1 • ..... 8 ....... 1990 ISSN &750-173f Covering the world of competition in the dirt
® TOYOTA Technology OnA Fast Track Down in Ba·a, Ivan -~w __ ·. ] • There's nothing hotter oyota WlflS than the Baja California sun. th B , SQQ Except maybe Toyota's 3.0-liter e 8J a , V6 desert truck. , Because as usual, Agam "Ironman" Ivan Stewart took the Unlimited • Class title of the Baja 500. Five hundred miles of burning rubber over scorched earth, where the greatest glory is mere survival. © 1990Toyola Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. So along with Zapata and Pancho Villa, Ivan Stewart can take his place in history as one of the tough-est hombres in Mexico. Once again, the victory cham-pagne flowed for Team Toyota. And everyone else had to put a cork in it. ®TOYOTA "/ love what you do for me." Get More From Life ... Buckle Up!
Volume 7 -Number 8 August 1990 In This Issue ••• , •'~,,/~ ~ .. v/, _. • • , \ :.r , _ -· ~ ~ .. Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Rich;ird K. Schwalm Editorial Associate Winnie Essenberg Editorial Assistant Sherry· Elderd Controller John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic John Howard Contributors Darla Crown C & C Race Photos Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Deb Freimuth Judi Gooch Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Rod Koch Jan Flick Mazzenga Cam McRa .. David Ryskamp Judy Smith 3-D Photography T rackside Photo Enterprises _Ken Vanderhoof Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services SNAPSHOT Subscription Rates: THI OfflCIAL VOICI OF CALJFORNIA RALLY SERIES PROFESSIONAL• AMERICAN• CANADIAN Off-ROAD \l_ RACING-.t?-- -"'--<.~ 4' ~ ? $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or erro1s. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-1732, is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-5600. Copyrig~t 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permis-sion from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. OF THE MONTH ••• I I I I I I I I I I I JEATURES Page USA· Sand Drags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 SCORE Baja Internacional ................................ 12 MTEG Gran Prix at the Rose Bowl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Memorial Day 100 ..................... .... . ........... . 26 Carson Valley Rally ...................................... 28 Smokin' Wheels on Guam ............ ....... . . . .......... 32 WRC Acropolis Rally ......... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 SODA/STORE at Antigo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 IRA Burk Nissan 300 in Australia ................ .......... ' 42 V.O.R.R.A. 400 at Yerington ............................. 44 S.N.O.R.E. Caliente 250 ..... . .......................... 46 Colorado Championships at Denver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Capital City Stadium Baja Race ........ .................... 49 Tiadaghton SCCA Pro Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Gran Ca_rrera de Tecate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 DEPARTMEN1S Side Tracks by Judy Smith .... ............... .. ............ 4 Trail Notes ....................................... ....... 4 Competition Review Board Report by George Thompson . . . . . . . 6 Happenings .............................................. 10 Pony Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 The Losers by Judy Smith . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 35 Good Stuff Directory ..................................... 52 Tech Tips by Bill Savage .................................. 57 Pit Team Reports . · ....................................... 57 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ON THE COVER-It has been a long dry spell for Jim Sumners and Rob Tolleson, both fonner overall series points champions. At the SCORE Baja Internacional they kept the Mirage on track all the way, missed most of the bad weather and won Class 1-2-1600 by about 41 seconds. They also finished a quick 13th overall. The Class 3 rigs caught the worst of the floods and mud; winners Sherman Balch and John Deetz had the Nissan Pathfinder hood deep in water, suffered through the mud up to Mike's and froze when the hail came, plus they had mechanical problems. But they carried on to win Class 3, their first desert victory in the new Pathfinder. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Inc. f\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING on ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year - $15.00 □ ~ears -$i5.00 D 3 _years - $35.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus ••. Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. · (Form on inside back page) Name----------------------------It is incredible what some of the short course racers will do to shed some poundage from the race car. Apparently Larry Noel had little choice in removing the body from his Chenowth at the SCORE short course race at Phoenix, but the sleek Super 1600s do look odd without the bodies and the fancy paint. Photo by Lorne Trezise. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. ff you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed enve1t>pe:Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 will be considered. Address __________ _ City State-----------------Zip ________ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian• 1 year $25.00 U.S. • Overseas su~scription rates qu~ted on request) I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I Dusty Times August 1990 Page 3
_, This yea~'s flooded Baj;· Internacional was reminiscent of the 1976 Baja 1000, affectionately called the "Wet 'N' Wild" 1000 by those who experienced it. Although it was a different season, the resemblance began the day before the race, with forecasts of bad weather, and reports of rain out on the course. And then the rain came. It poured steadily in Ensenada and points east from late evening into the morning. In the motel where our team was ensconced our first clue that things might be a bit damp was the waterfall cascading down the face of ,the fireplace in our room. Dusty Times Publisher, Jean Calvin, remembers that the street ourside the La Pinta, where she stayed, was a foot deep in water in the morning. SCORE had lost radio contact with some of the distant Check-point crews, and the start was postponed while they waited for word on weather conditions on course. The start was to have been in the wash next to the Convention Center, but reports came back that the water crossings up the wash a few miles were four feet deep. Meanwhile, no one was allowed to leave impound, even though the impound area, a vacant lot with a wall around it, was under a foot of water and the water was rapidly rising as half the paved streets in Ensenada seemed to drain into it. By the time the SCORE officials had decided to have a late start at Ojos Negros (and everyone was to get there however they could) the water was over the floorboards of most of the cars in the impound, and the mutinous bikers had long since pushed their bikes onto the sidewalk. Out on the course pit crews spent a miserable night, and in the El Chinero area the San Felipe police came along and rousted everyone out, citing the danger of flash floods. Every pit crew had to leave, only to reassemble the next By Judy Smith i day, in anticipation of the race. And it was a wasted exercise, because no flash floods occured at that point. When everyone got to Ojos Negros late in the morning, to start the race, there was general chaos, much milling around, traffic jams of colossal propor-tions, and motorhomes and pit trucks stuck in the mud every-where you looked. At the start line the bikers, wrapped in trash bags as protection from the rain, which had let up some, were revving their motors and raring to go. But then SCORE learned that they'd lost radio contact again, and fearing that there might have been massive floods at some points, announced that the start was off. Everyone was to go back to Ensenada and await word. At 6:20 p.m., Sal Fish finally announced that it had been decided that the race would be held the next day, and would finish at the Ojos Negros highway crossing. Fish took to the streets of Ensenada in a car with a 'loudspeaker, announcing the decision and the change in staging and finish areas. Most of the racers thought that this was just fine, but it was hard on the pit crews, many of whom had sat poised and ready for hours, wondering why no cars showed· up. They hadn't planned on the extra day. Some, of course, ran out of food, many had been soaked during the night's rain, and were miserable for the rest of their stay, and a few simply had to leave, to get back to work or whatever. The race got off more or less on time the next morning, and it was the first time that staging was held· on the divided roadway at the back of the Bahia. The course was pretty much the same as the recent 500, except that it jogged over the Summit, down onto the Gulf side, and then made a loop northward, and back down, across Laguna Safada ( which had DE UN Z IO not been refilled with water at that time) and southward into El ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...!R!!A~C~IN~G:,_P~R~O~D!!;U~C!;TS~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Chinero. While there was mud • . and water everywhere, the first OFF-ROAD RACING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES for free catalog phone (805) 683-1211 Page 4 serious problems arose when the racers got to Laguna Salada. During pre-running they'd gone straight across it, as always, and some, knowing no other way, tried it this time too. It was very deep in mud, slick and sticky, and almost impossible to cross. Drivers would get part way out into it, realize their mistake, and then head back for firm ground, and try to find ways around it. Cars were running every which way. Some who knew the area better than others quickly found a solid route, and one of those was the Baja Bug of Don and Doug Robertson, who knew the area very well indeed. In fact, they came into El Chinero with the overall lead, astounding everyone. Other cars, with less knowledge-able drivers, were stuck for the duration of the race, and even into the next day, when help came to winch them out. The next difficult point was Diablo Dry Lake, which had already been damp, so that when, during the storm, water had run down Matias Wash and out onto the lake, it became really wet and treacherous. We remember that the four-wheel-drive entry of Glen Emery and Bill Todd became so hopelessly mired on Diablo that they had to wait until daylight the next day to go in and get it out. Up in.the pine woods there had been heavy rain also, and racers discovered that the rushing water had carved new and unexpected washes in some areas. Many a driver ended his day nose down in one of them. Even Malcolm Smith, co-driving with Bud Fel'dkamp in this race, had suddenly found himself vertical in a hole, with the solid ground at eye level. He later complained that the photographers had been so interested in getting a picture of his predicament that they didn't want to help him get unstuck. Linda Johnson, John Johnson's wife, had te;imed with Jackie Thomison in a Class 11 car for this event, and Jackie, who drove the first half, had managed to get stuck on Laguna Salada. But she'd learned from Johnny how to make a "dead man" out of a small winch and two poles, and she managed to winch her way out of the muck, and eventually they finished, get this, ninth in Class 11. · A lot of the drivers who ran this year's damp 500 were at the '76 1000, including the aforemen-tioned Don Robertson, who, with his brother won Class 5 that year, so he must have felt right at home when he started out in Minga's Class 5 this year. In Class 1 the winner in 1976's wet race was another San Diego based driver who knew his way around Baja, Ivan Stewart, winner of this year's flooded event. Though it must be said that Ivan never saw any rain this year. Another duplicate winner was Sherman Balch, who plowed through the water this time to win Class 3. He won Class 2 that time too. Of course Bud Feldkamp, who ·finished second in '76, was there this time too, driving with Jerry Penhall in Class l /2, and Matt McBride, old enough to race for the first time in '76, drove the muddy part of the race, and when he handed the car to his dad, Don, there was so much mud on the floorboards that they couldn't work the pedals. Brian Skipper teamed with Bob Gordon in Gordon's two seater that year, and Brian was one of the soggy folks who spent the night on Laguna Salada, buried in the mud. John Howard, in Class 5, was also stuck, but put his car in low gear, and working the throttle from the back, pushed and shoved, and followed someone else's tracks to hard ground, and on to a third place. · It was a tough race, that '76 1000, really tougher than this year's, because the effects of the storm were more widespread, and caused great changes in the character of the course in many areas. And, too, it didn't help that it had been postponed for a day, so some folks were short on pit crews on top of everything else. · This year's Flooded 500 will certainly be a source of stories for years to come also, but for far fewer racers. These stormy events are fun for reminiscing,but let's hope that's all for 1990. We don't need anymore flash floods and muddy dry lakes. · August 1990 Trail Notes ••• THE ANNUAL STP / AARWBA Writing, Broadcasting and Photography Contest winners were announced at a meeting held during the Indy 500 festivities in Indianapolis. While most of the 12 categories favor those who write of oval track or road racing, occasionally one feature about off road racing wins, and so it did this year. In TV coverage Jerry Garrett and Marty Reid won the first place prize for, of all things, their feature coverage of the 1989 Baja 1000. We did think it was one of the best shows they have done on desert racing too, and we congratulate our faithful ESPN suppliers who endure the bad weather, inconvenient accommodations and slow moving press info folks along with the rest of us. Good going Jerry and Marty! IT WAS A FINE BIRTHDAY PRESENT for truck owner Jim Venable when Robby Gordon won overall in Baja last June, his fourth first overall placing in the Class 8 Ford. Venable said they had no problems, they changed one tire and the victory was a great birthday present. OUR GEORGIA REPORTERS fell a little short of a full race article for the May event, but we do have some results. James Hester covered 50 laps, stopped only for gas and won the 1600 class. Mickey Smallwood ran 48 laps for second in class and Ray Short's 46 laps were good for third with a stop for new spark plugs and gas. Jeff Lucas was fourth in 1600 class with 43 laps after a broken header, side shifter and seat belt trouble. There were nine 1600s racing. Eight Challengers started and Steve Langley went the farthest, winning with 28 laps done despite losing the oil cooler and finally blowing the engine. Robin Williams got home second with 26 laps after a stop to replace a broken cv joint on the fourth lap. Steve Rule was third at 26 laps also andJ.D. Mitchell claimed fourth with 20 laps covered before a torsion bar let go. Special Thanks go to many people: To Nancy Short who came all the way up from Florida and assisted us in scoring. To Sammy Herrell, ole cowchip hisself, for donating the lumber for the concession stand. To Rodney Carnes for working the concession stand, crutches and all. To the track workers, who came down the week before the race to get the track in shape. They were Larry and Bill Porter, Ralph Womack, Rick Breitenbach, Darrin Stephens, Jack and Sherry Thompson and Steve Rule. To the Florida racers for driving all the way up to race with us. To Jimmy Nichols, the Mickey Thompson Stadium racer, nicknamed Jammin Jimmy by ESPN. He came down to Vienna and drove Rule's 1600. He was leading the field when the motor expired 30 or so miles into the race. THE NEWS FROM FLORIDA is that the much loved and well known races at Tallahassee will not be held in the foreseeable future. The July 8 race was moved to Lakeland, where the· plan was to lengthen the track. The Labor Day weekend event at the Crowder Pits is also doubtful, so if you were planning a long tow from the north, check it out first with FORDA. The present plans are to hold the rest of the scheduled events at Lakeland, near Tampa. VORRA CAR BUILDERS CLINIC -VORRA is holding a unique shock and suspension clinic on July 28 in conjunction with their scheduled short course off road race at Prairie City off road park on July 29. The clinic is on Saturday, July 28, an all day affair with Bill Varnes of Mirage Chassis and Michael Daws of Fox Racing Shox not only bringing their knowledge to Prairie City but will also be bringing out their equipment. They will be demonstrating how to set up race cars and shocks. There will be car testing all day. This is a chance for everyone to take the guess work out of their suspension problems.1t will be open for everyone with any kind of car from off road racer, pre-runner to round de round cars. The gates open at 10 a.m. and the track will open at l p.m. until everyone is dialed in. If you need more details call Ed Robinson of VORRA (916) 925-1702. SCCA RACETRUCKS GO TO LAS VEGAS -The Truck Guard/ Shell-zone Challenge for road racing mini trucks had added a two heat oval race at the Las Vegas International Speedway on October 11. These truck races are great fun and this one will happen at the same time the SEMA/ AI Show will be in the Las Vegas Convention Center. It is a good way for current and potential sponsors to experience the unique form of racing a pickup. During SEMA week in Las Vegas, the HORA Gold Coast 300 is the same weekend, but who knows if HD RA will be able to convince exhibitors at SEMA that they should come to Jean to watch how off road racing happens. For sure most racers and race organizers need more sponsorship as the costs for both continue to rise. THE CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES has just published their 1990 Rules and Guildelines booklet, and it is stuffed with good information for rally folks, both novices and veterans. There is no price printed on the booklet so contact the CRS Director Jim Jacobsen, 42706 51st St. West, Quartz Hill, CA 93536 to obtain a copy. · 24 HOUR RACE ON TV -While the top series have regular ESPN coverage on off raod events, we just saw a tape of the FRT 24 Hour record run last May out of Plaster City, near El Centro, CA. All the on track stuff day and night was shot by Mark Brazeau and crew and it is enhanced by a running commentary by Fud. Here and there between the on course shots are studio interviews done by Fud with the overall and some class winners. The cameras seem to cover every inch of the 16 mile course in daylight and again at night, and the night stuff was particularly good. The program was broadcast out of El Centro late in May, but it was·good enough to be fodder for a network show. . THE MICHIGAN OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS opened their season in Cadillac on May 27. Water filled plastic barrels were used in place ofloader tir_es to mark the course and this worked out very well. This first race ran just 15 minutes longer than the required time of two and a half hours. The feature res~lts saw D. Baudoux win the Unlimited class over L. Woods and T. Lemons, while G. Ward beat out D. Baudoux in the Limitd category. T. Cowen won in trucks and L. Smith won the Challenger honors. B. Cornell topped the Quad field. The Mountain Dew Challenge is open to all buggies and trucks and features a single file rolling start. The fastest cars start in the rear and the slowest start in front. Each lap 1, 2, 3 or 4 cars are black flagged from the rear of the field. Dan Baudoux won first place in the challenge at Cadillac which was good for $100, Dennis Aiken took second for $50 and Tim Lemons took home $25 for third. Check the Michigan Off Road Championships schedule in the Happenings. They race all over the state and almost every other week in the summer. (more TRAIL NOTES on page 8) Dusty Times
GOODYEAR GLER RADIALS BURY COMPETITION UNDER CALIFORNIA. Rob MacCachren's Class 7-S winning Jeep Comanche. John Swift's Class 7 4x4 winning Ford Ranger. ·· Tires: Goodyear Wrangler AT radials. Tires: Goodyear Wrangler MT radials. If you want to know what's hot in off-road racing, just go south of California to the SCORE Baja Internacional off-road race. This year, drivers faced over400 miles of men-acing mountain, beach and desert terrain. Not to mention rain that fell in major proportions. But drivers on Goodyear Wrangler radials were ready to show up the elements. Not to mention drivers on competitive tires. Rob MacCachren and his Jeep Comanche kicked things off with a big win in Class 7-S. Jerry Whelchel and Dan Reynolds, also on Wranglers, took second place in their Sage Council Toyota. Class 7 4x4 featured another first for Goodyear, compliments of John Swift and his Ford Ranger. When it comes to performance, Goodyear Wrangler radials always rise to the occasio~. And bury the competition. That's why we say: The best tires in the world have Goodyear written all over them. Remember: tread lightly. If you drive off-road, stay on existing paths. _,..,, Don't forge any new ones. America is a beauti- ~ooa, ~-,r .. ,, ful country. Let's keep it that way. .. , • a;~ THE BEST TIRES IN THE WORLD HAVE GOODYEAR WRITTEN ALL OVER THEM.
Competition Review Board Report By George R. Thompson. The Competition Review Board for the 1990 Presi-dente/SCORE Baja Internacional met Sunday Morning at 8:00 a.m. at the Riviera Convention Center in downtown Ensenada. With the exception of Ramon Castro, who had a very long night in the desert, all scheduled members of the board were present and remark-ably alert for this time of the morning. The Board consisted of Frank Vessels, Board Administra-tor, Jim Sumners, Class 1-2-1600; Dave Shoppe, Class 8; Jim Greenway, Class 2; Ken Parry, Class 30; Dick Maxwell, Dodge Motorsports; Steve Kassanyi, SCORE Int., Bill Wyck, SCORE Officials Assoc., George Thomp-son, CRB Marshal. The board was scheduled to hear eight cases. Abusive nerfing, which is fast becoming one of the most common complaints heard in the Competition Review Board, was the charge leveled against Entry #1008, Kurt Pfeiffer and Jeff Quinn by #503, Leroy Van Kirk. According to Van Kirk, some-where between Neuvo Junction and the goat trail, outbound on course, he got rammed by # 1008. Somewhat later, having passed through Check 2 and going along parallel with the fence, somewhere between the point of entry to that parallel trail and where the left turn lets you go through the gate, there was a big gaping hole. At that particular point there was a disabled Class 5 vehicle, partially blocking the access around this hole. The 503 car was trying to negotiate between the disabled car and the hole and subsequently found himself in mid turn when he was "T-Boned" by #1008, taking him out of the .race. In a prepared statement written to the board, # 1008 made the following comments in his defense. "I, Kurt Pfeiffer, while competing in the Baja 500 and driving at race speed, in heavy dust, inadvertently struck a Class 5 vehicle. I did not intentionally strike him; I was in blinding dust at the time." In addition to this written testimony the Tech Inspector had provided, at Steve Kassanyi's request, an evaluation of the damage done to the Class 10 vehicle which indicated the presence of minor damage to the front of the car. This report also indicated that the rear of #1008 had been severely damaged as a result of another vehicle crashing into him after he collided with #503. One member of the board had passed the scene, after the fact, and remembered seeing the disabled Class 5 cars and recalled the carnage in some detail. In discussing the location, everyone seemed to recall the dusty, silty conditions which prevailed in that area throughout the race. Leroy Van Kirk was called to discuss the charges. He felt that the entire incident was unneces-sary and that Pfeiffer was driving entirely too fast given the conditions at the time. It was apparent that he was very upset and demanded that something be done. "I think these guys are getting out of hand; you've got to do something before someone gets killed out there." At one point during the questioning Van Kirk seemed to feel as though the board was picking on him. One board West Coast Distributor fOII HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PRICE $_695.00 GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATE;LY Per Set 2 Ratio's Available NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 D·EALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 6 member explained, "The reason we're asking the questions is to establish, in our own minds, exactly what happened. It isn't as though we're arguing with you, we're just trying to become more informed on what happened." Van Kirk replaied, "I don't know who races here, I don't know any of you guys." He was informed that everyone on the board had run the race. "Well, if you guys race within your means, very seldom are you going to end up really smacking someone and tearing their car up. I go up and just tap a guy and if he doesn't move I tap him again. I don't just beat the crap out of him and say 'get the hell out of my way!". Frank Vessels, veteran of over 20 Review Board meetings, tried to put the problems of 'tapping someone' in perspective. "I'll tell you quite honestly, it's tough sometimes to just tap a guy what with a Class 5 car going up and down and a Class 10 car going up and down, you're going up while he's going down, and it's tough. Things just happen." At this point the board heard from #1008, Kurt Pfeiffer and Jeff Quinn. It was noted by the CRB Marshal that there had been no prior complaints against this entry for any reason. Pfeiffer and Quinn were very straightforward about the incident, recalling the details to the board exactly as stated on the written testimony and essentially as reported by Van Kirk. They had approached Van Kirk before the board to apologize and offer an explanation as to the events which took place, but found that he was pretty upset and didn't want to hear it. "l was traveling in third gear. All of a sudden the dust got pretty bad and I downshifted to 2nd and let off the throttle and he was right there and I hit the brakes, and tried to miss him, but I hit him. A few seconds later another 10 car hit me and pushed me into the ditch. I didn't intentionally go in and try to take a guy out. I almost took myself out of the race. I didn't mean to hit him. I wish the whole incident had never happen-ed." After a careful review of both sides of the story it was decided that this was an accident which happened as a result of the conditions on the course and was not negligent or intentional on Pfeiffer's part. The decision was unanimous. Three cases were scheduled to be heard for running checkpoint 4 in San Felipe at the end of the high speed straightaway. After some discussion about this particular checkpoint, these complaints were withdrawn by SCORE. Entry #903 Pancho Bio, winner in Class 9, was protested by entry #902 Armando Tiznado for failing to properly stop at the finish line in Santo Tomas. On the face of it this seemed like an unusual protest, given the fact there was no official protest lodged against Bio by SCORE officials at the finish line, until you understand that Tiznado was penalized at the Nissan 400 for failing to stop at the Start/Finish checkpoint. He demanded that Bio be held accountable in the same manner as he was for running the checkpoint in Las Vegas. Leading up to the Santo Tomas finish, the race course had been on the asphalt. #903 had apparently missed the lights of the August 1990 Finish line and overshot the turn While everyone seems to and continued down the highway. understand that this sort of Recognizing his mistake, he chasing is an illegal practice, backed up and entered the finish nowhere in the SCORE/HORA line area in the proper manner. rule book does it specifically Conveniently, video tapes had prohibit such activity. Clearly we been taken of the incident by cannot have chase vehicles out on Tiznado's crew and had been the course. Imagine the implica-viewed by Kassanyi the night tions of having such a vehicle on before. However, these tapes were course for every entry. This is not not available to the review board, the Paris/ Dakar Rally! (You can't who were, nonetheless, willing to chase there either, unless the accept the Race Director's word chase caris a bona fide entry.) In a on the substance of the tapes. The prepared statement, Anna Merritt board was concerned about the gave the following explanation; lack of an Official protest and "Our chase support team asked about that. Kassanyi stated consisted of two vehicles, one that the decision had been that he located at the San Felipe area and had done nothing wrong in one located in the Valle de missing the turn. · Trinidad area. We were unable to Both the Race Director and provide additional chase vehicles Tiznado agreed that the incident at the Highway 1 Check 7 and did not create a dangerous SantoTomasintersection,dueto situation and it was noted that the fact that our race team had there is a substantial difference been changed only days before the between driving past a turn and event. Because of the lack of driving through a checkpoint as support at Highway 1 and Santo Tiznado had done at the Nissan • Tomas, a member of our group of race. However, he argued that the friends elected to ride to these two two incidents were similar enough areas to provide pit support for that they should both carry the the rider. At no time were same penalty. The CRB agreed ii:regularities or rule be1;1ding about the need for consistent effected by our team. All miles of penalties in similar circumstances, the Baja 500 were riden properly but failed to see the similarity by the three riders. No alterations here, voting unanimously to to our machine were made and we dismiss the complaint against finished sixth in Class 21. We Pancho Bio. request that our results stand as Checkpoint Officials at Check an Official SCORE result." 7 protested entry #911, Jack Board Administrator Frank Millerd, for alledgedly going Vessels was the first to comment down the highway after passing and addressed his remark to through the control zone. SCORE Kenny Parry, Motorcycle Rep to unofficial results listed this entry the Board. "l don't know about as finishing third. A quick· you bike guys, but as far as a car discussion with Mr. Millerd entry is concerned, if I have a revealed that the finish was in chase vehicle following me on errorandtheyhad,infact,retired course in traffic while I'm the vehicle at Check 7 and took a running, I would expect real DNF. It was never clarified how problems." "I don't agree with this entry appeared as a third having a chase vehicle follow a place finisher under the circum- bike, on course", said Parry, "and stances, but, the larger question I can assure you that it_ was not was answered so we pressed on. authorized by Kawasaki. It was SCORE finish line Officials something which they, #465, reported that the co-driver of decided to do on their own." entry#508hadnoarmbandatthe Numerous questions were finish line. The entry was a DNF posed to Parry, who the board so the matter was not pursued by looked to for the Motorcycle the CRB. However, it was agreed perspective on this issue. It that this entry would receive a quickly became clear that he was letter of reprimand from SCORE as opposed to this sort of chasing for this apparent infraction. as were the 4 wheel members of Rule 045 ( at all times an entry the board. It was noted by Parry, assumes responsibility for the who knew this team, that they actions of his pit crew), was at were new to the sport and were issue when M/ C entry #465 probably not intending to cheat Anna Merritt was seen, on a when they did this. After several number of occasions, accomp- witnesses were heard telling the anied by an identically marked same story as revealed by the chase bike with the numbers written complaints, Anna Merritt masked over. They were seen on was summoned to give her side of the race course together at race the story. speeds. The implications of these "We had a leaking gas tank and charges cast a shadow over the had to have some extra fuel over moodoftheCRBforanumberof at Valle de Trinidad so someone reasons. The Board listened as had to ride out there with some numerous letters were read citing gas. After that the chase vehicle the incident at different points followed the race bike for about along the course. There were 40 miles until _we got over to the enough of these complaints that Pacific side, where we had a pit on they served as a running commen- the beach or we could stop at a gas tary on the last part of Anna's station." race. The main issue reflected by After considerable discussion all of these complaints was the on this issue it was decided that question of the legality of a race #465 would be assessed a major vehicle being accompanied by a penalty under Rule G-45 and chase vehicle on the race course. dropped to a last place finish. The The question was complicated by CRB Marshal was also instructed the safety issue because, while the to contact SCORE/HORA and chase vehicle was accompanying see to it that an addendum would the race vehicle, at race speed, the be placed into the rule book to rider of the chase vehicle was spell out the rule regarding the use balancing a container of gasoline of chase vehicles in the future. on his hip; and then there is the The Competition Review Board insurance question which is for the SCORE Baja Int. was already a touchy question under adjourned at 10:30 a.m. after the best of circumstances. meeting for 2½ hours. Dusty Times
1 Master 1 MECHANIC I Hand and Power Tools I lll5Jlillll ,~ VALYDLIIE PE:MDAe B€DLIN€R World Championshi.p Brush Run 101 Aug_ust 31, Sept. 1st & 2nd $35,000 Added Drivers Purse · West Coast vs Mid West ESPN Filming Race '~One Of The Top 10 Off Road Action Events In The Country"· A REAL OFF ROAD SHOOT OUT CONTACT Brush Run 101 P.O. Box 101 Crandon,WI.54520 715-478-2222 Barn Dance Camping Drink Food Hot Laps August 31st · (For Cash & Prizes) Class Racing September 1st & 2nd G.O.B.'s Races September 2nd Race Starts Daily At 9:00 AM
Kathy King Wins Powder Puff at USA Sand Drags at Glen Helen By Elaine Jones For the second yea·r in a row Kathy King, a secretary from Hesperia, has w·on the special Mother's Day Powder Puff event. This time she did it in a time of 3.987 for 70.69 mph which is cookin' down the lane. Mrs. Lucey, sponsored by Half Moon Racing, broke out with a time of 7.899 for 36.31 mph which was quicker than her diahn, hence the disqualification. Kathy is span, sored by King Racing Team. Terry Mode, a contractor from Chino, claimed the top prize in the Pro 1,3 when his aptly named car "Quick Trip" went to the light in a sizzling 3.471 for a speed of 115.97 mph. The Donovan Altered 521 is sponsored by Chino Valley Building Materials. Jeff Mamer in "Sidewinder", a 180cc Sidewinder VW, was the bridegroom. He's sponsored by Sandbland Engineering/B&I Engine/CWC Hyd/Keber Dist. Inc. and Brawley Warehouse, Inc. Nine vehicles started in Pro 4 with a dial in of 3 .60 and when all was said and done it was Ted Cheek, a Truck Company owner from Wildomar, who had the winning time of 3.727 for 83.95 mph. His 2442 VW engine is a product of the winning D.L. King. Bill Lefever in "Whooo Yaa" a 427 Chevy Buggy was a tick behind. He gets help in his racing from The Dunemasters and Doo Dah Racing. "Groves & Co." with Todd Groves at the wheel was the winning combination in Pro 5 as the 396 Chevy Buggy owned by Virgil Groves went a snappy 3.917 for 79.78 mph. Rudy Kurtz always in the hunt was right there for second aboard "Triple Heat" a 750cc Kawasaki sponsored by Port Magic and Cycle Store. There were 14 cars that dialed in at 4 .20 in Pro 6 but it was Roy Farley with a time of 4.224 for 73.11 mph that put it all together several times for the win. "Roy's Toy" a mid engine 327 rail gets help fromJim's Custom Mufflers and Danny O 's Tire Service. Paul Becker, the silkscreener from Lakeside, was the victim of a break out when "Sum Fun" his 455 Buick V ,8 Buggy went a little too fast. He is sponsored by American Precision Silkscreen and the Doo Dah Racing T earn. Jim Gustafson seems to make it a habit of winning and Saturday was no exception as he took on all comers in Pro 7. The winning time for his 2016 VW Buggy, "Mean Green Machine # 1 was 4.761 for 50.81 mph. Advanced W ater Conditioning help his racing effort. Nelson Lengle of Santee in "Over Belt Gang", a 2276 Sand Buggy was a close second. Specialty Off Road Fabrications of San Jacinto help with his racing effort. A Bakers Dozen filled the Pro 8 dial in time of 4.80 but it was David Cox, the man from Moreno Valley with the gunfighter style on the clutch, that took home all the marbles. The 500cc Suzuki named "Rapid" went down the lane in a time of 4 .894 for 52.72 mph. Scott Whipple in "Thumper" a CJ5 401 AMC was right behind. Remac Trans and San Dimas Grain are his sponsors. Jerry Talley, Sr. topped the dozen cars that dialed in at 5 .10 in Pro 9. The Construction Foreman from Riverside took the 400 Chevy "Tally Ho" to the light in 5.224 for 52.57 mph. Webber Trans and Campbell Oil help his effort. Poorhouse Racing/King Bearing and Howard's Muffler kept Terry Jefferies 2000cc Pinto Buggy in the hunt for the runner up honors. "The Hard Way" had an easy way to go in Pro 10 with only six dialed in at 5.40. Ted Burton was there in victory circle when the dust cleared. Low Buck Racing Team turned the low time of 5.449 for 54.91 mph. R ick Barrier in "Sandtastic" a VW Buggy was hundreths of a second behind. Mark Nulty survi:ved a double break out in round two of Pro 11 but he didn't survive the run off with Brent Larson and had to settle for second. Larson, an auto repair mechanic, had "Mean Green Machine #6 '' right on track with a winning time of 5 .846 for 43.88 mph. The 1835 VW is sponsored by Brents Auto Repair. David Den Hartog continues his winning ways as he topped the Pro 12 field aboard his 350cc Yamaha Quad. The truck driver from Chino turned a time of 6 .035 for 46.60 mph. The Curling Iron , Upland and Greg Den Hartog & Sons Trucking are his sponsors. It was" Mean Green Machine #4" that's blue, driven by Marla Kay Gustafson, that made the top two. Her 2180 VW SUMMERS BROS. BULLET-PROOF DRIVETRA/NS ! SEND $2.00 FOR YOUR DIRT RACER'S CATALOG! SUMMERS BROS., INC. 530 S. Mountain Ave., Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 986-2041 • FAX:-(714) 984-7908 Page 8 Buggy is sponsored by Advanced Water Conditioning. The Sport Classes are growing by leaps and bounds with 29 dialing in at 4 .99 plus in Sport 1. It boiled down to Jeremy Ray and Bill Hale with the nod going to Hale in the 350 Chevy Buggy named "Hale Storm". Hale Construction and Dunemasters are his sponsors and his time was 3.897 for83.95 mph.Jeremy Ray in "Dirty White Boy" had double duty helping start the racers and racing. He did an excellent job at both. He claims to be a profes, sional Sand Dragger but for a fact is a college student and works part time for his dad at O&R who he claims as a sponsor along with O'Neals Chevron/H& W Weld, ing/Mom & Dad/Chino Radiator and Western Exterminators. He was '88 NSCA Sport Bracket Champion and has a special thanks to Clark Harris/Mike Bolton and Dad. The biggest bracket of the day was Sport 2 with thirty,four competitors. They were broken into two groups of seventeen with the winner of each group meeting to decide the overall champion. It came down to Ed Neal aboard "Mr. Ed", 500cc Swuki Quad sponsored by Ed Neal Trucking and Brent Larson in "Mean Green Machine #6" who already had a win under his belt in Pro 11. The "Mean Green Machine" prevailed again with a winning time of 5 .296 for 58.55mph. Neal helped as he went too fast and was credited with a breakout. Another trucking family made it to the top of the heap as Tom Gillespie sponsored by Tom Gillespie and Son Trucking took his 350cc Twin Banshee down the lane in a quick 6.048 for 49.20 mph. Dan Fleming on a 250cc Honda was a very close second. Ed Neal Jr. kept the family honor alive as the 8 year old student got his 80cc Yamaha to the light ahead of Julie Rosa a student from Chino and her 80cc Quad sponsored by Tole Village. Both Pee Wees had legal times with the winning time 10.579 for 27.26 mph. The Juniors can go a little faster but again strict speed limits are enforced. As in the Pee Wees it was boy meets girl in the final showdown and again it was the boy that prevailed. Al Mata Jr. on a 350cc Yamaha Quad named "Life's a Banshee" turned a 7 .335 for 37 .22 mph. Ace Auto Wrecking is his sponsor. Sheryl Lowe, a 12 year old from Chino in a 350cc Honda Odyssey spans, ored by H& W welding had the second best time with a 7 .838 for 35.26. AffENilON DESERT RACERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and HDRA desert races. Check ·it dut on contingency row - Two different classes each event. August 1990 morc ••• TRAIL NOTES ESSO SOUTH AMERICAN RALLY , The General Tire sponsored Brasa Team took tht! overall win in the 1990 ESSO South American Marathon Raid that started on April 15 in Lima, Peru. Over 100 entrants were there in five race categories for the start of the 15,554 kilometer event that traversed Peru, Chili, Argentina and Bolivia before ending back in Lima. Driver Teddy Pilette drove the General Grabber equipped Nissan Hardbody 4x4, and after some down time, picked up the lead in Argentina, and held it all the way to the May 6 finish in Lima. He won by over five hours and had but one flat tire the entire distance. Unfortunately Javier Sacio driving another General backed vehicle, did not finish. He was unhurt after crashing his truck in the rain and mud of the jungle. Sacio won the Trans,Amazon Rally Raid Class championship in 1988. THE MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP has settled on a busy fall schedule with firm dates for three events and Candlestick Park is tentative again as the series finale for 1990. Remember last year the-San Francisco event was canceled because of the major earthquake that shook the city and the park a week before race day. There will be stadium racing at the Silver Bowl in Las Vegas, NV on September 15, and at Mile High Stadium in Denver on September 29. By the way we apologize for the misprint in the July Happenings column on the Los Angeles Coliseum date, but then MTEG does, of necessity, shuffle dates around major sports events in the same stadium that they use. - · MT.WASHINGTON HILLCLIMB, After 29 years the oldest hillclimb in North America returned to Mt. Washington, near Jackson, New Hampshire. The highest peak in the northeast, Mt. Washington records some of the worst weather in the world at the top of the mountain. Tourists drive the auto road to view the top of New England. Skiers come from all over the world to take on the challenge ofTuckerman's Ravine. Late last June drivers came from all over, including Finland, to tackle the 7 .34 mile twisting climb. Pro rally driver Tim O'Neil came from Whitefield, New Hampshire to try the hill in his 1989 VW Rallye Golf. Although he was beaten during qualifying by arch rival Paul Choiniere, Tim's performance on the last run was remarkable. Unaffected by the dense fog towards the top of the mountain, O'Neil was able to claim overall victory with a stunning time of 7 minutes, 45 .1 seconds , of course a new hill record. Sanctioned by the New England Region of the SCCA and organized by John Buffum, this successful resurrection of the Mt. Washington Hillclimb is again a tradition to look forward to for years to come. DIRT ALERT, WE WRITE TO RIDE, We recently received a very detailed account of a proposed ban on all OHV activity in Santa Cruz County, CA. While we are not familiar with the issue, it was revealed that a "Dirt Alert" letter writing campaign has made some progress, and they also joined with AMA District 36 and the Santa Cruz Off Road Vehicle Association to attend crucial meetings. They also have a unique electronic Bulletin Board for Dirt Alert members who have a computer and a modem.To join the Dirt Alert Land Use Bulletin Board you need only call through your computer modem (408) 24 7-3229, log on the system and ask for membership and more information on access to the files. That is all we know, so don't call us, call them. THE NOR'WESTER SCCA PRO RALLY, now a Divisional event, had a good entry of around 30 cars last May, and ran out of the Seattle area. The entry was mostly local folks and the top spots all went to local drivers. John Christensen and Rod Chelgren won overall in a Mazda RX 7 on the 116.96 mile event that held 58.94 stage miles. A minute 33 seconds behind in second were Gene McCullough and Duane Bender in a Datsun 210, followed in just 36 seconds by Koji Lin and Euygene Ong in a VW Golf. John and Doug Vanlandingham were nearly four minutes further back in fourth in a Saab 96, while Jim Stewart and John Oberte were merely another 41 seconds behind, fifth in a Datsun 510. RACE TRUCK PENALTIES, The SCCA put some heavy penalties on the Jeep Comanche team at the Racetruck event in Detroit. Tommy Archer won his ninth career SCCA Racetruck victory there June 16, but his Jeep along with those of teammates Bobby Archer and Mitch Wright did not pass tech impound immediately following the race. While all three drivers will retain their finishing positions, they were penalized driver's points, manufacturers' points, tire manufacturers' points and weekend prize monies. Along with the loss of prize monies, official team entrant Bobby Archer was assessed a $5000 fine for entering trucks that do not conform to specifications and all three drivers were placed on six months probation. Peter Cunningham finished second in a Team ORR Mazda, Mitch Wright was third, while Scott Gaylord was fourth in a Genuine Parts Nissan. Too bad the SCCA press release didn't say what was wrong with the Jeeps, because the penalties seem really stiff. BRIDGESTONE has some new racing tires that might be useful to short course and stadium racers who like small front tires on the open wheel cars, and should work well on rally cars. The three tires are aimed at Formula Ford Formula Continental and GT / Production class cars, and they belong to th~ Potenza series using its high grip YCH compound. Ask your high performance Bridgestone dealer for details. THE HORA WILLOW SPRINGS RACE is shaping up to be a really big show, and just might replace Riverside in the affections of enthusiasts. The Pit Crew Contest, so popular at the 1989 Mint 400, will be at Willow Springs just prior to the two day race meet near Rosamond, CA. For complete details on the race contact Utgard/Hibbard Promotions, 805,943-7385 or check the ad in this issue, and for the rules and so forth on the Pit T earn contest contact IDRA, 805,646-2903. THE HORA FIREWORKS 250 was a dandy early in July with some new and some traditional features. Tech and contingency inspection was held on the paved road leading to the new mall at the Lenwood exit, and contingency row was right where the original start/ finish line was, mentioned often by old timers. The start/finish was carved out in the dirt at Sidewinder road just a mile or two west down the highway, and the 62 mile course held lots of the familiar rough going, a couple of new rock piles and some new, to four wheel racers, mileage. The full report will be in the September issue, but the class winners are Ivan Stewart, Class 1/2; Tom Denault, Class 1,2,1600; Dave Ashley, Class 3 I 14; Rod Hall, Class 4; Marty Hart, Class 5; Rich Persch, Class 5, 1600; Scott Douglas, Class 6; Roger Mears, Class 7; Rob MacCachren, Class 7S; Paul Simon, Class 7 4x4; Walker Evans, Class 8 and Overall; Jack Millerd, Class 9; Mike Zupanovich, Class 10; Saul Zambrano, Class 11; Charles Townsley, Class Mini-Mag. Dusty Times
''400'' PROMOTIONS _ IF YOU WANT TO BRING THE FAMILY FUN BACK INTO YOUR DESERT RACING, WITHOUT THE PRESSURES AND HIGH COST, THEN COME RACE WITH US, IN "LUCERNE VALLEY, CALIFORNIA" THE FUN BEGINS ON FRI. AUG. 24, 1990 WITH REGISTRATION, CONTINGENCY AND TECH INSPECTION AT RACE HEAD-QUARTERS: LUCERNE VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 32750 OLD WOMAN SPRINGS ROAD SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, AUG. 24th, 1990 3:00 P.M. -10: P.M. Driver registration, vehicle tech. inspection and contingency at The Lucerne Valley Chamber of Commerce, 32750 Old Woman Springs Road. 9:00 P.M. Mandatory Drivers Meeting at The Lucerne Valley Chamber of Commerce, 32750 Old Woman Springs ~~-. Saturday, AUG. 25th, 1990 Race Day ''ALL CLASSES WELCOME" 1:00 A.M. - Vehicle line-up at Start/Finish. - Camp Rock Road 2:00 A.M. -Race starts Promptly! Class Order: 1, 2, 10 1, 2/1600 5, 7, 8, 4 mini mag, 5/1600 14, 7S, 3, 9, 7 4x4 6, 11, Stone Stock Truck, Odyssey Time Limit "All vehicles have 9 hours from the time they leave the start to complete the race. Odyssey Class wlll do one lap, Class 11 and Stone Stock will do 2 laps. All others wlll do 4 laps of 100 miles per lap. Posting of unofficial results at race headquarters immediately after the race. Protest time follows for 1 hour, with a fee of $100.00. Sunday, AUG. 26th, 1990 10:00 A.M. - Awards presentation at The Lucerne Valley Chamber of Commerce 1990 Race Dates August 24-26 MINI BAJA 400 Lucerne Valley, CA October 5-7 CALIFORNIA 200 Ridgecrest, CA November 16-18 HIGH DESERT 250 Lucerne Valley, CA December 15 AWARDS BANQUET T.B.A. ENTRY FEES: (Including Land Use Fee, Points Fund & Insurance) Classes 1-14 .................. $400.00 Odyssey Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95.00 MANDITORY ENTRY DEPOSIT: Classes 1-14 ............... $170.00 Odyssey Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: LA RANA DESERT RACING 22769 Chambray Drive Moreno Valley, CA 92387 Phone: 714-924-2226 714-253-2254 BALANCE OF ENTRY PAID AT REGISTRATION MUST BE PAID IN CASH NO PERSONAL OR COMPANY CHECKS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER AUG. 13, 1990 "SEE YOU THERE"/// For Entry Forms or Race Information, Call LA RANA DESERT RACING PROMOTIONS 22769 Chambray Drive Moreno Valley, CA (714) 924-2226
1990 HAPPENINGS ••• GREAT PLAINS OFF-ROAD September 8-9, 1990 September 15, 1990 RACING ASSOCIATION Twilight 400 Silver Bowl K.C. Huggins Kamloops, B.C., Canada Las Vegas, NV 2233 N. 140th Avenue Omaha, NE 68164 LA RANA DESERT RACING September 29, 1990 A.D.R.A. July 29, 1990 ( 402) 496-94 31 22769 Chambray Dr. Mile High Stadium American Desert Racing Association Pikes Peak Auto Hillclimb Moreno Valley, CA 92387 Denver, CO P.O. Box 34810 Colorado Springs, CO July 28, 1990 (714) 924-2226 Phoenix, AZ 85067 Castana, IA October?, 1990 (602) 252-1900 August 24-26, 1990 Candlestick Park August 19, 1990 California 400 San Francisco, CA September 1, 1990 CORVA Castana, IA Lucerne Valley, CA Snowflake Buggy Bash 1601 10th St. (Schedule is tentative) Snowflake, AZ Sacramento, CA 95814 September 9, 1990 October 5-7, 1990 (800) 237-5436 Castana, IA Mini Baja 150 October 6, 1990 Ridgecrest, CA Penasco Twilight 250 September 30, 1990 ONTARIO ASSOCIATION Castana, IA November 16-18, 1990 OF OFF ROAD RACERS November 10, 1990 FORDA High Desert 150 Barry Wannamaker Sonoyta to Rocky Point 250 Florida Off Roaders (All events at Timber Ridge Ranch) Lucerne Valley, CA P.O. Box688 December 8, 1990 Drivers' Association Bancroft, Ontario, KOL lCO, 1717 Marker Road December 15, 1990 Canada Annual Awards Banquet Polk City, FL 33868 T.B.A. (613) 332-3811/(613) 332-1610 Phoenix, AZ (813) 984-1923 GREAT WESTERN Awards Banquet (305) 823-4487 POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Kiel August 12, 1990 12840 Dexter St. MICHIGAN OFF ROAD ONTARIO OFF ROAD BADGERLAND VW Thornton, CO 80241 CHAMPIONSHIPS Ken Jackson - Dick Gillap CLUB,INC. September 2, 1990 (303) 452-4013 M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. R.R. #2 Terry Friday 15519 Jones Road Tiverton, Ontario, 5913 Fond Du Lac Road October 14, 1990 August 8, 1990 Grand Ledge, Ml 48837 Canada N0G 2T0 Oshkosh, WI54901 Opening Night (517) 627-5200 (519) 368-7874 (414) 688-5509 November 11, 1990 Adams County Fairgrounds Denver, CO July 27, 1990 OUTLAW MINI STOCK (All events located in January 13, 1991 Holland, Ml RACING ASSOCIATION Chilton, WI at the August 11, 1990 P.O. Box 204 Fairgrounds Racing Facility) February 10, 1991 Cheyenne County Fairgrounds July 29, 1990 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 St. Francis, KS Mason, MI (213) 375-4570 March 23, 1991 September 1-2, 1990 August 14, 1990 (213) 719-7036 BAJA PROMOTIONS, (all events at Lakeland Speedway) Central City Gran Prix A~rian, Ml LTD.S.A. Central City, CO PAC OFF ROAD RACING Lou Peralta MICHIGAN SPORT P.O. Box323 P.O. Box 8938 September 16, 1990 BUGGY ASSOCIATION Seahurst, Washington 98062 Calabasas, CA 91302 F.UDPUCKER Adams County Fairgrounds Keneth Coleman (206) 242-1773 (818) 340-5750 RACING TEAM Denver, CO 742 E. Roosevelt Road September 21-23, 1990 250 Kennedy, #2 October 14, 1990 Ashley, Ml 48806 October 12-13, 1990 Millican 400 Gran Carrera de Campeones Chula Vista, CA 92011 Colorado State Fairgrounds (517) 838-4483 Bend, OR San Felipe, BC, Mexico (619) 427-5759 Pueblo, CO (All events at October 6, 1990 August 4, 1990 Mt. Pleasant Speedway) PIKES PEAK Ensenada Gran Prix Superstition 250 VII HORA P.O. Box 6962 Ensenada, BC, Mexico Ancient Dry Lake Bed High Desert Racing Association MIDWEST OFF ROAD Colorado Springs, CO 80934 Plaster City, CA 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South BAJA SERIES Sefutember 29, 1990 Las Vegas, NV 89124 Rick Vasquez July 29. 1990 (702) 361-5404 Pikes Peak Auto Hillclimb BONNEVILLE OFFROAD P ster City Blast IV 1421 Lee Trevino D-1 Colorado Springs, CO RACING ENTHUSIASTS Plaster City, CA August 10-12, 1990 El Paso, TX 79936 Jim Baker Desert Championships (915) 594-8266 P.O. Box 1583 December 31, 1990 Willow Springs Raceway All Desert Races SAREEA AL JAMEL Ogden, Utah 84402 Dunaway Dash IV Rosamond, CA 4WDCLUB (801) 627-2313 Plaster City, CA August 4-5, 1990 P.O. Box 526 September 7-9, 1990 Belen, NM Indio, CA 92202 August 25, 1990 Nevada 500 Twilite 200 GLEN HELEN OHV PARK Pahrump, NV September 23-24, 1990 Delle, UT Albuquerque, NM S.C.A.T. INC. P.O. Box 2937 October 12-13, 1990 Michael R. King October 6, 1990 San Bernardino, CA 92406 Gold Coast 300 October (TBA), 1990 P.O. Box 277 Bonneville Challenge (714) 880-1733 Las Vegas, NV Morrisonville, NY 12962 Wendover USA Deming, NM (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 August 5, 1990 December 1, 1990 November, 3-4, 1990 Off Road Challenge Off Roadsman Awards Banquet Las Vegas NV El Paso, TX SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES November 18, 1990 Sports Car Club of America 1990 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES Off Road Challenge HIGH PLAINS OFF MIDWEST OFF ROAD RACING P.O. Box 3278 P.O. Box 101 ROAD RACING Tommy Bowling Englewood, CO 80112 Crandon, WI54520 ASSOCIATION 9801 E. Highway 80 (303) 779-6622 (715) 478-2115 / (715) 478-2688 GORRA Pat Roberts Odessa, TX 79765 July 29, 1990 Georgia Off Road 878 Main St. (915) 561-5222 September 1-2, 1990 Pikes Peak Hillclimb Brush Run 101 Racing Association Deadwood, SD 57732 August 11, 1990 Colorado Springs, CO Crandon, WI Box 11093 Station -A (605) 578-1654 Off Road Race Atlanta, GA 30310 August 18, 1990 Odessa, TX August 17-19, 1990 ( 404) 253-1033 Duryea Hillclimb Gumbo Butes August 26, 1990 Reading, PA CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES August 19, 1990 Pierre, SD Sand Drags Jim Jackobsen Vienna, Ga September 22, 1990 Odessa, TX August 24-27, 1990 42706 51st Street West Ojibwe Rally Quartz Hill, CA 93536 September 23, 1990 Deadwood Off Road Grand Prix September 23, 1990 Grand Rapids, MN Vienna, Ga Deadwood, SD Sand Drags July 28, 1990 October 20, 1990 Odessa, TX October 25-28, 1990 Glen Helen Rallysprint October 28, 1990 Press On Regardless Rally San Bernardino, CA Vienna, Ga Last Chance Baja October 28, 1990 Escanaba, MI Wall, SD Sand Drags November 24, 1990 Odessa, TX November 9-12, 1990 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Vienna, Ga IOK FOUR WHEELERS Mazda Coachman Stages Rally RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 36 (All events at Notrees, TX) Olympia, WA C.J. Richards Cleves, Ohio 45002 P.O. Box 332 GREAT LAKES (All events staged at MICKEY THOMPSON'S SCORE Fair Haven, VT 05743 FOUR WHEEL the club grounds in OFF ROAD Score International (802) 265-8618 DRIVE ASSOCIATION Cleves, Ohio) CHAMPIONSHIP 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Bob Moon GRAND PRIX Westlake Village, CA 91362 915 So. Zeeb Road KAMLOOPS BRONCO BUSTER Mickey Thompson (818) 889-9216 COLORADO HILL Ann Arbor, Ml 48103 4WDCLUB Entertainment Group CLIMB ASSOCIATION (313) 665-0358/ (313) 996-9193 Randy Chamberlin P.O. Box 25168 November 8-11, 1990 P.O. Box 9735 835 W awn Road Anaheim, CA 92825 Baja 1000 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 Kamloops, B.C. V2B-6N3 (714) 938-4100 Ensenada, BC, Mexico Page 10 August 1990 Dusty Times
December 1, 1989 OffRoadsman Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 SCORE SHOW Edgell Expositions P.O. Box 19531 Irvine, CA 92713 (714) 250-8060 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Jack Kolan (619) 292-4444 August 19-25, 1990 Bonneville September 9,1990 October 14, 1990 November 11, 1990 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 July 28-29 Yokohama ZOO Desert Race Las Vegas, NV Speedway September 28-30, 1990 SNORE 250 Desert Race Jean, NV October 27-28, 1990 KC HiLites Midnight Special Desert Race Nelson Hils, NV December 1, 1990 Showboat 250 Desert Race Las Vegas, NV SHORT TRACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: Tom Schwartzburg 2620 West Washington West Bend, WI53095 (414) 334-3858 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 257-9422/(414) 542-3821 July 21-22, 1990 U.P. Off Road 100 Bark River, MI August 18-19, 1990 No. American Off Road Racing Festival Ionia, MI September 1-2, 1990 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 15-16, 1990 Badgerland Short Course Sprints Oshkosh, WI TEXAS OFF ROAD GRAND PRIX Short Course Racing - Texas Style Class 10, Sportsman, Challenger Mike Bernardo 1606 Lancelot Circle Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (Z 14) 855-2232 August 3, 1990 Boyd, TX September 7, 1990 Boyd, TX Dusty Times October 5, 1990 Boyd, TX TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association P.O. Box 211 Dunellen, NJ 08812 (201) 752-0299 (201) 359-2745 (All races at Trailways Speedway, Hanover, PA) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W. Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93035 ( 805) 656-1122 August 4, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies September 8, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies October 6, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies October 2 7, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies November 1 7, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies ( all race date.s subject to change without notice) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 B DGEST July 29, 1990 Prairie City OHV Park Short Course Sacramento, CA September 1-2, 1990 VORRA/ Fernley 250 Fernley, NV October 28, 1990 Championship Race Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA WHEEL TO WHEEL,INC. P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL ICO (613) 332-1766 (613) 332-4128 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP August 22-27, 1990 Rally of 1000 Lakes Finland September 13-17, 1990 Rally of Australia October 7-13, 1990 Sanremo Rally of Italy October 27-November 2, 1990 Ivory Coast Rally November 25-29, 1990 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION List your coming events in DUSTY 19125 _ 87 A Ave. TIMES free! Send your 1990 schedule as Surrey, British Columbia, soon as possible for listing in this column. V3S 5X7, Canada Mail your race or rally schedule to: ( 604) 576-6256 DUSTY TIMES, .5331 Derry Ave., Suite _____________ 0, Agoura, CA 91301. E AN MEARS IBC3mlf 88~ IB~B Roger Mas SNIIIS IIINldaWe OI SOIIII of Ille lolghest ..... in professional off-road racing-tlle Baia="winning Iha 1989 Bafa 500, the 1989 Bala 1000, cllcWlg the HDRA/SCORE Oass 7 chm ..... , 11111 IOW tlae 1990 lafa 500. line stnigld .. races, tine stnigld wflS. All asfollllllg feat when you COllliler how tough It Is jllt to fWsla. Of ~ ~ the 220 velicles that started ii Mas' latest victory, Olly 11 S swvived 1M 411 th-poulclllg mies to ..... the fiish. So wllat tires tld Roger Mas ride when he beat the merdless Bala tine tines ii a row? Stnight off-the shelf Bridgestone D671 MIii Dlelers, exoctly 1M lall8 tires JOU CIII NJ at JOS Bridgestoae dealeHto-,.S, IO -}f( AUgust 1990 ..,,,,_, IO -,1,1,,'. . For pr •xt off-road experielce, denmd Ille th that Roger Mas l1ICII to .............. Demand Bridgestone. For a sowlllr post• of 19' Ml4n' racetna Ill acliol; 11111 $7.9S & y• ntn o:--s.::s,~:~·~1214, AHi: Mvrisillg Dept. Page 11
PRISIDENTE SCORE IIAIA INTERNACIONAL Gordon Trucks to Overall Win By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photos Inc. Running in his Class 8 Ford truck, Robby Gordon duplicated his overall victory at this race a year ago, streaking to take the overall last June by a mere four odd minutes, driving hard in the last hours to secure the title. Robby Gordon steamed across the Baja peninsula and back in seven hours and 25 minutes to take the overall win in the Presidente SCORE Baja Inter-nacional, fourth event in the eight race SCORE/HORA Desert Series. Running his Ford truck in Class 8, Gordon duplicated his Overall win at last year's Baja Internacional, driving all the way, and making it look easy. A full field of 220 cars and trucks, up just one entry from '89, started the race with a ceremonial start in Ensenada, and a re-start an hour later at Ojos Negros. There was no sign of the disagreements that had forced last year's 500 to move to the San Felipe side of the peninsula, and no major last minute changes were necessary this year. Some things were different, and the which they'd actually finished the absence of the pre-race impound race. was a nice change, appreciated by The race was distinguished by the racers and pit crews who like the occurence of a flash flood having the extra bit of time for last which poured down out of the minute finishing touches to the San Pedro Martir range at about 3 cars. p.m., working like a yellow flag to There was also a new locale for bunch all the late running limited the finish. SCORE put the time classes together, and start their keeping crew at Santo Tomas to races all over again. Significant record the finish times for the 411 changes in the finish order of milelongrace,andtheneachracer several classes came about was given an hour to get himself because of the flood, which was and his car up the 29 highway frightening, but caused no miles to Ensenada for a ceremonial reported injuries to any racers. finish at the same point where Class l / 2, first off the line, and they'd made the ceremonial start. out in front all day, found it to be Post race contingency check and perfect racing weather, sunny, post race tech were also being breezy and not too hot, and there done in this area, and from time to was no rain for them. I van Stewart time it got a bit confusing, as cars put his Toyota truck out in front didn'talwaysgettotheceremonial early in the day, but he was hotly finish area in the same order in chased by Bill Church in his . ,dlftr&i-~M;l.l::!t"l,~t~"illl,-t .. ,n.,_,h""""-. ..... ,,_ ___ __,.,...iw, Running the Toyota Special in. Class 1 /2, Ivan Stewart had scant trouble, and flew back and forth across Baja to win the class, take second overall and secure a firm hold on the points lead. Bill Church had a few woes along the trail in the fancy Chenowth Porsche, but he took second in Class 1 /2 easily and third overall. Porsche Chenowth, Troy Herbst things. San Felipe 250 winner, in another Porsche Chenowth, Brian Collins, in a Porsche Danny Letner in a Por sch e Chenowth, rolled his car early in Raceco, Corky McMillin in a the day, and subsequently broke Porsche Chenowth, Stuart Chase more tie rod ends than he had in a Porsche Raceco, and the team spares. Penhall and Feldkamp lost of Jerry Penhall and Bud Feld-an oil line, and also used more kamp, in a Porsche Raceco. alternator belts than they had Stewart's day was mostly spares. uneventful, but Chase lost his Stewart continued to run transmission, and Bob Gordon, in trouble free, with Church second a Chenowth, lost some rear behind him, and Corky McMillin shocks, then grenaded an inner not far back on the way up to c.v., and fell way off the pace. · Mike's. But Corky's transmission Church found the timing was off got itself stuck in one of his higher in his motor, but carried on, part gears, and he burned up his clutch of the time with a lapful of cactus, trying to get up the mountain. rather than stopping to try to fix After leaving Valle Trinidad, on the last 95 miles of the course, Stewart's brakes started to fade, and he had to pump them to make them work, so he continued to drive at a conservative pace, concentrating on getting to the finish, and keeping his lead in the Class l /2 points. He took the class win, finishing second overall. Church was second, and Herbst, who'd had a flat, and a problem with cactus, finished third, followed by Danny Letner, who'd had rear brake troubles in his Porsche Raceco. Brian Stewart tightened his hold on the Class 8 points putting the big Dodge home second in class, and driving to fourth overall. Carlos Vela and Adrian Melero went the fastest of the three Class 5 survivors in the winged Baja Bug and won the top honors by almost two hours. The Class 8 trucks were the second group off the line, and there was close racing up front between Scott McMillin in his Ford; Robby Gordon in his Ford; Troy Herbst is getting good at Baja racing and he drove the Las Vegas built Chenowth Porsche to a solid third in Class 1 /2 and fifth overall. Pag~ 11 Ageless Danny Letner, with Ron Brant riding along in the Raceco Porsche, flew right into fourth in Class 1 /2, seventh overall. AUgust 1990 Scott McMillin has taken to trucking, and with Tom Wilson riding along, he drove his fancy Ford to third in Class 8 and sixth overall. Dusty Times
Bill Hernquist and Mike Lund got stuck in third gear, fried the clutch and had to push it across the finish line, second in Class 5. John Hays and co-driver Will Domshot had engine belt woes, ran into the rain as well, but still got the Raceco in third in Class 10. Don Robertson stood in for Rich Minga, still recovering from his roll at Phoenix, and Don drove the Porsche Bug to third in Class 5. Dan Blain and Gary Brading had no real problems with the Mirage and they drove to fouth in Class 10 just six minutes out of third. had had to replace his spare tire ;' mount and gas filler combination, but was still able to finish second, : and fourth overall, 31 minutes 1 later. In third it was McMillln, ! and Minor was fourth. Frank·. Vessels, who'd had to replace a ;, transmission in his Chevy,· finished fifth. I Jeff Quinn and Kurt Pfeiffer finished second in Class 10 but had to survive a Competition Board review before taking home the trophy. Paul and Dave Simon broke a tie rod, lost time, later lost most braking power but finished the Ford Ranger second in Class 7 4x4. Brian Stewart in a Dodge; and Chris Minor in a Chevrolet, for the early miles of the race. Walker Evans, in another Dodge, was having motor trouble, and feeling as if, "I had a little black cloud floating around me." Minor flattened a tire and lost some time, while McMillin, drifting wide on the pavement, had to take evasive action to avoid a head,on, and did some damage that needed repairs later. When he got to Valle Trinidad for the second time, which was about 95 miles from the finish, Gordon, who said he'd been driving conservatively to that point, knew he had the class lead, but lusted after the overall win also. From there on, he said, "It got scary , I don't want to ride with myself", grinning as he recollected how his passenger, John Herzberger, had scrunched down in his seat, with his feet braced on the dash, and hung on for dear life. Class 5 was third to get the green flag, but they had a hard 'i time finishing this event. Dave • Pick tore off a brake rotor and couldn't locate replacement parts, : This Is the system run by most Gordon got a stick in a tire and lost the air, up in the pine forest, but other than that had a clean run, while Stewart found himself spinning out in the slippery five inches of mud that were the result of overnight rain on Diablo Dry Lake. Leaving Valle Trinidad, Gordon had been tied with Ivan Stewart for the overall lead, but by the time he got to the finish, he had picked up four and a half minutes, and the overall win. Brian Stewart Marty Hart was reported to have · lost a right front wheel, LeRoy · Van Kirk fell into a ditch outside, . of San Matias, and then in the · dust was rear ended, and Rudy · . Cortez rolled his car, and lost a ; c.v. Meanwhile, Carlos Vela, who 1 hadn't had a chance to pre,run, . motored on fairly uneventfully; ' to take the win. Two hours later, Bill Hernquist and Mike Lund were second, after being stuck in third gear for many miles, which caused them to need an uphill tow off the beach. They then nursed the car to the last uphill, and since the clutch had long since fried itself, got out and pushed it up, then coasted down towards the finish, and pushed it across the line. It was a legal finish, hard ' won, but not glamorous. Almost two hours later, Don Robertson, who drove Rich Minga's Porsche Splashing through a familiar wash before the deluge, Ray Croll and Tom Day Bug all the way except for the 30 ' had no real trouble with the Jimco and took the Class 10 win by over half an miles from the ceremonial start to _ho_u_r_. -----:..-:..-:..-:..-:-_-:-_-:,.~-;.-:,-::.-;-;,-;;~;~;~-----_-:_-_-.,,,--.... -.,,.,----, the re,start, which Minga drove, J ohn Swift rears t e Ford Ranger out of a si t hole in Baja, and with Dino Pugeda riding along, Swift took the victory in the usually hotly contested Class 7 4x4 by a wild 27 minutes. Dusty Times finished third. Minga injured his back at the Phoenix short course race, and was not healed enough to try the off road portions of the course. Robertson lost a spindle ' nut in the pine forest, and used up four hours getting things back together. None of the other Bugs finished. Class 10 went next, and there was a good group, including Bill Poe teamed with John Hagle, Dan Blain and Gary Brading in a Mirage, John Hays arid Will Domshot in a Raceco, Jeff Quinn and Kurt Pfeiffer in a Chenowth, Tom Day and Ray Croll in aJimco two seater, Randy and Rick Wilson in their Raceco, and Kirk Van Matre in his Raceco, all possible winners. Dr' August 1990 off road race winners TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 13
Darren and Doug York ied Class 7 4x4 until they got stuck coming down from Mike's, but they salvaged third place at the finish line. Tim Pruett and Bill Holmes had shock troubles all day in the Ford but they carried on to second in Class 4, over 1-1 /2 hours behind. Willie Melancon and Mirage man Bill Varnes moved into seconq late in the race and they took second in Class 1-2-1500 in ttie Mirage SS. Rodrigo and Rogerio Ampudia drove their Neth.built Chenowth into a close third in Class 1-2-1600, only five minutes behind the winners. Defending Calss 1-2-1600 points champs Tom and Bob DeNault had engine oil consumption trouble but finished fourth in Class 1-2-1600. Manny and Tudy Joe Esquerra tried hard in their Ford Ranger, but their trouble brought them home second in Class· 7 by a few minutes. . Van Matre broke, and so did the Wilsons, while Poe and Hagle lost a fuel pump near the end of the day, and then, only about 20 miles from the finish, broke a tie rod. Quinn and Pfeiffer started with a spare, used it early, and then had"-3.nother flat and had to and rear ended him, damaging his hunt down a replacement. Then, exhaust headers. He then drove outside of Matias, Pfeiffer plowed away with no brakes, and Quinn, into a car that was parked in a who finished the race, did it with ditch on the course, breaking his only one front brake. Domshot front brakes, and while he sat got Hays car to him alright, but there someone else came along then Hays had a problem with a . belt flipping over. He had to stop Rod Hall and Jim Fricker had oil pressure problems in the Dodge, but they carried on, also with bad brakes, to win another Class 4 title in a Baja event. EMPLOYMENT/ON PROFESSIONAL RACE TEAM SKILLS NEEDED: • Fabrication • Machining • Welding • Precision Assembly EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCLUDE: Page 14 • Paid Vacation and Horidays • Full Major Medical • Paid Sick Leave • Paid Travel Expenses Reply: Mr. William G. Church Church Engineering, Inc. 2501 Alton Avenue Irvine, Ca 92714 (714) 660-8600 to fix that, and then he was one of the first cars to run into rain. . Meanwhile, Day drove the first half of the race, losing a few minutes when he couldn't find his pit and so had to bum fuel from someone else. He handed the car over to Croll who reported that the mud was sticky enough that he had to drop to second gear to get across Diablo ( usually a very high speed run), but things ran perfectly from then on. They went on to get the win, with a half hour cushion. Pfeiffer and Quinn were second, Quinn noting that the road from the beach to Santo Tomas was pretty scary with only that one front brake. Hays and Domshot were third, only four minutes later, followed in by Blain and Brading. Blain narrowly missed disaster when someone handed him a vodka and lemon, ade, thinking it was drinking water, at one of his pit stops. Fortunately, he took only a small sip, and poured the rest on his chest to cool himself down. (The owner of the drink seemed to think this had been a terrible waste.) In fifth place it was Greg Hibbs arid Mike Falkosky, in Hibbs' Jimco. Falkosky, who usually drives a Class 7S truck had never driven a buggy, and reported that he had fun, and that he'd rolled it somehow, but had landed on its wheels and kept on going. In 7 4x4 some of the top contenders, Mike Lesle in a Jeep Comanche, Jerry McDonald in his Chevy, and Gregg Symonds in his Toyota, bit the dust. But Dave and Paul Simon, in a Ford, John Swift and Dino Pugeda, in another Ford, and Darren and Doug York, also in a Ford, had a pretty good race going. Simon and Simon broke a tie rod coming down out of Mike's and lost 30 minutes, and then no August 1990 sooner got going again when they developed brake troubles. They went the rest of the way with bad brakes, and, like Quinn, reported that it was "scary". The Yorks, who had been leading, were stuck over the edge of a diff coming down from Mikes, and needed help from their chase crew to get unstuck, so they lost a bunch of time. But Swift and Pugeda were having a less eventful day. Someone hit them and tore off a quarter panel, and they had lost their alternator belts, but generally they kept moving forward, and they took the win, finishing 2 7 minutes ahead of Simon and Simon. The Yorks were third, and Sergio and Armando Duron, in a Nissan, were fourth, about three hours later. In Class 4, Mike Schwellinger and Billy Bunch were out early in the day, in the new Ford truck, and Roberto Lencioni and Francisco Dukes, in an Ensenada based Ford, also failed to get to the finish line. That left Rod Hall and Jim Fricker in their Dodge; Timmy Lee Pruett and Bill Holmes in Pruett's Ford, ·and Steve Kelley in his Chevrolet. Hall and Fricker were struggling with no oil ressure over 3000 Most of the 35 1-2-1600s ran in a tight pack, swapping the lead from check to check, but at. the checkered flag it was the Mirage of former overall points champs Jim Sumners and Rob Tolleson that won. Despite steering troubles en route, Roger Mears drove the Nissan into the Class 7 victory, with co-driver Tony Alvarez refilling the steering box in flight, an act caught by ESPN cameras. Dusty Times
,%,J,~ .. Jerry Whelchel took over the Toyota from a heat afflicted Dan Reynolds, and held on to second place through the floods in Class 7S. John Johnson and Chuck Johnson lost time with a broken spindle, caught up to Class 7S at the flood, and finished third in the class. Jesus Luna and Bill Rodriguez led for a time until after Mike's, but they finished a close second, 15 seconds back in Class 5-1600. Of the four Mini Mags that started only the ususal winner finished and Charles Townsley and son added another win to their long string in this slimly populated class. Rob MacCachren, with Bruce Fraley riding in the Jeep Comanche, got the lead on the Gulf side, and despite flooding, mud and hail, he finished first in Class 7S by 44 minutes. they went oft a cliff. The DeNaults couldn't figure out why their motor wasn't running properly, Jim Sumners, who started in his car, had a flat, and lost some positions, Melancon had lost his exhaust and was down on power, Rodrigo and Rogerio Ampudia, in a Neth Chenowth, managed to get stuck once, and some of these folks ran into rain and hail on the road up to Mike's. At Valle Trinidad the second time, with 95 more miles to go, the first 1600 on the road was Bill Varnes, who'd taken over for Melancon, then there was a gap of rpms, and very bad brakes, while Pruett and Holmes had no rear shocks from early in the day, and ultimately, had no shocks at all. It was another Dodge day, as Hall brougbt the big stormer home in just under nine hours for a 12th overall, while Pruett and Holmes were second, an hour and a half later. Kelley, who'd been only a minute behind Hall at Valle Trinidad, had then broken a spindle in the hard-to-get-to vineyards, and was the last Class 4 finisher, just nine minutes before the cut-off time. The agile 1-2-1600s were the Mirage; and Willie Melancon and next group to go, and it was Bill Varnes, in still another anybody's guess who'd be first to Mirage. the finish line. The list·of · They ran in a tight pack, taking turns with the lead, and at one point it was the Higmans, until · almost eight minutes before the next car, the DeNaults, who'd overheated their motor running with a clogged fuel filter, and were now having to stop to add oil repeatedly. One minute later it was thenr potential winners was long, including last year's champs, Tom and Bob DeNault, in their new Chenowth; Scott and Bill Reams, in another new Chenowth; Mike and Morley Williams, in a MECO; Tom Schilling and John Marking in a Jimco; Willy and John Higman in a Chenowth; Dan Araujo and Class 9 driver Norm Lester, in Araujo's Mirage; Jim Sumners and Rob Tolleson in a Steve Taylor and Wayne Lacher had their troubles early, caught up to Class 5-1600 at the flood, and on small rear tires took the lead in the mud and went on to win the class. N. ,.._ : ;,;,,.,. ,f,; h ~ • :%. Sherman Balch and John Deetz ran into the mountain flood and the Nissan was hood deep in water, but they went through hail later to place the Pathfinder first in the Class 3/14 ranks. Dusty Times • COMPETITIVE PRICING • UNBEATABI.E aUAI.ITY EXCEi.i.ENT SERVICE LOUIE UNSER Ri(/lv/lv/1/S BOB ~~~~ TOYOTA .. ~ RACING DEVELOPMENT R.L.H: ENTERPRISE unlclenR~~?is SHERMAN BALCH 1 c. f RACING '\, L~~ -~ CENTERFORCE L.ESL.IE•S DRIVELINE SERVICE HDRA MASTERCRAFT WRIQffl [ND:0RE] HIUOESflTOHIIIADUTNUSIASJS CHENOWTH Mike Lesle -Racing OVER $5,000.00 CONTINGENCY /POSTED AT EVERY SCORE/H.D.R.A. EVENT Race Car Lettering • Racing Numbers • Custom Decals • Silk Screening • Die Cutting • Signs • Magnetic Signs • Banners • Window Lettering 1B085 Redondo Circle • Huntington Beach, CA B2B4B 714/B43-0444 • FAX 714/B43-0143 August 1990 Page 15
-David Anckner and Gary Schneckenburger ran strong and ended up finishing third by four minutes in the tight running Class 5-1600 Tom and Bob Neth, with sister Jan riding, had the early lead in Class 5-1600, fell down in the Mike's flood, and finished fourth. Curt DeDuc and Madelene Leste had ball joint woes, troubles in the big flood, but got the Jeep Cherokee home second in crass 3/14. ..,...,.,,,..---,,,r . ~r · ... ~ ~~-{ ~~~v•' ~, ~--+1.A«~~f-"'-· Dale and Randy Jordan zip through the neat cactus country in the Chevy El Camino, and the brothers finished a fine second in Class 6. Helen and Patrick Henesey moved up steadily as attrition took its toll in Class 9, and they finished second in the two seat Raceco. Armando and Arturo Tiznado took the former Mike Leon Jimco to third in Class 9 in the race dedicated to Mike, a pioneer off roader. i:r· Ampudias, and three minute's behind them it was Tolleson, in Sumners' car. Tolleson was actually second on elapsed time, only three minutes behind Varnes, and lucky to be there at all after driving off a cliff on the way out of Mike's. He'd ridden it out, then followed the canyon to the bottom, and rejoined the course. On the Pacific coast, as they headed northward on the beach, Varnes came upon a place where spectators had rolled some big rocks out onto the course, and he hit one and bent his front end, but it didn't stop him. Tolleson found himself lost, and wandering Kevin Battey, who said they're watching the clouds build and around behind a fence, but · ~till getting the bugs worked out of darken over the San Pedro Martir straightened himself out and put their new car. The Higmans ended mountains. Rumblings of thun-on a last ditch effort that brought up sixth. der, and bright flashes oflightning him to the finish line so close In Class 7, Ernesto Arambula started at about 2:20, as the wind behind Melancon and Varnes that put his Mitsubishi out of action picked up steadily. It became he described it as "gut wrench- early when he endoed it on one of apparent that it was raining ing". After the official scorers had the cattle crossings out of Ojos somewhere. About an hourlater, checked their addition it totaled Negros. And Russ Jones, who ran in the Armstrong pit in the Matias up to a Sumners and Tolleson wellforawhileinhisRanger,had area, Bob Bogdanoff heard a victory, by a very slim 41 seconds. major down time that made him report on the radio about a flood. Melancon's co-driver, Bill late enough to get caught by the Thepersonontheradiosuggested Varnes, who'd built both of the flood. He found a narrow spot picking up the pit and clearing cars, was, justifiably, grinning and managed to get across, but out. Bogdanoff thought it was a from ear to ear. The Ampudias not under his own power, and pretty dumb joke, but then as he were third, only four minutes' then he never got his truck watched crews some distance up later, followed in by the De~aults, . running again. the course, he noticed that they all and then Craig Deardorff and Meanwhile, the two lead seemed to be peering in the same trucks, Roger Mears in his Nissan direction. It worried him. So he and Manny Esquerra in his and his cohotts picked up and Ranger, had gone past the flood moved. They towed the trailer out area before it was a flood. Mears of their spot without lowering the had had to change an idler arm at 'awning and hurriedly flung their Three Poles, which is on the Gulf equipment to a new location,. side. Then, in the neighborhood feeling a little foolish as they did of Mike's he developed steering so. Four minutes after they box troubles, so they installed a cleared out, a wall of water four new one, needing just eight feet high roared through their minutes for the job. Esquerra was · erstwhile pit. It was an hour or so very close at that time. before any race traffic was able to But Mears' second steering box cross the wash to continue on up leakedfluid,andwithEsquerraso course. Estimates are that close they didn't want to keep anywhere from 30 to 100 race stopping, so Tony Alvarez, his cars were detained by the flood, passenger, would crawl through but somewhere in the neighbor-the windshield with Mears hood of 60 seems most likely. holding on to his hip pocket, and Drivers sitting in their cars Arne Gunnarsson brought_ a secret weapon in co-driver Greg Moser of pour fluid into the steering box. watching the flood remembered Ranchero fame, and the pa,r kept the Saab 96 mostly together to take a well R 'd h l d d the river crossing up at Mike's, deserved victory in Class 6 in the old car. oger sat e s owe own a , little, but "not too much" for ,· and the even deeper river crossing 'these exercises, because Esquerra · just before Simpson's Ranch and was so close. wondered what they looked like. Both drivers pushed hard for . The water began to come in the final leg of the trip, but it was· surges, so that it would gradually Mears in front, and Esquerra get almost low enough to let a car second by only four minutes and . across, and then another big wave 42 seconds at the checkered flag. would come. One or two, None of the others finished. _ including Willie Valdez in his . The Mini-Mag class fielded ·Ranger,triedtogoacrossduringa only four entries for this event, low spell, only to be caught by a and only one, the team of Rudy surge, and floated into a tree. The and Charlie Townsley, who ·course was on the highway at the changed a c.v., and also had to trouble spot, and the water came wait out the flood, managed to down out of the mountains, finish. Scott Steinberger came to crossed the highway, and flowed grief when he couldn't get up the into the Matias Wash, on its way steep hill out of Mike's, probably to Diablo Dry Lake. Pancho Bio and Sergio Gutierrez were another team that had to wait overnight, and survive a Competition Review Board hearing before securing _their win in Class 9. because of problems with jetting, In Class 7S, Dan Reynolds had and the other. entries faded away put his Toyota out in front of the for unknown reasons. pack, as Rob MacCachren broke a All day the pit crews had been steering link on his Jeep in the Page 16 AUgust 1990 pine forest and lost 15 minutes. John Johnson, in a Ranger, lost a spindle after Nuevo, and was an hour off the pace by the time he got it fixed. Willie Valdez fought a close duel with Reynolds, and the Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Toyota ran up front, as did Ramon Castro in his Ranger. Down on the Gulf side Reyn-olds became ill from the heat, and stopped· for a brief rest and some water, letting MacCachren get by. At the midway point, Jerry Whelchel took over for Reynolds, and headed out to try to catch MacCachren. Those two got past the area of the flood before the water got there, but as MacCach-ren drove up the course, in what was originally a wash, he suddenly saw a wall of water bearing down on him. The water curled up over his hood, in through his wind-shield, and into his lap. Rob could do nothing but hold on, concen-. trate on keeping the Jeep running, and keep moving forward. It was raintng very hard at that time, and it was hard to see, but he kept moving, and was soon o·ut of the deep water. On Mike's road there was one more flood to navigate, but when he got up to Mike's it was dry. Whelchel, meanwhile, a little below him, found his road turning into a river, and decided to wait it out. MacCachren had no more problems, and motored on to the finish to get the win, followed by Whelchel and Reynolds, about 45 minutes later, in second place. John Johnson, and co-driver, Chuck Johnson, who'd driven the second half, had profited by the flood, catching up to the waiting group, and moving up to third place, although two hours down · at the fnish. Valdez, once pulled out of the tree, went on to finish fourth, and Vinje and Hansen, who also needed assistance in crossing the flood, were fifth. In Class 5-1600, the Neth brothers, Tom and Bob, with sister Jan riding shotgun, took the early lead. But there was a big crew of tough competitors chasing hard behind them, including Steve and Tim Law-Dusty Times
rence; Jesus Luna and Bill Taylor, wearing front tires on the contention, revitalized by the on their light bar, and then found still had bump steer troubles. Rodriguez, back after a long rear on the advice of John improvement in their positions, it wasn't properly attached, and Taylor found the little tires absence, with Juan Tintos, the Johnson, to help squirt through and charging hard. Luna and stopped again to reattach it. scary on the road down out of assitant director of promotion for the mud better, took over the Rodriquez were still up front, but Fersch and Gibson, who'd rear Mike's, but he kept his foot in it, the tourism department of Baja lead. And there was a close pack lost a little time getting stuck in a ended a race pickup on the San and stayed out front, to take the California, in the passenger seat. baying at his heels. All of those wash up by Mike's. The Gutierrez Felipe beach route, had to struggle win, the first for the team. Luna Chuck Guy and Jeffrey Williams; drivers who'd been in trouble, car was also running well, but they with a bent front end, and and Rodriquez were second, and and Scot Jcines and Erik Perkow-along with Taylor, were now in sto~ped at Valle Trinidad to put Anckner and Schneckenbutger only 15 i;r · ski. Back a little further, after some troubles, were David SCORE PRESIDENTE BAJA INTERNACIONAL Anckner and Gary Schnecken-burger, who were having bump Results -JUNE 9, 1990 steer problems; Rich Fersch and , Pos. Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Time 0/A Class 7S • Stock Mini-Midi Pickup -14 start• 8 finish Darryl Gibson; and Wayne and Class 1/2. Unlimited Single & Two Seat. 31 start. 12 llnlsh ·120 1 Rob MacCachren/Bruce Fraley Jeep Comanche 9:27:30 27 Alan Cook and Ross Craft, w ho'd 107 Ivan Stewart /Jeff Huber ·Toyota SR s 7:29:56 2 728 2 Jerry Whelchel/Dan Reynolds Toyota SAS 10:11:19 47 lost their roller throttle pedal 100 2 William Church (solo) Chenowth/Porsche 7:55:51 3 723 3 John Johnson/Chuck Johnson Ford Ranger 11:59:41 73 twice and finally made it stay on 126 3 Troy Herbst (solo) Chenowth Porsche 8:09:50 5 727 4 Willie ValdeztGil Divine Ford Ranger 12:32:44 80 by using a plastic doohickey from 101 4 Danny Letner/Ron Brant Raceco/Porsche 8:26:54 7 757 5 Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Toyota 12:40:22 84 127 5 Dusty & Toby Burwell Jimco/Toyota 8:37:55 9 Class 7 4X4 -Stock Mini-Midi 4X4 -10 start. 5 finish a package of bread. Also back Class 1-2-1600 -1600cc Restricted Engine• 35 start-24 finish 799 1 John SwilVDino Pugeda Ford Ranger 9:26:40 26 there were Steve Taylor and 1636 1 Jim Sumners/Rob Tolleson Mirage 9:01:37 13 760 2 Paul & Dave Simon Ford Ranger 9:53:55 41 Wayne Lacher who'd had a 1617 2 Willie Melancon/Bill Varnes Mirage 9:02:18 14 765 3 Darren & Doug York Ford Ranger 10:27:47 52 broken front shock, and Robert 1615 3 Rodrigo & Rogerio Ampudia Chenowth 9:06:47 17 764 4 Sergio & Armando Duron Nissan 13:37:52 96 and Ruben Gutierrez, who'd lost 1600 4 Tom & Bob DeNault Chenowth 9:16:34 21 766 5 Gerardo Novelo/Delflno Alpizar Nissan 14:32:30 107 the bolts on their throttle cable 1620 5 Craig Deardorlf/Kevin Battey West 9:23.05 24 Class 8 • 2WD Standard Pickup -14 start• 8 llnlsh twice. Class 3M - Short we 4X4 -12 start - 7 llnlsh 816 1 Robby Gordon/John Herzberger Ford 7:25:21 Neth, like MacCachren in Class 302 1 Sherman Balch/John Deetz Nissan Pathfinder 9:52:10 40 804 2 Brian StewarVDick Maxwell Dodge 7:56:16 4 7S, cleared the place where the 304 2 Madelene Lesle/Curt LeDuc Jeep Cherokee 10:19:03 48 806 3 Scott McMillin/Tom Wilson Ford F-150 8:15:29 6 flood crossed the highway, and 349 3 Don Adams/Larry Olson Jeep Wrangler 10:22:03 50 808 4 Chris Minor/Richard Simpson Chevrolet 8:46:16 10 305 4 Dale White/Mark Olenslager Chevrolet Blazer 10:39:39 54 800 5 Frank Vessels/Ivan Scoppettone Chevrolet 9:48:35 38 so, caught it full force a little 347 5 Man Pike/Pat Shea Dodge Ramcharger 11:52:28 71 Class 9 • Restricted Buggy. 20 start -11 finish further on. The water rose up Class 4 • Long WB 4X4 • 5 start - 3 finish 903 1 Pancho Bio/Sergio Guttierrez Tubular Design 11:24:06 59 over the hood and came in their 402 1 Rod HalVJim Fricker Dodge PU 8:57:20 12 ' 908 2 Helen & Patriqk Henesey Raceco 11:39:27 62 windowless windshield, drenching 449 2 nmmy PruentBill Holmes Ford F-150 10:35:01 53 902 3 Armando & Art nznado Jimco 11:49:46 68 Tom and Jan. They flogged along, 401 3 Steve Kelley/Ben Metcalf Chevrolet PU 15:51:06 114 913 4 Ray McClain/Mike Daghlian Ghoster 12:18:14 76 trying to figure out which river Class 5 • Unlimited Baja Bug • 9 start - 3 finish 900 5 Rich Richardson/Doug Perrault Jimco 12:37:43 82 was the course, and finally got sos 1 Carlos Vela/Adrian Mertero Baja Bug 9:29:35 .30 Class 10 • Unllmlled 1650cc -18 start• 8 finish stuck in the mud. Jan got out, and 548 2 Bill HemquisVMichael Lund Baja Bug 11:27:03 60 1001 1 Ray Croll!Tom Day Jimco 8:35:34 8 hitched a ride to the pit area to 504 3 Rich Minga/Don Robertson Porsche 911 13:13:27 90 1008 2 Jell Quinn/Kurt Pheilfer Chenowth 9:05:40 16 find their chase crews and some Class 5-1600 • 1600cc Baja Bug• 28 start • 18 finish 1015 3 John Hays/Will Domshot Raceco 9:09:37 19 help, and then directed them back 563 1 Steve Taylor/Wayne Lacher Baja Bug 11:44;48 65 1004 4 Dan BlairVGary Brading Mirage 9:15:24 20 565 2 Jesus Luna/Bill Rodriguez Baja Bug 11:45:03 66 1017 5 Greg Hibbs/Mike Falkosky Jimco 9:22:08 23 to where Tom was. Then they had 589 3 David Anckner/Gary Schnekenburger Baja Bug 11:49:15 67 Class II• Stock VW Sedan~ start -2 finish to dry everything out, and after a 557 4 Tom & Bobby Neth Baja Bug 11:49:47 69 1198 1 Saul Zambrano/Howard Anderson VWBeetle 13:14:14 91 long, long time the car finally 592 5 Ruben & Robert Guttierrez Baja Bug 11:51 :06 70 1104 2 Manin Garibay/Jose Aguila Marquez VWBeetle 13:36:19 94 started, and just then, here came a Class 6 • Production Sedan • 8 start • 3 finish Class Mini Mag• 4 start - I finish whole herd of 5-16OOs. So it was a 617 1 Ame GunnarssontGreg Moser Saab96 12:48:25 88 1200 1 Charles & Charlie Townsley Chenowth Mini Mag 12:23:53 77 new race. 603 2 Dale & Randy Jordan Chevy El Camino 13:58:57 101 Craig Stewart was reported to 602 3 Scott Douglas/Mark Searle Jeep Cherokee 14:09:23 104 Starters, cars 220 - Finishers, cars -116 - 52.7 % Race Distance 411 miles Class 7 • Unllmlled Mini-Midi Pickup• 6 start • 2 finish have led for a while, but he 700 1 Roger Mears/Tony Alvarez Nissan 9:02:25 15 Fast Time, Robby Gordon, Class 8 Ford - 7:25:21 disappeared, and then Steve Starters, Oikes - 52 - Finishers, Bikes - 44. 84.6% -Time Allowance -16 hours 719 2 Manny & Tudy Joe Esquerra Ford Ranger 9:07:08 13 Fast Time, Larry Roeseler/Danny La Porte, Kawasaki - 7:07:37 THIRD RACE OF THE Budweiser /Bud Light 1990 SERIES AMA SANCTIONED //~ ./ \I 'I ~ ·✓/ .. CHAMPIONSHIP FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM • AMA DISTRICT 38 SUPERSTITION 250 VII LOCATION: SATURDAY Sponsored by: WEST OF A LJ G LJ ST 4, 1990 Race Ready Products, The Wright Place & Schilling Corp. EL CENTRO, CAL I F. 6BOIKMEISLESTLAOROTPAT 6:00 A.M. BUGGIES: 6:00 P.M. INFO·. (619) 427-5759 Drawing July 21st at Smitty's Cycle Center Dusty Times August 1990 Page 17
Dusty and Toby Burwell looked clean and tidy here, and they drove the Toyota powered Jimco to a close fifth in Class 1.2 Mark McMillin kept the Nissan based special together in Baja to bring it home sixth in the fast running Class 1 /2 action. Greg Hibbs has Class 7S driver Mike Falkosky out for his first • Todd Davis and Kf,vin Derby catch some air in the traditional buggy race, and the pair drove the Jimco to fifth in Class 10. Baja cattle guard picture. They were seventh in Class 10. Craig Deardoff and Kevin Battey kept their two seater rolling well in Class 1-2-1600 and they finished close in fifth. Willie Valdez and Gil Divine got stuck trying to cross the river wash, had other troubles but did finish fourth in Class 7S. Ray McClain and Mike Daghlian were caught in the floods and hail but they pressed on to finish fourth in Class 9 action. Page 18 Willy and John Higman went oft a cliff at one point, but they recovered to drive.the Chenowth to sixth in Class 1-2-1600. Ruben and Robert Gutierrez had their own wet weather troubles, but they kept going to fifth by a minute in Class 5-1600. ,<; ·.~•--trj -="ll Usually up front Rich Richardson and Doug Perrault led Class 9 a long time, broke a trailing arm and ended up fifth. August 1990 Chris Minor and Richard Simpson fly through the trees on their way to a good fourth place finish in Class 8 in the Chevrolet. The Nissan of Gerado Novela and Delfino Alpizar came home over five hours behind the Class 7 4x4 winner, but finished fifth. Scott Steinberger was awarded second place in the Chenowth Mini Mag class, running close early on, but he failed to finish. Scott Douglas and Mark Searle fly over a cattle guard in the Jeep Cherokee on their way to a third place finish in Class 6. Don Adams and co-driver Larry Olsen missed connections because of the flood and the Jeep was third in Class 3/14 at the flag. Dusty Times
Only six brave Class 11 teams started, and two finished, and it was another victory for Saul Zambrano, who had both Howard Anderson and George Seeley on the winning team. ~ seconds back. Anckner and Schneckenburger were third, four minutes later, followed in by the Neth family, 32 seconds behind them. In fifth it was the Gutierrez car, one minute and 19 seconds later, and Fersch and Gibson were sixth two minutes behind them. about every 70 miles all day, and then, about 40 miles from the finish, he lost his _power· steering for good. But the car kept moving forward, and he got his first desert win-in the new car. Behind him Curt LeDuc and Madelene Lesle had changed balljoints when one had gone belly up, and Curt had slid into a little wash and been stuck for a while. LeDuc had also driven through the hail, and he followed Balch to the finish line, second, 27 minutes later. Class 6 was also held up by the flood, and when the waters settled, the Saab, driven by Arne Gunnarsson and Greg Moser, had taken the win. They had had some suspension trouble, finishing with no shocks, and had also lost their brakes. Gunnarsson was dismayed to see the car come into Ensenada . with no hood, and the first thing he said to Moser was, "Did you save the hood?". "Hell no", says Moser, "I ran over it!" Dale and Randy Jordan finished second in their Chevy El Camino, about an hour later, and in third it was Scott Douglas in the Jeep, the last finisher in the class. In Class 9 the early leaders were Rich Richardson in his J imco, and Josh Rider and Roy Prince, in a Chenowth, with Pancho Bio, in a tubular Design Chassis, which he'd rolled early in the day, also up there. The Tiznado brothers, Armando and Arturo, in a Jimco, and always a threat in Baja, also ran well, as did Hector and Danny Ledezma, in their Ledezma Chassis. Jack Millerd and R.C. Jones had their West in contention early also, but didn't manage a finish. Perrault eked out a fifth place. Class 11 had only five starters, and three of them apparently called it quits at about the time of the flood. But Saul Zambrano and Howard Anderson, who'd put the caJ on its side in the pine forest, kept moving forward, and were either being pushed hard by, or were pushing, Martin Garibay and Jose Marquez. The two teams were close all day, and switched positions several times. Then, about five miles into the Pacific beach route, Zambrano, who was leading at the time, parked his car in a ditch. His passenger, Gorge Seeley, got out to assess the situation, and just then, up drove Garibay and Marquez. They stopped, got out, checked out. the ditch, and as Seeley pushed Zambrano out and they took off, Garibay stuffed his car into the ditch and was stuck. But Zambrano didn't realize that. He was running hard, and worried that they'd catch up again, and then his oil light came on. It took only a moment to find that they'd knocked a valve cover loose in the ditch, and they set about fixing things, all the time expecting Garibay to come along and pass them. But he never did. Saul hopped back in and drove to the finish, getting his fourth win in a row for ·the year, still wondering what happened to the other car. Later he learned that Garibay had lost his lights when he hit the ditch, and had had to wait for another car, a 5-1600, as it happened, to come along, so he could follow it in. He finished just 22 minutes behind Zambrano and Anderson. None of the other Class lls made it. This year's Baja Internacional will go into the history books as the one with the flood. It was also a good clean race, with a minimum of post race protests, and no major disputes. SCORE now gets a respite from their frenzied pace of recent months, and they don't have another event until the Baja 1000 in early November. Class 3 ran into the flood also, and this group's lead car, the Nissan of Sherman Balch, was suddenly hood deep in water. Balch couldn't see, wandered off course through cactus, and worried that the motor would die. But he finally cleared the deep stuff, and went on, still in the lead. He said he'd been uncomfortable because of the heat down on the Gulf coast, and now he was w~t. Then suddenly there was a hail storm, and he had a lap full of hail and was freezing. Balch had to add trans fluid In third it was Don Adams and Larry Olsen, in their Jeep. Olsen did more driving than he planned because he got the race car past the flood and to the point where Don was supposed to get back in before Don could get there, thanks to the high water. Dale White and Mark Olenslager, in a Blazer, finished fourth about 1 7 minutes later. After crossing over the penin-sula, Doug Perrault, Richardson's co-driver, had the lead, with Sergio Gutierrez, Bio's co-driver, who used to drive in Class 11, close behind him. When Perrault broke a front trailing arm Gutierrez went by him to take the win. Patrick and Helen Henesey, in a Raceco, were second, 15 minutes ·later, and then the Tiznados finished third. Ray McClain and Mike Daghlian were fourth, and Richardson and art,n aribay and Jose Marquez stayed close all the way in Class 11, and they were second by just 22 minutes at the checkered flag. Special Thanks To My Sponsors ... WEST for the best engine and sus-pension work TUBULAR DESIGNS Frame & suspension Eric Hooley TIGOMEX Century 21 VW &Audi Specialists DultyTima Pancho Bio/Sergio Gutierrez Papas & Beer Coyote Racing Sergio/Porfirio Gutierrez Hussongs August 1990 Armstrong Tires For their support Peoples Racing Fred Vanderbilt Ralph Hansen Nick Biondo Jim Balaban David Salas Martin Bio Andy Blue Frank Acosta Page 19
MTEG AT THE ROSE BOWL Stewart, Gordon and Noel Win Big in Pasadena By Homer Eubanks Photos: Trackside Photo Ent. Paul Nissley, left, and Brad Castle do a little synchronized nose diving over a lump in nearly identical Toyota 4 Runners. °They finished third and fourth in the first UltraStock heat. This year's Mickey Thompson Off Road Championship Gran Prix Rose Bowl activities were welcomed with beautiful southern California weather and plenty of hot racing action for the 45,127 in attendance. To get the evening started the Grand National Sport Trucks came out nine strong for their first heat race. Dan Esslinger grabbed the lead off the starting line and was able to keep Danny Thomp-son at bay until midway of lap two. From here on out there wasn't much to debate about as Danny Thompson took off like a rocket and never looked back. Thompson, as you will remember, had just won the main event two weeks earlier in Phoenix and is Ivan Stewart inherited the Sport truck main event lead late in the game, and he hung onto it to win another title and add a lot of points to his and Toyota's season standings. Christopher Neil flew high in his VW Corrado UltraStock, and he finished very close in second in his heat race and the main event. Doing double duty in 1600s and Superlites, Greg George jumped from one class to the other to place third in his heat and the 1600 main. currently second in the points standing. This heat win of 20 points and four points for passing added more fuel to Thompson's fire. Roger Mears Sr. trailed behind his son for three laps but decided it was time to give Jr. a lesson in' passing. Once around, Sr. headed for Thompson but wasn't able to make up the real estate. Roger Mears Jr. went on to take third place and Ivan Stewart, current points leader, came across fourth. Rod Millen brought the Ford around for fifth place. Team Jeep, who have been hot contenders this year, suffered traffic prob-lems and finished with Glenn Harris in sixth and last year's Rose Bowl winner Walker Evans seventh. A total of seven UltraStock ·vehicles came out on the field to battle in the first heat. Jeff Elrod jumped out front and put the hammer down. He appeared headed for victory lane when on the third lap he lost a wheel. Tim Lewis who was running in second place took over the lead and went on to win. The field got str~g out early and no one was able to pass and take a position. Chris Neil brought his BF Goodrich VW around for a second place finish. Brad Castle managed third place and fourth went to Paul Nissley. Brian Collin d · Jeff Eirollooked strong early in the evening, but troubles kept his VW back in the pack and his best finish was fourth in the main. Danny Thompson started out very strong in his Chevy S-10 winning both the first and second Sport Truck heats, and he led the main event until mechanical failure stopped him. Mitch Mustard is on the way to defending his points title. He won his Super 1600 heat race at the Rose Bowl and took second in the main. Page 20 August 1990 Dusty Times
Roger Mears Jr. kept his Nissan ahead of Dad's a good part of the time, taking a third and a second in the heats and third in Lloyd Castle's Jeep is supposed to be a Cherokee, and usually Brad Castle sports a new Toyota 4 Runner UltraStock body this does well, but all he managed in Pasadena was fifth in the main season, and he drove it to third spot in the first heat race. the main. · event. Lloyd Castle was able to cross over ahead of early leader Jeff Elrod. Only six cars were entered in the second UltraStock heat race. However, Sam Harris failed to get his Bridgestone clad Mazda to the starting line. Making only five contestants. On the start Larry Noel, winner of this year's Houston e~ent, jumped out early and went on to an easy victory. Noel's closest competition came from Vincent Tjelmeland in his General Tire Nissan. Tjelmeland was able to close in on a couple of occasions but couldn't produce a serious threat. Jim Smith brought his Jeep home in third place and Doug Bath was fourth. Joey Moore fin-ished fifth. The fourth event of the evening was heat one of the 4-Wheel ATVs. There were 14 riders competing. On the start Roger Helsley jumped his Suzuki out front. Helsley had constant pres-sure from Don Turk aboard a Honda until the end of lap two when Turk got by and headed home. This was not the end of Helsley's problems though as he was also headed by Donny Banks, Chris Couto, Charles Shepherd, Sean Stubbs, and Mike Olmsted. All finishing in that order. Next out was the second 4-Wheel A TV heat race qualifiers. There were 13 of them. Twenty-five year old Doug Eichner stole the show early by jumping his Honda out front. He was chal-lenged midway by Paul Herman. Herman however, ran out of steam and fell back, allowing third place Ryan Strehorn to pressure him. Herman however, held onto his second spot. Third went to Strehorn and Tony Fox came across fourth. Andrew Buck was fifth. . SuperLite action has turned into fierce competition recently. Each of the five preceding main events has been won by different individuals, with not one repeat winner this year. A total of 11 cars came out for this first round. At the front of the pack was 18 year old Dustin Coonfield driving a Briggsbuilt. Coonfield led every lap in this heat which was to become his first MTEG victory. Coonfield's closest competition came from veteran Rory Holladay who held on to finish second. Tim Baker managed third place and fourth went to Frank Chavez. Ron Schartau brought his Briggsbuilt around the track to earn fifth place. Sixth went to the senior member of the event Edward Moore, age 52. Another set of 11 drivers came out to compete in the second round of Superlite action. When it was all said and done the event had gone to the dogs. That's dog food sponsor Nature's Recipe Dusty nmcs that is. Greg George took off from the start and was never challenged. When he stopped to take a bow at victory circle he saw his teammate Rennie Awana taking home second place honors. Third place went to Joe Price in a Triple E, while Chuck Parker earned fourth place. Fifth went to John Gersjes and sixth went to Don Archibald. The eighth race of the evening was Super 1600 odd qualifiers. Fourteen drivers entered the Rose Bowl. Once underway Bob Gordon grabbed the early lead. Gordon was not out front on easy street. He had 13 other very serious contenders vying for his position. His closest rival was Jerry Whelchel who stalked his every move for six laps. As Gordon came upon lapped traffic Whelchel made his move and went inside on the right hand switch back to capture the lead and eventual win. Bob Gordon was able to maneuver around the lapped car and hold second place. After being in the action for first place, Greg George had to settle for third. Marty Coyne captured fourth place and fifth went to Brad Castle. Larry Noel brought his BF Goodrich Chenowth home sixth. Super 1600 heat two had 13 cars competing. Right from the green flag the defending class champion Mitch Mustard decided to use his front row starting position to his advantage. Once out front Mustard never looked back and drove on to the winners circle. Mustard was aided in the first lap by a two car confrontation which held the pack up, allowing Mustard to get nearly a half lap lead. By the second lap Mustard was lapping traffic. Following Mustard was Frank Arciero Jr., Danny Rice, Jimmy Adams, and Steve Wright. With Mustard spreading it all over the competition, the point 9f interest was between Danny Rice and Jimmy Adams. The two diced it up at every corner. Another battle occurred for fifth place as Steve Wright had a slew of contenders challenging for his position. Meanwhile Mustard could do no wrong. He was weaving in and out of traffic with ease. At the end of eight laps it was Mitch Mustard showing his championship style. Second place went to Frank Arciero Jr. and. third was Danny Rice. Jimmy Adams captured fourth place and fifth went to Dan Bentley. In the first heat of UltraCross 250cc Pro Motorcycle racing, Chris Young decided from the start he wanted the victory. Once out front he never looked back once to see Kyle Lewis taking the second place spot. Third went to Lowell Thomson and fourth was Larry Brooks. Kerry DP Bob Gordon, closely trailed here by Mitch Mustard, had to work hard for his Super 1600 main event victory. His Chenowth also took second in his heat race. .091 HEAVY DUTY DIFFERENTIAL Made from 4340 Chro-moly. All surfaces ground for high concentricity. Pre-cision machined for the tightest tolerances. · NEW FOR '89 ! CV BOOT HOLDERS Machined from extra strong alloy steel. Designed to provide for maximum axle angulation. Larger bell clearance. Available for T-2, T-4 and 930 CVs. Tired of replacing com-plete CV's? We now have the 930 CV Center Stars available as a separate item. These new units are made from heat treated aircraft quality 300M Alloy steel and feature case hardened ball grooves. NEW FOR '89 ! TOP GUN SHOCKS BY DOETSCH TECH Top quality Doetsch Tech Off-Road shocks now available. 114-441-1212 McKENZIE'S ,~l~,~~rs 2366 ORANGETHORPE, ANAHEIM, CA 9280S-INVITED AUgust 1990 Page 11
Tim Lewis flies his handsome Porsche nice and smoothly en route to finishing first in heat 1 and Jerry Whelchel flew his Sage Council Chenowth to victory in the first 1600 heat race, and he was third in the UltraStock main event. fourth in the crowded main event. Larry Noel is having his most successful season ever, and at the Rose Bowl he drove his VW UltraStock to victory in his heat race and the very busy main event. Dir.Mulligan came across fifth. and earned 10 passing points and With 19 riders on the field for 20 points for the event win. Jim the second UltraCross heat the Holley had to settle for second crowd was guaranteed plenty of place but added eight passing and action. Action they did get as Jim 16 heat points to his total. Mike Holleymovedoutfrontearly. But Chamberlain rode his Yamaha charging through the pack was across third and fourth went to Mike Craig aboard a Kawasaki. Shane Trittier. Andy Grider was On the fourth lap Craig stole the fifth. lead from Holley, but was himself The second Grand National passed by Holley on the next lap. Sport Truck heat race was full of This added more fuel to the fire excitement. On the start Jeff for Craig and he moved the Huber used his front row starting Kawasaki all over the track until position to his advantage. Dan finding a line around on the next Esslinger pulled in behind him to last corner of the event. and Roger Mears, Jr. trailed. Rod Mike Craig came across first Millen grabbed fourth place and Glenn Harris was knocking on his door. Going into lap three Huber got up on his top causing a yellow. There looked like trouble back in the pack as Walker ·Evans was hung up on Ivan Stewart's bumper. As the two tried to untangle themselves Stewart ended up driving over one of the h ydrobarriers. The line up for a restart looked like this: Roger Mears, Jr. was out front, then Danny Thompson, · Roger Mears, Glenn Harris, W alker Evans, Ivan Stewart, Jeff Huber and then Dan Esslinger. On the restart Ivan Stewart charged through the pack and muscled his way inside the first turn to grab fourth. However, it was Thompson that had the favorite line and before the lap ended he was out front. Stewart was driving aggressively and pressuring anyone in his way. Both the Jeeps rolled, in different locations, on the same lap. Walker Evans flipped his Jeep off the wall but landed on all four wheels. However, he had to retire with suspension problems. On the restart Danny Thomp~ son kept his lead and had Roger Mears Jr. and Roger Sr. both on his tail. And the Mears gang was receiving a lot of heat from Ivan Stewart running in fourth. When the heat ended it was Danny Thompson· out front. Roger Mears Jr. held onto second place but Roger Mears, Sr. had suffered from the Toyota flu and allowed Ivan Stewart to finish third and Jeff Huber crossed over just ahead of Mears Sr. Danny Thompson added a total of 26 points to his tally while Roger Mears,Jr. earned 18. Ivan Stewart received 19 points for his third place effort because he had earned six passing points. In the UltraStock main event 13 cars lined up to battle. When the green flag came out it was Vince Tjelmeland in his General Tire Nissan that used his pole starting position to his advantage. Once out front everything seemed to be going his way. During the first lap Jim Smith gotilis Jeep sideways in a comer and held up traffic allowing Tjelmeland to gain some breathing room. However, by the midway point Tjelmeland had some contenders closing in. Larry Noel had settled into second place and Christopher Neil was close behind for third. Just when everything appeared to be a cake walk for Vince Tjelmeland, the cake fell in the oven.Just two turns from the win. Tjelmeland went inside on Jim Smith, but Smith stalled for a moment and Tjelmeland rolled over him. Vince ran right up the side of the Cherokee, causing Smith to roll over underneath him. With both of Tjelmeland's front wheels waving to the crowd all Larry Noel had to do was drive around and go on for the win. Christopher Neil took second place and third went to Tim Lewis. Jeff Elrod managed fourth and Lloyd Castle brought his Jeep around for fifth place. By winning the event Noel added 29 points to his total, four of which were for passing. During the event Sam Harris had an encounter with Paul Nissley and was dropped four positions by the Rough Driving Committee. Rennie Awana was anxious to Frank Arciero Jr. got good height on his flying in the Chenowth, and he placed second in his heat race, fifth in the 1600 main event. Roger Mears kept his Nissan rolling at the Rose Bowl, and he nailed down second place in both the second heat and the feature race. Colorado racer Danny Rice stayed close to the leaders and he drove the Chenowth to a fine third in heat 1 and sixth in the feature race. Walker Evans gave it a good try in his Jeep Comanche, but small problems held him to a fourth place in the sport truck main event. Page 22 Paul Nissley levels out his Toyota 4 Runner that looks tidy here, but his best finish was fourth in the first UltraStock heat race. August 1990 Another doing double duty, Brad Castle slides his Raceco past Jimmy Adams, left. Castle finished well as did Adams in Super 1600 action. Dusty Timcs
Vince Tjelmeland was so close, half a lap, from winning the main Jeff Huber continues to_ finish well and earn points for Toyota, Marty Coyne is a steady racer and his Chenowth usually stays with the leaders. He placed a fine fourth in the first 1600 heat race. event when his UltraStock Nissan high centered on another placing his truck fourth in heat 2 and fifth in the main event. race car. get the SuperLite main event underway and jumped the green flag causing a false start. Once they were put back in line and the green flag came out Awana jumped out front. The other 17 drivers were left to argue over second place. Before the lap · ended a stroke ofluck was handed Awana as Rory Holladay, while runnip.g in second place, got sideways and caused the entire pack to jam up. By the time they sorted themselves out Awana had nearly a half lap lead. Rennie Awana earned yet another 25 points for his easy victory. Joe Price was able to get away from the downtown rush hour traffic first and drove his Triple E to a second place finish. Price earned 21 points for his effort. Sean Finley took third place money home and also added 1 7 points to his till. Fourth place went to Chuck Parker and Terry Peterson managed a fifth. In the 4-Wheel A TV main event 18 riders were entered and were scheduled for seven laps. Donny Banks jumped off the line first but had a hard challenging Don Turk on his tail. The two ran away from the field and battled for position on several occasions but when it was all said and done Donny Banks took home the steak and Don Turk had to settle for hamburger. Third place went to Charles Shepherd and Chris Couto was fourth ahead of Doug Eichner. The Super 1600 event drew 18 vehicles to race for 12 laps. Once underway, Bob Gordon took over but he had to stay on his toes, so to speak, because he was the engine of a six car train of cars. On his bumper was Frank Arciero then Mitch Mustard and Greg George. Jerry Whelchel was hitched to George and Whelchel had Marty Coyne along for the ride. Then it was Danny Rice. A short distance separated the front six cars to yet another set of racers led by Brad Castle. The action remained tense but nothing much happened. Then on lap five Frank Arciero cut inside a corner a little tight and jumped up over a hydrobarrier. Before he could get his Chenowth straight-ened out he found himself in sixth place. A couple oflaps later Marty Coyne rolled his car near the same corner that Jimmy Adams sat upside in and caused a restart. On the restart Bob Gordon set a snails pace to the green flag and his strategy paid off. Mitch Mustard was not allowed to sling shot past and had to stay in second. Mustard was able to get within striking distance before the race was over, but when the checkered flag came out it was Bob Gordon that headed for victory circle. Mitch Mustard earned his second place money and third went to Greg George. Dusty Timcs Fourth place honors went to Jerry action happened back in the pack Whelchel and fifth was early I though. Second place Tommy contender Frank Arciero Jr. . Clowers received a lot of heat In the UltraCross main event from third place Ray Crumb. Jeremy McGrath looked like a After passing 14 riders Jim Holley lone rider crossing the desert. No finished in fourth place. Fifth one ever got close on his journey place and the recipient of 30 to win the main event. A lot of points, after passing 18 riders, was Chris Young. In the final main event of the evening Ivan Stewart and Danny Thompson shared the front row. Roger Mears andJeffHuber made up the second row, with Roger Mears and Glenn Harris making ~p row three. Walker Evans sat inside row four with an empty space ( intended for Rod Millen) next to him. Dan Esslinger was positioned behind Evans. After an over anxious false start the trucks were lined back up. Once the i;.,.. There's A Whole Lot Of SHAKIN' Going On At MSD / Ignitions For Winning ·Running an off-road race is the ultimate test of man and machine. The physical poundings that off-road racfng dishes out can eliminate a vehicle in just a few miles. At MSD, we design and test our ignitions to insure they'll live through seasons of off-road racing. To test the design of our MSD Ignition Controls, we've built our own "Baja" simulator. Actually, this is a unique machine that has a base with a 1 horsepower vibrating motor attached. The base assembly rides on four heavy-duty springs. An MSD Ignition is then mounted solidly to the base. This "Baja" simulator vibrates on three axes and will induce around 7 Gs of force on the ignition control. In just a short- period of time, this vibration can simulate the effects that seasons of off-road racing will have on the internal components of our ignitions. MSD engineers can then beef up the components that are affected by vibration and build a better ignition that will survive the rigors of off-road racing and win races. Benet its For~ Off-Road Racers lir More Horsepower It Pays To Win With MSD! For 1990, MSD has posted $4,000 in awards for the HORA/SCORE contingency program. At each of the eight HORA and SCORE events, $500 will be distributed among the eligible winners in ten classes. Winners in classes: 1, 2, 3/14, 4, 5, 7, 7S, 7 4X4, 8 and 10 can each claim $50 if they run an MSD 5, 6, or 7 Series Ignition Control and display MSD Contingency Decals on both sides of the vehicle throughout the entire event. lir Less Plug Fouling At Low Speed lir Broader RPM Range IR' Higher RPM Capability [i( Easier Starting, Hot Or Cold Mike and Gayle Schwellinger's Ford F-150 dominated Class 4 at the San Felipe 250 Off-Road race. The MSD-equipped truck performed flawlessly throughout the race and gave Mike his first win of 1990. August 1990 • Not legal for sale or use in California on pollution controlled motor vehicles. MSD Mt.3 ,,L Jr.1 ,■ ■As";/1 t•11,•4.4 • Send $3.00 for a copy of the MSD Catalog to: MSD Ignition 1490 Henry Brennan Dr. El Paso, Texas 79936 Page 13
Jim Smith here is going for third in heat 2, but his Jeep was the Rod Millen had his Ford in contention in the first truck heat, but UltraStock that was under the Nissan of Vince Tjelmeland in the · fuel management troubles kept the truck out of the following Jimmy Adams comes from Houston, Texas to the stadium races, and he does quite well usually, placing fourth in heat· 2 at the Rose Bowl. main. events. --------------------Doug Bath has a fancy new Toyota body for his UltraStock, Dan Bentley gets a leg up on traffic here in his Chenowth Super The Quad racers put on an exciting show for the crowd, but we can't identify any of these with no numbers showing. Wonder how the scoring team manages, maybe by the shark's teeth. which he drove to fourth in the second heat, but he faded in the 1600, and he ended up with fifth place in the second heat race. main event. ,_. starter gave them the official OK to go racing it was Danny Thompson's Chevrolet that outpowered Ivan Stewart's Toyota. Roger Mears fell into third place and Jeff Huber was fourth. Roger Mears, Jr. settled into fifth and sixth was Walker · Evans, then Glenn Harris and Dan Esslinger. By the third lap Thompson had pulled out a comfortable lead over Stewart. Roger Mears, Jr. and Walker Evans had found a way around Jeff Huber making them fourth and fifth. Huber was sixth. On the seventh lap Danny Thompson appeared to have the Rose Bowl victory within his grasp. Then going into lap eight Thompson pulled the Chevrolet over to the side and retired, handing the lead to Ivan Stewart. Somewhat ironic, when at Phoenix, Walker Evans was way out front and pulled over with electrical problems and handed the event win to Thompson. On lap 10 Dan Esslinger rolled his· Ford causing a restart. This allowed the pack to close in on Stewart but when the black and . No more playing "octane roulette." These mysterious numbers are only as good as the results they earn for you. Whether you race 50 laps, 1000 miles or 24 hours, UNOCAL 76 leaded and unleaded racing gasolines are proven winners, designed to maximize horsepower under high RPM conditions. As a result, UNOCAL 76 racing gasolines have fueled more winners in the past 35 years than any other gasoline. With these credentials, shouldn't UNOCAL 76 racing gasoline be your choice? Try it! WINNER: Class 7 Baja Internacional ROGER MEARS/TONY ALVAREZ Bakersfield, CA Winning Gas: Unocal 76 Racing Gas WINNER: Class 5-1600 Baja Internacional STEVE TAYLOR/WAYNE LACHER Dana Point, CA Winning Gas: Unocal 76 Racing Gas C.O. THOMPSON PETROLEUM 505 N. ANAHEIM BLVD., ORANGE, CA 92668; (714) 634-4214 Page 24 August 1990 white flag waved it was Ivan Stewart crossing over first. Second went to Team Nissan with Sr. leading Roger Mears, Jr. Walker Evans managed fourth and Jeff Huber brought the Toyota across fifth. Glenn Harris managed sixth and Danny Thompson crossed over on the hook of a tow truck. With the Rose Bowl victory Ivan Stewart added 25 more points to his series battle chest. Roger Mears earned 21 points for second place and was credited for two passing points, totaling 23. Roger Mears, Jr. earned a total of 21 points, 1 7 of which were for third place and four passing points. Walker Evans stuck 20 points to his tally by passing six contestants. GAS AVAILABILITY: BAKERSFIELD Roger Mears Tire Company-(805) 833-6179 BRAWLEY Seabolt Oil Company -(619) 344-3761 MONTCLAIR George Follmer Racing, Inc. -(714) 625-4881 NEWPORT BEACH Beacon Bay Enterprises -(714) 833-0660 ORANGE C.O. Thompson Petroleum, Inc. -(714) 634-4214 PARKER,AZ Parker Oil Company - (602) 669-2617 PASADENA Lee's Unocal -(818) 441-3392 PASADENA Western Air -(818) 495-9701 POMONA R&W Petroleum -(714) 629-2559 RIVERSIDE Campbell Oil Company -(714) 686-1676 SAN DIEGO Apollo Oil Company-(619) 280-6884 STOCKTON Valley Performance Center - (209) 943-7637 TAFT Brown & Reich Petroleum - (805) 765-5457 · VICTORVILLE Victorville Oil Company -(619) 245-4191 YUMA,AZ Seller Petroleum - (602) 783-8876 Dusty Times
Pony Express ••• while yours was well phrased. We · certainly didn't mean to insult or demean anybody, because all are entitled to an opinion on any subject. By the way it is interesting that we have never heard from the Sahara Club since their first mailing last spring. We wonder if they still exist. &l. I would like to respond to the letter in the June 1990 issue written by Diana Hays. When she said Rex Keeling and Tom Koch rolled their car two times and finished fourth, so what! She doesn't understand racing. Rex rolled the car on the first lap and we had one hour down time fixing a rear rotor. Tom drove the two middle laps and rolled, and had to be pulled back up on his wheels. We figured he was down about one half hour. After all these problems we only finished thirty-five minutes out of first place in Class 10. If people like Diana and John Hays don't read the rule book and put the numbers on where they are supposed to be, they may not know many of the other rules. As far as her comments on her husband not being sponsored, few of the open wheel car racers have major sponsors. I'd like her to call Rex and ask him how many . hours he has worked to get the race car on the track. I'm sorry that. the Hays family don't have any more friends for pitting, so maybe they should join a pit club. . Dan Ely Wofford Heights, CA You must have been in a tough mood when you wrote us Dan, and we think Mrs. Hays was truly upset by the lack of a picture of her husband's car in that issue when he had done well in the race. We aid find a pie for the next race, and the car does not have good readable numbers on it that show in black and white pictures. A top number plate, which used to be required by the rule book would help. Ed. It is always pretty tough to report that someone in the off road community is suffering from an afflicting disease. John lonides of High Tech Off Road in Las Vegas, Nevada is having a bout with cancer. Let's all try to help him pull through this by taking time out from our schedules in whatever way possible and reflect on this through whatever means seem appropriate! Tim Bartlett St. George, Utah It is always sad to hear of serious illness in any group, and off roaders often seem immune to such things. Your suggestion to help John in his battle with cancer is very thoughtful, and surely many folks will respond in their own way. Ed. The Penhall/Feldkamp T earn would like to give "Special Thanks" to the San Felipe "Sage Council" pit crew of Doug Ingalls, Jerry Whelchel and Leo Ast. Thanks for the assistance in helping us weld a broken oil line. Without their help Jerry and Bud would have ended their race in San Felipe. Thanks again for the help "Sage Council". Also thanks to Wally World for his help above and beyond the call of duty. Penhall/ Feldkamp Racing Team Costa Mesa, CA I'm afraid I should have taken time to review my letter for clarity. It seems as if you have missed the point. Perhaps I should have begun the letter with, "I have just finished reading your comments following the May Dusty Times Soap Box." Please reread your comments following the May Soap Box and my letter from the June Pony Express and I think it will be clear that I did not confuse the Sahara Club with the Sierra Club. When I state an opinion I try to do so in no uncertain terms, as I have never been one to sugar coat the issue. However, I was not irate or I wouldn't have sent a check for my renewal along with the letter. I merely felt strongly enough to take the time to write. I hope I didn't do such a poor job that nobody understood what I was trying to say. Thank you. Philip Campbell Anaheim, CA When we put our foot in mouth, we do a good job of it. Some mail we received on the subject was irate, . ·, .. : , • .: .: ·. • First off let me state what a pleasure it was to see Editor Jean Calvin up and about and back in the business of reporting off road racing at Fud's 24 Hour Endur-ance Race at Plaster City West in May. Welcom_e back Jean. Secondly, I want to tell Fud how much we enjoyed competing in this form of off road racing. I would commend him for his courage in staging this form of off road competition and say emphatically that we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, in spite of our troubles, and it truly was all that you said it would be! We will happily be back for the next one , .. •. . . ·.·. . TO°rov. ~ .._,9'gisti;ed tr~rti o/trTt.OrA· MOTOR SALES: u.s:•~• INC.:.·. . . • • • . : .f. • • . • : ·.·• : . . • .. August 1990 Fud! Hey guys, it is lots of frm. I would also like to thank several people who had an awful lot to do with our finishing the 24 Hour Rock Around the Clock affair. I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Bob Stockton and Don Chase, the Coan gang and all the people of B.A.D. Racing who unselfishly loaned us their back up transmission, only to break the ring and pinion in theirs at 3 a.m. and graciously say they would retire from competition. It is this kind of generosity and unselfish spirit that makes this form of motor sport so great to be a part of. Bob and Don, I owe you a large favor. Thank you again! · Next a sincere thank you to "Big Dan" Culver, his sons Richard and Mark and their Navy buddy Eric, who just sort of "showed up" at our pit, pitted for us and when our tranny broke had a large part in changing it and getting us back under way again. Thank you all again, and Dan, .... . ·.· ' . . . there will be a hat for you at the Plaster City Blast race. Finally a much earned thank you to my son David and our friend Mike Hart for some truly steady, determined and disciplined driving during the night time hours to get us back in the hunt at the end. Fud, such a great race. Do it again. Dave Fessenden Huntington Beach, CA DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters from all comers of off road activity. The Pony Express column will feat~re all the mail we can fit into the space. Please keep your words fairly brief. Because of space limitations, your pearls of prose may be edited, but DUSTY TIMES will. print your gripes as well as your1 praises. Letters for publication should be at the DUSTY TIMES office by the 15th of the month in order to appear in the n.ext i.ssue. • Ill ID u .3 ID 0 a, ,, c 1 Page 15
The Lake Geneva Memorial Day 100 Off Road Race By Barb & Marilyn Schultz Jack Flannery, the pride of Crandon, WI, flies over the well manicured track in his new Ford, on his way to winning in Class 4 and Class 14, and he also won Class 8 in his 2WD Ford and was second in the Heavy Metal Challenge. They came by truck, car and semi-rigs; some decked out in new vehicles and new paint jobs; some sporting the same familiar equipment; and all happy to see one another again. SODA/ STORE Off Roaders opened their racing season on May 25 and 26, at the Lake Geneva Memorial Day lOOOffRoadRacepromoted by PSW Promoters and sponsored by B F Goodrich and Armstrong Tire Companies. Associate sppnsors were Rick and Lou's Tires, Penda Corp., Mega Tuff, Bristol Gas Grills, Mark Rinderle Tires, Marden Distributing and Charm Glow Gas Grills. It was absolutely exhilarating to head up to Tech, listen to the roar and whine of engines and know that we were going racing! Class Reps and others who helped Don Poppie and the Tech Committee, it was great to see you involved and helped to get the show on the road! America's Premiere Short Course Off Road Racing Series began under cloudy skies Satur-day, May 25, with Class 110 taking to a very wet and muddy track. Dave Woulf and Todd Attig in his new Class 11 gave the crowd it's first racing thrill staying within shouting distance of one another throughout the entire race until Attig stalled on the last turn of the checkered flag lap. The time lost gave Woulf on BF G's the edge to come across with the first win of the day with Attig taking second. Darrin Parsons ran a steady third place. Class 11 drivers always seem to take the track first earning them the privilege of eating the first mud/ dirt. Get out the Crest, the mud was thick! A sizeable number of Class 6s lined up next to take their toll on a still muddy track. Class 6 saw ten entries with the rate of attrition narrowing the field down to five finishers. Crandon's Fay Statezny jumped out into the lead early with Bob Hartwig and Argonne's Al Fannin giving him a run for it when on lap 5 Hartwig's machine caught fire. A ruptured fuel line burning put third degree burns on Hartwig's co-driver, Jack Schroeder. We're glad to know that in spite of the ·severe burns on his hands, Jack was able to attend the next day's racing. The accident gave Statezny the open door for the win with Fannin overheating on lap 6. Jeff Hoerdemann went lap for lap with Statezny for a strong second place. Despite some nasty mechanical problems, John Znidorka finished in third. Statezny took the win on General Tires. Nine Class 5-1600s paraded to. the green flag with Terry Wolfe, Chuck Johnson and Ron Karlman dueling for first. Wolfe and Johnson traded positions to lap 8 when Johnson pulled off with the ever lurking mechanical problems. Wolfe then took off ·on his Armstrongs giving Karlman a well earned second place. Jim Pfeiffer and Mike Brue ran a good tight race for third with Pfeiffer getting the edge. With a good showing of Class 1 Os, Jeff Probst, on his Armstrong Tires, took off at the green and never looked back! Art Schmitt fended off a well raced challenge by Brian Bernloehr to take second place, Bernloehr placing third. Todd Wallace and Stephen Hammond gave the crowd a show of dueling buggies at high speeds for fourth and fifth places. Class 2-1600 looked something like a Chinese fire drill as the "go Photos: Jeff Eissing for it" flag dropped! Greg Smith took an early lead only to find Armstrong's Kevin Probst sneaking up on him. The two waged war for the entire race with Probst passing Smith on the white flag lap to finish in first by a tire tread. Scott Taylor came from the back of the pack to take a well earned third place finish, constantly aware of Jeff St. Peter knocking at his back door or trying to shut the door in his face! This was not Peter Karempelis' race as he rolled over on lap 11 ! The Mud Turtle Track Patrol helped him put his race machine shiny side up and Karempelis finished in a respectable 9th place. Holy Cow, Race Fans!!! Class 13 under went some major changes! Not only did the Class size grow, many are sporting truck bodies that made a seasoned Off Road fan wonder just what that machine really is. Those who didn't go to a body over the winter are carrying new and bigger engines ready to blow the track away. It was a familiar sight as Lowell DeGreef in the General Tire Sha-Boom took off and put on an early lead with Tom Jensen giving close chase until lap 5 when engine trouble shut Jensen down. Joey Sears came from the back to take over Jensen's second place position. John Schultz, in what looks like a 1990 150 Ford Pick-up, raced to a consistent third place. Say, hey, where did all of the Class 3's come from??? It was terrific to see that this Class has come back; alive, well and healthy! While Mike Savage took an early lead, Jerry Bundy of Tolland, Connecticut, hammered down, challenged that lead and took it. Savage and Bundy raced fender to fender with Bundy taking the checkered flag first, Savage second. Bill Schirm was pounding the dirt trying to get Savage's second position but settled for third. Bill H~ and Jerry Zaugg put on a fantastic show until Hood received the black flag for fallen window nets putting him down. At the same time Zaugg overheated and had to shut 'er down. Jeff Probst and Armstrong came through again for the win in Class 2 . but not without serious threats from Art Schmitt. Schmitt took a hard fought second with Doug Bils finishing in third position. By the time Class 2 raced, there was a combination of mud and dust on the track. With a Texan Billy Beck is usually seen on the MTEG circuit, but in Lake Geneva he sailed to victory in the Armstrong Tire Unlimited Invitational Challenge race. Greg Gerlach got one fender ahead of the rest of the field to win the Mega Tuff Heavy Metal Invitational Challenge in the Class 4 machine. record eight plus inches ofrainfall ready, willing and able to give it for the month of May, it was slow their all and the day's racing began! going to create dust, but dust we Class 1 lS lined up on a much had after a day's worth of driertrackandwithawaveofthe pounding by heavy metal and green flag, took off with Dave buggies. W oulf in the lead.Todd Attig was Class 9 proved to be a real giving hot pursuit until he had to skirmish between men and pull off leaving Kent Ewert and machines as this fast paced Class Mark Steinhart hustling for· hit the track for the most laps run position. Zonkers, it was W oulf in the twenty minute time slot. on BFGs in for the win with Art Schmitt took an early lead Steinhart pulling ahead of Ewert with Billy Beck making a grab at on the white flag lap for second his tail pipe every chance he got and Ewert right behind for third. until the mechanical blues put The action further back in the him off the track. Give Lee pack was just as exciting with Wuesthoff the open door and Dennis Reimer, Mark Eberhart, baby, he's going through it! Now, Cory Friday and others all putting throw in Jim Struble and you've the pedal to the metal. got a classic duel for position. It Class 4 blasted off the start line wasSchmittandArmstronginfor and found the attrition rate the checkered first with Wuest-devastating by lap 2! The likes of hoff in second and Struble taking Greg Gerlach, Geoff Dorr and third. Don Ponder and Chuck Matt Foltz all experienced Johnson put on an excellent show problems. The rest of the race was of driving skill, neither giving an a run between Jack Flannery, inch until the finish. Nice racing Mark Seidler and young Jason Class 9 drivers! Janusz.SeidlergaveJumpin'Jacka The dust settled, the mud real run for the money until he stayed put and Satyrday's racing broke down half way through the was over. Spectators headed race. Jason Janusz stayed on the home as racers, families and pit track for the entire distance crews headed to the camp ground earning a respectable second to bench race, start machine place. Flannery, on Armstrongs, repairs and kick back. took first with Seidler pulling Sunday, May 27, dawned with third. bright sunshine and the perfect By the time Class 1 took off, we temperature for some red hot finally had the old stop watch racing action! The grandstands working and we're here to tell you were packed with fans, racers those boys were moving! It was r Class 13 is a midwest original, front engine 2WD truck chassis buggy class, and Lowell DeGreef is a frequent winner in Sha-Booms. Jerry Bundy, a former desert racer, towed his Jeep CJ 8 from New England to fly high in Wisconsin on his way to winning in Class 3. A regular STORE/SODA competitor, Art Schmitt Ill tows frequently from PA to race, and his tidy racer took him to the Class 9 victory. Page 26 August 1990 Dusty Times
Lee Wuesthoff doing a lap at 1 minute, 25 seconds in first place all the way to the white flag with Billy Beck less than a wheel length behind! Beck's hood flew up on the white flag lap giving everyone good cause to wonder how the heck he could see! Meanwhile, Wuesthoff went up on one rear wheel giving the hood-covered Beck on Generals the extra inch for the win. Todd Attig was in the hub of things in second place until the white flag and he had to settle for third. The action further back in the pack was just as good with Chuck Johnson putting his machine on the lid and corning back to let Don Ponder and Jim Struble know he was there. Roll overs, endoes and a host of mechanical troubles brought the Class 8 race down to half the field by the half way flag. Dave Hockers had the misfortune of endoing and rolling with heavy damage to his truck. Jumpin' Jack _Flannery came out of the tie up in first to take home another win for Armstrong. Don Gregoire was close on Flannery's bumper until he had to pull off on lap 4, giving Mike Renkas the move on second and Jon Kaempf a solid third place. Dennis Ferdon was doing some steady rolling when he lost a wheel and had to pull in. Class 14, with some far-out looking new machines, all made at least four laps until Geoff Dorr pulled off with a smoking engine. The rest of the field stayed on the track to the checkered flag with another Flannery/ Armstrong win. Whoops, we should make it clear that the Flannery winner was Jack Flannery. Jack's son Jamey Flannery was out there giving it his all in a new machine; Jamey, dad won't always be the winner! Jack made the first lap in a fast one minute, 21 second time with a mere 19 seconds between he and Matt Foltz. Al Drews, Bill Hood and Michael Rauch battled throughout the race to give race fans a real thrill. Foltz placed second and Drews finished third. Twenty five strong they came to the land rush start! Class 1-1600 took the first set of jumps looking like a ounch of angry catpenter ants. Greg Smith and his General Tires jumped out in front and stayed there with an incredibly fast pace of one minute, 34 seconds. Early on Jeff St. Peter hung in there for second until Jim Wiggins took over for the second place finish. Scott Taylor and Jeff Probst put on their customary hard fought fight for third position with Taylor making the pass in the middle of the white flag lap to finish third. You know it's racing when Taylor and the Probst Boys are on the track! Class 7S came around the parade lap showing spectators some new vehicles and spanking new paint jobs! Todd Attig, on General Tires, raced flag to flag taking first place with a flat tire. Tom Hackers and Jim Wiggins played kiss and tell wth Wiggins getting the big kiss for second place. Hackers sailed in for a chose third. All types of mechan-ical problems plagued the rest of the field including Beetle Bailey, Jeff Kincaid, Jim Bradley, Terry Friday and Scott Taylor. The Armstrong Tire Invita-tional Unlimited Buggy Challenge featured a roster that would make CLASSES ·FOR: Open Wheel Racers Trucks - 5-1600s · ATVs:.. Odysseys ·mma Balln any race fan stand up for a better view! At the green flag it was Billy Beck making his first lap in one minute, 19 seconds, setting a pace that was unbelievable. Beck kept up the pace to come in first on his General Tires. Unfortunately,Jeff Probst rolled over on the first lap putting a tremendous-competitor out of the running. Scott Taylor kept gaining ground on Chuck Johnson's tail pipe all the way to the checkered flag but never managed to get around. Johnson held the second place honors and Taylor took third. They were pursued by Lee Wuesthoff, Don Ponder, Art Schmitt, Todd Wallace, Jim Struble and Todd Attig. Amazing! Absolutely amazing, the speeds these gentlemen race at and the pounding they take. DYN-O-MITE!!!!! That's the word that comes to mind to describe the Mega Tuff Invita-tional Heavy Metal Champion-ship!! Greg Gerlach on Generals simply had it all-hooked-up and drove a fantastic race keeping J um pin' Jack Flannery in a bumper to bumper second place. Lap after lap these two outstand-ing drivers kept the crowd on its feet losing their voices cheering their favorite on. By golly, it was hard to pick a favorite among the racers driving this Challenge! When asked about his win Gerlach responded with, " ... It's been a long time coming and it feels just great!". Hats off to Jumpin Jack for being the type of competitor he is. What a race! Mark Seidler and Jerry Bundy went at it tooth and nail with Seidler taking third. The field was rounded out with Bill Schirm, Jon Kaempf, Geoff Dorr and Don Gregoire. Whew, set;ing was believing! The ladies took the track next with the Women's Limited race. Rhonda Smith jumped into an early lead with Teri Moser giving her best to catch up. As fortune would have it, Teri met with a pit vehicle putting her out of the running. Give Teri a hand, folks, she wasn't afraid to put the pedal down! Paula Parsons did her best to sneak up on Smith but Smith and her Generals took the win with Parsons placing second. Patricia Wrensch came in third, having survived a roll over. Betty Plummer made her debut in Off Road racing. Plummer had never driven a stick shift before and made it past the checkered! Ladies, we salute you! The final race of the day was the Women's Heavy Metal race. Those who left the stands before the race missed a tremendous show of driving skill, some bad luck and great racing! Cathy Jensen shot out with an early lead only to go off with a broken radiator hose. Marie Wilke and Gail Brand battled for the lead, · Brand having to pull off with a heavily damaged truck. Gail, get that new truck together, come back and show 'em how its done! Marilyn Schultz jumped into second place and fended off Nancy Vanden Huevel at every turn until the checkered flag lap. Kris DeGreef, Schultz and Wilke tangled at one of the final jumps leaving just the space Vanden Huevel and her Generals needed to slide in for the win. Wilke untangled for second. Schultz and DeGreef were finally unhooked by the track patrol and were ready to drag race to the end when Schultz checked the gauges ·and shut it down. Schultz' niece, Heidi Schultz, came across the finish line to complete the race. Again, We salute you! Bench racing is a piece of cake, doing it is another story! · The dust settled, satisfied spectators went home knowing they had seen the best racing there is to see. Drivers loaded vehicles and said, "See you at Antigo!". PSW Promoters are to be congratulated on another fantastic SODA/STORE Racing Season opener. See ya' trackside! 93.5 Jeff and Kevin Probst maintained their winning ways with three class wins. Jeff won both Class 2 and Class 10 in the Berrien Laser and · Kevin took the win in Class 2-1600. -~------Afflr-r,orcer~~® MAY COMPANY & MUSIC PLUS (213) 48().3232 • (714) 740-2000 San. Bernardi.no: CA A FACILITY FOR ALL TYPES OF Off-ROAD RACING .FREE OVERNIGHT·. . PARKING OFF ROAD CHALLE.NGE SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1990 The Fourth Race In The Five Race Series The Finest in Short Course Racing 100°/o Cash Payback For informatiof1 contact BRIAN CHURCH (714) aac,;.1733 · ·P.o.·eox2339 - San Bernardino, CA 92406 . ENTRY FEES: Trucks, Open-Wheelers - $200.00 ATVs - $50 .. 00 Odysseys - $100.00 5-1600s -$100.00 ADMISSION: $10.00 -Adults "" $ 5.00 -Children Children under five FREE · ()pen Grandstand· Seating - Come and See All the Action! .DESERT RACERS! COME OUT.AND TRY OUR SU~ER TRACKI WIDE ENOUGH TO RACE-DESERT CARS! Dusty Times August 1990 Page 17
CAISON VALLEY PRO RALLY Peterson/Love Continue Their Winning Ways Lon Peterson and Jim Love charged hard as usual to a position they know so well. They put the Arrow home first in Open Class and first overall over. the desert terrain. The Carson Valley of Nevada, they did last year, Lon Peterson just east of Lake Tahoe, is one of and Jim Love won with a healthy those spots you drive through margin in their Plymouth Arrow. that makes you wish you had Organizer George Gornik brought your rally car: you pass heeded the requests of competi-dozens of intriguing dirt roads tors at last year's event to find a that beg to be driven. Twenty- replacement for the rough second four PRO Rally teams ran two of stage, and in a rather unique the best of these at this year's move, he ran, instead, the fast Carson Valley Rally on June 2. As smooth uphill climb used as a The Griffin brothers pushed the leader hard in their 29 year old Vo vo 142, and Jeff and Chris were second in Open Class and overall. N , SAHARA --.-------1~ ~ X :::i >, £ . SIRIUS ~t--------tci ..J, ~ ·< CQ . > SPRING MTN. ~ VDO -Chenowth - Simpson T riMil - K & N Filters - Bugpack Bilstein - Centerline - Cibie Hewland-Porsche Turbo CVs Beard'.s Seats-Parker Pumper Yokohama Tires -Super Trapp Gem Gears - KYB Shocks Sway-A-Way Transaxle Parts Wright Place -Dura Blue Ultra Boot - Neal Products SEE PAT OR DAVE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday-Friday -8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday -9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. NEVADA PHONE ORDER HdUSE 3054 So. Valley View, Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 871-4911 • (702) 871-5604 Page 18 -transit last year. It made a great first, third and fifth stage. For the other three stages George and rallymaster Dale Andrews again used the popular Brunswick Canyon run three times, and even added several extra miles to it. This stage is twisty and fast with several rocky sections for the unwary, and runs gradually downhill. The Carson Valley Rally was both a· SCCA coefficient two Divisional and\a California Rally Series double points event. The SCCA and CRS class champion-ships are all closely contested this year so there was a good turnout with everyone eager to improve their standings. This has been a remarkably trouble-free season for most CRS rallyists, with little body damage to any cars. This trend continued in Nevada with only five DNFs, none due to crashing. The event is headquartered and sponsored by Sharkey's Casino in Gardnerville. The chance to gamble a bit makes it easy to bri g out spouses and large service crews! Organizer George has an . auto repair shop· but also is a weekend ski instructor, so he recruited his friends at the Mt. Rose Ski School to man one stage, and the local Porsche Club to sponsor and work the other. The club donated handsome jackets to the winners and hats to all teams, a nice touch. On Stage 1 Peterson and Love pulled into the Open Class and overall lead, but Jeff Griffin was just six hundredths behind in his Open Class Volvo. Camille Griffin, regular co-driver, is acting as service crew until their new rally baby is born, so Jeff's brother Chris is co-driving. Tony and Carlos Tavares were just another two hundredths behind the Griffins, giving everyone notice that their Toyota All-Trac Celica, run in Stock GT trim, has become a serious top-three contender. In Stock Class, Mike Gibeault and Jim Jacobson led in their Datsun 510. The two couldn't resist an experiment. They described the stages into a tape recorder -gear used, impressions, and so on -and August 1990 Mitsubishi Starion. With Mike Blore co-driving he finished third in Open Class. transferred this into the route book for the next two runnings of the stages. The tape reveals a few interesting reactions on tricky corners! On Stage 2 Peterson/ Love lost time running four miles on a flat, an experience shared by many teams, so the Griffins pulled into the lead. Stock GT Class points leaders Gary Luke and Mark Williams suffered a blown clutch in their usually reliable Dodge Shelby GLHS. Anton Musev, that crazy Bulgarian who must pawn his Stock Class trophies to pay his speeding tickets, turned in the first of several brilliant drives with second fastest time. All Anton needs is a little bit of downhill to take his under-powered Datsun 510 to within mere hundredths of stage wins! The next two stages were repeats of the first two, and still · ran in daylight. George Daland, with Mike Blore co-driving, began putting in some very fast times in his Mitsubishi Starion as the car ran cooler later in the day. He moved into third in Open Class, where he eventually finished, while Lon Peterson and Jeff Griffin easily maintained first and second in class as well as overall -also their eventual finishin Anton Musev and Kevin Reese finished first in Stock Class, third overall ,n their aged Datsun 510, just 13 seconds behind the Griffins. Anton is one of_ those guys who redefined the Stock Class potential. Rui Brasil and Paula Alves have become quick and consistent in the Toyota Corolla G TS. finishing second in Stock GT class, fifth overall. DustyTima
Duarte Gouveia and Nelson Sousa, shown shooting down Brunswick Canyon in their RX-7, stopped to pull out the O'Sullivans on stage 6. In just their second Pro Rally, Arizonans Jeff and Ev Hendricks finishe·d an impressive sixth in Stock Class in their Jeep Comanche. Ron Wood and Kelly Walsh were among many teams that finished like this after discovering Brunswick Canyon's unforgiving rocks. Harris Done and Lisa Scheer overcame fuel problems on stage 2 to finish second in Stock Class, sixth overall in their Mazda RX 7. position. As Anton Musev and Kevin Reese prepared to run Stage 3, they discovered a leak in their carburetor where a casting plug had fallen out. Their ingenious solution was to stuff a pen cartridge into the hole. They began to wonder if they had discovered a new gas additive when they cut 20 hundredths off their first time on the stage! Also in Stock Class, Lauchlin and sister Farina O'Sullivan moved into second with some good times. After a dinner break, which teams ·could enjoy anywhere around Carson City because the Brunswick Canyon stage ended very close to town, the rallyists ran the last two stages in the dark. In Stock GT Class, Tony Tavares maintained his lead to the end and was fourth overall, though he finished the last stage on a rim. · Carlos was grinning from ear to ear as they came in and yelled over the incredible din, "It was only the last four miles!". Rui Brasil and Paula Alves had a clean run and finished second in class, fifth overall. Craig Morris finished third in Stock GT in only his second rally as a driver, with Mike Brock co-dri ing. The California Rally Series Stock Class established a new record at this event: fully half the cars entered qualified for it. Stock Class is always popular and extremely competitive, so th'e rallyists that run in it and also decide the rules each year are doing a good job keeping it affordable and easy to prepare for. It was good to see Norberto Gomez running again in a very interesting new car to the class, a Toyota MR-2. Unfortunately it was an early DNF, but it had a few folks worried. Nothing much worried Anton Musev, who judiciously kept replacing pen cartridges and driving like blazes. He finished first in class and third overall. Stage 6 proved the undoing of two other fp.st Stock Class drivers, Mike Gibeault and Lauchlin O'Sullivan, who had been battling throughout the event. Lauchlin pushed too hard in a soft corner and got good and stuck off the road. Dad Michael, running an Open Class RX-3, actually stopped to try to pull the brother-' sister team out, but finally gave up after two minutes and took off. "One minute per kid was all I gave 'em!" he laughed afterward. Duarte Goveia and Nelson Sousa kindly stopped and succeeded in extricating the Datsun before it was a DNF. As a cute footnote, this pair of good samaritans' was sprayed with champagne by their loyal crew after the last stage, to a cheer that they had finally finished one! Markku Alen never had a better service crew! Meanwhile, Lauchlin's adver-sary Gibeault discovered what happens to 20 year old Datsun metal when you thrash it enough: This nifty looking Toyota MR-2 should be a real threat in Stock Class when Norberto Gomez and Jorge Facio finish sorting it out. Dusty Times it breaks. The trailing arm gave up, only three miles from the end of the last stage, so the team DNF'd. Rumor has it they put out a DOT triangle-shaped rock about the size of a car to keep drivers from hitting them, and were playing Paula Abdul on the tape recorder. So Harris Done and Lisa Scheer, running a nice Mazda RX-7, took a well-deserved second in class with a brisk, consistent run. The competitors gathering back at Sharkey's at the finish were happy; perhaps complacent was the word. Or perhaps they were just eager to· sneak down-stairs and gamble! At any rate, several timing errors were not discovered when the provisional scores were posted, so no inquiries were filed and the scores became official. A number of teams were sadder but wiser the next morning. The event ran very smoothly, with a wise decision by organizer George to increase to a two-minute spread on the last stage due to dust. Divisional Steward John Forespring did his usual outstanding job of arrowing and bannering the course, and great support was provided by the amateur rad~o operators under Ron Denis, emergency coordina-tor Matt Thompson, and sweep driver Darrell Fike. Extra credit must also be given to George Gornik for bringing a new driver into the fold - Chris Willett. Chris, George's enthusiastic young protege, had an incredibly eventful time, driving his second-ever rally, first event as a driver. He ran in the Scirocco he was forced to buy from George when he rolled in on a test drive, putting on the final touches of a gallon and a half of bondo and some paint just the night before the event. A run-in with rocks and a ditch bent his right A-arm back on Stage 2, but he managed to pull it forward again with a chain, a Bronco, and George's shop sign pole. His missing time card caused minutes of consternation until it was discovered jammed under a seat. In spite of all this he finished - dead last -and won a lovely and unique trophy which has become a Carson Valley tradition: it resembles the posterior of a certain four-legged equine. Chris tells a hilarious tale and is a shoo-in for the Captain Crunch award at the year-end awards banquet! Now if George can only get him to win a "regular" trophy! Dan Hook and Glen Rogers in the Toyota Celica, gave their third in Stock Class trophy to Volvo driver Bill Malik when Dan discovered a timing error that erroneously gave him the high finish. PARKER PUMPER HELMET CO. 714-923-7016 1985 SNELL APPROVED HELMETS WE HAVE IN STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OF SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS, ON DISPLAY AND AVAILABLE AT LOW RACE NET PRICES! Each helmet has shield and skirt included. ~ ~er~'\ ~o i..,tl-" ."";,. , e r F:,~ c_,'l +~~ ,~~~~._e ~~1.'o _ ~\0 ~~0 * ~-~0~ ~\ ~ ,.e,, +e ~~v~ t'' ~ .. ~~Jt..0' 0 c_,0 ~~~ ,,,'?,"'b 0tAcH HAS RACHET SHIELD - MORE NOSE ROOM MUCH LIGHTER-. SEALS BETTER AGAINST DUST ALSO AVAILABLE FULL LINE OF SIMPSON PRODUCTS -BELL HELMETS -GLASS SHIELDS -DRINKERS KOOL PAC'S - PUMPER MOTORS - 4'-8' HOSES We Convert Customer's Helmets -"IT'S ALMOST LIKE CHEATING" PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 2318 South Vineyard, Ste B, Ontario, CA 91761 714/923-7016 5FWY August 1990 Page 29
. ' a eep or Eagle Last Month asto _ot It. ,,,,. ~P ' . . 'P -,tel
Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Even the cameras had a hard time keeping up with the Jeep and Eagle Racing Teams. In just 15 days, they accounted for seven victories. At Watkins Glen, New York, Eagle Talon took first place in the grueling Firehawk 24-Hour Endurance Race. Across the continent, in Mexico's brutal Baja International 500, Jeep Comanche placed first in Class 7S. And. at other races from the Detroit and Dallas Grand Prix to the Mid-Ohio Endurance Race, Jeep and Eagle were winners across the board. As for the rest of the racing season? Stock up on lots of high-speed film. --Jeep. I Advantage: Jeep~ and Eagle Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Corporation. Buckle up for safety.
~;' ,-i..,=~',.Jiti/;/!il!iil1'11 Classed with the 1600 cc full sized Chenowths, Rory Chenowth · Among the Japanese entries, Eiji lmagawa brought over this 2-1 /2 enduro and ended up a keen third overall and second in the truck group. and Cuci Alverez piloted the first mini Mag across the finish line, sedan and made an impressive showing, finishing up fourth in second in class and sixth overall. his class. · INTERNATIONAL RACING IN GUAM Whelchel Dominates-the Winston Smokin' Wheels Championship Text & Photos: Julie Whelchel Jerry Whelchel, running in the Sage Council 1650 cc Toyota powered Chenowth, took the overiI/I victory at the Guam Winston Smokin' Wheels Championshps last May. Whelchel led the 2-112 hour enduro from the first lap. There is really only one word to describe the Winston Smokin' Wheels Championship held annually on the Micronesian island of Guam, and that's "unique". You could have been at the very first Baja 1000 over twenty years ago, and every other major off road race since and never have seen anything quite like this event. I First of all, the Winston Smokin' Wheels Championship is truly an event. The hoopla, pomp and circumstance that surrounds the event is unmatched; from the eight foot long bright red banners -that can be found plastered throughout the island including every street corner, to the press conferences that attract media from all over Guam, as well ·e1GGER IS BETTER ., Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C.V. joints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type 11 or Type IV or 930 C.V. joints. Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C.V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s can be threaded %-24 or stock 8mm. All axles and Bells for 930 C.V.s can be threaded %-24 or stock 10mm threads. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND ,BELLS Drily $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 3242 SABIN BROWN ROAD P.O. BOX 20646 • WICKENBURG, AZ 85358 (602) 684-5056 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVIT-ED Page 31 as several other countries, print and television press and for the past two years, ESPN; to dinner at Guam's Governor Ada's house; to major industrial giants such as R.J. Reynolds, Budweiser, Nissan, etc., as sponsor endorse-men ts and let's not forget television, full page newspaper and magazine ads promoting the event. The drivers, mechanics and their vehicles are flown or shipped in from all over the world with such big name veterans of both stadium and desert racing as Walker Evans, Jerry Whelchel, Spencer Low and Glenn Harris. Motorcycle and ATV stars include Jim "Hollywood" Holley, Mercedes Gonzales, Glenn Bell, Ryan Hu~hes and Dean Sundahl. And, of course, the "topper" to it all is being put up in a five star hotel with an unbeatable view of Tumon Bay on a beautiful tropical island. It's quite an experience. Then it's off to the track. Now, it's not that the track is bad, in fact, it's a very good, well thought out and planned track, complete with a mile long leg through the hills where the spectators temporarily lose sight of the competition and an infield portion resembling a stadium, rough, jump filled track. However, the facility holds a close resem-blance to a place called Saddle-back, about 10 years ago. Adorned with wooden bleachers, your traditional coke and hot dog stand and portable restrooms that have that undeniably unique August 1990 Walker Evans finished first in two of the three truck heat races -in the Jeep Comanche. Glenn Harris took the same truck out for the enduro race and finished first in truck class and second overall. smell after three days of sitting in were calculated on a points the hot sun. No semi's here folks. system derived from· the in-The race promoter is also the dividual heat finishes. So, the course control, staging, flagman, motorcycles actually ran two heat safety crew and announcer. races in each class, and the above Actually, it's a refreshing break are the overall results. from what racing in the U.S. has On Sunday the motorcycles become, where, if you don't have started out the day's racing with a a semi, you're not considered a two hour enduro where many of "serious" racer and you need four the riders teamed up in competi-wrist bands, three passes and have tion. The 250cc class win went to get by at least ten security again to the Australian Glen Bell, people to get into the pits! Here riding solo and the 125cc class they have that certain Guamanian win was taken by the Kawasaki casual attitude toward their race. team of Mike Preston and In fact, I went to the scoring Mercedes Gonzales from the tower, pits, grandstands and United States. stood 10 feet from the infield Next in the schedule came a jump to take photos and never series of three Class 7S truck once took my press pass out of my races, broken up by a couple of camera bag. ATV flat track/speedway style So, how was the racing? races. The 7S trucks ran 8 lap Nothing short of spectacular. heats competing entirely on the Saturday the motorcycles and infield, short course track. In the A TV's raced several "heat" races. first heat Walker Evans in his The competition was extremely Goodyear Jeep led the eight lap close with several lead changes in race from start to finish, followed each race. The American and insecondbySpencerLow.lnheat Australian riders were especially #2 Walker led for a while fun to watch and dominated the however, midway through he was Pro classes. If\ the 250cc struckwithaflattireandalthough motorcycle class Australian Glen his crew changed the tire in record Bell took first place followed in time, Spencer Low took the win second by American Ryan and Evans finished in fourth Hughes. While in the 125cc class position. The third and final truck first place went to Ben Perese heat belonged again to Evans, from Australia followed by followed by Low. The overall another American, Mike Presten. Class 7S win was, as before All the heat races in both inentioned, based on a points motorcycle and car/truck classes (continued on page 34) Living next to the race tract on Guam, Henry Simpson gave lots_ of help to competitors, but unfortunately Henry, a several time winner here in the past, went out early this year with trans trouble. Dusty Times
WRC ACROPOUS RALLY Carlos Sainz Wins for Toyota KenYans la,<.n '1-Duncan and Yvonne Mahta had a super run in the Subara Legacy 4WD turbo, and this privateer team won Group N and finished eighth overall in a leftover Safari car. Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya plowed through the Greek rocks the very fastest in the Toyota Celica GT-Four and brought 'Matador' Sainz his first World Championship overall victory. third a minute or so behind. Pirelli tires to his Lancia despite Points leader Auriol was very · proudly publicizing Bridgestone unhappy. "It's better to get all allegiance on the side of his car. your troubles over with ori one Michele Rayneri driving the event", he mused as the steering Alessandrini brothers' Lancia had trouble persisted. At the end of the rear differential fail and drove the second day Sainz was just two a stage in front drive only. Trelles seconds in front of Kankkunen got ahead of Duncan in Group N with Eriksson third. Weber was when the Kenyan had a flat, with out after transmission and the Swiss privateer Golay third in suspension troubles set him back; a Mazda. At the end of the second he went beyond maximum day Sainz led Kankkunen, lateness when the water pump Eriksson, Biasion, Auriol and belt broke later. Vatanen. Fiorio was up to 11th lnGroupNJorgeRecaldehada and Alen was 12th. day full of trouble, with-a long Eriksson's hopes of success Finally the Matador scores a kill. Carlos Sainz became the first Spanish driver to win a World Championship Rally and Toyota broke a 15 year famine of European victories, when the Celka GT-Four out-distanced and outpaced its Lancia opposi-tion. Now leading the World Drivers' series in front of non-finisher Didier Auriol, Sainz has opened the door for the Japanese to make a full scale attack on the Championships they and their drivers have never yet won. In an event which stressed cars to unprecedented levels, Mitsubishi, the new VW four wheel drive and the Prodrive-built Subaru all fell by the wayside, though Ian Duncan's Group N Legacy gave Subaru its second Productron category win. This was the toughest Acropolis Rally in memory. Not only were the dry and rocky roads seemingly rougher than ever, but also the ruggedness of the latest Pirelli and Michelin tires meant that drivers had one less reason to spare their cars on the stages. A Lancia driver said he didn't know how many punctures he had. "It hardly matters these days. When you fit the Michelin A TS inserts you never know if your tires have air in them or not." Pirelli had new, stronger tires of greater diameter, but were less dramatic. Sainz said, "Our new tires were stronger than before, but that meant that the car was higher off the ground, and we always had to steer clear of the worst rocks." With the suspensions modified to withstand the strains, most cars found weaknesses in their steering. Toyota, Mitsubishi and Lancia all experienced failures with their power steering attachments because of these extra stresses. There were psychological problems as well. When asked why he couldn't match the speed of teammate Kenneth Eriksson, three time Paris-Dakar winner Ari Vatanen told the Mitsubishi team manager, "I just cannot bring myself to punish the car any more on these stages." Toyota led virtually from the start. O n the opening Super-special, three drivers, Markku Dusty Times Alen, Subaru; Kenneth Eriksson, Mitsubishi, and Mikael Eriksson, Toyota, were all equal. Alen was delayed with suspension bolts working loose which led to time control penalties, while punctures and shock absorber troubles caused Mikael and Carlos to swap places during the first day. Lancia fought hard but steering troubles i soon affected them as well, most seriously for Fiorio who needed a complete replacement of the suspension and steering and lost ten minutes in road penalties. · "The car was never handling properly afterwards." Erwin Weber's VW was going well on its World Championship debut apart from minor overheating trouble. Even though there were only six stages run on the first day, as another was canceled because there were too many spectators for safety there was a spate of early retirements. Mohammed Bin Sulayem had the Toyota suspension collapse, Pascal Gahan, making his debut with an . Audi 90 Quattro, had engine failure and Ronald Holzer had suspension trouble and retired with engine problems. The cancellation of Stage 6, the first all asphalt stage on the Acropolis for ' four years, caused worries for the organizers, because this meant less than 10 percent of the stage distance would be covered. Therefore, should they reclassify the drivers or not? Eventually, they let them run in their new order, to the chagrin of Fiorio and Alen. Positions were Ericsson, Sainz, Eriksson, Auriol, Biasion and Kankkunen. Weber's VW was eighth despite slowing when the fan did not work. On Monday Kenneth Eriksson . was close behind, but then suffered bad luck when the throttle failed to open fully. Then .Mikael Ericsson stopped to change a flat tire and continued right in front of the Mitsubishi, causing Kenneth to lose a half trouble and was soon into second · delay because of punctures, front evaporated on the third day with place. A hard battle for the lead shock mount trouble and then turbocharger troubles, and he was developed. For 14 stages Sainz turbocharger failure, which led to out after two stages. Then and Juha Kankkunen were never road penalties. "Jigger" was Vatanen had similar problems separated by more than eight driving well, suffering soft before suffering a broken seconds with Biasion holding suspension and cheekily fitting wishbone and ·i;r, .,..,.. •••• ., ... Trailers . Our Quality Makes the Difference • Many Equipment Options Available Medium Duty Truck Conversions We Have the Ability and Experience Necessarv to Build· Any Trailer to Your Exact Specifications, Custom Designed for Your Individual Needs ... * Write or Call for a Free Brochure Models Available: Open Flatbed Trailer Enclosed Bumper Pull-Type Trailers From 16' to 28' Enclosed Gooseneck Trailers From 28' to 48' Join the Ranks or Our Satisfied Customers • Bob Gordon • R.C.R. Plumbing • Hamilton Materials • Herbst Oil Co. • Hagle Lumber • Sherman Balch Custom Designed Interiors minute because of the dust. Competitive Trailers Mikael had already started the day ' 8832 Ramona Street badly, losing the lead because of power steering failure. Kank-Bellflower, CA. 90706 kunen, meanwhile, was attacking (213) 634-2006 hard, catching up after his steering" · ._ ______________________________________ .,. AUgust 1990 Page 33
Juha Kankkunen and Juha Piironen came close in the Lancia Delta lntegrale, but they ended up second by just 46 seconds; but Lancia still leads Toyota in World Championshp points. Ari Vatanen and Bruno Berglund ran near the front, had some Gustavo Trelles and Daniel Muzio took a good second in Group woes with the Mitsubishi Ga/ant VR4, and finally an accident put • N and finished ninth overall in their Uruguayan Lancia Delta them out. integrale. -----:;;;;:=:::;::::::::::::;;;::;;;:::;:;::::::::.=::;;;;;;;;;;;;::::==:::;;:;:;:.... Kenneth Eriksson and Staffan Parmander ran strohg midway in the rally, then a turbocharger failure on the Ga/ant VR4 put them out. Erwin Weber and Matthias Feltz drove the VW Ra/lye Golf G60 on its WRC debut, but retired when a bad water pump belt caused overheating. Alain Oeille and Michel Roissard finished the Renault 5 GT Turbo 13th ove;a11, and are currently leading the FIA Group N points chase. ~ shock absorber. He was running virtually at his maximum allowed lateness when he crashed at the end of that day and was out. The fight between Sainz and Kankkunen was very close. On stage 20 Kankkunen just got ahead, but the Spaniard finally found himself, feeling easier when Kankkunen lost a half minute with the gearbox stuck in fourth gear. Biasion closed right up, but on the penultimate stage of the third day the World Champion had the propshaft break, leaving him with only front wheel drive. So Carlos was now some 40 or so seconds in front. Auriol was missing with a hole in the sump. Others who disappear-ed included Paola de Martini, who had been up to tenth place overall, giving renewed hopes for a close fight in the FIA Ladies Cup battle. Placings on arrival at Delphi were Sainz, Kankkunen, Biasion, Ericsson, Fiorio. Al~ was up to sixth despite two flats, and driving on a flat and wearing the wheel down to the spokes, doing a lot of damage to the rest of the car. On the final day Sainz held on to his lead, suffering turbo charger problems and then a gearbox failure at the end of a stage, but had time for repairs to be carried out. The rally was another 4WD walkover. The two best 2WD cars were Nissans, the rear drive 200 SX coming tenth and the fwd March Super Turbo 11th, winning its class. Alen vacated sixth place with engine failure, and fellow Finn Kank-kunen was gracious in defeat, losing by 46 seconds. Juba, who gave up his Toyota seat to return to Lancia, thereby allowing Sainz the chance of full Toyota support, volunteered, "Today the Matador was terrific." By coming second, once again the best Lancia driver, Kankkunen keeps alive his reputation in Italy and gives Lancia management more head-aches in deciding what to do and which of their drivers to support for the rest of the season. In other battles, Ian Duncan gained greater honors than he ever expected. Running an unused Group N Legacy that the Japanese had left in Kenya after the Safari, he said "I only came here because I wanted to prove to the Japs they should give me more drives in their Group A team. His was a canny effort, eighth overall, even though most Group N favorites retired. Jorge Recalde crashed after a troubled run, Alain Oreille struggled to bring his unsuitable Renault through to fourth Group N place, but still holding the series lead. Ernesto Soto had steering failure on the first day. The Uruguayan Gustavo Trelles was a tough opponent, as Duncan observed, "He was clever, driving hard on smoother stages that were less damaging for the Lancia and leaving me to catch up on the rougher sections." However, Trelles had electrical trouble on the final day and Duncan won GroupN. The first half of the series is over. The long promised threat to Lancia supremacy is _happening and Toyota's hard world champ-ionship apprenticeship is over. With Mitsubishi and Subaru already showing their paces and Ford and Mazda hoping to do so soon, it seems the second half will be the most exciting in memory. If the current formula seems to work so well, many people are wondering why there is talk of changing the rules in the future. The competition in the 250 cc motocross class was intense between Australian Glenn Bell, shown here and American Ryan Hughes. Bell took the overall win based on a points system. Kawasaki put together an impressive motorcycle team for Guam, with American Ryan Hughes, a MTEG veteran, taking a win and a second in two heats. Here American Mike Preston is leading Australian Ben Perese, but Preston finished second in the heats; he and Mercedes Gonzales teamed to win overall in the 125 cc enduro. Sinokin' Wheels on Guam (from page 32) CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES 5153 BOWOEN AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92117. TEL (819) :!n-2509 HELMET $195 COMPLETE SYSTEM $320 A FRESH AIR HELMET AND BLOWER ASSEMBLY DESIGNED FOR OFP ROAD USE AT A REASONABLE PRICE BUILT ANll BACKED BY BELL HELMETS LIGIIT WEIGIIT-REDUCES NECK STRAIN Page 34 COOL. COMFORTABLE TERRY cwrn LINER BLOWER MOTOR AND ASSEMBLY ARE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR SNELL SA85 APPROVED system taken from the three heats and that title went to Spencer Low and his General Tire Nissan. The main event and the race everyone had come to watch was up next. It was a 2½ hour endurance race, incorporating the entire two mile track and infield. The field included four different classes consisting of buggies, sedans and trucks. Although he started in mid; pack, Sage Council Racing's Jerry Whelchel took the lead on the first lap, followed by Guam's Henry Simpson and Glenn Harris, who had taken over driving duties from Walker Evans. After several laps had elapsed, Simpson pitted with a flat tire, however, once he got back on the track, it was only a couple of laps before he was August 1990 struck with yet another flat, which turned second place over to Glenn Harris. Whelchel made only one pit stop for fuel, and at the end of the event, won by over a lap and a half. "The generator light came on about half way through the race, but I kept going and the car ran great", said Whel: chel of his Toyota powered Chen-owth. "The course started to get very rough after a while and the dust was really bad. But it's still a very fun race and I'm especially happy about taking the win after last year's disappointment. We really wanted to bring this Championship back to the United States for our very supportive sponsors, Goodyear, Valvoline, Champion, Toyota and Oakley and now we have", Whel,chel concluded, alluding to last year's race which he led by a substantial distance until about 20 minutes to the end when he lost a transmission and took second place. The top five finishing places went to Americans with Ken Walters taking third and Dave Turner and Mike Falkowsky finishing fourth and fifth. As a side note to this event, another record was added to with Nye Frank and Dave Clark building the winning car for Whelchel, which marks the third consecutive year that Frank and Clark have built the winning vehicle for this event. With the racing concluded, all of the teams are about to embark on a harbor cruise of the island, with a stop for snorkeling. Just another day in paradise. Dusty Times
The Losers By Judy Smith -Photos: Neal Potter ceremonial finish. Their nice new Chenowth had no right front corner, and the lid was dented and crumpled. A grinning Bill explained that he'd slid off a cliff sideways, turned over and dropped about 25 feet, straight down. "It was like a nightmare", he said, "I though I was dead." The car landed upside down, and Bill was knocked out. The next thing he knew the Mexican spectators in the area were• · shaking him to wake him up. They turned his car over and handed him a polaroid snapshot • of the drop for a souvenir. ,;, -Russ Jones had just enough trouble in his Class 7 Ranger that he got caught by the flood. He was chomping at the bit along with all Raging waters was no fun time ride in Baja. Looking up stream at the height of the flood, the depth and force of the water could carry a race car downstream to disaster in a split second. " the other drivers, when some of the Mexican residents of the area came up to tell the racers that there was a possibility of getting across a little further up the wash, Baja worked its magic for the Internacional, presenting sunshine and breezes for some, with floods and hail for others, but, even though the weather did dramatic things, 52 % of the racers managed to finish. As always, some pooped out before the start line, and this time I'm sorry to report that I was one of those. Our new Class 11 car was almost ready, but not really finished, and when, on the way down to Ensenada at 3:30 Friday a.m., our chase vehicle began to exhibit some alarming symptoms, we decided that it would probably be wise to pull out. Just think about breaking in some swell place like the Simpson Ranch river crossing, and then having the tow vehicle break while trying to rescue the race car. pine trees, but then they hit something big and solid and tore off one side of the front end of their car, and David Pick broke a front caliper, and sent a call out on his radio for his chase crew to bring him a drum so he could put the car together and get back into the race. But his chase crew was apparently out of range of the radio, and never answered his plaintive calls for help. where it wasn't so wide. So Russ and a couple of others decided to drive up there to look it over. Race cars lined up on the far side of the wash and helpful spectators gathered on the other bank waiting for the rush of water to subside enough for cars to cross. Greenway got all the way down to San Matias, and the pin on the steering shaft broke. So he fixed that, too, and then went on, getting through the San Felipe loop, and back up. on the pavement, near the turnoff into San Matias, just past his pit crew, and his cam gear broke. That finally did them in. It was the first race they hadn't finished in over a year. Remember, if you have a good story about your race that you'd like to share with our readers, look for me at the finish line, or find me at the Awards Presenta-tions. And if you miss me there, you can always phone during the week, at 818-988-5510. With a ceremonial start in Ensenada and a re-start in Ojos Negros, everyone gets another opportunity to miss out on the race if something goes wrong. We spotted car number 1638 parked at the side of the road on the way up to Ojos Negros, fire-suited driver standing dejectedly nearby, at about 8:30 a.m. The poor soul never made it to the re-start apparently, and was having to wait for someone to come rescue him. And as if that wasn't bad enough, he was a late entry, and SCORE didn't have him in the program, and they didn't list him as a starter either, so it was as ifhe wasn't there. Larry Ragland did make it to the start, but maybe he wished he hadn't. When he got his trick truck to the area after the cow catchers and before the pine forest he launched it somehow and crumpled it into a heap of scrap metal. Folks who saw the leftovers were awed at the damage done. Ed and Tim Herbst got into the Kent and Scott Pfeiffer, running in the unlimited class for the first time, lost a cylinder before San Felipe. And Walker Evans, who was having a lot of little troubles with his motor, said that the mud on Diablo Dry Lake "just about did it in", and he decided to quit. Stuart Chase ran really well in his open class car, but then lost his ring and pinion' down around El Chinero, and Jerry McDonald lost his motor in the wash south of San Felipe. Don Adams' son, Doug, lost his first chance to drive because the flood stopped him and his dad from catching up with Larry Olsen who was driving the race car. When Larry got to Valle Trinidad and Don and Doug weren't there, he just headed for the finish. It was reported that the number 1629 car of Joe Valentine and Mike McClune tried to cross the wash while the water was still relatively high. The car started to float away, but got stuck in a tree. The driver, and we don't know which one was in the car, had trouble getting out, and then. when he did, he had trouble moving through the water, and a bystander had to help pull him out. The team didn't finish. Scott and Bill Reams weren't real Losers, since they did finish, but they looked like Losers when Bill lim ed the car in to the A mini truc·k slugs across after the water dropped down in the wash, but trucks with winches were still a welcome sight on the far banks. Dusty nmcs While Russ watched, a b'uggy, a 1600, made the attempt. There was a downhill run at the wash, and not really much of a launch, but the buggy got far enough across so that, while the back end didn't make it, the front wheels were up on the embankment on the other side, and the spectators and pit crews over there just pulled him up out of the wash, and sent him on his way. Then they motioned for Russ to try it too. Russ later said that it was against his own better judgment, but he decided to make a try at it. And he didn't make it. His front wheels ended up in the wash, nosed into the embankment. He had water running through the cab, and of course the truck went dead. Ultimately, it took about 40 people, with ropes, to pull him out. But then he was at least on the other side of the flood. The only problem was that everything was wet, the truck wasn't running, he needed parts and labor -and his chase crew and spare parts were now on the opposite side of the flood from where he was. Jim Greenway, in the unlimited class, got only a little way past Ojos Negros, to the third cattle guard, and, as. he flew over it, realized that there was a "small, yucky brown Mexican station wagon" on the road in front of him. Being unable to stop or turn while in midair, Greenway had no options at all, and he slammed into the car. As he surveyed the damage, Jim learned that the three people in the station wagon were not sober, and that they'd been driving backwards on the course for a while, with spectators yelling at them to get off. He later reported that the spectators in the area were so mad at the three, that they . pulled them from the car and resorted to physical abuse to get through the alcohol fumes and get their attention. Meanwhile Jim found that he'd broken off part of his right front corner, and had bent the beam and twisted the spindle under the suspension. He had to take it apart in order to get things loose so he could start making repairs. Between the Mexicans nearby and his pit crew, he rounded up enough parts to get the whole thing fixed in a couple of hours, and he was back in the race again, back amongst the Challenge cars. August 1990 We'll be back next month with Losers from the Fireworks. DO(]] 00 [JJ D CID 00 DESERT LOCK OUTER Red Anodize hread Co·nstructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength re Located ff Inner Ring * At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing * All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" 13" 8"-10" UNLIMITED MIDGET MODIFIED MIDGET SPORT TRUCK MINI STOCK QUAD RACER BAJA BUG MODIFIED MIDGET ATV WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on.your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ••... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Page 35
Miller High Ufe Off-Road Race at Antigo Text & Photos: Deb Freimuth Racing started with the single seat Class 11 cars, and here Dave Woulf leads eventual winner Chad Ramesch, as the 21 car race turned into a tight duel between these two drivers. The red carpet to Antigo, Wisconsin was once again rolled out June 9,10 to welcome the SODA/STORE racers to the 4th Annual running of the Miller High Life Off,Road Race spon, sored.by the Antigo Kiwanis. After a hearty and delicious breakfast offered by the Antigo Youth Hockey Assn., things got rolling as the grandstands filled ·\.vith enthusiastic spectators to watch the field of 21 Class 11 single seaters take the first green flag of the weekend. Todd Attig and Dave W oulf snapped off the starting line in a dash to the first turn with W oulf being the victor of the bout. Johnny Greaves grabbed away second, but went too wide and into the outside wall allowing Attig to reclaim second place. Eighteen,year,old Cory traffic, it was suddenly Ramesch Friday slid into third and was who decided it was his turn to give giving Attig a run for his money as Woulf a little heat, passing Attig, he attempted the run for second. then coming up to run side by side Friday went a little wide in one over the infield jumps with turn and lost some well needed W oulf, with Ramesch getting a ground, while the leader W oulf taste of possible victory as he slid got a little sideways in the back past W oulf. W oulf repassed in stretch, also costing him a portion the infield hairpin only to again of his comfortable lead while still see Ramesch slide by him, back maintaining first place. into first. Attig all the while was Around lap five, Chad hanging in there with the leaders Ramesch, who was working his going into the infield turn right way through the ranks snapped behind Ramesch, W oulf and a third place, pushing Friday down lapped Roger Franzen. The corner to fourth. Attig by this time was proved to not be wide enough offering W oulf some competition with W oulf hitting the fence and as the two were side by side Attig ending up with front end through the back stretch with damage over the whole ordeal. Woulf giving his all to hang onto W oulf, although able to hang first. Attig hung right on to W oulf onto second place, lost a good but as the two caught up to slower deal of time, giving Ramesch a - fairly comfortable lead. As the checkered appeared, Ramesch soared to the victory followed by Woulf in second, Kent Ewert, third and Cory Friday, fourth. Dave Woulf led the single seat Class 11 field from time to time but he ended up finishing a very close second in the race. There were nine entries that lined up for the Class 4 race with Marc Pelletier roaring into first at the drop of the green with Greg Gerlach, Geoff Dorr and Jack Flannery behind. As the foursome came into the infield it was almost a disaster for Pelletier who looked like he was about to roll his truck, but managed to somehow hang on. Meanwhile Flannery, not accustomed to being so far back in the pack tried a futile attempt to pass Geoff Dorr. Back in the ii After two years of dyno and racing development, FAT Performance ,, ........ !' announces the availability of Toyota off-road racing engines. H lncludingUnlimited3.0V6, 16-valve 1600ccClass lO(shortcourse H and desert), Classes 7, 7S and 7-4x4. Call now for more information: H FATTOYOTA WINNERS ii PClker400/Class 10 · ... , .... ,, 1st: Jim&MikeZuponovich 2nd: RayCroll,TomDay Son Felipe 250 1st: RayCroll,TomDay 2nd : Gary & Dick Weyrich MrEG Son Diego/Super 1600 1st: GregGeorge BAJA 500 1st: RayCroll. TomDay 1989 SCORE-HDRA Milestone Awad Winner ..... ...... ............. ..... .•.... Jim Greenway FAT Racing Parts• Centerline Wheels• Bilstein Shocks• SWay-A-Way • Perroo-Cool • s&s Heade!s . • Weber Carbs • Bosch Lights • JaMar Products • Wright Place• Tri-Mil Exhaust• Gem Gears• Beard Seats• Simpson Safety• Super-Trapp• Yokohama Tires• Petro-Tech 2000 • Many more. llta PERFORMANCE For your FAT Performance Cotaog, send 15 to FAT Performmce, Dept. OT, 1558 N. Cose, Ora,ge, CA 92667 or call (714) 637·2889 Page_36 August 1990 There was tight action in Class 4, as winner Greg Gerlach, left, dices with Marc Pelletier on the right and Geoff Dorr to the rear. Johnny Greaves, fresh from winning at Phoenix, dominated 1600 action winning both 1-1600 and 2-1660 heats, and the Limited Championshp race, and here just leads Greg Smith. Todd Attig drove his Terminator to victory in Class 9, and also placed the 1650 cc engined car, his own design, third in Class 1. Greg Smith was second in both 1-1600 and 2-1600 races, third in the Limited run off, but his wife Rhonda won the Ladies buggy event. Lee Wuesthoff and his Chenowth were stuck in the bridesmaid spot, placing second in both Class 1 and 9 and the Unlimited Championship. Dusty Times
Art Schmitt Ill started out third in Class 9, then came back to win Class 1 and win the fast paced Unlimited Championship event. woods though, trouble was brewing for Pelletier, in the form of a General Tire driver by the name of Gerlach, who was hot on his bumper, then side by side, then suddenly in front of him in first place. Dorr also caught a bit of misfortune as he was forced to park his truck, leaving Flannery an easy move up a notch. Pelletier had flames adorning the rear of his truck, as it looked as though some wiring had caught on fire. Thefroblem managed to correct itsel without Pelletier having to abandon the race. Matt Foltz, by this time had had enough riding back in the ranks and decided it was time to make the move, first past Flannery, then a little pressure on Pelletier, which seemed to work, to slide Foltz right into second place. John Heidtman also followed Foltz's lead and slid into third place as both Flannery and Pelletier started suffering from mechanical problems. For Pelletier, it was "park it" after he lost the front drive shaft, but Flannery managed to re-enter, but back down in fourth place, where he had started. At the end of the 20 minute dash, it was Gerlach hanging onto first, Foltz, second; Heidtman, third; and Flannery, fourth. The 1-1600 buggies were next to the line with 16 engines screaming for the green. When it was dropped, it was Jeff Probst, Greg Smith and Jim Wiggins, but by the first turn it was Smith, Wiggins, John Greaves and Dave Hameister leading the troops with first through third positions a close match. In the infield Greaves snatched second place from Wiggins, who was also being threatened for third position by Probst, who overcame and conquered, but only momentarily as Scott Taylor found his groove and went from fifth to third in one easy swipe. A dog fight for third proceeded with Taylor and Probst dicing back and forth for the position. The leader Smith came into the second infield turn too [it hard, upsetting the buggy and upsetting his lead as Greaves snuck right into first place and accumulated a strong lead over Smith, who after being put back on his wheels managed to hang onto second. Smith was followed by Probst, who had won the third place battle, along with Wiggins who had recaptured fourth place from Taylor as time ran out of the race. It was again Todd Attig snapping the lead, but this time it was in the Class 9 race. Attig was followed by Lee Wuesthoff, Art Schmitt, who quickly relinquished his spot as he slid sideways, to , Don Ponder. It was a pretty easy race for Attig as he accumulated a very comfortable lead that couldn't be taken away even after a plug wire came loose, leaving · him running on three cylinders. He kept the "Terminator" in race gear and ran it right to the checkered flag for the win, followed by W uesthoff and Schmitt, who recaptured third, and Ponder, fourth. The next event was a dual meet for the Class 3 stock 4x4 's and the Class 6 American Stocks. The Class 3 's took the first of the two greens with Bill Schirm bringing his yellow Jeep right to the head of the pack followed by Joe Dunlap and Ron Hill. It didn't take long however, for Hill to unseat Dunlap with Mike Savage coming up for a short lived attempt at third. But when everything counted, it was still Schirm on top followed by Hill and the team of Rob and Ron Roberts, in third. Then there were the American Stockers, with Thornton Schultz first off the green, quickly however bumped back to fourth by Fay Statezny in the' lead, Tim Kamm and Jeff Polcin. While Statezny mustered a strong lead, Schultz was again being knocked down a peg as Al Fannin came onto the scene in fourth place, then to third, then by the next lap sliding into second place. Meanwhile the Crandon legend, Gary "GB" Bradley, who Cory Friday is a second generation Wisconsin racer, and he nailed fourth in Class 11 on Saturday and third in two seat Class 11 Sunday. Dusty Times Todd Attig had a busy weekend of racing, and he started Sunday's action just right by winning the two seat Class 11 class honors. probably learned his driving talents by running "shine" in the good old days, reportedly driving his wife's street car, nudged Bob Hartwig out of the way, soaring over the jumps with all the encouragement from the grand-stands any racer could ask for. Second place Fannin stalled his car and it looked like it might be all over for him as the clock ticked on. Fannin refired his engine finally and got back into the competition, still holding onto second place. With roughly five minutes left in the event, Thornton Schultz stopped his car, which was obviously on fire, jumping out with fire extinguisher in hand to extinguish the fire caused by the exhaust system. Co-driver Clarence Welch didn't escape quite in time, as he received serious burns on his leg, abdomen and arm. His 3-ply driver's suit was credited for his not being burned worse. He was immediately transported by ambulance to the local hospital to receive badly needed medical treatment. The race did continue with Statezny adding another first place trophy to his collection followed by Fannin in second and GB, third. Jack Flannery slid sideways into the first turn followed by cousin Joey Flannery as the Class 14 race found its spot on the race schedule. Matt Foltz followed in a close, but brief third place spot as he quickly drove past Joey into second. Joey in an attempt to_ climb back up the ladder looked like he was overdriving and the lack of consistency got the best of him as Geoff Dorr stole the third place position, then went on to give Foltz a run for his money. Dorr snapped second place as Matt went sideways into the first turn. Dorr continued his pro-gression and dethroned Jack Flannery on the first infield jump to assume the lead. Dorr, who always looks like he's driving down an Illinois Interstate, pedaled down and summoned a commanding lead while Foltz, who had also made the· move on Jack, overcame, and was running a strong second, until he caught up with slower traffic, which almost cost him his second place spot. About 15 minutes into the race, Joey Flannery, after having run around the track with smoke strewing from his truck ended up pulling off the track. As the checkers were pulled, it was still Geoff Dorr in the lead followed by Matt Foltz and Jack Flannery in second and third respectively. Eleven small trucks took to the starting line on the Class 7 event, with Todd Attig again leaping into the lead followed by Tom Hockers and Scott Taylor. By the time they hit the grandstand jumps it was Scott Taylor commanding the lead with Hackers hanging onto second, Attig down to third. Attig, who didn't much care for third place, repassed to second. Hockers took revenge ·Ir A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing Bilstein gas pressure shock New Applications absorbers were first. introduced to the Dimension• Valving American market in off-road racing in e1!CIH2, ial!.[IRllsm EKl,lQ21l, B~b,lQ2mR, the late 1960's. Over the past 20 AK1310 3/4"shaft 36.02 X 20.86 150/50 years, more off-road races have been 15.15 inch travel won on Bilstein than any other shock AK 1320 3/4" shaft 33.00 X 19.48 170/60 absorbers. 13.5 inch travel Today, with their proven record of 27.00 X 16.88 performance, Bilsteins continue to be AK 1330 3/4" shaft 255/100 the choice of serious off-roaders who 10.11 inch travel coil over run to win. Now Available - Repair and Revalvlng Services. August 1990 Contact: Motorsports Department BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog send $2.50 Page 37
Jack Flannery had a good weekend in the Ford winning Class 14 and the Heavy Metal Championship, and taking fourth in Class 4 Saturday. .i;r and came out of the where he again dumped the truck woods stretch back in second on its side. He was again rolled place, but then it was Attig's turn upright, and made about another again as he repassed as they 100 feet before pulling off the entered the infield. Five minutes track and throwing it into park for into the race,Jim Wiggins flipped the rest of the race. The 20 his truck on its side while Jim minutes over, Scott Taylor was Bradley started blowing smoke awarded the victory with Hockers from his engine. Hockers snapped and Attig moving back into secondplacebackfromAttigwith second and third with Jim Jeff Kincaid staying in Hockers' Wiggins, fourth. groove to also pass Attig. Kincaid There was definitely a roar as kept pushing to ride bumper to the northwood's originals, the bumper with Hockers until Class 13 front engine buggies, Kincaid put his truck on its side alias lead sleds, stormed onto the off the first infield jump. Track track with Tom Jensen, Lowell workers quickly put Kincaid back DeGreef and Joe Sears leading the on his wheels, but then problems 14 entrant class. By fap 3, it was came up when he tried to refire Shabooms, driven by DeGreef the engine. After a little coaxing into the lead followed by Sears. the motor was running and Jensen by this time was having Kincaid was back in racing gear, problems with overheating and taking it into the woods stretch shortly had to park his sled. Sears Geoff Door has his Jeep sorted this season, and he flew it to a third in Class 14 and fourth in the Heavy Metal Challenge. also had problems forcing him from the race, and opening the door to Dan Vanden Heuvel to slide into third, then up to second place. Robert Flannagan looked like he was trying to literally burn up the track when his vehicle started on fire in the infield then blowing the engine just before the grandstand. As the race rolled to an end, it was still DeGreef storming in for first, followed by Dan Vanden Heuvel in second and Kevin Montgomery, third. And of course, a Class 13 race wouldn't be complete without a Konitzer, with John coming in for fourth. The last scheduled race for the day pitted nine big bad Class 8 trucks to vie for their share of the take, with Scott Taylor bringing out his black beauty nosing into the lead with Jack Flannery along side, followed by Don Gregoire and Dave Hockers, who quickly unseated Gregoire for third. Taylor who was starting to inch his way away from _Flannery suddenly began smoking and rather than cause further damage to his new truck, relinquished the lead to Flannery and pulled off the course. Hackers and Gregoire came up to second and third places while Jon Kaempf snuck his way through the ranks to threaten Gregoire. Gregoire forfeited his position at about the midway point and things were looking better for Kaempf. But time ran out, and the checkered flag was presented to Flannery who was still in his favorite spot, the lead, followed by Hackers in second and Kaempf, third. One last race was added to the schedule to allow the drivers of the big buggies to do a little class jumping. Five Class 10 buggies came to the starting line in what was to become one of the most death defying races of the · weekend. As the green came down it was Art Schmitt and Jeff Probst side by side, with just a slight, ordinarily insignificant bump, Probst launched the buggy into a combination of rolls and endoes that finally ended eleven revolutions later. Schmitt, seeing something was happening drove body but Earl's has Swivel-Seal!M Nobody/ Page 38 Send $4.00 today for the Earl's full color catalog. August 1990 his buggy through the infield fence to get out of the way. The remaining three drivers snuck through unscathed, followed by Schmitt, who at the time didn't realize the impact of the Probst roll. Once Schmitt could see the crippled car, he quickly turned off the track and went back to the rescue of his teammates. The red flag was thrown shortly after stopping the race while emergency crews attempted to aid the Probsts. Jeff was able to escape from the twisted framework but his rider Vickie remained in the buggy complaining of back pain. With the help of the wrecker personnel, Vickie was eventually removed from the buggy while still occupying the seat, after which the ambulance crew took over and rushed her to the hospital. As the ambulance returned to the track, reports were sketchy on Vickie's condi-tion, but race promoters opted to restart the Class 10 event, with now only three entries. Terry Stotzheim and Todd Wallace started off good on the five minute dash for cash, but Stotzheim had problems and was quickly pushed to the bottom of the totem pole with Wallace taking the win followed by rookie Brian Bernloehr in second. The races may have been over for Saturday, not the fun though, as the Town of Antigo Volunteer Fire Department hosted a dance in the multi-purpose building. A few beers were tipped and a lot of dancing was shared by not only the racers, but a good sampling of the local community, all there for the same purpose, having a good time. Sunday's racing began with the Class 1 buggies, 7 entries total, including the buggy of the Probst's. Jeff and Kevin with the help of their father, Steve, arose at 5:30 that morning to start reshaping the buggy into a drivable vehicle. Porta-powers were used where possible, with complete sections of the roll cage being replaced where the twisting was too severe. These men truly showed their abilities, not only as racers, but as superb builders as they worked the miracle on the buggy. One other miracle was reported that morning, as Jeff informed everyone at the driver's meeting that Vickie was fine and . that she was to be released from the hospital later that day. The race started with Schmitt and Probst again in the lead, but Probst quickly got nudged out of second by Lee W uesthoff, then out of third by Todd Attig. By the time they hit the grandstand, however, Probst was back in third, and regained second as they exited the woods section. Schmitt was going strong and a good lead was piling up as he rounded the approximately 1 ½ mile track in 72 seconds. By lap six, Jeff pulled the Probst buggy off the track with mechanical problems, allowing W uesthoff and Attig to again have second and third. About halfway into the race, Jeff seemed to have the bugs worked out and was back in the race, but after only one more lap, he pulled the buggy into the pits for the rest of the race. Schmitt kept right on flying lap after lap to take the win followed by Wuesthoff in second and Attig in third. Geoff Dorr, driving the Chuck Johnson buggy took fourth. The second race of the day brought 19 Class 11 two seaters to the green with Attig and W oulf again commanding the race followed by Dennis Riemer and Mark Steinhardt. Mark Buttles and Ron Krueger tangled in turn one, hooking together momen-tarily. Buttles managed to escape and continue on but Krueger found himself with a flat tire, and • on only the first lap. Dwayne Walkowski, Riemer and Stein-hardt c-ame into turn four together with Walkowski finding himself a quick and easy way to slide into second. Flat tires seemed to be the "in thing", as W oulf also got a flat rear tire, as well as Buttles, but they all continued to fight. Cory Friday Ron Hill stayed close in his Jeep, but he ended up placing second in Class 3, as the stock 4x4's ran with the Class 6 sedans. l'..L __ _ --BFGoodrich -TATues --~~--The Probst Brothers get lots of miles out of their Berriens, Jeff placed third in 1-1600 and Kevin was third in 2-1600 in this car. Dusty Times
who had moved up to fourth was now waging war with Steinhardt who held the third place spot. Friday went too wide on turn one and lost ground on Steinhardt, but kept the push on until he finally succeeded and slid into third place. As the race concluded, it was Attig still in first, Walkowski, second; Friday, third; Steinltardt, fourth. Johnny Greaves and Kevin Probst started the 2-1600 battle followed by Scott Taylor, Greg Smith andJeffSt. Peter.Jim Allen took his buggy into a roll right off the start while Greaves got out in front and started moving, putting as much distance between him and the next four as possible. Taylor took the turn tight and snuck ahead of Probst, who decided to do the same and sneak back into second. There were more flats and more roll-overs as the buggies of Bryan Frankenburg got a flat, with both Gerry Parent and Ken Keepers seeing how well their buggies travel down the track on their side. Scott Taylor still battling with Probst for second, finally managed to repass and this time held on as the checkered was brought out first for Johnny Greaves who had commanded a big lead with Taylor and Probst taking second and third, with Greg Smith and Jeff St. Peter hanging on for fourth and fifth. It was the turn of the Baja Bugs to test their skills on the track as seven entries buzzed around the track led by Mike Brue and 1 7 year old Jeff Karlman, who was making his driving debut, followed in third place by Terry Wolfe. Karlman and Brue had an early incident which brought Brue up on two wheels, but held on tight to keep from rolling. During the incident though, both Karlman and Brue lost precious ground knocking them out of the lead. Kevin Probst driving the Baja of owner/co-driver Joe Eppers landed in the lead followed by Doug Bils. Probst slid in the silt in turn 1 with Bils also going too wide, and then it was again Karlman and Brue in the lead, with Bils in third and Probst in fourth. Bils, passed Brue going over the grandstand jumps, and Probst too had his eye on Brue as Probst also passed to take the third place position. Brue finally pulled off the track with a flat tire. Meanwhile Bils was creeping up on Karlman, who almost lost his lead as he went too wide on a turn with Bils almost nabbing the lead over the grandstand jumps. Wolfe also had ideas of improving his position and started closing in on Probst and eventually was able to complete the pass. The young Karlman definitely showed he comes from winning stock as he crossed the finish line still in first with Bils hanging onto second and Wolfe, third. Kevin Probst again took to the track followed by teammate Art Schmitt, Ill; Scott Schwalbe, and Todd Wallace as the Class 2 race got underway. Just before the grandstand Schmitt moved into the lead position but by the time he approached the ·wooded section, his buggy was pulled off the track with mechanical problems. Scott Schwalbe was tight on Probst and rolled his buggy, as he tried to avoid a confrontation with Probst who was in the lead. Todd Wallace Dusty Times Class 6 is quite popular in Wisconsin and Crandon's Fay Statezny usually wins the class, as he did at Antigo in a Chevrolet coupe. Sporting a new paint scheme Scott Taylor took the win in Class 7 in a but his Class 8 Ford had new car woes at this event. moved into the second place position followed by Doug Bils. A blown motor got the best of Wallace's efforts a:s it took him out of the race midway through. Bils moved up to second with Schwalbe a ways back in third. Had the race been only one lap longer, a position change would have been inevitable as Schwalbe kept crawling closer and closer to Bils, coming across the line in a near photo finish, with Bils edging out for second behind Probst. It had come to the time on the schedule to start the Champion-ship Races with limited engine buggies buzzing onto the track GERMAN AUTO first with Greg Smith and Johnny Greaves leading the way until Smith faltered in the turn allowing not only Greaves, but Scott Taylor also to get by. Third plac~ Smith then Ir "YOUR OFF-ROAD HEADQUARTERS" " CNC CUTTING BRAKES Upright or lay down styles available single or dual handles . S69.95 ""' ,I~ \~· DIEST SEAT BELJ'S The greatest name in driver safety equipment • •,AQ ___ ,.~ 4-point Sand Rail Seat Belt .... Race Belts 181,H - SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS 2"-5 point 3"-5point l'M.H ........•... from 181,111 TYPE 4-PORSCHE-STYLE FAN SHROUD Utilizes type 1 alt ernator custom alter-nator mount included . . $299.00 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 170Dlb S79.95 200mm reinforced maximum 2300 , 2500, 2700, or 3000Ib $99.96 "GERMAN·AUTO" COM-PETITION PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 20Dlb . 215mm Porsche 914 . CLUTCH DISCS FOR 200MM AND 215MM Cushlocks 4 puc ferramic 4 puc ferramic with sp_ring hub $49.95 S114.95 S36.95 S44.95 S54.95 CNC RACE CAR PEDAL AS-SEMBLES Brake pedal with dual master cylinder end balance bar [specify disc of drum brakes) . . . . from 1199,95 Clutch pedal with slave . . . . . . . 1104,15 Swing pedal or floor mount pedals available. SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS *Polished finish* *Bolt together replaceable halves• • available in 15" and 16" . from S99.95 SACO IRS BUS SUPER DIFF 1 OO'lb machined form billet. Uses 091 series parts. Fits all years $424.55 SACO transmission drive flange. 1 OO'lb machined from billet. Fits 930 CV joints (eachl . S55.95 SACO "No LEAK" 4 bolt polished valve covers fits 1. 7, 1. 8, and 1. OT 4 engines. (pair) . . . . . . . . $44.95 POLY FUEL JUGS 5 Gallon ... Square Design . . . Screw On Cap Anti-Vortex Fuel Funnel 11 Gallon . . Quick Dump $17.95 S17.95 $49.95 213-868-9393 ·'213-863-1504 AND FLANGES 930 orT.4 cages Ceechl ....... 144,95 930. T.4 & T.2 boot flanges leach! Trik boots (each! .. 115.H S15.95 SACO RACK AND PINION SACO rack and pinion features alloy gears full contact housing, and hard anodized for long wear. Standard rack end pinion S249.95 Rack and pinion mount . . . . . . . . . S9.95 Rack and pinion coupler S8.95 Rack steering stops $19.95 H.D MAGNUM RACK Billet housings ... 1 ½" alloy gear ... thru bolt mounting ... complete with stops 1" CHROMOLYTIE RODS WITH H.D. ENDS 1" ChromolyTie Rods with H.D. Ends (specify Ford or lnternationall set . S89.95 Quick release steering hub . . . . S44.95 FAX 213-929-1461 11324 Norwalk Bl. Santa Fe Springs, CA. 90670 August 1990 SWAYAWAY IRS spring plates S/A spring plates 4130 S64.95 S77.95 Spring plates ... . . from S159.95 H.D. torsion bars from S134,95 Front V. W. Bug sway bars . . . . . . $44.95 Rear V. W. Bug sway bars . . . . . . 164,95 Front and rearV. W. sway bar kit S181,91 TRIMIL BOBCAT SYSTEMS 1 'k" Type 1 raw . 1 'k" Type 1 chrome 15/e"Type 1 raw . 1 o/e" Type chrome 1o/e"Type 4 raw. 15/e" Type 4 chrome ... Baffle for Bobcat System . S59.95 S89.95 $69.96 $99.95 S149.95 S179.95 $8.95 TRICK REAR TRAILING ARMS 3"x3" .. Class 1-2 1600, 5 1600 pr. $395.00 pr. S395.00 FRONTTRAILING ARMS Link Pin 4130 Chromoly Stock length 1 ¼"Longer. 2 ¼"Longer. 4" for coil covers . pr. S485.00 pr. S525.00 pr. S525.00 pr. S550.00 WEEKEND WARRIOR LONG TRAVEL BEAMS 8" travel stock width beam B" travel widened beam 1 o· travel stock width beam 10" travel widened beam . S199.95 S219.95 S224.95 S244.95 *Catalog $3. Page 39
The Probst brothers, Jeff and Kevin, combined in their Unlimited Berrien to place a strong third in the Unlimited Championship event. Kevin also won Class 2 in the state of the art car. tr spun out, a very costly move which put him to the back of the pack. Greaves and Taylor had their own little battle waging as the two took on the course side by side, but Taylor was able to sneak to the inside and got a bit of the lead, but then went too hard into the next tum and Greaves overcame to reclaim the lead. The battle still continued for first place while another was going on for third place between Kevin Probst and Jim Wiggins. A quarter of the way through the race Paul Biancusso rolled his buggy, and Scott Taylor started .. . . ··: · . . • .•.·.·::;,...-,;.;.;::'_.;:.c:'>:-.-,·,:,,, .. :·•·••.v,,.._,• . ._.,,,.,_,,.·.~,.,., suffering with what looked like tierod problems. Taylor kept right on rolling, but the problem was getting definitely worse as the right front wheel started flopping all over the place, but yet refused to break loose. Greg Smith, who was making a comeback effort had worked his way back up to the 5th place position, then on to 4th as Taylor started losing ground. Probst and Wiggins who had been running third and fourth also had passed Taylor having moved up a notch each on position. At about the midway point the Probst buggy started ~rrcn -.. - f'O, --~-&_fr Tom Hackers flew long and drove hard in his Ford Ranger, but at the flag he finished second in the fast growing Class 7 ranks. THE WRIGHT PLACE~. COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adju~tm~nts. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 40 smoking and the bro.thers pulled off the track along with Scott Taylor who was finally forced to give up the race. This left the door open for Wiggins and Smith to again move up a rung with Greaves taking the-win followed by Wiggins, Smith and Jeff St. Peter in fourth. The trucks came back on the track for their run of the Championship event with Joey Flannery snapping the lead ahead of Greg Gerlach, Jack Flannery and Geoff Dorr. It didn't take long before Jack caught up to Joey for what looked like a mini family reunion. But Joey was starting to feel cousin Jack breathing down · his neck and went too hard into the first infield turn dumping his truck on its side. Jack kept all his wheels on the ground and drove into an easy lead. All this time Greg Gerlach and Geoff Dorr were hanging in within striking distance, letting the two Flannery boys wear each other down. Gerlach and Dorr were running their own race for second with Dorr grabbing it, just before the grandstand, only to find out that Gerlach still had a few tricks up his sleeve as he threw in the boost and repassed on the _grandstand jumps. Marc Pelletier who had been hanging on to 4th place was caught by John Heidtman with Heidtman taking possession of fourth place, and then started gaining steadily on Dorr. Jack Flannery, who was flying across the track encountered Dorr and Heidtman, not only passing both, but lapping the third and fourth place drivers. Heidtman contin-ued his progression on Dorr and came out of the woods stretch in third place. It was Flannery running a comfortable race to the victory lane followed by Gerlach, Heidtman and Dorr. It was the Probst Brothers and Scott Schwalbe, or was that Schwalbe and the Probst's? There was a lot of lead changing in the early stages of the Unlimited Championship. Art Schmitt, running the third place position had his eye on the top, and slid past Probst into second place, then slid through the woods to come out in the lead while Probst's who also had intentions of not staying in third place, came past Schwalbe to steal second. Schwalbe then went squirrely on the last turn before the woods, Joe Dunlap was the early leader in his Jeep in Class 3, but troubles cost him pit time and he was out of the money. Wisconsin race promoter Scott Schwalbe, is also a top driver, and he drove to fourth place in the hectic Unlimited Championship race. Terri Moser to slide up to first, with Parsons repassing Friday for second. Rhonda refired the 2-1600 buggy and slid into the third place spot, to start the process all over again, as she worked her way back to the top. The fence caught a little grief as first Michelle Friday went through, then Danielle Roth, in the same spot. At the end of the 10 minute event, it was Rhonda Smith in the lead with Paula Parsons taking home the second place honors followed by Terri Moser in third. There was lots of excitement as the Heavy Metal womens event took the green, with Cathy Jensen into the lead followed by Gail Brand and Nancy Vanden Heuvel. Nancy quickly moved up a notch by passing Brand, then made the moves on Jensen, with the two coming across the grandstand jumps side by side. Nancy went a little too high on the next turn, leaving Cathy to keep the lead. Gail Brand, hanging right in there started her attempt to regain second place, but Nancy had only one thing on her mind, and that was to get into the lead. Chris DeGreef who had been running fourth was nudged out by Marilyn Schultz, but DeGreef gave it her best shot on the last lap as she attempted to repass Schultz, but lost control and smacked into the retaining wall. With the checkered flag presented, it was still Cathy Jensen taking the win, much to the joy of her family, who spent the entire race screaming words of encouragement from the grand-stands, followed closely by Nancy Vanden Heuvel in second and Gail Brand, third. The last race of the day, as always is reserved for the Good Old Boys, always a favorite of the spectators. This year's Miller High Life Off-Road race proved to be even bigger and better, leaving only the anticipation that the 1991 event will be the best ever! See you there! and hooked into the infield fence, ==== allowing Lee W uesthoff to move into third. Schmitt seemed to miss a gear, and as a result almost lost first place as Probst and Wuesthoff were rapidly ap-proaching. Schwalbe, back in the race had already worked his way up to fourth position. Probst and Wuesthoff went side by side into the woods but it was W uesthoff who came out with the second place spot. Wuesthoff was running slightly quicker laps than Art Schmitt, but time ran out before another pass could be made, which left Schmitt as the winner followed by W uesthoff, Probst and Schwalbe. The Women were up next for their tum on the track, with the buggy drivers getting the first shot, and as usual, it was Rhonda Smith right into the lead followed by Terri Moser, Paula Parsons and Michelle Friday, who quickly passed Parsons to move up to third place. Rhonda who had had a significant lead, choked the motor in the first tum, allowing August 1990 Marc Pelletier was the eariy leader in Class 4, but he had a fire in the woods, fixed that and later retired with mechanical problems. Mike Brue was the early leader in Class 5-1600, had trouble, came back to lead again before a flat tire dropped him from contention. Dusty Times
Once in a life time comes an event of this magnitude!!! __,.._ HORA "/JaMJ. • IN UIGIRD/HIBBIRD PROMOTION LLOWSPRING ffil4~RffiW~,~~~IA ____... SPONSORED BY JEEP Short course racing at its best!! Two big days of racing for all classes. All HORA Desert classes plus short course classes 1/2, 1/2-1600, 10, Silhouette Sedans, and Single Seat 4-Wheel ATV's. Desert and short course Motorcycle and 4-Wheel ATV's classes also!! Entry Fees $300 - Desert Classes l/2,3,4,6,7,7S,7-4x4 and 8 Short Course Classes 1/2,10,14, Silhouette Sedans, and Mini's $225 - Desert Classes 1/2-1600,5,10 Motorcycles, 4-Wheel ATV's, and Mini-Mag Short Course Classes 1/2-1600, Motorcycles, and 4-Wheel ATV's $150 - Desert Classes 5-1600,9,11, and Single Seat 4-Wheel ATV's 100% Payback For more information and entry form contact the High Desert Racing Association (HORA) at (702) 361-5404.
AUSTRALIAN on ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP Glover Wins the IRA Berk Nissan 300 by Mick Myers Photos: Darryl Smith ~ ,,::y Peter Glover, with Anthony Getson riding shotgun in the Porsche powered Hornet buggy, qualified fastest for the pole and starting first ran dust free leading overall all the way and won overall and in the Unlimited Two Seat class. Bridgestone driver Peter single seat buggy of Bob Straw- was Mark Burrows, the current Glover, in his Porsche-powered bridge which is powered by a Australian Class 2 champion, Hornet Buggy overcame the Renault V6 motor. who had a flat tire. But the half strong pressure of his rivals to win Twenty year old Bruce Wat-way pit saw this fixed and the fuel the opening round of the man's Goodyear car led Class 3 injected Mazda 1600cc buggy was Australian Off Road Champion-for 1200cc, while current back in the race. Ron Milton had ship, the IRA BERK NISSAN AustralianBajaClass4champion, already retired with a blown 300. The race was held over three Ron Schmidt, was quickest of his turbo, and Ron Brooker ,_who had 110 kilometer laps at Inglewood group. Stephen Knott's Renault already blown up his supercharged in southern Queensland. Over V6 powered Karman Ghia was Mitsubishi during time trials, 120 cars had entered from all over easily the · fastest Class 5 sedan blew his second motor during the Australia, and all nine classes over the time trial. Louie Binios first lap in his buggy. Richard were well represented. For the 44 qualified fastest out of the Class 6 Bennett, from South Australia, year old Victorian, Glover, this Challenger buggies, while in the driving a Cosworth 1600 powered was his first win in a Champion-4x4 Production Class 7, Lee buggy clocked up the third fastest ship race, although he has been Siviour's Nissan Patrol was time behind Glover. Strawbridge, runner-up twice before. quickest. Finally Peter Hadlow's in the single seater was running The format for the NISSAN Mitsubishi Triton Ute turbo led second. Leading the Class 3 300 was similar to most events. the field of Class 8 modified 4x4s, brigade was the 1988 champions, Saturday morning saw drivers get and was forty-fifth outright. Bob and Jeanette Mowbray. Nev their first look at the track with The Sunday dawned very Taylor in a Peugeot powered Baja one practice lap. Then on -cloudy and overcast with the led Class 4. Saturday afternoon drivers ran occasionallightshowerofrain.At Retiring during lap 1 were one at a time over a 10 km circuit 8:00 a.m·. Peter Glover, with Barry Johnson's Goodyear Chev with the fastest leading the field navigator Anthony Getson, V6poweredbuggywithabroken out on the Sunday morning. It blasted off on his first lap. Martin shock tower and Doug McMillan was here that Glover looked and Styles in the Bridgestone with a blown motor in his · impressive with a blistering 7 Class 2 were one minute behind. Cosworth Class 2. Leading the minute 22 second time that gave Wells' turbo Nissan Yokohama 2WD cars was Stephen Knott's him yet another pole position. team car, then Croft's fuel Hankook tires Karman Ghia, Four time Australian Champion injected Mitsubishi Hankook tire even with a broken gear stick. He Craig Martin then created a car were soon out on the track just led Darren Gills, VB Holden surprise by qualifying second. It also. The tail enders hadn't even Commodore, Jeff Barnes, Scout was thought Martin, 33, also from started when Glover completed and Rod Schipps, 2 liter Nissan Victoria, would be a non-starter his first lap in 59 minutes, 41 Coupe. Retiring from this Class 5 as his car plans were not finalized, seconds. He was then required to battle were Bill Hammond's Ford so he borrowed a 1600cc Class 2 take a one hour pit stop before his UTE with a blown motor and Bill buggy. The Class 1 cars of Bill second lap. Rossiters' Holden step side with Croft, Darren Wells, Cliff The 110 kilometer track came transmission failure. Alderton and Dave Stuchbery by the pit area at the 50 kilometer Reg Owen, in a new Nissan followed. Next was the Class 9 mark, and one thankful of this Patrol, led Class 7 over the Patrol Whether you're on a chase crew, a racer or a 4WD enthusiast, the Rod Hall off-road driving school can help you be your best! But be ready. .. the road isn't smooth! Page 41 CALL FOR COURSES AND DATES AHi MOTORSPORTS 340 WESTERN ROAD #1 RENO, NEVADA 89506 702/786-9922 of Grahame Baxter and the Mitsubishi truck of Eric Whit-bread. Class 7 favorite Les Siviour had an engine mount break in his Patrol, which in turn cut a fuel line, with a fire as a result. David MacDonald's Diahatsu Ferroza retired also with a broken steering box. In the modified 4x4 Class 8, favorite Peter Hadlow had prob-lems; firstly he hit a kangaroo, then his gearbox all but gave up, restricting him to fourth-low only. Bridgestone's Fabio Zarfati put in a blinding hour, 10 minutes in his Mitsubishi Pajero to lead the class over Robert Knotts' Nissan Pathfinder and Norm Singleton's turbo Isuzu truck. Expired motors in Class 8 hit Barry Massey, Jeep Cherokee wagon, Lucky Mattiusis, Scout AUgust 1990 Craig Martin, with Paul Styles riding along, astounded everyone by borrdwing a 1600 Funco for the race and driving to not only the 1600 Two Seat victory but also to second overall, just two minutes back. Bob and Jeanette Mowbray drove this Datsun powered Rivmasta two seater to the Class 3, 1200 cc victory and were eleventh overall. truck, and Jan Wainwright, Jeep and Glenn Watman, Bob and PU. A large proportion of the Jeanette Mowbray and Mick and single seat class had withdrawn; Lyn Myers were all at the front of John Brixey with a collapsed rear the 1200cc group. In the Baja suspension; Ian MacDonald hit a battle Nev Taylor dropped a tree; Si Heaslip broke a CV and timing belt and bent a couple of Stephen Jeffery had oil pump valves. This let the rotary failure. powered Baja of Ron Schmidt Peter Glover started his second take the class lead. Reigning lap still at the front of the field. Australian Class 5 champion Jeff The narrow track was now Barnes clawed back into the lead startingtochopupandformdeep in his thundering Scout after wheel tracks. The light rain, Knott had to pit with a flat however, kept the dust down. halfway around. Laurie Svenson's Porsche pow- A brand new Class 5 car, Mark ered Class 1 had blown a pressure Mann's Holden Rodeo got balked plate and the spare was the wrong by a slower buggy and became size. After grinding and drilling it bogged in the deep sand. The was fitted, but twenty minutes Rodeo built by Mark and his over time. Dave Stuchbery, in the father Bill is a combined copy of Goodyear Class 1, was now trying the Roger Mears Nissan and Ivan to make uptime lost fora benttie Stewart's Toyota and it is rod on lap 1. His second lap time revolutionary to Australian was the fastest on 59-37. Glen racing. The car is a pure Scott, whose Hornet Class 1 is masterpiece and a just reward for always an immaculate buggy, took the Manns numerous trips to the on a different appearance after it states. The Porsche 911 of slammed a tree. The Jeff Bryant, Graham Lees was also in conten-tube framed Corvette Class 1 also tion; the car is now powered by a retired. Porsche motor, replacing the The Class 2 battle continued Toyota VB. with Martin, Bennett, Neville, There was only one stock Boyes, and Burrows all posting Challenger buggy left running, very close times. Stuart Lord had that of Bryan Morrow. The Class withdrawn with firstly a cracked 7 battle was very close; Baxter was fuel tank, then a cracked oil faster on lap 2 over Owen. cooler, and a broken shock tower Zarfatis' Pajero still led Class 8 finally stopped him. Class 3 was over Knott and Fred Parker's VB becomin a fa mil feud. Bruce rear engined _Land Rover. Norm Jeff Barnes drives a big V-8 International Scout, and he and John Price thundered into first in Class 5, for Production Sedans. Dusty nmcs
Darren Wells and Ian McPhee have turbo power in their Rivmasta and they finished well, third overall, second in Unlimited Two Seat Class. The Holden Rodeo is the local GM mini truck and Ken Smith and Tom Dreher drove this one to fourth in Class 8 for Modified 4x4's. Bill Croft and John Fawbert kept up · a fast pace in their Unlimited two seat and they placed third in Class 1 and fourth overall. -:,,:C:.:.Af Mick and Lyn Myers wre consistently fast, their Graham and John Lees race the Porsche 911 in Les Siviour is a five time Class 7, production Rivmasta in the Class 3 hunt all day, taking Class 5, production sedans; they came in fifth, 4x4, champion, but at IRA Berk his Nissan had third in 1200 cc two seat and 18th overall. only 16 minutes behind the class winner. engine mount failure and then caught fire. Rod Schipp's Nissan was third in Class 5 until he stopped to help folks in a rolled over buggy, and he finished sixth. Singleton had withdrawn with · the Nissan 300, winning Class 1 as stopped to fix broken radiator paigner Craig Baker. gear box failure. Remo Mesnada well. The next one home was supports, still took fourth in The constistency of the Barnes had rolled his Mitsubishi truck, Craig Martin. This was a Class 2 ahead of brothers Chris International held out the late then he too withdrew with remarkable drive in a 1600cc and Glenn Owen. charge by Stephen Knott's Ghia gearbox problems. Bob Straw-vehicle that he had never driven The Class 3 battle came right to take Class 5 honors. Third was bridge lost power steering in his before, to come in second overall down to the wire with Bob Michael Zacka in an Isuzu truck single seater, which slowed him a and first in Class 2. Next in was Mowbray just edging out Bruce which did each of the three laps little. Darren Wells, Yokohama Class 1, Watman by under a minute. The within the same minute time wise. WithonelaptogoPeterGlover just ahead of Bill Crofts, pair finished 11th and 12th The Darren Gill Commodore was under great pressure to hold Hankook Class 1. Fifth outright overall. Mick and Lyn Myers failed to finish after a wheel was the lead. Cliff Alderton was in the and second in Class 2 was Richard came home third in Class ahead of torn off. The Mann Holden top group until a broken oil pump Bennett. Behind him came two Alan Nicoll, then Kelvern Page. Rodeo came in fourth; not bad stopped his progress. Others more Class 1 cars, Keith Owers in Page was dealt a blow with a flat considering this race was only a dropping out of top spots a turbo Nissan and Trevor tire on the last lap. Also bowing try out. Fifth in Class 5 was the included, in Class 2, Mark Growden from South Australia; outwasKevinLee,inaspectacular Lee Porsche, only seconds ahead Burrows with another flat and RenaultV6powered,Goodyear's way, when he hit a hole and of Rod Schipp and Darryl Smith Bob Strawbridge who lost a wheel Class 2 hopeful Les Brown came launched into the trees that in the Nissan Coupe. and broke a link pin. in eighth ahead of Mark Bush and teammate Glen Scott had hit Bryan Morrow soldiered on to The fast third lap time went to Dave Stuchbery in Class l. earlier. Geoff Beckett also the line, the sole finisher in Class Glover, thus consolidating his Rounding out the top ten, dropped out of Class 3 when he 6. The Class 7 battle ended very position as the outright winner of Bridgestone's Neville Boyes, who tore a wheel off in a creek cross- close indeed. Reg Owen's new ing. The Baja class encounter coil spring Patrol just edged out resulted all in Ron Schmidt's Grahame Baxter, leaf spring favor. Next in was the fluro green Patrol. In third was the Lada Niva car of Stephen McDougall, of Grant White followed by the followed by long time Baja cam-early model short WB Land Cruiser of John Muldoon. Fifth in the production 4x4 class was Eric Whitbread, Mitsubishi truck. Fabio Zarfati dominated the modified 4x4 class on every lap, the Bridgestone driver taking first in class. Second was the Nissan Pathfinder of Robert Knott, fol- _ lowed by teammate Fred Parker. Ken Smith in the Goodyear Holden Rodeo was fourth ahead of the ultra light Mitsubishi turbo truck of Ian Cotton. Bob Straw-bridge managed to repair his Class 9 single seater to complete three laps and be the only class finisher. So ended the first round of the 1990 Australian Off Road Championship. With four races to go, the series looks like being one of the closest fought ever. Luckily the heavy rain held off at Inglewood until the day after the race. Round two is at SeaLake in the north of the state of Victoria, in June. 1989 FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS NOW AVAILABLE! Reg Owen and Russell Cairns brought their new Nissan Patrol out to race an they drove it to a fine victory in Class 7, Production 4x4. and he drove to the Single Seat Class 9 victory. Dusty Times Update your current Ranger to 1989 aero styling, design to retain stock appear-ance and allow 34" tall tires. SCORE/HORA legal, bolts to stock panels or DZUS on. Reinforced hood to stop distortion at speed. Racers Price Available . . Dimple Die Sets now In stock-½" - 1" - 1½" -2" CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 Orchard St. Cherry Valley, CA 92223 Curt Leduc, Owner (714) 845~820 August 1990 Heat Treated and Plated. Midwest Division Chuck Johnson Off Road Racing 8403 Vicki Road Rockford, IL 61108 (815) 332-9681 Page 43
THE VORRA YERINGTON 400 Team Verling Wins Overall Text & Plwtos: Ken Vanderhoof -Focus West The new Team Verling Class 1 car got quite a christening, as Eric and Patrick Verling drove the 'Silver State Forklift Special' through bad weather to first overall with a 14 minute margin in victory. Team Verling put it together to Lemos was the first to drop by the win the big one! With a mere eight wayside. He had a poor starting weeks until this Memorial Day position and therefore had to do a event, Patrick and Eric Verling lot of passing. He ended it all with and friends decided their old a heavily damaged front end. Chrisco chassis wasn't going to Meanwhile Thornton was take another year of VORRA beginning to feel the pressure, Pat punishment. They then dedicated Verling started three minutes their nights and weekends to put back but cut that in half after the together from scratch the "Silver first of four laps. Jim Stiles was State Forklift Special." The still -also within seconds on elapsed unpainted car covered the 400 time, but well back on the road. plus miles in eight hours, forty Joe Falloon/Don Ward kept a minutes and 50 seconds. good pace as did Larry Zimmer-Race day morning had cool, man/Garen McCune, who started cloudy skies with a promise of way back but moved up quickly. occasional showers. It was a Sam Beri and John Smith were welcome forecast at the time battling back and forth, keeping it because it would keep the dust interesting in the early stages of down. The lap times were also the "400". down. Patrick Verling's first Class 10 was also close after hundred mile lap averaged nearly one lap. Less than thirty seconds 50 mph at 2:01:21. Later in the separated Dave Jefferies and day the weather would play a Frank Gillespie Jr. Dale Smith was major role in the race. Several of also just a minute off the class thelaterunnerswouldendupaxle pace. It was mighty close deep in the alkali flats with a dnf considering all the terrain covered on the score sheets. in the last two hours. From Boise Idaho Michael Class 1-2-1600 had a fine field. Thornton started first off the line. Scott Schaupp/Fritz W iechers He led VORRA's largest unlim-didn't think the class was fast ited Class 1/2 field ever for the enough, so they left them all first 100 mile lap, but it was his behind. They passed the entire only lap. The pace was really fast Class 10 field in the process. Bill and the early racing was tight. A Norgrove and Chris Cash battled dozen unlimited cars ran within a for second, and kept within sight ten minute time span after the of each other during lap 1. Other first go around. The 1989 teams in the hunt were Gor-Yerington 400 winner, and don/ Abreau, Joe Gordon and overall VORRA Champ Bob Roy Gust. Class 3 / 4 was going to be a real race. Several top notch teams showed up with something to prove. Roy Clark ran a great 2:19:55 to lead the field on lap 1. Next was Don German in his recently lengthenedJeep, followed by the class points leaders Chad and Josh Hall, with Chad at the controls first. The entire class finished the first lap in good time except Wes Banks, Wes was in great shape until his dnfhappened near checkpoint 6. Class 9 at VORRA has grown into a very competitive bunch, both in points and at this race. Mike Bishop was first away, but didn't sound very clean so he made an immediate pit stop. Donavon Skaggs set the pace with Jack Bonesteel giving him the pressure. It wasn't long before Mike Bishop sounded good, but now he had to pass the field to catch up and the race was in full swing. As always the Sportsman field was massive. The competition was tight with a dozen teams going for the win after the first lap. Bill Lott made it around first with the time of 2:23:01. Later in the day things would change. As the rains came the alkali flats became sloppy and began to gobble up the Sportsman-cars. Back up front Michael Thorn-ton began hunting for gears and dropped out halfway around lap 2 Dale Smith drove along in his single seater, missed the worst rain and won Class 10 by a huge margin, about an hour and 20 minutes. with trans failure. Pat Ver ling was finish and they now are the overall then where he wanted to be, but VORRA point leaders after three only for a short time. A rear flat events. Sam Berri was next to hampered his driving style, letting come in, five minutes back. He Falloon/Ward take over. Sam cut a couple of minutes off of Berri likewise was setting a Falloon/Ward on the last lap but blistering pace only to be slowed couldn't catch them due to vision by a flat tire. Jim Stiles' Type 4 problems. McCune and Zim-s.crambled itself on lap 2 after a merman were next home. Their fine run. Kevin McNabb lost a c. v. family and crew had the cham-joint and lost nearly an hour, but pagne ready, but they were late. was making fast time now. Chuck Taylor was the last class At the halfway point it was finisher. Falloon/Ward by a minute over Next to finish at 9:32:51 was Pat Verling who then turned the the Class 1-2-1600 car•of Scott car over to brother Eric. Garen Schaupp and Fritz Wiechers. McCune was just a few minutes Early in. the race they had a torn back, turning his controls over to c. v. boot and made a quick stop at Larry Zimmerman. Iron man Sam Team Verling's pit, who did Beri was to drive the whole race something with a rag and duct but he stopped midway to let his tape. Whatever it was worked! girl friend out and his sister get in They annihilated their closest to ride. As the third lap rivalsbyoveranhour.Nexthome progressed it was T earn Ver ling was Stiles Racing. Due to alkali pulling away from the field. problems brother Jim was Falloon/Ward lost five minutes dragged out of his motel room and ten more on lap 4. When the after an earlier dnf to stand in and race leaders were on their last lap drive the last fifty miles in Jeff's is when everything changed. God car. Porsche powered Mike Long said let it rain and it did. God then came in a short time later and was said let it rain hard and it did. the glad to be finished. Zimmer-dry lake bed became a wet lake man/McCune rounded out the bed and began to devour the top six in Class 1 /2. Larry's eyes competitors. needed immediate medical It wasn't exactly a prQblem of attention as did several more of getting stuck, although some the later finishers. might disagree. It was a matter of Class 10 had a couple of lead alkali. As the racer got this muck changes during the race. Early in his eyes, it had adverse effects. leaders Dave Jefferies/Tom Most eyes swelled shut, making it Spitler caught a rear wheel on a difficult to proceed. One of the rock on lap 3 and spectated from top teams made it with the co-that point. Frank Gillespie Jr. also driver steering and telling the succumbed to the desert's savage blinded driver when to speed up ways. The battle in the closing or slow down. The rain definitely stages of the race was between changed the outcome of many Dale Smith/David Bright and Ace positions.ltalsosentmanyofthe Bradford/Chris Oberg. J-B "never say die" racers to the sponsored Smith/Bright kept hospital in town. trouble free all day to finish at At the finish it was Team 10:33:49. Bradford/Oberg lost Verling coming home at 8:40:50 nearly an hour slopping around in and still looking fresh. Joe the mud, but didn't quit and got Falloon/Don Ward drove their to the finish for second in Class Mirage across the line at 8:55:05 10 and took the points lead for and the only thing clean were their 1990, smiles after a great runner up The heavy metal in Class 3 / 4 Scott Schaupp and Fritz Wiechers drove the "Little Chrisco" to the victory in Class 1-2-1600 by well over an hour and to fourth overall. Class 4 was a very tight struggle from start to finish, but Chad and Josh Hall put the Dodge home first with 5½ minutes to spare .. proved to have the tightest race of the day. Early pace setter Roy Clark was out midway through lap 2. There was a strong contingent eager to take the lead, but it went to Don German first, and he looked as though he might pull away. But a problem that had plagued him all year came back to haunt him and the front end broke, but he kept a good pace in 2WD. But the competition was tough. The big Dodge truck of Chad and Josh Hall took over the lead. A couple of men from Oregon came to give VORRA's best a go for it. Gordon Scott in a very clean little Jeep kept pace with the Hall brothers and a flat tire could decide this race. Also close was the Bronco of Ed Page 44 August 1990 Dusty Times
Joe Fa/loon and Don Ward led briefly in their Class 2 Mirage, but they emerged from the muck solid in second overall and in Class 1/2. Ace Bradford and Chris Oberg hit the silt, but the team survived Bill Norgrove shows signs of the muddy going, but he survived to take second in Class 10, the final finisher of eight starters. several heated battles to finish a clean second in Class 1-2-1600. Gotdon Scott came from Oregon to challenge the Nevada desert in his Jeep; he did some fast laps to take a close second in Class 3/4. · Randy Roskelley and Vern Smith survived, after Vern rolled the Rich Bryden led the big Sportsman class for two laps, had a long car, and carried on to finish second in Challenger Class 9 action. third round but he still took second place back to Fernley, Nevada. Burnap. Tom Scahill broke a ball joint on lap 1, losing over an hour, but his next three laps were the fastest in the class. On the final lap it was still anybody's race. Josh Hall was at the wheel of the BFGoodrich Dodge and had a 13 second lead over German, Hall then had brake trouble, so along with German had a mechanical handicap. Gordon Scott was able to get by German in the sprint to the finish line, but wasn't able to reel in the Dodge. Chad and Josh Hall crossed the line in the dark at 10:40:26. Gordon Scott came along six minutes later, with a flat tire, and Don German was ten minutes behind Scott for third in class. Ed Burnap finished all four laps in fourth. Tom Scahill made it around all four times, and might have won had it not been for the early ball joint trouble. Class 9 had more rollovers at this race than a USAF air show. The last car Mike Bishop had to pass in his quest for the lead was Donavon Skaggs. These two battled back and forth for over an hour passing upper class racers in the process. Donavon Skaggs eventually rolled out of conten-tion. Mike Bis!iop went on to take the win unchallenged. The only other Challenger to finish under the 12 hour time limit was Taylor Motorsports Randy Roskelley/ Vern Smith. They survived a Mike Bishop, from Sacramento, continued on his winning ways at the '400', and he absolutely dominated Class 9, winning by over an hour. From Carson City, the Canonic/Willaman team was right at home, and won overall in the Sportsman group, in fact were the only team in class to finish all four laps. Dusty Times scare when V em barrel rolled the buggy numerous times, and were surprised that the car would still run. The rest of the class mysteriously disappeared after the rains came. The Sportsman Class were nearly all devoured by the environment. It was a real good contest until the third lap. Rich Bryden and Willamam/ Canonic were less than one minute apart. Jason McCune/Dan Schrader had a good chance with 100 miles to go, as did point leader Jeff O'Callagan and Jon Havlick/ Troy Robinson. As the Sportsman field came in after three laps each racer was briefed on the condition drove to fifth in class and the top of the deteriorating course, and Baja Bug. told they could stop and collect Once again man had challenged finish points if they so chose. All . the desert with varying degrees of of the eager racers chose to "go success. The morning after the for it", and were never heard race the skies cleared allowing the from. The only team to paddle less fortunate to go retrieve their their way to the finish was race cars. Nature once again Canonic/Willaman, who finished proved that it can make or break at 11:28: 12. Rich Bryden took one's efforts by a little flex of its home second place on three laps mighty muscle in the form of rain. time. Jason McCune/Dan Schra- But, all parties involved in the der claimed third after an eventwishtothankVORRAfora exhausting day. Class point leader once again professionally run Jeff O'Callagan was fourth. Troy race. Thanks also to the Mason Robinson/Jon Hav_lick recently Valley Chamber of Commerce rebuilt their demolished Baja Bug and especially Lyon County for after the "Spring Special" and the use of their beautiful land. 16.5 POUNDS SIZES AVAILABLE 16 X27 18X24 19X28 . ·········· -~· .::lW< ~~: .,, ... ~ Y·\:·}:':•,•.,,.,,., .. :(tN)[V·t 19 X 31 CURRENTLY USED IN CLASS 2, 8, & NASCAR HI-TOCH ttPP ltttAlt • RANCHb SUSPENSION• DOETSCH TECH -MASTERCRAFT• KAYUNE • CIBIE • K &·N • JT BODY LIFTS • FUEL SAFE • CUFF.ORD~ AUTOFAB • KC HILITES • AIR LIFT•ORD PERFORMANCE• MIKUNI service ! • 104 OCTANE BOOST• SMITTYBILT • AMSOIL Ci!1 --LUVIBAS702 :,::=r,:. . 3867 s VALLEY VIEW 362 2089 RJl:LCfilS s . EQUIP · • ABERGLASS FENDERS OFF SPRING MTN. AD. OPEN IION-UT . AUgust 1990 ...,.. Page 45
.. SNORE/Silver Dust/ Yokohama/Caliente 150. Text'& Photos: Don Dayton * • The race start in the center of Caliente is really downtown between the railroad crossing and the highway signs. The town made the off roaders feel most welcome, and everybody had a good time. Mike Peterson, with Scott Skochenko riding along, got out front on the first lap and led every lap, winning Class 10 by nearly an hour, and best of all winning the race overall by close to 14 minutes. Everyone who has raced a Caliente. The SNOREl SILVER Caliente with a grocery store and SILVER DUST race in Caliente DUST /YOKOHAMA Caliente two bars directly across the street has commented on how much fun 250 was held on May 19. People from the timing bus. You just they had. Because of great gobs of who said that racing in Caliente is can't hardly get any better than bureaucratic B.S. SNORE hasn't "fun" may be accused of serious that. been able to get a race in the Las understatement. Racing in Unlimiteds, Class 1 & 2 had Vegas area in nearly a year. Bert Caliente is one large ball!! Even kind of an unusual race. When Vaughan, owner of SIL VER the losers were smiling and the was the last time you heard of a DUST RACING, three time "inners were having a hard time 100% finishing rate? That's right. president of SNORE and a long not laughing out loud. Three cars started and three cars time racer, volunteered his time The Start-Finish was located finished. Aaron Hawley jumped and organization to set up a race in right in the middle of downtown out to an early lead and for the ~~: A& ~uilmii' · -Tommy Bradley, with Bob Schwab co-driving, sailed through the keen green high country to finish second overall and first in Class 1 /2. · Turbo Lamke and Rick Sanders pass by the Shamrock Club on their way to a five lap finish in the Jeep Comanche and the victory in Class 7. Barry Slatter and co-driver Craig Graunke got in five evenly paced laps in their Baja Bug, which was good for the 5-1600 win by a lap. Tom and Tim Burns won the very close see saw battle in the 17 car Class 1-2-1600 by less than two minutes after six laps of hard driving by a good half of the field. first three laps, it looked like he had a lock on the checkered flag. Lap four dropped the anchor on that story though and Aaron dropped about a half hour. Tommy Bradley had been running a steady race and when Hawley slipped back the Alenco sponsored Raceco took over the lead. That was about the story of their race. Aaron struggled on to the finish and ended up an hour down in third place. Rob MacCachren was in second place, but he had his own problems. He had rear suspension problems. Actually, for all practical purposes, he had no rear suspension for much of the race. His car had apparently twisted the SNORE President Pat Galliher and Mike Snodgrass kept it all in one piece, and the pair garnered second place in Class 10, a lap down. Rob MacCachren pulls into home check in Caliente with his sister Shannon riding in the low rider Chenowth to second spot in Class 1 /2. Monty Smith and Gary Van Tress only made three laps but the battered truck went far enough fast enough to earn second in Class 7. Page 46 August 1990 Dusty Times
~ I ..:::~ ... .::. 11l:"C·~~"~~ I ~& GROCERIES· i "~#~ Darren Wilson led Class 1-2-1600 off and on for a time, but at the checkered flag he was second in this hotly contested class. The 1989 Challenger Champ Brian Pennington had a good lap times and finished six minutes out of the win in third place in Class 1-2-1600. Most of the Class 9s hid behind the bushes but we did find this shot of Joe Jackson and Vince Bishop who finished all laps for third. 4/f!,,£ ·"'' Dale and Mike Looney and Lunn Dickton only covered two laps in the Challenger competition, having fun and troubles at the same time. Aaron Hawley and Tom Elliott started out with the fast lap of the day, led for three, then trouble dropped them to third in Class 1/2. Jack Herdt and his crew had some local sponsors and the dubious honor of being the last six lap finisher and tenth in Class 1-2-1600. splines out ot the rear torsion and half lap, but then he came to this he ran most of the race with that fast, sweeping turn that had "low-rider" look. Rob had his nothing on the outside of it. sister, Shannon Griffey, tied into Seems like the "nothing" went the hang-on and shut-up seat for down quite a ways. Pat sort of her first ever race ride. He over-swept the turn and used upa managed to hold it together for all whole lot of the nothing before he six laps and finished in the found a tree to hang on to. By the number two spot. time his crew found him, dragged Class 10 was a whole different him back up the cliff and got him story. There were eight entries, going again, he had taken nearly but only one of them managed to five and a half hours to make one get in all six laps, all under an hour lap. He got the checkered flag and on time. Mike Peterson with Scott eighth place. Skochenko riding "scottgun" Biggest class of the day was 1-2-( sorry about that) seemed to 1600. Seventeen cars took the know the secret to going fast · green flag and ten of them were without falling off a mountain. still in the game when the They put the Westward Ho entry checkered came out. Kenny out in front on the first lap then Freeman was not one of those that proceeded to run every lap faster finished. His troubles started ·at than everyone else in the race. Not the first water crossing. The just everyone in Class 10. theory was that if you hit the EVERYONE! Peterson led every! water fast enough it would all lap and finished first, OVERALL. splash away from your car and SNOREpresident,PatGalliher you wouldn't get wet. Great and Mike Snodgrass teamed up theory. Dido 't work though. for a second place finish. It seems. Kenny gave it one hell of a try. He that the engine for Pat's unlimited splashed so much water out of car was somewhere on a slow boat that creek the next three cars came from Cucamonga and Mike had through on dry ground. Unfor-an engine, but the chassis for his tunately most of the water ended 1-2-1600 wasn't ready. They up inside his engine. He had decided to put Mike's motor in waterprofed his ignition, but Pat's car and take turns driving forgot about the air filter. His the only 10/1600 car in Caliente. motor vacuumed up enough ( Does this sound like one of those water to-wet down the plugs from old Pat and Mike stories they used the inside out. Things sort of went to tell?) Mike started the race and down hill from there and Kenny all went well until the first water only finished one lap. crossing, which he hit just fast Meanwhile back at the race, enough to wrapaboutl50 gallons there was a real donnybrook of water around. the ignition . . going on. Tom Burns was in the About a half hour and a few lead, but there were at least six colorful expletives later he got it others in a position to argue the dried out enough to restart and point. Darr.en Wilson, Ron get back into the battle. He kept it Cloud, Brent Bell, Dan Bradley in the chase for about three laps and Brian Pennington were all before he let Galliher take a turn. within a couple minutes of the top Accounts vary as to whether Pat spot. The order was the same on fell off a mountain, tried to drive the second lap, but on lap three the car up a tree, rolled the car or things began to get scrambled. all of the above. At any rate, he Darren Wilson came by in front was rescued by Monty Smith's with Burns in second. Dan faithful tow strap and much Bradley was done for the day, abused Toyota. Melvin Tom lost Brent Bell had taken over third a CV, but still managed a third moving Ron Cloud and Herman place. Salaz back to fourth and Penning-} erry Leigh ton and Lloyd ton had moved up to fifth. Lap Painter came in fourth and fifth, four saw more rearranging. while Mark Whittington and Wilson was still first with Burns James Pierce filled the sixth and second, but Pennington had seventh spots. Pat Dean set a race moved up to third, Cloud held on record and maybe a world record to fourth and Bekki Freeman for the slowest lap. He was moved up to fifth. running right up front for the first Bv lap five the finishing order Dusty Times · was settled. Burns was back in first while Wilson slipped to second. Pennington held third, David Plum had moved from sixth to fourth and Michael . Hougaard had slipped into fifth, pushing Bekki Freeman back to sixth. The last lap brought no changes and that's how they finished. Larry and Jeff Trimble ended up in seventh after encountering an interesting problem. Seems they got a little too close to a rancher's fence and found they had collected about a quarter mile of barbed wire which they proceeded to tow around the course. Other drivers said it made trying to pass them real tricky. Trimble decided the extra drag was slowing them down too much and they lost a bunch of time trying to untangle the mess. None of the Trimbles made it to the awards the next morning. According to rumor, they were out helping the rancher rebuild his fence. Mark up a point for the SNORE good guys. The Class 9 race didn't last very long. The firsf lap was a pretty good fight with Mike Kline in front followed by Tim Crain, Trevor Rowland and John Wells. Unfortunately, Crain broke a spindle less than a mile from the finish line and Rowland also suffered from terminal problems on his second lap. This put the John Wells/ Russ Brooks entry into a solid second place which they held until an unplanned inversion on lap four blew their chances. Max Carter moved into the number two spot with Joe Jackson in third. Joe had a wheel come loose on the first lap and lost time while they repaired the damaged studs .. He ran a little faster each lap, but there just wasn't time to catch Max Carter who finished second and Mike Kline who ran first the whole race. The 5-1600 race was largely lacking in drama, trauma and noteworthy events.Tom Cornwell disappeared into the mountains on the first lap and wasn't heard from again. Kevin Streety came up one lap shy, but that was good enough for second place. Barry Slatter ran a steady, conservative race and won the class handily. If you look at the point standings, you will notice that steady driving and consistent finishes have put August 1990 Barry into second place. He got that repaired and drowned Class 7 could be called Turbo his ignition in the first water Lamke class. He led the race from crossing, he got stuck in a sand start to finish. He not only won · wash, then, in the mountains, a the class, but he was in the missing marker got him on the running for the overall pot that wrong road. He wandered around several of the drivers had set up. for quite a while and ended up Monty Smith found this real nifty inventing a whole new way to get turn up in the mountains. He was to check point two. The problem enjoying it so muth that he tried was he had already been through taking his Toyota around the two and was looking for check curve about 10%. faster than was three. He was still smiling when he possible. This resulteq in a got the checkered flag though, and suddenly inverted view of the ended up in third place. surrounding scenery. Turbo The most often heard quote of stopped and helped Monty the race was "'Everything was readjust the truck's attitude (like great until I hit the tree." It seems getting the wheels back on the many of our desert racers have bottom side). Monty was able to learned that a cactus that wanders get back in the race and finished onto the course will mostly second, but the good deed cost disintegrate if you hit it. That Lamke his shot at the overall. He method didn't work worth a missed it by less than eight damn with trees. Trees turned out minutes. Then to clinch the to be a dandy way to stop, GOOD GUY award Turbo whether you wanted to or not. donated his first place check back Class 10 seemed to provide the to SNORE to help in the fight to most excitement or at least the keep desert racing alive. most rumors. It seems like most Speaking of awards, it looks of the reports were: There's a 10 like Stacey Pike may have· car upside down/ over a cliff/ permanent possission of the Joe hanging from a tree or all of the Btfsplk trophy for consistently above. rotten luck. His fuel pump quit on AND A GOOD TIME WAS him about a mile from the start. HAD BY ALL!!! ~ Iv' R.L.H. COMMUNICATIONS 1111111 ~ RACE RADIO SYSTEMS 337 W. 35th STREET, SUITE "F" NATIONAL CITY. CA 92050 -(619) 585-9995 THE·CHAMPIONS CHOICE TOM & BOB DeNAUL T RICK VASQUEZ PERRY McNEIL REG. PRICE 1599"" RACERS SPECIAL 1989 OVERALL H.D.R.A/SCORE 1989 OVERALL MIDWEST RACING 1989 OVERALL GRAN CARRERA HELMETS WIRED $175.00 HANDHELD RADIOS 10 CHANNELS $450.00 REVOLVING LIGHTS AND ELECTRONIC SIRENS/HORNS Official BFGoodrich Radio Relay Page 47
COLORADO on ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS The TCI Off Road Challenge By Ron Kiel Photos: Steve Estes/Joanne Blair After the start of the Class 10 main Tom Dunn and Ken Brace/in had corner contact and Dunn ended up stuck under Bracelin's front end, but Dunn still managed to finish second. The second round of the Colorado Off Road Champion-ships was a return trip to Adams County Fairgrounds at Denver, Colorado. Already on Saturday night, there were several racers camped in the fenced off section of the parking lot that was to be the pits. Sunday June 10 dawned cool and bright and turned into a sunny 80 degree day that was perfect for racing. As more racers started to arrive and wandered onto the track to see what had been changed, they noted that the grandstand jump had been built up about a foot and a half and was now a whopping five feet high. Also, the mogul field had been built up and lengthened, to present a totally different obstacle from the first race. The morning practice sessions provided everyone a chance to dial in to the revised track. At noon everyone had their line to the checkered flag plotted and after a brief driver's meeting all of PUT YOUR FUEL IN A SAFE PLACE. the race vehicles moved onto the track in front of the grandstands for the opening ceremony. Five year old Eric Maddex was introduced to the crowd since the July 8 Central City race will be a benefit race for him. Eric has lukemia and will be in Seattle getting a bone marrow transplant at the time of the Central City Off Road Gran Prix so he needs all of our hopes and prayers. Promptly at 1 :00 p.m. the green flag dropped on the Quad 250B heat race. Ken Pavlick took the early lead, but had problems and dropped out in the fourth lap. That left the door wide open for Pam Cook to take the checkered flag. Mark Graber took second, and John Knespel third. The Class 10 heat started off with a midair tangle between Ken Bracelin and Tom Dunn. Dunn carromed into the chain link fence separating the track from the grandstands and lqst second gear, while Bracelin took the lead followed by Vaughn Sabatka. Dunn got back onto the track to grab third and held it for the entire race even though Tony Jackson tried everything he could think of to get around. At the checkered flag, it was Ken Bracelin, Vaughn Sabatka, and Tom Dunn. The Stadium Odysseys took to the track next and Gary Eubank continued his winning way as he came off the start and led the entire race. Allen Dhooge, a newcomer to GWPS this season, stayed close, but couldn't find an opening. Gary Eubank finished . first, Allen Dhooge was second, and Russ Myers took third. The action moved into the mud pit between the front straightaway and the rhythm section, and the mud hogger trucks faced a slightly different obstacle than they are used to ... the mud pit had been over watered and under stirred. Mud was somewhat less than apparent, while water was present This is a Fuel Safe Rac-ing Cell after a rear end collision. The Fuel Safe Bladder survived with only minor scracthes and No Leaks! And the car wentontoWINthe race. Fuel Safe Cells are ap-proved by all major rac-ing associations. And for a good reason. Fuel Safe Racing Cells. A safe place to put your fuel for over 15 years. 5271 Business Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 (800) 433-6524 Manufactured by Aircraft Rubber, Inc. Page 48 August 1990 Vaughn Sabatka pushes hard over the mogul field on his way to winning the Class 10 main event, after taking second in the heat race. in abundance. In the Unlimited and put on a show that had the class, only two trucks made their crowd wondering what would way through the pit, Steve Peif in happen next. Mark Perschbacher his Rude Dog truck took first came off the line first and was the with a run that threw a wall of only constant throughout the water thirty feet to each side of the heat. Chuck Landers and Gerry pit, and Sam Whitney took Bowers came out second and second. Ben Medina's Mountain third and swapped positions twice Magic vehicle took third because while Rich Brewbaker was of the distance traveled and his pit figuring out how to get around crew had red faces after it was Mike Jennings to take over discovered that his failure to fourth. Brewbaker then got complete the run was due to a lack around Bowers before putting on of fuel. a bicycle show on the south end of The Super Modified class the track. When the checkered found the pit more accomodating flag came out, it wa~ Mark to the trucks that were closer to Perschbacher first, Chuck stock street trucks. When it was Landers second, and Rich over, Jeff Chapman had the best Brewbaker third. time, Gary Hahn was second and During intermission, enter-Rod Walker was third. tainment was provided by three Back to the off road track gentlemen on Polaris Quads who where the Quad 250A class was thought the mud pit looked like ready to run. Dan Cornforth_took great fun. They each ran the pit the early lead, but during the once by themselves, and then second lap, brother Ron Corn-proceeded to run several side by forth, Steve V erhow, and Scott side races. The crowd howled with Millsapps all managed to get delight and the mudmen had a around. The race was a crowd great time. pleaser with Verhow and Mill-The 250B main event started sapps battling for second and off with some new faces in the third, but never getting close lead. Wyatt Seward and John enough to give Cornforth Gunthercameoffthelineinthel problems. The final was Ron and 2 spots and held on well into Cornforth, Steve Ver how, and the third lap. Then Pam Cook Scott Millsapps in the first three started moving up along with spots. Grady Artaz and Ken Pavlick. At The 1-2-1600 crew came next (continued on page 50) -Mark Perschbacher sails over the grandstand jump, a real crowd pleaser, and he carried on to win the first heat in Class 1-2-1600. It was close running among the Odysseys. Allen Dhooge, #13 won the main and was seond in the heat, and Gary Eubank, #22, won the heat and was second in the main. Dusty Times
Capital City Stadium Baja Race Pierre, SD K. C. Huggins comes from Omaha to race in Dakota, and he does very well in Class 10, winning the top honors in class at Pierre, but this trip K.C. also won the race overall, beating all the big trucks. The second annual Capital City Stadium Baja Race was held in Pierre, SD, on June 24, 1990. The temperature was as hot as the action! Spectators got a "bonus", as the Northern Shore Motocross races were held in conjunction with the second race of the season for the High Plains Off Road Racing Association. Jumps, bumps, hair pin turns and fast straightaways made up the short course track. Four classes ran with 28 entries for the day. The Class 10, ( 1650cc and under buggies) provided a variety of thrills and spills. Eighteen year old Justin Perry from Omaha, NE began his day of bad luck in the heat race when he lost the right front tire and wheel as he was leading the race. He continued on to finish the heat race for the points. He definitely had the power with his JEP (Justin Edward Perry) home built engine. In the main event he grabbed the early lead and it didn't look like anyone was going to catch him. However, on the back straighta-way corner he got too high and spun out. The whole field of cars drove by him by the time he got his buggy back on the course. He recovered and put the power on to come back. The dust was a factor as Justin came up behind Stuart Dahlin in his Baja Bug, got high on a jump and got airborne. He landed after several end over end and upside down rolls on his top. Justin was not hurt and was ready to continue racing when the officials turned his car over. Justin asked, "Do I have all four tires?" The answer was yes, but there was more serious damage to his car. The oil and gas was leaking, the trailing arms were demolished and both a front and rear tire came off as it was being hoisted upon the wrecker. I-le still wanted to continue the race. In the meantime, the other cars and racers had the red flag and were beginning to overheat while they were waiting for the tow truck to clear the track. The race continued and KC Huggins was the first to cross the finish line. The buggy class had an additional six entries for this race. They all drove up from Omaha, NE and Sioux City, IA and normally compete in the Great Plains Off Road Racing Associa-tion. Chris Rockwell, from Omaha, was driving #1095, Keith Koesters the #1049, Steve "Lupe" Duley #42C, KC Huggins, from Omaha, # 1014 and from Sioux City, IA, Justin Perry in #06. KC Huggins is a familiar name to the contenders in the High Plains Off Road Racing Assn. He has competed in the buggy class in past years. He insured that he was not forgotten by taking the checkered flag in the main event for the first place overall win for Sunday's race. Only three four wheel drive vehicles lined up at the start line for the heat race. It was a battle between Gary Todd in #421 and Kevin Neuhauser in #410. But in the last lap, Kevin lost the drive shaft and finished third. That left Al Wacker to place second in the heat race behind Gary Todd and co-driver Mark Nafus. But it was a different story in the mam event. It appeared that Al Wacker and co-driver Shaun Wilkinson discovered some kind of magical power as they powered their way to the lead m #485. Kevin Neuhauser and Gary Todd both tried to "Catch" Al, but to no avail. Thad Briggs from Gordon, NE. lined up and "started" the race to accumulate those valuable Byron Crown had a little trouble seeing through the dust at the finish line, but the young driver sailed to a clean second place in the Class 8 main event. Mike Cronweil is a regular Class 7 enduro car competitor, and he got the little Toyota Corolla home in a very close second place. Mark Jarvi is a frequent entry in Class 10, and here he dices with another buggy on his way to third place in the hotly contested class. Dustynma Gary Todd had a good battle in the Class 4 heat race, but he couldn't catch the main event leader and ended up second at the flag. AUgust 1990 .. ,,·: Monte Tibbits pulled out an early lead in the Class 8 main event, and he had no visible trouble with the pickup en route to winning the Class 8 race. points, but did not actually race. Monte Tibbits Ford truck. Byron He was involved in an accident a was lapping another slower car couple of months ago and is when he got the checkered flag. rebuilding his vehicle assuring us He saw the white flag being that he would be ready to race in displayed for the lapped car and the August race in Pierre, SD. did not realize the checkered was In Class 8, the 2 wheel drive out for the finish of the race. water cooled trucks, it was a wild Nothing serious was damaged, and exciting show for the {exceptforCrown'segoperhaps) spectators. There were enough and everyone was back out in the entries for two heat races. After main event. This time it was the finish of the second heat race, Monte Tibbits pulling out for the Byron Crown in #842 bumped early lead and Andy Wald in his into the back end of winner '57 er ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■mm■nmmmnma■■ ■ ■■ ■■ I 1•••••■■ I I I■ I I I■ I I I■ I 1. I■ I I r----1!1!1111111111 Racing Diac Brakes - I l Front $500 I I Rear (dual• caliper) $750 I ■■■■■■• I ■ I ■■■■■ I BllletPower-Pulq w/,,_,.Sleei,wffub sm EADY 103 Press Lane, Suite # 4 • Chula Vista, CA 92010 (619) 691-9171 • (619) 691-9174 • FAX (619) 691-0803 I Page 49
It looks like a low rider, but does handle the rough stuff. Arlin Dahlin drove the Ford to victory in the popular enduro car Class 7. Dr Chevy, #857, running in second place looking for a chance to get by. However, Byron Crown was ready when Andy got a little high on the comer and he slipped by to take over second place. Andy finished third, with Boyd Kitterman in #850 fourth. Wes Jobgen was satisfied with the fifth place finish and no major breakdowns. The Class 7 enduro cars still prove to be the crowd's favorite, even though the speeds are somewhat slower. It was a battle between Arlen Dahlin, in his #711, and Milce Cromwell in his little Toyota Corolla, #787. The first big jump proved to cause a few roblems for Donna Wishard driving the big black Pontiac, #757. When Donna hit the first . big bump, she came down and hit, the front end hard and with such a • jolt, the shift linkage would shift the transmission into reverse. Donna would then have to get it baclc into forward gear. The crowd loved it. Arlin Dahlin finished first, with Mike Cromwell second, Ray Hybertson third and Donna Wishard fourth. The next HPORRA event will be August 18th 1990 in Pierre, SD, the Gumbo Buttes Baja. Everyone is starting to get geared up for the Deadwood Off Road Gran Prix, on September 22nd. Will this be a mini Mint 400? See you there!! Al Wacker is a long time competitor in the series, and he pulled a second in the heat race and came back strong to lead most of the way and win the Class 4 main event. The TCI Off Road Challenge <from page 48) the checkered ·flag it was Cook, Artaz, and Pavlick taking the top honors. Class 10 started off with another h~art stopper as Tom Dunn and Ken Bracelin again kissed in midair over the grandstand jump. They both landed under control this time with Dunn in the lead. Bracelin was all over Dunn for the next two laps until he saw an opening. Dunn tried to close the hole and ended up driving under Bracelin's front end which created a tie up that cost both of them precious time while the track workers got them untangled. Meanwhile, Vaughn Sabatka jumped out to a lead that was uncontested.for the duration of the race. In second and third, Tony Jackson and Chris Strauch were battling each other and losing time while Dunn was putting on an air show that was rapidly closing the gap. When it was over, Vaughn Sabatka had wrapped up first, Tom Dunn was second, and Tony Jackson was . third. The Stadium Odyssey main event showcased a new driver grabbing the lead and hanging on throughout the race. Allen Dhooge came off the line in first place and held that position all the way to the checkered flag. Gary Eubank consistently came up Paul Choiniere Wins the First Tiadaghton Pro Rally By Judi Gooch Paul Choiniere and co-driver Scott Weinheimer won the first national running of the Tiadagh-ton Pro Rally in their Open Class ·Audi Quattro. The rally, present-ed by Subaru, was the second Pro Rally win of the season for the team, winning by over three minutes. Choiniere, the defending North American Rally Cup Champion easily beat second placing Jeff Zwart and Cal Coatsworth in their Mazda GTX. The Vermont duo averaged 61 miles per hour through the forests outside of Williamsport, PA, and Choiniere's win moved him into the points lead breaking a three way tie between Jeff Zwart and Rod Millen, the defending series champion. The rally started with a Parle Ferme in a downtown Williams-port Parle and then moved to a rural parlc to run two short spectator stages. The spectator stages were beautifully set up to show local sponsors and the public just what a Pro Rally is all about. There was plenty of time for the public to loolc the cars over and ask questions between the two stages. Although there were quite a few people there this year, from listening I expect them all to be back with two or three friends next year. After the spectator stages, the cars headed for Tiadaghton State Forest to begin running the real rally. These were the fastest rally roads I've seen in quite a while. Choiniere averaged over 60 mph for the whole event and he also beside Dhooge in the rhythm section, but could not get the line into the mogul field to get around. At the finish line it was Allen Dhooge, Gary Eubank, and 'Randy Minch taking the top honors. The mud bog main event was moved to the end of the day to keep from turning the off road track into a lake, so it was time for the Quad 250A main. Scott Millsapps took the early lead followed by Dan Cornforth and Jeff Heagle. Ron Cornforth came off the start in the back of the pack, but instantly started working his way up. By the middle of the fourth lap, Ron . Cornforth had taken over first with Millsapps and Dan Cornforth behind him. At the finish line it was Ron Cornforth first, Scott Millsapps second, and Steve Verhow third. The crowd buckled their seat belts as the flag dropped on the averaged over sixty for eleven of the sixteen stages. The roads were also unforgiving. They were nar-row and very hard packed with lots of loose gravel if you got off the line. If you made a small mis-take it was likely to be very costly. There was more bent sheet metal at the end of this rally than at two normal events. Many of the dam-aged cars managed to finish, including at least two roll overs. Of course none of the top 20 of · the starters had ever seen the course before, and of the 220 miles, 110 were competitive stages. Bruno Kreibich and co-driver Jeff Becker had a good run in their Audi Quattro and finished third overall and •in open class. Doug Shepherd's rally luck seems to have run out on him this year. Doug and co-driver Joe Andreini were giving Choiniere a close battle through stage twelve when the turbo on their Dodge Daytona went out. Shepherd managed to hold on for fifth place overall and second in Production GT class. Irishman Noel Lawler and co-driver Raymond Cadieux had a great run in their Mazda 323 GTX, again winning Production GT class and they came in a great fourth overall. David Lapham and Susan Ferretti put their Mazda home fourth in the class, seventh overall. Chad DiMarco and Erick Hauge were eighth overall and their Subaru RX was first in Group A less than a minute ahead of the Mazda 323 of Russ Hughes and David Randall. Group A 1-2-1600 main event. They weren't disappointed as going into the first turn, Mike Jennings and Chuck Landers got into a tangle that sent them both into the air over water barrels and into the infield causing the track workers to run for their lives. At the end of the first lap it was Mark Perschbacher in first, Gerry Bowers in second and Rich Brewbaker in third. After Dave Gee moved around Bowers and .Brewbaker, Perschbacher landed on his top in lap 4 and Gee took the lead with Bowers, Brewbaker, and Landers behind him. At one point, Mike Jennings fought his way back into third place, with Chad Bertram in fourth, but by the time the checkered flag came our it was Dave Gee in first, Richard Brewbaker in second, Chuck Landers in third, and Mike Jennings fourth. The mud boggers came back onto the track to slither, crawl, . ' hasn't really caught on in Pro Rally in the USA, because few if any North American built cars are on the FIA list. The Production class and the T ruclc class provided the closest competition of the event with both classes being won by le~ than ten seconds. In both classes the leader often changed from stage to stage. Cal and Karen Landau won Production class in a Volkswagen GTI by just ten seconds over W.G. Giles and Rick Smith in another VW GTI, and were tenth overall. In the T ruclc class Roger Hull and Rob Cherry came from Arizona to win in their Jeep Comanche by eight seconds over Californians Gary and Judi Gooch in a-Toyota pickup, an<;l were 20th overall. The Divisional Rally run with the National was won by Sakis Hadjiminas and co-driver Mario Karageorgi in their Audi Quattro, despite backing it into a tree on the third stage. The accident shortened the Audi considerably, but didn't seem to slow it down at all, and the team also finished sixth overall, third in Production GT in the National event. The 14 hour long rally had only one major problem in its debut as a national event; a problem in the timing and scoring computer program delayed official results for several hours. Overall it was a good rally and probably will become a great addition to the national circuit in the next few years. roar, and in some ·cases almost fly through the mud pit. The crowd loved the show as mud and water flew everywhere, and when it was all over, Steve Peif was first, Ben Medina was second and Sam Whitney was third in the. Unlimited class. In Super Modified, it was Jeff Chapman, . Gary Hahn and David Morris in the top three spots. Thanks to the new computer-ized record keeping system , the awards were given out less than thirty minutes after the racing was over and everyone was ready to start preparing for round three which will be a long course race at the VDR track near Berthoud, Colorado. The crowd had been treated to almost three hours of nonstop racing action and now it was time to relax in the shadow of the majestic Rocky Mountains and enjoy the splendor of a Colorado evening. Ken Brace/in does a little two wheeling in the mogul field at the fairground, but he held on to win the first heat in Class 10 action. The 1-2-1600 cars run in packs, and in this foursome is David Gee, who won the main, and Rich Brewbaker, Scott Viers and Gerry Bowers. Jay Anderstrom did several exhibition laps in his racer to show the crowd what a Heavy Metal truck looked and sounded like on the course. Quad racers constituted a major part of the entry at this race. Here Scott Millsaps and Ron Cornforth go over the rhythm section. Page 50 AUgust 1990 Dusty Times
GRAN CARRERA DE TECATE John Brooks Wins Overall in Mexico Photos: Lonnie Peralta John Brooks got a late start, drove along for the first time, and the defending points champ took the lead on lap 3 and charged on in his Raceco to not only win Class 10 but the car race overall. John Brooks drove alone in his one. On the first lap the course Raceco to the overall car title and was 'awful' and the car felt heavy. the Class 10 victory in the third By the third lap it felt like a race of the Baj a Promotions different car on a different course. Desert Series. Staged out of the Second place went to Ron new Santa Veronica Off Road Neilson, Fred Grabowski and Park and Raceway out of Tecate, John Neibert, their Jimco 44 Baja California, the race went off minutes behind the winner. Vince quite well for a first time effort. Van Dahlen and Dick Butterfield Brooks, the 1989 points champ- overcame engine woes in their ion, collected his fifth straight Pro Mirage to take third place despite Class l0victoryinasmanystarts. plowing into a tree before He got off to a late start and raced completing the course. hard all day, mostly in third place. Ramiro Gonzales and Fred When former partner Glenn Espinosa were first in Class Wolfe, with Chuck Sugar co-3/6/7S/7 4x4 and 14. It was the driving, dropped out on lap 3, and first win for Espinosa who has run the car of Bob Land and Jim Bunty every Baja Promotions event, and suffered from tire problems, he won the Pro class in his slightly Brooks took the lead and never battered Ford Ranger at the finish lost it. Afterward John Brooks line. Two hours back, second said, "that's as close as I can getto place went to Ed Everett, Jr. and a perfect race. The course was Sr. in their 1972 Scout. Third in great and really fast by the third class went to Bob Telliard and lap. I just sailed through the turns, Don Winters, who only covered and I could have done that all day, one lap and change. because I wasn't even getting The George Bustos, Sr. and Jr., tired." made quite a debut in this race Bob Land and Jim Bunty took taking their 1987 Nissan to first place in Pro Class l /2, after a victory in Pro Class 41718, even see saw battle with Chuck Sugar after starting the race late. After and Glenn Wolfe. Bunty led the leading for a time, then stuck in first lap but lost the lead on the the rocks for a time, Benny and second to Wolfe in the pines. Michele Harris salvaged second in After Land took over they did a Jeep Honcho. Third place have some flats and other belonged to Benny and Mary problems, but they ended up Canela who had day long troubles winning the class. Glenn Wolfe with the Ford and finished a bit had the class honors under over the time limit. Contender control until he lost a ring and Perry McNeil was out early with pinion three miles into the last trans trouble in the Ford. lap, and placed second. Gary Usual runner ups in Pro Class Waller and Collin Roundy were 5, Bruce Hoover and Pete Alesi third (n class, even though they survived a head on collision with a only went 30 miles in the new two spectator vehicle on the back side seat Raceco before losing a cv and of the course, which cracked the other parts. front end. They nursed the Baja Louie Silvas and Ken Lavine Bug around to the class victory by scored second overall car time on almost an hour time margin over their way to victory in Pro Class second place. Conrad Diaz 1-2-1600 in their Mirage. Silvas salvaged second place despite said he ran two separate races in crashing into a rock and breaking a trailing arm 4 2 miles after the start. He limped to the Baja Pits for a weld job, then at the main he used Benny Canela's tools and completed repairs and finished the race. Ernesto and Adolfo Arambula continued their winning ways in Pro Class 5-1600 despite down time when they were stuck in a ditch. And, just 1 7 minutes back in second were Alex and Al Long, who had a weak engine and planned ahead, ran an even pace and finished second. In third came Dave Hendrickson and Ross Craft who ran second until the last lap. They cleared the final check before the finish, but never got the checkered flag, but still were classified third. The Pro Challenger title went to Daniel Mora and Eric Fisher in a brand new, barely completed Chenowth. They had plenty of new car glitches, but hung on, and even with numerous pit stops they led the class all day and at the finish line. Pepe Vargas and Manuel Gonzalez rolled the Chenowth on the first lap, had a good second round and failed to finish the third lap, but still took second in class. Once again Martin Garibuy won Pro Class 11, his third victory in a row in this series. Only 14 minutes behind in second came the team of Jose Aguila, Juan Domingos and Armando Rojas, who had no troubles other than a couple of flats. Third place went to Enrique and Alberto Avalos. All six Pro Class 11 entries came from Ensenada, and all but one finished the two laps required. The combined Sportsman Class 1/2/ 5/ 10 honors went to Danny McClain who also got a late start. He did have an encounter with a fence, but it was Louis Silvas and Ken Levine celebrate at the finish line, their mirage not only finishing first in Pro 1-2-1600, but also a great second overall car. repaired after the race and the fence owner was happy. Bob Reamer and Dale Shubert, after a roll over, got their Chenowth home close to an hour later for second in class. Third went to Don and Oliva Neukucktz, in a Funco, and it was Don's first time out in a car. He usually rides bikes. Russell Root and Randy Persky set a strong pace in the Jimco in Sportsman Class 1-2-1600, and narrowly managed the win with ten minutes margin. Right off the start they stuck the new car in a mud hole, later got bogged down again, and also got off course for a few minutes, plus Persky ran out of gas, and they still won. Cal Cotner and Sam Armenta finished second, followed by Jose Rendon and Alejandro Ruda-metkin, whose Funco broke a sway bar bolt while they were leading the class. In Sportsman Class 3 16 1 7S/7 4x4 / 14 it was the Toyota of Luis Bernaldez, Salvador Villa-vicencio and Rodolfo Preciado that took top honors. It was their first off road victory. Second went to Berna Lopez, Alfredo Acevedo and Hector Tapia in a Chevy Nova, their first finish in over two years. Elias Hanna was third in a Nissan King Cab. The Sportsman Class 5-1600 I Challenger group winner was Frederico Motes and Eduardo Maymez who had numerous problems along the way, but they were the only team of the seven ~·· • :,w . starters in class to complete all three 90 mile laps. Second place went to Arturo and ·Hector Estupinan who got as far as checkpoint 1 on the final lap. Fritz and Angelina Ochs and Jorge Lizarraga rounded out the top three in class. The three starters in Sportsman Class 11 had a good race. Leading the way was the team of Alfonso Lacarro and Jose Martija, who started the weekend by rolling the car while pre-running. There wasn't much damage, but later, during the race they hit a couple of race cars when Mike McDowell and Paul Day plowed into a tree, and in the dust Lacarro didn't see them and smashed right into them. But they still won. Finishing 32 minutes back in second were Rene Ruelas and Eduardo Mayoel, who had early problems, then ran trouble free to the finish. All admitted Tecate was a tough course, but fun as well, and it was cool up in the forest. It was tight, which most liked, and many stated they preferred that to having to run flat out across dry lakes and pole line roads. Baja Promotions awarded the "Gov-ernor's Cup" to the overall car and MC winners, presented by the Baja California Department of Tourism. Tecate Beer, a major race sponsor, supplied the first place trophies and all enjoyed the Santa Veronica facility. ( Additional Plwtos on page 56) Danny McClain and Tina Glidden catch some air as they raced hard, after a late start, to win Sportsman overall and in Class 1 /2/5/ 1 O. Robert Land and James Bunty led the first lap in Pro Class 1 /2 and also the last lap when it counted and they got the checkers in class. Daniel Mora and Eric Fisher drove their two seater fast all day and, with riders Ramone Machuca and Oscar Ibarra, won Pro Class 9. George Bustos and George Bustos Sr. debuted the '87 Nissan in this race, had a late start but quite a debut; they won Pro Class 4/7/8. Dusty Times August 1990 Page 51
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY fiDVfiNCED AUTOMOTIVE Ei~G~ BY LEON PATrON ... · ...... {:~::;;;:1::;;:;:~~;;i:::i::~:;;::;:::iii::;::} •.•. · n.llT Engine Testing, Development, and Rebuilding. (714) 927-6816 HEMET, CA. Bob '"TIN MAr Belareaa ~l.4) 678-4849 By Behrens METAL SHAPING OFF-ROAD, DRAG RACING AND VINTAGE RACE CAR BODIES 4072 CRESTVIEW DR. LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 &,~. Apple PIE! Rccing 'BJ~ (702 J 362-9416 ~~0'4Ae (702 I 363-2245 FUEL CELLS Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your bu1ine11 card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $ 1,6.00 per month. Perfonnance Products Fiberglass Fenders & Hoods• Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins Pop-up Roof Light Kits • V-6 Kits for Mini Trucks Off-Road Truck Fabrication Product Catalog $3.00 (619) 562-1740 10996 N. ~oodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 619-583-6529 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR OR., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 TOMMINGA FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGES. DISTRIBUTOR FOR: OFF~OAD RACE PREP' FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. WELDING TUBE BENDING BILSTEIN SHOCKS HULA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 7-41 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-kS-S764 Helmets And (714) 650-4566 2365 Norse, Bldg. #B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 WANTED Home Videos of Baja Racing ... We want to use your videos of off-road action In a professional video production. The best Off-Road fans go where the action is ... and that is the tape we want to use! DO vou HAYE YIPEO Of.,, -ENDOS -HOOP DE DOO'S -ROLLOVERS Racers getting in and out of ditches, holes, SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOLBAGS• HARNESSPADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 BRAZEAU VIDEO 34462 Via Gomez Capistrano Beach California 92624 Mark M. Brazeau 714/493-2160 ~r-VEG~E WINNINGF!-E! ~ usroM ,i41111l1n<m1tn JACKETS • IWEATIBIRTI • FANNY PACKS BY DESIGN SCREENPRINTING VAN NUYS, CA. (BIB) 9011-1503 CHENOWTH ----------------'.ACIN6 PRODIJCTS, INC. Check the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 1-------------------,; creeks. Crazy pit stops, emergency repairs. i+--------------------, AUTOCRA ENGINES PART$ - SERVICE Manufacturing Facilities La Habra, Callfomla 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43112 1-800-358-8588 Ohio 1-800-358-1548 OR. .. Pre-Run video showing how you got buried that deep and how you go out! Find out how you will share In the profits of this pro'1uctlon If your video Is used. Call Rick: (619) 292-5140 IBESl' Of IBAJJA !Productions 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 619-449-2991 FAX 619-449-7103
OCNCJ. Manufacturersof Brake and Clutch Pedal Assy _ ~ Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-1663 Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 ..=.---~, ... ~~--~ COOKBROl'KRSRIQ\G • OFF ROAD FABRICATION • BENDING, WELDING SHOCK FINS WAYNE COOK (805) 947-4727 3640 E. AVE. T-6 PALMDALE, CA 93550 -£Fb1-£Davis ::_-_-_ --'RACING PRODUCTS CUSTOM RACING RADIATORS All Aluminum Rabbit Replacement Radiators Send for a free catalog 2905 West Buckeye Road Phoenix, AZ 85009 (602) 269-9194 (800) 842-5166 DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara. CA 931 1 I MOVING? Don't miss an issue of DUSTY TIMi:S Send Your Old and New Address to 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O Agoura, CA 91301 Allow six weeks for processing. DE/~N./' IN LINE/ HI-TECH HAND LETTERING _& PINSTRIPING TIM liART~I~ (714) 255-8113 ~ .:rDE/.ciN/ VINYL LETTERING & GRAPHICS 655 No. Berry Street, Suite E, Brea, CA 92621 [m PERFORMANCE TRANSMSSIONS (818) 38~3033 1533 TRUMAN ST. JOHN VERHAGEN SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 TRICK SHOCKS FOR: Single, Double, Trip le, Quad Application~. Take-Aparts & Remote Reservoir Kits. 10728 Prnp1ct Ave. "B", S1nt11, CA 92071 • (119) 582-8773 LESLIE~S DRIVELINE SERVICE $IIICBf' -$-INCORPORATED AUTO, TRUCK, INDUSTRIAL, CN ANO FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMIZING F~(714)877~ C1lllornia Watts 1~248-4238 1750 S. Lille Ave. Con1lntntal U.S. Watts 1-«>0-525-0395 Bloomington, CA 92318 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc. (714) 87&3107 P.O. Box 1080, Collon, CA 92324 14582 GOLOENWEST UNIT F WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 Bob Cassetta FABRICATIONS JOSE LUIS AOORIGUEZ (PEPE) (714) 895-6020 Don Rountree S. Arrowhead Ave. 825-0583 888-2703 0 SAN BERNARDINO, CA 92408 FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS (714) 981-9666 963 SEABOARD COURT, UPLAND. CA 91786 Send for our catalog! The most comprehensive cotolog of race-proven Off Rood ports ever From the people who have put more Off Rood drivers in the Winners Circle than anyone else. Coll. write. carrier pigeon. anything. But do it now. Or you II be at the bock of the pock. FAT Racing Ports Centerline Wheels Bllsteln Shocks JoMor Products Sway-A-Woy Wright Place Permo-Cool I Tri-Mil Exhaust S&S Headers ....... .._........... Gem Gears Weber Carbs Beard Seats IPF Lights PERl'ORMAICE ... many more FOR YOUR CATALOG. SEND S5 TO FAT PERFORMANCE, 1558 N. CASE ST .. ORANGE. CA 92667, OR CALL (714) 637-2889 f\LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS l:A 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 213-603-2200 () -~ DENNIS WAYNE r(.), . ' PORSCHE PARTS -. ,.. ,·.... ... . RE-IICA8L£ V.W. PAim 1US23 SHELDON ST. SUN VALLEY, CA 913152 768-4!5!5!5 (619) 669-4727 J11/IIF //=.~ aet Your SIIIFI' Togetherl ===---~t~--------FORT l /Y TRA/YSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, callfomla 92035 ~ Doug Fortin (408) 377-3422 Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's Specifications l0X RACING SHOX 544 McGlincey lane, Unit 8, C11mpbsll. Calif. 95008 1989 ATV/BIKE/ODYS.SEY CHAMPIONS - FRT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES PRO SPORTSMAN DAVID ROYS OPEN BIKE DEWEY BELEW ROB NOLIN 250 BIKE SCOTT PHILLIPS CRAIG SMITH 125 BIKE DEVIL LEONARD TOM MOEN VET BIKE MARK McNUL TY MIKE HARPER SR. BIKE TOM NOLAN HIMEY MEANS SUPER SR. BIKE GREG BRINGLE ATV ROB NIEMELA ODYSSEY RAMBO VISKOE 1989 BUDWEISER/FAT SUPERSTITION SERIES CHAMPIONS Class 9 -Jeff Bennett Class 1/2-1600 -Scott Webster Unlimited -Jeff Wright Class 10 - Bill Hammack Class 5 - Greg Sanden Class 100 -Jeffrey Schwaia Class 5-1600 - J.A. Ashley Class 8 - Perry McNeil Class 7 -Jon Hurley Mini Mag -Scott Steinburger
Fuel Bladders Quick FIiis Dump Cans 5271 Busrness Dr. Std.' FIiis Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DIALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is :1 grl':tt traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTAO DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. (818) 889-5600 OFFICE 362-4202 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 • HOUSE of BUGGIES 9925 Prospect Ave. Santee, CA 92071 • 619-589-6770 ~Hffl ,,, 8~. Rod Ends • Rebuild Specialist. (714) 979-6631 11661 Martens River Circle, Unit "H", Fountain Valley, Ca 92708 MPi 1VE LINE SERVI THE COMPANY DRIVERS KEEP ONTARIO 4035 GUASTI RD. ONTARIO, CA 91761 (714) 983-7838 CORONA 1540 COMMERCE ST. CORONA, CA 91720 (714) 279-8026 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~~•II ITI ~•II~ I I~•• I I•~ LI I Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 (714} 632-1240 Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 dl@l!lICY V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIE~ ROLL CAGE~ PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON WALKER EV ANS et RACING SHOCKS -.rJlf'~ 1/ MICKEY THOMPSON GRAND PRIX MOJAVE MINT • EXTERNALLY ADJUSTABLE • 3" DIAMETER • 8"-14" COIL OVERS • COMPUTER SUSPENSION DESIGN ASSISTANCE KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS ...,,.~,..-~"....__-LONG BEACH, CA. 213 595 0661 HONDA Power I Equipment ' OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawa2uchi Honda Corp. pt()FF'~(W,4/.. KAC£RS Ol$COIIM'" oN ALL 6.£/1/ERATD~ ART KAWAGUCHI 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA~ FAX PHONE • (213) 284-3931 (213) 284-5858 • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT LOTHRINGER !iH3i1f UJD PE~FC:,~tvfAI\ICE F>F,C>DLJCT.c.....; "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" · 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax(714)444-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 10722 Kenney St., Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-9010 FAX: (619) 562-9079 V\\~\ ~ PERFDRMANCE Al'.Jl ;pCJJ,ALn; Import Parts & Service Import Machine Shop Import High Performance Parts, Service & Machinery (419) 476-3300 1100 Custer Rd. At Laskey TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 Wholesale 419-476-3711 ~ RACING PRODUCTS CHASSIS - Parts & Accessories FOX SHOX - Parts & Service 805-940-5515 805-940-5514 (FAX) 42425 5th St. E, Unit,D Lancaster, CA 93535 Jim Moulton Racing ■ Off road racing chassis ■ Fabrication and repair ■ Fox shock parts and service ■ Race Car Prep 26846 Oak Ave., Unit G Canyon Country. Calif. 91351 (805) 298-1212 YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE Ignitions • Distributors • Rev Limiters Coils• Hell-Core Wires• Acceuories AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 Henry Brennen Or., El Paso, Tx 79936 (915) 857-5200 AUTOS ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS TRUCKS NATIONAL SPRING COMPANY, INC. 10229 Prospect Aue. Santee, Californin 92071 A COMPLETE AUlOMOTIVE SPRING SERVICE Leal Springs Cuslort, Made & Repaired Shocks & Coil Springs Sold & Installed Blocks and U-Bolts 1Tli1de to order Off-Road Suspension Urethane Bushings Beeline Alignment and Wheel Balancing MaIOR HOMES (619) 449-ARCH 4 X 4's
OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6891 SAN DIEGO DR .. BUENA PARK. CA 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 WO VANS & P ICKUPS & MINI TRUCKS PRE·RUN TRUCKS • CuSTOM SPRINGS A XLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION No B LOCKS U SED • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 761-9460 Established 1974 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT -~~ (p[3(x]00~(1(1 Fabrication ./ -Coll Over Suspension ✓ FoxShoxPartsAndServict1 ..J Race Car Wiring _ ✓ Race Car Prep. 1660 Babcock Bldg. B ..J. Tum Key Race Cars Costa Mesa, Ca 92.627 . (714) 650-3035 Petro Tech US.A., Inc. ( PE!:fl~=!~Clf) -....... . Allan Martinelli George Daland Dry Film Lubrication (714) 582-3771 P. 0. Box 7450 72 Seaspray North Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-7450 FAX 714-495-812,7' FAMILY RESTAURANT 011er 40,Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering_ Hole Saloon 24 Hour Service Station BAKER, CALIFORNIA PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY NEW LENOX. ILLINOIS 60451 (815! 485-RACE (7223) FUNCTIONAL AFTER-MARKET PRODUCTS Dean Galloway (818) 769-0921 Larry Winter 714-537-8286 A Totally New Concept in Battery Design Race Sllop S11ppliu 11532 Stepll1111ie Garden Grove, CA 92640 • ½ the Size &: Weight of it.s Equivalent • Vibration Resistant • Spill Proof Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 ' Anaheim Hills Family Dental Center (714) 998-2553 --DAVID Qt\MOCIN6Kl. DD6. 438 N. Lakeview Ave. Anaheim Hills, Ca. 92807 RACING LUBRICANTS DESIGNED FOR PERFORMANCE SERVICE AUTO PARTS Palm Desert 44-800 San Pablo Yucca Valley 56313 29 Palms Hwy Palm Springs 67-390 Ramon Rd. Desert Hot Spr 13-175 Palm Dr. Indio 81-096-A Hwy. 111 Cathedral City 68-887 Hwy. 111 , McKenzie's Anaheim Moore Racing San Bernardino OffRoad Superman Westminster Dirty Pans Culver City Racecrafters Lawndale Tustin Honda Tustin Bryce's Auto Anaheim (619)346-0694 (619)365-0813 (619)323-1879 (619)329-1446 (619)34 7-3379 (619)328-2183 (714)441-1212 (714)883-8891 (714)750-2802 . (213)390-9086 (213)370-5552 · (714 )558-9393 (714)635-1431 RED LINE SYNTHETIC OIL CO. 3450 Pacheco Blvd. Martinez. CA 94553 TEL (800) 624-7958 - ------------------RUSS's V.W. Recycling 756 Alpha St., Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 303-4366 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 s (213) 583-2404 fmfill!f diPSERVICE, INC. ~ ~ETAL PROCESSING 5921 W;Jmington Avenue Los Ange/es. Caiiforn,a 90001 SANDBLAST Mark Smith re· GLASS BEAD FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MAGNETIC PARTICAL Larry Smith '--:t-. ·---. . ----~ Sa1t 7i ~~"99'/ ~ (818) 988-5510 • 1533 Truman Street San Fernando. Ca. 91340 Phone: (818) 361-1215 _ 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 •OUTUNES •NUMBERS • CUSTOM LOGO'S • DROP SHADOWS-• SPONSORS LOGO'S • WINDOW BANNERS • CUSTOM LETTERING 714 539-5162 NEW LOCATION IN ORANGE COUNTY rSIMPSOM, I I RACE PRODUCTS j ~ ...... _____________ ..,,, 1130 N. KraemerBlvd., ·c· Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 630-8861 LEADED/UNLEADED Anaheim, CA ......•............•........ (714) 528-4492 Bakersfield, CA ... __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 462-9499 Brawley, CA .......................... -.. (619) 344-2550 Chino, CA ..•.........•.................. (714) 628-7596 El Centro, CA ............................ (619) 352-6961 ·· Fullerton, CA •........................... (714) 635-5553 Lancaster, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . (800) 462-9499 Las Vegas, NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (702) 643-9200 Paramount, CA .......................... (213) 531-0192 Phoenix, AZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (602) 278-2693 Santa Barbara, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 462-9499 San Diego, CA _ .......................... (619) 691-9171 Riverside, CA ............................ (714) 877-0226 Ventura, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • (800) 462-9499 FOR DELIVERIES L.A./ORANGE COUNTY CALL (800) 462-9499 ALL OTHER INQUIRIES CONTACT SPORTS RACING P.O. BOX 7835, LAGUNA NIGUEL, 92677 :..---------------------'----------------------------(714)363-1236 --------
,. WELDING • FABRICATION ROLL CAGES • TUBE BENDING SHOCK\& SUSPENSION SETUPS F.LAME CUT GUSSET KITS . GAS TANKS AIR CLEANERS SHEET METAL WORK BEAD BLASTING CUSTOM MACHINING . RACE PREP & REPAIR llACE CAR • PRE RUNNER FABRICATION RICHARD Lill Y LAURA STOUFFER SPORT ENGINEERING »:-:-: 14757 lull Street Van Nuys, CA 91405 TEL: 818-994-7475 FAX: 818-994-4069 Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS (714) 630-8283 Anaheim, CA SUSPENSIDIS UII./H/1F/I * Welding * Fabrication * Front Ends* Flame Cutting · * Custom Chassis* Race Prep* Custom Light-Weight Trailers 1180 Fountain Way, Unit-F, Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 630-3no • (714) 630-2681 Mfg'r. of Blue Flame Products SINCE 1933. C. A. TAYLOR (CHUCK) 240 N. OAK ST.-G-ORANGE, CA 92667 (714) 997-1778 LUBRICATION FORMQlATED FOR SEvERE SERVICE JAGG1TE4A4 Off Road Products and Preparation Downey• Doetsch Tech• Bi/stein• Smittybilt • KC Lites Baker Products• Cal Gold Products• Conner Products• Super Trapp Suspension • Engine • Drive line • Fiberglass • Clutches Tires • Wheels • Safety Equipt • PreRunner Lifts • Installation 670 W. 17th, Unit G-5 Costa Mesa, C A.92627 (714) 631-8244 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober (213) 670-6897 Commercial Photography P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 more TECATE photos ... liACE Tl(IINS BY JEFF flEO)'S TRANSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 (yMPJ UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNOLIA, SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 619/449-9690 ------OUR DEALERS------L.AAREA McKenzie's (714) 441-1212 Anaheim, CA St. Peters Off Road (414) 285-3218 Port Washington, WI V W ON LY tLiArrta1ttleiA 17011 DARWIN ROAD, HESPERIA, CA VW · RABBIT· BUS· AUDI PARTS NEW & USED REBUILT ENGINES & TRANSMISSIONS DUNE BUGGY CHASSIS & PARTS (619) · '.('PAINT""" C04TINGS~GRAPIIKS* J,(JGOIJ * : •~ !cJl:Ad ltWN!eNANCJ'•fJmllWtrJ,,,.J,Jh/RIN&-* 1 "c14V")S'b1 MY~·1orRclc;.11p~ .•619• 0 I -M :,: Glenn Wolfe and Chuck Sugar led Pro 1/2 during the second Russell Root and Randy Perskey set a strong pace in the Jimco lap, but lost the ring and pinion early on the last lap and were and narrowly managed to win, by ten minutes, Sportsman Class second. 1-2-1600. Page 56 August 1990 • =$:WATKINS I N .0 U S T R I E S ENGINEERING/DEVELOPMENT 780 Second Ave.• Redwood City, CA 94063 Ph. (415) 36l0808•FAX (415) 36l0866 Craig Watkins SPECIALIZING IN OFF ROAD HIGH-PERFORMANCE VW-PORSCHE, FABRICATION & OFF ROAD PREP. (619) 741-6173 · 420 VENTURE ST. ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 THE WINNERS tHOICE WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports winning drivers and engine builders. Just ask the top professionals before buying your next cam. Our dedication to performance and quality keeps you on top. Call WEB-CAM for your winning cam for street . strip and off-road or send $3 for the complete __ .., catalog. (iai)WEB-CAM 1815 MauachuseH1 Ave. W.=RFOIIMANCE CAMSHAm ~~:~~:~~!!~~r,~~dvOh~les (714) 369-5144 DISC BRAKE SYSTEMS DISC BRAKE CALIPERS 570° RACING BRAKE FLUID DISC BRAKE PADS FRONT VW DISC BRAKE KITS BRAKE PEDALS REAR VW DISC BRAKE KITS CLUTCH PEDALS PROPORTIONING VALVE COMPOSITE MASTER CYLINDERS POWER STEERING 461 Calle San Pablo• Camarillo• CA• 93010 805 • 388 • 1188 JIM9~-~<~ JAPANESE RACING ENGINrs DEVELOPMENT & DYNO FACILITY PARTS AND TUNING 537 West Main Street JIM WOLF El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 442-0630 WOODS WHEEL WORKS 2733 W. Missouri Off Road Products Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Phoenix, AZ. 85017 " ,M The Sportsman Class 11 racers seem to have the most fun of all and this time the Beetle winners were Alfonso Lacarro and Jose Martina. Dusty Times
Tech flps By Bill Savage, Chairman SCORE~HDRA Technical Committee The ruiwr-is· true. An actual copy of the 1991-92 SCORE-HORA rule book has reached my hands. It was a mockup copy, only for proof reading, but the new book will soon come off the press. The format has been revised to make it easier to read. Danny Cau spent a good deal of time on that. I believe all the competitors are going to ap-preciate the effort that went into making this not only a rule book that contains nearly all the input of the racers, but is also easier to use and to understand. Meanwhile, we've been getting a lot of calls lately from competitors wanting to know if V -6 engines will be legal in Class 7S in 1991. To answer the question, yes, they will. To make the point and answer the question more completely, I am reproduc-ing the section of the rule book dealing with Class 7S engines. (The copy sent here was too faded with broken type to reproduce iii this issue. ed.) (Try SCORE or HDRA.) A few months back there was a lot of discussion about our plan to do away with stock firewall and floorboard restrictions in the so-called "Open" production classes -3, 4, 7 and 8. Those regulations are now obsolete, and in their place is a new criterion. The engine location will now be required to be plus or minus one inch from the stock location as measured from the centerline of the front spindle to the back of the engine block. That will take care of engine placement, and so measurements in relation to the firewall are no longer necessary. ~ i OFF-ROAD RACI-NG -rEAM 'The Straight Poop From The Big Wah:roo' · BAJA500-HeyJim,welcome back! I bet you now have a better appreciation of that old saying "nobody ever remembers who finished second". Sumners, who in years past dominated the 1-2-1600 class like nobody has ever dominated any class in off road racing, finally put his 1-2-1600 car back into the winner's circle again af~er a long absence. Sumners had a great come from: behind finish to beat the lead car by less than 40 seconds on time. Let's hope that this is the start of another 16 wins in a row. Now if we can only get Jim to show upata weekly meeting once in a while? Nahl Our other winner at this race was of course Mr. Zambrano, as he and Howard Anderson put 'Cheap Thrills' into the first place position in Class 11 for the fifth time in a row, all major races. It's kinda interesting as it seems like almost every race someone in the Club, in one class or another, steps up and wins one. Is that another Checker traditi~n or just the way it has always been? Zambrano, Anderson and Sum-ners stepped up for the Club this race. Great race guys! Ross and the Cooks, in Craft's 5-1600, got involved in that flash flood action at San Matais Pass Dusty Times and finished eighth in class. follow-up on the Club's ·latest Walter had a good run in Class venture into the politics of off 1 / 2 finishing 12th and was road racing. At some of the recent definitel'y the prettiest car to weekly meetings there has been a finish the race as it seems he lot of discussion on the issue of stopped at a 25 cent car wash Score's non-support of the somewhere in the final Santa Weatherman relay and the related Tomas to Ensenada pavement problems the Weatherman has in section and gave his two seater a getting permission to get up to the bath before crossing the finish observatory area on Mount line. Good race guys. Diablo during the Baja races. The may be keeping the two-time past president from attending as much as he normally would. Clarence asked the Club to 'lighten up' on Steve, noting that he is not a promoter. Hey Clarence, Steve would think we don't like him any more if we didn't rag on him a little when he graces us with his presence. I'm sure that Doctor Checker would be the first to remind you of another of those old Checker sayings: "Leniency, what leniency? We don't need no stink'n leniency! Our fellow Checkers that did general feeling is that this is a not fare so well are as follows: safety issue for both the racers Chase and Urquhart were the and the pitters and the Weather-second car on the road down man relay, even though he is in around the San Felipe area when this business to make a buck, they lost a tranny. Symonds lost a provides by far the best radio motor again to the same cooling coverage and relays for the rank problem and is now reportedly and file racers and their support. looking for a new engine man. The suggestions from the cheap Pick tore up the front suspension seats ranged from writing Score a on his Class 5 car which put him letter on this issue, to boycotting out of the race. The section of the one of their races to get the point By Rich Fersch course where he broke was near across. The Club decided on the Ten FAIR supported entries the pavement so he parked it on letter writing approach. left the starting line at the SCORE the shoulder of the road and left it It may be my imagination, but it Baja International where water there to go to get help. Dave has seems like we have been repeatedly wings and mud tires were the done this kind of thing on a getting on Score's case lately for order of the day. number of occasions in Mexico one.._fp.ing or another and not Danny Letner cruised home and managed to dodge the bullet. really on any of the other race · fourth in Class 1/2 reportedly This time another Checker promoters. Why is this? ls it with brake and front shock happened by and baby sat Pick's ··deserved or does the top problems slowing him down. Ray car for a number of hours until he promoter just naturally take more Croll, with Tom Day co-driving, got back. Hey Dave, one of these heat than the others? Hey Sal, · won the big money in Class 10 times you're going to come back you're always welcome on any once again finishing first in class to find that the only thing left of Wednesday night since everyone and a fine eighth overall. John your Baja Bug is your roll cage, knows that there is always two Hayes brought his Raceco in a but then again that would fit right sides to every story and the Club solid third just four minutes out in with your nickname wouldn't is always interested in hearing of second. The FAIR lock on it? yours. Class 10 continues! Tom Ebberts Greenway did have a run in Speaking of Score, our Prez is wound up in the top 15 finishers with some locals in his Class 1 /2 concerned that the verbal abuse in Class 1-2-1600 with a nice 11th car. By run in I meanjustthat,Jim that Kassanyi normally gets when place, as did Brian Parkhouse with hit a Mexican's car at one of the he comes to the weekly meetings a 14th place. Brian and his co-high speed cattle crossings leaving Ojos Negros. He got it going again but the damage done finally put him out later in the race. Hymes, in his 1/2 car, broke a rotor in a remote section of the course and it took forever to get a replacement part. Hey Gary, those ignition -parts don't weigh much, do ya think you might carry some spares along on your next race? driver Dave Massingham at-tempted an in-flight refuel and driver change, but reported in that it dido 't work and will not be attempted again. Ri!:h Fersch put Oarryl Gibson in his 5-1600 to drive the second half, but left the pontoon bridge he usually carries in his pit box back at the hotel. This cost "the team about an hour and a half waiting for the flash flood to recede. Fortunately, it stopped the rest of the class as well. They finally finished up in sixth place, nine minutes out of first. The FAIR pits reported a slow day as far as working on FAIR entries went. FAIR placed seven pits around the course with the San Matias pit doing double duty. Several of the pits reported working on a variety of non-FAIR cars. San Matias and El Chinero handled most of the driver change and refueling business. With the flashfloods and the hailstones, the race was a true tribute to the challenge of Baja racing and a fitting memorial to Mike Leon. A hats off thank you to SCORE for supplying a pit and race course access guide for everyone along with their race packets! FAIR meets the first and third Wednesday of every month at the Holiday Inn, corner of Harbor Blvd., and the 91 Freeway in Fullerton. The first meeting in July has been cancelled due to the close proximity of the Fireworks 250. Meetings start at 8:00 sharp. See you there! This Baja 500 did not start or finish anywhere near Ensenada but, aside from the flash floods, this race ran smoothly with no noticeable trouble from the local ranchers. cHR .. from Paul Oxman Publishing For the off road enthusiast SUMMER PARTY -The Checker party at the Willow Springs Race now appears to have become sort of a joint Check-ers/ Baj a Promotions affair as Peralta has very generously· promised to provide all the food for the party. It is rumored that Lou made this grand gesture after some racer hit a cow at one of his recent races. Luckily the steer was found only a couple of days after it had died and it is now in cold storage awaiting the big Checker feed. Hibbard and Utgard, who are the promoters of the race, have provided the Club with a large area right next to the race course for our party and hopefully this year will mark the return of the annual traditional Checkers Summer Party. Bob and Jeff are also reportedly springing for all the party beer. Hey, you guys must have picked up a beer sponsor, Huh? The party will begin on Saturday afternoon and extend into the evening with some music by some punk rock band. Willow Springs Raceway is located west of Rosamond in the Antelope Valley and all Checkers, old and new and their guests are invited. A good time will surely be had by all! Results and stories from the Fireworks 250 next month plus a QTY Each of these large-format (4 3/4" x 7") cards features a full-color illustration · depicting Santa, his helpers and your favorite machines in a whimsical-and very tasteful-manner. Designed by Richard Hoffman exclusively for us, these unique cards are top-quality all the way! The cards are sold in sets of 12 of the same subject, with matching envelopes included. INSIDE each card carries a tasteful HAPPY HOLIDAYS message printed in red. The first set of 12 cards is $10.95 and all additional sets are only $9.00 each. Since the Christmas season will be here soon, order your cards today! For even faster service on credit card orders of $15.00 or more, call us toll free at ! 1-800-228-0787! 20X34 20X35 --------------------------------- #---------CARD# TOTAL 1st Set of Card• S 10.95 Additional Sets($9.00ca.) s s s Sub-Total s Sales Tax• s Shipping & Handling $3.75 TOTAL ORDER $ • Cal. residents please add 6.25~ tax PAUL OXMAN PUBLISHING CO., INC. P.O. BOX8509, FOUNTAIN VALLEY, CA92728 August 1990 Enclosed is my: D Check D Money Order O Charge My VISA/MasterCard Account# _________ Exp. Date __ _ Signature _______________ _ Daytime Telephone #: ( Name Address _______________ _ City _______ Stale _ Zip Send for our catalog of 8 calendars and over 60 cards. Page 57
·classified ••• FOR SALE: Class 1 O.R.E. w/3.5 liter Porsche motor and Hewland DG-300. The motor is fuel injected, twin plug-twin ingition Porsche racing motor (approx. 600 miles on motor). The gearbox was prepared by Doug Fortin and has first class parts throughout: UMP PI S, Wright rack, Palmer arms, Summers hubs front and rear, vented rotor rear brakes by Cone, with Corvette calipers, Tilton Pedals, Patterson sump tank, Fox shocks, mil-spec sealed switches, the list goes on ... Car complete, ready to race with spare shocks, tires & wheels, dump cans, misc motor parts, etc. MAKE OFFER, SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY. NO TRADES. Call Mark at (805) 541-2012. FOR SALE: Single seat class 9. Super clean, all freshly painted. Best of everything. Dirtrix chassis. All running gear fresh. Ready to race. 4,500.00 with trailer. Call John at ( 602) 492-0934, or ( 602) 934-3444 ext. 48. " FOR SALE: 1-1600 Raceco. 11 r WB, all the 'GOOD STUFF'. Fox, Wright rack, combos, new style arms, power steering, Centerline, Hewland. Very competitive; MONEY FINISHER! Race ready. Fresh engine/ trans., and chassis prep., MUST SELL! Make Offer. Call John at (714) 923-1558. Leave · message on machine. FOR SALE: 5-1600. Very competitive car! Ready to race the August Fud Pucker night race. Has everything needed to be a WINNER in the 90's. Car is currently stored in San Diego, CA. Will sell less engine and trans .. $8500.00. Call ( 412 )475-3320, Bowen & Son Racing. 4 FOR SALE: 1988 Chev. crew cab FI 454. All the extras! 150 gallon gas, GM warranty and 1984 26N . I>ro-Am trailer, 20'x24' awning, like NEW, $26,500.00 for both. For more details, call Don at (415) 455-4369 or (415) 971-6147. . ',· j . • ". -• -.l . . . .--. >!~:{:' FOR SALE: Complete car, race FOR SALE: A PROVEN ready. Chenowth Magnum WINNER! Class 1-2-1600 Single Stadium Pro 1600. FAT air Seat '86 ORC, Hatz motor, cooled motor, 091 with Hewland Mendeola Trans, all current gears, Neal hydraulics and UMP updates - FAST AND LIGHT power steering. Best reasonable RACE READY. $10,500.00. offer. Could include Chaparral Some extras. Call Bill or Scott trailer with utility box. Wayne Reams for details at (619) 270- Cruze at (214) 241-0005, leave 0900. message or call ( 214) 790-381 7. FOR SALE: '85 Corolla GTS 16V. Stock class, production and {TA let1al,_ $7500.00. '86 Corolla GTS open class rally car, $7500.00-up depending on H.P., trans., etc. Starlet GTS 16V. an ultimate rally car, $10,000.00. '84 Renault Turbo II, 350 H.P., GrB Rocket, $45,000.00. Call Topi Hynynenat(818) 765-5542 FOR SALE: '87 2-1600 Raceco, suspension by Mirage, 115N wb, Foltz trans., Hatz motor, Power steering, Wright rack, arms & combos, Beard seats, Fox shocks, Dura Blue torsions, Turbo cv's, Super Boot cages & boots, only· raced 7 times. Very competitive car, recently stripped & repainted. $13,700 O.B.O. Call Brian (213) 928-0421 days, (213) 493-5113 eves. FOR SALE: Class 5 /Pre-runner, 9N wider beam, Woods front & rear arms, bus trans, 930 c.v.'s, Bilsteins, 22 gal cell, pumpers, Centerlines, street registered. New race car on the way - Must sell!!! $5000.00 O.B.O. Call Craig (805) 528-2083. The National Mud Racing Association is governed by racers for Mud Racers. For more information concerning pro, and sportsman championship Mud Racing nationwide, contact the NMRA. Membership: $50.00, Associate Members: $30.00 per year. NMRA 11842 Jason Court, Madera, CA. 93638, or call (209) 266-5558. FOR SALE: Class 10, single seater, Adzima frame, Curnutt shocks, all coil over, Wright beam, 4N arms, Wilwood disc, Tailor seat, UMP steer, 24"' rear arms, Micro stub, Carr disc, Mendeola trans., Hatz Type 1, Carrillos, Head Flow, Autocraft dry sump. Car & trailer prepped and race ready. $20,000.00. Call Joey (619) 582-2994. FOR SALE: STREET LEGAL with current registration. 1987 Chevy pre-runner, fiberglass body, 35"' BFG's, Centerlines, 350, Turbo 400 automatic, AM/ FM cassette. Very clean. Call Tom (714) 630-1587 evenings & weekends, $11,500 O .B.O. FOR SALE: 1988 Jeep Comanche p/ u 2WD, 2.5 liter, pre-runner, SCORE legal Safari class, T.S.D. Computer, frame mount Roll Bar, KC's, BF Goodrich, Ameri-cans, 4.56 Gears, Rancho Sus, Dual F Shocks, 7K miles window nets, 3N Belts & Harness, Sharp Looker, $7000.00 O.B.O. Call Smitty evenings at (503) 658-5695. WANTED: 1 or2-1600SCORE legal with headroom and elbow-room for a 6 footer! Will pay up to $7000.00 depending on quality and quantity. Chromoly required. Photos will be re-quested. Will drive to CA, or NV or meet half way. Trailer & spares desirable. All calls returned. POOR RESPONSE LAST MONTH. LET'S GO OUT THERE! Call (602) 893-9361. FOR SALE: Class 10 Funco short course frame, beam, arms, sec-ondaries, body, axles, studs, shocks, rear hub disc, fuel cell, shift linkage, tie rods, factory Toyota 2TC. $1,000.00. Call (714) 682-8745. r--------------------------------------------,. Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words each month, not·including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPIIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All classified ads must be paid in advance. Enclosed is $ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. Name Address ______________________ Phone ______ _ City __________________ State _____ Zip ______ _ Mail to: DUSTY.TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 Page 58 August 1990 FOR SALE: Mirage 2/1600. Loaded with all competitive parts. FOX, Sway-A-Way, Wright, Dura-Blue, 930, etc .. Super clean down to the last detail. Fully race ready. Full line of spare parts, tires, and trailer also available. Possible trade for pre-run truck. $11,000.00. Call (702) 456-4117 (eves/ weekends). FOR SALE: Sharp copy machine. Model; Sharpfax SF-810. Works, but needs a lot of help. First $25.00 takes it. You haul. Call Dusty Times at (818) 889-5600. FOR SALE: Class 1-2-1600 Raceco. FOX shocks with reservoirs, Wright front end, combo's. Raced only one time. Call Vance for details at (818) 962-0221, days. FOR SALE: Ball joint front end, 6" wider Sway-A-Way adjusters and torsion bars, Thing trailing arms & spindles, 4 bolt disc brakes, Doetsch remote cooler shocks, ZF steering box. $475.00 oho. 2 front, 2 rear Geise built aluminum Challenger shocks $150.00 each. Call (714) 630-8078 or (714) 860-4082. FOR SALE: T-Mag single seat Class 9, Bilstein, SACO Rack. Beard, seat, Sway-A-Way, Neal, 18 gallon FBI, Yok'ohamas. $6500.00. Call George at (505) 281-5599. FOR SALE: Class 5 fast & strong. 1st & 2nd in last races. Wright, SAW, Simpson, 22 gal fuel cell, Centerlines, Yokohamas, Bilstein & coil-over secondarys, 930's, pumper, Dura Blue, Pro Built 2180, strong trans. Must sell. $10,000.00 oho. Call (702) 482-9298. ALE: Class 1-2-1600 Single Seat ORC " A proven winner" 1989 SCORE points leader. Ready to race with Hatz motor, Mendeola trans and more. If you want to be competitive, you need this car! Asking $10,500.00. Call Bill Reams (619) 270-0900. FOR SALE: Race package complete. Jeep Commanche 7 4x4, all new October '89. 9 races, 7 finishes & points competitive. Professionally built & maintained. Will consider breakup if race truck goes first. 4 generators 4-6. 5 kw, 24' Ford box truck w / built in rest room, hot water, bench, parts, tires & fuel racks. Box trailer H.D. w /winch, cabinet & rack. Welders, 110 gal quickfill, sun shade. All spares, suspension parts, engine & transmissions $45,000.00. Contact Bud Sebelius (714) 688-7300 or (714) 780-7742. FOR SALE: FRESH ITS THOR-TON TRANSMISSION BUS all Hewland Gear, super differential, two extra ring and pinion. 4:56, new torque limits. $3000.00. Call Don Hatz (619) 425-1639. Dusty Times
FOR SALE: Ready to race Class 2 Hi Jumper. Fresh 2235cc engine, bus trans, Hewland gears, rack & pinion steering, Bilstein shocks, Neal pedals, Sway,A,Way. Spare tires & wheels. $4900.00 takes all. Call George (209) 291,7328. FOR SALE: 1977 Ford Class 4, full cage, street legal pre,runner or race truck , $8000 .00. 1971 Ford Class 8, full cage, street legal pre, runner or race truck $6000.00, or both for $13,000.00. For more info call Craigat{619) 357,6917. FOR SALE: 351 Windson long block , ported, polished & balanced, Big port heads, 160 & 194 stainless valves, Crane cam, Chromoly studs, guide plates, push rods & rod bolts. Roller rockers, 11 to 1 TRW pistons. NEVER RUN. $1650.00 oho. Starter prerunner, '66 FlO0 with title $250.00 oho. Call (602) 753,4529, leave message, Macs. FOR SALE: Fast, reliable 5,1600 car. S 2nd place finishes in last 11 SCORE/HDRA r aces. Fox shocks, Wright Place combos, arms & rack. New Beard seats, DJ trans, all the best parts. $9000.00. Call Ross Craft at (805) 272, 4344 days or (805) 272, 1198 eves. HELP WANTED: Retail store manager for Riverside CA. New store. Must have experience in VW off,road parts & accessories. Call (714) 998,3867 or write to: Big Boys Toys, 2343 E. Parkside Ave., Orange, CA 92667. FOR SALE: Or will consider trade on car, truck or boat. 1986 Berrien Laser like new. Raced only four short heats. UMP power steering, Summers Bros brakes & big stubs, Wright Place 2 degree spindles, ATL fuel cell, Weld wheels w/ bead locks. All lines & plumbing by Earls. Set up for rabbit. W / 0 engine & trans $10,500.00. Call B&B Brokers (314)443,2217. FOR SALE: Bronco, 351 with extended frame. Best of every, thing, fresh rear suspension, motor, trans, rear end. Lots of extra parts, 2 sets new tires. ready to race. $5000.00 oho including trailer. Ask for Joe (714) 590, 5075 . . NEWCOMER to Off Road Racing with Class 5 Car, looking to trade new carpet, pad, and installation for anything to do with Racing, Pre,Running or Support. I have hundreds of samples to choose from. Leave message. Mark (619) 270,6970. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum Mickey Thompson Super 1600. VW Rabbit water cooler, the newest Mendeola trans, Neal hydraulics, UMP power steering, very competitive car. Albert Arciero. $22,000.00. Call (612) 579,1750. ' FOR SALE: Class 10 FUNCO single seat. 1640 VW motor, close ratio bus trans, power ,steering, Wright rack & pinion, Brandwood front end, Wright spindles, Beard seat; pumper, fuel cell, radios & spares, Ready to race. Must sacrifice at only $6000.00. Call after 5pm (602) 860,8574. FOR SALE: 81 Chevy Blazer, 2WD,Prerunner, new 383 motor, all new running gear DS PB Air, Stereo FM 2,way radio. Hi Tech Suspension, XLNT Cond., $10,200.00. (818) 359, 0042, Doug Smith. FOR SALE: 87 1,2,1600 Short Course Single Seater , A Proven Winner, power steering, Wright, Beard Seat, Jamar, Bilsteins, all the best parts. 2 points champion, ship, 1 overall points champion, ship. $8500.00. Also a 86 Suzuki QUAD Runner used only 7 times, like new, $1900.00. Contact Steve (714) 734,2382. ~"l"'l~W!"W) FOR SALE: 86 Ranger STX, ZWD pre,runner,Z.9 V6, PS, P.B., AC, 15" Wheel travel front, 14" rear, Six BFG MUD, Terrains on Enkei wheels, Extra fuel tank, pre,runner bumpers, custom paint, stereo and more. Very clean and works great $8000.00. (714) 652,1810. LOST: At Barstow during the race. Front spindle with center hub between Wild Wash pit & Hodge pit. REW ARD. Also, will the folks with my front centerline & Armstrong tire please call me. Jerry (619) 244,9075. FOR SALE: Class 10,Two seater Toyota 1630 cc motor combo's and Curnutt Shocks runs and works well. Includes spare motor & trans., needs some frame work. $8,000.00. Call Jeff (619) 228, 2916 Awn. WANTED: CHASSIS FAB, RICA TOR with a comprehensive knowledge of tubular fabrication, MIG & TIO welding and layout work. Mirage Chassis requires the skills of a hard working individual with a minimum of three years experience. Only qualified and skilled persons need apply. resume and references required. Send to: Bill Varnes, c/ o Mirage Chassis, 42425 5th Street East Unit D, Lancaster, CA 93535, or call for info(805) 940, 5515. FOR SALE: 1988 3.2 Porsche with modified factory injection, SS headers, Web cams in car & running $8500.00. Hewland DG 300, $6000.00. Call Stuart, days (818) 841,5080, nite (818) 845, 4714. CLEAN UP YOURACT-clean out your garage. Sell your surplus parts and pieces RIGHT HERE! Classified ads are just · $10.00 each month -$5 .00 more each month for a picture. INDEX-TO ADVERTISERS Bllstein Corp. of America . . . . . . . 37 Pancho Bio Racing ....... : . . . . . 19 Bridgestone Tires -USA . . . . . . . . 11 Brush Run 101 ... . . .......... ... 7 Cactus Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 California Pre-Fun .............. 43 Champion Beadlock . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Christmas Card for Off Roaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Church Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Competitive Trailers ........... . 33 DeNunzlo Racing Products ...... 4 Earl's Performance Products . . . . 38 FAT Performance ......... ..... 36 Fudpucker Racing Team ........ 17 Fuel Safe . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . 48 German Auto .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Glen Helen OHV Park . .... . ..... 27 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . . . . 5 Rod Hall Enterprises .. . . . . . . . . . . 42 High Desert Racing Association .................. 41 HI Tech Off Road ............... 45 Jeep Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 KC Hilites . ..................... 25 La Rana Desert Racing . . . . . . . . . . 9 McKenzie Performance Products . . . . . . . . 21 MSD Ignition ... . ............... 23 Nevada Off Road Buggy ......... 28 Parker Pumper . ............... ·. 29 PCI Race Radios . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 59 Pirelli Armstrong Tire Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . . . . 49 RLH Communications .......... 47 Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . 32 Mr. Sticker ........... ......... . 15 Summers Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Toyota Motor Sales, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Tri MIi Industries . . .... ....... .. 13 Union 76 Gasoline .... ......... . 24 Valley Performance Hewland . . . . . 6 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Coming Next Month ••• HDRA Fireworks 250 Spring Run 101 Glen Helen Off Road Racing La Rana Lucerne Valley Jam WRC Rally of New Zealand National Sand Drags VORRA Virginia City 200 ... Plus All the Regular Features Off Roads Winningest Radios OVER 1324 ON THE COURSE Comlink V The Ultimate Racing Intercom 16 CHANNEL ROAD MASTER "A LEGEND" • Helmets wired - $100. (CF) ONLY s53900 August 1990 New! RF Pre Amp $95 30% to 50% more range! 2888 Gundry Avenue Signal Hill, CA 90806 We'n, next door via U.P.S.I (213) 427-8177 Page 59 ...
,, When asked the secret of their success, some of off-road's biggest winners had a stock answer: Armstrong. ©1990 Pirelli Armstrong Tire Corporation. All rights reserved. Tredloc is a registered trademark of Pirelli Armstrong Tire Corporation. Greg George piloted the Armstrong Funco Mazda to its victory at the SCORE Off-Road World Championship in Phoenix. Mike Sandoval was a start-to-finish winner in Phoenix, claiming the Class 1-2/1600 championship. lack Flannery took the Class 4 championship in Phoenix and followed with three victories (Classes 4, 8 and 14) at Lake Geneva's Memorial Day 100. Some tire manufacturers create custom tires for off-road competition. But Armstrong doesn't have to. Because our stock tires are built race-tough, thanks to Armstrong's highly aggressive tread designs and technological advances in tire construction, like the Tredloc® belt system. And the Rhino-Tough Armstrong tires that you buy off the shelf are the same tires that have carried so many off-road racers to victory over the last 25 years. So see your Armstrong dealer today. Because whether you're a professional racer or weekend warrior, the stock answer to winning is Armstrong . .dflMSTRDN