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1992 Volume 9 Number 12 Dusty Times Magazine

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• :,:,~ ~ ,l !; ,, -,' Coverillg the world of competition in the dirt

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Volume 9 - Number 12 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Assistant Janay Smith Controller John Calvin Circulation 0 . Osborne Contributors Jim Baker Darla Crown C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Don Dayton Daryl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Matt Marcher Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Darryl Smith Judy Smith 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Inc. Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typography & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services Dusty Times December 1992 _,,IU.S orncw, UClllll IDOH Subscription Rates: 'llrfdSlries<fgJ'AlarfRacing4' $15 .00 per year, 12 issues, USA. F~reign Subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material· will ·be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads: will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, (ISSN 8750-1732) is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 8.82-0004. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Chatsworth, CA 91311 and at additional mailing office. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dmty Times, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408. A Very Merry Christ""" from all of us at Dusty Times to all our friends all over the country and the world. Happy Holidays December 1992 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page HORA Gold Coast 300 by Judy Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 GMC Yukon Road Test ............................... 17 FORDA Labor Day 250 by Wayne Simmons ............. 18 VORRA Summer Sizzler by Matt Marcher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 FRT Plaster City Blast by Judy Smith ..... · ............... 24 MTEG Mile High Stadium Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 SCCA Gold Rush PRO Rally . ............. : ........... 31 Kamloops Bronco Busters by Randy Chamberlain ......... 32 SNORE 250 by Jean Calvin & Don Dayton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Great Northern Challenge by Barb & Marilyn Schultz . . . . . . 38 Waikerie Riverland 400 by Darryl Smith .......... ; .... . . 42 WRC Rally of Australia by Martin Holmes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 SODA DePere by Barb & Marilyn Schultz ....... 48 Stadium Style Racing at Ventura by Sundance . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 DEPARTMENTS Pony Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 · Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . Trail Notes -. .......................................... 6 Checkers Column by the Big Wahzoo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Desert Race Support by Craig Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Christmas Goodies Galore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 The Losers pictorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Good Stuff Directory ................................. 52 California Rally Series by Lynette Allison ................ 57 Mel Freimuth Farewell ................................ 57 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ON THE COVER - Brian Collins flew like white lightning at the HDRA Gold Coast 300 in his Porsche powered Chenowth single seater equipped with automatic transmission. He had no trouble at all, stopped only for a splash of gas and thought the course this year was a real driver's course in contrast to previous years. He not only won the Unlimited Class by 12 minutes, he also won the race overall by a skinny three seconds over fellow Las Vegan Rob Mac;:Cachren in Class 8. It capped a great Collins week as Brian had won both UltraStock races at the MTEG event in the Las Vegas Silver Bowl the previous Saturday in a Porsche 911. Gary Sewell Jr. has soared into the Class 1-2-1600 victory in four straight races since getting his new Lothringer last July, but in this class, especially in a Vegas race, it is never a walk-a-way. Sewell stopped several times to check for engine trouble, and it is foutunate he didn't stop again as he won by only 41 seconds over Danny Porter/ Mark Ruddis, also driving a single seater. Our congratulations to Brian Collins and Gary Sewell on their winning ways in what may have been the last HDRA race to go in the record books. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Inc. S~7~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$15.00 o i years ·-$15.00 □ 3 years -$35.00 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS - SALES TAX Add: $1.25 - 1 year, $2.00 - 2 years, $2. 75 - 3 years Takeac:lvantage of your subscription bonus ••. Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name _____________________ _ Address ____________________ _ City _ ____________________ _ State ___________ Zip----------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408, (818) 882-0004 ( Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates on request) Page 3

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Pony Express ••• next season. Send us your calendar when you have it finalized so folks can plan ahead. In regards to the article about the SODA action in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan written by Barb and Marilyn Schultz, there is a mistake. In the Women's Limited Buggy report they stated that Tracey Crump took second. As I recall Pat Hammond took second and got paid for second place, and I was not even listed as racing. I would appreciate someone looking into this, as I feel I should be listed as placing where I did, and I did race in car number 754. can get any results at all. In many cases the Schultz ladies have to rely on lat> charts they make themselves trackside in order to meet fJUhlication deadlines. In your October 1992 issue in Trail Notes you stated: "Toyota entered the world of Off Road Racing in 1983." In the 1973 Mexican 1000 I drove a factory sponsored Toyota Land Cruiser. I would like to thank you for in Class 3 and won the Class, a run your continuing support in from Ensenada to La Paz. I would publicizing our race results. W e venture that 1973, not 1983 was are a grass roots organization and when Toyota entered the world of your publication allows us to off road racing as a factory reach a segment of racers we sponsor. Our Land Cruiser racer otherwise could not touch. We had been converted to propane hold a variety of races and and was turbo-charged and we encompass them all in one points had special dispensation from Pat Hammond series to better use our compara-Race Steward Walt Lott for the Palms, MI tively small racer pool.· There is turbo, which was illegal in our no bigger thrill than to see your class. Running on propane the No doubt you are correct Pat, and accomplishments 'in print in a Land Cruiser was severely often the scoring team does not }!Ct a ne\.Vspaper solely devoted to the underpowered with a stock 6 comf>lete list of the Worhen's race . sport in which you participate. cylinder stove bolt Chevy engine. entrantsbecausetheyenteratthelast Again, thank you for your lnddentally the promoters that moment if anything is left of the car consideration and support. year, the Baja state governments they are to drive. Also, I can say from Randy Chamberlin, President i who had taken over from personal exf>erience that }!etting a Kamloops Bronco Busters 4x4 NORRA, evidently used all the correct set of results from C lass 1 on Club entry money for parties and down can be a chore at SOD A races, expenses and there was none left with mistakes common on remits W e appreciate receiving your race to pay the winners. It was only even from the to/> events like the reports and t>hotos Randy, and ho/Je after pressure from other winners Brush Run, />rot•idin}! the re/JOrter it helps scout u/> more entry for you such as Walker Evans that we This is the system run by most off road race winners TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME Page 4 JEEP STRAIGHT 6 "NEW SUMMER SPECIAL CHROME" 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED finally got paid. Bill Sanders, Senior Editor Off Road Magazine North Hills, CA Sorry for the omission Bill; chalk it up to usinJ! />ress releases in the news · column. In fact, I think you and I and your co-driver Pete SfJrinl{er had a ' toddy or two tol{ether at a sidewalk caf e in celehration in La Paz in 1973., Toyota owned and JJreJ>ared the mini truck that I attemf>ted to drive, in the 70s, on the race with Mary Mal{ee and Janet Guthrie. Howewr I hailed out after several malfunctions before dark, and that truck didn't finish. Wake Up SCORE and HORA! Class 1-2-1600 weight restrictions are unfair and killing the class. Every car builder and racer knows that it is impossible to build a safe .two seater at minimum weight while the single seaters, which handle better, can be built at minimum weight or under if you cheat as some do since the cars are never weighed. But that's another issue. The truth is a single seater can be raced at 1500 pounds wet, while a super light two seater will weigh 1600 pounds wet; then throw in a 150 pound co-rider and you have a 250 pound disadvantage. With the restrictor plates there is no appreciable difference in power on the dyno. The two seaters got screwed when the minimum weight rule was changed from a dry weight calculation to a wet weight calculation without any change in the actual weight required. This change allowed for 20 gallons of fuel to be added giving the single seaters a huge advantage. If 1600 owners, SCORE and HORA are interested in greater entries, more safety and evenly matched fields of race cars they would change and update the weight rules. Let's get the two seaters out of the garages and into the desert. A lot has been said and written on this problem, but nothing has changed. What are the organizers afraid of/ A 2-1600 owner San Diego, CA Nomwlly we do not print unsigned letters, /mt this tvriter J>oses a very December 199! timely question that does need an answer. Not only are the weights in 1600 and Challenger classes somewhat unrealistic, the method of checking them leaves much to be desired. Scales usually don't take well to being bounced around in the back of a f>ickup en route to a finish line im/>ntmd somewhere, and rarely is there f>aved, flat and even ground for the weil{hing fJrocess, done by workers who are tired out after the race and often unfamiliar with the scales. W e would welcome a full scale SoaJJ Box discussion on this from peof>le actitie in classes required to weigh in after a race. Do your readers know that Vicki Allison of Scottsdale, AZ, became the first woman to drive in the Mickey Thompson Off Road Championship Grand Prix Super 1600 class. The race was in the Silver Bowl at Las Vegas, NV and Vicki runs a Chenowth Magnum with a RevPower VW Rabbit water cooled engine. Her sponsors include BFGoodrich, Trick Racing Fuels, Brandwood Cars, and Bobby Griggs Perform-ance. The team consists of Vicki as driver, Steve Cheuvront, team manager, Mike Shea of Eccentric Productions, crew chief, and Tracey Shea, video coordinator. Vicki and the team were thrilled with her tenth place finish. They are currently competing at Candlestick Park this season and working on sponsorships for the 1993 stadium series. Watch for the interview with Vicki on ESPN Vegas race coverage to be on the air on or about November 23, so the schedule says. Vicki Allison Scottsdale, AZ Thanks for the note Vicki and good luck hunting sfJonsors. Did you know that Mercedes Gonzales won her heat race in her suJJerLite at the MTEG Las Vegas race, we think the first lady winner since MTEG went twtiorwl with the stadium series. W e have a couf>le of very long and inrnlwd "hitch letters" that we do not hm1e space for, one from Glenn Walle comJ>lainini about being denied the op/wrtunity to make another lap at a recent Baja Promotions race in Baja California by the J>romoter Lou Peralta even thoul{h there was more than ample time to comJ>lete another laJ>. He cites mmtL'Tous rules infractions by other comJJetitors who aJ>Jn1rently were not JJenalized at all, and he felt that the organization has been grossly unfair to the north of the border competitors. A long lem'T. from Debi Gellenbeck of New Philadelphia, Ohio describes ho«' she was f>enalized from start to finish of the ladies event at the Brush Run IOI, and frankly we net1er have imdL'TStood how SODA promoters decide who starts where in the ladies events. That "bitch" should be aired at the u/>comini SODA convention in January, and perhaps some standard can be set so the long tow to a race in the midwest does not end in total frustration for the ladies who must wait through the long weekend for their events to close out the program. Fi1wlly we have a short note, postmarked in San Diego, complaining about the 5-r600 mess after the SCORE Baja 500, and primarily about Wayne Cook, the then class reJ>resentative. He has since resigned. As stated above, we do not use unsigned letters in most cases, and do not wish the liability of accusinl{ someone of wrongdoing when the letter writer refuses to identify himself, OT herself as the case may be. I need to express my thanks to a few people, some that I know and some that I don't, at least not before that weekend. As I was on my way to the Gold Coast 300 I encountered some problems. At Afton Road on 1-15 I had a trailer tire separate and didn't have a spare. Gary Johnson and some of his friends were there and followed me to Razor Road where I got a new tire on the trailer. My fellow Barstow racer Gary wouldn't leave me there by myself, so the others went on and he stayed to follow me into Las Vegas. Good thing that he did that nice thing, because as we were going up Mountain Pass I broke the timing belt on my truck. Gary pulled my truck and trailer up the hill to the brake check area to get me off the freeway. Assessing the situation, I called by wife back in Barstow and told her what was happening. She called Eddie Parker and he was on his way before she hung up the phone. Eddie and Greg Parker own A-1 towing in Barstow. Now that we had a plan I talked Gary into going on to Vegas and into the Friday tech inspection so he could get his things done. Gary went into tech and also talked to HORA President Danny Cau and explained the situation. Danny said we could tech the car at the start line on Saturday. As I was waiting I saw a bunch of race crews go by. Then this Van goes by and next thing I know it is pulling up the off ramp. They came over and asked ifl'm having any problems and what can they do to help. Seems that they went by and saw my vehicle with race car in tow sitting there, and they turned around on the freeway and came back to help. We had a plan going so I figured we had better go with it, and thanked them and they were on their way. All I know is that the Van windshield said Martin Bros. Racing. With a crew like this, no matter how the Martin Brothers finish, you will always be winners to have a crew this caring. Thanks again to you all. As time went on Eddie Parker got there and we loaded up my truck, and my co-driver Bobby Wallace got there to take the car on to the race. I came back home to Barstow to fix my truck and left Bobby to go racing. With all of the help from Gary Johnson and the CORE pit team people, he was able to finish a respectable second in Class 9, only five minutes out of the win. Not bad for someone who only had about 200 miles of time in my car. Again, many thanks to everyone. Tom Mattingly Barstow, CA Off Road racers are great folks Tom, we can attest to that personally. DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters from all corners of off road activity. The Pony Express column will feature all the mail we can fit into the sJ>ace. Please keep your words fairly brief. Because of sfwce limitations, yom JJearls of />rose may he edited, /mt DUSTY TIMES will />rint your griJ>es as well as yom />raises . Letters for />uhlication should he at the DUSTY TIMES office by the 15th of the month in order to aJ>J>ear in the next issue. Dusty Times

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1991·93 Happening$ ••• A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 December 5, 1992 Sonoyta to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico AMSA Jim Webb P.O. Box 26084 Fresno, CA 93726 (209) 439-2114 AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPONSHIP Darryl Smith 47 Teenan St. Ferny Hills, Q 4055, Australia 0l l-18-07-851-0444 AUTOCROSS QUEBEC OFF ROAD Class 10 cars only Serge Lambert 65 Rue de Valcourt Blainville, Quebec, Canada K7B IHI (514) 434-5792 BADGERLAND VW CLUB, INC. Terry Friday 5913 Fond Du Lac Road Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 ( All ewnts located in Chilton, WI ' at the W u1r1dllll(O Count)' Ex/10 CL'llter) BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 9 l 302 (818) 340-5750 Golden Crown of Baja Desert Series {cars) January 16, 1993 Awards Banquet Rosarito Beach, BC, MX February 12-14, 1993 Gran Carrera de San Felipe 250 San Felipe, BC, MX March 26-28, 1993 Gran Carrera de San Luis Rio Colorado Puerto Penasco Sonora, MX May 14-16, 1993 Gran Carrera de Tecate 250 Tecate, BC, MX June 25-27, 1993 Gran Carrera de Mexicali Night Race Mexicali, BC, MX July 23-25, 1993 Gran Carrera de Ensenada . Ensenada, BC, MX September 24-26, 1993 Gran Carrera de Campeones San Felipe, BC, MX BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jitri Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-B.O.R.E. BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R. 3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-I HO (613) 475-1102/Fax (613) 475-3250 1993 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon,WI54520 (715)478-2222 BUMP Bob Utgard Motorsports Promotions 42263 50th St. West 11108 Quart: Hill, CA 93536 (805) 256-8520 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Gary Luke, Director . 13675 Spring Valley Road Morgan Hill, CA 95037 ( 408) 779-3589 Mike Gibeault, SCCA Steward 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 DECATUR FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB Decatur, TX 76234 Tom Allen (800) 662-3649/ (214) 641-2090 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association BAKER PRECISION PRODUCTS HI PERFORMANCE, RACE-PROVEN BATTERIES PB34 $116.81 PB48 $141.58 PB60 $178.88 BUY IT. USE IT, BELIEVE ITI CV-JOINTS 934.5 128MM DIRECT FROM GERMANY DON'T GET CAUGHT $165- WITH IMITATIONS!!!!! NM B .. WHY TRUST REBUILDS! AURORA ess HOSE eAN FITTINGS e PUROSIL e COOLERS eFIRE SYSTEMS e U-JOINTS eNEO OIL eDZUSE eK-4 SWITCHES CALL FOR YOUR FREE CATALOG· VISA & MASTERCARD ACCEPTED 310-427-2375 2865 GUNDRY AVENUE, LONG BEACH, CA 90806 Page 6 9385 Florence Ave. Apopka, FL 32703 (407) 291-12151(305) 823-4487 January 10, 1993 Naples, FL February 14, 1993 Lakeland, FL March 27, 1993 Talahassee, FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, 112 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES December 31, 1992 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA February 13, 1993 King of the Desert Lake Superstition, CA April 3, 1993 Bu:: Bomb 150 Plaster City East, CA August 7, 1993 Superstition 250 Lake Superstition, CA September 25, 1993 Plaster City Blast Plaster City East, CA October 30, 1993 Squeaky Springs Gran National Lake Superstition, CA December 31, 1993 Dunaway Dash Plaster City West, CA ATV, BIKE & DESERT SUPERLITE SCHEDULE November 22, 1992 The Notorious Dawg 3 Hour Team Race December 6, 1992 Rudolph's Revenge Desert Gran Prix followed by a T earn Race January 1 7, 1993 Barking Spider of the Desert 1-8 & Dunaway Road, CA February 13, 1993 King of the Desert Lake Superstition, CA February 20, 1993 1992 Awards Banquet San Diego, CA February 28, 1993 Coyote Wash Bath Plaster City West, CA March 21, 1993 March Madness Plaster City West, Ca April 28, 1993 Attack Kamika:e Desert Gran Prix & T earn Race Lake Superstition, CA May 9, 1993 Sweethearts Kiss Like Superstition, CA May 15-16, 1993 24 Hours of Le Fud Ph,srer City West, CA June 13, 1993 Carls had Gran Prix & T earn Race June 19, 1993 Mr. Patterson's Wild Ride Plaster City West, CA August 21, 1993 Otter Z Night Team Race Plaster City West, CA September 5, 1993 Desert Sprint Plaster City East, CA October 10, 1993 4th Annual Mudhen II Plaster City West, CA November 21, 1993 Notorious Dawg 3 Hour Team Race 1-8 & Dunaway Road, CA Dec 5, 1993 Rudolph's Revenge plus Team Race Lake Superstition, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2339 San Bernardino, CA 92406 (714) 880-1733 GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 December 1991 ·, rail Notes ••• DESERT SERIES TOGETHER AGAIN - It is no secret that both HORA and SCORE have had a tough year with diminished entry and .sponsors coming and going. The golden era of desert racing is long gone and the competition for entry extends from SCORE and HORA to three other established series, two in southern California, and one in southern Nevada. The rumors had been flying for some weeks and in October, after the MTEG San Francisco race, the announcement was made. It was not quite what had been expected by most competitors who hoped for a combined series like that of recent years, until 1992 from SCORE and HORA, and to avoid editorializing at all, we will quote the release directly. "SCORE International and the High Desert Racing Associa'tion have agreed in principle to merge their resources, with SCORE International emerging as the leading off road racing sanction and promotion company in the sport, it was reported today (Monday, October 26, 1992). An announcement was made to a meeting o{ representatives of the leading truck and tire manufacturers that participate in the sport." "The immediate result will be a new circuit of seven or eight races in 1993 called the SCORE International Desert Championship Series held in Arizona, California, Nevada and Baja California, Mexico. The new series that will open in January with the Parker 400 in Arizona and conclude next November with the Baja 1000 replaces a four race series managed by SCORE and a five race series promoted by HORA in 1992. Details remain to be worked out between SCORE lnternational's Sal Fish and HDRA's Danny Cau, but Fish said the new company will emerge effective January 1, 1993. Fish will serve as chief executive officer and Cau as president. Company headquarters will continue to be in Westlake Village, CA, where SCORE International is currently located." "Fish said negotiations were initiated by SCORE several months ago: The two operators of major off road races jointly supervised a single national championship circuit from 1986 through 1991, after whicn HORA withdrew from the agreement, and the two off road race promotion companies operated separately in 1992. SCORE International opened its doors in 1972 and held its first race in 1973. HORA was created in 1976", (from Walt Lott's WRA company• ed.). While this is obviously a.good move by both SCORE and HORA for financial reasons, we do wonder how it will affect the average off road racer. Will there be more and more heavily sponsored trucks and, like sedans in Class 6, will some open wheel classes just fade away from the big time scene? If they decide to run only seven races, which HORA event will get the ax? As soon as we know, we'll let you know, but don't look for any news until the awards banquets arid the Christmas holidays are done for the year. THE MTEG S_TADIUM SERIES took the dog days oflate summer off, but came back with the final three events in rapid succession. First was the race at Mile High Stadium in Denver, featured in this issue. Then in two weeks it was Las Vegas Silver Bowl Time a week before the Gold Coast 300 out of Vegas. We'll have the full report from Las Vegas next month, but we can tell you that Rick Johnson won the truck main event for Chevrolet while the heat.races went to the Mears Nissan Gang, Roger in Heat 1 and Roger Jr. in Heat 2. The results list Larry Noel, Jeep, as the UltraStock winner in both the heat race and the main event, but Vegas driver Brian Collins won both races on the track in his Porsche and was temporarily disqualified on tire size, and a week later reinstated as the class winner in both events. In Superlites Jimmie Johnson won the first heat, and his BriggsBuilt teammate Mercedes Gonzales won the second heat, her first MTEG victory; defending points champion Greg George, on the same team, won the main. Jerry Whelchel took the first Super 1600 heat, Gary Gall won the second and Bob Gordon won the main event, all three driving Chenowths. Gary Denton and Charles Shepherd won the heat races in 4 Wheel A TV action and Donavon Holland tCX>k the main. Larry Brooks won the first motorcycle heat, Shuan Kalos took the second, and Kyle Lewis won the main, all riding Yamahas. The points were tight in three classes, UltraStock, Super 1600, and Ultracross, going into the season finale in San Francisco on October 24. TOY OT A TRUE GRITS POINTS-Only eleven finalists remain eligible for one of five Toyota True Grit cash awards after three of the four SCORE International off road races in the 1992 season. They ·are joined by twelve other drivers who remain eligible to win one of the 1992 Toyota Milestone awards. Only 23 have made the cut, while another 219 competitors have been · eliminated so far, with the Baja 1000 yet to happen at press time. Six $2,000.00 cash awards are posted this season to be paid to drivers who can maintain the fastest accumulated average speeds in each of their classes for SCORE's four series races. Milestone awards are given to all drivers who manage to finish every racing mile of all four races. True Grit leaders after the third of four SCORE International races are Dale Ebberts Class 1-2-1600, 41.237 mph; Hartmut Klawitter Class 5, 4 3 .382 mph; Brian Goodrich Class 5-1600, 3 7 .607 mph; Pancho Bio Class 9, 34.840 mph; Steve Sourapas Class 10, 45.880 mph; and Martin Garibay Class 11, 29 .343 mph. Still in the running are Jon T anklage, James Harris and Fred Wing in Class 1-2-1600 and Ruben Gutierrez and Alberto Covarrubias· in Class 5-1600. Toyota posts $12,000.00 to be distributed equally among these six classes at the end of the season. The True Grit competition is separate from SCORE's championship points race and from other championships contested by vehicle and tire manufacturers. SCORE BAJA 1000 PREVIEW. A whopping 324 have signed up to race the Baja 1000, the biggest entry since the last time the race went all the way to La Paz in 1989. Japan tops the foreign entry list with 121 racers, mostly on motorcycles, and there are entrants from Australia,· Belgium, Costa Rica, England, Holland, Israel and Italy, as well as Canada, Mexico and 21 of the United States. The old Pros and first timers face 1038.5 miles from Ensenada southeast to San Felipe and the Bay of LA, back to the Pacific shores and on south into La Paz. They all have 42 hours to make the journey, but the fast guys are predicting an overall winning time of20 hours or better, depending on the weather. The recent storms have really torn up sections of the route, so it will be interesting to see the actual winning time. All eyes will be on Toyota's Ivan Stewart, who has only won the 1000 once, in 1976 in an open wheel car. But he has taken the overall six times in the Baja 500 where he earned the "Iron Man" title, from winning the Valvoline award so often. Oddly enough one of the crew servicing the Stewart Toyota is Ted Mangels, winner with Vic Wilson of the Inaugural Mexican 1000, and Mangels is just one of the small army assembled by PPI to chase and service Ivan Stewart on his way to the hoped for overall victory, but he faces some tough competition. Dusty Times

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CJ ◊ 0 ◊ D -~ LA RANA DESERT ··· RACING 0 0 0 l] 0 JfiNOfiRY 1,2 & 3, 1993 0 BfiRSTOW, Cfi · for More Information call Lfi RfiNfi DESERT RACING (909) 924-2226

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( 404) 253-1033 November 28, 1992 Thanksgiving 250 December 5, 1992 Awards Banquet (All ,·1•c•n1, ,H Vie1m<1, GA) GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Roh Moon 915 So. Zech Road Ann Arhor, Ml 48 103 ( 31 3) 665-035tq3 l 3) 996-9193 GREAT PLAINS OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Keith Kocstcrs 4605 N. I 10th Circle Omaha, NE 6/'i 164 ( 402 J 496-0H46 ( Afl ,/101'1 ,·otll'<C r<1c,·< und hdd ,cc Wc·,tl <1ir in ( ',nm,il R/11((,. lomr) GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Rcrrrnm Productions, Inc. 15071 Hwy 1_19, Rt. 4 Golden, CO 8040 3 Colorn,lo Off Road Championships ( 303) 936-5960 GRR Golclc-n Ruic Racing P.O . r,,,x 402 I I Phoenix. AZ 85067 ( 602) !.61-5 329 HORA ·High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las V t;gas Blvcl., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 HORA U.S.A. CUP Nm·cmber 20, 1992 Awards Ban4ul't Gold Coast Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV 1993 Schedule January 8-9, 1993 Southern Cal 250 Barstow, CA March 11-14, 1993 HDRA400 Las Vegas, NV May 14-16, 1993 Nevada 500 Pahrump, NV July 2-3, 1993 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA Aµgust 13.-15, 1993 Color C:ountry Runoffs Southern Utah October 15-17. 1993 Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Harvey Wald (605) 224-6678 days ( 605) 224-5534 ev,;nings IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O . Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( All cw111s swi:ed ;11 rite du/, gro,md, in Clews, Ohio) INTER-SHOWS MOTORSPORTS PROMOTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 291() Mission Viejo, CA 92690 ( 7 14) 364-05 I 5 December 4, 1992 Motorcycle Swap Meet Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa, CA December 5, 1992 VW / Porsche Off Road Swap Meet Orange County Fairgrounds Costa Mesa, CA KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WDCLUB Randy Chamberlin 835 Wawn Road Kamloops, B.C. V2B-6N3 Don (604) 372-95(11 da1•s Randy (604) 579-9621 eves ( A/l ct•cnls s1ar1 7 miles NW of Kamlm/1.,) LA RANA DESERT RACING 22769 Chamhrai• Or. Moreno Valley, CA 92387 (714) 924-2226 November 20-22, 1992 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA December 19, 1992 Awards Banquet Marriott Hotel Ont'lrio,CA January 1-3, 1993 New Years 200 Barstow, .CA February 26-28, 1993 Presidential 250 Barstow, CA April 30-May 2, 1993 Spangler 200 Ridgecrest, CA June 18:io, 1993 Lucerne Valley 250 Lucerne Valley, CA July 24, 1993 Womans Only Race Barstow, CA August 27-29, 1993 Johnson Valley 200 Lucerne Valley CA October 22-24, 1993 California 200 Ridgecrest, CA November 18-20, 1993 High Desert 300 Lucerne Valley, CA MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517)627-6200 MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION Keneth Coleman 742 E. Roosevelt Road Ashley, MI 48806 ( 51 7) 838-4483 MfDWEST OFF ROAD RACING Tomm)' Bowling 19019 W. CR 128 Odessa, TX 79765 (915) 561-5222 "The Texas Challenge Off Road Points Series" ( All L'WllC< ,11 Notrel'.<, TX) MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFFROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND.PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 Anaheim, CA Q2825 (714) 938-4100 November 21, 1992 Awards Banquet 1!11 KUSTER SHOCKS • 8,10,12,14,16,18 inch strokes. • 3 times the dampening of 2' shocks. • Completely rebuildable. • External dampening adjustment. • No cast or welded pieces. • 17-4 PH SS heat treated shaft. • Completely ·threaded 4130 cylinder. NEW PRODUCTS KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29th STREET P.O. BOX 7038 BALL JOINTS • 300M Ball and socket. 300,000 lbs. tensile strength. (3 times stronger than chromoly) • Rotates a full 80 degrees. • Ball and socket fully spherically ground, not just lathe turned. 75 to increase durability. LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90806, USA TELEPHONE (310) 595-0661 FAX (310) 426-7897 Page 8 December 19ft inorc ••• TRAI.L NOTES THE MTEG STADIUM FINALE for 1992 at Candlestick Park in San Francisco held a few surprises although many of the point championships had all but been won going •into the fray and Toyota had taken their ninth Manufacturers Cup title, Ivan stewart capped a championship winning season for Toyota-with his second Grand National sport truck main event victory of the year, and he also won the. first heat race. Rick Johnson won the second truck heat race for Chevrolet. Going into the race Toyota's Rod Millen needed only to start the first heat to win the Drivers' point title, but he finished third in that heat and second.behind Ivan in the main event. The crowd of 25,898 saw a wild night of racing and the all out battle for the Super 1600 title between the pre-race points leader Marty Hart and former· champions Frank Arciero Jr., Mitch·Mustard and Jerry Whelchel with only ten points separating the four drivers. After qua-lifying first Whelchel dominated the field winning his heat race and then the main on his way to his second Super 1600 championship. The victory also makes him the all time main.event win leader in Super 1600 history with 14; he had been tied for that record with Arciero. Another champion.ship that was undecided before the San Francisco race was UltraStock, between Jeep teammates Tommy Croft and Larry Noel, who is the defending champion from 1991. Tim Lewis won the single -heat race·in his Porsche, but.Noel was second and Croft fourth. But Tommy Croft won the main event and Noel didn't finish, so Croft is the UltraStock ·champion for 1992. Jimmy _Smith got his Ford working.and took second in the UltraStock main. Among the SuperLites CJ Mears won his first heat race at age 15, it runs in,the family. Defending champions Greg George took the second heat and already crowned 1992 champion Jimmie Johnson won the main event followed by Greg George, CJ Mears and Stacy Fay. In 4 Wheel A TV action Charles Shepherd took the first heat and Mark Ehrhardt won the second one, while Greg Stuart rode to-the Main event victory. Ehrhardt won the 1992 championship over Stuart. Mike Craig won-the first motorcycle heat, and Ray Crumb took the second, while Shaun Kalos won the mairt event,-but Craig finished fourth, and with his heat race win had enough points to take the championship for .the ·seasorl over Kyle Lewis. Congratulations to all the winners, but we think the tow truck drivers should have a points series also in this long distance between races series. In the Manufacturers points races Toyota won the Sport Truck Cup by a huge margin over .Nissan and Dodge. Jeep did a similar job on Porsche, some 220 points lead, as Jeep took the UltraStock title. Kawasaki won a squeaker in UltraCross motorcycles, winning the season title by merely ten points over Yamaha.-In the 4 Wheel A TV action Honda won the title by less than 100 points over JP.'Finally, the tire manufacturers have a points series· also. Because they are on T oyotas, Yokohama won the Grand National S;,.,po=r=t ___ _ Truck points by a goodly margin over Goodrich, Bridgestone and Goodyear. Likewise, Goodyear won the UltraStock honors over Goodrich; Yokohama was well back but ahead of Bridgestone. The MTEG awards banquet in November gives the teams almost two months to rest up before the season starts all over again on January 30 in beautiful downtown Anaheim, CA at the Angels' Stadium. That is a bigger break than the desert racers enjoy, with a race on New Years Eve, Fud's out of El Centro, CA and La Rana's at Barstow on that weekend. SUBARU SPONSORS PRO RALLY -Subaru of America, Inc., manufacturer and importer of Subaru-automobiles, has signed an agreement with the Sports Car Club of America for its third year as title sponsor of the Sports Car Club of America National PRO Rally series. Known as the Su_baru PRO Rally Championship, the series has grown in both number of events and number of entries in the past two years. SCCA President Nicholas W . Craw feels that the Cherry H.J.!, NJ .based company has been responsible for strengthening the series as well as giving it the visibility competitors and sponsors need to help PRO Rally become a major motorsports category in the U.S. "We significantly increased the number of PRO Rally license holders . over the last two years, and organizers around the country are interested in becoming part of the Subaru PRO Rally Championship schedule," added Craw, who said that Rally /Solo is the Club's fastest growing department, and also remarked "Subaru's. consistent public relations and promotional support has allowed us to stabilize the series for competitors and enticed other manufacturers to participate in its uriique format." For Subaru the series not only provides a continuing promotional apportunity to showcase its Subaru Legacy, which Huntington Beach, CA based Chad DiMarco and co-driver Erick Hauge piloted ·to the overall championship in 1991, but it identifies the company with an up-and-coming series and does so affordably. " In a tough sales climate, PRO Rally continues to be an affordable motorsports platform for both competitors and sponsors, and a way to highlight performance, durability and traction for Subaru," said Alex Fedorak, motorsports manager for Subaru of America. He added, "Our PRO Rally sponsorship also mirrors Subaru's motorsports activity overseas, where Subaru distributors in Europe and the Far East, as well as the parent company, Fuji Heavy Industries, Ltd., are deeply involved in world championship rallies. The SCCA has released a tentative schedule for 1993 starting with the Prescott Forest Rally in Arizona in April, then to Olympia, WA also in April for a Spring Rally the Rim of the World in May out of Palmdale, CA. June means Susquehannock Trail, Wellsboro, PA, and in August the Ojibwe Forests happens in Bemidji, MN. The POR in October on Michigan's Upper Peninsula, is followed by Coachman Stages in Olympia, WA, then the series finale in Rumford, ·ME, the Maine Forest Rally. When we get dates, they will appear in the Happenings column of Dusty Times. THE PRESS ON REGARDLESS PRO RALLY way up north in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan at L'Anse had a surprisingly low entry for this long standing and prestigious event. However with only three rallies left on the 1992 calendar, all the top dogs save one were there to gain points and hopefully a class victory. Vermont drivers Dick Corley and Lance Smith had a good run in their Mitsubishi Eclipse winning overall and in Open Class by three minutes over Paul Choiniere and· Doug Nerber in the Audi Quattro, also in Open Class and also from Vermont. Steve Gingras and Bill Westrick were third overall, another 3½ minutes back and they won the Production GT class. The first Production class car home was the VW GTI ofW .G. Giles and Bob Pierce, both from Michigan and they also finished a fine sixth overall. -Gary and Judi Goch broke their jinx finally, and the Californians won the Rally Truck class in their Toyota and came in ninth overall. We'll have a full report next month on the POR. Dusty Times

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Red Lion Inn Costa Mesa, CA January 30, 1993 Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, CA February 20, 1993 Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA March 20, 1993 Kingdome Seattle, WA May 1, 1993 Sun Devil Stadium Tempe, AZ May 22, 1993 L.A. Memorial Coliseum Los Angeles, CA September 1993 TBA Mile High Stadium Denver, CO October 1993 TBA Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV October 1993 TBA Candlestick Park San Francisco, CA November 20, 1993 Awards Banquet TBA NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION 11842 Jason Court Madera, CA 93638 (209) 486-4590/(209) 266-5558 OFF ROAD ADVENTURES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box 1154 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 April 23-25, 1993 Big Bear Adventure Big Bear Lake, CA May 14-16, 1993 Redwood Coast Jamboree Fort Bragg to Eureka/ Arcata, CA June 18-20, 1993 Ghost Town Adventure '93 South Lake Tahoe, CA/ Stateline, NV September 17-19, 1993 Kern River Jamboree Kernville/ L'lke Isabella, CA OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Joey Vasquez 13180 Round Dance El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 855-97671(915) 855-9767 ONT ARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION Jeff Sargent 1480 Lakeridge Rd. N Ajax, Ontario, Canada (416) 427-4782 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O . Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-32081(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 ( 303) 779-6622 December 4-6, 1992 Maine Forest Rally Rumford, Maine SCORE Score International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Westlake Village,-CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 December 4, 1992 Awards Banquet L.A. Airport Hilton Los Angeles, CA 1993 Schedule January 23, 1993 Parker 400 Parker, AZ April 17, 1993 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, BC, MX June 5, 1993 Baja 500 Ensenada, BC, MX November 12, 1993 COAST 1-800-634-6755 1-800-331-5334 Dusty Times Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, MX SCORESHOW . Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group Tom Lewis P.O. Box 25148 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714)938-4155 February 12-14, 1993 Visalia Convention Center Visalia, CA April 23-25, 1993 Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Elice Simonis Tucker 22048 Vivienda Ave. Grand Terrace, CA 92324 (714)783-8293 November 8, 1992 El Mirage Dry Lake El Mirage, CA SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O . Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 December 5-6, 1992 Eldorado Valley 250 Las Vegas, NV SHORT COURSE OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 453-SODA/(414) 257-0422 TEXAS OFF ROAD GRAND PRIX Short Course Racing - Texas Style Class 10, Sportsman, Challenger Mike Bernardo 1606 Lancelot Circle Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (214) 855-2232 ( All e,oents at Sceph,•1wille, TX Speedway) TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urbanowicz, President 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 (Races at Colonial Valley Resorts in PA) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W . Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93030 (805)656-1122 November 21, 1992 Class 10, 1-2-1600, 5-1600 Motocross December 5, 1992 Class 10, 1-2-1600, 5-1600 Motocross ( othL'T car classes welcome if three or more show uJ>) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916)925-1702 Nove~ber 21, 1992 1992 Awards Banquet The Nugget Hotel & Casino Sparks, NV WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125-87AAve. Surrey, British Columbia, V3R 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phoenix, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 ( All L't'l.'fllS at Thrashc'Tlmul. 117th Aw. & Glc-ndale in Pho..~1ix. AZ) FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP November 22-26, 1992 RAC Rally Harrogate, England January 21-28, 1993 Monte Carlo Rally Monte Carlo, Monaco February 11-14, 1993 Swedish Rally Karlstad, Sweden March 2-7, 1993 Portugal Rally Estoril, Portugal April 8-13, 1993 Safari Rally Nairobi, Kenya May 1-5, 1993 Tour de Corse Ajaccio, Corsica May 29-June 3, 1993 Acropolis Rally Lagonissi, Greece June 18-23, 1993 Ivory Coast Rally Abidjan, Ivory Coast July 14-17, 1993 Rally Argentina Buenos Aires, Argentina August 4-8, 1993 New Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand August 25-29, 1993 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September 18-20, 1993 Rally Australia Perth, Australia October 10-14, 1993 Rally de Italia Sanremo, Italy November 1-4, 1993 Rally of Spain Catalunya, Spain November 21-25, 1993 RAC Rally Nottingham, England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZER~ List -.our comin!( Ct\.'nts in DUSTY! Sc'llll your 1QQ3 schedule"·' soon as />0ssihle for lisrin)! in chis column. Mail '1ourraceorrallyschd11le to: DUSTY TIMES, 2075 1 Marilla Sr .. Chars,mrrh. CA 91311 -44o8 Las \eg·as, Nevada

Page 10

HDRA FORD MOTORCRAFT GOLD COAST 300 Brian Collins Solos To The Win Brian Collins started out fourth in Class 1 /2 in his Porsche powered Chenowth that has an automatic transmission, and he took over the lead on lap 2. was never headed and finished first on the road and first overall by a very slim margin, just three seconds. Driving a Porsche powered Chenowth single seater equipped with an automatic transmission, Brian Collins plowed steadily through the dust of the southern Nevada desert to win the October 10th Gold Coast 300 overall. This event, the finale in the inaugural year of the HORA USA Cup series, was headquartered at the Gold Coast Hotel, in Las Vegas, which provided space for contingency and tech inspection on Friday in the parking lot, and rooms inside for registration and the drivers meeting. The race was a three lap event, starting and finishing just south of Jean, and running in a clockwise direction for the first time, along the long irregular oval. It was a rough course, and the dust was terrific on the first lap, so that it was a game of follow the leader for many, until traffic thinned a bit. The HORA tries to minimize the dust by leaving a 45 second gap between starting cars in the firstthreeclasses(l/2,8and 10), but all the rest g_o off the line 30 seconds apart. There was a nine hour time limit, and everyone ran three laps except the_ Stock Mini and Stock Full trucks, which ran two, and Class 11, which ran only one lap. The luck of the draw, and first starting position, went to Curt LeDuc, who'd expected to have his new Class l/2 Jeep Grand Cherokee complete for this race. But the car didn't quite get finished, so LeDuc ran his Class 6 Jeep, and that put Robby Gordon and his Ford truck into the first slot. The spectators were betting that he'd be first to get back to the finish area after the 77 mile lap, but it was the Porsche powered Chenowth that belongs to Jason Baldwin, driven by Troy Herbst, that showed up first. He'd already had a rear flat, and still had a lead of a minute and 38 seconds over Walker Evans, in his Dodge truck, who ran second. In third it was Jack Johnson, in another Porsche powered Chenowth, this one a two seater, just over a minute behind Evans. Collins was fourth, 12 seconds later, followed by Ed Herbst, in still another Porsche powered Chenowth. Gordon ran second on the road, but sixth in elapsed time, thanks to two flat tires. Troy's luck turned bad on lap two, and something shorted and started a fire, which, by the time he noticed it, had engulfed the whole motor. He got out of the car safely, and the fire was extinguished, but his race was over. Collins moved into the lead, able to see a little better on this lap, and in front by almost four minutes. Gordon was now second, and he'd had two more flat tires. He doesn't have "knock-offs" on his wheels, and has to undo and redo a bunch of lug nuts every time he has a flat, Robby Gordon ran fast in the Ford in Class 1 2, but an epidemic of flat tires dropped him well back on lap 1, then he moved to second and finished second in class. fourth overall. Page 10 · but then, so do most of the cars running in Class l /2. If he's seriously chasing an overall win the lug nuts could lose him crucial seconds, or minutes, because some speedy folks in Class 8 are equipped with the faster knock-offs. In third now it was Ed Herbst, who was driving the single seater usually occupied by his brother, Troy, and his brother Tim, who usually co-drives in the two seater, another Porsche Chenowth, was driving it all the way, and had moved up to fourth place. Bob Richey, in his Porsche powered Raceco, was now fifth. Evans, with a serious over heating problem, had lost several positions, and Johnson was out altogether, with suspension failure. Collins was having a good day, but suddenly there was a parked 1600 car and he ran up on it before he could get stopped. He was able to back down quickly, but his front brake lines caught and tore off, leaving him without front brakes for the rest of the lap. Still, he recorded the fast lap for the class, at 1:32:24.2, and he was the first car to finish. Gordon finished second nearly eight minutes later, 12 minutes down on elapsed time, reporting another flat. Collins had to wait until the Class 8 trucks had come in before he would know if he had the overall win. And then it was so close that it needed the official score keepers to call it. He'd taken the overall by just three seconds. Tim Herbst, who'd lost his second gear, and had to have his front end welded together, was third, about 45 minutes down. In fourth it was Tom Murray and Brent Mann, in a Woods Vulcan, and Ed Herbst, who'd been looking good, lost a wheel on the· last lap and dropped to fifth. Evans struggled along with his blown head gasket, adding water at every pit, and finally finished eighth, which was good enough to get him the season points in Class l / 2, as well as the Open Wheel Division victory, and the HORA Overall points championship. The trucks started next, and at December 1991 Another Local boy, like Collins, Rob MacCacren led Class 8 from flag to flag trying hard for the overall, and he just missed it by three seconds, but won Class 8, and the points, but the championship got away from him this year. the end oflap one Rob MacCach-front ofZupanovich, who missed ren had the lead in his Ford, with having his dad, Jim, to drive half two minutes and 24 seconds on of the race. In third it was Larry Ragland in his Chevy, Romans, who'd had three flats who'd had a flat. Brian Stewart, during the day, and then the who'd not only had a flat, but had Wilsons finished fourth, followed also lost his power steering, was in by Fry and Nault. Rick Wilson third in his Dodge, and David earned enough points to give him Bryan was fourth in his Ford. the Class 10 series points, while Missing from the lineup was the Ward finished second, six points new GMC of Dave W esthem and behind him. Steve Kelley, which had not quite Class 5 had only four starters, been finished. and Neal Grabowski fell out on MacCachren continued to lead the first lap when an insignificant through lap two, having no part broke and a front wheel came problems, while Ragland had off, creating havoc as it went. That another flat, and held on to left Lisa Dickerson out in front, second. He was still two minutes while George Seeley ran second, and seven seconds back. Stewart 12 minutes behind her. Mike had another flat and a broken Jakobson ran third, another two throttle return spring, and ran minutes back, finding his third, while Bryan, who'd also suspension too stiff, so he had a flat, was still fourth. couldn't get up on top of the On the last lap, with both bumps. drivers pushing as hard as they Dickerson had the class fast lap could, Ragland ticked off the fast her second time around, at lap for the race, at 1 :28:42 .1. But 1:47 :53 .1, and her lead had it wasn't enough. MacCachren, grown to 23 minutes by then, who shredded a tire and tore up a with Jakobson in second place as caliper, thus losing his rear Seeley broke a stub axle 54 miles brakes, had just enough of a into the lap. cushion that he kept his lead and On the last lap Dickerson said took the win. Ragland finished a she "took it easy", but she took minute and 12 seconds behind the win with 34 minutes on him in second place. Stewart was Jakobson, who had his steady third and Bryan finished fourth. passenger, Ron Jurcovac, riding Ragland's second place was good with him all the way. Seeley never enough to win him the Class 8 got his third lap in, using up over HORA points as well as the Heavy four hours to replace that stub Metal Championship. axle. Dickerson took the season The Class 10 cars came along points in Class 5 and Jakobson next,andofthisgroupJ.D.Ward was second, only five points had his VW powered Bunderson behind her. out in front at the end of lap one, Class 6 was another four car with a one minute and 49 second event, and at the end of lap one lead over Mike Zupanovich in his the lead belonged to Evan Evans Toyota powered Moulton. in his.Chevy. He had 51 seconds Cameron Thieriot ran third in his on John Swift in h is Ford Toyota Chenowth, three seconds Explorer, who'd had a flat and later. In fourth it was Rick was almost 10 minutes up on Romans in a Rabbit Raceco, 22 Danny Ashcraft, in another seconds further back, and Mark Explorer. Ashcraft had lost a Fry was fifth, in a VW powered bunch of time when a Baja Bug Raceco. had flipped a rock out in front of Ward upped the pace on the him and it had bent his driveshaft, second lap and held his lead, but which then had to be replaced. Zupanovich came along behind Curt l..eDuc, in his Jeep, had got him, now about four minutes word that his boss, Mike Lesle, in back, with Romans, who'd had a Class 3 Jeep, was down with a his radio fall out, running third broken spindle eight miles into now, and Rick and Randy therace.LeDuc,whoneededonly Wilson, in a Toyota Raceco, in to start in order to secure his Class fourth after losing about 20 6 points win, went to the rescue, minutes on the first lap. Fry, and allowing Lesle's crew to cannibal-his co-driver Randy Nault, held ize needed parts from his Class 6 on to fifth, and Thieriot and his Jeep. So Class 6 became a three co-driver, Greg Lewin, were out car event. for the day when a torsion bar And then there were two. broke. Evans ran out of gas on the second Ward really charged hard on lap, and then lost his motor at the last lap, and he recorded the mile 45, leaving only Swift and fastlapfortheclass,atl:40:52.7, Ashcraft to do battle. Swift had even with a few seconds out to picked up the pace, but so had punch a big hole in the floor pan Ashcraft, who recorded the class on a "gotcha" rock. He took the fastlap, atl:44:24.5, but was still win, finishing seven minutes in nearly 10 minutes down, thanks Dusy Times

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Tim Herbst ran alone in the Chenowth/Porsche he generally shares with brother Ed. and Tim started eighth, but moved into third in Class 1 /2 at the finish. Tom Murray and Brent Mann. from Phoenix, raced their Unlimited Class Woods Vulcan with VW Power to fourth in the 22 Class 1 /2 fierce competition. Class 10 was a race long battle between CORE Club drivers as Mike Zupanovich ran a minute back in second from the green. At the checkers Mike had his Moulton back eight minutes in second. to that driveshatt problem. On the third lap Swift led for 19 miles, and then had to stop to replace an alternator. That took about 10 minutes, and gave Ashcraft the lead, although his radio had broken, and his crew was unable to let him know. Swift knew, however, and charged hard to catch him, got by, and headed for the finish. Ashcraft, suspecting the truth, gave chase, but hit a rock and flattened a tire, giving Swift a break. Swift went on to take the win, beating Ashcraft by just seven minutes and 52 seconds, or one flat tire. LeDuc, of course, ended up with the series points, and Swift was second. In Class 3 it was Dan Smith, out in front in his Ford Bronco, and clearly not seriously threatened by anyone, as everyone else had some kind of time consuming problem on lap one. Turbo Lamke, in a Chevy, ran second, 50 minutes down, after some power steering troubles. Mike Lesle, whose Jeep had lost its spindle at mile eight, ran third, another 45 minutes back, followed by Dale White, another two hours down, after losing his transmission, and then Kirk Kovel, in a '67 Bronco, who'd broken an axle, and been frustrated to find the crew had hustled the wrong parts out on to the course when they came to repair it. Smith was not without prob-lems, as he'd broken a front u-joint, which had locked up the steering, and his crew had to tear apart his hubs and zip-tie the axles up out of the way. The zip-ties kept breaking and they had to do this repeatedly, to prevent the axles damaging something else, but nobody had a hope of catching him unless something far worse occurred. And it didn't. Lamke held on to second, and Lesle ran the class fast lap on lap two, at 1:42:48.2, but he was still two hours back. Smith had no flats, and no other problems, and he took the win, by well over an hour as Lesle moved up to second place. Lamke, who was surprised to find himself in third, was also the last finisher. Lesle's second place secured his season points win, with Smith second, only three points in back of him. LeDuc's sacrifice paid off for the team. Class 4 took the green flag next, and Jerry McDonald had the lead at the end of lap one in his Chevrolet. He was 59 seconds in front of Dave Ashley in his Ford, and the two had been trading places throughout the lap. Ashley had broken and repaired a tie rod. They were 16 minutes up on Rod Hall in his Dodge, and he had over an hour on the next car,. the Dodge of Steve Perkins and Dusty Times ,,... m~ Defending points champion Larry Ragland ran second in Class 8 all day, and finished th_ird overall just a minute and change behind MacCachren. but Larry got the potnts title and the Heavy Met,il Championship. Californians dominated Class 10. and J.D. Ward was the fastest of all in his Bunderson. leading every lap and J D. also finished ;i smart sixth overall pushing just 1650ccs of VW engine. Wayne Green. Rick Sieman, in a Ford, broke in a tight spot, and caused a traffic jam that messed upsomeofthe 1-2-1600carswho were right with him. On the second lap McDonald, who'd lost his four wheel drive early, continued to lead, now 24 minutes up on Ashley, who'd broken another tie rod. McDon-ald was having a bad time with flats. And Hall had broken a shackle mount, but still ran third, followed by Michael and Chris Coleman, driving their first race in this class, in a Ford, moving up from Stone Stock Class. McDonald got stuck once, when he was running on a front flat, but held on to his lead, recording the class fast lap his third time around, at 1:48:22.3. He finished almost two hours in front of Hall, who took out a power steering hose on a rock, but was pleased to finish second. Ashley, who broke a spindle on the third lap, was third, and glad he didn't have to wait out in the desert for someone to come rescue him. None of the others made it through the last lap. McDonald took the points win, with Ashley second and Hall third. The Class 7 trucks were next in line, and in this group Chuck Johnson and his Ford Ranger were in the lead at the end of the first lap. But it wasn't easy. Johnson had been caught in the traffic jam caused when Sieman broke his Class 4 truck in a narrow spot, and he lost several minutes there, then found himself sidelined with two flat tires on the same side of his truck, apparently the result of a brush with a sneaky cactus. Meanwhile, Racin Gardner also had some excitement, rolling his truck, but still moving along at a good clip. They came in to th.: start finish line with Johnson just two minutes and 48 seconds ahead of Gardner. but after Gardner had spent some time in his pit Johnson had a 10 and a half minute lead. Scott Douglas, in his ---· ------·--·----- ---------Dodge Dakota, ran a distant third, after hitting a big rock in the middle of the course and breaking his driveshaft and transmission. None of the others completed the lap. Johnson had a smooth second lap, and built his lead to 13 minutes and 44 seconds, with Gardner still in second place. Douglas had a good second lap also, but was still two hours behind Gardner. On the third lap Johnson had to replace a battery, and he still recorded the best lap for the class, at 1:40:10.0, and brought the truck in for the win, and a nice ninth place in the overall standings. Neither of the others finished, and Gardner was declared second on the basis of his time for the two laps. Douglas and Johnson ended up in a dead heat for the Class 7 series points, with Gardner third. and Jim Rotundo, in an Acme Rocket. Inch had to get out of the car a little earlier than he'd planned, because the liner on the inside of his helmet was coming loose and falling down in front of his eyes. Antill had dropped to fifth place, another two minutes back. Sewell put on a little more speed on the last lap, but he had to stop once because he was hearing a worrisome noise and thought his motor "was falling out." It wasn't, but a c.v. boot had disintegrated and the c.v. was on its last legs, although he didn't notice that. He· hopped back in and hustled along to the finish, to get his fourth win in a row with his new car. Ruddis, driving conserv-atively, scored the fast lap for the class on lap three, at 1 :50:08, and brought the car in just 41 seconds behind Sewell, to give himself and Porter second place. Parkhouse had put Willie Melancon into his car for the last lap, and Melancon declared that the course was "all uphill sand washes." They finished third, 11 minutes behind second place. In fourth it was Inch and Rotundo, who'd lost a coil wire, and also hit a big, solid something that bent the front of their chassis. Antill, who'd got himself tipped over on his side at one point, and also had a flat, finished fifth. Ruddis needed to knock another 42 seconds off his time, because even beating Parkhouse to the finish line didn't quite get it done. Parkhouse got the series win by two points, Porter and Ruddis were second, and Sewell was third. The combined mini trucks, two wheel drive and four wheel drive, Class I@' The 1-2-1600 buggies were waved off the line next and Gary Sewell put his Lothringer single I seater into the lead, with a four i minute and 38 second lead on 1 Danny Porter, in his suspensions Unlimited car. George Antill and Kevin Colan, in a Bunderson, ran third, two minutes later, followed by Brian Parkhouse, in a Mirage, another minute and a half back, and chased by Robert Lofton, in a Jimco, another minute and a half later. Lofton has painted his car in the ubiquitous black and white of PIKE'S SERVICE CENTER BAKER, CALIFORNIA a Holstein cow, which brought out the worst among some spectators, Example: "ls that a moo car, or is it an udder car?" Sewell, whose car is so lightweight he had to bolt some barbells into it to come up to the limit, continued to lead through lap two, and had four minutes and 10 seconds on Porter and his co-driver, Mark Ruddis. Those two were, according to Porter, driving conservatively this race, because they had a chance at the class points, but would need a good finish. In third now it was Parkhouse, about nine minutes back, and followed by Brad Inch December 19ft DENNY'S ~] RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HOURS SERVICE EVERY DAY YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT FOR OVl;R 40 YEARS Page 11

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Rick Romans charged hard in his Raceco, drove alone, held the Rabbit engine together and finished a strong third in the very competitive Class 10 action. Mike Jakobson fought stiff suspension all day, but he and Ron Jurkovac kept moving forward and finished the Bug second in the small Class 5 ranks. Danny Ashcraft was delayed on the first lap when a rock flipped up and bent his driveshaft. but he hustled back into contention taking second in Class 6. ~ 7Sl 7 4x4, started next, and Darren York, in a four wheel drive Ford Ranger, who'd had two flats at once and had been caught in that traffic jam, took the first lap lead nonetheless. He had five minutes on Billy Bunch in his Ford, and Bunch was four minutes and 20 seconds up on Brendan Gaughan, in his Jeep, who'd been stuck behind Sieman and watched Bunch go by. In fourth it was Ron Lister in a four wheel drive Ford, and Willie Valdez, also ina Ford, who'd been stuck when someone stopped in front of him, ran fifth. York's second lap was a good one, and he recorded class fast lap, at 1 :54:31.1, to solidify his lead, now a big 21 minutes. Gaughan, and his co-driver, J.C. Dean, were second, three minutes and 50 seconds in front of Lister and his co-driver, Mike Kalicki. In fourth it was Jeff Lewis, in a Chevrolet, who'd broken an idler arm just as he hit pit row at the end of the first lap, and spent 25 minutes in his pit getting fixed. Bunch, and his-co-driver, Manny Esquerra, who was at the wheel now, were fifth, an hour and a half later, after changing their rear end. Lisa Dickerson drove the whole distance in her Class 5 Bug, set class fast lap on the second round, said she took it easy on the final lap, but she not only won by half an hour, she finished eleventh overall. John Swift really has Class 6 covered in the Ford Explorer, taking the win by a husky eight minutes from Danny Ashcraft in yet another Ford Explorer. Swift took the lead on the second of three laps and kept it. York had a big lead, and when he ot to within 30 miles of the finish and his. forward gears went away, he considered replacing the transmission. Then he decided it made more sense to turn around and head for the finish line in reverse. He got stuck a couple of times, and did some shoveling and pushing, but in general he kept moving forward, er, backward. Gaughan and Dean, meanwhile, had lost their transmission completely, and were in the process of replacing it, and Lewis had lost a couple of springs, and was struggling with broken Jerry McDonald digs out of a hole in the Class 4 Chevy. and Jerry led all the way despite losing 4WD early, having flats and he got stuck once, but he carried on to win Class 4 by nearly two hours. CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES 5153 BOWDEN AVE. SAN DIEGO. CA. 92117. TEL (619) 279--2509 HELMET COMPLETE SYSTEM $195 $320 A FRESH AIR HELMET AND BWWER ASSEMBLY DESIGNED FOR OFF ROAD USE AT A REASONABLE PRICE BUILT AND BACKED BY BELL HELMETS LIGHT WEIGHT-REDUCES NECK STRAIN COOL, COMFORTABLE TERRY CWTH LINER BWWER MOTOR AND ASSEMBLY ARE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR SNEIL 90 APmOVED Page 11 shocks also, while Esquerra had a major rear end problem, and had to keep adding grease. Kalicki, however, had no problems, and motored up to the front of the pack and in to the finish line first. It looked like a win for Lister and Kalicki, but it turned out that they had run the race under the threat of a disqualification. It seems that on the weekend of the guided tour of the course, the "Publicity Run", as the HORA calls them, Lister was found riding a motorcycle, with some friends, in the vicinity of the race course. Since pre running is not permitted, due to environmental pressures, it carries a penalty of disqualification. Lister and his friends declared that they were not pre running, but were merely enjoying a desert ride. The HORA folks who found them stated that they were on the course. The upshot of the incident was that the team ran with the black cloud of a possible disqualification looming over them. And, they would not know for certain until after the Competition Review Board ( CRB) had met, both sides been presented and a decision made. About a half hour after Lister and Kalicki finished, York backed -------------------Another very small class, Class 3 was a walkaway for Dan Smith when his main competition had big trouble on lap 1. Smith's problems were minor, and got fixed in the field as he won by over an hour and was tenth overall. into the finish line ( the chicanes must have been a real challenge), with a stiff neck, and a sure second place. He said, "That was not the way we wanted to finish." Lewis straggled in almost an hour later, his springs and shocks had been time consuming problems, in third place, and Gaughan and Dean, after replacing the trans-mission, had replaced a driveshaft, and then a leaf spring, but managed to make it back to the finish line in fourth, four and a half minutes later. Bunch and Esquerra were next to get home, and last, their rear end overcook-ed, but holding together just long enough. The CRB disqualified Lister and Kalicki, who'd been counting points and had figured out that if their win stood they'd be the season champions. But it wasn't to be. York got the win, and that made Lewis second, Gaughan and Dean third, and Bunch and Esquerra were fourth. Bunch won the series points, with Gaughan and Dean, in their first year racing a truck, second, and York third. The Mini Mags came next, and Chris Garrett was the first lap leader in spite of two flat tires. His time was the fast lap for the class, at 2:07:26.9. Frank Bristing, who also had two flats, ran second, five minutes later, and Scott Stein-berger was third. Steinberger had run into a barbed wire fence and got all tangled up in the stuff, and high centered on it. He had no cutters, and had to bend it back and forth to break it, in order to get clear. Chuck Johnson was the only finisher out of seven starters, a big number for Class 7, and Johnson recovered from two flats on the first lap to run a pair of 1 :40s and finish ninth overall and of course, win Class 7. Garrett continued to lead, though he threw a belt on the second lap, and he was now 34 minutes in front of Steve Bristing, who'd taken over for Frank. He December 1991 Dusty Times

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Mike Lesle broke a spindle on the first lap on his Jeep Cherokee, apparently they don't carry spares. so he took one from the Class 6 car and went on to finish second in Class 3. Rod Hall and Jim Fricker took out a shackle mount and to make matters worse lost the power steering, but they soldiered on and got second in Class 4. Danny Porter and Mark Ruddis zipped the La Victoria car through the rough in fine style. had no big troubles and were a very tight second in Class 1-2-1600. Gary Sewell has had a remarkable second half in his Lothringer, winning all four races he has entered since July. and he had to work for it at the Gold Coast, taking Class 1-2-1600 t..,y Just 41 seconds. Darren York thought fast when the Ford's trans failed with 40 miles to gb. but he did have reverse gear. backed up all the way to the checkered flag. quite a feat on the twisty route. and he won the Class 7S/7 4x4 honors. was having carburetor problems. Steinberger, with his clutch shaft backing out, finally resorted to welding it in, and ran third, six minutes behind the Bristings. Chris's brother, Greg, got in for the third lap, and made it around in good time, to take the win, the team's first. Steinberger finished second, and the Bristings, who'd lost a throttle cable, were third, giving the class a 100% finish record. None of them had run all the HORA races, so there were no season points-at stake. The 5-1600s, with 14 cars, were one of the big classes at this event, and the first lap leader was Shane Reed in R.C. Jones' car, recording the class fast lap, at 2:10:17.5. He had only 17 seconds on Mike Taylor, and Taylor was 17 seconds in front of Wayne Cook. In fourth it was David Shively, a minute and 27 seconds further back, followed by Rick Johnson, a minute and 31 seconds later. They'd all had generally non-eventful first laps. The fun came later. . -----·--to borrow gas from a passing biker in order to keep his car moving along. He was now six minutes and 48 seconds in front of Johnson. And he was two minutes and 10 seconds in front of Ryan Harbottle, who was having trouble shifting. Vince Alcouloumre, his surf board neatly stowed on the roof of his car, was fourth, less than two minutes later, running better after changing a jet on the first lap. In fifth it was Frank Omboli, The Class 9 buggies took to the road next, and when they came around again it was Kent Lothringer in the lead, recording . the class fastlap at 2:12:04.8, in a Lothringer, with eight seconds on Warren Messick, in a Raceco. In third it was Don and Larry Weiser, in a TufRail, almost two minutes further back, and followed by Bobby Wallace, in Tom Mattingly's car, a Brut, 54 seconds later. Chuck Ratliff and Jason Kleber were fifth, in a USS Rebel. Brian Parkhouse, and Willie Melancon who did the last lap in the Mirage. ran close, and finished third in Class 1-2-1600. and won the series title. Lotliringer was having no problems, beyond finding the course "real rough", and continued to lead, now two minutes and 59 seconds in front of the Weisers. In third it was Messick, who along with his driver of record,Joel Stankavich, had two flats, and they were a little over a minute further back. Wallace, whose air cleaners loaded up so they had to be changed, was still fourth, and now Craig~ enjoying only his second race, and third, Seefried to fourth and not having any problems. Cook Joseph and Steve Grier were fifth. and his brothers, Alan and The Cooks, who finished sixth, Darryl, were replacing their won the 5-1600 season points, transmission. and were second in the overall Shively had a couple of front points, while Shively was second flats, but ran a remarkably evenly in the 5-1600 series. paced race, with three laps of two hours and 12 minutes each, to take the win. Harbottle finished second, 14 minutes later, and Omboli was third, another 15 minutes back. In fourth it was Alcouloumre, who'd been a bit down on power with a broken exhaust, and then came Marty Seefried in fifth. For some reason the tech inspectors decided that at this race they would check only the carburetors on the finishers, and skip the more usual p. & g. As a result, when they peeked into Harbottle's carb they found that the vacuum advance tube for the stock distributor was missing. That is a no-no, and no amount of discussion by Harbottle and his crew would change a thing; the car was disqualified on technical grounds, although his crew stated · that it was the same carburetor they'd run all season, and they'd never been told it was illegal. That moved Omboli up to second place, Alcouloumre to Brendan Gaughan and Jc. Dean had the Jeep in secrnrf olace ,n 7S 7 4x4 on lap 2. but last lap time spent replacing a trans and more dropped the teenagers to a good third plar.e finish. cusToM AUTOMOTIVE & :m~G 1991 HORA SCORE CHAMPION ~j" . -. ·. ,~1~:}~~ . ~ .. ,. ,,, •/,m :;_,,I/I • ... AWARD WINNING fJUALJ1Y PRODUCTS FROM :::43l¥D=::: ..,, Reed lost a rear wheel bearing, and things just collapsed around it, putting him on the sidelines on lap two, while Taylor was out for reasons unknown. That moved Shively into the lead, and he'd had Chris and Greg Garrett had a couple of flats but still set class fast lap on the first round, and they led the Mini Mags all the way, even after throwing a belt, and they took their first victory. (602) 778-2433 ASI# 359251 625 N. 3rd. Street #2 • Prescott, Arizona 86301 Dusty Times December 199!2 Page 13

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Jeff Lewis was slowed by a broken idler arm and suspension parts on the Chevy S-10. but it all got fixed and he carried on to finish second in Class 7S/7 4x4. Scott Steinber!l_er spent time getting untangled from a barbed Frank Omboli and Jim Enders and a good run, and it was only wire fence, but after that he ran clean in his Mini Mag and ended Frank's second off road race. Their good lap times brought them up second in the class. in second in Class 5-1600. ~ Bernal, in a Suspensions Unlimited car, ran fifth. He'd had to reattach his throttle linkage on the first lap. -'--------------------:;;;;-:::;;-;::;-;;;:-:::;;-;::;.....;;;;;.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,; ·- ------,,,-========= had a clean run, and went on to the drinking tube fell out of his Lothringer shared the driving with Gene Griepentrog, and they take the win. They finished just water bottle. He'd also had a close under five minutes in front of call when he got the car completely Wallace, who'd had an uncom-sideways, but a big tree stopped fortable last lap because his him, and kept him from rolling pumper helmet motor quit, and over, flattening his nerfbar in the HORA GOLD COAST 300 Results - October 10, 1992 # Pos. Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Class I /2 - Unlimited Single & 2 Seat - 22 start -12 finish 108 1 Brian Collins (solo) Porsche Chenowth 102 2 Robby Gordon Ford Pickup 107 3 Tim Herbst Porsche Chenowth 106 4 Tom Murray/Brent Mann Woods Vulcan 120 5 Ed Herbst Porsche Chenowth Class 1-2-1600 - 1600cc Restricted Engine• 9 start - 6 finish 1613 1 Gary Sewell Jr. (solo) Lothringer 1611 2 Danny Porter/Mark Ruddis Suspension Unltd. 1601 3 Brian Parkhouse/Willie Melancon Mirage 1606 4 Brad Inch/Jim Rotundo Acme Rocket 1610 5 George AntilVKevin Colan Bunderson Class 3 -Short WB 4X4 • 5 start - 3 finish 303 1 Dan Smith/Dave Ashley Ford Bronco 300 2 Mike Lesia/Curt LeDuc Jeep Cherokee 348 3 Turbo Lamke/Ric Chamberland Chevy Blazer 302 4 Dale White Chevy Blazer Class 4 • Long WB 4X4 • 7 start • 3 finish 403 1 Jerry McDonald/Barry Beacham Chenrolet K1500 404 2 Rodney HalVJim Fricker DodgeW250 400 3 Dave Ashley/Dan Smith Ford F-150 447 4 Michael & Chris Coleman Ford Class 5 • Unlimited Baja Bug - 4 start - 2 finish 503 1 Lisa Dickerson/Scott Cameron Baja Bug 502 2 Mike Jakobson/Ron Jurkovac Baja Bug 501 3 George Seeley Jr. Baja Bug Class 5-1600 - I600cc Baja Bug - 14 start - 7 finish 561 1 David Shively Baja Bug 559 2 Frank Omboli/Jim Enders Baja Bug 599 3 Vince Alcouloumre/Mike Molina Baja Bug 556 4 Marty Seefried/Rick Constantine Baja Bug 558 5 Joseph & Steve Grier Baja Bug Class 6 • Production Sedan - 4 start - 2 finish 600 1 John SwifVDino Pugeda Ford Explorer 602 2 Danny Ashcraft/Dave Mason Ford Explorer 601 3 Evan Evans/Jim Dindinger Chevrolet Blazer Class 7 • Unlimited Mini-Midi Pickup• 5 start - 1 finish 718 Chuck Johnson/Jack Murphy Ford Ranger 703 2 Racin Gardner Ford Ranger Class 7S • 7 4x4 Stock Mini-Midi Pickup. 9 start - 4 finish 727 1 Darren & Doug York Ford Ranger 722 2 Jeff Lewis/John Chapman Chevy S10 728 3 Brendan Gaughan/J.C. Dean Jeep Comaanche 748 4 W.D. Bunch/Manny Esquerra Ford Ranger ·723 5 Willie Valdez/Gil Divine Ford Ranger Class 8 - 2WD Standard Pickup - 6 start - 4 finish 803 1 Rob MacCachren/Mike Schoffstall Ford F-150 800 2 Larry Ragland/Ivan Scoppettone Chevrolet 801 3 Brian Stewart Dodge D-150 804 4 David Bryan/ Debbie Keefe Ford F-150 802 5 Harvey Risien, Jr JT.R. Stump Chevrolet Class 9 • Restricted Buggy -10 start - 7 finish 906 1 Gene Griepentrog/Kent Lothringer Lothringer 902 2 Tom Mattingly/Bobby Wallace BrutSS1 997 3 Joel Stankavich/Warren Messick Raceco 908 4 Craig Bernal/Robert Juniper Suspensions Untld 900 5 Rich Richardson/Doug Perrault Jimco Class 10 • Unlimited 1650cc - 9 start - 6 finish 1008 1 J.D. Ward/Gary Johnson Bunderson 1002 2 Mike Zupanovich (solo) Moulton SS 1009 3 Rick Romans Raceco 1001 4 Randy & Rick Wilson Raceco 1007 5 Mark Fry/Randy Nault Raceco Class II • Stock VW Sedan - 2 start 2 finish (I lap) 1100 1 Martin Garibay VW Beetle 1153 2 Travis Howard/Mike Meehan VW Beete Class Mini-Mag - 3 start - 3 finish 1299 1 Chris & Greg Garrett Mini Mag 1200 2 Scott Steinberger Mini Mag 1202 3 Frank & Steve Bristing Mini Mag Class Stock Mini - 4 start - 3 finish (2 laps) 751 1 Danny Clay/Gary Whipple Toyota 769 2 Scott Sells/Darren Klopp Toyota 777 3 Michael Martin/John Williams Toyota Class Stock Full - 2 start - 2 finish (2 laps) 899 1 Gordon DiCarlo/Jeff Yocum Ford F-150 897 2 Kenneth & Cheryl Parr/George Line Chevrolet PU Page 14 Time 0/A 4:44:11 1 4:56:21 4 5:32:21 12 5:33:15 14 5:34:02 15 5:45:41 20 5:46:22 21 5:57:09 22 6:13:20 26 6:16:45 28 5:30:50 10 6:56:58 39 7:17:52 41 7:24:45 (2 laps) 5:40:13 18 7:36:07 48 8:01:10 55 6:03:52 (2 laps) 5:31:38 11 6:05:51 25 8:35:30 (2 laps) 6:36:25 32 7:05:44 40 7:22:48 44 7:37:43 49 7:42:14 51 5:24:47 7 5:32:39 13 1:51:17 (1 lap) 5:26:34 9 4:00:08 (2 laps) 6:42:14 33 7:39:46 50 7:44:13 52 8:14:15 56 2:19:10 (1 lap) 4:44:14 2 4:45:26 3 5:15:16 5 5:58:14 23 6:21 :53 (2 laps) 6:46:06 6:51:21 6:55:51 7:19:35 7:56:02 5:17:34 5:24:59 5:42:25 6:05:17 6:26:09 3:01:24 3:11:56 35 36 37 42 53 6 8 19 24 30 6:44:51 34 7:23:47 45 7:34:29 47 6:32:37 7:02:40 7:02:58 6:51:43 7:45:18 process. Messick and Stankavich, who'd had an electrical short late in the race, were third, followed in by Bernal, who was losing his transmission, and had barely managed to get himself unstuck in the silt when he found his first gear. Rich Richardson, who never has flats, had three this time, in his Jimco, and then handed the car over to Doug Perrault, who had points trouble, but brought the car to the finish line in time to get a fifth place for the team. Stankavich proved to be the series · points winner in this class, with Griepentrog second. In Class 11 there were only two starters, but it was a close race, as usual. Martin Garibay, from Ensenada, broke a throttle cable a quarter mile into the lap, but make a quick fix and got running again. Then he ran out of gas about 10 miles before the finish line area, but was able to push the car into his pit and get fuel. Meanwhile Travis Howard was also having problems with fuel consumption, and also ran out of Class 5-1600 was a big class of 14, and these cars run very close on time. When the first lap leader faltered Dave Shively borrowed enough gas to move into the lead and he kept it to the victory. with all three laps in the same minute. · --------.------gas, but he lost some time getting puzzled, but a host of officials told refueled. him everything was correct. Garibay thought it was suppos-When Howard got the checkered ed to be a two lap race, since that flag just moments later he was was the way the race paperwork disturbed, because in his mind described it, so he stopped again he'd had a whole lap in front of at his pit in the start/ finish area, him, and a possibility of catching to put on a new rear tire, and take Garibay. But it was no go. The on a drop more fuel. Then he officials had decided that Class 11 drove the half mile or so to the would have a one lap race.· actual finish line, where, to his Garibay had the win by 10 surprise, they waved a checkered minutes. And he had the season flag, and directed him into the points victory. post_race impound. He was a little In the class for "stock" full •. ""' - · sized trucks, Stk Full, the two Jt entries had a close race, fraught , with problems. Kenneth Parr and George Line, who drive a Chevy, had the first lap lead by three and a half minutes. They had wondered if they'd even finish the lap, because first they had electrical troubles, which turned t as . een a long time com,,1g lwt Gene C,, iepentrog. with Kent Lothringer co-driving the Lothringer. had a clean run. and Gene did the anchor man job and brought the car home the Class 9 winner to enthusiastic cheers from the out to be a broken battery terminal, and then, when they rah out of gas, they thought it was more electrical difficulty, so it took a while to realize what had happened. But in the meantime, Jeff Yocum and Gordon Di Carlo, who shared the driving in their Ford, had also run out of gas, at mile 60, and had had two flats, so they were slowed down even· more. crew. Martin Garibay towed up from Ensenada to race in Class 11, found one other Beetle racing. and despite breaking a throttle cable and running out of gas Martin won the race by ten minutes and defended his 1991 points title. December 1991 On the second lap DiCarlo and Yocum pulled off the fast lap, at 3:00:37 .6, even though they ran out of gas again, this time at the last silt bed. They also had fuel pump trouble, and got stuck in the silt. Parr and Line stayed with the game plan, and they also ran out of gas on the second lap, finally finishing about 52 minutes behind the winner. Di Carlo took the class season points, with Parr in second place. In the Stk Mini class, for "stock" mini trucks, the first lap leader was Scott Sells, who had his Toyota 21 minutes in front of the next truck. He had recorded the class fast lap, at 2:50:28.1. In second it was Steve Vaughan and Danny Clay, in another Toyota, and they'd lost their transfer case Dusty Times

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Bobby Wallace drove Tom Mattingly's Brut into second in Class 9, five minutes out. as Tom was stranded at Mountain Pass in California with car trouble. Joel Stankavich and Warren Messick ran the Raceco hard in Class 9 and came home third despite an electrical short late in the race that cost time. Travis Howard also ran out of gas in his Class 11 in the gas eating silt beds but he recovered. thought he had another lap to go, but finished second in class. at mile 10, which put them in two wheel drive for the rest of the day, and then they lost their battery at mile 16. Michael Martin and John Williams ran third, another 25 minutes back, in, what else?, another Toyota. They had hit a rock and broken a tie rod. Vaughan and Clay didn't have any more major troubles, but were running out of gas as they neared the finish line. They made it in to take the win, exactly a half hour in front of the next team. Sells, who drove all the way, had lost his brakes, his power steering and his four wheel drive, but managed second place, just 18 seconds in front ofMattin, whose front end was so badly splayed Danny Clay and Gary Whipple won the battle of Toyotas, the only brand in the· Stone Stock Mini Truck class. lost the transfer case early, but got through the out it must have been nearly two laps just fine with Steve Vaughan co-driving to win the class. impossible to steer.Sells took the win in the series points, with that they didn't go full tilt off the matter of someone doing some Martin in second place. pavement into a sticky silt bed. fairly hard hitting, but it was The Gold Coast had attracted There were only a pair of cars settled amicably among the racers 115 starters which was down ticketed for Competition Review themselves. There were no from last ye~r's 130. The racers Board hearings, and only one disastrous accidents as had seemed to like running in the · action ( that of the Lister/ Kalicki happened last year, probably clock wise direction, which meant DQ) was _taken. The other was a because the breeze picked up a ,-,c,;.:;. ;~ Gordon Di Carlo and Jeff Yocum ran out of gas in 50 miles. then had two flats. but later got used to this kind of desert and did class fast lap for Full Size Stone Stock on the second round to win the class and the points title. iittle earlier in the day, and maybe 1992, and the next day President because some of the racers have Danny Cau stated that the gotten smarter about driving into schedule for 1993 would be the dust clouds. Maybe the slower essentially the same, except that classes drive more defensively he planned to get the Utah r~ce, these days, also. postponed from this year, firmly That was it for the HORA for onto the calendar. ~ DEAN POOLS & GARY SEWELL WOULD LIKE TO THANK "FOUR IN A ROW" THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE FOR MAKING IT HAPPEN -AGAIN & AGAIN & AGAIN KENT@ DON@ LORENZO@ JEFF, MARK &JOHN@ JIM @ GORDON@ JIM@ LOTHRINGER ENGINEERING 818-915-2212 HATZ RACING ENGINES 619-425-1639 W/R RACING TRANS 818-914-8147 McKENZIES 714-441-1212 1"UCKER TIRE CO 818-332-1142 TURBO BLUE FUEL 310-928-2278 SIGN PROS OF CALIF 714-464-1222 ** 1 ST IN CLASS: HDRA FIREWORKS 250 (FAST LAP 1 :37.54) ** 1 ST IN CLASS: SNORE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL (FAST LAP 50 :28) ** 1ST IN CLASS: SNORE 250 ** 1ST IN CLASS: GOLD COAST 300· YOKOHAMA TIRES-.SWAV-A-WAY - FUEL SAFE -B.D.R. - S&S HEADERS - TRACKSIDE PHOTO - FOX SHOCKS SPECIAL THANKS TO DAN KELLER, MECHANIC & CO-DRIVER Dusty Times December 1991 PIT SUPPORT FROM LOTHRINGER CREW Pag« 15

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Ed Herbst had a good time driving brother Troy's single seat Chenowth/Porsche . got it into third on lap 3. but lost a wheel on the last lap and finished fifth. ~~,;::, Rick and Randy Wilson had their troubles on the first lap, got the Toyota powered Raceco shaped up and they carried on to finish fourth in Class 10. A usual winner, Dave Ashley broke a tie rod. then another one. but despite delays he finished all three laps after a white and was third in Class 4. Racin Gardner rolled his Ford Ranger on the first lap, but he came back to finish two laps in good time. and he was the second place man in Class 7. Vince Alcouloumre and Mike Molina teamed up. with surfboard firmly placed on the roof. to drive the tidy Baja Bug into third in Class 5-1600. Page 16 Jim Baldwin drove his-Chenowth/Porsche two seater hard enough to move up the charts lap by lap and Baldwin finished a •fine sixth in Class 112. 16th 0 /A. ¼!,.-d; Turbo Lamke had a good run in the ex-Dale White Blazer and he and Ric Chamberland drove it right into third in Class 3. ahead of White actually. Craig Bernal and Robert Juniper ran consistent lap times in the Class 9 car, despite late trans trouble and getting stuck in the silt. they came in fourth. Brad Inch and Jim Rotundo got their 1-2-1600 Acme Rocket on track and took fourth in the close running Class 1-2-1600, having no serious trouble either. Scott Sells, who often wins Stone Stock Mini Class. and Darren Klopp led the first lap. then lost 4WD. brakes and power steering. but Scott still got second in class. December 19ft Brian Stewart ran third all the way in the Class 8 Dodge. lost his power steering, but kept up the pace to finish third in class and fifth overall. Marty Seefried and Rick Constantine had a good day in Class 5-1600, had a real fast last lap and hauled themselves up into a keen fourth place finish. Last year's SCORE/HORA series points winners Rich Richardson and Doug Perrault didn't have much tuck this round in the Jimco, but were fifth in Class 9. George Anti/ and Kevin Colan had a good day in Class 1-2-1600 also, tipping the Bunderson on its side once, but they recovered quickly to finish fifth. Ken Parr and George Line led the first lap in full Size Stockers. also running out of gas: then they ran out of gas on the second lap and came in second in the Chevy. Dusty Times

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The 5. 7 liter VB has gobs of power (210 horsepower) 300 pounds of torque and is very tractable. The 4 wheel anti-lock brakes work in 2 and 4WD. With the rear seat folded down there is lots of room for cargo, over 100 cubic feet. The spare tire takes up a lot of room but can be a real life saver. The rear glass section goes up and down with a lot of effort. but the swing-up rear gate operates easily. GMC Yukon is as Rugged as its Name Text & Photos: John Calvin Ablsolutely beautiful to the eye. the GMC Yukon is as rugged as the rocks behind it. The 1992 GMC YUKON is a full sized 4x4 utility vehicle that is as rugged as its name implies and as good looking as much of the territory it is named after. Once again, the lovely "M" at Vista Group procured our test vehicle, the GMC YUKON and a beautiful thing it was; Dark Teal Metallic with Quicksilver. A most pleasing combination to the eye. The GMC YUKON is a twin to the Chevrolet Blazer and the full size "Jimmy" is no more by name. The YUKON is built on the half ton chassis of the GMC pickup line and uses the front end sheet metal of the pickup truck. The fiberglass top which was removeable is now gone and there is no option, it's an all steel roof from now on. The wheelbase is longer by five inches, it's three inches lower, two and a half inches narrower and three inches longer overall. The road grabbing department consisted of Goodyear Wrangler TD LT265175R16 M&S, stops by four wheel anti-lock brakes, power assisted of course with discs up front and drums in the rear. The anti-lock system works in both two and four wheel drive. Power is supplied by our old friend the 5 .7 liter VB, fuel injectc,I with 210 horsepower and 300 foot/pounds of torque. Lots of power and lots of pulling power when you need it. Drive is through the four speed automatic transmission with overdrive, smooth and quiet as ever. A 3 . 7 3 rear end ratio with locking differential completes the drive package. As usual, the interior of the Yukon was beautifully upholster-ed in soft cloth and carpeted throughout. The 60140 front bench seat with adjustable back was more than comfortable for The instrument layout fails easily to the eye with radio and climate controls just to the right. lnsta-Trax 4WD lever is easy to grab and use. Dusty Times this old man. The foldaway rear seat is a solid bench and is quite comfortable too. There is lots of leg room and head room in the Yukon so, even in the rear seat there is lots of room to move around. The full size spare tire is located inside on the left side and does hecome somewhat of a hazard to navigation in the cargo mode, but I'll take a full size spare any day in the wilds. The instrument panel is the same one as used in all the pickup trucks, tachometer, speedometer center mounted with the oil, temperature, battery condition and fuel gauges mounted just above. Left of the instrument panel are the headlight switch and dimmer and just below are the rear hatch release and the dome lamp on/ off switch. Speaking of the rear hatch, it closes with the solid thud of a safe and when lifting it open, you feel it is a safe. Very hard to extend into full open position, perhaps due to the dual shock absorbers; maybe one would be enough. To the right of the instrument panel are the digital controls for the AM /FM stereo sound system and just below that are the heat · and air conditioning controls and the rear wiper control just below all that. Further to the right, located dead center in the dash is the cassette player and equalizer controls, very far away from this drivers right hand, in fact, almost impossible to reach from a normal driving position. Further to the right is the glove box, and I must say, thats about all you could get in it, a pair of gloves. Very wide and quite high but there is no depth at all so you would really need the center console for storage, but this Yukon was not so equipped. One final horror, this Yukon was not equipped with electric windows or door locks. Let me tell you, that window crank is about five feet away and that's like a footbafi field·. I didn't think manual windows were in anymore, but they were on this Yukon and were most inconvenient. Even with the mechanical windows I dared to venture into the desert areas in the Lucerne Valley and I found the Yukon to be a great off road runner. The combination of the VB engine, the overdrive/automatic transmis-sion, the Insta Trac 4 wheel drive and the right tires made the Yukon a great off road performer. Shifting on the fly as they say is easy, you just slide in and out with ease and the 4 WO selector is December 1992 .;,,,; :;o; A handsome vehicle from any angle. the Yukon features an all steel roof. longer wheelbase. and is slightly lower and skinnier than the full size Jimmy. located on the floor just under your right hand, easy to grab and just as easy to use. Going anywhere we wanted to was quite simple in the Yukon. We were able to churn our way through the soft stuff as necessary and navigated the harder terrain at speed with ease. The performance was really great! Fuel economy is supposed to be in the mid teens but we broke eighteen on the road with no trouble and, coupled-with the thirty gallon gas tank you can travel a long way between fuel stops. While the rear glass is hard to lift on its own, the rear lift gate opens easily into a good size cargo area but the proverbial sheet of plywood can't get in there because of the spare tire. However, a family of four and all their goodies going on a long trip will fit in the rig with ease. I found the Yukon to be quite handsome with the new GMC look, fun to drive, both on and off the road and, except for the few gripes listed above, a great vehicle. Big, powerful yet docile enough for anyone to handle. Check out the Yukon, you'll find it quite a prize. ·The Off-Roader's Choice· • E-Z ur INSTANT SHELTERS Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter in less than 60 secondsl NO missing parts NO center poles NO ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics Instant Pit Shelter L8 8808 Contingency Sponsor HORR Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Authorized Dealer CASTEX RENTALS, INC. 1044 N. Cole Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90038 CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 Page 17

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FORDA's Labor .Day 150 at Tallahassee Text & Photos: Wayne Simmons Ray short leads the Challenger of Bryan Peterson -through a tough spot, and Short survived troubles to also do 42 laps .and take second in the 1600 ten car ·class and second overall, Bryan was fourth in his class. James Hester hops around a tricky corner in his 1600, and moved into real contention midway in fhe fray, outlasted the leaders and not only won the 1600 class he won overall with the fast time for 42 laps. The Labor Day holiday week-jumps, fast straights and the Alabama and Florida began to fill end was in full swing and so was famous double jumps. But even the pit areas, twenty-one in all FORDA, the Florida Off Road the best plans can be layed waste answered the c~ll. Some of the Drivers Association. The annual by Mother Nature. cars that had passed tech were out 250 mile race in Tallahassee, The day before the race it testing the track, that was still home of the ''Beast of the East'', is d muddy but starting to dry. With 1 b raine . By night the track was the ast ig race of the year for the mud and water. The morning of race time close by, the last of the FI o rid a group as FORD A' s bu.ggies were finishing their hot the race, most of the water .was season ends in December. In spite l h d h laps when reports of a car crashing f h h J ·gone, eaving t e mu . T ings o t e aru economic times and on the doubles flashed through h f were looking up as the sun came t e a,·t that hurricane Andrew the .pits. Dick Fahlbusch had let out and hopes were.that the track left a rath of destruction across d d J.R. Blair, a new co-driver, testthe south Florida, the turn out of woul ry faSt· When you think track and Blair was not used to the drivers was not bad. Happily the things are looking up -it all falls track and mud. He lost it where he d apart. Although the track dried· rivers who in south Florida was on the track, not going fast into a ·perfect surface, a flash flood were spared any major damage. f enough to clear the second ,·ump. l h came up in the last ten minutes o At ough Jimmie Crowder, the race. It cooled down the Blair was not hurt, just shaken, owner of the property known as drivers, but left some cars stuck but the front end of the 1600 was "Crowder Pits", was racing out of bent really badly. The car was h lf with just two or three laps to go to state imse, in Wisconsin, his finish the race. retrieved quickly, but with .hard working crew had prepared drivers already lining up, the track with its usual ti ht turns, Fahlbusch was unable to fix his racer in time, and did not start and was out for the day. . Only three of the big boys made the Labor Day race at Crowder Pits. Bob Broome took the'lead in Class 1 & 10 but was soon passed by Tate Thackston. Thackston held the lead for only two laps when Broome passed him back to retake the lead. Jeff Lucas just was not fast enough as he trailed the leaders all day on lap times. It was a heated battle for first as Broome and Thackston maneuvered for position. By, the midway point Broome's motor could not hold up under the pressure of competition, sending Bob and his car to the wayside for the day. · From then on Thackston easily took the lead, stopping only for gas, ·and as the checkered flag fell Tate Thackston won the.Unlimit-ed Class and was third overall with 41 laps completed.Jeff Lucas was second at 39 laps, and Broome had finished 22 laps · before retidng. The ten 1600 cars bid fair to have quite a battle. Mark Bicker set the pace in the first lap, but was soon overtaken by Marty Neri and Ray Short. Bicker was not giving up easy as he stayed right with them. After leading for one lap Neri relinquished his Clearing the brush covered trails Tate Thackston won the tight early battle in Class 112 unlimited. which 1 Os. stoppea only for gas all day and cruised to the class win and third overall. The top two Challengers went so filst our photogrilpher missed both Zoomie Hinson and Lynn Stedman. but David Greene plowed·through the brush to third in class with 37 laps completed. ==:---------------position to Short. Meanwbile AndyMcMillen retired after three laps with piston trouble. Jame's Hester was slowly moving up as he maneuvered around fellow competitors. . Sam Pace was having throttle trouble causing him to pit in only a few laps. While in the pits the left front wheel went flat costing another few minutes delay. He was soon on his way, trying to regain lost ground. Steven Pounds ran into bad luck when a weld on the axle broke seriding him to the sidelines for. the day. The battle for the lead took another turn when Short collided with a Challenger Class buggy and lost a valve cover. He was signaled into the pits quickly, and was soon on his way with no damage and only a lap down. At this point it was a battle between Bicker and Neri. Bicker had been on Neri's bumper waiting for a chance to pass. Bicker had gotten the upper hand on Neri, taking over the lead when Short went out. Pace was not having a good day. He had to pit again with a broken shock. His pit crew soon had him on his way, but he called it a day when a lower class racer passed him by. Hester . was now putting pressure on the leaders as the trio pulled away from the rest. Bobby Bramblett had suffered a flat just after the start, but now had closed the gap to within a few laps of the leaders. The Dittmers, Gene and Troy, were ·having one of those days when all the little things go wrong. It seemed like every few laps the car was in the pits for one reason or another. Bicker was unable to shake Neri and Hester as the race passed the halfway point. It was a blistering pace, and Bicker's motor just did not hold out, as he came into the pits with a blown motor. Neri was now in the lead, but it was short lived. By the next lap his torsion bar broke. The rest of the race he limped around the track hoping ·Jeff Lucas. here chased by Ray Short, had few troubles on course, and he kept it clean and finished second in Unlimiteds, fifth overall with 39 laps. Scott Campbell had the early Challenger lead, but lost shock mounts, and Fred Hemming jumped in to finish the race and they earned fifth place points. · Gene and Tory Dittmer were in and out of the pits all day with nagging type problems, but they finished 33 laps· and nailed down·fifth in Class 1-2-1600. Page 18 December 1992 Dusty Times

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After two laps Bob Broome had the field covered in his Class 1 Chenowth. but after 22 laps the engine in the sleek race car expired for good. Sam Pace had a throttle cable break early in the race, then a flat tire, later had more problems and finished only 13 laps in Class 1-2-1600. Stephen Pounds ran strong in the early laps in his Challenger, but the transmission failed completely while he was running second. so he was sixth. other drivers would break too. Hester now had the lead all to himself. Short had moved back into the same lap, but not close enough to challenge the leader, in the short time left. James Hester had his win after a day of hard driving, and he not only won the 1600 class he won the race overall. Ray Short came ina minute later, also with 42 laps completed, good for second in both class and overall. Bobby Bramblett got in 38 laps, for third in loUU action, ana ne was followed by Marti Neri, who finished 37 laps. Gene and Troy Dittmer got through 33 laps for fifth in class, and Mark Bicker was sixth with 27 laps done. Eight Challenger cars were on the starting grid and Scott Campbell jumped into the lead with David Green close on his tail. Steve Rule, who had made the trip down from Georgia, rolled in the first turn, starting his day off on a bad note. Zoomie Hinson and Bryan Peterson were not far behind the leaders as the pace heated up. Stephen Pounds had slowly started to narrow down the competition as he passed David Greene. Greene had quickly fallen off the pace set by Campbell, dropping to mid-pack. Rule's day only got worse when his transmis-sion broke to end his race with just three laps under his belt. The strain on the equipment was more than some of it could handle. Campbell tore the mountings for his left rear shock clean off the trailing arm. As Campbell headed for the pits Peterson and Hinson took over the lead spots. Peterson got a flat the next lap putting him in the pits. Hinson wasted no time in trying to put more ground between him and the rest of the pack. David Morton had had motor trouble from the word go, and was in and out of the pits several times early in the race. Morton finally had to come in with a blown motor; his pit crew got to work and quickly changed the motor, putting him back in the race. Lynn Stedman had been waiting his time, and as the drivers started to break, he made his move for the front of the pack. Steve Pounds had taken control of second when the transmission went out, to end his shot at victory. Although Campbell's car was broken, they did not want to lose any more points than necessary. Fred Hemming jumped in the buggy and rejoined the race at a very slow pace. Stedman's racer had also broken the rear shocks on one side. Lynn's dad Darrell took over in the car and proceeded to race as if nothing was wrong. Morton had only gotten in a few laps on the new motor when it ouit at the farthest Dusty Times spot from the pits. Time was running out as Morton took the long walk for help. Peterson had lost the transmis-sion midway in the race, but the dedication of his pit crew had him back in the race. With only a few laps left Morton and crew returned to his car. A frantic look at the engine found the trouble in the distributor. He was soon on his way to finishing the race. Zoomie Hinson took the Challenger win easily, three laps ahead and his 40 laps were good for fourth overall. Lynn and Darrell Stedman were second with 3 7 laps done faster than David Greene's 37 laps, good for third in Class. Bryan Peterson covered 31 laps for fourth and the Campbell/Hemming combine ended up fifth in Challengers. Once again another race was I • GERMAN AUTO over, but not soon enough. The heavy downpour of rain in the closing laps left several buggies stranded on the track. So as the sun slowly set, some buggies slowly sank in the mud, but they all finally got out ~nd on their way home. /YOUR OFF-ROAD HEADQUARTERS'' DIEST SEAT BELJ'S The greatest name in driver safety equipment 4-point Sand Rail Seat Belt FROM $74.95 Race Belts 2"-5 point 3"-5 point . . . . $79.95 .. from 199.95 TYPE 4-PORSCHE-STYLE FAN SHROUD Utilizes type 1 alternator custom alter-nator mount included . . . . . . . . $299.00 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 17001b ....... . $79.95 200mm reinforced maximum 2300, 2500, 2700, or 30001b . . . . . . S99.96 "GERMAN AUTO" COM-PETITION PRESSURE PLATES 200mm2001b 215mm Porsche 914 CLUTCH DISCS FOR 200MM AND 215MM Cushlocks 4 puc ferramic 4 puc ferramic with spring hub $54.95 $114.95 $39.95 S44.95 $54.95 310-863-1504 CNC CUTTING BRAKES Upright o_r lay down styles available single or dual handles . . . . . . . . . $69.95 CNC RACE CAR PEDAL AS-SEMBLES Brake pedal wit h dual master cylinder and balance bar [specify disc of drum brakes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . from 1199.95 Clutch pedal with slave . . . . . . . $119.95 Swing pedal or floor mount pedals available. SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS •Polished finish* *Bolt together replaceable halves• • available in 15" and 16" .... from 199.95 SACO IRS BUS SUPER DIFF 1 □□'lb machined form billet. Uses 091 series parts. Fits all years $424.55 SACO transmission drive flange. 100'lb machined from billet. Fits 930 CV joints Ceachl S55.95 SACO "No LEAK" 4 bolt polished valve covers fits 1. 7, 1.8, and 1.0T 4 engines. Cpairl $44.95 POLY FUEL JUGS 5 Gallon ... Square Design ... Screw On Cap $18.95 Anti-Vortex Fuel Funnel $17.95 11 Gallon ... Quick Dump S49.95 310-868-9393 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS AND FLANGES 930 or T.4 cages Ceachl . . . . . . . 144.95 930, T.4 & T.2 boot flanges leach) Trik boots Ceachl ... S15.95 S1!5.95 SACO RACK AND PINION SACO rack and pinion features alloy gears full contact housing. and hard anodized for long wear. Standard rack and pinion Aack and pinion mount .. Rack and pinion coupler Rack steering stops .. $269.00 . . . $9.95 $8.95 S19.95 H.D MAGNUM RACK Billet housings ... 1 'k" alloy gear ... thru bolt mounting ... complete with stops ---4 1" CHROMOLYTIE RODS WITH H.D. ENDS 1• ChromolyTie Rods with H.0 . Ends [specify Ford or International) set . Quick release steering hub $89.95 $39.95 FAX 310-929-1461 11324 Norwalk Bl. Santa Fe Springs, CA. 90670 December 19" SWAYAWAY IRS spring plates S/ A spring plates FROM S&4.95 .. FROM S77.95 4130 Spring plates ... from 1159.95 H.0 . torsion bars . ... ... from 1134.95 Front V. W. Bug sway bars . . 144.95 RearV.W. Bug sway bars ...... 184.95 Front and rear V. W. sway bar kit . .............. 1199.95 TRIMIL BOBCAT SYSTEMS 11k"Type 1 raw ... 11k" Type 1 chrome 1%"Type 1 raw ... 1%"Type chrome $59.95 $89.95 $69.96 $99.95 10/e"Type4raw .......•.... 1 % " Type 4 chrome S149.95 $179.95 .. $8.95 Baffle for Bobcat System TRICK REAR TRAILING ARMS 3"x3" . ... Class 1-21600, 51600 pr. $395.00 pr. $395.00 FRONTTRAILING ARMS Link Pin 4130Chromo Stock length 1 ¼"Longer ......•.•.. . $449.00 pr. $479.00 2 ¼" Longer . . . . . . • . • . . . pr. $499.00 4• for coil covers .... pr. 5550.00 WEEKEND WARRIOR LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel stock width beam B" travel widened beam 1 CJ" travel stock width beam 1 CJ" travel widened beam ... $199.95 $219.95 1224.95 $244.95 *Catalog $3. Page 19

Page 20

VORRA AT PRAIRIE CITY OHV PARK The Summer Sizzler Was A Hot One! By Matt Marcher Sam Berri had a great day, taking second in the first Class 112 moto, then winning the second to win the class on the day, and he polished it off by winning the Dash for Cash handily. Dennis Kordonaway ran his 10 car in Class 1/2, and the desert car placed second on the day, winning the first moto and taking third in the second one. The Prairie City Summer Sizzler, the season's premier short course event was again a hot one." Although the temperatures didn't quite reach the blistering heat levels of years past the 95 plus degree temperature did cause more than a few moans of discomfort. But the savvy race fans know that a twelver of your .,,,, favorite beverage combined with some grubage from the chow wagon and a little shade is all a race fan needs to enjoy the all day event from the vantage point of spectator hill. The always present tailgate party atmosphere of the VORRA short course races can be a welcome change from some of the more sterile forms of auto OR DRV Dust Masks Ott Road Dust Reducing Veil Helps Keep Out: •Sand •Dust •Pollen Elastic straps adjust to a comfortable fit. One size fits all. No goggles needed! Comes in many pop-ular colors & designs! Distributors welcome. Page 20 PAT. PEND. $1l.95plus shipping & hl)ndling. For more information crul (602)747-7059. ~p~ MANUFACTURERS & DISTRIBUTORS PO Box 57715 • Tucson, AZ 85732-7715 racing found in the Sacramento area. Although the crowds at VORRA's races haven't quite reached the level of Prairie City's famous Hangtown motocross, the Summer Sizzler has begun to build its own following and attendance is up compared to last season. Course conditions for the race were near perfect even though the grass was no longer green and some sections of the course were barely visible, the dust which usually causes problems at this race was not evident, nor was the mud that had plagued the drivers at the season opening. The only problem that did surface was a small case of over crowding in some of the larger classes, and even that made for a great race as most of the spectators enjoyed the action. The only major disappointment of the day was a no show on the part of the Chenowth Mini Mag Race Series that was scheduled to compete at this race. Promoter Ed Robinson expressed disappoint-ment at the no show apparently caused by a lack of communica-tion between the two organiza-tions. Robinson did, however, express a sincere open invitation to the Mini Mag series to come visit VORRA anytime. As the race got under way Class l / 2 Unlimited started off the first heat with eight cars in class. Keith Robb started on the pole with Jeff Van Noort at his side. In row two it was Taylor Racing and Dennis Kordonoway, and in the third row sat two ofVORRA's hottest drivers, Larry Deaton and Sam Berri. Back in row 4 the team of Al Baker and Craig Redding in the Toyota powered Mirage sat ready to take a shot at closing the points gap between their second place and Larry Deaton. But, both drivers expected to have a strong battle for the win from short course driver Jeff Elrod who December 1991 Tim Riordan had a plu-perfect day, as he sailed his swift 1-1600 racer to victory in both 1-2-1600 motos, winning the points for the day hands down, and nobody was even close. started back in eighth spot. At the green flag it was easy to expect a tough race, but it quickly came to a head on the first lap as the entire eight car field tried to make turn 4 at the same time, which resulted in a few minor bumps; unfortunately for Larry Deaton one of those bumps caused his two seater to roll over; although Deaton did manage to land upright the delay put him one lap down. Baker and Redding got in only four of the ten required laps then they dropped out after losing a wheel assembly. Jeff Elrod also retired early on lap 5, and both drivers also failed to make it back to the start grid for the second moto. Although the race was ten laps the short course did make for a quick race. By the last lap first place was still undecided. The battle had turned into a two man show between Berri and Kordon-oway. The back and forth contest between the two finally ended with Dennis Kordonoway taking the checkered flag and Sam Berri finishing a close second. Keith Robb was third and back in fourth, in only their second top four finish of the season, was the 115 car of Taylor Racing. In Class 1-2-1600 the race should have ended as soon as Tim Riordan signed up for the race, but they had to let the other drivers at least try to win. Riordan, who seems as unbeatable on the Prairie City course in his class as the Verlings are in the desert, did it again, winning the first moto easily as the rest of the 13 car field put on one hell of a close race. Only one car, the Hi Jumper of Sean Farrell dropped out of the fray. Shane Balch fresh from his fifth place finish at Virginia City, his first ever desert race, came up with the second place finish just behind Riordan. Ken Ruff, who showed up sporting a new engine, finished in third, followed by Arden Den-nington in the beautiful gold and black racer, easily one of the ten best looking cars in the series. Larry Folsom, driving the Folsom Racing/Southwest Builders Special, another good looker, was fifth. When someone asks what VORRA class would be the easiest to get into racing with, you might suggest Class 9 or Sports-. man. Rut if someone asked· what would be the most challeng-ing there is only one answer, Class 10! Between the experience of 62 year young Ace Bradford and the talent of Wes Elrod, most new drivers shy away from one of the fastest rip roaring classes in VORRA. Following true to form Wes Elrod came away with the first moto win followed by none other than Ace Bradford. Third place went to Turek Zdenek in his first VORRA race of the season. Turek seemed to have solved the suspension trouble that had plagued his efforts last season. Dana Van Noort finished back in fourth while Mike Gust took fifth. In Class 4 the points race for class champion had turned into a two team contest between two Reno, NV racers, Mike Povey, the current point leader with 225, and Raymond Fisher with 223 points. This moto which most hoped would be a clean action packed event turned into a demolition derby early on lap 1 with both Povey and Fisher dicing for the lead. Through turn 3, with Povey on the inside and Fisher outside, the two started making contact and that is when things got rough with Povey's fender getting stuck on Fisher's bedside. Keith Robb heads for a hard landing on his way to placing third, then fourth in the two motos and he earned third in Class 112 on VORRA 's points scoring. Dusty Times

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Leaping over the scruffy stuff Ken Ruff, last season's champ, got a third and a second in the motos in his Raceco to place second in Class 1-2-1600. Larry Folsom came from Reno to grab some points, and his fifth and fourth place finishes in 1-2-1600 motos gave him third place points for the day. Dana Van Noori got a stow start. fourth in the first moro. but then took a second next round and ended up a fine second in Class 10 points for the day. Usually the fastest man at Prairie City on four wheels, Wes Elrod did not disappoint his fans, winning both motos in his fancy Mirage short course Special and winning Class 10, naturally. Although the vehicles soon unlocked, the rivalry soon started again with both drivers going side by side through banked corners that were only meant for one car. The situation soon came to an end when Fisher's Honcho lost the rear driver side axle shaft and wheel assembly, possibly due to the rough contact. Povey went on to win the moto, but was later strippnl of the first plan· finish hy the officials on rough driving charges. Josh and Becky Hall finished the race in second in the newly reconditioned Dodge. Don German came up with third place and Curt W enegler finished fourth. Six cars in Class 9 must have been a VORRA record. Even if it is not a record, it's sure nice to see the class growing, although it seems to have stalled with the minimum three cars required to make a class in the desert. But the class is gaining a following, even though the points race is a non-issue due to current leaders Mclean & Milner coming into this race with a 63 point lead over Paul Taylor in second. In race action the Ghia Monster II dropped out early with a disintegrated rear hub. Ed Moore also parked early, on lap 4, leaving just four in the contest. Paul Taylor in the All Pro car finished first followed by Jack Bonesteel and then came V em Smith in another All Pro car. Mclean and Milner finished fourth. In the first Sportsman Vet moto Chris German again showed his skill driving the old Heavy Metal Jeep to first ,place at the checkers. Floyd Haas, who probably would have liked to run against the Mini Mag series racers if they had shown up, finished the race in second place. Third in the class wt;nt to Glen McAdon in the Creasy Racing car and Jerome Gordon finished fourth. Sportsman Novice was easily the largest class at this event with 13 on the line for the first heat. 1his class is made up of beginners, but it's all there, the determina-tion, the drive, the frustration and the exhilaration of off road racing. Just ask Peter Marks who drives a very old car. Again he came across with a first place finish. Pete has managed to put the car in the top three in almost every race this Don German really seems to enjoy driving the Ford pickup, and with a third. then a victory in Class 4 action, Don got the Class 4 victory on points, despite being shadowed by Josh Hall. Dusty Times year. Second place went to Jerry Wald driving his new Mini Mag in his first race since moving up from the Odyssey class. Terry Shelton came up with third place with Teri and Erik Schroth actually finishing a race, in fourth place. The team of Mack and Mack were fifth followed by Hooter Meyers in the Class 5 style Baja Bug. As always with the VORRA short course races, the Oddys showed up to strut their stuff, and put on a show for the crowd. The class which sported eight entries got ready to race the full ten laps, which is a new twist. Usually they only run six laps, but ten was just fine for the drivers who have complained in the past about the low number of laps. Michael Daws of Fox Shox, who put on a mi11i race suspension school with Bill Varnes of Mirage and Jeff Cummings of BFGoodrich tires on Saturday, put on a good show proving that he knew what he was talking about, taking the first moto in first place driving a Honda Pilot. Mike Vandeburgh was second followed by Scott Stewart with third and Jerry Wald in fourth. . The second series of motos, there are only two per class, began with the Unlimited cars. Unfor-tunately the class was minus two cars of the eight that started the first moto. Just after the start the race field thinned out more with Jeff Van Noort retiring on lap 4. On lap 8 as the race wound down, the Taylor Racing car which had been suffering from bad luck all year, also parked, leaving only four cars in motion at the finish. Sam Berri came up with the moto win and also with first overall in class for the day, moving him into second in the class points battle. Only 33 points ahead was Larry Deaton who finished second in this moto and fourth for the day. Dennis Kordonoway came in third in the race even though the car was suffering major power loss due to oil on the clutch. But the finish did allow Dennis to come away with second on the day. Fourth place went to Keith Robb putting him in third place at the end of the day. Fifth in the moto and fifth for the day went to Taylor Racing. Good luck next time guys! The 13 1-2-1600 racers were all back for the second moto. The race outcome would have made an easy bet. As expected by pit watchers first place in the second moto~ Show Your Colors Chaser dudes! $15! • An asset to anyone's wardrobe, the Chaser Dude Tee takes II llghthe11rted view of raclng's unsung heroes, the Chase Crew. *UnlquemunJ-colorgraphk dnlgn on the front with creative ''Top 10 Chaser Dude Excuses" on the back. • M, L, XL, XXL WE SH/PUPS! Parker Pumper Helmet Company 2318 South Vineyard, Ste. B Ontario, CA 91761 Phone: (714)923-7016 FAX: (714)923-3118 CA residents add 7.75% sales tax -·---------·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-NAME -------------------ADDRESS Qty/Size / -----------------CITY/ST/ZIP ____________ _ PAYMENT: (do not send cash!) Check VISA M/C A/Express Discover + Card# __________________ _ Exp _____ _ X $15 + $3 s&h/ Signature ________________ _ December 1991 Page 11

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Turek Zdenek flew over the jumps like a desert car in Class 10 action. and he drove to a pair of third place finishes and third on points for the day. Josh and Becky Hall took time out from the Driving School to have a little fun in the Dodge. and they got a pair of seconds and were then second on points. Curt Wenegler got the Jeep around in good shape scoring a fourth and then a third to take third in Class 4 points. covering all 20 laps in two motos. Vern Smith topped the good. six car entry in Class 9 with a third in the first moto and a second in the final to take the Challenger victory in his nicely painted racer. ____________________ _ _ _ ~ again went to Tim Riordan, and his perfect score gave him the overall Sizzler class win. Second in the moto and second in class was Oroville, California resident Ken Ruff. Ruff, who is the defending class champ is still way out of the points race; he is currently seventh after his performance here. Abreu Racing put on a strong race and came in third, putting them fourth for the day, while Larry Folsom finished fourth, but third for the day moving him from third to first in the points race just ahead of Abteu. The team of Mort and Havlick finished the moto in fifth, which put them fifth in the class. Shane Balch, who was second in the first moto, managed to move into third place by lap 8, but with only one lap to, go the steering linkage broke causing him to drop from the race. He placed seventh on the day. Wes Elrod, again proving his talent, put on a great race for the fans, winning the moto and taking first place for the day in Class 10. Dana Van Noort also put up a good fight but finished second in Page 22 RACESHOCK COMPANY •::::.::::•::•::qflt::Bflifii[i#iiitzg::H.ii-iii!i§:i:ii:ii:::i::i: PHOENIX, ARIZONA 602-486-4845 Rough Country NITROCHARGER RACING SHOCKS GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR THE OFF-ROADERJ QUAUTY A.NDLOW PRICE ST ART/NG AT $25.00 f/1 · 50,nm OR 65mm O.D. MONOTUBE BODY · 8" THROUGH 13.5" TRAVEL . · URETHANE BUSHINGS OR HEIM MOUNTING ENDS · REMOTE RESERVOIRS AVAILABLE ,m,JWI, ,,,,_.,,, #l«t uaJ.nortllnct Young Chris German is getting to be a pro with the old Jeep. and with a first and a second in the Sportsman Vet Class. he beat the buggies and took first overall. Terry Shelton nailed down first on the day's points in Sportsman Novice action where the stars of the future hone their skills. Shelton scored a third in the big class and then.won the second moto. the moto and second on the day's paints. Third place went to Turek Zdenek {:'Utting him third for the day among the seven starters. Ace Bradford finished fourth ending his day fourth in class also. Ace did manage to hold onto his class points lead holding off Jeff Eachus by only five points. Eachus failed to stage for the second moto also. Mike Gust held onto third in season points with his sixth place finish in the race which put him sixth in class. the leader all the way to the finish line. Winning the moto put Don German first in class for the day. The Halls were second in the moto and for the day, while Curt W enegler was third in the moto and third for the day. Mike Povey finished the moto fourth, which combined with his adjusted finish from thL· first moto gave him fourth for the day, and he still retained his class points lead. In Class 9 the team of McLean and Milner drove their car to the moto victory giving them the second in class honors. Second in the moto and first in class went to Vern Smith, who was third in the first moto. Forest Creasy driving the Ghia Monster II managed to repair his car and finish the moto in third, moving him into fifth for the day. Paul Taylor ended up fourth, finishing only eight laps, but gaining enough points to come up with third in class. Jack Bonesteel managed to end up fifth in the moto moving into fourth in class. Sportsman Vet driver Glen McAdon drove the Creasy Racing Hi Jumper to the victory in the second moto, ending his day second in class. Chris German finished his race in second place putting him on top with first overall in Vets. Third in the race went to Mike Bishop, which put him fourth in class. Jerome Gordon came up with fourth in the heat, enough to give him fifth in class. The Haas brothers had problems and finished fifth, but they still came away with third in class for the day in the nine car field . In the 13 car Sportsman Novice field Terry Shelton came up with first place to put him first in class on the day. Richard Harjo, who was eighth in the first moto, macfe a strong effort in the second moto, finished second, and put himself sixth in class. The team of Mack & Mack finished third giving them fourth in class, allowing them to gain ground on current class points leader Peter Marks, who has 354 to Mack's 326. The current points leader Peter Marks came in sixth, having a bad second moto, but his first moto win allowed him to end the day third in class. Jerry Wald drove his Mini Mag into fourth In Class 4 the action seemed to slow way down with Raymond Fisher not able to start the second moto, leaving just four rigs to fight it out. Mike Povey decided to play it safe and just take a slow ride around the track, which left only three racers out looking for the win. Curt W enegler was unfortuna te ly overpowered h y the Dodge of Josh and Becky Hall and the red California Crush of Don German. By midway through the fifth lap the race had turned into a two truck fight for first with German and Hall dicing it out for the lead. With only three laps remaining German took the lead and led Hall in a game of follow Michael Daws has been winning at Prairie City for some time. and he did it again in his Honda Pilot. winning both Oddy heats and the main event. in a good field of little racers. eight in all. December 1992 Dusty Times

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McLean/Milner came into this race with a huge season points lead, so they won the second heat, were fourth in the first one and second on the day in Class 9. Paul Taylor zipped his Class 9 into the first moto win, but later It was tight in Sportsman Vet class. Floyd Haas dices with dropped to fourth_ in the second moto, and ended up third on second in class finisher Creasy Racing, and the Haas Mini Mag points for the day. finished third on points. place, which put him second · overall in the Novice bunch. With two Mini Mags running in VORRA, all we need is one more to make a class. Fifth here in the moto and for the day were Teri and Erik Schroth. The Odys~seys had the last came in second to finish the day formal race of the day, and as third in class, while Mike many expected the Michael Daws Vandeburgh crossed the finish Fox .Pilot won the race without line in third, good enough to put any trouble: He made a clean him second in class. John sweep taking both motos and Hampton was fourth, fifth in overall for the day. Ben Wald class, and Scott Stewart, the current points leader by only three digits, managed to place fifth in the moto, just enough to keep him numper one in points. What better way to finish a weekend of racing than with. a ,Dash for Cash. Winner takes all and would you believe it, there was an Odyssey out there side by side with Sam Berri. Although Berri did win the Dash, it was fun to watch, especially when the Odyssey finished third ahead of several other cars. Former Odyssey driver Jerry Wald showed off his new Mini Mag taking a second and a fourth in the Sportsman Novice motos and second overall in points. Peter Marks won the first moto in his older c<1r. here dirmg with Terry Shelton. and a sixth in the second 1011nd put him third on points for the day. Mike Vandeburgh scored a second and a third in tile Oddy motos. and he flew the rough stuff 1ust fine. taking second overall on the day on points. - - -Ben Wald kicks up a little dust in the Oddy racing on a smooth section, and he scored a fifth and a second to finish the day third overall in class. Dusty Times YouCanWin Even if You Don't Win .•. When You Run ~H,t,/TE.s Announcing the KC HiLiTES "SHOT IN THE DARK" 1992 Contingency Award Program. KC will pay you $200.00 if your finishing position is first, last or somewhere in between, and your entry is picked in the KC SHOT IN THE DARK random-drawing at the end of each SCORE and HORA race this year. It's that simple! All SCORE and HORA four wheel classes are eligible! There's more! If you run KC's exclusively all year and earn your class points championship, you'll win $2,000.00 from the year end Driver's Points Fund! All this just for running the winningest offroad lights around ... KC HiLiTES! Stop by contingency row at any SCORE or HORA race this season for complete details on how to take advantage of this rewarding program orcontact: Jim Conner• P.O. Box 1129 • Lake Havasu City, AZ 86405 • 1-602/453-8889 --------AND THE WINNERS ARE Southern Cal 250 Class 3 -Dale White Class 5 -George Seeley Jr. Class 6 -Curt.Le Due Class 7 -Racin Gardner Class 8 -Larry Ragland Class 9 -Charles Ratliff Class 11 -Travis Howard Parker400 Nlssan400 San Felipe 250 Class 3 -Mike Leslie Class 7 -Scott Douglas Class 1/2-1600 -Fred Wing Class 11 -Erny Martinez Class 3 -Mike Leslie Class 6 -Curt Le Due Class 7 -Scott Douglas Class 8 -Brian Stewart Class 11 -Saul Zambrano Stock Full -Ken Parr Class 7 -Scott Douglas Class 8 -Brian Stewart Class 11 -Martin Garibay Class 12-Yoshi Ogasawara Class 5/1600 - . Baja500 Class 1 -Jason Baldwin Class 3 -Mike Leslie Class 7 -Racin Gardner Class 7S -Malcolm Vinge Class 9 -Russ Miller Class 11 -Martin Garibay December 1992 Guillermo Quintero, Jr Fireworks 250 Class 1 -Bernie Thompson Class 3 -Dale White Class 5 -Neal Grabowski Class 5/1600 -Dave Shively Class 7/4x4 -Darren York Class 10 -Brent Gustin Nevada500 Class 3 -Dale White Class 5/1600 -Steve Lawrence Class 6 -Evan Evans Class 7 -Scott Douglas Class 7S-Brendan Gaughn Class 8 -Larry Ragland Class 11 -Martin Garibay Stock Mini -Scott Sells Page 23

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FRT PLASTER ·c1TY BLAST Vic Wild and Bill Hernquist The Overall Winners By Judy Smith Photos: C&C Race Photos The new team of Vic Wild and Class 5 driver Bill Hernquist, who got fast lap of the race on the fifth lap, smoked the field to win the race overall by a good eight minutes in the good looking Jimco. The new team of Vic Wild and For most of the racers there was Allen, in another Jimco. Allen Bill Hernquist put their Class 10 plenty of time. was racing in Class 10 for the first Jimco through its paces and came The Class 10 cars were first to time, having switched to off road up overall winners at the FR T get the green flag, starting in single from Stock Car racing, after a one Plaster City Blast early in file, one vehicle each 15 seconds. race sample in a big truck. October. Bill Hammack and Tim Sines had Whitted lost his transmission The rac~. the fourth in the their Jimco in the number one on the second lap, and that put Superstition Championship five start position, but their lap lasted Ryerson into the lead, as Wild race series, ran on the usual FR T over an hour and they never got tipped his car up on its side, and schedule, starting at noon, after around again. Joel Whitted, on needed some help getting back on an early morning motorcycle and the other hand, in another Jimco, his wheels. Allen ran third, only ATV event. The course was a went into the lead, with about 57 27 seconds later, and Frank and little over 30 miles long, and it seconds on Ron Ryerson in his Lonnie Orosco, in a Flow Racing was a six lap event, with six Rabbit powered Raceco. Ryer-chassis,werefourth.Alltheother o'clock being the cut off time. son'scarisatandem,butthistime cars in the class had self That meant that if a driver still he ran as a one seater, with no destructed. had another lap to do, it would be back seat passenger. He was 38 Ryerson held his lead through too bad, because the officials seconds in front of Vic Wild, who . lap three, and had about four and wouldn't let him start another. had about two minutes on Tim a half minutes on Wild, who was Frank and Lonnie Orosco had their Flow Racing chassis in contention all the way in Class 10, lost a bunch of time on lap 3 but still finished third. still second. Allen was now a minute and four seconds behind him, while the Oroscos had lost about 35 minutes and were nearly an hour down all together. Ryerson stayed in the car at the halfway point, but he spent some time in his pit, and his lead dropped to a minute· and one second, as Hernquist, who is the more experienced driver of the team, got in for the final three laps, and decided to make a serious try for the win. Allen was now two minutes and 39 seconds behind him, and he was driving all the way, although he was finding it rougher than stock car racing. The Oroscos were still having some troubles, but kept running. Former stock car racer Tim Allen had a great time in his Class 10 Jimco, as he ran up front all day and finished second in his first race in the class. Hernquist zipped off the fast lap, at 3 1 :08, but still could get no lap for the race on the fifth lap, at further up than third. Hart was 29:35, and moved into the lead, still fourth, and Reamer was fifth, with nearly three minutes o n and almost an hour down, having Ryerson, who was about three some troubles nearly every lap. and a half minutes up on Allen. No one else was running by now. The Oroscos were running pretty W yatt had almost four minutes well now, but there was no time by the end oflap five, with Najara left for catching up. still in second, and Hart in third Hernquist, who's more used to now, as Kontilis dropped out. Class 5 cars, was having a blast in That moved Reamer up to fourth. the buggy, and, with absolutely no And they held those positions to problems, just sailed on to the the checkered flag, with McCal-finish, and the overall win for !um and Wyatt taking the win by a himself and Wild. Ryerson' lost little over 10 minutes. Najara. something major and a wheel who'd had a couple of flats, and came off, so he never got there at had lost his brakes, finished all, while Allen came up to second, followed by Hart, and second, finishing about eight then Reamer. minutes later. And the Oroscos The one and two seat 1600s were third, after a long day. were next to start, and the group Next in line were the unlimited consisted of eight single seaters cars, and at the end of the first lap and four two seaters, a common it was Reuben Wood in his ratio at FRT races, as well as at MECO single seater with a Pinto other promoters' events. The · motor in first place, a minute and FR T has decided that in '93 the 18 seconds in front of Larry class will be split, so that the McCallum in his single seater, heavier two seaters will be able to which reportedly runs on feel competitive again. As it is 1835ccs. In third it was Vance now, with the weight limit set as Allen in a two seater, while Kirk low as it is, the two seaters are Kontilis had his one seat severely penalized. They can't Badenochs in fourth, followed by make the lighter weight of the one Sergio Najara in a Raceco. seaters, and those that have tried, Wood's lead was two minutes and have come close, can and 42 seconds at the end of lap generally not make it to the finish two, and it was Najara in second line. With the class split next year, place, with McCallum, who'd Fud, the FRT's president, hopes broken a tie rod end, in third to bring back some of the two seat about seven minutes later. 1600 cars that are now parked. Kontilis still ran fourth, and Mike For this event, they raced Hart had his two seat Hi Jumper in together, and it was one seaters fifth place, as Allen never came out front all the way. At the end of around again. lap one it was Rob Nolin, Wood's luck ran out, along recording the class fast lap 32:50 with his transmission, on the in his ORC, with 23 seconds on third lap, and Najara moved into Todd Teuscher in his Chenowth. the lead, with McCallum's co-Next, just 24 seconds later, it was driver, Larry Wyatt, in second Dave Webster, in a Suspensions now about six and a half minutes Unlimited car, and then Kevin back after some repairs. Kontilis Basore, 10 seconds further back, was third, Hart was fourth and in his new one seatJimco. In fifth Bob Reamer , in a two seat it was Tom Watson, in a one seat Chenowth ran fifth. Raceco, 52 seconds further back. Wyattwentintotheleadonthe The first two seater, Fred fourth lap, and Najara ran second, Grabowski and John Neibert, in a about two minutes back, while Jimco, ran eighth, just three Kontilis recorded the class fast minutes and 30 seconds behind Sergio Najara had his long nosed Raceco flying in fine style, and he ran second in Unlimited Class most of the way and he finished a fine second. Mike Hart keeps the Hi Jumper in tidy shape, and he moved steadily up the charts in Unlimited Class all day and he ended up finishing a fine third. Rob Nolin was part of the leading duo in his ORC, but had a little clutch trouble in the closing laps, then got stuck and he ended up second in 1600s. Page 24 December 1992 Dusty Times

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Karl Counce moved into third early in the race in Big Truck action, and ran third until the scores were posted and Counce got his Chevy home second. Ben Abatti had his Ford in the Big Truck lead from the green flag, but he hit a big hole on the final lap, snapped an axle and finished third. Running with the suspension a little soft for the course, Richard Green and Giti Gow/and still nailed down second place in the Class 100 Frazco. the lead car, but still, eighth. On the second lap Nolin's lead grew to a minute and four seconds, and it was still Teuscher in second. BasQre had moved up to third, 17 seconds later, while Watson was fourth and Jim Woodruff and Randy Anderson, in a one seat Mirage, were now fifth. Nolin was having a good race, and he had a minute and 33 seconds on Teuscher at the end of the third lap, with Basore, who had his car out for the first time this weekend, still third, only 43 seconds later. In fourth it was still Watson, and now Phil Green and Todd Acosta, in a single seat Chenowth, had moved up to fifth. Webster, who'd rolled on lap two, lost a wheel on lap three, and it took him a half hour to find it, and get it remounted with nuts cannibalized from his other three wheels. Nolin and Teuscher continued their duel, neither giving up their seat to a co-driver, but Basore put Don Hatz in to finish the day, and Larry McCallum and Larry Wyatt had to fix a broken tie rod along the trail, ran steady in third and moved up into the lead on lap 4, and the two Larrys, McCallum and Wyatt won the Unlimited Class. There was good dicing among the dozen 1-2-1600 cars, boiling down to just two drivers as the laps ran out, but defending points champion Todd Teuscher took the victory by five minutes in his Chenowth. A good entry of eight started in Big Trucks and Jorge Garcia, a newcomer to the FRT series, kept his Ford flying high, and moved steadily up the ranks and ended up winning the class. Dusty Times hang on to his lead, with Teuscher two minutes and 15 seconds behind him at the end of the fifth lap. Hatz, who'd been lost for a bit on the fourth lap, was firmly in third, with Green and Acosta up to fourth now, as Watson was feeling a little underpowered, and dropped to fifth. Dan Lewis is a moving force behind Class 100, and he got his reward this event, ran second in the early going, but despite a roll over co-driver Felipe Fonseca brought the Sandhawk in the winner. Nolin, who is overdue for some good luck, found himself passing a 5-1600 car in a rough spot, and, as he got bumped up onto one side, his carburetor flooded, and the car stalled. He tried to start it and get moving again, but it was no go, and while he sat there another race car, unable to see him because he was down in a gully, gave him a tap as it went by. And then along came Teuscher, who thumped into Nolin's rear he held on to third, while GreenandAcostawerestillfifth. Watson's co-driver, Larry Nolin was having a little trouble Cossio, stayed put in fourth place. with his clutch, but continued to tire, ~ FIRST CLASS LETHAL MONSTER -1992 FORD F-150 CLASS 8 SCORE/HORA LEGAL OWNED BY DAVE SHOPPE BUil T BY KEVIN BUN DEASON DRIVEN BY FRANK "SCOOP" VESSELS "EVERYTHING ON THIS TRUCK IS FIRST CU.SS-EVERYTHINGr AVAILABLE AFTER THE BAJA 1000! ENGINE: 526 BIG BLOCK FORD DYNO SHEET: 792BHP, 743 FT# TORQUE TRANS: MOGI C-6 AUTOMATIC, W/SPARE DRIVETRAIN: SUMMERS BROS REAR AXLE W/SPARE INLAND EMPIRE ORIVELINE, WISPARE SUSPENSION: 24" TRAVEL, FRONT & REAR BUNDERSON POSITION-SENSfTIVE 2 SHOCK PER WHEEL EASY ADJUST CASTER/CAMBER FRONT QUARTER ELI.IPTICAL REAR, WITH TWO SETS SPARE SPRINGS TRUSSED I-BEAMS BRAKES: WILWOOD SUPER GRAND NATIONAL FRONT DUAL CALIPER REAR, CARBON-METALLIC INSIDE CAB BIAS ADJUSTMENT STEERING: TOMMY LEE PUMP & BOX WIS PARE TIRES: SET UP FOR 37x17 OR 35x15 KNOCK-OFFS BFGOODRICH/AMERICAN RACING. 20 SPARES IN35 INCH December 19ft WEIGHT: 4,650 # DRY, 64% REAR WEIGHT RATIO WET, 74 GALI.ON FUEL CAPACITY, DUAL FUEL NECKS COOUNG: DUNN& BUSH COOLERS: ENGINE, TRANS, 01.. POWER STEERING, GRIFFIN ALUMINUM RADIATOR. REAR MOUNT W/SPARE, BARNES DRY SUMP MISC: DUAL MOUNTED IGNITION & FUEL PUMPS SPARES: AXLE, TRANS, STARTER, ALTERNATOR. SPRINGS DRIVELINE. POWER STEERING PUMP & BOX, FUEL PUMP, IGNITION, RADIATOR, TIRES & WHEELS AND ENGINE (NOT FULLY ASSEMBLED) FOR SALE WITH ALL SPARE PARTS $125,000.00 COST OVER $175,000.00 TO BUILD. ALL BLUEPRINTS & DYNO SHEETS AVAILABLE . ALSO, 45' AIR-RIDE DROP-DECK TRAILER W/AWNING AND CABINETS, RACKS, RAMPS & BENCH FOR SALE. $25,000.00 OR MAKE OFFER WfTH TRUCK CALL SHOPPE AT: 714-654-3683 OR MADDY AT 714-245·3877 Page 15

Page 26

••• , ·,X ,_. ,\ Kevin Thompson ran solo and had a good lead in the Class 100 Chenowth midway, got class fast lap, but engine woes dropped him to third at the flag. Dave Hendrickson teamed with Cameron Steele to run third in 5-1600 action the first half and Steele stood on the gas to move into second at the flag. Bob Snaith and Chris Harold had a good run in their 5-1600, and they had no big troubles on the way to finishing a close third in the big class. finally managed to get by Abatti, and went on to take the win. But Abatti hit a hole with the power on a few moments later and snapped an axle, and lost about45 minutes replacing it. In the meantime Alvarado and Stiles ran the fast lap of the day for the class, at 30:57, and moved themselves up to second place. Counce was third, just two minutes and 45 seconds later, and Abatti managed to get back for fourth place. Some kind of score keeping glitch at one of the out lying pits caused the officials to lose track of one of Alvarado and Stiles' laps, and they were later penalized a The Ledezma Bug started out with the Class 5-1600 lead, and kept the lead lap, which dropped them to through a driver change from son Danny to dad Hector midway, and carried fourth and moved the others up a on to win the class by nearly six minutes. notch. Still later it apparently _______ :__....:_ _______________ ·developed that they had actually ~ rebounded, and went on his losing time with a fuel pickup completed all six laps correctly, · way, to the win. Nolin, wondering problem. They kept to that order but, since they hadn't been what he'd done to deserve his through the third lap, with Abatti around to protest it when the particular brand of bad luck, put just about three and a half unofficial results were posted, his car into low gear and nudged it minutes in fron-t of Garcia. they lost their chance to keep off the course by means of the Alvarado and Stiles continued to their second place. One more starter. Then he re-adjusted his have problems, until their crew instance that points out how clutch, and, when he was ready to installed a new line. important it is to have a crew take off again, found that the tire On lap four, Abatti, who'd member check the unofficial Teuscher had hit had gone flat. He more or less lost track of Garcia, results as soon as they are posted, finally got to the finish line in slowed down, thinking to save his to be sure that the race team and second place, a little over five truck, and at the end of the lap he the officials see everything the minutes down. Basore and Hatz was only a minute and 29 seconds d h d G d A f f h ll same way. finishe t ir , reen an costa in rant o im. Counce was sti Class 100 took the green flag were fourth and Cossio and third, but Alvarado and Stiles, next, and in this group Kevin Watson were fifth. Neibert and running well again, had moved up Thompson, in a two seat Chen-Grabowski; the first two seater to to fourth, and now Mark Newhan owth, had the early lead by about finish, were sixth. had his GMC in fifth place, after 40 seconds, with Dan Lewis Thebigtrucksstartednext,and losingalmosttwofulllapsonhis behind him in a two seat with eight starters had as big a first loop. Corda had a problem Sandhawk. In third it was Mark group as could be found in any that cost him 10 minutes and Pinto, in another two seat race nowadays. Tbe lead belonged dropped back. Chenowth, while Richard Green to Ben Abatti and his Ford at the Garcia, with Abatti in his ran fourth in his two seat Frazco. end of the first lap, with Jorge sights, was all fired up and . Thompson had built his lead to Garcia, in another Ford, about charging hard, and took a slim 53 seconds at the end of lap two, three minutes back. Garcia and lead, by just three seconds. He and Lewis was still second, with his truck werenewcomerstoFRT hadn't passed Abatti, but he was Pinto third, and Green, who racing. In third it was Tony breathing down his tailpipe, and found his suspension a little too Alvarado and Brady Stiles, who'd Ben was wondering where he'd soft, in fourth place. And it was already had a flat, in still another come from. Counce was third, . more of the same on lap three, as Ford, and Mark Allen, also Ford, but Alvarado and Stiles, actually Thompson's lead grew to a ran fourth, with Karl Counce, in a the fastest truck on the track for . minute and 33 seconds. It was Chevy, running fifth. these late laps, were catching up, lewis, Pinto and Green behind On the second lap, with Abatti and Newhan lost another 45 him still, with Bill Gill and Jeff and Garcia in first and second, minutes or so, but was still fifth. Quinn, in a Funco, running a Counce moved up to third, and He, too, had been running some distant fifth after losing an hour now Craig Corda, in another extra quick laps in his attempt at on the first lap. Ford, was fourth, and Alvarado catching up. and Stiles dropped to fifth after Garcia foug_ht the dust and Thompson stayed in the car, and in front, but lewis stopped to ~~ __ -~ --··-· i:.. ~~='_% ---Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road driving school can help you be your best! But be ready. .. the road isn't smooth' Page 16 Call For Courses and Dates Great Basin Consulting 2738 Chavez Dr. Reno, NV 89502 (702) 825-8830 put Felipe Fonseca into the driver's seat, and that put them three minutes and 24 seconds behind Thompson at the end of the fourth lap. Gr:een put Giti Gowland into his car, and he moved up to third, with Steve Moore, taking over for Pinto, in fourth, after a rear flat. Quinn and Gill were still running, but were still an hour down. On the fifth lap Thompson recorded the class fast lap, at 35:14, but it was more than his car could stand, and he limped to his pit, his engine making some ominous noises, and completely out of oil. Fonseca was then six December 1992 and a half minutes back, and had second place, and Hendrickson done a flying rollover, landed on third, 34 seconds later. Orozco his wheels, and gone on. In third it and Snaith finished up the lineup. was still Gowland, another 13 Snaith was out for the first time in minutes back, and Moore was a new to him car, just bought from fourth. Duane Basore. Fonseca ran another untroubled Ledezma continued at a smooth lap, to earn the win for himself pace, and had a lead of five and a and Lewis, their first this year. half minutes at the halfway point. Green and Gowland were second Goodrich was still second, with 16 minutes later, and glad there Hendrickson third, and Snaith were no more laps, because one came up to fourth as Orozco rear trailing arm was about to let dropped to fifth. And suddenly, go. In third it was Thompson,_ there was no one else running, a who'd put in a lot of oil and taken very unusual circumstance for it easy for a lap, to get to the finish this class. line. Pinto and Moore, who'd had At the halfway pit stop Danny to clean the points three times on put his father, Hector, into his the last lap, finished fourth, with car, and they used up a little time Gill and Quinn in fifth. with the change, but kept their The 5-1600s started next, and lead, because everybody else Danny Ledezma put his yellow car · changed also. Now they had five out in front, with a lead of a minutes and 35 seconds on minute and 10 seconds on Brian Hendrickson's co-driver, Cam-Goodrich, who ran second. In eron Steele, who ran second, third it was Dave Hendrickson, three minutes and 51 seconds in 40 seconds later, followed by Ed front of Goodrich's co-driver, Orozco, 40 seconds more in Charlie Watters. Watters had got arrears, and then Bob Snaith, just lost for a few minutes. Snaith's five seconds behind him. co-driver, Chris Harrold, was Ledezma hustled a bit and fourth, 31 seconds behind him, ticked off the class fast lap his and Pete Brown, Orozco's second time around, at 36:53, to teammate, ran fifth, finding the put himself three minutes and 54 rear end of their car a bit bouncy. seconds in the lead. It was still A couple of rude 1600 cars had Goodrich, having no problems, in hit Ledezma and flattened his new FRT Plaster City Blast Results • October 3, 1992 Car# Pos. Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle CLASS J/2 · Voliroi\ed Sjnale pr Twp Seat · a start -4 finish 104 108 102 199 1 2 3 4 Larry McCallum/Larry Wyatt Sergio Najara Mike Hart Bob Reamer CLASS lo -s;ngle & Two Sear l 650 ccs -Z start -3 Uoisb Unknown Raceco Hi Jumper Chenowth lime 3:29:11 3:39:26 4:06:25 4:50:00 1003 1 Vic Wild/8.ill Hernquist Jimco 3:11 :ss· 1008 2 lim Allen Jimco 3:19:59 1005 3 Frank & Lonnie Orosco Flow Racing 4:26:30 CLASS a· full s;ze 2 & 4WQ Trucks - a start -3 finish 802 1 Jorge Garcia Ford 3:35:14 811 2 Karl Counoe Chevrolet 4:10:01 800 3 Ben Abatti Ford 4:16:01 CLASS l-2-1600 -Single & Two sear l 6QO cc · 12 start -a finish 1600 1 Todd Teuscher(solo) Chenowth 1605 2 Rob Nolin (solo) ORC 1606 3 Kevin Basore/Don Hatz Jimco 1699 4 Phil Green/Todd Acosta Chenowth 1601 5 Tom Watsorvlarry Cossio Raceco CLASS 100 · Sjng1e & Two Seat Short WB · 6 start· 5 finish 2 1 Dan Lewis/Felipe Fonseca Sandhawk 8 2 Richard Green/Giti Gowland Frazco 7 3 Kevin Thompson Chenowth 99 4 Mark Pinto/Steve Moore Chenowth 98 5 Bill Gill/Jeff Quinn Funco Cl ASS 9 -Single & Twp sear restricted -JO start -Z finish 903 1 Hal & Kevin Graves 900 2 Larry KerrVMike Pfankuch 902 3 Jorge Vargas/Lalo Mayoral 907 4 Mike Stroh/Tom McAdams 909 5 Mike & Ellis Cohen CLASS 5-l 600 · 16QP cc Baja Bug · 9 start - 5 finish 553 1 Danny & Hector Ledezma 598 2 Dave HendricksorVCameron Steele 552 3 Bob Snaith/Chris Harrold 554 4 Ed Orozco/Pete Brown 556 5 Brian Goodrich/Charlie Watters CLASS Z • L jltje Trucks 2WQ & 4WQ · Z start· l fjnish 703 1 Chris Taylor/Shawn Musgrave 711 2 Scott Young/Mike Smith (5 laps) • Denotes overall winner 67 starters - 37 finishers - 55.2% finish rate 30.4 mile course - 6 laps for an official finish Weather - Warm, Breezy, Dry Jimco Rayco ORBS Funco Raceco Baja Bug Baja Bug Baja Bug Baja Bug Baja Bug Ford Ford 302 3:23:03 3:28:14 3:37:20 3:38:57 3:40:47 3:44:54 4:01:00 4:19:28 4:45:15 4:55:05 4:24:38 4:30:20 4:33:31 4:41:00 4:41:27 3:49:23 3:55:12 3:58:58 4:02:47 4:08:17 4:43:23 6:10:20 Dusty Times

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Doing a little nose dive didn't slow the Rayco of Larry Kern and Mike Pfankuch and despite a flat four miles out they finished second in Class 9. Jorge Vargas and Lalo Mayoral had a good run in the Class 9 ORBS, moving to third midway in the race and they finished third, just three minutes back. Scott Young and Mike Smith had a 302 engine in their Ford, had some trans trouble and ran out of time, but got second in Little Trucks with five laps done. exhaust, but other than that they . had no troubles, and Hector continued to lead, with five minutes and 29 seconds now on Steele. Harrold was now third, with Watters, who'd broken a spindle and had a front flat, just a minute and 23 seconds behind him in fourth. Brown ran fifth. Ledezma ran another evenly paced lap, and gave the team the win, finishing five minutes and 49 seconds in front of Steele and Hendrickson, who said their motor was starting to go away on the last lap. In third it was Snaith · and Harrold, who'd closed up a bit, and Brown and Orozco· finished fourth. It seems that Watters tipped his car onto its side about 200 yards before the finish line, picking a highly inopportune time to pull that stunt for the first time. He and Goodrich were fifth. The Class 9 folks got the next green flag, and when they showed up again the two seat Rayco of Larry Kern was in the lead, with the class fast lap at 39:43, and a healthy two minute and 43 second lead on Mike Cohen who ran second in his two seat Raceco. In third it was Kevin Graves in his single seat Jimco, another minute and four seconds back, followed by Tom McAdams and Mike Stroh in their single seat Funco, and .then Jorge Vargas in a two seat ORBS. . On the second lap Cohen moved into the lead, with 59 seconds on Graves, who was now two minutes and 23 seconds ahead of Vargas. Stroh and McAdams were still fourth, but Kern, who'd dropped to fifth, was having some pesky fan belt problems, and had lost 15 minutes. Cohen continued to lead, blissfully unaware that he was in front, with his sister, Tracey, riding shotgun and urging him to drive faster. Graves, who'd had a flat, was still about two minutes back in second. Vargas was third, and had lost his second gear, while Stroh and McAdams held fourth, and Kern continued to have fan belt trouble in fifth place. On the fourth lap Cohen broke a shock, and made a leisurely pit to get some repairs, and that's when he learned he'd been in the lead. Graves took over first place, but Cohen was still second, now about two minutes behind him, and not liking the way the car handled with a broken rear shock. Vargas turned his car over to Lalo Mayoral, and he held third place, with Stroh and McAdams still fourth and Kern's co-driver, Mike Pfankuch, was in fifth place. Graves continued to run smooth I y, still leading, and Pfankuch moved into second place, with Mayoral in third, a little over a minute behind him . . Dusty Times Stroh and McAdams, who'd lost a their Ford, while Young, his front shock, were still fourth .. motor overheating, ran second. In Cohen' stopped to put his dad, third it was Todd Richards and Ellis, into the driver's seat for the Ryan Wheeler, in a Chevy. last two laps, and to replace that Michael Henry, who usually puts broken shock, and they lost about up a good fight in his Ford, was nine minutes, and fell to fifth. out on the first lap, and Richie Kevin put his dad, Hal, in for Valencia and Roy Garcia, in a the last lap, and he carried on in Toyota, who are also usually in the same fashion, to bring the the thick of things, had a lengthy Graves car across the finish line a first lap, arid then never got winner. Pfankuch had another around again. good lap, except that he drove the Richards and Wheeler took last four miles on a rear flat, to get over the lead on lap two, with second place for himself and Taylor and Musgrave second, Kern. Vargas and Mayoral after fixing a flat, just 22 seconds finished third, and Stroh and behind them, and Young was McAdams, who broke a rear third, but 17 minutes back. No shock mount on the last lap and one else was running. And by the said their car was really hard to end of the third lap, there were handle without its shocks, were only two left, as Richards and fourth. The Cohen family came in Wheeler disappeared. Taylor and fifth, very pleased with their fine M1,1sgrave were now leading, and performance. 23 minutes in front of Young and The small trucks were the last Smith, who were having to add group to start, and as Scott Young wat~r whenever they could find and Mike Smith rumbled past the some. spectators, with their 302 c.i. VS Taylor and Musgrave continued propelled Ford, it was brought at a steady pace for the rest of the home to the observors that this afternoon, and, except for some class is for small trucks. Not rough riding when their rear necessarily trucks with small shocks seized, had an uneventful motors. day. They took their win, The first lap lead, and class fast completing the full six laps in four lap, at 42:55, belonged to Chris hours and 43 minutes. Young and Taylor and Shawn Musgrave in Smith, who shared the driving, Hal and.Kevin Graves had a cheering section here, and it must have helped as they started out running third in Class 9, and on the fourth lap the Jimco moved into the lead and kept it to the checkered flag. Of the seven Little Trucks only one finished the race, and Chris Taylor and -Shawn Musgrave lost some shocks on the Ford but kept a steady pace all the way, to finish and win the class. December 1992 had some transmission trouble, and were stuck in low gear for a while, and then lost second gear, and ran out of time for a sixth lap. They took second place with five laps completed. storms, rain, floods, or triple digit temperatures. This was a great day, fading into a pleasant evening as all the final rigamarole with post race tech came to an end, and Fud waved the last checkered flag The weather had cooperated for the first time all year, and mild weather with brisk breezes had been the order of the day. Occasionally at the FR T races Mother Nature plays tr:icks and brings forth howling gales, sand · at the last finishing vehicle. The FR T Superstition series comes to a finale on New Year's Eve with the Dunaway Dash, which is an entertaining way to close out the old year, and ring in the new. Race Ready Products Is a full service warehouse supplying the Off Road Industry with racing equipment from over one hundred manufacturers. Our goal Is simple: helping you bulld winning race cars by offering quality parts, quick service and competitive prices. 103 Press Lane, No. 4, Chula Vista, California 91910 (619) 691-9171 UPS Shipping Daily (619) 691-9174 Visa/Mastercard FAX (619) 691-0803 Mon. · Fri. 9-6/Sat. 10-3 Dealer Inquiries Invited CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR FRIENDS From The Home 01 The 11192 "li" Hour Overall World Champions SCORE BAJA 500 BAJA PROMOTIONS • ENSENADA 350 ClASS 1 & OVERALL • IVAN STEWART ClASS 1-2-1600 'ClASS 5 1 ST 2ND 5TH 1 ST 2ND R& RAMPUDIA ClASS 1-2-1600 BRENT GRIZZLE PRO 1 ST A COPPOLA & E HAMBLETON SPORT 1 ST H & W KLAWITTER ClASS 5 PRO 1 ST R MINGA & D ROBERTSON SPORT 1 ST ClASS 5-1600 ClASS 5-1600 1 ST J & J HOLMES & R EL WARDANI PRO 1 ST SPORT 1 ST ClASS 9 PRO 1 ST ClASS 10 2 ND BGOODRICH & C WATTERS 3 RD G QUINTERO & F ORTIZ 4 TH M & 0 LEDEZMA 5 TH A & M COVARRUBIAS ClASS 7S 2 ND - T BROWN & B O'BRIEN 3 RD • ERNESTO ARAMBULA ClASS 8 3 RD • S KELLEY & D WESTHEM 4TH • PMCNEIL&RAMAYA ClASS9 1 ST • R&R MILLER & D DANIELS 2 ND G ERL & R RICHARDSON SPORT 1 ST ClASS 11 PRO 1 ST SPORT 1 ST - RAFAEL ECHEGOLLEN • RUSSELL ROOT • CONRAD DIAZ GE RADO GONZALES • ERNEST ARAMBULA PIETRO BRASSEA JOHN FISHER EDUARDO LUCERO DAVID BADILLO FEDERICO SANCHEZ 3 RD • V GIFFORD & B NEWKIRK & RJACKSON BUILDERS CF THE 4 TH • P 810 & S GUTIERREZ ClASS 10 1 ST - S SOURAPAS & D RICHARDSON 2 ND • T SCHIWNG & J MARKING 4 TH • J CEVALLOS & V SERRANO ClASS 11 1 ST • M GARIBAY & U ACEVEDO "C PROGRAM" UNDEFEATED 1-1600 FUNCO RACE CAR Page 27

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Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. Conoco's Rumble In The Rockies Rod Millen gained plenty of points for himself and Toyota, winning the main event. and taking a third and a fourth in the heat races. Millen has already secured the truck drivers title and Toyota the Manufacturers Cup. As the MTEG stadium series left Denver and headed for Las Vegas it was still a roll of the dice for the series winner in all but one class with several contenders in every group. Our correspondent didn't make it to Denver, so·our coverage will be more limited than usual, but we do have pictures from our faithful pals at T rackside. Starting with the Grand National Sport Trucks, Roger Mears Jr. was the fast qualifier in his Nissan, followed by Rod Millen, Toyota, Walker Evans, Dodge and Roh MacCachren. Ford, quite a mixed bag of brands. In the first heat Greg George got · his Venable Ford out front and stayed there, and he was followed to the flag by a pair of Stewatts, I van in his Toyota and Brian in his Dod~, dogged all the way by Rod Millen, Toyota. Rick Johnson in the Chevy finished well in both heats and the main event, but in post race tech his truck ran afoul of the rules, and he-lost his positions and points over 7116th of an inch in wheel width, first report, later amended to rear track width. Someone must have protested because nobody could see that with the naked eye on :i wheel with a tire attached to it. Moving on to the second truck heat Roger Mears got the victory, and Ivan Stewart again nailed down second place points, followed by his teammate Rod Millen, adding more largess to the Toyota coffers. Brian Stewart was fourth in the Dodge and Roger Mears Jr. was next in the second Mears Nissan, followed by Walker Evans, Dodge, and Rob MacCachren, Ford. The main event was apparently the usual smash, bang, boom affair that spectators have come to expect at stadium races, with trucks trailing glass fiber body parts most of the distance. At any rate this mayhem closes the program for the night and Rod· Millen emerged the winner, all but assuring himself. the Sport Truck drivers' title, and Toyota has already nailed down the Manufact-urers Cup. Both Rod Millen, who took his fourth main event win of the.season, and Ivan Stewart, who was officially second in the main, stuck in second for the night it seems, were engaged in a torrid battle with Rick Johnson in the Chevrolet. Johnson eventually split the Toyota pair by finishing second, but was later disqualified Marty Hart had his Chenowth tuned up for the Super 1600 action, and he flew it to a close third in his heat. heat 1. and then came back to win the hard fought main event in this class. for the day. (See above.) Rob MacCachren took third place· points for Ford and the Rogers Mears, first dad and then Jr. were next in their N issans. Walker Evans and Brian Stew-art also earned points in their Dodges Dakotas. It must have been a late night for the tech crew in Denver! Only seven UltraStock mach-ines showed at Mile High Stadium and Tommy Croft, Jeep, was the fast qualifier, with T:]. Clark right behind him. Clark is an instructor at the Bonderant School of High Performance Driving near 'Phoe-nix, AZ, and is trying out stadium style racing in a VW. l:3ut it was business as usual in the first and only heat race won by Tommy Croft, Jeep. Chris Neil was second in a Nissan, followed by Tim Lewis, Porsche, Jim Smith, Ford Explorer, Larry Noel, Jeep, ·and Brian Collins, Porsche. In the UltraStock Main event Larry Noel made a major improvement in position, the defending points champion finishing second to Tommy Croft, both driving twin Jeep Cherokees. Croft still leads Noel in the points chase, but Noel has a chance to defend his title if the next two events go his way. Tim Lewis was third in the Main Event, followed home by T.J. Clark, Chris Neil, Jim Smith and Brian Collins. Only one of the six class championships for 1992 has been decided. Jimmie Johnson, last year's Rookie of the Year, has wrapped up the Superlite title ·with an overwhelming 278 points. The teenager from El Cajon, CA, has three main event wins to his credit and leads teammate Rennie Awana by91 points. With just 13 cars on hand in the normally crowded class, there was one heat race, and the win went to Jimmie Johnson in his Briggsbuilt, followed by Nature's Recipe teammates Rennie Awana and Greg George. Tim Baker got the H & R in fourth, and Mercedes Gonzales was fifth in her Briggsbuilt. The teenage Mears Gang finished seventh, C.J., and 11th, Clint. Top spot in the tight running main event went to Tim Baker, with Jimmie Johnson close behind. Joe Price, who is paralyzed from the waist down and drives with hand controls on his Triple E, nailed down a popular third place followed by Rennie Awana, then 15 year old C.J. Mears, Triple E, and John Sarna, H&R. Greg George was apparently penalized by the Rough Driving Committee to an eighth place finish. The Super 1600s showed up 20 strong and were split into two heat" races. Jerry Whelchel drove his Toyota powered Nye Frank Special into the first moto win, followed closely by Marty Hart and Frank Arciero Jr. in Chen-owths and Kevin Smith in a Mirage. Aaron Hawley was next followed by Bill Goshen, Eric Arras, Cory Witherill, and both Wes Banks and Jimmy Nichols did not finish. · Tommy Croft added to his championship points in UltraStock action by taking first in the heat race and then he won the main event handily in the Jeep Cherokee picking up the points lead. Tim Baker started the night in his H & R SuperLite with a fourt/J in the heat race against tight competition. and he came back strong in the main event to take the victory in the close race. The second Super 1600 heat was led by two local boys from the Denver area, to the cheers of the crowd. Mitch Mustard ended up winning the heat in his Chenowth over his cousin Danny Rice, also in a Chenowth, in fact the whole field drove Chenowths. Gary Gall was third followed by Bob Gordon, Marty Coyne and the -------------------Roger Mears had his Nissan dialed in for the Mile High Stadium course, flying to the second heat victory, and he also took fourth in the main event,. Page 28 Ivan Stewart was stuck in second place in Denver taking runner up honors in both heat races and the main event, gaining points for Toyota and himself. December 1992 Rob MacCachren had mixed results for the night but he did bicycle his way to a hard fought third in the main event driving the Venable Ford Ranger. Dusty Times

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Jerry Whelchel was very quick in the Nye Frank Special, and he won the first Super 1600 heat and came back to take a close second in the main event. A home town driver in Denver, Danny Rice placed his Chenowth second in the first 1600 heat and came back to take a close second in the main event. Denver's Mitch Mustard, a former class champion won the second 1600 heat race, but after a great start in the main event the Chenowth just gave up. Herbst brothers followed, led by Ed, then Troy and then T im. Scott Galloway, another local driver, and Dwight Lundell rounded out the field . W e don't know much about the main event but we do know Mitch Mustard led off the line, then his car promptly quit running for good. At the checkered flag Marty Hart won over Danny Rice, Jerry Whelchel, Frank Arciero Jr. and Marty Coyne. This gives Hart a narrow three point lead for the season c hampionship over defending c h ampion Frank Arciero Jr., with two time champion Mitch Mustard trailing by only 11 points. Gary Gall was sixth in the race followed in by Bob Gordon, Bill Goshen, Eric Arras, Aaron Hawley and Troy Herbst, Cory Witherill, Scott Galloway, and Ed Herbst. In the 4 Wheel A TV action the regular entry was fleshed out by riders from all over the country. Mark Ehrhardt, CA, won the first heat over Keith DiBrino, OR, Niclas Granlund, OR, Shane Hitt, NV, Jarod Fleck, IA, and more came from Texas·, W ashington, U tah, Wyoming, Illinois and Nebraska. H a rd to say wh y Denver suddenly became the place to race a quad. In the second heat the win went to Californian .Greg S tuart, followed by Donavon Holland from Fresno. But Jason Wiswell held up the honor of Colorado with third place followed in by Darren Naccarato from New York a nd fellow Coloradan R o n Cornforth; t hen cam e Mike O lmsted, Craig Teel and Fred Sheppard. It was Greg Stuart on a Honda the winner in the 18 vehicle quad main event, and the traffic was heavy. Mark Ehrhardt got his JP in next, followed in third by Donavon Holland, Honda. Shane Hitt was next, then Keith DiBrino, Jason Wiswell1 and Niclas Granlund. The Ultra Cross motorcycles also had a big entry and a pair of heats holding a dozen bikes each. The first heat went to Kip Sandell followed by Lowell Thomson and Larry Brooks, all aboard Y amahas. Mike Craig, the points leader, got his Kawasaki in fourth, followed by Lance Smail, Yamaha and Tommy Clowers, Kawasaki. The second heat victory also went to a Yamaha ridden this time ' by Kyle Lewis, followed home by the Kawasakis of Ray Crumb and Ryan Carlisle, then the Yamahas of Jim Holley and Shaun Kalas. There were a number of bikes that failed to run the distance in this heat. The main event put 20 motor-cycles on the grid and it was a congested run for a few laps before the leaders began to get a little breathing room. At the checkers it was Mike Craig who won the top spot of the night for Kawasaki. Kyle Lewis and Shaun Kalas were second and third for Yamaha followed home by Ray Crumb, Jim Holley, Ryan Carlisle, Lowell Thomson and more. Greg George gives it hard left around a 180 turn in the Ford, and Greg went on to win the first heat for Grand National trucks leading most of the way. With two races left after Denver in the 1992 stadium series, Rod. Millen appears to have a lock on the truck driving title, as does Jimmie Johnson in Superlites. Tommy Croft has a 46 point lead over teammate Larry Noel in UltraStocks, and Marty Hart is three points up on Frank Arciero Jr. in Super 1600 action. In 4 · Wheel ATV Mark Ehrhardt leads Gary Denton by 39 points, just 11 up on Donavon Holland. Mike Craig leads Kyle Lewis in UltraCross by 30 points; nobody else is close. Next stop - Las Vegas, and more points to be won. Defending UltraStock champion Larry Noel ended up fifth in the heat race in his Jeep Cherokee. but he came back to finish second in the main event. Tim Lewis' Porsche is one of a few sedans in UltraStock competition, and he drove to third in the heat race. and also finished third in the main. Jimmie Johnson, who already has the points title in hand, won the SuperLite heat race in his BriggsBuilt. and finished a close second in the main event. 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Roger Mears Jr. followed his dad into fifth place in the truck main event and Roger Jr. was also fifth in the second Grand National Truck heat race. Defending points champion Frank Arciero Jr. looked strong and took third in his 1600 heat race, and he dropped to a fourth place finish in the main. Gary Gall, here passing local driver Scott Galloway, charged into third in Super 1600 heat 2. and he survived to finish sixth in the hectic main event. Jimmy Smith wheel stands his Ford Explorer past Clark to fourth in the UltraStock heat race, but he dropped to sixth in the busy main event action. C J Mears is a most professional driver at 15 years of age, and he flew his Triple E in style on hi.; way to fifth in the SuperLite main event. Page 30 Brian Stewart leaps past teammate Walker Evans as the two Dodges are hotly pursued by Mears. Brian took fourth in heat 2 and third in heat 1 at Denver. Marty Coyne looked strong all night in his Chenowth, but his efforts were hampered by traffic and he ended up with fifth place in the wild main event. New to the series this year Arizona driver T.J. Clark drives a VW sedan in UltraStock competition, and he sailed the car right into fourth in the main event. Joe Price drives a hand control SuperLite. but it doesn't slow him a bit. He drove his tidy Triple E racer to third in the main event ahead of Rennie Awana. · Defending points champion in the SuperLite class Greg George took third in the heat race in his BriggsBuilt but was penalized out of contention in the main event. December 1991 Bob Gordon flies his Chenowth over the rough stuff en route to fourth in Super 1600 heat 2. and is here pursued by look alike racer Marty Coyne. Kevin Smith ran well in his Mirage. one of a few non Chenowths in Super 1600 class. and Smith took a close fourth in his heat race. the first one. Chris Neil drives a Nissan Pathfinder in UltraStock action. and he got a second in the heat race, and came back to finish fifth in the main event. Former points champion in SuperLites Rennie Awana finished second in the heat race, but he dropped time and to fourth in the main event. Suffering the heaviest penalty of all was Ricky Johnson whose Chevy truck was second in the truck main. but was tossed out because of tire width. Dusty Times

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SCCA SUBARU PRO RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP Paul Choiniere Wins The Gold Rush And The Championship Charging across a high meadow Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker won the rally overall in the tough Audi Quattro. won the Open Class points championship and also won the Overall Points Championship for 1992 with three rallies yet to be won. Quite a feat' The Gold Rush National PRO Rally in Westcliffe, CO was the site of the fifth win out of six rallies in the 1992 season for the Audi Quattro team of Paul Choiniere of Williston, VT and co-driver Jeff Becker of Great Neck, NY. Going into the rally with a commanding points lead, their first place overall finish gave them the 1992 Overall 'Champ-ionship title. The finish also assured them first place in the Open Class. Their accomplish-ment is all the more unusual because there are three more rallies yet to be run in the Subaru Pro Rally Championship series in 1992. Newly graduated to full National Rally status this year, the Gold Rush Pro Rally was Round 6 in the Subaru sponsored Championship. Westcliffe, Colorado has hosted the rally for several years. It began as a Divisional event, and more recently as a half National/half ~~ <:½ ~ Divisional, where the National competitors only earned 60 percent of the usual points for position. Colorado is known for high country, and the rally route is no exception, its 225 miles, including 110 stage miles in 15 stages, featuring a variety of roads from hard packed to loose gravel to very rough surfaces which can be very muddy if wet, and slippery if ice or snow covered. With the early October date, anything could be expected from the weather. The day before the rally it was warm and sunny in the 70s, but below freezing at night. The entry did not approach those of eastern events in more densely populated areas, but all the heavy hitters were among the 36 cars that took the starters signal to begin the Gold Rush Pro Rally. Twenty of the entry were in the National Rally list, although some of these were also entered in the Divisional. Then there were 16 more entries in just the Vincente Frontiana and Francisco Arruda kept the Toyota Celica GT 4x4 with the leaders and they won Group A handily and also finished a close third 0 /A. The Acura lntegra looks good here, but got battered on the way to sixth overall and first in Production Class driven by Peter Cunningham and Joe Andreini. Dusty Times Photos: Don Hol/-rrool< Divisional event, so it all gets a bit confusing while pawing through results to see who won what. In fact the new format of the race notes still has your editor a bit confused. The start at 4:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon from down-town Westcliffe saw a couple of cars with problems getting away. Lucinda Strub/Matt Sweeney did fix the solenoid problem in their -propane powered Toyota pickup in time to start, but the Jim Cook/Doug Ocoupal Mazda RX 7 is running the event without an odometer. Plus Robert and Trent Gilliard started from the back of the pack with a blown turbo in their Subaru DL, and so it goes in rallying. Tim O'Neil and Tom Burgess not only won Production GT Class in the Mitsubishi Ga/ant VR-4, they were second overall, their second in a row top 3 finish. With three stages scored 35 cars were still running. The lone DNF so far was the divisional Saab 99 EMS of Peter Wilbur and' Lance Schall, reported off the course on stage 3. The drivers reported overheating and coolant leaking at the start, and they said they would try to go as far as they could. Defending national champion Chad DiMarco and co-driver Erick Hauge, whose Subaru Legacy has little chance of catching front runners Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker's Audi Quattro, 81 points to 25, might have been trying too hard.on stage 3. Their car was reported to have swirled off the course in a large cloud of dust. The Legacy got right back on course but might have lost as much as 30 seconds to the field. It had lost the turbo, but got a partial fix at the service after stage 4. Both DiMarco and Choiniere have bad memories of the 1991 Gold Rush event, a 60 percent national points run. Choiniere rolled his Audi on stage 6 a year ago, and DiMarco had two flat tires on stage 11, with the rubber from one tire grabbing the wiring harness and putting the Subaru out. . The Robert and James Burtis VW Rabbit, broke its front axle on stage 3 and they are looking for a replacement anywhere, includ-ing parking lots in Westcliffe. Meanwhile all 20 national cars finished the first four stages with Choiniere / Becker leading by 19 seconds over Carl Merrill/Jon Wickens, Mitsubishi Eclipse. W.G. Giles and Bob Pierce were third overall leading Production Class in the Nissan Sentra, while Tim O'Neil and Tom Burgess had the Mitsubishi Galant leading GT Class, fifth overall, followed by Chad DiMarco and Erick Hauge in Group A. B.J. and Stuart Beal were next in a Mazda, the top local (continued on !>age 33) A Win~ing Tradition In Off-Road Racing Bilstein gas pressure shock absorbers were first introduced to the American market in off-road racing in me late 1960's. Over the past 20 years, more off-road races have been won on Bilstein than any other shock absorbers. Today, with their proven record of performance, Bilsteins continue to be the choice of serious off-roaders who run to win. elebrating 20 Years of Winning in Off-Road Racing. We thank all the teams and drivers for their loyal support over the years. It's been great! Now Available -Repair and Revalvlng Services. December 1992 Contact: Motorsports Department BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 8845 Reha, Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog send $2.50 Page 31

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Kamloops Bronco Busters Season Finale By Randy Chamberlin Photos: Dannielle Kitts Believe it or not this is ten laps into the race and the Baja Bug driven by Guy Harrison had just taken the overall lead in the Pro Class: his Class 5 machine broke two brake drums and was a dnf. Tl-le final race in the Kamloops Bronco Busters 1992 season was almost enough to cause a nervous breakdown among the organizers. The weather, which is generally cool at night with warm clear days this time of year, late September, was anything but that. Two weeks of almost non-stop rain ~ith temperatures hovering just above freezing, definitely did not lend itself to a very enjoyable race day. Sections of the 4 .5 mile course were under giant puddles, and one very steep downhill section was extremely greasy, which we found out the hard way when putting out the course arrows. After some of the racers pre-ran on Saturday afternoon and the whining about the shape the course was in started, we were more than a little apprehensive about what was to come on race day. However Sunday morning it was clear as crystal, the tempera-ture was in the mid 60s and climbing, and everyone's spirits were considerably lifted. We combined all of our Pro classes and sent them off the line first at very short intervals, then the Sportsman buggies and trucks departed. The course was drying out rapidly and dust was certainly not a problem. So, everyone made an effort to get as much of a lead as possible before having to contend with the dust. Guy Harrison in his Unlimited Class 5 was moving up through the congested Pro Class at a vicious rate, passing the first four starters and moving into first place by the fifth lap. His hard charge was slowed when he broke a brake drum and had to pull into the pits to repair it. And finally another broken drum took him out of contention 20 laps later, when he could not effect repairs in time. Rick Hoekstra in his Unlimited Single Seat Buggy was first off the line. He had arrived late and did not have a chance to pre-run the course at all, but this did not stop him from setting fast lap time of the day on his second and third laps. Unfortunately Rick had a close encounter with a small boulder and lost his left front wheel and spindle. It could not be repaired, so R:ick ran the rest of the day with only three wheels on the ground. He was still only slightly off the pace set by the other cars. Bob Nyeste in his Class 4 Ford 4x4 was setting his own pace, allowing the hard charging drivers to go by and preparing to reel them in, in the later stages of the race. Two of the Pro 1600 buggies fought tooth and nail all day. Joe Maberly in his single seater and Ron Hart in his two seater were never more than 30 seconds apart. Quick action on the part of the Ron Hart pit team kept him in the chase when he blew a tire at the start/finish checkpoint. Joe Maberly's day ended when all the teeth on his crown gear abruptly disappeared. The Sportsman Class was equally hard fought. Debra Nield held· the lead for five laps. but mechanical problems slowed her pace and finally took her out for the day. Sherri Wood held second place very handily until her goggles slipped off her helmet and Ron Hart drove his 1600 race car smoothly all day, all the way, and he credits his great pit support for helping him win the Pro Class overall in a 1600 machine. Rick Pierce drove Dave Vanderen's race car in the Sportsman class. and he ran smoothly and consistently all the way to the victory in Sportsmar class. were eaten by the air intake on her VW powered buggy, causing it to overheat. The Dave Vanderen car driven by Rick Pierce was as smooth as glass all day. Rick set the pace and had no problem main-taining it to take the victory in the Sportsman C lass. Second p lace fi nisher Paul C lack was very fast, but some annoy-ing problems forced him into second place. Third place was a surprise for some people. Billy Hart in his Honda Pilot took flat tires in stride, held it wide open all day long and pJaced well against the larger cars. By the end of the three hour enduro, five Pro cars had all made the same number of laps. Taking first place in the Pro Class was the well driven 1600cc race car of Ron Hart from Washington. Second went i:o Greg Bird from Nanaimo, British Columbia in a vintage Bronco 4x4. Third was Kamloops' own Bob Nyeste in his Class 4 Ford pickup. One interesting final note is that Ron Hart had a lengthy discussion with me, since I am President of the Club, on whether or not it was fair to run his limited horsepower car against the much more powerful trucks, (especially those with four wheel drive -ed.). Judging by the finish standings I guess I can see he might have been right, even though he won! This was our final race for 1992. I'd like to thank all the r~cers that hauled all those miles to make our race series a success. Watch for our whole new racing program in 1993. Have a nice It looks like desert on this part of the course, and Gregg Bird was foot to the floor in the Bronco finishing second in Pro Class by just 30 seconds. Always in sano shape Bob Nyeste seems to have lost the engine hood. but the Ford charged through 15 minutes of troubles to third overall in the Pro ranks. Paul Clack was very fast ,,.., the early laps in his sportsman buggy, but as the laps wound down. carb problems took him out for a time and he finished second. Billy Hart surprised some folks and showed them what a Honda Pilot can do against the big cars. Billy ran wide open to third in the Sportsman Class. Page 32 Rick Hoekstra turned in the fast lap overall of the day, then lost a wheel on lap 8. but he carried on with three wheels for the rest of the race. December 1992 Kam/oops racer Don Endean in his brand new Class 8. so new he didn't have time to paint it, tied for fast lap of the day, but went out with fuel problems. Dusty Times

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Gold Rush Rally (from page 3 r) entry, followed by Californians Lon Peterson and Bill Gutzmann in the Plymouth Arrow in which Lon won the National/Divisional title last year. It was no surprise to see Roger Hull and Rob Cherry leading the Truck class in the Jeep lying 13th overall, with fellow Prescott Jeepers Jeff Hendricks and Noble Jones just astern at 15th overall. On to stage · 5 and the top running Nissan Sentra of Giles and Pierce rolled on the stage, drivers OK, but the car damaged. Also off the course was the Mazda 323 GTX of Steve Nowicki/ Cindy Krolikowski but this was mechanical, a broken transmis-sion on stage 5. With a full speed finish and the sharp turn between the flag and the control car at stage 6, the Peter Cunningham/Joe Andreini Acura rolled, breaking both front and rear windows. With some glass replacement the team continues to run, as a finish for the Acura would mean a lead change in the Production Class. The Giles Sentra is definitely out having rolled about four times and landed about 100 yards off the course, stopped by a large boulder. Giles is looking to buy a new body shell before the POR from the plant in Tennessee. And now the DiMarco Subaru is the latest of the leaders to DNF, reported out with a blown engine, probably related to the earlier turbo failure. The Divisional leaders through stage 4 were Larry Schmidt/Mary Engstrom, Dodge Colt, up 24 seconds on Mike Whitman/Kevin Linville, Datsun 510, who had 22 seconds on Ken Stewart and Ralph Starr, Chevy Blazer S-10. A dozen were still running -at this point. Twenty-six cars finished through stage 9, where there was an hour service break. Choiniere led followed by O'Neil, Peterson, Frontinan, leading Group A, Beal, • Cunningham, Hull, Sourlis, Wilson and Orisek. The war stories from the stage 9 service stop were interesting. The Carl Merrill ' Jon Wickens Mitsubishi Eclipse had rolled into soft sand, landing on its roof. The Stuart McNaul/William Broad VW Scirocco rolled on stage 7 and is a DNF. The Peter Cunningham/Joe Andreini Acura had a major overhaul at stage 9 service after its rollover. Bent suspension pieces were replaced with similar pieces from the street car that Cunning-ham was driving for the weekend. Plastic was put in the shattered rear window and the car is in suprisingly good shape consider-ing its 4½ time r_oll over. With Giles out of the rally, Cunningham can overtake him for the Production class points lead with a win. In a similar position is the Group AT oyota Celica GT 4 WO of Vinny Frontinan and Frank Arruda. With OiMarco/Hauge out, Frontinan/ Arruda can sweep into first place in Group A if they can finish the event. In GT Production, if O'Neil/Burgess can hang on to their lead in their Mitsubishi Galant, it will be their second class win in a row and their second top three finish in a row. O'Neil would have 40 points, Nowicki 35, Steve Gingras 2 7 and Henry Joy and Jim Wilson tied with 24, if everyone holds their Dusty Times position. Everything from a spectator threatening to throw rocks at the rally cars to delays from moving workers from stage to stage had put the rally behind schedule. So series manager John Buffum and rally-masters Rod Bagby and Randy Eng&trom decided to run stage 10, have a quick service at rally headquarters, skip stages 11 and 12, and run the last three stages to the finish. This was good news to most of the drivers because stage 11 is known to be very rough. Lon Peters.on, who posted the fastest time overall at Rim of the World while winning the twin divisional ,rallies there, is running his first national event in his 1977 Plymouth Arrow. Although his current third place overall position, and second in Open class, would be a fine finish, Lon and co-driver Bill Gutzmann are going after second place Tim O'Neil. After ten stages, however, O'Neil has 1:11 lead. Rookie finished. Tim O'Neil and Paul rallyist Henry Joy has benefited Burgess were second overall and from the experience of ne~ co-first in GT Production Class in driver Jimmy Brandt (formerly the Mitsubishi Galant VR-4, co-pilot for Guy Light), and will followed closely by Vinny move up in the standings in Frontinan and Frank Arruda, first Production GT by finishing fifth in Group A in the Toyota Celica. in his Mazda"323 GTX. , Even closer, three seconds back At 3:37 a.m. the first cars came ·Lon Peterson and Bill arrived at the -fina.l master time Gutzmann in the aged Plymouth control and the Audi Quattro of Arrow, second in Open and. Paul Choiniere and Jeff Becker second overall in the Divisional. won their fifth rally overall in six · Less than another minute back tries and clinched the 1992 came B.J. and Stuart Beal in the SubaruPRORallyChampionship Mazda 323 GTX, third Open and overall. Choiniere/Becker have fourth divisional. In about 3½ also clinched the Open Class minutes the battered Acura championship, which- is a just lntegra of Peter Cunningham and reward after bad luck which cost Joe Andreini was sixth overall, Paul the title ·a year ago. Becker, first in Production class and fifth who co-drove for Bruno Kreibich Divisional, followed in a minute a year ago, also gets some by the Jeep Comanche Rally vindication after Kreibich/Becker Truck of- Roger Hull and Rob racked up the most points during Cherry who won the dass and the '91 season, only to lose the were seventh overall. It was their championship on a scoring fifth win outoffive starts and they technicality. not only lead the class points, but In the National Rally 15 cars are second overall in National points. Mike Sourlis and H~nry Noga were eighth overall and second in GT, sixth Divisional another 13 seconds back followed in over a minute by Jim andJames Wilson, GT and in tenth overall was the GT class Mitsubishi of Ivan and Olga Orisek. The winning Divisional rally team was Larry Schmidt and Mary Engstrom in a Dodge Colt, followed in half a minute by Mike Whitman and Kevin Linville, Datsun 510. These two topped the time charts as Schmidt was actua.lly third overall and· Whitman fifth overall. Eleven Divisional only rally cars covered the route on the time limit. Next on the PRO Rally calendar 1s the world famous Press on Regardless, run around the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. As we write this in mid-October it is already snowing seriously there, so that should be quite an event, maybe more of an adventure for many teams. The Colorado based team of Larry Schmidt and Mary Engstrom drove their Dodge ·colt to the Divisional Rally.victory. and on time they actually would have finished third overall in the National. Arizonans Roger Hull and Rob Cherry again. winning the truck qtass in the tidy Jeep Comanche. and were seventh overall. They are second overall in Nationaf points heading into the POR. ~ CUSTOM WHEELS l!l~A ~~ @KJ CHENOWTH · ~ " !SIMPSON I TRI-Ml L · EXHAUST SYSTEMS 'BRAND NEW FOR CLASS 1 or CLASS 10BUGGIES' ULTRA CUSTOM WHEELS 1 3/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $59.95 $ 1 3/8 TYPE 1 CHROME.. .................... $91.00 15 x 3 5 LUG .................................. : 75.00 1 1/2 TYPE° 1 RAW ............ : ................ $59.95 15 x 7 5 LUG .......................... : ........ $80.00 11/2TYPE 1 CHROME ...................... $91.00 ~p I RR LIGHTS 1 5/8 TYPE 1 RAW ............................. $67.00 ~ 1 5/8 TYPE 1 CHROME.. .................... $97•95 DR!VING LIGHTS PR W/WIRING ... $221.00 KENNEDY CLUTCHES 200 mm DISC 4-PUCK ...................... $48.00 200 mm 1700 PRESSURE PLATE ..... $85.00 SPOT LIGHT PR W/WIRING $221.00 DRIVING/SPCT/PENCIL LIGHTS.. $ 88.00 PARKER PUMP·ER -CNC HYDRAULIC SINGLE or DUAL HANDLE CUT BRAKES ................... $74.95 SAND RAIL PEDAL PACKAGE W/ CHROME THROTTLE PEDAL..$189.00 ADJ. PEDAL MOUNT... ................... $33.95 JAMAR ALL MASTER CYL. 17,19, or 22 DRUM or DISC .... $48.00 ALL REBUILD KITS .................. $12.95 UMP SUPER FILTER 200 mm 2500 PRESSURE PLATE.. ... $103.95 * EARLY OR LATE STYLES* 11 GALLON DUMP CANS I UMP SUPER FILTER ................... $159.95 WITH BUILT IN HANDLE TO POUR ... $62.95 I UMP ADAPTER, FITS SOLEX ...... $109.00 SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS ANTI SUB BELT 2' ............................. $23.95 LAP BELT 3' ...................................... $58.95 SHOULDER BELT 3' .......................... $46.80 SHOULDER BELT W/ STERNUM STRAP .... $72.95 'A MUST FOR COMPETITION USE" SCRIBNER JUGS · 5 GALLON JUGS WHITE & BLUE.. ............................. $18.95 NEON COLORS ............................... $22.95 FILLER HOSE FOR JUGS (SCREW IN LID STYLE).$3.95 WORTH DRIVING SUITS 1 LAYER HORA/SCORE LEGAL W/ RED or BLUE STRIPE .............. $87.95 E-Z UP TENT CHENOWTH CLASS 11 CAGE.. ......................... $154.95 10' X 15' ......................................... $499.00 QUICK RELEASE STEERING HUB ... $32.95 lHIS AD SUPERSEDES ALL OTHERS • MENTION THIS AD TO RECIEVE lHESE SALE PRICES December 1992 Page 33

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THE 23RD ANNUAL SNORE 250 Robby Gordon Wins In His New Truck By Jean Calvin & Don Dayton Photos: Don Dayton @ Sporting some wild wheel travel on the Ford's suspens,on, Robby Gordon had no problems for once with the tube frame racer. and he won the race overall in style. with fast lap too in the Nevada rough. ------========--------------Tommy Bradley almost got another win ir, his VW powered two seater. but he was second overall and in Class 1 /2. missing by a mere two minutes. 30 seconds. Thrilled with his new automatic trans. Bnan Collins lost a header on the last lap on the Chenowth!Porsche and dropped hack to tt,ird overall. It is hard to believe that the SNORE 250, first run in 1970, has continued every year since, through various fuel crisis and the occasional war "police action". The 1993 Gold Coast Hotel and Casino SNORE 250 is the oldest continuous off road race in the country, in fact in the world, run every year in September. The 1970 edition had a start/ finish line in a gravel pit on the west end of Flamingo Road, now covered with shopping malls and housing tracts. The course was 125 miles, heading south to state line on Rainbow Road, a dirt trail then, now a·busy main paved road lined with more housing. From state line the trail led to Sandy Valley, out toward Pahrump and back before climbing the mountain back to the start/ finish line. Not one of those trails is in areas usable for racing today, some because of encroaching civilization and others because of being desert tortoise habitat. On September 19, 1992 the course was virtually the same as in the last few years, similar ground to that used by the Gold Coast 300 a few weeks later. Contained east efl-15 now, the start/ finish line is midway between Jean and Sloan, where everything including the gas station and cafe was bull dozed over earlier this year; The start was about 30 miles south of Las Vegas in another gravel pit, this one a stone's throw from Las Vegas Blvd. So., here a frontnge rodetoI-15. The route headed southeast from the start through some really nasty stuff to the first check and pit area, zig zaggi:d its way south and west toward state line, skirted Roach Dry Lake bed but still had plenty of silt around Check 2, and then wandered through more· rocks northeast before heading past the prison at Jean into a straight shot north to the finish line. The total distance was stated at 65 miles and the time allowance given for four laps was eight hours. Classes 5-1600, 7, 9 and Heavy Metal had to do just three laps in the time allowance. Tech inspection and conting-ency now ran from 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in the handy back parking lot of the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino, in Las Vegas, while the registration ladies were in the lap of luxury in a meeting room inside the hotel with plenty of space in which to operate. As it has been all year Yokohama had the $ 1000 non-contingent bonus for the Mini Metal winner, and SNORE's $500 bonus was posted in Class 1-2 and the Heavy Metal Class; all needed a minimum of three vehicles to make a viable class and had to finish their required laps. Accounting for more than the usual amount of entries from out of state, the first 15 non-Nevada entries paying the $100 deposit got a free room for two nights at the Gold Coast Hotel. How about that for a neat sponsor who also hosted the keen awards brunch Sunday morning at the hotel, free to all race participants. There was ·much pre-race speculation as to whether Tommy Bradley could take the overall win for the third ,year in a row, something nobody has ever done. The odds makers quickly began hedging their bets when Robby Gordon entered at the eleventh hour. When his Tecate/La Victoria Class 1 Ford hit the tech line it was immediately mobbed and was almost invisible behind a wall of onlookers. But along with Bradley, another threat was many time winner Brian Collins in his newish single seater, with a keen automatic transmission driving the Porsche power. Others in the Unlimited field were equally formidable, and of the eight on the start line, not one of them was· a "Who's He". Promptly at 9:00 a.m. Ron & Brian Brown were first away followed in 30 seconds by William "Doc" Ingram, whose co-driver Bill Kreitlow never got in the Chaparral as neither of these two cars finished a lap. First lap action was hot and heavy with Tommy Bradley Jr./Ted May hitting the line just under the hour in the Alenco two seater, with a one minute lead over Robby Gordon/Greg Till/Inge Stik-bakke, Ford truck. Next came Brian Collins, Chenowth, another half minute back, then it was a six minute gap to Rob MacCachren in his pre-runner buggy, who was just ahead of the Pat Dean/John Gaughan/Troy Herbst Chenowth. Jim Baldwin/Juston Benham had troubles, front end damage later on lap 2 and retired before covering the third go around. On lap 2 Gordon stopped with a brake problem, and was out of the car for a moment to fix it, and Bradley stretched his lead to nearly three minutes midway as Brian Collins moved into second Hitting a road crossing hard Rob MacCachren ran his pre-runner in Class 112 for a Gold Coast pr.e-run, and Rob finished fourth by just four minutes. The trio of Pat Dean. John Gaugllan ancl Troy Her1..,st got in 1ust two quick laps before having terminal axle trouble where no chase crew could reach them. ----------------------Page 34 December 1992 ahead of Gordon. The leaders all pitted for fuel and Gordon took off seriously, setting fast lap of the race on lap 3 at 53:28, ahead of Bradley on time heading into the final lap but behind him on the road. Collins maintained third spot. Meanwhile the Dean/ Gaughan Chenowth broke an axle on lap 3, apparently in an unreachable spot, so they were done, down in fifth place. Heading into the final lap the front four were close. At mile 40 Gordon slid past Bradley's two seater, the V8 power finally out running the Type 4 VW used by Tommy in his many triumphs. At the checkers Gordon won by exactly 2 & l / 2 minutes, his first good finish in the truck that debuted early this year. Both Robby and Tommy were jumping up and down after getting out of their race cars, laughing like two kids about how much fun the race had been, and later spraying champagne all over each other. It was like old times! Brian Collins, whose engine ran sour all day, lost a header and a lot of time on the final lap, but was third and he was thrilled with the way the automatic trans performed. Rob MacCachren with riders Bob Lozz and Shannon Griffey was just four minutes behind Collins in the pre,-runner with the ice chest still neatly strapped behind the seats. Rob said the car ran perfectly, just not fast enough, which he expected. The keen thing about it all was that all four got a good look at most of the Gold Coast 300 race course, three weeks further down the calendar. Class 10 left next with nine cars taking the green, but again two didn't live through the first lap. Brent Bell, usually a top contender in any class, broke a torsion bar near Jean on the first lap and the Darren Wilson/Keith Under-wood racer just plain vanished into the desert. Plus Dan Bradley and Jeff Dunnam got in just one good lap. Brendan Gaughan and J.C. Dean, both just 17 years old, were first around after one lap with fast time too in their Chenowth. One of the out of state racers, Michael Flinn came from Salt Lake City to run second, over three minutes back, and Rocky Magee was third in his brand new car, over a minute further down. Midway Gaughan and Dean had a husky lead setting class fast lap on the second go of 1:08:09. Magee and Flinn were almost tied on time fighting for second, and James Eary/Steve Aller/Glenn Schroder had some connecting rods poke a hole in the case, so they wre sixth with two laps done. Mike Larson/John Phegfey/ Courtney Kerr have a sign on the side of their car that says ex-spectator, and they finished all the laps to take fifth place. But Class 10 belonged to the teenagers, who had no troubles, both had a good day, as Gaughan and Dean split the driving chores, and they won by a husky 15 minutes plus. Michael Flinn ran the most consistent laps of anyone in the class, using Rabbit power and said he stopped only for gas en route to a fine second place. New owner Jack Shearer and former owner Melvin Tom came in third, just two minutes behind Flinn. Rocky Magee/ Bill Keena/Ed Doyle and Pat Tighe finished a strong fourth, just seven more minutes back in the new, unpainted race car. Dusty Times

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Michael Flinn came from Utah to try SNORE racing. and his tidy single seater ran the most consistent laps as he finished second in Class 10. eighth 0 /A. Keener had their fun real early, and got in one very long, over two hours, lap and retired in third place. Patrick Carter/Steve Waller/John Pelisier/Joey Hoak had a brand new unperforated body on the bloody bulletmobile after their roll over at the Midnight Special finished off the body they had found abandoned in the desert. The car didn't seem quite as fast without all the bullet holes; they had the suspension too soft they said, had two flat tires and banged up the front end on a ditch, but they nailed down second place 43 minutes behind the winners Bruce Fraley and Dave Sheppard. It was super car prep man Fraley's third race in the Baja Bug he built himself, his first finish too and he took his first win at the SNORE 250 saying the car ran flawlessly all the way. Brendan Gaughan and J.C. Dean have had a super vear in Class 10. a tough class for a pair of 17 year olds. but they are seasoned. set fast lap on the second and won the class by over 15 minutes and finished seventh overall. Jack Shearer and Melvin Tom got faster each lap in their Class 10 racer and they had no troubles at all en route to third in class and ninth overall. well on his first finish. In fifth with three laps in came Bert Vaughan driving his 21st SNORE 250, claiming he was too young to drive the first two ... not a likely fact. Bert had Dan Jewett, Hugh Helms and Charles Vela as co-drivers in the car that is probably 21 years old also. Jack Herdt and Ron Cloud got in just two laps, with trouble on the second round and were seen no more. The Heavy Metal Division had a good turnout of five taking the green flag, but two didn't cover a lap on the rough course, Tim Crain/Dean Richner in a brand new truck, and Jeff Neagle/Garth Hanson in a Jeep CJ. That had to be a rough ride. Up front on the first of three laps was Bill Dickton, with Bob Beyer and Chip Bruner sharing the passenger side for a lap and a half each. Dick ton set fast lap for the class at 1: 12 :44 in the Dodge 4x4 and was ten minutes up on Turbo Lamke and Terri Garman in a Chevy Blazer. Mick Newton with Fred Carmona and Tonya Newton riding was only 24 seconds behind Lamke on lap one, and these two had a real race. Dickton continud to lead Lamke on lap 2, picked the pace up again on the final lap and won by 32 minutes. Bill reported a The Class 10 was so new they didn 't have time to paint it. but Rocky Magee flawless day in the truck, the and crew had only one long lap. the third, and were fourth in Class 10. 10th second time ever that he had no _O-;/A~-= ~-=;~~~;----;-------_ ______ ;;;,;:::::::;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...~P:.,:r.=oblems and just stopped for gas Class l-2-1600 had an un-usually small· entry of just seven cars and Mike Spina led the first lap by a slim seven seconds over Gary SewellJr., both in single seat cars. The rest of the field was led by Bekki Freeman and her dad Ken Freeman Sr. However they lost a fuel pump on lap 2 and the chase truck got stuck in the silt three times before reaching them. By the time repairs were done it was too late to carry on in the race. Sewell continued to lead by a couple minutes midway over Spina and they carried on through the final two laps, close on the road due to starting order, and they ran away from the field. Gary Sewell won his third race in a row in the Lothringer that was new at the Fireworks 250, which he also won, and won again at the SNORE Midnight Special. Spina finished just two minutes behind him and they were the only 1600s in for about 50 minutes, so swift was their pace. Sewell attributed a lot of his winning streak to Dan Keller who prepares the car for each race. Rob and Bob Guevara were third among the 1600s, having small problems on the last two laps that slowed their pace considerably. In fourth came Dan Ischo, a new driver with only a couple of previous races and he is a one man show, with no crew or helpers; it was great to see him do Dusty Times It was that man again. Gary Sewell Jr. out front in 1600 class. but he had to beat back the Mike Spina challenge every inch of the distance. Sewell won his third race in a row in the new Lothringer. by ;ust two minutes and was fifth overall. Mike Spina ran hard over familiar ground in his new car. kept the winner in sight all day, and finished very close in second and took sixth overall too. December 19ft and radiator water. Unfortunately on that stop crewman Scott Bassett suffered second degree burns when the hot radiator got to him, but he was sent off to a burn center in Las Vegas, doing OK. Despite serious down time on lap 3 Lamke and Garman managed to stay in second place just over two minutes ahead of the finishing Chevy Class 6 of Mick Newton, the family Snortin' Nortin Nova. Only three 5-1600s appeared for this race, and it wasn't much of a contest. Troy ohnson and Sarah The largest class in the race at nineteen starters was Class 9. With th:,1t hi~ a number the competition was tierce. Two cars failed on the first of three laps. Dennis and Dale Looney and Keith Louks had the " honor" of being the first one out ofthe ~ • IS . ' n . ' ---...ITT ... CENTER . LINE RACING WHEELS THE STRONGEST OFF-ROAD WHEEL MONEY CAN BUY! FAT Performance has in stock the largest inventory of 5-lug \Ni/ CENTER LINE-wheels in the country. Whether you need wheels with polished or satin finish, FAT has them in all popular styles. Need them in a hurry? FAT can ship the same day as ordered ... and with the best price in the industry. FAT can also supply your CENTER LINES with Champion bead locRs. Buying a set of CENTER LINES can be exceedingly easy with FAT Performance. We do all the legwork. Call for current pricing. Quantity discounts are also available. FAT IS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR VW, PORSCHE AND TOYOTA OFF-ROAD ENGINES AND PARTS. FAT Racing Ports Bilstein Shocks Sway-A-Woy Parma-Cool S&SHeaders Weber Cortis IPF Lights JoMor Products Wright Place Tri-Mil Exhaust Gem Gears Beard Seats Simpson Safety Super-Tropp Yokohama Tires Petro-Tech 2000 For your FAT PelfOllllOnce catalog, send $510 Depl. CW, 1558 No. Cose St., Onlnge, CA 92667. 0rcal (714)637.2889. FAX (714)637-7352 Page 35 i I l ! I I I

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Bert Vaughan and his co-drivers out did themselves by painting the car. and in his 21st SNORE 250 as a driver Bert arrived fifth in 1600 class. Turbo Lamke and Terri Garman had a fun ride in the Chevy Blazer. a Class 3 rig and they came in second. a ways back. in the Heavy Metal Class action. Mick Newton left his T-Shirt stand to race the Chevy Nova and he came close, finishing third against a pair of 4x4s. missing just a couple of minutes. ~ raceandDennisdidn'teven were and roller he did, a bunch! get a chance to get in the car. Dale He got the car to Check 1, but too got into the "rollers" about five many things were pointing in too miles out wirh a bit too much many directions and they had to youthful exuberance. Rollers they park it. The Charles Davids just THE WRIGHT DROP SPINDLE 3" MORE GROUND CLEARANCE ~ ~~ 'PLACE~. CV JOINTS RACK'·& PINION STEERING UNITS 1. REGULAR 2. SAND BUGGY 3. MINI Of the five in Heavy Metal class, none kept up with Bill Dickton in his 4x4 Dodge, he set fast lap at 1: 12:44 on the first go. kept up a strong pace. had no trouble and won the class. disappeared into the desert ori lap 1. The Barstow bunch of Tom Up front the battle raged with Mattingly and Bobby Wallace, Bill Holbrook fastest on the first who drove the last silty lap, took lap, but only by 17 seconds over fourth, about 13 minutes down the Gene Greipentrog/Kent saying it was a fast course and their Lothringer team who had merely engine wasn't fast enough nor twominutesonKennyFreemanJr. were they. Mike and Stan Kline, who was seconds ahead of Mike with Lizzard Griffith and Steve Dixon, and most of the herd was Burke, came in fifth, another nine within a few minutes of the leaders. minutes down, but happy for the Holbrook set class fast lap at good finish. Mike had received 1 :20:21 on the middle lap in the special permission from his wife brand new WebbWeld/Bat to race that day, which was also Rentals racer and held the lead their tenth wedding anniversary, while Greipentrog/Lothringer and as she greeted him at the finish held onto second place. Kenny impound, Mike produced a Freeman turned another almost surprise anniversary present for identical 1 :25 lap and moved up to her, a beautiful multi diamond fourth, but on the final round he ring, and the crowd cheered as the broke a ball joint, went no farther - -•· ·•· ,-and ended up ninth in class. Giti Gowland was just astern on lap 2, but didn't get around again and was tenth. couple embraced disregarding the dust and grime on Mike's race suit. It was a keen moment that illustrates the family aspect of off road racing. C lay Carr/Kevin Hemphill and Ian Dent/David Morwood finished in a near tie on time with Carr taking sixth place by just three seconds. Joel Davis and Eric Hayes were eighth, the final Class 9 finishers. Last but not least were the Mini Metal quartet. Todd Olcott/Tim l'hackston/ Dave Stevens charged hard right from the flag in Todd's daily driver/ race truck. The first lap, four hours and 12 minutes, convinced them it was time to park after that lap. Ralph Blundell, three Pettits and Morgan McComas had fast first lap at 1:31:40 but Steve Ogle, with three Bassetts, was about seven minutes behind them. While Barry Slatter, Bob and Dan Brough and Monty Smith thought they ran out of gas on lap 1, the problem was a clogged fuel line, so they dropped about 20 minutes in the exercise by the side of the trail. Slatter charged on in the middle lap setting class fast lap at 1 :31 :09 to take the lead in the Ford. Blundell took two hours on the lap. Ogle used almost three hours plagued with broken throttle linkage and getting stuck three times in the Toyota. Slatter slowed with a few water stops on the overheating engine plus some broken shocks on the last lap, and Eddie Brink/ Daryl Bishop got in one lap in Class 9 and were three miles short of finishing the second when the transmission died. Greg Davis also got in one lap before parking permanently on the trailer, and Tom Sturgis broke a drum midway in the second lap ending their day. Eric Shenberger and Jason Romans had a long first lap, and a longer, four hour second lap, and ran out of time. They did have the best war story of the race, saying they heard something big like a V -8 coming up behind them; while they were looking for some pull over room they dropped into a dip and Robby Gordon passed them -over the top! Jeff Carr had a 3½ hour first lap, a two hour second lap and cashed out in 13th place~ Roger Bright/John Howell had a decent first lap, but a three hour second lap and gave up the struggle in 12th spot. Steve Eversmeyer and Glenn Dickton were doing fine until the third lap when they vanished into the desert, placing eleventh in class. The trio of 5-1600s didn't have much of a dice as Bruce Fraley and Dave Sheppard led all the way with class fast lap on the first go, and Bruce did very consistent laps to his first win, some 40 minutes ahead. Up front Bill Holbrook contin~ ued to enjoy the new car, stopped only for gas but had some duSt Patrick Carter. Steve Waller and friends found the new body on their 5-1600 problems. His lap times varied by slowed them down apparently. but they finished and got second in the class. less than two minutes, and with help from Harry and Bill Dunne and Mike Shatynski Bill scored his first victory, winning by. over seven minutes in this tight running class. Mike Dixon with Ralph Chadwick, picked up five minutes on the last lap to arrive second in Class 9, reporting no problems en route except when the fuel can got stuck in the filler when he stopped for gas, costing a couple of minutes. Just over a minute behind were Gene Greipentrog 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 and Kent Lothringer in third place who also had no problems, other Troy Johnson and Sarah Keener were going along fine here on the first lap but disaster struck their 5-1600 and they retired after just one lap . TEL: (619) 561-4810 FAX: (619) 5.61-7960 than getting run into on the last ._ ____________________ _. lap. Page 36 December 1991 Dusty Times

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Gene Greipentrog and Kent Lothringer were very close. third in Class 9 in the Lothringer by a slim minute and change. and they had no big problems. flat tires all day long, and still won bonus. But after retiring his the race by 22 minutes and won winning Baja Bug to build this the h(dty Yokohama $1000 truck that has had teething Barry Slatter got his new Ford Ranger running strong at this race. and he set class fast lap on the second round. overcame some overheating and won his first race in this new vehicle. Ralph Blundell and several Pett,ts had a good first tap. then had clutch troubles on the last tap. but they took second in Mini Metal home to Hemet. Several time mini metal winner in SNORE. Steve Ogle and the Bassetts had luck turn against them, a long second lap dropped them to third in class. Dusty Times Mike and Stan Kline had a good run taking fifth in Class 9 with no problems. and Mike gave his wife her aniversary present. a diamond ring, at the finish line. troubles all year, Barry Slatter was greeted by wife Pam and the volunteer crew as if he had won the Daytona 500. It was a happy group at the finish line. Ralph Blundell and company were second in the Hemet, CA built Toyota, lost the clutch slave cylinder on the last lap, but they fixed it somehow in the field. They were only eight minutes up on third finishing Steve Ogle and his group in another Toyota. Almost all the racers gathered at the Gold Coast Hotel Sunday morning to partake of the complimentary breakfast, a buffet table that would blow your mind, and pick up their trophies and checks. With one race in December yet to go in the SNORE points series, Mike Dixon leads by 180 over Gene Griepentrog, followed by Bill Holbrook, Mike Spina and Brendan Gaughan. It will be hard for anyone to beat "Last Minute" Dixon for the 1992 title but it can happen. Notice that the top three are all Class 9 competitors, as this class has taken over the biggest class title this season from the former champs, 1-2-1600. After Robby Gordon; first overall, the overall standings in four lap classes show Tommy Bradley second, Brian Collins, third, and Rob MacCachren fourth. In fifth and sixth were the l-1600s of Gary Sewell and Mike Spina, then Brendan Gaughan and J.C. Dean were seventh overall follo wed by fellow C lass 10 driver s Michael Flinn, Jack Shearer and Rocky Magee, who was tenth overall. All the competitors, and other participants thank Mike Gaughan and his Gold Coast Hotel and Casino for the e xceptional support of the 23rd annual SNORE 250, as well as his generous help to SNORE in staging other races throughout the season. When Peter Piper Picked A Parker Pumper Helmet, How Many Drivers Wanted The Helmet That Peter , Piper Picked? ~--Helmet includes Nomex Skirt • More Nose Room • Lighter • Seals Better Against Dust• 30% More Vision• Also Available - Full Line of Simpson Products • Bell Helmets • Glass Shields • Drinkers • Kool Pac's • Pumper Motors • 4'-8' Hoses • 1985 Snell Approved Helmets We Also Convert Helmets! We Ship UPS Parker Pumper Helmets 2318 S. Vineyard, Ste B Ontario, Calif. 91761• Phone (714) 923-7016 December 1992 Fax(714)923-3118 VISA • Page 37

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The Goodyear Tire Great Northern Challenge By &rh & Marilyn Schultz Photos: Melinda Roth~ Kevin Probs( kept his fancy Class 4 Chevy, not with V-8 power. all together in Michigan, didn't have much luck in the class race, but it worked just fine on Sunday and Probst won the Heavy Metal Challenge. SODA driver's took to the road once again to bring The World Series of Off Road Racing to Lake Odessa, Michigan. This Race Event, promoted by Bob and Carolyn Moon, was the fifth in a series of six series races to be filmed for television by Marty Reid Enterprises. Held the weekend of August 22-23, this event drew entrants from all over the nation including most of the regular SODA names! Goodye3:r Tire was the title sponsor with Dodge Motorsports as the major sponsor. The track itself was designed in, around and between the existing asphalt tracks of 1-96 Speedway. The track provided a combination of high speed stretches, tight corners and crowd thrilling jumps. Each race was set at fifteen minutes in length. Racing began on Saturday with clear skies and good old Class 11 ' Robert Flanagan has a unique body on his Class 13 racer with far more modern underpinnings. and he took the lead three laps from the end to win the race and he was third in the C'!:._'!!_(eng_e_~?_-HE BUMP STOPS HER Introducing the MARVIN SHAW ENGINEERING BUMP STOP! Stop the up-travel on your suspension with this advanced bump stop system. These Bump Stops come complete with a mounting system, poly-eurethane end piece, and enough valving to get the job done. ECONOMICALLY PRICED AT $319.90 per pair. lncludinq the rnountinq hardware and the GAS bolts FOR ~E INFORMATION OI THIS FINE PFODUCT. SEE YOUR CLOSEST OFF FOAD RACING PARlS SUPPLIER OR CALL US DIRECT. Page 38 MARVIN SHAW ENGINEERING 101 Broadway P.O. Box845 Yarnell. AZ85362 1-602-427-3551 Double Seat! Twenty-five of these-brave drivers took the track with some dandy racing going on anywhere you looked on the track. All classes started their race at a dead stop on the last corner with both .the track Christmas Tree lights and a flagman. Dan Baudoux caught the wave of the green flag, got on the gas and went flag to flag for the win. The regular track lights were a bit difficult to see in the bright light of day which made a good view of the flagman essential. Both Steve Tqompson and Harold Smith wanted that second place position but Thompson kept the door shut the entire race taking second place. Smith in third position did an excellent job of holding off contenders Alex Mcfadyen, Rich Woulf and Rod Attig who rounded out the top six. The attrition rate was very low with way more than half of the entries finishing the race. The Class 11 Crew showed the crowd early on that the moguls or rhythm section was not going to be a walk in the park for anyone! Classes 5-1600 and 10 took a staggered start for the next race up, Class 10 flagging first. Whew, don't know what it is with these high speed buggies but attrition thins their ranks out fairly consistently! Billy Beck came off the start with full power ;ind around the first lap in first place. Sure would like to see Beck finish a race -he's such a nice guy and things just haven't gone his way this season! Lee Wuesthoff took over the lead and held it to the checkered flag followed by the now infamous Art Schmitt III and the equally well known Jeff Probst for second and third respectively. The race was over early for both Beck and Mark Wilkins. If bad breaks were money, Mike Brue and his 5-1600 would be wealthy! Brue came off the start in first place doing a heck of a job fending off both Bill Bowles and Chuck Johnson when with three laps to go, Brue's left rear tire went down. Brue finished with no tire and no rim but in fourth place, not first. When Brue's misfortune struck, Chuck Johnson took over the lead with Bowles trying every trick to get around but with no luck. Johnson went in for the win with Bowles December 1992 Johnny Greaves got back into the potent 1600 buggy. and he drove the Taylor chassis to victory in both the 1-1600 race and the 2-1600 battle and was third in the Limited Engine Challenge. on his tail for second. Terry Wolfe pulled out a nice third place finish. Young Jeff Karlman had one of those races he'd probably just like to forget, but what parts of the race he did run were executed well! Ten of the mighty Class 13 Road Warriors took the track next with their usual rendition of incredible racing! Lap one it was Bruce Shilts in the"lead with Dan Vanden Heuvell right in his bumper, lap two and Vanden Heuvell had made the pass. Disaster! Just before lap three Vanden Heuvell was off the track with a blown tranny. Shilts took over the lead holding off R.J. Flanagan, Jeff Camp and Dave Marks. More disaster. Shilts snapped a tie rod that took him off three laps from the win! Flanagan took the lead with Camp and Marks behind him when on the white flag lap a nasty mix up at the rhythm section made some rearrangements. Flanagan kept the lead and took the win, but in the rhythm mayhem, Dave Hackers got around Camp and Marks to take second. This gave Marks third. In the middle of the pack the action had hcen between Dave Hackers in the Sha-Boom's machine and John Schult:. Schultz pulled out a fourth place and Camp wound up with fifth. Greaves and Jim Wiggins put on another classic shoot out in Class 1-1600 with an attrition rate in the class of one. With this kind of traffic, all drivers put on an excellent show. Wiggins took the early lead with Greaves on his tail pipe followed by Jeff St. Peter and Todd Attig and an outstand-ing field of drivers. Greaves took over the lead about two thirds of the way through the race putting Wiggins in second. Attig and St. Peter fought it out for third and fourth with Joe Wutke leading a pack of contenders. Attig took third, St. Peter placed fourth. Mark Steinhardt came through the pack for fifth followed closely by Al McMillan. Class 3 took the term "Rock 'N Roll" seriously! With eight entries this class quickly narrowed down but did so with some kind of action! Mike Savage came off the line in a steady pull away lead when Wham - Savage took the rhythm section off kilter, lost the front end and was definitely out of the action. Jerry Bundy had been pouring the coal to 'her in second place trying to narrow the lead when on the same lap_ -smack-a, Bundy went out with a flat tire after a roll over two laps before. Enter Joe Dunlap literally smoking around the track but holding down a confirmed lead. Well, it was a confirmed lead until Gerald Foster put his foot down and rode Dunlap's bumper lap after lap trying every trick to get around. We're.on the last lap, the last corner -Dunlap still has the lead, but no!! Dunlap suffers what he termed a case of "brain fade" and at the crucial moment, Foster made the pass for the win with Dunlap in second able to read the sponsors names on Foster's door. Back into the middle of the action, the rhythm section took claim to some phenomenal roll overs including Herb Rosbor-ough, Jerry Bundy, Chad Schleut-er and Bill Schirm! It just didn't look like it was going to be Rosborough's day, he lost most of his sheet metal, rolled over and had a number of really neat spin outs, but despite all of this calamity, Rosborough finished third! Attrition played a small part in the Class 9 race as eight entries started the race and seven entries finished the race! For the first half of the race the leaders looked like a string of pearls - actually a Class 9 in action looks more like a fast spider, so call it a string of spiders! The head spider was Lee Wuesthoff with hard charging Art Schmitt Ill behind him, Don Ponder behind Schmitt and Dan Baudoux behind Ponder. Jeff Probst definitely wanted a piece of the action and drove hell bent for leather to catch up and wind up with a very well driven second -----------Gerald Foster duked it out all through the Class 3 race with Joe Dunlap. leading here. and Foster. just to the rear won the race with Dunlap in second. Dusty Times

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place finish! Wuesthoff had the lead for the majority of the race but was smoking badly when he had to pull off; that made W uesthoff the on! y casualty. Schmitt took over the lead and held it to the end. Ponder placed third and Baudoux rounded out the top four. After a very clean start Class 7S with eleven entries put on a crowd thrilling show with lots of bumps, spins, roll overs and other race action. John Greaves, Jeff Kincaid, Spencer Low and Tom Hackers were bound and determ-ined to have first place and raced accordingly! Hackers, as well as . he was driving, had to pull off with a broken front axle. The top three trucks did a mighty battle, Greaves holding off Kincaid and Low lap after lap and it looked to be very close on the checkered flag lap. It's been a tough year for Kincaid and this race, most unfortunately, was no exception. On the last corner Kincaid went up on two wheels almost going over, gained control and the truck just plain quit. Low quickly moved into almost a dead even drag race with Greaves for the wn. Greaves came out the victor with the crowd on it's feet to watch a "called by a nose" finish. Low placed second.Jim Wiggins did an outstanding job of negotiating the track and traffic to come up through the field for third place. Thi's track may have been a little hard on the Heavy Metal drivers but seemed to suit the Buggy drivers just fine! Class 2-1600 took a well watered track with a clean start and some good racing action. One more time it was the infamous John Greaves off the green flag to a non-stop, run to the win! Dan Baudoux, Todd Attig, Jim Wiggins and Jeff St. Peter went around and around the track in that order until the white flag lap when changes in' position were made. Baudoux had a tire go flat, that moved him from second place to third. Attig slipped into second. Wiggins, who had held down fourth, broke a tie rod coming into the last corner. That gave St. Peter fourth place and Wiggins finished fifth. Mark Steinhardt and Walt Carlson drove their wheels off for points and position as did Roy Holmes and Ed Tessmer. Class 4 equalled more Heavy Metal and more roll overs and other disasters! How can one guy have such a bad weekend? Herb Rosborough took home the prize for racing with the most spin outs, the most unfortunate contacts made and the most sheet metal used in one race weekend!.Before lap one could get underway Joey Flannery pulled out a spectacular roll over bringing out a full course yellow that turned into a red flag track duking it out for points and by lap four. The red flag was out position. as Flannery was still not on all Gerald Foster with a flat· tire fours and Geoff Dorr was rolled and Chad Schleuter with a broken over with the track patrol having tie rod were Class 14's first difficulties getting him upright. In casualties. These guys didn't even the meantime Jack Flannery had get to put a lap in! Geoff Dorr had the lead with Greg Gerlach on his ' his usual flag to flag win. One tail. Flannery made it all the way more time Herb Rosborough to the checkered flag for the J takes the track and one more time victory. Gerlach was definitely· he loses his sheet metal, and has to being tailed by young Chad Hall leave the track with general but had things well under control mechanical failure. Hey Herb, it until he rolled it on lap five! can'tlast forever! Jerry Bundy and Whoops, we lost track of poor Kenny. Middleton battled for Rosborough! He had a nasty s~cond and third place with tangle with Jack Heidtman very Bundy getting second and early in the game and was out of Middleton placing third. the action. Incredibly, Heidtman The day's racing was over. The wound up with third place. So, weather had held at perfect, the now, who's in second? Chad Hall racing was fantastic and there was did a fantastic job of avoiding· no reason for any spectator to go most of the casualties and placed home unhappy! Naturally there second. Gerald Foster also were a lot of "happy camper" avoided heavy problems and racers and then there were those sailed into fourth place. At the "not so happy campers" who very least, it was an entertaining went back to the pits and began race with trucks in all kinds of repair work for Sunday's racing. disastrous situations. Sunday dawned to give way to Art Schmitt III found himself another weather-wise perfect day in a run away win in Class 2! Art for racing. Class 11 Single Seat went flag to flag for the win With took the first honors of the day. Scott Schwalbe about half the At the early morning drivers' track back in second place. Lee meeting it was decided that the Wuesthoff finished in third electric lights used for flagging despite having to leave the track just couldn't be seen in full sun so with mechanical troubles half way the traditinal flagging was done. In through the race. The Probst other words, the flagman gave the machine spun out and hit the class the green flag! Steve front wall backwards very early in Thompson looked like he was on the game putting that Laser out of the trail of a win but Rod Attig the action. Schwalbe did a fine job was having none of that and of finishing the race despite a flat right front tire that plagued him on the white flag lap. SIGNATURE SERIES RACE SERIES LIGHTS Johnny Greaves won the Class 7 war in his Toyota in a tight fight. but he fell out of the Challenge race with terminal mechanical problems. He was a busy man all weekend running in several classes. neither wa-s Lonnie Andrews. way down in the pack and drove Attig slipped by Thompson in the to a last lap win! Nice driving, Jeff! last laps to take home the ToddAttigcameoffthegreenflag checkered flag. Andrews did his with a tremendous run holding best to get around Thompson, but off first Scott Schwalbe and then Thompson said "no way" and keeping St. Peter behind until the placed second. Andrews placed checkered flag lap. Attig placed third. second by a half a buggy length. Hey, thanks to Kathy and Bill Lee Wuesthoff got around a Graboski for this one! The determinedDonPonderforthird. "Classics" Class 6 machines were Art Schmitt drove hell bent for up next. "Crazy Man" Greg leather after a complete roll over Bekavac made his standard run on lap two. Schmitt just kept the from flag to flag for the victory pedal down and while the roll with Al Fannin not far behind in over cost him position, he did second place. Bill "The Survivor" finish the race on the same lap as Graboski had a short race losing the leaders. Outstanding, the right rear wheel on the first gentlemen! lap. Thornton '·'Ed" Schultz Hot Damn, it was Challenge placed third despite losing a tie time with the Limited Challenge rod and ball joint. up first. One of the few casualties Jeff St. Peter put on a dynamite of the race came on lap one with a show as he started the Class 1 race monster~ And the time came for the expected show down of the day. Class 8 took the track next with the makings of quite a battle with Scott Taylor, Jamey Flannery and Walker Evans taking the line. Mike Renkas started things off with a series of four 360 degree spins before lap one could be put away. Taylor was holding off Evans and now we'll all wait for a rematch as Evans went off the track in a cloud of blue smoke. Taylor held his lead to the finish. If you'll pardon the pun, Jimmie Crowder was really truckin' right behind Evans for three laps and then moved into second place. More Heavy Metal woes! Crowder found himself with a left front flat tire and had to pit for a new tire. Crowder came back with revenge in his eyes and despite the pit stop he finished in fifth place. After Crowder's exit from second Flannery moved in and fended off Dave Hackers for the position. Hackers finished in third with Dave Parsons challenging him. Parsons rounded out the top four finishers. ·Pat Flanagan, Dennis Ferdon, Pete Van De Hey and Don Donlevy were also on the Run with Race Series lights - used on Rod Hall's Race Truck ... the "Winningest Baja Racer" • 130 watts of Power • Pearl Gray Finish • Dua/Beam • "Baja Proven Tough" • Hard ·Plastic Cover (included) Special Limited Time Offer! 9" Round $2999each 9" Rectangular $2999each. 1 00w Driving Light $2499each Call Today: Information: (310) 527-5888 Orders: (800) 99 CEPEK E The Off-Reader's « · ;~~1;:ges 17lf E~EK' [3C-iilrol 17000 KINGSVIEW AVENUE Jack Flannery did not disappoint his fans in Michigan as he won the wreck plagued Class 4 race, was second in Class 8, but had more troubles in the finale, the Heavy Metal Challenge.-and was fourth. ssoo IA~ -FREE with light purchase. . . .., . ~· CARSON, CALIFORNIA 90746 Dusty Times December 1991 Page 39

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The mass start of the Class 7 race had a tough front row with, from the left, Tom Hackers, then usual winner Spencer Low, and Scott Taylor ready to start. Greg Bekavac is dominating Class 6 action this season in SODA racing. At Lake Odessa he led from flag to flag, again, and Al Fannin had his Chevy Chevelle ,n contention all the way ,n Class 6, but he couldn't quite catch the leader. and Fannin had to settle for second. scored another big victory. ~ pile up that put young Jeff Karlman out of the running completely. After untangling, it was a Jim Wiggins flag to flag win. Dan Baudoux, Todd Attig, Jeff St. Petn and John Greaves all wanted second place, hut sharing just ain't ~llowed! These guys went the entirt· distance each within striking range. Baudoux pulled out the coveted second place. St. Peter thought.he had third sewn up but Greaves thought otherwise and took that slot on the white flag lap and kept it to the checkered. St. Peter wound up with a well driven fourth place. Attig finished fifth. Wow, the Non-Productin Challenge saw another round of Road Warriors and Kenny Middleton in his Class 14! Dave Hackers in the Sha-boom's machine had a definite first place going and held it to the end of the ten lap race. John Schultz was coming on strong in second place and then suffered a broken drive shaft. R .J. Flannagan was the candidate for second place, all the way to the white flag lap. The "Thirty Something" Gang was ready to take home the position when R.J. rolled 'er over on it's DOW 00 CPD (]J 00 DESERT LOCK OUTER Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength • At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing • All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 13" MIDGET 8"-1 O" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED MIDGET WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 Page 40 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax side and was left dead in the water but still kept third place. Tim Albers snuck up for second place. "Play it again, Sam", words to describe Art Schmitt III and the Unlimited Challenge! Art went flag to flag for the win but not without some very serious contention from Todd Attig. In fact, at any given moment the win could have been Attig's until he tangled with Fred Babinchak with three laps to go. As things stood Attig had to settle for second. Jeff St. Peter maintained a very steady third place even though by mid-race he had those ominous clouds of smoke coming out the back Jeff St. Peter runs in several classes in two different cars. and he drove this end. There was also some great one from last to first in Class 1, taking the lead on the white flag lap for the big action between Jeff Probst, Dan win. He also was fourth in both 1600 races. third in the Unlimited Challenge. Baudoux and Ed Helfrick. the arena with a flat tire, Geoff out to the end. Paula St. Peter The Mini-Metal Challenge may Dorr is picking off machines with took the honors in her 2-1600 have been a little light on entries smooth speed and skill and followed hy Karen Christen'Sen in but the action suited Dave Woulf Walker Evans is right on Chad her Class 11 for second place. just fine! John Greaves started out Hall's bumper. Whoa Nellie, Hall Tracey Crump in a 2-1600 pulled with the lead but had to pull off finds himself on his roof and out in for third followed by the Class half way through the race leaving of the picture. Nuts, this young 11 of Kim Blasdell. Teana Attig Dave Woulf and Paul Corning to gentleman was running one heck lost a front shock very early in the go for the checkered flag. W oulf of a race! By the white flag lap race and every time she came over drove to the victory with Corning Probst had the lead, Evans had the front jump you could hear the taking second. Greaves placed second, Dorr was third and the huggy bottom out. It was the kind third. Despite some definite two Flannery trucks were fourth of noise that really knocks your mechanical troubles, Al Walen-and fifth. These five machines teeth out, like finger nails on a towski finished in fourth. were on the lead lap with the rest chalk board. The entries in the Heavy Metal of the field, which was still Rounding out the day's events Production Challenge were numerous, a lap down. The were the ladies of Women's absolutely awesome! A look checkeredflagcameoutbuttothe Hea·vy Metal. Cheryl Walton in across the field of entries gave dismay of the crowd it went out her Class 3 jumped out with the view to Class 3s, Class 4s and just after Probst went by giving lead and made it quite ohvious Class 8s, each of the nineteen the impression that Evans had the that she was a driver to contend entries ready to rock the win. Not much gets by a SODA with! Sherri Parsons drove hard grandstands with heavy duty crowd and matters were quckly and fast to make the winning pass Heavy Metal action! The green remedied. Probst definitely had a on Walton with three laps to goto flag was given and the resulting well earned win, Walker Evans the checkered. The racing take off had all of the noise ya' placed second, Geoff Dorr held on between the two ladies was could want. The roar of tons of to third, Dad Flannery came in intense. Parsons took the win horsepower competed with the fourth and "Baby Thunder" in with Walton right on her bumper noise of everyone in the stands fifth. In a post race interview, for second. Gail Brand just plain getting to their feet and giving Kevin Probst let the crowd know had a bad start with a spinout and voice of their favorite. Jumpin' that the truck was definitely a quick flat tire. Brand kept her Jack Flannery came around the dialed in and gave sincere credit to machine on the track as long as first lap in the number one slot the entire Probst Family for the .she dared and then had to retire. followed by Joey Flannery, Chad big effort put into getting the Rohin Schult: in a Class 6 Hall, Kevin Probst, Walker truck ready. Seems the engine "Classic" drove to third place. Evans, Greg Gerlach, Jimmie wasn't dropped in until the The last checkered flag had been Crowder, Scott Taylor, Jamey Thursday before the race! Heavy waved and the racing for that Flannery, Chad Schleuter and a Metal Challenge racers, it was weekend was over. Fans and whole bunch of others! Kevin spectacular!! drivers loaded up and headed for Probst quickly made his move to· The Women's Buggy Classes home. Thanks, Michigan, for the second place slot then by lap were next and had a line-up of some excellent racing and we'll three had made the big move to thirteen ladies ready to battle it see ya' trackside. pass Flannery and take off like with the speed of the space shuttle! From that point on, Probst was untouchable and ran damn near a flawless race. Flannery lost his 4 wheel drive very early and lost position to Chad Hall. In the meantime top contender Scott Taylor was already out of the ball game and the world will have to wait to see what's going to be a classic match up between Taylor,Jack Flannery, Jamey Flannery and Walker Evans. Back to the action, at this point it's still Probst in number one, Chad Hall in second and Jumpin' Jack in third. Crowder is out of December 19" Todd Attig, here leading. diced with Jeff St. Peter all weekend, who is following here, and they finished second. Todd, and third. Jeff in the Unlimited Challenge. Attig also did well in 1600 competition. Dusty Times

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-~:~~~1i[i£:gi~~:t~ !-====::==-=========.: night meeting, all of them expecting to hear from SCORE/ HDRA's Technical Director as the Checker's featured Guest Speaker. But as the meeting wore on, it became obvious that Bill Savage was not going to show. Even though a number of people had come long distances to hear Savage, nobody was more affected by this apparent snub than the Prez, who had to accept a public "I told you so" from Symonds. The lengthy discussion that followed decided that the Club should send an 'Official Checker Letter of Protest' to Sal regarding this irritating inaction of his employee. The Straight Poop From the Big Wahz:oo The GOLD COAST 300 was cancelled as a Checker event at the Wednesday night meeting just prior to the race due to the '3 car rule'. This pre-race meeting could at times be described as chaotic while it was being determined whether or not the two remaining Checker entries in this race could do without Club support. It was finally resolved when it was determined that Kelley could handle his own pit support and the Cooks could use BFG Pits. The next issue to be discussed was what to do about all the dedicated pitters who had showed up that night to pick up their equipment. Finally a vote was taken that gave pit points to all those members that had signed up to pit. A few Checker diehards did continue on up to Vegas and set up a couple of pits, but our remaining Club racers faired badly. Kelley failed to start because of a reported trans problem. The Cooks got started, but also suffered a tranny problem and had to settle for a sixth in Class 5-1600. Seeley, who is temporarily ineligible for Club support because of 'bad paper', showed up to race but broke a stub axle early and only finished two laps. Fortunatly, this whole episode did produce a bright side for a few of our members. The Cooks saw their shot at the overall HORA points title going into this race disappear, but they again earned this year's HORA Class 5-1600 Points Championship. Malancon, in a non-Checker supported effort, co-drove a 1-2-1600 carto the HORA points title in that competitive class by a scant 2 points. Congratulations guys! ANNUAL A WARDS BAN-QUET -At this recent meeting, one that our Prez reportedly described as• a meeting from hell', not only was support for the Gold Coast Race cancelled, but both the time and place for our awards dinner was changed. As of this meeting, our Club will gather in Azusa at Thumper's Elk Lodge on Saturday night January 30, 1993. This change became necessary when SCORE moved their '93 Parker Race up a week. Also, instead of cooking our own meal, as planned at the other place, the Azusa Elks will supposedly rent us the hall and feed us steaks for a lot less. Hey Thumper, what the hell do one of those $1.98 Elk steaks taste like anyway? Danny Reider, a long absent Checker, will reappear with a band from Ridgecrest to provide the evening's entertainment. Hey Guys, I think the ol' Wahzoo can safely predict that this affair is . gonna be a little different from years past. I mean hey, from the Knollwood Country Club and that twin-spin DJ, to jamrnin' with Marty's kid at the Azusa Elks is definitely gonna be a chanr,e! Well, at our next regular meeting, Hibbard shows up with a faxed apology from Savage and a report on his conversations with Sal on this issue. Sal was reportedly very concerned about possibly being cast as the villain in this flap, especially considering the apparent goodwill that SCORE has established with the Club of late. The lengthy discussion that followed finally decided to give 'The Director' the benefit of the doubt and resched-ule another appearance. But, just to be safe, the Club directed the Prez to arrange the date thru Sal this time. Ya know it's amazing guys, it never fails. Just when the ol' Wahzoo is about to start havin' to scratch around for something to write about to fill up our column, somebody always seems to step right up and do somethin' stupid for us. When my column deadline came due, Hibbard was in the process of trying to line up Savage's 'second corning' thru SCORE and had not yet an-nounced a new date. The Wahzoo will therefore not comment on this current Wednesday night mini-series until we've seen the final act... except to state the following: After making some calls and then pushing some buttons on my pocket calculator, figures show that; after joining both organizations and accounting for 70 entries in their 9 races, our members will have handed over to HORA/SCORE more than $50,000 this year. Now I know that to be fair, I have to admit that the Checkers have won a lot of that cash back. But hey, 50 grand is 50 grand, and it would not seem like too much to ask to have a little chat with our Tech Director on occasion. . SPECIAL RECOGNITION -About a week before the Gold Coast, at the MTEG race in Vegas, Uncle Max represented the Checkers during the presenta-tion to Roberta and Charlie LaVelle of a brand new "tits" motorhorne. Earlier in the year, these fine folks had lost their older rnotorhome when it burned to the ground on the side of the highway. And no, Charlie was not driving. For those newer members who may have not yet met these two AffENTION DESERT RACERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at alf Score and HORA desert races. Check it out on contingency row - Two different classes each event. Dusty Times non-Checkers, I can assure you that if you stay in off road racin' it's just a matter of time. Checker members, for as long as this Wahzoo can remember, have repeatedly had their race weekend brightened in more ways than one by these two special off road volunteers. Apparently the rest of the off road community felt the same and collected enough money to replace the LaVelle's motor-home in grand fashion. After Max gave his Wednesday night report on this surprise presentation, the Prez offered a suggestion that was readily accepted by all those present. Hibbard suggested, that since we all paid for a part of this new unit, all Checker members would surely be welcome to stop in at any time for a drink, a nap, or a dump, depending on your need. Hey Roberta, ya better make sure ya got plenty of ice and an extra roll in the head, 'cause we'll be stoppin' by to check her out! The Wahzoo makes this rare exception to my normal rule of only naming Checker members and promoters in this column, mainly because 'Charlie Tuna' has a number of Checker like qualities that we all admire. Plus the fact that the Club kicked in a few bucks on this deal. A little known fact about Charlie is that he is actually the last known .survivor of an early atomic test to determine the effects of the bomb on nearby friendly troops. But even more interesting is the fact that even after all these years, his 'johnson' still occasionally glows in the dark during severe electrical storms. Now with me being the Big Wahzoo, I can understand how some of you might tend to get some perverted mental picture of me and Charlie standing out in the rain waiting for lightening or something, but this story is not based on any first hand know-ledge. Rather, it is based on an often re-told story which is supported by an old dog-eared photo Charlie reportedly carries in his wallet! I understand that if ya catch him in the right mood, he just might show it to ya. Complete Baja 1000 report next month. Desert Race Support Report By Crai}{ L1ru: The weather in Ridgecrest, CA over the weekend of October 23-25 gave the racers and spectators something to talk about at the La Rana California 200. A few showers for those on the road to Ridgecrest were no bother, and everyone was treated to a fantastic lightning display Friday night, and some more rain that left the race course in great shape for the Saturday race. About 81 cas left the starting line at Teagle Wash and headed up the long up hill grade before making the hard left and heading out across the base of the hills. The course at Ridgecrest is rough and always claims its share of cars and drivers and this race was no exception. DRS had 13 cars in the field that left the start line, and six of them completed the race. The hardest luck has to go to Alan Repashy in hisClass8 truck, who, while out testing Friday, split his transmission case and had fluid leaking out too fast to be able to keep the truck running. So Alan December 1992 had to settle for starting points only and be ready to settle the Class 8 points battle at the Lucerne 300 in November, a double points race. Class 7 saw the Rough Rider look alike Ford Ranger of Frank M usica overcome his problems to take second. Unfortunately his compadre, the 4x4 Doctor Mike Duncan in his Jeep broke the springs on the one side, made it to the DRS Mega Welder at Charlie's Place, got fixed and broke the other side corning to the start/ finish, so he called it a day. In the 1600s DRS was well represented with the La Victoria car of Dahny Porter, B.A.D. Racing's Don Chase/Bob Stock-ton and the Pauley and Sons Plumbing/Hot Licks Racing car of Ed Pauley and Jon landorio. These three guys stayed within seconds of each other for the first two laps. On lap 3 Boh Stockton pulled over and helped right Billy McCool in his 1600 car and lost a couple of minutes from the leaders in Class, but Boh showed a lot more class by stopping to help a flipped fellow racer. Ed Pauley and Danny Porter stayed at each other until Ed had front end problems on the last lap and had to retire. Danny Porter and Mark Ruddis went on to finish second Class 1600 and fourth overall and then rushed home to start prepping the car for the Baja 1000. Bob Stockton and Don Chase, even after stopping to help out the other car, were able to make up some time to finish fourth in class and sixth overall. Malcom Brice in the Hensley Engineering car did it again, showed up at the last minute to race and still pulled off an eighth in class and 15th overall. Class 9 action almost saw Danny Richardson pull off two in a row, just missing out on first place, hut nailing down a solid second place. Danny is coming into his own, so next year ought to be real interesting, as it will be for the pair of Ryan Schank and DJ Owens. They were right in the running even after a soft roll over until something decided to bend the right front of the car up. Hang in there Ryan, your day is due. Another hard luck case in Class 9 belongs to Darnen Jefferies in a new two seater who had the torsion housing push out on him as he was heading up the uphill from the start. The 944 car of Larry Bowman ran good until Larry decided to show his co-driver what it was to be sunny side up, which caused some down time, and then, once he got it going again, the whole front end was about ready to fall off so he called it a day. In Class IO Paul Laporte motored around the course, had some problems when his brother Bill hit something that hent up the right front suspension, but kept the car running for eighth in Class and another finish. The lone DRS entry in Class 1550 ran hard but suffered problems on their last lap that caused them to call it a day, just in the nick of time as the skies once again opened up; so anyone left out on the course had to concentrate on just rnaking it back to start/finish, let alone trying to race! The heavy rain for quite some time made it interesting for DRS, as we had planned a spaghetti dinner for after the race, which, in spite of the rain came off great. My hat is off to Debbie K ecf e who put it all together. It was great and over 50 people ate dinner even though many had left because of the rain. My thanks to B.A.D. Racing who let everyone eat under their huge canopy. The last La Rana race of the year, the double points race at Lucerne in November will again decide many of the points champions for their respective dasses. So, it will prove to be another good race. See ya there. West Coast Distributor fOR tEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS . AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 41

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AUSTRALIAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP - ROUND 5 Bob Strawbridge Takes A Historic Win Text & Photos: Darryl Smith A driving force behind the single seat Unlimited class, Bob Strawbridge scored the first overall win in the series by a single seater leaving the field in his dust driving his Southern Cross to win by over three minutes. The single seater buggies have only been a recognized class for a couple of years, and one of the pioneers behind this Class 9 was Bob Strawbridge. It was fitting that it was Bob who went into the history hooks driving the first single seater, a Southern Cross, to record an overall victory in the Australian Off Road Champ-ionship. The event was the Waikerie Riverland 400 in South Australia, and was the final race of the series. The prologue track to determine the starting order was a fast one and really sorted out the quick cars. Leading the list of 80 starters was Brett Osbourne's Class 1, powered by a Renault V-6. He was closely followed by Richard Bennett's Cosworth powered Class 2 Southern Cross and Daren Wells in his Class 1 Nissan powered machine. Then came Bruce Watman, Class 2 ( 1600cc ), Strawbridge, 9, Mark Burrows, Class 1 Trekka, and Les Brown, Class 2. It was very close though with five seconds covering these top seven! Mark Warren led the Class 3 1200cc group, while Ron Schmidt's Rotary Baja led Class 4. Mark Manns' VB Rodeo pickup led the 2WD group; Lyndon Wilson led the Challenger buggies; Les Siviour led the Class 7 4x4s and Ken Smith did the same in the modified Class 8 4x4s. Some competitors, though, came unstuck on the fast corners of the prologue, namely Charlie Albins and Russell Robinson who rolled their Class 1 cars, but with minor repairs they were back in the line up. The crowd was kept entertained throughout the Saturday by firstly a pit team race involving changing wheels, which was won hy the Goodyear/Wat-man team. Then came the Top Gun Shootout where the top ten qualifiers run off one at a time for an added prize. It appeared Strawbridge, who came out mid pack had the time to beat. Bennett tried too hard and rolled his car, then Osbourne landed heavily off a jump breaking a diff, so it was Strawbridge who took the Top Gun. Sunday was time for the serious business as cars lined up in pairs according to their prologue finish. Osbourne and Bennett began the stampede, but not too far down the track Osbourne was out with a blown motor. Strawbridge charged up from row three to be the lead car and take the dust free position, clocking fastest lap. Bennett hung onto second although Burrows was close behind. Glen Owen and Charlie Albins had their Class 1 s close by as well. Barry Johnson was an early retirement with accelerator failure on his turbo Nissan, but the biggest surprise was the early retirement of equal favorite Daren W ells who blew up a motor. Out of the 4x4 class was Chris Bosua's twin cam Mitsubi-shi pickup with electrical failure. The drivers continued straight into their second lap, and once again Strawbridge was quickest consolidating his position at the head of the field. Burrows had caught right up to Bennett and actually led him on times. Neill Morrison was another expected to do well in Class 1, but went out with motor failure, which was a similar situation for the Class 2 of Tony Doorne who was in the top ten at the time. The top ten at the halfway point now read Strawbridge; Burrows; Bennett; Owen; Albins; Brown; Doug McMillan ( 1 ); Russell Robinson ( 1 ); Peter Prendergast (2); and Trevor Growden (9). The Watmans had dropped back a little due to a rear arm bolt coming out just short of the finish. The Warrens still had the Class3 (1200cc)command, while the retirement of Nev Taylor with gearbox failure saw Ron Schmidt easily in control of the Bajas. Mark Burrows, with Mick Shannon riding in the Trekka, was a close second overall and Burrows drove to victory by just over a minute in Class 1. Richard Bennett, second fastest in the prologue, proved it was no fluke time as he, with Mick Cowie, drove the two seat 1600 Southern Cross not only to the Class 2 victory but they finished third overall. -Mark Manns was starting to run away with the 2WD Tin Top category in his Holden Rodeo and starting to make a move on the outright placings. Les Siviour was doing the same in Class 7 in his Nissan Patrol 4x4. The Class 8 battle between Ken Smith and Pete r Hadlow had eased in Smith's favor when Hadlow lost time changing a tire on the modified Mits ubishi Triton. Robert Knott's Nissan truck needed work rebuilding rear shocks, but luckily all the crews were required to stop for an hour after lap 2. (Must be nice to have a service break in the middle of a race, but it must be a horror for the scoring team.) Strawbridge had changed a faulty alternator and lined up for laps 3 and 4 to the finish. Amazingly he once again put in fastest lap to have a three minute lead over Burrows. Reigning Australian Champion Les Brown parked his 1600 with his first gearbox failure in memory. In Class 3 the W arrens still led the 1200cc bunch, although Robert Moore slipped in with the quickest class lap of the day. The Manns Rodeo lost time as they became one of many to get a flat tire. Into the fourth and final lap and ~trawbridge was still dominating. -· Mark Manns flew flat and level in the Holden Rodeo and with Alan Cartledge riding shotgun he won the 2WD Class 5 by nearly half an hour and he placed a fine 18th overall. Glen Owen. with Dion Simpson, claimed fourth overall, and a tight second in Class 1 Unlimited Two Seat cars making this class a 1-2 sweep for Trekka. Peter Prendergast and Cliff Cal/cut made in a 1-2 in Class 2 for Southern Cross cars, finishing about eight minutes back of the winner, sixth overall. Mark and Daryl Warren were fastest Class 3 in the prologue, and they kept a quick pace all through the long race, having no problems with the 1200cc Southern Cross. and they won Class 3 by over ten minutes and were a keep 14th overall. Page4i December 1991 Dusty Times

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Les Siviour and Peter lseppi have won all five races -they entered this-year and they won Class 7 in all of them including Waikerie in the Nissan Patrol, plus this round they finished 1_6tfr overall in a stocker. Charging hard in the Mitsubishi Triton were Peter and Glen Had/ow, but one flat 'tire made ·the difference, and they were Eric Schmid stayed close in the growing Class 9 Unlimited Sing·le Seat but he eventually finished third in class. 15th overall, . a()out 2o•minutes back. s_e_c_o~n_d_,_·n_C_l_a_ss_ B_b_y_1_·u_s_t_1a_se_oo __ n_d_s_. ________ _ _ A Land Rover flying in competition is an unusual sight, but Fred and Theresa Parker drove this one to a good third in Class 8 Modified 4x4s. Robert Moore and David Munn get a nice flight in their Hunter Rivmasta on their way to fourth in Class 3, just 30 seconds out of Looking like it just drove in off ·the street the Nissan Patrol of Doug Coleman had a good run. and finished third in Class 7 Limited 4x4 class. ffl~ . The Watman's had to attend to a broken accelerator cable on their Class 2 while Bill Buchanan, also in Class 2, was limping in with broken engine mounts. Charlie Albins then pulled up with a computer failure controlling the fuel supply. But there was no such bad luck at the front for Bob Strawbridge with the fourth fastest lap in a row. He easily was the overall winner of the Waikerie Riverland 400. Bridge-stone's Mark B.urrows kept his Class 1 Unlimited Two Seater on the pace and filled the second spot overall, albeit just eight seconds ahead of the Yokohama Class 2 (1600) of Richard Bennett. over the diminutive Suzuki Sierra 1992, driving a Class 1 T.rekka. twin cam of Bill Monkhouse. We offer hearty congratulations Robert Knott had a slow lap due to them. So there was quite a to computer/fuel problems, but celebration afterwards for the still finished fifth. In single seat race winners, the series class Class 9, behind race winner winners and to say goodbye to the Strawbridge, came the consistent Waikerie township. After 13 Trevor Growden, then Eric years this was the fast time the Schmid and Terry Ward. event was to be held there, but it All three contenders for the was a perfect way to wrap up the overall championship, Charlie Australian racing year. Albins, Daren Wells and Les (Editor's Note) Wecertainlyenjoy Brown, all open wheel cars, failed Darr~! Smith's cot•erag-e of tlie to finish in this final champion-dwm/iionslii/> series in Australia, ship race of the season. So, it was lntt .we wish he would hiwe told us Charlie Albins a·nd Rodja who the class winners for the year McClelland who retained their might hm•e been. W e find it points lead to take the overall interesting that they liat•e a tiery Australian Ch:rmpionship,for competitive 1200cc class for two seat Waikerie Riverland 400 - Australia Results • September 19-20, 1992 # Pos. Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Class I • Unlimited Two Seat • 21 start • 9 finish . In the Class 1 category it was an all turbo result with Mark Burrows (Mazda), Glen Owen (Rabbit), Doug McMillan (Mazda), Keith Owers (Nissan) and Russell Robinson (Nissan). 121 1 Richard Bennett had a long lead"in 1111 2 Class 2 over the 1600s of Peter ~~: ! Prendergast, Terry Rose, Bruce · 128 5 Watman, and Craig O'Neil. Then Mark Burrows/Mick Shannon Trekka Glen Owen/Dion Simpson Trekka Doug McMillan/Lindsay Everleigh Hunter Rivniasta Keith Owers/Roger Barr Rivmasta Russell & Jamie Robinson · Rivmasta Class 2 • 1600cc Two Seat• 13 start• 9 finish · Mark and Daryl Warren once 284 1 Richard BenneWMick Cowie Southern Cross again surprised many with the 205 2 Peter PrendergasVCliff Calicut· Southern Cross speed of their 1200 car in winning 204 3 Terry & Maureen Rose Hunter Rivmasta Class 3. Behind them came a very 208 4 Bruce & Glenn Watman BAB Mk II close bunch in Geoff Dow, Bryan ·262 5 Craig O'Neill/Stephen Gardiner Sore Basham, Robert Moore and Ben Class 3 • 1200cc Two Seat -15 start. a finish 303 1 Mark & Daryl Warren Southern Cross Erceg. Ron Schmidt cruised in to 356 2 Glen Dow/Kevin Peart Hornet win the Baja race over Ken 306 3 Bryan & William Basham Hunter Rivmasta Rowston. Mark Manns pushed 314 4 Robert Moore/David Munn Hunter Rivmasta his VS Holden· Rodeo to a 30 353 5 Ben Erceg/John Martschink Buggy minute Class 5 win over Jim Class 4 • Baja Bug-3 start• 2 finish Barbary, Holden Torana, Geoff 411 1 Ron SchmidVLindsay Cole Baja Emmins, Datsun 510, Ron 471 2 KenRowston/TrpuGard Baja Foresman 's Ford Escort and Bill Class 5 • 2WD Sedans & Pickups• 11 start• 5 finish Vesty's Ford.Fl00. Lyndon 501 1 ·MarkManns/AlanCartledge HoldenRodeo Wilson came in the winner of the 556 2 Jim and Geoff Barbary Holden Torana 510 3 Geoff Emmins Datsun 510 Challengers in Class 6; and 542 4 Ron & Jason Forsman Ford Escort Michele Martin nursed an arm 508 5 Bill & Norman Vesty Ford F100 injury but she still took second. Class 6. Restricted Two Seat Challenger- 2 start• 2 finish Les Siviour not only made it 653 1 Lyndon Wilson/Vincent Eustace Scorpion five wins from five starts for a 603 2 Michele MartinfSharon Daniel Rivmasta perfect year, but in this race he Class 7 • Production 4x4 · 3 start• 3 finish beat all the other tin top classes to 701 1 Les Siviour/Peter lseppi Nissan Patrol get up to 16th overall in his Class 707 2 Doug Coleman - Nissan Patrol 750 . 3 Royce Wells/Geoffrey Clarke Mitsubishi L200 7 limited 4x4 Nissan Patrol. Class8-Modified4x4-8start-5finish Second in Class 7 went to the 802 1 Ken & Laureen Smith Holden Rodeo Patrol of Doug Coleman while the 801 2 Mitsubishi pickup of Royce 814 3 Wells took third. The glory of the 888 4 highly competitive Class 8 went 816 5 Peter & Glen Hadlow Fred & Theresa Parker Mitsubishi Triton Land. Rover VS Bill Monkhouse/Andrew Quick · Suzuki Sierra Robert KnotVWally $killer Nissan Navara Class 9 • Unlimited Single Seat • 4 start • 4 finish 916 911 914 945 1 Bob Strawbridge Southern Cross 2 Trevor Growden Southern Cross 3 Eric Schmid Southern Cross 4 Terry Ward Buggy Starters, 80-Finishers, 47 - 59% • Race Distance 400 km - 250 miles Time 2:38:21 2:40:09 2:45:13 2:46:41 2:47:06 2:38:29 2:46:25 2:47:44 2:49:56 2:59:40 2:52:54 3:04:39 3:05:59 3:06:30 3:11 :40 3:29:24 3:40:34 2:59:29 3:29:07 3:54:51 4:22:03 4:38:06 3:12:52 3:29:15 2:56:46 3:15:49 5:33:47 2:59:32 2:69:50 3:06:58 3'.45:35 4:17:23 2:34:56 2:47:02 2:56:09 3:25:54 to Ken Smith in the IGM Holden Rodeo. Peter Hadlow had fought back after an earlier flat tire and took second place in the turbo Triton. Fred Parker's unique VS, rear engined Land Rover per-formed very well to take third Fastest Prologue- Brett Osbourne, Class 1-Waikerie Top Gun - Bob Strawbridge Dusty Times December 1992 0/A 2 4 5 7 g 3 6 10 11 20 14 22 24 25 28 36 39 18 34 43 45 46 29 35 16 30 47 19 21 26 41 44 8 15 33 cars, in fact, all classes hut the newer Class 9 are two seat classes. Perha/Js the I 200s. are not necessarily VW engines, /iitt JJossihlyNissan, Toyota,' Suzuki or any of tlie liJtle imter JminJJers that are all owr tlie lands down under hut seldom luwe heen desmogg-ed for sale in tlie USA. U.S. readers «•ho race oJ>en wheel cars in the desert, in tlie midu•est series or et1L'll in stadiums must he jealous of the massit•e a7!10tmt of sJmnsors the Australians seem to acquire for their cars, he idmgg-y or truck, and the tire cmnJJanies seem far more int•olwd in direct sJmnsorshi/1 in Australia than t/iey are here. But the cars sure ·do look tlie same, they just hat•e differL'IU names, and ·a .u•ider t•ariet~ of JJowerJ>lants. 1t is summertime nou· in Australia and «•lien tlie «•eather cools off, iheir chamJ>ionshi/> series. «ith its L'1Wmwusly long-tou·s from race to race, «·ill resume once ag-ain.. Ken and La·ur-een Smith fought hard for their victory in the Modified 4x4 Class 8 driving their Holden Rodeo: it must have been a visual battle as they won by only 18 seconds at ·the flag. r BIGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off rqad race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C.V. joints. · , Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 G.V. joints. Convert Type 11 stub axles an.d output bells to accept 930 C.V .. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s can be threaded %-24 or stock 8mm. All axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be threaded %-24 or stock 10mm threads. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS , Only $49.95 per fla_n.11e on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW ENG. P:O. BOX 845 • 101 BROADWAY YARNELL, AZ 853'32 SHIPPED BY UPS (602) 427-3551 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 43

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Christmas· Goodies Galore ••• KC's Hot Look KC HiLites new hot look design vinyl light covers includes five new contemporary designs, all bold, bright and full of color, plus a unique new camouflage style. As part of the introduction, the new light covers are packed for a limited time with Free Armor-All protectant' sample to keep covers looking new. Packed in pairs this is a good Christmas item for your favorite off roader. Find them at your off road store or contact KC Hilites, Inc., Dept. DT, Avenida De Luces, Williams, AZ 86046, (800) 528--0950. New SACO Starter A real starter for VW engines, the new geared 12 volt starter for all ·200mm VW applications features a custom wound motor that produces double the horsepower with 25% less amperage draw of comparable units. This custom starter is available in a chrome/ polished finish or a painted version. For more information contact SACO, Dept. OT, 11324 Norwalk Blvd., Santa Fe Springs, CA90670. .NewVW Valve Cover Racers Machining Service has an all new two piece Volkswagen valve cover with unique built in Spill Guard which allows the front of the valve cover to be removed for valve adjustment while the unique spill guard rail remains attached to prevent oil from dripping and spilling out. The valve covers are precision made from 6061 T --6 aluminum and feature high strength design with show car quality looks·. Available with ¾" NPT threads P'age 44 for vent lines and with drilled fasteners for safety wire. Coming soon new one and two piece high strength, light weight bright colored plastic valve covers in red, yellow, blue and black. Contact Racer.s Mas=hining Service, Dept. OT, 2041· E. Gladstone St., Unit H, Glendora, CA 91740 for details. L.C. Unilight Distributor L.C. Engineering has a new Unilight mechanical advance distributor for all carbureted 20R and 22R Toyota engines. Each LC. distributor features a fully machined 6061 Billet housing and clamp assembly and a fully adjustable advance curve from 16 to 28 degrees. L.C. distributors are compatible with the stock Toyota and most after market ingition systems. Get more info from LC. Engineering Perform-ance Toyota, Dept. DT, 2978 First St., Unit G, La Verne, CA 91750. New Trailer Hitch Valley Industries has the in-dustry's first actual multi-application, receiver style trailer hitch. This new class II hitch appears custom once installed thanks to a unique Valley design. This design allows it to accurately fit over 25 different vehicles from 1967 through current year models. The 6540 Multi-Fit bolts securely to the vehicle frame with no welding required. It is easily installed with simple hand tools and some drilling. Included with the hitch are a ball mount, hitch pin and receiver cover. It carries a VS rating. Contact Valley Industries, Dept. OT, 1313 South Stockton, Lodi, CA 95240. High Misalignment Washers Downs Engineering is now manufacturing high misalignment washers for both sides of a rod end. Made of 303s stainless steel, these washers will not crush onto bolts and will not corrode. To space a rod end away from any interference, we made a close to.lerance bushing for the inside of the rod end and a large diameter bushing for use as an outside retaining washer. Now available in small and large diameter, from ¾"to¾" id. When used on both sides of a rod end, the washers will allow the rod end up to 15 degrees more movement than conven-tional retainer washers, which frees up the trailing arm and steering arms without the expense of a high misalignment rod end. For information on sizes and prices write to Downs Engineer-ing, Dept. DT, 19564 8th St. East, Sonoma, CA 95476. I Iii JIit • Raceware Head Stud Kits Raceware's Head Stud Kit for water cooled Volkswagens fits all 8 valve Rabbit/Golf gas engines from 1.5 to two liter sizes. Raceware studs are up to 40% stronger than original equipment VW cylinder head "stretch bolts" and are made from 8740 Chrom-oly steel, center-less ground and black oxide coated for lasting protection. All threads are rolled after heat treat to MIL-S-8879 specs. The Kits come with 190,000 PSI tensile strength studs, hardened precision ground washers, 12 point aircraft style nuts and easy to follow installation instructions. For full information on these and other products write Race-Tech Engineering, Dept. DT, 11320 Brydan Dr., Taylor, MI 48180. ROGER MEARS RACE Trading Cards RACE has reduced the price of the 1991 HORA/SCORE Off Road Driver Cards to $28 plus sales tax if you live in California and a shipping cost of about December 1992 $2 .00. This is a clearance type sale of the Comp T I A RI has roots in as the 1992 off road set and the asphalt. It is a close relative of the Mears Gang set are just about Experimental T / A radial devel-re a dy for market. Each set opedasaraintireforIMSAGTP contains 155 cards in full color on competition. The truck tire is both sides on quality stock. The rated for speeds approaching fS0 front is a picture of the driver and mph. Like the,other Comp T I A the back contains personal data Rls the light truck version has and a picture of the race car in DOT approval. Currently avail-action; both sides are UV coated. able in 33x12.S0R15 size, check it If these catch on like baseball out at your BFG dealer. More cards after which they are sizesareunderdevelopment. patterned, the first, 1991 edition c,ould be a collectors item. To get yours contact Race Action Card Enterprises, Dept. DT, 1700 N. Chester Ave., Bakersfield CA 93308. . ' Pro Shifter Attention Off Road Racers; a new Floor Mount Power Glide Pro . Shifter and a Floor Mount Turbo 400 3 Speed Pro Shifter are now available from the Frame Works Racing Products, Inc. Both shifters feature positive gate style shifting, spring loaded reverse lockout, and an attractive anodized finish. Machined from 6061-T6 aluminum, these new compact Pro Shifters are ultra lightweight and perfect for most applications. Both Shifters accept standard Morse 33C cable. For details write to The Frame Works Racing Products Inc., Dept. OT, 22202 No. 19th Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85027. 'NewBFG Truck Tire BFGoodrich is adding a Light Truck Tire to the Comp TI A RI line. This is an ultra high performance tire, a light truck version of the Comp TI A RI. Developed for competition as well as street use, the tire made its official debut last July at the LA Coliseum MTEG race on Rick Johnson's Nelson & Nelson BFGoodrich Chevrolet Sport Truck. Johnson scored his first win in the division on that day. Prior to that the tire was used on trucks and stock cars competing in the Pikes Peak Hill Climb, providing excellent traction and lateral grip on a compacted gravel surface. Tested on and off pavement the light truck version ar:, ·•ii ~~;-,, Dura Lube Dura Lube, said to be the next · evolutionary step up in engine treatment products, is a revolu-tionary metal conditioner with SG3 utilizing Mutually Reactive Molecules. Dura Lube reduces friction by penetrating metal surfaces and smoothing and sealing micropores. Dura Lube is a precision blend of Hi-Tech petroleum components; and one 32 ounce container is simply added to the crankcase when the vehicle's oil is changed and is said to last 25,000 miles. Find out where it is sold from Howe Lahoratories, Dept. DT, 30--60 Whitestone Expressway, Flush-ing, NY 11354. Russell Fuel Regulator Russell I''erformance Products has a new Ultra Flow Fuel Pressure Regulator specifically designed for street rod and street machines. It is precision crafted of billet aluminum and was originally intended for racing applications. It is now available in a polished finish for multi purpose use. This . Regulator guarantees precise fuel pressure settings from 3 to 25 psi with a maximum flow rate of 140 gph, a fuel flow large enough for over 1400 hp; it is compatible with any fuel or additive. Write for full details to Russell Performance Products, Dept. DT, 2645 Gundry Ave., Signal Hill, CA90806. Dusty Times

Page 45

Losers Pidorial 4 ~ i~ ~ ' . :' . .:.. fA/Q ..... ff6 .. . . . . ----. -, rtft:I, ... ~ •.::, '<Wt..,.,.,._ .. Ryan Harbottle and Randy Jordan finished second in Class 5-1600 at the Gold Coast 300 on the clock, but in post race inspection the tech crew checked only carburetors and the car was disqualified because the vacuum advance tube for the stock distributor was missing. It is one of those rules that does not really affect performance, and the car has run the same carb all year. Ron Lister and Mike Kalicki won Class 7S/7 4x4 on time, but started under an official protest, so were disqualified. It seems that Lister had been seen riding a motorcycle on or near the race course the weekend of the publicity run by HORA officials. Pre-running is banned and the Competition Review Board majority vote agreed with HORA officials and the entry was Disqualified. --~ ' .( .. Greg Gerlach has some of the worst luck in SODA Races. Twice last August he got into second Thorton "Ed" Schultz is another SODA driver who runs strong in Class 6, but often comes to grief place in a race with his Class 4 Dodge, but both times the driver from Minnesota had the misfortune before the checkered flag faffs. At the Fox Riverfest in De Pere, WI, Schultz was just doing fine, to roll the truck. This shot from the event at Lake Odessa, Ml was also featured on the ESPN running second in class, when a coil wire fell off, and at Lake Odessa he took third in Class 6 _co_ve_r_a.:.g_e_o_f_th_a_t_r_a_ce_,_w_h_e_r_e_s_e_v_e_ra_l_C_l_as_s_4_r,-=-·g_s_r_o_lle_d_in_s.h_o_r_t_o_rd_e_r_. ___________ despite losing a tie rod and a ball joint late in the contest. At the SNORE 250 last September Dennis and Dale Looney were among the first to retire. Looking tidy and clean here their Class 9 car got into the rollers on the course, only about five miles from the green flag, and yep, they rolled. the car but made it to.Check 1 in tatters, and discovered there was too much broken everywhere to continue on in the four lap event. -Brian Collins, shown here at the LA Coliseum last summer, won the MTEG Las Vegas UltraStock heat race and the main event in the Silver Bowl, but was disqualified.on tire size, the same tires he has used all year in the series on his Porsche; but some days later his victories were reinstated, but he did not get the points, which would have put him in year end contention. But the next weekend Brian won the Gold Coast 300, having a great October. Dusty Times HOWE ALUMINUM RACING RADtATOR 16.5 POUNDS SIZES· AVAILABLE .16 X 27 ········ .............. ,i ~=~~~ CURRENTLY USED IN CLASS 2, 8, & NASCAR Hl~TE(ff ttFF ltttAlt .NEW OWNERS NEW PRODUCTS FROM RACE TO PLAY QUALITY ACCESSORIES YOU DEMAND! STOP IN AND SEE US I ~-AMSOIL, AUTOFAB, CIBIE, FILLER, personalized FUEL SAFE, HELLA, KC, K~N. service ! MASTERCRAFT, DOUG THORLEY AND MORE\ m 1f1 LAS VEGAS 702 :,::,r<-· 3867 S. VALLEY VIEW 362-2089 RJ~~~ FEN~~IP OFF SPRING MTN. RD. . OPEN MON-SAT . Dccanbcr 19ft ,,.. Pagc45 ,_

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TELECOM RALLY AUSTRALIA Didier Auriol Marches On Toward The Championship Text and Photos: Martin Holmes Didier Auriol and Bernard Occelli scored their sixth WCD win in 1992, the first to ever win six in a season, tightened their hold on the Driver's Championship and Auriol would be the first Frenchman to win the title. Martini Racing team driver Didier Auriol became the first rallyman to win six World Championship Rallies in a season in the series' 20 year history, his latest victory at Telecom Rally Australia also increasing his lead ·i n the 1992 title race. He led virtually from the start, taking advantage of continued technical desperation in the rival Toyota team and two driving errors by his teammate, reigning World Champion Juha Kankkunen, the driver who was the fastest on the event. The Frenchman drove faultlessly at record speed in terrain which had twice proved to be unlucky for him, but it is universally popular with everyone taking part. Only one top Group were very high. One wondered N contender was present, Carlos why the Italians had decided to Menem, but steering failure make the journey to the south of caused his retirement allowing the the world when they could expect absent Belgian driver Gregoire de to gain the necessary champion-Mevius to retain his tenuous one ship points on the remaining point lead in the Group N events nearer home. The reason Driver's Championship race. became clear at scrutineering. The With the Manufacturers Title three Lancias's, one for Jorge already in Lancia 's hands, the Recalde, weighed in at the heavier most important award now to be 1993 specifications, and they decided was that for the Drivers' were prepared to 1993 specs title. Didier Auriol stood on the except for the current, wider verge of becoming the first French wheels. driver to become the Champion. There were two more FISA Carlos Sainz was on his eighth World Championships to be rally of the year against Auriol's resolved. The Ladies title had seventh and Kankkunen's sixth. looked like being dead, but Eija Lancia's hopes of gaining the title Jurvanen realized after the 1000 for either Auriol or Kankkunen Lakes that she was the only candidate not yet excluded under FISA's "must enter 7" rule. All she had to do was cross the start ramp of every remaining World rally this season! A Sierra was produced, she and co-driver Marjo Berglund crossed the line and went home. Jarmo ]( ytolehto also made a last minute entry for Australia and managed to borrow an old rally car from Ed Ordynski. Within meters of the start of the rally, two star foreign entries had retired, officially because of "gearbox" and "head gasket" problems. While the Group N title is still open, Ed Ordynski and Mark Stacey got the Mitsubishi home the class winner and-seventh overall on home ground in Australia. The New Zealand and Australia Rallies had much in common. Not only had both events promised to be really wet, but Ross Dunkerton and Fred Gocentas hit a tree, later a kangaroo, but they got the Mitsubishi Ga/ant VR-4 home fifth, and won the Asia Pacific Championship on home ground in Australia. They had to get special permission for the Marlboro cigarette signs, not allowed on Australian TV apparently, but Mohammed Bin Sulayem, United Arab Emirates, and his Irish co-driver Ronan Morgan ran and finished 14th in the Ford. they both increased their entries despite the recession in the rest of the world! As second hand high performance cars get imported trom Japan, local private~rs have extensive access to good value cars. After having bad luck for a year in Australian national rallying, New Zealander Possum Bourne was entered by the importers with his usual Subaru Legacy ( called Liberty in that country) as teammate to Ari Vatanen. On every stage he finished without a problem in the five national rallies, he had made fastest time but he had won only one event. And to increase the agony his Group N teammate Robert Herridge won the series outright! Another unlucky driver this year was Bourne's country-man Rod Millen, for whom this event was expected to round off prematurely his Asia Pacific series attempt. Because he is not now expected to go to the remaining rally in Thailand, this was due to be the final official appearance of a Mazda 323 GTX in competition. It was the coldest September day in Perth for 40 years for Etape 1 topping .out at 14 degrees, centigrade we presume. After the start in the city the rally headed eastwards, inland, to the Mount Observation stage, run this year in >t>=':fd'' the opposite direction, which was the only change for an orthodox section in the event. Juha Kankkunen declared this as being one of the least popular stages, "You can't get any rhythm". Sainz had an understeering problem, and co-driver Luis Moya said they helped the problem by reducing the front track. Next came the first of two stages at the Muresk farm college estate. This had the usual series of uphill jumps, but the rain had now begun to fall. Auriol was in the lead but Sainz was slowly catching up, and after the second stage at Muresk went, momentarily, into the lead. Herridge went off the road in his Group N Legacy /Liberty, and later retired. Next came the longer stages and Auriol pulled a quarter minute ahead on the first such section. Sainz had no idea why he fell back; because interim timing showed he lost virtually all of this in one relatively short stretch. The mystery of the new Celica continues! Kankkunen spun off backwards into a tree stump on stage 6 bending the rear suspension, losing 20 seconds, and this let Vatanen up to a surprised second place. His teammate Bourne was not happy having many problems, mostly a failed central differential, but uncomfortably he lost a tooth on the first stage, not from the gearbox but from his mouth. On stage 6 Ross Dunkerton hit a tree and bent the rear suspension. Two stages later he ( an Australian driver, of all people!) was slightly delayed when he hit a kangaroo. Recalde had a shock absorber snap on stage 7. They do things big down under; with the Telecom sponsorship, it was a keen results service and satellite dish facility well out in the woods. The World Championship contenders are all friendly, and points leader Didier Auriol is flanked by Juha Kankkunen, right, and Carlos Sainz, left. ft is quite an international gathering, France, Spain and Finland. The rally finished back at the Langley Park superspecial in Perth, and although cold, miraculously it was now dry. Three cars rolled, but the top drivers gave a good display. The most exciting bit, perhaps, was the side-by-side acceleration test that started the course, down a Page 46 December 1991 DustyTima

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Current World Champion Juha Kankkunen with Juha Piironen went well until bending the rear suspension on a tree stump off the track, but they carried onto make it a 1-2 finish for the Lancia team. Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya experienced handling problems with the Toyota Celica 4WD, ran second for a time or two, but Subaru teammates for this event were former world champion Ari Vatanen, left, and New Zealander Possum Bourne who finished sixth. Vatanen broke down. ended up third at the finish. Possum Bourne and Rodger Freeth had a front suspension failure on the third Etape, but got the Subaru running well enough to finish sixth overall after three wheeling it 4 kms to help. Start line specialists Jarmo Kytolehto, left and Eija Jurvanen got their needed points, crossed the line and then went home to Finland. Rod Millen and Tony Sircombe crashed out of the rally in the Mazda, on the final appearance of the 323 G TX in the series; Tony broke s_ome ribs in the off road excursion. dual carriageway city street! · In Group N Ed Ordynski was pulling ahead, save only for one spin, but Mohammed Bin Sul-ayem and Carlos Menem were fighting for second ahead of Yoshio Fujimoto. Auriol restarted Etape 2 first car on the road, with Vatanen and Sainz behind him and Kankkunen an uncharacteristic fourth. Bourne still had diff problems. Daihatsu led three classes and Suzuki were leading theirs. Menem looked happier with the brighter weather, and Auriol was also happier; as in the 1000 Lakes he had wiper failure in the rain the evening before. It was to be another day of misery for Carlos ·Sainz. On the first stage Vatanen had brake trouble, stalled his engine, and summarily fell from second to fourth letting Sainz up to second. But as the rally reached the longer stages in the Bunnings forest complex, the Spaniard fell back. On stage 12 he broke a rear suspension strut, lost time, and then his second place on the next stage. On stage 14 he lost another 20 seconds without any specific cause. "Just not going fast enough''. The big morning stories were the exits of Rod Millen in his Asia Pacific Championship challenging Mazda 323 GTX and then Carlos Menem in the Group N series contending Lancia HF Integrale, both off the road on the notoriously tricky Murray Pines stage. Millen 's co-driver Tony Sircombe broke five ribs and was kept in the hospital for observa-tion. Cars following reported he was off at a sudden left hander after a fast stretch. Menem explained that his steering had suddenly failed and the car shot off the track to the right. " I was going so slowly; all we wanted were the points. If this is what happens when we are going slowly, next time I am going flat out!" Bin Sulayem also went off the road in the Ford but only for a short while on stage 11, and dropped to fourth place in Group N. On the first stage of the day the Group N Pulsar GTI~R of Dusty Times Fujimoto went off the road between the flying finish and the stop controls. Kankkunen was generally going better but twice slid wide on a bend and lost time. Recalde spun but kept his 11th place. Dunkerton eventually got going better after wastegate problems, but still bore damage ; sustained on the first day. Bourne still lacked confidence in his brakes. Sainz's co-driver Luis Moya was wearing a neck brace after hurting his neck when landing after a sudden jump. The mystery of the Lancias continued all the while. All the cars being well over weight, so this had been no scrutineering deception. FISA technical chief Gabriel Cadringher was as bemused as everyone else and he noted that, notwithstanding the so-called performance limiting rule, the Lancias were now 1-2. There were many and varied opinions about what was going on, but Lancia team leaders just smiled when questioned and said "We're not telling you!" Auriol started the day on Etape 3, 66 seconds ahead of Kankkun-en; the two Lancias walking away with the rally. On the first stage of the day Ross Dunkerton hit a rock which wrecked the ·suspen-sion and punctured a tire, letting Recalde up one place. Mid morning the Toyota team changed Sainz's suspension back to the original settings and things started to improve. On the second stage of the day Varanen disappeared. The transmission had broken, Ari radioing to say it seemed that two gears had engaged at the same time. He waved drivers down to stop and help him, which eventually Bin Sulayern did, to the fury of Mike Little who saw the Arab's chances of a top Group N position diminish. Sainz was now a lucky third, and yet more luck came his way when Kankkunen's left rear suspension collapsed on stage 24. He lost about a minute, 40 seconds, and this let the Spaniard up to second. On the same stage Bourne hit a stone which caused the right front suspension to collapse on the next corner and he was off the road, losing 20 minutes but he only fell from fourth to seventh. He had to drive about four km on three wheels. Dunkerton had another flat, and this time he chose to stop and change it in mid stage. Sainz was going better and m.ade two consecutive best times. A big battle between the Spaniard and the Finn for second place began, and this brought new excitement at the rally. It had been a nice day, but later in the afternoon the cold westerly restarted and rain began to fall once again. Tajima retired his class leading Suzuki Swift/Cultus with engine failure and as the rally headed back towards Perth, Bin Sulayem went off the road and fell from tenth to 15th. Kankkunen was really pressing hard. He made best time on stages Rally Australia Results 1992 Didier AurioVBerrnard OcoeUi• Juha Kankkunen/Juha Piironen Carlos Sainz/Luis Moya Jorge Recalde/Martin Christie Ross Dunkerton/Fred Gocentas 'Possum' Bourne/Rodger Freeth Ed Ordynski/Mark Stacey• Tolley Challis/Rod Vanderstraaten Kiyoshi lnoue/Yoshimasa Nakahara Craig Stallard/Graeme Jesse Jacquiline DinestBarbara Clews .. F A SF A E A RA A AUS A Nl A AUS N AUS N J N AUS N AUS A Lancia HF lntegrale Lancia HF lntregrale Toyota Celica Turbo Lancia HF lntegrale Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 Subaru Legacy Turbo Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 Mitsubishi Galan! VR-4 Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 Mitsubishi Galan! VR-4 Mazda 323 4WD 90 starters -60 finishers •Group A & N winners •• Ladies winner Winner's average stage speed - 102.80 kph. (record) WRC Driver's Points - Auriol 120, Sainz 104, Kankkunen 92, Biasion 42 Manufacturefs Points - Lancia 157, Toyota 112, Ford 70, Subaru 43 FIA Group N Cup Points -de Mevius 27, Menem 26, Kytolehto & Ordynski 23 5:13:12 5:14:53 5:15:16 5:32:05 5:36:15 5:46:52 5:51:39 5:54:26 5:54:38 6:06:37 6:25:56 December 1992 28, 29 and on stage 30 he pulled problem was that the wipers did back equal with Sainz. The final not work in the rain on the first section of the day was the third day, the same problem he suffered run around the superspecial in in Finland, and this was actually Langley Park, and everything the same car as well! On their first looked very exciting, until a anniversary of entry into interna-rnornent before the start when the tional motor sport, Hyundai heavens suddenly opened and found their little Lantra was the everyone got thoroughly drench-highest pfaced car in the soon-ed. The two Lancias slithered official "Formula 2" category. round the course and then Sainz Nothing much happened on the and Dunkerton were sent away, in -short final day. Bourne was able conditions that were even wetter. to overtake Ordynski in his Sainz slid into the wall on the first charge back through the field. turn and spun later; this meant Daihatsu and Suzuki each ended that Kankkunen had got back into up with two class wins, and of the second place once more. 60 cars at the finish, 24 of them Before Etape 4 started Kank-were Charades. Records had been kunen claimed his car was not broken and the Asia Pacific completely straight after its Championship was won by Ross second attack on the Australian Dunkerton on home ground in trees, and this made his speed the Australia. And, it is not realistic previous evening (and the to think that anyone can beat desperation of Toyota) all the Didier Auriol to the Drivers more significant. Auriol's only World Championship now. TOYOTA RACE ENGINES Complete computerized Engine Oyno testing facility. The finest & fastest Toyota race engines available for class 1, 7-S. 74x4. 15 and SCCA Pro Rally. Complete computer dyno tested Engines are available. as well as ,n kit form. Send today for our new 38 page catalog which includes Complete Engines with Dyno Charts. Ported Heads. Corrosion Proof Headers. Cams. Stainless Steel Valves. Blowers. Mikuni Garb. Kits. Clutch Kits. Ignition Systems. Flywheels and more. Call today or send $5.00 for complete catalog. Shipping world wide. Contingency program offered. Call: (714) 596-5494 ""[_-l"l~~~~r.":~~w""'.v~ Send to: ..__-___ ,J.-;;;;tJU.-'-~1.J.\!{!JJ~{[Jkl.£ LC. Engineering 2978 First Street, Unit G La Verne, CA 91750 Some products not legal on pollution controlled vehicles. Page 47

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SODA Drivers Descend on DePere! By Barb & Marilyn Schultz Hot action at the start of the Class 7 race has Dave Hameister with Scott Taylor nearly in his truck bed and Jeff Kincaid sliding past on the right to gain track position. The weekend of August 1 & 2 second with Allen a half a buggy found SODA racers, crews and length back for third. Glenn fans at DePere, Wisconsin for the Mathews drove to a fourth place Fox Riverfest Challenge, and finish and Mark Eberhardt (yep, "challenge" it was! Promoters Denise's husband) rounded out Dick Shinnick and Lee Ellis the top five. provided racers with a tight track It sure looked like it was going giving the term "short eourse" to be another "Jim Wiggins takes precise meaning. The track was it all" weekend with the Class I-designed to bring out the best in 1600 race. Wiggins and friend suspension and driver skill for Todd Attig both wanted that first both Buggy and Heavy Metal place position but Wiggins got it -. Classes. This Race Event was first and refused to share it with fourth in a series of six SODA anyone! Attig placed a close Races that were covered by Marty second. Jeff St. Peter placed a well Reid Enterprises for ESPN driven third. Rounding out the television coverage, sponsored by top five were Dan Baudoux who General Tire. finished fourth and Boudoux, St. Saturday's racing began under Peter, Attig and Wiggins had the clear skies and temperatures that field lapped. One of SODA's up finally felt like summer! Ronn and coming young hot shots, Krueger and Terry Friday were in Walt Carlson finished in a very place in the track announcers respectable fifth place. Carlson is booth, the Green Bay High Riders just eighteen years old and has were in position for Track Patrol learned how to maneuver his and all was ready for another Race buggy with real skill. Event in The World Series of Off Class 10 began wth five entries Road Racing -doiri' it SODA and ended with one; you might Style! just say attrition did a big number Class 11 Double Seat took the in this class! Lee Wuesthoff held track for the opening race after the honors going flag to flag for SODA's own Denise Eberhardt the win. Rich Ault was plagued sang The National Anthem. Rod with problems from the green Attig took an early lead and not flag, making just two laps. only went flag to flag with that Wuesthoffhadearlychallenge lead but lapped the entire field from first Billy Beck, then Kevin doing it! Nice race, Rod! Mike Probst. Beck remained on the Allen, Darrin Parsons and Rich track but obviously had mechan-W oulf put on a tremendous battle ical woes and dropped position. for second place that wound up to Probst had bigger troubles and be a photo finish race! Parsons went off the track completely. Art. had to pull off on the white flag Schmitt III came up to challenge lap leaving Woulf and Allen to Wuesthoff, Beck's machine gave come around darn near side by up the ghost and we had a two car side for position. Woulf took race. Four laps later Art's ,, Bi~/ Bowles grabbed the early lead in Class 5-1600 competition, and despite this nose stand Btll held onto the lead, stretched it out to the finish line and won· by a considerable distance. Page 48 machine said "adios" and the last four laps'belonged solely to Wuesthoff. Sorting through who broke down when, the finish was Wuesthoff in first, Schmitt in second and Beck in third. Al Fannin had to be a happy camper as he and his Chevy fended off the competition for a I win in the Class 6 race! Greg "Cra:y Man" Bekavac gave him a one lap run for the money and then ran into mechanical blues with his car's power cutting in and out and just not performing up to standard. Larry Woo d and Thornton "Ed Schult: put on a good battle for second place with Schult: making the pass for position and then having to pull off the track with a broken coil wire. Wood went on to take second place. Bekavac was still in the running for third place when his car finally said "I quit" giving John Znidorka a solid third place finish. Mike Brue had an extremely short race suffering a nasty endo before lap two of the 5-1600 race was done. Brue's machine damage was extensive, however he and his co-driver were not injured. Bill Bowles of Cousin's Racing grabbed an early lead and proceeded to put a healthy stretch on that lead to the checkered flag. Chuck Johnson gave Bowles a run for the money for the first lap and then drove into a full 360 degree donut. Johnson came back out of the full spinout like Sherman's march through Georgia picking off the competition quickly, evenly and with full driver Jim Wiggins had his 1600 roaring and won· both the 1-1600 and 2-1600 events, and here he slides past Todd Attig, doing a nose stand, and Attig was second in both races also. -courtesy. However, unlike and went to the finish line.with Sherman the march wasn't quite the win.Jeff St. Peter, Todd Attig, enough to overtake the leader. Dan Baudoux and Lee Wuesthoff Johnson battled the entire field all gave it the all American try but for a terrific second place finish. Probst did a magnificent job of In the meantime Terry Wolfe holding his own. Attig took the held second place for most of the lead for part of a lap but had to race with young second generation settle for second. St. Peter had a driver Jeff Karlman holding third good run going when he lost the until he spun into a full donut! wheel and kft the door open for W o lfe finished in third and Dan Baudoux to tradesecond Karlman held down fourth. The place back and forth between field was rounded out with Tom himself and Attig. Now, throw in Brockman and Scott Miller. Class Lee Wucsthoff who was right on 5-1600 seems to be making a the tail pipe's of both Baudoux strong come back in the SODA and Attig. At the final flag Attig Series! Nice job, fellas! placed second, Wuesthoff got Betcha' flagman Dick Gilson around Baudoux for third and can tell you all about the Class 9 Baudoux had to settle for fourth. race! This was a severe case of There was a hot race going on for "Supermanitis" for poor Dick. points and position between Jeff St. Peter lost a wheel on lap Chad Ramesh and Tom Schwartz-three sending St. Peter off the burg. All in all, there wasn't a spot track and the wheel headed on on the track that didn't have some with a mind of it's own! The darn good racing action going on. wheel headed right for Gilson and Another noteworthy young the crowd was treated to watching SODA hot shot to keep an eye on Gilson leap the guard rail in a is Class 3 's Chad Schleuter! This single bound! Can Dick Gilson twenty year old young man is in stop a speeding locomotive? his rookie year and knows how to SODA will have to run a Class put the pedal down and how to Choo-Choo to find out! · drive with courtesy. Schleuter Back to the race, this one came around lap one with the belonged to Jeff Probst. Probst lead, but by lap two he had an held off all attacks at first place obviously loose front end and hard charging Herb Rosborough was right there to take the lead and run with it. Schleuter came · around three more laps, lost control into a full spinout and wound up in one of the huge hay bales used to mark the track. Those are mighty big bales to take the front end right off a Class 3! Rosborough ran a flawless race to the win. Mike Savage and his new machine came zooming into second place followed first by Joe Dunlap, then by third place finisher Rob Roberts. Savage held second place to the finish. This race was full of fun stuff, like talking with Karen Schirm and learning that this was the first The Class 7 race was a wild affair, but Tom Hockers grabbed second spot after a full course yellow, and made a max effort on the final lap to win the race by a narrow margin. ! Saturday in twenty some years I that husband Bill Schirm had to 1 work a race Saturday. Now, we December 199!.Z Dusty Times

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Mike Soronson helps out Lee Wuesthoff, bending over his racer, and Lee went on to win the Class 10 honors, and he also placed third in Class 9 action. Mike Savage has a new Class 3 Mopar machine this season, and he moved into second place in the race early in the game and held it to the checkers. Chuck Johnson had his new Livernois Ford going well in both Class 4 and Class 14, which he led for a time, but he failed to finish either race. Jim Wiggins, left, gets past Johnny Greaves but later rolled in Class 7 action. Wiggins came back on Sunday to win the Mini Metal Challenge and Greaves was second in both races. like loyalty in a person so ya' need to know that Karen did the right thing -she packed up the motor home, left Bill a note that said "See ya' in De Pere" and went racing! Wayne Hood, as Bill's T earn Member, filled in and drove to a fourth place finish. Whew!!! It was darned hard to tell just what was happening in the Class 7S race! Not only was the track extremely dusty, a full course yellow was posted as a result ofJirn Wiggins' roll over on lap one. On the side, Wiggins was righted by the Track Patrol and was in such a hurry to get back into the action, he took off with the tow truck still attached! A full course yellow with eighteen Class 7S trucks on the course is confusing at best. John Greaves held the lead with Tom Hackers, the home town favorite, right on his bumper. The two drivers went almost the entire course in that order, bumper to bumper until the checkered flag lap. Hackers summoned everything his truck had and made a beautiful pass on the last corner of the checkered flag lap taking first place! Greaves was definitely hard charging as he was fighting with a flat right rear tire! Gentlemen, it was quite a show! BUT, that's not the only show that was on the track! Spencer Low drew a mid-pack starting position and worked his way through a hefty field of competitors, smacked a hay bale and still finished in third. Dave W oulf ran a very good race and placed fourth. Again, there was red hot racing action where ever you looked! Livernois Engineering truck was out by the next lap with the rest of the field still racing hell bent for leather! Flannery held the lead to the finish holding a fairly consistent eight second lead on Dorr, both drivers having lapped the field. Greg Gerlach had a fantastic race going for third place until he encountered two distinct problems. Problem one would be a badly smoking right rear tire and wheel. Problem two was that nasty hay bale he hit that rolled his machine on it's side. And who was right there to take third place? The remarkable Herb Rosbor-ough was there in his awesome Class 3! At the finale of this race Flannery had first, Dorr placed second, Rosborough held third and Jack Heidtman limped in for fourth. Yikes! Class B's Scott Taylor put the pedal down, lapped the field despite some really nasty track troubles and went home with the win! Looking at some of the misfortunes in this race; Brian DonLevy rolled his machine on lap two, D_ave Parsons and Pete Van De Hey somehow managed to get their bumpers hooked together and had a wicked time· getting them loose. Jamey Flannery found himself in a nasty spin on lap two that definitely cost him position and in general, there were "body parts" all over the track! Dave Hackers and Dennis Ferdon had a nice dice for second place going when Hackers had to pull off the track. Ferdon drove to an excellent second place finish followed by Dave Parsons in third. With a pit stop for a flat tire that only took thirty seconds, Jamey "Baby Thunder" Flannery posted a fast time of under one minute for fourth place. Chuck Brand rounded out the top five finishers. Class 2-1600 came off thl' green flag in a good clean start that featured Jim Wiggins in what looked to be another run away victory. Whoa, it was not to be as Wiggins' engine had a definite case of mechanical flu. Wiggins did hold the lead after five laps with Gerry Parent ready, willing and able to move into first. Parent, in the early going, was followed in order by Todd Attig, Jeff St. Peter, Mark Steinhardt and the rest of thirteen entries. Due to Wiggins' mechanical flu, first Attig and then St. Peter made the pass around both Wiggins and Parent. St. Peter could just taste that victory, got around Attig and was the first one in at the checkered flag. Parent dropped off the pace making the finishing order with Attig in second, Wiggins in a very well driven third, Mark Steinhardt in fourth and Parent in fifth. Holy Hannah, that guy Art Schmitt III and that guy Lee Wuesthoff, those guys are something else! Class 1 started with eight entries and attrition narrowed the finishing buggies down to three! How come those guys, that Schmitt and that Wuesthoff are so good? Here's the scene: W uesthoff came off the start like a shot out of a gun with Schmitt right on his bumper. They were followed in hot pursuit by Scott Schwalbe, Jeff Probst, Chad Ramesh, Jeff St. Peter. Trent Hanson and Todd Attig. Out of all the "hot pursuits" only St. Peter stayed in the game with Schmitt and Wuesthoff. All Attrition took a heavy toll on Class 4 . The class started with ten entries and finished with half of those entries .still running. We're here to tell you that this entire Class was flying around that course! Mark Hameister came around lap one with the lead but was quickly over taken by Jumpin' Jack Flannery, Geoff Dorr, Chuck Johnson and Greg Gerlach. Johnson's experimental It was quite a battle in Class 4 but usual winner Jack Flannery once again won the event in his Chevrolet, and Jack kept it together on Sunday to also win the Heavy Metal Challenge. Dusty Times December 199! others developed engine ills or flat tires. Now, on lap three Schmitt does a complete roll over and keeps on truckin' even though he lost some major time in the process. Wuesthoff looked like a sure bet for first place, but NO, he developes a mighty flat tire. Good old dad caught the flat and waved Wuesthoff in. Wuesthoff was off the course for two and a half laps, got back on the track and pulled out third place! So, who's on first? Art Schmitt with the roll over took home the victory. Jeff St. Peter both out survived and out drove the rest of the pack for second place. Class l completed Saturday's racing program and the stands emptied out. Please notice that we did not mention rain and DePere in the beginning of this report. It's a well known SODA tradition that it always rains at DePere, so we figured if you don't mention it, it won't happen. Wrong again! The threats of tornados, heavy wind, lightning, and strong storms held off until most folks had finished their evening meal. After that, Ka-pow!! The tornados stayed to the south but the winds and heavy rain made their annual trip to the Fox Riverfest Chal-lenge. And those rascals didn't clear off until morning giving Sunday's racers a real mud track. It was quite clear that the Promoters had done everything possible to make the track as race ready as possible. The Class 13 Road Warriors were first to take the track on Sunday and what a show they put on! The nasty spins, spills and thrills began before the first lap could be put away! Twenty strong Class 13 hit the track with Jim Murphy in a nasty pre-lap spinout and Jim Hiltunen absolutely mud mired so that a full course yellow was posted before lap one was history. In the early going Joe Zilisch and R .J. Flanagan traded the lead with Tom Jensen, Chuck Brand, Lowell DeGreef and John Schultz hot on their tire tracks. Zilisch hit some heavy lapped traffic and lost position leaving Flanagan and DeGreef to do battle for first. Hold the phone, DeGreef got wound up in a spin that cost him position. Meanwhile Dan Vanden Heuvell was picking his way through the crowd and had snuck into second place! Now we're on the white flag lap, everyone is driving with the intent to be number one at the checkered flag, Flanagan in the lead. Disaster! Flanagan loses position big time on the checkered flag lap! Dan Vanden Heuvel claims the win with Tom Jensen in for a well driven second and Chuck Brand getting by DeGreef for third. Flanagan had to settle for fifth behind Lowell DeGreef. It was a fantastic race! By the time the Road Warriors finished with the track, there were some muddy spots left after the night's down pour, but there also were some stretches that were already kicking up dust! Man, it just wasn't a Probst buggy weekend as Class 2 lined up ""' and Jeff Probst was off during lap two with a flat right front tire after holding a steady lead from lap one. Probst was back on the track by lap seven and off again to stay off on lap twelve. So who stepped into first, none other than Art Schmitt III who held that lead to the victory. Scott Schwalbe had a very nice run going and took home second place. Todd Wallace drove to a solid third place. Lee Wuesthoff?? A flat right front tire got him again before lap one could be put in. Wuesthoff came back on the track about half way through the race and finished in fifth behind the Probst buggy. The Class 11 Single Seat drivers lined up twenty four strong with an attrition casualty list of about half the Class. This race just plain belonged to Chad Ramesh! Ramesh took the lead on lap one and stretchl'd it out to a very comfortabk win! Rod Attig and Calvin Railey did some nice swapping for second place with Attig ~ Scott Taylor pulverized the hefty Class 8 field in his Ford, as Scott lapped the field en route to victory, and he placed a hard fought second in the Heavy Metal Challenge as well. Page 49

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While Lowell DeGreef didn't do his usual job in winning the Jammey Flannery, Jack's younger son, got a little off in the ruts Scott Miller flies his 5-1600 racer past the grandstand on the short, one mile track at the fairgrounds, and Miller finished sixth in the class. Class 13 event, he regrouped, fixed up his machine and came in Class 8, but he finished the Chevy fourth, and took third in the back to win the 2x4 and 4x4 Non-Production Challenge race. Heavy Metal Challenge in the same truck. Q" winding up with the year when all Class 13s must he action started before lap one was position, Bailey taking third. Glen sporting a recogni:able body? in with a full 360 degree spin out Mathews drove a very consistent Anyway, attrition did a big by Greg Gerlach putting him out fourth place. Cory Friday did his number on this Challenge quickly. After a full lap who was usual fine job of sneaking through allowing only five machines to in first? Jamey "Baby Thunder" the pack and wound up in a well finish out of eleven entries! R.J. Flannery was in first followed by driven fifth position. Mike Allen Flanagan and Farmer John good old dad, Jack Flannery and and Bryan Henderson did some Konitzer had a nasty start highly respected veteran compet-excellent driving mid-pack for managing to get hooked together itor Scott Taylor! Now that's an position as did Jim Grossman and on lap one in the wicked rhythm awesome group! Right on this Tom Deschaine. Kevin Kempka section. Bruce Shilts was doing a trio's heels were the likes of Joey and Jim Schuster did some nice nice job of keeping the door shut Flannery, Geoff Dorr, Dennis dicingalso.lnfact,ClassllSingle on Lowell DeGreef until Shilts Fcrdon,ChuckJohnson,Dave Seat had good racing action no had to pull off. Ya' really have to Hackers, Bob Remmels and Joe matter where you looked. keep an eye on Tom Jensen! Dunlap. With absolutely no Chuck Jonnson held the lead Jensen had a mid-field starting discre,lit to any contender, the for two laps in the Class 14 race position and coolly drove his way main hattle was hetween Flannery, showing that the Livernois to second position, first trailing TaylorandFlannery-oops,Jack machine and his skill definitely DeGreef by fifteen seconds and Flannery, Scott Taylor and Jamey has potential. Unfortunately, then barreling his way around the Flannery! Jack rolled by both Johnson had to pull off the track track to narrow that lead seven Taylor and Jamey by lap two and with more mechanical problems. seconds. Time was on DeGreef's went on to the checkered flag for So, once again it was Geoff Dorr side and the win went with the win. However, Jamey stuck in a run away romp to the DeGreef and the big Sha-boom tight to his machine keeping checkered flag. Bill Schirm had machine. Jensen took home an second place for a few laps until read Karen's note and was extremely well driven second. Taylormadeagoodcleanpassfor strapped into his Class 3 and Despite a bad break start Flanagan the position. After the pass young "drove to a solid second place kepthismachineonthetrackand Flannery stayed on Taylor's finish. However, Schirm did so just kept on haul in' the freight for bumper to the very end, always knowing that Class 3's Herh a good third place. within striking distance. Taylor Rosborough was right on his Just can't figure out what cameacrossthefinishlinesecond bumper just waiting for Schirm to happens to those fast buggies! The and Jamey Flannery was third. make any mistake. A veteran like Rear Engine Unlimited Champ-Dave Hockers did a marvelous Schirm rarely makes mistakes ( on ionship was up next and again a job of keeping his machine on the the track!) so Rosborough had to rather healthy numher of buggies track for a fourth place finish and settle for third. Chad Schleuter started the race with a whopping was the only other vehicle still left had his share of woes with hitting four entries finishing the race. running. a hay bale, having to leave the Todd Attig and Kevin Probst With the excepton of Bill "the track for adjustments and coming were at it tooth and nail, but one Survivor" Grohroski and his back to finish fourth. Bob more time Probst had to pull his Class 6 car, the Mini-Metal Bemmels had absolutely no luck machine off the track and into the Challenge was composed of Class as he broke an axle on the firstlap. pi ts. This gave Attig a forty one 7S machines. John Greaves and As the limited Rear Engine second lead over now second Jim Wiggins did the early battling Challenge got underway, it was place Scott Schwalbe. Attig took for first until Greaves rolled her looking like it might just be a St. it on in for the win. Schwalbe over at the first turn. While Peter weekend! Jeff St. Peter ha-! placed a comfortable second Greaves took off again after done well in his-Class racing and place. "Mr. Tom" Schwartzburg getting the rubber on the track, he grabbed the horns of the Limited not only kept his huggy on the was down to last place. Wiggins Challengeandtookoffwithit!St. track for the entire race he also continued on to do a mighty Peter had some wheel to wheel drove that baby to a nice third battle with Tom Hackers. Could challenge from Jim Wiggins, place! Nice work, gentlemen Tom pull off another last minute, Mark Steinhardt and Mark Tell ya' what, it didn't make hard charge win? Not this time; Hameister, he kept the door any difference whether you were a even though Hocke rs gave it closed lap after lap for the win. Heavy Metal fan or a Buggy fan, everything he had, Wiggins pulled Wiggins was put out of the race the 2x4, 4x4 Production Chai-across the finish line in first. when the rhythm section ripped lenge was a get on your feet race! Hackers was a front clip behind in offhisrightrearwheel! Hameister Twei'vT Heavy Metal machines second. Dave Woulf did an took the good end of the deal and took the track and simply rocked excellent job of maneuvering his moved into second. Steinhardt the socks off spectators. The truck from last place to a well held third and Walt Carlson had driven from the very hack of the pack to a solid fourth place. It looked like this pattern would remain for the rest of the race, but the rhythm section struck again! This time Hameister was the victim, the moguls threw his machine around like a beach ball giving Steinhardt the edge for second. Hameister had to bt· happy with third and Carlson breezed home in fourth. Ed Tessmer was definitlt·y in striking distance until he sustained a right rear flat. And back onto the track came the Class 13 Road Warriors todo battle in the 2x4, 4x4 Non-Production Challenge. Wonder what everyone's going to do next " Page 50 Dave Parsons got his Chevrolet into third place in the hectic Class 8 race, and on Sunday he got the truck ready for his wife Sherri to drive and she went out and won the Ladies Heavy Metal race. December 1991 earned third place finish. Gary Coppens pulled out fourth and the "The Survivor" in his new Class 6 he Id on to fifth - ya' done great, Bill!!! For those of you who follow the World Series of Off Road Racing, SODA, you might just get a little tired of reading the following statement, however, it's true and we don't care if you're tired of reading it! If you leave a SODA Race Event without staying for the the Women's Class racing, you miss some excellent racing action. The Women's Limited Buggy and The Women's Class 11 Buggy races stagger started with racing action over the entire track. Whoa, Tracey Silloway and Ann Shuster, Class 11 racers, got tangled up on the rhythm section with young Tracey sustaining a broken wrist. With the ambulance on the track both Classes were red flagged and restarted. Paula St. Peter took off in her winning ways in the Limited Class and went flag to flag for the victory. Brenda Tessmer drove to a solid second place. ShanAnne Suttles kt·pt up a steady pace to a third place finish despite a roll over on the white flag lap. In Class 11 , Shari Huven, Karen Christen-sen and Teana Attig battled for position with Huven finally repassin~ Christensen for the win. Christensen was right on Huven's bumper until, on the white flag lap, she smacked a hay bale costing her time but not position. Teana Attig placed third. Teana was driving her dad's.Class 11 -with a shock that was attached to thin air! When that buggy came off a jump the noise of that buggy hitting bottom absolutely jolted every hone in our bodies! As usual, Women's Heavy Metal Class racing was the last race of the weekend. Five Heavy Metal machines took the green flag but attrition hit this class early. Gail Brand went off going into lap two with a broken axle, Jeannie Mullani had definite mechanical problems on lap three and had to pull off. Robin Schultz pulled out soon after with a hroken axle. From that point on the race was between Sherri Parsons and Shari Recla. Despite some nice hard charging, Recla was unahle to get around Parsons. Women's Heavy Metal wound up with Parsons in first, Recla in second and Schultz in third. Spectators headed home, racers and crews packed up machines and equipment and either stayed for the Awards Ceremony or headed out for home. Another fantastic SODA Race Event was over. Art Schmitt Ill did the near impossible. He rolled in Class 1 racing, and came from last to win the race. He also won Class 2 after taking the lead as others fell out of contention. Todd Attig had a busy weekend, placing his own design racer second in Class 1-1600, Class 2-1600 and Class 9, and then Todd finished it off with the victory in the Unlimited Challenge race. 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Of the seven Mini Mags on hand, Steve Bristing's, foreground, was the most colorful. Here Scott Steinberger moves to pass into third in the main event. Despite a first heat roll over and a melee in the second heat, Ken Seale took second in the first 1600 heat and a strong second in the main event. Andy Anderson was another who rolled in heat 1. but he then placed second in the second 1600 heat and dropped to third in the main. Here he is passing the Unlimited car of Rafael Sanchez. Greg Sullivan took the lead and the win in the first 5-1600 heat, and he was going well in the main event when serious car trouble struck and put him out of the race. Carl Asterino is another of several Glen Helen veterans racing at Ventura, and he also rolled in heat 1, but got a good third in the second rouf!_d last September. Main event Baja Bug winner Larry Dunn, right, is about to put a pass on the Stacy Fay/Doug Goodenough Bug -that finished second in the main event. September Spectacular at Ventura Raceway Steve Bishop dominated the 1-2-1600 action, winning the first heat easily, but got got caught in the first turn pile up in heat 2, and came back to start the main from the pole and he stayed out front to the checkered flag. It was another gorgeous 1600 cars to mix up the action the Scorpion Technologies, Saturday evening at the beach in there among the ten 1-2-1600 Barret Enterprises car passed Venrura, CA, on Septmber 26, cars. They are fast becoming the Dunn for the checkered flag. and coincidentally 26 cars featured class in Ventura, butthe DougGoodenoughandStacyFay showed up at the Ventura crowdcheersforeveryclass,and teamedupintheBVPerformance, Raceway to do battle under the seem to enjoy the action from Fox Shox Baja Bug for a pair of palms for the off road show. Due start to finish. thirds in the heat races. The main to the cancellarion of the HORA In the Super Odyssey class Ron event was a real barn burner with event at Willow Springs, the Buccieri helped himself to a the Have-A-Chips Bug stretching Chenowth Mini Mags decided to second and a first in the heat races an early lead over the Scorpion go to Ventura to complement to give him an open field for a win Technologies car to close to half a their series and be cooled by the in the main event. Andrew lap. Then disaster struck Sullivan soft ocean breeze. Pompa, starting alongside Buccieri in the form of car trouble, and Seven Mini Mags put on quite a in the main, had to settle for L:,ury Dunn then breezed on to an show with Rory Chenowth taking second and Chris Urquidez came easy victory over Stacy and Doug. afirstandasecondinthetwoheat in third. The usual visitors from The featured Class 1-2-1600 races. This gave Rory the pole and the MTEG series were busy racing action pitted ten very competitive an unobstructed run to the in Denver that evening so the field cars against each other in a blood checkered flag in the main event. in this class was down a bit. and guts all out brawl. Three Jim Harris had an equally TheBajaBugclassdoesn'tseem drivers, Glenn Neese, Carl impressive heat showing with a to be as popular at the Ventura Asterino and Andy Anderson third and a first, but he had to beach front as in the desert. Still, went beyond the edge, rolling settle for second place in the main three very determined 5-1600 their cars, and Kenney Seale got event. Scott Steinberger in the drivers put on a good show helped onto his roof by an out of PCI Race Radios sponsored Mini anyway with some tight racing. control unlimited car. Steve Mag came in third. Larry Dunn in the Have-A-Corn Bishop in the G.L. Jackman Tile, Rafael Sanchez and Mike Chips,AIRsponsoredBugledthe JGTranswerkssponsoredracecar Hernande~ brought an unlimited first heat race until the white flag won the first heat race over car and were thrown in with the lap when Greg Sullivan driving Kenney Seale's Specialty Asphalt Dusty Times December 1991 Larry Dunn led most of the 5-1600 heat race, failed on the last lap, but he came back armed for the main event, and drove to victory as Greg Sullivan's Bug had troubles late in this event. racer and Dennis Sullivan in his Scorpion Technologies, Barret Enterprises car. The second 1-2-1600 heat race was even wilder than the first when the generally faster drivers, Bishop, Anderson and Seale, all drew rear starts. Jim Fay, having started in the back of the first heat line up, was able to drive away from the first turn pile up for an easy victory. Fay was followed by _Andy Anderson in the OT Transaxles car and Carl Asterino in his TransWest, Torrance Autobody Special. Steve Bishop ~med the pole for the main event and made good use of his starting position for a flag to flag winning performance. Ken Seale was once again the runner up. Andy Anderson came in third, Jim Fay was fourth and Marshall Ziegart in the Dan Shaw Law Offices sponsored race car took home the fifth place money. Make DUSTY TIMES a Stocking Stuffer for Christmas ORDER GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR YOUR FAVORITE OFF ROADERS NOW. DELIGHT YOUR PIT CREW - FAMILY HELPFUL NEIGHBORS - EVERYONE. DUSTY TIMES IS A BARGAIN GIFT WITH NO SHOPPING HASSLE $15.00 1 year * $25.00 2 years * $35.00 3 years Calif. residents add 8 1 /20/o sales tax $20.00 (US) 1 year foreign ~ SEND YOUR CHECK AND CHRISTMAS LIST TO: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311 Page 51

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GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY . . CA, NV, AZ., OR, WA ~ Antifreeze ,2.e ... ·environmental --.,,,i,_I Service Corporation WASTE ANTIFREEZE• USED OIL FILTER REMOVAL Jeff Cepielik Marketing Manager Southern California 16031 E. Arrow Hwy., Unit H • Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 337-3877 UTOCRA PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Off-Road Fiberglass • Off-Road Truck Fabrication Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins • Suspension & Roll Cages John Ehmke 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 619-583-6529 (619) 562-1740 FAX (619) 562-6151 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 FABRICATION & REPAllt' CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF-ROAD RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. ~NG TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE TOM MINGA 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 BAKER HI PERFORMANCE BATTERY RACE PROVEN BY STEVE KELLY, JERRY MC DONALD, ROD HALL AND MANY OTHERS CAU YOUR CLOSEST DEALER: JANDL FAB J-206-845-0617 RACE READY J -6 J 9-691-9171 MC KENZIE J-714-441-1212 100% CASH PAYBACK ON CONTINGENCY FOR MOST OFF ROAD RACING!!!!! CALL FOR FREE INFORMATION BAKER PRECISION PRODUCTS 1-310-427-2375 ~ HELMET~/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS Featuring Arai & Bell Helmet~ . 'BDR McKenzies 714) 650-4566 (714) 441-1212 -SUSPENSION SEe,Ts IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESSPADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S -,,SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "G<X>D STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merel~$•25 ,.00 per month. BAJA 1000 SPECIAL BONNEVILLE RED BONNEVILLE 106 $3.00/GAL $2.75/GAL 13~' & Uefhtcofe Roeitlg fueb For Those With the Need for Speed SHAWN MEADOWS 8194836244 619 4622926 BRANDWOOD CARS 752 Lapresa Ave. Spring Valley, CA 119n Custom Vehicle Shifter for mid-engines and other applications 602-437-3107 SMART Fuel Regulator Lowen1 fuel pn1ssure at part-throttle, to 1.Spsl at Idle. Cleans up richness at the Power !tl1b. Mileage lower end, tune for more po-r. Models for all carbureton1. $57.45 delivered U.S. Cal res +7.75% tax Box 2536 Rolling Hilla, CA 90274 310-3n-1so1 Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (714) 845-8820 Jim May 1957 So. Lewis Rd. Our Specialty Race Trucks Pre-Runners 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies (805) 482-0103 Camarillo, Ca. 93010 BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON =:=CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 943 Vernon Way 619-449~2991 . El Cajon, CA 92020 FAX 619-449-7103. CHENOWTH t lACING PRODIJCTS, INC. Check the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 (CNC] Manufacturers of CNC,-lnc. 1221 West Morena Blvd .. San Diego, CA 92110 (6 J 9) 27S-1663 Brake and Clutch Pedal Assy Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cuttihg ond Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog

Page 53

FLOATER REAR ENDS• fRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 MIKE • GAYLE • JON • DAVE • VIC • ANDX ~~~-Parts, Equipment, Accessories & Service 4-Wheel Drive - Mini Trucks Pre-Runners - Race Prep - 2-Wheel Drive 3209-A Thousand Oaks Blvd.• Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 (805) 494-RACE • (805) 495-6119 • (805) 495-3344 FAX (805) 495~2339 (DE rJy~~IO) HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 S~nta Barbara, CA 93111 MOTORSPORTS. DESIGNS JOHN HOST Ph. (714) 498-7443 Truck (714) 349-1168 1411 Calle Mlrador San Clemente. CA 92672 LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE SPICER· INCORPORATED <$> (714) 877-6491 SP/<;g-PARTS AND SERVICE ON AUTO, TRUCK, INDUSTRIAL, CN AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMIZING FAX (714) STT-6203 · C_alifornia Watts 1·800-427-4238 1750 s. lilac Ave. Contmental U.S. Watts 1-aoo-525-0395 Bloomington, CA 92316 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc. (714) 876-3107 P.O. Box 1090, Cotton, CA 92324 Wholesale/Retail Pickup & Delivery U.P.S. EDDCO Aluminum Wheel Straightening Specialist Aluminum -Wheel Straightening Metal Polishing Street, Offroad Circle Track 9435 Wheatlands Ct. Suite J Santee CA 92071 ·Shop-(619) 258-2575 • Pager - 973-0998 • RACING I . JOHN VERHAGEN'S ~GASOLINE~ 11~,1 LEADED108OCTANE . ~ ... ~ .... I uOfficial Gas of NASCAR,, CALL FOR YOUR NEAREST,DISTRIBUTOR · · 1-800-669-4504 DISTRIBUTORS HIPS AVAILABLE COSBY OIL COMPANY, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA 934. 5-1 28mm CV JOINTS DIRECT FROM GERMANY NOW IN STOCK PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLACKFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 MOVING? Don't miss an issue of DUSTY TIMES Send Your Old and New Address to Bob'Cassetta Don Rountree 20751 Marilla St. l,_ __ o_ON_'T GET CAUGHT WITH IMITATIONS! - Chatsworth, CA 91311--4408 ·825-0583 408 s. Arrowhead Ave. ,BAKER PRECISION PRODUCT Allow six weeks for processing. 888-2703 SAN BERNARDINO, CA L __ 3~~427-2375 OR FAX 310-~ __ 6-_52_9• _ ___, 92408 r--~P;;IL-;O~T::-:O~W::::-;N::E~R~S;=! ==---t--------:--:-iiiiiiiiiiiiii:~....--+-------::.-=;.-::::...--------l 12 vears Odyssey, Superlite and Pilot Racing Experience! E-Z UP'"' Get your two-cycle machine work done by true craftsmen 'Carbs, Pipes, Intake Manifolds, etc. "Powerbloc clutches hi-stall-Call 'Fox Shox-clickers w/remotes $895/set 'Trick digital off-road tach & temp gauge with memory $225 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 'Pilot 435cc big-bore k_its, incl piston 'Pilot, LT, TAX porting . "Mondo & gaskets $235 w/porbng $300 Horsepower"-$150 'ITP Alum wheels $39/Beadlocks $120 (mention this ad) (408) 374-6898 CW Racing Engines .3921 Via Cristobal, Campbell, CA 95008 ===1m =nws ~ · __;::::= - -- -- -- -- -. 'RACING PRODUCTS CUSTOM RACING RADIATORS All Aluminum Rabbit_ Replacement Radiators Send for a free catalog 2905 West Buckeye Road . Phoenix, AZ 85009 (602) 269-9194 (800) 842-5166 Feel the Difference! TRICK SHOCKS F[R: Single, Double, Triple, Quad Applications. Take-Aparts & Remote Reservoir Kits. INSTANT , SHELTERS ~ ~~ "'-..J?.tlGlllt.'-<; . FREE-~ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUTHORIZED DEALER 10728 Prospect Ave. "B", S~$. CA 92071 • (619) 562-8773 CASTEX RENTALS 213-462-1468 DON-A-VEE JEEP EAGLE THE HOT SHOE GLASSWORKS UNLIMITED Finally a race shoe tough . enough tor the desert ! Custom Fiberglass Fabrication Competition Proven J!1 Lightweight Design • ~~~~~~gs~. ~ -. -Comfortable & Durable Quality Construction -Molds --Product -Can Be Worn Everyday II A// Work H~nd Laid Up 17308-Bellflower Blvd. Bellflower CA90706 '_ • • Message: (714) 968-3767 PARTS: 7am-7pm M-F 9am-1pm Sat _· TIM GERWATOSKY 8 to 5: (714) 329-3459 310-867-4258 RICH FERSCH DOWNEY 8734 Cleta St. "C" Downey, Calif. 90241 (310) 862-1671 M-F 10-6 SAT9-4 OFF ROAD FABRICATION & DESIGN RACE PREP • FOX SHOCK REBUILDING V.W. REPLACEMENT r>ARTS & ACCESSORIES \LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS .SEAT BELTS' NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 9017 SAN FERt,iANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 ✓

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FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Carson, CA 90746 Phone: (213) 603-2200 FAX: (213) 603-2257 RE-ll(A8L£ V.W. PAffl 11623 SHEL-CON ST. SUN VALLEY. CA 913!52 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 91935 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 (619) 669-4727 Doug Fortin SHO:f #1 Racing Shock Absorber in the U.S.A.: FOX RACING SHOX • Off-Road Cars and Trucks (a d1v1s1on of Fox Factory, Inc ) • Motorcycle & Aulomot1ve Roadracmg 3641 Charter Park Drive • Snowmobiles San Jose, Cahforn1a 95136 (USA) , • Mountain Bikes Fox Fone. . (408) 269-9200 • Special Apphcat1ons Fox Fax _ (408) 269-9217 A RACING SUSPENSION DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1991 CHAMPIONS FRT BUDWEISER BUD LIGHT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES SPONSORED BY: THE WRIGHT PLACE, RACE READY PRODUCTS AND THE SCHILLING CORPORATION AJYS AND MQJORCVCLES "PRO" DEAN SUNDAHL (HIGH POINTS) ATV DEWEY BELEW OPEN WC JOEY LANE 250 MIC CRAIG SMITH 125 WC EARL ROBERTS VET MIC JOHN BILKEY SENIOR WC BOB THOMPSON SUPER SENIOR WC DESERT SUPERUTES STEVE FENTON BRYAN SAASTA SARA MORRIS VINTAGE MIC OPEN 360 DEZ STAR BUGGIES, CARS AND TRUCKS LARRY KERN CLASS 9 "SPORTSMAN" MIKESTilOMP GARY ROYER CHARLES BUCY BRENT COLEMAN "ELMO" BRITT JAMES TUCK TEO SCOTT SCOTT ANDERSON TODD TEUSCHER CLASS 1/2-1600 JEFF WRIGHT UNLIMITED CLASS TIM MCDONELL (HIGH POINTS) CLASS 10 KYLE WHITTED Cl.ASS 5 DWAYNE WHITNEY CLASS 100 DALE SNAITH CLASS 5-1600 BENNY ABATTI JR CLASS 8 JEFF HOSKINS CLASS 7 ROBERT STEINBERGER MINI MAG Cl.ASS 619-427-5759 • 250 KENNEDY UNIT I-CHULA VISTA CA 91911 NOW YOU CAN GO TIE RAGINS GWS THE WINNEIS ARE USING FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 -(313) 294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE. Fuel Safe's Racing Fuel Cells are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed the highest performance and safety standards set by all major racing associations. Call or write for e your FREE copy of the UEl SAf 1992 Fuel Sale Catalog ~Cdls For your local Fuel Safe Dealer call 1-(800) 433-6524 Aircraft Rubber Mfg., Inc. 5271 Business Or .• Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 Create • VINYL NUMBERS & LETTERS • CREW UNIFORMS • TRAILER GRAPHICS • T-SHIRTS, HATS, & JACKETS • DECALS • CUSTOM LOGOS CALL TOLL FREE 1 (800) 878-4401 FiiiiSHi.iiiE Visa & Mastercard Accepted (619) 444-4411 -·-·----.---.-. ... -.-.-.-.-APPAREL & GRAPHICS 1562 Wagner Or. El Cajon, C A 92020 Hffl~ . .., .. Rebuild Rod Ends • Heim Joint Specialist (714) 979-6631 ! 1·381 MU'lena Rivet Cllcle. Unit "H'", Fountain llall9y, CL 82708 DUSTYTIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is :i grcnt traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 20751 Marilla St.lite 0, Chatsworth, CA 91311 818-882-0004 Engine Rebuilding Buggy Repairs Bug Pack CNC Moore HOUSE of B_UGG_IES 10308 Mission Gorge Road Santee CA 92071 Mitchell Wheels 619-448-4180 SAW Performance .I -~ I ' / I -~ MANUFACTURERS OF: \ BllAKE ANn CLUTCH ASSY r1:,~FL'R\l.-1NCE rnm:Ir.;1s MASTER CY14 I NOE RS SI.AVE CYI, I NDERS TUR~ING A STAGING IIHAKES SHIFTERS AVAILAIILF. AT r-JNEII SPEr.lALTY SHOPS DF.Al,ER I NQURIES WEL,<;OME ELSINORE, CA 92350 ~~ 1158 FLINT STREET ~ PEnFn RM~NCE PRODUCT$ 714-245-6050 FAX 714-245-6052 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner· WWW™ Desert, Short Course & Street VW Racing Transmissions Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 632-1240 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION' (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. · SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN MARKING ~P-S~ ~A/e'S ~.-,C'/4/~ CUSTOM FABRICATION 138 SANTA FELICIA DRIVE GOLETA.CA 805-968-1 067 -;e,fCE" CAe "P.Ec'E"RV#N'ece -rKAlt..l=RS et C#'A,;£ r~vCK!: PR"~P ~ ~A.BR/CA77av' -r"t/1<"$0 91-Vii= &"A!!:OL/IVE" KENNEDY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS 38830 17th Street East Palmdale, CA 93550 (805) 272-1147 Send $2.-00 for our catalog "The experts in Engine Adapters to Transaxles" Rotary, Toyota, Rabbit, V-6's, Porsche and more to VW, Porsche (901 & 915) and Hewland. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS KENNEDY CLUTCHES KUSTER OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS • EXTERNAL DAMPENING ADJUSTMENT • 3" DIAMETER. a• TO 18" STROKE .. COMPLETELY REBUILDABLE • COMPUTER SUSPENSION DESIGN ASSISTANCE KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29TH STREET P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CAUFOANIA USA 90806 TELEPHONE31~95-0661 FAX 31~2&-7897 . -·:~·-:::•.· .... .i<:t:;·;_,t : • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering F.ABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 fl, KENT LOTHRINGER Assembly • Machine Work• Parts Engine Dyno Facility 10722 Kenney Street, Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Fax (619) 562-9079

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a .,-;,11••1,•41 • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TX 79936 cs.-.s] 857-5200 !ull/i¥i't1/1M PERFC>F?IVI.Ar-.lC:-E #~Fl<~LJtlc..- 1 ~ .. • "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax (714) 444-1622 MIKE MENDEOLA 10722 Kenney St. C-D Santee. CA 92071 (619) 562-9010. Fax (619) 562-9079 Brackets & Components for Chassis Fabrication Pro-Clamps • Battery Boxes • Radio Mounts Pedal & Shifter Mounts • Skid Plates Aluminum Floor Boards • Scoops & Shrouds Metal Fabrication N/C Punching to 30 Tons Forming • Sawing-Tool Grinding Shearing • TIG & MIG Welding STEVE WRIGHT 399 E. Harrison, Unit 0 Corona. CA 91720 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lahcaster, CA 93535 (714) 272-4272 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 4 T t -~ r 42425 5th St. E. Unit 0 Lancaster, CA 93535 Racing Product, Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514 AU70S ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS TRUCKS NATIONAL SPRING COMPANY, INC. 10229 Prospect Ave. Santee, Californin 92071 A COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SPRING SERVICE Leaf Springs Custortl Made & Repaired Shocks & Coil Springs Sold & Installed Blocks and U-Bolts made to order Off-Road Suspension Urethane Bushings Beeline Alignment and Wheel Balancing MOIOR HOMES (619) 449-ARCH 4 X 4's Telephone: (714),5354437 (714) 5~54438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 Check out the DUSTY TIMES Special Club Sub Offer (Almost half price for group subscriptions) Call 818-882-0004 or write DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla St. Chatsworth, ca 91311 Ro£1d -Bussy S11.11pply Race Car Chassis Race Car Parts Aluminum bodies 1/2-1600 Motors And Trans Custom Machine Work & Fabrication 2525 E.-16th St. • Yuma, Az. 85365 (602) 783-6265 • 1{800)231-8156 Fax (602) 783-1253 OFF ROAD CHASSIS Cnr~;,"~ BUENA PARK, CALIFORNIA OFF ROAD DYNAMICS (714) 592-2271 LA VERNE. CALIFORNIA FRAMES• RACE PREP CUSTOM MACHINING AND FABRICATION Dennis Rogers By Appointment Only J . . PENHALL 1660 Babcock Bldg. #B Coata Mesa. Ca 92627 FABRICATIONS Jerry Penhall (714) 650-3035 Fax# (714) 650-4721 ...--• == .... ■ Free Advice & Technical Assistance ■ R&D ■ All Size Jobs Welcome RACERS MACHINING SERVICES "If You Can Imagine It, I Can Make It" SCOTT DORDICK 714-394-1802 . 2041 E. Gladstone #H Glendora, CA 91740 Fax 714-394-1903 RACEWAlf Fastenen eliminate blown head gaskets, oil leaks and bearing failure! Race-Tech Engineering■ 11320 Brydon Dri11e■Taylor, Ml 48180 ■ (313) 946-4477 RUSS's V.W. Recycling 756 Alpha St., Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 303-4366 Specializing in V. W. Bugs,, Ghias and 914 's 'v"<-SIGN~ PROS ~'W }. (f' ,_ CALEORNIA ~~~ ;'?J JIM CECIL i ~ ~-0,J{(; 4045 GUASTI RD., SUITE 208 ONTARIO, CALIFORNIA 91761 (714) 460-1222 FAX (714) 460-6551 Pager (714) 398-6266 (213) 583-2401, fm'fi!Jff}ffj}f ERVICE, INC. ~ ~ETAL PROCESSING OFF" ROAD PREPARATION FOR TRUCKS, VANS, Be MINI TRUCKS PRE·RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SUSPENSION COMPLETE AXLE SERVICE • WELDING Be FABRICATION ., .S9Z I Wilmington Avenue Los Ange/cs. Calitorn,a 90001 Bill Montague Eat.1974 (714) 761 •9460 (714) 521 ·2962 SAN081.AST GLASS BEAD FLOURESCENT INSPECTIOI'< MAGNETIC PARTICAL Mark Smith Larry Smith

Page 56

§V(3W if~(;m! -======"Wt~\~ ~J ~== . 12221 DITMORE DR. GARDEN GROVE, CA 92641 (714) 539-5162 JOO SITT SIGNS· IWffRS · Wltl)()W LEmRN! · CAR LETIERNG • C&PHXS SPORT ~GIN~RI~ OFF ROAD METAL FABRICATION VW RACE ENGINES SUS.PENSION PREP TURN KEY VW CLASS RACE BUGGIES TUBE BENDING SHEET METAL MACHINING FLAME & PLASMA SHAPE CUTTING 818-994-7475 GREGG HAWKS VAN NUYS, CA CARROLL DITSON LEADED/UNLEADED Lancaster. CA ................................. (800) 462-9499 , Las Veqas. NV ................................. (702) 643-920_0 . Van Nuys, CA. ................................. (818) 786-8.180 Riverside, CA ................................. (714) 877-0226 San Diego, CA ................................. (619) 691-9171 ALL OTHER INQUIRIES CONTACT SPORTS RACING P.O. BOX 7835, LAGUNA NIGUEL, 92677 TOTAL PERFORMANCE _Race Prep. Roll Cages Tube Bumpers TOMMY BRADLEY Trackside Photo, Inc. 702-736-4406 2520 E Sunset Rd #4 Las Vegas, NV 89120 Jim Ober 310-610-6a91 Commercial Photography P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 !(ACE THANS BY JEFF RELJ)'S TRANSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998·2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 (UJttP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 10223 PROSPECT AVENUE SANTEE CA 92071 619/449-9690 ------OUR-DEALERS------UNITED L.A. AREA McKenzie's (714) 441-1212 Anane1m. CA St. Peters Off Road 1414) 285-3218 Port Washington. wl TERRI GARMAN President AMERICAN -RACING--------Phone or FAX (714) 270-0319 801 Ranch Vista Rd., Corona CA 91719 ProfeHlonal Race Consulting • Marketing • Promotions (714)363-1236 _______ -t--------------------t---------------------l RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS (714) 630-8283 ~naheim, CA . SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED , * Welding * Fabrication* Flame Cutting * Front Ends * Custom Chassis * Race Prep * Custom Lt-Weight Trailers Mtg'r. ol Blue Flame Producls (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 Suspension Components SAW Performance, Inc. 20755 MARILLA ST. • CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 818-700-9712 FAX 818-700-0947 TRANSMISSIONS WEST Kevin Pirtle 213/782-2413 22545 S. NormandieAve., Torrance, CA 90501 :i:::11::Ir 1·A:·~c K ·::::::i:::ii ... :-::/\: .. ·.····. acing gasoline : .. ·.·J/ ( ·=) ~~=~:~=:~:~~~tf :~~~:~~~::: ~ .-•.:-:-:-~~=~:~=!~~;J·•· .. •:-:-i~::::~·;·:·; ~-:(··:~: :;:! }}}:/:~:/:~•EFtEE~~~~E ~~~~~i~~:~_CE :/{ . :::::·:::=:::::::=•:-:::::::::=::·=·= JO MILLION MILES OF::::::::.:}:=:=::::=:::. .. · .;./:·:::: ·:·:· ·. CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION . :::::::-:-.;: :-: : · · · · Fo_r_intormation and a distributor near you, call . . ·.•: . . . 1-800-444-1449 ... : ·.·.·=~·=· TURBO BLUE llat:lng BnaOna 8446 Garfield Ave. • Bell Gardens, Ca. 90201 • (310) 928-2278 Lyn Mocaby Mike Mocaby Gordon Culp =='.it'=-=-P/1/Nr /IMl'C04TINIJS'IC{;?R~,a;.-J(J/;tJG * •~ TO~ MAJN!ENANCJ'.,fifld/¥1',f)'ll'J1!fUIN&-t< ' ~~.n MY~••~Vp~ •6!0· o Intelligence on a new level. Introducing the new SMART LEVEL'. A digital inclinometer COMPLETE MOOU.E with up to 0.1' repeatable accuracy. It will zero to any angle $ 7 gss and can be re-calibrated. Ideal for chassis building, body fabrication, fixture work or anywhere precise angular measurement is a must (such as wheel camber/caster settings, wing angles. etc.). Camber adjusting fixture f available separately for $59.95. =$:WATKINS 1111111/FI 7108ec:ofdAve. __ Clty,CAMOe3 PH I00-313,0I08 FAX'16-3e7-11106 .'FHE Wii WEB-CAM PERFO sports winning driver professionals before , Our dedication to you on top. Call WE for street • strip an $3 for the compl catalog. ~WEB-CAM •=RFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS (714) 369-5144_ John Weddle Chris Weddle Weddle Engineering Performance Transaxle Products Gear Sets, Super-Diffs, Bearing Retainer Plates Complete Racing Transmissions P.O. Box 15466•Long Beach, CA 90815 (310) 598-2731

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W ·IND R I V E R G R D U P PUBLIC RELATIONS ANO MARKETING CONSULTANTS EDWIN C . JACOBS PRESIDENT Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing ,¾ms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels ADAM WIK 535 E. Central Parl<. Anaheim, CA 92802 (714) 956-WIKS • Computerized Oyno • Flow Bench Facility • Tum Key Racing Engines 900 STATE MILL ROA D A KRON, OHIO 44319 (216) 1!>44-7774 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. /\l. 85017 Jack Woods (602) 242-0077 Engines California Rally Series Report .By Lyndt{! Allison I am pleased to once again be Director of the California Rally Series. There are many new rally fans out there, as I discovered at the recent Gorman event, and I hope to meet each and every one of you within the next few months. As my memory serves me, I directed the CRS for seven years, and was the SCCA Southern Pacific Divisional Rally Steward from 1983 to 1990 as well. This was a time of tremendous change and growth in our sport. The goals toward professionalism and higher standards for driver performance, co-driver excell-ence, better trained _service crews. and a complete re-thinking about both personal and spectator safety permeated all of our events. National licensing school, Divisional licensing schools, ·and driver and co-driver pre-event seminars were required. A PRO Rally license was "earned" in every sense of the word. I hope we continue with our high standards towards integrity, sportsmanship, camaraderie and competition that I have known since my first event in 1972. So ... LET'S DO SOMETHING! Mark your calendars for another annual Allison Holiday Gathering, S a t u rd a y , Dec e'm be r l 9 i n Corona, CA. It will be pot-luck with drivers bringing main dishes, co-drivers bringing salads & etc, and course-workers or service crews for desserts. Plan for 7:30 PM social hour and 8:30 to dine. Bring rally movies, films, pictures, etc. Something New!! Mel Freimuth 1911-1992 On Saturday, September 12, an off-road legend parted this earth. Mel Freimuth, of Crandon, Wisconsin, died of cancer, at the age of 81. Mel, who had been an early supporter of the Brush Run 101, as well as the Hodag 50, and Sugar Camp Challenge, was also a charter member of the Superior Off-Road Drivers Associatio·n ( Short-course Off-road Drivers Association) and held the position ofSODA's Technical Director during its early years, and continued to assist in rhe teching of vehicles for many years after stepping down from that position. Mel also had the privilege of being SODA's first Lifetime member. Mel's racing career began in the mid-70's after his two sons had started taking an interest in the sport several years before. At this point Mel was already in his 60's, and continued racing buggies until the age of 76. During that time he raced in Class 10, 9, 2-1600 and 11, as well as co-driving with his son in Class 5 . Off-road racing became a family tie for the Freimuth family, with both sons, Phil and Dennis, a daughter Deb, grandsons Scott Dusty Times and Wes and a grand-daughter Lori all becoming actively involved in the racing circuit. For Md, this family involvement was his highest victory. His racing accomplishments were many, but among the most valued were the first place finish atthe 1977 Brush Run 101 (when the track was still 25 miles long per lap), and being the first points champion in the Class 10 two seat buggies at the Superior Points Series in 1980. He also sported trophies from the Sugar Camp Challenge, Hodag 50, and the UP Off-Road 100, to name a few. It had always been Mel's dream to continue racing until he was 80 years old, however his health began to cause some complica-tions and he was forced to retire from actual racing in 1987, although he still remained active in SODA for several years afterward. To the members of SODA, Mel had long been an inspiration for what they all hoped they would be able to do when they reached his age. We thereforesaygood-bye to a friend and fellow racer, who has headed to the greatest Victory Circle. Bring · a "gag" gift of less than $5.00 labeled Male, Female, or Unisex (doesn't that sound interesting?) We'll have a gift exchange about 10:00. Call (909) 736-1442 for directions. New CRSISCCA t-shirts and sweat-shirts will be available at the Holiday Par.ty!! Don't miss it! Be sure to attend the Awards Banquet January 17. It is currently scheduled as a Sunday Brunch following some sprints Saturday at Glen Helen Off-Road Park in San Bernardino. Watch for a letter for more accurate information. Plans for the next few months include some co-driver seminars for sharpening navigational skills, some course-worker schools for those new to the sport, and we'll begin our monthly Rally Meetings again too. I look forward to meeting all of you. Best wishes for the holidays. Coming Nut Month ••• SCORE Baja 1000 La Rana California 200 MTEG Stadium Racing at Las Vegas and San Francisco WRC Rally of Italy -Sanremo 4x4 Dusty Trek Through Russia VORRA Yerington 250 SODA Midwest Points Championship SCCA Press On Regardless Rally . .. plus all the regular features ~.------------------------9 DUSTY TIMES Has Moved! Our New Address is: 20751 Marilla St., Chatsworth, CA 91311-4408 (818) 882-0004 A.LL.THEW December 1991

Page 58

Classified ••• FOR SALE: 1-2-1600 Raceco, Wright rack, Combos and arms, Fox shocks, UMP power steering, Beard seats, Mirage rear arms, strong tranny, radio with intercom. Very competitive car. Race ready, less engine. $7,500.00 firm. 2 axle trailer available $1,000.00. Call Greg (310) 379-0831. ';ei:: =,,jjF' ... ,~ .;;:;,:~ FOR SALE: Short course Class 10 Fuoco. Ground up rebuild. All new 1650 VW, Fox, Wright, UMP, 930 c.v. 's, Dura-Blue, Sway-A-Way, Wilwood, new urathene paint. Must see!! Prepped and ready to go! $8,500.00 oho. Call Tim (805) 499-3686 day, (805) 492-3037 nite. _ WIN NOW!! 1991 overall points champion sells his special secrets. A proven winner! Hewland 00300, Major motor, Class 1 or 10. The best of everything! Parts & spares included. $18,500.00. Serious inquiries only. Rich Minga (619) 583-6529 or FAX (619) 583-1851. FOR SALE: 1990 Class Challenger. Fresh engine & DJ trans. Fox, Wright, UMP, Sway-A-Way, Parker Pumper, K&N, trailer & spares included. Consistent top 5 finisher. Prepped & ready to race! $7,500.00 oho. Call Tim (805) 499-3686 days, (805) 492-3037 nites. FOR SALE: Raceco Porsche, 1989 SCORE/HORA points champ. FAT 3.2 liter, Mendeola 00300. Only 4 races in last 2 years, overall winner last race. Meticulously maintained-with only the hest parts. _Recent grol)nd up rebuild wlupdates. Huge inventory of quality spares. $32K Todd (702) 825-1863 mornings, or leave message. FOR SALE: 1988 International Model 160036'van. 7.3 literdies-el, 5 plus 2 trans. Professionally built, tons of storage, cabinets, benches, locker, tire rack, winch, Honda 6.Skw, cori1pressor, full int/ext power and lights, 36'xl5' canopy system, tow package, cus-tom cab, Imron, much more. Only 13k miles. 80k invested; 42K oho. Call Todd (702) 825-1863, leave message. FOR SALE: 1700cc Type I. Berg pistons & rods, Engle 110 camshaft, 69 counter-weight crankshaft, single 44 IDF Weber carb, big valve heads 40x35. Ready to run $750.00. Call Jeff (714) 391-4568. FOR SALE: Berrien Laser, Class FOR SALE: 1987 Jeep Cherokee 1 or 10. 2 seater, coil-over Bil- motor, 11.J TRW's, 275 cu in, FOR SALE: 1978 Chevy Class-8 steins, Rev-Power, 2 fresh Mend-fuel injection, roller rockers, legal pre-runner. 383 stroker, eola transmission, Wright com- Jac_kson gear drive, Borla headers, Turbo 400, Dana 4.11, posi, 34 bos, UMP, Flame-Out, Fuel Safe, Clay Smith cam, strong runner. gallon fuel cell, 4 wheel discs, 12 Summers front & rear, liquid Much more $2,000.00. Call Doetsch Tech take-a-part. Too filled gauges & much more. (616) 267-5135. much to list. Must see to Proven winner with tons of FOR SALE: FAT Performance appreciate. Truck has less than spares. First $1,800.00. Call built1607ccToyotaAF 16valve 1000 miles. $11,000.00 oho. Call (512) 679-7489. engine. Corri l lo rods, trans PARKER 400 -JANUARY 30, 1993: Why rent? Buy Parker river house; 2 bedroom, 2 bath, dock on river, boat storage, electric gate, only a two iron shot to the golf course. $146,500.00. Easy terms. Talk to me! (213) 254-1531 or (602) 667-2322. WANTED: Single seat Class 9. Mail info to: John Howard, 305 Vineyard Town Center, Suite 321, Morgan Hill, CA 95037. : ass un imite . Fresh chassis-up rebuild, 3.5 liter all aluminum V8, Wright, Super Boot, Taylor Made, Neal, KEP, new rubber, Simpson, Strong trans, custom trailer, $9,200.00 or trade for competitive 112-1600. Call Bob (408) 265-5027, FAX (408) 265-6092. "/· '. m,,;; ~;;;~· ' ... ' , ·: . FOR SALE: SCORE lega 1600, very dependable car. 1990 B.O.R.E. overall points champ-ion, 22 gal ATL cell, Pumper, Beard, Diest, Bilsteins, Wright steering & combos, Neth beam & arms, SAW, Yokohama, SACO engine & trans by Skinny. Some spare parts. $4,750.00 complete. (208) 733-3074 days, (208) 733-9084 nites. (714)971-7798askforEd. ATTENTION BUYERS & adapter,clutchlpressureplate, FOR SALE: Raceco Class 1. FORSALE:20acresofpinetrees SELLERS:Over30cars&trucks alternator, complete excellent Wright p i s, Fox shocks, coil above Tehachapi. Near 6,000' for sale, all off-road, all classes. condition. $5,000.00 oho. Tom overs, Wright combos, 091 level. 2 pads cut on property,; Expertininternationalsales-12 (619) 448-5392, (619) 441-Hewland,SuperBoot930c.v.'s, both with magnificent view of years experience. Currently 8936. radio, Woods arms, fuel cell, entire Antelope valley. 4 season dealing with 8 countries. The FOR SALE: 1987 Dodge Vista Parker, Beard, super Mazda rotary climate. Miles from paved road & ONLY off road broker & Colt 4-wd 5 speed tranny. Noisy 230hp. Dependable, fast. civilization. Inside locked gates. consultant. Call Rich Minga at fourth gear but runs okay. Make $9,500.00 or trade for light 1-Easy access on good graded road. BajaConcepts(619)583-6529or offer -you haul. Call John at 1600. Deliver west coast. Call ~~~ ~~.;,6~1~!_ __ ._:~6.!,;~~u_ ____ ~!_Y_2:i::!!~2!~~2!; ___ c_,_;;;;2;;;0:;;;;_6;;;;;);-;;~;;;;8;-;;'!_;;;;-2;-;;~;;;;2;:;~;;;;-;;-:-;;;;.c-wiiiiiiiiwiiriwww.;;;i~i.. I I I I . I I I I I .I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I DUSTY TIMES. Classified Ad~ertising rate is only $15 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wisli to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All Classified Ads must be PAID IN ADVANCE. I I I' I I· I I I I •• I I I I Enclosed is $ ____ (Send check or money order, no cash) . Pleas.e run ad _______ times. I I Name Address ______________________ Phone _______ _ City _________________ _ State _____ Zip ______ _ Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 20751 Marilla Street Chatsworth, CA91311-4408 I I I I •· Page 58 December 1992 FOR SALE: 7S Chevrolet, 9 races old. SODA legal, 2.SGM S.D., 400 trans, 9"S.C.P. floater, alum hubs & calipers, Henry's, Stranger, Fox, Beard, BFG;s, glass front end, National springs, spares: all goes. Must sell by l/l/93. $13,000.00 Call Mark ( 414) 757-6261 days, ( 414) 779-6492 nites. FOR SALE: 1-1600, Wright rack, Fox shocks, Beard seat, fresh trans with Hewland. Motor fresh. 930 c.v.'s, Sway-A-Way, Dura-Blue stubs, UMP pwr strng, Centerlines, Yokohamas. $6,500.00 (714) 9<l9-4580. FOR SALE: 1 12-1600 Hi-Jumper. New Wright rack, Beard seat, Neal cutting brake, bus IRS, close ratio 3rd & 4th. Fuel cell, new brakes & bearings, strong & legal 1600, Doetsch Tech take apart shocks, KYB gas adjusts, trailer included. Short course race ready. $3,000.00 (303) 642-0608. FOR SALE: 5-1600, new motor, Mendeola trans, bypass Bilsteins w/ big reservoir, Fuel Safe, Flame-Out, Taylor lumbar seats, new beam, new Saginaw steering box, Big Bump Stop front end, Wright combos, new drums, well prepped FRT front runner. $8,500.00. Minus motor & trans $5,500.00. Best bug for the buck. (619) 442-9757. FOR SALE: Class 10 "Tandem"; Rabbit motor (fresh), Raceco tranny, combo links, pumper, steering, fuel cell, JAMAR, many extras and spares. Must sell or trade for 4 wheel drive vehicle. Owner crazy, make offer. Call (805) 251-5970 or (805) 251-7222. Ask for Russ. Great starter car or pre-runner. FOR SALE: Fresh 2180cc motor; lots of power, all the good stuff, dry sump parts complete. Ready to install. $1,900.00 or trade for? Call (805) 251-5970 or (805) 251-7222, leave message. Must sell, owner went crazy. FOR SALE: Brand new, never been driven Class 11 race car. IRS, ready to go racing. Must sell, best of everything. Call (805) 251-5970 or (805) 251-7222. Ask for Russ or leave message. FOR SALE: Jeep CJ-7, AMC 401, Turbo 400, Q-Trac, Dana 44's w/ locker, 32 gallon fuel cell, SCORE legal, proven finisher, race or build solid pre-runner. $4,000.00 obo Call Rich (602) 962-8172 nites. FOR SALE: Class 10 or 2 Raceco 2 seat, Racengines 1650 dry sump VW, Summers hubs, disch, Fox shocks, coil-overs, Wright, BFG's, Centerline Bead Locks, all the best parts. 1990 Nissan 400 winner. Fresh prep, race ready. $16,000.00 oho Call Les (714) 879-3800. FOR SALE: Class 2 or 10 Chenowth Magnum with Type 4. Mastercraft, Bilsteins, coil-overs, Wright, Sway-A-Way, SACO, Hewland bus, power steering. Will sell with or without engine. $13,900.00 Mike (714) 279-9370. Dusty Times

Page 59

FOR SALE: Class 9 Challenger, 2 seat JIMCO, chromoly chassis, Jay Ellington motor, ITS trans (Rino case), new rear shocks, Wright, Sway-A-Way, K&N's, dual Parkers, CNC controls, RLH radios, 2 Simpson helmets w / intercom, 1 driver suit. Spares, trailer, etc. $6,800.00 oho Gary (714) 653-0098. FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1966 VW convert, stock - Trade for Class 5 or $3,220.00 Call Rubi (415)892-3347. FOR SALE: Class 10 short course stadium Rabbit engine. Built by Dyno Shop. Assembeled with all the best parts available. Call for more info. Smith Racing (818) 579-2135. FOR SALE: 2 new short course 091 bus transmissions. FTC gears, 4:86 ring and pinions. Call for more info. Smith Racing (818) 579-2135. FOR SALE: General Grabbers MT's. 37x12.5R17LT new tires. Have twelve. $150.00 each. Lake Havasu, AZ (602) 680-0012. WANTED: Mechanic/ Fabricator for off road shop in Lake Havasu City, AZ. Muse be very experienc-ed in VW, rails and dune buggies. Send resume to: Finish Line Performance, 1751 W. Acoma Bl., Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403. FOR SALE: Class 10 two seater - New VW air cooled, bus trans, Dual 40 W ebers, Yokohama, Centerline, Simpson, Mastercraft, CNC, Earls, Pumper, Flame-Out, Sway-A-Way, Bilstein, Porsche steering, PIAA, new aluminum body, new brakes, double axle trailer, some spares. Great car! $5,400.00 oho. Call (310) 547-9404. ~ -•,Jt~:!~~ FOR SALE: Chenowth Class , rebuilt engine, Fields trans, Fox shocks, Parker, Beard, Sway-A-Way & more. Lots of spares, tires, wheels, parts. Includes trailer. 3 straight finishes. Mint 400 dependable car. Race ready. Moving! Sacrifice at $3,500.00 obo. Call Craig (805) 943-9060. FOR SALE: Probst Laser 2 seat coil car. Multiple class winner. Meticulously maintained. Best of everything. Less engine & trans. $11,500.00 Toyota 4AGE engine, 1650cc. Built by Bob Goshen. $8,500.00 invested. $6,000.00 obo. Toyota 3 liter V6 engine. Best of everything. $13,500.00 value. $7,500.00 oho Call Art Schmitt ( 412) 687-5093. FOR SALE: 2-1600JIMCO, Best of everything. Wright arms & combos, Fox shocks, JG trans, 930 c.v.'s, power steering, Fuel Safe. Proven winner. Car has been prepped from the ground up. Race Ready! Trailer and lots of extras included. MUST SELL NOW!! $14,500.00 Dave (714) 999-2456 days, (714) 970-9591 home. ATTENTION: Looking for unfinished race car, Class 1, 10 or 1-1600. Must be quality chassis. No antiques. Engine or trans not important. Call Mike (208) 336-0662 days or (208) 322-4409 nites. Dusty Times FORSALEOR TRADE: 1-1600 Raceco, l 16nwb. Fox w/ reser-voir, Parker Pumper, Flameout, Wright box, arms & combo's, fresh bus trans w/ Hewland, new motor, power steering, spare tires & parts. $8,500.00 or possible trade or part trade for Cladd 9 car. (619) 244-0888. FOR SALE: Trailmaster 18' tandem axle trailer, electric brakes, low miles $950.00. Also, 1991 GMC Yandura 1 ton van. Trailering package, unique conversion for race car tow vehicle/private use/multi pur-pose. 9,200 miles; like new. $13,500.00 Dave Peterson, 547 Wisconsin St., San Francisco, CA 94107. ATTENTION: SELLERS/ OWNERS. Driver & co-driver want to rent competitive car/ truck for 1993 La Rana desert series. Will rent for entire year or single race. Compensation based upon vehicle and terms. Call John at (619) 451-1415. . -~ -~ FOR SALE: 1990 H&R Mirage Superlite, MTEG legal, Fox shocks, FL 350 motor, Fuel cell, Beadlocks, Triple E gearbox, Type IV c.v.'s, 13n tires, lots of extra parts. Very competitive. Call John at JMS Motorsports. (714 )842-7238 nites, (310) 327-8323 days. FOR SALE: Mitch Mu;t~rd 1991 Chenowth Magnum. Spare Toyota engine, 3 trans, many spare parts. Best of all parts also. (303) 423-8204. FOR SALE: RACE CARS GALORE! ( 1) 1989 Class 8 Ford w/ Bilsteins, Summers, 35 lcid, 42 gal. cell & all spare parts $19,900.00. (2) 1990 Class 8 or pre-run Chevy, 406 cid, small block super clean $16,000.00. ( 3) 1989 Class 7 Ranger w / ex-tended cab, Rev Power 2.8, Summers, 4130 & heliarc, best of everything & a few spares $16,000.00. (4) 1988 Class 7S, 2.4 Nap Zee motor, very nice truck, lots of secrets, Tons of Parts. $18,000.00. (5) 1990 Class 7 Chevy S-10, 2.8 Falkner, dry sump, Fox shocks, ¼elip, new rear, tons of spare parts $22,000.00 or $13,000.00 no motor. ( 6) MTEG Class 10 Magnum $25,000.00. (7) Two short course Funco's, 1 at $6,000.00, 1 at $9,000.00. (8) 112-1600 Chenowth "Neth" $15,000.00. (9) l/2-1600 Chenowth, very clean $13,500.00 ( 10) Class 1 Fod car, awesome $35,000.00. ( 11) Class 8 or wild Vessels pre-runner $50,000.00. { 12) Chevy Blazer 2wd, nice & wild $25,000.00. (13) 4 seater Hi-Jumper $12,000.00. (14) 2-1600 $9,500.00. ( 15) 1600 $7,000.00. (16) 1600 $15,000.00. (17) Class 5, apart & unfinished $10,000.00. ( 18) Class 5 Fortin Hewland & Type IV $18,000.00. (19) Class 5 unlimited winner, Fox coil-over, 2400cc motor, Raceco box, Ed Frisk chassis, outboard c.v.'s & much more $15,000.00. Trailers & radios also available. Professional consulting for 14 years. Rich Minga, Off Road Broker. (619) 583-6529 or FAX (619) 583-1851. ATTENTION STEVE: Would the Steve with the 1990 2 seat JIMCO Class 9 car please call back. I would like to get more info on your car for a possible trade. (619) 246-4554. FOR SALE: Chenowth Mini Mag, excellent condition only ran 4 short course races. Must sell!! $10,000.00 oho Call Mike (818) 961-8086. FOR SALE: '77 RX3 Mazda open classrallycar.12ptcage,200+hp, 3 link suspension, fuel cell, adjustable front & rear suspen-sion, much more. $2,800.00 FOR SALE: '73 4WD¾ ton Suburban, full Rancho suspen-sion, 55 gal gas tanks. Fully outfitted, great chase & pre-run. · Great condition C.B., new engine $4,500.00 Call (310) 691-1176. FOR SALE: 1987 KW Motor-home & trailer complete. Many extras. Call Mitch at (303) 423-8204 days, (303 )421-5553 nites. FOR SALE: Class 5 car convert-ible. Complete car minus engine & trans. Complete Wright front end, 11" over, coil-over Fox, ABS discs, 10 Fox Sho<;ks, Beard seats, Dura-Blue, SACO rack, Parker double pump, power steering, irick3x3 arms, new4130 torsion housing & center adjuster. All parts straight & good, body panels clean, oil cooler, A TL cell, Centerlines. Lots of$$$ invested. Must sell! $3,000.00 obo. Car in so. Cal. Will not ship. No B.S. calls please. (408) 375-2242 8-9 pm only. Ask for Dan. Will not part out. Must take all. Also; trans 091 tall gears, never used $1,000.00. BRAND NEW: FAT 1650 air cooled Class 10 motor. All the best, incl. UMP pump. Only 150 miles. Will trade for Toyota Class 10 motor or $5,000.00. Call Dave Black (714) 541-9983 or (714) 363-1734. FOR SALE: RACECO Class 2 (new) completed 9 /92. 30 miles testing only. California Motor-sport 2.6 Type IV, Hewland, Ashcraft, UMP, Summers, Super-Boot, Wilwood, Wright, PCI, Bilstein, Fox, FuelSafe. All the best parts, too much to list. Must sell fast. $13,500.00 oho. Trade for late model NASCAR Sportsman, or????? Call Pat (714) 685-9369. WANTED: Class 4 Chevrolet pickup, less engine & trans, rolling chassis or even minus rears. Looking for frame, suspension & body. Please send photos & details to: Lee Lucas RD#2 Box 721, Shamokin, PA 17872 or (717) 648-3902. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Baker Precision Products . • . . . • . • • 6 Barbary Coast -Gold Coast Hotels • . 9 Bilstein Corp. of America • . • . • • • • • 31 Cactus Racing Products . . . . . . • • • • 12 Castex Inc .• E-Z-Up • . . . • . . . . • • . • 17 Dick Cepek, Inc. • • . . • . . . . . . . • • . • 39 Champion Bead Lock Co. • . • . . . . . • 40 Classy Products • . • • • • • • . • • . • • • • 20 DeNunzio Racing Products . . . . • • • • 29 FAT Perfonnance ••.••••.•..•••• 35 FRT Dunaway Dash • . . . • . • • • . . • • 2 Gennan Auto • • • • . • • • • .. • • • • . • • 19 Rod Hall Driving School . • . • • • • • • • 26 Hi Tech Off Road •••••••....•.•• 45 KC Hilites • • . . • • • • . • . • . • • • • • • • 23 Kuster Performance Products . • • • • • 8 La Rana New Years 200 • . . • . • . • • 7 LC. Engineering ••••••.•.•.••.•• 47 Nevada Off Road Buggy • • . • • • • . • • 33 Parker Pumper • • • . • . . . . . . . . • • • • 21 Parker Pumper • • • • • . • . • . . . • • . • • 37 PCI Race Radios • . • . . . . . . . • • • • • 59 Pike's Family Restaurant . . . . . . • . . 11 Race Ready Products • . . . • • • • • . • • 27 Race Shocks • • • • • • • • . . . . . • • • • • 22 Gary Sewell -Dean Pools • • • . . • . . • 15 Marvin Shaw Engineering ••..•••• : 38 Marvin Shaw Shocks • . • • • . • . • . . • 43 Dave Shoppe Racing . . . . . • • • • • • • 25 SNORE El Dorado 250 . • • . . . . • • . • 5 Trackside Photo Inc. . . . • . . • . . . • . . 57 Tri-Mil Industries • • . . • • . . . . • . • • • 4 Toyota Motorsports . • . • . . • Back Cover Valley Performance -Hewland . • • • • 41 Whiskey Row Screen Printing . . . . • • 13 Wright Place • • • • • . • . . . • • • • • • . • 36 Off Road's Winningest Radios OVER 1,944 ON THE RACE COURSE! Comlink V • The Ultimate Racing Intercom Helmets wired $125. (CF) ROAD MASTER • NEWI RF Pre Amp $95 30% to 50% more range! 2888 Gundry Avenue Signal Hill, CA 90806 We're next door via U.P.S.! December 1992 "A LEGEND" Only$539 Page 59

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...... ·-A ---~ ID SEAsoN., WE w1:•oSHow 0uR ...... ,.,.~·f'fl'OIIS 5cMtnNI ~ ,...._HER IHAN 0uR .... • Toyota wins 9th . MTEG Manufacturers' C~am_pionship 1n 10 years. You've heard what they say about sled dogs: if you're not in the lead,the view never changes. Well, same thing goes for truck racing. And seeing how we've led all season long, we're con-fident that our competitors have seen enough of us from that angle to last them till, well, next season. Congratulations to Team Toyota drivers Rod Millen and Ivan 11lronman11 Stewart. Not only have they given us our 9th Manufacturers' Championship, but also our 7th Drivers' Championship. And thanks also to Precision Preparation, Inc. and TRD, USA, for keeping both trucks in top form all season long. So before you turn the page, take one last look at the picture above. Because unless you drive a Toyota Truck, too, it may be your last chance to see it this way for quite a while. "I love what you do for me!' @TOYOTA ~~. ~ ~ ,,_ TOYOTA\' J. TECHNOLOGY ON A FAST TRACK © 1992 Toyolo Mo4or Soles, U.S.A., Inc. •