Volume 8 • Number 1! - December 1991 ISSN 8750-173! Covering the world of competition in the dirt
BARSTOW, CA JANUARY 3 - 5, 1992 La Rana Desert Racing Promotions 22769 CHAMBRAY DRIVE, MORENO VALLEY, CA 92557 (714) 924-2226
· Volume 8 - Number 12 December 1991 In This Issue ••• Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm - Editorial Assistant Janay Smith Controller John Calvin Circulation 0. Osborne Contributors John Ames Jim Baker Darla Crown C&C Race Photos Carrera Photography Leonard Day Don Dayton Daryl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Deb Freimuth Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Rod Koch Matt Marcher Jan Flick Mazzenga Michael Ross Bob Rule Barb & Marilyn Schultz Wayne Simmons Darrell Smith Daryl Smith Judy Smith 3-D Photography Subscription Rates: •· · $15 .00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. · Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. · DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690; ISSN 8750-1732, is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura; CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part o~ this publication may be reproduced without wntt~n permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. FEATURES Page HDRA GolJ Coast 100 hy Judy--Smith ...... . ..... . ........ - - I 0 MTEG Stadium Ra.-ing in Denver ........ ........... - - . - - . - I~ SODA Midwest Championships h\' Dt:h Frl"imuth-Gria ....... 22 FORDA Racing in Tallahassn· h\' Waynl" Simmons ........... 25 VORRA Prairie City hy Da ryl Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... ..... 16 -Suharu Legacy 4W[) T urhn hy John Calvin . .. . . . . . . . ...... - 2<) Texas Challenge at Notrt·t·s ............ - . . . . - - --... . -. - - - -'ll 1 WRC Rally of Australia hy Martin Holnws ............. -... -i2 FRT Plaster Cit)' Blast hy _lu,I~· Smith ................. . ..... H La Rana California 2()0 hy Jl"an Calvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l~ Gran Carrera de Campeones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -44 SNORE 250 hy _lean l 'alvin ·non Da)'ton .......... ........ -4:-i SCCA Gold Rush Pro Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... -.... 5,, DEPARTMENTS Soap Rox hy Petl'r Stark ............ . .......... - . - . . 4 Trail Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Happenings ..... .......... ........... -.. - • • • • • -• - • • - .-. -· -() Yokohama 6-50 ( '.!uh ........... . ..... . .......... -.. -... . 4 'l CRS SCCA So-P,K Division Nl"ws . . . . . . : ....... .... -... - • 4 'l Chn·h-rs Column .................... . . ...... . • .... -.. -- 4 'l Competition Revil"W Hoard hy G.-.,rgt· Thompson ...... ...... 4~ Worl,I Championship Rallv Nt·w,, i-1· Martin Holml's ......... 41 Christmas Goodil's Galm<' . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ........ 51 Good Stuff Din·ctor\' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Classified Ads ........... ................... . . .... ... .. -'>~ Index to Adwrtist:rs ............... . .... . ..... . - . . ',<> T rackside Photo Enterprises POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. ON THE COVER-Tom Koch sails owr tht· lumps n,·ar Ri.lj.!t•.-r,·st. CA in Rex Keding's Class I() singlt· s.-ar Ra«·,·o . Th,· pair split rlw driving chores, ha-I no rl'al prohl,-ms, an,! surprisl",I many tolks 1---: arriving first on thl" road un,kr tlw ,·h,-,·k,·r,·,1 !lag, an,! thq • w,·n· not only first in Class I(), hut scorl"d first owrall Oil rim,·. ( 'nngratulations to Tom and Rex, winning in front Pt a honw hm n now,l m R1,lgl'nest. Getting the_kep up on its r,·:1r wh,·,·1, ,li,ln ' t slow_l,Kk _h,hn,-_nn a h,it nn his wa y to a well dl"s,·rwd owrall vkro_r\' in the_ HPRA l,ol,I Coa., t 300. Johnson has won-on his honw turf in a vartl't)' of wh1ck s trom hikes· to huggit:s. hut this was his first l :Jass I 2 and owrall rirll" in a truck hoJied unlimir,·,1 m,Khim·. ;111,I h.-,!.-lighted his sponsors with a virtually trouhle fr~·t· run to the tirl,· .. l 't,lor Photography hy T racksi.k Photos Inc. Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. Dusty Times A Very Merry Christmas from all of us at Dusty Times to all ouT friends all over the country and the W01'ld. Happy Holidays I I • I\~ ..P DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $15.00 □ I years - $15.00 D 3_years -$35.00 CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS -NEW SALES TAX!!!!!!!! Add: $1.25 - 1 year, $2.00 - 2 years, $2.75 - 3 years Take advantage of your subscription bonus •.• Free one time classified ad up iu 45 words. (Form _on inside back page) Name--------------------- - -----Address ________________ ___ _,_ ____ _ City State __ __.: _ ____________ Zip--------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian. 1 year $20.00 U .S. • Overseas subscription rates quoted on request) December 1991 Page 3 I I I I I I I I I I ·I I
SOAPBOX Riding Shotgun By P..:!er Swrk, Oconto, WI Racing is a different thing when viewed from the passenger side of an off-road racer. If you've ever ridden along while someone else · is driving a snowmobile, motor-cycle, car, boat or plane at a good clip you've probably had the same · feeling I've had. You know, that feeling from deep down in your gut sensation that you sometimes get when you know you're not in control of the situation. Take that feeling and triple it and you begin to understand what it's like to co-drive in an off road racer. Your life is in somebody else's hands (and feet for that matter!). As the regular co-driver for Brian Donlevy's S.O.D.A. No 811 for the last three years (and one time Class 1 1 rider) I've shared in the mishaps, rollovers, mechanical ills and the f~ood times as well. One thing for sure, I've come to appreciate first hand the skill and concentration it takes to race off road, no matter what class you compete in. So why do we do it? The average person wouldn't think of driving an off road racer, mor·e-or-less riding along. But there is a group of us out there who, like the driver, like the speed and excitement of off road racing competition. A few co-drive to learn the fine tricks of racing technique with the ambition of one day racing themselves. As for· me, I know I'm too uncoordinated to drive a racer, well, at least at race speeds anyway. I've been accused of not being ahle to chew gum and walk. Co-driving gives us types a chance to he an active part of the racing experience. S.0.O.A. promoter Lee Ellis has co-driven with many a driver in several different classes. He says, "The thrill of the start, that first big jump, the tight curve where two trucks might fit, the hope· and prayers that nothing goes wrong with the truck, the thrill of victory that is shared with the driver when he takes the checkered flag. These are a big part of why I like to ride in any race vehicle in S.0.O.A. Racing." We're not just ballast! Although some would argue balancing the driver's weight in a tippy off road racer can be important in some handling situations. No, we don't just sit there with our eyes shut the whole race either. Although, I admit to it on one or two occasions when things looked pretty bleak. Like at Crandon one year when we were heading into a corner at what seemed to be an unnegotiably fast speed. So fast that we sent the corner workers scurrying for cover! Fortunately, our brakes worked fine and we rounded the turn without incident. We can't help steer, brake or work the throttle hut we do play an important role. A role that might just make off road racing a little safer for everyone involved. Any race driver has to give his full concentration to the race at hand which doesn't leave much time for such things as monitoring gauges and looking over your shoulder for another racer slipping into your blind spot or for that tell-tale trail of smoke flowing from the back of your race vehicle. Sometimes just giving a sign of encouragement or to slack off if something is obvious! y amiss can be important. Since we can look around more than the driver, perhaps we are a little more keen to what is going on elsewhere on the race track. This is parti<:ularly true of. spotting flag situations which are sometimes hard for the driver to initially pick up. Bill Sinclair, Pete Van De Hey's co-driver, says communications with their pit crew is an important job for him. A co-driver also probably has a better pi;rspective of what position you are in relative to other racers. Lee agrees, and believes watching for these things helps the driver in deciding his or her race strategy. In other words, we're an extra set of eyes for the driver. I know, that is when we· keep them open. If you think about it, co-driving in an off road racer is an experience you just can't get in any other form of motor racing. There aren't many forms of competition where you can be physically in the machine taking in all of the thrills and perils that racing provides and not be the driver! Believe me, pictur;es from in car TV race cams don't begin to tell what it's like to fly over a jump at race speed. Lee Ellis sums it up hest when he states: "All of the thrill I get out of riding with any driver is great, hut the best part of off road racing here in the Midwest is the great people you get to meet and associate with". So is riding shotgun the most exciting thing we off road co-drivers have ever done? Well, maybe the second most exciting! Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap &x" and fill this space with their thoughts about what is good and what is not so good about·, the state of the sport. Your words, short of being libelous, will be printed. So send along your praise or damnation on your Soap Box topic to Dusty Times, 533 1 Derry Ave., Suite o, Agoura, CA 91301. Trail Notes ••• THE SCORE/HORA DESERT SERIES is over for 1991 with the .conclusion of the SCORE Baja I 000 in Novemher. The event had more than the usual amount of confusion, hut the hardy desert racers mostly took it all in stride. Complete results and final points standings are not available ::is we go to press, hut we do know th::it Doug Fortin Jr., who won Cl::iss 10 in a solo drive in the Chenowth, with ::i lot of help from friends, is the 1991 overall series points ch::impion. Heartiest congratulations to Doug.::ind the entire Fortin te::im. Other c::ir cl::iss winners were Class l .12 Ed ::ind Tim Herhst, Chenowth, Class 1-2-1600 Jim Fishh::ick Jr., Neth, Cl:iss 3 Curt LeDuc, Jeep, Class 4 Steve Kelley, Chevrolet, Class 5, Pete Alesi Jr., Class 5-1600 John and Jeff Holmes, Cl::iss 6 John Swift, Ford, Cl::iss 7 Roger Mears, Nissan, Class 7S Chuck Johnson /John Johnson, Ford, Cl:iss 7 4x4 P::iul and David Simon, Ford, Cl::iss 8 Larry R::igl:ind, Chevrolet, who won overall rnr honors, Class 9 Rich Richa rdson, Jimco, Cl:iss Mini Mag Scott Steinherger, Class 11 Erny Martine:. Larry Rocseler and Ted Hunnicutt won overall ahoard a Kawas::iki. We'll have the full in depth report on this race hy Judy Smith in the: January issue. THE ORR HAUNTED HILLS CLASSIC rc:sults are in, and Steve Melton won overall and Cl::iss IO in his VW powered Rea rd ch::issis. Tom Murray took Unlimited Cl:iss and second overall in his Type 4 powered Woods Hi Jumper. John Ronncrud won Class 5, Tom Struttman took Class 9 in his Chenowth, ::ind Jim Borel, also driving a Chcnowth, won Class 1-2 • I 600. There will he a story and photos in the next issut·. Meanwhile G.R.R. has a tentative schedule for 1992 ::is follows: January 11, Ruck eye Rlast. Fehruary 15, Gold Nugget 150, M::irch 28, Saddle Sore 150, May 9, Salome. Cktoher 3, TRA, and Novemher 7, Haunted Hills Cl::issic. THE MTEG ST ADI UM SERIES grand finale was at Oakland, CA early in Novcmher and Walker Evans won thL· truck main event, thl' driver's championship and he and Glenn Harris SL'Cllfl'cl the Manufacturer's Cup for Dodge. It is the first time in the history of the Cup that Toyota hasn't t,1ken it home. Marty Hart won the Super 1600 main event in his Chenowth, hut his third place finish secured the series championship for Frank Arciero Jr., Chenowth. Brian Stewart won the UltraStock main event in a Toyota 4Runner, hut Larry Noel w::is second in his VW and won the points title for 199 I . Young Jimmie Johnson won the Supc·rlite frature, hut teammatl" Greg Gl'orgl' w,i-; second, hoth in Rriggshuilts. Greg George ran away with the 5cries championship. We'll have the full repon from Homer Euhanks in the next issue. MTEG h::is also announced that all nine races in their off ro::id series for 1992 will he sent to J::ipan via satellite and shown to more than eight million households hy NHK TV ,Japan's largest television hroadcasting company. The programs will he producL·d in Japanese from a feed provided hy Rud Sports, which will produce the series for thl' fifrh straight year for doml'stic prime time ::ii ring on ESPN. Ry the way the one ran· dropped from the 1992 seril's was the event ::it the Rose Row! in Pasad,·na, CA. MICHELIN CUP RALLY AW ARD - In the first year of the Michelin Cup Award Program in the SCCA Divisional Pro Rally Series, all three recipients were family Pro Rally teams. C::ilifornians Mike and Paula Gibeault took the first place pri:e of $800 with an eighth place finish at the Gold Rush Rally. Greg and Lynn Lund of Bellevue, WA, earned $500 for their ninth place finish, and both are husband and wife teams. The $200 third place award went to the father and son team from New York of Jim ;md James Wilson. The Michelin Cup Awards are presented to the top Divisional teams on Michelin tires in Divisional seed groups 2 through 6. National drivers, Seed 1, 2, and FIA are not eligible for these awards, as the National Pro Series has its own monetary year end prizes and Michelin Cup, presented on December 8 at the Maine Rally. NEW FROM.DESERT T'z -=------GEORGIA REPORT-G.O.R.R.A. is gearing up for their higgest event of the year, the Thanksgiving 25(1 in Vienna, GA on S::iturday Novemher 30. I( you hurry you can make this fun l'vent that has keen competition in'tht· huggy cl::isses. The cluh is welcoming some new and former memhers hack into the fold, like Ray Gihson, a former desert racer, and Dennis Aiken, former GORRA-1600 points champion. Steve Ruic has completely recovered from his h::ick injury suffered a year ago at the Gold Co::ist 300, and Steve and his dad Boh Ruic are driving the famil y 1600 car prepped hy Rill Porter in the Thanksgiving 250. GORRA rh,mks Rolink Radio Controllt-d C::irs Co. for their help in doing the advertising for the Thanksgiving weekend race and for t::iking care of the newsletter, that has a new editor now, Steve taking over from his father Boh Rule. With just two races to reporr for the 1991 se::ison, the points hattlc w::is close in I 600 class with Lucas M itchcll just five points ahead ofJamcs Hester, ::ind Mickey ,md Rick Smallwood were another nine points hack, trailed hy Jack Thompson an,l Michad Notary who were tinl, another ten points h::ick. Rrcitenhach Stephens have the Challenger points in hand with a 90 point lead on Banks Rehling. • 100% COTTON BEEFY-T's WITH POCKET (Full color graphics on white. sizes Med. to XX) • SHIRTS S15 00 EACH • PRICE INCLUDES U PS SHIPPING • PERSONAL CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS --NO COD'S CA RESIDENTS ADD 711'¼, TAX Page 4 SEND ORDERS TO: DESERT rz 27324 CAMINO CAPISTRANO #172-175 LAGUNA NIGUEL. CA 926 77 • PLEASE INCLUDE NAME & ADDRESS • SHIRT SIZE • DESIGN ORDERED December 1991 THE 65 MPH SPEED LIMIT will ·remain in place on over 150 miles of Californis state highways even though federal authorization for the higher speed has expired, but expiration does not affect the 65 limit on Interstates. Caltrans has been notified th::it with the expiration of the law, speed limits on state highways must be reduced to 55 mph or risk the loss of federal funds for transportation projects. However the CHP will NOT be ticketing motorists ~raveling at65 on affected miles of Highways 99 and 215, as the politicians fight 1t out. TOY OT A TRUE GRIT POINTS are not av::iilahlc ::it press time, hut we will h::ive the fin::ils for you in the January issue. Going into the Raja 1000 Larry R::igl::ind h::id the le::id overall, having finished ::ill seven rnces run ::it th::it time with tht· fastest ::iverngc speed. However, the mystery is th::it this ye::ir only the driver's hest six out of eight races count for the finals, ::ind R::igland has mostly wins, ::ind m::iy h::ive to discard one of those. Only half a mile per hour hchind Ragland is Troy Herhst, counting the five races he h::is finished and Troy finished fifth in the B::ija 1000, which may or m::iy not hring him even with L::irry, who will win the Hc::ivy Metal as well as overall, ::ind if. he docs he will earn two-thirds of the $10,000 pri:c posted hy Toyota Motor Sales USA. The Mini Mct::il final third of the points contest was up for grahs in Raja Mexico. Spencer Low led going into the r::ice, with Roger Mears, who won his class there no douht hcsting hoth Low and Manny Esquerra for the fin::il third of the $10,000 pri:e. Eligihlc drivers for the Milestone Awards were down to nine ::ifter the Gold Coast, and might he almost none after the B::ija 1000, which had a far more rugged course than usual. (more' TRAIL NOTES 011 /1,1.~<' 8: Dusty Times
DESERT STEEL RACING Due to horrific budget constraints we will be forced to retire the Nissan/BFGoodrich Class 1 truck at the end of .the 1991 season. Sadly, this is after only four months of our racing development, much too short a time to achieve the success that Scoop, our sponsors and our team richly deserve. To the best crew ever assembled in our sport, I want to publicly say THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!! NOT PICTURED ABOVE SCOTT GILMAN - RACE MECHANIC• JIM HOOVER -PILOT• CURT POTTER - PILOT BETSY MURPHY - DATA PROCESSING• TOM "DANGER" MURPHY - DATA PROCESSING THE SUPER TEAM - IN ALPHABETI.CAL ORDER Paul Abram - Paint-Fiberglass & Race Mechanic Shaun Billaud -Transportation & Maintenance Gene "Mr. Horsepower" Crowe -Engines & Car Manager Viv Crowe -Gene's Boss Liz Finnigan -Public Relations & Water Skiing Laura Honsaker -Hospitality & Chef Russ Honsaker -Main Pit Manager & Host "Sky" Steve Huff-Chief Pilot & Team Manager Carl "CJ" Jackson -Chase & Pitting Manager Mendy Jackson -Data Processing & Timing John "JFK" Kennedy -Co-Driver & Fabricator Bonnie Lenters - Scoop's Boss, Video & Water Fights "BL" Bill Lyon -Computer Systems & Electronics Engineer Tom O'Connor -Manager Of Truck Racing - Nissan Wanda Russell -Data Processing, Timing, Cookies & My Boss Don "The Legend" Tebbe -From Baja To Africa, Race Director Terry Turner -Race Mechanic, C.V. Specialist Frank "Scoop" Vessels -Driver, Plus Good Guy Also, my heartfelt appreciation goes to our principal sponsors, who pr.ovided the funds and products for our efforts so far. NISSAN - Frank Honsowetz & Tom O'Connor BFGOODRICH - Dan Newsome & Gary Blalock And, to our associate sponsors for their valuable help. F & L - Bruce Conrad Hella Lighting - Soren Sorenson Parker Oil Products - Rick Fuscardo Ultra Wheel - Jim Smith Y AESU Communications -Sam Pelzman What can I say to all of you to express my gratitude for the long hours, the dedication, the good ideas, the loyalty, the wonderful humor and most importantly, the friendship, but THANK YOU! When the sport is ready for another SUPER TEAM, your phones will be ringing. ·Special thanks go to my wife, Wanda for having let me undertake this project and helping me_ with it. JVR
1991-1991 Happenings ••• A.D.R.A. Americ:m Desert Racing Association P.O. Rox 34810 Phm:nix, AZ 85067 (602) 274-0010 December 7, 1991 Sonoyrn to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico AMSA lim Wehh P.O. Rox 26084 Fresno, CA 93726 ( 209) 419-21 I 4 BADGERLAND VW CLUB, INC. Terry Friday 591 3 Fond Du Lac Road Oshkosl,, WI 54901 ( 414) 688-5509 ( All ,·i·,·nr, lo.:,u,·cl in ( '/ii/con. \Xl l ,'u r/1,· W in'n,·.~,1,~CJ ( '01mr:, F.x/>o ( :,•1JC,•r i BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Rox 8938 Calahasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 Golden Crown of Baja Desert Series (cars) February 7-9, 1992. Gran Carrera de San F,·lip,· S,m Fc:·lipl', RC, Ml'xico March27-29, 1992 Gran Carrera ,le-Ml'xicali Ml'xicali, BC, Mexico May 15-17, 1992 Gran ( '.arn-r:1 ,k T,·,·arc-T ,·catc, H( :. M,·xinl July 24-26, 1992 Gran ( :arn·ra ,I,· Ens,·na,la Ens,·nada, Bl·, ~.frxini Sl·ptcmher 18-20, 1992 Gran ( '.arrl'ra ,h-Campl'on,·s San frlipl', H( ·, M,·xico Spl·cial E\'ent No\'emher· 19-22, 1992 Th,· "Mint 400" Las V,·gas, NV January 15, 1993 Year End Awards BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Raker P.O. Rox 1583 O~dcn, Utah 84402 (801) 627-R.0 R.E. BRIGHTON SPEEDWAY R.R. 3 Brighton, Ontario, Canada KOK-I HO (613)475-1102 'Fax(613)475-3250 --------------·--·------·-. --1991 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Rox IOI Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2 115 (715) 478-2688 June 20-21, 1992 Spring Run IOI Crandon, WI Septemher 5-6, 1992 Trul' Valul' Worlcl's Championship Brush Run 1()1 Crandon, WI . BUMP Roh Utgard Motorsports Promotions 42263 50th St. Wl'SI ;:J()K Quart: Hill, CA 9 3516 (805) 256-8520 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Gary Lukl', Dirl'ctor 13675 Spring Valky Roa,l Morgan Hill, CA 95037 ( 408) 779 3589 Mikl' Gihl'ault. SCCA St,'\\'ar,l 149 No. Rawhi,k Ri,lgnTl'St, CA 91555 (619) 175-H7(14 January 11, 1992 Annual Awar,ls Ranqul't CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C:.I. Ri<-har,ls P.O. Hox 112 Fair Hawn. VT 0574 3 ( HOZ J 265-86 I.'-l ·,----_,P,._¥.....,,~~~ ......... =·-~_:.:-____ ..,. . ., - ---.. -~~-------~. I PIKE'S 1 SERVIC.E CENTER I I BAKER, CALIFORNIA DENNY'S j Denny~ RESTAURANT OPEN 24 HOURS SERVICE EVERY DAY YEAR ROUND THE BEST IN THE DESERT FOR OVER 40 YEARS Page 6 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION P.O . Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 ----------------FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 9385 Florence Aw. Apopka, FL 32703 ( 407) 291-1215 .'(305) 823-4487 December, 1991 Naples, FL January, 1992 Naples, FL· February, 1992 Naples, FL March, 1992 Tallahassee, FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kl'nnl'cly, f.!Z Chula Vist:1, CA 9201 I (619) 427-5759 Decem her 31 , 1991 Dunaway Dash I 50 Plast,·r City West, CA February 15, l 992 King of thl' Dl'sert Lake Supl'rstitiim. CA April 4, 1992 Ru:: Romh 150 Plaster Cit\' East. CA May 9-10, 1992 Rock Aroun,I the-Clock 24 Hour En,luro for Cars, Trucks, Rliggic-s. Plastl'r Cit\'-Wl'St, C:A August l, I 992 Supl'rstition 25() Lah· Supl'rstition. CA Octoher 3, ·1992 Plaster ( :it\' Blast Plast,·r ( :it\' East, ( :A Decemher 31, 1992 Dunawa\' Dash Plastl'r ( 'ity Wl'st. ( 'A (A/I ,·,·,·11C, in r/i, F./ ( ·,·11Cro ( 'A c1r,c1. (;J.EN HELEN OMV PARK I'.(). Box 2 3 N San 11 .. rnardino, ( '.A 92406 ( 7 I 4 ) HKO-I 7 B c;oRRA G,·orgia Off Ro:1d Racing Assm·iation Box I 1091 Station -A Atlanta. C,A W3l0 ( 404) 2 5 3-IC13 3 No\'emhcr 30, 1991 Thanksgiving 2 5() Vi,·nna, C,A Dccemher 7, 1991 Awards lbnqud GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Hoh Moon 91 5 Sn. Zl'eh Roa,! Ann Arhor, Ml 48 103 (311) 665-0358 (31 3 I 9%-9193 GREAT PLAINS OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Keith Koesters 4605 N. I 30th Circle Omaha. NE 68164 ( 402) 496--0846 ( All ,·,·eur, ,IC Timk·r Nid,,!t' N,mcli1 December 1991 GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Bl'rtrnm Productions, Inc. 15073 Hwy 119, Rt. 4 Golden, CO 80403 GRR Golden Rule Racing P.O. Box 4021 -1 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 263-5329 HORA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Rlvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361 -5404 December 7, 1991 Offroadsman Awards Banquet Las Vegas',NV March 13-1 5, l 992 Nissan 400 Las Vegas. NV July 3-5, 1992 Fireworks 25() Barstow, CA August 14-16, 1992 Nevada 400 , Las Vc·gas. NV Octoher 9-1 I , 1992 Gold Coast 30Ll I.as V q.!as, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACIN(; ASSOCIATION Pat Roh-rts 878 M:1in St. nl'a,lwoo-1, SD 577 32 (605) 578-1654 IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O . Box 16 ( '.kws, Ohio 45002 ( All t'1',~H, '111,1;,·d di r/i,· c/11/1 .~rmm,ls in ( 'll'n·,. 0/iio 1 KAM LOOPS BRONCO BUSTER 4WOCLUB R:in,l y ( 'hamhalin 8 35 Wawn Roa,! l<amloop,. R.C. VZB-6N3 LA RANA DESERT RACING 22,n<I < :hamhra\' Dr. Mon·no Valk\'. < '.A 92 1K7 ( 714) ()24-2226 Nm·emher 27, 1991 Awards Hanqu,·t V,·lwt Turtle-West ( 'nvina, ( '.A January 3-5, 1992 Nl'w Years ZOO Barstow, CA F,·hruary 21-23, 1992 l'n·si,h-ntial 2 5(1 Rarsrow. ( '.a Mav 15-17, 1992 ~pangkr I 5(1 Ri,l,,,·,·n·st. CA June 19-21, 1992 Lucl'rne Valley Jam 20() Lucernl' Valle\', CA Au~ust 28-30, 1992 lohnson Valley 3Ll0 Lucl'rn,· Valky. CA October 23-25, 1992 ( '.alifornia 200 Ri,lgl'l'rL'St, CA Novcmhcr 27-29, 1992 High Dl'sert 250 Lucern,· Valley, CA ·oecember 12, 1992 Awards Banquet, Clarion Hotel O ntnrio, C:A MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. 15529 Jones Road Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 (517) 627-6200 MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION Keneth Coleman 742 E. Roosl'vclt Road Ashley, Ml 48806 ( 5 I 7) 838-4483 ( A II ,., 'c.'n[S :u Mc. Pl...as,mc Sp,·dm_1v) -------------·-----------MIDWEST OFF ROAD RACING Tommy Rowling 190 19 W . CR 128 Odessa, TX 79765 (915) 561-5222 "The Texas Challenge Off Road Points Series" · ( All ,·1·,·nr, ,IC Norrt·,·, . TX) MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Michy Thompson Entntainm,·nt Group P.O. Rox 25168 Anahl'im. CA 92825 ( 7 14) 91H-1 ll'L' January IR, 1992 Anah,·im. Sta,lium Anah,·im, ( '.A Fehruary 22, 1992 _lack ~1 urrhy Sta,lium San Di,·go, CA March 21, 1992 S,·attk King,lonw Sl'atrle WA April 4, 1992 Tl'xas Stadium Irving, TX May 2, 1992 Sun Devil Sra,lium Tl·mpl', AZ July 18, I 992 Mc-morial Colisl'um Los Angl'ks. (. :A September TBA, 1992 ~.1ilc-High Statlium D,·nver. CO Octoher TBA, 1992 Sam HO\·,l Silvl'r Bowl Las Vq.!as. NV November TBA, 1992 ()aklantl Sta,lium Oaklan,I. CA MTEG CAMEL SUPERCRO~S January 25, 1992 Anahl'im Sta,lium Anah,·im , CA February 8, 1992 lack Murphy St:lclium San Piego, ( 'A April 25, 1992 Sam Boyd Silver Bowl Las Vl'gas. NV June 20, 1992 Ml'morial (:olisl'um Lns Angl'ks. CA NATIONAL MUD RACING ASSOCIATION I IK42 lason Court Ma,kr,;, CA '>36 38 ( 209) 486-45()0 ( 209) 266-555H January 9-10, 1992 Motor Sports of America Sakm, VA March TBA 1992 Motor Sports of Anwrica Kearnl'\', NE April 26, 1992 Johnson, VT May 10, 1992 Orangl', MA May 16-17, 1992 NMRA Super Sl'ril's Johnson, VT Ir Dusty Times
S.N.O.R.E. ELDO _ 0 VAT~LEY 250 ,---------- -MINI METAL BONUS $1000. -Presented by ~yvoKOHAM~ . Joe ROSSI Tires DECEMBER 6, 1991 SIGN-UP & TECH 6-10pm RAILROAD PASS CASINO · DECEMBER 7, 1991 RACE DAV 7am - DRIVERS MEETING 8am - RACE STARTS DECEMBER 8, 1991 AWARDS 10am - Breakfast & Awards at the *ENTRY FEES* Minimum pre-entry $100. Entry $360. Challengers $145. Insurance $95. HOTEL & CASINO 1-800-331-5334 FOR MORE INFORMATION 1/2 UNLIMITED BONUS $500. presented by SNORE . To Class Winner RACE INFORMATION Start/Finish is 33 miles Southeast of Las Vegas behind Motocross park on Hwy95 *** 4--- 55 MILE LAPS *** MINI MET AL --- 3 LAPS ***CHALLENGERS --- 3 LAPS *** 5/1600 --- 3 LAPS *** 7 HOUR TIME LIMIT FOOD AND DRINKS AVAILABLE AT START/FINISH FUEL AVAILABLE AT THE RACE CALL THE SNORE HOTLINE 702-452-4522 SNORE, LTD., P.O. BOX 4394 LAS VEGAS NV 89102
,_. June 20, 1992 Goldendale, WA June 21, 1992 Merrillville, IN June 21, 1992 Johnson, VT July 4, 1992 Bascom, OH July 10, 1992 Bloomshurg, PA July 18-19, 1992 Nipigon, Ontario, Canada July 19, 1992 Johnson, VT July 25, 1992 Rarre, MA July 31 or August 7, 1992 Keene, NH August 16, 1992 Johnson, VT August 23, 1992 Merrillville, IN August 23, 1992 Nipigon, Ontario, Canada September 13, 1992 Johnson, VT September 26, 1992 Orange, MA September 2 7, 1992 Barre, MA October 4, 1992 NMRA Super Series Johnson, VT OFF ROAD JAMBOREES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O. Box I I 54 Arcata, CA 95521 (707) 822-8508 May 8-10, 1992 Rl'dwood Coast lamhoreL· Fort Rragg to Eurl'k,;1 Arcata, CA June 19-21, 1992 Ghost Town AdVl'nturl' '92 South Lake Tahoe· Statl'linl', CA September 18-20, 1992 Kern Riva lamhorl'l' Lake I ahella l<l'rnvilll', CA OFF ROAD PRODUCTIONS OF EL PASO Don Honl'hl'rg I 3 18() Round Dancl' El Paso, TX 79936 (915)855-9767 (915)751-7057 ONT ARIO OFF ROAD RACERS ASSOCIATION R.R. 4 Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL l CO (613) 332-4363 OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Rox 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (213) 375-4570-( 213) 719-7036 PAC OFF ROAD RACING P.O. Rox 323 Seahurst, Washington· 98062 (206) 242-1773 PIKES PEAK P.O. Rox 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 (719) 685-4400 SAREEA AL JAMEL 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 526 ln_dio, CA 92202 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208 (518) 236-7897 Page 8 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Cluh of America P.O. Rox 3278 Engk-wood, CO 80 I 12 (303) 779-6622 December 6-7, 1991 Maine Forl'St Rally Rumford, Maine December 7, I 99 I Pro Rally Awards Banquet Rumford, Maine -----------------SCORE ScorL' International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Wl'srlake Village, CA 91362 (818)889 9216 December 7, 199 I ()ff Roadsman Awards Banqul't Las Vegas, NV January 24-26, 1992 Parker 400 Parker AZ April 24-26, 1992 an Fdipe 250 San Felipe, BC, Mexico June 5-7, 1992 Baja 500 Ensl'nada, RC, Mexico November 12-15, 1992 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, Mexico SCORE CANADA 390 Chl'min Du Lac Lery, Qul'hec, J6N I A 3, Canada TEXAS OFF ROAD GRANO PRIX Short Course Racing -Texas Style Class I 0, Sportsman, Challenger Mike Bernardo 1606 Lancelot Circle Grand Prniril', TX 75050 (214) 855-2232 (All ewnt, ar Sre/>lt<!nt•illc. Tex,1, Spedm1~) ---------------TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Dirl'ctor 7 Prutell DriVl' Apalchin, NY 13732 _ --( 607) 62 5-56 76 -----· UORRA United Off Road Racing Association Dave Urhanowic:, Prl'sident 589 Amwell Road Neshanic, NJ 08853 (908) 369-6550 ( R<1c-es <IC ( 'o/cmi,,/ ______ .-Vt1llev Rl'mrr< in PA l VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W. Wooll'y Road Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 656-1122 December 7, 1991 Class IO Buggies --,----VORRA --_______ (514) 692-~l 7 I -------·--Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Rohles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 SCORES HOW Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group Ed Storereau P.O. Rox 25148 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4155 May 1-3, 1992 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association lack Kolan ___ _(6i9J 2??-4444_ ---SNORE Sourlll'rn Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Rox 4394 L.1s Vl'gas, NV 89)(l6 (702) 452-4522 December 6-8, 1991 Eldorado Vaill'\' 250 _____ L:1s V L'gas,_ 1\!.Y ________ _ SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolk 7839 W. North Avl'nuc· Wauwatosa, WI 5 3213 (414) 271-3575 (414) 257-0422 May 23-24, 1992 Lake Geneva Memorial Day 100 Lake Gcnc·va, WI June 6-7, 1992 Milk-r High Lifr Off Road Race Antigo, WI June 20-2 I, 1992 Spring Run 101 Crandon, .WI July 4-5, 1992 Road America . Elkhart Lakl', WI July 18-19, 1992 UP Off Road I 00 Bark Riwr, MI August 1-2, 1992 Fox Riwrfc·st ( :hallcnge 11L'pere, WI August 1 5-16, 1992 Rancho Suspc·nsion Great Northern l '.hallengl' Ionia, MI September 5-6, 1992 Trul' Value World's Championship Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September I 9-20, I 992 Midwest Points Championship Oshkosh, WI (916) 925-1702 March 21-22, 1992 Prairie City Long Course Sacramento, CA R<1in D,Hc' March 28-29, 1992 April 25-26, 1992 Hollister SVRA Spring Special Long Coursl' Hollister, CA May 23-25, 1992 Y l'rington 400 Yerington, NV June 20-21, 1992 Virginia City Classic 200 Virginia City, NV July 26, 1992 Summl'r Si::ler Prairil' City Short Course Sacrnml'nto, CA September5-7, 1992 Yerington 250 Yl'rington, NV October 18, 1992 SL'ason Championship Prairie City Short Course Sacraml'nto, CA --------------------------WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125-87A Aw. Surrey, British Columhia, V3R 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 - ---------------------------WHIPLASH MOTORSPORTS 2939 E. Grovers Phol'nix, AZ 85032 (602) 971-3730 December 15, 1991 Da\' Race Sc•ril'S Finale ( All c'\'c'!H< ,H T/m11/tl'rl,rnd. 1 17r/1 Aq•l'. f.,,i' G/l'ml,,lc in PlwL"nix. AZ) FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP Novemhcr 24-29, 199 I Lomhard RAC Nottingham, England ATTFNTION RAC 'Ff« RA/.1.Y ORGANIZERS /.i,r ~om ,omin.~ c't'c'!H< in DUSTY TIM ES (r,'l·! S,·nd vmir ll/L/1 ,,hl'dulc "' .mon ,11 />o«i/1/l' (or"li<rin.~ in rlti, ,·,./111nn. M,,i/ v011r ni,l' or r,,/h ,,ltL'd1tlc· ro: f)[JSTY TIMES. ~ HI n~-m A,•c· .. Suire' 0 . A,,!Ollf< I. C'A L/!~{~1I. . December 1991 more Trail Notes ••• ANOTHER RIVERSIDE RACEWAY? -Plans were recently announced for a 1350 acre, $75-100 million development on property adjacent to Moreno Valley, CA approximately sixty-five miles east of downtown Los Angeles and the project includes a multi-use auto racing facility, as well as an entertainment complex and a University of California, Riverside, environmental research center. Announced by Norton Younglove, the plans are exciting for all of Riverside County as well as racing fans and the project will not only begin a new era of racing in Riverside, but provide a real economic boost to western Riverside County. The auto racing facility will include a 1.6 mile oval race track, a 2.25 mile road course, a one quarter mile drag strip, corporate suites and pit suites. Total seating capacity is 50,000 spectators including permanent grandstand seating for 35,000. The research center will be located near the race track on land donated to the University by Arciero & Sons and E.L Yeager Construction Company. The development site is off California Route 60, the Pomona Frc•ewa11 and includes two exits. It is six mik-s from thl' sitL' of the now closed Riwrsidl' International Raceway and twelve miles east of U.C. Rivl'rside, near the turn off to Hemet. Arciero ;ind Sons arL' the ,lewlopers of thl' project, and Jim Guthrie, owner of GuthriL' Company, will hL' project manager and Llesigner of the auto racing complex. The plans, announced at March Air Forc·l' Rase nl'ar Riverside, show a 15,000 seat ampithc·ater for thl' pL'rforming arts, a 200 room hotel overlooking the race track, an auto musl'um, restaurants. corporate office· huildings, industrial complex for automotive rl'latl'd companies, and condominiums. Guthrie statl'd, "ThL· race· track will hl' a world class foci lit\' designl'd for the conVL"niencl' :m,1 enjoyml'nt of the spl'rtator. Each seat will provide an excellent vil'W of the L'ntirL' track. Plannl'cl arL' pl'rmanent rc·stroom facilities and concession stan,ls. Also thl' press ,md corporate facilities will he state of the art." We hopl' thl'\' ,Ion 't huild in so much ,ivili:ation that the\' can't include an annual off roa,1 race· somewhL'n· in the planning. THE FINAL FLAG-Sun ( )ffRoa,I wants to advise friends and associates of thl' untimel\' dc·ath of its Pre~i,knt, Lester Ruffnc·r Jones Jr. On the L'Vl'ning of Octoher 11, 1991. Les was driving a little too fast. I guL'SS, hut that was Lester's style. He leavl'S Sylvia, his wifL· ofalmost t\\'L'nt\' \'<·ars: ,1 lot ofa,lvL·ntun·s: and a wholl' passk-of frien,ls throughout Ari:nna ,md California. Tlw nwmorial service was held at thl' CirL'a-<,·\\·no,I flats l ·ha1wl. with a wake· at thl' a,ljan·nt westl'rn har. Attending \\'c•n· sn)rc·s of of( roa,1 L'nthusiasts, desL·rt icons and Baja racers. Afrl'r thL' traclitional toast of Rum1,lemin:l', a LL·Stl'r fovnrit<- for thosL' chilly Parker 400 mornings, an,1 thL· "he woul,I h,1ve wanted it" firing of a multi small arms salutL'. the only thing missing was a tl11-h\' o( 390 Huskys. Jones turned 41 just da\'s prior to tlw ,k.,tru<"tion o( his GM(· pickup in rural Carefree, AZ -and Les w;1s just that - ( "arefrl'L' -Tm1\· T,·lliL"r CALENDAR CAPERS-Ir is not \'L"t Thanksgiving as we· go to prL'SS and if you are a dL"sc·rt racL"r, )'Our c1kn,lar is ,1lr,·:1,I\· crm,·,k,I for thL' Ne'\\' Year. For example therl' arl' fiv<· ,ksl'rt r,1n·s sn·dukcl in lanuar\'. counting thL' FRT Dunaway Dash on Nl'w Y L"ar's EvL·. On lanu,1ry 4 L1 Rana raCL'S at Rarsto,,·. an,I HORA is in Ra rs tow on thl' I I rh. with a (~RR l'Wnt near PhoL"nix the· saml' ,la1•. DL'serr folks can relax at Anahl'im St.di um \\'atching thl' MTEG sta,lium ran·rs cavort on Ian. 18, hut sevn,d of thl'm, ,·losL· ro a do:L"n now. run thl' HDRA-SCORE cl~sert events too. Thl' next ,,·eeken,1 is the SCORE Parker 4(\l. In fact Fehruar\' 1-2 is thl' first opL·n \\'L'<'kc·n,1 o( thl' \'<·ar. as Fl'hruar\' K has a R,1ja Promotions rncl' at San F,·lip,·. f\:1j:1 ( ·alilornia. tlw FRT ancl AMA District 38 Awards Banquet with :1 r,1"· rlw n,·xr d,1y. an,I prnhahl,· thL' SNORE H<mom Dollar in Las Vl'gas, ,f that cluh follows thL' [ lJ<) I p,itrL·rn·. Fehruary 15 holds a FRT car racl' at Plaster Cit\' and ;1 (~RR L'VL'nt in Ari:ona, follmwd h\' MTEG in San Diq,'O and La Rana at Rar-<tll\\' on Fl'hruar\' 22. Sn much for thl' secon,I month of thl' \'c·ar, L'XCc'pt thL· kap \'L•ar ,la\''" a Sarur,la\' and so for no ra,·,· in thL· western desl'rt is schl'du il',I. lt,lnesn 't ~c·t much hl'ttL'r as spring ,r;1rts, 1, hi, h hrings VORRA mro pla\' in the Cl'ntral Nevada LksL'rt. an,! also n t ) .R .E. in rill' Utah wikls. What will undouhtedl\' happL·n is th;1t th,· L'ntr;· will hL" s1~lit hy regions closl' to rhL"ir homes: and thL· sport will dl'tL"riorat<-into an almost as r,·gional ;1 sport as it was 20 )'l'ars ago, with each promotn putting nn L'Vl'nts on his own turf. This makes a potential L·ntr.mr chos,· up si,ks ,·arly in the s,·:1son if he· is going for a points trophy and monl'y. It also causL"s rill' faithful ,ontingL·n,\' ,l6nors, from thL' higgl'St corporation to thL' smallL"st shop to choose· whl'rl' to post thL"ir pri:,·, for suCCL'S- using thl'ir product. Ohviousl,· not l'VL"n a hig compan\' has enough pL'ople to Sl'ncl a displa\' and pro,lun to a ra,L'each Wl'l'kl'nd or thl' promotional hudget to spc.:ncl on so man\' sail's with so man\' diffL·rc·nt champions. Sad to Sa\', although most o( thl'SL' outfits pur on goc1ll ,·v~·nN for small fields, seldom up to JOO cars, nor wa SCORE Hf'lRA ntsome racl's this yL'ar. thL'llilution of potl'ntial l'ntr\' hy a prolifl'r;1rion o(,l.1tl'SCan only lead to smaller fields, smalla purses and far ll'SS if any nmting,·nq· monl')' for the· winning drivl'rS. Pc·rhaps, likl' many othl'r things n the I. ISA, ,1,·s,·rt racing passd its hL·y,la\' in the I 980s as thl' douhle trouhlc from insurance fel'S and l'nvironmc·ntal rl'Strinions have taken aw,11· a lor of thl' (un, an,1 a lot o( the pL'ople who USL'd to go desert racing. Coming Next Month ... SCORE Baja 1000 MTEG at Las Vegas and Oakland WRC Sanrcmo Rally of Italy ADRA Snowflake Ruggy Bash SCCA Press on Regardless Pro Rally FORDA at Lakeland ADRA Rocky Point, Mexico ... Plus all the rt'g-ular features Dusty Times
COAST 1-800-634-6755 1-800-331-5334 Las ~gas, Nevada FIFTH RACE OF THE Budweiser /Bud Light 1991 SERIES Allll6~ /✓~ ril~ / ,, SANCTIONED F ~ ',, ~ CHAMPIONSHIP FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM • AMA DISTRICT 38 DUNAWAY DASH V .. Drawing Dec. 14th at RLH Comm, National City TUESDAY · DECEMBER 31, 1931 Sponsored by: LOCATION: Race Ready Products, The Wright Place & Schilling Corp. PLASTER ~ITV WEST BIKES START AT 7:00 AM* BUGGIES 12 NOON 25 MILE LOOP INFO: (619) 427-57,59
HDRA GOLD COAST 300 The Gold Belongs to Jack Johnson By Judy Smith -· Photos: Tracksicle Photos, Inc. ~ ¢!~ ~ 4"JL ~i~ ~ Larry Ragland had scant competition in Class 8. but he ran the fancy Chevy hard all the way anyhow. building a huge lead and finished with over an hour m_ a_rg_in t~ win Class 8 and Larry took secon_d_o_v_e_ra_l_l. ________ _ The start line was at the fourth it was Walker Evans in his beginning of pit row, which was Dodge truck, and Gary Hymes, in laid out on the 1.8 mile long a Raceco, was fifth . Jack Johnson scored the first big win for the exotic Jeep on home ground. leading from flag to flag in Class 1 /2. first pavement stretch that runs south Seasoned viewers knew that out of Jean. Cars were flagged off Johnson was overstressing that one at a time, with 30 seconds Jeep and that he'd never come between vehicles. The luck of the around again. But were they in for draw made all the difference in the a sudden shift in their point of world at this race, as usual, and view, when he not only showed Jack Johnson had the major part up, but still held his lead. Of of his good luck when the course, he'd had some traffic this numbers for starting order were lap, and his pace had slowed, but pulled out of the hat, and he got he had three minutes and six number 101, first off the line. seconds on Herbst who still held Thatmeantthathe'dhavenodust second. And Hymes, whose car for the entire first lap. Although had also undergone some severe he was very optimistic, and so rear suspension improvements were the members of his crew, the recently, had moved into third spectators who'd been watching place. In fourth it was Troy him all year were taking bets on Herbst, in a Chenowth, and Bob how far he'd get before he'd break Richey, in a Raceco, was fifth. down. But he fooled 'em all, or, Collins was out for the day, his the Jeep did. It had some major transmission missing third and revisions to the suspension fourth gears. Meanwhile, Frank between races, and some radical Vessels, in his Class 1 / 2 Nissan, shock work, and that seemed to was reported out of gears and be just what the doctor ordered. brakes, and Evans had lost his In an hour and 2 7 minutes transmission. on the road. and he finished first overall by a huge margin. 27 minutes. --------------------Jack Johnson, who hadn't had a finish all season, let alone a win, took the HORA Gold Coast 300 overall victory, and made it look easy. Johnson, whose unlimited class Jeep Cherokee has had the new car blues all year, finally got to show its capabilities to the world. He led all the way, finishing 25 minutes ahead of the next vehicle. The Gold Coast, which was a three lap event, starting and finishing south of Jean, Nevada, just off the old highway, drew a total entry of 130, down from last year's 206. Each lap was 77.16 miles long, for a total of just over 231 miles. And it was some of the roughest terrain that Nevada has to offer, starting with a silt bed right at the end of the 1.8 miles of pavement that began the race. The course included some noticeable changes in elevation, with a low ~,· point at 2260 feet, and a high, in McCullough Pass, of 3600 feet. There was a lot of silt, and some of it hid rocks, but most of the rocks were out in plain sight, and in large numbers. Since the race started at 7 a.m., not long after sunrise, there was virtually no breeze at all, and the dust hung over the course like a thick fog, obscuring the view. There were no helpful breezes until about 11 a.m., when the fast classes were already into their third lap. The starting order for this race was 1/2,8, 10,5, 7,4, 1-2-1600, 6, 3, 7 4x4, 7S, Mini Mag, 5-1600, 9, & 11. The HORA once again offered its new sportsman· classes, which have the low entry fee of just $25. {plus insurance and land use fees), and run for much smaller purses. But only Ed Herbst zipped his tw~" seat C_heno"wth over the rough in quick time. cam;· back from a broken CV on the last lap to hold second in Class 1/ 2 and third overall. two were att-racted, in two separate classes, and they both decided to switch and run in the pro classes. The HORA, in an effort to cut down on the damaging hitting that some folks think has helped to keep away the entries, announced that, beginning with this event, any driver found guilty of excessive nerfing would be suspended from HORA races for a year. There were also some "DQ" zones ( desert tortoise habitat) on this course, and any racer straying into one of them would be automatically disquali-fied. It was also decided that the new amber colored rear-facing safety lights must be in working order throughout the race, and drivers whose lights had blown were told to stop and fix them before they came around to the start/finish again. -.,,,,.,,, Johnson was back around again, On the third lap Johnson having recorded the fast lap for picked up the pace a little, and, the class. Then there was a lull. seemingly trouble free, came Time for breakfast, or a quick home for the win, and the overall' nap, before another car came into victory too. He reported that he'd view. It was seven minutes before lost his rear brakes halfway Brian Collins got his Porsche through lap one, and had been Chenowth back to the start, and he forced to "run a different pace", was running third, because Ed which he mused, might have been Herbst, in another Porsche a good thing. Chenowth, was just two seconds Meanwhile,Herbstbrokeac.v. ahead of him on elapsed time. In joint, and had to make on course Gary Hymes and Mike Schwartz had a smooth run. but ran out of gas close to the finish. got a quick fill for a third in Class 1 /2 and fourth overall. repairs, but still managed to keep his second place, because Hymes, whose car has a very high tech computer that thinks for the motor, ran out of gas. It seems that when the computer doesn't know exactly what to do, it pours in lots of fuel, rather than run too lean and singe a piston. Luckily, Hymes was on a portion of the course very near the highway, and in quick reach by his chase crew, so he too saved his position, and came in just four minutes later in third. Jimmie Smith, in a Chenowth, broke a distributor rotor on the first lap, and mended it with a tie wrap. But it broke and needed more perm-Jim Smith had rotor woes in his Chenowth all day, but he made up time in between and sailed the two seater into fourth in Class 1 /2, fifth overall. Troy Herbst ran tight with the Class 112 contenders. but he had last lap troubles. lost some gears, but still finished fifth in class. eighth overall. David Westhem and Randy Salmon/ kept moving up the chart in the Class 8 GMC as others had various troubles. and they took a fine second in the class. Page 10 December 1991 Dusy Times
Greg Hibbs and Dave Richardson ran third by mere seconds all day in Class 10 and they finished third by just over a minute and a fine ninth overall. Mark Whittington moved right up into third in Class 10 in the very tidy Mirage. on familiar ground. having just run the SNORE 250 with Darren Wilson. Defending points champion John Hays had a variety of troubles all day long with the Raceco. but he fixed things up to finish a close fourth in Class 10. anent repairs, costing him about 20 minutes in all. He made up time later, and worked up to fourth place at the finish, saying he'd ''never driven a harder race.'' In fifth it was Troy Herbst, who'd rolled over about six miles before the finish, and came in with only first and fifth gears. The Class 8 trucks took the green flag next, and when they came around again it was Larry Ragland in front, his Chevy just under three minutes ahead of Rob MacCachren, in his Ford. Dave Westhem and Randy Salmont ran third in their GMC, and David Bryan was fourth in his Ford. Brian Stewart and his crew were repairing a broken front A-arm on the Dodge. Ragland ran a little faster on the second lap, and now he was 23 minutes in the lead. Westham and Salmont were second, Bryan was third, and MacCachren had a bad second lap. First, he rear ended a Class 11 car in the dust at the beginning of the lap, and spent some time ascertaining that no one was seriously hurt, then he lost the rear end, and needed time consuming repairs, and now was back in fourth place. Stewart was waiting for repairs to his power steering. Ragland maintained his steady pace, and took the win, while MacCachren, really charging hard, zipped off the fast lap for the race, at 1:24:34, and moved himself up to second place, still 35 minutes behind Ragland. But the HORA had decided to disqualify him because of the lap two accident with the Class 11 car, which they said was caused by overdriving in the dust. There was no appeal to the disqualification. That put Wes them and Salmont, two hours down to Ragland, into second place, and Brian Stewart, after a long day and many repairs, finished third, while David Bryan, who'd broken the bolt that holds the rear trailing arm in, was slowed when the whole rear end fell out, but recovered for fourth place. -----------:--------:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,., .... -:::~:=--:=--::.....::::....::_:;..;;;---::;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;::;;:j, ,/fr-~ ~ :#. °" " ., -~ . <k~-.:. Cam Thieriot and Greg Lewin ran second in Class 10 on lap 1, stayed close in the Toyota powered Chenowth. took the lead on the last lap and were both surprised at winning Class 10 and placing seventh overall. Neal and Mike Grabowski ran the whole race without the power steering. that broke in testing. but they came from third on the first lap, then to second and ended up winning Class 5 by a huge 45 minutes. The Class 10 cars were next, and it was no surprise that Doug Fortin, Jr., in his Chenowth, ran in front, but he was just 43 seconds ahead of Cam Thieriot, in his Chenowth Warrior. In third it was Rick Romans, in a Raceco, a little over a minute later. Fourth was Greg Hibbs, six seconds back, in a Jimco, and then Mike Williams ran fifth, 38 seconds later, in his MECO, after coping with a bent tie rod. Fortin poured on the gas for the second lap, and his 1 :40:46 was the fast lap for this class, and his lead was now just a blink over four minutes. It was still Thieriot in second place, but Hibbs was only two seconds behind him. Romans held on to fourth place, and Williams was still fifth. Fortin fell afoul of a bfown motor on the last lap, and didn't finish, a rare occurence tor him. But, meanwhile, Thieriot put his co-driver, Greg Lewin, in tor the last lap, and Lewin maintained a good pace, happily finding a little dust free window for about half his lap, and came in first to take the win, their first in many a moon. They were seventh overall. Hibbs was second, only a minute and 13 seconds later, and then Mark Whittington, in a Mirage, moved up to finish third, after a trouble free run. John Hays, in a Raceco, was bedeviled by small troubles, like fan and power steering belts, and his radio came loose and fell in his lap, but he took fourth place, followed in by Mike and Morley Williams, in fifth. Class 5 came next, and at the end of lap one it was Rick Rowland, in the Porsche shaped car, with class fast lap, at 1 :45 :03, and about three minutes ahead of Doug Dawson, in the '65 convertible. In third place it was Neal Grabowski, in a Jimco the Klawitters, Hartmut and Convertible, running with no Wolfram, in another Jimco, but power steering, after breaking it still only 14 minutes behind the during testing on Friday. George lead car. Seeley was fourth in his sedan, Things spread out considerably and Lisa Dickerson, in another on the second lap, but Rowland Jimco Convertible, was fifth, after held the lead, and Grabowski was missing a turn and rolling over. It now second, and 20 minutes took a while to get the car righted back. Dickerson and her co-again, because other racers kept driver, Scott Cameron, were less missing the same turn, and she than a minute behind him in third and her helpers had to keep place, and the Klawitters, who'd dropping the Bug and running for broken a distributor cap on this safety. Last in this class, and lap, were now fourth as Seeley fell noteworthy because of it, were to fifth, and Dawson !;Ir 16V Golf/Jetta/Sclrocco H-d Stud Kit RTE-1001 ........................ $119.95 IV Rabbit/Golf/Pre '82 Diesel H-d Stud Kit RTE-1002 ......................... 119.95 10mm Type 1 Hi!Gd Stud Kit SPILL YOUR GUTS RTE-1003 ......................... 169.95 lmow Type 1 H-d Stud Kit RTE-1004 ......................... 159.95 12mm VW DleMI H-d Stud Kit RTE-1006 .................... NEW 129.95 12mm Audi 5000 H~ Stud Kit RTE-1007 .................... NEW 149.95 Rabbit/Golf Main Bearing, Studs RTE-2001 ........•................ 109.95 1.8/2.0L GTI/Golf Connecting Rod Bolts RTE-4001 . . ....................... 99.95 For information or to order, call: 1-800-468-1977 VISA, Mastercard or COD Aerospace Quality VW Engine Fasteners that will outlast your engine/ Stock engine fasteners just don't cut it for performance, racing, or even stock diesel applications. RACEWAREfasteners ore 40% stronger than stock, eliminating blown head gaskets, oil leaks and bearing failures. Don't Spill Your Guts. Order your RACEWARE fasteners today! Send for Free Brochure Race-Tech Engineering 11320 Brydon Drive Taylor, Ml 48180 ■ (313) 946-4477 -,i1,1,1 ,,,.1, 1,1,,~1 •t.u Manny Esquerra had a time costing flat on the first lap. but he and brother Tudy Joe. got going again. to take over the lead despite other woes just before the finish line. winning Class 7 by less than two minutes in the Ford. Dusty Times December 1991 Page 11
Flying over the Nevada rocks Mike and Morley Williams kept the MEGO going well and they ran fifth all the way in Class 10 and finished close in fifth. George Seeley, Jr. moved steadily through the Class 5 field to finish his Bug, second, and George has a lot of seconds in this desert series. Scott Douglas led Class 7 for almost two laps, but his four cylinder Jeep engine got out horsepowered by a six in the final dash and he was a close second. Lr lost an hour and a half. Rowland disappeared on the last lap, and Grabowski moved up to the front and stayed there, to take the win. Seeley lost a little time with a broken secondary, but took second place, finishing on a front flat. Dickerson and Cam-eron were third, having lost a bunch of time when Scott, passing a truck, knocked a spindle apart on a rock. The Klawitters were told to stop to fix their amber safety light at the rear of the car, and when they did they got behind a 1600, which slowed them down in the silt, and as a consequence, a Class 7S truck rammed into them. The hit cut their fan belt, and caved in their cage, and cracked the block. They found the hole when they tried to repair the belt, and decided they were retired. Class 7 came next on the start grid, and Roger Mears looked as if he was going to continue on his winning way, as he and his Nissan had the lead, and the class fast lap, at 1:43:25 at the end of lap one. He'd already changed two flats, victims of one rock. Scott Douglas ran second, a little over six minutes later, in his Jeep Comanche, while Manny Esq-uerra, in his Ford Ranger, was third, 58 seconds behind him, after having a flat and not being able to get the tire off the truck. The other three entries, Slick Gardner, Racin Gardner and Russ Jones, all in Fords, all had first lap troubles, and never did another lap. Racin Gardner seemed to be getting off to a bad start anyway, when, about a minute before he got the green flag, his passenger got out of the truck, slammed the door, and walked away. Douglas moved into the lead on lap two, while Esquerra was having problems with his air cleaners getting plugged up, and he ran second, a little over a minute behind Douglas. Mears, who'd lost his power steering, was third, 46 seconds later, but had to head for his pit. Douglas led part way through the last lap, but then was out horsepowered by Esquerra in the soft sand near the end, and Esquerra got the win, with Douglas only a minute and 49 seconds later in second. Mears was third, about 38 minutes later, unable to make up time lost in the pit, trying to install his replace-ment power steering pump. Class 4 was next, and this group enjoyed the addition of IMSA driver, Lyn St. James, in her first A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing Bilstein gas pressure shock New Applications absorbers were first introduced to the Dimensions Valving American market in off-road racing in e!!r! tfa, 12~imle!lsm E11!/Q2II, B~tz.lQ2m12, the late 1960's. Over the past 20 AK1310 3/4"shaft 36.02 X 20.86 150/50 years, more of!-road races have been 15. 15 inch travel won on Bilstein than any other shock AK 1320 3/4" shaft 33.00 X 19.48 170/60 absorbers. 13.5 inch travel Today, with their proven record of performance, Bilsteins continue to be AK 1330 3/4" shaft 27.00 X 16.88 255/100 the choice of serious off-roaders who 10.11 inch travel coil over run to win. Now Available - Repair and Revalving Services. Page 12 Contact: Motorsports Department BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog send $2.50 December 1991 Dave Ashley flew his Ford high and wide over the rough terra in. picked up the Class 4 lead on lap 2. had no major problems like others did and Dave won Class 4 once again and finished a quick sixth overall. ---------------· -· off road race; in a new Ford Step Bill Dickton, in a Dodge, was side. However much off road fifth, and the last to finish. St. training she'd been given, it was James managed only two laps. not enough to prepare her for the The 1-2-l 600s started next, silt bed that awaited her at the end and one of the top contenders, of the nice pavement start area. Tom Burns came to grief almost She promptly got stuck, and lost immediately. As he turned left off about an hour and a half getting the pavement, into the silt bed, unstuck, while the more exper-Tom suddenly found himself ienced drivers avoided that nosed in under a stuck truck. He hazard, and went on. Steve Kelley frantically put his car in reverse, put his Chevy into the lead, with and started to back away from the about four minutes on Dave truck, but along cam e Jon Ashley and his Ford. In third it Tanklage, in a Suspensions was Mike Schwellinger, in his Unlimited car, who'd started Ford, and then Timmy Lee Pruett, right behind him, and plowed into in still another Ford, was fourth. the back of Burns' Mirage. Rod Hall had his old Dodge in T anklage slid up and over Burns' fifth place. motor, demolishing it and the On the second lap Ashley transmission, and giving Tom a picked up the pace, and recorded good jolt, also. Burns was out of the class fast lap at 1 :36:35, to the race, but T anklage's car was move into the lead. Now he had still driveable, and he went on. 18 minutes on Schwellinger, with Meanwhile, Danny Porter, in Hall in third and Pruett in fourth another Suspensions Unlimited place. Kelley was repairing the car, took the lead, with Gary slider for his steering, a time Sewel, Jr., in a Lothringer, in consuming job. second place. Brian Parkhouse, in Ashley had a good day, with no a Mirage Stealthfighter, was third, major troubles, and held a steady and Tim Burns, Tom's brother, pace to take the win, and a nice ran fourth. Michael Delance, Jr., sixth place overall. H all was was fifth in a Bunderson. second, over an hour later, saying On the second lap Sewell had he'd gone as fast as the old truck an air filter plugged up, so he took would go, and was followed in by it off, and went on to take the Schwellinger, and then Kelley. lead, about six minutes in front of Gary Sewell had a super day. had little trouble with the Lothringer. and he ran solo in the short race. recorded class fast lap on the last round. and won Class 1-2-1600 handily, a win he said was a long time coming. Dusty Times
Rodney Hall and Jim Fricker are still plugging along in the older Dodge, but it held together in the southern Nevada rough stuff and they got second in Class 4. Mike Schwellinger and Bill Holmes ran third. then second, then dropped back to third on the final lap finishing third in the Class 4 Ford F-150. Tim Burns held up the family honor in Class 1-2-1600 running the Miraco. moving from fourth to third and into second in class at the checkered flag. Parkhouse, who was second now. Burns was third, Porter dropped to fourth, and Andy Stix, who'd started nine minutes late, ran fifth, in another Lothringer, which had lost second gear. Sewell stayed in front, and when he developed a miss he stopped and asked someone to switch coils for hin:l, which solved the problem. He came on in for the win, recording the class fast lap, at 1 :52:28 on that last lap. Burns moved up to second place, even with time out to weld up a broken torsion housing, and fix one flat. Parkhouse was hit by a Class 3 truck, which folded in his rear safety light, and he'd lost a coil wire, but he still took third place, only two minutes behind Burns. In fourth it was Stix, and Tanklage finished fifth. Porter had lost his motor. The Class 6 cars were next, and Evan Evans put his Blazer out in front, with five minutes on Danny Aschcraft's Explorer. In third it was Mike Lesle in his Jeep Cherokee, and then John Swift, in another Explorer, ran fourth. Evans disappeared on the second lap, and Swift moved up into the lead, with eight minutes on Lesle. Don Adams and Larry Olsen were third now in their Jeep, and Ashcraft, losing. about an hour and 15 minutes, dropped back to fourth. None of the other entries completed a second lap. Swift lost a plug wire a couple of times, and actually ran on five cylinders quite a lot of the time, but he managed to maintain his lead and take the win. Lesle, who lost an alternator belt, and also had to change a battery, was second, only 13 minutes later. In third it was Adams and Olsen, while Ashcraft lost his rear end on the last loop, and didn't make it in. Class 3 sent off next, and it wasn't long before one of them, Bruce Simonsen, in a CJ7, had come to the end of his road. Simonsen rolled over up in McCullough Pass, partly blocking the course, and worrying Danny Cau, HDRA president, enough that he.hopped into a helicopter and flew up to look at the situation. Cau wanted to find a way to r,emove the CJ, but nothing could be done, and it was there for the duration. In the meantime, the lead was in the hands of Dan Smith in his Bronco, and he'd recorded the class fast lap, at 1:41:05. Mike Lund had his Nissan in second,· eleven minutes later. And in third it was Curt LeDuc in a Jeep Cherokee, while Dale White ran fourth in his Blazer. Smith's luck didn't hold, and he fell back with recurring mechanical problems, while LeDuc, with no problems at all, moved into the lead. He had 21 Dusty Times minutes on Lund, who was still to the finish line for fourth place. second, and Smith was third, with In Class 7 4x4, which started White in fourth. next, the Simon brothers, Paul While the dust never cleared and Dave put their Ranger into for him, LeDuc had no other the lead with the class fast lap of obstacles on his way to the win, 1 :51 :04, and had eight minutes on his third in a row. Lund was Jerry McDonald in his Chevy. In second, and White moved up to third it was Darren York, in third, as Smith struggled, but got ·another Ranger, while fourth belonged to Jeff Lewis, who usually rides shotgun with McDonald, in a just finished Chevy SlO. Lewis was giving the truck its test drive, and if it performed well McDonald was going to consider using it for the Baja 1000. The Simons had to change rear GERMAN AUTO leaf springs, and each of them had , two flats, but they held their lead. McDonald dropped back when he lost first an idler arm, and then the transmission. While he made repairs, Lewis, who'd been instructed to take it easy, slid up into second place. York was having i;r ✓you R-OFF-ROAD HEADQUARTERS 11 DIEST SEAT BELTS The greatest name in driver safety equipment 4-point Sand Rail Seat Belt . Race Belts 2"-5 point $69.95 $74.95 3"-5 point . . from S99.95 TYPE 4-PORSCHE-STYLE FAN SHROUD Utilizes type 1 alternator custom alter-nator mount included . . . . . . . . $299.00 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700lb ... $79.95 200mm reinforced maximum 2300. 2500. 2700. or 3000lb S99,96 "GERMAN AUTO" COM-PETITION PRESSURE PLATES 200mm200lb 215mm Porsche 914 . CLUTCH DISCS FOR 2OOMM AND 215MM Cushlocks 4 puc ferramic 4 puc ferramic with spring hub $49.95 S114.95 S36,95 S44.95 $54.95 213-868-9393 CNC cun1NG BRAKES Upright or lay down styles av~ilable single or dual handles . I $69.95 CNC RACE CAR PEDAL AS-SEMBLES Brake pedal with dual master_ cylinder and balance bar [specify disc of drum brakes) . . . . . . . from $199.95 Clutch pedal with slave . $104.95 Swing pedal or floor mount pedals available. SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS • Polished finish• •Bait together replaceable halves• • available in 15" and 16" .... from $99.95 SACO IRS BUS SUPER DIFF 100'lb machined form billet. Uses 091 series parts. Fits all years $424.55 SACO transmission drive flange. 100'lb machined from billet. Fits 930 CV joints [each) S55.95 SACO "No LEAK" 4 bolt polished valve covers fits 1. 7. 1. B. and 1. OT 4 engines. [pair) . . . . . . . . S44.95 POLY FUEL JUGS 5 Gallon ... Square Design ... Screw On Cap . . . . . . . . . . $17.95 Anti-Vortex Fuel Funnel 11 Gallon ... Quick Dump $17.95 $49.95 213-863-1504 0., ,.·./···.· .. · ...... ". . .«-.,:,f' . SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS AND FLANGES 930 or T.4 cages [each) 930. T. 4 & T. 2 boot flanges [each) Trik boots [each) . S44.95 $15.95 $15.95 SACO RACK AND PINION SACO rack and pinion features alloy gears full contact housing. and hard anodized for long wear. Standard rack and pinion Rack and pinion mount Rack and pinion coupler Rack steering stops ... H.D MAGNUM RACK $249.95 $9.95 $8.95 $19.95 Billet housings ... 111.,• alloy gear ... thru bolt mounting ... complete with stops 1" CHROMOLYTIE RODS WITH H.D. ENDS 1• ChromolyTie Rods with H.0 . Ends [specify Ford or International) set Quick release steering hub $89.95 $44.95 FAX· 213-929-1461 11324 Norwalk Bl. Santa Fe Springs, CA. 90670 December 1991 SWAYAWAY IRS spring plates SIA spring plates 4130 Spring plates S64,95 $77.95 .. from S159.95 H.0 . torsion bars ....... from S134.95 Front V. W. Bug sway bars . . S44.95 Rear V. W. Bug sway bars $64.95 Front and rear V. W. sway bar kit S199.95 TRIMIL BOBCAT SYSTEMS. 1'k"Type 1 raw . 1 ½" Type 1 chrome 15/a'Type 1 raw .. 15/a"Typechrome .. 15/a'Type4raw ..... 15/e' Type 4 chrome Baffle for Bobcat System . . ,. • ,. ~ $59.95 $89.95 $69.96 $99.95 S149.95 S179.95 $8.95 TRICK REAR TRAILING ARMS 3' X 3" : . . . . . . . . . pr. $395,00 Class 1-21600, 51600 pr. $395.00 FRONT TRAILING ARMS Link Pin 4130 Chromoly Stock length 1 ¼"Longer . 2 ¼"Longer . 4" for coil covers . pr. S485.00 pr. 5525,00 pr. $525.00 pr. S550.00 WEEKEND WARRIOR LONG TRAVEL BEAMS B' travel stock width beam s··travel widened beam 1 o• travel stock width beam 1 o· travel widened beam . $199.95 . S219.95 S224.95 $244.95 *Catalog $3. Page 13
Heading into the silt here, Brian Parkhouse survived a stout hit from a Class 3 truck in his Mirage, other woes and still got third in Class 1-2-1600. • Mike Leste might have the altitude record on this jump, at least for Class 6, and he had a few problems with the Jeep Cherokee en route to second in class . Mike Lund with Bryant Hibbs back riding in the Nissan Path-finder, ran in second spot in Class 3 from flag to flag in the southern Nevada dust. r;r'---trouble with his ignition module, and then he bent a drive shaft, and had to weld some frame cracks, but he was in third place. Running very late were Steve Barlow and Mike Freel, who had early suspension trouble, and then, after repairing a tire, found that their truck wouldn't start. . -:::-:-==-========--- -The Simons took the win, and Lewis, with no serious new car blues at all, was second. York survived long enough for a third place finish, and McDonald was a very late fourth place. Barlow and Freel had time to complete only two laps. . In Class 7S, the first lap lead belonged to Chuck Johnson, who'd made some suspension changes on his Ford, as well as helping the bottom end with a new exhaust design. He had two minutes and 15 seconds on Spencer Low, in his Nissan. In third it was Terry Brown and Bill O'Brien, in a Ranger, and Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen ran fourth in their Toyota, while Willie Valdez was fifth in his Ranger. Johnson, who was driving the entire race himself this time, continued to lead, and Low stayed close behind him, still only three minutes and a bit more back. Brown and O'Brien continued to John sw;;t got a slow start in the Class 6 Ford Explorer. but despite such antics shown here he took the lead Of'! the second lap. had plug troubles. but added another Class 6 win to his list, and 11th overall to boot. run third, and Vinje and Hansen· were fourth. Valdez dropped back when he broke a fuel fitting and his second fuel pump pumped all his fuel onto the ground until he ran out. That moved Billy Bunch and John Kearney, ina Ford, upto fifth. Johnson continued to have a good run, until about 20 miles before the finish, a belt flipped off and he was without power steering. He finished that way, and got his win, but Low, who'd had a brief altercation with a Class GARY SEWELL 5 car in the silt, had crept up to within 52 seconds of Johnson, and took second place by that very narrow margin. Bunch and Kearney, who had a flat on their way to the finish, were third, with Vinje and Hansen, who'd also had a flat, fourth behind them. In fifth it was Brown and O'Brien, who'd had to change a rear end. Valdez lost his transmission on the last lap, but replaced it. for a sixth place finish. The Chenowth Mini Mags, next to go, had an O for 2 finish & CO-DRIVER DAN KELLER Page 14 Blew Off The Competition By A HUGE 21 MINUTES TIRED OF RUNNING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PACK? RACE TO WIN !!!!! THE WINNING COMBINATION YOU & Lothringer Engineering 825 N. Glendora Avenue Covina. CA 91723 818.915-2212 December 1991 Curt LeDuc whipped up a bit of dust with his Jeep Cherokee. and Curt is on a winning roll. taking his third straight Class 3 title despite running in dust all day, and LeDuc was a keen tenth overall. -------·-----record going into this event, and were hoping they'd make it to the checkered flag this time. Scott Steinberger and Rory Chenowth put themselves into the lead on the first lap, with a time of 1 :59:41, fast class lap. They had only a minute and 37 seconds on Larry Plank, who ran second. In third it was Frank and Steve Bristing, and then Jim Roach was fourth. Steinberger and Chenowth continued their good run, and held their lead, but eveyone else had problems. Even Plank, who was still second, had lost an hour and 20 minutes somehow. Now Yoshi Ogasawara, and his two co-drivers, Torno and Yasu, ran third. Steinberger and Chenowth had just one flat, and a broken shock, and got the finish, and the win. And in second place it was Ogasawara, who speaks little English, but his grin at the finish line said it all. Of the rest, Bristing lost a motor, and Plank's motor quit when his electrical system went haywire. None of the others got three laps done. In Class 5-1600 the first lap lead, and the quick time for the class belonged to Wayne Cook, at 2:04: 11. He had a little over two . minutes on Gary Cogbill, who ran second, and was just 35 seconds infrontofDaveGasper. ln fourth it was Steve Lawrence, a minute and a half further back, and followed by Joe Grier, three minutes later, in fifth. Cook, who was teamed with his brother, Alan, for this race, continued to lead, having no problems. They had just under five minutes on Gasper at the end of lap two. In third it was now Cogbill, who'd had some shock problems, and was 33 seconds behind Gasper. And fourth place belonged to Jack Ramsey, who was filling in for Rich Fersch, who'd hurt his back on Friday while carrying a pit box. The Cooks had a letter perfect day, and took another win, putting them in very good shape for the end of the year points. Behind them Gasper had a flat, and then his transmission started to act up, and the only way he could find low gear was to stop completely, put his shifter in reverse, and then find low. So as he fell back Fersch's car moved up, with another driver, Tom Burns, who took over when Ramsey wore out. Burns, bored with watching the race after his incident! was delighted to help -4-., .. , ~~ ~ .... , Paul and Dave Simon continued on their winning ways in the Ford Ranger. and the defending Class 7 4x4 points champs, won the small class by about 12 minutes. after changing springs and tires. Dusty Times
Jeff Lewis took a test drive in the new MacPherson Chevy S-10 and surprised even the visiting honchos by arriving second and close in Class 7 4x4. Spencer Low gave the Fords a good fight with his Nissan, but a Yoshi Ogasawara and his crew were happy in finishing the race terrific situation slowed him, and he was second in Class 7S by in their Mini Mag, happier to be second in class in what was their less than one minute. first official finish. Chuck Johnson ran solo at the wheel of the Ford Ranger. with Bob Bower also riding all the way. and Chuck led all the way. was tired at the finish, but happy in winning Class 7S by a slim 52 seconds at that. ----------------0 U t, and moved along at a good discussion cost him five minutes. clip, bringing the car to Fersch, Fourth behind him before his who had to drive the last few miles little conference, was Pancho Bio to qualify for points. They were in his Tubular Designs car, but he second, about eight minutes went on in third. down. And in third it wa_s Cogbill, Richardson, and his co-driver, and his partner, Doug West, Doug Perrault, recorded the class who'drolledthecaronthelastlap fast lap, at 2:09:17, on lap two about 10 miles before the finish. (just 22 seconds faster than lap In fourth it was Gasper, and then one), and increased their lead to C hris Klick and Gary Brennan, six minutes. Now Stankavich and from Idaho, who drove a very Currier were second, their motor steady pace, finished fifth. running a little too rich, and down The C ha llengers, (Class 9 ), on power. In third it was Bio and were scantily represented this his co-driver, Sergio "Indio" time, and then three of the starters Gutierre~. Prince's car, with Josh couldn't complete the first lap. Rider at the wheel, lost its oil, and That left only six of the little then its motor. Now there were buggies out on the course, and only three cars running. Rich Richardson had his Jimco Perrault's last lap was just 19 out in front. He had three minutes seconds slower than the second on Joel Stankavich and Mike lap, even with some worrisome Currier, in their Raceco, and they noises in the transmission, and he were just five seconds in front of brought it to the finish line for the Roy Prince, in his Chenowth/ Baja win. Gutierrez finished in Bio's Concepts. But the officials black car next, to get second place, 12 flagged Prince to tell him that he minutes back. And in third it was might be protested at the finish · Stankavich and Currier, another because he had a modified intake 12 minutes back. manifold (it was cut). Prince. who A major part of the excitement has run the same manifold since for this class came when Bio just after the Parker race, was decided to claim Richardson and understandably upset that he was Perrault's motor. It has generally stopped to be given this informa-been overlooked, but Class 9 has tion, but he chose to go on and always been a claiming class, and a sort it out later. The flagging and runner up has the right to claim Wayne Cook and brother Alan shared the driving in the swift 5-1600. turned fast lap for the class on the first round. kept the lead from the green to the checkered and should have the points title in hand. Dusty Times -----------------------Richardson's did, decided to take advantage of the claiming option. So, after the post race tech inspection, Richardson and Perrault took off all the extras, removed their motor, put it in a box and handed it to Bio, who went off to get ready for the Baja 1000. Richardson and Perrault were going to have to hustle to get a new motor in time for the 1000 also, but they had planned a major rebuild anyhow. Scott Steinberger and Rory Chenowth were the fastest of the half dozen Mini Mags in the race, led the entire distance, had a flat and a broken shock on the Chenowth but won by a resounding hour. 40 minutes. Class 11, which was required to complete only two laps for this event, couldn't get one car around one time. The little red VW of John Jacobs disappeared, for unknown reasons. But it's known what happened to the others. Jim Pierce's was the car bumped by MacCachren, and the hit destroy-ed his motor and transmission, blew hot i;r-the winner's motor for the chooses. Bio, who said his car just grandiose sum of $800. if he didn't have the power that When Peter Piper Picked A Parker Pumper Helmet, How Many Drivers Wanted The Helmet That Peter Piper Picked? Helmet includes Nomex Skirt • More Nose Room • Lighter • Seals Better Against Dust• 30% More Vision• Also Available - Full Line of Simpson Products • Bell Helmets • Glass Shields • Drinkers • Kool Pac's • Pumper Motors • 4'-8' Hoses • 1985 Snell Approved Helmets We Also Convert Helmets! We Ship UPS Fax (714) 923-3118 Parker Pumper Helmets 2318 S. Vineyard, Ste B Ontario, Calif. 91761 • Phone (714) 923-7016 December 1991 w=• It • Page 15
Martin Garibay led Class 11 but was crashed into a few miles from the finish, the only class car running at the time, so Martin was the apparent winner without finishing the lap. ---------David Bryan and Debbie Keefe had the rear end fall out of the Ford. but the pit crew found them and fixed it all. and they finished fourth in Class 8. Roger Mears set Class 7 fast lap on the first round in the Nissan then lost the power steering. a long fix. and ended up finishing third ,n class. ----··---------Dale White and Gene Pen y had a line run in the Chevy Blazer. having no big troubles and they finished third in Class 3. erase behind second place. Larry Plank ran a long second in Mini Mag action with serious electrical trouble, and it shut down his engine on lap 3, but he was third in class. Page 16 Danny Letner, with son Marty listed as co-driver, kept his new Chevrolet exotic pickup moving at a good pace and finished sixth in Class 1 /2. Tom and Bob DeNault ran in contention in Class 10 in the Mirage all day, and they ended up finishing sixth in Class 10. just 34 seconds out of fifth. Andy Stix and George Fishback Jr. started nine minutes late in the Lothringer but they made the time back and then some to finish fourth in Class 1 ·2· 1600. Darren and Doug York always have a tidy Ford. and in Nevada they had no huge delays and lin(shed third in Class 7 4x4. eight minutes behind second. Dave and Bill Gasper ran a close third in Class 5-1600 for two laps. then had a flat and trans problems. but they carried on to fourth in the class. December 1991 Brian Stewart had one thing after another stop his Dodge, but he kept getting patched up. ran fast from time to time to finish third in Class 8 action. Lisa Dickerson got a bad start. rolling her Class 5 on the first lap. but she and Scott Cameron got going again to finish close in tl1ird place in class. Don Adams and Larry Olsen keep trying in the older Jeep, and they kept it together in the rugged terrain to finish third in Class 6. an hour back. Billy Bunch and John Kearnev moved the Ford forward aftr>r two laps and then got the Ranger ,nto third place iri Class 7S despite a last lap flat. Joel Stankavich and Mike Currier ran a tight second in Class 9 for two laps, then lost some engine power and they eventually finished third in the Raceco. Dusty Times
Rich Fersch used twq substitute drivers in his quest for points, Jack Ramsey and the idle Tom Burns, and it worked, Fersch finished second in Class 5-1600. Doug West and Gary Cogbill had a good race going in Class 5-1600. then lost time with a last lap rollover. but still finished third by just 26 seconds. Pancho Bio and Sergio Gutierrez moved into second place in Class 9 on the last lap and they finished second. and also claimed the winner's engine. ~ oil on the driver, and something caught fire. Luckily, they'd been bumped into the midst of a CORE pit, and there were fire extinguishers handy to put out the flames. Neither Pi~rce, or his passinger were seriously hurt. The other car, Martin Garibay's,gottowithinaboutl0 to Pierce's. His motor was miles of the end of the first lap, in destroyed, and he figured his very good shape, and was then trans was gone also. Garibay, who rear ended by a Class 5 car, when is the class points leader, was Martin slowed in response to seriouslyworriedabouthisability someone who was waving them to get the car rebuilt in time for around a group of stuck cars. The the Baja 1000. And that's why resultant damage was very similar there were no Class 11 finishers. HORA GOLD COAST 300 Results - October 12, 1991 # Pos. Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle 101 1 105 2 119 3 116 4 Class I /2 • Unlimited Single & 2 Seat - 25 .start • 10 finish Jack Johnson/Robert Eichel Jeep Cherokee Ed Herbst Porsche Chenowth Gary Hymes/Mike Schwartz Porsche Raceco Jim Smith/Dennis Rogers Porsche Chenowth 122 5 Troy Herbst (solo) Porsche Chenowth The race had a nine hour limit, Time 0/A 4:30:58 1 4:57:24 3 5:01:37 4 5:04:58 5 5:19:00 8 Class 1-2-1600 • 1600cc Restricted Engine • 1 O start • 6 finish 1608 1 Gary Sewell Jr. (solo) Lothringer 5:41:06 22 so it was all over early in the afternoon, and virtually everyone had finished in time to get his group back to Las Vegas for dinner and some partying. But the nicest partying for that weekend had to be the"Survivor's Brunch", hosted by Mike Gaughan at his Gold Coast Hotel, on Sunday morning. The racers got a sumptuous buffet to feed the inner man and woman, while watching the presentation of trophies and checks to the race winners. It's always a pleasant way Rich Richardson and Doug Perrault got the Jimco Challenger out front on lap 1. got Class 9 fast tap on lap 2, and the team did at/ three taps 'in the same 1609 2 Tim Bums Miraco 1601 3 Brian Parkhouse/Dave Massingham Mirage 1607 4 Andy Stix/George Fishback Jr. Lothringer 1603 5 Jon & BrianTanklage Susp. Unlimited 303 1 304 2 329 3 301 4 Class 3 • Short WB 4X4 • 5 start • 4 finish Curt LeDuctMike Lesle Jeep Cherokee Mike Lund/Bryant Hibbs Nissan Pathfinder Dale White/Gene Perry Chevy Blazer Dan Smith/Mike Bakholdin Ford Bronco Class 4 • Long WB 4X4 - 7 start • 5 finish 403 1 Dave Ashley/Dan Smith Ford F-150 400 2 Rodney Hall/Jim Fricker Dodge 402 3 404 4 449 5 502 1 506 2 501 3 Mike Schwellinger/Bill Holmes Ford F-I50 Steve Kelley/Ben Metcalf Chevrolet Bill Dickton/Olga Vernon Dodge Class 5 • Unlimited Baja Bug • 6 start • 3 finish Neal & Mike Grabowski Baja Bug George Seeley Jr JCane Smeed Baja Bug Lisa Dickerson/Scott Cameron , Baja Bug Class 5-1600 • l600cc Baja Bug• 10 start - 7 finish 551. 1 Wayne & Alan Cook Baja Bug 550 2 Rich Fersch/Jack Ramsay/Tom Burns Baja Bug 552 3 557 4 554 5 Doug WesVGary Cogbill Baja Bug David & Bill Gasper Baja Bug Chris Klick/Gary Brennan . Baja Bug Class 6 • Production Sedan • 7 start • 3 finish 601 1 John SwifVDino Pugeda Ford Explorer 603 2 Mike Lesle/Byron Rexwinkle Jeep Cherokee 619 3 Don Adams/Larry Olsen Jeep Class 7 • Unlimited Mini-Midi Pickup • 6 start • 3 finish 700 1 702 2 701 3 Manny & Tudy Joe Esquerra Ford Ranger Scott Douglas Jeep Comanche Roger Mears/Tony Alvarez Nissan Hardbody Class 7S • Stock Mini-Midi Pickup. 7 start·- 6 finish 721 1 Chuck Johnson/Bob Bowers Ford Ranger 723 2 Spencer Low/John Ray Nissan 722 3 737 4 739 5 760 1 778 2 761 3 762 4 804 1 805 2 • 801 3 806 4 828 5 Billy Bunch/John Kearney Ford Ranger Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Toyota Terry Brown/Bill O'Brien Ford Ranger 7 4X4 -Stock Mini-Midi 4X4 • 5 start • 4 finish Paul & Dave Simon Ford Ranger Jeff Lewis/Bob King Chevy S-1 O Darren & Doug York Ford Ranger Jerry McDonald Chevy S-10 Class 8 • 2WD Standard Pickup. 8 start. 7 finish Larry Ragland/Ivan Scoppettone Chevrolet Dave Westhem/Randy Salmont G,,C Brian Stewart Dodge David Bryant Debbie Keefe Ford J.R. Broughton/Ben Emerson Class 9 • Restricted Buggy • 9 start • 3 finish 900 1 Rich Richardson/Doug Perrault Jimco 905 2 Pancho Bio/Sergio Giytierrez Tubular Designs 948 3 Joel Stankavich/Mike Currier Raceco Class 10 • Unlimited 1650cc -16 start -11 finish 1008 1 Cam ThierioVGreg Lewin Chenowth Warrior 1001 2 Greg Hibbs/Dave Richardson Jimco 1015 3 1000 4 1014 5 Mark Whittington Mirage John Hays (solo) Raceco Mike.& Morley Williams MECO Class II· Stock VW Sedan· 3 start O finish (3 laps) 1102 Martin Garibay · VW Bee~e Class Mini-Mag. 6 start. 2 finish 1299 1 Scott Steinberge/Rory Cheriowth 1201 2 Yoshi Ogasawara/Torno Katagiri Mini Mag Mini Mag 6:02:11 6:04:18 6:16:53 7:10:04 5:20:16 5:52:12 6:04:40 6:15:50 5:08:51 6:14:58 6:42:16 6:58:28 7:56:19 5:38:05 6:23:41 6:34:15 6:26:49 6:30:05 6:43:09 6:43:35 6:49:48 5:25:14 5:38:51 6:21:31 5:35:55 5:37:44 6:15:41 5:44:39 5:45:31 6:18:45 6:31:56 7:12:26 5:56:24 6:38:11 6:46:16 8:52:45 4:55:56 6:58:39 7:21:54 7:32:05 8:37:38 6:28:34 6:40:36 6:52:22 5:18:45 5:19:58 5:26:10 5:32:26 5:34:18 NIT 6:54:05 8:33:59 Starters - 130 - Finishers -74 - 56% Finish ratio -Race Distance. 231.48 miles Time Allowance · 9 hours - Overall fast time - Jack Johnson - Jeep - 4:30:58 Dusty Times 29 30 36 59 10 26 31 35 6 32 48 56 67 20 40 45 41 43 49 50 53 11 21 39 18 19 33 24 25 38 44 60 28 46 51 73 2 56 61 64 71 42 47 54 7 9 12 14 15 55 71 minute, and they won the class by a stout 12 minu_te_s_. ________ _ to spend Sunday morning. they get a very brief hreak before The Gold Coast 300 closed out starting all over again with the 1991 for the HORA. and now 1992 series. TOYOTA• VOLKSWAGEN• PORSCHE• JEEP No matter what type of offroad engine or class you run, look to FAT to get you the most out of your efforts. You run FAT and you sub-stantially increase your odds of winning. And we've chalked up quite an impressive list of evidence to support that claim. We've compiled thousands of successful offroad racing miles and the leaders to prove it! FAT PERFORMANCE THE 1990 SCORE HORA ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR. I/ta PERFORMANCE TOYOT'A Toyota Motorspor1s will be continuing their mot~ offrood contingiency program in 1992! To find out how you can cash In on FA T's offroad experience, or for your FAT Performance Catalog, send '5 to FAT Performance, Dept. OTT, 1558 N. Case, Orange, CA 92667 or call (714) 637-2889 December 1991 C3@3:l•I1)ii:ilVPJ•Mi•1.j•l~*W Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group (MTEG) • Marty Coyne: 1600cc l6valveTOYOTA 1st place MTEG Rosebowl • Jerry Welchel: 1600cc 16 valve TOYOTA 1st place MTEG San Diego • Tommy Croll: 2500cc JEEP 4 cyl. 1st Ultras tock MTEG Anaheim #1 Qualifier6 out of7 races JEEP-FAT Powered Ullrastocks hold the MTEG Monufocturers championship. SCORE/HORA • Cameron Steele: 1-1600 \JIN air-cooled 1st place 1-1600 Fireworks 250 • CurtleDuc: 4.7 liter6cyl.JEEP Isl place Class 3 Fireworks 250 Isl place Class 3 Nevada 500 Isl placs Class 3 Baja 1000 . 1st place Class 3 SCORE/HDRA Champion • Hartmut Klawitter: 2900 cc Type IV VW 1st place Class 5 Parker 400 1st place Class 5 Nissan 400 1st place Class 5 Nevada 500 1991 Class 5 SCORE/HDRA Points Champion • Greg Vaughn: 2700ccTypelVVW -1st place Class 5 SCORE Baja 500 • Mike Les le: 4. 7 lite 6 cyl. JEEP 1st place Class 6 Fireworks 250 1st place Class 6 Nevada 500 • Jerry Welchel: 22R 2500cc TOYOTA I st place Class 7S SCORE San Felipe 250 • Roy Croll: 1607cc TOYOTA 16 valve /st place Class IO Parker 400 • Tom Schilling: 1607ccTOYOTA 16volve 1st place Class IO SCORE San Felipe 250 Fudpucker Desert Serles • Tim & Mike McDonald: 1650cc VW air-cooled Four time FUD Overall winner 1991 Class IO FUD Points Leader • DwoyneWhitney: 2400ccTypelVVW Three time Class 100 FUD winner 1991 Class IOOFUDPointsLeader La Rana Desert Serles • Keith Jackson (Costex): 3.0 liter Type IV VW I st place Class 1-2 La Rana Ridgeaest 150 1st place Class 1-2 La Rana Lucerne Valley 200 • Joe Trimino: 2300cc VW air-cooled · Three time 1st place La Rana Class 5 1991 La Rana Class 5 Points Leader Glen Helen & Short Course • Bob Matthews: 1-1600 VW air-cooled 1st place 1-1600 Glen Helen 1st in points Glen Helen & Tecate Stadium 1-1600 Points Series BORE Desert Serles • Mike Flinn: Overall Points Champion Page 17
Photos: Trackside Photos, Inc. Roger Mears Won The Truck Honors At Mile High Stadium Roger Mears had a good day at the races. winning the $econd truck heat in his Nissan, and later at night he won the main event, even though he turned turtle on the fourth lap, in a main that was full of body contact. Tim Lewis won everything he could ,n UltraStock competition, taking a close win in the flfst heat. and he came back to win the accident marred ma,n event in his well prepared Porsche. After a summer break from the hectic schedule, the Mickey Thomp5on Off Road Champion-ship Grnn Prix series resumed late in September at Mile High Stadium in Denver, Colorado. The biggest crowd yet for a race in that venue came to watch the action and got more than they expected. Ironically the exact same date featured desert races out of Las Vegas, NV; Phoenix, ------· ---------· ----· ----· ------·-----------AZ, and El Centro, CA all set in 1990. But MTEG is unable to set dates in the fall at football stadiums, until the football team sets their schedule and leaves the stadium empty for a given weekend. However, it didn't affect very many competitors as less than a dozen cross over and race the desert as well as the stadium events. The bi gest crowd yet for a ~~~-~-MTJ:G event at Mile High Stadium in Denver turned out, 41,276 by official count, and in the very first heat race they may have gotten more action than they expected. Team Toyota were optimistic, as Ivan Stewart praised the extra power from the new V-6 engine, a big help in the thin air of the high altitude. His teammate Rod Millen said "I've been keeping busy between Roger Mears Jr. started out strong in Grand National truck action. and the younger Mears won the first heat. making it a Mears Gang sweep for the Denver race. events, racing in the Asia-Pacific FIA rally series. Since the L.A. Coliseum event I've raced more t~an 5,000 miles and probably practiced twice as many. Some of the skills I've learned in rallying can be transferred to off road racing, so I'm ready for a strong run tonight." This year MTEG started having truck qualifying combined with the press day on the Friday of the event weekend, while the other classes still qualified on Saturday afternoon, race day. However, the Friday qualifying will soon include the UltraStocks providing more variety for tht: rrL'SS and a little less hectic schedule on Saturday for all. As always the action started with the Grand National Sport Trucks first heat, which unfor-tunately was marred by what appeared to be a near fatal fire in Greg George's Chevrolet. The fire started in the engine area on lap 2, and soon engulfed the truck. Quick reaction by MTEG official Jerry Stansbury got Greg out of the truck, and both men had some burns. Naturally a red flag was thrown, and Roger Mears, Jr. was in the lead at the time. Greg George was hospitalized briefly to be treated for smoke inhalation, carbon dioxide inhalation from the fire extinguishers and the good news was that he suffered only slight burns to one hand. George came back to the stadium later to race in the Superlite main event, where he started last and finished second. There is no official report on the cause of the fire, but those who saw it on ESPN figured a fuel leak got it going .and in seconds it was far beyond the reach of the on board fire extinguisher. Meanwhile the race was r~started with Mears Jr. maintaining his lead in the Nissan. A two time winner this season, Rob MacCachren hacLa mechan-ical failure and ended up in the tire wall and the Ford also stalled with just two laps to go. The finishing order shows Roger Mears, Jr., the big winner, and Danny Thompson was second in his Chevy, while points leader Walker Evans was third and Glenn HaJ'ris fourth in Dodges. Rod Millen managed fifth, followed by Toyota team leader Ivan Stewart, and then Willie Valdez. In the dnf column were MacCachren, Roger Mears Sr. Larry Noel. the defendmg points champion in UltraStocks. started out fine by winning the second heat in the VW. but he faded out in the wild main event. Brian Collins made it a Porsche sweep in the UltraStock wars. driving to a close second place in both the first heat and the main event. proving that sedans still have a chance in the class. Hoping to win in front of his home town crowd. Danny Rice had to settle for a pair of seconds. in his heat and the main, driving his super sano Chenowth. Walker Evans, currently leading on drivers· points. flew his Dodge neatly at Mile High Stadium. and his third and a fourth in the heats. fourth in the main kept him and Dodge in the running. Page 18 ·oecember 1991 Dusty nmes
It wasn't a good meet for Chevy: although Danny Thompson nailed second place in both truck heats he flipped out of contention in the wild main event. Glenn Harris finished all three truck runs, taking fourth in heat 1, third in heat 2. but his Dodge dropped to fifth in the busy truck main event. Rob MacCachren has had good days and not so good days in stadium racing this year. but he put the Ford home second in the truck main event in Denver. Former UltraStock champion Jeff Elrod took third in his heat race. but took the flag in a cloud of smoke and did not compete in the main in his VW. One of the pioneers in UltraStock class, Chris Neil hopped his Nissan Pathfinder into second in his heat and third in the main event in fine style. Ed Herbst is really learning the tricks to stadium racing and he drove his Chenowth right into third in the first Super 1600 heat. his best finish. Frank Arciero Jr. was on form at Denver m his Chenowth. winning the hectic main event. and Frank also took second in the second Super 1600 heat race surviving the usual mayhem nicely. and George. The first UltraStock heat was also exciting, as Lloyd Castle rolled his Jeep on the first lap, which brought out a full course yellow. On the restart Brian Collins and Tim Lewis, both in Porsche 911 style racers, battled for the lead well ahead of the utility rigs. Tommy Croft had his Jeep stall out on course with just 'three laps to go, and then Paul Nissley hit the wall in his Toyota 4 Runner, with just one lap to go, but he got moving to finish the race. The heat winner was Tim Lewis, with Brian Collins in second, followed by Brian Stewart, Toyota 4 Runner, then Nissley. In the second UltraStock heat race Chris Neil took the early lead in his Nissan Pathfinder, but he was closely followed by Larry Noel, VW Corrado. Noel took the lead on the fourth lap, and unfortunately in the close quarters Jimmy Smith rolled his Jeep about the same time and place. Smith retired from the heat, and Larry Noel carried on to take the victory, followed home Despite such antics Kevin Smith got the victory in the first Super 1600 heat race in his Mirage. and he carried on to a fine third place in the crowded main event. Dusty Times by Chris Neil, thenJeffElrod who finished in a cloud of smoke out of his VW Corrado. John Gersjes was well back in his Nissan Pathfinder. In the first ATV heat Derek Hamilton, Suzuki, took the lead from Charlie Shepherd with five laps remaining. But, on the next lap Shepherd reclaimed the lead on his Honda, but shortly Shepherd hit the wall hard, but got going again. At the flag N iclas Granlund won the heat o n a Honda, i;r CUSTOM WHEELS Landing Gear for the 90's! December 1991 Ultra Wheel's President Jimmy Smith, and co-pilot Dennis Rogers made a perfect landing at this year's Parker 400. Of course, they were riding on the first and only domestic manufactured wheels to use steel inserts for a safe and secure attachment of wheel to vehicle. Ultra Wheel. .. dedicated to producing the finest wheel products available at a competitive price. CUSTOM WHEELS 1 2350 Edison Way, Garden Grove, CA. 92641 Page 19
Jerry Whelchel did not have the best of race nights in the Toyota powered Chenowth, his best finish was a third in the third Super 1600 heat race. Ivan Stewart added some valuable points for Toyota with his fifth in heat 2 and third in the Grand National Main event. and the points are tight. Jimmy Smith runs the desert In an open wheeler. but a Jeep Cherokee in the Stadium UltraStocks. and he took fourth in the main and fifth in heat 2. Jimmy Nichols. foreground. raced hard in the Chenowth. here passing Mitch Mustard. to fourth in the first 1600 heat and fifth in the main event. Dan Bentley has the most interesting paint scheme on his Chenowth. which he drove to fourth place in Heat 2 Super 1600 action with Toyota power. Brian Stewart. here leading Paul Nissley. is learning the tricks of stadium racing. and he finished third in the first UltraStock heat in the Toyota. --------Marty Hart is making a name ,n Super 1600 racing qwckly. anrl at Denve1 ho flew his Chenowth right into the win in the first heat and he also finished fourth in the main event. THE WRIGHT DROP SPINDLE 3" MORE GROUND CLEARANCE ~ ~~ PLACEk CV JOINTS RACK & PINION STEERING UNITS 1. REGULAR 2. SAND BUGGY 3. MINI 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 TEL: (619) 561-4810 FAX: (619) 561-7960 Page !ZO --------------r;a- followed by Hamilton, then Gary Denton and Erik Cobb in a nearly all Honda show. In the second ATV heat Donavon Holland took the initial lead, followed closely by Doug Eichner, and there ensued a tight dice for the lead between these two and Mark Ehrhardt, all on Hondas. The trio also ran away from the herd. With two laps left in the heat Holland and Eichner traded the lead numerous times and ultimately came together on the final lap, allowing Ehrhardt to take the victory. Holland saved second and Eichner was third followed by Sean Stubbs, all the finishers aboard Hondas. In the first Superlite Heat Rod Emory got out in front, followed by Rennie Awana, both in 'Briggsbuilts, and Marty Hart, driving a Triple E. Usually in this class there is a lot of lead changes, but Marty Hart took over the lead on lap 2, and got some distance on I the field this time. Marty Hart took the win by half a length, followed by young Jimmy Johnson, Rod Emory and Rennie Awana, all in Briggsbuilts. In the second Superlite Heat Mercedes Gonzales grabbed the iearly lead in her Briggsbuilt, followed by Sean Finley, Triple E, and Rory Holladay, Briggsbuilt. Holladay slid into second place with four laps remaining, and then took the lead from Gonzales with an inside pass.Wearing plate # I from his 1990 championship year, Rory Holladay won the heat followed by Sean Finley and Mercedes Gonzales. The Super 1600 first heat began with local drivers Mitch Mustard and his cousin Danny Rice starting out in front. The defending class points champion Mustard dropped back with a flat right tire, which soon came off the wheel, but he continued to race the Chenowth. Danny Rice and Kevin Smith pulled away from the field with three laps left in the heat, and they put on a fierce battle for the lead. Kevin Smith won the heat taking the lead on the final turn of the last lap in his Mirage. He was followed closely by Danny Rice, Chenowth, who December 1991 has two main event wins this year and will be trying for his third win in front of his home town crowd. Ed Herbst was third, followed by Jimmy Nichols, Troy Herbst, Mitch Mustard, Tim Herbst, and Marty Coyne, who was penalized two positions by the Rough Driving Committee. They all were driving Chenowth Magnums. In the second Super 1600 heat, with an all new cast of drivers, Aaron Hawley enlivened the first lap when he hit the wall, but he continued in the race in his Chenowth. With four laps to go the order was Marty Hart, Frank Arciero Jr., and Jerry Whelchel, and that was how they finished. Dan Bentley, Bill Goshen, Scott Galloway, and Hawley followed to the checkered flag, all driving Chenowth chassis. Frank Arciero Jr. was going for his 16th all time record main event win later in the evening, that would tie him for the all time lead. Next up was the second heat for the Grand National Trucks. Roger Mears had broken the rear suspension on his Nissan in the first heat, but repairs had been made and he was ready for this round. In fact Roger took the lead off the start, followed by Danny Thompson and Glenn Harris. Midway the order stayed the same, and many drivers had remarked that this track was a tough one for passing. On the final lap Willie Valdez flipped his Ford, but was apparently OK. Roger Mears took the victory, and in the main event he would be going for his second win of the year and third straight at Mile High Stadium, a rare feat. Danny Thompson was second in the heat followed by Glenn Harris, Walker Evans, Ivan Stewart, Rod Millen and Roger Mears Jr. Rob MacCachren 's Ford suffered a freak ignition black-out when the tach recorder shorted out and cut off the ignition. The recorder is used to acquire RPM readings throughout the race, and the data is analy~ed for input on gearing decisions. Following this mishap the Ford blew a transmission seal, all this in the first heat. The team did not have time to make repairs for the second heat but will compete in the main. In the first Ultracross motor-cycle heat Jeremy Middaugh took the lead, followed by Mike Craig and Ryan Carlisle. Showing why he runs the #1 plate Mike Craig took the lead with five laps remaining, then lost it immediate-ly. Jim Holley and Craig traded the lead on the next lap, then with three laps to go Carlisle got the lead, but lost it again to Craig. Mike Craig held on to win on a Kawasaki in a heat that featured six lead changes. Carlisle was second, Kawasaki, and Jim Holley and Chad Pederson followed, both on Yamahas. Kyle Lewis won the second heat aboard a Yamaha, and Larry Brooks took second, followed by Ray Crumb, Derek Brown, and Shawn Secrest, all ridin Kawasakis. Tommy Croft added to his UltraStock points lead by racing the Jeep Cherokee to fifth in his heat and sixth spot in the main event at Mile High Stadium. Dusty Times
., Rod Millen rears up on his Toyota's hind wheels, just ahead of Glenn Harris and Millen drove on to gain points for Toyota with a fifth place in heat 1. Troy Herbst. one of three brothers in the Super 1600 class. came out of the desert racing and drove his Chenowth to fifth in his heat race. Bill Goshen does a little bicycle act in his Chenowth on his way to fifth place in the Super 1600 heat 2. doing well in the stadium series this year. John Gersjes mo_ved from Odyssey racing to UltraStock in recent years. and he took the Nissan Pathfinder to fourth in heat 2 and fifth in the main. Paul Nissley was one of the first to run an UltraStnrk Toyota 4Runner. but his luck wasn't too good in Denver as he took fourth in heat 1. but got crashed out of the main event. The fire started in Greg George's Chevy early in the first tr•:ck heat. and despite some frightening moments. George was OK as were those who came to his rescue. A happy endmg to what looked like a disaster. The first of the main events put ten UltraStock vehicles on the grid with Tim Lewis and Larry Noel on the front row. On the first lap Noel hit the wall, causing practically the entire field to come together, except Lewis and Brian Collins who came through unscathed. The incident caused a restart, and then Tim Lewis again took the lead, followed by Collins as the Porsches led the field. Chris Neil, a former sedan driver, had his Pathfinder in third. With seven laps remaining Paul Nissley and Lloyd Castle came together in a corner and remained stuck together. Castle eventually got back in the race, a couple of laps down. Tim Lewis got his first win of the year, following three previous third place finishes. In second it was Brian Collins in the other Porsche racing in the class, and in third was Chris Neil, the first of the utilities. Jimmy Smith, Jeep Cherokee was next followed by John Gersjes, Nissan Path-finder, Tommy Croft and Lloyd Castle, both in Jeep Cherokees, Larry Noel and Paul Nissley. The ATV main event showed Gary Denton, Doug Eichner and Derek Hamilton out front off the start. Then with four laps to go in the race the order was Denton, Eichner and Niclas Granlund. On the final lap Granlund moved into second, and slipped back to third as well. The finishing order was Gary Denton, Doug Eichner, Niclas Granlund, Mark Ehrhardt, all on Hondas, then Derek Hamilton on the lone Suzuki. 1 The Superlite main event was entertaining as always, and Greg George was in his Nature's Recipe Briggsbuilt. If he could win this race it would be his sixth main event victory of the year and assure him the class champion-ship, but he had to start last since he did not compete in his heat, being treated at the hospital at the time. After two laps the order was Rod Emory, Mercedes Gonzales and Sean Finley. Then Mercedes took the lead on lap 3 while some Superlites collided behind her. With three laps rem~ining Finley and Gonzales came together and were out of the race, as was Russ Myers. Marty Hart did not start. Greg George had worked his way up to second place and was battling Terry Peterson, Briggs-built, for the lead. The victory went to Terry Peterson, followed by Greg George and Jimmie Johnson was third. Next came Joe Price, Triple E and Tim Baker, H&R. It was Terry Peterson's fourth all time Superlite main event victory. The Super 1600 main event had a husky field, but was missing strong contender Bob Gordon, who suffered a back injury in his heat race after a hard landing off a jump. Frank Arciero Jr. took the early lead followed by Danny Rice and Marty Hart, with Mitch Mustard in sixth spot. For the first six laps the order did not change. Then Mustard dropped to seventh, and both Tim Herbst It wasn ·t the best time for Mitch Mustard. as the top finish he had all night ,n his home town was sixth in the 1600 main event In his Chenowth. Dusty Times and Bill Goshen went out with mechanical problems. Meanwhile Rice continued to put the heat on Arciero. With three laps to go Aaron Hawley flipped and Jerry Whelchel stalled on course. The victory went to Frank Arciero in his Chenowth, his second straight win of the year, and his 16th all time victory which ties Jeff Elrod for the all time lead. Danny Rice got his Chenowth home second and Kevin Smith, Mirage, was third. In the parade ofChenowths it was Marty Hart next followed by Jimmy Nichols, Mitch Must-ard, Marty Coyne, Larry Noel, Troy Herbst, Dan Bentley and Aaron Hawley. Other DNFs were Ed Herbst, Whelchel and Scott Galloway, The Ultracross main event saw Robert Nabor grab the lead, but soon lost it to Dan Berg. Next came Lowell Thomson and Billy Felts. On the fourth lap Larry Brooks moved into third. With seven laps to go Brooks took the lead followed by Mike Craig and Thomson. Craig was all over Brooks, and was still putting the pressure on Brooks on the last lap. But Larry Brooks hung on for the victory, followed by Mike Craig and Lowell Thomson. Ryan Carlisle was next followed by Kyle Lewis, Jim Holley and Ray Crumb in a most exciting motorcycle contest. As always the grand finale is the truck main event, and Rod Millen took the lead in his Toyota from the green flag, followed by Walker Evans, Dodge .ind Roger Mears Jr., Nissan. Still on the first lap Ivan Stewart moved his Toyota into third, and Roger Mears Sr. was sixth. On lap 4 Mears Sr. flipped his Nissan, bringing out a full course yellow. With eight laps to go, Millen was first, with Evans and Stewart behind him. On the free-for-all restart Millen maintained the lead, but Stewart bullied himself into second, followed by Rob MacCachren, Ford. Check Out the DUSTY TIMES Special Club Su), Offer Cell {818) 889-5600 December 1991 --------·--------······ On lap 5 Danny Thompson flipped his Chevy over a wall and back onto the track. After six li;ips it was Millen, MacCachren and Mears Sr. Thompson was black flagged with his hood up obscuring his vision. Then Mears put the pressure on MacCachren. With three laps remaining Mears Sr. moved into second position, and then motored past Millen, who soon stalled on course and retired, leaving the order Mears, MacCachren and Stewart. Roger Mears, whose son had retired from the fray, took the win for his third straight victory in Denver in as many years and his tenth all time truck victory. It was also Roger's second victory of the 1991 season. Rob MacCachren ~PENCE held second, Ivan Stewart was third, followed by the Dodge boys, Walker Evans and Glenn Harris, and Willie Valdez brought up the rear, as nobody else finished. So it was the Mears Gang in all three truck heats at Denver, but Walker Evans still holds a slim points lead, 3'56, over Ivan Stewart, 318. Mears has moved to third at 295, followed by Rod Millen, 276, and Rob MacCach-ren, 267. Dodge still leads the Manufacturers truck contest with 640 points over Toyota at 629 and Nissan is a long third at 512. All this may change before we go to press so check the results from the Las Vegas Silverbowl in the Trail Notes column in this issue. Specializing in Prep and Building of Off Road Racing Equipment Are you planning to race the new series in the Midwest? Do you want to save the travel time and expense? WE HAVE THE ANSWER ... Make Pence Off Road your "Midwest Connection" ► Prep and Maintenance of race vehicle ► Set up of pits at the races ► Storage of vehicle and hauler throughout season FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL Kevin Pence - (217) 692-2837 206 Power, Blue Mound, IL 62513 "SOON WILL BE LOCATED NEAR THE HOME OF THE BRUSH RUN" Page 21
SODA SERIES FINALE Midwest Off Road Championships It was fairly dry for the Class 7 trucks on Sunday. and he, o they head into the first turn off the _starting line at the Winebago Fairgrounds. -----------------------·---------------------------It was the race that would determine the 1991 SODA Points Champions, with drivers in 13 of the 18 classes well within striking distance of unseating the current leader. It was the Midwest Off Road Championship Race held Saturday and Sunday, September 14-15, 1991 at the Winnebago County Fairgrounds in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The event was sponsored by the Badgerland VW Club, Inc., with a portion of the proceeds being donated to the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. The weekend's festivities began at noon on Saturday, with race vehicles owned by Dave W oulf, Jack Flannery, Tom Hockers, Mark Steinhardt, Al Fannin, Geoff Dorr, Sandy and Jeff Therriault, Bill Bowles, Herb Rosborough and Pat Flanagan participating in the flag presenta-tion ceremony. The special part of the ceremony were the kids from the Children's Hospital who were given the opportunity, along with any other youngster the oppor-tunity to ride in a real race car, while holding the American flag. One of the children, Bradley Shinnick, son of Dick and Ellen Shinnick was a little disappointed after the ceremony was over, and h~ had to get out of the racer, tearfully stating "But I want to go racing!" Mother Nature intended to give the racers a real challenge in obtaining the prestige of being Class Champion by dumping a massive amount of rain on the track early Saturday morning. The Class 9 drivers, seeing the result, opted not to run, pushing the Class 11 two seaters up to the starting race of the day. There were 16 entries to help dry off the track, with Michael Allen catching the green first, followed by Rich W oulf, Fred Babinchak and Mark Steinhardt, who snuck past Babinchak before turn one, only to find himself su cked in t h e muck , with Babinchak able to keep momen-tum, reclaiming his third place position. Allen seemed to have a few tricks up his sleeve, the others didn't, as he motored around the track passing his mud bogged comrades. Glen Mathews man-aged to crawl up to third place, with Mark Eberhardt slip sliding into fourth. The key seemed to be Page n keep forward motion, and hope no one gets stuck in front of you, or if you are stuck, like Robert Rayford, hope someone runs into you, it could help you get loose of the sticky _goo that has hold of your buggy. As the checkered flag was presented for the first time, it was Michael Allen who was able to go to the winner's circle, with Rich W oulf holding onto second and Glen Mathews, third. There were 7 entries in the Class 3 event with Herb Rosbo-rough leading the way, followed closely by Joe Dunlap and Bill Schirm with Schirm sneaking to second place by turn one. By turn four, Schirm was right on Rosbo-rough's bumper, so close in fact, that Schirm bumped Herb's Chevy in the left rear bumper, causing his truck to do a freak corner to corner roll. Joe Dunlap came out ahead of the game as he managed to squeak through all the commotion and take over the lead. Ron Hill and Bill Schirm battled for second place with Hill winning out as Schirm found he was losing oil pressure at a rapid pace, finally being forced from the race in the same spot Rosborough was still lying on his side. After being re-rolled, Rosborough was able to restart the race, only 1 ½ laps down from Mike Savage, who in the meantime had slipped and slided his way into the lead, with Hill hanging onto· second. The mud took its toll on Joe Dun-lap's Jeep, overheating about midway through. Hill's hood flew open as he crossed the grandstand jump, forcing him to pull off the track, almost losing second place to Greg Swiston, but Swiston also was having problems as he had to pull "Bronchitis" off the track due to overheating. Herb Rosbo-rough, determined to catch up · had moved back up to third place. Swiston, after cooling down his Bronco made it back onto the track but as time ran out, he had to settle for fifth place behind Rob Roberts. The Victory Circle was opened for Mike Savage with Ron Hill, second and Herb Ros-borough, third. The 1-1600 buggies were next on the schedule with 15 racers taking the start. Once again it was the Greaves, Smith, Wiggins show, turning into Wiggins, Greaves and Smith by turn 1. The still slippery track was causing quite a bit of position changing, with Mark Hameister moving up to third. Hameister came hard off the forming knoll on turn one, bumping into Johnny Greaves. It was maybe just the nudge Greaves needed, as it bumped him past Wiggins, and back into first place. Smith, on the next lap nudged past Wiggins to recapture third, and then decided to keep right on going and moved into second, knocking Wiggins into third. Greaves had a fairly comfortable lead, and as the track began to dry, his lead was getting easier and eas-ier. As the white flag came out, Wiggins, in a last ditch effort to better his position, got too close to Smith, rear ending Smith on the infield hairpin, causing both drivers to spin out on the still somewhat slippery clay. Both recovered, crossing the finish line, hanging onto second and third respectively. During the break, the young-sters got their chance to race dur-ing the Big Wheels race. Among the winners in the various heats were Andy VandenElzen, son of Dave and Patty VandenElzen and Mitch Dorr, son of Geoff and Ginnie Dorr. Both young· men hoped they could follow right along in their dad's winning footsteps. Crandon's Fay Statezney once again led the nine entrants for the Class 6 race, followed by the duel for second place between Al Fan-nin and Greg Bekavac. The two slid back and forth, exchanging positions until Fannin finally got a good grab on second place and widened the gap slightly. This lasted until the white flag lap when Bekavac kicked in the turbo, passed Fannin for second, and breathed heavily down Sta-tezny's neck to try to capture first. Statezny scooted across the finish in the nick of time to salvage first, with Bekavac second and Fannin, third. Chuck Johnson snapped the start in the 5-1600 event, fol-lowed closely by Scott Taylor, Mike Brue and Terry Wolfe. By turn 1 the lead had already slipped from Johnson's control into Tay-lor's, but Johnson wasn't about to give up without a fight, and that they did for several laps, until suddenly Wolfe slid up from the December 1991 Leading here Mike Allen won both Class 11 classes. and is followed hy John LaZorc, Mark Steinhardt. Dwayne Walkowski and Richard Woulf off the line. Scott Taylor slogged through the mud in his Fords to win two classes at Oshkosh. plus 5-1600 honors. and here is moving thru the muck in his Class 7 Ranger. balcony to overcome Brue for third, and then onto second past Johnson. Brue also passed John-son to hang onto third. Mean-while Ron Karlman decided to test his steering on turn _four, with it failing, and his Baja Bug rolled as a result. Johnson seemed to · recover from his misfortune and progressed back to the second place position as the checkered flag was presented, behind Scott Taylor in first, with Terry Wolfe hanging on for third, Mike Brue, fourth. There were seven entries sitting on the line waiting for the green to drop signaling the start of the Class 4 event, and it was Jack Flannery cutting the "Thunder" loose as he roared into the lead, with Jack Heidtman and Geoff Dorr in hot pursuit. Dave Hameister did a little nose danc-ing as he nailed the first jump so hard he landed on the nose, luck-ily his 4x4 opted to land on its wheels rather than going into an endo. Flannery had mustered a comfortable lead in the Chevy, but the race seemed to be for second place between Heidtman and Dorr. Kevin Probst, his Chevy motor 'smoking already at the starting line, pulled off on approximately lap three. Probst was able to get back into the race, to hang onto fourth place. On lap four, it was Dorr making the move, as he drove past Heidtman to gain second place. Dorr seemed to be slowly gaining on Fl~nnery, who still had a fairly comfortable margin between him and Dorr. By the 3 / 4 point, it was obvious Dorr's Jeep was just getting tired, as he started losing ground, and gave up all chance at unseating Flannery from his victory. Dorr hung onto second, with Heidt-man, third, Probst, fourth, There were 16 entries in the Class 13 race, and it was John Schultz leading the lead sleds fol~ lowed by Robert Flanagan and Lowell DeGreef's Shabooms, Flanagan quickly stole the lead while David Marks and DeGreef diced for third place, Marks seemed to be trying too hard as he faltered in turn four, losing third place, then rolled a complete 360 on the infield hairpin, stalling his sled. That gave Dan Vanden-Heuvel the chance to squeak past and move up to fourth place, VandenHeuvel went high on a berm, nearly rolling, but recov-ered with a bit of fancy footwork, but also lost his fourth place posi-tion in the process, DeGreef was making his move on Schultz, sneaking past to grab second place, but Schultz had only one lap left in his truck, DeGreef was putting the heat on Flanagan, but just before he could see the white flag Sha booms decided it was time for a rest, and DeGreef was forced to pull off the track and out of the race, VandenHeuvel was doing · remarkably well at recovering, as k Gary Coppens took the early Class 7 lead. here followed by Greg Smith. the eventual winner Scott Taylor. Jeff Kincaid and Dave Woulf from the start. Dusty Times
Jack Flannery. leading. and Dave Parsons had a good battle in Class 8 action but neither the Chevy or the Ford finished up in the top money spots. The scrappy 5-1600s were at it right off the start; Chuck Johnson leads Scott Taylor, who won, and Mike Brue and Terry Wolfe in the early laps. "Farmer" John Konitzer had his truck decked out for harvest time. with corn stalks adorning the back end of his Class 8. a nice touch for the season. - ---he was able to move back up to second place behind Flanagan as the clock ran out. Dave Vorpahl and Jeff Camp followed to take respective third and fourth places. The Class 10 buggies were last on the schedule, with only four entries. But it was soon to prove to be one of the most equally matching and exciting races of the day with Lee Wuesthoff snapping the lead followed by Art Schmitt, Brian Bernloehr and Billy Beck, all side by side. Beck quickly slid into second followed by Schmitt. On turn four, Bernloehr took his big buggy over, landing on his wheels, but out of the race. Schmitt was riding heavy on Beck, trying his best to see the opening, which came at about the midway point, and Schmitt could move up to squeeze into second place. All three drivers were bumper to bumper as they jockeyed for posi-tions, with Schmitt once again taking the initiative and stealing the lead from W uesthoff. Beck too followed in Schmitt's draft and climbed up to second leaving Wuesthoff, third. All three vehi-cles were puffing smoke and the quest.ion seemed to be if they could hold on, until the check-ered. In Wuesthoff's case, the answer w.as no, as he made another half lap, slowing and finally pulling off. But there was still Schmitt and Beck, with Beck grabbing his opportunity on the infield hairpin, snatching the lead back away from Schmitt. With only three laps left in the race, Schmitt's smoking motor took its toll, forcing him to the sidelines as the long tall Texan, Billy Beck, took the victory on home. Saturday's festivities con-cluded with a dance, with music by "Image". One of the highlights of the evening was the Jail and Bali. Some of SODA 's members found themselves serving hard time as they desperately tried to bail themselves out. Others didn't seem to mind their time behind bars. Regardless, it was all for a good cause, as again the proceeds went to the Children's Hospital. Mother Nature again dumped a load of rain on the fairgrounds Saturday evening, making the camping area look like a flood :one. The rain eventually stopped for the evening, but resurfaced early Sunday morning to make the course even soupier _than on Saturday. Track workers franti-cally worked to try to dam up the worst and push off as much water as possible, but with about 10 inches ot thick goo in the center portions of the track, they had no choice but to change the track to more or less an oval track, as only the outside areas seemed to have a hard base. It was opted to scrub any pre-running, and go right into the opening ceremonies. Vehicles that participated on Sunday were owned by Dave Woulf, Jack Flannery, Pat Flanagan, Alex Dusty Times McFayden, Mark Steinhardt, again battle the mud. Again it was Calvin Bailey and two vehicles of Michael Allen leading the race fol-Scott Taylor. Once again kids lowed by Wally Lazare, M;;rk from the Children's Hospital Steinhardt and Nita Woulf, who were among thrilled participants quickly moved up to third, then in the flag bearing ceremony. into second by turn two. Ste_in-After the Class 1 buggies hardt followed in Nita's. tire decided to not run, eighteen Class tracks and slid up to retake third 11 single seat buggies came out to place. Glen Mathews then decided to again take Steinhardt down to fourth as Mathews moved up to third. The 1 ls, with their limited motor, were having ·quite a time as they were becom-ing mired in the mud, and were virtually unidentifiable. As the timers were unable to read car numbers, it was obvious some-thing had to be done, and quickly. It was then, that the red flag was shown, stopping the race. Track workers scurried around with hoses to bring some identity back to the buggies while heavy equip-ment was again brought out to scrape off as much mud as possible. (;Jr' Contingency to New Heights. unequaled support of off-road racing is no secret. No other manufacturer backs its privateers to equal this level: SCORE/HORA-A// Classes 1st. $2000.00 2nd. $1000.00 Overall four wheel vehicle $3000.00 bonus. SEASON CHAMPIONS 1st $3000.00 2nd $1500.00 MICKEY THOMPSON OFF-ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS STADIUM 1600- Ultrastock 1st. $1500.00 2nd. $1000.00 Couple this with Smart Racings sup-port of its engine customers: SCORE/HORA-A// Classes 1st. $500.00 Voucher * 2nd. $300.00 Voucher * 3rd. $100.00 Voucher* MICKEY THOMPSON OFF-ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS STADIUM 1600- Ultrastock 1st. $500.00 Voucher * 2nd. $300.00 Voucher * 3rd. $100.00 Voucher * * Vouchers redeemable for engine service at Smart Racing Products. You have a combination that's hard to beat. Contact Smart Racing Products tor the engine combination that best suits your needs, we are the Toyota Racing Engine Specialists with over five years of factory trained race engine experience. Let us put our knowledge of Toyota multi-valve engines to work for you. December 1991 JOIN OUR GROWING LIST OF COMPETITORS: Kevin Smith - Sta(llum 1600-Toyota 4AG Paul Nissley - Ultra Stock - Toyota 35G Brian Stewart - Ultra Stock - Toyota 35G Richard Binder - Class 10 - Toyota 4AG Jim Pierce - Class 10-Toyota 4AG Tom Schilling - Class 10 -Toyota 4AG And More! COMPLETE ENGINE AND FABRICATION SERVICE. ENGINES • CYLINDER HEADS DYNO TESTING "DRIVEABLE HORSEPOWER" 1205 N. Melrose Unit E, Vista, CA 92083 619.941.B269 Page 23
1 Leading the herd off the line at Crandon. Art Schmidt usually reg Smith and Johnny Greaves run side by side at most events. Geoff Dorr. right. and Jack Heidtmann had a close dice in Class takes home a lot of trophies. but at Oshkosh he won only in but at Oshkosh Greaves won both 1-1600 and 2-1600. and Smith 4, finishing 2-3. as Jack Flannery won. but Dorr and Heidtmann Class 2 and was second in Class 10. as some classes declined to _wa_s ! _e_c_o~~-i~ ! .·!~9_0...!_n_!~_e_m_u_d_d_y_S_a_t_ur_d_a_y_r_u_n._____ finished first and second in Class 14. DC}~~ taking_t.!7.!!__wi'}.:___ __ _ru_n_i_n ~~~_m_u_d_. _________________________ _ The buggies were then brought grasp on second place, with take third. It just wasn't a good ered flag was waved, it was Scott place position with Dave Hackers Steinhardt and Fred Babinchak weekend for Herb though, as he Taylor hanging on for the win grabbingfourth. Taylor was really following. Allen just keep plug-hit a puddle (or was it a lake) in with Jim Wiggins taking second putting the heat on Flannery, ging along to take his second flag the back stretch, stalling the and Tom Hackers, third. sneaking up, and then finally run-to flag win of the weekend with engine and putting him out of The Class 2 race brought 5 ning tight on his bumper, until Lazare hanging on for second. contention. Bob Bemmels took buggy drivers to the line with Art Flannery pulled off on turn four, AlexMcFaydenandCalvinBailey the opportunity to take third Schmitt snapping the lead fol-with major front end problems. found the right grooves and fin-place, with Heidtman, fourth. lowed by Scott Schwalbe and Taylor gladly took the lead, with ished third and fourth. Dorr was acquiring a fairly com-Billy Beck. Beck's luck earlier in Vandehey and Hackers each mov-back onto the track, with only four of the original 18 either de-clining or unable to restart the race. Vehicles were lined up single file, in order of finish on lap l. Mike Allen again took the lead, with Nita Woulf, Glen Mathews, Scott Clark and Calvin Bailey fol-lowing. As the drivers tunneled past the retaining wall, single file, their number plates were logged and number plates sprayed clean. Allen had kept his lead and seemed to be out m;meuvering everyone on the track, lap after lap, while Wally Lazare had a The <;:lass 14 4x4s were up next fortable lead as Bemmels, passing the weekend, didn't seem to hold ing up the rung one spot. Hackers and they didn't seem to have too Flannery into second place, ·as he spun out early in the race, was closing on Vandehey how-much mud trouble, maneuvering slowly started his push towards dropping him down to fourth ever, until three laps from the end as Joey Flannery sped off the start Dorr. Flannery, who was over-place. Wuesthoff also had a turn when Vandehey, perhaps flinch-line followed by Geoff Dorr and heating due to the muddy condi-of bad luck, as he went out of the ing from the pressure, went over Jack Heidtman. But by turn one, tions, had a hard time just getting race on turn one. Brian Bernloehr the grandstand jump too hard, Dorr passed to take the lead, with past the flagman to chalk· up was picking up the pieces as causing his truck to stall in turn Herb Rosborough sliding up to anotherlapwhileBemmel'sradia-Schwalbetoo,wenttoowide,mir-one. This gave Hackers the tor blew on turn one after taking ing himself in the mud. Bernloehr opportunity he had been waiting the white flag. Heidtman kept had the opportunity to find him-for to move to second place, with everything running and took self in second place, with Beck Pat Flanagan taking over third, second place honors behind the moving up to third. It didn't take and Parsons moving back through leader Dorr. Joey Flannery putted long though, for Beck to pass and the ranks for fourth. Vandehey his way around the track to cap-take second place from Bern-refired his engine, but was only ture third place. . loehr, but he too started having able to claim a fifth place position TIRE - WHEEL PACKAGES Armstrong - Centerline - Yokohama 2 700 X 15 Hiway or Traction 2 33 X 1050 X 15 or 11 X 15 2 15 X 4 Centerline 2 15 X 6 Centerline 4 Heavy Duty Race Tubes $839.95 Includes mouotlng CHALLENGER TIRE - WHEEL PACKAGES 2 700 X 15 Hiway or Traction 2 33 X 1050 X 15 4 Heavy Duty Race Tubes 4 15X5STDand REV Custom/Commercial 30 X 9.50 X 15 Radial Armstrong Available 700 X 15 Hiway 700 X 15 Traction 1100 X 15 Desert Dog 30 X 950 X 15 Radial NORSEMAN $74.00 $74.00 $93.00 $103.00 Yokohama $524.95 includes mounting G 78 - 15 H 78 - 15 L 78 - 15 Call For Prices 700 X 15 Hiway 700 X 15 Traction 750 X 16 Traction 33 X 1050 X 15 Ill 35 X 1150 X 16 Ill 4.755 4.720 4.720 4.829 4.829 $74.00 $74.00 $81.00 $93.00 $120.00 15 X 3 1/2 Bubble 15 X 4 15 X 5 15 X 6 1~ X 7 15 X 8 16 X 4 16 X 6 ;■!WJ $126.00 $130.00 $134.00 $136.00 $137.00 $140.00 $138.00 $150.00 15 X 5 15 X 6 15 X 7 15 X 8 custom a commel'Clal WhNI $36.00 STD $37.00 or $38.00 REV . $39.00 Heavy Duty Race Tubes $25.00 ADY 103 Press Lane, Suite # 4 • Chula Vista, CA 92010 (619) 691-9171 • (619) 691-9174 • FAX (619) 691-0803 Page 24 There were 12 entrants that problems, which put him out of as the checkered was presented to started the Class 2-1600 buggy the race, but Schwalbe came back the winner Taylor, with Hackers race with Johnny Greaves taking to capture third, and Bernloehr taking a high flying second place the lead, Jeff St. Peter, Cary was back in the second spot. finish. Bowles and Mike Sorenson, trail-Schmitt kept putting in the laps, The Badgerland VW Club was ing. A couple laps later, Greaves gaining a nice lead, and the win, dealt a rough hand to win on, but went too wide into turn one, get- followed by Brian Bernloehr and they worked hard, and overcame ting bogged in the mud. Although Scott Schwalbe. what was standing in their way, several slower buggies passed The last race of the weekend for and put on one heck of a good, him, he was able to recapture for-the fellas brought eight Class 8 and exciting race. They're a family ward motion and hold onto the truck drivers to take their ch;mce oriented group that put on an lead. Sorenson was forced from on the win. It was Jack Flannery, event with something for each the race after losing the roof on Dave Parsons and Scott Taylor member of the family. For the his vehicle. Jeff Jones and Jim taking the top three spots until racers, well, it was a true test of Wiggins slipped up to take over Parsons went too wide on turn driver and machine; with either the third and fourth place spots, one, dropping him all the way that SODA Points Championship but it was Johnny Greaves who down to seventh place. Pete Van-being cinched, or lost. But there's proved to be the man of the hour dehey quickly took over the third always next year ... taking the win, with Jeff St. Peter iq""=v .. , · hanging on for second, Jones, third, and Wiggins, fourth. Next on the schedule were the Class 7S mini trucks with 14 entries taking the green, and it was Gary Coppens starting in the lead with some pretty stiff competi-tion following in the form of Greg Smith, Scott Taylor and Jeff Kin-caid. It didn't take long as Taylor moved up to the lead, with Kin-caid scooting up to take over third, and then onto second. Smith who had passed to gain the third place spot had some prob-lems negotiating the sticky turn during the yellow flag situation after Dave W oulf's truck broke on turn two.Jim Bradley and Tom Hackers were also caught up with Smith, who did manage to hang onto third place. Hackers, recov-ering quicker than Bradley, was able to slip into fourth place. Chris Stanley obviously didn't have his mud tires on, and slid all over the track, giving the leaders a real challenge as they tried to lap him. Kincaid looked like he was looking for a new co-driver as he almost took out a flagman on turn one, hitting the turn too hard, los-ing valuable ground as he sucked into the turn. It was obvious too that Kincaid's motor was.weaken-ing, while Coppens lay stalled in the back stretch, a victim of an overheated motor. As the check-December 1991 Billy Beck tows from Texas to run the SODA Se1,(;:,. and ,'1a,J good wck a1111,, season finale. as he won Class 10. he is shown i'nrr, .1t ,• r,,,ndon ra, A Fay Statezny won Class 6 again in the potent Chevelle. perhaps on its last outing, as Fay is building a truck for the 1992 season. but this car will surely be snapped up and continue racing. against Al Fannin also in a Chevelle. Dusty Times
Dick Fahlbusch had many troubles with his 1600. two flats. then a broken shifter and his race ended eventually with a fried engine late in the race. _______________ _ Mike Notary who usually does well in both FORDA and GORRA events, came to early grief at Tallahassee, and his 1600 was among the casualties. Zoomie Hinson was another who fell victim to the "Beast of the East" as his tidy 1600, looking strong here, was not among the top finishers this time. Ray Short Wins The FORDA Tallahassee Race T<!xt & Photos: Wa:vn<! Simmons .,, Ray Short charged into the early lead in the 1600 class. which had a high attrition rate. Short ran such a fast pace that he stayed out front all the way. not only winning t~e _c}ass but _taking the overall v1~~':~I'._ __ Tallahassee, Florida is. the A water truck was brought in to home of the Crowder-Pits and the dampen the portions of the track famous ''Beast of the East" race to which there was access for such course. This is the longest track a vehicle. used for F.O.R.D.A. events, and Most drivers arrived early to it is the hot spot of off road racing. check out the race course and set Undaunted by temperatures in up their cars. Jimmie Crowder the high nineties, drivers from had brought in his new Class 8 Georgia, Alabama, Florida and Ford truck. With only two races even one from Kentucky con-under his belt, he had placed in verged here for the Florida Off the top four at the Labor Day race Road Drivers Association's 250 in Crandon, WI. Today he only mile race. planned to run a few exhibition As usual, host Jimmie Crowder laps for the other drivers and fans. and crew did a fine job on prepar-As it got close to race time Mike ing the track with the usual set of Hester pulled in the gate with just jumps, sharp turns and fast minutestospare.Hehadhadaflat straights. One thing they could in the middle of nowhere while not control was Mother Nature, towing his car, and it took two and· the track was dry and dusty. hours to get back on the highway Jimmie Crowder. the genial host of the race. did a few exhibition laps in the Class 8 Ford he purchased last spring from Wisconsin charger Jack Flannery. and Jimmie has been doing well in midwestern !_aci~g:· ____________ _ Dusty Times again. The buggies were lining up for the parade lap as he was unloading and suiting up, but he ·made it to the line up in time. In the 1600 class Ray Short charged into the lead with Tory Dittmer and Steven Pounds trail-ing, as the rest of the p:,tck jock-eyed for position. Steven Pounds · was unable to fend off the attack of James Hester and Sam Pace as they slowly closed in on Dittmer. Although the race had just started "The Beast" quickly claimed its first victim. Jeff Lucas soon found himself a spectator as his buggy gave out early. Dittmer had his hands full as Hester challenged him for second, with Pace not far behind. As the laps started to add up, so did the casualties. Dick Fahlbusch had already had two flats and had visited the pits, when suddenly his shifter came off in his hand. After a call forhelp, a pit crewman came to the rescue and he was soon on his way only to cook the motor in the next few laps. Dittmer lost sight of the track in the thick dust and ran off a turn and into a large pile of debris, doing a lot of car damage and that soon ended his day. That did give Hester second place with Pace a close third. Short was running a blistering pace way out in front of all contenders. Marti Pounds had moved into the same lap as Pace and Hester, but he was not close enough to put pressure on the leaders. With the end of the race in sight, Pace caught up to Hester as they battled it out the last few laps. Once again when the check-ered flag fell, it was Ray Short taking a flag to flag victory in his 1600 racer. Sam Pace had over-powered James Hester for second place, as Hester dropped to a cred-ible third. -The more powerful cars in Classes 1 and 10 run together in this series, and as the buggies sped off the line Richard Dickens took the lead as the others followed closely. Dickens was unable to hold onto the lead when his clutch failed. Tate Thackston had been gaining on Dickens and now had the lead, with Mike Hester closing in on him. Only twelve laps into the race Ed Chambers had to call it a day, when a rod put a hole in his motor. David Nickell lost the power steering early in the race. He had also forgotton his driving gloves and soon pulled out of the event to have his hands attended to, unable to carry on in the race. December 1991 Flying high through the woods section of the long short course. Steve Pounds ran third in 1600s for a time. but later on the car fell back in the pack. finishing on the lead lap. _______ __ ___________ _ Jason Crowder was unable to the lead in just three laps. Harvard keep his buggy together, ending soon lost his advantage when he his day just past the halfway point rolled giving the lead back to in the 250 miles. Greene. Chambers was starting to Chip Hansen had been the only have trouble with her clutch challenger to Tate Thackston, but which slowed her down. The lead gave in to driver fatigue. Bob changed again when dirt got into Bohres jumped in as co-driver but the distributor on Greene's car. was not able to regain the lost Harvard now had the lead and ground. Mike Hester lost several wasted no time in putting distance laps with a long pit stop to fix a between the other two. bad coil wire. In spite of tangling Kim Chambers pitted for a with a tree on the route, Tate driver change with Jackie Griner Thackston maintained the lead to taking over. He was soon out of take the dusty victory for this the race when the steering shaft class. Bob Bohres brought broke, sending him into a ditch. Hansen's car in second, with Mike Harvard thought he had control Hester, who had a long day tow-of the race until he ran out of gas ing, coming in third. in the last lap. His pit crew raced With only three driven, in the to the rescue, and he was able to Challenger class, it was David take the checkered flag for the Greene in the early lead, with class win. Thus ended yet another Steve Harvard and Kim Chambers day of challenging off road racing trailing. Greene's lead was short in the Crowder Pits nearTallahas-lived as Harva~d had taken over see, Florida. t BIGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your .pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C.V. joints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C.V. joints. Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C.V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s can be threaded 3/s-24 or stock 8mm. All axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be threaded 3/s-24 or stock 10mm threads. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND JiELLS Drily $49.95 per fla!'ge on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW ENG. P.O. BOX 845 • 101 BROADWAY YARNELL, AZ 85362 (602) 427-3551 ·SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES IN\tlT-ED Page 15
r VORRA AT PRAIRIE CITY Sam Berri Wins Class I And The Points Title By Daryl Smidt Photos: Matt Marcher/Jolm Ames g ,, }ff - • ~~-,u::,>);. Sam Bem placed second ,n the first Class 2 heat. won the second round and Sam has a n0w unbeatable points total assuring__!11m ?!!!'_e_!:_as_~~·s_ f!_oint~ _c~amp1onship !n_ the cl~ss. but ~h: ~v'!!._all is still up for grabs._---~--With only the season champ-throughout the day and finished Cook at bay, Robinson was still ionship in October remaining on out of the money. Mike Liver- hard charging. Robinson overtook the VORRA schedule, the battles more, who was second in points the second place Cook, and with for Classes 2, 4, 9 and 10 seem to overall, turned in a clutch only five laps left, set his sights on· be all but decided as Sam Berri, performance, taking second in O'Callaghan. After cutting Chad and Josh Hall, Dale Smith both motos for an overall first O 'Callaghan's lead to three and Mike Bishop all had fine place, setting up a showdown for seconds on lap seven, Robinson outings at Sacramento's Prairie the season championship. dug deeper i_nto the lead on lap City course, September 29. The Humbug racing team of eight, drawing closer on the new Speaking of Bishop, the Blue Smith and Rigsby had held an back section of the track. By the Max is leaving Class 9 after three equally slim lead over Ken Ruff's time the cars approached the main consecutive class championships Ruff 'n It racing team in 1-2-course O'Callaghan and Robin-and a likely fourth this year. 1600, but Ruff finished the day son were bumper to bumper. Bishop told Dusty Times that he with an overall fourth to put Robinson bided his time and planned to enter the fiercely pressure on the Humbug squad. waited for his break. That break competitive Class 2 next season VORRA added a new wrinkle came once again on the back co-piloting a car with Joe Falloon. to their Prairie City course: a half- section of the course. Robinson Bishop and Falloon will have to mile section on the south side of overtook O'Callaghan on the tackle the likes of Berri, Larry the track. Swinging behind the old inside and extended his slim lead Deaton, and Team Verling, but section, the newer section on the main section of track, they should be a team to watch in features a slight incline that outlasting O'Callaghan for the 1992. breaks into a dogleg. The section win. Randy Miller moved up to The Sportsman novice title, then straightens out on the the third slot in the first heat with only one race left, is still up southwest portion of track before holding off Sean Cook who for grabs. Only six points starting down a slight grade and finished fourth. separated first and second place jump as the track heads east Chris German had a much before the race; but frontrunner toward the original track. easier time of it in the novice class. Floyd Haas, Jr. -he of the The Sportsman Veterans and Sharing the old Jeep once again snowmobile engine-powered Novices were the first to try the with his father, Don German, Mini Mag -had problems new section of track and it was Chris German cruised to victory pole-sitters Jeff O'Callaghan and in the first heat, taking a OFF-ROAD RACING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES , ,M>I ~v Chris German opening up leads in commanding lead on the first lap their classes. on his way to the win. Mike In the vet class Sean Cook and Livermore, who went on to take Troy Robinson were making life an overall first on the day finished miserable for front running a distant second, while Rick O'Callaghan, hanging tough with Hodge took third. the leader throughout. Though In the second Sportsman heat, O'Callaghan succeded in keeping Dana Van Noort bolted from the :.: .·. ::~.: for free catalog phone (805) 683-1211 Page 26 Chris German won the first Novice heat in his dad's Jeep. fell to sixth 1n the second round. but he finished third on points for the whole event. December 1991 Jeff o·callaghan flew past the dry grass ,n the park to take 1he victory in Sportsman Veteran class. with a second and a win. and Jeff also drove right into the class points lead. middle of the pack to take the early lead in the vet class while Peter Marks led the novice pack. Van Noort's lead didn't last long though as Randy Miller snatched it away midway through the first lap. The overanxious Miller promptly lost the lead and a lot more as he rolled 150 feet from the start/ finish line putting him out of the race. Glen McAdon, driving the Creasy and Sons car, then slipped into first place, becoming the third vet leader only halfway through the heat. But McAdon couldn't hold the lead either as his car started experiencing tie rod problems, falling back into third place behindJeffO'Callaghan. McAdon 's problems weren't over though. He had to fight off a furious challenge from Sean Cook for third as his mechanical problems continued to mount. Concerned with Cook and his own car, McAdon wasn't looking for the Herb Holloway IT roy Robinson car. Holloway, driving in the second heat, captured third as Cook moved to the second slot and O'Callaghan claimed the lead for good. With 1,000 feet to go, Scott Gerhardt, who was in fifth place, saw his chance to make a move on the leaders. Gerhardt got around McAdon to take fourth and was closing the gap on Holloway. As Gerhardt and Holloway entered the final 500 yards deadlocked, the cars tangled, paving the way for McAdon to weave around the pair and claim third. Gerhardt got back on track and finished fourth. Robinson/Holloway finished fifth but still took an overall third in the vet class. Cook's second place finish gave him a second overall. O'Callaghan continued his march toward a season title with an overall first. Back to novice action, Peter Marks led the second heat wire to wire, but not without a strong challenge from Livermore who was still gaining ground as Marks crossed the finish line. Ken Wirth took third after an eighth place finish in the first heat. Marks' first place finish in the second heat gave him an overall second place. Chris German took third overall with a second heat fifth place finish, and Mike Livermore closed in on the season points lead Prairie City 1s like a short desert course and here Larry Deaton noses over a jump en route to a win in the first moto. second in the next and second for the day in Class 2. "'~,~ '!«-' ~ '"' Tim Riordan survived the tight dicing to win the first heat. take th,rd in the second heat. which placed him a smart f,rst in the hard fought ranks of the 12 car Class 1-2-1600. Dusty Times
Digging out of a hole with pursuers close behind. Chuck and John Taylor put a th,rd place 111 both motos together to claim th,rd on points 1n Class <'. Sean Cook broke a rear trailing arm with a TV cameraman on board. but' got fixed by 1dce time to take a th,rd and a second and second on points 111 tne Sports Vet ranks. Troy Robinson won the first heat. Herb Holloway was fifth 1n the second. and they took third in Sportsman Vet c lass. as here the car passes Scott Gerhart. --~-~W-'1'1:-;r!l:-~11¥'-'lllllll!!lllaJ ~.,,,.., This could be the middle of a desert course. as Peter Marks Tim Mack roars around a downhill tum en route to a fifth and a Getting a little close to the grassy edges here. the leam of Willaman and Canonic. also do well on the desert The11 fourth and fifth ,n the heats netted them second place money 111 Class 1-2-1600. charged to a fourth in heat 1. and came bac k to w,n the second sixth. which placed him a good fourth 111 the day's points in ,n Sportsman Novice action and 'he was second for the day. Sportsman Novice class. with his overall win. The l-2-1600s and Class 9s were next on the backside of the course as Tim Riordan and the pole sitter Balch followed second and third. It was on that back sec-tion that disaster struck Balch. As Balch was coming down the back section, he lost control of the car - - ---------flipping it several times before the before finally catching them at the car came to a rest on its side. After end of lap one. Dennington was several minutes, rescue teams on forced to play catch-up the rest of the scene were able to free the the heat as Riordan extended his injured Balch who was taken to a lead and pulled out of striking local hospital wi.th a concussion range. and bruises. Olsen Racing and Ken Ruff Meanwhile, back to the rest of rounded out the leaders in third the 1-2-1600 action, Riordan and fourth positions but were still pursued the Dennington brothers far off the pace on lap four. By lap .. eight, Ruff had overtaken Olsen Racing and was gunning for the second place Denningtons who ran consistently strong through-out the moto. The team of Willaman and Canonic took advantage of an earlier DNF by Andy Anderson to claim fourth. Donovan Skaggs. who '1as won twice this year 1n Class 9 at Pra,rie City. did it :m ,un. with a second 111 heat 1 and a w,n in heat 2 he took up honors again 111 While Riordan was cruising toward victo ry, Ruff continued to chase the Denningtons, but the Ruff 'n It car simply didn't have the horsepower or the real estate to catch the Dennington car. Ruff settled for third in that first heat, Dennington was able to hold on to second and it was Riordan with his strong first lap pacing the victory. With Bonesteel faltering in the late laps, it was up to Donovan riass 9 by using the tie breaker. ---------------Wes Elrod once again dominated Class 10, starting on the pole in heAt 1 and he stayed out front, and did another winning drive 111 heat 2. best,ng the seven other cars 111 the close Class 10 action Skaggs to catch the defending champion Bishop in Class 9 and he almost succeeded. Skaggs latched himself to the back of Bishop's car and wouldn't let go for nearly all of the remaining two laps of the heat. At times Skaggs was so close to Bishop he looked as though he were being towed by the Blue Max car. Then just as Skaggs seemed poised to make his move, Bishop would find a way to shut the door and keep the lead. It was that type of driving that enabled Bishop to eke out the first heat win over Skaggs. Bonesteel fell behind and fell t<;> third place. The Ghia Monster team com-pleted eight of the required 10 laps!Jr-Don't settle fol less than tile protection that comes with Deist Safety equipment. Engineered and designed for maximum effectiveness. Uncompromised quality. I I I I I HARNESS/BELT NECK DRIVING ASSEMBLIES COLt ARS SUITS Durable 3" webbing, your choice of standard or dazzling "neon" colors. Seven to choose from ... best of all, Deist's super heavy-duty hardware provides the ultimate in security. From $160.00 for 5-point assembly. Dusty Times AND THERE'S MUCH MORE FOR SCORE & HORA-RACERS . . . Send $2.50 for a postpaid copy of the latest Deist catalog. Special high density foam core with Nomex cover. Available in both standard or popular "wedge" designs. From $35.70. December 1991 Designed for optimum comfort while providing maximum protection. Now available in standard and custom styles. Priced as low as $236.20 for economical 1-piece suit. Deist Safety, Ltd. I ._. I 641 Sonora Avenue Glendale, CA 90201 lffil · 40-Page 27
Flying over a rocky ridge. the team of Mort and Havlick put together a sixth and a fourth to give them th,rd place money in Class 1-2-1600. Mike Bishop also had a win. heat 1. and a ser:ond. heat 2 in Class 9. and took second. as the second heat counts more on the VORRA scoring system. Desert ace Dale Smith scored his best short course f1n1sh this. season. with a third and a second in the heats. putting him second in Class 10 points. Chad and Josh Hall help keep dad Rodney·s old Dodge rolling. Dave Jefferies had a good day despite the dust. taking third. and the boys won the first heat. but dropped to th,rd in the Miles Berghold works hard to stay ahead of his compet1t1on. and his third and a second in the heats placed him second in the Oddyssey points for the day. with a second and a th ird. in Class 10 in his Chenowth driven by second with mechanical woes. but still were second in Class 4 VW Rabbit power. for the day. - -----· -------------·--·-----· •-• ---· --· -.. - -.. --. -- --. to round out the tiny field in overall first place. Willaman/Can-fourth. onic, who finished fifth in the In their second heat, Andy second heat, took an overall Anderson drew the 1-2-1600 second, while Mort/Havlick pole slot while Donovan Skaggs captured third. claimed the Class 9 pole position. Class 2 and 10 drivers also ran Both Anderson and Skaggs combined motos with Chuck and jumped out to early leads, and for John Taylor and Wes Elrod Skaggs, the second moto was a leading their classes on the pole. walk in the park compared to the Elrod wasted no time opening a closely fought first heat. Skaggs big lead in Class· IO, putting opened up a big lead early on the distance between himself, Kip small field and was never Whitnack and Dave Jefferies. The seriously challenged. Skaggs' win Taylors, however, couldn't hold gave him an overall first in Class their lead off the pole as they 9 . Bishop, who has all but locked fa d ed to fourth behind Larry up another class season champ- Deaton, Sam Berri, and the new io nship, too k second overall, leader Dennis Kordonoway. while Bo nesteel claimed a n But Kordonoway just couldn't overall third. run and hide as Deaton, who Anderson, despite brief cha!-caugh t and passed Berri, was lenges from the Roger Caddell starting to close in on the lead. piloted Olsen Racing car, was able J(ordonoway was able to hold his to extend and maintain his lead slim three second lead through six enroute to a second 1600 heat laps keeping the hard charging win . Meanwhile, the battles Deaton at bay. O n lap seven continued to rage for the two, though , the walls caved in as three, and four spots. Ruff was in Kordonoway's car died a ¼ mile the thick of things early before from the start/ finish area putting rolling his car 1,000 yards from him out of the first heat and the start/ finish midway through opening the door for Deaton. the race though he soon got the Deaton outlasted a strong effort car back on track, he fell out of from Berri for first place. Chuck the running. The duo of Mort/ and John Taylor took third in the Havlick fought off charges from a first C lass 2 heat. gutsy Riordan as late as the sixth Jefferies didn't have enough lap, but the quick Riordan car horsepower to catch the speedy couldn't be denied as Riordan Elrod who led the entire Class 10 overtook the Emigh Hardware heat. Jefferies settled for second sponsored car for third. while Dale Smith snagged third With his third place finish, Tim in the first heat. Riordan went home with an The second heat looked like --~RACERX -~---~~---HOTLINE 1-900-535-9292 Ext. 889 * Latest off-road racing results * Trivia * Products $2.00 Per Minute • 24 Hours A Day Updated Weekly ·Page 28 Berri vs. Deaton II as the two drivers were neck and neck at the start. Dale Smith bolted out to a great start opening a sizeable lead in Class 10. Dea ton brief! y stretched his lead to four car lengths over Berri midway through the first lap, but Berri quickly closed that gap to a razor-thin 1 ½ seconds going into lap two. This was going to be a real fight for first place. Geoff Van Noort held down third position. Berri overtook Deaton on lap two and started to work on extending his lead. The Taylors, by this time, were making moves of their own, taking third place away from Geoff Van Noort. By lap five, Berri had found his groove and was pulling away from the field on his way to the overall win. Deaton hung on for second and second overall while the third place Taylors took home a third overall. With the overall win, Sam Berri had put a deathgrip on the Class 2 race, as he is a lock to win the Class 2 season crown. Chad and Josh Hall are sailing comfortably toward a season championship and didn't do too much to prove otherwise at Prairie City. In the first Class 4 heat, which also featured Don German, Wes Banks and Mike Povey, the Halls got a poor jump off the line but quickly made up time on the slower Banks. By the end of lap three, the Halls' Dodge had surpassed the Jeep of Don German and it was the Chad and Josh Show from then on as German finished second, Banks third. The second moto looked like it .would be more of the same with the Halls pulling away fro m German and Banks. But the Dodge blew an output shaft on lap four, Banks was forced to retire one lap later, and German was left to finish the race on his own. German completed the heat without incident to claim the win. The second heat victory by Don German gave him the overall win in Class 4, while the Halls picked up second overall. The Odysseys were next on tap and it was Scott Stewart go:tting down to business early taking the big lead in his Honda Pilot. Ben and Jerrv W ald trailed in second December 1991 ------------------- - . - - - -·- . -.... --· . and third in the early going, but Ben Wald was steadily chewing into Stewart's lead. By lap three of the five lap moto, Ben Wald had cut Stewart's lead by more than half and was now only seconds behind entering the final lap. That's when Wald reached back and pulled some-thing extra out of his car. Wald knew that a strong finish at Prairie City could push him into first place over the idle Michael Dawes (whose last race was July's Summer Sider, also at Prairie City) and he took advantage of it. W ald overtook Stewart on the final lap setting up a two car race for the checkered flag. Stewart hung tough trying desperately to regain the lead, but he didn't have ff •. t enough to catch Wald. Miles Berghold, himself, had to fight off a late charge from Jerry Wald, but was able to hang on for third. The Odysseys ended the day with their second heat as the crowd saw Ben Wald take the second heat and the overall win in less dramatic fashion, outpacing Miles Berghold, who took second overall and Scott Stewart, whose third place finish gave him an overall third. The VORRAI All Pro Auto Parts Season C h ampionship closes out the s<;a~on ~c,topfr 20 at Sacra111,e11w.'s, 1~rairit: City SVRA Park and Dusty limes will give a full report on the exciting season ending action. Look for it in an upcoming issue. m Don Germ!ln wins more often th iln not 1n VORRA races. and he got a ~econd !lnd a win 1n Class 4. this round for the top money in class. and it was his second ever win at Pra /(/e Clly. ----- - - - - - - - - -----'--Flying high over the mtge Bed Wald won both of the Oddyssey heats and Qverall for the day adding to his points lead with seven cars in this class that ,s popula, on short courses Dusty Times
All the gauges. instruments and heat and air conditioning controls are right where they should be and the many sound system buttons are easy to read and see also. A trunk mounted spoiler, alloy sport wheels on the performance tires. a front bib spoiler and hood scoop set the turbocharged car apart from other compacts. The Subaru Legacy Sport Sedan features a potent turbocharged powerplant. fully independent sport suspension. anti-lock brakes. all wheel drive and much more. 1991 SUBARU LEGACY 4WD SPORT SEDAN Want To Buy A Hot Car? Text & Photos: John Calt1in The four wheel drive Subaru Legacy is a good looking sedan. and is shown here in its natural habitat, upscale suburbia: but the car is also at home in winters ice and snow. as well as on dirt roads. ----------··---- -Dusty Times does not often test on the road type sedans, so we jumped at the chance to test the new Subaru Legacy Sport Sedan; after all, it does come equipped with full time 4 wheel drive so that puts it into a category we can relate to. We had the Legacy for a week, much too short a time, but we managed to drive up to Las Vegas to cover the Midnight special and dj,d a bit of driving around town and were sorry to have to surrender the car so soon. It really is a hot car, not in temperature, but in performance and it has a lot to offer in addition to performance. The Legacy Sport Sedan comes equipped with a 2 .2 liter, turbocharged single overhead cam, 16 valve, horizontally opposed, four cylinder, 160 horsepower engine which pro-duces 181 pounds of torque at 2800 RPM. Maximum speed with the automatic transmission is listed at 127 mph and although we didn't get up to that speed we believe the statement. The Legacy Sport Sedan comes equipped with all the necessities of life; air conditioning, power windows and door locks, sport seats with lumbar support adjustment and drivers height adjustment (a very handy feature) analog instrument cluster, 80 watt audio system, cruise control,· childproof safety locks, adjustable steering wheel with memory, leather wrapped steering wheel, automatic passive restraint belts in front, split folding seats in the rear for cargo, overhead map Dusty Times -----·------------------------lamps, power mirrors, power moon roof and a rear wing spoiler which is actually functional. Performance on the road is excellent, you cruise along in absolute comfort, there is no outside noise when the car is sealed, but the steering is somewhat heavy. The front bucket seats are extremely comfortable and adjust front, back, up, down, whatever you want and there is always the feeling of power; no matter what speed you are traveling at, a touch of the accelerator and the Legacy leaps forward. Coupled with this feeling of accelerative power is the turbo with its 8. 7 PSI boost to assist the engine in performance. Stopping power is just as awesome with the big disc brakes front and rear and a Bosch anti-1 oc k system. The 4 speed automatic transmission is smooth and shifts manually with ease. The tires are Bridgestone, Potenza RE92 P195/60R15 steel belted . radials, mounted on 15" alloy wheels which give a dashing look as well as good adhesive traction, all this being helped by the full time four wheel drive and the limited slip rear differential. The automatic transmission selector is located on the center console and reads out position on the console and also on the dash. Instruments are easily visible and the tachometer and speedometer are bright and clear. The shift position• indicator is located between tach and speedo and there is also a large, easy to read fuel gauge and a temperature gauge. Oil, battery, etc. are indicator lamps and will only illuminate while driving if there is a problem. There are also lamps for low fuel, transmission temperature and brake warnings. There is a resettable odometer and a graphic display to indicate door(s) open, headlights on, etc. The turn signals and headlights are stalk mounted on the steering column and the intermittent wipers/washers are also stalk mounted. The cruise control has a master switch on the dash and a third stalk activates the unit. Heat and air controls are centrally located on the front panel and each function has a switch that illuminates when that function is in use. It was quite hot in the desert and the air conditioner was more than adequate at keeping the interior of the Legacy at a comfortable temperature. The sound system consists of an AM / FM stereo system with all the adjustments known to man, cassette player and laser disc player, coupled to a four speaker layout and fed by an automatic antenna mounted on the left rear fender. The power operated moon roof slides back to open as well as being tiltable with the rear elevating a few inches and there is a very easy sliding sun shade mounted in the unit. As mentioned earlier, the front bucket seats in the Legacy are six way adjustable and, an added attraction is that the rear bench seat backs, including the center arm rest fold down to almost horizontal, giving the marvelous December 1991 .. All the horsepower you could want is stored here under the hood of the Legacy, in fact you really have to watch your nm rors or get a ticket. and the engine bay is quite a neat and tidy package. feature ofloads of cargo area from the rear of the trunk through to the back of the front bucket seats, and quite a bit of room it is. The rear seats also have a trick lock on · them to disallow entry from the trunk into the cabin of the vehicle. We put a • little more than a . thousand miles on the Legacy and they were pleasant miles indeed. The Legacy is comfortable, quiet, economical; we averaged 22.5 miles per gallon on fuel and we weren't even trying. We were too busy enjoying the power and economy was the farthest thought in our mind. Subaru recommends Premiu~ unleaded because of the turbo and that should not be a hardship for anyone. This particular vehicle, which came equipped with nearly every option available has a price tag of $20,300.00 and I would venture to say that it's worth every penny of it. We thoroughly enjoyed being in a real four door sedan with 4.5 inches-, of ground clearance, it certainly was different. If you're in the market for a real zippy looking sedan that will blow the other guys doors off, then you should really go test drive the Subaru Legacy Sport Sedan. UNDER THE BED TRIPLE SHOCK KIT 18" of wheel travel available, using 9" shocks. Fits almost any model pickup, Blazer, etc. Unlike stock shocks, these are on a very progressive ratio for better handling. Shock kit welds between frame rails and 2 shock brackets weld on the rear end housing. This kit allows wheel travel without the shocks sticking through the bed and ruining cargo area. Note: tall pipe must be relocated for Installation. FOR MORE INFO, WRITE OR CALI-JOHN JOHNSON RACING PRODUCTS 619-443-5833 13525 LOS COCHES ROAD EAST EL CAJON, CA 92021 Page 19
TEXAS CHALLENGE SERIES James Martin Takes The Win At Notrees By Tommy Bowling James Martin war, his second race of the season, taking the overall honors in his Funco in a close finish, winning the Pro class too by just a minute and ten seconds, having. his share of trouble along the way. September was a good month Whitehead who had moved up to for off road racing in Texas. second. Tiller pitted on his 11th Round 7 of the Texas Challenge lap and was now third and Keel Series had the largest turnout of had a long pit stop on lap 12. the year. Word is starting to get All the cars seemed to have around about the great off road some sort of problem at this point race area located near Notrees, except Whitehead who had no TX and more newcomers enter trouble and took a lap lead on each month to try their skill and Tiller and two laps on the luck on what is probably the remainder of the field. At the toughest off road course east of finish Danny Whitehead had Las Vegas. The tire companies completed 15 laps in 59:36 to win love it as the course is a great test the Amateur Class in a very close, oftheirtiresandyouhadbetterbe exciting race with Joe Tiller well prepared if you expect to second and Steve McCorskey in finish. The average speed so far in third. Most of the entrants in this 1991 for the open class cars has event had never competed in an been just under 40 mph, confirm-off road race before. Congratula-ing the toughness of this race tions go to them all for a very route, good race. The schedule for the event last After the awards for the September called for the Amateur Amateurs were pres~nted the Class to compete first over a one course was opened for one final milelayoutforonehour,withthe hour of practice for the Pro and winner being the driver complet-Sportsman cars. This course was ing the most laps. After a short 7.5 miles long and the starting practice session numbers were time had been moved back to drawn for starting position for 7:30 p.m. Most of the racers like this class. Requirements must be this as night racing in the' desert is met and certain suspension a unique experience. About an limitations are placed on the hour of daylight was left as vehicles, but the engine and trans Clifford Walker, Chenowth, left · are open, which really made for a the starting line first car out. He hodge podge class. was in Pro 2, and both the Pro 1 The class started at 30 second and 2 classes would be making 17 intervals. After lap 1 Danny laps for a total of127 miles. Cecil Whitehead of Andrews, TX was Robertson was off next, looking in the lead with a 3:40 lap. The to improve his fifth placefinish at second lap leader was Joe Tiller of the last race. Allen Englebert of Carlsbad, NM leading by a scant Corpus Christi, TX was next in five seconds over Paul Robinson, his Pro 1 Raceco. Allen and his also of Carlsbad, and Whitehead. wife had towed here for the After five laps Tiller still led by August race but didn't start as ten seconds over Jimmy Keel of they became ill the night before Seagraves, TX, who had been the event. The Funco of James steadily moving up and was now Martin was next off the line. second. Phil Campbell of Kermit, Martin has been the season long TX and Paul Robinson of Carlsbad had closed to within a minute of the leader, fighting over third. Whitehead dropped to fourth, now almost two minutes behind. points leader, but his total has been dwindling and he needed a good finish to maintain his lead. Last month's winner Jim Maness, Sprint Roadrunner, took off hoping for a repeat of August where he became the first two time Pro winner for 1991. Maness had definitely been the man to beat, as only mechanical problems have slowed his car down all season. Frank Schneider led the Sportsman entries off the line, hoping to continue his winning ways. He took first overall at the August race, the first time this year that a Sportsman car ha:d beaten the Pro cars. With the handicap system used by the Texas Challenge Series, every competing vehicle has an equal chance at taking the official overall victory, no matter what class. Newcomer Tom Mathias of Carlsbad was next away in Sportsman 1, and would be required to complete 16 laps. John Mapp of Odessa, TX was next in his Sportsman 2 car, and Sportsman 2, 6 and 7 classes would have to make 15 laps for this race. Edward Power of Carlsbad would have been the last car away, but he had broken a rear trailing arm during practice at the Lonesome Mesquite crossing, and this ended his day at the races. Walker was the first car back, · running a 10:4 7 lap in the clear air and the dust would become a definite factor. Just about start time the normal West Texas wind died completely and after a couple of laps it looked like London fog around the course. Following Walker the next four cars were within 30 seconds of each other at the finish line. Maness was bringing up the rear but was actually tied with Walker as he matched his time. Martin was another 20 seconds back followed by Englebert who was just another 25 seconds back. Mapp led the Sportsman back to the line with a time of 14:32, followed by Schneider and Mathis. Walker continued his goqd pace, holding his lead through the fourth lap. Maness dropped to fourth following lap 2 after losing a fan belt. Englebert had bigger problems as a CV came apart on his second lap, costing him over an hour to repair it. Martin moved into second behind Walker and Robertson moved up to third. On Walker's fifth lap his Jimmy Keel passed Tiller on lap 6 but Tiller managed to regain the lead on the next lap and held it until the tenth round when Keel moved back into first place.· Campbell had also passed Tiller to take second, dropping Tiller to third. Five of the ei'ght starters were still running 45 minutes into the race, a surprisingly high percentage. On lap 12 Campbell took the lead with the fastest lap of the day at 3:20, and was leading Last month's winner Jim Maness with co-driver Tommy Bowling survived most problems to hold a 20 second lead starting the last lap. but a broken clutch cable in the Sprint Roadrunner dropped the team to second at the flag. Page 30 December 1991 Danny Whitehead came from Andrews, Te,xas to lead the Amateur class off and on throughout the hour dash, but he was steady and consistent, taking the lead with two laps to go and he won the class. rack and pinion mount broke entries running again by the time leaving him unable to steer the Martin completed his 14th lap. car. Martin ran his quickest lap of Total time to this point for the the race on lap 5 at 10:32 and Funco was 2:38:35. Walker 'was took over the lead. Meanwhile, on his seventh lap and Englebert Maness was hot in pursuit and was on his eighth, which put these closed to within 30 seconds of entries over an hour down on Martin for second. Robertson total time. Robertson was still was still holding third about five within striking distance, just minutes behind. under 15 minutes behind. The Sportsman class had a Bowling ran the quickest lap of good race going on as Mapp led the race at 10:27 on lap 12 and Schneider through lap 2 by about was pushing th~ leader in an effort a minute with Mathis bringing up to overtake him. With just three third, about ten minutes back. laps left Martin still had a good But Mapp had -problems on his five minute lead over Bowling, third lap which allowed Schneider but, as so often happens in off and Mathis to move into first and road racing, up jumped a Gotcha! second place. Schneider set fast Martin finished his 15th lap with lap for the class on lap 3 with a two flats on the rear. He went very respectable 11:86. Mathis quickly to the pits for fresh rear had problems on his fifth lap and tires and as he exited the pits onto Mapp tnoved back to second the course, Bowling had just behind Schneider after six laps. reached the start line and was just With nine laps done the Pro 30 seconds behind with two laps class had only two cars still on the left. On lap 16 Martin ran a quick same lap, with Martin still leading 10:92 but Bowling ran a quicker Maness by the 30 second margin. 10:38 to move ahead on total time Robertson was 15 minutes back by just ten seconds on the white and a lap down. Englebert was flag lap. running again, but only on his The pits and spectators were third lap and Walker was still able to keep a pretty good watch trying to get his car going again. on these cars over the last 7.5 On the next lap Maness pitted for miles of the race, and it really a driver change with Tommy came down to which of the two Bowling taking over the driving ran the fastest lap. As the cars duties, and when the car was back passed through Check 2 Bowling o n course it was near! y s ix was close up in Martin's dust, but minutes back of Martin in second as he left the checkpoint, the car place and ten minutes up on third seemed to stop just beyond, but running Robertson. then started again. From this In the Sportsman action point to the finish line it is a Schneider lost the electric power distance of three miles; the course in his car on lap 7 and was unable cannot be seen, but the cars can be togetitgoingagain.Thiswasvery heard below the caprock. unfortunate because he had Everyone at the finish line managed to build up a 30 minute anxiously waited and listened to lead over Mapp, and had over an see who would claim the seventh hour lead on Mathis." Mapp was race of the season, Martin or having his problems as well when Bowling. an oil cooler line started leaking When the first car came to the and he lost a good deal of oil. He line it was Martin's Funco and was only about three miles out then the seconds began to tick though, and didn't have to stop away as everyone waited to see if until he reached the pits. Mathis Bowling would beat his time. was down for almost an hour on However, the clutch cable had lap 5, but seemed to have his broken and Bowling ran the last problems worked out and was three miles without a clutch. The steadily closing the gap. only real problem he had The Pro category had all the .enc~':ntered was stopping at Notrees does have some tall bushes but John Mapp got through them OK and survived an oil problem while leading. to get fixed and retake the lead in the Sportsman Class which he won, his first ever victory. Dusty Times
Jimmy Keel came from Seagraves, Texas to race the Amateur class. and while he led for a short time midway in the race, he finished fifth in his rail. Overall winner last month, Frank Schneider had a 30 minute lead on the rest of the Sportsman class before electrical prob-lems put him out on lap 7. Cecil Robertson and his crew had to replace a head gasket early on race day. but they made the start. ran third most of the way in Pro action and finished third. about 15 minutes back. Clifford Walker led the early laps in Pro class, then spent an hour fixing things in the pits. but he and co-driver David Maness finished fourth. Allen Englebert towed in from Corpus Christi, but his Pro car broke a CV, then had electrical problems that kept him out of the hunt, but his Raceco was fifth. Edward Power brought his Sportsman car from Carlsbad. NM, but he broke in practice. and could not get repaired in time to make the race. · Check 3 and then getting the car going again. Bowling's last lap time was almost 12 minutes whereas Martin had run his second fastest lap of the race at 10:35. Exactly a minute and 40 seconds passed before Bowling crossed the finish line, and Martin won for the second time this season. Martin's pit crew was ecstatic as they thought for sure eight laps and he was fifth. they had lost the race due to the , The Sportsman Class saw John flats. Robertson finished third, Mapp continue on with only one about 15 minutes back of Martin other long pit stop to win the class and David Maness, co-driving for his first win of the season. with Clifford Walker, managed to Tom Mathis finished second in complete nine laps and finished his first try at off road racing. fourth. Englebert's Raceco had Once again the Texas Challenge electrical problems which finally Series saw a very good and ended his night after completing exciting race for both participants and spectators. Night racing is very popular in West Texas. Current plans call for at least two night races on the 1992 schedule. The 1991 points series comes down to the last race in October. With only the top five of the eight races counting towards the final standings, Martin and Maness are in a virtual tie for the champion-ship. Whoever finishes ahead in the final race should become the 1991 champion, with Cecil Robertson still holding an outside chance. The date for the season awards has been set for November 16th with location and time to be announced. As always, watch for complete coverage in Dusty Times. Congratulations Johnny Greaves #-f World Cha111pionship BRUSH RUN 101 TOYOTA POWER! #1 UNLIMITED CLASS #2CLASS 1 AND ANEW TRACK RECORD First Time With L.C. Engineering 22R Stage 5 Pro Engine. 'ENGINES FOR: • Unlimited • Class 1 • Class 10 • 7S • 74 X 4 • Class 15 • SCCA Pro Rally Send s5oo For A Complete Catalog To: LC Engineering 2978 First St., Unit G, La Verne, CA 91750-5672 Dusty Times December 1991 Fully Computerized Dyno Engine Testing Engine Shipping Worldwide CONTINGENCY PROGRAM See The Race On ESPN October 23, 1991 Call Today For More Information 7[f}[Afg&llJO/A!JW ERFORMANCE TOYOTA (714) 596-5494 Page 31
4TH COMMONWEALTH BANK RALLY AUSTRALIA Juha Kankkunen Turns An Australian Hat Trick Text & Photos: Martin Holmes crescendo of interest among the spectators as progressively faster times were announced. Juha Kankkunen and Juha P11rone11 st.ir/pc/ with fast t1/11e on stage 1. fell hack off and on a few seconds had a flat hut kept the Lancia Delta lntegrale out front later all the way to overall v1ctorv. the 40th for the model Lancia. The biggest pre-rally curiosity in Perth concerned the fuel scandal at the 1000 Lakes Rally. There was no statement from BP whose fuel failed the post rally test and led to Salonen's and Mitsubishi's exclusion, bunching up the placings of the other drivers. At the drivers' briefing it was explained that repairs were being done to the roads because of the weather such as 200 tons of shingle in the Wellington complex to raise the level of the roads, 200 cubic meters· in the ford at the end of stages 15 and 18 to reduce the level of the water, and a 250 meter length of road completely rebuilt in stage 16. Juha Kankkunen gained his second successive World Rally victory and a hat trick of Rally Australia wins, plus he closed the gap on Carlos Sain: to two points in the 1991 World Drivers Championship. Sain: retired after a huge accident from which he and co-driver Luis Moya escaped virtually unharmed. It was the third time Carlos had been upside down, in five stages, while Kankkunen's Lancia teammate Didier Auriol retired with engine failure. The five day rally was action packed from three days before the start, when Salonen's exclusion in the 1000 Lakes suddenly gave Sainz and Toyota two championship points they never expected. Markku Alen was the only driver in Australia who had been involved in the driver-change dramas of the past month. Immediately when the news arrived that Alen was not to be with them next year, and just before entries officially closed, Prodri-ve in Britain asked to remove the Subaru name from his entry, and keep only Possum Bourne as their official entry. Still STI tn Japan went ahead with Alen's entry so Prodrive was left with the embarrassed 'privateer' Alen seeded ahead of Bourne, and myriad jokes came out about Alen having to change the tires and wash the windscreen himself. Neal Bates had a one time deal with Toyota, and TIE made him the third team member for this rally. The pre-rally weather had been most unwelcoming. Freezing temperatures at night, and rains pounded the forests. Wellington was overflowing and the waters had unusually covered some of the stages. One Japanese driver missed the warnings on skipping the inspection of the private sandy Bunnings stages, and he was found with his marooned car the next morning, still alive. The rally itself had a familiar pattern, with more superspecials, untypically on asphalt, but run close to centers of civilization. These were often run twice, except the opening stage around downtown Perth, and it was held in reverse order designed to create a Drivers recalled sliding off the road into tr·ees or mud holes in practice in the heavy weather. Focus was on Ross Dunkerton, who stood a real chance of clinching the Pacific Asia series here, on the fourth round. Kankkunen, despite losing two vital championship points as a result of the fuel affair in Finland, felt better after a back injury on the 1000 Lakes had not been impro~ed by a broken seat in his rental car. Special stories were about the restaurant who called the police to arrest Kenyan Patrick Njiru after Markku Alen told the manager his teammate was a gangster, and of Luis Moya who practiced his Australian dialect and said to a marshal "G'Day, Mate", only for the marshal to complain and ask not to be spoken to that way, he was Scottish. On Etape 1 the scene in the Northbridge area of Perth was quite remarkable. The streets Trackside Photo, Inc. Racing photography since 1970 We cover all La Rana, SCORE/HORA, and Calif. Rally Series events. Call us for: An on-the-course view of our race photographers in action Calendars• Press Kits• Photo Business Cards• Autograph sheets Page 31 P.O. Box 91767 Los Angeles, California 90009 (213) 670-6896 December 1991 -=~"""'"-':?'i;-,:4,~, American stadium racer Rod Millen, with Tony Sircombe, kept the Mazda 323 with the leaders and they finished sixth overall, but first in the Pacific Asian Series, now second there on points. Greg Carr and lain Stewart drove the Hyundai Lantra to· a class win over the tough course. and this rally marked the debut of a Korean entry in World Championship Rally competition. · around the cafes and restaurants, already full of Friday night party goers were cordoned off, great concrete bollards down the side of each road and wire mesh fencing separated the cafe dwellers from the first special stage. Some 50,000 people had come into the area to watch the 59 starters tackle the course, in reverse order, at night. The stage distance was too short to be of any significance and many found it difficult to place the cars accurately in the comers, Auria! going alarmingly up on two wheels. First over the start line was the last car on the rally, the prize-drive Mazda of 29 year old lady driver Kerrie Brown, who made the slowest time on her first ever rally. The fast time went jointly between Armin Schwarz, Toyota and Juha Kankkunen, Lancia. Two teams made time control errors and clocked in early, among them works-driver-for-the-day Neal Bates. Cars faced the ball bearing bauxite stones with a vengeance and many reported poor handling for the first few stages ofEtape 2. Carlos said, "The stages were softer and colder than when Armin Schwarz made the tests, and on! y · when the temperature rose during the morning were we happier with the car". Juha was less concerned with his car, "My . . ~ .. ., .-•.-only problem is Carlos", he explained as the cars reached the midday halt outside the motor museum at York. Whereas • Kenneth Eriksson was going well in third, equal with Auriol, his teammate Timo Salonen was having a terrible time, and didn't know exactly why. Alen had even worse trouble saying the engine was even worse than at the 1000 Lakes, with the computer robbing power at the wrong times. His Subaru teammate Possum Bourne was out already with a gear box full of neutrals on stage 6 . Ma:da driver lngvar Carlsson was another sad faced man, thinking his suspension was too soft, and planning a change. In Group N Ray Wilson had a bad morning, as his new co-driver clocked in early, three seconds before the required minute and they were penalized; he also broke two shock absorb-ers. Kenyan driver Patrick Njiru lost a friend in Ed Ordynski. Ed said "We catch a minute up every 10 kilometers. The first time this -happened we broke the screen, intercooler and the lights, and all he said was don't blame me, in his country it is the co-drivers' job to watch the mirrors!" George Fury, Mitsubishi, was leading Group N for the moment. In the afternoon Sainz got ahead of Kankkunen. Juha had a flat 10 km into the 30 km Helena Juha Kankkunen poses happily with the special number plates the Australians made for his rally Lancia. Juha is a most popular driver in the world wide series. Dusty Times
Kenneth Eri ksson and Stalfa11 Pa1111ander .had a good run. Armin Schwarz and Arne Hertz brought Toyota some points despite hav,ng to push start the M,tsuhishi once. and they were . with their third place finish. and they were the bes t of the first Splashi_ng through the water towards the crowd. Markkt: Alen and_ 1/kka Kivimaki survived eng,ne power loss in the Subaru to take fourth overall. sec_o_n!!__~~e'.al! !~~"!.~ ~-OU{!~e minutes back - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ timers in Aus!~~~;~:_ __________________ _ 2 stage, even while using the A TS. Actually he only lost eight seconds to Auria!. Eriksson lost 19 seconds to the fastest man Auria!, and Alen was speechless with exasperation, eyeing en-vious! y the appa ren ti y perfect Toyotas in the service lawn at Curtin University. After warning the African , Ordynski had a better drive and got ahead of Fury in Group N. What promised to be boring, the final two stages of the day on asphalt, in and out of the car parks at the university campus, took on major significance, because Carlos Sainz rolled on the first, losing 93 seconds and dropped to seventh. It happened at a most convenient moment, for there was an hour's service time before the stage was to be tackled again. Carlos explained "It was the first time on wide asphalt tires on gravel suspension, and Armin very nearly did the same. While it was lucky to have handy service he felt it was unlucky to have a stage like that on the rally at all." On the asphalt, circuit racer George Fury took the lead in Group N back, temporarily anyhow. Kenneth Eriksson predicted drama at the re-start for Etape 3. The starter motor had failed on leaving service the night before, so aware tha t he and Staffan Parmander would have to push start their heavy Galant on the wet grass of the pare ferme, they both put on golfing shoes. It did the trick and they reached the restart control with the engine running. · Auria! was just six seconds behind Kankkunen, more or less the time he had lost the day before in a spin. The Sunday stages were going to be a test of nerves. Carlos had a steely eye, but his resolve was excessive. He crashed on the first stage of the day, once again going upside d'own, this time down an · embankment. But he shot back to the track and iost only four seconds. On tne second stage he pulled back from seventh to fifth, and on the third stage he had his terminal crash. A bump not evident in training threw the earlier cars on two wheels. The Toyota, however, went flying into the air, cartwheeling as it went. Even slow motion TV coverage made it difficult to count the rolls, for sure it was at least six. Later Carlos said simply "This was obviously not my event. " Lancia's only threat now was Eriksson, but on the final stage of the day ( on mixed surface) he lost eight seconds and endea up 51 seconds behind the leader. Carlsson had been up to fifth but slipped back to seventh, after losing his power steering belt and then had a puncture. Auria! was going well on the longer stages; co-driver Occelli said "Didier loves them and on stage 16, the longest of the event, he pulled in front of Juha. Still the stage was terrible, deep sandy ruts, deceptive roads through trees going straight into the light. The surface was so bad we pleaded with the organizers to cancel it, but they dido 't." Alen fell back when he finished stage 14 with a ~-4 ~,tr=,.--,~ ... , This expensive pile of junk is the remains of the Toyota Ce/ica GT-Four of Carlos Sainz who rolled it on asphalt stages. got going again. rolled down an embankment the next day. and later did a six time over cart wheel act. finishing off his effort in this rally. Neither he nor Luis Moya were hurt. Rally Australia Results 1991 Juha Kankkunen/Juha Piironen• SF A Lancia Delta lntregrale Kenneth Eriksson/$. Parmander s A Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 Armin Schwarz/Arne Hertz DIS A Toyota Celica GT-Four Markku Alen/llkka Kivimaki SF A Subaru Legacy 4WD T Time SalonenNoitto Silander SF A Mitsubishi Galan! VR-4 Rod Millen/Tony Sircombe Nl A Mazda 323 4WD Ross Dunkerton/Fred Gocentas AUS A Mitsubishi Galan! VR-4 Jorge Recalde/Martin Christie RA A Lancia Delta lntegrale Neal Bates/David Jorgensen AUS A Toyota Celica GT-Four Ed Ordynski/Harry Mansson• AUS N Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 59 starters - 36 finishers •Group A & N winners (No Ladies finishers) Winner's average stage speed - 102.11 kph. (record) WAC Driver's Points - Sainz 125, Kankkunen 123, Auric! 81, Bias1on 54 Manufacture(s Points - Lancia 148, Toyota 140, Mitsubishi 45, Mazda 38 Dusty,. Times 5:48:48 5:50:01 5:54:42 5:58:1 5 6:00:54 6:04:37 6:05:24 6:09:21 6:20:04 6:34:00 broken rear wheel, but Salonen felt a little happier. Neal Bates had pulled up to 12th place, all the time driving cautiously with his left hand drive car. In Group N Ordynski pulled well ahead when Fury had to stop and change a flat tire, and the car fell off the jack. Clearly politics were in the minds of many. Would Lancia give team orders presumably in favor of Kankkunen, but the word was not yet, Eriksson was too dos~ ... Etape 4 was the longest day, starting at 0700 and not returning to Perth till 2130. The tire war was going in Michelin's direction. Eriksson started the day the only man able to make a race of the event. First stage he was just one second behind the stage winner Kankkunen, on the second he was equal. The race between Sainz and the Lancias now turned into a battle between the Mitsubishi driver and the Italian cars instead. Auriol was not going to be lucky, however. In the third stage of the day he broke a front driveshaft and lost ten seconds, enough to let the Finn go in front again. Schwarz also broke a driveshaft, but close to the· end of a stage. Alen was going as hard as his car would allow, up with the leaders for the first 4 or 6 kms of each stage and then the engine lost its edge. Ordynski pulled well ahead in Group N when Fury retired with suspension trouble. The Superspecial at the holiday resort town of Bunbury was run in bright sunlight. Cars had their speeds measured on the stage by police radar as they rushed down the fastest part of the course past residential houses. Schwar z stopped their clocks at 179 kph, but on the way back there was serious excitement. After popping and banging for most of the rally, Auriol's engine suddenly broke, and now Kankkunen was clear in the lead in front of Eriksson. Then on the next stage Carlsson rolled end over end, started to stagger out of the stage and then saw the oil cooler had broken. The best battle was between Dunkerton and Millen. If the Australian beat the New Zealander he would be the 1991 Pacific Asia champion. If the New Zealander was in front, they would both have to go to India for the final round. Two stages from the end of the day, Millen took advantage of an ignition problem with the Mitsubishi and squeezed ahead. The top drivers knew they could ease their pace on Etape 5. Schwarz was the highest placed newcomer to the event and his third place meant that Toyota, from the Contructor's Champ-ionship situation , could forget their debacle of Finland. In the classes Diahatsu were leading two categories eventuall y winning one, while the new Hyundais were 1-2 in their class, Bell having to pull Carr back to the track after going off, while the Japanese driver Tajima led his class with his Suzuki despite going off the road and wrecking the suspension. There were only four· stages before the finish. Millen pulled further ahead of Dunkerton while Jacqui Dines, the only driver of the all lady crew retired on the first stage. The only lady driver still running was Kerrie Brown and she eventually finished last an hour and 42 minutes behind the previous car! The rally ended on a high note of expectation. Italians wondered if the hard trying Alen would leave Subaru immediately and strengthen the Toyota team at Sanremo. Would the Fina/Mar-tini alliance be strained by driver changes, and the hint of Delecour going to Lancia? All the while the curiosity increased how Lancia still seems to get even more powerful as events go by; after all it was the 40th time the Delta had won a W arid Championship Rally. Sanremo is sure to be a hotbed of excitement. DON'T SETnE FOR LESS THAN A HONDA. *The same Innovative engin-eering that goes Into Honda automobiles and motorcycles goes Into every piece of Honda Power Equipment. *Convenient, easy-to-use controls. *Full line of construction products available at your local Honda Power Equipment dealer. *Bring In this ad for additional savings. JUST RRR I UEiJ 11111 DIESEL GENERATOR 12KW 3 CYLINDER -LIQUJO COOLED RURILRBLE NOW 111 ! I @ Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST LOS ANGELES. CA 90063 (213) 264-3936 (213) 264-5858 Imum performar,ro and safety, we recommend you read the owners manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of generators to house power requires transfer device to avoid possible injury t.o power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. c 1988 American Honda Motor co. fnc. 1991 Page 33
FRT PLASTER CITY BLAST V McDonnells Make It Four For Four By Judy Smith Photos: C&C Photos Tim McDonnell started first In the Raceco. and set fast time of day on the first lf1p, and with dad Mike doing anchor man duty. the McDonnells not only won Class 10, but won overall. agam. and what a record season It is for this team. Robert and Joel Whitted ran second in Class 10 for two laps. but then lost the trans in their Jimco. but they still fayed claim to second in Class 10. Page 34 ·The Off-Roader's Choice· • E-Z ur INSTANT SHELTERS Imagine setting up a free-standing shelter in less than 60 seconds! NO missing parts NO center poles NO ropes NO hassle • 5 sizes • 24 colors • Custom Graphics Instant Pit Shetter La Rana Contingency Sponsor E-Z UP Authorized Dealer CASTEX RENTALS, INC. 1044 N. Cole Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90035 CALL: 213 • 462 • 1468 With four of the FRT's five 1991 Superstition Series events complete, the team of Tim and · Mike McDonnell have scored four overall wins, and will be looking for the last jewel in the crown at the December 31, Dunaway Dash. Back in September, at the Plaster City Blast, they racked up that fourth overall victory, driving their Class 10 Raceco to the checkered flag in just four hours and 15 minutes for the 192 mile event. Situated at the outskirts of Plaster City, on Highway S80, the old road that parallels Highway 8 through the southern desert, the course was a rough one, and it was dusty, with not quite enough breeze to clear things up. The cars and trucks always get a well used course, because the FRT policy is to have a motorcycle and A TV race in the morning of the same day, and that means more stutter-bumps and dust for the noon-time starting big vehicles. For this race, the Class 10 cars were first off the line, and in front of them all was the McDonnell car, son Tim at the wheel, while Mike, the dad, did pit duty. Tim took full advantage of the dust free run, and came around still well in front at the end of his first lap, recording the fast time of the · day, at 39:47. Joel Whitted, in a Jimco, ran second, only 32 ·cconds later, while Tim Sines was third in Bill Hammack's J1mco. The other McDonnell, Brian, who started right behind his brother, had already lost his motor, and was out for the day. McDonnell held his lead, but \\as only 19 seconds up on Whitted at the end of the second lap, with Sines still in third place. But the third lap was a bugaboo for all but the McDonnell car, and Whitted lost his transmission, while Sines took a hard hit from the rear that broke his transmis-sion also. Bob and Michael Fry, in their Hi Jumper, who'd already had one difficult lap, were also December 1991 Andy Estrada, with Jeff Bennett co-driving the Jimco led the first lap. lost the lead on the driver change, but despite a quick roll over on lap 3 the team charged on to take the victory in Class 1-2-1600 and second overall. Scott Webster and Randy Anderson led Class 1-2-1600 for a time. but a flat tire cost some time, and the gaily painted ORBS finished second In class. Todd Teuscher and Tom Ray catch a little air In the Chenowth. ran third most of the day in Class 1-2-1600. but kept it together to finish third in class. out permanently on lap three. That left Tim to charge around the course, secure in the Class 10 win. But he had to keep pushing hard to take the overall victory, because a couple of very quick 1600s were right there with him. Tim put his dad, Mike, in to finish the last half of the event, and they sailed through the day with no problems, to get the win. Another lap might have made a different story, however, because a pit person with a sharp eye noticed at the finish line that the bottom front beam of their car had a crack that went almost all the way around. The 1600s were next to start, and in first at the end of the lap was the Jimco af Andy Estrada, who had eight seconds on Scott Webster, in his ORBS. In third it was Todd Teuscher, in a Chen-owth, running it as a single seater now. Mike Davis was fourth in a Jimco, and Don Currier and John Wagner followed in fifth in ;1 Raccco ORBS. Estrada poured on the steam on the second lap, and ticked off the fast lap for the class, at 40: 14 (just 27 seconds slower. than the Class 10 fast lap), to hold on to his lead. Webster was still second, almost two minutes back, with Teuscher Todd Pankratz and John Currier moved the Class 5 Baja Bug steadily up the charts in the Unlimited Class. figured they finished well, but were surprised to take the class win as others broke late in the race. DustyTirnes
still third, Davis fourth and Currier and W agner fifth. At the end of the second lap Estrada stopped to put his co-driver, Jeff Bennett, in to the cockpit, and the driver change gave Webster the little edge needed to go into the lead. But he had only 34 seconds on Bennett, who held second now. Teuscher was still third, and now Bob Lofton and Jim Ashley, _in a Raceco, were fourth, as Currier and W agner dropped out, and Davis broke a shock and lost a lap while his crew came out to make repairs. Bennett pushed hard on his next lap, and rolled himself right over, onto his wheels, and still moving forward. He went back into the lead as Webster flattened a tire, and dropped back about six minutes. Teuscher's car was third, with Tom Ray at the wheel now. And Davis's co-driver, Carl Haynes, was a distant fourth. No one else was still running. Ray Alvarez came from Saipan to try the desert, and, with Rory Chenowth co-driving the M1n1 Mag, Ray placed second in the quick Unlimited Class action. Bennett kept the wheels on the ground for the rest of the race, but he thought it was the "dustiest, miserablist race I've ever been in." He and Estrada took the win, and were only 41 seconds behind the McDonnells, for second overall. Webster got tired and installed Randy Anderson to drive the last two laps, and he maintained a good pace, to bring the car in second. Teuscher and Ray were third, while Davis and Haynes finished fourth. The next class off the line were the Unlimited cars, and this time there was an odd assortment, since the Mini Mags and the Class 5 Baja Bugs, looking for company to race with, had elected to run with this group. The first car around at the end of the first lap was the big Raceco two seater of Jim Zupanovich, who had two minutes on Kirk McDaniel, in his Mini Mag, who ran second. Third place belonged to Gary Hamlin in a Baja Bug, and Todd Pankratz was fourth, in still Only two of the seven Class 8 trucks finished, and going the very fastest was the Ford of Ben Abatti. Mike Kroeker and company, not only winning Class a tn under five hours, but they were fifth overall. Tony Alvarado flew his Ford over the lumps. bumps and Iumps on the typical FRT course to take second in<;}'~~~ 8. on/~~:!_ minutes out of the victory. ·W. ··;:;:' _ i, _ Si;~ Dwayne Whitney ran fast Class 1·00 lap on the second go in his Cheno"::h~ took the lead from the green flag. built it up lap by lap and won the fun class by a fu/113 minutes at the checkered flag. __ .;:__ __________ _ Dusty Times another Baja Bug. Jeff and Cecil Wright ran fifth in their Buick powered Wright/Jumper. Zupanovich then recorded the class fast lap, at 42:43, to solidify his lead, and Hamlin moved up to se~ond place, the Wrights came up to third, and Pankratz was fpurth. In fifth it was now Bill Hernquist who'd rolled his Class 5 car on the first lap, while McDaniel lost a lap with some mechanical gremlins. Zupanovich was running a very steady pace, and continued to lead, still followed by Hamlin and then the Wrights. Pankratz was steady in fourth place, with Hernquist catching up little by little, in fifth . On --the next lap Zupanovich held firm, and Kyle Whitted, who took over for Hamlin, hung on to second place, but John Currier, who took over for Todd Pankratz, had moved into third place, while the Wrights dropped to fourth after a lengthy lap. In fifth it was st411 Hernquist, who'd lost about 12 minutes that lap. Zupanovich stopped to put his son, Mike, in for the last couple of laps, and he held the lead at the end of lap five, with 19 minutes on Whitted in the Baja Bug. In third it was still Currier, and the Wrights were still fourth, followed by Her.nquist, who'd run out of gas, and lost about 20 minutes. Word came back to the finish line that the Zupanovich car had broken a transmission, and after a few minutes of congratulating the Class 10 winners, their crew, who also pitted the McDonnells, headed out into the desert to tow the car in. Meanwhile, the finish line crowd waited, expecting to see Whitted and Hamlin get the checkered flag. But they didn't show up, having run out of gas about 10 miles out in the dust, and it was Currier and Pankratz who came in, unheralded, and unaware. They had no idea they'd won, but once it sank in, the celebrating began. Next to cross the finish line was Ray Alvarez, in a Mini Mag. Alvarez is from Saipan, and had never raced in the desert before. He'd entered this event as a warm up for the Gold Coast 300 which he was scheduled to run two weeks later. His crew dedared him read y for the Nevada desert. Whitted and Hamlin finally made it across the finish line, for third place, .and then, surprise, surprise, it was the Zupanovic h car in fourth . Whatever they'd b roken must have been fixable, and they were just under an hour down to the winner. Hernquist bro ke his transmission on that last lap, and the Wrights broke a stub axle. Nobody else made it in. The Class 8 trucks went next, and at the end of the first lap the December 1991 Kyle Whitted and Gary Hamlin ran well in Unlimited Class until the last lap, but survived their troubles to bring the Baja Bug in third in the class. lead belonged to Jeff Bonnet, in Mike Schuringa's Ford, which is most often found at the SCORE/HORA series. Bonnet had a lead of over three minutes on Ben Abatti in his Ford, but he was in trouble, with something slipping. Maybe the torque converter. He had recorded the fast lap for the class, at 43:19, In third it was Tony Alvarado, in still another Ford, and then Karl Counce ran fourth in his Chevy. At the end of the s·econd lap Alvarado was in front, but one of his rea~ wheels exploded about a This is the system run by most off road race winners half mile before the start/ finish check, and he really struggled that last short distance to his pit. Abatti moved smoothly on. Counce was third and now Don Sheehan, Jr. and Jamie Ahrens-berg, in a four wheel drive Jeep, ran fourth. Bonnet had Schur-inga's truck on a trailer and was headed home. On ·the third lap Alvarado's truck started to overheat, and he had to work on his radiator, but he held his lead, which was down to just 14 seconds. It was Abatti in second, i;r TRI-MIL BOBCAT CHROME JEEP STRAIGHT 6 "NEW SUMMER SPECIAL CHROME" GO FOR 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 35
Eric Philpott and Chris Berry ran their Baja Bug in Class 100. came back from a first lap flat to move up lap by lap and finish second in the class. Hector and Danny Ledezma enjoyed a good lead after one lap. with Danny at the wheel and he got class fast lap on the second round. continued to lead and survived a last lap flat to win Class 9 by seven minutes. Hal and Kevin Graves came back from spark plug woes on the first lap to move through the Class 9 pack in their Jimco and they finished third in class. !;llr having no troubles ~t all. Abatti took over the lead on lap And Counce was broken, so four, with Alvarado second, and Ahrensberg and Sheehan moved the Jeep in third, an hour and 40 to third place·. ••P.11• minutes back. Jody Mason, in a Dan Lewis, the Class 100 rep, and Bill Foster moved their Sandhawk into third in Class 100 on lap 3. and the team kept going to finish third in class. Mike Pfankuch and Larry Kern had a good day in the Class 9 Rayco. and they split the driving chores, ran close. second all the way to the checkered flag. Ford, ran a late fourth place, third it was Mike Hart and Dave having trouble every lap, and Fessenden, in a two seat Funco, Craig Corda, in still another Ford, with Dan Lewis fourth in his was also having a difficult day, Sandhawk. and running late. Whitney ran the fast lap for the Abatti went on to take the win, class, at 47:59, and built his lead while Alvarado, who had a couple to three minutes and ten seconds of flats, was second, only 10 with Johnson still behind him. minutes back. But none of the Hart and Fessenden held third, others had time to get all six laps and Lewis stayed in fourth place. in•. Sheehan and Ahrensberg Whitney continued his smooth earned third place for five laps run through the third lap, and completed, ,, real accomp-now he had eight minutes on lishment. Johnson, and Lewis had moved The growing Class 100 was up to third, with Eric Philpott and next on the line, and these cars, Chris Berry in a single seat limited to 105 inch wheelbase, Suspensions Unlimited Baja Bug, VWtypesuspensionand2400ccs who'd lost 15 minutes with a flat for the two seaters, have a lot of on the first lap, in fourth now. close racing fun at these events. At Hart and Fessenden were down the end of the first lap the leader for over an hour, and then never was Dwayne Whitney, in his two finished their fourth lap. seat Chenowth, and he had a bit At the end of lap four Whitney over a minute on Steve Johnson, held his lead, but Berry and in another two seat Chenowth. In Philpott had moved up to second, Off Road's Winningest Radios OVER 1,698ON THE RACE COURSE! Comlink V Page 36 The Ultimate Racing Intercom Helmets wired $100. (CF) ROADMASTER • NEW! RF Pre Amp $95 30% to 50% more range! 2888 Gundry Avenue Signal Hill, CA 90806 "A LEGEND" Only$539 We~: ~~;~s~~or (213) 427-8177 December 1991 the fastest thing on the road now, and Lewis was third still, while Johnson lost about 30 minutes with some problem. Richard Green, in a Frazco, was now fourth, and Johnson ran seven minutes behind him in fifth. Whitney held steady through lap five, as Philpott and Berry closed up further, now only 14 minutes back, and Lewis stayed firm in third, with Green fourth and Johnson fifth. And that was the way they finished, as Whitney took his third win in a row, stopping only one time, to adjust a rear torsion bar. Philpott and Berry, who finished second, had had no problems after that early flat, and Lewis also ran trouble free, though he called the race "the roughest since '89!" Green was fourth, having worn out one passenger and his shocks, and Johnson finished fifth. The Challengers were next to fire up, and this group was missing last year's points champions, Jack Hettinger and Steve Reynolds, who were sidelined for this race because Jack had to work. The first lap leader was the wide Ledezma single seater, with Danny Ledezma driving, and two minutes and 12 seconds in front of second place Mike Pfankuch, in a Rayco, who later reported seeing five cars upside down on that first lap. In third it was Rick and Ricky Madrid, in an ORBS, and then Fred and Ruben Ledezma, in a Chenowth ran fourth, followed by Leonard Fallorina and Vince Paniagua, in their two seater. On the second lap Danny really got into the swing of things, and recorded the class fast lap, at 51 :30. He now had a nine minute lead, and it was still Pfankuch in second place. The Madrids were third, but Fallorina and Paniagua had moved up to fourth and Dave Dietrich was fifth in his Chen/ Rayco. Fred anJ Ruben Ledezma had lost about 10 minutes. Danny Ledezma continued his . smooth drive, and he had a 12 minute lead at the end of lap three. Pfankuch, who said his car worked fine, had decided it was Danny's day, and he wasn't going to try to catch him, but was going to concentrate on bringing the car to his co-driver, Larry Kern. The Madrids were still third, and Fallorina and Paniagua ran fourth, but Dietrich dropped back, and Hal and Kevin Graves moved up to fifth, after losing 40 minutes on the first lap with a blown spark plug. Danny handed the car over to his father, Hector, and he held the lead at the end of lap four, followed by Kern, and then the Madrids, the Graves, and Fred and Ruben Ledezma, in fifth. Dietrich broke the left front corner off his car, and came in on . a tow rope. Hector continued his smooth pace, and his lead, and Kern ran about even with him, still second. The Graves team came up to third, and the other Ledezma team, even with a serious problem with a rear shock mount and brakes, was fourth. Tim Z1iegen-bcin, in a Funco, was then a distar:t fifth, and the Madrids had dropped out for good. The last lap proved to be tough. Hector had a flat and lost about four minutes, but held his lead and got the win, finishing just seven minutes in front of Kern and DustyTimes
Pfankuch. Then it was a 35 minute wait, until the Graves team showed up in third place, and all the rest broke out on the course, in the swiftly falling darkness. Next on the starting grid were the highly competitive 5-1600s, and James Woodruff had the first lap lead, with Doug Halvin just 15 seconds back in second. In third, two minutes further back, was Dale Snaith, while Rob and Ruben Gutierre: were just three seconds behind him. Fifth place belonged to Brian Coneen and Todd Wilcox. Woodruff, who said he :igged when he "should have :agged", went end over end on the second lap, caving in the roof of the car on a rock. As he waited for his trailer, Halvin went into the lead, with Ron Keizer and Scott Herron now in second, and Brian Good-rich, who'd lost a rear wheel cylinder on lap one, third, only 26 seconds behind them. In fourth it was Snaith, while Elias and Jose Ledezma ran fifth. On the third lap Halvin held his lead, and he now had almost five minutes on Goodrich, who ran the class fast lap, at 53:42; to move up into second place. Snaitb, was now third, Keizer and Herron were fourth and Coneen and Wilcox ran fifth. Snaith put Chris Harrold into the driver's seat for the last three laps, and he moved into the lead, as Keizer and Herron came up to second place. Goodrich lost his battery, then broke an axle, fixed it incorrectly and tore up his C.V., and then, out of spare axles and c.v.s, parked the car. Halvin had put his co-driver, Bruce Lerud, in for the last half of the race, and he had a flat, which lost him about 15 minutes and dropped them to third place. The Gutierre: team was fourth now, and the Lede:mas were fifth. On the fifth lap Harrold held his lead, followed by Kei:er and Herron, then Lerud, the Gutierre: team and then Duane and Kevin Basore, who'd had several longish laps. Harrold and Snaith ran trouble free to take the win, cheered on by Dale's brother, Bob Snaith, in a back brace because of injuries suffered in his last race. He predicted he'd be back behind the wheel for the New Year's Eve Dunaway Dash. Second place went to Keizer and Herron who'd been dicing for the lead with Snaith and Harrold, until their left rear shocks broke and took out their brakes. Halvin and Lerud had lost a little time taping up a leaky c.v. boot, but preserved their third place, while the Basores, putting a couple of good laps back to back, moved up to fourth. In fifth it was the Gutierre: team, while the Lede:mas finished just as the sun set, relieved to be there, because all their lights had fallen off early in the day. They were sixth. The Class 7 trucks were last to get the green flag, and it was a small group, but there was some passionate racing. Jeff Hoskins put his Ranger out front early, but he had only two minutes on Mike Henry and Victor Lope:, in their Ranger. Out on the course, Roy Garcia and Richard Valencia rolled their Toyota, and were desperately trying to patch it together enough to get going again. They lost nearly two hours, and finished their first lap looking Dusty Times A good batch of 14 started in Class 5-1600, and they ran close all day. Dale Snaith and Chris Harrold moved into the lead on lap 4, and they ran trouble free all the way to win Class 5-1600 honors. Doug Halvin and Bruce Lerud led the middle iaps in Class 5-1600, then had a fifteen minute flat. fixed a CV boot but survived to finish third in class. like an escapee from a car crushing monster truck. Meanwhile the two Rangers were at it nip and tuck, with Hoskins holding the lead, and Henry and Lope: only a few minutes back. Then a buggy ran into Henry and Lope:, flattening a tire, and bouncing Henry's head into the rear window, shattering it, and letting in the dust for the rest of the day. That made an already tough race tougher. Hoskins put Ronnie Gibson in for the last half of the race, and he recorded the class fast lap on lap six, at 53:01, and sailed on in, after an absoultely trouble free day, for the team's win. Henry and Lope:, dusty and tired, were second, about 45 minutes later, and Garcia and Valencia, very battered, managed only one lap after their rollover, a good one, at 59 minutes, but the truck apparently couldn't take any more, and that's as far as they went. The FR T series now has one race to go, the New Year's Eve Dunaway Dash. That race is a popular one, falling right on the holiday, during the nicest weather in the low desert, perfect camping out time for desert lovers. The . combination of a good off road race and a co:y campfire on New Year's Eve is hard to beat. FRT Plaster City Blast RESULTS· September 28, 1991 Car# Pos. Driver/Co-Driver Vehide nme Class 1-2-1600 -l§QQcc Restricted - 9 start· 4 finish 1601 1 Andy Estrada/Jeff Bennett 1605 2 Scott Webster/Randy Anderson 1606 3 Todd Teuscher/Tom Ray 1603 4 Mike Davis/Carl Haynes Class 10 • Unlimited 1650 ccs - 5 start• 1 finish 1001 1 Tim & Mike McDonnell · 1003 2 Robert & Joel Whined Class 112 Unlimited & Class s -9 start -4 finish 121 1 Todd Pankratz/John Currier 179 2 Ray Alvarez/Rory Chenowth 105 3 Kyle Whitted/Gary Hamlin 103 4 Jim & Mike Zupanovich Class 9 •Challenger• 13 start - 3 finish Jimco ORBS Chenowth Jimco Raceco Jimco Baja Bug Mini Mag Baja Bug Raceco 904 1 Danny & Hector Ledezma Ledezma 910 2 Larry Kern/Mike Pfankuch Rayco 909 3 Hal & Kevin Graves Jimco Class 100 • Short WB One or Two seat • 1 O start • 5 finish 8 1 D.vayne Whitney/Damon Smith Chenowth 3 2 Eric Philpott/Chris Berry Susp. Unltd. 3 Dan Lewis/Bill Foster Sandhawk 9 4 Richard Green/Kenny Verkvilen Frazco(2) 2 5 Steve Johnson/Stephen Johnson Chenowth Class 5-1600 -1600 cc Baja Bug -14 start - 7 finish 591 1 Dale Snaith/Chris Harrold 597 554 599 557 2 3 4 5 Ron Keizer/Ron Herron Doug Halvin!Bruce Lerud Duane & Kevin Basore Rob & Ruben Gutierrez Class 8 Big Trucks - 7 start - 2 finish Baja Bug Baja Bug Baja Bug Baja Bug Baja Bug 4:16:23 4:23:59 4:37:26 5:08:54 4:15:42. 3laps 5:17:58 5:53:20 6:04:02 6:10:14 5:41:20 5:48:25 6:24:24 5:03:00 5:16:24 5:37:15 5:41:01 5:58:45 5:48:00 06:00:51 6:02:24 6:07:10 6:26:36 803 1 Ben Abatti/Mike Kroeker Ford 4 :51 :29 808 2 Tony Alvarado/Sony Loo Class Z Llttle Trucks • 3 start • 2 Uoisb 700 1 Jeff Hoskins/Ronnie Gibson 701 2 Mike HenryVictor Lopez Ford 5:01 :55 Ford Ranger 5:28:16 Ford Ranger 6:13:40 'denotes overall winner - 67 starters - 28 finishers -41 % finish ratio 32 mile course - rough, dusty - 6 laps for an official finish . Weather: hot, some breeze December 1991 Ron Keizer and Ron Herron got their Bug up to second after two laps in the 5-1600 ranks. lost some time later. but finished second in Class 5-1600. It was tight racing among the trio in Class 7. the Ford Rangers of Jeff Hoskins/Ronnie Gibson running nip and tuck with Mike Henry/Victor Lopez from the start. but at the finish Hoskins and Gibson won. Mike Henry and Victor Lopez salvaged second in Class 7 after- a collision really damaged their Ford. but they toughed it out to get the finish. West Coast Distributor f014 HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92806 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 37
LA RANA CALIFORNIA 200 Tom Koch and Rex Keeling Win Overall at Ridgecrest By ]<!an Calvin -Photos: Trackside Photo Enter/Jrises ·,1: .. ,. ::,; Tom Koch and Rex Keeling worked their way through the traffic in the Class 10 Raceco, their only do':;n tim~~o/;,ing from one flat tire. and they finished first. not only in Class 10 bCJt first overall sharing the driving equally in the single seater. · La Rana Desert Racing returned to Ridgecrest, California in beautiful early October weather for the California 200. The organi:ers, always ready to listen to what the racers desire, made some changes, but basically the course was the same as last spring. The starting area was m·oved away from the highway to more level and less rocky ground, and the pit lane ran adjacent to the actual race course, making it easier for pit teams to keep track of their race cars. Eveyone, including the BLM people, was happy with the new start area, and it did eliminate a paved road crossing, which are always a ha:ard, in rural areas especially. There were three remote pit areas on the 40 mile course and some access roads for chase vehicles, limited to 25 mph, and many off limits roads. As always, no real pre-running was allowed, but there was a test area near the start / finish line marked differently from the race course. The activities began with registration, tech and contingency inspection at 3 p.m. on Friday in perhaps the most convenient facility in all of off road racing, the Kerr McGee Community Center in Ridgecrest. Registration is inside the center, and the adjacent and huge parking lot is given over to contingency row and tech inspection, so a racer can pull in with his race car, park, register, unload go through tech, reload then hang around for the drivers meeting without ever moving his rig. All this in the dust free environment of a paved area in the middle of Ridgecrest sur-rounded by fast food emporiums. There were 93 cars that started in the fresh, clear morning air early Saturday, and four more entries that were DNS. The . majority of the classes faced five laps of the fast, rough, rocky course; it has it all. First away was Class 2 defending champion Bob Richey in his formidable Raccco powered by a Type 4 engine. Richey was followed by his close competition, Keith Jackson in a 3 liter Type 4 Raceco and Mike Williams in his Ma:da rotary powered MECO that is fast but noisy. Class 10 was next off the tine -led by the Funco of Michael and Robert Harman. Next it was Tony Modica in his fast Ad:ima, followed by Dan Fisk, Mirage, Lloyd Painter, Raceco, Craig Dillon and Jim Tucker, ORC, Alan Hansley, Bunderson, David Atwood/Hal Hibbard, Raceco, Ron Moore, Hi Jumper, Jon Kennedy II, and last away in Class 10 was home town hero Tom Koch sharing the drive in Rex Keeling's single seat Raceco. This was a tough field that could give the unlimiteds a run for the overall honors. As it turned out they did. The husky 20 car pack of 1-2-1600 cars was led into the desert by Greg Akins, Bunderson. Larry Martin followed trailed away by Glen Coulter/Steve Schmidt, Chenowth, David Ardolino, Jimco, Rick Boyer, Chenowth, Danny Porter, Suspension Unlimited, Bob Stockton/Don Chase, Mirage, Larry Steph-ey / Charles Thomas, Homebuilt, Dave Mansker /Dennis Crowley, JMR, and this would be a tough bunch to pass. Next away came Robert and Joe Duarte, Chen-owth, then Billy McCool, Funco, Jeff and Perry Coan, Chenowth, Robert Nolin, VW, Rob Myerly, Hensley, Doug Castillo, Mirage, Russ Winkler, Speedco, Terry Jeffers, Brut, Larry Hall, MECO, Brian Hauptman, Raceco, and Steve McMullin, M&T. Doug and Bob Wager led the Class 5 group off the line, but soon came to grief. Next came Jeff Renick/Darryl Gibson, Ed Pauley/Jon Iandiorio, Michael Daws/Mike Hallock, Chuck Dodson /Joe Trimino, Peter Swift/ Mike Jameson. The pair of Class 8s were Tom Coon in his Ford, which sadly didn't make a lap, and Gail Gould and Jon Montgomery, whose GMC covered a full four laps for the class honors. Leading the Challengers into -the now dusty route was the team of Dan Richardson/Randy Westbrook, Mirage, closdy followed by Gary Tachell/ Alan Met:, Hi Jumper, Gene Bant-ilan /Dave Owens, Chenowth, Dick Ford/ Kay Maclean, ORC, Danny and Mike Hunter, Mike Hampton, Funco, Michael Rix/ Larry Adams, and then came Joe Sparkman/Lance Patten, Chenowth,John Holmes/Dave Calloway, T-Mag, Sandy Parker, Chenowth, Dave .Girdner/ Rick Johnson, Funco, Martin Gill, Hi Jumper, and 1990 points champ-Crossing the finish line second on the road. David Ardolino drove the Jimco all the way to finish second overall in his Jimco, winning Class 1-2-1600. having no real trouble except for lading brakes, a common malady. ion James Clements. and Kathy Maramba, Dodge. The The 5-1600s, a lucky 11, were all Toyota class of Mini Stone lcJ away by David Shively / Rich-Stock trucks were led off the line ard Homstron, wit~ Mitch Griffin by Bill Waltman/ Larua Lee, then and Mark Steele, tormer bikers, came Young Lee/Edward Lucero, in thl'ir brand new Baja Bug next Brady and Steve Helm, Scott followed by Fred Heacock, Ed Sells/Thomas Young, Al Ortlepp, Oro:co/Rick Fouquette, and and Curtis and Jason Lamb. Charlie and Danny Smith. Then Travis Howard was all alone in came Marc and Rick DeShane, Class 11. Travis covered three Jim Barta /Ron Hodge, Greg laps to secure his winning points, Burgin /Charlie Lamar, Jesse while the Stone Stocks were Rodriquez/Robert Encinas, Rick required to cover just two laps. Johnson/ Barrie Thompson, anc;l Last away were four Odyssey Walter Sleppy/Randy Jones. type vehicles, facing one lap on There were a mixed bag of mini trucks with Kim and 'Axel Mohr leading off in a Ford, followed by Art and Mike Becker in a Toyota. Next came Kenneth Parr and George Line, apparently in their own class. Then it was Jay and Donnie King in a Toyota, followed by Alberto Tejera/Rich-ard Robbins, Toyota and Mike Mitchell /Paul Strong, Toyota. Class 6 had one starter, the Brian Coats/Neville Sharpe Camaro, and one Class 3, Ray MacMillan and Mike Ismail in an IH Scout, combined for the winner take all purse. Finnal y the half dozen big Stone Stock trucks started led by the Ford of Gordon DiCarlo/Jeff Yocum, followed by Mike and Chris Coleman, Chevy, then James Hall, Bronco, Michael Yarman/Michael Stockberger, C hevy, Tom Carter/Gordon Swenson, IH Scout and Ramon the course. First off was Art Gibbs, Honda Pilot, Christopher Reynolds, who got a late start, Honda, Donald Kleinhenz, Selstad, and Mary Sullivan, H & R Fab. They had but one lap to complete. The action started right away as the Wager brothers crashed their Class 5 into the hole at the end of the _pit straight, that had more than ample warning and danger signs preceding the hole. They hit so hard that both men were taken to the hospital, both with back pains, and were kept for observa-tion for a time, then released. The car was retrieved and repaired and relief.drivers drove qn, after losing a bitoftime. to eventually finish second. Next Bruce Mangold was towed across the finish line before any car had finished the first lap. His Class 9 had an electrical fire in the staging area, and after being towed to his pit where a complete rewire job was done, he started Bob Richey led overall for three laps. then most of the front end broke. he lost gobs of time to welding, and did win top spot in Class 2 action, but he finished well back in the field. }f"~.' ... ·.;,,··•.· >, ,~~•· Jeff and Ferry Coan were just 90 seconds out of the Class 1-2-1600 victory and they also placed th,rd overall with scant down time ,n their Chenowth. Page 38 :~,.~~ Alan Hensley finished second m Class 10 and fourth overall despite a couple of flats on course and driving most of the distance without power steering in the Bunderson. December 1991 The Class 10 cars had a good race all day, and David Atwood and Hal Hibbard came in third in Class 10 and also placed the Raceco a fine seventh overall. Dusty Times
Bob Stockton and Don Chase had a good run in the Mirage, having just one flat en route to third in Class 1-2-1600 and a sparkling fifth overall. Rob Myerly fought a lack of power steering in the Hensley most of the way, but he finished a good fourth in Class 1-2-1600 and sixth overall in the race. The Wager brothers crashrW right off the line, but the car was repaired and Packy Wheeler took over the driving and finished a fine second in Class 5. Class 5 had a high attrition rate but Peter Swift and Mike Jameson got the victory despite a hole in the trans case along the way. and a collapsed rear suspension on the Baja Bug at the flag. well over an hour late, but ran two good laps before losing the rear shocks, destroying a rear wheel and having brake trouble. He and Tim Gavett finished all five laps, eighth in class. Bob Richey was the first car around after one lap, in about 56 minutes, but Michael Harman's Class 10 was only a couple of minutes behind him, followed in seconds by another Class 10, Dan Fisk, then another Class 10, Craig Dillon. There was about a nine minute lull, then Danny Porter was the first 1600 across the line with Tom Koch right on his bumper. A minute back were Tony Modica, Class 10 and David Ardolino, I 600, then Alan Hensley, Class 10. David Mansker led the next bunch of I 600s under a two minute blanke t , Bob Stockton, Rohen Nolin, Billy McCool, Jeff Coan, Terry Jeffers, Roh Myerly, and Greg Akins. This was a real horse race! Ed Pauley, in the first Class 5 around, stopped at the line to report a Class· IO car over at the 35 mile marker; the driver was OK hut needed help to turn the car over. Then Pauley stalled in the silt at the line, hut willing pushers soon got him started again. Soon after Sandy Parker drove by in the first Class 9 to finish a lap, hut within the minute along came Dan Richardson and . Dick Ford, but that was the only lap completed by Ford. In another minute Dave Shively ----- - · . drove in, the first 5-1600 on the road, with Fred Heacock literally on his bumper and Jesse Rod-rique: a minute back, followed by Jim Clements and Michael Rix in Challengers. Close behind was the Clas..s 2 MECO of Morley Williams, followed by more 1600s, 9s and 10s. Michael Daws was second on the road in Class 5, followed by Jeff Renick running on a right rear flat, and four more 5-1600s with the Coats Camara booming along in between. The first of the mini trucks was Mike Mitchell, with Jay King three minutes back, followed, incredible as it seems, but the Stone Stock Ford of Gordon DiCarlo with a quick lap time. TIH· first uffkial finisher was tlw Sdsta,I p( Donal,! Kldnhen: who won th<· O ,lyssq, dass hy ju.q ov.-r fn11r minutl',-from Art Gibbs. About 24 minutes further back Christopher Reynolds was third in the class, while Mary Sullivan was a non-finisher. Nine starters in the car classes also foiled to finish the first lap. With a 55 minute lap Bob Richey finished his second round around 11 a.m., while Keith Jackson recovered from a flat in the wrong place on lap I only to have fuel injection woes and then he lost the clutch before he could get a lap done. After a good 1 :30 first lap the Williams MECO was seen no more, so the Castex crew decided to haul out to Jackson cha_nge the clutch, no mean feat, Barstow's veteran off road racer Jim Clements did it again. driving solo in his Challenger car. and he had no on course delays or troubles and won Class 9 by a whopping 21 minutes. DustyTima and get the car back in the race. Jackson had a 3:40 first lap but a 1 :06 second round, despite a broken exhaust, carried on to finish all five laps and was second, about 2 ½ hours behind Bob Richey, who had his problems on the fourth lap. After three under an hour lap times, even though the steering wheel came off in his hands just off the initial start, Bob Richey had a record run going until the fourth lap. That's when the front suspension broke, trailing arm, link pin, you name it. Fortunately the Pit Area A F.A.l.R. pit crew welded the breakage back together, and he limped on in, having no real competition, to take the Class 2 victory and nail down some points, the same reason Jackson wanted to finish. But Richey was an unaccustomed 12th overall and Jackson was 29th O IA. But the story of the race was the swift runs of the leading Class 10 and 1600 cars. First around in Class IO after two laps was Harman, followed in two minutes by Fisk, then Dillon, while Koch lurked about two more minutes back on the road, but about even on E .T. with Harman. Tony Modica turned class fast lap on round 2 at 56:46. By the third lap the cars were all mixed up on the road and our makeshift lap charting was history. But half the Class 10 field was within a few minutes of each other so it was a wide open race. On lap 3 the Harman Funco had a disaster, costing over three hours in down time. First the car ran out of gas near Check 2, then had some electrical problems. The 1990 points champions had a flat on the second lap which probably caused the shock failure, and more suspension troubles on lap 3 . They had some handy field help and got in four of the five laps before the time ran out. But, the single seat Raceco driven 21/2 laps each by Tom Koch and Rex Keeling never missed a beat. They did have what they called "poor brakes", one flat about five miles out, but both men were beaming, thrilled with the overall victory, taking that honor by over 10 minutes using a Type I air cooled engine. Alan Hensley worked his way up to second in C lass 10 despite stopping now and then with two flats, and struggling with a lack of power steering from the third lap onward. Hensley got the Bunder-son home fourth overall, about 15 minutes behind Koch/ Keeling. David Atwood and Hal Hibbard were third in Class 10, another 11 minutes back, seven th overa 11 happy with their new Type 1 engine. The placing moved them to second in Class 10 points and they complimented the FAIR Pits for an excellent effort. On Friday . FAIR had put on a membership December 1991 drive in contingency row, offering free FAIR (hot) dogs to all passing teams, which kept two barbecues going from three to ten p.m . They were good, fat and tasty hot dogs too. Taking fourth in Class 10, eighth overall Craig Dillon and Jim Tucker had an early flat, then a broken shock bolt and i}eim joint which cost time, and finally two more flats. Dan Fisk and Paul Bradley were fifth with four laps done, followed in seven minutes by Tony Modica, who had been a contender but vanished on the last lap. Jon Kennedy got in two laps. Neither Lloyd Painter or Ron Mo?re did a lap. The 1-2-1600s also had a ding dong battle going, as Danny Porter was the first one around on the second lap, about three minutes ahead of Robert Nolin and David Ardolino on thr ro~d, then came Jeff Coan and Bob Stockton; they were all very close on E.T. In a couple more minutes Greg Akins, Rob. Myerly, Larry Martin, flew by in the same dust cloud. But there were casualties by now. Neither Boyer nor Winkler make a lap, while Hall who rolled twice, Coulter, Hauptmann, Mansker, McMullin, and Jeffers retired on lap 2. Missing after two laps were McCool Ir @ rn ~ODD[[) 00 Oo ~ DESERT LOCK OUTER 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8 • 1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP._'"'--'- ,-., Standard Lock Outer Tire Located Off Inner Ring Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength * At last,a quality bead lock designed for· Off-Road racing • All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipment. For Todays' Sophisticated 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 13" MIDG.ET 8"-10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED MIDGET WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 O" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock •.•.. $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Page 39
Dan Richardson and Randy Westbrook had merely one flat tire for trouble on their Mirage. and the pair kept it all together for second in Class 9. While the rough course must have been tough in the swing axle Class 9 cars, Michael Rix and Larry Adams survived their woes to finish a close third. Jesse Rodriquez came back from welding the front adjuster more than once to drive his Bug into second place in the close running ranks in Class 5-1600. Dave Shively and Richard Homstron led the first lap. most of the race in-between and they led the 5-1600 Baja Bugs across the finish line to win the class by a full eleven minutes. Mike Mitchell and Paul Strong had to super tape the axle housing together on their Toyota. but the field fix worked and they won top honors in Class 750. r,-,. and Castillo, and the day.Just a minute and a half later attrition went on, with Duarte out Jeff and Perry Coan placed third after three_ laps. overall, second in class, their only Dave Ardolino drove his Jimco slow down due to a broken oil across the finish line, the second cooler, but they borrowed one car of all five lap classes to take the from a disabled racer and carried checkered flag, and Dave was a on. happy man, winning the class and Bob Stockton and Don Chase second overall in a solo drive. He got the Mirage home fifth overall said he had a little brake trouble, third in 1600 class and had but but no flats, and had a very good one flat on the way. A tired Rob CUSTOM RACING AND CREW APPAREL EMBROIDERED SPORTSWEAR MONOGRAMMING - LETTERING CUSTOM DESIGNS -LOGOS ON JACKETS, CAPS, DRIVING SUITS -OLD-NEW-YOURS-OURS-SPRUCE UP THAT RATTY OLD DRIVING SUIT - LOOK SHARP ! TERRI NICKS 714-923-7016 Page 40 Art and Mike Becker covered four laps, enough to give them the victory in Class 700. in a Toyota, which is similar, appr1rently to the better known Class 7. Myerly was fourth among 1600s, Tachell and the herd. On the next struggling without power steering, lap Parker broke a tie r~d bolt, got but sixth 0 1 A. Fifth in class and that fixed and dropped back, only ninth overall came Larry Stephey, to run out of gas and finally break followed in by Danny Port-a torsion bar, running out of time er/Mark Ruddis, tenth overall after four laps. even after breaking all the power Meanwhile Jim Clemen ts steering bolts, and Ruddis had a worked through the field to once long last lap. Despite spending again win Class 9 with no on time on its lid Larry Martin drove course troubles, and he won by 21 the NR W to seventh in class and minutes, a big margin for this 11th overall as the limited cars class. Dan Richardson and Randy dominated the overall positions Westbrook got the Mirage home here second, having but one flat tire for The Class 5 Bugs had a tough trouble, a keen run. Michael Rix time at Ridgecrest, and the 5-and Larry Adams took third only 1600s beat their time to the another four minutes back, checkered flag. Michael Daws reporting a broke,1 bracket that coveredtwolapsonly,thesecond holds the throttle and clutch in good time, and Ed Pauley who cables in place, but no flats. Gene did class fast lap, a 1 :03 on the Bantilan and Dave Owens ran first, was leading after two laps, but was seen no more.Jeff Renick picked up the lead after three rounds, and he ended up third in class with four of five laps done, having serious trouble on the final lap. Chuck Dodson also got in just four laps, hours back. After four laps it was between Peter Swift and the Wager car driven by Packy Wheeler. Swift and co-driver Mike Jameson got their five laps done 50 minutes quicker, having had a hole in the trans case on the first lap, cured by silicone and a few stops to add fluid. The winning Bug arrived with the rear end sagged out, but it arrived. Wheeler got into the Wager car steadily for their five laps to finish fourth followed in a minute by Joe Sparkman and Lance Patten. Dave Girdner had big trouble on lap 1, but then ran well to sixth place followed in by Gary Tachell and Alan Metz. Eighth and last of the five lap finishers, after a very late start, came Bruce Mangold and Tim Gavett. The 5-1600 class ran tight on the first lap as Dave Shively led Fred Heacock and Jesse Rodriguez across the line, all three in the same minute. A few minutes later came Mitch Griffin, and Marc DeShane, then Ed Orozco, then Walter Sleppy followed by James Barta. Missing were Greg Burgin and Charlie Smith, and then we 'lost track of this class in the dust. Heacock spent over four hours on lap 2, and went out, while Rick Johnson, after two good laps, had a three hour trip on the third and retired, and after three good laps Ed Orozco vanished. The new Bug of Mitch Griffin and Mark Steele had over two hours down time on lap 4 so they went no farther, but were sixth in class. Up front Dave Shively built a lead through four laps, and held it to take the victory in Class 5-1600, a fine birthday present for Dave whose birthday was actually the day before. He had no troubles and a smooth run all day. About 11 minutes back Jesse Rodriguez was second in class, followed in under two minutes after a 2:51 first lap, and kept it Gordon DiCarlo and Jeff Yocum covered their three rounds quickly in the moving for all five rounds, a • Ford and they won the full size Stone Stock pickup class by a good 19 minutes. couple of good laps in there too, and finished second. In Class 9 Dick Ford got in just one good lap, and Larry and Duane Boman, the last starter, managed two long ones before parking. Also covering a pair of laps each were Danny and Mike Hunter and Dave Callaway/John Holmes, while both Mike Hampton and Martin Gill covered three laps before retiring. First around after one round was Sandy Parker, with Dan Richard-son and Dick Ford in his wake, all three in the same minute. A · couple minutes back it was James Clements then Michael Rix. Hampton, Gallaway, then Gary December 1991 Sho Ota and Tadanori lio got their long sought victory in the Stone Stock mini truck category, and the Toyota looked tidy after completing the race. DustyTimes
. , Just two minutes out of second place in Class 5-1600, Mark and Rick OeShane had a good time. very little down time and were a strong third in class. James Hall Sr. and Jr. ran very well in the classic Ford Bronco, and they finished the required laps in good time, second in Stone Stock Full Size pickups. Curtis and Jason Lamb got their Toyota around three laps just 14 minutes out of the victory. but they were pleased to take the second place honors. later by Mark and Rick DeShane who also reported scant problems. Rodrigue: spent his down time welding the front adjuster, three different times, but had no other difficulty, and he was running Hoosier tires, a new entry in off road racing tire wars. Walter Sleppy and Randy Jones finished all five for fourth place followed by five lap finishers James Barta and Ron Hodge. In Class 6 Brian Coats and Neville Sharpe covered all five laps for the win in the Camara, while the Ray McMillan Scout did one lap in Class 3. In Class 700 ~rt and Mike Becker did four laps tor the win in a Toyota, while Kim Mohr and company had no time. All alone in Class 725, Kenneth Parr and George Line did three laps for their trophy. In Class 750 Mike Mitchell and Paul Strong won with a super tape fix on the axle housing over Jay and Donnie King by 18 minutes, and Alberto Tejera and Richard Robbins were third. Brian Coats and Neville Sharpe drove the only Class 6 that started but they covered all five laps in the husky sounding Chevrolet Camara for the points. A certain points champion this yea r. Travis Howard was all alone in Class 11 but he still covered all three required laps. in good time at that. Maramba were fifth in a Dodge. ------Laura Lott. Young Lee and tioned comfort. Most of the Edward Lucero were fifth in this drivers complimented Eddie Toyota class, the last three lap Castro and crew for a well finisher, while Art Ortlepp and organi:ed race and a very well Brady and Steve Helm each got in marked course. Expect a good one lap before retiring. entry at the final La Rana race of In the full size Stone Stock truck class, Michael Yarman did only one lap, but the rest covered three rounds. Gordon DiCarlo and Jeff Yocum won in their Ford by just 19 minutes over the James Hall Ford. Mike and Chris Coleman were third in a Chevy just 50 seconds ahead of Tom Carter and Gordon Swenson, Scout, while Ramon and Kathy In the Stone Stock mini truck group Sha Ota and Tadanori lio were popular winners in their Toyota, followed home in 14 minutes by Curtis and Jason Lamb. Having troubles along the way Scott Sells and Thomas Young claimed third well over an hour ahead of Bill Waltman and Sunday morning the handsome the year, the double points High plaques and checks were pre-Desert 250 out of Lucerne Valley sented back in the Kerr McGee on November 22-24. We'll be Community Center in air condi-there. fJl/r OFF ROAD RACING AT ITS BEST -POINT TO POINT Over $20,000 Combined Prizes/ Payback Trophies & Contingencies DECEMBER 7TH, 1991 -SATURDAY --· SCHEDULE "-Fri. Sat Sun. 6 a.m. 12 Noon 12 Midn;9ht 6 a.m. 6 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8 a.m. 8:15 a.'Tl. 8.30 am. 9 30 a m. 10 30 a.m. 10 30 a m. 12 Noon 2 30 pm 3 30 pm 6.00 p.m. 7am. 8 a m 9a m. 11 am. Border opens Tech opens at pit area Km 7 (Jaime Jerez) on Hwy 8 Border doses Tech opens Border opens Tech closes for bi<es & b,:.e riders meeting S1art bike race & ATV EXP & AM Start A TV race Start Mini race Start PiloVLadieSiOinoslATV 205 Nov at Ck 2 (95 mile raoe) 1st bike arrives in Rocky Poin1 Buggy !ech closes1Buggy dnvers meeting Start Buggy and TnJck race 1st Buggy arrives in Rcc, y Point S1ar1 1-2/1600 Buggy PIAA Challenge 1st 1-2/ 1600 arrives 1n Rocky Point (DARK') Chapel on 1he beach at Pues1a del Sol Restaurant Competllion board meets Pcesla del Sol Results posted at Puesla del Sol Awards Play a Bonita Puesta del Sol BUGGIES & TRUCKS BRING YOUR PIAA LIGHTS! Sonoyta To Rocky Point SHIRTS & HATS ON SALE FRI. & SAT. NO PRE RUNNING !!!!! ~-----------). PIAA DECALS REQUIRED Call Sube Sports 714-84 7-4363 602-678-0653 Needs Lights? Buy PIAA! MILES ON THE TRACK CHECKPOINT INFO 7 CHECKPOINTS! 10 20 22 30 40 45 84 105 120 125 Star1-Km 7 Jaime Jerez (pit area) Road Crossing Km 18 (pits west side only -bel<>re you cross H1gr,way 8) Too ir.famous ·y-on the 1st :oop -you go to "Scnoy1a· (le~ and o~ to Ck #1. Tt-.i nc,1 time you go south (nght) 10 "Rocky Point". If you blow this corner. you waste your whole day I Ck #1 Km 239 on Cabolca Hig~way (Hwy. 2). You can get to Ck;\ by going to Sonoyta and then Mn right. east on Hwy. 2. Rolling Ck Km 241 (on Caborca Hwy) (Hwy 2). Ro~d crossing Km 6 ( Rancho San Jose) (Hwy Sl Ck "2 Jaime Jerez (at the back side of the start line) Road crossing Km 18 (again) Too -y· -!Urn right ,his time! Ck "3 -Km 24 · Sehind the Cuno Shop near Charr.izal • large o;,en field. (This is tho 'Mirn" Fir,sh Line) Ck #4 at :he Big Tree -Your gas can will bo he,e if you put 1t on :t-e truck by 7 30 AM. Sat. at Tech Inspection. No access by normal vehicle • 4x4 only. Go east of Peiiasco turn••~ at municipal bu1ld1ng (police stanon). along R.R. tracks. on New Caborca Road for 22 miles to s i;n "EJido Estero P,n1a· Turn left - 2 miles to BIG TREE . SCFT SANO' Ck #5 Km 76 The Pepsi Sland • 2 miles east ol H1>y. 8 on ,he Well Road" Ck #6 at Km 88 on Hwy. 8 Ck #7 Km 94 -Mary Sol Motel & Res!aurant Restrcoms & shcwers open all day. Welcome to the Finish Line' CHECKPOINT CUT OFF TIMES for all B1kes.'A TV. Piolts1M,n;s is 3 hours a~er the 1st bike comes through each check point. You can starl again from the checkpo;nt 2 hcurs aher t,e 1st boggy comes through that chock and linish ycur race. if possible PIAA LIGHTS $1000°0 Bonus To Winner of Pro 1-211600 Use your PIAA Lights FOR Start Time 3:30 For this class only 21 mm restrictor plate required in all cars, single & two seat/ ADDITIONAL CALL 602-274-0010 INFO Dusty Times December 1991 ~ hVtE,0VAtlOA/4L ~ {)!SEJU ~4/6 A$oCIAT7CN PROFESSIONAL OFF ROAD RACING FOR FAMil,IES Page 41
Craig Dillon and Jim Tucker had some suspension hardware breakage, a flat. but they kept the ORC moving through the dust to take fourth in Class 10, eighth overall. Larry Martin rolled the NRW along the way. but it didn't slow his pace much. and he finished seventh in Class 1-2-1600 and a fine eleventh overall. Gene Bantilan and Dave Owens maintained a steady pace in their Class 9 Chenowth, and they covered the five laps to take fourth in the big class. Kenneth Parr and George Line did three laps for their trophy. and they were the only starter in their Ford Ranger in Class 725. a 7S style class. Mike and Chris Coleman have a tidy Stone Stock full size pickup. and they drove the Chevy to third in class. just 50 seconds up on fourth place. Page 4~ Larry Stephey had a good race in the homebuilt Class 1-2-1600. and he drove hard in the two seater to finish fifth in class and ninth overall in the race. Keith Jackson had a year's worth of troubles at Ridgecrest. but his crew changed the clutch and he drove on to finish second in Class 1 /2 action. Joe Sparkman and Lance Patten had a good run in their Class 9 Chenowth, and they finished the route. only a minute out of fourth place money. In close competition here on the first lap. Jay and Donnie King got the,r Toyota home in good shape. finishing second in Class 750 (7 4x4). Donald Kleinhenz was actually the first finisher in his Selstad. as he won Class 44 for Odyssey type vehicles with a swift single lap. December 1991 Danny Porter and Mark Ruddis had last lap troubles, lost time, but still came in sixth in Class 1-2-1600, tenth overall in the Suspensions Unlimited. Jeff Renick led Class 5 after three laps. but had big trouble after that, but he got in four laps. good for fourth place in the high attrition class. Walter Sleppy and Randy Jones ran up front in Class 5-1600 in the early laps. then slowed with unknown problems. but finished the race in fourth place. Gail Gould survived the course better than the other Class B. and he took the class money and points driving the GMC four laps on the tough course. Scott Sells and Thomas Young often win the Stone Stock mini truck class, but they had troubles this time out with the Toyota and finished third. Dusty Times
Yokohama 6-50 Club Report now. As Sierra Auto Recycling's hired gun, Minor Bates wheeled that Imperial thru the field like a Class 8 truck going thru a pack of By Jean Calvin The off road racing year is winding down, with just a few races left to go in November and December as we go to press. Since we checked in after the Nevada 500, the point standings for the 6-50 Club haven't changed much, althought the front five have shifted around a bit. We only had a couple of the 50 plus drivers in the SNORE 250 late in Septem-ber, and doing the best there was Bert Vaughn in his car that could probably qualify as a 6-50 club member too. He was nearly the last finisher, but he finished all the required laps in the venerable 1600 car, and picked up 20 6-50 points. At the Gold Coast 300, the penultimate event in both the 6-50 series and the SCORE-HORA Series, not too many of the older troops did very well. Frank Snook was a dnf, however, still retains the slim lead in points, just ten points now, but a good finish in the Baja 1000 would help Frank get the gold medal. Now challeng-ing for the gold is Rodney Hall who got his battered Dodge home second in Class 4 in Nevada; a win in Baja would assure him a medal, maybe the gold. Danny Letner moved up also at the Gold Coast with a sixth place finish in Class 1 / 2 in his new Chevy truck, and Danny is third in the 6-50 standings, just eight points behind Hall and 18 away from the gold, which he has won in other years. Walker Evans is fourth at the moment with 191 point's, ten behind Lerner, and Walker dropped back from second with a dnf at the last race . Class 11 s. When the destruction was over, all of the 60 cars entered For sure the Gold, Silver and were silent, with the exception of Bronze medals will probably go to Tom's Chrysler, with B.J. at the three of the four fellows men-wheel. Congratulations Guys, and tioned on December 7 at the I'm sure ya had the required blue HORA/SCORE awards banquet light and Checker stickers on that in Las Vegas at the Gold Coast thing, right? Hotel. In fifth spot right now is Thumper recently threw a Corky McMillin 55 points behind racing get together out in Pomona Evans, followed by John Thul, that saw all the who's who, both eleven more points down with Jim past and present, of the Checkers Fishback Sr. ten points behind M .C. show up to party. "Thumper, him. Uncle Max, Ta Ta and Chuck Rounding out the top bunch, Sugar. were in attendance repre-Larry Smith is eighth at 79 points, sen ting Checkers Off Road and a followed by Tom Martin, 72, Bill good time was reportedly had by Church and Mike Schwellinger, all, as usual. each with 68 and Don Adams at PAVEMENT CHECKERS -66 points. Dan Blain and LeRoy Holladay recently had a big win at Van Kirk are in with 58, followed the Saugus Speedway. Not only by Gregg Symonds, 57, Ed did Steve win the special Mclean, and Jim Temple, each stuntman's stock car race, but he with 42 and Jim Sumners, 36. started the race near the back of There are more than 20 other the pack, in a 60 car field! drivers who have earned 6-50 Congratulations Steve. Also, Club points this year, just by when the Saugus racing season entering one of the nine points ended, the final points standings counting events and listing their had Symonds in fourth place in age on the entry form. We will the Mini Stock Division and Mike have a complete roundup after the 1:'f cAtee, an old Checker, also in SCORE Baja 1000 and the medal tourth place in the Hobby Stock winners will be contacted prior to · Class. Good Racing Guys! the awards banquet so they can ELECTIONS -By the time you either be on hand, or assign ~eadthiscolumntheClubofficers someone to pick up their medal. tor 1992 will have already been We apologize for being a bit elected and will take over their vague on details this issue, but as duties after the January Awards the regulars know, only the best Banquet. Interestingly enough,· six out of a driver's nine events more members ran for the office count for his points total. So, at of Checker Pr~sident this year this point in the series, nothing than any~ime in recent memory. can be sure until the results are in Tickets tor this year's Awards from the final race. We wish-all of Banquet are $30 each and are you the best of luck as you are available at the weekly meetings. racing the 1000, and we certainly More details on this and complete wish we could join you on the trail election results next month. once again. With sexual harassment the hot ..,~---~--;~--_.,._....,__________________ topic of the day, The Big Wah:oo ~ ~. Wah:oo salutes you Gregg feelsacommentisinorder,since, Wr-;~ (formally Bob). At 70 years old, as a male-only organi:ation, the ~..,;:, you 're one tough ol' Checker Checkers could very well be a ; dude! Frenchie recently replaced prime target for feminist finger eff-ReAB R-ACI-N-G 1'£AM the 'Zorro of Pilots' with Russ pointing at any time. Does the Welch and they had a good run Club have anything to worry "The Straight Poop o· · Cl 10 t·t th h d g mg m ass un I ey a about in this regard? Absolutely From The Bie Wahzoo" · t· bl I · engine coo mg pro ems ate m not! I will admit that there have GOLD COAST RACE h Wh h d 'd h t e race. en t ey I cross t e been some guilty members in the Aboutl20carsstartedthisrace, t·1·n1·sh t1·n 1· 10th I ·r e n Pace I pastbutmostofthemhavegotten including six of our own, with the appeared that they were the only married and would have to be Cook Brothers grabbing another Class 1 O •ntr , pow d b ' e ) ere Y a considered as 'retired harassers' first place in Class 5-1600. This st .. am •·ng1·n·· Good Rac1·n• G s' ~, ~ ~. ' uy · now. Some might say "Oh yeah, win puts them back into the We had two DNFs this race as what about Sugar?" Well, my overall SCORE/HORA points StuartChasewentoutwithengine response to that is that Chuck lead h)1 a slim margin over the probl•·ms an J B1·g John Ft'lus had ~ ' u '" ' obviously thinks very highly of points leaders of Class. 10 and 1-to have his pit truck hauled home the ladies, I mean he's married 5 2-1600. Congratulations Guys, when he broke a cam shaft. or 6 of them hasn't he? We did another great race! LA RANA RACE W II T - e , om have one confirmed harasser in Continuing his streak of second Koch finally did it. He overalled the Club, but Hawkins moved Place finishes, Seeley soloed this th" La Rana R1'dg •cr st R ~ , , , , e e ace• a down to Mexico where they don't race with Ty Goode riding race that is run virtually right in have any laws against that kind of shotgun. Hey George, you 're his backyard. That's not surprising thing, so he doesn't count. headed in the rig· ht direction. you m1·ght say cons1·dur1·ng th t ' • ~ a Other critics might even Now all you need is for a little bit sup"r tr1·ck k1·11 ·r car ot· h1·s B t t ~ e ' · u a consider my pen name as sexist, of racing luck to turn your way. th1·s rac• · h» I •t·t h1·s c~r tho · , '-~ c " a me, m but the fact is that my girl friend The Wah:oo predicts that '92 fact, he didn't even race an gave me the Big Wah:oo nickname may finally be 'The Year of the unt1·m1·t •d c~r H and K It' e " · e ' ee ng and has never complained about Seeley'. Hymes had a good shot won by 11 minutes in Rex's Class my harassment. Overall, I think I this race at an overall win in his 10 C I · G Y car. ongratu anons uys. a can safely say that the Checkers open car but fell victim to that d1·d good' G ·n • D1'llon's · ,c e car always show proper respect and dreaded enemy called poor finished fourth in Class 10, with appreciation for their women, planning.Seemsabouteightmiles the entries of Harman and the whether thev be wives or pit from the finish line, and right in Mansker/Crawly team having tootsies. This is, of course, with the thick of it, Gary's car ran out problems and finishing off the the possible exception-Of the of gas! Luckily he was able to get pace. waitresses down at the Dugout, some fuel from a Class 6's chase Speaking of Koch, Tom butnoneofthemarecomplaining crew and got going again to recently entered a big old aslongastheirtipscontinuetohe salvageathirdinclassandfourth Chrysler Imperial in a local up to typical high Checker overall. Hey Gary, ya ought to fire Destruction Derby event and standards. , that guy ya got figuring your fuel, hand picked one of his newer And finally, a reminder that all unless of course, if was you? employees to drive it. Although I comments, criticisms, atta boys, Symonds soloed his buggy to a never considered that racing a war stories, or juicy rumors can seventh place finish in the Challenger off road car and he relayed to the Big Wah:oo hy competitive ranks of Class 10. driving in a Destruction Derby sending them to: The Wah:oo, Ama:ing? Damn right! The had anything in common, I do Box 1683, Ojai, CA 93024. Dirty Dusty Times December 1991 pictures are OK too, hut don't expect them to be returned. All sources of information will he kept strictly confidential. You can trust me on this! CRS/SCCA Divisional News The final event of the 1991-Cali fornia Rally Series season, Gorman Ridge, was an exciting and hotly-contested event that offered an unusual variety of roads. Congratulations are due to the new organi:ing team: Harris Done, Mike Blore, and Paul Barrows, who did an outstanding joh of putting on a first event - a coefficient three/triple points rail y, no less. It was a pleasure getting to run these particular roads again, especially the Old Ridge Route, which always elicits strong reactions - love or hate -from the drivers! Thanks again for letting us all come out and have fun, guys. Full report in a later issue. Kudos to overall and Open Class winners Carl Jardevall/ Denise Clark, Stock GT winners Rui Brasil/Frank Nunes, and Stock Class winners Dan Hook and Jim Stout. Congratulations to Lon Peter-son and Jim Love for bringing the U.S. Divisional Championship win hack to the Southern Pacific Division! Lon and Jim have made the trek to the SCCA Divisional Runoffs four times now, three times as SOPAC Champions. This time, at the Gold Rush PRO Rally in Colorado on October 5-6 , they faced the largest and toughest set of Divisional Champions yet. The story of their win is nearly unbelievable. Lon rolled his car - his first rollover ever -on Stage T ~o. but lost little time when the Arrow landed on its wheels and suffered minimal damage. He continued through the next ten stages at a more cautious pace ... for Lon, anyway. However, hy the next to the last stage, it was obvious he was going to have to produce some magic to beat Carl Merrill's new beast, a Buffum-prepared Mitsubishi Eclipse. Stage 13 had to be one of the roughest stages in U.S. rallying, with waterbars shaped · like culverts. It looked like a training ground for hulldo:er drivers ' school, and was soon littered with pieces of driving lights and front bodywork. It was also a great equali:er, exactly as organi:er Rt::gan Smolkovich intended it to be. Lon, with his years of desert experience, simply snlllh·d the competition, bettering Bruno Kreihich's time hy an astounding 23 seconds, and capturing the Divisional Champ-ionship on that one stage. It was obvious at the awards that the rally community really felt the pair deserved the win, for they got a very warm round of applause from all assembled. More California Rally Series information: If you are interested in holding the position of CRS Di rector for 1992, please ca 11 secretary Mike Gibeault at (619) 375-8704. The B.O.G. will he voting on the new director by the end of the year, so hurry! Also, if you have any proposals or suggestions, remember to call Competitor Liaison John Elkin at (818) 353-9427. The annual CRS Awards Banquet has been rescheduled for Saturday, January 11, but the final location details and time will be printed in next month's DUSTY TIMES. Invitations will be mailed to all C RS members as well (call John Elkin, above number, if you don't receiv,,.__ yours). Interested in placing an ad in the '92 CRS Rules and Guidelines booklet? Call Paula Gibeault at ( 619) 375-8704 immediately! Final news: Orga.ni:crs John Elkin (busy guy!) and Sam Moore arc looking at the third weekend in February for the Glen Helen Rallycrossl's, first events of the CRS '92 season. ·Rim of the World's two ,livisionals are set for May 15 and 16. oFFROAob , o'u CcJ-BLOW - OUT SUMMER SPECIAL CENTERLINE WHEEL PACKAGE 2 EA 15X6 REARS (OFFSl;:T OR STD) 2 EA 15X3 FRONTS (BUBBLE OR STD) 2 EA YOKOHAMA SUPERDIGGER 11133-10.50 2 EA YOKOHAMA 700-15 2 EA FRONT TUBES 2 EA REAR TUBES $ 799.95 We'll match any Centerline advertised price Come see us during upcoming Las Vegas races OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK ALSO; Compare Our Prices On; 930 c.v.'s Cibie Lights SAW Products MON - FRI 8am to 6pm SAT 9am to 5 pm Simpson Tri-Mil Wright Place '::,.,,0 ':5) Call Now - Mention This Ad 3054 S VALLEY VIEW LAS VEGAS NV 89102 702-871-4911 702-871-5604 -~f'8 ~ ~ -~O:, -~~ C:;~ Page 43
GRAN CARRERA DE CAMPEONES Jim Travis Takes First Overall In Car Classes Jim Travis with Ron League riding in the Porsche powered Chaparral said the first laps were really rough going, but he had no mechanical troubles and sailed in the Class 1 /2 winner. first overall car, and second overall behind one bike. · Mike a vis and Vic alderon stalled out in the water a few times. but kept th! J1mco running strong later on. and they won Pro Class 1-2-1600, seen here heading past the maior pit area. weather gods were not yet finished with this race. Running water from the mountains was just beginning to flood the low areas, and a huge lake of oozing mud and water formed just a few miles from the finish line. So Peralta was soon out rerouting the course again, directing the lead cars and remainiiig motorcycles· around the huge water hole to drier ground. Happily nobody came to serious grief in the messy conditions, and they all kept on racing proving the toughness and competitiveness of off road desert racers. Reports are relatively sketchy, but when the mud subsided it was. The final event in the Baja Promotions Golden Crown of Baja Series almost didn't happen last fall, due to unseasonable heavy rain around its San Felipe base. Normally the weather around the eastern side of Baja California is sunny, hot and beach time in September, but, the usual heat and humidity lasted only through the Friday tech and contingency inspection hours. Early Saturday thunder and lightening hovered over San Felipe, and 20 minutes before the first bike was due to depart the heavens opened up, flooding out the start/finish area, which literally turned into a lake, and reports from out on the course described flash floods in the washes and canyons. As the cloudburst subsided, and it was confirmed that people already on station in the desert were OK, Promoter Lou Peralta made a hasty trip onto the course in his trusty Toyota 4Runner to reroute the race course. The new route led from mile 6 down the old Puertecitos road into checkpoint 2, and from there the course required only minor changes. After several hours delay the new course was explained at a drivers and riders meeting, and the motorcycles left the line just before 11 a.m. to run six laps of a shorter, 43 mile loop. The cars started at 1 :00 p.m., but the CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES 5153 BOWDEN AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92117. TEL (619) 279-2509 HELMET COMPLETE SYSTEM $195 . $320 A FRESH Al R HELMET AND BLOWER ASSEMBLY DESIGNEO FOR OFF ROAD USE AT A REASONABLE PRICE BUILT AND BACKED BY BELL HELMETS LIGHT WEIGHT-REDUCES NECK STRAIN Page 44 COOL, COMFORTABLE TERRY CWfH LINER BWWER MOTOR AND ASSEMBLY ARE GUARANTF.ED FOR ONE FULL YEAR SNELL SA85 APPROVED Jim Travis who won top car honors in the Porsche powered Chaparral, and his time was beaten only by one winning motorcycle. Travis said it wasn't an easy win, and the first time he hit the water he thpught he was going to drown. He used fifth gear only on the final two laps, but said the Porsche engine never hic-cuped, not even after the water crossings dowsed it. Travis said his co-driver and chief mechanic Ron League was0the main reason he was running well and not sitting by the side of the course somewhere. Second in Pro Class 1 / 2 came Brent Miller and Steve Wright in their older Chenowth. Co-driver Wright said it was like flying in the fog, instrument flight rating required. Miller said that even on his last lap new rivers were forming. The car, covered with mud, had suffered no damage except losing the siren in the bushes. Third placing Pedro and Jorge Ibarra covered just one lap in their Porsche powered Raceco . The Pro Class 1-2-1600 held seven cars, and the results show, all but one finished. Out front at the flag were Mike Davis and Vic Calderon in a Jimco. Calderon, who drove the second half said it was a piece of cake. Davis admitted he had problems with the water in the .early going, stalling out three times on the first . lap when he hit a few surprise water traps. The El Centro based team finished well 0 1 A. · December 1991 Rich Severson and Rick Pewe came from Arizona to race. stalled out in the first water hole. but after that the Jeep CJ-7 ran iust fine as they carried on to· win Pro Class 3 & 6. Vince Van Dahlen and Dick Butterfield were second in Pro 1-2-1600 action, having excess fuel consumption in their Mirage. They made two extra fuel stops along the way. Russell Root and Randy Persky were third in class, followed by Ron and Ryan Nielsen, Mirage, Rafael Echegolen and Ray Gastelum, Jimco, and John Niebert, Fred Gabowski and Don Hatz in a Jimco. The lone Sportsman 1600 of Rene Castro covered just one lap, earning a few points. In Pro Class 3 and 6, Arizona Jeepe·rs Rich Severson and Rick Pewe took first in class, after what Severson called the number one water show of the day. He stalled out in the first water hole off the line, and had to dry things out before. continuing in the CJ-7. He also said, after the poor start the rest of the run was a wild ride but a lot of fun. I~ Class 6 Guillermo Rea got better than halfway before parking. In Sportsman 3 and 6, Jim Cecil, Bob Hummel and Richard Webb covered four · laps in their Jeep CJ-6, the only entry and therefore the winner. The combined Pro Class 4, 7, and 8 had three starters. Perry McNeil took the win after a late start in his big Ford, having hit a hole on the way to staging and wrecking the front suspension. After a bit of welding and rebuilding by the Baja Pits, he took the green flag about twenty minutes behind the rest of the class, and made up time to take the victory. Beny Canela and Fred Espinosa were second in another Ford and they lost the lead when the radiator developed a hole, and they lost lots of time to repairs. The single Sportsman in this group was the Datsun of Cauhtemoc Espinoza that covered just two laps. · All alone in Pro Class 5 Conrad Diaz Jr. and Sr. did the route for winning points in a new car on its maiden voyage. Finished the night before the race, their only problem was a bad hub after two laps. But Diaz said he lost very little time due to help from the Baja Pits. Of the seven Sportsman Class 5 Bugs, two never made a lap, others failed to finish, but Carlos and Karla Velez covered the course in good time for the class victory. Second were Jean Carlos and Ildefonso Morales, followed by Al and Denise Woerner, who did five laps. Jorge Montalvo and Javier and Art Tiznado won the Pro Class 5-1600 over five other starters, two of which failed to finish. Tiznado said they went through water way over the floor boards to get the finish, but the Bug never failed once. Just 12 minutes back .... ~ . Jim Cecil and Tim plow a little mud in the Jeep CJ 6 they shared with Bob Hummel and Richard Webb. and their four laps was good for the win in the Sportsman Class 3 and 6. Brent Miller and Steve Wright kept their Chenowth together in the muddy ruts. and they finished all the laps. second in unlimited Class 1 /2. Dusty Times
Rene Castro was the lone Sportsman 1-2-1600 entry, but he. Beny Canela and Fred Espinosa recovered from a hole in the Sam McCarthy. in his first off road race, and Bob Land were second in Pro Class 10, led briefly but had some troubles on the first lap, but had a good time. started the race. here heading for the water hole, did a lap and radiator, which cost them the lead, but they did put the Ford in got his class winning points. second in Class 4, 7, 8. ---:-;:-,===-----c=====-----::::--:-----::--cc:---:::--:-:-=c, ;C:.-~--Carlos and Karla Velez covered the entire route in good time in their Baja Bug. and they bested six others in Sportsman Class 5 to take the victory. It was a rough ride to the winner's trophy in Sportsman Class 4. 7, 8. but Cauhtemoc Espinoza and Andres Navaro got the Datsun thru the mud OK. While we're missing a photo of the winning Vuld<Jz 7S Ford, we do have this shot of the Clifford Kennedy and Gilberto Nunez who are having a time here and did not record a lap in Pro 7 4x4. -----------------Javier and Miguel Quintero were second, followed in 12 minutes by Steve and Alex Pabloff, who had Guillermo Quintero and Francisco Ortiz just two minutes behind them in a tight race for the limited Baja Bugs. Four of the seven Sportsman 5-1600s also failed to finish the laps, and the winner in good time was Eric and Guillermo Muller and Antonio Lopez. They won by a scant six seconds over Fritz Ochs Jr. and Howard Landman in one of the tightest races of the day. Pietro Bassea and Jose Ventura were third, over 45 minutes back, with the honors in this class going to teams who live on both sides of the border. Willie Valdez, Willie Jr. and Mike Beaver won Pro Class 7S in a Ford. Willie Jr., who drove laps 3 and 4 , said they had little trouble with the water, a few strange noises, and then Mike Beaver took out part of a tree and the truck's windshield. He thanked Gil Divine for the use of the truck in this race. Oscar and Joel Garcia did three laps, good for second in the four truck class in their Ford Ranger. The only Sportsman 7S was the Chevy of Miguel Amador and Ramon Castro-that covered just two laps. The lone entry in Pro 7 4x4 of Clifford Kennedy and Gilberto Nunez did not record a time. The Pro Class 9 win went to Pancho Bio and John Fisher. Bio lost ten minutes with wet ignition in the first water hole, but took the lead midway through lap 3 and missed the flash floods. Raul Despite taking out the front suspension in staging, Perry McNeil and Shawn Meadows got the big Ford rolling fast enough to pass the rest of Class 4. 7. and 8 and take the victory comfortably. Aguiar, and Jose Gonzalez took McCarthy and Bob Land took second, 19 minutes back in a second, about 43 minutes back Funco. The early leader, they had with first time driver McCarthy wanted to beat Bio, but were driving the car he recently bought happy just leading him for 2½ from Land. They had a CV laps. The other two starters did problem and lost a coil and the not finish. lead on lap 1, but loved the race, 1 Only one of the four in even the mud. Thumper Mc-1 Sportsman Class 9 finished, led Dowell and his son Mike were home 'by the ORBS of Jorge third in class but tied up the Pro Vargas, Eduardo Mayoral and Class 10 points for the series. Alfonso Lacarra. They won by a Before the start they had to dig the full lap over Craig and David Funco out of a mud slide that had Bernal who recorded about the hit the shop where it was stored, · same elapsed time as the winners, then Mike got the wiring wet in the 1 but covered one less lap. first puddle, causing electrical 1 Brothers Jorge Ibarra and woes.Thumperfinishedinthesin-Martin Ibarra took first place in gle seater and said it was time to ' Pro Class 10 and were the second retire the older car. Tom Wellman fastest four wheel vehicle of the and Mark Sohrano went the dis-day, averaging 59 mph in a J imco tance to win Sportsman 10 honors, despite the muck and mire. Jorge while Morgan Maiocco and Billy said he had visibility problems Robertson did just one lap. -and a brief tangle with a Baja Bug, The three Pro Class 1 ls had hut no real trouble. Sam only four laps to cover, and the Tom Wellman and Mark Schrano went the distance in the muddy mire and they ended up taking the Sportsman Class 10 victory home to drier Arizona. winning Beetle was driven by Miguel Haro, Juan Sanchez and Arturo Alvares. They lost third gear midway, later the clutch but won by a slim two s.:conds, finishing right on the bumper of the second place car. That was Jesus Ramos and Norberto Rivera, and Ramos said the mud was tough for Class 11 s and they hog down easily in it. Third and last in class Rafael Suarez and Eduardo Fernandez were hack over an hour. Only one of the pair of Sports Class 1 ls did four laps, and the winner was .Felizardo Munoz and Laura Contreros whose time would have put them third in Pro ranks. Doing two laps were Carlos Moreno/Eduardo Dusty Times December 1991 Jorge and Martin Ibarra not only won Pro Class 10 in the Jimco. they were second overall in cars, despite visibility problems early in the race. but they had no mechanical trouble at all. Ramirez. The absolute overall winner on time was the Kawasaki ridden by Jeff Dickerson and Craig Smith, followed in l ½ minutes by Oscar Hale Jr., Vito Hale, Rogelio Buelva, third overall and Sports-man Open winner David Jones. The Ibarra Class 10 was absolute fifth overall. CAGLE Fuel co·ntrols Small & Big Carburetors End Load-up Problems More Top-end Power No carburetor can do this. The Fuel Control lowers fuel pressure when an engine is not making power. As pressure is lowered the needle-valve closes sooner, and the fuel bowl level (ie the float) is lowered. The air/fuel mixture is adjusted from over-rich back to normal. It's automatic, the feedback signal is the change in engine vacuum. Fast adjustment, fast "response Ease up on the throttle, and the carburetor is adjusted. Nail it for instant power. Use a bigger needle-valve, bigger jets, and a higher float setting for more top-end power without the usual low-end flooding. Available from: Improve Acceleration End Airborne Flooding Racing Benefits Ends engine lqad-up in the bumps and whoop-de-doos. Cleaner acceleration out of corners and bumps. Better driveability. Much better mileage. Approved for all SCORE/HDRA vehicle classes. Intake manifold may be modified in accordance with SCORE/HORA rules. Field Reports-Mileage Racers report 25-50% better mileage. Support pickups 20-25%, sedans and small cars 15-20%, Class A motorhomes 10-15%. Your results may·vary; full refund for 90 days from purchase. Field Reports-Emissions It cures a major problem in passing emissions tests, lot street vehicles. Cepek, Race Ready, Harvey's Jeep, German Auto, McKenzie's, Northwest Off road, Sierra Performance, Thompson's, S & S Machine, Dirty Parts. Also available from: Inglese Induction, Mikuni Carburetors, Clifford Performance, The Carburetor Shop-Ontario, The Carburetor Shop-Costa Mesa, AEM Advanced Engine Management, TWM Induction, Pierce Manifolds, Turbo City, Carburetor Research, Jackson Racing. Box 2536 Rolling Hills CA 90274 Service and Questions 800/327-7501 Page 45
Competition Review Board Report By G.:orJ.!e Thom/>son The Competition Review Board for the HDRA Gold Coast 300 was convened Saturday night at 9:00 p.m. in the executive meeting room at the Gold Coast Hotel. This has always heen a particularly nice meeting spot as it is not only quiet but comes complete with a guard posted at the door. I would like to thank Mike Gaughan for making his meeting room available to us. The Board Administrator was Howard Anderson of Checkers. The Board included Jim McKen:ie, Class 1 O; Rod Hall, Class 4; Glenn Harris, Class l /2; Rich Fersch, Class 5-1600; Frank Vessels, Alternate; Jerry Bender, HDRA Race Director; Danny Cau, HDRA President: Bill Savage, SCORE-HDRA Tech Director and George Thompson, CRB Marshal. There were five cases scheduled to be heard. The first ·case was a tech matter, more a complaint from Roy Prince, a Class 9 racer, than a case to be reconciled. However, Bill Savage was there to receive the abuse first hand so we sat in on the case since we were there anyway. Much rhet~ric circulated about this case before Roy came into the room to state his complaint. In a nutshell, Roy's vehicle was found to have a split intake manifold, which according to the Tech Director is strictly illegal for Class 9. Although this .rule is presented, word f?r word, · ~the same in the rules ot Classes 1-2-1600, 5-1600 and 9, split manifolds are only considered illegal in Class 9 . Even a Harvard Lawyer would have t~ouble coming up with a detinitive interpretation on this one, although some Class 9 wh_i_: kid pointed out to HORA otticials that the manifold on Roy's car was split and, therefore, illegal under Class 9 rules. Although. this was not a formal protest, it was made clear that he would protest Roy in the event that he finished well. HDRA officials went in search of a Tech person for a ruling, and it was indeed illegal. However, only the Tech Director Photos: John Calvin could take official action, and he was not immediately available to make such a decision. Meanwhile nobody said anything to Roy, and_ by the time Savage was advised ot the situation, Roy was on course racing, and the "fat was in the fire" so to speak. HDRA then black flagged Roy after one lap to inform him of this illegal condition and that he would be disqualified if protested. The irony here is that Roy has run the manifold since the Nissan 400 and officials had torn down the car on several occasions pre-viously with no comment about the illegality of the split manifold. All this was moot, however, since Roy was not protested and he failed to finish the race. Obviously there could be no resolution to the central complaint that HDRA tech officials handled the entire matter 'inappropriate-ly'. They had! If Roy had finished in the money, not only would he have been disqualified, but virtually all of Classes 1-2-1600 and 5-'1600 would have been illegal. The CRB "scolded" Bill for the way the entire matter was handled, and he fielded the abuse as only a Tech Director. can. However, before the conversation deteriorated into a discussion of various other tech snafu's of '91, Prince was excused and the next case was called. In a case of mistaken identity Chuck Johnson was called before the board to answer charges that one of his chase crew was caught speeding on Ranch __ Road. According to HORA otticials, a Chevy Bla:er with number 721 taped to the rear window (Chuck's numher) was seen traveling at excessive speed in poor visihility on Ranch Road. He was stopped and advised that Chuck would he ordered to the CRB. He laughed and continued on. What's wrong with this picture? Chuck came in and discussed the incident long enough to point out that he races with the Ford team and all his chase cars are Fords. He is also sponsored by YOU CAN'T FINISH THE RACE IF YOUR NUTS FALL OFF You can prevent this with the Nut SAFTBLOK Available from Racer's Tool & Supply. Easily drills safety wire holes in nuts and bolts. Heat treated nickel plated steel for long life. 9" safety wire plier M1.50 lb .032 stainless safety wire $9.00 NUT SAFTBLOK $21.80 + Shipping Call or write for our FR EE CATALOG of fabricating tools RACERS TOOL & SUPPLY 4290 Bells Ferry Rd. * Suite 10634 * Kennesaw* GA * 30144 r~_dJ) (404) 924-4543 ~ c,,.._ / 24 Hours a Dav i Davs a Week illiiiiilll Pagc46 Sign-Pros and all the rear window numbers of the chase vehicles were professionally cut out of vinyl on a computer. This is not the first time the board has had a case of mistaken identity on one of these chase vehicle incidents. Usually they are not quite so easy to disprove. Some people duct tape a number on their cars to gain access to the race i;ourse, others may have numbers on the vehicle from the last race, and there are theories that some people tape numbers of other competitors on their rigs in · an effort to draw negative attention to the competition. The CRB didn't believe that this was one of Chuck's chase cars and the matter was dismissed! A second speeding case was. hrought by HDRA officials against a crew chasing # 1608 in the same area at about 9:45 a.m. Gary Sewell came in to tell us what we already knew, that he had no knowledge of the incident, but the vehicle in question was indeed chasing him and the driver, Gary Jones was right outside. Jones, also co-driver on the car, came in with his side of the story. It turned out that he is no novice racer, having won the Baja 1000 on a bike and been a four time national motocross champion. He ad-mitted talking with HORA officials and disputed tht' claim that he was speeding. There was a second sighting that involved the same vehicle at some distance, running at excessive speed. Officials were unable to track him down at the time hecause they were responding to an accident on course. Speeding is a major problem, there is no question ahout that. Whether or not this particular fellow was a major offender seems to have heen in question. HDRA officials seemed uncertain as to how serious his infraction actually was, and this crew were very straight forward and honest ahout the entire matter, which is always refreshing. Everyone agreed to send them a letter in the belief that it would make this team more aware of the serious-ness of the problem. In a case with serious implica-tions, Roh MacCachren was disqualified when his Class 8 truck rammed into f:/1199, virtually destroying the little Class 11 Bug. This case was introduced to the board by Danny Cau in the following manner: "HORA has made an official decision on unsafe driving on vehicle #803. We have heard both sides of the case and I 'II send the protest form around. Jerry (Bender) and I inspected the vehicle that was hit and it was incredible to see. I talked to the driver of# 1199 and the driver of f:1803. Rob MacCachren talked to an official we had on the scene and I talked to several eye witnesses who had an opinion on the case. I said at the drivers meeting that anyone who puts winning in front of safety will suffer the conse-quences if something happens. This happened in a pit area and everyone, except Roh, agreed that Roh went into an area that was Justy at an excessive rate of speed, and that it was unsafe and he hit the Bug. It was our decision that it was unsafe driving for the existing conditions and he was disqual-ified. They want to appeal to the board, and so you'll know our position; if you feel that we were December 1991 The remains of #1199 show few usable parts. but luckily neither Jim Pierce or his co-driver were seriously injured. though they were stiff and sore en route home to Buckeye, AZ. The hit shows how high truck bumpers are today. unfair and didn't give him a fair trial then we'll rehear it, but I feel the way the sport is today, if we don't start doing something, then we are going to have a major problem." "HORA agrees that we do have a problem with fast vehicles and slow vehicles and we are trying to solve some of those problems, but the fact remains that when someone gets behind t_he wheel and drives blindly into dusty conditions and they hit someone, then they take that risk." Vessels asked, "When· does it, in your mind, stop being a racing incident?" Cau said, "It stops heing a racing incident. when the driver in the rear goes into an area at an excessive rate ·of speed, especially in a pit area. When you continue to be on the throttle-through a pit area where you know when you go into a dust storm that there's going to be people and cars coming in and out of the pits. That was a major factor in our decision. So that you know, f:/ 1199 was going up course toward the pass; Gary Hymes pulled up hehind him. He pulled over to let Gary pass, pulled back onto the course and that's when #803 ran him down." Scoop commented, "This is the same thing that happened to Walker on the same road, last year at the Gold Coast when he ran into Jordan". "Somehody has to be responsible", said Rod Hall. "I think the guy driving that truck into the dust has got to be responsible. I don't care if the guy has 1000 horsepower or 300 HP, and I think Danny's right, somebody has to start calling these shots." The CRB Marshal had another agenda and asked Cau, "So what you are saying is that your disqualification of this vehicle prior to the CRB meeting was based on what you perceive as negligence on the part of Roh MacCachren ?" (Answer)" Ex-actly!" (Marshal) "So what's our function here? Are we deciding anything? What if we don't agree with decision, can t· . • :i; ' '\ overturn it?" What had happened is that #803 had asked for an appeal. But Cau said all the CRB could do was decide if his decision was fair or not, but could not change the decision. Anderson and Vessels agreed that Cau had the right to make such a decision. But the hoard felt that, while HORA had the right to make a decision on the spot, then they didn't need to hring it to the Board. Since the decision was final, the board could not accomplish anything hy hearing the case. The CRB Marshal was con-cerned, since a lot of effort went into establishing a review hoard where racers could have their cases heard hy a jur)' of their peers. HDRA felt that the sanctioning hodies have to he in control of their sport, hecause they are ultimately responsihle. Vessels asked, "After hearing so many of these type cases, you feel that it's gone far enough that the organi:ation should take charge?" "Exactly!" "Ohviously you're · not happy with the previous decisions of the hoard." "No, I'm not!" Without hothering with endless detail of the long conversations, we heard Roh and -nothing was settled, hecause the decision had been made. In all probability the board would have decided as HORA did to disqual-ify Rob and a Class 5 driver who also smashed into a Class 11 car, but we'll never know the answer to that one. It appears that the role of the CRB is heing redefined hy HDRA as we head into 1992. Of course, some decisions made hy the CRB have heen questionable at best, but they have heen made by the racers themselves, and the details are reported in a manner which has eliminated the sort of rumor and speculation which used to surround the official process. The Competition Revie_w Board for the HORA Gold Co(lst 300 was adjourned after meeting for over three hours. Tom Burns was only a few mt es ram the star w en e wa caug 1 car sandwich in the silt. and there wasn't much left of his 7600 behind the cockpit. Tom did not protest. saying it was a racing accide_n_t. _____ _ Dusty Times
World Championship Rally Mews By Martin Holmes Markku Alen is leaving Subaru, tempted by a full program at Toyota next year, after Toyota's negotiations to take Miki Biasion away from the Italian Lancia team failed. "It is probably my last chance to win the world rally championship properly," Alen said. The 40 year old Finn who won the pre-world title FISA series in 1978 and was champion for 11 days in 1986 before Sanremo Points were taken away, was previously believed to be continuing with Subaru for 1991. TIE has confirmed that Alen and Carlos Sainz will contest all events until mid-season; then the team will make further decisions depending on championship points. It is believed that Armin Schwarz will continue as part test, part rally driver. Mikael Ericsson is being courted for Safari Rally testing, but nothing has been heard recently of Bjorn Walde-gard, except for a possible drive on the Safari Rally. Subaru say they have another driver ready to replace Alen but they did not name him. Alen is expected to see through the 1991 season with them, however. Confirmed in Finland, Howard Marsden, the man who set up the Nissan Motorsport Europe power base in Milton Keynes, will leave the team and Nissan altogether. His contract with NME has expired and renewal is not being sought. He plans to return to Australia where he has family roots. He has been asked to stay till the end of the year, possibly to save the embarrassment of a connection with the unexpected departure from Nissan's motor-sport activities, a few weeks prior to this word, of their chief TF Yukawa. FISA Rallies Commission President Guy Goutard announc-ed in Finland ideas for reducing the number of W arid Champion-ship Rallies. Proposals are that a calendar for not one but three years be approved at the sam:e time. In this way rallies dropped on one occasion will see their event restored for the other two years. Last year Gou ta rd 's idea for some events to qualify for Makes only in addition to the way other events count as Drivers only was thrown out. The constructors have formulated an emergency plan of their own, if FISA does not make the necessary plans to reduce the number. Collectively, they will decide which events the teams will enter. When the Paris-Moscow-Beijing rally raid was canceled during the time Gorbachev was removed from power, with only ten days advance warning, the Australia Safari rally raid was run again, from Sydney to Darwin. Mitsubishi driver David Officer won his second victory on this event, this time with his wife Kate as co-driver, at the wheel of a Triton V6 pickup. Veteran AffENTION DESERT RACERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and HDRA desert races. Check it out on contingency row - Two different classes each event. drivers Jim Reddiex and Doug Stewart finished second and fourth, both in Mitsubishi vehicles. Australian Mitsubishi rallyman Ross Dunkerton won his second consecutive qualifying round of the Pacific Asian championship. He gained his hat trick of wins on the Rally of Malaysia, despite over turning during the event. Eventually he led Mazda driver Rod Millen home ·by eight minutes, the New Zealander losing time with turbo-charger trouble, but Mitsubishi also scored the yictory in Group N. Neal Bates, the Australian driver who has campaigned a new shape Celica GT-Four Toyota on free formula championship rallies for the past two seasons, expects to be confirmed as national champion. A long dispute which arose on the final championship round has finally been resolved in his favor. For his reward he drives the third works old style Celica on the Rally Australia, covered in this issue. The second recent surprise, following Alen's defection to Toyota after two years at Subaru, comes Miki Biasion's departure from Lancia to Ford. The 31 year old two time world champion from Italy with sixteen world rally victories behind him, has told friends he wants to finish rallying within the next few years, to concentrate on his car sales business in Italy, where he is a Lancia concessionaire. His fee from Ford for a three year contract is being kept secret, but a Ford spokesman said that he would be the highest paid employee of Ford of Europe "without a shadow of a doubt." An official rally driver with the Fiat/Lancia group since 1983, Biasion's decision to turn down the chance to drive the new version Toyota or Lancia and go to the Ford team with their tricky seven speed Sierra Cos worth car, comes as a major surprise. Miki has always been a thoroughly Italian guy. Insiders say Biasion lost his chance to drive for Toyota because Alen under bid him, while others suggest that a high profile Italian like Miki could not be comfortably seen working for a Japanese company. Ford is the only top line team to which Italians can relate in the European struggle against the Japanese in rally competition. Ford wants to run two cars in eight or nine rounds in 1991, excepting the Safari and Argentina, with Francois Delecour as Biasion's regular teammate. They are negotiating for a test driver, a position which Malcolm Wilson is expected to fill. Biasion's fellow Italian Alex Fiorio is not expected to remain in the team. Subaru has yet to announce that the 1991 World Champion Ari Vatanen is to take over Alen 's seat in world rallies. It is widely believed that Vatanen lost favor with his previous team Mitsubishi by stating in public that his work for the Peugeot/Citroen rally raid team had to take priority over his work for the Japanese World Championship team. It is not known how Vata.nen expects to continue his links with Citroen if he now gives full support to Subaru's team. Andrea Aghini has his first chance of a top level drive at Sanremo, when he drives the Jolly Club Lancia Delta Integrale as teammate to Didier Auria!. The 28 year old Aghini from Livorno is nicknamed the 'Italian Dele-cou r', having demonstrated undoubted talent at the wheel of uncompetitive front wheel drive . Peugeots. The 29 year old Italian Piero Liatti's victory in the European Rally Championship is the ninth successive year that Lancia cars have annexed this title. This time the winning driver is an unusual person because he is fair haired and bears more of a physical resemblance to a Finnish driver than a Latin. This second level championship used to be the premier series in the sport, and often launched careers for professional drivers, but it hasn't done that since Biasion in 1983. Gulf rally star Saeed Al Hajri has called for the establishment of a long distance raid encompassing all the GCC States. "With the FISA likely to authorize a W arid Raid Championship next year, this would be an ideal time to stage an endurance event from Kuwait down to Oman taking in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar and the UAE" said the Rothmans driver. "Raids are unlike normal rallying in that they are generally very long endurance events run over secret routes. Ordinary rallies are of much shorter duration with numerous special time trials and competitors are allowed to practice on the routes for several days ahead of the event" Al Hajri will be accomp-anied by Dave Nicholson in the Rothmans Ford Bronco on the Dubai based UAE Raid late in October added, "Raids like the Paris-Dakar and the new Paris-Capetown are among the last great adventures left on earth. They run for weeks and drivers have no idea where they are heading until it'& time to go. The Middle East has been trying for years to get a World Championship Rally. A Gulf Raid, if it was done properly could be the way to do it." (Count us in on that one. -ed.) The oil engineered for your truck's engine Dusty Times Shell TRUCK GUARD™ Light Truck Motor Oil is the oil made especially for pickups, 4-wheel drives, mini-vans, and recreational vehicles. Its special formula-tion and exclusive additives help keep high-revving, hotter-running truck engines clean and cool. TRUCK GUARD's API SG/CE rating exceeds all engine requirements. For the kind of protection your truck deserves, choose TRUCK GUARD. ~ OIL COMPANY, INC. 4870 E. Cartier Ave. ® Orange Line Oil Company 404 E. Commercial St. Las Vegas, Nevada 89115 (702) 643-9200 December 1991 Shell Pomona, California 91767 (714) 623-0533 Page 47
THE 22ND ANNUAL SNORE 250 Tommy Bradley Grabs Another Overall Win By ]i:an Cali1in & Don Dayton , Photos: Don Dayton/John Calt•in ·" • i Tommy Bradley won overall again with Kitty riding shotgun. made one stop for a fix and gas on his way to victory. He has one race left in the SNORE Series to have a perfect season of overall victories. The SNORE 250 is the longest continuous running off road desert race anywhere, running each year late in September. It is like a trip hack in time to attend such a race because the club still assembles a grand goodie hag for each entry, a practice that doesn't exist elsewhere. In the hag came such diverse items as a plastic sun visor, two throw ·away type cigarette lighters, a pair of plastic drinking cups with built in straw and lid, Gold Coast key chains and Circus Circus key chains, matches, a note hook, four pens from different donors, a kid's coloring hook, two compliment-ary drink coupons from the Gold Coast Hotel, and really handy after a desert race near Las Vegas, two free car wash coupons from Terrihlc Herhst. All this was packed in a good si:ed, reusahle Circus Circ u s heavy plast ic shopping hag. We haven't seen such goodies in a long time, and isn't it nict· that most of it comes in pairs so the co-driver is not forgotten. This year the SNORE 250 suffered a date conflict with the MTEG race in Denver, which cost half a do:en strong local entries, ::ind the race contingency line im'J tech inspection in Jean, NV was abruptly moved from the Gold Strih· Hotel parking lot to a pawJ area heh ind the gas station, which didn't have as much lighting, hut worked out fine for the afternoon into evening time schedule on Friday night. Although more were expected, since it was a good opportunity to ----------------'--------------pre-run the Gold Coast 300 the following month, just under 60 cars showed up to take the flag early Saturday morning at the start/ finish line just off the old highway midway between Sloan and Jean. The area is rough and rocky and it does help to keep unwanted spectators away. The eight Unlimited Class cars were first away, six open wheelers, a Class 5 and a full si:e · pickup. First away was Rick Rowland in a Porsche powered, fendered machine, and-running dust free he scored fast lap of the day at 1 :01 :41, ahout 60 mph on the 64 mile route, hut Tommy Bradley was only seven seconds slower. Out near Check 1 Pat Dean stopped hriefl y for a checkup, carried on to run third after one lap. Next came the James Barheaul_lack Short car, followed hy Greg and Bill Holman, well hack. Curt LeDuc in the Bunch pickup was down for repairs in the field, after taking out a whole front corner from the spindle on out, while Rick Causey's Class 5 didn't finish a lap. Out front midway Tommy and Kitty Bradley maintained the quick pace and were now first on th · road. Tommy Bradley sailed onward, his four lap times varying by only four minutes, although he did stop to have the hrake hleeder repaired on the first lap. The Bradleys won overall by over 19 minutes and Tommy's goal is to win his class in each SNORE event in 1991. He has won them all so far, and there is but one left to go on December 7, again south of Las Vegas in the Eldorado Valley. Tommy also claimed the Russell Joh Memorial Trophy for first overall. Jim Barbeau and Jack Short carried on to take second in Unlimited Class and overall with a trouhle free run. Jim Baldwin and Mark Martin had their trouhle on lap 1 and finished third in Unlimited ranks. Greg and Bill Holman managed three laps, good for fourth while Pat Dean was struck down on lap 3 by ignition trouble and was fifth. The five Class 10 cars were next to start, hut this class has trouble finishing SNORE races lately. Mark Whittington/Darren Wilson led the first lap by just over a minute on Brendan Gaughan and J.C. Dean, who had just 24 seconds on Melvin and D o nald T o m . Midway the Whittington car still had a slim lead over Tom, hut Gaughan/ Dean were parked with engine failure. Mike Larson ran fourth, hut only covered two laps, while James Nolan and company had first lap woes, then got running well, hut vanished on the final lap, and still earned third place in class. Mark Whittington /Darren Wilson led through three laps setting class fast lap at 1 :09:54 on lap 3 hut the race lasted a half lap too long for this car hut the dnf earned them second in class. Taking the win was the popular team of Melvin and Donald Tom who ran a quick pace, stopped once midway, and won Class 10 by a full lap. """ Melvin and Donald Tom had the five car Class 10 field covered, and were in fact the only class finisher. running second until the last lap. their fastest. and they were warmly greeted at the finish line. Tom Burns flew over his home turf. setting fast lap for Class 1-2-1600 on the third, also getting in a good pre-run for the Gold Coast. and Tom won the class by about six minutes and leads SNORE"s points series overall. The higgest class at 16 starters was 1-2-1600, and they all made a lap, hut three contenders were swallowed hy the desert on lap 2, including Doug Ingram, Kevin Davis who flipped,· and Paul Kline, who had a good first lap. It was no surprise to see Tom Burns quickest on lap 1, but Bryan Pennington was just a half minute hack. Then five cars arrived in the next two minutes, both Freeman cars, Gary Sewell, Danny Ander-son, and Kevin Colan/George Antill in the ex-Mike Spina machine, followed by John and Mike Gaughan. Midway 13 cars were still running. Tom Burns now had a few minutes lead over Pennington, Kevin Colan, Danny Anderson, and Tim and Sheila Burns, with others close. Dnmage reports began; on the third lap,John and Mi°ke Gaughan Jr. who had already lost fourth gear, tossed a tan belt, then the throttle cable broke, and they ran out of time to do the fourth lap. Bekki Freeman took over from her dad Ken midway, and she flipped and broke the oil cooler. Barry Slatter and crew had a spare, so after losing an hour Bekki got in three laps, good for 12th. Just ahead Billy Bryan and Jerry Pickering also covered three laps for 11th, while Tim and Sheila Burns ended up tenth, doing three laps. Taking the longest time to Steve Eversmeyer and Jim Wischmeyer led the first lap in Class 9 and the one that counted. the last one. turning their fastest and the class fastest lap on their final round. a swift 1:20.40. good for the win. ,.;.,,;c. James BarJeau and Jack Short kept the Unlim-ited class ,vinner honest. but a little trouble on the last lap put them in second in class as the flag. Jim Baldwin and crew had a tough first half. but a quick final two rounds to capture third place honors in the eight car Unlimited Class competition. Curt LeDuc met a rock in the Billy Bunch truck. which cost over an hour. but he sailed through the next round in fine style in the full size big rig. Cheered on by dad Mike and others. Brendan Gaughan with J.C. Dean had a good first lap, but engine failure on the second. ending the Class 10 teenagers· day. Page 48 December 1991 Dusty Times
Bryan Pennington has been chasing Tom Burns all year. stayed close all the way. and added another second place in Class 1-2-1600 to his finishing list. Gary Sewell and Dan Keller flew into third in Class 1-2-1600, and they got in a good pre-run. as they won the class at the Gold Coast 300 in October. Bert Vaughan has probably run every SNORE 250 circuit since 1970. and he finished this one eighth in Class 1-2- 1600, a big 16 car class at the start line. Class 9 points leader Tim Crain noses over the Ranch Road crossing. and he had all three laps in the same minute and placed second in the close running class. Mike Klinger and his crew stayed close to their pals in Class 5-1600 action but Klinger had to settle for a close secand in class in the SNORE 250. Tracey Rubio had a disaster on lap 1. losing his truck's body work as well. but he carried on through another lap to take second in the mini truck ranks. Long time SNORE mini truck racer Stacey Pike had a great lap time on the first round in the Ford. but lost the rear end on the next round and the race bonus money. Ryan Harbottle started out using an extra hour to get around the first lap in Class 5-1600. but the team came back strong to place sixth in the class. finish four laps, Rob and Bob Guevara had two good middle laps, but got all four done for ninth in Class 1-2-1600. Running ~is umpteenth SNORE 250, former SNORE President and head of Silver Dust Racing, Bert Vaughan and his daughter FaithAnn, and others finished eighth while Regan and Tory Gubler were seventh, preceded by Ken Freeman Jr., who had big down time o n lap 2, but also did three quick laps for sixth spot. In fifth werl' former bikers Kevin Colan anJ George Antill who ran a good pace all the way. Up front the 1-2-1600 battle was a dandy. After two laps Gary Sewell Dan Keller, Dann-y Anderson, and Kevm Colan were all within 30 seconds of each other. Anderson ended up fourth while Sewell did a very quick final lap to move into third, Just four mmutes ahead. Bryan Pennmgton was still trying hard, hut having a hit of transmission trouble, and he ended up second and fourth overall. Tom Burns won again in the Mirage, new this year, six minutes up on Pennington and third overall only two minutes out of second overall. The 13 Class 9 racers were next away into the dusty desert, but only four finished four laps. Out on the first lap were Scott Pearce, Ari:onan John Wells, Alan Romans who broke a rear torsion bar in the Class 11, and Mike Dixon, who lost the rear differ-ential. Meanwhile Gene Griepen-trog/Kent Lothringer were leading the first lap by four minutes. Steve Eversmeyer/Jim Wischmeyer, Tim Crain then Dan Mustoe were next in the same minute. A couple minutes later it was Lynn Dick ton in her brother-· in-law's car, and for the record Lynn did the fast lap in the Glenn Dickton machine. Midway Griepentrog/Lothringer still led hy two minutes, but a connecting rod broke on lap 3, dropping the111 tu fifth with just two laps done, followed in hy Don Weiser Keith Ricther, Jason Romans, then Roger Bright, each with two laps, and Dale Looney and company who only covered a single long lap. Up front Eversmeyer and Wischmeyer and Dan Mustoe almost shared the lead midway, with Tim Crain very close, and Lvnn, Glenn and Bill Oickton hangmg m there. The four cars .charged on hut the Dickton car lost time with a flip on lap 3, but got in the required three laps for fourth place. Tim Crain ran fast and steady to cover all the rounds and was second in Class 9, about 21 minutes behind the winner, Steve Eversmeyer and Jim Wischmeyer, whose third lap was theirs and the class fastest in an exciting last lap for the Class 9 victory. The 5-1600 Bugs turned out nine strong for their three laps, and unfortunately Reid Ferg-Steve Barlow took his first ride in his just finished truck. and the former buggy driver led the first lap. set class fast lap on the second, and was the only mini truck finisher. taking the win and bonus by a lap. DustyTimes uson 's Bug broke a torsion bar, he borrowed one and installed it only to have it break, all this on the first lap. But all the rest covered their three laps and most of them ran close. Mike and Steve Taylor got the class fast lap on the first go, but Mike Klinger was just four minutes hack, a minµte ahead of Brian Logan/ Adam Wik and Steve Meierdiercks. Kevin and David Streety along with Patrick Carter and Barry Slatter lost time on lap 1, and Ryan Harbottle spent over two hours getting around. After two laps Logan was up to second behind Taylor, while Klinger and Meierdiercks were less than a minute hack and Street) wa · coming hack strong. The final lap dash for 5-1600 honors was a family affair as Mike Taylor arrived first. with Mike !(linger just seven minutes and change behind. Taylor actual!\· led the whole race on time and rhe celebration over both Bug at the finish was a big one. reve Meierdiercks and David Crawford were another five minutes hack in third, followed in half an hour by the Streetys who had I I minutes in hand over Patrick Carter. Harbottle and McGill were in I 2 more minutes later, followed in nine minutes by Barry Slatter/ Monty Smith. There were a lot of Baja Bugs arriving all at once, hut Brian Logan and Adam Wik had a third lap disaster and still got in under the wire for a finish taking over three hours to get there. The final class away was Class 7 with five trucks out hunting the $ 1000 hon us posted by Joe Rossi and Yokohama Tires. Steve Olge and Jack Bassem broke beyond repair in their Toyota on lap I, and Steve Barlow, led the class in his first time out in a truck, a Ford. Stacy Pike had his Ford just 90 seconds hack on that lap, Tracey Rubio was a half hour hack in a Ford, and Todd Olcott took four and a half hours to get around and didn't finish another lap. Stacey Pike and Dennis Thorn lost the rear end on lap 2, ending that fine drive, hut Tracey Rubio came hack with a decent lap to finish second with two laps December 1991 t> ) -. Mike and Steve Taylor started out with fast lap in Class 5 1600. earned on with a couple more quick laps in the tidy Ba1a Bug. and they won the class by merely eight minutes after three touqh laps done. Covering the three laps m 1600,thankstotheSNORE$500 good time were Steve Barlow and Bonus Bucks and a 16 car field. Steve Csik despite breaking a Mike Taylor took horn,· $()45 for sway har and tipping over on thl· winning rhe nine car , lass 5-last lap. Their hest lap was the I 600, with SNORE's generous second, with a 47 mph average payback. In the final SNORE speed. 1991 race, the Eldorado 250 on The awards presentation Decemher 7, the SNORE $500 followed a tremendous buffet bonus goes to Class I 12, and the breakfast at the Gold Coast Hotel $1000 for the mini truck winner & Casino, hosted by Michael is also posted. If you want to cash Gaughan, a real off road cnthus-in on this, check the ad in this iast. The SNORE checks were issue, and if you arc traveling to something to shout about too, Vegas for the HORA/SCORE one big one being over $1700 Awards, come early and bring going to Steve Barlow in Class 7, your race car. The race will start with just five starters hut that early and he over early so you can keen bonus. Tom Burns collected easily make both events in the over $1800 for winning in 1-2- single day. Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road driving school can help you be your best! But be ready. .. the road isn't smooth I CALL FOR COURSES AND DATES GREAT BASIN CONSUL TING 2738 CHAVEZ Dl'llVE RENO, NEVAOA89502 702-825-8830 Page 49 ....,
-Bruno Kreibich Wins the Gold Rush Rally Lon Peterson is the National Divisional Champion Photos: Rick On-wine/Trackside Photos Inc. New Yorkers Bruno Kreibich and Jeff Becker won their second consecutive SCCA National Pro Rally in the Audi Quattro at the Gold Rush Divisional PRO Rally runoffs in the very high country of Westcliffe, CO, early in Octoher. The event was the fifth stop for the Subaru National Pro Rally Championship with results counting 60 percent towards National points. The win vaulted Kreibich and Becker into first place in overall points standings and also gives them a commanding lead in the Open Class points. Former CRS Chairman and top Southern Pacific Division driver Lon Peterson, from Victorville, CA and co-driver Jim Love of Upland, CA not only won the Divisional National Champion-ship Cup, they finished second overall in their not so new Plymouth Arrow, besting other Divisional entries from all over the country by a goodly amount. of time. There are no classes in the Divisional category in this rally that combines both National drivers and Divisional champions who compete for their own national title. As with most rally locations, Westcliffe is a bit off the beaten path, way up in the mountains southwest of Denver. There were 14 stages which included four :i.ylight runs, for a total of 99 stage miles, and a rally total mileage of 225. The weather was sunny and pleasant in the 60 degree range in the daytime, but dropped just below freezing at night. The 41 entries started one at a time from Westcliffe around 4:00 p.m. and the scheduled finish was at 2:00 a.m. the following morning. Eligible to compete for the Divisional Pro Rally Driver's Cup are the top two drivers on points from each of the SCCA's seven geographical divisions across the USA and nine of these fourteen were on hand in Colorado. They were helped getting there by sponsorship from Car Quest Auto Parts, the SCCA Rally /Solo department, Michelin Tire Corp, and Subaru of America. Those competing were Northern Pacific Division, Rick Beson, Portland, OR, Mazda 323, Southern Pacific Division. Lon Peterson, and Jeff Hendricks, Prescott, AZ, Jeep Comanche, Midwest/Rocky Mountain Division, "Doc" Schrader, West Memphis, AR, AMC Eagle SX4, Central Divi-sion, W.G. Giles, Midland MI, VW GTI, Southwest Division, Ken Stewart, Grove, OK, Chevy S-10, and Dave T homas, Paris, TX, Mazda RX-7, Northeast Division, Vinny Frontinan, Somerville, MA, Toyota Celica, and Sakis Hanjiminas, Floral Park, NY, Audi Quattro, who did not arrive or start. Before the start, most competi-tors were busy rejetting for the high altitude, rare in the Pro Rally Series venues. The first two drivers in the overall points chase, Chad -OiMarco and Bruno Kreihich disagn:i:J ht:rt: on the importance of ht:ing first on the road. Chad, who drew first starting spot claimed the wind and the fact that the rally didn't re-seed until stage 9 meant that dust wouldn't be much of a factor. But Kreibich, who was first on the road at Ojibwe and won there, still thought first on the road was very important. Bruno, who would start third behind Paul Choiniere and DiMarco, later proved it really didn't matter at this event. After the first four stages were done, two Audi Quattros and a Subaru Legacy, all turbocharged, were battling for the top positions. Defending National Champion Paul Choiniere and co-driver Scott Weinheimer had the lead after four stages in their Audi Quattro. Choiniere, who won at Westcliffe last year, had a three second lead over the current points leader Chad DiMarco in a Subaru Legacy. DiMarco and co-d river David White, both Californians, said they had handling problems which allowed Choiniere to best them. Bruno \t--. Al R.L.H. COMMUNICATIONS lllllllill1 ~ RACE RADIO SYSTEMS 337 W. 35th STREET, SUITE "F" NATIONAL CITY, CA 92050 ( 619) 585-9995 THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE TOM SCHILLING - 1990 OVERALL F.R.T SERIES TOM DeNAULT -1990 CL.ASS 1-2/1600 SCORE/HORA RITAYIK & PRATT - 1990 24HR WORLD RECORD CL.ASS 9 F.R.T. PERRY McNEILL - 1990 CL.ASS 8 GRAN CARRERA H & R RACING - 1990 CL.ASS 9 F.R.T. SERIES REG. PRICE 1599"' RACERS SPECIAL Intercom WE ACCEPT VISA & MASTERCHARGE HELMETS WIRED $175.00 HANDHELD RADIOS 50 CHANNELS-$495 REVOLVING LIGHTS & ELECTRONIC SIRENS/HORNS O"icial BFGoodrich Radio Relay Page 50 Kreibich and Jeff Becker were third, six seconds behind DiMarco. At this point Carl Merrill and Jon Wickins, from Maine, led the divisional ranks in a Mitsubishi Eclipse, and were running fourth overall. Californ-ians Jeff and Chris Griffin were right behind them in a Volvo 142, followed closely by Barry Beal, Frontinan, and Mike Grieb. One major player in the National points chase was lost when Paul Choiniere rolled the Audi right after a left hander on stage 6, and it was towed out as a DNF. Chad DiMarco had remov-ed his sway bar and added camber for better handling after stage 4 . After stage six the leaders were DiMarco, by nine seconds, Kreibich, Merrill, Griffin, Giles, Carl Jardevall, Grieb, Lon Peterson and Cal Landau. All but four cars were still listed as running in the time limit. After stage 9 more war stories were available. Gary and Judi Gooch said their Toyota truck would not idle under 2000 rpm, and the clutch was slipping. Gooch planned to keep going despite the trouble, to gain the 12 points for a finish ifhe could. Carl Merrill reported he lost the turbo boost in the Mitsubishi and was losing ground fast. The Bob Elliott/Mark Williams VW Golf went off the road at the same corner as Choiniere had, and actually landed on Paul's car. Both drivers went off at a corner where four drivers went off in 1990. Both DiMarcoand Kreibich said they also went off, and the problem seemed to be the blind change from hard to marbly clay surface. Barry Beal had transmission failure on the transit between stages 8 and 9, while George Gornick had mechanical problems on stage 6. Driving a Ford F-150 pickup R.C. Holland blew a piston on stage 9, while Jeff and Chris Griffin had the water pump detach, going through the Volvo's radiator on the transit between stages 10 and 11. Karen Burrows had stopped on stage 2 with mechanical trouble on her RX-7 while Dick Corley had mechanical woes on stage 7 with his Celica. After stage 9 Chad DiMarco and Dave White in the Subaru Legacy had a 57 second lead over the Audi Quattro of Bruno Kreibich and Jeff Becker. Kreibich said the dust is getting worse and worse. The organizer had gone to three minute intl"rvals to try to minimi:t: the d°ft·d of the dust. Californians ( :arl larlk-vall and lohn Eiken were now third in a Saab 99, followed by W.G. Giles, Production VW GTI, Carl Merrill, Cal Landau, Jeff Griffin, Mike Grieb and Lon Peterson. And moving up to 12th were So-Pac's National Stewards Mike and Paula Gibeault in their new Subaru. 35 cars were still listed as running. The rally, which made loops around the town and returned to W estcliffe for each service break, ran late, almost three hours late at the finish line. The reasons varied from wider spacing on the road because of the dust, rough terrain, and stranded vehicles. The results December 1991 Bruno Kreibich and Jeff Becker won their second consecutive SCCA National Pro Rally in Colorado. They drove the Audi Quattro to the overall victory and took over the points lead in the series. and have a strong lead in Open Class. ---------·· -----were in by five in the morning, having heard to the contrary, we and Bruno Kreibich and Jeff assume these results are as Becker had indeed won overall in accurate as possible for the rally. the Audi Quattro for the second In the Divisional Pro Rally run-time in as many events. The Audi offs, Lon Peterson and Jim Love was running second to the Subaru took over the lead late in the rally Legacy of Chad DiMarco and and defeated a strong field in the Dave White on the next to last Plymouth Arrow and it was the stage when DiMarco's transmis-quick driver's first national title, sion gave out. DiMarco lost first and his second overall was and second gear on stage 10, with especially amazing since he rolled stages 12 and 13 being rough and the Arrow in stage 2 and after the low gear stages. Chad tried to roll he had a hard time seeing out finish those stages in third gear, the windows with all that duct but his speed caused two flat tires, tape. Third overall, but not in one of which flapped into and contention for the title came Mike took out the wiring harness, Grieb and Bob Martin, Ma:da causing a total DNF. Kreibich 323 GTX, 16 seconds behind finished more than seven minutes \.Peterson, who won National ahead of the second national 'lf>roduction GT class. Lon's threat Open Class team of Carl Jarde-for the title had been fourth vall/John Elkin in a Saab 99, who overall placing Carl Merrill /Jon were actually sixth 0 1 A. Wickens, third in their division The results remained unofficial and allowed to compete for the for many hours, due to some title after Sakis Hadjiminas did protests, some because of a not enter. They were about half a couple of mistakes made by the minute behind Peterson and a organizer. There was not enough minute ahead of Cal Landau/ Eric time given (according to an Marcus.first National Production informal poll taken among the team. Dave Thomas/ David Law competitors who were not were the next Divisional team affected by the impending followed by Mike and Paula protests) for transit between Gibeault. Gary and Judi Gooch stages 10 and 11. People had to won the Rallytruck Class in their speed to make it in time ( 10 Toyota pickup. minutes given for 6 .2 miles of As far as the Divisional Run-very rough road), with one car Off finishing order, after Merrill actually flipping during the transit it was Rick Be son, then Jeff stages. Thus people were either Hendricks, v,,' .G. Giles, who early or late to stage 11 causing a would have been second except great many road points to be for the 11 minutes in road points given. The organizer was last seen for repairing a car on course, and sifting through the road point Vinny Frontinan, who also won protests, and since this was a National Group A. That is all that Divisional event, John Buffum is known about the Gold Rush as could sit in on the committee competitors head for Michigan's meeting but had no authority, Upper Peninsula for the annual being the National Steward. Not Press on Regardless Rally. -i'"~ ·<'.<\~~ Lon Peterson and Jim Love hit pay dirt on their fourth trip to the Divisional runoffs. and the top California team drove the Arrow to a great second overall as well as winning the National Divisional Championship. Dusty Times
Christmas Goodies Galore ••• BILLETVW DISTRIHUTOR MSD has a new model hillet aluminum distributor for the popular VW 4 cylinder air cooled engine, now common in many racing classes. The distributor's housing is machined from a solid bar of aluminum for higher strength and closer tolerances. A .500" Tuftrided steel shaft is supported by two ball bearings for high rpm reliability, and a high output magnetic pickup provides accurate timing signals to the MSD ignition. For extra racing reliability the distributor cap is bolted to the Rynite base. The mechanical advance mechanism can be adjusted to match the power characteristics of your engine or the different race tracks, and the PN 8485 distributor works on Type 1 and Type 4 VW 4 cylinder engines. For details contact MSD Ignition, Dept. DT, 1490 Henry Brennan Dr., El Paso, TX 79936 or call (915 )857-5200. WINNINGVW TRANSMISSION GEAR SETS steering unit weighs just three pounds, has two ratios, 1 - 1 & 1 ½ -1, 41/4" travel, ¾'' rod ends and rack gear is ¾" square for strength and wear. It can also be rebuilt. It can be mounted three ways; four 5 / 16 threaded holes in front face, four 5 116 threaded holes in rear face, or two through holes. New too is the combo dropped spindle, with 3" more ground clearance with the same spindle arm location. lt has increased clearance for disc hrakcs, is two pounds heavier, and available in 2° or regular camber. Wright's CV joint has a 5" outside diameter, 1 ½ -35 splined inner race, l" balls, more degrees of travel and more in and out plunge than the 930. Also there arc adapters for almost everything relating to the new CV installation. Get the details and prices from the Wright Place, Inc. Dept. OT, 9420 Flinn Springs Lane, El Cajon, CA 92021. Replace your stock cylinder head bolts that often don't cut it for performance, racing, or even many stock applications with a genuine RACEW ARE Aerospace Quality cylinder head stud kit. PartnumberRTE-1005 fitsall 16 valve Toyota 4AG engines and are stronger. Stud kits are manufact-ured from 8740 Chromoly steel, centerless ground, and black oxide coated for lasting protec-tion. All threads are rolled after heat treat to Mil-S-8879 specs. RACEWARE stud kits come complete with 190,000 PSI tensile strength studs, hardened precision ground washers, 12 point aircraft style nuts, and easy to follow installation instructions. Write to Race-Tech Engineering, Dept. OT for all the details, 11320 Brydan Drive, Taylor, MI 48180. SN.UGMATE CAB EXTENDER accessible from the cab window. Check it out with SnugTop, Dept. OT, 1711 Harbor Blvd., P.O. Box 121, Long Beach, CA 90801. CALIFORNIA GO-PED Tomorrow's transportation is now available with the California Go-Ped, which looks ideal for getting around the pits, especially at stadium races or any camp-ground. The Go-Ped weighs only 21 pounds yet can support up to 400 pounds. It features aircraft quality construction throughout and a two-stroke 1.2 hp engine. Capable of speel~S over 15 mph the qo-Ped gets over 100 mpg." The tolding handle lets you store the Go-Ped in the optional carry bag on planes, trains, busses or boats. For additional information on the California Go-Ped contact Newport Motoring Accessories, Dept. OT, 3180 Redhill Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626-3495. Dealer inquiries are invited. Precision helical racing gears and mainshafts from FTC Racing Equipment, Inc fit Type 1 and 002 Type 2 VW cases. Popular ratios for sand, street, strip and short or long course racing are available. FTC Gears have been in ' the top three in 1987 and the top six championship cars in later years in the MTEG stadium series. Gear sets are sold in a one piece mainshaft, first and second gears unit; a third gear set is available at additional cost. They are manufactured from Aircraft Quality High Alloy Steel. FTC is a division of Fairlane Tool Corp who have been manufacturing precision performance products for racing cars and boats for over 30 years. Contact FTC Racing Equipment, Dept. OT, for full information at 31790 Groesbeck Hwy., Fraser, MI 48026. If you need more weather proof inside storage for your Toyota pickup the SnugMate Cab Extender might be just the answer. Manufactured by Snug-Top it increases your cab storage space while maintaining your truck's hed space. It provides plenty of room for sports gear, camping equipment, tools... or friends. The weathertight Snug-Mate is made of quality fiberglass reinforced polyester resin, and is ·NEW FROM THE WRIGHT PLACE A new mini rack & pinion The Sebring is the new competition race seat from Cobra utili:ing a Kevlar/ fiberglas shell that has the bucket area padded and covered in Nylon. It is designed to be used in auto racing where high lateral "G" forces are experienced, and has high sides and shoulder bolsters. Generous openings in the headrest, side holsters and seat cushion provide space for 5 or 6 point safety harness systems, and provided is a coordinated thigh pad that can be removed or adjusted for proper fit. The Cobra Seat has many Dusty Times December 1991 more features. It is available out west from Sube Sports (see ad in Good Stuff). Get the details from them or write Cobra Seats, Dept. OT, 2075 Scott Ave., West Palm Beach, FL 33409. PUSH ROD T"UBE PROTECTOR FAT Performance, a leader in off road racing engines, offers a trick push rod tube protector which fits under the exhaust flanges on any VW Type 1 engine. The protectors are made from .0806061 T.6aluminum with½" radius bends and are gold anodized. A low price must for all off road applications, get yours and the catalog of goodies from FAT Performance, Dept. OT, 1558 No. Case St., Orange, CA 92667. NEWDO.UBLE HEX HEAD BOLT Stage 8 Fasteners, Inc., have just developed the most versatile application of their patented fastener yet, a new locking heaJer bolt with a double hex head. Not two heads but an inner and outer hex shape for ease of use. Easily installed with either alien or standard wrenches, it is currently used in special automotive applications including exhaust headers where vibration often causes bolts to come loose. Designed to be non-rotational . because of its companion pieces, a i · retainer that fits around the head while securing against any nearby object, and a clip to hold the other two together; it's like leaving a wrench right on the bolt. Kits are available for a variety of engine blocks. For a free catalog write Stage 8 Locking Fasteners Dept. OT, 3070 Kerner Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94901. Dealer inquiries welcome. FUEL SAFE SPORTSMAN CELL Fuel Safe has a new high quality, affordable racing fuel cell called the Sportsman Cell, approved for use by all major racing associations. The new cell delivers the same safety, high quality and technology as Fuel Safe's top of the line Pro Cell, yet it's priced to fit in a limited budget. It is a true racing bladder and comes complete with full foam baffling, aircraft nut ring, gasket, pick-up assembly and a choice of alloy or steel container. Sizes include 8 through 44 gallons capacities and custom sizes are available. It carries a three year warranty and is just one of the many stock and custom fuel cells and accessories manufactured by Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing. For information on Fuel Safe's complete line of fuel systems · -write to Fuel Safe, Dept. OT, 5271 Business Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649. S"UPERGLAZE PLUS WAX Super Gla:e Plus, contains special paint conditioners and non-abrasive cleaners to remove light oxidation from paint while leaving hard, carn:iuba wax protection and a great shine. Safe for all paint finishes including today's high tech clear coats, the unique cleaner and wax will revitalize almost any type of paint. Super Gla:e Plus is easy to use and will not scratch or swirl. For complete info' on where to buy it, write The Wax Shop, P.O. Box 10226, Bakersfield, CA 93389-0226. Make DUSTY TIMES a Stocking Stuffer for Christmas ORDER GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR YOUR FAVORITE OFF ROADERS NOW. DELIGHT YOUR PIT CREW - FAMILY -HELPFUL NEIGHBORS - EVERYONE. DUSTY TIMES IS A BARGAIN GIFT WITH NO SHOPPING HASSLE ~ $15.00 1 year* $25.00 2 years* $35.00 3 years Calif. residents add 81/2% sales tax $20.00 (US) 1 vear foreign SEND YOUR CHECK AND CHRISTMAS LIST TO· DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O • Agoura, CA 91301 Page 51
<.. I -GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Bob '"TIN MAN' Behrea111 (71.4) 678-4649 RaeeCar~--METAL SHAPING OFF-ROAD, DRAG RACl!'yG AND VINTAGE RACE CAR BODIES 4072 CRESTVIEW DR. LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 CA, NV, AZ., OR, WA ~ Antifreeze ~E,.. Environmental ~I Service Corooration WASTE ANTIFREEZE USED OIL FILTER REtv10VAL Jeff Cepielik Marketing Manager Southern California 16031 E. Arrow Hwy., Unit H • Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 337-3877 NEWEST & FASTEST Racing Wheels Spun aluminum wheel, 6061-T& bolted replaceable halves CONTINGENCY ON: SCORE, HORA, ~~y RANA DESERT RACltG, SNORE, RACES. ( A POLLO METAL SPINNING co., INC. 7625 ROSECRANS UNIT 25, PARAMOUNT, CA. 110723 PHONES 213-634·5141 213-634-5705 FAX: 213-408-0368 FUEL CELLS (BOOJ-526-5330 TOLL FREE ORDER DESK AUTOCRAfT ENGINES PARTS - SERVICE 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6586 419-476-3711 Performance Products Fiberglass Fenders & Hoods• Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins Pop-up Roof Light Kits • V-6 Kits for Mini Trucks Off-Road Truck Fabrication Product Catalog $3.00 (619) 562-1740 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 INSTRUMENTS Auto Meter instruments are the No. 1 choice of champions. Our tach6meters, speedometers, and .. tchedafi;t.1racy and durability. NEW 199 talog $3.00 Auto ,. '" 619-583-6529 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAA SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAA PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DA., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 TOM MINGA FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF-ROAD RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. WELDING TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, El CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 BAKER HI PERFORMANCE BATTERY 'ZOIIORRiN' S BATl'ERY H./RE TODAY! DEEP CYCLE; EPOXY SEALED; GELL· FILLED; VIBRATION RESISTANT; CAN BE STORED 2 YEARS ~ITHOUT RECHARGE; FASTER RECHARGE; UPS SHIPPABLE! DIST. BY DeNUNZIO RACING PRODUCTS 1-S00-622-3939 J & L FABRICATION 206-845-0617 PLEASE CALL FOR FREE INFORMATION!!!! HELMET~/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS Featuring Arai & Bell Helmets BDR McKenzies (714) 650-4?66 (714) 441-1212 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 BON NEU IL LE "RED" $ 3. 75 GRL 112 OCTANE RACING FUEL Shawn Meadows ANYTIME Perry McNeil 619-463-6244 Spring Ualley , CR 91977 ~ Q~ UELMET FtilNTING SPECIALIZING IN 3 -DIMENTIONAL/S/M, CARTOONING, AND VERY ARTISTIC DESIGNING OF ANY KIND. " ASK ABOUT ....... GRANITE • SMOKE 194B DEL AMO BL. UNIT 0 TORRAN CE,CA. 9 0501 213 -327 -2553 FAX• 7B2-111B NEON TUDES · BLOBS CRACKLE LACGUER RIVETE D METAL SPLATTER PAINT BROKEN PAINT BLOTTING APPROXIMATELY 10 COATS OF URETHANE CLEAR IS APPLIED TO EACH HELMET TO ASSURE A MIRROR SMOOTH ANO ROOST RESISTANT FINISH ! I{( HiliTES LIGtTS PARTS RACERS DISCOUNT BV M OFF ROAD RACING ENGINES 10232 "I" AVENUE, #8 • HESPERIA, CA. 92345 (619) 947-5772 /? /.L __ . __,. ~ a~/'-n--uz PRE-FUN Curt LeDuc 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 (714) 845-8820 Our Specialty Race Trucks Pr&-Runoers 84-89 Ranger Fiberglass Dimple Dies
.. BILL & DIANNE THOMPSON CARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY (714) 969-6820 P.O. BOX 5221 • BUENA PARK, CA 90622 # @1@@~~~ gg~f;d@RM:.£,ANCEPRODUCTS, INC. PERFO ENT• D~C BRAKES• SAFETY EQUIPM& SUSPENSION ~OM-DRIVE TRA; N CHROMOLY TUBING • PO~~~~M CHASSIS Ff .R}._C:J~~~ SEA'IS • FUEL CEL•L ...... -~fflmlT.l':I 1-soo-s30-9494 QPii?StJ!·tiJf!·t·• (616) 873-3640 INFO BOX169 SILVERL[I!<~ (616) 873-0218 FAX MEARS,Ml49436 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 619-449-2991 FAX 619-449-7103 CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-EPACJNG PRODUCTS, INC. Check the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 [CNC] CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (6.19) 275-1663 Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Assy Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog Competition and Sport S E A T S With the unique energy absorbing rubber suspension. "What a difference." Only the best from Sub~ Sports. SH6e-Sptn'k (714) 847-4363 Call For Free Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 == ~ ... ==nNi; -, ~ . - -- -- -'RACING PRODUCTS CUSTOM.RACING RADIATORS All Aluminum Rabbit Replatement Radiators Send for a free catalog 2905 West Buckeye Road Phoenix, AZ 86009 (602) 269-9194 (800) 842-5166 DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 DESERT-r·1 OFFROAD T-SHIRT DESIGNS 27324 Camino Capistrano Unit 172-175 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (714) 582-0930 FAX (714) 582-6277 TRUCK (714) 349-1168 DE.l"".c::iN.r IN LINE/ :HI-TECH HAND LETTERING & PINSTRIPING TIM BAl{TI.;1~ (714) 255-8113 VINYL LETTERING & GRAPHIC~ ~p:,· 655 No. Berry Street, Suite E, Brea, CA 9_2621 a.,:;. Racing RACE CAR PREP • AND FABRICATING -OFFROAO-~ -STREET-. -STRIP-· ~ -SANO--=s ~ · =-_ -RACECHASIS DARRYL GIBSON ROLL CAGES 714-B82-4334 PRE RUN BUMPERS SUSPENSIONS RACER MARKETING • PRESS RELEASES BOOKKEEPING • CONSULTING • TAXES ALAN STEIN [714] 628-1922 [714J 627-5376 FAX 12490 CENTRAL SUITE230B CHINO, CA 91710 PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 10623 BLACKFOOT ROAD 619-240-3930 APPLE VALLEY ,CA 92308 Fee~ the c,;tterence! TRICK SHOCKS F R: · Single. Double. Triple, Quad Application~. Take-Aparts & Remote Reservoir Kits. 10728 Prospect Av■. "B", Sl!r.k, CA 92071 • (619) 562-8773 DOWNEY 8100 Firestone Blvd. Downey, Calif. 90241 (213) 862-1671 OFF ROAD FABRICATION & DESIGN RACE PREP • FOX SHOCK REBUILDING Y.W. REPLACEMENT PARTS • ACCESSORIES LESLIES DRIVELINE; Inc. (714) 877-6491 jl[::::=~'i!II PARTS AND SERVICE FOR AllTO, TRUCIC. n,.,,'Dt,'STRIAL, C/V A.'lC PROST WHEEL ORM Ll'!',,,"IT'S JJ MANIJFAOURD.G • BALANCING • CUSTOMIZL'l~_:::t~ 1750 South Lilac Avenue Bloomington, Ca. 92324 Fax (714) 877-6203 Ca. W~ 1~7'"'4238 U.S. Wans 1.m>-525-0395 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out for Parts &. Service Buy & Sell Used Aluminum Racing Wheels Aluminum Wheel Straightening Specialist EDDCO Aluminum Wheel Straightening Metal Polishing We Buy Damaged Racing Wheels Any Condition 14582 .GOLDENWEST UNIT F WESTMINSTER,. CA 92683 Bob Cassetta ED OROZCO 9435 Wheatland Ct. Santee, CA 92071 Shop · 258-2575 Pager · 492-7343 FABRICATIONS JOSE LUIS RODRIGUEZ (PEPE) (714) 895-6020 Don Rountree 825-0583 888-2703 _ S. Arrowhead Ave. 0 '.SAN BERNARDINO, CA --, 92408
FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS1 VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS AUlHORIZED DEALER CASTEX RENV.LS 213-462-1468 MANDREL TUBE BENDING· WELDING -FLAME CUTTING-CUSTOM OR PRODUCTION FABRICATION BUMPERS - FACTORY DIRECT FABCOM TERRY FAIR 619-561-2292 9362 BONO AVENUE EL CAJON CA 92021 \LLE SAFETY DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS" NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UtlDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS FAX 619-561-6162 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 ~, RACING ffj _ Fl/El.:• FUELS & LUBRICANTS CO. BRUCE CONRAD 1537 E. Del Amo Blvd Carson, CA 90746 · Phone: (213) 603-2200 FAX: (213) 60:3-2257 (619) 669-4727 \\ Od Your SIIIYI' Togdherl ====-~\~--------PORTI/Y TRA/YSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, ca(lfomla 92035 DoUlJ Fortin SH6x MICHAEL J. DAWS GENERAL MANAGER #1 Racing Shock Absorber in the U.S.: Fox Factory, Inc. -Off-Road Truc'ks and Cars Racing Shock Absorber Division - Motorcycle Roadracing 3641 Char1er Park Drive -Automolive Roadracing San Jose, California 95136 (USA) - Snowmobiles Fox Fane ...... (408) 269-9200 - Special Appl1calions Fox Fax . . .. (408) 269-9217 A RACING SUSPENSION DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NOW YOU CAN GEr THE RACING GEARS THE WINNERS ARE USING ;RJJ,j FTC Racing Equipment, Inc. 31790 Groesbeck Hwy. Fraser, Ml 48026 (313) 294-5858 Fax: (313) 293-0736 1990 CHAMPIONS FRT BUDWEISER/BUD LIGHT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES SPONSORED BY: THE WRIGHT PLACE, RACE READY PRODUCTS , THE SCHIWNG CORPORATION 11 CYCLE PARTS WEST ATV'S, DEZ SUPERLITES & BIKES PRO SPORTSMAN Greg Bringle A TV Greg Gibbs Bill Adsit Open MIC Dewey Belew Troy Pearce (High Points) 250 M/C Chuck Salmond Brent Coleman 125 M/C Bob Bell Tom Moen VET MIC Bob Johnson John Bilkey SR MIC Claude Maynard Bob Thompson SUPER SR MIC Himey Means VINTAGE M/C Rick Wessels OPEN DEZ SUPERLITES Stu Peace 360 DEZ SUPERLITES Marchello Derosa DEZ ST AR Frank Chavez BUGGIES, CARS & TRUCKS Class 1 o Brian McDonnell Class 1 00 Dan Lewis Class 8 Craig Corda Class 5-1600 Josh Kerr Mini Mag Kirk McDaniel Class 7 Ronnie Gibson Class 9 Jack Hettinger Class 1/2-1600 · Tom Schilling (High Points) Class 5 Kyle Whitted Unlimited Class Ron Wilkerson Fuel Bladders Quick FIiis Dump Cans 5271 Business Dr. Std. FIii• Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY"· and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ad& . are .merely$ 25 .00 per month. SEALED 111111111111c=:::1 Batteries built specI 1cally or o • roa racing. Deep cycle. gel filled, extra cranking, recovery and reserve. Only sealed battery recommended by MSD Ignition. Ask for Sealed System battery by name. SH6e-SP"rk 17141 847-4363 ! GEORGE CHEVROLET ASK FOR ... ~ WOODY WORTHY 5h•vralet . YOUR lET GEORG£ DO IT! TRUCK SPECIALIST 17000 LAKEWOOD BL VD. BELLFLOWER, CA 90706 PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & CUSTOM POOLS LICENSED & INSURED • ACID WASHES• FIL TEAS • HEATERS • MOTORS • ETC. (213) 925-2500 FAX 925-1498 OFFICE 362-4202 3999 GRAPEl'RUIT CIRCLE, LAS VEGAS, NE:VADA 89103 HIGH GRADE RACING 1267 Buena Vista San Jacinto, CA 92383 (714) 654-0539 • FABRICATION/WELDING • PRE-RUNNER BUMPERS • ROLL CAGES • SUSPENSIONS • MAINTENANCE & PREP Dave Turner Owner/Driver Hffls,t crf~ Rebuild Rod Ends • Heim Joint Specialist (714) 979-6631 11ee1 ~ River Clrde. 'unit "H9, Fountain--• C&. 92708 Engine Rebuilding Buggy Repairs Bug Pack CNC . Moore ,.-:::: .--=.-,~, Dune Buggies SCAT HOUSE of BUGG lES 10439 Prospect Ave. Suite A Santee, CA 92071 Mitchell Wheels 619-448-4180 SAW Performance Lee , I ul/jj]l!}fl]t::/ (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 V. W. Service REPAIH O PARTS O SERVICE SEE JADA TO BUY OR SELL USED PARTS JADA REPAIRS ALL BREEDS OF MINI TRUCKS 6291 Manchester. Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 ~ I . . MANUF ACTUllEllS OF: BRAKE ANfl CJ,UTCII ASSY =r,; MASTER CYl,INDERS 280(;0 DEL mo SI.AVE CYLINDERS TEMECULA,CA TURNING A STAGING BRAKES Sllll'"rERS (714) 6 76-2066 FAX (714) 676-21 66 AVAILABLE AT FINEH SPECIALTY SHOPS DEALER INQURtES WELCOME ~ '.. PERFORMA.NCE PRODUCTS . JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO (714) 632-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES FOX SHOCK SERVICE PARTS & ACCESSORIES RACE PREPARATION (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 MIKE JULSON JOHN MARKING
Cv'51""oM 'Af&e:/CArlo,V ~,~1-z+3, t;t:J~"f';,(, CA. ;IUC/:: CAie f' P.ee",'c:"VN',V£~ Plf.'£"P I!"' -,:-AB,li:;'/CA77av' ~11-£):zs e! c.+"AG:£ r~veK!: -t""v,li!'SO 8-1-VI= ~A!;;OI-/NE" HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE• GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawaguchi Honda Corp. PROFESSIONAL RACERS DISCOUNT ON ALL GENERATORS ART KAWAGUCHI 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 FAX PHONE· (213) 264-3936 . (213) 264-5858 KENNEDY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS 38830 17th Street East Palmdale, CA 93550. (805) 272-114 7 Send $2.00 for our catalog "The experts in Engine Adapters to Transaxles" Rotary, Toyota, Rabbit, V-6's, Porsche and more to VW, Porsche (901 & 915) and Hewland. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS KENNEDY CLUTCHES KUSTER· OFF-ROAD RACING SHOCKS • EXTERNAL DAMPENING ADJUSTMENT • 3" DIAMETER, 8" TO 18" STROKE ,. COMPLETELY REBUILOABLE • COMPUTER SUSPENSION DESIGN ASSISTANCE KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 2900 E. 29TH STREET P.O. BOX 7038 LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA USA 90(1()6 TELEPHONE 213-li-1 FAX 213-426-7897 ~ { -~-\: ~ .. ') .. f~ • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT LOTHRINGER "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (7-14) 441-121:2 Fax (714) 444-1622 .. MIKE MENDEOLA 10722 Kenney St. C-0 Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-9010 · Fax (619) 562-9079 Brackets & Components for Chassis Fabrication Pro-Clamps• Battery Boxes• Radio Mounts Pedal & Shifter Mounts • Skid Plates Aluminum Floor Boards • Scoops & Shrouds Shearing -Punching -Forming Sawing - Tool Grinding -TIG & MIG Welding STEVE WRIGHT 399 E. Harrison Unit D Corona, CA 91720 JACK McNUTT Import Parts & Service Import Machine Shop lmpo,:t High Performance Parts. Service & Machinery 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lancaster, CA 93535 (714) 351-2515 (714) 272-4272 DENNY McNUTT (419) 476-3300 1100 Custer Rd. At Laskey TOLEDO. OHIO 43612 Wholesale 419-476-3711 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 4 · · -~ r 42425 5th St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA 93535 • J.M.R. Clia§is • Tum Key Cars Racing Producti Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514 • Fox shocks parts & service • Race Car Prep (805) 298-1212 26524 Golden Valley Road. #405. Saugm, CA 91350 YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE Ignitions • Distributors • Rev Limiters Coils • Heli-Core Wires • Accessories AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION · 1490 Henry Brennan Or., El Paso, Tx 79936 (915) 857-5200 CUSTOM FADI\ICATION AND ALUMINUM WOI\K Malcolm Miller By Appointment Only (619) 445-9770 AU1DS ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS TRUCKS NATIONAL SPRING COMPANY, INC. 10229 Prospect Ave. Santee, Californin 92071 A COMPLETE AUlOMOTIVE SPRING SERVICE Leaf Springs Custor11 ~1ade & Repaired Shocks & Coil Springs Sold & Installed Blocks and U-Bolts mode to order Off-Road Suspension Urethane Bushings Beeline Alignment and Wheel Balancing MOIOR HOMES (619) 44!)-ARCH 4 X 4's OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6891 SAN DIEGO DR .. BUENA.PARK. CA 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 ·w O VANS & P ICKUPS & MINI TRUCKS PRE·RuN TRUCKS • CusroM SPRtNGS AXLE WORK • ·CUSTOM SUSPENSION NO BLOCKS USED • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 761-9460 Established 1974 . · PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT OFF ROAD DYNAMICS (714) 592-2271 LA VEHNE, CALIFORNIA FRAMES• RACE PREP CUSTOM MACHINING AND FABRICATION Dennis Rogers By Appointment Only PROFESSIONAL• AMERICAN■ CANADIAN o Off-ROAD \l_ A R~c1Nc ""'r ~ - · .c ;;.:;_:_ ~ ~ ,_, •. ~ ~ ? P. 0. BOX 323eSEAHURST, WA 98062 (206) 242-1773 PENCE 011=1= ROAD Specializing in the Prep and Building of . Off Road Racing Equipment CUSTOM FABRICATION OF ◄ Chassis ◄ Welding ◄ Roll Cages ◄ Aluminum Work ◄ Suspension ◄ Lt. Weight Trailers KEVIN PENCE (217) 692-2837 206 Power Blue Mound, IL62513
,-;~;;;;;~~-;;;;;;~~~~;~~~~~~;.:;.;;.:~;.~-------,;__ __________________ _ ~,,~!ed!, __,,,n.__ A··F·F·O·R·D·A·B·L·E '1660 Babcock Bldg. B Costa Mesa, ca 92627 (714) 650-3035 brication ,/' Coil Over Suspem· ··n ✓ FoxShoxPartsAnd. 3rvice ✓ Race Car Wiring ✓ Race Car Prep. ✓ Tum Key Race Cars Assembly• Machine Work• Parts Engine Dyno Facility 10722 Kenney Street, Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 596-0886 Fax (619) 562-9079 PIAA Professional Halogen Lamp Systems Chosen by: Dave Ashley. Rob MacCachren, Simon & Simon, Manny Esquerra, John Swift, Chuck Johnson, Dan Smith. Larry Maddox, and Brant Shoppe. SH6i Sptlrh" (714) 847-4363 Call For Free Catalog Chassis & Suspension • Oes~gn & Fabrication Ken Sypolt 5816 Roseville Road #14 910-344-7443 Sacramento, CA 9584? OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY NEW LENOX. ILLINOIS 60451 18151 4135-RACE 172231 Larry Winter 714-537-8286 A. Totally New Concept in Battery Design Race Shop Supplies 11532 Stephanie Garden Grope, CA 91640 • ½ the Size & Weight of its Equivalent • Vibration Resistant • Spill Proof Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim,CA 92805 RACERS MACHIIIIIII SERVICES Custom Machined and Fabricated Parts Call for appointment 724 N. Lake□ Burbank, CA 91502 PILL lt'II RACEWARE Fasteners eliminate blown head gaskets, all leaks and bearing failure! SCOTT IIRIICK (818) 843-4084 Race-Tech Engineering■ 11320 Brydon Drive■ Taylor, Ml 48180 ■ (313) 946-4477 RUSS's V. W. -Recycling 756 Alpha St., Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 303-4366 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's •OUTLINES ·NUMBERS · CUSTOM LOGO'S • DROP SHADOWS • SPONSORS LOGO'S • WINDOW BANNERS • CUSTOM LETTERING ~ ~ ~ 'v'©!) @a£:) ~ (}@;] {Y}:.:J0m 714 539-5162 SMITH FABRICATIONS • Heliarc Welding ,., ~ -~ • IMSA • Sheet Metal '. . • HORA • Tubing Structure , ,. - • SCORE • Suspension . ·- • MTEG Mike Smith (818) 309-9899 9237 Lower Azusa Rd, Unit 0 Temple City, CA 91780 S8198 IS THE LAW AND YOU MUST COMPLY Is_ your business ready for CAL~OSHA? In the 1st 90 days, over 1500 citations were issued @$2000 per day Our DO IT YOURSELF STEP BY STEP PROGRAM has a total cost of $210 and includes: complete program instructions, record keeping system, one year of CAL-OSHA updates and an 800 number for questions Order today and receive next week (310) 820-0198 Anaheim, CA ............................ (714) 528-4492 Bakersfield, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 462-9499 Brawley, CA ................. . ........... (619) 344-2550 Chino, CA ............................... (714) 628-7596 El Centro, CA ................... ......... (619) 352-6961 Fullerton, CA ..................... ...... (714) 635-5553 Lancaster, CA . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 462-9499 Las Vegas, NV .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . • .. . .. • (702) 643-9200 Paramount, CA ... . ................. ..... (213) 531-()192 Phoenix, AZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (602) 278-2693 Santa Barbara, CA . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 462-9499 San Diego, CA ................... . ....... (619) 691-9171 Riverside, CA ................... . .....•.. (714) 877-0226 Ventura, CA ............................. (800) 462-9499 FOR DELIVERIES L.A./ORANGE COUNTY CALL (8DO) 462-9499 ALL OTHER INQUIRIES CONTACT SPORTS RACING P.O. BOX 7835, LAGUNA NIGUEL, 92677 (714) 363-1236 ~BUI!£ £JIS7 . OJ/fll:_._..,,._._~· ,,,, WORKS ODESSA. TEXAS ·• A Wl'-SISG TRADITIOI\; SISCE 1'1S .. OHROAD FABRICATION -RACE. PRE.P • MANl!POWl!R" VW RAC! !NClND • TIUNSJ\XLl!:S •~'TU-· n..LfJI 1MCf'Y • CNC • PWL. IAPt • KAN) tltATJ • WWC.O • WAM> • .._ ... l-800-695-6616 ---~
(213)583-2404 -fm$J~~ £ERV/CE, INC. ~ ~ETAL PROCESSING 5921 W;Jmmgton Avenue Los Angeies. Callforn,a 90001 SANOBLASr Mark Smith GLASS BEAD FLOUAESCENT INSPECTION MAGNETIC PAATICAL Larry Smith FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS BODY PANELS & HOODS BILL STROPPE MOTORSPORTS, INC. 2330 Cherry Industrial Circle Long Beach, California 90805 (213) 634-2730 Jaime Martinez RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER M.an ufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS (714) .630-8283 Anaheim, CA SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED * Welding * Fabncallon * Flame Cutting * _Front Ends * Custom Chassis* Race Prep* Custom Lt-Weight Trailers Mlg'r ol Blue Flame Products (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 • Motorsports Marketing• • Public Aelations • Show PRIDE In Your Ride! Don't Settle for Chrome, lns_ist on the Best... T ·O·T·A·L· L · Y -S'°/\1I\ILL'\S-STAINLESS STEEL FASTENERS Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Screws, Clamps, and More U.S. ANO METRIC • NO MINIMUM ORDER ORDER NOW - 120 Page Cat. -$2.00 (Refundable) TOTALLY STAINLESS AD#1 , Box 1219 1 800 767 4781 Brodbecks, PA 17329 • . • • Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober Co:11mercial Photography (213) 670-6897 P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 HACE THANS BY JEFF fll[J)'S TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 (U,MP] UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNOLIA. SANTEE. CALIFORNIA 92071 619/449-9690 ------OUR DEALERS------L.A. AREA McKenz,es 1714) 441-1212 St Petero Off Roac (414) 285-3218 vw ON LY ,liArrt0,1ttli1tA 17011 DARWIN ROAD, HESPERIA, CA NEW & USED VW PARTS RACER DISCOUNTS Sponsor 1990 Class II Champion - LA RANA Sponsor 1990 Class II Champion • HORA ~('PAINT/IND etJ471NGS'l(O.RA!-Wn;* 1,,(¥08 * •~ !lJ /MC; MAINTENANCt• f!a/lYAf:~J,f!fM/Ht;I< cW~ffl MY~"ForHcklJp~ 06!f· o rthern Califor ··, ·"'· . .-to . Ex erts HOR ¼,s.,..._, ners E t & &eng, service LIGHT FHE WINNERS CHOICE WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports winning drivers and engine builders. Just ask the top professionals before buying your next cam. Our dedication to performance and quality keeps you on top. Call WEB-CAM for your winning cam for street , strip and off·road or send $3 for the complete catalog. WIIIIEB-CA/111 · 1 s1 s Ma1sachu1ett1 Av PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS ~o~!:~!~,~:~~=/~/~~~nt,o/led,eh,cles (714) 369-5144 wt::-~· ~~AME 8-FAIJRIOATINIJ Turn Key Race Cars SPECIALIZING IN OFF ROAD HIGH-PERFORMANCE VW-PORSCHE, FABRICATION & OFF ROAD PREP. (619) 741-6173 420 VENTURE ST. ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 Off Road Chassis & Accessories RR 2 Box 399 Hart Ml. 49420 (616) 873-5330 .... ·.· ........ . .. .,, • In House Oyn.:> & Flowbench Facility · ,\W_ · '' ( • Turn Key Engines & Race Cars ',, , IKS · ..... ···:•:•: .. ·:-.-. ~ACING r;r~:~~~~~ .. :··· . f:t •GINES (714) 772-6300 DISC BRAKE SYSTEMS DISC BRAKE CALIPERS ·570° RACING BRAKE FLUID DISC BRAKE PADS FRONT VW DISC BRAKE KITS BRAKE PEDALS REAR VW DISC BRAKE K.ITS CLUTCH PEDALS PROPORTIONING VALVE COMPOSITE MASTER CYLINDERS POWER STEERING 461 Calle San Pablo • Camarillo• CA• 93010 805 • 388 • 1188 Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing .A.ms • Spindles Suspension Specialists • Custom Wheels 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. /l.Z. 8501 7 Jack Woods 16021 242-0077
FOR SALE: 1990 Mirage Class 10, FAT Toyota 4AF, 110" wb, Fox Coil-Overs, Wright front end, combos, arms & rack. Summers front & rear discs, Sway-Ac Way, Woods arms, 930 c. v. 's, Centerlines, Mastercraft, power steering, new 12' trailer. $14,950.00 OBO. Call (415) 594-0766 or ( 415) 365-7789. Ask for Mark. _...;;· FOR SALE: Class 10 Bunderson single seat -FAT Rabbit, J-G bus trans, Fox Coil over, outboard 930's w/Summers disc; Beard Seat, power steering, Pumper, Wright rack, arms & .spindles, powder coated panels, Center-lines, Yokohamas. Very light and fast, competitive car. Just completely rebuilt by Penhall Fab. $13,500.00 trades consid-ered. Call Don at Penhall Fab (714) 650-3035 or eves. (714) 532-2057. FOR SALE: Class 1 O.R.E. w/3.5 liter Porsche motor and Hewland DG-300. The motor is fuel injected, twin plug-'twin ingition Porsche racing motor (approx.· 600 miles on motor). The gearbox was prepared by Doug Fortin and has first class parts throughout. UMP PIS, Wright rack, Palmer arms, Summers hubs front and rear, vented rotor rear brakes by Cone, with Corvette calipers, Tilton Pedals, Patterson sump tank, Fox shocks, mil-spec sealed switches, the list goes on ... Car· complete, ready to race with spare shocks, tires & whed~. dump c.ans .... rnisc_ motor parts, etc. MAKE OFFER,. you could be Unlimited class racing for less than you think! NOTRADES.CallMarkat(805)'; 541-2012. FOR SALE: Chenowth 2 seater, excellent pre-runner or Class 100. Titled & licensed. 1914cc Type I. Bus trans., Yokohamas, Center-lines, Wright steering & combos, 930c.v.'s, Fox, Beard, Fuel Safe, Neal, very clean car. Built for reliability. Must see!! Will Deliver, complete or less engine and trans $8,000.00. Call George (303) 973-8005. FOR SALE: Late model Hi-Jumper. Fuel cell, Centetlines, Flame Out, Neal pedals, full body, Bilsteins, KC lights, Sway-A-Way, Mastercraft seat, Simp-son belts, Parker Pumper. 1600 motor, many spare parts. Raced . once. Great Class 9 or prerunner. $3500.00 oho. Call (213) 670-4435. FOR SALE: Class 7 -1990 Mitsubishi Dodge D-50. 1 ½ . 120 chromolv chassis w/stock frame. All heliarced. Keith Black .2.8 motor, dual 50mm Mikuni's, 14 new Bilsteins, Henry's ball joints, Summers Bros. 9"' Ford chromoly rear end, auto trans. Ex Walker stadium truck. Doors & fenders & bed sides. 35" Yokos w/Pro-gressive wheels. SCORE/HORA legal. Spares included. Motor costs $15,000.00 but give everything for $15,000.00. Less than 200 miles. Call Pete (602) 843-5953. FOR, SALE: Race package, two l/16(,)0 race·cars. 1 1990 TRC 1/1600 minimum weight car, Hat% motor, fully equipt, all the best parts. Ready to race. 1 1986 ORC 1/1600 not complete. · Consistent money winner. Lots of spares in pit boxes.Trans., motor, tifes &. wheels, rack, p.s., F & R arms, and much m.ore! .All or part. No reasonable offer FOR SALE: Corrado - Ultrastock, built by Mirage chassis. Winner of 12 MTEG main events. New Fex Rabbit, 2050cc, Okrassa, Carillo, JG Web, Angle port head, fresh JG trans with Henrys, Wright rack with power, Woods 2 degree c_ombos, Fox Jamar, Fhme-Out. with Corrado body molds. $18.500.00 oho. (408) 926-0522. ; refused. (619) 324-1861 or FOR SALE: 1981 Trailmobile 45' air-ride electronics trailer. Air ride, aluminum wheels, cabinets & racks. Immaculate condition. Set up for off road racing. $27,500.00 obo. Call (714) 654-3683. SIMPLICITY GUARANTEED: FOR SALE: Neth 1-1600. This Hassle-Free off road racing with car is state of the art, no corners complete race ready package! cut! Everything goes, including Class 8 Ford, unique F350 service 20' enclosed trailer and all spares. vehicle with trailer. Spares, parts, The list is long. Call Joe for tools, equipment, modifications, details. (714) . 676-8084 day or etc, etc. All vehicles rebuilt & evening. fresh! Prep/Crew services FOR SALE: TOYOTA PARTS available. Discounted/75K. Call FOR SALE: 1972 trick pre run 4AG pistons, cams, dual springs: Brian ( 619) 487-7093 or Ron Baja Bug. All fresh, Centerline, IS-Buckets, ls-Retainers, (206) 782-8768.. Yokohamas, Trick trans, trick bronze guides, head tools, rods, FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum, 1 776 motor' cuStom paint & metal clutch disc, Corol-la & short course & stadium. Up-FORSALE:FuncoClass 10s ort graphics, full cage, trick suspen-Starlet suspension, CR trans, graded 3rd stage Bilsteins. Many _ course car. Everything like new. 1sion1, Beard seats, fuel cell, street LSD d Engine just gone through. Perfect ega , custom interior, clean, eye ~ , rear en gears, wheels & sp~res (without motor or trans.). condition, many extras. Call Jim catching, optional trailer. MUST tires, headers, body parts, even Priced to sell, call for details. M (805)985 98 5d SEE, MUST SELL, MAKE complete rally cars. (818) 765-(414)2_28-1400day~,(414)242-48t0103 nite;. $~,SOO~0O(~i~ OFFER!! Asking $5,200.obo. 5542 6-lOpm. 3422 nttes, Lee or Bill. MUST SELL!!!!!!! Call (714) 780-6483. .. ------------------------~~=~--------. ----~-----~----------• Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in · I : DUSTY TIMES. I : ~~it~:: ~~~:·;t:::r~~ :· .:'.';': .t~~~~~. ;r:t mh month, not including Dame, addtes, and phone numbet. Add $5.00 fo, use of I I NEW _AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classifi d d · · . I I you wish to use a photo in your free ad enclose $5 00 All Cl 'f· d Ad b Pe AA is FREE if you act now and subscnbe. If I , . . asst 1e s must e ID IN ADVANCE. I --------------------------I. I I I ----~--------------------l I -------------------~------I I I I --------------------~------I I ---------------------------I I ----:--------------------~---I I I I Enclosed is$ -----(Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. I I Name. I I ------------------:----------------Mail to: I I Address -------------------Phone_______ DUSTY TIMES I J 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O I I City-----~------------State _____ Zip_______ Agoura,CA91301 I .. Page 58 December 1991 (619) 365~7188. . FOR SALE: 1981 GMC pre-runner, 2WD, 350 CID, A-1 turbo 350 transmission, A/C, heater, Taylor seats, Simpson belts, new carpet, custom aluminum dash, Pioneer stereo, BFG tires, Centerline wheels, Doetsch Tech shocks, Torq-Fab front suspension, 32 gal alum:. inum fuel tank. $10,000.00. Call (619) 344-0748. FOR SALE: Class 5 Conv. l ll'' Wright coil-over front, 4" long,-r arms, Wright spindles I x 6 rl'~r arms, disk brakes. bus/ Hewlnn,l Trans with Superdiff and 930·~. Berg Tyre l. spar,· tires an,I wheels, rendy to racl' nr pre run with AZ .tags gnod til 7/92. $8.500.00 nbo. C;ill (602) 274-6607. FOR SALE: Jeep, CJ7. New 650hp 401. Fresh Art Carr Turbo 400 Bullet transfer case. Ford 9" front & rear Summers spool, axles, spindles, hubs. 12 new Fox shocks wl remotes. Tube chassis fiberglass body, Uniden radio: Parker Pumper, MSD Master-craft. Many spares. Ver~ fast and proven. Must sell. $11,500.00. Call (209) 545-1171 or (209) 578-4367 Wes . Dusty Times-
FOR SALE: Class 10, 2 seat Hi-Jumper, 117" wb, bus trans, Wright rack, arms, combos, P/ S, Parker Pumpers, Mastercraft seats, Simpso n Safety, Center-lines, Edwa rds tires, etc. Less engine, Best Offer. For further info. call Steve Casagrande Rac-ing. (805) 949-6017 work, (805) 272-1305 home. FOR SALE: 1991 GMCJimmy door. 108" wb, 4.3 liter NASCAR V-6, Hydramatic Motorsports · tr ans, ·summers Bros ~ear, Bil steins w / reservoirs, Bosch lights, Ultra wheels, Fuel Safe, Mastercraft, National springs, Simpson Safety equipment, Wilwood brakes. Major com-ponents rebuilt or replaced after each race. Seen in 4WD Action, 4 Wheel & Off Road, Sport Truck, ESPN, TNN. Buyers only please, no bench racers. $20,000.00 or MBZ. Steve (714) 458-0677 or ( 7 14 ) 63 1-4301. FOR SALE: Mirage, C lass 2 , 125" wb, Chmmolv chassis. Saw-ver 2 388cc I 9 hp Toyota motor, MrnLlL·ola Hewland DC,-300, . Cornutt rear arms & huhs, Conl' axles. SL'L. arms & torsH)ns. \X:'right rack arms. comhos. Fox l \111,H'ns. l MP r s. Modine nd. Rc·,irLl ,c•ats. Deist Safety, Autn Mc·tc·r, Tilton starter, CL'n-te r Ii n es & m uch more. Best Offer. For further info. call Stew Casagrande Racing. (805) ll4CJ-6017 ,, nrk. ( 805) 2 7 2- 1305 hume. FOR SALL-" OR T RADE: 2 seater, 126",,·h. 2700ccType IV, 091 4 speed trans with Hewland. Both huilt & maintained by FAT Performance. CNC pedals, Fox, Taylor Made seats, Summers, Foddril spindles, 930 c.v. 's, Wright rac k and pinio n with rown assist. Lots of spanc:s, inclucling whL·ds & tires. All very clean! Will separate. Looking for clean street legal 4 W D truck or Make Offer. Call KTM (916) 652-0850 or (916) 652-0057. FOR SALE: Raceco 112-1600 short course. Fresh motor and trans. Raced 5 times. Best of everything. $8,500.00 obo. Call Dan (714) 535-4437 or (714) 523-0558. DustyTimes FOR SALE: Ford Ranger, former SCOREIHDRA & SNORE 7S champion! All the best stuff; fresh Esslinger motor, Summers axles, Bilstein, Beard, American Racing, K & N , Auto M ete r , etc. Fiberglass fenders & hood, power steering. Pro built & maintained, fa st , light weight and very competitive. Tons of spare parts, tires & wheels. $50,000.00 invested in truck & parts, $17,800 obo or trade for? Call Don at Penhall Fab (714) 650-3035 or (714) 532-2057. ===~ FOR SALE: SCORE / H O RA legal Class 8 truck. Bilsteins, Beard seats, Simpson, Auto Meter, 35 gallon cell, K & N Edelhrock, Crane, Acee! , Hed-man, Richmond gears, 7 2 7 Torqueflite, KC lights, Rapid Ko0l, Coleman , Moog, Fram , U ltra wheels, MT T ires. Start the 1992 season in a truck. Priced reasonable. Call (714) 783-0931 . "' FOR SALE: 1-1600 race car. Recent winner, minimum weight, fresh engine, 300mm torsion bars, Fox shocks, Neal, W right, Super Boot, etc. Race ready. $7,000 .00 Call Bill ( 702) 329-2039 days, (702) 359-802 1 eves. FOR SALE: 1988 T-Mag 2 seat Class 9 desert race car. Profes-sionally built. All the good stuff. Fresh engine, Fox shocks, Deist, Beard, Neal, SACO, VDO, Sway-A-Way, Cibie and more. With some spare parts. $3,800.00 Call Sean after 5pm (714) 751-9422 (Orange County Area). FOR SALE: '82 Mitsubishi 4x4 pre-runner. Rebuilt engine & transmission. Mikuni 44mm, headers, Jacobs ignition, Yoko-hama Mud Diggers, Centerline, Sway-A-Way, fiberglass hood, He Ila & Centerforce dual fri ction clutch. $3,300.00 obo. Call Fred (71 4 ) 556-4990 days, (213) 377 -2321 nites. FOR SALE: 112-1600 engine. Top of the line - everything new -no used parts. Built by Major -dyno tuned -turn key. The best of everything. Set up for power steering. Ready to WIN BAJA-if you are. Will trade for????? plus cash. (619) 464-5030. ~. FOR SALE: Class 8 Ford F150. Built by Dave Shoppe Racing. Top five in points '88, '89, '90. Numerous list of spare parts & equipment. $75,000.00 obo. Call (714) 929-2338 or (714) 927-6805. FOR SALE: 1835 motor, counter balanced crank/race heads oil pump/ dual Delloreto 40 carbs/ new motor, ready to go -$850 .00. Johnson laydown for reduction boxes - new $50.00 Complete metal cutting handsaw 3 14 x 96 blade $500.00. 1973 Post Office Jeep Left drive (std) $1 ,100.00 good shape. Call (714 )897-4993. FOR SALE: Super 1600 MTEG Raceco, Rabbit motor by FAT, DJ's bus trans with Hewlands and aluminum Super Diff, SAW, W right, Centerlines. Top of the line car. Must s e ll now! $13,000.00 obo. Also, 35' enclosed Pro-Am trailer, gen, microwave , built-in couch. Giveaway price $5,000.00 obo. Call Mark (619) 946-4839. =~----:::= FOR SALE: Two s;ater Berrien . mod ified Fox, Bilstein shocks, Centerlines, fuel cells, Beard scats, Summe r Bros trans, Porsche 930 c.v. 's, aluminum racing radiator, disc brakes ( 4 ), 1650 air cooled. Race ready, many extras. $8,000.00 must sell obo! Call Paul (717) 354-6739. FOR SALE: Bunderson Class 10 115" wb, new JG trans, Larry Bitcon motor, Curnutt shocks, race radios, dump cans, pit boxes, U MP, Wilwood, AMS, Parker Pumper, Wright, lots of extras. Call for more info. (619) 364-3319. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Raceco, 1 i5" wb, Wright front end stuff, Fox's with reservoirs, Hewland gears, PIS, fire system, Beard seat, Neal pedals, good stuff through-out. Many spare tires & wheels (many brand new) and spare parts. It's worth the trip to Phoenix. $5,500.00. (602) 893-9361. ,·.~H;,;:.;~~i FOR SALE: Jimco 1-1600. This car is 100% new, state of the art. Only two races, both top 5 finishes. All the best parts. Many spares. Call for info. $14,500.00 or trade for 2 seat Class 2-1600, 10, 8, etc. Make offer and it's yours. Call Pat (714) 685-9369. FOR SALE: Jeep Honcho mid west short course truck. STORE/ SODA Class 4 and 14 points c hamp '89, ' 90, '91. Very reliable. Priced to sell! Call for details, evenings & weekends (815) 963-5956. FOR SALE: Toyota 4AG Class 10 engine. Built by Jim Wolf Racing Engines. This one led the pack at Parker '91. $4,500.00. Call (619) 344-0535 days, (619) 344-1328 nites. Ask for Robert Whitted . FOR SALE: 1984 Funco Stadium Class 10. Ex Scott Gilman car. Complete ground up rebuild 1991 . Fresh Rev-Power Rabbit, fresh trans, Fox, CNC, Wright, , power steering, disc brakes, all new safety equipment. Many spares. This car is light & very fast. $ 7,500.00 obo. Call Bill (619) 465-6816. FOR SALE: 1990 Class 8 Ford truck, raced only 6 times. Best of everything. 428 small block Ford SVO parts. Motor has only two short course races on it. Truck was built by Kevin Pence. Price $48,000.00. Many spare parts available. Call Kevin Pence (217) 692-2837. FOR SALE: 1976 Sand Toys Class 11 Bug.Top finisher, all the good stuff. Fresh engine, trans & shocks. Race Ready! $5,900.00 (619) 244-1199, (714) 447-8697. December 1991 FOR SALE: ( 'lass I() ,k·snt ,·ar -VallL')' PL'rf°ormancL" huilt, T)'pL· I motor, hus trans ,,. Hn,·lan,I gea;s, 116" wh, ,·oil-o vc·r suspension, ,,, -;ru h axles. magnL"sium huhs, Curnutt shlKks, all thL' goo,! ·ruff. Thi-; singlL" seatL'r is vn y light, lik,· nL'W. Medical rL·asons forn· sak-. RL·a,1\' to racL'!!! $ l l ,5LlCl.()() Call (i\12) 876-5444 ,la)'S , ( 702 l K70-2 I I l) eves. Mikl· Hal vL·rson. FOR SALE: 1989 SCORE Toyota 4x4 Xtra Cab, V-6, 5 speed, Smittybilt bumpers & rollbar, dual tanks, K&N 'filter, Bilstein shocks, BFGoodrich TA's, A IC, cruise, tilt wheel, sunroof, powe r windows & locks, blue interior. $9,400.00. (619) 967-7935. FOR SALE: 5-1600, Beard seats, Wright rack & spindles, ITS trans, Centerlines, bus c.v. 's, Parke r Pumper. Parked and waiting to go racing. $5,600.00 or best offer. Call Dave (619) 593-9007 or (619) 442-5340, FOR SALE OR TRADE: 13-16H Centerline beadlock rims with 2½" offset. Will trade for 15" or will sell outright. Call Terry at (303) 232-1852. FOR SALE: SCORE legal 5-1600, huil t for desert, raced midwest short course only. Dirtrix chromoly cage, 23 gallon cell, 12" Fox reservoirs, Beards, Centerlines, Wright steering, turn brakes, spare hood. Matching 1987 20' Pace enclosed trailer, torsion axles, new tires, bench, lights. $9,500.00 for both. Jim Pfeffer (815) 434-1867. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS American Desert Racmg Association . . . . . . . . . . 4 I Barbary Coast · Gold Coast Hotels . . . . . . . . . 9 Bilste1n Corp. of Amenra . . . . . . . 12 Cactus Racing Products . 44 Cagle Fuel Controls . . . . . . . . . . 45 Castex Inc. · E-Z Up . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Champion Bead Lock Co . . . . . . . . :rn Deist Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7 DeNunz10 Racmg Products . . . . . . 26 Desert Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !J Desert rz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Embroidery In Motion . . . . . . . . . . 40 FAT Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 7 FAT Dunaway Dash . . . . . . . • . . . . 9 German Auto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 3 Rod Hall Driving School . . . . . . . . 49 Hot Line -Racer X . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 John Johnson Racing Products . . . 29 Kawaguchi Honda Equipment . . . . 33 La Rana New Year's 200 .... .... 2 LC. Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 I Lothringer Engineering . . . . . . . . . 14 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . . . 43 Park er Pumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 5 PCI Race Radios ... .... ...... . ·36 Pence Off Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 I Pike·s Family Restaurant ..... . ... 6 Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . . . 24 Race Tech Engineering . . . . . . . . . l I Racers Tool & Supply . . . . . . . . . . 46 R.LH. Communications . . . . . . . . . 50 SCORE Parker 400 ...... Back Cover Marvin Shaw Engineering . . . . . . . 25 Shell Truck Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Smart flacing Products. . . . . . . . . . 23 SNORE Elci.::rado 250 . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Stocking Stuffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Trackside Photos Inc. . . . . . . • . . . 32 Tri-Mil Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Ultra Wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Valley Performance . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Page 59
TOYOTA THE OFFICIAL TRUCK OF SCORE INTERNATIONAL ... The 19th Annual BFGoodrich SCORE Parker 400 1992 off-road racing action starts in Parker with the 1st event of the SCORE/HD RA Desert Series , CUSTOM WH<ElS January 24-26 1992 ~ . ' rT Photo by Trackside Drawing Date: January 7, 1992 For Further Information Please Contact: SCORE International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 - Westlake Village, CA 91362 Tele# (818) 889-9216 ·FAX# (818) 706-8833 ~~(Yl{l~lf6moFF ROAD ~~U~'c.JMANVFACTURING SMITTYBILT.,,c