ISIN.,._ffl'-Covering the world of competition in the dirt
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Volume 7 -Number 11 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Associate Dominy Smith Editorial Assistant Janay Smith Controller John Calvin Circulation Winnie Essenberg Contributors Darla Crown C & C Race Photos Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Deb Freimuth Judi Gooch Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Ron Kiel Rod Koch Jan Flick Mazzenga Cam McRae Bob Rule David Ryskamp Barb & Marilyn Schultz Judy Smith 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Enterprises Ken Vanderhoof Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services December 1990 THI OfflCIAL ~I OF CAUFORNIA RALLY . SERIES PROFESSIONAL ■ AMERICAN ■ CANADIAN ~ Off-ROAD \l_ 6©RACINC~~ Subscription Rates: · ~ $15.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited mat~rial will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing .. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-1732 is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 De~ry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Cop~righ~ 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this pubhcatton may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address change to Dusty Times 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. ' CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. In Jhis Issue ••• FEATURES Page HDRA Gold Coast 300 .......... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 ADRA Snowflake Buggy Bash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Bonneville Off Road Racing Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 MTEG Stadium Race - Denver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 FRT Plaster City Blast .............................. 28 WRC Rally of Australia ............................. 32 SNORE 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 La Rana Racing at Ridgecrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Baja Promotions Carrera Campeones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Colorado Big O Championship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 DEPARTMENTS Side Tracks by Judy Smith ........................... 4 Trail Notes ....... · ................................. 6 Happenings ........................................ · 6 Competition Review by George Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Checkers Column by The Big Wahzoo ................ 39 The Losers by Judy Smith ........................... 4 7 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Arizona OHV Advisory Group Report by Daryl Drake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Manufacturers Advisory Board Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 California Rally Series by John Elkin ................. 53 Desert Race Support Report by Craig Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Index to Advertisers ............................... 55 ON THE COVER -To close out the year we feature a pair of nearly double champions. Bob Richey was second overall and in Class 1/2 at . the Gold Coast 300, and led the overall winner on the road until a late in the fourth lap flat tire and driver change from ailing Bernard' Jourdain back to Richey dropped the two seat Raceco Porsche down to finish 20 minutes behind the overall winner. Just one week later Richey drove the distance at the La Rana Ridgecrest race, winning overall as he has done several times in this series, and he drove his pre-runner with a Type 4 engine to cement that series points championship as well. Tom Burns drove the SNORE 250, handy for the Las Vegas resident, as a pre-run for the Gold Coast 300, and he won Class 1-2-1600 in the SNORE race; two weeks later with Tim Burns co-driving in the same Raceco, he also won Class 1-2-1600 at the Gold Coast and was 11th overall. Quite an impressive record; it must have been a real crash race prep program between the two events. Congratulations to both teams for their great performances in the fall races. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Inc. f\~ · .-., DUSTY TIMES A Very Men-, Christmas from all of us at Dusty Times to all our friends all over the country I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I' THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year - $15.00 . □ 2 years - $25.00 D .3_years -:-. $35.00 and the world. HapP, Holidays II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. Take advantage of your subscription bonus •.• Free one time classified ad up tu 45 words. (Form _on inside back page) Name ________________ ___. ________ _ Address __________ _ City --:----------------------State ----------------Zip _______ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES . 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 · (Canadian - 1 year $20.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates auoted on request) I I I I I I I I I I I I I -1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dusty Times . December 1990 Page 3
I Sidetracks Working with Sal Fish and Steve Kassanyi to mark the Baja 1000 course, John and I headed north up the wash from the base of the east side of the Summit. Steve was still a long way behind us, and Sal and his partner, Javier Tiznado, had gone up on the plateau to try to check out a road they'd seen. We were to follow their trail in the wash to the point they'd stopped, and then start tying ribbons to mark the way. What we hadn't realized was that when their tracks stopped, there wouldn't be any others. There'd been a lot of rain and water had smoothed out the wash. We were supposed to mark the trail until we got to the fence, which Javier told us was about five miles down the road. When Sal's tracks disappeared we carried on, marking bushes as we went, and occasionally finding an old bit of ribbon that let us know we were still on the trail.John and I weren't real secure about how much we knew about this wash. Did it split off? Could we take a By Judy Smith wrong branch? W e were happy to find those old markers. Then the wash began to get very soft, and, in order to tie ribbons in the trees, we had to find a hard spot to park our VW on. John would park it, and I would get out and run over to the target bush to tie a ribbon. But things got softer and softer, and we began searching out, not bushes to tie ribbons on, but hard ground that would allow the VW to keep moving forward. We zig zagged from one solid patch to another, and lost sight of any old markings, but we did pick up some tracks. Apparently a group of bikers had come this way not too long before. So we followed their tracks, hoping they'd been pre-runners, or at least somebody familiar with the wash. But bikes fit into narrow spaces that are really too narrow even for VWs, and we slid under some low hanging branches, and sidled through some tight spots. Pieces of sticker bushes flew into the car, into the seats, and our hair and ADY 103 Press Lane, Suite # 4 • Chula Vista, CA 92010 (619) 691-9171 • (619) 691-9174 • FAX (619) 691-0803 Page 4 clothes. Finally, after what thathadtobeunloadedtoo.John inspection turned out to be seemed like many more than five and I, who'd brought our sleeping thousands of dead and mummified· miles, we decided we must have bags, elected to sleep on the fish. branched off into another wash. ground, as did Paul. It was a dead Eventually we got to some W e found a hard spot, and still night, with only a quarter harder ground, and a good road, stopped to try to radio either moon and absolutely gorgeous and the speed of travel increased a Steve or Sal. Steve came back stars. The Milky Way shone from bit, though this was also turning almost immediately, and we horizon to horizon, and now and into a long day. We ate lunch on explained our predicament, then a shooting star skidded the fly at a point where we telling him we hadn't been able to across the sky. stopped to further mark what we tie any ribbons for a while We heard no coyotes, no birds, thought was a bad drop off into a because, ( 1) the ground was too just snoring! A veritable concert washout, and we didn't see either soft for us to stop, and (2), we sounded from the back of of the SCORE trucks for long weren't sure we were still in the Kassanyi's truck, drowning out periods of tirne. The battery on right wash. any pleasant sounds of nature the hand held radio had died Steve told us he'd lost our there might have been. No doubt during the night, and was useless tracks, but was still finding old the snoring kept the predators at now. At dusk we were headed markers, so he was tying fresh bay. Some small flying critters eastward, around the tip of the ribbons. He also said we should bothered John a little during the Sierra De Los Cucapah, our goal continue on, that we would come night, and some small crawling the flat ground near Rio Hardy, to the fence sooner or later, and critters joined me in my sleeping where Sal wanted to stop for the he would catch up with us there. bag. I told myself they couldn't be night. John and I caught up with So we started up again, and as we anything worse than ants, and Sal and Javier .just at sunset, as madeourzig-zagway,ziggedtothe they didn't bite, and I was too HighwayScameintoview,andwe right and found some tracks, tired to do more than brush them located a wide spot that could be a truck tracks, and fresh ribbon! off and go back to sleep. In the campground just as it got too dark And about two minutes later we morning I discovered I'd been to see. It was almost 30 minutes spotted Steve up ahead of us. right. before Steve and Paul showed up, Somehow, even though we were We woke at first light, and I and they'd just hammered in the seriously looking for each other, · made a small fire so Javier, Steve marker for mile 245. It was pitch they'd passed us, unseen, in the and I, the coffee drinkers, could dark, and we were hungry. So we wash. Minutes laterwewere atthe have some caffeine, while the headed for the highway and a fence. It seems that the wash others drank healthy things like place where Sal thought he . doesn't branch off, but it's better juice and soda pop. We ate a few remembered a restaurant, up to stay to the right, and we'd mouthfuls ·of sweetroll, and north a bit. followed the biker tracks on the packed up again. As we assessed Once we finally found our way left side. our position it didn't look too from the course onto the As we waited for Sal to catch positive. We'd been marking for pavement, we found that it was up, Steve noticed something 12 hours, and-had reached only eight miles to where we were dripping from his engine compart- mile 122. Sal, in a fever to get going, and it was a little grocery ment, and upon opening the hood things done, hustled off to the store, not a restaurant. They had discovered that his battery had north, while the rest of us finished no prepared food to sell, but they jounced loose, the little cover had our packing. He wanted to stay had benches and tables and lights, come off, and battery acid was ahead of us on the trail, pre-and they sold cold beer to go with splashed all over everything. A marking, so we could fill in as our salami and cheese sandwiches. little Mexicaneering resulted in we'd done early the previous day. So we spread out the contents of plugs whittled out of sagebrush, The course headed north, our ice chests, poured the beer, complete with breather vents, to picked up a good road, and went I and settled in for a sumptuous prevent any further splashing, and into a small village. It took some picnic. Along with the salami and a couple of bungee cords to hold · · time to find the preferred route cheese we had some ham, peanut the battery in place. Sal arrived around the village, and then we butter, hot peppers, Pringles and during the repairs, and announced headed out the other side, right on · cookies. We talked about going that the road had dead ended after to the surface of Laguna Salada, back to the course to sleep, but four and a half miles, and was not which has dried up in the last year the people at the store suggested a good alternative. , , or so. The road heads straight we sleep in their parking lot He hurried on down course, north across the lake, passing tall instead, because there would be because it was now 5:30, and time dead shrubs, once underwater, mosquitos back near Rio Hardy, was a-wastin'. We followed along, that were covered with barnacles. while they didn't have any here. tying ribbons, while Steve and Eerie. As the trail continues the That was enough to convince us. Paul Fish, his com padre for the shrubs die away, and there is We pulled over to the side of the weekend, hammered in mile nothing. Just nothing, for miles. store, and unloaded all our gear. markers every five miles, and The course comes out at the O nly Paul wanted to sleep on the added danger signs. The sun sank very northern tip of Laguna ground, the rest of us opted for lower and lower, and we were Salada, through a patch of still inside the vehicles. There were obviously nowhere near our gooey mud, and onto a short road about six dogs wandering around target stopping point for the that crosses the pavement of the store, and it 's decidedly night; Mexicali. It was beautiful to Highway 2, at K24, where the unpleasant to wake up ·and find a watch Sal and Javier traveling little gas station and restaurant Mexican hound in your sleeping across the desert, silhouetted are. We all had to fill up here, and bag with you. We sat in our against the setting sun, but it while the man cranked the gas chairs, chatting lazily and enjoying became harder and harder to see pump to fill the three vehicles, the chance to do nothing for a what we were doing. We caught Javier ordered up a real breakfast while, when I suddenly realized uptothemsuddenlyatonepoint, for us all. The proprietor s Javier wasn't with us. "Where", I and, because it was soft there, . brought out their best velvet asked, "has Javier gone?" "Oh", were instantly stuck when we covered chairs, and we had an said Paul, "Hesaidhewasgoingto· stopped, but with a lot of gentle alfresco breakfast of scrambled take a shower." talking to the car, John rocked it eggs, beans and tortillas that was Anyone who's ever pre-run in in and out of reverse and first, and muy delicioso. Sal bestowed a few Baja, and spent a couple of hot got out of the hole. SCORE T-shirts on the friendly days in the dirt, sleeping on the We continued to mark, al- folk, whoalsoreplenishedourice ground, will understand what a though it was now fully dark, andsodapopsupply,andthenwe lovely idea a shower is. But, until 8:30, when Sal called a halt were on our way again. likewise, anyone who's ever pre-for consultation. We decided that The next part of the course run in Baja will understand how right where we were, at about mile curved around the northeast few and far between showers can 122 on the course, looked like a boundary of Laguna Salada, and be. Wewereintheparkinglotofa good campsite, so we circled the for many miles we traveled grocery store. Where had Javier vehicles, and settled in. Supper through deep, soft, sand. There found a shower? was salami and cheese sandwiches, were very few places where our That's a tale for ano~her issue. beer and pop, and whatever we VW could safely stop, so, while could find in the ice chests. We Sal and Javier tied ribbons and didn't make a campfire, it had ·hammered in stakes, we drove .been hot all day, and was still very around in big circles, to keep from warm. sinking in forever. This shore of Sal and Javier would sleep in the vanished lake was also the 4Runner, ·which meant they adorned with barnacle covered had to unload most of the course shrubs, and, at a long gone marking stuff, and Steve wanted hightide line, what at first looked to sleep in the bed of his truck, so like pieces of driftwood, on closer December 1990 . Check Out the DUSTY TIMES Special Glib Sub Offer C.I (111) 119·5600 ot write DUSTYTIMIS 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , -Ag-, GA-9t3et Dusty Times
d//H presents the inaugu 1 9 9 1 IHHscHEDULE iii; • Jan 12 BUCKEYE BLAST -Feb 16 GOLD NUGGET 150 I';'; Mar23 SADDLE SORE 150 Sep28 FORKED TONGUE 400 P.O. 8 PHOkNI , Oct26 HAUNTED HILLS CLASSIC 1602} 263-532 . -(Postmark determines starting po B:;
Trail. Notes ••• '1990-1991 GENERAL TIRE dropped the bombshell ~f the year last October with a' HA' PPEN I NGS sudden and abrupt withdrawal from all their motorsport activity in the future. ' ♦ ♦ ♦ Apparently the Motorsport team will still be on hand for the Baja 1000, bu! then it will disband. This news all came by phone, and to date we have not received Jny formal announcement, but it is a fact. A great many off road racers have enjoyed support, and also contingency money, from General Tire in .recent years, and so have several organizers, particularly those in the midwest. This apparent economy move came on the heels of word that Pirelli Tire, who own Armstrong, had bought out Continental Tire of Germany, who bought a good chunk of General Tire not too 1011g ago, and now the Italian tire maker should have control of the German company and two in this country. It seems Goodyear is the only American owned tire company left in the USA. And, rumors are flying that Firestone will not be involved with off road racing next season. THE DESERT POINTS BATTLE. While Ivan Stewart has blitzed Class 1 /2' and doe)sn't even need to show up at the Baja 1000 to secure his overall · SCORE HDRA points championship, there is a good fight going on in the class for recond place between Danny Letner and Jim Greenway, and several others are close enough to move up after Baja. Tom DeNault has already won Class 1-2r1600, but Danny Porter, Willie Melancon, Tom Schilling and Mike Williams are still fighting it out for second spot. Dave Ashley leads Don Adams by ten points heading into the 1000, and Rod Hall has a bigger lead of 28 over Tim Pru<:;tt in Class 4. In Class 5 Marty Hart is only 13 points ahead of Rich Minga, and nobody else is close. But Steve Taylor leads Class 5-1600 by just three points over Rich Persch, and Doug West is only another 13 points back, so any o~e of them could get the title after Baja. Scott Douglas has Class 6 nearly wrapped up, 29 points ahead of Danny Ashcraft but Roger Mears leads Manny Esquerra by only 11 points in Class 7. Paul Simon has a big 40 point lead over Jerry McDonald in Class 7 4x4, and Robby Gordon leads Brian Stewart by 29 points in Class 8 with Scott McMillin only another eight points back. Rich Richardson leads Billy Kem by 20 points in Class 9, and Roy Prince is only three more points down. John Hays leads Class 10 by 21 points over Todd Davis and Rich Romans is another ten points back. Saul Zambrano has : Class 11 wrapped up, while Gary Anderson and Travis Howard will fight it out' for second. Charlie Townsley has the Mini Mag title in hand but Scott Steinberger and Frank Bristing have to duke it out for second. So at press time, it is too early for SCORE/HDRA to engrave many trophies. Stay tuned. CALENDAR CAPERS -Check the Happenings column as both SCORE/HDRA and MTEG have confirmed their 1991 schedules. The desert series dates are nearly the same as in 1990, except that SCORE has not issued a date or place for their Riverside replacement short course event, which they do intend to produce next year. MTEG also has a similar schedule for stadium racers, except the Houston Astrodome race has been replaced by one in Texas Stadium, and it is the first venture into Dallas for MTEG. Exact dates for the final three 1991 races 'will be announced when those stadiums finalize their football and baseball schedules. BARSTOW TO VEGAS - The famous and long standing motorcycle classic desert run on Thanksgiving weekend was canceled for 1990. According to sources in AMA, extreme political pressure from Washington forced the Riverside Bureau of Land Management to object to this year's event, although they had high praise a year ago for the organizers' attention to detail and clean up. BLM threw up enough paper road blocks that eventually District 37 decided they would wait until 1991 to put on another B to V. Ironically, a few weeks ago, the LA TV News showed a wave or two leaving the 1990 start in the Camp Irwin area, dutifully traveling on the trail; later on, in the same news program there was film showing desert tank training, for reserve troops headed for the Gulf, at Camp Irwin, a very few miles from the B to V start. The tanks were running over the same desert, willy nilly, and mowing down sage brush and the occasional cactus, whatever foliage was in their path, plus leaving deep tread marks in the desert. Why don't the tanks have to stay on the trails too? Or is it OK for the feds to do as they please on federal land while dictating the don'ts to taxpaying folks? MORE NEWS _FROM THE BLM. Intrepid photo journalist Jerry Garrett, whose pff road film you see on ESPN and TNN, and local news right after a major race, reports that while covering the Bonneville World Finals at the Salt Flats last month, the BLM officer from the Salt Lake City office informed his crew there would be a charge for the "right'' to cover the event for ESPN. This, even though they were only doing a minute and a half video news clip, which is well within the right of TV news crews to gather and use as established in numerous legal cases over the years. Apparently the BLM there was also tryng to charge other video and film crews, still photographers, and writers for the same privilege. The only exceptions were the Salt Lake City newspapers and TV stations. How they determine who pays and how much was a real mystery. We understood a film crew doing a documentary on Art Arfons' record attempt was assessed a fee of $1400. The BLM there said this new policy is likely to spread, a chilling thought for anyone trying to do news coverage of a SCORE, HDRA or other off road event on BLM managed land. Doubtless most media would pass on coverage if they were charged for the privilege of reporting events using public land. LA RANA DESERT RACING has a give-away program featuring a Ford race ready truGk previously campaigned by Manny Esquerra. To be eligible to win the truck you must purchase a La Rana Desert Racing hat and you are in the "race" for the truck. The hats are $25.00 or 5 for .$100. The truck will be presented to the winner at the gala La Rana Awards Banquet at the Clarion Hotel in Ontario, CA, December 21, 1990. SCCA SOUTHERN PACIFIC DIVISION RALLY CHAMPION for 1990 is Gary Luke of Morgan Hill, CA, and Mark Williams, Gary's regular co-driver has clinched the 1990 co-driver title. They beat a field of 31 teams over the course of nine events run in California, Nevada and Colorado. They began competing together for TRIAD RACING in 1984, and this year used a Dodge Shelby GLHS to win the overall title competing in production GT Class. They. will try for the National Divisional championship in the final National event of the year in northwestern Washington state. EGG ON FACEDEPARTMENT-WemustapologizetoJim Wiggins for1 our mistake in the caption under the picture of his truck in the Brush Run 101 coverage on page 41 of the last issue. The picture is of Wiggins' Ford Ranger, · but the caption is wrong. It was Jeff Kincaid's Ranger that had too wide wheels on Saturday after winning Class 7 on the track. It was Wiggins who got the Class 7 victory officially. Our regrets for the mistake to 69th fine drivers. (more TRAIL NOTES on page 8) . Page 6 A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 December 8, 1990 Annual Awards Banquet Phoenix, AZ ARMSTRONG OFF ROAD JAMBOREES Four Wheel Drive Excursions P.O . Box 1154 . Arcata, CA 95221 (707) 822-8508 April 5-7, 1991 Kern River Jamboree Kernville/Lake Isabella, CA May 10-12, 1991 Redwood Coast Jamboree Fort Bragg to Eureka/ Arcata, _CA June 14-16, 1991 Ghost Town Adventure South Lake Tahoe, CA/ Stateline, NV BADGERLAND VW CLUB,INC. Terry Friday 5913 Fond Du Lac Road Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414) 688-5509 (All events located in Chilton, WI at the Fairgrounds Racing Facility) BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340..5750 December 15, 1990 Season Awards Party Santa Veronica, T ecate Baja California, Mexico Golden Crown of Baja Desert Series (cars) Feburary 8-10, 1991 Gran Carrera de San Felipe San Felipe, BC, Mexico March 15-17, 1991 Gran Carrera de Mexicali Mexicali, BC, Mexico May 17-19, 1991 Gran Carrera de Tecate (SC) Tecate, BC, Mexico July 26-28, 1991 Gran Carrere de Ensenada Ensenada, BC, Mexico September 20-22, 1991 Gran Carrera de Campeones San Felipe, BC, Mexico SUDS SHORT COURSE SERIES ( all events at Santa Veronica OHV Park Tecate, BC, Mexico) March 9-10, 1991 May 25-26, 1991 July 13-14, 1991 October 19-20, 1991 BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-2313 . December 1990 1991 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2115/(715) 478-2688 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Mike Gibeault 149 No. Rawhide Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (619) 375-8704 December 8-9, 1990 Indio Endurance Rally Pacific Crest Trail Rally Indio, CA February/March, 1991 (Tentative Prescott, AZ April 26, 1991 Rim of the World Lancaster, CA July, 1991 Hill Climb Rally Williams, AZ September 21-22, 1991 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-54~6 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 1717 Marker Road Polk City, FL 33868 (813) 984-1923 (305) 823-4487 January 13, 1991 February 10, 1991 · March 23, 1991 (all e1Jents at Lakeland Speedw~y) FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 December 31, 1990 Dunaway Dash IV Plaster City, CA February 16, 1991 King of the Desert 150 Lake Superstition, CA April 20, 1991 Buzz Bomb 150 Plaster City East, CA August 3, 1991 Superstition 250 VIII Lake Superstition, CA September 28, 1991 Plaster City Blast 200 Plaster City East, CA December 31, 1991 Dunaway Dash 150 Plaster City West, CA (All ewnts in the El Centro, CA area) GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA 92406 (714) 880..1733 February 2-3, 1991 Off Road Challenge April 20-21, 1991 Off Road Challenge June 15-16, 1991 Off Road Challenge November 16-17, 1991 Off Road Challenge GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 ( 404) 253-1033 November 24, 1990 Vienna, Ga GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48103 (313) 665-0358/ (313) 996-9193 GREAT PLAINS OFF-ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION K.C. Huggins 2233 N. 140th Avenue Omaha, NE 68164 (402) 496-9431 (All e1Jents at Timber Ridge Ranch) GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Kiel 12840 Dexter St. Thornton, CO 80241 (303) 452-4013 May 19, 1991 Adams County Fairgrounds . Denver, CO_ . June 15, 1991 Adams County Fairgrounds Denver, CO July 14, 1991 Adams County Fairgrounds Denver, CO August 7, 1991 Adams County Fairgrounds Denver, CO September 7, 1991 Adams County Fairgrounds Denver, CO October 6, 1991 Adams County Fairgrounds Denver, CO (All GWPS dates are tentative) GRR Golden Rule Racing P.O. Box 4011 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 263-5329 January 12, 1991 Buckeye Blast Dusty Times
February 16, 1991 April 6, 1991 January 4-6, 1991 MIDWEST OFF ROAD January 19, 1991 Gold Nugget 150 Badlands 100 New Years 200 BAJA SERIES Anaheim Stadium Wall, SD Barstow, CA Rick Vasquez Anaheim, CA March 23, 1991 1421 Lee Trevino D-1 Saddle Sore 150 May 18, 1991 February 22-24, 1991 El Paso, TX 79936 February 23, 1991 September 28, 1991 Bowman, ND Presidential 250 (915) 594-8266 Jack Murphy Stadium Barstow, CA San Diego, CA Forked Tongue 400 June 22, 1991 All Desert Races Pierre Baja May 3-5, 1991 March 23, 1991 October 26, 1991 Pierre, SD Spangler 150 Rose Bowl Haunted Hills Classic Ridgecrest, CA MIDWEST OFF ROAD RACING Pasadena, CA August 17, 1991 Tommy Bowling April 13, 1991 Gumbo Buttes Baja June 21-23, 1991 9801 E. Highway 80 Sun Devil Stadium HORA Pierre, SD Lucerne Valley 200 Odessa, TX 79765 Phoenix, AZ High Desert Racing Association Johnson Valley, CA (915) 561-5222 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South September 21, 1991 April 27, 1991 Las Vegas, NV 89124 Deadwood Off Road Grand Prix August 23-25, 1991 "The Texas Challenge (702) 361-5404 Deadwood, SD Mini Baja 400 Off Road Points Series" Kingdome Johnson Valley, CA (All events at Notrees, TX) Seattle, WA December 1, 1990 October 19, 1991 May 18, 1991 Off Roadsman Awards Banquet Last Chance Baja October 4-6, 1991 February 23, 1991 Texas Stadium Las Vegas, NV Wall, SD California 200 Dallas, TX Ridgecrest, CA April 6, 1991 March 1-3, 1991 (All above dates for HPORRA July 20, 1991 Nissan 400 are tentative) November 22-24, 1991 May 11, 1991 Los Angeles Coliseum Las Vegas, NV High Desert 250 Los Angeles, CA ( double points) June 8, 1991 July 5-7, 1991 IOK FOUR WHEELERS Lucerne Valley, CA Seetember 1991 Fireworks 250 P.O. Box 36 July 13, 1991 Mi e High Stadium Barstow, CA Cleves, Ohio 45002 Jack Rabbit 150 Night Race (All events staged at Denver, CO August 9-11, 1991 the club grounds in MICHIGAN OFF ROAD August 9-11, 1991 September 1991 Short Course Clelies, Ohio) CHAMPIONSHIPS 2nd Annual Rock 'N' Roll 250 Willow Springs, CA Silver Bowl M.T.B. Enterprises Inc. Las Vegas, NV 15519 Jones Road September 14, 1991 September 6-8, 1991 KAMLOOPSBRONCOBUSTER Grand Ledge, MI 48837 October 1991 Nevada 500 (517) 627-5200 October 26, 1991 Candlestick Park Las Vegas, NV 4WDCLUB Randy Chamberlin November 1991 San Francisco, CA October 11-13, 1991 835 Wawn Road Awards Banquet CAMEL SUPERCROSS SERIES Gold Coast 300 Kamloops, B.C. V2B-6N3 Las Vegas, NV MICHIGAN SPORT January 26, 1991 BUGGY ASSOCIATION Anaheim Stadium Keneth Coleman MICKEY THOMPSON'S Anaheim, CA LA RANA DESERT RACING 742 E. Roosevelt Road OFF ROAD • HIGH PLAINS OFF 22769 Chambray Dr. Ashley, MI 48806 CHAMPIONSHIP ' • February 9, 1991 ROAD RACING Moreno Valley, CA 92387 (517) 838-4483 GRAND PRIX JL Jack Murphy Stadium ; .... ASSOCIATION (714) 924-2226 Mickey Thompson ' ; . San Diego, CA (All events at ., •·· Pat Roberts Entertainment Group-· ' ' . 878 Main St. December 21, 1990 Mt. Pleasant Speedway) P.O. Box 25168 I •. March 16, 1991 Deadwood, SD 57732 Awards Banquet Anaheim, CA 92825 ... ~ Sun Devil Stadium (605) 578-1654 Ontario, CA (714) 938-4100 Phoenix, AZ ~ DESERT'RflQNG MOTOR SPORTS DESERT RflCING MOTOR SPORTS A) CLASSIC COYOTE 8) RAGIN' TRUCKS DESERT RACING MOTOR SPORTS D) BAJA BOOGIE E) DESERT CHALLENGE JUST IN TIME FOR XMAS! GET YOUR OFFROADER DRESSED RIGHT WITH DESERT T'z 1991 T-SHIRT DESIGNS • 100% Cotton Beefy-T's with pocket (Full color graphics on white, sizes Med., Lg. & X-Lg) • Classic coyote embroidered poplin hats (Red, blue, black & silver-gray) Dusty Times ORDER NOW FOR FAST SHIPPING. (Team designs available upon request) December 1990 DESERI RACING M0TO.P0RTS C) FLYIN' FIVE CARS F) RACING TURTLES DESERTT'z ORDER FORM: SHIRTS: S15.00 EACH HATS $1200 EACH • PRICE INCLUDES UPS SHIPPING QTY STYLE SIZE/CAP COLOR PRICE SUB TOTAL SALES TAX TOTAL TOTAL • PERSONAL CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS -NO COD'S NAME ____________ _ CA RESIDENTS ADD 61/,% TAX ADDRESS------------CITY _____ STATE __ ZIP ___ _ SEND ORDERS TO DESERT T'z 27324 CAMINO CAPISTRANO #172-175, LAGUNA NIGUEL. CA 92677 ·Page 7
May 4, 1991 Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV June 22, 1991 Los Angeles Coliseum Los Angeles, CA ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamaker P.O. Box688 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL lCO, Canada (613) 332-3811/(613) 332-1610 ONTARIO OFF ROAD Ken Jackson - Dick Gillap R.R.#2 Tiverton, Ontario, Canada NOG ZT0 (519) 368-7874 OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (213) 375-4570/(213) 719-7036 PAC OFF ROAD RACING P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 PIKES PEAK P.O. Box 6962 Colorado Springs, CO 80934 SAREEA AL JAMEL 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 526 Indio, CA 92202 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 SCORE Score International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 December 1, 1990 OffRoadsman Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV January 25-27, 1991 Parker 400 Parker, AZ April 5-7, 1991 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, BC, Mexico June 7-9, 1991 Baja Internacional Ensenada, BC, Mexico November 7-10, 1991 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, Mexico (Date and location of the Off Road Wor1d Championships TBA) SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 SCORE SHOW Edgell Expositions P.O. Box 19531 Irvine, CA 92 713 (714) 250-8060 S.C.T.A. Southern California Timing Association Jack Kolan (619) 292-4414 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 December 1, 1990 Showboat 250 Desert Race Las Vegas, NV February 9-10, 1991 Bottom Dollar Las Vegas, NV March 23-24, 1991 Twilite 200 Las Vegas, NV May 18-19, 1991 Caliente 250 Caliente, NV July 27-28, 1991 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV '\,/\ N R.L.H. COMMUNICATIONS 1111111111 ~ RACE RADIO SYSTEMS 337 W. 35th STREET, SUITE "F" NATIONAL CITY, CA 92050 (619) 585-9995 THE CHAMPIONS CHOICE TOM & BOB DeNAUL T RICK VASQUEZ PERRY McNEIL 1989 OVERALL H.D.R.A/SCORE 1989 OVERALL MIDWEST RACING 1989 OVERALL GRAN CARRERA Intercom HELMETS WIRED $175.00 HANDHELD RADIOS 10 CHANNELS $450.00 REG. PRICE s59goo RACERS SPECIAL s499oo REVOLVING LIGHTS AND ELECTRONIC SIRENS/HORNS Official BFGoodrich Radio Relay Page 8 September 27-29, 1991 SNORE 250 Jean, NV December 6-8, 1991 Showboat 250 Las Vegas, NV SHORT TRACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES S.T.O .R.E. Co-Ordinator: Tom Schwartzburg 2620 West Washington West Bend, WI 53095 (414) 334-3858 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Wolfe 7839 W. North Avenue Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 257-9422/(414) 542-3821 TEXAS OFF ROAD GRAND PRIX Short Course Racing - Texas Style Class 10, Sportsman, Challenger Mike Bernardo 1606 Lancelot Circle Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (214) 855-2232 TORA Truck Racing Association Ray Camey, Director 7 Prutell Drive Apalchin, NY 13732 (607) 625-5676 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association P.O. Box 211 Dunellen, NJ 08812 (201) 752-0299/(201) 359-2745 (All races at Trailways Speedway, Hanover, PA) VENTURA RACEWAY Business Office 2810 W. Wooley Road Oxnard, CA 93035 (805) 656-1122 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 December 1, 1990 Awards Banquet El Dorado Hotel & Casino Reno, NV WHEEL TO WHEEL,INC. P.O . Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 (613) 332-1766/(613) 332-4128 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S SX7, Canada (604) 576-6256 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP November 25-29, 1990 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANJZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! Send your r99r schedule as · soon as possible for listing in this column. Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 r Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 9r3or. December 1990 more ••• TRAIL· NOTES GOODBYE OFF ROAD AMERICA • Off Road America, once a tabloid and more recently a magazine size publication has had its ups and downs over the years, while having passed through different owners. The press release of August 2 7, 1990 from the current owners, stated "It is with deep regret that we inform you that due to financial circumstances resulting in very substantial losses, coupled by the inability to collect our receivables, the RAV Group Inc, dba The RAV Publishing Group is going out of business. We also regret to inform you that an evaluation of our financial situation shows that there are no assets from which to pay our creditors." What a fancy way to say 'we went broke'. We sympathize with free lancers who are owed money for work done on either Off Road America or Florida Motor Sports. GOLD COAST MUSINGS-If you had the time you could have had quite a motorsport week in Las Vegas last October, starting with the SEMA Show that ran for five days starting October 8. On Thursday there was an SCCA RaceTruck event at the Las Vegas Speedrome, a series in which factories are heavily involved. Friday there was HDRA Gold Coast 300 contingency and tech inspection all day in the parking lot of the hotel of the same name, and a hosted welcome party and the drivers' meeting in the Gold Coast Hotel Friday night. Saturday brought some well known but seldom seen at off road races folks to Jean, Nevada to enjoy the desert race. One who was really getting a face full of southern Nevada dust was Lee Morse, the honcho at Ford SVO in Detroit, and he rode the first lap and a half with Robby Gordon, and that had to be some experience for one's first off road race. Happily the truck had no troubles early, and won Class 8 as well. Also Jeep announced formally that there is a Class 1 Jeep Cherokee in the building by Russ Wernimont and the Venable crew in Hemet for Jack Johnson to drive in the 1991 desert series, and that should make it even more competitive up front on the desert next year. STEVE RULE RECOVERING - During the Gold Coast 300 the 1-2-1600 entered by Bob Rule from Georgia, who brought a crew of drivers and riders along for some fun and some racing in Las Vegas, was running in heavy dust and silt, and the car dove off an incline just four miles into the race. Steve, who regularly competes on the short course in Georgia, was riding in his first ever desert race and bounced hard as the car landed, was injured, and required surgery to repair a crushed (cracked) vertebrae in his back. He spent an unexpected nine extra days in the Valley Hospital in Las Vegas. Steve will wear a specially made brace for 90 days, but complete recovery, happily, is expected. The accident happened on his 21st birthday. According to Steve he'll resume racing in March 1991 if the doctor approves. The Rule Family, Bob, Kim and Steve, wishes to thank everyone who called, sent cards, flowers and/or candy to Steve during his stay in a Las Vegas hospital. We appreciate the thoughtfulness, and by the time you read this he should be close to full recovery. IV AN STEW ART is heading for yet another overall title this ;eason. As if winning top honors in the stadium and the desert series wasn't enough, Ivan leads the Toyota True Grit standings after seven of the eight races in the SCORE/HORA Desert Series. Stewart has an average speed of 53.69 mph in over 2000 miles of racing. The only driver close to him is Danny Letner at 52.09 mph. It's no surprise to see Robby Gordon the leader in the heavy metal category, third overall at 48.61 mph. Rob MacCachren is eighth overall and first in mini metal category ai: 43.06 mph. Only eight drivers are still eligible, before Baja, for Toyota's Mifestone Awards, given to those few drivers who make it through the season completing every racing mile of all eight races. YOKOHAMA 6-50 CLUB • The 6-50 club is alive and well after several month's hiatus. There will be the traditional gold, silver and bronze medals at the SCORE/HD RA awards banquet December 1, but as we go to press it is too soon for our points scoring person to have figured it all out. Only the best six out of eight events count for points this year, and the discards, not on a computer sort but done by hand, take time to do and check twice. Also, we have few entry lists that are complete with all entries plus their ages, so we may have missed some drivers who recently turned SO. We sure hope not. At any rate, before the Baja 1000, the final 6-50 points counting event, Don Adams led Rod Hall by 20 points for top honors this year. But, each man has raced every event in the series, so each has another discard to make, which could change things abruptly. William Church is third, 110 points behind Adams, followed in 15 points by Danny Letner, who is only three points ahead of Jim Sumners, who is merely another three points ahead of Robert Knight. Mike Schwellinger, Ed McLean, Wayne Morgan and LeRoy Van Kirk round out the top ten after seven races. This is about the only points series Ivan Stewart can't win this year in off road racing, he simply is not old enough! LATE FLASH from the BAJA 1000. RESULTS show that Rodney Hall, 339, beat out Don Adams for the gold medal by 33 points and Corky McMillin was 110 more points back at 196 for the bronze medal. Danny Letner was close at 189 in fourth. Bill Church was fifth at 184 and Mike Schwellinger was sixth at 177. We will have a full report on the 6-50 Club next month. SCORE BAJA 1000-Bob Gordon, with his daughter Robyn riding the last leg with him, won overall in his Chenowth with a Type 4 engine. Corky McMillin was second overall and Troy Herbst and Jim Smith were third overall, both with Porsche power in their Chenowths. For the first time a Mexican entry, Rodrigo Ampudia, won Class 1-2-1600. Dave Ashley won Class 3 and his F9rd Bronco was fourth overall, and Rod Hall took Class 4 in the Dodge. Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter won Class 5 by hours, and Wayne Cook beat Steve Taylor by an hour in Class 5-1600. Danny Ashcraft scored a back to back win in Class 6 and Manny Esquerra beat Roger Mears by ten minutes in Class 7. John and Chuck Johnson won Class 7S and Paul and Dave Simon again took Class 7 4x4, giving Ford five class wins. Brian Stewart won Class 8 for Dodge. While Robby Gordon had troubles and was a very late finisher at 5:30 a.m., fourth in Class 8, he charged to victory 11 hours later at Del Mar in a Mercury at the IMSA GTO/GTU sports car race. Congratulations Robby on your enduro weekend. Pancho Bio took Class 9 in Baja by just five minutes. Greg Hibbs and Mike Falkosky won Class 10, by two hours, and since there were no finishers in Mini Mags or Class 11, they were not scored at all. We'll have in depth Baja coverage in the January issue. THE L~ RANA DESERT RACING organizers have been using the Baja Promotions Stone Stock Class rules during the 1990 season, and Ed and Leslie Castro would like to thank Lou Peralta and his organization for the complimentary use of these rules. · Dusty Times
Winning off-road is becoming rather commonplace for race-modified Dodge trucks. Just look at the results from the SCORE/HDRA Series.* Ford and Chevy have been following our lead in most of the year's Class 4 races. With Rod Hall at the wheel, Dodge soared to major 4WD wins at the Parker 400, the Nissan 400, the Baja 500 and the Barstow Fireworks 250. But the big news at Barstow was Walker Evans winning the overall championship, as well as the Class 8 title. His Dodge teammate, Brian Stewart, finished third. And at the HDRA Jeep Desert Championships, the Dodge combination of Evans and Stewart finished one-two in both Class 8 and the Heavy Metal Challenge. In the SODA/STORE Series, Evans took the checkered flag for Dodge in the combined Heavy Metal Challenges at Spring Run 101 and the World Championship Brush Run 101. It's win-ning performance like this that's leaving Ford and Chevy up in the air and bringing more and more people home to the full line of Dodge trucks, including the new V-8 Dodge Dakota and the Cummins Turbo Diesel. Welcome home, America. Come see what we're made of. ADVANTAGE: DODGE . ._._,,,. *Through the Nevada 500. :~~~\'">f.·:: '•.·\
HDRA GOLD COAST 300 Ivan Makes It Three For Three In Nevada By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo, Inc. Ivan Stewart won overall for the third time this year in the rough and rugged southern Nevada desert, adding the Gold Coast 300 overall victory to the Nissan 400 and Nevada 500 titles driving the seemingly invincible Toyota based Class 1 rig. With his overall victory at the HORA Gold Coast 300, Ivan Stewart made it a sweep, having won all three of the season's Nevada based desert races. With the Nissan 400 and the Nevada 500 already in his hip pocket. Stewart again demonstrated just how hard it is to beat the combination of that Toyota funny-truck and the "lronman", on a tough course. The start/finish area for this event was just below Jean, Nevada, about 30 miles south of Las Vegas itself. But the Registra-tion, contingency line and tech inspection had been on the grounds _of Michael Gaughan's Gold Coast Hotel, which also hosted the post driver's meeting cocktail party, and the post race brunch and awards. The HORA/SCORE officials have become more and more firm about enforcing their various rules and regulations, demon-strating their willingness to disqualify or penalize as they have threatened, and this time the opportunity arose at the driver's meeting. Every entry was required to have a representative at the meeting, and each team rep, or driver, was required to sign a list next to his car number. Near the end of the meeting, Danny Cau, HORA President, checked the list, and read off the numbers of the vehicles that didn't have a representative in attendance. Some were there, and hastily made themselves known, and were allowed to sign in and get back in the HDRA's good graces. But two drivers didn't make it this time, and they were out of luck. Kevin Ohnstad and his crew were out at the start/finish area, where they'd been testing and making repairs on their Class 10 car, and had lost track of the time, and Manny Esquerra, also busy, had simply thought that the driver's meeting was to be at 7 p.m. instead of 6. Esquerra was going into the race tied for points with Roger Mears in Class 7. Neither Ohnstad nor Esquerra was allowed to race. Danny Cau had mad his point about the man-datory driver's meetings. This was another no pre run event, with a designated test area, and designated test times, to allow for last minute adjustments and fine tunings of the race cars. Maps of the course were not available until Friday, when they were given out as racers signed up. The course was discovered to be 76.33 miles long, snaking through the Nevada desert on trails used in some of the Jean based Mint 400 courses. There had been a SNORE 250 race just two weeks · before the Gold Coast, which , used all but 15 miles of this '. course, but in the opposite direction. The SNORE folks had announced their course, and had suggested that HD RA/SCORE racers might like to run their race as a way of legally pre-running {though in reverse) the Gold Coast, but they didn't come in droves for the opportunity. In fact, it appears that a large number of racers find it simpler not to pre-run, much as they had always enjoyed it in the past. There was a 12 hour time limit for this race, and everyone was expected to run four laps, except Class 11 which would be through after three laps. The starting order for the classes was 1/2, 8, 10, 5, 4, 1-2-1600, 7 4x4, 7, 7S, Mini-Mag, 5-1600, 3, 6, 9; and 11. The first five classes were started two at a time, every 45 seconds. But from Class 1-2-1600 on they went off the line every 30 seconds. The start area was on the 1. 9 mile long stretch of old pavement that parallels the freeway, so most of the drag races were settled by the time they had reached the end and made the left turn into the treacherous silt. In Class 1/2, Bob Richey, who was first off the line, took full advantage of his opportunity to get a dust free lap in, and ticked off the fast lap for the day, at 1 :28:39.0, in his Porsche powered two seat Raceco, to take the lead. Running second behind him was Danny Letner, in another Porsche Raceco, almost four minutes back. Then it was Steve McEachern, last year's overall winner, in his Chevy truck, not legal for Class 8, three seconds later, looking very fast, and followed by Tom G. Martin, in a VW powered Raceco, who'd recently revamped his suspension, and then the Bradley team, with Tom Sr. and Tom Jr. co-driving, in another VW powered Raceco. Richey, whose torque limiters had come loose, had to stop to fix them, and then caught up with slow members of the slower classes fairly early in his second lap, and was delayed considerably by the dust, but still held his lead, while Stewart, whose second lap was a bit quicker than Richey's, now ran second, about five and a half minutes back. The Bradleys had mo"ved into third, a minute and a half later, and Corky McMillin and Brian Ewalt, in a Porsche Chenowth, testing the new Fortin transmission, with the 10" ring gear, ran fourth, a minute behind them. Troy Herbst, in another Porsche Chenowth, was fifth, less than a minute later. Herbst moved into the lead on the third lap, with 13 seconds on Stewart, who was second. Richey stopped to change drivers, putting Bernard Jourdain in, and, hopping into the passenger seat himself, they held third, with Bernie Thompson and L_ynn Bob ichey was leading overall, having started first, on the last lap, but late in the lap a flat tire and a driver change back to Richey from Bernard Jourdain put the Raceco home second. Robby Gordon was really ~n form in the Venable Class 8 Ford, and he was contesting for overall honors until late on the last lap when collision damage dropped him to fourth overall, but he won Class 8 easily. Page 10 December 1990 Allshouse in fourth in their Raceco. Tim Herbst, in a two seater with no passenger, was now fifth. Ivan kept abreast of things via radio and pushed hard to get ahead of Herbst, and then ran especially hard for the last 30 miles. He didn't know that Herbst had lost his coil and had a complete electrical failure, and was out. Jourdain, whose body is still healing from an Indy car accident, began to tire, and when he hit a big rock and flattened a tire, Richey got back in the driver's seat for the last 10 miles. . They were second, 20 minutes behind Stewart. Tom Koch, who had had only two flats, and had to change 'em himself, got his first finish in a while, in third place, and Allshouse and Thompson were fourth. In fifth it was Martin and Murachanian, who'd lost their power steering pump, also getting a finish for the first time in a while. Tim Herbst rolled his car, hopped out and got it back on its ' wheels, and came in, sans hood 'and roof, for sixth place. McMillin and Ewalt were seventh, new transmission intact. The Class 8 trucks took off next, and the first lap was tough for them. Dave Shoppe survived the dust and brought his Ford around first, 39 seconds in front of Rob Gordon in his Ford. In third place it was Brian Stewart, in his Dodge, only nine seconds later, followed by Chris Robinson, in Frank Vessels' old Chevy, eight seconds behind him in fourth. Vessels himself was fifth, a little over a minute later, his new Chevy having been briefly stuck in the silt. At the end of the second lap Robinson was in the lead, but he had a tilt to the right because he'd hit a buggy while blinded by the silt, and bent the front end and torn off an oil cooler. He was finished. Gordon came in se.cond behind him by two and a half minutes, having had some flats. In third it was Shoppe, six seconds later, while Michael Schuringa, in a Chevrolet, was fourth, a half hour later, and Stewart, having trouble with something clogging his fuel system, had dropped to fifth. At the end of the third lap Gordon was in the lead, and Shoppe, who'd blown a rear tire on pit road, tearing off his quarter panel and doing sundry other damage, held second, but was now 34 minutes back, Stewart was back up to third, and Vessels, who blasted off the fastest lap anyone' d run in this class so far, at 1:33:47.9, was now fourth, after repairing a broken upper track rod. Schuringa, ill from gas fumes, had given Jeff Bonnet the wheel, and they now ran fifth. On the last lap, as Gordon neared the finish, a frustrated Stewart, who'd been off to the side working on his truck, and was way down, pulled out on the course as Rob approached, and when their trajectories came together Gordon hit Stewart's left rear corner. It did only cosmetic damage to Stewart, but it broke Gordon's steering shaft. After about 20 minutes of working with it, he was pulled out of the silt, and aimed at the finish, and drove the last bit of the race with only the ram assist to make the truck turn. but he got there first, giving him another win for his scrap-book. Shoppe, who'd been Dusy Times
I I J Bernie Thompson and Lynn Allshouse ran with the Class 1121 _Dave Shoppe, who did have his troubles during the day~ k;~e front five all day in their Raceco, and moved into fourth place at Ford moving fast enough to nail down second in Class B, when Doing his best this year in desert racing, Tom Ko;h h~d a c_lean, only two flat race and climbed into third place in the Raceco/Porsche at the flag. the checkered flag. _______________ _ 1:45:54.5, only a minute and 12 seconds behind him. Dodd's co-driver, Greg Vaughan, who'd been spending time getting his front beam welded, ran third, off the pace by about 20 minutes. In fourth it was George Seeley, in a sedan, who'd lost some time when his crew forgot to gas him and had to chase him down at the next pit to dump fuel. On the last lap word went out on the radio that Hart was at mile 50 with two broken front trailing arms, waiting for parts to make repairs. Minga, who broke a tie John Hays kept his Raceco near the front in Class 10, took over the lead on lap 3, and got his first win despite running out of gas on the last lap and damaging the engine on borrowed regular gas. · rod end on each wheel, an .inner and an outer, fixed the outer, and finished with the other wheel wobbling, in first place. Seeley was second, an hour and a half later, and Hart, finally repaired, running with a bad flooding problem and no brakes, so it "wouldn't go slow and it wouldn't stop", finished second, 26 minutes later. Vessels, with everything finally working, recorded an even faster lap, at. 1:29:26.6, and moved up to finish "' third. Schuringa and Bonnet were fourth and David Bryan, in a Ford, who'd had a flat, and had also been high centered and hung up with a buggy at the same time, finished fifth. Class 10 was the third group to get started, and at the end of the first lap the lead belonged to Mark Whittington, in a Mirage, who had a minute and seven seconds on Jeff Quinn and Kurt Pfeiffer in their Chenowth. In third place it was Ray Croll and Tom Day, in their Toyota Jimco, 35 seconds later, and followed by John Hays in his Raceco, less than a minute back, who'd already changed a flat and had to stop to get a new spare. Whittington continued to lead through the second -lap, and he had recorded the fast lap for the class, at 1:33:54.2, and was about seven and a half minutes up on Hays, who now ran second. Rick' Romans was third in his Raceco, followed by Bob Scott, in a Raceco, and then Greg Hibbs, in a Jimco, who'd had a flat early on lap one. Whittington faded from the scene, and Hays took over the lead on lap three, after a brief stop to fix a flipped over belt, with 14 minutes on Romans, who was second. Hibbs was now third, followed by John Brooks, in a Rabbit powered Raceco ( the same car that Mickey Thompson had borrowed from Jack Motley and used to win the Baja 1000 in 1982 ), in fourth place. Quinn and Pfeiffer, after a long second lap, had moved back up to fifth. Hays got to within 10 miles of the finish line and ran out of gas, but a good samaritan with some regular pump gas gave him a couple of gallons and he took off. The regular gas ruined his motor right away, and he just finished, in Dusty Times a cloud of smoke, taking his first got third place, over an hour win in a very dramatic fashion, further back. None of the others while his engine builder stood by could manage to do four laps. shakinghisheadindismay.Hibbs The Class 4 troops were was second, about nine minutes following Steve Kelley and his later, followed in by Brooks, only Chevy at the end of the first lap, six minutes behind him, his and it was Rodney Hall in second, motor on its last legs. Romans lost in his Dodge, and eight minutes about 25 minutes on that lap, but back. Kelley had recorded the salvaged fourth place. class fast lap, at 1:46:37.6. John Class 5 came next, and one of Dyck ran third in his Jeep, the Porsches, Rich Minga's three followed by Timmy Pruett, an liter, ledattheendofthefirstlap, hour off the lead pace, after with one second on Bill Hernquist replacing a driveshaft, and· losing in his Jimco Convertible. In third second gear in his Ford. it was LeRoy VanKirk, in his . Kelley held his lead through the Porsche, less than a minute back, second lap, and now he had an and then Marty Hart, another hour and _25 minutes on Hall, Jimco, ran fourth, just over a who'd lost a radius rod bolt and minute behind him. had stopped for lengthy repairs. Hernquist took over the lead Mike Schwellinger, who'd lost a on the second lap, and had about transfer case on lap one, was now four minutes on Val Dodd, in his third, seven minutes in back of '59 s·edan, who'd rolled on the Hall, and Dyck ran fourth almost first lap, and broken his front an hour later. beam. Hart was third, five Ontbethirdlapthingschanged minutes later, an<;! Minga had drastically as Hall took over the fallen to fourth after hitting a big lead, in spite of repeated attempts rock with his nerf bar, which to cure the ills of the radius rod jammed the bar into his rear tire bolt. Schwellinger, who was and stopped it from going around. stopping every lap to adjust his Hehadtohavethebarhacksawed new, and untested, shock off before he could get going absorbers, moved to second, 24 again. minutes behind him. But Kelley By the end of lap three was changing his steering box, Hernquist was gone and Hart had which involves removing the the lead, with Minga, who now radiator of his truck, and he fell to ran the fast lap for the cl~ss, at third place, another 20' minutes Rich Minga and co-driver Larry Storck had the Porsche 911 in and out of the Class 5 lead all day, but they led when it counted, after four laps, at the finish line. December 1990 back. Pruett was back up to fourth place, even though his "suspension decided to lay down", while Dyck was gone for good. Hall's crew kept tightening the recalcitrant bolt, and he main-tained a steady pace to get to the finish line first. Schwellinger was second, about 40 minutes later, and Kelley came in third, just 10 minutes behind him. Pruett, who drove the entire four laps, was fourth, and no one else finished. Class 1-2-1600 took the green flag next, and Doug Fortin, Jr. put his Chenowth into the lead, I - . ' . . This is the system run by most off road rac;e winners finishing the lap with no right front tire, and 2 7 seconds on Mike Spina, who was running second in his Mirage, even though he'd rolled over already. In third it was John Marking, in a Jimc;:o, 35 seconds later. and then Mike Williams, in a MECO, was fourth, three minutes further back. Tom and Bob DeNault, in their Chenowth, ran fifth, one second after Williams. Fortin continued to lead through lap two, and now he was a minute and 12 seconds in front of the DeNaults, who'd had fast lap for the ta--TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS · 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 11
It hasn't been a g7eat season for defending Class 8 points champion Frank Vessels, but despite some suspension problems he finished third in class. Greg Hibbs and Mike Falkosky ran well in the Chenowth, third on lap 3 and they kept running hard to finish second in the high attrition Class 10. John Brooks, a champion in Mexico, tried the SCORE/HORA series in his older Raceco, and he ran solo to finish tight on time, third in Class 10. the finish line for his first HORA win. Fortin, who'd actually finished first, was second, only a minute and 53 seconds later, finishing with only second and fourth gear, and 3 / 4 throttle. Mike Williams, who'd had to get back into his car after it lost power steering while his dad, Morley, was driving and tore up his hands, came in third, three and a half minutes later. The DeNaults were fourth, one minute and a half back, and Spina and Underwood, who'd rolled on the last lap also, finished fifth, three __ .. ,.,.··•~-'-mim:1tes behind them. Schilling _ ,:, and Marking were sixth, only a , .,~ . i' "-~ • minute and a half later. While small in numbers Class 4 did have some stiff dicing for a while, but . The 7 4x4 trucks were led by Rodney Hall and Jim Fricker came back from a long down time to once again Darren and Doug York, in a Ford, take the victory and the points lead in the Dodge. at the end of the first lap, as Dave IJlr" ·class, at 1:45:59.5, to Spina, who'd hit a stopped truck Simon, also Ford, lost rear end move up into second place. and been stuck under it, also seals, and ran second about a Marking was still third, 32 made a driver change, putting minuteandahalfback.lnthird,it secondsfurtherback,followedby Keith Underwood into the car, was Jerry McDonald and Jeff Tom Burns, in a Raceco, who and moving back up to fourth Lewis, in their Chevy, while Mike hadn't made up his mind to race place. Marking's co-driver, Tom Leste was fourth in his Jeep. this event until the Thursday . Schilling, took over the driving, The Simons moved into the before it. and was now fifth, about 40 lead on lap two, with just under a Burns, having a trouble free seconds later. -minute on Lesle, who'd had a day, moved into the lead on the The biggest problem Burns had j' quick lap and moved up, while third lap, while Fortin lost his rear was that when his fuel cell was McDonald and Lewis held third, brakes when a shock broke and nearly empty, the back of the car I struggling with more flat tires took out the lines, and he fell to would be light, and then the than they liked. John Swift and second, 6.4 seconds behind the suspension was too stiff, and it I Mike Friel, in a Ranger, who'd leader. The DeNaults were third, was hard on him. But he been stuck in the silt on lap one, having made a driver ch_ange, and persevered, and brought the car to i were fourth now, as the York's PARKER PUMPER HELMET CO. r-~8.~, ~~ · 714-923-7016 v~t~'b~_. 985 SNELL APPROVED HELMETS ~~~ · WE HAVE IN STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OF 0 SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS, ON DISPLAY AND AVAILABLE AT LOW RACE NET PRICES! Each .helmet has shield and skirt included. 8· ~e; ~'\· ~o ~'b,0\,. 0 r&'":> r:,~ +,lb~ ,~~~~<6 ~~1 _i..\0 ~'46 * ~\f'e,'i Cb'\ ~ ,1,I' ~e ~ ot>-~, ~~ ~~J..0' 0 t!..O..,,.,-. · ~7 to'""" ~~ ()EACH HAS RACHET SHIELD - MORE NOSE ROOM MUCH LIGHTER - SEALS ~ETrER AGAINST DUST ALSO AVAILABLE FULL LINE OF SIMPSON PRODUCTS -BELL HELMETS - GLASS SHIELDS - DRINKERS KOOL PAC'S - PUMPER MOTORS - 4'-8' HOSES . We Convert Customer's Helmets -"IT'S ALMOST LIKE CHEATING" PARKER PUMPER HELMET COMPANY 2318 South Vineyard, Ste B, Ontario, CA 91761 714/923-7016 SFWY Page 11 December 1990 driveline vibrated so badly it broke the transmission, and they stopped for a replacement. Dave Simon got out and put his brother, Paul, in the driver's seat, and .he held on to th_eir lead, recording the fast lap for the class, at 1:43:13.9, and having only small problems, like a bent track bar, and one or two flats. McDonald now ran second, 38 minutes later, followed by Swift and Friel, an hour back, and then the Yorks, back on the road again, but quite late. The Simons, with total down time of only about 30 minutes, took the win, finishing an hour and 25 minutes in front of second place Swift and Friel. McDonald and Lewis, who'd broken an idler arm, and had a ball joint come loose, got to within ten miles of the finish and lost a wheel. They had to straighten the studs before they could reinstall the wheel, but still kept their third place, followed in by the Yorks, who'd broken a steering box on the last lap, another hour later. Class 7 had only six starters, without Esquerra, and three of them couldn't complete the first lap. Wayne Lee, in a GMC, ran the fast lap for the class, at 1 :54:40.1, and took the lead, with 10 minutes on Roger Mears, in his Nissan, who was having serious shock problems. Russ Jones ran third in his Ranger, but needed over six hours to do one lap, and ' then never came around a ain. ·,½ .. Mears rebuilt his shocks, replacing the seals, and took the lead on the second lap, as Lee and co-driver Marc Cartwright, had some problem and lost an hour and a half. From then on Mears was alone I on the course, but he didn't have it easy, because it turned out that the new seals in his shocks were made of a material incompatible with the oil in the shocks, and they dissolved. He ran all four laps, but it wasn't comfortable. Mears got the win, and Lee and Cartwright, on the basis of their two completed laps, were second. Class 7S was next to start, and Rob MacCachren , in his Jeep Comanche, took the lead with just under a minute on Terry Brown and William O'Brien, in their Ranger. Willie Valdez was third in a Ranger, and John Johnson ran fourth, in still another Ranger, followed by Jerry Whelchel, in a Toyota, and having lots of flats, in fifth. MacCachren set a steady pace and held his lead, and now Brown and O'Brien were about 12 minutes back, still second, as Johnson, who'd had a shifter problem that got him stuck in the sand once, ran third now, 38 seconds later. Valdez lost about nine minutes and dropped to fourth, while Whelchel, who had six flats in two laps, was still fifth. MacCachren was having no problems, not even flats, and held his lead, and now Chuck Johnson, " Tom and Tim Burns have been on a roll this fall in the Class 1-2-1600 Raceco, and they won their second class race in two weeks at the Gold Coast and finished 11th overall. Of the six starters in Class 7, losing entry by the race, Roger Mears was the only finisher, and along with the win and the points title secure, he repaired shocks along the way. Dusty Times
, -~--------George Seeley, who lost time when he ran out of gas in his Bug, survived sundry problems to finish second in Class 5, an hour and a half back. Mike Schwellinger lost a transfer case in the Ford, but he and George Adler got back in the race to take second in Class 4 by _ just ten minutes. Doug Fortin, Jr.:led Class 1-2-1600 midway in the fray, but the Chenowth then lost its rear brakes and some gears, but he was close in second place. who took over for John, moved into second, about 39 minutes back, as Brown and O'Brien lost about four hours and fell way back. Whelchel's co-driver, Dan Reynolds, was now. third, and Jack Johnson, in Spencer Law's Nissan truck, ran the fast lap for the class, 1:53:05.5, and moved into fourth place. Billy Bunch and John Kearney, in a Ranger,·were sixth. MacCachren, whose lap times were all within two minutes and 20 seconds of each other, held steady through lap four. He later said that the "truck is so solid, I don't even hear those funny noises on the last lap." He got the · win, finishing 37 minutes in front of second place Johnson and Johnson, who said they'd had "only one problem -Mac-Cachren." In third it was Whelchel and Reynolds, followed in by Valdez, and then, only eight seconds later, David Lillie and Nick Frank, in a Ranger, who'd moved steadily up all day, to take fifth. Paul and Dave Simon are steamrolling over the others in Class 7 4x4 andtool< the lead in the second lap, had a few troubles with the Ford Ranger and won the class again. tMt¾® Rob MacCachren is rolling toward another Class 7S title, but the points are tight. He won the Gold Coast in the Jeep Comanche by a whopping 37 minutes and was 25th overall. The Mini Mags did not have a good day at Jean, and started the day by losing two of their number on the first lap. Bud Harris took the lead, with the class fast lap, 1:54:16.8, about eight minutes in front of Charlie Townsley and James Harris, who were second. In third it was Kirk McDaniel and Rory Chenowth, about 20 minutes later, and Scott Stein-berger ran fourth. Harris went end over end on the second lap, and was out for the day, as Townsley and Harris took over the lead, now 42 minutes ahead of McDaniel and Chenowth. Frank and Steve Bristing were now third, after having to replace a corner that was damaged in a contretemps with a mini truck, and Steinberger was fourth. Townsley and Harris plugged up their air cleaner and damaged their motor, and couldn't do the Fran·/< and Steve Bristing went farther in quicker time than any other Mini Mag, and they won the class with three laps done in 8:13, surviving a collision with a mini truck. < ~~-...... . ~~.~~ •••. ><;:;: ,__..., Rich Fersch and Jack Ramsay won the hard fought battle in Class 5-1600, and they had no trouble at all, led all four laps, stopping just to add oil and change drivers. Dusty Times third lap, and that put the somewhere near Check 6, while Bristings in the lead, followed by the clock ticked relentlessly on Steinberger,aboutanhourand40 and their time ran out. The minutes back. But neither of them Bristings were given the win, and could get through the fourth lap, Steinberger was pronounced both ending up stuck in the silt .. second. Next to start were the 5-1600s, and Jack Ramsey had the lead at the end of the first lap, and had recorded the fast lap for the class, at 1:59:08.6. Kreston Pons, .who'di;.,. • COMPETITIVE PRICING• UNBEATABLE OUAI.ITY EXCEi.i.ENT SERVICE LOUIE UNSER Ri(/lvllv/llS BOB pJfg_~ TOYOTA .. ~ RACING DEVELOPMENT 6"i!f/J .641(~. ••••• RADIOS ,0111 RACING R.L.H.-ENTERPRISE unldenR'.!~7c3s vAVESHOPPE qf~~acuy ~ DIHIIT STHL ONAL ~R~ I • \ C,ny,t_~IJ'fJd,,d IRffl C1:Im LESLIE'S ORIVEUNE SERVICE MASTERCRAFT THE WRIGHT· PLACE; [HD)RE) Nl5MOUUTDfFIDADEITNUSIASTS SHER:!"c~Ns:L~ /!-"~.£=/ --,~ ' CHENOWTH cENTERFoRcE Mike Lesle Racing OVER $5,CCC.CC CONTINGENCY POSTED AT EVERY SCORE/H.D.R.A. EVENT Race Car Lettering • Racing Numbers • Custom Decals • Silk Screening • Die Cutting • Signs • Magnetic Signs • Banners • Window Lettering 1 B0B5 Redondo Circle • Huntington Beach, CA 92B4fi3 714/843-0444 • FAX 714/843-0143 December 1990 Page 13
Mike and Morley Williams were close also in the Class 1-2-1600 MEGO, bqt the loss of power steering put them five minutes back, third at the flag. Tom ,and Bob DeNault got the Chenowth home fourth in Class 1-2-1600 and they successfully defended their class points title with this good finish and plan on running Class 10 in '91. John Johnson and Chuck Johnson had shifter and other problems in the Ford Ranger, but they carried on in fine style to second place in Class 7S. ,,. .,; (~ It looks fine here, and Dave Ashley won Class 3 again in the Ford Bronco, bur he had to replace the trans en route, and finished with a battered, body and suspension, rig, the winner. we'::~~ Danny shcraft and Dave ason had their best ay ever m the or Bronco II. They took the lead in Class 6 on the third lap and recorded their first class victory in this sedan/utility group. ~ - smacked into another 5-16 that'd been stopped by a stuck truck, ran second, almost three minutes later, with his front end crunched. In third it was Doug West, who'd had some throttle PUT YOUR FUEL IN A SAFE PLACE. and shifter problems, about seven minutes later, and then Dave Anckner, trying a pumper helmet for the first time, ran fourth. George Fishback was fifth, five seconds later. Ramsay ran his second lap only eight seconds slower than his first, and those were the only two under two hour laps for the class, and he held on to the lead. He now had eight minutes and nine seconds on West, whose car had inexplicably stopped, and then, just as inexplicably, had started up again. In third it was now Joseph and Steve Grier, but as they pulled into their .pit it was discovered that a rear trailing arm was broken. Fishback was now fourth, followed by Steve Taylor, . who'd been stuck in the silt. Ramsay got out and his co-driver, Rich Fersch, took over, and he held on to the lead, with only four and a half minutes on Darren Hardesty, who'd replaced Pons. In third it was Wayne Lacher, who'd replaced Taylor, and he was found to have a torn c.v. at his end of the lap _pit. This is a Fuel Safe Rac-ing Cell after a rear end collision. The Fuel Safe Bladder survived with only miilorscracthes and wentontoWINthe race. Fuel Safe Cells are ap-proved by all major rac-ing associations. And for a good reason. 5271 Business Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) B97-2B5B (BOO) 433-6524. West's co-driver, Gary Cogbill, was now fourth, less than two minutes later, and Rick Pew and Allen Bowen, who'd lost their second gear on lap two, were fifth 18 minutes later. Fersch, who'd done nothing more than add a quart of oil and fuel to his car, maintained his pace, and took the \\'.in, while Hardesty, struggling to pass another 5-1600, rolled off the side of McCullough pass·, and badly damaged the body of his car. His front end then seized, making the car very hard to drive, but he made it to the finish line second, 38 minutes after the winners. Cogbill, who'd been 10 miles from the finish when the car quit again, fiddled with it, doing one thing after another, and then, after about 40 minutes it started. He had no idea why, but was pleased to get a third place finish, 54 minutes after second place. Taylor and Lacher, with a flat, and . fuel pump trouble, finished six minutes later in fourth, and Fishback and Mario Panagioto-polous, who'd had three or four flats, were fifth, about nine minutes later. It was uncharac-teristic of this class to be so widely separated at the finish, but perhaps it was to be expected on so tough and dusty a course. In Class 3 Dave Ashley started the day in front, his Bronco four minutes in front of Curt LeDuc in a Jeep Cherokee. In third, it was Don Adams, in his Jeep, and then Rick Sieman and Lee LaGorio ran fourth in their Bronco. LeDuc recorded a very quick 1:39:15, fast lap for this group, and moved into the lead on the second lap, with Ashley second, 10 minutes behind him. Adams was still third, and now Jon and Robert Hall, in a Dodge, ran fourth, 50 minutes later. LeDuc, and co-driver Madelene Les le, lost about two hours on the third lap, but continued to lead, because Ashley was busy replacing his transmission. He stayed firm in second place, as Larry Olsen, Adams' co-driver, had to weld up a front axle housing, and ran third still, about 10 minutes later. Rich Severson and Jim Huff, in a Jeep CJ7, were fourth now, an hour and a half later. Lap four was a tough one, and Ashley lost his brakes, and the front end co1lapsed when a spring strut broke, but he kept moving forward, and surprised himself by getting the win. Olsen and Adams, having to reweld that axle · No Leaks! And _the car Fuel Safe Racing Cells. A safe place to put your fuel for over 15 years. Manufactured by Aircraft Rubber, Inc . . Darren Hardesty and Kreston Pons, who were lucky to hold 2nd in Class 5-1600, rolled off the pass badly damaging the Bug on the last lap. Doug West and Gary Cogbill had some minor delays, big trouble just 10 miles from the finish, but they did nail 3rd spot in Class 5-1600. Page 14 December 1990 Dusty Times
Lost in a cloud of silty dust is the Bug of Steve Taylor and Wayne Lacher, surviving c.v. woes and flat tires to come home fourth in Class 5-1600. on Adams and Larry /sen ran with the ron our m e eep Wrangler, had to weld up the front axle housing, but finished , second in Class 3/14. Steve Russell and Brian coats led the second lap in the Class 6 Chevrolet Camaro, then lost some shocks, but finished well, second in the class. ______________________ , _____________________ _ · housing, finished second, 33 ' lap four done, nor could anyone take the green flag, Scott Douglas minutes later. LeDuc and Lesle I else. . . ran the fast lap for the class, at lost their motor, and c.ouldn't get \ In Class 6, the next group to 2:04:58. 7, and went into the lead --------------------------• right away, in his Jeep Cherokee. In second, it was Danny Ashcraft HORA GOLD COAST 300 Results -October 13, l990 I Pos. Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Clan I /2 • Unllmlted Single & 2 Seat • 28 alert -15 finish 110 1 Ivan Stewart (solo) Toyota PU (I) 101 2 Bob Richey/Bernard Jourdain Porsche Raceco(2) 131 3 Tom Koch Porsche Raceco(2) 129 4 Bernie Thompson/Lynn Allshouse Raceoo 104 5 Tom Martin/Tevon M.lrachanian CH: Clan 1-2..fflOO • l600cc Rntrlcted Engine • 32 start • 20 finish 1631 1 Tom & Tim Burns Raceoo 1601 2 Doug Fortin Jr. (solo) Chenowth 1617 3 Mike & Morley Williams MD:> . 1600 4 Tom & Bob DeNault Chenowth 1604 5 Mike Spina/Keith Underwood Mirage Clan 3/14 • Short W8 4X4 -11 start • 2 finish 300 1 David Ashley/Mike Bakholdin Ford Bronco 348 2 Don Adams/Larry Olsen Jeep Wrangler 349 3 Madelene Lesle/Curt LeDuc Jeep Cherokee Clan 4 • Long WB 4X4 • 7 start • 4 finish 407 1 Rodney HalVJim Fricker Dodge 402 2 Mike Sctr.vellinger/George Adler Ford 406 3 Steve Kelley/Ben Metcalf Chevrolet 403 4 Timmy Lee Pruett Ford F-150 449 5 Bill Dickton/John McCormick Dodge Clan 5 • Unllmlted B•J• Bug • 8 start • 3 finish .504 1 Rich Minga/Larry Storck Porsche 911 505 2 George Seeley Jr. Baja Bug 501 3 Marty Hart Baja Bug 549 4 Greg Vaughan/Val Dodd Baja Bug Clan 5-1600 -1600cc B•J• Bug -19 start - 8 finish 556 1 Rich Fersch/Jack Ramsay Baja Bug 554 2 Darren Hardesty/Kreston Pons Baja Bug 557 3 Doug West/Gary Cogbill Baja Bug 560 4 Steve Taylor/Wayne Lacher Baja Bug 564 5 George Fishback/M. Panagiotopolous Baja Bug Clan 6 • Production Sedan - 8 start • 4 finish 604 1 Danny Ashcraft/Dave Mason Ford Bronco 606 2 Steve Russell/Brian Coate Chevy Camaro 607 3 Larry Schwacoler/Sid Spradling '57 Chevy 605 4 John DeVitOIBrett Wade . Chevy Blazer Clan 7 • Unlimited Mini-Midi Pickup - 6 start - 1 finish 700 1 Roger Mears/Tony Alvarez Nissan Hardbody 704 2 Wayne Lee/ Marc Cartwright GMC Sonoma Class 7S -Stock Mini-Midi Pickup • 13 start • 6 finish 720 1 Rob MacCachren Jeep Comanche 727 2 John Johnson/Chuck Johnson Ford Ranger 721 3 Jerry Whelchel/Dan Reynolds Toyota SR5 723 4 Willie Vaidez/Gil Divine Ford Ranger 726 5 David Lillie/Nick Frank Ford Ranmger 7 4X4 -Stock Mini-Midi 4X4 • 6 start - 4 finish 760 799 762 761 798 1 Paul & Dave Simon Ford Ranger 2 John Swift/Mike Friel Ford Ranger 3 Jerry McDonald/Jeff Lewis Chevy S-1 O 4 Darren & Doug York Ford Ranger 5 Mike Lesle Jeep Comanche 803 1 809 2 800 3 Class 8 -2WD Standard Pickup • 12 start - 7 finish Robby Gordon/lee Morse/Bob Bower Ford Dave Shoppe/Ed Autenrieth Ford Frank Vessels Chevrolet 810 4 Michael Schuringa/Jelf Bonnet Chevrolet 805 5 David Bryan/ Debbie Keefe Ford Class 9 • Restricted Buggy -16 start• 5 finish 903 1 Shane Reed/Paul Huffman LaPlant 904 2 Roy & Wade Prince Chenowth 900 3 Rich Richardson/Doug Perrault Jimco 907 4 Robert McDonald/Brian George Larry Hayes 998 5 Craig White/Dave Kribell Unknown Class 10 • Unlimited 1650cc • 24 start • 8 finish 1003 1 John Hays (solo) Raceoo 1017 2 1004 3 1010 4 1007 5 Greg Hibbs/Mike Falkosky Chenowth John Brooks (solo) Raceco Rick Romans Raceco Richard Lind/Frank Golden Unknown Class II • Stock VW Sedan - 4 start -0 finish (3 laps) 1103 Travis Howard/Brian Kelley VW Beetle 1199 2 Saul Zambrano/Howard Anderson VW Beetle Class Mini-Mag - 7 start • 0 finish 1202 1 Frank & Steve Bristing 1204 2 Scott Steinberger Mini Mag Mini Mag Starters -201 Finishers • 87 Finish ratio . 43.3 % and Dave Mason, in a Bronco, Time 6:21 :11 6:41:28 6:48:55 6:57:25 7:01:37 only a minute and six seconds O/A behind him. Steve Russell, in a 1 Chevy Camaro, was third, 2 another seven seconds back, and 3 Larry Schwacofer, in the • 5 7 5 Chevy, ran fourth, 20 minutes 6 later. 7:23:06 7:24:59 7:28:10 7:29:41 7:32:43 Brian Coats, Russell's co-11 driver, moved into the lead on the 13 second lap, with 16 minutes on ~~ second place Ashcraft and 19 Mason, who'd had an alternator problem. Douglas was third, his engine ailing, almost exactly two minutes ~ack, and Sid Spradling, in for Schwacofer, was still fourth, 27 minutes later. 10:27:33 70 11:00:06 77 7:07:14(3 laps) 8:57:55 46 9:36:51 57 9:46:59 60 11:19:56 83 9:06:30(3 laps) 7:32:42 18 9:07:02 49 10:33:04 71 6:00:19(3 laps) 8:13:22 30 8:51:49 43 9:45:41 59 9:51:04 61 10:00:42 66 8:44:03 40 9:37:37 58 11 :11 :41 71 11:17:10 82 Ashcraft and Mason moved into the lead on the third lap, with just under two minutes on Coats, who lost some rear shocks. Douglas was gone when his motor blew, and now Spradling moved into third, followed by John De Vito and Brett Wade, in their Blazer. Ashcraft and Mason, who had only one flat all day, got their first win, finishing about 45 minutes in front of Russell, who did the last lap, and had some serious power steering trouble. Schwacofer, also in for the last lap, stopped to help another racer put out a fire, and couldn't get his car restarted for an hour, but managed to save his 9:13:47 51 third place. DeVito and Wade 5:23:14(21aps) were fourth, only five and a half minutes later. All in all, it was the 7:42:02 8:19:10 8:42:37 25 best race Class 6 has had this year. 32 The Class 9 cars were the next 39 group to head out into the desert, 10:13:36 67 and at the end of their first lap 10:13:44 68 four of the 16 were missing, and 7:43:40 26 9:09:15 50 9:23:37 53 10:33:47 72 3:49:25(2 laps) 6:52:00 7:18:59 8:05:30 9:01:56 9:32:38 9:52:09 9:57:54 10:59:54 11:33:13 11:36:30 7:24:21 7:33:26 7:39:09 7:50:28 8:22:35 4 10 28 48 56 62 65 76 86 87 12 20 23 27 35 Shane Reed, in a LaPlant, had the lead. He was a half minute ahead of Rich Richardson, in a Jimco, who was three and a half minutes up on Helen and Patrick Henesy, in their Raceco, who were third. In fourth it was Billy and David Kem, in an ORBS, less than a minute back, and Roy Prince was fifth, 19 seconds later, in a Chenowth. Richardson had class fast lap next time around, at 2:05: 15.8, and moved into the lead, with just under two minutes on Reed. In third it ·was now Prince, 13 minutes later, followed by the Henesys, and then the Kerns. Reed got out and put his co-driver, Paul Huffman, into the car, and he bounced into the lead as Richardson's co-driver, Doug 6:16:14(2 laps) Perrault, broke a torsion bar, and 6:16:57(2 laps) lost over an hour. Wade Prince, now in for Roy, was second, 8:13:08(3 laps) about 34 minutes later, and the 9:59:03(3 laps) Kerns were third, followed by the Henesys, three minutes behind Race Distance - 305 miles Time Allowance -12 hours them, and Ray McClain and Andy Kisner, in fifth. But the Kerns, the Fast Time Overall • Ivan Stewart - Class V2 -Toyota - 6:21 :11 Dusty Times December 1990 Henesys, and McClain and Kisner were all unable to get through their fourth laps. Huffman and Reed had some trouble seeing at sunset, but continued to run well, until about mile 54, where their left spindle broke. Huffman took the dragging wheel and tire off altogether, so it would be easier to drive, and headed for the finish. He made it in with a scant cushion, only five minutes in front of the Princes, who finished second, their front shock towers rebuilt with welded-on eyebolts. Richardson and Perrault managed to come back up to third, finishing an hour later, with Robert MacDonald and Brian George, in a Larry Hayes Chassis, finishing fourth, 34 minutes later. Craig White and Dave Kribell, who'd broken a torsion bar on the first lap, finished fifth, just three minutes later. No one else made four laps. The last group to start, the Class 11 folks, were required to do only three laps. One team, Chris and Steven Woodward, failed to get around the first lap, but Howard Anderson, in Saul Zambrano's Cheap Thrills car, hadthe ,_.. 0 DO 00 00 ~ D CID DlJ 0o O DESERT LOCK OUTER Red Anodize Co·nstructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength • At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing *All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" 13" 8"-10" UNLIMITED MIDGET MODIFIED MIDGET SPORT TRUCK MINI STOCK QUAD RACER BAJA BUG MODIFIED MIDGET ATV WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock .•... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax ....__~---Page 15
For Entry lnfonnatlon, contact: SCORE lntematlonal 31125 Via Collnas, Suite 908. Westlake VIiiage, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 1991 Off-Road Racing Action Starts January 26th with the 1st Race of the 1991 SCORE/HDRA Desert Championship Series ... ... Be there!! TOYOTA THE OfFlCJAL TRUCK OF SCORE INTERNATIONAL BFGoodrich TIRES
..,va,•~z.:...~;......~c.: .... a11a11111• '.. !fifer w Roy and Wade Prince bounded up and down the leader board in Defending points champs Rich Richardson and oo""'u"""'g""'P-er-ra_u_lt Saul Zambrano went farther, thru Check 8, on his third lap in his Class 11 Beetle, but since only complete laps are scored Saul the Chenowth, broke shock towers, but finished second in Class had Class 9 fast lap before breaking a torsion bar, but they came 9, just five minutes out. back to finish third. !Jr fast lap, at 2:40: 14.5, and the lead. Travis Howard and Brian Kelley were only 19 minutes behind them at the end of the lap, after having had a flat tire. Richard Preher and Steve Ryan, who were heard on the radio searching for a steering box at about noon, were a distant third, using up seven hours and 19 minutes to do their first lap. They never completed a second. Zambrano finished his second lap in front of Howard, but his pit was before the checkpoint, and he pulled in for fuel. Howard went by, and through the check. Zambrano went through the check just 43 seconds behind Howard, and out onto the third lap in front, because Howard had pulled into his pit to fuel. Howard was reported out near Check two on his third lap, but Zambrano kept moving. He broke a rear trailing arm, patched it, went a few miles and lost a c.v. Then he borrowed a trailing arm from Woodward, installed it, Shane eed/Paul uffman led the first lap, fell back a bit, got t e ea ack on the third lap, some of the competition faded on lap 4, and they finished on three wheels, but won Class 9. went a short distance, and broke that c. v. All of this was happening after Check 8. By the time he got everything mended he got to the finish about an hour over his allotted time, and so, in spite of his heroic efforts, his time reverted back to when he went through the start/finish check at the end of his second lap, when he was 43 seconds behind Howard. So Howard got the win, breaking : Zambrano's great string of victories this year. But in Saul's heart he knows he did what he planned to do, he got to the finish line first. He went to the Competition Review Board meeting that evening, trying to persuade someone that it would No more playing "octane roulette." These mysterious numbers are only as good as the results they earn for you. Whether you race 50 laps, 1000 miles or 24 hours, UNOCAL 76 leaded and unleaded racing gasolines are proven winners, designed to maximize horsepower under high RPM conditions. Try it! WINNER: CLASS 4 ROD HALL Winning Gas: U~ocal 76 Racing Gas WINNER: CLASS 7 ROGER MEARS Winning Gas: Unocal 76 Racing Gas s WINNER: CLASS 6 DANNY ASHCRAFT inning Gas: Unocal 76 Racing Gas C.O. THOMPSON PETROLEUM 605 N. ANAHEIM BLVD., ORANGE, CA 92668; (714) 634-4214 Dusty Times December 1990 ended up second. Travis Howard and Brian Kelley covered two laps just 43 seconds faster than second place, as none of the Class 11 cars were able to finish lap 3. Howard lost his engine at Check 2. jurisdiction. be more fair to score the Class l ls ( and the Mini Mags, perhaps) on a checkpoint to checkpoint basis, rather than on completed laps, so that the one that got the greater distance would be a legitimate winner, in the eyes of his sponsors and supporters. But the CRB, though sympathetic, felt that the problem did not fall within their So the 1990 Gold Coast 300, the HDRA's final race for the year, passed into the record books. Danny Cau and his crew can rest on their laurels for about a week, and then it'll be time to start getting things organized for the 1991 series. Ill" GAS AVAILABILITY: BAKERSFIELD Roger Mears Tire Company-(805) 833-6179 BRAWLEY Seabolt Oil Company - (619) 344-3761 MONTCLAIR George Follmer Racing, Inc. - (714) 625-4881 NEWPORT BEACH Beacon Bay Enterprises - (714) 833-0660 ORANGE C.O. Thompson Petroleum, Inc. - (714) 634-4214 PARKER,AZ Parker Oil Company - (602) 669-2617 PASADENA Lee's Unocal - (818) 441-3392 PASADENA Western Air - (818) 405-9701 POMONA R&W Petroleum - (714) 629-2559 RIVERSIDE Campbell Oil Company-(714) 686-1676 SAN DIEGO Apollo Oil Company-(619) 280-6884 STOCKTON Valley Performance Center...:_ (209) 943-7637 TAFT Brown & Reich Petroleum - (805) 765-5457 VICTORV IL L E Victorville Oil Company - (619) 245-419~ VUMA,AZ Seller Petroleum - (602) 783-8876 Page 17
Tom Martin and Tevon Murachanian had a good run in the O.R.E., but lost the power steering pump which dropped them to fifth in Class 1 /2. Rich Romans ran right with the leaders for three laps in the Class 10 Raceco, but dropped to fourth at the finish, losing 25 minutes on lap 4. Mike Spina and Keith Underwood got stuck under a stuck truck early in the contest, but they got healed and finished fifth in 1-2-1600s in the Mirage. Willie Valdez and Gil Divine had a variety of troubles with the Ford, but they kept fixing and rolling and the Ranger was fourth in Class 7S. Rich Severson and a host of buddies from Gilbert, AZ, had a series of various mishaps on course, but they earned fourth in Class 3 in the Jeep CJ 7. Page 18 Michael Schuringa and Jeff Bonnet got their Class 8 Chevrolet around in good shape despite some bad gas fumes, and finished fourth in class. I$.. ~},....~ ,.4£ --Marty Hart, a convert from quad racing, was up front until breaking two trailing arms, and the wait for parts put him home third in Class 5. Wayne Lee and Marc Cartwright got in three laps in Class 7, had some woes with the GMC Sonoma, but did three laps, good for second place in class. The Mini Mags almost seem too fragile for southern Nevada's desert, and usual winner Charlie Townsley led midway, but only covered two of 4 laps. '· ..t' ',,,' l ;<) ) ........ Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling are about to retire the '57 Chevy, but it still got through the four rough laps to finish third in Class 6. December 1990 Richard Lind and Frank Golden had some unscheduled stops along the route, but they kept moving well enough to finish the race fifth in Class 10. Steve Kelley and Ben Metcalf, who had Class 4 fast lap, dropped to third at the finish after changing a steering box. They led midway in the race. John Swift and Mike Friel started out strong in Class 7 4x4, but time spent stuck in the silt dropped over an hour and the Ford to second place. Mario Panagiotopolous, remarkably recovered from his March accident, and George Fishback, started and finished fifth in the Class 5-1600 contest. Curt LeDuc got fast Class 3 lap in the Madelene Lesle Jeep Cherokee, but later lost the engine, while contending the fourth lap and was third. Dusty Times
WINNERS CHOOSE CUSTOM WHEELS CONGRATULATIONS ROBBY & ROD ROBBY GORDON CLASS 8 CHAMPION -SAN FELIPE 250 1ST IN CLASS BAJA INTERNACIONAL 1 ST OVERALL SCORE/PHOENIX GOLD COAST 300 1ST IN CLASS 1ST IN CLASS Prepared by Venable Racing Robby Gordon and Rod Hall used Ultra Custom Wheels on their trucks throughout the 1990 season. Both of these winning drivers know and trust Ultra Custom Wheels. ROD HALL PARKER 400 1ST IN CLASS BINIONS MINT 400 1 ST IN CLASS BAJA INTERNACIONAL 1 ST IN CLASS FIREWORKS 250 GOLD COAST 300 1ST IN CLASS 1ST IN CLASS Prepared by Bill Stroppe & Son 12350 Edison Way Garden Grove CA 92641 phone 714-897-S0n fax 714-897-1947
1990 ADRA INTERNATIONAL CHAMP SERIES: ROUND #J Anderson Attacks at Snowflake Buggy Bash By Jane & Daryl Drake Photos by Curt Hummel/3-D Photography Gary Anderson, with Mark Crawford riding shotgun, was back on track, and he not only led wire to wire in Pro Unlimited, but he won the race in the mud splattered DirTrix. Gary Anderson had been away from the ADRA circuit for quite a spell -but returned with a vengeance Labor Day weekend to take the Overall and Unlimited wins at the 13th Annual "Snow-flake Buggy Bash". Driving his Dirtrix-VW with Mark Crawford riding shotgun, Anderson led the Pro Unlimiteds wire to wire, set hot lap of the day and beat runner-up Jerry Finney by over 12 minutes, with the winning time of 3:39:58 (mile per hour averages were unavailable). "Real smooth, just got it back together -thanks to Danny Foddrill, Rev-Power, Off Road Communications and Pat Hughes Performance", said Anderson. "Car raq fantastic all day", he continued. "First couple of laps were pretty muddy, but it's fantastic right now. We got a flat rear about a mile from the finish. Went up and came down on two wheels hard -thought we were going over for sure! But we made it through and were lucky to keep it on four wheels after that." Co-FIBERGLASS driver Crawford added, "Gary's still got it!" Long a favorite on the ADRA schedule, the "Buggy Bash" takes place near Alpine, Arizona, in the Apache-Si tgrea ves National Forest. Ample rains this year kept the course cool and moist, with flowers still blooming and the grass green. Thundershowers made things muddy for most of the seven lap event, but the dust was kicking up for the final go-rounds. As always, the course TRUCK BODY FABRICATORS 864 1-70 Industrial Drive • Wentzville, MO 63385 314-639-6724 We have the ability for Custom Design • Hand Laid AVAILABLE NOW -90 Chevy Full Size & 90 Ford Full Size COMING SOON -90 Dodge Dakota & 90 Ford Ranger Supercab "We Build Them One At A Time" Page 20 December 1990 Al McMullen set fast lap in Pro Class 10, ran with the leaders all day, lost the the power steering on the last lap but still won the class by over five minutes in the Funco. on Weiser and Jeff Wester stayed consistent and led Class 1-2-1600 flag to flag to take home another Pro 1-2-1600 victory in their T.U.F. built two seat racer. offered both wide open meadows and tricky tree lined trails. Class 10 was first off with desert short course star Ed Beard out front. Al McMullen was 1:40 back in second, Jim Pierce 40 seconds behind that for third, and driving the lone air cooled car, Other than flopping fenders, Craig Bell and Walt Laycock had no trouble picking up the Pro Class 4 honors and the Heavy Metal title as well as the Jeep Honcho. John Lee won the see saw battle in Pro Challenger Class, and the early leader took the lead back on lap 5 to win the class, finishing in the top ten overall in the Chenowth. John and Peggy Jacobs led wire to wire for the Sportsman Unlimited win in their Sandhawk. (By the way, to the guy who took their spare home, we have you on videotape!). Dusty Times
Murray had hit a tree, parked, and then fell out of the ADRA motorhome. He said he's not going to the "13th Annual" anything anymore. Lap three saw Cook get around Holman after the latter's throttle linkage broke and a brake line ruptured. Although he was alone in the mini truck class of Sportsman, Joel Schild kraut brought his Nissan home fifth overall Sportsman and did finish the required laps. And on lap five Brown moved into second by 1:42. But then his clutch pedal broke and he lost over an hour. So when it was over, Anderson was the clear winner, Finney second, Kelly third, Kontilis fourth, Brown fifth, Cook sixth and Holman seventh. In 1-2-1600, Don Weiser and Jeff Wester led flag to flag to finish with a time of 4: 11 :46 in the T.U.F. Off Road/Safari Landscaping/Old Pueblo Body & Paint T.U.F. built. "I'd like to thank Eastside Cycle in Tucson, and my pit crew", said Weiser. "We didn't have any problems at all! The course was fun and we just had a good time." Bill Krug Sr. was r;.,. Former bike competitor Erik Jones won a squeaker in Sportsman Class 10, winning by 37 seconds and he also took the Sportsman Overall honors in the T.U.F. built buggy. Greg Oswskey was fourth, 2 7 seconds in arrears. Beard fell to fourth on lap three with broken steering and McMul-len held the lead by 4:03 over Oswskey, now second. McMullen then lost one side of his brake system and fell to second, Jack Woods took over driving for Oswskey, and Pierce ended lap four with a three second margin and the lead. Beard was now running strong but six minutes behind Pierce. Lap six was McMullen's -and the class's - quickest. He built up a 5:04 lead on Woods, and despite losing his power steering ram on the final circuit, took the class win with a time of 3:54:45 in the Arizona Precision Sheet Metal/Yokohama/Uni-Filter/ Fly-N-Hi/Foddrill Fabrica-1 tion/VP Racing Fuels Funco. 1 "Overall", said McMullen, "I'd , say everything went fine." Woods was 5:56 back for second, Pierce third 2:28 later. In the Unlimited ranks, it was Anderson all the way. After lap one, he held a 1:28 lead over Ron Lap fiv~ saw some changes as Pierce, less than a mile from the start/ finish line, hit a ditch too hard, couldn't regain sufficient front end traction to steer, and flew right into a tree. I should say, onto a tree ( see photo). spectators rushed to his rescue, but he'd dropped to third. Beard broke his exhaust system and had to park, still in fourth. Sportsman Class had only one entry, but Jerry Cady cruised the entire distance in his Baja Bug, and naturally took the class title. • Brown. Jerry Finney was thira, eight seconds back. John Kelly, in a SCORE legal, 16-valve 10 car, held fourth, Tom Murray was fifth, Greg Holman sixth, Kirk Kontilis seventh and Bill Cook eighth. Next time around Finney was second, ahead of Brown, Kelly, Kontilis, Holman and Cook. ___ * ___ _ It's getting to be a habit for Ron Gardner, and his was another one entry class, but he went the distance anyhow for the Sportsman 5-1600 trophy. ower · It starts with Toyota Motorsports'Contingency Award Program. Ifs Toyota's way to show their commit-ment to off-road racing. And they're putting their money where their mouth is. Toyota-powered SCORE-HORA and MTEG finishers are TOYOTA eligible to win contingency money From Toyota Motorsports. All I ~ classes of SCORE-HORA receive $2,000 for first and $1,000 m ~t~· for second. The overall 4-wheel vehicle gets a $3,000 bo-nus. The HORA or SCORE World Champions get $3,000 for first, $ l, 500 for second. First and second place in the MTEG Ultra-Stock and Super 1600 classes get $1,500 and $1,000 respectively.* Ifs cash thars therefor the taking. And FAT Performance can be your ace in the hole. · We can get you much closer to that first or second place win. Have FAT design the perfectToyota combination for you. More than two years of dyno and racing develop-ment work on Toyota powerplants puts us way out in front of the pack. Whether irs an Unlimited 3.0 V6, 16-valve 1600cc Class l O (short course and desert), Classes 7, 7S or 7-4x4, we're the ones. PERFORMANCE One glance at our Toyota win results proves our point: Parker 400/Class 1 O l st: Jim & Mike Zuponovich 2nd: Ray Croll, Tom Day San Felipe 250 l st: Ray Croll, Tom Day 2nd: Gary & Dick Weyrich MTEG San Diego/Super 1600 l st: Greg George Baja 500 l st: Ray Croll, Tom Day Fireworks 250 l st: Jim & Mike Zuponovich 1989 SCORE-HORA Milestone Award Winner Jim Greenway Willow Springs-HORA Class l l st: Jerry Welchel Stadium l O l st: Greg George MTEG, Las Vegas l st: Jerry Welchel MTEG, San Francisco 1st: Jerry Whelchel Baja 1000 1st: Greg Hibbs/Mike Falkosky For your FAT Performance Catalog, send s5 to FAT Performance, Dept. DTT, 1558 N. Case, Orange, CA 92667 or call (714) 637-2889 * Subject to change. To be eligible, you must pre-register with Toyota Motor-sports. Call Greg Glander 213-618-5328. Dusty Times December 1990 Page 11
seconds with a time of 1:43:56 to take the Sportsman Overall as well in the T.U.F. Off Road/Old Pueblo Body & Paint T.U.F. built. "Feels good! The car was flawless -just built the body this week - first time in a car - raced Dinosaur bikes before", blurted out a pumped up Jones. "Thanks to Don Weiser, Ron Dalke, all the folks at T.U.F. Kinda wild - first race -to win. I've been working on the car about four years. Really gratifying to get to drive it and win!" · Gary Doyle was a first time racer, and he d~ove his brother-in-law's Kirk Kontilis single seater to victory and won the Novice overall also. Chris Harris brought his home made buggy all the way from Las Vegas, found no competition in the Sportsman Challenger class, but he went the distance and finished to earn his trophy. Vicki Allison was third, and· T earn Cornell fourth. 1 John and Peggy Jacobs held off Team Marciano to take the Sportsman Unlimited victory at third 0 / A with a time of 1:45:07 "'\ j4,, -~ :.,.I~ '"' . 1 in the Randy's C.A.R.S./Yoko-hama Sandhawk. "Couldn't have gone better!" said the Jacobs. "But we lost the spare." I told them that we'd videotaped the guy who "souvenired" it. (I think if that guy returns it, the proper authorities won't be notified.) Jim Pierce had the Pro 10 class lead when he decided to try to climb a tree and Jerry Cady in the AAPAK bug, Ron Gardner in the Performance Fabrication sedan, Joel Schild-kraut in the Gregory & Assoc-iates/ Sledge Automotive Nissan and Chris Harris in the Nevada State Plastering home built won Classes 5, 5 /1600, 7S and Challenger respectively, each alone in class but finishing. For the Sportsmen, 83 .3 percent finished. . . m survive aving his car stolen between races, but he got it back got stuck. Racing in the mountains is quite different Jim. together to finish second overall Novice and take the 1600 Ltd. victory despite fan belt trouble. Ir second 1 7 minutes later, · with Nels Dutton and Jim Borel third, over an hour behind with various woes. In Class 8; Frank Turben held the lead over T any Harbeck and Jim Wood, while they limped after breaking their rear suspen-sion eight miles into lap one, dropping five minutes to Turben. By the end of five laps, Turben had built up a 44-minute margin as Harbeck/Wood lost first and second gears and then broke their collective rear end. But they kept going, and made enough repairs to start the sixth lap. Turben then had a torque converter go south and take the crankshaft with it. Harbeck/Wood. kept their fingers and toes crossed and made it to the finish line with a time of 5:30:25 in the Fix-Or-Repair-Daily special. "Lots of work, but lots of fun!" said the pair. "We want to thank Greg Holman and R.E.F. for all their help." Taking Class 4 and the Heavy Metal honors were Craig Bell and Walt Laycock in the Bell Concrete/ Bell Cement Tools/ ArmstrongTires/K.C. HiLites Jeep Honcho, after Jack Rose went out on lap three, already 11 minutes behind. At eighth overall, the big Jeep turned in a 4:08:04. "We ran great all day", said Bell. "A little muddy out there though. T oak out some fenders. A tight, good course but fast -the kind I like - we probably hit 110 out on the big meadow -redlined in high gear!" In the Pro Challengers, John Lee led lap one by 19 seconds over Donovan Morrow, with Ron 16.5 POUNDS SIZES AVAILABLE .16 X 27 18 X24 19 X28 19 X 31 CURRENTLY USED IN CLASS _2, _8, & NASCAR HI-TOCH ttFF l~ttAlt 2 WD • 4 wo· .. TRUCK • JEEP• PRERUNNERS CUSTOM TUBE BENDING • OFF ROAD ACCESSORIES • RANCHO SUSPENSION • DOETSCH TECH •MA~TER~RAFT• KAYLINE • CIBIE • K & N · • JT BODY LIFTS • FUEL SAFE • CLIFF.ORD~ AUTOFAB • KC HILITES personalized • AIR LIFT •·ORD PERFORMANCE• MIKUNI service ! • 104 OCTANE BOOST• SMITTYBILT • AMSOIL C!J ·• lASVEGAS702 · .. \"' ';<-~-3867 S. YALLEY VIEW 362•2089 FU~~~~%t~o~~~IP OFF SPRING MTN. RD. . OPEN MON-SAT Pagett December 1990 .... ..-Dalke third, Team Struttmann fourth and Kenny Rock fifth, all close together. Lap two saw a "jumping" juniper snag Rock and put him out. Morrow moved out front on laps three and four, with Lee now 1 :02 back in second. The Struttmanns were third and Dalke fourth. Lee took over for the duration on lap five and brought the Doc Shirley Racing/ Safari Landscap-ing/ Land L Painting Chenowth in with a time of 4:24:45 to fill out the top ten overall. ''Real fun -even the mud!" exclaimed Lee. "I'd like to thank Doc, my mom and dad, and especially my wife!". Morrow was second 3:37 back, w4th Dalke third on three wheels 33 minutes later. A fine 7 5 percent of the starters finished. Class 10 also led off the Sportsman three lap race. Jim Allison held sway the first two laps, holding a 26 second margin on Reuben Wood. Erik} ones was a close third, Vicki Allison fourth and T earn Cornell fifth after a long first lap to repair a bent wheel adapter and caliper with some judicious rock pounding. Wood disappeared on lap three, and Allison, with daughter Jamie co-driving for the first time, was first in despite a stop to put a fan belt back on: the motor. But newcomer Erik Jones was in soon thereafter and, when the times were posted, had won by 37 In Novice Unlimited, first time racer Gary Doyle drove brother-in-law Kirk Kontilis' single to victory with the Novice Overall as well, turning in a 1: 15 :04 for two laps. "Felt good!" said Doyle. "I'd driven the car maybe 20 miles in testing before today." Brett Billett was second in a CJ-5 and Connie Dinsmore third in a Class 5 Baja. R.K. Smith had mixed feelings about his second overall Novice and 1600 Ltd. wins. His car had been stolen after the July race and the motor cooked since it had no fan belt. He'd recovered the car and put in a new motor, but turned the car over to Roy Treffke for the second lap. Like the thieves, it seems T reffke also didn't know what that big generator light meant. So the General Tire/Rainbow Buggy Works/Country Tire Store/ Beaver Exterminating Beard's is once again needing a motor. But the Novice division did turn in a 100 percent finishing ratio. Though the entry was at only about 35 percent of years past, it still had been a great day of close .racing, fun times and cool mountain air. The next ADRA event was the 13th Annual "Penasco 250" in sunny Mexico. Catch next month's Dusty Times for all the details. After a host of problems Tony Harbeck and Jim Wood brought their old Ford truck in First-On-Race-Day for the Pro 8 victory finishing all six laps in the time allowance. Dusty Times
Bonneville Off Road Racing Report By Jim Baker Bonneville Off Road Racing closed the 1990 season with an exciting program last October. The main event started at 9 a.m. with a stiff wind blowing like it had all night. Prayers were sent up to Odin, but he had dust in his ears and didn't hear the pleas for calm. So the Bonneville Challenge started under a ragged and tattered Yokohama banner. The course again started. in the State gravel pit northeast of Wendover, USA, which provides good pitting and an excellent spectator show. Starting positions were drawn and Dale Smith of Carson City, Nevada drew first out again this year in his Class 10 Chenowth. He was followed by Barry Merriam. Todd Bingham and Glenn Cain, who share the driving, moved up from Pro/ Sports and were followed off the line by Darnal Alexander of Boise. It was apparent all weekend that the points battle was up for grabs, with Rod Sorenson in 5-1600 in the lead but not comfortable. Barry Merriam could beat him but it would take a win and Rod finishing third or worse. The second place runners in the points chase, Frank Young's team, opted for the elk hunt; so Barry had to carry the battle. Darnal wasn't about to let that happen and the pair changed positions and ran close all day. Dale Smith held the lead and was going to be tough to beat until a · broken stub axle did it for them in the sixth lap. Others having troubles were the Christensen team with gas line ills, the Bob Flinn team with broken shocks and Mike Baker with another disappointing day with a badly damaged trailing arm. The checkers fell on Barry Merriam with a 54 second lead-over Darnal Alexander in his new mount. Todd Bingham and Glenn Cain overcame a 15 minute tussle with a broken tie rod but held on for a third place finish, 23 minutes behind Alexander. Bob and Kathy Christensen finished fourth, Gary Brennan fifth and Mike Baker sixth. Dale Smith finished seventh and Bob Flinn eighth, alter moving up from the Pro/Sports division. The times were close enough that a broken shock or a flat tire took you out of the running. The 5-1600s started five cars with Rick Holt and Greg Wylie off and going wire to wire for the win. As mentioned, Rod Sorenson and Jim Magill had to finish well to retain the points lead and there was some stiff competition aimed at preventing that. The Steve and Jim Siddoway car lost the rack and pinion on the last lap, Craig Holt and Kyle Jeffery broke the battery just short of the finish and took third about 16 minutes. down. Going for their first win Rick Holt and Greg Wylie held on to the victory with a minute 54 second lead over Rod Sorenson. Rod figures if he counted the multiple rollover in the fifth lap he would win on the additional distance traveled, but the second. place finish gave him the season points championship by a slim 80 points. A third place finish would have given the title to Barry by 60 points. That's good racing, all of you. The trucks came ready to race and the Emley Brothers, Scott and Elbert, who haven't missed a race yet, didn't have anyone to race in the Pro/ Sports division so they brought the Toyota up to run with the big V8s. The Jeep of Russ Fullmer and Jeff Neagle ran strong all day but had to hustle to beat the Toyota by a scant three minutes. The Class 4 Chevy of Kent Bosgieter and Dean Bybee broke a steering arm in the second lap, took it off and brought it to the pits, welded it, put it back on and were still running at the flag. But too much down time cost them their chance. So the Fullmer team took first, the Emleys second, and the Bosgieter/Bybee team third. We had some good competition in Sportsman class when Frank Rowe came down from Star, Idaho, and the Rick Taylor / Jeff Huffer team from Nampa, Idaho, came to join Ogden's Scott Butcher and SLC's Gary Hogan. With four laps facing the Sportsman, Hogan's car left first followed by Taylor, Rowe and Butcher. Gary Hogan had a disaster in the first lap and the others just kept on having fun. Rick Taylor had problems on lap 4, delaying their finish by over an hour for .third. Scott Butcher ran steady in his Baja but lost the win to Frank Rowe's Chenowth by about 15 minutes. We love to see Frank run because he proves that youthful excitement isn't just for the young. Nice going Frank. As is BORE practice, the . Powder Puff came right after the feature on Saturday. Four gals lined up to run the eight mile course with Rachel Flinn leading off in dad's open buggy. Paula Bosgieter followed in the big Chevy with Sue Sorenson next, and Peggy Neagle taking the Jeep out for her first try. Rachel lost the trans on the line starting lap 2. Peggy finished third, Sue Sorenson and Kay Magill were second with a 58:13 to Paula's winning 57:21. Who says the ladies aren' t competitive. By finishing second in this race Sue Sorenson captured the championship with 940 points. The Sorenson team had an excellent season by any standard, so congratulations from all of us! Paula Bosgieter won this race and forged into second on points with 850 to Rachel Flinn's 790. We had a first at the season finale and we called it the Over The Hill Derby. It was pro-grammed to let the guys who prep, pit or pay for the cars get a little action behind the wheel. They had to be a little long of the tooth, like 50 or over, and not regular drivers in competition. When the BS subsided and the time was near there were six cars lined up. Finding fire suits for everyone was comical with some having room to turn around inside while others had some muscles bulging here and there. The first to leave the line was the Chevy 4x4 of the Darling Fellows, Larry Darling and Randy Ward. They were followed by the Huff & Puff team of Les Wolfe and George Cain. Next off the line was the Pink machine of Cloyd Oleson and Bob Rudolph. S~rting fourth was the S & A Race Team of Ed Smith and Gene Anderson, followed by Jim "Grandpa" Baker with Dutch Butcher in the final car to leave. Leading lap 1 was Larry Darling followed by Les Wolfe, then Cloyd Oleson. Grandpa Baker had a nine second lead over Ed Smith with Dutch Butcher clinging tightly to sixth place. On lap 2 Larry still led, Les was second with Cloyd third. Jim had moved to fourth with Ed next, then came Dutch. Things changed in the third lap when Jim caught Cloyd in the pits, missed the parked Jeep, passed Larry on the hill right after Les also passed the truck. That put Les in front of Grandpa but a sneaky pass put Jim in the lead. Jim ran in the dust and in clear air and decided he liked clear air better, because he then hit a pair of seven minute laps to finish first in the race. Second was the Pink Machine of Cloyd Oleson and Bob Rudolph, third went to the S & A team of Ed Smith and Eugene Anderson. Fourth were Larry Darling and Randy Ward in the 4x4 Chevy, and fifth went to the persistent Dutch Butcher, with Scott giving him help in the rough places. Walking in after breaking the steering were Les Wolfe and George Cain. I think this 30 minute excursion did more for most of us than all the rest of the season. We may have to make it a regular thing. Did the crowd like it? You better believe it. You will see the dollar donated to Grandpa Jim by Ralph Siddoway at the finish line, framed and mounted in the bus. Did those two gents have a little side bet? F·1FTH RACE oF THE Budweiser/Bud Light 1990 SERIES AVA SANCTIONE CHAMPIONSHIP FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM • AMA DISTRICT 38 DUNAWAY DASH IV LOC_ATION: MONDAY Sponsored by: WEST OF DECEMBER 31, 1990 Race Ready Products, The Wright Place & ~chilling Corp. EL CENTRO, CALIF.· BIKES START AT 7:00 A.M. • BUGGIES: NOON 30 MILE LOOP Drawing Dec. 15th at RLH Comm, National City INFO: (619) 427-5759 ~ . -... Dusty Times December 1990 Page 13
-Nicle 1'Aom '8Dll'I _.-,,--:,-("1i"Tir.---Off Road Racing at Mile High Stadium r , • • 'ii, • ,.,. '!" It was one of his best stadium racing meets ever for Roger Mears, as he drove the Nissan to a third spot in the first Sport Truck heat, had some trouble in the next heat but came back strong to win the hectic main event. September 1990 was a hectic Danny Thompson, Chevy -to take month for off road racers, with a over fourth place on the fourth race happening every weekend. round, and the bumping and The month ended with the annual banging was going on as usual. On invasion of Denver, Colorado by lap 5 Rod Millen put the Ford iq the MTEG stadium racers. Some the lead and he held it through of whom had just barely recovered eight laps to the checkered flag. from the HORA Nevada 500 trek While Millen had a two second through the desert. lead on Thompson, now in After day long practice and second, Harris fell well back to . qualifying in Denver, and the sixth. Behind Millen at the finish traditional autograph session on . it was Danny Thompson, Roger the stadium floor in late after- Mears, Ivan Stewart, Toyota, and noon, the racing began· with the Roger Mears Jr., Nissan. It was a first heat for the Grand National rare win in this series for a Ford Sport Trucks. The starting truck. TheJeepsdidn'tfarewell in positions of the trucks is fully this heat nor did Jeff Huber, but inverted; based on qualifying they had plenty of time to make times, so the first row held Rod repairs before heat 2. Millen, Ford, and Glenn Harris, The first UltraStock heat had and the two jumped out front at six starters, and Jeff Elrod led the flag fall. Jeff Huber, Toyota, and pack off the line in his VW Walker Evans, Jeep got together Corrado. After an early fight with after the first turn, and Harris, , · Jim Smith, Jeep, Elrod opened up Jeep, took the lead on lap 2. After a considerable lead in the first two three laps Harris still held the lead laps. To his rear Jim Smith and with Rod Millen just Chris Neil, VW, had their own Ro er Mears Nissan war, followed bv Br.ian Stewart making his UltraStock debut in a Toyota, and Vince. Tjelmeland, Nissan. Neil ran alongside Smith from time to time, but never could make the pass stick. Meanwhile Jeff Elrod won by 3½ seconds, Smith held second ahead of Neil, then came Stewart and Tjelmeland. Larry Noel was a non-starter in his VW. It was a fresh group out for the second UltraStock heat with Tim Lewis, Porsche, and defending points champ Lloyd Castle, Jeep, on the front row. Castle opened up a lead on the first lap followed by Lewis and Brian Collins, Porsche. Mean~hile Doug Bath spun his Toyota out in Turn 7 and lost half a lap getting moving again. Through the third lap the order remained the same up front, then Collins and Lewis tangled their Porsches in Turn 3. Collins continued but Lewis was stuck for good, a DNF. Lloyd Castle won the heat followed by Collins, and Paul Nissley, Toyota, then came Lloyd Castle had the best possible night in UltraStock Competition, as he drove the Jeep to victory in the second heat, and stayed out of trouble to take the victory in the main event in a very strong showing. Page 14 December 1990 Glenn Harris held up the honor of Jeep in the Denver truck wars, as he won 1 the second heat, and survived major damage in the wild main event to finish second. Tommy Croft, Jeep and Doug Bath, Toyota. Later on, the UltraStock Main event had Collins and Smith on the front row followed by Elrod and Castle. Off the start Neil hit the wall but went on, then Nissley stalled just before Turn 4. First lap leaders were Collins, Castle and Smith but on lap 2 Castle got by Collins to take the lead. Meanwhile Neil had bodywork coming loose on his VW and Brian Collins had a right rear flat tire on lap 3. Castle began to pull away~f:rom the field, and-Jim Smith moved into second. Collins eventually retired with the flat, and Castle worked up over a four second lead on Smith who had Jeff Elrod on his bumper. Neil lost the right rear tire on Turn 2 on lap 6, and was stalled. On the white flag lap it was Lloyd Castle out front, followed by Smith and Elrod, which is how they finished. Larry Noel was fourth in the twelve car field, followed home by Brian Stewart and Vince Tjelmeland. The first A TV heat race turned into a Honda sweep. From the front row Derek Hamilton, Suzuki, took a quick lead over Donny Banks, Honda. Ron Cornforth stalled his Honda on the front straight, but got it going again, while Hamilton spun on lap 1 but continued. Ryan Strehorn passed Chris Couto on the front straight, and by lap 3 the leaders were Don Turk, Honda, and Banks. The lead changed four times in three laps in an exciting dice. After five laps it settled down to Donny Banks out front, followed by Doug Eichner and Chris Couto, all on Hondas, and that's how they finished. Strehorn was fourth, followed in by Brian Schwartz and Paul Herman, all aboard Honda machines. The second A TV heat was also packed with Honda riders. The I first lap leaders were Charles . Shepherd, Niclas Granlund, and Greg Stuart, all riding Hondas. On the second lap Erik Cobb moved his Honda into third, and then took over second place from Granlund. After four laps the leaaers were still Shepherd, Cobb and Granlund and local rider Jeff Springer slowed on his Honda to a dnf. Every A TV in this heat was a Honda, and the winner ·was Charles Shepherd, which secures his points championship for the series, and he was followed in by Erik Cobb, Niclas Granlund, Mark Ehrhardt, Greg Stuart and Donavan Holland. Eighteen quads came out for the main event later on, and Cobb and Shepherd were on the front row. Charles Shepherd took the lead from the green flag, hotly , pursued by Erik Cobb and Chris Couto. The two leaders held their spots through two laps while Doug Eichner fought with Couto for third. After four rounds it was still Shepherd and Cobb, now followed by Couto. On the white flag lap Charles Shepherd had a three second lead over Erik Cobb and they finished in formation. The battle raged for third between Couto and Banks, but Chris Couto hung on to third at the checkered flag closely followed by Donny Banks. Fifth and sixth went to Donavan Holland and Niclas Granlund, and all the top six rode Hondas. The Superlites put on their usual spectacular show at Denver, and we always expect tight competition in both heats and the main event. The first heat saw Greg George and John Gersjes on the front row of the 11 car field, and they took off fast. Don Archibald and John Sarna got together on the first lap and both slowed down. First lap leaders turned out to be George, then Joe Price and Rory Holladay. After two laps Holladay spun after turn 1 and dropped to last place, but continued in the race. Leaders after three laps were George, Price Dusty Times
·s Danny Thompson had a good evening in Denver, finishing the heats in second and then fourth, and his Chevy was fourth again in the truck main event. Jeff Huber flew the Toyota high in qualifying, and he went on to place second in the second truck heat and third in the wild main event action. Mitch Mustard, the defending 1600 points champ, kept his 1990 points lead on his home court, placing fourth in his heat and third in the main. Frank Arciero, Jr. got off to a great start, winning the first 1600 heat race in his Chenowth, and Frank also kept it all together for a close second place in the main event. and Rennie- Awana. The battle while Chavez was leading, Ron was for second place, and Awana Pierce got involved in a three car grabbed it from Price going into contact in Turn 3 and Pierce had Turn 3 . Greg George built a to retire. After three laps the commanding lead of five s.econds · leaders were Chavez, Gonzales, and won easily. Rennie Awana and Colorado racer Dustin was second followed by Joe Price, Coonfield. Chavez went off in and John Gersjes. Terry Peterson Turn 6 on lap 5, but recovered in provided excitement on lap 5 time to maintain the lead. The when he lost his right front wheel. leaders stayed in order, Chavez, There were ten in the second Gonzales and Coonfield, then Super lite heat with Frank Chavez Gonzales flipped in Turn 4 and and Sean Finley on the front row. her car remained on its side while Chavez got the jump at the flag Frank Chavez took the checkered followed into the first turn by flag followed by Dustin Coonfield Finley and Mercedes Gonzales. and Tim Baker. Finley ended up Chavez held onto the lead while fourth, followed by Holgeir Phil Doyle went off in the first Oksnevad and Ed Moore. turnandFinleywentoffinTurn Mitch Mustard and Jerry 4, but continued. Meanwhile, Whelchel were on the front row Kevin Smith may be a rookie on the stadium circuit, but his desert racing experience might have helped him drive the Mirage to victory in the second 1600 heat and he placed fourth in the main. Jim Smith drove the Jeep UltraStock, a Cherokee body at least, to a pair of second places at Mile High Stadium, in the main and the first heat race. Dusty Times ·<_l ,Jk·?iftffltr' .-Danny Rice delighted his home town crowd in Denver by running second in the first Super 1600 heat race, and Danny finished the night in style by winning the 1600 main event in his Chenowth over a big field. of the first Super 1600 heat race. all in Chenowths. Herbst hit the and scrambled the order. The new On the first lap Ed Herbst and barrier in turn 3 on the next lap leader on lap 5 was Whelchel. Scott Galloway got caught up on but continued, while Whelchel Bob Gordon, Marty Coyne and turn 3, while the first lap leaders and Mustard were locked in a Ed Herbst came together in turn were Mitch Mustard, Jerry struggleforthelead.Anothercar 3, then Dunn and Mustard Whelchel and Frank Arciero Jr., went into the turn 4 wall on lap 4, tangled i;r DON'T SETTLE FOR LESS) THAN A HONDA. *The same Innovative engin-eering that goes Into Honda automobiles and motorcycles goes Into every piece of Honda Power Equipment. · *Convenient, easy-to-use controls. *Full line of construction products available at your local Honda Power Equipment dealer. *Bring In. this ad for additional savings. @ Kawaguchi Honda Corp. 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90063 (213) 264-3936 -(213) 264-5858 mum performanoo and safety, we recommend you read the owners manual before operating your Honda Power Equipment. Connection of generators to house power requires transfer device to awid possible injury to power company personnel. Consult a qualified electrician. c 1988 American Honda Motor co. Inc. December 1990 PageU
Brian Collins kept his Porsche sailing over the man made jumps, and the Las Vegas desert racer finished a fine second in the second UltraStock heat. Larry Noel competes in two classes at every stadium event, and the UltraStock points leader had to settle for just a fourth spot in the main. Paul Nissley had a strong run to third in his UltraStock heat race, but the Toyota faded from contention later on in the very busy main event. Larry Noel zooms over the whoops in his tidy Chenowth, and he placed a strong second in his 1600 heat race, but dropped back in the main. Marty Coyne travels the entire MTEG circuit, and this round he started out with a third in the first 1600 heat, but dropped back in the feature. Chris Neil qualified well in his VW Corrado UltraStock, but after finishing third in the first UltraStock heat, he faded back in the main. Trying hard to build points, Jeff Elrod won the first UltraStock heat, then had some troubles, but came in third in the main event in the VW. Ir in tui:i;i 4, Whelchel tried to go over the two but came down on Dunn. Both continued, but significantly back in the pack. With three laps left the leaders were Frank Arciero Jr., Danny Rite and Mitch Mustard, and there was a single file restart. Marty Coyne passed Mustard for third on the restart, while Dunn hit the turn 3 wall, but continued. With one lap to go the leaders were Frank Arciero, Jr., Danny Rice, and Marty Coyne and that's how they finished. On the last lap a tire fell off Erwin's car when he collided with Schlimme. Whelchel was penalized and fined $500 for over aggressive driving and will start from the back in the Super 1600 main event. The second 1600 heat race was not quite as hectic as the first. Kevin Smith and Larry Noel were on the front row, and Kevin jumped out into the lead in his Mirage. The lap 1 leaders were Smith, Larry Noel and Tommy . Croft. There was contact between Brian Collins and Don Kolt on the front straightaway. The third lap leaders were the same as on lap 1. Then Noel and Croft got together in Turn 4, but both continued. On lap 5 the field began to string out considerably. Kevin Smith had an approximate 3.5 second lead .wer Noel bv lap 6. Noel and CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES 5153 BOWDEN AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92117. TEL. (619) 279-25!)9 HELMET COMPLETE SYSTEM $195 $320 A FRESH AIR HELMET AND BLOWER ASSEMBLY DESIGNED FOR OFF ROAD·USE AT I, REAOONABLE PRICE •· BI/Il,T ANP BACKED BY BELL HELMETS LIGHT WEIGHT-REDUCES NECK STRAIN Page 16 COOL. COMFORTABLE TERRY CLOTH LINER BLOWER MOTOR AND ASSEMBLY ARE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL TEAR-SNELL SA85 APPROVE!:! . Croft did battle for second place, but Noel held on to his position. A good battle developed between Jimmy Nichols and Greg George. At the flag it was Kevin Smith first followed by Larry Noel and Tommy Croft. The high flying motorcycles are always entertaining and 15 brave riders started the first Ultracross heat. Jason Edwards and Kip Sandell were part of the front row in the 15 bike field, and the first lap leader was Sandell, followed by Derek Brown and Mike Young. Young moved into second on lap 2 and took over the lead from Sandell on the third lap in turn 3. Then Brown passed Sandell into second place. On lap 4 and 5 the leaders were Young, Yamaha, Brown, Kawasaki, and Sandell, Yamaha, and they finished in that order followed by Jason Edwards on a Kawasaki. The second Ultracross heat started 14 bikes and Larry Brooks really jumped out to the lead at flag fall followed by Lowell Thomson. David Clabaugh stalled, but continued, and the lap 1 leaders were Brooks, Thomson and Tallon Vohland. Mike Craig passed Vohland for third place and by lap 4 the leaders were Brooks, Thomson and Craig. Brooks and Thomson swapped the lead more than once a lap. With one lap remaining Hughes went off on turn 4, but continued and Craig battled for second but couldn't do it. The finish order was Larry Brooks, Kawasaki, Lowell Thomson, Yamaha and Mike Craig, Kawasaki. Vohland ended up fourth on his Kawasaki. The motorcycle main event held 20 starters for the inverted start, and Bill Cope took the early lead after passing Andy Grider on the first lap, and next came Thomson. On lap 2 it was still Cope, Thomson and Grider, but on the next round Thomson passed Cope for the lead. Vohland spun out in turn 7 and hit the wall, but got back on the bike and came back to the fray a lap down. The leaders after four laps were Thomson, Craig and Brown, and they stayed in that order for some time. At the flag December 1990 Lowell Thomson won for Yamaha and Mike Craig was second for Kawasaki. Larry Brooks, Kawa-saki, overtook Derek Brown for third place. The second truck heat race, just before intermission, had Glenn Harris andJeffHuber on the front row. Harris led the first lap followed by Huber and Roger Mears Jr. Danny Thompson and Roger Mears came together in turn 7 but continued. Ivan Stewart rear ended Mears Jr. on turn 3 of the second lap, but the leaders.remained in order for three laps. Mears Sr. and Walker Evans had contact in Turn 4 on lap 5, and Mears Jr. slipped through turn 4 maintaining third position. Thompson had sub-stantial body damage, a left rear panel loose. With one lap remaining, Thompson and Mears had contact in turn 2, and Mears almost flipped, but went on. Glenn Harris won the race for Jeep, followed in by Jeff Huber, Toyota, and Mears Jr., Nissan. Rod Millen, Ford, was fourth, followed by Thompson, and Walker Evans finishing with severe body damage on his Jeep. The Super 1600 Main Event was a wild affair, and started with Larry Noel and Danny Rice on the front row. Noel shot out in front, then Frank Arciero and Marty Coyne connected in the second turn, then Arciero backed up and hit Tim Herbst. It was red flag time with a double lane restart. On the restart Rice and Noel hooked up on the first two turns, Jimmy Nichols spun out on the first turn and the entire field passed before he got back in the race. Kevin Smith hit Marty Coyne on the first lap, whose leaders were Noel, Rice and Arciero. By the second lap Mitch Mustard was up to fourth, but then tried to take over third and hit the wall, but continued racing. On lap 4 the leaders were still Noel, Rice, Arciero and Mustard. On lap 5 Mustard was fighting for third, but couldn't make it. Meanwhile Larry Noer was into the wall in turn 4 and was stuck. Danny Rice took over the lead, and on lap 7 he was followed by Arciero and Mustard. There was a good dice between defending points champion Mitch Mustard and Kevin Smith for third, but Mustard held his place. Then Jimmy Nichols bought the wall on turn 7. With two laps to go the order was the same, then with a lap left Nichols pulled off the course. With a half lap left in the race Arciero was all over Rice, but Danny Rice held on to win in front of a home town crowd in Denver. Arciero was second, followed by Mustard, all in Chenowths, then came Kevin Smith in a Mirage, plus Bob Gordon, and Dan Bentley in Chenowths. As always the Sport Truck Main Event closed the program, and eight survivors of the earlier wars were on the grid. Danny Thompson and Roger·Mears were Roger Mears Jr., right, plowed a hydro barrier at the same spot where Rod Mil/en's Ford is resting on its side. The Sport Truck main event was real mayhem in Mile High Stadium. Dusty Times
~ Ji!A Rogers Mears, Jr. had a good night out in the Niss-an placing fifth in the first heat and moving up to third in the second, but had big trouble in the feature later on. Brian Stewart made his debut in UltraStock stadium racing, and he drove the Toyota to fourth in the first heat and finished fifth in the main. Tommy Croft is another driver doing double duty in two classes, but his best in the 1600 action was third place in the second heat. on the front row and Ivan Stewart and Rod Millen filled row 2. Thompson jumped out to the front at flag fall, followed l:,y Mears and Stewart. Stewart hit Mears and Walker Evans hit Stewart, and bumped him back over the wall so he had to go through turn 3 again. Millen was assessed a stop and go penalty and Stewart had heavy rear body damage. After two laps Danny Thompson led Roger Mears and Glenn Harris, and Mears was all over Thompson, but Danny managed to keep the lead. On lap 5 there was contact between Thompson and Mears but the Chevy still led. With six laps left it's still Thompson but Mears was Bob Gordon is always a hard charger in his 1600 Chenowth, and this round Gordon drove to a good fifth place in the crowded feature race. Tommy Croft drove Jack Millard's Jeep Cherokee in UltraStock events in Denver, and Croft took fourth in the second heat race in the rig. right on him. Thompson had heavy rear body damage and was losing body panels. Then the Chevy started smoking badly in turn 6, on lap 7, but kept the lead. Roger Mears took the lead in turn 3 and started to pull away, and Glenn Harris was now on top of Thompson. There was contact between Harris and Thompson, .' .. and again there was more contact between the two on lap 9. Harris hit Thompson in turn 6, but Thompson stayed straight and stayed in second, but on the next lap Harris got past Thompson. in turn 2 for second place. Rod Millen rolled over in turn 4 on lap 11, and Jeff Huber was up to third. After a dozen madcap laps .•.... . . . . . ,. . ·w··: . : ~IJrs•. . . .. . : . iJ1 ,.~ ~ho~~o~i~r~~~~o~~ Ivan Stewart didn't figure in the top finishers in Denver, his best a fourth in the first truck heat, but he did nail down the championship. Walker Evans won in Denver last year in the Jeep Comanche, but had no luck this time, his best finish coming in the main event, a fifth. Dusty Times . . ' ·-. .. . . ._. •,. . racing's d~sert arena; these . . . . D.odge B6¥,S charge-i!l packin' some · ~. powerful 6ghting .. f:h~y rel{Q(I the PQwe,r of KC Day,lighters to s_hoot dqwn. the !,Om~. . ' . · .. petition ort .t_heir way t({the "Heav.y. Metal". '. truck victory: ,:he ~.ariie lights you ·can. buy . lhat cfome race-ready out oj Jhe box:• . · . . : S~~~n't ~ttie.f6r ,second;· Ai:~ y~4~if; wittt'; • '!'the'. power of genuine KC ~ylighters.. . ·. : . - . ·. _: . . ! ... ·.. . . '' .· . . ; .. - . • December 1990 Roger Mears, Nissan, won the race, followed in by Glenn Harris, Jeep, Jeff Huber, Toyota, Danny Thompson, Chevy, Walker Evans, Jeep and Ivan Stewart, Toyota, who nonetheless nailed down the season points title. Toyota had won the Manu~ facturers Cup also, with still one race to run in San Francisco. Page 17 g i:l 0 .s II') II') ...: 0 E ~ ... (J ~ 'ti Q) :c .!!! ·a; > IV ~ IV !l (J :I "0 e C. 0 ~ co (') (') (') a: ~ ..... 8 'II ... iii (J :i 0 >, ... VI Cl) .. IV Cl) C .. Cl) iii Cl) "0 Cl) .s: ... .. 0 LI,. ,.. 0 co ~ II') !a ..... N 0 co . co g co Cl) ~ vi E ~ 3 • VI Cl) (J :I ..I Q) C IV "0 ·2 Cl) ~ . 0 ~ II) w !:: ..I :i: 0 ~
FRT PIASTER CITY BIAST IV The McDonnells Win Overall By Judy Smith Tim McD_onneff had his Raceco singie seater out front on the first lap in Class 10, was firsl on the road midway in the race, dad Mike McDonnell took over for the second half and they not only won Class 10 but they won overall as well. The father and son team of Tim and Mike McDonnell took the overall victory at the Plaster City Blast, the FRT's late September race in the low desert, west of El Centro. Running trouble free, the McDonnells kept their Class 10 car moving right along, finishing in 3 hours, 45 minutes and six seconds, only a minute and 40 seconds in front of the second place car. For this event, located just east of Plaster City, the course was 50.5 miles long, and all classes were required to do four laps, with a 12 noon start, and a 6 p.m. cut-off time. The course was characterized-as genera II y _fast, with some very rough sections, and some silt. The weather was hot and still at first, but some variable winds moved in about one o'clock. Fud, the C.E.O. of the FRT, had once again scheduled a two race day, with the bike and ATV race starting at dawn and lasting until about 11 a.m., and the cars and trucks taking over from then on. There wa& a quick drivers mee~_ing at 11:30, at which Fud explained his rules, and described the course, and his course markings. All his checks were to be rolling checks, with no stopping, even at the start/ finish line. The course perimeters were marked in limited use areas, and straying beyond those boundaries was a definite no-no. The racers staged themselves at their pre-marked positions, and the show got off on time, with the 1-2-1600cars taking the green flag first, one every 15 seconds. John Marking, in a one seat Jimco, got himself in front on the road and, enjoying a dust-free run, took the first lap lead, and the fast lap for the class, at 54:43, a minute and a half in front of Scott Webster in his ORBS single seater. In third place was Robert Lofton, in a one seat Jimco, just a minute and six seconds later, and followed in fourth by Dave Fessenden, in a Chenowth, another minute back. Pagen Jim Tucker ran 35 seconds behind the team of Glenn Elliott and John him in his Raceco, fifth. Knudsen, in their MECO two Marking continued to lead seater. through the second lap, and had a McDonnell, working hard to minute and 37 seconds on get past the lead 1600 cars, had Webster, and Lofton was just two himself first on the road by the seconds behind him. In fourth it end of the second lap, and had was Fessenden, four minutes recorded the fast lap for the day, later, followed by Dan Araujo and atS-3:13, and had the overall lead. Dave Ramirez, in a Mirage single Whitted was still second, about seater, as Tucker broke a tie rod four minutes back, followed by end and lost 17 minutes. Elliott and Knudsen, and then Marking stayed in the car, his Binder, in fourth. regular, Tom Schilling : At the halfway point McDon-recovering from the flu and not· nell put his dad, Mike, in the car, ready to drive more than the last and he set a good pace and held on mile required to earn points in a to the lead. Whitted now was a FR T event, and he held the lead, little over four minutes back, and now two minutes and 1 7 seconds Binder moved up to third again, in front of Jim Ashley, who'd with Elliott and Knudsen back taken over for Lofton, and who into fourth. But neither of them lost second gear near the end of could get through their last lap. the lap·. Webster dropped to Elliott and Knudsen disappeared third, about45 seconds later, and with unknown problems, but Araujo and Ramirez were fourth, Binder was reported parked in an while Fessenden was now fifth embankment with his front end half a minute behind them. blitzed. For the last lap, Marking put The elder McDonnell held on Scott Reams into the driver's seat to his lead, while Whitted got out for about 9 / 1 0ths of the lap, and of his car and put his 16 year old then Schilling got up off his son, Joel, in for the last lap. Joel, sickbed to do the final couple of who'd already done two laps in miles. They took the win, his Class 5 car, recorded a very finishing two minutes in front of quick last lap for his first race in second place Lofton and Ashley, the Class 10 car, and closed the who were pleased to report that gap by a few minutes. At the finish they had not rolled their car this it was the McDonnells in front, time. Webster, who'd had to stop but the Whitteds were second, only for fuel, was third, half a and second overall, only a minute minute later, and Araujo and and 40 seconds later. Joel, all Ramirez, enjoying their first FR T smiles, declared that that was fun! event, finished fourth. Fessenden Brian McDonnell and Peter and co-driver Mike Hart were Oliver, in a Raceco, who'd run a fifth. steady pace all day, finished third, The Class 10 cars started next, and Craig and Bob Dillon, with a and they lost a couple of players tired motor, were fourth in their on the first lap, when Bill ORC. Hammack broke a trailing arm The next group to start was a and Steve Hendricks lost a motor. mixed bag of Class 5 cars and one But the rest of them kept moving, unlimited one seater, who'd and Tim McDonnell had his found himself without any Raceco single seater out in front, playmates this time, so he'd two minutes and 25 seconds in invited the Baja Bugs to come play front of second place Bob with him in the Unlimited Class. Whitted in his single seat Toyota The first lap lead was in the hands powered Jimco. Third place was of Joel Whitted in his 2276cc Richard Binder in a Toyota powered Bug, with a 56:22 fast powered ORBS, and fourth was lap for the class, while Larry December 1990 John Marking did the first three laps in the 1-2-1600 Jimco, Scott Reams a~·d Tom Schilling shared driving the last lap, and the team won the class by about two minutes. McCallum ran second, powered seconds behind them. Randy by his 1835ccs, followed by Ron Collier, in a one seat Funco, was Wilkinson and Rex Gregory, in now third, followed by Philpott their Chaparral single seater. and Berry in fourth. Whitted still led at the end of On the third lap Lewis put on a the second lap, but now Brent burst of speed and ticked off the Grizzle and Brett Driscoll, who'd class fast lap at 1:08:05, to move had a two hour first lap, were himself into the lead. Green and second as McCallum disappeared Gow land were right on his for good. Wilkinson and Gregory bumper, only 20 seconds back, in held third, and none of the others second, followed by Dave Collier, were running any more. who took over for his son, and Whitted's brother, Kyle, took had some tie rod problems. over the driving chores, and held Philpott and Berry were still the lead, but the car had blown a fourth, a half hour later. sparkplug,andnowbrokeahead, Lewis, who stopped for and was way down on power. nothing but fuel in his 12 year old Grizzle and Driscoll held second, car, took the win, just under fove while Wilkinson and Gregory, -minutes ahead of second place who'd been having a rough time Green and Gowland. In third it of it, finished the third lap, and was the Colliers, and Mark Pinto that was it for them. moved his Chenowth two seater Kyle managed to nurse the car up to fourth place as Philpott and intothefinish,andtookthewin, Berry lost a half hour and making it a good day for the dropped to sixth place. Whitted family. Grizzle and TheClass9carscamenext,and Driscoll were second, 48 minutes ·· Jeff Bennett, one of the favorites, later, and no one else got in all · was out on lap one with a broken four laps. spring plate. It was Larry Kern, in An interesting note; Joel a one seat Rayco, who took the Whitted, after completing the last lead, two minutes up on second lap in the Class 10 car, felt he'd place Hal and Kevin Graves in gone faster than he ever had that their Jimco. Third place befonged lap, but he'd actually been a to Steve Reynolds, in a one seat minute and eight seconds faster in Funco, who'd had a little prob le~ his first lap in the Baja Bug. with the car loading up on a Class 100, which is for cars graded road, while Andy Blue ran with no more than a 1 0 5 H fourth in a Tubular Design one wheelbase, started next, and seater. In fifth it was Danny and David Slade, in his 1150cc HectorLedezma,intheirwideone homebuilt Suzuki powered single seat Ledezma. seater had the first lap lead, nearly Kern continued to lead, while three minutes in front of Richard Reynolds poured on the speed Green and George Gowland, and recorded the class fast lap, teamed in a two seat 2180cc 1:09:31, and moved up to second Frazco. Eighteen seconds behind place, only 15 seconds behind them it was Dan Lewis in his two him. The Graves team was now seat 1835cc Sandhawk, and in third, and John Jones and Bob fourth place it was Eric Philpott Mc La ugh lin, in a two seater, and Chris Berry in a 2110cc two moved to fourth, followed by seater. ' Blue, who'd dropped to fifth Slade didn't make it through , place. · the second lap, and Greer.-and , Reynolds got out and his co-Gowland took over the lead, with driver, Jack Hettinger, took over, Lewis just a minute and 22 I and moved into the lead, 32 ~<;\ ~ Classes 1 /2 and 5 were combined, and the Baja Bugs got the best of the deal. Joel and Kyle Whitted drove the family Bug to a quick win, beating the second place Bug by 48 minutes. Dusty Times
~ ..: ...... ~-¥ ~ 1,S-> -·41iti ~{&-,,~·---..;: Scott Webster drove alone all the way in the ORBS, ran second in Class 1-2-1600 midway in the fray, but dropped to third in class at the flag. Bob Whitted, with son Joel doing the anchor man job on the last lap, ran second all the way in Class 10, and the team also took second overall. _Pancho Bio and Andy Blue ran with the leaders in the Class 9 action for a time, but a roll over dropped them to fifth place at -the finish line. seconds in front of Kern's co-driver, Mike Pfankuch. The Graves team was still third, but now Wayne Ritayik and Kevin Pratt moved their MECO into fourth place, followed by Pancho Bio, Blue's co-driver, in fifth. The Graves team disappeared, but Hettinger held a very consistent pace, and took the win, finishing only 24 seconds ahead of second place Kern and Pfankuch, who decided that probably their homebuilt car was going to work out alright, and :' ,d!,=J*i:,Jlfi&-maybe they ought to give it a coat Seagroves. But the rest of them of paint. Ritayik and Pratt, who'd had a good race. Jim Beeson took lost a lot of time when a wheel the lead, with only one second on came off, and their studs were John Holmes, who had only 20 damaged, finished third, followed, seconds on Rick St.John who was in fourth, by Mike Davis and Vic third. In fourth, 33 seconds later, Calderon, in their ORBS. Bio it was Jim Woodruff, which put rolled over about five miles the four lead cars within 54 before the finish, but got back on seconds of each other. his wheels soon enough to give he Holmes recorded the class fast and Blue fifth place. ) lap on his next trip around, at In the 5-1600s, the team of Ed 1:12:32, and took over the lead, Orozco and Andy DeVercelly, Jr. now a minute and 41 seconds up were out on the first lap, as were on Beeson. St.John, whose clutch John Hulsebosch and Gary was slipping, was still third, a i,""""' ., _,,m'&¼i@dil# -minute and.IO seconds later, and Dan Lewis moved from third on the first lap steadily through the Class 100 Brian Goodrich and Charlie ranks, got class fast lap on the third round and won the class by three Watters had moved to fourth, not m ___ in.....:u ___ ___ . _______________________ _ quite two minutes after them, as lostac.v.,andusedup40minutes hurting a bit with a fuel pump Woodruff lost over an hour. with repairs. Duane and Kevin problem. In fourth it was . Holmes pui: his brother, Jeff, in Basore now moved into second Goodrich and Watters, but that to drive, and he held the lead, as place, while Steve Miszkiewicz, St. was to be their last la_p. 'fhe . BeesQ.n.J_ ss,-drtver, Gary _Co~bill, tJ 2h1fs co-_p..£.! v_e_r_, r~n t_hJI._d ,.~ B~_~or_e_s.µr:_ S teve Reynolds started in the single seat Funco, got class fast lap ,before handing over to Jack Hettinger, who kept up the pace and they won Class 9 by a slim 24 seconds. ~ :: ... ,4 ., - . -" a :A..·, ...,, -·~ ~,.. John and Jeff Holmes were just one second out of the lead after one lap, got fast lap on the second to take the lead; even with a last lap flat they won the Class.5-1600 title by eight minutes. ~ ~.N,..i .:''¾.1-f;:;.s,.~,,ti:f~;~ Ben Abatti made a neat debut in the ex-Venable hay hauler Ford, and he drove to the Class 8 victory, in his first time out in anything but a buggy. Dusty Times .091 HEAVY DUTY DIFFERENTIAL Made from 4340 Chro-moly. All surfaces ground for high concentricity. Pre-cision machined for the tightest tolerances. NEW FOR '89 ! CV BOOT HOLDERS Machined from extra strong alloy steel. Designed to provide for maximum axle angulation. larger ball clearance. Available for T-2, T-4 and 930 CVs. Tired of replacing com-plete CV's? We now have the 930 CV Center Stars available as a separate item. These new units are made from heat treated aircraft quality 300M Alloy steel and feature case hardened ball grooves. NEW FOR '89 ! TOP GUN SHOCKS BY DOETSCH TECH Top quality Doetsch Tech Off-Road shocks now available. December 1990 Page 19
Jim Beeson and Gary Cogbill had to change a c.v. on course, but they still had some good laps and finished fo_urth in Class 5-1600 a half hour back. Duane and Kevin Basore ran second in Class 5-1600 for a while, but lost the crank pulley on the last lap and failed to finish all four rounds. Perry McNeil is the usual winner in Class 8 at FRT races, but this time his Ford was second, well back after a last lap stall that took out the starter, and cost an hour. Lr' were also out on lap four when their crank pulley fell off, and brother Ken drove just far enough to park off course and fried the motor. Holmes had a rear flat on the last lap, but made a quick change to his front sized spare, and finished with the win. They were . just about eight minutes in front of Miszkiewicz and St. John, who finished second, both with badly blistered hands. In third it was Josh and Jerry Kerr, while Beeson and Cogbill, battling sticky throttle troubles, finished fourth. The Class 8 trucks, six in all, had started next, and Perry McNeil, who, as usual, had been doing last minute maintenance on his air cleaner about 15 minutes before he was due to start, had his Ford in front at the end of the first lap. In second it was Tony Alvarado and Ron Ryerson, also in a Ford, and third was Ben Abatti, Jr., in his new toy, the truck that Rob Gordon drove for , a year, another Ford. McNeil had class fast lap on lap • IS . ' n . ' _In ... CENTER LINE RACING WHEELS THE STRONGEST OFF-ROAD WHEEL MONEY CAN BUY! FAT Performance has in stock the largest inventory of 5-lug VW CENTER LINE wheels in the country. Whether you need wheels with polished or satin finish, FAT has them in all popular styles. Need them in a hurry? FAT can ship the same day as ordered ... and with the best price in the industry. FAT can also supply your CENTER LINES with Champion bead locks. Buying a set of CENTER LINES can be exceedingly easy with FAT Performance. We do all the legwork. Call for current pricing. Quantity discounts are also available. FAT IS YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR VW, PORSCHE AND TOYOTA OFF-ROAD ENGINES AND PARTS. FAT Racing Parts Bilstein Shacks Sway-A-Way Perma-Cool S&S Headers WeberCarbs IPF Lights JaMor Products Page 30 Wright Place Tri-Mil Exhaust Gem Gears Beard Seats Simpson Safety Super-Tropp Yokohama Tires Petro-Tech 2000 PERFORMANCE For your FAT Per1onnance catalog, send $5 to Dept. cw, 1558 No. Cose St., Orange, CA 92667. Or coll (714)637-2889. FAX (714) 637-7352 two, at l:d3:45, and Abatti, whose coil had caught fire, had moved to second, as Alvarado and Ryerson never came around again. Craig Corda was now third in his Ford. McNeil continued to lead, while Abatti, who'd driven only buggies previously, and had very t little time to practice in his new truck, ran second. McNeil was leading part way through the last lap also, but then he stalled his -truck and when he tried to restart *• '> . .,, ..., " ...... -~-~ ,,.. ,. ~· K ", i> S • ~ :: • > .,.. ,-.,-,_,$ ...,::)¥~ • :~~ "<-ft-1;, 1w,;. ,,.. ::fl:. ~~!; it, discovered that he had no starter. He radioed for help, but long before they got to him Abatti had gone by, on his way to his finish, and his win. McNeil was second, over an hour later, and Corda, who did only three laps, was third. Ron Gibson and Danny Smail had a good run in the Clarence Hoskins' Ford Ranger, led most of the race in Class 7, and ended up the winner and the only four lap finisher. Abatti was later penalized 22 minutes for making a pass over the edge of the course border, which was seen by a BLM person, and reported. Abatti's penalty didn't change his win, but he was chagrined to learn he'd committed the faux pas. He hadn't seen the border marker because of the dust of the vehicle he was passing. In Class 7, the last group to start, the lead belonged to Mike Henry and Victor Lopez, in their Ranger, with a minute and one second on Ronnie Gibson in Clarence Hoskins' Ranger. Henry and Lopez had major problems on the second lap, losing over an hour, and that moved Bill and Victor Davis, in their convertible Nissan, into second place, as Gibson held onto his lead. By the end of the third lap, Gibson had an hour on the Davis team, and the third place car, the Datsun of Jeff Morrison and Dennis Wilson, was another hour and 15 minutes back, and out of time. The Davis' didn't get their last lap finished either. Danny Smail took over for Gibson on the last lap, held things together, and made it another win for the Ranger. At the finish line he told Hoskins that he'd been unable to find one of the checkpoints, and, sure enough, the officials penalized the team 2 7 minutes, for missing Check 4 that lap. Apparently Smail had found a trail that the officials hadn't been aware of, and, while he didn't see the check, he was very close to the course, and near enough that they could see who he was and record his number. He was not disqualified because it was felt that he hadn't gained anything by his error, and that the course markers had probably erred in not spotting the trail in the first place. His penalty didn't change the finish position, and the team kept their win, since none of the others managed to get through the last lap. Fud had everyone flagged in December 1990 and safely returned to their pits by about 6:30, just as the wind blew up a gale. The dust was thick, but the racing was over, and it didn't matter. to compare notes while enjoying the fresh fruit, juice, coffee and Bloody Marys in the early morning sunshine. The customary FR T pre awards brunch was served on Sunday morning at about eight a.m., giving racers and families a chance The FR T has one. more race, their New Year's Eve Dunaway Dash, also in the general neighborhood of Plaster City, to cap off their 1990 season. Car# Pos. FRT Plaster City Blast IV RESULTS • September 29, 1990 Driver/Co-Driver crass 1-2-1600 -1600cc Restricted-14 start -10 finish 1602 1 John Marking/S. Reams/T. Schilling 1607 2 J.A. Ashley/Robert Lofton 1600 3 Scott Webster 1611 4 Dan Araujo/Dave Ramirez 1603 5 Dave Fessenden/Mike Hart Class 1 o -unnmlted 1650 ccs -9 start • 4 finish 1004 1 Tim & Mike McDonnell 1006 2 Robert & Joel Whitted 1005 3 Brian McDonnell/Peter Oliver 1002 4 Craig & Bob Dillon Class 112 unnmtted & Class s -s start -2 finish 502 1 Joel & Kyle Whitted 503 2 Brent Grizzle/Brett Driscoll 101 3 Ron Wilkinson/Rex Gregory (3 laps) crass 9 -Chanenger -1 e start -9 finish 901 1 Jack Hettinger/Steve Reynolds 903 2 Larry Kern/Mike Pfankuch 907 3 Wayne Ritayik/Kevin Pratt 902 4 Mike DavisNic Calderon 904 5 Pancho Bio/Andy Blue Class 100 -Short we One or Two seat - 9 start -& finish 5 1 Dan Lewis (solo 8 2 Richard Green/George Gowland 7 3 Dave & Randy Collier 10 4 Mark Pinto 3 5 Madelein Kern/Debra Kem Class 5:1600 -1600 cc Bala Bug -10 start - 4 finish 597 1 John & Jeff Holmes 595 2 Rick St. John/Steve Miszkiewiez 551 3 Josh & Jerry Kerr 599 4 Jim Beeson/Gary Cogbill Class a Big Trucks • 6 start -2 finish 809 1 Ben Abatti Jr. 800 2 Perry McNeil crass z Lllllo Trucks -6 start - l finish 703 1 Ronnie Gibson/Danny Smail 'denotes overall winner - **time penalty included 7 4 starters -36 finishers - 48% finish ratio Vehicle Jimco Jimco ORBS Mirage Chenowth Raceco Jimco Raceco ac Baja Bug Baja Bug Chaparral Funco Rayco M:DJ ORBS Tube.Design Sandhawk(2) Frazco(2) Funco (1) Chenowth(2) Chenowth(2) Baja Bug Baja Bug Baja Bug Baja Bug Ford Ford Ford Ranger 50.5 mile course - fast-rough, silty• 4 laps for an official finish Weather: hot, dry, some wind lime 3:51:24 3:53:27 3:54:03 4:06:38 4:09:38 3:45:06' 3:46:46 4:05:03 4:06:09 4:54:28 5:42:37 4:59:36 4:56:10 4:56:34 5:18:52 5:21:28 5:37:06 4:41:31 4:46:36 5:35:55 6:17:07 6:36:03 5:16:14 5:24:04 5:33:55 5:39:29 5:01 :13" 6:00:08 6:09:00" Dusty Times
Schedule Of Events La Rana Desert Racing Promotions Presents Friday, January 4, 1991 3:00 to 1 0:00p.m. . ~ ~ Registration, Contingency & Tech Barstow Station Inn 1115 E. Main Street, Barstow CA Saturday, January 5, 1991 7:00a.m. Drivers Meeting - Start/Finish MANDATORY!!!!! • 8:00a.m. Vehicle Lineup at Start/Finish ~~~ ©~ ~~w, ®~@~'" <@)<fo>~ ENTRY FEE: $225.00 INSURANCE: $130.00 _ 1-15 Exit - Sidewinder Road (south of Barstow) 9:00a.m. Race Starts promptly Time Limit: 8 hours Sunday, January 6, 1991 All Classes Welcome 1 0:00a.m. Awards Presentation - Barstow Station Inn 1991 RACE DATES Volunteers are needed -If you would like to help La· Rana with timing, scoring, checkpoint, please call and let us know. .NXD PRODUCTIONS Do1Iar for Dollar Pressure for Pressure Fun for Fun La Rana is leaping to #1 January 4-6 1991 NEW YEARS "200" Barstow, CA August 23-25 1991 MINI BAJA '400' Lucerne Valley, CA February 22-24 1991 October 4-6 1991 PRESIDENTIAL '250' CALIFORNIA '200' Barstow, CA Ridgecrest, CA . May 3-5 1991 November 22-24 1991 SPANGLER '150' HIGH DESERT '250' Ridgecrest, CA Lucerne Valley, CA (Double Points Race) June 21-23 1991 LUCERNE VALLEY '200' Lucerne Valley, CA We would llke to thank Baja Promotions for letting us use their Stone Stock rules for our 1990 race season. Our sincere thanks, La Rana Desert Racing Promotions For Entry Forms or Race Information, Call LA RANA DESERT RACING PROMOTIONS 22769 Chambray Drive Moreno Valley, CA (714 )_ 924-2226 ,, -
COMMONWEALTH BANK RALLY AUSTRALIA -Juha Kankkunen Wins One For Lancia Text & Photos: Martin Holmes ~ .. The latest top running Finn, Tommi Makinen, has big help from veteran co-driver Seppo Harjanne, and they went quickly through the hazards and won Group N again in the Mitsubishi Ga/ant VR-4. Frenchman retired. Many others early troubles put him last overall hit that stump, Oreille saw them and his request to restart behind all. "Pianezzola punctured and the other seeded drivers was had to change a wheel, and refused, and the reigning Asia-apparently Auriol also glanced it. Pacific Champion withdrew. It was my first retirement in the Sainz had been 18 seconds past 15 events." behind Kankkunen, but on stage - ' .. ,~-¼-' ;« ..,. Stage 3 produced few excit- 7 he drove 10 km on a left rear flat ments, though Erwin Weber and dropped more than a minute reached the end stuck in sixth gear to the leader and was behind and Michele Rayneri survived Fiorio also for a while. Fiorio with no brakes. Ross Dunketon spun backwards into the trees on had power steering trouble, which the first stage of the day where he hoped to solve with a new Sainz also spun, and Alex was reservoir in the long service later later delayed by propshaft failure. that night. On stage "4 Eriksson Rayneri dropped five spots in his got stuck on some bales of straw, Lancia with a flat, later lost a having overshot a junction, but he wheel and retired. Just before the was lucky to only lose a few rest halt Gregoire de Mevius lost Juha Kankkunen and Juha Piironen sailed through Australia in the Lancia Delta lntergrale, had no real troubles en route, and won their first WRC event since returning to the Lancia Team this year. Juha Kankkunen is back on form: For the first time since leaving the Toyota team at the end last year, he has won a rally! He also put the fight for rallying's top Championship titles on hold for another month. Lancia, in their quest for the Constructors' Title, and Carlos Sainz, who is aiming for the Drivers' Champiomship, finished the Rally Australia one point short of their objectives. Both must now wait until Sanremo for the chance to shake off their pursuer.s. In a rally which was surprisingly · considerably faster than that over a similar route last year, Kank-kunen, last year's winner, proved time and again that previous DE OFF-ROAD RACING EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES for free catalog phone (805) 683-1211 Page 31 knowledge of the stages was a major advantage. Sainz was in Australia for the first time and hesitated between loyalty to Toyota in their fight against Lancia and his wish to consolidate his lead in the Drivers' series. He was defeated by a puncture on the second day, then by gearbox selector troubles on the third. Kankkunen's Lancia meanwhile went faultlessly, though both his teammates, Didier Auriol and Alex Fiorio, had accidents; the former retiring on the first day, ending his personal hopes of the Title. In a short space of time the Rally Australia has set new standards in the W arid Champ-ionship, through friendliness, efficiency, and simply bright ideas and enthusiasm, although the stages were a mixture. Rains before the event led to a lot of mud in the stages to be used on Friday, and one stage (Brunswick) created a visual illusion of the track in Ivory Coast. Tire technicians had no experience of how the stages would recover when the weather dried out the day before, or to what extent the treads would have to be opened up. The spirit of help-yourself still lives in the outback. There was to be a short leg of four stages on Thursday, two short publicity sections and two long forest stages. The second publicity stage was held, like last year, at Freemantle's Richmond Raceway trotting track, where to put on a show the competitors were run in reverse order. Adding the orthodox forest stages meant the cars would restart the second day in classification order as they would have completed the necessary 10% of the stage distance to allow reseeding. Forget the fight between Lancia and Toyota, this was Mitsubishi's day. After gaining fastest time on the two 30 km stages which formed the main features of the first day, Kenneth Eriksson, the only Ralliart Europe driver on seconds. power with a faulty turbo sensor, this event, said, "I don't know Leading Group N, Tommi and had trouble while using why we made such good times. Makinen suffered no problems English pacenotes for the first Actually I thought I had been too with his Mitsubishi. The South time. During the afternoon his slow in the narrow bits at the American Group N Lancia Mazda teammate lngvar Carlsson beginning of one stage." The drivers had mixed experiences lost over nine minutes, dropping sandyconditionsofF\ynnscaught with Ernesto Soto slowed by oil to 12th with a turbo pipe the tire companies on the hop, leaking from the gearbox onto the problem. His fourth place was and, likelastyear,thetirecutters clutch, and the gearbox was taken by Possum Bourne's were brought out and carefully changed during the overnight Subaru until the penultimate sculptured tread patterns were service. Gustavo Trelles damaged stage when he limped in with rear opened up. Kenneth explained, the front suspension after a heavy differential failure. "Sure we used cut tires, but so did landing while Jorge Recalde had In the Ladies Cup battle Paola everyone else", a 15 second lead no problems. So far there were no lost a minute with a broken on the first proper stage of an problems with animals on the driveshaft and Louise closed up. event was an incredible roaa as Trelles commented, Then,twostagesfromtheendof achievement. "During training we saw so many the section the Italian's Audi Soon there were strange tales of kangaroos we sometimes could stopped with camshaft trouble, those who had not been so careful not accelerate!" leaving Louise the opportunity to in the opening kilometers. After In the Ladies category there was move ahead in the race for the some 5 km Auria\ cut a slow stress inside the Audi camp after Title. The Scottish girl was having corner just too tight and tipped Paola de Martini blamed her co- a struggle keeping up with the his Lancia onto its roof. driver Umberta Gibellini for bettertractionofthe4WDcarsin Spectatorsrightedthecar,butthe missing a junction. Louise her 2WD Opel Kadett, but she radiator had been damaged. In the Aitken-Walker, meanwhile, was was still six minutes ahead of the remaining 25km the engine in some physical discomfort, next 2WD car, the class winning overheated and he had to retire. "The night before the start I Daihatsu of Bob Nicoli. Erwin Mikael Ericsson was no happier. picked up a friendly wombat. -Weber had many drive train The Swede's Celica punctured Unfortunately I discovered it was problems, and Ross Dunkerton right at the start of the stage ("I not as clean as it was cuddly and I had a loss of power also. Sainz was don't know why, we didn't hit spent so much of the night itching clear in his objective. He knew anything") but he carried qn at I hardly slept!" This year's that he was not likely to beat unabatedspeed,damagingthe Australian Champion Ed Kankkunen,"Ontheseroadsitis transmission which was impos-Ordynski was unaccustomed to difficult not to make a mistake. I sibfe to repiace at the ensueing ; his lowly position. "Even though am much more confident the service. I am using my old car and am second time round each stage." American champion Rod driving better than ever! am only In GroupN Makinen continued Millen lost 20 minutes on stage 2 15th. If it was a national rally I'd to lead Trelles who had a flat on with a broken propshaft on his be winning." stage 12, intercom trouble on Mazda. "The shaft just snapped The rally headed south from stage 14, and said, "It is still and the input spline started Perth and back on the second leg, impossible to keep up with flailing round, smashing the floor the part of the route that had Makinen". Recalde had suspen-and the exhaust. We had to stop suffered most from the recent sion trouble on stage 11 and again and remove it altogether." This rains.Juha Kankkunen started the on 14. On the last stage of the day was becoming quite a day. Fiorio day six seconds behind Kenneth he was confronted by a kangaroo, was slowed by driving in the dust Eriksson, but two stages later 2.5 meters tall standing in the ofAuriol,whomhecaughtnear tookthelead,whichhethenheld road! "We lost more time the end of the stage. Further down for the rest of the event. Eriksson avoiding that animal than with the the field there was another drama. held in second for three stages, suspension!'' Soto found the · Group N Championship leader but at the end of stage 9 his stages very slippery, and twice he Alain Oreille hit a tree stump transmission failed and he had to hit the rear wheels on tree stumps, jutting out into the track, but it be pushed past the control by but without serious trouble. was invisible under grass even a spectators. The team withdrew Ordnyski said, "I am still going as few meters away. His Renault the car at the following service hard as I can, but my car is broke the suspension and this point, with insufficient time to nothing like as well prepared as pulled out the driveshaft. Just make the needed repairs. Rod Makinen's. We are at least 60 kg 2.3km from the start the Millen did not restart since his heavier and use different tires." December 1990 Dusty Times
Carlos Sainz, with Luis Moya co-driving the Toyota Celica GT-Four had a few problems, flats, and finished a minute 40 seconds back in second spot. New Zealanders "Possum" Bourne and Rodger Freeth finished lngvar and Per Carlsson drove the old style Ma_zda 323 4WD, fourth in the Subaru Legacy 4WD Turbo, about 14 minutes and, though the car was new the Swedes had troubles and behind the winning Finns. finished fifth overall. ----------------------Although Louise Aiken-Walker and Christina Thorner were 1_3th O/A in the Opel Kadett GSi, they missed scoring a point in the Ladies Cup contest by one position. Paola de Martini and Umberta Gibellini retired with engine trouble in the Audi Quattro 90, but still lead the Ladies Cup race by a slim nine points. Erwin Weber and Mathias Feltz made a big effort in the VW Rally Golf #60, had many troubles, and finally were excluded for pushing the car to start it before a stage. On the damp sandy surfaces of the third section Sainz started to reduce the 65 second deficit until by afternoon it was down to 48. But on the tricky 38km Helena 11 stage he undid it all by nudging off the track for nearly 15 seconds. In dry conditions on the first run tire wear was heavy. After three hours of non-stop rain the second run horrors were quite different. "I have not seen a stage like it for years," said Kankkunen. "Twice I slid off the road; when you are the first car through there are no warning markings of other cars. The surface changed frequently. Halfway through a corner the grip would change completely.'' Kankkunen came out of stage 25 with great relief, Sainz in despair. The Spaniard had slid straight on at a cross roads and damaged the gearbox when he forcefully selected reverse. He was lucky to lose just another seven seconds. Fiorio had a lonely day in third, Dunkerton finally solved his engine problem and went well enough to pass Bourne, ·while Weber had many troubles, steering, electrical, etc., and lost about eight minutes. He had to be push started at the start of a stage, which is against the rules, and the unlucky German ended a troublesome and frustrating event when he was excluded. Group N was still being dominated by the trouble free Mitsubishi of Makinen. Trelles had two minutes road penalty at the start of the day while mechanics changed the front suspension, and Recalde lost about a minute with a turbo pipe averaging the use of four liters of problem. The big surprise was oil per stage on the last three and when Soto went out with gearbox he dropped to 11th overall. failure. Ordynski was driving The strangest thing about this carefully, mindful that he had no everit was just how fast it was. more spare tires left for the final day. Ordynski, last year;s Group N two main talking points in winner, said sometimes he was Australia this year. Next comes going one minute faster per stage Sanremo where it would seem this year - in the same car. Tires that one if not two of the World and previous experience were the Titles will finally be decided_ The final day there was no battle left in the rally. Sainz eased right off, followed by Kankkunen. The Finn had a moment to remember when he found a kangaroo in the road as he approached in 6th gear. "I slid so we hit the animal with the rear side of the car, and luckily we escaped unharmed." There was a frightening moment when Dunkerton crashed within sight of the end of stage 30. The local driver explained that he ·was having engine trouble just short of the finish, but unfortunately went off the road. Both Dunkerton and his co-driver, Steve McKimmie, were hurt and taken to the hospital. Dunkerton was discharged by the rally finish to tell what happened, but McKimmie had broken three vertebrae and was kept in, Now Bourne was back in fourth, enabling him to equal Markku Alen's best Subaru World Rally Performance to date. In Group N Makinen cruised home, Trelles likewise. "We had no chance of beating the Finn, and anyway being second for the fourth time this year meant we took the lead in the series. We are now going to Sanremo, though there is some doubt whether Makinen can go as well." Recalde struggled through the day with broken piston rings, A Winning Tradition In Off-Road Racing New Applications Dimensions Valving part No. Pescriptloo Ext.1con, Reb./Comp, RALLY AUSTRALIA 1990 RESULTS Bilstein gas pressure shock absorbers were firs~ introduced to the American market in off-road racing in the late 1960's. Over the past 20 years, more off-road races have been won on Bilstein than any other shock absorbers. AK1310 3/4"shaft 36.02 X 20.86 150/50 Juha Kankkunen/Juha Piironen Carlos SainVLuis Moya Alex Fioriolluigi Pirollo 'Possum' Bourne/Rodger Freeth lngvar Carlsson/Per Carlsson Gregoire De Mevius/Arne Hertz Tommi Makinen/Seppo Harhanne Gustavo Trelles/Daniel Muzio Kiyoshi lnoue/Satoshi Hayashi Ed Ordynski/Jeremy Browne Jorge Recalde/Martin Christie Louise Aitken-Walker/C. Thorner SF Lancia Delta lntegrale E Toyota Calica GT-Four I Lancia Delta lntegrale NZ Subaru Legacy 4WO T S Mazda 323 4WD BIS Mazda 323 4WO SF Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 U Lancia Delta lntegrale J Mitsubishi Galan! VR-4 AUS Mitsubishi Galant VR-4 RA Lancia Delta lntegrale G3 Opel Kadett GSi •• •Group winners -.. Ladies Winners 62 start - 38 finish Winner's average stage speed - 99.60 kph (record) Dusty Times A• A A A A A N• N N N N A 5:43:48 5:45:28 5:49:28 5:57:45 6:00:49 6:04:57 6:09:44 6:16:26 6:20:00 6:20:31 6:22:00 6:36:19 15.15 inch travel AK 1320 3/4" shaft 33.00 X 19.48 170/60 13.5 inch travel Today, with their proven record of performance, Bilsteins continue to be the choice of serious off-roaders who run to win. AK 1330 3/4" shaft 27.00 X 16.88 255/100 December 1990 10.11 inch travel coil over Now Available - Repair and Revalvlng Services. Contact: Motorsports Department BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 8845 Rehco Road, San Diego, CA 92121 • 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog send $2.50 Page 33
THE 11ST ANNU~ SNORE 150 Tommy Bradley Runs Away With The Win By Jean Calvin & Don Dayton Photos: Trackside Photo Inc./ Don Dayton Tommy Bradley was first away in his Class 1 /2 Raceco, and the VW Type 4 engine was the hot ticket for the rocks and silt. Bradley had a completely trouble free race, led on the road and on time all the way, did four laps in 4:01 :32, and won overall by 31 minutes. The SNORE 250 is one of the stadium race in Denver. Normally original desert races, from back in neither event would hurt the the days when there were only a SNORE entry, but MTEG half dozen big desert events a year siphoned off Brian Collins and all in the entire southwest, and a 200 three Herbst drivers and all their car entry was not uncommon for support folks, and, as Rob SNORE. We competed in the MacCachren ruefully remarked, first SNORE 250 in September of as he went through the SNORE 1970, and so did all the big teams. tech line with his pre-runner The race started and finished in a entered in Class 10, "Even my gravel pit near the intersection of parents went to Denver, and I Tropicana Blvd. and Rainbow have nobody to chase." The Road, which is now covered with growing popularity of the close in housing tracts, and headed south La Rana Desert Racing events and eventually went out toward kept many southern Californians Pahrump, then back to the gravel home also, getting ready for the pit. It was two 125 mile laps, in Ridgecrest race the next weekend. the then empty desert, and Since the SNORE 250 ran SNORE began the custom of a essentially on the same course as complimentary breakfast buffet the HORA Gold Coast 300 in on Sunday morning at that time. October, SNORE hoped, as many There has been a SNORE 250 had last year, that SCORE/ every September since 1970's HORA series regulars would· inaugural event, through gas crisis enter the 250 to get in a pre-run and environmental concerns, for the Gold Coast event which makes the event the longest happening two weeks later. But, continuous running off road despite the recent crashes it seems desert race in existence. the big time teams prefer to pre-This year, although the date run from aircraft, and only a few was set in November of 1989, the came to get an on the ground look September 29 date conflicted at the Gold Coast course. with two events, the FR Trace out The registration, tech and of El Centro, and. the .. MTl:G ·~ }~9*f1tin~nsx,,lLIJ · Barry Slatter and Darryl Smith did their number once again in Class 5-160 as they took the lead midway in the three lapper, and went on to win the class by over half an hour. Page 34 the Gold Strike Hotel & Casino parking lot in Jean, Nevada. A number of contingency folks showed up for the late afternoon start of the festivities, and it seemed that in less than an hour the winds were howling at gale force and brought with them a driving rain, soaking down all the contingency displays, and the registration team moved into the hotel. The storm was a short one, and the wind died down some while the sun came out to dry out the displays. Then the word came that the start/finish line had been moved from below the airport at Jean north about ten miles to a gravel pit near Sloan. The move was requested by the BLM, since the Gold Coast was to start in the same silty spot south of the Jean airport, and they felt that two starts and major pit setups in two weeks was just too much for those trails. Actually the gravel pit start was a much nicer place with hardly any dust to plague the pit folks and spectators. After a short drivers' meeting Saturday morning the cars were staged for the start, with one car leaving every 30seconds. Tommy Bradley, with Jack Bones co-driving, was first away, and the two seater, with a Type 4 engine by the way, did a one hour flat first lap and had a flat tire along the way, which turned out to be the only trouble the car had all day. After the first lap young Pat Dean in his first ride in a 'big car' was only 1.5 minutes behind Bradley. Ron Brandt started in the Danny Letner Raceco Porsche, and was about seven minutes out of the lead but only 22 seconds ahead of Jerry Penhall in the Scott Flamson car. After that quartet the Class 10 cars were coming by, but there was still more action in Class 1/2. Bill Kreitlow, starting in Doc Ingram's single seater, rolled over and fell off the mountain into the December 1990 ·-···* .,.. .,, ......,;;, .--Melvin and Donald Tom had trouble on lap 3, got fixed, and went on to be the only Class 10 finisher and the class winner in excellent time, 5:29 . . ,, ·•·· ... ·"-'•• Tom Burns got his Gold Coast pre-run done handily, and on the way he drove the Raceco quick enough to win the ten car 1-2-1600 class, by a margin of just under three minutes time. deep canyon on McCullough Pass, and it took a long time to get the car back on the road, well over two hours. Pat Galliher, with Ross Shurtliff co-driving, got a flat in the first three miles, then lost linkage, carried on with two gears working, had another flat and gave it up after lap 2. The Jim Barbeau/Jack Short team only got in one long lap before going home. Meanwhile Bradley turned fast lap of the day, a 57:33 on lap 2, and Pat Dean ran second about six minutes back with Robert Goenke co-driving, but on the next lap the drain plug fell out, and dumped all the oil so Dean put it on the trailer; still his two laps were good for fifth place. One team doing some serious pre-running were in John Gable's race truck. Gable took the first lap, Curt LeDuc drove the second round, and John Swift did the third, but the brakes were gone, there were flats on the Ford, and at the end of lap 3 the engine let go. But they did get a look at the course. Tommy Bradley never lifted his foot all four laps, his slowest being a 1 :02 on the last lap after a fuel stop, and he won overall and the Unlimited Class by a husky margin with a time of 4:01:32. The team of Scott Flamson and Jerry Penhall whipped home second in Class 1/2 and overall about 31 minutes behind Bradley. The Danny Letner /Ron Brandt combo got their pre-run in and also placed third overall and in class, despite taking an extra hour on the fourth-lap. Rick Rowland and Dannon Royal got in just three laps before being waved into impound, but they nailed down fourth in Class 1/2 anyway. Although seven started in Class 10, 011ly one car finished four laps, and three were out on the first lap. Rob MacCachren lost his engine earlv, Mark Whittington rofled off McCullough Pass, and we are not sure what happened to the Blaine Rawson/Brent Bell team, but all three cars failed to complete the first lap. To make the class even thinner Lloyd Painter / Ray Stevens only did one lap, with a competitive time at that, so only three carried on. They all saw the rear bumper of the Melvin and Donald Tom race car. The boys from Utah led all four laps, set class fast lap at 1:10:38, and finished third overall winning Class 10 easily, the on! y official finisher. Running off the pace on all but the second lap the team of Dan Bradley and Sam Dunnam got in three laps, finishing exactly an hour and a lap behind the winner. Sam, who started, got about seven miles when the left front tire fell off the wheel. Sam made a quick U-Turn to get back to the road, but got run into by the tire, which was rolling like it had its own race. On the third lap valve trouble put them down on time and the motor was too bad to attempt a fourth round. Dave Atwood and Hal Hillard barely got up to speed before having_engine trouble, but they did get three laps done, most of the distance covered with only three cylinders working. The 1-2-1600 cars did much better than the Class 10 racers, with a sixty percent finish ratio. Intelligence on a new level. Introducing the new SMART LEVEL9 A digttal inclinom-eter with up to 0.1° repeatable accuracy. It will zero to any angle and can be re-calibrated. Ideal for chassis building, body fabrication, fixture work or anywhere precise angular • measurement is a must (such as wheel camber/ * caster settings, wing angles, etc.). fflfATK/J*rs 780SecondAve. Redwood Clty, CA 94063 Ph. (415)367-0808 /II I IT I IE I FAX(415)367-0866 Dusty Times
# Scott Flamson and Jerry Penhall had their Raceco charging through the tough terrain, had no big problems, and they were second overall as well as in Class 1 /2. ' ., Dave Atwood and Hal Hillard also had their share of trouble in the Class 10 action, but they got in three laps, good for third in the class. Don Chase and Bob Stockton came as close as possible in Class 1-2-1600, claiming fourth place, but losing to third place by a single minute. Danny Letner and Ron Brandt kept the Class 1 /2 pace for three laps, but their Raceco dropped an hour on the last lap, but was third in the class. Bryan Pennington ran alone also, kept Burns almost in sight in 1-2-1600 action, got class fast lap on the last round, but had to settle for second. Bert Vaughan and Louie Barlow had an even closer finish taking ·fifth in Class 1-2-1600, just ten seconds out, with Ewan Gubelauski co-driving. ~ ", 1t; • -":.-Dan Bradley and Sam Dunnam got off to a slow start in Class 10, had a fast second lap, dropped a lot of time on lap 3, and retired in second place. Herman Salaz and Ron Cloud took third, in the money, in Class 1-2-1600 and won the race long four way struggle for that position by a minute. Bekki Freeman has her dad Ken as a co-driver, but their 1-2-1600 began ailing early in the race, and just barely made the finish in sixth place. But two of the restricted racers failed to complete a lap also. Jeff and Larry Trimble lost the engine a few miles from the green flag, and Regen and Tory Gubler vanished from the ten car field with some terminal trouble as well. Up front a great race developed between Tom Burns and Bryan Pennington, both in single seat cars. Burns had the advantage of running first, of the came Bert Vaughan/Louie Barlow and Ewan D. Gubelauski. times, taking over from dad Ken Freeman midway in the race. Her car began \Ill-, _ class, on the road all day, but Pennington got faster each lap. Neither car had any troubles to speak of, and Pennington whipped off a 1:09:15 on the last lap for class fast lap of the day. But it wasn't enough to catch the Bekki F_i:_eeman Jell_Qn hard West Coast Distributor · fOR HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS Mike Lesle and Russ Winkler did a pre-run in the Jeep and also did some quick times for the three laps required, and they were the only mini truck three lap finisher and the winner. flying Burns who won the class, got in a great pre-run, and with Tim Burns, he also won the class at the Gold Coast 300 two weeks later, keeping some of that gold in Nevada. OUR PRICE $·_695.00 -·--,~ .. . ., ,,,, 4µ.;:;t~:!::::_ ;J.:/ -~"': ~ . _., '1ll /# _ : ··- • Bruce and Mike Mangold and Tim Gavett set fast lap, 1:21:19, for Class 9 on the first lap, slowed the pace a tad on the next two rounds, but had no problems and won the class by 33 minutes. Dusty Times Bryan Pennington was less than three minutes back in second, but about 23 minutes ahead of third place Herman Salaz and Ron Cloud, who had been part of a four way battle for third all day. Salaz, Don Chase, Bert Vaughan and Bekki Freeman swapped positions each lap and were seldom more than six minutes apart. Burns was in fron• at the checkered flag but only about three minutes as Bryan Pu ,mgton took a solid second. The Salaz/Cloud team nailed third another three minutes back, followed in a minute 11 seconds by Don Chase/Bob Stockton. Just ten more seconds in arrears December 1990 ALL GEARS . AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92800 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 35
... _,,& . " Kevin Streety and Dorthy Klick had a good first lap, troubles on the next two, but they kept the Bug moving to finish second in Class 5-1600. Joe Jackson and Vince Bishop take a hard right turn heading up the tough mountain pass, but a very long second lap, dropped them to third in 5-1600 action. Turbo Lamke and Hark Garlich did Class 7 fast lap of 1 :14:34 on the first lap in the tidy Jeep, but that was their only lap and they were second. ✓ _;,~~.:.::~ +lj .,t . .;, ;',C,fM.•C..>,., _v_ ~-~ Z", • •::z~::!' Tim Crain and Christopher Lee sailed through the rocks in the Steve Thompson, with Steve Poole and Roger Felix co-driving, '. Steve Burke and Mike Kline were in conn~-~tion until a broken rear hub on the last lap put their Challenger car down for an Challenger car, had no big troubles en route to a strong second shot from 13th to second on lap 1, and dropped back to finish place in the big class. third in Challenger Class. ~ ,-.;.,=;;;;;;;;;;~;:.;,;;;;;;=;;;--==;;;---;;-:::-;-:;=c-:::--;;;;;;-;::::=::;:::,;;;;:;:~ hour and to fourth place. ~ * Dale and bennis Looney drove a very steady pace in their Challenger car, and the two seater covered all three laps for a good fifth in class. Chuck Ratliff and Toby Carlson ha a goo ,rst ap, ut _ One of the young lions, Pat Dean had his ,rst r, e m an troubles with the Class 9 car the rest of the distance, and they unlimited car, kept Bradley in sight for two laps, then lost a drain finished sixth in class. plug and dumped all the oil, parked and was fifth in Class 1 /2. Dir". coming apart, losing first the power steering, then a distributor wire, and finally th~ THE trans mounts started breaking up. She made the finish line, after a push start out of her pit on the last WRIGH·T PLACE~. COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them on· Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adju&tments. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN Sf:'RINGS LANE, .EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 36 lap, as the fan belt was gone, half the exhaust was broken, the trans and motor were sliding back and forth on the skid plate and were held in mostly by the shift linkage and clutch cable. If she had had to go another 50 feet she wouldn't have finished, but she was fourth, only 5½ minutes behind fifth place. Neither Shawn Ryan/Keith Jensen or Kenny Freeman Jr. covered more than one lap, Freeman having a stuck throttle which put him over a cliff in Buckwheat Pass. Class 5-1600 was a case of who survived majo~ troubles the quickest, and at the finish it turned out to be the usual winners Barry Slatter and Darryl Smith who got the job done quickest, winning by about an hour and a half. Barry lost a brake pedal on the first lap through Buckwheat Pass, and dropped about an hour to the leader; then Joe Jack-son/Vince Bishop were close, a few minutes behind, and so was Kevin Streety. Smitty lost time on the third and last lap for the class with a broken trailing arm, but they carried on to victory. Kevin Streety, with Dorothy Klick co-driving, broke a steering box on the second lap, and lost a lot of time, then had broken shock mounts. But he limped into John Gable's pit, where the Class 8 guys did a first class job of welding the mounts together, enabling Streety to finish the race in second place. Despite a strong first lap, Joe Jackson and Vince Bishop lost December 1990 C.V. bolts on the second round and were_ third with two laps done. Pat Carter lost his engine on the second lap, and Steve Meierdiercke only got through half the first lap before his engine went south. There were just four small trucks, but the team of Mike Les le and Russ Winkler were the only ones getting in the three required laps, getting in their pre-run in the Jeep Comanche and winning a few bucks to pay the gas bill. Lesle did AffENTION DESERT RACERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and HDRA desert races and other selected events. Check it out on contingency row -Two different classes each event. Coming Next Month ••• SCORE Baja 1000 MTEG at Candlestick Park SNORE KC HiLites Midnight Special ADRA Penasco Twilight 250 CRS Rally WorkshQp HPORRA Last Chance Baja Press On Regardless SCCA Pro Rally Badgerland Short Course Sprints WRC Sanremo Rally of Italy ... Plus All The Regular Features Dusty Times
- , ... John Gable entered his Class 8 truck in Class 1 /2, but had to recruit some youngsters to push it through the tech line Friday night, as his co-drivers and pre-runners Curt LeDuc and John Swift missed that exercise. A clean and pretty Bekki Freeman not only raced, but was trophy girl for the SNORE 250, and she presented Tommy Bradley with Class 1 /2 and overall trophies plus a check for over $1000 dollars. SNORE's President Galliher races in Class 1/2 and took sixth, doing only two laps with a flat in the first ten miles, and more troubles on the third lap that put him on the trailer. a quick 1:23:16 first lap, his fastest and his slowest, lap 3, was 1 :28:23, and that is the best way to win on the rough and rocky Nevada desert. Turbo Lamke set fast class lap on his first lap, a 1: 14:34, but that was his only lap as he parked soon after with trans trouble, but got second place anyhow. Rick Sanders fried an alternator on his first lap, and his crew finally found him, towed him to the pits and replaced the electrics. Rick qualifies for the determination award, because he went back on course and finished his first lap, nearly six hours long, and got third place. Tracy Rubio didn't cover a lap. Class 9 was the biggest in the race at 20 starters, and half of them. ran up front in one giant dust cloud. Bruce Mangold started third, but he was first across the line on the first lap with the class fast lap of 1 :21: 19. Steve Thompson charged even harder starting 13th, and was second after one lap with a 1:23:20 ET. After two of the three required laps for the class Thompson had the lead by nearly two minutes over Mangold. Then a disaster on the last lap cost a good hour, and the Steve Thompson/Steve Poole/ Roger Felix team dropped to third, finishing an hour behind the winner. Bruce Mangold, with co-drivers Tim Gavett and Mike Mangold, got back on track on lap 3, and won the class in 4: 14:03 for the three laps. Tim Crain and Christopher Lee ran a steady pace, starting first, but down to ninth after one lap; they kept moving up to finish second at the checkered flag, 33 minutes behind the winner. Steve Burke shot from 11th on the start to fourth, then third on lap 2, only to lose an hour on the last lap to a broken rear hub, and finished fourth, 15 minutes out of third. Dale and Dennis Looney plus co-drivers Darren Lattin and Timothy Mils did three laps with times varying only four minutes, and they were another 17 minutes back in fifth. Chuck Ratliff and Toby Car Ison had a good first lap, had troubles the rest of the distance, but finished it all in sixth place, only another half minute behind. Max and Ron Carter were the last three lap finishers, in seventh another hour behind. Kent Lothringer was fourth after two laps, but went no further, followed on the trailer by Danny and Mike Hunter, whose two lap time was only three minutes slower. Others who did two laps include Gary Brewer, Trevor Rowland, John Well, and Rob Wicker. Those doing one lap include Steve Eversmeyer, Wes Scantlin, Chris Harris and Duane Smith, while Sam Walker, Scott Hood and Monty Smith failed to cover even one lap. Dusty Times Sunday morning the awards presentation was complete with a full breakfast buffet at the Gold Strike Casino in Jean compliments of SNORE, and it sure is a nice way to finish an event weekend. Even though the entry was less than expected, everyone had a good time on and off the course. And Tommy Bradley won $1050.00 for his four hour driving stint. The whole affair was over before noon giving all the Californians time to beat late afternoon traffic on the way home. Don't forget SNORE has a race . bring your race car, even a pre-near Las Vegas that starts early runner will do if it has proper Saturday morning, December 1 safety equipment, and have some on a course that will hold some fun in the desert at the Showboat familiar trails and rocks for 250 before donning the Sunday-regular desert racers. So if you are Go-To-Meeting fancy clothes for coming to town for the SCORE/ the gala evening of awards at the HDRA awards dinner that night, Gold Coast Hotel & Casino. GERMAN AUTO /'YOUR OFF-ROAD HEADQUARTERS// " CNC CUTTING BRAKES C Upright. or lay down styles available single or dual handles . $69.95 ' \. '"':1' , ,,, -'-'> 1/ , I DIEST SEAT BELTS The greatest name in driver safety equipment 4-point Sand Rail Seat Belt . Race Belts 2'"-5 point S69.95 $74.95 3"-5 point ..... from $99.95 TYPE 4-PORSCHE-STYLE FAN SHROUD Utilizes type 1 alternator custom alter-nator mount included $299.00 KENNEDY PRESSURE PLATES 200mm 1700Ib $79.95 200mm reinforced maximum 2300. 2500. 2700. or 3000Ib $99.96 "GERMAN AUTO" COM-PETITION PRESSURE PLATES 200mm200Ib 215mm Porsche 914 CLUTCH DISCS FOR 200MM AND 215MM Cushlocks 4 puc ferramic 4 puc ferramic with spring hub $36.95 $44.95 $54.95 213-868-9393 CNC RACE CAR PEDAL AS-SEMBLES Brake pedal with dual master cylinder and balance bar (specify disc of drum brakes] ....... . . . ....... . . . from $199.95 Clutch pedal with slave . $104.95 Swing pedal or floor mount pedals available. SACO ALUMINUM WHEELS *Polished finish* • Bolt together replaceable halves* • available in 15" and 16" .... from $99.95 SACO IRS BUS SUPER DIFF 100C\bmachined form billet. Uses 091 series parts. Fits all years $424.55 SACO transmission drive flange. 100C\b machined from billet. Fits 930 CV joints Ceachl . . . . . . . . . $55.95 SACO "'No LEAK"" 4 bolt polished valve covers fits 1. 7. 1.8, and 1.0T 4 engines. Cpairl $44.95 POLY FUEL JUGS 5 Gallon ... Square Design ... Screw On Cap ... , . $17 .95 Anti-Vortex Fuel Funnel 11 Gallon ... Quick Dump $17.95 $49.95 ·'213-863-1504 SACO CV CAGES, BOOTS AND FLANGES 930 or T.4 cages leach] 930, T.4 & T.2 boot flanges leach] Trik boots (each] . S44.95 S15.95 $15.95 SACO RACK AND PINION SACO rack and pinion features al!oy gears full contact housing, and hard anodized for long wear. Standard rack and pinion Aaci< and pinion mount Rack and pinion coupler Rack steering stops H.D MAGNUM RACK $249.95 $9.95 $9.95 $19.95 Billet housings ... 1½" alloy gear ... thru bolt mounting ... complete with stops 1" CHROMOLYTIE RODS WITH H.D. ENDS 1" ChromolyTie Rods with H.D. Ends (specify Ford or International] set . . ....... . $89.95 Quick release steering hub $44.95 ·oeo.·E:-:cec·' ::! fr<:)·,.) ::, ~ _-:,;:...• .. 1 .... f-~ -, :-e-·--,:: ·'T'e'"C'"'Q"IO·:e, -·:E-,:, :: ;~_~·I,-.: .., .... .:: "" -·o--ice: : vb;ec: :-: :. .... :: 9e-.J·•--_ • : :··--.c. ·v JH 0"0 .... ~;-=:...::.c.:..:.... .. 1. ·.·:yne :ce ..... _---,., -.... ·_ o:- ,:;·p ::. :-" ·:-:::-•. e ::---::! ·-FAX 213-929-.1461 11324 Norwalk Bl. Santa Fe Springs, CA. 90670 December 1990 SWAYAWAY IRS spring plates $64.95 SI A spring plates S77.95 4130 Spring plates .. from $159.95 H.D. torsion bars , ...... from S134.95 Front V. W. Bug sway bars . $44.95 Rear V. W. Bug sway bars $64.95 Front and rear V. W. sway bar kit $199.95 TRIMIL BOBCAT SYSTEMS 1½"Type 1 raw . . 1 ½" Type 1 chrome 15/e"Type 1 raw . 15/e" Type chrome 15/e" Type 4 raw . 15/e" Type 4 chrome Baffle for Bobcat System . ' $59.95 $89.95 $69.96 $99.95 $149.95 $179.95 $8.95 TRICK REAR TRAILING ARMS 3"x3". Class 1-21600, 51600 pr. 5395.00 pr. $395.00 FRONTTRAILING ARMS Link Pin 4130 Chromoly Stock length 1 ¼"Longer ......... . 2 'I•" Longer .. 4" for coil covers . . . pr. $485.00 pr. $525.00 pr. $525.00 pr. $550.00 WEEKEND WARRIOR LONG TRAVEL BEAMS B" travel stock width beam 8" travel widened beam 1 O" travel stock width beam 1 O" travel widened beam . $199.95 $219.95 $224.95 $244.95 *Catalog $3. Page 37 ..
Competition Review Board By George Thompson · We begin this month with a note from the publisher. In the 29 races since the birth of the first CRB Report, this document has undergone a significant meta-morphosis in form and function. The CRB Reports were written by Fred DuPuis and later by Stewart Chase, and were intended to be the minutes of these CRB meetings. With apologies to Fred and Stewart, these early reports were dry and borin,g, and failed to give much in the way of details on the various cases. Such is the nature of "minutes" according to the format set down in Roberts Rules of order, the Bible of how meetings shall be run. When I took over the respon-sibility of writing these reports I chose to do it in a style which was designed to help the reader understand not only the decisions but the mood of the Board in reaching those decisions. In taking this approach there is a tendency for the publication to take on the personality of the writer, which it seems to have done. I make no apologies for this, nor do I intend to return to the consumate boredom of complete objectivity presented by merely reporting the "Minutes". However, it occurs to me that I have a responsibility to inform you that the opinions expressed in the CRB Report are not neces-sarily shared by the members of the CRB or, for that matter, the members of the IDRA. The CRB Report is written and published by George R. Thompson and I assume complete responsibility for its content. On the other hand, the decisions I write about ARE a matter of public record! The Compet-ition Review Board for the -1990 HORA Gold Coast 300 was convened at 9:00 Saturday evening at the Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas. Michelle Fry, the recently elected President of the Chapala Dusters and newest member of the IDRA Executive Board, was the CRB Administrator for this event. Other members of the Board included Ed Herbst, Class 1/2; Michael Schuringa, Class 8; Paul Simon, Class 7-4x4; Scott Reams, Class 1-2-1600; Al Stein, Armstrong Pit Support; Frank Vessels, Alternate; Danny Cau, HORA; Jerry Bender, HORA; George Thompson, CRB Marshal. The Board was encouraged to hear that only five cases were scheduled to be heard race night at this meeting. If the number of cases to be heard lulled us into a false sense of security, their complexity made us realize that we were in for a long session. The Jordan Brothers Racing vs. Walker Evans Racing case began when the Jordan Brothers' Class 6 El Camino was violently rear ended by the big Dodge Class 8 entry belonging to Walker Evans. Apparently the Jordans had to replace their steering just off the start, and pulled off the course to work on the vehicle about 10 miles out. After some time they pulled back out onto the course and shortly after passing through Check #2, they moved over to let a buggy pass. As they were pulling back out on the course, Walker apparently collided with their right rear quarter panel, ending the race on the spot for the Jordans. Walker limped away only to have to retire the Dodge a short while later. One of the problems which the Jordans had with this particular incident was that was not the first time Walker and the Jordans have made contact during a race. In fact, going into the race there was a large dent on the El Camino which had a sign next to it simply saying "Thanks Walker". The previous experience had soured them toward Evans and this incident did little to cause them to re-evaluate their earlier feelings. "How fast were you going?", someone asked. "15 to 20 miles per hour," they said. "Do you think Walker hit you intention-ally?" asked Ed Herbst. "What do you want us to do?" "Well, I wouldn't think anyone would hit you that hard and put himself out. All I know was that we were hit hard and knocked out of the race. The buggy passed us with no problem. We talked to Walker before coming in here and neither of us know what the answer is. Both of our cars are damaged and it's too late for this race. Our feelings in talking to him were that it wasn't inten-tional." According to 'Walker, "Car #608 pulled out on the course, right in front of me on the power line road near the 21 mile marker. I could not stop in time and took the whole front end and my radiator out and was out of the race. At the time I hit him I was going about 60 mph and visibility was about ten feet, so you can imagine what happened." Every time the Board hears a case like this I am reminded of what a recurring theme this is at the CRB. Here we have two prominent racers, both hurting and frustrated because their entire race effort has gone for nothing, Tired of paying $50,000 to $60,000 for a "Dune Buggy?" Prism Design & Development now offers a better & more marketable way to go racing! -1991 Full Size Tube Chassis "Funny Trucks." • Simplified Maintenance - No more Expensive Tranny Bills. No more Creasy C.V. Joints. A NEW CONCEPT IN OFF-ROAD RACING • Precision -All our trucks are jig-built to ensure that they will be identical -what this means is that replacement parts are readily available & we can supply you with an exact copy that will install on your truck with no modifications. ''NEW'' CLASS 2 FUNNY TRUCKS Race Ready With Your Engine & Transmission Page 38 • Complete Rolling Chassis - including sus-pension, shocks, seats, belts, gauges, wiring, plumbing (oil, water, brakes), radiator, coolers, fuel cell, tires, wheels & body panels. Chassis: Chromoly tubing - No Stock Frame Suspension: Front - Twin I-Beam with 22" Travel Coil Spring - Double Shock. Rear - Cone 9" Full Floater with 22" Travel Coil Spring - Double Shock. Wheelbase: 120" Body: Ford Front Fenders, Hood, Bed-sides - Fiberglass Cab Corners, Top, Doors - Steel ~ Engine-Transmission Combo Available. Prices starting at $49,500 916-344-7443 5816 Roseville Road #14 Sacramento, CA 95842 December 1990 and there is no solution under the hours on his first lap, going slowly present conditions. Clearly this is at about mile marker 48 just a no-fault accident. The time has before Check 5 when he saw a car come to do something about these in his mirror approaching from lap races, and we all discussed this the rear at speed. He moved over in some detail. What needs doing to let the faster car pass, but as it is to separate vehicles which travel was passing, the car rolled over the course at such radically Jim'srearcageandtireandflipped different speeds. One possible him over into a nearby ditch. · solution, favored by the IDRA is Upside down and concerned with to group vehicles according to more immediate problems he was their size and speed and start them unable to identify the car that hit as totally separate groups, with a him, and the other car kept right substantial delay between them. on going. For someone to leave a In the case of lap races the event fellow racer upside down without should be structured as two stopping is a cowardly and· separate events, so the fast cars unsportsmanlike act. Sooner or and the slow ones can never come later we will catch one of these Hit together. One way to make this and Run drivers and when we do workable is to shorten the that person will not be racing in distance of the races so they could this series for a long, long time. be run on the same day, thereby Consider this a hanging offense! making these events cost effective One of the type of cases that for promoters and racers alike! seem to come up at lap races (Remember the winner finished actually lies beyond the scope of the Gold Coast 300 at 1 :40 p.m., the CRB's authority to resolve. presumably then the slow cars Saul Zambrano who, until the could start. But who would tackle Gold Coast, has not lost a race all the monumental task of seeding year, asked to address the CRB the fast drivers in every class into and was allowed to do so. Saul the first group, and then telling made some good points, having the rest of the entry, 'you're too lost by less than a minute on the slow to race with the big boys!' two Class 11 laps scored. Supposedly the start by class with "I race in Class 11, one of the the fastest classes first handled all smallest classes, and we don't this, when average speed for the attract a lot of attention but we are top finishers in a class was used to racers nonetheless. My complaint determine where it started the is about the scoring system. next race. ed.) Look for some We're only required to run three interesting format changes in all laps, and although I completed loop races next year. With great two laps and passed six more sympathy for both drivers this checkpoints, until they closed, case was dismissed. went further in less time than the Another case bearing a sur-car listed as the winner, he wins prising resemblance to the first because he was 30 odd seconds one saw Jerry Higman, 1600, faster for two laps. I passed him bringing charges of unsafe driving just off the start of the third lap, against Chris Robinson, who and he never caught me again! It apparently rear-ended the 1-2- seems to me that with all the radio 1600 car with such intensity, in communications available that his Class 8 Chevrolet, that the classes such as ours should be engine and trans were completely scored to the checkpoints and not knocked out of the frame of the to the lap completed. That's all I open wheeled car. Higman was have i:o say, really. I just wanted to about an hour down on his first go on record saying that I think lap, and ·moving through the silt this is an unfair way of scoring, bed when he was forced to slow to particularly the slower classes and about 20 mph for a slower vehicle in the future something needs to at about the 74 mile marker. bechangedsothisdoesn'thappen Without warning he was hit in the again." Everyone agreed that all rear by Robinson, who spun him races should be scored to off course demolishing the entire checkpoints, but agreed that this rear of the car all the way to the fuel : problem is out of the jurisdiction cell. This incident ultimately put of the CRB. Danny Cau said he Robinson on the trailer as well. would look into a new system We asked Jerry ifhe thought this which allows scoring to the was an intentional act on Chris' checkpoint in the future. part and he said he did not believe Ramon Castro has been racing it was. But this was a classic for some time, and he got into scenario of this type of incident, some trouble in the CRB when he and the Board only hears about failed to appear to answer HORA ten percent of these cases because charges that he was off course at most competitors choose not to mile marker 14. It seems Ramon come forward. came into checkpoint 2 from the We discussed these cases in the power line road on his first lap. Manufacturers meeting on Checkpoint workers watched, in Sunday and a steering committee stunned disbelief as the Class 7S has been set up and is scheduled rig, instead of turning with the to meet next month in San race course atthat point, just kept Francisco to discuss ways to right on going down the power separate these vehicles. If anyone line road and off into the desert has any comment on the way never to be seen until the next lap. things should be structured at Neither Danny Cau nor CP 2 future events, I would like to hear Captain Bill McCollough felt this those comments. This case was was an act of intentional cheating, also dismissed with no action· since this was such a stupid place taken against Robinson. This to begin a short course route. great problem will be addressed Unfortunately, Ramon was not before the Parker race in January. there to tell us what happened. He Clearly, some of these cases was penalized one hour with a would be more appropriate in letter of reprimand for taking this Judy Smith's Losers column than alternate route. in the CRB Report, and the next A strong case of intentional two cases certainly fall into thar short coursing was presented to category. Jim McKenzie waited the Board by HDRA officials who for almost two hours to tell us his charged that Ray Cummins, tale of woe and it is a sad one #1023, was observed bv HORA, indeed. He was down over three (continued on page 55) Dusty Times
'The Straight Poop From The Big Wahzoo' GOLD COAST , The Club missed a step at this race as no Checker was able to pick up a win this time around. Strangely, the location of the main pit was partly responsible for this. It seems HORA has a sort of lazy way of scoring this race and only counts the times of the laps completed. Sadly, it seems Zambrano physically led lap 2 when he stopped for regular service at the Checker pit, which was located just BEFORE the finish line. As Saul was sitting in the pit, the second place car passed by and crossed the finish line and THEN went into his pit, on the other side of the finish line. After Saul left our pit he quickly re,passed the other car and they continued on just as before until they both broke on the final lap with Saul getting a few check points farther on the course. Well you guessed it, since the other guy was first on their completed laps he was named the winner. Needless to say. both Saul and Howard Anderson were not happy campers. They not only lost a win but also broke Saul's streak of points race victories. The Wahzoo could understand this scoring technique if they were using carrier pigeons but I was under the impression that HORA had computers and such, not to mention radios and check point people keeping track? Hey Saul, I hope that you at least got kissed! Our other second place finisher also had his problems but they were mainly with the Club, something about a long overdue past pit fee and a couple of stiff fines at the post race meeting for not mentioning the Checkers at the awards and also destroying a pit sign during the race. Hey George, lucky that ya won some money this race isn't it? The Club's best run of the day came from Koch and his band of rotating passengers. Tom suffered · only two flats and no roll overs as he put his Ridgecrest Rocket into third place in Class 1 /2 and also third overall. Not far behind in fifth place was our other Tom and Koch's old driving partner, Tom Martin. Martin and Tevon were also sixth overall. Close behind them was Steve Holladay in his new Class 1/2 car with an eighth in class and a ninth overall. In Class 10, John Brooks continued to roll right along with a third place even though his antique Raceco chassis almost broke in half during the race. Good race guys! Those who did not fare too well this race were numerous , Frenchie, Keeling and Peralta all DNFed. Hymes broke his car on Friday and did not start. Sumners broke in the first 20 miles. Symonds broke on the last lap. Cook's cooked another motor and Greenway did not finish for the first time this year. Butch Dunn was supposed to come out of retirement at this race but the driver of the 1,2, 1600 car that he was supposed to get into pulled the car out of the race after the passenger gqt hurt. Chase kind'a lost his virginity Dusty Times out at the Gold Coast Race as a Pit Captain. Stuart has primarily been a racer since he joined the Club, but when he decided not to run this race he smoothly slipped right over onto the pit side of the sign,up sheet. Not only did Stuart volunteer to take a pit, but asked to be assigned to the busiest one out on the course. Considering how he sets up his pit area, when he's camped in the main pit, I'm sure that the racers that stopped found Chase's pit to be well over an acre in size and pertectly well ·marked with lots of bright orange cones. Speaking of racers and pitting points, there is a rumor going around that there still might be a few of our regular drivers that could be in trouble this year with the threatened enforcement of the 'one pit point rule'. Threats? Are these just stink'n threats? Well, we'll see! This is obviously one problem Chase doesn't have to worry about now. SOAP OPERA UPDATE , Since the time the Club heard both sides in the Weatherman's continuing battle to get back up on Mt. Oiablo during the Baja races, the problem is still not solved. It seems the guy in charge up at the observatory still has a serious grudge that he is not ready to put aside, although he has no objection to anyone else running a radio relay up there. So in an attempt to go over his head, a group led by Peralta is currently collecting signatures on a petition to show this fella's boss the large support and value the Weather, man's radio relay has from the off road racing community. The Wahzoo salutes their persistence but questions their method and offers a much simpler solution. I would suggest a more Checker, like approach designed to blatantly out fox this hard headed stargazer. We could simply pass the hat until we raise enough caJh to buy Steinberger a cheap .wig and a pretty red dress. Then, with a litt1e luck and considering the obvious shortage of women up on that mountain, he would probably be welcomed aboard with open arms; hell, if he's really good and puts enough padding in the right places he might even get invited inside for dinner and cocktails? The only problem I could see with this solution is, to maintain his cover, he would probably have to change his 'handle'. How 'bout 'Weatherwomen' or maybe 'Radio Floozy'? Speaking of fooling people, there is a surprising increase in the number of our members that are wearing earrings lately, most notably Master Bates and Chuck Sugar. Now I have no doubt regarding these guys sexual preference but I am concerned about whether they know which ear to put their diamond in? I mean the Wednesday night meetings are sometimes uncon, trollable enough without the chance of a bunch of 'sopranos' following our boys in from the parking lot. Maybe, just to be on the safe side, you guys ought to consider wearing 'em in both ears, that way at least they'll be confused. On a serious note the Checkers sadly learned that Buddy Ferrell died last month in Virginia from a construction accident. About 12 years ago Buddy was badly burned in an off road racing accident and the Club responded with a big fund raising drive to help pay for part of his recovery expenses. The entire Club joined together in that effort and not only did we raise a lot of money for Buddy, but it was surely one of the finest hours in the long history of this Club. Buddy did recover and, although he never raced again, we partied with him regularly at our summer party held out at Buddy's ranch in Acton for a number of years. He was also one of the original members that started the Club and the only member that was ever named an Honorary Lifetime Checker. The sport has lost one of it's few good men. Hey Buddy, you'll be missed! SOAP BOX , Each month, in the interest of trying out a new wrinkle in this column, this Soap Box feature will contain quotes and comments from any Checker member that would like to take this opportunity to air his views. The rules are simple: (1) I will re,print your letter exactly as written with the exception of real bad four letter words. (2) All letters that are not signed must include some proof of Checker membership (this is not a problem if you think about it). (3) Only the foHowing subjects are appropriate: *The Checkers as a club. * Any Checker member, prospective or State of Intent. *Race organizer (not individual) or race location. *Desert closure and the environment. * Any item in this column with the exception of the Wahzoo's identity. *Any other subject that the Checkers are involved in as a Club. I also pledge to not re,print every letter Peralta writes, or anything else of an advertising nature. Please limit your letter to only a paragraph or two and include a nickname of some sort in case some other Checker wants to write in and tell everyone how stupid he thinks your comments · were. The Wahzoo also reserves the right to add my two cents worth to any opinion expressed. The Wahzoo realizes that I might be really sticking my neck out on this, but I've always said that there are usually two sides to most every:thing, so here's your invitation to express your side. Mail it to: Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, in care of the Big Wahzoo. The Checkers were front and center in the recent airing of ESPN's coverage of the Willow Springs Race. As winners of the 2nd Annual Pit Crew Competi, tion, our winning 33. 75 second pit stop was highlighted and described using phrases such as "split second accuracy" and "nearly flawless". Hey, ya know those guys did look pretty damn good didn't they? A Checker atta boy once again goes out to Brooks, Wolfe, Dennis, Colver, Pick and Angerman for once again reminding everyone OU! there who the # 1 team in the sport is! LA RANA RACE, In this 200 mile race in Ridgecrest, Mansker and Dennis Crowley beat every, body there but one open class car with Dave's 1,2,1600car. First in class and second overall , Great race guys! Harman had trouble in his 10 car and finished second (I think), with both Pick and Hibbard going out on the first lap because of a crash and transmis, sion respectively. By the time you read this, nominations for new Club officers will probably already be underway, yearly dues will be coming due shortly and it is getting close to the time that you had better start thinking about setting aside your newest Checker T,shirt for the Annual Awards Banquet. It is rumored that Dr. Checker will M.C. the whole affair so obviously any attire will be appropriate. GOOD NEWS & BAD , First the good, the Wahzoo had some good response to my request for a volunteer to help in gathering information for this column. After I weeded out those members who were only inter, ested in finding out my identity, I narrowed it down to a guy who I think will make an excellent 'Little Wahzoo'. Although I will still be writing the actual column, I will be getting a lot of the information I write about from (continued on pal!e 55) ,:::i,. ___ _ . ,.. ··~--· · · ·"'--······---Trailers Our Quality Makes the Difference Models Available: Open Fl_atbed Trailer Enclosed Bumper Pull-Type Trailers From 16' to 28' Enclosed Gooseneck Trailers From 28' to 48'. * Many Equipment Options Available Medium Duty Truck Conversions We Have the Ability and Experience Necessary to Build Any Trailer to Your Exact Specifications, Custom Designed for Your Individual Needs ... * Write or Call for a Free Brochure Join the Ranks or Our Satlsf led Customers • Bob Gordon • R.C.R. Plumbing • Hamilton Mater1als • Herbst Oil Co. • Hagle Lumber • Sherman Balch Competitive Trailers 8832 Ramona Street Bellflower, CA. 90706 (213) 634-2006 December 1990 Custom Designed Interiors Page 39
LA RANA DESERT IIACING Bob Richey Dominates At The California 100 By Jean Calvin Photos: Track.side Photo Inc. -..-~---;;.,..., . ..,• --"•""""iwict._; ...,,. __ ..,_,._. Ron Moore was the fastest survivor in Class 10, although he ran second for some time in the slim class, he took the lead midway in his Hi Jumper and sailed on home the class winner. Bob Richey runs the entire La Rana series in his former pre-runner Raceco, with VW Type 4 power, and Bob has dominated the Class 1 /2 and overall spots in the series, winning again at Ridgecrest overall with no real down time. It was tight running for the front three in Class 5 most of the distance, and at the finish Peter Swift won the class battle over six others, but his winning margin was only about six minutes. It always brings a chuckle from us when, at the big time events, the pundits stand around looking at a diminished entry from a few ye;irs back and profoundly proclaim that desert racing is dying and that short course racing is the only way to keep the sport alive. Of course most of these folks fly in from east of the Rockies to Las Vegas, and all they ever see in the USA are the three HDRA events near there, Parker and Barstow. Well, those that want to go short course racing already are, primarily, and many former series racers are now getting more races for their money by entering smaller events in California and Nevada organ-ized by SNORE in Nevada, the Fudpucker RacingTeamoutofEl Centro and La Rana Desert Racing nearer L.A. While SNORE and FR T have been putting on races for many years, La Rana burst on the scene organizing events out of Lucerne Valley, Barstow and Ridgecrest in southern California early last season. Of course they had 30 or 40 entries in the early days, but the word spread that this was affordable racing suited particu-larly to people with older cars, or pre-runners with which they could no longer pre-run. The three organizations we think have siphoned off some of the casual entry from the majors, as FR T and La Rana have nearly doubled their entry at some events in 1990. La Rana's first big entry of over 70 cars came at their last event held outside of Ridgecrest, CA, home to the China Lake Naval facility. It is interesting to note that with four desert races on three consecutive weekends in California and Nevada, La Rana drew 69 cars to Ridgecrest last October and their date was the sandwich filling at that. It all began with Tech and the Contingency Line opening at 3:00 Page 40 p.m. at the Kerr McGee Com-munity Center in metropolitan Ridgecrest on Friday. A good part of the spacious parking lot was given over to the contingency donors, and their numbers have increased considerably since the first event near Ridgecrest. Although the line moved slowly at first, the lone tech inspector's helpers arrived within the hour and the pace was reasonable from then on until about nine when most of the entry had gone through. There were a couple of late entries, one of which was Bill Donahoe, who had come with the tractor trailer to dispense Sports Gas, and decided to enter his own transportation, and occasional chase truck, in the Stone Stock Class and he also encouraged Bob 'Weatherman' Steinburger to ride shotgun with him. This move did not disrupt radio coverage of the event because, as always, Bob Hynes of R.L.H. Communica-tions, better known as BFGood-rich Radio Relay, fiad volunteered his team to cover the 36 mile course. lpe start finish line is several miles out of town in an area well known to desert bike racers. The drivers' meeting was held in the registration room inside the Community Center on Friday night around 9:00 p.m. As always drivers were cautioned against straying off course, which was heavily marked, and to stop at the five on course checkpoints as well as the start/ finish on the course that nearly doubled back on itself in some places. The major problem in this area is straying onto federal government roads which the navy folks there frown upon. In fact, it took the BLM officer on hand to drive to the scene to authorize the medics to drive an injured driver to the highway to meet an ambulance over a navy property road. Fortunately the driver was not seriously injured, and the delay was not harmful to him. Had it been serious the EMTs would have left immediately. · Saturday morning it was windy and sunny and the entry staged itself for the 9:00 a.m. start, one every 15 seconds, which was delayed for half an hour until radio communication could be established with Checkpoint 4. The delay helped Mike Stickle who was working on his car replacing an oil filter and allowed Thomas Coon to work on the trans in the Class 8 Ford. But Coon shouldn't have bothered because he was barely out of sight of the green flag when the trans went out completely. First away was the Ninja Kawasaki powered open wheeler that looked a lot like a Bunderson with lots of coil springs in the front end. But Vince LaPorte broke a chain at Check 2 on the first lap. The real threat was Bob Richey in his tidy blue two seat Raceco, and odds were that he was heading to another victory. The odds makers were right. Class 10 left next followed by Class 5 then 1-2-1600, the mixed bag of trucks big and small, Class 5-1600, then 6, 9 and 11, Stone Stock and Odyssey followed by the odd looking machine wearing checks and start/finish, which may have been hard to see if the sun was behind the driver and the check was approached in some-one's dust. But the infractions were all taken care of by the end of the race. After that there was no more big crisis on course and the five laps went by quickly for the leaders. Keith Jackson was first around on lap 1, his Raceco first on the road but second on time. Bob Richey had stopped at his pit (all pits were before the S/ F line) to get a fresh co-driver, the original guy being a bit too tall for comfort; his head kept hitting the roof of the Raceco, but the lap time was a quick 44:05. Don Cornell whipped in next, a couple of minutes later in still another two seat Raceco, and three minutes behind him came the first Class 10 car, the Funco of Michael Harman. This was going to be a fast and furious five laps for the front runners, as the first 1-2-1600 of Dave Mansker was up to seventh on the road after one lap. On the second lap Richey, who stopped to fix a voltage regulator wire, and Jackson were almost tied on total time, but on the next lap Jackson vanished into the desert, leaving just four Class 1/2 cars running as LaPorte was also down and out on lap 3. Richey turned another 44 lap and backed Don Cornell and David Kreisler ran second on the road on lap 1 and stayed with the program to finish second in Class 1 /2, 28 minutes behind Richey. #1 of George Shaw which was almost an open rail with a Honda bike engine. It was not long before word came on the radio that a Baja Bug had crashed in a hole near Check 1, and driver· David Pick, had a shoulder injury, and with j the BLM officer on the scene, they held a few race cars while the medics hauled Pick away. Luckily the hospital check showed no f' injury beyond bruises and stiff muscles, and the down time was accurately recorded and deducted from the total time of the few cars stopped for a couple of minutes at the scene. Meanwhile there were reports of more than one car running through checkpoints without stopping. La Rana was using traffic signal type lights at_ th_<! . December 1990 Michael Harman was the early leader in Class 10, doing fast class lap in the Funco, but serious suspension woes dropped him an hour back and second at the ffag. Dusty Times
Jim Madison came all the way from Parker, AZ to race, and he stayed very close all the way in Class 5 putting his Bug home a very tight second. David Ardolino kept his Jimco near the top of the charts in Class 1-2-1600 and he finished a good second in class only ten minutes behind he winner. Greg Akins brought his Bunderson from Hesperia to race. and despite trouble on the first lap worked his way back to third place in the close 1-2-1600 war. Mike Mitchell competes in a Class 7 4x4 Toyota, and he also did a Job on the big trucks at Ridgecrest, taking a good second in the combined class. Scott Mendenhall and Donnie Luce were in contention all the way and despite a broken tie rod end, on lap 3, they were second in Class 5-1600. Darryl Gibson had major problems on the second laP_, got tne Bug fixed and roared back into action to turn fast times and finish third in Class 5-1600. that with a 43:28, fast lap of the day on round four and he does all this in his former pre-runner with a Type 4 engine in the tail. Then· he had to make a field fix on the pesky voltage regulator wiring, but sailed across the final lap finish line the overall winner in spades, with a total time of 3 :49:08 and it was just 1: 15 in the afternoon. Don Cornell, came home second with David Kreisler co-driving with a time of 4: 18: 16. The Raceco's frame looked to need a bit of welding in the post race impound. Mike Stickle finished third in Unlimiteds in 6:18:16, using an extra two hours on the last lap for reasons unknown, but it must have been serious. Will Domschot was running near the front heading into the last lap, but sad % ~ .. '.·.· I. to say his engine blew and he did not finish, but held fourth place anyhow. Only three showed up in Class 10 hut two of them finished. The first lap and class fast lap time went to Michael Harman who did · a 51 :51 and later a 50:20 round in his Funco. Ron Moore ran second in a Hi Jumper, 19 minutes back. Then Jeff Akins had a real disaster in his Bunderson, taking three hours, 41 minutes to get around the third lap, had more trouble, a more than two hour second lap, got it all fixed, but ran a 52:32 first lap, finally vanishing into the desert for good. Meanwhile Harman took over three hours to do the 36 mile fourth lap, with frequent pit stops to work on the front end, but the Checker pit crew finally cured his ills and his ·w.,: I ,1 t w..:» Dave Mansker and co-driver Dennis Crowley stayed first on the road and kept a very slim lead all the way in Class 1-2-1600, and Mansker's new JMR came home the class winner and a smart second overall. Billy Bunch is a aith u a Rana racer, and this round had to run his GMC Class 7 against the Class 8 trucks, but Bunch kept the truck tidy and won the combine<! class by nearly half an hour. Dusty Times final lap was in the 50 plus minute range. His was a secure second place. Out front from the second lap through the remaining rounds was Ron Moore, who ran a good pa~e, lost about 40 minutes on lap 2 with distributor and suspension woes and flats but won Class 10 with total time of 5:37:47. Here the 10 cars all had trouble and finished well behind the 1-2-1600 cars. Class 5 was next away, seven strong, but, as mentioned, Pick, a late entry, was out soon. Stan Flores only got in one good lap, and then put it on the trailer, while Scott W eir also had a good first lap, lost way over an hour on the second lap when a special scheduled stops, as all three throttle cable fitting broke, and he turned all five laps in the fifties in arrived in the Checker Main pit at what was nearly a visual contest. idle. Luckily it was downhill, but After five fierce rounds Peter it took a good 45 minutes to fix Swift won the war in 4:30:48. He the problem. Weir went on but said he had no flats, no big didn't finish the third lap. Bobby problems but ran most of the day Ross had a 2:56 third lap, a good without any front brakes, and said second round, and lost about 30 the course was really fun to drive. minutes on the first lap and was Jim Madison got his Parker, AZ not seen again, credited with Bug in second in 4:36:26 in a tight fourth place. fight for the win. Doug Wager, The Class 5 battle was close whose laps were only a few between the other three with both minutes slower on average than Jim Madison and Peter Swift the front two, took third in turning 53 minute first lap times, 4:51:47 in one of the best races of and Doug Wager was only six the day. minutes in arrears. All three raced There were nine in Class 1-2-on, obviously with no un-1600 and tr FOR SALE 1984 FUNCO-A-ARM SHORT COURSE CAR This car is complete, less engine. Set up for air cooled VW. Features Fox Shox, Fuel Safe cell, Beard Super Seat, 1990 Diest harness, 2 sets Goodyear tires; 1 set on Centerlines, 1 set on Marsh carbon fiber wheels. Includes all spares and tank for servicing shocks, plus gauges. This is a great starter car and very easy to maintain. $4000.00 Call Don at 714-860-3822 and leave message or 818-3~6-9999 December 1990 Page 41 .. I ,j I I I
.. Tony Cassetta, who soloed in the Class 9 Sandwinder Midi, does the bicycle act on his way to overcoming shock woes to finish a very close second. Dick Ford ran a minute back in second for two laps, then slowed a bit on the final two laps, but he moved fast enough for third place in Class 9. Jay Porter kept his Chenowth humming along, moved steadily up the Class 9 charts, and moved up again on the last lap to finish fourth in the class. . -df".1x,,· ..__ ..,,._ Greg Burgin had his 5-1600 less than a minute behind the leader on lap 1, stayed within a minute on tme for three laps, then took the lead on lap 4 and won Class 5-1600 by just over ten minutes. DP they got a good race five laps. After three laps it was going also. Dave Mansker anybody's game but Dave brought his new )MR out to test Mansker had a slim lead over the the waters and zinged off a first lap other front runners, as he handed of 49:51, and was first on the over to co--driver Dennis Crowley. road, but right in his dust came By now the leading 1600s were in Steve McMullin with a fast 50:44 the top ten overall and in the top contesting the lead the first lap. ten on the road as well. David Ardolino was close too in On lap 4 McMullin turned class his Jimco at 53:19, but Greg fast lap of 49:49, but Akins and Akins had some trouble on the Crowley were in the 51 range, first lap, which was a 56:23. Larry while Ardolino was a tad slower at Stephey recorded a 54:28, and 52:49. But, charging into the last Richard Workman a 1:01:36 and lap this race raged on right to the Scott Ryan, a 55:31. Charles finish line. As the checkered flag Walty recorded a 1:07:02. waved Dave Mansker and Dennis On lap 2 Mansker did a 51:22, Crowley drove the )MR, still Ardolino a 55:36, Akins a 53:49, running first on the road, home to but McMullin had some down win the hard fought contest in time and recorded a 1:19:59. Class 1-2-1600, and the car Workman climbed back into stopped only for fuel and the contention, Stephey had a good driver change. The team also took run, but didn't finish another lap, second overall with a time of but the other seven all covered the 4: 17: 15 in a great ru_n ~or a new car. With very steady lap times David Ardolino, a rookie this year, took second in Class 1-2-1600 in the Jimco with a total time of 4:27:15, and said he had no big problems, but did run easy the first lap, had some fuel and distributor woes, which were quickly fixed, and is aiming at winning the class the next time out. Despite losing time on the last lap to a flat tire and getting stuck in a ravine on the first lap, where he had to get out and push the car out of the stuck spot, Greg Akins got the Bunderson home third in 4:37:06. It might have been closer if Steve McMullin hadn't broken frqnt end pieces, a drum and a shock on the second lap, but he salvaged fourth with a time of 4:42:59. Richard Workman finished fifth in 5:09:40 followed by Charle~ Walty, 5:58:36, and Scott Ryan who got his five laps in despite a 2:58:05 fifth lap time. The three Class 8s were put in with the mini trucks, but as mentioned Thomas Coon was the first vehicle out, and Gail Gould made a single lap in 3:00:43. Greg Saavedra took nearly five hours on his first lap, had a good second lap, and retired as the Class 8 winner in 6:09:05 in his Ford. So the 7s didn't have to worry about the V8s. The Class 7s had a tight first lap for the lead with Billy Bunch turning a 59:53 in a GMC, while Mike Mitchell did a 1:03:04 in a Toyota 4x4. Jay King had his 4x4 Toyota in third at 1:32:42 but r body but arl's has Swivel-Seal!M Nobody! Page 41 Send $4.00 today for the Earl's full color catalog. December 1990 Victor Davis was out for 3:34:43 in his Datsun, then he did 1 :05 lap but was seen no more, taking fifth place. Kim Mohr had a 3½ hour first lap in his Class 7 Ford, but it got cured after that. King vanished after three laps, and the other three fought on turning some good lap times. In fact, Kim Mohr turned fast lap for the class on lap 5 at 58:42, but his first lap lag dropped him to third in class with a total time of 8:23:30. It was close up front, but after five rounds Billy Bunch claimed the win with a five lap time of 5:10:22. Not that far back was Mike Mitchell at 5:39:05, and they all seemed to be having a good time. The eight 5-1600 starters took to the course next, but Mike Abbott didn' t cover a lap. Leading by seconds after one lap was Reid Ferguson with a 58:45, but Greg Burgin was in his dust with a 59:04. This battle raged on and Ferguson did class fast lap of 58: 11 in the second round while Burgin answered with a 59: 10, and only these two did any laps under an hour. After three laps Scott Mendenhall had joined in this now visual battle, with Ferguson holding just over a minute lead on Burgin. Meanwhile Mendenhall dropped over ten minutes with a broken tie rod end, but the Tortoise Racing team got him in and out of the pit in about eight minutes. Ferguson's Tagg Team 5-1600 used up over four hours on lap 4 and retired in fourth place. And both Charlie Smith, who did three laps in 3:06 before going out, and David Allan, whose three laps took 3:08, also went out. This left the battle for victory to Mendenhall and Burgin, and it was Greg Burgin who got it handled finishing five laps in 5:08: 11. Mendenhall closed the gap on the last two laps and took second in 5: 18:53. Darryl Gibson who had a major down time and a 3:39 second lap, kept on plugging doing a 1:00, a 1:01 and a 1:02 final three laps to claim third among the 5-1600s. Class 3 and 6 combined fielded three starters, but a single fast finisher. Mick Newton, the Snortin' Nortin T-shirt man, started out with a pair of 1 :03 laps in his Chevy Nova, and nobody was even close. But Newton hardly slowed the whole five laps finishing the winner in 5:36:53. Mike Meshkoff drove his very tidy full size Chevy Blazer through two laps in decent time, but disappeared on the third round, but he was second. Mike Duncan covered the first lap in 1:07:37, but that was his only lap in the Jeep CJ. Newton reported no troubles with his sedan except a broken strap on the fuel cell that was fixed on lap 4. Class 9 held 13 starters but Brian Maginnis didn't cover a lap ··';·:·h·: Mick Newton had a lonely race in the three car Class 6/3 combo class, but kept up a fast pace, was the only finisher and won easily in the Chevy Nova. Jeff Bennett rears out of a dusty hole in his Chenowth; he led the first lap in Class 9 but it was just seconds apart up front. Jeff Bennett and Tom Watson won by only about 7 minutes. Dusty Times
• Bill Swisher, who said he didn't have enough horsepower for I Scott Sells had few troubles along th'"e way in his Stone Stock this course, nonetheless finished second in Class 11, an hour Toyota, and he motored right into second place, exactly 17 Bill Donahoe and company were a late entry in Stone Stock racing, but the big crew kept the Dodge Ramcharger tidy and finished third in the class. behind the winner. minutes behind the winner. and Larry Tremblay only got in one lap as did Dave Girdner whose myriad troubles included a rollover, broken spindle, slipping clutch, all on one lap. Gary Nobbe had trouble on lap 1 also, but got in a good second round before retiring, and Mike Hampton was in contention for three laps before retiring. The first lap it was tight. Jeff Bennett led in his Chenowth with a 57:31 lap followed closely by Dick Ford at 59:57, and this pair turned identical 58 minute laps on the lap 2; these plus Cassetta's wer.e the only class laps under an hour. By the third lap young Tony Cassetta moved up to challenge the leaders with a 57:45 in the· Sandwinder Midi, and Tony followed that with a 56:36, having done all the pre~running he needed on the first two laps apparently. Most of the .others were running less than 1: 10, and this was the tightest of all running classes, where any one of a half dozen cars could still win midway in the race. Ford slowed a tad on the last two rounds, and Bennett got in a pair of under the hour laps. Jeff Bennett and Tom Watson won the Challenger Class with a good five lap time of 4:52:40. Tony Cassetta, who drove alone, climbed into second at 4:59:25, having a couple of flats and bad shocks, but the 20 year ·old said it was a fun race course, even in a car that is about as old as Tony. Dick eenager ravis oward runs both a ana and core/HDRA in his Class 11, and he had only one flat tire to slow him on the way to victory on the tough Ridgecrest course. The Stone Stock truck class is catching on in the high desert, and once again Daniel Groff and company won the five car class in the Toyota, and all five Ford slid the ORD into third at 5:23:08, followed by Jay Porter, Chenowth, at 5:32:56. Staying close Ken Brents was in at 5:45:26, followed by Chuck Nelson, 5:54:29. A many time winner, James Clements had big trouble on lap 3 and finished seventh, followed by Michael Rix who got in his five laps in 8:03: 16, and was beginning to push the nine hour allowance. Class 11 started four Beetles, but only two covered the required three laps. Doing very well this season young Travis Howard led every lap and finished the winner at 4:02:03. His only trouble was a flat tire on the second lap. Travis won by an hour flat over Bill Swisher, who said Howard's car had a lot of horsepower. Jim Pierce got in a single 1 :29 lap for third place, and Butch Burch didn't do a lap. La Rana runs the Stone Stock Class started in desert racing by Baja Promotions. Five took off in the class following the Beetles off the line, and usual winner Daniel Groff had his Toyota first around in a fine time of 1: 18:01. But Scott Sells, in another Toyota, was close at 1: 21 :46 as was Kenneth Parr, Chevy, at 1:22:08, and Bill Donahoe in his Dodge Ramcharger at 1 :31:42. Bob Ryan lost over an hour to some problem on the first lap, but carried on in his Chevy. Groff slowed by 15 minutes on the second lap suffering several unscheduled stops, but held his lead anyway. Groff picked up the pace on the last lap to a 1 :21:42 to maintain a comfortable lead to the checkered flag. He finished the three laps in 4:13:42. Scott Sells hung on in second, his Toyota doing the three laps in 4:30:42. Having the most fun of all was Bill Donahoe, Pete Demetrius, Bill's son, and sundry others who drove or rode in the Dodge Ramcharger that Bill had to drive home. They said they just cruised, but, their three lap time of 4:39:2 7 was close to the pace, and they had no troubles at all. Bob Ryan had his troubles early in the race, did a 1 :25 final lap to come in fourth in class, and Kenneth Parr got in all three laps also in 7:11, and gave Stone Stock Class a 100 percent finishing ratio. Sunday morning, October 7, the awards were presented at 10:00 a.m. ·at the Carriage Inn in . Ridgecrest, and the talk was of this fun race, and the final series event on November 17 in Lucerne Valley. I Your own coffee mug, smashed just the way you like it, kiln fired with your favorite place, race, etc. You just tell us wtiere ! T./lese cups make great gifts for your friends, pit cre_w_, e_t_c_-R_e_m_ernber, ; Christmas is ·ust around the corner. finished the race. ------------------------------· ---------Barrie Thompson must have had a sad story to tell about this scene, but whatever the problem it was fixed by the last lap, a good time, and he finished seventh in Class 5-1600. Dusty Times TO ORDER-FILL OUT THIS COUPON AND SEND WITH YOUR CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: THE MUGGERS CIO HILLSIDE RACING 5331 DERRY AV§ #0 AGOURA CA 91301 __ I Got Smashed At - With -By - Large mug@ $9.95 ea ________ = $ __ __ I Got Smashed at - With -By - Small mug @$6.95 ea.______ = $_ · __ Regular mug @ $6.95 ea = $ __ __ Names on mug handle@ $1.50 ea = $ __ __ Number of letters over 35 per cup (not including handle name) @ .25 ea = $_ 10% discount on any 12 mugs with same verbage __ Shipping & handling @$1.50 per mug California residents add 7% sates tax REMEMBER - CHRISTMAS IS JUST AT THE NEXT CHECK POINT December 1990 SUBTOTAL '·= $ __ = $_ =$ _ = $ __ ·GRAND TOTAL = $ __ Page 43
• IAIA PROMOTIONS Gran Carrera de Campeones Photos: Lonnie Peralta John Brooks wound up his championship winning season in Baja by not only winning Class 10 again in the Raceco but Brooks also took first overall four wheel vehicle honors, and was actually second overall on ET. ' The Gran Carrera de Cam~ peones was the final event in the Golden Crown of Baja Off Road Desert Series, and 112 vehicles signed up to race, some for close points championships, others who had already won their titles, · and some going for the $ 1000 bonus for winning four of the five series events on Armstrong Tires. C. Milton Castellanos, the Mayor of Mexicali, whose jurisdiction includes the race host city of San Felipe, waved the starting flag for the first motorcycle away at 6:30 a.m. on a warm but breezy day. The race route was over 160 miles, and two laps were required for an official finish. John Brooks wound up his championship winning season by taking first in Class 10 again, and he took first overall four wheel vehicle, again, as well as absolute second overall fast time in his older Raceco. Brooks' main competition came from Rick Wilson, who led part of the first lap, and was making his first start· in this series and finished second in Class 10. Wilson said he had a ball and would be back for future races down south. Danny McClain pushed the Class 10 leaders hard on the first lap, starting the second lap just a minute behind them both, but soon lost 25 minutes stuck in a silt bed. If that wasn't enough trouble, McClain ran out of gas nine miles from pay dirt, but still took third in Pro Class 10 in his new car. Jerry Rice and Larry Martin nailed first in Pro Class 1 -2-1600 in their single seater. Rice started and drove the top half of the course on both laps, and said after an early engine misfire, they had no problems, stopping only for gas and driver changes. Dick Butterfield and Mick McCright missed the Ensenada race, but in · San Felipe they took second in "lass and it was the best finish of their rookie year. McCright, who -drove all the way, got stuck in the silt and high centered on the rocks a couple of times, but got Page 44 the car home in the money. Ron Wilson and Don Hatch drove their Jimco to third place in their first Baja Promotions event; they led the class on the first lap, but Hatch later got stuck in the silt, then rolled in the wash, losing over 30 minutes. John Neibert, Ron Neilsen and John Grabowski ended up fourth in Pro 1-2-1600 after having several different woes on the lap 2. The team of Cal Cotner, Regina Reese and Sam Dorana, had a day full of problems starting with front suspension, then dutch trouble, but did make it through the checkpoints as they ·were closing to an official finish. Bob Land and Jim Bunty took the win in Pro 1 & 2 class and Bunty had a flawless first lap until the famous 'Airport Ditch', where many drivers flipped or nearly flipped prior to reaching -the stadium. He said that local spectators had him back on the wheels in less than a minute, didn't hurt himself or the car and Land took over and went on to the victory. Brent Miller and Steve Wright were second in class driving a new Fat Type 4 VW powered Chenowth. The air cooled engine is apparently not dead yet. Despite troubles they were happy with the car. · Perry McNeil, Jose Flores and Shawn Meadows took the win in Pro 4, 7, 8 in the Ford. McNeil, who drove to the "restart" was forced by exhaustion to turn the wheel over to Meadows, McNeil usually solos the race, but said he lost the back window right off the start and the wind and heat were just too much. Willie Valdez, Gil Divine and Wayne Waters took the win in Pro 3, 6, 7, 7 4x4, 14 in the Ford Ranger. Waters had his first shot at piloting the Valdez truck and did a good job, only getting stuck a couple of times. Co-pilot Willie Valdez Jr. al•o did most of the prep worK on the truck, and Divine said he does a great job. This was the fifth race in a row without having to put a wrench on the truck. Conrad Diaz Sr. and Jr. grabbed another Pro Class 5 win, and took their fourth victory of the year qualifying for the Axmstrong $1000bonus. Diaz Jr., who drove both laps, said the car ran great, but he got stuck in the silt a couple of times and gave spectators a thrill on the airport corner when he hit the ditch and bounced up on two wheels. He landed hard enough to break the seat brackets, bend the pan and tear the body loose from the frame. Al and Alex Long took their first win since they started racing late last year. Al started the fierce Pro 5-1600 battle didng with the Arambulas initially and drove hard and almost flipped on the airport corner. Alex took over the Baja Bug for a less eventful second lap, but he was stuck for about 20 minutes. Manuel and Alberto Covarrubias and Gurilermo Valenzuela said their Bug ran great all day and their only trouble was when Alberto rolled at the airport turn at the end of lap one, and this team finished second. Adolfo and Alfredo Arambula entered the race at the last minute, but maybe shouldn't have bothered. Adolfo hit a big boulder, injured his back, and almost destroyed the Baja Bug; they now have a Bug and the truck Ernesto wrecked at the 500 to rebuild for the coming· Baja 1000. Jae Jacqmin and Brian West took all summer to rebuild their Challenger car after the Mexicali race, but they did a good job, winning the tough class in the heavy dust. Their only problem was a malfunctioning pumper helmet. Gonzalo Rodriguez and Roberto Fajardo took second in class aboard their Challenger car. Rodriguez handed the car to Fajardo for the second lap, with no rear shocks, but he said while it was rough and he had to go slow, they still had fun. Pancho Bio and Sergio Gutierrez· came to San Felipe with a beefed up rear suspension on t·he December 1990 -..---:.- ; • ,It • ~~-·:•~~ - .,.;c . ~ • ~---""' -~,,,,. .. Jerry Rice and Larry Martin nailed first in Pro Class 1-2-1600, had no on course troubles, stopping only for gas and a driver change, and won easily. ,I .r"'"' ,.,,. ~» '.\, «;::~._ ~.....:~~""" -~ ~.# . ,, ~ Mick McCright, with Dick Butterfield and Vince Von Dahlen, took second in Pro 1-2-1600, a great finish for their rookie year on this circuit. Challenger, but Bio lost time with a broken front spindle and Sergio lost the transmission at Check 5. The team settled for third and a DNF. Daniel Mora ended up · fourth after more new car blues. His Chenowth was out just past Check 2 on the first lap with transaxle failure. Martin Garibay and co-pilots Hector Tadia and Ulises Acevedo took their fourth first place finish in Pro Class 11 and qualified for the Armstrong $ 1000 bonus. They chased class legend Ramon Castro for the entire race and the battle was often a matter of seconds between the two cars all the way -to the final dash to the stadium. Castro lost control, did a spectacular endo and Garibay sailed by to take the checkered flag. He had scant problems en route to victory. They take Class 11 seriously in Mexico, and usually have a big field of cars. Jose Aguila, Armando Rojas and Juan De Dominguez survived clutch problems, a flat tire, and a half hour digging out of the silt to take second place in Pro Class 11. Matt Pabloff and Manuel Carrillo took third in the class despite losing both tear shocks by Check 2. Carrillo drove the entire race, and felt lucky to finish only an hour behind first in class. Pabloff said it was an unbelievable horrible ride without rear suspension. Castro placed fourth in class. After a season filled with almost every problem known to desert racers, San Felipe's Rafael Navarro and Lupe Perez ended the season with the Sportsman Class 1, 2, 5, 10 victory. Navarro, who drove the second lap, said "It was a fantastic day." Bob Reamer and Dale Shubert took second in class with an almost trouble free day. Two miles from the stadium on lap two they spent 15 minutes · stuck in the sand, but they carried on to the finish line. In Sportsman 1-2-1600 class Alejandro Rudametkin, Jose Luis Rendon and co-pilot Alejandro Avila earned their first class win after a near perfect day. Their buggy never missed a beat, and after a successful first year, which was topped off by the San Felipe . win, the young Ensenada racers Dusty Times
~~ "'"' ¾ Perry McNeil, with Shawn Meadows doing the anchor man duty in the Class 8 Ford, won top spot in the Pro combo of Classes 4, 7 and 8. Willie Valdez and Gil Divine used Willie Jr. as co-pilot, had Wayne Waters drive the Ford also, and the group won the Pro combo Classes, 3/6/7S/7-4x4/14. Conrad Diaz Sr. and Jr. had a good day, as Junior drove the entire route to first in Class 5, and they qualified for the Armstrong Tire Bonus cash. Al and Alex Long scored their first victory since they started racing last year, surviving a near rollover at the airport to win Pro Class 5-1600 honors. Berwyn Jacqmin and Brian West rebuilt their Challenger car all summer, and came back in fine style and won Class 9 on the very rough course. Martin Garibay and Hector Tadia and Ulises Vcevedo took their fourth Pro Class 11 win of the season, also qualifying for the Armstrong $1000 bonus. Rafael Navarro and Lupe Perez had a tough year of breakdowns, · Jose Rendon and Alejandro Rudametkin and Alejandro Avilla but ended on a high note by winning Sportsman Class 1, 2, 5, 10 earned their first class victory after a near perfect day in Despite severe shock problems Gonzalo Rodriguez and Roberto Fajardo were second in Pro Class 9, having to go slow.without any shocks on lap 2. in their home town. Sportsman Class 1-2-1600. ----------------------have plans to move to the pro . class for 1991. In Sportsman 3, 6, 7S, 7 4x4, 14 action Carlos, Luis and Alfredo Bernaldez took the victory in their Class 3 rig. Alfredo had a good first lap, but Luis suffered carburetor problems about 15 miles into the second round and had to chug it in first and second gear to the finish. Oscar and Ruben Garcia took their totally stock Ford Ranger to third place in class, after being stuck in the silt and hitting a tree on the first lap: Elias Hanna was involved in a heated battle with the eventual class winner, Bernaldez, but later hit a big rock, taking out the steering, and also hit the ditch by the airport too fast, but finished fourth in class. In Sportsman category Classes 5-1600, 9/Challenger are com-bined and Frederico Montes and Manuel Meza took their fourth class victory for the series in a 5-1600 Baja Bug. The suspension was especially built for this rough course and Montes was sure the · suspension gave him the winning edge. Taking second in class were Miguel Gomez and Gabriel Gallargo, who stayed close to the leader for a time but their day was . finished when they broke a CV joint at mile 21 on the second lap. Sportsman Class 11 used to . have more side bets than purse. This round Sergio Leyva, Enrique Avalos and Martin Alzada took first place in the class. These first time winners spent over an hour stuck in the silt between Checks 3 and 4. Finally Class 7S driver Dusty Times Berna Lopez gave them a hand and However, about 45 miles later a pulled them out. Sergio, who ·seizedengineendedtheirHonda's drove the first half of their lap said day. they lost time with a clutch In Pro Open A TV action problem when Enrique stopped ·Roberto and Alfonso Lopez rode to let a tortoise cross the road. their Honda to the overall A TV · All the motorcycles were in victory. They also loved the Sportsman Classes this round, course, and must have, because and Miguel De Rueda and Sergio they came all the way from Vega snatched up the first overall, Ciudad Constitution in Baja Sur first in open class and first (South) to compete, a good 1000 Sportsman overall titles. They mile tow on tricky roads. · took the lead before Check 1 on The Sportsman Open A TV the first lap and never let go. victory went to Alan and Carlos Chuck, Sam and Gene Dempsey Kanter despite Alan's major crash were second in class aboard an at the airport turn. He lost A TK four stroke. After getting c~:mtrol, then flipped ~ couple lost on the first round, Leonel times and gashed open his leg. He Vallejo and Albert Cruz settled rode the Banshee to the Start/ down and had a good ride on lap Finish pit about ~ mile a~ay and 2. David Jones and Steve Erickson gave Carlos the bike. While Alan ended their day after they seized got medical attention, his uncle an engine 15 miles past Check 2 Carlos rode a fast, trouble free and the Kawasaki was an early second lap, and said later "It was DNF. Matias Arjons and Oscar my best ride ever." Alberto Hale Jr. had recurring ignition C~ballero, Arnoldo Ramirez a~d troubles with the Kawasaki that Misael Arambula took second m kept them back in the pack so c_lass after losing tw_o hour~ at the they withdrew. Armando Mar- first check when a piston seized on quez, Juan Ortiz and Oscar their Honda. On the next lap Anorve took fourth in class, they Caballero had further problems ran ou~ of gas once, and Ortiz also when he lo~t a ~ear wheel after a rode back several miles to tell his hard landing m the whoops. chase crew about a wreck that Manuel del Campo, Alfonzo involved one of their family Lopez and Ricardo Aburto took members. third in class on a Honda despite a Art Tiznado, Beta Verber and DNF. Aburto was riding just after Rudolfo Lizarraga took first in the Ch~ck 2 ~n lap two,. when he Sportsman Limited M/C class collided with a car, flipped and riding their Kawasaki KDX. They was out fo~ the_ day. . . all praised the route saying it was a ~or the first time this yea~ m the real rider's course. Ricardo and series there were no penalties and Arturo Malo were less than five no disqualifications. Of course all minutes behind the overall the course rules are clearly leaders starting the second lap. covered at the racers' meeting in December 1990 both English and Spanish: to Series were quite a success. The make sure everyone understands 1990 overall and class champions the rules. It seems to work. The will be crowned at ceremonies to only accident was that of Adolfo ' be held at the Hacienda Santa Arambula, who crashed into a Veronica and Off Road Park and huge rock and was taken to the Raceway December 15, 1990. San Felipe Clinic for X-Rays and The Saturday afternoon and later released. The awards were evening affair will feature games held poolside at the Hotel Las for the entire family during the Misiones in San Felipe. day and a gala awards presenta-The five events in the Golden tion, dinner and dancing in the f roF...Jl.. of B...mLOff Road Desert evening . 'BJGGER 1s_aETTER Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS . Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C.V. joints. · Convert Type I stub axles and output oells to accept Type 11 or Type IV or 930 C.V. joints. . · . . Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to &.;capt 930 C.V. Joints. All axles and belts for Type II or Type IV C.V.s can be threaded ¾-24 or stock 8mm. All axles and Bells for 930 C. V .scan be threaded ¾-24 or stock 10m!fl threads. FIT YOUR OFF-ROADER WITH UPGRADED ·Axtn ANO .BELLS . Drily _$49.95 per flange on your _sup_pJied ~rts. " MARVIN SHAW ENG. P.O. BOX 845 • 101 BROADWAY YARNELL, AZ 85362 .(602) 427-3551 : . SHIPPED BY UPS OEALER..INQUIBJ~Mtl+EC · Page 45
THI COLORADO on ROAD CHAMPIONSHIPS The Big O • Bigfoot Grand Prix By Ron Kiel Photos: Trackside Photo Inc. .#; .<, ..:-~ ""' • Doug Bath had an outstanding evt~ning of racing, driving his new 1-1600 car to second in the Class 10 heat and he won the Class 1 0 main. In the same car Bath was third in the 1600 heat and won his second main of the night in Class 1-2-1600. On the cool, clear, autumn evening of October 13, Colorado off road racers gathered at Adams County Fairgrounds for the final race of the 1990 Colorado Off Road Championships. The weather was very cooperative and provided one of the beautiful Indian summer evenings that are typical of Denver in mid,October. The track was similar to earlier tracks and featured a set of three staggered jumps that gave everyone a choice of speed, line, and altitude as they came out of the rhythm section. Throughout the afternoon practice sessions, track preparation was in progress as needed. By race time the track surface had become almost dust free while still providing optimum traction. After a brief opening ceremony, the racing program got underway with the Quad B heat race. Grady Artaz took the early lead off the start and never relinquished it. Jason Wiswell and Hal Landry pushed Artaz and each other throughout the race, but the positions never changed. At the finis_h . it was Artaz, WLs_wf!ll, and Landry. Pam Cook already had the Quad B Championship sewed up for the season, so she moved up to the A class for this race. Class 10 was next, and provided some extremely interesting action. Doug Bath had entered his newly acquired 1,2, 1600 car in this class as well as 1,2,1600 and was about to have quite an evening. Off the start, it was Doug Bath followed by Chris Strauch, Tom Dunn, and Tony Jackson. Dunn moved around Strauch during the first lap, and Jackson followed a lap later. As Dunn moved up on Bath, the saga of the evening started. For four laps, Bath, doing a very skillful job of driving, held Dunn off. During this time Jackson moved up and was pushing Dunn. Finally, during the sixth lap, Dunn -got around Bath and ran away to put on his patented air show.Jackson began to develop engine problems and was unable to move up. At the checkered flag it was Tom Dunn first, Doug Bath second, and Tony Jackson third. The Stadium Odysseys sliced an_d dice4 ip._a_very Sp{)rts!!la!l like ) NI VDO -Chenowth -Simpson • i SAHARA ;:;-:,-,._ _____ -t~i; TriMil - K & N Filters -Bugpack '3 . !::; Bilstein - Centerline - Cibie • LU_ ·X _, , > ~ Hewland -Porsche T, irbo CVs ,I> \,SIRIUS c:i Bearct:s ::ieats-Parker Pu.mper :: / ~ > Yokohama Tires -Super· Trapp . < f i ci5 Gem Gears - KYB Shocks Ii_~: _SPRING MTN. 1:'.j_ Sway-A-Way Transaxle Parts Wright Place -Dura Blue Ultra Boot - Neal Products SEE PAT OR DAVE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday - 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. , .. NEVADA PHONE ORDER HOUSE 3054 So. Valley View, Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 871-4911 • (702)· 871-5604 Page 46 race where Allen Dhooge and Scott Wolbrink kept everyone guessing about the 1 and 2 positions. At the finish it was Dhooge, Wolbrink, and Russ Myers in the first three positions. The Quad A class came off the line with a vengence, and in the early going, it was Steve Verhow, Ron Cornforth, Dan Cornforth, and Chr1s Olberding. Olberding soon moved into third, and for the next six laps the 1, 2, 3 positions were a constant battle. Finally, on the last lap, series leader Ron Cornforth slipped past Verhow. At the finish line it was Ron Cornforth first, Steve Verhow second, and Chris Olberding third. . The 1,2, 1600 buggies thund, ered off the starting line with their normal vengence, but managed to get through the first corner with much less bumping and pushing than normal. At the end of lap 1, · it was Mark Perschbacher, Chuck Landers, Dennis Blea, and Richard Brewbaker. Blea soon started falling back, and Landers got around Perschbacher. A free for all in the rhythm section during lap 4 set Brewbaker back several positions, but he promptly started working his way back up. At the checkered flag, it was Chuck Landers first, Mark Perschbacher second, Doug Bath third, and Rich Brewbaker had worked his way back up to fourth. At intermission, the spectator crowd was treated to a door prize drawing sponsored by Big O Tire Company. Five Big O jackets and a complete set of aluminum disc wheels were given away compli, ments of Big O Tires . As the crowd returned to their seats, the main events got underway with the Quad B class starting off. Jason Wiswell took the early lead, but Artaz soon moved around. Ken Pavlick dropped out, and at the finish line it was Grady Artaz, Jason Wiswell, and Hal Landry in the first three positions. Class 10 lined up again, and at the end of the first lap it was Chris Strauch, Tony Jackson, and Tom Dunn. Then the problems started for the Class 10 boys. Dunn broke a rear torsion bar and was reduced to a crawl. Strauch broke a tie rod end, but stayed in the December 1990 It was a close contest in the Class 10 heat race, but Tom Dunn came out the winner after a race long battle with Doug Bath in his 1600 car. running, and Jackson again · several entrants failed to make experienced a fading engine. By their way to the end of the pit. the half way flag, Doug Bath and When the Super· Modifieds were his 1,2, 1600 were moving up all done, it was Bawg Hawg driven through the ranks, and at the by David Morris with the fastest checkered flag, it was Doug Bath time of 16. 76 to take top honors first, followed by Tony Jackson for the night. Rod Walker was and Chris Strauch. (Bath runs an second at 18.56, but was still UltraStock in the Mickey third overall. Naughty Naughty Thompson series, and is a very driven by Butch Caton was third experienced driver, but the Class at 18.64 and finished second 10s still took a lot of flak for being overall. aced by a 1,2, 1600). The Unlimited Mud Boggers The mud boggers headed into put on an excellent show, but the the pit again and found it even nitrous boys still weren't dialed in stickier than it had been for their well enough to beat the strong first run. Although they made lots running carbureted Rude Dog of noise and slithered admirably, driven bv Steve Peif. As the Chuck Landers got the lead in the Class 1-2-1600 heat race midway in the . fray, and he won the heat and came in second in the longer main event. r Former buggy racer Paul Shaver took to trucking very well, as he drove to second in the heat race and won the Heavy Metal feature event _over heat winner Jay Anderstrom. .« .:,.. . m •.· .. ix::-,::»:-:-.~:-.,. ;li,;--~-David Morris in Bawg Hawg got fast time in the first run in the Supf#r Modified mud baggers, and he also ran fastest in the slower times in the main event for a double win. Dusty Times
Tony Jackson was in the Class 10 scrambles all the way in his Chris Strauch was in the midst of the Class 10 battles most of Mark Perschbacker had a good night of racing in Class 1-2-two seater and he finished third in the heat and moved up to the time, but his best finish turned out to be a third in the main 1600, led the heat for a time, but finished second, and was third second in the feature. · event. • in the feature race. ~---------------- -----thunders u b sided it was Steve Pei f The Quad A main event continued, Millsapps had prob- and the leaders were starting to was followed to the flag by Jay who had cleared the pit in 4.82 provided extremes of competi-lems and dropped out. Steve encounter lap traffic. A dogfight Anderstrom and Tim Briscoe. seconds to secure first overall. tion, entertainment, and suspense. Verhow grabbed the lead and for the 2, 3 and 4 positions ensued It was a few minutes after 10:00 Mountain Magic was second on Offthestartinglineandattheend refused to let Cornforth get and wasn't decided until the pm, and the crowd had been this run, but stilt ended up third oflap one, it was Scott Millsapps, around. At the finish, it was checkered flag flew. The result treated to three hoursofnon-stop overall. Dirty White Boy driven Steve Verhow, and Chris Olber-Verhow first, Ron Cornforth was Doug Bath winning his racing action. It was time to run by-Roger Stowell cleared the pit in ding in the top positions. Pam second, Chris Olberding third, second class of the evening, mechanics' races since this was 5.63 seconds to finish third for Cook, the B rider turned A, was in and Dan Cornforth :had moved Chuck Landers second, Mark the last cace of the season. What this run, while taking second fourth and series leader Ron into fourth. Perschbacher third and Rich followed did not closely resemble overall because of his excellent Cornforth was near the back of The 1-2-1600 buggies moved Brewbaker fourth. £acing, but gave various crewmen first run. the pack. By lap four, Cook had to the start line for the final event The Heavy Metal entry was a chance to find out what off-road When action resumed on the moved into second with Corn-of the evening and roared down fairly light for the end· of . the racing is really about. Everyone off road track, the Stadium forth in third. During the next lap, the grandstand straight in tight season. Still the crowd enjoys the had fun and by the end of the Odyssey class provided another Cornforth and Cook tangled formation. Dennis Blea and Gerry antics of the big rigs and the mechanics' races, it was time to hard fought duel between Scott spilling Pam into the infield and Bowers had problems and thunder of V-8 engines. Jay present awards. Now it is time to W olbrink and Allen Dhooge. At stopping the race. Soon after the dropped oyt during the first lap to Anderstrom won the heat race plan and prepare for an even the finish line it was Wolbrink restart, Pam emerged from the leave Mark Perschbacher, Doug followed by former buggy driver better season next year. Good first, Dhooge second, and Russ ambulance with thumbs up and a Bath, and Chuck Landers out Paul Shaver, and Tim Briscoe was Luck and Happy Holidays to Myers overcom ing steering clean bill of health. Welcome to front. At the halfway flag, Bath third. In the main event it was everyone from the Colorado Off problems to take third. Class A Pam! As the race had m_oved around Perschbacher Paul Shaver's turn to win, and he Road Championships. Tim Briscoe drives a winged Bronco in the Heavy Metal competition, and at the season finale Tim was third in both the heat race and main event. Scott Wolbrink turned out to be the man to beat in the Odyssey and Pilot class. He drove to second spot in the heat race and won the main event. M-3 must have a private meaning as the name of Rod Walker's mud bagger truck, and the almost streetable rig was third both rounds in Super Modified class. The Losers The Gold Coast 300 was a tough one, with lots of dust, and some 57% of the starters didn't make it to the checkered flag. The dust contributed to lots of the damage, as in the case of the Jordan brothers' Class 6 car and Walker Evans' Class 8 truck. The Jordans, starting near the back of the pack, had early problems, and spent about 45 minutes making repairs. When they had it fixed, they took off, and after a short distance had to move over to let a buggy pass them. When he'd gone by they moved back out onto the course, only to be rear-ended by Walker. Neither apparently knew the other was there because of the . dust. The hit did damage to the suspension and the frame, and put them out of the race. And it didn't do Walker any good either, damaging his front end, suspen-sion parts and radiator, and bending things so badly that new parts couldn't be installed. Walker was also out of the race. It was a really tough break for both of them. Jim Sumners, in his Clas:;; 1-2-1600 car, figured he had to be one of the very first to be out of the race. He had a flat rear tire about 15 miles into the race, and then, as he was limping his way to a pit which he knew to be fairly close, a tie rod broke. He took the tire and wheel off of the broken side, and tied it on the hood, so he could steer as he hobbled toward the pit, and then the other front tire went flat also. Dusty Times By Judy Smith Dave Kreisler and Rick Vasquez lost the pump shaft on their automatic transmission on the first lap, and Wayne and Alan and Darryl Cook lost the motor in their new 5-1600 ( that happened at the Nevada 500, too). Mike Jakobsen and Ron Jurkovac, in a Class 5 car, were almost the last car to start, taking off after the last of the Class 11 cars. And then word was heard on the radio that they were out at mile 38, and needed help to get the car off the course. The very last entrant to start was Jim McKenzie, in a Class 5-1600 car, who had blown his oil filters in the morning before the race, and by the time he could find more and get them installed he was so late he started his race after Bob Richey had already completed his first lap. McKenzie got about five miles into the race and had motor problems, but managed to get going again. He got to about mile 48 and saw a car coming up from behind, so he moved over to let it by, but the driver got too close to McKenzie, ran up on his engine cage, caught his tire and flipped him over, into a ditch. The other car kept right on going, leaving Jim to get out of his predicament by himself. Mc-Kenzie, who had his hands full, and his attention directed at his own situation, wasn't able to see the number on the car that hit him. His stub axle and wheel were all bent out of shape, and that was the end of McKenzie's short and troubled day. Mark McMillin, in Class l /2, lost his number five piston on the first lap, and Aaron Hawley, also in Class 1/2, got stuck in the silt, but managed to get himself unstuck, only to lose his motor when an oil line came off. Tom Lake, in Class 5~1600, was out of the race on the first lap when he got into a freight train thing in the silt, stuck behind a truck, and then rear-ended by a faster moving car. Also out on lap one, Eric Arras and Frank Snook, in Class 1 / 2, lost the valve cover, the rocker arm, the push rods, and everything on one side. Snook is reported to have said that, "We're just going to forget this year and start over next year." Mark Miller, in a Class 9 car, was out on lap two with steering problems, and John Smith, another Class 9er, was also out on the second lap, when his floor pan "fell out". His tool bag and first aid kit went with it, and then every time he hit a bump he scooped dirt into the car. In Class 1-2-1600, Bryan Pennington had a similar mishap, and when his floor pan dropped down it functioned like a shovel, and scooped a big rock ·up into Bryan's lap, adding injury to insult. Ramon Castro, in his 7S truck,· had a bad day too. First he got a late start, not exactly a new experience for Ramon, and had to take the green flag behind all the Class 3 cars. Then he had to stop after the first lap to have his throttle cable replaced. In December 1990 addition, Ramon apparently missed a turn between Checks one and two, and inadvertently short coursed, in front of the astounded eyes of the personnel at Check 2. He received a letter of · reprimand for this offense, and a one hour penalty, which was all academic, since he was able to finish only three laps in any case. Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen, also in Class 7S, had a · new motor with a lot of power, and they liked it. But they lost a head gasket on the first lap, and used up two and a half hours fixing it. They did one more complete lap, arid then Malcolm got in and did part of a lap and exploded the motor. But they really liked all the power. Art and Manuel Grajeda, also in 7S, got in one very long lap, and then retired with a broken upper trailing arm. Jerry Penhall, in Scott Flamson's Class 10 car, was behind a truck and slowed down in the silt, when another car in his class ran into him. The cage caved in onto the pulleys. Jerry managed to go another 20 or 30 miles, but then the pulleys wore off. Chris Robinson, in the old Frank Vessels Class 8 truck, had the Class 8 lead at the end of lap two, but he had plowed into a buggy who'd been stuffed into another vehicle, and had done so much damage to the front end of his truck that he was out for the day. Gregg Symonds, in Class 7 4x4, who's had a near perfect record of DNFs this year, thought he might get another fifth, but then his motor quit running close to _the end of this third lap, when some major electrical something failed. Manny Esquerra, disqualified for not attending the Driver's Meeting, had thought it was scheduled for 7 p.m., and learned, too late, that it had been held at 6 p.m. Manny, who'd been tied for points with Roger Mears, in Class 7, before this race, took the disqualification with grace, saying he was ". . . satisfied with what they did. Very disappointed but satisfied." In Class 3, Dale White had a long, hard day with his Blazer. He broke his transmission cooler, and didn't have a spare, and although someone lent him one, it turned out to have different size lines than those on his cooler, and it couldn't be installed on his car. So he bypassed the cooler, and then the trans ran warm and he had to take it easy, so he was putting in some long laps. Near the end of his third lap the tranny finally got realty hot and spewed oil all over the header, and it caught fire. That was pretty scary, and Dale got after it with his fire extinguisher, and so did Larry Schwacofer, who happened along in the third place Class 6 car at· about that time. Larry's car caught fire down in Baja a few years ago, and he still remembers the panicky feeling he had then, so he was immediately sympathetic with Dale, and had to stop to help. They got the fire out alright, and both Larry and Dale go·t going again, but Dale had run out of time, and finished only three laps. Next month we'll return with stories from the Baja 1000, the last event for 1990. Have a Merry Christmas! Page 47
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY Bob •'TIN MAll" Behrea11 ~714) 878-4649 By Behrens METAL SHAPING OFF-ROAD, DRAG RACING AND VINTAGE RACE CAR BODIES . 4072 CRESTVIEW DR. LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 . MOTOROLA RADIUS RADIOS PERFORMANCE, RUGGEDNESS, 3YR WARRANTY RADIOS IN STOCK FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CALL FOR ADVICE OR RECOMMENDATIONS 16 YRS RALLY COMPETITOR/POR ORGANIZER Fred Anderson/Anderson Communications 1009 W Bluff, Marquette Ml 906-228-6006 .ee■-■ ■ FUEL CELLS (800)-526-5330 TOLL FREE 10ADERDESK 1 UTOCRA ENGlllit -PARTi ~ SERVICE ' . Manufacturing Facllltles La Habra, catlfornla . 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 1-800-356-6S86 Ohio 1-800-356-1546 ·Perfonnance Producta Fiberglass Fenders & Hoods• Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins Pop-up Roof Light Kits • V-6 Kits for Mini Trucks Off-Road Truck Fabrication Product Catalog $3.00 • (619) 562-1740 10996 N. ~oodside Ave. San~ee, CA 92071 ! 619-58;3-G529 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630° MacARTHUR DR., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 TOM MINGA FABRICATION & REPAI~ CUSTOM ROLL CAGES, OFF~OAO RACE PREP FLAME CUT'rlNG ' M.I.G. \W.DING TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 Helmets And (714) 650-4566 2365 Norse, Bldg. #B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 . -SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'.' ·ED & BAR.BARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 BRAZEAU VIDEO · 34462 Via Gomez Capistrano Beach California 92624 I Mark M. Brazeau 7·14/493-2160' ~ WE'VE G ~THE WINNING~~E! ~ M 'INIIIGtffll JACKBTI • SWBATIBIRTS • FANNY PACKS BY DESIGN SCREENPRINTING CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~• • ACING PRODlJCTS, IN_C. Check the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. ·943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 . 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 I 619-449-2991 · FAX 619:449-7103-OCNC:J Ma,ufaciuNnof . · . Bmke aad _Cl.,.,h Padol A,,y Master Cylinders CNC, Inc.· 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-1663 Slave Cylinders Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL: JOINTS • TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 -.. Bll>IIERS~ • OFF ROAD FABRICATION • BENDING, WELDING SHOCK FINS WAYNE COOK (805) 947-4727 3640 E. AVE. T-6 PALMDALE, CA 93550 VAN NUYS. CA. ( 818) 908-1503 _ --101 Divis - . ------------=--=-- . -- -- ----.'RACING_ PRODUCTS. CUSTOM RACl/t.G RADIATORS All Aluminum Rabbit Replacement Radiators Send for a free catalog 2905 West Buckeye Road Phoenix, AZ 85009 (602) 269-9194 (800) 842-5166
DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara, CA 93111 DESERT y·z John Host 27324 Camino Capistrano Unit 172-175 Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (714) 582-0930 FAX (714)582-6277 TRUCK (714) 349-1168 DE/".c::iN.r IN LINE/ ~Hi-TECH HAND LETTERING & PINSTRIPINCf' ~N/. VINYL LETTERING & GRAPHICS '.l'IM BAHTEI~ . (714) 255-8113 . :655 No. Berry Street, Suite E, Brea, CA 92621 JOHN VERHAGEN'S m PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS 14579 Dos Palmas Rd. (619) 951-0494 Victorville, CA 92392 TRICK SHOCKS FOR: Single, Double, Triple, Quad Applications. Take-Aparts & Remote Reservoir Kits. 10728 Prospect Ave. "B", Santee, CA 92071 • (619) 562-8773 D~S/ Desert Race ,Support Looking to get involved in off-road racing? Our · club needs men and women who want to help provide pit support for club racers. For more information, call Craig Lane at (619) 247-0120 eves or write: DRS, P.O. Box 1822 Apple Valley, CA 92307. LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE SPICER' -$-INCORPORATED SPICER' -$-AUTO, TRUCK, INDUSTRIAL, CN ANO FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS MANUFACTURING BALANCING CUSTOMIZING F"1. (714) 8n-6203 California Watts 1-600-248-4238 1750 S. LHae Ave. Conttnental U.S. Watts 1-800-525-0395 Bloomington, CA 92318 24 Hr. Emergency Call Out Svc. (714) 87&;3107 P.O. Box 1090, Colton, CA 92324 14582 GOLDENWEST UNIT F FABRICATIONS .JOSE W IS ROORIGUEZ (PEPE) WESTMINSTER, .. CA 92683 . (714) 895-6020 Bob Cassetta Don Rountree S. Arrowhead Ave. 825-0583 888-2703 o . .,~"Ill BERNARDINO, CA 92408 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD sruFF DIRECTORY" · and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $1.8.00 per m_onth. TM FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS (714) 981-9666 963 SEABOARD COURT, UPLAND, CA 91786 - . -\LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT 8ELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 9017SANFERNANDOROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 111!!.l,flACINI /ID .FUEt~ ..... - -213-603-2200 · DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 ;(619) 669-4727 Jtr/llFh~~ aet Your SHIFT Together/ ===---PORTI/Y TRA/YSAXLES 3006, Colina Verde Lane Jamul. California 92035 ~ Doug Fortin (408) 377-3422 Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's Specifications IOX RACING SHOX 544 McGlincey lane, Unit 8, Campbell, Calif. 95008 I 1989 A TV/BIKE/ODYSSEY CHAMPIONS - FRT SUPERSTITION CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES PRO SPORTSMAN DAVID ROYS OPEN BIKE DEWEY BELEW ROB NOLIN 250 BIKE SCOTT PHILLIPS CRAIG SMITH 125 BIKE DEVIL LEONARD TOM MOEN VET BIKE MARK McNUL TY . MIKE HARPER SR. BIKE TOM NOLAN HIMEY MEANS SUPER SR. BIKE GREG BRINGLE ATV . ROB NIEMELA ODYSSEY RAMBO VISKOE 1989 BUDWEISER/FAT SUPERSTITION SERIES CHAMPIONS Class 9 - Jeff Bennett Class 1/2-1600 - Scott Webster Unlimited - Jeff Wright Class 10 - Bill Hammack Class 5 - Greg Sanden Class 100 - Jeffrey Schwaia Class 5-1600 - J.A. Ashley Class 8 - Perry McNeil Class 7 -Jon Hurley Mini Mag - Scott Steinbu-=rg'-e_r ------; Fuel Bladders Dump Cans 5271 Business Dr. Quick FIiis Std. FIiis Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 &\}llff !!~? ERPRISES. ::: .. .C.i: .... _;Q;, ~•: . \If . .t· BEEPER . · .. --~ , 381-3148 Ii><~ ~~~• _::._-_ __ .,,,.;,:?'•-:'~. i PROFESSIONAL PociL srnv1cE-AN□ REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & CUSTOM POOLS LICENSED & INSURED • ACIO WASHES• FILTERS • HEATERS• MOTORS , ETC. OFFI.CE 362-4202 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE, LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89103
.. RON BRANDT Torrance, CA 213-328-3595 SO-CAL PERFORMANCE Downey, CA 213-862-9122 800-277-7 409 MANUFACTURED IN CHARLOTTE, NC .v.Hme.!Y T Rod Ends • Rebuild Specialist (714) 979-6631 11661 Martens River Circle, Unit "H", Fountain Valley, Ca. 92708 HOUSE of BUGGIES 9925 Prospect Ave. Santee, CA 92071 • 61 ~-589-6770 THE CO~PANY DRIVERS KEEP ONTARIO 4035 GUASTI RD. ONTARIO, CA 91761 (714) 983-7838 CORONA 1540 COMMERCE ST. CORONA, CA 91720 (714) 279-8026 Lee (714) 522-4601' (714) 522-4602 ,I rl!flJf!JJJJcl V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~••••••n•••~ 1$1 I IJ I I I ITI Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO (714) 832-1240· OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON HONDA Power Equipment OUT BOARD ENGINE • GENERATOR SPECIALIST Kawa2uchi Honda Corp. p((OFFt5.stON"'-. KAC£~ o,s~ouM" oN ALL 6EAIEl?if7D~ ART KAWAGUCHI 3532 EAST 3RD ST. LOS ANGELES, CA 90CNl3 FAX PHONE· (213) 264-3936 (213) 264-5858 KENNEDY ENGINEERED PRODUCTS 38830 17th Street East Palmdale, CA 93550 (805) 272-1147 Send $2.00 for our catalog "The experts In Engine Adapters to Transaxles" Rotary, Toyota. Rabbit, V-6's, Porsche and more to VW, Porsche (901 & 915) and Hewland. MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAMOUS KENNEDY CLUTCHES WALKER EV ANS ,,RACING SHOCKS .1\(\(\~ ~ MICKEY THOMPSON GRAND PRIX MOJAVE MINT ,e EXTERNALLY ADJUSTABLE 'e 3w DIAMETER • 5w.14w COIL OVERS • COMPUTER SUSPENSION DESIGN ASSISTANCE KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS LONG BEACH, CA. 213 595 0661 • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT LOTHRINGER "OFFROAD JS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax (714) 444-1622 MENDEOLA RACING Volkswagen -Porsche -Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 10722 Kenney St., Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-9010 FAX: (619) 562-9079 Brackets & Components for Chassis Fabrication Pro-Clamps • Battery Boxes • Radio Mounts Pedal & Shifter Mounts • Skid Plates Aluminum Floor Boards • Scoops & Shrouds Shearing • Punching • Forming Sowing. Tool Grinding. TIG & MIG Welding STEVE WRIGHT Riverside, Calif . (714) 351-2515 ¥\\\\\ ~ PERFDRf1ANCE .ANl ;pmJ.AJ...TG lf1l)0lt Parts & Service lf1l)0lt Machine Shop Import High Performance Pn, Service & Machinely 42425 5th St. E. Unit C Lancaster, CA 93535 (419) 476-330()° 11 OQ t:us1er Rd. At Laskey TOl.£00, OHIO 43612 Wholesale 419-476-3711 Bill Varnes 805-940-5513 Fax 805-940-5514 (IZlltWli? 42425 5th St. E. Unit D Lancaster, CA 93535 Racing Products Pete Alamar 805-940-5515 Fax 805-940-5514 Jim Moulton Radng ■ Off road racing chassis ■ Fabrication and repair ■ Fox shock parts and service ■ Race Car Prep 26846 Oak Ave., Unit G Canyon Country. Calif. 91351 (805) 298-1212 AUWS ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS TRUCKS NATIONAL SPRING COMPANY, INC. 10229 Prospect Ave. Santee, Ca/iforni(J 92071 A COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SPRING SERVICE Leaf Springs Custort1 Made & Repaired Shocks & Coil Springs Sold & Installed Blocks and U-Bolts made to order Off-Road Suspension Urethane Bushings Beeline Alignment and Wheel Balancing MOTOR HOMES (619) 449-ARCH 4 X 4's
YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE Ignitions • Distributors • Rev Limiters Coile • Hell-Core Wires • Acceseoriee AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 Henry Brennan Dr., El P110, Tx 79936 (915) 857-5200 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6891 SAN DIEGO DR.. BUENA PARK. CA 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 WO VANS & PICKUPS & MINI TRUCIIS PRE·RuN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION No BLOCKS UsEo • WEL DING & FAeR1CAT10N Bill Montague (714) 761-9460 Established 1974 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT -~~ -~(3~00~[1[1 :.: Fabrication ✓-Coil Over Suspension ✓ FoxShoxPartsAndSeNic ✓ Race Car Wiring -✓ Race Car Prep. Bldg. B -✓ Tum Key Race Cars ,Ca92627 ·-3035 Petro Tech US.A., Inc . . Allan Martinelli George Daland Dry Film Lubrication (714) 582-3771 P. 0. Box 7450 72 Seaspray North Laguna Niguel, CA 92677-7450 FAX 714-495•812,7' FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40.,Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Sho,p -Steak House ~ Waterin~ Hol~ Saloon 24 Hour Service Station BAKER, CALIF-ORNIA Chassis & Suspension • Design & Fabrication Ken Sypolt 916-344-7443 5816 Roseville Road #14 Sacramento, CA 95842 PROBST Ofl Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES : 1121 E AST ILLINOIS HWY . NEW LENOX. ILLINOlS 60451 18151 485-RACE 172231 ' FUNCTIONAL AFTER-MARKET PROD.YO . . \) ,~ -R ~ (818) 769-0921 Telephone : (714) 535-4437 (714) 515-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 'Anaheim Hills Family Dental Center· (714) 998-2553 --Di\VID Qi\MOCIN&Kl. D.D.6 .. 438 N. Lakeview Ave. Anaheim Hills, Ca. 92807 RUSS's V.W. Recycling 756 Alpha St., Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 303-4366 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's r( '-":t- . ·Sa,i 7~~ ~ .. '8"99'1 ~-(818) 988-5510 • 1533 Truman Street · San Fernando. Ca. 91340 Ph~ne: (818) 361-1215 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 S OF 1\-\ 14·5Jl-8286 _,_g,°9r11 ?iGJ_ --~ LARRY WINTE R SHOP •OUTLINES •NUMBERS • CUSTOM LOGO'S • DROP SHADOWS • SPONSORS LOGO'S . • WINDOW BANNERS • CUSTOM LETTERING ~ ~ ~ l7@X!) ~~Ii@;) ~ RACING LUBRICANTS DESIGNED FOR PERFORMANCE ."SERVICE AUTO PARTS Anaheim, CA . . . .............. . .......... (714) 528-4492 Palm Desert 44-800 San Pablo · (619)346-0694 , Bakersfield, CA •......•................ , . (800) 462-9499 • Yucca Valley 56313 29 Palms Hwy , Palm Springs 67-390 Ramon Rd. ; Desert Hot Spr 13-175 Palm Dr. !Indio 81-096~A Hwy. 111.. Cathedral City 68-887 Hwy. 111 McKenzie's Anaheim Moore Racing San Bernardino OffRoad Supennart Westminster Dirty Parts Culver City Racecr"fters Lawndale · .Tustin Honda Tustir1· · Bryce's Auto Anaheim (619)365-0813 Brawley, CA ... . : . ..... ....... . .......... (619) 344-2550 (619)323-1879 ; . Chino, CA .......... ..................... (714) 628-7596 (619)329-1446 , El Centro, CA ............... ........... . . (619) 352-6961 · (619)347-3379 i Fullerton, CA ........................... . (714) 635-5553 (619)328-2183 Lancaster, CA ............................ (800) 462-9499 l (714)441-1212 Las Vegas, NV ........ .... ............. . . (702) 643-9200 (714)883~8891 Paramount, CA ......... . . .......... ..... (213) 531-0192 (714)750-2802 Phoenix, AZ ........ . . . . ....... . ....... . . (602) 278-2693 , (213)390-9086 Santa Barbara, CA . . . .... . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 462-9499 ~~~ !~;~~:~~~~ San Diego, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (619) 691-9171 · (714)635•1431" I Riverside, CA . ........... . . . . . . ...... .... (714) 877-0226 . 1 Ventura, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (89_0) 4M-9499_ -· FOR DELIVERIES LA/ORANGE COUNTY CALL (800) 462-9499 , RED LINE SYNTHETIC OIL co. I 3450 Pacheco Blvd, Martinez, CA 94553 TEL (800) 624-7958 ALL OTHER INQUIRIES CONTACT SPORTS RACING P.O. BOX 7835, LAGUNA NIGUEL, 92677 (714) 363-1236
Ofhoai h -~ sl,op -Roll ca9ea -hgn tnilen Bu99y Fra■es to co■plete race ready ye•icles MA/IE POWER \Ill en9ines-tnns -■ore 1,p per iolhr!I 15 years buildi19 WINNERS i• Texas-OklaLo■a-Neu Mexico ll 1991 "Texas: Cha. l l enge" contin9ewcy spo111or ll 9801 E, HIIY 80 ll OIESSA, TX 19165 ll PH, 915-561-5222 (213) 583-240-, fmiil{f f Jf!}}PSERVICE, INC. m ~ETAL PROCESSING 59Z1 W;Jmmgton Avenue Los Ange/es. Cahforn,a 90001 SANDBLAST Mark Sn:iith GLASS BEAD FLOURESCENT INSPECTIOI\/ MAGNETIC PARTICAL · Larry Smith andrew p. cohen . I fiCI<. if. GRAPHIC APPL/CATIONS self-stick letters & graphics , 2037 E. Firsr St, A-7, Santa Ana, CA 92705 • 714/558-3304 • FAX 714/953-6107 Un~imited Recreation Affordable prices on Homes and Land and Apple Valley, CA 92308 12165 Kiowa Rd, \ RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS (714) 630-8283 Anaheim, CA SUSPENSIONS UNLIMITED * Welding * Fabrication * Flame Cutting * Front Ends * Custom Chassis * Race Prep * Custom LI-Weight Trailers Mtg'r. of Blue Flame Producls (714) 996-6260 1345 Dynamics, Unit D • Anaheim, CA 92806 'SINCE 1933 C. A. TAYLOR (CHUCK) 240 N. OAK ST.-o-;. ORANGE,-CA 92667 (714) 997-1778 LUBRICATION FORMCJLATED FOR SEVERE SERVICE IA GG I TEA'A4 Off Road Products and Preparation Downey• Doetsch Tech• Bi/stein • Smittybilt • KC Lites Baker Products• Cal Gold Products• Conner Products• Super Trapp Suspension • Engine • Drive line • Fiberglass • Clutches Tires • Wheels • Safety Equipt • PreRunner Lifts • Installation 670 W, 17th, Unit G-5 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (714) 631-8244 Trackside Photo, Inc. Jim Ober Commercial Photography (213) 670-6897 P.O. Box 91767, Los Angeles, CA 90009 NACE TT(IINS BY JEFF RELJ)'S TRfiNSfiXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering Unit H r.hatsworth, CA 9131,1 (yjPJ UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNOLIA, SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 619/449-9690 ------OUR DEALERS~-----LA AREA McKenzie's (714) 441-1212 Anaheim, CA St Peters Off Road (414) 285-3218 Port Washington, WI V W ON LY lu1rt0,1Lt!ei.A 17011 DARWIN ROAD, HESPERIA, CA VW · RABBIT· BUS· AUDI PARTS NEW & USED REBUILT ENGINES & TRANSMISSIONS DUNE BUGGY (HASSIS & PARTS :=..:,,=-~~PAIKf' /IIIIPC0471NG9~GRA'W..e5* !1!~ '-. ·~ roAAa MAJNTJ'NANCF•~/IY~~J,/!IUJNC-1. ' ~#h1 NJY~"far&.k11p~I •6!0· 0 J . . Northern Califo E • ri epat rma &engine service• LIGHTLY SPECIALIZING IN !OFF ROAD HIGH-PERFORMANCE VW-PORSCHE, FABRICATION & OFF ROAD PREP, (619) 741-6173 Engine & Machine 420 VENTURE ST. ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 DISC BRAKE SYSTEMS DISC BRAKE CALIPERS 570° RACING BRAKE FLUID DISC BRAKE PADS FRONT VW DISC BRAKE KITS BRAKE PEDALS REAR VW DISC BRAKE KITS CLUTCH PEDALS PROPORTIONING VALVE COMPOSITE MASTER CYLINDERS POWER STEERING 461 Calle San Pablo• Camarillo• CA• 93010 805 • 388 • 1188 -~~~~ / --~~-~{.·' JAPANES~ ~ACING E~~:rs DEVELOPMENT & DYNO FACILITY PARTS AND TUNING PROOIJCTSI' r--i ~s 537 West Main Street JIM WOLF El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 442-0630 WOODS WHEEL WORKS Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles SuspenslOn Speclallsts • Custom Wheels (602) 2~2-0077 2733 W, Missouri Phoenix, AZ. 85017
Arizona Off-Highway Hamm emphasized that input h le from user groups as well as Ve ic bureaucrats was needed, adding -Advisory Group that California's 19-year-old B Daryl Drake program still had no "good" plan. Y , Rod Mendenhall was announ-In mid-September, members of ced as OHV Chairman for the Arizona State Parks Board Arizona's national forests and Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory John Reid headed up the BLM Group met each other and the contingent. A preliminary budget public for the first time. wasthenproposedandapproved, Appointed by Governor Rose and the next meeting is set for Mofford, and nominated by the mid-January, 1991. OHV community, the group will For more information, contact shape Arizona's future plans Ken Travous, .State Parks Board, regarding OHV recreation and 800 W. Washington, Phoenix, use. AZ 85007. Members include Ron Sloan, DESERT RACE Mike Hrubetz, Gary Keller, Joe SUPPORT Prosser, Greg Bartzen, Randy Hoeft and Dale Gazzolo. All are By Craig Lane OHV enthusiasts, from desert Good weather greeted La Rana racer to low-lock 4-wheel-drivers. Desert Racing in Ridgecrest for Your humble reporter screamed their California 200 as did about "Gas Tax! Gas Tax!" for years as 75 racers. Again this race turned the state's OHV bill plodded into the Bob Richey show as he through the legislature. And domi'nated from start to finish to luckily for Arizona, the gas tax take the overall win, and the series provision was enacted to fund the championship. DRS/Desert Race program. A preliminary study by Support was well represent-Arizona State University revealed ed with a total of 12 entries. Vince that no less than 17 percent of the LaPorte in his NXD car was able state's residents use their vehicles to stay with the RCR car until his off-highway, and estimated gas master link went away causing a tax revenues are between four and nice little gash in the engine case eight million dollars per year. of.his Kawasaki powered car that For 1991, the first year the caused it to retire later on with an taxes will be taken from the oil leak. Highway Users Revenue Fund, The new M0l motorcycle ASU estimates five million powered car of George Shaw, in dollars will go to the program. his first race, had an axle break on Funds will be spent on education, his second go around, and that enhancementofOHV opportuni-caused him to drop out just as he ties, creation of OHV areas, was beginning to have some fun. rehabilitation of habitat and Mike Duncan in his big Jeep CJ enforcement efforts. had his share of problems also as Cities, counties, towns and his oil pump went away and he individual groups will be able to was unable to find a replacement. apply for funding,- as well as the Rick Johnson and Barrie Thomp-U .S. Forest Service and Bureau of son in their Class 5 car had Land Management. State agencies, problems from the start, but were like the woefully underfunded able to stay in the race until their Department of Game & Fish, and front end gave out on the fourth Department of Education also lap. stand to benefit. Jeff Akins· suffered a similar For example, state lands now fate as electrical problems plagued held in trust for education could him from the start, and finally be "leased" by the state parks caused him to retire his buggy as board and opened to OHV use, well. And the Davis boys in their with the funds going to support Class 7 Datsun had their schools. Game & Fish, now driveshaft go away while they funded exclusively by hunting were in the running, as did Tom and fishing license revenues, will Coon in the big Class 8 Ford. This get a portion of the OHV fund, is going to make the last race in letting the • • non-consum·ptive Lucerne be the deciding factor on game user" shoulder some of the who takes Class 8 for the 1990 La bills. Rana series. Larry Boman in the No "green stickies" are Class 44 Odyssey only had to required or provided for in the finish, but suffered a broken trans program, so in my opinion, and was out too. Arizona OHVs should be legal to But, we had our share of visit California, Utah, etc. finishersaswell.GregAkins,even without having to display any after losing second place in Class such tags. Residents of those 1-2-1600 due to a flat on the last states are welcome here. Also, lap, was able to nail down third in under law any motor vehicle, class, and again the Lucerne race from mini-bike to 4 WD to will be the deciding factor in who Cadillac, used recreationally off- takes Class-1-2-1600 for the year. highway in Arizona is considered Jay Porter, in Class 9 and in only an Off-Highway Vehicle. . his second race, was able to run Notice we haven't been talking consistently throughout the day "off-road" here; off road travel is and nailed down fourth in class. prohibited (except for permitt!!d . Daniel' Groff, again for the uses such as observed-trials seventh time in a row, took home motorcycles) to minimize impact . the honors in the Stone Stoclc: on our fair and fragile deserts and truck class which had some new mountains. "Open" areas as entries. One of them was a friend, designated by land management · Scott· Sells in a Toyota, who agencies will remain open to off pushedDanalldaybutjustwasn't road use and more should be able to catch him, finishing opened. Otherwise, existing secondinhisfirstrace.Congratu-trails, roads and travelways are lations guys. available for OHV usage. Congratulations also to Bob At this inaugural meeting, Richey and his crew, who had various members of the public absolutely no problems. I'd like including Californian and tothankEdandLeslieCastroand CORVA founding-father Robert the La Rana Racing crew for Hamm addressed the group. another job well done. So, until Dusty Times November 17th in Lucerne, we will all be busy getting ready for the season's final race. If you'd like to get involved in pit support, DRS will be there, so look us up in the tech and contingency line or check our -address and phone numbers in Dusty Times. See you in Lucerne. (Editor's note: DRS folks are most resourceful. At the Ridge-crest tech and contingency line, 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. they cleverly phoned up Domino's Pizza for dinner, and sure enough they delivered right to the Kerr McGee , Center parking lot in suburban Ridgecrest.) True Story! \ Manufacturers Advisory Board Report The SCORE/HORA Manufac-turers Advisory Board had a short meeting after the Gold Coast 300 Awards presentation. Apparently the principals were not all on hand, and little concerning the 1991 series seems to have surfaced. High tech scoring designed to improve safety for course workers was proposed for the desert racing series by the board. The plan calls for race vehicles to carry a transponder, which would register the identity of the competitor when he reaches each checkpoint. If the system works as designed, it would eliminate the need for racers to stop and receive checkpoint stubs that prove they have been there, a procedure which has proved to be a hazard to checkpoint workers in the past. The new technology was outlined to the advisory board by Scott Johnson of Computer Race Management, the company proposing to develop it for desert racing. In other business the board agreed with a proposal for SCORE President Sal Fish and HORA president Danny Cau to appoint a committee to study .methods for separating fast vehicles from slower ones running the same race. (Editors note: The second proposal doesn't need much study. It is called seeding in most forms of motor racing and works well in .international rallying where entries often are huge and a half dozen or more classes are competing. However, the driver not the car is seeded. For example, all Class 8 trucks are not potential overall winners. On the first item, HORA events have not used checkpoint stubs for several years, using stop signs and lights instead. Only SCORE uses the stub can method for races in Mexico, so they don't have to wait days for the remote checkpoint people to present their records before issuing official results, preferring to award the winners' prizes the day after the event.) CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES By John Elkin First and foremost lets start this months column with a big thank you to Mike and Paula Gibeault, and all their volunteers for giving the CRS a most beneficial weekend at Gorman. The Bridge-stone Rally School on Friday night and Saturday was heralded by all as a success. Sunday's Pacenote Rallycross provided fine competition ( see race coverage) and a friendly atmosphere. The Gibeault's are looking for interested parties to take over organizing the school and rally in 191. Ir you are interested then call Paula at (619) 375-8704. On February 6-8, 1991, the Big Bend Bash Rally in Terlinglua, Texas, will count for Triple CRS Championship Points. Organizer Roger Gibson says the Rally will take place on teh 500+ square mile Terlingua Ranch. Most all the stages will be around Hen Egg Mountain. Entry forms will be mailed soon with information on accomodations and services in this, the truly final western frontier i the southwest. On a persona_!_ note I have attended this event several times. The tow can easily be made in 19. to ZO hours. This event is not a car breaker at all, the roads are twisty and fun much like a smoother Indio type event. · Other news on our 1991 schedule are unfortunatly still rumors and hopeful plans The Big Bend Bash and Rim have set dates. The Prescott event hopes for a March date and there is a real posibility of multiple events from Rob Cherry being explored at this · time. Mike Blore plans on more than one Glen Helen this year, but no word as yet from George Gornick on a Carson Valley Rally. Hopefully we will venture back to Gardnerville. George's roads were great this year and we always receive great hospitality from Sharkey's Casino. A wild rumor surfaced that Ray Hocker maybe planning on putting a Rally on in Ridgecrest on the old LJT roads. Come on Ray! Go for it!! If anyone was shooting video Sunday at the Pacenote Rallycross would you please contact me as soon as possible at (714) 880-8005. Our next CRS event is Decem-ber 7-9, 1990, when Roger Allison and Randy Hensley put on two co-efficient three rallies, East of Indio followed by the Pacific Crest Trail. These are our final two events for the 1990 CRS Championship and the first for the 1991 So Pac title. Speaking of the So Pac Championship, congratulations to Gary Luke and Mark Williams, our 1990 Champions! On November 10 and 11 they will be at the Coachman Stages Rally in Olympia, Washington, trying for the National Title. Good Luck Guys. Our annual Awards Banquet will be in early January, no definite date yet. Already there is an impressive line-up of door prizes to be drown for and all the usual happenings including the Cap'n Crunch Award. Zimmer-man Award and Year End Trophies. Please help the CRS make this it's best attended Awards yet. 1989 FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS NOW AVAILABLE! , . ...,. ' Update your current Ranger to 1989 aero styling, design-to retain stock appear-· ance and allow 34" tall tires. SCOflE/HDRA legal, bolts to stock panels or DZUS on. Reinforced hood to stop distortion at speed. Racers Price Available. pimple Die Sets now In stock-½" -1" - 1½" -2" CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 'Orchard St. Cherry Valley, CA 92223 Curt Leduc, Owner (714) 845-8820 December 1990 Heat Treated and Plated. Midwest Division Chuck Johnson Off Road Racing 8403 Vicki Road . Rockford, IL 61108 (815) ~2-9681 Page 53 ..
, Classified ••• FOR SALE: Two seat class 10 Berrien 2001. Wright rack, 1¼ arms, 2 combos, 5" longer rear arms, Sway-A-Way bars, 10" wider beam with Fox remotes, Bilsteins and Fox air secondary, Summers brakes & drive train, 930 cv's, supercages, 8 gal cell, aluminum radiator, Oberg, Beard, Simpson, lots of spares, less engine & trans., never rolled. Trailer available. Call Ed in PA day (717) 339-2930, eves (717) 672-3028. &..: • ~)%., ',-$\,,,;,,. FOR SALE: Class 14 in Ohio. Special frame, 10 Ranchos, Long Springs, Beard seat, Cana 44 front & rear with 4 wheel disc brakes. 5.38 gear, fuel cell, Turbo 400. Built to max S.B.Chevy. Balanced forged roller crank, 10.5 to 1 pistons. 113" Wheelbase. $5,000_.00 Can deliver. Call John Toepfer at 419-893-7006. FOR SALE: Fast, dependable 5-1600. Only raced at Superstition Series races in 1989. Car was third overall most of season. Car is prepped and ready to race. Move to east coast forces sale. First $6,000.00 firm takes this competitive car. Call Dan at ( 412) 588-0619. FOR SALE: Stadium Chenowth Magnum, Ford Escort, 1650 motor, UMP Power steering, Bill FOR SALE: Stadium Super ite, new Bills pipes, FL 350 water-cooled motor, fuel cell, Roberto gear box, New Works shocks, sway bar, HRD clutch, Simpson safety, Beadlocks, MTEG Specs, extra parts. Very competitive. Will sell less engine $8000.00, with engine $10,000.00. Call John days (213) 327-8323 or eves. (714) 842-7238. FOR SALE: Chenowth f-1600 -race prepped. 400 miles on NEW Hatz engine, fresh I.T.S. Thornton transmission, 930 c.v.'s, 300 M bars, U .M.P. power steering, Bilstein, Centerline, new Yoko-hamas. All Wright Place combos, arms & rack. NEW floorpan, skid plates & front bumper. . Light, fast & proven reliable. $12,500.00. Call Jim (619) 561-. Rice trans & spare trans, many spares, cv's, wheels, steering parts & more. $21,500.00. Will consider offers minus motor & trans. Art (213) 630-294 7. .. 5600. FOR~S~E: Class 10 Raceco. Winner of six SCORE, HDRA races. Always a front runner. Coil-over, power, secondary, all the good stuff. $12,000.00 or trade for street truck or car. Also, 125" pre runner, has potential. $4,000.00 or trade. Call Mark at . (619) 252-8485. FOR SALE: 1988 GMC Sub-urban 4WD. Absolutely loaded with extras. 46,000 loving miles. $16,500.00, must sell - daughter · had quintuplets - Diaper Service . is like National Debt. Call Carol at (619) 240-3122. FOR SALE: '87 2-1600 Raceco, suspension by Mirage, 115" wb, Foltz trans., Hatz motor, Power steering, Wright rack, arms & combos, Beard seats, Fox shocks, Dura Blue torsions, Turbo cv's, Super Boot cages & boots, only raced 7 times. Very competitive car, recently stripped & repainted. $13.,000 O.B.O. Call Brian (213) 928-0421 days, (213) 493-5113 eves. FOR SALE: Prerunner, Play, older class 5, 105" wheel base, 10" wider front & rear, Wright rack, Centerlines, Beard seats, Yokohama tires, K & N, muffler, KC Daylighters, current CA license, 930 c.v.'s, AMS axles, 10" shocks, Porsche spindles, Simpson belts, rebuilt, 2180 engine & trans., new fuel cell. Office (714) 674-8729. Home (714) 244-2452. FOR SALE: 2-1600, 1988 O.R.E. SCORE/ H.D.R.A. legal Fox Shox's, D.J. 091 all Hewland Trans., FARRAR Bros., Engine, centerlines, Wright arms and Combo's, radio w/intercom, very dependable and competitive. Last four races entered, no worse than fourth place, spares and trailer and parts. $11,500.00. Call Lou (805) 525-0948. POSITION WANTED: Qualified to prep race car/ truck. Two years Class 7, three years Class 9. Available part-time weekends or week days. Also willing to pay entry fee to drive or co-drive selected races. Call ED(714 )867-7839. FOR SALE: Class 5 unlimited, very competitive. Wright, SAW, Simpson, 22 gal Fuel Safe, Centerlines, Y okohamas, Bilstein, coil-over secondaries, 930's, · pumper, Dura Blue, strong 2180 & bus trans. Constant winner. Must sell! $8000.00 oho. Call (702) 482-9298. FOR SALE: Used ORD Built I-Beams w/ coils. Fits Yrs 73-79. $225.00 oho. (818) 704-1760 Ask for Bruce. WANTED: Chance to try out for driver or co-driver in any class in Score/HDRA Series. Young, energetic, willing to work long hours. Looking for a chance to try out for team position or for person or company looking to start new team. Call Jeff at (805) 496-2946 . 1 FOR SALE: 1989 International Transporter. Professionally built for off road racing team. Complete 35' canopy system, . inside completely race ready with custom cabinets and tire rack. FORSALE: 1990Raceco2/1600 Tons of storage in outside boxes. - Race ready. Full on Mendeola 6500ww generator, air compres- transmission Fox shocks, Master-sor, full lighting, custom cab, only craft seats, Jamar pedals. Best of 10,000 miles. Over $73,000.00 everything. $14,000.00 obo. Call invested. Can be yours for (619) 344-8095. $45,000.00. Call Doug at (714) ====:-=--==-== 840-3030/ FOR SALE: '87 Mazda 7S truck. Previously owned by Glenn Harris. Easy to maintain. Built with the best! Sandy Cone 9" full floater rear end, Mastercraft, Fox, Centerline, etc. Comes with lots of spares. $8,500.00. Call John (414) 337-9886 or Lee (414) 499-1495. ::!!!:: ........ @-~ FOR SALE: Class 10 single seat, 118" w.b., Curnutt shocks all coil-over, Wright beams, arms, spindles, Wilwood disc, Micro-stub, Carr disc, 24" dual pivot rear arms, power steering, UMP, Taylor seat, 28 gal cell, Autocraft, drysump, Mendeola trans. Car & trailer $18,000.00 (619) 582-2994. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Raceco, .....,. __ ..,,_ _; Wright front end, Foxes, Neal FOR SALE: 1985 Berrien, rebuilt pedals, Beard seat, Charlin P /S, 1988, $5,000.00 or trade for Fuel Safe, bus trans, Hewland FORSALE: 1990newChenowth street legal at equal value. TX gears, fresh engine, Parker Magnum, all the best, Rev Power, sportsman car, could be class 10. Pumper, Centerlines, new Arm-DK transmission,Superbootcv's, 20' trailer available. Days 9-5 V-strongs, many spare tires on Sway-A-Way axles, CNC, Wil-Dub Works (214) 438-5610c/o Centerlines, dump can, Cibie & liam brakes, Mag body, Ron Ben Brown Bob - days 9-5 (817) Perlux lights, fire system, new.16' Davis radiator. Car is made with 283-7474. flatbed trailer. $8,000.00 Call best off road parts possible. Over 1 ( 602) 893-9361. $47,000.00 invested. Can be FOR SALE: Fresh DG300 yours for $35,000.00. Call Doug $6,500.00. Call David (714) 535-as (714) 840-3030. 4437. ------------· r ~ - -~ ------~ ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ----- - ------- - - - - - - -~ ~ ~ ~ . Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I DUSTY TIMES. I Classified Advertising rate is only $10 tor 45 words each month, not1including name, llddress and phone number. Add $5 .00 for 1 · use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. I NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIP;flONS TO-DUSTY TIMES:-- f. t5 word Classified Ad is FREE if ¥Ou act now and I subscribe. If you wish t<i> use a photo in tour free ad, enclose $5 .00. !All classified ads must be paid in adv~nce. I: Enclosed is $ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. Name-------------------------------~ Mail to: FOR SALE: Four seater custom frame, 2180 engine, IRS bus trans, 930 c.v. joints, rack & pinion steering, fuel cell, 5 point harness, Score racing legal, tandem axle heavy duty trailer. Too many extras to list. $20,000.00. Must see to apprec-iate. Call Mon-Fri days (714) 699-7722. FOR SALE: Support vehicle, 1979 GMC 1 ton, box van $3700.00. Call Dave (714) 981-2382 after 6:00 p.m. FOR SALE: Brand new Bus Box 4 86 r / pinion close ratio $1500.00 450 h.p. 440 Dodge engine runs on pump gas $1250.00, 355 posi traction rear end Dodge truck, 5 bolt, $250.00. 512 r/ pinion 9¼ Address ______________________ Phone ______ _ Ciry __________________ State _____ Zip DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 I Dana Mopar $150.00. Bob (714) , 785-5441. Page 54 December 1990 Dusty Times
FOR SALE: Prerunner, 2 seat Bunderson, Fox shocks, 1600 dual port, Buss trans., pumper, good dependable car, Baja rack, freshly prepped. $6,000.00 oho. Call Steve, day (818) 445-5109, eves. (818) 445-6310. FOR SALE: Stadium Fat 1600cc engine, for Class 10. Built w/all good parts. Engine has one race and is complete. $6,000.00. For more info. contact Ken at (213) 75~7943. FOR SALE: RACECO 2 seat unlimited car, 135" WB, brand new 2800cc FAT type 4 200 plus HP, Hewland trans., all top grade equipment. Spare tire sets, parts. $29,000.00. (714) 898-7557. SOLD! to the BUDWEISER GUAM racing team. Bilmar racing team driver "The Outlaw" Domenick De Grazia, winner of the Class 1 Unlimited single seat at the 1990 Guam Winston Smokin Wheels. The "Outlaw" has stepped out of the Chenowth 1000 and has opted for this Hal Chesnut, "Mac Tools" special. My special thanks to Budweiser Guam, The Carpet Store Guam, HEP, Valvoline Oil Guam, and the Bilmar racing team Guam. Special thanks to Hal & Keith Chesnut. F RSALEORRENT:Chenowth. Magnum Mickey Thompson 1600. VW Rabbit water cooler, the newest Mendeola trans., Neal hydrolics, UMP power steering, very competitive car. Was owned by Arciero. $22,000.00. Steve (619) 579-1750. FOR SALE: Mirage 1-1600, very competitive car, needs competi-tive driver, Dyno shop motor and trans. Fox shocks with reservoirs, Wright, P/ S pumper, spare tires and parts. Always a finisher. Freshly prepped. $13,500.00. Call Steve, days (818) 445-5109, eves. (818) 445-6310. Dusty Times FOR SALE: •90 J.M.R. 2-1600, 115" w.b., Chromoly chassis, pro built, Hatz motor fields 091 trans., best parts throughout. Raced one time. Like brand new. Prepped and ready to win in 1991! Spares included. Trailer available. Serious inquiries only. Call Jim Moulton Racing Products (805) 29~1212. FOR SALE: Cheno~h Mag~~~ Mickey Thompson 1600. New VW water cooled, 155 HP engine, newest Rice/Hewland · trans., UMP power steering, Summers Bros. axles, Simpson 5 pt. belts, Neal hydraulics, Mark Williams brakes, 8 Fox shocks, on board Flame-Out system, new clutch, stainless lines throughout, new wiring & prake lines, completely rebuilt this year. All parts chrome/gold anodized. Won 1990 GWPS Champion-ship. Ready to race! $25,000.00/ offer. Call Tom Dunn (303) 762-7555 or (303) 843-9625. Spare trans. & parts. FOR SALE: Late -model sports-man stock car. Race ready. Too much to list. Car is a first place runner. Will trade for 2 seat buggy. Or $10,000.00. Please respond to: Ken Wirth, 7373 Pawtucket Way, San Jose, CA 95139. FOR -SALE: Zenith carb., dual manifold & air cleaner (like new). Best offer. Tom (714) 496-4033. FOR RENT OR EXCHANGE: We are seeking a three bedroom house with garage located between San Diego and Anaheim. Rental period January through March, 1991. We can also exchange rental on our four bedroom house in Pretoria, South Africa for the same period. Please FAX your proposals to Draper Motorsport 012-83-2890. FOR SALE: Class 8 Dodge -Beard Seats, Bilsteins, Simpson, KC Lits, Auto Meter, Fuel Cell, Crane, Edelbrock, Hooker, Accel, K&N, Direct Connection 727 Torque-Flite, Dana, Rich-mond Gears, Quik Power Steer-ing, JFZ Brakes, Ultra Wheels, Duez, Coleman, Fresh paint, spares and parts. Never raced. $20,000.00 oho. Call (714) 785-5441. FOR SALE: 2700cc Type 4 engine, dual Webers'. Has not been raced since rebuild. Perry and Terry Off Road Racing. Contact Greg at Fat Performance (714) 637-2889. FOR SALE: '69 Baja Bug, not completed, lots of parts, new trick 3 x 3 chromemoly arms, S.A.W. acles, torsion bars & spring plates, Type 181 flanges, type 2 drums & stubs, custom cage, 5 in. wider front end, 25 gal. gas tank, plus more. Over $3,000.00 invested. Only $1,800.00. Leave message (213) 924-5415. ATTENTION:TVRACEFANS. Subscribe to the easy to read guide to all types of TV motor-sports. Hundreds of listings published monthly. For 12 copies, send $9.00 (US) or $12.00 (CANADA) to: Lou's Motorsports TV Calendar, Dept. OT, 84 Smith Avenue, Stoughton, ' MA02072. FOR SALE: 20 ft. dual axle enclosed trailer. Lights, cabinets, workbench, in-floor storage, 80 ~al. water tanks with pump. $4,000.00 oho. Call Art at ( 412) 687-5093. WANTED TO BUY: Class 9, 2 seat Challenger race car. SCORE/ HORA legal. Must have all quality components. Frame must be straight and intact-never rolled. No junkers considered, would consider partnership in a first class car. Call Jim (619) 692-3063. CHECKERS (from page 39) my loyal assistant. This is a big plus for the Big Wahzoo since it not only makes my job a lot easier, but now obviously anything I write that causes a stink will be immediately blamed on the Little Wahzoo! What's the bad news? Well, for all those members who step on their 'Johnson' on a regular basis, ya better tread lightly since very little will be missed . . . 'cause the Club is now runnin' dual Wahzoos! INDEX TO ADVERTISERS FOR SALE: Class 9 two seater, needs to be finished. New engine, transaxle, fuel cell, body, front end and steering. Mastercraft seat, Bilstein shocks, Flame out system and Sway-A-Way. $2,000.00. Bilstein Corp. of America ....... 33 M_ik_e-'('-2_09---')'-7_3_8_-_14_2_3_. ___ Cactus Racing • . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 FOR SALE: 4 Fox 10" coil-overs. California Pre-Fun . • • • . . . • • . . . 53 15" rear King Kong Housing, 21/4 Champion Beadlock Co .•.....•. 15 front arms, Woods rear arms 4 x "-t·t· T ·1 39 ""'mpe 1 1ve ra, ers •••.•..•... l½deepset.Allnew.$1,650.00 o T 7 Call (805) 736-5089. esert z • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CLEAN UP YOURAa-Sell your surplus parts •~ pieces mGHTHEREl COMPETITION REVIEW BOARD (from page 38) at about the 45 mile marker taking a parallel trail for a distance of about two miles. When he saw the official motioning for him to haul back up on the race course, he returned immediately to the course. Normally this would have been a simple disqualification, but at the Drivers' meeting Danny stated that 'Anyone caught cheating will be suspended for one year.' Cummins was not there, however. Not wanting to drop the hammer on this guy, until he told his side of the story, the case was set aside pending further investigation by the CRB Marshal, who shall report the result to the CRB. The Gold Coast 300 CRB adjourned at 12 :30 a. m., after meeting for over three hours. OeNunzio Racing Products • • • . • • 32 Dodge Motorsport .. • • .. . . .. . . . 9 Earl's Perfonnance Products • • . . . 42 FAT Peffonnance - , ; r.nterline \Nheels • . . .. . . . . . 30 FAT-Performance -T~ ....•. 21 Ford Motorsports .. . • • . .. .. .. . 2 FRT'lllllaway Dash .i1-.. • • • • • . • • 23 . Fuel Safe .. . .. .. ... . . .. . .. .. 14 Gennan Auto • • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • 37 Golden flule Racing • -~; • • .. .. . • • 5 GTS fiberglass .... ; : • • • • • • .. 20 Herndon Motorsports ~':. • • • • • • • • 41 Hi Tedi Off Road •• :; • . • • • • • • 22 Kawaguchi Honda Equipment • • • • 25 KCHiLites •.•••••••••.••.•. 27 La Rana Desert Racing - • • . • • • • • 31 McKenzie Perforrnance~ducts •• 29 Muggers Coffee Cups .. .. .. .. . 43 · Nevada Off Road Buggy • . . . • • . . 46 Parker Pumper . .. .. . . .. • . .. • 12 PCI Race Radios • • • . . . • • . . . • • 55 Prism Design . . • • • . • . • • • . . • • 38 Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . . . . 4 R.LH. Communications . . • • • . . . . 8 SCORE Parker 400 • . . . • . . . . . . 16 Marvin Shaw Engineering . . . . . . . 45 Mr. Sticker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Toyota Motor Sales. Inc. . . . . . Back Cover Tri-Mil Industries • • . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Ultra Wheel Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Union 76 Racing Gas . . . . • . . . . 17 Valley Performance . • . • . . . • . . . 35 Watkins Industries . • . . . . • . . . . . 34 Wright Place . . • . • . . . . .. . . • • 36 Off Roads Winningest Radios OVER 1,400 ON THE COURSE • HELMETS WIRED -$100 (Cf) Comlink V • • • f: The Ultimate Racing Intercom 16 CHANNEL ROAD MASTER "A LEGEND" ONLY $53900 New! RF Pre Amp $95 30% to 50% more range! 2888 Gundry Avenue Signal Hill, CA 90806 (800) 869-5636 FAX (213) 426-3589 (213) 427-8177 Page 55
@ TOYOTA Technology On A Fast Track This year we developed quite a taste for champagne. s:)HlflS 30 :>N'tl\l Mickey Thompson Off-Road Gran Prix Seattle, W4 First Place 1990 SCORE/HD RA Overall Champion SCOREIHDRA Nevada 500: First Overall Mickey Thomyson Off-Road GranPrix-Anaheim, C4 First Place Mickey"· Off-Road Gran Las ~gas, NV, First Place You might say it was a vintage year, as Team Toyota celebrated one of their best seasons ever. In the Mickey Thompson Off-Road Gran Prix race series, we stretched our Manufacturer's Cup title streak to an unprecedented eight in a row. Ivan "Ironman" Stewart captured his third Driver's Champion_~----ship, making it six for MTEG Manufacturer's Cup Challenge MTEG Driver's Champion .. 'J:"' Mickey Thompson Off-Road Gran Prix P'dsadena, C4 First Place SCOREIHDRA Gold Coast 300: First Overall SCOREIHDRA Parker 400: First Overall SCORE/HD RA Class I ANDON Champion Toyota in the past eight years. And out in the open desert, the "Ironman" took the SCORE/HDRA Class I and Over-all championships, the first ever for a pickup. That's a lot of wins and a lot of champagne. And that's why no one's looking forward to next season more than we are. Except maybe our wine steward. ®TOYOTA "I love what you do for me." © 1990 Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.