongst these not too familiar with and he too folks. To show how close some of escaped the !nterview process. these guys were, Sandy Parker and Fifth place went to Dennis Tom Moessner took first place by Peterson and Jim Mobley who are fractions of a second. Sandy and still working on the win, like the Tom finished in 5:35:34 and Klebers. They have come to the second place Steve Poole finished con cl us ion that they have in 5:35:46. Is that close or probably got the car dialed in on Larry Gross and Roger Malcolm won the three rig Class 152 in their handsome Toyota, and they had trouble in the silt bed, clogging the air filter, but got fixed in a pit and went on to victory. what???? all the big stuff, but need to do Dave Edelstein and Dennis Lishtle herded the tidy Ford Bronco, left, into first Tom took the first half of the some adjusting here and there to place in Class 157, and here are passing Bill Quitmeyer who was third in Class race and turned the car over to make it perfect. Jim took the first. 152. Edelstein won his class by two hours. Sandy without a single problem. half and had a great first lap with He had taken the lead very no down time and on the second tactfully and turned the car over lap stopped only to get the light to Sandy with #907 (Poole) only covers removed, and got out at 30 seconds behind him. Sandy the end oflap 2 for a driver change said he was glad it was dark, and to get some fuel. On #3 the because he didn't want to see what Pumper hose kept coming off of he was driving through, it would Dennis' helmet, so he lost time have scared him enough to slow messing around with that. Lap #4 down, which he could not do. seemed to have been a little more They said that this win brings eventful. Dennis had a problem them to the top of the heap in crossing the water on the "dry" points and they hope to take the lake bed,.he found out he had no class championship once again. powers to spread the waters or get The thank you's went out to on t6p of it, so he muddled Parker Brothers prep work, who through it and got lost at mm44 or always have a good idea that thereabouts and came into check brings home a winner. 2 backwards. Some of the course La Rana is trying to get a good sized quad class developed, and they had four start at Johnson Valley. Jeff Courts won the two lap contest by 25 minutes over Cole Warren and Steve Dingham. November 1993 markings had gotten knocked down, so he got turned around in the darkness. He did have a problem with the left front shock, but that was about it, nothing major. They once again wanted to thank R.E. Goodspeed, DJ Transaxles, Reid Pro, Tom Mattingly Racing, DRS and Bob's Tire Service. They held their third place in the points race and gained a few on the guys behind them. (310) 598-2731 WEddLE ENGiNEERiNG . Exclusive distributor of Lock-Right"" VW Locking Differentials The ultimate on• and off-road traction for VWs PERFORMANCE Billet Racing Diffs for Swingaxle, IRS, and 091 Bus TRANSAXLE P~RODMUCis Hard to Find New and Used Parts Wholesale/Retail. Dealer Inquiries Welcome Top Quality. Lowest Prices P.O. Box 15466 Long Beach, CA 90815 Page 51 f

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VORRA's Fallon 150 ''At Night~• Sam Berri was smooth through the day and fast into the night running away with the win in Class 2 and more importantly th_e first spot overall cinching up the team's point lead in class. VORRA's 1993 Summer of Fun Desert Series continued July 30, 31 and August 1 in the beautiful farming community of Fallon, Nevada. This was the first day/night race in over 10 years. If ou missed night racing this was the one for you. The racers ran four 60 mile laps equalling 250 miles. This new race was welcomed by The Bonanza Inn & Casino, The Nugget of Fallon, and The City of Fallon. The drawing for starting positions was held on Friday, July 30 at the Nugget Casino in Fallon. The first name to come out of the hat was Glen McAdon, running in Class 2 for the first time, after coming up the ranks from Sportsman Vet. , Saturday, July 31 was the big day. 9 A.M. to 1 P.M . was registration at the Bonanza Inn ~ Casino and tech inspection was across the street. With the race being 25 miles out of town there was no impound or parade. Many of the teams showed up on Saturday, teched and headed out to inspect the course. With this being a new race no one was sure what to expect. By 3 P.M. on Saturday every-thing was set. The start/ finish line was across U.S. 50 from Sand Mountain. The course would run down the sand wash to Visual A, up to Black Springs and check-The team of Sid Smith and Kip Whitnack kept their winning streak going at this new race, the team set fast lap in class, first in Class 1-2-1600 and most importantly third overall. point 1, through a rock canyon to Visual B, run down the Pipe Line through the Cocoon Mountains back to Visual A, completing the first loop of this figure eight course. The second circle would start by running across the flat to checkpoint 2 at Wightman Well. Visual C would be the next stop in the Four Mile Canyon. The run from Visual C would be one of the most interesting parts of the course down Arterial Canyon with walls of sheer rock most of the way to checkpoint 3. From 3 to 4 was a side hill dream down G Z Canyon over Aplite ridge. From check point 4 back in to the start finish line was a straight sprint down a pole line, along the Sand Springs Range. This was a completely new venue for the racers and many I spoke with told me that they were looking forward to the change. The Green flag dropped at 4 P.M. on Saturday with a finish time for the first car set at 12 A.M. Sunday, August 1st. With temps. in triple digits during the day the cool night air was a welcome relief for drivers and crews. Class 2 was the first class off the line with only 4 cars making the start, 3 of which would finish. Having the pole position Glen McAdon, in the Creasy Racing single seater would have a clear track with no dust but unfor-tunately Glen would have The Laplante racing team's day would have been a short one had a fellow Class 10 racer not come to their aid on the second lap, but with a borrowed Clutch Slave Cylinder the team took the class win. problems and his day would end the car. The team had a helping early, not completing a lap. hand in winning from a surprising Everett Paul in the #243 two place, the team of Smith and seater would be running in strong Bright; the Class 10 competitors contention for the win all day but would give the Laplante team the would come in just over 9 clutch slave cylinder needed to minutes behind the first place car continue on lap 2. The part was of Sam Berri. Everett summed up taken off one of the vehicles in the off road racing in one sentence, J.B. Machine's pit, Randy would "This was fun but let's be honest, leave the main pits 15 minutes we are all in need of a little ahead of Smith and Bright. professional help." Sam and Laplante would hold to those 15 Everett have been dicing it out all minutes to take the win in Class season, and in a playful gesture 10 with a time of7: 12:40. When I Everett said about his second spoke to Phil Laplante about the place in class and overall "Next race, he expressed what we all like race Sam won't be in front." to hear, "I would like to give Everett's finish time was a strong special thanks to Dale and crew 6:39:49. for demonstrating true sports-Clayton Scudder in the Auto manship and friendship with a Diesel Electric sponsored two fellow racer." seater out of Reno, NV would set As already stated the team of fast time of the race on the first lap Smith and Bright from Sparks, at 1:29:37, but on the second lap NV would pick up second in the Scudder's Performance team Class 10, Dale woulq be sharing would set the long lap in Class 2 the driving duty with David with a 3:07:55 time after having Bright. The team would set fast to replace a stub axle. Clayton and lap in class on lap 1 with a 1:35:56 Curtis would come back into the time, then finish strong with a race, picking up third in class, just 7:29:23 time. When I asked Dale beating the 8 hour limit by a little about Laplante he simply said over 4 minutes, coming in at "Dennis did it, but hey that's 7:55:17. Class 2 points leader racing." Steve Bradford of Sam Berri would be the big Seaside, Ca. had a brutal day after winner at the first Fallon 250 losing his power steering. The picking up the first overall win Bradford team set long lap in with 6:30:07 time. Sam's race was Class 10 on lap 2 with a 2:29:35, a fast one with only minor but would come back for a third problems, a broken shock and a lap. As Steve put it, "We didn't flat were his only setbacks. Sam's have many major problems but only true complaint with the race the ones we did have were just was one that many open drivers enough to keep us from com-echoed, "WE NEED MORE pleting the last lap." Steve would OPEN CARS". run further than the next car to Class 10 would start next with pick up third in class. 5 cars, there would only be two Class 1-2-1600 was the next teams that would complete all class to take the green. Eight cars fourlaps.Thefirstcarofftheline would start with only three in class was Randy Laplante in the completing all four laps. The first Electric Works sponsored single car off would be Keith Robb of seater of Portland, OR. Randy Pittsburg, CA. Keith would run drove from the green flag to the laps 1 through 3 but not make·a checker flag. Brother Phil would fourth. Sid Smith and Kip not be driving this race; Phil had Whitnack in the Humbug heart surgery a few days after Automotive sponsored single Fallon, he is doing great and is seater out of Yuba City, CA. looking forward to getting back in would set fast lap in class. The Everett Paul spent the day running hard chasing Sam Berri as close as possible playing the hound after the hare. Everett would be able to come close to the win, picking up second in Class 2 and second overall. Clayton Scudder and Curtis Clark fought hard in pursuit of the Class 2 win, unfortunately a broken stub axle would slow the team. They would come back slipping into the night and the third spot in class. The team of Smith and Bright ran strong all day picking up second in Class 10 but even more then that the team showed real sportsmanship, putting the competition side of racing away by helping a fellow competitor in need. Page 51 November 1993 Dusty Times

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Larry Folsom had a ride of his life on the second lap, standing the car on end; luckily Larry was able to save it and off he went, running into the second place spot in 1-2-1600. Larry Zimmerman and Dave Jefferis burned up the track all day and into the night, showing us why they are the Desert Points leaders; little down time gave the team third in class, strengthen-ing their points lead. After a horrible accident at the Yerington 400 in May where his co-driver broke his back, many thought the Kellogg team wouldn't be back; they were wrong. Joe picked up se·cond in Class 4 at his pro debut. Josh and Becky Hall's first desert race for 1993 was work, having mechanical problems on lap 1, the team was able to come back to pick up the third place spot in Class 4. Raymond Fisher, Class 4 points leader, started in the hunt for the lead but his trans went on the second lap. Rather than giving up, the team did.the impossible and came back to place fourth in class. Joe Copening sat out this race, Garth Akening had driving duty; running smooth and strong, the team would vie for the lead all day but came in just a little behind taking second place in Sportsman Vet. cime to beat in 1600 was a blistering 1: 3 7 :03, they then would finish with an equally fast time of 6:48:24 catching first in class and third overall. The win would put the team into the points lead for the year in 1-2-1600. When I spoke to Kip Whitnack, he said "We have had no major problems, just a smooth run." Second would go to Larry Folsom in the South West Builders sponsored single seat 1600 buggy. Larry, while running a hard charging race on the second lap had a scare, the car stood up on the left rear tire, spun and came back down, a roll was what I thought would come next, but he pulled it out and off he went. The rocks would take their toll on Larry's tires, finishing with three tubes bulging. His finish time was 6:50:44. Desert points leader Larry Zimmerman and Dave Jefferis of Alta, CA in the Larryz Automotive sponsored single seater were in the hunt for the win all day. They would come in just barely 10 minutes behind the second place ·car to pick up the third place spot with a 7:00:49 time. The longest lap of the race would be set by the Abreu Racing team of Dublin, CA. with a 7:05:56 first lap, they would not make another. Shad Balch f:lad a fantastic race in his Nissan, even with not feeling well Shad finished at the top with a little help from friend and competitor Don German . Shad was the only Heavy Metal to complete all four laps, coming in-barely five minutes ahead of the clock. Class 4 would sta·rt with the largest entry of the Pro classes with 9 heavy metals taking the start. First off the line was Joe Kellogg of Yakima, WA. This was Joe's first Pro start, and what a start! The team would set fast lap in class with a 1 :44:55 first lap, Joe would run strong all day but would be stopped on the final lap with time running out. Th,e Kellogg teafn picked up second in class. Raymond Fisher of Reno, NV had probably the most interesting race of the day. The team started great, running hard on the first lap, but on the second lap between check points 1 and 2 , their tranny would go. Rather than giving up, the team did the impossible: they changed the transmission in the field. This was time consuming, the Fisher team set long lap in class with a 3:49:56 time on that lap. The team did come back to fight for position, taking fourth in class by success-fully completing three of the four laps. This team deserves an A for their efforts. The F&S Drywall Mini Mag ran away with the first Fallon 250 in the Sportsman Vet class. This miniature race car was flawless, the only problem experienced by Mike and Floyd Haas was the dust. Shad Balch of Fremont, CA in his Nissan truck would have a hard race. Shad got out of the truck after the second lap feeling ill. Don German drove Shad's truck the third lap and half of the fourth (Don's Jeep lost it's motor on lap 1, so he stopped in to help Shad) as Don put it, "It was his race and I wasn't going to finish it. That's why I got out half way through the fourth lap." Shad skated the time line, finishing only five minutes and five seconds ahead of the limit with a 7:55:55 rac~ • .tShad's Co-driver was Tody Lavender. Shad said he enjoyed running the VORRA event and would be back for the Yerington 250 over the Labor Day Week-end. Third place would go to the husband & wife team ofJosh and Becky Hall of Reno, NV in their BFGoodrich sponsored Dodge. Dustvnma Noftrnbcr 1993 . This was Josh and Becky's first desert race of the year. The day didn't start too great for this Hall · team, losing their front drive line, thrashing the steering box, and discovering that the tranny wasn't pumping fluid. All on the first lap, setting them down by an hour and a half. But as Josh put it, "Other than that it was a great race." Josh would be stopped on the third lap but having gone further faster than the next car gave them the third place finish. Before I talk about the Sportsman division I would like to apologize to Mike Haas. In a past article I called him Frank, this was a major goof and I am sorry . Frank, "OOPS", I mean Mike. Now on with the article. The Sportsman Division would consist of the usual classes, Vet., Novice, Class 9, and Pilots. Sportsman Vet started with the most cars of the day 14, half would make the three laps. Th Haas brothers MIKE and Floyd in the F & S Drywall sponsored Mini Mag out of Lodi, CA held the pole position in class from green to checker. The only complaint I heard the brothers say was they had dust trouble behind · the Hall Hummer, and got nailed by Troy Robinson #16. Nothing was going to stop this team from picking up the win and strength-ening their points lead, with the 5:06:28 race. ~ WRIGHT PLACEk larger Di&melllf links ---larger Diameter Spindle• ~ "EXTREME" TRAILING ARMS STRONGEST ARMS AVAILABLE Directly ntplac:ea oti-manufactu ... a trailing •ma 9420 FLl!"N SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 TEL: (619) 561-4810 FAX: (619) 561-7960 Page 53~

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Randy Miller took his two seat Sportsman Vet race car around the track all three laps with only minimal problems, the team was able to come in and place third in class. Jerry Wafd's Mini Mag hooked it up around the 60 mile track all three times, with no problems to speak of. Jerry came in second at the finish in Sportsman Novice. The team of Fredrickson and Miquel paced their Sportsman Novice racer finishing in the third position in class. The team would start closing the gap with the finish in points between them and leader Charlie Katten. -------------would go far enough to pick up the position. The Pilot Class started with eight entries but only three would complete their one lap. First would go to the final starter of the race, Michael Daws of San Jose, CA taking the win with a 1:48:30 lap. Michael's only problem was running the rock Canyon with a flat tire. As Michael put it "that canyon is hard enough with all four tires, with three it was murder." Second place would be grabbed by the #2 Pilot, driven by Mike Vandeburg of Cottonwood, CA. Mike's time was only two minutes 20 seconds behind the· winner with a 1:50:50 race. Mike Charlie Ketten VORRA 's wonder Rookie did it again. Charlie held the first said "I never got out of the _Pilot. position in Sportsman Novice from start to finish, without knowing it. Charlie My crew dumped a gallon of gas in took the class win and strengthened his desert points lead. just to be sure I wouldn't run Second in Vet was captured by Forest Creasy of Pollock Pines, . out." When I asked Mike about the Baja ofJoe Copening. The race CA started first off the line and the course he said two words "Big was driven by Garth Akening of would come in second at the end Rocks". I think most of the Pilot eaverton, OR. Co~driving was after having a flat a lap, finishing drivers would agree with him. Borland Copening. The team had with a 6:36:20 time. The second Third place would go to the F & S no problems, running consistent car off the line in class was Jeffrey Drywall Pilot out of Lodi, CA laps, finishing with a 5:24:20 Carr. A racer who traveled up driven by Floyd Haas' son Keith. time. Third place went to Randy from Las Vegas, NV to run this Keith set a 2:56:01 time. Miller of Davis, CA. in the #96 race. The trip would be worth it, The Fallon race was an car. The Miller team took the picking up first in class with a time experience. The biggest complaint position with ease, being the last of6:16:50. Thethirdspotwentto of this new race was the dust, it· five hour finisher of the class Robert Milner of Hayward, CA. hung like a curtain over the turninga5:37:53.FastlapinVet Evenwithrunningonlyonelaphe. desert, and as night fell many was set by Troy Robinson on the firstlap with a 1:33:05 time. Troy was in the hunt for the win until the second lap when the team broke a tie rod end and had to use a Bungie Cord to limp the car to the next pit 20 miles away. Troy wouldn't be able to make up the time and would drop to fifth place with a 6:29:57 time. Rich Bryden set the longest lap of the day in class with a 4:24:55 time on the last lap, but would finish with a time of 7 :58:4 7. Beating the time limit by only two minutes and 13 s~nds, Rich was the final finisher in Sportsman Vet. Sportsman Novice started with 10 cars and would have five finishers. Charlie Ketten of Jeffrey Carr up from_ La_s Vegas set_ fast lap in Class 9 and kept u~ the pace F 11 NV . k d th . . the rest of the day picking up the f,rst spot m class making the tnp up here a on, pie e up e wm m worth it class with a 5:47:20 time. When I•---·----------------------spoke to Charlie he said "I didn't know I was leading the class race till I finished. I thought I was chasing two of my class competi~ tors for the last two laps, but .4.. when I took the checkered flag I found out they were behind me." " Jerry Wald of Concord, CA ran a steady and strong race, picking up the second place in class with a 6:24: 19 time. The Fredrickson and Miguel team out of Milwau~ kee, OR picked up third place setting a finish time of 6:34: 16. Suffering long ,lap in class was , Hooter Meyer of Carmichael, CA on the first lap with a 4:02:47 • ·me. Hooter's day would end early not making another lap. Class 9 started with four entrants, only two of which would take the checkered flag. age54 Michael Daws was the final competitor to take the green flag at the inaugural Fallon 250 at night. Being last didn't faze this racer, picking his way through the field to come in first in the pilot class. November 1993 drivers found themselves driving looking forward to next year. The blind. As you looked across the next VORRA event is the final course the figure eight track was Desert race of the season, held clearly visible by the dust over the Labor Day weekend in lingering above it. Even with the Yerington,-NV "The Y ering~ heatanddusteveryone seemed to ton/VORRA 250." like this new event and were BAJA 500 MEMORIES Photos: T rackside Photo Inc. During the course of the Baja 500 race last June, many vehicles got stuck in silt and in the tough conditions of the road. If it hadn't been for these local folks risking their lives trying to get the racers on their way, and they were risking their lives since cars were still coming towards them as they were trying to dig the stuck vehicles out, the race would have been over for some of the competitors. This particular bunch were at about the six mile mark, and were responsible for sending about ten cars on their way. There are people, like these guys here, all throughout the course in Baja. It would be nice to thank them somehow. Enclosed is a photo of the group, and some of the stuck cars. Dusty Times

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GOODIES COME IN GREEN 1993 Chevrolet S-10 Extended Cab Pickup Text & Phoros: John B. Calvin Long, low and good looking describes the 1993 Chevy S-10 2WD pickup. wo;king or cruising it's a great buy. We don't road test two wheel drive vehicles very often but there comes a time when we realize that whether you are an off roader or not, 98% of the miles you put on your vehicle each year are on the pavement. So, here we go with a test on the 1993 Chevrolet S-10, which, I might add is a good looking, good performing and great handling truck. The model we tested was an extended cab, fleetside truck that was coated in a beautiful forest green, slowly going to a steel gray or silver down the sides of the truck. Very pleasant to the eye. BFGoodrich Comp T I A M&S P215/65Rl5 tires, mounted on Aluminum wheels hug the pavement very quietl_y and performed quite well off the road too! We had two wheel drive only but we always do a bit of off roading and we were able to get around quite well, although we didn't put this S-10 through too many trials off road as it just wouldn't be kosher. Motive power was supplied by the super smooth and super quiet 4.3 liter V6 engine, fuel injected of course. This V6 produces 165 horses and 235 pounds of torque. Plenty of power in this extended cab pickup is always available with just a slight downward motion of your right foot. We also had a 4 speed automatic transmission with overdrive which is also very quiet and shifts effortlessly. Final drive was a 3 .4 2 with a locking rear axle d'iffer-ential, lots of help in the wet and whenever conditions produce some wheel spin in the rear. The anti-lock brake system consists of front power assisted disc brakes and rear drums. This system assures straight line stops and directional stability during those panic stops we have to make stalk controls the tum signals, the every now and then. interrnittant wipers and washers The instrument cluster is well and also the electronic speed lit at night, easy to read any time control and the high/low beams. and everything is really easy on the The Chevrolet S-10 book calls it eyes. The 85 mile per hour the "Smart Stick" and it certainly speedometer and the fuel gauge is. Headlight switches are located share the center of the instrument on the extreme left side of the cluster and they are surrounded dash, and nicely located on the by the oil pressure gauge, engine doors are the electric window temperature and battery condi-controls and the electric door tion gauges, all laid out neat and locking switches. You can lock tidy and in a vertical motif. The both doors from either door in odometer is located in the the S-10, another handy little speedometer and the resettable feature. Good sized pockets on odometer is in the fuel gauge each door take care of maps, layout with the reset button there papers, etc. and a good sized glove too. Further to the right is the box is located on the far right of indicator for the au tom a tic the dash and, a very nice touch, a transmission gear selection. Just parcel tray runs beneath the dash below are the various warning from left of center all the way lights for seat belts not fastened, across to the right. etc. Sun visors are dual, you can Immediately to the right of the swing one over to the door to instrument cluster are the heat block the sun while leaving the and air controls, also shown in a other in front. The rear view vertical motif. There are two mirror has two reading lamps sliding levers for temperature built into it with on/off switches selection and mode selection, on the base of the mirror. vent, air, heat, etc. and your This S-10 was equipped with selection is highlighted with a the split bench front seat, all lovely blue light. Just below the nicely done in gray cloth. Each heat/air control is the handy-section is adjustable and a small dandy electric mirror controls. I center section comes down to think the electric mirrors are one form a comfortable arm rest. Seat of the best inventions of our time. backs adjust to your desired No more reaching or stretching, setting and I must say that on the just move the switch ... I love it. long trips the seats were very Centrally located on the dash is comfortable. The extended cab the AM/FM stereo with CD modelhasanadditional 18inches player. This sound system has all behind the seats which gives you the usual features, lots of buttons, twenty cubic feet of indoor four speakers, two in front, two in storage in the non-passenger rear the rear and enough decibels to configuration. There are two blow your eardrums out. A digital jump seats that come out of the clock is included in the readout. side wall of the S-10, complete The steering wheel tilts for your with seat belts of course, and convenience, the automatic another nice feature is a car-transmission gear selector lever is go/ convenience net attached to on the right side of the steering the rear wall of the cab that will column and on the left side the hold your cameras, radio, or The instruments and all the various controls are easy to read, easy to see and within easy reach of the driver. · The 4.3 liter V6 put out 125 horsepower with 150 pounds of torque and is super smooth and quiet. whatever you desire in absolute safety. Very handy when you are banging around off road. The entire floor is carpeted, wall to wall, adding to the luxurious look and feel of the S-10. Swing-out rear side windows are handy for a little extra ventilation as well as enhancing the looks of the extended cab S-10. It also was equipped with a sliding rear window, all of which increase your comfort. Fuel consumption is not too bad, we averaged a little over 18 mpg with a few trips averaging 22 mpg, but that was with very careful driving. I am known to have a lead foot so mileage is never that important to me. The Chevy S-10 extended cab comes with a twenty gallon fuel tank so you have a nice cruising range and you still have power to spare. Speaking of spare{ s ), the Chevy S-10 does have a full size spare tucked up under the bed, and you all know my feelings on full size spares; you can't live without 'em. Driving the Chevy S-10 is really a pleasure. We put quite a few miles on the extended cab model and really enjoyed every minute of it. There is horsepower aplenty and the limited slip rear end is surely a must. We spent a little time on some really winding mountain roads and the S-10 ~: handles like a dream in the curves. It sticks like glue and there is no noticeable body lean as you corner, due in part perhaps to the heavy duty shocks both front and rear. Visibility is very good and the Solar-Ray tinted glass keeps things a wee bit cooler inside on those hot muggy days. But if you get too warm the air conditioning unit can freeze you to death in a very short time. The small time we spent off the road felt pretty good too. Needless to say we were well aware that we had a two wheel drive vehicle so we went and drove according-ly and were pleasantly surprised at the handling prowess of the S-10. Ground clearance is limited so we were very careful in doing what we love best off the road. -Were we happy with the S-10 extended cab? Yes we were. It ls peppy, good looking, comfortable and, above all, fun. We highl/ recommend the S-10 and hope you will put one on your test drive list. Trailering packages are avail-able and this particular S-12 with automatic transmission has a gross combination weight rating of 8500 pounds, so deducting the weight of the vehicle you are capable of towing a good sized trailer package, maybe even with a race car thereon. The folding rear jump seats are a Jot more comfortable than they look. The net on the back wall holds all sorts of small items while you're on the road. The six foot bed has tiedowns in each corner and with a heavy duty trailer package you can haul a few tons behind you. Side vent windows and rear sliding window enhance the versatil-ity of the S-10 and for fresh air fiends it's a must. Dusty Times November 1993 Page 55~

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ULTRA CUSTOM WHEELS CLOSED COURSE CHAMPIONSHIP Bump Racing At The Antelope. Valley Fair By Jean Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. The stadium SuperLites were the lead off class each day and Don Archibald did most of the leading, winning both day's heat, the main on Friday, but fell to fourth in Saturday's main. A couple years back the nucleus of BUMP (Bob Utgard Motors ports Promotions) held short course races at Willow Springs in late summer. It was a .... futile attempt to replace the fondly remembered massive events at Riverside International Raceway. The track owner would not let the course cross the paved road course, highly limiting the design and the accessibility for viewing by spectators. The grandstands are small as few events there, mainly SCCA road races, want spectators as it ups the insurance rates. So, after two tries Utgard and his crew moved out of the desert and into the Antelope Valley Fair, which is also, unfortunately in August when three digit temperatures are common in both locations. Utgard's Checker buddies pitched in to help as they had at Willow Springs. The track was designed and built by Dick Dahn and his crew who did the Riverside course, and it looked like it was all coming together with Ultra Custo m Wheels signing on as title sponsor, and additional help came from the Antelope Valley Inn (race headquarters) BFGoodrich Tires, Shepherd CAT, HT 97. 7 FM and Tire Inc. Located in Lancaster, one of the fastest growing cities in .. California, the -Fair program contained attractions for young, intermediate and old with everything from the traditional Ferris Wheel to a couple of singing groups to entertain those who need to stop and rest. The course itself came com-plete with a covered grandstand, left over from the days when the horses raced during the Fair. Now the horses were many under the hood of four wheeled steeds, and entry was open to all closed course and desert classes. The two days of racing was video taped by Arrow Productions for a one hour feature, which should be on Prime Network about now. Every The Stadium Class 10 cars provided excitement, as the ferris wheels might have been a good viewing place. Gary Gall did most of the winning in his Chenowth, first in the Friday heat and main, and first in Saturday's main. driver we talked to liked the Cherokees, the Class 1 driven by course layout, which had room to Steve Kelley and Mike drove the pass almost everywhere. How-Class 3 rig. Dale White brought ever, when the tractor-trailers his Class 3 Blazer from Las Vegas, began to arrive they were out of and Russ Jones appeared with his pit parking space as one of the Class 7. The big desert trucks fit music groups had deposited three nicely on this wide track, but portable dressing rooms in the there was sure to be some fender area each the size of a mobile banging anyhow. A Competitors home. They were not about to Autograph session was scheduled move, so arrangements were before the Friday racing began at hastily made to rent the vacantlot 7 :30 p.m. The Friday schedule next door, which did raise a bit of called for eight lap heat races with dust for residents in the low some classes combined to make a income housing nearby, but there show. Then after the Intermission was only one complaint; in fact were the main events, for which many enjoyed watching the races 40 percent of the total purse from the second story, and came would be paid. The other 60 by the fence to get autographs percent was going to the Saturday from the drivers. main event winners. Registration, tech and conting-The first heat combined Class ency row ran from 3:00 to 10 l0StadiumandDesertcars,Class p.m. Thursday evening in town, 5 and the six Mini Mags who put and the track came alive on on quite a show. The pair of Friday, August 27 with competi- desert Class 10s had a good battle tors practice sessions scheduled with Jim Zupanovich besting Don from 11 :00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. A McCarthy for the win. Meanwhile few course changes were made the Stadium Class 10s moved to and some interesting folks the frontled by Bill Goshen, Wes showed up in the Heavy Metal Banks and Gary Gall with Mike Classes. Title sponsor Jimmy Hernandez in a big Class 2 car Smith had a Class 1 desert Ford, bringing up the rear. George joined by Frank Vessels in his Seeley and Lisa Dickerson had a Class 8 desert Ford. Mike Lesle good dice going in Class 5 until was there with a pair of Jeep Lisa suddenly stopped just off course. Her desert 5 had the rear amber light burn out which shorted out most of the electrical system, backing up from the ignition, so Seeley won that battle. The big Desert Class 10 cars looked huge racing against the stadium cars, but Jim Zupanovich won the heat races in desert class in both day's races. Meanwhile the Mini Mags were really putting on a show, mixing it up with first one, then another leading the pack as they threaded their way through the back markers in other classes. But, it was no real surprise to see Rory Chenowth take over the lead for good and win the heat over Kirk McDaniel who had led for a time. Frank Bristing was third, followed by Scott Steinberger, Robert Ballard and Rick Ellison, the last couple not running well at the Don McCarthy ran second in both heats for Desert Class 10 cars, but he came checkered flag. on strong in the Chenowth later to win the class in both of the main events. The next heat was for Class 1-2-1 John Sarna seemed stuck in second place in SuperLites in both Cain Smead ran a consistent pace in his SuperLite, moving up Bill Goshen ran a close second in three stadium Class 10 races, heats, but got third in Friday's main, and came on strong to win each race, from fourth, then third on Friday, third in Saturday's but he got the win in the Saturday heat race as he and Gall diced the cash in Saturday's main event. heat and second in the main. all the way. c====================:::::::=--..:::::::::::::::==::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~==::::'.:::::==================-Page 56 November 1993 DustyTirncs

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Wes Banks ran a good third in Friday's racing, both the events, and moved up to finish second in the Stadium Class 10 heat on Saturday in tough company. Frank Bristing had a good day at the fair in his Mini Mag, with third in both heats, second in Friday's main, and he zipped up to second in Saturday's main. Rick Ellison had troubles in Friday's heat but was third in the Mini Mag main and came back on Saturday with second in the heat race and third in the main. After the first heat George Seeley was pretty lonely in Class 5, but he ran all four events, completed all the laps and naturally won Class 5 honors. 1600, all short course cars, and grooming the main events began Class 5,1600. The top dogs in 1, with the Buffalo Club Stadium 2, 1600 really battled hard; the UltraLite Challenge, an eight race was between Steve Bishop, lapper that was a real race, a tight Rick Boyer and Glen Neece, while battle between Don Archibald Andy Anderson, who may have and John Sarna, both veterans of missed practice, was feeling out the MTEG wars. Archibald got the course. Steve Bishop won the the lead for good on the white flag race followed by Rick Boyer, lap and won the Challenge, with Glen Neece and Andy Anderson. Sarna still close, followed in by Greg George showed up in a 5, Cain Smead, Shanon Powell and 1600 and that too'k care of that Ron Buccieri. class as he streaked away to lead Next up was a combination of all eight laps and take the win. almost everything else, which we Mario Panagiotopoulos was not found difficult to keep track of, far back in second followed by since the far corners of the track MikeNorrisanddesertracerTim had no lighting. Gary Gall Lawrence. The five Ultralights grabbed the lead from the get,go had a good run and Don Archibald won the heat followed by Ron Buccieri, Shanon Powell, Cain Smead and John Sarna, who had troubles. The last Friday heat got the crowd on its feet, in fact the sound of the V ,8s on the grid brought more folks into the grandstands. Jimmy Smith got the jump at the green flag with Frank Vessels on his bumper. Steve Kelley was right there too as the pair of Class 3 rigs and the 7 trailed by a bit. The big trucks had little contact, the drivers behaved and saved the and was never headed, but initially bothered by Wes Banks, Bill Goshen, Don McCarthy a couple of Mini Mags plus Zupanovich and Greg George. It was just too dark to make out the numbers but we could see Gall and Goshen leaving the field behind, lapping most of them, and having a good old dice. Almost side by side at the checkers Gary Gall won with Bill Goshen half a car length back. Don McCarthy took Desert Class 10 over Jim Zupanovich. Frank Bristing won the Mini Mag war over Ellison, Ballard, Chenowth, Steinberger and McDaniel, and George Seeley had a solo run to the cash in Class 5. Classes 1,2,1600 and 5,1600 lined up for the run for the cash and Steve Bishop took an immediate lead over Glen Neece, Rick Boyer and Anderson, who was followed by Greg George leading the 5,1600 group, with Mario staying with him, followed by Tim Lawrence and Mike Norris. The only big change here after Bishop won again, was that Andy Anderson worked up to second in Class 1,2,1600, Neece was third, Boyer fourth. Greg George won again handily in 5, 1600 with the others keeping to the previous order, probably glad it was over. It was truck time, the grand finale for the evening, and on the ~fiberglass and sheet metal and Jimmy Smith won with Steve Kelley on his bumper, Vessels was back a tad, then came Mike Lesle, Dale White and Russ Jones. After the intermission for track The Mini Mags were out in force, but it was Rory Chenowth who did all the winning, as this class put on a terrific show despite Rory winning all four race events. start Steve Kelley got the jump on Jimmy Smith and Frank Vessels. Dale White whipped out in front of Mike Lesle and Russ Jones kept his distance. Before the lap was done Smith got side by side with Kelley, leaned a tad and made the pass to lead the race. Midway in the ten lap event the fighters were Smith and Kelley. Again Vessels seemed to slow some and drop back, with his brakes glowing red hot, and Lesle now led White and Jones. Positions stayed the same until the last lap when Kelley closed on Smith and made the pass to win the heat over Smith. Vessels was third, followed in by Lesle, White and Jones. It had been a good evening of racing despite a lower than expected entry. Track workers, with many Checkers in evidence, did a fine job, and the good news was it would be all daylight racing on Saturday. The program began with a noontime Autograph Session on the track, then racing got underway with the UltraLite heat race of eight laps. Don Archibald led the first lap and all the way to pay dirt, opening up a husky lead. Cain Smead ran second early on, but John Sarna passed and took over second, staying there all th_e way, but Smead stayed right on his tail pipe all the way. Ron Buccieri was fourth, falling out on the last lap and Shanon Powell was also a dnf. The 1,2,1600 and 5,1600 heat was a good one with Rick Boyer leading the buggies and Greg George the 5,1600s for some distance. Then the picture changed for a time, Tim Lawrence ,. got up front for a while, it seemed, Glen Neece went out of the race, but it soon got familiar. Greg George won the 5,1600 followed by Mario P. and Tim Lawrence, but we didn't see Mike Norris. The buggies were hard at it with Rick Boyer leading most of the way, but faltered late in the race and Bishop jumped in to win the heat, with Boyer second followed by Andy Anderson. In Class 10 action Bill Goshen took the early lead with Gary Gall pushing him all the way and Wes Banks was very close too. After some really close racing the trio finished in the above order. And the two Desert Class 10s swapped position once again as Jim Zupanovich triumphed over Don McCarthy, and George Seeley won Class 5 honors over Scott Weir. The Mini Mags, the biggest class of the race, all returned, only to once again be trounced by Rory Chenowth, whose dad, Lynn designed the car. Rick Ellison found some new speed and was second ahead of Frank Bristing, Kirk McDaniel, Scott Steinberger and Robert~ Steve Bishop, as is his habit, dominated the 1-2-1600 class of stadium cars, as he won all four races, but had to fight hard for most of the wins in this very close running class. (Capt.) Kirk McDaniel drove his Mini Mag to second in Friday's heat, failed in the main, but got a pair of fourths on Sunday to earn Mini Mag points. Rick Boyer gave it his all in Class 1-2-1600 but came up a car length or two short in all four events, with second in both heats Andy Anderson, a former Glen Helen regular, started out fourth on Friday in Class 1-2-1600, but got second in the main and third in both Saturday races. and Saturday's main. · DustyTimcs November 1993 Page 57

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• ~'Jl,t 1..+<M~h•";~ ' . . . Tim Lawrence brought his heavier desert 5-1600 out to stadium race, and he had three third places in a row, but moved up to second in Saturday's main. Frank Vessels had a good time in his desert Class 8 Ford, but couldn't quite match the lighter Class 1 rigs and he was third all the way in Heavy Metal. Dale White brought his tidy Class 3 Chevy from Las Vegas to Lancaster, and he was second in class both days, and also fifth overall in Heavy Metal. Mario the Greek, leading here past Mike Harris, ran second for three 5-1600 races, but came on to win the big cash for the Sunday main event victory. Greg George came out with a 5-1600 to race and he flew it to first place in the Friday heat and main event, and won the Saturday heat, but broke and had to , make a pit stop in the main. turn. And you could see marks on the Jeep. Smith had removed all the rear body panels from his Ford expecting some contact in the finale, and there was, but nothing serious. Sadly after three laps Vessels' Ford stopped having lost the alternator belt which took with it the power steering belt and the water pump. Smith shoved his way into first but Kelley wasn't giving up and kept trying to pass. Remember this is a lot of iron to throw around a short closed course as these desert trucks weigh close to 5000 pounds ready to race. Then Jimmy Smith spun by the pit sweeper handing the win to Steve Kelley, who might have gotten it anyhow, we '11 never know. Mike Lesle roared into third in his Jeep and Dale White w:as close in fourth, while Russ Jones finished all the laps in lonely splendor in his Class 7. ~ Ballard. This bunch put on such a good show they should ask for appearance money. The crowd roared when the Heavy Metal came out for the Sunday heat race. It was three abreast off the line and Vessels grabbed the lead on the wide sweeper tum, but Smith caught him and passed before the lap was done. Soon the battle again raged between Smith and Kelley and body parts began to fly, while Vessels stayed a few car lengths back, avoiding the hazards of the infighting. Le&le led White in a pretty good race, and Russ Jones circulated by himself. Jimmy Smith won the heat over Steve Kelley and Frank Vessels, whose Class 8 heavyweight was no match for the two Class 1 tube framed trucks. Mike Lesle again bested Dale White in Class 3 and Jones finished the race. The final round began around 3:00 in the afternoon with the Buffalo Club UltraLight Chall-enge, and only four cars were left. t looked the same with Don Archibald pulling away off the line with John Sarna on his tail as well as Cain Smead and Shanon Powell. Sarna began to close the gap to the leader, and on the white flag lap John Sarna took over the lead and won the bucks. Smead was second and Powell third while Archibald was parked on the sidelines. Next came the Class 10s and the Mini Mags. Bill Goshen took off fast followed by Gary Gall and Wes Banks while Zupanovich ran fourth and McCarthy fifth. Gall put out a max effort and took over the lead followed by Goshen and the desert cars and the first of the Mini Mags, Bristing. The tiny cars were running clbse to the front on this final appearance. Gary Gall won the Stadium Class 10 over Bill Goshen, the only other one left, as Banks retired midway. Don McCarthy won Class 10 Desert cash over Jim Zupanovich, who also fell out of the running late ~n the. race. Third overall in Page 58 this mix was Rory Chenowth winning the Mini Mag honors and Frank Bristing was right behind him followed by George Seeley, winning Class 5 easily. Rick Ellison was third, Kirk McDaniel fourth, Robert Ballard fifth, and sixth in Mini Mags was Scott Steinberger with a flat tire. Back came the 1-2-1600s and the 5-1600s for the run for the money. Things were looking normal with Steve Bishop leading Andy Anderson, Rick Boyer and Jimmie May was next followed by Ken Searle on lap 1, and Greg George was next in the 5-1600. Then the George Bug stopped on course, having lost a coil wire, but Greg quickly got back in the race, almost last. Then Glen Neece drove into the infield and parked, so the cars were wearing out. Up front all was serene and Steve Bishop went on to win over Rick Boyer, who made a late pass, and Andy Anderson was third and Ken Seale fourth. Mario Pana-The Heavy Metal racers had the crowd on its feet, all desert cars too. Jim Smith put his Ford home first in both heats, but was second in t5oth main events. Mike Lesle flew his Class 3 Jeep Cherokee in fine style, winning the class all the way and he placed fourth overall in the main events and Friday's heat race. Moftmbcr 1993 giotopoulos now led Tim Law-rence for the 5-1600 cash, and Tim's rider, a big guy, swore he would never do anything like that again! The schedule was down to the last entry, the Heavy Metal Clash or Bash, whichever you prefer, but there was plenty of both going on. It was a three wide start down the straight and into the turn with Kelley coming out first around the turn, then Smith and Vessels, who stayed side by side the whole It was a fun meet, the money was good thanks to the sponsors, and both more spectators and racers would have made things better for all concerned. BUMP plans four such events next summer all during county fairs, so look for another crowded calendar when the weather warms up next year and the fair season starts. ~ . .........,.,.... -Steve Kelley raced Smith hard all the way, and despite nose dives in the Class 1 Jeep, Steve won the Friday main and took the Saturday main with a daring last la , last turn in fact, ass for the win. Russ Jones was the only Class 7 entry, but he ran with the big trucks, had a good time in the Ford and he finished all four events with most of the sheet metal intact. Dustynmcs

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Christmas Goodies Galore ••• styling of the Toyota T,100 pickup is the new "tapereq desigr:i." dual tube rear bumper from Smittybult. Featuring a new filler plate between the bumper number of vehicle/animal collisions. It is designed to warn animals of approaching vehicles, and the unit emits a sweeping, high,frequency.signal, beyond the human hearing range, but highly distinctive to animals. The warbling sound produced is audible to animals for a distance of up to 250 feet at 65 mph. T!i.e signal is produced in a cone shaped pattern at a 38 degree angle from the front bumper to cover a·large area of the road and · berm area .. It sounds like a great idea especially for warning deer who can really damage themselves and your car. (W ortder if the BLM would accept it for warning the desert tortoises that the race cars are coming, and save all the extTa course marking now required! ed.) To find out where to buy this keen device contact Tom McCartney, Winner International, Winner Building, , Dept. OT, 32 West State St., Sharon, PA 16146. Trick Street Wheel ·--American Racing Equipment's AR, 766 is the street version of our NASCAR wheel, the same winning wheel used by P.J. Jones and Page Jones. AR,766 is a steel wheel that is clear coated for ease of maintenance. It is available in sizes 15 x7 and 15 x8 with applications to fit most foreign and domestic cars and light trucks, and features a Lifetime Structural Waranty. For full details contact American Racing Equipment, Dept. OT, 19067 So. Reyes Ave., Rancho Dominguez, CA 90221. NewKC Headlight Bulb surrounded by a high,quality parabolic reflector. A key benefit is the continuous illumination of the overall welding areas, allowing the welder to keep working without stopping between weldings, nor does the welder need to lift his mask to see the next weld joint. The new Weld, Light is available through distributors nationwide or direct from Mittler Bros., Dept OT, 121 East Mulberry St., P.O. Box 110, Dept OT, Floris tell, Missouri 63348, Instant Windshield Washer Tablets 303 Products Inc has a new solution for refilling a car or truck windshield washer bottle with cleansing fluid, the Instant Windshield Washer Tablet. Moments after dropping one -KC HiLites has a new replacement -tablet into a gallon jug 0~ water, quartz halogen headlight bulb in pou~ a ~owe~ful cle_aner mto the their complete line of lighting vehicle ~ windshield washer products. They project a bright res_ervoi~. The tablets are white light, are shock resistant availab~e, five to a card, usuall~ at and feature a pre,focused a fraction of t~e. cost of five filament. It is a do,it,yourself gal_lons of tradit10_nal wash~r product, easily replaced with no fluid. The product is non,toxic tools required. KC marketing says ~nd fully bi_odegradab;e. S~unds the new bulb is "The last hkeagoodidea,especiallyifyou headlamp bulb you'll probably ~avel a _ lot by car. For more ever buy thanks to KC's unique mformatton contact 303 Prod, 23 year warranty, which includes ucts Inc., P.O. Box 966, Dept OT, burn,out". KC products are Palo Cedro, CA 96073. available at better automotive and specialty vehicle accessory retail stores nationwide. Send today for a free copy of the latest catalog to: KC HiLites, Inc., Dept. OT, > Avenida De Luces, Williams, AZ f 86046. Weld-Light Mittler Bros. introduces "Weld, Light", a quartz halogen light that attaches to any welding gun. The MSD Coil Wire Retainer new tool provides visibility, .. . •~ efficiency, accuracy and safety for MSD Ignition has come up with a welders. The light focuses an clever product thl!,t keeps the coil extremely high concentration of wire from falling out of the coil. light on the work area, providing The new MSD Coil Wire visibility through the welder's Retainer will keep the coil wire in face shield. The lightweight, low place even under the most severe voltage Weld,Light features a racingoroffroadconditions. The high intensity halogen lamp "hood" of the Coil Wire Retainer DustyTimcs covers the coil wire boot and and truck body, the finished look preventsitfromcomingoutofthe is clean, functional and a coil tower. The lower portion of distinctive blend of style and the Retainer snaps ~nugly a~oun.d utility, making a 'nice lookin' the coil body. A simple wire tie rear'. The independent hitch is keeps everything in place. Some fully supported and bolts to the coils have different height towers • bumper, and accepts all standard so a special ring is included with 2" drop hitches. Smittybilt has a each retainer that spaces the complete "style package" for the retainer down to compensate for T,100 including front bumper short towers. The MSD Coil nerf bars and truck bars. Need Wire Retainer fits all MSD more information? Send $3.00 Blaster Series Coils ~nd most for a catalog to: SMITfYBILT, other aftermarket ~amster type Inc., Dept OT, 2090 California coils. For more information Ave., Corona, CA 91719. contact MSD Ignition, Dept OT, 1490 Henry Brennan Dr., El Paso, TX 79936. A Bumper For·· The New Toyota Animal Alert Winner International, maker of the Club vehicle anti,theft device, has introduced Animal Lover, the first electronic, ultrasonic device designed to reduce the growing Subscribe to DUSTY TIMES Today The only rear tube bumper that can keep up with the modern new ale Wile P.O. Kansas Phone (913) 788-3219 FAX (913) 788 9682 All credit cards or COD/UPS orders OK · (See Form on Page 3) * CNC machined aluminum and steel construction that looks as good as it works * Easily adjusts in single degree increments to 45 degree angle notches * Notch any round tubing up to 2" OD in less than 30 seconds * Automatic round tube centering and alignment * Uses inexpensive "BIMETAL" hole saws (under $10) * Power vertical with a drill press or horizontal with any 1 /2" hand drill Complete MN 1000 fixture includin a wrench to adjust quadrant angle and easy cutter removal We also offer a steel model RTN 100 with most of the same features Freight and all handling charges are included in the lower 48 states -WAIINGII Inferior imitations are in the marketplace 11 Buy the fixture with the moneyback guarantee • November 1993 Page 59

Page 60

1 ➔--GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY TOCRA ENGINES PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 Off Road Race car preparation. Fabrication and accessories. Export and international sales. Race car brokerage. Consulting and management. 15 years experience. Rich Minga By Appointment Only 6630 Mac Arthur Drive-Suite B, Lemon Grove, CA. 91945 U.S.A. Phone: 619-583-6529, Fax: 619-583-1851 , Mobil: 6-19-987- RACE HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets BDR McKenzies (714) 650-4566 (714) 441-1212 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS . ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD Bonneville "Red" Bonneville "106'' 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 Turbo Blue Racing F,uels VP Racing Fuels Methanol '8~'3 U~ Raciq F~ For Those With the Need for Speed SHAWN MEADOWS 619 463 6244 619 ~62 2926 FAX 752 Lapresa Ave. Spring Valley, CA 91977 BRANDWOOD CARS • Custom Vehicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 CAGLE -SMART Fuel Regulator Lowers fuel pressure at part-throttle, to 1.Spsl at Idle. Cleans up richness at the Power Yil1ll Mileage lower and, tuna for more po-r. Models for all carburetors. $57.45 delivered U.S. Cal res +7.75% tax Box 2536 Rolling Hilla, CA 90274 310-377-7501 GD ~ e? t;{,x ?/. cu PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (909)-845-8820 . Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely$ 25 ,.00 per month. BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON ====CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 B" • 9 " · 1 O" • 1 3 " • 15 " • 1 6 " • 1 7 " RACING WHEEL BEAD LOCKS $ ffJ (Q) I& Yr .,[L (Q) ({: !K SIMULATED BEAOLOCK COVER 1671 NORTH BRAWLEY AVE FRESNO, CA 93722 (209) 275-51 83 FAX (209) 276-2365 943 Vernon Way El Qajon, CA 92020 , 619-449-2991 . FAX' 619-449-71.03 CHENOWTH ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'J.P' 4.CING PRODUCTS, INC. r;Jheck the Record; The Winners Choice; . #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 l .. nufacturere A Dlatrlbutore (602) 747-7059 PO Box 57715 • Tuceon, AZ 85732-7715 QCNc::J Monufad"'eB of . Broke ond _CMd, Pedol A"Y Master Cylinders CNC, Inc. 1221 WestMorenaBlvd. San Diego, CA'92l10 (6.19) 275-1663 Slave Cylinders Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• rRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDY Parts, Equipment. Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd.• Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX(805) 495-2339

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• ~RACING ~GASOLINE LEADED 108 OCTANE ''Official Gas of NASCAR11 CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST DISTRIBUTOR 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORSHIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 - . MOTORSPORTS DESIGNS JOHN HOST Ph. (714) 498-7443 1411 Colle Mlrodor Truck (714) 349-1168 Son Clemente. CA 92672 PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLACKFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 RICHFERSCH DOWNEY 8734 Cleta St. "C"' . Downey, Calif. 90241 (310) 862-1671 M-F 10-6 SAT9-4 . -~art Jl[aus OFF ROAD FABRICATION & DESIGN RACE PREP • FOX SHOCK REBUILDING V.W. REPLACEMENT !>ARTS & ACCESSORIES LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE SPICER" INCORPORATED SPICER-$ (714) 877-6491 <e> PARTS AND SERVICE ON AUTO, TRUCK, INDUSTRIAL, CN AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMIZING FAX (714) 8TT.Q03 California Watts 1-800-427-4238 1750 S. Lilac Ave. Continental U.S. Watts 1-«>0-525-0395 Bloomington, CA 92316 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc. (714) 871h3107 P.O. Rolr. l090, Colton, CA 92324 Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. EDDCO Aluminum Wheel Straightening Specialist Aluminum Wheel Straightening Metal Polishing Street, Offroad Circle Track 9435 Wheatlands Ct. Suite J Santee CA 92071 Shop - (619) 258-2575 Pager - 973-0998 Bob Cassetta Don Rountree ~5-0583 -..S-2703 408 S. Arrowhead Ave. SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 . ~ ~~ '-.Q.IIGlllt.\'> , E-ZUP"' INSTANT SHELTERS FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHcl TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER CASTEX RENTALS 213-462-1468 * Mandrel Tube Bendina * Welding * Flame Cutting * Custom Fabrication FABCOM 4-SEAT BUGGY FRAMES * Large enough for 4 aduits * Will accept tube frame seats (Beards, etc.) * Stock VW Type I IRS components -(619)-561-2292 FAX (619)-561-6162 DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred · customers. It is :1 grc:1t traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTAO DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St. 'Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-882-0004 -PRE-RUNNER SPECIALIST • 6UMPERS • C,4,GES • SHOCK MOUNTS SEAT MOUNTS • LIFT ms • LOWERING ms • DU/\LLYS AIR MG SUSPENSION • SHON CARS & DISPlAYS • ATV FA6 WORK EXf'ER! INSTALLATION & FA5RICATION AVAILA6LE 4010 N. PALM STREET, UNIT 103 FULLERTON. CA 92635 \LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEATBELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS (714) 870-9422 FAX (714) 870-9132 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 ~, RACIN, ffj Fl/El.:• FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd carson, CA 90746 Phone: (310)603-2200 FAX: (310) 603-2257 RE«ABLE V.W. PAim 1U523 SHELDON ST. ·SUN VALLEY. CA 913152 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARJS 7'.68-4!5!5!5 (619) 669-4727 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 Doug Fortin t==f .,,,c... c:::; I r---...1 e::; SHOX #1 Racing Shock Absorber in the U.S.A.: FOX RACING SHOX YOU CAN GEr THE . RACING GEARS THE WINNERS ARE USING A FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (313) 294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Racing Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all major racing associations. Call or write for e your FREE copy of the UE.L SAf 1992 Fuel Safe Catalog 1/adngQ//s For your local Fuel Safe Dealer call 1-(800) 433-6524 Aircraft Rubber Mfg .• Inc. 5271 Business Or., Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 1992 CHAMPIONS FRT BUDWEISER/BUD LIGHT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES SPONSORED BY: RACE READY PRODUCTS, CYCLE PARTS WEST Q.AIR..-T EOlNPMENT RENTALS, SEPULVEDA BlNLDtNO MATERIALS 'PRO' AJYS AND NPJORCYCLES 'SPORTSMAN' STEVE MAMER DEWEY BELEW CRAIG SMITH JASON CORFMAN PHIL MEANS JOHN BILKEY MIKE HARPER ATV OPENMIC 250 MIC 125 MIC VETMIC SENIOR MIC SUPER SENIOR MIC VINTAGE MIC CLASS3MIC DESERT SUPERUJES DAVID NEWLAND RON WILSON JAMES HENDERSON VON MEDEARIS . BILL MCNEER SMOKING JOE STIDMAN DICK BIRD TRACY RAYBON DAN JARRELL STEVE FENTON OPEN(HIGH POINTS) RUSS TURNER 360 JOHN SHULTZ CLASS n ART GIBBS PILOT euggrES CARS AND TRUCKS MIKE PFANKIJCH CLASS 9 TODO TEUSCHER(HIGH POINTS) CLASS 1-1600 JIM ABAm CLASS 2-1600 CP.AZV LARRY MCCALWM UNLIMITED Cl.ASS JOEL WHITTED CLASS 10 VANCE ALLEN CLASS 5 KEVIN THOMPSON CLASS 100 ED OROZCO Cl.ASS !>-1600 BENNY ABATTI JR CLASS 8 ROY GARCIA CLASS 7 RORY CHENOWTH MINI MAG CLASS 61M27-5769 • 250 KENNEDY UNT 6 • CHULA VISTA ·cA 91911 FAX61M27~ I ,

Page 62

~ Hffls.,, ZTill9 Rebuild Rod Ends Helm Joint Specialist (714) 979-6631 11661 Martens River Circle, Unit H, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 HUNT pEBFORittANCE 11330 -A Sunco Dr. Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 (916) 638 - 4388 r~i:!::r=::::~~~~~:~1:,:1.Bd (,·~,. MANUFACTURERS <W: \_~ HllAKE ANO CLUTCH ASSY PEllFORAIANCf PROWCTS MASTER CYl,J NDERS SLAVE CYLINOERS TURNING & STAGING OllAKES SHll'TERS AVAILA-BLE AT FINER SPECIALTY SHOPS DEALER JNQURIES WELCOME 1158FLINTSTREET ~, ELSINORE, CA 92350 ~ .. · PERFORM~NCE PRODUCTS 909-245-6050 FAX 909-245-6052 JG TRANSWERKS "Go with a Proven Winner" ~ir■YN-1m•~ ■J~ aJTI Desert. Short Course & Street vw Racing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO (714) 632-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" POWER E STEERING THOMAS E. LEE LEE MFG. CO. 11661 PENDLETON STREET SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 (818) 768-0371 A full line of Po#er ~leering gears, pumps and acc11ssories for any type of racing. Magnaflux and Zyglo facilities IIVailable. OFF ROAD SHOCK SERVICE Ell1HT01 RACING ,.A. BILSTEIN * FOX * MOTORCYCLE Jerry Leighton 619-244-9075 • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT LOTHRINGER DUSTY TIMES BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE $ 1. 7 5 for a single copy each for 5 or more copi~s Any mix of dates Send check or money order and your UPS ,street address to: 20751 Marilla Street , Chatsworth, California 91311 (818) 882-0004 • • _;._ ,I' - • • • ~Ni5MI.S$10iijs &c!0MPON£Nt ..& 10722 Kenney St. C-.D Santee. CA 9:,!071 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lancaster, CA 93535 (619) 562-9010/ Fax (619) 562-9079J Bili Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 a··1l2r 42425 5th St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA 93535 Racing Producf9 Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514 a •4,-;11 ·••4,•44 • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 [94115] 857-5200 NSC WINS BIG AT THE BAJA 1000 "GO WHERE THE PRO'S GO" NSC Motorsports Suspension gives smooth.First Class Finishes To 7 of 7 Classes, As Well As The First 5 To Assembly· Machine Work· Parts Finish Overall. EngineDynoFacUlty CONGRATULATIONS TO EACH OF YOU! SCORE 1992 ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR Class 1 & 1st Overall ........ "Simon & Simon Ford F150 2X 10722 Kenney Street, Suite D Class 8 & 2nd Overall ........ ·Rob MacCachren Ford F150 2x Santee, CA 92071 Class 6 & 4th Overall ........ "John Swift Explorer 2X 10965 HARTLEY RD. SUITER MIKE JULSON Class 4 & 5th Overall ........ •David Ashley Ford F150 4X ANTEE, CA 92071 JOHN COOLEY (619) 596-0886 Fax (619) 562·9079 Class 3 & 7th Overall ........ •Dan Smith Bronco 4X ~-------------------t-------===.::__~~;_~.;_;.,;_~;:.,;_;_,;.~;;_;.,;.,;.,;.;:.;..;,;:r:=;:.~.;..;, Class7S ................ Brown, O'Brian & Johnson Ranger 2X ""' Class 7 .......................... Scott Douglass Dakota 2X ~~s-g :72:JM!'S ~.,(C'/,v't:; CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA.DRIVE GOLETA.CA . 805-968-1 067 ieACJ: C.A~ ~ P..e!=R//...VNE~ rKAlt..£:eS e! C#Ar;E r,e-vcKg Plf?'EP ~ ,=:--A.BR/,:::;,,r77a,./ '7'"//li!'Bo 81-V& ~A~,VE" ~ . -------- . KEHN EDY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. · 38830 17th Street .East Palmdale, CA 93550 (805) 272-1147 Send $2.00 for our catalog ".The experts in Engine Adapters to Transaxles" Rotary, Toyota, Rabbit.. V-6's, Porsche and more to VW, Porsche (901 & 915) and Hewland. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS KENNEDY CLUTCHES, . !ull!fJ/1lJPIY PEF?FC::>F?IVI.A.l'VCE= l-:7F?c::::>CJL.IL-I_ ..... "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax (714) 444-1622 1 ·Member BFG/Ford "Rough Rider· Off Road Race Team NSC Would Like To Thank All Seven Class Winners, For Once Again Counting On NSC Suspension Systems. You Too Can Have A Winnin Ride With NSC Custom Computer Designed Leaf Springs. . For More Info, Please Call

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Ro~ctll B1Ulssy S11.11 JP>pR y Race Car Chassis Race Car Par.ts Aluminu·m bodies· 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 2525 E. 16th St. • Yuma, Az. 85~65 (602) 783-6265 • 1 (800)231-8156 Fax (602) 783-1253 OFF ROAD CHASSIS 6'nrJl/)'/,ee~ BUENA PARK. CALIFORNIA OFF ROAD PREPARATION FOR TRUCKS. VANS. & MINI TRUCKS PRE·RUN T RUCKS • C USTOM SusPENs10" COMPLETE AXLE SERVICE. W ELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague Est. 1974 (714) 761·9460 (714) 521·2962 PARKER PUMPER 2318 S VINEYARD SUITE B I I I I I I _I HAROLD NICKS HELMET ONTARIO, CA 91761 COMPANY 714-923-7016 FAX 714-923-3118 ·111111111111■■■■1..LJ J. PENHALL 1660 Babcock Bldg. ,a Costa M•a. Ca 92627 FABRICATIONS Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 . Fax# (714) 650-4721 Chassis & Suspension • Design & Fabrication Ken Sypolt 916-638-9869 3666 Omec Park Drive Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 · CUSTOM ELECTRICAL FABRICATION ----..,--, · FUEL INJECTION CONVERSIONS · COMPLETE TURN KEY CARS · MOBILE SERVICE AVAILABLE RACE & CUSTOM CAR WIB.ING JOEDAVITIAN TEL: 2131550-1069 FAX: 213/550-1091 3263 SAN FERNANDO RD., Los ANGELES, CA 9006 5 Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim,CA 92805 SCORE S.C.C.A. HORA Or For Race M For Play RACEPREP FABRICATION .suspension wbrk Race Car Pickup Service Available • custom Tube Bending •Race Repairs & Setup .custom Bumpers •Grill Guards GEORGE MALDINI 49626 N. 230th St West Lancaster, CA 93536 1-805-724-0887 •Roll Cages •Pre-Runners ■ Free Advice & Technical Assistance ■ R&D ■ All Size Jobs Welcome RACERS MACHINING SERVICES "If You Can Imagine It, I Can Make It" SCOTT DORDICK 909-394-1802 2041 E. Gladstone #H ·Glendora, CA 91740 · Fax 714-394-1903 Call for FREE Catalog! 'f<euJ -1",efJ-~► OFF ROAD COMPONENTS Dealer Inquiries Invited 21430 WAALEW ROAD, APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 TEL (619) 240-2266 • FAX (619) 240-1359 THE ONLY REASON FOR NOT ADVERTISING IN DUSTY TIMES IS BECAUSE YOU ALREADY HAVE MORE BUSINESS THAN YOU CAN HANDLE /j], /jJ)ftlJJlllll/JJ lflJ/!Jfj/l/(tiJl1!/fiJIJ RACE VEHICLES & STREET RODS SPECIALIZING IN • CHASSIS-SUSPENSION • HAND FORMED ALUMINUM 11/0RK • CUSTOM HEADERS -RACE PREP LAURA (805) 461-1949 (805) 461-1447 RICHARD S . B. ENGINEERING "SUPER BOOT11 HCR66, BOX 11030 PAHRUMP (CRYSTAL) NV 89041 (702) 372-5335 12221 DITMORE DR . GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 (714) 539-5162 · JOB Sfl'E SIGNS· BANNERS· WltroN I.ETIER~ · CAR I.ETIERING • GRAPIIXS 911Gir9t Pa ltatJ .. Ke Products 15855 DellView Rd. El Cajon, California 92021 ., Steve Spirkoff/Owner 619/561-2913 SPORT :we-= :we-= :-ff ENGINEERING OFF ROAD METAL FABRICATION VW RACE ENGINES SUSPENSION PREP TURN KEY VW CLASS RACE BUGGIES TUBE BENDING SHEET METAL MACHINING FLAME & PLASMA SHAPE CUTTING 818-994-7475 VAN NUYS, Cl\ -GREGG HAWKS CARROLL DITSON · ----=L,EAl)J;_r;>/UNLEADE~D _ __ _ Lancaster, CA ................................. (800) 462-9499. , t Las Veqas. NV ................................. (702) 643-9,2Q0 , Van Nuys, CA ......................... ., ....... (818) 786-8180 : i Riverside, CA ............ , ....... _ ............. (714) 877-0226 San Dieqo, CA. .. , .................. _·····:·::·:(61 ~l 6~_1-9171_ -AU. OTHER INQUIRIES CONTACT SPORTS RACING . P.O. BOX 7835. LAGUNA NIGUEL. 92677 (714) 363-1236 SC,S RHC I N6 .. A "Public Relations services tor the independent racer' (" _rd)i7 Computerized Vinyl Lettering IC'4c_ -\-v,):,,\l-TIM CECIL f c.l?..:Q. S. ♦ bios ♦ press releases ♦ press kits ♦ 401 0 N. Palm Street. #103. Fullerton. California 926351..<.) .S 40485 Murrieta Hot Springs Rd.# D-2223 Murrieta CA 92563 (714) 447-3581 Fax (714) 870-9132 tel 909-677-0553 fax 909-677-3323

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[fl;f!JJO (213)583-2404 SANpERS SERVICE, INC. . METAL PROCESSING 5921 WIimington Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL FLOURESCENT INSPECTiON Mark Smith Straight 1 ,•n,_, L "'-Larry Smith nl _ ALUMINUM WHEEL STRAIGHTENING 31420 96TH STREET EAST UTTLEROCK, CA 93543 805/944·2719 FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS BODY PANELS & HOODS . BILL STROPPE MOTORSPORTS, INC. . 2330 Cherry Industrial Circle Long Beach, California 90805 (213) 634-2730 Jaime Martinez , SUSPENSIOf/5 UNLIMITED * Welding * Fabrication * Flame Cutting * Front Ends • * Custom Chassis * Race Prep* Custom Lt-Weight Trailers· Mlg'r ol Blue-Flame Producl s (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 Suspension Components SAW Performance, Inc. 20755 MARILLA ST. • CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 .,818-700-9712 FAX 818-100-0947 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober ·commercial Photography 310-670-6897 P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 HACE !HANS BY JEFF flEIJ)r TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 818-998-2739 9833 Deering UnltH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TRANSMISSIONS WEST We Race What We Sell • /.' ' ~ • Kevin .Pirtle 800/435-0418 310/782-2413 22545 S Normand le Ave., Torrance, CA 90501 ':!:::::>::. •:•:•~~-=~:~ ·_:;:::::::::::::->-: THE LEADER IN HIGH P :::::-:-:-::-::::::::::::::::FUELS, RACE PROVEN IN OVER·-·----:-_ -:---:-:-:-------·-·.·-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-: 10 MILLION MILES OF·----·-:·-·-:-:-:-· -:----·---:-:-.•. ____ ·. -CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETIT-ION_. ____ -.:::-_ :::·:·-·.·.·.· FO~ information and a distributor near"yo~, c~i,· ~ .· --. . . . . 1-800-444-1449 ... ·.--: -. Lyn Mocaby TURBO BLUE Racing Dnohn• Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp [UMP] 619/449-9690 -UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 CUSTOM SHEET METAL SHOP AIR CLEANER SYSTEMS FULL LINE OF POWER STEERING FOR ALL TYPES OF RACING & RECREATIONAL VEHICLES PRODUCTION SHOP (TABS, BRACKETS, BODIES, ETC.) -HIBH-PERFORMANCE SHOT-PEEN/NB Tired of premature breakage of drive axles, torsion bars, spindles and other critical suspension, transaxle and engine parts? Shot-peening could be the solution. But we don1 perform your ordinary, garden-variety shot-peening-we provide aerospace-certified shot peening in accordance with MIL-SPEC 1131658 ensuring the highest in quality. That means added assurance when you need it most. While each situation is different, we've seen torsion bars last 5 seasons or more. Duty cycles are commonly increased 7-1 O times. • Call, fax or write today for more information regarding our advanced shot-* peening services. We UPS daily for quick turnaround. 11//111/11/~ 780 Second Ave. • Redwood City, CA 94063 ff/ff ftl/fl) Ph. (415) 367-8098 • Fax (415) 367-8105 IIDIITIIEI Automotive • A TV • Motorcycle 1815 Massachusetts Ave Riverside, CA 92507 909/369-5144 Fax 909/369-7266 PUBLIC RELATIONS ANO MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C. JACOBS PRESIDENT 900 STATE MILL ROAD AKRON, OHIO 44319 . (2161644-7774 Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing ill-ms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 w_ Missouri Phoenix, AZ. 8501 7 Jack Woods 1602) 242-0077 Chevy #142 $11k. 9. Cl -8 strtr package. Tons of spares w/ semi Gassified... $Ford, complete package #227 too! #236 Offers!!!_ 16. MTEG ------------------------15k. 10. Class 8 big travel Kus~ 1600 trick RACECO. Bilsteins, E: '67 Baja Bug, RACECO,Hatzdrysump,Men~ terChevy,Leonengine,complete FAT,Mendeola#101$1lk.17.4 $500.00.CallJimafter5pm{408) deola, UMP body, BFG's #246 package #295 $75k. 11. Class 7 seater Mirage, hot to sell!!! Xtra FOR SALE: 5~1600, built in '92·, only 4 races old. 2 miles on new motor, fresh bus box, Fox w / res, Wright combos, Woods arms, Fuel Safe, UMP, Wright, new tor~ sions and springs, best compon-ents available, ready to race. $8,000.00 (714) 669-1798. '377-3911. $6.Sk. 4. Class 10 2 seatJIMCO, Chevy big travel, 1/4 elliptical, clean! #163 $11.Sk obo. Over Hatz, ITS trans, Fox, disc, com- spares & prepped. FAST! #297 150 cars/ trucks available. Baja plete package #268 $18k. 5_ 1-24k-12. Class 7S, motivated - Concepts brokerage (619) 583-1600, motivated seller! Pro bit, seller! Championship Ford, com-6529 or FAX (619) 583~1851. Major engine, Mendeola, compet- pletepackage#137 $35k. 13. Swt WIN! WIN! WIN! WIN! NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW! BAJA 1000 SPECIALS. 1. awesome Class 2 JIMCO, Fox, pis, Chevy V6, disc&more#255 $15.Sk. 2. Class 5, Frisk, all coil~over, disc, 0 I B GV, radio and all # 11 7 $15k. 3t. Class 10 1 seat itive. #124 $12k oho. 6. Fad blt prerunner Blazer4x4! Blt, cage, 4" FOR SALE: 1973 Camara, new 1~1600, 3/ 4 finished #125 $6k. lift, '92 look! $8.Sk.14. '81 GMC motor and trans. Good shape, no 7. 5-1600 JIMCO, Major eng, Stepside, 355 engine, full cage, dents $1,600.00. Fast and solid, Mendeola #176, package deal, pre rnr #148, make offer. 15. Alaska plates, PTJ valid to Dec. $8k.8. Class 8, ½ done, big travel MTEG Ford Ranger complete 1994. Call (909) 926-4229. FOR SALE: Chenowth Class 9 single seat, very competitive, Fox, Beard, SECO, Parker, Fields trans, less engine & radio. $2,500.00 trailer available. (805) 682-0359. _ ~

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Paul Bunyan's Ride Divisional Rally a, Sarah Brodt La., Weather, which the Midwest has had entirely too much of this summer, had no bearing on the outcome of the 1993 Paul Bunyan's Ride Co-efficient 3 Divisional Rally run the weekend of August 28th. The event started under fluffy white clouds and clear blue skies and finished with bright starlight and an almost full moon. Seventeen teams entered the event, five of whom were also competing in the Ojibwe Forests PRO Rally held at the same time. Early favorite was the team of Frank Cunningham and Charles Bradley, in a Mitsubishi Galant. Also looking good was the team of Chris Czyzio and Eric Carlson in an elderly Plymouth Arrow. Ken Stewart and Rick Burtis had high hopes for an unusually configured Chevy S-10. Early dropouts were half the Arkansas contingent. "Doc" Schrader and Don Gage in an Eagle 8x4 suffered early trans-mission problems on the transit between Stages #1 and #2, while Garen Schrader and Steve Scott had electrical problems after a stump incident on the prior leg and retired at the start of Stage #2. Heikke Nielsen, a high school senior and youngest entrant in the event broke a motor mount before starting Stage #5 and withdrew. Heikke's co-driver, his father Bob, was the first rally-master of the Ojibwe Forests PRO Rally back in 1982 when it was a TSO event. Frank Cunningham took an early lead in the event, per-sistently dogging the national cars. On Stage #6 he gained four minutes on the Ojibwe back-markers, only to come to grief two miles into Stage #7 when he had an oil leak and a very small engine fire. It was quickly exinguished, but the car was towed out of the stage and unable to continue. John Moore and Mike McAdoo of Little Rock, AR. in a Mazda RX3 were later retirees when they received a jump start from the sweep vehicles on Stage #6 and were not allowed to start the next stage because they had received assistance. Southerners Bruce Newey and Kennon Rymer II inherited first place, in the RX7 built to new Group 2 specifications, slightly in front of the Czyzio/Carlson Plymouth. They later fell out of competition of Stage #9. They held onto first until Stage #9, when they went out with mechanical problems, relin-quishing the lead position to Mike Hurst and Brent Cary in a Nissan 200SX. Eventual winners, Mike Hurst and Brent Cary oflndiana-polis, arrived at the Paul Bunyan's Ride already confident of the CENDIV Championship as they were at least 100 points ahead of their nearest competitors. It was only fifteen minutes before the start of the event that they were able to secure a service crew. On the first stage, the Nissan 200SX collected a softball-sized tire· blister that wasn't discovered until they pulled into the start of Stage #2, forcing them to proceed cautiously through two stages until the first service. After repairs they were able to proceed "with abandon" until co-driver DustyTimcs Cary became ill from trans-mission fumes during the last stage. Finishing in second place, only 22 seconds behind were Ken Stewart of Grove, OK. and Rick Burtis of Morrison, CO., both veteran racers, but teamed together for the first time at the Paul Bunyan. The 8-cylinder supercharged Chevy S-10 was a great crowd pleaser as it zipped through the forest making "car noise" that would thrill any teenage motor head. Third went to Chris Czyzio of Flushing, Ml. and Eric Carlson of Stoughton, WI. who lived up to their reputation as reliable finishers. Fourth was a team composed of Divisional veteran Mark Larson of Blaine, MN. and rookie Jason Terwisscha of Fridley, MN. Fifth went to Upper Peninsula competitors Bryan Pepp and Dean Rushford while sixth went to the only mid-engine car in the event, a Toyota MR2 driven by Jeff Harty and Rob Bohn, both of Indiana. Seventh went to the only remaining Arkansans still running in the PBR, Jim Dale and Scott Justus. Last, but still finishing were Jim and Lori VanDamme, members of the U .P. 's most prominent rally family. The Divisional-within-a-National format has again proven to be a successful formula, allowing both rookies and experienced rallyists the chance to challenge the same roads without the pressure. CRS/SCCA Rally Report B, L,nnau Allison The meeting for the final discussion and vote is to be held at the home of Sam Moore, 7461 Buena Vista, Rancho Cuca-monga, CA 92677; call (909) 982-7889, fax (909) 688-9221. Be there to be aware. The Gorman Ridge Rally on Saturday, October 23 is a co-efficient 3 event. This is a great spec ta tor rally, good watching the competitors in action and offers a very compact event. Viewing from a distance is great and offers great photo opportunities. Spectators along the course are not allowed, but workers at the event can be close and personal with all the teams. Contact organizer Mike Blore at (310) 42-5-0984, fax (310) 982-6713 if your entry has not been received or you wish to volunteer as a worker/spectator. Training is provided for the inexperienced. Belated thanks, thank you, thank you, thank you! Kerri Kerby and Mike Blore excelled in their efforts in coordinating and planning the CRS Annual picnic in July at the Eldorado Park. Great weather, great volleyball and great fun. Tasty Chicken barbecued by Mike and his associates was a real hit. Thanks to Kerri for rounding up the phenomenal prizes and give-aways ... T-shirts, soda, hats, rally equipment, co-driver items, certificates and discounts ... all wonderful stuff. Sponsors too: thank you, thank you, thank you! If you missed this one ... don't miss it next year! Advertisers for the 1994 CRS rule book are being solicited. Rates are reasonable, camera ready work is best, especially if you have a photo, logo or graphic display item, but we can create an ad for you. If you are currently an advertiser your thoughts for improvement are welcome. Contact Lynnette Allison, (909) 736-1442. SCCA reports the Divisional Series in 1994 will open with three designated vehicle classes based on 2WD and 4WD grouping. Watch for details in Dusty Times or Sports Car. With the withdrawal of Subaru and its support of Group A, SCCA previously announced its plans to integrate Group A into the National Open Class. Your input and expressed support for keeping the class has rescinded the change. All Group A vehicles must be homologated and owners/ competitors must have homologation papers according to the FIA rule book. US modifications which do not affect competition may be allowed. Contact Rusty Campbell, SCCA Pro Rally Dept., (303) 779-6622, fax (303) 694-7391. EAST of INDIO X -Roger Allison and Randy Hensley announce plans for the return of the legendary East of Indio Pro Rally event December 4. With a history spanning numerous years, its return is heralded as a major 'new' contribution to the rally series. Indio, •a co-efficient 3 event, currently the only desert event on the Southern Pacific Oivision/CRS calendar, is hoping for a daylight-sunset schedule with an early Saturday finish. The entry fee, not yet established, will include two nights accommoda-tions on the Friday and Saturday at the Best Western Date Tree Inn. Indio will be the second event in the 1994 SOPAC Division and the final event for the 1993 CRS series. Call (909) 736-1442 after November 10 for current details. If you have ideas for new events, continue to submit ideas for new event locations. We'll help you either organize some-thing or find someone to start things going. It takes up to two years from idea to event, so call Lynnette now at (909) 736-1442. Together we can do it. Spirit Race Support display, an area for poster/auto-graph sessions during the day. Spirit gave out thousands of Ford race posters and decals to kids and adults alike, and by 6:00 p.m. packed up, helped Ford pack up and headed for the hotel. Steve Spirkoff and Larry Rae also played host to Ford SVO man Dan Stutz during the weekend. Early Saturday morning Spirit set up at pit area E just east ofJean dry lake at the 37 mile marker with the tractor trailer rig and · motorhome in place. The only concern was the softness of the sand in this area that did cause a bit of trouble to all, sooner or later: We sent a 4x4 to help extract one of Sco6p Vessels' pit trucks that was stuck and got it out and in place, and. the radio contact with BFG main and relay worked well. All the parts and pieces were in place, the crew donned their crimson fire suits, and we waited for the first visitor. On our left stood the Simon and Simon pit, and to our right the Herzog team, but we were sched-uled to fuel the Herzog Class 7. At 7:40:34 a.m. the Class 1 truck of the Simon brothers screamed by us, flying. Our second visitor was the Baldwin and Dunlap Class 1 buggy i dashing by almost 6 minutes later. The Simons had one heckuva lead early, but it was later learned that they had rear axle problems and dropped well back in the pack. Our first full-on repair job went to the new Class 8 GMC of W esthem and Bourland who slid to a halt, missing all drive belts and in need of two rear tires. These repairs took about 13 minutes, and at the same time the Class 10 Moulton of Mike and Jim Zupanovich also came in for a quick check. The Westhem team then failed to finish somewhere before the end of the first lap. 1 Vessels ... you owe us. Scoop, ; following in the dust of the'. Gaughan Chenowth/Porsche, · and about 20 minutes off the Simon's time here,'got out in the weeds and ran over and destroyed one of our three BFG pit signs and darn near took me out. At least he waved when he went by. Next to stop was· the Vinje/ Hansen 7S Toyota. It took the Spirit crew about five minutes to replace one of the left rear shocks. During the repairs the rest of the crew went Leading up to the Gold Coast over the Toyota with a fine tooth 300, Spirit Race Support worked comb but found no other long hours getting everything problems. At about 9:20 the ready on the tractor /trailer stock full size truck of Stein and directed by pit boss Mike Flohr Sykes limped in with a broken and Spirit owner Steve Spirkoff. right rear shock. We took it off Repairs were made from damage but the team had no spare, but done at El Rayo last June, and the went on at an easy pace. The Ranger of Bunch and Lister was next thru and took 30 gallons with a pit time of two minutes, I two seconds, including checking the car over. And then the Class 10 racers started passing by. Thomas and Lund drove in needing a right rear tire, reoair on their carb air bm work, but were back on course a tad over two minutes later. The the second Baldwin mount, the 1-2-1600 of Joshua, drove in needing 15 gallons of fuel and the repair of the Parker Pumper. Spirit was ready for anything, but it took over five minutes to get the racer back on course. Rarely does a "Pumper" need repairs. The 5-1600 Bug of Panagiotopolous and Rozhon was in with front end troubles at the same time as Josh Baldwin. A toe-in adjustment saw the 5-1600 out in three minutes, 37 seconds. We ,-had a lengthy wait of almost 40 minutes before another car stopped, the Post Chenowth, in for a left rear tire and tightening of all lug nuts on the car. They were gone in a shade over three minutes. The Renezeder car was back a second time, this time for a left front tire and another check over. Justin and Shapiro in their Class 10 racer were in next for a rear tire and a quick once over. The "less than two minutes" in the pits didn't hurt the team. The York's Ranger cleared us the second time, for a 53 second stop for a check over and they were off. The rest of the somewhat depleted field by now came ~ chugging by. The down size of the remaining hours of the race proved slow for Spirit. The 5-1600 of Panagiotopolous and Rozhon was in for a driver/co-driver change; the Dicker-son/Cameron Class 5 Baja spent some time with us as did the DiCarlo and Krause stock Ford full size truck. Checkpoint closing times came over the BFG radio indicating that Check 4, about a mile before pit area E, would close at 4:00 p.m. At about 3: 15 the Spirit bunch started "closing shop" leaving enough stuff out to fix most anything that pulled in at the last minute. The Herzog crew decided to leave earlier and the soft sand was their undoing. A sweeping left tum out of their pit spot saw the entire rig sink up to the axles, all of 'em. For nearly an hour first one, then two and finally four 4x4s, two from Spirit, and untold members of our crew and othea:s with shovels worked to extricate , the rig. Finally it all worked helped by a soft gas pedal by Spirit's Steve Irey, and the Herzog tractor/ trailer was outta there. The Simon's pit rig didn't suffer the same fate. The team packed and drove off uneventfully. At Spirit we had a short scare as the sand "sorta got us, but quJck work by Steve Spirkoff and Steve Irey proved a success and we left area E." rig left on Wednesday night, The Renezeder and Sizelove convoying with the Spirit/Ford Chenowth were next into the pits Bronco. At midnight the call came for fuel and a complete check to Spirit i~ El Cajon, from the over, getting that and 24 gallons Bronco driver Ken Nothomb. · of fuel in just over five minutes. The tractor had seized the engine Then the stock Toyota of Martin near the top of Cajon pass, and and Hughes, limped in sputtering had been towed ~o the top. The and losing power with a faulty fuel problem was to first get another pump, the kind that's mounted in tractor and next get it delivered to the fuel tank. They rolled out of the crew at Cajon Pass. This was the way and the drivers worked done and Doug Benson agreed to. 45 minutes jury rigging a new fuel deliver the rig to the_ downed pump and were back on course. crew, and he arrived in time for Spirit had replaced a broken the crew to get back underway brake line for them also. around noon. Therestofthecrew . The York's Ranger slid in followed later on Thursday. needing 35 gallons of fuel and new Contingency went well in the rear tires. The York's were back Gold Coast parking lot, and Spirit on course in a minute and 34 setupnexttoFord'sshowrigand seconds. We like to think that helped them set up the display. Spirit's efforts helped the We put up a tent where all the York/Valvoline Ranger team Rough Rider t!ucks were on come away with the Class 7S win. This wrapped up another successful team effort. Julie served the pit crew and racers alike food and water all day, and Spirit serviced 25 race cars and dumped 263 gallons of fuel. The average time spent on each pitted vehicle was two minutes and 46 seconds, not the speed of sound but darn swift for the variety and number of unique problems the crew encountered and fixed throughout the day. Hoffmbcr 1993 Page 65

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Classified .•• FOR SALE: Williams low buck hydraulic tubing bender with 1" and 1 ½" shoes -$650.00. Don Hatz 1992 HORA champion 112-1600 engine, rebuilt with zero miles -$2,500.00. Wright stock length front trailing arms one race old $375.00. Sway-A-Way seven leaf front torsions one race old -$150 .00. Fox Shox with reservoirs -$100.00 each. McKenzie Air-Log, like new -$100.00. Type III rear brake set up one race old -$300.00. Complete brand new German king-pin front brake drums -$50.00 each. CNC single handle steering brake -$25.00. Call Rich Fersch (310) 862-1671 days. ............., FOR SALE: Retiring after 1993. 1991 Wiggins-Berrien 112-1600. 3 SODA championships in 2 years! Fastest car in the country! Best of everything. ALSO, 1993 built Ford Ranger 7S, very competitiver, winner of several SODA races and second in the points series. Both come with spare parts. Jim Wiggins, Dixon, 1L (815) 288-5655. ----~ FOR SALE: '88 RACECO, '89 VORRA Unlimited champ. Class win '92 Bend 300. 2850cc FAT engine, Mendeola bus trans, Hewland gears, PCI, FOX, IPF, Parker, UMP PIS with ram assist, UMP filter system, Simpson, Summer Bros, Centerlines, BFGoodrich, 20' enclosed trailer,-plus extras. $30,000.00. Call (916) 622-4610. WANTED: Odyssey & Pilot FOR SALE: 1988 International Model 160036' van. 7.3 literdies-el, 5 plus 2 trans. Professionally built, tons of storage, cabinets, benches, locker, tire rack, winch, Honda 6.Skw, compressor, full int/ ext power and lights, 36'xl 5' canopy system, tow package, cus-tom cab, lmron, much more. Only 13k miles. 80k invested; 39K obo. Call Todd (702) 825-1863, leave message. FOR SALE: Class 1 or 10 single seat ORC. Class 10 overall points champion. Fields 091 Hewland, Type 4 or NEW West "10" motor, Curnutt, Charlynn, Lee, Fodrill, Wright, Carr, Ultra-BFG, current unlimited points leader. $13,500.00 obo. Also 2 Ford 2 wd and 1 Chevy 4wd stepside pre-run trucks, 1 k, 2k, and 3,000 obo or everything for $20,000.00. Call Jim Pierce at(310)320-834 l. MEGA DEAL: Unfinished Ford Ranger, frame, untouched cab, factory fiberglass, 300M spindles, plus spindle fixture, Cone hubs and rotors, 4 piston calipers, Saginaw steering gear box, !-beams, Strange center section, Ford 9" housing, 4130 axle housings. Over $15,000.00 invested. I want out! $5,000.00 obo. Call Bill (909) 824-2067. I owners interested in group rides , across the state of Michigan. i 1· Almost looking for people · interested in racing in off road Brand new -race car, professionally built, never raced. Best components used throughout. Complete list available upon request. With proposed restrictor plate changes for '94, this car could be hard to beat. Ready to test drive today. Spares included.Trailer available. Serious inquiries only please. $25,000.00. Call Jim at Mirage Racing Products (805 )940-5515. FOR SALE: Hand held "Tempo" 3 watt radio, complete w/headset, boom mic, charger, battery, 12 volt power cord, leather holster & carrying bag. This radio was over $600.00 new as sold by PCI. Can program any frequencies needed for racing. Perfect pit or chase radio. Like new. $4 25 .00 or make me an offer. Need to Sell! Call Wayne Lee at (909) 923-0070. FOR SALE: 1989 Raceco Class 1, owned by Hamilton Materials. Top of the line everything including Porsche 3.5 liter 3 lOhp engine with titanium rods and crank and Hewland transmission ( won 2 races). Also, Class 1 pre-runner with Type IV engine and Hewland transmission. Class (714) 637-2770. Ask for Mark Hamilton. FOR SALE: RCR Racing's .Cl~ss 1 Raceco 2 seater. Numerous class wins, top 5 runner, very competitive car. Immaculate preparation for every race. Porsche 3.6 liter engine, 125" wheelbase, auto trans, big Wright, Filler harnesses & nets, Mastercraft seats, VDO instru-ments, Fodrill front arms, Flame-Out system, 2¼" front beam, Bilstein coil-over reservoir shocks, Centerline wheels, BFG tires, PCI race·radio & intercom, CNC cylinders, JAMAR pedals, 934 Porsche c.v.'s, Summers full floating hubs, CNC front hubs & brakes, Saginaw steering with UMP ram assist, Paterson dry sump tank, PIAA lights, 4 light bars, full compliment of race spares & parts. Ready to go racing and win Class 1. Call RCR Racing (909) 371-5000, ext. 141. $45,000.00. FOR SALE: RCR Racing's Class 1-2 Raceco 2 seater. La Rana '91 class champion. Best of every-thing; Type IV engine, Hewland DG300 transmission, Wright, Mastercraft, Bilstein coil over reservoirs, 20" wheel travel, Fuel Safe, Saginaw steering, PCI race radio & interco.m, Flame-Out system. Filler harnesses & nets, 930 c.v. 's, Summers floating hubs, Centerline wheels, Yoko-hama tires. Fully prepped & race ready, fresh tranny, immaculate condition. Full supply ·of wheels, tires & parts, ready to go racing! $30,000.00 obo. Call RCR Racing(909)371-5000, ext 141. ,,, .:·:i, .. wm. :;-;-i..¼!d.t-=,i;;,tt"'<:' ... .';•ii FOR SALE: Woods Vulcan, 2180 Type I, coil-over front, 300M Sway-A-Way rear bars, 4 shocks each side .rear, Type IT trans, Hewland gears, too much to list. Call for more info. $15,000.00 wl trailer. Call Mike (702) 623-0510. FOR SALE: Chassis fixture, custom built to fabricate O.R.E. race buggy chassis. Could be used to build just about anything. $700.00 obo. Call Jim (818) 366-4943 eves. FOR SALE: Class 2 RACECO, 122"wb, all Fox coil-over. 3.2 liter FAT Porsche. Hewland DG300, UMP, PIS, dual BDR pumpers. 35" rear Yokohamas with new spares. 30 gal Fuel Safe cell. 4 gal built in simp tank, new front CNC large brakes, Summers floater rear. $30,000.00. Call Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035. F R SALE: 1992 Suspensions Unlimited 1-1600. Car is a winner! Frame, body panels and skid pans -$1,500.00. Other parts negotiable. Call Gary (714) 974-7284. FOR SALE: Porsche 3.5 liter engine. 300 genuine horsepower, 290 pounds of torque. Carillo rods, Weber carbs, Web-Cam camshafts, Tri-Mil headers, dual sparkplugs per cylinder heads, 90 amp alternator, optional Tilton carbon dual plate clutch assy wlflywheel. Engine is 100% fresh. Built by Bobby Hart at California Motorsports. Call RCR Racing(909)371-5000, ext 141. $15,000.00 less clutch. Option on Tilton clutch $2,500.00 obo. ,--------------------------------------------------... ------.-ra.lil-.........,, Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I I I I I . I I I -I • DUSTY TIMES. Classified Ad~ertising rate is only $15 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. · Enclosed is $ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash.). Please run ad _______ times. Name Mail to: Address _______________________ Phone _______ _ DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street Chatsworth, CA 91311-440b City __________________ _ State _ _ _ _ 7ip ___ _ Page 66 November 1993 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I-I I . .. series. Contact Odyssey Pilots, 21 7 Rita Street, Lansing, MI 48910. FOR SALE: Class 112-1600 Chenowth. Immaculate shape, priced to sell at $8,000.00. Also 30' enclosed trailer, $7,000.00 obo. Call James at (714) 893-2755. FOR SALE: 1987 FORD RANG-ER 4x4, V6, LIB, PIS, PIB, A IC, (5) BFG Mud 33 19.5115 Amer Racing Wheels, Rancho radius arm kit w/9000 shocks, PIAA, Alpine CD & Cass pullouts, Beard Ultra Seats, Deist belts. Many upgrades with lots of new stuff. Great for street, pre-run or future stock Class 15. $7,500.00 obo. Call (310) 514-0713. FORSALE: Class io car, 1991 VORRA class champion. 6 Fox shocks with reservoir, combo-link spindles, 3x3 trailing arms, power steering, Parker Pumper and Aame-Out system. (Without motor & trans) $2,000.00. Call (702) 359-9856 Mon-Fri 7am-5pm. Ask for Dale or Jim Smith. FOR SALE: 5-1600 SCORE legal, bus trans, Wright arms & combos, Shock Tech shocks w I aluminum reservoirs & bypass tubs, floor mounted fuel cell, Sway-A-Way, Centerline, race motor and spare motor needs work. $4,500.00 obo. Call John (909) 682-6688 nites. FOR SALE: Class 1/2-1600 VW engine built by Don Hatz. Engine is complete, fresh and race ready. $2,500.00 or trade. Call (909) 599-9678. Dusty Times

Page 67

FOR SALE: Class 10 Hi Jumper, only 250 miles on complete re, build. Wright, UMP, powder coat, spare engine, 930's, 300m bars, Fox shocks, Mastercraft, 118"wb, lots of spares. Turn key, race ready. $5,500.00. Call (510) 783,2342 days. m :mmmw h FOR SALE: '65 VW Class 5 rebuilt 2080cc motor, Woods 3x3 trailing arms front and rear, Bilstein coil,over shocks, rear bump stops, Wright Place rack & pinion, new tires. Complete tube chassis. Widened 12"' beam. $15,000.00 invested. $5,000.00 oho. Call Brian (800) 759,5150 work, (801) 569,1953 home. No reasonable offer refused. WANTED: Wanted to buy, SODA Class llD or 2,1600 buggy, or possibly misc. parts to build one. Also looking for a trailer to haul. Call ( 608) 788, 6141, leave message or write with list of parts. Gary Behrens, 2107 WestonSt.,LaCrosse, WI54601. FOR SALE: Class 10 motor, Toyota 4 AF 16 valve engine, Cor, rillo rods, VW trans adapter, clutch & pressure plate, S&S header system fresh. Trade for Class 10 VW motor or $3,000.00 or????. Call Tom(619)448,5392. FOR SALE: Jeep Wrangler, 401 motor, 400 tranny, Summers Dana 60 rear, 44 w/ locker front, Rancho rebuildable shocks, National springs, new seats/ belts, Flameout, pumpers, spare tires, trailer. Grear '94 Sportsman class fun; fast, dependable. Currently racing FRT series. $10,000.00 oho. Call Don (619) 748,5785. FOR SALE: 1992 Jimco, Major motor , fresh , Mendeola trans fresh , Neal front brakes, Summers rear, w/radios, new spare tires and wheels (8). Some extra parts , UMP very very fast car. Ask out competitors. Race Ready. Call for more details. Rick Johnson or Steve Johnson. $25,000.00obo. (619)448,9110. MTEG 1600 '89 Chenowth Mag, num, single seat, Fox, Bilsteins, Summers, Rev Power Rabbit, Duralight w/ BFGs SAW. Incred, ible $17,500.00 Baja Concepts, ref 294. Call (619) 583,6529. DustyTimcs FOR SALE: '81 Ford Stepside pre,runner, 1990 fiberglass front clip, full cage, Bislteins, 351 W, National Spring, B&M, 35" BFG Baja, Mastercraft, aluminum dash, Auto Meter, heat and air cond, carries two spares. Too much to list. $17,000.00. Call FOR SALE: 1978 Ford F,150 w/built 460, posi rear, int & ext roll bars, auto trans, Mastercraft seats, K&N filter. Had previously been rolled. Needs work. First $1,600.00 cash oho takes as is. See at Tony the Greeks in Rialto. Call (909) 874,4420, ask for Mario. .. (619) 789-o064. ABOVE AVERAGE! Class 10 single seat, Fox shox, Summer discs, SAW, FAT engine, 28 gal tank, Centerlines w/ Yokohamas. A winning car with a list of extras too long to list.$10,500.00 Baja Concepts ref #296. Call (619) 583-0529. FOR SALE: 2 12"' Bilsteins, reser, voired, raced twice after rebuild. Came off a 5,1600. $300.00 for the pair. Call Marc DeShane (714) 831,8676. OR "sALE: 2,1 Hi,Jumper, turnkey car. 113"' wb, Fox shocks, UMP power steering, 15 mounted Centerlines. $4,900.00. Class 9 front end, drum to drum $400.00. Freeway Flyer swing axle trans, Moly tubes, $700.00. 1600 ported dual port Baja motor, Alt, dog house $700.00. Call (805) 584,8134. F SALE: Awesome two seat JIMCO. Fresh FAT Toyota V6 3.2 liter. Doug Fortin trans, Summers hubs & brakes, coil, over Wright & Fox. 12"' Wright beam, combo spindles, JIMCO arms, secondary torsions, 22"' travel. UMP, CNC, RLH, Flame, Out,. $21,900.00 Baja Concepts ref 111. Call (619) 583-0529. FOR SALE: Class 8, '92 Ford. Best of everything. 351 Windsor, 550hp, Mogie trans, Art Carr shifter, Summers 40 spline, Kus, ter coil,overs, Wilwood brakes, ¼ elliptic, 23"' travel, Haylon sys, tern. Fresh prep and rebuild. $79,000.00 oho. Call for full details. Baja Concepts ref 220. Call (619) 583-0529. FOR SALE: ORE single seat Class 10, FAT VW 1650, Jeff Fields trans, Hewland gears, UMP power steering. Fox shocks progressive system. 4 front and 8 rear. Actual front travel 13½"', rear 18"'. Wheel base 11 7"' Summers disc brakes front and rear. Always a top fin, isher. Ready to race. For more de, tails call Rick or John $7,500.00. 40K invested. Let's talk. (310) 834,1133 Mon,Fri, 8am to 4:30pm or (310) 831,5841 after 6pm or weekends. FOR SALE: '69 gray Baja Bug, 1835cc, dual Webers, rebuilt en, gine, only 12k miles. Fiberglass body, roll bar, elec fuel pump, hal, ogen lamps. Runs great, excellent condition. $5,500.00 oho. Call Matt (714) 635-0530. FOR SALE: Class 7S Ford Ranger, Esslinger 3000cc engine, dry sump, B/ W 5 speed trans, best of everything. Driven by Wil, lie Valdez, tons of spares $39,000.00. MTEG Grand Na~ tional truck , Ford Ranger, 3000cc, Art Carr trans, Rancho, many spares, $39,000.00. 45' race trailer, living area in front, bathroom, complete shop, $28,000.00. Call (619) 346, 0694 days, (619)568,2371 nites. FOR SALE/TRADE for off shore boat/plane/motorhome. 1989 Mirage Class 10, Type 1 motor with Hewland transmission. This car has the best of everything, too many to list. $20,000.00 cash or will consider trade of higher or lower value. Call (702) 897,8838 days or (702) 456-0304 nites. • FOR SALE: The most competi, tive two car Sport Utility T earn in MTEG, GHIA RACING!! One Jeep #3 driven by Tim Lewis and one Nissan #4 driven by Chris Neil, with 36' two car enclosed trailer full of spare parts. Too much to list. $50,000.00 takes all. No payments, no trades. (619) 3244934 Chris. FOR SALE: RACECO SS Unlim, ited, best of everything. Toyota power, UMP, coil-0vers, alumin, um radiator, Fodrill front arms, Summers front hubs, disc brakes, Curnutt rear hubs. All must go, trailer spares, car. $10,000.00. Call (805) 266,3662. FOR SALE: Sandhawk Class 9 2 seater, Folts transaxle, Fox shocks, SAW, Wright, CNC, Beard, pumper, Diest, KC, Roadmaster radiow/ intercom, 7 spare wheels, 2 pit boxes, new front beam, trail, er. Bought new car, no room in garage. $5,000.00 oho. (805) 298,9216 Newhall. November 1993 FOR SALE: Wright 1 ¼"' front trailing arms with Big Link boss'. One race old $400.00 German Thing stub axles $150.00. Brand new German Kingpin front brake drums $50.00. Sway,A,Way 7 leaf front torsions, one race old $150.00. Transmission gears, 1.26 4th, 1.21 4th, 1.41 4th, 132 4th, 1.58 3rd. All parts Mag. $50.00 each. Call Rich Fersch (310) 862,1671. =~,~ ,,,.,.~''·'B''-" Ai.¥=="",· FOR SALE: Class 9 "challenger, fresh engine and DJ trans. Fox, Wright, UMP, Sway,A,Way, Parker Pumper, K&N, Flame, Out, dump cans, spare parts & trailer included. Ready to race. $5,000.00. Call Tim (805) 499, 3868 days, (805) 3 73-0548 nites. PARTS FOR SALE: Complete power steering $275.00, Wright spindles $100.00 each, new 12" Fox shocks wi res $300.00 pair, chromolly trailing arms 3"' over w/durable stubs & Wilwood dual caliper disc brakes $750.00 pair. Complete running 1600cc prerunner motor $250.00, MSD ignition w/ programmable limiter & shift light NEW $300.00. Complete 1650cc Race Ready $1,250.00. Beard, Neal, Ceriter, line, too much to list. Call J'im (805) 499,3686 days, (805) 373, 6548 nites. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Autofab ••••••••••••.••...•••• 33 Baja Concepts • • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • 18 Baker Precision Products • • . • • • . • • • 16 Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels •••••.•.••••• 47 Bilstein Corp. of America • . • • . • • • • • 25 John Buffum Siography • • . . . • . • . • • 42 Cactus Racing Products . • • • • . • • • • • 14 California Pre Fun • . • • . • • • • • • • • . • 35 Castex ~c .• E-Z-Up • • • • • • . • • . • • • • 36 Checkers Off Road • • • • . • . . • • • . • . • 28 Class 1 •....••.....•.....•... 39 DeNunzio Racing Products . • • . . • • • • 45 Don-A-Vee Jeep-Eagle • • • . . • • . • • • • 8 FAT Performance • • • . . • . • • . . • • • • 27 Fiesta Ford • • • • • • • • • . • . • . • • • • • • 21 Frontera Juarez 150 Race • • • • • • • • • 9 FRT Plaster City Blast • • . • • . . • • • • • 11 Fuel Safe •••• ·• • • • • • • . • . • • • . • . • 48 German Auto • • • • . • • . • . • • . . • • • • 41 Glen Helen OHV Parle • • • • . • • • . • . • 2 Rod Hall Driving School . . . • . • • • • • • 30 Hi Tech Off Road • • • . • . . . • • • . • . • 23 Kuster Performance Products • • . • • • • 17 La Rana Desert Racing • . . • • • • • . . • • 19 Nevada Off Road Buggy ••.•••.•••• 31 Par1cer Pumper • • • • • • . . • • . • • . • . • 32 Pike's Family Restaurant • . • • • • • • • • 34 Prism Racing Development . . • • • • • . • 49 Race Car Sale • • • • • • • • • . • . • . • • • • 29 Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Raceshock Company • • . • • • • • • . • • • 40 Reid Pro • • • • • . • • . • . • . • • . . • • • • 6 • SCORE Baja 1000 • • • • . • . • • Back Cover Marvin Slaw Engineering . . . • . • • • • • 10 SNORE Double Trouble . • . . • • • . • • • 7 Ivan Stewart • • • • • • • • . • . . • . • • • • • 15 MTEG · Candlestick Park • . . • • • . • • • 5 Tri-Ml ~dustries • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • 43 Utra Wleel • . . • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • 4 Valley Performance • • • . • . • • • • • • • • 13 Weddle Engineering • • • . • . . • • . . • • • 51 Wilch Sales • • • . • • • • . • • . • . • . . • • 59 Wright Place • • • • • . • • • . • . • . • • • • 53 20751 Marilla Street Olatsworth CA 91311 Jeon M. 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Page 68

1993 S Presents the Ii 1lE • Mexicali to Mexicali 11 I -Cllllffl DI 1VWI laMfflllCIIIIII DI!._ DI IIIIICAIJ ..... C•,ro Coholtuao A -7th Race of the SCORE Desert Series For More Information and Entry Forms Contact: SCORE International Las Vegas Office 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. South Las Vegas, NV 89124 Tele#: (702) 361-5404 Fax #: (702) 361-5037 Los Angeles Office 31125 Via Colinas #908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 Tele #: (818) 889-9216 Fax#: (818) 706-8833 TOYOTA THE omcIAL TRUCK OF SCORE INTERNATIONAL BFGaadrlcli ---------Ti,05 ~ \NI-EELS RACE COURSE DESCRIPTION The course will leave Mexicali and travel toward the Laguna Salada. It will then move south on the east side of the laguna and join the San Felipe loop. This loop is approximately 250 miles and it will be run twice. After completing the two San Felipe loops, the course will move north on the west side of the Laguna Salada. It will pass through Cohabuzo Junction and at the top of the laguna will merge with the outbound course and travel back into Mexicali. 0 CIC Q THE SAN FELIPE LOOP WILL BE RUN TWICE C.nollUfto 6 / ... -\ :.:~ .. 1.: I lA: -~ . "' -, ll'OO 10f'fl IUf j' .a ,..':ff' ~¾ . 7<l JJ _Ml. ·ss I.' KM., . __ ) ,...,,,so . --........ ...... ..... ::::1:,.Feli.-@l . N FELIPE Bohl• ' ;,f'e/lp<" ·--..... ,. __ "'° aoelot · · -.,,,.__,,,,,,,_,. ,.,,,...1,,,.. unto 0.:191 -· _,. ---