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1992 Volume 9 Number 4 Dusty Times Magazine

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j Volume 9 • Humber 4 • April 1991 $1.50 ISSN 8750-1731 -CELEBRATING OUR 100th ISSUE -CoVering the world of ,competition in the dirt

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HDRA m~ 'i<tuued3 May 15-17 "Publicity Run"® -May 9-10 Be a part of the longest point-to-point race in the United States--the Nevada 500. The third round of the HORA USA Cup point series takes place throughout the state of Nevada. Technical inspection and contingency verification is held in Pahrump, Nv. The race will start and finish in Pahrump with the course travelling North through historic towns like Goldfield, Tonopah, Beatty, & Silverpeak. If you like having fun then you won't want to miss the "Publicity Run"® --two full days that will be the most memorable time of your life. For more Information and entry forms contact: 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. South Las Vegas, Nevada 89124. (702) 361-5404 FAX (702) 361-5037 •

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Volume 9 - Humber 4 April 1991 In This Issue ••• . '...,. :~ '?':-~ . ~. ' , ' . ~ ': ,, ' -· < , •> Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Janay Smith Controller John Calvin Circulation 0 . Osborne Contributors John Ames Jim Baker Darla Crown C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Leonard Day Don Dayton Daryl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Deb Freimuth Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Rod Koch Matt Marcher Jan Aick Mazzenga Michael Ross Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Darrell Smith Daryl Smith Judy Smith 3-D Photography Trackslde Photo Enterprises Art Director Larry E. Worsham . Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services SNAPSHOT 1hld Series JNrD,,,.,t 11,.,.:,,,,• Subscription Rates: , 'ti -ar-•-• $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-1732, is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. OF THE MONTH ••• I I I FEATURES Page SCORE Parker 400 by Judy Smith ......................... 10 SCCA Big Bend Bash Pro Rally ............................ 18 SNORE Awards Banquet by Don Dayton ................... 20 FRT King of the Desert by Judy Smith ...................... 22 Ventura Raceway W rap Up by Richard K. Schwalm .... . ..... 27 La Rana Presidential 250 by Jean Calvin .................... 28 Suzuki Side Kick Road Test by John Calvin .......... . ....... 34 SODA Awards Banquet by Barbara Schultz .... ... ........... 35 WRC Monte Carlo Rally by Martin Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 MTEG Season Opener at Anaheim by Homer Eubanks . . . . . . . . 38 SNORE Bottom Dollar by Jean Calvin . . ...... . ............. 42 GMC Jimmy Road Test by John Calvin ................ . . . . . 46 DEPARTMENTS Soap Box by Ron Fleming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes ... . . ............................... . ...... ... 4 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The Losers by Judy Smith ............. ... . . ....... ....... 19 Competition Review Board Report by George Thompson . . . . . . 26 Florida Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Desert Race Support Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Checkers Pit T earn Report by the Big W ahzoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 California Rally Series Report by John Elkin . . . ....... ·.· ... . . 47 Good Sruff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Classified Ads ................................ . . . . . . . 53-55 Index to Advertisers . ..................... . .............. 55 DUSTY TIMES celebrates its 100th issue. in print this month, starting back in December 1983 with a full issue packed with off road racing and all our standard fare. We've had ups and downs over the years, fat times and lean times, but we are stilt publishing while three ·other off road tabloids have bit the publishing dust. Celebrate with us! ON THE COVER -The overall winners at the SO:)RE Parker 400 were Tim and Ed Herbst of Las Vegas. The broth. 'rs have finished second three times at Parker in the Chenowth Porsche, and finally have their overall victory, so air cooled engines and open wheel cars can still rule in the rougher deserts. Our congratulations to the whole Herbst team as younger brother Troy raced a single seat Chenowth Porsche as well. Mike Schwellinger and Co-pilot Greg Adler have been close before in the big Ford, but at Parker they drove the 4x4 right into the Class4 victory. The Schwetlinger team isa family and friends effort, so you can beat the factories sometimes in desert racing.We congratulate the team from Thousand Oaks, CA for a tremendous performance. Color Photography by Bob Schultz ofTrackside Photos Inc. I\~ ~ DUSTY TIMES, THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $1'5.00 □ ~ears -$15.00 □ · 3 years ~ $35.00 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS -NEW SALES TAX!!!!!!!! Add: $1.25 - 1 year, $2.00-2 years, $2.75 - 3 years Take advantage of your subscription bonus •.• t.. "What! You want me to get out of the race car?" this toddler might be saying to Bill Goshen, who seems to have lost his ride in the Super 1600, at least momentarily, judging from the grip on the wheel the youngster has. Goshen did receve his seat and went on to race in the Super 1600 class of the Mickey Thompson Entertainmenc Group Stadium Series. Photo by Trackside Photos Inc. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES wilt pay $10 for the picture used. ff you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or SxlO will be considered. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ., Free one time classified ad up iu 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name .,, Address Citv State Zip Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates quoted on req~est) I I I J Dusty Times April 1991 Page 3

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Soa Box ••• By Ron Fleming, President, FAT Performance Let me begin by thanking you for both Greg and I for the wond-erful coverage of our sport, and all the wonderful informative arti-cles you have given us over the years. However, I felt compelled to write you after reading your article about the HORA-SCORE Awards Banquet for the '91 Sea-son. I want to bring to your atten-tion an error in your info on the "Engine Builder of the Year" award. In the article you said FAT was "The first Buggy Engine Builder to win the award since FAT won in 1985". However, · FAT won this same award only last year in 1990 along with 1985, so in fact, FAT has won three times and in consecutive years, '90 and '91. Also, in the article you referred to FAT PERFORMANCE as "Buggy Engine Builders", the title is true but only partly, for over the years we have built many dif-ferent types of race engines. In fact, in recent years, we have built race winning engines for Class 3, 6, and 7S vehicles. We like to use the title of Off Road Race Engine Builders, for while we are cur-rently working on an aluminum small block Chevy V -8 and are applying the same expertise that has made FAT a successful Off Road Race Engine Builder. While I'm here on my "Soap-box", I would like to express an opinion of mine about awards like Engine Builder and Chassis Builder. These are performance awards, and should be based on race results and not a popular vote. A points system could be established where special perfor-mance by an individual car/mo-tor combination would recognize the smaller engine bui Ider or even a home built combination, so that sheer numbers would not neces-sarily over-shadow a grear indi-vidual effort. We also feel there were years we didn't win such as 1987. A fabulous year when FAT powered cars won repeatedly race after race. We are not suggesting that the person or persons who won Engine Builder in those years were not deserving, we just feel that performance awards should be based on just that. In closing, let me again thank you Jean and Judy, whose tireless efforts produced a well deserved Journalist of the Year award for the excellent off road coverage the two of you have given us all. I would also like to take this oppor-tunity to let you and all readers of Dusty Times know, the people who make FAT who we are: Dave Bonner, Jerry Brown, Marie Baird, Angel Enriquez, Paco Jua-rez, Dave Whitehead, Jerrod Wedell,John Waters, Chris Tool, Keith Saxton, Todd -Cripps, Stu Boyd. Without these people, Greg and I would never have enjoyed the successes we have. Thanks for the chance to air my views. We aJ>alogize to FAT for the omission of their award in 1990, which was not a good year for your editor. It was only recently that we discovered that FAT J)roduced truck racing engines as well as water Jnm1/)ers for oJ)en wheelers, and we aJ>alogize for not mentioning that also. We doubt if the Off Roadsman vote /)rocess will change, however. (Ed.) Volunteers are invited to climh on their "SoaJJ Box" and fill this space with their thoughts ahout what is good and what is not so good about the state of the sJ>art. Your words, short of heinl{ libelous, will be /)Tinted. So, send along your praise or damnation on your SoaJ) Box toJJic to DustyTimes ,5331 DerryAve.,Suite 0 , Agoura, Ca 91301. Check Out the DUSTY TIMES Special aub Sub Offer Call (111) 119-5600 . ot write DUSIYTIMIS 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 .Agoura, CA 91301' A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing Bilstein gas pressure shock New Applications absorbers were first introduced to the Dlmenalon• Valving American market in off-road racing in eeuH2, l2!2!H,CIRll2D l:;111.~2II, B12b.~2mR, the late 1960's. Over the past 20 AK1310 3/4"shaft 36.02 X 20.86 150/50 years, more off-road races have been 15. 15 inch travel won on Bilstein than any other shock AK 1320 3/4" shaft 33.00 X 19.48 170/60 absorbers. 13.5 inch travel Today, with their proven record of performance, Bilsteins continue to be AK 1330 3/4" shaft 27.00 X 16.88 255/100 the choice of serious off-roaders who 10. 11 inch travel coil over run to win. Now Available-Repair and Revalvlng Services. Page 4 Contact: Motorsports Department BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 8845 Rehoo Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog send $2.50 April 19ft Trail Notes ••• OFF ROAD POKER RUN -The 1992 Muscular Dystrophy Off Road Poker Run happens on April 11 and 12, 1992. The two day event generates a lot of participation and enthusiasm, and all proceeds go to help Jerry's Kids. The Run is sponsored by Budweiser, the Bureau of Land Management, the Muscular Dystrophy Association and La Rana Desert Racing. The run is approximately 30 miles, starting and finishing at the Slash X Cafe off Barstow Road, Highway 24 7, south of Barstow.You can enter Saturday or Sunday or both days if you wish. Sign up is from8:30 a.m. to noon, and after the run there is a huge raffle each day with lots of prizes. The best poker hands win prizes each day also. Any type of off road vehicle can enter. However, all California off road registered vehicles must have a "Green Sticker",· but out of state vehicles are exempt from this rule. All vehicles must have an approved spark arrestor or a proper muffler. Kids under 18 must show A TV certification and helmets are required for A TV and motorcycle entries. The entry fee is only $15 .00 and the first 250 entries each day get free hats. Of course T-shirts, hats and sweat shirts are available for purchase at the start/ finish area, along with food and drinks available at the Slash X Cafe. This is a fun time in the desert and a good cause besides. Get complete information by calling the Slash X C~fe, ( 619) 252-1197 or Bill Dahly (619) 247-6032. THE MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP brought their show to Jack Murphy Stadium in San Diego last February. Ivan Stewart fjnall y got a main event victory in front of his home town crowd, and it was his seventh try at this accomplishment. Ivan won the Grand National Sport Truck main event in the Toyota, followed by Roger Mears, Nissan, teammate Rod Millen, Toyota, Walker Evans, Dodge and Rob MacCachren, Ford. Frank Arciero Jr. won the Super 1600 main, followed in by Bill Goshen, Gary Gall, Ed Herbst and Troy Herbst, all driving Chenowth Magnums. Also winning in front of his home town crowd was Tommy Croft who took the UltraStock main event in a Jeep. Brian Collins was second in a Porsche, followed by Jack Millerd, Jeep, Larry Noel, Jeep, and Tim Lewis, Porsche. Marty Hart won the SuperLite honors in a Triple E followed by Jimmy Johnson, Briggsbuilt, Rennie Awana, Briggsbuilt, Bradley Wilmert, Briggsbuilt, and Joe Price, Triple E. Mark Ehrhardt was tops in quads followed by Doug Eichner, Craig Teel, De.rek Hamilton, and Donavon Holland. The high flying Supercross bike honors went to Larry Brooks, Yamaha, followed to the flag by Mike Craig, Kawasaki, Tommy Clowers, Kawasaki, Kyle Lewis, Yamaha and Gene Naumec, Kawasaki. Watch for the full story and photos by our men on the spot next month. THE FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM seems to keep its entry numbers healthy in a rather off the beaten path OHV area near El Centro, CA. The recent King of the Desert event, (see story this issue), actually had one extra race along with the two on the schedule. February 15 began early with the motorcycle and ATV race, won by Paul Krause on a two wheel Kawasaki and "Dyno" Dean Sundahl on a Yamaha ATV. They were not newcomers to the winners circle on Lake Superstition, as Sundahl now has won five times, and Krause, four times. Steve Fenton, who won the Desert Super Lite Division an a Triple EEE marked his third victory. Other winners in the opening race of the day were, on bikes, Craig Smith, 250 Kawasaki, Jason Corfman, 125 Honda, Scot Harden, Vet KTM, Pat Flanigan, Senior Kawasaki, Mike Harper, Super Senior Kawasaki, Class 3, Larry Ornes, Honda, Tracey Raybon, Vintage Honda. The car race is amply covered by Judy Smith elsewhere in this issue. As the car race was finishing up just before dusk, the rains came and the third event included mud bogs as the Great Motorhome Race saw the pit and spectator group flee the icky, sticky Lake Superstition pits, usually a dry lake. The April 4 weather should be much better for the Buzz Bomb 150 at Plaster City East, 6 times around a 25 mile loop. RIMOFTHEWORLDPRORALLY-Aftera 15 year hiatus, the Rim of the World Pro Rally will return to Palmdale, CA May 15-17, 1992. Originally scheduled in its previous long time Lancaster, CA location, the rally, round 3 of the 1992 Subaru Pro Rally Championship, has moved eight miles south to Palmdale because that city has shown a real interest in the event. City Public Relations Director Steve Buffalo notes this is just the kind of event that Palmdale is looking for. "Rim will benefit local business and help us promote Palmdale, "said Buffalo. "It's also a great opportunity for residents to see an exciting national motorsports event up close." This year the "Rim" moved from April to May to eliminate problems with late night fog that have plagued recent editons. It will start Friday night, May 15 from the Palmdale Ramada Inn, the event headquarters. On Saturday, pre-rally displays and activities, including the 1 :00 p.m. re-start will take place at the new Antelope Valley Auto Center. Saturday's activities include the popular Budweiser Daylight Dash, with awards to be given at the dinner break in Lake Hughes. For further information call Paula Gibeault at (619) 375-8704 or Jeanne Long at (303) 779-6622. THE TOYOTA TRUE GRIT program, now exclusive to SCORE Inter-national Desert Championship Series, has been redesigned to reward grass roots race drivers. Prize money has been increased by 20 percent for the 1992 season to $12,000. The True Grit award measures success in off road racing by computing the accumulated average speed over the course of all four SCORE International races. To win it a driver must finish all events and record the highest continuous average speed. This year the awards have the unsung heroes of desert racing in mind -Classes 1-2-1600, 5, 5-1600, 9, 10and11. Prizes of $2000 will be paid to each award winner at the end of the season. Les Unger, Toyota Motorsports Manager, explained w!;iy his company decid~d to concentrate on these six classes. "These racers are the.backbone of the sport," he commented. "From the ranks of these drivers come the stars of tomorrow, and they prove themselves now in some of the toughest competition known to motorsports. We are proud to play a role in singling them out for recognition." Toyota True Grit awards are unique in racing, as they do not depend on use of the sponsor's product. The Toyota Milestone awards include all SCORE classes of four wheel vehicles. To win a Milestone, a competitor must start all four events and finish every mile of each race. $56,000 KC HILITES CONTINGENCY PROGRAM-KC HiLltcs has announced a $56,000 contingency program for 1992. KC will post $200 per class per event for all SCORE and HORA races. Payout will be via a random drawing instead of by finishing position. KC HiLites will also pay $2000 per class to the racer who accumulates the most points in the SCORE and HORA events. Check the ad in this issue for details, and sign up at the Jim Conner booth in contingency row at the races. (more TRAIL NOTES on page 33) Dusty nmcs

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1991 Ha~penin9s ... A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 274-0010 April 12, 1992 Gila Bend 250 Gila Bend, AZ May 24, 1992 Prescott Mountain 100 Prescott, AZ July 18-19, 1992 Family Campout-Trail Ride Cinder Mountain Flagstaff, AZ September 5-6, 1992 Snowflake Buggy Bash Aripine, AZ December 5, 1992 Sonoyta to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico AMSA Jim Webb P.O . Box 26084 Fresno, CA 93726 (209) 439-2114 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 47 T eenan St. Ferny Hills, Q. 4055, Australia 0l l-18-07-851-0444 March 29, 1992 Inglewood Queensland May 10, 1992 Griffith New South Wales June 7, 1992 Sea Lake Victoria July 19, 1992 Kempsey New South Wales September 20, 1992 Waikerie South Australia BADGERLAND VW CLUB, INC. Terry Friday 5913 Fond Du Lac Road Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414)688-5509 ( All en . .>nts located in Chilton, WI arch'-' W in11d,ago County Ex/10 Center) BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 Golden Crown of Baja Desert Series (cars) March 27-29, 1992 Gran Carrera de Mexicali Mexicali, BC, Mexico May 22-24, 1992 Gran Carrera de Tecate Tecate, BC, Mexico August 21-23, 1992 Gran Carrera de Ensenada Ensenada, BC, Mexico September 25-27, 1992 Gran Carrera de Campeones San Felipe, BC, Mexico Special Event July 23-26, 1992 The Mint 400 Invitational Las Vegas, NV January 15, 1993 Year End Awards BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. April 11, 1992 Wendover Express 200 Wendover, USA May 16, 1992 Desert Cactus 250 Aragonite, Utah July 4, 1992 Jackpot 200 Jackpot, NV August 29, 1992 Twilite Special Delle, Utah October 31, 1992 Bonneville Challenge Wendover, USA NEW ULTRA WHEELS FOR BUGGIES "IN STOCK !" 15X3 15X7 17X8 $75.00 $80.00 $80.00 Come see us during upcoming Las Vegas races OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK MON - FRI 8am to 6pm SAT 9am 1o 5 pm Compare Our Prices On; 930 c.v.'s Cibie Lights SAW Products Simpson Tri-Mil Wright Place ':::-.0 Call Now - Mention This Ad 3054 S VALLEY VIEW -~,§) ~ ~ -~¢!J -~~" LAS VEGAS NV 89102 C:;x:;; 702-871-4911 702-871-5604 Page 6 BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R.3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada K0K-lH0 (613 )475-l 102/Fax(613 )475-3250 1991 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon,WI54520 (715)478-2222 June 20-21, 1992 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI September 5-6, 1992 True Value World's Championship Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI BUMP Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions 42263 50th St. West #108 Quartz Hill, CA 93536 (805) 256-8520 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Gary Luke, Director 13675 Spring Valley Road Morgan Hill, CA 95037 ( 408) 779-3589 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 March 28, 1992 Glen Helen Rally Sprints Glen Helen OHV Park San Bernardino, CA April 25, 1992 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ May 15-16, 1992 Rim of the World Lancaster, CA October 24, 1992 Gorman Ridge Rally Gorman, CA CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O . Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/(214) 641-2090 May 23-24, 1992 50 lap Enduro & Sand Drags Decautr, TX FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 9385 Florence Ave. Apopka, FL 32703 (407) 291-1215/(305) 823-4487 March 28, 1992 Tallahassee, FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 April 4, 1992 Buzz Bomb 150 Plaster City East, CA May9-10, 1992 Rock Around the Clock 24 Hour Enduro for Cars, Trucks, Buggies. Plaster City 'y('est, CA August 1, 1992 Superstition 250 Lake Superstition, CA October 3, 1992 Plaster qty Blast Plaster City East, CA April 1992 December 31, 1 992 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA ( All ewnts in the El Centro, CA arl.'a) GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2339 San Bernardino, CA 92406 (714)880-1733 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 253-1033 April 26, 1992 50 Miles in Heats May 24, 1992 150 Miles (Day only) June 28, 1992 50 Miles July 26, 1992 100 Miles August 23, 1992 50 Miles in Heats September 2 7, 1992 100 Miles October 24, 1992 Rules Meeting October 25, 1992 50 Miles November 28, 1992 Thanksgiving 250 December 5, 1992 Awards Banquet (All cwnts at Vienrw; GA) GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48103 (313) 665-03581(313) 996-9193 GREAT PLAINS OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Keith Koesters 4605 N. 130th Circle Omaha, NE 68164 ( 402) 496-0846 May 9, 1992 May 30, 1992 June 13, 1992 June 27, 1992 August 1, 1992 August 29, 1992 ( All short course races and heul at WestFair in Council Bluffs, Iowa) GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Bertram Productions, Inc. 15073 Hwy 119, Rt. 4 Golden, CO 80403 GRR Golden Rule Racing P.O. Box40211 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 263-5329 April 4, 1992 Tonapah, AZ May 9, 1992 Salome, AZ October 3,.1992 TBA November 7, 1992 Wickenburg, AZ HORA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 HORA U.S.A. CUP May 15-17, 1992 Nevada 500 Pahrump, NV July 4-5, 1992 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA August 14-16, 1992 Color Country Runoffs Brian Head, Utah September 18-20, 1992 Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA October 9-11, 1992 Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Lyle Hogue, President Box 12 Bowman, ND 58623 (701) 523-3420 April 4, 1992 Badlands Baja Wall, SD May 3, 1992 Bowman Off Road Challenge Bowman, ND June 1992 Capital City Stadium Pierre, SD August 1992 Gumbo Buttes Baja Pierre, SD September 1992 Deadwood Off Road Gran Prix Deadwood, SD October 1 7, 1 (}92 Last Chance Baja Wall, SD IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( All ewnts swged at the duh grounds in Clews, Ohio) INTER-SHOWS . MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, H'i(;, P.O. Box2910 I Mission Viejq, CA 926.90 (714) 364-0515 l ·, ·. March 21-22, 1992 Splash Water Sport Show Orange County. J:airgrounds Costa Mesa, CA May 15, l 992. Motorcycle Sw:;ip Meet, Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa, CA , , May 17, 1992 VW Spring Jamboree Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa, CA June 7, 1992 Salsa Custom Car Show & Family Fiesta Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa, CA July 10, 1992 Motorcycle Swap Meet Fairplex L.A. County Fair Pomona, CA July 31, 1992 Motorcycle Swap Meet & Bike Show Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa, CA August 2, 1992 California Truck Jamboree Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa, CA August 23, 1992 California Volkswagen Jamboree Orange County fairgrounds ·Costa Mesa, CA October 2, 1992 Motorcycle Swap Meet Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa, CA October 3, 1992 VW / Porsche Off Road Swap Meet Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa, CA December 4, 1992 Motorcycle Swap Meet Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa, CA December 5, 1992 VW / Porsche Off Road Swap Meet Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa, CA KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB Randy Chamberlin 835 Wawn Road Dusty Times

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Kamloops, B.C. V2B-6N3 Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 October 24, 1992 May 16-17, 1992 OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS Don (604) 372-9501 days (517) 627-6200 150 Miler NMRA Super Series OF EL PASO Randy (604) 579-9621 eves July 25, 1992 Notrees, TX Johnson, VT Don Honeberg May 10, 1992 Fowlerville, MI November 7, 1992 June 20, 1992 13180 Round Dance · Three Hour Enduro July 26, 1992 Awards Goldendale, WA El Paso, TX 79936 June 28, 1992 Caro, MI June 2l, 1992 (915) 751-70571(915) 855-9767 Long Distance Race August 2, 1992 MICKEY THOMPSON'S Merrillville, IN ONTARIO OFF ROAD July 12, 1992 Ingham County Fair OFF ROAD June 21, 1992 RACERS ASSOCIATION Short Course Race Mason, MI CHAMPIONSHIP Johnson, VT . R.R. 4 September 2 7, 1992 August 6, 1992 GRAND PRIX July 4, 1992 Bancroft, Ontario, Canada K0L-lCO Enduro Race Samilac County Fair Mickey Thompson Bascom, OH (613) 332-4363 October 11, 1992 Sandusky, Ml Entertainment Group July 10, 1992 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 25168 Short Course Race August 11, 1992 Anaheim, CA 92825 Bloomsburg, PA P.O. Box 6962 (combined with WORRA) Huron Community Fair (714) 938-4100 July 18-19, 1992 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 Bad Axe, MI (719)685-4400 ( all events swrc 7 miles August 14, 1992 March 21, 1992 Nipigon, Ontario, Canada northwest of Kamloo/Js) Seattle Kingdome July 19, 1992 S.C.A.T. INC. Mt. Pleasant, MI Seattle, WA Johnson, VT Michael R. King LA RANA DESERT RACING August 25, 1992 April 4, 1992 July 25, 1992 P.O. Box277 22769 Chambray Dr. Kalama:oo Fairgrounds Morrisonville, NY 12962 Moreno Valley, CA 92387 Kalama:oo, MI Texas Stadium Barre, MA (5 18) 561 -3208/(518) 236-7897 Irving, TX (714) 924-2226 MICHIGAN SPORT May 2, 1992 July 31 or August 7, 1992 SCCA PRO RALLY SElUES May 15-17, 1992 Keene, NH BUGGY ASSOCIATION Sun Devil Stadium August 16, 1992 Sports Car Club of America Spangler 150 Keneth Coleman Tempe, AZ P.O. Box 3278 Ridgecrest, CA 742 E. Roosevelt Road July 18, 1992 Johnson, VT Englewood, CO 80112 June 19-21, 1992 Ashley, MI 48806 Memorial Coliseum August 23, 1992 (303) 779-6622 Lucerne Valley Jam 250 ( 51 7) 838-4483 Los Angeles, CA Merrillville, IN April 25, 1 992 Lucerne Valley, CA September TBA, 1992 August 23, 1992 Prescott Forest Rally July 18-19, 1992 MIDWEST OFF ROAD RACING Nipigon, Ontario, Canada Prescott, .AZ Glen Helen Desert Challenge #1 Tommy Bowling Mile High Stadium September 13, 1992 Glen Helen OHV Park 19019 W. CR 128 Denver, CO Johnson, VT May 15-16, 1992 San Bernardino, CA Odessa, TX 79765 October TBA, 1992 Rim of the World (915) 561-5222 Sam Boyd Silver Bowl September 26, 1992 Lancaster, CA August 28-30, 1992 "The Texas Challenge Las Vegas, NV Orange, MA June5-7, 1992 Johnson Valley 150 Off Road Points Series" November TBA, i 992 September 2 7, 1992 Susquehannock Trail Lucerne Valley, CA (All ewnrs ar Norrees, TX) Oakland Stadium Barre, MA Wellsboro, PA September 12-13, 1992 March 28, 1992 Oakland, CA October 4, 1992 Date TBA Glen Helen Desert Challenge #2 Caprock 125 MTEG CAMEL SUPERCROSS NMRA Super Series Sunriser Rally Glen Helen OHV Park San Bernardino, CA Notrees, TX April 25, 1992 Johnson, VT Chillicothe, OH October 23-25, 1992 May 2, 1992 Sam Boyd Silver Bowl OFF ROAD JAMBOREES August 28-30, 1992 California 200 150 Miler Las Vegas, NV Four Wheel Drive Excursions Ojibwe Rally Ridgecrest, CA Notrees, TX June 20, 1992 P.O. Box 1154 Bemidji, MN November 20-22, 1992 June 13, 1992 Memorial Coliseum Arcata, CA 95521 October 2-4, 1992 High Desert 300 Jackrabbit 150 Night Race Los Angeles, CA (707) 822-8508 Gold Rush Rally Lucerne Valley, CA Notrees, TX May 8-10, 1992 Westcliffe, CO December 19, 1992 July 11, 1992 NATIONAL MUD RACING Redwood Coast Jamboree October 23-25, 1992 Awards Banquet 125 Miler Night Race ASSOCIATION Fort Bragg to Eureka/ Arcata, CA Press On Regardless Marriott Hotel Notrees, TX 11842 Jason Court June 19-21, 1992 Escanaba, MI Ontario, CA August 7-9, 1992 Madera, CA 93638 Ghost Town Adventure '92 November 6-8, 1992 Rock 'N Roll 250 (209) 486-4590/ (209.) 266-5558 South Lake Tahoe/ Stateline, CA Coachman Stages MICHIGAN OFF ROAD Notrees, TX April 26, 1992 September 18-20, 1992 Olympia WA CHAMPIONSHIPS September 12, 1992 Johnson, VT Kern River Jamboree December 4-6, 1992 M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. Twilite 125 Night Race May 10, 1992 Lake lsabella/ Kernville, CA Maine Forest Rally 15529 Jones Road Notrees, TX Orange, MA Rumford, Maine -~ The oil engineered for your truck's engine Dusty Times Shell TRUCK GUARD™ Light Truck Motor Oil is the oil made especially for pickups, 4-wheel drives, mini-vans, and recreational vehicles. Its special formula-tion and exclusive additives help keep high-revving, hotter -running truck engines clean and cool. TRUCK GUARD's API SG/CE rating exceeds all engine requirements. For the kind of protection your truck deserves, choose TRUCK GUARD. !i] OIL COMPANY, INC, 4870 E. Cartier Ave. ® Orange Line Oil Company 404 E. Commercial St. Las Vegas, Nevada 89115 (702) 643-9200 April 1991 Shell Pomona, California 91767 (714) 623-0533 Page 7

Page 8

SCORE Score International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 April 24-26, 1992 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, BC, Mexico June 5-7, 1992 Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, Mexico November 12-15, 1992 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, Mexico SCORE SHOW Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group Tom Lewis P.O . Box25148 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714)938-4155 May 1-3, 1992 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Jack Kolan (619) 292-4444 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O . Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 March 28-29, 1992 Twilight 200 Las Vegas, NV May 30-31, 1992 Caliente/ Pioche 250 Caliente, NV July 25-26, 1992 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV September 18-20, 1992 SNORE250 Jean, NV December 5-6, 1992 Eldorado Valley 250 Las Vegas, NV SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA/ ( 414) 257-0422 May 23-24, 1992 Lake Geneva Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva, WI June 6-7, 1992 Miller High Life Off Road Race Antigo, WI June 20-21, 1992 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI July4-5, 1992 Road America Elkhart Lake, WI July 18-19, 1992 UP Off Road 100 Bark River, MI August 1-2, 1992 Fox Riverfest Challenge Depere, WI August 15-16, 1992 Rancho Suspension Great Northern Challenge Ionia, MI September 5-6, 1992 True Value World's Championship Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 19-20, 1992 Midwest Points Championship Oshkosh, WI_ _ __ _ TEXAS OFF ROAD GRAND PRIX Short Course Racing -Texas Style Class 10, Sportsman, Challenger Mike Bernardo 1606 Lancelot Circle Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (214) 855-2232 (All c'H.'lltS ac Sci:t,hc'lwillt:. Ti:xas S/1ccdu·a"I) TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowic:, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 ( Races at Colonial Valley Resorts in PAJ VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W. Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 656-1122 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916)925-1702 March 29, 1992 Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA April 25-26, 1992 Hollister Hills SVRA Spring Special Hollister, CA May 23-25, 1992 Yerington VORRA 400 Yerington, NV June 19-21, 1992 Virginia City Classic 200 Virginia City, NV July 26, 1992 Summer Si::ler Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA September 5-7, 1992 Yerington VORRA 250 Yerington, NV October 16-18, 1992 The Bend 300 Brothers, OR November 1992 TBA 1992 Championship Race Prairie City SVRA Park Sacramento, CA WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3R 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85032 (602)971-3730 ( All et't.'lltS at Tlm1shc-rlw1d. 117th At•e. & Glendale in Phoenix. AZ) FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP March 27-April 1, 1992 East African Safari Nairobi, Kenya May 2-7, 1992 Tour de Corse · Ajaccio, Corsica June 2-7, 1992 Acropolis Rally Lagonissi, Greece June 25-28, 1992 New Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand July 20-26, 1992 Argentina RAily Buenos Aires, Argentina August 25-31, 1992 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September 18-22, 1992 Rally Australia Perth, Australia October 11-16, 1992 Rally d'ltalia Sanremo, Italy October 27-November 2, 1992 Ivory Coast Rally Abidjan, Ivory Coast November9-12, 1992 Rally of Spain Catalunya, Spain November 22-26, 1992 RAC Rally Harrogate, England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming ct•cnts in DUSTY T IMES [rec! Send :,,om ll)l):.! sd1cdulc as mon as /umi/,lc for listin.~ in thi~ column. Mail vour rnc·c or rnllv schedule to: DUSTYTIMES,'illl D~rrvAw., Suitc 0 , Agouw, CA Q·1:io1. . Keep water and shovel handy. P.S.Don't fometto checkwith localfue officials for apermit. m A Public Scrvic< of This Magazine & The Advertising Council COAST 1-800-634-6755 1-800-331-5334 Las Vegas, Nevada Page 8 April 1992 Dusty Times

Page 9

t •• May 15-1 'l ~ 1992 Have No Pressure Have No Fear LA RANA Racing is Always Near! The #1 Off-Road Racing Circuit \ • .:· i. ' .:::!-.. ~ .... · - . • • • # : ... : ••• • ,I . , ... . . . · :: • • II • Come race in the beautiful Red Mountains of Ridgecrest, CA La Rana Desert Racing Promotions 22769 Chambray Drive, Moreno Valley, CA 92557 (714) 924-2226

Page 10

SCORE PARKER 400 The Herbst Brothers In Front When It Counts Rv }udv Smith Photos: Tmd,sidt! Plwcos, Inc. 'f&,t -· .. ~·-. ~ Tim and Ed Herbst had a near perfect day in the Porsche powered Chenowth, stopping only to change drivers, one rode the other drove. and survived a last lap engine miss to win the Unlimited class and overall. The brothers have been second overall three times at Parker. The Herbst brothers, Tim and Ed, outlasted a determined challenge by Robby Gordon in his new Class 1 Ford truck, to bring their Porsche powered Chenowth huggy across the finish line in first place at SCORE's season opening Parker 400. This year's cours~· was once again all on the Ari:ona side of the Colorado river. omitting the California loop and all the prohkms that went along with it, such as the desert tortoise, anJ massive traffic jams trying to get back to the Arizona restart. While the race may not have the same rather chaotic mystique, it's now a lot easier on the nerves, simpler to score, and less of a nightmare logistically. And for this year's three lap event the course was lengthened to 138.8 miles, giving the racers a full 400 miles again. 407 .7 miles to be exact. The first and last lap were about nine miles longer than the middle lap, because the little hunk of trail that led from and back to the start/ finish area gets omitted on that middle lap. The contingency row setup in town on Friday before the race was busy, with many hlocks lineJ on both sides of the street hy manufacturer's vans and displays. There were lots of people strolling through the carnival atmosphere, many of them local race fans, and many who'd come from all over the southwest to kick off the traditional beginning of the season. {Never mind that there'd a I ready heen two races in ·_January.) The race cars didn't show up in numbers to match the enthusiasts, hut there were 118 starters in the car and truck divisions, as well as 54 hikes and ATVs. Among the cars there were some new entries, just the thing that draws the fans, and high on everyone's must-see list was the new Ford truck of Rohhy Gordon, hut there was another Ford, the Class I / 2 en try of Pa u I and Dave Simon, that also got its share of oohs and aahs. There'd heen some shuffling of drivers and cars between '91 and '92, and one result of that was the reappearance of Parnelli Jones, once more on the Stroppe team, driving the Class 7 Ford Ranger that had been Manny Esquerra 's mount. Esquerra was signed on to co-drive with Evan ·Evans , paraplegic son of Walker Evans. in his Chevy, which is operated with hand controls. Esquerra was understandably a hit nervous about whether he'd remember in a pinch that the hrake was operated by his right hand instead of his foot. Jack Johnson, who struggled with the Larry Maddox Class I 12 Jeep all last season, finally getting an overall win at the Gold Coast, lost his ride during the hiatus, too late in the scheme of things to pick up another, and was merely spectating at Parker. Steve McEachern is the new driver for Maddox. All of the rules that have heen put in place for the protection of the environment were in force, and the spectator and pit areas were once again severely limited, with very restricted access for the chase vehicles. The BLM was out in force, afoot and hy truck, keeping an eye on things, starting on Thursday, as they watched the 35 mph reconnaissance. They were, they said, delighted with the way the off roaders were sticking to the rules. The main pit area was, as ----~!JA·-----Class 8 had a slim entry of seven, and most of them had serious troubles. One that didn't was the Ford of Mike Schuringa and he moved steadily up the charts to win Class 8 by nine minutes and take seventh overall. Class 10 was full of potential winners and Steve Sourapas and [)ave Richard-son, who went back to VW power in the Chenowth. stayed close all day. and took over the lead on the last lap to win the class and place ninth overall. always, at the point where the · course crosses Shea Road coming hack in, and the speed limit within the pit area was 25 miles per hour for the race vehicles. With the finish line hack down at the Blue Water Marina the pits didn't become full of excited spectators and fans as the race neared the finish, making it a much safer setup than it used to he. The starting order hy class was J /2,8, 10,4,5, 1-2-1600,6,3, 7, 7S ( which combined the two wheel drive and four wheel drive trucks), Mini Mag, 5-1600, 9 and 11. Cars were flagged off one at a time, at 30 second intervals, and a total of 118 took the green flag. ( Last year there were 214 entries.) There were also some 54 bikes and ATVs, who started their race at 6:30 a.m., and did only two laps. The cars didn't get to start until 11 a.m., Ari:ona time. When they'd completed their first lap, the unlimited class cars were in a tight group, and Ed Herhst had the two seater in front, his brother, Tim, riding in the passenger seat. They were just 51 seconds in front of their brother, Troy, in a new single seat Porsche Chenowth. In third it was Danny Lerner, in his Chevy Truck, 41 Sl'nmds later. Fourth place was held hy Jimmy Smith, last year's winner at Parker, in his Porsche Chenowth, and only a minute and 44 seconds later. Rohhy Gordon, in that new truck, had heen lost for a while, hut ran fifth, 23 seconds hehind him, followed in · hy Boh Richey, in a Porsche Raceco, 12 seconds later, and then lason Baldwin, Chenowth, only ;_me second off his bumper. Brian Collins. who'd also heen up amongst them, in a Porsche Chenowth, had run out of gas about four miles hefore the pits, and then lost his transmission. The Simon and Simon truck had already gone out with motor troubles and Steve McEachern, in the Class 1 /2 Jeep, had chest pains, and was out of the car resting, while his passenger, Bob Eickles, drove a lap. And Doug Fortin, last year's overall champ, hadn't got his new Chevy truck finished, so was driving his Class IO Chenowth, with a 2300cc VW motor, which hroke. Jason Baldwin and Reggie Dunlap moved their Chenowth Porsche into second on the middle lap and they finished second overall and in class, a mere 2'h minutes behind. Ron Brant and Chuck Sudberry also had Porsche power in their Raceco, and On the second lap, the short one, the lead still belonged to Ed Herhst, hut no w Baldwin had moved up to second, ahout four and a half minutes back. In third it was Gordo n, and Ron Brant, in a Raceco, had moved up to fourth a minute and four seconds later. Smith was fifth , and Troy Herhst wa having trouble with little bits of fuel cell in hi s fuel lines. The fast.:st time on this lap, and for the race, belonged to Walker Evans, in hi s Dodge truck, who was Page 10 once again the air cooled engine brigade beat the exotics as Brant took third in class and overall. April 1991 -catching up after losing a fuel Dusy Times

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Danny Leiner with his son, Marty, four time 0 /A winner at Parker, three back to back, split the driving in the Chevy pickup to finish fourth overall and in Class 1 /2. Walker Evans does well in his Class 1 /2 heavyweight Dodge, and got his picture taken by a low flying chopper on his way to fifth overall and in class. Brian Stewart held up the honor of the Dodge Corps, surviving his down time to hustle into second in Class 8 and a close eighth overall in the race. Mike Schwellinger with Greg Adler riding in the big Ford took the Class 4 lead on the middle lap, stayed ahead of the factory backed trucks and won the class, finishing a fine 15th overall. pump on thl' first lap, and ran a 2 :13:56 for thl' 130 miles. McEachl'rn, whosl' chest pains turned out to havl' hel'n caused hy cinching up his shoulder harness too tightly,,was hack at the wheel again.' As they nl'ared the end of the last lap the Hl'rhst car, with Tim at the whed and Ed riding now, began to miss. Gordon caught them, and went hy, to take over the lead. Rut ahout 15 miles before the finish he lost his battery and the powerless truck came to a halt while the Hcrbsts brought their car in for the win. As Gordon's crew hustled to get out to the truck, Baldwin completed another trouble free lap, to take second place. In third his Chevy weren't racing this one. Roh MacCachrcn put his Ford into thl' !t:ad hy the end of the first lap, with Brian Stewart second in his Dodge hy a little over five minutes. In third it was Steve Kelley in Dave Westhem's GMC truck, only a minute and 42 seconds later. And running fourth, another minute and 15 seconds hack was Mike Schuringa, in his Ford. On the second lap MacCachren lost two transmissions, one after another, and while his crew made lengthy repairs, Stewart moved to thl' lead. He now had only 43 seconds on Kelley, while Schur-inga ran third, only five minutes and 48 seconds later. But the last lap was to change everything. Stewart's fuel pump poured gas "all over the truck", and had to be replaced, while Kelley's truck broke a front steering link, which took about an hour and 40 minutes to repair. Schuringa, meanwhile, had no troubles, and got to the checkered flag first, for his first victory. Stewart was second, about six minutes later, while Kelley was a distant third, and MacCachren anothl'r hour later, was fourth. Class IO had a good fidd, with it was Brant, who came across the finish line on fumes, out of gas. In fourth it was Marty Letner, at the wheel of his dad's truck for the last half of the race. He reported that the truck was without brakes, and had had a couple of flats. Smith ran out of lights on his way Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter started their defense of their Class 5 title in fine fashion, taking the lead on the second lap, increasing their time margin and they won Class 5 by 46 minutes and were 20th overall. to the finish, and then ran out of luck, and into a hig wall, doing irreparable damage to his front end. Evans created a hit of a flap at the finish line when he forgot there would be hay hale chicanes on thl' pavement to slow the finishing cars. When he saw them he slammed on his brakes, slid sideways, and rolled his hig truck over. He finished fifth, the truck crumpled, with tufts of hay sticking out of the crevices and cracks, so it looked a good deal less sophisticated than Walker's fans arc used to. Walker was so mud at himself for the goof that he declined to be interviewed ahout • thl' incident, and left the area quickly, trailing hay and bits of fiberglass. The Class 8 trucks were next to go, and spectators were dis-appointed that Larry Ragland and Brothers Dale and Darren and dad Tom Ebberts combined to take the win in Class 1-2-1600, each driving a lap. Despite the stops for driver changes, the trio won by over half an hour and placed 17th overall. Dusty Times April 1992 any nuniber of potential winners, and the lead at the end of lap one was in the hands of Ed and Levi Beard in thl'ir Chaparral. They had 27 seconds on Jim Kirk, in a Toyota Raceco, ~ho was 43 seconds up on Scott Flamson in his Raceco with the suhtle, and beautiful new, hluc paint joh. In fourth behind Flamson wasC,regg Hibbs, in a Toyota Jimco, 58 seconds later, while Steve Sourapas had his VW powered Chcnowth in fifth place. This is the system run by most off road race winners The Beards lost their motor on the next lap, and the lead went to Kirk and his co-driver ,Jim Pierce, who now had 56 seconds on Sourapas and his co-driver, Dave Richardson. In third it was tht.· team of Mike and Tim McDon-nell, in their Raceco, who'd had to stop to weld the top har of their cage. They'd also had to replace an air cleaner that fell off. Running fourth was the Toyota ORBS of Richard Binder an,! Rodney ,i;r TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME JEEP STRAIGHT 6 "NEW SUMMER SPECIAL CHROME" 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234•9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 11

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Steve Kelley, driving the GMC with Dave Westhem this year, had some serious steering problems, but he kept moving down course to take third in Class 8. Arizona racers Jim Pierce and Jim Kirk led Class 10 for a time, had no real trouble and finished second in Class 10 by less than five minutes, 11th 0 /A. Tim and Mike McDonnell, who ruled the El Centro desert all winter, plow a bit of silt on their way to third in <Slass·10>/n·the VW powered Raceco. · ) "· "' i-, 1 '. John Swift has found a home in his Ford Explorer, stopped once for a little front end repair, developed an oil leak later in the race, but still led Class 6 from flag to flag and won by about eight minutes. tr" Goodsell, which'd had four flats so far. In fifth it was Rick Romans in his Raceco. Flamson was out with a clutch full of oil and Hibbs had disappeared also. Richardson, who drove the second half of the race, got by Pierce, and, running trouble free, took the win for himself and Sourapas. He said it had been a "rough race", and that Kirk and Pierce had "pushed all day". Pierce brought their car home in second place, and then it was 25 minutes before the McDonnells arrived in third place. Binder and Goodsell finished with no front brakes in fourth, and Steve Myers and Mike Sullivan, in a Toyota Raceco, who'd had their collector break off and burn up some of their wiring on the first lap, were fifth, and none of the others made it in. Class 4 had only four entries for Parker, and the first lap leader was Jerry McDonald in his new ~~ls-ft. '"The Off-Roader's Choice· . ~ ~~ 0116\"t.\ c, • E-Z ur INSTANT SHELTERS Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter In Page 11 less than 60 seconds! NO missing ports NO center poles NO. ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics Instant Pit Shelter La R~ Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Authorized Dealer CASTEX RENTALS~ INC. 1044 N. Cole Ave. Los~. CA 90035 CALL: 213 • .t62 • 1468 Hernquist and Lund had another long lap, hut managed to finish third. Almost from the green flag Mike Lesle was all alone up front in Class 3, and as the slim field had troubles he literally cruised the Jeep Cherokee to the Class 3 victory, winning by two hours. In Class 1-2-1600, the first lap leader was Dale Ebberts in the Suspensions Unlimited car the family had just bought from Danny Porter. He and his brother, Darren, had raced the HORA race and hadn't done as well as they'd planned, so they wanted to race Parker, hut were short of funds. Their dad, Tom, said he'd foot the hill for the entry if he could drive a lap. They had a hit over three minutes on second place Danny Porter, in his new Suspensions Unlimited car. In third it was Dennis and Tom Hight in their Chenowth, just I~ seconds later, and followed by Jim Fishback Sr., in his Neth, jus.t q,vt:r.a mi.nute later. Norm Lestcr.1w;1s fifd)1 in a Mirage. , r· •,rll , • Chevy, with almost nine minutes on Mike Schwellinger in his Ford. In third it was Dave Ashley in his Ford, who'd already had a flat, and then lost his jack and had to stop for a replacement. Rod Hall, in the new Dodge, ran fourth. McDonald's truck lost its brakes and he slid off-the road, landing on his side and tearing up his trailing arms. It took about five and a half hours to get it back together again. In the meantime Schwellinger had no problems, and took over the lead. Ashley, who'd now lost a power steering pump, was second, about 20 minutes later, and Hall was third, but already down four hours with major problems. Schwellinger, who drove all the way, took the win, followed in by Ashley in second, a half hour later. McD.onald was repaired in time to finish third, but Hall, who made it back, was overtime and goes into the records as a DNF. Class 5 started with only five entries, and the Todd Pankratz car disappeared on the first lap. Doug Dawson was also in trouble early, with a rollover, but he got going again, only to come to grief on down the road apiece, when he hit some rollers too fast, and turned the car over again. That was the end of his day. That left Bill Hernquist and Michael Lund in the lead, but only three minutes in front of Wolfram Klawitter. Almost an hour back was Brad Person, who'd broken a valve spring in staging, and started an hour and 20 minutes late, after everyone else had gone. Klawitter handed his car over to his brother, Hartmut, midway through the second lap, and they now had the lead, with 4 7 minutes on Person, and his co-driver, Tony Kujala. Hernquistand Lund had lost about four hours with problems, and ran a distant third. On the last lap Klawitter got April 1991 stuck in a hole not far from the finish, and had a had few minutes, hut the spectators helped him get out, and he came on in for the win. Kujala and Person were second, still 47 minutes hack. On the second lap Tom took over the Ebberts car, and he held on to the lead, while Por,tj::r lost his transmission. Now it was Fishback and his .12o~driver, Sam C1stro, who'd lost q co4ple of fan Scott Douglas and his rider Brendan Gaughan took the Class 7 lead on the last lap, suffering from overheating in the Jeep Comanche half the distance, but Douglas won Class 7 in the older truck anyhow. Jeff Lewis, who inherited the Chevy S-1 0 from Jerry McDonald basically, used the 4wo·to his advantage in the rough stuff, had some front end and electrical problems, but carried on to win the new Class 7S. Dusty nmcs

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Richard Binder and Rodney Goodsell had four flats in the Toyota powered ORBS, but made back the lost time to finish a solid fourth in Class 10. Defending points champion in Class 4, David Ashley didn't have a good day with various troubles, but he got the Ford home clean, second in class. Usually fast Arizonans Brad Person and Tony Kujala started over an hour behind with engine trouble, but they pushed on and ended up second in Class 5. helts, and had the throttle stick wide open, in second, ahout seven and a half minutes hack. In third it was Lestl'r and his co-driver, Dave Ramocinski, followed hy Don Currier and John Wagner, in a Raceco. Fred Wing, who'd had two flats on his Rorgward, was now in t'ifth plan·. Tom got out and put Darren into the driver's seat, and, except for a little shifter trouhle, the Ehherts had no prohlems, and got their win. Fishhack and Castro finished second, ahout a half hour later, followed in hy Rrian and Jon Tanklage, who'd had a first lap rollover, and a third lap high centl'r to slow them a hit. The Wings were fourth after Bruce got stuck in the silt ahout a mile hefore·the finish line, and needed spectator help to get going again when the enc wouldn't start. Ramocinski and Lester were out when a rear trailing arm hroke, and M i ch a e1l De Lance , in a Bundersort, finished fifth. In Cbss 6 the Ford Explorer of John Swift was in the lead at the end of lap one, and he had just under seven minutes on Curt Le Due in his Jeep. In third it was Dan Ashcraft, in another Ex-plorer, already down hy ahout 50 minutes, and followed, three hours later hy Eric Heiden in his Jeep. Evan Evans and his Chevy were out on the first lap, so Manny Esquerra never did get to find out if he could remember ahout the hand hrakc. On the second lap Swift stopped to have some limiters installed on his front end, which had hrokrn a couple ofheim ends, hut he held his lead, and now had ahout 25 minutes on LeDuc. Curt had to make some repairs when his water pump came loose, and he had to get more water and some stop-leak out to where he was. Ashcraft was still third, and had closed up the gap some with a good lap, hut was 40 minutes hehind LeDuc. And Heiden continued to have problems, and then couldn't complete a third loop. Swift developed an oil leak, but it didn't stop hin1, and he took the win, finishing in a cloud of smoke, 16th overall. LeDuc, who had to stop to add oil often, was nevertheless only eight minutes he hind him in. second, while Ashcraft, with a last lap time exactly equal to Swift's, finished third, and there was no one else. In Class 3 Dan Smith lost the power steering on his Ford, fixed that and then lost his oil pump, and then his motor, all on lap one. And in the meantime, Don Adams, in Dale White's Chevy, stood the truck on its nose, broke a spring and holed the oil pan, Dusty nmcs giving them ahout a two hour the pan with a chunk of wood and down time. While all this went on some silicon, and he went on, but Mike Lesle had his Jeep just unless Lesle had majortrouble, he motoring along, and had the lead. hadn't a hope ofcatching up. And White's crew plugged the hole in Lesle had no troubles, he just continued to "drive around", to take the win. White and Adams were second, a little over two hours later. Class 7 didn't grow any since - ~ .. GERMAN AUTO the I 99 I season ended, but the addition of Parnelli Jones to Ford's team spiced up the public's interest. Unfortunately, Jones didn't·IJlr" . ''YOUR OFF-ROAD HEADQUARTERS'' DIEST SEAT BELTS The greatest name in driver safety equipment 4-point Sand Rail Seat Belt . Race Belts 2"-5 point $69.95 $74.95 3"-5 point . ... .. from $99.95 TYPE 4-PORSCHE-STYLE FAN SHROUD Utilizes type 1 alternator custom alter-nator mount included . . . . . . . . $299.00 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 17001b ... . . . S79.95 200mm reinforced maximum 2300, 2500, 2700, or 30001b . . . . . . $99.96 "GERMAN AUTO" COM-PETITION PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 2001b . . . . . . • . . . $49.95 215mm Porsche 914 $114.95 CLUTCH DISCS FOR 200MM AND 215MM Cushlocks ............... . S36.95 4 puc ferremic . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~.95 4 puc ferramic with spring hub . . $54,911 213-868-9393 CNC CUTTING BRAKES Upright or lay down styles available single or dual handles . . . . . . . . . $89.911 CNC RACE CAR PEDAL AS-SEMBLES Brake pedal with dual master cylinder and balance bar (specify disc of drum brakes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from $199.95 Clutch pedal with slave . $104.95 Swing pedal or floor mount pedals available. SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS *Polished finish* *Bolt together replaceable halves• •available in 15" and 16" .... from $99.95 SACO IRS BUS SUPER DIFF 1 OO'lb machined form billet. Uses 091 series parts. Fits all years . . . . . . . . . . . . . $424.115 SACO transmission drive flange. 100'lb mach_ined from billet. Fits 930 CV joints leachl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $511.95 SACO "No LEAK" 4 bolt polished valve covers fits 1. 7, 1.8, and 1.0T 4 engines. !pairl . . . . . . . . . . $44.95 POLY FUEL JUGS ·5 Gallon . . . Square Design ... Screw On Cap 117.95 Anti-Vortex Fuel Funnel 11 Gallon . . Quick Dump S17.911 $49.95 ·213-863-1504 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS AND FLANGES 930 or T.4 cages leach) $44.95 930, T.4 & T. 2 boot flanges !eachl Trik boot s leach) ..... $15.95 S15.95 SACO RACK AND PINION SACO rack and pinion features alloy gears full contact housing, and hard anodized for long wear. Standard rack and pinion . . Rack and pinion mount . Rack and pinion coupler Rack steering stops H.D MAGNUM RACK $249.95 $9.95 $8.95 $19.95 Billet housings ... 1 ½" alloy gear ... thru bolt mounting . . . complete with stops 1" CHROMOLYTIE RODS WITHH.D. ENDS 1' ChromolyTie Rods with H.0 . Ends !specify Ford or International) set .............. . $89.95 Quick release steering hub . . . . $44.911 ·~ec:e :cec·';:1 ,fi:0 .. c---:-... ::-e ... re-:: .. ,:-e.·,,9 ·-e·c ... o'"'-:'.'e · ... ·:e,,:, :: :::c~-,: ... ,..C"'":" ·.::Yee. : .. t~ec: :: c ... -::-9€" ... /: ... :,..: -2:·ce· "\,.·.:.c ... ~ ..,.,.:.:-:.:c.:..:.:; :--J -= c:.8. ·.·: ... e ·:e .... : · ... : ... ·_~ o::-c·e :: .. :" ·::o:-... :e :"" ::J ·--:-:.·•,:·-·c FAX 213-929-1461 11324 Norwalk Bl. Santa Fe .Springs, CA. 90670 April 1991 SWAYAWAY IRS spring plates S/A spring plates 4130 $84.95 S77.95 Spring plates . . . . . . • . . . from $159.95 H.O. torsion bars . . . . . . . from $134.911 Front V. W. Bug sway bars . $44,911 Rear V. W. Bug sway bars . . . . . . $84.95 Front and rear V. W. sway bar kit $199.95 TRIMIL BOBCAT SYSTEMS 1 'k" Type 1 raw .... 1 'k' Type 1 chrome 1%"Type 1 raw .......•.. 1 %" Type chrome 1%"Type 4 raw ......•.•.. 1 %' Type 4 chrome Baffle for Bobcat System ... $59.95 $89.95 $69.96 $99.95 $149.95 S179.95 $8.95 TRICK REAR TRAILING ARMS 3" X 3" , , , , . . . . . pr. $395.00 Class 1-21600, 51600 ... pr. $395.00 FRONTTRAILING ARMS Link Pin 4130 Chromoly Stock length pr.$485.00 1 ¼" Longer . . . . . . . . . . . . pr. S525.00 2 ¼' Longer . . . . . . . . . . . . pr. $11211.00 4' for coil covers . . . . . . . . . pr. S550.00 WEEKEND WARRIOR LONG TRAVEL BEAMS B* travel stock width beam . . . . $199.99 B* travel widened beam . . . . . . 1219.911 1 Cl" travel stock width beam 10" travel widened beam ... $224.95 $244.911 *Catalog $3. Page 13

Page 14

Jim Fishback Sr. and Sam Castro had fan belt and throttle troubles with the Neth, but they kept it rolling right into secand place in Class 1-2-1600. Brian and Jon Tank/age rolled their Suspensions Unlimited car on the first lap, but not much got bent and they recovered to Fred and Bruce Wing had a couple of flats along the way, got stuck in the silt once but got out with spectator help, and took fourth in Class 1-2-1600. finish third in Class 1-2-1600. · Curt LeDuc does his bicycle act here for the camera, but he kept the Jeep Cherokee in contention, adding oil all the way to second in Class 6. Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen had a: good race in the older Toyota, having to stop often for fuel, but they moved right into a second in Class 7S finish. Darren and Doug York were the early Class 7S leader in the Ford Ranger, but major mechanical multiple problems slowed them to third in class at the flag. a fo u r whee I d r i,v·e C h c v y , followed by Mark Hansen in a two wheel drive To[o'(;i, and then, in fifth, Ron UstcC: ~ri \he Simon brothers' last yJM•s. four wheel drive Ford. lister and his co-driver, Mike Kapcki, arc new to this class, havi9g 'movHd over from 5-1600. ' , The trio of Dane Cardone, Larry Plank and Scott Steinberger had nobody to race after one lap, so they ran unchallenged to victory in Mini Mag class, . despite some rear end woes. Brian Goodrich and Charlie Wafters had a brand new 5-1600 car at Parker and had no mechanical trouble with it, got stuck once in the silt, but led the class from start to finish . York continut:q to lcad1 tl;irough lap two, with J~hn )oh'n~on,'who took over for BrJ\.vn,' s~cond, 17 minutes later, after b;~aking a front spring, which threw gravel into the pulley's and flipped off some belts. Lewis was still third, only two seconds later, having problems with an upper control arm bolt that came loose, and an alternator that quit. In fourth it was Hansen, who'd had a flat, and his co-driver, Malcolm Vinje. Their truck has a too small gas tank, and they'd had to plan five fuel stops. Running fifth now was James Hatton, in another Toyota, as Lister and Kalicki rolled over, and were out for the day. :. · i;r go far enough for most of • the spectators to get to see him, Ultra Rides Again! This time with 2 new ways to fly. CUSTOM WHEElS 12350 Edison Way -· ----though as far as he went he looked as aggressive and smooth as ever. He lost his oil pump before he'd done 14 miles, but he enjoyed his ride, saying that the little truck has more horsepower than his old "Big Oly" Bronco, even though it's a V6, and it has "much hettcr suspension (and was) easier on the body". He's looking forward to the Baja races especially. With Parnelli gone the race was between Scott Douglas, in his Jeep and Racin Gardner, in his Ranger, who had the lead at the end of lap one. He had just three minutes on Douglas, who'd had a flat. Gardner led through lap two, but now had only a minute and seven seconds, and Douglas stopped in his pit to find out why the truck was running warm. His crew discovered that a rock in a pulley had tossed off his belts. The Jeep overheated all of the last ;lap, but Gardner had some problem that cost him a half hour, Garden Grove, CA 92641 • (714) 897-8077 Type J I /1 5 x 3.5, I 5 x 7 and Douglas managed to move to L-------------------------------' the front, and take the win. Page 14 The rest of the mini trucks, both two wheel drive and four April 1992 wheel drive were all combined into Class 7S, confusing some folks, hut making good sense. Darren York put his four wheel drive Ford into the lead on the first lap, and he had about four and a half minutes on Terry Brown in his two wheel drive _Ford. In third it was Jeff Lewis, in York's day came unglued on the third lap when he lost his alternator belt, and his front end, and his water pump. He repaired the front end, and kept going, h_ut %,, Billy Kem and Pat Smith, with Rick Pool doing the anchor man job led lap 2 and lap 3, although by then the shocks were gone, and the trio won the Class 9 honors in the ORBS by about half an hour. Dusty Times

Page 15

Jj,J,_ *,,.i)., 1:::: .... ~ . Ruben and Robert Gutierrez suffered recurring throttle trouble, but they pressed on to finish nearly an hour back, but second in Class 5-1600. Guillermo Quintero and Francisco Ortiz came from Ensenada to race their brightly painted Bug, and they finished well, a fine third in Class 5-1600. Pancho Bio and Tim Hanna had nagging troubles with the Tubular design car, but they kept moving forward through the desert to second place in Class 9. the motor was, not surprisingly, had a lead of I 9 minutes at the end the FRT events, which have much overhl'ating. Johnson got past in of thl' lap. Guilll'rmo Quintero shorter laps, and less total miles, Brown's truck, hut his hdtless and Francisco Orti:, one of the found it challenging to pace episode had apparl'ntly damagl'd Mexican teams entnl'd, were themselves for Parker, hut his motor too, and it expired just Sl'C on d, fo 11 owl'd h y Ru be n nevertheless, had the lead still at short of the finish line, making Gutierre:, who hadn't prl'-run, the end of lap two. Robert them a DNF. Lewis, running with just five minutes later. In fourth it Gutierre: had taken over for a broken hell-housi ng, brought" was Alherto anJ Manuel Covarru-Rubl'n, and he now ran second, his truck across thl· line for the hias, another Mexican entry, and almost an hour hack struggling win. Vinje and Hansen werl' Rohert Knight and Greg Krogh with less than full throttle, after it second, York, finishing in a cloud ran fifth. had come loose a couple of times. of steam, was third, and Hatton Wattl'rs and his co-driver, Quintero anJ Orti:, who'd was fourth. None of the others Brian Goodrich, who usually race borrowl'd an alternator from the made it in. -----------------------------• There were only two Chenowth SCORE PARKER 400 - Results Mini Mags enten·d, and Yoshi January 24-26, 1992 Ogasawara had trouhle starting # Pos. Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle on the first lap, which let thl· triple 1 Class 1/2 • Unlimited Single & Two Seat - 30 start -16 finish threat team of Dane CarJone, 105 2 Tim & Ed Herbst Chenowth-Porsche 118 Jason Baldwin/Reggie Dunlap Chenowth-Porsche Larry Plank and Scott Steinherger • 104 3 Ron BranVChuck Sudberry Raceco-Porsche in Stl'inhergn's car, run unchal-101 4 Danny & Marty Letner Chevrolet PU k·ngcd to the win. They had no 130 5 Walker Evans/John Searle Dodge PU major down time, and ·only a Classl-2-I600-l600ccRestrictedEnglne-15start-6finlsh slightly worrisoml' rear end 1612 1 Dale,Darren&TomEbberts SuspensionsUnltd. ''wohhlc" to trouhlc them. 1606 2 JimFishbackSrJSamCastgro Neth Ogasawara had a long second lap, 1601 3 Brian & Jon Tanklage Suspensions Unltd. and, although he got to the finish 1608 4 Fred & Bruce Wing Borgward line, was over thl· tinll' limit, and 1613 5 Michael Delance/Ammon Parker Bunderson I Class 3 • Short WB 4X4 • 3 start - 2 finish is crel ited with only two laps 300 1 Mike Lesle/Curt LeDuc Jeep Cherokee compktcd · 302 2 Dale White/Don Adams Chevy Blazer In Class 5-1600 there was a Class 4. Long WB 4X4-4start. 3 finish terrific race going on for the lead 403 1 Mike Schwellinger/Greg Adler Ford F-150 on lap one, with W ayne Cook in 400 2 Dave Ashley/John Castro Ford F-150 front, charging hard, and Charlie 404 3 Jerry McxDonald/Nick Menudier Chevrolet K-I500 Watters behind him, and very Class5-UnlimitedBafaBug-5start-3flnlsh dose, prohahly ahead on elapsed 500 1 Hartmut & Wolfram Klawitter Baja Bug timt.·. Rut when they got to the 501 2 Brad Person/Tony Kujala Baja Bug l J d 502 3 Bill HemquisVMike Lund Baja Bug gra, l' roa with the h ig Class 5-l600-I600cc Baja Bug. g start• 6 finish "whoops", Cook got light, and 559 1 Brian Goodrich/Charlie Watters Baja Bug nosed into one hump, set the car 553 2 Ruben & Robert Gutierrez Baja Bug on its hum per, where it twisted 554 3 Guillermo Quintero/Francisco Ortiz Baja Bug . and then dropped down on its 555 4 Alberto & Manuel Covarrubias Baja Bug rl'ar wheel, hreaking the stuh axle 557 5 Daniel Rosete/Fermin Lopez Baja Bug and drum. Then it slid, rolled Class 6-Production Sedan -5 start -3 finish over, and came to a stop, down in 600 1 John SwilVDino Pugeda Ford Explorer the dl'pression hetWl't:n the 604 2 CurtLeDuc/RussWinkler JeepCherokee h 601 3 Danny AshcrafVDave Mason Ford Explorer '' w oors' '· Word came hack by Class 7 - Unlimited Mini-Midi Pickup - 3 start -2 finish radio from Wattl'rs that Cook 703 1 Scott Douglas/Brendan Gaughan Jeep Comanche had rolled. Help was there, in the 702 2 Racin & Slick Gardner Ford Ranger form of Dan Beaver, who'd rolled Class 7S - Stock Mini-Midi Pickup - 9 start. 4 finish his Class 8 truck in the neighbor-722 1 Jeff Lewis/John Chapman Chevrolet S-10 hood, and others, so Cook 759 2 MalcolmVinje/MarkHansen ToyotaExtraCab checked things ovl'r with an eye to 724 3 Darren & Doug York Ford Ranger getting back on his wheels and 726 4 James Hatton/Jerry McKibben Toyota heading out. When he reali~cd the 725 5 Tery Brown/John Johnson Ford Ranger Class 8 - 2WD Standard Pickup - 7 start • 4 finish damage that had been done, he 806 1 Michael Schuringa Ford F-150 popped back into the car to radio 802 2 Brian Stewart/Jeff Geiser Dodge D-150 his chase crew ( his hrothcr, 805 3 Steve Kelley/DaveWesthem G.C Darryl), that he needed him there. 801 4 Rob MacCachrentMike Scoffstall Ford. F-150 While he was in the car on the Class 9-Restricted Buggy-11 start -5 finish rad_io, along came Doug Dawson, 904 1 Billy Kem/Pat Smith/Rick Pool OR3S in his Class 5 car, who did the 906 2 Pancho Bio/Tim Hanna Tubular Design same stunt, at an earlier "whoop", 999 3 Joel Stankavich/Warren Messick Raceco and as a consequence, rolled along 907 4 Howard Goldsmith/Dave Beverly Smith d 902 5 Rodney Miller/Dean Caskey Raceco an .onto the Cook car. The Classi0-Unlimitedi650cc-13start-5flnish impact broke some shocks and 1008 1 Steve SourapastDave Richardson Chenowth VW knoch·d a valve cover off Cook's 1007 2 Jim Pierce/Jim Kirk Raceco Toyota ca r, among other things. And it 1002 3 Tim & Mike McDonnell RacecoVW scared Wayne, who was inside the 1001 4 Richard Binder/Rodney Goodsell ORBS Toyota 5-1600, thoroughly. He lit out of 1004 5 Steve Myers/Mike Sullivan Raceco Toyota t here run n i n g, a cc Ord in g t O Class 11 • Stock VW Sedan • 3 start - 3 finish (2 laps) witnesses, apparently reali:ing the 1100 1 Martin Garibay/Ulisis Acevedo VW Beetle foolhardiness of his position. But 1102 2 Chris, Daniel and Steve Woodward vw Beetle no one was hurt, and his chase 1101 3 Erny Martinez/Rogelio Rivera VWBeetle Class Mini - Mag -2 start - 1 finish crew was on the wa Y. 1200 2 Scott Steinberger/Dane Cardone/ Mini Mag Tim• 7:20:08 7:22:40 7:29:26 7:41:39 7:42:03 8:43:11 9:12:13 10:15:03 10:16:48 10:43:06 10:42:54 12:55:18 8:28:50 8:59:08 13:25:34 8:48:10 9:34:34 13:11 :03 10:17:46 11:12:59 12:09:39 12:34:18 13:51:44 8:38:40 8:46:33 9:33:42 9:36:49 10:02:11 9:14:17 9:54:36 10:39:55 13:49:20 2Iaps 7:47:29 7:56:25 9:05:06 10:14:51 9:49:28 10:19:51 10:27:18 11:16:18 12:34:21 8:06:25 8:11:03 8:27:49 8:46:08 10:20:39 8:47:29 7:48:13 9:24:43 9:11:44 In the meantime, Watters ran Larry Plank effortlessly on, his new car Starters-118 Finishers-64 - Finishratio - 54% Timeallowance-14 hours performing cxcellcn ti y, and he Race Distance - 407.7 miles - Three laps, various lengths. 0/A 1 1 2 3 4 5 17 26 38 39 46 45 55 15 22 57 20 31 56 40 48 51 53 59 16 19 30 32 35 30 34 44 58 7 8 23 37 33 41 43 49 54 9 11 14 18 42 25 Guticrre:cs, were third, 52 minutes• later, and Knight and Krogh ran fourth, but then couldn't get through the next lap. In fifth it was the Covarrubias team. Watters and Goodrich went on to get the first win in their new car, enjoying a nearly letter perfect day ( Watters did get stuck once), and finding the course '' very challenging". The Gutierre: team was second, 55 minutes hack, while Quintero and Orti: ':"ere third, another 57 minutes later. In fourth it was the Covarrubias team, and they were also last. In Class 9 Russ and Ray Miller had thci r Chenowth in front at the end of their first lap, with Billy Kem in second, only 52 seconds later, in his O RBS. In third it was the team of George Erl and Rich Richardson, in Erl's T-Mag, followed by Pancho Bio, in his Tubular Design car, having some trouble with a clutch pedal bolt that came loose. In fifth place, ahout ,r;r 00 (]] 00 [p D CID 00 DESERT LOCK OUTER Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength • At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing • All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 13" MIDGET 8"-10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED MIDGET ' WE HAVE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! · SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ••.... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax --------------------------------------------------------------------------· Dusty Times April 1991 Page 15

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Joel Stankavich and Warren Messick plow through the wash here, but despite losing shocks and a coil they got the Raceco home a fine third in Class 9. A team from the glory days of off road racing headed by Howard Goldsmith and Dave Beverly, rolled early, but recovered and were fourth in Class 9. Chris, Daniel and Steve Woodward started out in the apparent Class 11 lead, but put the car on its side on the second and final lap, and placed second at the flag. !Jr' three minutes later it was Rohert Alkire, in a T-Mag. The Millers reportedly dis-covered that they'd broken their transmission when they pitted, and nevl·r went any further, leaving thl· lead in the hands of Kern's co-driver, Pat Smith. He now had ahout six and a half minutes on Bio. Then it was Joel Stankavich and his co-driver, Warren Messick, who were hreaking a rear shock every lap, in their Raceco, in third. Alkire had moved up to fourth place, and in fifth it was the team of Dave Beverly and Howard Goldsmith, in their Terry Smith chassis. Beverly had rolled on the first lap when his long time friend, and passenger for this event, Jerry Johnson, had tried to prove a point about driving the car by grahhing the wheel. Beverly made him put it hack on its wheels. Johnson was a many times winner in Class IO when it was a two seat 1200cc class, hack in the mid to late '70s. For the third lap the lead car got a third driver, Rick Pool, who, though the front shocks had plumb worn out, maintained a steady pace, and helped the Kem /Smith/ Pool team to its first win. Bio put Tim Hanna in to do the third lap, and he brought the car around with no troubles, for second place, about 30 minutes later. In third it was Stankavich and Messick, who'd lost another rear shock, and also a coil, while Goldsmith and Beverly were fourth. Rodney Miller and Dean Caskey, in a Raceco, were the fifth team to finish, and none of the others could get it done. Last off the line ( except for Person's Class 5 car) were the three Class I 1 s, two of which had traveled up from Mexico. At the end of their first lap the lead car, of Chris Woodward, had only three and a half minutes on Martin Garibay, and they went out of the pits with Garibay actually in front by just 11 seconds. The spectators always enjoy watching the little Volks-wagens go by, admiring the skill it takes to pilot one of these almost stock vehicles around a course which is being described as "rough" by buggy and truck drivers. Erny Martine: ran about 40 minutes later, having flywheel problems, and with no starter. Woodward put his car on its side on the second lap, and Garibay, whose only trouble was being stuck a couple of times, took the win. They were required to run only two laps, and the winning time was eight hours and 4 7 minutes. Woodward got going again in time for second place, while Martine: came in just four minutes behind him for third. After the 1991 Gold Coast race, in which two Class 11 s, one of them Garihay's were all hut destroyed hy being hit hy bigger cars, it was nice to see all three finish with only a couple of mashed fenders to show for their interaction with faster cars. This time it was, of all things, a 5-1600 that did the deed, and to Garibay again, hut at least it didn't stop him from moving forward. After one lap Martin Garibay and Ulisis Acevedo had an 11 second lead in Class 11, but only had one bent fender when·he came in the winner, by a husky 32 minutes for the two laps required. There were a couple of folks stood. tagged for meetings with the SCORE now moves on to the Competition Review Board in the second race of their season, the morning, hut ·all charges had been San Felipe 250, early in April, on dropped and nothing new the Gulf side of the Baja cropl?ed up, so all the finishes peninsula. CONGRATULATIONS PARKER 400 RS! Mike Schuringa -1st Class 8 Mike Schwellinger -1st Class 4 Designed, Built And Tested By The Truck Experts At: CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN These are just 2 of our many truck victories. Would you like to move up to a truck in 1992? Call us for a test drive, pricing and delivery schedule. (7S, 7.4X4, 7, 8 or 1) Our Specialty Wmning Race Trucks• Durable Pre-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass • Dimple Dies Page 16 ~~I/Ill.II PR -FUN April 1992 Curt LeDuc (714) 845-8820 39067 Orchard St. Cherry Valley, CA 92223 Dusty Times

Page 17

---------CHECK THIS OUT! ----SPRING RUN 101 June 20 & 21 Crandon, Wisconsin c,♦ One Mile West Of Crandon On. Highway 8 Barn Dances On Friday & Saturday Niles! Class Racing Both Days G.O.B. Races -Sunday Afternoon .... o.,.~ ~~ o'< # BRUSH 0+ti RUN >,. Dune Buggies ,~ 101 ~~ Trucks ~.,. September ~ Sedans c, · ~ '~ 4, 5, 6, 1992 ~~ ~~ ~~o~ Racing Starts Daily At 9:00 A.M. ESPN Coverage BEST OFF-ROAD RACING IN THE U.S.!! 100°/o Payback, Plus Guarant·eed Purse FOOD, BEVERAGES & CAMPING AVAILABLE Hot Laps: Fri., Sept. 4 Contact: Class Racing: Sept. 5 & 6 Brush Run 101 G.O.B. Race: Sept. 6 _F_~_x_: _1_1_s_1_4_7a_-_2_2_2_2_cra';;~~~~1 ~4i2() Phone: 715/ 4 78-2222

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Jim and James Wilson slog through the Texas mud in the Mitsubishi Ga/ant en route to the Production GT class victory and a great fifth overall. It seemed a Mitsubishi night as Dick Corley and Lance Smith got their Eclipse through the muck for third in Open class and seventh overall. Henry Joy and Scott Gillman take the high ground in their Mazda 323 G TX in the heavy rain swept trails. They finished fourth in the Divisional ranks. SUBARU SCCA PRO RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP The Big Bend Bash Was Truly A Bash Photos: Harold Mdnid< Paul Choiniere, with Jeff Becker navigating the Audi Quattro, won the first stage and led through all stages that were run in the terrible weather conditions. It was Paul's third overall rally win in a row, two of them in awful weather. Terlingua, Texas was made famous by Carroll Shelby in the late 60s with his T erlingua Racing Team of Mustangs on the SCCA Trans-Am circuit, and also by the now world famous chili cook-off at the ranch which at the time was bigger than some states. We ran the Big Bend Bash in that era when there was no town, only aban-doned and falling down buildings, and the biggest hazards on the stages were open mine shafts! Apparently civilization has since come to T erlingua, but it seems it hasn't yet come to the rally organ-~ ization: which was side tracked this year by Mother Nature and her penchant this winter for flooding every place in the southwest. The Bash has been a Divisional Rally for several years and this year rally chairman Roger Gibson scored his desire to make it a Coefficient 3 divisional Pro Rally with national competitors earning 60 percent of normal points. A number of national entries showed up to gain" early points", and take in the spectacular scen-ery that is both mountains and deserts. The stage roads planned were mostly tight, twisting and smooth, but washes and creeks were frequent and sometimes rough. The weather started out sunny and dry in the high 70s in the daytime as the early arrivals ·--·•···-practiced and tuned their cars. Of note was that Bruno Kreibich's long time navigator Jeff Becker was entered with Paul Choiniere for this rally, since Bruno, the 1991 Open Class Champion, decided to skip the first two events, here and at Prescott. Pit Protection from Sun and Showers Add your team or sponsor's name above your car in an instant with a KO Kanopy. We can print most logos and names. Call for cost. Original steel or new aluminum Kanopy frame sets up in seconds. Our tough. waterproof polyester cloth top is available in many colors. Each Kanopy comes with a heavy vinyl carry bag. Factory Direct Prices 10' x 10' Start at S439. 10' x 20' Start at S779. I VISA l~ ........ KD Kanopye....._ 5758 Lamar St. ANada. CO 80002 1-800-432-4435 Page 18 There were 24 entries in the rally, but some of them practiced too hard and were out before the start of the event. Divisional Stew-ard and Ma:da RX 7 driver Dave Thomas, said it was going to be a challenge to compete against the national drivers, most of whom have bigger budgets, fresher tires, and more spare parts. But, he went on, anything can happen here, and there are a lot of sharp 1 rocks out there. Well almost everything did happen between the scheduled starting time on Saturday, February 1 and the actual start hours later. About 15 minutes before the scheduled start of the rally an unusual Texas desert rainstorm created a long delay. Workers try-ing to get to positions on stages 1 and 2 had become stuck, some of them on the rally route itself. So organizer Roger Gibson, series manager John Buffum and Pro Rally board chairman Erick Hauge delayed the rally start for at least an hour. Scene 2 -After sev-eral service vehicles, including the course survey car ofJohn Buffum, got stuck setting up for the first stage, a decision was made to can-cel the initial stages due to heavy thunderstorms making the roads inaccessible. A drivers meeting was called for 4:30 p .m., to announce an alternative course which is a back-up that had been planned for future rallies. Stages were being marked at the time, also on the Terlingua Ranch property, and route books were being hastily assembled. So much for the daylight stages, a complete washout. The start was now sche-duled six hours after its original start time. Scene 3 -Three drivers' meet-ings later, and 4½ hours after the initial rally stages were canceled, the Big Bend Bash still had not started. Series manager John Buf-fum was stuck for more than four hours, trying to test the course, and other service and worker veh-icks were also tuck. The tow truck sent to pull the cars out caught fire and could not get to the scene. But everyone pitched in and deditched each other. Then the drivers were promised route books, shorter than the norm, to run a couple of roads enough times to make the 60 mile div-isional minimum length. With the start now pfanned for 8:30 p.m., the heavy fog and 40 degree weather had many drivers debat-April 1992 ing whether to run the last minute should end after stage 4. · 1 he cars course or just go home. Several returned to rally headquarters, teams came from the northeast and, short as it was, there was a and California, a long tow for protest to be heard. While Carl naught. Merrill and Jon Wickins finished Scene 4 -The 1992 Big Bend fourth overall on time, the result Bash was reconfigured as a two of the protest moved them to stage event, with each stage to be third overall and second in Open run four times for a tota,l of 64 Class in their Mitsubishi Eclipse. miles. The seven page route book Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker included no penalties for transit won the Rally and Open Class in time,serviceeverytwostages,and the Audi Quattro at 37:24 for a six double or triple cautions.John northeastern triumph, followed Buffum characterized the course in 38:51 by Chad DiMarco and as muddy and foggy, but passable Erick Hauge in the Subaru as he drove the stages just before Legacy, who won Group A. Mer-the start. Drivers lined up at the rill's time was 40:26. Fourth start had various feelings after overall and first divisional team waiting almost nine hours to start were midwesterners Dave Thom-the rally. Some felt they should as/Dave Law in a Mazda RX 7 at have canceled it all much earlier, 40:50. New Yorkers Jim and and others felt strongly that par-James Wilson won the Produc-ticipants didn't deserve any tionGTclassandwerefifthover-national points for just two stages. all, at40:58, and the Arizona team But an informal poll confirmed of Roger Hull and Rob Cherry that most of the teams were in won the truck honors at sixth favor of running the rally. overall in a Jeep Comanche at Scene 5 -The Subaru Legacy of 41 :08. There were no Production Californians Chad DiMarco and class finishers, ih fact only 13 cars Erick Hauge was flagged off from went the distance out of the 20 rally headquarters at 10:14 p.m., who started, not a bad average. and started stage 1 at 10:28. Lance Smith and B.J. Beale Twenty cars took the starting flag. were eighth overall in an Open Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker, Class Mazda, followed by the GT who started second won the stage Mitsubishi Eclipse of A. Hadjim-by a minute, so DiMarco lost a inas and Henry Noga. At tenth minute on the stage because the overall Texans John Lannom and Subaru sucked water into the John Schlagel got their VW Bug engine after going through a large home second in divisional, fol-puddle. Also the Doc Schrader/ lowed in by Californians Gary Richard Beach Eagle stalled at the and Judi Qooch in a T.qyota start of the stage and retired from pickup, Greg Healey and Jim the rally. It started raining again Kloosterman in a Dodge truck on course as the rally cars went to from South Carolina and Arizo-service after stage 2. A decision nans Jeff Hendricks and Noble was to be made then as to how Jones in a Jeep truck. The official many more stages would be run. results list five more finishers not Both Buffum and Gibson were mentioned in the press release. leaning towards running one The Big Bend Bash could have more 'loop', two more stages and been a neat season opening event, calling it -a rally. Although the had the rains not wrecked the total miles would only be 30, the planned route. But rally folk are fact that it was announced as a 64 tough. But the problems may have mile rally meant that everyone scotched Roger Gibson's plans of who finished would get the nor-holding a full National Rally in mal amount of points. Terlingua in 1993. The next stop Scene 6 -The rain came down for the 1992 Subaru Pro Rally harder, and shortly after the start Championship will be Prescott of stage 3, Buffum and the organ-Forest in Prescott, Arizona, April izers decided that it would be 24-26, and plan on running a lot unsafe to continue the rally, and it of mountain roads on that one. Carl Merrill and Jon Wickens live in the northern states, and they got the Mitsubishi Eclipse into third overall and second in Open Class, three minutes out of the win. Dusty Times

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The Losers By Judy Smith Off road racing has been losing entry for a year or so, and every-one wonders just where they went, and who they were. We dug . around in our archives and came up with the 1990 Parker entry list, which showed a total entry for cars and trucks of 285 compared to this year's 118. So, since '90, the first year for the all Arizona format, we've lost 59% of the entry. It probably wouldn't sur-prise anyone to be told that the class with the biggest drop in entry is the 1-2-1600s, where there were 55 starters in 1990, and 15 in '92, for a loss of73%. The next biggest Loser in the classes was the 5-1600s, which had 30 entries in '90, and only 9 this year, for a loss of70%. Class 3, which included all the "grand-fathered" Class 14 cars in '90, dropped by 56% in '91, and was down 67% this year, with just three entries. And then it's close between Classes 9 and 8, which dropped by 65% and 64%, respectively. Class 8 was 19 strong then, and · Class 9 fielded 31 cars. Class 11 and Class l / 2 have held up the best, losing only 40% of their entries, the 11 s dropping from 5 to 3 this year, and Class 112, with 50 entries in '90, was down to 30 starters in '92. When we compare the 1-2-1600 entry lists we see that a long list of familiar names didn't show up to race in '92, including Mike and Morley Williams ( who won that year ),Jim Sumners, Rob Tol-leson, Willy Higman, Chris Pat-ton, Gary Sewell, Mike Spina, Keith Underwood, Larry Martin, Tom and Bob DeNault, Joe and Ryan Flinn, Brian Parkhouse, Art Peterson, Dave Parsons, Tom and Tim Burns, Craig Forrest, John Prosser, Scott and Bill Reams, Mike Sandoval, Willie Melancon, Ron Wonsley, Marty Fiolka, Tom Schilling, John Marking, Gary Cogbill,Jerry Higman, Brian and Scott Steele, Mike McClune, Craig Deardorff, Jim Fishback, Jr., Andy Stix, Kent Lothringer, Scott Webster, Rodney Woolf, Cameron Steele, David Hen-drickson, Brian and Kevin Smith and Doug Fortin, Jr. Some of these folks, notably Doug Fortin, Jr., Tom Schilling, Tom Burns, and the Williamses have changed classes. Of the oth-ers a couple have sold their cars, and Parkhouse, Melancon, Sewell, and Webster raced in the HORA January race, but then so did Jon and Brian Tanklage, and Danny Porter, and the Ebberts brothers, who also raced at Parker, so they more or less cancel each other out. A few of the oth-ers raced at the earlier January La Rana race, an_d at least one thrashed his car and didn't have time to get it ready for Parker, besides which, he said, "It's too expensive." In Class 8, some of the missing folks are Chris Minor ( who won · in '90). Scott McMillin, Greg and Ron Kishiyama, Frank Mancha, Mel Vaughan, Roger Rolfe, Walker Evans, Larry Minor, Dave Shoppe, Robert Ewing, Danny Rodgers, Frank Vessels, Robby Gordon, and Herb Reno. Obviously, the world knows that Robby Gordon has moved on to different types of racing, but he did come back to Parker, in a Class 1 / 2 truck as did Walker Evans. Shoppe is having a truck built right now, and Vessels is going to drive it when it's fin-ished, so that accounts for them, The Kishiyamas, always a low-bucks team, sold their truck, and McMillin wasn't able to get his ready. Also missing from Class 8, although he wasn't there in '90, was Larry Ragland, who's cur-rently on a winning streak. But he raced his Chevy at the HORA January race, and knew at that time that he'd not be racing Parker, because there wasn't going to be enough time to get it ready between the two races. So Larry went mountain climbing in China. What did we learn from this exercise? Damned little. Just that they have gone away. And, as both Sal Fish, of SCORE, and Danny Cau, of the HORA have recently told us, the poor eco-nomic condition of this corner of the country is having a serious effect on our racing. It seems sig-nificant to me that the two biggest Losers are the 1-2-1600s and 5-1600s, both classes in which the majority of the racers are owner/ drivers, with little or no sponsor-ship. They've heen hit hard in the wallet, and many of those cars are parked in the garage and waiting for better times to come back. All we can do is hang in there and hope they're all able to come rac-ing again soon. In the meantime, some of those who were at Parker became Los-ers in the more usual sense, although the finish rate was really quite high, at 55%. One of the very first to go was Parnelli Jones, in a Class 7 truck, who lost his oil pump at about mile 14, disap-pointing the fans around the course who were looking forward to seeing him in action again. Paul and Dave Simon, who switched from Class 7 4x4 to Class 1 / 2 in their new Ford truck, started the day with an over-heating prob-lem, and the over-heating prob-lem finished their day for them, on the first lap. And Doug Fortin, Jr., who is going to be driving a Class l / 2 truck also, and didn't get it finished, was back in his old Class 10 buggy with a 2300cc motor, just so he could accumu-late class points. But he, too, lost his motor on the first lap. Dan Smith broke a pitman arm, and while it was being fixed, a bolt Attention Nissan 400 Racers!!! Be sure to contact Judy Smith after the race to be sure your war story will appear in the Losers column. Remember, you no tell her, your name not appear here... · Dusty nmcs broke off of another part of the steering assembly and had to be repaired. Once that was all back together again he took off, and then lost his oil pump. Dan was still on the first lap, and that was the end of his day. Danny Beaver, in a Class 8 Ford, got to the "whoops" on the pole line road, and hit the brake pedal. Nothing happened, except that the pedal went to the floor. Unknown to Dan, as they say, a heim joint on the master cylinder had come apart. The truck got into the whoops much too fast, and went over, end over end and sideways, coming to rest on its wheels. Dan's co-driver, Randy Hoeft, got his chest bruised and his hell rung, but was otherwise all right. Dan was also unhurt, but their spectacular crash and the remnants of the truck became a sort of milestone for everything else that happened on the course. It was either before, after or at i:he scene of Dan's crash. For example, Ron Lister and Mike Kalicki switched from Class 5-1600 to Class 7S (which now includes both two wheel drive and four wheel drive mini trucks), in the Ford that the Simon brothers drove last year. They got in a good first lap, but then lost their limiter straps on the whoops "right at the scene of Dan Beaver's crash", and rolled over and over. No one in the truck was hurt, but the truck was finished for the ~ay. Norm Lester and Dave Ramo-transmission. Jerry Penhall had a cinski ran well in Class 1-2-1600, good first lap, and gave his car to and were close to the finish, about Bud Feldkamp, who also ran out three miles out, when a rear trail-of gas -a few miles out from the ing arm broke. Ramocinski, who pits. Once running again, they was in the car at the time, decided went on to break a transmission to try to drive it, but the tire was on the last lap. And Jimmie jammed up against the chassis, Smith, last year's winner, had a and when he got to the sand he got good race going, but headed out stuck. By the time his crew got to / for the finish line with no lights, him and got him out, they just put because the switch had gone away. the car on the trailer. He got to within a few miles of the John Thul and Albert McMul-finish and drove into what was !en had a bent tie rod, and fixed variously described as a "wall", or that, but then they had recurring a "mountain", tearing up the problems with their timing, which front trailing arms, and bringing wouldn't stay put, so they were his race to a sudden halt. out on lap one. Tom Murray, who And Terry McDonald, in his managed to get lost on the first Class 1/2 car, blew a corner at lap, later blew a transmission. about 60 miles per hour and t-And Frank Turben, who races in boned a wall. That stretched his Class 8 lost his motor. Sounds clutch linkage, but he fixed it and expensive! Terry Brown had John went on. Then, on the fast road Johnsonasaco-driverinClass7S, before Graham Wells, he barrel and they broke a front spring rolled down a barbed wire fence, which dropped down and dug because his steering box had been into the ground, throwing rocks broken in the collision with the and gravel up into the motor, wall. He got the car back on its where some of it got into a pulley, wheels, replaced a tire, and then and tossed off some belts. They discovered the loose steering box. ran without the belts for a while, So he nursed it in to Graham and damaged the motor. But they Wells, and the pit fixed it all up. made it almost to the finish line, (Terry especially wanted to thank the motor expired within sight of "Little Joe" of Goodyear, for the it, but not close enough to coast help). He went.on, and the car was over. So they became a DNF. working fine again, but then Brian Collins had a good first about five miles out of Midway, lap going, but ran out of gas about while he was still on his first lap, four miles before he got to the his transmission went away. pits. Then he came in, late, and See you next month with Los-parked, because he'd just lost his ers from the Nissan 400. When Peter Piper . Picked A Parker Pumper Helmet, How Many Drivers Wanted The Helmet That Peter Piper Picked? Helmet includes Nomex Skirt• More Nose Room• Lighter •_Seals Better Against Dust• 30% More Vision • Also Available - Full Line of Simpson Products • Bell Helmets • Glass Shields • Drinkers • Kool Pac's • Pumper Motors • 4'-8' Hoses • 1985 Snell Approved Helmets We Also Convert Helmets! We Ship UPS Fax (714) 923-3118 Parker Pumper Helmets 2318 S. Vineyard, Ste B ·Ontario, Calif. 91761• Phone (714) 923-7016 April 1991 --VISA Page 19

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SNORE Awards and Christmas Party Notes: Pam Slatter/ Don Dayton Photos: Don Dayton • Taking home the grand prize this year was Tom Burns, who won the overall points title, $4,000, and free race entries all year, and tqok home the huge trophy and championship jacket presented by Dia Moon. :~ The entire Freeman family celebrated Ken Jr. winning the Jimmy Schafer Off Roader of the Year Award; from the left, mom Marian. pop, Ken Sr .. Kenny with trophy, his sister Bekki and his wife Kerry. The whole clan are strong SNORE supporters. The Southern Nevada Off · ii Road Enthusiasts combine their The President's Awards for doing any and all chores went to Gary Waller, year end awards presentation with BOD and Head Tech Inspector, and Vice-President for 1992, Bill Shapley, the annual Christmas party, and Race Steward. Pam Slatter, Secretary, and Joe Jackson. Checkpoint captain and BOD. we missed getting there this past December, so details are scarce. SNORE and off road racing. It is hang in there as 1992 may be your Wedohavepicturesandnumbers not given to the person who of who won what, who donated works hard for a year or two, then what to the Christmas raffle, and burns out and goes fishing or all that year end stuff. takes up golf. Of couse, SNORE There are many awards given could not exist without their help, for racing performance and for but the Jimmy Schafer Award is service to the club. None are for the person who seems imper-unimportant and none are given . vious to burn out. The award is for trivial reasons. All the recip- for the person who is there year in ients can be proud of the recogni-and year out when there is work tion for their accomplishments, to be done, and they always seem but one award stands out among to be available. year. Tommy Bradley accepts a giant Driver of the Year trophy and new jacket from Dia Moon. and he also was third in points, won $1,600 and a free race entry, and is a member of the Board of Directors. the rest. The most prestigious This past year the list was nar-award handed out by SNORE is rowed down to two people who the Jimmy Schafer OffRoader of seemed equally qualified, and the the Year. This is an award for long final decision was made primarily term dedication and a record of on the basis of seniority. To the several years of effort on behalf of worthy workers who didn't win, The Jimmy Schafer Off Roader of the Year for 1991 is Kenny Freeman Jr. Kenny has done vir-tually every job in SNORE at some time or another. He has helped lay out, mark and clean up race courses, he has put out Race Ruts, he is a long time member of our Board of Directors, he han-dles our contingency program and countless other jobs. And, he still finds time to race his 1600. He was the SNORE Points Cham-pion in 1979. Congratulations to Kenny on many, many jobs well done, and for winning the presti-gious Schafer Award. It was no doubt a unanimous vote for Man of the Year, Michael Gaughan, the trophy presented by SNORE's President Mike Halverson. right. SNORE Vice President Pat Dean, center presented the Sports-man of the Year trophy and honor to Mike Halverson, who has taken on the job of President for another year as well. Page 20 mnnmnunnmm1uu Driving partners J.C. Dean, left, and Brendan Gaughan, right, were voted Rookie(s) of the Year, were seventh in points and won the Class 10 title on points, and the boys are just 16 years old. The Mini Metal and Class 7 champion and recipient of the Persistence in the face of Adversity award went to Stacey Pike, who ran every 1991 race and finished the lowest in the points. April 1992 Eddy Webb receives the Mechanic of the Year award from Trophy Girl Dia Moon and SNORE President Mike Halverson. Webb also joined the Board of Directors for 1992. Tim Crain accepts his trophy for winning Class 9 on points. and he was also second overall on points, good for $2,000 and a free race. Tim also is on the 1992 BOD. Dusty Times

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Bekki Freeman, who commutes to SNORE races from the L.A. The unsung heros of off road racing work the checkpoints, and Gene Griepentrog races SNORE. and comes from northern area, SNORE's best looking race driver, was eighth overall on the 1991 checkpoint People of the Year were Gini Britten, left, California for each race. Gene was sixth overall in points, and points and earned $400 and one free race. _an_d_D_o_n_S_a_lg=-l_e.________________ earned $800 and a free race entry. Other Special Awards started Racingcameupwithfour$25gift gi~ River Hotel and Casino in giftcertificatefromDesertRacing parts. SNORE estimated that with the Man of the Year, Michael certificates, and hats, Meyers For-Mesquite donated accommoda-Parts and T-shirts; Gordie Kline over $500 in door prizes were Gaughan, who supports the club eign Car parts brought calendars tions for three days and two brought a $25 gift certificate from presented, and the club heartily in many ways, not the least of and a 009 distributor, while nights, while Canyon State Oil Skip's Ameritdne Paint, along thanks all the donors for their which is providing a complimen-Action Machine gave a $50 certif-brought two cases of black iold. with Nevada Polish offering a $50 help in making the party such a · tary Sunday morning brunch and icate for machine work. The Vir-Darren Wilson brought a $100 gift certificate towards polish_ing huge success. awards room at the Gold Coast Hotel for all participants after most every SNORE race. The food is so good it is reason enough to go to Las Vegas. Three of his sons race off road, and the young-est of them, 16 year old Brendan Gaughan shared the Rookie of the Year honors with his driving partner, J.C. Dean who is about the same age. The pair also won the Class 10 points title, not bad for a rookie year in off road racing. SNORE's hard working Presi-dent Mike Halverson was honored as Sportsman of the Year, and Tommy Bradley, who won all but the final event in 1991 overall, was honored as Driver of the Year. The Mechanic of the Year title went to Eddie Webb, whose expertise guided Tom Burns to the overall SNORE points cham-pionship as well as the 1-2-1600 points title in the final SCORE-HORA series in 1991 . The points champions, on·e through tenth. overall, not only got nice trophies, they also got handsome checks. Overall winner Tom Burns received $4,000 and he also races all 1992 races free, no,entry cost. The Class 9 points winner, Tim Crain, was second overall on points good for a $2,000 check and one free race entry this year. Tommy Bradley Jr., the Open Class points winner and third overall got $1,600 and one free race entry. Fourth overall Bryan Pennington earned $1,300 and one free race entry. Class 9 driver Mike Dixon earned an even $1,000 and one free race entry for fifth overall, and fellow Class 9 driver, Gene Griepentrog was sixth overall earning one free race entry and $800. Brendan Gaughan, seventh overall received one free race and $600, and Bekki Freeman, eighth overall, earned one free race entry and $400. Ninth overall Class 10 driver Melvin Tom ~ot $300 and one free race entry, and Regan Gubler, tenth overall earned one free race entry. The generous checks are another example of how it pays to race with SNORE. After the awards a wide variety of door prizes were given away via a drawing on your ticket stub number. The donors came up with a wide variety of stuff. The Barbary Crnlst Hotel brought an electronic pedometer, dinner tickets to the Victorian room, and a35mm camera .. P.A. Actionwear had lots of T-shirts and sweat-shirts, and Valley Performance brought a dump can, complete tool set and driving lights. Desert Dusty Times You Can Even if You Don1t Win ... When You Run Announcing the KC HiLiTES "SHOT IN THE DARK" 1992 Contingency Award Program. KC will pay you $200.00 if your finishing position is first, last or somewhere in between, and your entry is picked in the "KC SHOT IN THE DARK'' random drawing at the end of each SCORE and HORA race this year. It's that simple! All SCORE and HORA four wheel classes are eligible! There's more! If you run KC's exclusively all year and win your class in a nine race points series, you'll be awarded $2,000.00 from the year end KC Driver's Points Fund! All this just for running the winningest offroad lights around ... KC HiLiTES! Stop by contingency row at any SCORE or HORA race this season for complete qualifications and details on how to take advantage of th_is rewarding program or contact: Jim Conner P.O. Box 1129 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86405 1-602/453-8889 April 1991 Page 11

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FRT KING OF THE DESERT Todd Teuscher Takes The Overall By Judy Smith Photo: C&C Photos Adding the restrictor plates to the 1-2-1600s this year didn't slow them down much, as Todd Teuscher proved in his solo drive in the single seat Chenowth to not only win the 15 car class, but Todd won the race overall. Todd Teuscher soloed his singleseatChenowth 1-2-1600 to the overall victory at the February King of the Desert race, winning by just an eyeblink, in a down to the wire duel. The 1600 cars, which have for years run without the restrictor that is required in SCORE and HORA events, put the carb plates back in for this season, and still managed to beat the Class 10 cars, which mostly self-destructed at this event. The Saturday afternoon race, which attracted a starting field of 80, ran on a 38 mile course, with four laps required. The desert west of El Centro was still damp from the winter storms, and, while there were ominous clouds over the mountains, the day was sunny and warm until late after-noon. The course started and fin-ished on a dry lake bed, where FR T officials had laid out a sort of short course, with flying jumps, tight turns, moguls and a deep hole. The pits were laid out all around the outer edge, so every-one had a good view of the infield action, and there was plenty to see. The first class to start at this race were the Class 10s, and when they'd finished their first lap, it was Mike Julson and Victor Wild, in a Jimco, in the lead, with the class fast lap, at 39: 13. In second place it was Steve Sourapas, in his VW powered Chenowth, a min-ute and six seconds back, fol-lowed by Dennis Green, in Ste-phen Hendrick's VW powered Raceco, another minute and nine seconds back. Fourth place went to Ron Ryerson in his Rabbit powered tandem Raceco, just 46 seconds later. Paul Gill and Dave Lawson, in a VW Funco, ran fifth. Bill Hammack and Tim Sines, in a RabbitJimco, couldn't get the lap done, nor could Steve Johnson, who lost the rru>tor on his brand new VW Jimco. On the second lap the lead belonged to Green, as Julson scat-tered his motor. Sourapas was now second, after blowing off his belts, and Frank and Lonnie Orosco were third in their VW powered Flow Racing chassis. In fourth it was Jimmy Johnson, in a VW powered Funco. Johnson's co-driver, Rob Arciero, had lost about 40 minutes on lap one when a wire came off the points and he couldn't figure out what was wrong. Ryerson was out on the course, in the mud hills, work-ing on some unidentified problem with his car. Gill and Lawson were gone from the scene also. Sourapas moved into the lead on lap three, in spite of losing his belts again, while the Oroscos, a half hour down, ran second, and Ryan Arciero, Rob's brother, held their car in third. Ryerson was a distant fourth, as the rain clouds gathered. Sourapas took the win, followed in by the Oros-cos and then the Arcieros and Johnson, the teenagers pleased to get third in their second attempt at desert racing. In the unlimited class, the first lap lead and the fast lap of the day belonged to Larry McCallum, who'd already had a rear flat, in what he calls a "Crazy-co" chas-sis, equipped with 2835ccs. His time was a zippy 37:56. In second it was Kirk Kontilis in his Bade-nochs, while Vance Allen and Larry Hamlin, after a troubled lap, ran third in their Baja Bug. McCall um broke his clutch on the second lap, and while his crew worked on installing a new one, Kontilis, who'd been running with a broken front shock since the first lap, moved into the over-all lead. Hamlin and Allen were out of it all together. Kontilis wanted to bring the honor of the overall win back to the unlimited class, but on his third lap his transmission got jammed into fourth gear, and he lost about a half hour. McCall um was running again, but way back, in second. Kontilis went on to get his class win, and McCallum was second, but so far back, and slightly bent after a rollover in the infield, that he quit for the day when the rains came, because he couldn't keep the car going straight, and never got the fourth lap completed. The 1600s, all with their re-strictor plates in place, took the green flag next, and the first lap lead belonged to Andy Estrada, in his Jimco, but he had only 24 seconds on Scott Weber, in a new ORBS. In third it was Robby Nolin, in an IRC, 11 seconds later, followed by Teuscher, eight seconds further back, and then, in fifth, Jim Abatti, in a two seat Raceco, 28 seconds behind him. In sixth it was Phil Green and Todd Acosta, in a Chenowth, four seconds later, and Brent Grizzle ran seventh, in another Chenowth, only 13 seconds more behind. Those seven lead cars ran within a minute and 29 seconds of each other! On the second lap Estrada ticked off the class fast lap, at 42:56, and now he had a minute and 45 seconds on Webster. Nolin was third, 24 seconds later, Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson went back to the old point scheme, and a VW air cooled engine in the Chenowth and it worked like magic as they won Class 10 at Parker, and followed that in two weeks with the win here. and Green and Acosta ran fourth, nine seconds behind him. In fifth it was Teuscher, another 14 seconds back. It was still any-body's race. Estrada lost his motor on the third lap, and Green and Acosta also disappeared. Webster moved into the lead, with 10 seconds on Nolin, who had 13 seconds on Teuscher. In fourth, 49 seconds later, it was Abatti, and Grizzle was fifth now. On the last lap Webster, who had decided his car was finished at about 3 a.m. race day, discovered that it wasn't really ready, as his shifter went out of adjustment, and he lost a few minutes. Teuscher, who had no problems all day, and didn't stop for fuel, moved ahead and took the win. Nolin, also having no stops for anything, finished just 11 seconds · behind him in second place, while Abatti was third 55 seconds later. In fourth it was Webster, 28 seconds back, and James Wood-ruff, in a Mirage, moved into fifth, having slowed just a little as his steering wheel started to come off the shaft. The Big Trucks were the next group to start, and at the end of the first lap it was Tony Alvarado, in a Ford, in first place, followed by Ben Abatti, in another Ford, and then Karl Counce, in a Chevy, in third. Craig Corda, in still another Ford, also made it all the way to the infield, but not quite to the start/ finish check, when his truck died. He was towed off ignominiously on the end of a rope when it wouldn't go again. Jeff Hoskins and Ronnie Gibson had entered their Ranger in this class, but were down for almost a full lap when they broke an axle. On their second lap they broke their crank, so it was a short day for the team. At the end of the second lap Alvarado came around in front, only by seconds, and cut across the infield directly into his pit. He never re-emerged. Abatti, who had recorded the class fast lap, at 42:46, took over the lead, and though Counce pushed his Chevy hard, thrilling the spectators with his flying jumps, he couldn't catch up. Abatti took the win, and Counce finished second. Nobody else got four laps in. The Chenowth Mini Mags, who are creating their own series this year by running a pair of races in each of several different pro-moter's events, started their sea-son here. At the end of the first lap the lead belonged to Kirk McDaniel who had five seconds on Chris Garrett. In third it was Robby Nolin ran in the same minute as the winner in the Jimco /RC most of the way, and he finished oh so close, ;ust eleven seconds out of the victory. Jim Abatti also had his Raceco in the leading minute most of the day, in the very tight 1-2-1600 race, and he finished third, ;ust a minute, 6 seconds out of the win. Frank and Lonnie Orosco fly past the pits in the super long VW Flow and they flew right up the ranks in Class 10 to end up second in the class action. The second generation Arcieros had a good run in the Funco over the wet desert and the youngsters, Ryan and Rob along with Jimmie Johnson were third in Class 10. Page 22 April 1992 Dusty Times

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Delighting the spectators in the pit area, Karl Counce/Rusty Patton had a good day in the Class 8 Chevy, and they finished second about half an hour back. Flying high for the spectators, the 5-1600 Bug of Bob and Dale Snaith had a tight fight for the win, but were happy with a very close second in Class 5-1600. Charlie Watters and Brian Goodrich had a tight run with Hector and Danny Ledezma, and the two Bugs finished in a dead heat to the second, tied for fourth in Class 5-1600. Scott Steinberger, 22 seconds later, followed by Frank Bristing, another 23 seconds back, and then Rory Chenowth 26 seconds further back, after breaking an exhaust pipe. On the second lap McDaniel came to grief when the packing in his exhaust broke loose, plugged up the end and created too much back pressure. Garrett lost one of his carburetors, but kept going, and eventually sucked enough dirt to lose his motor, before he finished the second lap, and Dave Elliott, racing his first desert race, was also out on the second lap. But in the meantime Steinberger ticked off the fast lap, at 4 7 min-utes flat, and moved into the lead, while Bristing moved up to second place, and Chenowth,. who'd broken another exhaust pipe, was third, three and a half minutes later. The Unlimited Class had high attrition, but Kirk Kontilis managed to survive tranny and shock problems with the Badenochs, and he won the class honors, in fact he was the only finisher. Ben Abatti started out in second place in Class 8. but later recorded the class fast lap and took over the lead at the end of lap 2 and went on to victory with scant problems. On the third lap Chenowth pushed hard trying to catch Brist-ing, and never realized that Brist-ing was parked at the side of the course with a broken upright. Steinberger lost two hours with transmission trouble, and Chen-owth emerged in front, by a bit over an hour. He went out on his fourth lap, and it started to rain on him at about Check 2, destroy-ing his depth perception. But he made it around and got to the infield, where he tried to do a 360 to celebrate, and missed, but entertained the spectators any-way. He was surprised to see how much slicker and wetter it was at the start/ finish area, on the dry lake, but had no serious trouble getting to the checkered flag to take the win. Neither Bristing nor Steinberger made it through their fourth lap. Class 100 had a rather atypical race this time, but it started out looking normal. Eric Philpott and With the clouds darkening Fud flags Ed Orozco into the victory in Class 5-1600. Ed took the lead in the 17 car class midway in the race and won the close dice for the win by just 50 seconds. The tough course took out all but one Class 100 starter, there was a different leader each lap, while Michael and Chris Licari just kept moving in their Hi Jumper to victory, the only finisher. Dusty nrnes Chris Berry, in· their ~uspensions Unlimited Baja Bug, had the early lead, and the fast lap for the class, at 47:24. In second it was Mike Douthitt, in Steve Johnson's old Chenowth, followed in about a minute and a half by Kevin and Ken Thompson, in another Chen-F u " p ll C I< E I< R A C I N G-T E A M owth. Fourth belonged to Richard Green and George Gow-land, in a Frazco. Both the Bug of Philpott and Berry, and Douthitt's buggy were out on the second lap, and that put Green and Gowland into the lead, with about a half hour on Michael and Chris Licari, in a Hi Jumper, who were now second. This was a big departure from the norm for this class, where the leaders generally run within seconds for many laps. The Thompsons were third, but had made major repairs, and i;r Sunday, March 22, 1992 Plaster City \Vest • 9:00 Start Time 4 Times around a 20-Mile Loop Info: 619-427-5759 FUN* GREEN STICKERS* SPARK ARRESTORS REQUIRED ATV Helmet Laws Enforced Practice Saturday * Race Sunday * LESAR * AMA District 38 Points FRT AMA District 38 and tire El Centro Department of tire Bureau of Land Management working together so e1·eryone may enjoy our public lands. April 1992 Page 23

Page 24

----.-:------..:...__ _____________ _ Rick Poole and Billy Kem stayed clean here in the Speedco, moved into contention. midway, but the Parker winning team had to settle for second in Class 9 here. Steve Reynolds and relief driver Jack Hettinger had a good run in the Funco taking third in Class 9, a mere 25 seconds behind the second place finisher. Larry McCallum got fast lap of the day despite a flat on the same lap, but his Unlimited car lost the clutch, got·that fixed, then rolled in the infield and could not finish lap 4. Rory Chenowth won the first race in the Mini Mag series driving Ray Alvarez· little car as five of the six starfers succumbed to mechanical ills, and Rory drove into the win. The five Little Trucks were last to start, and they had a tough time of it, most breaking early, but Roy Garcia and Richie Valencia plugged on in their Toyota, with a good time for the win. Jimco. As he went through the infield short course, Graves took an unusual line and went around the meanest set of moguls, causing the officials watching to mutter about drivers who hadn't paid attention at the driver's meeting. They also started discussing how many minutes of penalty to assess. Nobody could blame Graves, because the moguls were particularly hard on the Class 9 cars, apparently being just tall enough to high center them if their carburetors happened to stutter a bit.,besides the fact that it was painful just to watch them flog their way across the bumps. Graves wasn't the only one to take the escape route to the left, but it wasn't legal for any of them, excepting the couple who were flagged that way when a truck was stalled in the middle and being pulled off. r;r were several laps down. Green and Gowland held their lead for the third lap, and now had 32 minutes on the Licari team, as the Thompsons failed to show. And on the next lap Green and Gowland bit the dust, leaving the Licaris to motor along steadily and take_ the win, the only ones in the class to finish. The 5-1600s came next, and, with 1 7 entries this was the big-gest group of the day. The first lap leader was Danny Ledezma, who'd switched from his Class 9 car, but was using his Class 9 motor, and th us was a Ii ttle underpowered for this class. He had, nevertheless, recorded the fast lap for the class, at 49:40. In second place it was Brian Coneen, who was only nine seconds behind him, followed by Ed Orozco, 18 seconds later, and then Mario and Mario Ledezma, 34 seconds back. In fifth it was the Charlie Watters and Brian Good-rich team, fresh from their win at Parker, 30 seconds behind the Ledezmas. Watters was driving. Ledezma continued to lead through lap two, and had built his .lead to 12 seconds, with Coneen holding second place. In third it was still Orozco, nine seconds further back, with Bob Snaith, now recovered from last August's broken back, in fourth, a minute and 28 seconds later. Watters held fifth place, 10 seconds behind him. Ledezma stopped to put his dad, Hector into the car, and he broke a front shock. Orozco moved into the lead, but Dale Snaith, who'd taken over for his brother, was now second, only 39 seconds back. Actually the Snaith HOWE ALUMINUM RACING RADIATOR 16.5 POUNDS SIZES · AVAILABLE 16X27 18X24 19 X 28 19 X 31 CURRENTLY USED IN CLASS 2, 8, & NASCAR HI-T~fH· ttFI~ l~ttAlt NEW OWNERS NEW PRODUCTS FROM RACE TO PLAY QUALITY ACCESSORIES YOU DEMAND I STOP IN AND SEE US ! AMSOIL, AUTOFAB, CIBIE, FILLER, personalized FUEL SAFE, HELL:A, KC, K&N, seNice ! MASTERCRAFT, DOUG THORLEY AND MOR~!-. C!!j --LAS VEGAS 702 \°' ·rf .-.~-3ss1 s VALL,..Y VIEW 362 2089 rut::LcEu.s sAFEJ:Y rnu1P · , c • ABERGLASS FENDERS OFF SPRING MTN. RD. . OPEN MON-SAT . Page 24 April .1992 ,,... and Orozco cars ran right together all day, trading places as they diced for the lead. In third, it was Hector and Danny Ledezma, and their teammates, Mario and Mario were out with a broken transmission. Fourth place belonged to John Woodruff who'd had to drive a long way on a rear flat. Scot Jones and John Holmes, who hadn't decided until Friday night that they would race, now had Jones' old, old car in fifth place. The Snaiths and Orozco con-tinued their duel through the last lap, and at the end Orozco aced the brothers out by the time it took for their driver change, and got his first win by 50 seconds. The Snaiths, still high on the adrenalin from the long duel, were delighted with their second, and Bob reported that his back hadn't bothered him at all. Third place ~ent to Holmes and Jones. As the rain started to fall in earn-est, the Ledezmas, who now had no third and fourth gear, and Watters and his co-driver, Brian Goodrich, finished in a dead heat, tied for fifth. The next group to go was the Class 9 folks, another big batch, and the first lap leader was Kevin Graves, who'd recorded the class fast lap, at 52:50, in his clean Behind Graves, in second place, it was Mike and Ellis Cohen in their Raceco, and then came Steve Reynolds, in a Funco, just 48 seconds later. In fourth it was Michael Stroh, irl another Funco, and Rick Box and Rick Ramirez ran fifth in their ORBS. Out on the course Mike Pfankuch, in a Rayco, had rolled over violently and hit his head, and was now on his way to the hospital. And in the infield, as he finished his first lap, Wayne Ritayik astounded every-one by heading for the big jump full bore. He hever let off on the throttle, and hisJimco flew off the jump higher than any of the bigger, faster cars had done, doin~ a somersault in the air and landing on the engine. Then it took off again, went over once more, hut landed on its wheels, It turned out that Wayne had a flashlight mounted in the car, and it had come loose and jammed the throt-tle full on at the worst possible moment. He was badly shaken, and also went to the hospital for an exam. Late in the day word came back that Pfankuch was o.k., and Ritayik himself showed up, reporting nothing broken, but "" --~·, -:~='/~ 5.,~,,, Kevin and Hal Graves take the checkered flag in the Jimco, and despite the penalties for dodging the infield jumps, the team were so far ahead that they won Class 9 anyhow. Dusty Times

Page 25

- -----------------------------------------Tony Alvarado led the first two laps, but didn't start the third one in his Ford, with some serious, but unknown troubles, but he was third in Big Trucks. Rod Fantelfi kept on trying in his Datsun, after second lap woes, but he broke again on the third lap, but still ended up second in Little 'Trucks. Scott Steinberger ran third for a time, but then got Mini Mag class fast lap and moved to the front, then broke a trans, still earning second in class with three laps done. definitely hurting from some major bruises. Graves continued to lead, and had about seven and a half min-utes at the end of the second lap, when he went around the bumps again. The Cohens held on to second, but now Rick Poole and Billy Kem, in a Speedco, were third, while Vince Paniagua and Leonard Fallorina ran fourth in their Challenger. In fifth it was Reynolds, who'd lost almost 18 minutes. with some problem. Graves was having a perfect day, except for that brain fade about going through the moguls, and continued to lead through the third lap. He now had 20 minutes on the second place Cohens, while Box and Ramirez were third, just a minute in back of them. In fourth it was Poole and Kem, and Jack Hettinger, who'd taken over for Reynolds, was now fifth. Gra·ves turned the car over to his dad, Hal, who knew he had to run through the moguls, and he carried on to the finish to take the win. They were penalized five minutes a lap, but it was aca-demic, since they'd won by 36 minutes. It was raining hard by the time the Graves had got to the checkered flag, and the dry lake on which everything was happen-ing, quickly hecame as slick as · glass. Poole and· Kem, who'd teamed to win the class at Parker, finished second, while Hettinger and Reynolds bounced back up to third, 25 seconds later. The Cohens had a terrible time keep-ing their car lined up and aimed straight at the finish line, which was at the end of a deep trough like hole, but finally made it to get their fourth place. Box and Ramirez were fifth, 52 seconds behind them, and none of the others made it in. The Little Truck group, last to start, were led bv. Roy Garcia and Richie Valencia, in their Toyota at the end of lap one. They had a minute and 26 seconds on Chris Taylor in his Ford. Running third behind them was Lloyd Riggins in his 4.3 liter Chevy powered ex-Toyota. . Taylor broke for good on the second lap, and so did Riggins, leaving Garcia and Valencia almost exactly a lap in front of Rod Fantelli, in a Datsun, who lost an hour on his second lap. Valencia and Garcia were way in the lead, but it didn't keep Fantelli from trying hard, and he put on an exciting show for the spectators. Unfortunately, he broke on the third lap, leaving Valencia and Garcia alone for the last part of the race. They didn't slow down any, recording their quick lap, at 50:46, on the fourth lap, and then being amazed at being given the checkered. It seems i:hey thought it was a five lap race. Their truck Dusty Times was healthy enough to go around again, but they had their win. The skies had opened up at ·about 4 p.m., and by 4:30 every-one who didn't absolutely have to stay on the dry lake had left. Some even abandoned their struggling racers to their fate, afraid their pit crews would be permanently mired if they stayed too long. They all made good their escapes, heading for pavement and high ground. In the morning Fud had moved Nothing kicks up four-wheel drive fun more than the ultimate off-road machine -Jeep Wrangler. • 2.5 litre 123 horsepower four-cylinder multi-point fuel-injected engine standard. • Power-assisted front disc brakes. • s:speed overdrive floor-mounted stick shi • Highest resale value in its class for last five years.* his entourage to firmer footing, being caught in a flash flood in the where he hosted his traditional desert. Those who came back Bloody Mary brunch to a slightly enjoyed brilliant sunshine, and a reduced group. Some of those bountiful brunch. who'd left early had just kept on The next FRT race will be the going, figuring they might as well Spring Time Sprint, on April 4th, get home, as take a chance on at Plaster City East. USA Coo) Oll, 5ponior 1992 U. S . ~lymp,c Tc .. m n•hc Jto FIRST TIME BUYER PROGRAM AVAILABLE. • 4.0 litre -most powerful 6 cylinder in its class. DON-A -VEE carries MOPAR Performance parts & accessories Finally a race shoe tough enough for the desert • THE HOT SHOE Lightweight Design Quality Construction Com~tition Proven Comfortable & Durable Can be worn everyday COME IN AND SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF QUALITY USED JEEPS AND TRUCKS PERFECT FOR PRE-RUNNING OR ANY FUN TYPE OFF ROAD ACTIVITY DON-A-VEE JEEP EAGLE 17308 BelHlower Blvd., Bellflower, C8llfomla 90706, (310) 867-7256 • (800) 366-5337 'Based on Kelly Blue Bool<, May/June 1991. "MSAP excluding title, taxes, destination charges, and options. tSee limited wa_rranties, restrictions. and details at dealer. Excludes no,mal maintenance, adjustments, and wear items. Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Co,porat,on. Buckle up lo, safety. April 1991 Page U

Page 26

Competition Review Board Report appear before the Board, these racers would have been called to account for their actions and we could have done our job. The racers I know, and I know most of them, are concerned with our continued ability to access these wilderness areas. If the BLM witnesses a case of short cutting I have to consider the possibility that environmentalists, monitor-ing the event, may also have been aware of these abuses. When the case is withdrawn and no action is taken, certainly the Sierra Club and the Wilderness Society are able to build a stronger argument for denying us continued access to these lands. W e have an obliga-tion to police the sport ourselves, and we can't do it if the very offi-cials we depend on to help access these lands don't come forward to report ohvious violations. The CRB will continue to refuse to trash a competitors effort based on two lines of information sent by radiogram! By Georgl! Tlwm/1son Seven a.m. Arizona time c~mes early when your brain is fixed on Pacific Standard time and you were out on the race course until the early morning hours the pre-vious night. However, I was on hand at the Blue Water Marina in spite of the early meeting sche-duled b y SCORE officials. It seemed a bit too early for several members of the Review Board, because for the first time in sev-eral years three Board members failed to appear. Stuart Chase, who appeared to air his own com-plaint, was drafted on the spot by the CRB Marshal and we went with a four man committee con-sisting of Chase, Class l/2, David Ashley, Class 4, Bill Hernquist, Class 5 and Gary Mecham, Class l /2. On hand from SCORE were Jim Conner and Paul Fish plus Reese King of the SCORE Offi-cials Association and, of course, George Thompson, CRB Marshal. The previous evening a sub-sta ntia I number of racers had been protested for allegedly short coursing by the BLM. Another BLM protest was brought against a factory team because their helicopter had violated the "1 / 4 Air Space Closure", whatever that is. However, by the time the CRB meeting rolled around, they had all been mysteriously with-drawn by the BLM and there was no BLM representative on hand to discuss the specifics of these cases. Before getting into the cases we did hear, I feel compelled to discuss these "alleged" short coursing violations and some of the problems faced by the Com-petition Review Board when a BLM protest is lodged and the complain ing official fails to appear at the CRB meeting, usu-ally the next_morning. __ Apparently BLM officials watched as a number of motorcy-cles and cars took a substantial short cut approximately 500 yards west of Shea Road, near the "Rock pile". According to Jim Connor, SCORE Race Director, this was a substantial short cut and the drivers choosing this route did so in spite of the fact that there were numerous specta-tors in the area who were endan-gered as a result of this course deviation. On the surface this case posed a number of questions which have always bothered me in incidents of mass short coursing. How was the course marked in the area? How close were the involved racers running and what were the conditions, etc., etc? Unfortu-nately, due to an unfortunate breakdown in their own com-munications, the BLM withdrew these complaints and they were never heard by the Board. As it turned out, after the fact, these cases were well documented by their field personnel and involved six bikes and three 4-wheel vehicles. · The BLM, who do an impor-tant and difficult job in managing the nation's resources, need to recognize the importance of their official status during race time. In the past we have had to dismiss valid cases against racers simply because the BLM failed to show up to elaborate on their written complaints. It is not in the best interests of the sport to discipline a racer on the strength of a radio message. In this case nine racers, who had some explaining to do, were let off the hook when the BLM mistakenly withdrew the com-plaint. Had they pursued a policy . of having their field officials On the Air Space Closure mat-ter, apparently the BLM has been concerned in recent .years about the proliferation of aircraft in the air on race day at Parker. In an attempt to minimize the air traffic, BLM petitioned the F.A.A. to enforce an "air space closure" over the course on race day. Although this definition is argua-ble, my understanding of this clo-sure would prohibit any aircraft from operating within 114 mile above or to the outside of the · course, with no aircraft permitted on the inside of the course at all. Presumably there are exceptions made for medical aircraft. SCORE bulletins had warned of this additional restriction placed by the BLM on teams with air support and, as it turned out, .someone was charged with a vio-lation of this "closure". At the last minute the c~se was withdrawn when it turned out that the F.A.A., the only govern-ment agency with the right to con-West Coast Distributor fOR ~ trol air space or enforce such a rule, refused to grant the closure to BLM. There does seem to be some confusion about the exact definition of this "air space clo-sure". It's really unfortunate that we did not get to hear this one because any action on our part would have required some straight answers from govern-ment officials. I, for one, was looking forward to meeting any government official with a straight answer. HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PRICE $695.00 GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Per Set 2 Ratio's Available NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 26 The first case involved Rule GPT-9, illegal pit location. Entry #853, Bob Van Dyke, came foJ-ward to protest Kawasaki's Team Green for establishing their pits in an illegal and unsafe location at Midway, specifically on the out-side of a turn. Bob made several interesting and valid points about the Kawasaki pits although it was interesting to note that, in spite of the fact that other pit support teams were equally in violation of this rule at nearby locations, they were not included in his protest. Kawasaki's pit support chief James DeGaine remained in Parker to address the protest. He admitted that his pit was set up in an illegal location, and pointed out that the nature of the area made it impossible for them to pit in strict accordance with the rules, but did not feel that the location was "unsafe". DeGaine was quick to point out that the racers supported by April 1992 Kawasaki should not be held accountable for pit placement since they have no input on where the various pits are located. Van Dyke said, "I'm not here to try and get anyone DQed or penal-ized. In recent years enforcement of these pit rules has been lax, and that is probably due in part to the fact that people don't come for-ward and say something about it. I want to try and bring this problem out in the open and have you put it in print so all the competitors can be aware of the problem." There was some discussion as to whether or not a penalty was called for, and everyone seemed to favor taking no action other than sending a letter to all the pit support teams reminding them of the importance of adhering to the pit rules. The CRB Report goes to all the pit support teams, so the message is now delivered by directing eve-ryone's attention to Rules GPT-7 and GPT-9 in the 1991-1992 SCORE/HORA Rule Book. Briefly they spell out a maximum speed in the pit areas of 25 mph and the rule stating" All pits must be at least fifty feet off the edge of the race course. No pit may be in the first fifty feet leading into and · the first one hundred feet leading out of any turn". This protest has focused attention on two rules that seem to have been recently overlooked by racers, pitters and race officials alike. My guess is they won't be overlooked in the future, so be aware! The third place Class 21 entry of Steve Cole, #473, protested the second place entry of Tim Mor-ton, #499, for taking the same short cut where the BLM with-drew the complaints against nine competitors. The case was made more difficult by the fact that Morton beat Cole by just over two minutes in the hotly con-tested Class 21 race. There was considerable dialogue from both competitors and co-riders but, in the final analysis, the entire case hinged on the word of Cole vs. the equally valid word of Morton, who claimed he never took the short cut. In cases like this, and they are common, it is difficult for the Board to act without some sort of corroborating testimony, prefer-ably from someone without ·a vested interest. Had the BLM come forward with their case, and had #499 been among those charged with short coursing, this would have probably resulted in · disqualification for Morton. In the absence of such a witness, however, the Board had little cho-ice but to dismiss the case without taking any action. In spite of the fact that we had drafted Stuart Chase into service on the CRB, the time had come to let him assume a position on the other side of the table and state his complaint against SCORE Offi-cials. After all, that is why he came! According to Chase he had put his vehicle #117, through T ech in time to deliver it to impound on Friday, prior to the race. At that time everything had been in working order, and he didn't give it a thought when he came to recover his vehicle· from impound on Saturday morning. H e pulled into line a t his appointed time, ready to start when SCORE Tech officials noticed that his yellow safety light was not functional. As is approp-riate, they told him to fix the light and return to the line when the light was functioning. During the next four minutes all hell broke loose while Stuart tried to isolate the problem even as his car was supposed to be starting the race. By the time he had found the faulty fuse and made the neces-sary repairs, starting line officials sandwiched him behind car#124, thtt next car in line to start. T his cost him eight starting positions before he was able to get on the course. Since his official time had started at his scheduled starting position, he was four minutes down on the leader before he even took the green flag. This turn of events did not sit well with Stuart, particularly when he learned that the four minutes cost him the dif-ference between finishing sixth and what could have been a fourth place finish. Stuart presented some very convincing arguments to the Board in an effort to recover the lost four minutes. The car had gone through Tech once and had been placed directly into im-pound, in accordance with the mandates o{ SCORE Interna-tional. In spite of the fact that all racers consider impound an inconvenient and unnecessary excercise (ed.) Stuart arrived on time to assume his position in the starting line, only to be con-fronted with a second tech inspec-tion. While the Board had no problem with the fact that he was required to leave the line and make the necessary repairs, they felt that his time should have started at the moment he started the race, not at his original time. The spirit of the rule which places entries at the rear of their class starting order has always been designed to penalize racers who fail to arrive at the proper time. Penalizing Chase for repairing his safety light in a race with a manda-tory impound was considered bad form by the Board and they recommended that the four min-utes which he lost in the process be reinstated. In discussing the merits of Stuart's case SCORE officials were sympathetic and seemed on the verge of reinstating the four minutes to Chase. Concerned with the precedent such a decision might set as well as the" Adminis-tarative nightmare" which chang-ing the results at this late date would entail, SCORE refused to .comply with the Board's recom-mendation and the results remain-ed unchanged in Class 11?.. The Board was not as concerned with the precedent which might be set as they were with the justice denied in this case. Although this was probably little consolation to Chase, they did agree to make every attempt to eliminate impound at future Parker events. Reese King of SOA filed the following report of tables (over)-turned. Entry #51 Quad entered Check 8 in what appeared to be a normal fashion. About 30 feet from the long pole stop sign the rider caused the vehicle to rapidly accelerate. He lost control, fell to the ground, and the quad con-tinued to the right, leaving the course and struck a table which was in use by the checkpoint timekeeper. Marty Allen, the vic-tim, was knocked to the ground suffering minor cuts. The table is no longer serviceable. The CRB Marshal will request that #51 provide the CP #8 workers with another table. Dusty Times

Page 27

' ' Ventura Raceway Finale By Ric/um/ K. Schwalm This last event at the Ventura Lewis, Anderson, Zuniga, Ziegert, County Fairgrounds in Ventura, Seale, and Dell through the first CA would close a long 1991 turn. Poor Steve Black br.oke on second season of motocross and the grid and never turned a lap. As off road stadium type racing. Per- the Class 10 cars began to pull ennial race promoter,Jim Naylor, away in their own battle, the 1-2-and his dedicated crew had the 1600s were getting down to some combination motocross/ off road serious racing. Every turn had track and other support services cars bumping into each other, but ready by midafternoon as usual. with no damage done. On one But as the clouds grew darker, a· turn Walt Lewis brought the light sprinkle fell, and the surf crowd to its feet with a dirt dig-began to pump in some huge sets. ging nose walk on his way up the Naylor and his trusty sidekick, field. A few laps later the leading Cliff Morgan, greeted me at the Class 10 trio held their positions closed pit entrance gate. Naylor while Anderson had emerged stated that some phone reports from mid-field to take the class from up north had forecast heavy lead. Also, Bill Dell had worked rain. He wasn't worried about rac- his German Auto buggy up to ing in the rain, but the one-fifth second in class from the back of mile oval track tends to drain into the pack, but all his hard work one area making a huge lake. was wasted when he tangled with a As the sprinkles continued to lapped car and suffered an unre-fall the motorcycle and off road pairable broken trailing arm. car racers began to arrive. Since At the finish Jimmy May took this was the last race of the season his first, and not last, heat win of this would be their last chance to the night. Bowman held on for score points for trophies and second and May Sr. took third. cash. A little while later the gates And Anderson held his class lead were opened and the Ventura to the finish while Seale, Lewis, Raceway off road event was Ziegert, and Asterino followed in on ... rain or storm .. .last winter. · that order. The track design has remained Next, five Baja Bugs came to the the same for the last few races grid with Larry Dunn on the pole with many infield jumps, berms, and Mike Morris by his side. Jim and a short mogul section for fun. Fay and Bruce Bustamante made The car field contained twenty off up the second row and Greg Sulli-road entries: Three Class 10 bug• van held the rear position. Dunn gies; eight Class 1-2-1600 bug-made the most of his starting posi-gies; five Class 5-1600 VW Baja tion by holding the front spot Bugs; and four stadium Super Lite turn after turn. Morris slipped Odysseys. After a short slippery . into second and set his sights on practice session the starting posi-Dunn as Fay, Sullivan, and Bus-tions for the first heat were tamante scrambled for every inch drawn, the second heat positions of dirt. would be inverted, and the faster After a while, Morris got to cars in class would start in front. lead a bit but Dunn regained the The Class l O and Class 1-2-1600 lead in time for the checkered flag. cars would run together. The Sullivan was now on the attack Class 5-1600 Baja Bugs had their and after a friendly duel with own heats just like the Super Morris, took over the second Lites. Each main event would spot. Morris keptthird as Fay and have extended lap lengths. Bustamante finished still giving After the first round of numer-chase. ous motocross heats the off road To close the first round of car cars, eleven strong, took to the heats were four Super Lites driven gooey track with the refreshing by Gary Reitsma, Mark Thiel,Jell sound of four-stroke racing Pearl, and Dan Discenza. They engines filling the air. Heading up started in those positions but they the Class 10, 1-2-1600 grid was didn't finish that way. After a few youngJimmy May in his ex-Marty laps Reitsma looked like the sure Coyne Rabbit powered stadium winner, but suddenly he pulled buggie. Newcomer Mark Bow-out of the lead and stopped. He man had the outside and Jim May reached down to his feet and Sr. in his old A-arm car was grabbed something and threw it behind his son. Walt Lewis had into the infield and rejoined the the Class 1-2-1600 pole position race. It was a small can of extra with veteran Carl Asterino on his parts that he had forgotten to right. Second row held Andy remove during pit repair. Anderson and Steve Black, Carlos Thiel gladly took over the lead Zuniga and Ken Seale had the with Discenza and Pearl hot on his third row and Marshall Ziegert tail pipe. In the closing laps Dis-and Bill Dell filled out the first cenza made a daring charge for the heat field. lead, passed Thiel for awhile, but The first car heat green flag Thiel repassed and held on to fin-waved and Jimmy May hopped ish first. Discenza was second and into the lead with Mark Bowman Reitsma had blasted around to and May Sr. following only inches finish third over Pearl. apart. Ventura regular Asterino The sky was darker now and a led the tight 1-2-1600 pack of bit wetter as the flood lights came • AffENTION DESERT RACERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted ·at ail Score and HORA desert races. Check it out on contingency row -Two different classes each event. on just as the second round of•car heats began. The inverted starting positions put Bowman and] immy May on the front row and Sr. May behind them. Ziegert had the 1-2-1600 position edge this time over the others. The starter waved the green flag, the mud flew every-where, drivers -couldn't see well, everyone braked too late, cars hit cars, Ken Seale's front wheel went its own way, and the red flag flew before the tirst lap was com-pleted. Knocked out for the night was Zuniga's car, Black was out again even after heroic first heat repairs, but Seale was ready for the restart. The Mays and Bowman led the fast single file restart with Ziegert, Anderson, Lewis, heading up the 1-2-1600s. As the laps were com-pleted, Jimmy May added more and more to his overall- lead. Sr. May and Bowman were holdfng their own, but the hot and heavy 1-2-1600 pace was keeping every-one in tight quarters. Just a few laps from the finish Bowman clipped an inside berm coming onto the big grandstand jump and executed a perfect three-point roll over with a full twist landing on his wheels. The crowd loved his performance after he signaled he was unhurt. This was Bowman's first stadium type race, but he never looked like a beginner. Another red flag single file res-tart and a dash for the finish line. The Mays still held the front line while Anderson, Ziegert, Lewis, and Asterino battled for each position on every turn. On the last lap Jimmy May took his second heat win with dad in second and Bowman in third. Anderson finished first in class while Ziegert held his position to all comers until a big bobble allowed Lewis and Asterino to slip by to finish second and third to his fourth place finish. Five fighting Baja Bugs came up for their seconcf heat of the night with Sullivan and Bustamante on the front row. Fay and Morris in the second row with Dunn pant-ing in the back slot. Just like the buggies before them, the bugs made the first turn look like a pack of bumper cars, but all came 'out alive with Sullivan in the lead. On they raced until, with two laps to go, the red flag popped out again when Bustamante rolled and broke off a wheel. Another restart dash saw Sullivan headed toward victory followed by Fay as Dunn and Morris dueled to the bitter end. Clearing up the second heat action were the Super Lites. They started with Discenza and Pearl in the front and Thiel and Reitsma playing catch up. After many laps of wheel to wheel action, Discenza the leader, came around the last turn on the last lap and lost his left rear wheel, spun around and around up the jump just to the finish line and stopped. He put it back in gear and tried to drive over the line for the finish, but the Super Lite just spun in circles as second place Pearl came around at speed and spun into him. Pearl restarted and crossed the finish line first while Discenza finally C C C = = crabbed over the stripe in second • •Ja •. spot. Afterthatkindoffinisheve-Dusty Times April 1991 ryone needed a break until the main event. All evening the light drizzle added to the racing excitement, but as the main car events began everyone put on their rain gear and snuggled down for the last dance of the night. Again the Mays held the Class 10 front i:ow with the 1-2-1600s pack headed with Anderson and Dennis, Zie-gert and Asterino, and the lone survivor Zuniga in the rear. With two heat wins under his belt, Jimmy May looked like a veteran when he took the point position around the first turn and the remaining laps to reap a clean sweep for the night. Anderson and Lewis wasted no time playing follow the leader and charged on as Ziegert, Asterino and Zuniga followed. Their positions re-mained steady until Ziegert started smoking and Zuniga bumped him out of a few spots. At the finish the wet checkered flag flew for Jimmy May, then grand slam 1-2-1600 winner Andy Anderson with Seale close behind then came Zuniga, Sr. May, Asterino, and Ziegert. As for the Baja Bug main, the first half of the battle was between Sullivan and Dunn with Fay play-ing the role of Steady Eddie. But the second half was between Dunn and Sullivan. Behind third place Fay was an ever changing duel between Morris and Busta-mante until a left rear flat slowed Morris only on the left hand turns. It all ended when they crossed the finish line in this order: Dunn, Sullivan, Fay, Bus-tamante, and Morris. Only three Super Lites took the last green flag of the night with Reitsma and Discen:a enjoying their last go at each other while Pearl hung on until the end. Dis-ce n rn kept the pressure on Reitsma all the way as Reitsma's left rear wheel began slanting more and more on each lap. But there was no more drama like their second heat and the wheel stayed on for his win with Dis-cenza and Pearl following in the rain. Weird weather, wild racing, and great people ... it all added up as another outstanding off road racing event at Ventura Raceway. • IS . ' n . ' ----...-.In ... CENTER Ll·NE -_______ _,,_;;;;;; RACING WHEELS THE STRONGEST OFF-ROAD WHEEL MONEY CAN BUY! FAT Performance has in stock the largest inventory of 5-lug VW CENTER LINE wheels in the country. Whether you need wheels with polished or satin finish, FAT has them in all popular styles. Need them in a hurry? FAT can ship the same day as ordered ... and with the best price in the industry. FAT can also supply your CENTER LINES with Champion bead locks. Buying a set of CENTER LINES can be exceedingly easy with FAT Performance. We do all the legwork. Call for current pricing. Quantity discounts are also available: FAT IS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR VW, PORSCHE AND TOYOTA OFF-ROAD ENGINES AND PARTS. FAT Racing Parts Bilsteir, Shocks Sway-A-Way Permo-Cool S&SHeaders WeberCarbs IPF Lights JaMar Products Wright Place Tri-Mil Exhaust Gem Gears Beard Seals Simpson Safety Super-Trapp Yokohama Tires Pelro-T ech 2000 PERl'ORMAICE For your FAT Perlormonce catalog, send $5 to Dept. cw. 1558 No. Case St., Olonge, CA92667. Orcatl (714)637-2889. FAX(714)637-7352 Page 17 'i l

Page 28

Keith Jackson was delayed on the first lap when a wheel flew off his Raceco Porsche, but he and Gordon Zabrecky got going and finished third in class. Robert and Michael Harman turned steady and consistent laps in the Funco and they survived power steering trouble to take second in Class 10, 12th overall. Hal Hibbard and Dave Atwood ran their Raceco hard in Class 10 competition and they split the driving evenly to take third in class at the flag. LA RANA PRESIDENTIAL i50 Don Cornell Wins Overall On A Dust Free Desert Photos: Tracksidl! Photos, Inc. Don Cornell and David Kreisler survived a first lap mishap to lead midway by seconds, and with David doing the anchor man job, the team got the Raceco/Porsche home first overall as well as in Unlimited Class. While most of February in the the Lenwood Exit off 1-15. It Registration and tech were right southwest was monsoon season, couldn't have been more conven-there too, and it was so convenient the weather gods blessed La Rana ient, just a couple of miles from that most of the 115 entries were Desert Racing with bright the start/finish line, so racers through and back in camp long sunshine, shirt sleeve daytime could set up their S IF pit, unload before the 10 p .m. closing time. weather, and a damp, sometimes and drive the race car to tech and There was a test area open on muddy, but dust free race course contingency. The mall also has Friday for contestants, near the near Barstow, CA. It all started one of every fast food emporium start/finish, just long enough to mid-afternoon on Friday, Feb-known to man on the site, visible see if your engine man had ruary 21, with tech and con tin-from the starting area, so when guessed right on jetting and timing gency for the Presidential 250 set hunger struck a participant, he for the weather. up at the Barstow Outlet Mall at was close to food, as many of The race course was 58 miles DE UNZIO RACING PRODUCTS OFF-ROAD RACING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES these outlets were open 24 hours. long, and all cars had to cover four A hefty number of contingency laps in 10 hours or less, except donors showed up on Friday Class 11 and Stone Stock trucks, making an impressive sight, as the who did two laps and Odysseys paved road was wide enough to who did one lap for an official get two or three race cars down finish. The majority of the trails the aisle between the displays. used were in the Stoddard Valley, Larry Deaton came out of the north and gave VORRA 's Ed Robinson quite a ride in his new Raceco, and they were second overall and in Un limiteds by just a few minutes. which has hosted off road car races since 1970, so despite a no pre-running the route -was familiar to racers young and old. In fact for over a decade the start/ finish line for the Barstow races organized by AR VRA and r later HORA was exactly where the tech and contingency line in the Outlet Mall had been on Friday. Bright sunlight felt great at the Saturday 7 :00 a .m . drivers meeting, and as the cars lined up Tom Koch and Rex Keeling had a few problems with the Raceco, but kept moving fast in the Raceco VW. climbed into contention midway, and sharing the driving the pair won the close running Class 10 honors and took fifth overall. Gary Bates and his son B.J., plus more family, drove the Baja Bug into the Steve Dreiger came back from a first lap rollover in his Chevy to turn three early lead, and they stayed out front from flag to flag to take the victory in I very consistent laps, and when the early leader fell out, Steve and Tim Clark Class 5, in fact the only finisher. sailed in the Class 8 winner. Page 28 April 1992 Dusty Times

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Dan Fisk and.Paul Bradley had the Class 10 lead after three laps in their Mirage, but last lap disasters, more than one, dropped them to fourth place. Gary Johnson and J.D. Ward ran with the leaders until the final lap when the frame fell apart, among other woes, but they got home fifth in Class 10. Jeff Renick and Daryl Gobson started out strong in Class 5, but had big trouble before the midway point, did not finish the race, but were second. Allen Rapashy and Ian Tomas got their early troubles cured by the halfway point, and they finished the race with quick taps and took second in Class 8. Brian Coats and Neville Sharpe got Class 6 fast lap on the first go, then things started to break, often, and they did get the Camara home second. Don Chase and Bob Stockton ran up front all day in the Mirage, and they had scant trouble finishing second by seconds in Class 1-2-1600 and 4th 0 /A. Mick Newton ·fought off a good field in Class 6 action and he and Fred Carmona had only one unscheduled stop for a tie rod, and they went on to win Class 6 in the Parker, AZ bred Chevy Nova. Thompson parked. The weird bodied Ford powered creation of Jeff Watson was flogging along, off the pace but having fun, and they eventually got in three long laps. Midway Cornell, driving his fourth ever race, led Deaton by just two seconds, and this was a real horse race. Jackson was still coming back from his first lap mishap, now just over ten minutes back of the leading pair. Keith and Larry sailed on, but David Kreisler replaced Don Cornell in the leading Porsche powered Raceco, and David whipped off fast lap of 1: 12: 16 to solidify the lead. Kreisler did a 1: 13 final lap and was first across the finish line, first in Unlimited class and first overall with Don Cornell. Their only problem had been the fence. Larry Deaton and Ed Robinson did a pair of l :lSs on the last two laps for second in class and overall, about five minutes back but happy with second place, since they had had some carb flooding to slow them. Jackson did a pair of l:16s to finish third, trailing by 22 minutes from the winner but ninth overall. A dozen Class 10 cars came out to play and it was a tough field. The first lap was a horse race between Dan Fisk, 1: 17 :20, Tony Modica, 1:17:04, and the leader Richard Lind, 1: 16:53, but that was Lind's only lap. Another favorite Bob Scott had a long first lap and his Bunderson did not come aro~nd again, and Andy to start, there were 107 ready to enjoy the Barstow rocks and whoops with clear visibility. Keith Jackson was first away in his Porsche powered Raceco, and there were five in Unlimited class, but missing Jackson's usual adversary Bob Richey. However, first on the road spot didn't last long for Keith as the left front whee l came off and he and Gordon Zabrecky found it in the bushes and no sooner got going again when they had a flat. But happily they had no more trouble in the race. Meanwhile, up front Don Cornell excited the start/ finish crowd by missing the turn into the finish line, zipping through several yards of plastic fencing which cost him three minutes that lap and more time on lap 2 as the crew scrambled to cut the fencing away from the axles. Leading the first lap was VORRA racer Larry Deaton, who had so much fun at the January race, he came south to try it again. Larry's co-driver in the Type 4 powered ex-Flamson Jimco was VORRA President Ed R obinson. The Raceco of Ken Thompson and Mike Shipley had an over two hour lap, Deaton's was 1:16, and The Joel Stankavich/Mike Currier Raceco led the first lap in the 22 field in Class 9, had a visual race all day with another Bacstow team, but Joel and Mike took the victory by just over a minute at the flag. Dusty nmes April 1992 Anderson also did just one lap. Several more were back a very few minutes, locked in just as tight a battle. Midway Modica and Larry Stephey had the lead in their Adzima by a few yards, but they were not seen again; we did hear . that they lost a motor, but don't know that for sure. Rick Romans had some i;r Jeff Trimble took the lead in the 19 car pack of Class 1-2-1600 cars on the last lap, and jeff drove all the way, had a trouble free race and won the class and finished a quick third overall. IT CENT ARCH15 unday, 10am - 5pm Custom Offroad & Truck Sho Truck Jar_n 11.waEE£ DRIVE Live Music ~ • .... ~ -··~-Monster Trucks R1ANCIIO Offroad Seminars --Offroad Celebrity Rodeo Equipment & Accessories Sale eet Ivan Stewart • Brian Stewa Page ff

Page 30

I· ., '" Kevin Davis and Gary Lane came out of the tight Class 1-2-1600 pack and came in third in Class 1-2-1600, a few minutes back and sixth overall too. Robert Lofton found the Barstow rough going to his liking and the FRT regular came in fourth n Class 1-2-1600, and seventh overall in the Raceco. Billy McCool and Ed Pendley had no serious trouble with the Mirage, and they arrived fifth in the big Class 1-2-1600 and also a fine eighth overall. "' Brad Inch Jed Class 1-2-1600 turning three laps in the same minute. but a breakage in the rocks on lap 4 put him back to sixth in class, 10th overall. Rick Johnson kept Stankavich in sight all day, finished ahead. but had started ahead and ended up second in Class 9 by a minute and two seconds. Dave Girdner and his son-in-law Tommy Craig kept updating the Hi Jumper and this round the family team finished a strong third in the huge Class 9 field. David Rogers and Phil Dahl were fourth midday in the fierce fight in Class 9. and they survived the course hazards to arrive fourth in Class 9 action. Bruce Mangold and Tim Gavett ran consistent lap times in their Raceco and they ran right into fifth in Class 9, and it was a tough fight for position. James Clements is the 1991 Class 9 La Rana Champion. but he and Tom Mattingly had second lap troubles. and finished sixth in the close Class 9 race. r;r good lap times, but for o:ily three laps, and Paul La Porte had troubles all the way but did finish, sixth in a Hi Jumper. After three laps Dan Fisk and Paul Bradley held the lead in a Mirage, turning a quick 1:14 second lap, hut then lost over an hour on the last lap due to a broken king pin, no brakes, a rollover just ten miles out, Jinishing fourth with no right ··front corner at all. Gary Johnson andJ.D. Ward probably have fast lap for the class, a 1: 12 on the third lap, but it was followed by a final three hour lap, dropping the line and· Koch/ Keeling not them to fifth. Apparently the only won the class they placed frame came apart and had to he fifth overall. Keeping their fellow welded, then the battery went, Checkers honest, Bob and Mike and later the alternator died, all Harmon had steady lap times in onJ.D.'sfinallap.Theywerefifth their Funco SS2, the updated in Class 10 in the Bruton. version of the original Blue Bullet, Aftergettingslightlylostonthe hut were slowed by power firstlap,TomKochsettledinwith steering failure and the fluid a 1: 16 bdore handing the Raceco dripped all over the pedals. They VW over to Rex Keeling, hut the thank the Checkers for their brakeshadgonehadrightoffthe quick pit work and Engine line.With the driver change and a Machine Service and T ransaxle rollover, Rex still reeled off a Engineering for a strong drive 1 :21, and finished the day with a train. Hal Hibbard and Dave l:18tohethefirstClasslOacross Atwood were third in their CACTUS RACING Raceco, and proudly announced they had won the tallest antenna contest at this race. They split the driving evenly, with Hibbard finishing, and thanked the FAIR team for their support and all their friends. They reported five hikes on the course during the race, and they :\!most hit one, hut this is common at Barstow, which is a federal open OHV area. RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES 5153 BOWDEN AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92117. TEL. (619) 27~2509 HELMET COMPLETE SYSTEM $195 $320 A,FRESH AIR HELMET AND BLOWER ASSEMBLY DESIGNED FOR OF>' ROAD USE AT A REASONABLE PRICE BUILT AND BACKED BY BELL HELMETS LIGHT WEIGHT-REDUCES NECK STRAIN There were hut three Class 5 _ Bugs and they started with Gary · Bates leading Jeff Renick by over five minutes on lap 1. Jorge Zapata was hack about 20 minutes, and· never did another lap. Bates had two uneventful laps before he and Shirley Scott handed the leading Bug over to son B.J. Bates and his B.J. cruised to victory, sayin-g he had one flat, and the engine was going away, so it was fortunate that the competition had already faded. The quartet of Class 8 trucks were next away with Billy Bunch in the lead by nearly an hour on the first lap in the Beny Canela Ford. Bunch slowed some on the second lap hut still led, while Steve Kreiger had a good round in his Chevy. Midway Allen Rapashy and Dan Thomas were a couple hours hack in their Ford, but moving. Bunch had major problems, a 3: 15 third lap and retired. Meanwhile, Kreiger, who rolled on the first lap and lost an hour, turned three consistent laps averaging in the high 1 :20s, had no more problems, and he and Tim Clark sailed home the Class8 winner in the Chevy. Allen Rapashy and Dan Thomas got their-troubles cured halfway in the race and were second in Class 8 with two quick final laps in the COOL, COMFORTABLE TERRY CLOTH LINER BLOWER MOTOR AND ASSEMBLY ARE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR mother Maxine. Meanwhile the Mike Duncan again was the only Class 3 entrant in his Jeep Scrambler. but he Jeff Renick and Darryl Gibson ra.n well until rolling the Jeep and retired with three laps done. but the class Baja did not make a second lap, so _w_in_n_e_r. ____________ _ ____________ _ SN&.1..00 APPOOVID Page 30 April 199i Dusty Times

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Hector Burruel and David Allan had their problems on the first half of the race. but they fought back in the new car to finish second in Class 5-1600. Rob Snyder and Steve Thomasson came on strong on the last lap, and they went fast enough to finish third in the 13 car Class 5-1600 competition. Brian Logan and Keith Westerfield ran second. then led at the midway point in Class 5-1600. but a pair of major down times later on put them into fourth. ended up 11th in class. Larry Martin had two tough laps off the start, but cured the problems midway and turned perhaps class fast lap of 1: 16:58 on the last round, landing him in tenth. Meanwhile Brad Inch, with a 1: 1 7 :39 looked to be the half way leader, but our math isn't perfect. Robert Lofton was within a minute of his time as were both Don Chase and Jeff Trimble, and they crossed the halfway finish line in a virtual parade. Inch did another I: 17 third lap as did Trimble, and the others slowed a tad, perhaps with driver changes. But it was still a tight pack heading into the final lap. John Hulsebosch and Gary Seagraves took the Class 5-1600 lead on the fourth and final lap in their tidy Bug. and had come back from a slow start, and they won the class by a husky margin of time. With the last three laps all in the 1: 17 range Jeff and Larry Trimble won Class 1-2-1600 by a minute 22 seconds in their JMR. Jeff actually drove all the way in a trouble free race and stopped only once for fuel, a nice way to win, Staying close all day, with laps less than two minutes apart, Don Chase and Bob Stockton took second and Don drove all the way. He said it was a good clean race, Ford. Dick Sugden and Dan Clark had a slow first lap and their Ford was not seen again. Class 6 had two Chevies, a Ford and a Jeep Cherokee in the field. The first lap saw Brian Coats in the Camara he shares with Neville Sharpe whip off class fast lap at 1:25:57 to lead Mick Newton, Nova, hy about 13 minutes. Eric Heiden in the Cherokee had big trouhle, an hour's worth, on lap · 1 , but with Scott Gillman co-driving they had a good second lap. Coats had a major prohlem with hreaking the 4 link arms, four timl'S way out in the boonies, and dropped well back. Then Newton lost a tie rod near his rival's pit and the Camaro pit team showed neat sportsmanship in supplying a tie rod, and installing it in five minutes. After four laps Mick Newton, of Snortin' Nortin t-shirt fame, won Class 6, finishing 52 and a half minutes ahead of Brian Coats who had the faster last lap. Eric Heiden used all hut two minutes and .38 seconds of the ten hour time allowance to get his finishing points, while John DeVito and Michael Howley got in just two long laps in the makeshift hodied ran·r, destined one day to he a For,! truck. There wen: I 9 Class I -2-I 600s on the starting line, and this is a tough class to figure who was leading when, as they run in tight packs. Mike McClune had prohlems right away and did not complete a lap. Jim Joyce and Drew Keys spent over two hours on the first lap, had a decent second lap and then vanished. Out front Danny Porter led the first lap in the new La Victoria car with a 1:17:14, hut just hehind was Brad Inch at 1: I 7:46, Don Chase at 1:18, bothJeffTrimhle and Rohert Lofton, at 1:19, Billy McCool at I :20 and Kevin Davis at 1 :21 . On the second lap Danny DustyTirnes Porter flipped about five miles out, after hitting a hole, breaking the right front suspension on landing. Danny went to see the medics, but was deemed OK, and · eventually Larry Rosevear took off to turn two. good laps but Of the pair that started in Class 7. both finished the four laps. and it was not an easy trip for Robert Reynolds and William Briggs in their Ford en route to the victory. Of the four in Class 7S, Dan Cannon and Joe Pertrafia fed the first lap by a few minutes in their Ford Ranger. and they dept right on leading the class all the way to the checkered flag. April 1992 but the engine loaded up often. In · Billy McCool and Ed Pendley third it was Kevin Davis and Gary plus Jerry Lawless had no major Lane, another 4½ minutes back. woes with the Mirage. Billy Davis said he got the Lothringer started and Ed finished, but got stuck under a car in front lostbriefly,andtheteamdropped apparently stopping for a check, to fifth, less than another three and was a bit sore as his torsion minutes back. After three bars were set too soft which wore brilliant laps, all within seven out the rest of the suspension. seconds of each other and easily Robert Lofton stopped for five leading the class, Brad Inch broke minutes on lap 3 to fix the tor-a throttle cable on the last lap near sion adjustment , and he also had the Slash X Cafe, but out in the a front flat, which dropped him to rocks, and he lost 23 minutes to fourth at the checkered flag in his repairs and finished sixth; about Raceco. 13 more Ir TIRE - WHEEL PACKAGES Armstrong - Centerline - Yokohama 2 700 X 15 Hiway or Traction 2 33 X 1050 X 15 or 11 X 15 2 15 X 4 Centerline . 2 15 X 6 Centerline 4 Heavy Duty Race Tubes $839.95 Includes mounting CHALLENGER TIRE - WHEEL PACKAGES 2 700 X 15 Hiway or Traction 2 33 X 1050 X 15 4 Heavy Duty Race Tubes 4 15 X 5 STD and REV Custom/Commercial 30 X 9.50 X 15 Radial Armstrong Available ~RMSTRDN~ Yokohama $524.95 Includes mounting 700 X 15 Hiway $74.00 700 X 15 Traction 1100 X 15 Desert Dog 30 X 950 X 15 Radial NORSEMAN $74.00 $93.00 $103.00 G 78 - 15 H 78 - 15 L 78 - 15 Call For Prices ~ 15 X 3 1/2 Bubble 15 X 4 15 X 5 15 X 6 15 X 7 15 X 8 16 X 4 16 X 6 $126.00 $130.00 $134.00 $136.00 $137.00 $140.00 $138.00 $150.00 700 X 15 Hlway 700 X 15 Traction 750 X 16 Traction 33 X 1050 X 15 Ill 35 X 1150 X 16 Ill 15 X 5 4.755 4.720 4.720 4.829 4.829 $74.00 $74.00 $81.00 $93.00 $120.00 custom a commel'CIIII ...... $36.00 15 X 6 STD $37.00 15 X 7 or $38.00 15 X 8 REV $39.00 Heavy Duty Race Tubes $25.00 EADY 103 Press Lane, Suite # 4 • Chula Vista, CA 92010 (619) 691-9171 • (619) 691-9174 • FAX (619) 691--0803 Page 31

Page 32

Frank Muscia and Gary Martinez ran steady lap times in their stock looking Ford Ranger, covered all four laps and took home second place in Class 7S. Richard Robbins and Alberto Tejera led the first lap in Class 7 4x4 with class quick time in the Toyota, but, that was the only lap they completed. Horacio and Art Munoz had nothing but troubles with their VW Beetle, and even a four hour final lap did not deep them from taking second in Class 11. Rearing up out of one of many ditches at Barstow, Glenn Cohen dept his Jeep Comanche together to place second in the stock mini truck Class 15 action. Mike and Chris Coleman had some down time on their last lap, but they kept the Chevy moving to finish second in the full size stock truck Class 1550. Tony Benda kicks up his heels in the. Honda Pilot. on his way to a good and close second place finish in the Class 44 Odyssey group. i;a-minutes back. We don't know what happened to Ken Ruff/Larry Bolin, Packy Wheel-· er/Mark Manley or Ed Paul-ey I Jon Iandiorio, but they finished all four laps in seventh thru ninth respectively. Other four lap finishers included Craig Deardorff, Rigoberto Arzate, Virice Von Dahlen, Don Lampus, and Brian Hauptmann, while George and Jim Fishback Jr. got in three laps. The biggest class at 22 starters was 9, another close running contest. One major contender was out early when Sandy Parker flipped on the second lap while running third, got it together and went just a few miles and flipped again, completing just two laps. Leading the first lap was the Joel Stankavich/ Mike Currier Raceco, with Rick Johnson just two minutes back followed in a minute by the ill fated Parker, then Mike Hampton. Stankavich still led Johnson by a minute or so at the midway point, the pair followed closely by Dave Gird-ner/Tommy Craig and David Rogers, then Phil Dahl. Mean-while one entry had no time, a couple more got in one lap only and five completed only two laps including Mike Hampton. Tom and Lita Whitehead had three long laps then parked the Bunderson. Up front the dogfight was almost visual as Stankavich and Johnson ran nose to tail when we saw them, although Stankavich maintained the lead having started several numbers behind Johnson. They finished with the Johnson car in front by just yards so Joel Stankavich and Mike Currier, who drove the first two laps, won Class 9 by the slim margin of a I 1 PIKE'S SERVICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HOURS SERVICE EVERY DAY YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT FOR OVER 40 YEARS hgc31 All four in Class 7 4x4 were Toyotas, and Rich Fersch tried truck driving at this race, and turned the rig over to Hector Burruel midway, in the lead, and the team won Class 7 4x4, the only finisher. minute, two seconds in their Raceco. Their only trouble was a flat in the final miles. Rick Johnson reported no troubles at all, enjoyed the clean air and a trouble free race, but wished they had been a minute faster. About six minutes later Dave Girdner and Tommy Craig were third, their only trouble being a slipping clutch making it hard to get up the killer hill on the route. Dave Rogers and Phil Dahl were nearly 20 minutes back, but happy to be fourth, also reporting only one stop for gas and to add a quart of oil. The next four Class 9 finishers were back another ten minutes but all under a ten minute blanket. In fifth came Bruce Mangold and Tim Gavett who ran consistent lap times in their Raceco. Next was the Brut of defending champion James Mohr/Dennis Whitaker, Michael Rix/Tracy Mclaurin, Jeff Cep-ie li k I Dennis Dean, and Jim Pierce/ Mike Duenas. Mike Duncan, again the lone Class 3 entry in his Jeep CJ 8, ran with Class 8. Mike ran three laps, and after three laps in eight plus hours, he parked, having rolled in the pit lane and with the engine hood missing, so the roll caused trouble there somewhere. Class 5-1600 had a baker's dozen start, but two only managed · a lap, and four more were out after two laps. It was a tough course for the limited Bugs. The Dave Hendrick son/ Cameron Steele team led the first lap with a fast 1 :29:31 time. John Hulse-bosch /Gary Seagraves had a 1 :33:21, and Charles and Danny Smith did a 1 :36:32, and several others were within a few minutes. Midway Hendrickson/ Steele still led while Brian Logan/Keith Westerfield were literally tied for second with the Smiths, a couple minutes back and nobody else ~as close now. But attrition was high in this class and Hendrickson/Steele rolled and retired, leaving seven in motion after three rounds. At this point the Logan/Westerfield team had the lead by about three minures over the Hulsehosch Bug, as all the others had some costly down time. The checkered flag fell first on John Hulsebosch and Gary Seagraves. They had a slow start with power loss in the engine; the power came hack on lap 3, hut by then the brakes had , Clements and Tom Mattingly, who had big trouble on the second lap, followed by Damen, Willie and Mel Jefferies, also with consistent lap times.Just 24 more seconds back in eighth it was Craig Bernal and Larry Parry. Also finishing four laps, in order, were Bill Hibler and family, Joel Larry Adams and Tom Hauser had a good day in their Beetle, leading Class 11 from flag to flag. with only minor woes. and they won by about two and a half hours. April 1991 DustyTimcs

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gone away. They survived to win Class 5-1600. Second went to Hector Burruel and David Allan who had first half trouble, a broken stabilizer and brake woes, which is not bad for a brand new car on its first time out, but they recovered to finish with two good laps, about52 minutes behind the winner. In third were Rob Snyder and Steve Thomasson, who had their problems midway in the race but had a strong last lap. Logan and Westerfield had a major disaster on the last two laps, but kept moving to finish four laps in fourth place, the last finisher. Getting in three laps before the Barstow course took its toll were Roy Smith/Jim Stout, Walter Sleppy and Alen Bowen/Rick Pew. . The pair of Class 7 trucks obviously each had down time somewhere. The Robert Rey-nolds/William Briggs Ford had a 1 :41 first lap, a two and a three hour lap, then a fourth round of 1 :42 to win by an hour. Usual champions Art and Mike Becker had trouble from the green with the Toyota, had just one lap under two hours, but got in all four for second place points. There were three Fords and a Toyota in Clas.s 7S and the Toyota of Gordon Azevedo had an over five hour first lap and parked it. Dan Cannon and Joe Petralia led the first lap by less than four minutes over Rick Sanders, but that was Sanders only lap. Cannon continued at a more sedate, but still leading pace all the way to the checkered flag. Frank Muscia and Gary Martine: ran steady lap times to finish all four in second place, about 41 minutes behind the winner. The Class 7 4x4 field was four Toyotas. Richard Robbins/ Al-berto Tejera led the first lap with class quick time of 1 :59:25, hut that was their only lap. Jay and Donnie King also made just one lap, a bit slower. R ich Fersch did a 1 :59 second lap before turning the truck over to Hector Burruel, and the team completed all four rounds in 9: 19:25 to win the class easily in spite oflast lap problems. Alan Buchanan did not record a single lap time. The pair of Class 11 s had to cover just two laps for an official finish, because of the rough and steep hills on course. Larry Adams and Tom Hauser led all the way, starting with a fast 2:03 first lap time. They carry their jack inside the car and it came loose on the second lap and pinched a fuel line, hut that was their only trouble, and they won The· stock mini truck Class 15 was mostly Toyotas, and William Quitmeyer and senior citizen driver Fred Espinosa did really quick laps all day in their Toyota, winning the class handily. It is getting to be a habit with Gordon DiCarlo and Jeff Yocum and they won their third race in a few weeks in the big Ford, taking the stock full size Class 1550 title by about 26 minutes. by two hours and 30 minutes.We didn't talk to second placing Horacio and Art Muno:, but they did finish both laps, taking nearly four hours on the last round, which must he quite a story. There were three T oyotas and a Jeep in the stock mini truck class, hut one didn't get a lap in of the two required. William Quitmeyer did a 2:01 first lap to lead, then turned the Toyota over to Fred Espinosa, who :ipped off a 2:08 for the victory. Espinosa is one of off road racing's pioneers and is still highly competitive being 62 years young. Doing two laps a hit slower Glenn Cohen drove his Jeep right into second place, finishing about 54 minutes later. Dan Auer had hig trouble on the first lap, but got in gear for the second and he and Thomas Degen were another hour hack, hut third in class. There were three in the stock big truck class, hut one didn't cover a lap. This was almost too easy for Gordon DiCarlo and Jeff Yocum who won their third race this year in the tidy Ford. They did a competitive 1 :49 first lap, slowed to cruise on the second and won by 26 minutes. They had minor woes, a broken upper hall joint retainer, that broke twice, . once a lap, and finished on a low tire. Mike and Chris Coleman got their Chevy home second with two laps done, having lost the front brakes, part of the exhaust manifold on the last lap, and had a flat. Both trucks were on BFGoodrich tires who are now active with the Team T / A program in the La Rana Series. The Class 44 Odyssey type racers, were five strong at the start, and all hut las_t month's winner Mary Sullivan finished the one lap required. Donald Klein-hen: won the dash by over 13 minutes in his Selstad, and Tony Benda was second in a Honda Pilot. Back another ten minutes Ralph C:arnet:ki was third in a Honda. · The Class 44 Odyssey type race cars had a good field for their one lap dash but it was Donald Kleinhenz who won the sprint race by over 13 minutes in his Selstad. The awards were held Sunday morning at Rosita's, where else in Barstow, and went well with plaques awarded to countless folks it seemed, but there were a lot of classes. La Rana President· Eddie Castro announced that three cars were disqualified for not stopping at a checkpoint, but complimented the chase crews on almost obeying the speed limits on access roads. Next La Rana will work on pit area speeds and pit placement problems. It was a fun race in beautiful weather, and despite the rollovers, nobody was injured. Next for La Rana is the Spangler 200 out of Ridgecrest, CA on May 15-17. Dusty Times April 1992 more ••• T.RAIL NOTES ' -ADRA 1991 CLASS CHAMPIONS-Rather belatedly we now have the listing of the American Desert Racing Association, of Phoenix, AZ, class champions. Robert Gayton edged out the V6 powered Woods of Paul Nolte and Conrad Monroe to win the 1991 ADRA Pro 1 class championship. In his RX 7 powered Chaparral, Gayton beat Nolte by . only eight points. Walt Baronick won the Pro 10 title even though he broke in a new co-driver, Frank Fleurquin, during the season. Steve Melton took second in Class 10 points. The Pro 9 class was a Torn and Mike Struttrnann benefit, although Tucson's Ron Dalke in his TUF Green Toad was close in second. Larry Dirnrnett took third by virtue of his Sonoyta victory. The Pro 1-2-1600 class was totally Bill Krug, who raced all six ADRA events, including his $2000 take home win at the PIAA sponsored run to Rocky Point.Tony Pierce was second on points in his 1600 Raceco bolstered by a win at Snowflake. Jack Rose won Pro 4 honors, and the Class 8s usually ran with Pro 1. The Sportsman 1 Champion was the Stinson and May team, beating the Nolte and Monroe combo, who also placed second in Pro 1, diluting their efforts in both classes. The Sportsman 10 class championship was a hotly contested battle between Erik Jones, TUF, and James Taggert, Chaparral. While both run in the Sportsman class, they demonstrated their ability to race with the Pros when they finished fourth and fifth respectively at ADRA 's final event last year. In that Sonoyta to Rocky Point race, they beat a large field of powerful Unlimited cars; even a 350 Chevy pickup. Erik Jones won the title and James Taggert was runner-up. Sportsman 9 went to Larry Weiser in his aluminum bodied TUF. Larry has been using the desert races as therapy after being subjected to some overhaul work at the Hospital. The Smith/Wilson team were second on points. Andy Srnallhouse won the Novice Limited Crown. Theresa McQuowan won the Novice Unlimited honors, while Jeff Strickling was second. DESERTLINK TELEPRODUCTIONS has acquired broadcast rights to all High Desert Racing Association and SCORE International events in 1992, it was announced in February by DesertLink President Jerry Garrett. Desert-Link's affiliate Arrow Productions produces the telecasts. They also announced that ESPN will air Arrow's production of the 1992 Nissan 400 on Easter Sunday in prime time. Announcements about additional HORA and SCORE telecasts are expected soon. THE GEORGIA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION has their conventional and annual elections in early winter. At that time many were a bit surprised by the resignation of Joy Porter, the Secretary/Treasurer and Scorekeeper for GORRA for the past 13 years. She deserves a rest. Her husband Bill is returning as an active driver now, and she wants to be on hand in the pits to help. It may take two people to replace her. The 1992 Officers are President, Sherry Thompson, VP Challenger, Banks Behling, VP 1600, Mickey Smallwood, Race Director, Tate Thackston, Protest Committee, Bill Porter, Jack Thompson, Mickey Smallwood. Apparently not much came of the discussions with FORDA to have a common points series, much the same as SCORE and HORA did for seven years. With the close geographic locations of their races, it does seem a logical step, but then many.,.. southeasterners don't like to tow very far to go racing. Stay tuned for race reports from GORRA soon, as the season started March 15 . PAULA MURPHY is the first woman to be inducted into the Don Garlits Drag Racing Hall of Fame in Ocala, Florida. Paula was the first woman to earn a top fuel license from the NHRA, some years back, and ran a Chrysler bodied funny car called Miss STP, having paid her dues in the ranks of stock car classes. Paula also ran a Walt Arfons jet racer to a record at the Bonneville Salt flats and set several endurance records there in a Studebaker. Prior to that Paula raced sports cars with the SCCA and did some distance rallying with your editor as her navigator, and this activity included placing third in class in a Studebaker on the famous but long gone Shell 4000 Rally from Vancouver to Montreal in Canada. Truly a versatile driver Paula also competed off road in the early days ofNORRA and the Mint 400 and ended her career driving exhibition hydrogen peroxide powered rocket cars at drag strips around the country. An accident, because of a faulty fuel shut off valve with such a car, broke her neck and ended her racing career at Sears Point Raceway. The ceremony happened on March 20 in Florida, and will be on television in an upcoming segment ofNHRA today. PIRELLI WORLD RALLYING by Martin Holmes, our senior rally contributor worldwide, is the 14th edition of this hard copy book that chronicles the 1991 rally series from the World Champion to individual series in many countries and other regional series. This year special editorial features include five time Formula 1 World Champion Juan · Manuel Fangio talking about his rally days. The photography, directed by Maurice Selden, is aimed at depicting the sport in its most spectacular way and also providing the most detailed photographic record of the season. Once again the book presents many exclusive pictures, often provided by friends around the world. This hard cover book is a record of the sport, written by an author who has attended every world rally during the year, with support from contributors in a half century of countries, every country in which the sport of rallying is a popular activity. Its 204 pages contains a wealth of information and incredible photography. Contact Kerry Voll, Rally Magazine in the USA to order your copy at 706 Roxbury Road, Southbury, CT 06488. THE SAN FELIPE SCORE race has a new sponsor in Tecate beer. In fact Tecate has also signed on for the Baja 500 and the Baja 1000 sponsorship. It should be a big help to SCORE who, like other organizations, have seen a shrinking entry deplete the cash flow seriously. By the way, if you are heading for San Felipe, remember you can get Instant Mex insurance policies faxed to you if you have a credit card, so you can cross the border anytime of night. From California call 1-800-.345-4701 and from other states 1-800-638-0999. GLEN HELEN LATE FLASH - Effective March 6, 1992 Dr. Bud Feldkamp, the licensed concessionaire of the Glen Helen OHV Pa/k in San Bernardino has announced that he has taken control ·of the management and day to day operations at Glen Helen. In 1991 Stu Peters handled those duties. Peters will continue to promote CMC motorcross events and take care of park and track maintenance. Feldkamp's first move was to appoint Brian Church as General Manager. Church formerly ran Glen Helen for several years until October of 1990. He then built and opened Lake Perris Speedway, which he will continue to operate as well as work at Glen Helen. This is all very good news for short course racers iri the area, who haven't had many events in southern California in recent months. Page 33

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-• II•,."' ~ The 1600cc, 16 valve single overhead cam engine packs quite a bit of punch, and cruises down the highway at better than 26 mpg. The instrument panel is neat and tidy, easy to read and easy to see. All controls are within easy reach of the driver, making the Sidekick a pleasure to drive. A good shot of a husky little vehicle. Lots of glass makes visibility great. Four wheel drive allows you to go most anywhere within reason. 1992 SUZUKI Hug Your Sidekick Tt!xC & Photos: John uilt1in variety held us up off the desert floor. Front disc brakes and rear drums stop you on a dime. The rear drive Sidekick performed nicely in the sand and dirt and, with the four wheel drive engaged, we could go most anywhere we wanted to. Ground clearance is just under eight inches, which allows you a bit of freedom in the desert. The Suzuki Sidekick is blunt nosed but adorable. It will go anywhere in the desert with style and comfort. Overall length of the four door model is 158.7", wheelbase is 97 .6" and the overall width of the Sidekick is 64.6" so, although smaller overall than a lot of other off road type vehicles, the smaller dimensions allow you to travel and maneuver where some of the larger vehicles dare not go. You'd be surprised how narrow some of those canyon walls can get. Let's talk about some of the amenities that were part of our Sidekick and helped to make life easier. Electric door locks and electric windows were part of the package as well as electric outside mirrors. Two map lights located by the inside mirror proved to be invaluable; you could read by their light with no glare what-soever to bother the driver. Front bucket seats adjusted fore and aft as well as having a reclining back. You see the bumper stickers everywhere, "Hug Your Teddy", but if _you drive the Suzuki Side-kick around for a while you will want to "Hug Your Sidekick". Why? Well, I'll tell you; first of all, it's cute, it really is cute; you want to pick it up and take it home with you, that's how cute the Sidekick is. Also, it performs; it carries a goodly load of people or cargo and rolls down the high-way with ease. The Suzuki Sidekick we tested was the four door version and was equipped with the 1.6 liter single overhead cam 16 valve fuel injected engine hooked to a four speed automatic transmission and the performance was excellent. Bridgestone Desert Duelers all around in the P20517SR15 M&S BC GEROLAMY CO. would like to Page 34 CONGRATULATE ART SCHMITT for winning 1990 & 1991 SODA CHAMPIONSHIP CLASS 1 & 2 1990 & 1991 DRIVER OF THE YEAR While using a BC Gerolamy prepared cylinder head and engine components. For the winning edge in performance cylinder heads contact BC Gerolamy Co. BC Gerolamy Co. (916) 638-9008 3250 Monier Circle, Units G & H Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 April 1991 Cloth bucket seats up front and a split bench seat in the rear were about the most comfortable I have sat in for many a moon. A three hour stretch behind the wheel was not tiring in the slight-est. The rear split bench seat folds forward to give you a roomy cargo area, but you must remove the head restraints before folding the seat back down. The instrument panel is well designed, well lit at night and easy to read in bright sunlight. A speed-ometet with resetable odometer is on the left side of the cluster, an 8000 rpm tachometer on the right side of the cluster and the fuel and temperature gauges sit one above the other between the tach and speedo. The usual warning and indicator lights are mounted horizontally above the instru-ments. There is a tilt steering wheel and the left stalk controls the wipers, delay, wash, etc., and there is a rear window defroster as well as a rear washer and wiper feature. The balance of the crea-ture comforts consists of a cen-trally located heater/ air condi-tioner panel with enough of each to cook or freeze you on a moment's notice. The AM/ FM radio with cassette player has the usual features and performed adequately. Mounted just below the radio is the ash tray and lighter. · The small center console mounted between the front seats holds the automatic transmission shift lever and the 4 wheel drive shift lever. The trans shift lever has a button switch mounted on it to engage or disengage the over-drive and there is also a power switch mounted on the console to give you more power for hills, acceleration, etc. The 4WD transfer lever shifts easily in or out of 4WD. The factory recom-mends that you come to a com-plete stop before shifting in or out of 4WD and that you also come to a complete stop when moving from 4 low to 4 high; this _only applies when your vehicle is equipped with automatic front locking hubs, as ours was. We utilized all the 4WD options our Sidekick was equipped with, run-ning around the cactus and Joshua in the high desert and we found the Sidekick to be quite sure-footed and able to haul itself in and out of fairly soft sand and, as mentioned before, narrow enough to go where the big boys can't go. Economy? Well, the Suzuki Sidekick has a lot of that too. As I have stated many times, 'ol dad here doesn't drive for economy, never have and never will, but the Sidekick delivered just short of 26 mpg without trying, so there is a lot more there if you have a gen-tle right foot. A word about the overall performance; it was really good. I felt that a wee bit taller gear could help a bit but that's just my thought. We went over hills with ease with a good load and in the desert the Sidekick was a dream. The Suzuki Sidekick is eco-nomical to operate and, believe it or not, it is an inexpensive pur-chase on today's market. Four door four wheel drive models are available with manual transmis-sion for as little as $12,499.00 and with automatic trans for $13,349.00. Not a bad price for a sturdy vehicle with lots of ameni-ties and lots of comfort. A few things I should have mentioned earlier; the Suzuki Sidekick came equipped with a full size spare tire ( an essential out in the desert) which is mounted directly to the rear swing away door and is fully encased in a hard vinyl type cover which keeps it out of nature's way. Also, cruise control is available, although it was not installed on our test vehi-cle. If you're out shopping for a four wheel drive type vehicle, you should definitely check out the Suzuki Sidekick. We did and we were glad. -----Wide tracked and sure tooted, the Suzuki Sidekick is a welcome companion on those exploratory trips down desert roads. DustyTimes

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........,; • ,;-;:i" , < . . Soda Newsletter and Dusty Times contributor Marilyn Schultz was delighted with her plaque presented for the never ending work she and Barbara Schultz do on a mostly volunteer basis. Scott Taylor also got a neat painting of one of his racing trucks in action; Scott took the championship on points in both Class 8 and Class 7S. Jack Heidtman shows off his class winners plaque to friends on his way back to his table. Jack won the top points in tight competition in Class 4. 1991 SODA. Awards Banquet By Bar/J & Marilyn Sdrnlcz Art Schmidt heads back to his table with his award, Driver of the Year, a vote by the SODA Board. and Art also won top points in Classes 1. 2, and 10. The 1991 SODA Awards Ban-quet, held at The Pioneer Inn, Oshkosh, Wisconsin,January 17, 18 and 19, 1992 marked a place in the history of Off Road racing in the Midwest. This Awards Ban-quet pulled down the final curtain on The Superior Off-Road Driv-ers Association and opened the doors to a new hori:on for The Short Course Off-Road Drivers Association. The festivities began on Friday evening, January 17, with a Hos-pitality Night provided by Yoko-hama Tire. Hor D'ourves and a bar beckoned racers to renew friendships and catch up on who had been where and done what. Bench racing and talk of plans for 1992 were also gone over tho-roughly. Patrick Marketing, Inc. of Mequon, Wisconsin, unveiled th e all new SODA wear in g apparel featuring the distinctive new SODA Logo. After meetings of all kinds, vot-ing for odd numbered Class Representatives, Women's Classes and some rest and relaxa-tion, SODA members began to congregate for the actual Awards Banquet. It is always a treat for one's eyes to see SO DA's drivers, their crews, co-drivers and other SODA m e mber s and their escorts, in semi-formal and for-mal wear. President Jerry Wolfe opened the Banquet of over 3 70 in attendance with a short speech on all that the new SODA can be. All of those in attendance held a moment of silence in honor of . those members ofSODA's family who had lost loved ones during the year and thinking of Tech Director Don Poppie and hoping for his speedy recovery. Don was unable to attend and was missed by all. The assembled SODA board members watch as Tom Schwartzburg presents a great painting of the 5-1600 family ra cer to President Terry Wolfe. who with his wife Karen are on the far right. third in the Point Standings behind two very competitive drivers, Al Fannin and Fay Sta-tezny. Art Schmitt III was pres-ented with a plaque naming him the 1991 Driver of the Year. Art took three Class Championships in 1991 and did so against top notch competition. Jerry Rinaldo and Jack Cum-mings ofB.F. Goodrich presented their awards to BFG sponsored drivers. Scott Gaeble of Optima Batteries raffled off a new Optima Battery. Bill Graboski was the lucky recipient. Patrick Market-ing Firm held a raffle for an all new official SODA Jacket that was won by Linda Buck. Larry State:my was in charge of handing out Brush Run 101 's World Championship Rings. Congratu-lations to all winners! The next announcement was that of the 1992 Officers, Board of Directors, Odd Numbered Class Representatives and Alter-nates and Women's Class Repre-sen ta ti ves. Torn Schwart:burg took the podium and invited all 1991 Board of Directors members to the stage. These hard working, good people presented President Terry Wolfe and his wife, Karen with a large framed picture of Terry's Class 5-1600 Baja Bug, number 579, in appreciation for all that these two outstanding people have contributed to SODA. They received a standing ovation from an appreciative membership. With the Awards presentation over, SODA members and guests enjoyed the rest of the evening listening and dancing to The Sun-dance Show Band. Special thanks go to Paul and Lee Dallman for putting together another out-standing SODA Awards Banquet. Following a delicious buffet style dinner, President Wolfe began the Awards proceedings. As in most all volunteer organi:a-tions, there were many people to recogni:e and thank for their con-tinuing service to SODA. These people included the 1991 Offic-ers, Board of Directors, Tech T earn, the Mora Board who spent three years ironing out a compre-hensive Rule Book, Class Repre-sentatives and Alternate Reps, the r.. - .e-, G--.-. -G-:-. -E-R_I_S_B __ E_T_T_.E_R __ ladies who handle registration, The SODA Newsletter staff, the Dri_ving against some tough competition in Class 6 Greg Bekavac, third in points, was voted the 1991 Rookie of the Year by the SODA Board of Directors. ~ . ,;; Bill Graboski went home with more than he bargained for. as he won the new Optima Battery raffled off by Scott Gaeble of Optima, on the right. Dusty Times Points Standings Committee, The Constitution, By-laws and SOP Manual Committee, Race Event Promoters, The End Of The Year Points Fund Contributors, Con-tingency Program sponsors and all others that may by accident been missed. Yokohama Tire was thanked for their participation in both Hospitality Night and a part of the cost of the SODA Awards Banquet. Plaques of special thanks and recognition were presented to Marilyn Schult: of the Newsletter staff; Paula Parsons and Dianne Parent for their work in registra-tion; Terry Friday for his untiring involvement in SODA from its inception to its current status and Tom Schwartzburg for all of his work in bringing two Associa-tions, S.T.O .R .E. and S.O.0.A. together. The two big announcements were next. President Wolfe pres-ented the 1991 Rookie of the Year Award to Greg Bekavac. Greg began his career in off road racing in Class 6 . He finishe · t· April 1991 ----~ . Upgrade t_he_ C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runn{ir, IRS ' BaJa Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C.V. joints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type 11 or Type IV or 930 C.V. joints. . . Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C.V. JOlntS. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s can be threaded %-24 or stock 8mm. All axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be threaded 3/a-24 or stock 10mm threads. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES ANO BELLS Only $49.95 per fla!'ge on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW ENG. $HIPPED BY ups P.O. BOX 845 • 101 BROADWAY YARNELL, AZ 85362 (602) 427_-3551 DEALER INOUIRIES.INVH-ED Page 35

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WRC MONTE CARLO RALLY First Round to Lancia! Didier Auriol put his ill luck of last year to rest, and he came back from a mid rally delay with quick times, took the lead, on the final night and won the 60th aniversary Monte Carlo Rally in the new Lancia HF lntegrale. ·· · The long awaited duel between that moment on Auriol reduced starting point had considerable the new Lancia and the new Toy-Sain:'s inherited lead and on the snow en route; at one time the. ota went decisively to the Italians, second stage of the final night frontier crossing at Jonquera was on their first rally with their gainedtheleadheheldtotheend. closed. Sainz's teammates, Alen revamped team. Only five weeks Mitsubishi, Ford .and Nissan and Schwarz, who had started after the factory announced they could not compete on equal terms instead from Bad Hombourg in would officially disinherit motor with the newcomers, and none of Germany, noted with envy that sport and leave the Jolly Club to the other competitors could come the 1990 World Champion had maintain their interests, every-within a minute a stage of any of gained a lot of driving experience thing fitted into place most the top teams at all. on snow, en route to Monte remarkably. In conditions which Five top teams, two with com-Carlo! were unpredictable and where the pletely new cars, was an exciting The three main tire suppliers, fastest reactions were required, prospectfortheopeningroundof Michelin, Pirelli and Dunlop had Didier Auriol was in his element. the 1991 season. It had been a all developed new snow tires, and. With the spectre of his ill luck in close thing for Toyota, because the 17 inch wheels were on most ~-1991 behind him and, like runner their round bodied car was only cars, except Nissans. More news up Carlos Sain:, he acted like homologated six days before the included Ford announcing 1991 had never happened. The startoftheevent.Lanciahadtheir increased involvement with 60th anniversary Monte Carlo new wide track car homologated Mobil and changing from Pirelli lived up to its highest traditions, the end of December, but they to Michelin tires. Driver changes providing some of the closest and were confused over what it should included Alen from Subaru to most exciting rallying imaginable. be called. It was homologated as Toyota, Biasion from Lancia to The 1992 Monte Carlo saw a an "HF Integrale", no "Delta", no Ford, Bugalski from Renault to remarkable effort by Auriol, who "16v", and by Monte Carlo it was Lancia, Chatriot from Subaru to pulled back from an extraordi-to be a Delta after all! Nissan, Makinen from Ma:da to nary delay in mid-event, when not Although it had been clear and Nissan, etc. Apart from the only he but also his two team-dry earlier, when the cars began weather the most predictable mates· stopped on a slippery hill their training the snows arrived. thing was the rally itself. Six stages and needed help from spectators Those who chose Barcelona from nearly every day, old favorite sec-to get the Lancias going. From the list of five alternatives for a tions, the traditional but meaning-Complete computerized Engine Dyno testing facility. TOYOTA RACE ENGINES The finest & fastest Toyota race engines available for class 1. 7-S. 74x4. 15 and SCCA Pro Rally. Complete computer dyno tested Engines are available. as well as in kit form. Send today for our new 38 page catalog which includes Complete Engines with Dyno Charts, Ported Heads, Corrosion Proo! Headers. Cams. Stainless Steel Valves. Blowers. Mikuni Carb. Kits. Clutch Kits. Ignition Systems. Flywheels and more. Call today or send $5.00 for complete catalog. Shipping world wide. Contingency program offered. Page 36 Call: (714) 596-5494 /IL_i!!!J,,,,~~~7-"':;'.:'::==:e~~~ Send to: L.C. Engineering 2978 First Street, Unit G La Verne, CA 91750 Some products not legal on pollution controlled vehicles. less Concentration run, the wel-come mid-winter warmth of the Mediterranean .. Etape 1, "Classement": The concentration run produced a surprise. The World Champion arrived at Monte Carlo one min-ute late! This meant a penalty of 30 seconds, and the whole Italian publicity machine got into top gear over it. They blamed the Ital-ian customs! As was normal, on the long road section down to Monte Carlo, they sent their cars to a garage in Ventimiglia, the other side of the French/ Italian border, to be refurbished for the stages to come. "Customs delays" was the official reason. Standing unusually quietly in the corner was Juha Piironen, Kankkunen 's co-driver, who admitted he did not know the control had moved from its traditional location. There were many extenuating cir-cumstances. They were the first car on the road, the marshals were not ready, the control boards were in the wrong place, but the Italians went for the big publicity scandal instead! The Classement started at 0700 with an ascent,' but not this time followed by a decent, up Turini, where ultra-soft tires were the optimum. Armin Schwarz was April 1991 three seconds quicker than J uha Kankkunen. Miki Biasion, on his first stage with a Ford, went wide and hit some spectators (one broke a leg). Soon it turned into a bright sunny day, the tempera-tures up to 14 degrees melting the snow and leaving ice only where the road was hidden by the moun-tains. On the second stage Sainz was quickest; here the stage was virtually clear except the final two kms where the route went steeply uphill, on ice. Francois Chatriot spun the Nissan and reversed over the flying finish. Biasion had tires which were too hard. On stages 2 and 3 Francois Delecour fell back with power steering trouble in his Ford Sierra Cosworth 4x4. On stage 4 the rally lost both Markku Alen (straight on down a slippery corner and off the road in the Toyota) and Kenneth Eriks-son, who broke the steering on the Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 and struggled in vain to reach the end of the stage. On stage 4 Sainz spun and lost 50 seconds whereas Delecour made a storming stage to be 20 seconds faster then every-one else. On stage 5 Schwarz lost his lead when he made a tire choice mistake. On stage 6 Chat-riot lost 80 seconds, again with a tire error, dropping from seventh to ninth. On arrival in Aubenas, Auriol was 1 7 seconds ahead of Dele-cour, who in turn led Kankkunen by 20 seconds. Biasion was a brave seventh; his co-driver Siviero admitted "Miki does not have a good feeling for the car." The twice previous Monte winner had many minor problems with the car as well. Of the top 12 driv-ers, ten remained and they were in a race of their own. In eleventh place was the best Group N driver, the difference between 10th and 12th was nearly a min-ute a stage. In Group N Fords were lying in the top five positions, but favored Lancia driver Balas was out when the fan belt broke and caused damage inside the engine. The celebrity Trabent driven by former Ladies winner Elizabeth de Fresquet was still going, gaining funds for the Romanian orphans' charity, and was lying .. .last! Etape 2 was the first part of Parcours Commune. More sunny skies, but there was the usual bliz-zard on the exposed mountain plateau at the top of the first stage, Burzet. Like last year Delecour won the stage. It was the first time everyone had to use studded tires on the rally. Tommi 'Makinen summed up the weak point of Nissan's efforts as tires. "We have sometimes quite good tires for the clear conditions, but the studded tires do not work at all." He fin-ished Bur:et with a flat, while teammate Chatriot spun and lost his studs. Both Toyotas were badly off the pace on the mixed dry and snow of Burzet, but were better on the all snow conditions on the next stage, St. Bonnet le Froid. Here Kankkunen was over 20 seconds faster than the next quickest, Sainz and Salonen. Schwarz went off the road and hit a stone which damaged the sus-pension, losing over two minutes. Delecour had closed up to four seconds from the leader after St. Bonnet, but at stage 9 Auriol took a gamble with slicks on a stage with a lot of ice. It paid off and he was 23 seconds quickest, with Kankkunen now ahead of the Ford driver. Makinen spun twice on stage 8 and once again on stage 9 while Chatriot lost two minutes with gla:ed brake pad trouble. The race up front was intensify-ing. At the mid-day halt the dif-ference between 10th and 11th was now 11 minutes, after only nine stages. Overnight Group N leader Manfrinato had fallen hack at Burzet beGause of gearbox trouble. The bad weather brought out the best in various drivers. Kankkunen was 31 seconds behind Auriol, his toad penalty plus one second, and Salonen was fifth, neither .of them lovers of Monte's mixed ice and asphalt surfaces in years gone by. By late afternoon there were clearer conditions and on stage 10 Schwarz was quickest, which he repeated on 11 as well. Delecour lost his chances of success when he lost three minutes with turbo-charger failure and dropped from third to fourth, but the new sensa-tions came on stage 12, the last of the day. Fastest for the third stage running, and repeating his incred-ible drive on slicks last year, was Schwarz, but this time his slicks were Pirelli's special thermal hand-cut version, giving sufficient grip to climb the two kilometers of snow covered hill near the end. All three Lancias, fitted with Michelin slicks on 16 inch wheels came to a halt and had to be pushed, finishing sixth, seventh and eighth best times, all losing between two and three minutes. On 17 inch wheels with Michelin slicks were the Fords, and on hand-cut slicks, 17 inch, was Sal-on en's Mitsubishi. All got through without tire trouble! Meanwhile Biasi on, suffering differential problems stopped as did Chatriot with 15 inch Dunlop slicks. "It is easier to go uphill with slicks on sheet ice, than to try to climb this snowy surface. Hav-ing even the slightest cuts on your tires was all that you needed." So things had completely changed. Sain: had climbed from fourth to first in two stages. With the dry stages to come tomorrow one suspected that they felt cautiously t ' Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya led the second Etape in the Toyota Celica Turbo 4WD, but eventually finished second by two minutes after leading again on the final night. DustyTimes

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~.~~ ~~~~ ~'~..; .. --.. ,;_ ____ ___ Francois Delecour and Daniel Grataloup had some good runs in the Ford Sierra Cosworth 4x4, but eventually finished second by two minutes after leading again on the final night. Sliding in typical Finnish fashion around a sharp turn, Timo Salonen and Seppa Harjanne did a good job finishing sixth in the Mitsubishi Ga/ant VR-4. Francois Chatroit and Michel Perin had a few spinouts along the way but did finish the Nissan Pulsar G TI-R seventh overall and in Group A scoring a few points. optimistic. For a while it seemed Auriol had started the final stage with clutch troubles, but co-driver Occelli said this was not the reason they got stuck. In Group N last year's winner Spiliotis came in first, after Depping eased off to be safe on the last stage, and early leader Manfrinato had electrical trouble. The veteran driver "Tchine" was lying eighth in Group on his 22nd Monte Carlo, his 57th World Championship Rally. Etape 3 was the second part of Parcours Commune. It was a sur-prise for Sainz to find himself leading, though because this day does not technically count as a new etape (a Monte Carlo curios-ity), he still had to run fifth car on the road. It was another fine, sunny day, with some damp and icy patches where the sun had not cleared the roads. Auriol set off flat out; Schwarz was attacking Kankkunen but spun on the first stage when the brakes did not feel right. By the middle of the day he had reduced the Finn's advantage from 22 to eight seconds after the Lancia had taken the wrong tires on stage 15. Delecour was less motivated as his brake pedal had the habit of going straight to the floor, and his Ford teammate Bia-sion was in despair, because for all three stages in the morning he had power steering failure. 'The stages were all old favorites today. Nissan were pursuing their usual quest for better underhood cooling. Lancia offered Auriol 17 inch wheels for the first time; he said these felt better on fast sec-tions. On the first afternoon stage Delecour had a turbocharger fail, and teammate Biasion had the same! On stage 16 Schwar: got ahead of Kankkunen into third place, while Depping, second in Group N, retired. On the final stage Sch war: retired, crashing headlong into the wall at a hair-pin. Biasion fell to eighth with steering trouble on top of turbo ... -Carlos Sainz, left, won this rally in 1991 and Didier Auriol won it in 1990, and again this year. Here they discuss the rally at the Digne regrouping. Dusty Times The Monte Carlo resident entry in Group N of Christophe and lsobelle Spiliotis won Group N again in the Ford Sierra Cosworth 4x4, and they were . tenth overall as well. · On his first time out in the Ford .Mik i Biasion went wide on the first stage surprising rally fans, and the only damage. luckily was one spectator with a broken leg, maybe the guy fallen down behind the car . failure. But the young Nissan star was unstoppable, now lying sev-enth. On the last two stages, Sal-onen had power steering prob-lems in the remaining Mitsubishi. The afternoon focus had been Auriol's charge b~ck to the lead. Overnight he had been 49 seconds behind Sainz, tonight he was just three seconds. Carlos arrived at Monte Carlo in despair. "It is impossible to go any quicker. In conditions where we get so many changes of surface we can't go any faster." It was now three seconds in Sainz's favor. Two years ago Auriol had led Sainz at this same point by four seconds, and on that occasion the Frenchman won. Before the final night Lancia claimed only minor problems. Ford were very depressed. Biasion said "We have 20 problem areas with this car. Compared with the Lancia and Toyota, the Ford comes from the Third World." Toyota were disappointed that they lost two of their three cars through accidents. Ford's long respected Team Manager Peter Ashcroft went into retirement here and flew home after intro-ducing his successor Dobinson. He knew his dream of winning the Monte Carlo Rally would take a miracle, as they had yet to lead in 1992. On Etape 4, Parcours Finale, there was one false hope. Sainz increased his lead over Auriol an extra second on the opening stage of the final night, but on the second stage Auriol went ahead and stayed that way. Tommi Makinen dropped back after a spin and let teammate Chatriot pull in front of him. Biasion had another steering failure and the only excitement of the evening was the decision by drivers not to risk a second run over the T urini stage. Knowing the snowball fights and the litter from the drunken spectarors did nothing Lancia's new age {it was in fact to enhance the safety of the sport, Martini's 48th World Champ-and having already been forced to ionship Rally win, the 44th in the rally at top speed along sheer history of the Delta), a good omen drops on a new stage tackled for the new season. For Toyota it twice, they called a halt to any was a worrying situation. "We further unjustified danger. Chris-thought we were going much bet-tophe and Isobelle Spiliotis won ter than before", Sain;: mused, Group N again in a Ford, placing "but unhappily the Lancias were tenth overall. faster. We've got a lot of work It was a fantastic beginning to still to do!" Results - 1992 Rallye Monte Carlo Didier Auriol/Bernard Occelli F Lancia HF lntgegrale GN Carlos Sainz/1..uis Moya E Toyota Calica Turbo A Juha KankkunervJuha Piironen SF Lancia HF lntegrale A Francois Delecour/Daniel Grataloup F Ford Sierra Cosworth A Philippe Bugalski/Oenis Giraudet F Lancia HF lntegrale A Timo SalonenNoitto Silander SF Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 A Francois Chatriot!Michel Perin F Nissan Pulsar GTI-R A Miki BiasiorvTiziano Siviero I Ford Sierra Cosworth A Tommi MakinervSeppo Harjanne SF Nissan Pulsar GTI-R A Christophe & Isabelle Spiliotis MC Ford Sierra Cosworth N" Isolde Holderied/Dagmar Lohmann D Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 N# • Group winners - #Ladies Cup winner (19th 0/A) Winner's average stage speed-87.77 kph 141 start - 76 finish 6:54:20 6:56:25 6:57:17 6:59:02 7:04:32 7:05:21 7:10:47 7:11:18 7:12:58 7:42:41 8:17:05 Off Road's Winningest Radios OVER 1 z__809ON THE RACE COURSE! Comlink V • I '-~ !Ll; .., . ....-<.; The Ultimate Racing Intercom ROADMASTER • Helmets wired $125. (CF) • NEW! RF Pre Amp $95 30% to 50% more range! 2888 Gundry Avenue Signal Hill, CA 90806 We're next door via U.P.S.! April 1992 "A LEGEND" Only$539 Page 37 I, ...

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The Stadium Season Gets Off To A Rip ·Roaring Start ·At Anaheim · P/10t01: Trncksidi: Pltoto liK. Rod Millen used all his various racing experiences to win everything possible in the truck class, qualifying fastest in the Toyota and winning both heat races, and he won the main event driving in on two flat tires! Mickey Thompson's Off-Road Championship Grand Prix stadium series got underway January 18 at Anaheim Stadium under a full moon that brought with it a night full of mishap and excitement for the 60,105 fans in attendance. In the past, fans have referred to this event as a "Destruct-to-Der by" and if the season continues like the Anaheim event it may well be a fitting name, especially in the Sport Truck division where roll-over after roll-over plagued both the heat races and main event. It appeared that after a couple of months lay off the drivers forgot how to drive ( other than drive over each other). The new year brought about several changes in the line up. Most notable of the changes occurred in the Grand National Sport Truck division. Defending champion Walker Evans will be defending the title with a new teammate. In a surprise an-nouncement just before the Anaheim event Dodge announced that Glenn Harris, who shared in the Manufacturer's Cup victory last year, had been replaced. Brian Stewart, the son of Grand National driver Ivan Stewart (Toyota) is now driving the other Dodge Dakota. Brian Stewart has teamed previously with Evans in desert events. He cut his stadium teeth last year while driving a Toyota in the UltraStock class where he won the season finale at Oakland. Dodge's new addition sets up some story book rivalries as Toyota will be trying to get back the title they held for eight years. With Dodge versus Toyota, an American and Japanese battle is in the making. Also a family feud is in order as a father and son battle will erupt between Brian and Ivan Stewart. Dodge also debuted a new V6 engine this year. Former Supercross champion, Rick Johnson, was to make his debut at Anaheim in a Chevrolet backed truck. However, the Nelson Racing prepared Chevro-let wasn't finished in time for the event. And Jerry Whelchel had entered an independent Chevrolet but didn't make the first heat with it. Also returning for '92 was Danny Thompson. in another Chevrolet, but Thompson and Johnson are from different teams. Thompson ma·nages his own team while Johnson will be driving for Keith and Jon Nelson out of Hemet, CA. Ford added another truck to the super truck war with veteran Greg George teaming with Rob MacCachren in Venable Racing prepared Ford Rangers. Greg George raced last year in Danny Thompson's other Chevrolet and also won the Superlitetitle. And he also is campaigning his Nature's Recipe Superlite this year. George is the all-time leader in main event wins, with 18 spread among three classes. Several changes occurred in the other classes this year as well. Last year's UltraStock champ Larry Noel is driving a Mike Lesle Jeep Cherokee. And the number two plate holder Tommy Croft is also driving for Jeep. Jimmy Smith parked his Jeep this year and debuted a new Ford Explorer. A new track was designed for this opening round. However, it lacked in some areas. The starting line was positioned around turn one, actually near turn two. And the finish line was back up the track(?). The first turn was a left hand sweeper that offered a smooth outside line and ro_ugh inside line. It was here that the starting line was positioned. The problem was the cars were started just as they entered the turn, which was a Young Jimmie Johnson is a fast rising star in Super Lites, and he took his first main event victory at Anaheim in the Briggsbuilt, and he had driven it to a close third in the first heat also. rough section. Then, over a double jump section, a sharp switch back brought the action back down the field. And this corner proved to be a real bottle neck for all the classes. If they made the 180 degree turn, a short section had a small jump to confuse things before a large jump. As the vehicle landed a rough section filled the right hand turn. Then another right took the pack over a barrier high jump. Things got confusing at the end of this short section. A two option lane gave the drivers a decision, and most chose the inside line. Both options had a sharp left hand turn that brought the action down to low gear. And this corner saw its share of traffic problems during the race as well. From here a left hand sweeper brought the action around to the large jump designated the finish line. The Grand National Sport Trucks started the season off with Brian Stewart on the pole alongside Danny Thompson. Roger Mears and Ivan Stewart shared row two. Rod Millen was · the fast qualifier for the event and he shared the third row with second fastest Rob MacCachren. Shortly after the·green flag came out a traffic jam in.the switch back had Roger Mears Jr. sitting on the barrier and· facing oncoming traffic, causing a restart. On the restart Thompson was pushed over in the switch back and ended up on Brian Stewart's Dodge, so another restart occurred. A very beat up Danny Thompson was set back on the pole. The Rough Driving Com-mittee ruled that Brian Stewart caused the incident so he was sent to the back of the pack. On the next restart Thompson braked hard entering the turn. Roger Mears Jr. ran up and over Thompson, and got sideways, but the race was able to keep going with Thompson in the lead. At the beginning of lap two Roger Mears grabbed the lead on the left hand sweeper. Ivan Stewart had slipped through the mayhem to challenge Thompson for second. On lap three Rob MacCachren rolled his Ford then Danny · Thompson also rolled in the same corner, causing yet another restart. On the restart it was Roger · Mears in the lead with Ivan Stewart second, then the other Toyota of Rod Millen. Danny Thompson had his Chevrolet in front of the Dodge driven by Walker Evans. During the early lap shuffle, Rod Millen was able to slip inside for the lead while Roger Mears and Ivan Stewart fought for second, and Walker Evans had moved up to challenge for third, but then Willie Valdez rolled causing another restart. On the restart Millen held a clean lead while the battle raged for second between Roger Mears and Ivan Stewart. Then Walker Evans moved into the battle and muscled his way around Stewart. But Stewart came back to regain his spot, and Evans grabbed third again, all within a quarter of one lap. While they battled, Thomp-son came up and was able to flex his muscles too. As the white flag came out it was Rod Millen in the lead and a three way battle for second. Roger Mears had second for most of the lap until Ivan Stewart was able to out power the Nissan in the straight just before the two option lane. This left Mears in third and Walker Evans had to settle for fourth. Danny Thompson held onto fifth. Next up was the first UltraStock heat. A total of six cars were all that lined up. Jimmy Smith brought his new Explorer out to the front with John Gersjes sharing the front row. Brian Collins and Jack Millerd made up the second row. Row three was Paul Nissley and Tommy Croft. While leading into the second lap Smith flipped the Explorer over but landed on his wheels and took up the battle in fourth. John Gersjes was able to grab the lead and was closely followed by Collins, Millerd and then Smith. Tommy Croft started his season right with a main event victory in UltraStock action, and he flew the Jeep Cherokee to a fine third in the first heat race as well. Mitch Mustard also got a good start on the season points chase, sailing his Chenowth to victory in the first heat for Super 1600s and he came b.ack to take the win in the confusing main event. Once out front the race belonged to Gerjes. He kept the power on the Nissan and was able to win his first career stadium victory. Brian Collins kept his Porsche together for second place. Jack Millerd was running in Page 38 Ap,111991 Dusty Times

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- -·----- - - - -- -----------:------= - ---- -Roger Mears Jr. had a better night than his dad, as he finished second in the truck main event and drove the Nissan to third in the first heat as well. _,,,;~~-ii.-1 1 Larry Noel has parked his '91 championship winning VW in favor of racing a Jeep Cherokee UltraStock, here trying a flyby on Jeff Arron Hawley has all but given up desert racing in favor of the Elrod and Joe Anchondo. Noel was second in his heat ,and the stadiums, and he drove his Chenowth to second in the main and main event. the third in his heat race. -----------------------Marty Hart runs in th_e Super Lites in a Triple E then hops into his Chenowth for 1600 action where he took second in heat 2 and a keen fourth in the main. Allen Yaros drove his Briggsbuilt in fine style at Anaheim, and he came in second in the pack in the second heat race for the tiny Super Lite cars. Brian Collins had the handle on · the Anaheim course, drove smoothly all the way placing the Porsche second in the first UltraStock heat, third in the main. third when he rolled on the last lap, at the same turn that Smith had rolled in earlier, and did the same thing, rolled, landed on all four and kept going. But he lost third to Tommy Croft and had to settle for fourth. Jimmy Smith brought the Explorer in fifth. The second UltraStock heat had yet another six contestants. Christopher Neil sat on the pole and shared the unobstructed view with Tim Lewis. Jeff Elrod and Larry Noel made up the second row. Joe Anchondo and Don Kalt rounded out the field. On the start Neil was able to get a good lead while everyone fell back battling for second. The other five drivers seemed to be at the same place a.t the same time, and were all over one another.Jeff Elrod appeared to have the second spot with this year's Champ Larry Noel very close by, but in a heated debate with Don Kalt. But after the first couple of laps the pack spread out and the action died down. Marty Coyne is always close to the front in Super 1600 competition, and at Anaheim he won the second heat, but got tangled in the main event restarts. Things perked up on the last lap as Elrod tried to pass Kalt and the two stalled. Tim Lewis, with no rear tire, was able to motor around the two for third place. Christopher Neil became another first time heat winner. Larry Noel had to settle for second. Don Kalt . was able to follow Lewis in tor fourth and Elrod had to settle for fifth. Sixteen 4-Wheel ATVs lined up in heat one. CraigTeeljumped out as the early leader and was able to hold the position for two laps. But then Greg Stuart took over and rode his Honda in for the win. On the following lap Teel saw Charles Shepherd and Donavon Holland go by. But Shepherd suffered mechanical Chris Neil, Nissan, is hotly pursued by Brian Collins' Porsche here, and Chris won the first UltraStock heat, but the usual traffic woes dropped him to fifth in the main event. DustyTimcs ·woes and dropped out. Holland was able to keep the second place spot and third was Craig Teel and Charles Shepherd was able to get the JP going again for fourth. Brian Leath was fifth. There were 15 riders out for the second 4 Wheel ATV event. Derek Hamilton didn't get to see much of the other 14 as he took off from the green flag and was never challenged. Mark Ehrhardt, current champion, held on to his JP for second. Third went to Gary Denton and Mike Olmsted was fourth while Roger Helsley was fifth. Stadium racing is getting to be a real family affair. The first SuperLite heat debuted Clint Mears, son of former off road champ and four time Indy 500 winner Rick Mears, and 15 year old Casey Mears, son of Roger Mears. When they lined up Marty Hart had the pole with Jimmie Johnson, last year's Rookie of the Year, and fastest qualifier for this event. When the race got underway Johnson got caught in traffic and Hart was able to grab the lead. However, Hart had veteran Terry Peterson in hot pursuit. Third was Don Archibald and Douglas Goodenough. A close ha ttle April 199i John Gersjes deserted open wheelers for the UltraStock Nissan this season, and he started out with a dandy win in the first heat, but came to grief in the main event. between first and second· contin-_ued throughout the race until the next .co last lap and Peterson was able to find his opening. Once Peterson got around he was able to put about five car lengths ·between himself and Hart. Third was taken by Jimmie Johnson and Don Archibald was fourth. Clint Mears came in fifth. Cousin Casey had flipped, but finished in eighth. Another set of nine cars lined up for the second SuperLite heat. Rennie Awana shared the front row with Mercedes Gonzales. Joe Price and last year's champ Greg -------~~ --. ~ _-__ ---· ._. !. =-= ~ -Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road driving school can help you be your best! But be ready. .. the road isn't smooth! George made up the second row. Allen Yarros and Rick Marshall were the third row. On the start Awana jumped out early with Greg George in hot pursuit. Chuck Parker managed third followed by Marshall. Awana shrugged off some speed in a turn and Greg George was able to close in. But as George made his move, he lost his right rear wheel and had to watch the remainder of the race from turn four . With Awana out front, few position changes occurred until Allen fr · Call For Courses and Dates Great Basin consulting 2738 Chavez Dr. Reno, NV 89502 (702) 825-8830 Page 39 J

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Jimmy Nichols was sporting a new paint scheme at the season opener, but kept his major sponsors signs intack, and Jimmy drove the Chenowth to third in the 1600 main event. The UltraStock trucks get to mixing it up. Jack Millerd, Jeep, left, survived to take fourth in his heat and the main, Jimmy Smith's Ford tended to tip over, so he didn't have a very good night. Tim Lewis usually does well in his UltraStock Porsche, but lost a tire midway in the second heat, and still flew the jumps to third place in the race. Terry Peterson started the season right by winning the first Super Lite heat in his Briggsbuilt, but he fell back with woes in the main event. Arizona racer Dwight Lundell has a new, to him, Chenowth and the former desert racer did just fine in the stadium, placing fifth in the main event. Bob Gordon, #11 on the right, was third in heat 1, 6th in the main, and here leaps his Chenowth past a similar looking one driven by Marty Coyne. Rennie Awana flies off a jump in his well tuned Briggsbuilt, and the former points champion started his year with victory in the second heat race and a fine third in the feature race. gr Yarros was able to grab the second spot on the last lap, This put Chuck Parker third and Rick Marshall was fourth. John Sarna managed fifth. A celebrity race took place with six Chenowth Mini Mags furn-ished by Mike Thomas of Chenowth. Thomas apparently had some minor fixing to do after the race as three of the cars were rolled by the second turn. But it gave the crowd something to compare what they might do, with no experience, as opposed to the racers performing. Mitch Mustard was the fastest qualifier of the Super 1600s and shared the front row with the current number one plate holder Frank Arciero Jr. Bob Gordon and Jimmy Nichols made up row two and Gary Gall and Don Kolt were row three of the first Super 1600 heat race. Once action began Mustard took over and was helped out as Troy Herbst, Zack McKinley and Jimmy May got hung in the first switch back. Arciero was able to grab second with Nichols and Gall trailing. Mitch Mustard only had three car lengths between himself and defending champ, Frank Arciero. Then it was about the same Page 40 distance was between Arciero and Bob Gordon. Only seven cars were running by the half way point. And as the race continued the distance between all the racers grew. Mitch Mustard started the new year off right by winning the first heat. Frank Arciero let Mustard know that '92 would be another competitive year. Third went to Bob Gordon and Gary Gall was fourth ahead of Bill Goshen. The first three drivers all race on BFGoodrich tires. Goodrich won the class Manu-facturers Cup last year. Another set of 11 cars lined up for the second Super 1600 heat. Jerry Whelchel had qualified second fastest and sat on the pole. Alongside Whelchel was Marty Coyne ( fourth fastest). The second row had Aaron Hawley and Marty Hart. Kevin Smith and Dwight Lundell made up the third row. When the racing got underway Whelchel was quick to grab the lead from his pole position. Second was Coyne with Hawley third. Kevin Smith grabbed the fourth spot and fifth was Hart. Early on Coyne closed in on Whelchel. When Whelchel came off one of the big jumps his rear The reigning Super 1600 champion Frank Arciero, Jr. flew his Chenowth to second in the first heat, and was leading the main event when there was a restart, and a scoring error placed him well back in the pack. suspension gave way and blew both rear tires. Marty Hart and Kevin Smith battled for second with Hart controlling the argument. Then the pressure moved hack between Smith and Hawley. Hawley moved into the third spot when Smith blew his left rear thre. When the checkered came out it was Marty Hart taking the win and Marty Coyne trailing. Third was Aaron Hawley and fourth went to Cory Witherill. Troy Herbst was fifth. The second Grand National heat started out like most heat races, but once the race was over the action really began; and may have set the stardard for the season. It appears that '92 may be the year of "anything goes" . The front row starting position is very important in stadium racing. But due to Jerry Whelchel, Roger Mears.Jr. and Greg George not making the line up the front row inside spot was vacant. So Brian Stewart sat alone on the front row. And his teammate Walker Evans, inside row two, had a clear shot at the inside corner. Danny Thompson sat outside of Evans. The third row consisted of Rod Millen and the April 1992 Ford of Rob MacCachren. Once racing got underway Brian Stewart appeared to grab the lead but teammate Evans slipped around the outside of turn four to take over. Meanwhile the crowd pushed Brian Stewart out of second when they entered the two lane option. Ivan Stewart managed to grab the second spot while MacCachren settled into third and Roger Mears was a close fourth. Ivan Stewart was able to bring the Toyota within striking distance early on but Evans had the fast line well covered. Rob MacCachren was a close third after a couple of laps and Rod Millen had moved into fourth. Stewart was able to pull into striking distance and excite the crowd on a couple of corners, about midway in the event. But MacCachren entered the picture briefly and began pressuring Stewart. But then MacCachren lost a steering component and DNF'd. This put the Toyota of Rod Millen in third. With just two laps to go the Evans-Stewart, Dodge-Toyota, battle raged. The two were full throttle with Stewart closing in but finding no way around. But they had run this way nearly the whole race and Evans had him covered. Then on the last lap, at the next to last corner, which was a tight left hander, Stewart nosed in on the corner of Evans' Dodge and spun him around. So before Evans could back up and close the door, Rod Millen drove the other Toyota around from third place to grab the win. Call it team tactics or just over zealous driving, the RDC have a standing rule that catching someone's corner, and spinning them out, is punishable by losing a position. It may also be time to add to the ruling that a teammate cannot benefit from such an action. Otherwise the sport may get ranked up there with Roller Derby. After the event is when things got out of hand. Evans felt he had the race won, and was soaring with emotion after the race. So, as the trucks were exiting the stadium he rammed the corner of Ivan Stewart's Toyota. Only a superficial wound, maybe a rear panel was damaged, but the RDC decided to fine Evans $500 and set him back two positions for unsportsmanlike conduct. It didn't stop there either. It appears that Evans' chief mechanic verbally let Ivan know what he thought about the incident (sort of got in his face); so he was fined $250 and his track access pass evoked for the evening. When all the rulings were assessed Rod Millen was still the winner. Brian Stewart was second and Ivan Stewart was third. \Valker Evans was put down to fourth and Danny Thompson was fifth. In the UltraCross Pro 250 motorcycle first heat race Mike Craig battled with Ray McIntosh for the first lap but, once out front Craig pulled a comfortable lead and ran away with the event. Once the door was open McIntosh allowed Jim Holley, Andy Grider and Lowell Thompson to get by. Things remained unchanged until the final lap when Thompson DustyTimcs

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Gary Gall has a distinctive paint job on his Chenowth an·d he drove it to fourth in the first heat, but got caught in the main event restart action. Willie Valdez is one of a few privateers racing stadium trucks, and he put his Ford Ranger, albeit a bit battered, home sixth in the main event. Jerry Whelchel got off to a good start in his Chenowth, here dicing with Dwight Lundell, but mechanical troubles put him out of main event action. The driving in the truck heats certainly lacked finesse, as here Ivan Stewart ran a steady pace, backstopped his winning team-mate all the way and his Toyota was second then third in the heats and fifth in the main. Walker Evans, #1, tries a flyby on his teammate Brian Stewart. Mayhem and restarts were part of every GN truck race. Here The two Dodges survived to finish third, Evans, and fourth, Brian Stewart tries to slide over Danny Thompson after one of Stewart in the main event. the countless rollovers in this class. took over second and Jim Holley moved into third. Shawn Wynne and Pat Gomm rounded out the top five. In the second heat race a three bike pileup in turn one left John Roberg, Dan Fresh and Scott Myers out of the race. Larry Brooks grabbed the lead with Brian Walters in second. Scott Myers was third. On the fourth lap Myers was able to take second but later while he and Walters argued .over the position Kyle Lewis slipped by. Gene Naumec also made his way around the two, leaving Myers in fourth and Walters finished fifth. Some of the best racing action of the evening occurred during the Pee Wee 50cc motorcycle action. The two lap event came down to the finish line however, the crowd didn't care who won, they just enjoyed the action. There were two girls listed in the 13 entrants, Jillian Bennett and Lindsey Tilton. All the contest-ants ranged from four to seven years old. Ryan Millen (Rod Millen's son) also competed with Nate Rapier, Cale Wallace, Joey Christy, Davey Freeman, Ricky Oliver, Tyson Talkington, Bryan Mathews, Christopher Worley, Bobby Langin Jr and James Baker. The main events got underway with the UltraStocks. John Gersjes, heat one winner, sat on the pole with heat two winner, Christopher Neil, alongside. Brian Collins and Larry Noel made up the second row. Tommy Croft sat inside of three and Tim Lewis was on his right. They got off to a clean start. Gersjes grabbed the early lead with N,eil second and Croft a close third. On the second lap Noel spun and dropped from fourth to eighth. With only two laps to go the action intensified. Neil, Lewis and Jack Millerd got hung up and Larry Noel snuck inside for third. Croft closed in on Gersjes and was able to pull alongside. Gersjes got held up by Joe Anchondo, then it was a side by side battle for the white flag. When Gersjes Dusty Times came off the big jump he lost his Mustard trailed in fourth. Dwight the second turn and Brian Stewart rolled and they were sent back right front wheel and it was clear Lundell grabbed fifth. shot up on top of the Chevrolet, around for another restart. Evans sailingforCrofttothefinishline. On the third lap Arciero causing the first of several wassenttotherearofthepack. You might remember that Croft challenged Hart but appeared to restarts. On the restart everyone On yet another restart Rob was edged out of the champion-miss a gear and Hart was able to was able to get back into their MacCachren showed his muscle ship by Larry Noel at the final gain about five car lengths. Back original lineup. A clean start put to Ivan ·stewart and when the event last year. Larry Noel took in the pack action was intense, as Rod Millen out front with battlewasoverStewartwasonhi 1 second place and third went to cars were running over the top of teammate Ivan Stewart in second, side. But he was righted and able Brian Collins. Fourth was Jack each other. All the vehicles were then Mears Jr. Evans, MacCach-to get back into the action, in last Millerd and Christopher Neil was still running so even the last place ren, Roger Mears and Thompson. place: On the next to last lap, able to hold onto fifth. battle was good entertainment for . Thompson and Greg George MacCachren was diverted by The 4 Wheel ATV main event the race fans. tangled in lap two and spun traffic to the outside option and had a full field of 18 riders. As the leaders began lapping Thompson around. rolled. This gave Roger Mears Jr. Action got off to a good start as a slower traffic Hart tangled with a Rod Millen was in the lead and second. MacCachren was righted battle for first brewed between lapper and Arciero moved in for Ivan Stewart was second but had and restarted in the same order, a Gary Denton and Mark Ehrhardt. the kill. But Hart was able to Roger Mears all over his tail. So lap down, behind Millen who was Once they got their momentum shake the situation and held onto Stewart took the outside option leading. But on the last lap going the two pulled away from the lead. After a car had been in hopes of putting some MacCachren caught his right the pack. Ehrhardt closed in after sitting for two laps on its side a breathing room between himself front tire and spun out. the two option lane on each lap yellow came out to clear it from and the hard changing Mears. But During the last lap it was noted but Denton held his line until the corner. So a restart was in before Stewart's attempt made a that Rod Millen was driving on three laps to go. Ehrhardt decided order. difference out came the yellow as two rear flats. Millen didn't let the his plan wasn't working and The restart changed the line up. Greg George got upside down. flats bother him, he just feathered changed strategy, and pulled up to After the traffic cleared Marty Rod Millen's right rear tire was the gas around the corners in challenge at the switch back, but Hart had lost the lead to Aaron· flat for the single file restart. Ivan hopes of keeping the tires on the again Denton refused to give up Hawley and Mitch Mustard had Stewart was second and Walker rim,andgasseditonthestraights. his position until the last lap, and moved up to challenge Hawley. Evans was positioned third in The strategy worked and he came then Ehrhardt was able to gain the Then on the lastlap Mustard took front of Roger Mears. Danny across with a clean sweep for the •inside line leading into the last over the event and Hawley had to Thompson rolled on the restart, night; both heats and the main turn and took the win. Charles settle for second. Jimmy Nichols at the right hand switch back, event and the fast qualifying time. Shepherd had worked his way shook the traffic jam and drove ca using yet another restart. Second was Roger Mears Jr. through the pack to finish third home third. Fourth was early DuringthestartWalkerEvansgot. WalkerEvansbroughthisDodge· and Donavon Holland was fourth leader Marty Hart and Dwight caught behind Ivan Stewart who across for third and fourth was ahead of Erik Cobb. Lundell came home fifth. appeared to be in a nose dive. the other Dodge of Brian Stewart. The Super Lite main event had The Ultra Cross main event saw When Evans' Dodge tagged the Ivan Stewart brought his battered Chuck Parker sitting on the pole Brian Roth the early leader. Roth Toyota's rear bumper Stewart Toyota home for fifth. with Jimmie Johnson. But once held on for three laps. When he the racing action got underway it dropped from the action Kyle was Jimmie Johnson dominating Lewis took over and Gene the event. Johnson put his Naumac slipped into second. Briggsbuilt out front and was able Mike Craig was third. But Craig to keep second place Terry was able to study Naumac's line Peterson a comfortable distance and moved around on the away. Rennie Awanna managed following lap. Kyle Lewis won the third and fourth was Rick main event. But as they often say Marshall. Allen Yaros was fifth. in racing "if" there had been The Super 1600 main event another lap Mike Craig may have line up had Marty Hart on the won. Gene Naumac took third front inside row. Alongside was and fourth was Larry Brooks and Frank Arciero Jr. Marty Coyne Lowell Thomson was fifth. and Mitch Mustard shared the The Grand National main event second row of the 18 car field. had all 11 trucks lined up. Both Frank Arciero took his Arciero the T oyotas sat on the front row. Winery Chenowth wide on turn Danny Thompson was inside of twoinanattemptonthelead,but row two with Walker Evans had to settle for the second spot. outside. Brian Stewart was inside Hart had the lead and quickly shut of three and Rob MacCachren the door on Arciero. Third place was outside. Danny Thompson was Aaron Hawley and Mitch got his Chevrolet up on its side in April 1992 ~~~RACERX 1-900-535-9292 Ext. 889 * Latest off-road racing results * Trivia * Products $2.00 Per Minute • 24 Hours A Day Updated Weekly Page 41

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Pat Dean and John Gaughan Are Tops At The SNORE Bottom Dollar By ]t!an Calvin Photos: Don Dayton If off road cars had doors Mike Spina would have blown everyone's off as he turned class fast lap, stopped for one quick weld job, and not only won Class 1-2-1600 by half an hour he also won the race overs/I. Exactly two months after their final 1991 race, SNORE racers had survived the holiday season and came out in force for the a~nual Bottom Dollar 200, this year sponsored by Mahoney's Silver Nugget Casino in North Las Vegas. The Silver Nugget was new to race support but the casino folks jumped in with enthusiasm, despite a steady dride on Friday all through the contingency and tech inspection held in their park-ing lot. In fact they set up a ham-burger and hot dog stand just out-side their door, under a tent right at the tech station and did a good business through the five hours of the inspection. Unfortunately, the heavy rains that plagued southern California in early Feb-ruary, discouraged many usual out of state racers from making the nearly .300 mile trek to Las Vegas as the CHP was closing mountain passes almost hourly, even on the Interstates. • A pancake breakfast at the start/ finish line before the morn-ing drivers meeting is a tradition of the Bottom Dollar race, and this year there were new chefs but the same generous helpings of pancakes, coffee and fruit juice were complimentary to all workers, racers and. their crews. The food service began at 7 a.m . giving all plenty of time to enjoy before the race. The race start was just off the highway north of Nel-lis Air Force Base, on the same road that had served as the main pits last year for the Nissan 400. The nearly 30 mile course wound northerly through rugged desert, then headed south staying clear of the dreaded Pabco Road, to the first check at mile 12. Then it made a pair of horse shoe shaped trails north of the pipeline road, the second through the famed Nellis Dunes, then into a fast run into the hay bale chicanes just before the finish line. Only three were on hand in Unlimited class, all from Butch Dean's Valley Performance shop. Brian Collins, this year in a single seat Chenowth, started first fol-lowed by Troy Herbst in the new single seat Chenowth, then Pat Dean and John Gaughan in a two seat Chenowth. The boys, all second generation off road racers by the way, were given strict orders not to pass each other on the first lap, and they didn't. While they started half a minute apart, they finished the lap nose to tail using the bumper of the one in front as a partial brake, all in good fun. On time Dean led Herbst by 24 seconds and Collins trailed by another 28 seconds. Course con-ditions were ideal, not muddy, and with not a speck of dust because of the earlier rain, and visibility even back in the pack was unlimited. On the second lap Herbst lost a cv on the new car, which began a painful string of similar problems and he never did get in another lap, spending more time on the access road back to the pits than on the race course. Meanwhile Dean and Collins finished lap 2 of seven with Dean now a minute ahead. Then on lap 3 Collins had shock trouble and pitted for repairs and Herbst was back in the pit again, this time with the whole front end deranged. But Collins was back in the fight, picking up a minute and a half on Dean on the fourth lap, as Dean pitted while he and John Gaughan changed seats and refueled the car. Gaughan who drove a 1-1600 last season, really got with the program with a big Porsche engine in the tail, and he boomed right along making good times. Despite more pit stops Collins gave it his all, loving the single seater after years of driving a two seat car, turned fast lap of the race at 34:39 on the The Unlimited class action was all a Valley Performance show as three cars from the stable ran nose to tail for a while. After seven laps Pat Dean and John Baughan won the Class 1 /2 war by 2½ minutes and were second 0 /A. final round, but he couldn't make up the 15 minutes lost with the broken shock. So John Gaughan got his first checkered flag in an unlimited car, with Pat Dean riding the last laps. Brian Collins was 2½ minutes back in second. The trio spent their impound time swapping war stories, and bemoaning the fact that the Unlimiteds got beaten for overall honors, finishing second and third overall. Five started in Class 10 but attrition was high as usual in this class. A favorite Mark Whitting-ton did a nasty rollover on the first lap, the car bouncing back on its tail, and he radioed for medical help, thinking he had a back injury. Off he went to the hospital to be checked and happily he was released with nothing but a few bruises, before the day was over. Scott Chambers and his team started with a good 44:25 first lap and were never seen again. Going fast was the two seat Chenowth driven by Rob MacCachren, giv-ing another driving lesson to car owner and driver 16 year old Brendan Gaughan. Rob did a 40:27 first lap, but Darren Wil-son· did a 38:53, while Rocky Magee was back at 44:31, had two more laps in the 40s range and retired with unknown woes. MacCachren picked up a minute on lap 2, but still trailed Wilson by a half a minute, so Rob took off picking up another minute on lap 3 . On lap 4, MacCachren pit-ted, changing seats with Brendan Gaughan to continue the lesson, while the Darren Wilson/ Keith Underwood car lost 25 minutes with new car woes including igni-tion trouble that came back on the next lap costing 30 minutes. Gaughan pitted again with a loose fuel filter, costing a couple of minutes, but by now his lead was nearly unsurmountable even though he got the car high cen-tered in a wash. The teenager turned two good final laps, as did Wilson/Underwood, but it was the Gaughan and MacCachren team that won Class 10 by 32 minutes and placed fifth overall, and they joined their mates from the Unlimited Class in a good champagne soaking down of all in the impound. WHson/Under-Brendan Gaughan had Rob MacCachren as a co-driver, with Rob starting, then coaching Brendan from the right seat on the second half, and the team won Class 10 by half an hour in the Chenowth. Brian Collins led the close parade in Class 1 /2 for a time, had shock woes, but came back strong in the Chenowth with fast lap and second in Class 1/2. Darren Wilson and Keith Underwood led Class 10 for three laps, had new car glitches and ignition. trouble, but finished strong, second in class. Rocky Magee and Bruce O1/estad got in three good laps in Class 10 before trouble struck, and they just vanished from the charts on the fourth lap. Page 4i J\pril 1991 Dusty Times

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Class 1-2-1600 was close off the start, barely stretched out over seven laps, but Rob and Bob Guevara were second in class and a keen fourth overall. Bekki Freeman and her dad Ken Sr. had a good day despite an early roll, but Bekki did the second half and moved smartly into third in Class 1-2-1600. Regan and Tory Gubler got a great start in Class 1-2-1600 action, had big problems on lap 2, got fixed and did five good laps to take fourth in class. Billy Bryan and Les Carter had good lap times, except for the second round when they had clutch cylinder trouble, so were fifth in Class 1-2-1600. Kevin Streety and Paul and Dorothy Klick led four laps in Class 5-1600, and despite a lot of help they couldn't fix the fifth lap troubles, but still placed second in class. Californians Gene Griepentrog and Kent Lothringer were front runners all the way in their Lothringer, and finished second in Class 9 by mere seconds at the flag. ning quick, probably third at this point, were Bob and Rob Guevara, who passed Ken Free-man Sr., when he showed his pas-senger, Phil Shealy of Skoal, how to roll a car on lap 3, but did little harm to the car. This was a tough course for a 5-1600, but Patrick Carter and Steven Wafler got in the five laps required for the class with quite consistent lap times and took the victory. Late in the race Spina stopped for a quick weld job on the front adjuster, had the loose exhaust knocked off and sailed on to vic-tory. Mike went so fast he not only won Class 1-2-1600, he also won the race overall by over two minutes on Dean/Gaughan and won the SNORE $500 bonus as well. Bob and Rob Guevara ran the most consistent laps of all to take a solid second in Class 1-2-1600 and fourth overall. Their only trouble was a last lap flat tire. Taking over from her dad midway Bekki Freeman suffered with a broken exhaust, but her pit told · her to keep going, so she did a 45 minute final lap to claim third in Class 1-2-1600. Regan and Tory Gubler started out with a 39 min-ute lap, but took over an hour on the second, then came back with the other laps all in the low 40s, and they sailed right into fourth in class. The Billy Bryan/ Les Carter 1600 ran good lap times except for the second lap when they had wood were about 32 minutes back the second and final Class 10 finisher. By the way both Rob and Brendan are also second genera-tion racers, truly illustrating that desert off road racing is really a family sport. Among the ten 1-2-1600 start-ers, a good half of them were potential winners. With a no dust course the front pack ran extremely tight, but it was no sur-prise to see swift Mike Spina first around just behind MacCachren with a.38:25. However, snapping at his heels came Regan Gubler, 39:40, Brent Bell, 40:43, then Herman Salaz, 42:03 and Ken Freeman Sr. at 42:05 and the others were close save Bryan Pen-nington and Douglas Ingram, both having early mechanical troubles. Spina turned class fast lap at 38:05 on lap 2 a~d did a couple more laps in the 38s to have a firm lead after four rounds, running up with the Class 10 cars easily; at least it looked easy. After a fine start the Herman Sala.:/Ron Cloud car had over an hour second lap and retired. Doug Ingram had a long second lap and over two hours on the third, and gave it up. Bryan Pennington had decent lap times, but ended up Dusty Times coming in to the pits on an access road after lap 3 with serious trans trouble. Larry Job, going solo in the Danny Anderson car, turned really good laps, for the first five, but then rolled the car doing ter-minal damage. Brent Bell, back racing after being away for months, was going fast, and run-ning second, we think, after five laps, but he never came around again for some reason. Also run-The herd of Class 9 cars ran tight most of their required five laps, and Steve Eversmeyer and Jim Wischmeyer ran second most of the day, but got the lead and the victory by 53 seconds on the final lap. April 1992 clutch cylinder trouble, and the last lap when both first and second gears went away, so they only got in six official laps within the time allowance. Yes folks, SNORE has finally gotten rid of the Grand Prix finish and gone back to the time allow-ance method of determining when the race is over, far more predict-able. Their Grand Prix finish deprived a lot of drivers of a chance to do a last lap, as all cars were waved off the course after the first car in that class had fin-ished. For example if you were in 1-2-1600 with a Grand Prix finish used last year, Mike Spina might have been the only finisher as second place was 30 minutes back, and third 47 minutes back, probably a full lap. The original idea was to bring the workers in off the course earlier, but with a mini truck and a sedan class in -recent years, and rough courses, the checkpoint worders were on station hours after many 1600 and 9 cars, in particular, had been deprived of starting a last lap. Now it is a simple matter of if you have time to complete another lap, judged on your average lap time, a lot fairer method we think. Only two 5-1600s showed up to tackle r;r THE WRIGHT DROP SPINDLE 3" MORE GROUND CLEARANCE PLACE~. CV JOINTS RACK & PINION STEERING UNITS 1. REGULAR 2. SAND BUGGY 3. MINI 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJ<;)N, CA 92021 TEL: (619) 561-4810 FAX: (619) 561-7960 Page 43

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Mike Dixon started out in the Class 9 lead with a pair of 46 min. laps, slowed a tad, but had to stop while leading on the final lap to fix things and ended up third in class. Bill Holbrook had a good race, starting out with under a minute laps in his Class 9 car, then he slowed some, but came in a good fourth in the big class. Forest Ellis and Ted Carlson showed real press on regardless spirit on the rough course and took home sixth in Class 9, the last official finisher. · Glenn and Lynn Dickton had a good start in Class 9, here doing a common nose dive off a damp and dust free dune section, but they only did three laps. Todd Olcott and Tim Thackston had their troubles and were down over an hour on the first lap, but they got in two more . rounds for second in Class 7. Former SNORE champion Brent Bell got off to a swift start in his new 1600, ran with the leaders for five laps, then vanished into the damp desert. Dr the infamous dunes aml the rocks beyond. Like the Clas.• 9s they had but five laps to com-plete for an official finish within the seven hour time allowance. Kevin Streety and Paul Klick led the first lap by five minutes, picked up a couple more on the next round too. They continued to lead with a pair of 53 minute laps, but trouble struck on their fifth and final lap; they welded and pounded for some time, but couldn't fix the problems, though they had plenty of time going in, so they were second. Taking over the lead on lap 5 and the victory with steady, consistent lap times for five rounds were Patrick Car-ter and Steven Waller. It was their first win in five races with the Bug, and they were happy. They had some carb flooding, and asked if we could thank their sponsors, D.l. Texaco,JimBuntyandothers we didn't recognize. The biggest class, and perhaps the tightest running bunch in general was Class 9, with 13 start-ers, and they all made a lap, but with almost two hours on the clock Eric Shenberger/ Alan and Jason Romans retired after one round, as did Scott Pearce/ Bill Cockrell who had a good time of 53:14. Mike Dixon was in front on lap 1 at 46:39, with Glenn and Lynn Dickton, 47:35, close as were Gene Griepentrog, 48:51 , Steve Eversmeyer, 49: 14 and Ken Freeman Jr., 49:30. On the second round Dixon whipped off a fast lap of 46:04 to hold his lead, Dickton held second, followed closely by Eversmeyer, then just as closely by Griepentrog. Free-man had a 1 ½ hour lap with major ills. Meanwhile John Wells/Ken Kelly vanished and the Charles THE "ACCURATE" TUBING NOTCHER The "Accurate" Tubing Notcher uses industrial hole saws to cut clean accurate notches in tubing for better, stronger welds. The V-block clamping system and oilite bushing are tied together by the steel backplate for perfect alignment every time. Because of its solid construction, chatter is not a problem. If cutting fluid is used, hundreds of notches can be cut by a single hole saw. Cuts tubing 3/4" to 2", O to 45 degrees, steel, chrome moly, or stainless. # D-550 279.95 (hole saws sold separately) Call or write for our FREE CATALOG of fabricating tools RACERS TOOL & SUPPLY . 4290 Bells Ferry Rd. • Suite 10634 • Kennesaw* GA * 30144 (404) 924-4543 24 Hours a bay 7 Days a Week Page 44 Davids had a 2½ hour lap, then another long one and retired. Rodger Bright had two good laps, a long third one and parked, while Gary Brewer and Mitchell Franta had their troubles on the first lap, had two more good laps, then van-ished on the fourth lap as did the Dickton car. But, of the six that got through the fourth lap, all of them got in the fifth round also for an official finish. Mike Dixon led by seconds through four lap s over Steve Eversmeyer and Jim Wischmeyer who had just seconds on Gene Griepentrog and Kent Lothringer. But the run to the checkers turned into a two horse race as Mike Dixon lost a coil wire at Check 2 and broke a ball -joint at Check 4 on the last lap posting a time of 1: 11. Up front it was a very close battle with Kent Lothringer turn-ing the faster lap by a minute 16 seconds but it wasn't quite enough; he and Gene Griepentrog were second in Class 9. Steve Eversmeyer and Jim Wischmeyer· won the Class 9 honors and purse, plus an extra $80 in pot money put together by four class compet-itors. Their winning margin was just 53 seconds, and the only troubles they had were with the rear facing amber light now required, but they finally got it working. Mike Dixon salvaged third about 20 minutes back fol-lowed by Bill Holbrook who had wheel cylinder trouble, another 24 minutes behind. Kenny Free-manJr., who turned class fast lap on the last round of 45:50 got a fifth place trophy. Forest Ellis and Ted Carlson had two good \aps then troubles on the other three but got them all done for sixth in Class 9. The last starting class is 7, for any mini truck, and they come hunting the $1000 non conting-ent bonus from Yokohama posted every race. Long time SNORE racer Stacey Pike and Larry Ballard, with a 1 :01 :54 class fast lap led the first of the four required laps by less than four Aprll 1991 Steve Ogle and Jack Bassett looked like real pros in the fancy Toyota, and they performed like pros winning Class 7 by a lap and taking home, not just the purse but Yokohama's $1000 bonus check. minutes in their Ford Ranger over bunch. All last year, and most of Steve Ogle and Jack Bassett in a 1992 the brunch is hosted by Toyota. Todd Olcott and Tim Michael Gaughan at his Gold Thacksten had a major, major Coast Casino on the south end of problem on course and took over the Strip. Since Mahoney's Silver two and a half hours to get around Nugget Casino near Nellis hosted in their Toyota. However, all was the tech and contingency action not lost as Pike took 2 hours, 55 and also provided a warm dry minutes to cover lap 2. Mean-spot for the registration ladies, while Ogle and company backed they also wanted to host the their 1:05 and 1:04 with a 1:30 brunch before the awards. It was and finished lap 4 in 1 :04:54, the nice there, the food was good, but only four lap finisher, winning the the awards presentations had to class purse and points, and also the happen fast as the folks were $1000 cash trom Yokohama. already standing in line to come They thanked Tommy Bradley into the same room and play and Eddie Webb who helped get bingo, and the SNORE brunch them running on lap 3. made them wait an extra half It was all done before dark, as hour. The Silver Nugget has the clouds were gathering again. A already asked to sponsor the Bot-neat byproduct of using this tomDollarracenextyear,sothey course is the interesting aircraft must have been happy having the that fly over low heading into racers among their usual Friday nearby Nellis AFB. We saw at night crowd. least three MIGS a Stealth and a Next for SNORE is the Twi-couple of other zoomy looking light 200 in the Eldorado Valley, jets that we couldn't really nearRailroadPassonMarch28-identify. 29. The first 15 out of state driv-Another nice thing about ers that send in the $100 entry SNORE races, besides the gener-deposit 21 days prior to race date ous 60 percent payback and will get a free hotel room for two bonus prizes, is the traditional nights at the Gold Coast Hotel, awards brunch, complimentary to where the Awards brunch will be the racers and their crew, and also. lsn 'tthat a neat way to spon-hangers on like the Dusty Times sor a race? Dustynmcs

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John Gaughan, left, and Pat Dean were most happy fellas after winning Class 1 /2 by just a couple of minutes in the two seat Chenowth, even though they missed winning overall by less than two minutes. Bill Dickton and crew tried roadside repair on the Herman Salaz/Ron Cloud 1600 but a broken link pin and a bent shock on lap_ 2 put them on the trailer before finishing the third lap. The narrow canyons often make passing impossible, and here the 1600 train is led by Doug Ingram, with Bryan Pennington not too patiently following. Eventually neither car finished the race. Scott Chambers and Crew built a keen Class 5 car, but were the only entry so they ran for purse in Class 10. With Andrew Sarvise and Jay Langham signed as co-drivers, the car only did one lap. At the finish line Rob MacCachren, left, was the first one out of the Class 10 winning Chenowth, while anchor driver Brendan Gaughan savors the moment making sure that they did actually win. SNORE still maintains the tradition of champagne for the winners, and here they line up for the spray bottle fight. From the right, Brendan Gaughan, Mike Spina flanked by Steve Eversmeyer and Jim Wischmeyer, Pat Dean and John Gaughan make ready. FLORIDA REPORT W odd Champion John Greaves of De Pere, WI extended his reign in his first visit to Florida for the races last February at Lakeland Interstate Speedway. Greaves made a last lap pass to win the Overall Championship in the Bilstein Off Road Nationals. After taking top honors in the Unlimited Class and eighth in the FAT 1600 Class, Greaves overcame a 42 second delayed start in his Taylor Built Unlimited, shooting past Steve Harrell of Lakeland on the last lap of the feature.Jimmie Crowder of Tallahassee chased Greaves to the stripe to take second, and Harrell held on to win the Challenger class. In class action Greaves won the first heat, with Carlton Jackson of Tallahassee secorid. Jackson won the second heat with Greaves second, but Greaves won the feature for the Unlimited title. Current FORDA points leader Ray Short of Melborne was second to Greaves in the first 1600 class heat, and Greaves broke his front suspension in the second heat, so that win went to Sam Pace of Polk City. Carlton Jackson led the final heat with Greaves hot on his bumper, but the Wisconsin champion fell out of the running, so the race went to Ray Short after a fierce battle in this class. Marty Neri of St. Peters-burg finished second in this event, and all heats count toward points for the day. Don Crews of Tampa won the . I Johnny Greaves made the tow from Green Bay, Wisconsin worthwhile as he won the Unlimited Class, did well in 1600 class, and won the final event to take the overall championship at the Bi/stein lcebuster races. DustyTima final two heats in the AutoCraft Motorsports Challenger battle to take his first career class victory. Steve Harrell placed third and second, then fourth to take second in the class payback. Steve Harvard of Auburndale won the first heat, got third in the second heat, but broke in the final round taking third on the day. · Larry Olson of Tampa took two thirds and a fourth in the Novice Baja Bomber three heat series, good for first place on the day. Steve Linder of Clearwater scored two thirds and a sixth to claim second. Tim Caruso of Naples was third and Dusty Times reporter Wayne Simmons from Tampa claimed fourth on the day in this class ofVW sedans. The first ever Good Ole Boys Enduro at Lakeland saw Dean Coolbeth of Lakeland charge into the early lead as the field piled up, and he survived the melee to take the win followed by Larry Dennis of Brooksville, and Gary Hinkle of Tampa. Over sixty cars turned out for the First Annual Bilstein Ice-busters Off Road Nationals, the largest field for an off road race in the southeast in over ten years, the local entry swelled by racing snowbirds from the east and midwest. We will have a full report and pictures from this record breaking Florida event in the next issue. DRS/Desert Race Support February in Barstow, CA is anyone's guess weather wise. It wasn't really decided until the last moment just exactly what kind of weather La Rana was going to have for their second race of the year, the Presidential 250. It turned out to be sunny with pleasant temperatures all week-end. The total number of entries was up in spite of the economy with 107 cars leaving the starting line. DRS had ten cars to pit, with April1991 most of them being in the 1600 class which turned out to have some fantastic racing within the class all day. In fact the winner, JeffT rimble, wasn't clear until the last moment as besides him the DRS cars of Brad Inch, who was in the lead on the last lap until his throttle cable broke by Pit Area D allowing Jeff to get by, with the DRS car of Bob Stockton and Don Chase right on his heels. They were not able to overtake Jeff and settled for a well deserved second place in class and fourth overall. Brad got his throttle cable repaired and was able to finish sixth in class and tenth overall. In their first time out in their new 1600 car, the Hot Lick Racing duo of Ed Pauley and Jon Iandorio motored to a ninth in class and 15th overall, finishing right behind the Class 5 winning duo of Gary and B.J. Bates who made it two in a row. Danny Porter in his Suspensions Unlimited car finished 11th in class, 17th overall; after being among the front runners in class he flipped and lost some time shaking out the cobwebs. In the Class 9 battle DRS had three entries with DamenJefferies finishing for a seventh in class, and he is moving up each race. The other two DRS cars in Class 9 didn't fair as well, with the 969 car of D- J Owens and Ryan Schank taking to the air and the 906 Rebel Rooter car running a check in their excitement of being in the hunt. In Class 10 Paul Laporte did it again. Paul knows he is not the fastest out there in the class, but he is determined to finish every race, and he did it again for a sixth in class. And back up and running with DRS in Class 7 is Frank Muscia who in his first race since Ridgecrest finished second. The 4 by Doctor Mike Duncan and his big Jeep had an off day. Mike had done some rear suspension mods and didn't have time to acquaint himself with the handling, and provided some real excitement just out from the start/ finish line. He was able to get it running, but called it a day after three laps. All in all, a good day of racing with a great group of racers and a super group of people in the DRS pits making things possible. I do have a suggestion to the drivers that are out there running with maybe two guys chasing tor their pit support. Look into joining one of the clubs -who follow La Rana. We are all glad to help out whenever we can, but our priority is the cars that are driven by club members. See ya in Ridgecrest. Coming Next Month ••• HORA Nissan 400 MTEG Stadium Racing in San Diego Florida Ice Buster Nationals WRC Rally of Sweden GRR Golden Nugget at Wickenburg Texas Challenge -Round 1 ... Plus All the Regular Features Page 45

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l! . ·-i{· - . Ah! Familiarity, it's nice to see some things go unchanged for a while. It adds stability to the automotive world. The interior is all of crushed velour, nice to look at, comfortable and, from personal experience, easy to clean. The huge rear window gives excellent visibility and the overall "squarish" look is tidy, fashionable, giving lots of room inside. 1991 GMC JIMMY You Can Call Me "J•·• T~xt & Photos: John Calvin Big, bad and beautiful - that's the Jimmy but it sure is capable of going anywhere in the mountains or desert. The full size GMC3500 Jimmy is big and burly and has that distinctive look that says, "just tell me where you want to go and I'll get you there." And, guess what, Jimmy will! Our good friends at Vista Group helped _us out with a Jimmy and we were really glad they did. It has been a while since I transmission with automatic we tested a full size off the road overdrive and we shifted up or vehicle with gobs of horsepower down effortlessly. The four black and with visibility to spare. It things that connected us to the really was fun to have all the V8 ground were from Uniroyal, power under the right foot, even Laredos P235175R15M&S and though it was the smallest of the they worked quite well on the group, 5 .7 liters. lt was hooked to street or in the dirt. that nice smooth automatic We had 4 wheel drive, natch Trackside Photo, Inc. Racing photography since 1970 We cover all La Rana, SCORE/HORA, and Calif. Rally Series events. Call us for: An on-the-course view of our race photographers in action Calendars• Press Kits• Photo Business Cards• Autograph sheets Page 46 P.O. Box 91767 Los Angeles, California 90009 (213}'670-6896 April 1992 and, once again we really have signals and cruise control and come to love automatic hubs. It's windshield wiper and washer so nice to shift in or out of 4WD controls. On the right side is the with out having to get out to automatic transmission selector engage or disengage and hope the and of course, the horn which is hubs aren't wound up and you centrally mounted on the wheel. have to back up a mile or so to Two comfortable bucket seats unlock them. Yes, there is a Santa house you and your passenger, Clausandhebroughtusautomatic with adjustable backs and a good hubs. 'Nuf said. long range of front to back Our GMC Jimmy was equipped movement. Between the seats is a with front disc brakes, rear drums good sized console with lots of and anti-skid braking. We were storage room and a few receptacles double shocked up front, singles on the upper outer portion for in the rear and we had a good firm incidentals. The back seat is of the ride on pavement or on dirt. We bench variety a_nd it is hinged on tested the brakes a few times in a the front portion and folds up semi panic situation and they , rig~t be~ind the bu_cketsand gives performed admirably. The qu1te_a b1tof ro_o~ m the rea~. 1:he instrument panel is the same full size _spare_ tire 1s housed m~1de panel we have been seeing for on the nght side a~d do~s cut mto years and there is something to be the cargo area qmte a btt. All t?e said about no change. It is nice to seats an~ carpets are done m have a familiar look, not to have velour; mce to look at, easy to to learn new signs and symbols clean and_ plea~ant to touch. and to find all the switches and Electric windows and door levers in the same place they have locks are a I?art_ of the_packa~e, _a been in for a long time. This ~ust for this size vehicle as 1t 1s Jimmy was not equipped with a JUSttoofartoreachacrosstoopen tachometer, but the gauges were a window or pull a door lock more than adequate. The far right knob. . . portion of the instrument cluster The rear portion upper sides housed the fuel gauge to it's left is and roof remove easily and, guess the speedometer wi;h resettable what?, you have a partial odometer, further left the oil convertible for those nice pressure gauge over the tempera-summer days and evenings. W e ture gauge and to the left of them didn'.t remo'."e the top on this the battery condition gauge. Just part:1cular Jimmy but we have below and between the spedo and do~e so in t~e past on ot~er fuel gauge is the transmission veh!cles and_ 1t do~s feel mce, quadrant, flanked by the dir-havmgwhat little hair we have left ectional signal arrows. There are, blowing around in the breeze, I of course, the usual warning lights guess it sort of recaptures our which are on every vehicle youth. manufactured today, such as, seat This particular Jimmy was belts not belted on, brake on, equipp~d with just about lights on, door open with key in everything the factory has. to ignition, etc., all quite functional offer, all the extras, most of which and I'm sure, required by law, but have become necessities in this a pain in the neck when you are modern age. But, best of all, this trying to work on something. · Jimmy had all the off road goodies Heat fresh air and air condition-attached, heavy dut~ suspension, · ' 1 I f • 1 · heavy duty everythmg for your mg contro s are a so am1 iar ff d' I w d'd looking and in the same place as 01. I ro; mg pheas1_ure. e. 1 ha th h b t Th 1tt e rour w ee mg out m t e e~ are een dor ye~;sh the~e desert and, needless to say, the ~:;.h~ evrs an. a SWI Cl f at ts Jimmy went anywhere we wanted 1 · t h 0f ed~hgives_vou de. ~os ' to go and it went there with ease. ~en ' ea and bree air cllon mon-Fuel economy was pretty good, mg stages an , a ove a , you can b k 17 11 h h'l h I I we ro e mpg a t e w I e we ~ove t e ever a I the way left and had the Jimmy and with the 31 1t actually turns everything offl gallon tank well that's over 500 The bottom _lever _con~rols the miles per t~nk ~nd even though temperature_, JU~t slide it 'ti! it's those bucket~ are more than where you like it_. Just below the comfortable we'd still have to heater controls 1s th~ AM/FM stop every ~ow and then for a St~re~ C_assette Aud10 System stretch of the legs. which 1s simple to understand and We thoroughly enjoyed sitting operate a~d has the ~sual scan and up there with all that visibility, seek options and is_ coupled to rocketing down the road with lots four. speakers, two m front and of power still in reserve.We were two m the rear of the vehicle. comfortable and could have In the center of the dash is the happily driven this Jimmy off into worlds largest ashtray and below the sunset, but I'm sure GMC the ashtray is the rear window would find us so, with much ~p/ d?wn switc?. Further to the remorse, return it we must. If you right 1s a good sized glove bo~. . are looking for a great highway The steering wheel is adjustable, vehicle, an all 'round off road and there is one stalk mounted on vehicle and a lot of power, try the the column, on the left, being turn Jimmy. We did and we loved it! DustyTimcs

Page 47

of members. Sacked out, after a long day of pre-race activity in Parker and the traditional Checker festivities, our boys are inside a darkened motorhome out at the main pit "The Straight Poop sometime after midnight. Steve is From The Big Wahzoo" slightly awakened as someone PARKER 400 RACE - Sadly opens the door and comes in. The this traditional first major race of figure then quickly turns and goes the season was a mere shadow of into the bathroom and closes the its past popularity in more ways door. Brown, still half asleep, than one. Not only has the poor shrugs it off figuring that Jeff had economy caused overall entries to gotten up while he was asleep and be way off, but the Checkers, who was simply coming back in. But normally field a whole bunch of after a while Steve got suspicious, cars at this race, barely had sat up in bed and called out to enough racers to make it an offi-Hibbard. A startled Brown then cial Checker event. spun around as a "yeah" came Our best finisher had what from BOTH ends of the could only be described as a frus-motorhome! trating day. The Cooks had the When Brown loudly voiced an lead in Class 5-1600 at about the alarm, it is needless to say that halfway point when they rolled it things moved quickly and the and broke an axle. Then, shortly intensity level in the motorhome after they got the car upright, a soared. Finally after a lot of Class 5 car endoed at the same yelling, Jeff managed to turn on a spot and landed on them! After light, dimly lighting up the recovering from this low flying interior. Hibbard in the cab-over, Baja Bug and then finally replac- Brown in a bed about midship, ing their broken parts, our boys and back in the toilet with the continued on to a 6th place finish door shut, lurked The Mystery in class. It would appear that Shitter. After some more shouting Chasemightbegettingalittletoo this phantom crapper finally cocky lately. It seems he spotted opened the door while still his whole class about four min-fumbling with his clothes. But utes at the starting line before then he just stood there, not running a fast and fairly trouble moving! This stand off was finally free race that netted him a solid broken when Hibbard starting 6th place, less than four minutes yelling at Brown to "get the gun out of 4th, in the big unlimited \ Brown, get the gun!". At that class. There was a rumor going point their unwelcome visitor around that the delay was caused quickly walked to the door and by over zealous SCORE Officials left, pausing only to state that he who refused to let Stuart leave the was "Their Commander". starting line until he replaced a Our dumbfounded duo stared burnt out bulb in his rear facing at each other briefly before having amber light. But, whether or not to dive down into their sleeping there's any truth to that ridicu-bags to escape a terrible eye lous story, I certainly like my ver-burning poison gas that quickly sion better. Good Racing G uys! flooded the area. During the post-Our only other Checker car attack inspection it was discovered was Frenchie in Class 10. After that their comnumder had not only surviving a broken spindle early, forgotten his jacket when he left, Dan eventually went out with a but the ruckus that he stirred up broken trans. There was one also caused him to rush off other Checker member in the without using any butt wipe. race, and although he didn't pit Sadly, an elaborate Cinder-with the Club, he had the kind of a ella/ glass slipper-like investiga-day that deserves mention. Peralta tion that our heroes had planned rode a bike in Class 50 to cele-in those sleepless hours that brate his 50th birthday, went part followed before daybreak, was all of one lap and DNFed. Lou then in vain. Instead of the Checker spent the rest of the day limping Inquisition that they had planned, around Checker Main acting like something about matching up the he'd just run the Paris to Dakar. smelliest guy in the pit to the Buthisracedaywasappropriately Phantom's jacket, the Mystery topped off when his fellow Shitter unexpectedly showed up Checkersallgatheredaroundthe early the next morning to campfire to sing him "Happy apologize. Naturally he was then Birthday". Uncle Max then forced to absorb the appropriate brought a proper Checker ending amount of verbal abuse and to Lou's special day by skillfully ridicule for his tasteless conduct. planting a cream pie squarely on Seems this non-Checker, who was the Peruvian 's kisser. Happy with some other Club members Birthday you ol' bike racer you! that were camped next door, LOU'S SAN FELIPE RACE -partied a tad more than he should Thumper and Mumbles led a and got confused as to which small band of dedicated Checkers motorhome was which. I'm sure down to Baja to support Hawkins he clearly realized his mistake and the Longs at this race. Al & about the time our boys started Alex had a good day with a 2nd yelling about a gun. Hey Prez, ya place in their recently resurrected gonna invent some kinda special 5-1600 car, but Lonnie DNFed inactive list for our Lunatic Fringe? with a blown motor. Peralta's The Wahzoo wants to thank turn out was also way down at this ' Gary Bates for pointing out a rare race with only about 450 entries. mistake on my part. The Kingfish Ya ever wonder what you'd do over at IDRA took Gary's irate if ya woke up in the middle of the phone call and promptly relayed night and discovered an intruder it to the Big Wahzoo. Seems the in your bedroom? Well, that's senior Bates was a bit upset over just what happened to Brother the tone and accuracy of my Brown and the Prez at the Parker account about his win at La Race. Although one would have Rana's January Barstow race. to know Steve and Jeff well to Apparently he felt that I had truly appreciare the story, I'll do inferred that he had been my best to recount the details demoted to just being a passenger after he~ring it retold by a number in his own race car, and therefore, Dusty Times his status was being put in question. I do admit I was in error when I reported that Poppa Bates rode as a passenger while BJ was driving. And, I also may not have made it clear that Old Dad did drive two of the laps in this race. Two very fast laps I might add, although not quite as quick as BJ's fastest, and THAT was the whole point of the story! Now I think it's obvious to all that Gary's gonna be a tough ol' dog to run under the porch, no matter how good the kid gets. But time stops for no man, not even Checkers. Hey Gary, the way I see it, your only hope is in trying to slow down the natural course of events for as long as possible, by either keeping that kid of yours out of your 5 car, or else start picking up YOUR pace up a bit Pops! • Speaking of now being at risk, Jirka finally married his long time sweetie in Lake Tahoe the other day. Hey George, you didn't really borrow Uncle Max's T-shirt tux for the wedding did you? Congratulations go out to Mr. & Mrs. Jirka. The Checkers are always looking for a few good men to join our off road racing fraternity. But it must be remembered that this organization may not be for everyone. Women, wimps and pompous big shots, and especially the super sensitive and thin skinned should be wary. If ya can't take a joke or think that nudity is a serious crime, then this bunch of off roaders is probably not for you. Also, if the strange emotional reactions to the highs and lows of desert racing by some of this planet's true characters would possibly offend you, then I suggest you look into joining one of those co-ed teams. But if you think you've got that fire to be one of the best, to actually become part of that famous Checker tradition, then the W ahzoo will forgive you for reading this, our mem/Jers only Checker Column. Any non~ Checker that thinks he may be of Checker material and wishes to better himself, is always invited to stop by The Van Nuys Dugout, 14032 Oxnard St., Van Nuys, Calif. in the San Fernando Valley and get acquainted. We meet there at 8 PM on almost every Wednesday night and flog on the issues of the day. With our 20 years of excellence in the desert, our members say it all, by simply saying ... "l'M A CHECKER!" (alifomia . Rally Series Report By John Elkin The unrelenting rains that pounded the Southland into · submission in mid-February also forced the postponement of the . Sun Up and Sun Down Rally Sprints at Glen Helen Raceway, north of San Bernardino. The event has been rescheduled for March 28, 1992, so as to not interfere with other, previously scheduled events. The event organizers, Sam Moore and myself will retain the same schedule you received in the supplemental regulations. Entries will be accepted through the mail until March 23, 1992. Entries are also accepted at the event, but there it is cash only! • The remainder of the calendar this year still has some holes in it. Summertime is one hole we April 1991 would like to fill. Mike and Paula Gibeault are offering unlimited help to those that may have an event for this period, and many other organizers will gladly help. All it takes is a phone call. Upcoming events include our Prescott Forest Rally which has grown to achieve 60 percent National status. The April 25th date still stands at press time. Roads will be utilized from last year's event in the hills northeast of Prescott, AZ, and in the Chino Valley. It will be a nice mixture of terrains and driving conditions. Rim of the World has just con-cluded its first pre-rally planning meeting and the event will undergo many changes for 1992. First, the rally has been lured to the thriving city of Palmdale for the first time in its current his-tory. Pre-rally activities will be centered at both the Ramada Inn and the new Auto Center. Activi-ties will dot the rally, including, new this year, a tire changing con-test pitting the best National team against the best Divisional team in the final heat. An unspecified cash amount will be the prize. There will be safety demonstrations along with the Pare Expose'. Other items are currently being scrutinized for feasibility and inclusion in the Rim also. Rim may also have those new roads for the Friday portion of the National and the co-efficient 2 Divisional. The roads are in the hills southeast of Palmdale, near Acton. Four are planned to be run before returning to the Ramada Inn Pare Ferme. The Gibeaults are also still looking for volunteers. There are a variety of positions that need to be filled, and many of them include still being able to see the rally running. We would like to (belatedly) thank everyone that attended the end of the year Awards Banquet at the Velvet Turtle Restaurant in Covina. Over 70 of us filled the room to receive and cheer on those who won awards. Dan Hook was honored with the Galal Souki Cup for outstanding com-petitor in Stock Class. Lon Peter-son and Jim Love were awarded their fourth Southern Pacific Div-ision Championship along with the Open Class honors. I stunned to find I received the Ken Zimmerman Award for outstand-in contributions to the s ort, for which I am still in shock. Rod Koch handed over his spot as Press Liaison to me, as I handed over the position 6f Competitor Liaison to the Board of Gover-nors and to Lon Peterson. Gary Luke announced his second term as the Director of the BoG, and we know he will serve us well in 1992. And that was about all the major happenings of the evening, except one, the Cap'n Crunch Award, which is given for the best rollover story of the party. The roll had to occur in the 1991 competition year. For their full gainer at Gold Bush, Lon Peter-son/Jim Love garnered the four pound industrial size box of Cap'n Crunch cereal. Thought I'd forget, huh! There are some changes in the wind for 1992, and no better place to air them out than here. Word has it that Denise Clark, who is in the pregnant mode, moved to North Carolina. Denise recently experienced her first overall win with Carl Jardevall at Gorman Ridge. Jim Love has gone into semi-retirement, leaving Mr. Peterson in the capable hands of Bill Gutz-mann, who is unretiring to take the seat. You all may remember the last time these two teamed up. It involved a bridge in Washing-ton; ask Lon to see the photos. Jim will still be found in service areas at most events. Tony Shumaker will be making the move out of his Capri into a Mitsubishi truck shod with Toyo Tires. The truck is stock class legal and should debut at the Sun Up and Sun Down Rally Sprints: Rod Koch will be joining the growing legion of ex-DiMarco Subarus. Opting for the wild world of four wheel drive and turbochargers, Rod and Todd Bane (and Rocky the Rally Bear) hope to debut at Prescott or Rim. Lots of new people are coming out also. Look for the old Ply-mouth Sapparo of Eric Wilson, the Chris WeleffToyota and the Chad DiMarco three door RX to come out with new owners. Next month look for the words and wisdom of Paula Gibeault to grace these pages as she and I trade off this column. Also, thank you to the staff and management of Dusty Times for another great year of coverage, and as the offi-cial voice of the CRS. '\J\ ,,v· R.L.H. COMMUNICATIONS. HIIII~ e:1 RACE RADIO SYSTEMS 3~7 W. 35th STREET, SUITE; "F" NATIONAL CITY, CA 92050 (619) 585-9995 . THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE TOM SCHILLING - 1990 OVERALL F.R.T SERIES TOM DeNAUL T - 1990 CLASS 1-2/1600 SCORE/HORA RITAYIK & PRATT - 1990 24HR WORLD RECORD CLASS 9 F.R.T. PERRY McNEILL - 1990 CLASS 8 GRAN CARRERA H &.R RACING - 1990 CLASS 9 F.R.T. SERIES Intercom REG. PRICE 1599°' RACERS SPECIA~ $499oo WE ACCEPT VISA & MASTERCHARGE HELMETS WIRED $H5.00 HANDHELD RADIOS · 50 CHANNELS-$495 REVOLVING LIGHTS & ELECTRONIC SIRENS/HORNS Official BFGoodrich Radio R~lay Page 47

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Bob •'TIN MAN' Behre-{-714) 878-4849 ByBehrea• METAL SHAPING . OFF-ROAD, DRAG RACll'.'::jG AND VINTAGE RACE CAR BODIES 4072 CRESTVIEW DR. LAKE ELSINORE;, CA 92330 CA, NV, AZ., OR, WA ~ · . Antifreeze . _2.e:.,.. .Environmental ~.I Service Corporation WASTE ANTIFREEZE' USED OIL FIL TEA REIIAOVAL Jeff Cepielik Marketing Manager Southern California 16031 E. Arrow Hwy., Unit H • Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 337-3877 FUEL CELLS (800)-526-5330 . TOLL FREE · 'ORDER DESK UTOCRA ENGINES PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee. CA 92071 (619) 562-1740 ' FAX (619) 562-6151 Auto Meter instruments are the · o. 1 choice of champions. Our tachometers, speedometers, and gauges offer unmatched accuracy and durabilit)r. ::,,-.._ NEW 1991 Catalog $3~00 A [I} ":f:r : ~~; ~~ IISlllMDn Auto Meter Product$, Inc. Oep!. OU-91. 413 W. Elm St. S~e. IL 60178 (!US) 895-8141 619-583-6529 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY AAq: CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 66301MacARTHUR _DR., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 FABRICATION & REPAI~. CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF~OAO RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. WELDING TUBE BENDING· DISTRIBUTOR FOR: BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE TOM MINGA 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 Get the word out about your business, big or small. . . Put your business card iri the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely$/25 ,.00 per month. BAKER HI PERFORMANCE BATTERY ' RACE PROVEN BY STEVE KELLY, JERRY MC DONALD, ROD HALL AND MANY OTHERS CALL YOUR CLOSEST DEALER: J AND L FAB J-206-845-0617 RACE READY J-619-691-9171 MC KENZIE J·ZJ4:44J -12J2 100% CASH PAYBACK ON CONTINGENCY FOR MOST . OFF ROAD RACING!!!!! CALL FOR FREE INFORMATION BAKER PRECISION PRODUCTS 1-310-427-2375 HELMET~/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets BDR McKenzies (714) 650-4566 (714) 441-1212_ SUSPENSION' SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOLBAGS • HARNESSPADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS·· BEARD'S ''SUPERS.EATS." ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 BONNEUILLE "RED" $ 3.75 GRL 112 OCTANE RACING FUEL Shewn Meadows ANYTIME Perry McNeil 619-463-6244 Spring Uelley , CR 91977 BRANDWOOD CARS Custom Vehicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 I{( HiliTES LIGtTS PARTS RACERS DISCOUNT BVM OFF ROAD RACING ENGINES 10232 " I" AVENUE, #8 • HESPERIA, CA. 92345 (619) 947-5772 CAGLE SMART Fuel Regulator Lowerw fuel pressure at part-throttle, to 1.Spsl at Idle. Cleans up richness at the lower end, tune for more po-r. Modele for all carburetors. Box 2536 Rolling HIiia, CA 90274 310-3n-1so1 Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard Sl Cherry Valley. CA 92223 (714) 845-8820 Power l!l1b Mileage $57.45 delivered U.S. Cal res +7.75% tax Our Specially Race Trucks Pr~Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON ====CARRERA. PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622

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943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 920;20 619-449-2991 FAX°619-449-7103 CHENOWTH . f <ACING PRODVCTS, IN_C. Check ·the Record; The Winners Choice;' #1 in Racing and Recreational . Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon ·way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 ; O= CNC~• Mai;;a~:'::~d~C%kh Pedal Any _ . ~ -MasterCyhnders . · Slave Cylinders Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals CNc,· Inc. and ali of our accessories. ·1221 West Morena ·Blvd .. San Diego, CA.92110 · · (6_19)27S-1663 Send $3.00 for Catalog Competition and Sport S E A T S With the unique energy absorbing rubber suspension. "What a difference." Only the best from Sube Sports. SH6i-S~k (714J 847-4363 Call For Free Catalog FLOA TEA REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS • AXLES BALL JOINTS • TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 TRAILING ARMS -$295.00 EXCHANGE 3X3 AND 6X6. CUSTOM SIZES ALSO AVAILABLE C.V. ADAPTER RINGS - $45.00 PER PAIR TYPE 1 TO TYPE 2-4 TYPE 1 TO 930 TYPE 2 TO 930 COLUMBIA OFF ROAD 32109 NE 86TH STREET CAMAS WA 98607 206-834-4089 OR CELLULAR 206-253-0703 934.5-128mm CV JOINTS DIRECT FROM GERMANY NOW IN STOCK /~~--, .. ----· DON' T GET CAUGHT WITH IMITATIONS! BAKER PRECISION PRODUCT 310-427-2375 OR FAX 310-426-5294 -~n,....~n,,,.-;., ==TX,/1 I _ LJIOVD 'RACING PRODUCTS CUSTOM RACING RADIATORS All Aluminum Rabbit Replacement Radiators Send for a free catalog 2905 West Buckeye Road Phoenix, AZ 8§099 (602) 269-9194 (800) 842-5166 DE UNZIO RACING P,WDUCTS HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-.1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 9~ 1_ 11 mE ONLY REASON FOR NOT ADVERTISING IN DUSTY TIMES IS; YOU ALREADY HAYE MORE BUSINESS THAN YOU CAN HANDLE DESERT y·z OFFROAD T-SHIRT DESIGNS 27324 Camino Capistrano Unit 172-175 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (714) 582-0930 FAX (714) 582-6277 . TRUCK (714) 349-1168 D.ti. Racing RACE CAR PREP • AND FABRICATING -OFFROAO-~ -STREET-· -STRIP-. · -SAND-~ -~ • RACE CHASIS ROLL CAGES DARRYL GIBSON PRE RUN BUMPERS 714-B82-4334 SUSPENSIONS ,~o JUSINEss s~ f,r,~~,f -.;·~: ~~c ~~ \~·-.;, ~~ V ' -..-RACER MARKETING • PRESS RELEASES BOOKKEEPING • CONSULTING • TAXES ALAN STEIN [714] 628-1922 [714] 627-5376 FAX 12490 CENTRAL SUrTE230B CHINO, CA 91710 JOHN VERHAGEN'$ IDJTi .......... :::ES PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLACKFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 Feel the Difference! TRICK SHOCKS F R: . Single Double, Triple, Quad Applications. Take-Aparts & Remote Reservoir Kits. 10728:Prospect Ave. "B", Sl!r.le, CA 92071 • (619) 562-8773 DON-A-VEE JEEP EAGLE THE HOT SHOE . Finally a race shoe tough enough for the desert I Competition Proven P!JN... Lightweight Desi_gn ·• ' Quality Construction Comfortable & Durable Can Be Worn Everyday 17308 Bellflower Blvd. bellflower ca 90706 PARTS: 7am-7pm M-F 9am-1pm Sat 310-867-4258 RICHFERSCH DOWNEY 8734 Cleta St. "C" Downey, Calif. 90241 (310) 862-1671 M-F 10-6 SAT9-4 ~are ~aus OFF ROAD FABRICATION & DESIGN RACE PREP • FOX SHOCK REBUILDING Y.W. REPLACEMENT f:JARTS & ACCESSORIES LESLIE'S DRIVELllVJi Inc. (714) 877-6491 ~ PARTS AND SERVICE FOR Al/TO, TRUCK. !1.'DL'STRIAL, C/V A.'ID l'IIONT Wlml. ORM! L'l>Tl'S J1 MANUFACTul!NG • BALANCING • CtfilOMIZJNG 1 ~ 1750 South Lilac Avenue Bloom!ngton, Ca. 92324 Fox (714) 8".Ql3 Ca. Walls 1-taM21.-U.S. w ... 1-81»52S-0396 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out for Parts &: Service Buy & Sell Used Aluminum Racing Wheels EDDCO Aluminum Wheel Straightening Specialist Aluminum Wheel Straightening We Buy Damaged Racing Wheels Any Condition Metal Polishing ED OROZCO 9435 Wheatland Ct. Santee, CA 92071 Shop · 258-2575 Pager - 492-7343

Page 50

. Arrowhead Ave. 825-0583 o 'SAN BERNARDINO, CA 888-2703 , 92408 . TM FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL T~RS . THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! · VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUlHORIZED DEALER CASTEX RENT~.LS 213-462-1468 f\lLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS" NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS #It 9017 SAN -FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Carson, CA 90746 Phone: (213) 603-2200 FAX: (213) 603-2257 '(619) 669-4727 l ~ Gd Your SttlFI' Togetherl _ __._.'==--r-:\~--------P ORT I IV TRAIVSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane ·Jamul, ca!lfomla 920.35 ~ -Doug Fortin MICHAEL J. DAWS GENERAL MANAGER #1 Racing Shock Absorber in the U.S.: Fox Factory, Inc. - OIi-Road Truc'ks and Cars Racing Shock Absorber Division - Molorcycle Roadracmg 3641 Charter Park Drive -Automollve Roadracing San Jose, California 95136 (USA) -Snowmobiles Fox Fone ...... (408) 269-9200 -Special Appl1ca11ons Fox Fax ... (408) 269-9217 A RACING SUSPENSION DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION HOW YOU CAN GO THE RACING GEARS THE WINNERS ABE USING FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. .31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (313) 294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 1991 CHAMPIONS FRT BUDWEISER BUD LIGHT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES SPONSORED BY: THE WRIGHT PLACE, RACE READY PRODUCTS AND THE SCHILLING CORPORATION ATVS AND MOTORCYCLES •PRO• DEAN SUNDAHL (HIGH POINTS) ATV DEWEY BELEW OPEN MIC JOEY LANE 250 MIC CRAIG SMITH 125 MIC EARL ROBERTS VET MIC JOHN BILKEY SENIOR MIC BOB THOMPSON SUPER SENIOR MIC DESERT supERUTES STEVE FENTON BIRYAN SAASTA SARA MORRIS VINTAGE MIC OPEN 360 DEZ STAR BUGGIES CARS AND TRUCKS LARRY KERN CLASS 9 •SPORTSMAN• MIKESTROMP GARY ROYER CHARLES BUCY BIRENT COLEMAN "ELMO" BIRITT JAMES TUCK TED SCOTT SCOTT ANDERSON TODD TEUSCHER CLASS 1/2-1600 JEFF WRIGHT UNLIMITED CLASS TIM MCDONELL (HIGH POINTS) CLASS 10 KYLE WHITTED CLASS 5 DWAYNE WHITNEY CLASS 100 DALE SNAITH CLASS S-1600 BENNY ABATTI JR CLASS 8 JEFF HOSKINS CLASS 7 ROBERT STEINBERGER MINI MAG CLASS 619-427-5759 • 250 KENNEDY UNIT 6 • CHULA VISTA CA 91911 Check out the DUSTY TIMES Spcdal Club Sub Offer (Almost half price for group subscriptions) Call (818) 889·5600 or write DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 Fuel Bladders Quick II! FIiis Dump Std. Cans FIiis 5271 Business Dr. Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 SEALED 1,1111111111c:::1 Batteries built specI Ica y or o roa racing. Deep cycle, gel filled. extra cranking, recovery and reserve. Only sealed battery recommended by MSD Ignition. Ask for Sealed System battery by name. SH6e-SP""h (7141 847-4363 t GEORGE CHEVROLET ASK FOR -~ . WOODY WORTHY ch1.,ol1, lET GEORGE 00 IT/ YOUR TRUCK SPECIALIST 17000 LAKEWOOD BL VD. BELLFLOWER, CA 90706 ·1·1·1~ RACING SAFETY PRODUCTS (213) 925-2500 FAX 925-1498 BELL MOTOR SPORTS HELMETS GLOVES • UNDERWEAR • SUITS SHOES• RESTRAINT SYSTEMS FIRE SYSTEMS • FUEL CELLS 1,000 SUITS/H~LMEld IN STOCK! QUALITY •SERVICE• PRICE• SELECTION 48-HOUR PELIVERY hal.o PROducts 1538 MacArthur Blvd, Oakland, CA 94602 (THE RACERS PRICE CLUB) 1 (800) FON-HALO Hffls.r ,.,,., Rebuild Rod Ends • Heim Joint Specialist (714) 979-6631 111581 Man-. Aivef Circle. Unit "H", Fountain vau.y, C&. 92708 Bug Pack CNC Moore .,:r' ----~I Dune Buggies O • • SCAT HOUSE of BUGG IE_S 10439 Prospect Ave. Suite A Santee, CA 92071 Mitchell Wheels 619-448-4180 _. SAW Performance ELECTRIC BEAD ROLLER SHRINKER/STRETCHER SHEET METAL BRAKES SHOP EQUIPMENT CLECO FASTENERS SIDE GRIP FASTENERS TUBING BENDER PIT CART Vi~ Ir-van Enterprises 80 Lowe Ave. Concord, N.C. 704-788-2554 Zip 28025 ROD ENDS SAFETY WIRE PLIERS BUMPSTEER GAUGE ASSEMBLY ' ALL ALUM. POP RIVETS OZUS FASTENERS AIR POP RIVET GUN .• MANUFACTURERS Of: RHAKE ANO CLUTCH ASSY l'EIIFORAIANCE Pfl(lnLJCTS II ASTER CYI, I NIJERS SLAVF. CYl,INDERS TURNING 6 STAGING RHAKES SHli'TERS AVAILABLE AT FINER SPECIALTY SHOPS DEALER INQURIES WELCOME 1158FLINTSTREET ~I ELSINORE, CA 92350 ~ .. , PERFORMANCE PRODUCT$ 714-245-6050 FAX 714-245-6052 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' · Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 , "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 OHN ~CMI: PIIODUt:TS OHNSON MIKE JULSON JOHN MARKING S.,C, 12.00 lor C...., CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINN ING 5USPEN5ION SYSlDIS PER FOR MANCE HICH PERR>RMANCE SHOCKS JOHN JOHNSON RACING PRODUCTS 13525 LOS COCHES ROAD EAST EL CAJON, CA 92021 619-443-5833 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner DUAL 6 TRIPlE SHOCK SYSTBIS FIIISlClASS 60° V-6 2.8 MOTOR PARTS ACa5SOIIIES

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a,5roM Af&e/cAno.v fJtif: f~7-Z'f$, t,;0Lt:"1?f, CA. ;rot~1: c.4.~ f' P£c"Rv,v,vE~ -ne.AtLE:eS d c,rA{;E" r~vt:K!: PJ€',Cp ~ :o="A.BR/CA770V 7'""~ "61-V/; C!rAS:OL/N,ii: KENNEDY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS. 38830 17th Street East Palmdale, CA 93550, (805} 272-1147 Send $2.00 for our catalog "The experts in Engine Adapters to Transaxles" Rotary, Toyota, Rabbit, V-6's, Porsche and more to VW, Porsche (901 & 915) and Hewland. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS KENNEDY CLUTCHES KUSTER OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS • EXTERNAL DAMPENING ADJUSTMENT • 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE :~_-COMPLETELY REBUILDABLE • COMPUTER SUSPENSION DESIGN ASSISTANCE KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29lH STREET P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90006 TELEPHONE 213-59!>-0661 FAX 213-426-7897 • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT LOTHRINGER [vll(()l!fJJMI '. "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (114) 441-1212 Fax(714)444-1622 MIKE MENDEOLA 10722 Kenney St. C-D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-9010.' Fax (619) 562-9079 Brackets & Components for Chassis Fabrication Pro-Clamps • Battery Boxes • Radio Mounts Pedal & Shifter Mounts • Skid Plates Aluminum Floor Boards• Scoops & Shrouds Shearing -Punching -Forming Sowing -Tool Grinding -TIG & MIG Welding STEVE WRIGHT 399 E. Harrison Unit D Corona, CA 91720 (714) 351-2515 (714) 272-4272 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lancaster, CA 93535 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 4 ' • -I r . 42425 5th St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA 93535 Racing Products Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514 MOVING? Don't miss an issue of DUSTY TIMES Send Your Old and New Address to 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 Allow six weeks for processing. • J.M.R. Chassis • Tum Key Cars ■ Fox shocks parts & service • Race Car Prep (805) 298-1212 26524 Golden Valley Road. #405. Saugus, CA 91350 YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION .SOURCE Ignitions • Distributors • Rev Limit~rs Coils • Heli-Core Wires • Accessoraes AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 Henry Brennan Or., El Paso, Tx 79936 {915) 8~7-.5200 CUSTOM FABRICATION AND ALUMINUM WORK Malcolm Miller By Appointment Only (619) 445-9770 AU10S ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS TRUCKS NATIONAL SPRING COMPANY, INC. 10229 Prospect Aue. Santee, Ca/ifornin 92071 A COMPLETE AUlOMOTIVE SPRING SERVICE Leaf Springs Custort, Made & Repaired Shocks & Coil Springs Sold & Installed Blocks and U-Bolts rrn:,de to order Off-Road Suspension Urethane Bushings Beeline Alignment and Wheel Balancing MOTOR HOMES (619) 449-ARCH 4 X 4's OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6891 SAN DIEGO DR .. BUENA PARK. CA 90620 Off Road Suspension_ Preparation 2 8c 4 W D VANS 8c PICKUPS 8c MINI TRUCKS PRE·RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION No BLOCKS U SEO • WELDING 8c FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 761-9460 Established 1974 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT OFF ROAD DYNAMICS (714) 592-2271 LA VERNE, CALIFORNIA FRAMES• RACE PREP CUSTOM MACHINING AND FABRICATION Dennis Rogers By Appointment Only PENeE a,=,= ROAD Specializing in the Prep and Building of Off Road Racing Equipment CUSTOM FABRICATION OF ◄ Chassis ◄ Welding ◄ Roll Cages ◄ Aluminum Work ◄ Suspension ◄ Lt. Weight Trailers KEVIN PENCE (217) 692-2837 206 Power Blue Mound, IL 62511 ~~ _[p ~ Ix] [}{)~[b[b Fabrication ✓ Coil Over Suspens ' •; I ~ FoxShoxPartsAnci'~9rvice1 ;,@ ✓ f<ace CarWiring ✓ Race Car Prep. 1660 Babcock Bldg. B .·✓Tum Key Race Cars Costa Mesa, ca 92627 . (714) .650-3035 Assembly• Machine Work• Parts ~Engine Dyno Facility 10722 Kenney Street, Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Fax (619) 562-9079

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PIAA Professional Halogen Lamp Systems Chosen by: Dave Ashley. Rob MacCachren. Simon & Simon, Manny Esquerra. John Swift. Chuck Johnson. Dan Smith. Larry Maddox. and Brant Shoppe. SH6e-SP""" (714) 847-4363 Call For Free Catalog PROBST Ofl Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN a~d FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES· 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY NEW L ENOX. ILLINOIS 60451 Larry Winter 714-537-8286 A Totally New Concept in Battery Design Race Shop Supplies 11.532 Stephanie Garden Grove, CA 92640 ISO F 1\'\ • ff the Size &. Weight o/it:s Equivalent • Vibration Re1i.rtont • Spill Proof Telephone : (714) 535-4437 . (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim,CA 92805 ■ Free Advice & Technical Assistance ■ R&D ■ All Size Jobs Welcome RACERS MACHINING SERVICES "If You Can Imagine It, I Can Make It" SCOTT DORDICK ■ 818-843-4084 724 N. Lake■ Burbank, CA 91502 r 2 1-800-0 --IACIWMIFutenenelimlnate blown head aa,bts, oil leaks and bearing lalurel Roca-Tech Eng;,-ing ■ 11320 Brydon Driw ■ Taylor, Ml 48180 ■ (313) 9-46-.«77 · RUSS's V.W. Recycl(ng 756 Alpha St., Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 303-4366 Specializing in V. W. B_ugs, Buses, Ghias and 914's Get the word out about your bmineu, big or amall . Put your buaineu card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new cuatomcn. Good Stuff-Directory Ada are merely$ 25 .00 per month. JIM CECIL (ONT ARIO TRUCK CENTER) 4045 GUASTI RD., SUITE_ 208 ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 91761 (714) 460-1222 FAX (714)460-6551 LITTERING & LOGOS FOR RACE CARS & TRUCKS §V~W Z-!i~iM ---==~W+~I~ ~J ,..~= 12221 DITMORE DR. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 (714) 539-~162 .KM! SITE 500 · IWHRS · WIN:Olr' ~ · CAii l.ET1EllWG • MAfflXS LEADED/UNLEADED Lancaster, CA . : _-_-·.-·.·: ~.: . . -:: . . . -.--:·:: . . . ~ ... (800) 462-9499 Las ~egas, NV . . . •... · ... _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (70~ 643-9200 ; P~ram~unt, CA . ....•......... '. . . . . :.·. '. .. l?.1~_§_=!1-01~2 I Rjyersi_g_e,_C~._,__,_ •.. •• . •• .••••...•.......•• (714) 877-0226 San Diego, CA .... -.. -..... ~~~ :~ .. -.-:--:~·.--:-.7 619) 691-9171 : - -.. -· ALL OTHER INQUIRIES.CONTACT SPORTS RACING P.O. BOX 7835, LAGUNA NIGUEL, 92677 (714) 363-1236 ~ · WORKS ODESSA, TEXAS "GET SER/OU~-1:~fT WINN/Na' 1-800-695-68·18 ---~ii>.. "CONQRA TULA TIONS" JIM WJESS 1991 I "TEXAS OR.LS&" OVERALL POINTS CHAMPION (213) 583-240~ ~~D .. SANDER_S SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING S921 W;Jmington Avenue Los Ange/es·. California 90001 GLASS AEAO FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MAGNETIC PART/CAL M~rk Smith Larry Smith . . . ' '.· . . . '. . ' . . ~ ' . · -ileietl~i8ll --:·-.· .-_ .. -. '. ; '-1i2·0 E. ASH AVE. . . FULLERTON, CA 906_31 (714) 449--9894 . • ... -·,, · :-: MARK.D.:.~O~TER OWNER . ENGINE. AND-mo.NS R,EBUIL.DING ~ STOCK AND HJ'.~RMANCE. .· COMPLETE SERVICE AND REPAIRS • PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS BODY PANELS & HOODS BILL STROPPE MOTORSPORTS, INC. 2330 Cherry Industrial Circle Long Beach, California 90805 (213) 634-2730 Jaime Martinez RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS (714) 630-8283 . Anaheim, CA · SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED * Welding * Fabrication* Flame Cutting* Front Ends * Custom Chassis* Race Prep* Custom LI-Weight Trailers Mlg'r. ol Blue Flame Products (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit .D • Anaheim, CA 92806 (805) 646-2903 • Motorsports Marketing• • Public Aelotlons •

Page 53

• TAGS & 5TH WHEELS, 12 FT-48 FT ""1iiil~._1Pi~D.. • STATE OF THE ART MATERIALS .. ANO DESIGNS • BEST PRICES ON THE WEST COAST ------ . 8530 FRUITRIOGE ROAD, STE. 22 • SACRAMENTO, CA 95828 (918) 381-0532 (918) 381-2558, FAX Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober Commercial Photography (213) 670-6897 P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 Ill/CE TNANS BY JEFF f!ELJ)'S TRANSAXLE ENGINEERl~Ci JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91~11 ·.-... .;•;--.•;--.•.~ .. • -.. • " p • .... ■ ••••• " .. • • • • • • • • V • • 0 • •• -• • tffjJ TA IL~® Iffl{i ::::.:._:::::::•:-· . :::::::::::•:•·· -.· . . .~~~~ .. .·. acing. gasoline .. -:-:-:jf: =:~ ·::·::-:-.-:::::::-:-.-.· .. ___ ;~~( -·•·~:-:~:-~~=~:·~.:;:~!,~·-· .. -:=:-~~~/;-:: ··::: :==: . :-:-:-:-:-:•:•:•:•·· THE LEADER IN HIGH PERFORMANCE .-:•:-:-: .. (:;:::::::\·::::::::::::::::FUELS, RACE PROVEN IN OVER ..... :::;:::: . :::-:>>>·:·:·······•:-:-::::>:-:-: 10 MILLION MILES OF:-:·:·::.":·:::::::·:·:·;.. ·:·.:_:_:::·:····.·.·. . CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETIT.ION -::::::.::.: ...... :;:-:•.·.·.·.· Fo_r_in_formation and a distributor near you, c~i1::; >~·· 1-800-444-1449 . . · · · . . :~-:-TURBO BLUE Racing OnaOnff 8446 Garfield Ave.• Bell Gardens, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp Classified ••• (UMP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 . 619/449-9690 ------OUR-DEALERS------L.A. AREA McKenzie's (714) 441-1~12 Anaheim. CA St. Peters Off Road 1414) 285-3218 Port Washington. wl c..\.\~ -Df~ ANO fUM,ty ~ ~i- I A~ I ' St,,/. .~~ V-AfttlY ">-6., 'A~~~-~Al(/M/90/0/fl 447.4353 ~ 1158 NORTH 2ND ST.• EL CAJON, CA 92021 181 "V GREG BOEHM ~ DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DIALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop,· to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is :i grc:it traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91 301. (818) 889~5600 =='.r=...e..PJIIIYT fllW!aJ471NGS~GR.4M'..a;w !:(J6YIG" . ·~ ro~ MAINTENIWCl'•f:8/IYN/)'lf-JmIRINIJ.I. I : --~~h1 MY~.,FarFiek~~ 06~9• o . Intelligence on a new level. Introducing the new SMART LEVEL! A digttal inclinometer COMPLETE MOOU.E with up to 0.1' repeatable accuracy. It will zero to any angle $agss and can be re-calibrated. Ideal for chassis building, body fabrication, fixture work or anywhere precise angular measurement is a must (such as wheel camber/caster RETAJL settings, wing angles, etc.). Camber adjusting fixture * ill0Melyfor~995 ··••· IIOIITRIES 'HE WINNERS CHOICE WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports winning drivers and engine builders. Just ask the top professionals before buying your next cam. ;· Our dedication lo performance and quality keeps ·you on top. Call WEB-CAM for your winning cam · for street , strip and off-road or send $3 fo-r the complete catalog. SPECIALIZING IN 'OFF ROAD HIGH-PERFORMANCE VW-PORSCHE, FABRICATION & OFF ROAD PREP. (619) 741-6173 Engine & Machine 420 VENTURE ST. ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 ,. --A ~~-~-·-.,. -·-· -- . ~ . WIND RIVER GROUP PUBLIC RELATIONS ANO MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C . JACOBS PRESIDENT SOD STATE MILL ROAD AKRON, OHIO 44319 12161644-7774 Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Nms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. AZ. 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 :, ' ~ .. , "' FOR SALE: '61 sunroof, 1776 motor, Wright 6n wider front, new Wright rack & pinion, 3x3 rear IRS bus, Sway-A-Way torsion bars, full roll cage, fuel cell, 1 piece front end, Center-lines, Dick Cepek, Chenowth skid plates, Deist harness, Paddy Hopkirk buckets, new interior, Porsche 930 Turbo cv's and axles, Russell wiring, Bilsteins. Street-able & licensed. $5,000.00 obo (619) 265-1267. FOR SALE: 1 of 2 custom built sandrails, car show winner Hot V . W. 's, best engineered hand built Hi Jumper frame. 2 .0 911S engine w/Weber carbs, Type I swing axle, Mini Wright Rack & pinion, aluminum front end, Shaws nitrogen shocks, CB discs, Neal pedals & much more. This is a one of a kind, must see, car. $$$$ invested. Sell $7,000.00. Call Pat (408) 778-9221 days. FOR SALE: '89 Super 1600 short course Chenowth Magnum. One full season with Mickey Thomp-son series and only two races on fresh car. Best of everything. Incredibly clean! $20,500.00. Call Scott at (303) 237-5722. FOR SALE: 20 acres of pine trees ' above Tehachapi. Near 6,000'· level. 2 pads cut on property,. both with magnificent view of entire Antelope valley. 4 season· climate. Miles from paved road & civilization. Inside locked gates. Easy access on good graded road. Call Don (805) 268-1644. ATTENTION K-MART SHOP-PERS!!! Blue Light Special - 1990 Chenowth Magnum Super 1600. Toyota powered, prepped and ready to race. MTEG legal. $22,500.00, Call Dan Bentley at (714) 521-2711. FOR SALE: Berrien Laser, raced in MTEG Super 1600 Class. All the best in parts. Rebuilt from ground up. All new hearings, nuts and bolts, washers·, seals, bushings, sheet metal, everything! Ready to race, with spares. Must sell -$12,500.00. Call Kent Howerton (512) 621-2429. FOR SALE: Buy a winner, 1990 Class 5 11600 class champion, third overall in SNORE points series. Ready to race!!! Coolex shock coolers, Wright, Sway-A-Way, Centerlines, Mastetcraft seats, fresh engine, 431 chromoly cage, best of everything. $7,500.00. For more info. call Barry (702) 658-1436. FOR SALE: SHOCKS -16 Doetsch Tech Racing Shocks, 13" Travel with remote reservoirs, custom valved. $75.00 each or $1,000.00 takes them all. Call Steve at(714) 798-5036. ~ DustyTima · April 1991 Page 53

Page 54

FOR SALE: 1-1600. Best of everything. West engine, Men-deola trans, UMP steering, Bilsteins. Race ready. Also, 2 seat Chenowth pre-run car or play car. Both come with Dico tandem trailer to take home. Must sell all. $13,000.00 takes all. Call (714) 498-5085. FOR SALE: 1991 Ford F-150 Class 8. Top ten overall per-former, Summers rear floater, Kuster shocks, Lee Mfg. PI S, Beard seats, Parker Pumper, Magi trans, etc. Raced only three times. Kishiyama Brothers Racing. No trades. $75,000.00 obo. (310) 397-6489. FOR SALE: Watkins Aronson Dubble car trailer. Holds two cars up to 126" wb and up to a 12" wider beam. 250 cubic feet of enclosed and loc.kable storage space. Spare tire, 100 gal fuel tank with electric delivery pump; full lighting, 2500# winch w/remote control. 4 wheel mechanical brakes, electric tongue jack. Call Craig at (415) 367-0808. Stored in El Toro, CA. FOR SALE: Class 10 desert car -Valley Performance built, Type I motor, bus trans w/Hewland gears, 116" ·wb, coil-over suspension, 3" stub axles, magnesium hubs, Curnutt shocks, all the good stuff. This single seater is very light, like new. Medical reasons force sale. Ready to race!!! $11,500.00 Call (702) 876-5444 days, (702) 870-2119 eves. Mike Halverson. FOR SALE: 511600. Fresh 1600, tranny, Yokohamas, Wright steering, Wright spindles, Fox, Beard, fuel cell. 5 races, 5 first place finishes. Time to upgrade. 1991 points champion, great car, sell or trade for Challenger or 1-211600. Make an offer I can't refuse. (602) 763-7378. FOR SALE: Last try, must sell, Berrien not quite Class· 10 car:: Best of everything. Possible for Texas Sportsman. No reasonable offer refused. (817) 283-7474. Anytime after 5 p.m. Will trade for????? FOR SALE: Bunderson 1/ 1600. Centerlines, Sway-A-Way, FOR SALE: 1990 Mirage Class Beard, Fox shocks, Parker 10, FAT Toyota 4AF, 110" wb, Pumper, Wright rack &spindles. Fox Coil-Overs, Wright front New motor by Jerry Law-less. end, combos, arms & rack. Needs to be put together. Summers front & rear discs, $4,500.00 w /trailer. Also, FOR SALE: 1 or 2 seat Class 10 ORE with Toyota 4AG motor, Field's tranny, torque limiters, Tilton clutch & starter, ods arms with Summers hubs f & r Wright rack, UMP p/ s, beadlocked Centerlines, Fox, SAW, Super-boot, CNC, and plenty of spares. Second in points 1989 SCORE/ HDRA. $22,000.00 obo. 20' tandem axle trailer w/surge brakes, 2 tire racks and an 8'x4' box that can carry all pit boxes, spares & dump cans. Trailer can also hold 3 fuel drums. $4,000.00 obo. 2 seat prerunner with 2240cc Type I motor, Field's tranny, Wright rack and combos, Fox, SAW, UMP p/s, Center-lines, great for Baja. $7,500.00 obo or $30,000.00 for all three with spare tires and wheels or trade. Call (818) 706-2314 anytime. FOR SALE: Qµick and reliable Raceco unlimited 2 seat. V-6 Toyota, Hewland, Fox coil-over reservoirs, Flame-Out, pumpers, radio, intercom, trailer, spares. Toyota Milestone winner, second in SCORE/HORA points, fresh and ready. Sell whole$30,000.00 or separate motor and trans. Call Jim (213) 686-0052 days or (714) 971-1206 nites. -==== FOR SALE: 5-1600 FRT class champion. Wright front end, SAW, Fox Shox, Beard seats, 22 . gal cell, Parker Pumper, Summers Bros. Porsche axles. $7,500.00 obo. Call Kevin (619) 691-9171 days, or Duane (619) 475-1904 eves. FOR SALE: 1989 Chenowth Magnum Class 10 stadium. Best of everything. Rev Power, Mendeola, Simpson, Super Boot, Fox, Centerline. Very competi-tive. Set up for the MTEG series, RACE READY! Will trade, rent or whatever!!! $20,000.00 Brian (213)866-1746 days. FOR SALE: Bunderson Class 10 115n wb, new JG trans, Larry Bitcon motor, Curnutt shocks, race radios, dump cans, pit boxes, UMP, Wilwood, AMS, Parker Pumper, Wright, lots of extras. Call for more info. (619) 364-3319. FOR SALE: 68 Baja 1600, Rabbit engine, dual 40mm Mikunis, cam, Euro-race distributor, header, 2 fuel tanks wlpumps, IRS, skid plate, Class 11 cage, full roof rack, Diest, Harness', cut & turned 'KYB's/Koni's, 7 .00x15 tires, Day lighters. Very dependable, licensed. $2,600.00 obo. Call Bob (619) 726-0369. Sway-A-Way, Woods arms, 930 Fibertech 2 seat play car built FOR SALE: Class 11 '69VW. c. v. 's, Centerlines, Mastercraft, trans, close ratio gears, 1600 cc Fox shocks, DJ Trans, Sway-A-WANTED: Sand rail -must be power steering, new 12~ traile_!'. engine, Sway-A-Way, Center-Way, Trans Foarm C.V.'s, Fuel midengineandA-Armfrontend. $14,950.00 OBO or trade. Call lines, Bilsteins & KYB, turning Safecell,plusallspares.Mustsell. Whole or apart, motor or not. (415) 594-0766 or (415) 365-brakes.$3,200.00Jim(805)265-$3,500.00 obo. Call Mike at Serious calls only. (209) 538-7789. Ask for Mark. 7338. (818)564:.8977. _ 7029leavemessage. _ _ . ,-------------------------------------------------------~-------. I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I 1 DUSTY TIMES. : Classified Advertising rate is only $15 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. . . I I I I: I I I I I I I I Enclosed is $ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. I ·I I I I Name---------------------------------Address ______________________ Phone-------L__ Ciry ------------------State _____ Zip ______ _ Page 54 April 1992 Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 I • FOR SALE: Pre run or family fun: Custom 127" wb 4 seat buggy, roomy & very comfort-able; extremely reliable. Bodies, Neal, Fox, UMP, Long arms, new 1835, bus, 930's, 22 gal, Beard. This car. is well built and maintained. Too many goodies to list. With nice custom tandem trailer. All for $6,500 obo. Call (805) 524-1222. FOR SALE: SACRIFICE -1978 Diplomat 25' motorhome. Rear king bed, microwave, generator, dual A IC, awning, 60k, 15k on 440 & trans. New; tires, shocks & brakes. All of the comforts of home and plenty of power & gear to tow. I lose at $11,000.00 obo. · Money is cheap, now is the time. (805) 524-1222. FOR SALE: '89 Blazer 2WD. Class 6 specs. L + 1 350, Art Carr TH400, 9" floater, 456 spool, H I A discs, 4 Beard seats, 5 points, Halon fire system, Cone ball joints, Ranchos, Glass front end, American Racing, Good-years, KC's, all professionally built. Race or fun. '92 tags. ½ price. $15,000.00 Call Ralph (714) 679-9180. ; FOR sALEY :,:9s1 oodg( vrsj . Colt 4wd 5 $'peed tranny;' Nf>is r fourt~'jear bµt·runs okay.-Ma_·-, offer - ·you .. haul. . Call Jo~ri_ ~f1 , Dusty Times. (818) 889-5600. . ' FOR SALE: 1967 Baja Bug, full cage, 5 point belts, gauges, 20 gal tank,·one piece front end, Armstrong tires, Dave Folts trans, stock 1600 motor, new shocks, · spare tires, shocks & miscellan-eous parts. Great play car or low budget racer. 1990 Safari & 1991 Baja Promotions/Tecate race finisher. Call (213) 977-2976 days, (310) 927-3046 home. FORSALE: l/1600MECO.Best of everything. 30 gal cell. Everything goes complete. Race ready. $10,500.00 or, less engine & trans. $7,500.00. Call Mike ,(714) 536-2775. FOR SALE: Perfect condition Briggs Built Superlite. Mickey Thompson legal. Includes work shocks & new Fox shocks, 13" bead locks & spare parts. Has high tech swirl ported engine. Business slow, must sell. Great buy for $10,000.00. Call Russ (303) 421-5242 days, (303) 986-2865 nites. FOR SALE: 1-211600 engine. Top of the line - everything new -turn key, save $1,000.00. Lots of extras. Phone (619) 593-6364. Dusty Times

Page 55

FOR SALE: 1989½ Range Rover. 3.9 VS, white, tan leather, 27M, under factory warranty, Warn winch & bumper, chrome rims, BFG's, heated windscreen, A IC, 4 speed automatic, PS, PB, PW, PL, cruise, etc. Excellent condi-tion. $23,950.00 firm. Call (310) 318-9803. ioR SALE: New 2 seat -4 seate/ Never driven. Red powdercoat, 7" wider rear, Bus IRS tranny, Sway-A-Way axles, dual shocks 8" wide Bl ] front end, tall shock'. Beards Ex-Wide Super seats, CNC pedals, turning brake. Deist belts, 11 gal tank, Toyota 175 Dual overhead cam, dual sidedraft Mikuni engine. $9,000.00 invested. $5,995.00 obo. Steve (602) 272-9333 or (602) 993-5577. FOR SALE: Raceco Porsche, 1989 SCORE/HORA points champ. FAT 3.2 liter, Mendeola DG300. Only 4 races in last 2 years, overall winner last race. Meticulously maintained with only the best parts. Recent ground up rebuild w/updates. Huge inventory of quality spares. $35K Todd (702) 825-1863 mornings, or leave message. ff ,,,,,, ··: ~>:,4~@1 V FOR SALE: 1963 Karman Ghia Drag Car, featured in VW Trends. National event winner, Neal pedals. $4,500.00 w l o engine, $3,500.00 w/ o trans. Offer (702) 355-7440 or (702) 747-6431. FOR SALE: 42 foot 3 axle Chaparral fifth wheel trailer. Includes 6 new additional tires, torsion spring rear door, 12V / 1 lOV wiring, air lines, interior car ramps, loading ramp extensions. $8,000.00 obo. Call Doug at (714) 350-1705. . ' engine. McDonalds two seat unlimited Raceco. Must sell! Call Eric (714) 784-3681. Dusty Times FOR SALE: '73 VW Thing, built by T-MAG, roll cage, dual reservoir shocks in rear, single reservoir · front shocks, T-MAG lift kit, front & rear skid plates, Beard seats, matching stock rear seat, spare gas tank, 2180 engine, new trim shop top, side windows. $6,500.00. Call (818) 963-3890 evenings. ;.;..: FOR SALE: Class 1-1600, Fox Shocks, Pumper, Wright rack & spindles, 22 gal fuel cell, Bus trans, CNC pedals, powder coated panels, short course and desert tires included. The best of everything, turn-key race prepped car. $8,500.00. (702) 355-7440 or (702) 747-6431. FOR SALE: Class 9 T-MAG chassis, single seat ( could be two seater), new W.R. motor, Jeff Fields trans, Parker Puniper, SAKO steering, J-MAR pedals, all stainless steel braided lines, Oberg filter, K&N filters, extra tires and wheels, Fox & T-MAG shocks. $4,500.00 takes every-thing. Call (818) 963-3890 evenings. FOR SALE: 1/2-1600 Raceco, Wright rack & combos, Fox shocks, UMP pwr strng, fast reliable motor, Super Diff tranny Beard seats, Mirage arms, etc. Radio w/ intercom, many spares. Very competitive, professionally prepped and ready to race. $9,500. 2 axle trailer available $1,000. Call Greg (818) 883-5058. FOR SALE: 1977 Dodge Caravan, motor home conversion, stove, bed, Birch cabinets, tool box, swamp cooler, tows 22' trailer. Has big windows. 25 ,000 miles on new engine. Smooth race car hauler. Asking $9,500.00. Offer or trade. Call (702) 355-7440 or (702) 747-6431. ~OR~ALE: 5-1600 Baja. Champ-10nsh1p car, ready to race. Built by the professionals -Andy Dever-celly. Call Andy Sr. (619) 589-8469. FOR SALE: 1989 ENTOW car trailer. 16' with chrome tandem wheels, electric brakes, tire ramp, spare and ramps. $1,495.00. (408) 241-9363. FOR SALE: Class 12 Mini-Mag. All latest mods, trick radiator and air filter, 4 first place finishes in SCORE/HORA series last year. Best of everything. Race ready. $12,000.00 obo. Call Larry(213) 691-0946. FOR SALE: Turn-Key rally cars: Stock Corolla GTS $7,500.00. GrA GTS $9',500.00 Stock Starlet $5,000.00. Starlet 4AG 200hp $15,000.00. MR2 super-charged $7,500.00. Toyota GT4 SD cage $950.00. Rally parts for 1 all Toyotas. Call Topi; (818) 765-5542. FAX (818) 764-1051. FOR SALE: Late model NAS-CAR Sportsman, 6th in points at Cajon in 1991. All the good stuff. Wide 5, Woodward rack & pinion pwr steering, new int & Buick Regal body. Lots of spares. 2 motors, 2 trans (Doug Nash 2 plus 2 ), lots more. Will trade for Class 10 or open 5 of equal value. Call evenings ( 619) 344-1925 after 6. Ask for Tim. FORSALE: 1990DodgeW150S 4x4, Rod Hall signature edition. Built at Shelby Automobiles, only 32 made. This is #2 and the first to the public; Rod Hall has #1. Beautiful black truck, Sxxx miles. $25,000 obo. Call John (310) 534-0679. FOR SALE: ORC Class 10 single seat chassis: included are complete rear suspension, Curnutt shocks, Carr disc brakes, 930 c. v. 's, Super Boot stub axles, drive axles, Beard seat, aluminum body & floor, complete wiring, fuel cell. Call (714) 983-2930 or (619) 868-4048. FOR SALE: 1-1600 1990 TRC, minimum weight car. Fresh Hat~ motor, fully equipped, all the best parts. Prepped, ready to race. $8,500.00. Call (619) 324-1861 or (619) 365-7188. FOR SALE: '78 Chevy 2WD Class 8 legal, street legal 383 stro er, Turbo 400, Dana 411 posi, 4 wheel discs, Beard seats, 34 gal fuel cell, 12 Doetsch Tech take-aparts. Built in 1990. Used twice as chase truck. Excellent condition. Must sell. $12,500.00 obo. Call (714) 971~7798. April 1992 EMERGENCY SALE: Honda -Trail 90, High-low tranny, 1971 model. It can vote! Good shape, 1180 miles, REALLY! Current license & registration. On welfare, wife & girlfriend in THAT way! Also, buying new pre-runner. $600.00 -$350.00. Call (213) 254-1531. FOR SALE: Open dass rai!y car, '77RXSP RX7 5 speed, 16 point roll cage, fully adjustable suspen-sion. 3 link rear, Ford spool rear end, Beard seats, Spears, Terra Trip Ill. Needs some body work. 200 plus] Bridge rotary. Call nites (310) 691-1176. $5,500.00. FOR SALE: '69 Ford FlOO pre runner. 428 Cobra Jet C-6 trns, 3 70 locker rear end, Beard seats, 4 point harness, 8 shocks, new paint, new windshield, fiberglass hood and fenders, KC's, disc brakes front, drum rear, extra wheels & tires. Good play truck. Roll cage throughout. $4,850.00. Call John ( 805) 94 7 -0913 or (805) 948-5716. FOR SALE: 2-1600. Best of everything, Hatz motor, fresh motor, fresh tranny, Wright front end, Beard seats, Parker Pumper, power steering. $8,950.00. Call days(310)816-2780, nites (310) 864..0893. FOR SALE: 2-1600 transmission, price $1,100.00. One 10 gallon dump can, $20.00. Call Bob (818) 332-7656. FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum Class 10 Stadium. Fresh Rabbit, Fox'es, Mendeola trans, Wright rack, spindle~ & arms. Best of everything. $14,900.00. Call ( 402) 496-9431. FOR SALE: Ford Class 8, formerly "Scoop" Vessels. Won Baja 1000, 500 and Mint 400. 475hp, C-6 full floater 9" 411 rear end, Cone hubs, JFZ brakes, new Fuel Safe fuel cell, 44 gal. Nl v Mastercraft seats. 6 Baja TA's, 35x15x12.5. $12,000.00 obo. (805) 688-4922. FOR SALE: Chenowth 1000 1-1600 chassis, fiberglass, skid plates, rear arms, torsion bars, front beam & arms $360.00. WrightR&P$75.00, Neal pedals w/Jamar steering brake $100.00, Jamar SS shifter {new) $30.00. Fresh bus IRS, close 3rd & 4th $450.00. Cleaning garage, will bargain. Jim Dooley (708) 740-3155. FOR SALE: 6½' x 16' open trailer, tandem axle. $850.00 (714) 682-8745. FOR SALE: Class 9 T-Mag, La Plant. Overall SCORE champion, top condition, fresh engine & trans. Lots of spares. $6,900.00. Call (714) 498-6470. FOR SALE: 2 Mastercraft racing seats, high back w /Lumbar support. Grey black upholstery. Never used. Still in box. Must sell! $500.00 firm. Call (714) 874-7415, ask for Carey. FOR SALE: Former Roger Mears Nissan Class 7; rebuilt from the ground up. Ford 9" 556 full floater rear end, new Mastercraft seats, 300hp, disc brakes by Tilton. Comes with 12 new wheels & tires. $32,000.00 or rent for $10,000.00 per race. Call (805) 688-4922. FOR SALE: New class 9 chassis, single seat with body, new DJ trans, lots of extra parts including 70 bug for parts. Sacrifice $2,400.00 obo. Call (818) 446-2215. FOR SALE: 5-1600, new fenders & paint. Wright spindles, tie-rods and box; Rancho, Bilstein, Simpson, Superseats, 22 gal cell, dual air cleaners, Centerlines, pumper K.C.'s, Sway-A-Way axles, fresh type IV c.v.'s. Could be good mid-west racer. Some extras. Call Ed in PA (717) 672-3028. WANTED: Want to buy Class 9 Challenger car. Call Tom (619) 379-4902. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels . . . . . . . . . . 8 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . • . . . 4 Cactus Racing Products . . . . • . . . 30 Castex Inc., E-2-Up . . . . . . . . . . . 12 California Pre-Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . . . . . 15 DeNunzio Racing Products . . . . . . 28 Don-A-Vee Jeep Eagle . . . . . . . . . 25 'FAT Performance ............ 27 FRT Rock Around The Clock . . . . . 5 FRT Mudhen II . • . • . . . • . • . . . . 23 German Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Gerolamy . . . . • . . . . . . . . • • . . . 34 Rod Hall Driving School . . . . . . . . 39 HORA Nevada 500 . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Hi Tech Off Road . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Hot Line -Racer X . . . . . • . . . . . 41 lntershows • . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . 29 KC HiLites • . . • . . • . . • . . . . . . . 21 K.D. Kanopy • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 La Rana -Spangler 250 . . . . . . . . 9 LC. Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . . . 6 Parker Pumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 PCI Race Radios . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Pike's Family Restaurant . • . . . . . 32 Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . . . 31 Racers Tool & Supply . . . . . . . . . 44 R.LH. Communications . . . . . . . . 47 SCORE San Felipe 250 . . Back Cover Marvin Shaw Engineering . . . . . . . 35 Shell Truck Guard . . . • . . . . . . . . 7 Spring Run 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7 T rackside Photos Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 46 Tri-Mil Industries . . • . . . . . . . . . . 11 Ultra Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Valley Performance . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Wright Place • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 43 Page 55

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---_.,_,,_ -JOIN THE FIESTA a UMP FOLLOW THE SUN ROADMASTER Unique Metal Products TO THE BY P.C.I. SCORE TOYOTA San Felipe 250 THE OFFICIAL TRUCK OF SCORE INTERNATIONAL April 24-26, 1992 BF Goodrich . 11m The Official 1ire of SCORE International Photo by Traclcside l~tr.I.r..1e,r:r-} Drawing Date: March 27, 1992 Autolite The race course will start and finish at the San Felipe arches and consist of one 250 ·mile loop. For further information contact: SCORE International - 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908, Westlake Village, CA 91362 Telephone# (818) 889-9216 FAX# (818) 706-8833 ~o~lff<moFF ROAD ~UU~'c.) MANUFACTURING f(C__h;L;TE.s ,, CUSTOM WHEELS