Covering the world of competition i~ the dirt ••
GOODYEAR DRIVER TAKES CLASS 7S WIN IN RUGGED FIREWORKS 250 The 17th Annual Fireworks 250 out of Barstow, Califor-nia was a real "tire course:' according to one com-petitor. In plain English that translates into a road surface with the consistency of saw blades. When assaulted at racing speeds, these hatchet-like rocks acted like a shredder, constantly ripping and tearing at racers' tires. They spelled defeat for many as tire failures ran inor-dinately high. But, Goodyear Wrangler AT radials stood up to the torture ·and helped provide the winning edge for driver Rob MacCachren. He piloted his Wrangler-shod Jeep Comanche the entire 240-mile distance without suffer-ing a single tire failure. And you can buy the same Goodyear Wrangler AT radials right off the shelf at your local Goodyear retailer. So when you're heading out into tough country, be sure you're riding on the tires tough enough to take you the distance. Goodyear Wrangler radials. r.oonEYEAII . BECAUSE THERE REALLY IS A DIFFERENCE. Race-tough Wrangler radi-als. The new unidirectional MT (foreground) and the rugged AT.
-Volume 5 - Number 8 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K, Schwalm Editorial Associate Jan Flick Mazzenga Controller John Calvin Circulation .'Jerry Lawless Traffic John Howard Contributors Darla Crown · C & C Race Photos Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenbe_rg Homer Eubanks Deb Freimuth Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Rod Koch Cam McRae David R yskamp Judy Smith John Sprovkin · Unda Whigham 3-D Photography T rackside Photo Enterprises Ken Vanderhoof Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Servic_es SNAPSHOT August 1988 _ THI OfflCIAL V01C1 Of PROFESSIONAL ■ AMERICAN ■ CANADIAN Off-ROAD .~R~CING Subscription Rates: $12.00 per year, 12. issues, USA Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions , but is not responsible for such material. Un,;olicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no ·liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-1732, is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-5600. Copyrigh_t 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permis-sion from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. -POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 9 1301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is re.quired for change of address. ·Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 533 1 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 9 1301. OF THE MONTH ••• I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I In This· Issue •• ·• FEATURES Page HDRA Fireworks 250 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 BFGoodrich Memorial Day 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Montreal Olympic Stadium Race ..................... 34 Antigo Kiwanis Off Road Race . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 VORRA Yerington 400 .......... ; ................. 42 SNORE Twilight Special .............•.............. 44 • World Championship Acropolis Rally ................. 45 Guam Salem Smokin Wheels ........................ 4 7 Great Wes tern Racing in Kansas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Sand Drags at Glen Helen Park ...................... 49 Spring Run 101 ......... , ......................... 50 DEPARTMENTS Tribute to Walt Lott ............................. • • • 4 Side Tracks by Judy Smith ................... . .... : .. 6 Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . 8 Trail Notes ..............•..•...... .: ............... 8 The Losers by Judy Smith ....... : ................... 55 Pit T earn Register ..•... _ .....•..•.•................. 55 · · Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Pit T earn Reports ... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61. California Rally Series by, Bill Moore ................. _ 61 ciassifiea' Ads ...... · .......................... · •... ; 62 • 1 Weatherman Radio Relay Report . • . . . . • • . . . . . . . • . • . • 63 Index to Advertisers . • . • . • . • . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . • . • • • . • 63 ON THE COVER - Privateers scored big at the HDRA Fireworks 250 last month.Jim Stiles flew his Raceco, now powered by a potent Toyota two liter engine, flawlessly across the desert. He stopped only for fuel and won the race overall in the swift time of 5:22.33. Stiles braved the heat in a solo drive to his personal first ever overall victory. Young Darren Hardesty and Kreston Pons triumphed in Class 5-1600, besting the 19 Bug field on the very rough course. It was not an easy . victory, and they won the class by just over a minute. Color Photog-raphy by Trackside Photo Enterprises. f\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COU.NTRY!! □ 1 year-.$12.00 □ 2 years - $20.00 D 3 years.:... $30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus •.• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. FORE! Ken Correia tees off while Jake Jacobs holds the flag at the Diablo Golf and Coumry Club in Baja California. Off roaders might be more familiar with the Diablo Dry Lake as part of the Baja race course west of San Felipe. This photo is graphic evidence that off road racing does not damage the terrain, as the fairways and the greens all appear to be in fine shape. DUSTY TIMES'will feature pictures of simil~r "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the.picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, Sx7 or 8-xlO will be considered. I I I I I I • (Form on inside back page) Name-----'---------------------Address ______________________ _ City ---------~...:..,_ ___________ _ State---------------:--Zip--------Send check or money order to: - ' DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - I year $15.00 U.S. • Overseas subscription r..1tes quoted on request) I I I I I I I I I -1. I I I .. I . I I . , I I I I I . I Dusty Times August 1988 Page 3
WALTER B. LOTT 1919 - 1988 . THE PASSING OF A TITAN A Tribute to Walt Afriend has just passed through our life, Leaving behind his loving children and wife. A firm handshake were the contracts he signed, When he gave his,wordyou could believe it, 'til the end of time. A friend for life to all racing fans, There has never stood a mpre hpnorable man. Loved by many, downgraded by few, Respected deep~y by all <?f us who knew. A loss we have suffered, for sure, , Bu't heµven will be our friend's cure. So through these gates made of gold and pearl, Walks a special man, who has blessed our world. So with these words we're trying to say, You'll be dearly missed, more and more wzth each passing day. - George Knight The ab~ve poem, read at the church services on July 8 for Walt Lott, was written by a man who barely knew him, having worked with Walt the Fireworks 250 in recent years. The poem was written on the day Walt died, . and George Knight truly caught the essence of the man. Often a brief encounter with a strong per-sonality can provide greater insight than a long term friend-ship. We first met Walt Lott in Sep-tember of 1970 at the first SNORE 250. He was then a suc-cessful air conditioning and heat-ing salesman ir Las Vegas, and Pag~ 4 also the Vice-President of the fledgling off road racing club. He stopped by the pits of the Les Choat Burro team the day before· the race and introduced himself to all on hand. At the time he drove a Buick powered two seater in the desert events, a:nd he also helped produce the race, the first SNORE professional race. As off road racing grew into more than a four times ii year sport, Walt Lott, a three time President of SNORE, began pro-ducing events of his own under the aegis of Walt's Racing Associ-ation, which later evolved into the · High Desert Racing Association. Lott was an innovator, the first promoter to not only dream of taking off road racing out of the southwestern deserts to other venues, but actually doing the job. We can't think of anyone else who would dream of organizing an off road race with the fly-in house of ill repute· at Ash Mea-dows as the race headquarters. But Walt did j,ust that and designed one of the roughest race courses we have ever seen. Also, that race featured some unique decor at the finish line. Walt Lott had the insight to know that off road racing coula not thrive on events covering the same ground race after race. Most desert sites are damaged by one race a year. So he explored and found courses well away from his Las Vegas base, when encroaching civilization threatened the land use then and for the future. In the 1970s Lott organized events on the desert out of Henderson, NV, and then took his racers to the tiny place called Laughlin, Ne-vada, a one hotel town at that time. He revived professional desert racing in theOHV area just west of El Centro, CA, made Jean, cl ~ The Mint 400 was Walt Lott's favorite race in many ways. At the finish line at the .Speedrome he smiles as then Mint Hotel General Manager Andrew Zorne watches Walker Evans swig a bit of bubbly after winning Class 8 on the tough Nevada course. . Nevada the off road racing capitol of the west, and later developed the even smaller community of Sloan, Nevada into a viable host for off.road racing. In the late 1970s and early 1980s the need for spectator races to attract series sponsors promp-ted Walt Lott to get into the short course racing game. We remem-ber the one and only WRA race at Riverside International Raceway, Walt was an indefatigable Master of Ceremonies, and usually announced the Mint 400 Awa0rds. Here he congratulates Marshall Mahr and his co-driver at one of the picnic style awards held at the Mint/Sahara Gun Club in the· glory days of the race. an artistic but not financial sue-minute. He. could be patient cess, and more fondly the travel to under stress or quick to anger. He eastern Colorado to race on an had a host of friends and few if abandoned horse track that fea- any real enemies. He was greatly tured glassed in, air conditioI!_eg . respected by all his business asso-grandstands. Lott also conducted dates and the entire off road rac- · short course races at P.l.R. and ing community to whom he Firebird Raceway in Phoenix, devoted the majority of his efforts Arizona. Always fond of Colo- in the last 15 years. rado, Walt staged another short Everything seemed status quo course race at an existing stock car at.the Fireworks 250 last month. track near Denver, but that effort On the contingency day Walt was nearly washed out by heavy strolled from display to display rains. Just last year HDRA pro- chatting with the folks on hand, as duced a desert series race in Craig, he usually did. He was losing a Colorado. It is safe to say that little weight again, and it showed. Walt Lott organized more off But he was a long way from the road races in more different pla- svelte Walt of ten years ago, when ces geographically than anyone he really dieted away poundage else ever has or probably will in after his first serious heart attack. the future. Saturday morning, July 2, he Perhaps one of Walt's fondest watched the race start, then, as dreams that reached fruition was was his habit, he went to work. He the point to point race from Las led some extra flagman to a road Vegas to Reno, Nevada, the crossing near Checkpoint 4. It Frontier 500.. Various problems was nere, sometime after ten in beset this race after the inaugural the morning, that Walt Lott col-affair, buttheconceptwasrevived lapsed and died, apparently this year with the upcoming Ne-instantly. By noon the word. vada 500. through the pits was that he had been revived, but it was not a true In the 1980s the High Desert rumor.. Racing Association came of age in · The sadness that permeated desert racing, and moved from the through all the encampments tiny quarters behind the Lott around the ra-ce on July 2 was home to more spacious offices tempered by the almost universal just a few blocks away. The staff feeling that Walt Lott had died grew along with the organization,. doing what he loved doing, and became a fully competent quickly and without lingering team, capable of running the pain. Few of us are that lucky myriad facets of an off road desert when it is our time to go . race. Walt had more free time to As with any sudden death, the cruise the desert, which he truly pain and sorrow is suffered by enjoyed. But, he was always those left behind. It may have watchful of trails that might be been part of a master plan that used for racing, even on his vaca- w alt's wife 'Edna, as always, was tion trips. working on the race paper work There were many sides to Walt near the start/ finish line, and his Lott beyond his image as a race daughter Londa Hand was also promoter, He could be generous working nearby in the T-shirt to a fault, and quite gruff the next stand, Plus the entire HDRA fam-August 1988 ily was on the premises to provide · support to the family during the crisis hours. Walt Lott leaves a void in the lives of most people he touched. We have had many calls from race workers, pit folks, the behind the scenes people as well as drivers asking, "Who could ever replace Walt?" He was unique, perhaps a bit old fashioned in his deter-mination to do things his way, but he was a father figure to the major-ity of off road racers, and his pass-ing symbolizes the end of an era in this sport. Walt was a true pio-neer, who kept pace as off road racing went from w~ekend fun runs to mega buck competition in just 15 years. We always considered Walt Lott a good friend, but of course . we had differences, usually on matters of business. We felt his warmth on many occasions and his wrath on others. But, he was always up front with his feelings of the moment. There was never a doubt where you stood with him. It is hard to believe he is gone, and we expect to feel his presence, maybe even see his image in a dust devil at some desert race in the future. We extend our sincere and deepest sympathy to Edna Lott, a personal friend, and daughter Londa and son Jimmie, along with Walt's four grandchildren and three great grandchildren. The sorrow will' eventually fade and the good memories will remain forever. Our sympathy also goes to the HDRA family who worked with Walt qn a daily basis. Per-haps all in off road racing will feel the impact of the loss of a titan, but Walt Lott's accomplishments and ideas for the future will live on. - Jean Calvin Dusty Times
■ I lli1.I! i = i I I . CALIFORNIA GOLD TEAl~MATES ROD MILLEN AND GLENN HARRIS WIN -FIRST TWO EVENTS IN MICKEY THOMPSON OFF-ROAD GRAN PRIX SERIES. Mazda began the year with a gold rush, taking commanding early t~e Manufacturers' and Drivers' points stanaings for i988._ . At Anaheim .Stadium, Rod Millen won. Then, at San Diego's Jack Murphy Stadium, it was Glenn Harris's turn. And Mazda drivers won three of four heat races, too. · - · · · . · As a matter of fact, three different Mazda drivers have won the last three Grand National Sport Truck main events of 1987-1988. Proving that ,if you drive a Mazda, y:ou have .-:.. a solid gold aavantage over anyone who doesn't.
_Side Tracks ••• By Judy Smith . . -· . This month I'd like to intro-duce you to Bob Bower, intrepid co-driver with Mike Randall, in the Class 7 4x4 Jeep Comanche . . Bower, like the two previous co-drivers we've introduced, fell into the co-driver seat through his job, but he'd been involved in rac-ing for many years by the time he came up against the off roaders. He was a cl uh racer, in a Corvette, and "going around turns" was his thing. He competed in autocross and time trials, and won a western states championship at one point. Bob has a remarkable facility · with words, and it's easy to understand that he then became involved in the politics of Corvettes, and that led him to BFGoodrich. They talked him into stopping racing and working for them. That was in 1977. He was hired in February, and in June, right after the Baja 500, when BFG stayed in Baja to make the first of their promotional movies about off road, Bower was there. And he was pressed into service to sit in the passenger seat of Bob Gordon's two seater dur-ing the filming, because they wanted it to look right in the film. He spent six or seven hours in the car during the filming, and found himself thinking, "This is like get-tin' away with everything I was afraid was gonna happen in my Corvette!". He decided it was a " natural act" and sat back and enjoyed it. Bob wasn't exactly a stranger to off roading, as he was the owner of a VW himself, and had a friend with a Meyer's Manx, and the two -liked to go out to ."screw around ... and kill bushes." At BFG he bcame a part of the training program for tire dealers, and that meant teaching them about the tires. In order to let the dealers, and also his employees, know what the off road stuff was all about, he brought them to the races. So he became a confirmed -spectator, but not yet a race participant. . Then, in early '82, Bower was pressed into service as the head of !b_e Off Road .f!:9E_!am, This (porn~ DESERT LOCK OUTER hread re Located . ff Inner Ring Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength * At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing * All parts are available separately *In stock -Ready for shipment . For Todays' Sophisticated 15" 13" 8"-10" UNLIMITED MIDGET MODIFIED MIDGET SPORT TRUCK MINI STOCK QUAD RACER BAJA BUG MODIFIED ·MIDGET ATV WE HAVE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! · SIMPLE TO OHDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 O" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: ' 1671 N. Brawley · Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 Page 6 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax meant that he was. in charge of BFG's activities at the races, and he began to build the pit team. Bob wanted all the BFG teams to pull together, rather tha.n being . enmeshed in their own competi-tiveness. He threw himself into the job, gaining a deeper under-standing of the off road race pro-cess, from the point ofview of pit people, chase teams and promot-ers, as well as the competitors. And the BFG pit team emerged, with all t he crews workin g together, and as a result, BFG cars had an exceptionally fine year, ' and the team was voted the Pit Team of the Year at the annual SCORE Awards. This is still what Bob considers to be his "second best success" in off road racing, and he says that receiving the award was a " real proud, proud accomplishment." During that year Bob was offered many rides in various race cars, but he declined because he felt that as director of the pro-gram, he shouldn't be off running around a race course. He loved the job, and was pleased with his accomplishments, but at the end of the year he asked for a transfer, because he didn't want to live in Akron any longer. He w_anted to go back to California (he's a native). So BFG moved him into sales. But he couldn't leave off road and the people of off road alone. In '83 Don Adams talked him into riding a lap at the Fireworks 250. Bob said Don never knew what he'd done. He got in for lap two, did exactly what Don wanted, which wasn't much more than to just sit still, and then, as they changed a flat near the end of the lap, Don invited him to stay in the car for the rest of the race. Bob stayed. He says, "That got me hooked." Then the Randall family took him for a ride in a short course race at Firebird Raceway, in Phoe-nix. Bob says that their mission was to scare him, but they blew too many transmissions. The Randalls discovered that Bob knew something about racing, and they in"vited him to start rid-ing withJolw in the big Jeep truck, in the short course races. He and John clicked. Bob was entrusted . with the job of keeping track of laps, knowing their position, and the position of the vehicles they passed, and of calming John down when he made a mistake. He was in the passenger seat at Riverside when Randall performed the his-toric rollover on Thompson's Ridge. Now and then he rode some desert races with John, and he had also gone with John's brother Mike in a couple of short course races. Then Mike's regular desert co-driver began having trouble getting to the races, and MilZe asked Bob if he'd like to take over. That was in about '85 and Randall was still running in Class 4 at that -time. They found they worked well together, and gradually have created a system that fills the team's needs. Bob does the pre-running, because Mike doesn't have the time to do it. This isn't exactly easy, because Bob has no pre-runner, and he has to hitch rides, but he manages. Sometimes he manages to go around a course .· as many as three or four times. : And while he's pre-running, he takes careful note of where the AUgUSt 1988 course is in relation to the land-marks. He has to know where he is, and where the chase crew is, and where they ar.e in relation to each other. It isn't important for Mike to know, and in fact, Bob says, Mike "could be lost in downtown Barstow." But Bob and the chase crew will know. For Mexican races Bob pre-runs not only the course, but also the chase routes, and he makes a book for the race. It consists of enlarged maps that Bob makes, with all the chase roads and kilometers noted. He also uses some navigational skills, and can find his way back to the course by means of the stars if necessary. This I can attest to, because Ran-dall and Bower were stuck in the same off-course spot I was in dur-ing the '86 1000, and he did, indeed, know just where the course was. How to get there was another matter. Bob takes his responsibiliti(;!S seriously, and in fact, has already pre-run the chase roads for the upcoming Nevada 500 which will happen in Spetember. He did that when he was in Nevada for the Mint. During a race Bob acts as the "coach and cheerleader", and he also pays attention. He watches gauges, feels the car, listens and sniffs. He keeps track of where they are, and notes landmarks in passing in case he has to call the chase crew. Mike has installed a, speedo~eter and odometer that Bob can see, to make it easier to know where they are on course. Bob also watches Mike's driv-ing, for signs of fatigue, or day-dreaming. He actually woke him up once, during the '86 1000. It had been a long day, and they had had no front drive since very early. They'd been stuck five or six times already, and now, going around the hilly turns near Pur-isima, Bob looked over at Mike and saw to his consternation that Mike's head was tilted back, his jaw slack, and his eyes were shut. Bob was afraid to wake him sud-denly, because they could go over the edge if Mike jerked the wheel, so he leaned over and steered the truck through two turns, before gently prodding him awake. Bower's duties also include running the lights, wipers and _radio. He .makes reports to the chase crew every five miles or so, whether or not they acknowledge. He also feeds Mike, and in gen.era! spends a lot of time keeping him happy and feeling good. He always likes to praise him 'when ·he's made a good move, especially late in the race or late at night, when, as Bob says, "We're not havin' fun anymore." Their last race, the Fireworks 250, was over early, so Bob didn't get much time to employ h is skills. As they neared the end of the first lap Mike was in the dust of a truck he was.about to pass, it became clear that they were in a· bad place, and as Bob looked at the double berm in front of them he thought, "This is gonna screw our race up." And it did. The truck flew up, got sideways, did a nose stand and barrel rolled two or three times. It landed on Mike's side, and hot tranny fluid was pouring out of the tunnel and burning his leg. It also briefly caught fire. Bob helped Mike scramble out, and then he began to plot his own way out. He didn't want to release the belts and col-lapse in a heap, so he twisted around and set his feet on the driver's door, with his head up at the passenger door. He was facing the floor of the truck.Just then he heard the crowd outside holler to him to hold on, because they were going to set the Jeep on its wheels. Arid over it went with a thump, Bob still harnessed in, with his butt now sticking up in the air. He says, "l must have looked like two teenagers at a drive in movie." He was upset that they didn't finish, but doesn't count that as his worst ride. That was the Baja 1000 in '85, the one that went to Punta Prieta and then came back to Ensenada. In that race he and Mike were stuck in the mud on the beach and spent; the . long miserable night there. And the '86 1000 is counted as his "very best experience." It seems that ever since he was a kid, Bob had been enthralled with rac-ing in Mexico. First, when he read about the Pan American races, and Bill Stroppe's teams, and later, when he learned about the 1000 to La Paz. He said it had been a fixation with him since he was a boy. He always wanted to do it. So when he knew he and Mike were going to race it together he did _everything in his power to make it a success. He did all his pre-running homework, and put his heart and soul into the team effort to make it. And make it they did, even without that front wheel drive. They were stuck many, many times, and he says, "We overcame ungodly things ... bizarre things." The Randalls had never before made it to La Paz, and when.Mike and Bob got to the last rise, from which the racers can finally see La Paz in front of them, they stopped just to appreciate the feeling. Bob, like so many other racers before him, found he had tears in his eyes. COMING NEXT MONTH ... MTEG at the Los Angeles Coliseum USA's World Championship Olympus Rally Pikes Peak Auto Hill Climb SCCA Pro Rallies - East and West KC HiLites SNORE Midnight Special The FORDA Cracker 150 Bf Goodrich Gran Prix in Denver Short Course Action All Over the USA ... plus all the regular features Dustvnma
HOTEL & CASINO LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Pre!Jents The ''NEVADA 500'' September 9-11, 1988 \ DRAWING FOR STARTING . POSITIONS August 24, 1988 Friday, September 9 Driver Registration, Tech and Contingency - Gold Coast Hotel/Casino Saturday, September 10 Race Day. Race starts 60 miles west of Las Vegas in Pahrump. Course runs to Tonopah and finishes in Jean, Nevada. (20 hr. time limit). Sunday, September 11 Awards Presentation - Gold Coast Hotel/ Casino For More Information & Entry Forms, Contact: OFFICIAL VEHICLE OF HORA --''--12997 Las Vegas Blvd. South HORA Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 702/361-5404 BOSCH FRAM --''-HORA HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION COURSE WILL BE OPEN FOR PRE-RUNNING ON LABOR DAY WEEKEND.
1988 HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 September 3-4, 1988 High Country 150 (Location TBA) October 15, 1988 Penasco 150 Sonora, Mexico December 3, 1988 Sonoita to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico BADGERLAND VW CLUB, INC. Terry Friday 5913 Fond Du Lac Road Oshkosh, WI 54901 ( 414) 688-5509 (All events located in Chilton, WI at the Fairgrounds Racing Facility) August 20-21, 1988 BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 October 7-9, 1988 Gran Carrera de Campeones San Felipe, B.C. Mexico BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS Jim Baker P.O. Box 1583 Odgen, Utah 84402 (801) 627-2313 August 6, 1988 Twilite 200 W endover, Utah September 1 7, 1988 Bonneville Challenge Wendover, Utah 1988 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O . Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2115 / (715) 478-2688 September 2-4, 1988 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 (714) 736-1442 September 1 7, 1988 National Licensing School Los Angeles, CA September 24-25, 1988 Twin Rally Weekend Hungry Valley OHV Park Gorman, CA November 18-20, 1988 East of Indio Vlll Indio, CA January 28-29, 1989 Pro Rally Driving School (Location TBA) Page 8 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8618 August 7, 1988 Devils Bowl Speedway West Haven, VT August 21, 1988 Albany-Saratoga Speedway Malta, NY September 10-11, 1988 Vermont State Grand Prix Devils Bowl Speedway West Have~, VT September 16-18, 1988 Eastern Motorsports Grand Prix & Awards Party Albany-Saratoga Speedway Malta, NY COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 9735 Colorado Springs, CO 80932 August 6-7, 1988 Continental Divide Auto Hill Climb Salida, CO September 3-4, 1988 Lands End Auto Hill Climb Grand Junction, CO September 24-25, 1988 Fall Teller County Hill Climb Cripple Creek, CO CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association l 71 7 Marker Road Polk City, FL 33868 (813) 984-1923 (305) 823-4487 August 14, 1988 Lakeland, FL September 4, 1988 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL October 2, 1988 Lakeland, FL November 13, 1988 Lakeland, FL January 8, 1989 Lakeland, FL February 12, 1989 Lakeland, FL March 25, 1989 Florida 400 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 August 5-7, 1988 Superstition 250 V El Centro, CA September 30-0ctober 1-2, 1988 Plaster City Blast El Centro, CA December 30-31, i988, January 1, 1989 Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 ( 404) 927-6432 .. GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 665-0358/(313) 996-9193 August 6-7, 1988 Sand-O-Rama Mears, Ml August 12, 1988 Milan, MI August 26, 1988 Milan, MI September 16, 1988 Milan, MI GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Knowlton 831 So. Jason Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-553 7 August 8, 1988 Denver, CO August 13, 1988 St. Francis, KS September 4, 1988 St. Francis, KS HORA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 September 9-11, 1988 Nevada 500 Las Vegas, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Freeman 3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 342-0331 August 21, 1988 Gumbo Buttes Baja Pierre, SD October 22, 1988 Last Chance Baja Wall SD GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA 92406 (714) 880-1733 Off Road Races August 7, 1988 September 4, 1988 November 20, 1988 United Sand Drag Association Sand Drags August 13 (Night Race) October 8-9, 1988 November 12-13 August 1988 Trail Notes ••• THE REWARD OF $255,000 IN THE MICKEY AND TRUDY THOMPSON MURDER CASE expiration date has been extended. The reward offer of more than a quarter of a million dollars for information leading directly to the arrest and conviction of the persons responsible for the March 16 murder of Mickey Thompson and his wife Trudy has been extended, it was announced late in June. The $255,000 offer was due to expire] une 30 following its original posting last May, but Collene Thompson Campbell (Thompson's sister) announced that the deadline has been extended through October 5 of this year. "The reward has produced acti\'lity," Campbell announced. "There have been over 300 clues according to Sheriff's investigators. But none so far have come up with that sought after major lead - the one that will break the case open and bring the killers to immediate justice," Campbell added. "We still believe strongly that there are people out there who have more information. And we continue to believe the reward will be incentive enough to bring them forward." Campbell also said that if the reward does not produce anything positive during the next 90 days, the money, which has been posted by family, friends and business associates, will be used to accelerate the investigation. However, she refused to say what options might be used in that direction. "We have no intention of letting this thing just fade away," Campbell continued. "We intend to see that the investigation is kept alive for as long as it takes to bring the vermin that did it to justice." The October 5 date for the reward deadline will come one day after that would have been Trudy Thompson's 42nd birthday. All replies in this matter will be confidential. Anyone who has any information at all, please call (213) 974-4341. NEWS FROM ADRA IN ARIZONA-A major schedule change for the Arizona Desert Racing Association came early in July, due to problems with land use permits. The fifth annual High Country 150 was postponed, with the 11th Annual "Snowflake Buggy Bash" taking its place on the July 16-17 weekend. The High Country 150 has been rescheduled for the Labor Day weekend and will be held either in Taylor, Young, or Williams, Arizona. Call (602) 252-1900 for the location. ADRA apologizes to competitors and fans for the inconvenience of the late change, and regrets the fact that some people may have gone to Flagstaff rather than Snowflake on the July weekend. The Western 250 results update informs all that a computer scoring error showed Ed Faulkner winning the Sportsman 1-2-1600 race. Faulkner did win, but in the 1600 Limited class. Bill Krug Sr. was the Sportsman 1-2-1600 winner. As the racers headed into the mid-July race at Snowflake, the third in the six eventADRA series, the 1-2-1600 team of Don Weiser and Jeff Wester led the Overall and Buggy Pro Points races with 220. In second, the Class 4 team of] im Bell and Walt Laycock led the Heavy Points race with 195, while Class 8 driver Frank Turben is tied for third at 180 with the · Pro Challenger team of Donovan Morrow and Bill Pierpont. THE TOYOTA TRUE GRIT AW ARD competition is heating up as the Score/HORA desert season is well past the halfway point. Bob Gordon, Steve McEachern and Larry Ragland were the new leaders after the fifth race of the eight race series, the Score Presidente Baja Internacional. The Toyota . True Grit Award standings measure performance by cumulative average speed of all the finishers. With 1629 competitive miles completed in the Parker 400, Gold Coast 300, Great Mojave 250, Mint 400, and the Baja Internacional, Bob Gordon is the overall leader with an average speed of 43.30 mph, contrasting with his Baja race average of 55.09 mph. McEachern finished third in Class8 at the June event in Baja, averaging46.67 mph, which brought his season average speed to 39.64 mph. Ragland finished third in Class 7 with an average speed in Baja of 44 .60 mph. His season average speed is now 37.73 mph. Toyota will pay out $10,000 in prize money at the end of the season. Prize money will be split equally among the three winners of overall, heavy metal and mini metal categories, based on their best six performances in eight races. Toyota also presents the annual Milestone Awards, which are given to those drivers who finish every racing mile in the series. After five events, only 14 drivers remain in the running. THE OUTLAW MINI STOCK Racing Association is having a Labor Day Duel on Sunday, September 4 at famous Ascot Park Raceway in Gardena, CA. The Four Cylinder Invitational event is open to Outlaw Mini Stocks, Sprint Buggies, Off Roaders, Four Cylinder Mid or Rear Engine Classes. A special invitation is given to Bay lands Super Sedans and Arizona Rear Engine Modified Association. For full information call (213) 378-1648 or (213) 534-2747. THE LOS ANGELES COLISEUM event from the Mickey Thompson · Entertainment Group was a real 'Bang-Um-Up' affair in almost all classes. As · the fiberglass flew, Rob Gordon walked away with the Super 1600 main event in his Chenowth, Rod Millen worked very hard to win the Grand National Truck main for Mazda, and Greg George sailed his air-bag suspended Mazda to an easy victory in the UltraStock action. Full report will be in the August issue. THE LAST BASH AT RIVERSIDE is less than a month away, and since it is the last gasp for the venerable race track, off roaders won't need to heed the flora as they have the honor of closing the facility. This round they can't hurt the pavement either, as it will all be gone shortly.after the curtain comes down on racing, with the August 11-14 Score Off Road World Championship. Classes for desert vehicles and stadium racers are all scheduled to compete on a slightly longer than usual route at Riverside. Get all the latest information on classes, when they run, and the rest of the scheduled activities by calling Score International, (818) 889-9216. EDGELL EXPOSITIONS has announced its 1989 Motorcycle consumer and trade show season schedule. The 1989 schedule for motorcycles and ATV expos open to the public includes Anaheim, CA, December 2.-4, 1988, Boston, MA.January 6-8, 1989, Daytona Beach, FL,·March 9-11, 1989, and Houston, TX, a combination trade and consumer show, February 3-5, 1989. The schedule for mo~orcycle expos for the trade include Cincinnati, OH, February 25-27, 1989 and the International Motorcycle Aftermarket Expo in Reno, NV on September 9-11, 1989. For more information contact Edgell Expositions at (714) 250-8060 or, outside California, at (800) 854-3112. ,.. Dusty Times
The SCORE/HORA series of off-road races are held on marked courses using public roads and other ecologically approved accesses through apen country, carefully monitored ta assure that racers do not harm plant or wildlife . . _. ? . GEN£ Associate Sponsors: General Tire sponsored teams reap impressive victories in Montreal and Mexico. Glenn Harris' Crabber-shod California Cold Racing Team hit paydirt again. This time at the SCORE/CANADA EVENT where Harris and teammate Jeff Huber came from dead last to finish one/ two, take home the Montreal Cup and pocket over $7,000 in gold. Not to mention chalking up enough points to drive away with the manufacturers title, too. Meanwhile, at the Baja 500, Mike Schwellinger and copilot Les Erickson braved every hazard known to man and gila monster to capture first place in Class 3-their fourth SCORE/HORA win of the season. Riding on Grabber Mr radials, their Jeep CJ-7 came through 479 miles of sand, rocks, forests, fog and Mexican. highway with flying colors. Md some color to your driving with a set of Crabbers. The all-purpose Grabber AP,® the all-terrain Grabber A1, or the Beast of the Baja, · Grabber MI For the name of your nearest General Tire Motorsports Special-ist, call J-800-255-2550. And get on your Generals and go.
ICE CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURANCE SERIES P.O. Box 14824 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612) 639-0801 (612) 890-8693 IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION John Elliott -(517) 835-9923 Bob Ramlow -(616) 345-6407 MIDWEST OFF ROAD BAJA SERIES Rick Vasquez 1421 Lee Trevino D-1 El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 594-8266 August 13, 1988 O .O .R.R.A. 300 Oklahoma City, OK September 24, 1988 150 miles Albuquerque, NM November 5-6, 1988 Borderland Baja 250 El Paso, TX MIDWEST OFF ROAD CHALLENGE SERIES Tommy Bowling Rt. 6, Box 833C Midland, TX 79702 (915) 332-1537 -(915) 563-9154 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4100 Off Road Championship Gran Prix October 1, 1988 Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV Stadium Motocross OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS 1421 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 August 6-7, 1988 200 miles Cars-A TVs-Bikes El Paso, TX November 5-6, 1988 250 miles Cars-A TVs-Bikes El Paso, TX OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL RALLY John Nagel P.O . Box 4254 Tumwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-9717 Page 10 -ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamaker P.O. Box 688 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL lCO, Canada (613) 332-3811/(613) 332-1610 August 13-14, 1988 10th Annual Canadian 4x4 Challenge Bancroft, Ontario September 3-4, 1988 Sandfest '88 Bingeman Park Kitchener, Ontario October 15-16, 1988 Oktoberfest '88 Bingeman Park Kitchener, Ontario ONTARIO OFF ROAD Ken Jackson - Dick Gillap R.R. #2 Tiverton, Ontario, Canada N0G 2T0 (519) 368-7874 (All events at Bingeman Park, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) August 21, 1988 September 3-4, 1988 September 18, 1988 October 8-9, 1988 October 16, 1988 0.0.R.R.A. Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 (405) 769-5491 (All races located at Freedom, OK) Vic Brurnham Freedom Chapter President (405) 621-3428 August 13, 1988 O.O.R.R.A. 300 ORSA Randy Miller 407 G Street, Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (213) 375-4570 (213) 534-2747 August 13, 1988 Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA September 4, 1988 Ascot Park Gardena, CA September 10, 1988 Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA September 24, 1988 Kings Speedway Hanford, CA November 26-27, 1988 IMI Speedway Pearsonville, CA PAC OFF ROAD RACING P.O . Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 October 14-15, 1988 Millican Valley 400 Millican Valley, OR November 5, 1988 Awards Banquet (location TBA) POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD 113, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 All events in Monroeton, PA at the intersection of Routes 414 & 220. August 13-14, 1988 Eastern Off Road Shoot Out Cayuga County Speedway W eedsport, NY August 27-28, 1988 September 24-25, 1988 October 8-9, 1988 SAREEA AL JAMEL 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 526 Indio, CA 92202 more ••• TRAIL NOTES GOOD NEWS ON SEN ATE BILL S7. It was announced onJ uly 7, 1988 that the Alan Cranston sponsored bill to create a vast wilderness preserve in the Mojave Desert in California is dead for this year. California's two Sena-tors, Cranston and Pete Wilson blamed each other for the demise of the bill, opposed by almost everyone but the Sierra Club. Republican Senator Pete Wilson replied to the charge that he was stalling the bill by Democratic Senator Alan Cranston by saying the proposed legislation was unacceptably restrictive with an unrealistic deadline for negotiations. Election year politics may have had a hand in the deal. While Cranston is not up for re-election in November, Pete Wilsoi:i is and he is facing a strong opponent in California's Lt. Governor Leo McCarthy, a Democrat already endorsed by the Sierra Club, the organization who heavily backed and helped design much of S7. However, this is not really a victory, only a delay in the massive land grab scheme. Alan Cranston is on record a saying he will present the bill in every session of Congress until it passes. So those who oppose making most of the desert into wilderness, cannot relax, only take a short breather until the November elections are concluded. .. THE HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION is moving right along with planning on the Nevada 500 race, despite the tragic loss of Walt Lott on July 2. HORA is firm in its commitment to off road racing, and are set to continue all the aspects of the organization and fulfill the many multi-year contracts they have for races in 1989 and beyond. Spokesmen for HORA said that to do any less than continue the programs set in place by Walt Lott would be unthinkable. The Nevada 500 is shaping up to be a really big event, with sponsorship from the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, which is truly turning into the mecca for off road racers in southern Nevada. The registration, tech and contingency inspection will be at the Gold Coast on Friday, September 9, the race will start bright and early Saturday, September 10 at Pahrump and head north on mostly familiar trails. The route goes through Goldfield to Beatty and on to Tonopah, then turns west, then south, back through Beatty and to the finish near Jean International Airport, just 40 miles out of Las Vegas. The awards presentation will be at the Gold Coast Hotel on Sunday -morning. Don't forget, the drawing for starting numbers happens on August --------------24 at the HORA office, about ten days after the last bash at Riverside. S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/(518) 236-7897 August 14, 1988 Buggies & Trucks Airborne Raceway September 4-5, 1988 _ Buggies & Trucks Airborne Raceway October 1-2, 1988 Buggies & Trucks Swap Meet Airborne Raceway SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 August 26-28, 1988 Ojibwe Rally Grand Rapids, MN October 21-23, 1988 Marquette 500 Marquette, Ml October 28-29, 1988 Press O n Regardless Rally Houghton, Ml November 12-13, 1988 Wild W est Rally Tacoma, WA November (TBA) Barbary Coast Rally San Francisco, CA SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 August 12-14, 1988 Off Road World Championship Riverside, CA November 10-13, 1988 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, Mexico December 3, 1988 Off Roadsman Awards Banquet (location TBA) AUgUst 1988 THE PIKES PEAK HILL CLIMB RESULTS show that, as expected, the top times went to the Peugeot team in a record smashing effort that worked. The fastest of all was Ari Vantanen, the overall champion and new record holder, about five seconds faster than fellow Finlander Juha Kankkunen. Both Peugeots are new models of the 405 Turbo with not only four wheel drive, but four wheel steering. Class winners include Robby Unser, Open Wheel, Ralph Bruning, Buick, Stock Car, Guy Light, VW GTI, Production Rally, Richard Kelsey, Mazda, Production GT, Glenn Harriz, Mazda 323, Group A, Bob Seivert, Ford, Truck 8,John Norris, Mitsubishi, Showroom Stock mini pickup, Clive Smith, Chevrolet, Truck 7,Jerry Daugherty, Chevy Blazer, Truck Unlimited, and Glenn Harris, Mazda, Truck Stadium. Look for the full story on Pikes Peak in the next issue. THE WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION held their first race of the season on June 18 under sunny skies. A total of 19 cars registered in the various classes at Hannigan Raceways in the state of Washington. The improved lighting and the extended race track were greatly appreciated by the drivers. The spectators and the officials at Hannigan Raceways were pleased with the way WORRA and the racers conducted themselves during the event. The Sportsman Division races for trophies only, and Kelvin McKenzie won the heat race followed by Chet McKinnon, Scott Holt and Wayne Maure. Kelvin McKenzie also won the main event and points for the day. Second in the main was Shawn Pritchard, followed by Scott Holt, Gord Fleske and Chet McKinnon. Al Yarrows won b th races in the Odyssey Class, and Darren Matwichuck was second all the way. Unlimited Class contains Classes I and 2, and Craig Holt won the heat race, followed by Steve Cocking, Mike Strong and Ken Wardstrom. Mike Strong won the main event and the points for the day. Ken Wardstrom was second, followed by Steve Cocking and kip Gates. WORRA returns to Hannigan Raceways on July 23, and again on August 20. P.C.I. RACE RADIOS has a summer sale going bn and some keen new gadgets to enhance your race radio communications. Constantin "Mac-Gyver" Popescu has engineered and developed the ultimate range increaser, an RF Pre-Amp. This small device, measuring two inches by one inch by five-eighths inch, is easily installed inside your FM two-way radio. It doubles the performance of your receiver, (.09 microvolts sensitivity for 12 Sinad). This is the equivalent of having 500 watt Ii nears on the radios talking to your specially enhanced receiver. This RF Pre-Amp is a plug-in to the Roadmaster radios, and is reasonably priced. Another dandy is named "Defend Ears". worn completely inside the ear (no wires), this revolutionary device has a remarkable filter that reduces all injurious sounds to a safe level, while allowing non-damaging sounds to enter the ear normally. For example you will hear your exhaust and shifting at near conversation sound levels. There is a special introductory sale price on this device. P.C.l. has a new intercom for race cars has really caught on. It's so loud it can be heard above a fully revved Class 4 or Class 8 engine. Finally P.C.l. offers their "Prevail Safety Kit". It contains 76 items for safety and survival, and it too is reasonably priced. Check with P.C.l. Race Radios, (213) 427-8177 for full details and current prices. THEW ALT LOTT MEMORIAL TROPHY for outstanding sportsman-ship in off road racing is being planned, and the first presentation will be made during the Score/HORA awards in December. The idea came from the award presented to Larry Schwacofer last year, for his unselfish action in stopping his race to help a fellow Class 6 competitor who was injured during the Gold Coast 300. The details on the new award are a little sketchy at the moment. The basic plan is for some group, journalists, contingency donors, or another group, to vote on the person who best displayed unselfish sportsmanship during a desert race in 1988. If you have any stories about this kind of action, write it down so you don't forget it. As soon as we know more details about this award, they will appear in this column. Dusty Tima
The tough Ford tru_t:ks that lieat the BaJa. . · · .· And the t:ampetition. _ CLASS 7 WINNER: Manny Esquerra and his Ford Ranger STX. CLASS 7 4X4 WINNER: David Ashley and his Ford Ranger STX. Some fifty kilometers southeast of 1 Ensenada, Baja Califo;nia, is the Mexican town of Ojos Negros. · Translated to English, the town of_ ·. "Black Eyes" is where the 15th Annual Baja 500 off-road race started. And finished. And of the 332 vehicles that started the 500-km trek through some of the tough-est badlands in North America, 131 of them never made it-back to Ojos Negros. But the tough Ford trucks of Manny · Esquerra, Paul Simon, David Ashley and Robby Gordon not only beat the Baja, they also beat the competition and won their · . respective classes. CLASS 75 WINNER: Paul Simon and his Ford Ranger STX. CLASS 8 WINNER: Robby Gordon and his Ford F-150. In fact, race-prepared Ford.pickups . won every class they entered. Beating Chevy, Dodge, GMC, Jeep, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan and Toyota. All of which says a great deal about the reliability and toughness of the Ford trucks you see here. And about the Ford Rangers and F-150s you can your Ford Dealer. The results of the Baja 500 may also say something about our competition. Because the tough Ford trucks certainly gave them a few "black eyes. " Even before they eventually got back to Ojos Negros.
SCORE CANADA September 23-25, 1988 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD VORRA August 20, 1988 390 Chemin Du Lac SNORE 250 DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Valley Off Road Racing Association Hannigan Raceway · Lery, Quebec, Las Vegas, NV Terry Prevost 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Bellingham, WA J6N 1A3, Canada 1006 Cardinal Lane Sacramento, CA 95838 (514) 692-6171 October 29, 1988 Green Bay, WI 54303 (916) 925-1702 September 4, 1988 Yoko Loco ( 414) 434-9044 Hannigan Raceway August 6-7, 1988 Las Vegas, NV August 13, 1988 Bellingham, WA Moores; New York August 6-7, 1988 VORRA Central Cal December 2-4, 1988 Hodag 50 Off Road Shoot Out September 17-18, 1988 September 3-4, 1988 Showboat 250 Rhinelander, WI Kings Speedway . Mountainside Raceway Moores, New York Las Vegas, NV Hanford, CA Lillooet, British Columbia August 20-21, 1988 . ' October 1-2, 1988 Off Road Race September 3-4, 1988 Moores, New.York S.O.R.R.P. Chilton, WI Yerington/VORRA 250 Speedway Off Road Yerington, NV FIA WORLD RALLY Racing Productions September 3-4, 1988 SCORE SHOW Bernie Weber Brush Run 101 October 2, 1988 CHAMPIONSHIP Edgell Expositions -P.O. Box 402 Crandon, WI Prairie City OHV Park P.O. Box 19531 Temple, Texas 76503 Sacramento, CA August 4-7, 1988 Irvine, CA 92713 (817) 773-3548 September•24-25, 1988 Argentine Rally (714) 250-8060 Colorama 100 October 15-16, 1988 Buenos Aires, Argentina Sugar Camp, WI Millican Valley 300 SHORT TRACK Bend, OR August 24-28, 1988 SILVERBOWL OF OFF ROAD 1000 Lakes Rally ENTERPRISES October 30, 1988 Jyvaskyla, Finland MOTOCROSS FORMULA DESERT TEXAS BAJA CROSS 1988 Championship Race Roger Wells DOG SERIES Ben Brown Pr.airie City OHV Park September 19-24, 1988 225 W . Foster Ave. S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: 1410 East 6th St. Sacramento, CA Ivory Coast Rally Henderson, NV 89015 Tom Schwartz burg Irving, TX 75060 Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast (702) 564-2677 2620 West Washington October 10-16, 1988 West Bend, WI 53095 August 6, 1988 (All etJents but the finale (414) 33 4-3858 Grayson County Speedway WHEEL TO San Remo Rally held at Las Vegas Sherman, TX WHEEL, INC. San Remo, Italy International Raceway.) September 2-4, 1988 P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R World's Championship September 3, 1988 Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL ICO November 22-25, 1988 Brush Run 101 Grayson County Speedway (613) 332-1766 RAC Rally SILVER DUST RACING Crandon, WI Sherman, TX (613) 332-4128 -England ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 September 11, 1988 August 12-14, 1988 Las Vegas, NV 891.25 Chicago Classic TUCSON AUTO CROSS 10th Annual Brancroft (702) 459-031 7 Santa Fe Speedway P.O. Box 55221 Challenge Chicago, IL Tucson, AZ 85703 Bancroft, Ontario, Canada ATTENTION (602) 887-8752 RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your comi;::f events in DUSTY SNORE 1 SUPERCROSS, INC. September 25, 1988 TIMES free!. Sei your 1988 schedule . Southern Nevada Off Gateway Plaza October 2, 1988 WESTERN OFF ROAD as soon as possible for listing in this Road Enthusiasts 180 Newpqrt Center Dr., Suite 270 October 9, 1988 RACING ASSOCIATION column. Mail your race or rally schedule P.O. Box 4394 Newport Beach, CA 92660 October 30, 1988 19125 -87 A Ave. to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 r Derry Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89106 (714) 760-1606 November 6, 1988 Surrey, British Columbia, Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 913oz. (702) 452-4522 V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 >7'YOKOHAMA ATTENTION OFF ROAD RACERS! ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES wants to let you know that we will be at the FINAL Riverside Off Road World Championship races. Once again this year we will be on Contingency Row, Thursday, August 11, as well as in our familiar spot on Thompson's Ridge from Friday through Sunday. If you are going to need tires for Riverside, please call and reserve them now. We want to be sure to serve all of you. If you plan on racing the Nevada 500 in September, it would be advisable to call in your tire needs for that race as soon as possible. If you have equipment to be taken out to the Yokohama pits, you must drop it all off no later than noon on Continger:icy day, because the pit people must get out to the pits the day before the race. As of this writing, the pits will be located at Silver Peak, Scotty's Junction and Lathrop Wells. We have . . been asked to tell you that for your fuel and spare parts, tires, etc., to be taken to the pits, you will be asked to pay a $35.00 hauling fee. For further information on pit -support, call Dennis Rogers at (818) 335-7757. Call in your tire and tube orders to Carol Clark. (619) 240-3186 or (So. California) (800) 892-5263 Mom,. Dad and the boys appreciate your patronage and thank you for your continued support. . A.T.E., 22264 Ottawa Road, Unit 1, Apple Valley; California 92308 Page 12 August 1988 Dusty Times
Tune in Sundays For"Hidden Heroes" on the Nashville Network. Check local listings for time. Dean Sundahl shows 'em once again who's the king by taking first in Class 25 in this year's grueling Baja 500. And who else but Autolite could have delivered the reliable firepower to keep . ~ Dean's Yamaha.Banshee averaging more than 49 MPH over the heart-stopping 497-mile course? Congratulations, Dean, from your performance partners at Autolite. We're with you all the way in '88! Allied-Signal, Inc., A~lied Aftermarket Division, East Providence, RI 02916. ©1988 Alli~-Signal, Inc. -Allied . · ~Signal
HDRA FIREWORKS 150 Jim Stiles Masters the Red Hot Desert Dash By Jean Calvin Photos: Track.side Photo Enterprises Jim Stiles had a perfect day in his Raceco, now powered by a Toyota engine, and he ran alone in the heat to win overall, taking the lead on the final lap, and he won overall by 12 minutes. Ed and Tim Herbst did very.well in their Porsche powered C.henowth, going fast all day to place third in Class 2 and a keen fourth overall. Mike Lund and Buzz Combe started out fast, running second in Class 2 in the Chenowth, but they dropped to fourth in class at the flag. series, with 269 on the list when registration closed and only· ten failed to take the green rlag. There is no impound at Barstow, so the big rush in the tech line came in the first few hours of operation. In fact it got so slow ,in the early evening that most donors packed up their contingency displays and departed. All the points contend-ers were on hand, plus the devoted racers who favor the rough and tumble desert that is the hallmark of racing near Bar-stow. Regulars on the desert cir-cuit claimed Walt Lott had out-done himself this year, with more and bigger rocks and rougher goat trails than ever on the route. Still, over half the starting entry fin-ished their appointed rounds within the ten hour time al-lowance. It was pleasant with a light breeze blowing at the start/ finish line at 6:30 a.m. for the drivers' meeting right by the Barstow Community College. The College has for years hosted the Barstow events, and make a most gracious host for all the Friday and Satur-day activity. Everything happened at various places around the cam-pus, and several rooms, nicely air. conditioned, were open so the folks could escape the 110 plus degree heat during the day. The drivers staged themselves quite well with only a few missing their starting time as they took off one every 15 seconds. While some thought one hour laps were possible and officials worried that the Unlimited cars might return before all got started, it was a false alarm. The fastest first lap brought the leader around some 18 min-utes past the hour. One car was . not allowed to start, lacking the mandatory spark arrestor, and that rule had been heavily broad-cast long before July 2, race day. · The 21 cars in Class -2 were away first, but three never came back, including Gold Coast winner Brian Collins. Starting fifth, Bob·Richey had his Raceco first on the road and on time after one round, turning the fast lap of the day at 1: 16.20, and he charged off with a dust free course in front of him. Mike Lund was close behind in second, at 1: 18.30, with Jim Greenway just a minute behind him. It was the Chevy V-6 powered Chenowth of Bob Gor-don/ Frank Arciero, Jr., at 1:19.45, next on time, followed by Aaron and Steve Hawley at 1:20.27. Although running a bit slower in traffic, Bob Richey held his lead midway with total time of 2:42.10. Mike Lund stayed in second about nine minutes back, Greenway slowed and was soon to retire, -and Gordon dropped ten minutes. Now third was the Wit, Lis and Mark Hamilton Raceco, just two minutes behind Lund and less than a minute ahead of Mint 400 class winner Jimmie Crowder, who had Don and Matt McBride just two seconds behind him. It was a fast pace as the temperature shot into three digit numbers. Only a dozen Class 2s covered three lap·s with Jeader Richey among the missing. The Porsche . powered Hamilton Raceco whipped into the lead heading into the final lap, with Gordon/ Arciero only two minutes back. Now in third was another Porsche powered Raceco, driven by Danny Letner and Henry Berg-dahl, just another minute out, while Lund was fourth, dropping a little time. Moving up from a slow start, Ed and Tim Herbst, Porsche powered Chenowth, were less than a minute back in fifth. This would be a sprint race to th½ checkered flag. · Sprinting the fastest was Mark Hamilton with David Kreisler coaching from the right seat. Hamilton did a 1:19 final lap to not only win Class 2 in 5:34.03,_ but to finish with his dad Willis a strong second overall. Frank Arciero put together a 1: 19 final lap also, and coupled with his 1: 18 third lap he was leading until a few miles out when the left rear It was quite a different format for the 1988 edition of the HDRA Fireworks 250. No longer an afternoon into darkness event, helpful to those who have light sponsors, this year the race started at seven in the morning, proceeding into the hot afternoon for the slower classes. Originally it was scheduled for three laps, but the course was shortened the week before the race to about 60 miles, with most classes required to cover four laps. plus registration took place all day on the Friday. of the 4th of July Holiday. Recently this ritual has happened Saturday morning. The course reversed direction this year, which sure held the dust down· at the start/finish. It seemed a safer start too, ~ith the cars going off the pavement into a wider track and then onto two trail tracks early in the game, instead of going through the dirt pits and onto narrow canyon trails from the start last year. . . ., .. J Flying high Frank Snook and Eric Arras ran with the Class For the first time in years the contingency and tech inspections The entry was strong for the sixth event in the eight race desert Mark McMillin, another solo driver in the heat, ran close all day in Class 1, and at the finish Mark took second in class and sixth overall. 1 leaders all day, and their Raceco came imhird in class at the checkered flag. Willis and Mark Hamilton put their Porsche powered Raceco into the Class 2 lead on the third lap, and they stayed out front to win the class and fjnish a fine second overall. Rob Gordon is forming a habit of winning Class 8, and the teenager did it again at Barstow, herding the Ford pickup in the lead most of the wa_y~ and he was fifth overall as well. Page 14 AUgust 1988 Dusty Times
Dave Wood and Gary Sult took the lead on the final lap in their oodco, and they went on to win Class 10 by just 2'h minutes in one of the closest races at Barstow. Starting back in the pack, Doug Fortin, Jr. was second midway in the race, took over the lead on lap 3, and he led from there all the way to victory in Class 1-2-1600. Bob Gordon and Frank Arciero, Jr. ran up front on the second half, and their Chevy powered Chenowth finished second in Class 2, third overall. tire departed from the rim. Clank-ing across the line the Gordon/ Arciero team were second in class and third overall. Brothers Ed and Tim Herbst claimed third in class, fourth overall, while Mike Lund/ BuziCombe stayed fourth in Class 2, the first of the VW powered cars. The Letner/ Berg-dahl Raceco dropped ten minutes on the last lap and took fifth, fol-lowed by the Chenowth of Corky McMillin/ Brian Ewalt that had trouble on the second lap. Another three minutes down, Steve Sourapas/ Dave Richardson were seventh among the 11 finishers. Sixteen Class 1 teams tackled the tough course and nine of them finished. It was tight after one lap with Jim Stiles leading in his Toy-ota powered Raceco by lfss than a minute over Bud Feldkamp's Chenowth, and Mark McMillin was merely another 11 seconds back. Ray Bates/PauJ Hamilton ran fourth, two minutes down and 21 seconds ahead of Frank Snook/ Eric tr Steve McEachern is having a great year in his Chevy, and the Arizona driver was second in Class 8, less than two minutes away from the win. Leading at the end of three laps in Class 10, Scott and Jack Irvine dropped a couple minutes and to second in class on the last lap. Dusty 1'lllla ..... ..... """",.,....~"$~~:-; Frank Vessels and Jon Nelson lost a little time on the 1st Young Michael Church did the iron man bit at Barstow, ran tight all the way and finished third in Class 10, just _f!ight seconds out o_f second. and last laps, but their Chevy hauled into 3rd in Class 8 at the finish. More off.road races are won on Bilsteins than any other shock absorber, period. ~ 111117 Bl.5'l'EIN •BORN TO PERFORM'" Bil.STEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 819/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog, send $2.50. AUgUSt1911 Page 15
Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter are having a fantastic ;eason in Class 5, and atBarstow they led three of the four laps.and when it counted, at the checkered flag. Jack Johnson blew the field away in Class 4, turning good buggy times in the fancy Nissan, and Jack had no apparent problems heading for the victory and finished 13th overall. -;;.,. ,:QC :C:::"t ·,,·_-; .. ~t~ ~ -.,,. ¥ ..... .;...:~, .. A"0 ~ "' ~ Brian Parkhouse and Rich Fersch came out of the 52 car mob scene in Class 1-2-1600 late in the race, and finished second in their tidy Mirage. ~ Arras, Raceco, who had two minutes on Tom Koch. Ivan Stewart, in the new Toyota, hit the pits with power steering trouble. but was seventh on time. With a pit stop for fuel ·before the finish line, Jim Stiles dropped to second midway behind Feld-Kevin J. and Brian Smith had a good run in their Mirage, and they kept flying to finish fourth in Class 1-2-1600 by just 1 ', minutes. Brad Newell and Jim Brown land hard in the Raceco, but they went on to fifth place in Class 1-2-1600, just five plus minutes out of fourth. kamp, this pair now just ten seconds apart and about four minutes ahead of Bates/ Hamil-ton. Snook/ Arras were fourth ahead of McMillin, and Koch stayed in sixth. Ivan Stewart was down and out with a non-replaceable broken spindle. Stiles, who ran solo, regained the lead after three laps as Feldkamp stopped to hand over to Ron Gardner and dropped to fourth. His troubles cured, Mark McMil-lin climbed into second, albeit about ten mintues back, followed in five minutes by Snook/ Arras, and only nine Cla,.s 1 s were still in motion. Jim Stiles kept up his swift pace, had absolutely no troubfe sa,·e a [W" 2 GIANT SUP~RSTORES TO SERVE YOU w PJ#tl DE°Ll!!R!Ocuburctou 1 ... ,·i-Gri&. ~EARL'S WEBER O..~ • ....,,. ·~·~~, OPEN.7 DAYS SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECE /VE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS August 1988 ___ O PERMA-COOL~N IN HENOWTH ~ ,~ @9 ~ -~~Y·A·WAY BUGPACK™ LI IP r-Dusty Times
ERE THERE'S SMO THERE'S YOKOHA Jim Stiles drove like a man on fire to capture the Class 1 and overall titles. Yokohama burned the competition at the Fireworks 250. Jim Stiles' Super Diggers rocketed him home ■· in just 5 hours and 22 minutes to capture the Class 1 and overall titles. 18-year-old Doug Fortin celebrated his independence with another . first-place win in Class 1/2-1600. Likewise, Dave Quill, who claimed the Class 14 trophy. After two bone-jarring rollovers, Kreston Ponds and Darren Hardesty exploded to win with barely a minute to spare in Class 5-1600. The Challenger class lived up to its name when the winners, Nick Gross and Joe Valentine, were forced to run their last two laps with no brakes! All told, the 4th was a cold day for the competition. And red hot for Yokohama. · ©1988 Yokohama Tire Corporation
'-~-Manny and Tudy Joe Esquerra once again kept a desert pace at Barstow, and they took the Class 7 lead on lap 3 in the Ford Ranger and motored on to a resounding victory. ;iii ~,.. ......... - • -» ~ ~ -··~ !'< . - -Rob MacCachren and Mike Smigulec had a great day in the Jeep Comanche, had a few woes on course, but they led all four laps to win Class 7S by a full 12 minutes. Mike Williams led Class 1-2-1600 in his high flying Meco on the Gary Bates and Don McAfee really enjoy racing in Class 5, and Larry Ragland kept his fancy Chevy S-10 in the Class 7 lead for first lap, stayed with the leaders to finish a very close 3rd in class. this intrepid team survived the desert to place third in the class. the first two laps, but troubles dropped him to second at the flag. Dir' faulty starter motor. He Bates/ Paul Hamilton stayed in were just barely ahead of Walker gin on the Minor Chevy that was another ten seconds back were whipped off a 1:20 final lap to win fifth to the flag, followed by Torn Evans, who had mere seconds on two minutes ahead of Shoppe. George Jackman/ Bill Reutgen, Class 1 and take first overall, his Koch. Frank Vessels, just seconds ahead Walker Evans lost time with flats followed tightly by Jerry Leighton, first such triumph in off road rac- Class 8, 13 strong, thundered of Dave Shoppe. The time span and a broken brake line. Gordon Ron Carter, Joey Adzirna and ing. He was so happy he didn't away next, and this was a rough from first through sixth was about did his fastest lap on the third Michael Church, all in a two min-have much to say. Although he course for the trucks. The tough nine minutes. round, a 1:22.49, to establish a six ute dust cloud. But, Adzirna and slowed a tad on the finallap, Mark going didn't bother young Rob Rob Gordon had two flats on minute lead on McEachern. Yes- Leighton were out on lap 2; in fact McMillin got the Chenowth/ Gordon, though, as he flew his the second round, so Steve sels held on in third, now fol- only 15 made it to the half way Porsche home solid in second in Ford around in 1:25.30 to lead McEachern was leading midway lowed by Minor, Evans and point. Class 1, only a minute and a half the pack, but he was only 59 by 1 ½ minutes, and nobody else Shoppe, who had trouble with his Mark Barnes whipped off fast ahead of Frank Snook/Eric seconds faster than Steve was within seven minutes of this shock set up. lapfortheclass, l:21.59,onlap2 Arras. Bud Feldkamp/Ron McEachern, Chevy. Back several flying pair. Frank Vessels was up to lead midway by ten minutes G d l d r h d R Although he slowed on the J k d s I · R d ar ner pace rourt , an ay minutes, Chris and Larry Minor to third, with eight minutes mar- over ac an cott rvme. an y final round, _Rob Gordon, with Rhinehart was now third in the Page 18 5-1600 BAJA BUG COMPLETE: BUMPER TO BUMPER $1,200.00 INCLUDES: ALL SKID PLATE TABS FUEL TANK MOUNT HEAD LIGHT MOUNT SEAT MOUNTS OIL FIL TEA TABS DUAL COIL MOUNT REAR SHOCK MOUNT & BUMP STOP GRAB HANDLE FOR PASSENGER PARKER PUMPER MOTOR TAB FUEL PUMP TAB TRANNY MOUNTS SPARE TIRE MOUNT SEAT BELT TABS CONVERT TO IRS $125.00 EXTRA OIL COOLER TAB TAIL LIGHT TABS AIR LOG MOUNT REMOVEABLE BUMPERS ALL OTHER LABOR $20.00 HOUR MUST SUPPLY OWN BODY AND FLOOR PAN WE PICK-UP AND DELIVER NO EXTRA CHARGE UP TO 150 MILES August 1988 Russ Wernimont riding along, Carter Raceco ahead of Mike never looked back on his way to Church, and Dave Wood/ Gary the Class 8 victory, On this tough Sult were fifth ahead ofJerry Pen-course Gordon placed fifth over- hall. Poe had big trouble, which all, a remarkable time. Closing in continued the rest of the way, but fast on the last lap, Steve McEach- he and Ray Kehoe did finish 11th. em got his Chevy home a couple The Jackma n / Reutgen team minutes later for second spot, dropped to seventh and went no about eight minutes ahead of farther. Frank Vessels, Chevy. It was yet Mark Barnes broke a torsion another 1-2-3 in Class 8 for Jon bar on lap 3 and was done for the Nelson built trucks. Walker- day. Jack and Scott Irvine led the Evans got his Dodge up to fourth survivors going into the final at the flag, the Minors dropped to round, about two minutes ahead fifth, finishing just a few minutes of Wood/Sult. Mike Church, ahead of Dave Shoppe/Larry going solo, was third, only a min-Maddox in the Ford. ute back and three minutes ahead A good bunch of 23 set off in of Carter/Rhinehart, who Class 10, but less than half saw the stopped to put John Sprague into checkered flag. The pack was the Raceco for the final lap. Jerry close after one round, but Mark Penhall was a minute back in fifth, Barnes was first on time, his and this looked like a real dice to Raceco a mere nine seconds faster the flag. · than Bill Poe's ORE. Only DaveWoodandGarySultkept Bob Utgard stayed close in Class 5, led during the third lap, but at the finish the Bug was about ten minutes back in second place. Dusty Times
Mike and Pat Falkosky had one of their best races this year, with the leaders all the way and their Toyota was a close third in Class 7S. Scott Douglas and Chuck Johnson have had troubles all season, but this time they got the Ford Ranger to the finish, in Class 7S. Jerry McDonald got off to an unusually slow start in the Class 4 Chevy, but he and }im Brown were fifth, then· went fast on the second half to finish solid in second place. came Bill and Scott Reams and Klawitter led the first two laps, him. Further back Jerry Miller/ turned the fast lap on the second Dave Parsons were fourth, fol-round of 1:31.27 for a good lead. lowed by David Alan Pick who George Seeley, Jr. ran second by didn't cover another lap. In fact five minutes on lap 1, with Bob Miller was out after two rounds, Utgard only eight seconds behind and only seven IJlr their pace on the final lap with a minute down in third, about two · Stuart·Chase and Connie Sharp. quick 1:29, good for the victory minutesaheadofKevinandBrian A dozen started in Class 5, in Class 10. Jack and Scott Irvine Smith who jumped from ninth to mostly battling over second place dropped a bit of time, but took fourth on the last lap. Brad Newell honors. Hartmut and Wolfram second about 2½ minutes back and only eight seconds ahead of young Mike Church, one of the few tough guys who managed to solo this super hot race. Carter/ Rhinehart/Sprague were fourth, about ten minutes down, three minutes ahead of Kirk Van Matre/ Carl Olson who bested Jerry Pen-. hall by just one minute for fifth. · As always Class 1-2-1600wasa mob scene with 52 starters and 31 finishers. These troops are tough and competitive on any course: The first ten around were in a real close group, crossing the line in less than two minutes, fol-lowed in a couple minutes by another pack of a dozen. When the times were computed Mike Williams led them all in his Meco with fast lap for the class at 1:28.20. Baja winners Tom and Bob DeNault were second with . 1 :31.17, with Jim Sumners a mere 12 seconds behind. In fourth it was J.D. Ward, back another 23 seconds, but that was his only lap. Doug Fortin, Jr. was a couple more seconds out, followed by Pete McCowan/ Oennis Fry, and so it went, close well down the ranks. The DeNaults whipped off a 1 :29 to lead midway in the fray by less than four m!ntues over For-tin, and Mike Williams was mere seconds back in third. Another minute back came Brad Newell/ Jim Brown, a half minute ahead of Bill and Scott Reams. Brian Park-house/ Rich Fersch were up to sixth and closing. Youngster Doug Fortin, Jr. took over the lead after three laps, and ·his three times to this point were all in the same minute. A new consistent performer is emerging here. Now Williams was just 23 seconds behind the leader. Down a few minutes, Mike Spina/ Keith Underwood hauled into third, coming back from first lap trouble, bu~ they went out on the last lap. Here Newell/ Brown were fourth followed by Parkhouse/ Fersch. The DeNaults lost over 20 minutes and eventually placed 12th. Jim Sumners, who had his trouble on lap 2, was coming back, but ended up ninth just behind McCowan/ Fry. Although he started· 25th in class; Doug Fortin, Jr. drove his Cbenowth across the · line first, not only first on the road, but the winner of the huge class in a dandy solo performance. Having . a good final lap, Brian Parkhouse . and Rich Fersch nailed second, their Mirage about five minutes back. Slight problems on the last lap put Mike Williams less than a Dusty Times YOU MAKE MORE POWER* OR WE PAY THE PRICE Hermetically-sealed housing is guaranteed 100% leak proof Internal inertia ring Nylon coaling for longer life Unique. high-vis-cosity silicone fluid surrounding the inertia ring ~ Easy-to-read stamped . timing marks A Fluidampr-Harmonic Damper will give you more power - it's as simple as that! With reduced harmonics in the valve train and better timing with our easy to read timing marks, you'll gain 1 to 5% more horsepower, as well as in-creased torque for lower ETs or a better punch down the straightaways. Just stop and think how much you normally pay for more )lorsepower. · Now available for all popular engines, we're so sure of the Fluidampr's benefits that we're backing up our claim with a money-back guarantee. If you don't get 1 to 5% more horsepower just for bolt-ing on a Fluidampr versus your comparably sized stock rubber balancer, send it back. No questions asked. Unlike low RPM stock dampers that rely on spring-action of rubber to resist harmonic twisting or vibration, Fluidampr uses fluid shearing to control it. So there's virtually no surface-to-· surtace wear, and the fluid is guaranteed for the life of the damper. Fluidampr's free-moving internal iner-tia ring and unique viscous fluid design absorbs destructive harmonic vibrations much like a shock absorber. The result is a cool average operating temperature far below that of inferior friction, rubber or elastomer style dampers. Only Fluidampr works at all RP~ ranges, re-moving destructive harmonic twisting w.tienever it occurs from 1,000-12,000 RPMs. Install a Fluidampr Performance Harmonic Damper. After all, you've got nothing to lose: And 1 to 5%more horsepower to gain. Guaranteed! . )i.f ~,_~_,_ *1-5% MORE HP GUARANTEED r--~~~-----~mm~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------ffl~~~~~.ffl~-~~ m $25.00 REBATE PLUS 1-5% MORE HORSEPOWER ' · 1 I Witti a Fluidampr® Harmonic Damper, you'll also get longer crankshaft and 1 I bearing life. For a limited time, to remind you of the added bearing tife with · 1 I Fluidampr, you'll also get a $25.00 refund by mail. Simply send us your old , IU''" ~m,nr ® 5 I main bearings along with this coupon and your Fluidampr receipt from a . J~ ~ r,,,• . . 1 1 · bonafide jobber or speedshop. (Mail order purchases do not qualify.) perfOrmance harmonic dampers 11 I Offer ends: 12/31/88. • l Vibratech, Inc. • A unft of IDEX Corporation • 537 E. Delavan w : For the location of the Fluidampr dealer nearest you, Avenue. Buffalo, NY 14211 • Phone (716) 895-8000 • Fax I call 1-800-PAR-3336. DT (716) 895-7258 t ....... ---August 1988 Page 19
-w:·---It was brother Dave's turn at Barstow. Dave Simon and John Johnson took the Class 7 4x4 lead on the last miles of the last lap in the Ford Ranger and and won by 13 minutes. Hard chargers Nick Gross and Joe Valentine kept their LaPlant in good shape as they took the Challenger Class lead on the third lap, never looked back and won by just four minutes. r;.,. completed three laps. 1 nc: ~1awitters dropped some rime on lap 3 and to second place, about a minute behind Bob Utgard. Gary Bates/Don McAfee were third, closely tagged by Steve Brown/ Pete Demetrilius. Seeley · dropped time, but kept moving. It_ was no surprise to see Hart, rout and Wolfram Klawitter arrive first, the Class 5 winners, in This is the system run by most off road race winners at two in the afternoon. They have really dominated Class 5 this sea, son. Bob Utgard claimed second, about ten minutes down, but with 25 minutes in hand over Gary Bates and Don McAfee, who were tickled just to have finished and overjoyed with third place. Steve Brown and Peter Demetrilius hung on in fou,·th, with George Seeley finishing fifth, followed in TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME· DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS · . Page 20 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED a couple of hours by Rodney Gabbert and John Mamahon, the sixth and last finisher in Class 5. Six of the seven starters in Class -4 had a good race, but it was for second place. Jack Johnson and Brent Foes took off in the Nissan like a bullet, Jack doing a 1 :26.49 first lap, backed with a second round of 1:27.36, and he could have broken and got fixed and stiU won the race. Rod Hall and Jim Fricker were second ·on lap 1, fol, lowed by Don Yosten, then Buddy Renae, and Jerry McDon, aid whose Chevy had trouble on the first half of the race. Midway Yosten was out, Hall had a four hour lap, and Buddy Renae/Wayne Phillips m.oved into second, 44 minutes back but only_ nine minutes up on Jerry McDonald. John Dyck had his Jeep another ten· minutes back in • fourth. After three laps McDon, ald's problems were solved and he was now second, five minutes ahead of Renae/ Phillips. Dyck held fourth, but did not finish the last lap, and Rod Hall was way back in fifth. Jack Johnson never looked back, had no apparent troubles, and his total time of 6:01.41 was faster than all the Class 10 and 1,2,1600 times. Jack finished 1Larry Ragland/ Dave &~k nailed 13th overall in the fancy Nissan. down second place, 40 minutes Jerry _McDonald had a good lap later, and Mears came back strong and claimed second, while Buddy too, finishing third, just another Renae and Wayne Phillips sol, 14 minutes back. diered into third. Rod Hall and _ Although 19 brave truckers Jim Fricker, their Dodge fixed at started in Class 7S, only six fin, midpoint, got their finish, fourth ished the rugged run. Many time and almost but not quite last winner at Barstow in open wheel overall. cars, Rob MacCachren, with Class 7 was up next with seven Mike Smigulec riding along in the on the line. Larry Ragland zipped · Jeep Comanche, showed the pit through the rocks the best, his pundits that he can drive a truck Chevy S, 10 leading the first lap by fast in the rough too. Rob led the more than two minutes over group on the first lap with well Roger Mears, Nissan. Running a over two minutes in hand over strong pace, Manny Esquerra was Spencer Low/ Paul Delang in the another minute down in third. Nissan. Paul Simon/ Ed Frisk had Two were missing, and another·· the points leading Ranger in third, was seen no more. Russ and Luke about half a minute back, but the Jones had several stops, more engine blew on the next round. serious trouble on lap 2, and ScottDouglas/ChuckJohnson retired midway. At that point were another minute down, fol, Larry Ragland had a three minute lowed by Mike and Pat Falkosky, lead on Roger Mears, while Midway MacCachren pitted for Esquerra was back another four gas but held the lead by five min, minutes. utes over the Falkosky Toyota. On the third round ~he course Spencer Low dropped ten min, got to the leaders. _Ragland utes and to third, and now Mal, dropped over 20 minutes and calm Vinje and Mark Hansen Mears broke a rear hub. Probably were fourth ahead of the new Jeep smiling at this point, Manny and of Jack Schlaman and Bud Sebe, Tudy Joe Esquerra kept the same lius: MacCachren had tie rod and pace in the Ford Ranger and car, cooling troubles on the third lap, ried on to win the Class 7 honors. but held i;.-Pancho Bio and Eric Hooley whip past spectators in their Baja Concepts Challenger car, and the team finished a close third in the class. Barstow racer Jim Clements sailed high over the rough, had no serious troubles and drove to a good finish, fourth in Challenger action. Darren Hardesty, a second generation racer, and Kreston Pons took the Class 5-1600 lead on the third lap and the pair hung on to win the class by just a minute, five seconds. August .1988 Dusty l'lmcs
-- . -♦ ::::711__. .......................... _ BUICK GMC TRUCK Check Our SUPER -SUMMER SPECIALS . Commercial and Fleet Needs r----HORA/SCORE Member Discounts / 10 ¾-----......... Special Financing Packages / · D OJ:,: -7 We Care About You And Want To · ,/61Vf O Al 11/ Give You The Best Deals Orr 1V -GMC Trucks, Accessories And Service. · L o,,. P JI br. I Call or see JEFF SANBORN ... ---.... :_r_?_Pire8 9 IJ s / 1881 LONG BEACH BOULEVARD -........ 1/7/ao I LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 9080_6 .... .._.._u I .... __ .../ (213) 591--5611 (213) 775-6156 (714) 827-8920 '88 GMC CREW CAB DOOLY Fully Loaded, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control, Chrome Wheels. $19,195°0 Plus Dock Fee, Tax and License , ' , If not in stock. we will order for you at this price!
Don Adams and Larry Olsen found the needed horsepower this race, and the Jeep Wrangler turned fast lap, led every lap and won Class 3 honors. It's nice to see Don smile . David Quill drives an odd but effective Chevy Special in Class 14, and he drives it all the way; ta~ing the lead on the last lap, Quill won by a skinny six minutes. .. ..-~---·-,... Spencer Low and Paul Delang had their prnblems midway in the race, but a fast last lap brought their Nissan home second in Class 7S. Mike Leste led Class 7 4x4 on the first lap, but dropped time in the Jeep Comanche later, and Leste finished 2nd in the tight class. John Swift and Curt LeDuc led the two middle laps in Class 7 4x4, but a last lap flat dropped their Ford Ranger to third place at the finish. · Local boy from Barstow, Rich Johnson does well on his home course, and he came up througl1 the herd in his Hi Jumper to take second in Challenger Class. Mike Jones and Russ Simons ran up front all the way in Class 5-1600, and at the finish they ended up very close in 2nd place. Brothers. Darryl and Wayne Cook stayed close for three laps, dropped time on the last round, but they finished third in Class 5-1600. West Coast Distributor fOR HEWLAND - , OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las .Vegas. NV 89102 702/ 873-1962 OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Mc Kenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Pagcn r,1 the lead over Falkosky by about four minutes. Low was another minute back in third. Douglas/Johnson were coming back from a second lap rocker arm failure and were fourth, as Vinje's Toyota dropped to sixth and was out on the final round. Rob MacCachren turned the fast lap for the class on the last lap, a swift 1:32.14, and he showed the fans that his Jeep is a truck to reckon with in Class 7S, winning by 12 full minutes. Spence Low and Paul Delang had no last lap troubles and slid into· second place, finishing over four minutes ahead of Mike and Pat Falkosky. Despite more delays, Scott Doug-las and Chuck Johnson arrived fourth, nine minutes up on the Schlaman Jeep. Eric Lane and Bruce Landfield were sixth, their Ford over an hour back, but a finisher. A full 14 started in Class 7 4x4 but only a half dozen· got in four laps in this hotly contested class. Mike Lesle had his Jeep out front on the first lap with fast class lap of 1:35.53. But the Ford of John Swift and Curt LeDuc was only about 1 ½ minutes back with David Simon, Ford, just 18 seconds behind them. Dave Ash-ley was fourth here, but his Ford vanished on the next lap. Wayne Demonja/ David Ryan ran fifth in a Mazda. · The Swift Ford led the pack midway, Lesle dropped time and to third behind David Simon, and AUgust 1988 Gregg Symonds had his Toyota in· fourth, just 20 seconds ahead of Demonja. The third lap saw Swift drop a'few minutes, but his Ford held the lead, now only three minutes ahead of the Simon Ford with co-driver John Johnson at the helm. Lesle, healthy again, was third, and Demonja moved into fourth as Symonds put in a relief driver for the lap to cool himself down a bit. The MacPherson Chevy S-10, driven by Tom Hoke, never really got up to speed and went out on lap 3. The final lap was a real dog fight between Swift/LeDuc and Simon/ Johnson. Near the end of the lap the Swift Ford bagged a flat and that was the race. David Simon and John Johnson <ivon Class 7 4x4 by a bunch, finishing almost 13 minutes ahead of Mike Lesle. Swift/ LeDuc recovered to place third, another 13 minutes ·back. Over an hour further down Wayne Demonja/David Ryan took fourth by nine minutes over Gregg Symonds, who was only two minutes ahead ofJim Conner in the Nissan. It is hard to imagine doing four laps of this roughest of many Bar-stow courses in a Challenger car, but 35 teams started out to beat the tough desert. Sad to say, only ten of them finished. They ran in herds on the first lap and when the times were posted Brian Burgess and Kenny Taylor had the lead in a Meco, but only by ten seconds over Mike Ward, T-Mag. Baja winners Larry Martin and Martin Schlosser had the Chenowth back a couple of minutes in third, fol-lowed closely by James Tucker/ Larry Wyatt, Pancho Bio/Eric Hooley, and Nick Gross/ Joe Val-entine, and more. Seven were missing. With fast lap for the class on the second round, 1:39.59, Mike Ward led midway by about seven minutes over Gross/Valentine, and the terrain took a heavy toll. A minute back in third came Bur-ge~s/Ta y lor, but they did not come around again. Bio/ Hooley were now fourth, followed by Hector Cuadras/ Rick Toule, who retired on the next lap. Ward_ lost 1 ½ hours on lap 3 and was seen no more. Nick Gross and Joe Valentine had their LaPlant in the lead by just over a minute. Bio/ Hooley were second, just two minutes ahead of Rick Johnson, who moved his Hi Jumper up from sixth. Mar-tin/Schlosser were fourth ahead of Jim Clements. Nick Gross and Joe Valentine had no trouble on the fjnal lap, but reported flats and bad brakes on earlier laps. They won the Challenger honors by four min-utes-over Rick Johnson. Just 4½ more minutes down, Pancho Bio and Eric Hooley were third in the Baja Concepts chassis, over six minutes ahead of Jim Clements. Rich Richardson/ Kevin Perrault moved up steadily to finish fifth, while Larry Martin /Martin DustvTima
George and Greg Tuttle came out of the dust on the 3rd lap to close on the leaders, and the pair finished well, 4th in Class 5-1600. Mike Schwel/inger and Les Erickson had a first lap flat on the Jeep CJ 7 and spent the three laps catching up to finish second in Class 3. Boone England and Jim Hummel led two of the three laps in Class 14, but the spiffy Chevy Blazer fell to second place on the last lap. Schlosser lost half an hour on the last round but salvaged sixth place. There were 19 Bugs in Class 5-1600 and these sturdy racers finished a dozen strong. Like some in other classes, a few got lost on course and were credited with very fast lap times, before realizing that a checkpoint or two had been missed. Roy and Mike Taylor led the first lap with fast time for the class of 1:42.34, but Steve and Tim Lawrence were merely 13 seconds in arrears, and the team of Darren Hardesty/ Kreston Pons were just over another minute back, merely 22 seconds ahead of Mike Jones/ Russ Simmons. The Lawrence Bug zipped into the lead midway, as the Taylors dropped over half an hour and to eighth. Young Darren Hardesty and Kreston Pons were now second, four minutes back, with Jones/ Simmons a minute behind them and six minutes ahead of Darryl and Wayne Cook. This was a tight race on a very rough course for the limited Bugs. The Lawrences ran out of luck on lap 3 and lost enough time to drop to fourth. Hardesty and Pons took over the lead with a four minute margin on Jones/ Simmons. The Cooks held tight to third, about six minutes up on Lawrence, who were to have more trouble on the last loop. George and Greg Tuttle were now run-ning fifth. It was a close finish. up front. Darren Hardest y and Kreston Pons took the win after four laps by just one minute, five seconds over Mike Jones and Russ Sim-mons. Back some 18 minutes Darryl and Wayne Cook kept third place, well ahead of the Tut-tles who bested Steve and Tim Lawrence by eight minutes. Another ten minutes down, Brian Goodrich and Dale Snaith were sixth, about four minutes ahead of the Taylors. The seven Class 3 rigs needed only three laps for an official fin-ish, and they had some good dices out in the rocks. Don Adams and Larry Olsen had the Jeep Wrangler wired for this course, and whipped off a 1:53.44 first lap to lead the five who got in one round. Matt and Gale Pike were just over four minutes back in second, and an early flat dropped Mike Schwellinger and Les Erick-son to third, another four minutes down. The Adams Jeep zipped off fast lap for the class on the second round, 1:53.31, to increase the lead to over six minutes on the Pikes' Dodge. The Schwellinger Jeep was another 12 minutes back. The last lap was a real horse race with both Adams and DustyTima Schwellinger running within a half minute on time. But, Don Adams and Larry Olsen had a cushion going in and won Class 3 by 18 minutes after three laps. Mike Schwellinger and Les Erick-son kept their points lead with second place, while Matt and Gale Pike were only another three minutes back in third. Ben Emer-son and Dale White ran fourth all the way in their CJ 7., and David Comparing Our KC SERIES Daylighter SS ••• Todd and Dave Daniels were fifth all three laps in their Ford Bronco. Class 14 also had seven starters, and they all made one lap. Out front was the keen Chevy Blazer of Boone England and Jim Hum-.•• to mel, with fast class lap of 1:57.45. In second was David Quill, over five minutes back in his Chevy Special. The all girl team of Lynn Dickton and Dawn Cau were third Dr Our LC SERIES Long Range Ught isUke mparin A Full Blown Race Truck to A Stocker But Comparing Our LC SERIES to the So Called Competitors_' Light is Like Comparing the Stocker to a Roller Skate August 1988 KC offers a series of lights for every body and every budget. Our LC Series Lights are great for cruising, looking good, promoting your image, and of course improved off-road vision at night. And they carry our one year warranty. But if you want the top of the line, a real competition light, the same light racing greats like Ivan Stewart, Frank Vessels, Dave Shoppe, Manny Esquerra, Larry Schwacofer, Robby Gordon, Mark & Corky McMillin and most of the top names in off-road racing win with, then insist on the KC Serles Dayllghter SS. It features the proven KC sealed beam, the race proven shock mount that we invented, and a stainless steel housing that's virtually indestructible. Plus the whole light is warranteed for five full years. Insist on genuine KC HiLiTES ... because there is no comparison. KC catalog $3.00. Page 13
Steve Russell and Meville Sharpe grabbed the Class 6 lead on the second of three laps, and·they sailed away in the handsome Chevy Camara to win by a good 21 minutes. Ramon Castro has a real streak going, and, again, on the rugged Barstow desert Castro drove out front all the way to the checkered flag in his flying black Class 11 Beet/~. _""': •• ,,,,,_,_. 'c. It was Ladies Day in third spot in Class 14 as Lynn Dickton and Dawn Gau finished the race running third all the way in the Dodge 150 pickup. Wes and Greg Moser had trouble on the first lap, but got fixed and drove hard to bring the Ford Ranchero home 2nd in Class 6. Earle Howard and Michael Mohanon stayed close to the Class 11 leader and they finished second, just 22 minutes down at the flag. i;.-in a Class 4 Dodge pickup, but only two seconds ahead of Les Barnett/ Eric Heiden, Jeep, who had two minutes on Giti Gow-land's Toyota. Neither Gowland or Barnett made another lap. England led •after two rounds, and now Quill was 11 minutes back in second. The girls were still third, but slowed by a stout hit in the rear from a Class 7 truck. With their necks hurting, the girls turned the Dodge over to regular driver Bill Dickton for the last lap. The Boone England/Jim Hummel Blazer dropped 15 min-utes on the last lap. David Quill picked up his pace to under two hours and he won Class 14 by over six minutes at" the flag. The Blazer held second place, and the Dickton Dodge finished nine minutes back in third. Doing two full laps, Chris and Stephen Cruce were fourth in a Toyota. Five were on the grid in Class 6, three Chevies, a Ford and a Saab, and they also had to cover just three laps. The '57 Chevy of Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling led the first lap with about five min-utes in hand over the Chevy Camaro of Steve Russell and Meville Sharpe. Incredibly, the Saab 96 of Arne Gunnarsson and John Johnston III was third, another five minutes back and nine minutes ahead of Dale and Randy Jordan, Chevy El Camino. Now bringing up the rear with early down time was the Ford• Ranchero of Wes and Greg Moser. On the second lap Russell turned up the wick to move into the lead, about 13 minutes ahead of Schwacofer, who was only three minutes up on the Jordans. Moser turned fast lap for the class of 1 :54 .14 to move ahead of the Saab. The Camaro did a similar 1988 HDRA FIREWORKS 250 / July 2, 1988 - Results POS.CAR # DRIVER(S) VEHICLE TIME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS 1 -UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -16 START - 9 FINISH 105 Jim Stiles (solo) Raceco/Toyota 5:22.33 100 Mark McMillin (solo) Chenowth/Porsche 5:47.00 106 Frank Snook/Eric Arras Raceco 5:48.33 101 Bud Feldkamp/Ron Gardner Chenowth 5:51.09 109 Raymond Bates/Paul Hamilton Chenowth 5:58.20 CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -21 START -11 FINISH 214 Willis & Mark Hamilton Raceco/Porsche 5:34.03 210 Bob Gordon/Frank Arciero, Jr. Chenowth/Chevy 5:36.08 209 Ed & Tim Herbst Chenowth/Porsche 5:44.04 208 Mike Lund/Buzz Combe Chenowth 5:52.16 203 Danny Letner/Henry Bergdahl Raceco/Porsche 5:54.03 D/ A POS. 1 6 8 9 12 2 3 4 10 11 CLASS 1-2-1600 - 1600CC RESTRICTED ENGINE -52 START -31 FINISH 1. 1626 Ooug Fortin. Jr. Chenowth 6: 1 0.31 20 2. 1619 Brian Parkhouse/ Rich Fersch Mirage 6:15.46 21 3. 1642 Mike Williams Meco 6: 16.43 22 4. 1605 Kevin & Brian Smith Mirage SS 6: 18.14 25 5. 1612 Brad Newell/Jim Brown Raceco 6:23.49 30 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 349 300 302 303 301 402 405 403 400 401 CLASS 3 -SHORT WB 4X4 - 7 START - 5 FINISH (3 laps) Don Adams/Larry Olsen Jeep Wrangler 5:53.03 Mike Schwellinger/Les Erickson Jeep CJ 7 6:11.29 Matt & Gale Pike Dodge Ramcharger 6: 14.34 Ben Emerson/Dale White Jeep CJ 7 6:47.12 David Todd/Dave Daniels Ford Bronco 8:17.20 CLASS 4 -LONG WB 4X4 - 7 START - 4 FINISH Jack Johnson/Brent Foes Nissan 6.01.41 Jerry McDonald/ Joe MacPherson Chevrolet 6:52.50 Buddy Renae/Wayne Phillips Dodge 7:11.36 Rodney Hall/ Jim Fricker Dodge 9: 16.31 John Dyck/ Jeep J-1 O 6:06.38 CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -12 START - 5 FINISH 501 Hartmut & Wolfram Klawitter Baja Bug 6:29.42 54 7 Bob Utgard Baja Bug 6:39.59 549 Gary Bates/Don McAfee Baja Bug 7:04.59 504 Steve Brown/Pete Demetrilias Baja Bug 7: 14.55 502 George Seeley Jr./Howard Anderson Baja Bug 8:35.00 CLASS 5-1600 -1600CC BAJA BUG -19 START-12 FINISH 597 Darren Hardesty/Kreston Pons Baja Bug 7:07.48 560 Mike Jones/Russ Simmons Baja Bug 7:08.53 598 Darryl & Wayne Cook Baja Bug 7:27.42 562 George & Greg Tuttle Baja Big 7:41.03 552 Steve & Tim Lawrence Baja Bug 7:49.18 CLASS 6 -PRODUCTION SEDAN - 5 START - 5 FINISH (3 laps) 601 Steve Russell/Meville Sharpe Chevy Camara-6:20.56 618 Wes & Greg Moser Ford Ranchero 6:42.08 600 Larry Schwacofer/Sid Spradling '57 Chevy 7:42.17 616 Arne Gunnarsson/John Johnston Ill Saab 96 7:50.58 619 Dale & Randy Jordan Chevy El Camino 8:01.01 Pagc24 13 54 68 117 (3 laps) 35 46 62 71 103 65 66 82 86 89 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICKUP - 7 START - 3 FINISH 700 Manny & Tudy Joe Esquerra Ford Ranger 6:24.40 702 Larry Ragland/Dave Beck Chevy S-10 7:04.12 701 Roger Mears/Tony Alvarez Nissan 7: 18.09 704 Russ & Luke Jones Ford Ranrger 6:27.38 CLASS 7S -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP -18 START - 6 FINISH 731 Rob MacCachren/Mike Smigulec Jeep Commanche 6:43.33 729 Spencer Low/Paul Delang Nissan 6:55.36 724 Mike & Pat Falkosky Toyota 7:00.16 720 Scott Douglas/Chuck Johnson Ford Ranger 7:54.34 730 Jack Schlaman/Bud Sebelius Jeep Comanche 8:03.46 CLASS 7 4X4 -STOCK MINI-MIDI 4X4 -14 START - 6 FINISH 768 David Simon/ John Johnson Ford Ranger 6:48.49 750 Mike Lesle Jeep Comanche 7:01.45 752 John Swift/Curt LeDuc Ford Ranger ·7: 15.24 753 Wayne Demonja/David Ryan Mazda 8:25.58 751 Gregg Symonds/Warren Miller Toyota 8:34.57 CLASS 8 - 2 WD STANDARD PICKUP -13 START -10 FINISH 801 Rob Gordon/Russ Wernimont Ford 5:45.23 803 Steve McEachern Chevrolet 5:47.01 805 Frank Vessels/ Jon Nelson Chevrolet 6:05.21 802 Walker Evans Dodge Dakota 6:21.09 807 Chris & Larry Minor Chevrolet 6:38.37 32 61 76 (2 laps) 48 56 58 90 96 50 59 74 98 102 5 7 15 26 42 CLASS CHALLENGER -RESTRICTED BUGGY -35 START -10 FINISH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 909 Nick Gross/ Joe Valentine La Plant 7: 15.11 990 Rick Johnson HiJumper 7:19.12 908 Pancho Bio/Eric Hooley Baja Concepts 7:23.43 991 Jim Clements 7:30.06 907 Rich Richardson/Kevin Perrault Jimco 7:43.41 CLASS 10 -UNLIMITED 1650CC -23 START -11 FINISH 1. 1020 Dave Wood/Gary Sult Woodco 6:05.39 2. 1010 Jack & Scott Irvine Raceco 6:08.19 3. 1008 Michael Church (solo) Raceco 6:08.27 4. 1007 Ron Carter/Randy Rhinehart Raceco 6:18.10 5. 1021 KirkVanMatre/CarlOlson Raceco . 6:21.10 CLASS 11 -STOCK VW SEDAN - 3 START - 2 FINISH (2 laps) 1. 1100 Ramon Castro VW Beetle 6:10.10 2. 1197 Earle Howard/Michael Mohanon VW Beetle 6:32.27 3. 1199 Mike Abbot/Fausto Parisotto VW Beetle N/ T CLASS 14 -UNLIMITED 4X4 - 7 START - 4 FINISH (3 laps) 1. 1499 David Quill Chevy Special 6:08.44 2. 1401 Boone England/ Jim Hummel Chevy Blazer 6: 15.01 Lynn Dickton/Oawn Cau Dodge PU 6:24.29 Chris & Stephen Cruce Toyota 7:58.38 3. 1404 4. 1497 5. 1498 Les Barnett/Eric Heiden Jeep Scrambler 2:06.18 Starters - 259 -Finishers - 134 • - Percent of Finishers - 15.7 Race Distance -Approximately 60 miles the lap -Time Allowance - 10 Hours Fast Time Overall -Jim Stiles - 5:ZZ.33 -Fast Lap -Bob Richey - 1 :16.ZO • Not all classes required to cover 4 laps for an official finish. August 1988 72 77 79 83 87 16 18 19 24 27 (1 lap) fast last lap, and Steve Russell and Meville Sharpe won Class 6 at Barstow. Wes and Greg Moser did another quick lap to take over second place about 20 minutes down. Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling had a disaster on lap 3 and ended up an hour back in third, just eight minutes ahead of Arne Gunnarsson~John John-ston. Ten more minutes down Dale and Randy Jordan took the flag as the entire class finished the race. Last to leave, the Class 11 Bee-tles had to cover two laps for a finish. Mike Abbott did not com-plete a lap, and Ramon Castro took fast lap honors on the first round with a 2:23 time. Castro was-almost an hour ahead of Earle Howard/ Michael Mohanon. The two Beetles both covered the second lap, slowly. Ramon Castro won Class 11 , but his margin over Howard's Beetle was down to 22 minutes at the checkered flag. The first ever, all daylight Fire-works 250 was a good competi-tive race and for once there were no post race rules hassles. But, the heat drained some of the enthusi-asm, and more enthusiasm waned as participants learned of the death of Walt Lott, mid-morning on race day. Walt had been check-ing the road crossing near Check-point 4, and it ":as his habit to check things out on course in the heat or cold, wind or calm weather. After returning to his vehicle Walt Lott collapsed and died instantly of an apparent heart attack. There was no panic any-where, and the HDRA' crews worked through the race effi-ciently, as always. But, some of the lustre was gone for everyone. At the awards presentation Sunday morning, many winners mentioned that, if it was Walt's time to go, at least he died doing what he liked best, organizing an off road race. In truth, if it was to be, it was a good way to go for Walt Lott. While gone from our reach, he will never be forgotten and always missed. Dusty Times
me ones you can have on · vehicle. ,:;"'· ;\13,a~\!~-t,aB~: Takt~~t~ff-ro ,,. tit~;,Just to k~1~you/ Ttrestone · Wherever Wheels are Rollin', we' re truckin' to win.
Danny Letner and Henry Bergdahf ran third in Class 2 for a time in the Raceco/Porsche, but they dropped to fifth at the finish fine. ~,r -~, The trio of Ron Carter, Randy Rhinehart and John Sprague ran with the Class 10 leaders all day and got the Raceco home fourth in class. Steve Brown had some troubles in the hot weather, but he carried on in his Bug to eventually finish a close fourth in Class 5. Jack Schfaman and Bud Sebelius had their first good finish in the Class 7S Jeep Comanche, the new truck taking fifth in Class 7S. Larry Martin and Martin Schlosser lost some time on the fast lap, but they drove the Chenowth to sixth spot in Challenger competition. Page 26 Bud Feldkamp had the Class 1 lead midway in the Chenowth, but troubles dropped co-driver Ron Gardner to fourth at the checkered flag. J' -Bill and Scott Reams had the ORC going well in Class 1-2-1600, stayed with the leaders and finished close in sixth place. Running well this year the Dodge of Buddy Renae and Wayne Phillips had a good race at Barstow and finished fourth in Class 4. Colorado racer Wayne Demonja, with David Ryan co-driving, had some woes on course with the Mazda but he finished well, fourth in Class 7 4x4. Steve and Tim Lawrence had the lead in Class 5-1600 midway in the race, but trouble dropped their Bug to fifth in Class 5-1600 at the flag. August 1988 Walker Evans had his problems on the second lap, but he charged back into the fray to place the Dodge Dakota fourth in Class 8. Flying nicely here, Stuart Chase continued on in the Raceco to take seventh place in Class 1-2-1600 in the tight pack up front. Roger Mears ran right behind the Class 7 leader on the first 2 laps but a broken hub dropped his Nissan to 3rd place after 4 laps. Rich Richardson and Kevin Perrault drove the Jimco t roug e 35 car herd to finish a good fifth in the busy Challenger Class. Matt and Gale Pike ran second in Class 3 in the Dodge Ramcharger for two laps, but finished thjrd, just three minutes behind at the finish. Dusty Times
THE 19th ANNUAL . \ . -SNORE/YOKOHAMA 250 September 23,-24, 25, 1988 · Presented by Van Kirk·Ra~ing and Desert Racing Parts -Generou·s payback plus thousands o/ added dollars -in the purse. -_ THE RACERS' RACE . Registration a-nd Tech lnspectio·n -Friday, September 23 ~ 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m . . · --Race Day - -Saturday, September 24 Drivers Meeting at 8:00 a.m. Race Start -- 9:00 a.m. sharp Start/Finish -Jean, Nevada Awards - ·Sunday, September 25 Pre-Run - Friday, September 23 only_ ENTRY FEE - $350.00 INSURANCE - $65.00 SPARK ARRESTORS ARE MANDATORY ENTRY DEPOSIT - $100.00 - Drawing for starting position and Bar-B-Que at the Jeep Posse Hall in Las Vegas, Saturday, September 17; at 7:00 p.m. Bar-B-Que, $7.50 per person_ includes five tickets on the Baja Bug to be raffled off at a later date. IT PAYS TO RACE WITH SNORE SNORE LTD., P.O. Box 4394, Las Vegas, NV 89106 SNORE Hot Line -702-452-4522
BFGOODRICH MEMORIAL DAY 100 Pennyslvania's Art Schmitt Breaks the Domination of the Local Boys By Brenda A. Parker on their Home Turf Photos: Gil Parker Pittsburgh's Art Schmitt had a super weekend, winning both Class 1 and Class 9 in his Berrien, and he swept to victory in the Unlimited championship,finale as well, winning every event that he entered! It was Art Schmitt's weekend at the BFGoodrich Memorial Day 100 at Lake Geneva, Wisconsin on May 28 and 29. His Arm-strong shod Berrien was working great and so was he. He won Class 9, Class 1 and the Unlimited Championship upsetting the Probst brothers and Scott Taylor, who have dominated this race for the past several years. The best the Probsts could do were the wins in Classes 1-1600 and 2-1600, and Taylor had to settle for first place in the 7S class. While dust was a problem at times, all in all it was a great race and a good weekend. The weather couldn't have been better. Among the major tire compa-nies who.sponsor contingency programs for the Formula Desert Dog Series, the first three places in all classes were divided as fol-lows: Armstrong/ Formula Tire, _24; BFGoodrich, 18; General Ti're, 11. There were several drivers from California and Colorado, namely Mitch Mustard, Jerry Whelchel and Dan Rice, who had come East to compete in the race held in Montreal's Olympic Stadium the previous week and were on their way back home. I had a chance to talk with Jerry for a while, and he stated that he liked the track, that it is a good track, and was going to be fast. Coming all the way from Colorado just for this race was Jerry Daugherty and his co-driver Ken Stout, with their Class 14 Chevrolet: Also stopping here on his way back to· Florida from -Montreal was Jimmie Crowder. I had a chance to ask him about how he had done in Montreal, and this is what he told me. He tangled with another car in his heat race and finished back in the pack, which meant he had to run the consola-CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER HOUSE FACTORY WAREHOUSE · · DISTRIBUTOR America's No. 1 Racing Wheels! For performance, durability and dis-tinctive styling you can't beat Center Line wheels. They're the choice of America's top racers. So why settle for anything less than the best for your car or truck? OPEN 5 DAYS A WEEK Monday -Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. I BEFORE YOU BUY TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! I 12945 SHERMAN WAY, UNIT 4, NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 (818) 756-5827 • (818-) 764-6438 Pagcn tion race where he finished third. This put him in last place in the line up for the main event, but he managed to keep out of trouble _and he was happy with his fifth place finish. His troubles really started on the way to Lake Gen-eva. He owns a big Bluebird motorhome and the transmission went out of it in Toronto. He also discovered there was a hole in the gas tank of the semi that hauls his cars, so it was not a very profitable weekend for the Crowder team. As mentioned, Scott Taylor has a new 7S Ford Ranger for this series, but he is still competing in Class 1, 9 and 1600 classes. He hopes to attract more financial support for his team by running in the truck class. Todd Attig and the Attig Race Team from Dixon, IL are running on General Tires . this year. Both Todd and his Dad Rod campaign cars in Unlimited classes in the Formula Desert Dog Series. On Saturday, Class 11 was the first class called to the starting line, and it is similar to the desert Challenger Class in rules. Out of an entry of six, only two were still running at the end of the 20 min-ute heat. Mark Steinhardt won, with Jeff Jones placing second. Both Class 1-1600 and 2-1600 ( separate classes here) were sched-uled for three heats, with one c;on-solation race and a main event, because of the size of the classes. In the feature event David Van-denElzen was out front early, fol-lowed by Steve Kreiman, Jeff Probst and Tony Trinkle. By the second lap Probst had moved into second place and was putting the pressure on VandenElzen. Van-denElzen, in trying to keep Probst from completing his pass, climbed Probst's rear tire and effectively stopped both of the111. Probst got moving again first, which gave Kreiman second when he passed the still stalled Van-denElzen. Probst went on to lead the race to the checkered flag. Bryan Frankenberg was second followed by VandenELzen, then August 1988 Jack Flannery won the fir§t leg of the Penda Bedliner Heavy Metal series in the final laps, and he a/so placed second in Class 8 in his trusty Ford. Dave Hameister and. Steve Kreiman. Class 3 had seven starters. Jan Dudiak came off the start line in the lead and he went flag to flag for the win in his Jeep. Bruce McKinney was running in second place, but just before taking the white flag he pulled off the track and parked his Jeep. This moved Craig Gray into second place with Rick Rogers finishing in third. Rick had started last, and had to be pleased with this third place finish. In Class 10, as usual, the two · Vandermissens, Dave Sr. and Dave Jr., were ina battle, this time for second place. Terry Severson jumped to the lead right off the start, and he managed to hold both Vandermissens at bay to go on for the victory. Dave Jr. even-- tually lost his engine and had to settle for third place this time out,_ behind· his Dad who was second. Class 5-1600 was on the track with the Class 10 cars. This is a small entry class this year in the . Midwest, but they ·take their rac-ing seriously when they have enough cars to make a class. Here it was a good race won by Terry Wolfe, followed by Jim Pfeiffer and Ron Karlman. There were 17 cars in the 2-1600 feature. Kevin Probst was never headed in this race in his trusty Berrien. Since the cars "double enter" the 1-1600 and 2-1600 events, this was pretty much a repeat of the previous 1-1600 race. This round Chuck Williams did finish in second place, even though his engine was running on only three cylinders; Larry Manske was third, followed in by Dave Haimeister anc!_ Steve Krieman. Class 4 was next. Ken Kincaid came off the green flag in first place, but four laps into the race his Ford was parked. Greg Gerl-. ach took over the lead in his Ford with Geoff Dorr and Dennis Chencharick in second and third. - Class 9, single seat Class 10, was the last event on Saturday. Todd Attig spun out at the start of the race, which put him out of contention. Lee W uesthoff was off and running and, if he h~d been able to keep his Chenowth cunning (he had electrical prob-lems all weekend) he would have been hard to beat. His father, Bill, had the Concours Motors spon-sored Magnum dialed in and Lee was giving it all he had. Art Schmitt was running second, and Lee did not come around after the first lap. So Schmitt took over the lead and left the other drivers in his dust. Jerry. Whelchel ran a . strong second for several laps with Jimmie Crowder and Dan Rice right behind him. Kevin Probst was back in fifth, which is an unusual place for Kevin to be. Scott Taylor dropped out in lap 5 . with a piston gone. Kevin Probst had his hands full after making the passes just trying to move in front of Whelchel. Jerry did a terrific job of driving the course. I heard a comment by one of our local folks who said he was really impressed with Whel-chel's handling of his car and the smoothness of his driving. Prior . to this time he had only seen him drive at the Mickey Thompson races which are shown over ESPN in this area. At the checkered flag · it was Art Schmitt, Kevin Probst, Jerry Whelchel, Jimmy Crowder and Don Ponder. Ponder had moved fro·m the back of the pack to take over fifth spot. It was quite a mix geographically too, Penn-sylvania, Illinois, California, Flor-ida and Missouri, placing first through fifth. The weather on Sunday was as gorgeous as it had been on Satur-day. When you realize that Lake Geneva can have cold, rainy weather in May, you can under-stand the joy of having a warm, sunny weekend. The Class 7S trucks were the first class on the starting grid. Scott Taylor, in his new Ford, and Tom Hockers, also in a Ford, were putting on a great Driving the much raced 2-1600 Berrien, Kevin Probst won Class 2-1600 and went on to take the victory in the Limited Buggy Championship race on Sunday. Dusty Tlma
show for the crowd. It was a battle from start to finish. Taylor man-aged to hold Hackers off, how-.ever, to win the race. Tom had to settle for second, with Mark T ob-uren in third. After the race I talked with Scott and he said: "After running an open wheel off road car for 13 years, this is different. I mean, there are a lot of things different about it. The first time out with the truck it ran all right, but we have a lot of work to do yet." Tom Hackers, knowing that Tay-lor is a difficult driver to pass, having watched him drive for sev-eral years, stated: "It was-a hard race." In Class 8 it was Jack Flannery stretching out a big lead by the end of the first complete lap, with Mitch Dumask second and Harry Mattmiller in third place, and Dave Hockers coming up fast. On the white flag lap Flannery Jan Dudiak put his Jeep Scrambler out front on the first lap of the Class 3 contest and he was never headed on the way to an impressive victory. received the "bla~k flag". He had went on for the win. Dave a safety net gone on the driver's Hackers told me afterward that he side of the truck. He pulled into did not have any power steering the pits and Hackers caught and after the first lap and it was a job passed him before he could get just to finish; but, he was pleased back onto the track, and Hackers with his win. Dave Hackers drove most of the race without power steering, and he inherited the lead on the white flag lap to tijke the victory in Class 8. I talked to the Race Director Bruce Brannstrom after this race and he informed me that for two laps prior to the black flag Flannery's pit crew had tried to get him to stop so that they could re-attach the missing net. He ignored their instructions so Bruce had no choice but to black flag him. The drivers had been informed at the drivers' meeting that loose nets or loose car tops would bring out the black flag if they did not heed their pit crew's instructions to stop. Scott Taylor showed off his brand new Ford Ranger, and won the close contest in Class 7S, a class that has just caught on in the midwest. Jeff Probst won the feature event in Class 1-1600, driving the family Berrien, and Probst won the bash handily, leading from the second lap. In this part of the country the Class .1 cars are usually all the Class 9 cars who bump-up to this class. There are very few true Class 1 engines left. Again Art Schmitt was running strong, again with Lee Wuesthoff right behind him. Jeff Probst, who is usually strong in this class, did not get a good start. Schmitt really pulled a lead on the rest of the cars, while Dan Rice moved into second ahead of W uesthoff, who was again having electrical problems with his car. By lap 2 Probst was slowing and he headed for the pits. One of r;r usty Times
' ,i>r~ • Jr:rr 1 !..Jduynerty came from Colorado to race, led most of the Pend a o,g bucks bash in his Chevy, but had to settle for second spot at the flag. Chuck Williams, Jr. flew high over the front jumps in his Berrien and he kept it together to finish second in Class 2-1600. The start of the Limited Chenowth was red flagged as many cars were in the fields going into the first turn. The start was moved for the second try, which was a clean start. ~ his crew I talked with latt::r thought it was the flywheel. Midway thro ugh the race, Schmitt was still in the lead, but W helchel had moved into second with Mitch Mustard in third place. Todd Attig was running a strong fourth and Don Ponder was fifth. Je.rry Whelchel said after this race that he had broken a rear shock, and that he was just a little low on horsepower, and they were trying to do the best they could with what they had. All Art Schmitt could say was: "I'm excited!" l think he was in shock. Class 14 was next. Jack Flannery again took the early lead and he was never headed in his Ford pickup. He was followed at the checkered by John Heidtman, Marc Pelletier, David Vanden-Elzen and Dennis Chencharick. T here were 28 cars in the Limited Championship event, and if you have never seen a mass start involving 28 cars, as the say-ing goes; "you ain't seen nothin' yet." Rather than starting this event at the normal start line, because of the number of cars, they were started on the far end of the pit $traight. This was done in hopes that the cars would get sorted out before they got to the first turn. It appeared at first that they had made it through the first turn fairly clean, but when the dust cleared there were cars piled up all over the place. There were eight or ten cars involved. The red flag came out and the race was stopped. When the race was re-started, they did not move the cars quite so far down the pit straight. It seems that they had too much time to wind up and they were really moving by the time they hit that first turn, which added to the problems of getting through that turn. There were no problems on the second start and the race was on. The leader was Jim Wiggins, with Steve Krieman in second, fol-lowed by Johnny Koran and Kevin Probst. Probst finally moved past the other cars to take over the first place position and opened up a big lead. Kevin Probst went on to the Limited Championship title, with Krei-man second, Wiggins in third and Bryan Frankenberg was fourth. After the race I talked with legal Fuel Bladders As low As $182.00 Page 30 Approved by: FIA, IMSA, NHRA, SCCA, SCORE, USAC and HORA • Custom Fuel Bladders • Fuel Tanks • Standard Fuel Bladders • Refueling Equipment • Budget Fuel Cells . ''let us_ knqw what you want. We can do it." (714} 897-2858 ( 800) 433-6~24 (Outside California) Call o,r write_ for free catalog 5271 Business Drive, Huntington Beach, CA 92649 AUgust 19N . ' Steve Kreiman. He said: "It was : rado in a Chevy Blazer. He was tough. I saw Jim (Wiggins) behind ; followed by Brad Mihalko and me and I was getting nervous the John Heidtman. Daugherty was last lap thinking about it, but I lapping the back markers midway made it through so I'm happy." I through the race, and Jack also asked Kevin for his com-Flannery, who got a bad start, had ments and he stated: "Oh, that moved into second place. was a nice race. There were a few Flannery was slowly gaining on dust problems out there, but I ran Daugherty, who sounded like he a smooth race and everything had a motor going sour. Flannery went well for me after the second finally moved around him to take start." Jim Wiggins also said: "it the lead in his Ford. At the check-was tough, I'll tell you that. I tried ered it was Jack Flannery winning my hardest, but I really enjoyed it the big bucks, followed by Jerry out there. Steve beat me fair and Daugherty, John Heidtman and square, and he was fast. My car Marc Pelletier. was working good, and l'm happy After the race Daugherty had with third place." this to say: "In the first race we In the Unlimited Champion-lost our front end on the start line, ship, Lee Wuesthoff again beat we tore the whole rear brake everyone off the line, with Art caliper off, and didn't have any Schmitt and Mitch .Mustard in brakes at all when I finished. We second and third. Running fourth had to go back to the pits, and ifit was Jeff Probst. Jeff, usually a hadn't been for all th~ guys from front runner, had to play catch up Colorado, we would have been in this day, which he found out is trouble.We put in a new ring and difficult to do when you are driv- pinion, we did the brake lines, we ingin someone else's dust. Wuest-did all kinds of repairs and the car hoff was again in the pits after the · just ran great. Hey, I can't say first lap. Schmitt was never cha!- enough. There are a bunch of lenged on his way to victory. Mus-great guys out here and some great . tard was several seconds behind competitiqn. It has been a lot of him. Art Schmitt went on to win fun racing." another race, this one the Champ-Jack Flannery said: " W ell, I'd ionship, with Mitch Mustard like to say one thing. First of all second and Jeff Probst third. thanks for the people who put on Mitch said after the race: "It this race right here. It was a well was exciting. I was more worried run race. I had some difficulties about the start, getting through it, along with everybody else, but but Lee Wuesthoffled a good line overall we had good weather, and I just stayed behind him and super good competition here managed to come out as good as I today from all over. I guess, all in did. I wasn't really quite sure what all, I probably had a little better position I. was in. You usually luck than some of the other guys." never know until you get to~ards Bruce Brannstrom said after the · the end, but today I chased Art race that, like many events here in Schmitt. We were pulling on him, the Midwest, this one is put on by but it just wasn't enough. Maybe a only a handful of volunteers. He couple more laps, I could have wanted to publicly thank the fol-done a psych job." I asked Jeff lowing people, because without Probst if he had any·comments, their help he could not have put since he usually. dominates the this race on. Jeff and Kevin Unlimited classes, and he said Probst, track layout; Dawn Tsar-. "no." palas and Chris Dooley, registra-The final event of the weekend tion; Kim Probst, staging; Mike was the ~enda Heavy Metal Parker, flagman/ starter. Since it Championship, the first in the is impossible to name everyone, a three race series sponsored by big thank you is extended to all of Penda Bedliner, who provide those people who worked on the both a husky purse and a hefty track and helped with some of the points fund. Taking the early lead "running" that was so necessary was Jerry Daugherty out.of Colo-to this event. En route home to California, Jerry Whelchel raced his Chenowth to second place in Class 1 and third in . the hectic Class 9 action. ~;;=.;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~.;_~~ Mitch Mustard stopped in on his way home to Colorado from Montreal and took a well earned second in the Unlimited Championship in his Chenowth. Dusty Tlma
YERINGTON 250 DESERT RACE September 3, & 5, 1988 ENTRY FEES: $350 -Pro Classes $200 in Purse plus Trophies $150 - Sportsman Classes Total Purse $500 plus Trophies Entry mail in deadline - August 31 Registration & Tech Inspection Saturday, September 3 - 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Race Day, Sunday, September 4 - 8:00 a.m. -Eight hour time limit 6 laps of a 40 mile course Race Course will be marked for pre-running by August 20. Welcome Party and drawing for starting position, Friday, September 2 at 9:00 p.m. at Casino West Sponsored by: MASON VALLEY Chamber of Commerce Race Headquarters -Casino West ' Entry & Race Information -VORRA -(916) 925-1702 1833 Los Robles Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95838 • Yerington Information - Mason Valley Chamber of Commerce - (702) 463-3363
Youco re • • ...... Se • • w r~ secon . The Fireworks 250 ~.a Fourth of July pimic for Nissan. • • 101S • In fact, you probably could have made a substantial dent in a fairly thicl< novel if you were at the HDRA Fire-worl<S 250 in Barstow, where Jacl< Johnson and his Nissan® Hardbody™ 4x4 tool< first place, winning Class 4 and finishing almost an hour ahead of the nearest competitor Not that the second-place finisher did that poorly-He was twenty minutes ahead of the trucl< in third. Which was over two hours ahead of the trucl< that finished fourth. But at least they were able to finish the grueling course. Nearly half of all the starters dichit. The T-Mag-prepared Nissan V6 will be racing a lot more during the season, so if you get a chance, go out and watch. But here's a hint. Tal<e along something to read. Lil<e maybe'War and Peace:' ~ NISSAN ~ e Built for the Human Race:
MONTREAL OLYMPIC STADIUM Walker Evans and lilly leek Go For The Gold three years ago in bringing T earn Mazda to Montreal, was offered a try out in the truck in Pasadena, CA two weeks prior to Montreal. His driving ability impressed Har-ris and Huber so much they decided to include McGrail on the roster for the Montreal race. By Danny McKenzie Photos: Mediaphow-Danny McKenzie/Pat McKay Like many others, Walker Evans went north and found gold. Evans drove his Jeep Comanche to the points win in the Saturday action and came home with a pound of gold and a handsome check as his reward. The ninth annual BFGoodrich Autocross Cup scheduled in con-~ junction with the eleventh annual Molson Brewery sponsored SuperMotocross was once again a race to remember as 84,000 fans cheered the off road warriors dur-ing the two day program last May. The Montreal stadium race is quite an event, considered by many seasoned racers as the Indy of stadium style off road racing. The annual BFGoodrich Auto-cross Cup attracts car racers from all over the USA and Canada. They compete for the top prize, one pound of pure gold in each of the two classes, 7 and 10. The gold is only part of the total purse of $75,000 that was up for grabs at this year's event. This event has gained much recognition over the years. It has grown not only in size, but in the quality of racers attending, and it has generated much press from the off-road related media and the I, Billy Beck became the second racer to win back to back BFGoodrich Cups and the pound of gold in Class 10, having won last year als?_in his Texas based Berrien La_s__er. weve written the -----kon·Off Road. We've c mpleted the most comprehensive catalog of race-proven parts ever. From the people who have put more Off Road drivers in the Winner's Circle than anyone else. Whether it's a simple Dzus button or an elabo-rate race-ready engine. Call, write, carrier pigeon, anything. But do it now. Or you'll be at the back of the pack. PBRl'ORMIICB FOR YOUR FAT PERFORrvtANCE CATALOG. SEND S5 TO FAT PERFORrvtANCE. DEPT. DT. 1558 NO. CASE ST.. ORANGE. CA 9266 7. OR CALl (7 14) 63 7-2889 Page 34 •FAT Racing Parts • Centerline Wheels • Bilstein Shocks •Sway-A-Way •Perma-Cool •S&S Headers • Weber Carbs •IPF Lights •JaMar Products •Wright Place • Tri-Mil Exhaust •Gem Gears • Beard Seats •Simpson Safety •Super-Trapp •Yokohama Tires •Many more ... August 1988 TV networks. This year the CBC ( Canadian Broadcasting Corp.) was once again on the battlefield with numerous cameras for their own telecast, and they had a direct feed to ESPN along with their remote cameras. Among the crowd we noted the presence of Bill Marcel, President of the Mickey Thompson Entertain-ment' Group, who was in Mon-treal to overlook the autocross. Our sources say that Marcel and George Dodd, President of Score Canada who promote this race, were in meetings during the week-end. The possibility of the Mont-real Stadium race becoming a points event in the MTEG series is very probable in the near future. The action started on the Sat-urday with the Grand National Sport Trucks sharing the program with the motocross bikes and quads. We will stick to the meat of the program, the trucks. The presence of the Mazda factory team was anticipated in Montreal for the third year, and they were favored to do well. Their main competition came from the trio of Walker Evans, Al Arciero and Rob MacCachren in the Strohs sponsored factory Jeep Coman-~ ches. But, the rotary duo of Glenn Harris and Jeff Huber had an ace card up their sleeves, a third Mazda entry for Montreal, with Patrice McGrail, from the Mon-treal area, at the wheel. The secret was kept until a Fri-day afternoon press conference, then the third Mazda driver was announced. The local press were all over McGrail as he would be the first Quebec racer to compete in the select Class 7 events. McGrail, who was instrumental McGrail, at 27, is the owner of the largest Mazda dealership in Canada and is a hobby racer in motocross and dirt track driving a modified Mazda 626. That exper-ience served well in setting the pace in what was supposed to be an exhibition for the press on Fri-day. Puzzled by his presence, the opponents were anxious to see what the kid had in him. Rob MacCachren was the first to chal-lenge McGrail in a door to door duel with the rookie coming out on top and in need of fresh body panels. (Las Vegan Rob Mac-Cachren was also making his debut in stadium track racing -ed.) The pace was set for the truck races on Saturday. The program provided two Grand National Sport Truck events, with points awarded in each against the finishing order. The BFGoodrich Cup along with the pound of gold would go to the overall points leader. The first truck race of the night had the fans standing on their feet in anticipation. The roar of the mighty engines pulsed through the stadium as chief starter Brian Stagg stood in front of them with both green and red flags ready to launch the dozen trucks. Along with the six American factory rigs, the field included Jame's Dodd, Dodge 0-50, Steve Napier, Toyota, Gary Hammond, Chevy S-10, Pete Punderson, Ford Ranger, Brian Case, Toyota, and John Makson, Ford. When the green flag came up the field was shocked and the fans were delighted to see Patrice McGrail, the newcomer to this sport, in the lead aboard his Mazda, the same truck tha1: had won in Montreal the previous Mazda team leader Glenn Harris got the Sunday glory in Montreal, winning,the Montreal Cup in the ten lap Grand National Sport Truck Sprint that closed the program. Kevin Probst, left, moves out to pass his brother Jeff driving an identical Berrien Laser. Kevin won the second Class 10 qualifying heat. Dusty Times
Quebecois Raynald Vaillancourt was the local Class 10 hero as he drove his Berrien into the victory during the first Class 10 qualifier bash. Close in every Class 7 contest, Jeff Huber won the second heat on the Saturday program, and'placed second to mate Harris in the SundtJ.y event. year. The Mazdas formed an inseparable trio as they were one-two-three with Harris and Huber following McGrail. Walker Evans was fourth in his Jeep. The fire belching General Tires Mazdas sped around the course as though they were on rails with McGrail still holding his lead, much to the surprise of many. Rob MacCachren was fourth. Pat for the BFG Cup, the local" hero of two laps McGrail · had an eight McGrail had lost the use of his race one, Patrice McGrail, once second lead over second running power steering in the closing laps again stole the show by taking the Huber, while Harris, MacCachren and finished in an exhausting sev- lead right off the start. He was and Evans were in a fierce battle enth place. followed closely by Jeff Huber, for third place. On lap 3 Walker In the second Grand National Glenn Harris, Rob MacCachren Evans powered his Jeep past Har-Sport Truck race of the evening and Walker Evans. After only ris' Mazda to take a solid hold on ------------=--------------third place. Harris still had a strong challenger on his trail, as Rob MacCachren stood behind Harris like his shadow, and at one point shadow boxed his way right into the bed of the nimble Mazda. Past the halfway point of the race, lap 7, Patrice McGrail was still in the lead and getting hefty support from the crowd who were hoping to see a local racer win his first major event. But, McGrail was slowly showing signs of fatigue, making minor mistakes and losing precious ground to Huber. On lap 8 Walker Ev:i,ns was pressuring Jeff Huber for second spot, and this pair were also catching up to McGrail. Moments later Huber got past McGrail to take the lead. O n lap 9 Evans and McGrail were in a real dogfight for second place, which Walker Evans masterfully gained a lap later. At the end of the dozen laps, Jeff Huber took the check-ered flagi;.,. ---~---After seven laps, McGrail was still leading but was showing signs of fatigue, and Walker Evans, who had been knocking on the door of Glenn Harris for a few laps, got by him to firmly put his Jeep between the two Mazdas. After leading for eight laps, Pat McGrail had to settle for another position when Jeff Huber finally passed him. Walker Evans was now after the lead. On the 12th • and last lap Walker Evans got by Glenn Harris for the lead and he took the checkered flag first, fol-lowed by Glenn Harris in second place. Jeff Huber took t_hird and Californian'Tommy Croft had his Chenowth going well in the Class 10 action and Croft won the third of the qualifying heats handily. Scott Taylor came back from a broken axle in his heat race to win the Class 10 consolation race. Here he is followed by Richard Dagenais. CLASSES FOR: Open Wheel Racers Trucks -5-1600s A TVs - Odysseys Dma)jaJala Ja11111· San Bernardino, CA FREE Overnight Camping For information contact BRIAN CHURCH (714) 880-1733 P.O. Box 2339 San Bernardino, CA 92406 OFF ROAD·CHALLENGE Warm Up for Riverside Sunday,August7,1988 Celebrate Labor Day Sunday, Septem~er 4, 1988 The Finest in.Short Course Racing 100% Cash Payback ENTRY FEES: Trucks, Open Wheelers -- $200.00 A TVs - $75.00 Odysseys - $100.00 5-1600s - $100.00 93.5 .,., ........ A.fflr p,IIEF. CHIEF AUTO PARTS Inc. ADMISSION:· $10.00 - Adults $ 5.00 - Children Children under five FREE Open Grandstand Seating - Come and See All the Action! DESERT RACERS! COME OUT AND TRY OUR SUPER TRACK! WIDE ENOUGH Tp RACE DESERT CARS! .... Dusty Times AUgust 1-988 . Page 35 ,.
Jerry Whelchel started out strong in his Chenowth, taking second place in his heat race, but his luck ran out in the main event tor the gold. The Challenge Cup for the best privateer performance in the truck races went to Brian Case, who stayed with the pros in his Toyota. Mitch Mustard, right, tries to fly past Scott Galloway, and the two drivers from Colorado finished well up in the ranks in the Class 10 races. Dean Dodd had to place third in the consolation race to make the main, and he was awarded the title of Outstanding Canadian Driver in Class 10. From Colorado, Danny Rice drove his Chenowth to third in his -heat, led the main event in the early laps and finished second in ·that feature. The Americans battled for second place in the Class 10 main, and here Art Schmitt leads side by side running Danny Rice and Jeff Probst. r:a--· and the win, followed by Walker Evans and Pat McGrail. Moments later, Rob MacCachren and Brian Case drove under the flag in fourth and fifth re-spectively. When the points were counted from both races, it was Walker Evans who took home the FGoodrich Cup to Riverside, CA, and also earned the pound of gold for his points accumulation in both events. The Manufactur-ers' Cup went to Mazda. The Challenger Cup for the best pri-vateer went to Brian Case, from Norval, Ontario, in his T oybta. And, the outstanding Canadian driver's award naturallv went to THE Patrice McGrail who came in fifth overall on the points. On Sunday the program for the second day of racing held three qualifying races for Class 10 race cars, one consolation race, one Class 7 race; and the Class 10 finale. A lot of action was in store for the 40i000 plus spectators on hand in the Olympic Stadium. In Class 10 competition, the first four finishers in each quali-fier plus the consolation are invited back co compete in the main event. In the first qualifier Reynald Vaillancourt, from Laval, Quebec, drove his Berrien into first place. In second was Mitch Mustard, from Denver, WRIGHT PLACE~. COIL SPRING .YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs yo u are seeing o n cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Roug h Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (61 9) 561-4810 CO, in a Chenowth Magnum, fol-lowed by Joe Hoffman, Tona-wanda, NY, in a Mantis Spyder. Overall winner last year here, Billy Beck, from San Antonio, TX, was fourth in a Chenowth. In the second heat race style qualifier, it was Kevin Probst, from New Lenox, IL, who won the race in his Berrien Laser. Cali-fornian Jerry Whelchel got his Chenowth in for second, fol- . lowed by Normand Vaillancourt, I from Laval, Quebec, in a Mantis. In fourth was Scott Galloway, from Lakewood, CO , in a Chen-owth Magnum. The third qualifier saw Califor-nian Tommy Croft drive his Row-land Racing Chenowth Magnum, The crowd's favorite was local Mazda dealer Patrice McGrail, who led off the start of all three truck events in the Mazda, and he won the Outstanding Canadian Driver A ward. from Texas, ir:ito the victory, fol-Schmitt. Scott G alloway had Case. lowed by Art Schmitt, from Pitts-moved up steadily through the At the end of lap 5, midway in burgh, PA, in a Berrien. Colo- field and was now running fourth. this bash, McGrail's good fortune rado's Danny Rice got his Chen-On lap 7 Galloway and Nor-came to an abrupt halt as he was owth home third, and Jeff Probst, mand Vaillancourt were out of being challenged by Jeff Huber. from New Lenox, IL, was fourth the race. Fourth place now McGrailmissedtheexitofCorner in his Berrien Laser. belonged to Mitch Mustard, fol- 9 and hit a cement retaining wall; The colsolation race netted the lowed by the ever challenging then the flames from his hot final four eligible for the main Jimmie Crowder, fresh from his exhaust lit the straw bales under-event. They were Scott Taylor,. Class 2 victory at the Mint 400. neath the truck. Corner marshalls _winner of the first three inaugural The traffic got thicker, and by the · were quick in responding and BFG Cups. Taylor had the misfor-end of lap 11 •the Texan, Billy extinguished the blaze. Mean-tune of breaking an axle on his Beck had his Berrien in the lead, while, Glenn Harris had taken the Taylor Chassis in his heat race. leaving Danny Rice and Art lead, followed by Jeff Huber and Jimmie Crowder was second, and Schmitt in a fi ght for second Rob MacCachren, and they held he came from Florida only to get place. W hen the 15 laps were position to the end of the ten lap tangled up in a first corner pile up over, it was Billy Beck in for the race. Walker Evans was fourth in his Chenowth during his heat big win. Beck became the second and Brian Case finished fifth. race. Dean Dodd, from Lery, racer to win back to back The BFGoodrich Autocross Quebec, was third in his Berrien BFGoodrich Cups in Montreal, Cup racing again proved . to be a Laser. Richard Dagenais, from joining Scott Taylor in that elite real crowd pleaser. More than Bois des Filions, Quebe·c put his club. 80,000 fans witnessed W alker Richard Buggy into the last spot The final race of the weekend Evans in his come from behind for the finale. So the field nar-for the Grand National Sport effort that upset the Mazda rowed down to the 16 finalists, Trucks was the ten lap Montreal supremacy in stadium off road readytocompeteforthe$25,000 Cup race. This dash once again racing. Evan won his first ever cash purse and more importantly proved that what Patrice McGrail BFG · Cup and a share of the the BFG Cup and the pound of experienced the day before was $50,000 available for this class. gold. not a string of luck, as he once And, Billy Beck came from Texas Off the start of the Class 10 again dominated from the start, to score his second consecutive main event, the 16 entries dashed taking the early lead from the· victory in Class 10 in Montreal. towards the first turn and came drop of the flag. On the first lap, The unexpected great perform-out of it cleanly. At this point Al Arciero in his Jeep stood ance oflocal boy Patrice'McGrail Danny Rice was in the lead, fol-betweenMcGrail'sMazdaandthe in his first ever stadium race lowedbyArtSchmitt,BillyBeck, Mazda regular, Harris and delightedthefans.Allthesehigh-and both of the Probst brothers. Huber. But, on lap 2 Arciero was hghts and he atmosphere that is By lapS Billy Beck, the 1987 BFG history, leaving the flame throw-always presenr'in the city ot Cup winner, whipped into econd ing rotarv tno ma pack bv them-Montreal made the 19 l!Jit1on· spot bl!tv.:een. race leader Dannv selves r-otlowed by Ro Mac-tr· the BFGoodrich up an event Rice and third .running Art Cachren, WalkerEvansandBrian •oberememberedforalongtime. '.:'::::::::::::::::::::::::::=================j-'"===========--_-_---_-_-_-_-:: _________________________________________ _ Page 36 August 1988 usty Times
~oRLD CHAMPIONSlfJ: · .. ·. ~ BRUSH RUN 101 OFF ROAD RACING CRAND_ON, WI ' . _Loca.ted 1 Mile WestofCrandon on Hwy-8. - . . TO'f AL_· SE_RIES ~URSES OVER $100,000 . $20,0-oo· GUARANTEED TO WI-N' :PURSE! PLUS 100%-PAYBACK ® · .., SERIES . BARN D-ANCE SEPTEMBER 2ND & 3RD SPONSORS: .... SANCTIONS -Live Music -HOT LAPS -SEPTEMBER ·2ND· -S.T.O.R.E. -~[K£] (For Cash & Prizes) CLASSiR'AC-ING -SEPTEMBER 3RD & 4TH G.O:B.·'s RACES -SEPTEMBER.4TH ~ · Races Start Daily _At 9:00 AM FOO-D, DRINK, CAMPING A Full Weekend Of Off Road Racing!!! FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: Brush Run 101 P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 Phone No. 715-478-2222 WISCONSIN-"¥ ou're Among Friends" Master MECHANIC Hand and"°-Toolt POLRR1s· Nolhinq btats lht ""Y •••rrfui/1. OUSliJlilUIBI ~ -PEPSI a
·· SUPERIOR POINTS SERIES Fast Adion at the Antigo Kiwanis Off Road Race Text & Photos: Deb Freimuth • Class 13 is unique to the midwest, and while odd looking, some machines are very quick. Beetle Bailey, left, has one of the fastest rigs, and here he lands side by side with Pat Barney at Antigo. The Antigo (Wisconsin) seemed to have a broken trailing Kiwanis proved in 1987 they arm,wasgettingupontwowheels could put on an off road race, and as he rounded the second corner. in 1988 they proved they could At the checkered flag it was put on a great off road race. The Gerald who still maintained the second annual Antigo Kiwanis off lead with Walkowski and Jeff road race and the third event in Jones taking the second and third the Superior Points Series became spots respectively. realiry on June 11 and 12. Ten Class 2-1600 buggies lined The first green flag of the week- up for the next run. It was Scott end dropped at 11:00 a.m. on Taylor who took the early lead, Saturday, as the Class 11 two seat followed closely by Greg Smith buggies sped onto the course. It and Gerry Parent. Johnny Koran was Mark Steinhardt.who started pulled off the course after the the action, as he crashed through second turn, suffering from the.infield fence shortly after the minor engine problems. But, after start of the race. Other vehicles getting out to make a quick fix, he found a· little maneuvering trou- got rolling again in his Foreign ble on the second turn, as water-Automotive racer. Dale Borge-ing had made the old oval section moen put the pressure on Parent a little slick. Curt Gerald found and finally stole the third place - the key spot and was mustering up -spot, and was trying to catch the a significant lead, with Dwayne leaders. Walkowski running in second. The team of Lester North and Midway through the Class 11 John Nelson found themselves a race Cary Adelman spun a few little dizzy after they rolled, start-donuts, while Tim Moeller, who ing what seemed like a chain reac-tion as 'Bill Bowles rolled his buggy shortly thereafter. Bowles was pushed upright by track workers and was able to continue to race. Borgemoen started having mechanical trouble, which finally put him out of the race and Gerry Parent back into third. Second place Greg Smith and Mike Brue tangled in the second corner, causing Smith to roll, landing on his roof. Smith was put upright and immediately went back to rac-ing without losing a position. By this time Scott Taylor had gained quite a lead which he kept right to the end for the win. Greg Smith and Gerry Parent finished second and third. The next event of the day held ten Class 3, 4 and 14 Heavy Metal vehicles. Brad Mihalko snapped up the early lead with Ken Kin-caid, G reg Gerlach and Jack Flannery all in hot pursuit. Excit-ing was the key word, as the spec-tators sat on the edge of their seats when they weren't standing up Joey Flannery and Beetle Bailey cheering for their favorite. Jack who started off the show. Shortly Flannery seemed to be the man to · after the start, the rigs of Sheldon watch, as he overcame Gerlach in Scray, Tom Jensen and Blaine the early stages, then moved in on Konitzer got tangled. Then Beetle Kincaid. Meanwhile, John spun out and lost a position, but Heidtman was fo llowing Flan- p us hed har d and eventually nery's lead and also passed Ger- moved back to third, and finally Jach for fourth place. T hen into second. By the fourth lap the Flannery caught Kincaid and the tangled cars were finally untangled pass was made for second place, and were able to start their race. just one more spot to go! Sheldon Scray, in an attempt to The heat was on and Flannery catch up, went sideways on the was riding right on Mihalko's front jumps and ran.into the wall bumper with Kincaid refusing to in front of the spectators. But, in give up the effort. Flannery eased an amazing save, he pulled away alongside.Mihalko and the slower and continued the race. Class 3 of Don Gregoire looked The heat was being put on Bai-like the cream center of an Oreo ley as Don Liegeois passed for the c;ookie as he got caught in the second place spot. Joey Flannery crunch in the corner before the spun out on the second turn, but spectator area. It was Flannery kept his lead, and Beetle found who came out a nose ahead and more threats for his spot as then was able to put space Lowell DeGreef put on the pres-between himself and Mihalko as sure. Then DeGreef's right front they headed into the quarry. Now wheel started to wobble, and by the race was for second place, as the next lap it was gone, and so Kincaid had gone out of action. was his chance to a good position. Heidtman had come up to cha!-This left Beetle Bailey finishing lenge Mihalko, who felt the pres-third behindJoey Flannery in first sute, spun out and was passed by and Don Loegeois in second. Heidtman. Five 5-1600 Bugs took the It wasn't long after that when green flag and it was Jeff and Mihalko seemed to be having SandyTherriaultthatgrabbedthe front end trouble. The checkered pole position, followed closely by flag went to Jack Flannery in his Ron Karlman, Terry Wolfe, Jim BFG Ford, the Class 4 winner as P£eiffer and Jim Rolefson. Karl-well. John Heidtman was second man and Therriault put on a little overall and first in Class 14. In show as they tangled just before Class 3 action it was a strong Bill the grandstand jumps, then q1me Schirm who ran flag to flag across the jumps side by side. Jeff uncontested, with Rich Rogers lost his left rear tire, but was able and Craig Gray pulling the other to pit and get a change and get top positions. back into the race, but too much Next on the schedule were the precious time has been lost. The · Class 1 Unlimiteds, with Todd win went to Ron Karlman, fol-Attig, Dave Vandermissen, Sr. lowed by Terry Wolfe and Jim and Tom Schwartzburg waging Rolefson. the battle. Todd Attig pulled off a Dave Vandermissen,Jr. led the good lead over his competitms, pack off the line in Class 10. Brian but if you're a Vandermissen, you Adams had grabbed an· early know the race isn't won or lost second place spot, but ,his running until the checkered flag is waved. mate, Dave Vandermissen, Sr., So, in that spirit, Dave Sr. kept an was looking to give his kid a run ever gaining pace . Halfway forhis money.Thenextbatdewas through , Attig spun out in a between another Bark River (Ml) corner, giving Dave just that extra boy, as Todd W allace also started bit he needed to catch Attig. to put the heat on Adams. Terry Catch up he did and Dave passed Stoltzheim found himself suffer-on the jumps in front of the spec- . ing from the most common prob-tators, kicking up magnum quan- !em on this track, a flat tire. tities of dust for Todd as they Adams_was holding third until he entered the quarry. As they exited snubbed his motor in the second the quarry, the leaders were ready corner; and it was goodbye for to lap Tom Schwartzburg, who him as Todd W allace found the moved out of their way in true opening and took third at the flag. sportsmanship to let the leaders At the finish it was Dave Jr. fol-do battle. With just minutes left lowed by his dad Dave Sr. in the in the race, Attig finally caught top two spots. and repassed Vandermissen, who The last SODA class race of the pushed hard to retake his lead. day was for Class 8; and the But Dave couldn't make it so the pickup trucks had an exciting run checkers went to Todd Attig, \\/ho for the money. As in the Class 4 took the victory lap. race, it was Ken Kincaid and Jack Next came the Class 13, truck Flannery who were setting the based front engine buggies. It was pace, with Flannery overtaking Curt Gerald had a perfect weekend, winning both races he entered, the single seat Class 11 and the two seat Class 11 contests. His two seater is a Dick Gilson chassis. Scott Taylor won everything he could with his 1600 two seater, taking the win in both Class 1-1600 and Class 2-1600, plus he won the Limited Engine Championship. Page 38 August 1988 Dusty Times
Jack Flannery won the combined Class 3, 4 and 14 race on Saturday, came back strong on Sunday to win the Parsons Chevrolet-Buick sponsored Heavy Metal Championship in his Ford. Todd Attig won a very close battle in Class 1 action, retaking the lead near the end of the race and he held it to the checkered flag. - - -The Class 13 of Joey Flannery demonstrates a form follows function design, but the rig works well and Flannerv won the race despite an early spin. Class 5-1600 has a small but serious entry, and after some early traffic tangles, Ron Kar/man got his Bug across the finish line first in class. Kincaid, who ended' up with a flat Walkowski had taken third off right front tire on the first lap. the line, but Darren Parsons had Dave Hockers put the heat to come up hard with a challenge, Flannery, but blew his tranny and and overtook Dwayne. let Flannery take his lead again. Parsons held third until a hard Dennis Ferdon was running second turn sent him over in a second, with Mitch Dumask and roll. Keith Berard happened to be Harry Mattmiller following. in a key position as he passed the Newcomer in Class 8, Mike Ren- disabled Parsons. Track workers kas was running fifth, and didn't quickly rolled Parsons back on his even have a number on his car. wheels, and with a puff of smoke, But he was running strong, and he went back to find his recently would be bettering his position. lost third place. The push was on Ferdon's engine conked out, and by the quarry Parsons was restarted, and by then Du mask back in third. It looked like he was had closed in considerably. Then on the home stretch, when almost Renkas' engine started to smoke, from nowhere Glen Mathews and it wasn't long before he appeared on the white flag lap, parked it in the quarry. Ferdon and got around Parsons on the last was also having problems, as his turn before the checkered flag to right front wheel looked loose, take third place behind Curt. forcing him into the pits. Flannery Gerald, in first, and Jeff Jones, had caught up to lap some of the who ran second all the way. slower traffic and got caught in Dave VanDenElzen had a good the mess, giving Dumask a much start in the Class 7S event, leading ·needed break to try to catch up. Mark-Holmes and Scott Taylor The race just wasn't long enough off the line. Taylor took lap 2 by for Du mask , as Jack Flannery storm and snapped away the lead, added another first place win to but his engine had other ideas. his list of credits. Dumask fin- Taylor was forced to pull out and ished second, with Harry Matt- park his new Ford Ranger with miller taking third ahead of Roger cam troubles. V anDenElzen Lindsay. quickly slid back into first place, The lastraceofthedaybrought with Tom Hockers and Mark out the local Good Old Boys, Toburenlookingforapieceofthe always a favorite race for the action. Hackers had a little crowd. These crazies get out in maneuvering problem and he their junker cars and run for the took his truck over sideways, los-fun of it. ing second place to Toburen. The sun was bright Sunday Hackers has never been consid-morning and the grandstands ered a loser, and his attempt to were rapidly filling, and the take his position back was enthusiasm was high as eleven intense. At two thirds distance Class 11 single seat buggies hit the Taylor got the bugs worked out track. Glen Mathews was the and was back in the race, and leader off the line, but an unfor-Hackers had passed Toburen. tunate spin allowed Jeff Jones to Dave VanDenElzen was out in slide right into the lead, with Curt front at the finish, but Toburen Gerald in second. When the two did not give up. He repassed leaders took their run through the Hackers just in time to take the quarry, it was Gerald who came checkered flag in second spot.' out ahead and he stayed there In Class 6 action for the Ameri-until the end. The battle was for can Stockers, it was Jon Kaempf third place and back. Dwayne who set the pace, while John Zni-Du~ty Times dorka, Tony Votis and Gary Gottschalk fought for their piece of ·the pie. Znidorka and Got-tschalk seemed to tangle in one of the hairpins, and Gottschalk spun out, losing his position. It didn't take long for last year's SODA champion to move up to the win-ning spot, as John Znidorka sped away from everyone. Later his door flew open and he was forced to stop to close it securely, but no real time was lost. At the finish it was Znidorka again in first, with Thornton Schultz, who ran strong the whole race, in second place. Fourteen Class 1-1600 racers lined up for their turh on the track. As the race started there was just one moment after another. When the dust cleared it was Scott Taylor, Dave VanDenElzen and Greg Smith out'~ in front. Pat Maloney had trou-bles with the tires used as course markers, and got hung up on them at one point. Due to the dry conditions, the course was being watered before each race, gr Off Roads Winningest Radios OVER7550N THE COURSE Comlink V The Ultimate Racing Intercom ROADMASTER "A LEGEND" • Helmets wired - $100. (CF) August 1988 New! RF Pre Amp $95 30% to 50% more range! 2888 Gundry Avenue Signal Hill, C A 90806 We're next door via U.P.S.I (213) 427-81 77 Page 39 •
-Dave Vandermissen, Jr. sailed around the competition in 1650cc racing both days, as he flew his Green Machine to victory in Class 9, Class 10 and he won the Unlimited Engine Championship. Dave Van Den Elzen had a good start in the Class 7S event, fell back for a time but got going again to take the victory in his Nissan. Dave Vandermissen, Sr. led Class 1 for a time, but ended up second at the flag and he also finished a close second in the class 10 race. SODA President Terry Wolfe noses off a jump en route to a hard earned second place in the tight running Class 5-1600 contest. Mitch Dumask leads Dave Hackers over the jumps in the Class 8 competition, and Dumask went on to finish a fine second in the big truck class. Dr and things were mighty slippery in some spots, causing spin outs, and more troubles in the corners. Larry Hickman was .._ losing his right front tire, which finally dropped off; but that didn't stop Hickman who went on racing on three tires and a rim. At the finish it was Scott Taylor in for the win, running flag to flag. Dave VanDenElzen, Greg Smith and Bryan Frankenberg took the other three top spots. Terry Severson started the Class 2 and 9 action going as he made some fancy moves on the first lap. Severson was leading, but maybe pushing a bit too.hard as he spun out in the second turn and got hit by Dave Vander-missen, Jr. Severson got a push start, but things had deteriorated on his racer, and he found himself back in the pack. Scott Tay !or had moved into first place by this time, but he had no luck and was forced out of the race, this time also with mechanical trouble. Dave Vandermissen, Jr. took the lead with Tom Schwartzburg in second and Todd Attig in third. Attig, who isn't used to running so far down in a race, was pushing Schwartz.burg hard and finally passed him going into the quarry. As Attig came out, it looked like he knew a secret short cut, he had gained so much track over Schwartzburg. Now Attig had only Vandermissen to catch. The two were running neck and neck by the white flag lap when they both went into the quarry, but only Vandermissen came out. Attig had run up a log pile and had trouble getting off: Dave Jr. took the top spot, and Schwartzburg, through the process of elimin-N SAHARA VDO - Chenowth -Simpson ~ X I.IJ > ::,.. (J.J ..J ..J < > SIRIUS SPRING MTN. T riMil -K & N Filters -Bugpack Bilstein - Centerline -Cibie Hewland -Porsche Turbo CVs Beard's Seats-Parker Pumper Yokohama Tires -Super Trapp Gem Gears - KYB Shocks Sway-A-Way Transaxle Parts Wright Place -Dura Blue Ultra Boot - Neal Products SEE PAT OR DAVE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p. m. Saturday - 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. NEVADA PHONE ORDER HOUSE 3054 So. Valley View, Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 871-4911 • (702) 871-5604 Page 40 ation, gained an easy second place finish. With the conclusion of the SODA sanctioned events, it was time for the championship races . The Limited Buggies got the first shot at the purse, sponsored by the Antigo Co-op Credit Union. After the 15 car field took the green, it seemed like there were cars going everywhere. A three car pile up caused a red flag situation and a restart. John Koran, Mike Sorenson and Larry Hickman were the unfortunate three to get caught, but only Koran had major damage, and was unable to restart. As the green came out again, Jim Wiggins, who took the lead the first time out, again grabbed first place. It was John Greaves, Scott Taylor and Steve Kreiman who were putting on the heat. Kreiman almost rolled in the corner before the spectators, Greaves went too wide, and Taylor slipped into second. Then Wiggins messed up in the corner and Taylor went by him and put space on the rest of the troops. Bryan Frankenberg and Greg Smith tangled, and Chuck Wil-liams had what looked like a broken tie rod, and he was drag-ging a front wheel over the jumps, and kept right on racing. As the white flag waved, Dave VanDen-Elzen took a once over in his buggy. Scott Taylor went on to claim the victory, with Jim Wig-gins and John Greaves second and third in the championship. Parsons Chevrolet-Buick spon-sored the Heavy Metal Champ-ionship, which had sixteen entries. Off the line it was Ken Kincaid, Jack Flannery, Brad Mihalko and John Heidtman roar-ing to what each of them hoped would be a victory. Flannery slid by Kincaid, who continued to try for the win. After several laps, Flannery and Kincaid caught up with slower traffic, and Kincaid was able to pick up valuable ground, only to go out half way into the race with mechanical problems. Brad Mihalko immed-iately assumed the second place spot with Heidtman right on his bumper. Harry Mattmiller had the misfortune of losing a wheel and could only sit and watch the rest of the race. As the battle for second place continued, Heidtman was closing in on Mihalko. The two bumped in the corner before the grand-stand, Mihalko smacked the fence, came back and bumped Heidtman and kept his lead over the jumps. Brad then went squir-Tom Hackers had a tough fight all the way in the Class 7S action, but despite a half roll, he finished the race third in the clasf.. Dave VanDen Elzen drives in Class 1-1600 also, and ran up front in that Sunday action, eventually finishing second in the big class. Terry Severson was the early leader in Class 9 action, and did the same in the unlimited Championship, but fell out of both races with mechanical trouble. AUgust 1988 Tom Schwartzburg raced to a fine second place in Class 9, but destroyed his car in the Championship run, by doing a wild multiple roll over. Dusty Times
rely, took out_another piece of fence, almost hit the disabled Mattmiller, as Heidtman was almost nose to nose. As the white flag came out, Mihalko started to gain on Heidtman, who now had a flat right front tire. Mihalko's chassis had suffered from all the bangs, and his left fender flew up and was blocking his view, caus-ing him to hit the fence again before he took the checkered flag in second place behind Jack Flannery. Heidtman came ,across for third, with Bill Schirm in fourth and Dave Hockers in fifth. Just when we thought the ·action in this race was over, Don Lieg-eois came off the jump before the finish line goofy and bounced off the grandstand retaining wall. What a way to end a race! The last championship race pit-ted the Unlimited Buggies into the battle of engine size. Terry Sever-son and ·Todd Attig started the action. Severson went a little tight in the corner, went up on two wheels and ran into the track marking tires, but kept right on moving. Dave Vandermissen, Jr. was pushing Severson, but Attig was running away from both of them. Vandermissen overtook Severson, and Tom Schwartz burg started putting the pressure on him too. Severson again suffered with gremlins and was forced from the race. On his way into the quarry, Schwartzburg caught a silt berm, which threw him into the tires and into a roll, going over four or five times, landing hard each time on the driver's side and bouncing back up and over for another twist before finally landing in a hole near the entrance into the quarry. Emergency crews were immediately dispensed with yel-low flags waving to try to slow down the oncoming traffic. • Todd Attig, who was running in first place, evidently didn't realize the severity of the accident, and didn't slow for the yellow. After several laps of flagmen standing on the track trying to slow him down, officials finally decided it was time to call the race. Attig was given the red flag and a disqualification, giving the lead and the win to Dave Van-dermissen, who had heeded the flagmen's warnings. At the time the race was called Schwartzburg was still in his car, emergency teams wishing to keep him in the car until he regained his senses. His foot had been pinned between the pedals, and he was removed from the racer and taken to the hospital for X-rays. Tom was being a fighter though, and was Ken Kincaid always starts out fast, and he did at Antigo in both Class 14 and the championship run, but went out of both with mechanical trouble. Craig Grey campaigns a Ford Bronco in Class 3 in the series, and he kept it rolling on Saturday to finish third in the class. Brad Mihalko was the early leader in Class 14, but had troubles; then he came in second despite more troubles in the Heavy Metal Championship. Jim Wiggins got some good altitude over the jump, and Wiggins had a good run to second place in the Limited Engine Championship race. back at the track about an hour later telling of his experience, with his only major injury being a bruised ego. By this time, SODA officials, promoter and track workers had the event had ended on·somewhat had time to discuss the diminish-of a sour note, the excitement ing track conditions, and it was level was at an all time high. The decided there would be no more third annual Antigo Kiwanis race racing that weekend. Although should be even bigger and better! Budweiser Plaster City Blast • R~ce Info: (619) 427-5759 Oct·obe_r 1, 1988 • Plaster City East Dusty Times August 1988 Page 41 • • ...
.. • YOKOHAMA/VORRA YERINGTON 400 Patrick Verling Wins the Weather Plagued Race Photos: Ken Vanderhoof Patrick Verling took the lead by the second of four laps, and he had no troubles en route to winning Class 1 by 30 minutes and taking the first overall honors. T h e best kept secret in northern California and northern Nevada off road racing circles seems to be the quality racing available in the VORRA series put on by Ed and Ginny Robin-son out of Sacramento, Califor-nia. Their desert races are usually put on in and around the general vicinity of Reno, Nevada. Two races each year are on the tradi-tional weekends ofMemorial Day and Labor Day and one is on Father's Day. The first and last are held in the small community of Yerington, Nevada, about 85 miles south and east of Reno, and the second race is in . the unique little town of Virginia City. This Memorial Day event was like every other VORRA race ... fun!! The whole town of Y ering-ton really gets into the swing of things and really contributes a lot to the racers and their families. This year was no exception, and to sweeten the pot even more, the town's business folks gave a whopping $850.00 to be added to the prize fund, and it was to be shared equally by the racers who placed first out of the .money in the six classes. Yokohama Tire Company representatives, Robert Mount, Los Angeles, and Steven Brennan, Seattle, were present to host a fabulous dinner on Saturday night and also popped the corks off the champagne for all the winners. Brennan also got to show off his talents on the drums at the welcome party on Friday night, which had over 350 people in attendance, A good time, dancing and carrying on, was had by all. The weather gods cooperated only by letting the wind blow, keeping the course clean and the visibility good. But, they also dumped snow, hail, rain, etc., on the track and the pit folks. The, BIGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the-C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. joints. Convert Type II stub axles and output beUs to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. All axles and bells for Type II can be threaded 3/8-24 or stock 8 mm threads. pitch threads. 10 mm - 1.5 is slightly larger a_nd is the size the Porsi:he factory uses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS DIiiy $49.95 per flange on your supplied pans. .MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 . (714) 674-7365 ~HIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED , Page 41 weather didn't affect the racers much, but it raised hell with the faithfuls in the pits a'nd the workers on the course. The race was run without any incidents requiring assistance from the medical crew, a big plus. The main highway and all other road cross-ings were controlled well and had no problems. A good job was done by Ed and his crew! Fifty-six hard charging racers took the green flag with the Class 1 cars away first. Randy LaPlante was first off the line, but he soon lost his brakes and that slowed him considerably. Phil LaPlante took over on lap 3 but was still bothered with brake problems and had a near disaster when he collided with the pickup driven by Don Roemer while nearing a checkpoint. LaPlante still man-aged a third place finish. Ken Sanislo never made it around the first lap.John Winkes, driving his Mazda powered single, had a wheel disintegrate near the fifty mile mark. A borrowed stock wheel off a pre-runner exper-ienced the same fate. Winkes just managed to get back to the pits, but he failed to complete his first lap. Kevin O hnstad started sixth off the line and managed to come to the line first at the end of lap 1, with Patrick Verling and Steve Bradford right up his stack, only seconds back. Gayle Hodson was about three and a half minutes back in fourth. Verling kept it together to stay in the lead and wound up leading the rest of the way for the win in Class 1 and first overall. Ohnstad dropped to a fourth place finish. Bradford came in with only three laps for a fifth. Hodson drove the first two laps and then turned the car over to W inkes who drove most of the third lap with only three spark plug wires connected. The fourth lap was good enough to bring the car into a second place finish, thirty minutes down to Verling and in second overall. The eight cars in Class 2 left next with Garen McCune/ Larry AUgUSt 1988 Bob Lemos went from fourth after one lap to take the Class 2 lead after three rounds, and he drove the handsome Raceco to the class win and third overall. Zimmerman leaving first, but stal-ling right off the line and retiring for the day. Sam Berri had two really long laps with hardly any racing, so they called it a day. Keith Robb was slowed on the first lap with mechanical prob-lems and dropped out after three laps. Tone Jordan started out with a good first lap, but then nagging problems began slowing him down, and he finished four laps and got fourth in class just under the wire. Al Baker had the lead after two rounds, but a long third lap dropped him from contention and he only completed three laps. Tim Bell was way up front at the end of lap 1, but he suffered problems on the second lap that dropped him back, but he still managed to come up with a third place finish. Russell McNabb ran a steady race, took over second at the end of three laps and managed to hang in there till the end. Robert Lemos started seventh off the line and was fourth at the end of lap 1. After two laps he was second, and took over the lead at the end of three complete laps. Lemos had almost an hour lead over his nearest competition at the checkered flag, and he also fin-ished third overall. The third batch of crazies to race off into the desert was an eight car field of Class 10 cars led by Dale Smith. Smith was first to the line at the end of one lap, but not the leader on time. Scott Hall had that honor all the way through three laps, but disap-peared on the fourth, and still got second place in class. Smith took over the lead for good when Hall went out, finishing all four laps in 10:44.41. David Taylor/Tim Fitzpatrick had things going good in their 10 car, but tried to stretch the fuel a little too far and ran out of gas just before the finish line on lap 2. This dropped them back and they couldn't recover, but they still fin-ished third. The Class 10 cars had a miserable day of it with Rick Philaster managing only three very long laps and Dick Wielandt only finished one lap. R ay Schriever, Chris Oberg and David Jefferies never saw the end of one lap. Class 1-2-1600 had six starters and only two of them finished the required four laps. Joe Gordon, from Tracy, CA, was a drop o-J.t on the first lap. Bill Norgrove and the Rigsby/Whitnack entries got in only one complete lap before they fell to the desert gods. Roy Gust almost made the race a mis-match, but was slowed on lap 3 allowing Dana Van N oort to catch Dale Smith led the Class 10s off the line, dropped back during the race, b1.Jt won the class at the flag, the only starter who finished four laps. -----~_. .... $1;,..'·-----_, -:0\i Roy Gust ran up front all day in Class 1-2-1600, battled for the lead on the last lap and g ained enough time to take the victory by a small margin. Dusty Times
';~,: .. :.w:«%-... ><w.-~ ', .-.,,, Bill Kenn"edy and Kent Bullock drove the Dodge hard, happy with the new supsension, and they ,took second among the 4x4s, about an hour behind. Gayle Hodson and John Winkes had troubles midway, but kept going fast enough to not only place second in Class 1 but second overall too. Dana Van Noort was in the thick of the battle in Class 1-2-1600 from flag to flag and he finished second, only eight minutes back. up, finishing lap 3 only two min-utes back. Larry Versaw had a bad second lap and dropped from the race at that point. Van Noort and Gust battled through the fourth lap with Gust gaining ground ever so slightly., and finishing first by only eight minutes. ,. z .. Thirteen 4x4s were slated to charge off the line, but Roy Clark's Jeep Honcho had terminal steering problems that couldn't be fixed in time, so he and his crew watched and stood around in the cold ·wind. Don Roemer drew his second consecutive #1 starting position. Up in Washing-ton it. was his day,_ but not this one, as he only finished two laps before pulling out with a broken assessed, right front fender of Bur nap's Bronco was b adly krinkled and Dean's Bronco suf-fered scars to the left rear quarter panel. The buggy damage was not reported. Dean's other stop was to pull the hub off the right front to extract the tire which had blown and lodged between the lower ball joint and the brake rotor, an oddity! Burnap went on to _pick up a decent fourth place finish after dicing all day with Dean and Richard Hampton. Dean ran out of time and was slowed by nagging problems and placed eighth in class. Richard Hampton drove to third in the 4x4 class in his Dodge, after some tight dicing in the desert, and he was the last in class to finish four full laps. Rich Bryder was one of two Sportsman that covered the full four laps, and he was a close second, only 14 minutes behind the class winner. · . rear spindle. Marshall Mahr was the first 4x4 to drop from sight after completing one lap in good time. Things appeared to be in good order fur Gordon Scott and his trusty flat fender, but he got through only two laps befoi:e dropping out. Bob Nyeste was near the finish ( about six miles) of lap 3 when he broke a rear spindle and a front ·axle at the same time, putting the Bronco out after run-ning very well in third place. Phil Dean had two stops during the 4x4 race to repair damage. One was after Ed Burnap ar,d Dean sandwiched a buggy that was trying an inside pass up near the dry lak e . Damage was Ron Do honey, a home towner from Yerington, was slowed by nagging proble,ms and finished seventh among the 4x4s. Shane Hutchings turned in two great laps and was in the thick of things when disaster struck on lap 3, dropping him to sixth at the end. Mike Povey just barely beat Hutchi~gs for the fifth spot. Richard Hampton was one of only three heavies to finish all four laps in his Dodge pickup. A,fter the long day of dicing with Dean and Burnap it was _an-nounced that Hampton was the oldest finisher of the day. But then, they all -look old when they get out-of the car. It was a well deserved third place for Richard Hampton. . The Bullock/ Kennedy _ Dodge finished second, an hour six back. They had myriad small things to contend with but were extremely happy with the new suspension under the truck. They finished the race in two wheel drive after the front axle let go, and a collision · with a buggy took out a wheel which caused a flat and also dam-aged the fender. Now, what can you write about Don German! He finished first in class, 420 miles in the time of 10:22.58. He blew away all his competition and never looked back, gaining time on each lap. He stopped only for . fuel, had no flat tires, and what else can be said but congrats! The three car Challenger class was next to go off to battle with Jack Bonesteel leaving the line first. He crossed the line at the end of one lap in first place with Jim Stone less than two minutes back and Mike Bishop about three · more minutes qack in third. Stone got by Bonesteel on lap 2 for the lead and Bishop broke. Not enough time remained to make another le_gal lap, so that is where they finished. In the twelve car Sportsman Class only two, Mike Turner and Rich Bryder went the full four lap distance. They had a real race going between them that was close until the end. Fred Happich failed to complete the first lap along with Chris Gray. Scott Bromb-r_~"-1:""''" ·acher gets credit for the longest Don German completely dominated the 4x4 class, picking up speed every lap, . lap time for lap l , 11 hours, 39 and he stopped only for fuel, never had a flat, and turned the swift time of minutes and some seconds. Real 10:22.58 en route to victory. · persistence brought his Class·· 11 =------,-----.C.-----------------------Bug home just in time with little Jim Stone and Bob Anderson drove their Challenger car the fastest for two laps, and were then out of time, but they won the class honors at that point. Dusty Times of the original body in place. What was left was held on by bor-rowed motorcycle straps and . bungee cords, and two or three rolls of super tape. Hank Willia(!ls, from Eugene, Oregon, and his multitude of co--drivers managed to complete only two laps, but they had the Sportsman lead while they were running. Fred Ankeny and John King had an ongoing battle most of the day, with King coming out on top and finishing fifth. Gary Marlin, from Weed, CA, started off having problems with the intake coming loose. M·arlin didn't get out of the start line pit area before it fell off. A quick fix AUgust 1988 Mike Turner had to work hard to keep his lead in the Sportsman Class, but he plowed through the silt the fastest to take the victory after four tough laps. and he was back under way. Later on lap 2 the rack came loose caus-ing,all sorts of problems. Jim Willaman took a fine third place with three complete laps under the 12 hour time limit. Sean,Harris got sixth and Miles Danforth finished in tenth place. · The battle for first and second -place in this Sportsman contest could have gone either way. But· Rich Bryder couldn't male! up the 14 minute gap Mike Turner had built up, and Turner was the big winner. It was a great race despite the weather. The climate should be more friendly at the next VORRA race in Virginia City, Nevada. 930 CV COOLERS Dissipating· the' heat build up in your 930 ~ can be a big problem in all types of off road racing. Excessive heat can cause failure due to 8KC88ding grease drop point temperatures, which mduces lubrication and increases harmful friction. These new aluminum-flanged coolers bolt right on, and can produce a temperature drop of up to 100" F. The surface cooling area· is six times greater than the 930 CV by itself. All this '°' just . . s3995 1826 North 27th Ave. Phoenix, AZ. 85009 (602) 272-9333 Page 43 .. ...
TIIE SNORE 1WILIGHT SPECIAL Tom Bradley, Jr. Wins it All on a Fast Run in Nevada Photos: Charlie Crunden Tom Bradley Jr. and his sister Kitty took the lead on the fifth of seven laps in the Class 2 Raceco and they charged through the night to win the Twilight dash overall. The annual SNORE Twilight race is popular with desert runners, who often prefer the day into night style race for the hot months .on the desert. Last year, at the same basic location, there was a torrential downpour during the Twilight Special, and drivers not only fought flash floods but complained of the cold while running through th'e mountain passes. The start/ fin-ish, about five miles south of Boulder City, NV, this year fea-tured 100 degree temperatures and light winds in the after-noon. This event was sponsored by the Bradley Window Corp. and dedicated to the memory of Roger Roderick, a long time SNORE member and racer who lost his life in a traffic accident ,,, last year. This second event in the SNORE/ Yokohama 1988 points series attracted a large entry, su.rprising the organizers, with a hefty 16 starters in Class 1-2-1600 and 14 in the Challenger group. The total starting entry numbered 53 cars in six classes, well up from last year as was SNORE's first race of the sea-son, the Bottom Dollar last February. At the drivers' meeting prior to the 6:00 p.m. race start on June 11, the. competitors were warned that there would be no short coursing tolerated. SNORE President Tommy Ford warned the. crowd,• "There are no time penalties in our races. You will simply be disqualified if you short course." Race Stew-ard Bill Shapley_ announced that many spotters were on the course, and that nerfing to pass in the two mountain passes would not be tolerated either. The Challenger, 5-1600 and · truck classes would run five laps, while Classes 1 & 2, 10 and 1-2-1600 would cover seven rounds of the 35 mile route. There is no time allow-ance in SNORE races, and eve-ryone in a class is flagged in after the first one in the class finishes. ';, . The three Class 1 drivers decided to run with Class 2, forming an Unlimited Class of ten cars for the purse. It was still 100 degrees when the Unlimited cars started, one every 30 seconds, and this year it was not only sunny and hot, it was dusty. The first lap did in . Chick Spina's Class 1 car, _but nine made the first 35 miles. Out front on time, with fast lap of the day, was the Class 2 Chenowth of Troy and Tim Herbst at 38.51. In their dust was Jack Short/ Larry Gilmore, Class 1, at 39 .04, with the Class 2 of Aaron and Steve Hawley in at 39.40. The Unlimited race was even tighter after two laps. Herbst led Hawley by four seconds, and Short was another four seconds back. The third lap pace was too much for the Class 1 of Doc Ingram/ Bill Kreitlow and the Class 2 of Trevor Ford/Glen Swanson, but the remaining seven were still having a real race. Jack Short, in the single .... - _ _,._,,_...,,....., __ John Ellenburg had some troubles early, but got cured and took the Class 10 lead on lap 5, and carried on to win the class and place sixth overall. seater, now had the lead by four · seconds over Troy and Tim Herbst. Tom Jr. and Kitty Brad-ley moved into third, over three minutes back, and the Hawleys -were another two minutes down. . The pace slowed a tad on lap 4, no doubt with pit stops. Now Herbst led Short by 11 seconds: Bradley was under three minutes back and three minutes ahead of Hawley, who now had only three minutes over Rick Rowland/ LeRoy Van Kirk. The fifth lap changed the race a good deal. The Short/ Gilmore car went out of the race just two miles from the fin-ish, and Troy Herbst had eye troubles and flat tires. Tom Bradley, Jr. took the lead by 3½ minutes over Aaron Hawley, who was about 9½ minutes ahead of the Herbsts, who had Rowland/ Van Kirk just two minutes astern. Richard Green/ Doug Fraser got" this far in 5½ hours, and that was it for them. It was still close with one lap to go as Bradley had just three minutes on Hawley. Ten min-utes back RowJand/ Van Kirk were just two minutes ahead of the Herbst brothers. But, Haw-ley had alternator trouble and did not cover the seventh lap, but still took fourth. Out also were Ron Bauer/ Scott Milling-ton, who were fifth. Tom Bradley, Jr., just 24 years old, and his sister Kitty . carried on to win the race over-all in the Class 2 Raceco. It was young Tom's first ever overall victory, and he said he had no troubles at all, except a couple of flats. It was 'Kitty's first time out in an off road race, and she loved it. Rick Rowland and LeRoy Van Kirk were about 13½ minutes back in second in class and overall. Troy and Tim Herbst dropped more time on the last round and finished third, 9½ minutes back and fifth overall. The five in Class 10 were ·second off the line, but it soon , was a three car ·race. Neither Mark Whittington or Chilek Inman covered a lap. Bryant and Dave Wood led the first round by just 11 seconds over usual winner John Ellenburg, who had Herman Salaz just 14 seconds behind him in another close battle. At the end of two laps Salaz had a slim, 11 second lead over Wood, and Ellenburg was back about five minutes with clutch trouble. On lap 3 Ellenburg;s troubles were apparently cured, as his time was the fastest for the round. However, Herman Salaz had a 24 second lead over the Woods. It got a lot closer on the fourth lap as Wood snatched the lead back .from Salaz, leading by 2½ minutes and Ellenburg now was less than another minute back on total time. It was all over after- five laps, as John Ellenburg drove the only Class 10 still running. He cooled it a bit and com-pleted all seven rounds to take Class 10 honors and points. Bryant and Dave Wood were second, theiT four laps about a minute and a half faster than those of Herman Salaz. Ellen-burg was sixth overall. The big herd of 16 charged away in Class 1-2-1600, and all but one made a lap.· It was no surprise to see Rob MacCachren take the lead with the fast lap for the class, 40.36, but, it was his only lap as the engine went to three cylinders. In second was Mike Stokely with 41.25, Brent and Jim Bell were third at 42.58, and young Pat Dean was in with 44.03. Mike Stokely led the second lap, holding about 3½ minutes on Brenf Bell. Now Darren Wilson was third, 3½ minutes back followed in two minutes by Jeffrey and Larry Trimble, a minute ahead of . Tom and Tim Burns. On the third lap Stokely dropped ten minutes, and he didn't finish another lap. At this point Wilson led Bell by about a minute, Stokely was third, two minutes ahead of Pat Dean. But, Wilson vanished on lap 4 also. Young Pat Dean stayed with the Class 1-2-1600 leaders. and with rehef dnver Rob MacCachren limshing. Pat won the big class and the car was a great third over,;//. · Bnan Pennington led all five laps in his Valley Performance Challenger car, and oov,ously had no troubles on his way to victory. He won by a mere five minutes. With four laps done, eight were still running and Brent Bell led Pat Dean by five minutes. Six minutes back came the Trimbles with the Burns three· minutes behind them, followed shortly by Louis Barlow/ Bert Vaughan, who were not seen again, and Sam and Jeff Dunnam. At this time Pat Dean pitted for a • ( cUll(lllUcJ Oil />d);C ~b) age 44 August 1988 Dusty Times
Miki Biasion Back On Top at ·the Ac~opolis Rally no time to have it changed, and the whole transmission broke. And to make the cup of Xtrac's miseries full, Wilson's six-speed GM car had differential failure as well. Kankkunen was suffering from surges in his transmission Gaban then twice had his hub break and fell down to 75th place at the end of Monday, which was the starting position he was allotted for the next day. Recalde took over, but then he suffered a broken connector to his oil radiator, and this caused him to retire. Assuming the lead was the Mazda Italia car of the Urguayan Gustave Trelles, but pe had gearbox failure. Text & Photos: Martin Holmes For a couple_ of stages Johnny Konstantakatos' rear drive· 16-valve Toyota Corolla led, but then one stage before the end of Tuesday's run, Massimo Erco-lani was in the lead. Then his water radiator was punctured, and this allowed Gaban to lead again. Not only that, but on the final day Pascal Gaban was also into the top ten placings! Miki Bfasion and Tiziano Siviero dominated much of the 35th Acropolis ally in the Lancia Delta lntegrale, winning handily and adding greatly to the championship points total. in the running. The Greek driver 'Stratissino' was lying tenth with his works-lent Nissan 200 SX; closely following him was Malcolm Wilson's works-lent Vauxhall Astra GTE. Wil-son was delayed with suspen-sion trouble, but overall the message was dear. Only Kank-kunen could hope to match the speed of the Lancias. The best Mazda finished . the Monday stages in ninth place, delayed because of suspension trouble caused by a puncture, while Salonen was further back still after transmission trouble. Tuesday was hot. The drivers -system; sometimes too much torque was being diverted to the front axle, sometimes too much to the rear. In any case the World Champion was keen not · to risk the punctures which had destroyed the chances of his success last · year. Kankkunen had been gradually overhauled by Ericsson, but still held third place. But, on the final stage of the day it all went wrong for Kankkunen. The engine pres-sure started wavering and this meant imminent and final fail-ure. So, on Wednesday the Lancias had things nearly all their own way; the only missing ingredient was when Loubet had gone off the road earlier on Tuesday. With Kankkunen's exit came the end of a chapter, the chapter of 1988 rallying. Nothing now stood in the way of a Lancia clean sweep and of total domination in the series. In . the classes, the Acropolis provided an opportunity for success for various Eastern European teams. Each year the organizers provide a special class for 1150cc Group A cars, a benefit for the East German two-stroke Wartburgs. In the 1300cc class, Skodas were supreme; Jiri Urban actually , held tenth place overall at one point, and he was only slightly ahead of Svatopluk Kvaizar's similar car until the latter was delayed by distributor trouble.· ln the 1600cc class came new-come rs, fllr" Getting there! Miki Biasion's victory at the Acropolis Rally is one step nearer winning the world championship for both Lancia and himself, but, already there are warnings that the end of Lancia's reign may be nigh. The performance of Juha Kank-kunen's four wheel drive Toy-ota Celica 2000 GT-Four in the early stages signaled the arrival of the first serious threat to Ital-. ian supremacy since the start of the Group A Championship formula. At one point Kank-kunen held the lead, despite the disadvantage of driving over tracks almost unswept by earlier cars. Later he maintained second and third ·positions des-pite troubles with his four wheel drive transmission, but in the end engine trouble stopped him. His teammate Bjorn Wal-degard disappeared on the second stage with transmission failure; indeed, every team using · the proprietary Xtrac system reported breakages some time or other during the event. Lancia 's win was further endorsement of Michelin's spe-cial ATS puncture-proof tires. Rival Pirelli users found their orthodox tires were often faster, though in fact Michelin's suf-fered from more deflations, but with less time loss. Italian suc-cess was not entirely total. The ' French driver Yves Loubet retired after crashing his Jolly C lub Lancia, while Markku Alen's Martini · team car had many troubles, including a stick-ing throttle and a flat tire which the driver had to stop and change in mid-stage. Still, after six events · this season, Lancia's team has won five and finished second on the other. Their 1-2-3-4 results here was the first such domination in the World series since Audi achieved the same result in Argentina in 1983. . The last of the European ral-lies in the first part of the sea-son, the Acropolis is now reck-oned to be the toughest on machinery in the series. There are now no asphalt stages, and the abrasion of the rock-hard boulder-strewn roads test sus-pensions and particularly tires to the limit. Most of the flat tires came because of the side-walls cracking under impact on the Michelins. This is also the last time we Dusty Times can expect to see a high level of opened their roof mounted air World Championship entries scoops to the maximum and for a while. Even Toyota have went straight to sit in the shade ·decided to concentrate their at every service point. Even the efforts in the immediate future Lancias began to wilt under the" on smaller, less expensive strain; their drivers were told to reduce the boost as soon as the events, before returning to the top scene at the 1000 Lakes. engine temperatures rose too Lancia is so sure of winning the high. For Mazda it was a day of championship that they are now catastrophe. A disheartened planning a reduced program as Salonen stopped when the well. This is widely assumed to transmission failed, then Mik-mean that it shall be Biasion's . kola_ had a· broken driveshaft, There was excitement in Group N, however. Jorge ~ecalde's Top Rµn Racing lnte-grale led initially, but the more nimble Mazda of the 23 year old B(_!l_gian Pascal Gahan took ovet. title, as this was his third win in as many events he has entered. It seems Lancia . will win both titles without having to go far afield. · Lancia was out in full force in Greece, however. Mikael Erics-son was back again, supporting Biasion and Alen. Mazda was present with their two regular drivers, Timo Salonen and Hannu Mikkola, this time promising more reliable engines, but still nervous about the strength of their transmissions. Toyota brought two cars for Kankkunen and Waldegard. With more and more teams interested in the sophistication .of four wheel drive transmis-sion, Toyota's engineers have now begun to be silent about their concepts. The rally format was similar to last year, with first a Super-special on the Sunday, a loop around Athens on the Monday, then a two day trek into central Greece and back on the last two days. The first sections saw Ericsson and Alen tie for honors, but third was Walde-gard with his Toyota. Monday was when the action began and Waldegard was the first to suffer. Something broke, maybe a driveshaft, and this in , turn wrecked the whole transmission. Strangely, just a few minutes earlier, Kankkunen had also broken a driveshaft on the main road leading to stage 2. This was changed at service, and then he went storming up the hill climb stage, making fastest time and taking the lead overall. He also had a brake pipe failure at the same time! Faster times were made by drivers running further down the field. At number seven was Alex Fiorio and his Jolly Club Lancia, who took the lead on stage 3; Biasion, at number four, then took over. Two wheel drive cars were nowhere -----------------------------------------· SWAY·A•WAr ◄~ Congratulates the Winners in the HORA Fireworks 250 CLASS 1 and FIRST OVERALL -JIM STILES Class 2 -Willis and Mark Hamilton Class 5 -Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter Class 1-2-1600 -Doug Fortin. Jr. Class 5-1600 -Darren Hardesty and Kreston Pons Class Challenger -Nick Gross and Joe Valentine FINE SPLINES All Sway-A-Way axles and torsion bars have the new FINE SPLINE which increases face contact area while making it smoother. FINE SPLINE axles . greatly increase c.v. joint life. NOW AVAILABLE: 2 Stage Coils for 8" Shocks DON'T BE LEFT IN THE DUST -CHOOSE SWAY-A-WAY a-Atwl-August 1988 SAW Performance, Inc. 7840 Burnet Avenue Van Nuys, CA 91405 818-988-551 0 Page 45
,mt The best non-Lancia finisher was the Audi Coupe Quattro of Rudolf Stohl and Ernst Rohringer, in fifth overall about 20 minutes behind the leader. -Defending World Champion Juha.Kankkunen and Juha Piironen gave notice that the new Toyota will be a force. They led at one time, but later the engine failed. The best two wheel drive performer was the Nissan 200RS of "Stratissino" and Kostas Fertakis, who climbed up to seventh overall at the f1nish. · ~ the Russian Samara front drive cars. The first time the Russians had entered Group A in World Championship events, they also won the class in their 1500cc version front drive car. The top four Lancia Delta lntegrales were led to the by Miki Biasion and Tiziano Siviero, a mi~ute 43 seconds ahead of Mikael Ericsson and Claes Billstam. Back about six minutes it was Alex Fiorio and Luigi Pirollo, followed in three minutes by Markku Alen and llkka Kivimaki. In fifth was the Audi Coupe Quattro of Rudolf Stohl and Ernst Roh ringer, a full 20 minutes behind Alen, so . SNORE 1WILIGHT SPECIAL (from page 44) driver cp.ange, handing over to the idle Rob MacCachren, who promptly went out and did a pair of 43 laps. After ·five rounds Brent and Jim Bell still led, with Dean/ MacCa~hren now 2½ minutes back, and nobody else was close. There was a very tight fight for third between the Trimbles, the Dunnams, and the Burns, now only a total of four · minutes apart in that order. On lap 6 MacCachren moved the Dean car into the lead, with Bell less than two minutes back. Trimble now was just 30 seconds up on Burns for third, and Dunnam , was two · minutes back. The field was down to sjx in motion with one lap t,o go. On the seventh lap even MacCachren slowed, but was still one and a half minutes fast-er than Bell. So, the team of Pat Dean and Rob MacCachren got the 1-2-1600 victory in one of the potent performers from Butch Dean's, Pat's dad, Valley Performance shop. Brent and Jim Bell ended up 3.26 minutes back in second. The first two 1600s were also third and fourth overall. About 25 min-utes back, Jeffrey and Larry Trimble won the battle for third place, seventh overall. In fourth, just a minute, five seconds back, came Tom and Tim Burns, eighth overall; followed in 1 ½ minutes by Sam and Jeff Dun-nam, the final seven lap finish-ing team in ninth ·overall. That trio must have had a great race out there in the dark! · All fourteen Challengers were the first of the five lap classes off the line, but_ four of them, including former SNORE champ Pete Dutton, never came Bill Dickton and Danny Gau herded the big Dodge 4x4 around quickly, and they easily-won the four rig combined class truck group honors, the only five lap finisher. · Brent and Jim Bell got the two seater up front from the start, and they stayed close enough to finish second in the 16 car Class 1-2: 1600 acti0f!., Page 46 complete was the Lancia sweep. Pascal Gahan and Willy Lux were tenth overall in the Mazda 323 4WD, along with winning Group N. After six events; Lancia has a commanding lead of 11 7 points in the Championship of Makes contest. Ford has 47 points fol-lowed by Audi, 35, Mazda, 31 back. Out front was another of the· Valley Performance single seaters, this one driven b y Bryan Pennington with a swift 47.57 time. In second was John Bartolotti, close at 49.04, fol-lowed by Brian and Vicky Maginnis, 51 minutes flat, and Doug Costillo/ Chris Heryford, 52.58, and four more were in . the next minutes. Eight finished two laps, and the leader was still Pennington, now with about a minute. and a half on Bartolotti. Maginnis· was just another two minutes back as the leaders put time on the field. Danny and Bryan Lutz wei:e next here, about six min-utes further down. The third lap · was the pivot for this class, and the two leaders turned near identical 50 plus times to main-ta in position. Maginnis held third, now about 14 minutes back but nine minutes ahead of Lutz who had four minutes on Costillo/ Heryford. Another six minutes back were Duane Smith/ Greg Shapiro. On lap 4 Pennington extended his lead over Bartolotti to tht:ee minutes, 14 seconds. Well back, the fight for third showed Maginnis four minutes ahead of Lutz who had three minutes on Costillo/Heryford. More dropped out on the last lap, including Smith/ Shapiro. Young Bryan Pennington picked up the pace to fini~ the five laps in 4:08.47. John Barto-lotti kept him honest coming in with 4: 13.38. Doug Costillo and Chris Heryford won the fight for third on the last lap, and finished in 4:4 7.10, just three minutes and eight seconds ahead and ·BMW, 25. Mik' Biasion leads the Drivers' Championship points with 60, followed by Alex Fiorio, 42, Markku Alen, -36, Bruno Saby, 32 and Yves Loubet, 27. The next few months will be like a summer holiday: But, .-they will see earnest endeavors particul arl y from Toyota, and doubtless from Xtrac in their post mortems. Biasion is head-ing to become the first all-Italian motoring World Champion since Alberto Ascari in 1953, quite an honor in a country where the automobile is supreme and where their fans· have to watch foreigners gain their honors for them. It was a seesaw battle in Class 5-1600, but the Bug of Reid Ferguson and Jerry Smith took the lead on the fourth lap, and they stayed out front to the checkered flag. · of Danny and Bryan Lutz. · the iast lap. Kent Lothringer About four more minutes and Gene Griepentrog gained down, Brian and Vicky Magin- over two minutes on the last nis were the fifth and final fin- lap, but it wasn't enough. Reid isher in Challenger Class. Ferguson and Jerry Smith won There were four 5-1600s in Class 5-1600 by just over three the race, but Paul Klick/ Kevin minutes. Slater/ Baker were Streety were missing on the first awarded.third place. of five laps. Out front was Kent The last class away for five Lothringer/Gene-Griepentrog laps was the combo trucks, 4, 7 with a 53.10, fast lap for the and 8. From the start the Dodge class. Reid Ferguson/Jerry 4x4 pickup of Bill Dickton and Smith had a 55.23, and Barry Danny Cau led the four truck Slater and Barry Baker turned classes, turning laps of just over 1 :02 .51. After two rounds 50 minutes for the first two Lothringer/ Griepentrog led Fer- rounds. They continued on an guson/ Smith by a single minute, . apparently troubl,e free five but picked up a couple more rounds to win the truck honors. minutes on the middle lap. Marty Ped'i and Bill Loggs ran On the fourth round Lothrin- second all the way in a Class 7 ger's Bug dropped about ten Toyota, doing four laps,-as did minutes, and the Ferguson Bug third placing Joe and Jim slowed too, but not as much, McMurray in a Class 8. Thomas and led by five minutes going and Vickie Coon got i_n just one into the last round. Barry Sla- long lap in their Class 8. ter/ Barry Baker, who had a lap · With two of the six races in under an hour and another well the SNORE Yokohama series over two hours, went out on; done, · Bryan Pennington leads · the points with 1300. John . Ellenburg is second with 1100, . and Brent Bell and Troy Herbst are tied at 1060. Doug Costillo is next with 940, followed by · Tom Bradley, Jr., 910, Kent Lothringer, 820, Pat Dean, 790, Rob MacCachren, 770 and Duane Smith, 650. Rick Rowland and LeRoy Van Kirk had a good run in Unlimited competition, and they moved up steadily to finish second in class and overall.· The next race in the 1988 SNORE/ Yokohama points ser-ies is the KC HiLites Midnight' Special. This ·race runs on a dust free course, and starts at nine at night on July 30. The whole thing is in the dark. It happens just down the road and across the highway from the Twilight site, and it should have a big entry this year. August 1988 Dusty Times
Guam Salem Smokin Wheels Off Road Races Text & Photos: Dave C lark Glenn Harris flew his 7S Mazda through the red mud hills on Guam in a well paced race, and the California racer ended up winning the three hour enduro despite an unplanned pit stop. · HAFA ADAI! A welcome to Guam and the 11th Annual Guam Salem Smokin Wheels off road race. The annual event on the tiny island far out in the Pacific Ocean is quite different, yet the same as off road short course events every-where. To anyone who has had the pleasure of attending the race, the name Guam Salem Smokin Wheels means hours in the hot, burning sun, being drenched by tropical rain ( drenched meaning 10-12 inches in two days), being covered with red dust and endur-ing ear-splitting noise for two days. It was great! I mentioned red dust, you know the kind - fine powder that the wind kicks up, then it makes a mess. Well now, let's add some water. All of the sudden we have mud, thick mud in places. Mother Nature gave us the dust a long t'ime ago, the rain she gave us right before we raced. Fortu-nately, she stopped and again the sun was out. By the middle of the day the track looked good. So much for talking. Let's see the racing. This is the 11th year this motor sports event has taken place. As in years before, the drivers from Japan, mainland USA, Guam, Saipan and the Philippines came together for the weekend. This year the event got off to a late start due to heavy rains. The scheduled Friday events had to be moved to Saturday. The motorcycles took to the track first thing Saturday morning. This race was the Mini-A TV event. Seven year old] oseph Aguon was the first to the check-ered flag followed by Peter Santos and Robert W estfail. Noon saw the start of the next race, the four wheel A TVs getting ready for their one and a half hour endurance race around the three mile track. In the end it looked as though Jessie Bradford would win, however the team of Robert Bucek and Robbie Crisostomo, riding the new Yamaha 350cc, made a good pass just before the finish line for the win. Third was Jakao Kochi and Yiroyaso Koike, this team came from the city of Nagoya, Japan. got first in class riding a 250cc bike. Saturday night saw the mini-stock car race held over from Fri-day night take to the oval track. In the end George Flores, last year's champion, took the win on the oval in front of the grandstands driving his clean Nissan two door sedan. Next up was the Sportsman Class. Many came to see the hus-band and wife team of Dan and Lucy Aponic, who between them have won this class for the last three years. Halfway through Dan Aponic and Sam Silva found they both wanted the same line, so they took each other out. A few laps later Lucy Aponic lost her tire. It just came off and she was out. The first one to the checkered flag was James Corpus driving his Mr. Carpet stock car. New this year was the Mud Bog event ( wonder where they got the mud?). The winner was Ben Fieldhouse, who had no problem going through the 80 feet of slippery goo, he even went twice! The mud bog closed the day of racing. Then it rained some more. Sunday morning we saw some more water on the track., but the sun was out in full force as the day's racing was about to begin. First up was the ATV flat event. The overall winner was the team of Jessie Bradford and Roberto Pitter, winning the gold in front of the sun bathing ( or should l say sun baking) 10,000 plus, spectators. The final · race was about to begin, the one all of us on the Glenn Harris team were waiting for, the Off Road Race. We worked on the truck and checked to see if we were ready. The off road race draws people from all around to see the outcome. In the past drivers like Malcolm Smith and Roger Mears have both come to Guam to race this event and went home winners. The compe-tition is great in the event. There were several Japanese teams cam-paigning trucks, some were turbo charged V -6 rigs, with 2 and 4 wheel drive, one even had a 4x4 6 cylinder with independent sus-pension in the front as well as the rear. There were several buggies and UltraStock type cars in attendance. Defending champion George Flores was really ready with his VW powered Desert Buggy set up for his hometown track. Yes, the competition looked as tough a field as you can find. Coming from California was Glenn Harris with his California Gold Racing crew and his 7S Mazda desert truck. Ray Alvarez brought his new pickup from Sai-pan for the race. All the drivers looked to the coveted first place in class and overall, the title of Champion. The cars were ready, and after one pace lap the three hour race got underway with Governor Joe Ada and Vice Speaker Franklin Guiterrez doing the starting honors. All the vehicles were off cleanly. As expected the buggies slowly pulled away. Glenn Harris kept his pace and lost little ground as the hot sun baked the wet red dirt and the track began to dry out somewhat. But, one by one cars started to drop out, suspension systems s uccumbin g to the demanding, and at times quite harsh bumps and jumps. Halfway into the race the defending chainp, George Fl_ores, dropped out when his rear sus-pension gave way. Harris and his Mazda truck were in second place now. If Glenn could keep his pace and be smooth, he would have a chance to win. The race went on, and Harris gained the lead. Glenn had enough of a lead 2 ½ hours into the three hour race to be care-ful. But, 20 minutes before the end of the race, Glenn got a scare when his right rear wheel broke, luckily it happened one turn before the pits. We put on another wheel and tire, and got Harris out with about a minute down time. Still in the lead after the pit stop, Gtenn Harris was careful passing through traffic, and in a few minutes he was the first to take the checkered flag . . Glenn was followed in by Ray Alvarez from Saipan. As Harris drove around the track one more time with the checkered flag, the thou-sands of sun burnt (victims) spec-tators made their way home on this tropical island. We of the California Gold Rac-ing crew would like to thank the Guam Racing Association and the overall coordinator, a man with incredible talents, Dave Ecret and • his wife Dina for putting on such a fine race and for making us feel at home. Also thanks to Bob Torres of WSTCO, the Salem man on Guam, Governor Joe Ada and the Guam Visitors Bureau, Senator Franklin Guiterrez, Budweiser, and Continental Air Micronesia, all of whom had a great deal to do with getting this race off the ground. We would also like to thank S.L.C. Mazda of Guam for helping us and showing us around. We had a great time. Next we're off to Japan, but that's another story. The 2 wheel and the 4 wheel vehicles had different race tracks. But, all the vehicles started from the oval dirt ·stock car track in front of the grandstands. Then they headed out through the mud, up the rolling hills to the east, down the fast section of the track wide open, and then back to the infield jumps. Then do the whole thing again and again for hours. The track reminded me of River-side, except there is dense vegeta-tion and lots of water. Next on the line were the motorcycles. This three hour race was grueling for the two wheel riders. The winning bike made 92 laps before taking the checkered flag. First place went to the team of Robbie Crisostomo and a J ap-anese rider named Akiyama, rid-ing a 125cc bike. Second overall went to the brothers from Guam, Bob and Tony Benavente, who Leading here, Ray Alvarez brpught his new Mitsubishi pickup across the water to compete, but Glenn Harris is hard on his tailpipe at this point. Glenn Harris takes his victory lap around the hills on Guam, and his performance in the Mazda was popular with the more than ten thousand fans. Defending champion of the Salem Smokin Wheels race George Flores went out midway when the rear suspension failed on his VW powered desert car. Dusty Times Most interesting rig in the race was this 4x4 from Japan with full independent suspension, and a 2800cc, six cylinder power plant. August 1988 The Japanese Mitsubishis, th e second one driven by a young lady model, lead Glenn Harris around the top of the course, but this was early in the race. Page 47
,.. . Great Western Racing at St. Francis, Kansas Text & Photos: Joanne Blair Mitch Mustard sailed his stadium style Chenowth high over the Kansas turf to take the victory in both the heat race and the main event. Very windy and warm sunny weather was with us throughout the weekend activities sponsored by W .K.R. (Wes tern Kansas Rac-ing) for the off road event in St. Francis, Kansas. An informal golf tournament for the drivers, their families and friends was held Sat-urday, June 4 at the Riverside Recreation Club. Competition was just as fierce on the golf course as on the race track, but these points were not as serious as those earned on race day. All who participated were declared winners. Later that evening, the W .K.R. Club held a fund raising ' event in town and a dance at the fairgrounds concluded Saturday's activities. A quick drivers' meeting was held on June 5th. Since only one Heavy Metal Class 4 was on hand, it was decided that entry would run along with the Class 2/ 5 motos. Rules were reviewed and numbers were drawn to deter-mine starting positions for the heat races. The track, located at the Cheyenne County Fair-grounds, consisted of a 0.9 mile course with four jumps, some exciting sweeper corners and a straight-a-way the drivers and • spectators loved. A six lap heat and a ten lap main event were on the schedule. ,.._ Class 1-2-1600 ran first with nine entries. Right off the starting line around the first turn, Kailey Gee tangled with Chad Bertram. Ms. Gee was able to get free, but had left her competitor with a broken brake drum. Bertram was not only out of the heat, but also from the main event. The first lap also claimed local Kansan Steve Do1,1thit, who was· having shift linkage trouble. Passing this action was Brian Liska. Not far behind and challenging was Shawn Whitney. Liska almost lost his lead a couple of times, but was able to maintain first place across the finish line. Brian Liska, Loveland, CO, won the heat, fol-lowed by Shawn Whitney, Lit- . tleton, CO, and Garry Bowers, Ft. Collins, CO. The Class 1-2-1600 main event was down to eight starters. The drop of the green flag once again generated immediate excitement. Shawn Whitney bolted off tqe line and managed to hold his lead throughout most of the race, but was never unchallenged. Brian Liska vied with Whitney until the fifth lap. He misjudged a corner trying to pass Whitney and dropped back to third. Behind Whitney was Paul Shaver, last year's 1-2-1600 overall points winner. Taking advantage of Lis-ka's error, Shaver passed and was now on Whitney's back side, get-ting the crowd on its feet, and by now Kailey Gee had dropped out. She suffered a flat tire on the second lap. In lap 8 Steve Douthit also retired, his faulty linkage again caught up with him. The last lap was the most action packed. Whitney, Shaver and Liska were all pushing for first place. Around the last turn before the finish, Scott Viers was in the turn a lap behind the leaders. Whitney tried to pass on the out-side, but caught Viers and both tangled in the turn. Paul Shaver then took his opportunity, pass-ing Whitney and Viers to win the race-over Brian Liska and Garry Bowers. Next to go were Class 2, four starters, 5, two entries, and the one 4, who started 30 seconds behind the cars. Off the line Brit-isher Tony Jackson, in his "British Racing Green of course" car grabbed the lead in his two seater. Ed Mialo had his Bug on his tail but was not able to make the pass. Mialo almost passed a few times, but Jackson managed to hang on the inside and keep his lead. Two cars dropped out on the first lap. One was veteran racer Bill Coffey, with a loose coil wire, and the other was John Cramer, who burned his tranny down. Tony Jackson won the heat overall and in Class 2. Ed Mialo won Class 5 and was second overall, followed by Mitch Armstrong, Class 5. Tim Briscoe, natch,_won Class 4. All seven were able to run the main, and "fony Jackson led the first two laps, but by the third round Ed Mialo passed him on the back stretch. Not far behind, with a new tranny installed, was John Cramer, who was breaking away from the pack and catching the leaders. Mialo held the lead for a lap and a half, then Cramer took over for the remainder of the race. The only breakdown came when Dennis Gordon had his steer_ing Paul Shaver does a Jong jump at the fairgrounds on his way to victory in the tight Class 1-2-1600 main event; Shaver finished second in the heat. wheel come off the column around the back stretch, disabling him for good. The wi[}ner was John Cramer, Ft. Collins, CO, overall and in Class 2. Ed Mialo, Lakewood, CO, was second over-all and won Class 5. Third overall was the Class 2 of Bill Coffey, Colorado Springs, and Tim Bris-coe finished for the Class 4 points. The final class action was in Class 10 with eight entries. The start of the heat was a scramble with Bryan Decker taking the lead. By lap 2, national competi-tor Mitch Mustard charged past Decker to lead. In lap 3 Scott Gal-loway came wide into the second sweeper and rolled his car, putting himself out for the remainder of the heat. · More suspense came in lap 5 when Ron McCall broke a tie rod. Now moving up to challenge Mustard was our other national competitor, Danny Rice. For the last lap the race was between cou-sins Mustard and Rice with Mus-tard, of Arvada, CO, taking the win. Danny Rice, Lakewood, CO followed closely, ahead of Bryan Decker, Colorado Springs. The main event held all eight entries. Right from the drop of the green flag this was a race between Mitch Mustard and Danny Rice. Both hit the gas right from the start and had the crowd wound up. Mustard had the lead until the third lap when Rice passed him on the back straight. Mustard never gave up pursuing Rice at every opportunity. U nfor-tunately, luck was not with Danny Rice, and he lost the power steer-ing during the eighth lap. Not being able to maneuver as well, he was passed by Mustard, who went on to lead the next two laps and win the race. Rice was second, fol-1 owed by Tom Schreivogel, Lakewood, CO. Toward the end of the race Bryan Decker had a loose radiator cap on his Rabbit engine, and his motor overheated and burned. Awards were given out after the day's events concluded, and announcements of upcoming events in Kansas were made. The August 13 race will be held in con-j unction with the county fair. Besides the race, there will be fam-ily fun at the carnival and other fair activities. For the September 4 race, after the off road races, there will be a demo derby, and on the 5th there will be a Brunch/ Golf tournament for the drivers and friends at the Riverside Recreation Club. Get all the details about Kansas activities by contacting Sam or Connie Miller at (913) 332-232C. Also, information about Denver events is available form Ms. Shelly Gunther (303) 669-1069 or Mr. Ron Keil, ( 303) 452-4013. John Cramer Jed most of the Class 2/5/4 contest in his Class 2 racer, and he led to the flag to win the main event, overall and in class. Ed Mialo campaigns his quick Class 5 against the Class 2 cars, and he placed second overall in both the heat race and main, the Class 5 winner. Tony Jackson, left, flies past Ed Mia/a over the jumps, and Jack-son went on to win the Class 2-5 heat overall but faded back in the main event. The action was heavy in the Class 1-2-1600 heat race, but Briar. Liska fought off the challengers and won a close one; he was second in the main. Page 48 August 1988 Dusty Times
The Sand Drag Series Heats Up at Glen Helen OMV Park Drive/O'Neals Chevron/H& W Welding. Craig Cornelison, a mold maker from Ontario, lost it the hard way when his 1075cc Suzuki named "Altered State" red lighted. Craig is sponsored by Angonis Nail Salon and Genes Custom Welding. Sport I is the fastest of the , • Sport Classes, and it was also one of the largest with 14 com-petitors. Joh:n Becker, a Fire Department Captain from Vic-torville, showed the spectators how he gets to fires fast. He went 4 .656 for the win. He was driving a 2275 VW Rail, spon-sored by Howards Muffler· Ser-vice and Poor House Racing. Second went to Walt Palmer, an accountant from Huntington Beach in his 396 Rodak Buggy called "Wanna Bee." He is sponsored by J&S Speed Shop and Wanna Bee Racing Team. \ \ If you brought your sun tan lotion, you were smart. If you brought an awning, you were even smarter, as it was HOT at Glen Helen last May. The nice thing about the park is the grass and the shade trees in the grand-stand area. A lot of women with babies took advantage of the shade to bed the little ones down for afternoon naps. The racing matched the temperature and the Glen Helen crew did a beautiful job of prepping the lanes. There was never a prob-lem with dust, as the crew con-tinued to make passes on the lanes all day long. Before it was all over they had made as many runs as the competitors. The ladies got their own divi-sion this month, and those that help pay the bills, and usually stand on the sidelines, got a chance to see what it's all about. Powder Puff I had Cathy King, a secretary from Hesperia in a 2442 VW Buggy named "Hys-teria", sponsored by King Rac-ing Team, go up against Cindy Lefever, a Mom from irvine, in the 427 Chevy Buggy "Whoo Yaa" sponsored by the Dune-masters and Matthew. The nod went to Cindy as she went a quick 4.617. Powder Puff II had a match up between Sue Schroeder, a Program Manager from Fontana, in a Jeep with a 225 V6 Buick sponsored by SES Enterprises, and Debbie Larsen, who works in the insurance industry, from Santa Ana in a 2180 VW Buggy named "Mean Green Machine" sponsored by Advanced Water Conditioning. The win in this one went to Sue with an 11.266. The run off for all the money was handicapped, and the difference was too great for Cindy to make up, so she settled for the bridesmaid posi-tion while Sue caught the gold ring. There were ten Pee Wees on hand to see if they could stay within the ten second time set for this division. If any of the competitors go quicker than ten seconds, they are disqualified. It was a young lady who did it best. Karla Haymore, an 11 year old student from Ontario, had her Diversified Coating spon-sored Suzuki in top form as she out ran Dan Stevenson, a stu-dent from Claremont and his Dusty Times FDS Mfg. Co. 250cc Suzuki Quad. The winning time was 10.607. There were not as many Jun-iors on hand last May, which was a surprise. The Juniors again are strictly controlled and have to stay above seven seconds. The fact of the break-out time proved to be the determining factor in the final run off. Michelle Kotasek, 12 years old from Flinn Springs on her Eddie George/ Scribs A TC/ Mom and Dad sponsored 350cc Yamaha forced Chris Calva, another 12 year old from Chino on his Dave's Chevron/Calva Construction 250cc Honda to break out. Michelle got pretty close herself with a 7 .21 7. The premier event of the day was the Pro 1-2-3 drag. These are the really go fast guys. Fast down the lane isn't the only place they proved to be quick. Brian Chapman, a sales engineer from Buena Park, has a lot of friends. Besides GSA Supply/ Littlefield Blowers/ Rimco/NOS/ NGK/Harbor Carriage Auto Body/Manton Eng. and Black Oxide Industries, he picked up a new one when Animal Fabri-cations changed the motor on "Short Fuse" for the final. They did an excellent job as Brian, with a 3.422 which computes to 90.90 mph, took the win. Brian was the '87 Tri State Pro Points Champ and that was a repeat from '86. His crew chief is Brad Chapman. Runner up was George Shultz, a civil engineer from Gardena in his 3580 Sand-rail/V ol vo DeLorean, aptly named "Dune DeLorean." He's sponsored by Decor Plating. Pro IV went to James "Scrub" Scribrillito, from El Cajon, aboard his Suzuki ATV named "Silver Bullet." "Scrub" holds the track record at Glen Helen and at Hanford in his bracket. His run Sunday was 3 .825 and that was good enough to top Todd Graves of Glendora. Pro V saw Bill Hale, a con-tractor from Canyon Lake, take his 350 Chevy rail named "Hale Storm" and sponsored by Hale Construction/Dunemasters/ Paul Cylinda Heads down the lane in 4.400 which was good enough for the win over Rudy Kurtz, from Hesperia, in his "Back In Time" 750cc Kawa-By Elaine Jones saki, sponsored by Port Magic and the Cycle Store. Pro VI had ten hardy souls going for the dough and when the dust had settled Bill Lefever, from Irvine, in his 427 VW Buggy "Whoo Yaa" spm:1.-sored by the Dunemasters and Doo Daa Racing was the best with a 5.346. Runner up was George Walters from Banning in his Walters Buggies 140 VW. David Cox of Moreno .Valley waded through nine opponents to win Pro VII aboard his 500cc Quad named "Rapid" in 4.607. Rick Van Ginkel, a purchasing ai:tent from Ontario, had the runner up honors in his Drake Fence sponsored 327 Chevy Jeep named "Gang Green 2." Mike Bolton, a welder from Chino, went down the lane in 5.318 in his 327 Chevy Jeep sponsored by O&R 4 Wheel Pro IX, whose bracket time was 5.10, had ten who dialed in. When it was all over it was Ray Torres, an iron worker from Hacienda Heights in his Fiber Tech 1835 VW who punched in the fastest time at 5.255. Vernon Herndon, a GTC supervisor from Whittier in "52" a 2000cc Pinto Sand-buggy, was second. Robby Locklear, at 16, was probably the youngest Pro winner. He captured Pro X on a 500cc Suzuki Quad owned by Scribs MC and ATC. He is also sponsored by American Preci-sion Silkscreen. His winning time was 5.542. Robby comes with good credentials as he was the '86-'87 Jr. Bracket Champ-ion: Bob Bassett, a bricklayer from Ontario, was second in his 396 Chevy Jeep named "No Excuses." Bob is sponsored by his kids. Greg Meredyk, an electrical contractor from Cypress in his 401 AMC Jeep named "Awsum CJ", was the fastest in Pro XI with a 5.764. David Kuskie, from Santa Ana, was runner up on his 500cc Suzuki Quad. He is sponsored by Artec Printing. David Den Hartog, a truck driver from Chino, went down the lane in 6.222 to collect the win in Pro XII. David rides a 350cc Yamaha Quad and is sponsored by the Curling Iron of Upland and Greg Den Hartog & Sons Trucking. Bob Moore from San Bernardino was second. Sport II was the largest class and Jeremy Ray, a 17 year old parts cleaner from Fontana, drove his 327 Chevy Jeep to the light in 4.910. He is sponsored by O&R 4 Wheel Drive/O'-Neals Chevron/H& W Welding and Mom and Dad. Craig Cor-nelison, on his "Altered State" 1075cc Suzuki was second. Rudy Kurtz, who is 39-still, came from Hesperia to win Sport Ill on his 500cc Suzuki Quad called "Gimme the Money." His time was 5.530. David Kuskie claimed his second runner up of the day on his Artec Printing Quad. Bob Moore, a mattress com-pany supervisor from San Ber-nardino, took his 250cc Quad down the lane in 6 .312 to win Sport IV. Gene Ha1,1.sert, a truck driver from Thermal, was runner up in his 1835 VW. Jeff Latch better known as BB (best buns), a purchasing manager from Fullerton, won Sport V with a 6.661. He rides a 250c-e Honda 4 Trax and is sponsored by Pro Design "We B Jamin ·Racing." Mike Mata, a printer from Covina, rode his 350cc Quad to runner up honors. Life's a Banshee Racing in Carlsbad is his sponsor. Kingman Off Road Competition Club, Inc. M.D.A. LABOR DAY FALL NATIONALS September 2, 3, 4, 1988 $5000.00 PURSE Entry Fees: Spectator Admission: Friday, September 2: Saturday, September 3: Sunday, September 4: Pre-entry before August 19, $40.00 per day $50.00 per day at the gate Adults - $5.00 -Children - $4.00 Pit Pass - $3.00 -Children under 3 -Free Tech Inspection starts at 5:00 p.m. Bar-8-Que Friday Evening Fun - Games - Prizes Time Trials start at 12 noon Eliminations start at 7:00 p.m. Time Trials start at 12 noon Eliminations start at 7:00 p.m. PART OF THE RACE PROCEEDS Will BE DONATED TO THE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY ASSOCIATION Send Pre-entries to Kingman Off Road Competition Club (K.O.R.C.C.) c/o Home Sellers Realty 4055 Stockton Hill Road, Suite 16, Kingman, AZ 86401 For More Information Ca.II (602) 757-1105 - Ask for Roy or Marge August 1988 Page 49 I
THE SPRING RUN 101 Top Notch Adion in the Wisconsin Woods Text & Photos: Jean Calvin Jack Flannery won both Class 4 and Class 14 on Saturday in his spiffy Ford 4x4 pickup, but engine troubles dropped him to third on Sunday in the Heavy Metal Championship. The famous Brush Run 101 acquired a sibling a few years ago, as the folks in Crandon, Wiscon-sin decided to use their great short "' course track more than once a year. So, the Spring Run 101 was hatched with a late June date to insure good weather. This event has grown to full scale in a very short time. Normally the June date includes liberal supplies of spring rain, that holds the dust down for sure, but it often makes the well graded course into a sea of mud. This year, the year of the drought, there had been scant rain throughout the month. While the grass was still green, the track had to be watered heavily instead of being seasoned by Mother Nature. With the June and Labor Day events, the Brush Run organizers have a real points series amount-ing to about $100,000 in purses. The Spring Run 101 this year car-ried a guaranteed purse of $10,000 plus a 100 percent pay-back. With such enticements, the racers from all over the area ""''"appeared in Crandon for the June 24-25 running of the Spring Run 101. As an added incentive, the event was a points race for both the S.T.O.R.E. Formula Desert Dog Series and S.O.D.A. (Super-ior Off Road Racers Association) series. The 1.9 mile race course is carved out of a 300 acre site just outside the city limits, and the facility is improved greatly each year. The "Barn", just off the highway, is ·the social center for the weekend, serving vast quanti-ties of food and drink at 1960 prices as well as providing a good spot to watch the racing activity. Across the field are vast camping areas, closer in are the regular pits and racing pits. By late Friday, the fields were covered with vehicles of all sizes and descriptions, spec-ta tors and participants alike. '1Nature built the grandstands in the form of grassy knolls all along the front straight and jumps were built on this section to add to the action for the spectators. The program includes races for the entire range of Score/HORA classes for cars, quads and motor-cycles, plus a few classes unique to the midwest. There are no prac-tice sessions, rather a short period on Saturday morning when all entries can do familiarization runs, at reduced speeds, around the course. The real racing starts at ten in the morning both days. The motorcycle and quad heats are all on Saturday, interspersed with a few car class events. The bike cl~sses run a slightly different course with more spectacular jumps that would wreck the cars. All the points races are scheduled for 20 minutes duration. The first group of cars on the track Saturday morning were Classes 3 and 4, with five each on the grid. The Class 4s took off first, followed in 30 seconds by the Class 3 rigs. In Class 4 Ken Kincaid shot off the line in the drag race start into a hefty lead, with Jack Flannery in qot pursuit, closely followed by Greg Gerlach, Herb Rosborough and Rick Rog-Bill Schirm won the very close battle in Class 3 in his Jeep CJ 8, retaking the lead in the late laps and he charged on to win the class points. Tom Hackers diced for 2nd for several laps in the Class 7S event, took the lead · midway, fought off the challenges and won top honors in this fast growing class. AUgUst1911 Always fast in his tidy Chevrolet, Greg Gerlach took third in Class 4, but troubles dropped him out of the running in other events. ers. They all held position through three laps, but on the fourth Flannery closed in on Kin-caid and made the pass. On the same lap Kincaid pulled off course into the grass, downed with a broken drive shaft and car-rier bearing. By lap 5 Jack Flannery had a comfortable lead in his Ford pickup, and Greg Gerlach was just as comfortable in second ahead of Herb Rosborough, while Rick Rogers faded back. On the last lap Flannery took it easy, lapping the Class 3s, and carried on to win Class 4 by 16 seconds and also earn $700 for his cruise. Greg Gerlach was all alone in his Chevy in second place, and Rosborough also completed 11 laps for third in his Jeep Commando. Bill Schirm zoomed off the start in his Jeep CJ 8 to take an im-mediate lead in Class 3 with Bruce McKinney, CJ 7, right in his wake. · McKinney passed into the lead before the end of the first lap. This was the best race on the track as McKinney and Schirm were side by side on the straights. But, McKinney led until the sixth lap when Schirm got past for good and held the lead to the checkered flag. McKinney had some prob-lem and dropped back to barely hold second just ahead of Craig Gray. Oddly enough, the Jeeps of Schirm and McKinney were both built and raced in past years by Geoff Dorr, who is now building yet another Jeep. Around noon the combined Class 6 and 7 S bash took off the line. The small trucks are the fast growing class this year in the midwest, and left first with seven starters. Scott Taylor whistled into a good lead from the green flag in his new Ford Ranger, but close enough came Mark T ob-uren, Dave Gray, Willard Haw-ley, Tom Hackers and Brian Far-rell. After four laps Taylor had a good lead, while Hackers and Toburen had a fine dice for second, with Hockers eventually taking the spot. Suddenly Taylor pitted with an overheating trans, putting Tom Hockers in the lead. While he was challenging Hockers for the lead, Hawley pulled off the track with a broken distributor rotor. From this point Tom Hockers had a clear run to the 7S \lictory in his Ford. Dave Gray was just as secure in second in a Chevy, and / Taylor got out of the pits fast enough to finish all nine laps in third place. A fine field of ten started in Class 6 and had a nifty race. Out front early was Fay Statezny, but Bruce McKinney got the Class 3 lead in his Jeep CJ 7 before the end of the first lap, but dropped back with troubles later and finished second. Dave Gray came up through the field in Class 7S, and he drove his Chevrolet S-10 to a solid second place at the checkered flag. DustyTlllla
}on Kaempf stayed right with him. This pair streaked away from the · field that featured a tight battle for third between John Znidorka and Bill Graboski. The struggle for the lead continued for several laps, then suddenly Sta'.tezny pulled off the course by the timing stand and parked. Meanwhile Znidorka had pulled up tight and was now after Kaempf for the lead. This battle went on all the way to the checkered flag, with Jon Kaempf winning and John Znidorka right on his bumper. Bill Graboski salvaged third and Allan Fannin completed the nine laps in fourth. Class 2-1600 held a massive 24 cars and this was the first of the exciting Oklahoma Land Rush sty le starts with seven abreast around the first turn and more running up the banks. By the third turn Scott Taylor _had the lead, driving his own creation, with Dale Borgemoen and Kevin Probst on his rear cage. Before the lap was out Probst got past Borgemoen, who held third over Michael Brue's tandem, Chuck Williams, Jr., Jeff St. Peter and Greg Smith. There was a lot of action in this dash, with several three car aices going on back in the pack. By lap 5 Taylor still led Probst, and now they were well ahead of Borgemoen, who had space on Brue. Then came Wil-liams, St. Peter, Smith and Peter Karempelis, having a great race: Scott Taylor moved into Class 7S this season, led the race in the early laps, but a pit stop dropped his Ford Ranger to third place. Jon Kaempf ran 2nd in Class 6 for half the race, then took the lead but had to fight off a serious challenge that went on to the finish, Kaempf winning by a nose. John Znidorka drove his tidy Class 6 racer hard all the way, and he finished second in one of the tightest battles of the entire weekend. Kevin Probst fought hard for the victory in Class 2-1600 in the trusty Berrien, and he took second in the Limited Championship, while brother Jeff drove the same car to second in Class 1-1600. It wa,sn't long before Taylor and Probst were set to lap the back markers, and on the front straight Taylor got by clean, then Probst moved in to pass Tim Rut-zen, who moved too abruptly, hit the bank and flipped, bringing out a.yellow flag for a lap. There were no injuries, and the flipped car was towed to the infield. The yel-low flag allowed Kevin Probst to close in tight on Scott Taylor, but Borgemoen was all alone in third. To the rear Brue and Williams were having a real dogfight for fourth. When the green flag flew Tayl-or opened a three car length lead on Probst, then began having fuel pressure problems. With a couple of laps to go Probst edged past Taylor to win the race in his trusty 2-seat Berrien with Viki Paulson riding shotgun. Taylor held second ahead of Dale Borgemoen, Michael Brue and Chuck Wil-liams. Rounding out the ten lap finishers were Greg Smith, Jeff St. Peter and Peter Karempelis. _ The single seat Class I ls were · next, and these cars closely resemble the_ desert Challenger Class in restrictions. Many of Dale Borgemoen is coming on strong this year, and he drove the two seater to third place in both the 2-1600 and 1-1600 contests. Curt Gerald is one of the quickest in the Class 11 ranks, and he won the single seat race by nine seconds, but went out with a missing wheel in the two seat action. Dusty nma these cars were two seaters with an empty seat. There were i"4 start-ers scrambling around the slick turns, as the water trucks always got busy before a buggy race and let the track dry out for the truck events. The Class 11 competitors drive hard, and they all run about the same speed. They do have a lot of mechanical trouble on course, however. By the second lap Curt Gerald had taken the lead over Dwayne Walkowski and Jeff Jones. Fol-lowing close were Mark Stein-hardt, Andy Zipperer and Ron Krueger. The order-held for a few laps, but midway Walkowski was Berard. Running with this pack, just a car length back of leader Robert Moeller stopped a half Gerald, and they were lapping mile from the finish line. some back markers. Jones was Class 14 started ten rigs, half of lonely in third, but Zipperer and . them bumping up from Class 4. Krueger were having a tight dice Jack Flannery and Greg Gerlach for fourth. The class passed by in came off the line iri a dead heat packs with some wild action up with Flannery getting the edge and down the banks and some when they reached. the first _two wheeling through the sand jumps, and Jack had a decent lead pit. At the flag Curt Gerald won over Gerlach at the end of the lae. the battle in his Dick Gilson built Brad Mihalko, in ·a real modifiea buggy by about nine seconds over rig, was third, followed by John Dwayne Walkowski. Jeff Jones Heidtman in another one. Then held third all the way, followed in came Herb Rosborough, Tom by Mark Steinhardt, Andy Zip- Ferro, Gordon Foster and_ Mark perer, Ron Krueger and Keith Seidler. After three rounds Mihalko was closing·fast on Ger-lach, while Flannery still had a good lead. Mike Brue drove his tandem two seat Pro Tech very well at Crandon, and he finished fourth in both Class 2-1600 and the Limited Champiqnship. Midway Gerlach, Mihalko and Heidtman were all under a blanket fighting for second, and this dice went on for several laps. Marc Pelletier, whose Chevy Spe-cial had a long pit stop, was back · and running, a lap down. Brad Mihalko's rig began sending out clouds of white smoke, and Heidtman got past him for third place. Flannery was cooling it with a decent lead, while Heidt-man passed Gerlach to take over second, as Mihalko was gone on the white flag lap. Gerlach slowed noticeably on that lap and fell to fourth. Jack Flannery won again in the 4x4 Ford, followed home by John Heidtman's winged spe-cial. Gordon Foster was listed in third, followed by Greg Gerlach, Herb Rosborough and Mark Seidler, all covering ten laps. Dwayne Walkowski did very well in single seat Class 11 competition, taking second, but he fell to fifth in the two seat race on Sunday. August 1988 Class 9, which is a single seat 1650cc, and Class 2 ran together in the afternoon, with the eight Class 9s starting first. Coming off a very winning weekend at the Memorial Day 100, Art Schmitt shot into the early lead, followed from the green bv Kevin Probst, Lee Wuesthoff and Scott Taylor. After qne lap Schmitt and Probst had pulled away from W uesthoff, who was closely trailed by Dan, Baudoux, Todd Attig, Don Ponder, Dir' Page 51
John Heidtman won the close battle for second place in Class 14, and Bill Loht drove the same rig to fourth in the Heavy Metal Championship. TQdd Attig stayed close in three races, finishing second in Class 9, third in Class 1, and he was also -,ourth in the Unlimited Championship. llr Taylor and Tom Artnur. By the third- lap things had settled down in the above order. Then Kevin Probst went out with a missing fan belt. .,..Midway Schmitt, _who had a long lead, had a sick sounding engine and hit the pits for a fresh fan belt. All this actiori put Lee Wuesthoff in the lead, his Chen-owth well ahead of Todd Attig and Don Ponder on the track, Having troubles too, Scott Taylor was fourth. Attrition took out half of the field, and Wuesthoff, who had had electrical woes the . ' last two events, said it felt good to win. He was over a minute. up on . Todd. Attig at the flag, and Don Ponder was seven seconds further back with Scott Taylor on his bumper. There were only six starters in Class 2 and the action wasn't as spirited as usual. Terry Severson got his handsome two seater out front off the line, said goodbye to the field, opened up a huge lead midway and kept it to the check-ered flag. Dave Vandermissen, Sr. ran a close second for half the race, then vanished. Jeff Probst, third off the line, lost the alter-nator early in his brand new Ber-Terry Severson dominated Class 2, opening a long lead on the first lap and he cruised to the victory; he also placed second in Class 10 in the same race car. Jack Flannery put his two wheel drive Ford in the lead early in the Class 8 race and he led all the way to victory in what turned out to be more of a parade than a race. Pagc51 Lee Wuesthoff had a super weekend in his Chenowth Magnum, winning Class 9, and taking second in Class 1, and he won the big honors in the Unlimited Championsfiip race. Don Ponder hauls north from St. Louis to race, and he finished third in Class 9, fourth in Class 1, and fifth in the Championship race. rien. The only dice going in the waning laps was between Dave Vandermissen, Jr., who finished second, and Scott Schwalbe, who had pitted and was two laps down. With 11 starters Class 8 should have been a good spectator dash, but it turned into a parade early on. Jack Flannery, in his 2WD Ford, zipped away in the lead and he was never headed, well out front after a couple laps. Ken Kin-. caid and Frank Hood ran very close together, battling for second , place, for a time. Behind them Dennis Ferdon and Mitch Dumask were having a similar argument. These battles .con-tinued for the full ten laps as Jack Flannery took another win, his -third for the day. Hood held second over Kincaid, and they were still close at the flag. Dumask got past Ferdon late in the race for fourth, and Mike Renkas did his ten laps for six_th place. A lot more spectators were on hand Sunday, and the program ran closer to the time schedule, with the Class 1 race starting promptly at 10 a.m. Only six cars took the flag, half of them with 1650 engines. Scott Taylor was missing, busy making repairs Dave Vandermissen, Jr. sailed to second place in Class 2, but that was the best finish for the Vandermissen clan at the Spring Run. Frank Hood had an early battle for second place in Class 8, but as the race went on he established the spot and held it to the flag. August 1988 from Saturday. Having swapped to a bigger engine overnight, Kevin Probst sailed off into the lead in his single seat Berrien Laser, while Lee W uesthoff almost kept up in his Chenowth. After two laps Probst had a husky margin out front over Wuesthoff, who was closely fol-lowed by Art Schmitt. Then came Todd ,Attig, Don Ponder and Barry Kline in his Class 1. After four laps the field strung out. The only contest going was between Kline and Ponder, who were swapping positions more than once a lap. Schmitt was bitten a-gain early in this race, parked with alternator wiring failure. The oth-ers soldiered on through 12 laps, and Kevin Probst bested Lee W uesthoffby about half a minute at the flag. Todd Attig was a sim-ilar_ distance back in third, and Ponder and Kline were both lapped, finishing fourth and fifth respectively. Class 13 had a much bigger population with 21 starters. This class is for 2WD front engine truck chassis specials, and several of the Class 8 trucks bumped up into this race. It looked like a familiar story off the start as Jack Flannery put his Class 8 Ford out front. But, Beetle Bailey had his 13 right with the Ford, and close behind came Marc Pelletier and the herd. The ·Class 14 rigs were running· now with the front drive shafts disconnected. After three laps Bailey was right on top of Flannery's Ford, t}:len made the pass into the lead at the same-time the Bailey engine began to smoke. Flannery pitted with a front flat after having a side by side bang while lapping Sheldron Scray. Bailey soon parked, and Marc Pel-letier, who comes from Connecti-cut to·race his Chevy Spedal, had the lead. On the white flag lap Lowell DeGreef, in his Ford framed, Chevy engined Class 13, moved in right on top of Pelletier, but couldn't make the pass. They finished nearly side by side, but Pelletier won by a slim single second. Several seconds back was Ken Kincaid, followed by Jack Flannery with a fresh tire. Also doing ten laps were Jim Bradley and Don Leigeois. A husky 24 starters left the grid in a cloud of dust into the deep mud from the heavy watering as Class 1-1600 got under way. After the herd got around the first loop, it was Scott Taylor leading Jeff Probst by inches. Next came Dennis Merritt, a bit back, with Dale Borgemoen and John Graves, plus the pack close behind. In a few laps Taylor, with Probst glued to his bumper, had run away from the field. Having a good dice, Dennis Merritt was just holding off Dale Borgemoen, and there were several more close contests back in the pack. At mid distance, the leaders were the same, but farther apart, third and fourth were the same, still very close, and Graves held fifth followed by Larry Hickman and Dave Hameister. As the laps wound down Jeff Probst began catching Taylor again, as Scott lost the power steering. But, Scott Taylor won th,e race ,with Jeff Probst right·on his tail pipe at the flag. On the last lap on the last turn befo e the finish Dale Borgemoen made a keen pass o,i Dennis Merritt to nail down third place. John Graves was fifth, fol~ lowed in by Dave Hameister, Jim Dusty Tlma
Wiggins and Greg Smith. A wild 22 started in the two seat Class 11 herd, and these underpowered racers had the muddiest track of all, which put a bunch of them into the weeds or into each other and caused high ' attrition. It looked like a repeat of the Saturday run as Curt Gerald took the lead at the flag with Dwayne W alkowski right behind him followed by Mark Steinhardt and Glen Matthews. With two laps done Gerald still led Wal-kowski, who had a long lead over Jeff Jones and Glen Matthews. A couple laps later Matthews threw his left front wheel, and not much further down the track, Gerald lost a tire on the back side of the course in the woods. And several more came around limping on three wheels. K_evin Probst flew his Class 1 Berrien Laser high over the jumps to take the victory by half a minute, and Kevin led the Unlimited Championship before going out with mechanical woes. Limited Championship run, 'for 1-1600, 2-1600 and Class 11 cars, 24 were healthy enough to start another race. It was a repeat performance early in the game as Scott Taylor zipped away from .. Marc Pelletier towe from Connecticut to race his Chevy Special, and he won a close battle in Class 13, taking the victory by a single $econd. He placed second in the Heavy Metal race; also. the green flag just ahead of Kevin · John Graves. Before the lap was Probst. Bryan Frankenburg held done some cars were already third ahead of Mike Brue and parked, UP At this point Jeff Jones was in · the lead, with his major challenge coming from Tom Arendt. Jones cruised on to victory, well out in front.· Arendt was about half a minute back, with a good margin on Dave W oulf. Also covering nine laps were Gary Adelman, Dennis Reimer , and Dwayne Walkowski. NEW PRODUCT LINES FROM 'SIMPSON.' I RACE PRODUCTS 'j Class 10 was up next with ten starters, followed in 30 seconds by the eight Bugs in Class 5-1600. Jeff Probst took off like a cannon shot in his new Berrien 2 seater. In the midwest Class 10 is limited to 1650cc two seat cars. Keeping Jeff honest was Robert Conner, and he was followed by Ron Attig, Terry Severson, Dave Vander-missen, Brian Adams and Todd Wallace. It didn't take Jeff Probst long to catch and start lapping the 5-1600 Bugs. Before the race was over, Probst lapped the entire field, including all the 10 cars that were running. He flew his new racer as hard as it would go! It was an impressive performance, as Jeff covered 12 laps for the victory. A lap down Terry Severson claimed second in Class 10 after a good battle with Vandermissen. Brian Adams also got in 11 laps in fourth place. The 5-1600s had a much closer contest. Usual winner Ron Karl-man led the Bugs off the line, with Terry Wolfe just astern, fol-lowed by Jim Pfeffer, Jeff Ther-riault and Darrell Smith, in the Circus C ircus Bug from Las Vegas, NV. Karlman led a couple more laps before retiring with electrical trouble. Now W·olfe had the lead and the pack strung out except for T herriault and Pfeffer, who were arguing over second -spot. Smith, who had no practice for his first ever short _co-urse race, was busy learning the course. Therriault vanished in the second half of the race, and Terry Wolfe maintained a good lead. Now Pfeffer was busy fighting off Smith, who had his pre-running done and was closing in despite the extra weight of the desert prepped Bug. Terry Wolfe went on to victory with no strain. But, down in the sand pit, the last turn before the sprint to the flag, Pfeffer, who had a broken shock got wobbly in the 180° turn and· Smith slid under him to take second place. Jim Rolefson was back a space in fourth. W ith the points races over, it was time for the three 20 minute championship events, with extra purse for the drivers. These always have good fields, if attri-tion hasn't been high. In the Dusty Times Fuel Safe Cell & Replacement Bladders Battery Cut-Out Switches with Removable Key Tire Pressure Qauge 15-30 & 60Ibs. 0 9 " Automatic Diagonal Safety Wire Twister Pliers Home Office Simpson Race Products 22630 S. Normandle Ave . Torrance, CA 90502 (213) 320-7231 • FAX (213) 320-7179 TELEX 910-349-7514 SIMPSOll RACE PRODUCTS San Fernando Valley Location Simpson Racing P/ oducts 16053 Victory Blvd. Unit 4 Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 780-4444 August 1988 Orange County Location Simpson Racing Products 1130 N. Ki:.aemer Blvd., Unit C Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 630-88~1 • (714) 630-8889 Duct Tape 6 Colors Dzus Wrench fi Simpson Catalog Most orders shipped within 24 hours. .. , ,g B I send $3.00 for full - color catalog. Page 53
Ken Kincaid, whose truck shows evidence of the early dice for Lowell DeGreef has a real Wisconsin Class 13, but looks are not Darrell Smith got the long haul award, coming from· Las Vegas, NV for his first short course race, and he finished second in Class 5-1600. s~cond place in Class 8, lost the battle and finished third. everything, and DeGreef took 2nd in Class 13 by just a split second. ~ and the pack thinned out in a few laps with Taylor holding a husky margin on Probst. Frank-enburg looked strong in third, still followed by Mike Brue, and now Johnny Koran. Not much changed in the next few rounds, but Chuck Williams was close behind Koran and challenging. At the white flag Probst was closing in on Taylor, and they were in lapped traffic. As they flew out of sight into the sand pit, either one could have emerged first. But it was Scott Taylor wh'o made the last jump and the final turn first, with Kevin Probst a half car length, one second astern. Scott Taylor was back on form in his two seat 1600, and he </rove to a close Bryan Frankenburg was over a second in 2-1600, won by a whisker in 1-1600, and he won the Limited minute back in third with Mike _c_h_a_m_p_io_n_s_h_ip_b_y_h_a-:lf,....a_c_a_r_le_n_g_th_. _____________ _ Brue right behind him. Also fin- Lohf, in the Heidt~an rig, and it Kevin Probst was alone in the ishing ten laps were Jeff St. Peter, was basically a parade from there lead for a few laps, with Wuest-James M(?rracco, Guy Crump and to the finish. Ken Kincaid won by hoff, Jeff Probst and Attig well Doug Bils. 30 seconds over Marc Pelletier, back. Then Kevin stopped Only 13 Heavy Metal rigs out who finished 23 seconds ahead of abruptly to attach a coil wire, but .:f sevenclasseswereabletostart Jack Flannery, who was 29 that wasn't all of it and he was their Championship run. Ken seconds ahead of Bill Lohf. Also parked. Lee Wuesthoff took over Kincaid got the hole shot on the covering 11 laps were Mark and won the championship, as Jeff mass start in his highly modified Seidler and Tom Ferro. Probst slowed with a right front truck, and after one lap he led Only six survivors appeared for flat, but held onto second. Art Tom Ferro, Bill Lohf, Marc Pel-the Unlimited Championship Schmittcaughtuptofinishonthe letier, Mark Seidler and Jack race, but it started out to be inter- lead lap, missing a front shock and Flannery ( in the Class 4 Ford) esting. Kevin Probst took the lead with a rear flat at the finish. He through the woo.ds and down the from the flag, but Art Schmitt was was four seconds ahead of Todd front straight. In a few laps Kin- right alongside. Jeff Probst was Attig, and Don Ponder also fin-caid had a comfortable lead, but next, fighting off Lee Wuesthoff, ished the eleven laps. Tom Ferro and Marc Pelletier had · and they were trailed by Todd A pair of ladies races followed, a side by side battle going for Attig and Don Ponder. Probst and with nine in the Limited rear second, while Jack Flannery was Schmitt put a lot of space on the engine class. Information is a bit moving in quickly on Bill Lohf. field, then Schmitt pitted with a scarce here, but we do know that Midway Flannery edged past flat tire. Rhonda Smith led the whole way Jeff Jones took the lead midway in the two seat Class 11 action, and as the competition faded, he cruised to the victory. He also placed third in Class 11 single seat. Jeff Probst had his new two seat Berrien wired for the Class 10 race, as he led from the green to the checkered flag .with no strain and took second in the Unlimited Championship. in a 2-1600 to win over Nita Cas-tro after Kathy Van Gheem rolled her car. Chris Gerald won the Class 11 section. In · the Ladies Heavy Metal action, Sam Houle led the last few laps in a Class 6 for the win over three other rigs. Finale time at Crandon means the Good Old Boys event, a des-truction derby romp around the· race track for almost junker American stock cars. In search of race results, we missed most of the action among the nearly 100 cars slipping and sliding around the course. Nobody has more fun attempting to race than the Good Old Boys. Terry Wolfe took the lead in the Class 5-1600 action after three laps, and he · was never really challenged after that, leading easily to the. victory. Ken Kincaid started out fast in several events, but he stayed out front in the one he wanted the most, and ended up winning the Heavy Metal Championship in The 1988 Spring Run 101 drew to a close with an early evening awards presentation in the "Barn". Then the troops headed home, as the series regulars had just two weeks to fix things_before the next event near Green Bay, Wisconsin. Jim Pfeffer had a good run, in second most of the way in Class 5-1600, but a last lap bobble dropped him to a close third at the finish line. i»age 54 .. his Ford. · Bryan Frankenberg stayed close to the leaders, and cruised down the back straight to third place in the Limited Engine Championship. · August 1988 Art Schmitt led every race he started, but the only one-he finished was the Unlimited Championship, his Berrie·n taking 3rd on a flat. Dusty Times
The Losers B-v JuJy Smith The off road racing community suffered a stunning loss at the Fireworks 250, with the death of Walt Lott on the day of the race. Walt, as he had done for so many years, had gone out on the course to observe, and to check for pos-sible course infractions. He was stricken suddenly with an appar-ent heart attack, and died before help could get to him. Walt had a long history of heart troubles, and in the last year or so his doctor had advised him to slow down. But that was hard for him to do. He seemed as fully involved in the races as ever, and had been busy all the day before his death, visiting the contingency donors during the long hot after-noon, as well as tending to the details of the event. Walt Lott has been inextricably woven into the fabric of off road racing in my mind, and his passing leaves a void that will not soon be filled. I'll miss his cheerful genial-ity, and I know that whenever I'm at a Nevada desert race, I'll expect to see his overalled figure in the background. Adios, Walt. Getting back to matters of less import: the race went on. And this course, winding back in upon itself as it did, made it easy for chase crews to get to damaged vehicles. And then, there was the added factor that it wasn't a night race, so it was harder ( though not impossible) to get lost, and light-ing problems didn't happen, and battery troubles were not as cru-cial, and the end result was that the finish rate was fairly high: at 51%. But it was hot. One way to understand the heat is to know that Gregg Symonds, after chang-ing a flat, was so debilitated by the heat that he got out of his truck for a lap, and had someone else drive it, so he could cool off. And Andy DeVercelly, after pushing his disabled car off the course, had to sit down to rest. If those two old toughies could be so affected by the weather you know it was damned hot! _ In the main the buggy drivers weren't bothered while they were moving, because they generated their own breezes, but it was tough for the folks with the wind-shields. And if they had a wind-shield and a front engine car they were extra warm. The heat was too much for some of the cars also, one of which was the Toyota of Lloyd Riggins and George Gowland. The team ran only a lap and a half and couldn't solve their chronic overheating problem, so they finally decided it would be pru-dent to quit, and save the motor. Ron Brant, running well in Class 1, lost his transmission on the second lap, while Steve Kra-mer and Rick Sieman, in Class 3, broke their torque convertor early on lap two. Steve said the tranny fluid didn't drip out - it "gushed". An early casualty was John Prosser, who lost his motor about 12 miles into the race when it sucked a valve cover gasket and "puked the oil out." Prosser's car is new, and this is the second race, and second early DNF, and he's bemoaning the fact that he still doesn't know whether it works well or not. One consolation is that the paint job is still pretty. We understand that Rich Minga's paint job is not so pretty anymore. He, or his co-driver, Doug Robertson, is reported to have cartwheeled the Porsche Baja Bug on the third lap. Tom Hoke drove two long, long laps in Jeff MacPherson's 7 4x4, plagued with driveline troubles and vapor lock. He was out of time at the end of his second lap. Jim Greenway, who drove the first car. to start, a two seater, looked good for a lap-and-a-half, but then a truck bumped them on a hillside and rolled them over the edge. They landed on their wheels, and went on, and a bit later ran smack into the back end of a Class 6 car that had parked to wait for the dustto clear. That did no good to the front end of the two seater, and left a good sized dent in the rear of the sedan, and staggered Jim and his wife, Lisa, a bit. But what finally put them out was when the torsion adjuster finger broke. When it let loose, it · tore up some of the housing, and, with an unfixable problem the Greenways parked. Jimmie Crowder, who won Class 2 at the Mint, had a good day going, but couldn't drive all the way because he'd injured his thumbs at a recent short course race. So Tom Martin, who helps prep the car, and whose own two seater was sidelined at home while it waited for a new Hewland to be installed, got in for the last two laps. He ran well too, until half way around the last lap. Then he had trouble getting up a steep hill, partly because of traffic, and partly because he wasn't used to the Hewland. So, he backed down a bit, and started side hilling it over to the alternate trail, on another ridge, which looked less steep and chewed up. And as he chugged along, in low gear, at about five miles an hour, the car rolled over. It didn't land on its wheels, but there were plenty of spectators around, and they had it back on its wheels quickly. The only problem was it wouldn't move. Tom revved it up, let out the clutch, it moved a couple of feet and jammed solid. After repeated attempts to make it AffENTION ALL PIT TEAMS Help us update and enlarge the Pit Team Register! Send us the information on your current officers and contacts pronto. Some of the listings on this page are a year out of date! Send your new information to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 Dusty Tlma move, he finally gave up and sent for a tow vehicle. Whatever the mysterious problem was, it wouldn't let them tow the car out until Tom pulled the c.v.s. Mike Randall hit a double berm with his Jeep 7 '4x4 on the first lap, and went up in the· air, side, ways, and then barrel rolled. He managed to finish the first lap, but that was all. PIT TEAM REGISTER ________ ..;;;_.;::..;: __ Several veteran racers had said, after pre-running, that they thought it would be easy to get lost on this course because it doubled back on itself so many times, and there were so many . trails out there. Sure enough, it : was! And one of the victims was , the 5-1600 car of Darrell Smith _.:_,,,=,=--1---ll_S ____ ..::::::=---. - .-'""· ---..,c:'\r:-'.lt"i. ;,.,-=----1----' d D K 11 Th we we come a upport Team news articles. Typed and doub e an on e y. e car came d . . . around very early on the first lap, space copy 1s acceptable. Deadline 1s ~he _10th of the month. way ahead of the rest of the class. CHAPALA DUSTERS LOS CAMPEONES N · , f d · , Jon Kennedy, President Malcolm Vlnje, President ow, lt s a _ast car,. an lt s not 3117 Killamey 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 unusual for 1t to be m front, but Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Escondido CA 92025-1330 this was a mighty big lead. The (714) 641-0155 (619) 292-0485 {home) crew were a little surprised, but Meeting_ 2nd Wednesday (619) 743-1214 {work) they sent the car out on its second Verdugo'• Mexican Restaurant Radlo-FM-152.960. lap. Then it threw the fan out Costa Mesa, CA through the fan shroud, and, Radlo-FM-151.775 before they got too involved in CHECKERS looking for spare parts, someone Jeff Hibbard. President on the pit team figured up the 13237 Sierra Hwy. times and decided that they'd Canyon Country, CA 91350 done an impossibly short first lap. (805) 252-41134 A quick call out to the check, CORE points ascertained that they'd Karen Clark, Race Director never gone through Check 3, and 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 hadn't even missed it because Northrldge, CA 91325 there were lots of other checks. So (818) 345-3833 they decided it was _time to quit. F.A.I.R. SUPPORT TEAM I 1 d k P.O. Box 542 n Cass 7, Russ an Lu eJones Stanton, CA 90680 MAG7 Jerry McMurry, President Bruce Cranmore, Race Director 11244 Horizon HIiis Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 440-3737 {home) (619) 225-6886 {work) TERRA Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper.Avenue La Crescenta, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 Meetrngs 2nd Weds. each Month -Jan Sunderland's house did not have a good day. To start Jeff Randall, President with, they dropped a drive shaft Teri Nicks, Secretary TIGHT 10 on the first lap when they hit a Dave Masslngham, Race Director 153 Lindell Avenue rock and broke off the rear flange. (714) 879-7697 El Cajon, CA 92020 They got that fixed and went on, (213) 943-1916 (619) 2_83-6535 (day) only to lose the brakes on the Meetings 1st & 3rd Weds. (619)_ 447-79_55)(nlght) second lap, for some undiscover- Holiday Inn-Harbor & 91 Freeway Gene Robeson, President -able reason. But it came,to light Radio-FM-150.860 (619) 466•872~ when, over near Wild Wash the end of lap two they lost their and the heat was being blown into Road, they flew a jump and the fuel pump, and were further dis, the cab of the truck. They'd also left front wheel came off. It seems heartened when they realized that had five flat tires to change. At that something had come loose in Esquerra had already finished and mile 27 of the third lap they broke the spindle and interfered with won the class. But they were an axle. By now they were both ill the brakes. Now they had a long determined to finish, and went from the heat, so they got out of down time as they repaired that, on, stopping at every check to the truck and lay _down on the and had been lapped by their class have water thrown on their ground, and decided that it was leaders by the time they were bodies. By now the gaskets on the too hot to fixing it. That ready to go again. As they neared exhaust flanges had burned away, was all for the Jones boys. _ .. ' When you want action, call us! Trackside Photo, Inc.-Racing photography since 1970 Trackside Photo, Inc. Photos for Public Relations, Promotions, Ads Commercial & Product Photography August 1988 New Address: 1507 East Del Amo Blvd. Carson, Callfornla 90746 (213) 609·1TT2 Page 55
J -.,. <(" a.le~§J0 ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~'?-Compet1t1on Tires ~op Offroad & Motorcycle Products 22264 Ottawa, Unit 1 Apple Valley, CA 92308 (619) 240-3186 (800)° 892-5263 Perfonnance Products Fiberglass Fenders & Hoods• Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins · Pop-up Roof Light Kits• V-6 Kits for Mini Trucks Off-Road Truck Fabrication Product Catalog $3.00 (619) 562-1740 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 619-583-6529 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR~ SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF-ROAD RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. \W..DING TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: TOM MINGA BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 61~5-5764 BELL KENNY PARKS MOTOR SPORTS, INC. 't n RA IN AN SAFETY (213) 802-1477 PRODUCTS <&rnup ruckmann San Diego <519> 578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF ROAD RACE ENGINES. WINNERS AT 8626 COMMERCE AVE. ex FOR GORKY McMILLIN DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK McMILLIN IN MIRAMAR CAGLE REGULATOR? Adjusts fuel pressure as you drive, for better mileage and perfor• mance. Bring today's technology to your carburetor. Use for problems with gas consumptio!:, stalling and flooding, black smoke. Controls carb loadup and fuel pushby, with reinforced diaphragm. $49.95 !:7~J!k!,e517 e~-::i:eLz;~oved ~~~g :::~~3751~~ Car Custom OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION SCORE & HORA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON : ~ LIIPir= lililiilllill w l!lim ,r,,..,.,_ I® ~ r-'~~ - - - .UllrS ~-_. '10«>WM \ ._ ~• V ~ - -.,,,,..,. TWO GIANT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU Car Custom VW SERVICE DEPARTMENT • RACE CAR PREPARATION • HI-PERFORMANCE ENGINE WORK • COMPLETE INSTALLATION & ELECTRICAL • HI-PERFORMANCE TRANS WORK • COMPLETE TUNE-UP- STOCK OR HI-PERF. . I I I I I Cut out this coupon and mail it to: Dick Cepek, Inc. 17000 Kingsview Ave., Dept.OT Carson, California 90746 I O I've enclosed $2.00* I Please send me your I 1988 Catalog and my I $2 Rebate Card * Canadian & Foreign requests I send $5.00 U.S. Currency. L------------------------------20 YEARS OF BUILDING WINNING OFF ROAD RACE CARS CHENOWTH CARS WIN Seven Out of Eight Overall Victories in 1987 CHENOWTH DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 1401 Pioneer Way #17 / El Cajon, CA 92020 Work (619) 442-3773 / Res. (619) 441-0938 CHENOWTH aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiRACING PRODlJCTS, INC. Racing and recreational chassis and accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 449-7100 (619) 275-1663 [CNC] Manufacturers of Quality Hydraulic and Automotive Products Send SJ.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• r'RONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS • COMPLETE SERVICE & REPAIR Sandy Cone (805) 239-2663 149.20 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 ---------+-:l[~pj::::1::Ji§,e:rlrti:::::::::1:11?1:11::::::::r11,,:::;1j;~i11:-;;;..:::-'-_2o_s_s _H_an_g_in_g_T_re_e _La_n_e __ • __ r_e_m_p_1e_1o_n._c_A_9_34_6_5 _.., SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • TOOL BAGS• HARNESS PADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' 208 4th Avenue E. ED & BARBARA Buckeye, AZ 85326 • BEARD (602) 386-2592 Page 56 ~ Communications, Inc. 827 N. Hollywood Way Burbank, CA 91505 (818) 845-7437 EDGAR E. MOSQUERA Technical Service Representative Cellular Car Phones Mobile Two Way Radios AUgust 1988 Sales & Service Rentals COOLWATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Free Local Phone * Recreation Room * Free Movie Chanilel * Swimming Pool "DUSTY DISCOUNT'' $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619-256-8443 170 Coolwater Lane, Barstow Dusty Tlma
• /, MECHANICA'-(/j' 43!5-1200/ ' Boov a PAINT 43!5-2400 ;'l . . -J:J., 140 CAVE . . CORONADO. CA 92118 RADIATO R 43!5-0340 DE, UNZIO RACING PRODUCTS HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-1211 5760 Thornwood Drive Goleta, CA 93117 T-M NATIONALLY DISTRIBUTED BY DH RCORP 11 O4-A N . MACLAY SAN FERNANDO. CA 91340 D.H.Ransom PRES. !800) 634-9118 18181361-1234 TERMINALS, TY-WRAPS. LUGS, WIRE CONVOLUTED TUBING. SHRINK, AUTO LOOM . NYLON CLAMPS. S PECIA L PACKAGING. WIRING ACCESSORIES DHRCORP 1104-A N . MACLAY SAN FERNANDO . CA 91340 (800) 634-9118 (818) 361-1234 DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN PERFORMANCE TRANSMSSIONS <••> ae1-aoaa 1533 TRUMAN ST. SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 "serving the industry since 1976" ORIVELINE SERVICE ' .£ CL& 1-THERE IS A DIFFERENCE f,, 1-REPAIRING • BALANCING • C USTOMIZING PARTS AND SERVICE O N C/V AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS (714) 824-1561 416 E. Valley Blvd., Colton, CA 92324 SCORE & HORA CONTINGENCY SPONSORS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Dusty Times We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Components BobCassena 825-0583 888-2703 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 Don Rountree 241 S. Arrowhead Ave. SAN BERNARDINO FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! _ R_E_N-TA_ L_S_ VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE AVAILABLE (714) 981-9666 963 SEABOARD COURT , UPLAND, CA 91786 RAC/NI FUEi.~ 213-603-2200 Send for our catalog! The most comprehensive catalog of race-proven Off Road parts ever. From the people who hove put more Off Road drivers in the Winner's Circle than anyone else. Call , write. carrier pigeon. anything. But do it now. Or you'll be at the back of the pack. ,.,...,..,,,.,. 1M c-,~Wheels Bilstein Shocks JaMar Products Sway-A-Way ~ Wright Place Perma-Cool • Tri-Mil Exhaust S&S Headers "'Ill•••••~-Gem Gears Weber Carbs Beard Seats IPF Lights PERl'ORIIAICE ... many more FOR YOUR CATALOG, SEND S5 TO FAT PERFORMANCE, 1558 N. CASE ST., ORANGE, CA 92667, OR CALL (714) 637-2889 \LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS #Pt 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 August 1988 ~ ~ DENNI~ WAYNE ·v'\ . ~ ,~· _,.._,_. .. .:. . ·--~--~ PORSCHE PARTS A--~~1£-lalU v.w. PAffl 1U523 SHELDON ST. SUN VALLEY. CA 913152 768-4!S!S!S (619) 46.S.3782 ~ Cid Your Sffll"T Togdlaerl --====--==-~\~--------FORT I /Y TRAIYSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane ~ Jamul, California 92035 -W Doug Fortin (408) 377-3422 Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's Specifications POX RACING SHOX 544 McG/incey lane. Unit 8, Campbell, Calif. 95008 A Prototype Design & Development Company Specializing In: (619) 449-8322 FRISK BROS. • Racecars. Racetrucks. A TV's • Tube Bending & Metal Fabrication • Aluminum & Steel Sheetmetal 10734E Kenney Street• Santee, CA 92071 Ff1el Bladders Quick l/Bl F/111 Dump Std. Cans F/111 5271 Business Dr. Huntington Beach, CA 92649 - (714) 897-2858 GIL GEORGE ~ .1:-· .a: co ~ti~ CUCAMONGA, CALIFORNIA (714) 981-8743 Page 57 ....
GARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN 1436 EAST THIRD STREET (714) 620-1242 POMONA, CA 91766 PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & CUSTOM POOLS LICENSED & INSURED • ACID WASHES• FILTERS• HEATERS• MOTORS• ETC. RPRISES BEEPER 381-3148 OFFICE 362-4202 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 HOUSE of BUGGIES 9027 Campo Road• Spring Valley, CA 92077 • 619-589-6770 MICHAEL LUND Owner Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 dl@f!lila V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS, INC. JERRY JEFFERIES P.O. Box 1538 • 42030·C Avenida Alvarado • Temecula, CA 92390 (714) 676-2066 JOE GIFFIN JG Transwerks "Go with a proven winner" Off Road-Sand & Street 7037 S. Comstock Ave. #85 Whittier, CA 90602 (213) 692-3642 (213) 692-0171 Pase 58 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 OHN M:MC ""°'1Uf:TS OHNSON JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON Send $2.00 for C...,. CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINN ING SUSPINSION SYSlBIS PER FOR MAN CE HIGH PERFORMANCE SHOC«S P.O. BOX 912 JAMUL, CA 92035 (619) 669-1978 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner DUAL & TRFlE SHOCk SYS1BIS RBBlClASS 60° H Z.I MOTOR PARTS ACCBSORES NCE Custom Engines / Transaxles Street · Strip · Offroad KEITH SCHINDLER (714) 599-7627 LANGAN CUSTOM METALS Aluminum Bodies • Accessories Fabrication Specialists McKENZIE'S AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAIIIEHOUSIE DISTlll■UTOIIS FOIi CIEHTER,LINIE WHEELS SWAY- A -WAY TIECTIRA TIIIU ■ILSTIEIN SHOCKS KC LIGHTS K.Y.■. SHOCKS su,-a:11 TRA,. S,.AIIK Alllllt:STORS ■EARO SEATS C:l■llt LIGHT'!. HIEWLANO GEARS MCKIENZIIE AIRFILTERS Olt:M Cllt:AIIS WRIGHT ,-LACIE CROWN MP'G. OUIIA ■LUIE NEAL ,-ROOUCTS ULTIIA BOOT RA,-1O COOL Wlt:STIERN AUTO TIRES Tlll•MIL 818-78A,8A38 12941!1 SHERMAN WAY, NO. 4 818-7811.!1827 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA SIBO!I MENDEOLA RACING TECHNOLOGY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC CEARBOXES ( 619) 2 7 7 ~ 3100 7577 CONVOY COURT. SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 TABS -BRACKETS• MOUNI'S Shearing - Punching - Forming Sowing - Tool Grinding - TIG & MIG Welding RACE CAR COMPONENTS STEVE WRIGHT Riverside, Calif. (714) 351-2515 5\S C t-1 f>. S Custom Built to Your Needs by Bill Varnes Mike Brown Covina V-ENTERPRISES JIM LANGAN Augult1911 (818) 966-5625 37925 Sixth St. East, Unit 107 805/272-3843 Palmdale, CA 93550 Jim Moulton Racing ■ Off road racing chassis ■ Fabrication and repair ■ Fox shock parts and service ■ Race Car Prep 26846 Oak Ave., Unit G Canyon Country, Calif. 91351 (805) 298-1212 YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE Ignitions • Distributors • Rev Limiters Coils • Heli-Core Wires • Accenoriea AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 Henry Brannan Dr., El Paso, Tx 79934 (915) 857-5200 Dult,Tlma
INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, ·Including ... • NEAL Cutting Brakes'" • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clutches and Throttles ... plus much more. VW TAANSAXLES OFF ROAD/STRIP/STREET Complete Catalog. $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 565-9336 . OFF ROAD SUSPENSIONS NEVER LIFT ENGINEERING JEFF HUBER (619) 242-5840 13952 HUDSON CT. APPLE VALLEY. CA 92307 "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer Today - Oil - Fuel -Transmissions - Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc. 12414 Hwy. 99 So. Dept. DT. Everett. WA 98204 OFF ROAD CHASSI S ENGINEERING 6891 SAN DIEGO DR., Bl:IENA PARK . CA 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 8c 4 WO VANS 8c PICK U P S 8c M I N I TRUCKS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS A XLE WORK • CUSTOM· SUSPENSION NO B LOCKS U SEC • WEL DING 8c FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 761-9460 Established 1974 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT Wants Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved ! Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-7757 OFF ROAD INNOVATIONS BOLT·ON PRE·RUNNER ACCESSORIES LIGHT HOOPS BED KICKERS TIRE MOUNTS CUSTOM FABRICATION (619) 588-2568 1160 PIONEER WAY, SUITE C, EL CAJON, CA 92020 , Dusty _nma (714) 359-8452 3115 McHarg Road · Riverside, CA 92503 V-6 Sidewinder 4 Speed Automatics D PERFORMANCE Ir"\ TRANSMISSION LJDISTR/f!UTING -Dual Range TH 400s HD Converters ·4 Speed 72 7s 4 Speed Ford Automatics All Aluminum Oil Coolers Synthetic Trans. Oil Hi-Tech Components For The Serious Off Road Racer • PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSION DIST. 2430 Seneca Dr. Reno. NV 89506 (702) 972-5215 PIKE' FAMILY RESTAURANT · Over 40 Years -The best in th~ Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering Hole Saloor, Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER, CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL • AMERICAN • CANADIAN o Off-ROAD . ~ L___~RkCINC --~/-~ ~-·c:,/.~ ~ ~ ~··-~ ; ~ ? P. 0 . BOX 323eSEAHURST, WA 98062-(206) 242-1773 19000 Bagby Dr. Canyon Country PREPCo RACE CAR MAINTENANCE RICHARD PARCELLS (805) 251-9631 . PROBS·T Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAME-5 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY NE°!'."' L ENOX. ILLINOIS 60451 August 1988 18151 4135-RACE 172231 Quality Products Fastener Sµecialists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845 East Comptpn Blvd. Paramount, CA 90723 IS OF 1\'\ Telephone: (714) 535-4437 -(714) S~S-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim,CA 92805 AL KEV DOUG FREEMAN (213) 515-3570 (213) 320-9584 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS .. P .O . B O X 3 757 FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES GARDENA. CA 90247-7457 · RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monr-ovia, _CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V.W. Bugs. Buses. Ghias and 914's (213) 583-2404. ~~o - -SANDERSSER~C~IN~ METAL PROCESSING 59Z I W;Jmington A venue Los Ange/es. Ca/lforn,a 9000 i SANO8IJIST GLASS READ MAGNETIC PA RTICAL FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith t '-·'".J:- -. ·---·-··---SM ?~ ~'8"19'! ~ )~ 1533 T ruman Street San FeFoando. Ca 91340 Phone: (818) 361-1215 Page 59
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY NEW LOCATION IN ORANGE COUNTY rSIMPSOll I RACE PRODUCTS j .. 1130 N. Kraemer Blvd., 'C' Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 630-8861 · Race Car Fabrication Progressive Suspensions Systems Custom Bumpers Roll Cages & Nerf Bars SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD CHASSIS 6245 Harrison Dr .• #26 Las Vegas. Nevada 89102 RAY CUMMINS TRENT MORSE 702-739-9969 Hi-Performance VW -Porsche Parts & Accessories OFF ROAD SUSPENSION SYSTEMS -SHOCKS RACE CAR FABRICATION AND PREPARATION CUSTOM MACHINE PARTS-KEVIN McGILLIVRAY 28210 AVE . CROCKE!'l •301._VALENCIA. CA 9 1355 (805/ 257-0934 -------------,iiiiiiiiiiiiiii---~-------~~~~ -,iiiiiiiiijiiiii--."!!!!!,-~-!'!!!' ===' = ~ , __ ___,~ ----RACINGPRODUCTS-~ 115 OCTANE RACING GASOLINE Anaheim. CA ...................... . Bakersfield. CA . .........•......... ..... Bullhead City. AZ .........•••• .......... CoHon. CA ...............••... ......... Concord. CA . ..••...•... . .••.•.. ....... Denver . CO .....••. . ......•••••........ El Centro. CA ....•. .........•..•....... Fullerton. CA ......••..........••• ...... Hayward, CA ......• , ••..........•...... Lancaster. CA .. ... ..•••..........••.... Las Vegas. NV ........••...........••.. ·. Long Beach. CA .......•........ . .•..•.. Los Angeles. CA ........•.••..•. ........ Oakland, CA ...........•••............. P~1oenix. AZ . .............. : ••.......... Pleasant Hill. CA .............••••....... Riverside, CA ........ . ....... • .••....... Salinas. CA .....................••...... Santa Barbara. CA ...••...........••.... San Jose. CA .........•......... ...••... Van Nuys, CA .. , .. ....••..•........ . ... . V entura, CA .· ......................... . . Yuma. AZ_ ............................. . (7 14) 630-3810 (805) 324-9882 (602) 758-5480 (714) 877-0226 (415) 676-4300 (303) 750-9619 (619) 352-4721 (714) 635-5553 (415) 783-6500 ( 805) 948-6044 (702) 643-9200 {213) 432-3949 (213) 531-0192 (415) 261-6900 (602) 899-1324 (4.15) 798-2201 (7 14) 877-0226 (408) 422-9808 (805) 963-9366 (408) 294-4513 (8 18) 785-0902 (805) 659-5609 (602) 782-6543 PO Box 610. 333 Wesl Broadway. Su11e 202 Long Beach. Calllorn,,r 90801 -0610 (213) 437-4373 ST,UMP 'R Race Engineering 602/435-2797 5316 W. Luke Ave. Glendale, AZ 85301 T.R. STUMP. President ;,page 60 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS (714) 630-8283 Anaheim, CA 1987 BUDWEISER FRT SUPERSTITION SERIES CHAMPIONS JOEY AOZIMA. JR. · CLASS 10 STEVE WOLCOTT· CLASS 1 ·2· 1600 CECIL WRIGHT · OPEN UNLIMITED NICK GROSS · CHALLENGER CLASS KEN GOLOJUCH · BIG TRUCK CLASS AL DELAROSA · LITTLE TRUCK CLASS GREG SANDEN · CLASS 5 TODD TEUSCHER · CLASS 100 CHUCK MEAD • CLASS 6 Get the word out about your buainess, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new -customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $1.8.00 per month. (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 Trackside Photo, Inc. Commercial Photography Peter L. Hatch c213) 60!J-1n2 1507 E. Del Amo Blvd. • Carson, CA 90746 /(/ICE THANS BY JEFF F/EIJ)'S TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 Mglllt1911 112 Octane n-lck TA~C~® 118 Octane Super-n-lctr racing gasoline 100 Octane Unle.-ded Alameda County (415/ 538-RACE Phoenix Bakersfield (805/ 393-8258 Portland/Vancou~r Bremerton (2061 377-7951 Ri~rside Dt~r (3031 452-5239 Sacram~nto El Centro 16 I 91 352-2600 San Diego Hawaii (8081 682-5589 Saugus Huntington Beach 17141 536·8808 Seattle lDng Beach Los Angeles Las Vegas Orange County M 12131 979-0198 Sppkane 12131 863-4801 lriClties (7021871-1417 Tucson 17141 634-0845 \M!natchee LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines .1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C Fullerton, Ca. 92631 (602/ 952-2575 (206/ 693-36al (7141787-8141 19 I 61 638-RACE 16 I 91 460·5207 18051 259-3886 12061 833-0430 15091 483-0076 (5091 547-3326 (6021 326-8770 (5091663-2912 Louie Unser (714) 879-8440 THE WINNERS CHOICE WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports winning drivers and engine builders. Just ask the top professionals before buying your next cam. Our dedication to performance and quality keeps you on top. Call WEB-CAM for your winning cam for street , strip and off-road or send $3 for the complete calalog. VW -PORSCHE • OFF ROAD 947 RANCHEROS DRIVE SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 Engine & Machine (619) 741-6173 WOODS WHEEL WORKS· Off Road Products Front andiRear Trailing Arms • Spindles ~ Speclallsts •· Custom \111-.-,k (602) '242-0077 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix. AZ 85017 For adVertising rates & info'.mation contact Wright Publishing Co., Inc. PO Box 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 · DustyTlllla
CALIFORNIA .RALLY .SERIES By Bill Mcx,re-By the time you read this, Pres---cott will be history. The workers will go home, Rob Cherry will finally get to relax, and the rest of us will fix our cars, allow bank accounts to recover, and recoup--erate from the physical trauma we have put our bodies through. I don't know about the rest of you, put the older I get the longer all three of those items are taking. · The C.R.S Board of overnors will have met, and hopefully acquired some new members and elected a new president. Responsibility for an event is an awesome collection of duties which can, with a little luck, be delegated to the organizing com-mittee. The bottom line is that one or two individuals are putting their energy, money and them-selves on the line to bring the competitors the opportunity to compete. It's all part of the axiom, "You get what you give." Worker.sand organizers tend to . be like family, in that they give unconditionally. In many cases they drive great distances to spend hours in hot, dry, dusty, cold, wet and muddy places so an event can take place. Some competitors are thoughtful enough to thank the workers and organizers, but it is something that happens all too infrequently. That little bit of thoughtfulness is putting ~ome-thing back into the sport. Finding the people like workers and organizers who are willing to put something substantial back into the sport is a fundamental requirement of the continuation of the sport .. It hasn't always been easy, but here in the California Rally Series we are extremely lucky to have such people, and it. has been a pleasure to work with them. ~ OFF-.ROAD RACING TEAM . The Straight Poop from the 'Big Wahzoo' -Our monthly "CHECKER Column" has come to life ~gain and hopefully will continue tor a long time ot until I get sued, whichever comes first. Our last Club race was the Fireworks 250 _at Barstow, and the 4th of July heat turned out to be "Checker Weather." We had over 90 J:?er-cent finishers and Jim Stiles _dusted everyone for a big Checker HRST OVERALL! The rest of the Club finished as follows: Utgard second, Cooks' third, Bates third, Rhinehart fourth, Brown and the Greek fourth, Seeley and Anderson fifth, Symonds fifth, Koch sixth, Gabbert sixth, Chase and Hib-bard seventh, Wolfe and Bone-head (Sugar's car) ninth, Su.mners ninth, T evon and. Martin ninth, and last but not_least, B.]. Bates 12th. Good race guys! Dusty Times Race Notes Rhinehart has a first ( short course) and a fourth (Barstow) in his last two races after a long string of DNFs. "What did ya change Randy?" "Well, I dunno, except'n· that Hoss hasn't done any driving lately!" Hmn! Will somebody tell the Cook boys to please start wearing name tags so we'll know which one of you two guys are Darryl? Kreisler clairaed a first in Class 2 at Barstow, says he was a driving instructor? But, since he was in the passenger seat of a FAIR car at the time, he shall be considered null and void at that race. Yep, that's right, Rollover Pete did not, I repeat DID NOT roll Brown's Baja Bug at the Barstow race. He DID get lost for about an hour on the first lap, but he didn't roll it. Missing Member -Where's Tony Encabo been lately? Good News -Cranston's bill S-7, has been ·temporarily aban~ cloned, because of lack of sup-port. Temporarily??? If you want some input into this column, give the lnfo to my only Club connection, Glenn Wolfe. We communicate by taping mes-sages in various rest rooms at locations around the Dugout. But, better yet, if it is a juicy rumor, don't sit on it, Spread It! I'll probably hear it. Well, that's all for now, see ya on Wednesday night. Remember the steak sand-wich is always on special and if ya wanta hear, sit up near the front. F.A.I.R. By Terri Nicks Here are so e "OH YA's" for . , . the "I'm gonna solo it" guys.... This year ~ _Fireworks 250 Chuck Sugar had Wolfe and ~nde~onadefm_1tely_sadnote.All Bonehead drive, bad back. ,of us m FAIR will miss Walt Lo~t Rhinehart claimed his hands hurt and. we send our res1:ects to h_1s and had John Sprage take the last family. Walt was a maior factor m lap. the growth of o~r sport. The clu? Symonds, after two laps, "Hey has Hsent a Adonat10~ to_ thhe_ Amen-Pete wanna drive7" can eart ssocatton m 1s name. Bro~n, after o~e lap, "Hey, On a li1g1hDter no~~G• thef'~aJce i!self where's Pete?" went we . ave ar am1son U d h' h d ' was our race manager and he "Stgar ·f' Ht~bb1s cdrew on t e rda _ 10, didn't do half baaaaad! The main ee 1 1 ar wants to nve, • I d SI h X · h I'm sick. . · pt~ was ocate at as m t e Hibbard to Utgard's crew, "You midst of a small flock of sheep. gotta be kidding." Ewes t_o be e~act. (The sheep were On Wednesday nights there especially imported by John have been a series of rotating Sgt. French, from Colorado, sup-at Arms. -It goes something like . posedly for. the Coan Brothe~s. this. One guy volunteers and then But, you know tho,se Martin fines the hell out of all the loud- Brothers people, and I m not sure mouths t th ti Th who the sheep were for.) We had a e mee ng. e next l f · · h week one of. those loudmouths a tota o se~en pits covering t . e that got fined volunteers and fines course. S~ec1al thanks to Captam all the loudmouths at that meet-NF and h1:; crew at FAIR 3. l_'~ey ing. At the next meeting one of s~ent the. day ready ,and wamng those loudmouths volunteers and with their rubber gloves on. so on and so on. This is great for Thanks t~ all :,vho sp~nt a very hot the treasury and is sometimes the. day workmg m the pits. highlight of the evening. Some of We had seven ~lass 2 cars rac~. the current heavy hitters are Lou Aaro1: Hawley m the Classic K ydafi, Round Brown and Butch Plumb1?-g car looked real good, "I'd like to bid on that" Dunn. ev~n with three. flats. But some-Speaking of Dunn, Butch felt so thmg slowed him down ~o. be bad about the guys razzing Vana- nearly the last 2 car to fm1sh. gas about not standing up at the Danny Letner looke~ great but, meeting when he has somethin to by the end of. the third lap, t!:ie say, that he has imported sJme heat h~d take~ its toll on both him special hi-ljft shoes for Bob from and his co-dnver. They took the the far east. These lifts should l~s~ lap a_t a~out half throed~ and surely make Bob tall enough if he fm1shed m fifth place. Bob Richey were a Chinaman, but the ques-and the RCR car looked better tion is will it be tall enough to end than great. They had the fast~st ..the Wedn d • ht b 7 lap of the day and a good five es ay mg a use. . l d f h . d . Good luck Bob-o-san. mmute ea a ter c angmg nvers The Latest Rumors With his Class 5 car featured on the ESPN race series lead-in tape, George Seeley is seriously ·starting to think about becoming a stunt car dr.iver. In the future, George Jirka is going to leave the pit numbers off the Club race maps. He says "you fill in your own numbers and everyone will be happy." Doug Brown, overheard talking co his empty beer glass, "but I was only supposed to be the assistant.'' The rumor is that Commander Ferd has been seen hiding out at the Harvey Restaurant (Lenwood off ramp) near Barstow. Good thinking Ferd, there has been a lynch mob at every meeting since the Baja 500. A recently rehabilitated Checker, Lonnie Hawkins, is said to be having his own Checker meetings in San Felipe and he's letting girls attend. No wives, just g~~! . at the end of the second lap. But, they only got about ten miles into lap 3 before they blew their motor. Again! That's two in a row, guys. Willie Hamilton ran a good race all day, and with Mark Hamilton driving the second half, they went on to win Class 2 and second overall. The McBride team had prob-lems running out of gas early in_: the day and had to borrow some good mdonshine from some prospectors to get back to the pits. They also had clutch and master cylinder problems to slow them to an eighth place finish. Jimmie Crowder did fine in Class 2 until Tommy Martin got in to drive. They still did fine until Tommy rolled the car'on the last-lap and broke the tranny. Wayne Morgan lost a stub axle in the middle of the silt bed and had to tow his car out with his pre-runner. This put him out of the • race also. W e supported three Class 10 August 1988 entries. Don Chase finished in ninth place. He had the help of the Coan Brothers to complete the race. Jack and Scott Irvine had a second in class finish, and last I heard the first place car had a pro-test filed against him, so they pos-sibly moved up. Dick W eyhrich has not ha!! good transmission luck this year. He lost it on his second lap. That is his third tranny this year. We had six Class 1-2-1600 entries. Ed Pauley had shock problems and was a DNF along with Jeff Coan. I had heard that the Coans had transmission prob-lems, but someone else said that they saw a flock of sheep near Check 2 and parked it. Who knows? Brian Parkhouse and Rich Fersch, with the Parkhouse Tire and Firehouse Racing T earn, had a real good day with a second place finish. John Prosser lost a valve cover and all his oil. Ralph Gib-son and Brian Rogers rolled their car on the se~ond lap. This put them out of the race and also made them feel like they'd been run over by a truck. Now for some club business; we have elected our board for next year and it is as follows: Pres-ident, Jeff Randall; Vice Presi-dent, Rich Fersch; Race Director, Mike Queyrel; Treasurer, Janet Queyrel; Secretary, Terri Nicks;, and Sergeant at Arms, Gene Norman. Let's all work to sup-port this year's board for another really great year. Special thanks to the retiring members of last year's board. We are all looking forward to Score's last lap out at Riverside, and it was discussed that we might take the FAIR van. Something about entering it in the heavy metal competition. Anyway, we · wouldn't want to make the big boys look bad, so maybe we'U just park it. I do hope to see a lot of you there. It looks like it will be a lot of fun as always. FAIR meets the first and third W ednesdays of the month at the Fullerton Holiday Inn located at the 91 Freeway and Harbor Blvd., at 8:00 p.m. We always welcoi:ne guests and prospective members, both car owners and people inter-ested in pitting and having a good time. It's a great way to get involved in the sport. See you there. ,VYOKOHAMA ~SUPPORT TEAM By Dennis Rogers In racing there are always winners and losers, but on July 2 . we all lost. The death of Walt Lott is a great loss to off road racing. The Support Team offers our deepest sympathy to Edna and the family. He will be missed. I would like at this time to apologize for my outburst of anger in the Yokohama Main Pit. -So, to all concerned, I regret my actions, but while I am apologiz-ing I also wish to explain the rea-son for the outburst. As a pit manager, volunteer safety is of utmost priority, and when spec-· tators and other racers and pit personnel jeopardize the safety of Yokohama Pit Personnel, the wrath of Dennis Rogers will be forthcoming. Safety must be maintained at all times. The Fireworks 250 normally starts late in the afternoon, but this year a new start time was established. Though not as hot at the start, mid race the heat was unbearable. The Yokohama Support T earn had three pits, the first being Wild Wash. Wild Wash was the busi-est of the three. A numb~r of tires were changed and quite a few radiators were cooled at this pit. Phil _and his crew did a fine job at this pit while battling the heat of the day. The second pit was at Checkpoint 4. Earl and his crew, usually the busiest of Yokohama Support, somewhat had the day off with only a ~-1600 and a few other minor repairs. Good job guys, and now you can stop com-plaining that you are always busy. The third and final pit was at Checkpoint 7. Steve 0. and his crew, like Earl's pit, had only a few customers and relaxed most of the dl!,y. Great job, guys. All in all Yokohama Support did a fine job at the Fireworks 250. While we cannot be in all places at all times, we hope we can be of service to all vehicles in need of assistance. This means we wilt. help all vehicles, whe·cher or not they run on Yokohama Tires. Riverside is ne.xt on the agenda, and we will he then~ to help anyone needing welding or minor repairs. After Riverside comes the Nevada 500. While it is still two months away, plans must now be made to prepare· for this race. Yokohama Support will have a pit between Start and Beatty, the second pit will be between Beatty and T onopah. The final pit will be between T onopah and Beatty. If you wish assistance for this race, y_ou must make arrangements prior to August 27th, and a fee of $35.00 will be charged for carry-ing your spare parts and/ or fuel. This fee covers the volunteer's gas. Contact Dennis Rogers at (818) 335-7757 days . Thanks to all the volunteers: Greg, Ed, Tony, Drew, Scott, Steve G., Robbie, Paul, Gary, Bob, Donnie, Joel, Toni, Dale, Charlie, Anna, Jim, Bob and Andy. I hope I didn't miss anyone. ¾ Thanks also !O the sponsors, German Auto, Perma Cool, Lothringer Electronics, Valvoline and the City of Barstow for host-ing this year's race. · If you wish to be a volunteer, contact Dennis Rogers at (818) 335-7757. See you at Riverside. AffENTION P-T TEAMS Send in your tales of triumph and troubles to DUSTY TIMES soon after a race and it will be featured on these pages. Send to: DUSTY TIMES 5531 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 Page 61
-classified ••• .. FOR SALE: Class 5 Conv., Fox, Bilstein, 30 gal. cell, Parker Pumper, 930 CVs, Wright power steering, everything fresh, _2332 Dyno Shop built motor. Best of everything. Gene Berg crank, wedge mated, Carillo rods, 142 true horsepower. One race on motor. $7,500 takes everything, spares included. Call (714) 626-8663. :FOR SALE: Class 5 convertible. Valley Performance 2240 engin!:!,.fresh Valley Performance bus transmission, Hew land gears, Bilsteins, Wright front end, power steering, 2 wheel disc brakes, secondary torsion bar set up, fuel cell, Beard seats. Prepped and ready to race. $10,000. Call Greg days (702) 641-1400 or eves before nine (702) 731-6708. FOR SALE: 32 foot American Traveler 5th wheel trailer, 1979 model. Ref. air, central heat, ste-reo, fully equipped kitchen and .bath. Make offer. Call ( 805) 268-1644. FOR SALE: Class 5, race ready, fresh motor & trans, all Hewland gears, P.S. by Unique, 32 gal. cell, trailer and spares and all equip. $-S,500 OBO. Call (619) 728-0837. FOR SALE: Rally Cars: 1980 Corolla T-C, ex-Watanabe/ Mil-ler. Rolled, $2000. Volvo 242 ;>pecial. A winner for $5000! 1986 Corolla SRS/GTS roller, $1000. Volvo 343, the only one in US, $ 1000. Also, CLOSE OUT PRICES on seats, belts, tires, wheels, lights, pins, etc. Call Topi (818) 765-5542 6-10 p.m. DO YOU NEED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE? Experienced driver/ co-driver will pay l / 2 of entry fee just to ride along! Will pay much more if permitted to share di;iving. Vehicle must have finished in top five in at least one of the last five desert races ( excep-tions considered). Call John Becka days at (213) 387-3829. FOR SALE: Class 1-1600, very competitive. Hatz motor, Neth suspension, Fox shocks, UMP steering, Parker Pumper, Beard seat. Race ready. $12,500. Call Joe at (714) 676-8084. FOR SALE: Class 5 Jimco, HORA/SCORE points champ. 2 races since complete rebuild, all new rear suspension, latest Wright front end, new 2400cc Type 1. Car is race ready. $17,000. Ca:n be purchased with-out engine and transmission for $12,500. Call John at (619) 583-2488 eve., (619) 562-1743 days. FOR SALE: 1985 Class 3 or 4 -Jeep CJ 7 off road racer. Race ready. 1988 points series winner. Call Rick Rogers at (715) 886-3117 or 886-5709. · FOR SALE: Beaut-iful, new, two story home on Playas de San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico. Two bedroom, two bath, fire-place, tile throughout. All servi-ces available. Two blocks from the Sea of Cortez. Located in the best sport fishing and off road rac-ing area in the world. $75,000. Call Javier at (619) 459-0925 in La Jolla, CA. WANTED: Race cars for Mexico, not expensive. Please send photo-graph and price to Sr. Fernando Luna Gomez at N er~o R. Barragan No. 1395, San Luis Potosi, S.L.P. C.P. 78220, Mexico. FOR SALE: 1985 Nissan Sta-dium truck - previously driven by Roger Mears and Sherman Balch. FJ-24 motor, all glass body and. full frame, Class 7 SCORE legal, $15,000.1982 Nissan Class 7S, only two races on truck, $4,000. Must sell or find sponsor. Call David at ( 414) 865-7792. FOR SALE: Class 2 Raceco Eagle. Absolute "state of the art" in design, fabrication, and equip-ment. 135" WB, 420 HP, 291 CID 90° Fischer alum. block Chevrolet V6, Powerglide trans., Winters quick-change rear end, plus many spare parts, including 14 mounted tires. Over $80,000 invested. Asking $39,500 for package or $31,500 w/ o engine. Will consider partial trade for clean street car or SCCA road race car of comparable value. Only raced three times. Excellent condition. Must see to appreciate the quality and potential of this car. Call Dick Young, days (213) 426-1912, eves. (213)498-7812. FOR SALE: Snap-on Master tool cabinet, top box, 4 accessory cabinets, and 20 year collection of hand and power tools. $5000 or trade for vehicle. Call Vance at (805) 583-0377, WANTED: Tandem axle trailer to haul ~y Jeep on. 14 or 15 ft. long. Must have brakes and be FOR SALE: Chenowth Class 10 short course car. Fat Rabbit motor, tall cage, race ready. $12,500 to $19;500 depending on equipment wanted. Call (602) 271-9048 or (602) 995-2461. . reasonably priced. Call Monty at (805) 946-2482. FOR SALE: Shor·t course (River-side) transmission -002 - with 5:86 R&P. 1:70 3rd, 1:43 4th,. stock 1st and 2nd. All new parts from VW. Built for John Starner's Class 10 Rabbit powered car. Identical to trans that Brian Harber won with in '86. $1,000. Call Marv Shaw at (714) 674-7365. FOR SALE: Class 1-1600, very competitive. 1985 VORRA class winner. Wright front end, Beard seat, Sway-A-Way in rear, fuel cell, 105" WB and more. Turn key car. $6,500 or $3,500 w/ o engine and trans. Call Randy at (702) 329-0940 or (702) 827-9121. FOR SALE: 1:IEWLAND DG 300 trans by Doug Fortin. Com-plete prep in April '88. 50 miles, test only, $6,500. 2700ccFattype IV, dual W ebers and all the good stuff. Zero miles since prep in June '88, $6,500. Call John at (213) 595-5545. FOR SALE: 2 seat Hi Jumper, 108" WB, Dura Blue axles, Wright, Sway-A-Way, Fox PS shocks, Parker Pumper, Beard seats, Neal pedals, 22 gal. ATL cell, bus trans, .Power steering. $6,200. Call Mike at (916) 645-1169. FOR SALE: Beautiful 2 bed-room; triple wide on two . large . lots, ( one with fruit bearing trees). Ideally laid out for use by two families or a family wanting separation or privacy from child-ren's room. Located at Blue Water Lagoon in Parker, AZ. Enjoy swimming, boating, water skiing and off road racing. Home of the Parker 400 Off Road Race. Will take$8,000cash for $16,000 equity and you take over pay-ments -or $54,000 total. Prin-cipals only. Call (602) 669-5547 or write, H.G. Hartgerink, Box 512, Parker, AZ 85344. r-----------------~-------------------------~, 1 · Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I I DUSTY TIMES. ; Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIM~-· A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if y~u act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All classified ads mu'st be paid in advance. I I I I I I I I .. I I· I Enclosed is $ ____ _ (Send check or money order, no cash). Pleas.e run ad _______ times. I Name Address -----------------------Phone _______ _ •• I I I I City. ___________________ State _____ Zip ______ _ Page 62 August 1988 Mail to: ·DUS.TY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 I I I I I I FOR SALE: A complete racing package - 1981 Chevy Class 8 truck, 355 w/Rancho Suspen-. sion, 50 gal. fuel cell, Mastercraft seats, 35 BFO, Art Carr trans, many spare components, tires, wheels, shocks, fenders, suspen-sion, and steering, etc. $25,000 OBO (619) 922-5411 ask for Mike. FOR SALE: Tom Koch's 1986 Curnutt Raceco. PROVEN CLASS ·WINNER! 1st at '88 Parker 400,. 2nd at '88 Great _Mojave 250. Car is prepped and race ready less drive train. Just drop in an engine and trans and race Class 1 or 10. Many spare parts. For more information call (714) 535-4437 and ask for Dave. FOR SALE: 1985 HINO Turbo Diesel Tractor with 2 storage compartments, tire rack, A/ C and 6 speed transmission. Also includes a 42' Wells Cargo 5th wheel trailer. Trailer includes a compressor and generator. For more information contact David Ramsay at (714) 486-4948. ----FOR SALE: Class 14 Isuzu Trooper. 250 HP, two 9" rear ends, many spares and extras. Can also be 7 4x4 or Class 3. $6,500 OBO. Call Rick at (818) 363-3418. ' FOR SALE: 5-1600 race car parts. New European 1600cc race motor, Don Strong race trans, Dura .Blue stup axles, complete anodized dash w /2 VDO gauges, 6 waterproof switches, door pan-els, 1 set ofT ype 4 bus CV s, front Sway-A-Way 5 leaf springs, Bil-stein steering stabilizer w / bracket, 4 inner tubes and 1 gal. of sealent, 4 Bilsteins 8", and 2 coils. Used Fuel Safe and 26mm torsion bars. Contact Alex Bourland at ·555 Barrington #2219, West Los Angeles, CA 90049. · FOR SALE: Ex Pipeline Class 5 swing axle, built trans, 1600 DP, Zeniths, full cage, wide front end, etc. This car has won alot of races; has been gone through and is ready to pre-run, still trick, some spares. $3,100. Call Bob at (213) 664-6989. Dusty Times
FOR SALE: 1965 VW pre-run bug. lOH link pin, long travel, Y body lift, IRS rear suspension, fresh close ratio trans, new 1700cc Pemex burner, custom bumpers, skid plates, racing seats, brakes and new throw out. $3,500 OBO. 1800cc dual port all chrome VW engine $1,000. New bus trans 4/86 R/ P $1,250. Call Jim Johnson at (702) 438-9488. HELP WANTED: Engineering Section Head/Group Leader -Responsible for technical guid-ance and motivation of design and development personnel for this rapidly growing automotive sus-pension system mfg. company. This position requires Bachelors or Masters Degree in Engineering and min. 4 yrs. exp. in related position. Send resume to Person-nel, Rancho Suspension, P.O . Box 5429, Long Beach, CA 90805. The Weatherman Radio Relay Report. By Bob Steinberger If you were in Mexico for the Baja 500, and needed radio relay help, and didn't hear my voice, it wasn't because your radio didn't work! I and my vehicle were banned from the Mt. Diablo Observatory, because of the gate incident from last year's Baja 500, described in earlier columns. Rory Sena, a regular on the Weatherman Radio Relay Crew, took over for me, and my son Scott (W eatherboy) took over Rory's job on 151.715. The relay was difficult to accomplish without the commun-ications capabilities of my vehicle. Also, having only two people where three is a bare necessity, posed some challenges. Losing the Mt. Diablo site at the Observatory puts a large damper on my ability to continue, the Weather Radio Relay at Score races in Mexico. I've got to get Government permission to get FOR SALE: Class 1 or 10 frame. Chromoly, bolt on components and race. $800. Call James at HELP WANTED: Principle (619) 253-2633. · Engineers/Group Leaders-FOR SALE· Ch h Automotive Products _ Will H • enowt two lead groups of associate engineers sBeeatedr, 100 BWFGB, JamJar kpedals, and technl. I I . h b ar seats, s on ac mans, ca personne m t e .1 d design and development of diver-u1 t motor an tranny, extras, Sl·f1·ed at t ' d clean:startedaChallengerbutgot u omo 1ve pro uct 'd k d R d r f d groups includin rubber and s1 _e trac e . ea y ior un, ne~ S· 1 · ' • g l . a little to race. $2,900. Call Mike p ast1cs, aut?mot1ve e ectromcs, at ( 619) 485_9410 and accessories. Bachelors Degree · in Engineering or related field FOR SALE: 5-1600 pre-runner. required. Competitive salary, SCORE legal cage, Revisor excellent benefits! Send resume to shocks, Beard seats, 15 gal. fuel Personnel, Rancho Suspension, cell, much more. Call (818) 331-P.O. Box 5429, Long Beach, CA5 _0_8_5_. _________ _ 90805. HELP WANTED: Engineering Technicians - Exp. in produc-tion of sketches, drawings, and bills of materials. Computer usage, CAD, and automotive exp. helpful. "Hands-on" p·osition which requires candidate to be mechanically-oriented. Two yrs. of college required (preferably in the engineering field). Stable, growing company! Apply at Ran-cho Suspension, 6925 Atlantic Avenue in Long Be;ich. HELP WANTED: Prototype Technician -Fabricates steel parts from verbal instructions, sketches, and blueprints, installs and removes prototype parts on .vehicles. Involves MIT & TIG' welding, iron work, tube bender and hydraulic press brake opera-tion, electric eye flame cutting, auto mechanics, fixture building, and sheet metal fabrication. Apply at Rancho Suspension, 6925 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach. HELP WANTED: Inspectors-Quality Control -QC. inspec-tors experienced in dimensional inspection of various types of assemblies are needed in our high performance suspension system mfg. facility. Knowledge of welded assemblies and metal a plus. Will use precision measur-ing instruments, read and inter-pret blueprints, and do layouts. Apply at Ranch Suspension, 6925 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach. WANTED: Class 10 or 1-2-1600 ride. Will share all cost and buy part of car if necessary. Call (805) 529-1005 Gary Johnson. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Type One Fat motor. 2180cc roller crank, fresh." Days (714) 594-3858 or nites (818) 332-7656. HELP WANTED: Development Engineer -Responsible for development and documentation of design and overall product specification. Bachelors Degree in Engineering or Industrial Tech-nology and min. 3 yrs. exp. required. High performance sus-pension system mfg. company. Competitive salary, excellent benefits! Send resume to Person-nel, Rancho Suspension, P .0. Box 5429, Long Beach, CA 90805. HELP WANTED: Production Supervisor -Rancho Suspen-sion is seeking to fill this position immediately. Will superyise 20-30 employees in a warehouse environment. Requires 3 yrs. of supervisory exp., preferably in the automotive aftermarket, and some PC operation. Apply at 6925 Atlantic Ave., Long Beach or send resume to Personnel, P .0 . Box 5429, Long Beach, CA 90805. HELP WANTED: Production Manager - Manages production, materials, and quality control, mfg. engineering, and manufac-turing for our suspension system mfg. facility. Responsible for metal fabrication and production assembly areas. Five yrs. exp. and Bachelors Degree in Mfg. Engi-neering or related field. Send resume to Rancho Suspension, Personnel, P.O. Box 5429, Long Beach, CA 90805. back on the mountain. If any of you readers have some pull, or ideas, let me know. Sal Fish said there wasn't enough time to do anything before the 500 this year. I hope there is enough time prior to the 1000. As I write this, I am getting the biggest kick out of "MacGyver", as he keeps wanting me to go out to my Scout and hear Rory talking with Australia on high frequency. Rory, after working the Baja relay for 18 hours, spent Sunday night at Papagyas talking on the radio making new friends all over the world. Connie "MacGyver" (KG6NK), with ropes, rocks, wire and antenna coax, made an antenna system. Throwing rocks with rope into the palm trees and hoisting up his homemade antenna, they made radio contact with Australia, Argentina, Africa, Italy, France, Russia, Canada, Columbia and Hawaii. I am very fortunate to have such talented and dedicated people helping with the race communications. Many of you may not be aware of the changes prior to the Baja 500 in the Seore Medical T earn. Much of it has been discussed here before, but the result is that Tom Ruddick of the S.T.A.R. Medical T earn is no longer the head of Score's medics, and most of his team departed with him. Rick Marshall was installed as head of the team, or to be exact Director of the new Score Medi-cal Team. However, many of the S.T.A.R. people were working the race in Mexico, independent of the organizers. Some were working with Mike Lesle Racing, traveling with the chase crews, INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Allied -Fram . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 All Terrain Enterprises . . . . . . . 12 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . 15 Boulevard GMC ............ 21 Brush Run 101 .. .. .. .. .. .. . 37 Car Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . . . 6 Desert Fabricators . . . . . . . . . . 18 FAT Performance . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Firestone Tire & Rubber CO. . . . 25 Fluid Damper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Ford Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 General Tire Motorsports . . . . . 9 Glen Helen DHV Park . . . . . . . . 35 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . . 2 HORA Nevada 500 . . . . . . . . . . 7 IPF Motorsports . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 KC Hilites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Kingman Labor Day Sand Drags . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Mazda Motors of America . . . . 5 McKenzie Automotive . . . . . . . . 28 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . 40 Nissan ................. 32-33 PCI Race Radios . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Plaster City Blast . . . . . . . . . . . 41 SAW Inc .................. 45 Marvin Shaw Performance Produc~ .............. . 42 Simpson Race Products . . . . . . 53 SNORE 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Station 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Toyota Motorsports ... Back Cover Trackside Photo Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Tri Mil Industries . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Valley Performance -Hewland ................ 22 VORRA -Yerington 250 . . . . . 31 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Yokohama Tire Corp. . . . . . . . . 17 August 1988 and others were stationed with me at San Matias Pass. Every one along San Matias Pass saw numerous potential accident possibilities. Having a race course on a two lane road with opposing regular traffic as well as opposing race traffic at speeds of over 100 miles per hour breeds potential for serious crashes. There was one last June, between the racingJeep ofJohn Dyck and a private vehi-cle, reported last month in DUSTY TIMES. Luckily it was close to my location and the S.T.A.R. medics were handy. The Weatherman Radio Relay is giving over its secondary help channel, 151.715, to the use of the B.F.G. Relay. Why? Two rea-.. sons. First, to provide a better relay effort ~y eliminating80 per-cent of the self-inflicted interfer-ence between two frequencies, 151.625 and 151.715, which are just too close. Second, to ulti-mately better serve our own cus-tomers on a new frequency in the 154 MHZ band. All P.C.l. Race Radio cus-tomers may bring in, or ship their radios to P.C.l., to have the new 154 MHZ band channel put in before the HORA Nevada Gold Coast 500. Any ideas, comments, or sug-gestions, please call Bob Stein-berger at (213) 427-8177. 1988 Rothanans Jordan Rally By Marti~ Holmes In one of t~e most exciting finishes to a Middle East rally for many years, Mohammed Bm Sulayem from Dubai continued his unbroken string of successes. The reigning Middle East Champion pipped Qatar's Saeed Al Hajri to the winning post of the Rothmans Jordan Rally as it finished in Amman on Friday, June 17th. After the third and final day of the rally saw a lead switch between these two. Sulayem 's Toyota Celica Twincam Turbo led the event from the second day, when Welshman David Llewellin retired his leading Audi Quattro with electrical problems in the engine. Sulayem held the lead then and overnight on 1!'urs?ay in Amman, but a lengthy gearbox change for his Toyota dropped him within the grasp of second placed Al Hajri. The Qatar driver grasped the incentive and ~hot past Sulayem into the lead, only to slide off the road briefly on the penultimate stage of the total 37 and damaged his Audi's suspension. The Audi, however, then struck trouble with its electrics and incurred penalties after being pushed through a control point, giving victory to Sulayem on the final stage of the three day, 1250km third round of this year's FIA Middle East Championship. On the final stage he nearly retired with head gasket failure. HRH Prince Abdullah celebrated his second ever third place finish in his home round of the six event series, his Opel Manta leading home Sweden's Ola Stromberg in a Saab 900. ATTENTION ALL H.D.R.A. MEMBERS Many of you may not be aware that your membership in the High Desert Racing Association no longer brings with it a subscription to Dusty Times. As of January 1988 HDRA has its own member oriented publication, now part of their membership package. We regret the inconvenience, but the decision was not ours. Dusty Times has continued to fulfill all existing HDRA membership subscriptions, and will continue to do so until they expire. But, we did disco_ver at the Fireworks 250 that many drivers felt they were still renewing their Dusty Times subscription when they rejoined HD RA. Not so! So, if you are getting renewal notices from us, or your copy of Dusty Times no longer comes in the mail, you now know the reason. Your Dusty Tlmes mailing label shows the expiration date of your HDRA subscription in the upper right hand comer, with a number, for example, 7 /88. That means your membership subscription expired with the July 1988 issue. If you wish to renew, which· we are sure you will, use the handy subscription blank on the masthead page, and send it directly to Dusty Times. Page 63
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