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1989 Volume 6 Number 1 Dusty Times Magazine

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6 • Number 1 • January 1919 ISSN 8750-1731 Covering the world of competition in the dirt.

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-Volume 6 -Humber 1 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Associate Jan Flick Mazzenga Controller John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic John Howard Contributors Darla Crown C & C Race Photos Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Deb Freimuth Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Rod Koch Cam McRae David Ryskamp Judy Smith John Sprovkin J-D Photography Trackside Photo Enterprises Ken Vanderhoof Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Pr~uction Michelle's Tvoesetting Services January 1989 In This Issue ••• Subscription Rates: THE OfflCIAL VOICE OF CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES PROFESSIONAL■ AMERICAN■ CANADIAN 0ff-R~D ;l_ RACING~ e:,,.-~/~(S ~~~ $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-1732, is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permis-sion from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dus1y Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave. , Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. I I I I I I I I I I I I FEATURES Page Score Presidente Baja 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Happy Birthday Bancroft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Great Western Points Banquet ............................. 31 WCR Sanremo Rally Italia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ADRA Penasco 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Georgia Race Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 39 SCCA Mason Vally Pro Rally ............................. 40 VORRA's Prairie City Finale .............................. 42 FR T Plaster City Blast II ........... '. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . 44 Gran Carrera de Campeones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 SCCA Press On Regardless Pro Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO SNORE Yoko Loco . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Score Baja Safari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Bonneville Season Wrap Up .............................. 55 WCR Rally Australia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 DEPARTMENTS Side Tracks by Judy Smith ................................. 6 Trail Notes .............................................. 6 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 California Rally Series Report ..•.....................•.... 14 1989 Competition Calendar ............................... 34 The Losers by Judy Smith .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 47 Pony Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 So-Pac Divisional Rally Report by Lynnette Allison ........... 58 Goodies Galore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Good Stuff Directory ... ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Pit Team Reports ........................................ 65 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Index to Advertisers ............................. , . . . . . . . 67 ON THE COVER -To open the New Year we feature a pair of winners from the rough, tough 1988 Score Presidente Baja 1000. Bill and Scott Reams won the biggest class in the race, leading Class 1-2-1600 by just a minute or so from the green flag to the Pacific Beach. They got the lead back and won the class by seven minutes. Bill Reams has been off road racing for 20 years, and this was his first class victory, and he was very pleased with the performance of his new O.R.C. They have been trying hard for several years to win a Baja race, and last November Greg, Wes, G.W. and the rest of the Moser clan not only won the Class 6 honors in the Baja 1000 driving the Ford Ranchero, they also won the season class championship. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Enterprises. I\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$12.00 □ 2 years -$20.00 □ 3 years - $30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus ... Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name--------------------------Address -----------------------HAPPY NEWYEAR City State _________________ Zip ________ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - l year $15.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rJtes quoted on request) I I I I I I I I I -page I January 1989 Dusty Times

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Nick Gross, the Challenger Class and High Desert-SCORE Off-Road Racing Series Champion. There are two kinds ·ss~-...._-of off-road racers. Those who make the dirt fly. And those who pick the rocks out of their teeth. If you'd like to change to a dirt-free diet, there's one thing you can do. Ride on Yokohamas. Of the more than· 700 drivers who started the season, only one took home the overall points title. Class 1/2-1600 winner Gary Cogbill finished fourth in points overall. Yokohama racer and Challenger Class Champion Nick Gross. With 249 points, Gross led the SC0RE/HDRA International Off-Road Racing Series. And that's not all. Gary Cogbill buried the competition with his Super Diggers to become the Class 1/2-1600 winner. Mike Church claimed the Class 10 trophy and Mike Church drove the entire Baja 1000 by himself to capture the Class 10 trophy.

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The De Vercellys-Andy L. and Andy R. -made a family affair of winning Class 5-1600. Boone England doubled his points in Baja to take Class 14. season championship. And for the second year in a row the father and son team of Andy L. and Andy R. De Vercelly clinched the Class 5-1600 contest. G.W. Moser's first Baja 1000 win carried him to a Class 6 championship. Two other racers who dusted the field with their Yokohamas were Boone England, the Class 14 champion, and G. W. Moser, who finished first in Class 6. If six championships and the overall aren't enough to convince you, Yokohama was recently named Contingency Company of the Year. Which proves what we've been saying all along. If you're racing off-road, and you're not riding on Yokohamas, you must have rocks in your head. Cl1988 Yokohama Tire Corporation

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Side Tracks ••• By Judy Smith TO SlJ~tMIT Last month we followed our pre-run for the Baja 1000 as far as N uevo Junction, where we settled in to enjoy a quiet evening and a beautiful Baja sunset. There was also a splendid coyote concert off and on all night. Since we'd crawled into our sleeping bags so early, we were up and at'em fairly early the next morning, after a quick pre-run breakfast. As we gathered things up and packed away the sleeping bags, along came Chuck Mat-thews and three other P .P .I. folks, in two Toyota chase trucks, on the road in from the highway .. They were there to chase I van Stewart, Butch Arciero and Cal Wells, who'd left Ensenada early that morning, on their pre-r,un. Pretty nice to have two radio equipped trucks, complete with spare parts, extra gas, and extra bodies, to track you when you're pre-running. But it seems to me that it must take some of the ele-ment of fun out of it. Makes it a lot more businesslike. John and I headed up towards the Summit, a part of the course we hadn't been on in years, and were surprised to discover that the trail now goes up the side of the hill, rather than down on the flat.We were even more surpised, and somewhat appalled, a bit later, to discover that there were some difficult little hills on that road, and one really mean sucker. It suddenly came to us, with a jolt of dismay, that we had never replaced our old needle and seat, which we had traded with Walt Matthews for his fluttery one when that one didn't work in his race car at the Lucerne race. So, here we were, on one of the roughest parts of the course, all uphill, and now we remember that the car won't run in the rough with that needle and seat. We sweated up the hills, swear-ing at the carburetor as it blub-bered and stalled, and wincing when we hit the rocks, taking the hills too fast, hoping we'd make it all the way up on momentum. When we came to the wide spot just past the little ranch, we stopped so John could try to do something. But what? We had visions of ourselves spending the rest of our lives in this little canyon if we couldn't persuade the car to run a little better. John took things apart, and we used the back of one of my note-books to make a couple of addi-tional gaskets for the needle and Page 6 seat. The theory was that it wouldn't flood out so readily. And, when we went on, it seemed that it probably did work a little better, but in any event, we dis-covered that we'd already made it through the very roughest part of the road. , · The rest of the ride up to the Summit was a bit suspensful, because we kept expecting the car to quit or something to break. At one point a rock momentarily rolled up into the front fender well and stopped the wheel from turning, so we thought we had a broken tie rod - scary thought. But we got there in good shape, and found that the view is as breathtakingly lovely as ever. Naturally, we had to stop and get out to walk around and admire our surroundings. And while we were there, along came I van, Butch and Cal, in Ivan's spiffy pre-runner. They hopped out, right at the top, and immediately began hammering in stakes, and tying banners on them, to mark off the P.P.l. pit area for the race. Just in case you wondered how some people get the good pit spots -that's how. They get there mighty early. We let I van leave in front of us, and by the time we got to the bot-tom of the Summit, he was so far ahead of us that we never saw him again. Nor did we see anyone else. But we had a good day, enjoying the smoke trees in the washes, and stopping on a plateau for a picnic lunch in the clear, hot sunshine. We never did know exactly when we were at Cohabuzo or Tres Pozos, but when we got to the highway crossing we were bright enough to figure out that that was Borrego. From there it's a won-derful road down to the dry lake, and all along the side of the dry lake was fun, too. We could see that it was wet out in the middle, (they'd had rain a few days ear-lier), and we decided it would be foolhardy to try it, since we had street tires on the car for this trip. We knew we could find our way across the lake on race day, and it never hurts to pre-run the more confusing edge anyway. It was extra confusing this time because there were no SCORE markers, but only some left over Baja Pro-motions markers from a recent race, and we didn't really know if that race had used the same course that SCORE was using. But we knew that as long as you keep heading south you'll get to the end of Diablo eventually. When we got up to the road where the course headed west and south, we decided to go in to San Felipe -for two reasons. One; we would run out of gas if we didn't, and two; we wanted to call on Lonnie Hawkins and see if he could find us a better needle and seat in his shop. We found Lonnie schmoozing with some friends just off the beach at Club de Pesca, where he lives. And he invited us to his house for showers, dinner and a toddy. He also assured us that he had a needle and seat in the shop. Lonnie's wife, Marisa, served a sumptuous dinner which included some big, beautiful San Felipe shrimp, and we were in pre-run heaven! I never bother to eat shrimp in L.A., but in Baja I gob-ble it down whenever I get the chance. Yum! The next morning we went by the shop to pickup the needle and seat, and then carried on with the pre-run. After the long straight road southward toward Matomi Wash, there's a neat little windy, two-rutter that goes through some beautiful desert, and then it suddenly drops into the wash. This is really soft stuff! and we stopped right away, at the first hard spot we found, to let a lot of air out of the tires. We saw one other pre-runner, another Bug, also finding it soft in there, and later learned that it was Nick Gross and Joe Valentine, and that they'd had all kinds of troubles on that trip. Once we got moving again, we just motored on, not daring to stop for fear of getting stuck, though it's so beautiful in there that you'd like to be able to stop every now and then to explore and take photos. Once out of the wash we enjoyed an uneventful run up the old road into San Felipe, drifting into our nostalgia mode, as we reminded each other of all our various races, pre-runs and adventures on that section. We elected to skip the 32 miles from the San Felipe Zoo road to Three Poles, on the grounds that we'd been over that enough times in the past to know that we didn't care if we ever went over it again. But we turned up the course at Three Poles and then hopped out on the highway just past Villa del Sol, because we'd discovered that one of our transmission straps had come undone, and we didn't want to try the San Matias wash in that condition. Anyway, that meant that we'd get up to Mike's a tad earlier, where we planned to settle into the bar for one of Ramon's soothing concoctions, then have a hot shower, a tasty dinner in Mike's dining room, and then snuggle into one of Mike's ruffled beds for the night. There were only a couple of cars in the parking lot, but when we walked into the pool area a couple dozen motorcycles were lined up against the wall. Mike's was full up. There was no prob-lem with getting Ramon's atten-tion at the bar, or having the hot shower, but there were about four groups of recreational bikers overnighting at Mike's that eve-ning, and they'd all been clever enough to make reservations. We were Johnny-come-Latelies, and Ramon told us he'd let us sleep in the office. January 1989 Trail Notes ••• SCORE/HORA POINTS CHAMPIONS - The official final points winners for the 1988 desert series are as follows. Mar1c McMillin won Class 1 with 215 points. Bob Gordon took Class 2 with 240 points, and Gary Cogbill is the 1-2-1600 champ at 220 point~. Jack Johnson edged Rod Hall by six points for the Class 4 title, and Mike Schwellinger hung on to his Class 3 championship. Hartmut Klawitter took the Class 5 title, and Andy DeVer-celly moved into the 5-1600 championship with his Baja victory, just 12 points ahead of Roy Taylor. Wes Moser won Class 6 honors, and Larry Ragland secured his Class 7 title. Paul Simon squeaked out the win in Class 7S by 15 points and he is the Mini Metal champ too. Mike Lesle won his second Class 7 4x4 championship. Robby Gordon not only took the Class 8 title by a single point over Frank Vessels, he also won the Heavy Metal title. The overall points champion and Challenger winner is Nick Gross with 259 points. Michael Church won the Class 10 title and Ramon Castro repeated as the Class 11 champion. Boone England won the Class 14 honors by a big margin. The full story on how they won their titles and the desert season review will be in the February issue. THE COORS RACETRUCK CHAMPIONSHIP came right down to the wire, decided at the final race at Sebring, Florida. Jeff Krosnoff won the race, his fourth win of the season, driving a Nissan, followed to the flag by teammate Ray Kong. However, Tommy Archer finished third in his Jeep 'Comanche to wrap up both the Drivers and the Manufacturers Champion-ships. Archer won the driving title by just three points over Krosnoff, while Jeep won the Manufacturers Championship over Nissan by a single point. Jeep's title was its second in as many years, as they edged Nissan last season by a two point margin. It can't get much tighter than that! EL MIRAGE DRY LAKE has a new name and a new management team. Years of planning for improved recreation management and visitor services at one of southern California's most popular outdoor recreation areas cul-minated last November with the signing of a multi-agency agreement that spells out Federal, State and local responsibilities in the newly established El Mirage Special Recreation Area. The representatives of the agencies involved included those from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, California Department of Parks and Recreation, California Off Highway Vehicle Com-mission, Los Angeles County Parks and Recreation and San Bernardino County Parks and Recreation. Sounds like a lot of different police forces out there looking for Green Stickers! The BLM will serve as the overall managers of the new, 18,000 acre El Mirage Area, and they will maintain the roads and trails, and enforce laws and regulations, along with installing signs and fences, and providing emergency medical care and services. San Bernardino County will function as the facility development and land acquisition agency. The Area includes 8,000 acres of private land, which the agencies will consider acquiring through purchase or trade in order to ensure that the entire area comes into public demain for public use. According to BLM Project Manager Mark Davis, over 100,000 people from Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange and Riverside Counties visit El Mirage Dry Lake Bed each year to enjoy land sailing, hang gliding, camping and off road activities, and it is used extensively by the film industry. For those who are not familiar with El Mirage, it gained early fame as the site of the SCT A Time Trials, which now are held at the Bonneville Salt Flats, and it is located not very far from Rogers Dry Lake on which the space shuttles land at Edwards Air Force Base. THE OFF ROADSMAN AW ARD WINNERS for 198S were announced last December at the desert series awards banquet. Departing from the usual format, excluding employees of the organizations from the honors, Walt Lott, who died lastJuly, was voted the Person of the Year by an overwhelming margin. Rising star Robby Gordon was named Driver of the Year, at 19 years of age. Even younger than that, Doug Fortin Jr. was voted Rookie of the Year by his peers. On points Chevrolet won the Heavy Metal Manufacturers Challenge, while the Mini Metal title went to Ford.Yokohama won the tire challenge points in car classes, while the truck honors went to General Tire. The full report on these and other honorees will be the next issue. THE ANNUAL TOYS FOR TOTS Off Road Poker Run, put on by Torn and Beverly Moessner near the Slash X Ranch in Barstow, CA, was a huge success. The event, last November, drew over 700 entries for the two days of activity, and raised over $9,400 for the campaign. The Moessners are plan-ning three such weekends of Poker Runs and various off road activity for 1989, all to raise money for charity. The tentative schedule includes one weekend in March, charity undertain at this time, one in May for Muscular Dystrophy, and one in October for Toys for Tots. These events are truly fun for all manner of off road enthusiasts, and you can compete successfully in your street legal, go to work machine. CALENDAR CAPERS -PART II - The desert series organizers abruptly changed four of the eight dates for the 1989 season last month, canceled one event and inserted another. Hopefully, the schedule is now firm. Score International changed one date to avoid conflict with the MTEG Stadium series. The Great Mojave 250 is now on March 10-12, moved forward a week. The other three Score dates remain as the Parker 400, January 27-29, Baja Internacional, June 2-4, and the Baja 1000, Ncvember 9-12. The date, even the month of Score's short course replacement for Riverside has yet to be finalized. The High Desert Racing Association changed three of their four dates in the series. The first HORA event, the Binion's Mint 400, remains firm on April 20-23. The Fireworks 250 has rnove:i bade a week to June 30, July 1-2, and the Nevada 500 has moved back almost a month to August 11-13. The December Barstow race has been canceled for unknown reasons. In its place in the desert series, HDRA scheduled the Gold Coast 300 on October 13-15 out of the Las Vegas, NV area. BOB RULE, a long time member of the Georgia Off Road Racing Associa-tion, and a Class 1-2-1600 competitor, will be appearing on a Smother's Brothers TV show late this year or early next year. While off roaders know him as a competitor and the owner ofBolink RC Race Cars in Lawrenceville, GA, his nickname from the past is "Mr. Yo-Yo". Bob went to Los Angeles last fall to tape a segment of the show, doing the yo-yo bit with Tommy Smothers. Check your local listings for the air date. (more "[RAIL NOTES on page zo) Dusty nma

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It was Jack Johnson. The man who drove his V6-powered N~ Hardbody™ 4x4 against a whole desert full of VS trucks in this year's SCORE Baja 1000 race. And won. By over an hour Hauling away the 1988 HD RA/ SCORE Class 4 championship at the same time. All of which turned-November 11th into one of the hottest days of the year for Nissan. While turning the competition extremely red in the face. NISSAN ~ " Built for the Human Race: •

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January 7, 1989 FUDPUCKER May 13, i"989* 1989 Annual Awards Banquet RACINGTEAM June 10, 1989* Pomona Valley Mining Company 250 Kennedy, #2 July 8, 1989* Pomona, CA Chula Vista, CA 92011 August 12, 1989* HAPPENINGS ••• (619) 427-5759 September 16, 1989* October 7-8, 1989 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY December 30.-31, 1988, November 11-12, 1989 RACING ASSOCIATION January 1, 1989 *(day & night race) A.D.R.A. C.J. Richards Dunaway Dash BONNEVILLE OFFROAD P.O. Box332 El Centro, CA American Desert Racing Association RACING ENTHUSIASTS Fair Haven, VT 05743 GORRA P.O. Box 34810. Jim Baker (802) 265-8618 February 18, 1989 Phoenix, AZ 85067 P.O. Box 1583 The King Georgia Off Road (602) 252-1900 Ogden, Utah 84402 El Centro, CA Racing Association (801) 627-2313 Box 11093 Station -A COLORADO HILL April 8, 1989 Atlanta, GA 30310 BADGERLAND VW May 13-14, 1989 CLIMB ASSOCIATION Buzz Bomb 150 (404) 927-6432 CLUB,INC. Wendover Express P.O. Box 9735 El Centro, CA Terry Friday Wendover, USA Colorado Springs, CO 80932 March 12, 1989 5913 Fond Du Lac Road August 5, 1989 50 miles Oshkosh, WI 54901 June 24•25, 1989 July 9, 1989 (414)688-5509 Pikes Peak Auto Hill Climb Superstition 250 V1 April 9, 1989 Twilight 200 El Centro, CA Delle, Utah Colorado Springs, CO 50 miles (All events located in Sectember 30, 1989 Chilton, WI at the August 5-6, 1989 P aster City Blast Ill May 28, 1989 Fairgrounds Racing Facility) Jackpot 250 CORVA El Centro, CA 150 miles Jackpot, NV 1601 10th St. BAJA PROMOTIONS, Sacramento, CA 95814 December 31, 1989 June 18, 1989 LTD.S.A. September 16•17, 1989 (800) 237-5436 Dunaway Dash III 50 miles Lou Peralta Desert Cactus 200 El Centro, CA P.O. Box 8938 Delle, Utah July 23, 1989 Calabasas, CA 91302 FORDA 100 miles (818) 340-5750 : October 14-15, 1989 Florida Off Roaders February 10-12, 1989 Bonneville Challenge Drivers' Association GLEN HELEN OHV PARK August 20, 1989 50 miles Wendover, USA 171 7 Marker Road Gran Carrera de San Felipe Polk City, FL 33868 San Felipe, B.C., Mexico (813) 984-1923 (305) 823-4487 May 5.7, 1989 1988 BRUSH RUN Gran Carrera de T ecate POINTS SERIES January 8, 1989 Tecate, B.C., Mexico P.O. Box 101 Lakeland, FL Crandon, WI 54520 July 14-16, 1989 (715) 478-2115 / (715) 478-2688 February 12, 1989 Gran Carrera de Mexicali Lakeland, FL (night race) ,, Mexicali, B.C., Mexico CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES March 25, 1989 Lynnette Allison September 15-17, 1989 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Gran Carrera de Campeones Corona, CA 91720 San Felipe, B.C., Mexico (714) 736-1442 w /J71l-1f , DE°Ll~R!O Carbureton 1 ... , .. ,-Grl& .~.EARL'S WEBER Gas~• ""' . _ _,, Page 8 Florida400 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL 2 GIANT SUPERSTORES TOSERVEYOU OPEN 7 DAYS SCORE & HORA MEMBERS RECE /VE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS January 1989 P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA 92406 September 24, 1989 (714) 880-1733 100 miles Off Road Races February 5, 1989 October 29, 1989 May 21, 1989 SO miles August 20, 1989 November 25, 1989 September 24, 1989 November 19, 1989 250 miles United Sand Drag (all events take place Association Sand Drags at Vienna, GA) February 11-12, 1989 March 11-12, 1989 April 8, 1989* ~ PERMA-CDDL ~ VENOWTH ~ ® ~ ~Y-A-IWIY BUGPACK™ LI IP r-r... Dusty Times

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• 22nd ~ ANNUAL M NT APRIL 20-23 1989 The Binion family is delighted to host the 22nd annual Mint 400, organ-ized by HDRA We are comm1red to support this rich and colorful event 1n the spirit and great tradition that Binion's Horseshoe and the Mint 400 share. We have added an addi-tional $10,000 to the purse, and the overall winner will receive a 'Walt Lott Memorial" gold and diamond Superbowl styled ring, illustrated here. Make plans now to be part of the best action in off road racing. Good Luck, and welcome to the Binion Famlly. RING BY JOSTENS he 1989 route the rugged and challenging course north of Las Vegas near Nellis Air Force Base. used for the event for a decade. Old timers will want to savor the "rock pile" again, zip through the northern gravel washes. dart down the pole line roads, eat a little silt along the way and pit in the relative comfort of the pavement in the Las Vegas Speedrome, site of many a triumph. Newcomers to off road racing will learn just what fascinates the old timers about this historic course. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT HDRA ·702-361~5404 HORSESHOE CASINO 1-800-722-6468

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GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48103 (313) 665-0358/(313) 996-9193 GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Kiel 12840 Dexter St. Thornton, CO 80241 (303) 452-4013 May 21, 1989 June 4, 1989 June 25, 1989 July 9, 1989 August 12, 1989 St. Francis, KS August 2 7, 1989 September 24, 1989 ( tenative schedule) (Most events take place at Mountain View Motorsports Park, Mead Exit, 1-25, north of Denver, CO) HORA High pesert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 April 20-23, 1989 Binion's Mint 400 tlsVegas,NV June 30,July 1-2, 1989 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA August 11-13, 1989 Nevada 500 Las Vegas, NV Octdber 13-15, 1989 Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV December 2, 1989 OffRoadsman Awards Banquet Orange County, CA lilGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Freeman 3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 342-0331 April 1, 1989 Badlands Baja Wall, SD May 21, 1989 Pierre, SD June 10, 1989 Winner, SD August 20, 1989 Pierre, SD September 16, 1989 Deadwood, SD October 21, 1989 Last Chance Baja Wall, SD (Tenratit1e Schedule) ICE CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURANCE SERIES P.O. Box 14824 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612) 639-0801 (612) 890-8693 Page 1 IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All aients staged at the club gTOunas in Cleves, Ohio) MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION John Elliott - (517) 835-9923 Bob Ramlow - (616) 345-6407 MIDWEST OFF ROAD BAJA SERIES Rick Vasquez 1421 LeeTrevinoD-1 El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 594-8266 March 4, 1989 150 miles El Paso, TX April f, 1989 150 miles Big Spring, TX May 27, 1989 150 miles Albuquerque, NM June 10, 1989 150 miles Las Cruces, NM August 26, 1989 200 miles Albuquerque, NM September 23, 1989 150 miles Las Cruces, NM November 4, 1989 200 miles El Paso, TX MICKEY TIIOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSIIlP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4100 January 21, 1989 Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, CA February 25, 1989 Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA March 18, 1989 Kingdome Seattle, WA April 8, 1989 Super Dome New Orleans, LA April 15, 1989 Astrodome Houston, TX May 6, 1989 Rose Bowl Pasadena, CA July 22, 1989 Los Angeles Coliseum Los Angeles, CA Mid-September 1989 Mile High Stadium Denver, CO October 30, 1989 Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamaker P.O. Box688 B croft, Ontario, KOL lCO, Canada (613) 332-3811/ (613) 332-1610 ONTARIO OFF ROAD · Ken Jackson - Dick Gillap R.R.#2 Tiverton, Ontario, Canada NOG 2T0 (519) 368-7874 (All events at Bingeman Park, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) OUTLAW MINI STOCl{ RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (213) 375-4570 (213) 534-2747 PAC OFF ROAD RACING P.O. Box323 Seahurst, Waspington 98062 (206) 242-1773 March 11, 1989 Millican Valley 250 Bend,OR April 22-23, 1989 Two Day Spring Spectacular Horn Rapids ORV Park Richland, WP. May 28, 1989_ VORRA400 Yerington, NV October 14, 1989 Millican Valley 350 Bend,OR POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD#3, Box9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 All events in Monroeton, PA at the intersection of Routes 414 & 220. SAREEA AL JAMEL 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 526 Indio, CA 92202 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561;3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 SCORE Score International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 January 27-29, 1989 Parker 400 Parker, AZ March 10-12, 1989 Great Mojave 250 Lucerne Valley, CA June 2-4, 1989 Baja Internacional Ensenada, BC, Mexico November 9-12, 1989 Baja 1000 . Ensenada/La Paz, BC, Mexico December 2, 1989 OffRoadsman Awards Banquet Orange County, CA --------Clrl January 1989 morc ••• TRAIL NOTES PRO RALLY NEWS -Rod Millen and Harry Ward won the final SCCA Pro Rally of the 1988 season, the Mazda Coachman Stages out of Olympia, WA, driving a Mazda 323 GTX. With the victory Millen pulled out his much sought championship, after a season of ups and downs on the rally trails. Doug Shepherd and Joe Andreini took the Production GT Class in the rally and won the season title as well in their Dodge Daytona Z. Although third in class in the event, Niall Leslie and Brian Maxwell had already secured the Production Class championship for 1988 in their Toyota Corolla. In the rally Tim O'Neil and Martin Headland won Production honors in a VW GTI. A full report on the Pro Rally scene is coming next month. HERB RENO, a long time off road racer, hasl'l 't been too active recently, but he is back in business and building a new state of the art Class 8 Ford pickup. Reno has been running in Class 8 part time since 1976, and in 1989 he is planning to run for the Class 8 Points Championship. Reno has teamed up with Mike Burke, who is no stranger to off road racing. Burke started desert racing in the early 1960s with the Triumph Racing Team, and later switched to four wheels, and finally built his first Class 8 truck and went on to win Class 8 on the Baja 1000 in 1976. The new truck is being built at Mike Burke's ranch in Juniper Hills, that comes complete with a built in test track in his ' back yard, the Mojave Desert. The aim is to have the truck completed and 1 tested by the end of December, and ready for the 1989 season opener at the Parker 400. GOSHEN BROTHERS RACING are building a new Class 10 race car for short course events. May, Bill and Bob Goshen are combining their talents and experience, and plan on racing the car at Anaheim Stadium this month in the MTEG season opening stadium race. They have worked closely with Dave Kreisler of Raceco to perfect the state of the art stadium racer. The car features the latest in long travel Summern hub concept, with five link multi-stage suspension. Bee.a use of lightness being paramount for the car, it has no torsion bars. The suspension consists of six water cooled Fox air shocks, and the Fox factory support team feel confident the car will perform as designed. Major sponsors for the project are Quality First Concrete, Bob Goshen Racing Engines and North American Raceco. Additional contributors to the effort are BDR Racing Products, Beard's Super Seats, Car Custom, C.N.C., Headflow Performance, Hot VWs Magazine, Kymco Motorsport, Mendeola Transmissions, Olympic Coatings, Rimco, Mesa Bearing, Summers Brothers, Systems One Products, Trick Racing Fuel, Tri-Mil Industries, Unique Metal Products and Web-Cam Performance Camshafts. THE S:T.O.R.E. FORMULA DESERT DOG SERIES points standings . have been finalized, in fact the awards banquet was last month in Illinois. Art Schmitt won Class 1 by 69 points over Lee Wuesthoff, and just three points behind Jeff Probst and Todd Attig were tied for third. Dave Vandermissen Jr. took the Class 2 title by 173 points from his dad, Dave Sr., and Jeff Probst was back another 21 points in third. Jeff Probst won the 1-1600 points, however, by 115 over Dave Hameister, while John Greaves was third, another 63 points down with Jim Wiggins traiing him by just seven points. Class 2-1600 honors went to Kevin Probst, 77 points up on Mike Brue, and Mike Sorenson was just three points down in third, with Guy Crump just a single point behind him. Bill Schirm walked away with the Class 3 title, 158 points ahead ofJames Miller, with Bruce McKinney back another 78 in third. Greg Gerlach nailed the Class 4 championship by 34 points over Herb Rosborough. Terry Wolfe took the Class 5-1600 honors by 93 points from Ron Karlman, who had 129 points on third placing] im Pfeffer.John Znidorka won the Class 6 champion-ship by 47 points over Jon Kaempf. Tom Hocker took the Class 7S title by 166 points over Scott Taylor. It was close in Class 8, but Dave Hockers won the title by 14 points from Dennis Ferdon, and Pete VendeHey was third, 197 points behind. Art Schmitt took top honors in Class 9, the only double winner in the series. He was just 25 points ahead of Lee Wuesthoff, who had Kevin Probst back another 33 points, with Todd Attig in fourth, down 24 more points. Dave Vandemissen Sr. took the Class 10 title by 108 points over Brian Adams, with Dave Jr. third, another 15 points down. Class 11 honors went to Jeff Jones with Dennis Riemer second, back 53 points. Mark Steinhardt was 122 points down in third. The Class 14 title went to John Heidtman by 79 points over Jack Flannery. Marc Pelletier was well back, 179 points, in third. MAZDA DEPARTS THEMTEG SERIES-Mazda is leaving the stadium of road racing series promoted by the Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group for the 1989 season. While Mazda is reluctant to leave the series, they feel the rules changes will put the Mazda truck at a competitive disadvantage, so the team will devote its effort to desert racing in 1989. ln 1988 the Mazdas were assessed two weight penalties throughout the season. The team won consistently in the first half of 1988, but success eluded them later on and they lost the championship at the very last race. Glenn Harris, the team leader for Mazda, has raced with MTEG since the beginning of the series, first in Class 10, and in recent years as head of the three truck Mazda team. Harris said Mazda could return to the stadium series in the future, but that the 1989 rules put his trucks at such a disadvantage th~t he could not justify the expense to Mazda and his other sponsors. The rules in question included the decision to allow Toyota to use both the oversized Yokohama tires and 3-liter V-6 engines. Formerly the maximum displace-ment allowed was 2725cc. Mazda trucks use the rotary engine in stadium racing, listed at 1380cc. lt is probable that Nissan,Jeep and Chevrolet will all ~ usin_g 3-liter, V-6 engines in the staQi!Jlll sqi~s !pis year~ ~ell. The withdrawal of Mazda from the MTEG series drops the number of competitive trucks expected to run the entire series this year to six, and it leaves both Jeff Huber and Rod Millen without a ride. HAPPY NEW YEAR -With this January 1989 issue, DUSTY TIMES starts it sixth year in publication. We are proud that it has grown from just 28 pages to the !Size of this issue, 68 pages, in just five years. Of course the sport of off road racing has come of age in recent years, and it is no longer a backwater segment of motorsport, but a fullv recognized entity by major manufacturers and even the major sports media. In 1988 the two most famous off road races world wide, the Baja 1000 and the Mint 400, celebrated their 21st year, emphasizing the coming of age of the sport. Our entire family here at DUSTY TIMES wish each and every one of you a Happy and Prosperous New Year, and great success in your off road endeavors, whatever they may be. Dusty Times

Page 11

ENI. IDI. ICI. JEEP CAME. JEEP SAW. JEEP CONQUERED. Jee:Q has taken control of the deserts, the race-tracks, and the stadiums. In only two years of motor-sports action, Jeep has seized four Manufacturers ~hampionships: convincing proof that superior engineering is just that. Superior. In his Comanche 4x4, Mike Lesle took charge of Jeep's unrelenting assault on the desert. With his sights set on Jeep's second straight off-road Manufacturers Championship, Lesle went on to blast through and win the season-ending Baja 1000 with the swift-ness of a desert roadrunner. Le~le not only blew away his Class 7 four-wheel drive competition, but took the class driving championship as well. In the SCCA Racetruck Challenge, the near-stock Comanches of the amazing Archer Racing Team dominated, winning Jeep its second pair of back-to-back Manufacturers Championships. The Mickey Thompson Stadium Series is the third theater of overall victory for Jeep. Comanche's winning record stands above all other domestic trucks for 1988. The war for 1988 is over -Jeep won. Proof that Jeep is built to conquer. 1987 and 1988 Racetruck Challenge Manufacturers Champion. Baja l()(X) Winner. 1987 and 1988 Class 7 4x4 Manufacturers Champion. 1988 Best Domestic Stadium Truck Record. Only in a JeeP. 1111-. .,._...,. Jeep is a registered trademark of Jeep Eagle Corporation. Buckle up for safety.

Page 12

Associate Sponsors:

Page 13

• Off the road or on the track, 1988 showed that more and more drivers who start a race on Generals finish on top. We just celebrated our best year ever with ten championships won on General Grabbers and XP 2000 series radials. 1988 HORA/SCORE Off-Road Championships 1. Jack Johnson took the Class 4 crown in his Nissan Hardbody. 2. Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson bounced their way to a Class 3 title in the Conejo Off Road Jeep CJZ 3. Larry Ragland powered his Vector Promotions Chevy S-10 to an impressive Class 7 Championship. In addition, General Tire captured the Tire Manufacturer Championship in the HORA/SCORE truck classes. SODA/STORE Championship 4. Greg Gerlach won the Class 4 title in his Chevrolet. SCCA Escort Endurance Series 5. The Pombo Racing Nissan 300ZX won the ClassA Championship with drivers Pepe Pombo and Scott Sharp. 6. Class B Championship honors to John Torok's Team GRR in their Honda CRX Si. Hats off to John and drivers Lance Stewart and Peter Cunningham. These victories helped General earn the Tire Manufacturer Championship in both the A and B classes. 7. At the SCCA Solo II National Cham-pionships, the F Stock Ladies National title went to Linda Smiley in her 1985 Mustang G[ 8. At the SCCA Runoffs, Britt Ponder became the SSC National Champ in his VW CTI. 9. The '88 SCCA Central Division Pro Rally Champions are Mike Purzycki and Dan Wernette in the Tortoise Auto Racing Jeep. 10. At the Pikes Peak Hill Climb Truck Class Championship, Glenn Harris was the first to the top in his California Gold Racing Mazda. With so many hard-earned off-road and on-track titles under our belt, doesn't it make sense to have Generals under your car? See for yourself how General defines performance. Get on your Generals and go. For the name of your nearest General Tire Motorsports specialist, call l-800-255-2550.

Page 14

SCORE CANADA SHORT TRACK September 30-31, 1989 390 Chemin Du Lac OFF ROAD Colorama 100 Lery, Quebec, ENTERPRISES Sugar Camp, WI J6N 1A3, Canada FORMULA DESERT (514) 692-6171 DOG SERIES S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: VORRA Tom Schwartzburg Valley Off Road Racing Association 2620 West Washington 1833 Los Robles Blvd. SCORE SHOW West Bend, WI 53095 Sacramento, CA 95838 Edgell Expositions (414) 334-3858 (916) 925-1702 P.O. Box 19531 Irvine, CA 92713 March 12, 1989 (714) 250-8060 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD Prairie City OHV Park (long course) DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Sacramento, CA Terry Prevost SILVERBOWL OF 1006 Cardinal Lane April 16, 1989 MOTOCROSS Green Bay, WI 54303 Prairie City OHV Park Roger Wells (414) 434-9044 (short course) 225 W. Foster Ave. January 13-15, 1989 Sacramento, CA · Henderson, NV 89015 Annual Awards Banquet (702) 564-2677 Radisson of Breen Bay May 27-28, 1989 Green Bay, WI VORRA400 (All et1ents but the finale Yerington, NV held at Las Vegas May 6•7, 1989 International Raceway.) Rockford, IL June 24-25, 1989 May 13-14, 1989 · Virginia City 200 Off Road Challenge Virginia City, NV SILVER DUST RACING Sugar Camp, WI ASSOCIATION July 30, 1989 P.O. Box 7380 May 27-28, 1989 Prairie City OHV Park Las Vegas, NV 89125 Memorial Day 100 (short ·course) (702) 459-031 i Lake Geneva, WI Sacramento, CA May 28, 1989 September 2-3, 1989 Memorial '89 SNORE Dresser, WI VORRA250 Southern Nevada Off Yerington, NV Road Enthusiasts June 10-11, 1989 P.O. Box 4394 Kiwanis Off Road Race October 29, 1989 Las Vegas, NV 89106 Antigo, WI Prairie City OHV Park (702) 452-4522 June 24-25, 1989 Champion Short Course Sacramento, CA February 18,19, 1989 Spring Run 101 Bottom Dollar Crandon, WI Las Vegas, NV July 8-9, 1989 WHEELTO Fox Riverfest Challenge WHEEL,INC. May 27-28, 1989 DePere, WI P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Twilight Race July 15-16, 1989 3ancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 Las Vegas, NV Troverse City, MI (613)332-1766 July 29-30 July 22-23, 1989 (613) 332-4128 Midnight Special U.P. Off Road 100 Las Vegas, NV Bark River, MI August 5-6, 1989 WESTERN OFF ROAD September 22-24, 1989 Hodag 50 RACING ASSOCIATION SNORE250 Rhinelander, WI 19125 - 87A Ave. Las Vegas, NV Surrey, British Columbia, August 19·20, 1989 V3S 5X7, Canada October 28-29, 1989 Short Course Sprints (604) 576-6256 Yokohama 200 Chilton, WI Las Vegas, NV September 1-3, 1989 December 2-3, 1989 Brush Run 101 FIA WORLD RALLY Crandon, WI CHAMPIONSHIP Showboat 250 September 16-1 7, 1989 Las Vegas, NV Santa Fe Speedway January 13, 1989 Hinsdale, IL Finish - Paris-Dakar WINNING'S HALF THE STORY CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 Orchard St Cherry Valley, CA 92223 Curt Leduc, Owner (714) 845-4402 Page 14 Dimple Die Sets Now In Stock ½" 1" 1½" 2" Heat Treated and Plated Update Your Ranger to 1989 Styling. Fender & Hoods In Stock. Racers Price Available. Now In Stock -1989 Ford Full . Size Fiberglass Rear Bedsides MIDWEST DIV. Chuck Johnson Off-Road Racing 8403 Vicki Rd. Rockford, I LL 611 08 (815) 332-9681 Used by: Manny Esquera Douglas & Johnson Simon/Simon Swift/Leduc January 1989 January 5-8, 1989 Swedish Rally Karlstad, Sweden Jauary 20-27, 1989 Monte Carlo Rally Monte Carlo, Monaco February 28-March 5, 1989 Port Wine Rally Estoril, Portugal March 25-30, 1989 Safari Rally Nairobi, Kenya April 21-27, 1989 Tour de Corse Ajaccio, Corsica May 27-June 1, 1989 Acropolis Rally Lagonissi, Greece July 13-16, 1989 New Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand August 2·6, 1989 Argentine Rally Buenos Aires, Argentina CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES By Lon l:'eterson By the time you read this you· ~hould have sent away for your Awards Banquet tickets. The banquet is from 6:00 til 12:00 p.m., Saturday, January 7 at the Pomona Valley Mining Com-pany. It promises to be a real good evening with movies, skits, pre-sentations and a few surprises, including some neat prizes to be won. Call Elaine Kohlenberger, (714) 354-6313 or me, (619) 241-4 707 for last minute reserva-tions, directions, etc. During 1988 several things happened, some good, some maybe not so good. The year started with the ever popular East of Indio Rally. In 1989 it will be called "El Camino a Las Estrellas". It will probably be the first rally, and should be a real good event to start the new year. The next '88 event was Glen Helen 882 Rally Sprint. Close racing and fast lap times led to some interesting cor-nering by some drivers as they rolled in the same corner. Luckily no one was hurt. The Budweiser• Rim of the World Rally with its smooth, twisty, water bar roads was next. The rally started off quite well, but was shortened a couple of stages due to fog. Good safe move, and it was a great event. Monsoon season at the Prescott Forest Rally saw no dust, maybe a little, but a very different event. Just 45 minutes before the start it rained and hailed, and we are talk-ing July here, very strange. The rally went well despite the rain. Look forward to this one some-time next September or October. Note: I took over as the CRS Director at this event. Bill Moore, because of health reasons, stepped down and I stepped in. No pun. Thank you for your sup-port in '88. The Hungry Valley Rally organized by Leonard Jensen and Steve Silsbee was in September and it was a great success and their first CRS event. It's tough to put August 23-27, 1989 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September 15-17, 1989 Rally Australia Perth, Australia September 25-30, 1989 Ivory Coas, Rally Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast October 8-14, 1989 Sanremo Rally Italia Sanremo, Italy November 19-23, 1989 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming ewnts in DUSTY TIMES free! Send your r989 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column. Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 r Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 9r3or. on an event, and I envy· anyone or any group that can accomplish this without going crazy. Well done. Got my Fi.I of the Hill Rally, the next day was a semi replay of Saturday's event. Smooth, technical roads are the highlight of these events that run during the day. Mason Valley Rally in Y ering• ton, Nevada was the last event of the CRS calendar year. A variety of road conditions made this a fun event. Some of the best organiza-tion at a rally made this a very pleasurable race. I hope George Gornick organizes it again next year. At the SCCA Divisional Runoffs at Olympia, WA, Jean Vigier and I went to represent the Southern Pacific Division. Bill Gutzmann and I went off a bridge embankment and were out on the second stage. Jean Vigier baa some problems but pressed on to finish. Congratulations. In 1988 John Buffum took the position of National Pro Rally Steward. He brought some new ideas to rally-ing, some very positive, some maybe not, but meaning very well. He brought to our attention the SCCA, K & K Insurance scrutiny. Hope everyone wrote to their area Governor. Rallying depends on your si.:pport. I'd like to thank the CRS B.O.G. and all the people who spent so much time organizing the '88 events. A special thanks to all the course workers without whom these rallies could not have taken place. I look brward to see-ing you at the Awards Banquet. Hello '89! Under late news the response of letters to the SCCA Board of Directors from the Pro Rally community was tremendous. One of the Directors said, "The response put to bed the myth that there are only a few people out there rallying, and that no one really cares." The B.O.G. responded with a decision to con-tinue to support Pro Rallying and a directive to the Insurance Committee to seek an insurance carrier that will include our sport in their coverage. The results of the search and the details of a new insurance policy will be known after several months. It is encour-aging, and gratifying, that rallyists cared enough about their sport to write, and that their letters did make a difference! Dusty Times

Page 15

Nicle 1'/Jomp1011 Anaheim, California Americas fastest growing form of motorsports! YAMAHA SKOAt:BANDIT llJICINt:., eoou.EXTRAGOLD SUPER CHALLENGE OF An AMA Supercro~-Series Event SANCTIONED • Jan. 28, 1989-Anaheim Stadium See the teams battle it out/ * Yamaha * Suzuki * Honda * Kawasaki .... . . . ·.• .... ::._·_.-·-·..a..-.. ; ·::/ ~:--Ticketsforbotheventsavailableat: YAMAHA $53,000 HONDA ··_·f ~ T✓CKef /iidJSJl=rf JJ/III II/XS MAY COMPANY, MU~IC PL~8 & SPORTMARt -PRODUCED BY fiifi/iilifflff (213) 480-3232 • (714) 740,2000 M/CK£YTHQMPSQN £NT£RTA/NM£NTGRQLJP uuu.=,~ NOREFUNDS•NOEXCHANGES FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL (714) 938-4100 Pwrv I

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THE PIIISIDENTE SCORE IAIA 1000 Mark McMillin Solos to a Resounding Overall Victory By Jean Calvin Photos: Track.side Photo Enterprises Bob Gordon and Frank Arciero, Jr. , grabbed the Class 2 lead at San Felipe and they held the lead all the way to win the class in the Chenowth/Chevy and finished third overall. Ranch, and still north into Santo Tomas, Check 12, the final on course checkpoint. The route fol-lowed east into Tres Hermanos and on to Ojos Negros to the pavement run to the finish line. The total disance was about 705 tough miles. Mark McMillin took the lead on the Gulf side, drove all the way for the first time on a Baja 1000, and increased his lead to not only win Class 1 easily, but he won overall by a whopping 22 minutes in the Porsche powered Chenowth. A major and welcome change for the four wheel racers was the start. Although the bike classes left at dawn as usual, their official start was at Ojos Negros, shorten-ing their race course by 25 odd miles. The change was for safety, and none of the competitors wished to duke it out racing with ordinary two way traffic and pit traffic on those 25 miles of High-The Baja 1000, in its 21st year, was quite a different race from more .recent editions. This year beautiful weather graced the entire four day program, a wel-come change, and the most inter-national field of racers included a number of Japanese teams, a pair from South Africa, and the long awaited Russian drivers, entered in a pair of Nissans prepared and promQted by Bob Utgard. On Thursday the contingency row stretched for several blocks along the main street in Ensenada, and a steady stream of race vehi-cles made th~ slow trek and emerged at the end into the tech inspection area. When the entry was totaled 232 were on theJist, and 223 of them started. Add to that 106 in the various motorcy-cle engined classes, and 50 starters in the Safari Rally, the grand total last November came to 379, a far bigger number than is common for this event. The race course was similar to 1987, with some new stuff thrown in, not all of it popular with the drivers. From the ocean front start in Ensenada' the route led 25 miles down the highway to Ojos Negros, then east to El Rayo, Check 1, and into the pine forest. Just days before the race a new ten mile section in the pine forest was bulldozed to avoid conflict with ranchers in the area. The new sec-tion was tight, a giant slalom, and . ' •· _ .. , ,>'·"' . .... ) or y c , m an rian Ewalt had some down time, but they zipped into second in Class 2 and fourth overall in the trusty Chenowth/Porsche. extremely cfusty. Back on familiar way 3. However, since officials grounQ, Check 2 was Nuevo June- from both sides of the border tion, then over the Summit to were loath to give up the popular Cohabuzo Junction, Check 3, into ocean front start , nor could the deep sand. On it went to Tres anyone imagine the traffic mess at Pozos, across Highway 3 and into Ojos Negros if 223 race cars plus Check 4 at Villa Del Sol (Bor- support teams tried to invade the rego ). The course then led south tight confines of the wide spot in into the dreaded and car killing the dirt road used for the start, the Matomi Wash, east to Check 5 at 16 car classes started as usual on San Rafael, the most southern the Boulevard and went rally style point on the course. to a restart at Ojos Negros, all Heading north along the Gulf being given exactly an hour to of California the course led make the trip. It sure made for a through San Felipe, with admoni- safer pavement run, and let the tions to observe posted speed drivers wave at the crowds a bit, limits into Check 6. It was still along with getting the race vehi-north along the rough beach to des' fluids warmed up to racing Check 7, Three Poles, and then temperatures. west and back into Villa Del Sol, The only slightly negative now Check 8, on through Matias aspect of the restart was that the Pass and up the mountain to traffic and dust was terrible for Mike's Sky Ranch, Check 9. Out the first 20 or so miles, as the cars of Mike's was another new sec-restarted one every thirty tion diat included a steep and seconds. Most were still close rocky hill, difficult for some of when they plunged into the long, the lower horsepower classes, dusty slalom in the pine forest, shades of the Beatty Hill! It was where a short but car stopping wet tough for pre-runners, and tough hill put many in various classes too on race day, particularly since down for some time. When we the Safari Rally cars were littered went through the forest in Mike on the hill when the front runners Falkosky's 7S, · the sides of the in the race arrived. The new hill forest trails were littered with avoided Melling Ranch, where the broken and/ or rolled cars of all race is no longer welcome. sizes and shapes, and it looked Now hustling down the moun-more like the first lap of a Mint tain headed west, Check 10 was at 400 than a Baja race. Poor visibil-Camalu on the Pacific shore, fol-ity in heavy traffic no doubt · lowed by the soggy beach run caused many of the mishaps. north to Check 11 at Johnson The car classes took the first :iii!':"'"" ....... green flag in Ensenada starting at 6:45 a.m. on Veteran's Day, somehow a fitting holiday for this long event. They had to return to this spot within 26 hours to gain an official finish, and about 42 percent of them did. First away was Class 2 for their one hour rally to the restart. Although we have the complete checkpoint times, such a report would fill five issues, so we have picked a few of the 12 checkpoints for interim reports on each class. Of the 22 starters in Class 2, a pair were out before Check 2. Here the Corky McMillin/ Brian Ewalt Chenowth.led by six min-utes over Malcolm Smith/ Tim Crabtree and Mike Lund/ Bwz Combe, whose Chenowths were tied on time along with that of Bob Gordon/ Frank Arciero Jr. Just seconds behind that trio came Danny Letner /Ron Brant, Raceco, and Beny Canela/Jerry Sullivan , Raceco. They got scrambled going over the Summit and across the hot eastern sands to Check 4, which was a driver change for many teams, about 235 miles into the course. After a slow start with some down time, the Bob Richey/ Ray Croll Raceco had the lead at Check 4 by about three minutes and they were first on the road. Next came Gordon/ Arciero, with about eight minutes on teammate Malcolm Smith, who was nine minutes up on McMillin, who had stopped to check out a front wheel bearing problem, and Let-ner / Brant were another five min-utes down. On the southern loop some of the front runners came to grief. Danny Letner apparently rolled out of the race, Crabtree lost the trans nose cone out of San Felipe, and Canela did not clear Check 5. Heading up to Mike's only ten Class 2 cars made the check, and the Gordon/ Arciero team took command, having led the c;lass since San Felipe despite steering problems. McMillin was second, even with another stop to fix the brakes 32 minutes d~wn.Jim and Bob Richey and Ray Croll had the Class 2 lead for a time, but cv woes dropped them to third in class at the flag in the Raceco/ Porsche. South Africans Klaus Degener and Willy Harrington made a Bud Feldkamp and Ron Gardner, despite a clutch change, great Baja debut driving Bob Gordon's pre-runner Cheriowth drove hard in the Chenowth/Chevy to grab second in Class 1 to fourth in Class 2. -- and fifth overall. Page 16 January 1989 Du1tvnma

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~ ,.;.;:;, .,-...... &" .•:-. . ,.,; -----: w. ~..;.,· .. & Dan Cornwell and Don Robertson had the Class 1 lead early in the game, but mechanical trouble dropped their Raceco to a third in class finish. Ken Frost and Don Blakely had their troubles late in the race, but they kept going to finish in the Raceco, fourth In the Class 1 action. Robby Gordon lost a cylinder, then two more in the Ford, but he and Russ Wernimont kept it going to take third in Class 8 and seventh 0/A. Frank Vessels and Jon Nelson had a trouble free run in the big Chevy, and they flew across the finish line winning the class by over an hour, and placing a keen second overall. M·ark Temple were up to third, 23 the· South Africans driving the more minutes back but only two third Gordon Chenowth. Unfor-minutes ahead ofDwight Lundell/ tunately Mike Lund went no Dennis Dierks, who had a minute farther on the charts, and the on Rick Scalzo/Drew Keys. But Temples had big troubles on the Lundell was seen no more and beach and dropped to seventh at Scalzo made it through Camalu · the finish. before retiring. Despite the lack of good steer-At Check 11 the V -6 Chevy ing, Bob Gordon drove the Class powered Chenowth of Bob Gor- 2 winner into Ensenada, third don and Frank Arciero held a overall at that, 19 minutes up on good lead of 27 minutes over Corky McMillin/ Brian Ewalt, Corky McMillin and Brian Ewalt, who were also a neat fourth over-who had Porsche power as did the all. Bob Richey /Ray Croll, who Temples who were another 24 • had problems keeping the cvs minutes down. In was M .... e Lund, grca:.ed all ciay, came from eighth Type 4 power, in another 21 min- at Matias to finish third in their utes, an hour ahead of Klaus Raceco/Porsche, almost two Degener and Willy Harrington, hours out of second. Klaus Michael Church took over the Class 10 lead at Check 4, and he stayed out front with no troubles, driving alone all the way to victory in the Raceco, Degener and Willy Harrington did a great job in their Chenowth, taking fourth in Class 2, only eight minutes behind Richey. Lou and Lonnie Peralta nailed fifth, more than two hours later in a Toyota engined Mirage, and Ari-zonans Doug Boleman and Dan Eichhorst brought their older Funco Tandem home sixth. Class 1 had a slim but strong field of eleven, but attrition was high. Two were gone before Check 2 and the V-Max Chen-owth went no farther than that, reportedly down with engine woes. At the 90 mile mark the ,, Raceco of Dan Cornwell and Don ' Robertson led by two minutes. Tied in second it was Mark McMillin and Ray Bates/Paul Hamilton, both in Chenowths, and Bill and Brian Church, Raceco. The Bates team only got over the Summit and vanished. Ivan Stewart's radical Toyota spe- : cial was already in trouble, now ! down to sixth with fuel injection hang ups. Moving on to the driver switch at Check 4, solo driver Mark 1 McMillin had taken a strong lead. Now the Church Raceco was just ten minutes back, followed in 12 minutes by Tom Koch/Rex Keel- , ing, corning back from early trou-ble, and Cornwell/Robertson had dropped to fourth, another seven minutes down with power steering trouble and flat tires. The tough run around the loor. , and up the mountain took its tol . Ivan Stewart was out, having run out of fuel injection parts on the high tech system, and Koch's Raceco was done after San Felipe. At the Sky Ranch Mark McMillin was leading by 37 minutes. Brian Church was second here, but 1 coming out of the check he got on the Safari Rally route, and fol-lowed it for enough miles to run out of gas in an area where the radios didn't work, so that fine effort was over. Running third at Mike's was the Chevy powered Chenowth of Bud Feldkamp and Ron Gardner, and they had replaced the clutch after Tres - Pozos and lost time, but were and he was ninth overall. -------------------------coming back. Ken Frost and Don Blakely moved into fourth here, another 49 minutes off the pace. McMillin was well in the over-all lead by Check 11, over an hour ahead of Feldkamp who had more than that on Frost/Blakely. Cornwell/Robertson were on the road back from down time, another 18 minutes back, but their race was far from over. Mark McMillin arrived in Ensenada first on the road, first overall in his solo drive, the Class 1 points champion. Mark' reported a trouble free race, no flats, nor problems other than fix-Steve Kelley and Terry Caldwell came back from down time to finish a l ;: solid second In Class 8, sixth overall, making it 1-2 for Chevrolet. ing a oose xan belt at a scheduled • pit stop. H~on 9verall _fa, __ 22 Dusty Times January 1989 minutes, a magnificent victory for Mark and the Porsche powered Chenowth. Bud Feldkamp drove the Chenowth/ Chevy into a solid second in class and fifth overall, pleased to score a good finish in the Valley Performance Magnum. Bud drove from San Felipe to the finish line. Nearly two hours later Dan Cornwell and Don Robert-son survived many ills to take third in Class 1 in the Porsche powered Raceco, while Frost and Blakely had late troubles, but fin-ished fourth in class. 1}lere_ were 19 thunderi?~ V ~s on the line in Class 8, and they produced one of the closer earlier contests of the Baja 1000. At Nuevo Junction Frank Vessels, with Jon Nelson riding shotgun, had a 30 second lead over Walker Evans. Vessels' Chevy would hold the lead all the way home, but here Dave Shoppe, Ford, was third, 30 more seconds back and tied on time with Steve McEach-ern, Chevy. Chris and Larry Minor were just another minute down in their Chevy. Jon Nelson had plotted fuel 'stops a.-DESERT LOCK OUTER .\ 10.000 HOLE FOR EASY ACCESS TO LUG BOLTS 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT, Standard Lock Outer hread Red Anodize Ccmstructed ot,all Aluminum 606·1 -r6: For light weight . and optimum strength re Located ff Inner Ring • At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing • All parts are available separately *In stock-Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" 13'' 8"-10" UNLIMITED MIDGfT MODIFIED MIDGET, SPORT TRUCK MINI STpCK QUAD RACER BAJA BUG MODIFIED.MIDGET ATV WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! · SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued • 8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.08 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax. Page 17

Page 18

Dave Shoppe was right with the Class 8 leaders, but engine trouble slowed the Ford during the night and he was fourth in Class 8. Right with the leaders early irl the race, Steve Centurioni and Larry Job survived their problems to finish the ORE fourth in Class 10. ~,&.;·--·®;ill;· ~ Ex-bikers Kent and Scot Pfeiffer did a great job in their Class Jim and Wendell Smith had their problems on the second half of the race, but they kept the Chenowth moving to place third in Class 10. 10 Chenowth, and the brothers sailed into a fine second place at the flag. Bill Poe and Fred Ronn ran up front in the ORE early on, but troubles on the Pacific Beach dropped them to fifth place in Class 10. Class points champions Gary Cogbill and John Marking led for a time, but delays on the Pacific Beach dropped them to fourth in Class 1-2-1600. the sick soun'ding Ford only a minute out of second. Shoppe was holding fourth,·well ahead of McEachern, and 11 trucks were still running. Frank Vessels pickep up more time on the field on the Pacific Beach, and with Jon Nelson riding all the way, Frank not only won Class 8 going away, the Chevy finished second overall in the race. Frank had to win in Baja to have a shot at the Class 8 points title, and he did just that, with a fast but conservative race, and only had one flat for total trouble. front with some brush, just one minute behind Kelley on total time. Gordon had to place third or better to win the Class 8 points and the Heavy Metal Champion-ship, and the youngster nursed his ailing mount over 70C miles to do just that. Gordon won the title over Vessels by a single point! Dave Shoppe and Larry Maddox coaxed their oil swallowing seven cylinder Ford into fourth in class, tenth overall, followed in a couple of hours by Steve McEachern/ Steve Alcott, Chevy. John Gable and Clark Coleman drove their Ford pre-runner into sixth place, only 15 minutes behind McEach-ern, and ten trucks finished the course. .,, 14t~ -,.... IJlr" carefully, and it aced out than one Class 8 team. Steve McEachern ran out of gas on the Gulf side, maybe trying to skip the same stops, and dropped to eighth at Check 4, where Vessels had about four minutes on Evans. Steve Kelley had moved his Chevy into third, seven more minutes back, but seven minutes ahead of the Minors. Driving on less than eight cylinders almost from the green flag, Robby Gor-don nonetheless had the hay hauler Ford in fifth spot here. Five trucks failed to clear Check 4, and the Minors got only to the bottom of the loop before disappearing in the Matomi Wash. Two more died after San Felipe, including Walker Evans' Dodge with ter-minal overheat and radiator problems. Steve Kelley and Terry Cald-well had down time at San Fel· pe replacing a drive shaft that went out in the nasty Matomi Wash, but Kelley was a solid second in class and sixth overall. Robby Gordon and Russ Wernimont rattled and clanked into the finish in the Ford, now down to about five cylinders and decorated in Only a dozen showed up in Class 10, and four of them did not make it through the forest to Check 2. Out front atNuevo was the Mexican team of Enrique Bill and Scott Reams, father and son, led Class 1-2-1600 almost from the start in the ORC, lost it for a time late in the race, but came back to win the biggest class by seven minutes. At the Sky Ranch the order was set. Vessels now had nearly an ho~r on Kellev. and Gordon had ~ -_!liver anq..Jllr.:; 'ii'. ' ~"> ----...... 'l,\,, ,,._;_. ~ ... * ~ .... -~ .... ... "',,,:1. <," ,. "\ .. : .t f'<,,;,._ • ,+ .... ::,,.;,-rfft.~ ,.,_ ...,'~. .«-t .. Kevin J. and Brian E. Smith got their Mirage up with the Class 1-2-1600 leaders midway, and they stayed there all the way to a close 2nd in class. Pa,c 18 ,,,... ' \ '<>!.... .. ... , ;,_, ·...r ~ 4::.,. . . _Ii<~ ~-.,. f··,;;;;,#,.._ .• -:: ':· ~,,e'lt;. ~ ' • ".: -Art Peterson and Joe Flinn had some problems, but ran tight near the lead and finished third in Class 1-2-1600 and a fine 13th overall. January 1989 n Class fifth in The Class 4 leader at Check 4, Rodney Hall and Jim Fricker had engine trouble in the Dodge, but they motored right along to second in class. Dusty Tlma

Page 19

LESLE FINDS BAJA WIN SWEET, BUT OFF-ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP IS THE ICING ON HIS CAKE. The sweetest morsel of all, the Baja 1000 was the final entree of a grueling eight-course feast served up as the 1988 HORA /SCORE Off-Road Championship. And like he had done so many times before, Mike Lesle in his Wrangler-shod Jeep Comanche ate up everything in sight-including the competition. Les/e's nearest rival not running on Goodyear Wranglers crossed the finish line more than two hours behind. Second place behind Lesle in class 7 4x4 went to John Swift's Wrangler-equipped Ford Ranger while Jim Conner's Wrangler-equipped Nissan took fourth. Spectacular. Nothing less can be said of Les/e's per-formance enroute to the championship. In the eight events, he took three wins and four seconds. His efforts earned the Jeep driver rival Toyotas True Grit Award. It is given to the driver from any of the three mini pickup classes who records the highest cumulative average speed throughout the series. But for truck enthusiasts, knowing that you can buy the same Wrangler AT radials that carried Mike Lesle throughout the year may be the best news of all. Your Goodyear retailer has an entire family oftough Wrangler radials. So, whether you're just heading across town for some fast food or out to take a bite out of Baja, there's a tough Goodyear Wrangler to satisfy your appetite. GOODEt'EAII BECAUSE THERE REALLY IS A DIFFERENCE. Race-tough Wrangler radi-als. The new unidirectional MT (foreground) and the rugged AT.

Page 20

,.,.. Cesar Jimenez, two minutes ahead of former bike champs Kent and Scott Pfeiffer, who were tied on time with Peter and Mario Alesi. Steve Centur-ioni/Larry Job were a couple more minutes back, followed by Bill Poe/Fred Ronn, back another four minutes, and it was a good race. At Check 4 the Alesis had dropped to fifth and were seen no more. Mike Church had come from seventh to take the lead by four minutes over River /Jimenez, and both Poe and Centurioni fell back with troubles. The Pfeiffers held third, about ten minutes up on Jim and Wendell Smith. Six made it up the hill to Mike's and they all finished. On the moun-tain Church, going solo, had a solid lead of nearly an hour on the Pfeiffers. The Smiths were another half hour back, followed by Centurioni/Job, Poe/Ronn, and River/Jimenez, and that is the order in which they finished. At the flag Michael Church and his Raceco won Class 10 by an hour and 20 minutes, and the young charger remarked that going solo was not as tough as he thought it would be. He was stuck on the wet hill for 15 minutes in the pine forest, but reported no other mishaps en route to ninth overall. Kent and Scott Pfeiffer were solid in second in their Chen-owth, having lost a valve guide and suffered a blown cv joint along the way. Jim and Wendell Smith were third, another hour and a half back in their Chen-owth. Steve Centurioni and Larry Job had plenty of trouble in the night, but put the ORE in fourth place, about 17 ·minutes faste.r than Bill Poe and Fred Ronn, whose ORE lost most of the front end action on the Pacific Beach. As usual Class 1-2-1600 was the biggest bunch, with 26 start-ers. Some of the contenders were caught in the traffic jam on the mud hill in the forest. Even if one was mobile there, it was so tight it was tough to get around stuck cars. Beyond that obstruction at Check 2 Bill and Scott Reams had the lead bv a couple minutes in Jack Johnson and Brent Foes were in and out of the Class 4 lead all day, but they had the Nissan in the lead when it cqunted, at the checkered flag, and they finished 19th overall as well. their ORC. Art -Peterson/Joe Flinn, previous drivers of the leading car, were second here, less· than a minute ahead of Stuart Chase/Jeff Hibbard and the Jim Fishbacks, Sr. and Jr., who were tied for third. Morley and Mike Williams were half a minute more back, tied on time with Jeff Kent/ Claudio Ponte. 23 cars cleared the check. At Borrego a couple more went missing, including Russ Butow whose engine succumbed to the deep sand out of Cohabuzo Junc-tion. At Check 4 the Reams led by over five minutes. Now second were Gary Cogbill/John Mark-ing, their Jimco coming back from down time near the first check. They were merely 30 seconds up on Chase/Hibbard, who had four minutes on the Fishbacks who were merely 30 seconds ahead of Brian Parkhouse/Rich Persch. This was going to be a tight race all the way! At the Sky Ranch 17 of the 1600s cleared the check. Still out front, Bill and Scott Reams had seven minutes in hand on Gary Cogbill/ John Marking, who had their trouble right off the line. Kevin and Brian Smith had their Mirage just ten more minutes back in third, five minutes up on ·Parkhouse/ Persch who were two minutes ahead of Peterson/ Flinn, and it was just as tight further down the ranks. Down the mountain through Camalu to Check 11, Cogbill/ Marking got the Jimco into the lead, two minutes up on Reams, who had power steering trouble. The Smiths held tight in third, another ten minutes down but 11 minutes up on Peterson/Flinn. Moving into fifth were Scott McMillin/Ron Stacy, Chenowth, so it would be a race all the way up the Pacific Beach. At the flag it was the father and son team of Bill and Scott Reams, converts from Class 10, who won Class 1-2-1600. Doing the anchor man job, Bill said their big trouble was the power steering, although Scott had rolled at Check 1 and Bill got turned around and lost on the beach north of Camalu. Sur-prised to find they had finished 11th overall, Bill said it was his first win in 20 years of off road racing. Second in class and 12th overall came Kevin J. and Brian E. Smith in a single seat Mirage, just seven minutes out of the big glory. They had lost time on the rock hill out of Mike's, stuck behind sev-eral Class 10 cars. Taking third in class, 13th overall, Art Peterson and Joe Flinn had few real problems, and were just eight more minutes back. Gary Cogbill/ John Mark-ing dropped to fourth at Santo Tomas and at the finish in an odd situation. Coming into the place where Jack Johnson had his Nis-san on its side, the Jimco could not get around it. So they had to ~ . Ernesto and Alfredo Arambula had the-early lead in Class 7, dropped back for a time, but their Dodge led the factory teams from Mike's Sky Ranch all the way to the class victory. Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter really got the job done in Baja, as they led Class 5 from Check 4 all the way to glory, finishing eighth overall and winning the points championship. stop and help put the truck on its wheels before going on, then nailed a flat tire. But, the fourth place finish secured the points championship. McMillin and Stacy held fifth spot all the way to Ensenada, another five minutes down, followed by Brian Park-house/~ch Persch, Mirage, sixth among the 15 finishers in the, class. Class 4 was down to five start-ers, and three finished. Jack John-son led at Check 2 over the Ken Conrad/Tim Pruett Ford by ten minutes. Rod Hall had the Dodge in third, with a sick engine, and Jerry McDonald, Chevy, was parked in the forest, but got mov-ing again to run fifth behind the . Renoe/Donahoe Dodge. At Check 4 Hall had the leadby 24 minutes as Johnson was second after down time, and the race between these two was not only for the victory but also the points championship. All five made it this far, but McDonald retired after San Felipe and another transmission change. At the Sky Ranch Johnson was back in the lead, and he would not lose it all the way home. Hall had more mechanical trouble into Check 9, but got back in second place by Camalu, and he and Jim Fricker finished the Dodge second in Class 4 and on the points. Buddy Renoe and Bill Donahoe moved into third on the mountain and finished third in another Dodge. Tim Pruett rolled «: .,,, "' . ,, Roger Mears and his son Roger Jr. had a laundry list of trouble with the Nissan, but they kept it moving to finish third in Class 7. _ Greg Vaughan and Wayne Lee stayed in the top half of the Class 5 action all day, and they eventually finished third in Hie class. It was th& best showing to date for the Porsche 911 driven by Rich Minga and Bob Maynard, and they finished second in Class 5 with the Porsche. Page IO January 1989 Dusty Times

Page 21

~.,. John Swift and Curt LeDuc had a good run in the Ford Ranger, had some down time but finished a very close second in Class 7 4x4. Dave Simon and John Johnson had a strange role to play in the race, but they did that and also placed the Ford Ranger th,rd in Class 7 4x4. It was his swan song as an active off road racer, so Jim Conner, with Bryant Hibbs, whipped his Nissan into fourth place in Class 7 4x4. ~ ~..;_t'. • .-:;. y '"·" • . . Spencer Low, with Sherman Balch driving relief, was up and down the charts but carried on to finish second in Class 7S in the Nissan. Willie Valdez and Gil Divine had the Ford Ranger with the leaders all the way, lost time on the last leg, but finished third Mike and Pat Falkosky had engine trouble early in the race, fixed it and pressed on in the Toyota to take fourth ,n Class down a canyon out of Mike's and the Ford reportedly burned to the ground, although the crew was not injured. Six took the flag in Class 7, but Manny and Tudy Joe Esquerra got less than ten miles from the restart before the Ford lost a crank, and another starter just cleared Check 1 but stayed parked in the forest. Ernesto and Alfredo Arambula led at Check 2 by a minute over Roger Mears, Nissan. Larry Ragland was third in the Chevy, just 30 seconds behind Mears. Russ and Luke Jones had their Ranger fourth, but they did not clear the next check. At Check 4 Ragland led Mears by 11 minutes, and the Arambu-las were down 19 minutes. The tno switched spots at Mike's with e Arambula Dodge D-50 taking r e ead by hours. They held the aa a 1 the way to the checkered .ag, wmning by a hefty five hours. .Larry Ragland had sundry prob-ems, mcluding changing a trans atter Check 5, then a steermg arm 'amage by a big roe near Three les, and finally-breaking a front in Class 7S. spindle near Mike's, plus havmg big trouble on the last leg. But he salvaged second in class with John Hertzberger riding in the Chevy S-10. Roger Mears finished another hour and a half down, with his son Roger Jr. co-driving the Nissan. He found rocks and broke the front end in Matom1 Wash·, and lost lots of time, then had electrical troubles, torsion bar ills, etc. Class 5 had a strong field of a dozen cars, many heavy hitters, and a good early race. Two went out in the forest, and at Check 2 Pete Sohren and Rick Geiser had the lead by a minute and a half over Wolfram Klawitter /Matt Parsons. Back another minute and a half and tied on time came · Hartmut Klawitter, then Rich Minga/ B_ob Maynard'. At Check 4 Hartmut and Wol-fram Klawitter moved into the lead, which they kept to the flag; Here Pete Sohren was only four mmutes back, followed in ten minutes by Minga. Greg Vaughan/Wayne Lee held fourth as George i;.,.. Class 7S was a high attntion group, and despite plenty of trouble Paul Simon, Ed Frisk and John Johnson won the class in the Ford Ranger and Paul won the points championship too. Dusty Times 7S at the flag. -More off•road races are won n Bilsteins than any other hock absorber, period. We had another great year! Congratulations to Class 1 Class 5 Class 7 Class 11 Mark McMillin Hartmut Klawitter Larry Ragland Jack Zandbergen Tom Koch John Cooley Roger Mears Russel Johnson Frank Arciero, Jr. Peter Sohren Class 7S Ramon Castro Class 1 ·2 1600 Rich Minga Paul Simon Jose Aquila Peter Mccowen Class 7 4X4 Sergio Sutierreza Scott McMillin Class 5 1600 Jeff McPherson Earl Howard Doug Fortin, Jr. Tom Neth Dave Ashley Bill Rheems Scott Jones Class 8 Class 2 John Neibert, Jr. Steve Kelley Challenger Bob Gordon Darryl Cook Rick Johnson Co~ky McMillin ndy Devercelly Class 16 David Ramocinski Steve Sourapas Craig Watkins Robby Gordon Mark Barnes Class 6 Greg Hibbs Class 14 Class 4 Arnie Gunnersson Jack Irvine Jerry Daugherty ,lerry McDonald Steve ussel Pancho Bio Mike Horner BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453·7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog, send $2.50. January 1989 Page 11

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Running in the front five all the way, Rich Richardson and Kevin Perrault got their Jimco across the line third Challenger Class. Ray Gastelum and Tom Minga led the 5-1600s through the Sky Ranch, then had some troubles, but the team finished a clean second in class. Darryl and Wayne Cook were running strong here, had problems mid-race, but climbed back through the 5-1600 pack to finish fourth. Mike Ward started out second in Challenger ranks, took the lead for a time, and drove his T-Mag to second place at the checkered flag. !JP Seeley Jr./Howard Anderson had the first of many problems. Nine Bugs made it to the Sky Ranch where the Klawit-ter lead was only three minutes over. Sohren. Minga was a long third, followed by Vaughan, as the Class 5s headed for the Pacific Beach. At Check 11 the order was set. Hartmut Klawitter now had over an hour lead, as Sohren fell to seventh and went out about 70 miles from the finish with electri-cal troubles. Back over an hour, Minga held second followed by Vaughan, and Don McBride/Bob Fig were a very long fourth. So, Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter won Class 5 and the points title with an hour, 4 2 minute margin in victory, good for eighth overall. Their other car retired after Santo Tomas in sixth place. Rich Minga and Bob Maynard got the Porsche in second in Class 5 with 44 minutes in hand over Greg Vaughan and Wayne Lee. A full four hours back, Don McBride and Bob Fig took a hard earned fourth. George Seeley Jr. and Howard Anderson were the fifth and final Class 5 finisher, another half hour down on time. Eleven started in Class 7 4x4, but the number was lucky just for some. Brian Stewart parked his Chevy S-10 in the forest, and Darren York got his Ranger to Nuevo and no farther. Defending points champ Mike Lesle was out front at Check 2 by two minutes over Dave Ashley/Danny Thomas, Ford Ranger, who had half a minute on John Swift/Curt LeDuc in another Ford. In fourth, six more minutes out was the Mazda of Wayne Demonja/Bob Seivert. Then Lesle's troubles began. He lost a drive shaft, then broke an axle and had three flats in the desert sand, pulling the Jeep into Check 4 in second place, eleven minutes behind Swift/LeDuc. Here Jim Conner/Bryant Hibbs McKenve Performance Products Ollroad Aac:eea1 Parts & Accesl0f18• U.S. Forestry Approved Spark Arrester/Muffler Used by most Parker 400 entrants FACTORY WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTOR OPEN 5 DAYS A WEEK Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. -I BEFORE YOU BUY TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL/ I 1 L.945 SHERMAN WAY, UNIT 4, NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA.; 1605 (818) 756-5827 • (818) 764-6438 Page H had the Nissan third, a half hour back and 25 minutes ahead of Ashley who also had trouble. Demonja was well back in fifth. Jim Wright drove the desert southern loop in-the Lesle Comanche, and got back into first place, and Lesle stayed there into the Sky Ranch, now with a com-fortable 46 minute margin on Swift/LeDuc. By now both Ash-ley and Demonja were parked, and the Ford of David Simon and John Johnson, which had . been playing racing parts truck for Paul Simon in 7S, now moved into third place, nearly two hours back and only five minutes ahead of Jim Conner. Five made it through Check 11, with Lesle/Wright in a solid lead, followed by Swift/ LeDuc, then Simon/Johnson. En route to the victory, Mike Lesle cooled it a bit, and not only won the class but the 7 4x4 champ-ionship. But, John Swift and Curt LeDuc closed the time gap hand-ily in the last 75 miles, and fin-ished just seven minutes out of first. Simon and Johnson w~re over three hours back in third, happy to be there in the Ranger. Jim Con·ner/Bryant Hibbs fin-ished fourth in the Nissan, the final Class 7 4x4 home. Class 7S was another high attri-tion grqup with 13 starters and only five finishers. We had a first hand look at this class, riding part of the distance with Mike Fal-kosky in his Toyota, and it was a blast. A number of trucks came to grief in the pine forest, including Check 1 leader Cam Thieriot, whose Toyota was on its side in the middle of the road. More got bogged down in the mud hill snafu, including Falkosky, but they all made it to Check 2 where Evan Evans, 11ubbing for Rob MacCachren in the Jeep Com-anche, led Willie Valdez/Gil Divine by just one minute. Paul Simon/Ed Frisk were 30 seconds back followed in three minutes by Chuck Johnson/Scott Douglas, and Rod Millen, in Dave Turner's Mazda, was just a couple more minutes down, enjoying his first taste of desert racing. January 1989 , e esle and Jim Wright had plenty of trouble but carried on to win Class 7 4x4 by seven minutes in the Jeep Comanche, and Lesle also·won the season class championship. Evan Evans and Phil Fareio maintained their lead at Check 4 and were first on the road in the class as well. Paul Simon was now second, three minutes back, and putdesertfoxJohnJohnson in the Ranger for the long southern loop. Spencer Low, with Sherman Balch driving relief, had his Nis-san third, some distance back, fol-lowed in five minutes by Valdez in the Ranger. The Douglas/John-son Ranger made a pit stop to cure cooler woes, later found a blown head gasket, and after hours working in the BFG pits, they retired while lying fifth. Mean-while four went missing at this check, and Millen, who had rolled at the bottom of the Summit, got here but no farther. The Falkosky Toyota had serious overheat problems in the Cohabuzo Wash, so Mike elected to meet his chase crew on the highway, where they loaded up with gallons of water and pro-ceeded slowly to the Borrego pit. There a cracked head .was replaced by one from the spare motor, and the exercise cost an extra five hours on that leg. Evan Evans lost the lead in the Jeep en route to the second pass through the double pit, and lost the engine en route to the Sky Ranch, ending a fine drive, but he still was listed in sixth place. The five that made it to Mike's also made the finish line. Meanwhile John Johnsop had ignition woes on Diabloi;w- · · Mike Leon and Javier Tiznado came to the front of the big Challenger Class midway ,n the fray, took over the lead at Check 11 and won the class by nearly half an hour in the Jimco. Dusty Times

Page 23

COMMERCIAL AND FLEET NEEDS HDRA/SCORE MEMBER DISCOUNTS SPECIAL FINANCING PACKAGES '89 GMC CREW CAB PICKUP 454 Automatic Sierra Classic Air, Tilt, Cruise, Power Door locks s • • • Plus tax, lie. & doc. fees. ID #503736. IF SOW WE'U ORDER ONE FOR YOU AT THIS PRICE! BUICK • GMC TRUCK oodrieh SAN DIEGO FWY. 405 BOULEVARD BUICK■ BOULEVARD ■ GMC PACIFIC COAST HWY. 1890 Long Beach Boulevard, Long Beach (213) 591-5611 (714) 827-8920 •

Page 24

I '-~ .. d" • • ",/1,!!fF':' Lacking some aerodynamics, Cameron and Mark Steele still ran quickly enough to finish third in Class 5-1600 after 19½ hours of racing, A prototype for 1989 Class 7 4x4, the Ford Ranger of Ray Swift and Mike Friel ran strong all the way and finished a clean second in Class 14, Jerry Bundy and Bob Bogdanoff ran with the Class 3 leaders until the Pacific Beach, but they got the Jeep home third in class at the flag, Andy L. and Andy R, DeVercelly were in and out of the 5-1600 lead all race long, but the father and son team led at the finish line and also took · another class points championship, ,_,., Dry Lake, needing an alien wrench which he did not have, when Ivan Stewart's crew came along to tow him in, and supplied the needed tool. Later Johnson hit a boulder and flat-tened both front tires, but others · were having trouble also. At Mike's Paul Simon had a 26 minute lead on Willie Valdez. Low was back over an hour, Fal-kosky another three hours behind and only 14 minutes ahead of Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen, Toyota. On the Pacific Beach the order held, and the time gaps strung out even more. The first arrival in Class '7S was Paul Simon, with Ed Frisk riding in the Ford. With the victory Simon took the class points title and the Mini Metal Champion-ship. The win was emphatic, almost three hours ahead of Spencer Low/Paul Delang in the Nissan. Willie Valdez lost about 40 minutes on the last 75 miles and sank to third, 17 minutes behind Low. Mike and Pat Fal-kosky had a good run through the night to finish fourth, almost four hours later. Vinje and Hansen also did well late in the game and were another 53 minutes down in fifth place. The Challenger Class took off 23 strong, and they all made it through Nuevo Junction. There the points champions, Nick Gross/Joe Valentine, showed why they already had secured the overall title for 1988. They led the pack by a minute and a half. Mike Ward was tied for second with Dave Ramocinski/ Norm Lester, and a minute back Mike Free/ both torsion bars and lost hours, eventually finishing 11th. Out front at the checkered it was Mike "Sky Ranch" Leon and Javier Tiznado taking the Chal-lenger Class honors. Mike Ward got his T-Mag home second, about 28 minutes back, and Rich Richardson/ Kevin Perrault hung on in third in the Jimco another 38 minutes behind. Nick Gross 1 and Joe Valentine added more 9 points to the winning total, climb-Long time Baja racers Don Adams and Larry Olsen led most of the 700 plus miles in Class 3, a great performance in the Jeep Wrangler, and they won Class 3 by over an hour. Andy Stuben were tied for fourth with Daniel Morra, who retired after Cohabuzo. At Check 4 four teams were missing and front running times were tight. Gross/ Valentine led Mike Ward by 3½ minutes, and Pancho Bio/ Eric Hadley were two more minutes back. Nine minutes further down came Larry Martin/ Martin Schlosser, a minute ahead of Rich Richardson/ Kevin Per-rault, who were tied to the second with Mike Leon/ Javier Tiznado. Ramocinski sank to seventh and did not clear another check, and two more did not make it to the Sky Ranch. Mike's is about 500 miles into the course, and here Gross/ Val-entine dropped back to ninth. A rock had sheared off a rocker arm stud, and they stopped in the ~ ,@~¾.: .... AAfil;:Af,.; ,:,:. Yokohama pits for major repairs. The lead passed to Mike Ward who held two minutes on Martin/ Schlosser, who had 1 ½ minutes on Leon/ Tiznado, with Bio five more minutes down. Richardson/ Perrault were down 36 more minutes with troubles of their own, and 16 were still moving. Martin/ Schlosser dropped a lot of time into Camalu and did not clear the next check. On home ground Leon/ Tiz-nado took over the lead at Check 11, holding 16 minutes on Bio/ Hadley who had 29 minutes on Mike Ward. Richardson was fourth, now 32 minutes back, fol-lowed in 40 minutes by the young Ebbert brothers, and Gross/ Val-entine had moved up to sixth, another 25 minutes out. En route to Santo Tomas, Pancho Bio lost ing up to finish fourth in the LaPlant. Darren and Dale Ebberts whipped into fifth place in their Jimco, almost two hours ahead of sixth place finishers Roy and Wade Prince. In _all, 13 finished the tough grind in the highly re-stricted class. A huge field of 23 started in Class 5-1600, and all but one car got to Check 2. TheAndyDeVer-cellys had a slim, two minute lead over Steve and William Taylor, who were a minute ahead of Norm and Nancy Francis. Two more minutes back came Guil-lermo Valenzuela, followed in a minute by Roy and Mike Taylor, who had over a minute on Brock and Scot Jones. Talk about tight racing! The deep sand on the far side of the Summit did in a few of the limited engine Bugs, including that of our ace reporter Judy Smith, co-driving with John Howard and BFG's Ed Jacobs. The hot, labored running did in their engine, and those of several other teams. Check 4, at 235 miles, saw Michael Horner and John DeVito had their problems, like the rest, but they got cured enough to bring the GMC S-15 home third in Class 14. Dale and Randy Jordan ran second in Class 6 in the El Camino for half distance before the desert did them in, but they were second in class. Second place in Class 11 went to Juan DeGracia and Ricardo-Flores who disappeared on the tricky run from Mike's to the beach at Camalu. Page 14 January 1989 Dusty Times

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After a slow start, Boone England and Jim Hummel ran second for a long time in Class 14, took over the lead at Santo Tomas and went on to win the race and the class championship. Cameron-and MarlcSteele come back from down time to hold a three minute lead on the De Ver-cellys, who were a mere minute ahead of Ray Gastelum/Tom Minga in a real horse race. Roy and Mike T-aylor were back about 16 minutes but only 30 seconds ahead of Steve and William Tayl-or, who had four minutes on Mike Lund, who was seen no more. Just 16 Bugs made the tough climb to the Sky Ranch where Ray Gastelum/Tom Minga had taken the lead over four family teams. They were two minutes up on the DeVercellys, who had six minutes on Roy and Mike Taylor. The Steeles were just two more minutes back in this long sprint, but Steve and William Taylor were now fifth, over half an hour further back. Through Camalu and up to Check 11 the DeVercell-ys gained a half hour in time on the field. Roy and Mike Taylor had taken the lead at Camalu, but lost hours on the next leg and eventually fin-ished ninth, ending their bid for the series championship. Here the order was set with Gastelum/ Minga in second, the Steeles third. Darryl and Wayne Cook moved from seventh to fourth, and Steve and William Taylor held fifth. Father and son, Andy L. and Andy R. DeVercelly won the 5-1600 race by 36 minutes, which gave them the series class champ-ionship for the second year run-ning. Ray Gastelum and Tom Minga were a strong second, an hour ahead of Cameron and Mark Steele. Darryl and Wayne Cook were a good half hour back in fourth, but only seven minutes ahead of Steve and William Tayl-or, who had just five minutes on Jorge Gavaldon and Armando Parker Gentry and Virginia Commander did a great job in their Ford Bronco, not only finishing their first ever off road race, but the girls were fourth in Class 14, only 1½ minutes out of third place. Tiznado, as 13 finished in the by the Mexican team of Marcos class. Hernandez and Luis Guevara, Class 3 had a good entry of Dodge. The other Russian twelve and a most international manned Nissan of Alexei Orig-group it was. Most covered by the oriev and Bob Utgard was just media were the two Nissan pick- two more minutes back. ups driven by the Russians, the The ranks shuffled by Check 4, culmination of months of strong as the Grigoriev Nissan was down effort by Bob Utgard and others and out near . .Tres Pozos, as was to secure permission and spon- the Hernandez Dodge and one of sorship for this shot at off road the Samurais. Adams still led racing glasnost. There were a pair Schwellinger, now by nearly of Suzuki Samuaris driven by Jap- twelve minutes, and Bundy held anese teams, along with one entry third, 18 more minutes back. from Mexico and the usual coast Moving into fourth was the to coast spanning U.S. teams. Dodge of Matt and Gale Pike, fol-At Check 2 the Jeep of Don lowed, incredibly, by the Nissan Adams/ Larry Olsen had a couple of the Bolshikh twins. After the minutes lead on usual adversary, loop the second Samurai was out, the CJ 7 of Mike Schwellinger and as was the Burgess Jeep from Les Erickson, with Jeeper Jerry Texas. Bundy another half minute back. Six made it up the mountain to Then it got international as Rus-Check 9 where Adams/Olsen sians Nikolay and Igor Bolshikh, increased their lead over Schwel-twin brothers, were just four linger /Erickson to 27 minutes more minutes down, tied on time and the _Pikes trailed in thi!'d by _ another 38 minutes, only 12 min-utes up on the Bundy Jeep. The Bronco of Rick Sieman and Steve Kramer was hours back, but hours ahead of the Russians, who had a lot of mechanrcal troubles. The picture changed at Check 11 on the Pacific Beach. Mike Schwellinger had his Jeep in the lead with 28 minutes in hand over Don Adams, and the Pikes closed to within six minutes in third . . Bundy had a 50 minute problem, while the other two rigs soldiered on well behind. En route to the finish, two went missing after Santo Tomas. The Pike Dodge was in second place there, then failed to finish. The Bolshikh Nissan was running well after a long stop to replace leaf springs in San Felipe. Then the engine seized at Camalu, and they cannibalized the other truck's engine and carried on, but not very far, and that engine went also about 50 miles from the check-. ered flag. At the finish Don Adams and Larry Olsen won the race by over an hour. Mike Schwellinger lost his lights on the Pacific Beach, then got stuck in the mud flats and lost about an hour, but he did get the lights working to finish second and secure the class champ-ionship. Jerry Bundy and Bob Bogdanoff got the Scrambler home third, about 50 more min-utes in arrears. Rick Sieman and Steve Kramer fought many trou-bles, but made it to the finish U,;ie in fourth, a couple hours later. Class 14 had an excellent start-ing field . of eleven rigs, among them r;r USA USSR TEAM BAJA. WOULD LIKE TO THANK THE FOLLOWING FOR THEIR SUPPORT IN HELPING TO BRING ABOUT THE FIRST EVER SOVIET COMPETITION IN AN AMERICAN MOTOR SPORTS EVENT AS WELL AS THE FIRST EVER COMBINED AMERICAN/SOVIET TEAM. NISSAN MOTOR SPORTS • YOKOHAMA TIRES CONTINENTAL ENT. INC./HUNGu·s Tom's Automotive• Progressive Wheels• Fuel Safe• Mikuni Carburetors• Rancho Suspension• Sway-A-Way• Beard's Super Se~ts • Fill~r S~fety • Cactus Racing • Bell Motorsports • F & L Fuels• Doug Throley Headers• Cimeron Auto Pa~ts, B.C. • Sal F_1sh & Score International •. Bill Kiser & Bin ion's Horseshoe Hotel & Casino• Pete Biro• Jean Lindamood, Ex. Ed. Automobile Magazine• Lou & E_'!l!!_e Fuentes• J & J Enterprises• Roger Mears Racing• Jim Conner• Howard Anderson• Jeff Hibbard• A~ollo Tires• Prestige Land Develop_me~t • Cheney Sign Company• Antelope V~lley Mufflers• George Thompson, IDRA • San Nicholas Hotel, B.C. •Disneyland• Checkers Off Road• Liz Finnegan, Bob Thomas & Assoc.• My Family & Friends• Trackside Photos • Dusty Times "Look for USA/USSR at Blnlon's Nissan Mint 400 '89" BOB UTGARD RACING•. 4717 W. AVE. L-2, QUARTZ HILL,. CA 93536 • (805) 943-7385 Dusty nma January 1989

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1988 SCORE BAJA 1000 November 11-12, 1988 Results POS.CAR # DRIVER(S) VEHICLE TIME CLASS 1 -UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -11 START - 4 FINISH 1. 100 Mark McMillin (solo) Chenowth 13:07.09 2. 101 Bud Feldkamp/Ron Gardner Chenowth 14:40.29 3. 199 Dan Cornwell/Don Robertson Raceco 16:27.32 4. 102 Ken Frost/Don Blakely Raceco 17-23.22 5. 104 William and Brian Church Raceco 9:14.00 CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -22 START - 7 FINISH 1. 216 Bob Gordon/Frank Arciero. Jr. Chenowth 13:44.23 2. 200 Corky McMillin/Brian Ewalt ChenQr,'th 14:03.13 3. 209 Bob Richey /Ray Croll Raceco 16:01.17 4. 223 Klaus Degener /Willy Harrington Chenowth 16:09.21 5. 203 Lou and Lonnie Peralta Mirage 18:45.43 0/A POS. 1 5 18 27 (Ck. 9) 3 4 14 16 45 CLASS 1-2-1600 -1600CC RESTRICTED ENGINE -26 START -15 FINISH 1. 1604 Bill and Scott Reams ORC 15:36.15 11 2. 1622 Kevin J. and Brian E. Smith Mirage 15:43.17 12 3. 1603 Art Peterson/ Joe Flinn 15:51.32 13 4. 1605 Gary Cogbill/ John Marking Jimco 16:05.18 15 5. 1621 Scott McMillin/Ron Stacy Chenowth 16:10.02 17 CLASS 3 -SHORT we 4X4 -12 START - 4 FINISH 1. 348 Don Adams /Larry Olsen Jeep Wrangler 19:36.13 52 2. 300 Mike Schwellinger /Les Erickson Jeep CJ 7 20:58.10 65 3. 303 Jerry Bundy /Bob Bogdanoff • Jeep Scrambler · 21:46.23 70 4. 308 Rick Siem an /Steve Kramer Ford Bronco 24:10.15 91 5. 304 Matt and Gale Pike Dodge Ramcharger 18:00.00 (Ck. 12) CLASS 4 -LONG we 4X4 - 5 START - 3 FINISH 1. 401 Jack Johnson /Brent Foes Nissan 16:37.52 19 2. 400 Rod Hall/ Jim Fricker Dodge 17:45.24 34 3. 404 Buddy Renoe/ Bill Donahoe Dodge 17:57.01 38 4. 449 Ken Conrad /Tim Pruett Ford 11 :55.30 (Ck. 9) CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG - 12 START - 5 FINISH 1. 509 Hartmut & Wolfram Klawitter Baja Bug 15:18.07 8 2. 548 Rich Minga /Bob Maynard Porsche 911 17:00.15 22 3. 510 Greg Vaughan /Wayne Lee Baja Bug 17:44.30 33 4. 504 Don McBride /Bob Fig Baja Bug 21:44.04 69 5. 505 George Seeley, Jr./Howard Anderson Baja Bug 22:15.20 78 CLASS 5-1600-1600CC BAJA BUG -23 START-13 FINISH 1. 550 Andy L and Andy R. DeVercelly Baja Bug 17:53.39 37 2. 556 Ray Gastelum /Tom Ming a Baja Bug 18:29.35 43 3. 594 Cameron and Mark Steele Baja Bug 19:30.18 51 4. 598 Darryl and Wayne Cook Baja Big 20:02.26 56 5. 557 Steve & William Taylor Baja Bug 20:10.29 59 CLASS 6 -PRODUCTION SEDAN - 7 START - 1 FINISH 1. 618 Wes and Greg Moser Ford Ranchero 21:47.39 71 2. 617 Dale and Randy Jordan Chevy El Camino 14:57.30 (Ck. 8) CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICKUP - 6 START - 3 FINISH 1. 717 Ernesto and Alfredo Arambula Dodge 17:24.33 28 2. 702 Larry Ragland/ John Hertzberger Chevy S-10 22:32.52 81 3. 701 Roger Mears/Roger Mears, Jr. Nissan 24:06.59 90 4. 703 Russ & Luke Jones Ford Ranger 11:24.00 (Ck. 4) CLASS 7S -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP - 13 START-5 FINISH 1. 747 Paul Simon/ John Johnson Ford Ranger 17:17.09 24 2. 723 Spencer Low/Paul Delang Nissan 20:03.24 57 3. 726 Willie Valdez/Gil Divine Ford Ranger 20:20.57 61 4. 727 Mike and Pat Falkosky Toyota 24:05.07 89 5. 749 Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Toyo~a 24:58.12 96 CLASS 7 4X4 -STOCK MINI-MIDI 4X4 -11 START - 4 FINISH 1. 750 Mike Lesle / Jim Wright Jeep Comanche 17:35.18 31 2. 754 John Swift/Curt LeDuc Ford Ranger 17:42.01 32 3. 769 David Simon I John Johnson Ford Ranger 21:25.46 67 4. 759 Jim Conner /Bryant Hibbs Nissan 22:28.36 79 5. 768 James Hatton/Scott Brunnenkant Toyota 24:24.00 (Ck. 121 CLASS B - 2 WO STANDARD PICKUP -19 START -10 FINISH 1. 804 Frank Vessels/ Jon Nelson Chevrolet 13:29.16 2 2. 801 Steve Kelley /Terry Caldwell Chevrolet 14:49.45 6 3. 805 Robby Gordon/Russ Wernimont Ford 14:50.53 7 4. 800 Dave Shoppe /Larry Maddox Ford 15:23.17 10 5. 802 Steve McEachern/Steve Alcott Chevrolet 17:33.23 29 CLASS CHALLENGER -RESTRICTED BUGGY -23 START -13 FINISH 1. 904 Mike I.eon/ Javier Tiznado 17:49.00 36 2. 999 Mike Ward T-Mag 18:17.48 41 3. 902 Rich Richardson/Kevin Perrault Jimco 18:55.28 47 4. 909 Nick Gross/ Joe Valentine La Plant 19:39.46 53 5. 996 Darren and Dale Ebberts Jimco 20:07.22 58 CLASS 10 -UNLIMITED 1650CC -12 START - 6 FINISH 1. 1006 Michael Church (solo) Raceco 15:22.40 9 2. 1098 Kent and Scott Pfeiffer Chenowth 16:42.05 21 3. 1008 Jim and Wendell Smi1h Chenowth 18:18.21 42 4. 1099 Steve Centurioni /Larry Job ORE 19:06.12 48 5. 1007 William Poe /Fred Ronn ORE 19:23.04 49 CLASS 11 -STOCK VW SEDAN -10 START- 0 FINISH 1. 1103 Jose Aguila/Armando Rojas VW Beetle 25:25.30 (Ck. 12) 2. 1107 Juan DeGracia/Richard Flores VW Beetle 22:08.30 (Ck. 91 CLASS 14 -UNLIMITED 4X4 -11 START - 5 FINISH 1. 1405 Boone England/ Jim Hummel Chevy Blazer 20:37.19 63 2. 1402 Ray Swift/Mike Friel Ford Ranger 21:26.47 68 3. 1404 Michael Homer/ John De Vito GMC S-15 21:52.50 72 4: 1497 Parker Gentry /Virginia Commander Ford Bronco 21:54.21 73 5. 1401 Bud Sebelius/Mark Johnson Jeep Comanche 25:53.06 97 Starters -223 -Finishers -98 -Percent of Finishers -44.0 Race Distance -704.5 miles -Tnne Allowance -26 Hours Fat Tnne Overall -Mark McMillin -Class 1 Chenowth -13:07.09 Starters -MC Classes -106 -Finishers -64 -Percent of Finishers -60.4 Race Distance - 679.5 miles -Time Allowance - 26 hours Fnt Tnne Overall -Paul Kraus■/L■rry Roeuler -Class 22 K■wuaki -11 :33.45 P19Cl6 i;.,. the Ford Bronco of the Ladies from New York, Parker Gentry and Virginia Commander, who work for a specialty magazine companythatdoesadventureand hunting books along with many other titles. This adventure was partly sponsored by Ford and General Tire, and the girls had trained for a month, pre-running with and takin~ driving lessons from the likes of Rodney Hall. They were well prepared for the long trek. The field thundered off through the trees to Check 2, and they all made it. Here Emil and John Downey had the lead in the Jeep Scrambler by a mere 30 seconds over Greg Symonds/Bill Varnes, who had a 6 cylinder in Wes and Greg Moser and family won their first race in Baja in the Ford Ranchero, surviving a bunch of early mishaps to win the class and win the points championship for 1988. the Toyota testing for the 1989 7 4x4 specs, as were Ray Swift/ Mike Greil, another half minute back in a new Ford Ranger. Bud .,n Sebelius/ Mark Johnson were just over a minute back in a Jeep Comanche and a minute up on Michael Horner/John De Vito, GMC S-15. lt was unusually tight for this class. At Check 4 the Swift Ranger had a good lead over the Symonds Toyota, 28 minutes. The Chevy Blazer of Boone England/Jim Hummel was just five more min-utes down. Lowell Arnold/ Thomas Kepler had their Jeep J 10 next, over 40 minutes further down, trailed in nine minutes by Downey, who went no farther. Giti Gowland's Toyota did not make it to Check 9 where seven were left running. It took until Saturday night, but Jose Aguila and Armando Rojas were credited with the Class 11 victory, as their Beetle got through Check 12 before running out of time. At Mike's Symonds/Varnes had a good lead, 54 minutes, over the England Blazer, and Swift was now back another 13 minutes. Arnold dropped to fourth, another five minutes back, and Horner was fifth, while the girls in the Bronco were up to sixth and running strong. It looked like a done deal at Check 11, as Symonds/Varnes had over an hour on England/ Hummel who had 44 minutes in hand on Arnold. The Swift Ranger was now another few minutes back. But, heading to Santo Tomas, the front yoke dropped on the Symonds Toyota on an easy road, poking a hole in the transfer case, and the oil supply ran out. Varnes was stuck with no spare tranny fluid or patching material, could not get out on the radio, and could only send out stuck stubs. But, by the time the crew, directed to the wrong location initially, found the truck, the game was over and they retired. Arnold/Kepler got as far as Santo Tomas before van-ishing into the desert, credited with sixth place. Boone England and Jim Hum-mel took the lead at Santo Tomas and went on to finish the Class 14 race winners and points champ-ions. About 49 minutes in arrears, Ray Swift and Mike Friel were a solid second in the new Ford. Also picking up the two places, Mike Horner and John De Vito finished third, another 26 minutes hack in the S-15. And, when their pit crew told them they were close to passing Homer, Parker Gentry and Virginia. Commander who drove a well paced race, got excited, stood on it coming around the comer to the finish line and hit a parked dump truck when the brakes went soft. But they were fourth, less than two minutes out of thirJ._a _Baja January 1989 1000 finisher on their very first off road race, and not many folks can make that statement. Sebelius and Johnson had plenty trouble, but finished fifth with seven min-utes left on the time allowance. Seven Class 6 sedans started out, but it was only a lucky number for one team. One sedan vanished in the forest, and the Shelton Datsun 710 only cleared Check 2. There Larry Schwacof-er /Sid Spradling had a two min-ute lead on Dale and Randy Jor-dan in the Chevy battle. Arne Gunnarsson/John Johnston had the Saab 96 just another minute back in third, but never got past, Cohabuzo on the charts. Fourth at Check 2 was the Ford Bronco II of George Wagenblast and Stanley Herzog, another seven minutes back. Moving on to Borrego, the Wes Moser Ford Ranchero was in the lead to stay, here holding 34 min-utes over the Jordan El Camino. The '57 Chevy of Schwacofer/ Spradling was over an hour back with engine overheat, and the Bronco was down another 4 7 minutes. Only the three Moser brothers made it to the Sky Ranch. Along the way to the finish line they had a host of problems, including but not limited to a broken tie rod in the forest, a broken trans cooler when the jade fell on it, a broken windshield from kids throwing rocks before Nuevo. Once past Borrego they had no more serious trouble, and the brothers were thrilled with their first victory in Baja and the fact that the win gave them the Class 6 points champ-ionship. The Jordans were cred-ited with second, 3½ hours faster than Schwacofer /Spradling through Check 8. Ten brave teams started out in Class 11, and none got an official finish. It was close at Check 2 as Ramon Castro led Andy Diaz by a mere five minutes, with Porfirio and Sergio Gutierrez only another three minutes back, followed in three mo~e min_ytes by Jua~. DeGracia/Ricardo Flores. Three Beetles were already out· of the race, and two more, including Diaz, would only clear Check 3. Around the hot sand to Check 4 Castro held his lead, now with over an hour in hand on Gutier-rez, who in turn had an hour on Jose Aguila/ Armando Rojos, who had 53 minutes on Mario Meraz, who went no farther. Cas-tro led through San Felipe, then broke an axle and had more ter-minal woes on the beach run north. Only three made it to Mike's where Gutierrez had an incredible lead of 3½ hours on Aguila's Beetle, and he was a cou-ple hours up on DeGracia, who never made it to Camalu. At Check 11, the Gutierrez lead was still over three hours, then Agui-la/Rojas vanished between Santo Tomas and the finish. Porfirio and Sergio Gutierrez crossed the finish line in 23:42.30, the apparent Class 11 win11er, but there were protests, In the end they were disqualified • for missing Check 7 at Three Poles, with dark rumors of being seen running on the highway instead of the beach. So the winners were Aguila/Rojas at Check 12, DeGracia was second and Castro third. , The race was officially over mid-morning on Saturday, and other than the above problem, there were no changes in the results. Score scheduled the awards presentation on Saturday evening at the San Nicolas Hotel. where Presidente had fountains of brandy and Margaritas flowing, · compliments of the race sponsor. But, when the first person was tossed into the pool, we fled the scene. Apparently it was quite a gala evening and the awards went on for some time. The 21st Baja 1000 was in the record books. It had been a real test, a tougher and rougher course than usuaf, one worthy of the tra-dition qf the event that originallv put otf road racing on the map two _<!ecades ago. Dustvnma

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Lou and Lonnie Peralta splash through the wash in their Mirage, and the father and son team carried on to fifth place in Class 2. Dominic Borra and Dennis Orcutt were up and down the charts in Class 1-2-1600 and ended up placing 7th at the flag. Steve and William Taylor ran as high as 2nd in Class 5-1600, but dropped time late in the race and to 5th at the finish. George Wagenblast and Stanley Herzog ran very well in the new Ford Bronco II, lost the engine in Matomi Wash, and were fourth in Class 6. Roy and Wade Prince drove· their non-Candy Cane Baja Concepts well in Baja and ; finished sixth in the · close Challenger contest. Dusty Tlma Doug Boe/man and Dan Eichhorst came from Arizona to race their tandem two seater and survived the course to finish sixth in Class 2. Rick Sieman and Steve Kramer had plenty of down time in their Ford Bronco, but they kept going to finish fourth in Class 3. Jorge Gavaldon and Armando Tiznado had their big troubles early in the race and climbed back through .the pack to sixth in Class 5-1600. Steve McEachern and Steve Alcott survived running out of gas, front end breakage, and finished fifth in Class 8 in the Chevrolet. Richard Ford and Dennis Rogers looked good here In the Funco, and they drove on to finish seventh in the Challenger competition. Januarv 1989 Brian Parkhouse and Rich Fersch ran tight with the 1-2-1600 leaders most of the distance and finished 6th in the big class. Don McBride and Bob Fig had a few unscheduled stops along the way to a fourth place finish in the hot running Class 5 ranks. .., Running strong in the early going, the '57 C.hevy of Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling succumbed mid-race to terminal overheat. Youngsters Darren and Dale Ebberts did a fine job in their Jimco, driving to a clean 5th place in Challenger competition. Although Ramon Castro broke near San Felipe, he worked hard to get the "truth in finishing" concept established for .Jlass 11. Page 17

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY IIANCROffl The Budweiser /BFGoodrich 4x4 Challenge Celebrates By Cam McRae Number Ten Photos: Mark Musclow It's always a pain when they ' forget your birthday. But, better late than never. Canada's major outdoor off road event, the Ban-croft 4x4 Challenge turned ten last August. So, for promoters Wheel to Wheel Inc., major sponsors BFGoodrich Canada and Bud-weiser (Labatt's in Canada) and for all the racers and fans -Happy Birthday! This one's for you. Marking the event's tenth anni-versary in 1988, however, was cause for both celebration and reflection. It was a year to make you wonder about the whys and wherefores of the progress and performance of things. This was the year that short course racing's inventor, Mickey Thompson, was brutally taken from us after a foreshortened life-time of motorsports creativity. Ironically, it was in 1988 that the bulldozers moved in and Thomp• son's Ridge was also gone after fifteen years. Shocking, too, was the news that Canada's legendary Oktoberfest race was, like River-side, a victim of urban sprawl after a nine year history. On the other hand, Mickey Thompson was remembered at his L.A. Coli-seum extravaganza - ten years old and still running strong after a decade of success. Success it was at the tenth 4x4 Challenge, an off road show biz free for all in the best Thompson tradition. Twenty thousand peo-ple hauled in to what the tourist board bills as "The most remote community in Southern Ontar• io." They came as spectators, obstacle racers, sand draggers, mud baggers and short course wheel to wheel racers. And, they all came to party. Mickey would have loved it! The fun started on Friday night with a noisy parade of competi-tors through Bancroft's business section, but the racing begins in earnest late Saturday morning. The guys from Wheel to Wheel Inc. (Peter Hattin, John O'Don• nell and Barry "Bear" Wanna-maker) have carefully nurtured a multifaceted image for the Chal-lenge. Yes, the event does feature the wildest short course racing, some say, in North America. But the Challenge alsci inspires many first time competitors to try their hand at the drags, mud bog or obstacle course. No fools, Wheel to Wheel knows where the next generation of racers is coming from. As a result, the drags look like a dirt racing fan's wish book. Upwards of sixty entrants ranged from a Comanche right off the showroom floor to fully radical unlimited class diggers and included a complement ofbeauti• fully polished and modified street trucks along with a few Class Threes and Fours out for some straii;dit line fun. The Comanche? - placed first and second in the Stock 6 division piloted by Andrew Davis and Jeep Eagle dealer Jack Easton. · Mud Bogging was a new deal for Challenge Number 10. The goo churning spectacle has attracted so many entrants and has become so popular with the Ontario fans that Wheel to Wheel dug a pit and sixty of the Province's best showed up to get down and dirty. Creating a mud bogging pit is much more than the simple minded task it appears: As might be expected, however, Bancroft's newest mud hole got high marks from the experienced boggers. This season, by the way, mud rac-ing has been taken under the umbrella of Ontario's official sanctioning body and the drivers must now be members of the Ontario Association of Offroad Racers (OAOR). With the serious business of mud and sand acceleration runs On Saturday BFGoodrich team driver Joel Croft battles it out with Andre de Souza, and Croft won and also won the finale Challenge of Champions. out of the way, the Challenge got East Coast with most of the inter• down to the even more serious . est now centering on Class 10. business of short course wheel to BFG had put money in the year wheel racing. The Bancroft track end pot for One cars, however, is long and fast and tough. Except the BFG team driver Bill Lefeuvre forareasconsideredexceptionally had his sights set. Problem was, dangerous, and watering for dust the rules say it takes three cars to control, the course receives little make a race and Bill was all alone. grooming through the weekend. Except for two strange bolides The neglect is purposeful. Things that towed in from the next door get more "interesting" with each province of Qµebec. race and by the time the Class Quebec has its own off road Fours run their feature on Sun- series with very idiosyncratic day, the trucks are faced with a rules. The result is some of the veritable mine field. hairiest, most innovative equip• Saturday, the l-2-1600's take · ment ever seen on a race track. first crack at it and for a while it Huge V8's, mid engines, center looked like Ontario's George mounted driver seats, skiboat vee Volk would run away with it. drives -the darndest stuff. Only one third the way through, Magnifique! however, perennial Ontario But not legal in SCORE-rules champ Joel Croft and "Reggie" Ontario except as (loosely!) Class Williams were in his mirrors. Joel 1. So Lefeuvre raced his classic and Reggie were battling for the Rabbit powered Barrien against season honors so this counted. the howling Omiette of Alain Poir-Unfortunately, Volk was soon ier and some sort of former out with a mechanical problem. Chrysler product wheeled by Jean Williams lost a little ground and Marc Descharais. was surprised by Quebec's TheygaveBillarace,too.Deaf-Richard Nadon who had threaded eningly loud and astoundingly his way up from eighth. Nadon fast, the two alien beasts surprised and Williams had the crowd's everyone. The "Buggy" won, but attention for the last ten laps. Bill Lefeuvre is still shaking his They kept each other very busy head. trading places on each tour so West coast readers might shake Croft was able to get away and let their heads at OAOR's Class them sort it out. Reggie Williams "Sevens". Ontario mini trucks crossed that line in ~ond, but run V6's placed virtually any-barely. where in the chassis. Brampton Class One is fadin~ fast on the Off-road Centre built a "Nissan" Class 7 is highly modified, anything goes, but Brian Case, ·in an ex-lronman Toyota, ended up winning over the more radical local specials. "Cool Bill" Lefeuvre had a good weekend. He clobbered the Class 10 field and also whipped a VB Corvette en route to the · Class 1 honors both days. Dean Wilson's CJ led all the way in Class 3 on Saturday, fighting off four serious contenders. Here he celebrates with the huge crowd cheering. Richard Dagenais drives racers of his own design, and the Quebec driver took well earned second places in Class 10 on Saturday and Sunday. Page 18 January 1989 Dultyffma

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-~ -""~ The Bancroft fans loved the event's first mud bog spectacular, but we can't identify this "Phantom Bogger" slogging through the new mud pit. Sand Drags are part of the Bancroft 3 ring circus, and Mike Bay ran second to Michael Gugenberger's more streamlined unlimited digger. Quebec weird racers with Louis Robitaille's 'Jeep' alongside the Dodge 'Stepside' of Jean Guy Poisson, who sits in the center on the trans. for Marty Jones with a Ford V6 positioned in the bed. Remarka, •.bly, however, these radicals spend most of their time chasing Brian Case in his ex,factory Toyota. One of Cal Well's earliest, and most successful creations, the lronman's former race truck is still going very strong in the Great Green North. Jones' mid ·engined mutation came close to breaking the;Toy, ota's winning streak, pressing for five laps of the eight lap sprint. But, Case nipped by a couple of backrnarkers and Marty was left in the traffic. Traffic was the order of the day for Dean Wilson's CJ in the Class Three tilt. Leading all the way, W ilson was challenged by no fewer than four of the other trucks in the fifteen truck entry. Don Barnford had at him for three laps. Then Dennis Pikala chased him for seven, giving way to Andre' Aube' who tried for the last two laps. Wilson scored a clean win, but the dogfighting behind him predicted an intense feature race on Sunday. More than half of Saturday's field shared the lead lap at the check, ered flag. Saturday's Class 10 was a "Cool Bill" benefit. The BF, Goodrich star led from the second lap, but it might have been different. Ouebec's Richard Dagenais a~d Norman Vaillan, court along with Lefeuvre and Tim Lemons from Warren, Mich-igan, all arrived at the first corner in the lead. Lefeuvre repassed Lemons just before the end of the lap but couldn't shake either Lemons or Vaillancourt. The Quebecer was out after six hut his compatriot Dagenais had re, grouped and moved up to chal, lenge Lemons. When it was all over, Lemons was docked a lap for course cutting and Dagenais stepped into second followed by Vaillancourt's brother Raynaud. The rest of the 4x4 Challenge entertainment value notwith, standing, the crowd waits all day for the Class Four race. Thunder on wheels, the big trucks put on the greatest show in Canadian off roading. At the rainsoaked Chai, lenge '87 Greg Toneguzzo was still sorting out his new ride. A former "Cookie Monster" built by Dwight Cook, the pancake Ford distinguished itself at the '87 race by hitting a major puddle and tak-ing one of the longest underwater rides in off road history. ( Gone for about twenty feet. I watched it! C.M.) "Goose's" squashed Bronco was ready for '88, scoring another Saturday's flag to flag wins. There was high drama back in the pack, however. Wheel to Wheel exec Bear Wannamake!_ ~al! 4i_cing _ DustyTlma with the aforementioned Dwight crew went to work only to be con, Cook who had borrowed the fronted with a tranny fire and Schlamb family race truck. They then the whole thing went up. collided and Bear flattened a tire. Bear bailed out unscathed and the He drove into the pits and his conflagration was quickly exting, uished, but Wannamalcer was out for the duration. Meanwhile, his BFG teammate Milan Mazenek was desperately trying to get around Steve Poirer ( 16 year old son of the Corvette driver) who was running behind Toneguzzo but a lap back. Mazenek finally got by just before thewhitei;r KC HiLffES... &5U«~ GD!~ BUILT TO PERl=ORM CLASS 5/1600 · Andy DeVercelly WITH DESIGNS ON WINNING It takes a magical blending of the right components to make a champion. It takes thousands of hours of unending planning and preparation. It takes dependable team-work of the highest caliber. It takes putting together the right equipment, built to perform when you need it the most. And, it takes an inner desire and determination to go for the glory; to keep driving through all conditions and obstacles to not only reach the finish, but reach the finish first. That's why we take great pride in the fact that these racers relied on the powerful brilliance of KC HiliTES to shine their way to 1988 SCORE/HORA CLASS CHAMPIONSHIPS. CLASS 8 • Rob Gordon CLASS 11 • Ramon Castro Congratulations to all. CLASS 14 • Boone England Since 1970 There Have Been More KC Equipped Off Road Race Winners Than All Of Our So-Called Competitors Combined. KC HILITES, INC. • WILLIAMS, ARIZONA 86046 • 802/835-2807 © 1818 KC HILITES, INC. -...,Y 1919

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Andre Aube dominated the Sunday Class 3 fea-ture, although the contest was a tight one, but he won this one with brother Simon co-driving. Steve Poirier's stock go-to-work truck almost won Sunday in Class 4, but the sixteen year old rookie dropped the entire rear end on the last lap. More wild ones from Quebec included this howling Corvette of Alain Poirier which ran very well, second for a time in Class 1 action._ The Brampton Off Road Center's Paul Plunkett created this mid-engined device for Marty Jones, who almost won Class 7 in the Sunday event. '-" flag and to his surprise, found Cookie on his tail. After leaving Bear behind at the halfway point, Dwight had moved up five places to talce third. And, what's a birthday without a party? Well, any Saturday night at the Bancroft 4x4 Challenge is a blast. This one was special. After a party hearty concert by the Good Brothers, t:he smog free Ontario night sky was punctuated by twelve minutes of heart stopping fireworks - at a thousand bucks a minute! Then, the party went on, a_n.d on, and on .... This is the system run by most off road race winners Sunday. dawned bri-ght and clear (much too bright and clear for some folks!) And· it wasn't long before the Obstacle Course racing was under way. At Ban-croft the Obstacle contest is real racing, not just against the clock. In an inspired move Wheel to Wheel creates a course that allows two trucks to run at one time. They leave together, complete both sections of a two loop route and end up side by side for a sprint to the fipish. Competition at this year's 4x4 Challenge was the tightest in the history of the TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234•9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED ·event. On a track that takes about a minute and a half for a very good run, the slowest entrant ran 1:50:28 and the fastest got that down to 1:15:51 Qean Guy Pois-son in his Quebec-style mid-drivered 440 Dodge). The largest entry is always in "Super Stock 8", the modified street trucks. Theall got under l:30and Wayne Allen cracked off a 1: 17 :61 good for second ot1erall. That Comanche was out again in Stock 6, this time providing a win for Easton team driver Danny Longhouse and another second for the affable, ageless Jack Easton. A word here about Easton Motors. We need more dealerships like these guys. In 1988 the team included slalom racers, a very successful privateer road racing Comanche in the Coors Sport Truck series and Jack's son Jeff's Class 4. Plus, of course, the stock Comanche we've been discussing. Jack Easton sure adds a new dimension to the term "Executive driven demo"! After Saturday's preamble, the , odds makers had a hard time pick-ing a favorite in Sunday's 1-2-1600 race. George Volk was ready to make up for his disap-pointment. Richard Nadon had proven he could run up front and there was plenty on the line for Croft and Williams. The first couple of laps were side by side, furious, no holds barred. When they strung out a bit Volk was again in the lead with Nadon on his tail. Joel Croft and Reggie Wil-liam had not fared so well leaving Croft in fifth and Williams way back in the pack. Williams remained trapped in the circulat-ing horde, but Croft started to move on the ninth of fifteen laps. Advancing one position_ per lap, he was in sight of Nadon on the thirteenth. The last lap should have decided second place, but just after the white flag, a back marker rolled it right in front of George Volk. One t-bone later Volk was parked again. Nadon won, Croft was second and Wil-liams made fourth, leaving Croft and Williams in a dead heat for the season championship. As far as the Class One Race is concerned, what can we say? More noise, more speed, more head shaking. Bill Lefeuvre won again but this time the "Chrysler Product" beat the Corvette! In contrast, the Class Seven fea-ture was a real cliff hanger. Marty Jones pulled a hole shot right off the start and left Brian Case back in third with John Makson's Courier between them. Makson held off the Toyota for a full lap giving Jones a chance to open a gap. Once he was free to give chase, Brian had his work cut out for him. Marty Jones had been , waiting all year for this. The mid January 1919 engined special was running like a ning Class 3 from the Aube' train and Jones was driving like a brothers so he was back in it. Per-man possessed. Coming down the ennial Bancroft competitors Peter back straight on the last lap they Hattin and Randy Beaudrie· were almost side by side. Jones served notice that they were going had the edge but he went into the to pull out all the stops. Plus, comer just a touch fast. The Nis- almost unnoticed in the heat race, san slid to the high side leaving the the very stock looking Dodge of ~roove to Case's Toyota. Case young Steve Poirier had run had the acceleration heading strong behind the leader for a full down to the finish line and he five laps, breaking with only three made it two for two. (They left laps to go. Marty Jones alone for awhile after Again, just like Sunday's other this one!) . races, the early laps of the Class The Class Three feature mir-Four feature were a typical Ban-rored the action in the 1-2-1600 croftfreeforall.Notuntilthehalf, race. The first half dozen laps were way point did any semblance of a fender bending shambles that order emerge. Lo and behold, it · resulted in a fair number of was Poirier's Dodge in the lead parked trucks. By the two thirds (looking like it would be more at point, however, four racers had home on a construction site!) emerged from the mess and pro-Toneguzzo in second and Maz-ceeded to run off in a tight pack. enek, Beaudrie and Hattin beating The lap charts indicate that for the on each other for third. final four laps the order was: Goose squirted into the lead . Andre' Aube', Michel Buffaud, with five laps to go and held it Tim Burke and Dean Wilson. But until half way round the last lap. the stats don't reveal what was Steve Poirier had edged by in a happening around the course. challenge for the lead when the Out there, it was anybody's race. craziest thing happened. The Somehow, on the back straight Dodge lost its entire rear end -and last corner the order reestab- axle, wheels, springs - every-tished itself each time. Including thing! Toneguzzo smacked right the last time. Aube', Buffaud, into it and they were both out. Burke and Wilson were also the Seizing the opportunity, only drivers to complete the full Mazenek also grabbed the twelve laps. Qµite a show! checker, dragging Beaudrie and The start of the Class Ten run Hattin along in his wake. was a little more subdued than it With the Class run-offs com-was on Saturday and the first lap plete, Bancroft's tenth still wasn't ended with everyone in a line. quite over. There was one more Tim Lemons was in the lead, race to run. Dubbed the Chai-Richard Dagenais second, and lenge of Champions, the grand Cool Bill Lefeuvre in third. finaleisashortsprintofafewlaps Lefeuvre methodically picked off open to the top finishers in all Dagenaisonlaptwoandthenput classes. They're flagged off Lemons behind him on the third according to a formula that fac-go-round. From then on, it was tors in their lap times. All things Bill all the way. The race for being equal, the racers should second however, was a scorcher. arrive together on the last lap. In Both Lemons and Dagenais are racing, however, nothing is ever showy drivers. Dagenais even equal. Somehow, Joel Croft is more than Lemons - best de- making a habit of winning this scribed as somewhat untidy, but thing. Somehow, after a full week-effective nonetheless. Neither was end of racing he manages to dig afraid to use a little body English down and find something extra and they were all over the track in for the all class bash. a broadsliding, dirt throwing He did it again this year, with brawl. Dagenais howling up behind him. Both took lines and made Afterwards we asked him about moves that would have been it. "I don't know" he said. "I put· serious errors from some drivers, my foot down and never let up. I but these guys made it look like know they're there but I never the quick way 'round. At the end look back. I just go like hell." it was Dagenais second to Lem-Thanks Joel, we needed that. on's third but it could have gone Mickey Thompson would have either way. We look forward to liked that! future confrontations between Even after ten years, the Ban-these two. croft 4x4 Challenge is usually It was after four on the clock described, not just in terms of the but it was high noon when the racing, but with a view to the great Class Fours rolled out again. bowl of blue sky and startling "Goose" had claimed his top gun green countryside that form a position but his challengers were backdrop to the action. If the in deadly earnest. BFGoodrich remarkable 4x4 Challenge is ever team driver Milan Mazenek did threatened by bulldozers or not want a repeat second place. worse, then it'll be time we found Milan would prefer to either win a new planet to race on. In the or break! Teammate Bear Wan-meantime Bancroft, many happy namaker had borrowed the win- returns of the day! Dusty Tlma

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< Ken Stout, at the podium, presented the BFGoodrich awards and Great Western President Ron Kiel presents the Class 2/5 also issued some challenges to the membership to perform in the award to Bill Coffee at the series awards banquet held last Ron Kiel, distracted for the moment, presented the winners· plaque to Tim Briscoe, who won Heavy Metal titles in GWPS and BFG's Team TIA series. coming season. o_c_t_ob_e_r_in_D_en_v_e_r,_c_o_. ____________ _ The Great Western Points Series Awards Banquet was third. In 'feam ·T/ A stand-ings,Jerry Daugherty took second place honors followed by Jay Anderstrom and Jack Flannery. Ken Stout issued several chal-lenges to the membership of the Great Western Points Series. He challenged the club to bring in more racers. Ken announced that in Akron, Ohio. i:::===:::::::;;:::::;::;::::::::::::::::=======:-""":""~~~-:"~-~-~~-· BFGoodrich will provide support while Mitch Mustard and Danny for GWPS for the 1989 season. The awards presentation con-cluded with the presentation of special appreciation awards. A plaque was given to Bill Dutter and Tire Center, Inc. Tire Center, Inc. again provided a tremendous amount of support for GWPS during the 1988 racing· season. This included media advertising, tire service at the races, and finan-cial support. A special apprecia-tion award was also presented to Ken Stout for financial support from BFGoodrich, and advice and direction given to racers, club officers and members. The eve-ning concluded with a show of appreciation from those attending the banquet for Ken Stout and Ron Kiel, GWPS President, for all their hard work during this past racing season . Paul Shaver won the overall points championship and the 1-2-1600 titles in Great Western and Team TIA points, and Paul won the Team TIA ring awarded to the overall champion. One hundred fifty racers, friends and race fans gathered on the evening of October 14, 1988, for the annual season ending ban-quet and awards presentation fot the Great Western Points Series. Joining the racers for the evening was Ken Stout, Manager, Regional Performance Tire Marketing for BFOoodrich. The evening began with conversation and race videos. Then a meal highlighted by barbecued pork roast prepared by Bill Rice and friends was served. During the meal a number of door prizes were given amid much cheering and applause. The top door prize, a set of four BFGood-rich tires, was won by racer Scott Salonya. The runner up prize of a night-on-the-town donated by Foreign Car Specialist, Mile-Hi Truck Transmissions, Foreign Car Auto Bodv, Pikes Peak Tra-1' veland and AC Transmissions was won by Janet Threlkeld. The awards presentation cli-maxed the's activities. Ron Kiel, Club President, and Ken Stout presented awards to the series winners and Goodrich Team T / A winners in each class. BFGoodrich also awarded a trophy to the series winner in each class. The T earn T / A ring was awarded to Paul Shaver, the over-all Points Series champion, and the Class 1-2-1600 winner in both categories as well. Second through fourth in Class 1-2-1600 points were Mike Jen-nings, Brian Liska and Gerry Bowers. In T earn T / A standings it was Shawn Whitney, Gerry Bow-ers and Chad 8ertram. ln Class 10 standings Tom Schreivogel won both points series, ana Scott Salonya was second in both. Danny Rice was third in GWPS, Tom Schreivogel swept the Great Western and Team TIA points listings in Class 10 with strong and consistent performance all season long. Dusty Times Rice were third and fourih in This support will be in the form of Team T / A honors. media money from Tire Center, In Class 2/5 Biil Coffey won Inc., and Team T / A money for the Great Western Points, fol-racer awards. Ken also said lowed by John Cramer and Ed BFGoodrich will provide addi-Mailo, but John Cramer won the tional incentives at individual Team T /Atrophy over Ed Mailo races. The incentives may include and Bill Coffey. In the Heavy giving away race tires and adding Metal category, Tim Briscoe won prize money for various classes. top spot in both series. In Great He concluded his remarks with Western points Jay Andersttom the announcement of his transfer was second and Jerry Daugherty to_ BFOoodrich corporate offices . PARKER PUMPER HELMET CO. ANNOUNCES THEIR LINE OF NEW HELMETS * ~tandard Voyager w/90° Hose Fitting * Deluxe Voyager w/molded Air Inlet * Super Deluxe Voyager Red/Silver or Black/Silver w/molded Air Inlet ALL NEW STYLE HELMETS - '85 SNELL APPROVAL RACHET SHIELD -MUCH LIGHTER -MORE NOSE ROOM ALSO AVAILABLE DRINKERS -KOOL PAC'S -MR 4000 LEXAN SHIELDS GLASS OVERLAY SHIELDS -4' & 8' HOSES - FILTERS PUMPER MOTORS - CUSTOMER CONVERSIONS Plus! A Full Line of Simpson Safety Products. January 1989 PARKER PUMPER HELMET CO. 9371 Kramer St., Unit G & H Westminster, Calif. 92683 714/894-8332 Page 31

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. THE 30th SANREMO RALLY It was an All Italian Victory in the Rallye d'ltalia · Text & Photos: Marrin Holmes Miki Biasion and Tiziano Siviero took the lead on the gravel on the third day, and won overall by 53 seconds in the Lancia Delta Integrate, securing the world title for Biasion. "The speed was alright, but the corner was a little bit too tight." The outgoing World Rally Champion J uha Kankkunen had humor even in the most upsetting moments, like when he had just thrown away the lead in the San-remo Rally and had to walk a couple of kilometers through the fog and rain to hi~ ser:vice cars -knowing that hts fnend and rival Miki Biasion was on his way to relieve him of his title. Biasion winning the title was no surprise. Lancia had insured that the other two Lancia drivers ".1/h_o ~ould ~till THE win the crown would not be eligi-ble. For Toyota being able to match the speed of the Lancias on Sanremo's demanding asphalt · stages was a big shock, however. Everyone had expected that the rear drive Fords would shake the confidence of the Lancia team, but the bad weather on the asphalt stages put a stop to that. The major World Champion-ship interest was not the eventual success of Biasion, but the con-tinuing fight for the Group N ser-ies. The Belgian Pascal Gahan gai,ned a seven point lead ov~_!" t~e WRIGHT PLACE~. COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them 'on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to instalf and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjw~tments. An.other great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4Q10 Page 31 Argentine Jorge Recalde, and insured that this series, if none other, would be resolved at the Lombard RAC Rally in Novem-ber. The Sanremo Rally was run mostly in bad weather and the misery of the rain compounded the dissatisfaction with the new style format, in which Turin joined Sanremo in the promotion of the rally. It was a format that met with widespread disapproval. Before Sanremo the World Drivers' Championship looked tight. Biasion was 34 points in front of Alex Fiorio, who was five ahead ofMarkku Alen. With two events to go, and 20 points to the rally winner, it seemed Alen still had a slight chance. But, Alen lost the chance at the title by not enter-ing the Ivory Coast Rally. FISA rules says that the Champion must have 'participated' in at least one non-European event, and Ivory Coast had been Alen's last chance. With Fiorio ordered to Australia at the expense of the RAC, Biasion's World Title was secure, even before the start. Only time stood between him and the honor of being Italy's first all-Italian motoring World Cham-pion for 35 years. Ho~ever in Gr~up N there was live interest. The Argentine Recalde and the Belgian Gahan came to Sanremo with 36 points apiece. This production class title was not expected to be resolved in Italy due to the expected speed of locals, Gianfranco Cunico with a Cosworth, Stefano Fabbri with a Peugeot 205 GTI and Andrea Aghini with a Peugeot 309GTI. This year the Sanremo Rally had new ingredients. Once again the name of the event was Changed; this was once more to~-the 'Rallye d'ltalia', Sanremo still being part of the title, perhaps to celebrate the series now enjoying its 30th anniversary. New this year was the involvement with Turin, Italy's 'motown'. Money from the city meant that the rally _ha_d to pass that way, two nights January 1989 were to oe spent there, anfr on the second day a series of stages were to be held on asphalt roads close by. There were considerable mis-givings about the rally going to the hills behind Turin. Drivers came , back from training to report that this was not a rally orientated area. The need to drive at repre-sentative speed before the event was not understood, the police did not know how to react. And, the most prominent fear was that the little town of Lanzo would be completely overwhelmed, to the extent that the rally would grind to a halt in the traffic jams. The other daunting factor was the longer sections on the autostrada roads. In recent years having to join the asphalt roads in Liguria with the gravel in Tuscany had involved transit sections that were quite long enough; now we had a triangular route which increased the trouble. The involvement of ' Turin was clearly financial, and they wanted to have their share of the action. The rally promised a three cor-nered fight between Lancia, Ford and Toyota. It was widely expected that the official Fords of Stig Blomqvist, Didier Auriol and Carlos Sainz would gain the lead on the asphalt stages of the first and second day. The problem was to know how much of a lead they would want before the gravel roads of Tuscany would give· advantage to the four wheel drive Lancias and T oyotas. After days of enjoyable sun-shine, the weather turned the night before the start. The roads behind Sanremo were now wet and the chances of rear drive (Ford) traction at a minimum. Tires were the talking point of all the top drivers. On the first stage Dario Cerrato, Lancia, was the quickest, nine seconds in front of Kankkunen, Toyota. Cerrato nearly caught Blomqvist on the first and the third stages, even though Sainz and Auriol were going well, despite brake locking problems. Sainz took the lead on the second stage after Cerrato chose · cut intermediate tires instead of uncut ones. All the Jolly Club crews made the same mistake, Alex Fiorio was going slowly when his tires got too hot, and Yves Loubet went straight off the road when a tire failed. It wasn't as wet in the hills as the black clouds indicated, although Biasion said it was still very slippery. "The water was still there, together with leaves, and even lizards and frogs." The runaway Ford perform-ance wasn't happening. Sainz was only inching ahead, two seconds after stage 2, three after stage 3. After the Sl}filrspe~JE-J,_hastily_ moved--to Vinovo on the south-west suburbs of Turin and only used once, the Spaniard was back level with Cerrato and Kank-kunen. If there was a revelation it was Toyota. To be leading after one day of asphalt showed what advances had been made since Corsica last May. For Toyota to be on pace in Italy must have been a big shock for Lancia. There were other big shocks that day. The Group N Ford of Gianfranco Cunico came out of a tunnel on the first stage, failed to make a bad left hander and went straight off the road. More shocks; G~briele Noberasco crashed his Alfa 75V6 3.0 when the throttle stuck open; Auriol lost 15 seconds with a spin, and Aghini found himself leading Group N in the Peugeot. Massimo· Ercolani, the gut;5t 'local' driver for Citroen, was well justifying his position by leading the · 1300cc category by over three minut~s, and Blomqvist was down in 11th place, "I cannot go better with these tires," he exp,lained. The cars had found dry weather when they arrived in Turin, but the rain had caught up the next morning for the second section. The cars left the city on the auto-strada with plumes of spray ev-erywhere. As they got to Lanzo the sky was leaden and the ground sodden. The group of three stages attracted fewer than the antici-pated number of spectators, but those that came were hell-bent on trying to ·see the cars as often as possible. Then came trouble. On the first stage Kankkunen went off the road and crashed heavily. Shortly · afterwards the Citroen AX Sport of Carole Vergnaud did likewise, and shortly afterwards later Jean-Marc Dubois' similar French car · went off very heavily, despite efforts to wave him down. He crashed headlong down a hillside; the driver was killed instantly, and Dubois' co-driver Robert Moynier died later waiting for the ambulance to arrive. Dubois was an experienced driver and had been runner up in the French gravel championship. Poor Carole was distraught. "It was fifty minutes before the ambu-lance came, and then it was all too late. We put out a warning sign and flagged down the cars because we knew how tricky the place was, but our friends had no chance of stopping." The organizers issued a statement saying it took 11 min-utes for help to arrive. "That was completely untrue. I was waiting and., looking at my watch all the time hoping they would come, but they didn't." Unfortunately there were more problems. On the third stage Gia-como Bossini, who was running eighth overall, locked up a brake and hit a spectator, severing his . foot as he was caught against a wall. On the fourth stage Auriol went off the road, "it was the same problem again, the wheel just locked up and we rolled over and over." At the halt at Susa the organizers decided not to run stage 7 again, as had been planned, .following the earlier accidents. Whatever the problems on the asphalt stages of the first two days, the truths would emerge when the cars made their way to Tuscany for the third section, with Sainz in the lead. It was another horrible day; showers continued most of the time, often with fierce intensity. On the first stage Sainz was slowed by a gear-box which kept jumping into neu-tral, and instantly Cerrato took the lead for three stages. By stage 20, however, Biasion was through, gaining three places in as many stages. Alen was going just as fast as Biasion, making good an inordinate loss of time on the pre-vious foggy stages. On the second stage of the day Andrea Zanussi came to a halt with a broken gear-box on the BMW and a Renault 5 GT Tu1'bo crashed badly. There was a long hold up when the driver was taken to the hospital ~ith head injuries, which were Dusty Tlma

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Carlos Sainz and Luis Rodriguez had their ith ast times on the gravel, Kenneth Ford Sierra RS Cosworth in the lead on the Eriksson and Peter Diekmann put the Toyota asphalt, but sank to fifth overall at the end of Celica GT-4 into sixth overall, about ten tro into tenth won the Ladies the rally. minutes off pace. -:-----'-----------happily found to be nomore the ranks. serious than a torn ear, restored The fourth day started dry, but ._by surgeons. there was the usual Tuscany fog · Paolo Alessandrini fell from hanging over the hills. The ques- · the top ten with a broken drive- tion was how many of the Lancias shaft. Recalde, who started the would get themselves far enough day fifth in Group N but eight ahead of the Sainz Ford to be placcts ahead of Gahan, who lost immune from his anticipated late time with alternator trouble, had charge over the asphalt stages at , .. ,. .,., _. . -1 a flat, then later in the day over- the end of the event. Six fastest t heating problems. Halfway times out of ten showed that there through the day the Argentine was little wrong with the Toyota, was only two places ahead cif the or were the Lancias easing off? Belgian. Blomqvist was now sev- The stage times were close. In enth, and Sainz was gradually GroupN therewastroubleforthe slipping out of the scene with Top Run team. Even if Recalde engine troubles. On stage 23 Lan- was well back, Giovanni Del cias finally gained the top four Zoppo was leading, but then both places. In the rain Biasion was cars had the same suspension graduallypullingaheadofCerrato problem and retired. Aghini and at Chiancianco Terrne was broke the hatch window and ran 58 seconds ahead with FiorioJ·ust with only plastic in place, and Pier five seconds further back an in Giorgio Deila's Lancia was ahead turn only two seconds ahead of by nearly one minute. Finishing a remarkable 12th overall, Andrea Aghini and Sauro Farnocchia survived the best of the Production Just 30 years old, Miki Biasion is the 1988 World Champion by a huge margin on points, and it was an all Italian year as Lancia had already taken the Championship of Makes. , the charging Alen. Group N was The final gravel stage was can-close with the top three cars celed for lack of an ambulance, separated by four seconds, with and it rained again on the drive Aghini in the lead, and the two back to Liguria. T earns on the title condenders were well back in autostrada reported it was like cars, winning Group N in a Peugeot. driving through waterfalls. Head=-, ing into the final day, Miki Bia-sion was 1 minute, 1 second ahead of Alen, Fiorio another 48 behind, and Cerrato 16 seconds more. Sainz was another four minutes later, too much to hope 'to catch the Lancias, and Blom-qvist struggled on. There was little for the Lancias to do but play on the final day. Miki Biasion had to finish to insure the Championship could be clinched in Italy, but none of Sunshine returned at Sanremo the other placings mattered very at the end. Was this a divine way much. Deila lost time with trans-of saying that the humans were mission trouble in his Lancia, . not behaving themselves, but who which let the Peugeot 309 GTI of was wrong? The organizers for Aghini into the lead, and Gahan going to Turin, the competitors got ahead of the simila.r Mazda of for complaining, Lancia for taking Trelles and finished fourth. Cer- it all too seriously, or the politi-rato was pressing on, overtaking cians in Paris making things work Alen, who lost time with a bad tire out the way they want. You never choice, and Cerrato finished know everything that happens in third, behind F iorio and ahead of Italy, only that Lancia usually gets Alen. things right. THE FASTEST LIGHTS OFF-ROAD . . . Off-road, you've got to see fast .in order to go fast, and IPF ~OTORSPORTS · performance lights give you the wi"-ning edge ~ . . . see the difference ~ . . . . . IPF MOTQRSPORTS performance lamps feature a high-tech photometric design with special hardened glass lens· and precision. reflector qptics .. And, all I PF MOTORSPORTS Hghts are powered with. high quality quartz halogen bulbs. Only-lPF MOTORSPORTS has these engineered features plus rugged construction and mounting hardware that stand· up to the p toughest off".roadirig. Find.Qµt-,w,hy more SCO~l;):tnd HORA . >:::\\,.,, ·rac·e·rs·--are sw1·tch"1n·· to· .p _.;; ''•:;-··,·/ • · . -·. · .-.-., ' :-, .. ·. O· 1· · .. :x::-:>tilih\\,., .. . . .. . . . . . ... , .. ·,'·, .. . .. .. . .. . ....... , .. n. .. . .... or.·,:·-:,:,, .. ,·.• ..... ·;,:-·,.,,, .. , ... ,. .... , .. , ·., o . ,4,8 . · ~..-, ,. Dusty Tlma January 1989 ·1pf _9093 IPF 9061 · Page 33

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Sway-A-Way Don't Be Left in the Dust SAW Performance, Inc. 7840 Burnet Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91405 (818) 988-5510 • I Uni Filter Inc. · Two Stage Air Filters & Filter Wraps 13522 Newhope St. Garden Grove, CA 92643 (714) 530-6101 - . I V.O.R.R.A. ' Northern California & Nevada Off Road Racing Series ~ 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 I '· Wally World America1 Racing As Off Road Color & Design Fiberglass Chevrolet Pro - Sportsm Front End Kits A.D.I P.0.Bm ' Phoenix, i (~19) _!149-1220 (602) 25 I ' ' ...... ...._ ld. ,.o.1u 1131, ~ ' T CA 11m • 11111 340-157&0 ': (0) ~ li°ESERT RACE I ._.. Oii llNII lllcial &dlaialtl. P.O. Ila * 111l _... UT 14402 • (I01) 127-2313 0 FOIIDA. 1717 llllbr llNII. M City, fl 33111 • 11131 IM-11Z3 I ~• R1ci111 ,,-. 2so .......,. #2. ewa , ~ ,._ CA l2011 • (111) 4Z7-1571i9 * GIN HIia OHV Pn. P.O. Bex 2937, Sin ......... CA t240I • (7141116-1733 .A. GOIIIIA. Ila 11 Dl3Slatied, Atlata, GA 30310 • -W-(4141127-1432 · • t1m11 ,_. Sarin. 12140 Dem,-SL. Dar-. co ■02•1 • (303) 452-4013 (SC) = SHORT COURSE RACE . . '_ (TB.A.1 ~ JO BE ANNOUNCED <LEGENDI 1989 DU OFF .ROAD ·COMPE - ---. . . .. . ' . . * H.D.11.A.. 12117 la v .... 8h11. Se. la V ..... ·. . IV .. 124 · (702) 311-~ __ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 ) Super Boot Products, _Inc. Drive Train Components for : Off Road - IMSA · Trans Am -. Indy Car Racing 1220 No. La Loma Circle Anaheim,.CA 92806 (714) 630-8283 Summers Brothers Inc~· Good·Luck to All Racers 530 So. Mountain Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 986-2041 S.N.O.R.E., Ltd. S.N.O.R.E., Where It Pays to Race P .0. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 January , F ebruai:y · ' J March April May June * Badlands Bai■ ~ Wall, SC-. D ' . $ Bi~ Spring, TX • D 0 0 bkelud, .FL -SC + 1988Alll ♦ ♦ * C■r & ATV R■ces • S■ n Bem■ rdino, CA• SC + + Gr■~ C■rrer■-de-~n Felipe:Mx 0 L■kel■nd, FL • SC .. ,0. -Vienn11, GA---SC * Millican Valley 250 -Bend, OR • D 0 0- 0 Gr111 Mojave 250 • Lucerne Vil ♦ Prairie City OHV Park • S■crIm1 ffi -Buzz Bomb 150-• El Centro, CA • D l ❖ Vienna, GA • SC ·@ Sup,; Dome • New Orleans. LA • SC · I I I ' I --- ' - . L ..L -. -Wendov1 ♦ 8ff Ro■d + + Gr■n C■rrer■ de Tec■te -Tec■te, MX - D @ Rose Bowl -P■11d1n1, CA -SC ♦ ♦ Rockford, IL-:: SC 1· • De..:.,. co . SC ' I 0 B■j■ lntern■cion■I • Ensen■de, BC, MX - D _# Winner. SD -·o .!i! L■s Cruces, NM - D . _ . . . ♦ ♦ Kiwanis Off Road R■ce -Antigo, WI • SC Race Ready Products * -* Fi;works 250 • Barsto~. CA· D -t .Penver, co· SC --Wgh P~~:;'!,,';!;~~~~~;; pmen/ July ♦ . '" """'" .,.,..,,. . ''""· WI f Specializing in the li-------t------i,__--+--+---+-----i---+---+---+---1----+---+--4,---+---+--Off Road Market , * * ....., _ Jackpot 250 • Jackpot. NV • D _* """' St Francis, KS • SC . 103 Press Lane, Suite 4 ffi Superstition 250 VI. El C■ntro. CA. o * * Nevada 500 • Lu V1 Chula Vista, CA 92010 August 1• • . I ♦ Hod~g 50. Rhinelander, WI. SC (619) 691-9171 p • . ♦ -♦ ♦ Brush Run 101 · WI -.SC reCISIOD _ ♦ ift VORRA 250. Yerington, NV. D Preparation, Inc. s t b 1 . ep em gr1 . . ,r h sut1ium Good Racing in 1989 15041 Goldenwest Circle. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 894-7341 Pike's Family Restaurant Over 40 Years -The Best in the Desert . . @ ~A. t.'11\1. :nvlf, CO. SC !October ao-'. us veo"• "" · sc ' · . @ WA· Si\Vlf . ·- .. I I _:N ov,emb~~-1 . ._ -$ El Pao, TX· D Coffee Shop -Steak House - 0 * · Wqt_eri!!8]1Qle _~<Jlqon • ·--Off~ A!fe,._~ ~ ~-.e_~. CA * , *" ➔ *. Millie■■ I 0 B,.; 1000 -En11n1de-L■ P■z, e 24 Hour Service Station ' ··n b · t t ....._ 260 • I.a Vqa. IV· D '. t'.'" ___ B_a_k_e_r._c_a_I_if_o_rn_i_a ___ ..:-· _'. ... _._e_c_e_· m_ .. _._e_r __ , - -__ ~ _____ ; __ · ----· J ___ -: __ I ____ -.I_.---------------·--·--_____________ ....__ -· Leslie's Driveline Lee Leigh1 Parker Pumper Helmet Co. It's Almost Like Cheating 9371 Kramer St., Unit G & H Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 894-8332 't • • Mirage Chassis Racing Into the Future V-Enterprises · 37925 Sixth St. East, #107 Palmdale, CA 93550 (805) 272-3843 . .,-.........,._ -1T . : McKenzie's Performance Products The Off Road Product Specialist 12945 Sherman Way - No. 4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 . (818) 765-5827 • (818) 764-6438 Service Eng There is a Difference "Serving the Industry Since 1976" 416 East Valley Blvd. Colton, CA 92324 (714) 824-1561 Short Course & VW-Toyc 3961 Ala Riverside, (714) 6

Page 35

n Desert All Terrain B & R Buggies Cactus Racing :sociation Enterprises Thanks for 19BB -VW & Off Road Parts Raceair Helmets an - Beginner Good Luck in 19B9 & Accessor ies & Accessories R.A. A.T.E. < 34810 22264 Ottawa, Unit 1 1523 So. Hill 5153 Bowden Ave. I\Z 85067 Apple Valley, CA 92308 Oceanside, GA 92054 San Diego, CA 92117 ,2-1900 (619) 240-3186 • (800) 892-5263 (619) 722-1266 ( 61~, _ 2?9-25_09 ·------·--· -- - -STY TIMES -· TITION CALENDAR 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 ·28 29 30 ,ards B■n~uet -liju■na. MX @ ;;.aheilJI Stadium ~-i;;,h,im, CA -SC P■rll■r 400 ·-P~rklr, AZ -·D 0 0 0 ♦ Annual Awards Banquat - Omn Bay, WI - D ffi The King -El Centro, CA - D • • Bottom Dollar -us Veg11, NV - D @ Kingdom, ~ SI~,. WA -SC 0 Florid, 400. ·Tall~h■nH, FL -SC tey, CA - D 111to, CA-SC ~ Ast~odome -Hjlllto..!!.. T.X -SC.. . __ * * * B_inion's Mi~ 4.00. -~-Vega, NV-D . I _ , ' *Two D■y Spring Spectacular • Horn Rapids OHV Park -Richland, WA - D ft Prairie City OHV Park -S■cr■mento, CA • SC • ' - 1 1r Express -W~nd!)!er, USA - D. Challenge -Sugar Camp, WI -SC * - . Vienna, GA -SC Car & A TV R■ce1 -San Bernardino, CA • SC _ · $ Albuquar!lue, 1111 _ Q _ , r • Denver. CO -SC I I • * ~ * VO_!IRA 400 -Yerinata * Pierre, SD - D • + Twilight R■c1 -La Vegu, It • -0,, Vienn,. GA -SC + Gran ·Carrera de Mexicali -Mexicali, MX - D ♦ TraHrH City, Ml -SC Memorial Day 100 • L■kl G1n1Va, WI· SC -----fi Memorial '89. Dr1111r, * Twilight 200 -Dell,. UT - D -'f- . , . . • DenHr, CO -SC Fir1warb 250 -Be...-, CA - D * _ ♦ Spring !_lun 101 -Crandon, WI -SC 1 -· • Virginie City 200 -Virginia City, NV - ti _ -C-Vienna, GA -SC. _ . Mi~~ight Special -L■~ Vega~ NV -D -t -~-@ las AngeleJ Cali;,um, las Angeles, CA • SC I I f ♦ ♦ U.P. Off Raad 100 -Bark River, Ml -SC. . Preiri1 _City OHV Park -Sacramento, CA -SC • * C■r & ATV Rac~s -Sin Bernardin~ CA -SC 1g11, NV- D ❖ _Vienna, GA-re ' I • D1nnr, c·o -SC $ Albuqu1rqu1, NM - D ♦ * Piertt. SD _:_D _ .... _ ♦ Sho!f Course rints -Chihon. WI -SC + + Gran Carrera de C■mpeones -San Felipe,-MX - D _ · ,- _ oQo Vienna, GA -SC _ · ~ itv Blnt Ill -El Centr~ CA - D ffi 1i * Desert Cactus 200 -Delle, UT - D I Car & A TV Races - Sin Barn■rdi,o, CA • SC * I Colorame 100 -Sugar Camp, WI -SC ♦ , ♦ * Deadwood, sr . D I I . Ln Cruce+ NM - D f • Denver, CO -SC. I ♦ ♦ Santa Fe Speedway -Hinsdale, IL -SC • SNORE 250 ~ us Veges, NV - D -....... 31 ~ Bonneville Challenge -WendoHr, \JSA - D ~ Go!d Coat 300_ -Lu V1gu, NV - D ' ·* Ult Chance Baj■ -Wall, SD - D , ~ ' enna, GA -SC Yokohama ZOO • Lu V1gn, NV • D • + 1 V1ll1y 350 -Bend, OR - D IC, MX-D ton Racing rines I , · Desert Engines ,ta - Rabbit . mo Street , CA 92501 82-3816 .Prairi,-City-OHV P■rll -S■cr■m,nto: CA· SC + * Car & ATV ~ .. -Sia Blm1rdi110, CA -SC--0,, . Viea111, GA -SC J.A DA VW Repair -Parts - Service 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 522-4600 • (714) 522-4602 Herndon Motorsports Custom Race Support Vehicles Semi Trailer Conversons Cabinets - Custom Painting 12323 Woodruff Downey, CA (714) 860-3822 Don Hatz Racing_ Engines VW Racing Engines 105 Press Lane Chula Vista, CA 92010 (819) 425-1~39 : ' . Cagle Regulaton Take the Flooding Out of Bumps and Corner~ P.O. Box 2538 Rollirig Hills, CA 90274 (213) 3"·'1501 * ..................... .a .... ... ...... • • .,.. • •-m ............ ....,,a,t.T ...... ,.-D-1, B ,._Tl· (ltlt ..,._ ffi ... ~ .. P111.m1.,.o.111 o ZIIR ..... CA IZIZI-(714t IJMI■ * PACOIIIIIII ..... P.O.i■IJU.11 ....... Nm -12111 Z4Z-1ffl 0 Seen..._ 1 111,n•• w..tlaa ..... CA 11•-(1111 ... 1211_ • SIOIIE. P.O. ._ 4M la,,.._, IV .,. -~ (712) 412-4112 ♦ SODA/ITO'lf. 1• c-6111 1-. ._ l■r, WI M3a-(4141 U4-.. • VORM. 1133 la 11111111 IIIIL. S-II, CA •m -11111 Champion Bead Lock A Quality Bead Lock for Off Road Racing 1671 No. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 - -Chenowth Racing Products The Winner's Choice in Race Car Chassis & Accessories 943 Vernon Way _El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100-Jim Conner Racing Specializing in Nissan/Datsun Truck & Pathfinder Performance Parts Send $5.00 for Catalog P .0. Box 1129 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 (602) 453-8889 DJ Transaxles Off Road Racing Transaxles 1533 Truman San Fernando, CA 91340 (818) 361-3033 Fat Performance 1 Off Road Racing Engines & Transaxles, Parts & Accessories Including Center Line Wheels 1558 No. Case St. Orange, CA 92667 (714) 637-2889 . ·. .-----------L Fox Factory, Inc. Custom Shoxs Built to Your Vehicle's Specifications 544 McGlincey Lane, Unit 8 Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 377-3422 Garman Fabrication Race Trucks - Pre-Runners 1452 East Third St. Pomona, CA 91766 (714) 620-1242 ; I I -, . ' I'

Page 36

Jim Huff kept his CJ 6 Jeep humming all the way to the Pro Class 4 win, beating all the V-8 opposition with his trusty six cylinder engine. Charging out of the salt flats here, Jim Borel took the Pro Class 1-2-1600 title, in fact was the only finisher, in his slick Chenowth. Don Morrow and Bill Pierpont took the Pro Challenger lead on the third lap and ran trouble free to the class victory in the tidy Sand hawk. Porsche Powers Jammin Jerry to Top at the ADRA Penasco· 1 so By Daryl Drake 1' "'· Photos: Curt Hummel Jerry Finney grabbed the Pro Overall and Class 1 honors in the Porsche powered Chaparral, and he set an incredible average speed, over 60 mph in a trouble free race. October marks the time when Brothers/Mid-Valley Engineer-life begins to stir again in the ing/Unique Metal/F.A.T. Per-sleepy Sonoran fishing village of formance Porsche-Chaparral. Puerto Penasco, as the shrimp •'Luckily, there are no trees here!'' boats go out and the racers come said Finney emphatically. He back after a long hot summer. covered the 150 mile route in "Jammin"' Jerry Finney was 2:29:50, trouble free after blow-back in fine form this year and ing one of the expensive six earned the Overall and Pro Class cylinder motors here in 1987. 1 wins with a 60.07 mph dash in Ron Brown, in his second Pro the Finney/ Foddrill team's Trick race, grabbed second overall and Fuel/Yokohama/ Fly-N-Hi/Off the Pro Class 2 win in a tight race Road Communications/ Summers with Pete Sohren, thir_d overall CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIE$ 5153 BOWDEN AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92117. TEL (619} 279-2509 HELMET $195 COMPLETE SYSTEM $320 A FRESH AIR HELMET ANO BLOWER ASSEMBLY DESIGNED FOR OF!-' ROAD USE AT A REASONABI.E PRICE BUILT AND BACKED BY BELL HELMETS LIGHT WEIGHT-REDUCES NECK STRAIN Page 36 COOL, COMFORTABLE TERRY CLOTH LINER BLOWER MOTOR AND ASSEMBLY ARE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR SNELL SASS APPROVED and second in class. This twelfth edition of the "Penasco 150," the swan song for the Arizona Desert Racing Asso-ciation, drew ninety-three racers to Cholla Bay, just outside Puerto Penasco. What? Swan Song? No A.D.R.A.? No, wait, A.D.R.A. is changing its name to the AMER-ICAN Desert Racing Association, or A.D.R.A. International for our corporate readers. But it's still the same good old A.D.R.A. on the race course. This year's traditional thirty mile loop was over all new trails from the past. Heading south out of the Start/Finish area, the course ran over and through coast-al dunes for a few miles before going inland. A turn to the east then led the racers onto a fast, five mile fenceline and Check One. Then came fifteen miles of left-right, up-down, whoopy trail that dared you to go faster. Leaving Check Two, it was Cholla gardens, where any off trail excursions can really hurt, and onto the foothills of Cerro Prieto, "Black Mountain." Then it was super soft sand to Check Three, where the route headed into some of the infamous salt January 1989 Ron Brown showed the tail of his two seat Chaparral to the rest of Pro Class 2, and finished second overall with his first victory in Pro ranks. ! flats for the home stretch. These can be extremely tricky and the best advice is to steer clear, but they make a great racing challenge! Speaking of challenges, this year the weather presented one of its own after the race enjoyed beautiful conditions the last few years. Torrential downpours Fri-day before the race swamped the desert, and some racers waited as long as five hours for the flooding to subside on the highways lead-ing to Puerto Penasco. On race day, the weather was fickle, from sunny and fair to pouring down rain and the result made jetting a nightmare for many. Once again the Sportsmen raced first, leaving at 8:00 a.m. for three laps in this class order: 2, 10, 1600 Ltd., 1-2-1600, Chal-lenger, 1, 5 and 8. But some course markers were somehow astray and the Sportsmen were back, _off course and early. So they were restarted and raced just two laps with a few unfortunates unable to make the grid again. One shy of being the biggest Sportsman contest was Class 2 with nine starters. A parade among the top three found Doug Boelman scoring another class victory for the Bailey's Fabric/ Dan's Offset Printing/1.A.M./ Yokohama Chaparral with a second overall Sportsman finish at 1 :08:39 and a 52.44 mph average. T oin Murray was second, eight minutes back but seven ahead of John and Peggy Jacobs, third. T earn Sharp moved up a notch on lap two to take fourth, while Keith Alger roared into fifth with a quick lap. And all but Tom Green went all the way. "It's our new paint!" laughed Boelman. "We blinded 'em!" he said of his car's new Day--Glo orange hue. A suitable ten tried their luck in Sportsman 10, the big show of the division. Levi Beard, driving the family Chaparral, led the race throughout with Al McMullen, Jim Allison, Jim Glover, and Jim Taggert all within a few minutes. Lap times improved considera-bly on lap two and Beard clicked off quick lap of the Sportsmen with a 29:32 to bring the Beard's SuperSeats/ Stroller Engineering/ Yokohama T oyota-Chapparal in as First Overall Sportsman and Class 10 winner with a time of 1 :08:20 and a 52.68 mph average. : "I'm just glad I didn't break," confided Beard. "Dad's ready to suit up for the Pro's. The car's working super. I think he'll do well." McMullen was 2:34 behind with the four other finishers five and more minutes in arrears. Penasco's sands are unforgiv-ing, it seems most run fast or break big -not much middle ground. Shaunn Darr was out of the 1600 Ltd. race after losing his motor on the "warm-up" loop. ..... ...-...... --===,.,,,·,= ,;ut· Pete Sohren saw his chance for a Pro 2 win evaporate on lap 3, but he charged back in the Class 5 Bug to claim third overall and second in class. DultyTlffla

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.i,;. .,-v ~ ~~,. ~ 4( Ed Beard was back on top in Pro 10 with his fourth overall finish, after his son Levi drove the same Chaparral to First Overall in the Sportsman battle. But the rest of the class all got in one lap. Ben Pierpont held a half a minute's lead on Ed Faulkner with Troy Churchman just 40 seconds back. Meanwhile Mike Hathcox was holding off Ron Colucci for fourth. made for an exciting battle. Gray Hendricks led the way with Hot Lap of the Day at 28:23 (a 63+ mph average). Gary Anderson .,. i;,.,._.ic..,_ ~ . Frank Turben led the Pro Class 8 contest from start to finish, b1.1ilding a good lead lap by lap for the win and a fifth overall Pro finish. was second-:53 behind and Ron -Nolte and Gerry Burghout.· Brown was in third, 34 seconds Lap two saw Hendricks slow to later. Then in close order came a crawl with driveline troubles Mark Lundell, Pete Sohren, Paul and both Lundell brothers had to FUEL SAFE park. Anderson was now out front, three minutes ahead of Brown. Sohren was now third, Nolte fourth and Burghout fifth. At the start of lap four, Brown found himself in the lead by 12 minutes after Anderson, Nolte and Hendricks retired and Sohren pitted. Sohren soon was rolling again and held second ahead· of Bill Cook and Ed Martensen. Burghout was now way back after trouble but coming on strong again. Driving in his second Pro race, and first high speed one, Ron Brown enjoyed his wide margin to the checkered despite slowing to conserve the car on the final laps. Sohren was second, 4:46 back with Cook and Martensen another half hour in arrears. Brown's CS Construction/Blue Circle r;r Pierpont increased his margin on lap two as Faulkner went out with mechanical woes. Pierpont's Beard'sSuperSeats/General Tire/ Avondale Sun & Fun Brand wood took the win at fifth overall with a time of 1:13:22 and a 49.07 mph average. Churchman was second, a minute and a half behind, with Hathcox, Colucci and Team O'Connor filling out the finishers. THE #1 NAME IN RACING FUEL CELLS Running his bright red sedan in Sportsman 1-2-1600, Californian Greg "Red" Burgin built a two minute margin on the first lap to hold off Bill Krug Sr. 's Bunder-son. Krug was much quicker on lap twb but so was Burgin and he became the first full-bodied entry to win the class. The Earthworks Landscapes/Edwin Enterprises.S-1600 sedan was 15th overall with a 1 :23:24 and a 43.17 mph average. Only two Sportsman Chal-lengers were running by their final lap with John Raitter's single seater having the edge on Mike Kuretich's two seater. Raitter's Kustom Koachworks Chaparral was 19th overall with a time of 1:27:52 anda40.97 mph average, pretty quick for a limited car. Kuretich ran well but was three minutes back at the flag. Just two entered Sportsman Class 5, and it was Don Kline ahead of Jeff Hustin by 35 sec-onds on lap one. Kline increased his lead to 55 seconds on lap two to take the win and 11th overall with a time of 1:20.00 and a 45 ml?h average. Lone entry again in Sportsman Class 1, Terry Harden and Gil Feldman used all the gears their Desert Manufacturing/Eastside Cycle Ninja Mini-rail could mas-ter to finish third overall' at 1:10:45, a 50.88 mph average. Also alone in class was Jack Bail-ey ( one of the first, and last to race an International Scout SS II) debuting his new Class 8 Chevy. Shakedown woes ended his race before a lap was completed. After the first lap foul-up and subsequent restart, only 88.9% of the field made the starting grid but then they turned in a respectable 72.22% finishing ratio. The sandy course, wet and heavy in spots, was well worn in now. Leaving in this class order: 2, 8, 1-2-1600, 1, Challenger, 4 and 10; the Pro Division would run five laps with a generous six hour time limit. . Eleven entries in Pro Class 2 Dusty Tlma . ORY BREAK VALVE Legal for NASCAR. USAC, IMSA, SCCA and SCORE. Mounts in variuos locations. this valve makes refueling safe and easy. It automatically closes when male probe is withdrawn tq prevent any fuel spillage. Flows at a rate of 2 gallons per second. OBF300 · Female receptacle OBM200 · Male probe DESCRIMINATOR VALVES The ultimate in fuel venting. This valve offers fuel shut-off when refueling and eliminates the need for a catch can. Also offers positive shut-off in case of a rollover. DV100 -1 in. DV175 -1 3/4 in. Approved by: FIA, NASCAR, HORA, /MSA NHRA, SCCA, SCORE, DIRT, & ACT PROCELL RACING BLADDERS Pro Cell Racing Bladders come equipped with Super Tough Rubber Bladder, Full Foam Baffling, 3/8" Pick-up and Vent Fittings (1/2" optional), Internal Fuel Strainers, 3' Standard Plate w/Rollover Valve and a 5 Year Warranty. Optional Accessories: 2 1/4" or 3· Remote Plates w/Rollover Valves and Aluminum Containers. 8 gallon .................... $337 .00 1 0 gallon .................... $375.00 12 gallon .................... $405.00 15 gallon .................... $465.00 22 gallon .................... $536.00 25 gallon .................... $598.00 32 gallon .................... $707.00 44 gallon .................... $893.00 "Let us know what you want. We can do ii!" CIRCLE TRACK FUEL CELLS Circle Track Fuel Cells come equipped with High Impact Polyethelene Cell, Full Foam Baffling, one 1/2" Pick-up, one 3/8" vent fitting, 3' Raised Filler Neck with large Bail Handle Cap and a 3 Year Warranty. Optional Accessories: 2 1/4" or 3" Remote Plate with rollover valves and Steel or Aluminum Containers. 8 gallon .................... $138.00 12 gallon .................... $152.00 15 gallon .................... $163.00 22 gallon .................... $175.00 25 gallon .................... $185.00 32 gallon .................... $205.00 (800) 433-6524 (Outside California) Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. 5271 Business Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 MIIUIIY 1919 QUICK FILL DUMP CANS These dump cans are available with 11/4, 2 1/4 or 2 1/2 in. openings, a must where quick refueling is required. DC011 • 11 gallon OC006 - 6 gallon OOC004 -4 gallon RECESSED FENDER FILLER KIT ·Kit contains: (1) recessed fender filler; 2 ft. of filler hose; 2 ft. of aluminum tubing; and (4) hose clamps. FK300-3" FK225 - 2 1/4" Page 37

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Doug oelman's newly painted tandem Chaparral missed the Sportsman overall by just 19 seconds, but was fast enough to take the Class 2 honors. The Harden/ Feldman Ninja Mini-Rail explodes through a corner on its way to third overall and the Class 1 win in the Sportsman Division. Ben Pierpont looked good on the beach and he flew to fifth overall and the 1600 Ltd. victory among the hard charging Sportsman racers. Winning the Sportsman Class 5 dice by a narrow margin, just 55 seconds, it was Don Kline driving his well prepped Baja Bug Running in Sportsman Class 1-2-1600, Red Burgin towed in from California, and drove his tame looking sedan to the class victory. John Raitter earned the Sportsman Challenger trophy in his Chaparral with a smooth run to win the class by just three convertible. . ·~ of Arizona/Yokohama Chaparral was second overall Pro with a time of2:48:30 and a 53:41 mph average. "This is great!" said Brown, "I've got to thank my new sponsors, Dan Foddrill and, of - course, my family and Dad. What a Race!!" Six big trucks in Pro 8 were slated next off, but Richard Mann and Bill Howard were unable to start with engine trouble. Frank Turben built up an increasing lead on Rob McCabe throughout to take the win, with the Harbeck/ Wood team a distant third. The Armstrong/Big A Auto Parts/J & M Race Prep/Turben's Auto Body/ Art Carr Chevrolet was a quick fifth overall at 2:59:40 and a 50.09 mph average. McCabe was just over ten minutes back for second. "The truck ran super and starting up front helped a lot,'.' said Turben. "Our Arm, strong Tires seemed to just float the truck over the deep stuff and we never got bogged down." Ex,Class 2 racer Dick Patterson led the way in Pro 1,2,1600 for two laps in a new Desert Racing Technologies car but then broke big and Jim Borel brought the Fox Racing Shox/ Foddrill's Fabrica, tion/Yokohama/Trick Fuel Chenowth in for the win as the only class finisher at 12th overall with a time of3:30:42 and a 42.71 mph average. "We just tried to run a smooth race," said Borel, a physician from Apache Junction, Arizona. "Everything worked great and here we are!" Despite having the slower classes in front, Porsche power pushed hard in Pro Class 1: Jim Travis shot out to a 1: 17 lead over Jerry Finney with Steve McCann the leading four cylinder racer at third another 1 :41 behind. Then came Robert Gayton, Doc Ingram and Tom Wood. Finney was quicker ·on lap two and Travis' margin shrunk by 11 seconds. Wood moved up to third in his Pinto powered car with Gayton still fourth and McCann now fifth. Ingram was out with a blown DE UNZIO - -1® BUGPACK~ WRIGHT SA~ PLACEi ~ HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 Page 38 motor. Lap three saw Finney move into the lead for the duration as Travis lost almost an hour with steering troubles. Wood was now second but 15 minutes back and McCann was another 20 back after a long lap. Wood would soon retire and Finney sailed on with only Gay, ton and Travis behind him, both over 45 minutes behind. "l usually do pretty well here ... " said Finney after his win, "if I make the first lap in good shape. I love these flat out races!" Just try and match his 60.07 mph average on the highway, then imagine it with bumps and turns! No, we can't pay your traffic tickets. Six Challengers started with John Imbriale leading Larry Tremblay ,by 1: 17 after one lap. Don Morrow and Bill Pierpont were third ahead of Ron Dalke, Larry Dimmett/ David Anderson and T earn Lee. After two, lmbri, ale held a five minute edge over Morrow/Pierpont as T remb lay dropped to fourth and Dalke to fifth. Imbriale then had trouble and fell to third, giving Morrow/ Pierpont the chance to move into a 2:30 lead over Dimmett/ Ander, son. The Lee's moved into fourth as Dalke went out. As the leaders ran on trbuble free, Imbriale regained second but ended up 20 minutes back at the finish. The Lee's were in three minutes later for third with Dim, mett/ Anderson a distant fourth. The winning General Tire/ O.R.E.O. Off Road/Fox Racing Shox/Beard's SuperSeats/ Woods Off Road Products/ T.U.F. Off Road Sandhawk covered the distance in 3:35:43 to average 41.72 mph. Surprisingly, the short wheel, base CJ's.hung in there against the big tr\:lcks in Pro Class 4. Rich Severson and Tony Pierce in a CJ, 7 led lap one by 31 seconds over Jim Huff's Plum Crazy CJ,6. Benny Hinds was third in a Cher, okee and Grant Randall made a rare race appearance in one of the bigJeepJ,lO's.Jim Bell's Honcho was down without a lap com, January 1989 minutes. ' pleted. Huff, who knows this fourth and Shari Feldman fifth country almost as well as he among nine entries. Lap two saw knows his "Six", took over the Adams retire and Gayton sailed lead on lap two as Severson/ on to her first win at First Overall Pierce lost ten minutes to Beginner with a time of 1:23:58 unknown woes and Randall and averaging 42.87 mph in the disppeared. Gayton Appliance Chapparal. Going on for the class win at McQuown was second, Krug ninth overall, Huff brought the third, Feldman fourth and Wayne Huff's 4WD Center/BFGood, Kirkpatrick took fifth. rich bobtail in with a time of Mike Kirk led the 1600 Ltd. 3:21:43 and a 44.62 mph average. lineup after lap one by just two Severson and Pierce were twelve seconds over Travis Sellers. John minutes behind for second. "It's Miles was third, way ahead of great to see more competition in Steve Cohen. Sellers inherited the class this year, though I won't be lead on lap two as Kirk fell way seeing the championship," back to finish third. Sellers strong laughed Huff. "If Class 4 con, lap times put his Woods Vulcan tinues to grow like this next year, I in at second overall with a time of might have to get a V,8, but the l:24:39anda42.53mphaverage. old Buick V ,6 ran great today!" Statistically, the Beginner Di, Last off after the rare poor vision ended up with a 69 .2 % fin, showing at the High Country race, ishing ratio, almost as good as the Pro Class 10 was almost a parade Sportsmen. and certainly a cakewalk for Ed Cash prizes totaled nearly Beard, who led wire to wire. Greg $10,000 at this, the penultimate Oswskey and Jack Woods were race of the 1988 Desert Cham, second after lap one but then went pionship Series. out. Tom Foley and Gary Under, Leading the Pro Points Chal, down were then second for two lenge with 460 is Class S's Frank laps ahead of Bill Capatch, and Turben. Class 1 's Finney and . Steve Simmons was a distant Foddrill are second at 450, with fourth to the finish. Capatch Ron McCabe (8) third at 442. · claimed second on lap four and Fourth are Dimmett & Anderson finished 14 minutes behind ( 425) and in fifth are Morrow and Beard. Foley and Underdown Pierpont, both Challenger teams. were in 20 minutes later for third. Individual Pro Class Champion, Beard was in at fourth overall ships in all but Classes 1 and 7 are for the Beard's SuperSeats/ still up for grabs to give the final Stroller Engineering/Yokohama race extra significance this year. Toyota-Chaparral's second Class In the Sportsman Division, 10 victory of the day with a Class 2's Doug Boelman is ahead 2:58: 12 elapsed time and a 50.51 with 220, Feldman & Harden ( 1) mph average. "Our Yokohama's are second with 209, Al McMul, worked super," said the elder len (10) is third at 200, Mike Beard, "and the car held together Kuretich (Challenger) is fourth fine. I was a little worried on lap with 186 and Bill Krug Sr. (1,2, four when the rain really started 1600) is fifth at 179. pouring but we made it through." Beginner John Miles is way out For the Pro Division, an even front with 113 points in 1600 50% of the starters finished. Ltd. to Omar Adams 65 in Back on a one day format, Unlimited. But both could watch A.D.R.A. sent the Beginners off their class championships disap, with a warning: "Be back by pear at the final race, the dark!" and a two hour time limit "Sonoyta,to,Rocky Point Hare for two laps. In the Unlimited 'N' Hound." · Class, Omar Adams held a five A.D.R.A. wants to extend spe, minute lead over Hollye Gayton cial thanks to the Sonoran in her off road debut. Theresa Department of Tourism for all its McQuown was third, Bill KrugJr. help this year. Dusty Times

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GORRA 's youngest regular driver, Ciint Hurst, has been racing for four years, and he won the Challenger Class and is tied for the points title. Lindy Herrell was running out front in Class 10 when the throttle spring broke, then he ran out of gas, but finished second in the class. Ronnie Whigham is always in the hunt on race day, and he took second in the 1600 class despite some engine problems along the way. heat race. Steve Langley is in his first year of buggy racing, and he is doing a good job, just barely missing the victory in Challenger Class and he was fourth overall. October Racing in Georgia Sammy Herrell came from fifth to first to lead all five laps of his heat race. He got off to a bad start in the feature, then, he was involved in a mid air collision Challenger cars were just two laps behind Class 10, and they fin-ished third and fourth overall! Clint Hurst, despite steering troubles, edged out Steve Langley for the victory. Mike Isola, with a bent rear wheel, was third with 3 7 laps done. Ray Whigham made one of his few appearances this By Bob Rule Plwtos: Keith Williams with Mickey Smallwood and bent a trailing arm. Sammy got in 16 laps before breaking a CV joint, and he was sixth in class ahead of James Hester who didn't finish a lap. Smallwood got in 30 laps for fourth in Class 1-2-1600, and Bobby Bramblett led every lap until he broke the engine on lap 30, credited with fifth in class. This was probably Bobby's best race of the season. Gary Thistlewood, in Crowder's 1600 car, ran strong all day, and finished 41 laps, well ahead of the group to take the Class 1-2-1600 victory and second overall. Ron-nie Whigham had one of his bet-ter runs of the year, finishing second in class with 35 laps done, after fighting a skipping engine and valve problems all day. Larry Porter in Rule's 1600 overcame various problems, including a broken battery cable, to finish 33 laps, third in class. year, and took fourth, out with en-gine troubles after a dozen laps. Chris Williams didn't cover a lap in the feature because of engine failure. GORRA held its general mem-bership meeting and elected new officers in October. The new Pres-ident is J .D. Mitchell. Ronnie Whigham is VP-Class 1-2-1600, Lindy Herrell, VP-Class 10, and Chris Williams VP-Class Chal-lenger. The Secretary/ Treasurer is Joy Porter. Co-Race Directors are Larry Porter and Harold Trader with David Herrell as Alternate. . m Class winner and second overall, Florida's Jimmie rowder showed everyone the fast way around the track and won Class 10 and overall last October. The best race of the day was probably in the Challenger Class. When the checkered flag dropped at the end of the day, the first two Special thanks go to GORRA members who showed up for the work days on our new three mile track. Ronnie Whigham is responsible for the new steps to the scoring stand. And, a big, big thanks to Randy Wilder for bringing his equipment to cut the track, and he isn't even a GORRA member. The October race produced one of our better fields of cars for the year. Now that we have a per-manent race site, !think our 1989 races will attract a larger field of cars. With all the flack flying around at the beginning of this year, and our lack of a race track until June, GORRA suffered a lit-tle on entry numbers. For ev-eryone who has a car gathering dust, get them ready! We already have our 1989 schedule (See Happenings column) and our race track at Vienna, GA, and· the track can be from one and a half miles to three miles, and it is excit-ing. Better make plans for 1989 -GORRAhas! A pleasant surprise showed up from down Tallahassee way last October. Mint 400 Class winner Jimmie Crowder made his first visit to our new race facility. He and sidekick Gary Thistlewood; CAME, SAW, AND CON-QUERED. Boy, do those guys run good. It was nice to have Jim-mie and crew come to our race. They always add a little extra spice and class to our events. Thanks Jimmie. Jimmie Crowder's Class 10 car led every lap of his heat race and all but twelve of the feature race. A short gas stop put him behind Lindy Herrell, who led until he lost a throttle return spring, and then he ran out of gas. Lindy fin-ished second in Class 10 anyhow, covering 38 laps. Crowder covered 42 laps for the Class 10 and overall victory. In Class 10 Jack Thompson got through eleven laps before losing the engine, but Grant Dale never fin-ished a single lap all day. He blew the motor on the first la of the Another Florida charger, Gary Thistlewood has run with GORRA since their beginning, and none of the regular 1600 drivers could catch Gary in Crowder's 1600 car. Dusty Tlma THE ULTIMATE PRE-RUNNER Project Car Built By HEADFLOW PERFORMANCE All Fabrication By Jerry Penhall -Bob Goshen-built 2331cc Type 1 engine State Of The Art Suspension And Engineering Car Is Brand New-Never Been Driven Cost $37,500 To Build / Make Offer Call Headflow Performance (714) 631-3826 January 1989 Page 39

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Jeff and Camille Griffin have had a good year in the Volvo 142, and they took second overall and in Open Class in the rally and on points. After the dinner break Jean Vigier and Brian Finn drove the Peugeot all out to move into third place at the finish in Open Class and overall. Laughlin O'Sullivan and Jon Oxford led Stock Class for a time in the Datsun 510, but they finished second, 4/100 of a minute out of first Mason Valley Rally By Paula Gibeault Lon Peterson and Jim Love shot their Plymouth Arrow into the lead on the first stage, and the CRS and SoPac Division champs won the desert rally overall and in Open Class. A fine fall weekend and a perfectly,run new rally ended the California Rally Series 1988 sea, son. The Mason Valley Rally out of Yerington, Nevada, probably ran the smoothest of any '88 event ( the rally, not the roads!) and the organization was impres, s1ve in its efficiency and tho, roughness. Organizer George Gormk, putting on his first event, gathered a committee that read like a Who's Who of Northwest rally leaders: Judy and Gary Gooch, Michael O'Sullivan, Ken White, Dale Andrews, John Fore, spring and even one of the local (VORRA) off,road promoters. The event had a total of ONE, very brief, delay. The workers were in place and well,trained, and radio coverage was excellent by a very experienced group of ham operators. The 23 teams who drove out to Yerington were full of praise for the way the event was run. Everyone was glad that 1t had been added to the C.R.S. calendar, although it was at the last minute. The majority of the rallyists were regular C.R.S. competitors seeking a final chance to improve their year,end championship standing. The class breakdowns were interesting: 8 Stock Class, 9 Open Class, and 5 in the new class, Stock GT. This class is showing good growth but it can no longer be called the Mazda 323 class: this event added Rui Brazil's Corolla GTS and Roger Hull's Mazda RX7. The headquarters and sponsor SUMMERS BROS. BULLET-PROOF DRIVETRAINS ! Page 40 WE pjly CONTINGENCIES FOR SCORE AND HORA EVENTS I SEND $2.00 FOR YOUR DtRT RACER'S CATALOG! 530 South Mountain Ave. Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 986-2041 • FAX: (714) 984,7908 was the Casmo West, with addi, nonal sponsorship coming from Dini's Lucky Club and the Mason Valley Chamber of Commerce. Quite a few ratlyists were spotted trying their hands at the one, armed bandits and the service crews undoubtedly enjoyed their waiting periods more than usual. Mason Valley, Nevada, located some 35 miles east of Carson City, is a wide, flat farming valley surrounded by arid desert hills. The weather was absolutely per, feet: crystal clear, warm, with the trees around showing bright yel, low fall hues. The competitors set out for the first stage at 3:30 p.m., right on schedule. The first stage, Artesia Lake, was an 11.4 mile high,speed run across the desert on a smooth, gently twisting road. Toward the end of the stage the course cut onto an inferior road, straight but sandy and bumpy, and many competitors found themselves bouncing into the desert until they adjusted their speed. Lon Peterson and Jim Love blazed into first overall, first Open Class with a 12 hundredths lead over Jeff and Camille Griffin's Volvo. Mike Blore and Gary Dunklau took third fastest time in their potent new Mazda 323, thus setting the pace for Stock GT Class. Lauchlin O'Sullivan and Jon Oxford were fastest Stock Class car far ahead of the others in the class. The stage claimed the first DNF, as just 2.2 miles into the stage Gary Luke and Mark Williams' Fiat 124 blew a head gasket at high speed ~ 1919 and earned them the infamous CRS Bomb Out Award. The next stage, Delphi, was 8 miles of the sandiest, twistiest, bumpiest desert road seen in years by local rallyists. Full of surprises such as hidden rocks, off,camber corners, and deep ruts for wheel tracks, this stage kept everyone on their toes. Ian Miller and Farina O'Sullivan had a costly flat that virtually put them out of the run, ning for Stock Class. David Yein and Eugene Loch did an excellent job, winning the stage in their Mazda 323, and proving that these new rally cars are as tough as they are fast. Jeff Griffin was next fastest on the stage and moved to within 10 hundredths ofLon ... but that was the closest anybody got to Lon for the rest of the rally! Lauchlin O'Sullivan extended his Stock Class lead to a full 67 hun, dredths with another very fast stage time. The third stage, Fulstone Mine, was 12. 7 miles long and was by far the most popular stage with the drivers. It started with a challeng, ing section that contained the best of desert rallv road: rugged but not too rough, lots of road, reading required, lots of high speed with an occasional gotcha rock for the unwary. The final part of the stage was like a curving dirt freeway across wide open desert. By now the competition was heating up, and more DNFs resulted. Mike Blore got a flat at high speed, and with the car twitchy, hit a watermelon size rock and broke a front lower con, trol arm, putting him out. And strangely, the other 323s DNF'd right afterward. David Yein's went out with electrical problems, and the Mazda of Ken Smith and Jeff Burba DNF'd when the turbo shaft broke. Ken managed to save the engine, fortunately! A decep, tively tight curve on the fastest section surprised many drivers and the Norberto Gomez/ Jorge Facio team rolled their Starlet ... their warning triangle probably saved many others. After the dinner break back in Yerington and a speedy reseeding, ~ -the teams set out to repeat the same three stages, this time at night. Those who had pacenoted the course were undoubtedly glad! The only DNF for the rest of the event, however, was the sharp looking Open Class 510 of Dale Beard and Richard Simmons, who had worked their way up to 4th place overall, but broke before starting Stage 4. In Open Class, Lon Peterson easily maintained his lead in spite of two flats which slowed him down a bit. Jeff Griffin planned his strategy well, running fast but clean and holding on to a solid second place. An interesting bat, tie was taking place behind them, however. Jean Vigier, with co, driver Brian Finn, came to Mason Valley in third place in the points standings for the SCCA Southern Pacific Division, just a few points behind Roger Hull. The driver who finished ahead at this event would end the year in second place and earn an invitation to the Divisional Runoffs in Washing, ton. Roger Hull and co-0river Rob Cherry were taking it easy on the rough roads in their new Stock GT car, hoping to claim the class win after the 323s self, destructed. After the dinner break, Jean decided to go all out and took second fastest time on the next two stages. His charge earned him third in Open Class and the second in Division spot, by just three points! A steady, consistent drive gave Roger Hull the Stock GT Class win he wanted. A delighted Rui Brasil and Paula Alves finished second in the class. As is usually the case, the big, gest battles were being fought in the highly competitive Stock Class. Lauchlin O'Sullivan was having a ball outdistancing the pack in his newly acquired toy, the potent Datsun 610 Roger Hull had already d!"ive~ to th~ y_ear,end Stock Championship. Lauchlin, who has adapted to the car with impressive ease, will be the driver to beat in the class next year, just as Roger was this year. However, winning a rally is a lot more than Paula Gibeault and Jim Jacobsen used a little old time strategy late in the game, and they slid the Datsun510 into the win in Stock Class and a/sop/aced fifth overall. DuatyTlllla

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Roger Allison ana Handy Hensley sailed through the dark desert trails to nail down a strong third in Stock Class driving the Datsun 510. David and Gary Burgess enjoy rallying their Isuzu pickup, and in Nevada they drove it to a fourth place finish in the hot running Stock Class. Roger Hull ana Rob Cherry have moved into t e new and popular Stock GT Class, and their consistent drive gave them the win in the new CRS Class. just driving well. With a comfort, able margin of a minute,plus over Paula Gibeault and Jim Jacobson, Lauchlin allowed them to slip past him on the first nighttime stage, by just four hundredths. Paula and Jim seized the opportunity to use a little psychological pressure: "What happened?? Did you have a flat??" A worried,looking Lauchlin took off on Stage 5 like a demon and put a full 37 hun, dredths on the 510 team. He had a little problem, though... a hood pin was ripped out on the co, driver's side. Eager to get back into the fray, Lauchlin and Jon hurriedly fixed that side only at the service break and headed on to the final stage. Alas, the other pin, damaged by the flapping hood, sheared, followed by the side they had repaired, and NO ONE can drive fast with a hood in their face! So the pair lost nearly two minutes, and lost first in class, ironically, by only four hundredths. As they say, old age and treachery ... ! Roger Allison , and Randy Hensley finished a ' strong third in Stock Class in their 510. With the cancellation of Roger Allison's event, Camino a las Estrellas, Mason Valley finished the California Rally Series Champ, ionship year and the new stand, ings also became the final ones. In Open Class drivers, Jean Vigier ecfged past Don Lindfors for . fourth, while his co,driver, Brian Finn, got a bigger boost to third Open co,driver. There were no changes in the top Stock GT places, but some new competitors were added. In Stock Class, Paula Gibeault moved up to tie for third driver with Ian Miller, while Gary Burgess moved up to fifth co, driver. The top ten year,end places in each class are listed below. The annual California Rally Series Awards Banquet will be held on January 7. The 1988 California Rally Ser, ies Championship standings are final. In Open Class Lon Peterson won it all with 1000 points. Next came Jeff Griffin, 615, Ted Ken, dall, 350, Jean Vigier, 300, Don Lindfors, 290, Dave Thomas, 284, Danny Topjian, 280, Ian Miller, 245_, RQ~ Wood, 243 and George Daland, 240, Jim Love topped the Open Class co,drivers with 810 points, followed by Camille Griffin, 615, Brian Finn, 300, Mark Mueller, 290, Shelly Hanson, 240, Bart Godett, 240, Rick Baucom, .230, Lucinda Strub, 220, Kelly Walsh, 215, John Elkin, 200 and John Ros, sello, 200. Roger Hull won the Stock Class title with 700 points. Next it was Richard Chemotti., 528, Ian Miller, 520, Paula Gibeault, 520, Noberto Gomez, 465, David Bt_Irgess, 308, Mike Gibeault, 300, DustyTima Lauchlin O'Sullivan, 275, Ray Hocker, 250 and Roger Allison, 248. Stock Class Champion co, driver is Jim Jacobson with 620 points, followed by Farina O'Sul, livan, 520, Oscar Facio, 410, Nick Koolar, 348, Gary Burgess, 308, Rob Cherry, 300, Richard Hull, 300, Jon Oxford, 260, Bill Moore, 250 and Randy Hensley, 248. In the first year of the Stock GT Class, only tive drivers scored co,driver in the new class honors significant points, topped by went to Gary Dunklau with 405 Mike Blore at 605. In second was points. Next it was Jeff Burba, Ken Smith, 285, followed by 285, John Elkin, 200, D. Georga, David Yein, 175, Roger Hull, 100_ kopoulos, 160 and Rob Cherry, and Rui Brasil, 80. The champion 100. SIMPSOII. RACE PRODUCTS 6 NEW STANDARD SUIT STYLES AVAILABLE Custom Trim also available \ STYLE A' Solid color suit with contrasting 1" trim around sleeves. STYLED* Solid color suit with contrasting collar, eppulets, and a 6" band around chest. ~ Extra charge for these styles. NOMEX® SUIT COLORS AVAILABLE Red Orange White Yellow Black Blue Green Contrasting colors available for styles C, D, E, and F. Same as above. J STYLE B Solid color suit with contrasting piping on collar, eppulets, belt and pockets. \ .,,... STYLE E* Two color suit with contrasting eppulets and collar. TRIM COLORS AVAILABLE FOR STYLES A and B Red Orange Black Blue Flourscent Orange Flourscent Green Gray White Green Yellow Purple Pink \ Solid color suit with 6" contrasting band.around chest and arms. STYLE F* Solid color suit with contrasting 6" band around chest. ABOVE SUIT STYLES ARE AVAILABLE IN: Single Layer Suit from Double Layer Quilted $250 to Three Layer Quilted } $500 9 Standard Sizes or Custom Fit SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS • 22630 S. Normandie Ave.• Torrance, CA. 90502 Send $3.00 for catalog 213-320-7231 • FAX 213-320-7179 January 1989 . Page 41

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VORRA's Halloween Short Course Finale Text & Photos: Ken Vanderhoof (Focus West) Wes Elrod, left, and Dennis Kordonowy provided many exciting moments all year at Prairie City. Elrod won the season Class 10 title, winning four of the six events. What the Verlings did to the desert races in the VORRA Series in 1988 the Elrod family did to the short course competition. It was domination! The VORRA season finale, as all of the short course events this year, took place at the Prairie City Off Highway Vehicle Park near Sacramento, CA. Spectating the event last October was the Deputy Director of Off Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation for California, Lee Chauvet, who assured all that attended the drivers' meeting that the newly revamped park will be open for general public use just after the first of the year. The park has been open just for events for almost three years now. The final VORRA event actu-ally began Saturday evening with an Elrod sponsored Bar-B-Qµe and Halloween Party. Here even the most bitter rivals on the race track were boggie'n around the bonfire together. It was a blast. The Sportsman Class had a record 15 cars starting the first ten lap moto. Class point leader Randy Miller shot immediately to the front from his third row start-ing position to lead lap 1. Garry Johnson was keeping in Randy's draft, and a whole pack of racers were "going for it" one more time in 1988. The moto was soon red flagged when Max Halliday's Baja convertible cartwheeled several times off a back stretch jump. Luckily Max and his co-pilot checked out OK, so the 14 car field tried it again. The second start.was very much the same as Randv Miller led a pack that looked iike 5:00 p.m. rush hour on fast forward. Behind Randy again was Garry Johnson, then David Jeffries, David Bright, Mel Tom, Mike Bishop and a host of others trying to earn valuable points. Lots of contact was going on for the next few laps. David Jeffries was the first to sustain damage. He punctured a tire, which severely cramped his style. With one lap to go Garry John-son had finally eaten enough of Randy's dust and got around him, but Randy let it all hang out, and apparently took advantage of a missed shift to regain the lead and take the checkered first ahead of Garry. Third in the first moto was David Bright, who would have made it a three way sprint to the finish, but a back marker rolled and David had no place to go and T-boned him. Melvin Tom came in a strong fourth and David Jef-feries limped across the line in fifth. Sportsman Moto 2 saw Garry Johnson drive around several cars to take the lead off the start, but that was cut short because he pulled off with a loss of power, letting Jason Dyke be the jack rabbit. Jason's mirror was full of the blue and white J & S Machine sponsored Randy Miller, who took over the number one posi-tion before lap 1 was complete. Garry Johnson wasn't out for very long, because he was already back to second place by lap 2. David Bright held third with Herb Halloway breathing down his neck, and David Jefferies waiting for a chance to move up. Most of . the field pla ed follow !he leader with little passing going on for the rest of the moto, although only six cars finished the race. Randy Miller's 1-1 tally gave him the overall, and first overall in the final Sportsman points standings for the year. Garry Johnson's 2-2 score gave him second overall. Garry didn't have a usable race car for this last event, so his friend, desert racer Hank Williams, brought his down from Oregon. It worked out well, because the added-points moved Garry into second overall in the VORRA short course series over an absent Scott Hall. David Bright's 3-3 score gave him third overall. Since this was David's first short course race this season, he didn't care much for points, but he's going to be a contender next year. David Jefferies 5-4 total put him in fourth for the day and fifth in the championship series. Mike Bishop collected a 6-6, which earned him fifth for the day and fourth in the overall season points, just a couple of points ahead of David Jefferies. Class 1-2-1600'sfirstmotowas red flagged when Jeff Gerig took a terrible trip through the pucker brush. After a somewhat lengthy intermission, they got going again with Frank Madrid taking a slim lead over Dana Van Noort and Tim Riordan. That trio left the rest of the ill running field to make a race out of it. They stayed real tight until lap 7, when Tim Riordan overshot a berm and scared a couple of photographers. Dana kept pushing Frank, but Frank Madrid took the checkered by a not so comfortable five yards . . -Don German did it again this season, driving his Jeep 4x4 to many wins in the desert and on the short course, and he again took the VORRA Overall Points Championship. Even with the inverted start, moto 2 saw Frank Madrid grab the hole shot and stay there. Dana Van N oort again was a close second and Tim Riordan was third. This time Tim Riordan didn't want to settle for third so he pushed Dana hard. The two racers chose the same line several times. Finally Tim got by Dana on a daring pass that almost spelled disaster for both racers. Later an informal protest was lodged, and the outcome was "that's racing!" In the end it was Frank Madrid taking the overall. Tim Riordan's 3-2 gave him second place money, and Dana Van N oort came in a disgruntled third, but Dana was happy because he had won the championship series in class over Riordan. Fourth on the day was ignition troubled Larry Versaw, who-secured third in the champ-ionship series just by showing up. The Odyssey class has been growing steadily since its incep-tion this year, and it is fast becom-ing a crowd favorite. Class point leader Ed Moore used his pole position to grab the hole shot in moto 1, with Scott Young moving into second and Steve Van Tassel into third. Fourth was held down by VORRA rookie John Brady, and John Ross Moore rounded out the top five. Things changed fast, because they began dropping like flies. Half of the field was out by lap 2. It became a game of sur-vival. Those surviving were Scott Young and John Brady, with Ed Moore and John Ross Moore back in action after down time, and they picked up valuable points. Moto 2 saw Steve Van Tassel grab the lead and keep it until the finish line. Scott Young held second with Ed Moore pushing him until mid-moto. Then Ed Moore squeaked by and showed why he is the 1988 VORRA Odyssey champ. The overall for the day was Scott Young with his 1-3 tally. Second on the day was Ed Moore with 3-2, and third was the very fast Steve Van Tassel with a 5-1. Steve broke a tie rod in the first moto. Class 10 was another survival race. Two drivers that put on a great show all year started side by side, Dennis Kordonowy and Wes Elrod. Dennis got the hole shot this time with Wes right behind him. As these two began pulling away, other racers started showing signs of trouble. Don Miguel immediately began sput-tering and pulled into the pits. Tommy Croft was third after coming up from a poor start. Don Kennedy had eaten a lot of dirt in the early part of the moto, but once he got his face shield clean, he maintained a good pace. Dennis Kordonowy's lead didn't last long. He soon lost power and dropped out, leaving Wes Elrod with a huge lead over a sour sounding Tommy Croft, and a moving up Don Kennedy. Tommy Croft pulled into the pits . . Randy Miller won both of the Sportsman motos in a tight dice, and Randy also won enough points to win the VORRA season Sportsman Championship. ·~ Don Kennedy won the overall on points in Class 10 at the final event, placing second in both motos, even with a sick engine in Moto2. Ed Moore's 3-2 finish in'October gave him second on the day,buf he became VORRA 's Odyssey points champion for the season with the points earned. Scott Young won the Odyssey wars at the October race handily, and he came in a close second for the season long championship points chase. Page 41. January 1989 Dusty Tlma

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Jeff Elrod drove his rebodied UltraStock to the second moto win in Class 2, and Jeff also finished the day by winning the Dash for Cash. Tone Jordan was very consistent all year, and a pair of second place finishes gave him the Class 2 victory at the Prairie City finale. Garry Johnson had to borrow a race car to compete last October, and he found a good ride, taking second for the day in the Sportsman action. Bob Chapman had to learn fast about the rugged jumps on the Prairie City course, but he stayed with the program to take his Jeep to second spot. Jim Sandefer came north to try VORRA short course racing, didn't start in the first moto, but came back strong to win the second round. Tommy Croft drove a long distance to race in Sacramento, only to have a sour engine make him a spectator by the end of the first moto. about mid-moto, leaving only Wes Elrod and Don Kennedy. Wes had a nice lead, but his car soon began blubbering coming out of tight turns and blowing smoke on the straights. Don Kennedy was moving fast, but the flag came out to save Wes Elrod and give him the win. Moto 2 wasn't any better. Tommy Croft and Don Miguel were spectators. Dennis Kordon-owy was running on three cylind-ers off the start. Jim Sandefer, who didn't get off the start in the first moto, was the only healthy one on the track and flew to the moto win. Elrod, Kennedy and Kordonowy all made long pit stops. Don Kennedy completed seven laps to come in second in the moto and take the overall for the day, and he secured second in class in the championship series. Wes Elrod's 1-3 score put him second for the day, but he won , first in class in the championship series. These two are the only two drivers to score points in every VORRA race this year, Due to a slim entry at the final race, the 4x4s in Class 4 ran in a staggered start behind Class 2. The action actually began in prac-tice. Sam Berri's motor didn't sound very good, and it might have been a leaky head. This race was very important for -Sam because, although he had won the last three events in a row, he was just a couple of points ahead of a very consistent Tone Jordan. Jeep pilot D.on German broke a transfer case in practice, and although he had already secured his class title he was still in a battle for the overall VORRA champ-ionship with Dana Van Noort. Both Sam Berri and Don Ger-man solved their respective prob-lems just in time for moto 1, -probably because of the two ear-lier red flags. A notable no-show at this season finale was G.L.M.'s McCune/Zimmerman, whose Chenowth sustained much dam-age the week before in an Oregon desert race. Kevin Kroyer used his pole position to lead the field down through the esses. Kevin Mc-Nabb/Mike RusseJl followed in Dusty Tlma second, trailed ~by Jeff Elrod, Tone Jordan, Keith Robb and Sam Berri. Everybody was in single file, but keeping it tight. After the Class 2 vehicles cleared the first few turns the Heavy Metal was released. Don German, who hasn't missed a race all year, led the Chevy truck of Don Roe-mer and the Jeep of Bob Chap-man, neither of whom have raced at Prairie City this year until now. Don German was looking to pick off some Class 2 cars while Don Roemer and Bob Chapman were trying to get used to the big jumps that Curt Elrod bulldozed into the course this year. At the end of lap 1 McNabb/ Russell squeezed by Kevin Kroyer to take the lead. Tone Jordan stuck his nose past Jeff Elrod for third, and wasn't even satisfied with that and soon bullied his way past Kroyer. Kroyer didn't have a chance to repay the favor because he soon lost a wheel. At the half way point Kevin McNabb/Mike Russell had less than 50 yards over Tone Jordan who had about that same cushion over Keith Robb. Sam Berri and Jeff Elrod were not 100 percent, and were beginning to hear Don German's Jeep. Don Roemer felt he had abused his truck enough and put it on the trailer after three laps. Bob Chapman was hanging in there, just in case German had a prob-lem and couldn't finish the race. Tone Jordan was reeling in McNabb/Russell and pulled within striking distance at the white flag only to have a flat tire change his plans. He hung on to take second at the checkered. Keith Robb came in an uncon-tested third and Sam Berri, fourth. The second Class 2 moto had Sam Berri on the pole. Sam led Jeff Elrod and the rest of the pack for a short time, only to have 1 everything fall apart when he couldn't find second gear. Jeff Elrod took advantage of this and took the lead. Tone Jordan slipped into second. McNabb/ Russell ran into the back of Sam's · car and then got around him. Kevin Kroyer had replaced his spindle after the first moto and was on the move. than double the usual number of Tone Jordan got within a few drivers lined up for a shot at the yards, but never did catch Jeff $300 plus. Sam Berri used his Elrod. But it didn't matter. frontrowpositiontoleadthefirst because Tone's 2-2 finish gave lap, with Jeff Elrod sticking with him first overall. Jeff's 5-1 score him. The others mixing it up near gave him second place money and the front were Kevin Kroyer, Keith Robb got third with a 3-4 Tone Jordan, Jim Sandefer, Don tally. Sam Berri earned just Kennedy, and Arden Denning-enough points to win the Class 2 ton. In the end only one position title for 1988. Don German not counts, and that went to Jeff only won the Class 4 title, but is Elrod, who led from the second VORRA's overall points champ- lap on. The Elrod Brothers have ion again for 1988. been a 1-2 punch this year at the The "Dash for Cash" is usually VORRA short course events. If a Wes Elrod show, but this time it one of them doesn't win, the wasn't going to be. Wes suspected other one will! a bad crank bearing and sat out. Fifteen cars were on the starting Once that word got out, more grid for the mechanics only moto, · which wasn't an official race. But you couldn't tell that by the enthusiasm of the drivers and spectators alike. Jeff Elrod's brother-in-law Rod Gause put their Class 2 UltraStock across the finish line first, and that was the end of a great 1988 VORRA season. VORRA will meet one more time at the awards banquet early in December for an evening of indulgence and an eyefull of photos and videos as well as the points awards. VORRA has great plans for 1989, including a long course, about six miles, event at the all new Prairie City OHV Park on March 12, 1989. ELROD RACING ENTERPRISES 1988 UL TRASTOCK CHAMPION Mickey Thompson's Off Road Championshp Gran Prix Would like to thank the sponsors who made it possible! Bridgestone Tire Corp. Mirage Chassis Collishaw Construction Trick Gasoline Curt Elrod Cory Chapeta Jim Aruta Mike Flanagen Dad Janua,y 1919 Foreign Engine Exchange A Foreign Auto Wreckers JaMar and the Crew ... EXTRA THANKS Bill Varnes · Dusty Times Wes Elrod Darren Powers Gerald Giacalone Brock Gause Bob Graham . Pase 43

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I I l 1-/ I i The Budweiser/FRI Plaster City Blast II ByFud Photos: C & C Race Photos ......... ~ ............. • --~~~~~~ &-~~r~~w Danny Latner and Hanry Bargdahl made up over four minutes on the last lap to grab the overall and Open Class victory by merely five seconds In the Porsche powered Raceco. The second race in the 1988 Imperial County, CA. Sponsored Superstition Series happened on by The Wright Place, Race Ready October 1 at Plaster Ci East in Products, Bug Stompers Racing ·:t Tim, Mike and Brian McDonnell led the race all day, until the end of the last lap, and they had to settle for second overall in the Chenowth. N SAHARA ~ X r.u > SIRIUS >-~-VDO - Chenowth - Simpson ~ . TriMil - K & N Filters - Bugpack ::> . Bilstein - Centerline - Cibie ~ _Hewland - Porsche Turbo CVs · Beard's Seats- Parker Pumper ~ Yokohama Tires -Super Trapp e0 Gem Gears -KYB Shocks > SPRING MTN. -~ Sway-A-Way Transaxle Parts ~ ...................... ..-...11,. Wright Place - Dura Blue Ultra Boot -Neal Products SEE PAT OR DAVE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. · Saturday - 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. NEVADA PHONE ORDER HOUSE 3054 So. Valley View, Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 871-4911 • (702) 871-5604 .... 44 Team and Wright's California Gold, the event drew a great bunch of bikes, A TVs and four wheel racers. The sun came up early, thanks to the Clairmont Equipment Rentals light tower. It was 5:00 a.m. The bleary eyed buggy groupies rolled over and hit the snooze alarm. A short time later the sound of nearly 200 ATVs, bikes and Odysseys exploded the silence. The Sunup to Sundown fun had begun! The fifty mile loop took the racers on a grand tour of the Imperial Valley Desert. Coyote Wash led off with the Trestle and ended in the Painted Gorge mud, hills. Its lovely rocks and rollers reminded everyone that the whoops on the Old Gypsum Road and the Centerline Freeway were not really that bad. For a real flying feeling you could gas it just before the off reader downhill, · but be sure to keep your mouth · closed or your heart would surely escape shortly after launch. Carizzo Wash was 5 .5 miles of fun packed ruts. An old wooden tres, de and a magnificent mountain provided the scenery for the pit crews at the halfway point. After a little rough, Zee Wash was an "E" ticket ride. Cruising down the sand highway and the pole line road you could find out just how fast your machine would go. However, when the sign said washouts, the opposite was true. How slow can I go? Soon gone but not forgotten, Plaster City rushed into view as our merry little sojourn comes to an end. The winners would make four laps. It took the bikes just under four hours. The buggies a shade over that. There was an eight hour time limit for the buggies. £tarting the day was the AM.A. sanctioned A TV, bike· and Odyssey race. The odds on favorite, Rob Nolin, winner of six consecutive A~A_Distri~t_38_ January 1989 Bill Hammack and Tim Sines survived the quickest in Class 10, and they drove the slick new Jimco right into the Class 10 victory, having made a few stops en route. Rory Chenowth and Tracey Dickson ran as high as second in the Yamaha V-Max Chenowth, but at the flag they ended up third in Open Class . desert races, teamed with District rider. Randy stopped to help and-38's motorcycle Rookie of the together they plunged into Year; Todd Cary. Guess what? midpack. They won going away. Top con, The assault of the world's fast, tenders as ranked by the PPLA est A TV off road racers surfaced were Joey Lane/Bruce Lerud and with a surprise leader. It was the the Randy Morales/Robert Dave Campbell team with Greg . Prayther teams. However, Honda and Randy Bringle in the first lap mounted Joey Lane taught Randy lead. Soon they succumbed to the how to start his Yamaha. The Pro stone wrench and slipped into A TVs were long gone before it third. Brian Fuller and Steve Parli . started. Score it Joey: looking for thrashed their way towards the the lead, Randy: sucking air. Just top. They were searching for when it could have been a race, Mike "The Raging" Roll and sportsmanship intervened. A TV Allen Fox. Although they found leader Dusty "DH" Burwell and them with a broken ATV, a blue his Banshee were playi~in the and white lightning bolt blasted »';,) ~ .. ;~ ~¼ Randy Anderson and Jim Brady slid into the lead on the third lap in the tight contest in Class 1-2-1600, and they went on to win the class and finish fourth overall. The Dave Fessendens led midway in the 1-2-1600 battle, but they dropped a tiny bit of time and their Chenowth Magnum finished a close second. Dusty Times

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"' Steve Fenton kept the Datsun together all day long, zooming over the sand en route to a neat second in the fun running in the mini trucks. Al De La Rosa and John Pekarek went a lot than usual in their Datsun, and they motored right into third place in the Class 7 ranks. Mike Harding and Mark Steele stayed with the program all the way and took a very close second place in the keen Class 5-1600 battle. them into ·second. "Dyno" Dean Sundahl and "Lightning" Lance _Schoolmaker found the pot of gold with a C & J Banshee. Our timer Daryl Smith has been building exotic Odysseys. Stu Peace and Andy Westover had bought the last two. Today Stu led with Andy in second, but this was Andy's practice lap. Before the Carizzo Trestle Andy became the front runner. The rest of the bouncers battled for a dis-tant second. Midday the horde of car racers took to the course. In Anaheim the sun is shining. Danny Letner pulled the rabbit out of the hat in the nick of time. Over in La Habra Heights its cold and overcast. Tim McConnell felt like Casey at bat. He was beaten by only five seconds for the overall win. Tim's number was 102, Danny's 103. Tim led all day, sometimes by as much as seven minutes. He went out on the last lap with about a four minute lead. Lurking in the It was another close battle in Class 5-1600 among eleven Bugs, but it was Brian Goodrich and family who went the farthest the fastest, winning the class and taking 13th overall. The Class 5s decided to run in Class 100, and Norm Schmidt drove his fast Baja Bug right away from the rest of the class and he won by a big margin at the flag. dust was Danny Letner in his Porsche powered Raceco. He h~d used the first three laps to do his pre-running. Now it was time to cut bait or fish. Danny got his first glimpse of Tim when the course Zee'd at the Sand Highway to go over to the pole line road. He had ten miles to catch him. Plaster City was within sight when Danny made his mad dash for the cash. Tim got the checkered flag first, but in the dust contrail was Danny. They had started 15 seconds apart, and Danny's last gasp cut off ten seconds, giving him the Open Class and overall victory, while Tim had to settle for second overall and in Open Class. There were eight starters in this field, and five finishers. While Danny Letner was pre-running, Rory Chenowth's new V-Max climbed as high as second before being chased down, and he ended up third. Dennis Green entered his Class 10 car with the big boys. For a while it looked as though he Jon and Jim Hurley took the Class 7 lead on the second lap, and they never looked back on their way to the victory in the Ford Ranger. i Dan Araujo and Dave Rameriz were in contention all day in their Mirage, and they made a late charge to take third in Class 1-2-1600. Dusty Times might· pull an upset. However, when he stopped to let Mike Jul-son drive the last two laps, Cecil Wright galloped into third. Later Mike would slam dunk Wright, knocking off the fiberglass Mazda body, and Green/Julson finished fourth, with Jeff and Cecil Wright home fifth. In the DNF column were Mike McDonnell, Rick Scalzo and Roger Starkey. Maybe Class 10 should be renamed the break and repair class. Four started, two dnf'd-and the remaining mechanics, nee rac-ers, worked on their vehicles. Bill Hammock gqt his beautiful new Jimco working first and soundly defeated Jeff Akins in a Bunder-son. Not making the finish line were Don Lewis, Jr. and Stephen Hendricks. There were a baker's dozen in Class 1-2-1600, and they started first thanks to Steve Wolcott's win last year. This year Steve is in a 5-1600, so Mike Acosta got the starting honors in his Phil Green single seater.Jeff Hicks and Fudge Haynes closed out the field. In between were the likes of Glenn Goss and Calexico cowboys, Andy and Joe Estrada. The PPLA ranked John King and Ken Snyder as the favorites. It looked like a good call as they had the lead by Check 3 and finished the first lap second overall. Clark West and Dave r;r Off Roads Winningest Radios OVER848 ON THE COURSE Comlink V The Ultimate Racing Intercom ROADMASTER "A LEGEND" • Helmets wired -$100. (CF) January 1989 New! RF Pre Amp $95 30% to 50% more range! 2888 Gundry Avenue Signal Hill, CA 90806 We're next door via U.P.S.I (213) 427-8177 Page 45

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Steve and Tim Lawrence got their 'Team Ugly' Baja Bug over the sand quickly and they carried on to finish fourth in Class 5-1600. Donna Hingtgen and Mike Free drove a 'real' Class 100, and the team drove the Sand hawk fast enough to place second in the fun style class. Also fugitives from Class 5, Mike LaP/ant, Joe Valentine, Nick Gross and Jerry Sigrist got their Bug home fourth in Class 100. '::~ttt, .. 0.{.. :,:-,: ;;.: -k. ,._ ·"' ., .. JiH1Ni!\<,;,¼wJ¥-0 • Jim Richardson and Shane Reed led the first lap in Challenger action, had trouble on lap 3, but came back to finish second in the class. Jeff Bennett and Tom Watson were close all four laps in their Chenowth, but at the flag they had to settle for a tight third in Challengers. The Class Bs went so fast the photogs missed them, but Perry McNeil did cover enough ground before lunch to take 3rd place. 09'- Fessenden ran second and third, fifth and sixth overall. Randy Anderson was ninth over-all, sixth in class. On lap 2 Dan Araujo and Dave Ramirez found the good line up Coyote Wash and leap frogged Golojuch turned out to be the cream of the crop. In fact, he completed the race without his pit crew having to come looking for him, a career first. Ken and Jim Golojuch also took 18th overall. Herman Meister and Danny Smail drove a little too fast and furious, and another of the very plentiful mechanical gremlins relegated them to second. Perry McNeil completed lap 1 with the lead, and then he drove off into oblivion, credited with third in Class 8. twice as far as he did in the Super-stition but not quite far enough, but still claimed third. But, for the second consecutive race he dined on broken crow. _ into fifth in class. Randy Ander-son snuck closer to the top, now fourth in class. Dave Fessenden was starting to apply the pressure to Ken Snyder; bouncing across the washouts the clutch began to slip, and King/ Snyder dropped to second. Araujo and Ramirez broke into the top five. King/ Snyder were still first on the road when carburetion problems slowed them on lap 3, and .they finally lost the engine on the last lap. Class 7 is the fun group. They all know e!lch other, and while definitely not candidates for the overall, nobody is going to have more fun. Seven trucks saw the green flag, but only two the checkered. Clarence and Jeff Hoskins were in control in their Ford Ranger the first lap. Then, rumor has it, they let their stom-ach control their minds. Perry McNeil's KFC lunch looked so tempting they stopped for a bite. Later they would be joined by Jose Melero and Tino Sanchez. We may never know what really happened, but they never returned. Jon and Jim Hurley tipped their helmets, said thank yciu and drove off to victory in their Ford Ranger. Steve Fenton tried to give them a run for the money, but settled for second in his Datsun. Al De La Rosa went Sometimes fact is stranger than fiction. Take this group of eleven 5-1600 racers. We have the tres- ' tle duck, Brian Goodrich, Steve Lawrence's Team Ugly, Flipper Neilbert and "Hot Shoes" Gra-bowski, "Peewee Slug" Harding and Andy "The Snail" Dever-celly. Brian Goodrich won the 5-1600 honors, finishing 13th overall, just ahead of Mike Hard-ing, 14th overall, and third plac-ing Ken and Duane Basore, 15th overall. Steve and Tim Lawrence, Team Ugly, wondered what went wrong again, but they took fourth ahead of Josh, Jerry and Jason Kerr, Jim and Jason Beeson and Craig Stewart and Steve Wolcott. Ten of the eleven finished the race. The closest race of the day was in the Challenger Class. Giti Gow/and led by inches from the second lap all the way to victory, winning by a little margin. The third lap would set the top three finish positions. When Randy Anderson eased by Dave Fessenden on the Centerline FWY, his charge to the top was complete, and he won the race over Dave Fessenden. Dan Araujo and Dave Ramierz locked up third by Check 3. Ron W onsley and Jeff Quinn nabbed fourth, the last of this class on the lead lap. Fifth went to Acosta/Green, sixth to Greg Akins, and seventh to the Estrada team. Six teams started in Class 8, but only three finished in time. 1987 Superstition Class champion Ken All Welded Construction "NO PLASTIC" KOOL AUTO SPORTS All Aluminum Rabbit Replacement Radiator ..Page 46 Class 100 is a run what ya brung class, and six teams did Just that. The class has only one requirement. The wheelbase can be no longer than 100 "inches as measured by our elastic tape mea-sure. Normally this is a class con-_sisting of older vehicles wiJh. many of the drivers just learning the racing ropes. Not this time. The three Class 5 Baja Bugs decided the money would be bet-KOOLAUTO SPORTS Division of KOOL RADIATOR FOR ALL YOUR COOLING NEEDS CUSTOM ALUMINUM & BRASS RACING RADIATORS CALL RON DAVIS (602) 278-9211 OR WRITE DEPT. OT 2905 W. BUCKEYE RD PHOENIX, AZ 85009 January 1989 ter if the classes were combined. Lap 1 saw the Baja Bug ofNorm . Schmidt leading, with Todd Teuscher, Chenowth Wedge, a close second. They reversed posi-tions for lap 2. Then, yet another gremlin attack did in Todd, who was credited with third in class at the finish. While this was going on Donna Hington and company sneaked into second in a Sand-hawk. Donna would finish her first race with a smile that still hasn't quit. Mike LaPlant and Joe "dead weight" Valentine bogged. down in fourth. Greg Sanden decisioned "Crazy" Larry McCal-l um for last place. I~ the NFL it is called parity when all teams are equal. Here we call it great racing. There were a dozen in the Challenger class, and the top teams stole the show. They ended up like four peas in a pod. They started like this: Shane Reed, #907, James Tucker, #909, Giti Gowland, #912, and Tom. Watson, #999. On lap 1 Shane turned a 1:16.45, Giti a 1:17.08, Tom a 1:18.49, and James a 1:19.42. The second lap closed with Giti in the lead and every-body else making a driver change. The two lap totals looked like this. Giti, 2:33 .23, Shane, 2:33.52, Tom 2:36.19, and James, 2:37 .10. -G1"t(Ci,)wland won the race on the third lap. Jim Richard_son drove for Shane and immediately broke a hub. Jeff Bennett took over for Tom and had two flats while breaking a ball joint. Larry Wyatt replaced James and the motor tried to reject him. The third lap totals showed the extent of their problems. Giti had pulled a nine minute lead. Jim Richard-son gained nine minutes over Jeff Bennett, who in turn buried Larry Wyatt by 17 minutes. On the white flag lap they let it all hangout. Wyatt ran a 1:23.14, Bennett a 1:24.28, and Jim Richardson was off the pace with a 1:34.01. Gowland was by no means taking it easy. His last lap was 1: 25 .13 and the spoils of vic-tory his. Jim Richardson/Shane Reed were second, Jeff Bennett/ Tom Watson third, and Larry Wyatt/James Tucker nailed fourth. In fifth were Jim Tubbs/ Jim Walker, followed by Jack Hettinger/ Steve Reynolds. The race was over shortly after 8:00 p.m. when the last stragglers made it in. Time to relax and bench race with the refreshments furnished by Alford Distributing, our major sponsor. The next morning the traditional brunch and breakfast was held before the awards presentation. Soon the fun was over and it was time to leave. It's with a big thank you that I note the pits were cleaner then when we came! Dusty Tlma

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The Losers By Judy Smith The Baja 1000 is always i toughie, and even though Mother Nature cooperated and the weather was beautiful this year, it still ate up more than half the entries. As usual, some never got to the start line, and one of those was the team of Lisa· Dickerson and Scott Cameron, who had knocked themselves out getting their Class 5 ready after a rollover at the Ne-vada 500 and done it in. They managed to get through the long contingency line, and through tech, and everything looked good. They were all set, their pit crews took their gear and left for their various pits, and Scott and Lisa were left at camp, about five miles out of town, with just the race car, which they would use to get to the start line in the morning. But, on the way back from tech Scott .suddenly found that he couldn't shift gears, and try as they might, they couldn't solve the problem. About 1 a.m. they finally gave up, resigned to the fact that they were going to miss the race. But the worst of it was that since they weren't able to tell SCORE they were out before the race started, they lost that big fat entry fee. Mike Lund and Bill Hernquist teamed up in a 5-1600 car, and since this was the first major off-road race for Bill, they decided to give him the daylight driving; so he started. By the tme he got to El Reyo, he had already rolled the car. But it kept going, and he didn't lose too much time. Then, as he neared Catarina, he came over a hill and saw a Class 5 car ( number 501) stuck in a ditch. He swerved to miss it, but rolled again, doing "major damage" to bo,th the 5-1600 and the Class 5 car. By this time the car looked terrible, but it was still running, and, while late, he managed to get through all the sand washes, and down to Borrego. From there on the road was easier, and he made it into Matomi Wash, and more sand. He got about five miles into it and lost the motor. Because radio communications were vir-tually non-existent in that area, it took his crew until two o'clock in the morning to find him. When they all got home, and started checking the car to find out what had gone wrong with the motor, since it had been brand new at the start of the race, they discovered ·that they'd reversed the oil lines. Mike said it was a "very costly mistake." Paul and Henry Roten, in car 501, apparently never recovered from their mishap either, because they never got to the finish line. Malcolm Smith teamed with Tim Crabtree in one of Bob Gor-don's two seat cars, and ran well to Tres Pozos. But then Crabtree first lost the power steering, and then all the bolts in the nose cone broke as they headed through the whoopies after San Felipe. They were out for the day. Chuck Johnson and Scott Doug-las had a variety of ills, which included a blown head gasket, but. were determined to keep going, so they headed out onto Diablo dry lake. There, the motor finally quit and they were finished. As it hap-pened, Beny Canela had lost the motor on his two seater in the Dusty Times general area, and he and his res-cuers came along, towing the two seater with his pre-runner. They took pity on Chuck in the Ranger, and towed-it out also. Manny Esquerra had one of the shortest races of his career, when his motor broke about seven miles into the dirt. Walker Evans also lost his motor, as did his son, Evan, in the Class 7S truck. Ramon Castro ran out of gas in his Class 11 car before he got to Borrego, but was rescued and sent on his way. Then, when he got to Matomi Wash he broke an axle, and then he was out for good. Gregg Symonds had a new six cylinder motor in his Toyota, so he was forced to run in Class 14 for this race. He led the class for a while, but then, on the Pacific side, between checks 11 and 12, with co-driver Bill Varnes at the wheel, the transfer case took out the transmission. The crew knew he was in trouble, but there was no radio relay, so they couldn't find him and finally ran out of time. · Russ and Luke Jones had a transmission go bad by the time they reached Nuevo, so they replaced it and went on. Then, by the time their Class 7 truck got to Borrego the replacement trans-mission was gone, so· they now had to replace it with the one they'd originally started with. They gotast Diablo, and it gave up the · ost. They decided to limp bac out. went 20 yards, and the fuel pump quit. End of the day for the Jones team. Russians, Nikolafand Igor Bol, shikh ( twin brothers) and Alexei Grigoriev, ran together in their Class 3 trucks, so they could hell one another. It worked wel , because whoever was in front could radio back to the other about any hazards. But when they got to Borrego one of the trucks had terminal motor troubles, and they put it on a trailer. Then they took off to chase the remaining blue truck. That one had some trouble too, including missing the turnoff at the San Felipe Zoo, and then breaking some leaf springs, and tearing off a torsion bar mount. They kept moving for-ward until they got to Camalu, where they lost the motor. So they cannibalized the motor from the other truck ( which had been declared unfit to run, remember?), and sure enough, the blue truck got only about a half mile, and died for good. The Russians were terribly disappointed to not fin-ish, but they admitted they had underestimated the difficulty of the course. They were amazed at the tires, and neither had had any flats, and they hope to come back again, probably for the Mint and the 1000 next year. Pete Sohren had a good race going in Class 5, but lost his alter-nator up by Mike's. He spent a comfortable night there, push started the car in the morning, and drove back to Ensenada in the daylight. In the 5-1600s, Ed Oroszco came to the traffic jam in the pine forest after El Reyo, and tried to go around it. Somehow, he endoed the car, right between two trees, knocking himself, and his passenger, Martin McKay, out cold. It was a really hard endo, or so they were told by a witness, since they didn't really know what happened. They got the car on its wheels, once they were sensible again, and went on, with a bent front beam, not to mention a lot of other bent pieces, and finally finished, although too late to get credit for it. McKay ended up with a broken haq.d and finger, but was at the awards on Saturday night to tell his tale. Todd Shelton drove the Datsun 710 in.Class 6, with Steven Shearer, and they had terrible trouble getting up to the Summit. They were finally pushed up, and at the top, discovered that they had three broken tie rod ends. Now, you don't want to start downhill off the Summit with one broken tie rod end, not to men-tion three, so they radioed for help from their chase crew. After a long time their crew got there and fixed them up, and they went on, only to get to Diablo and break a strut. They hollered for their crew again. They kept going on, and having problems, and each time, since the chase crew kept going ahead to wait for them, when they'd break they'd have to wait for the crew to come back from somewhere to rescue them. It finally became apparent they had run out of time, so they headed back to Ensenada, arriving in time to freshen up a bit before going to the trophy presentation Saturday evening. The team of Bill Cook and Jim Cunningham plowed into Bor-rego with a broken tie rod. Sym, pathetic pit crew folk offered to weld things back together, but they were; in serious trouble because it was an aluminum tie rod. They never got to the finish line. Walter Prince got his Candy Cane two seater a little way past the base of the Summit, and lost his steering box. Norm Lester and Dave Ramocinski pulled into Borrego in good shape, but their crew discovered they had a bent hub, and they spent 20 minutes trying to make repairs. Then they went on, only to lose their trans-mission before they got to San Felipe. _ _ .. , David Kreisfer and Rick Scalzo ran well in Class 2 for a while, but then they lost their power steercing belts. They fixed that and went on, only to lose their alternator. At Matias they put a spare battery in the car, and switched to it when the first one was kaput. Then they stopped and took on another bat-tery and a second spare, thinking they had the problem worked out. But when they needed this spare it turned out to be dead, and that was the end of their race. The John Howard, Judy Smith, Ed Jacobs, Tim Howard team didn't get far past Tres Pozos when John began to hear very serious pinging noises. Ordinar-ily, John is deaf to that kind of noise, so he figured that if he could hear it through his helmet, it must be bad. Sure enough, the car didn't want to make it through the soft sand. The motor had been overheated when the fuel line got clogged with some pieces of dis-solved stuff and leaned it out. In Class 1, Brian Church took over for his dad, Bill, and headed up toward Mike's. They were running well. But Brian mistook the newly marked turnoff for the Safari racers, which went down into Simpson's Ranch, for the January 1989 regular trail, and made the right turn. (Several others made the same mistake.) He hadn't gone far when he realized his error, and he turned around to come back out, but to his dismay, there were "40 sets of lights coming down the course", as the Safari cars, which didn't run the entire race course, got to that point at about the same time as the front runners. So Brian decided that there was nothing he could do but go down the road toward Trinidad. He could have picked up the road that would have led eastward and back onto the course again, but he figured out his fuel needs, and decided he'd be in trouble, so he kept going all the way to Valle Trinidad, where he somehow cor-raled his crew, and had them fill him up with gas. Then he took off back up the hill again, through Mike's again, and outwardbound, toward Camalu. He found the right road this time, but some-where along the way he hit a rock, flattened a tire, and bounced the car part way off the trail. It took him a long time to get things squared away, and when he got down to Camalu, he figured he must be "in 100th place", so he just turned up the highway and came in to Ensenada. If he'd known that most -of the Class 1 cars were in trouble, and he'd have been fifth ifhe stayed on the course and finished, he might have made a different decision. The SNORE Showboat 250 was the next race on the schedule, and with a course that utilized parts of the old Speedrome Mint course, it was sure to make some Losers. There was a lot of silt on the dry lake, and several vehicles of the limited type got stuck on their first lap. Pat Galliher, driv-ing a 1-2-1600, was one of them.-He said later that he got into the silt, realized he was stuck, thought "Oh, Dammit!", and then he woke up in a helicopter. It seem; that Jack Short, in LeRoy Van Kirk's Porsche two seater was coming around on the beginning of his second lap, and, never see-ing Galliher in the dust, plowed right into him, the impact knock-ing Galliher out. There were a lot of.folks in the area, trying to uI)Stick various cars, and when they saw the Col-lins/ Herbst helicopter, which was watching the progress of one of their cars, they flagged it down. The helicopter had Galliher back in the Speedrome in about eight minutes, where the ambulance crew gave him first aid, and called for another ambulance to come and take him to the hospital for a checkup. Galliher, who had come to in the helicopter, didn't know much about what had happened, but he proved to be less seriously hurt than had been feared, with a banged up knee and a concussion. He was at the breakfast awards presentation the next morning. But neither his car, nor Short's, went any further. Brian Collins had a new car for that race, with new, longer sus, pension. He finished it at about 11 :30 the night before the race, and hadn't done any testing, so he took it out in the morning, just to see how it went. And it went just great, but unknown to Bri~n, the longer rear arm was coming up and banging on the bottom of the dry sump tank on his nice six cylinder Porsche motor. Pretty soon it was cracked, and all the oil went away, and as Brian crossed· the dry lake at speed, he suffered a meltdown, and became a spectator. In closing, I'd like to wish all our readers a happy and prosper, ous New Year, with many miles of safe racing. Remember that one of our New Year's resolutions needs' to be to cooperate with the prom, oters and the BLM, and keep our cars out of areas where we aren't wanted. We all need to work together to protect our precious right to be out in the desert at all. West Coast Distributor fOfl HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Mc Kenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Pqc47

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The Gran Carrera de Campeones A good 100 entries in various del Sol, then south along the edge motorcycle and four wheel classes of Diab lo Dry Lake. There was showed up in San Felipe early in some standing water here in early October to race the final event in · Oc.tober, and also further south the Baja Promotions Triple into Chanate Wash. Then it was Cro~ Series. They faced a chal-on to the old San Felipe-lengmg but fun course out of the Puertecitos Road and Check 5. Baja California re.sort city, two . Turning back ro;ard San Felipe munds of a 1 72 nule loop, which and the finish line the route went did have easy access to most parts over the Conquistadores Trail, of the course. The_ s~art was full of whoops and cross grain, moved from San Fehpe s famed and then it was parallel to the 'arches' down the road to where highway into the finish line. the course went off the highway In the Pro combined Classes 1 into the dirt. The reason was sim- and 2, Stewart Chase and Jeff ple -too many peop e and too Hibbard broke a spindle in a ditch ma1!y vehi~les crowding around just past the Zoo. Greg Vaughan the arches . hit the same ditch, breaking his The route led towar? Diablo car beyond repair, so Greg lent Dry Lake to a ~werhne road, Chase/Hibbard the needed parts past the Zoo and mto a new por- to resume racmg. All five Open tton of the course, heading into a cars had big troubles, and Chase fast stretch wit a few nasty and Hibbard went on to win the ditches which took a fair share of class, the on y finisher.Just clear-v1ct1ms. Hea mg north, the trail mg the first five checks, Shelton was west of the highway en route Lowrey and Larry Webster were to Check Z at Three Poles, where dee a red second in class and it turned ~est into !he fami~iar Brent Miller and Skip Brandt got san wash mto Check 3 at V 1lla past Chanate W ash for third. The 'BIGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the -C. V.s and torsion a~les on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or li~ited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. ~~nvert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 c V JOIOtS. • Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All ~xle~_an_d bells for T_ype II or Tyj>e_lV ~-V.s are threaded 3/8-24. . All axles and bells for ~ype_ II can be threaded 3/8-24 or stock 8 mm threaas .. pitch t~reads. 10 mm • 1. 5 1s slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses · on their cars. FIT YOUR Off ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. ~ MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSIN RE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY Uf'S l.)EALEB JlllQIJIRJES.JN-\ll.~ Pqc48 Photos: Lonnie Peralta other two starters did not get out of San Felipe. There was a great three way dice for the entire first lap in Pro Class 1-2-1600 with Jim Loggins/ Chris Armstrong leading the way. By Check 3 Loggms had a two minute edge on Craig Deardorff, who had John Grimes/Don Hatz just a couple more minutes behind him. Close too was the team ot Richard Bliss and Richard Young. About 110 miles into the course, Deardorff had the lead with the Grimes/Hao: ORE one minute back, followed by the Loggins/ Armstrong Mirage. By the lower check Grimes got past Deardorff, who was having mechanical problems, but then Grimes' engine went sour! Log-gms was still close, and after one lap only four minutes separated the first two cars. On the second lap the Loggms/ rmstrong Mirage vanished early. Gnmes/Hatz led, and even with a sick engine, they nursed the ORE to the finish line and the class v1c-t ry.John Valadez and Duke Per-rm ran otf the pace on the first lap, but as the ead cars retired in front of them, the also finished the race m second place.Taking third, Richard Bliss and Richard Young maae it ast Three Poles on lap before losing the engine. In combined Pro 3/8/7 4x4, Mike Homer put his GMC S-15 into the winners' circle, with co-drivers John DeVitto and David Beach. The team finished over an hour ahead of second placing Lance Martin, Norma Hilton and Sybren Sybranby in a Chevy S~ 10. They were more than a hour ahead of third placing Ed Everett, Jr. and Willie Valdez. Fourth in class went to the Dodge Ram-charger of Marcos Hernandez, Frank Delgado and Arturo Gar-cia, as all four starters in this group finished the race. -1be combined Pro Class 4 / / 8/ l 4 produce the surprise of the race, the overa winner on four whee s. The Heavy Metal field mostly collapsed early in the going, an Dave W esthem an Randy almont drove the 1987 Baja 1000 winning Class 8 GMC pickup into the overall victory ·ac January 1989 Despite breakage right off th~ start, just 20 miles, Stew~rt Chase and Jeff Hibbard fixed things and went on the win Pro combined Class 1 & 2 and were in fact, the only class finisher. ' ' John Grimes and Don Hatz survived a tight dice, then nursed i/so~'(';/;;g,;e late in the race nght into the victory in Pro Class 1-2-1600 driving the ORE. 7:43'.24. Their time was 12 min- started, only the first two finished utes faster than John Grimes and the entire course. Don Hatz, in second overall. The only truck in Pro Class 7S Second place in this class went was the Datsun of Fred Espinosa, to Ken Walters and Bryant Hibbs Ivan Clark and John Hicks. They in a Class 7 Nissan pickup, 23 covered one lap before calling it a minutes behind Westhem. Finish- day, the winners. ing third were Beny and Mary The Pro Challenger Class vic-Canela, Ramiro Gonzalez and Bill tory went to Daniel-Mora and Quitrneyer in a Ford F-150. Perry Erik Fisher, with good time of McNeil, Sandy Swanson and 8:56.40. Behind them there was Pedro Flores had plenty of trou- trouble. Arriving in second place bles and covered just one lap the team of Ed and Hugh before retiring, fourth in class. McClean and Steve Milligan Pro Class 5 fielded a pair of parked on the far side of the finish Bugs. Greg and Mel Vaughan, as line, thinking they had finished, as mentioned, did in their front end they were to d at the drivers' just 20 miles into the race. Run- meeting co stop before all checks nmg without any competttton m so the car number cou d be class, Glenn Wade a so droppea recorded. But they did not ta e out ear y, but went farther ana the checkered flag, and so they picked up the c ass victory. were not considered to have fin-Pro Class 5-1600 saw Robert ished the race. Instead, Alfredo C. Jones, Paul Maxey and David and Adolfo Arambula were listea Bark do a near unpossi le feat, in secon p ace, and Ruben Gar-not on y wmnmg the c ass, but . cia, Pierto Bracea and Jose Pimen: they finished among the faster tel were p aced third. overall ve ides, eleventh overall In the 5 ortsman ranks Russell at 8: 18.36. Second in class went Root and Randy Persky had an to Guillermo Quintero an Fran- easy romp to the Class 1-2-1600 cisco Ortiz, about 44 minutes win. They led from the oreen flag back on time. Rudy Cortez came and never looked back. In fact in third, but his Bug was found to they were the only team of sjx be a bit fancier than the 5-1600 entries to complete both laps. rules allow in post race tech. Mov- Second place went to Rafael ing into third was Ernesto Aram- Echegolian and Mario Reynosos, . bula_. _9_f the seven S-1600s that who only got in one lap. Russell Root and Randy Persky led the six car Sportsman Class 1-2-1600 field from the green to the checkered flag, and they were the only survivors in the class. Dusty Times

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L4i: ·:·.-~-llllli. 4..."':...'"": .. "" John Valadez and Duke Perrin had their trouble early, and came back on the second lap strong enough to finish the race second in Class 1-2-1600. In the hunt with the leaders on the first lap, Richard Young and Richard Bliss were forced out with engine trouble, but took third in 1600s. Nostalgia buffs enjoy seeing the IH Scout ;a,ci, and Willie· Vakl~z . and Ed Everett Jr. drove It to a third place finish in Pro 3/8/7 4x5 .. -en a ters an ryant , s not on y ,ms e the race m t e '83 Nissan, they also finished a great second in the Pro 4/7 /8/14 The big team of Beny and Mary Canela, Ramiro Gonzalez and Guillermo Quintero and Fra;cisco Ortiz had a good run in Pro Class 5-1600, finishing the two laps in second place, 44 minutes out of the win. class. · Bill Quitmeyer finished very well in the Ford F-150, third in Pro 417/8/14 action. In Sportsman Class iO Thump-er and Mike McDowell and Paul Day led the class after one lap in their Funco Hustler by almost 21 minutes. However, they only made it to Check 1 on the second lap. Moving into the lead for good at this point was the two seater crewed by Bob and Todd Fetters and Glen Thompson. Scott and Brad McGuire kept their rac;er moving in spite of various prob-lems, completing the second lap with about half an hour left on the time allowance. Sportsman Class 11 is sort of a private club for the boys from Ensenada, with the side bets usu-ally totaling a goodly amount of cash. All four in the class last October were from Ensenada, and they had only one 172 mile loop to complete. Victor Sarabia came out the winner with more than three hours margin on Gabriel Luna and Luis Angeles, and only these two teams finished the lap. Marco Carmona and Rene Maldonado made it to the third check, while Victor and Angel Barajas got as far as Three Poles before retiring. There were four starters in Sportsman 3/6/7 4x4, but only one completed both laps. Jorge Sierra and Victor Preciado brought their Dodge Ram 50 around to the checkered flag, hav-ing no competition for most of the second lap. In second, Marcus and Dan Muller and Tom Farley got to Check 1 on the second lap in their Ford Ranger. Robert San-doval and Robert Jr. also com-pleted one lap in a street legal '76 Toyota FJ40, taking third in their first ever off road race. Enrique . Courtade and Fidencio Salas_gQ!: to Three Poles on lap 1 before parking the '75 Ford Mustang. In Sportsman 4/7 /8/14 Diego Beltran led all the way in a Chevy pickup. Early Challenger Juan Hussong was soon parked, and that was the race. Of the five that started in Sportsman Class 5, Don and Dave · Simpson were the only finishers, doing the two laps in 9:33.24 in their VW Thing. Second in the class went to Al and Denise Worner who completed the first lap, but did not go much farther. The team of Eric Guillermo and Jorge Muller was the only starter inSportsman5-1600. They opted to go the distance to finish and earn the maximum points, which they did, taking their time on course to be sure of a finish. In Sportsman Challenger action Sil-vio T amariz and Marco Galindo covered one lap for the class honors. Among the motorcycle classes, Juan Ortiz and Sergio Vega, racing in Sportsman Open Motorcycles, went faster than anybody else, doing the route in 7:01.28 on a Honda CR 250 to win the race overall. Incredibly, Chris Lang and Don Rotundo were second in Bob and Todd Fetters 3nd Glen Thompson took over the Sportsman Class 10 lead on lap 2, and they carried on to the finish line to win the class. Dusty Times ~ Marcus and Dan Muller and Tom Farley got to Check 1 on the second lap in the Ford Ranger, good for second in Sportsman 3/6/7 4x4. -~ Ceasar Zepena and Rene Castro got to the lower check on lap 2, before r11tiring, which was good for third place in Sportsman Glass 1-2-1600. class arid second overall on time. David Tolin, Gary Martin andJ im Roewer were third in class. Only two started in Pro Open Motorcycles. The apparent winners, Andy W emberl y and David Thornton were disquali-fied for missing a check. So Earl Roberts, Tim Morton and Donald Connelly, on a Yamaha, were the class winners, despite only going through 1. In Sportsman Limited Motor-cycles, Tim Clark and Boyd Yantzi won on a Kawasaki, and were only 24 minutes off the overall fast time. In second came David Jones and Donald Smo-linski, also on a Kawasaki. In Pro Open A TV action the tea·m of Bruce Hoover and Tony Sanchez brought their Honda 3 wheeler in for the class win, the only team to finish the course. Skip Welchelt, Natalie Corbett and Hank Martens took second. In Sportsman A TV competi-tion, Bruce Carrol and Jerry Daoust not only won aboard their Honda, but they took a great sev-enth overall. Their time of 7:57.46 brought them home over an hour ahead of the next class finisher. Runner up was solo rider Parris Knapp on a Honda Four-T rax, who had 34 minutes on third placing Angel Garcia and Jorge Funtes on another Four-T rax. Eduardo and Carlos Kanter were the last of the eight starters to finish, taking fourth place .. Thus the 1988TripleCrownof Baja series came to an end, and four such races for cars and bikes are planned in 1989. But no series is complete without an Awards Banquet. The Baja Promotions Gran Prixs de Baja takes place on Saturday,January 14, 1989, start-, ing with cocktails, then dinner and dancing. The place is the new and beautiful Hotel Fiesta Ameri-cana in Tijuana, B.C., Mexico. It is just a stone's throw across the border, handy for citizens and competitors from both Mexico and the USA. Don't call us, call Baja Promotions for reservations,· (818) 340-5750. It should be a fun evening. weve written the book on Off Road. •FAT Racing Parts • Centerline Wheels • Bilstein Shocks •Sway-A-Way • Perma-Cool •S&S Headers We've completed the most comprehensive catalog of race-proven parts ever. From the people who have put more Off Road drivers in the Winner's Circle than anyone else. Whether it's a simple Dzus button or an elabo-rate race-ready engine. Call, write, carrier pigeon, anything. But do it now. Or you'll be at the back of the pack. PDFORMAIICE FOR YOUR FAT PERFORfv1ANCE CATALOG, SEND $5 TO FAT PERFORfv1ANCE. DEPT. DT. 1558 NO. CASE ST, ORANGE. CA 92667, ORCALL(714)637-2889 January 1989 • Weber Carbs •IPF Lights •JaMar Products • Wright Place .• Tri-Mil Exhaust •Gem Gears • Beard Seats •Simpson Safety • Super-Trapp • Yokohama Tire.s • Petr~T ech 2000 Page 49

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19N PRESS ON RIGARDLDS NATIONAL PRO RALLY New Talent and Old Treachery By Tom Grimshaw Photos: Tom Buchkoe ·~ .,;/fit Midway in the second half, Paul Choiniere and Tom Grimshaw took the lead in the Audi Quattro, and carried on to win the P.O.R. by nearly eight minutes, and Paul took the Pro Rally points lead as well. In 1987, when John Buffum and I won our second consecutive Press On Regardless, I was certain of two things - I would never matchJB's four P.O.R. wins and I would never again, in this life-e, have to face that miserable bitch of a rally in Michigan. The 1987 win was my third in thirty tries - one short of Buf-fum 's winning record, and it was my final season as a professi,;mal co-driver. At the end of the '87 season I retired - forever! "Forever", I have come to learn, means about ten months. For the first ten months of 1988 I successfully resisted all offers to ride with an assortment of drivers bent on destroying my credibility with wife and family, to whom I had vowed never again to don uniform and helmet and risk my aging bones in a PRO Rally car. My resistance cost me thou-sands of dollars, but not one sleepless night. Of course I did hedge a bit. I retained the right to earn a few Yankee Dollahs navi-gating "safe and slow" road ral-lies. Like the One Lap of America. Many of you probably saw my "safe and slow" One Lap.come to a screeching halt on ESPN-TV when Art St. Antoine, managing editor of Car and Driver Magazine, and I, totally destroyed a brand new BMW M-5 in the California mountains. The safety of retirement from PRO rallying cost me months of When he found the right tire combination, Rod Millen, with Harry Ward, got the Mazda 323 4WD through the ranks to finish second overall. torture at the Kansas Sports Rehab Center where I was accosted daily by berserk sonic massage machines and a nineteen year old female therapist with Bruce Lee hands, no discernible chest, and the sense of humor of a rabid wolverine. Still, for all that, I was looking forward to October and a relaxing weekend in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, assisting John Buffum in his new role as SCCA National PRO Rally Manager and Event Steward. I looked forward to nights in The Library Bar, the Mecca of professional rallying, where a wall plaque commemorates the infamous Buffum-Crawford-Grimshaw Nucleur Food Fight of '84. Finally, after thirty years, I would attend the P.O.R. as a spectator. But I had not counted on The Fickle Finger of Fate sneaking up behind me like a crazed proctolo-gist with an infected hangnail. . Paul Choiniere, John Buffum's · stepson, and Audi's only official entry in the '88 PRO Rally wars, telephoned me the day before I was to fly to Michigan. Seems his regular co-driver, Scott Wein-, heimer, was suffering some unknown stomach ailment and might not make it to the P.O .R. Would I be interested in taking his place? I found my helmet on the back patio. My wife was using Niall Leslie and Brian Maxwell did a great job in winning Production Class in the Toyota Corolla, and they also won the class for the year. it as a fern pot. My uniform was serving as a cat box kitty-litter liner. It was not until Thursday night, during our Audi team reunion dinner at The Summer Place out-side Houghton, that I began to realize what I had committed to do. The rally was starting at 5:00 p.m. the following day, Friday, October 28th. My wife, who had been living in New Jersey since October 1st, preparing for our move from Kansas in late November, was to call me Saturday morning. How the hell was I going to explain this? How the hell was I going to pay for another divorce? Fifty-eight teams gathered in Houghton, Michigan for the 40th running of the Press On Regard-less -the "oldest, toughest, meanest rally in North America". Forty teams were to run the two day P.O .R. national champion-ship event, while eighteen teams were entered in the one day Lac Vieux Divisional Rally tacked on to the rear of the pack. The P.O.R. has always been a nasty piece of work. Perhaps that is the reason it is the one rally everyone wants to win in North America. A P.O .R. victory can make a career in professional rally-ing in this country. . The '88 P.O.R. certainly lived up to its wretched reputation. On Thursday night both the tempera-tures and the snow began to fall. By Friday, forecasters promised up to twelve inches of the slippy stuff. There was a bitter North wind blowing across the Kewee-naw Peninsula and through the forests of the Huron Mountains . On Friday, before the. start, Buffum added pages of new cau-tions to our route books, warning us of icy water holes, car crunch-ing ruts, deep mud and deeper snow. The P.O .R. was gathering its weapons and baring its fangs. One team DNFed before they ever arrived in Houghton. Bruno Kreibich and Clark Bond had just won the Canadian National Deft Ste Agathe in Quebec two weeks prior. It was Bruno's first ever major win as a professional rally driver. He was more than eager to tackle the P.O.R. Some years ago Bruno's service crew rolled his van and rally car en route to the P .0 .R. This year they did it again, on an icy road approaching Houghton. Bruno estimated th.e damage to his ser-vice van and Audi Quattro at $45,000.00. The Fickle Finger, etc., etc .... At 5:00 p.m. Friday the local police chief led the opening parade of cars through Houghton, across the bay bridge to Hancock and on to the first race stage. It was then that I found I could not read a Halda Rally Computer, could not tell time, could not tum pages in a route book and route instructions were so much gibber-ish. I was an ancient heart patient recently escaped from the inten-sive care unit. In short, I was a basket case. Paul and 1 started Car 5 on the road. I wondered what he'd do when the flag dropped and all he heard was static over the inter-com. Then Gene Henderson leaned through the window and warned Paul "don't you hurt this old man", and someone yelled "FIVE, FOUR, THREE, TWO, ONE, G.01", and it all came back. Before the end of the first spec-tator stage we knew we were in trouble. Paul could not keep the beast pointed down the road. In icy corners it was nearly impossi-ble to guess which end would exit first. We spent most of the time through the first four stages look-ing at the road through the side · windows rather than the wind-shield. Something was definitely amiss. At the L'Anse service stop we learned we had started the rally with a busted front half-shaft. The Audi had been reduced from all wheel drive to two wheel driv~. Not good in the snow. But we weren't the only team in trouble. Rod Millen, the pre-event favorite, had dropped from Doug Shepherd and Joe Andreini had some trouble with the Dodge Daytona, but tf)e PG T champs for the year took third in class· in Michigan. Steve Nowicki and Cathee Light charged through Black Creek in the VW Golf G Tl en route to seventh overall and second in Production Class. Cal Landau and Eric Marcus fly over the Mandan stage in their Dodge Omni GLH and they finished third in Production Class and eighth overall. Page 50 Janua,y 1919 Dusty nmcs

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game continued. Early Saturday morning, at the Houghton Main Time Control which completed the first day's run, we found ourselves in second place, only one minute out of first. My wife telephoned just as I was falling asleep at 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning. "Hi. How is your weekend going?" "Fine so far." "How is the rally? Are you and John having a good time?" "John is enjoying himself I think. But Paul and I are in second place - over a minute out of Through even the snow at Black Creek, Dan and Betty Ann Gilliland kept the I first." Dodge straight and they won Production GT with a great fourth overall. "WHAT? PAUL AND YOU? SECOND PLACE? YOU PROM-first on the road to fourth, in his group. For several years I've only Mazda 323 GTX. Roddy's hard kept a record of Rod Millen's ISI.£>~-~~:d for me to destroy my compound Bridgestone 43s were stage times as he and Buffum wife's lady-like image by repeat-not the tire one wishes to use in always led the pack by several f dd 1 h d k ing the rest o our conversation.) the snows of Northern Michigan. minutes. Su en Y I a to eep At 1 :00 p.m. Saturday after-Californian, Bill Holmes and track of ten cars - and I didn't d noon we started the final ay of co-driver•, Jean Lindamood, could even know most of the drivers! h d the P.O.R. A scoring error a not see out of the windshield of During a long pause at a Start placed Paul and I first on the road, their Ford F150 pickup truck. Control I smoked a cigarette and followed by O'Neil's VW. But The West Coast wipers could not listened to the front running dri v-k ll k both teams new we were actua y handle the ice of the Keweenaw ers trade stories. O'Neil, Nowic i, h one minute behind in the scoring, Peninsula. Zenz, Krolikowski, C oiniere - and the error would be corrected At the L'Anse restart, Tim who the hell were these guys? A before the rally ended that O'Neil and Martin Headland had bunch of kids out playing in the d h l evening. moved their Rally Sport North-woo s. Enjoying t emse ves. east VW GTI from thirteenth to Driving with their balls and not As we moved the Audi uf for · first place. Team Manager, Salty once considering the dangers the restart I explained to Pau that Sal talano, claimed the Perelli lurking on every icy patch of road. my marriage, my happy home, my sponsored team was using "Fin-What the hell was I doing here three cats, my dog, my future, my nish Perellis" - "Hakkapeliit- in the middle of this group? three meals a day, were all in his · tas",tothoseintheknow.Millen Just before dawn, Saturday hands. Theonlywaylwasgoing was trying to beg, borrow or steal morning, O'Neil grew tired of to survive this foolishness was to any tire that could handle ice and flattening the snow for the rest of win the P.O.R. No wife, no matter snow. the pack and opted not to check how callous she be, could berate a As we left L'Anse, way down in into a Start Control. The new man who has just won his fourth tenth place, it was evidentthatthe rules in 1988 allow ten minutes P.O.R. '88 P.O.R. was going to be a tire . free latenessatStartControls. ltis Midway through the second war and a scramble for survival. designed to discourage speeding half we were only trailing O'Neil With a new half-shaft and the on public road transits when a by nine seconds, and the longest return of all-wheel drive, Paul team needed extra service time. stage of the rally was in front of began to show me why he is con- But of course all rules eventually us. Mandam Road. Ten miles of sidered one of the top new talents lead to gamesmanship. And misery. The roughest piece of in professional rallying. Watching O'Neil'sexperiencedco-driver, road I've ever encountered in my his moves out of the corner of my Martin Headland, had decided to years in the U .P. eye, while reading route instruc- let the games begin. When we hit the Mandam Fin-tions, was much like watching O'Neil let nine cars check in ish Control I knew I had just John Buffum in past years. The and start the stage in front of him. experienced the "new world of kid had learned his lessons well He waited for his final free minute PRO Rallying". Paul drove the and we began to move up. to check in. Doug Shepherd, who ten miles of pure hell at a ten-By midnight we had moved to had his Dodge Daytona well · tenths level and we survived. I seventh and passed several cars on placed among the' leaders, also. waited at the following service the road. We'd caught the dropQe_d bac~ to \,Vatch O'Neil, areafortheO'NeilVW,knowing Holmes/Lindamood Ford and planning on checking in right full well we had taken over the watched as they missed a right behind the VW, to keep an eye on lead. hand bend and disappeared in a the leader of the pack. I waited in vain. The VW never cloud of snow, over a bank and I've always liked rally games. appeared. I finally learned from into the woods. We had moved to second overall following teams that O'Neil had Chad DiMarco, another Cali- in the standings and O'Neil was of parked in the middle of the stage fornia beach boy, soon disap- particular interest to us. Soon the - and the closest team was five peared. His Subaru Tutbo suf-VW, the Audi and the Daytona minutes behind us! fered a slight "stuff" and a DNF. were jockeying around the road The few remaining stages were O'Neil was still charging in the like bump-em cars in a carnival. pure hell. We lost our power front. He was pushing the VW to O'Neil finally moved into the steering just before the second theveryedgeandsurviving-the control. Shepherd started in run through Mandam Road. A name of the game at the P.O.R. if behind him but Paul blocked him front strut was totally destroyed. you really want the win. with the Audi and we moved in We'd long ago run out of new The only problem I was having behind O'Neil, followed by tir~Th~Audi was beginning to was trying to keep track of the Shepherd. make terminal noises. of the cars in the lead Check, check again - and the We watched as Rod Millen, now wearing new borrowea Mazda 323 GTX, ·al~ second in Michelins, made one of his pa-Group A. Third overall and first tented charges through the pack. in Production went to Niall Leslie On the final stage of the 1988 and Brian Maxwell in the Toyota P.O.R., the. ten mile run back GTS, another 29 seconds back. through Mandam Road, Millen Dan and Betty Gilliland won the beat the second place team of close battle in Production GT, Niall ~slie and Brian Maxwell by fourth overall, with Henry and over a minute and a half and took Cynthia Krolikowski just 15 second overall in the final stand- seconds behind them, second in ings. It was a magnificent drive, class, fifth overall, followed in, but Millen needed another day or just two seconds by Doug Sheir, so to wipe out our eight minute herd/Joe Andreini, sixth overall. lead at the end. · All three GT Production con, . My wife called Saturday night, tenders drove Dodges. after the awards presentation. Second in F'rocfuction Class, "SO? WHAT HAPPENED?" seventh overall, went to Steve "Listen, Darling, Honey, Poop, Nowicki and Cathee Light, VW sie, Love of My Life, you won't GTI, just a couple minutes ahead believe this. We ACTUALLY of third in class, eighth overall, won the P.O.R." Cal Landau and Eric Marcus (Long pause from New Jersey.) in a Q_odge Qf!!ni,, _Tenth overall "WELL.OK THEN. WHEN and fourtnin GT were Bill Buff ARE YOU COMING HOME?" and Dick Casey, Dodge. First in "T omorro..y Dear, and I prom-Open Class and eleventh overall ise, I'll never ever, ever get back were Carl Kieranen and Diane into another .... " Sargent in a Mazda RX-7. CLICK! Tim O'Neil and Martin Head-Truly the Press On Regardless land won the Lac Vieux Divi-lived up to its reputation with a sional section, the first day's run, tough course, tougher weather, of the rally in a VW GTI. The and 30 cars finished of the 44 that Krolikowskis were second overall started the National event. The in the Divisional, followed by Eric Audi Quattro still is king on the Zenz/Sean O'Conner, Mazda U.P. with th_e_ 02'.~rall an~ Gr(?Up 323, Rene and Mike Villenmure, A victory by Paul Choiniere anct Dodge Omni GLH, Kieranen/ Tom Grimshaw. They were just Sargent, Jim and Jennifer Warren, under eight minutes faster than Olds Firenza, and Gail Hoult/ Rod Millen/Harry Ward in the Kerry Voll, Chevy Citation. Tim O'Neil and Martin Headland led the P. O.R·. for a long time, but went out on day 2, but still won the Lac Vieux Divisional in the VW GT/. Henry and Cynthia Krolikowski were second in Production GT in their Dodge, by just 15 seconds, and the Omni Turbo was also fifth overall. Carl Kieranen and Diane Sargent kept the Mazda RX 7 in contention, and they got the sports car in 11th overall and the Open Clas.s winner. Bill Buff and Dick Casey got the Dodge Omni through the Michigan woods fast enough to take fourth place in Production GT, tenth overall. Eric Zenz and Sean O'Conner did well on the first half of the P.O. R. and they took third in the Lac Vieux Divisional and a dnf in the P.O.R. Dusty nmes January 1989 Page 51 .!:=~==-------------------=.:.:::::.!.....:.:..::.:.. ______________________ """":""_(

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·the Snore Yoko Loco Photos: Don Dayton James Barbeau and Jack Short took the lead on the second lap, turned fast and consistent lap times, and sailed through a trouble free run to win Open Class and first overall. The fifth race in the six event SNORE Yokohama points series happened on Halloween week-end. The race took place in the Eldorado Valley southeast of Las Vegas, NV. The start/finish area was in the Las Vegas MotoCross Park, familiar to Mint 400 racers as the dreaded half way mark sla-lom. It is not far from the site of last year's Yoko Loco that took place in the pouring rain. This year the skies were overcast, but _it was dry and warm early in the morning. The race required four laps of the 4 7 mile course for all but the trucks, 5-1600s and Challengers, who covered three laps for an official finish. While there was a six hour time limit on the race, the first car to finish in each class sig-nifies the end of the race for that class. After early morning regis-tration and tech, the cars started one every 30 seconds about 10:20 in the morning. Six started in the Unlimited Class that combines Classes 1 and 2. Aaron Hawley was first around in his two seat Chenowth, and also first on time with a 53.35, which turned out to be fast lap of the race. But, there was a lot of oil showing on his engine. In second was Tom Bradley Jr. and his bride Kelly, at 53.51, and next it was Brian Collins/Bruce Graves in the Porsche powered Chenowth at 54.29, and both were Class 2 cars as well. The Jack Shorti}ames Barbeau Class 1 tallied a 54.43, followed by Doc Ingram/Bill Kreitlow, 58.25, and Troy and Tim Herbst, 59.32. Midway many made pit stops and Hawley was having some problems. Short/Barbeau had the lead by just over a minute on Col-lins, and Hawley was six minutes _back.Troy Herbst stopped to fix a steering breakage but held fourth, as both Ingram and Bradley dropped a lot of time, and Bradley Mark Barnes led the Class 10 action from flag to flag, and also tied for third overall with no problems on course, and he took the prize money home to Barstow, CA. then retired with oil cooler prob= lems. After three rounds Short/ Barbeau had a husky lead of 6½ minutes over Hawley. Collins was another minute back, having had a flat in a very tight situation. Jack Short and Jim Barbeau sailed on to win the race overall, with all their laps well under the hour. Their overall winning time was 3:44.40, and it was a trouble free race. Aaron Hawley came back from power steering trou-bles to take second in class and second overall at 3:49 flat. It was Brian Collins who whipped home thirdat3:49.41, only41 seconds later and tied on total time for third overall with the Class 10 winner. The Herbst brothers had troubles again with the steering, but still finished fourth in class at 4:44.11, followed in just 27 seconds by Doc Ingram and Bill Kreitlow. Another half dozen started in Class 10, and this began as. a very tight race between Mark Barnes, with a first lap time of 5 7 .20, and John Ellenburg, 57 .48. Mike Peterson/Paul Wulfenstein were third at 1:00.07, followed closely by Jeff Akins, 1:03.54. Having early woes, Kevin McGillivray / Don Angel were next at 1: 11.01 followed by Mike Bingham/Pete Dutton, 1:18.02. Barnes increased his lead over Ellenburg to a full minute midway in the race. Petersen/W ulfenstein were third, another 1 ½ minutes down. Akins sank to fourth ahead of Bingham/Dutton and McGil-livray / Angel, who soon retired with engine trouble. The battle still raged up front after three laps. Barnes turned fast lap for the class, a 56.4 7, and had over three minutes in hand on Ellenburg. Petersen/Wulfenstein were only four minutes back in third, but they failed to finish the fourth lap. Akins was back in fourth now, 18 minutes up on the Bingham car. Mark Barnes, from Barstow, turned a 57 .51 final lap to not only win Class l0goingaway, but he tied Collins for third overall to the second. John Ellenburg fin-ished on a flat tire and took second in class, fifth overall at 4:08.46. Jeff Akins kept his mount going and was third in Class 10 at 4:34.51. Mike Bingham and Pete Dutton had more trouble on the last lap, but finished in 5:01.20. And report-ers came from Check 1 about rain there, northwest of the start/ fin-ish line. A herd of 14 started in Class 1-2-1600, but a pair of them did not cover a lap, including Ken Cox subbing for Rob Mac-Cachren, out with a blown head. Out front on the first lap on time it was Bekki and Ken Freeman at 1:03.19, followed by Mike Snod-grass/Ross Shurtliff, 1 :04.12, Jeff, Dick and Larry Trimble, 1:04.35, and Pat Dean, 1:04.38. Ron Cloud/Herman Salaz and Mark Ruddis/Danny Porter were tied at 1:05.16, plus several more were in the next minute. On the second lap Snodgrass/ Shurtliff turned fast lap for the class at 1:01.51, and now led Pat Dean by 1 ½ minutes. Craig Forest was another three minutes back, followed in just 15 seconds ~y _tlle Freemans. Ruddis/Porter were 1 ½ more minutes down with Paul and Charlie Kline less than a min-ute behind them. It was still tight down through the ranks, and a dozen were still running. A bunc11 of bikers led by Mike Snodgrass and Ross Shurtliff, in their first race on four wheels, turned class fast lap and won Class 1-2-1600 in the tandem and also finished sixth overall! Bryan Pennington took the Challenger Class lead midway in the race and won by just over a minute, and earned enough points to become the SNORE 1988 Things changed a lot in the 1600 ranks on lap 3. Pat Dean took over the lead by nearly three • · Aaron Hawley set fast lap of the race on his first lap, had some problems, but came back to finish second In Open Class and second overall. Overall Points Champion. John Ellenburg was close to the Class 10 leader for three laps, but a flat tire on the last lap took time, and John was second, fifth overall. January 1989 . .. ....,. •.-Craig Forest ran up front with the leaders all day and he drove the Chenowth to second in Class 1-2-1600, just over a minute behind. Dusty nma

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James Clements and Michael Brown came very close in Challenger action, but the boys from Barstow had to settle for second in the tight class. Reid and Paul Ferguson and Jeff Robbins carried a Halloween pumpkin on the course, and it stayed on as they drove to second in Class 5-1600. Marty Pedi and Oscar Lopez turned a pair of nearly identical iaps in their Toyota, and led the trucks after two laps, but failed to finish. Kent Lothringer led the quintet of 5-160<i Bugs from the green to the checkered flag, set fast class lap on the first round, and won the class by a whopping 52 minutes. minutes on Snodgrass/Shurtliff. Craig Forest was third a couple more minutes back, followed in just over a minute by the Klines. Matching the fast lap of 1:01.51, now a couple more minutes down, came Brent and Paula Bell, 36 seconds up on the Plums,. while Ruddis/Porter were back another two minutes and seen no more. Some slowed on the last lap.but not the top finishers. Bike racers Mike Snodgrass, Ross Shurtliff, Anthony Bryant and R. Harrison won their first car race in the tan-dem and it was a real squeaker. Their timewas4:19.57. Turning a faster last lap Craig Forest was second at 4:20.56, followed in a single second by Paul and Charlie Kline. Pat Dean dropped seven minutes on the last lap and to fourth at 4:23.25. Next came Brent and Paula Bell at 4:27 .17, followed closely by David and James Plum at 4:28.28, and Bekki Freeman and her dad Ken at 4:32.29. This group were sixth through 12th overall! Rounding out the finishers were Greg Akins, 4:36.12, the Trimbles, 4:45.25, and Ron Cloud/Herman Salaz, 4:54.49. Seventeen Challenger cars took off for their three laps, and they also had a very close race. The team of Chris Diesen and Keith' W esterfield set fast lap of the day in the class on lap 1, 1:09.03. But John Bartolotti was only 36 seconds back in second. Overall points leader Bryan Pennington was next at 1:10.02, followed in seven seconds by Bryan and Danny Lutz. James Clements/ Michael Brown had a 1:10.41 and Giti Gowland scored a 1:10.58. Six cars in less than two minutes. Whew! A few more were just a minute or so behind here. The middle lap shifted the standings. Bryan Pennington was now leading in the Valley Per-formance car, but only by 18 seconds over Dieson/W ester-field. Clements/Brown held third, another minute back, fol-lowed in four minutes by Barto-lotti. Less than three minutes down came Daryl Nustad/Curtis Crawford, followed in a minute by Brian Maginnis/Bart Hamil-ton. The others were strung out · some to the rear, but thirteen got this far. With all three laps varying by less than a minute, Bryan Pen-nington won the Challenger Class, securing his SNORE 1988 overall championship as w~ll.J:l_i~ total time was3:29.44. Also turn-ing laps in the same minute, James Clements and Michael Brown were second at 3:31.23. John Bar-tolotti did the fastest last lap, 1 :09.38, to come in third at 3 :34 .11 in this tight battle. In fourth, Kris Dieson and Keith Westerfield scored a Andy and Joe Stix drove their body shedding Toyota to victory in the mixed bag of various size trucks group; in fact theirs was the only truck to cover three laps. DustyTima 3:39.40, while a longer last lap did a 1:15.52 to increase his lead dropped Brian Maginnis and Bart to over 40 minutes on the Fergu-Harnilton to fifth at 3:50.18. Tim sons, and the Conroy car was Crain and Dean Richner climbed another three minutes back. Klick into sixth at 3:58.12, and last lap andcompanywereoutoftherace. trouble dropped Nustad/Craw- Kent Lothringer did a 1:18.25 ford to seventh at 4:06.03, just final lap to win the 5-1600 honors ahead of Bruce Mangold/Randy handily with total time of Lovejoy, ·4:08.59. Rounding out 3:48.41, not that far off the win-the ten finishers were John Wells ning pace in the Challenger Class. andMacMcDonald,4:20.23,and Reid and Paul Ferguson took Steve Eversmeyer and Dean Col- second at 4:40.34. Conroy and son, 4:40.05. Bourgeois came to grief on the last Five started in Class 5-1600, lap and did not finish. . but Barry Slatter didn't cover a There were three mini trucks lap. Way out front was Kent and a Class 4 Dodge grouped Lothringer at 1: 14 .24, fast lap for together for the truck purse. On the class. Paul Klick and Kevin the first of three laps Andy and Streety were next at 1:39.00, fol-Joe Stix led the bunch with a lowed by Ken Conroy/John 1:22.39, but Marty Pedi/Oscar Bourgeois, 1:48.29, and Reid and , .. Lopez had the Toypta just four Paul Ferguson, 1:54.33. minutes back. Tracy Rubio -ana· On the middle lap Lothringer Dustin Lewis used almost four hours or one lap and retired, while the Bill Dickton Dodge did not cover a lap. Pedi, Lopez and Debra Martin-elli led lap 2 by merely a minute 20 seconds over the Stix truck, and it looked like a race to the flag between these two. But the Pedi ·Toyota did not finish the lap. The Stix truck did fast lap for the class at 1:18.04 and won with a total time of 4:13.23. The-awards presentation was Sunday morning at the Jeep Posse Hall in Las Vegas. Of the 52 cars that started the race, 32 officially finished, 19 in the four lap classes and 13 in the three lap groups. Participation has been up in numbers all year in the SNORE events, and look for a giant entry at the season ending Showboat 250 in December. Pat Dean led Class 1-2-1600 after three laps, but this slight problem slowed him on the final lap and he dropped to fourth in the class. Despite a few troubles, Brent and Paula Bell tied for fast lap in Class 1-2-1600 and they finished tight in the Bunderson, fifth in the class. Need action photos? Call us for proofs! 1,a.ckside Photo, Inc.-Racing photography since 1970 ' . r• Trackside Photo, Inc. Photos for Public Relations, Promotions, Ads Commercial & Product Photography January 1989 -·-1507 East Del Amo Blvd. Carson, California 90746 (213) 609-1772 Page 53

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19 8 Prcsidcntc-Scorc Baja 1000 Fourth Annual · Endurance Safari By Rod Koch Donald Simpson took the overall victory and first in 2 wheel drive stock class, with a perfect score of 37 driving his very well set up yellow VW Thing, a 181 to the true believers. It had been ten years since DUSTY TIMES reporter Rod Koch had raced in the Baja 1000, so when Steve Kassanyi, SCORE's Race Director told Rod he could drive in the Fourth Annual Baja Endurance Safari, Rod figured the "short" Safari course of "only" 273 miles would be an easy drive and lots of fun. It would also give an opportunity to re--capture that spirit of adventure so evident in past Baja 1000 races. The Safari turned out to be all that, and then some. The Safari entrants were required to go through Registra-tion and Tech inspection along with the racers. Roll Bars and · safety belts were required, with stock belts and harnesses accepted. Fire extinguishers, first aid kits, general safety of vehicle and emergency equipment were all checked out. Like most of the Safari teams, Rod and his navigator, Todd Bane had pre-run the course several weeks prior to the event. How-ever at Registration all Safari drivers were given a new course map. Changes included cutting off the Pacific course for the Safari and replacing it with a loop from Valle de Trinidad to Mike's Sky Ranch then a drop off the mountain thru Simpson's Ranch and back to Valle de Trinidad. The Safari would then take the paved road back to Ojos Negros and return to Ensenada. At the Driver's meeting the night before the start, which was also mandatory for Safari drivers, SCORE announced another route change of 10 miles right after checkpoint #4, El Rayo. The adventure was beginnin , and Long time off roader Don McDaniel drove his very tidy Baja Bug to a great finish, second in the 2 wheel drive modified class by three points. shorter wouldn't mean be-tter after 300 race cars went through first. It would mean a viciously tough course. Leaving the Ensenada start the next morning right after the last race car, Safari drivers were given 45 minutes to transit out to the re-start at Ojos Negros, 27 miles east of Ensenada. Like the racers, the Safari cars took the re-start flag at intervals of one minute, beginning at 9:30 a.m., following the last race car. SCORE had pro-vided exact route notes with directions to each of the five checkpoints. Time allowed between checkpoints was also given, along with average mph. A points system was used by SCORE to determine the winners. A Safari driver arriving at a checkpoint right on his perfect time or up to 5 minutes late, was given 5 points. 5 to 10 minutes late, 4 points; 10 to 20 minutes late, 3 points, and 20 to 30 min-utes late, 2 points. Up to 5 min-utes early, 2 points. Arriving ear-lier than 5 minutes and you got Zero points. This was one event, where it payed to be late. Your reporter, Rod Koch, chose a strategy of going a little faster than the average mph~in his VW Fastback rally car. This would off er a margin of safety, in case of a flat tire or unexpected delay. Safari cars were allowed to wait before crossing each check-point, where they were then timed in. Other than local traffk getting ' Jeffrey Schwaia braved the elements in an open buggy, won the 2 wheel drive modified class with type 4 power, and his sqore was one less than perfect, a credit to his co-driver. Joe Triolo drove his roofless but very clean Chevrolet Blazer to a fine finish, three points off a perfect score, and he won the 4 wheel drive modified class handily. on the course before the Safari cars went by, the first section to checkpoint# 1, El Rayo was a fast, plea'sant drive. El Rayo to Nuevo Junction proved to be a much greater challenge- for most Safari drivers. A number of Safarists were delayed for several minutes while a Class 3 Ford Bronco was being pulled out of a ditch. The Class 3 driver then repaid five of the Safari driver's patience, by nerfing them soundly prior to passing! Apparently that Class 3 driver's horn wasn't working either, according to the five dis-gruntled Safarists. Ten miles out of El Rayo, a deep muddy stream crossing swal-lowed Rod Koch's VW. Several race cars were sitting around this area, also victims of the wash and steep, silt hill which followed. Here's where the spirit of cooper-ation of the old Baja race days came out. With the help of several unknown persons, plus the winches of Safari 4x4's driven by Udo Suders in his Toyota 4-Runner, and Jim Hodges and his Chevy Blazer, the VW Fastback was extricated and put back on the course. Reverse gear had broken on the VW during the initial efforts to get out of the mud, but Rod hoped it wouldn't be needed. Knowing that you can't make up lost time in any competitive event, only make the best of it, the VW rally car was pushed a little nardei on to Nuevc Junction, catching and passing_ (carefully) several Safari cars, but stopping to help, if possible, downed Safari Drivers like Gor-don Clark whose nicely prepped VW Thing had broken a rear brake drum. Jim Harris's beauti-fully restored Jeep Commando 4x4 was sitting with the rear bur-ied in deep sand, havjng tried a short cut. The VW Fastback wasn't of much help, but Harris had a winch on the front of the Jeep, and waved the VW by. After Nuevo Junction, a 13 mile trek led to checkpoint #3, Valle de Trinidad. The 66.2 mile loop from Valle de Trinidad to Mike's Sky Ranch and back was the Safari Driver's next challenge. The fast graded dirt road up to Mike's was a pleasant run, but the two miles going out of Mike's was a nasty, boulder strewn, sharp rock outcropping climb, well known by racers for eating tires, axles, and rear ends, if not taken very, very carefully. Rod, Todd and the VW Fastback made it without incident, after pulling to one side to let the first of the race motorcycles go by. Even the bike was picking his way through this stuff, carefully. Dropping down to Simpson's Ranch only 6 .4 miles from Mike's, the trail was severely rut-ted. The kind of ruts that can half <See WA SAFARI page 56) Brian Fink goes T-S-D down the pavement with plenty of lights on his Jeep Pickup, on his way to second place in modified 4x4 competition. It sure looks like a stock Chevy Blazer, but Chuck Hardin had no · trouble driving it to second place in the 2 wheel drive modified class. Rally writer Rod Koch and co-driver Todd Bane got stuck in the mud for a t,me but recovered to place the VW Fastback fifth in 2 WD modifitid class. Page 54 January 1989 Dusty Tlma

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The Bonneville Challenge By]im &ker Chris Cash came from Boise and went racing without a pre-run, took the lead on the fourth of eight laps, and went on to win the Pro Division overall driving a 2-1600 car. Race day dawned clear and beautiful last September, with a gentle breeze to keep the tracks dust free. The excitement of the final race of the season was appar-ent, with an undercurrent of hope and expectation of winning the season points championship. It was decided to start the unlimited and the 5-1600 classes together, with the luck of the draw for starting positions. Sev-eral cars arrived late Saturday morning with no time to pre-run the course. One of these, Chris Cash from Boise, drew #1 in his 2-1600. Not really wanting to lead the field on an unfamiliar course, he offered to trade his spot. Mike Baker, who drew #2, switched with Chris and the field was set for the 10:00 a.m. start. The course was 22 miles of varied terrain, ranging from Jeep trails to pipelines, to washes, and some plain old desert silt. Eight laps were scheduled for the pros and four for the Sportsman class. Mike Baker was off and run-ning, with the other cars following at one minute intervals. With no dust, Mike set a quick time on the first lap of 34.39. Chris Cash was second, two minutes back and Steve Siddoway trailed Chris by 30 seconds. Cloyd Oleson of Ogden held fourth place, five minutes back, and first timer Vern Potter of Simi Valley, CA, ran fifth, six minutes back. Another late comer with no pre-run was Larry Olson of Salt Lake, entering his pre-run truck in the unlimited class. Laps 2 and 3 were a repeat of the first with everyone getting quicker. Mike was still in the lead after three laps, with four minutes over Chris who was followed by Siddoway, who was down four minutes. Then Cloyd Oleson trailed by eight minutes with Larry Olson moving to fifth, three minutes ahead of Vern Potter. The fourth lap spelled doom for Mike Baker when his trans-mission cried "uncle". Everyone moved up a slot with the three rear runners closing to within two minutes each. At the end of lap 4 Cloyd Oleson gave up his ride to the then idle Mike Baker, who still wanted to go racing. The positions didn't change at the end of eight laps, but the times did get closer. Winning the pro class with an overall time of 4:46.36 was Chris Cash. Second· and the Points Champ was Steve Siddoway at 4:48.25. Third was the Cloyd Oleson/ Mike Baker car in at 5:05.39 and Mike also claimed the fast lap of 33.59. Fourth was Larry Olson in his Ford Class 8 truck at 5:36.14. And Vern Potter finished his first ever race, something we all aspire to, with a time of 5:40.18. The 5-1600 class was all set for a close run with the outside chance of a points upset. Hopes were high when the car of Bob and Kathy Christensen left the line, fourth, followed two places back by Rod Sorenson/Jim Magill, Chris Klick/Gary Brennan and Max Green/Greg Wylie. Bob and Kathy appeared first after one lap, followed by Rod and Jim, down by 49 seconds, and then Chris and Steve Siddoway cinched his overall series championship at Wendover, driving hard enough to finish second overall Pro in his 1600 race car. Gary who decided that half throt-tle didn't get it done. Max and Greg didn't appear at all, and word came that the right front wheel and the car had parted company. Lap 2 showed Rod Sorenson had picked up 23 seconds on Bob Christensen, but Chris Klick had another problem lap, adding more time to his total. Lap 3 proved to be the time when Rod and Jim caught Bob and Kathy on the clock, however, catching them to pass took a little more, into lap 4 to be exact. But, once around they couldn't shake the Chris-tensen's shadow. Running trou-ble free the two cars dogged each other to the flag. Rod and Jim won the race with a time of 5:36.03 followed by Bob and Kathy at a close 5:39.18. Chris and Gary decided this just wasn't their day, but finished third in 5:57.51. The Sportsman class had a first for BORE today, with two gals sharing the drive in Craig Clark's4 Baja. Terri Duquette led off ana did two laps before handing the car to Carol Klick. There were others in the class. First away was the two seat buggy of John Bemis and Gary Hogan. Second was the neat Toyota 4x4 of Elbert and Scott Emlet, followed by the ever-present Vega of Dave Bosgieter and sister-in-law Paula Bosgieter and the girls in the Bug. The first ., lap leader was Dave Bosgieter-with a 43.27, followed by Elbert Emley, 44:22, and John Bemis at 45.59. The girls came in with a 47.41, just getting warmed up. Lap 2 brought word that the Emleys' Toyota found a rock with its name on it, ending their day. The Bemis buggy was having front end troubles, and they retired after two rounds. The race was between the Vega and the distaff Baja now. After three laps the Vega was up by 8.24 and looking good, hut disaster was just around the bend. A troubled lap o{ 1:02.49 against a quicker lap by Carol in the Baja Bug gave the class win to the ladies team o{ Terri Duquette and Carol Klick with a time of 3: 16.01 against the 3:22.07 of Dave and Paula Bosgieter. One of the highlights of the BORE races has been the Powder Puff dashes for the ladies. The only rule for the Powder Puff is that they get to take a man along to scare as much as they want, kind of a get even time. Six brave men faced the unknown, and six gals just giggled and gloated on the starting line. The flagman dropped the flag and Kay Magill with Craig Clark was gone. Alison "A.J." Levin with Gary Brennan left next, followed by Judy Kor-tright and Bob Christensen. SI.!~. Sor~nsot1had bfocx:f in her eyes as· she and hubby Ron left. Cheryl Baker put the Parker Pumper on and made Mike eat dust all the way as she dogged one car after another. Paula Bosgieter grabbed husband Kent and tied his hands to the sissy bar and gave him and the Vega the ride of the season. Rod Sorenson and Jim McGill zipped into the 5-1600 lead on lap 4, and took the win home to Idaho Falls, and they were also second on points. Teri Duquette and Carol Klick whip through a canyon en route to their first Turning the three plus mile course with laps consistently at five minutes, Paula set the pace for the others to follow. After one lap Paula was first, Kay second, followed by A.J., Sue, Judy and Cheryl. The second lap still had Paula leading Kay, but Sue and A.J. were tied for third, and Cheryl passed Judy. When the ,third lap dust settled Paula still Mike Baker led the final race overall by five minutes until the fourth lap, when the trans failed, but he finished third in Cloyd· Oleson's racer, driving the last half of the event. Dusty Times overall Sportsman title, driving a borrowed, big engined 5-1600. ___ _ led, but Bob and Kathy Christensen were second in the 5-1600 race by just three minutes and the couple, from Clinton, Utah, were fifth on points also. January 1919 Verne Potter towed his pre-runner from southern. -<Jallfornia to race at Wendover, and he finished all the laps in his first ever race, and will be back, he said. Page 55

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Dave Bosgieter won the Sportsman Champion season award, and sister-i11 law Paula Bosgieter won the Powder Puff title, both driving this modified Chevy Vega. IJlr" Sue had moved to second, followed in three seconds by A.J ., then Cheryl moved up another spot ahead of Kay and Judy. Paula led lap 4, -A.J. moved to second and Sue to third, followed by Cheryl, Kay and Judy.. A.J. set fast lap of 4:34 on lap 4 and was just BAJA SAFARI (continued from page 54) swallow :r car or truck. 1 ½ miles from Simpson's, a great rut tried to eat the VW Fastback. Kenny Burris in his Ford F150 pickup -came along, offering to let us at-tach the VW's tow cable to his truck. Unfortunately, Burris's differential had pigh-centered on the burm, leaving both of his rear tires spinning. Neither team had a high lift jack or come-a-long. Prospects looked dim, until a few minutes later, SCORE Monthly's advertising director, Gary Matt-son, came along in his Isuzu Trooper 4x4, also a Safari entrant. Gary easily pulled out the VW, and then pushed the big . pickup off the·berm, and we were all on our. way. The old spirit of friendship and cooperation in Baja was very much alive. SCORE wisely had given the Safari drivers 2 hours and 7 min-utes to go from Mike's Ranch to the Simpson Ranch, a 3 mph average. Even with getting stuck, this gave Rod and T qQd some free time back at Valle de Trinidad before checking in at the check-point. The 25 mile run from Simpson's to Valle de Trinidad would have been a quick straight run, except for meeting a hay truck comming down a pass, and having to back down for a getting warmed up, while dary was unconscious. Things stayed the same for the fifth and sixth laps except that leadfoot Judy burned too much fuel and Bob had to run to the gas station for more. When the dust settled at the checkered flag, all six cars came in to finish. Paula won with a 35.15, followed by A.J.,,35.18,justthree seconds difference, and Sue scored a 35.48 in a close race. Cheryl did a 38.23, followed by Kay at 40.05 and Judy at 50.40. It ended a great day of racing to cap off what most of us feel was a pretty dam good season. With five races completed sui;:-cessfull y, the Bonneville Off Road Racing group celebrated the 1988 season on October 15 with the Points Awards Banquet at the Stateline Casino and Hotel in hundred yards without reverse. . The next Safari challenge was trying to average 50 mph on the pavement for 45.7 miles back to Ojos Negros. Traffic was ex-tremely heavy with spectators and support vehicles returning to Ensenada on the narrow, winding two lane road. From Ojos Negros back to the Ensenada finish, all vehicles including racers were allowed 45 minutes to go the final 27 miles. Arriving back at Ensenada, Rod, Todd and the venerable VW Fastback, took the checkered flag at the finish, to the cheers of the crowds and a welcome handshake from SCORE's President, Sal Fish. It had been an exciting day ·Wendover. A crowd of 68 people showed up to enjoy the attitude adjustment hour, bench racing and plenty of food. First overall in pro points went to Steve Siddo-way and his 1-1600 racer. Con-gratulations to Steve, who scored three firsts, a second and a third, not too shabby! Ron Sorenson and Jim Magill took second in their 5-1600. The team of Chris Klick and Gary Brennan were third in their 5-1600. The Sportsman Champion award went to "Vega" Dave Bosgieter for his consistent performances. Checks and sharp racing jackets were the awards to the winners, and the good looking jackets were provided by TRW and their local Ogden outlet, Felt Auto. Our Race Director, Bob Reynolds, was also honored and presented with his monogrammed race with enough challenges and adventlJie to last for a long time to come, at least until next year. Get-ting stuck in the mud had ended our chances for a class win, still we managed fifth in the 2 wheel drive modified class. Donald Simpson took the overall win and first in 2 wheel drive stock class with a perfect score of 37, driving his very well set up, yellow VW Thing. Scott Erholm was second overall and the winner of the 4 wheel drive stock category, and also posted a perfect score of 3 7, but was some two minutes behind Simpson for perfect time. Jeffrey Schwaia in his type 4 powered VW buggy won the 2 wheel drive modified jacket. There were others given recog-nition also. Bob Christensen was the Most Improved Racer, and for Hard Luck Racer it was a tie between two teams, Greg Wylie/ Max Green and Elbert and Scott Emley. The most,Dedicated Race Team was John Bemis/Gary Hogan, and the Powder Puff winner was Paula Bosgieter. The Course Worker of the Year went to Mike Sullivan for his many efforts through the season. Thanks Mike. Following the awards, everyone kicked back and the 1989 season was under discussion. Some good ideas and constructive criticism came to the attention of all, prompting some different thoughts for '89, and the schedule and potential sponsorship are still in the development stage. class with a score only one point short of perfect. Joe Triolo in his clean Chevrolet Blazer took the class win in the 4 wheel drive modified class. The Safari entry had almost doubled from 1987, and of the 56 starters, only 12 failed to com-plete the event. For anyone who has longed to drive in the legen-dary Baja 1000, but who couldn't afford professional competition and also needs to drive their 2x or 4x4 every day, the Safari is the way to go. Now for the next year's Safari along with your other gear, if you don't have a winch, you might want to throw in a high lift jack and a come-a-long, just in case. R.C. Laton won the '87 Safari in 4x4 modified class, but this James Hodges didn't place high in 4x4 stock ranks, but he did round he dropped to third in class in the special 4x4 Volvo station · use his Warn winch to help others, including Rod Koch's stuck Gordon Clark rallied another well turned out VW 181 Thing on Safari, and he kept it tidy to place seventh in 2-wheel drive modified class, wagon. VW Fastback. Tech flps By Bill Savage, Chainnan HDRA-SCORE Technical Committee The future direction of the dass 4 philosophy was deter-mined in a meeting held recently in Detroit with representatives of Ford, Chevrolet, Dodge, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Goodyear, Uni-royal Goodrich, Armstrong, General and Firestone. We set parameters for a new set of rules for 1990 that would bring the class closer for these vehicles to what exists in Class 7S than what Class 4 is today. After the meeting, when I reported the out-come to officials of the High Desert Racing Association-SCORE International series, it was ruled that the new regulations would not go into effect until 1991. . This unusual change intended to go in effect in 1990 would be out of synch with HORA-. SCORE's stand on the two-year rule book. The rule book has been published for 1989 and 1990, and the two organizations had origi-nally resolved that there should be more continuity, in order to be Page 56 fair to all competitors. They shouldn't have to expect obsoles-cence of racing vehicles after only one season. After all, that was the reason behind the two-year rule book in the first place. HDRA-SCORE's reasoning went further. Part of what was recommended was that the class be limited to a limited number of vehicles only. These would be the Chevrolet ClO, the Ford F150 and the Dodge D150. If new i;ules were to go in effect as early as 1990, HORA-SCORE stood a good chance oflosing eight entries it has now in this class and recoup only three, one each for the three factories, because in all likelihood the independent entrants couldn't afford to build a new race vehicle on such short notice. New rules for 1991 are defi-nitely going to limit this class to stock vehicles. There will be a strict front wheel-travel limit to restrict performance even more. We have had factory input on this subject, but we welcome com-ments from the non-factory com-petitors. My only request is that they be made in writing, not by phone call or casual conversation. You can send your proposals to the HORA-SCORE Technical Committee, cl o T-Mag Products, 300 N. Clara St., Santa Ana, CA 92703. We previously said that trucks from Class 14 being folded into Class 3 for competition in 1989 would be grandfathered in some fashion so they can compete the next two years even though they don't exactly fit the rules for Class 3. We also said there wasn't a formula for how they would be grandfathered or which ones would be. Here is how: All trucks that competed in Classes 3 or 14 in at least one 1988 race will be permit-ted to race in Class 3 in 1989. We make only one stipulation. They will all have to conform to the 108-inch wheelbase limit. No exceptions . In a recent buggy class drivers' rep meeting the subject of Class 5 track widths came up. There have been complaints that at least one competitor is reaching so far out with his track width that he may January 1989 be destroying the "Baja Bug" lool.c slon ofthose proposea changes of his vehicle. until next column. We are studying the problem· It was suggested at the recent now. All season we will be look- Manufacturers' Advisory Board ing at the track widths. What we meeting in Las Vegas, that the learncouldresultinaddingamax-1989 Class 3/14 rules requiring imum track width to the rule the vehicle to have raced in the book. The earliest any such new series in 1988 be relaxed a bit. rule could be in place would be Now any vehicles that have not 1 ~91 b!,lt !t m..q_re Ji.!ctlY woul4_ raced in 1988 and do not conform not come until the 1991 season, to the 1989-1990 Class 3 rules which will be governed by a new · may be approved on an individual rule book. basis. Please send a written Class 5-:.1600 is joining Class 9 request to my office spelling out ( former 1 y Challenger) as one the rule variations of your vehicle which is locked up technically for compared to the new Class 3 rules. the next five years, beginning in 1989. That way, it is hoped, the Forewarning to Classes 7, 7S costs can be held down and com-and 7 4x4. A thorough inspection petitors encouraged so that the will be conducted on these vehi-class can grow. des at the January 27-29 Score Parker 400 to ensure that ev-There is not much point in dis- eryone is conforming to existing cussing the various changes in the rules. We will be looking specif-new rule book, but it would be a ically at cab location, engine block good idea for racers to read the location, engine blocks, 7S and 7 new rule book, if they are inter-4x4 heads, chassis modifications, e.c;ted in this class. suspension break off points, body Just as we discussed Class 4 in modifications, i.e., amount of Detroit, we also talked a lot about internal material removal and Class 7 and the direction it should vehicle weight. To expedite mat-take. It will definitely move in a ters on race weekend, you may set different direction than it is now, up a prior appointment with me but we'd like to hold off discus- for a pre-tech inspection. Dustyffma

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I Th• 1988 Rally Australia Text & Photos: Martin Holmes • Ing var and Per Carlsson scored their first victory in the Mazda 323 in convincing fashion, holding a better than five minute lead at the finish line. • Mazda's 41 year old forgotten rallyman lngvar Carlsson achieved his second significant success of the season, and only the second major rally victory of his career, when.he won the inaugural Rally Australia. His Mazda Rall ye Team Europe 323.JWD inherited the lead on the second day when Alex Fiorio's Jolly Club Lancia Delta Integrale stopped with a broken connecting rod, while Carlsson's teammate Hannu Mikkola hit a tree on the first day and also retired. Kenjiro Shinozuka finally cap-tured the Asia-Pacific Champion-ship, and become the first Japa-nese driver to win an FIA title. Held over forest tracks near Perth in Western Australia, this event was a remarkable success. Many top FISA officials were present; they hinted strongly that rules would be changed to allow the event to replace the banned · Olympus Rally in the 1989 series as a qualifier for the Manufactur-er's series next year. It was difficult to comprehend the enormity of the work of the organizers. Strongly sponsored by the Western Australian authori-ties, it was also supported by many other concerns, notably the Mazda importers who secured the two most important entries on the event. The favorite, however, was the World Championship second placed driver Alex Fiorio, who had long been promised the trip instead of an appearance on the Lombard RAC Rally. Despite absence of previous experience, the event was included in the FISA Asia-Pacific series as its finale. Coming from his second consecutive victory in India the previous week, Japanese driver Kenjiro Shinozuka drove the only official four wheel drive Group A Mitsubishi Galant VR-4. Reigning Far East Champion and Wynns Safari Marathon winner Ross Dunkerton had to run a rear drive Starion Turbo instead, while the only person able to wrest the Asia-Pacific title from Shinozuka was New Zea-lander Ray Wilson with his Mazda. Other top drivers included former Australian Champion Greg Carr; 'Possum' , Bourne had his self-run official Subaru from New Zealand; another Starion was in the hands of David Officer. These were the best names in Oriental rallying. Yet, notwithstanding the pres-sure, the first time event went smoothly. The rally was based·at Freman-tie on the outskirts of Perth, a town which came to life recently by hosting the America's Cup ocean races. Strangely, there had been little local promotion beforehand, and unfortunately there were none of the huge crowds which had been antici-pated. The rally, however, was not aimed at local success. This was a direct attack on inclusion in the World Rally Championship, the sooner the better. Garry Connelly was the mas-termind behind the organization. Throughout the event his team were clearly most competent and absolutely resolute in pursuing their aims through perfection. Until people came to the rally, his declared ambitions seemed too good to be true and smacked of antipodean brashness -of new money buying its way into the old world. It was a situation which made people nervous. By the end of the event there were many rival organizers who had reason to fear the intruders. The surprise was the pleasant way everything worked. The Rally Australia was a most enjoyable occasion, it was excellence with fun thrown in as well. Fiorio and Carlsson made fast-est time on the opening stage. Called the 'Roller Coaster' this was one of three stages which fol-lowed the path of a railway line, but when the cars reached the forests the Lancia was well ahead. Shinozuka and Wilson were driv-ing cautiously, the Japanese in particular being deceptively fast, with a surprising ability to spin round sharp corners on the hand-brake. Greg Carr was gradually learning how to handle his newly acquired Lancia Integrale. "The car's good, it's me that is slowing it down." It was Fiorio's training car, with an impressive pedigree, having won the Acropolis and Argentina Ralles. The route headed southwards towards a lunch break at Bun-bury, some 160 km south of Perth, before returning back north again. New Zealander Marty Rostenburg was slowed by •~,».;.~ .. 1fi 'Possum' Bourne and Roger Freeth got the Subaru RX Turbo into second · overall and they were the best placed Australasian team in the event. gear troubles with his Toyota Star-let while Dunkerton's Japanese prepared Starion was quicker than Officer's similar car. Bourne was driving steadily and holding fourth place behind the three European entries. At Bunbury Fiorio was 41 seconds ahead of Mikkola who was heading Carlsson by seven. Mikkola's number came up on stage 8. Co-driver Christian Geistdorfer explained, "A log was protruding from the apex of a left hander. Unfortunately we were stuck in some ruts and there were two gulleys. These threw the car off to the outside where there was a tree waiting for us. We hit it, and bounced back to the other side of the traclc where we stopped." An error by the 46 year old former World Champion was quite a talking point for the Australians. Fiorio restarted for the second day with a lead of over two min-utes from Carlsson. Like the day before, it was hot and dusty, and every car was given a two minute gap. The cars were to tackle a short hill climb course outside Perth twice, and here the rally was able to attract a reasonable crowd, lured doubtless by a good TV program the night before. Filmed by Channel 7, this featured in-car shots from Dunkerton complete with the most awful language every time he got things wrong! Later on that day Fiorio was out. There was excitement when a dead Kangaroo was seen near where the green and white Lancia was parked, but it was coinci-dence. The legendary Australian wildlife had not harmed the vis-itor's car at all. Everyone now moved up one place. That evening Carlsson was over six minutes in front of Bourne with Carr a minute or so behind. The Asian-Pacific battle was not going Wilson's way. He needed a higher placing than his current fourth to get ahead of Shinozuka on points, though the Japanese gave the New Zealander hope on the final day by hitting a tree and almost pulling his wheel off. The beautiful weather had gone away. The third day, which began with a two lap Superspecial on asphalt approach roads at the Narrows intersection in downtown Perth was horribly wet. The forests were turning into a quagmire. Carlsson, however, kept his cool and his lead, driving like his future career depended on his responsibility. In Group N the Daihatsu of New Zealand's David Strong led all the way, while the special non-homologated category was won by George Kahler. He had cheek-ily entered his new model Mazda 323 4WD in Group A. This model, which has model ventila-tion holes in the front like the lntegrale was never homologated. He had been summarily moved to the free formula class. The Nissan 200SX of Paddy Davidson was excluded at the start of the final section after being seen with asphalt tires which protruded beyond the bodywork, but oth-erwise there were no technical troubles. Of the 58 starters, 36 finished the route. Ingvar and Per Carlsson won overall and in Group A in the Mazda 323 4WD. In second, "Possum" Bourne and Roger Freeth were over five minutes back in the Subaru RX Turbo, followed in just more than a min-ute by Greg Carr / lain Stewart, Lancia. Ray Wilson and Stuart Lewis were fourth in their Mazda, but lost the Asia-Pacific Champ-ionship by ten points to sixth placing Kenjiro Shinozuka and Fred Gocentas, Mitsubishi Oalant VR-4. Ross Dunkerton and Steve McKimmie were fifth in their Starion. Despite the weather on the last day it had all been a great event, almost a carnival. What happens for the rally in the future will be-no holiday. Things will now be for real. If the organizers can handle things the way the have done so far, they have no fear. The only unanswered question is why it has taken Australia so long since run-ning the last top class rally! .);.),i.:,~ Kenjiro Shinozuka took sixth place and won the first Asia Pacific championship with Fred Gocentas co-driving the Mitsubishi Ga/ant VR-4. David Strong and Jeff Grove drove the Daihatsu Charade G Tti into tenth overall and won the hotly contested title in the Group N . ranks. Alex Fiorio and uigi Pirollo had a two minute lead starting day 2, but the Lancia's engine gave up later in the day, and the Italians were out. Dusty Tlma January 1989 Page 57

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Pony Express ••• Nick Gross and I would like to . ana-resulting statistics ;tow that thank the Yokohama Support these original guidelines may be Team that was located at the putting the two seaters at a defi-Highway 3 crossing on the way to nite disadvantage. Mike's Sky Ranch during the Baja We compared the finish record 1000. While leading in our class, of both vehicles in the eight race a rock managed to tag the rocker HDRA/SCORE schedule for cover on the engine, shearing a both1987and1988.Oftheeight rocker stud. Not having a spare winners, six were single seaters, stud, it didn't look good. But, one a two seater, and one with the help ofJ ay and the crew unknown. (Records show an even we managed to modify the short- split, four and four in 1987 - ed.) ened stud. With well over two In 1988, comparing the top three hours down time, from diagnos- finishers in each race we show that ing the problem, towing the car of the 24, 14 were single seaters to back to the pits, and the repair only nine two seaters with one time, we managed to continue on unknown. Considering that the 1-with the race to fourth place in the 2-1600 class entry shows a good Challenger Class. 65 percent are usually two seaters, We would also like to express the ratio becomes even more our gratitude to all the people unbalanced. who were so instrumental in our As it stands now, the difference successful season. They are Mike in the minimum weights is 150 LaPlant and LaPlant Perform-pounds. The main point is ance, Greg Aronson and Ron whether the owner of the two Fleming and Fat Perforrilance, seater can get his vehicle any-David Kreisler and Raceco, Bob where near the 1350 minimum. Mount and Yokohama Tires, Our polling showed an average Mark Brageau of Brageau Video, two seater weight closer to 1550-Dennis Paum, Jerry Sigrist, Bob 1600 pounds without the co-Moore, Roy Carter, and Don driver. We are not saying that it Tebbe of Arciero Racing. Your isn't possible to produce a 1350 support and help is greatly poundtwoseater,justthatitusu-appreciated. ally would be a 'throw away' chas-And also our thanks go to Jean sis after a few races. Not all drivers Calvin and Judy Smith for the can afford this, and is there a sac- · excellent press coverage given us. rifice in safety with lighter frames. Thank-You. Joe Valentine We did our homework to find Nick Gross out what kind of horsepower San Clemente, CA change there is with the same Thank you for the kind words engine, with or without the 1 mm about the press, and congratulations difference in restricter plate. Fat on taking the 1988 SCORE/HDRA Performance gave us their results. Overall Points Championship. The two seater showed only a two horsepower advantage at the The Coronado Racing Team 4500-5000 range, while the ..vould like to personally thank all singles showed to have an advant-of our sponsors and friends for age at the low end, 2300-2500 helping us stay one step ahead of range. the competition. With your sup- Some racers are already run-port the team achieved their goal ning at a disadvantage in the way of repeating as the SCORE/ of experience, sponsorship back-HORA Class 5-1600 Points ing, mechanical know how, crew, Champions. They are Yokohama etc. These will always be part of Tires, Valvoline Oil, Sports Rae- racing, and are in no way at issue ing Gas, Vee Parts, R.L.H. Com- here. We are concerned if the reg-munications, Sign World, Taylor ulations are putting the two seat-Seats, KC HiLites, Mendeola ers at a disadvantage from the Transmissions, Bilstein Shocks starting line. Because we are not and Martin McKay Racing statistics gathering experts, some Engines. of our results could very well be The team would also like to challenged. Our main reason for thank our special friends who raising these questions is to have helped us out at the Score Baja the issue officially looked into. 1000. They are Roberto's Racing, While we highly respect the deci-N & N Racing, Glenn and his sions of the officials years ago to Group, Kevin Clark, the Coro-attempt a fair balance, we feel nado Racing Team Ladies and these points warrant fair consid-driver Pete Brown. Without your eration by all concerned. help we couldn't have done it. 1. Are many two seaters able to OK Factory Guys, twice in a get down to minimum weight? 2. row the DeVercelly's take the Are the single seaters much more SCORE/HORA Class 5-1600 easily meeting their minimum? 3. Points Championship. What does Does the 1 mm restricter plate it take to put these veteran drivers fairly compensate for the fact that in a factory sponsored program? , the weight difference is showing You can bet that some of the big most often to be more than the name factory drivers are glad the 150 pounds alloted for the extra DeVercellys are not in their class. rider? If found necessary, what Think about it gentlemen. Aloha! changes should be proposed? 1. Da' Kahuna Malabanan Splitting the class? Even splitting -=~ _____ C_o_r....:o:.....n....:a....:d:...::o'-'-,_C:.cA_ the class, the number of partici-When the decision was made pants in each would still be com-years ago to combine the single parable to other classes. 2. More and two seat 1600 classes, the than a 1 mm difference in the re-governing bodies set certain stricter plates? 3. Raise minimum guidelines which they felt would weights, and compensate more on fairly put the two vehicles at a restricter? 4. Put all vehicles at comparable level. The singles at a same minimum weight, including 1500 pound minimum weight, drivers, without any restricter -~n_d th~ 1350 plate on eith_er vehicle? millimeter restricter plate ad-We would very much like to vantage. Our research into this, - see each 1600 racer submit their Page 58 comments and any facts or figures that pertain to this issue. Any feedback should be submitted to our class rep, Tom Denault, Box 3068, San Clemente, CA 92672. Our goal is to get this issue brought to an official vote, with any resulting changes going into effect as soon as possible. Jon D. Gunter Las Vegas, NV The 1-16oo and 2-1600 cars were in separate classes when the concept was started by Score International. HDRA was the first to combine the classes, and in 1984 Score followed suit. Then the singles had a 19.5 mm plar.e and the two seaters a 21 mm plar.e. The two seaters did so well that the single drivers campaigned for and won the half millimeter. Good luck with your project, but it might be like trying to t~m back the clock. - ed.). Since the Nevada 500 our old CJ 7 underwent major surgery and we're happy to report that it came out of intensive care in A-1 condition. We started the Baja 1000 with a brand new 401 V-8, fine-tuned by the skilled hands of Jack Bayer. The Jeep also had reconstructive surgery on the drivetrain, suspension and fuel system. We also added an Art Carr torque converter which per-formed very well. All the work was worthwhile· because its per-formance during the Baja 1000 was fantastic. Aside from trying to avoid boulders, logs and trees thrown on the course in the pine forest by the locals, Les' part of the race was pretty uneventful. We got stuck on the beach and after trying to dig out, Dave, my co-rider, woke some nearby campers who oblig-ingly pulled us out with their 4x4. Besides two flats, the only other trouble we had was losing all our lights. I had to drive by the Braille method for 45 minutes before scavenging a light off one of our chase trucks. We finished the race in second place which was good enough to give us the Class 3 championship for the second year · in a row. We're always glad to see increased entries in Class 3. This time there were two teams from Japan and two from the Soviet Union. Hope to see them in future races! We have a question for the SCORE officials. Why make a rule and then not enforce it? I am referring to the rule of running spark arresters or mufflers. I made several calls to SCORE and Bill Savage to confirm that this rule would be in effect for the Baja 1000. After adding spark arres-ters to my Jeep, we saw many veh-icles passed through tech without either one. We feel that if you are going to make a rule, you should enforce it and make it apply to everyone! This happens all too frequently. We'd like to thank the Gold Coast for their hospitality at the awards banquet. Thanks also to all the SCORE and HORA per-sonnel who work so hard behind the scenes and are sometimes taken for granted. We're all look-ing forward to the challenges of the new racing season. Mike Schwellinger and the Conejo Off-Road Racing T earn SCCA Divisional Rally RcDOrt By Lynnette ALtis(?ll, Stewara and competitor safety,awareness within O!Jr sport. The 1988 Champions take a bow. Our Southern Pacific Divi-sional Pro Rally Club and Cham, Insurance problems may attack pionship is dependent on the future events. The insurance spec- enthusiasm, support, and interest tre rises again to haunt our sport. of all its members. As one of the O~r SCCA N~tio~al 6?ard <?f strongest and largest membership Directo~s remam firm m their groups within the United States, I decla~at1~n °~ support for Pro • feel we must be doing the right Rallying m spi~e of K&K Insu~- thing, as Pro Rallying continues to ance Company ~ p_ropos~l that lt entice competitors from all other bec?mpletelyehmmatedm 1989. motorsports. I continue to hear Valiantly defended by SC~A positive and upbeat comments through 1987 and 1988_, them-about our workers, competitors, ~u~ance compa1;1y C«;>ntmues to service crews, just about ev-msist Pro Rallying 15 the m?st eryone. It's you guys that make it dangerous of motors1:orts, usmg so special. Portugal and other accident pro~e Congratulations are in order European events to s~pport their for our top fifteen 1988 So-Pac cause. The ~oard ofD~rectors has drivers and co-drivers: DRIV-~tated that SCCA e~1sts ~o serve ERS: Lon Peterson, 235, Jean its custo~ers, who areJ1rst and Vigier, 125, Roger Hull, 122, Jeff foremos~ its members. We, as Griffin, 96, Paula Gibeault, 92, co~petltors, control worke~s, Ian Miller, 87, Roger Allison, 71, radio crews, marshalls and service George Deland, 62, Rob Cherry, cre"':'s, best know an? under~tand 60, Mike Blore, 56, Ted Kendall, t~e improved and mcreasmgly 40, Mike Gibeault, 32, Roy higher level of safety standards Hocker, 24, DanTopjiari, 24. CO-for co-driver Miller with all his DRIVERS: Jim Love, 220, Brian trials and tribulations. However, I Finn, 129, Camille Griffin, 125, feel that the record should be put Jim Jacobson, 64, Bart Godett, straightconcerningthegreat'tow' 45, John Elkin, 42, Kelly Smith, incident. When the tight group of 36, Richard Hull, 36, Dan Pillow, 5-1600 points leaders had the 24, Bill Moore, 24, Rob Cherry, great idea of helping each other, 20, Chuck Corbett, 20, Mark our team, not being part of this Scamahorn, 20, Gary Dunklau, group, was nor included. Nor 18, Richard Baucom, 17. were we included when the deci- A direct result of compromise sion was made by the same group with the insurance demands may to go back to the last check, get result in new mileage standards hold of an HORA official, etc. for event co-efficient ratings. Instead, feeling that the primary Watch for reduced mileages and function in racing is to move for- possibly two events on one week-ward with all possible haste, not end. The double event weekend at around or backward, we did just the Hungry Valley off road park is that, with a legal tow, just as many a prime example of changes which other racers in many other classes may become more common. did. With tremendous pressures Off road racing is a tough sport, placed on event organizers to and very little quarter is asked or improve safety standards and given. But, there are rules and procedures, an event Safety regulations, and driving backward Steward, plus the Divisional on course and going off course are Steward, will be on the scene in direct violations of these rules. 1989, monitoring service crew Regardless of the situation, if any procedures, vehicle safety, radio group can force race officials to communications, etc. Organizers change these rules or change the also have increased insurance fees course during a race, then why which will directly affect competi-have rules and regulations? The tor entries. Given a 25 car field, same Beatty Hill stopped or figure $10-$15 each entry for slowed many cars in the Frontier additional insurance costs. 500 races, but no changes were And, competitors aren't being made then, why now? ignored, either. You are all aware We are very proud of our win, of the 1989 driving suit stand-and if point to point times are ards: All competitors in co-checked, our times are equal or efficient 2 or 3 level events must better than others in our class. wear as MINIMUM a single-layer There was no protest, there were flame retardant (Nomex-type) no rules violations, in fact we driving suit, with flame retardant were the only 5-1600 car to finish underwear. (Don't worry guys ... ! the race legally, on course all the have three young ladies who have way. So why the fuss? No one is already volunteered to check on complaining about the Challenger your underwear compliance.) entry that was pulled out of a hole And window nets on the win-by an official HORA truck, then dows, unless you like to drive went on to win, or the other vehi- with the windows up all the time. des that were towed on course. (Forget it. Half the time the win-Each entry had the chance to do dows are either stuck up or stuck his thing on the 'Hill' and if some down. At least with the nets you chose the parlimentary procedure can breathe on the stages.) over forward procedure, that's But, let's take a minute to their own problem. We were try- reflect on the real purpose of all ing to win, and with a lot of help these changes. First, it is to pro-and a lot of luck we did just that. mote improved safety for you and Don McDaniel, Robert Knight, your team, the event, the workers LeRoy Hansen, Greg Krogh, and any odd ball spectator. Sure, Mike Kaliky it's more expensive, and sure it San Diego, CA means you have to think ahead a Your point on the rules is well bit more, and yeah, you'll need to taken, especially about going back-be more watchful. But, just As a member of th winning wardoncourse. Thestorycametous, remember, death is final, and 5-1600 team at the Nevada 500, unsolicited, and we thought it made injuries can last a lifetime. You and a co-driver for the 'Joe' that good reading, just as your other side can't buy back the life of a friend, was towed over the Beatty Hill, I of the story does. Thanks for sending a worker or even that odd ball ~,mnot help but feel compassion - it along. , spectator. January 1989 Dusty Tlma

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Goodies Galore ••• BullDog Shocks 4Way Suspension has just introduced BullDog Nitrogen Gas Charged shock absorbers for light duty truclcs and sports utility veh-icles. BullDogs feature the latest in shock absorber technology, are a twin tube design and engineered to fit most late and early model applications without the suspen-sion interference problems found with other brands. The unique design offers a reduced unsprung weight advantage over most com-petitive designs, with a lower nose pressure for increased low speed driving comfort. Co~peti-tively priced, the BullDog Nitro-gen Gas Shocks and Steering Sta-bilizers have a lifetime warranty to the original purchaser. Get com-plete details by sending $2.00 for the complete catalog to 4 Way Suspension, Dept. OT, 5760 Chesapeake Court, San Diego, CA 92123. -~~~---Non-Overcharging Battery Charger One of the biggest problems with most battery chargers is that they do not regulate the amount of battery charging, often result-ing in overcharged batteries. The new Motorsports Battery Charger regulates charging voltage so that it can be used on all wet cell bat-teries with no fear of overcharg-ing. It has an output of 10 amps and will charge any 12 volt car, truck, RV or boat battery in 3 to 7 hours. The case is made of sturdy steel to hold up to the most rigor-ous use, either at home or in the race pits to keep batteries at their peak. Retail price is only $65.00, and can be ordered from Race -Shop Supplies, Dept. OT, 11532 Stephanie, Garden Grove, CA 92640. New Chev-v Glass New from Wally World Otf Road Color and Design is this 1988-1989 fiberglass conversion kit. It will make your 1987 and earliPr tr11ck. Blazer or Suburban Dustynma have that aerodynamic look. The complete grille and accessories are available through Wally World or your local dealer. The head-lights are stock or 4 130 watt units. Call for further details and check on the custom painting also available. (619) 949-1220. Fly-N-Hi Catalog Fly-N-Hi Offroad Centers great new second edition catalog is packed with new product infor-mation and application for most every two or four wheel drive ve_h, icle. There is a wide selection of suspension components, tires, wheels, lights and trend setting accessories, plus performance and service parts, like gears, clutches, bearings, and gaskets, and more, all in the pages of this new book. · Toil free ordering makes getting parts a breeze. To receive your copy of the second edition catalog send $3.00 to Fly-N-Hi Offroad Center, Dept. DT, 3319 West McDowell Road, Phoenix, AZ 85009. Sun>men Bto$, lno. OfRT ~ACfl'IS CATALOG Dirt Racers Catalog Summers Brothers have ap-plied high standards of engineer-ing excellence to produce the fin-est line of drive train components for high performance off road competition. Ranging from forged standard type axles, full floating axles, axle housings and spools to disc brakes, C V joints and full floating hub assemblies, Summers Brothers has estab-lished a line of track proven com-ponents that will withstand the most demanding competition requirements for trucks, Jeeps, VW s and all other forms of off road cars. Get your Dirt Racing Catalog for just $2.00 from Summers Brothers, Inc., Dept. OT, 530 So. Mountain Ave.·, Ontario, CA 91762. Heat Guarded · Heli-Core Wires MSD Ignition has the solution to the problem of easily burned spark plug wires. W ith their Heat Guarded Heli-Core Wires, you don't have to worry about losing the race because the plug wires can't handle the heat. The red MSD Heat Gua~d covers the MSD Heli...Core spark plug wire, and is a ·heat resistant, layered quartz glass fiber that is woven into a tough sleeving that protects the wires from extremely high temperatures. The Heat Guard is attached to the distributor and spark plug boots with high temperature Self Vulcanizing Tape. The system is tailored to fit most popular V8 and V6 engines and selected 4 cylinder engines. For more information contact MSD Ignition, Dept. DT, 1490 Henry Brennan Dr., El Paso, TX 79936. Paint De-Oxidizer The Wax Shop just introduced the One Shot, a mild abrasive paint de-oxidizer, to their com-plete car care product line. One Shot is a carnauba based liquid rubbing compound designed to remove oxidation from painted surfaces. It works quickly and eas-ily, polishing and preserving the finish while bringing out its natu-ral highlights. Recommended as a preparatory oxidation remover prior to waxing, One Shot can also be used to remove overspray. For more information regarding One Shot or any of The Wax Shop's other fine products, wnte for a free brochure to The Wax Shop, Dept. DT, P.O. Box 10226, . Bakersfield, CA 93389. January 1989 llit+0n~w;;&mlilm¾aik&W I ·nf19 A Catalog That's Tops SC Manufacturing, a California based soft goods manufacturer, has just published a new, four color catalog. Included is their full line of Hot Tops for Jeep, Toyota Land Cruiser and Suzuki Samu-rai, 'Better-than-OEM' replace-ment tops for the Samurai, tire covers and junk bunks. The catalog features SC's innovative designs combined with top qual-ity materials in products where exacting fit is of the utmost con-cern. For more information con-tact SC Manufacturing, Dept. DT, 11879 Woodbury Ave., Garden Grove, CA 92643. Fluidampr Guarantees Horsepower Fluidampr Performance Har-monic Dampers help you make more power and increase the life of the crankshaft and main bear-ings.To remind you of this, Fluid-ampr recently introduced a $25 rebate offer with your purchase. Call the factory for a coupon and return it and your Fluidampr receipt, along with your old main bearings. This off er is good through the end of 1988. Fluid, amper's unique viscous fluid design allows it to control all des-tructive harmonics wherever they . . occur over the entire rpm range. The result is horsepower. Write for full information about Fluid-ampr, Dept. OT, 537 East Dela--van Ave., Buffalo, NY 14211. 1989Mopar Performance Catalog The 1989 Mopar Performance catalog of factory engineered per-rormance parts is now available featurmg the most comprehensive line of parts in the industry. Expanded to nearlv 200 page-s. a brand new engine performance section for Jeep vehicles has been added. There are new products for all sizes of Chrysler, Plymouth and Dodge engines, new clutches,. transmission assemblies and much more. To obtain the new Mopar Performance catalog, P4530689, visit your nearby Chrysler-Plymouth, Dodge or Jeep/Eagle dealer, or Mopar Per-formance outlet. Or, send $5.00 to Mopar Performance Head-quarters, Dept. OT, P.O. Box 360445, Strongsville, OH 44136. Downey Off Road Catalog Required reading for ow~e~s of Toyota trucks and 4x4s, the latest edition of the Downey Off Road Manufacturing master ~a~alog__is __ packed with high performance engine equipment, suspension components, accessories and technical information pertaining exclusively to Toyota trucks, 4-Runners and Land Cruisers. The catalog not only lists every Toyota accessory imaginable, but also includes a gold mine of technical information and test results on Toyota vehicle modifications. Still only $3.00, the new catalog lists everything you need to build a go-anywhere off roader or a super sharp truck. Send to Dow-ney Off Road Manufacturing, Dept. DT, P.O. Box 3725, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670. Stillen Urethane Aero Kit Steve Millen Sportparts has a new, and the only urethane aero kit for the S-10 Blazer and S-15 Jimmy. The exclusive kit com-bines the strength of unbreakable urethane components with the latest in aerodynamic perform-ance and style. Designed for on or off road use, the custom kit keeps ground clearance up - side skirts mount 1/2" higher than frame rails. An optional fiberglass grille and fog/ driving light kits are also available to complete the custom look. Every component of a Stillen aero kit is designed to fit with no gaps, fillers, and no dis appointm _nt. All nuts, bolts, pop rivets and complete installation instruc~ions are included. For more details and the complete Stillen mini truck accessories catalog, send $3 .00, ( refundable with _the first ord~J_ to St~e. Millen Sportparts, Inc., Uept. OT, 1627 So. Boyd, Santa Ana, CA 92705. Page 59

Page 60

BobMIJIN MAN" Belu-e-(714) 878-4649 ByBehreDS • RACE CAR ALUMINUM BODIES F-UNNY CAR AL'lJMINUM INTERIORS 4072 CRESTVIEW DRIVE LAKE ELSINORE. CA .. 92330 ~ Alt. Apple Pie Rticing &J~ ( 702 J 362-91/16 "'-fl~ s....~ (7()2 I 363-2245 a.le~g.:;; ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~\>" Competition ires ~ ff Off road & Motorcycle Products 22264 Ottawa, Unit 1 Apple Valley, CA 92308 (619) 240-3186 (800) 892-5263 AUTOCRAfT ENGINES ARTS -SERVICE Manufacturing Facilities La Habra, California 1100 CUSTER ROAD TOLEDO, OHIO 436 2 -800-356-6586 Ohio 1 ·800·356-1546 Performance Products Fiberglass Fenders & Hoods• Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins Pop-up Roof Light Kits • V-6 Kits for Mini Trucks Off-Road Truck Fabrication Product Catalog $3.00 (619) 562-1740 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 TOMMINGA FABRICATION & REPAl~ C STOM ROLL CAGES . ~ FF-RO&.O RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M..G. \W..DING TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CA/ON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 6~?-44!>-5764 Page 60 Helmets And (714) 650-4566 1660 Babcock, 'Bldg. #B Costa Mesa, CA 92627 .KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 4920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new Cllltomers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are _merely $1_8.00 per month. SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye. AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 BITCON ENGINEERING 55446 29 PALMS HIGHWAY YUCCA VALLEY, CA 92284 (619) 365-7649 THE AUTOMATIC CHOICE <&rnup _ ruckmann San Diego 16191 578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF HOAD RACE ENGINES. FRIENDS AT 8626 COMMERCE AVE. IN MIRAMAR FOR CORKY McMILLIN · DANNY LETNER JIM TRAVIS WILLIS HAMILTON MARK McMILLIN nua,y 1919 - - - - ---- - - -----Car Custom OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON : ~•·•·-• HIPI= • IC&.. lilililim w lfl.lH7 on~"'"'-· (@ ~ ~ ,v· ..,,'f:JIOWM = ~-• ~~ /IIMMX . TWO GIANT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU SUPERSTORE #1 915 W FOOTHILL BLVO AZUSA CA 91702 818-334-4951 PH RS 969-SUPERSTORE #2 12451 WESTMINSTER BLVO GAROEN GROVE. CA 92643 714-554-9260 Cut out this coupon and mail it to: Dick Cepek, Inc. '7000 Kingsv1ew Ave., Dept. OT Carson, California 90746 · I D I've enclosed $9.00' for my Dick Cepek corduroy Hat, I 2 Decals, and 1988 Catalog. I I • Canadian & Foreign requests send S15.00 U.S. currency. I L-----------------------J V"1N C E PRESIDENT 9338 BOND AVENUE (619) 390-8104 E" CAJON. ALIFORNIA 92021 t-AX (619) 390-8601 CHENOWTH .iiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~CING PRODVCTS, INC. Check the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA _92020 (619) 449-7100 · - • I Manufacturers of OCNC:J B,ake aad _clm,h Podal ,..., · Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-1663 Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog ustv.nma

Page 61

FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS Sandy Cone (805) 239-2663 2055 Hanging T ree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 COOLWATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Free Local Phone * Recreation Room *· Free Movie Channel * Swimming Pool "DUSTY DISCOUNT" tf,3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619-256-8443 170 Coolwater Lane, Barstow 1/ CROWN AUTO SERVICE {I 140 C AVE .. CORONADO, CA 92118 RADIATOR 43!5·0340 DE COPPEN BROS. RACING D.B.A. DE WURKS Engine-Heads-Transaxles. Carbureted and Turbocharged Motors. Race proven for Street-Strip-Sand and Off Road Racing. We supply all of your racing needs. 70 W. EASY ST., UNIT 6 805-522-0414 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 MONDAY-FRIDAY: 9-6 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DE UNZIO HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 5760 Thornwood Drive Goleta, CA 93117 TERMINALS. TV-WRAPS. LUGS. W IRE CONVOLUTED TUBING. SHRINK. AUTO LOOM. NYLON CLAMPS. SPECIAL PACKAGING. W I RING ACCESSORIES DHRCORP 1104-A N. MACLAY SAN FERNANDO CA 91340 lBOO) 634-9118 (818) 361-1234 Dusty Times PERFORMANCE TRANSMSSIONS <••> aet,.aoaa 1533 TRUMAN ST. JOHN VERHAGEN SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 TRICK SHOCKS FOR: ' Single. Double, Triple, Quad Applications. . Take-Aparts & Remote Reservoir Kits. 10728 Prospect Ave. "B", S1nt11, CA 92071 • (819) 582-8773 . DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU 10 BECOME A DWER , Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is a great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. COMTAO DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. (818) 889-5600 "serving the industry since 1976" ' (', i, f,e, i,I, f_;f., DRIVELINE SERVICE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE REPAIRING • BALANCING • CUSTOMIZING PARTS AND SERVICE ON C/V AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS (714) 824-1561 416 E. Valley Blvd., Colton, CA 92324 SCORE & HORA CONTINGENCY SPONSORS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Components 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 . Arrowhead Ave. 825-05B3 o SAN BERNARDINO, CA 888-2703 92408 January 1989 TM FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! _ R_E_N-TA_L_S_ VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE (714) 981-9666 AVAILABLE 963 SEABOARD COURT, UPLA~ D. C_A 91786 . . ... •/IAtlNG . IITl,,,,FUEl'1 213-603-2200 Send for our ·catalogl . The most comprehensive catalog of race-proven Off Raad parts ever. From the people who have put more Off Rood drivers in the Winner's Circle than anyone else. Call. write. carrier pigeon. anything. But do it now. Or you'll be at the back of the pac k. FAT Racing Portstita Centerline Wheels Bllsteln Shocks JoMor Products Sway-A-Woy ~ Wright Pl<><re Permo-Caol ., Trt·MII Exhaust S&S Headers ...... '1111111 ........ ~ Gem Gears Weber Corbs Beard Seats IPF Lights PEJU'ORMAICE ... many more FOR YOUR CATALOG. SEND $5 TO FAT PERFORMANCE. 1558 N. CASE ST., ORANGE, CA 92667, OR CALL (714) 637-2889 \LLE S A FET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 RE·UCABU Y.W. PAim 11623 SHELDON ST. SUN VALLEY, CA 913!52 .... ----=,=-~ DENNIS WAYNE PORS~Hf PARTS 768-45!5!5 (619) 669-4727_ 1 aet Your SfflFI' '!ogetherl PORTll'Y TRAl'YSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 92035 ~ DoUlJ Fortin Page 61

Page 62

(408) 377-3422 Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's Specifications f0X RACING SHOX 544 McGlincey lane, Unit 8, CampbBI/, Calif. 95008 ~~~ A Prototype Design & Development Company Specializing In: (619) 449-8322 FRISK BROS. • Racecars, Racetrucks. A TV's • Tube Bending& Metal Fabrication • Aluminum & Steel Sheetmetal 107-34E Kenney Street• Santee. CA 92071 Fuel Bladders . Quick FIiis Dump Cans Std. FIiis 5271 Business Dr. Huntington Beach, C A 92649 (714) 897-2858 GIL GEORGE ~ ... .l .... 'VN l!O ~t~~ CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA (714) 981-8743 GARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 1452 EAST T HIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 RPRISES BEEPER 381-3148 OFFICE 362-4202 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 Pagc61 HEADFLOW PERFORMANCE '' ,, RACING CYLINDER HEADS FRED COWLES (714) 631-3826 1760 Monrovia, C-7, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 HOUSE of BUGGIES 9027 Campo Road • Spring Valley, CA 92077 • 619-589-6770 Check out the DUSTY TIMES Special Club Sub Offer (Almost half price for group subscriptions) call (818) 889·5600 or write DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 u!!ill@md V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS, INC. JERRY JEFFERIES P.O. Box 1538 • 42030-C Avenida Alvarado • Temecula. CA 92390 (714) 676-2066 January 1919 JJ@ JG TranswerKs "Go with a proven winner" Off Road-Sand & Street JOE GIFFIN 7037 S. Comstock Ave. #85 Whittier, CA 90602 JIMCO (213) 692-3642 (213) 692-0171 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES . ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON Custom Eng ines/ Transaxles Street · Strip • O ftroad KEITH SCHINDLER (714) 599-7627 JIM LANGAN LANGAN CUSTOM METALS Aluminum Bodies • Accessories Fabrication Specialists Covina (818) 966-5625 McKENZIE PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS WAREHOUSE OISTRl■UTORS FOIi CENTER,L INI[ WHEELS SWAY- A-WAY TIECTIRA TIRES SILSTEIN SHOCKS KC L IGHTS l< ,Y .B . SHOCKS SUPER TRAP S~AAK ARRESTORS ■E"AIIO ■EATS CIBIE LIGHTS HE:WLAND GaARS MCKENZIE AUIP'ILTEIIS Ca'.M CIIIAfl:9 WRIGHT PLACE CROWN 11~0. DU"A ■LUE NEAL PRODUCTS ULTRA BOOT RAP'ID COOL WK8TERN AUTO TIRIES TRl•MIL 818-7114-8438 129411 SHIEIIMAN WAY, NO. 4 818-7811-11827 NO, HOLLYWOOD, CA 91809 Dusty nma

Page 63

·MENDEOLA RACING TECHNOLOGY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACING GEARBOXES ( 619) 2 7 7 ~ 3100 7577 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 TABS -BRACKETS• MOU?fl'S ~@frffl~ ~ffllfillY□@@fromrro Shearing - Punching -Forming Sawing -Tool Grinding -TIG & MIG Welding RACE CAR COMPONENTS STEVE WRIGHT Riverside, Calif. (714) 351-2515 .. ~ ... , r,,i' rt--' c,a~ 0-..f-0~ STANDARD 4.v ~V~~ ,,_ V REBUILDS ...,~ ~~ :\-" ti\..\ , 't-~~~ (619) 244-3584 f~ ~t~(J~0 ,,,_<?' 11435 Santa Fe Ave. East " Hesperia, California 92345 ~'f-¥\\~\ ~ PERFORMANCE »!l ~P~TG Import Parts & Service Import Machine Shop Import High Performance Parts, Service & Machinery (419) 476-3300 1100 Custer Rd. At Laskey TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 Wholesale 419-4 76-371., 1 5\S c l"I /). S Custom Built to Your Needs by V-ENTERPRISES 37925 Sixth St. East, Unit 107 Palmdal~. CA 93550 Bill Varnes Mike Brown 805/272-3843 Jim Moulton Racing M .... -.....-~ --• rr• --#7iii • -~. • -~,-~ •••• ' PRODUCTS ■ Off road racing chassis ■ Fabrication and repair ■ Fox shock parts and service ■ Race Car Prep 26846 Oak Ave., Unit G Canyon Country, Calif. 91351 (805) 298-1212 Dusty Tlma YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE Ignitions • Distributors • Rav Limiters Coils• Heli-Core Wires• Accessories AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 Henry Brennan Or., El Paso, Tx 79936 (915) 857-5200 INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Culling clrakes'" Complete Ca1alog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road • Clu1ch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cyhnders • Hydraulic Clu1ches and Throules ... plus much more . San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 565-9336 DUSTY TIMES BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE $ 1. 7 5 for a single copy $ 1.25 each for 5 or more copies Any mix of dates Send check or money order and your UPS street address to: DUSTYTIMU 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer Today - Oil - Fuel - Transmissions - Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag; Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc. 12414 Hwy 99 So. Oeot DT. Everett. WA 98204 P.O. BOX 700 PETTIT WINCHESTER A 2 - ·700 OFF ROAD CHASSI S ENGINEERING 6891 SAN DIEGO DR .. BUENA PARK. CA 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 Ile 4 WO VANS Ile PICKUPS Ile MINI TRUCKS PRE·RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSIO N NO BLOCKS USEO • WELDING Ile FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 761-9460 Established 1974 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT January 1989 i ___ RJ OFF ROAD INNOVATIONS BOLT-ON PRE-RUNNER ACCESSORIES' LIGHT HOOPS TIRE MOUNTS BED KICKERS ~ CUSTOM FABRICATION 16191 SSS-2568 1160 PIONEER WAY, SUITE C, EL CAJON, CA 92020 JJQ ~[S~00~(1(1 1660 Babcock Bldg, B Costa Mesa, ca 92627 (714) 650-3035 Fabrication ✓ Coil Over Suspension ✓ FoxShoxPartsAndService ✓ Race Car Wiring _ ✓ Race Car Prep. ✓ Tum Key Race Cars FAMILY RESTAURANT 011er 40 Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering Hole Saloon 2 4 Hour Service Station BAKl:H. CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL■ A MERICAN■ CANADIAN o Off-ROAD \t_ 1. RACIN6 flh~ ,d,,-·e,/~~ ~~~ P. 0 . BOX 323 eSEAHURST, WA 98062 (206) 242-1773 19000 Bagby Dr. Canyon Country PREPCo RACE CAR MAINTENANCE RICHARD PARCELLS (805) 251 -9631 PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY NEW LENOX ILLINOIS 6 0 4 51 18151 485·RACE 17223) Page 63

Page 64

GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY ' I Larry Wintlr 114-537-8286 A Totally New Concept in Battery Design Roee S/eop Suppliu 11 jJ2 Step/eonie Garde11 Grove, C4 9264/J 3450 PACHECO BOULEVARD MARTINEZ, CA 94553 TELEPHONE: (415) 228-7576 • % t/ee Size & Weig/et of its Equi11aknt • Vibration Resistant • Spill_ Proof Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim,CA 92805 , The Leader in I ·I Lubricant and Fuel I System Technolog) RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 ·s ~~· (213)583-240 i SANDERPsERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING '59ZI W;Jmington Avenue Los Ange/es. Ca/iforn,a 90001 rSIMPSOll, j~ RACE PRODUCTS ..J SEND $3.00 FOR NEW FULL COLOR CATALOG Sacramento Area (916) 638-1103 • FAX (916) 638-6842 11336-A Sunco Drive • Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 NEW LOCATION IN THE VALLEY 'SIMPSOll, RACE PRODUCTS ..J 16053 Victory Blvd. #4 Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 780-4444 FAX (818) 780·456 7 NEW LOCATION IN ORANGE COUNTY , rSIMPSOll RACE PRODUCTS j 1130 N. Kraemer Blvd., 'C' Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 630-8861 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $18.00 per month. ---------_,,;;;;;;..,..,_ ..... ----------~--=:r--_,,;;;;;;...,.,_~ --..... ~- _ _.. ---.... --------~-..._...._ .... __ ~ RACING PRODUCTS ,. 115 OCTANE RACING GASO-.LUtE Anaheim, CA ............... , ........... (714) 528-4492 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL I Bakersfield, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 948-6044 Bullhead City, AZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (602) 758-5480 FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Chino, CA .............................. (714) 628-7596 Mark Smith Larry Smith' Concord, CA ........................... (415) 676-4300 Denver, CO ............................ (303) 750-9619 El Centro, CA .......................... (619) 352-4721 ...., __________________ -+ Fullerton, CA ........................... (714) 635~5553 Hayward, CA . ........ ................. . (415) 783-6500 Lancaster, CA ..................... ..... (805) 948-6044 I./ • Las Vegas, NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (702) 643-9200 / Long Beach, CA ........................ (213) 432-3949 Los Angeles, CA ........................ (213) 595-7208 '-. Oakland, CA ........................... (415) 261-6900 "'..t:--. .:__,. • : Phoenix, ~ . . .. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (602) 279-5000 ~ 'J Pleasant Hill, CA ........................ (415) 798-2201 .-4# 7~ ~~u99u /,},._~~--. I Riv~rside, CA ... '. ' .. ' ... ' .. ''' '' .... ''. (714) 877-0226 ~ ~• 7 ~ , Salinas, CA ............................. (408) 422-9808 .\ / • 1533 Truman Street ,· Santa Barbara, CA ...................... (805) 963-9366 · ~ • San Jose, CA ........................... (408) 294-4513 San Fernando. Ca 91340 /I Van Nuys, CA ......... ..... , ........... (818) 785-0902 Phone: (818) 361-1215 Ventura, CA ................. , .......... (805) 659-5609 i Yuma, AZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (602) 782-6543 ' ' P.O. Box610,333WestBroadway,Suite202(213} 437 4373 ,; Long Beach, Cellfornia 90801--0610 -Pasc64 January 1989 (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components IUPER BOOT PRODUCTS (714) 630-8283 Anaheim, CA 1987 BUDWEISER FRT SUPERSTITION SERIES CHAMPIONS JOEY ADZIMA, JR. -CLASS 10 STEVE WOLCOTT· CLASS 1-2-1600 CECIL WRIGHT -OPEN UNLIMITED NICK GROSS · CHALLENGER CLASS KEN GOLOJUCH · SIG TRUCK CLASS Al DELAROSA · LITTLE TRUCK CLASS GREG SANDEN -CLASS 5 TODD TEUSCHER · CLASS 100 CHUCK MEAD -CLASS 6 -Trackside . Photo~ Inc. · Commercial Photography Peter L. Hatch (213) sos-1n2 . 1507 E. Del Amo Blvd. • Carson, CA 907 46 NACE THANS BY JEFF RELDr TitfiNSflXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TA~CK 112 Octane ll'lck 118 Octane Super-nick 100 Octane Unleaded racing gasoline Alameda County 1415) 538-RACE Phoenix 16021 952-2575 Bakersfield 18051 393-8258 Portland/Vancouver 12061693-3600 Bremerton 12061 377-7951 Riverside 17141787-8141 Denver 13031 452-5239 Sacramento 19161 638-RACE 8Centro 1619) 352-2600 San Diego 16 I 9) 460-5207 Hawaii 1808) 682-5589 Saugus /805) 259-3886 Huntington Beach /714) 536-8808 ~attle /206) 833-0430 IDng Beach 1213) 979-0198 Spokane 1509) 483-0076 IDs Angeles 1213) 863-4801 lriCitie-s 1509) 547-3326 Las Vegas 11021871-1417 Tucson 1602) 326-8770 Oranqe County 17141 634-0845 Wenatchee 15091 663-2912 Dusty Tlma

Page 65

'The Straight Poop From The Big Waluoo' The off road season is over, the holiday season is just about over, the old year is almost all over and, as a Club, we got our collective butts RUN OVER at the Baja 1000. In what was otherwise a good Checker year we got skunked at what is normally a good race for the Club. Through-out the past few years the Checkers have earned at least one ·-,class victory in virtually all the major races, so a winless 1000 was a surprise. Not even a second or third in class, absurd!! The only member that could . possibly be considered a winner at this race was Utgard, who made good on his word to bring the Russian RallyTeam over here to race the 1000 with him. Th~ Rus-sian drivers actually did better then Bob and his crew, since they got both trucks to the driver change at Borrego. At that point one truck parked with a sick engine and Utgard raced the other truck to Camalu where its engine also went sour. The Club's best official finish were the Cook's fourth place fin-ish in Class 5-1600 after suffering alternat,W, problems. The rest of the Club's 16 entries finished as follows: Seeley fifth, Peralta fifth, Chase/Hibbard 11th - every-body else was a DNF with the fol-lowing problems: Koch/ Keeling, Sugar/Patrick, Butow/ York and John Howard all had motor prob-!ems. Frenchie frie~ a clutch. Prince broke · his steering. Hus- peared into the darkness. l 'm sure song crashed his truck. Symonds there is a lesson to be learned here, broke a drive shaft. Kriesler ran but then a~ain con~der_ing the out of electricity and Richard members involved, probably not. Young disal?peared for unknown Sugar was pleased with the new reasons. catheter set up he used at the 1000 The Culver C ity Crew's racetoeliminatetheneedtostop Annual Pig Out on the beach at and take a pee. He said it worked Camalu was once again up to tra- great except for a minor problem ditional standards with large with the discharge tube. Chuck amounts of everything consumed seems to have cut the little tube by all. that runs down his leg a little too For a good story ask Glenn short and it filled up his shoe.Just Wolfe about his trip to the a minor detail, right Chuck? Ensenada jail on the way home With no Club races until the from the race. Things looked grim Parker 400 the Checkers turn to and were getting worse when the annual year end business. Glenn remembered his new found Score/HORA Awards _ The friend and the Club's latest pros- Checkers are once again nomi-pective member,Juan Hussong. It nated as Support Team of the seems Hussong carries a little Year. It's about time we won that weight in and around the Ensen- award again since we deserve it ada area and things quickly every year anyway. Koch and worked themselves out and Utgard both earned a second Wolfe was back on the road and place in the points series in Class 1 headed for the border. and 5 respectively. Another story concerned · · Geroge Thompson getting ELECTIONS will be held on stranded at Ojos _Negros in the . January 18th. Be sure and be there wee hours of the morning on race because if you don'.t vote ya ain't day. Seems George, who was part entitled to bitch! oftheChase/Hibbardchasecrew, CHECKERS ANNUAL A-walked up the hill to get next to a WARDS BANQUET will be held big fire and watch the cars come at the Knollwood Country Club through. But he failed to tell · in Granada Hills on Friday night anybody from the crew where he , the 20th of January. Tickets are was going sfoce most of them were available at the weekly meetings trying to catch a few winks during or through our treasurer, Steve the long wait. Well, when Stuart Burack (818) 347-3064. Please came flying past George's fire and pick up or order your tickets down to the pavement, Thomp-early• Guests are cordially invited. son could see his problem devel- Congratulat!ons are in order oping. Hibbard and the crew now for both 'Big John' and Kassanyi. were wide awake with their race Files is now "Poppa John' with faces on and pulling out to chase the birth of a baby girl and Steve the race car to the finish line. As recently tied the knot in a big George ran to the highway calling ceremony in Las Vegas. I guess Jeff every name he could think of, that explains where they've been the chase crew's tail light disap- lately. Congrats also go out to Randy Rhinehart for -reportedly wrapping up the Class 10 points championship in the Glen Helen short course series. Way to go Randy! With the Parker rl\ce coming up it's time again for the Club's annual battle with the mountain ·of spare tires that seems to always appear at this race. This year Per-alta has volunteered to be 'Tire Coordinator' and solve this prob-lem once and for all - good luck Lou, you'll need it! During a recent Checker meet-ing the tone of this column was addressed, with Russ Butow pre-senting a major snivel to the Club regarding the Wahzoo's reporting of 'The Checker truth and nothing but the truth' in this widely read publication. Russ felt that the Wahzoo was getting too personal and demanded that I be exposed and neutered. His posi-tion was discussed at length by the Club and, as usual with most things Butow brings up at the meetings, it was voted down by an .overwhelming majority. Hey Russ CHILL OUT! I promise not to mention you any more. And finally, with this being the last Checker column of 1988, I would like to thank a few of the members who have made the writ-ing of this monthly column a lot_ easier than I ever expected. ROUND BROWN for setting the standards for the unofficial posi-tion of Rotating Sergeant at Arms, which has been a great source of material. LOU for pro-viding me with another source of irresistible things to wrjte about. SUGAR for his seemingly endless number of oddball race car prob-lems. MASTER BA TES for being the happiest winner in '88. DUNN for coming up with some of the best one liners of the year. HIB-BARD for constantly stirring it up. THE COMMANDER for simply being Ferd. VANEGAS for standing up when he talks. SYMONDS for still taking it all so seriously at his age. And for WOLFE for keeping his mouth shut about my identity so I don't get any angry phone calls late at , night. Well it's so long to '88 and here's hoping for another great Checker year in 1989 and all the good times that will surely go along with it. See ya at Parker. ATIENTION PIT TEAMS Send in your tales of triumph and troubles to Dl)STY TIMES soon after a race and it will be featured on these pages. Send to: DUSTY TIMES 5531 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNOLIA, SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 619/449-9690 Power Steering - Brackets Aluminum Fabrication - Tabs LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C Fullerton, Ca. 92631 Louie Unser (714) 879-8440 ==;f'=..e..PA/,t'T /IND aJ47lNG9"'GRA.tWn;* MGOB * •~ llJAAC; MAJNUNN/Cf.i,fJm/lY~~/,1/rM/Nt;lc ~~ MYMG.,11or&.k,Up~ .•619• o DUltyTlllla THS ININNSIIS eHOICS WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports winning drivers and engine builders Just ask the top professionals before buying your next cam. Our dedication to performance and quality keeps you on top. Call WEB-CAM for your winning cam for street , strip and off-road or send $3 for the complete __ .., catalog. send photo (3x5,5x7 OK), · VIVID colors . HIGH resolution returned Intact - 100% cotton Hanes T-shirt you supply . PERMANENT 7::: ~.~; ~005-~M~• I 2245 E. Colorado Bl. 104-109 1000 photo list Pasadena, CA 91107 quantity discounts avail, call (818)792-8504 Engine & Machine VW • PORSCHE -OFF ROAD . 94 7 RANCHEROS DRIVE SAN MARCOS. CA 92069 (6191741-6173 M11U11Y 1919 PROS USE LOC-BOARDS! . Be a PRO, use LOC-BOARDS instead · of peg-boards to hang expensive tools! Call 800-678-2552 toll-free for catalog. WOODS WHEEL WORKS Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles $u~ Speclaftsts • Custom \llheelS 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, /4Z 85017 Two for the OH-Road! liotVWs --~ For advertising rates & information contact Wright Publishing Co., Inc. PO Box 2260. Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Page 65

Page 66

. Classified ••• FOR-SALE: 2180cc roller crank FOR SALE: Class 1, 10, or 2 Fat type 1 motor. $2,000 OBO. 1985 Raceco. 125"' WB, long Call (714) 594-3858 days or travel coil over front. Currently (818) 332-7656 nights. set up for Class 1 with 2666 Type M~~;,;;;--::::;;;;;_"';;;;_;;:;_ ;:;;;::;;;;;;;:;;:;;;,~;;:;:;,, N. Will sell complete or less T FOR SALE: Class 1-1600 Funco, ' J Fox shocks, Neal pedals, power -j steering, Leighton trans, fresh ~ motor, fuel cell, race ready. $5,000. Call Steve at (312) 506-9711 in Illinois. FOR SALE: Race prepped and ready to win 5-1600 class. Raced FOR SALE: Class 5, race ready, '· in Score, HDRA, ADRA. Th~s is fresh motor & trans, all Hew land a race car not a prerunner. Wright gears, P.S. by Unique, 32 gal. cell, ~ont end, Sway-A-~ay, Center-trailer and spares and all equip. hn~S, Fox, TU~ engme. lncl_u~es $7 900 OBO. Call (619) 728-- trailer, extra ~ires and a dnvmg 083 7 lesson! Changing to Class 8. Call FOR SALE: Completely outfitted Tractor: Trailer rig. GMC Tractor & 43 ft. trailer. Two 6.SK Onan generators, living quarters in front of trailer. Tiled floor & counters, custom cabinets, refrig-erator, ice maker, microwave, stove top, TV, VCR, air conditi-oned, double sink, 150 gallons of water, instant hot water, bath-room with full shower. Work-shop, radio antenna, vise, cabinets, lights, new tires all around and more. Must see to appreciate. $75,000. Call Jim Conner at (602) 453-8889. · Dean at (602) 849--4719 in Pho-FOR SALE: 1-1600 Chenowth Magnum built by Neth Racing Works, Dyno tested Kelron Ent. engine, Henry's cliff., Hewland gears, UMP power steering, wind-shield. CLASS RULES MAXI-MIZED. Will sell less engine or trans, includes all spares and extras. Call Will Higman week-days at (714) 848-8222. FOR SALE: Class 10 single seat. 1st place winner at the 1988 Brush Run 101. First in points. Fastest of everything, 1650 Rab-bit, 091 trans, Fox sh~ks, power steering, 101" WB. Built to win. Race ready $15,000. Less engine and trans$8,000. Call Todd Attig at (815) 288-3461 in Illinois. FOR SALE: Team Yokohama Cameo 7S Toyota. One year old, over $50,0C() invested. Comes complete with spare trans, steer-ing box, suspension, 10 spare tires with wheels. Call Greg at (818) 998-4436 days. enix. FOR SALE: Art Schmitts Berrien Laser Class 1 or 9 short course car. Best of everything. Less motor and trans. Call Art, days (412) 687-5093 or eves (412) 321-3527 in Pittsburgh, PA. FOR SALE: Former Glenn Harris · FOR SALE: Nissan Class 7 4x4, MTEG Class 10 champ. car. Best race prepped, good beginning race of everything. Currently set up car, driven by actor Chuck Nor-with Fat Rabbit motor and trans ris, $15,000. Call Jim Conner at - by Jeff Fields, $12,500 race ready (602) 453-8889. or $8,000 less engine and trans, ' fresh Fat air cooled motor also available. Call Jim at (805) 985-, fa Bllifa,~•''''"°"'-W 4457 days or 649-9761 eves. FOR SALE: International sup-port truck. Lift gate, extra gas -tanks, new tires, Ford 460 CI engine. Good work horse. $5,000. Call Jim Conner at (602) FOR SALE: Nissan Cl...,as_s..._7..-...4x_4..., 4_5_3_-8_8-8-9-· -------1987 Hardbody. Class winner, FOR SALE: 1985 built Berrien Baja 1000, Baja 500, Riverside, 2001 1-2-1600. Beard seats, Gold Coast and Great Mojave. power steering, Neal pedals, Cen-Spare motor, trans, rear end, terline wheels, Probst built tires, wheels and more. $35,000. motor. Lots of spares, everything Call Jim Conner at (602) 453- goes. $7,000 OBO. Call Duane at 8889. (312) 739-5002 in Illinois. engine and trans. $20,000 com-plete, $12,000 less eng. & trans. Car equipped with best of every-thing. Call Jim at (213) 591-5665. FOR SALE: Pit and support equipment. Tents, generators, --welders, lights, etc. Call for info. Jim Conner (602) 453-8889. . -FOR SALE: Water trailer(fiber-glass tank) 800 gallons, pump, pressure washer, good tires. $1,000. Call Jim Conner at ( 602) 453-8889. FOR SALE: -Rally stuff. 165x13"' Bridgestone "soft" $60/ea. Pana-sport (Toyota, Datsun, Colt) $75/ea. Peltor$175. Terra$300. Extra lights $5--40/ ea. Stabilizers $20/ 4 pcs. Close out sale. Call Topi at (818) 765-5542, eves. --FOR SALE: Raceco Class 10 Hewland 5 speed. Goshen fresh engine plus spare "Fat" engine power steering and many extras. Recently gone through. Race ready. $14,000. Call Bob at (619) 530-1999 or 695-9441. FOR SALE: Rally cars, '82 Starl~t $5,000. '83 Corolla $4,000. '77 Volvo $5,000. '84 Corolla GTS $10,000. '86 Corolla GTS $20,000. Many GrA Corolla spares. Worldwide shipping. Also '71 ambulance service truck $2,500. New HD trailer $2,200. Call Topi at (818) 765-5542, evenings. FOR SALE: Convertible body only - $600. New S.P.G. roller 82mm crank, 40mm Weber car-buretors - $ 100. each. Also Holley-Web type VW doors, Type 1 and misc. bus parts, two seat chassis 11 7" WB, 10"' wider comp. with body and pans-best offer. Two portable welders -$350. each. Cal1Jeff at(714 )996-4936. r-----------------~~-----------------------™~~ Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5 .00. tAll classified ads must be paid in advance. , I I I I 1-11 I I I I I I I I I I I I Enclosed is$ ____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Pleas.e run ad ______ times. I I Name -I . I Address _____________________ Phone ______ _ I ,I State _____ Zip _____ _ Page 66 January 1989 Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 I I I I FOR SALE: Single seat Chal-lenger race car. Parker ready with spares, best of everything. Less than 600 miles. Call Jack Woods , in Arizona at ( 602) 242-0077. FOR SALE: FordClass8,351 W, C-6, N/rear, Summers axles, Rancho shocks, fuel cell, tandem trailer. Ready to race. $7,500 firm. Call, Roger at ( 414) 965-2886 evenings in Wisconsin. FOR SALE: 1977 Transporter truck, with ramps, winch and storage space. 429 motor. Pink Slip. $1,200. Call (714) 754,., 6790. Dave. FOR SALE: Spy Racing Class 6 race car. Ford Ranchero. Best offer will take all. Race ready for Parker 400. Everything up to date and lots of extras. Cash talks, you know what walks. Proven Class Points Champs. "Retiring" -Call G.W. Moser Bros. at (714) 846-9551. FOR SALE: 2 seat Challenger. Wright rack, Mastercraft, SAW, Fox shocks, Pumper, D.J. trans, Filler belts, fuel cell, aluminum body ... only raced three times, 3rd at '88 Snore 250. Race ready with spares and trailer. $8,000. OBO. Call Scott Steele at (805) 252-2957. FOR SALE: Class 2-1600 Raceco, 114" WB, dynoed motor, Kreisler trans w/Hew-land, Wright rack and combos, dual Curnutts front and back, 930 CV s,Neth arms, Centerlines, Edwards, Parker Pumper, $9,000. Make offer for radios, tools, trailer, spare wheels, tires, parts and motor. Call Pat at (714) 644-4460 days, or John at (714) 494-5548 evenings. MUST SELL - MUST SELL -MUST SELL - MOVING SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO: Class 1 or 10, very competitive car, last driven by Bud Feldkamp and Ron Gardner, Class 1 Short Course car, last driven by Marty Tripes. Baja Bug, street legal, set up for pre-running, Mendeola 3 speed. Two Class 10 motors, wheels, tires, shocks and alot more. Call Tracy Valenta at (818) 982-1961. FOR SALE: Chenowth Chal-lenger, 1 or 2 seat. Fuel cell, water cooled Fox, Leighton engine. Proven competitive car, ready for Parker. Spares and parts also. Priced tosellat$7 ,500. Call Larry Martin at (714) 654-4454. FOR SALE: Pro rally truck, pre=-runner. 1987 Ford F150. Four shocks per wheel, new 400 HP 400 M-Cl0, Valley Transmission C6, 411 with spool, Mastercraft seats, 4-link 5/8 studs, BFGs, much more. Won many overalls, championships. SCCA, Score, street legal. Turn key $12,500. Call Bill at (805) 497-9439 leave message. Dusty Tlma

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FOR SALE: Challenger single seat, Beard, Bilsteins, Saco rack, FBI fuel cell, Armstrong, CNC, Sway-A-Way, German Auto trans, new motor, trailer, spares and parts. $6,500. Call (714) 670-2935 eves. or (714) 635-5196 days. FOR SALE: Class 5-1600 race cai. A proven winner. This car has virtually all the best racing com-ponents allowed by Score and HORA rules. Call for details because it has too much to list here. Includes parts and matching tandem trailer. $7,500. Call (619) 481-0923. FOR SALE: Class 5 pre-runner or race. 105" long, wide front & _ rear, 2180cc, Hewland geac_s, Henry's Super Diff., long Ff arms w/Curnutts, Bilsteins rear, power steering, street legal, Pumper and spares and trailer. $5,500. Jim's VW Service, days (818) 288-9760, eves. (818) 445-1573. MUST SELL. FOR SALE: 1987 Baja 500 Chal-lenge Class winner. Mid-engine Sandwinder single seat. Race ready with fresh motor and tranny. $9,000. Also have lots of spare parts including a fresh tranny, fresh motor less exhaust. Enough spare parts for six front ends, spare shocks, 12 spare drums, 20 tires and wheels, Sway-A-Way, Parker Pumper, the best of everything. Call for prices on spares. Also will consider trade or offers. Don Rountree (714) 825-0583. . - - - -FOR SALE: 1-1600 Chenowth Magnum 1988, race ready. Best of everything, Hatz motor, Neth front end, power steering, Fox shocks, Mastercraft, very light. .Ba.fed 5_ time§Jncludes all spares, $14,950. Call Mark Carter at (714 )981-9666 days, (714 )592-3845 nights. Dustvnma FOR SALE: 1987 Chaparral two seater, Challenger class. $5,000. Call (619) 344-8095. FOR SALE: Class 5, Wright long T arms & beam, S/ B disc F&R, Wood's rear arms, S/ B headers, Fox shocks, 2/Saco, Hewland trans, UMP steering, 2/2574 FOR SALE: Challenger car, single seat Raceco. Fox shocks, Beard seat, Filler belts, Jamar pedals, 1 Yokohama tires, Field's trans, Fat motor, rack and pinion steering, Sway-A-Way, trailer, and lots of spare parts, wheels and tires. Sac-rifice $5,500. Race ready. Call Tom at (818) 767-0588 or (818) 846:-4309. .ARPM engs., 29 gal. Fuel Safe tank, Bosch lights, drysump. Lots of spare stuff. 26 ft. trailer, with FOR SALE: Big roomy pre-or without eng. and trans. Call Ed runner. Brut, 120,. WB, 10 over days (303) 321-7375 or nights front and rear Fox Shox (air), ( 303) 234-9819 in Denver, CO. 1650cc, bus trans (fresh), Beards,' • .. Deist, Centerlines, fresh suspen-sion, new bushings, etc., Sway-A-Way bars & plates, Wright box, new Y okohamas, extra Shox and parts. (Potential race car.) $6,500. OBO. Call (619) 253-7935. FOR SALE: 1988 Score/ HORA Desert Series Class 10 season points winner. Hewland FGA 5 speed trans, 1650cc VW engine ( very reliable), Curnutt shocks, power steering, windshield: 1986 Raceco frame, best of everything. Car is two years old and has won more Score/ HORA Class 10 races than any other vehicle. $33,500, o n ly serious need inquire. Call Mike Church at (714)660-3791 or Bill Church at (714) 660-8600. FOR SALE: OFF ROAD RAC-ING TRADING CARDS. All classes included. Score, HORA, Mickey Thompson, Glen Helen, etc. Drivers include Ivan Stewart, Rod Hall, Frank Arciero Jr., Rory Holladay, etc. Get a set and have it autographed at the races. 1 pack of 10 cards is $3. Get 3 packs for $10. Send check or money order to Off Road Action Trading Cards, P.O. Box 700, Winches-ter, CA 92396-700. DESPERATE MUST SELL: Funco Class 10 Short Course car. Ready to race. 1650cc VW engine, disc brakes, Dura Blue stubs, axles and torsion bars, Fuel Safe cell, Mastercraft seat. All the best parts. Trailer and many spares. $5,000. Call Mike at (602) 992-3968 in Arizona. FOR SALE: Class 1 or 10 ORE Funco, 11 r WB, 18,. rear wheel - travel, 13"' front wheel travel, rear discs, Wright front end, Summers rear hubs, Fox shocks, fuel cell, Mastercraft seat, Simpson belts, Parker Pumper, 13 rear tires and wheels, 6 front tires and wheels, plus many spare parts. This chas-sis is race prepped. Less engine $9,500. Call (303) 232-7852. FOR SALE: Class 10 Raceco sin-gle seater, very light! If it ain't chromed, it's power coated. All the right parts and pieces. Call for details. Ask for Dennis at (714) 661-7880 biz or (714) 498-7135 home. WANTED: RACE MECHAN-ICS FOR "89" SEASON: Preci-sion Preparation Inc. has job openings for experienced, profes-sional race mechanics. These people need to be skilled, reliable and understand the commitment FOR- SALE: GARAGE SALE! racing requires. Only qualified 1979 Jeep Honcho, full Score people who are able to commit for legal w/ Art Carr, Summers, an entire season, at a predeter-Cone, Mastercraft, Simpson, mined wage with benefits, need Goodyears, American plus spare apply. Resumes and references trans, front axles, transfer cases, required. Send to: Bob Sprow, misc. chase earts, less race engine cl o Precision Preparation Inc., - all for $7,500. OBO. Will 15041 Goldenwest Circle, separate. Call (714) 247-0980 Westminster, CA 92683. Or call leave message. • _ for information: (714) 894-7341. January 1989 Coming Next Month ... SALUTE TO THE DESERT CHAMPIONS PAC MILLICAN VALLEY 300 SCORE,HDRA AW ARDS BANQUET GLEN HELEN SEASON .FINALE SCCA MAZDA COACHMAN STAGES RALLY MTEGCHAMPIONSHIP A WARDS BANQUET WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP RAC RALLY ... Plus all the Regular Features FOR SALE: 78 Chevy pre-runner. Balanced 350 c.i. - 4 bolts-standard bore, micro pol-ished and chamferred crank std-std 041 heads, 1.96 intake, ported and slight polish Teflon seals, Schneider springs, clearance for 1.6 rockers 7 / 16 screw in studs (Norris) stainless steel 1.5 roller rockers, Crane push rods, rods shot peened and rebuilt Peter Jackson comp gear drive, Schneid-er 286° cam and lifters, W indage tray, baffled high capacity oil pan, Millings oil pump and chromoly drive, Tri Y headers, aluminum high rise w / Holley 4 barrel, comp fuel pump and K&N filters. Danny Sawyer built 350 Turbo w/shift kit and heavy duty con-vertor, cooler pan, B&M Quick Silver shifter, Hopper rear end, 4 .11 Posi and Speedway En-gineering studs and lugs. Ken-wood AM/ FM w/ auto rev. and clock "GREAT SOUND", Mas-tercraft seats and console, full roll cage, teflon body mounts, Mirage bumpers front and rear w/ hitch, P .P .I. set up shocks front and rear, 6 shocks front w/down straps, 4 shocks rear w/down straps, front end completely rebuilt w/early solid bushing arms. WORKS FANTASTIC. Everything is cad plated. Also heavy duty springs and donuts and much more. Ask-ing only $8,500 (over $18,000 invested). Call Dan at (805) 269-1728 or (805) 274-9093 days. FORSALE: Sing1e seat Chaf,'° lenger race car, Sway-A-Way, Beard seat, BFG tires, spoke wheels, Bilsteins, Fox w/bypass, pro built trans. Runs and handles ~reat. Good first car. Cheap at $3,500. Call (714) 980-7776. WANTED: FABRICATORS with a comprehensive knowledge of all forms of welding, tubular fabrication, sheet metal fabrica-tion and layout work. Precision Preparation Inc. requires the skills of a hard working individual who understands and finds per-sonal satisfaction working in motorsports. This position pays well for qualified and skilled per-sons who understand the com-mitment racing requires. Only qualified and skilled persons need apply. Send resup1e to: Precision Preparation Inc., 15041 Gold-enwest Circle, Westminster; CA 92683. Attn: Bob Sprow (714) 894-7341. FOR SALE: Hi Jumper single seat Challenger, 1986 points champ, numerous top finishes, best of everything, race ready, $5,000. Call Rick Johnson at (619) 252-4194. FOR SALE: 1963 Seeburg Jukebox. Excellent condition -$1,300. Call Larry at (818) 991-0770 days or (805) 379-3133 eves. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Armstrong Tire Co. . . . . . Back Cover Bilstein Corp. of America ... 21 Boulevard GMC . . . . . . . . . . 23 Cactus Racing • . . • . . • . • • . 36 California Pre-Fun • . • • . . . • 14 Car Custom . • . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . 17 DeNunzio Racing Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Elrod Racing . . . . . . . . . . . 43 FAT Performance ..•... . . 49 Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 General Tira Motorsports . . . . . . . . 12-13 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . . . . . • . . . . 19 Head Flow Performance . . . 39 IPF Motorsports ......... 33 Jeep/Eagle Corp. . . • . . • . . 11 • KC Hi Lites .. . .. .. .. .. .. • 29 Kool Radiator . . . . . . . • . • . 46 McKenzie Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Binion's Mint 400 . . . . . . . • • 9 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . 44 Nissan USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Parker Pumper . . . . . . • • . . 31 PCI Race Radios •........ 45 Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Simpson Race Products 41 Summers Brothers, Inc. 40 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 15 Trackside Photo Ent. • . • . . . 53 Tri Mil Industries ....•.... 30 USA -USSR .. .. . .. .. .. • 25 Valley Performance -Hewland .•.••.•.•...• 47 Wright Place .. . .. .. . .. • • 32 Yokohama lire Corp. • . • • 3-4-5 Page 67

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