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1989 Volume 6 Number 12 Dusty Times Magazine

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$1.25 ISSN 8750-1731 Covering the world of competition in the dirt.

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, "GOODYEAR" AND "PORSCHE" ARE THE MAGIC COMBINATION AT MILE HIGH STADIUM. Goodyear and Porsche. Each name is magic in its own right. Together they form a devastating combination. Just ask anyone who ran against them in the thin air of Denver's Mile High Stadium. Two Goodyear-equipped Porsches in the UltraStock class. Dave Kreisler's finished first. Tim Lewis finished second. The victory in the main event was Kreisler's first-ever win in the UltraStock class. And Lewis recorded cAlllll~~~-s.-......... -his first-ever victory in the opening heat race. It just goes to show that anything is pos-sible when you know the magic words. GOODEi'EAII NOBODY FITS YOU LIKE GOODYEAR.

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Volume 6 - Number 1 i December 1989 In This Issue ••• Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Associate Winnie Essenberg Editorial Assistant Sherry Elderd Controller John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic John Howard Contributors Darla Crown C & C Race Photos Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Homer Eubanks Deb Freimuth Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Rod Koch Jan Flick Mazzenga Cam McRae David Ryskamp Judy Smith John Sprovkin -3-D Photography Subscription Rates: THI OfflCIAL VOICE Of CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-l 732 is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 533 l De~ry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this pubhcatton may be reproduced without written permis-sion from the publisher. Second Class Post:iqe paid at Agoura, CA 91301. Trackside Photo Enterprises Ken Vanderhoof POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusc:i Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. A Very Merry Christmas from all of us at Dusty Times to all our friends all over the country and the world. I I FEATURES Page HORA Gold Coast 300 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 SODA at Traverse City Michigan .......................... 22 WRC Sanremo Rally of Italy .............................. 24 Mason Valley Divisional Rally ............................. 26 Plaster City Blast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Last Chance Baja . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 FRT District 38 24 Hour Race ....... · . .................... 40 VORRA Yerington 250 .................................. 42 20th Annual SNORE 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 DEPARTMENTS Side Tracks by Judy Smith ................................. 4 Trail Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Happenings .............................................. 6 Pony Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 California Rally Series by John Elkin ....................... 27 The Losers by Judy Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Pit Team Reports, True Grit Points ............. .......... . 36 Competition Review Board Report by George Thompson ...... 37 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Classified ads ........................................... 53 ON THE COVER - Plowing silt like a veteran, young Steve McEachern herds his Dodge through the silt at the Gold Coast 300. The area is supposed to be 'buggy country', but Steve surprised them all as he won Class 8 handily and won overall by more than three minutes. Truly it was a triumph for McEachern in his first year as a hired hand on Walker Evans' formidable team. Color Photography by Jim Ober ofTrackside Photo Enterprises. We wish to apologize to photographer Dan Maimer of Akron, Ohio. We missed giving him credit last month for his two dandy cover shots of Scott Taylor and Jack Flannery. I\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$1i.00 D i years -$i0.OO □ 3 years - $30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus .•• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name---------------------------Address -------------------------City State _________________ Zip ________ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 1 year $15.00 U.S. • Overseas subscription r..1tes quoted on request) Dusty Times December 1989 Page 3

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Side Tracks ••• By Tudy Smith Once again, it's time for a Baja 1000 that's going to La Paz, and once again it's time for us to go pre-running. How could we let a chance like that go by? So we tidied up the little VW a bit, bought some extra bottles of water, and a lot of cans of beans and fruit cocktail, loaded everything up and took off. We allowed ourselves a week, just ha rely, because I had to be back at work by the next Wednesday morning. And we wanted to see the whole course if possible. Which meant that we weren't going to be doing much dilly dallying. Or at least we shouldn't be. We left home on Wednesday afternoon, and got to Ensenada in the middle of the night, but found a room at the Bahia ( not too many hotel offices open at 12:30 in the a.m. down there). Next morning after a fairly lazy start, we got our tourist permits, like good citizens, and then put them in our wallets and never needed them again. Now we were finally on the way, our official SCORE map book of "tulips" in hand, to pre-run, starting at Santo Tomas. That's right - we took off the da:y before the official announcement of the course change, so we spent most of Thursday looking at a part of Baja that was not going to be on the course. But then, we've always liked that drive along the coast, and sometimes do it even when we're not pre-running. It had been a little strenuous getting ready for the pre-run such a short time after the Gold Coast race, and it had been a bit tight jawed around our house for a few days. But a couple of hours into the pre-run, when we saw a coyote scoot off through the brush, and some porpoises lazily playing just off shore, the jaw began to come unclenched. By the time we got to the big rock crowded with pelicans things were looking rosy. Down around Johnson's Ranch there was a cowboy on a horse, looking like a relic from another age, until I noticed the earphones and wires for his tiny Walkman-type radio. Later, near Santa Maria, just at dusk, we saw a working cowboy, herding a small group of cattle back to the corral for the night, their hooves kicking up plumes of dust as they ambled along, heads bobbing with each step. We were losing daylight fast as we headed eastward off the highway, but we wanted to get as far as possible out of civilization before we camped. If you know the area, you'll remember that it's a two rut road which wanders through broad plateaus and valleys, thickly covered with shrubs and a wide variety of cactus. Not much prime camping area. We found a spot where the road had been re-routed a bit and that gave us a shrub free, rock free, but hard place for the sleeping bags. There was lots of firewood around, because last year's maguey blossom stalks were lying on the ground as well as a variety of dead wood, and we gathered up a huge pile. It looked like way more than we'd use. After a delicious supper of Page 4 beans heated in the can, carrot sticks and crackers, we leaned back in our folding chairs and luxuriated in the sensation of, being there. It was a sparkling clear night, with no moon yet, and the stars were glorious. How wonderful it felt to have been out of doors all day, in our favorite part of the world, and to know that we had five more days. The only shadow on the horizon was the fact that we'd covered only 120 miles of the course, and it we continued at that rate we'd need nine days just for the pre-run, not to mention getting home again. It looked as if we might not get to see it all. And John, who does the prep work on the pre-runner, had cheered me up immeasurably early in the day with some comments on the car's perfor-mance. At one point he tried to back-shift into second and got fourth gear, a small problem that's been occurring for the last couple of months. "Hmmph" he said, "That's no good in an emergency -what if we need second gear in a hurry?!" A happy thought for me to ponder. A bit later as we hit a hole and the front tire rubbed in the fender well, he got gloomy about the front end. "It'll get softer and softer, and it'll hit worse and worse, and we '11 be going downhill and the fender'll come down on the tire and we won't be able to steer. We could go right off a cliffl" Then he thought about that for a second, and said, "We'd just leave it there -for spare parts in the race." More for me to mull over as I peered over the edges of cliffs and embankments. But for this first evening, we simply enjoyed. All the tight jawed, stiff necked, headachey feelings left over from civilization were melting away. I was drowsy early, and with my sleeping bag invitingly laid out on my self inflating mattress pad, I was ready to turn in early. Cheerful John was wondering about scorpions. My own personal belief system says that if you don't talk about it, it won't happen. Johr:i was asking for trouble in my opinion. Just as I dozed off he exclaimed, "There are scorpions here!" . "Huh?", says I, coming awake . . "I just saw one crawl out of our pile of firewood." John tells me. That woke me up. I thought I'd checked every piece I picked up. Do they hide inside wood? Or had the critter been in the ground where we piled the wood? At any rate, John tossed it and the piece of wood it was on, into the fire. eating dry wood," he says, and piles more wood on the fire in an attempt to light up the desert so he can see what's making the noise. There's nothing to see, but he paced uneasily around our camp, trying to peer into the night, wondering what's there. I dozed off again. But a few minutes later he has me awake again. "I'm gonna sleep in the car," he says, as he starts unloading gear. I notice that he has piled wood high on the fire, and has a regular inferno going. He admits, a little sheepishly, that it's to keep away whatever is eating the dry wood out there. Sleeping in our car isn't as awful as it sounds. It is a VW Beetle, and it does look more or less stock, but it's not. There are no back seats, just a flat 16 gallon gas tank and a two-layer plywood shelf over the entire area. On top of that shelf we had packed a 32 gallon ice chest, a "pre-run box" full of canned goods, two big duffle bags, John's sleeping bag, two grocery sacks with miscel-laneous groceries, two cameras and our radio. It all had to be unpacked, and the seats had to come out. And John carefully put the grocery bagged fruit and breads up on the roof-rack, out of reach of marauding creatures. Once it was all out, the top plywood board slid forward, resting on a barthat goes from one side of the car to another,· supported on the down bars of the cage. The board has a hole in it to let the shifter stick up through it. Both plywood boards are padded with 314" foam, and covered in naugahyde. In other words -it's a bed -of sorts. We'd never tried it before, but this night it seemed like a good idea, because I know John'll never get to sleep if · he has to think about scorpions and unknown wood-eating denizens of the desert. And I know that I won't be able to sleep while he paces and tends his fire. So we move indoors. And I carefully shake out my little mattress and sleeping bag so I don't bring any scorpions in with me. To our surprise, the VW bed is very comfortable. I get the side with the steering wheel, which looks awkward, but turns out to be no problem. And we sleep soundly through the night. The next morning there are no stnrnge footprints and nothing has disturbed our gear. We make a small fire, with the scraps of firewood left from the night before, and start re-packing our stuff. At one point I wander off into the desert in search of a ladies-room-bush, and John says, "That's the sound I heard last night! When you walk -that's the noise I heard." Aha! Does that mean we were being spied upon by wandering natives? What I pulled the edges of my sleeping bag in tighter, zipped up the zipper, and settled in to go back to sleep, though I was a little uneasy because I know that scorpions like to crawl into and under nice warm sleeping bags. They're a good reason for taking cots on a pre-run. · heavy footed creature had been clumping through the shrubs after dark? But I was tired, so I did fall back asleep. And then I heard John say, "I heard something!" Well, I know that's not a scorpion at least. "What? What did it sound like?" "It sounded like something And then we notice, about a quarter of a mile away, a cow, placidly munching, and totally disinterested in an orange VW and two jumpy pre-runners. Tune in next month to learn if Judy and John make it all the way and back in five days. December 1989 Trail Notes ••• LATE NEWS FROM BAJA-The Ensenada to La Paz Baja 1000 this year was a rougher course than in the past, with new trails in both the north and the south that were both cobby and dusty. Overcoming it all with apparent ease was 20 year old Robby Gordon in the Venable Racing Ford pickup. Only once before, in 1979, has a Class 8 truck won overall car honors on this longest of all series off road races. Incredibly young Gordon won by about an hour over the rest of the cars, and two 15 minute penalties for course infractions didn't hurt him at all. He was still the Class 8 and overall winner. Proving that this course was rougher than past routes to La Paz, the cars were all strung out arriving in La Paz. For example Mark McMillin, in his Class 2 Chenowth/Porsche, finished an actual 56 minutes behind Robby Gordon, placing first in Class 2 and second overall, and Mark was only a minute and a half ahead of Bob Gordon, second in Class 2 in another Chenowth. Corky McMillin placed third in Class 2 in another Chenowth/Porsche, just ahead of Walker Evans, who ran his Dodge pickup in Class 2 to try to get an early starting spot for this race. Dave Shoppe was second in Class 8 in another Ford, about two hours behind the winner, and Frank Vessels, was down another 40 minutes at third in Class 8 in his Chevy. Of course a motorcycle came into La Paz with absolute fast time. It was the Open Class Kawasaki of Larry Roesseler, Danny LaPorte and Ted Hunnicutt, all long time desert riders. Despite getting stuck for a time on the infamous beach run out oi San Ignacio, covered by most classes in the dark of night, Scott and Bill Reams won over 20 other cars in Class 1-2-1600, just an hour ahead of Jim Sumners and Rob Tolleson, and Tom and Bob Denault were close in third. Dave Ashley continued on his winning ways in the last run for combined Classes 3 and 14. His Bronco was nearly five hours ahead of Don Adams' Jeep, and Matt Pike was third in a Dodge. Rodney Hall and Jim Fricker took the win in Class 4 in their Dodge, followed in by Buddy Renoe, Dodge and Steve Kelley, Chevy, both in the same minute. In Class 5 Wolfram and Hartmut Klawitter won by 30 minutes over Rich Minga in his Porsche, and Greg Vaughan was third in an hour later. The top spot in Class5-1600 went to Darryl, Wayne and Allan Cook, and the win gave them the season point championship. Robert Jones was only eight minutes back in second, followed in less than a minute by Tom Lake in a tight race for the restricted Bugs. In Class 6 the new won over the old. Evans Evans, who did start the race, and Brian Stewart won in the Jeep Cherokee, almost five hours ahead of Ame Gunnarsson, who was ten hours ahead of Mick Newton. Roger Mears won Class 7 by well over three hours in the Nissan. Ernesto Arambula took second in a Mitsubishi. Class 7S went to Chuck Johnson and Baja Master Johnny Johnson in a Ford Ranger, 50 minutes ahead of Spencer Low, Nissan, and Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen were third in a Toyota. The Class 7 4x4 victory went to John Swift, whose Ford Ranger was an hour ahead of Jerry McDonald in a Chevy S-10. Mike Lesle nailed third in a Jeep Comanche. Class 9 honors went to Javier Tiznado, but Rich Richardson and Kevin Perrault were second, retaining their points lead. George Erl and his team were a close third. Class 10 lost over 50 percent of the starters along the way, and Dan Blain pushed his car across the finish line to win the class. William Poe and his team were a strong second followd by Kirk Von Matre just 13 minutes later. Ramon Castro was the only entry in Class 11 to finish the race, and he wasn't last. The other six collapsed somewhere along the way. There were no Mini Mags entered. Watch for the in depth coverage of this great race in the January 1990 issue of Dusty Times. Our thanks go to Gregg Symonds who gave us this information that came from his FAX machi~e. RACETRUCK RESULTS; Tommy and Bobby Archer finished first and second in the 50 mile race at Topeka, Kansas. But, off road is not the only form of motorsport where winners are often decided in post race protests or tech inspection. The Archers were denied points and prize money when their Jeep Comanche failed to pass ltwasn'ta banner race for the Nissans, but it was good enough to earn the manufacturer its first title after finishing tantalizingly close to Jeep the first two years of the series. Pepe Pombo was the highest finisher, in sixth place, enabling Nissan to pick up three points (after the Jeep penalties) and amass an insurmountable 59-44 lead on Ford.Tommy Archer's loss of points also helped push Ray Kong closer to his first Driver's Championship. Kong leads by a 134-116 margin over Chuck Heminingson, the only man with a chance, albeit slim, to catch Kong. THE CALIFORNIA DESERT COALITION secured a celebrity to help the cause against the legislation closing most of the Mojave desert to the public. The CDC organized a rally at Centennial Park in Barstow prior to a hearing on HR 70, the California Desert Protection Act. High desert res:dent and movie star Roy Rogers addressed opponents of the legislation about an hour before the hearing began. The group of opponents included people •rom mining interests, cattlemen, recreationists, as well as off road vehicle folks and people from the Barstow Area Chamber of Commerce. MAZDA COACHMAN STAGES-The final SCCA National Pro Rally of the year was the Mazda Coachman Stages out of Olympia, Washington, and it was an event full of surprises. The first one was that Rod Millen crashed out of the Rally in the first wet and slippery stage. Millen had just returned from winning the Asian Pacific Rally Championship in India, and was still tired from that event and the trip home. The lead passed to Doug Shepherd and Joe Andreini in the Dodge Daytona, a Production GT class car. The Dodge was threatened a few times, but held the overall lead all the way to the finish line. Running second the first night was the standard Production class Volkswagen of Tim O'Neil and Chris Jensen, but they had trouble the next day. Chad DiMarco and Erick Hauge were second overall, and in GT class in a Subaru, and VW mounted Guy Light and Jimmy Brandt were fourth overall and first Production class car. CRS rally drivers Carl Jardevall and Sven Bergvall took third overall and first in Open class in a Saab 900, while Roger Hull and Rob Cherry won the truck class in a Jeep Cherokee. Bill Holmes, like Millen, was tired, Bill from the Baja 1000; but with Brian Maxwell navigating, Bill drove the big Ford to a finish good enough to secure the year end Open Class championship for himself in the big F-150 that sometimes didn't fit between the trees. Rod Millen and Tony Sircombe won the season overall title and also Group A honors in the Mazda 323 GD(. Doug Shepherd and Joe Andreini won Production GT in the Dodge Daytona Turbo. Tim O'Neil and Martin Headland topped them all in Production Class driving the VW GTI, while Rallytruck champions are Gary and Judy Gooch in a Toyota. (more TRAIL NOTES on page 6) Dusty Times

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TOYOTA Technology On A Fast Track Winning our seventh Manufacturers Cup proves Robby Gordon's got what it takes. And here it is. If you took a good look at the Manufacturer's Cup, you'd see seven little gold plaques, each inscribed with one of the most famous words in stadium racing: Toyota. Not Ford. Not Jeep or Chevy. And not a mention any-where of Nissan. Because with the help of drivers like Robby Gordon, Toyota Trucks have won the MTEG Manufacturer's Cup Challenge every year since the award's inception. © 1989 Toyota Motor Sales, U.S(·• Inc. Certainly reason enough for Team Toyota to break out the victory champagne. But at the age of 20, Robby Gordon is still too young to drink it. TOYOTA "I kJve what you <in.for me." Get More From Life . . . Bu,skle Up!

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1989-1990 HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. American Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 December 19, 1989 Annual Awards Banquet Phoenix, AZ BADGERLAND VW CLUB,INC. Terry Friday 5913 Fond Du Lac Road Oshkosh, WI 54901 (414)688-5509 (All events located in Chilton, WI at the Fairgrounds Racing Facility) BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 February 9-10, 1990 Gran Carrera de San Felipe San Felipe, BC, Mexico March 23-i5, 1990 Gran Carrera de Mexicali Mexicali, BC, Mexico May 25-27, 1990 Gran Carrera de T ecate Tecate, BC, Mexico July 27-29, 1990 Gran Carrera de Ensenada Ensenada, BC, Mexico October 26-28, 1990 Gran Carrera de Campeones San Felipe, BC, Mexico BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O . Box 1583 Ogden, Utah 84402 (801) 627-2313 1988 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2115 I (715) 478-2688 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lon Peterson 14550 Dos Palmas Victorville, CA 92392 (619) 241-4707 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O . Box332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 COWRADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 Page 6 CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 1717 Marker Road Polk City, FL 33868 (813) 984-1923 (305) 823-4487 January 14, 1990 Lakeland, FL February 11, 1990 Lakeland, FL March 24, 1990 Florida 400 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL April 15, 1990 Lakeland, FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #2 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 December 31, 1989 Dunaway Dash III El Centro, CA February 17, 1990 King of the Desert El Centro, CA April 7, 1990 Buzz Bomb 150 El Centro, CA May 12-13, 1990 24 Hour Off Road Endurance Race Plaster City, CA August 4, 1990 Superstition 250 VII Ancient Dry Lake Bed Plaster City, CA September 29, 1990 Plaster City Blast IV Plaster City, CA December 31, 1990 Dunaway Dash IV Plaster City, CA GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA 92406 (714)880-1733 Off Road Races United Sand Drag Association Sand Drags GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 927-6432 (all events take place at Vienna, GA) GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 665--0358/(313) 996-9193 GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Kiel 12840 Dexter St. Thornton, CO 80241 (303) 452-4013 (Most events take place at Mountain View Motorsports Park, Mead Exit, I-25, north of Denver, CO) HORA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 December 2, 1989 OffRoadsman Awards Banquet Los Angeles, CA March 1-4, 1990 Binion's Mint 400 Las Vegas, NV July 6-8, 1990 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA August 24-26, 1990 Nevada 500 Pahrump,NV October 12-13, 1990 Gold Coast 300 Las Vegas, NV (Dates s1J,ject to change) HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Freeman 3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD 57702 (605)342--0331 ICE CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURANCE SERIES P.O. Box 14824 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)639--0801 (612) 890-8693 IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O . Box36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged m the d1J, grmmds in Cleties, Ohio) LA RANA DESERT RACING P.O. Box 33 Glendorn, CA 91740 (818 J 963-96091(714) 924-2226 January 5-7, 1990 New Years 200 Barstow, CA March 2-4, 1990 St. Patricks 250 Barstow, CA May 18-20 Spangler 150 Ridgecrest, CA July 13-15, 1990 Lucerne Valley Jam 200 Lucerne Valley, CA December 1989 morc ••• TRAIL NOTES THE GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES is over for the 1989 season. They held an awards banquet late in October at the American Legion Post in Lakewood, CO. The points winners, first through third in the various classes are listed b~low. Class 1-2-1600, David Gee, 234, Gerry Bowers, 224, Richard Brewbaker, 214; Unlimited Class, Bill Coffey, 246, Tony Jackson, 183, Scott Salonya 176; Heavy Metal, Richard DeVries, 220, Jim Olson, 214, Thad Briggs 185; Honda Pilots, Mark Perschbacher, 324, Cindy Fee, 285, Rick Coarman, 1.38. There are several more classes in Quads and Odyssey type vehicles. BONNEVILLE OFF ROAD RACING celebrated the end of their first full season of events with an awards banquet on November 25th. Fittingly it was held at the Stateline Casino, Wendover, USA, the host of a couple of their races each season. The release didn't say who won what, but we should have that info' next month. THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT has a new adversary on land use in the California desert. It is the United States Navy. Over the Veteran's Day Holiday, on November 11, many people have a three day holiday, and many of them pack the camper and go to the desert just to enjoy. A favorite spot for the casual camper is just outside of Desert Center off 1-10 about halfway between Indio and the Colorado River. Over the weekend U.S. Navy warplanes, from the Naval Air Facility at El Centro, accidentally bombarded the camping area, wounding one visitor and terrifying several others. Two attack planes, piloted by junior officers in training dropped a dozen live 500 pound bombs on the Saturday in an area within the environmentally sensitive Chuckwalla Bench, two miles outside the northern border of the Chocolate Mountain Aerial Gunnery Range, according to the BLM. The Chuckwalla Bench, in Riverside County, is an area of 'critical environmental concern' and is home to the endangered desert tortoise. The bombs tore shallow craters, ten to twelve feet in diameter, in the desert floor and set on fire yucca trees, stocky palo verde plants and slender creosote bushes within a four acre area. The explosion sent debris, and possibly shrapnel, raining on a motor home parked hundreds of yards away. Other campers experienced debris fallout as well. The BLM plans to assign a biologist to study the damage caused by the bombing. Back in the 1970s we competed in a Palm Springs Association sponsored race somewhat north of this area on ground used for General Patton's tank training. That ground has been off limits to racing for some years now. It makes you wonder if admittedly doing some damage to existing roads and trails with an off road race can compare with campers being under actual bombardment in an area, or how the surface damage from a race compares with burned out plants and trees, 12 foot bomb craters and burned bushes that formerly kept the soil from blowing away. Will the BLM require the Navy to secure permits to bomb this area, or what??? A Navy spokesman said that they were conducting live bombing runs at Chocolate Mountain because no East Coast bombing ranges are open for such live ordnance drops on a year round basis. If the Navy can oomb the desert tortoise and other flora and fauna out of existence, doesn't it follow that an off road race can't possibly do as much damage, and certainly not injure innocent campers. ·Funny how the rules seem to apply only to certain groups. Maybe the BLM will fine the Navy. Stay tuned to see what happens in this matter. THE 13TH ANNUAL PENASCO 200. We have the results of this October race, but that is all. Our Arizona correspondent was busy elsewhere. Jim Travis won overall and in Class 1 in a Chaparral; Frank Turben and Paul Rich were second overall and first in Class 8 in a Chevrolet. Tom Higgins and Bill Capatch won Class 10, and Class 1-2/ 1600 went to Ed Beard and Duncan Brown. Larry Dimmett and David Anderson won Pro Challenger honors and Carl Perez and Ross Whirmoyer won Class 2. In the Sportsman Division the overall win went to Conrad Monroe and Paul Nolte in a Class 2 car. Bruce Mills and Randy Miller won Class 10 and were second overall, while Tom and Laura Sharp won the 1600 Limited class. The Sportsman Challenger victory went to John Raitter, who drove alone. The Beginner Class was fairly small but the trophy went to John Nault in a Woods Vulcan buggy. Steve Baker was second and James Taggart was third, No times were on these results. The Arizona Desert Racing Association will honor its points winners and others at the annual awards banquet. The new date for that affair is December 9. GMC TRUCKER SPEED RECORD - Last August a specially modified GMC S-15 pickup, prepared and operated in conjunction with GMC Motors ports set a new land speed record for its class of 183 .942 mph during the 1989 Bonneville Nationals World Land Speed Record Meet. The S-15 was driven by Bonneville veteran Don Stringfellow. The record was set at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah, August 22, in speed trials sanctioned by the Southern California Timing Association (SCT A) and the Federation Internationale de !'Automobile (FIA). Powered by a special 4.26 liter V-6 engine and competing in SCT A Production Coupe and Sedan Category, Engine Class E (3.01 to 4 .26 liter) the GMC surpassed the former record of 167 .665 mph set in 1984 bya BuickSkyhawk. An attempt to set a new Class D Production record using a 5.0 liter engine was scrubbed when wind and rain caused SCTA to cancel Speed Week activities. In July, running the 5.0 liter engine, the pickup set the FIA Category A, Group II, Class 9 and Category E, Group II, Class 9 records with a speed of 194.770 mph. Looks like GMC is really getting into motorsport. UNOCAL 76 RACING GASOLINE just announced it is getting into the contingency program in the 1990 HDRA/SCORE Desert Series. Last] une the C.O. Thompson Petroleum Company of Orange, CA.introduced Unocal 76 Racing Gasoline on the West Coast. The 'official gas ofNASCAR' met with wide acclaim and a ready market in both leaded and unleaded form. The unleaded gas is available from drive up pumps at several southern California locations, along with the leaded gas. Racers should pre-order their gas prior to each race to assure the best possible price, and representatives and gas will be available at all HDRA/ SCORE events. Directing the Unocal 76 Racing Gas program for C.O. Thompson Petroleum on the west coast will be Lane Evans, who has had extensive experience in most areas of off road racing, with a number of companies on their contingency program as well as being editor of Hot VW s for a number of years. To get all the information concerning Unocal 76 Racing Gasoline, leaded or unleaded, or the HDRA/SCORE 1990 contingency program, call or write Lane at C.O. Thompson Petroleum Company, 505 No. Anaheim Blvd., Orange, CA 92666, (714) 634-4214. Dusty Times

Page 7

• Nicley 1'/Jomps-oJJ TOYOTA Official Pace Truck JAN. 20, '90 . Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, California America's fastest growing form of motorsports! • • BUY TODAY • GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR THE FAMILY! eoou EXTRA GOLD SUPER CHALLENGE - JAN .. 27, '90-ANAHEIM STADIUM, CA "ALL THE TOP GUNS OF SUPERCROSS ARE FL YING IN TO CHALLENGE THIS TRACK!" .... AMA SANCTIONED e,JIMe(. SUPERCROSS PRODUCED BY Dl/11'/UKE Timfl!lflJJ!!n ,, . . . ·.• : . .. . . ·4: --..aTic..,;,ake..,ts ~•or b-ot.;:h events available at.· . . .. ·.• TICKef ~.5"715".R® MAY COMPANY & MUSIC PLUS (213) 48<>3232 • (714) 740-2000 (819) 278-TIXS MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL (714) 937-6750 NO REFUNDS • NO EXCHANGES

Page 8

Additional HAPPENINGS August 24-26, 1990 California 400 Lucerne Valley, CA October 5-7, 1990 Mini Baja 150 Ridgecrest, CA November 16-18, 1990 High Desert 150 Lucerne Valley, CA December 15, 1990 T.B.A. Awards Banquet MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION Keneth Coleman 742 E. Roosevelt Road Ashley, MI 48806 (517)838-4483 {All events at Mt. Pleasant Speedway) MIDWEST OFF ROAD BAJA SERIES Rick Vasquez 1421 Lee Trevino D-1 El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 594-8266 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4100 January 20, 1990 Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, CA February'24, 1990 Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA March 10. 1990 Kingdome Seattle .. WA March?, 1990 Sun Devil Stadium Phoenix, AZ April 21, 1990 Super Bowl New Orleans, LA Mays, 1990 , Rose Bowl Pasadena, CA July 14, 1990 Los Angeles Coliseum Los Angeles, CA September?, 1990 Mile High Stadium Denver, CO September ? , 1990 Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV "La Rana Desert Racing" 1 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, January 5th, 1990 8:00 AM - 7:30 PM (Schdule is tentlltlW) ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamaker P.O . Box688 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL lCO, Canada (613) 332-3811 1(613) 332-1610 ONTARIO OFF ROAD Ken Jackson - Dick Gillap R.R.#2 Tiverton, Ontario, Canada N0G 2T0 (519)368-7874 OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (213) 375-4570 (213) 719-7036 PAC OFF ROAD RACING P.O . Box323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 Driver _registration, vehicle tech. inspection and contingency at The Barstow Station Inn. 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM Vehicle impound will be behind Slash X Cafe off Highway 247. Saturday, January 6th, 1990 Page 7:30 AM - Impound opens. "Official vehicle starting positions will be posted." 8:00 AM - Drivers meeting at Start/Finish line. 9:30 AM - Vehicle line-up at Start/Finish, Slash X Cafe 10:00 AM - Race starts promptly! Class Order: 1, 2, 10 1, 2/1600 5, 7, 8, 4, mini mag, 5/1600 14, 7S, 3, 9, 7/4x4 6, 11, Stone Stock Truck, Odyssey Time Limit: "All vehicles have 8 hours from the time they leave ti ,e start to complete the race. Approx. 9:00 PM Posting of unofficial results at race headquarters "Barstow Station Inn". Protest time follows for 1 hour. With a fee of $100.00. nday, January 7th, 1990 7:30 AM - Winning Vehicles on display at The Barstow Station Inn. 9:00 - 11:00 AM - Awards presentation at The Barstow Station Inn. December 1989 SAREEA AL JAMEL 4WDCLUB P.O. Box526 Indio, CA 92202 December 2, 1989 OffRoadsman Awards Banquet Airport Marriot Hotel S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 SCORE Score International 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 Los Angeles, CA January 26-28,. 1990 Parker 400 Parker, AZ April 20-22, 1990 Great Mojave 250 Lucerne Valley, CA June 8-10, 1990 Baja Internacional Ensenada, BC, Mexico November 8-11, 1990 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, Mexico (Dates s1J,ject to change) SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 AffENTION DESERT RACERS DUSlY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and HORA desert races and other selected events. Check it out on contingency row - Two different classes each event. 1990 RACE DATES DATE LOCATION EVENT January 5-7 Barstow, CA NEW YEARS 200 March 2-4 Barstow, CA ST. PATRICKS 250 May 18r20 Ridgecrest, CA SPANGLER 150 July 13-15 Lucerne Valley, CA LUCERNE VALLEY JAM 200 August 24-26 Lucerne Valley, CA CALIFORNIA 400 October 5-7 Ridgecrest, CA MINI-BAJA 150 November 16-18 Lucerne Valley, CA HIGH DESERT 150 December 15 T.B.A. AWARDS BANQUET FOR MORE INFORMATION: La Rana Desert Racing P.O. Box 33 Glendora, CA 91740 (818) 963-9609 • (714) 924-2226 Dusty Times

Page 9

SCORE SHOW Edgell Expositions P.O. Box 19531 Irvine, CA 92713 (714) 250-8060 SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 December 2-3,.1989 Showooat 250 Las Vegas, NV SHORT TRACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: Tom Schwartzburg 2620 West Washington WestBend.WI53095 (414) 334-3858 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Prevost · 1006 Cardinal Lane Green Bay, WI 54303 (414)434-9044 . May 26-27, 1990 Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva, WI June 9-10, 1990 Antigo Kiwanis Off Road Race Antigo, WI June 23-24, 1990 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI July 7-8, 1990 Fox Riverfest Challenge De Pere, WI July 21-22, 1990 U .P. Off Road 100 Bark River, MI August 18-19, 1990 No. American Off Road Racing Festival Ionia, MI September 1-2, 1990 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 15-16, 1990 Badgerland Short Course Sprints Oshkosh, WI TEXAS OFF ROAD GRAND PRIX Short Course Racing - Texas Style Class 10, Sportsman, Challenger Mike Bernardo 1606 Lancelot Circle Grand Prairie, TX 75050 (214)855-2232 UORRA United Off Road Racing Association P.O . Box211 Dunellen, NJ 08812 (201) 752-0299 (201) 359-2745 Dusty nma (All races at Trailways Speedway, Hanover, PA) VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916)925-1702 WHEEL TO WHEEL,INC. P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4WOR Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL ICO (613)332-1766 (613)332-4128 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP January 19-26, 1990 Monte Carlo February 9-11, 1990 Swedish Rally March 6-11 Rally of Portugal Any Driver Who Wins the Mint 400 Ten Times Knows Something About Ruggedness and Dependability That's Why Manny Esquerra Depends on KC HiliTES The Mint 400 is said to be the most rugged race in off-roading. Yet Manny Esquerra has placed first in his class more times than anyone else in the history of the race. He's one tough driver. And the lights he uses are just as tough. They're KC Daylighters. Built of steel and packed with at least 385,000 candlepower, Daylighters are truly dependable. They have a unique shock mounting system invented by KC HiliTES. And they're rigorously tested for brightness and protection against corrosion, vibration and environmental extremes. They're so dependable that KC backs them with a five year warranty on every part in the light-even the bulb. April 12-16, 1990 Safari Rally Nariobi, Kenya May 4-10, 1990 Tour of Corsica June 2-7, 1990 Acropolis Rally Greece June 29-July 4, 1990 Rally of New Zealand July 23-29, 1990 Rally of Argentina August 22-2 7, 1990 Rally of 1000 Lakes Finland September 13-1 7, 1990 Rally of Australia October 7-13, 1990 Sanremo Rally of Italy October 27-November 2, 1990 Ivory Coast Rally November 25-29, 1990 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free! Send your 1989 schedule as soon as fiossihle for listing in this column. Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTYTIMES,5331 DerryAve.,Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. Maybe you're not out to win ten Mint 400's. But don't you want people to think you know something about lights? Get the most dependable. Get the original. Get the KC Daylighter. KCpuduclt-lablediract ranging from $7.55 to $132.04. for the dealer -• you call l -800-PAR--3336. KC Catalog $2.00 A-,lda De Luc:es • WIiiiams, Arizona 86046 USA • 802/835-2607 © 1989 KC HILITES, INC. December 1989 Page 9

Page 10

Pony Express ••• Not only does the 1990 Parker District 37 had about 250-300 400markmyfifteenthanniversary people present at the hearing. in off road racing, it also starts a Also represented were miners, new partnership for me in Class 4x4 clubs, COR VA, ranchers and 5-1600.Iwillberacingtheentire the Military. By the way, the SCORE/HORA series with Doug environmentalists were there is an West of Detroit, Michigan. almost equal number. The car is sponsored b y Whereweretheotherorganiza-Advanced Steel Products of New tions from the off road com-Baltimore, Michigan. It is not munity? (All the SCORE, and only a very competitive car, it is most of the HORA people were at also beautiful and will soon be the Baja 1000, as were a host of featured in VW Trends Magazine. other groups from pit teams to Doug is very serious about this bike riders -ed.) An issue this endeavor, and our goal for1990 is important cannot be ignored. the 5-1600 points championship Even though the 1000 was the in the desert series. I would deeply Thursday before, representatives appreciate any mention of the should have been sent. There is no new team in Dusty Times. excuse. These people complain Tom Minga about losing their right to pre-El Cajon, CA run, but how about losing the use Consider it done, Tom and good of the des~rt all together! luck in rggo on the desert. One point brought up was trash left after off road ·events, i.e. the I Just wanted to send my new Mojave 250 1989. This trash was address,sincelhavemovedfrom supposedly cleaned up by California to Oklahoma. I have SCORE. As a District 37 racer I missed off road racing, and Dusty visit Johnson Valley often, and I Times has kept me in touch. I met was at the 250. The trash was not a lot of good friends during the cleared up. We cleaned it at the five years I raced, many of whom I Johnson Valley Desert Clean up, have been able to keep up with which SCORE, SNORE, HORA since I moved through your and D-38 didn't show up for. magazine. Thanks so much. Maybe the environmentalists Donna Hingtgen are right. Those who "don't care, abuse and destroy" should be On Saturday, November 11, locked out. But how about those 1989 at the Barstow Community that do care? I'm worried about CentertherewasahearingonHR HR 780, SB 11 and other 780, a bill that would basically legislation that would prohibitthe close the desert and effectively use of the desert. You should lock industrial, commercial and worry too! Write to you~ recreational users out. Between congressman, Senator, organiza-1500 and 2000 people showed tion or start selling your toys. It is up, both for and opposed to HR that serious! 780. Somecametogivetestimony, I also think your publication most to support their side of the should start a column on issue. But missing were represent- dangerous legislation and current atives from SCORE, SNORE, events that affect the desert. HORA and District 38. Why? Remember we read about event, Isn't this important enough? and without events there is little For those not familiar with HR use for your publication. This is 780 it is as dangerous, if not more for real! The environmentalists so, than Cranston's S 11. believe in what they are doing. Congressman Mel Levine's HR Being at the Barstow hearing and 780 would close the desert and · seeing what I saw, we need to get create a National Park. Guess busy! You should find out, and where that would leave the off next time cover these events. roader or racer? Nowhere! Contact District 37 for in-formation. By the way the November 1989 issue of Dusty Times had nothing on any of the bills. You did have 47 pages of print covering primarily desert oriented racing. (Two pages for the 1000 Lakes Rally. ) You are the best at "covering the world of competi-tion in the dirt", help keep us in the dirt. J. Cepielik Covina, CA W e try to put as much of the state and federal legislation that affects the ground we use in each issue. Our only source is the daily newspaper. Obviously you feel that our days in the desert are numbered unless a large part of the public objects to what is going on with Cranston and the rest of his ilk in Washington. W e · would like to do more coverage on these subjects, hut we need a Steve Russell, 91; Larry Schwa-cofer, 89; Evan Evans, 114;*. *Not qualified in the points race. Since the promoters apparently intend to violate their own rule book and award Evans points he did not earn, we solicit the support from other racers in this matter. Arne Gunnarsson - Mick Newton Larry Schwacofer - Dale Jordan The points race with absentee drivers of record has always heen a knotty problem, unless you were one of the favored few who got the papal dispensation to earn points without racing. We ·suspect in this case that the promoters are using their right, hack page or two of the rule hook, to alter the rules at any time in the interest of safety etc., and it has heen used before in arguments ahout who · earned points. legislative correspondent to do it. Hi Jean, I thought I might drop How ahout you? you a letter and tell you how well The SCORE/HORA rule we did at the SNORE 250. My book, 1989-1990, on page 7 cousin, Gary Jones (4 time states: Driver/Rider of Record: A National MX champion), and I person named to be the operator teamed up to race in the 5-1600 of a vehicle that is entered in an classes and a chance to win the event, WHO MUST START OR Roy Taylor Memorial Trophy. FINISH THE EVENT. At the Roy was our uncle. Nevada 500 in August Evan My little orange car, #558, Evans was listed as driver of turned in a pretty good perfor-record in his Jeep Cherokee. mance. The car was originally Evans failed to attend the race built in 1978, and we have made (due to non race related injuries -many changes, all the way to 1:00 ed.) and DID NOT pick up his . a.m. Thursday night before our driver of record armband. Evans trip to Las Vegas.We felt we were neither started nor finished the going to do well. We had the lead event, but nevertheless was at the February race, and with 20 awarded the points. The excuse miles to go a rear trailing arm went by the promoter is that since south. We would have won, as Evans' Jeep failed to finish the Kent said he had lost second gear. race, Evans could conceivably Well, this was my race. I started have driven it across the finish at Jean and raced for 1 ½ laps and line, had the Jeep not "broken was dicing with Tom Mace and down". having no troubles. At the dry Theargumentisinnowayvalid lake my co-driver, Tom Steck-since Evans never picked up his beck, and I handed the E-TICKET driver of record armband, and OFF ROAD RACING car to would not legally be able to drive Gary and Renee Jones for their the vehicle. Evans was not entered 1 ½ laps. Gary brought the car in the Gold Coast 300, and has home without any troubles. Our nowfailedtocompeteintwo(2) race was trouble-free. We HORA events, disqualifying him finished third behind two very from the points race. respectable racers, Turbo Lamke The correct points count for and Rich Fersch. We are very Class 6 prior to the Baja 1000 proud of our finish. It is the best thus should read as follows: 1. we have done with this many cars Arne Gunnarsson, 101; 2. Dale involved. Finishing third for Roy Jordan, 100; 3. Mick Newton, 94; was the best thing that could have TOO MANY YEARS! TOO MANY RACES! TOO MUCH.WORK! PARKER PUMPER HELMET CO. • IS FOR SALE!! OWNER WILL CARRY ONE-HALF OF SELLING PRICE OVER A FIVE YEAR PERIOD Past three years Sales, Expenses and Profits available for review CALL FOR APPOINTMENT Stan Parnell - (714) 894-8332 Page 10 Dcccmt>er· 1919 happened. Roy had helped us so much and always wished us the best. In 1983 I got my first taste of racing when I rode with Mike Taylor in the Baja 500. I was hooked, and sore, after the 500. I have continued from that point because Roy was always there to help and advise. Well, we will continue, and I am sure Roy will always keep an eye on us. The SNORE 250 weekend was a total success. Mike Klinger Long Beach, CA I am sorry to inform you that the results of the Marquette Magnum Opus Divisional PRO Rally that was held last May 20 have been appealed. The Div-isional Pro Rally Court of Appeals has decided to step in and throw the stage in question, meaning that Henry (Krolikow-ski) and I did not win the rally, but finished second. Please inform your readers that Eric Zenz and Brian Berg finished first. We were told of this decision right before starting the Lac Vieux Desert Divisional PRO Rally on June 24. We promptly went out and demolished our Omni on the first stage. It will not race again. We managed to rent a Dodge Shadow body from Doug Shep-herd, put our engine, brakes and a borrowed transmission in it and carted it off to Pikes Peak a week later. We cracked two pistons on the third day of practice, had to airlift engine parts in from Detroit, and had a day to rebuild the engine in our motel parking lot. We were third in our class. I co-drove for Henry. He traded my 110 pounds for certainty around the corners. I just wanted to set the record straight. Thanks for your time. Cindy Krolikowski Wyandotte, MI We at the California Off Road Vehicle Education and Training ( COR VET) need your help to inform the public of a new law that takes effect on 1-01-90. It requires those who are under the age of 18 and ride an ATV on public land to obtain training and a certificate issued by the state of California. The certification process requires attendance of a 4 hour class where the correct information on Laws, Environ-mental effect of riding, proper riding areas and safety are given. We are short on time, and there is a resistance by the state of California to advertise the requirements of this law. This is unfair to those whom it will affect. COR VET is a non-profit Public Benefit Corp. dedicated to providing quality training to operators o f all Off Road Vehicles. Contact us at 1000 W indy Pass, Suite 72, Barstow, CA 92311 or call 1-800-7 36-0080 for complete information. Jim Moses Barstow, CA DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters from all corners of off road actit•ity. The Pon'! Ext,ress column ,i.,ill feature all the mail u•e can fie into the space. Please keep your u'OTds fairly brief. Because of space limitations, your pearls of prose may be edited, but DUSTY TIMES U'ill print your gripes as u•ell as your' praises. Letters for publication should be at the DUST Y TIMES office by the 15th of the month in order to appear in the next.issue. Dusty Times

Page 11

FORD TRUCI<S DRAW THREE ACES IN VEGAS. . ' Class 3 Winner: FORD BRONCO. Class 7 4x4 Winner: FORD RANGER STX. Class 7S Winner: FORD RANGER STX. The most recent example of the prowess, power and toughness of Ford trucks came shining through at the Gold Coast 300 off-road race in Las Vegas. Where Dave Ashley, Paul and Dave Simon, and Scott Douglas took their race-prepared Ford trucks to victory on the rugged terrain of the South Nevada desert. Which gave Ford their 17th, 18th and 19th class victories of the season. And with just one event remaining in the 1989 HORA/SCORE off-road racing series, Ford trucks have more than twice as many victories as Nissan or Chevy. Ford trucks have more than three · times as many victories as Jeep. And Ford trucks have nineteen times as many victories as Dodge. All the other makes of foreign and domestic trucks are out of luck with zero victories. So far this year, no other make of truck has won five of the six truck classes. Only Ford. No other truck has outrun and out-lasted the unlimited Baja buggies and taken the overall victory. Only Ford. And a Ford truck has done it twice. No other make of truck has been to the winner's circle at every single event this year. Only Ford. And while other truck makers like to talk about toughness, at Ford, we prefer to prove it. Again and again and again. So if you' re looking for a tough truck, see your Ford Dealer. Because when the stakes are high, why gamble on anything else? . ... RACING IN10 THE FUTURE. . - -

Page 12

HDRA GOLD COAST 300 First Overall Win for McEachern By ]11.dy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Ent. Ivan Stewart led ~;;st o'f the di;i:nce in his Toyota, had major trouble late in the race, but pressed on to take ihe victory in Class 1 anyhow. Matt McBride drove his rental Raceco flawlessly all the way with his own Porsche power in the tail. Matt won Class 2 by 25 minutes and placed a very close second overall. Steve McEachern displayed his considerable driving skills at the Gold Coast race in mid-October by taking the overall win in hts Dodge truck, completing the 305 mile event in six hours and 23 minutes. McEachern bested a total field of 194 starters who made history at the first ever no pre-running allowed HORA event. The Gold Coast, the last event in the HDRA's 1989 schedule, fell under the same strict guidelines that have existed since the desert tortoise was declared endangered back in August. This means that there must be close cooperation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service about how wide the trails can be, and where there can be access to the race course. Ultimately, the decision was made by Danny Cau, HORA president, to prohibit pre-running, rather than try to limit it somehow, and find· himself unable to guarantee compliance to the limits. To this end, there were no maps of the course until · the day before the race, although maps showing allowable pit areas had been mailed, and they gave some clues to the probable route. And, the SNORE 250, which took place on September 23rd, used many miles of the Gold Coast course, though in the opposite direction, and Cau had suggested that one way to be familiar with the miles of the Gold Coast would be to race the SNORE 250. Quite a few racers · decided to do just that. In addition to the no pre~run rule, there were also restrictions about the location of pits and course access. Pit crews were not to drive willy nilly across the desert to rescue a disabled car. In Ed and Tim Herbst had a good run going in their Chenowth/Porsche until the last lap when they lost the brakes and were stuck in fourth gear. They arrived third in Class 2. They had to rebuild the front end, ran out of gas. but Steve Brown and Jeff Hibbard did not give up and drove the Raceco to second in Class 1. Page 1i some cases, when a vehicle was in trouble in certain difficult areas, it was necessary for the pit crew to obtain permission· from HORA officials to go in to help the driver. And in some cases someone, either a driver or pit person, did a lot of walking. Spectators were also restricted, and were to be allowed only at the start/ finish area, and one other point which was readily accessible off the old road. The headquarters for the race were at the Gold Coast Hotel in Las Vegas, with sign up, the drivers meeting, and the Michael Gaughan sponsored welcoming cocktail party being held in the mezzanine ballroom. Contingency and tech inspection, usually in the parking lot of the Gold Coast, had to move over to the parking lot of a nearby discount store, because the GoldMiiW'!%fm-iw1@ building a Mark McMillin made a two seater out of his single seat Chenowth/Porsche, and enjoyed having company on his way to a solid second place in Class 2. parking structure. but from the 1600s on they went There was no pre-race impound off every 30 seconds. The race for this event, and no parade. The started just at sunrise, which was start/finish area was a mile or so at 7 a.m., and it took an hour and south of Jean, 30 miles south of 13 minutes to get everyone Las Vegas on the old road, and the moving. course was generally east and Just 17 minutes after the last north of there, utilizing old Mint Class 11 car left, the first of the and SNORE trails, but never two seaters completed lap one·. It crossing Highway 15, The course was Corky McMillin, his Porsche was said to be 76:33 miles long, powered Chenowth sounding with seven checks in addition to strong and looking very fast, but the start/ finish check, and drivers he was actually second on elapsed were given 12 hours to finish their time. Hustling along behind him four laps, except for Class 11, was Aaron Hawley, in a Porsche which had to complete only three powered Chenowth, who had just laps. · knocked off the fast lap for the Thestartingorderwas2, 1,8, day at 1:32:31. McMillin was 10, 4, 5, 112-1600, 7, 7 4x4, 7S, only 36 seconds off his pace, and 5-1600, Mini-Mag, 9, 3 / 14, 6 then it was Bob Gordon, in his and 11 . Classes 2 through 5 VW powered Chenowth, almost st:irted one car every 40 seconds, five minutes back, in third place. Danny Letner and Ron Brant were fourth, their Porsche Raceco less than a minute further back, and followed by Matt McBride, who'd rented David Kreisler's camouflage colored "pickup" " shaped car for this race, and put his Porsche motor in it. Jim and Lis~ Greenway had a fine day in their Raceco powered by a Toyota engine, had some little troubles and took fourth in Class 2 action. Hawley continued to lead, though as he got into traffic his lap time slowed by about five and a half minutes. He was now eight minutes up on McBride, who was second, as McMillin had dropped out. Gordon still ran third, but now Stuart Chase was fourth, and the Herbst brothers, Tim and Ed had moved into fifth in their Porsche Chenowth. Frank Vessels stayed close all day in his Class 8 Chevrolet, but ran out of gas in the late going and had to settle for second in Class 8. December 1989 On the third lap Hawley went around a Class 4 vehicle and touched wheels. Next thing he . knew he'd been punted out into the desert and his rear wheel came off. Hewasdonefortheday. Now McBride, who was going all the way in this race, had the lead, and Mark McMillin, with a second seat and a passenger in his car, was running second, making up time after losing a fuel line early on lap one. The Herbsts had jumped up to third, as Gordon lost an hour replacing his steering rack, and Jim Greenway put his Toyota powered Raceco into fourth place. Gary Hymes and Steve Dusty Times

Page 13

"''" . ,, It was pure gold for young Steve McEachern as he led Class 8 on the last lap, took the overall lead just a few miles from the finish, and he drove the big Dodge to first overall in the race, and his was a happy crew. Holladay, in a Raceco, were fifth, Letner, recovering from a long helicopter, was one of the few about a half hour off the lead second lap, moved in to take fifth · who was quicker on lap one than pace. place. lap two. Jeff Hibbard, in Steve McBride, who was having a Class 1 was down to five Brown's VW powered Raceco flawless day, was actually the first players again, and one of them, ran second, underpowered, and vehicle to finish, and for a few Troy Herbst, a favorite, with his about 20 minutes down. And Pat moments it looked as if he might big Porsche powered Chenowth, Galliher and Gary Waller, in a have the overall win, but that was out on the first lap when he Bunderson, were about 45 wasn't to be. He took Class 2 with had some mysterious electrical minutes down, in third. Bill 25 minutes on second place problemsthatnoonecouldsolve. Church, in his new Chenowth McMillin, who reported that he He actually kept trying for about Porsche, appeared on pit row and ' enjoyed having company for a nine hours, but never completed looked as if he'd completed a lap, change. In third it was the even one lap. In the meantime but had been unable to go 10 Herbsts,coastingacrossthefinish. Ivan Stewart put his Toyota miles before trouble struck, and line, stuck in fourth gear, unable "truck" into the lead, with the was just coming in for repairs. to shift, and with no brakes. fast lap for the group at 1:36:25. They were not able to solve his Greenway was fourth and Danny Ivan, who had pre-run in a problem, which was with an oil sump pump, and though he made a valiant try, he was out on his first lap. • Stewart continued to lead, and Hibbard and Brown continued to run second, but Galliher and Waller disappeared after their second lap which was five hours long. Stewart had a major problem when a wheel cracked, and the tire flattened, and that tore the c.v. boot and allowed dirt to get into the c.v., and then some shocks seized and tore a chunk out of the chassis. But it was all fixable, and he went on to take the win, Michael 9nd Brian Church had a tough first lap with big trouble, but they got though nowhere as near the front moving again and orove the Raceco/ Toyota to the Class 10 win. of the pack as he wanted to be. Mike Peterson and young Pat Dean had their problems, but they kept the Chenowth moving fast enough to score a fine .second place in Class 10. Randy and Rick Wilson ran a steady pace all day in the dust, kept the Raceco in good shape and tney arrived third in the Class 10 contest. Dusty Times Brown, who'd had to rebuild his front end before he got to drive, then ran out of gas on his last lap. But a serendipitous spectator was nearby, with a little extra gas, to get him going again. He finished just oyer an hour behind Stewart. Class 8 was next off the line, and Rob Gordon put his Ford into the lead by the end of the first lap, but he had only 36 seconds on second place Steve McEachern, in his Dodge. In third place it was Walker Evans, in the other Dodge, only 59 seconds later, and followed by Frank Vessels, 51 lO0ths of a second behind him, in his Chevy. In fifth place it was Dave Shoppe, in his Ford, running harder and faster than he'd ever done, for such a long time. McEachern took over the lead on the second lap, and now he had six minutes on Gordon. Shoppe moved up to third, a minute and a half later, followed by Vessels, who'd lost a tie rod and run out of gas, and then John Gable in his Ford. Evans lost time with steering troublt!S': On the third lap McEachern recorded the fast lap for the class at 1:33:20, and maintained his lead. Vessels was now second, 23 minutes back, and Evans, had bounced back up to third. In December 1989 Walker Evans had a good day and placed third in Class 8 in the Dodge, and was overjoyed to see his teammate McEachern win the race overall. fourth it was Michael Schuringa, in a Chevrolet, but then he wasn't able to complete his fourth lap. And Gable held fifth, in spite of losing about an hour and 20 minutes with a broken spring. Shoppe was out, his motor not liking to run that hard for that long. And Gordon meanwhile, had had major difficulties, when he broke an axle and his tire and wheel fell off and rolled past him. He drove it to a safe stop, but it needed two and a half hours to get pit people and narts out to him, This is the system ~n by most off road race winners and make the repairs. He also lost a traction rod, which let the driveshaft fallout, later in the day. Going into the last lap McEachern had a lead of about seven minutes on McBride, for the overall win. And then ESPN commentator, Marty Reid, at the finish line awaiting the winners, reported that McEachem had flattened a tire just as he'd begun an interview from his overhead perch in the ESPN helicopter. The crowd wondered whether Steve and his r.r TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 13

Page 14

Steve Kelley moved into the Class 4 lead on the second lap, set class fast lap, and carried on with no big problems to victory in the Chevy. Jack Johnson had power steering woes, other troubie, but he carried on in the Nissan and placed second in Class 4, 50 minutes away from the win. Ir co,driver, Jeff Geiser, could get the tire changed and get back on the road in time to salvage the win. They did it , losing only about two minutes with the flat. McEachern reported a near, perfect day, during which he was clocked by a radar gun on the pavement at an incredible 123 miles per hour. Bill Hernquist and Darren Hardesty charge past a pit area, in their tidy Bug, and went on to win Class 5 in a very close battle all the way. Vessels finished second, about now, three minutes later, and 25 minutes later, and Evans was Petersen and Dean were fourth, third, followed in by Gable, and close behind them. Flamson and then Gordon, in fifth place. McCracken had dropped to fifth, In Class 10, Craig Watkins and about 10 minutes further back. Greg Aronson, in their Toyota On the third lap Van Matre and powered Raceco, took the first Olson had taken over the lead, lap lead, with less than a minute and they had almost 10 minutes on Kirk Van Matre and Carl on Aronson and Watkins, and Olson, in another Raceco. In now Flamson and McCracken third place it was Mike Petersen had moved up to third, only three and Pat Dean, in a Chenowth, minutes later. And in fourth, after followed by Scott Flamson and having a broken shifter and using Craig McCracken, in a Raceco up over a half hour in repairs on Rabbit. Cam Thieriot and Greg lap one, it was Brian Church, Lewin were fifth in their Toyota taking over from his brother, Chenowth. Michael, in their Toyota Raceco. On the second lap the PetersenandDeanwerenowfifth, Watkins/ Aronson car ticked off two minutes behind the Church the fast lap for the class at car. 1:39:01, and they now had about And, while the spectators and five and a half minutes on second pit crews waited at the finish line place Van Matre and Olson. Fred for the lead cars to come around, Ronn and Bill Poe were third they all broke. And the Churches moved into the lead and took the win, finishing with no water pump belt. Petersen and Dean were second, about 13 minutes later, and in third place, nine minutes further back, it was Randy and Rick Wilson, in a Raceco, who'd run steadily all day. They were followed in by Poe and Ronn, nearly three hours later, who'd replaced a transmis, sion on the last lap. No one else managed to do four laps. In Class 4 Rod Hall took the early lead in his Dodge, proving to his steady passenger, Jim Fricker, that he wasn't too old to drive the new truck as fast as it would go. He had a minute and a half on Jack Johnson in the Nissan, who was about four minutes up on Steve Kelley in the Chevy. In fourth place it was Buddy Renoe and Bill Donahoe, in another Dodge, and Timmy Lee Pruett had his Ford in fifth spot. On the second lap Kelley moved into the lead, with the fast lap for the class, at 1:45:09, as Hall had to replace a power steering pump, and Johnson had a problem that involved an oil leak in his power steering pump. He was now second, and Hall was third, as Pruett moved to fourth, and Greg Hindson, in a Jeep J,10, came up to fifth. Kelley, whose main problem was that his windshield wipers wouldn't work, so he was finding it hard to see, continued to lead · through la three, now with 17 Budweiser I Bud Light AMA SANCTIONED location: Plaster City West Page 14 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM • AMA DISTRICT 38 Sponsored By: Race Ready Products, Yokohama, The Wright Place and Maxima Lubricants Start Times: ATV's, Bikes and Odys, 7:00 am -Buggies, Cars and Trucks, Noon INFO: (619) 427-5759 December 1989 SUNDAY DECEMBER 31, 1989 Dusty nmes

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minutes on Johnson, who was also finding it a dusty race. In fact, Johnson later compared this one to the infamous Colorado race, which until now, had been considered to be the dirtiest race in recent memory. Pruett had come up to third place, and Hindson was a distant fourth, two hours behind Pruett. And Hall had rolled his Dodge when the replacement power steering froze at a crucial moment; just when he had hopped over a little bump and gotten a bit sideways. Hall and ... ~ Fricker were unhurt, but the Dodge was out of commission. Kelley had some minor brake Mel Vaughan and Dan Reynolds kick up a little dust on their way to a fine second in Class 5 for the Sage Council Racing team. Richard Llewellyn and Gary Sult ran steady and nearly trouble free all the way, and they moved up to third in Class 5 at the checkered flag. problems, but sailed on to take Van Kirk never came around the win, followed in by Johnson, again, and Hernquist took over driving with no power steering for the lead, with just 27 seconds on much of the way, about 50 Hart and Hallett, who'd run the minutes later. Pruett was third, fast lap for the class at 1:47:52. ln after tearing a hole in his third it was now Vaughan and transmission pan, and making Reynolds, with Sult and Llewellyn some lengthy repairs, about two fourth still, after being ·stuck in hours and 20 minutes later. And the silt behind a stuck truck, and no one else did four laps. Lisa Dickerson and Scott LeRoy VanKirk took the Class Cameron ran fifth three minutes 5 lead on the first lap, in his Conspicuous by their Porsche Bug, with almost exactly absence were Hartmut and two minutes on Bill Hernquist in Wolfram Klawitter, defending his tidy yellow convertible. In champions, and current points third place it was Marty Hart and leaders, who had to miss the race Mike Hallett, a not her two when the demands of a business minutes back, followed by Gary emergency took precedence. Sult, in Richard Llewellyn's car, Darren Hardesty, in his first with Richard pre-running by ride in an unlimited Baja Bug, riding in the passenger seat. Mel took over for Hernquist, and held Vaughan and Dan Reynolds were on to the lead, but Hart and fifth, another two minutes later. Hallett were only 46 seconds ,.. -1••p----Kevin and Brian Smith led the first lap, dropped back mid-race, then took the lead back in their Mira e and won the biggest class at the race, 1-2-1600. It was brothers day in Class 1-2-1600, as Tom and Bob DeNault drove their Chenowth hard enough to claim second place in the tough contest. Diving through the dust, the Mirage of Jim Sumners and Rob Tolleson. both former overall points champs, finished close in third in Class 1-2-1600. Dusty nma back. Vaughan and Reynolds stayed firm in third place, followed by Llewellyn, who now sat in the driver's seat, and then Greg Foster and Joe Brian, in fifth. On the last lap, Hallett and Hart took over the lead, but then broke something major in the front end, and became spectators as the rest drove by on their way to the finish line. Hardesty and Hernquist took the win, even with a last lap flat and a tossed fan belt. Vaughan and Reynolds moved up to second after a beautifully steady day, reporting just a couple of flats and a lost power steering hose. In third it was Llewellyn and Sult, happy with their strategy, and with no major trouble. Foster and Brian were fourth, and Dickerson and Cameron finished fifth. The l /2-1600s were the fourthitwasnowDougFortinJr., biggest group, with 28 starters, in his Chenowth, about seven and Kevin Smith put the family minutes behind, followed by the Mirage into the lead on the first Ampudias, who were just over lap, with just a skosh over a two minutes behind him. minute on second place Tom On the third lap Brian Smith DeNault in his Chenowth, with a climbed in and popped back into broken header pipe. In third, the lead again, following Bob about two minutes back was Rob DeNault, who was firm in second Tolleson, in Jim Sumners' place, just 12 seconds behind Mirage, and then Rodrigo and them on elapsed time. Sumners Rogerio Ampudia, in a Chenowth was in his car, and now third, a Neth, were fourth, less than a little over three minutes later, minute back. Mike Spina and while Fortin ran fourth, a minute Keith Underwood were fifth in behind him. Dan Araujo and their Bunderson. David Ramirez, in a Mirage, Tolleson zipped off the fast lap moved up to fifth place now, but for this group, at 1:45:11, and then couldn't get their fourth lap moved into the lead, with done. DeNault securely tucked into Smith hit a big rock while second place. Smith dropped to passing a truck and bent his beam, third, with a flat, now just SQ which made it hard to drive, but seconds behind the lead car. In still gr, • COMPETITIVE PRICING• UNBEATABLE 12UALITY EXCELLENT SERVICE LOUIE UNSER RJC/K~ IK~/KIS BOB ~~&~ TOYOTA iifil=l RACING DEVELOPMENT 6'lf!f~ .Etfrti. ■■■711■■■ RADIOS ,oa RACING R.L .H. ENTERPRISE uniden R'J,."6'fc3s VAVESHOPPE ~)jf-~.r{➔ ~ STUl SHERMAN BALCH :. c. RACING )., / ... ~~--~,/ CENTERFORCE IASORR-L-. ACING LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE HDRA MASTERCRAFT THE WRIGHT PLACE, [HD:QRE] HIGIIDESUTOHIOAD[IITHIISIASTS CHENOWTH Mike Lesle Racing OVER $5,000.00 CONTINGENCY POSTED AT EVERY SCORE/H.D.R.A. EVENT Race Car Lettering • Racing Numbers • Custom Decals • Silk Screening • Die Cutting • Signs • Magnetic Signs • Banners • Window Lettering 1 BOBS Redondo Circle • Huntington Beach, CA 9264B 714/843-0444 • FAX 714/843-0143 December 1989 Page 15

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"~ - f ~ I.ii .. rad' Swift had problems, losing over 20 minutes, but still held on to second place. Sebelius now ran third, Demonja was fourth and McDonald, having transfer case and driveshaft problems, was fifth now. The Simons made it look easy, finishing 11th overall, and a full hour and eight minutes in front of second place Swift. Sebelius was third, almost another hour later, and then DeMonja, in fourth was 50 minutes behind him. McDon-ald, in fifth, came in still another 55 minutes later. It was great to see him smile and Roger Mears did smile as he led wire to wire in the Nissan, and won Class 7, and had no down time at all. Doug Fortin Jr. had a rotten last lap in his Chenowth, big trouble and finally a roll over, but he carried on to finish fourth in Class 1-2-1600 on three wheels. Class 7S was led by Scott Douglas in his Ranger at the end of the first lap, and he had 38 seconds on second place Willie Valdez, in another Ranger. In third it was John Johnson, in Chuck Johnson's Ranger, two minutes back, and Jeff Huber was a half a minute behind him in a Toyota. And Mike and Pat Falkosky were fifth, in another Toyota. hands of Russ Jones in his Ford, about a minute later, followed by Wayne Lee in fourth place in his Chevy, five seconds behind him. Mears held the lead, as Esquerra 'space quickened, but he couldn't catch up, now running 12 minutes back, the new motor not quite torquey enough. Lee moved into third place, and Jones fell back, losing over an hour. . • -.,mf,,.__. ---""""-----•-----For the first time in his desert career, Mears had a perfect day, not having to get out of the truck for anything, and he really covered the ground on lap three, making it fast lap for the class, at 1 :41: 12, and building the lead to 16 minutes. He then tossed off another quickie, to take the win, and a great 6th place overall, for his best finish in many a moon. Esquerra, not entirely satisfied with the new combination, was second, 28 minutes later, followed by Lee, an hour and 20 minutes back. Jones didn't get four laps in. Manny Esquerra tried out a new engine in his Ford Ranger, but it weighed more and had less torque and Manny had to settle for second place in Class 7. i;a"'brought the car home first, to take the win. The DeNaults, who actually finished in front of them, were second, by a minute and two seconds. And Sumners and Tolleson finished third, about five minutes back, followed in by Fortin, who'd had a rouser of a fourth lap. He'd broken a clutch cable, then a front shock, and then rolled the car and broke a tie rod. So he took off the dangling tire and wheel, and finished three legged, clutch still not working, and still only 28 minutes out of first place. Mike and Morley Williams, who'd broken their clutch cable on the first lap, ran catch-up day all day, and moved up to finish fifth. Class 7 was down to four vehicles this time, and Roger Mears put his Nissan in front and stayed there. Manny Esquerra ran second, about nine minutes back on the first lap, his Ford Ranger trying out a new motor that weighed more than the old one, and didn't really work with the suspension. Third place was in the In the four wheel drive mini trucks, 7 4x4, the first lap lead went to Dave Simon, in a Ford, who had a little over two minutes on Sherman Balch in his Nissan. In third it was Jerry McDonald in The Best Way to Communicate to Your Senrice Crew and Stay Ahead!!! Visa and MasterCard orders welcome Call Toll Free 800-624-3704 EPSILON INC. 7756 BALBOA BLVD. VAN NUYS, CA 90046 (800) 624-3704 OR (818) 781-0993 IN CA 6 MONTHS WARRANTY 30 days unconditional money back ~uarantee. Page 16 Introducing what used to be a thing only factory teams could afford: FM Transceivers that provide valu-able communication when you need it most!! Two models are available: The portable model and the mobile unit model. _The portable sends its signals with up to 5 watts of power and the mobile has a maximum out-put of 30 watts. Both have 6 channel capability and come with 3 channels built-in. The portable comes with external microphone, battery, and charg;r. Price for the· portable is $250. Each battery is $45. The mobile unit transceiver is $250 each and is ideal for car installation. Please add $20 for shipping and handling to each order. Please allow 2-6 weeks for ddivery. December 1989 his Chevy, 23 seconds later, followed by John Swift, Ford, who was just under a minute behind him. Mike Lesle ran fifth in his Jeep, nine minutes later. Simon decided he'd set the truck up to soft, so he changed coil springs at the end of lap one, and ran faster on the second lap, to hold on to the lead. Balch was out permanently, and Swift moved up to second, about eleven minutes behind the Simon truck. Lesle was third, followed by Bud Sebelius in another Jeep, and then Wayne Demonja, in a Mazda, ran fifth. Paul Simon took over for his brother, and recorded the class fast lap, at 1 :45:44 on lap three, to widen the lead to 48 minutes, as • f . ~;-:;..,, .&-.,..;, Douglas continued to lead, recording the fast lap for 7S, at 1 :52:26, and building his lead to 10 minutes, as Valdez had a flat, but hung on to second. Third was now Rob MacCachren, in a Jeep, who'd broken a caliper ·on lap one, and Johnson proceeded to lose two transmissions, and never showed up again. Huber was also gone on the second lap, after a severe roll-over, and Spencer: 4-« ;-'t ....... ~ Scott Douglas led almost all the way in his Class 7S Ranger, reported no trouble, no flats, took the lead back on the last lap and won the class in the Ford by ten minutes. ~ -~ ' ~ , .. Rob MacCachren had his Jeep in the lead on the last lap, but he bagged a rock and a flat and the Comanche came in second in Class 7S. Spencer Low got off to a slow start in Nevada, but he climbed up through the pack lap by lap to take his Nissan to third in Class 7S. Dusty Times

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Low, Nissan, moved into fourth, followed by the Falkoskys. Douglas was having a good day, and no flats, and continued to lead through lap three, now with about four and a half minutes on MacCachren, who'd moved up to second. Low was third, as Valdez dropped to fourth after losing 20 minutes on that lap. In fifth it was still tbe falkoskys. ~ --""'"""'''"'--On the last lap MacCachren caught Douglas and passed him, but then he had a brief problem, and Douglas went by, pushing hard, and thankful that he hadn't flattened any tires, to take the win. MacCachren finished second, only 10 minutes later, and Low was third, about 30 minutes after that. The Falkoskys moved up to fourth, followed in by Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen, in a Toyota, who'd had a hard time seeing, since their wipers hadn't worked. It was a hard fought battle in Class 7 4x4, but the Ford Ranger of Paul and Dave Simon led every lap, and when it counted, at the finish. Just eight minutes out of the win John Swift kept his Ranger rushing through the dust all the way, and he came in second in Class 7 4x4. Craig Stewart jumped out in front of the 5-1600s ranks on the first lap, and he had just 23 seconds on Mario Panagiotop-olous who was running second. In third it was Darrell Smith, a minute and a half later, followed by Joseph and Steve Grier, another minute back. Tom Lake and Richard Roberts were fifth, 38 seconds later. Lake and Roberts ticked off a s-wift 2:05:01, to record fast lap far the class, and take over the lead at the end of lap two, followed by the Griers now, about seven minutes behind them. In .third it was Panagiotop-olous, 3 seconds off the Grier bumper, and Smitty had dropped to fourth, and then never came around again. Stewart also had troubles, first breaking a c.v., which he replaced, and then a rear adjuster finger, which he couldn't fix. Dave Anckner was in fifth now about five minutes back. Lake and Roberts were having a trouble free day, and continued to lead, while the Griers chased. But the Griers were being pushed hard by Panagiotopolous's co-driver, Rick Pew, who was now only 18 seconds behind them. And Anckner was a minute and a half Tom Lake and Richard Roberts were with the 5-1600 pack running under a bhmket all day, and they eventually won the class as they had no trouble at all on course. Mario Panagiotopolous and Rick Pew were within seconds of the 5-1600 lead, but a stout nerf on the last lap dropped them to third in class. Dustynmes behind him, followed by David Purcell and Larry Rosevear, an hour later, in fifth place. It was more of the same on the last lap, as the close fight continued to the end. Lake and Roberts took the win, reporting an uneventful day, and just 10 minutes in front of the second place Griers, who'd also had a good clean race, .with no flats. Behind them came Pew and Panagiotopolous, who'd dropped back about three minutes when they'd been rear-ended by a late running Class 10 car. Anckner was fourth, and in fifth, the class points leaders, Darryl and Wayne Cook, who'd broken a stub axle on the first lap. They had a spare in their spare par!s b~g, an "old Bud Sebelius ran third in Class 7 4x4 from mid-distance, had no real problems with the Jeep Comanche, and he finished third in class. ---------grungy, rusty one", and had The Mini-Mag entry increased managed to save their points lead for this race and eight of them by g~tting the fifth place. _took the Ir · .091 HEAVY DUTY DIFFERENTIAL Made from 4340 Chro-moly. All surfaces ground for high concentricity. Pre-cision machined for the tightest tolerances. NEW FOR '89 ! CV BOOT HOLDERS Machined from extra strong alloy steel. Designed to provide for maximum axle angulation. December 1989 Larger ball clearance. Available for T-2, T -4 and 930 Cl/'s. Tired of replacing com-plete CV's? We now have the 930 CV Center Stars available as a separate item. These new units are made from heat treated aircraft quality 300M Alloy steel ·and feature case hardened ball grooves. NEW FOR '89 ! TOP GUN SHOCKS BY DOETSCH TECH Top quality Doetsch Tech Off-Road shocks now available. Page 17

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'.~1\ -~ . • ~~: -~ t ' =-,~~~""l:EMl<·~-)?I., ~;&""'· Of the eight Mini Mags in the race, none finished. Randy and Red Pettit got in their three laps the fastest of the survivors to take the victory. sure finish, to preserve his class points lead. Billy Kem and Pat Smith were now second, 11 minutes back, in their ORBS, and Mike Currier and Joel Stankavich, in a Sandhawk, ran third, two minutes later. In fourth it was Ray McClain and Mike Daghlian, in their Ghoster Buggy, followed by Gross, who'd lost about seven minutes on that lap when he ran out of gas. Perrault took over on lap three, and maintained the lead, now 18 minutes up on Stankavich and Currier, who'd moved to second. Valentine was in for Gross, and ran third, about 12 minutes later, with Elliott and Knudsen fourth, as Kem and Smith lost an hour with a broken ball joint and fell to fifth place. '5 Perrault, who had no problems, " not even flats, held a steady pace, and the team got the win, enhancing their points lead. Currier and Stankavich who'd had to weld up their front end on the third lap, had also broken a throttle cable about five miles before the finish, but held on to their second place, a half hour down. Valentine had a flat at about mile 50, and lost about 10 minutes, but preserved third Charles Townsley and son took second in the Mini Mag contest, and it is the first time since the class started that this team did not win. ~ green flag. But they had a together. hard day. Kirk McDaniel led the The next group to start were the first lap with a zippy 2:06: 10, that Class 9s, and Nick Gross took the turned out to be the fast lap for early lead in his LaPlant, with a the group. Scott Steinberger, son minute on Ed McLean and Steve of the "Weatherman", ran Milligan,inaChenowth.Inthird second, about five minutes back, place it was Glen Elliott and John and Bud Harris, out from Knudsen, in a MECO, who were Oklahoma, was third. Randy and only 29 seconds back. Rich Red Pettit, with a five hour and 14 Richardson and Kevin Perrault minute lap, were fourth. And ran fourth, in their Jimco, three others were having worse seconds later, followed by Craig problems. White, who was fifth, two and a Steinberger took over the lead half minutes back. on the second lap, and he had Richardson, who drove the about 19 minutes on McDaniel first half, moved into the lead on who finished the lap with his right the second lap, with the class fast front corner dangling by a thread. lap, at 2:08:58, although he said The Petti ts, whose first lap had he was taking it easy, aiming for a included four flat tires and carburetors that fell off twice, now moved up to third, as Harris disappeared. Charles and Charlie Townsley, the only winners in this class thus far this season, were now fourth, after a horrendous first lap, with major clutch problems. Steinberger seized his motor on the next lap, and was down for the count, as the Pettits, things going well now, moved to the lead, and were disappointed to be flagged place. In fourth it was Kem and Smith, who'd had a good last lap, and moved up a position. Next to go was Class 3 I 14, and David Ashley, in a Ford Bronco, took the early lead, and had 11 minutes on Don Adams and Larry Olsen in their Jeep Scrambler, who ran second. In third place it was Dave Quill, in his Chevy special, two time winner of this race, followed by Jerry Daugherty, in his Blazer. Ashley ran the fastest class lap next time around, at 1 :50:36, to put him 29 minutes up on Adams and Olsen, who still ran second. Quill maintained his third place, and now Marshall and Michael Mahr, in a '62 Jeep CJ 6, were fourth. Ashley was having a totally ~ off when they finished their third lap. It was so late that HDRA wasn't allowing anyone to start another lap, and the surprised Pettits, who'd used up ten hours and 28 minutes for three laps, learned they were the winners. The Townsleys finished second, on three wheels, after breaking a spindle, and almost an hour behind the Petti ts, and no one else managed to cover three laps. Townsley, who's had his car longer than most, and had more success, says that the cars are terrific, it's just that "no one knows how they work." And consequently, no one knows how to make repairs, and by this he means, not just the owners and drivers, but all the would-be helpful people in the pits around the courses. He says it's like being back at the beginning of off road racing, when no one knew how to make an off road car hold Rich Richardson, with Kevin Perrault co-driving, took fast lap for Class 9 on the second round, and the team won Class 9 by half an hour, and preserved their points lead as well. Page 18 Nick Gross and Joe Valentine sta;ted the race in the lead, but midway their LaPlant fell back, and then came back to finish third in Class 9. December 1989 trouble free race, and continued to lead, building his edge to almost an hour over Adams and Olsen on the third lap. The Mahrs now moved up to third place, as Quill lost his brakes and crashed, putting himself out. Robert Valentine and Russ Eide moved into fourth place in their Pathfinder, but were almost two hours down, and then never came around again. Ashley continued to have no problems, and took another win, followed an hour and 20 minutes later by Adams and Olsen, in second. The Mahrs were third, and no one else did four laps. Ch1ss 6 was led all the way by Brian ~ HDRA GOLD COAST 300 Results - October 14, 1989 # Pos. Driver/Co-Driver Vehicle Time 0/A Class I - Unlimited Single Seat• 5 start· 2 finish 104 1 Ivan Stewart (solo) Toyota PU 101 2 Steve Brown/Jeff Hibbard Raceco 103 3 William Church (solo) Chenowth/Porsche Class 2 • Unlimited Two Seat• 22 start • 9 finish 215 1 Matt McBride/Rick West Raceco/Porsche 222 2 Mark McMillin/Donald Kenniston ChenowttvPorsche 216 3 Ed and Tim Herbst Chenowth/Porsche 224 4 Jim and Lisa Greenway Raceco/Toyota 203 5 Danny Leiner/Henry Bergdahl Raceco/Porsche Class 1-2-1600 • 1600cc Restricted Engine • 28 start -13 finish 1622 1 Kevin & Brian Smith Mirage 1616 2 Tom & Bob DeNault Chenowth 1611 3 Jim Sumners/Rob Tolleson Mirage 1615 4 Doug Fortin, Jr. (solo) Chenowth 1612 5 Morley and Mike Williams Meco Class 3/14 • Short WB 4X4 • 13 start • 3 finish 306 1 David Ashley Ford Bronco 348 2 Don Adams/Larry Olsen Jeep Scrambler 304 3 Marshall and Michael Mahr Jeep CJ 6 349 4 Robert Valentine/Russ Eide Nissan Pathfinder Class 4 • Long WB 4X4 • B start • 3 finish 401 1 Steve Kelley/Ben Metcalf Chevy K-15 400 2 Jack Johnson (solo) Nissan 449 3 Timmy Lee PruetVGreg Holman Ford F-150 448 4 Greg Hindson JeepJ-10 Class 5 • Unlimited Baja Bug • 9 start • 6 finish 548 1 Bill Hemquisl/Darren Hardesty Baja Bug 503 2 Mel Vaughan/Dan Reynolds Baja Bug 547 3 Richard Llewellyn/Gary Sult Baja Bug 507 4 Greg Foster/Joe Brian Baja Bug 506 5 Lisa Dickerson/Scott Cameron Baja Bug Class 5-1600 • 1600cc Baja Bug • 14 start • 6 finish 558 1 Tom Lake/Richard Roberts Baja Bug 561 2 Joseph and Steve Grier Baja Bug 560 3 Mario Panagiotopolous/Rick Pew Baja Bug 551 4 David Ancker/Bob Wensell Baja Bug 599 5 Darryl and Wayne Cook Baja Bug Class 6 • Production Sedan• 7 start• 3 finish 601 1 Brian Stewart/ Phil Fareio Jeep Cherokee 606 2 Mick Newton/Larry Tunnell Chevy Nova 602 3 Dale and Randy Jordan Chevy El Camino 61 B 4 George Wagenblast/Danny Ashcraft Ford Bronco II Class 7 • Unlimited Mini-Midi Pickup• 4 !.tart• 3 finish 701 1 Roger Mears/Tony Alvarez Nissan Harsbody 719 2 Manny and Tudy J Esquerra Ford Ranger 702 3 Wayne Lee/ Marc Cartwright Chevy S-1 O 703 4 Russ Jones/Joe Aguirre Ford Ranger Class 7S • Stock Mini-Midi Pickup• 11 start• 7 finish 725 1 Scott DouglaS/Jeff Howe Ford Ranger 722 2 Rob MacCachren/Mike Smigulec Jeep Comanche 721 3 Spencer Low/Paul Delang Nissan Hardbody 724 4 Mike Falkosky Toyota 757 5 Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Toyota 7 4X4 -Stock Mini-Midi 4X4 -13 start· 7 linish 798 1 Paul and Dave Simon Ford Ranger 797 2 John Swift Ford Ranger 799 3 Bud SebeliuS/Danny Pierce Jeep Comanche 766 4 Wayne Demonja Mazda B-2600 764 5 Jerry McDonald/Jeff Lewis Chevy S-1 O Class 8 • 2WD Standard Pickup -15 start • 6 finish 804 Steve McEachern/Jeff Geiser Dodge Ram 150 805 2 Frank Vessels/Jon Nelson Chevrolet 808 3 Walker Evans Dodge'Ram 150 812 4 John Gable/Curt LeDuc Ford F-150 800 5 Robby Gordon/Russ Wernimont Ford F-150 Class 9 • Restricted Buggy • 17 start• 7 finish 998 1 Rich Richardson/Kevin Perrault Jimco 999 2 Mike Currier/Joel Stankavich Sandhawk 900 3 Nick Gross/Joe Valentine LaPlant 902 4 Billy Kem/Pat Smith OFBS 997 5 Craig White Class 10 • Unlimited 1650cc • 17 start • 4 finish 1000 Michael Church (solo) Rceco/Toyota 1007 2 Mike Peterson/Pat Dean Chenowth 1 005 3 Randy and Rick Wilson Raceco 1009 4 William Poe/Fred/Ronn O.R.E. 1001 5 Kirk Van Matre/Carl Olson Raceco Class II - Stock VW Sedan - 3 start •1 finish (3 laps) 1100 1 Ramon Castro/Jorge Sanchez VW Beetle 1196 2 Andy DiaziGeorge Fishback VW Beetle Class Mini-Mag • 8 start • O finish 1205 1 Randy Pettit/Jeff Digby Chenowth 1207 2 Charles and Charlie Townsley Chenowth Starters -194 Finishers -80 Finish ratio -41.8 % · 7:39:09 17 8:46:55 38 4:44:28 (2 laps) 6:26:31 2 6:52:46 4 6:56:31 5 7:12:38 8 7:22:37 12 7:19:17 9 7:20:19 10 7:25:26 14 7:47:06 21 7:51:39 25 7:41:08 18 9:02:48 48 11:02:55 76 10:19:00 (3 laps) 7:23:09 13 8:12:05 31 10:36:14 72 8:51 :13 (3 laps) 7:46:03 20 7:48:56 23 8:35:49 35 8:51:14 40 8:56:42 45 8:56:10 44 9:06:13 51 9:09:19 52 9:23:38 56 10:28:46 68 8:52:37 41 9:25:18 57 10:57:09 75 11 :59:24 (3 laps) 7:02:51 6 7:30:41 15 8:56:55 46 8:05:11(31aps) 7:47:52 22 7:57:10 27 8:20:01 32 8:55:49 43 9:04:02 50 7:22:35 11 8:30:44 33 9:14:40 53 10:11:10 66 11:06:06 77 6:23:12 6:48:34 3 7:05:25 7 9:00:11 47 9:57:28 62 8:52:46 42 9:22:29 55 9:33:26 58 10:06:18 64 10:10:25 65 7:30:47 16 7:43:17 19 7:52:10 26 10:29:71 71 5:30:28 ( 3 laps) 9:15:28 10:32:43 (2 laps) 10:28:19 (3 laps) 11 :23:50 (3 laps) Race Distance• 304 miles Time Allowance -12 hours Fast Time Overall - Steve McEachern - Class 8 • Dodge • 6:23:12 Dusty Times

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SOME GO TO VEGAS TO GAMBLE WE GO TO WIN! Randy Pettit . 1st Class Mini Mag McKENZIE'S OFF-ROAD 2366 Orangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92806 · -(714) 441-1212 HELMETS/FILTERED AIR SYSTEMS Brian & Kevin Smith . l st Class l /2-1600 Matt McBride l st Class 2, 2nd Overall J. PENHALL-FABRICATIONS 1660 Babcock Bldg. #S-Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 650-3035

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Don Adams and Larry Olsen look strong in the Jeep Scrambler here, but they couldn't keep the winning pace and finished second in Class 3/14. Marshall and Michael Mahr drove their '62 Jeep CJ-6 hard all day, and the father and son team ended up third in Class 3/14, tlie last finisher. Mick Newton and Larry Tunnell got their Chevy Nova within 14 seconds of Stewart, but last lap breakage put them back further in second in Class 6. :,;." ~-: "' .. David Ashley, in the Ford Bronco, is making a habit of winning Class 3/14 this year, and he led all the way in the Nevada silt to win again by well over an hour. i;e-, Stewart in the Jeep Cherokee, and on lap one the Jordans, Randy and Dale, ran second in their El Camino, only 22 seconds behind him. The Chevy Nova of Mick Newton and Larry Tunnell was third, a minute later, and Larry Schwacofet ran fourth, but never came around again. As Stewart continued to lead, Newton and Tunnell moved into second place, about eight minutes down now, and the Jordans, who lost an hour were running third. George Wagenblast and Danny Ashcraft, in the Bronco II were fourth, but had already had lengthy troubles. They held their respective More off-road races are won on Bilsteins than al'.'IY other shock absorber, period. Bl.5'l'EIN •BORN TO PERFORM" BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453·7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog, send $2.50. Page 20 December 1989 positions for another lap, and Newton and Tunnell were only 14 seconds behind Stewart at the end of lap three, which must have wakened him up. Because on the last lap he ran his quickest time, the fast lap for the class, at 2:07:30, and took the win with a half hour to spare. Newton and Tunnell had some difficulty on that last trip around and lost about 23 minutes, but still managed a nice second place. And the Jordans, also losing time, were third, over an hour later, and none of the others could complete four laps. Class 11, which had to complete only three laps this race, was down to three entires. Ramon Castro, series champ, and points leader, ran the class fast lap on his first time around, at 2:52:02, to take the lead. Andy Diaz and George Fishback ran second, 27 minutes later, followed by Saul Zambrano, who used up over six hours on that first loop, stuck in a wash. Castro, who was celebrating his birthday, had broken a shock, and also broke a part of his roll cage, but continued to lead, as now Diaz had really lengthy tr<;>Ub!es somewhere. And Zambrano was still digging himself out. Ramon completed his three laps in a time of 9 hours and 15 minutes, while Diaz and Fishback completed two laps, and squeaked by Zambrano and his co-driver, Jeff Strait, who'd also been stuck. Diaz and Fishback were second, with two laps in 10 hours and 32 minutes, while Zambrano and Strait were only 25 minutes behind them, also completing two laps, for third place. When the unofficial results were posted on Sunday morning, there were seven red flags indicating that the drivers needed to attend the Competition Review Board to respond to some kind of complaint about their driving. As it happened, all the complaints turned out to be matters that were easily cleared up, or cases of mistaken identities, and no one needed to be penalized or disqualified. There were also no serious accidents at this event, and the system of giving permis-sion to allow a pit crew access to the course worked fairly well. There was lengthy discussion about that aspect of the race, and some improvements in the handling of requests to go out on· the course are reportedly planned for next season's races. For the HORA it's all over but the shouting, and they're able to relax for a while now, go to Baja to spectate at the 1000, and then dress up in their finery for the end of the year awards banquet, on December 2nd. Brian Stewart, denied a win in August by team tactics, got his victory at the Gold Coast, winning Class 6 by half an hour in the Jeep Cherokee, and making dad Ivan very proud. Ramon Castro, celebrated his birthday with victory in Class 11, and his was the only Beetle to cover tr.e required three laps. Dusty Times

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Danny Letner and Ron Brant had a long second lap in the Raceco/Porsche, but they got things fixed and took fifth in Class 2. Bill PO':! and Fred Ronn were right with the Class 10 leaders, changed a transmission en route but took fourth in class. Rodrigo and Rogerio Ampudia had their Chenowth with the 1-2-1600 leaders all the way, and they finished well, sixth out of 28. Wayne Demonja ran strong in his Mazda fourth or fifth all the way, and he finished fourth in Class 7 4x4. Billy Kem an at Smith ran as high as second in Class 9, but they came home fourth in this close running bunch. Dusty nmcs Bill Church has strange troubles with his new Chenowth/ Porsche, made several visits to the main pit, didn't make a lap and was third in Class 1. Timmy Lee Pruett kept his Ford pickup together at the Gold Coast and sailed home with an official finish, third in Class 4. Wayne Lee churns up some good old Nevada silt in his Chevy S-10 on his way to a good finish, third in Class 7. David Anckner plows up a little silt and a lot of dust in his swift Baja Bug and he finished well, fourth in Class 5-1600. Robert Valentine and Russ Eide got in three fairly long laps in their new Nissan Pathfinder, but were credited with fourth in Class 3/14. December 1989 Despite losing a lot of time to a broken spring John Gable raced hard in his new Ford pickup and finished fourth in Class B. Morley and Mike Williams came back from first lap clutch trouble to score fifth in the close running 1-2-1600 contest. Mike and Pat Falkosky ran hard in their privateer Toyota, and the father and son team ended up fourth in Class 7S. Scott Steinberger, son of and sometimes voice of the "Weatherman " did a fine job in his new Mini Mag, taking third in class. Dale and Randy 'Jordan covered three laps in good time bring the Chevy El Camino home third in Class 6. Page 11

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North American Off Road Racing Festival By Barb and Marilyn Schultz The heavy metal start is always exciting. Here Jack Flannery, right, Greg Gerlach, middle, and Jack Heidtman roar away at the green flag shaking the ground with V-8 power. The first annual North Ameri-can Off Road Racing Festival was something to behold last July. SODA drivers from the midwest, eastern states and Canada were on hand. The organization and the facilities provided by promoters Bob and Carolyn Moon were nothing short of phenomenal. Everything was beautiful and the track was awesome. On first glance the track looked like it would be a fast and easy track to negotiate with smooth landings in the sand. But looks can be deceiving! The first day of racing opened under cool, clear skies but it soon got HOT. Each race was 20 min-utes long with a land rush start, then a ten minute break to groom the track after each race. After the pre-run opinions about the track changed to talk of 'fast and tricky.' Class 11 was the first race of the day. Curt Gerald and Dave W oulf ran neck and neck, with Gerald in the lead until lap 10 when Gerald went wide in corner 2 allowing W oulf to sneak under and take over first. Both cars were running hot and heavy and began lapping by the eighth lap. On the white flag lap they both almost lapped third and fourth place finishers, Jeff Jones and Mark Hameister, who were running a hot race of their own. Class 6 was next and a real crowd pleaser even though there were only three entries. Jeff Hoerdeman, John Znidorka, and Ed Schultz hit the front jump at the same time on the second lap. Each landed hard with paint exchanged. Jeff Hoerdeman took advantage of the tie-up and drove a steady race to victory. Schultz never let up despite steering diffi-culties, and Znidorka suffered a flat tire on lap 6, pulletl out for repair, but returned to finish in third place. Class 5-1600 followed the sedan race. Terry Wolfe started his charge to first place after a confrontation with Jeff Ther-riault. Ron Karlman was Wolfe's next opponent for first place. ALUMINUM RACING RADIATOR 16.5 POUNDS SIZES AVAILABLE 16 X27 18 X 24 19 X28 19 X 31 CURRENTLY USED IN CLASS 2, 8, & NASCAR Page II December 1989 ' "' Scott Taylor takes the checkered flag first in his 2-1600 car, that he built himself, in the Victory Lane Quick Oil Change Limited Championship, earning an extra $1000.00 with the win. They battled back and forth with Karlman slipping by on the second turn on lap 15 to take the checkered flag first. Wolfe was a car length behind in second and Chuck Johnson was third. Classes 3 and 4 stagger started. Class 4 was flagged first and was a battle of the automakers, Ford, Chevy and Jeep. Championship racers Jack Flannery, Greg Gerl-ach and Geoff Dorr would have made any manufacturer proud. It was a race that proved that Flannery really knew his stuff until lap 18 when he pulled off due to dry sump problems. That left Gerlach and Dorr to wait for each other to make a mistake. None were made and Gerlach took the win with Dorr in second. Watching these pros take the first jump was breath taking. Class 3, driving in the midst of the manufacturer's race in Class 4 had Bill Schirm, Jeep, in a run away race. Jerry Zaugg ran hard, lost a rear axle in lap 1 7 and still pulled second place. Mike Savage placed third. Class 9 came out of the staging area and on to the track. Lee W uesthoff led the first two laps, going wide into turn 1 when Kevin Probst ducked down to take over first place. Wuesthoff did not give in and chased Probst the entire race, drawing even with him but not getting around. Art Schmitt ran a steady race for third. Six entries were in the Class 1-2-1600 race. This was a complete Scott Taylor, Kevin Probst, and John Greaves race. All three driv-ers put on an outstanding and professional performance, finish-ing in the above order. Class 14 had ten starters who ran the fastest times and most laps of the entire race weekend. Paul Plunkett, one of our Canadian friends, moved through the pack up to third place. Then Plunkett did a hard endo on the front jump, landing o~ and remaining on the roof. With the crowd on their feet, the driver on his head and the track patrol running with fire extinguishers, everyone experienced a real scare. Thanks to the strict safety rules that SODA maintains, Paul crawled out shaken but unhurt. Jack Heidtman and Mark Seidler each shared a piece of the lead, with Seidler taking the checkered first, and Heidtman home second. Joe Dunlap fin-ished third in Class 14. The racing day ended with Class 8 . Jack Flannery led the pack until lap 10 when he fell prey to a fuel pump problem. Mike Renkas took over the lead fol-lowed by Jon Kaempf, and they finished first and second. Dave Hackers pitted with a left rear flat, changed the wheel, returned to the track driving Hell Bent and finished fourth. Despite Hackers' effort, Don Gregoire kept third place. With racing done for the day all returned to their campsite to repair vehicles, eat, and attend the dance for relaxation, and to shoot the breeze. Some took a good look at the Miller High Life NASCAR racer along with a dragster and monster truck that were on dis-play during the day. Sunday morning it was hot, really hot. It all started with Class 1 lS. 17 year old Joe Plummer made his racing debut with father Gary, the regular driver, watching from the fence. Dave Woulf and Jeff Jones had an on going show-down for the lead after Cory Fri-day pulled out on lap 12. Mark Steinhardt and Mark Hameister went the distance in a showdown of their own for third and fourth place. Class 1 began first in the Unlimited race. Art Schmitt had the pedal to the metal, turning 49 second laps to run away with first place. Lee Wuesthoff and Kevi!l, Jack Flannery got his Class 4 Ford on the right track in the Miller High Life Heavy Metal Championship and pulled away from the competition to win the final first place money of the weekend. Dusty nma

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Mark Seidler leads Geoff Dorr, 'Jeep, in more heavy metal action. At the flag Seidler won the top honors in Class 14. Jack Heidtman led the Class 14 contest for a time, but at the finish line he had dropped back to second place. In the midwest they always over water the track before a buggy race, and the big puddles on the track are visible as the fast cars take the green. -Probst viect for second and third, then came together after turn 1 with Wuesthoff coming down on top of Probst. Bill LeFeuvre darted in to hold second with Todd Attig finishing third. Class 2 had a delay start but when they joined in the racing Jeff Probst blew away the competition. Scott Schwalbe took second place and Tom Meyers placed third. Class 7S left the staging area with four entries coming to the line. Scott Taylor set a grueling pace as he lapped the entire field for a first place win. Tom Hockers and Todd Attig scrambled for second and third place until Attig pulled off on lap 13. At the finish Hockers was in second followed by Mark T oburen. Eight started in Class 1-1600. Scott Taylor and Kevin Probst bumped while going over the last two jumps before the front straight. Taylor lost control, rolled twice, landed on his wheels and continued on in second place until lap 15. Probst went on to victory, Dave Hameister finished second and Jeff St. Peter was third. In Class 13 Jimmy Bradley took the lead while Tom Jensen put the pressure on. On lap 8 Bradley went too wide around a buried Gary DeGreef in turn 2, allowing Jensen to dive under and into the lead. ,~ensen maintained his lead until lap 13 when he began smok-ing and losing speed, and he retired on lap 14 in a cloud of smoke. Jimmy Bradley won the race followed in by John Schultz who gave it all he had with a dam-aged front end. The Victory Lane Quick Change Unlimited Champion-ship Race offered not only an additional $ 1000 to the winner, but also red hot racing. The first lap saw a few casualties. Jeff Probst was the big winner fol-lowed by Art Schmitt and Kevin Probst. These guys raced closer than kissin' cousins. Victory Lane Quick Oil Change also sponsored the Limited Championship with the same money. Dave Hameister hit the sand in turn 2, rolled, lost his roof and soon had to pull off. John Greaves had problems with turn 1 rolling there on lap 14 and again on lap 15! Scott Taylor brought home the big bucks in first place. Kevin Probst was second and Jeff St. Peter finished third, all three one lap ahead of the pack. The Miller High Life Heavy Metal Championship race had the same contingency as the other Championship races. Jack Flan-nery turned in 50 second laps to win first place. Greg Gerlach and Geoff Dorr pounded the sand and Dusty nmes soared over. the jumps at top speeds until lap 21 when Dorr started i;moking and slowing down. Second place went to Greg Gerlach and Ken Kincaid slipped by Dorr to take third. Karen DuQuaine and Gail Brand brought the racing to an end. Each gave it her all in the Heavy M~tal Women's race and they finished in the above order. After the event most drivers agreed that it was a fast track and the most grueling on the circuit so far. There \\!as no time to take a FUEL SAFE breather or relax. Race Director Bob Moon is already planning for next year's event, with perhaps a · move further south in Michigan for the midsummer event. THE #1 NAME IN RACING FUEL CELLS ORY BREAK VALVE Legal for NASCAR, USAC, IMSA, SCCA and SCORE. Mounts in variuos locations, this valve makes refueling safe and easy. It automatically closes when male probe is withdrawn to prevent any fuel spillage. Flows at a rate of 2 gallons per second. DBF300 -Female receptacle DBM200 -Male probe OESCRIMINATOR VALVES The ultimate in fuel venting. This valve offers fuel shut-off when refueling and eliminates the need for a catch can. Also offers positive shut-off in case of a rollover. DV100-1 in. OV175 -1 3/4 in. Approved by: FIA, NASCAR, HORA, IMSA NHRA, SCCA, SCORE, DIRT, & ACT PROCELL RACING BLADDERS Pro Cell Racing Bladders come equipped with Super Tough Rubber . Bladder, Full Foam Baffling, 3/8' Pick-up and Vent Fittings (1/2' optional), Internal Fuel Strainers, 3" Standard Plate w/Rollover Valve and a 5 Year Warranty. Optional Accessories: 2 1/4' or 3' Remote Plates w/Rollover Valves and Aluminum Containers. "Let us know what you want. We can do it!" CIRCLE TRACK FUEL CELLS Circle Track Fuel Cells come equipped with High Impact Polyethelene Cell, Full Foam Baffling, one 1/2' Pick-up, one 3/8' vent fitting, 3' Raised Filler Neck with large Bail Handle Cap and a 3 Year Warranty. Optional Accessories: 2 1/4' or 3' Remote Plate with rollover valves and Steel or Aluminum Containers. (800) 433-6524 (Outside California) Aircraft Rubber Manufacturing, Inc. 5271 Business Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 December 1989 QUICK FILL DUMP CANS These dump cans are available with 1 1/4, 2 1/4 or 2 1/2 in. openings, a must where quick refueling is required. DC011 -11 gallon OC006 - 6 gallon OOC004 - 4 gallon RECESSED FENDER FILLER KIT Kit contains: (1) recessed fender filler; 2 ft. of filler hose; 2 ft. of aluminum tubing; and (4) hose clamps. FK300-3" FK225 - 2 1/4' Page 13

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Lancia Takes Top Spot in Sanremo with the New Car -Text & Photos: Martin Holmes . ,· ~:-.; "!_'· :~::.-·~:»~.-.... ,..,""'~ '_.;""' .. "'>:;£~~ With a couple of stages to go, Miki Biasion and Tiziano Siviero put the new 16 v Lancia in the lead, and they won by a scant five seconds securing a second world championship title for Biasion. Hopes for victory on Lancia's home ground were suddenly destroyed when everything went wrong for Toyota on stage 29, just four stages from the finish. Enough little things had happened to the opposition for the Japanese team to think things would go their way. But then Carlos Sainz's throttle stuck, he nearly went off the road, and he lost 40 seconds having to lift the throttle with his foot for the rest of the stage. After an earlier stunning performance on the gravel the Spaniard had led the Italian team by over a minute. Calculations showed that the Lancias should just about catch up on the remaining asphalt stages. Carlos Sainz in fact, was more than holding his own, but sudden trouble meant that Lancia closed up earlier than expected. With four stages to go, Miki Biasion pulled past both Sainz and Alex Fiorio, and although the top three cars were still only separated by three seconds a couple of stages later, it was obvious the Lancias would pull ahead, which they did. Riasion was able to bring the 16 valve lntegrale home to a debut victory, and his own second consecutive World Champion-ship title as well. Despite the absence of many top teams, this was a memorable event. Each top driver present suffered problems, some like former World Champion Juha Kankkunen, who recently an-nounced his defection next year back to the Italians, had troubles all the time including a puncture, two broken driveshafts, going off the road to avoid a service car, and on stage 29 clutch failure that cost Off Roads Winningest Radios OVER 1146 ON THE COURSE Page 24 Comlink V The Ultimate Racing Intercom 16 CHANNEL ROAD MASTER "A LEGEND" • Helmets wired - $100. (CF) ONLY $53900 New! RF Pre Amp $95 30% to 50% more range! 2888 Gundry Avenue Signal Hill, CA 90806 We're next door via U.P.S.I (213) 427-8177 December 1989 ~ ~-, ,.. Carlos Sainz and Luis Moya led in the early and middle stages raising the hopes of the Toyota team, but they eventually finished third, 25 seconds out of the victory . , ~-"'· ~-,, ..... ,~:,:,. Juha Kankkunen and Juha Piironen had troubles with their Toyota including flat tires. Check the left front in this shot taken on stage 15. They still finished fifth. him road penalties. Biasion ended up with the greatest number of fastest times, mostly achieved on asphalt, but lost a couple of minutes early on when a tire deflated for no apparent reason. Fiorio suffered gearbox trouble that lost him some 40 seconds. Didier Auriol, the leader after the initial asphalt stages, crashed on the first gravel stage while Dario Cerrato, who had shared the lead with Auriol just before, lost time with a com pre hensi ve transmission failure, from which he was lucky to stay in the event. There were six different leaders in the event, four in Lancias and two in T oyotas. It was disappointing that only Lancia and Toyota had taken this event seriously. Mis~in:g were Mitsubishi, Mazda, GM, and Ford. The Sanremo Rally had shifted its location as well. The one year experiment of going to Turin, to everyone's relief, was abandoned, but the once popular sweeping gravel stages in Tuscany were mostly missing as well, with the replacement ones being further eastward. In the hinterland it was easier to run longer stages, and enthusiasts in the Arezzo region worked hard to welcome the rally. There was the usual pre-event excitement. Cerrato had two major moments to report on the road. This was to be the first time the Italian dealers' Peugeot 405 Mil6 was seen on a gravel rally, and on a World Champiot\ship Rally .• ~utthe big hoo-ha was with ~:.:w. :, Fighting for the year end FIA Cup, Group N was a struggle but the Alain Oreille/Gilles Thimonier Renault 5 GT Turbo team won and won ninth 0/A. Dusty nrnes

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Lancia. This was the debut of the 16 valve Inregrale; there had been many reports of troubles with the car during testing, and Kankkunen had shocked many people by deciding it was this car rather than the GT-Four which he preferred . for 1990. Was this going to be another first time winner, just like the three previous Deltas which Lancia rallied. It was as it turned out. The new model had eagerly been awaited by Group N drivers as well, on account of its greater powersplit torque and wider -wheels, still only three privateers had the new car. -The rally was one day longer than before because of a Super special held on reclaimed land close to Sanremo. It had a strange on-off format, the long drive from Liguria to Tuscany and back denying a natural flow to the event, and on only one day was there non-stop action. The spectators did not seem to mind. Like their newfound support for Alain Prost, they had another newcomer. to encourage. 'W el-come Juha' signs were placed round the stages. And they had new toys to play with. Radio scanners were being played as loudly as possible, so that people could hear the calm and measured tones of Lancia's leader Claudio Lombardi giving instructions to his te<\m. Every minute of Lancia's activities was a public occasion, and they needed no explanation about the Super-special, however. Virtually all the course could be seen from the hills and strong winds blew the dust away quickly. Auriol and Kankkunen made equal best time, Pascal Gahan punctured, Gregoire de Mevius had fuel problems, and the best Group N time went to a quite unknown driver Gilberto Pianezzola in a GT-Four. Di~ier Auriol, ~ight, and Bernard OcceUi flew off the road on stage 5, luckily neither was m1ured, but the Lancia Delta lntegrale was a mess. The former's Audi rolled heavily from the political affairs of a~d caused the first stage of the Formula 1 to come and give day to be interrupted, and Holzer encouragement. . went off backwards on the next Tuesday saw Alex struggling stage and likewise had to retire. with gearbox trouble and high The newly crowned Italian water temperatures, but he held Champion Dario Cerrato made the lead until afternoon. Kankku-best times in the first three stages nen had a front flat and Sainz and finally made up for a poor changed the front differential. On Superspecial performance by stage 20 the Spaniard was in front sharing the lead with Auriol. andanxioustoincreasehisleadas Then at the start of the next stage much as possible by the end of the of the aay the propshaft then the da Y. Alex Fiorio watched rear differential broke and he was anxious! y. "We know we can lucky to lose only four minutes on afford to lose some time to the stage. Toyota on the gravel, but not that The Toyota's weren't able to much." Kankkunen was out of match the Lancia's pace, so as the the hunt altogether. He heard a carsheadedeasttowardsTuscany, strange crack out of the pare Auriol led Biasion by 13 seconds ferme at the Urbino rest halt, and followed in one second by Fiorio, it was a driveshaft breaking and he while 40 to 50 seconds behind the had to go through the next stage leaders were Sainz and Kankku-before getting it replaced. He fell nen. The Toyota drivers worries to fourth behind Biasion. about the Frenchman were The best placed two wheel unfounded; he found the decep- drive car all the way was the tive bump that wrecked Ales-BMW of Marc Duez. He slid off sandrini's 205 Turbo 16 in 1986 the road on stage 15 and was at and went flying; upside down, first shocked, and then amused to into the same field. Biasion} findhiscarhadhitaspectator.As snatched the lead and then had to , he drove back to the road he saw stop to change a flat. "I drove up the face of the person gathering tip to spectators so we didn't have to his scattered equipment. It was a use the jack." Fiorio was now in photographer friend from Belgium The proper event began the the lead; the man who had already who was unhurt but very, very nextmorningat0600justasdawn finished second on five World angry. was breaking. The two German rallies finally looked like coming Fiorio had more gearbox drivers Armin Schwarz and home first, on his home ground. trouble and fell to second behind Ronald Holzer wished they had The next day father Cesare Sainz, but well ahead of Biasion · not troubled to leave their beds. snatched a few moments peace and Kankkunen. It would be close Dario Cerrato contemplates the broken differential and propshaft taken from at the finish as the final night held his Lancia Delta ln.te rale after the troubles on stage 4. 150 km of asphalt stages. Rally Results Miki Biasion!Tiziano Siviero I Lancia Delta lntegrale • Alex Fiorio/Luigi Pirollo I Lancia Delta lntegrale Carlos Sainz/Luis Moya E Toyota Celica GT-Four Andrea Aghini and Sauro Farnocchia drove the Peugeot 405Ml16 on its WCR debut in Italy, but a broken driveshaft put them out on stage 23. . The Genoa Superspecial was Meanwhile Alain Oreille had good fun, held on the general taken a surprise lead in the FIA aviation assembly area at the Cup battle in Group N. The early airport. The drivers were allowed leader was Alex Fassina, son of to practice the stage, so the whole . former European Champion areawasfullofrallycarszooming "Tony". He fell back on the around. The final night, however, gravel, then went off the road for was what mattered. good. Previous series leader Sainz'sthrottleproblemdenied Gustavo Trelles had engine Toyota their victory; there was trouble with his 16 valve Integrale considerable dissent with the use and was never in the hunt, so the of a stretch of gravel in the middle reliability of Oreille's Renault 5 of two stages. Kankkunen had his GT Turbo began to pay off. De delay, Patrick Snyers had a lot of Mevius had handling trouble on trouble with a slipping clutch, and the early asphalt, but gradually Biasion knew that ifhe could beat pulled back up to lead four stages Fiorio the World title would be from the end of the asphalt. He his again. Through all the was much more competitive on excitement Biasion managed to the final night. Gahan retired get to the front to insure his early on with transmission failure. second title and to keep his Italian At the finish Alain Oreille won team ahead of the Rising Sun. Group N by skinny 44 seconds. --❖--Sanremo was the debut of the new Lancia 16 valve engine. Here a Lancia technician checks .the performance of the unit in Biasion 's rally car. ORDER TODAY!! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Dario Cerrato/Giuseppe Cerri Juha KankkunervJuha Piironen Patrick Snyers/Dany Colebunders Marc Duez/Alain Lopes I Lancia Delta lntegrale SF Toyota Celica GT-Four 6:48:30 6:48:35 6:48:55· 6:54:31 6:57:40 7:10:15 7:14:07 7:17:58 7:33:32 7:34:16 Part No. 26000 Features Athletic Inner-Sole :--... - • Clip and mail to Race Center nearest you- - - - 1 SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS please send me___pairs of "FAST TRACKERS" in size ___ Color ___ _ Paolo & Alessandro Alessandrini Alain Oreille/Gilles Thimonier Gregoire De Mevius/Willy Lux B Toyota Celica GT-Four B BMWM3 I Lancia Delta lntegrale F Renault 5 GT Turbo • ' B Mazda 323 4WD 107 starters - 34 finishers 'Group A & N winners Winner's average stage speed - 79.93 kph. Dusty nmes Available in Red, White, Blue, Black Sizes 5-13 (Mens) Another World Class Product from -SIMPSON RACE PRODUCTS 22630 S. Normandie Ave. Torrance, CA 90502 (213) 320-7231 Charlotte Motor Speedway 5725 Hwy. 29 N Harrisburg, NC 28075 (704) 455-3711 December 1989 Name~--------------Address _______ _ City _______________ _ Stale--,---,-----,-----__ Zip, ___ _ I have enclosed payment of$._______ I Charge to my _ Visa _ MasterCharge ·1 L c_::d~--_____ _:x~at::1':!te ___ - _J Page 25

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Mike Gibeault and Jim Jacobson finished second in Stock Class in the "stock version" of a Jay's Imports Datsun 510 -Paula Gibeault ran the identical Open Class car. Lauchlin and Farina O'Sullivan's impressive run ended on Stage 4 when their Datsun 610 broke a differential. David Burgess and Sandy Putnam seemed to be having a good time in the Isuzu pick up that David runs in National Rallytruck Class; they finished second in Stock GT. MASON VALLEY RALLY 1989 California Rally Series Year End Wrap Up By Paula Gibeault Lon Peterson and Jim Love seem to bury their B & D Automotive Arrow in dust on their way to first overall, first in Open Class. · The final event of the California of events - only four CRS rallies Rally Series season, the Mason were held -there was no lack of Valley Rally on October 21, drama or intense competition. turned out to be the deciding In the Stock Class standings, event for all three class champion- Eric Wilson and Norberto Gomez ships. In a year notable for its lack were tied for first - winner would West Coast Distributor fOR HEWLAND OFf ROAD GEARS ALL OUR PRICE $695.00 GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY Per Set 2 Ratio's Available NEW RATIOS AV AI LAB LE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 McKenzie Performance Products 2366 East 0rangethorpe Anaheim, CA 92806 714/441-1212 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 26 take all. Eric's co-driver, Christine Ostrander, was not running this event so the Co-drivers' Championship was up for grabs. In Stock GT Class, twq teams were vying for the lead after class leader Mike Blore rolled his Mazda mid-season: Gary Luke and Mark Williams, and Ken Smith.Justa month before, Ken's co-driver Jeff Burba died of a sudden illness, shocking and already saddened rally community after the death of former CRS director Bill Moore. As a memorial to Jeff, Ken and his friends decided to run Mason Valley and defend their lead, with Daniel Trudeau as co-driver. It was in Open Class that the most intense and classic duel developed. 1988 Champions Lon Peterson and Jim Love brought out their '76 Plymouth Arrow, recently given a "body swap." They were out to earn the CRS Open Class Championship for the third time, and claim yet again the coveted" 1" for next year's car number. Lon is one of the few drivers who replaces a car body for a reason other than crashing. He beats a car to de-ath in an even, consistent fashion and can choose his own time to swap shells! Nevertheless, the vehicle's reliability was not proven. The team with all the pressure, though, was Jeff and Camille Griffin. This was the year that this young couple had decided to go for both championships: Cali-fornia Rally Series and SCCA Southern Pacific Division. They had towed their lovingly prepared 1970 Volvo 142 to Northern California, New Mexico, and December 1989 Gary Luke and Mark Williams nursed their Shelby GLHS to a Stock GT Class win and fifth overall. Colorado, garnering two out-of-division wins. Their good finishes locally, including a win at Indio Rally Stages, had won them the first of their goals: the SCCA Southern Pacific Division champ-ionship ( the SCCA SO PAC season ends October 15 ). This earned them an invitation to the famous Press On Regardless PRO Rally in Michigan, where Jeff could attempt to become the U.S. Divisional Driver Champion, if they could manage the expensive trip east. However, the California Rally Series crown was yet to be won, and Lon, trailing Jeff by only 85 points, was not going to give it up easily. If Jeff finished second, he would tie with Lon; if he beat Lon, he would win the Open Class championship and the number '' 1. '' If he crashed, he would end any hopes of making it back to the "P.O.R." Jeff is an unpretentious, easy going guy but . he has an underlying intensity that occasionally shows; it was clear he was determined to do well. The battle was going to be an interesting one. George Gornik had again assembled an excellent group to assist him in putting on his event. He and co-organizer Dale Andrews had decided to try some new roads near Gardnerville, Nevada. The BLM withdrew permission for one of the stages at the last minute and a motorcycle race did tremendous damage to another stage the weekend before the rally, but George decided to hire a road grader and make do with the two stages he had. The scenery was spectacular, with big, threatening snow clouds hovering over the nearby mountains and the trees in bright fall foliage. Seventeen teams entered, and sixteen actually started Saturday afternoon from the sponsoring Sharkey's Casino. The first stage, Brunswick Canyon, was eight miles of fast, twisty, smooth canyon road - a real delight. Lon Peterson and Jim Love set fast time with the Griffins second. Just one hun-dredth behind Jeff, in his Stock Class Datsun 610, was Lauchlin O'Sullivan and sister Farina. Anton Musev, a talented driver from Bulgaria, finished the stage three hundredths behind O'Sulli-van in another Stoc·k Class Datsun, a 510, with Randy Hensley in the right seat. The Luke/Williams team took the Stock GT lead and were fifth overall. Then came Sandy Canyon, Stage 2. Even the old timers had trouble remembering a rougher, nastier stage. The motorcycle race had made a challengingly tight and sandy run with several fun sections into a bumpy, undulating mess that pounded the suspension Jeff and Camille Griffin ran a calculated race in their Volvo 142, and finished second in Open Class. Dusty Times

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·Amon Musev and Randy Hensley pJ~hed the brightly-colored Datsun 510 to an excellent third overall and the win in Stock Class. unmercifully. Lauchlin O'Sullivan blasted through the stage, winning it by 15 seconds, and actually pulled into the overall lead! However, he also spent too long at the very brief service fixing two flats and accrued a one minute road penalty. Stage 3 was Brunswick Canyon again in the dark, and Lon Peterson asserted his lead for good with fastest stage time. Jeff Griffin had picked up some time on Lon on Stage 2 but had to settle for the second overall spot at this point, for no one could come close to the Arrow on this stage. Gary Luke held onto a solid third overall, first in Stock GT, and Lauchlin, obviously lacking in power, dropped to fourth while still leading Stock Class. Alas, Lauchlin's fine run ended ·on the second running of Sandy Canyon with a broken differential. Also out was Dan Hook, who retired after two flats. Dan decided to quit while he was still on round tires - he was out of spares! Paula Gibeault drove the Jay's Imports 510 to a stage win on this killer stage, wondering if sponsor/ co-driver Jay was going to take his car back at the finish control and leave her to hitchhike back to Sharkey's! A very tight transit time into the dinner break at Gardnerville caused some road penalties for a few teams, but the organizers decided to drop these. John Forespring, Divisional Steward, also cancelled the final running of Brunswick Canyon for "safety" reasons. Broken suspensions .aren't "dangerous" ... but in fact losing competitors due to damaged cars is not healthy for the sport, either, so few objected. The teams headed out to run the smoother, final stage, and the only change in standings was the Gary Luke/Mark Williams team in their Shelby GLHS. They had been fighting an amazing array of problems from running eight miles with no water to breaking a spring perch and finally decided to cool it and finish. They still won Stock GT and finished fifth overall, and Mark claimed the class Co-drivers' year-end Championship. David Burgess and Sandy Putnam's Isuzu pickup was second in class, and Ken Smith pulled past Rui Brasil/ Paula Alves after they lost 13 minutes on Stage 4. Ken therefore won the Stock GT Drivers' crown, as he had hoped to do. In Stock Class, Anton Musev's quick times earned him third overall and first in class. The guy can drive!! Mike Gibeault and Jim Jacobson finished second in Stock, earning Jim the year-end Ken Smith and Daniel Trudeau finished third in Stock GT iri°0the Mazda 323 G TX, giving Ken the class year-end Championship. The Plymouth Sapporo of Eric Wilson and Mike Ostrander took third in Stock Class, winning the class Championship for Eric. Dustyflma -Co-drivers' Champio~ship. Eric Wilson was third and wrested the Stock Class Drivers' Champion-ship from Norberto Gomez. When is the talented Norberto going to get a faster car? And then there was the battle for Open Class. Lon won the event fair and square, but Jeff Griffin chose a strategy that couldn't lose: by finishing second he tied with Lon for Open Driver Champion and guaranteed Camille the Open Co-drivers' Championship. He also saved the car, and this had developed into a high priority as the event took place. Led by Sheryl Love and Lynnette Allison, the CRS folks had been pooling money and resources to send the Griffins back to the "P.O.R." to represent the local rally community. Now Jeff and Camille could go! (Next month's issue will carry the full story.) . The Awards Brunch at Shark-ey's was excellent and some nice product awards were given out by Chris Licari's Specialty Off Road company based in La Puente. The organizing team, which included Michael O'Sullivan, Gary and Judi Gooch, and a fine group of ham radio operators, were to be commended for putting together a good event in spite of problems with the roads. George Gornik has promised to keep the rally on the calendar, with more stages, for '90. The only remaining issue is how to solve the C.R.S. Open and Overall tie between Lon and Jeff. People have suggested everything from a Silly Competition at the Annual Banquet to a duel at dawn on a secret rally road (that one is out!). There is no precedent or rule, and both certainly are champions. Look for the decision in next month's California Rally Series column! December 1989 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES By John Elkin It was a scene from the movies, "It's a Wonderful Life" to be exact. Remember the final scene where Jimmy Stewart and Donna Reed, playing George and Mary Bailey were showered With money from the citizens of Bedford Falls to save the building and Lora? Well, this time George and Mary Bailey were played by Jeff and Camille Griffin, who accepted contributions from the members of the California Rally Series to help them get to Michigan for the Divisional Runoffs. Jeff and Camille had earned the number one spot in the So-Pac Division and were invited to the Press On Regardless to try to. bring the National title back to the C.R.S. But, the lack of a paid entry or tow money from a sponsor halted them from planning the trip. Sheryl Love and Nancy Peter-son, who have both been in that position before, decided to appeal to the good people of the rally community to give the Griffins the same chance they had had, and the money came rolling in. Rally folks were giving 5, 10, and 20 dollar bills over the weekend and at the awards presentation. Sunday Nancy and Sheryl handed over $500 to Jeff and Camille. And then a bell rang out ... See the movie. All of the above happened October 20-22 in Gardnerville, Nevada, where the CRS was gathered for the Mason Valley Rally. The six stage, 69 mile event was well organized by George Gornick and company. Our final 1989 event was memorable, everyone will remember that second stage. The official name was Sand Canyon, and how right it was. A real goat path. The motorcycle race the week before and its 400 entrants didn't help ol' Sand Canyon either. Congratulations to overall and Open class winners, Lon Peterson and Jim Love, Stock GT winners Gary Luke and Mark Williams, and first time Stock Class winners Anton Mustev and Randy Hensley. And finally a sad note. Jeff Burba, navigator for Ken Smith in his GT Class Mazda 323 passed away. Jeff had just moved his wife and two children to Florida and had a new house under construc-tion when he was stricken by hepatitis B. All of us in the CRS send our condolences to his family and friends. CRS STOCK & STOCK GT CHANGES FOR 1990 Sam Moore will be the Stock Class chairman for 1990. In order to encourage the possibility of a new CRS Rallytruck class, the $4,000 price limit will be waived for 4 cylinder, 2 wheel drive, non-turbo, pickup trucks. The "blue book value" will be clarified to be the "wholesale blue book value". Limited slips and locked differen-tials will continue to be allowed. The definition of "competition struts" will be expanded to allow non-stock spring perch height and diameter, however the spring perch height cannot be adjustable. Modi-fication or removal of brake back-ing plates will be allowed. Removal of center consoles and sound dead-ening material will be allowed. lm:proved manufacturing technology allows us to offer our New System II power steering assembly at an economical price. This complete lightweight system consists of all new components and includes a properly pressured steel pump, brackets, pulley, belt, valve, ram, fluid tank and necessary hardware for easy installation. Compare our price and quality with other manufacturers' systems. You can rely on our System II to steer you right-Bob Gordon, Doug Fortin, Spencer Low and the M~Millins do! Call or write today for additional information. Unique Metal Products 8745 Magnolia Santee, California 92071 619/449-9690 Page 17

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s 4f .. -Jeep is a registered trademark of Jeep Eagle Corporation. Buckle up for safety. -

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e $, ~ -·<:> -· 4 - - - -~·~ ....... Jeei1 wins the Baja 1000 and takes two Manufacturers . Championships. On November 10, Jeey crossed the Baja 1000 finish line in Mexico, claiming the 1989 HDRA/SCORE Desert Rac-ing Series Championship in two classes . First it was Jeep Cherokee, in Class 6, piloted by Evan Evans and Brian Stewart. Then Jeep Comanche, in Class 7S, manned by Rob MacCachren. The Baja 1000 is considered to be the most prestigious of all desert races. Over 1000 miles of unpredictable off-road terrain must be challenged, testing the stamina of both the driver and the vehicle. This year there were 181 vehicles from 26 states and 12 foreign countries. Nearly half of which didn't even finish. Winning two. championships at the Baja 1000 proves once again what Jeep drivers have known all along: Jeep is one hot tamale. There's Only One Jeep~.

Page 30

FRT PWTER CITY BLAST Ill Cowell and Anderson Win in 1/1-1600 By Judy Smith Photos: C&C Race Photos/ Trackside Photo Enterprises Doug Cowell and Randy Anderson followed their class win last August with another class victory and First Overall at the late September running of the Plaster City Blast, driving the 1-2-1600 Rodeo. . Following up on their class victory at the August Superstition race, the l/2-1600 team of Doug Cowell and Randy Anderson nailed the class win again, and, along with it, the overall win at the Plaster City Blast in late Sept-ember. It was a tight finish, and they had only an 18 second edge, but their names go into the record books. The Plaster City Blast was located just east of Plaster City, off the Evan Hewes Highway and consisted of a 48 mile loop, around which the racers would travel four times. Fud, the chief executive officer of the FRT, had once again scheduled bike and A TV races in the morning, and then, after a short break, the cars, trucks and buggies would head out on the same course. Fud not only economizes on race course layout, he does everything he can to avoid problems. And one stratagem is to have a mandatory pre-race Class 9 meeting. At this meeting, to which the drivers m•1st bring their cars {previously called Challengers), each car is scrutinized by every other entry in the race. If someone doesn't like something about a car he's free to raise a question then and there, and it will be settled then and ... ~-~ ...... ,,,._: ,.;-, "'"' ..... .:. ...., '"'""' ~ ·-,-~ -~ """" . .:,.., t, - ~..., : · ..... -:-~-~ . __ , «,:.:-~•--~ "" •••~ -,.,., ,,,_ N'>; -:~ ~ The 1-2-1600 cars seem to be the fas'test at Plaster City. Jim Tucker was only two minutes out of the win, second in the eleven car class. there. If the class, as a group, decides that something is illegal about the car, the driver will be given the opportunity to switch to another class, or he will be refunded his entry and allowed to pull out. If nothing is discovered about a given car before the race, no technical protest will be enter-tained about that car after the race. That way no one risks driving for hours and then being told his car is technically illegal and his finish doesn't count, as has happened, not only at Fud's races in the past, but also at HDRAISCORE events. Fud's been using the pre-race meeting strategy for a couple of races now, and it seems to be working perfectly. All drivers in attendance are required to sign a sheet, indicating that they attended, and that they found nothing to protest about. The course for this event was a mix of fast and rough, with a stretch of 13 miles that Fud called "torture". The race fell during the period when the HDRA was in the midst of having to fight for its races, due to the listing of the tortoise as an endangered species . One concession the HDRA had made was to give up pre-running for their Gold Coast race, scheduled for two weeks after FATToyota Power. • FAT Racing Parts • Centerline Wheels • Bilstein Shocks • Sway-A-Way After two years of dyno and racing development, FAT Performance announces the availabilrty ofToyota off-road racing engines. Including Unlimited 3.0 V6, l 6-valve 1600cc Class l O (short course and desert), Classes 7, 7S and 7-4x4. Call today tor more information. FATTOYOTA WINNERS Jim Greenway-Class 2 3.0 V6 1989 Milestone Award Winner Watkins-Aronson-Class 1016--valve 1988 Riverside 1st, Nevada 500 1st 1989 Parker 400, Rreworks 2!:0 1st 1989 SCORE/HDRA POINTS CHAMPIONS McBrlde/Souropos-Class2(FAT911) Klawitter Bros.-Class 5 (FA TType IV) Page 30 PERFORMANCE FOR YOUR FAT PERFORMANCE CATALOG. SEND S5 TO FAT PERFORMANCE, DEPT. OTT. 1558 N. CASE, ORANGE CA 92667. OR CALL (714) 637-2889. • Perma-Cool • S&S Headers • WeberCarbs • Bosch Lights • JaMar Products • Wright Place • Tri-Mil Exhaust • GemGears • Beard Seats • Simpson Safety • Super-Trapp · • Yokohama Tires . 1 Petro-Tech 2000 • Manymore ... December 1989 Art Peterson and Chuck Sugar won the four car Class 1 contest driving Sugar's Raceco, but didn't figure in the top five overall. Fud's event. Fud, although using BLM lands also, was not in the same fix, because there are no tortoises in the area. So he was able to continue to allow pre-running, for which he carried insurance, incidentally. The 1 2-1600s were second off the line, and when they had completed their first lap, the lead was in the hands of Randy Anderson, in a Rodeo with a broken exhaust header. His time, at 59:41, was the fast lap for the class, and it put him a minute and 15 seconds up on Kevin Basore, in a Jimco two seater, who ran second. In third it was Jim Tucker in a Raceco two seater, a minute back, and then Tom Schilling had his two seatJimco in fourth place, followed by Ron W onsley, in a Chenowth two seater, who'd been on his head already, but hadn't lost much time in the process. Anderson had a flat front tire, but continued to lead on the second lap, followed by Basore, then Tucker, and in fourth place, John Marking, in a single seat Jimco, who was having some kind of carburetion problem. In fifth it was now the team of Phil Green and Michael Acosta, with Acosta at the wheel, in a Chenowth single seater. For lap three, Doug Cowell took over for Anderson, and continued to lead, though Tucker saved some time by not changing drivers, and moved up to second place, only 33 seconds behind the lead. Basore's co-driver, Bob Hummell, who'd been stuck in the sand, and needed a push from the check point people, ran third, followed by Pete Brown, Schil-ling's co-driver, in fourth place. Pete was suffering from a terrible thirst, since his water container had come unmounted, and he hadn't been able to have a cooling sip. Acosta ran fifth, making good time on a motor the team had borrowed from Basore and Hummell the night before, when their race motor blew. Cowell enjoyed another trouble free lap, and edged out the rest of the competition, taking the overall victory by that slim 18 seconds, and the class win by a margin of two minutes. In second it was still Tucker, who'd had no problems all day, and then Basore and Hummell finished third. Brown crossed the line next, a thirsty fourth place, followed home by Wansley who'd had no troubles after that first lap endo. In the Class 10 group, the lead belonged to Tim McDonnell, in his Raceco one seater, with the overall fast lap of the day at 54:37. ·'1-,-""" ... __ .....,."',,,_ ,. ❖· -~•·•::::;«-;;,,,i; ~ _..,. ~--• Kevin Basore and Bob Hummel roar down one of a few smooth trails on their way to a fine third in Class 1-2-1600 driving the Jimco. ~ -«:,.-With a lack of Class 8 entry, Perry McNeil ran his Ford F-150 pickup in the Unlimited Class and survived the desert to take second place. Dusty nma

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Brian McDonnell and Peter Oliver moved up a sp';t eve;y lap and finished the race a fine second in Class 10 in their Raceco. Former 5-1600 champs Robert Whitted and Carl Haynes have a Hector and Danny Ledezma pressed the leaders hard all the Class 10 Jimco this season and did well at Plaster City, third in way, but they finished second in Class 9, just two minutes and class. · seven seconds out of the win. and Morley, not realizing that they had a commanding lead, continued to charge hard. The spare tire mount vibrated apart, and when the mount and tire assembly dropped off, it did some damage on its way to the desert floor. The throttle cable pulled loose shortly after that, and a coil wire came off a bit later. With a total loss of about 18 minutes, the overall lead slipped away, but the Williams family retained the There were just three in Class 5 and no finishers, but Brent Grizzle and Larry Hewetl covered three laps the fastest and won the class. · Class 10 win. Finishing second, 44 minutes later, was the McDonnell/Oliver team, pleased to have· done so well in their first race. Haynes and Whitted sal-vaged third place; and Hammack and Sines, with a fairly spurious finish at the end of a rope, were fourth, a rod sticking out of a hole in their engine case. · Only 18 seconds behind him, in~ MECO, was-Mike Williams, followed by Bob Whitted in a one seat Jimco, in third. Just 42 seconds later it was Craig Dillon, in a single seat ORC and then Bill Hammack and Tim Sines were fifth in their Jimco one seater. McDonnell continued to lead on the second lap, and now had two minutes and 11 seconds on second place Williams. Hammack and Sines moved up to third place, as Dillon fell out, and Whitted had a flat tire, ran on it a while, and got it tangled up in his brake lines. He was now fourth, and in fifth it was the team of Brian McDonnell, Tim's younger brother, and Peter Oliver in a Raceco. Dillon had come to the end of the line. McDonnell also fell out on the third lap, when his motor gave up, and that moved Williams, who was having a flawless day, into the lead. He-now had a half hour on Hammack and Sines, who held second place, and McDonnell and Oliver moved to third place, followed by Carl Haynes, Whitted's co-driver, in fourth, and having all kinds of trouble, ,·.;{)}::::;:::,:: i trying to·cope with the race course without brakes. At one point he hit a car in the Challenge class and caused it to roll over, so he stopped to be sure the driver was all right. Then he ran too hard into a ditch and rolled himself, and then he flattened a tire. Altogether a difficult lap for Mr. Haynes. Lap four was difficult for the lead car. Mike got out and put his dad, Morley, in for the last loop, The Challengers got together the biggest group for this race, . with 25 entries, but one car was in front all the way. The Chenowth of Jeff Bennett and Tom Watson had a minute and 2 7 seconds lead, with the f~st l;p for Class 9, at 1:12:27. In second spot it was _Larry Wyatt, anothe~Chenowth, Class 100 had just four starters, and three of them failed to finish. Taking the class victory after four laps was Richard Green, solo in his Funco. Mike and Morley Williams had one of those flawless days on the desert, and their MEGO won Class 10 and was second over~// by just 18 seconds. Dusty nmes December 1989 and then Hector Ledezma, in his Ledezma single seater, ran third. Only 19 seconds behind him it was Dave Stokes and Dwaine Walter, in a Raceco single seater, and Victor Calderon and Mike Davis had put their ORBS single seater into fifth place. Bennett and ·Watson, having a good day, held their lead, which was now only a minute and 22 seconds, and it was still Wyatt on their tail. Ledezma, whose shoulder was bothering him, hung in at third place, as Glenn Elliott and John Knudsen moved their two seat MECO up to fourth place. In fifth it was Stokes and Walter. Somehow, even with a driver change, Bennett and Watson stretched their lead out to three minutes and 22 seconds at the end of the third lap, and it was still Wyatt back there, pushing hard. Danny Ledezma had taken over for his d;:id, in third place, and Elliott r..-o 00 []] 00 CPD [[J 00 0o O DESERT LOCK OUTER 10.000 HOLE FOR EASY ACCESS TO LUG BOLTS 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8 -1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP. Standard Lock Outer 0 Red Anodize Constructed of all' Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength *At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing * All parts are available separately · *In stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" 13" 8"-10" UNLIMITED MIDGET MODIFIED MIDGET SPORT TRUCK MINI STOCK · QUAD RACER BAJA BUG MODIFIED MIDGET ATV WE HAVE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 1 S"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: 0 00 [[) 00 [JJ D CID 00 0o O 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Page 31

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... .. , .. -<>=~ Always in the hunt in Challenger class, Jack Hettinger and Steve Reynolds kept their Funco moving across the desert to finish third. Chuck Guy led the 5-1600s most of the first lap, then hit a ditch and rr;,lled, but he came back strong to finish second out of 14 Bugs. Karlos Counce and James Woodruff, ·,,om nearly Brawley, have a very tidy Class 8 truck, but they failed to finish last September. i,r. and Knudsen had moved up to fourth, while Stokes and Walter fell to fifth. With a nearly flawless day under their belts, and reportedly running in second gear most of the time, Bennett and Watson racked up a hard fought win, fin-ishing only two minutes and seven seconds in front of the Ledezmas, who moved into second when Wyatt broke on lap four. In third We also manufacture a full line of bumpers, truck bars, and side bars made with 3" tubing, for most mini, mid and full size trucks. Selected products now avail-able in chrome. NEW 1989 Catalog: $3.00 place it was Jack Hettinger and Steve Reynolds, in a Funco, fol-lowed by Stokes and Walter, and then Elliott and Knudsen. In the 5-1600 group it was close at the end of the first lap, and the lead belonged to Chuck Guy until he hit the ditch about an eighth of a mile out from the start/ finish. He rolled over, and while he was getting righted again, there went Jeff and John Holmes, who had 20 The Pre· Runner Look from Smittybilt New for '89, Smittybilt offers everything you. need for the exciting Pre--Runner look -Pre-Runner Bumpers, Truck Bars, and Bed Stiffeners. All with the rugged Smittybilt quality and fantastic fit yo·u•ve come to expect. SMITTYBILT INC. 2112 N. Lee, Dept. OT, So. El Monte, CA 91733 (818) 442-1788 Page 32 seconds on second place Bobby Lofton, who'd had to dry out his distributor. In third behind him was Guy now, only 44 ·seconds back, followed by Brian Good-rich, a minute and a halflater, but destined to break on the next lap. And in fifth it was Steve Law-rence, also close, only 25 seconds · out of fourth. Lofton put together the fast lap for the class on his next loop, at 1: 10:01, and moved into the lead. The Holmes team . dropped to second, but only a little over three minutes back, and Guy held on to third. Ruben Gutierrez was fourth and Lawrence still held fifth place. And Josh and Jerry Kerr, coming in for the end of their second lap, hit the same ditch that had caught Guy, rolled over and tore off a rear wheel, putting an end to their day. Jim Ashley got in to take over for Lofton, and continued to hold the lead, now a full nine minutes in front of Guy, who'd moved into second place, as the Holmes car disappeared from the scene. Robert Gutierrez was in the fam-ily car now, and running third, Jim and Jon Hurley drove their Ford Ranger to the Little Truck win, the only survivors of the full distance in the six truck class. though the front end was begin-· ning to soften up. In fourth it was Jim Beeson, who'd lost an alterna-tor belt and had a dead battery, and needed a push from some spectators on the first lap. Behind him, in fifth, it wasJohnJohnson, in Mark Steele's car. Johnson completed this lap with only the spokes of his steering wheel, the ring part having broken off on the second lap. His crew had bor-rowed a replacement wheel from Steve Lakin, whose car had lost a motor on the first lap, and the wheel was waiting for him in the pit. Lawrence had put Rick Latimer in to drive his car, and Latimer had had a front flat and had also torn off his roof top air cleaner on the underside of the trestle, losing a lot of time. Ashley had no problems, and sailed across the finish line first, to take the win, 14 minutes ahead of second place Guy, who'd soloed. Jim Beeson, who'd also driven all four laps, finished in third place, followed across the line by the Gutierrez team, their front end worn out. And in fifth place, it was Mark Steele, who'd driven laps one and four. Tim Lawrence, who'd taken over his dad's car on the fourth lap, had been racing neck and neck with Steele, but had run out of gas five miles before the finish. Bill Hammack and Tim Sines usually have their Jimco with the front runners in Class 10, but this race they had to settle for a long fourth. Both Class 1 and the Big Truck class turned up slim for this event, so they ran together in the unlim-ited class. Unfortunately, both of the big trucks who'd entered ran ...,lk; ~ The biggest class at the race was the Challengers, 25 strong. It was close, but at the flag Jeff Bennett and Tom Watson, who led all the way in the Chenowth, took the victory. December 1989 Dusty Times

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..... . 1 . " Jim Beeson drove the family 5-1600 Baja Bug alone this race, and he did a good job, third in the hard fought battles in this class. Daniel Bowen, David Acosta and Matt Parsons sailed over the desert in their 5-1600 Bug, and the team finished sixth in class out of 14. The Class 5 Baja Bugs mostly had hard times at Plaster City. In the early going Joey Whitted and Hugh Kisick Jr. fairly flew over the trail. ... ~ Jeffrey Schwaia and dad Wayne raced their older Chenowth in Class 100 this season, and they had a good day, second in the class. Victor Calderon and Mike Davis kept their ORBS going well in the Challenger Class and they finished, seventh out of the nine who did. Tom Schilling and Peter Brown had their Jimco up with the front runners all the way in Class 1-2-1600, and they finished a tight fourth. into trouble before the start, get-ting themselves stuck in some soft sand, as they tried to maneuver into their staging area, and so they got late starts. The single seat Raceco of Chuck Sugar, with Art Peterson at the wheel, driving an unlimited vehicle for the first time, and not having had a chance to pre-run, Dusty nma was the class leader at the end of lap one. Perry McNeil, in his Ford truck, was second, and Carlos Counce ran third in a Chevy. The Wrights, Jeff and Cecil, ran hard and fast for a short time in their single seat Mazda powered "Stealth", but never got even the first lap finished. Peterson maintained his lead on the second lap, with Counce now second, in front of McNeil by about 10 minutes. For the third lap Sugar got in and held on to the lead, as Counce ran a distant second. McNeil, whose radiator had developed a hole from rub-bing on the chassis, was having to stop to add water. Then, if the motor died, it wouldn't restart December 1989 until he'd parked for a while and let it cool. Sugar, with leg cramps, put Peterson back in for the last lap, and he finished in good shape, well ahead of the troubled trucks. In fact, Counce wasn't seen again that evening, and McNeil, a determined soul, finally finished his fourth lap over three hours after Peterson came in. Class 5 was a small group this time too, and the lead belonged to Brent Grizzle and Larry Hewett, who had an hour and 26 minutes on Larry McCallum and Greg Sanden, who ran second. It seems that Sanden's new car had gone a mile on the first lap, and lost its motor, so they'd ~ Page 33

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... ... Dwayne Eccles, Jack Diaz and Don Hicks kept moving well in their older Funco and scored seventh place in Class 1-2-1600. John Marking has won more than one race on the FRT series, but this time his Jimco was down for the count early in the game. Local racers from Brawley, Marty Lesicka, Pete Guiller and Steven Wells have a good time in Class 7, but they did not finish four laps. Larry Wyatt brings his 1600 Chenowth from Brawley to race, and he just missed a Class 9 official finish, taking tenth in the big class. lllr-come back to the µit and installed their pre-run motor. They ran a quick lap the second time around, but Grizzle and Hewett maintained their pace, and held on to the lead. In the meantime, Joel Whitted, in his dad's ex-pre-run car, which used to belong to McCallum, never even got to finish the first lap. Grizzle and Hewett expired after completing three laps, but it didn't matter, because McCallum and Sanden had broken also. So the win went to Grizzle and Hewett, who'd finished their three laps first. In the Small Truck class, Jim and Jon Hurley blew the water pump on their Ranger about 20 minutes before the start, and managed to get a new one installed in time to get the green flag on time. They had the class lead at the end of the first lap, with just exactly three minutes on Robert Hayley and R·on Keizer, in a Bronco. In third it was Clarence Hoskins and Ronnie Gibson, in another Ford Ranger, who'd lost their front shocks. At the end of the second lap Hayley and·Keizer, who've recently redone their rear suspen-sion, were in the lead, with 14 seconds on the Hurleys. Hoskins, who'd lost his ignition, was now a distant third, and none of the others in the class were still running. The Hurleys continued to have when his rear trailing arm came unglued from the car. Both were out permanently. So Green, with no more problems, motored around, completed his four laps, and took the win. Schwaia, with three laps and three checks com-pleted, earned second. Fud calls the race over at about dark, and flags the remainder of the entrants in, so that there is generally no long, long wait at the finish line for the last stragglers. This means it was an early evening for the pit crews and check point folks, as well as for the racers, a detail always appreciated at these events. As usual, the weekend termi-nated in a congenial and tasty Sunday morning breakfast spread, the prelude to the awards, which was hosted by Fud and his crew. •••------------------------• a good race, but Hayley and Keizer tore out their third member, and The next FR T event is the December 31st Dunaway Dash, which gives everyone two reasons to celebrate on New Year's Eve. FAT PLASTER CITY BLAST SEPTEMBER 30, 1989 (619) 691-9171 ◄HIW#W lRCBOTTL ALON RRE SUPPRESSION SYSTE ON BOARD FIRE SYSTEMS 5.5 lb.Mechanical Systems (RC500) S 255.00 11 lb. Mechanical Systems (RC1100) S 305.00 CHALLENGER FRONT - OIL COOL EMULSION $170.00 REAR -OIL COOL EMULSION $195.00 8"' 10" 12'' EMULSION SHOCKS $125.00 REMOTE RESERVOIRS $165.00 HOURS 12 pt. 3/8 CV BOLTS 2" OR 21/4" $1.10ea. 0 M-F 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. GERMAN THING & TYPE Ill REAR DRUMS $119.95 $89.95 SAT. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. UPS .MIC & VISA Page 34 (619) 691-9171 103 Press Lane Suite 4 Chula Vista, CA 92010 were reduced to two wheel drive. Hoskins who finished his third lap before the Bronco did, was able to park, knowing he'd taken second place, and couldn't possi-bly beat the Hurleys, who were already halfway through their fourth lap. And that's how it was, the Hurleys taking the win, and Hoskins earning second with his three laps, while Hayley and Keizer, also with three completed laps, were third. Class 100, the "Run What You Brung" class, for any size engine, short wheelbase, and unlimited suspension, had Frank Bristing, in a Chenowth Mini-Mag in the lead at the end of lap one, a little over eight minutes in front of Jeffrey and Wayne Schwaia, in their two seat Chenowth. In third it was Dwayne Whitney and Damon Smith, in another two seat Chenowth. Bristing put together another quick lap, and held the lead, with Schwaia still second. And now Richard Green, who'd lost an hour on the first lap with spark plug wire troubles, ran third in his Funco. On the third lap Bristing had suspension problems of some sort, and Schwaia had suspension problems of a very specific sort, Car# Pos. Driver/Co-Driver Vehide Time CLASS 1-2-1600 - Restricted 1600 cc -11 start - 8 finish 1600 1 Doug Cowell/Randy Anderson Rodeo 4:08:34 1607 2. Jim Tucker Raceco 4:10:40 1601 3 Kevin Basore/Bob Hummell Jimco 4:17:40 1602 4 Tom Schilling/Peter Brown Jimco 4:27:10 1605 5 Ron Wonsley Chenowth 4:43:47 CLASS 10 - Unlimited 1650 cc - 10 start - 4 finish 1005 1 Mike and Morley Williams Meco 4:08:52 1099 2 Brian McDonnell/Petger Oliver Raceco 4:52:14 1007 3 Robert Whitted/Carl Haynes Jimco 5:01 :21 1001 4 Bill Hammack/Tim Sines Jimco 5:44:23 CLASS 5-1600 -1600 cc Baja Bug - 14 start - 7 finish 551 1 Jim Ashley/Robert Lofton Baja Bug 4:50:45 555 2 Chuck Guy (solo) Baja Bug 5:12:14 599 3 Jim Beeson (solo) BajaB ug 5:35:36 559 4 Robert and Ruben Gutierrez Baja Bug 5:45:34 592 5 Mark Steele/John Johnson Baja Bug 5:45:45 CLASS 9 - Challenger Cars - 25 start - 9 finish 906 1 Jeff Bennett/Tom Watson Chenowth 4:57:23 910 2 Hector and Danny Ledezma Ledezma 4:59:30 900 3 Jack Hettinger/Steve Funco 5:11· 9 Reynolds r 917 4 Dave Stokes/Dwaine Walter Raceco 5:18:20 908 5 Glenn ElliotVJohn Knudsen Meco 5:20:04 904 6 Hal and Kevin Graves Jimco 5:37:30 501 Brent Grizzle/Larry Hewett Baja Bug 4:10:05 (3 laps) UNLIMITED CLASS - One & Two seat unlimited - 4 start - 2 finish 103 I Art Peterson/Chuck Sugar Raceco 4:18:19 104 2 Perry McNeil Ford PU 7:40:15 LITTLE TRUCKS - Two and Four wheel drive small trucks - 6 start -1 finish 700 1 Jim and Jon Hurley Ford Ranger 6:03:08 77 starters, 32 finishers -41% finish ratio Four laps, 48 mile course. Weather - warm and breezy Jimmy Ashley and Robert Lofton were part of a see saw battle in Class 5-1600, but finished first, the only Bug under five hours on total time. December 1989 Dusty nmcs

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The Losers By Judy Smith The October 14th Gold Coast 300 created more Losers than it did finishers, with only 80 out of 194 starters get:ing around to that elusive checkered flag. It was a very dusty race, particularly in the early laps, which some folks compared unfavorably to the notorious HORA Colorado race of September of '87. It was thick out there, folks! Even Marty Reid, ESPN's man in the helicopter, said that they found themselves in the position of not being abte to see anything at all as they tried to fly over the course, and had to go up, up, up in order to be able to know where they were. One of the earliest Losers was our congenial host, Michael Gaughan, of the Gold Coast, who never even got to get into his two seater. His co-driver, Lenny Newman had started, and when he got up into McCullogh pass Lenny found that, what with the sun in his eyes, and the dust of the car in front of him, it was very difficult to see where he was going. He lost the road and drove off the edge, stopping before going very far, but in such a precarious and steep spot that he couldn't back it back up onto the course, and it was too steep a drop to try driving down and rejoining the course. So Lenny and his passenger climbed out gingerly, left the car on its perch, and hitched a ride out on the next helicopter. It was impossible to retrieve the car during the race, but they knew it was still there because other racers kept talking about "that c:ir parked on the cliff." And on Sunday morning Mike sent a bunch of people, and a couple of four wheel drive trucks with winches and ropes to get it out. Mike Lund has waited all year to get to drive Jim Venable's other Ford truck in Class 2, and it was finally ready to go for this race. Jim went along as passenger with Mike, but they never even completed the first lap before the ring and pinion broke. Bill Church has a new Porsche powered Chenowth Class 1 car, but he had a terrible day with it. Something went wrong with the oil sump pump, and the motor filled up with oil. The car would run, but it was as if it was in slow motion. He got only a few miles down the course in a couple of hours, then came back to his pit for help, and it seemed to be fixed, so he went out again. About two and a half hours later, after covering only a few more miles, he came back for good. The score keepers saw him go by twice, and put him down for completing two laps, but he'd done only about 10 miles altogether, in over four hours. Troy Herbst had just about as good a day. His problem was electrical. He, too, went just a short way, and then couldn't make it run, so he came back to his pit ( the score keepers didn't see him) and decided to park it. Then as time went by and there wasn't many Class 1 cars running, Mike Gaughan talked him into going out to ccxnplete at least two laps (Mike had lost track of Dusty nma Hibbard and Brown who were running second), so Troy, always game, decided to try. But it wasn't to be, he later said, "It took me nine hours to do 30 miles, but I had fun." Brian Collins was finished on the first lap also, when he broke the top of the big king pin in a combo. He came back in for repairs, and discovered he didn't have a spare part. Mike Schwellinger and Steve Kramer looked as if they might be out of the race in th~ first quarter mile. The Jeep had just barely started, and then it quit, right there on the pavement. They started messing around with it, and pretty soon his pit crew realized they were parked there, and some of them came down to help. It turned out they'd lost their fuel pump, and it was a fairly simple matter to switch to a new one. But then they had a major problem with their power steering pump, which would lock up, and then pop the belts off. It took them almost ten hours to do two laps, and they ran out of time. As if that wasn't enough, there was a red flag by their number on the unofficial results on Sunday morning, and they had to go to the Competition Review Board. But that turned out all right, because it seems someone had identified their car incorrectly, and they hadn't done anything after all. Greg Symonds has a new Toyota truck in the process, and thought it would be ready for this race, but it wasn't. So at the last minute he threw together the old one, without a lot of hope for it. And, sure enough, it broke a rear spring mount on the first lap, and he was out. Grant George, in the new Mazda powered, Class 2 four-wheel drive true!<, lost his transmission on the first lap. Word is that his dad, Gil, has a new, non-automatic ready to put in for the 1000. Sherman Balch ran a very close second in Class 7 4x4 for the first lap, but then blew a torque convertor on lap two, and was out. We heard on the radio that the pit for car number 347, Jon Hall and David Adler, had permission to go out on the course to put a new radiator in the truck. But they never did get their second lap done, so it must have been more serious than they thought. Larry Ragland ha<l his new truck out again, but he broke c. v .s and lower control arms. He managed to go only 50 miles, and said the truck is really, "not ready to race yet." In Class 112-1600, the team of Bill and Scott Reams had a hard day. Scott started the race and got about 25 miles past Check 7 when the snap ring came off an axle and spit the balls out of his c.v. He hiked back to his pit, and got a spare c.v., and then walked back and fixed the car. He'd lost about two laps by the time he was fixed and running again. Scott drove the car to the start/ finish pit, and his dad, Bill, got in for his turn. He went about 12 miles and the clip came off again. Bill stuffed the axle back in and nursed the car back to the main pit, where they got a new snap ring. And he went out and did a good lap, running with the leaders, but two laps behind them. Then they started their third lap, got seven miles into it, and the spare c.v. Scott had installed broke. So they were finished. Bill and Scott haven't been able to place well in any HORA races this year, they're hoping for a change of luck for 1990. In Class 10, Kirk VanMatre and Carl Olson were running in the lead on the last lap, but it had been a hard chase getting there, and they'd been bottoming their skid pan. They broke their rear shocks, and then on the last lap, they lost their motor. And Bob Stellrecht, in Class 2, had tested his car at Barstow on Thursday, and had cracked something. So he had it welded, and worried about it. But he broke a crank on the first lap. George Gowland, in Class 9, ran out of gas, and lost a lot of time on the first lap, and then broke a balljoint on lap two and was out for the day, and Terry Rickman and Mike Davis lost their 1600 motor on the third lap. Jack Flannery came all the way out from Wisconsin for a change of pace, and managed to complete only two laps with his Class 4 truck. He broke something they <;:all a "floor bar" back there. It sounded as if it might have been a part of the rear suspension. In any case, he was out of the race. And Jack's friend, Ken Kincaid came out from Wisconsin also, to run in Class 8. This was his first desert race, and he had some kind of problem, and when he pulled over to do something about it, he got stuck. Ultimately, he lost his suspension, and completed only one lap, and word was that he was worn out. In Wisconsin even their longest races are generally no more than 40 minutes in duration. Cam Thieriot and Greg Lewin had one good lap in Class 10 and then lost their gear box. And Craig Watkins and Greg Aronson had three good laps, leading part of the way, in Class 10, and lost their gear box. A lot of people were Losers on Friday, when, as they tried to get their race cars into the contingency/tech inspection line in the parking lot across the street from the Gold Coast parking lot, they received tickets from the local gendarmes, for driving unlicensed vehicles on the city streets. All they were doing was going from point A to point B, but the officers took offense. At any rate, Mike Gaughan felt that that was a blot on the city's reputation for hospitality, and he generously volunteered to pay for all those tickets received while crossing the street. Nice man. The whole race entry almost came up Losers when the gentleman driving the Weather-man's radio relay equipment up to the race blew a radiator on the highway. Rory Sena was parked and wondering what to do when a CHP officer pulled up to see if he could help, and while he was there Rory just happened to see his brother drive by on the freeway. So he told the CHPpie that he knew "the guy in the red Blazer", and knew he'd be able to help" him. So the Highway Patrolman took off in a rooster tail of gravel, lights flashing and siren going, to chase down Rory's brother, Eric. Eric, when stopped, was dubious to say the least, especially since Rory had forgotten to tell the officer that it was his brother, and he knew only that someone who knew Eric needed help. Finally his curiosity got the best of him and he went back to see what was up. Once there he was able to supply water, and someone else had some Stop Leak, and between them all, Rory got the radio equipment to Las Vegas in time to set up the relay. We'll be back next month with Losers from the Baja 1000. In the meantime, have a Merry Christmas. l':t'a'» •••• . ,.. ··~--· · · ·.,--Trailers ., ••••. ._ Our Quality Makes the Difference Models Available: Open Flatbed Trailer Enclosed Bumper Pull-Type Trailers From 16' to 28' Enclosed Gooseneck Trailers From 28' to 48' • Many Equipment Options Available Medium Duty Truck Conversions We Have the Ability and Experience Necessary to Build Any Trailer to Your Exact Specifications, Custom Designed for Your Individual Needs ... ' * Write or Call for a Free Brochure Join the Ranks or Our Satisfied Customers • Bob Gordon • R.C.R. Plumbing • Hamilton Materials • Herbst Oil Co. • Hagle Lumber • Sherman Balch Competitive Trailers 8832 Ramona Street Bellflpwer, CA. 90706 (213) 634-2006 December 1989 Custom Designed Interiors Page 35

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CHAPALA DUSTERS Jon Kennedy, President 3117Klllarney Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 641-0155 CHECKERS Butch Dunn, President 19944 Chase St. Canoga Park, CA 91306 (818) 709-6800 C.0.R.E. Jon Snyder, President 180 Whhworth Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 (805) 498-9880 F.A.I.R. Jeff Randall, President 321 Copa de Oro Brea, CA 92621 (714) 996-4936 DESERT RACE SUPPORT Carol Clark President 22264 Ottawa, Unh 1 Apple Valley, CA 92308 (619) 240-3186) (619) 240-3122 I.D.R.A. George Thompson, Director P.O. Box 1683 Ojai, CA 93023 (805) 646-2903 LOS CAMPERONES Rick Frisby, President P.O. Box 421 Escondido, CA 92025 (619) 747-3366 MAG 7 Bruce Cranmore, Race Director 11244 Horizon Hills Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 440-3737 TIGHT TEN John Lippht, Race Director 153 Lindell Au. El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 448-5500 (619) 447-795 BAJA EXPRESS RACING TEAM Hayward Mendenhall 15518 Le Floss St. Norwalk, CA 90650 (213)864-0893 We welcome all Suppon Team news artides. Typed and double spaced copy is acceptable. Copy deadlines vary slightly. usually by the tenth of the month to make the next issue. ~ -.. OFF-ROAD RACING TEAM 'The Straight Poop from the Big Wah zoo' GOLD COAST RACE-About 200 cars headed out into an unknown on the first lap of the first major race to forbid any pre-running of it's race course. 10 Checker cars started and 5 finished. Steve Brown and Jeff Hibbard earned the Club's best finish with a second place in Steve's Class 1 car, but not without overcoming a number of problems throughout the day. Seems Jeff had a rear wheel come loose and pass him on the first lap and had some major front suspension damage on the second lap. Steve, after the Checkers in the Main Pit repaired the car, ran a trouble free third lap but on the fourth lap ran out of gas in the middle of the big silt bed less than a mile from the finish. Luckily he got help from some non-checkers and made it to the flag. This gas problem was not so surprising since it was reported that our . heroes had figured their gas consumption on the back of a cocktail napkin during the previous Wednesday night Checkers meeting. When Brown was questioned about this he said "Hey man lighten up, we only missed it by about a quart". Sumners was once again right up there, but still no cigar. Jim raced his 1 / 2 1600 car to a solid third place and had a good shot at winning, just like he did at the last two races. Strangely, but for probably the first time in his career, Jim is, as they say " way overdue to win one of these races". Greenway had a good run in Class 2 but did have some 'rear ALLY'' AN AFFORDABLE ALTERNATIVE TO THE HIGH COST OF CONVERTING SEMI TRAILERS FOR TRANSPORTING RACE CARS. COMPLETE CONVERSIONS AS LOW AS $19,995.00 TIRE RACKS • WORK BENCHES CABINETS• LIGHTING• AWNINGS MULTIPLE CAR DESIGNS SIMPLE MODIFICATIONS TO COMPLETE CONVERSIONS HERN Moto,sp 12323 WOODRUFF AVE.• DOWNEY, CA (714) 860-3822 Pasc·36 December 1989 end' problems, and about midrace there was a lot of radio traffic concerning the condition of one of the rear ends in Jim's car. Seems that all the Checker pits, as Greenway went by, questioned his passenger on her opinion about the condition of the rear end in question? Despite the confusion,Jim got a handle on the problem and brought his car in for the fourth place money. Stuart Chase, with Scott Urquhart aboard, was running up near the front of the pack until he broke a torsion bar. Stuart fixed it and continued on for a ninth in Class 2. The Cook's had axle problems on the first lap, got it going again and finished fifth in Class 5-1600. Good Race Checkers! Our cars \:hat did not finish were: Gary Hymes' Class 2 car broke a tranny about 4 miles from the finish while running in the money; Newman and Gaughn put their Class 2 car off an embank-ment in one of the steep passes on the course; John Slagor and his 1 / 2 1600 car , S ymonds and Reider's 7 4x4, and Zambrano & Strait's Class 11 all failed to reach the finish line for reasons other than driver error -or so say the drivers! Looking at this race from the Club's stand point, with the exception of the fact that we didn't grab a first place this race, the no pre-running appeared to have little affect on our results, as we had a good 50% finishing rate and no horror stories to report. There was one other problem that the Club had, and that occured in the main pits. That's right, 'pits', like in more than one! Sadly the Club was without the normal sweet radio voice of 'Checker Main' this race. Seems Symonds decided to pit with his truck sponsor for some reason so his better half was stuck with being 'Checker Bluebird'. Uncle Max filled in as 'Checker Main' at the other Checker main pit but somehow it just wasn't the same. Let's hope the real 'Checker Main' gives the old man a kick in the pants to get him back in step with the rest of the Club and her back on the air waves. TROUBLE IN BAJA? The story contines . . . At our October 18th meeting, the members present plus most of the other Club reps that attended attended the October 4th meeting where the Mexican ranchers had their say, heard the 'official' side of the story. Sal Fish, a Baja tourist official and another fella that also claims to represent the ranchers involved attended our weekly meeting to explain things and answer questions. A completely different picture was painted. Here is basically what was said: The previous group that was here on October 4th represents only a very small group that is only interested in getting more money than they are entitled to. -Sal is well liked in Baja and has never experienced anything that would indicate otherwise. -The ranches that the race course runs thru support the race. -The new G'overnor supports Score and will not cancel the race. -The race will be run as scheduled! Both Sa l and the Tourist Official admitted though "that in no way can we guarantee that there will be no trouble or guarantee your safety, but that goes for every race that is held in Mexico". By the time you read this column the 1989 Baja 1000 will be over, one way or another, and hopefully we'll have a lot better idea what the real story is down there. The Wahzoo will make no predictions on whether there will be trouble at this race or not, but I do resent having to go down to the Baja once again with ANOTHER 'cover your ass' attitude when a good time is the reason most of us· go down there in the first place. Results next month. Whatever the outcome of the 1000, the Checkers, not surpris-ingly, once again found our regular Wednesday nite meeting providing the forum for the discussion of a very important issue that affects our entire sport. You would think , since most speakers have to endure what is commonly referred to as 'a Checker roast', that they would steer clear of an appearance before this crowd, but strangely this is probably the very reason that these 'debates' find their way to our Club. There is no 'home team' at the Dugout on Wednes-day nites except the Checkers and we have never agreed on anything except that we're better than everybody else. So every issue, or guest, gets a good going over and if they don't have their act together they'll more than likely get eaten alive by any number of 'experts' in the audience asking a lot of pointed questions that they probably already know the answers to. These 'roasts' sometimes are not a pretty sight, but more often than not the facts are fairly obvious when it's over. My 'Missing Checker of the Month' this month is Scott McKenzie. Ever since Scott sold his business in North Hollywood he's been sorta scarce at our W ednesday nite meetings. Maybe somebody ought to tell him that there's a new 'farm tractor class' that is being raced these days, surely that'll get him involved again! It seems like the annua'l Awards Banquet keeps getting moved farther into the next year every year we hold it. I think this year's dinner is scheduled for sometime in February and since recently we have been announcing the results of our Club elections at these functions, it appears that President Dunn may be the man in charge for quite a bit longer. The Wahzoo has no funny story to end this month's column with, so I'll leave ya with a remark overheard on the radio regarding the dusty unknown of the first lap of the Gold Coast race. Driver to his crew: " Hell no I don't know where I am!, but that's really not a problem because I can't see where I'm going anyway!" One final note -When it comes to the annual voting for 'Best Pit Team of the Year', remember the words of one old time Checker, "Vote? What Vote? W e don't need no stinking vote!" Desert Race Support IT'S THE PITS "This is the pits," says Herb jokingly to Jesse as they watch their car pull away in a cloud of dust after stopping for fuel and to check the tires at the Fireworks 250 last July. Thev hear. the deep Dustynma

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rumble of a C"tass 8 truck quet Room at the Gold Coast approach as Jesse radios ahead to Hotel, Sunday October 15th. the next pit that their car is on the Attending the meeting were: Jeff way in their goal of finishing, the Randall, Board Administrator same goal as thatofall the cars and (FAIR), Lisa Dickerson, Class 5, trucks that roar past throughout John Swift, Class 7 4x4, Herman the day leaving a cloud of dust as DeNunzio, Class 9, Steve Kelley, they disappear from the site. .Class 4, Frank Vessels, Class 8, The radio comes alive as Jesse Alternate, George Thompson, hears the relay from the various CRB Marshal, IDRA, Danny pitsofDRS/DesertRaceSupport Cau, HORA President, Jerry from one to another as they try to Bender, HORA RACE Director, locate the position of a DRS car Steve Kassanyi, SCORE Race that is overdue. Suddenly Dan, Director (guest) Reese King, ano:her DRS racer, pulls into SCORE Officials Assoc. (guest), DRS #2 pits and yells to the David Massingham, IDRA support crew that the car in (guest). question is down with mechani-The first case heard was cals between DRS #1 and DRS brought against entry #702 by #2. Again the radios come alive as entry #760 who reported, during the word is passed down the line the race, that one of 762 's chase · and to the driver's chase crew, vehicles was• set up as an illegal who respond with a thank you as stationary pit as set forth by the they head out to help their driver. mandate of the Dept. of Fish and This situation is played through- Wildlife. In further examination, out the day by DRS racers and however, it turned out that this others in their quest to finish the vehicle was engaged in a legal re-race. covery effort as per the instruc-It is now late in the afternoon tions issued at the drivers' meet-and DRS #2 has just heard on the ing. This statement by 762 was radio that the last club car has just supported by HORA officials on passed the next club pits down the the scene. Also #760 failed to line and it is ok for them to pack show to present his protest, and up md head for home. Before this case was dismissed. they leave they make sure that the A protest was lodged against surrounding area is free from all entry #701 by #1604 charging trash. It has been a long day, but abusive nerfing. Entry 701 was they leave knO\ying that their there to defend his actions, but support as members of DRS has #1604 failed to aJJJJear to state his made a difference. case. This case was dismissed The day started early as all race . without discussion. . that an HORA official informed him that this was legal. However in the opinion of the review board it is not reasonable to expect a flagman, or any other· course worker to be an expert on the rule book. Since it is the driver's responsibility to know the rules, it was the decision of the board to find him guilty of violating rule G-38 and penalize the entry back to the last hp completed. In the past the same penalty for this infraction has been assessed against Jack Johnson, Roger Mears and Mickey Thompson, and the board felt it was approp-riate in this case. The final case was brought by the entire crew of entry #765 against the captain of Checkpoint 7 who, it was alleged, refused to allow this crew legal access to their broken vehicle. Even after the crew sent for the drivers brief-ing notes to demonstrate the offi-cial legality of their quest to the official, more time was wasted while these facts were verified through the weatherman radio relay. By the time these chase crews were granted access, over 25 minutes had been expended at the expense of their racing effort. The spokesman for #765 pointed out, and rightfully so, that the administration of the area Toyota True Grit Award Frank Vessels of Mountain could mean an extra $3,333 to View, CA has jumped into the Herbst who drives a Class 2 lead in off road racing's Toyota Chenowth powered by a Porsche True Grit Award standings, engine. which measure race drivers' Leading in the mini metal success by their cumulative division after the seventh event a~er~g~ spee_d. Counti~g only_ his the recently held HORA Gold six fm1shes m a best six of eight Coast 300, is Roger Mears of formula,_Yessels ha~ av_eraged · Bakersfield,CAwhohasaveraged 46.663milesa~hourmh1sClass 41.982 mph in his Nissan, 8 Chevrolet pickup truck over counting his six finishes. He is 2079.02 miles of competition on also 14th overall. the SCORE/HORA Desert Series. In also leading the heavy metal category of the competition, he could winasmuchas$6,667 of the $10,000 pi.irse posted by 'Toyota to be paid after the eighth and final race, the Presidente SCORE Baja 1000. Second to Vessels in average speed and points leader earlier in the year, is Ed Herbst of Las Vegas, NV at 45.202 mph. Victory in the True Grit standings around a checkpoint was the responsibility of the CP Captain, and it was the obligation of these officials to know the legal access roads in their area. The review board agreed and this CP Captain Only six of the original 216 drivers who finished the first race of the season remain in the running for Toyota's Milestone Awards, given to the handful of drivers who complete every racing mile of all eight races. They are Jack Johnson, Class 4, Tom DeNault, Class 1-2-1600, Jim Greenway, Class 2, Paul Simon, Class 7 4x4, Steve Kelley, Class 4, and Malcolm Vinje Class 7S, will receive a Letter of Reprimand for her actions in this case. The Competition Review Board for the Gold Coast 300 was adjourned at 9:46 a.m. after meet-ing for almost two hours. days do, but these men, women, Another big deal was brewing and children who belong to DRS over abusive nerfing with #909, ~!IIIII.J4,t wouldn't have it any other way. complete with witnesses, prepar-· That's what the sport of off road ing to bring charges against #300, racing is all about, participation in who also had a throng of wit-and the enjoyment of one·of the nesses. Before this case came up, greatest forms of racing available both crews came to the realization to all in the great outdoors that that this was a case of mistaken God has given to us for our identity,andtheentirematterwas enjoyment; the rugged beauty and withdrawn. the challenge of competition in A protest was brought by the the great desert region of the crew chief of #757 charging western United States draws these entries #604, #727, and #1295 people. They look forward to the with illegal chasing between pit next club meeting to hear the areas Band D. After some discus-stories and tales by drivers and sion with #757 it was deter~ined support cqews alike. That is why that the road these crews were they joined DRS /Desert Race using was illegal for chasing but Support, because they enjoy off legal for recovery efforts of a road racing and want to partici- downed vehicle. These cases are a pate either as a driver or as a hot topic since the desert tortoise member of the pit support crew. has become an endangered specie, And, it is not just Dad who is which brings the Dept. offish and involved. Mom is on the radio Wildlife into the business of wil-relaying information to the other derness management. They moni-club pits, and Lisa is taking down tor not only the impact of the all the club car numbers and the racers on course but also all access time as they pass, to be relayed roads serving the race route. Each down the course. That is what entry was present in their own being a member of DRS is about. defense, and after hearing from Yes, DRS is a new club on the them it was confirmed that all block. Our first race was the Mint three crews were engaged in a re-400 in April of this year, where covery effort. The cases were we had four field pits on course dismissed. and seven club cars participating #1602 came before the board in the race. We want to grow and charged, by HDRA officials, with to attain the status held by those a violation of rule G-38, pushing clubs that are synonymous with the race vehicle within one mile of the sport of off road racing. So, if the finish line. This racer stated you want to get involved and not that he was broken down, with no . just be a bystander, call Carol battery or tie rod, within 114 mile Clark at (619) 240-3186 days or of the finish on his last lap. He ( 619) 240-3122 evenings. Or call alleged that after asking the flag-Craig Lane at (619) 247-0120 manondutyatthestart/ finish, he evenings for more information. was advised that he could push See you at the next race. the vehicle across with his chase -------------' truck, which is what he did. He Competition Review also stated that he did not know about the section of G-38 which Board Report prohibits the vehicle from being By George R. Thompson pushed by anyone other than its IDRA Managing Director occupants during the final mile of the race. He also stated that he did The Competition Review not know about the section of Board forthe Gold Coast 300 was G-38 that applied. Some discus-convened a:t 8:00 a.m. in the Ban- sion centered around his claim Dusty nmes BFGoodRicl-t Fox Sl-tox , Bob GosliEN RAciNG ENGiNES VP RAciNG FuEls KENdAll Mo,oR Oils OAldEy WAX SI-top VW of AMERicA RicliARd & RosE MusTARd SliAWN Wl-tiTNEY CENTERliNE RAciNG WliEEls MiRAGE Cl-tAssis WEb CAM RAdd RAciNG JAZZ PRoducu K&K DETAiliNG MARI< MusTARd fRiENds & F AMily Micl<Ey Tl-toMpsoN ENTERTAiNMENT GRoup ESPN BECAUSE of You WE ARE #l iN rl-tE · SUPER 1600 SERIES Thanks, mitch mustard December 1989 Page 37

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The Last Chance Baja Text & Photos: Darill Crown Last October it was beautiful weather for the Last Chance Baja race in Wall, South Dakota. Pat Roberts flew his Bronco to the Class 4 victory in good time. The earth was shaking and moving in Wall, South Dakota on October 21, and it wasn't from an earthquake. It was from the 12th Annual Last Chance - BFGoodrich off road race. There were 24 entries and, as the Last Chance name implies, this was the "last · chance" to chalk up those valuable points to claim that prize money for the 1989 season. There were four classes of high powered machines ready to race on the two mile course. It was a beautiful, sunny day, dry and dusty, with temperatures reaching THE near 80 degrees. The course was not kind to many vehicles and drivers. Several machines broke down, literally costing point race losses for the year. The overall Goodrich T earn T / A point title was up for grabs with drivers from three classes within reach of the prize. And, in dasses 4, 8, and 10 the finishes of the Last Chance would determine the first and second place winners for the entire 1989 season. It provided some great competition. In Class 7, the stock enduro WRIGHT PLACE~. COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 38 cars, Andy Wald of Pierre, SD, was victorious as the overall Team T I A winner for 1989. Andy drives the black Pontiac Catalina painted to represent the BFGood-rich tractor trailer. Mike Crom-well powered his way to second place in his bright orange and blue Toyota. In Class·8, the unlimited 2WD water pumpers, Byron Crown of Wall had tough luck in both the hear race and the main event. A broken drive shaft in the heat race started the problems. After getting it fixed and back out for the main event, the· rig was running in second place in the main, right behind Greg Iverson, when the throttle linkage broke. Byron and his co-driver Doug Crown, fixed it and got back into the race, only to have the drive shaft break a second time, ending their day. Greg Iverson, from Murdo was the winner of the Last Chance Baja for 1989. Travis McDonnell was seen walking to the pits during the main event for Class 8, and Curt Willuweit had his share of mechanical problems on this day. Monte Tibbits, the points leader going into the day, passed everyone on the first lap. Breaking one small pin in the rear end of his Chevy-powered Ford cost him the first place money and points in Class 8 and Team T / A, but he hung onto second place in both. Boyd Kitterman took a nose dive in his Class 8, and rolled it over on its top on the start of the main event. He was able to get it back on the track and finished third in the main. Boyd claimed first place in Class 8 for the 1989 season. Wes Jobgen and Brad Blow put on a grand show for a portion of the main event, running together for three laps. Brad eventually pulled away from Wes and finished fourth for the day and third for the 1989 year Wes finished fifth in both the Last Chance and the 1989 season. In the buggy race, Class 10, December 1989 Thad Briggs, of Gordon, NE, takes the high road in the rough going and he drove the modified Jeep to a fine third place finish at the race. Jim Olson hails from Edgewater, Colorado, and tows to Dakota to race. In Class 4, Olson finished strong, second in the big class. 1650 cc and under, Steve Comer and Ken Bracelin were the ones to keep your eyes on. Steve Comer had luck on his side when he discovered the meaning of the saying "It's not over until it's over." "My luck was terrible in Deadwood last month," Steve recalled. There I started the day by tipping it over in the heat race, broke a link pin from that wreck. I asked around, then went into town to the NAPA store, to find something that would work, but the store was closed. Luckily these guys from Murdo looked in their bin and found a bolt that would hold things together. Ken Bracelin, from St. Francis, KS, who had raced her~ before, was leading the main event until the last lap when his throttle cable broke. Steve Comer was hanging in there in second place. His race plan was to let off for a while every few laps to save the car. · Then he decided to "go for it." Well, Steve hung in there and finished the main event as the winner, which gave him points for the third place for the year, and a third place for the clay. Ken finished eighth for his efforts. Harvey Wald from Pierre, dominated the Class 10 division during 1989. He won first overall in the T earn T I A standings and took first in class at the Last Chance Baja. Harvey and Class 7 Gary Logan is almost a local racer at Wall. The Rapid City, SD driver motors past some dunes on his way to fourth in Class 4 action. Kevin Neuhauser takes to the air in quite a flight, and the Midland, SD driver finished fifth in Class 4 on the rough and tough course. Dusty Times

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Mike Cromwell drives a brightly painted Toyota in the new Class 7 action, and he kept it all together to place second in class at Wall. Arlen Dahlin, from Watertown, SD, also has a gaily painted Class 7 sedan, and he took fifth in the fast growing High Plains class. Boyd Kitterman drove his Jeep to second place in the big Class 8, and he earned enough points to take first in the BFG/Team TIA series. Brad Blow charged hard in his tidy Chevrolet pickup, but at the flag he ended up third in Class 8, the biggest class at the race. Byron Crown did not have an auspicious debut in his Bronco. He had troubles and finished the race eighth and last in Class 8. The BFG winners, Boyd Kitterman, Class 8, Harvey Wald, Class 10, Andy Wald, Class 7, and Pat Roberts, Class 4 are flanked by Dave Gibbs, left and Sam De Angelo of BFGoodrich. :?:WL,:::s-,, '\~:. ,:;~;~'.. M~ •.W~.~~; ... ~ ,.:~ --~ ·A ,ookie last year, Harvey Wald kept his Class 10 car roaring over the tundra on his way to an uncontested victory at the Last Chance Baja. Ken Brace/in hauls all the way from St. Francis, Kansas to race at Wall, and he stayed close in Class 10, ending up second. Steve Comer comes from North Dakota, and is a good competitor in Class 10. This round at Wall, SD, he came in a close third in class. Dusty Times driver Andy Wald are brothers. In Class 4, the unlimited four wheel drive rigs, Pat Roberts had the points title sewn up at the beginning of the day. The Team T I A points title was within reach but not reachable this year. Jim Olson, Edgewater, CO, and Thad Briggs, Gordon, NE, who won at the Last Chance, both outpowered Pat's Ford Bronco last October. They did not leave Pat the opportunity to chalk up enough points for the overall win. Pat was pleased, however, to claim first place in both BFGood-rich points and High Plains Off Road Racing Association points for 1989. Kevin Neuhauser of Midland scooted around the course never letting off the throttle, even on the rough jumps. Even after a flat tire on the start of the main event, he and co-driver Jeff Willoughby pushed their way through the rugged two mile course to finish fifth for the day and second in ~FG 1989 standings. Dave Gibbs and Sam-DeAngelo were present representing BFGoodrich to award the prize money to the members of Team T I A . Class 7 is for race ready sedans in the High Plains Association, and Andy Wald drove his fancy Pontiac, won the class and the overall Team TIA points for the 1989 series. 1989 FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS NOW AVAILABLE! Update your current Ranger to 1989 aero styling, design to retain stock appear-ance and allow 34" tall tires. SCORE/HORA legal, bolts to stock panels or DZUS on. Reinforced hood to stop distortio·n at speed. Racers Price Available. Dimple Die Sets now in stock-½" - 1" - 1½" -2" CALIFORNIA PRE-FUN 39067 Orchard St. Cherry Valley, CA 92223 Curt Leduc, Owner (714) 845-8820 December 1989 Heat Treated and Plated. Midwest Division Chuck Johnson Off Road Racing 8403 Vicki Road Rockford, IL 61108 (815) 332-9681 Page 39

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Racing into the Record Book for 14 Hours By Fud Brian Fuller, Mike and Karen Douthitt, Rob Niemela, Mike Patterson and Jason Strattpn rode the Honda Fourtrax to overall victory, and a new FIM World Record, doing 1080 miles in 24 hours. They did 108 laps. Truly it was the tingling thrill of victory or the overpowering agony of defeat. The FRT / AMA District 38 tried out the concept of a 24 hour race for ATVs and bikes last summer, going for an AMA record at the same time. Because of the record attempt, the course was short, but still challenging in the District 38 home grounds west of El Centro, CA. Emotions ran from exhilaration to heart break after 24 hours of non stop racing. The overall A TV a~d bike leads flipped · flopped only twice. However, when they changed the last time it was with joyous or devastating con-sequences, depending on whose team you were on. The overall winners were the ATV young lions, the Honda Fourtrax team of Brian Fuller, Mike "Wildman" Paterson,Jason Stratton, Mike "Madman" Douthitt, Rob "the Lob" Niemela, and Karen Douthitt rode 1080 miles a ta speed of 45.0 mph to become World Champ-Team Rambo took the Honda Pilot top honors, establishing a new record for the new vehicle doing 82 laps or 820 miles in the 24 hour time. N a LIJ X > > LIJ ..J ..J <I ;:;, VDO-henowth - Simpson SAHARA TriMil-& N Filters - Bugpack ::c !-Bilstein -Centerline - Cibie ;:) 0 Hewlan -Porsche Turbo CVs SIRIUS Cf) 8edrd·s ats- Parker-Pumper ,c:i Yokoha a Tires -Super Trapp > ..J Gem Gears - KYB Shocks co SPRING MTN. '> Sway-A-Way Transaxle Parts ..J Wright Place - Dura Blue Ultra Boot - Neal Products SEE PAT OR DAVE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday - 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. NEV ADA PHONE ORDER HOUSE 3054 So. Valley View, Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 871-4911 • (702) 871-5604 Page 40 Photos: C & C Race Photos ions. If this was a horse race it would be called a photo finish, because only 40.62 seconds later the first motorcycle team finished. Phil "iron butt" Means rode his Honda XR600 into the record books. In the 24 hours he rode 80 laps for an incredible 800 miles. His partners did the other 280. Team Rambo, D.J. Viskoe, Lisa Stricklen and Dan Viskoe, drove their factory supplied Honda Pilot 820 miles to victory. Phil Means rode most of the distance, about 800 miles, but Bill Harris, Himey Means, Jeff Fahy and Paul Doebereiner rode relief on the Honda XR 600. The team also did 108 laps and were second overall by 40 seconds. The rules included the fact that you could have as many people on a team as desired. However, only one race vehicle was allowed. Your team had to be running for 20 of the 24 hours and take the checkered flag under power. The start time was 7:00 a.m. on the Saturday last May with the finish at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday. The weather was the reverse of what everyone was expecting. A cold front occupied the moun-tains. Thus the temperatures were down, but the wind was up. It blew for hours at 45 mph. In the afternoon it was blowing, not gusting, at 55 mph. Around 10 p.m. it blew for a long time at 65 mph. The wind didn't stop until the event was over. Jim Greene, Bob Bell, Tony Darr, Robbie Pipin and Mike Clancy rode their Yamaha 125 YZ to a world title, covering a hefty 94 miles in the race. In the ATV ranks were international off road champions. Dusty D.H. Burwell headed up an all star team built around Greg "the roaring" Row, Mike "the raging" Roll, Doug "the rumbl-ing" Roll, Allen Fox, and Toby Burwell. However after one lap Brian FuHer was in front, Greg Row in second, while Corda, the "blazing" Bringles and Dyna Dean Sundahl were still trying to get their Yamaha Banshee to the start line. The Fuller team led for the first four hours, running to the max doing ten miles in 11 ½ minutes. The all stars snuck by just before noon, and they would lead for the next 18 hours. It was the fisherman vs. the fish. The Burwell team would pull away, only to be slowly but surely reeled back in by Fuller's. In the wee morning Fuller's asked 110% effort, the eight minute lead dwindled to two with less then two hours left. During this ferocious fight, the first two pulled away from third, the 1987 ATV Score Champion Engen brothers team. Just before noon overall running. AMA District 38's premier racer, "Rocket" Rob Nolin nosed the David Roys team into the lead at the end of lap 1. Roys and Mike Ruhstorfer turned five laps an hour, however, so was Phil Means. Robert Prayther put Means down a lap in his first hour. Robert was the only racer to complete six laps in an hour, and his fastest speed was 64 mph. The sun almost set when the lights came out. The Roys team was three up on Means and four on the Larry Ornes team. Battling for dead last was "Hot Nuts" on a YZ250 and the Houston ~yeweaJ Team, 350 KTM. Around 1 :30 a.m. the Roys team was missing. No, the gear box hadn't failed, the swing arm/ frame attachment bolt had broken wiping out the shock attachment at the same time. While they worked feverishly on repairs, Phil Means kept going round and round. His relief riders rode very seldom, and the team moved into a four lap lead. At the dawning of a new day a rested Rob Nolin was asked to win the race; he had a two hour time limit. Rob was only a lap behind and closing fast. The next time thru home check Rob was Dave Campbell charged hard over the sandy ten mile course in the early going. His team placed first in 200 ATV and 13th overall. in Newfoundland it was over. Greg Row grenaded the engine. 1020 miles of racing down the tubes. The Burwell team couldn't even finish. The underdogs were world champions. Our overall winners smashed the national record of 866 miles. The Corda team rode their Banshee to the ~ Open ATV title. The 200 ATV title went to the Campbell/Sulli-van Blaster team. In motorcycles all the class world records were open, since there were none. Until they showed up with no third gear, the David Roys team on a Honda XR600 were the favorites. The short handed team means machine odds increased. Unless everyone broke, only the Larry Ornes CR500 seemed to be in the December 1989 The all girl team of Sara Jane and Karen Morris, Katie Schultz, Peggy Hughes, Nanci Chavez and Cristie Bonta won the standard Odyssey class, beating a couple of male teams. They covered 580 miles in 24 hours. Dusty Times

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.. Rambo. For hours they were only minutes apart. However, in the end our #1 Odyssey driver, Rambo and our Odyssey rookie of the year, Lisa Stricklen, were just too tu ff. Mitch Thompson, Larry Ornes, Vince Skandunas, Gary Royer and Ross Gregory won the Open Class bike title, and rode to fourth overall as well. Craig Corda, Gregery and Randy Bringle and Dean Sundahl had trouble getting the Yamaha Banshee started, but rode it to first in Open A TV Class and eighth overall, covering 910 miles. The finish line crowd was abuzz with excitement. The intense competition over such a long period of time had been thought to be impossible. It was best summed up by the FIM steward and designated AMA timer Jack Dolan. This was the creation of a new sport -Off road endurance racing. If it sounds interesting to you, a similar 24 hour event is happening in May of 1990 for buggy, car and truck classes, aiming for new world records in a host of classes. Check with the Fudpucker Racing team for complete details. May is not that §raway. without any more help from Bob. Never far off the pace was Ray Din's box stock machine. A veteran of many AMA District 38 events together with Richard Bringle, Norm Davis and Mike Pierce, they stayed close. During the night it looked like they had hooked a tow rope to T earn first, but alas, the shock broke again and the fall to the bottom was devastating. Remember this was all happening in the same time frame that the lead A TV was broken. Suddenly the focus of the e~ent changed. Instead of let it hang racing, it was now take it easy and whatever you do don't break it. The ATV and bike positions had been determined and all that remained was to finish under power. Slowly the field trickled to a stop. No one was willing to take a chance of breaking on the final lap. When the checkered flag waved there was a finish line dash. Larry Ornes, with help from Mitch Thompson, Gary Royer, Ross Gregory and Vince Skan-dunas finished a very respectable 4th overall with 1050 miles and a world championship. Astonish-ingly the Hot Nuts team rode the '86 YZ250 840 miles to claim the 250 championship The Raton Roundup Rally Bob Bell had fuel tank problems and got a late start. Then just before midnight he jumped over the Caesar's Palace fountains in the heart of pit row without his YZ125. Jim Greene, Mike Clancy, Tony Darr and Robbie Pippin won the world title The Odysseys made up over a .quarter of the entry with five machines. Triple EEE Ent. entered three with two male teams and one lady team. The crowd immediately started rooting for the ladies. At the finish line the DNF men were wondering how many ways they would have to eat crow. The two Honda Pilot teams soon settled into first and second. Team Rambo with Lisa Stricklen, D.J. and Dan Viskoe, and their · wrench Terrible Tim drove into the lead. Theirs was a Pilot furnished by American Honda. By D,we Thcmws Twelve rally teams towed to Raton, NM for the first annual Raton Roundup Pro Divisional Rally last August. The Coefficient 3 Mid-Div event promised 110 stage miles and 286 overall miles for only $150, a bargain at today's rates. A pare expose was held at noon Saturday in the historical district of downtown Raton with the first car out at 1:01; p.m. The thunderstorm arrived at stage 1 at about the same time, causing stages 1 through 4 to be cancelled due to the inability of the control workers to reach their work areas. The ground was white with hail and the ditches were full of water along the first transit. Everyone paraded back to the motel and sat around until five then went out to run stage 5. After another delay to place control crews, the stage was shortened to two miles, and the rallying began. First in 250 bikes went to the team of Bob Risner, Tim and Dewey Belen, John Stead, Eric Wright, Danny Westmoreland, Mort Maynard, Craig Rens and Tom St. Peter. They rode 840 miles on the Yamaha YZ 250. Blagowski/ Anderson in a Turbo Omni ran quickest on stage 5, (2:46) with the Thomas/ Pillow UniFilter/Rotary Engin-eering RX-7 only two seconds slower; and the Griffins in the Turbo Volvo were nine seconds off the pace. Stage 6 was stage 5 run backwards, twisty and hilly with a valley straight of about half Gold Rush Rally engineer. They still managed to finish tenth. Caouette/ Niehaus, 510, smoked the clutch on the first stage. Griffin/ Griffin, Volvo 142, and McGrigg/ Gensheimer, B:,, D,m: Thomas Driving che Rotary Engineer-ing/ UniFilter Mazda RX-7 , Dave Thomas and "Conan" Law took home top honors at the October 7, 1989 Gold Rush Divisional Rally. The team won for the second straight year, with Carl Jardeval and Bill Malik just a minute back in their Saab 99. But the big story was that Dean Blagowski and Clay Thomas broke a CV joint on the Omni after winning the first seven stages and leading by two minutes at the meal halt. Pichardo and Jamieson won stage 8 in their Chevy Monza, then were passed by Thomas/ Law on the twenty mile stage 9, the only really rough part of the course, despite the two minute intervals the organizers had allowed for dust. This left only Blagowski/Thomas in front of Dusty Times Fire Arrow, both found places to Thomas/ Law who passed them get stuck off the road, and on the next transit, the Omni Asby/ Seidel, 510, used up the sounding as if a rod bearing had last of the distributor rotor on the gone sour, and the RX-7 making a fourth stage. deafening roar since the muffler The roads were generally fast had blown out. and smooth; we spent lots of time Stage 10 was also claimed by in fourth and fifth gear. There was the RX-7 team. A quick service one long delay after stage 8 as a prior to the last two stages ended local wandered through the start with a control with no mileage control and onto the stage. We assigned to it, confusing Jarde-spent the time watching meteors. val/Malik and they ended up first There were only a couple of route on the road, winning the last two book errors, and largely every-stages. The road points associated thing went well. Except that the with missing a control were not beer was late for the welcoming awarded due to the missing party. mileage, and no claims were filed. On the Coefficient 3 rally, Hanke/Seymour, '69 Camaro, there were 105 stage miles and groped about in the dark for a 220 total miles. Jardeval and good ten minutes after the Malik finished second by a negative battery terminal came • minute, followed by Pichardo/ loose in the rough stuff on stage Jamieson, Stewart/ Starr, Chevy nine. "Boy, was it ever dark out Blazer and Engstrom/ Engstrom there!" Hanke is an electrical in a Dodge Colt were fifth. December 1989 a mile near the middle. The Griffins were quickest, 2:46, followed by Blagowski I Ander-son, 2:51, and Stewart/Starr, 3:02, in a 4WD S-10 Blazer. Darkness had come, the road got slicker, and the Alfa of English/ Heugl y slid off on a left sweeper after a yump, rolling onto its top well off the road. Both occupants were unhurt, but the stage was stopped to assess the situation, causing yet another delay. After stage 6 was completed, the rains came again turning the mud into soup. Stewart bitched about his lights not working, Blagowski bitched about his open differential, Thomas bitched about not having his glasses on his face, "I left them in the truck", and everybody bitched about the rain. About this time the organizers learned that the night section of the course was so muddy that the course workers couldn't, get to their positions, and rain was still falling. A decision was made to run stages 5 and 6 again. Thomas/ Pillow were quickest on both stages (3:02, 3:06), _fol!Qwed on both by the Griffins I - ------- -(3:06, 3:09). At this point the service crews arrived, but after running only eight stage miles nobody really needed service, save the Alfa team. · The rally was postponed, with everyone parading back to the motel again. Rumors were circulating about competing the next morning, but the organizers found that the ambulances would not be available the next day. The rally ended there, four scored stages, eight stage miles and Jeff and Camille Griffin won by only one second over Thomas/ Pillow. Blagowski/ Anderson were only two seconds behind them in third overall. Whalen/ Leone won seed two in their AMC Gremlin, being quickest in their seed on three of the four stages. The Raton area generally does not receive rain in August, being a desert and mountain area. The stage road that we did see was quite varied and challenging. I'm sure the others were just as good. I hope the organizers, Kevin and Jama Mays, will take heart and try their luck again next year ... after the roads have a chance to dry out. BIGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. ~onvert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. JOIOtS • • Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/S-24. All axles and bells for Type II can be threaded 3/8-24 or stock 8 mm threads. pitch threads. 10 mm · 1. 5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 3242 SABIN BROWN ROAD P.O. BOX 20646 • WICKENBURG, AZ 85358 (602) 684-5056 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 41

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VORRA Yerington 150 T<.'xt & Photos: Ken V mulerhoof (Focus West) Team Verling, with Patrick and Eric Verling and Troy Holt sharing the driving chores, won overall and in Class 1 /2 by over 20 minutes. feam Verling dusted the competition at the VORRA Yerington 250. They took the class win, the overall, and the class point lead with one race remaining in the series. Last year Team Verling, headed by desert guru Vic Verling, won first overall in Kevin McNabb and Mike Russell moved into second place in Class 1-2 on lap 2, and they stayed there despite the loss of rear brakes and a last lap flat. ( DE N.Yt:!~10) ~eroquip ~~' - -l<w IV BUGPACK ... ~y 'rO<OHAMA THE WRIGHT PLACE (805) 683-1211 Page 41 all three VORRA desert races. The team elected to use the badly battered "Chrisco" again in the 1989 season. With many other top teams spending mega-bucks on equipment, it didn't look so good for T earn Verling. One thing the competition didn't think about, Team Verling isn't a car, it is an organized, knowledge-able, prepared and dedicated bunch. Brothers Eric and Patrick Verling, Troy Holt and dozens of family and friends have pulled together to produce a class second, a class first, and now a fairly uncontested first overall. This year the main pits were nestled in the shadow of the Anaconda Copper Mine tailings as usual. Also, as usual for VORRA, the course was brutal. The start began with a dive into the snake pit where suspensions are tested to the limit and no one can get out of first gear. The course then made a five mile loop in Mason Valley back to the start/ finish area. Next the racers headed up a knarly single file canyon pass over to the very dry Artesian Lake bed. If the racer was lucky enough to be out front or have a gap between his car and the vehicle in front, then the pace was very fast. Those seventy odd other racers who had a Dust'/ Time of it either slowed or paid the price by taking risks. It wasn't until noon that a westerly breeze cleared the air and let the drivers see where they were going. After surviving the lake bed they worked their way up and across the rock strewn Mason Pass, where many tire nightmares were experienced. From there it was all down hill to the beautifully green Mason Valley floor. All in all it was 41 miles the lap and six rounds were needed for a finish. Classes 1, 2 and 5 ran together with the sole Class 5 entry, Jack McMillen, starting first. One of December 1989 Steve Bradford grabbed the early lead in the unlimited classes, but a broken c. v. joint then put him on the trailer in the early going. Bob Lemos' Raceco began running rough at mid race. But a ten minute pit stop cured the problems and he finished a fine third overal~. David Jefferies outlasted, literally, all the Class 10 competitors, and he took the victory and a narrow lead in Class 10 points. Rick Philastre had problems on course, but he made the necessary repairs and went on to take second place in the Class 10 action. Wes Elrod had not broken a stub axle all year, but apparently they were due. He broke two of them in the rough Yerington 250 on his Class 10 car. Dusty nma

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Larry Zimmerman and Garen McCune fought a couple of flat tires, but did well in placing fourth in the tight running Class 1-2-5. ··'@W"' if Jim Fishback Sr. claimed second in a big class that was decided by mere seconds, in this case a minute and 24 seconds. Bill Norgrove claimed a fine third in Class 1-2>-1600, despite having a checkpoint stop sign broken over his head in the heat of battle. Jim Fishback Jr. put down back to back record lap times on course, but late problems made him a dnf and out of the money in Class 1-2-1600. Gordon Scott came from Oregon to race and he logged four laps with less than a one minute difference en route to second place in Class 4. Scott Schaupp won Class 1-2-1600 by just over one minute. His time was good enough for fourth overall in the rough and tumble race. On the other hand Class 1-2-1600 had only two dnf entries. Jim Fishback Jr. took the class lead on lap 2 and led the competitive field through lap 5. That would have been good enough in Class 10, but five 1-2-1600 cars passed the broken and stranded racer. Scott Schaupp squeaked to the class win at 7:06:22. Jim Fishback Sr. had the lead for a short time, but settled for a hard fought second at 7:07:46. Bill Norgrove battled in the dust all day to claim a very respectable third place; his clock stopped at 7:08:46, exactly one minute out of second. Joe Gordon and Chris Cash also finished the race in fine fashion. the top pre-race· favorites, Steve but was docked a lap after a Bradford started one minute technical protest and was back. Patrick Verling started the regulated to fourth. Class 4 was a runaway. Don German started at the front of the class by the OP-race two minutes after the first car. Then .came a whole bunch of Class 2 talent. Jeff Stiles was hot, as was Bob Lemos, Sam Beri, Kevin McNabb/Mike Russell and Garen McCune/Lar-ry Zim-merman. By the time the first five mile mini lap was complete it was Steve Bradford and Pat Verling in a classic desert duel. Pat had to eat a lot of Steve's dust, but when Steve came in to complete one lap Pat was right there. Steve made a small mistake by pulling up to the wrong side of the snow fence. That cost him dearly because the time he lost in getting on track saw Pat Verling go by and kicking up lots of dust of his own. Patrick is known for not tracking through turns but preferring a full lock-broadslide. Pat's first lap was the fastest at 1 :00: 10. He backed off a little to clock a 1 :00:59 on the second lap. Steve Bradford's shoot out with Team Verling was cut short when Steve broke a c. v. joint in a nasty section on lap 2. Jeff Stiles was keeping a fast pace, running 1 :02:58 for his first lap. Bob Lemos was right there keeping within seconds of}eff. At the end of lap 1 McNabb/ Russell, Beri, and Zimmerman/McCune were running three or four minutes behind Team Verling and within five seconds of each other. Jeff Stiles was the next front runner to drop out with mechan-ical woes. That left Bob Lemos to pressure the Verlings, but they were still pulling away at a rate of about four minutes per lap. In other class action, Dale Smith narrowly led a large Class 10 with a 1:07:59 first lap. Seven cars came in within a two minute span. The season points races were winding down and that was financially important to all involved. As the race went on the course became littered with the normally reliable Class 10 cars. Class point leader Rob Smith dropped out on lap 2. Second in points Dale Smith did not complete the second lap. Y ering-ton 400 class winner Bruce Taylor likewise was a dnf. Actually all twelve Class 10 cars dropped out. Some, like Wes Elrod got going again, but when the dust settled it was David Jefferies, of Grass Valley, CA, with four laps completed to take the class win and the points lead by one point. Rick Philastre also got rolling again to manage second in class. Wes Elrod replaced two stub axles to salvage third in class. Tim Fitzpatrick was in the hunt all day, Rich Bryden drove a clean, fast race, and he leap frogged "into first place in Sportsman points with his Yerington win. Darrell Brown drove his race car to the track from his nearby home and he finished the race in third place in Class 4, and drove home. NEW _§Rn ~Las from -===RACNG PRODUCTS Ron Davis Racing Products now has two new sizes of Aluminum Racing Radiators for the serious off-road racer. All of our radi-ators have the latest fin and core design ayail-able on the market today. Our high perform-ance radiators offer maximum cooling effici-ency for constant engine temperature and al-lows maximum horsepower output. Light weight and durable, these radiators come in two new sizes -31 ½ inches wide by 19 inches tall, 28½ inches wide by 19 inches tall. "Call today" before the competition does. Don't forget our all aluminum VW Replacement Radiator. We also make brass and copper custom rad-iator. Just call us and tell us what you need! -::!Rn~LtM; RACNG PRODUCTS For more information -call 1-800-842-5160 Arizona -269-9194 Ask for Ron 2905 W. Buckeye Rd., Phoenix, AZ. 85009 TOLL FREE 800-842•5 t 88 ARIZONA - (602) 269-9194 Congratulations MITCH MUSTARD on winning the MTEG Championship Dusty nmes December 1989 ..::.:::::!.....:.:.:.:::=:. __________________________________________ _ Page 43

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. First timer Steve Elliott bought Roger Shuman's race car and all most won, but he was happy with a second place in the crowded Sportsman class. Mike Bishop and Mike Thienes drove to a Class 9 victory, despite having the throttle stuck full on for some time. Don German once again proved why he is the VORRA overall champion, and has been for the last nine years. He also won Class 4 at Yerington. Make DUSTY TIMES a Stocking Stuffer for Christmas ORDER GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR YOUR FAVORITE OFF ROADERS NOW. DELIGHT YOUR PIT CREW - FAMILY HELPFUL NEIGHBORS - EVERYONE. DUSTY TIMES IS A BARGAIN GIFT WITH NO SHOPPING HASSLE $12.00 - 1 year • $20 - 2 years • $30 3 years • $15 (US) 1 year to Canada ·SEND YOUR CHECK AND CHRISTMAS LIST TO DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O • Agoura, CA 91301 Page 44 Jeff Gordon's 1 :11 :38 lap was a great performance, but late race problems dropped him back and he was third in his class. Scott Casebier came from Tonopah, Nevada to race and laid claim to second place in the Challenger action, one lap down. (Jr luck of the draw and never bothered to look back. He didn't have to, there wasn't anyone there. He trimmed 10 to 15 minutes off his next competi-tors' lap times each lap to finish the race at 7:23:54. Gordon Scott put in very consistent lap times to claim second. Mason Valley resident Darroll Brown took home third. Again the Sportsman Class was massive so VORRA decided to do something abut it. They weeded out the Baja Bugs and ran them together. That class was headed by rookies Todd Den-ton/Kurt Holm of Reno, NV, who thrashed their rivals. Their closest competition came from Tony Howerton who finished the day in second, and Bob Henderson who was a comparatively distant third. The rest of the class were gobbled up by the desert. third, and Bill Lott fourth. When Steve Elliott broke it was Rich Bryden going on to victory. Elliott's earlier times were good enough to keep second, Gordon stayed in third and Lott in fourth. The Challenger Class had a fairly modest showing with it coming down to a two car contest. Mike Thienes/ Mike Bishop of Blue Max Racing started at the front of the pack and, despite getting stuck a few times, kept in front of Scott Casebier. Both vehicles had down time for minor repairs, but got back in the action. Mike Bishop and friends com-pleted five laps to take the win and pad his points lead over fellow Blue Max racer Chuck Taylor. Scott Casebier settled for second and celebrated at the end with an ear to ear grin. And now the rest of the overall story. Team Verling continued pulling away Russell kept problem free about eight minutes back, Bob Lemos' motor didn't sound very good and he lost ten to fifteen minutes making the necessary repairs. He came back to churn out the quickest final lap. Larry Zimmerman/Garen McCune were ahead of Bob Lemos until a last lap flat had them working on it when Lemos went by. Team Verling used about five minutes on their last pit stop. This time Eric Verling got in to finish the contest. Team Verling brought out the checkered flag at 6:24: 16 to take the win and take advantage of Steve Bradford's misfortune to move to the top of the class point race. Kevin McNabb/Mike Russell lost rear brakes and suffered a flat but came in second overall at 6:44:45. Bob· Lemos came into the finish area high on the cam to edge out Garen McCune/ Larry Zimmerman. The rest of the class had lost their challenge against the desert earlier on. Later that evening at the awards ceremony VORRA's Ed Robin-son kicked the idea around about making next year's 250 a little smoother. That is what he said last year! Again Yerington, Nevada had been an outstanding community host. With the help of Bill, Larry, Dennis and the rest of the Mason Valley residents the event was great and VORRA has been great at all the desert races this year. The courses have been well marked, and Jenny Robinson and crew have done an impeccable job keeping score. Thanks from the racers and crews. The Sportsman Class was a classic see saw battle. Reno's Bill Lott headed the first lap with Superlight pilot Don Hanson running in the second spot. The early morning dust was so bad that a number of racers elected to slow down rather than risk the metal to rock contacts. Still, nine Sportsman teams disappeared before lap 2. Coming into this race Jack Gardner was the Sportsman point leader, but had a 4 1 / 2 hour first lap. M.eanwhile Jeff Gordon put in the fastest Sportsman lap of the day at 1:11:38. Fallon, Nevada racer Rich Bryden and newcomer Steve Elliott didn't set any records., but their consistently average 1:16:00 lap times kept rolling on. Don Hanson found the course and the nerfing too rough and soon retired. Todd Denton was the only Sportsman Baja racer that finished. He dominated this one time class from flag to flag. By the fifth lap the class had dwindled down to four cars and only one completed the sixth lap to not only win but collect finishing points as well. At the time Elliott had· the lead, Rich Bryden was second, Jeff Gordon December 1989 Tony Howerton flew over the central Nevada rough stuff and he placed his Baja Bug a fine second in class. Dusty nmes

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THE 10TH ANNUAL SNORE 150 Brian Collins Wins the Fall Classic in Nevada Photos: T rackside Photo Enterprises .. ..... -... t--- , -... ~,,..,. ~~"$,;· ~ Tom and Stev~ Martin had their Raceco primed for the race, they led the first half, but ended up second in Class 2 by 8 minutes and second 0 /A. Brian Collins with his business partner Bruce Graves riding along proved master of th~-rough desert once again, winning Class 2 in the final laps, and Collins drove the Chenowth/Porsche to first overall. The annual SNORE 250 is the participants. But, the challenge of of the club, and it was also a Tomm/ Bradley with sister Kelly riding along, stayed close, but a third lap problem cost time and put them down to third in Class 2. flagship event for the SNORE the southern Nevada desert never special memorial for Roy Taylor close. The Kevin McGillivray Club each year. Back in 1970 the changes ... it will be dusty and who passed away recently. ream set fast lap for the class on first SNORE 250 was also the there will be some silt beds, for The Unlimited cars started first the first lap of 1: 14:22, but, that first professional event organized sure. Just a few weeks after the and fairly flew over the desert. was their only lap. Midway John by the club. The race, which drew SNORE 250, the HORA Gold Five started in Class 1, and at the Ellenburg had about a three all the then stars of the sport, was Coast 300 was scheduled to use end of one of four required laps minute lead on Mike Peterson, two 125 mile laps over mountains, many of ~he sa~e trails, _and ~as Troy Herbst led Jerry Leighton by and Steve Rebeil, with Tim and dry lakes, and rocks. The also the first series event m which a minute and James Barbeau was Ed Herbst co-driving, was back start/ finish was at the end of no pre-running was allowed. So, another 17 seconds back in a real another five minutes. T ropicana Blvd., west ofl-15, and the SNORE 2 50 gai i:1-ed so~e dog fight. However, both Leighton Meanwhile John Babcock failed aimed the cars over ground that is extra entry as some serious series and Barbeau were out of the race on lap 2, and the interesting team now Spanish Trail, a plush pointshuntersusedtheSeptember on the second lap and Herbst, of Rob MacCachren, Brian Country Club community now. SNORE race as a pre-run for the after a 1:05 first lap, took over StewartandSteveMcEachernhad Twenty years later the race was October HORA event. Over 110 four hours to do the second a three and a half hour firstlap but heavily restricted on usable land, cars showed up this year. round. Larry Gilmore/Jim Bunty came back strong. Must have and the trails out of Jean, Nevada The SNORE event this year had the lead by about three gotten their p~running done tha_t they could use were well usedR was de11dJicabted to thfehm~mordy of minutes over Doc Ingram / Bill -,(_;_.,'.,h, and mostly familiar to the usse o , one o t e roun ers Krietlow midway, and increased "' • the lead on lap 3, but did not • finish the final lap. The four lap winners were Doc Ingram and Bill Krietlow in Class 1. Gilmore/ Bunty claimed second, Troy Herbst third. Class 2 fi elded a hefty 13 starters, but a dozen of them watched the dust of Brian Collins and Bruce Graves in a Porsche power ed C henowth all day. Collins led the last half, set fast lap on the final round at 1:05: 17 just early. However, they failed to finish the fourth lap as did Dan Bradley / Hal Flippin who also had a three hour first lap. After three laps Rebeil led Ellenburg by eight minutes, Peterson used an extra hour and soon retired, taking third place anyhow. At the flag Rebeil and the Herbst brothers won Class 10 by about eight minutes over John Ellenburg, who drove alone as always. A husky field of seven, huge for a SNORE race. started in Class 5 and im and r-,. ten seconds slower than Troy 1' ,,> Herbst's fast lap of the day, and Steve Rebeil and co·_;,ivers E d and Tim Herbst had a see saw battle fbr the won the race overall with a four lead in Class 10, but the trio did win by about eight minutes. lap time of 4:29:03. Tom and The Chaparral of Doc Ingram and Bill Krietlow was the lone survivor of four laps in Class 1, and Doc took the trophy home to Arizona. ilk"""--"'.» . - . ~ Larry Gilmore and Jim Bunty led Class 1 for three laps, but they failed to appear on the 'inal lap at the finish line, and still took second m class. Dusty Times Steve Martin in a Raceco led Collins on the first lap by 15 seconds, then increased their lead to half a minute midway in the race. But they dropped a couple of minutes here and there and finished second in Class 2 by over eight minutes. In the early hunt in Class 2 was Bob Richey, but he only did two laps in his Raceco/ Porsche, and Aaron and Steve Hawley, running third when they disappeared on lap 4. At the flag Tommy and Kelly Bradley took third, followed by Danny Letner/ Henry Bergdahl and Tom Bradley Sr. and Curt Johnson. In sixth Jim and Wendell Smith were the last four lap finishers in Class 2. Seven strong teams started in Class 10 and it started out very December 1989 CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES 5153 BOWDEN AVE. S4N DIEGO, CA. 92117. TEL {619) 279-2509 HELMET COMPLETE SYSTEM $195 $320 A FRESH AIR HELMET AND BLOWER ASSEMBLY DESIGNED FOR on· ROAD us~ AT A REASONABLE PRICE BUILT AND BACKED BY BELL HELMETS LIGHT WEIGHT-REDUCES NECK STRAIN COOL, COMFORTABLE TERRY CLOTH LINER BLOWER MOTOR AND ASSEMBLY ARE GUARANTEED FOR ONE FULL YEAR SNELL SA85 APPROVED Page 45 ·

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• ,. ~ . ~ "' Mike Peterson and Scott Skochenkl got in two good laps before trouble struck, an hour's worth, and they did not complete the fourth lap. Willy Higman, with Kristin Kotchnik and Shawn Widick had a good day in the dese,t and took second, less than five minutes out, in Class 1-2-1600. Larry, Jeff and Dick Trimble did two fast laps, lost a few minutes on lap 3, but came back strong to finish third in the competitive 1600s. '* ,s... ~ Jim, Rick, and Ed Madison combined to take Class 5 fast lap on the first round, lose time on the next two laps, but they finished well, second. Will and Frank Williams had a good run, with no serious down time and they motored right into third place in the Class 5 action, 8 minutes out. Rich Fersch, Darryl Gibson and company placed a close second in Class 5-1600, and with the placing Fersch retained his class points lead. John Ellenburg always does well in Class 10, but this race a bit of down time on the third lap put the solo driver down to second spot. t;llr Ed Madison led the cameoutthewinnerswereJoseph first round by just under two Trimino and Chuck Dodson. The minutes over LeRoy Van Kirk Madisons were less than two and Rick Rowland. Nobody else minutes back in second and six was close and one was already minutes ahead of Williams. missing. Midway Van Kirk took Rowland salvaged fourth with a the lead with fast class lap of finish. 1:15:24, Madison had trouble Classes 7, 7S and 8 all ran and dropped to third, while together but earned separate Joseph Trimino and Chuck points. Of the seven starters, two Dodson were just four minutes didn't make a lap and two more faster in second place. only covered one lap. Out front Van Kirk losqm hour on lap 3, after one round was Thomas Trimino continued to lead and Coon in the only Class 8 running, now Will and Frank Williams but Don Lindfors was only 23 were just ten minutes back in seconds behind him in his Class 7, second. Two more bitthe dust on but Lindfors vanished on the lap3,andwhenthecheckeredflag second lap. Coon lost time Page 46 THE LIGHTEST WHEELS IN OFF-ROAD RACING! DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED! MONOCO.QUE RACING WHEELS 10658 Prospect Ave., Unit C Santee, CA 92071 (619) 448-2800 • FAX: (619) 448-2206 midway and Dennis Rogers had the lead in his 7S truck by about two minutes. Rogers held his lead, now over 30 minutes on the third and final lap as Thomas Coon lost more time but did finish second. Class 5-1600 is popular with SNORE racers and 14 were on the line at the SNORE 250. This time the class had to cover just three laps for an official finish. SNORE tries to schedule the distance so that all the class winners finish about the same time. When a class has a winner, then, regardless of how many laps the other class cars have completed, the rest of the class is flagged in the next time they reach the finish line. The Turbo Lamke team in-cluded such heavyweights as Mike Lesle and Jack Ramsay. The Lamke Bug turned fast lap for the class on the first round to take a slim lead, 41 seconds, over Rich Fersch and Darryl Gibson. Tom Mace/Dan Mustoe were third about eight minutes back followed closely by Mike Klinger, Tim Fagg/ Barry Peterson and George and Greg Tuttle. Four of the Bugs failed to complete a lap. Lamke and company held their lead midway by just over a minute on Fersch/ Gibson. Klinger was third about 14 minutes down, followed in a minute by Tim Fagg/Barry Peterson and the others were back a bit. At the flag the win went to Turbo Lamke/ Mike Lesle/Jack Ramsay by a mere minute, 8 seconds over Rich Fersch and Daryl Gibson in a hard fought battle all three laps. Mike Klinger and company scored third, about eight minutes down followed home by Fagg/ Peterson. Mace/Mustoe and the T uttles, while three more bugs got in their three laps. _ As usual Class 1-2-1600 had the biggest entry with 24 starters. Mike Spina/Keith Underwood whipped off class fast lap on the first round, a swift 1:15:27. But, Darren Wilson did a 1:19:42, while Larry Trimble and Brent Bell tied on time at 1: 19:31, and Willy Higman did a 1: 19:53. This was really going to be tight racing December 1989 as half a dozen more cars were in the early 1 :20s. Wilson dropped out on the second lap, but the rest of the front runners charged on. Three more cars were among the missing. Ahead on time it was still Spina and Underwood with a four minute advantage on Larry, Jeff and Dick Trimble. Willy Higman was two more minutes back with Brent Bell just 40 seconds behind him. In another three minutes came Pat Dean, followed closely by David Plum, and so it went down the ranks of this always very tight running class. Not much changed on the third lap . Spina and Underwood increased their lead by a minute over second running Willy #. --... ~ .... .~ ... -~w .. Higman who had two minutes on Brent and Jim Bell, who in turn were 2½ minutes up on the Trimbles, and a couple more cars driven by Plum and Dean moved into contention a few more minutes back. On the final round Mike Spina and Keith Underwood turned a 1 :20:36 and sailed home tirst under the checkered flag with a total time of 5: 16: 18. Willy Hig-man and company posted a 1:21 lap to hold second place, about seven minutes down. Larry, Jeff and Dick Trimble did a 1:19:42 last lap to move into third place another three minutes back. Brent and Jim Bell slowed a tad but were only two minutes further behind in fourth, followed in just 41 ~::, ., .,. $,ti, ~,;i~ ,., ...., ............ -N Mike Spina and Keith Underwood usually do well in races around Jean, NV and last September they drove to a keen victory in the big Class 1-2-1600. ·-- . ·~ Joseph Trimino and Chuck Dodson kept quite an even pace all four laps and it paid off for them with the victory in the seven Bug Class 5. Dusty Times

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-"" _,.,,,_ . ; I!,. '~Lldb "' . .... James Clements and Mike Brown came from Barstow to race with SNORE, and the quick team finished tight on time, second in Challenger ranks. ~ ..... ,. ~ :?:. ;g,,~:., ... ~ . ..... ~' , . ..., "" . •""'-.., . , v,>Ls,c'\ .,. ·~~',:r;,:>J.~JIL-.., t. ,.~:~·-,,,f,,~~..t-,.:.;"'~., .• ~ ... ~ "'~--~:·: ~,.~ ~-,'., .., Josh Rider, Wade Prince, and Jeff Reagan had a fun run and held a steady pace. Their reward was a neat fourth place in the big Challenger bunch. Thomas Coon started out strong in the truck class, but the Rally folks most of the time, Don and Cathy Lindfors and Steve desert took off most of the body work and Coon finished 30 Prior ran their Ranger in Class 7, didn't finish, but were third. The Porsche bodied, and engined, Baja Bug of Le Roy Van Kirk is a wild looker, and fast, turning class fast lap, but finishing fourth in Class 5. minutes down in seco'ld. seconds by David and James Plum. Pat Dean ran consistent laps to take sixth spot at a total time of5:35:04. In all 16 of the 24 starters finished all four laps on the lead lap, a really good example of how close and competitive the 1-2-1600 class racing can be. The Challenger Class action fielded 23 cars and it was just about as tight racing as the 1600s. Rick Nelson and David Streety led the first of the required three laps with a 1:29:14, but Mike Dixon and Ralph Chadwick were just behind with a 1:30:20. Close enough to pounce were the Barstow bunch, James Clements/ Mike Brown, 1:32:26, and Tom Mattingly, 1:32:45, with points leader Bryan Pennington in between at 1:32:39. Dixon lost over an hour on the middle lap, and dropped well back. Out front now was Nelson with two minutes in hand over Pennington, who had only a minute on Clements/ Brown. It was going to be a dogfight on the last lap. Bryan Pennington in the Valley Performance single seater whipped off fast lap for the class, 1 :29: 11, on the last lap to win the Challenger Class and retake the points lead in SNORE standings. His total time was 4:34:35. James Clements and Mike Brown stayed in second place, at 4:40:16, followed by Rick Nelson and David Streety at 4:56:30. This team had 20 minutes worth of Bryan Pennington did a number on the Challenger Class again, doing the three laps in almost id9ntical times, and he won over 22 other cars by a good margin, for Class 9, 5'h minutes. Dennis Rogers, Kris Dieson, John King and Gary Masakian led two of three laps in the truck class, and they led when it counted, at the finish. Dusty nmcs down time on the final lap. Josh Rider, Wade Prince, and Jeff Reagan were fourth at 5:02:48, closely followed by Robert and Jason Kleber at 5:03:38. Thirteen of the 23 starters got in the required three laps. An awards brunch on Sunday morning is a tradition with the SNORE 250 race. This year was no exception, but for the first time it was not held in Las Vegas, ,,~ but thirty miles south of the city 1 at the Gold Strike Hotel and r Casino in Jean. It was a great convenience for the out of town racers from California, saving them close to 40 miles on the homeward trek. The 20th annual SNORE 250 marks another record for the race. It is the longest continuous running The heavyweight team of Mike Lesle, Turbo Lamke, Jack Ramsey and T. Cornwell, all did consistent lap times, and they won Class 5-1600 by just one minute. desert event of any in the sport. While others advertise '20th annual', they did miss a year here -and there, but the SNORE 250 has happened every September beginning in 1970. Need action photos? Call us for proofs! Trackside Photo, Inc.-Racing photography since 1970 Trackside Photo, Inc. Photos for Public Relations, Promotions, Ads Commercial & Product Photography December 1989 1507 East Del Amo Blvd. Carson, California 90746 (213) 609-1772 Page 47

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-.. Bob '"'ON MAN" Behre-(.71.4) 678-4649 By Behrens METAL SHAPING OFF-ROAD, DRAG RACING AND VINTAGE RACE CAR BODIES 4072 CRESTVIEW DR. LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 .C,~ Apple Pie Rccing ~ fl, -;?/<U<,e 686'-tfo~ (702 I 362-9416 s~ -;?/<U<,e (702 I 363-2245 a.le.g:f; ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~~ Compet1t1on Tires ~o.:P' Offroad & Motorcycle Products 22264 Ottawa, Unit 1 Apple Valley, CA 92308 (619) 240-3186 2+••··-FUEL CELLS AUTOCRAfT ENGINES PARTS - SERVICE · Manufacturing Facilities La Habra, California 1100 CUSTER ROAD 1-80('J-356-6S86 TOLEDO, OHIO 4361~ Ohio 1-800-356-1546 Perlonnance Products Fiberglass Fenders & Hoods• Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins Pop-up Roof Light Kits • V-6 Kits for Mini Trucks Off-Road Truck Fabrication Product Catalog $3.00 (619) 562-1740 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 Page 48 TOM MINGA FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGE~ OFF~O',O RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. 'Ml.DING TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-44S-5764 BELL KENNY PARKS IMOT-. RACING · AND SAFETY • PRODUCTS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 Helmets And (714) 650-4566 1660 Babcock, Bldg. #8 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 BITCON ENGINEERING 55446 29 PALMS HIGHWAY YUCCA VALLEY, CA 92284 (619) 365-7649 THE AUTOMATIC CHOICE C & M OFFROAD & TRUCK CENTER OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE INC. ~ FEATURING • . . ~ DICK CEPEK _. . PRODUCTS · • Auto/Manual Transmission Custom • Engine we:ing • Accessories Metal Fabrication PARTS AND SERVICE FOR ALL 4WO'S w-ACCESSORIES (818) 504•0306 SUN Guo, .. -SERVICE (818) 767-0588 VALLEY 8540 LANKERS .. 11 BLVD. ?'°" d-~'="' ~ A~~ December 1989 Cut out this coupon and mail it to: Dick Cepek, Inc. 17000 Kingsview Ave., Dept. OT Carson, California 90746 I I D I've enclosed $9.00* for my Dick Cepek corduroy Hat, ; I . 2 Decals, and Catalog. I I • Canadian & Foreign requests send $15.00 U.S. currency. . I L----------------~--~~~-J CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..FP lACING PRODVCTS, INC. Check the Record; The Winners Choice; #1 in Racing and Recreational Chassis and Accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 [CNC] Manufacturers of CNC, Inc. 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 9211 O (619) 275-1663 Brake and Clutch Pedal Assy Master Cylinders Slave Cylinders Cutting and Staging Brakes Hydraulic Throttles Throttle Pedals and all of our accessories. Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 -:Rn~Davis 'RACING PRODUCTS CUSTOM RACING RADIATORS All Aluminum Rabbit Replacement Radiators Send for a free catalog 2905 West Buckeye Road Phoenix, AZ 85009 (602) 269-9194 (800) 842-5166 DE UNZIO RACING PRODUCTS HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 P.O. Box 6057 Santa Barbara. CA 93111 Dusty nma

Page 49

DE/.ciN/ IN LINE/' HI-TECH HAND LETTERING & PINSTRIPING VINYL LETTERING & GRAPHIC TIM BAHTl~I~ (714)255-8113 655 No Berry Street, Suite E, Brea, CA 92621 (818) 391-3033 JOHN VERHAGEN 1533 TRUMAN ST. , SAN FERNANDO, CA 9.1340 Single, Double, Trip le, Quad Applications. Take-Aparts & Remote Reservoir Kits. 10728 Prospect Ave. "B", Santee, CA 92071 • (619) 562-8773 "serving the industry since 1976" ' _te, 1-(Le, 1-RPAIRING • BALANCING • CUSTOMIZING DRIVELINE SERVICE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE PARTS AND SERVICE ON C 'V AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS (714) 824-1561 416 E. Valley Blvd., Colton, CA 92324 SCORE.& HORA CONTINGENCY SPONSORS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Bob Cassetta Don Rountree ·-:a"" "' . 408 S. Arrowhead Ave. 'SAN BERNARDINO, CA 825-0583 888-2703 fY 92408 FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDSI VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS (714) 981-9666 963 SEABOARD COURT. UPLAND, CA 91786 Dusty Times I ·~1,RACINI ffj .. · 1u1,:-. 213-603-2200 Send for our catalogl The most comprehensive catalog of race-proven Off Rood ports ever. From the people who hove put more Off Rood drivers in the Winner's Circle than anyone else. Coll. write. carrier pigeon. anything. But do it now. Or.You'll be at the bock of the pock . .. , .. ,,,. -IB:rl c..•"'~ _, Bilsteln Shocks JaMar Products Sway-A-Way Wright Place Perma-Cool I Tri-Mil Exhaust S&S Headers ................. ~ Gem Gears Weber Carbs Beard Seats IPF Lights PERl'OBMANCE ... many more FOR YOUR CATALOG. SEND S5 TO FAT PERFORMANCE. 1558 N. CASE ST. ORANGE. CA 92667. OR CALL (714) 637-2889 f\lLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BEL TS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS _,,..;,.·-: .ft ..... ~c.~:"'•---..... 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS RE·IKA8L£ V. W. PAffl 11623 SHEL.CON ST. SUN VALLEY, CA 913!52 768-45!5!5 (619) 669-4727 ~ Oet Your sn,n Together/ ~0Jt~~------F ORT l l'Y TRAl'YSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane ~· A Jamul, callfomla 92035 -W Doug Fortin (408) 377-3422 Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's Specifications R>X RACING SHOX 544 McGlincey lane, Unit 8, Campbell Calif. 95008 December 1989 Fuel Bladders Quick FIiis Dump Cans 5271 Business Dr. Std. FIiis Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 GIL GEORGE <~ -lC-■r·.-..., ::AO RACE ..,_ '-/.&.,a~ CARS CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA (714) 981-8743 GARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 1452 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & CUSTOM POOLS LICENSED & INSURED • ACID WASHES• FILTERS• HEATERS• MOTORS• ETC. RlPR!SlES BEEPER 381-3148 OFFICE 362-4202 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89103 * * HAT PINS ** FOR TEAMS, CLUBS, SPECIAL EVENTS HIGH QUALITY * LOW PRICES DEPENDABLE DELIVERY WRITE OR CALL FOR PRICE LIST & SAMPLE PHONE (818) 848-RACE --=R --BOX 63_6!L*_BURBANK, CA 91510-6369 HEADFLDW PERFORMANCE '' ,, RACING CYLINDER HEADS FRED COWLES (71,l) 631-3826 1760 Monrovia, C-7, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Page 49

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HOUSE of BUGGIES 9925 Prospect Ave. Santee, CA 92071 • 619-589-6770 MP tVE LINE SERVI THE COMPANY DRIVERS KEEP ONTARIO 4035 GUASTI RD. ONTARIO, CA 91761 (714) 983-7838 CORONA 1540 COMMERCE ST. CORONA, CA 91720 (714) 279-8026 JG TRANSWERKS 'Go with a Proven Winner' ~111111~1111~ I I 111111 I~ 11 Joe Giffin 1509 N. Kraemer, Unit 0 Anaheim, California 92806 JIMCO (714) 632-1240 OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-17 43 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD SANTEE, CA 92071 L ee JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 rll@@JIJt::l V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SER VICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 WALKER EVANS ,.iii'~ RACING SHOCKS ~ MICKEY THOMPSON GRAND PRIX MOJAVE MINT • EXTERNALLY ADJUSTABLE • 3 " DIAMETER .. • 8 "-14 " COIL OVERS • COMPUTER SUSPENSION DESIGN ASSISTANCE KUSTER PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS LONG BEACH, CA. 213 595 0661 Page 50 • CUSTOM CHASSIS • RACE PREP • ALUMINUM WORK • WELDING • ROLL CAGES Engineering FABRICATION/RACE PREPARATION TO YOUR SPECIFICATION 825 N. GLENDORA AVE. COVINA, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 KENT LOTHRINGER DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is :i grc;it traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 5 331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 9 1 301. (818) 889,5600 "OFFROAD IS OUR BUSINESS" 2366 E. Orangethorpe Ave. Anaheim, CA 92806 Tel. (714) 441-1212 Fax(714)444-1622 MENDEDLA RACING Volkswagen • Porsche • Hewland Off-Road & Stadium Racing Transmissions Parts & Service 10722 Kenney St., Suite D Santee, CA 92071 (619) 562-9010 FAX: (619) 562-9079 TABS• BRACKETS• MOUNI'S Shearing - Punching - Forming Sowing -Tool Grinding - TIG & MIG Welding RACE CAR COMPONENTS STEVE WRIGHT Riverside, Calif. December 1989 (714) 35 1-2515 Import Parts & Service Import Machine Shop Import High Performance Parts, SelVlce & Machinery (419) 476-330C 1100 Custer Rd. At Laskey TOLEDO, OHIO 43612 Wholesale 419-476-3711 5\S C t-1 fl. S Custom Built to Your Needs by Bill Varnes Mike Brown V-ENTERPRISES 37925 Sixth St. East, Unit 107 Palmdal~. CA 93550 805/272-3843 Jim Moulton Racing A -----~LL#~.,,~ - ---PRODUC'fS ■ Off road racing chassis ■ Fabrication and repair ■ Fox shock parts and service ■ Race Car Prep 26846 Oak Ave., Unit G Canyon Country, Calif. 91351 (805) 298-1212 YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE Ignitions • Distributors • Rev Limiters Coils • Heli-Core W ires• Accessories AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 Henry Brennan Or., El Paso, Tx 79936 (915) 857-5200 AUWS ANTIQUE & CLASSIC CARS TRUCKS NATIONAL SPRING COMPANY, INC. 10229 Prospect Aue. Santee, Californin 92071 A COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SpRING SERVICE Leaf Springs Custort, Made & Repaired Shocks & Coil Springs Sold & Installed Blocks and U-Bolts made to order Off-Road Suspension Urethane Bushings Beeline Alignment and Wheel Balancing MaIOR HOMES (619) 449-ARCH 4 X 4's Dusty Times

Page 51

INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Cutllng Brakes'" • Clutch Pedal Assembhes • Master Cylinders Complete Catalog, $3 00 NEAL PRODUCTS. INC. 7830 Trade Street • Hydrauhc Clu1ches and Throllles San Diego, CA 92121 ... plus much more. (619) 565-9336 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6891 SAN DIEGO DR .. BUENA PARK. CA 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 WO VANS & P1CKUPS 8t M I N I TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION NO BLOCKS USED • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 761-9460 Established 1974 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT ,~,,, Olffl HOAJJ-~; tt\ D / •~MlCS ·. ::,;.. .•. ,.· "-:, REi?;MAc' ,WHWY, E, CA 91750 CR.I OFF ROAD INNOVATIONS BOLT·ON PRE-RUNNER ACCESSORIES. LIGHT HOOPS BED KICKERS TIRE MOUNTS CUSTOM FABRICATION l619I 588-2568 1160 PIONEER WAY, SUITE C, EL CAJON, CA 92020 P.O. Box 2286 Corona, CA 91718 SCORE/HORA Desert Series & Riverside Races · 1986 Through 1989 All Classes -All-Cars 1 Hr. VHS Video Tapes $29.95 each Please Write for Information or Call (714) 734-9875 PROFESSIONAL ■ AMERICAN ■ CANADIAN c Off-ROAD \l A R~CING~~ ~ --.c, ;;.;_,;--__ w ~ "',··~ ~ ? P. 0. BOX 323-SEAHURST, WA 98062 (2061 242-1773 Dusty nmcs ~~ ~[3~1}U~[1[1 1660 Babcock Bldg. B Costa Mesa. Ca 92627 ( 714) 650-3035 Fabrication ✓ Coil Over Suspension ✓ FoxShoxPartsAndSeNice ✓ Race Car Wiring ✓ Race Car Prep. ✓ Tum Key Race Cars Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $ U~.00 per month. FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 ;Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering Hole Saloon 24 Hour Service Station BAKER. CALIFORNIA PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINOtS HWY NEW LENOX tLLINOIS 60451 18151 485-RACE 172231 FUNCTIONAL AFTER-MARKET PRODUCTS Dean Galloway (818) 769-0921 Larry Winter 114-517-8286 PlliAIR A Totally New Concept in Battery Design R11ce SAop SMppliu 11 $32 Stepl,a11ie Garde11 Grove, C4 92640 • ½ tl,e Size & Weiglit of its EqMi,aknt • Vibration Ruistant • Spill Proof December 1989 Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler S OF 1 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 Anaheim Hills Family Dental Center (714) 998-2553 ~-DAVID Qi\MOCINe>Kl. D.D.6 438 N. Lakeview Ave. Anaheim Hills, Ca. 92807 RACING LUBRICANTS DESIGNED FOR PERFORMANCE SERVICE AUTO PARTS Palm Desert 44-800 San Pablo Yucca Valley 56313 29 Palms Hwy (619)346-0694 · (619)365-0813 (619)323-1879 (619)329-1446 (619)347-3379 · (619)328-2183 (714)441-1212 · (714)883-8891 (714)750-2802 (213)390-9086 (213)370-5552 (714)558-9393 (714)635-1431 Palm Springs 67-390 Ramon Rd. Desert Hot Spr 13-175 Palm Dr. Indio 81-096-A Hwy. 111 Cathedral City 68-887 Hwy. 111 McKenzie's Anaheim Moore Racing San Bernardino OffRoad Supermart Westminster Dirty Parts Culver City Racecrafters Lawndale Tustin Honda Tustin Bryce's Auto Anaheim RED LINE SYNTHETIC OIL CO. 3450 Pacheco Blvd, Martinez, CA 94553 TEL (800) 624-7958 RUSS's V.W. · Recycling 756 Alpha St., Irwindale, CA 91706 (818) 303-4366 Specia(izing in V W. Bugs. Buses, Ghias and 914 's (213)583-2404 ml ~f}}PSERVICE, INC. m ~ETAL PROCESSING S921 W1Jm1r1gton Avenue Los Ange/es. Californ,a 9000 I SA~OBlAST Mark Smith GLASS BEAD FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MAGNETIC PARTICAL Larry Smith Page 51

Page 52

'--::t---·. - -·-• ..... ._ __ SaH "?~ ~~"99'1 ~ ~ J~ 1533 Truman Street ~J~ San Fernando. Ca 91340 ~~{1 .J,,,,.i_~Phone: (818) 361-1215 . (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 MARVIN SHAW ENTERPRISES Manufacturer & Supplier of Arizona Air Ride Shocks Air Cooled Tool Co. Tools Buggy Beautiful Dress-Up Parts for your Sand Buggy DESIGN ■ ENGINEERING ■ SALES 3242 Sabin Brown Road P.O. Box20646 602-684-5056 Wickenburg, AZ 85358 ,;n /eel, HIGH PERFORMANCE LETTERING Custom Race Lettering & Numbers Sandblast • Banners • Vinyl Lettering • Plexiglass 207 Nashville# C Huntington Beach, CA 92648 714/ 960-7461 NEW LOCATION IN ORANGE COUNTY rSIMPSOll . RACE PRODUCTS j t 1130 N. Kraemer Blvd., 'C' Anaheim, California.92806 (714) 630-8861 'SIMPSOll,' ... RACE PRODUCTS j SEND $3.00 F_OR NEW FULL COLOR CATALOG Sacramento Area (916) 638-1103 • FAX (916) 638-6842 11336-A Sunco Drive • Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 Page 51 SMALL CAR ENTERPRISES Corky 1001 Arlee Place / Anaheim, California 92805 7i4/635-3735 stock to high performance • tune-ups brakes &. suspension • remanufactured engines &. transmissions fuel Injection • welding &. chassis fab. hell arc mig &. tig aluminum &. steel Nobody Covers Off Road Like DUSTY TIMES SUBSCRIBE TODAY (USE FORM ON PAGE 3) WELDING • FABRICATION ROLL CAGES • TUBE BENDING SHOCK & SUSPENSION SETUPS FLAME CUT GUSSET KITS GAS TANKS AIR CLEANERS SHEET METAL WORK BEAD BLASTING CUSTOM MACHINING RACE PREP & REPAIR RACE CAR -PRE RUNNER FABRICATION ---SPORT ENGINEERING :-:-.-:-. 14757 Lull Street Van Nuys, CA 91405 TEL: 818-994-7475 FAX: 818-994-4069 -----------~--------_:. ------------==------~!!""''!!!-!!!!!!. •lllliilll111111111111o.~~;;; ;; --~RACINGPRoouc7s------: 115 OCTANE RACING GASOLINE Anaheim, CA ............................ (714) 528-4492 Bakersfield, CA .......................... (805) 948-6044 Bullhead City, AZ. ......................... (602) 758-5480 Chino, CA ....•.......................... (714) 628-7596 Concord, CA ..................... _ ....... (415) 676-4300 Fullerton, CA ............................ (714) 635-5553 Hayward, CA ............................ (415) 783-6500 Lancaster, CA ... ......................... (805) 948-6044 Las Vegas, NV ............ . ........... _ . . (702) 643-9200 Long Beach, CA .......................... (213) 432-3946 Oakland, CA ................. _-........... (415) 261-6900 Phoenix, AZ. ............... ...... ... _ .... (602) 279-5000 Pleasant Hill, CA ..................... .... (4_15) 798-2201 Riverside, CA .................. _ ......... (714) 877--0226 Salinas. CA ...... _ . . ................. _ ... (408) 422-9808 Santa Barbara, CA ........................ (805) 963-9366 Van Jose, CA . ........................... (408) 294-4513. Van Nuys, Cf. ............................ (818) 785--0902 Ventura, CA .. ... . . ~ . .............. ___ ... (805) 659-5609 P.O. Box 610,333 West Broadway, Suite 202 (213} 630-6996 Long Beach, California 90801-0610 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS (714) 630-8283 Anaheim, CA December 1989 1988 BUDWEISER/FAT SUPERSTITION SERIES CHAMPIONS CRAIG DILLON -CLASS 10 RANDY ANDERSON -CLASS 1, 2-1600 CECIL WRIGHT -UNLIMITED CLASS JACK HETTINGER -CHALLENGER HERMAN MEISTER -CLASS 8 JON HURLEY -CLASS 7 GREG SANDEN -CLASS 5 TODD TEUSCHER -CLASS 100 CHUCK McCORMICK -CLASS 6 KEN BASORE -CLASS 5-1600 JAGG1TEAA4 OM Road Products and Preparation Downey• Doetsch Tech • Bi/stein• Smittybilt • KC Lites Baker Products• Cal Gold Products• Conner Prpducts • Super Trapp Suspension • Engine• Drive line • Fiberglass • Clutches Tires• Wheels• Safety Equipt • PreRunner Lifts • Installation SINCE 1933 670 W. 17th. Unit G-5 Costa Mesa. C /l 92627 (714) 631-8244 C. A. TAYLOR (CHUCK) 240 N. OAK ST.-G-· ORANGE, CA 92667 (714) 997-1778 LUBRICATION FORMUIATED FOR SEVERE SERVICE CAROLYN FRICK Mon-Fri 9-6 Owner •■ll[lll~!!lllllla.., S;it 10-2 (714) 861-2606 1118 S. DIAMOND BAR BLVD., DIAMOND BAR, CA 91765 Trackside Photo, Inc. Commercial Photography Peter L. Hatch (213) &o9-1n2 1507 E. Del Amo Blvd. • Carson, CA 90746 IMC£ Tl(ANS BY JEFF F/EO)'S TRflNSflXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering UniiH Chatsworth, CA 91311 Dusty nmcs

Page 53

-A········ir,·· ..... ·········:tr:n IIJ ... ing ga • :::. :":;::/;\:::::::::::,:-. :-:-:.:,:,:,:,:,:-:,:,:-: .... _,.:·:·-:/):;::·::=! . :-:-:-:-:-:-:,·.· ;THE LEADER IN HIGH PERFORMANCE.•.• :-:-:❖. :l:,;,:-:!l :::~::::::::::!::::t>Jt~o ~~E1:;~0~1i~i~?:?~_:::::::i/::Jt/}1 . . . . _ CHAMPIONSHIP COMPETITION :·:·:•.· .. -:-:-:-:•·· :::··.:········· Fmin_formation and a distributor near yo~. c~i1·::: ?;::···: .·. 1-800-444-1449 - . --·.:·:?:•:: UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNOLIA, SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 619/449-9690 Power Steering - Brackets Aluminum Fabrication - Tabs Louie Unser LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C Fullerton, Ca. 92631 (714) 879-8440 'l I/ RUBBER BUMPER If / I $15.00 per ft *Cut to Length YIP RUBBER COMPANY, INC. 945 South East Street Anaheim, California 92805 (714) 774-7635 (213) 628-7869 (800) 722-4VIP (outside Calif.) FAX (714) 774-9084 Classified ••• V W ON LY liAniruttleJLA 17011 DARWIN ROAD, HESPERIA, CA ·vw · RABBIT · BUS· AUDI PARTS NEW & USED REBUILT ENGINES & TRANSMISSIONS DUNE BUGGY CHASSIS & PARTS (619) ~(' PAINT /INPC04T/NflS'i1.(;f<APllfCS* HJllOB * fRN:/ TO MC; MAINTEAIANCF• Sf'~l/¥/tf:1t-JFHFR1Nt;.1. "t>.K#ffl MY&ufB''1arFickl1p~ ·619• 0 MOVING? Don't miss an issue of DUSTY TIMES Send Your Old and New Address to 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O Agoura, CA 91301 Allow six weeks for processing. 'rH/S ININN/SRS CHOIC/S WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports winning drivers and engine builders. Just ask the top professionals before buying your next cam. Our dedication to performance and quality keeps you on top. Call WEB-CAM for your winning cam for street·. strip and off-road or send $3 for the complete catalog. Engine & Machine SPECIALIZING IN OFF ROAD HIGH-PERFORMANCE VW-PORSCHE, FABRICATION & OFF ROAD PREP. (619) 741-6173 -420 VENTURE ST. ESCONDIDO, CA 92025 DISC BRAKE SYSTEMS DISC BRAKE CALIPERS 570° RACING BRAKE FLUID DISC BRAKE PADS FRONT VW DISC BRAKE KITS BRAKE PEDALS REAR VW DISC BRAKE.KITS CLUTCH PEDALS PROPORTIONING VALVE COMPOSITE MASTER CYLINDERS POWER STEERING 461 Calle San Pablo• Camarillo• CA• 93010 805 • 388 • 1188 J/MliYf®i~ -~~~ ~,,,.-~~~{:" JAPANES~ RACING E~~:rs DEVELOPMENT & DYNO FACILITY PARTS AND TUNING 537 West Main Street JIM WOLF El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 442-0630 WOODS WHEEL WORKS Off Road Products . Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spindles Suspension Speclallsts • Custom Wheels (602) 242-0077 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, AZ. 85017 too much to list. FAT, suspension by Vaknes, Wright, Fuel Safe, Sway-A-Way, cool overs, sec-ondary, Fox, torque numiters, on and on. Call (714) 592-2821 days, or (714) 626-2564 eves. everything. Cost over $50,000.00 to build. Car, engine, spare parts, all $12,900.00, O.B.O. Will sell without engine or spare parts. CONTACTLYNNCHENOWTII at (619) 390-7111. Fox coil over front suspension, secondary rear suspension. 2180 roller crank motor, Hew land gears, best of everything, $14,000.00. Call Kent at (818) 915-2212. FOR SALE: 5-1600 SCORE/ HORA legal Has been used as pre runner. Bus. trans, type 4 C.V., rack & pinion steering, Fuel cell, more. Call (714) 626-004 7, or (818) 332-0153 and leave message. FOR SALE: Class 1 or 10 Front runner Class 1 1st place last 2 races, also SCORE Class 10 champ. Car has best of everything, COMING NEXT MONTH ... SCORE Baja 1000 ADRA Sonoyta to Rocky Point · Short Course Racing in Florida Season Finale at Glen Helen Press On Regardless Pro Rally WRC Ivory Coast Rally ... and all the regular features. Dusty-nmes FORSALE:YAMAHApowered FOR SALE: 1-1600, 1988 ·FOR SALE: CHENOWTH CHENOWTH Magnum, built by Chenowth Magnum. Just com-ARROW! Lightest open class car Lynn Chenowth for Yamaha pletely prepped, ready to race. inexistence.Oneofakind 1400+ Corporation to test the durability -Neth front end, rev power dyno lbs. mid engine design set up for of their 150hp. V-Max engine, tested motor, Hewland gears, Fox Type 4 with Hewland. Only transmission and clutch. The shocks, power steering, Wright aerodynamic off-road car ever 1200cc - 1675 lb. magnum was rack, Fuel cell, Mastercraft, built. Bodyalonecost$20,000.00. officially clocked at 1:59 on the Simpson belts, plus too many Cost $92,000.00 to build. Will first lap of the 1988 Mint 400. It spare parts, Centerlines, tires to sell $14,000.00, less engine and wentontofinish4thinC!asslon list. $15,000.00. Call Topper at transmission. Includes spare its maiden voyage. It has only (714)963-5200. . parts. CONTACT LYNN raced one other time when it FOR SALE: 1988 C.P. Perform-CHENOWTH at (619) 390-finished 3rd in Class 1. Best of ance Class 2 unlimited race car. 7111. December 1989 Page 53

Page 54

Classified ••• .:C:C'i:• X £.::.'\.¾·-;;;;,::__.;•~~~ FOR SALE: 1-2-1600 Hart chassis, Don Hatz motor, Neth front & rear suspension, UMP power steering, Fox shocks. Race read_y! $12,000.00 O.B.O. Call · JoeFlinnat(714)676-8084. = _. TRD USA., INC. has immediate openings for two qualified engine builders, and an experienced parts manager. Send resume to Jane Park, TRD USA., 18240 S. Western Ave., Gardena, Calif., 90248. FOR SALE: Brand new typel.81 VW "Thing" brake drums imported from West Germany! Special price each, $85 .00, or two for $160.00, plus shipping. Call Mohr Racing at (805) 968-9316. ~: FOR SALE:. Ex Mark McMillin Class 1 Chenowth Magnum frame. Includes frame, bumpers, nerf bars, body panels, spare nose, fuel cell, nets, 8" Wright front beam, dash, and wire loom. Race proven! $1,700.00. Call Bob at (714) 645-9252. FOR SALE: 115" W.B. Hi-Jumper, Class 2. Bus trans, with Hewland gears, F.A .T . 2240 motor, Fox shocks, P.S., 3x3 rear arms, Sway-A-W ay bars and springs. Front and rear adjusters, 18 gal. fuel cell, turn key condition! Centerline wheels, Yokohama tires. $9,600.00 Call Roger at (818) 848-9510, eves. FOR SALE: 2 seat Raceco frame. FOR SALE: 1986 Raceco 2-1600. Wright combos, Woods arms, UMP PIS, Bilstein W / res., Saw M-300 bars, 930 CV W /good stars, Dura Blue stubs, Neth arms, UMP air cleaner, Saw axles, BFG on polished Center-lines. Ready for your engine, and trans .. . $5,500.00. ( 7 l 4) 97 4-7284. FOR SALE: O.R.C. 211600 Don Hatz motor, c&S trans. UMP power steering, Fox Shox, wheel base 117n, combos new style arms, bead locks on all four rims, Super Boot stub axles, 930 CV, Summer axles, removable spare tire rack, and windshield, complete, race ready, best of everything, $12,500.00. Also enclosed tandum Pro Trac 20 foot inside with electric brakes, $3,250.00. Call John, Monday thru Friday, 8:00 a.m. -4:45 p.m. at (213) 834-1133 or home phone (213) 831-5811. FOR SALE: Fly-N-Hi Offroad Centers 1987 Class 8 project pre-runner. One of a kind, custom everything. Fully loaded, street legal small block 400 375 H.P., Turbo 400 Art Carr shifter, power windows, stereo, ice chest etc. Extended front A-Arms, torsion bar rear suspension, 10 shocks with remotes. Complete 8 point cage system. Flared front and rear fenders and hood. Rear winch, 6 Centerlines with headlocks, Mickey Thompson tires. For more information, 4WD Action magazine Dec. '88 issue. $25,000.00, O.B.O. Contact Mark at(602) 272-2433. FOR SALE: Raceco Class 10. 1987 Class 10 points winner, Parker, Lucerne Valley, Barstow, Riverside, Nevada 500 winner!! New Mendeola gear sets, state-of-the-art FAT performance Toyota AF engine, Sway-A-Way dual front springs. Absouutely ready to win! Call Greg at (714) 637-2889. FOR SALE: 1959 C]5, 350, top, _ cage, tilt, $2,300.00. 1984 Nissan 4x4. Loaded! Cap, carpet, immaculate, $5,000.00. Hi-Jumper Class 2, with Wright front, Sway-A-Way rear, pre runner, $2,000.00. Assorted tires, tanks, etc ... Call ( 408) 559-7247. FOR SALE: 3 bus transmissions. All with 091 diff.'s, 930 flanges, new German syncros and bearings (1) used 4.86-350-215 Hewland 1-56 1-21 gem, $1,500.00. (I) new 4.86-350-214 Hewland 1-56-1.30 gem -$2,000.00. ( 1) new 5-42-310-190 Hewland 150-121 Hewland w /Mendeola case, $2,350.00. All ready to race . Contact Dave at (714) 441-1212. . Includes, 118" wheel base, rear control arms, with secondary bars, and linkage, spring plates, and covers, spare tire mount, drive axles for type II box, shifter, and linkage, front bumper, side nerf bars, roof and body, 44" wide front coil over beam, floor , and skid p1ate, pedal plate, adjustable foot rest. $3,000.00. Call Greg at (714) 637-2889, or , ~ )~' _. M-: _,,,,, <-~--....,-"' ..:-··~-·-~ ·O¼ • ._. ·# ,,/4,J:, ---... ~ .>:· FOR SALE: 88 Mirage. Raced 8 times. Fox shocks, new Hatz motor, professionally prepped, max travel, etc ... The best of everything was put on this car. $42,000.00+ invested! Ready to race, and win it all! $15,000.00. Call Duke (Team Taxi), (213) 630-4335, or (714) 969-0664. FOR SALE: 112-1600 short course single seat. Proven winner! Chromoly chassis, aluminum body, Neith trailing arms, Fox, Bilstein, Wright, Sway-A-Way, Neal, Super Seat, Simpson, 8 & 17 gallon fuel cell, 930 cv's, Dura Blue stubs, fresh engine and trans. Race ready. $7,500.00, O.B.O ... Call Kei_th or Hal at ( 303) 761-1551 days, or (303) 761-8059 eves. FOR SALE: 1978 Ford F350 Dooley car hauler with 11½ FT. diamond plate flat bed, 8000# electric winch, fresh 429 with C6 auto, air, PB, PS, cruise, new interior. $4950.00. Call Jim at (602) 855-2208. FOR SALE: Woods Vulcan 109n, 2180, Bus tranny, widened and lengthened arms front and back, wide beam, Wright rack and combos, disc's, Bilstein shocks, Fuel cell, Flame Out, Beard seats, Pumper, Centerlines, spares, tamdem trailer. $8,700.00. Call (602) 778-1061. FOR SALE: Complete motor 2180cc. Welded heads, 82x92 cima's., mild cam & compression w/ Zenith carb, Kennedy clutch, Tri-Mil w/ Supertrap, oil filter, oil cover, alternator. All complete, just install, and run! Dave, (714) 441-1212. WALKER EV ANS RACING: POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Walker Evans Enterprises is looking for experienced, dedi-cated people for the following positions: Fabricators/Welders, Race car prep mechanics, Machinist, Painter /Fiberglass, Semi driver (loading and main-tenance). Travel required. 20 races a year. Good benefits. Contact Phyllis Evans, or Randy Anderson at (714) 784-7223, or send resume to: 561 Iowa, Unit D, Riverside, CA 92506. Craig at (415) 853-1331. . ~ .. i¾;,, , . FOR SALE: Bunderson Class l 0. Fat Rabbit, outboard 930 VC's. large alum. radiator, FOX shocks, Centerline, light weight, complete $9,000.00. Also FAT Type IV 2600cc, single carb, Carillo, Fresh, $4,000.00.!! Call Jerry Penhall at (714) 650-3035. FOR SALE: Single seat Raceco Class l or 10. Wright rack, 4" arms, and combos, 20" RR, 13" Ft. travel, 12 Fox Shox, coil front RR disc, Hewland gears, lots of spares. Call for all info ... No engine, FIRST $10,500.00 takes all my stuff! (805) 298-7343. r---------~~--~---~---~-~---~~----~---~-----~, I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I I DUSTY TIMES. I I. I · I Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for I I use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. I I NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and I I subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All classified ads must be paid in advance. I I -------------------------I I --------------------------I I I I --------------------------I I ------------------------~-I I I I --------------------------I I --------------------------I : Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. : I Name ---------------------------------Mail to: I : Address ___________________ Phone______ DUSTY TIMES II 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 I City __________________ State _____ Zip_______ Agoura,CA91301 I I • Page 54 December 1989 FOR SALE: Goshen Bros. 1989 Raceco Class l O stadium rnr. Has 12 races since new. Ruilt with the hest of everything. Features 5-link multi-stage suspension w /Fox water cooled air shocks. Weight, 1503 lhs ... Summers Bros. brakes, axles, with out-board cv's. Fresh trans, and 144 H.P. Goshen Rabbit with (approx.) 3 Hrs. since complete rebuild. Centerline wl bead locks, BFG. tires, CNC, Beard, UMP, Wright, Simpson, are some many first-class products used. Car has heen meticulously maintained in between races, and throuf!hout the race season. Car is featured in this months issue of Hot V.W. magazine, (Nov. '89). Full pictures and a lot of information. Complete car ready to race, $30,000.00, O.B.O ., no trades, serious inquiries only. Call Boh at (714) 642-1318 9-5, or Bill at (714) 990-2091 9-5. FOR SALE: 1969 Bug, cut for Baja Bug. Wright coil over front end, 4 Bilsteins, Porsche spindles, Sway-A-Way spring plates, and axles, Bus tranny stock engine, Webbers air cleaners, 25 gallon fuel tank, fiberglass front, YOO vintage gauges, many more extras. You complete. $1,500.00. Call Tom at (714) 245-1603, after 7:00 PM. Dusty Times

Page 55

FOR SALE: Complete! y new 091 · Bus trans with stock 1st-2nd, and 1.56 3rd. - 1.19 4th., 4.86 R&P new synchros, spiders, side gears, bearing, seals, and rev. gear. Many parts have heat treat, shot peen and dry film coating. New 930 cv flanges and starter. Good for pre runner or with cliff. installed. would make excellent race trans ... $1,400.00 invested, will sell for $800.00 firm,. Call Fred at (714) 631-3826. FOR SALE: 1986 Bunderson. 115n W.B. Chromoly, 10" beam, Wright arms, and ·rack, UMP power steering, Art Carr disc brakes, secondary torsion rear suspension, 1641cc motor fresh, John Isaac's heads, Lyle Cherry cam, Jeff Fields trans. Berrien 100" W .B. short course chassis complete, everything but motor. All for $8000.00. Quitting racing. Will price separately. Call (817) 780-2573. #'-';-I ·'=~'>i-.kt•}l 4Jt,"\~kuk FOR SALE: 1988 HORA-SCORE overall champions Class 9 single seat! T-Mag, LaPlant. Winner of Baja 1000, Nevada 500, 2 Parkers, 2 Fireworks, race ready. Fat motor, Raceco tranny, Yokohama, Bilstein, Bosch, Sway-A-Way, Beard,Jamar, Deist. Many more spares, plus, secrets! Call after 5:00 PM, Joe (714) 498-6180. FOR SALE: Pre runner. Class 8 Project Alan Route 351 with aluminum heads. Al C6 full floater, Centerline headlocks BFG, Earls auto meter, Oberg, fiberglass, aluminum body. Many spares. Custom fab pieces. Priced to sell fast. $3500.00, firm! Call (714) 895-3786. Watch for the next issue of Dusty Times, because the "ELE-PHANT" gears are here! 091 & 002 style VW mainshafts, and gears, made from German steel with late model dog teeth. No keyways, no welding. Slined clutch gears, and sp ined on dogs on 3rd & 4th. All ratios. Phone/ Fax (808) 878-6812. FOR SALE: "Texas Charger". Class 10 short course Magnum copy. First class construction, all heliarc, Wright, Saco, Durablue, Summers Bros., Hewland, Beard, Neal, Centerline, etc., 1650 air cooled fresh motor, and spares. Steel it for $7000.CO. I'm going fishing! (214)438-2111 or(214) 554-1886, D.F.W., TX. FOR SALE: Buggy. 2 seat pre runner, or desert toy. 1600 dual port with Zenith. Trick trans., torsion adjuster, beefed suspen-sion, Beard seats, 5-point belts, windshield, steering brake, wheel studs, Centerlines, glass body panels, plus trailer, ONLY $1900.00! Call Jeff at (805) 252-4043. Dusty nma FOR SALE: '89 Meco 10 car. Sumners floating hubs, all Fox Shox, with air secondary. Driver moving to short course. Car will be sold ready to race, less motor and trans. Freshly powder coated. $12,000.00. Call Mike at Meco, (714) 771-5758. FOR SALE: 2 seat pre runner. 114 in Chromolu, fuel cell, Wright front arms, 2 liter motor. $2500.00. Call Perry, or Jeff at (714) 591-9184 days, (714 )984-3103 eves. FOR SALE: 4 seat pre runner. Very big car. A.M.S. front, Saganaw steering, fuel cell. Have parts to complete. $1200.00. Call Perry at (714) 591-9184 days, or (714) 984-3103 eves. FOR SALE: Class 5 Baja. 2 hours on rebuilt car, 2388cc VW, FAT, Carillo, UMP, Bus/Hew land trans., 8 new Fox, powder coat, Beard, new paint, 930's, Dura Blue, Tri-Mil, new bumpers, and kick-outs, new wiring, has been in storage about 1 ½ years. Moving, must sell! $11,900.00. Call Todd at (602) 998-9081. Deliv.ery available. FOR SALE: Class 10 cars (2 )! Raceco single seat 125n, Fat motor, Hew land geared trans. All Super Boot products, coil over front end, Centerlines, Fox, Jamar, Mastercraft, Carr brakes, Simpson, power steering, ALL THE BEST PLUS!! 1 two seat Bunderson 115". Bilstein shocks, power steering, Beard seats, 1650cc motor, plus one spare motor, Carr brakes, plus many many new Edwards tires, Yoko-hama tires front and rear. Also two trailers, and all spare parts. $18,500.00 for both cars. Many 1st places and 2 overalls in S.N.O.R.E. Call John Ellenburg at (702) 739-7737. I I "::-1:: '.~. --~ ;;,rw.µfud~• ..: -~ _ : FOR SALE: Mirage 2:1600. , Super Boot, Fox, 930's, Center-lines, PIS, Dura-Blue, Wright, Beard, Armstrong, powder coat ' paint, trailer with rack, complete inventory of spare parts and mounted tires, also purchaseable. Just prepped and race ready. $12,300.00. Call (702) 456-4117 eves and weekends. FOR SALE: Single seat class 10 Raceco. Disc brakes, Palmer front arms. Windshield, power steering. Light weight, strong motor. %10,000.00. Call Perry or Jeff at (714) 591-9184, or (714) 984-· 1 3103 eve. FORSALE: 197545'Great0ane drop bottom trailer. Air ride suspension, bench ramps inside, shelves, locking cabinets, 50 gallon water, sink and cupboards, AC-DC lighting plus outside lighting, wiring antenna and radio mounts, welders, generator, winch, tie downs, spare tire and air bag. Great condition. Used once! $16,900.00 or possible trade for late model vehicle. CONTACTLYNNCHENOWTH at(619)390-7111. FOR SALE: Baja Bug pre runner. 1776cc, with 44 IDF dual Webbers, full roll cage, 13 gallon fuel cell, Wright front end, 8 Bilstein shocks, Centerline rims, good tires, extra Zenith carb-uretor, never raced. Wife says MUST SELL!! $3000.00. Call Chris at (916) 577-9214. lass 1-2-1600. Bitcon engine and trans., Bilstein shocks I reservoirs, Centerlines and okohamas, 19 gal. Fuel Safe, Simpson belts, much more. Very fresh!! Excellent for pre runner or your ambition! Girlfriend going CRAZY, must sell! $8000 .00 O.B.O. Call (619) 228-2916 AWH. • FOR SALE: Single seat San hawk race car. Best of everything. Wright, Curnutt, Centerline, Neal, Field trans., Mastercraft, Jamar, Simpson, K&N, Sway-A-Way. Priced for quick sale, $3000.00., O.B.O. Must sell, plus extra parts. Call (619) 362-5161, ask for Casey. December 1989 FOR SALE: Chenowth Magnum FOR SALE: '86 Raceco Class 2, Class 1. "A" arm front end, Porsche 2.8 6-cylinder, new Curnutt shocks, Curnutt hubs, Headland trans., spare parts. Race Hewland DG 300, in board ready. Best of everything, brakes, A.R.P.M. engine. Ready professionally maintained, Ultra to race. $22,000.00. Call Paul at Wheel. (714) 897-8077. (714)545-0110,daysorevenings. $30,000.00 take all! ~~·. ,; Hi-Jumper frame. Chevy cylinder coil over Bilsteins, ne tires and rims, very clean, wit trailer. $2700.00. Call after 6:00 P.M., 818 331-3986. ~ _,, * '"::_o/ ¥, -«:= ·++r -lfzjf117~ .:"'.::. " -;;._ .>"}!, " ·"'~ .< FOR SALE: Class 1 Raceco. Single seat in two seat frame, can be converted to Class 2. EMS type IV engine, Kriesler trans., w/Curnutt torque limiters, Fox shocks front and rear, coil over front, Sway-A-Way, Summers Bros., UMP power steering, etc. Best of everything. Car is prepped and race ready. $19,000.00, O.B.O. Call Jim at (213) 591-5665 days, or Mike at (602) 921-2122. l . ,; ' i/. ~ ~ , • 1L FOR SALE: ORE Class icfsingle seat, very competitive. EMS engine, Jeff Fields trans, Fox shocks front and rear, Sway-A-Way, Summers Bros., UMP power steering, etc. Best of everything. Entire car just prepped by Jim Moulton Racing. Race ready! $14,000.00, O.B.O. Call Jim at (213) 591-5665 days, or Mike at (602) 921-2122. , 1t Why build a new 2-i600 and spend $35,000.00? Here's a new Jimco with less than 400 miles, 115" W / B, Goshen engine, Mendeola trans., Fox shocks, the best of everything, ready to race. $21,000.00. Call Bob at (619) 530-1999 or Fred at (619) 753-6222. "NEW TEAM" interested in purchasing used Class 8 Chevy I GMC truck. Please contact Ben Emerson, or Babe Brenner at (702) 878-8010. t-i ----FOR SALE: 1979 Ford Courier pre runner. Class 7 legal. Professionally built. 16-point cage, tubular A-arms, 11.5" / 12.5" travel, 2300cc motor, Art Carr, Rancho, Beard, Deist, ATL, Hella, Alpine, factory air, lots of aluminum, spare parts, MORE! • Brand new from frame up! Street registered. MUST SELL NOW!!! Best offer. Call Gary Garman at (714) 593-7983 eves. FOR SALE: MERRY CHRIST-MAS RACERS! 1989 1-1600 Raceco. Best of everything. 118" wheel base. Raced two times. Going to another class, Safari. $10,000.00. Will sell, less engine and trans. $6500.00. Call Tom at (818) 846-4309, or days at (818) 767-0588. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS B D R Helmets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Cactus Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 California Pre-Fun .... : . . . . • . . . . . 39 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Competitive Trailers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Ron Davis Racing Products . . . . . . . . . . 43 De Nunzio Racing Products . . . . . . . . . . 42 Epsilon Radios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 FAT Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Ford Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Fudruckers Dunaway Dash . . . . . . . . . . 14 Fue Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Goodyear Tire & Rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Herndon Motorsport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Hi Tech Off Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 IPF Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Jeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28-29 KC Hilites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 La Rana Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 McKenzie Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Monoco~ue Racing Wheels . . . . . . . . . . 46 Mitch Mustard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Nevada Off Road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Parker Pumper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 PCI Race Radios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Race Ready Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 SCORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Simpson Race Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Smitybilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Mr. Sticker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Toyota Motor Sales USA . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 T rackside Photo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Tri Mil Industries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Unique Metal Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Valley Performance-Hewland . . . . . . . . . 26 Wright Plae2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Page SS

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