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1990 Volume 7 Number 5 Dusty Times Magazine

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Volume 7 -Number 5 -MIJtt 1990 $1.50 ISSN 1750-1731 Covering the world of competition in the dirt.

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® TOYOTA Technology OnA Fast Track called it the Toyota 400. They changed the name of the race from the Mint 400 to the Nissan 400. But they couldn't change the results. Toyota's Ivan "Ironman" Stewart rode off with his second consecutive overall win in Las Vegas, leaving almost an hour's worth of dust between our tough truck and their tough luck. So that's why it would have made more sense to call the race something else. Like maybe the Toyota 400. Or even the Ironman 400. Those other guys may have bought the Mint 400, but we still own it. TOYOTA ©1990ToyocaMotorSalcs, U.S.A., Inc. "I love Mmt you dojr me." Get More From Life ... Buckle Up!

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. -Volume 7 - Number 5 M;jy'1990 In· This Issue ••• , i>, ~ ""r• • , , • , .., , .... . ., Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial A~sociate .. Winnie Essenherg Editorial Assistant Sherry Elderd Controller John Calvin Circulation .Jerry Lawless_ Traffic J_ohn Howard Contributors Darla Crown C & C Race Photos Leonard Day Darvl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Deb Freimuth Judi Gooch Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Rod Koch Jan Flick Mazzenga Cam McRae David Ryskamp Judy Smith 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Enterprises Ken Vanderhoof Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services _SNAPSHOT Subscription Rates: THI OfflCIAL VOIU OF CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES PROFESSIONAL • AMERICAN • CANADIAN Of f-Rf!!D jL RACING~ -.-"4'.~(b CS>~\;,~ ~0 $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions:. DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Un~olicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-1732 is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 De~ry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-5600. Copyright 198~ by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permis-sion from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Duscy Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. OF THE MONTH ••• I I I I I I I I I ,-ATURES Page HDRA Nissan 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 World Championship Rally of Portugal ..................... 22 Stadium Racing in Seattle's Kingdome .......... -............ 24 VORRA at Prairie City .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28 USA Sand Drags at Glen Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 GMC Suburban . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Sears Point Rl!llY Sprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 La Rana Presidential 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 34 Colorado Off Road Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 DEPARTMENTS Soap Box . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 · Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Side Tracks by Judy Smith ................................ 10 California Rally Series . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . 31 So-Pac SCCA Divisional Rally Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Conejo Off Road Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 The Losers by Judy Smith ................................ 37 Pit Team Reports ........................................ 38 Competition Review Board and Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Good Stuff Directory ....................... , . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Tech Tips by Bill Savage . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Manufacturers Advisory Board Report ...... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Classified ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 ON THE COVER - Charles Townsley and his son Charlie have won the majority of the races held so far for Chenowth Mini Mag cars, and they won again at the Nissan 400. The defending points champions turned the rugged course in just under 13 hours and they won the I eight car class by a full 100 mile lap and several more minutes. , Congratulations go to this team working with new equipment and 1 making it work. The trusty Ford Ranger of Johnson and Johnson likes the rugged Nevada desert and the pair of former mini truck points champions romped through the 16 truck class in fine style, winning by an hour and 25 minutes over another Ford. For Chuck Johnson it was his first victory on this course, and he firmly feels he can say "I won the Mint" despite the new name. /\t DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $15.00 □ ~ears· - $25.00 D 3 _years - $35.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus •.. Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name---------------------------ctftt¥1'1't'.' < . ,'. · Corner workers often seem to have it easy at pavement races, but usually they are on their feet even during intermissions. Dave Takacs doesn't really look comfortable here at the Sears Point Rallysprint, reading his favorite publication, but he soon put the shoes back on and went back to running the start control. Photo by Jim Wilson DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. ff you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope:-Only black & white prints, 5x7 or Bx 10 will be considered. I .. I I Address __________ _ City State-----------------Zip ________ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S. • Overseas subsc,ription rates quoted on request) I I I I I I I I I Dusty Times May 1990 Page 3

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Soap Box ••• PHYSICAL ACTION! Since we received death threats from· Earth First, The Sahara Club has formed a special division of big, ugly desert racers called the Sahara Clubbers. This elite squad will be setting up tempting targets for Earth First to attack ... and will make sure that any illegal actions are 'firmly subdued'. .SAHA CLUB YESI You know that the Sierra Club is trying to stop off-road use dead in the water. They won't be happy until we're herded into small fenced-in areas and have to pay a fee and fill out forms to have any sort of recreation. Their ultimate goal is the elimination of all off-road vehicles ... and that includes bicycles, campers and wheelchairs. HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO US? They do it with cubic dollars and a horde of greedy lawyers. The Sierra Club has 1.2 million members, and the average membership fee is now up to $33 per year. That means they start the year with a war chest of THIRTY-THREE MILLION BUCKS! WHAT IS THE SAHARA CLUB? Formed by Rick Sieman and Louis McKey, the SAHARA CLUB was formed to fight the , Sierra Club head-on, just the way they fight.We plan to use the legal system like a battering ram and to get more than our fair share of media coverage. WHO ARE THESE GUYS? Louis McKey, also known as the Phantom Duck of the Desert, has been fighting to keep our public land free since 197 4. Rick Sieman was the first editor of Dirt Bike over 20 years ago, and is now a professional off-road racer on the SCORE/HD RA circuit, as well as a writer for several off-road publications. Together, they won a landmark case in 1981 that kept all existing roads and trails open for public use. Lou and Rick have been battling for your right to use your land for a long time ... and now they're ready to turn pro and go for the throat full time! WHY WE NEED THE SA-HARA CLUB. A lot of good people are out there trying to keep land open for public use, and without exception, they are well-meaning amateurs. They think that writing letters and attending meetings will get the job done. Wrong. After a decade of this, more land than ever is being taken away from us. There's only one way to get our fair share, and that's to use the same techniques that the enemy uses. No one is better qualified to do this than Lou and Rick. OUTRAGEOUS INFORMA-TION! That's what you get when you become a Sahara Club member. In our first news letter, we printed names, phone numbers and addresses of some radical Earth First members. These are the terrorist scum who set deadly booby traps that could kill you or your family.We feel it's time that these scum were exposed to the light of day. We'll lay iton the line and tell you which politicians are backed by eco-freaks and which ones are fair. We even infiltrated an Earth First meeting and taped those wharf rats in action. Want to see how Earth First makes deadly traps to kill or maim you? We have that information and will make it available to you. WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU FELT GOOD ABOUT OUR SPORT? Are you sick and tired of making excuses for having honest fun off-road? Do your own industry 'leaders' make you feel guilty about disturbing a patch of sand? What's more important ... a kid sharing fun off-road with his family, or closing off millions of acres so we don't disturb a tortoise? Stand up to the wimps and to the enemy . . . join the Sahara Club and put some pride back in your life! WE CAN DO IT! There are literally millions of off-roaders in this great country, and most of them are busy making a living, working, raising a family and coping with everyday problems. And while they cope with the daily grind, .their recreational land is being taken away at a staggering rate. If we can get one million folks to join the Sahara Club, we can fight toe to toe against the people who are trying to take your land away. Attack now, legally, and feel proud about it. Rick and Lou are putting everything they have on the line once again. It's now up to you. Join the Sahara Club. It's about time! The flyer printed above has been circulating in the high desert, around the towns that benefit from off road activity in Califor-nia, maybe elsewhere. While some of the statements may just border on the truth, we do know that "Earth Firsters" strung a barricade across a tunnel on the Barstow to Vegas route just hours before the race a couple of years ago. If the course opening crew hadn't discovered it there would have been some badly injured racers in the first wave. Dusty Times does not intend to become political as we have many readers who also belong to the Sierra Club and similar organiza-tions. We don't condone their efforts to legislate us into an urban existence, so we will personally support the Sahara Club. It is your choice. A one year membership to the Saraha Club costs $20 and includes regular newsletters, Sahara Club Bumper Sticker and Membership Card. Make checks payable to: The Sahara Club, 17939 Chatsworth St., Suite 525, Granada Hills, CA 91344. 1989 FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS NOW AVAILABLE! ,l - ' ..;. ... Update your current Ranger to 1989 aero styling, design to retain stock appear-ance and allow 34" tall tires. SCORE/HORA legal, bolts to stock panels or DZUS on. Reinforced hood to stop distortion at speed. Racers Price Available. Dimple Die Sets now in stock-½" - 1" - 1½" -2" CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 Orchard St. Page 4 Cherry Valley, CA 92223 Curt Leduc, Owner (714) 845-8820 Heat Treated and Plated. Midwest Division Chuck Johnson Off Road Racing 8403 Vicki Road Rockford, IL 61108 (815) 332-9681 May 1990 ·Trail Notes ••• SCCA PRO RALLY HAS A SPONSOR. SCCA announced recently that Keiper Recaro is sponsoring the National and Divisional Pro Rallies, National Touring, and Course rallies in 1990. R.D. (Rick) Margolis of SCCA said, "Recaro has chosen the SCCA Rally Series because it is here that the quality of a seat can give the ralliest the competitive edge. Our goal is to prove to the competitor that Recaro manufactures the best seat in the industry. By 1991 we expect to see all of the winners in Recaro seats." Recaro Sales Manager Ken Alden will guide the program that provides the SCCA membership with purchasing incentives to buy Recaro seats. "We have broken ground on what it takes to stimulate race seat sales, and the goal is to reach the entire membership while directly benefiting the SCCA ralliest through series sponsorship." Get all the details from your local SCCA region or Diana Sprague in Denver (303) 779-6622. THE SECOND SILLY SEASON;· The off road pro drivers have been jumping from team to team like champion frogs in Calaveras County. Early in the year Steve McEachern retired from his desert ride in a Walker Evans Dodge and Ivan Stewart's first born, Brian Stewart got the Dodge ride in Class 8. Then Jack Johnson vanished from the Nissan team, and in the San Felipe race Mark McMillin will make his trucking debut in the Class 1, now 2WD, Nissan. A more recent change in the Walker Evans team roster is that Rob MacCachren will drive only the 7S desert truck this season and Glenn Harris, late of Mazda fame, has replaced Rob MacCachren in the stadium Jeep. In stadium racing seasoned motocross and former Super 1600 champion Tommy Croft, has parked his Texas built 1600 and joined Mike Lesle Racing and Jeep Motorsports to compete in the UltraStock class in the MTEG series. The Lesle / Croft duo is stepping in to fill the seats of the 1989 UltraStock Champion Lloyd Castle, who broke his arm at the Anaheim opener, and son Kent Castle, who also had the misfortune of breaking his arm at Round 3 in Seattle. "We're running out of arms!" exclaimed Lesle. Tommy and I ar:e going to do our best to protect the team's position in the points chase. The Cherokees are ready to go and we've been doing some testing during the ·past couple of weeks in California. We 're both looking forward to this new racing challenge." THE TOYOTA ONE LAP OF AMERICA got under way April 14 in Long Beach, CA. Presented byTexaco/ Havoline the grueling coast to coast driving challenge finishes on April 22, the day of the Long Beach Grand Prix, with the top four cars on points running the Grand Prix course to determine final points. Entry is open to all autos, light trucks and vans street legal in the USA, and IMSA sanctions the event. A maximum of three on board crew members is allowed. Along with running the ope:1 road from border to border and coast to coast, there are a number of stops at famous race track and hill climb facilities around the country. It is quite a ride, meant only for the hardy in body and spirit. This year the first national charity for children with cancer will be initiated with the event. Designation of "One Lap for Kids", a charity begun by Hartford plastic surgeon and auto enthusiast Dr. Stephen Brown, as the official beneficiary was announced here by Brock Yates, founder of the epic 8000 mile competition. They are soliciting donations based on the total miles completed by one lap entrants. All of it will go directly to the care of children, because all administrative time and costs are donated. For more information on One Lap or the One Lap for Kids, contact Glenn Campbell, Shelby Autos, 12444 E. Putnam, Whittier, CA 90602. TOYOTA TRUE GRIT POINTS: Veteran driver Jerry Penhall of Costa Mesa, CA leads the Toyota True Grit points, his first points lead in his 18 year career in off road racing. Penhall, the older brother of former world speedway motorcycle champion and actor Bruce Penhall, moved from third to first in standings after the HORA Nissan 400, with an average speed of 54.70 mph. True Grit early leader Ivan Stewart slipped to ninth with an average speed of 48.83. Second overall and leader in the heavy metal division is Chris Minor of Hemet, CA at 54.07 mph in a Class 8 truck, and Spencer Low leads the mini metal c;livision averaging 45.96 mph in his 7S Nissan. In another prize category, Toyota's Milestone awards, the list of eligible drivers was pared to 51 after the Vegas race. Milestone awards are given to that handful of drivers who complete every racing lap of all eight events. DIVISIONAL RALLY RESULTS are coming in from around the country. In Michigan last February, Stuart and Joyce Sarasin won the Escanaba Eskypades in a Mazda over tough competition from Mike Purzycki and Dan Wernette, who were second in a Jeep, and national contender Guy Light and Gregory Brown in a Honda. The 162 mile event held 80 stage miles. The Cowhand Classic I from the Texas Region was a rally sprint with a 1.3 mile · course run 6 times. Dave Thomas and Dan Pillow won in a Mazda RX 7, nearly a minute up on second placing Tom French and Dave Frender in a Saab Sonnett. Roger Gibson and Robert Logue were third. The Cowhand Classic III the same day was also 6 short stages and Thomas and Pillow won again followed by French and Frender. Jim Seymour and Don Hanke took third in a Chevy Camaro. Moving into March the Davis Creek Rally ran out of Atlanta with 20 stages on a 53.04 mile event. Charles McCrary and Ray Blount won convincingly in a Mazda followed by Dave Burden, VW and Gary and Susanne D'Abate in a Mazda. None of the others in the eight entry event finished the course. The Cherokee Challenge in Oklahoma was more of PRO Rally instead of a sprint. Over 72 of the 232 miles·were stages and 17 stages were scored. Dean Blagowsky and Ralph Starr won by a good margin in their Dodge, John McGrigg and Regan Smolkovich were second in a Plymouth followed by David Whalen and Nicholas Leone, AMC. Only four of the six starters finished the event. It is hard to imagine why these rallies do not draw entry. It must be discouraging for organizers to put so much work into an event and have just a half dozen cars show up. What's wrong out there in the heartland of America? BILSTEIN MADONNA AW ARD for the seventh consecutive year has been presented to Toyota Motor Sales for winning the Manufacturer's Cup Championship for the 1989 Mickey Thompson stadium series, The Madonna award is a limited edition cast sculpture symbolizing motorsports excellence. It is awarded annually to teams and drivers who have won professional championships running on Bilstein gas pressure shock absorbers. When the Madonna first came to off road racing it went to individual drivers, but these days it goes to teams. (mDTe TRAIL NOTES on page 31) Dusty Times

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~ ~~ Dave Ashley's Class 3-winning Ford Bronco. Tires: Goodyear Wrangler AT radials. Nobody's truck finished in mint condition at this year's 400. In fact, of the 300 vehicles that entered the Nissan 400, only 109 finished. And the infamous Rock Garden looked like a parking lot. But Dave Ashley's big Ford Bronco and Scott Douglas' rugged Jeep Cherokee took on the razor-sharp cracked volcanic slag of the Rock Garden as ifit were Pebble Beach. And their Goodyear Wrangler radials helped both drivers roll on to victory. It was Dave Ashley's sixth consecutive Class 3 win. And Scott Douglas' second Class 6 win injust two attempts. If you're looking for tough tires, get a set of Goodyear Wrangler radials. And rock on. You'll know why we say: The best light truck tires in the world have Goodyear written all over them. Remember: tread lightly. If you drive off-road, stay on existing paths. Don't forge any new ones. America is a beautiful country. Let's keep it that way. · Scott Douglas' Class 6-winning Jeep Cherokee. Tires: Goodyear Wrangler AT radials. GOOD;ri'EAR THE BEST TIRES IN THE ·woRLD HAVE GOODYEAR WRITTEN ALL OVER THEM.

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-1990 HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 May 11-13, 1990 Buggy IT ruck -ADRA Sportsman Race SCORE P.I.R. Off Road World Championship Phoenix, AZ May 27, 1990 Bike/ A TV /Odyssey I Mini Bike and Mini A TV June 2, 1990 Buggy IT ruck 6th Annual Hi Country 250 Snowflake/Taylor, AZ June 16-17, 1990 Conservation Project Wildlife/ Reparian restoration Camp Wood Prescott, AZ BADGERLAND VW CLUB,INC. Terry Friday 5913 Fond Du Lac Road Oshkosh, WI 54901 ( 414) 688-5509 (All events located in Chilton, WI at the Fairgrounds Racing Facility) BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 May 25-2 7, 1990 Gran Carrera de T ecate Tecate, BC, Mexico July 27-29, 1990 Gran Carrera de Ensenada Ensenada, BC, Mexico October 26-28, 1990 Gran Carrera de Campeones · San Felipe, BC, Mexico BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-2313 May 19, 1990 The Jackpot Jackpot, NV June 23, 1990 Wendover Express Aragonite Valley July 21, 1990 Desert Cactus 250 Aragonite Valley August 25, 1990 Twilite 200 Delle, UT October 6, 1990 Bonneville Challenge Wendover USA 1988 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O.Box 101 Crandon, WI54520 (715) 478-2115 I (715) 478-2688 June 23-24, 1990 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI September 1-2, 1990 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Jim Jacobsen 42706 51st Street West Quartz Hill, CA 93536 April 27-29, 1990 Rim of the World Lancaster, CA May 12-13, 1990 Mason Valley Rally Gardnerville, NV CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 July 29, 1990 Pikes Peak Auto Hillclimb Colorado Springs, CO CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 171 7 Marker Road Polk City, FL 33868 (813) 984-1923 (305) 823-4487 April 15, 1990 Lakeland, FL CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES 5153 BOWDEN AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92117. TEL. (619) 279-2509 HELMET $195 COMPLETE SYSTEM $320 A FRESH AIR HELMET AND BLOWER A~EMBLY DESIGNED FOR OFF ROAD USE AT A REASONABLE PRICE Page 6 BUILT AND BACKED BY BELL HELMETS LIGHT WEIGHT-REDUCES NECK STRAIN COOL, COMFORTABLE TERRY CLOTH LINER BLOWER MOTOR AND ASSE~IBLY ARE GUARANTF,ED FOR ONE FULL YEAR SNELL SASS APPROVED FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 May 12-13, 1990 24 Hour Off Road Endurance Race Plaster City, CA August 4, 1990 Superstition 250 VII Ancient Dry Lake Bed Plaster City, CA September 29, 1990 Plaster City Blast IV Plaster City, CA December 31, 1990 Dunaway Dash IV Plaster City, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA 92406 (714) 880-1733 June 17, 1990 Off Road Challenge August 5, 1990 Off Road Challenge November 18, 1990 Off Road Challenge GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 927-6432 May 27, 1990 Vienna, Ga June 17, 1990 Vienna, Ga July 22, 1990 Vienna, Ga August 19, 1990 Vienna, Ga September 23, 1990 Vienna, Ga October 28, 1990 Vienna, Ga November 24, 1990 Vienna, Ga GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 665-0358/ (313) 996-9193 GREAT PLAINS OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION K.C. Huggins 2233 N. 140th Avenue . Omaha, NE 68164 ( 402) 496-9431 May 6, 1990 Castana, IA May 27, 1990 Castana. IA June 16, 1990 Castana, IA July 7, 1990 Castana, IA July 28, 1990 Castana, IA August 19, 1990 Castana, IA September 9, 1990 Castana, IA September 30, 1990 Castana, IA (All events at Timber Ridge Ranch) GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Kiel 12840 Dexter St. Thornton, CO 80241 (303) 452-4013 May 1990 May 20, 1990 Budweiser Off Road Grand Prix Adams County Fairgrounds Denver, CO June 10, 1990 Adams County Fairgrounds Denver, CO June 23-24, 1990 VDR (1-25 & .Berthoud exit) Berthoud, CO July 7-8, 1990 Coors Off Road Grand P~ix Central City, CO July 14-15, 1990 A Taste of Pueblo Colorado State Fairgrounds Pueblo, CO August 8, 1990 Opening Night Adams County Fairgrounds Denver, CO August 11, 1990 Cheyenne County Fairgrounds St. Francis, KS September 1-2, 1990 Central City Gran Prix Central City, CO September 16, 1990 Adams County Fairgrounds Denver, CO October 14, 1990 Colorado State Fairgrounds Pueblo, CO HORA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd.,South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 July 6-8, 1990 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA August 10-12, 1990 Desert Championships Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA September 7-9, 1990 Nevada 500 Pahrump, NV October 12-13, 1990 Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV (Dates subject to chan){e) HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Freeman 3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 342-0331 June 10, 1990 Pierre Stadium Pierre, SD August 18, 1990 Gumbo Butes Pierre, SD September 15, 1990 Deadwood Off Road Grand Prix Deadwood, SD October 20, 1990 Last Chance Baja Wall, SD IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 450(2 ( A II events staged ct the cltd, grounds in Cleves, Ohio) LA RANA DESERT RACING 22769 Chambray Dr. Moreno Valley, CA 92387 (714) 924-2226 May 18-20, 1990 Spangler 150 Ridgecrest, CA July 13-15, 1990 Lucerne Valley Jam 200 Lucerne Valley, CA August 24-26, 1990 California 400 Lucerne Valley, CA October 5-7, 1990 Mini Baja 150 Ridgecrest, CA November 16-18, 1990 High Desert 150 Lucerne Valley, CA December 15, 1990 T.B.A. Awards Banquet MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION Keneth Coleman 742 E. Roosevelt Road Ashley, MI 48806 ·c 51 7) 838-4483 ( All events at Mt. Pleasant Speedway) MIDWEST OFF ROAD BAJA SERIES Rick Vasquez 1421 Lee Trevino D-1 El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 594-8266 All Desert Races June 23-24, 1990 Albuquerque, NM August 4-5, 1990 Belen, NM September 23-24, 1990 Albuquerque, NM October (TBA), 1990 Deming,NM November, 3-4, 1990 El Paso, TX MIDWEST OFF ROAD RACING Tommy Bowling 9801 E. Highway 80 Odessa, TX 79765 (915) 561-5222 June 9, 1990 Odessa, TX August 11, 1990 Odessa, TX (All events at Notrees, TX) MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group . P.O. Box 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4100 May 5, 1990 Rose Bowl Pasadena, CA July 14, 1990 Los Angeles Coliseum Los Angeles, CA September ? , 1990 Mile High Stadium Denver, CO September?, 1990 Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV (Schedule is tentative) ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamaker P.O . Box688 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL lCO, Canada (613) 332-3811/(613) 332-1610 Dusty Times

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ONTARIO OFF ROAD Ken Jackson - Dick Gillap R.R. #2 Tiverton, Ontario, Canada N0G 2TO (519) 368-7874 OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (213) 375-4570 (213) 719-7036 PAC OFF ROAD RACING P.O. Box323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 April 20-21, 1990 Horn Rapids 300 Richland, WA June 9-10, 1990 Kamloops 400 KM Kamloops, B.C. Canada October 12-13, 1990 Millican 400 Bend, OR PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 July 29. 1990 Pikes Peak Auto Hillclimb Colorado Springs, CO SAREEA AL JAMEL 4WDCLUB · P.O. Box 526 Indio, CA 92202 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 April 2 7-28, 1990 Rim of the World Rally Lancaster, CA May 11-13, 1990 Tiadaughton Williamsport, PA June 1-3, 1990 • Susqrehannock Trails Rally Wellsboro, PA June 21-24, 1990 Mt. Washington Hi'.lclimb Gorham, NH July 29, 1990 Pikes Peak Hillcl:mb Colorado Springs. CO August 17-19, 1990 Duryea Hillclimb Reading, PA August 24-27, 1990 Ojibwe Rally Grand Rapids, MN October 25-28, 1990 Press On Regardless Rally Escanaba, MI November 9-12, 1990 Mazda Coachman Stages Rally Olympia, WA SCORE Score International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 May 11-13, 1990 Off Road World Championship Phoenix International Raceway Phoenix, AZ June 8-10, 1990 . Baja Internacional Ensenada, BC, Mexico Dusty Times November 8-11, 1990 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, Mexico December 1, 1989 SHORT TRACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: June 23-24, 1990 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI Off Roadsman Awards Banquet Los Angeles, CA SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 June 2, 1990 Caliente 250 Caliente, NV Tom Schwartzburg 2620 West Washington West Bend, WI 53095 ( 414) 334-3858 July 7-8, 1990 Fox Riverfest Challenge De Pere, WI (Dates subject to change) SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du L~c Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514)692-6171 SCORE SHOW Edgell Expositions P.O. Box 19531 Irvine, CA 92713 (714) 250-8060 July 28-29 KC HiLites Midnighr Special Las Vegas, NV September 21-23, 1990 SNORE250 Las Vegas, NV October 27-28, 1990 Yokohama Challenge Las Vegas, NV December 1, 1990 Showboat Race Las Vegas, NV SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W . North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 257-9422/(414) 542-3821 May 26-27, 1990 Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva, WI June 9-10, 1990 Antigo Kiwanis Off Road Race Antigo, WI PSW Promoters presents July 21-22, 1990 U.P. Off Road 100 Bark River, Ml August 18-19, 1990 No. American Off Road Racing Festival Ionia, MI September 1-2, 1990 Brush Run 10 I Crandon, WI September 15-16, 1990 Badgerland Short Course Sprints · Oshkosh, WI ----or The Lake Geneva Memorial Day 100 Off-Road Race May 26th & 27th, 1990 ctl -sponsored by -A~' 00oot:t1 sooA1sroRE... ~81»0...,8 /J}. .. sANcnaNED _wc8 * 1 00% payback in all classes * Plus $10,000 guaranteed added purse * Mega Tuff $3,000 Heavy Metal 7-lap invita~ional challenge * Armstrong Tire $3,000 Unli~ited Buggy 7-lap invitational challenge ASSOCIATE SPONSORS PENDA CORP. MEGA TUFF BRISTOL GAS GRILLS CHARM-GLOW GAS GRILLS RICK & LOU'S TIRES MARK RINDERLE TIRES MARDEN'$ DISTRIBUTING CONTINGENCY DONORS Armstrong Tires B.F. Goodrich Yokohama Tire General Tire K&N Engineering Sway-A-Way Tri-Mil, Inc. Hooker Headers Parker Pumper Rancho Suspension Aaloci1116ponaor1 u 01111,190 * Free Admission to Saturday night stock car races for all campers ,) * One Free Pancake Breakfast to each Registered Driver * First 500 vehicles in camping area will receive one 2 for 1 tic·ket to Go Kart Track For more information call Terry Wolf (414) 271-3575 or 257-0422 Tom Schwartzburg (414) 334-3858 May 1990 Page 7

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TEXAS OFF ROAD GRAND PRIX Short Course Racing · - Texas Style Class 10, Sportsman, Challenger Mike Bernardo 1606 Lancelot Circle Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (214) 855-2232 May 4, 1990 Boyd, TX June 1, 1990 Boyd, TX July 6, 1990 Boyd, TX August 3, 1990 Boyd, TX September 7, 1990 Boyd, TX October 5, 1990 Boyd, TX TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Carney, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5_676 . May 28, 1990 Skyline Speedway Cortland, NY June 16, 1990 Patomac Speedway La Plata, MD Spring Run 101 June 23rd & 24th $25,000 Added Drivers Purse ESPN Filming Of Both Races uone Of The Top 10 Off Road Action Events In The Country" June 17, 1990 Georgetown Speedway Georgetown, Del. · July 21, 1990 Skyline Speedway Courtland, NY UORRA United Off Road Racing Association P.O. Box 211 Dunellen, NJ 08812 (201) 752-0299 (201) 359-2745 (All races at Trailways Speedway, Hanover, PA) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W. Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 656-1122 April 28, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies May 19, 1990 Motocross 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies June 9, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies July 14, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies World Championship Brush Run 101 August 31, Sept. 1st & 2nd $35,000 Added Drivers Purse West Coast vs Mid West A REAL OFF ROAD SHOOT OUT CONTACT Brush Run 101 P.O. Box 101 Crandon,Wl.54520 715-478-2222 Barn Dance Camping Drink Food Hot Laps August 31st · (For Cash & Prizes) Class Racing September 1st & 2nd G.O.B.'s Races September 2nd Race Starts Daily At 9:00 AM Page 8 May 1990 August 4, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies September 8, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies October 6, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies October 2 7, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies November 17, 1990 Motocross - 7:00 p.m. Class 10 Buggies ( all race dates subject to change without notice) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 May 26-2 7, 1990 Yerington VORRA 400 Yerington, NV June 29-30, 1990 Virginia City 200 Virginia City, NV July 29, 1990 Prairie City OHV Park Short Course Sacramento, CA September 1-2, 1990 VORRA/ Fernley 250 Fernley, NV October 28, 1990 Championship Race Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA WHEEL TO WHEEL,INC. P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 (613) 332-1766 (613) 332-4128 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP May 4-10, 1990 Tour of Corsica June 2-7, 1990 Acropolis Rally Greece June 29-July 4, 1990 Rally of New Zealand July 23-29, 1990 Rally of Argentina August 22-27, 1990 Rally of 1000 Lakes Finland September 13-1 7, 1990 Rally of Australia October 7-13, 1990 Sanremo Rally of Italy October 27-November 2, 1990 Ivory Coast Rally November 25-29, 1990 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! Send your 1990 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column. Mai! your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. Dusty Times

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.. First Place, Mickey Thompson Off-Road Grand Prix, Anaheim, Yokohama Racer Ivan Stewart ...cW;i··, 111 ' ~-.. .. . . . . . First_ Place, Parker 400, Parker Arizona, Yokohama Racer .Ivan Stewart .:w First Place, Nissan Grand Prix, Miami, Yokohama Racer Steve Millen First Place, Nissan 400, las Vegas, Yokohama Racer Ivan Stewart ~ First Place, Mickey Thompson Off-Road Grand Prix, Seattle, Yokohama Racer Ivan Stewart Five more reasons to change to Yokohamas. Whether they're racing in a stadium, the desert, or on track, the only tires good enough for "lronman" Stewart and Steve Millen are Yokohamas. The reason? Just like you, they like to win. And so far this year, that's exactly what they've been doing. They've captured five first place titles in less than three months. If you're competing this season, and you're not riding on Yokohamas, maybe it's time for a change. ~Y'VOKOHAMA ·

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Side Tracks ••• By Judy Smith covering for ESPN. As always, you must also check your local listings. But look for the following: SCORE's Phoenix race, June 11, 9 p.m., Pacific time. The springtime Crandon race, July 16, 9 p.m., Pacific. The HDRA Willow Springs event, October 11, 10 p.m.,1'acific. The fall, or Labor Day Crandon race, November 1, 9 p.m., Pacific time. And the Baja 1000, November 29, 9 p.m., Pacific. Marty said he's also going to go to Guam to cover that event, but he didn't have a date for it. And, in connection with the Guam race, Reid said that any racers interested in going there to· race should get in touch with him or Jerry Garrett. in North Hollywood again, and racing was boundless, and he's happily working on Porsche infectious. Spyder transmissions. So, if you She had endless stories about tool around in a Spyder when the races. One that she told about you 're not racing off road, give Al herself involved her becoming car a call. sick, so sick that she threw up into Slowly, but surely, off roaders are becoming more aware of their environment, and of the result of their actions upon it. We are frequently reminded to "leave the desert cleaner than we find it", and to pack out our trash.We are asked to "Tread Lightly" by the BLM and· other conservationist groups, with good reason. It has become apparent that if we don't take care of the desert and other wild areas, no one will, and there would soon be mountains of trash, and no place to enjoy. As an off roader, a camper, a gardener and a conservationist, I keep my eyes peeled for literature with new ideas for environment-ally sound use of my share of the world. Recently, as I studied the shelves in the "nature" section of my local W aldenbooks store, I found a small publication that looked like a winner. And after reading it I have decided to recommend it to our readers. Off roaders often find them-selves camping. Or doing some-thing very like it at any rate, as they sit in the great outdoors for hours, waiting for their car to come around again, so they can wave it on or fix 'it. And sometimes, when they have been allowed to pre-run, as in Baja, they become genuine campers, combining the best of both worlds, and moving along the trail from camp site to camp site. But, this kind of camping has some drawbacks. Unless you are the owner of a motorhome, trailer or camper with a bathroom, and a huge holding tank, there gets to be a problem of what to do when nature calls. Even the huge holding tank can reach its limit if the pit crew is big enough and the race is long enough. I found a book that addresses that problem. Published by the Ten Speed Press, its title is."How To Shit In The Woods". Written by Kathleen Meyer, a river-runner and longtime outdoors-woman, the book is subtitled, "An environmentally sound approach to a lost art." · It's just that. Only 77 pages long in all, the book, nevertheless, gets to the heart of the matter, and does not mince words in the doing, Chapter Two will tell you about "Digging The Hole", while Chapter Five is titled "For Women Only: How Not To Pee In Your Boots". There's a wealth of practical information interspersed with what I can only call "earthy" humor, and some good reasons . for behaving in an ecologically sound manner as regards personal waste. Have a go at it. The book is priced at a moderate $5 .95, and is sized to fit into a glove compart-ment or purse handily. It would make a great gift. On another tack: in case you haven't come across these dates elsewhere, Marty Reid gave us a rundown of air dates and times for the off road races he's Whatever happened to . . .? Every once in a while, in a surge of nostalgia, we'll think of someone we haven't seen for years and wonder what's become of him. Old off roaders, really old ones, might occasionally recall Al Cadrobbi, an outspoken, conten-tious man who built transmissions that were bullet-proof, or as near as could be. Al had a little shop in North Hollywood, not far from Scott McKenzie and Don Arnett's Sandmaster, which was, at that time, the hub of off road racing. He built trannies for Bob Ferro, Gene Hirst, and John Johnson, among others, and he built my transmissions also, for several years. Al retired from the transmission business, moved to other areas, and did a variety of things, generally automotive, for years. He hasn't built an off road transmission since 1974. But just recently he opened up a new shop, A few weeks ago we learned some crucial part of the radio, and that Charlotte Corral had died rendered it useless. She told her after a long, courageous battle stories with expansive gestures, with cancer. Charlotte, who was big grins and eruptions of best known as Ivan Stewart's laughter.Itwasgreatfuntotalkto sponsor, and frequent navigator, Charlotte. in her Ford pickup back in the late Even after she became ill, she '70s and early '80s, had actually continued to be deeply involved been involved in off road racing in the racing, riding in the truck for quite a while before Ivan came from time to time, and enjoying it on the scene. ' as much as ever. But gradually she Charlotte's husband, Coco weakened, and her activities were raced a Bronco in the '70s, and curtailed, although Charlotte's Charlotte was a familiar part of spirit seemed always unchanged. the crew. Then she decided to She was honored by Dick have a go at racing herself, and, Land field at a party-in early with a 5-1600 car, she gave it a December, and she attended the good try. She had some fine SCORE/HORA Awards Banquet finishes, and some disasters, once later that same day, for a short rolling off of the Mike's Sky time, and friends who had the Ranch Road into a deep gorge. opportunity to speak to her there Then she and Coco invited I van to said that she seemed still the same drive the Bronco, at a time when old Charlotte. he was between rides, and before I last saw her less than two they had the Class8 truck, but the weeks before her death, when I Bronco broke a lot. So Charlotte was idling through a traffic jam on asked Ivan to co-drive with her in the Antelope Valley Freeway. She the 5-1600 until the Class8 truck and Coco were on their way to Big was ready to race. They became Bear, and we had a brief shouted good friends during this time, and conversation across the lanes, and enjoyed racing together. But once then parted. My last view of the truck was ready, Charlotte Charlotte was a big smile and a and Coco shared the pleasures of cheery wave. riding with Ivan, and the 5-1600 She had been a wonderfully was sidelined. vibrant and energizing person to· Charlotte rode in all kinds of be ~ith. Her family and close races, and she was a contributing friends must miss her terribly. I part of the team, actively miss her. And I value the navigating, handling radio chores, memories and anecdotes that helping with repairs, digging, built around her, becoming a part pushing or running for spare of the background of off road parts. Charlotte's enthusiasm for racing. Goodbye, Charlotte. Sponsored by: Race Ready Products & The Wright Place RACE INFO: 619-427-5759 AD GHAMPIOH$1-1 IP ·Budweiser/Bud Light May 12-13, 1990 ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK 24 Hour Off Road Endurance World Championship Page 10 May 1990 Dusty Times

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HDRA NISSAN 400 Stewart Off To A Running Start, Takes Second Overall Win By Judy Smith Photos: Track.side Photo Enterprises It hasn't happened in a decade - the same man winning the race on the Mint 400 course two years in a row. It took the formidable talent and experience of Ivan Stewart and the reliability of his exotic Toyota to get the job done and he finished nearly an hour ahead of anyone else. Ivan Stewart displayed his formidable driving skill, com-bined with the exotic and high-tech one-off that goes by the name "Toyota pickup", to win the first annual Nissan 400, in north Las Vegas, the first weekend in March. With a new name, and a new spot on the calendar, the old Mint 400 lost some of its magic, but none of its nastiness. It was recognizably the Mint, once the drivers got out onto the course. But things had been different back in town the day before the race. The block-party atmosphere of the old Mint's Fremont Street Contingency Row was missing to a large extent, because, for one thing, it was not on Fremont Street. That had been the original plan, but the Las Vegas police didn't want the off roaders mixing it up with the picketers who'd taken over the block in front of one of the hotels, so they nixed the plan for this year. Instead, the whole Contingency Row was snaked into the parking lot of the Convention Center, a comfortable site, with many features that actually made it more pleasant than Fremont Street. For an example, there was easy, off-street parking for off-loading the race cars. But it wasn't the same without the oddly assorted downtown Las Vegas denizens wandering through. And there were no adjacent slot machines to take the quarters of wandering off road fans, no bars to hand out cooling libations, and no conven-ient, plush restrooms. It was not the same. There was no pre-running for the race this year, and as has become the rule, those who were serious about the race, and had· the greenbacks in their pockets, rented helicopters for a run around the course the day before the race, when the maps were handed out. But that kind of pre-run gives only a sense of direction unless a racer is already familiar with the trails, and can then piece things together from memory. Many miles of this year's event were on old, well used trails, and the newest thing about the course was that there was strictly limited pit access, and tightly controlled spectator access as well. In some areas no vehicles were to be permitted unless they had official pit passes, which were handed out to entrants sparingly, indeed. In other areas there were to be no vehicles, period. And in some . places no living bodies were ~Hawed, as some professional photographers found out to their sorrow, after they had hiked in several miles. These were photogs with the requisite arm bands and passes, no less. pre-run, in particular one of the racers who was later disqualified, because he'd hit a ribbon as he came out of the dust of a car he-was attempting to pass. He said if he'd known there was a ribbon in the area, he'd have never made the attempt. Once again, the HORA built a short-course race track in the center of the Speedrome's paved oval, so that spectators could sit comfortably in the grandstands and watch some driving displays, with a cool brew at hand, and be in no danger of despoiling the Nevada desert. That was report-; edly, the motivation for the short course track, and it probably worked, because the seats were full for many hours, as cars came through in a steady stream. They had to maneuver through a paved sweeper turn, a hairpin right, then a double jump or the big flying ramp, a left hairpin, another right, then the tightest left, and a short incline up to the finish line check. There were cash prizes up for the drivers who completed the longest jump from the big ramp, and many of them tried every lap, to the delight of the fans. The race started on the short course track, with the cars lined up two abreast, and taking the green flag every 45 seconds. That amount of time had been calculated as just enough to let the first two get to the last turn before the next two started, and for the most part it worked very well. One or two had fairly serious mechanical ailments on some portion of the track, but flagmen kept oncoming traffic from The HORA had spent many running into anyone, and in weeks completing a tortoise general, the start was more fun to census for the course and the watch than the old drag race adjacent desert, and any tortoise types, although, it's certain that burrows found near the marked the racers would rather have the course were marked off with old drag race down the strip. ribbons, and declared to be With four 101 mile laps ahead of "serious no-nos". If a driver hit them most would rather have one of the "turtle ribbons", he omitted the entertaining, but would be disqualified, with no potentially damaging, short recourse. This was one aspect of course start. the race that caused some racers The new unlimited class was to wish for a return of the right to th~ first group off the line, and I .;,,. j . ,... : • . Jtl .. L. -· ., * ' ~ai.t fJl T I.I, e,,; \ . ~. Bob Gordon and Frank Arciero Jr. were advocates of combining Class 1 and 2. They finished second in the combined class, and their Chenowth would have won Class 2 cash and points. Wonder how they feel about the combined unlimited class now? H~me town racer Brian Collins hai~ ""gieat run in his Por;che powered two seater, and he finished third in the 44 car class. Despite running out of gas Jim Greenway and Craig Watkins drove the handsome Toyota powered Raceco to fourth in the new Class 1 /2. Frank Vessels truly thundered over the rocks and silt to win Class 8 by over an hour and take a swift second overall in the Chevy. The Class 10 entry set out to self-destruct, but Les Fulkerson and Craig Marshall drove the Raceco at a sane pace and won the class. Page 11 May 1990 Dusty Times

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Running up front most of the way, Troy Herbst got help from his Competition in Class 8 was tight early on as Mel Vaughan, Ford, The newest addition to the Walker Evans team, Brian Stewart, brother Ed to finish the Chenowth-Porsche in fifth in Class 1-2. who was second dices with Brian Stewart, Dodge, on the right. took a keen third in the highly competitive Class 8 in the Dodge. folks wondered if some of them just over two minutes. Stewart old bugaboo, dirt in his distribu- another new team, Mel Vaughan was now having power steering might come around again before hadmovedhisToyotaintofourth tor.Hecameinwithnonavigator, and Roger Rolfe, in a Ford, in troubles, had moved up to fifth the entire field had started. But place, and Chase, whose motor is because it had been such a rough fifth place. place in his Ford. there were only 285 starters, and a box stock 911, had dropped to ride that the passenger had Vessels was having a good time, Vessels' worst problem was a the last one made it through the fifth place. decided to get out. Both Stewart things were going well, and he couple of shocks that went away, short-course 15 minutes before Ivan took over the lead on the and Gordon reported that the silt held his lead through lap three, and one flat early in the day. He'd the first car came around again. third lap, having no problems, was terrible, probably worse than and was now 47 minutes up on made the decision to concentrate Just about perfect planning. and stopping only for fuel and a it had been the year before. Vaughan and Rolfe who'd come on the Class 8 win, and not go for That first car was Stuart Chase, change of rear tires. He had 13 Collins finished third, Green-up to second place. Stewart, who the overall. And he took the win in his Porsche powered Raceco, minutes on Herbst, who was wayandWatkins,who'drunout washavingtroublewithhispower handily, along with second place whousedhisoneun-dustylapto having a problem with his eyes. of gas on lap four, were fourth, steering,ranthirdnow,Westhem overall, as icing on the cake. He record the fast lap for the whole He'dlostthemotortohispumper and Herbst needed a little help was fourth, and Rob Gordon, was an hour and 11 minutes in day, a speedy 2:11:02.9. Chase helmet on the first lap, and had from his brother, Ed, who drove who'd lost well over an hour with front of Vaughan and Rolfe, in slid into the short-course and had to open it up to get air. The the last lap, and finished fifth. brake repairs on the first lap, and the second place i;r · found himself headed for the rear silt was getting into his eyes, and The Class 8 trucks were the bumper of the water truck, which behind his contact lenses, and he second group to start, and Scott had been caught unaware, but was running into trouble seeing. McMillin surprised the spectators made it past him smoothly and Collins was back to third, after by being the first one around, was outward bound again in breaking his steering, and losing a recording the fast lap for the seconds. Then there was a five distributor wire. Mark McMillin, trucks, at 2: 17:28.3. Unfortun-minute wait before the next car in a Porsche Chenowth, who'd ately, McMillin's truck lost its came. On elapsed time Chase's had to replace his transmission, transmission early on lap two, so lead was only two minutes, and it was up to fourth place, and what should have been a great was Frank Arciero, Jr., in Bob Greenway and Watkins were fifth race, was cut short. Frank Vessels Gordon's Type IV powered now. was second at the end oflap one, Chenowth, who ran second.Troy Stewart worried about his tires, about three minutes back in his Herbst, in a Porsche Chenowth and kept stopping to check them, Chevrolet, and Chris Minor ran was another two minutes back, and he also felt that his power thirdinhisGMC.DavidWesthem and then it was Brian Collins, steering was getting a little loose, had his GMC fourth, three from the same Valley Performance but nothing slowed him much, minutes later, and Brian Stewart stable as Herbst, in another and he took the highly coveted was only 23 seconds off his rear Porsche Chenowth, in fourth, 18 win, the only driver to finish in bumper, in the Dodge. Brian's seconds later. Jim Greenway and underl0hours.lnfact,hewasthe teammate, Walker Evans, had Craig Watkins, in a Toyota only driver at the finish line for lost his power steering, hit a hole powered Raceco, were fifth. about 20 minutes, as the press and too hard, broken the frame, holed At the end of the second lap officials began to wonder where the radiator and consequently things looked different. Arciero everyone was. blown a head gasket. led, with about three-and-a-half Bob Gordon was the next car Vessels went into the lead on minutes on Collins. And now in, disappointed that he'd lost lap two, followed by Minor, and Herbst ran behind his teammate, many minutes fussing with that then Wes them, Stewart, and, Rex Keeling and Tom Koch combined this race in a Class 10 Raceco and though they each rolled the car they finished fourth. ' co-driver Shirley Scott waves hello en route to their sec n in I as Fremont St., but a whole lot more convenient for both the racers unloading their cars and the contingency donors who had much security. Dusty Times May 1990 This Is the system run by most off road race winners TRl•IIIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE o·NLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED ·-· I Page 13

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Marty Hart is becoming a dominant force in Class 5 as he won again at the Nissan 400 in the Jimco built racer, this time by over half an hour on the next Bug. Rodney Hall and Jim Fricker had scant troubles to report with the new Dodge, only a self inflicted flat, and they were the happy winners in Class 4 and a smart eighth overall. =¾ ~ ,= _...;,%=··-~ .,_ The 1989 overall point champions Tom and Bob DeNault got a good start on 1990 points by winning the 53 car Class 1-2-1600, a convincing win, besting the field by a full 33 minutes. Roger Mears has found a winning combination for his Nissan. Roger led Class 7 all four laps and won handily by a full 20 minutes. ~ truck, who finished with no shocks. Stewart, whipped from driving a lap and a half with no power steering, was third, and then it was a long time before any more trucks came in. Gordon was next to finish, but after the next day's Competition Review Board meeting, found himself disqualified for running backwards on the course a short distance to get to his pit. In Class 10, the next group to take the flag, nine of the 32 starters couldn't make it through the first lap. Of the ones that made it, the fastest was the Mike and Jim Zupanovich Toyota powered JMR, with fast class lap at 2:25:16.5. They had only 19 seconds on second place Scott Flamson and Richard Spangler in a Rabbit Raceco, followed by Mark Whittington, 27 seconds later, in a VW Mirage. Kent and Scott Pfeiffer, former SCORE bike champions, ran fourth in their VW Raceco, and just 23 seconds behind their car, was the team of Jeff Quinn, and their brother, Kurt Pfeiffer, in a VW Chenowth. The Zupanoviches held on through the second lap, but disaster of some sort befell Flamson and Spangler, while Whittington lost his transmission. Kirk Van Matre and Carl Olson were second now, in their Raceco, only four minutes back , and followed by Cam Thieriot and Greg Lewin, in a Toyota Chen-ow th, about two-and-a-half minutes later.John Hays, in a VW Raceco, was fourth, followed by Dan Blain, driving a Toyota powered Mirage, only 15 minutes behind the leader. It, was still anyone's race. The Zupanovich car was out with a broken lifter on lap three, and Thieriot and Lewin took over the lead, with five minutes on second place Les Fulkerson and Craig Marshall, in a VW powered Raceco. Now Mike Petersen and Pat Dean were third, three minutes later in a Toyota Chenowth, and Blain had moved up to fourth, with Hays dropping back to fifth, as he struggled with rocks in his pulley, which kept popping his belts off. Thieriot and Lewin fell by the wayside also, as they lost their motor. But Fulkerson and JI Marshall came into a little luck, when they got stuck in the silt on their last lap, and a broken-down mini-truck driver helped them get out. They said they couldn't have done it themselves. And it got them their first-ever win. Hays, after putting on a couple of new lights, came in second, followed by Melvin Tom, who said, "There's something wrong up front." He was tired, he'd soloed, so that accounts for the fact that he hadn't spotted that the whole center was broken out of his front drum. Rex Keeling and Tom Koch teamed up in Keeling's Raceco for this one, and managed a fourth in spite of the fact that they'd each rolled the car over, and it finished with a major piece missing from the roll cage. The Baja Bugs started next, and Rich Minga put his Porsche Bug into the first lap lead, with just under a· minute on LeRoy VanKirk and Stan Parnell in the other Porsche Bug. Minga claims 3 liters in his motor, and VanKirk says his is 3 .2 liters. In third place it was Lyn Mocaby and Dave Bonner, with a '66 convertible, sporting 2600ccs and an auto-matic transmission. Marty Hart was fourth in his Jimco, listed at 2400ccs, and Bill Hernquist and Michael Lund, in another Jimco, admitting to only 2300ccs, and with Olga Vernon, General Tire's Race Manager as passenger, ran fifth. Minga's Porsche had serious brake trouble, and he fell back, as Hart stood on the throttle and ran Gene Norman and John Cooley combined their talents to drive hard in this Class 5 Bug and they finished middle of the pack, third. Steve Kelley and Ben Metcalf stayed close and pushed the winners all day, but their Chevy was second in Class 4 by just 12 minutes. Craig Forest and John Prosser had a near trouble free run in their Chenowth over the rough stuff and placed second in Class 1-2-1600. Larry Martin had some ups and downs in the race, but kept moving quickly to finish third in Class 1-2-1600 in the Chenowth. Page 14 ~~.,. fa;;. H--~~ .,:~--U Up with the leaders most of the distance, Scott and Bill Reams kept their ORE together for a fourth place in Class 1-2-1600. May 1990 Scott Webster and Rodney Woolf blast a little silt as they fly down a good stretch on the Nissan 400 course to fifth in 1600s. Dusty Times

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Class 7 4x4 was a run-a-way for Dave and Paul Simon in their trusty Ford Ranger. None in the half dozen behind them ever got close and they won by well over three hours. It was Johnson and Johnson in for the win in Class 7S which started out to be a close contest. At the flag John and Chuck had the Ford Ranger way over an hour up on the other 15 trucks. the fast lap for the class, Hall's fourth lap was tough on 2:35:06.3, to put himself into the him. Somewhere along the line he lead. VanKirk and Parnell were was rear,ended by, get this, a still second, four minutes back, buggy!, which he claimed damaged and Hernquist and Lund had moved into third. Dave Baeskens, in Gary Bates' '69 Bug, with a 2180cc motor, was now fourth, and Minga held fifth. Hart was having a nearly clean day, and held his lead, now seven minutes up on Minga, who had things back in shape again, and was second. Bates had taken over in his car, and ran third, after driving a long way with no power steering when a belt popped off. Greg Vaughan and Val Dodd, in a 2666cc '59 sedan, were fourth, and Chuck Dodson and Joseph Trimino, who are equipped with a 2210cc motor, ran fifth. Hart shattered a spring plate cover, taking his bottom stop out at the same time, on a big rock, but that was the only damage he did to the car, and while it worried him, it didn't impede his progress. He brought the car in for his second win of the year, 40 minutes in front of the second place car. That was Bates and Baeskens, who'd run the last lap with bald rear tires, and had a terrible time getting through the silt. In third it was Gene Norman and John Cooley, in a convertible with a 3000cc motor, who'd had several flats and a broken throttle linkage to mar their day. The Class 4 troops were next to go, and this race marked the long awaited debut of Mike Schwel, linger and Steve Kramer's new Class 4 Ford. But it was a short, lived debut, as the team had a serious steering malfunction, which they couldn't correct. They didn't even get one lap completed, though they went through the short,course track several times, on their way back in for repairs. Rodney Hall, with Jim Fricker on board as navigator, took the early lead, in his Dodge, and was just over five minutes in front of Steve Kelley and Ben Metcalf in their Chevrolet. Eric Heiden and Les Barnett, in a Dodge, ran third, followed by John and J.P. Dyck, in a Jeep, in fourth. Hall and Fricker were having a fairly smooth day, but they were keeping tabs on Kelley, who, although he had an axle problem, stayed too close for comfort. Heiden and Barnett continued to run third, with the Dycks in fourth. At the end of lap three Hall's lead was only a little over four minutes, and it was still Kelley pushing him. Heiden dropped out and the Dycks moved into third, with Timmy Lee Pruett and Bill Holmes, Ford, in fourth place, after a couple of longish laps. Dusty Times ~ -o."·; :z: ;=:. ::j ; ... m Ill z o · ! :I a: I» c . I» ,... C (') CD "' ~ 0 Q. , C s. "' I» al I» < !!!. iii C' i' Q. ;· (') . .. a 3 . (It . .... g: :· -. ·, ~ , . . :: ., ·:: ~· \'~· his fuel cell and broke it loose, Hall was still moving along decided "Kelley ain't passin' me and caused something to begin steadily, but Kelley had crept up while I'm runnin'." And he took banging and clanking. No word to within a minute and a half, off, clanking and banging, and on the condition of the buggy. according to Hall's pit, so he eventually r;r ;:-_, '•• · ·· Mlrf1990 Page 15

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·i:.::.;.....e...-.=.:.~•iilll!!!~~c,~-Longtime King of this 400 course, Manny Esquerra could not get Mears within range. This year he was second in the Class 7 Ford. Gregg Symonds and Marty Reider had the best day yet in their Toyota, even with down time they saw the checkered flag, and they finished second, only a minute ahead of third place. wi11ie Valdez and Gil Divine had ·s;me time costly mechanical woes but they kept moving to finish the Ford Ranger second in Class 7S. !Jr-missing a quarter panel, though he didn't know that, and driving as if Kelley were the devil incarnate on his tail. When Kelley had a flat and lost about 10 minutes nobody bothered to tell Hall, so he drove at that pace all the way to the finish, wearing a blister on his left hand, and swearing he'd never drive the Mint all by himself again. But he was the Class 4 winner, and 8th overall. Kelley was second, 12 minutes later, followed in over an hour later by the Dycks, and then Pruett and Holmes were fourth. None of the others made it in. The biggest class of the race, the l /2-1600s·went next, and Scott Webster and Rodney Woolf had their ORBS single seater in the lead at the end of the first lap, with 29 seconds on Willie Melancon, who had his new Mirage out for the first time. Mike and Morley Williams ran third, a little over a minute lat~r, in a MECO, with Mike Spina and Keith Underwood only a minute further back, in a Chenowth. Jim Sumners was fifth in his Mirage, nine seconds later, DESERT LOCK OUTER 10.000 HOLE FOR EASY ACCESS TO LUG BOLTS 3.QOO WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8 • 1.12S HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP. Standard Lock Outer Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength • At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing • All parts are available separately *In stock-Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 13" MIDGET 8"-10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED MIDGET WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 0 o o o CALL OR WRITE TO: i 00 (]] 00 [JJ D [[J 00 00 0 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-~183 Page 16 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax with Craig Forrest, in a Chenowth, sixth, a tad over a minute later. From first to sixth place there was only a matter of four minutes and 43 seconds, and there was a big crowd of competitive drivers in the next five minute span. A couple of them, Dave Mansker and Joel Stankavich, in a JMR, took over the lead on the second lap, with eight seconds on Forrest, who'd moved up to second. Spina and Underwood were third now, and Tom and Bob DeNault, 1989 Overall series champions, in a Chenowth, were fourth. Cameron Steele, in a Raceco, pumped out the class fast lap, at 2:32:47.6, to move up to fifth, and Danny Porter and Mark Ruddis were sixth, in their SV 1000 ss. By the end of lap three the DeNaults, who'd had a flat on lap one, but were having no more problems of any sort, were in the lead. They had only 23 seconds on Tim and Tom Burns, in a Raceco, who were now second. John Prosser took over for Forrest, and he was third, two minutes later, followed by Mansker and Stankavich, who'd lost about 20 minutes and fell to fourth. Porter and Ruddis were still fifth, and Brian and Scott Steele, in a JMR, were sixth. The Denaults had another flawless lap, and took their first win of the '90 season, finishing a strong 10th overall. The Burns team finished second, but were later disqualified on technical grounds, so Forrest and Prosser, who'd actually been the second car to arrive, took second place. Larry Martin, who'd rolled on the first lap, and broken a tie rod, moved up to take third place, followed in by Scott and Bill Reams, in an ORC, who'd broken the bottom stop off their front end, and been amazed to see the whole front end fold forward, over on itself. They did a lot of catching up, to finish fourth. Webster and Woolf, who don't carry a spare, had had two flats, and then worked back up to fifth. Class 7 started next, and Roger Mears and his Nissan took the early lead, with not quite two minutes on Larry Ragland, who was still driving the old Chevy, until the new Class 2 truck is finished. Manny Esquerra lost an hour with broken leaf springs, twice, on his Ford, and ran third, followed by Kim Mohr, in another Ford, who headed for the pits to get a broken crossmember fixed. Mears picked up the pace on lap two, and recorded the Class 7 fast lap, 2:29:50.3, increasing his lead to 12 minutes. Ragland was still second, and Esquerra was running well, but a long way back, in third. Mohr was now headed into the pits to have his brakes repaired, but was still fourth. With only little problems; two flats, and a spare tire that disappeared, Mears held his lead, !ry\ '• ,:1, .,. and it grew to 27 minutes at the end of the third lap. Esquerra was now second, while Ragland lost two hours with some problem, and Axel Mohr rolled his truck, and put an end to its race. Mears took the win, with Esquerra second, and only 20 minutes behind him. Ragland managed third, but was very late, and no one else finished. Class 7 4x4 was a small group, and it was dominated all day by the Simon brothers, Dave and Paul, who ran the quick lap for the class on lap one, at 2:-30:33.7, to take the lead by 11 minutes. Mike Lesle and Jack Ramsay ran second in a Jeep, and Jerry McDonald and Jeff Lewis were a minute and 23 seconds in back of them in their Chevrolet. Gregg Symonds and Marty Reider, finally getting some distance out of the new Toyota, were fourth. The Simons, having an un-eventful day, continued their lead, and at the end of lap two had an hour and 21 minutes on Symonds and Reider who'd moved up to second. McDonald and Lewis were third, over an hour later, while Lesle and Ramsay changed a transfer case. The Simons continued to run free of mechanical troubles, but they, like everyone else, were finding this to be the roughest course they'd ever seen. Their lead grew to two hours by the end of the third lap, and Symonds and Reider still held second place. Despite this slight delay Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen had a fine run in their Toyota and they finished third, only a minute behind second place. Ross Craft had some driving help from both Wayne and Darryl Cook and it paid off with a neat second place finish in Class 5-1600. Robert Knight and Greg Krogh lost their windshield on lap 1 but they soldiered on through the silt to a third in Class 5-1600. - May 1990 f ~ :-.,,. . .,.,"" Gary Lane and Mike Fielding were in contention all day in Class 5-1600, and they survived the rough and rocky route to take fourth. Dusty Times

Page 17

J >-.#ft -"' • The 5-1600s are fiercely competitive, but here Tim and Steve Lawrence led all four laps, changing drivers each lap was their secret in winning the 34 car class. Bruce Mangold and Tim Gavett ran in the tight pack of the 24 Class 9 cars, then moved up to the leaders and won the class after four rugged laps. McDonald was still third, an hour and seven minutes back, and now Darren and Doug York moved into fourth, three hours later, as Lesle and Ramsay were out. At the checkered flag it was the Simons, finishing 13th overall as well, and in front of every truck except Vessels, Hall and Kelley, a major accomplishment. Three hours and 20 minutes later, after many stops to put grease in the rear end, Reider finished right smack dab on the back bumper of McDonald, and by virtue of their start positions, this meant that g , ( Reider and Symonds were ahead, and in second place, by only 48 seconds. McDonald and Lewis were third, and the last of the class · to finish four laps. The 7S trucks went off the line next, and this group, too, had but one leader all day. The Ford of ChuckJohnsonandJohnJohnson had a lead of 11 :26 by the end of lap one, and it was Jerry Whelchel, in a Toyota, running second. Third place belonged to Gabriel and Joseph Naranjo, in a Ford, and in fourth it was Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen (Malcolm driving, and Mark pre-running in the passenger seat), in a Toyota, while Rob MacCachren ran fifth in his Jeep. The Johnsons, who are not related to one another, built their leadtolS i;.,.. Roy and Wade Prince had their Chenowth flying, running second umil a spectacular triple roll in the short course. They came back from that crowd pleaser to finish second by half an hour. Winners in Class 9 last year Dave Ramocinski and Norm Lester Don Adams and Larry Olsen were the bridesmaid again in Class had troubles, but carried on to finish third in the Raceco. 3/14; the Jeep Wrangler had a few flats but finished second. WINNER -Class 7 HORA Nissan 400, Las Vegas ROGER MEARS Bakersfield, CA Winning Gas: Unocal 76 Leaded Racing Gas WINNER -Superlite Main Event Off-Road Championship Gran Prix, San Diego HOLGEIR OKSNEVAD Durand, IL Winning Gas: Unocal 76 Leaded Racing Gas CONTINGENCY PROGRAM ■ ■ SCORE San Felipe 250 ■ ■ MOTORCYCLE/ATV CLASSES 20 gallons Unocal 76 Racing Gas to Winner 10 gallons Unocal 76 Racing Gas to Second No more playing "octane roulette." These myster-ious numbers are only as good as the results they earn for you. Whether you race 50 laps, 1000 miles or 24 hours, UNOCAL 76 leaded and unleaded racing gasolines are proven winners, designed to · maximize horsepower under high RPM conditions. As a result, UNOCAL 76 racing gasolines have fueled more winners in the past 35 years than any other gasoline. With these credentials, shouldn't UNOCAL 76 racing gasoline be your choice? Try it! WINN -ATV Main Event Off-Road Championship Gran Prix, Seattle DEREK HAMIL TON Laguna Niguel, CA . Winning Gas: Unocal 76 Leaded Racing Gas CLASSES 1/2. 1/2-1600. 3/14, 4, 5.5-1600, 6. 7 4x4. 7S. 8. 10 40 gallons Unocal 76 Racing Gas to Winner · 20 gallons Unocal 76 Racing Gas to Second 15 gallons Unocal 76 Racing Gas to Tt\lrd CLASSES 11, Mini-Mag 30 gallons Unocal 76 Racing Gas to Winner 15 gallons Unocal 76 Racing Gas to Second 1 0 gallons Unocal 76 Racing Gas to Third C.O. THOMPSON PETROLEUM 505 N. ANAHEIM BLVD., ORANGE, CA 92668; (714) 634-4214 Dusty nmes May 1990 GAS AVAILABILITY: Apollo Oil Co. 6220 Falnnount Ave. San Diego, CA (619) 280-6884 8AM-5PM, Mon.-Frl. 76 Leaded Racing Gas 76 Unleaded Racing Ga_s Brown & Reich Petroleum 216 South 6th Street Taft, CA (805) 765-5457 7AM - 5PM, Mon.-Fri. 76 Leaded Racing Gas George Follmer Racing Inc. 10325 Central Ave. Montclair, CA (714) 625-4881 7:30AM-5PM, Mon.-Fri. 76 Leaded Racing Gas Sellers Petroleum 505 Gila St. Yuma, AZ. (602) 783-8876 7AM-5PM, Mon.-Fri. 76 Leaded Racing Gas Seabolt Oil Co. 243 E. Highway 78 Brawley, CA (619) 344-3761 7AM-5PM, Mon.-Sat. 76 Leaded Racing Gas C.O. Thompson Petro. 505 N. Anaheim Blvd. Orange, CA (714) 634-4214 8AM-5PM, Mon.-Fri. 76 L:eaded Racing Gas 76.Unleaded Racing Gas Campbell Oil Co. 3010 11th Street Riverside, CA (714) 686-1676 8AM-5PM, Mon.-Frl. 76 Leaded Racing Gas 76 Unleaded Racing Gas Valley Performance Center 2032 N. Wilson Way Stockton, CA (209) 943-7637 10AM - 6PM, Mon.-Sat 76 Leaded Racing Gas Victorville Oil Co. 16640'D'St. Victorville, CA (619) 245-4191 8AM-5PM, Mon.-Fri. 76 Leaded Racing Gas Western Air 2260 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA "(818) 405-9701 7:30AM-4:30PM, Mon.-Fri. 76 Leaded Racing Gas 76 Unleaded Racing Gas Page 17

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~. ,,i,_ . ' , ,,~ t"'\' ,/jf:~;,, ... Madelene Lesle and Curt LeDuc were supposed to be in a Jeep, but instead they were third Class 3/14 in air conditioned comfort. • i;r-minutes and 57 seconds problems. Willie Valdez, in Gil at the end of lap two, and the Divine's Ford, had broken a rear Naranjos moved up to second, end on the first lap, but now ran while Whelchel had ball-joint the fast lap for the class, at # Pos. 111 1 129 2 114 3 132 4 108 5 1600 1 1608 2 1604 3 1602 4 1644 5 300 347 2 303 3 306 4 HDRA NISSAN 400 - Results MARCH 1-4 1990 Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Class 1/2 - Unlimited Single & Two Seat -44 start -17 finish Ivan Stewart (solo) Toyota Bob Gordon/Frank Arciero, Jr. Chenowth Brian Collins/Bruce Graves Chenowth Jim Greenway/Craig Watkins Raceco Troy & Ed Herbst Chenowth Class 1-2-1600 -1600cc Restricted Engine -53 start-21 finish Tom & Bob DeNault Chenowth Craig Forest/John Prosser Chenowth Larry Martin Chenowth Scott & Bill Reams OE Scott Webster/Rodney Woolf OR3S Class 3/14 - Short we 4X4 - 14 start - 4 finish David Ashley/Mike Bakholdin Ford Bronco Don Adams/Larry Ofsen Jeep Wrangler Madelene Lesia/Curt LeDuc Jeep Cherokee Dale White/Lee Mattson Chevy Blazer Class 4 -Lc:,ng WB 4x4 • 8 start - 4 finish 401 1 Rodney Hall/Jim Fricker Dodge 404 2 Steve Kelley/Ben Metcalf Chevrolet 402 3 John & J.P. Dyck JeepJ-10 448 4 Tim Pruett/Bill Holmes Ford F-150 Class 5 - Unlimited Baja Bug -15 start - 5 finish 508 1 Marty Hart Baja Bug 549 2 Gary Bates/Dave Baeskens Baja Bug 501 3 Gene Norman/John Cooley Baja Bug 505 4 Chuck Dodson/Joseph Trimino Baja Bug 507 5 George Seeley Jr Baja Bug Class 5-1600 -1600cc Baja Bug - 34 start -14 finish 553 Tim & Steve Lawrence Baja Bug 597 2 Wayne & Daryl Cook/Ross Craft Baja Bug 558 3 Robert Knight/Greg Krogh Baja Bug 557 4 Gary Lane/Mike Fielding Baja Bug 555 5 Rod Sorenson/Jim Magill Baja Bug Class 6 - Production Sedan - 6 start - 2 finish 603 1 Scott Douglas/Mark Searle Jeep Cherokee 601 2 Danny Ashcraft/Scott Wagenblast Ford Bronco II 700 1 719 2 701 3 Class 7 • Unlimited Mini-Midi Pickup - 7 start -3 finish Roger Mears/Tony Alvarez Nissan Manny & Tudy Joe Esquerra Ford Ranger Larry Ragland/Clive Smith Chevrolet S-10 Class 7S - Stock Mini-Midi Pickup-16 start. 6 finish 724 1 John Johnson/Chuck Johnson Ford Ranger 722 2 Willie Valdez/Gil Divine Ford Ranger 759 3 Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Toyota 733 4 Turbo Lamke/Tom Cornwell Jeep Comanche 728 5 Terry Brown/William O"Brien Ford · 760 1 765 2 762 3 800 1 801 2 805 3 Class 7 4X4 -Stock Mini-Midi 4X4 • 7 start - 3 finish Paul & David Simon Ford Ranger Gregg Symonds/Marty Reider Toyota Jerry McDonald/Jeff Lewis Chevy S-10 . Class 8 - 2WD Standard Pickup -14 start - 6 finish Frank Vessels Chevrolet Mel Vaughan/Roger Rolfe Ford F 1-50 Brian Stewart Dodge 809 4 David Westhem QC 810 5 Dave & Brant Shoppe Ford D-150 Class 9 • Restricted Buggy -24 start - 8 finish 905 1 Bruce Mangold/Tim Gavett Raceco 999 2 Ray & Wade Prince Chenowth 909 3 David Ramocinski/Norm Lester Raceco 995 4 Billy Kem/Pat Smith OR3S 991 5 David Girdner Hi Jumper Class 10 - Unlimited 1650cc -32 start -12 finish 1030 1 Les Fulkerson/Craig Marshall Raceco 1016 2 John Hays Raceco 1027 3 Melvin Tom 1002 4 Rex Keeling/Tom Koch Raceco 1026 5 Todd Davis/Kevin Derby Chenowth Class II - Stock VW Sedan - 3 start - 1 finish (2 laps) 1199 1 Saul Zambrano/Jeff Strait VW Beede 1200 1205 2 1203 3 Class Mini - Mag - 8 start - 1 finish Charles and Charlie Townsley Frank & Steve Bristing Scott Steinberger Starters -285 Finishers - 109 Mini Mag Mini Mag (3 laps) Mini Mag (3 laps) Finish ratio -38.2% Race Distance - 405 miles - Four laps, 101.25 mile course Time Allowance - 18 hours Fast Lap Time Overall - Stuart Chase. 2: 11 :02.9, Raceco Page 18 Time 0/A 9:15:42 1 10:07:33 3 10:15:33 4 · 10:20:25 5 10:23:26 6 10:45:33 10 11 :18:09 17 11:40:03 22 11:40:10 23 11:45:13 24 13:09:20 49 13:45:29 56 14:09:33 65 14:47:57 78 10:42:51 8 10:54:57 12 12:23:42 38 14:22:41 71 11:16:53 15 11:54:01 31 12:41:06 43 16:56:17 100. 17:24:56 103 12:52:43 45 13:16:10 51 13:43:06 55 13:57:25 59 15:03:18 80 14:02:01 61 17:43:19 105 11:50:28 29 12:10:28 34 17:40:27 104 13:00:30 48 14:25:28 72 14:28:46 73 15:24:08 87 15:50:34 91 11:02:00 13 14:21:23 69 14:22:21 70 10:05:14 2 11:16:55 16 11:31:40 19 14:08:43 64 15:10:19 84 14:07:43 63 14:37:41 75 14:41:36 76 14:44:31 77 14:57:23 79 11:11:00 14 11:34:03 20 11:39:22 21 11:46:18 25 12:15:08 36 11:59:41 12:55:11 47 14:06:01 16:54:50 2:56:02.5, to move into third, and Turbo Lamke and Tom Cornwell ran fourth in a Jeep. Vinje and Hansen, having electrical problems, dropped to fifth. At the end of the second lap J ohnJ ohnson experienced his one problem when a nut came off, and then the yoke fell off and pulled the driveshaft with it. When the truck rolled to a stop John walked back in the silt to gather up the driveshaft, and also found, to. his surprise, the nut. Nothing was badly damaged, so he put it all together, and lost only 15 minutes. The driveshaft was bent, however, but they decided to go ahead and run with it, with many stops to put in gear lube. · Their lead was still secure at the end of three laps, when they had 18 minutes on Valdez, who was having trouble with his alternator. Vinje and Hansen were now up to third place, followed by Lamke and Cornwell, and Terry Brown and William O'Brien, in a Ford, moved to fifth, as the Naranjos dropped out. The Johnsons carried on and took the win, causing Chuck to rejoice at his first victory at the "Mint", never mind the name change. They had over an hour on Valdez, who'd had silt packed in his clutch for much of the last lap. Vinje and Hansen were only three minutes later, in third, and then it was Lamke and Cornwell, followed by Brown and O 'Brien. The limited Baja Bugs, 5-1600, were next off the grid, and these folks had Tim Lawrence in front of them at the end oflap one, with the fast lap for the class, a speedy 2:56:58.9 . He had four minutes and 4 7 seconds on Rich Fersch and Pat Todd, who ran second, and they were 40 seconds up on David Purcell and Larry Rosevear, who ran third. Gary Lane and Mike Fielding ran fourth, nine seconds later, and then it was Scot Jones and John Holmes, in another 22 seconds. After a quick change of a c. v. boot, Tim's dad, Steve, got in for the next lap, and he still had the lead at the end of lap two, but he had less than a minute on Jones and Holmes, who were now second. In third it was Darryl Cook, in Ross Craft's car, a minute and 24 seconds later, and followed by Mike Kalicki, and then Purcell and Rosevear, who'd lost about 13 minutes. Tim got back in for lap three, and his only stop was to take the light covers off, as he built his lead to six minutes. Craft was back in his car now, and in second place, after welding a trans strap and tightening up the axle nuts. Robert Knight and Greg Krogh had come up to third, about a half hour later, having a rougher time May 1990 ;£ Danny Ashcraft and Scott Wagenblast have their Ford Bronco II together this year, had some troubles but came home second. of it than some, because they'd lost their windshield on the first lap, and the silt could come right in with them. Lane and Fielding were fourth, and George and Greg Tuttle ran fifth now. Kalicki was badly stuck in the silt, and Purcell and Rosevear were doomed to d.n.f. Steve Lawrence got back in for the fourth lap, and, having no problems, brought the car around in good time, for a first place finish. Wayne Cook, in Craft's car for the last lap, finished on a sagged out rear suspension that happened just at the finish, only 20 minutes later, in second place. Knight and Krogh were third, then it was Lane and Fielding, and Rod Sorenson and Jim Magill, who came out from Idaho for this race, finished fifth, a good showing indeed, for folks not accustomed to "Mint" type races. The Challengers, Class 9, went off next, and for this class there was a real struggle for the lead. Arturo and Armando Tiznado were in front, in their J imco, at the end of the first lap, but, feeling a little pushed by the closeness of another car in their class apparently, they rolled over on the short-course, in the turn after the big jump. They were back on their wheels in a flash, and out on their next lap, seemingly no worse for the experience, and had recorded the class fast lap, a nice 3:06:29.6. Tom Malloy and W ayne Horning, in a Geiser, ran second, a little over a minute later, followed by Roy and W ade Prince, in a Chenowth, another minute and 25 seconds back. In fourth it was Jamey Long and Dan Janiyowski, in a Ghoster, only 13 seconds off their bumper. Fifth place belonged to Ray MacClain and Mike Daghlian. The class had lost a full third of its entry on the first lap. , The Princes, who had started last and were, at the end of lap two, the second Challenger on the road, had Tiznado in their sights as they came to the turn which led down into the infield short-course. Roy, who was at the wheel, didn't know it had just , been watered, and he went into a slide that led into a four-time rollover that awed the spectators. But he was quickly back on his wheels, with one bent rear hub, and hustled through the maze to the finish line check, to be timed as the leader. Tiznado, though in front of him on the road, was behind him on elapsed time by a minute and 49 seconds. Billy Kem and Pat Smith, in an ORBS, ran third now, 10 minutes later, and Bruce Mangold and Tim Gavett, in a Raceco, were fourth, 48 -seconds behind the m , with Maclain and Daghlian holding fifth spot. The Tiznados faded away on the next lap, and the Prince car, with Wade now driving, led by 23 minutes. Mangold and Gavett were second, and having a trouble-free day. In third it was Maclain and Daghlian, and Dave Girdner, with a Hi]umper, had moved into fourth, having no troubles, but stopping to check his tires a lot. Kem and Smith were fifth, only three and a half minutes behind him. Prince continued to lead until about 20 miles before the finish, where his points shorted out. Mangold and Gavett went on by to take the win, their first ever. Prince salvaged second, a half hour back, and in third it was Dave Ramocinski and Norm Lester, in a Raceco, who'd been catching up since the first two laps. They'd had a loose balljoint, and then had been hit by a Jeep, which cost them some time . consuming repairs. Kem and Smith finished fourth, followed in by Girdner. Dave Ashley was the first lap leader in the next group, Class 3/14, with the class fast lap, at 2:45:49.6, he had his Bronco 27 minutes in front of second place Don Adams, in his Jeep. Third place belonged to Madelene Lesle and Curt LeDuc, in another Jeep, and then it was Debi Barrett and Jerry Daugherty, in Barrett's CJ7 , fourth, Dale White ran fifth in a Blazer. Ashley had a full half hour at the end oflap two, and it was now Larry Olsen in Adam's Jeep, in second. White moved up to third, followed by Lesle and LeDuc. Barrett, who wasn't doing much driving since she'd broken her arm at Parker, and Daugherty began to have a series of problems that led to a d.n.f. after only two laps. Ashley, who had no windshield, discovered that his goggles were poorly fitted, and he began to have trouble with his eyes, as the alkaline silt sifted into them. But he held his lead, and had 50 minutes at the end of lap three. It was still Adams and Olsen in second place, after having two flats in the rock garden, with only one spare. And now Lesle and LeDuc were back in third, 19 minutes behind them. White was fourth, and Robert Hayley and Randy Hymer, who'd got a late start in the morning, ran fifth in their Bronco, but were unable to get through their fourth lap. Ashley lost an axle on the last lap, but decided to go ahead without it. His eyes were more trouble than the axle, and he had his riding mec hanic, Mike Bakholdin, take over the driving for about 40 miles so he could rest them. Then he took over the wheel again, and came to the Dusty Times

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Charles Townsley and son Charlie continued on their winning ways in the Chenowth Mini Mag class. They had an hour in hand at the flag plus they were the only four lap class finisher. It was a familiar sight to see David Ashley and Mike Bakholdin whip their Ford Bronco into the Class 3/4 victory. However, they won by only 36 minutes instead of the usual hours. Running as hard as the car did last year, Scott Douglas drove the Jeep Cherokee fast to win Class 6 by over three hours. Only three started in the stock VW Beetle Class 11 they had only two laps to do for a finish, and only one did. Saul Zambrano and Jeff Strait did two laps in 12 hours for the win. finish, driving blind much of the time, but taking the win easily. Ashley went right to the first-aid folks for some eyewash, and was in good shape by the next morning. In second it was Adams and Olsen, and then LeDuc and Lesle finished third, followed in by White, and none of the others made the fourth lap. The next group to take the green flag was the Chenowth Mini-Mags, and one of the youngest drivers in the event, Charlie Townsley, 15 years old, took the lead, with the fast lap for the class, 2:48:33.9. He was nine minutes up on the team of Bud Harris and Rory Chenowth, who were second, and then it was Frank and Steve Bristing, five minutes later, in third. Dan and Don Weaver ran fourth. Charlie had a flat, but he held his lead through the second lap, and had just six minutes on Harris and Chenowth, who were still second. The Weaver team moved up to third, but were two hours down, while the Bristings, after losing four hours, were fourth. Charlie's dad, Charles (Rudy) ' Townsley took over for the last two laps, and he had some problems, starting with a broken shock, a broken spring in the clutch and then a flat front tire. But he held on to the lead, as everyone else had major problems, and died on the vine. Only two other Mini-Mags finished the third lap, and that was the Bristings, who were second, but five hours down, and Scott Steinberger, in third, two hours behind them. The T ownsleys collected their win, and were the only team in the class to manage four laps. The Bristings' three lap time was good for second, and Steinberger was third. The winners in this class beat the winning times of Classes 3, 7S and 9, all of which started in front of them. But they'll have to Dusty Times have more than one quick finisher in the group before they can move up on the starting grid. Class 6 came next, and this was a runaway win for Scott Douglas in the Walker Evans team Jeep Cherokee. He had fast lap for the group at 3:02:09.3 on lap one, and opened up a lead of 18 minutes on Danny Ashcraft and George Wagenblast, in a Ford Bronco II. In third it was Dale and Randy Jordan, another hour later, in their El Camino. Mike Horner and Steve Ball in a Jimmy, were fourth, but destined for a second lap collapse. Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling, in the '57 Chevy, had been .put out by_ a broken transmission. Douglas had 39 minutes after lap two, and it was still Ashcraft and Wagenblast in pursuit. The Jordans had had down time, and still ran third, but almost two hours late. No one else was running. Douglas continued to run in front, over three hours ahead by the end of lap three, still followed by the Bronco, and now even the J ordans were out of it. On the last lap word came back that Douglas was stuck in a hole, but somehow, even with all the restricted areas on the course, he got lucky, and his crew was able to go in to rescue him, so he could make it to the finish line for another win. Ashcraft and Wagenblast also got to the finish line, about four hours later, but second in class. The last class to start was Class 11, the stock production V olks-wagens, and there were only three of the little cars, which had to complete only two laps. Even that was too much for two of thei:n, and Michael Duenas and Will Williams lost their steering on the first lap and were done. Gary and Keavin Anderson did manage to do one lap, but it was beset by troubles, and lasted seven and a half hours. In the lead all day, in spite of some difficulties, was the kept getting unstuck, and took the change, which meant that there team of Jeff Strait and Saul team's second win for the year. was probably an hour and a half Zambrano, who'd been the last SotheNissan400goesintothe less daylight, since the Mint car lined up in staging. Strait said record books. It wasn't as big as usually took place after the start that people kept running over him some Mints, in fact, with only 285 of Daylight Saving time. Racers as they passed him, and they even starters, it was smaller than any who managed to finish the Nissan lost a fender to the bigger cars. Mint since 1971, and down by 66 400 could be as proud of their Zambrano, who did the second entrants from last year. But it did accomplishment as they ever were lap, finished with a shock missing have a drastic calendar change to about finishing a Mint 400. on one corner, which is a severe cope with, and in all other The next item on the agenda for handicapinavehiclethatcanhave respects, it was a full fledged the HORA is the Fireworks 250, only one shock on each corner. Mint. One thing that even made it early in July, in the neighborhood He kept getting stuck, but also a little more difficult was that date of Barstow. i;r . ALUMINUM RACING RADIAiOR ----16.5 POUNDS SIZES-AVAILABLE __ 16 X 27 18 X 24 19 X 28 19 X 31 CURRENTLY USED IN CLASS 2, 8, & NASCAR ;:::~-: --::~: Hl-'rOCH tt1111 ltttAlt • 2 WO • 4 WO • TRUCK • JEEP' • PRERUNNERS • CUSTOM TUBE BENDING OFF ROAD ACCESSORIES 1~ '--• RANCHO SUSPENSION • DOETSCH TECH •MASTERCRAFT• KAYLINE • CIBIE • K & N · • JT BODY LIFTS • FUEL SAFE • CLIFFORD~ AUTOFAB • KC HILITES personalized • AIR LIFT •'ORD PERFORMANCE• MIKUNI service ! • 104 OCTANE BOOST• SMITTYBILT • AMSOIL C!l!j Ill LAS VEGAS 702 \"'r:·:. _ 362 2089 FUl::LCELLS SAFETYEOUIP 3867 S. YALLc:Y VIEW • FIBERGLASS FENDERS OFF SPRING MTN, RD, OPEN IION-SAT May 1990 Page 19

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Stuart Chase started and finished the first lap first, doing fast I time of day, but he and Steve Barlow ended up sixth in 1-2. Chuck Dodson and Joseph Trimino rear up out of one of many tricky ditches en route to their fifth place finish in Class 5. Danny Porter catches a little air in the La Victoria 1-2-1600 racer. His team finished a strong seventh in the huge class. Jeeps are popping up in many classes this year, and Turbo Lamke and Tom Cornwell were fourth in Class 7S despite big problems. Dale White's Chevy Blazer looks fairly plain for a racer, but it runs like a race car and finished fourth in Class 3/14. Page 10 Robby Gordon flew the Venable Ford to fourth in Class 8, but he was disqualified completely due to course infractions. It was a personal triumph for John Dyck to finish a "Mint 400" race and he finished third in Class 4 in the Jeep J-10. Todd Davis and Kevin Derby were fifth in Class 10 which had an all new cast of characters in the top five at the Nissan 400. The huge 1-2-1600 class ran in bunches for several laps and Ron Wansley had his Chenowth in the top bunch to finish sixth. Larry Ragland flings his Chevy S-10 out of a ditch, but he was Jerry McDonald and Jeff Lewis had a few stops on their way to slowed by troubles and ended up a long third in Class 7. ·1 driving the Chevy S-10 to third in Class 7 4x4. , Rod Sorenson and Jim Magill came from Idaho to try the Nevada desert; they survived to finish fifth in the big 5-1600 class. Scott Steinberger deserted the radios for his Mini Mag, and the youngster does quite well, fourth in class in Vegas.' May 1990 Billy Kem, one of the pioneers in Challenger racing, catches air with his ORBS en route to a good fourth place finish in Class 9. Dale and Randy Jordan finished their Chevy El Camino first in the antique section, and also actually third in Class 6. Dusty Times

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SIMPSOlt WHERE INNOVATION NEVER STOPS! RACE PRODUCTS 27000 Low-Top Driving Shoes The Simpson Driving Shoe is the finest handcraft shoe available in the world. Features suede leather outer with Nomex® lined interiors. Colors avail-able: Red, White, Blue and Black. $104.00 8000 HI-Top Driving Shoes he Simpson Driving Shoe is the finest handcraft hoe avaiable in the world. Features suede leather uter with Nomex® lined interiors. Colors avail-ble: Red, White, Blue and Black. {;. i · $69.95 wfit' ~ -21100 thru 21400 Gloves The number one glove in motor racing. 24.6 oz. of knitted Nomex on the top of the hand and 12.3 oz. of Nomex in the palm, ~us leather reinforced. New velcro closure and elasticinwristarea. Sizes: Sm-Md-Lg-Xlg. Colors: Red, White, Blue, Orange and Black. $44.95 NEW 22500 thru 22800 Gloves Sportsma, gloves made with 12.3 oz. of plush knitted Nomex with calf skin palm. Velcro dosure and elastic at wrist Sizes: Sm-Md-Lg. Colors: Red, Blue, Orange and Black. ' ·~ I ···~ ~· ,... $55.95 22100 thru 22400 Gloves Regular version glove with 24.6 oz. of plush knitted Nomex on top of hand with calf skin palm. New velcro closure at wrist plus elastic. Sizes: Sm-Md-Lg-Xlg. Colors: Red, White, Blue, Orange and Black. 23100 Super Race Bag A durable race bag that holds it all. All seams are double reinforced and the heavy duty zipper is reinforced with leather. $42.00 23200 Super Helmet Bag The Super Helmet Bag made from 500 denier nylon features a quilted and padded lining. All seams are reinforced and the heavy duty zipper is reinforced with leather. $56.95 C 'intP 54009 Ratchet Tie Downs Securing a race vehicle to your trailer or transporter is easy. The 2" nylon webbing features a ratcheting buckle with integral hook and a snap hook ~t the opposite end. Sold in pairs, 8' long. 23003 Head Socks 23000 $31.50 ea. Knitted from extra plush Nomex and double layered in critical areas for comfort, these socks are designed to be worn under most helmets. Colors: Red, White or Blue. ,il:,,: tiEW 21500 Thru 21800 d $79.95 Gloves Long gaundet glove features 24.6 oz. of plush knitted Nomex on top of hand and 12.3 oz. knitted Nomex on palm, plus a calf skin palm. Elastic at forearm and wrist Newvelcroclosure. Sizes: Sm-Md-Lg-Xlg. Colors: Red, White, Blue, Orange and Black. I 29100 Cam Lock 5-Way Cam Lock 62" driver restraint system with 3" belts and Y-type harness. Snap-in floor mount with pull up adjustment. 29060 5- Way Seat Belt $87 .50 The Sportsman 5-way is an entry level system. Made with 3" webbing. Meets SFl-16 commercial grade hardware. Seat belt bolts in. Colors: Red, Blue or Black. MEW $62.50 Sternam Protector The sternam protector is designed to hold the harness together under impact. Made with A.C. hardware. N. seen on ESPN Track Facts and Inside Winston Cup. Available for standard Latch and Link or Cam Lock seat tlelts. $399.00 12000 Quilted 2-Layer Driving Sult Similar in appearance to our 3&4 layer su~s. Nomex Ill and Nomex Plus are quilled together to create this extreamly comfortable and lightweight suit. Features include knit Nomex in shoulder and sleeve area, shoulder epulets, zippered breast pocket, patch pocke1S on pams and Nomax cuffs . Six standard trim styles 10 choose from. Colors: Red, White, Blue, Black, Orange, Yellow, Green, Gold and PB~Kelvar. Mee1S most safety standards. $499.00 14000 Quilted 3-Layer Driving Sult Used by the who's who of Auto Racing, with new Nomex 1116 1/2 oz. cloth. Kelvar and Nomex Plus are quilted together to make one of our finest suits. Features include knit Nomex in shoulder and sleeve area, Shoulder epulets, zippered breast pocket, patch pockets on pants and Nomex cuffs. Six standard trim styles to choose from. Colors: Red, WMe, Blue, Black, Orange, Yellow, Green, Gold and PBI-Kelvar. Mee1S most safety standards. THE FUTURE SUIT The Business Sult for the Professional Driver "This is the most comfortable suit I've ever worn• has been the response from every driver. This suit features two layers of the latest knit materials quilted together to give you asuillhat has the same T.P.P. rating as a 3-layer suit. Plus, its cool when its hot and warm when its cold. Colors: Natural, Red, Black, And Blue. Custom sizes only. Each suit has the serial number embroidered on the inside. 6 NEW STANDARD STYLES AVAILABLE Custom Trim also available STYLE A Solid color suit with con-trasting 1' trim around sleeves. r, w STYLEC Solid color suit with 6' con-trasting band around chest and arms. STYLEE Two color suit with con-trasting eppulets and collar. STYLEB Solid color suit with con-trasting piping on collil!", eppulets, belt and pocket. STYLED Solid color suit with con-trasting collar, eppulets, and a 6' band around chest. STYLE F Solid color suit with con-trasting 6" band around chest NOMEX®SUIT COLORS AVAILABLE: Red, White, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Black, Green. Contrasting colors available tor styles C, 0 ,E & F. Sams as above. TRIM COLORS AVAILABLE FOR STYLES A and B: Red, White, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Black, Green, Purple, Gray, Flourescent Orange, Flourescent Green, Pink. For Ordering Information or Nearest Dealer, Call: ffffl 1-800~654-RACE" (7223) ~;1~f~!f!1~~1 Major Sponsor of NASCAR • CART • N.H.R.A. • IMSA -In 1990 D.J. Manufacturing • Harbor City, CA • FAX· 213/320-7179

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1990 Rally of Portugal Text & Plwtos: Martin Holmes .-..~ A . . changes. Ari Vatanen had none of the weariness that showed at Monte Carlo and Kenneth Eriksson was looking to work out what was going to happen. At Toyota there was a new spirit of determination and the cars sounded marvelous when they were testing. Mazda, pitted out of the main stream, revved up upon the arrival of young driver Gregoire de Mevius and the old stagers, Hannu Mikkola and Timo Salonen did -much more practice than usual. It was another romp, especially on the gravel roads, for Miki Biasion and Tiziano Siviero in the latest version of the Lancia Delta lntegrale 16v. It is the third year running that Miki has won in Portugal. The Tuesday afternoon super, special was moved at short notice from the Estoril stadium to the National Stadium, where a 2.5 course was laid out in an area normally reserved for motocross. Miki Biasion looked set to redeem his lackluster performance at Monte Carlo and set fastest time, though not without controversy. Right in front of the large spectator area he drove wide, through the plastic tape that defined the course. Seasoned photographers jumped out of the way but a local spectator, who had jumped the barriers for a better view, was rooted to the ground at the sight of the advancing Lancia. He was fortunate to suffer nothing worse than a broken leg. Timo Salonen was also unlucky. The engine in his Mazda failed when the throttle stuck to the floor, while Georg Fischer's Audi 200 Quattro lost five minutes with a loose turbocharger pipe. After four days of rain and wrecks, tire traumas and tortured transmissions, the reliable Lancias won the Rally of Portugal and the Japanese teams went home in disgrace. Mitsubishi and Toyota had an honorable disgrace, both having swapped the lead in the early stages, but the single Mazda that struggled through to the finish was far from the leaders. After promising so much, the sight of yet more Lancia domina, tion was depressing, even though in statistical terms, their 1,2,3-4, 5 result (like the top 15 placings going to turbocharged cars), was the greatest achievement in the history of World Championship Rallying. It may be what their bullet proof cars merited, but it was the opposite of what the public had been hoping for ... Miki Biasion once again made it look all so easy. His Integrale ran almost faultlessly, only a broken shock bolt on the first proper special stage causing alarm. He beat team.mate Didier Auriol, who was once again the fastest dtiver on the · stages, after the Frenchman was delaye<;i firstly by a puncture and then an excursion off the road .• while newly returned driver Juha Kankkunen, who avoided the battle up front, finished a solid though distant third. Miki won for the third year running, and the Frenchman is still just ahead of the double World Champion in the 1990 series points. The shame of it' all was that everything pointed to such an exciting battle, which it transpired to be before it all went wrong for Lancia's opposition. Mitsubishi had a lot more confidence than they showed at Monte Carlo with major engine management The proper rally started the following morning, amid promise of changeable weather. The main problem was that twice the rally was delayed because of accidents PARKER PUMPER HELMET CO. 714-894-8332· Page 22 1985 SNELL APPROVED HELMETS * STANDARD VOYAGER W/90° HOSE FITTING * DELUXE VOYAGER W/MOLDED AIR INLET Each helmet has shield and skirt included. EACH HAS RACH ET SHIELD - MORE NOSE ROOM MUCH LIGHTER - SEALS BETTER AGAINST DUS1 ALSO AVAILABLE FULL LINE OF S!MPSON PRO.DUCTS -BELL HELMETS - GLASS SHIELDS - DRINKERS KOOL PAC'S - PUMPER MOTORS - 4'-8' HOSES We Convert Customer's Helmets -"IT'S ALMOST LIKE CHEATING" 9371 KRAMER ST. UNIT G WESTMINSTER, CA 92683 714/894-8332 May 1990 ?' -~~ '~}tfr',l't... .. ,.,_, ..... ~~ Jorge Recalde and Martin Christie ran in the top ten most of the way in the Lancia Delta 16v, and the team scored points, winning Group Nin a big way, and finishing seventh overall. "-'.#', ; .... ;;» ~,. ;~:\/.}-~ ... ,.,...· ... ~,. ,~ ~ .. ;._~~r::::~.:i·-~ -Although they had some troubles along the trails, Paola de Martini and Umberta Gibe/Ii got the Audi Quattro home 16th overall and they won the · Ladies Prize, the only finisher in that category. to back markers, and in order to Spaniard kept Biasion at bay for save dangerous gaps between the the four stages around Fafe. passing cars, the front runners Then moving north the rains held back. On both these came and with it the deep mud occasions the weather changed. and the tire choice became The first time virtually all the top critical. Sainz lost 41 seconds to drivers changed to slicks, except the Italian, but the sensation was Vatanen who chose intermediates that the Mitsubishi of Kenneth and took the lead in the rally, but Eriksson was seven seconds soon had clutch problems and fell faster. It was business as usual back:Armin Schwarz moved into with Lancia firmly up front. Both the lead, quite an honor for a Auriol and Vatanen went off the former rally mechanic on just his road, in different spots. Biasion second time out in a works car. was 16 seconds ahead of Sainz, But later in the foggy night Eriksson one second back. Three sections he went off the road. different cars in the top places! Carlos Sainz led on time and on Hopes of a great battle started the road when the rally restarted fading soon after the restart on for the gravel sections and the Friday. Kenneth Eriksson noticed ,; ., Hannu Mikkola and Arne Hertz, veterans of the rally game, excite the crowd as they finish sixth overall, the first non Lancia to finish. i-..... ·-Just like Formula 1 these folks use tire warmers. Here Lancia's Miehe/ins designed for gravel roads are being warmed for future use. Dusty Times

Page 23

, .. ~H -~·;.!\ ~ · ' :.'It~ . ). ' ,.~, . ,.,.,,, ; ,. "' . ' . -" ~ ...:.. ',.,.•,,,..,.:_-. ·:, .: .,.. . ,,1,...,::.., ....... ,... "' ,, . ' .,-.,.:-~ .. Alain Oreille and Michel Roissard corner hard in the Renault 5 GT Turbo as they tried, in vain, to score the victory in Group N, but they did finish third. v,,,; »-~ • . .. -_,.. .;.·,. -. ,• _ J )"' .. -~-. ~-Lr~-The major threat to the Lancia steamroller during the event was Toyota, and the fastest was the Celica GT-Four of Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya. was a remarkable occasion for the stages T relies led Alain Oreille's Italian team, even if it did nothing Renault 5 GT Turbo by over a to stimulate the sport. They kept minute, but the Frenchman fell no secrets on this occasion, however. The cars won on reliability alone, which is not the type of victory the Italians aim for, and they were the first to admit it. far back on the muddy stages in the north. By Thursday evening Recalde was back in second place, 40 seconds behind, with Oreille third and Michael Gerber fourth in his private Mitsubishi. Coming up strongly on only his second rally in a 4 WD car and his second rally outside of South America was Recalde's friend Ernesto Soto, who had an Astra team 8 valve lntegrale. But Soto went off the road, and by Viseu Trelles was only 30 seconds in front. Soto then passed Oreille who had gearbox trouble. T relies had turbo failure on the final morning, and running at half power he still kept second in Group N behind Jorge Recalde, who was also 7th overall. Alain Oreille was third in Group N and gained the series points lead. ~ Group N is turning into a South American Paradise. Lancia Delta 16 valve cars led Group N throughout. Argentine driver • Jorge Recalde (Top Run Team) took an early lead until he lost a minute at a time control, blocked by another competitor. His Uruguayan colleague Gustavo Trelles in an Astra team car ( in Marlboro colors) then took over the lead. ~t the end of the asphalt Catching a little air for the spectators, Kenneth Eriksson and Staffan Parmander went well in the rally until the trans quit in the Mitsubishi. an unseemly smell and sensed trans problems. He radioed team manager Andy Cowan and said he was stuck in the control area. What should he do. "Retire, back out of the control and don't try to start the stage." End of the other Mitsubishi. Carlos Sainz then also had transmission troubles caused by the failure of the hydraulic system that controls the torque split device. The Toyota mech, anics tried all their tricks, without success, and the car kept going into rear drive mode. Carlos spun three times and his hopes of catching Biasion were gone. Mikkola was also depressed. His was the only Mazda still going, but he had trouble with the turbo. The final morning was the camel's straw for the Toyota. Maybe it was the strain of the unintended two wheel driving, but the rear transmission was wrecked. And Mikkola's Mazda was in little better shape with an overheating engine, and they lost a lot of time. ,,•·,,r•:::, ,,,,,. ; ·.wLMS#•»~~c,,,-.•. ~A'',CC-;~ ... •,~··. ~:r/iJ::;:~;(>~~ ·}tr, South Americans Ernesto Soto and Jorge Del Buono tried rallying in Europe and did quite well in their Lancia, 12th o~erall, a strong finish. .. · -=1~ Fischer retired with more turbocharger pipe trouble, and eventually Portuguese driver, J oaquim Santos got close to Duez, though Jorge Recalde's Group N Lancia was in front of both of them. Juha Kankkunen was being unusually quiet, happy to be learning the much improved qualities of the latest lntegrale, but out paced by his teammates. It Joaquim Santos and Miguel Oliveira got a good launch in their Ford Sierra Cosworth AS, and fly flat and level en route to ninth overall. Aallye of Portugal Results Miki Biasion/Tiziano Siviero I Lancia Delta lntegrale • 6:17:57 Didier AurioVBernard Occelli F Lancia Delta lntegrale 6:20:33 Juha Kankkunen/Juha Piironrn SF Lancia Delta lntegrale 6:23:08 Darrio Cerrato/Giuseppi Cerri I Lancia Delta lntegrale 6:34:23 Carlos Bica/Fernando Prata p Lancia Delta lntegrale 6:45:24 Hannu Mikkola/Arne Hertz SF/S Mazda 323 4WD 6:48:21 Jorge Recalde/Martin Christie RA Lancia Delta lntegrale • 6:53:01 Marc DueztAlain Lopez B Ford Sierra AS Coswonh 6:54:11 Joaquim Santos/Miguel Oliviera p Ford Sierra RS Coswonh 6:55:14 Ronald Holzer/Klaus Wicha D Lancia Delta lntegrale Other Important Finishers Gustavo Trelles/Daniel Muzio U(l4th) Lancia Delta lntegrale Alain Oreille/Michel Roissard F(11th) Renault 5 GT Turbo Paola de Martini/Umbena Gibellini I(16tht Audi 90 Quattro • 100 starters - 14 finishers •Group A, N and Ladies winners Winner's average stage speed -86.39 kph Dusty Times 6:59:57 7:01:56 7:09:22 7:11:41 A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing Bilstein gas pressure shock New Applications absorbers were first introduced to the Dimensions Valving American market in off-road racing in eucl N2, l2!m.ti121i20 l;Kl/~211, Btll,l~2mg, the late 1960's. Over the past 20 AK1310 3/4"shaft 36.02 X 20.86 150/50 years, more off-road races have been 15.15 inch travel won on Bilstein than _!:lny other shock AK 1320 3/4" shaft 33.00 X 19.48 170/60 absorbers. 13.5 inch travel Today, with their proven record of performance, Bilsteins continue to be AK 1330 3/4" shaft 27.00 X 16.88 255/100 the choice of serious off-readers who 10.11 inch travel coil over run to win. Now Available - Repair and Revalvlng Services. May 1990 Contact: Motorsports Department BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a cximplete catalog send $2.50 Page 13

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lhe Stadium Racers Take Their Show Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises to Seattle Bob Gordon leads Marty Coyne in a race long duel for top honors, which Gordon won. The Seattle Kingdome was the entries are up in most classes well Kingdome and the racing was site of the third round in the over last year, and they don't highlycompetitiveinnearlyevery Mickey Thompson Off Road seem to mind a long haul away class. Championship Gran Prix series from the west coast for their road In the afternoon qualifying last March. This style of racing show either. Augmented by a few Danny Thompson had fast truck has truly come of age, as even in Northwest and western Canadian time in his Chevrolet sponsored the more costly MTEG series the racers, the fields were all full at the by Chief Autoparts, providing Ivan Stewart was on_ form in Seattle in the fancy Toyota. He got a second and a third in the heat races, and the lronman won the mam event, with his new teammate just astern. FAT Toyota Power. After two years of dyno and racing development, FAT Performance announces the availability ofToyota off-road racing engines. Including Unlimited 3.0 V6, l 6--valve 1600cc Class l O (short course and desert), Classes 7, 7S and 7-4x4. Call today for more information. FATTOYOTA WINNERS Jim Greenway-Closs 2 3.0 V6 1989 Milestone Award Winner Watkins-Aronson-Class 1016-valve 1988Riverside lst,NevadaSOO 1st 1989 Porl<er 400. Rrewor1<s 250 1st 1989 SCORE/HDRA POINTS CHAMPIONS McBrlde/Souropas-Class 2 (FAT911) Klawltler Bros.-Closs 5 (FATType IV) Page 24 PERFORMANCE FOR YOUR FAT PERFORMANCE CATALOG SEND $5 TO FAT PERFORMANCE, • DEPT. OTT. 1558 N. CASE.ORANGE CA 92667. OR CALL (714) 637-2889. • FAT Racing Parts • Centerline Wheels • Bilstein Shocks • Sway-A-Way • Penna-Cool • S&S Headers • WeberCarbs • Bosch Lights • JaMar Products • Wright Place • Tri-Mil Exhaust • GemGears • Beard Seats • Simpson Safety • Super-Trapp • Yokohama Tires • I Petro-Tech 2000' • Many more .. : May 1990 Brad Castle flies past Tim Lewis in the second UltraStock heat. Castle won in the Jeep and Lewis was right behind him in the Porsche. Glenn Harris had the General Tire Mazda humming for a while, and he drove the older race car to a smart victory in the second truck heat race. Thompson with some valuable .points. Greg George had the fast time in the Super 1600 group in his Sage Council Chenowth, ten seconds faster than Thompson, by the way. Jeff Elrod had the quick time among the UltraStocks in his VW bodied race car. The first heat for the Grand National Sport Trucks opened the racing program with Roger Mears on the pole in his Nissan. Oddly enough his son Roger Jr., was directly behind him in the second row in another Nissan. Roger Mears took an early lead, but halfway through the first lap Walker Evans rolled his Jeep. The race went under the yellow flag while the car was righted, then the race was stopped entirely. When the event was restarted, lap 2 of Heat 1 ended the same as lap 1 with Mears in the lead; this time, however, I van Stew a rt was running a close second in the Toyota. By the fourth lap it was still Mears and Stewart, but Walker Evans had taken over third spot. On the 5th lap Evans moved into second place ahead of Stewart. This was a really good race and Roger Mears led all the way to the checkered flag, followed by Evans, Stewart and Rob MacCach-ren, Jeep plus Rod Millen in his new Ford ride. - ' The UltraStocks were up next and with a big entry, for them, of eleven cars, they were split into two heats. Chris Neil took the early lead while the rest of the pack bunched up at the hairpin tum. In second place Larry Noel made a real dice out of Heat 1 when he overtook Neil on the second lap. It became a four car race when Kent Castle and Vince Tjelmeland went out with mechanical problems. Larry Noel retook the lead in the third lap and held it to the checkered flag, and Chris Neil, also in a VW bodied racer ran second, well ahead of the field. Lloyd Castle had his Jeep in third, and Doug Bath came from Loveland, Colorado to claim fourth in his Toyota. The second UltraStock started out with a bang. Heading into the first turn on the first lap Brian Collins rolled his Porsche, righted himself and continued. The first lap leader was Brad Castle in his Toyota and he soon held a commanding lead over the rest of the five car field. Tim Lewis was a strong second in his Porsche and Jeff Elrod was just as strong in third in his VW. They continued in formation, but on the last lap Paul Nissley rolled his Toyota and had to have assistance in righting the car to get going again. The final , Defending points champion, MUch Mustard, keeps Greg George at bay in this shot. Mustard was second m his heat race and in the main event. Dusty Times

Page 25

Chris Ne// did well in the VW Corrado in the Kingdome placing second in the first heat and third in the full house main event. Former Mazda driver Rod Millen returned to stadium racing in the Venable Ford and did a good job placing third in the main behind the Toyotas. Roger Mears slips his Nissan between Rob MacCachren's Jeep and the traffic on his way to winning the first heat race, but he had troubles later and dropped to fourth in the main event. results wt're Castle out front followed by Lewis and Elrod. Brian Collins recovers from his earlier mishap to be running fourth at the finish. Pit notes from the first truck race included word from Danny Thompson that he had lost his power steering. While working his way up through the pack, he accidentally landed on the tail of Glenn Harris' Mazda and broke the power steering. His crew will have it replaced for Heat 2. Rod Millen said he was really happy with the Ford Truck. "It just keeps getting better and better." Unfortunately, Millen started on the second row outside and was forced to the outer edge during much of the race. "This is a hard track to pass on," he said. "Basically you just have to try and capitalize on another driver's mistake. "We really needed that", said Nissan truck winner of the first race Roger Mears. "Things were a little grim earlier and during qualifying, because the Budweiser Nissan was experiencing some him. Buck still held the lead but engine problems." He said, "My finally relinquished that position crew worked non~stop until race on the fourth lap when Mark time and really did their job. The Ehrhardt took over and went on Nissan was a rocket. I just can't to win aboard his Honda. Buck waitfortheriextheat."Mearsfelt finished second and Derek that the track configuration is one Hamilton was third on a Suzuki. of the best in the series. "This Some of the most exciting track lets all of the trucks race racing in the entire MTEG against each other. It's fast and program is provided by the wide so it's possible to pass and Superlites nee Odysseys. These jockey for position." cars run close, doing a little In the first heat for the four bumping and rolling, and provide wheel ATV racers Charles constant entertainment while Shepherd took the early lead. they are on the track. The Robbie Brand fell in the second Superlite heats are often the most lap and was down for the rest of hard fought of the entire evening. therace.CharlesShepherdledthe In their first heat Dustin entire distance with Don Turk in Cornfield took the early lead out secondforthelastthreelaps,both of the gate but gave up that on Hondas. Kenneth Delk was position to Frank Chavez before third, and Donnie Banks fourth the first lap ended. The lead of the on more Hondas. first two Superlites got wider and In the second A TV heat the wider as the race went on, with the early and decisive leader in this only close challenger being Greg race was Andrew Buck on a George, but there were lots of Honda. Through the second lap contests going on to the rear. In he extended his lead over the rest the fifth lap George finally took of the field until the third lap over second place and became a when three others caught up with force to contend with for the Bob Gordon, #4, had to work for his main event victory. He also won the first Sup~r 1600 heat race in his Chenowth. Just behind him here Marty Coyne won the second heat race, and the pair diced it out in the main. Dusty Times May 1990 eventual winner and leader throughout the race, #6 Frank Chavez. Greg George got a bad start in this event, but challenged hard and finished second. Early leader Dustin Cornfield was third and Allen Yaros, took fourth. It is interesting that the leaders all used different tires, Goodyear on the winner, Goodrich on second place, and Yokohama in third. It would be great if the tire companies could pump some interest($) into this class of t'W fffttff#ttt lREBOTTL ALON FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTE stadium racing. On the pole for Superlite Heat 2 was the current points leader Ed Moore. Joe Price took an early but hard fought lead out of the first lap with Rory Holladay right on his rear bumper. As the field stretched out through the third lap it was Holladay who took over the lead as he approached the end of lap 3. Price continued to fight for position, but now it was to maintain second as Sean Finley was challenging i;r ADY (619) 691-9171 I ( I ' I ON BOARD FIRE SYSTEMS 5.5 lb.Mechanical Systems (RC500) $ ~5a.00 11 lb. Mechanical Systems (RC1100) $ 305.00 CHALLENGER f'RONT - OIL COOL EMULSION $170.00 REAR - OIL COOL EMULSION $195.00 8" 10" 12" EMULSION SHOCKS $125.00 12 pt. 3/8 CV BOLTS 2" OR 21/4" $1.t0ea. REMOTE RESERVOIRS $185.00 HOURS M-F 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. SAT. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. GERMAN THING & TYPE Ill REAR DRUMS $119.95 $89.95 (619) 691-9171 103 Press Lane Suite 4 Chula Vista, CA 92010 Page 15

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Danny Thompson started out strong in the Chevrolet, nailed down fast qualifying time for trucks, then had problems in the actual races. Rod Millen, left, and Jeff Huber engage in some wheel to wheel dicing, and this type of action is what the crowds come to the stadium to see. Roll overs are common, but speeds are slow so the major damage is done to the sheet metal and glass on the truck, and to the driver's pride. Some of the best competition in the whole show comes from the Superlites. This shot is typical of not Just the first lap but of the entire race. In UltraStock wars, new entries are growing like the #67 Porsche of Brian Collins, here being pursued by 1988 points champion Jeff Elrod. Defending UltraStock points champion Lloyd Castle has switched to a Jeep this year, as has his son Kent, but both have had wrist injuries. ~ seriously. The hairpin turn became the deciding factor for second place as Sean Finley took that position as Rory Holladay won the heat. Joe Price was third and Rennie Awana took fourth. There were a dozen cars in the first Super 1600 heat race and it ...,..was quite a herd scene. The early leader was Bob Gordon in his Chenowth, but defending points champion Mitch Mustard was a distant second. In the second lap Jimmy Nichols and Greg George locked wheels after Bill Goshen broke down in the first lap. Gordon continued to lead the PUT YOUR FUEL IN A SAFE PLACE. field through four laps but was closely challenged by four other vehicles. It was tight at the checkered flag, but Bob Gordon hung on to win the heat, Mitch Mustard held second followed by Greg George, Jerry Whelchel and Brad Castle. The second heat, with an all new cast, saw another fierce battle for the Super 1600s. Danny Rice, Chenowth, took the lead from the green, but gave up the position at the end of the second lap when Marty Coyne took over. Wes Elrod broke on lap 4, but after just a couple of laps the race was really decided. Marty Coyne continued to hold a commanding lead. Tommy Croft spun out in lap 6 but continued to race. Frank Arciero Jr. had a flat tire in the seventh lap, but he also continued. Never in doubt after the first lap the heat winner was Marty Coyne in his Chenowth. Danny Rice was second followed by desert racer Kevin Smith in his new Mirage, and Tommy Croft. After a short delay to change the course the high flying motorcycles took to the track. In Ultracross Heat 1 the first lap went to Arne Hettman. Mike Craig, Kawasaki, had the fastest qualifying time at 29.0178 and This is a Fuel Safe Rac-ing Cell after a rear end collision. The Fuel Safe Bladder survived with only minorscracthesand No Leaks! And the car wentontoWINthe race. Fuel Safe Cells are ap-proved by all major rac-ing associations. And for a good reason. Fuel Safe Racing Cells. A safe place to put your fuel for over 15 years. 5271 Business Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 (800) 433-6524 Manufactured by Aircraft Rubber, Inc. Page !26 May 1990 from the end of the field where he started he was fourth after one lap and into second after two laps. In the fifth lap, he went down but was back in the race, trying to regain his position. The leader from the third lap on was Scott Tyler, a local boy from Olympia, WA. When Craig went down in the fifth lap he was in the process of passing the leader, but he finished eighth. David Bailey was second. followed by Lowell Thomson. Jim Holley started the second Ultracross heat far back in the pack and finished the first lap in third place. Doug Orkney led after one lap, but his lead didn't hold as Scott Myers easily overtook him as they crossed the line for the second time. The strong leader through laps 3 and 4 seemed to be Jim Holley in another come from way back in the field performance. Though challenged throughout and never easily in command, Jim Holley won this heat on his Yamaha. Scott Myers was second followed by Lance Smail. The second heat for the sport trucks was next and the last of the heat races. Again Roger Mears took an early lead powering his way to the head of the pack. However, Mears Jr. left the track in the third lap after losing a wheel and Mears Sr. suffered a flat tire leaving the race wide open. Glenn Harris took over the lead during the third lap, but in the next round Rob MacCachren rolled and the race was stopped. At the restart Glenn Harris remained in the lead in his Mazda, closely followed by Ivan Stewart, Toyota. During the seventh lap Walker Evans and Danny Thompson locked up and Thompson's Chevy ended up on its roof and there were several more mishaps before the checkered flag flew. The results showed Ivan Stewart with the win, but the Rough Driving Committee penalized Stewart a position for passing under the yellow flag. This put Glenn Harris in for the win, followed by Stewart, Jeff Huber, The race cars look more skinny this year. Marty Coyne zips his new look Chenowth over a lump en route to winning the first 1600 heat. Dusty Times

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',. ~¼.=:..-.~ ~-......:.. Colorado driver Doug Bath is new to the circuit in his Toyota, but he did well, fifth in the main event, despite some front end damage. Competitive desert racer Kevin Smith has moved into stadium racing for the season in a brand new Mirage. He was third in his heat and a strong sixth in the main event. Tommy Croft, soon moving into UltraStock class, stayed close · in both his heat and the main event where he finished fifth in the big herd. _____ ---=---============ -... Local driver Roger Caddell got his Funco SS II hung up on the Hydro-barriers, but he is listed as 12th in the main event anyhow. . . Danny Rice is part of the Quick Colorado bunch, and he put his Greg George is part of the successful Sage Council Team, and Chenowth second in his heat race, but faded with mechanical he put the Chenowth home third in his heat and the main event woes in the main. _a_t t_h_e_K_in--'g'--d_o_m_e_. ______________ _ Toyota, Roger Mears, Nissan and Rod Millen, Ford. The first of the main events featured the UltraStocks, eleven strong on the grid. Larry Noel started this main event in fourth spot but by the time the first lap was over he was leading the pack. Noel held his lead but was continually challenged by Tim Lewis through four laps. It became a three car race between Noel, Lewis and Chris Neil, as the rest of the pack was far back. Finishing the sixth lap Noel seemed to lose power and Lewis tried to take advantage of the situation to challenge but it was too late, Larry Noel won the Main in his VW, Lewis was second in the Porsche, and Neil took third followed by Jeff Elrod. As the leaders completed their lap after the race Brad Castle lost control of his Toyota and hit several vehicles before coming to rest in the guard railing at the second turn. Lloyd Castle left the race in the fifth lap and both father and son had wrist injuries. The A TV Main Event was quite exciting. Just after the first turn on the first lap five ATVs collided. All except Mike Olmsted, who lost a wheel, were able to get under way again. On the pole at the start was Derek Hamilton and he stayed out front through the first four laps. Charles Shepherd was close and challenging but Hamilton won the race aboard a Suzuki while Shepherd's Honda finished second followed by Don Turk and Kenneth Delk. Eighteen Superlites filled the grid for their main event. Greg George broke down while leading the first lap. The bottleneck he created helped Rory Holladay take the lead through two laps. The top four positions in this race remained the same for four laps, then three more broke down but did not prove to be obstacles for the rest of the field. Rory Holladay appeared to have an easy time of it as he ran away out front to the checkered flag in his Briggsbuilt. Sean Finley was second all the way in a Triple EEE, followed home by Joe Price, Tri-Dusty Times ple EEE and John Gersjes, H & R. the seventh lap, but he continued Roger Mears is listed fourth, Rob steadily each year in Seattle. The· next stop for the stadium racers is the Astrodome in Houston, Texas; already over by the time you read this. There were 18 Super 1600 cars in the race. Ivan Stewart won this MacCachren, fifth, and Danny filling the grid, and the leaders race going away, followed by Thompson sixth. starting this race were also the Toyota teammate Jeff Huber, and There was no attendance report leaders after the first lap: Bob Rod Millen was third in the Ford. provided, but it has been building Gordon and Marty Coyne. Coyne was passed halfway through the second lap by Mitch Mustard. Frank Arciero Jr. and Brad Castle hooked up in the third lap and the race was stopped. In the same accident Matt McBride flipped, and Marty Coyne picked up a flat rear tire, and retired along with two others as the action resumed. The field followed Bob Gordon for five laps, as he took the lead at the green. Mitch Mustard held second, and was trying hard to pick up first. But Bob Gordon won the main in his Chenowth, and Mustard was second. Greg George took third, followed by Jerry Whelchel, Tommy Croft and Kevin Smith making a good debut in the new Mirage. Mike Bell took an early and commanding lead in the Ultra-cross main event, and was never really challenged for the first three laps. Then Lowell Thompson moved in and stayed close, and Mike Craig moved into third with the rest of the pack far behind. On the last lap Mike Craig's efforts finally paid off as he passed the leader; Mike Bell, to take the checkered flag on a Kawasaki. Bell held second and Thompson finished third both on Suzukis. The Grand National Truck main event closes the MTEG program and this field of nine bid fair to put on quite a show. Walker Evans' Jeep hroke in the first turn, after the first lap it was Ivan Stewart followed closely by teammate Jeff Huber. By the third lap, Stewart extended his lead over the field and didn't seem to be challenged by the hard driving Huber. Third place was a battle between four vehicles wanting the spot. By the sixth lap it was a commanding Stewart in first, Huber in second, and a, decisive move by Rob Millen brought his Ford into sole possession of third place. As the ninth lap progressed Stewart extended his lead. Danny Thompson started to smoke in • COMPETITIVE PRICING• UNBEATABLE OUALITY EXCELLENT SERVICE LOUIE UNSER 1)(/lv/lv/KIS TOYOTA ii~ RACING DEVEl.0PMENT R.L.H. ENTERPRISE unlclenR'lt,Tts SHERMAN BALCH µa,,-c-/ RACING )., ~---· CENTERFDRCE LESLIE'S DRIVEUNE SERVICE HDRA MASTERCRAFT THE WRIGHT PLACE! [HD)RE] N1611DESUTIIHIIBADEUNUSIASTS CHENOWTH Mike Lesle Racing OVER $5,0CJCJ.CJCJ CONTINGENCY POSTED AT EVERY SCORE/H.D.R.A. EVENT Race Car Lettering • Racing Numbers • Custom Decals • Silk Screening • Die Cutting • Signs • Magnetic Signs • Banners • Window Lettering 1 BOBB Redondo Circle • Huntington Beach, CA 9284B 714/843-0444 • FAX 714/843-0143 May 1990 Page 27

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v.o.R.R.A./Coors Light Season Opener By Ken Vanderhoof (Focus West) Garen McCune flew to a first overall at the Prairie City long course. M & M Electric/Larry '2 Autoworks/GLM Custom Home.s Garen McCune and Larry Zimmerman blasted the unlimited Class 1 & 2 at V.O.R.R.A.'s opening long course event at Prairie City Park near Sacramento. With a forecast of rain all week West Coast Distributor fOR HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PRICE $695.00 GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Per Set 2 Ratio's Available NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1002 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page n prior to the everit the state park officials had doubts about letting all these cars wear a five mile groove in the mud like last year, but as time wore on the big storm wimped out leaving a beautiful spring day for racing. The first moto had unlimited 1 and 2, Class 10, and heavy metals going at it for forty-five minutes plus one lap. They left every five seconds making scoring difficult in the "Dusty Times" tha t followed. The five mile course was great. It contained a wide variety of conditions; rocks, mud holes, grassy hills, a motocross section, and the last mile being fast access roads. The fastest time of the afternoon was logged by Garen McCune at just under six minutes. Surprising to everyone the problem of the day was dust and lots of it. A good number of turns were overshot and a lot of nerfing was going on but "that's racing" . In first moto action it was John F. Smith dazzling the crowd in his V-8 powered flashcar. Next it was Sam Berri in his new cobra. Garen McCune was running a close third and being very aggressive when he could see. That trio pulled away from the rest of the class and traded places among themselves a few times. Class 10 was being led by David Jefferies for a short while, then Ace Bradford took over only to break near the halfway point. All this time Dennis Kordonowy, starting from the back was cautiously picking off his dusty competition. When he got out May 1990 David Jefferies of Grass Valley, CA bagged 2nd place money and Class 10 points for his troubles. Reno, Nevada's Dennis Kordo1;;,wy 7:elebrat:d his birthday with back to back Class 10 moto wins. whe~e he could see he took Dodge truck. Don Roemer advantage of his shortcourse piloting a Chevy truck was giving expertise and was gone. it his all and showed signs of metal Class 4 had lots of class and to metal contacts and later on a action. Wes Banks and several broken axle. times class champion Don Back up front of all the dust it German went at it for the lead in was John F. Smith leading the the early going. Many wondered if overall with Garen McCune all German's back could take the over him. Sam Berri had led for a punishment. During the off-short time but faded away because season Don had been knocked off of front brake and power steering a high ladder resulting in some failures. Then John F. Smith injuries. began smoking and dropped off Starting further back but the pace letting Garen McCune moving up well were brothers finally breathe fresh air. Once in Chad and Josh Hall in their B.F. the lead Garen McCune couldn't Goodrich clad recently rebuilt be caught. Sam Berri held on for ;lAR,. ~~ ----.-.. -.-.-, ••••••• OFF ROAD RACING ~11!,i,!8~ ~;~ Brothers. Chad and Josh Hall took top 4x4 honors in a very tough class. Joe Fa/loon/Don Ward drove to 3-1 finishes for a great second overall. Dusty Times

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Don Hansen styled his mini-mag to a fine third overall sportsman despite being upside down a few times. I Roger Cade/I of Payallup, Washington led the 1-2-1600 field from start to finish in moto 1. He was moving through the pack in moto #2 until a spring plate housing broke, regulating him back to third for the moto and second overall in the end. Michail Daws went from the ninth starting spot to first in one lap to win moto 1. Starting near the front i moto 2 Michael was so far ahead that the competition couldn't even see his dust. Joe Gordon took the runner-up spot in 1-2-1600 moto 1.He charged back lo take the second moto win and the overall. Jeff O'Callaghan bagged the coveted sportsman class win with a great 2-1 score. · John F. Smith put his impressive V-8 powered f/ashcar in the overall lead in the early going but slowed abruptly and settled just out of the money. second place points. Joe Falloon/ Don Ward started last but came in a very good third since next moto they will have the pole position. At the end of the moto in Class 4, it was Ch;Ki Hall with a hefty lead over Don Roemer who limped across the line. Also limping across was Don German. He wasn't slow because of back pain, he too had wheel problems. Tom Scahill did well in claiming fourth after starting last off the line. Class 1-2-1600's, Sportsman, and the challengers were next to kick up the Prairie City dust. Puyallup, Washington's Roger Caddell dusted the 1-2-1600's from start to finish. Joe Gordon and Ken Ruff stayed competitive but Roger had the clear view advantage. Mike Bishop was handling his challenger rivals with authority except for a late moto charge from Donovan Skaggs. John Taylor rounded out the top three challengers in the end. The Sportsman class at V.O.R.R.A. is always busy and this race was no exception with many new cars and old champions competing in the dust. Glen McAdon/Kerry Creasy started near the front of the pack and stayed there even though they rolled over late in the moto. Jeff O'Callaghan finished moto 1 in second place after fighting his way through most of the eager pack. Mini-mag mounted Don Hansen rolled a few times but counter-acted the inconveniences by some fast driving to come in third in the first moto. Jeremy Gordon snagged fourth place points after a near last place start. Rich Bryden ate lots of dust enroute to a respectable fifth place. Former sportsman champ Randy Miller came back to racing and finished sixth in moto 1. With the afternoon moto's having inverted starts new names were in the limelight. Joe Falloon/Don Ward were the rabbits this time. They were being chased by Steve Bradford, Sam Berri, Kevin McNabb, and again Garen McCune. Larry Zimmer-man thought it best to let Garen drive both moto's. The team had decided to race only two days before so Larry was wrenching on the car within minutes of moto 1. Garen on the other hand knew the track well even in the dustiest of conditions. Steve Bradford was giving Falloon/ W ard something to think about when he lost third gear and then began to fry the clutch. Sam Bt;rri likewise took himself out of contention by breaking off a tie rod at mid-moto. Meanwhile GLM's Garen McCune moved into second and thats where the order ·stayed. OLM claimed first overall for their troubles. Joe Falloon/Don Ward took home second place ------------......---.... Sam Berri claimed third overall despite loss of power steering, front brakes and a broken lie rod. Here he laps broken axled Don German. Dusty Times money. Sam Berri again limped across the flag for third place cash. Birthday boy Dennis Kordon-owy again was in top form and took the early lead for Class 10. Turek Zvelnek and David Jeffries hung within a minute of the leader but neither could catch him. Second place cash went to Jeffries. Class 4 had lost a few of its competitors because of broken parts but the (;Ir Trailers Our Quality Makes the Difference Models Available: Open Flatbed Trailer Enclosed Bumper Pull-Type Trailers From 16' to 28' Enclosed Gooseneck Trailers From 28' to 48' • Many Equipment Options Available Medium Duty Truck Conversions We Have the Ability and Experience Necessa~ to Build Any Trailer to Your Exact Specifications, Custom Designed for Your Individual Needf ... * Write or Call for a Free Brochure Join the Ranks or Our Satisfied Customers • Bob Gordon • R.C.R. Plumbing • Hamilton Materials • Herbst Oil Co. • Hagle Lumber • Sherman Balch Competitive Trailers 8832 Ramona Street Bellflower, CA. 90706 (213) 634-2006 May 1990 . Custom Designed Interiors Page 19 ..,. .

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Former sportsman class champion Randy Miller came back in John Taylor drove to a challenger third place finish at Vern Smith/Randy Roskelly beat all in a five way tie for first 1990 to bag a respectable fourth overall. V.O.R.R.A. 's opening season event. place Challenger in their first outing. tr second moto was as Gordon took home the top produced his best placing at third overall. Michael Daws passed the driving styles all agreed that it was exciting as the first. This time honors. Roger Caddell salvaged overall in the largest field in recent entire field in one lap in moto 1. better than last year's mud-moto. Tom Scahill was up front and second overall with Ken Ruff a V .0 .R.R.A. history. Randy He then came back in moto 2 to As Jenny Robinson and crew open«!d up a fine lead over the close third. · Miller's 6-3 left him in fourth on lead wire to wire. Greg Winters were tallying the final scores a competition. Josh Hall was at the Class 9 was a scoring nightmare points and Bob Shermer rounded _likewise started near the back and misinformed Chris Oberg made a wheel this time and had his hands with a five way tie for first -place , out the top five dusty racers. did lots of passing to claim the lap through the pits collecting full in moto 2. Don Roemer's overall. Randy Roskelly/Vern The V.O.R.R.A. Prairie City runner-up spot in both motos. money for the "Dash for Cash". It front differential/axle had been Smith backed up their poor first Odyssey Class had only one Rhonda Tice went 4-3 after some wasn't until he was tapped on the fixed by non other than master moto fifth with a second moto competitor return from last year, heated battles with the boys for a shoulder by the man that he welder Don German. Roemer and second for first overall. but this was the largest field since great third overall. found out there is no "Dash for the Hall brothers battled through- Steve Rey lings 4-3 gave him the classes inception. Even though the unseasonable · Cash" at the V .O.R.R.A. long out the moto, often being side by second place overall. Third went The race was a runaway for the dust problem hampered many course events. side. The again record V.O.R.R.A. to John Taylor with his 3-4 score. -----------------------------------------crowd cheered on the bunch as Fourth on points was Donovan they came by. Skaggs, and fifth went to Mike At the end of the moto Tom Bishop's 1-6. Scahill was still stylin with full The sixteen car sportsman field lock broadslides into the finish had the attrition rate of a 400 mile Opening Round of USA Sand Drags • A Full House area. Josh and Chad Hall finally desert race. The Prairie City By Elaine Jones took control of their battle with whoop-de-doo's are bad enough ---------------------------------------Roemer to finish second in the when you can see them. They're The USA Sand Drag Associa-Sandrail Mfg. Co. was a nod and finished a close second. She moi:o and first overall. Both Chad even worse when you ·can't . tion hosted their opening round behind. lists her occupation as a golfer and and Josh couldn't say enough When the moto began to make a of the season with approximately Jim Gustafson, a familiar face he wants a second childhood. about their main man Vince pattern, Jeff O'Callaghan again 200 entries and a more than full to the winner's circle, started the Sounds like a fun family. Robison who turned the old was producing the best lap times day of competition. Murphy's season off with a bang winning There were so many Sport I Dodge into a winner again. Tom from his mid-pack starting spot. Irish Pub had its usual steak BBQ Pro 7 in "Mean Green Machine drivers that they had to break it · Scahill's 4-1 score netted him Bob Shermers CV joint broke in and that too was a sell out even # 1. The 2016 VW Buggy down to two divisions, take the second place cash. Don Roemer moto 1 but he made up for it by with some very nippy and sponsored by Advanced Water winner of each and match them went 2-3, just out of the money. keeping the pressure on O'Cal-sometimes wet weather. Conditioning, turned a 4 .521 for against each other for the final run Thesecondl-2-1600motowas laghaninmoto2. Th • · 69.28 mph. Dwayne Morris, a off.Thetwofastestofthe38were e competitors were running a four way sprint. Joe Gordon Randy Miller sat out for a hotandattimesatadtoohotasa Miller Beer salesman from Jim Gustafson in "Mean Green started up front and led the whole season but looked in top form as lot of engines went south and Tim Barstow was runner up in his 400 · Machine #1 ". It was Gustafson's moto, but not by much. First he worked up to a solid third. Ross of Arizona burned his Jeep, stock Chevy Dragster. second win of the night and the moto winner Roger Caddell Glen McAdoo/Kerry Creasy named Sand Dragun, to the Jerry Triebold in a 401 Nash time was 4.551 for 61.26 mph. quickly moved to within striking complained about a faulty fuel ground after winning his bracket. Rambler got his first win at Glen Greg Hess in the Dunemasters/ distance making Joe turn up the pump but looked good in fourth . Helen with a time of 4 .944 for Bear Frame and Wheel and Doo heat.RookiedriverKenRuffput place. Don Hansen was banged TopEliminatorhonorswentto 66.86 mph in Pro 8 . Tom's DahRacing396Buggywasavery, h. R l h d d b h b Jeff Mamer in "The Sidewinder", l d 1s acecosecureyintot ir .V-aroun some yt e igboysbut a 1800cc VW Sandbland Systems/Midwayinst/Stinger verycosesecon. mar racings surfboard clad baja brought his mini-mag home in Ignitions/ Center Source Clutches Jim Hammond was another one rounded out the top four. Just as fifth. Engineering/B&JEngine/CWC help with his effort. Dave that picked up two wins for the R C dd 11 .c Th ll Hyd/ Keber Dist., Inc./Brawley h h d k oger a e went 1or the lead e overa went to Jeff Newman in "A Team", a 193 nig t as e toppe Mi e Mata in h h. h d b k h O'C ll h h h Warehouse,Inc.,arehissponsors. S · 2 h f5 93 f e it ai; , rea ing t e torsion a ag an w o as raced since Model A with a 350 engine, was port wit a time o . 1 or housing and then slowed dramat- 1977 and has finally produced a His time for the quick dash was · the other half of the duo. 53 .79 mph. Life's a Banshee ically. Ken Ruff was then resigned well deserved first. McAdon/ 3.445 for 89·10 mph. Runner up Pro 9 had another new face as Racing of Covina and Carlsbad Robert Watanabe went a little too to second and.remained there for Creasy's 1-4 gave them a solid Terry Jeffries in a 200cc Pinto got and Frank Hernandez Pools are the duration of the moto. Joe second place overall. Don Hansen quick in his Richard Ends/ Sa bu to the light in 5 .381 for 59 .28 Mike's sponsors. Watanabe/ Chance Auto/ Perry's T k mph. Poorhouse Racing/King roy Tac ett with a time of EMPLOYMENT /ON PROFESSIONAL RACE TEAM SKILLS NEEDED: • Fabrication • Machining • Welding • Precision Assembly EMPLOYEE BENEFITS INCLUDE: Page 30 •' Paid Vacation and Holidays • Full Major Medical • Paid Sick Leave • Paid Travel Expenses Reply: Mr. William G. Church Church Engineering, Inc. 2501 Alton Avenue Irvine, Ca 92714 (714) 660-8600 Auto Supply 377 small block Bearing and Howard's Muffler 6.323 for42.13 mph was top dog Chevy and ended the night with a help with his campaign. Ken in Sport 3. The 250cc Honda is break out. All was not lost as he Besette in "Mean Green Machine sponsored by Pro Design Per-did sell the car so everyone will be #3", a 1914 VW Bug was a formanceProducts/"We-B-waiting to see what his next heartbeat behind. Jamin" Racing and Golden State machine will be be. Only four dialed in for Pro 10 Enterprises. Marla Kay Gustafson It was John Becker in "Wild-and John Burton in "The Hard in "Mean Green Machine #4 fire" that was a tick quicker than Way", a Funny Jeep 4 cylinder That's Blue", chased Troy to the Truck Company owner Ted 183 Mercruiser Chevy was the light. Her 2180 VW Buggy is · Cheek in Pro 4 · Beckers time was top dog with a time of 54 .30 for sponsored by · Advanced Water 3 .649 for 73.98 mph in the 54.44 mph. He is sponsored by Conditioning. Poorhouse Racing/CHR Craft/ Low BuckRacingTeam.JimRosa Keith Stevenson, a 10 year old Howards Muffler Service 2334 in a 350 something as he puts it, student from Claremont was the VW with an engine by D.L. King. was hundredths of a second first winner of the day in the Pee Rudy Kurtz aboard a 750cc behind. Wee Division aboard his FDS Kawasaki triple aptly named Jim Hammond, a carpenter Mfg. Co. Suzuki Quad. His "Triple Heat;'rocketeddownthe from Diamond Bar aboard a winning time was 10.667 for lanein3.948for80.7lmphand 500ccQuadwasthefastestinPro 24.80 mph. Julie Rosa from the win in Pro 5. Port Magic and 11, taking on "Mean Green #6 an Chinoonan80ccQuadsponsored Cycle Store are his sponsors. 1835 VW driven by Brent by Tole Village claimed the Quintin Arnold in "Hard to Larson. Brent's Auto Repair runner up honors for her first Handle" was runner up. sponsors this one of many "Mean effort. Bob Cambridge had some Green Machines". There was a double break out in trouble off the line but he still had Mike a 15½ year old student the Junior Division but the least enough to win Pro 6 in his 327 from Norco collected all the penalty gave the win to Rudy Chevy Buggy in a time of 4.584 marbles in Pro 12 on a 250R Kurtz III on his Mom and for 53.19 mph. His sponsors are Honda sponsored by Dune-Dad/ Cycle Store 250cc Honda. wife Michelle with much thanks masters and Martin Blade His time was 6.835 for 40.14 · to Jim Cambridge and Butch Rentals. His time was 6.062 for mph. Kevin Stevenson, Keith's Autavern. Scott Nord in a 2500 49.50 mph. George Newman a brother, gave it his best shot to VW Turbo Stainless Rail spon-retired Edison worker conned make it a Stevenson sweep but he sored by Stev's Machine Shop wife Barbara out of the Pick Up was just a little too quick. May 1990 Dusty Times

Page 31

SOUTHERN PACIFIC DMSION PRO RALLY REPORT By Lynnette Allison, Steward Two outstanding Pro rally events will run on May 12. We welcome the Carson Valley Coefficient 2 event_, headquartered in Gardnerville, Nevada. Call organizer George Gornik at (702) 883-6868 for rally entry and information. This demanding event, previously run in October 1989, is a NORPAC event. A second rally is Rocky Mountain Division's Centennial Second Decade, a Coefficient 2, headquartered in Woodland Park, Colorado. Contact Regan Smolkovich at (303) 477-9298. And yes, the Divisional points can be applied toward your 1990 SO PAC Championship. But please don't try to find a way to run to both of them. Tune in on May 19 for the well known NOR'WESTER, a tradi-tional NORP AC event, Coef-ficient 2, headquartered in Olympia, WA. Contact Ed . Millman at (206) 361-7389 for current information. California Rally Series members are working toward a sprint for · July, but there is nothing definite at this time. Welcome new organizers David Philhower and Ken Smith who are working together to organize a two or three event series in the Hungry Valley Off Road Park at Gorman, CA. We have all enjoyed this area for many years and these two new organizers hope to bring us something special before the end of the year. Thanks for taking the first step into the world of the event organizers. We need people like you. John Elkin reports he is working with Bill Gutzmann and Sheryl Love for a Rallysprint in Las Vegas later this year. Keep up the work, folks! Helmet Snell stickers should be checked, so take a good look at yours. You should be seeing an SA. The SA designation is for "Special Applications". This means the helmet was tested by the SNELL laboratories to withstand extreme force exerted repeatedly against a metal bar, and other special situations common in racing. Only helmets with SA IF '/DU WANT TO LEARN TO GET THE 11AX I 1·1UM OFF-ROAD PERFORMANCE OUT OF YOUR OFF-ROAD UEHICLE ANO BUILD 110RE CONFIDENCE IN YOUR OFF-ROAD ORIUING TECHNIQUES, THE ROD HALL 'OFF-ROAD ORIUING SCHOOL 15 FOR YOU. TWO DAY COURSE ONLY $~SO INCLUDES, CLASSROOM/OFF-ROAD RACING lECHNIDUES ANO ON·TRACK PERFORMANCE OFF-ROAD DRIUING, USE OF ROO HALL'S MODIFIED DODGE 4X4s, 5100 RENTAL FEE, OR BRING YOUR OWN UH -ROAD Ut:HICLE. CLASSES: Mor 30 -Apr 1, 1990 OR May 1 - May 4, 1990 FllR nnRE I NFOPMATI nN' CALL DR WR !TE TODAY, Bf'GOODRICH Dodge P, D. BOX 10266 702, 766-9922 RENO, NU 8~510 Dusty Times will be allowed shortly in any SCCA racing event, so if you buy a new helmet this year, be sure it contains the 85SA sticker, which will be required in 1992. Hopes continue for a La Jornada/Sasquatch event in the Sequoia Forest, though now a June 1991 date seems likely. Rangers within the Sequoia Forest seem in favor of Pro rallying returning to their roads, but members within the com-munity of Pine Flats, in the years when the La Jornada Rally was held within their community, filed some complaints. These are still being held in the forestry's files. Ray Hocker with Mike and Paula Gibeault are working to improve the situation. The fate of the Glen Helen Sprints rests with an organizer's ability to find$ 1000 to $2000 to guarantee the track's gate fee. Sheryl and Jim Love are working to find a solution to the problem. A standing room only crowd gathered March 20 to discuss the direction of Pro Rallying. Objectives for the meeting were to find ways to: Increase the number of events within our division; Maintain high safety standards within each event; Increase the number of skilled workers· to support rally events. CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES An Innovative and Competitive Championship for Divisional Rallyists Even if you aspire to World Championship rallying, you need to start at the Divisional, or local level. In. most SCCA Divisions everyone runs in one class. However, the California Rally Series, formed in 1976, provides an independent local Champion-. ship in three different classes, all organized and run by and for the competitors themselves . . . a unique and effective system. Competition in the three CRS classes -Open, Stock, and Stock GT, is fierce. At the elegant year-end Awards Banquet the top-finishing competitors in each class are rewarded for the year's efforts, receiving handsome photo plaques. Annual fall meetings of the active competitors in Stock and Stock GT decide any rule changes for the next year. In Open Class, anything goes, so no meeting is necessary! Details such as keeping track of standings, printing the yearly Rules and Regulations book, and publishing articles about events in DUSTY TIMES magazine are handled by the event· organizers and several officers who form the Board of Governors. Event organizers are all busy competitors themselves, and early in the series' history discovered the advantages of pooling their talents and resources. Organizers share equipment such as rally control clocks, signs, and marshals' vests, Suggestions ranged from paying a secretary to handle paperwork and phone calls, to allowing only new cars in the series so that more sponsors will be interested in providing funds. There were many more ideas put forth. We did increase our pool of skilled rally personnel, with several regulars volunteering to train tech inspectors, control workers and . so on. Thanks to all of you who offered your help. It is greatly appreciated. This Pro Rally column has been , missing these past few months. You have not been losing your vision. As you know, we who volunteer our time must some-times make choices. Here's my story for those who may be interested . In Ma y 1 9 8 9 I purchased a business and thought the paperwork and red tape for purchasing and operating a travel agency would be completed in a few months.Wrong. Purchasing a business, operating a business, setting up a business, paying all the bills for a business takes an enormous amount of time. And I continue to teach full time. And I have a family. And my three month maximum hiatus in writing stretched into more than six months·. But, I'm glad some of you missed· me and the column. Thanks to Sam Moore for offering to help write something ( though I was sure I'd be ready to go inJanuary and told him_l could do it). Ah. Well. But we're up and running again! Let's go! and produce standardized results with such nice features as flow charts and percentage slower than winning time for each competitor, on each stage. Competitors pay an annual $30 fee to cover the costs of mailing results, · buying new equipment for events, and making up the year-end trophy plaques. Iri addition, they receive a year's subscription to DUSTY TIMES. The new Associate Membership offers rally enthusiasts who are not drivers or co-drivers the chance to receive all mailings and DUSTY TIMES too, and keep up on current happenings in the sport. CRSCLASSES OPEN CLASS If the overall win is the only way for you, then this is your class. There are no restrictions on engine size and engine swaps are allowed. However, all vehicles must be production-based, and of course be street-legal, licensed and insured. STOCK CLASS This is the least expensive way to get into the sport of PRO rallying, yet it is a very competitive class. Vehicles are limited to a $4000 low market value before preparation, except that National event qualified Rallytrucks may also run. Very little engine, modification is allowed, to keep· costs down, and turbo-and superchargers are not allowed. Suspension improvements are restricted. · STOCK GT CLASS The newest class in CRS rallying follows the preparation restrictions of Stock Class, to keep costs down, but has no dollar limit. This class includes the fun, new technology cars run in stock trim. For information or to receive a current Rules and Regulations May 1990 morc ••• TRAIL NOTES THE WINSTON SMOKIN' WHEELS RACE on the island of Guam is coming up late this month and it should be a dandy. A number of west coast teams are going across the Pacific to race this most challenging course, in fact Sage Council is taking both a Stadium Chenowth for Jerry Whelchel and a Baja Bug for Doug Ingles. Whelchel finished second in Guam last year behind Glenn Harris, and he plans to win this year, now that he has seen the course and the mud. WALT LOTI RACE A THON: Wayne Lee of Val Electric and a Class 7 desert racer came up with a terrific idea of staging a Race A Thon for the Crippled Children's Society. The fund raiser will be in conjunction with the HORA Fireworks 250 to be held on July 6-8 near Barstow, CA. Lee's plan is for each racer to get money pledges from friends, business associates, and race supporters, for each mile they race. Bob Steinberger, co-chairman of the Walt Lott award said the race draws about 270 entries, and the finish ratio is about 50 percent. If each entry could average only $5.00 per mile, we could raise $169,000 for the Crippled Children's Society. For more complete information on the Race A Thon and the Walt Lott Award program, contact either Wayne Lee (714) 923-0070 or Bob Steinberger (213) 427-8177 or (800) 869-5636. INTERNATIONAL OFF ROAD RACING? Sage Council Racing Team sponsored a conference last January to gain support for an international sanctioning body to guide the future of off road racing. Over 50 industry leaders attended the event. Represented were top Off Road promoters, drivers, automobile and truck manufacturers as well as other automotive related sponsors. "The time has come for the sport of off road racing to grow beyond its hobbyist roots and become the major motorsport it can and should be," stated Lloyd Sukut, President and Owner of Sage Council Racing. "The increasing costs of competing in off road racing will require greater sponsor and media participation than ever before," continued Sukut. An internationally sanctioned Championship off road series, like NASCAR's · Winston Cup would provide the 'dynamic' necessary to bring this about." Sage Council's own efforts in the area of sponsor development first promoted the research and analysis that provided the background for the conference, "When we initially approached potential sponsors for our team, many companies requested specific marketing data on the sport that was simply not available", explained Sukut. "As a result, ·we commissioned National Devision Systems, a respected research firm, to conduct the first in depth analysis of off road racing fans and participants. The research results along with even further evaluation of the sport conducted by our marketing consultant strongly suggested that off road racing was falling short of its potential. We view this conference as a first step in focusing theattention of all concerned off road professionals on these important issues, said Sukut. Minutes of the conference and a synopsis of the research and marketing analysis are available upon request by writing: Mr. Lloyd Sukut, President, Sage Council Racing, 11 Columbia, Laguna Beach, CA 92656. MOLSON EXPORT SUPERCROSS on May 25 should be bigger and better than ever. It was the first full seating, non-baseball event ever held in Toronto's new Sky Dome and 70,000 fans were on hand. The program includes motorcycle racing, off road car racing, 4x4 truck racing, A TV racing and Monster trucks. It is a full program, exciting all the way. Get advance information fromSupercross Productions, 1 Yonge St., Ste. 1801, Toronto, Ont. MSE 1W7. (416) 363-9035. VENTURA RACEWAY h'as a_real program this year for Class 10 stadium type cars, in fact, it started in April. Once a month or more, see Happenings column for exact dates and times, they have scheduled a Class 10 buggy event to run in conjunction wfrh their regular stock car events. We don't know too much about the rules or the practice schedule except the gate opens at 3:00 p.m. for _the buggy racers. This could be a real fun deal for short course racers, especially those in the north end of LA who wouldn't have to haul too far to enjoy an evening of racing. Call Cliff Morgan at (805) 656-1122 for full info'. book (no charge) call-or write: Mason Valley Rally in Gardner-Nancy Peterson, CRS Member-ville, Nevada on May 12th and ship Chairman, 14550 Dos 13th. Late word has it that the Palmas, Victorville, CA 92392. course will be smooth and fast. (619) 241-4707. For information contact George The next CRS event will be the Gornik at (702) 883-3650. N! ; SAHARA ~ ~ X ::i > ~ ~ ..,_ __ s_1_R_1u_s ___ .. _ 0 ...J ::i ~-~ > SPRING MTN. ::i VDO • Chenowth · Simpson TriMil'- K & N Filters -Bugpack Bilstein • Centerline - Cibie Hewland -Porsche Turbo CVs Beard's Seats-Parker-Pumper Yokohama Tires · Super Trapp. Gem Gears - KYB Shocks Sway-A-Way Transaxle Parts Wright Place • Dura Blue Ultra Boot -Neal Products SEE PAT OR DAVE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday - 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. NEV ADA PHONE ORDER HOUSE 3054 So. Valley View, Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 871-4911 • (702) 871-5604 Page 31

Page 32

GMC SUBURBAN Gentle Giant Dusty Times annual trek to the Mint 400; oh pardon us, the Nissan 400 was again made with the help of the Gentle Giant, the massive GMC Suburban, enthus-iastically furnished by Vista Group as they have done for so many years in the past. We have driven the GMC Suburban on many occasions oyer the years, both 2 and 4 wheel drive and they all seem to perform the same, flawlessly. They are massive, with interior room for the whole baseball team: I'm serious, you can seat nine, count 'em nine adults in this baby and there is still room for luggage. The center and rear bench seats lift out with the flick of a finger and then you really have room for cargo, which is the way Dusty Times utilizes this vehicle, loaded with many copies of the current The GMC shares everything but a little trim with the Chevy, so no matter where you travel, there will always be parts houses and repair shops if needed, or just a new set of windshield wipers, sometimes hard to find. SUMMERS BROS. BULLET-PROOF QRIVETRAINS ! SEND $2.00 FOR YOUR DIRT RACER'S CATALOG! SUMMERS BROS., INC. 530 S. Mountain Ave., Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 986-2041 • FAX: (714) 984-7908 Page 32 edition, tables, chairs, ice chests and all the other things necessary for a long day in the Contingency line, as well as the luggage required for a three or four night stay in Las Vegas. Vista always gives us a vehicle that is loaded with options everything you could ask for and then some, and it really will spoil you for life, all those goodies; all electric windows and door locks, both front and rear air condition-ers, tilt wheel, fancy super deluxe interior, roof console with map lights and storage compartments, a huge center console and velcro closing pockets on the doors and this particular model was two wheel drive as unlike past years, there weren't too many places to wander off road this year due to the many travel restrictions imposed on the support and photographic vehicles. On the mechanical side we have the smoother than glass three speed automatic transmission, a 7 .4 liter V-8, all the heavy duty trailering stuff, locking differential and a 4.10 rear drive .. It's really quite a package and along with all goodies it is Ql)IET, there is almost no exterior sound getting through all that glass and metal. Naturally this baby had the latest in electronic gadgetry in the radio department, tilt wheel, cruise control and, wonder of wonders, WIND WINGS, you know, that small piece of glass just forward of the side windows that swivels out, you don't find them on too many vehicles any more. This model has a wheelbase of 129 .5 inches, that is just a bit short of eleven feet, that's a lot of feet. The overall length is akin to the battleship Missouri, but when you're sitting up there on the bridge it sure is a great feeling, you're surrounded with power; beauty, convenience and comfort; what a way to travel. Our trip to the Nissan 400, with all the goodies aboard and with three people along netted eleven miles per gallon: coupled with a 37 gallon gas tank it gives a cruising range of over 400 miles May 1990 There is no mistake about it - this is a BIG vehicle, and you choose your parking spots carefully. Still it drives like a car, not a truck. 'At" ' .. ~ ~. l!!=> v~ , • r_ ~--·-....,,., -~-Exterior trim is handsome but fairly plain, seating is ample for the cub scout troop, and you take them anywhere on or off the road. and we know our kidneys would and its contents but, let's face it never allow us to motor along for gang, that is eight to~s we are that long. talking about, eight tons. 1:hat's a Also, if you plan on towing that lot of whatever you can thmk of. race car with this beauty, be Tosumup,theGMC~uburb~n advised that with this particular is a marvelous vehicle, big combination of engine, rear axle powerful, con:ifortab!e an~ a real ratio, three speed automatic, pleasu~e to d_nve. This vehicle, as etc., the gross combination weight tested 1s a b1t over ~25 ,000 but rating is 16,000 pounds, that be!iev~~e,ontod~y smarketand includes the trailer you are towing prices 1t 1s a bargam. GMC 1990 s·uBURBAN TRUCK T · ' I INICAI INI.OHMATION l·.C OIIIIITPI llltlU I 011(11 SU l(S 11\00 11111 I moo I YIIOO {JifCINI j'>ttd11t btio.. c•~wlt -,MC hd Dt .. loi add1ht11~ ,e.ttlw• dtl~I flOHISUSl'(NSION llldt,tldtnl. ,.., s,Mlll\(1WO}, S.,hsbllflult, 1t,1 ~••n(t WO> UNCII (Ill) JIIOIII llOI )600 llOO S,,1111upxit,(l\)(1) ~-· 1'1)11) l!OI IIIOm 1!00 ---!IIO 1~ Siocl lOMMbttd11mtlt1(.a) St,fldMd 1001,1. 11'(1) 11' 100~1: 11,m 111 ·---~) ~, St1W11t1 Wt d11111tln (ia) ~-· )II& 111& )11 i.n --11' -l(H SUS,(fllSION ~,idt,klls,iiap Adecipx,ty{tb) 4000 I IOOO .,.. I IOOO Sp11n1caoac:111(1b)(l) 1000 I 1800 1000 1!00 s.«lab1ofbtffllllltlt1{11) ~.Md ... I OOiltl 111n I 111 I.OO~ll111n I 1.1' ........ -I -~, I ~) S(IYICl BIAK(S 11,yd!Hk, tr .. c ddcllr• ••• •ti~'"' ■llffl Mlt-lecl bralt -.!ta Powtf~tfl)pt , ...... .... °""' h1dt111II( PAHINGBILUl(S c-'tlo1r1,■ktls ST([llfllGTYP( -TIIHS Utri-wlttd.11dw-plJ,AISffsNtt,Pf•Stricl~MOdth StM1tU1d PlJSJ1SRIS(I) U2l5/URl6l I PllS/151115(1) ll235Jl~IH Aq1~ble fU[lTANKCAPAClTY(Na1■al1Jlloas) BATTU'I' Coldu11t1n1ampr,l1111 "'°''" °""' C£N£11ATOR Afflp1Jt1111 ~ ...... w1i.aou w11•cHw Wll~C3' llf~lti .c~9dfloHtr(·C6') W11'CJ6,t4' lottllla(.(69) ENGINETEC HNICALDATA ll!MIIIOl/m< ""' ...... 1llDI "' IOlf.AlllfflOJ.LM tllHI QJ1ri41'1US10R U.110 U•l12) n.llll(U'l'(ff uoe I Wl(IICIISLP'Ofl{I .. , .. ... "'"'-... I ,.. .,..,..,,. ', ... o.,,s..b ...... l'-t•·.,..,...1n· .. .,, ...... IU11{l) _ ,.,_ 1mn I ... I ... , .. llf!Ollt(CMSlllt ,owr ClltC J111d. Oultt) )11!) l2·IIOlt.N11ltlflU-htt IJO du,IStO 12-toll. ,ttenutie c,utnl llilt&&ln IOG(61 11(1)o,IOS(6) 10016) 11(7)o,J05(6) 7,UI 11! Ul(IHi'I ,.nue lhtl , .. U50 ""' llOO ,., . ,,,. 1 .. ,,., GROSS COMRINATION WEIGHT RATINGS FOR TRAILERING WITH A LITT>MATIC TRANSMISSIONS uoss COIIIIUl.l,flOfl ,n:1,KT um,, IIW -11,IOI 11,000 I "·* I ,u .. IUOO IS .... UGIII( IUIAIUIITIO SllH1¥1GAS llJ JOI I '" I JI) I "' -I .,, l tlHl\'IGAS -I -I -I -I ,., lll I -61l'II0l(SH JOI '" llJ "' .,. -I IR ---Nlll "'" "'"' HIIJl1 llJIII -.. _ I mo ""' I , .. ,.. I IUOO It.IOI I -I -I "' ... --Dusty Times

Page 33

OSUURALLY .. , ·1y Aff • JI By Lauchlin O'Sullivan am1 air Four seconds behind the O'Sul-livans there was a tie for second: National PRO Rally truck class champion, Gary Gooch and co-driver, Mark Williams in their Toyota truck along with T any and Carlos Tavares in their Toyota All-Trac. The next stage was to tell the outcome of the Rally. With all the teams now familiar with the course, not only driving skills, but also horsepower would be needed to win. pack of vehicles were just seconds behind. Gooch/Williams, also surviving a poor clutch, were battling all day long for third place, and could not compete with the hot times set by the Tavares. Bill Brasil/Helder Antunes in their Toyota Corolla 16v. A good run was also had by the Victor Brasil/George Tavares team, Leaving them only four seconds out of fifth place in their newly prepared green Subaru, nick-named, "Lettuce Head". Sears Point Rally Sprint, which run tour times in each direction was the ring road to Sears Point for a total of ten miles. The event Raceway, finally became an event consisted of eight stages. The Tavares brothers and their 200 horsepower, Toyota Celica All-Trac Turbo were the proper combination to dominate stages 2 through 8 and take home the 45 second, well deserved win. This was their first rally with the car, which made their win even more amazing! on March 18, 1990, after two The Rally should have been postponements due to rain. The dubbed, "A Family Affair", since race was well worth the wait for three families made up more than thenine·entrants. ThisNORPAC, half the competitors. Tallies: 4 co-efficient 1 event had gently Brasils, 3 Tavares and 3 rolling, semi-wet and loose terrain O'Sullivans. and was indeed challenging for all The first stage was taken by those who entered. The event sibling team~Lauchlin and Farina consistedofoneroad(l.25 miles) O'Sullivan, in their Datsun 610. The Tavares' All-Trac took two seconds from the following crews on stage 2, and 4 seconds in stage 3. Ah! The air of dominance about it. After three stages and being just 2 seconds behind the beast (Toyota), the O'Sullivans wanted to turn up the wick a bit. Alas with an ailing clutch and a dead cylinder, they had to drive as cleanly as possible, so as not to lose their hold on 2nd place. The Though it was the first event of the year, everyone drove smart enough to finish. There were no "incidents" much to the delight of Judy Gooch and Dave White, the organizers. As a matter of fact, Sears Point was holding their Nationals (Road Races) that same day, and this "Family Affair" just happened to steal a few of their curious and interested spectators and corner workers by the end of the day. The Organizers and Competitors would like to thank the workers and Sears Point Raceway for their continued support of Rallying. CONEJO OFF ROAD RACING TEAM It's been a while since I've sent a letter in to DUS.TY TIMES. We've been making some big changes and have been extremely busy. The Conejo Off-Road Racing T earn has changed classes and we are building a new vehicle. We are now in Class 4 running a Ford F-150 4x4 showing the General Tire colors. We missed the Parker 400 because we were behind schedule. Anyone who has built a vehicle knows that nothing ever goes together without unforeseen problems. We had to put in some 24-hour days to be sure we'd even make the Nissan 400. Our team finally pulled in at the Speedrome at 1 a.m. Saturday morning and we never had time for any testing. (The first time the truck was off the ground was the first jump at the Speedrome.) It was nice to start early in a faster class with nicer course conditions. Unfortunately, we were finished early. We got to Checkpoint -# L three times but never got past there! The tie rods bent early on a::1d we went back to fix them. The second time out we had the same problem and we went back to try and reinforce them. After the third time, we decided we definitely need to redesign and strengthen the steering components. The Nissan 400 was well-organized. The little bit of the course we saw was clearly DE UNZIO OFF-ROAD RACING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES for free catalog phone (805) 683-1211 Dusty Times marked. Even the pre-race information was very clear and informative. It's so nice when you know where and when everything is. We were especially pleased to see that the rules were being strictly enforced. That's the way it should be at every race. Teams O'Sullivan/O'Sullivan and Gooch/Williams, totalling 190 horsepower combined in their stock class vehicles, drove consistent times to garnish themselves second and third places, respectively. Finishing out the top five were: John Brasil/ Al Menese in their Mazda GLC and GENIBREL SEALED SYSTEM Introducing! Revolutionary, tough, sealed recombining, vibration proof, racing battery system. A step above the rest. Dump your wimpy imported battery and step up to the GENIBREL SEALED SYSTEM. NO MORE: Fumes, leakage, servicing, corrosion or failures. Batteries can be installed in ANY position (even upside down) and location, facilitates weight distribution. RECOMBINES FUMES: Completely sealed system reduces the danger of explosion. elminates corrosion and premature failure. Extends battery life 4 to 6 times over flooded lead acid units VIBRATION PROOF: Plates are held in epoxy at the base, eliminates plate· short outs. Felt separators keep plates from vibrating, eliminates lead shedding. · EXTENDED LIFE: GENIBREL SEALED SYSTEM uses felt separators to keep lead on the plates, eliminating lead shedding, providing for a greater number of cycles over conventional units. OUTSTANDING CHARGE RETENTION: Dur Sealed System keeps on winning-after others have quit sparking. A Sealed System of equal or lower weight finish races others DNF. The steady discharge rate ensures a high/end output. ND SPECIAL CHARGER: Super heavy duty and sealed design allows use of any good charger. Save money' 4 SIZES, U.S. MADE: Big cars no longer need two small expensive batteries, from 30 to 80 amp. hours. INFO: (213) 403-3364 ORDER DESK: (800) 736-3770-Patented design reduces reversron, improves flow and scavenging while reducing noise. ~ Gases exit straight out-NOT radially. Can be easily aimed away from FLOWMASTER The Real Racing Mufflers Meet your OBA and GAIN power over the complete power curve No tuning. no rebuilding, all offsets and sizes eliminating all guess work. Used by Jack Roush. Newman-Sharp, Huffaker. Shaver. Evans. Esslinger. Electramotive and more. For all race cars and tow vehicles. , .. ---------~ flOWMASTER Part '43520 (93 dbA) ai~htplpe 3· (10\dbA) INFO: (213) 403-3364 ORDER DESK: (800) 736-3770 Note from Ray Fluger owner of FLOWMASTER MUFFLERS: MANAGE NOISE TO TURN IT INTO POWER! At FLDWMASTER we created a unique and superior method of meeting your OBA (by man . aging the gases not Trapping them). while increasing power over the whole curve. Just ask Jack Roush or Newman-Sharp. ON BOARD HALON FIRE SYSTEM New Halon system can be turned off! Refill at any fire extinguisher shop. Unique valve controls Halon. Finger pressure momentarily discharges Halon or. flip valve for full discharge (with the option to turn it off). A second valve can be installed to protect engine only. • Conserves Halon for future use. • Valve can be mounted anywhere . • Bottle IS U.L. listed. • 2 or more bottles can be plumbed together. • Can use on board gauge. 5 LB $198.00 9 LB $255.00 13 LB $284.00 --------------------------THERMOPOWER TAPE Thermopower tape improves power by increasing gas speed. scavenging ano reaucing air intake temps Cools driver and lowers under hood and intake air temps. protects paint and body. lowers 011. water and fuel temps. Easily installed. Technical assistance Thermopower Tape Is a full 1/8" thick by 2" wide. easily installed Also available WAFFLED FOIL Complete line of heat barriers: WRAP to improve appearance and protect tape. Blankets, foil, fire sleeve and FOIL WRAP 8 sheet pack $79.99 4 sheet pack $39.99 aluminum tape. THERMOPOWER TAPE 100' X 1/8" $79.99 50' X 1/8" $44.99 Genibrel Information: (213) 403-3364 Orders only: (800) 736-3770 < v,;A ~ r lltl i~ J ' INNOVATIVE RACING PRODUCTS 17422 Studebaker Road. Cerritos. Ca 90701 C.0 .D. May 1990 l 16 Gauge, can be welded on. Not spot welded. No rebuilding, no packing and made in the U.S.A. Gases expand in 1st and create low pressure in 2nd chamber and outlet. Page 33

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La Rana Presidential 250 By]im Ober Photos: Trackside Photo Ent. Greg Saavedra ran his Ford truck second to Billy Bunch all day and, in the end had to settle for second in Class 8. Bob Richey in his RCR Raceco was the fastest of the bunch. Bob was first in Class 2 and first overall. Bob also set the fast lap at 1 hour, 44 seconds on his last lap. It was a perfect day for racing teams and a couple of small -the dawn broke clear and sunny emergencies during the event. with a slight breeze in the wee As Richey passed through each morning hours before the second of the 6 checkpoints on the La Rana series race, the Presi- · course, he had a pack of Class 10 dential 250. buggies on his tail, led by Jeff Organizing a series of races in Akins, Don Angel and Michael the Barstow and other desert Harman, who all eventual[ y areas, this new upstart outfit has finished 1-2-3 in their class, in a pulled off what the giants, very close race. SCORE and HDRA, have failed Also in the chase was Billy to do -run races in the Barstow Bunch and his new Class 8 Chevy, area, turtles not withstanding. who was running laps only two As is usual in U.S. desert racing minutes slower than Richey, and these days, there was no pre- Bunch won the class by over an running allowed before the event. hour over Greg Saavedra in his Butthatdidn'tseemtohinderthe Ford. Dale Dondel in another · first starter, Bob Richey and his Ford was third. Raceco, who took the lead right Neal Grabowski and his Class 5 off the line and never looked convertible had a smooth race, back. He bested the two other winning the Baja Bug class handily entrants in the unlimited class, over Jim Madison and Scott Mike Stickle and Bill Dell, who Weir, who took second and third both DNFed. respectively. A total of 52 cars left the Class 511600 was a bit lean on starting line, and because of the entries, with only three cars, but substantial rain in the area a D.arryl Gibson, David Allen and couple of weeks earlier, there was Reid Ferguson made a race of it. very little dust as compared to the Gibson came in first, over 30 July races, much to the delight of minutes faster than Allen. the drivers. Another plus to the Ferguson completed only the first event was the electronic presence lap out of five required. ofBobHynesofBFGRelayfame, In a smart move by the on the radio, coordinating race organizers, Class 6 and 3 was r BIGGER IS BETTER -----Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. joints. Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. All axles and bells for Type II can be threaded 3/8-24 or stock 8 mm threads. pitch threads. 10 mm - 1.5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 3242 SABIN BROWN ROAD P.O. BOX 20646 • WICKENBURG, AZ 85358 (602) 684-5056 ,SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED , Pagc34 combined. Mick Newton, from Parker, AZ was the only entrant to finish the. five laps, but Paul Maldini (Toyota truck) and Mike Duncan (Jeep CJ5) were awarded second and third place respect-ively. Gary Keller and his AMC Rambler got in four laps before packing it in. Brian Maginnis led Class 9 for the first few laps but was slowly edged out by Clements on the last two laps and had to settle for second in class. The largest amount of entrants (13) started in Class 1-211600. ,He held onto the lead until the David Plum and his Raceco took third lap, when McMullen and an early lead, with Steve McMul-Greg Akins passed him. McMul-len and Doug Smith right behind. Jen placed first, Akins second, Jeff Akins ran second to Donnie Angel for the first two laps but came on strong during the last three to take first in Class 10 by twenty-two minutes. Ab4f"''--~i'~~ Greg Akins finished second in T2~1600. He ran just behind Steve McMullin all day and lost to Steve by two minutes at the end. Mike Stickle was only able to get one lap in before things went sour. Maybe a little more wing to keep the rear end down. Mlly1990 Donnie Angel, a bit nose heavy here, had the Class 10 lead for the first two laps but spent the rest of the race chasing Akins. h ·-·= . . Butch Burch was only able to nurse two laps out of his Class 11 but the times were respectable and he finished second to Bill Swisher. Jim Madison gave it the old college try in Class 5 but was unable to turn a good time on the third lap and had to settle for second. Dusty Tima

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Neal Grabowski won Class 5 handily over Jim Madison with a margin of fifteen minutes. Darryl Gibson and his _Class 5-1600 was the combo J o beat. He took the class lead on the first lap and there was no looking back. -Billy Bunch led Class 8 from start to finish in his beautiful Chevrolet truck. Not only good looking, Class 9 was won by Jim Clements. He beat Brian Maginnis to t'!_e checkered flag by eighteen but fast too... s~e:.'.:c:..'.'.o~n~d.:s..'.'.a.'...'.ft,:er:__:a:_:se'.'..:v'..'.:e~n~h.:.::o:,::u:.:._r_.'.'.b:.'.'.a.'...'.tt.:.::le::_· ______________ ........................................ ===== Mick Newton's good looking "Snortin' Nortin" was the winner in combined Class 3 and 6. Mick was Bill Swisher ran his four required laps in a very consistent manner to take the checkered flag for the only one in rhe class to complete all five laps. -.::C::la"..:'.s'.:'..s..:.1:..1_:_. ______________________________ _ and Plum held on to take third. Doug Smith was fourth. Eleven racers were entered in Class 9. Barstow local Jim Clements outlasted Brian Magin-nis and Duane Smith to win in a close race. In fact Clements won by only 18 seconds, but only after driving a five minute faster last lap than Maginnis. A notable performance was put in fourth place, rookie Jeff Nolke, who is a Los Angeles Channel 13 news-cameraman in real life. Dan Groff and Ken Parr repeated their January's La Rana race performance by finishing one-two in Class 15, the Stone Stock class. Groff finished with an elapsed time of 6:46:46, but Parr failed to finish a lap. Walter Mittys of the world, awake! With the thousands of raised street-racer mini-trucks out there, it should only be a matter of time for them to discover a venue to put their throttle foot where their mouth is. And the La Rana series seems to the right place to do it. What's a race without a couple of Class 11 's? Bill Swisher went Dusty Times the further ( 4 laps), and Butch Burch took second in class by going two laps. Most racers had high praise for the La Rana group, and com-mented that it was a well organized smaller type race, where DRS/Desert Race Support Everyone Listened with antici-pation for the sound of the first car to head for the checkered flag at the La Rana 250 in Barstow, CA. And to nobodys surprise it was the bright blue Class 2 car of Bob Ritchey who established to all that he was the one to beat. Congratulations to Bob and his RCR Plumbing car and crew for a perfectly run race. Steve McMul-len in 1699 came in second overall and first in Class 1600, who managed to get by Greg Akins on the last lap. Greg brought his Russ Stevens prepared 1600 in for third overall and second in Class and just behind him was his brother Jeff Akins for older cars can go out and be competitive. In fact, some not-so rich teams and rescue workers were using CB radios to talk to their race cars, just like the old days before only dollars won races. fifth overall and first car in Class 10. Desert Race Support extends our congratulations to our club racers, Greg and Jeff Akins for a very good day of racing and to our pit support people who help make their finishes possible. We also extend our congratulations to all the racers and their support people and Eddie Castro and his La Rana Racing crew for another well organized and fun race. For you racers who haven't heard of La Rana Racing, I suggest you give them a call or join them in their next race in Ridgecrest for the Spangler 150 on May 18-20. Their an up and coming race promoter and they really have the racers foremost on their mind at their races. Desert Race Support looks forward to seeing everyone in Ridgecrest in May, so see ya there. May 1990 \t-. N' R.L.H. COMMUNICATIONS 111111111 ~ RACE RADIO SYSTEMS 337 W. 35th STREET, SUITE "F" NATIONAL CITY, CA 92050 (619) 585-9995 THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE TOM & BOB DeNAUL T RICK VASQUEZ PERRY McNEIL REG. PRICE •59goo RACERS SPECIAL 1989 OVERALL H.D.R.A/SCORE 1989 OVERALL MIDWEST RACING 1989 OVERALL GRAN CARRERA Intercom HELMETS WIRED $175.00 HANDHELD RADIOS 10 CHANNELS $450.00 REVOLVING LIGHTS AND ELECTRONIC SIRENS/HORNS Official BFGoodrich Radio Relay Page 35 _ ..

Page 36

COLORADO on ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP SERID GWP5 Looks for Record Setting Season in 1990 '" ,;;., Rich Brewbaker flies high in his Class 1-2-1600 racer on a clear day for racing at VDR Berthoud, Colorado, one of several GWPS tracks. The Heavy Metal trucks are usually the most popular class with the crowds. The groundshakers are growing in numbers each event too. we have ever experienced. Also we have two races at Central City, Colorado where in 1989 we set records for spectator attendance, spectator enjoyment, racer participation and level of competition. We have two more races at the Colorado State Fairgrounds in Pueblo where racers will be running for guaranteed purses. In previous years we have never had purses that were guaranteed this far in advance. group in the field of off road racing. They decided to recognize GWPS as a series where racers can gain experience for the Mickey Thompson Off Road Champion-ship Gran Prix. The result of this was that in 1989, and again in 1990, GWPS racers that are in first place in the points series at the time of the Mile High Mickey Thompson Race, will receive a free entry to that race if they are in one of the 6 classes that compete in MTEG. Great Western Points Series ( GWPS) is a Colorado non-profit corporation dedicated to pro-moting off road racing. Each summer, GWPS sanctions, promotes, and produces a series of off road races called the Colorado Off Road Champion-ship Series. Each race includes classes for everyone from A TV uads to Heavy Metal trucks. Already there are guaranteed purses to be split among the classes at several races and negotiations with current and potential sponsors are continuing. There is a $500.00 guarantee for the First Place 250 A Quad at the first race on May 20. Continued excellent racer participation combined with potential spon-THE sorship support will enable us ·to continue the $500.00 first place guarantee for 250 A Quads throughout the season. At the Colorado State Fairgrounds race on July 15, there is a $5000.00 guaranteed purse to be split among the classes for the Sunday afternoon races, plus 80% of entry fees will be paid back as purse at the Saturday night preliminaries. Guaranteed purses are being negotiated for several other races, but have not been finalized yet. Sponsorship is an exciting area for 1990. Most of the Series sponsorship and promotion is still being negotiated, but the proposals that have been accepted , along with those that are being WRIGHT PLACE~. COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 36 favorably considered put us miles ahead of where we have ever been at this time of year in the past. Throughout the last ten years, GWPS has provided Colorado with a home grown version of the high flying action that is normally associated with desert racing. GWPS, in contrast, produces short course stadium type races where all of the action is right in front of the spectators so they can see everything that is happening on the track. This format along with the fact that these races take place here on the Front Range of Colorado, means that Coloradans have the chance to watch or participate in the bump and grind high flying action of wheel to wheel off road racing. GWPS is very excited about the prospects for 1990. Our schedule includes races at Adams County Fairgrounds, where in 1988 the racing and spectator enjoyment were at some of the highest levels During 1989, the Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group (MTEG), the premier short course racing organization in America, took a very close look at the GWPS program and decided that we were an up and coming GWPS is looking forward to the best year of racing in our history, and we invite everyone to get involved as either a spectator or a participant. There will be plenty of high flying action, and we will have fun. The competition is fierce in the 1-2-1600 class, which is usually large as well. Keith Chesnut whips his 1600 over the Berthoud course last summer. Ken Brace/in is a many time Class 2 champion in Great : Western Points events, and here he flies his latest 1 creation neatly at Berthoud. The Quad racers are a big part of Great Western Points Series racing. Dan Cornforth is a faithful entry and often at the head of the pack. r t Long time competitor in Colorado and elsewhere, Ed Mailo likes to race his Class 5 car with the big boys and he sometimes beats the Class 1 /2 cars. May 1990 The tiny Odyssey type cars are truly great fun to watch, real crowd pleasers; Mark Pershbacker slides his bodiless racer past a tight corner. Dusty Times

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The Losers By Judy Smith Last month in this column we told you about a whole bunch of Losers from the Nissan 400 {previously, the Mint). and thought we had pretty well covered the subject. But in the ensuing weeks we've uncovered a few more and we decided to bring them to you also. As always, we'll never hear all the stories that came out of that toughest of all races. One we are curious about is the team of Jean-Claude Wicki and Jean-Paul Forclaz {Wicki is from Long Beach and Forclaz is from Switzerland), who entered a Class 3 114 GMC. They had reportedly driven the Paris/Dakar Rally with the same vehicle earlier this year, and won their class. But one lap of the Mint was all they could manage, and that lap lasted 11 hours and 11 minutes. Ed and Tim Herbst, a pair of local boys, had a much shorter race, because they broke a spindle on their big Porsche powered two seat car on the second lap, and spent the rest of the day as spectators. Their other brother, Troy, made use of their mis-fortune, and, when his eyes went away because he got silt in them, he had Ed drive the last lap in his single seater. Mike Horner, driving his GMC in Class 6 these days, had a hard race as far as he went. He reported rolling the truck on lap one, and then he had to change carburetors, and his back window blew out. Horner said that the silt was terrible, and, because of it he'd had to change his oil twice. And with all that, he managed to finish only one lap. Ron and Bill Brady, who race in Class 9, didn't get through lap one. They broke a torsion adjuster finger, and didn't have a spare. Ron and Greg Kishiyama just barely got out of the infield short-course and onto the drag strip, when the power steering of their beautiful Class 8 Ford locked up, right after the start. They were there for 40 minutes, making repairs. Then they did one lap and never came around again. Jim Sumners and Rob Tolleson, after running fifth in the l /2-1600s on lap one, broke a tie rod on lap two. By the time repairs were made they were so far down they decided there was no point in getting back into the fray in that very competitive class. Larry Job and Steve Reibel, in Class 10, had problems with the snap ring on their axles again, as they had at the Parker race. And then they broke a rocker shaft on lap two, and that was it for them. Cam Thieriot and Greg Lewin, also in Class 10, had the lead on the third lap, but lost their motor. Bill Poe and Fred Ronn, another Class 10 team, hit something on lap three and broke a front hub. They had a spare, and made a timely switch, and sent the car on its way. But the spare hub had a bearing failure, and the Fat Lady sang for Poe and Ronn. Danny Letner did one full lap, but the transmission on his Porsche power<;d t~o seatei: became stuck in fourth gear, and he went no further. Jerry Whelchel, driving in Class 7S in a Toyota, ran second on lap one, but then ran into trouble. He changed a balljoint, and reported to his crew that his transmission was overheating. They were sure that it could be repaired, but Jerry never did get lap two completed. Tom and Steve Martin, in the unlimited class, with the new Pontiac motor in their car, lost an alternator wire. Then, when they stopped the car they couldn't re-start. So they took a battery from Dick and Gary W eyhrich, whose Class 10 car was already out, and went on to finish lap one. But on lap two they broke the steering knuckle, and that was the end of their day. Tom Mace, who drives a 5-1600, was out on the second lap when his rear torsion adjuster tore apart, while Debi Barrett and Jerry Daugherty, in Barrett's Class 3 Jeep, had a variety of troubles, including a shackle that broke, shocks that went away, a broken battery post, a seized front end and a broken starter. They managed to get through only two laps. Jerry Penhall and Bud Feldkamp ran well for two laps, in Jerry's two seat unlimited car, and then broke a trailing arm on lap three. And, as if that wasn't enough trouble, they were dq'd for inadvertently hitting one of the ribbons that marked off a tortoise burrow. Terry Rickman and Mike Davis had points troubles on their 1600 car, but what put them out was a collapsed rear suspension on lap two. Darrell Smith couldn't drive his 5 11600 Circus Circus car because of a recent eye injury, but he was there to cheer it on. Tom Moesener drove, and had the car up to seventh at the end of lap three, a good place to be, but then the motor went out, 30 miles before they got to the finish. Chris Minor ran well for two laps in Class 8, but a lap three rollover took him out. And Craig Stewart, in a 5-1600, had multiple -c.v.jointproblems.Hekeptfixing them, then borrowed some from Doug Fortin, Jr.'s supply, and broke those also. He was also having transmission trouble, or shifter trouble. At any rate, it often wouldn't shift, and when it did, because the reverse lock-out was gone, it kept going into reverse at the wrong time. He managed only two laps. Gary Waller, in a two seat unlimited Raceco, cracked his engine case and lost all his oil on lap one, while Frank Snook and Eric Arras broke a trailing arm on their unlimited car on the first lap. And Gary Hymes and Steve Holladay, in still another unlimited car, broke a trailing arm on lap two. Jeff and Larry Trimble, who drive a 1/2-1600 car, managed a good first lap, but then on lap two, as they rounded a corner, coming out of the dust, they ran smack dab into T immy Pruett's broken Class 4 Ford. Timmy himself took some of the hit, and got the air knocked out of him when he was tossed to the ground, but he managed to get himself squared away, fixed his truck and went on to finish. But the T rimbles had ruined their front end, and that was the end of their race. Brian Goodrich and Kevin Basore drive a 5-1600, and ran sixth at the end of lap one, a good beginning for their day. But then they lost a torsion finger, and replaced it, losing a few positions. Then, while Kevin was driving, he was hit by a 2 /1600 car, and it rolled him over. He got going again, but a bit later a spring plate broke, a result of the hit and roll. They took a long hard look at the car, which by now also had a sagged out front end, and decided they were too far down to make it worth while doing all the repairs and going on. So they retired from the race. Next month we should be back with Losers from San Felipe. See you then. COMING NEXT MONTH SCORE San Felipe 250 Stadium Racing in Houston• FRT Buzz Bomb 150 Sunriser Forest PRO Rally• Glen Helen Short Course #2 Badlands Baja 100 • PAC Millican 250 . .. plus all the regular features BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING The 1990 Points Series JACKPOT 250 -Jackpot, Nevada REGISTRATION & TECH starting at 4 p.m. Friday. Manditory car display until Registration closes at 9 p.m. -Registration Saturday 7-9 a.m. -Race starts at 10 a.m. Saturday just two blocks north of Cactus Petes. (Spark Arrestors Manditory & Prerunning is Limited) BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS 1990 SCHEDULE -----·------MAY 19 JACKPOT 200-Jacltl)Ot. NV J~E 23 WENDOVER EXPRESS 200 Exit 56 between Solt Lake City & Wendover JULY 21 DESERT CACTUS 250 Exit 56 between Salt Lake City & Wendover AUGUST25 TWILITE 200 Delle, lllah OCTOBEll 6 BONNEVll.l.E CHALLENGE Wendcwet'. USA Dusty Times Added Purse & Prizes from Citizens & Merchants of Jackpot PLUS $100 for Longest Tow compliments of Sheetmetal Fabrication, Ketchum Idaho Entry Fees Include Insurance: Pro - $250.00 - Cash Payback and Points Pro Sports - $175.00 - Cash Payback and Points Sportsman - $100 - Prizes, Trophies and Points HEY GALS ... We have a Powder Puff Run at Every Race - $50.00 TO WINNER FROM SPANISH GARDENS RV PARK -For Entry and Race Information contact: Bonneville Off Road Racing (8.0.R.E.) P.O. Box 1583, Ogden, Utah 84402 Felt Auto Supply TRW And Machine Shop (801) 627-2311 Dusty Times May 1990 Temples' Maschine SLC General Pest Control Page 37 .,,

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-~ OFF-ROAD RA<afNG 'TEAM 'The Straight Poop From The Big Wahzoo' Well, the W ahzoo is back from vacation where I spent a couple of weeks trying to find 'Catfish's' secret fishing hole, without much success. I won't bore you with any B.S. about the big one that got away, instead I'll jump right into some race stories from Baja De Lou #1 and the Mint. These accounts may be a little old by now, but well worth repeating if you haven't heard them. If it seems that I'm a little nastier than usual this month, it's because I didn't catch a damn thing while I was gone. Dave Pick showed up at Lou's race, but about a half an hour late. Seems he was pulling into town just as Lou and Uncle Max were leaving the starting line area. A quick conference was held, cash was exchanged and a form filled out. Dave quickly unloaded his car and gave Max his motorhome for safe keeping then charged off into the desert, dead last! Well in typical 'Pick your part' fashion Dave had trouble and finished late only to find that his motorhome had been turned into race headquarters at the finish line. Although Pick joined the Club amid some controversy, he has become another one of our Club's true Checker characters. Hey Dave, I'm sorry now that I voted against ya! Keep a lookout for some guy calling himself Marty Reider. Seems this guy entered Lou's race in Class 10 Sportsman using Marty's name and was lucky enough to not only win the class, but also be the first overall SPORTS MAN finisher. The Wahzoo knows it wasn't really Marty because Reider would never claim to be a Sportsman racer, since he has not only won a past Baja 1000 race, but also a Points Championship in Class 10. The real Marty Reider we all know would never do anything like that -would he? And now to the Mint race: An 'atta boy' must go out to Stuart Chase for not only leading the first lap by a big margin, but also for turning in the fast lap for the entire event. Sadly all this good stuff was quickly cancelled out when he ran out of gas on the second lap with the ESPN helicopter flying directly overhead filming his heroics. But with all things considered, Stuart did solidly serve notice to his fellow competitors that he is now definitely 'one of the boys' in the unlimited buggy ranks. T evon and the Martins found out that duct taping the hold down clamp on your fire extinguisher is not a good idea. After they rolled their car and it caught fire, they couldn't get the extinguisher out and almost burnt the whole car up. Melancon's new 1/2 1600 car was purposely built super light weight but this year's Mint race showed that his spare tire mount may have been built a little too light. On the second lap it broke, tore off the air cleaner as it left and the motor soon ground to a halt. Hey Willie, was this a case of .00 too thin tubing or just a damn poor design? Pick ran one of his typical races at the Mint also. He rolled his 5 car early in the race, bending up all four corners and retiring shortly thereafter, but not before giving his radio antenna a unique test. Apparently Dave spent some time still buckled up in his seat with his car on its lid and talking on his radio while upside down. Seems his radio still worked fine in this attitude so Pick spent some time trying to contact any Checker cars passing by in hopes of getting himself rolled back over. I guess if you had been on your head as many times as Dave has, you wouldn't get too excited either! John Howard, who co-drove with Zambrano to a 1st place at Parker in Class 11 was replaceq .091 HEAVY DUTY DIFFERENTIAL Tired of replacing com-plete CV's? We now have the 930 CV Center Stars available as a separate item. These new units are made from heat treated aircraft quality 300M Alloy steel and feature case hardened ball grooves. NEW FOR '89 ! Made from 4340 Chro-moly. All surfaces ground for high concentricity. Pre-cision machined for the tightest tolerances. NEW FOR '89 ! CV BOOT HOLDERS Machined from extra strong alloy steel. Designed to provide for maximum axle angulation. Larger ball clearance. Available for T-2, T-4 and 930 Cl/s. TOP GUN SHOCKS BY DOETSCH TECH Top quality Doetsch Tech Off-Road shocks now available. 114-441-1212 McKENZIE'S l~~~,~~:s 2366 0RANGETHORPE, ANAHEIM, CA 92806-INVITED FOX SHOX NEAL YOKOHAMA HEWLAND TRI-MIL . REDLINE OIL -Page 38 May 1990 this race with Jeff Strait, who also drove to victory with Saul. John must be muttering to himself " hey man, what's a guy gotta do to keep a ride?" Symonds, along with Reider and Miller, put Greg's new truck across the finish line in second place this race. There is nothing strange or funny about this story except the fact that Symonds finally finished one. Keeling and Koch took turns rolling Rex's Class 10 car but brought it in for the fourth place money. Dave Mansker paid his $100 fine for nor showing up at the Competition Review Board at Parker, but not without some comment to the effect, "OK, as long as it goes to charity and not to SCORE". They can call it what they like, but as far as the course was concerned, this was still the 'MINT' and as usual, the Club did well. WEDNESDAY NIGHT GOINGS ON -There is a feeling among some members that our new Prez may be a little too nice of a guy to control this crowd, as evidenced by a number of recent meetings that have come close to getting out of control. These kind of meetings are a lot of fun for the guys in 'the cheap seats' but not too encouraging for the more serious members. At a recent meeting a strange alliance was formed to bring an issue to a vote before the members present. Seems Hibbard was upset over the number of non-Checkers listed on the official race map and read off the names of about seven of them on the Parker map to make his point. Dunn, who generally is on the other side of the fence on most of Jeff's ideas, made a motion in favor and called for a vote on the issue. After a heated discussion, a good majority voted to list only Checkers on all Checker publica-tions in the future. Speaking of Jeff, there is concern lately among a few members about exactly what he is up to? As co-promoter of the upcoming Willow Springs Race, Hibbard is not only offering a big Checker ticket discount, but also providing the Club with a large area in the pits for the Checkers Summer Party. What's up Jeff? The rumor that's going around is that you're going to try to rope the Club into running the trash pickup detail after the race - any truth to that? My 'Missing Checker of the Month' this month is Jim Gregory. As a past Secretary and the Club's unofficial radio man, Jim has been sorta scarce lately. The word is that he has fallen for some topless dancer that does her thing on Wednesday nights at some dive over on Lankershim Blvd. Hey Gregory, don't you know that there is more to life than some broad with a set of big antennas? Give your eyes a break and stop by and see us some time. Unlike my usual attempt at a humorous ending of this article, I conclude this month's column with some very sad news, Russ Biswell died last month. Russ was not only an active Brother Checker, but also our current Club Secretary. Off Road Racing had been a large part of his life for a number of years. He was the head ofSCORE's checkpoint and course workers group before he joined the Club and as a Checker, he was a dedicated pit worker that made it to almost every race. At most of the Wednesday night meetings Russ could usually be found sitting at his regular seat, right in the middle of the room, the only one in the meeting wearing a tie and usually defending himself against the good natured comments about his white dress shirt that always appeared to be a little too small. Anyone that knew him had no doubt that Russ Biswell was very proud to be a part of our organization. Off Road Racing has lost a dedicated fan and solid supporter, but more important, the Checkers lost a Club Brother and another one of our few good men ... Russ will be missed! • .I.R CJNG&.PfT SUPPORT ASSOC.• By Rich Fersch FAIR rolled into Las Vegas for the Nissan 400 in support of 23 cars. We placed six pits around the course with the FAIR van located in the Speedrome. FM radio communication proved to be excellent due to our ability to relay messages from pit to pit. The Prudential Trophy ( the Piece of the Rock award), left the Martin Brothers camp and was awarded to Brian Parkhouse for bagging a nice 850 pound 6 point male rock just past the Highway 93 crossing. Brian's new light-weight single seat rock crusher is currently on order. FAIR had ten finishers all together. In Class 1, 7th place went to Aaron Hawley, 8th to Willis Hamilton, and 9th place to Florida's own Jimmy Crowder. In Class 10, we stole the show with 1st place going to the Raceco-Raceco of Lester Fulkerson and 2nd place to new member John Hayes. Way to go guys! Our exalted president finished a fine 3rd in Class 5 and is currently 2nd in the points standings. Only half of our 1-2-1600 entry finished, with Brian Parkhouse taking 11th place and Tom Day Jr. 15th. Both of our 5-16001s finished with Rich Fersch sliding into 6th place and Rick Pew taking 8th place. Scott Steinberger, renowned MiniMag driver and son of Dr. Bob Steinberger, was seen starting out on his last lap with only minutes to go on the time allowance. When last heard from, FAIR 5 was trying to head him off with threats of bodily harm. FAIR meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at the Holiday Inn, corner of Harbor Blvd., and the 91 Freeway in Fullerton. Meetings start at 8:00 sharp. See you there! ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your 1()87 schedule as soon as possible for listing in chis column. Mail your race or rally schedule ro: DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suire 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. Dusty Times

Page 39

Competition Review Board Report near mile marker 22 Collins was stuck behind the slower Class 4 vehicle. Growing impatient and tired of eating the volumes of dirt that only a large truck can produce, Brian smacked the truck with his Porsche· powered Chenowth and took him for a ride for some distance before pulling out to pass. Holmes stated "I've raced in Class 8, driven Pro Rally and raced in other organizations, so I know what nerfing is all about. But this is the hardest I've ever been hit in my life". following him for some distance, apparently waiting for the big truck to yield, Brian said, "We got in front of the pits, he had a shot to pull over, never pulled over, so I took him for a ride." The Review Board failed to see the humor in Brian's action, although you had to admire him for being frank about it. He was fined $500.00 and awarded a Letter of Reprimand for this potentially dangerous act. Brian asked that the fine be directed as payment for damages, to Bill Holmes, everyone agreed. The Competition Review Board for the 1990 Nissan 400 met at 7:30 a.m. on the Sunday at the Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas, NV. In spite of the early hour all invited members were present. Malcolm Vinje was Board Administrator, Brian Collins represented Class 2, Walker Evans, Class 8, Rich Fersch, Class 5-1600, Matt Pike, Class 3. Also present were Frank Vessels; alternate, George Thompspn, CRB Marshal, Danny Cau, HORA President, Jerry Bender, HORA Race Director. The# 129 entry ofBob Gordon and Butch Arciero was protested by a Nevada pit support team for allegedly pitting on the wrong side of the course. It was allegedly pitted· by a chase vehicle near Apex road, not a legal pit area. Bob Gordon was on hand and said "my co-rider had to get out about 20 miles before that, so I was alone. A long breaker bar wrench got loose and was in between the brake and clutch pedal. I kept trying to kick it out of the way, and pulled over to the side of the road where Brian Church crawled into the car and removed it. That was it, and I left. While it had been assumed that this was a premeditated pit stop it was not the case, rather an emergency stop to cure a safety related problem and the case was dismissed. Entries #107, Jerry Penhall, #917,Jack Millerd and #100, Bill Church, were disqualified for running over DQ_signs around the tortoise burrow at mile marker 93 .5. Of these three only Bill Church appeared at the Review Board to discuss. the matter. It seems Bill had some mechanical problems and also spent time upside down during the race. Frustrated and disoriented he chose to resign from the event and sent his chase crew in to retrieve the vehicle, which was down in the tortoise burrow area. While his crew was extricating his vehicle, they accidentally backed over one of the DQsigns and were reported by BLM officials on the scene. Entries #992, Robert Hughes, #1003, Jerry Leighton, and #1025, Steve Rebeil were disqualified, issued letters of reprimand and fined $500 .00 each when it was learned that Metro Police saw their chase vehicles retrieving broken race cars on Pabco Road which was closed. Each of these crews were stopped and told to leave the road, and each of the,e crews basically told Police that they did . not care! None of them appeared before the CRB to defend their actions. For those of you who think that these penalties were a little stiff, here is some background on this road, owned by the Pabco Corp. The last time we were allowed to run across Pabco Road, several years ago, there was a devastating accident involving a race car and a private vehicle in which someone was almost killed. Pabco was sued ( not by the racer) and after this experience they were not in the mood to allow race traffic on their Dusty Times By George R. Thompson road, ever again! As it was it took a U.S. Senator to talk them into just allowing the race to cross the road and then only if HORA hired Metro Police to close off the road in three separate locations. It took seven months and countless · meetings to secure the permission. · The chase crews cavalier attitude about this restriction was deemed unacceptable by the Board, who would all like to race here again. None of these entries will be allowed to participate in a SCORE/HORA event until this fine is satisfied. Proceeds from all fines will go to the Roger Roderick Foundation. There was one case against a Class 10 racer who came in too hot at the start/finish, and skidded through the check sending Officials running for safety. Due to a paper work snafu, HORA had apparently flagged the wrong entry on the unofficial results. With no identification on this car the case had to be dismissed. Scott Reams, #1602, was protested by the BLM officials when he was seen passing in the DQsign area at mile marker 93 .5. After discussion with officials and Scott, it was determined that he had done nothing wrong. He did not hit a sign or leave the course while making the pass. In fact we were confused why the BLM protested this entry at all. The sad part of it is that Scott Reams lost what would have been a third place finish by ONE SECOND. Scott spent that second and many others being Black Flagged by HORA officials for the alleged infraction. In the future, we will ask HORA to black flag only those entries who have finished the race as they cross the finish line. The only required posting of any protest is and will continue to be on the unofficial results, one hour before the Review Board meeting. Entry #804, Robby Gordon, was disqualified for two safety related infractions during his second lap. His first problem was at the start/ finish when he came in too hot and skidded all across the drag strip area before coming to a halt. Later on, and in the Valley of Fire pit area, he was cited for dangerous driving when he popped a tire just past his pit. According to the HORA Official on the scene he did a full power U-turn and came back down course, which was lined with lots of people on the left side, pits were on the right side and race traffic was coming toward Gordon. The Class 8 members of the board were excluded from this decision. The remaining board members voted unanimously for disqualification, and that was it. Entries #901, Jamie Long, and #911, Armando Tiznado, were penalized two positions and fined $250.00 each for driving through the start/finish check point. According to the officials, "They were about 50 yards apart and just raced right through, like we weren't even there. We couldn't believe it was happening." Both entries failed to appear at the Review Board meeting. Entry # 110, Alton Baker, was disqualified when BLM and HORA Officials discovered his chase vehicle proceeding back-wards on the course. Entry #114, Brian Collins, was charged with abusive nerfing by #448, Bill Holmes, a Class 4, 600 hp truck! Apparently, somewhere "I nerfed him hard", said Collins, who up to this time had been sitting on the Review Board. "After the check point I saw the co-rider's hand come out". After The. Competition Review Board for the Nissan 400 was adjourned at 10:50 a.m. after meeting for over three hours. Comment on the Marshal, my job is to report those decisions and enforce them. I Competition Review Board think the time has come to By George R. Thompson recognize that we are all in this ----------------------------together. This is not a perfect I've been involved in racing in one form or another since the mid-S0s. In those 0arly years we used to take our street machines out to deserted roads and race, one oh one to see who could build the fastest car. In those days, as in these, there were always some people who tried every kind of trick to gain an unfair advantage, so we started making rules to race by. At first these were simple, straightforward rules, which reflected the technology of the time, but as we evolved, so did the rules. Now we're showing up with cars that cost more than a split level house and bringing them out in big fancy rigs with our names plastered all over the side, and that's all very exciting. I am proud to be associated with the sport and the people in it, but I wonder if, in our desire to win, we are beginning to lose sight of that original, unending concept of where we are coming from: Our May 1990 roots. When all is sa-id and done system of] ustice, but it is a system we are still, all, just a bunch of in which we, the racers, make our guys trying to prove that we can own decisions. Most of these are build a better machine and drive it hard decisions and in a closed faster than the next guy. There is society like ours, some will animpliedbrotherhoodinbeinga inevitably not be popular. I racer and we are beginning to lose sincerely regret that we cannot sight of that in our thirst for the provide perfect justice but I take sponsorship dollar and our desire great pride in knowing that we do to win; At any cost. provide our own justice and that The Competition Review these decisions are not made Board is an extension of our need behind closed doors by vested to enforce established rules and interests who know little or monitor behavior, which grew . nothing about the racing out of our earlier experience. In experience. the recent past I have been Nowadays, we may be driving badgered by various racers who faster, more high tech cars and are not always happy with the strolling around town in Gucci findings of the Board. I have been racewear. An entire industry threatened with Lawsuits and prospers by creating products even been threatened, personally. which keep us on the leading edge Admittedly, I am the author of of technology, and automobile this system, at least in its current sales rise or fall based, in part, on form. In doing that I have been how well we perform. Still, it is careful to remove myself from important that we do not lose being able to make any decisions sight of the fact that we are still a in the Board or alter any decisions bunch of gearheads who love to made by the Board. As CRB race. Unique in all the world! g.· #1%, ~ 'manufacturing technolQgy allows us to offer our New System II power steering assembly at an economical price. This complete lightweight system consists of all new components and includes a properly pressured steel pump, brackets, pulley, belt, valve, ram, fluid tank and necessary hardware for easy installation. Compare our price and quality with other maQufacturers' systems. You .. , can rely on our System II to ~ steer you right-Bob Gordon, Doug Fortin, Spencer Low and the M"Millins do.! Call or write today for additional information. Unique Metal Products 8745 Magnolia Santee, California 92071 619/449-9690 Page 39

Page 40

• Bob •6TIIV MAN' Belo-ea• (71.4) 878-4649 11aeeear_;1~ :ftA By Behrens MET AL SHAPING OFF-ROAD, DRAG RACING AND VINT AGE RACE CAR BODIES 4072 CRESTVIEW DR. LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 e,,_ Apple PIE! Rccing ~-fl.~~ Performance Products Fiberglass Fenders & Hoods• Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins Pop-up Roof Light Kits • V-6 Kits· for Mini Trucks Off-Road Truck Fabrication Product Catalog $3.00 (619) 562-1740 10996 N. \/y'oodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 FABRICATION & REPAllt CUSTOM ROLL CAGES, Off~(W) RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. \\fl.DING TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•f >ACING PRODVCTS, INC. . Check the Record; The Winners -Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 943 Vernon Way _'8d tfo~ (702 I 362-9416 ~ ',i(o«le (702 I 363-2245 TOM MINGA El Cajon. CA 92020 7~1 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 619-449-2991 FAX 619-449-7103 t-:----"---:------,,--------+---=----===-~ a.le.a:B ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~'?-Compet1t1on Tires ~o+O' Offroad & Motorcycle Products . 22264 Ottawa, Unit 1 Apple Valley, CA 92308 (619) 240-3186 .,.,. FUEL CEllS ATTIG WRIST BUSTER • Built with the racer in mind • Used by drivers in all froms of racing • Strengthen your wrist and forearm muscle • Keep your stamina to the last lap • Enhanceyourgrip • So portable it can be used while traveling to the race ATTIG RACING 610 Nachusa Avenue, Dixon, Illinois 61021 815-288-3461 . AUTOCRAfT ENGINES PARTS - SERVICE Manufacturing Facilities La Habra, California 1100 CUSTER ROAD 1-800-356-6586 TOLEDO, OHIO 4361~ Ohio 1-800-356-1546 Page 40 Helmets And (714) 650-4566 1660 Babcock, Bldg. #B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOLBAGS• HARNESSPADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 BRAZEAU VIDEO 34462 Via Gomez Capistrano Beach California 92624 Mark M. Brazeau 714/493-2160 C & M OFFROAD & TRUCK CENTER OVER 25 YEARS-EXPERIENCE INC. ~ FEATURING ~ - . ~DICK CEPEK _. . PRODUCTS · • Auto/Manual Custom Transmission Welding • Engine & • Accessories Metal Fabrication PARTS AND SERVICE FOR ALL 4WD'S s..-.., ACCESSORIES (818) 504•0306 SUN Guo,a,-SERVICE (818) 767-0588 VALLEY 8~0.LANKERSHll4 BLVD. =ro.~~ KNal Ave. May 1990 OCNC:J. Manufacturers of Brake and Clutch Pedal Assy · _ ~ Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-1663 Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.~0 for Cat~log FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT I JBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • (805) 239-2663 Templeton, CA 93465 . . . ~Fb1~Davis ---'RACING PRODUCTS CUSTOM RACING RADIATORS All Aluminum Rabbit Replacement Radiators Send for a free catalog 2905 West Buckeye Road . Phoenix, AZ 85009 (602) 269-9194 (800) 84~-5166 DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Dusty Times

Page 41

~..-• ..-DESERT..-.._,... FABRICATORS New & Used VW Parts OFF Road Acc. Larry Mccallum 619/355-1858 297 $. Imperial Ave'. Imperial, CA 92251 DE/'aCiN/ IN LINE/ HI-TECH HA~D LETTERING_& PINSTRIPING TIM llAiffEI~ (714) 255-8113 VINYL LETTERING&. GRAPHICS ✓p/ 655 No. Berry Street, Suite E, Brea, CA 92621 PERFORMANCE TRANSHSS/ONS DJT ............... ... (818) 381-3033 1533 TRUMAN ST. JOHN VERHAGEN SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 TRICK SHOCKS FOR: Single, Double, Triple, Quad Applicatio~s: Take-Aparts & Remote Reservoir Kits. 10728 Prospect Ave. "B", Santee, CA 92071 • (619) 562-8773 "serving the industry since 1976" ' DRIVELINE SERVICE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE, 1-f t£ 1-REPAIRING • BALANCING • CUSTOMIZING PARTS AN) SERVICE ON C/V AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS (714) 824-1561 416 E. Valley Blvd., Colton, CA 92324 SCORE & HORA CONTINGENCY SPONSORS 24-HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 14582 GOLDENWEST · UNIT F WESTMINSTER,. CA 92683 Dusty Times FABRICATIONS JOSE LUIS RODRIGUEZ (PEPE) (714) 895-6020" Bob Cassetta 825-0583 888-2703 Don Rountree . S. Arrowhead Ave.r 0 . "SAN BERNARDINO, CA . 92408 --TM FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS (714) 981-9666 963 SEABOARD COURT, UPLAND, CA 91786 213-603-2200 Get the word ou~ about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD S1UFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $1.8.00 per month. Send for our catalog! · The most comprehensive catalog of race-proven Off Road parts ever. From the people who have put more Off Road drivers in the Winner's ' Circle than anyone else. Call. write. carrier pigeon. anything. But do it now. Or_you'II be at the back of the pock. ,.,..,,,.,.,,.~ c, .......... Bllstein Shocks JoMor Products Sway-A-Woy Wright Place Perma-Cool I Tri-Mil Exhaust S&S Headers ............... Gem Gears Weber Carbs - Beard Seats IPF lights PERl'ORMAICE ... many more FOR YOUR CATALOG, SEND $5 TO FAT PERFORMANCE 1_558 N. CASE ST., ORANGE, CA 92667, OR CALL (714) 637-2889 \LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS. NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 May 1990 RHICAIU Y.W. PAltf! 1US23 SHEL.DON ST. DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS SUN VAL.L.EY. CA 91382 . 768-4!5!5!5 (619) 669-4727_ 1 11\ui-~~. aet Your SHIFT Togetherl ===-r-:{~~;___ ______ _ PORTII'Y TRAI'YSAXLES .3006 Colina Verde Lane ~ --.... JamuL callfomla 920.35 -V Doug Fortin Fuel (408) 377-3422 Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's Specifications POX RACING SHOX 544 McG/incey lilne, Unit 8, CampbBll Calif. 95008 Bladders Quick uel FIiis Dump Std. Carls FIiis 5271 Business Dr. Huntington Beach, CA_ 92649 (714) 897-2858 GARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 Call us for an appointment POMONA, CA 91766 OFFICE . PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & CUSTOM POOLS-· 362-4202 LICENSED & INSURED--• ACIO WASHES• FILTERS• HE~OTORS • ETC. 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 Page 41 .I I . I !

Page 42

HOUSE of BUGGIES 9925 Prospect Ave. Santee, CA 92071 • 619-589-6770 MPi 1VE LINE SERVI ·rHE COMPANY DRIVERS KEEP ONTARIO 4035 GUASTI RD. ONTARIO, CA 91761 (714) 983-7838 CORONA 1540 COMMERCE ST. CORONA, CA 91720 (714) 279-8026 JG TRANSWERKS ·Go with a Proven Winner· ~II I I I•~~~-~~ ■■■■■LILL■■■ Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 Lee (714) 632-1240 (714) 522~60(f (714) 522-4602 riJfI!l!lfJl::J( V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCES$ORIES (619) 562•1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 WALKER EVANS e( RACING SHOCKS '-Nil'~ 1/ MICKEY THOMPSON GRAND PRIX MOJAVE . MINT • EXTERNALLY ADJUSTABLE • 3" DIAMETER • 8"-14" COIL OVERS • · COMPUTER SUSPENSION . DESIGN ASSISTANCE KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS , LONG BEACH, CA. 2-13 595 0661 Page 42 JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT LOTHRINGER DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is :1 great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. C0NTAO DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. (818) 889-5600 .· ~ PEFIFC::,FIIIAAIVC:E PFIC::,DLJC:TS "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax(714) 444-1622 MENDEOLA-RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 10722 Kenney St., Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-9010 FAX: (619) 562-9079 ¥\\\\\ ~ PERF DRMANCE .ANl -P~n'1 Import Parts & Service Import Machine Shop Import_ High Perfonnance Pans, Service & Machinery May 1990 (419) 476-3300 110Q Custer Rd. At Laskey TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 Wholesale 419-476-3711 5\S C t-1 /). S Custom Built to Your Needs by Bill Varnes Mike Brow V-ENTERPRISES 37925 Sixth St. East, Unit 107 Palmdalf), CA 93550 . 8.Q.5/272-3843 · Jim Moulton Radng ■ Off road racing chassis ■ Fabrication and repair ■ Fox shock parts and service ■ Race Car Prep 26846 Oak Ave., Unit G Canyon Country, Calif. 91351 (805) 298-1212 YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE Ignitions • Distributors • Rev Limiters Coils• Heli-Core Wires• Accessories AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 Henry Brennao Or., El Paso, Tx 79936 (915) 857-5200 AUWS ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS TRUCKS NATIONAL SPRING COMPANY, INC. 10229 Prospect Aue. Santee, Californin 92071 A COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SpRING SERVICE Leaf Springs Custortl Made & Repaired Shocks 1k CoU Springs Sold & Installed Blocks and U-Bolts made to order Off-Road Suspension Urethane Bushings Beeline Alignment and Wheel Balancing MOTOR HOMES (619) 449-ARCH 4 X 4's INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Cutting Brakes'"' • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hyd raulic Clu1ches and Thro11les ... plus much more. Complete Catalog. $3. 00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7830 Trade Street San Diego, CA 92121 (619) 56.5-9336 Dusty Times

Page 43

OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6891 SAN DIEGO DR .. BUENA PARK. CA 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 W D VANS & PICKUPS & MINI TRUCKS PR·E·RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION NO BLOCKS USED • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 761-9460 Established 1974 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT FUNCTIONAL AFTER-MARKET PRODUCTS Dean Galloway 1AAI.-R -;{U,v-•_,:, = off ROAD (818) 769-0921 RACING LUBRICANTS DESIGNED FOR PERFORMANCE SERVICE AUTO PARTS Palm Desert 44-800 San Pablo . Yucca Valley 56313 29 Palms Hwy , Palm Springs 67-390 Ramon Rd. t---.------------------+--------------------+-Desert Hot Spr 13-175 Palm Dr. Larry Winter Indio 81-096-A Hwy. 111 (619)346-0694 · (619)365-0813 (619)323-1879 (619)329-1446 (619)347-3379 (619)328-2183 (714)441-1212 (714)883-8891 (714)750-2802 (213)390-9086 (213)370-5552 (714 )558-9393 (714)635-1431 I ORFROAD DYNAMICS ·"'.¾,_ < ·,r .··· ·"""' , '-"""'l£'"i>ENNIS0ROOERS < •. ...... . . . "· R~C~~PREP,MACHI~I~G 670 ARROW HWY. LA VERNE, CA 91750 &WELDI~G (714) 59~-1.;m .~~ (p[3~0{]~(1(1 .'. Fabrication ..J Coil Over Suspension \ ..J FoxShoxPartsAndSeNice· · ..J Race Car Wiring . ..J Race Car Prep. 1660 Babcock Bldg. B ~ Turn Key Race Cars Costa Mesa, Ca 92627 ( 714) 650-3035 -PIKE' FAMILY RESTAURANT 011er 40~Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House • Watering Hole Saloon 24 Hour Service Station . BAKER. CALIFORNIA PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY NEW LENOX ILLINOIS 60451 Dusty Times 18151 485-RACE 172231 , · 714-537-8286 · Cathedral City 68-887 Hwy. 111 Plli~R A Totally New Concept in Battery Design Race Shop Supplies 11.532 Stephanie * ½ the Size & Weight ' of its Equivalent • Vibration Resistant •SpillP~f ,. Garden Grove, CA 92640 Check out the DUSTY TIMES Special Club Sub Offer (Almost half price for group subscriptions) Call ( 818) 889·5600 or write DUS1YTIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 Anaheim Hills Family Dental Center . (714) 998-2553 ~-DAVID Q/\MOCIN6KI. D.D.6. 438 N. Lakeview Ave. Anaheim Hills, Ca. 92807 Bruce Rasmussen (805) 274-0627 RASMUSSEN ACING Off Road Truck Fabrication Roll Cages, Lift Kits, Pre-Runner Bumpers Specializing In Ford Rangers May 1990 37607 Vintage Dr. Palmdale, Ca. 93550 McKenzie's · Anaheim Moore Racing San Bernardino OffRoad Superrnart Westminster Dirty Parts Culver City Racecrafters Lawndale . Tustin Honda Tustin Bryce's Auto Anaheim RED LINE SYNTHETIC OIL CO. 3450 Pacheco Blvd, Martinez, CA 94553 TEL (800) 624-7958 Russ·s v.w. Recycling 756 Alpha St., Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 303-4366 Specializing in V.W. Bugs; Buses, Ghias and 914 's (213) 583-2404 ~~o SANDERSSERWC~IN~ METAL PROCESSING S9Z 1 Wilmmglon Avenue Los Ange/es. Ca/tforn,a 9000 I SANDBLAST Mark Smith (818) 988-5510 GLA~S READ FLOURESCENT INSPECTIOt« MAGNETIC PARTICAL . Larry Smith 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 Page 43

Page 44

r-MARVIN SHAW ENTERPRISES Manufacturer & Supplier of Arizona Air Ride Shocks Air Cooled Tool Co. Tools Buggy Beautiful Dress-Up Parts for your Sand Buggy DESIGN ■ ENGINEERING ■ SALES 3242 Sabin Brown Road P.O. Box20646 602-684-5056 Wickenburg, AZ 85358 eel, ~ ~ ~ --'-----•OUTLINES •NUMBERS • CUSTOM LOGO'S • DROP SHADOWS • SPONSORS LOGO'S · WINDOW BANNERS · CUSTOM LETTERING \WJi7 ~ ~ W.x!l ~ ~ OOCl ~ 714 539-5162 NEW LOCATION IN ORANGE COUNTY 'SIMPSON. RACE PRODUCTS j WELDING • FABRICATION ROLL CAGES • TUBE BENDING SHOCK & SUSPENSION SETUPS FLAME CUT GUSSET KITS GAS TANKS AIR CLEANERS SHEET METAL WORK BEAD BLASTING CUSTOM MACHINING RACE PREP & REPAIR llACE CAR -PRE RUNNER FABRICATION 1130 N. Kraemer Blvd., 'C' Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 630-8861 SPORT ENGINEERING :-:-:« 14757 Lull Street Van Nuys, CA 91405 TEL: 818-994-7475 FAX: 818-994-4069 LEADED/UNLEADED RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality . Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS (714) 630-8283 Anaheim, CA 1989 BUDWEISER/FAT SUPERSTI flON SERIES CHAMPIONS Class 9 - Jeff Bennett Class 1i2-1600- Scott Webster Unlimited - Jeff Wright Class 10 -Bill Hammack Class 5 - Greg Sanden Class 100 - Jeffrey Schwaia Class 5-1600 - J.A. Ashley Class 8 - ~erry McNeil Class 7 - Jon Hurley Mini Mag - Scott Steinburger ENGINES BY LEON PATTON UCl•IWUIII I.I.• PLIIT Engine Testing, Oeve_lopment, and Rebuilding. (714) 927-6816 HEMET, CA. SUSPENSIONS * Welding * Fabrication * Front Ends * Flame Cutting * Custom Chassis* Race Prep* Custom Light-Weight Trailer 1180 Fountain Way, Unit-F, Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 630-3770 • (714) 630-2681 Mfg'r. of Blue Flame Products SINCE 1933 C. A. TAYLOR (CHUCK) 240 N. OAK ST;-o,;_. ORANGE, CA 92667 (714) 997-1778 Anaheim, CA ............................ (714) 528-4492 . Bakersfield, CA • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · · · · · · · · · · · · (800) 462-9499 LU BRIC AT IQ N FORMQlATED Brawley, CA ............. : ............... (619) 344-2550 CAROLYN FRICK Mon-Fri 9-6 Owner S;;it 10-2 (714) 861-2606 1118 S. DIAMOND BAR BLVD., DIAMOND BAR, CA 91785 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober Commercial Photography (213) 670-6897 P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 HACE TH/INS BY JEFF FIEIJ)'S TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNOLIA, SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 619/449-9690 Power Steering -Brackets Aluminum Fabrication - Tabs Chino, CA ............................... (714) 628-7596 FOR SEVERE SE'.RVJCE El Centro, CA ........ . ................... (619) 352-6961 -L---------------------1------.----------__,;,------I Fullerton, CA ............................ (714) 635-5553 JA G G I TE:A/14 Lancaster, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 462-9499 Las Vegas, NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (702) 643-9200 Off Road Products and Preparation Paramount, CA ......... .-................ (213) 531-0192 Phoenix, AZ . .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . (602) 278-2693 Santa Barbara, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 462-9499 · San Diego, CA ............................ (619) 691-9171 Riverside, CA ............... , ............ (714) 877-0226 Ventura, CA . .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . (800) 462-9499 FOR DELIVERIES LA/ORANGE COUNTY CALL (800) 462-9499 All OTHER INQUIRIES CONTACT SPORTS RACING P.O. BOX 7835, LAGUNA NIGUEL, 92677 (714) 363-1236 Page 44 Downey• Doetsch Tech • Bi/stein• Smittybilt • KC Lites Baker Products• Cal Gold Products• Conner Products• Super Trapp Suspension • Engine• Drive line• Fiberglass• Clutches Tires • Wheels • Safety Equipt • PreRunner Lifts • Installation 670 W. 17th, Unit G-5 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 · (714) 631-8244 May 1990 V W ON LV tLiA1ru1ttt!eJLJ 17011 DARWIN ROAD, HESPERIA, CA VW -RABBIT -BUS -AUDI PARTS NEW & USED REBUILT ENGINES & TRANSMISSIONS DUNE BUGGY CHASSIS & PARTS (619) Dusty Times

Page 45

SPECIALIZING IN OFF ROAD HIGH-PERFORMANCE : VW-PORSCHE, .FABRICATION & OFF ROAD PREP. . (619) 741-6173 J/M(j~~ ---~~~~ ? -~-~~,§ JAPANESE RACING E~~:rs ~t' PAINT /IND C041/NGS'lt.GRAPIIKS* Ji}GOB .,_ •~ 1lJ MC; MAINTENANCF• ~/IY/tt:'lf-J,ffflRIIIG-* , Engine & Machine DEVELOPMENT & DYNO FACILITY PARTS AND TUNING 'tH-.#h1 MYMB,;ForPiek,lJp~I 06190 0 1 'FHE WINNERS CHOICE WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports winning drivers and engine builders. Just ask the top professionals before buying your next cam. Our dedication to Jerformance and quality keeps you on top. Call WE3-CAM for your winning cam for street , strip and off-road or send 420 VENTURE ST. ESCONDIDO, CA 9~025 DISC BRAKE SYSTEMS 537 West Main Street JIM WOLF El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 442-0630 WOODS WHEEL WORKS Oft Road Products Front arid Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles $3 for the complete catalog. DISC BRAKE CALIPERS 570° RACING lilRAKE FLUID Suspension SU • Custom Wheels DISC BRAKE PADS FRONT VW DISC BRAKE KITS BRAKE PEDALS REAR vw DISC.BRAKE KITS CLUTCH PEDALS PROPORTIONING VALVE COMPOSITE MASTER CYLINDERS POWER STEERING .WEB-CAM 1815 Massachusetts Ave Pl'RFORMANCECAMSHAFTS 1 ~o~~~.:~~::.~~!~,~~c~nt,~ted,en,ct,s . (714) 369-5144,' 461 Calle San Pablo• Camarillo• CA• 93010 805 • 388 • 1188 (602) 242-0077 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. AZ. 85017 · Manufadurers Advisory Board Report LAS VEGAS, Nev. -Bad. racing, SCORE International publicity is just what it is -president Sal Fish told the publicity - and doesn't reflect manufacturer's advisory commit-the current health of off-road tee of the SCORE-High Desert Ye·s, there have been some last minute changes in the 1991 rules, as we hurry to the printers with the final version of that elusive book. Due to the contributions of the IDRA and the class reps we have been able to address the concerns of a large number of competitors. Here are the 11th hour changes. Art Peterson, the Class 1-2-1600 rep., with help from Bobby Neth, polled the class and brought in a new suspension philosophy that will be in effect for the duration of che 1991 and 1992 seasons and probably for several years after that. The upper front shock mounting location, pre-scribed in the current rules, has gone to an open· position and mounting method. The debate over allowing the Porsche in Class 5, which has been in the rules for many years but didn't get to be an issue until one driver started racing a Porsche in the class, was resolved by an IDRA poll conducted by George Thompson. The Porsche lives on in the class, but the 6-cylinder engine has been outlawed beginning in 1991. Furthermore, if the Porsche runs in the class, it must be on stock suspension. And it must use a 4-cylinder VW-type engine. That was a stock power plant for the Porsche 912, which has been out of production for Dusty Tima many years, but a Class 5 Porsche owner can use any Porsche body style. In Class 6, class representative Dale Jordan suggested for clarification of several items that he thought would create better understanding of the requirements of the class, and we agree. One change we made was to drop the eligibility standard for eligible vehicles from a 5,000 production run to 2,000. The new rules will also allow any transmission offered by the manufacturer of a particular vehicle, rather than only the one that was original equipment in the vehicle when sold. This allows some truck transmissions in the class, which is what the com-petitors wanted. For the manufacturer-interest classes, namely 3, 4, 6, 7, 7S, 7-4x4 and 8, the engine location is fixed in the stock location, as measured from the centerline of the front spindle to the back of the block. There is an allowable variance, plus or minus one inch, to account for construction variables. For Classes 3, 4, 6, 7 and 8 the requirement for a stock firewall has been eliminated by establish-ing a stock position for the engine. The firewall rule was essentially an engine location rule, but it isn't necessary any more, now that the engine location is spelled out. off-road racing series. "Danny Cau (HORA president) and I have never had to work harder to deal with our prob-lems", Fish said. "There is no denying the problems. But on the positive side, off-road racing has never been healthier. "We have a good schedule of races. We have good entry fields. The people we deal with, like the Bureau of Land Management and the authorities in Mexico, tell us we're doing a good job. We need positive support from you people, the manufacturers." Fish and Cau told the com-mittee that they would report before the next meeting, May 14 in Phoenix, a comprehensive marketing plan. It will include where, how many and what kinds of races the two organizations plan to promote, plus projected television coverage, among other data. Off Roads Winningest Radios OVER 1219 ON THE COURSE Comlink V The Ultimate Racing Intercom • Helmets wired - $100. (CF) 16 CHAN.NELS ROADMASTER "A LEGEND" ONLY s53900 New! RF Pre Amp $9:, 30% to 50% more range! May 1990 2888 Gundry Avenue Signal Hill, CA 90806 We're next door via U.P.S.I (213) 427-8177 Page 45

Page 46

. . · Classified ••• • FOR SALE: Brand new type 181 VW "Thing" brake drums imported from West Germany! Special price each, $85.00, or two for $160.00, plus shipping. Call Mohr Racing at (805) 968-9316 · or968-3732. Visa&MasterCard. SUP.PORT VEHICLE AND WILL WORK IN PIT FREE: In return for pit pass. Auto mechanical experience. Have own 4x4 truck. Write to: Harry Meltz, P.O. Box 1472, Solvang, CA 93464. FOR SALE: A PROVEN WINNER! Class 1-2-1600 Single Seat '86 ORC, Hatz motor, Mendeola Trans, all current updates - FAST AND LIGHT RACE READY. $10,500.00. Some extras. Call Bill or Scott Reams for details at (619) 270-0900. FOR SALE: Class 10 stadium Raceco Chromolly frame (1322 lbs.wet), Wright front end, Wright 1 ¼ trailing arms, Wright 2 degree combo's, power steering, Beard seat, Mirage spring plates, Raceco trailing arms, Cor-vette/Porsche rear disc brakes, 930 C/V's, Dura Blue stub axles, Bus trans with Gem gears 1st-4th 4:86-1 R&P (all fresh) 1650cc F.E.X. Rabbit, side draft Webber, (all fresh), Centerline wheels wwith Champion bead locks, FOX shocks. Car is ready, and very competitive! $8,000.00 Call Don at (415) 455-4369 or (415) 971-6147: MUST SELL: Professionally built and maintained Challenger, 2 seat Jimco. Includes spares, radio, helmets, Pumper fire suit. No reasonable offer refused! Call (714) 974-7026. FOR SALE: 1988 Inter. Trans-porter. Like new, only 10,000 miles. Complete inside; cabinets, lighting, tire racks. Only the best! Has full 35' canopy, everything chrome. Custom interior. Must sell now!!! $42,500.00 O.B.O. Call Doug Davenport at (714) 840-3030. .... FOR SALE: Class 10 Mantis Spyder. Short course, dual carb, air cooled, Scat Split port heads, Pauter, Auto Craft, Porsche 11 blade fan, Porsche 901 trans., "A" arm suspension, Fox air shocks, Summers Bros., C.N.C., Wilwood, 1350 lbs. Complete spares, and trailer. Best offer takes it! Call Joe at (716) 833-6178. FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum Stadium Pro 1600. FAT air cooled motor, 091 with Hewland gears, Neal hydraulics, UMP power steering. Complete car rate ready! Also Chaparral trailer with utility box and "85" Ford F250 big block, with 33K miles. $17,500.00 O.B.R.O. for car, or FOR SALE: Class 1 Raceco. Single seat in two seat frame, can be converted to Class 2. EMS type IV engine, Kriesler trans., w/Curnutt torque limiters, Fox shocks front and rear, coil over front, Sway-A-Way, Summers Bros., UMP power steering, etc. Best of everything. Car is prepped and race ready. $19,000.00, O.B.O. Call Jim at (213) 591-5665 days, or Mike at ( 602) 921-2122. FOR SALE: Berrien 2002, Brush Run 101 Class 2 and 10 points champ 1988! All the best, many new parts. Combo's, Summers Bros., UMP, etx ... Fresh 2234cc air cooled. Very competitive. This car ia very well maintained, and is in excellent condition. $8,000.00, O.B.O. Trade for? also 2 1650cc race engines, best offer, 20n enclosed trailer, $2,500.00. Call days at (715) 635-7115. · $30,000.00 for all. Call Wayne Cruze at (214) 241-0005, leave message, or call (214) 790-3817. FOR SALE; '79 Ford Pre-runner $10,500.00. Want to buv a house. Call Kenny Lee, San Diego, (619) 466-5160. FOR SALE: Class 4 Ford '77 400 with Cleveland heads. SCORE legal. New tires, BFG's, Bilsteins, and engine. Race or pre-runner . . Also Class 8 Ford 302. Full cage, Summers Bros. 9H, Beard seats, KC, Art Carr, street legal, race or pre-runner, all for $16,500.00. Will separate. Call Craig at (619) 357-6917. Class 4 built by Spirit Racing. Class 8 built by Larry Minor. ALE: Art Sc mitt's Berrien Laser Class 1 and 9 short course car! Best of all equipment. Competitive, and dependable. Less motor and trans. Call Art days at( 412)687-5093, or eves at (412) 321-3527 in PGH., PA. FOR SALE: 5-1600. Has best of everything. Will sell with no motor. Must sell! Make offer! Call (714) 391-4568. FOR SALE: '88 Toyota 7s truck! Winner of the '88 Nevada 500. Built by Nelson & Nelson. Mike Evans engine. Truck is fast, reli-able, forgiving, good handling, and easy to maintain. All the good stuff, and spares. $23,000.00. Call Mike for details at (619) 485-9410. FOR SALE: Class 3-14 Blazer. Jerry Daugherty's winning Blazer and many spare parts. Also his Semi used for off-road support for 5 years. Call for details. Great short course truck. (702) 658-2998. FOR SALE: Chenowth Class 10 single seat. Wright front-end, , Roughcountry,Sway-A-Way, \ Summers, Centerlines. Complete race set-up. Extra parts, motor, · trans., shocks, Centerlines, tires. Car is quipped and ready to race! $10,000.00. Call Dennis at (512) 280-5731. r-----------~-----------~-------~-----~----~~ I . Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5 .00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All classified ads must be paid in advance. ' Enclosed is $ ____ _ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. Name--------- -----------------------Address ______________________ Phone ______ _ City ------'--------------State _____ Zip ______ _ Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 Page 46 May 1990 I .. FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum, Class 1. "A" arm front end, Curnutt shocks, and Hewland DG 300, plus many other extras. Fresh engine and prepped. Ready to win! $18,000.00, or will sell minus engine and trans. Call Paul at (714) 545.-0110, days/ evenings. · FOR SALE: 1973 Thing. 2300cc Autocraft motor, dual Webers, Dave Folt's 5000 series Bus LR.A., Hewland gears, Chromoly rear arms, 930 C.V.'s, full cage. Was asking $6,000.00. Due to minor problem; reduced to $4,000.00. Call (602) 749-0325, leave message. Free American Aag with purchase! FOR SALE: Funco Class 10 · Stadium. Best of everything. Very fast! Rev power Rabbitt (fresh), Mendeola trans. (fresh), Fox, Neal, Wright, Sway-A-W ay. Excellent starter car. Race ready. $10,000.00, or trade for con-struction equipment. Call Brian at (213) 866-1746. Dusty Times

Page 47

FOR SALE: 112-1600 short course single seat. Proven winner! Chromoly chassis, aluminum body, Neith trailing arms, Fox, Bilstein, Wright, Sway-A-Way, Neal, Super Seat, Simpson, 8 & 17 gallon fuel cell, 930 cv's, Dura Blue stubs, fresh engine and trans. Race ready. $5,500.00, O.B.O ... Call Keith or Hal at (303) 761-1551 days, or (303) 761-8059 eves. . ! -,>}.\\i.~ ; ~ i ~ FOR SALE: Live your dream! Class 1-2-1600. Bi tcon engine and trans., Bilstein shocks w/reservoirs, Centerlines and Yokohamas, 19 gal. Fuel Safe, Simpson belts, much more. Very fresh!! Must Sell! $5,000.00 O.B.O. Call (619) 228-2916 AWH. FOR SALE: '86 Raceco Class 2, Porsche 2 .8_ 6-cylinder, new Headland trans., spare parts. Race ready. Best of everything, professionally maintained, Ultra Wheel. (714) 897-8077. $25,000.00 take all. FOR SALE: Class 5 Baja. 2 hours on rebuilt car, 2388cc VW, FAT, Carillo, UMP, Bus/Hew land trans., 8 new Fox, powder coat, Beard, new paint, 930's, Dura Blue, Tri-Mil, new bumpers, and kick-outs, new wiring, has been in storage about 1 ½ years. Moving, must sell! $11,900.00. Call Todd at (704) 596-1427. Delivery available. FOR SALE: Ne; 4seat pre-runner. 118" wheel base. Powder coated blue, aluminum powder coated white body, 1776cc torquer with Bus gear properly. Carries spare front, and rear. Beard seats, fuel cell, 22 gal., Bilsteins, Wright race, Yoko-hamas, AM/ FM cassette with 40 watt booster. Large roof rack. All super clean. Call Keith at ( 602) 840-7419. $8000.00. Dusty Times FOR SALE: 1985 Cheno with 2-1600 car, fresh engine, Curnutt shocks, many extras, with trailer. Also, 1985 Toyota Class 1400 race truck. Many extra parts, new Curnutt shocks. Package deal, $10,000.00 Call Ray at (714) 929-2765, or Stevs at (805) 481-0670. For Sale: Class 7S, '84 Mazda. New Super Beard seats, 9" full floater, Sandy Cone disc, Rancho 7000; 6 front, 4 rear, dual batteries, 6 new Sendels, 5 new Yokohamas, new Fuel Safe cell, new paint, extra parts, trans, wheels, tires! $6,000.00 with engine, $5,000.00 without. Call (206) 822-8514. FOR SALE: Portable generators at dealer cost! Four models to choose from. Only ten left. Perfect for mobile pit set-up. Call John at (7-14) 361-0744. R)R SALE: 35" rear Yokohama's. $125 .00 each with wheels (perfect for spares). Some even have "NEW" wheels! they won't last long at this price! Get them while they're HOT! Call Paul at (714) 545-0110, days, or evenings. FOR SALE: Pre run or chase Baja street legal! Wright springs front end, full cage, Master Craft seats, Bilsteins, Hatz 1835 motor with W ebers, Mendeola trans., Neal pedals, Centerlines. Super clean, and reliable. Could use for rally's. $7000.00. Call (619) 270-8066. FOR SALE: Raceco - 125", Class-2 car. Coil over front beam, 4" longer arms, Parker Pumper, Fox shocks, Beard seats, Flame Out System, power steering, Jamar, Bus transmission with new Hew land gears, 2500cc T ype-4 fresh motor. Summers full floating rear hubs, 930 CV's, extra fiberglass body, new tires and Centerlines, plus spare parts. Race ready. $19,500.00. Call Tommy Ford at (702) 736-6984. Includes Dico 4 wheel car trailer and canvas car cover! FOR SALE: Watkins Aaronson double car trailer. Features, 100 gallon fuel tank, 12 volt electric fuel pump, full 12 volt power self contained, electric tongue jack, 5,000 lb. remote operated winch, 4 wheel brakes, Swat control, 180 cubic feet of storage area, 12 tire storage. Exceptional quality, and paint. $6,000.00. Call Craig Watkins at (415) 367-0808, or Greg Aaronson at (714) 637-2889. t!½tt~t ·:~ :.;:,-•,./:;-- . t.,..~ FOR SALE: Toyota Class 7 4x4 race truck. HORA/SCORE legal. Raced only 3 times. Good condition. Great starter truck. 2400cc, TRD motor, 5 speed, 22 gal. fuel cell, 12 shocks, Master-craft, Simpson, Earl's, Jamar, BFG, Centerline, Autometer. $8,900.00. Call Darren York at (619) 347-8660. FOR SALE: 1-2-1600 Mantis Invader. Best of everything. Class 1-1600 2988 Canadian champ, 1987, 1989 2nd overall. Trailer included, and many spares. Chromoly front end, fuel cell, Sway-A-Way, UMP power steering, Fox shocks. 2 fresh motors, and 2 trannies. Package deal, $10,000.00 Canadian funds. Call Mark Williams at (519) 822-3106. FOR SALE: '77 Blazer pre runner parts. Front and rear tube bumpers, complete race 1 ton suspension, race cross members, etc. 12 Rancho rebuildable shocks, 8-13", and 4-10" with reservoirs. Removable hard top, new Long Beach rear springs with strengthened hangers and shackles. Fiberglass hood and fenders, 1 Mastercraft seat, seat belts, 30 gallon gas tank, etc. $20.00 to $500.00. Call (714) 548-8831. FOR SALE: Class 10 Chenowth. 115" W.B., 2 seat Chro-moly chassis, new legal 1650cc type I, Mendeola bus trans., with Hewland gears, 22 gal. cell, Bilstein shocks, rear secondary UMP power steering, SAW, Parker Pumpers, Taylor seats, Perlux lights, aluminum wheels, Yokohama's, etc., 2 spares and roof rack. Great pre-runner, or race car. Prepped and ready to go! $7,900.00 O.B.O. Call Rich at (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Single seat Class 10 Raceco. Disc brakes, Palmer front arms, windshield, power steering, light weight, strong motor. $9,500.00. Call Perry or Jeff at (714) 984-3103 eves., (714) 591-9184 daytime. FOR SALE: Project truck Class 4. Dodge spare front end, Rancho springs, full cage with bumpers, posi rear end. See at 15454 El Centro, in Hesperia, or call (714) 357-3394. Best offer. CHEAP! WANTED: Type IV race motor, approx. 2400cc, to 2600cc, to use with bus gear box. Prefer FAT engine. Call Dennis at (619) 442-8953. May 1990 FOR SALE: 1985 Ford F350. Mike Evans 460 engine, Mogi C6 trans., Gear Vendors overdrive, 456 Detroit locker cliff. front and rear, 12,000 lb. Wain winches, Miller Welder and generator, air compressor, full roll cage, Mastercraft seats with 5 point seat belts, fuel cells with 100 gal. capacity, 30 gal. water tank, tire rack, lites, awning, enough spare parts to rebuild truck! Too many options to list! Great reliable service vehicle. $23,500.00. Call Brian at (619) 273-1925. FOR SALE: l/2-1600Chenowth 2 seater. Powder coated frame, available with fresh 1835cc for pre-running, or new class legal 1600cc. Fresh close ratio bus trans., Bilstein shocks, rack and pinion, Beard seats, Perlux lights, spare tire mount, aluminum wheels, Yokohama tires. Great starter car. Must see to appreciate. Excellent condition, prepped and ready to go. $5,900.00 O.B.O. Call Rich at (619) 583-6529. FOR SALE: Class 2 Raceco. Chro-moly chassis, 122"' W .B., · Porsche 3.0L, Hewland DG-300 by Fortin, FOX coil-over front, Bilstein shocks rear with secon-dary, UMP power steering, SAW, Centerlines, Yokohama, Master-craft, Parker Pumpers, etc., Very reliable. Prepped and ready to race! $20,000.00 O.B.O. Call Rich at (619) 583-6529. MUST SELL NOW: 1987 Honda-XR 600R. Purchased out-of-crate from Honda in 1989. Only 300 miles! Bulletproof desert machine. $2200.00, O .B.O. Contact Scott Steele at (805) 252-2957. FOR SALE: Outlaw Class 1 race ready. Chromoly chassis, alum-inum body, FAT Type IV 2666cc, dual Webers, DG-300 Hewland, coil over, UMP steering, one race since major overhaul, everything new, Combo spindle, wiring, switches, bearings, bushings, CV's, genera-tor, ignition motor, fuel pump, filters, hoses, calipers, brake shoes, master cylinders, axles. Motor & tranny just inspected. Has best parts available. Near new -paint. Third place last race. Comes with trailer, tie-downs, 2 FM radios, 11 tires on Centerlines, 2 Quik Jacks, 4 Quik fills, 1 Weber/ Manifold/ air cleaner, 4 axles, 4 coil-over shocks, 2 Hella lights, 2 Turbo CV's, master cylinders, disc brakes, tranny gears, generator, ignition motor, misc. bearings, special tools and misc. parts in boxes. $25000.00 sale without motor and tranny, or motor & tranny or will take 112-1600 race car. Call Don Hatz: (619) 425-1639. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Bonneville Off Road Enthusiasts . . . . . . . . 37 Brush Run 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Cactus Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 California Pre-Fun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Champion Beadlock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 FOR SALE: 1980 Fuoco 1-1600 Church Engineering ................. 30 frame with three piece fiberglass C 1·1· T ·1 29 b d d S A W ompe 1 1ve raiers .............. . . o y, an way--ay rear adjusters. Roof, nets, twin air DeNunzio Racing Products ............ 37 cleaner log and excess. Also have FAT Performance ................... 24 extra type 2 CV's, Sway-A-Way Fudpucker Racing Team ....... ....... 10 axles, stub axles, and other misc. Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 26 parts. Call Richard at (714) 949-Geni brel Innovative 4580. Racing Products ......... ........ 33 CLASS TEN RACERS: New-Goodyear Tire & Ru b ber .. .......... 5 series starting at Ventura Rod Hall Enterprises ................ 33 Raceway, Ventura, Ca. Open to Hi Tech Off Road .. ................. 19 allClasslOracers.Entry:$75.00, Jeep ...................... Back Cover includes insurance fee. 100% payback to purse. Second race is KC Hilites · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 15 on April 28, 1990 follewed by 8 McKenzie Performance Products ........ 38 other races thru November '90. Memorial Oay 100 ................... 7 Information: Call (805) 656-Nevada Off Road ................... 31 1122, or 1-800-326-5814. Parker Pumper ................•.. . 22 FOR SALE: 2-1600 aluminum PCI Race Radios ...........••••.... 45 body panels, front beam with 2 Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 adjusters, Mirage beam clamps, RLH Communications ................ 35 rear adjusters, 120" Hesco frame. SCORE ........... ......... ...... 11 Less engine, trans., power Marvin Shaw steering, rack, seats, and suspen- p f p d t 34 $ 400 00 4 Vw B er ormance ro uc s ............ . sion, 1 . . us reduction gears, axles and tubes. Simpson Race Products · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 21 Call Mikeat(407)459-1373, FL. Mr. Sticker · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. · · · · ·. 27 Summers Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 FOR SALE: 091 Transaxle. New 2 d H Ch I Toyota Motor Sales, Inc. . ............ . ring an pinion, enry romo y differential, Hewland gear stack, Tri Mil lnduStries · · · · · · · · · · · • • · · • • • 13 Ashcraft torque limiters. Simply Union 76 Gasoline .................. 17 the best, $2500.00, O .B.O. Call Unique Metal Products ........... .. .. 39 (505) 255-0212, ask for Bernie. Valley Performance Hewland .......... 28 Also spare 091 with Hew land gear Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 stack, $1200.00, kO,.:B.O. Call Yokohama Tire Corp ................. 9 (505) 255-0212, as 1or Bernie. Page 47 ,

Page 48

I Two Americans Dominate In Track And Field. Last season, Eagle Talon, driven by field as it went on to win the HDRA/ the Archer brothers, outlasted all others SCORE Desert Class 6 Championship. on its way to the SCCA Escort En-On the track, Eagle is the best. durance Manufacturers Champion-In the field, Jeep is unstoppable. ship. And Jeep Cherokee, driven by Jeep. And when they cross the finish line, Evan Evans, overpowered the entire ■i]flfl they leave everyone in their dust. Advantage: Jeeu and Eagle Jeep is a registered trademark of Chrysler Corporation. Buckle up for safety.