Volume 5 - Number 6 - June 1988 $1.25 . ISSN 8750-1732 Covering the world of competition in the dirt ••
- . CALIFORNIA GOLD TEAMMATES ROD-MILLEN AND GLENN HARRIS WIN FIRSl TWO EVENTS IN MICKEY THOMPSON Off ·ROAD GRAN PR~I SERIES. Mazda began the year with a gold rush, taking commanding early leads in the Manufacturers' and Drivers' points stanilings for 1988. At Anaheim Stadium, Rod Millen won. Then, at San Diego's Jack Murphy Stadium, it was Glenn Harris 's turn. And Mazda drivers won three of four heat races, too. As a matter of fact, three different Mazda drivers h~ve won the last three Grand National Sport Truck main events of 1987-1988. Proving that if you drive a Mazda, you have ~ a solid gold aavantage over anyone who aoesn't.
Volume 5 - Number 6 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Associate Jan Flick Mazzenga Controller John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic John Howard Contributors Darla Crown C & C Race Photos Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Deb Freimuth Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Rod Koch Cam McRae David Ryskamp Judy Smith John Sprovkin Linda Whigham 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Enterprises Ken Vanderhoof Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services SNAPSHOT June 1988 THI OfflCIAL VOICE Of . PROFESSIONAL ■ AMERICAN ■ CANADIAN o Off-ROAD ~ A R~CING~ Subscription Rates: ~-c~~ ~~ $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Un,;olicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, · stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-173i is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 De~ry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this p_ublication may be reproduced without written permis-sion from ,the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address.· Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. OF THE MONTH ••• In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page. HORA Nissan Mint 400 ............................ 16 ADRA Penasco 250 ................................ 26 MTEG at Seattle's Kingdome ............ · ............ 32 PAC Horn Rapids 240 ... ......................... . 36 Trans Amazon/South America Rally . . ............... 38 SCCA Happy Trails Pro Rally ....................... 39 WRC Marlboro Safari Rally ........................ : 42 HPORRA at Black Hills Speedway ................... 44 FORDA's Florida 400 .............................. 45 VORRA at Prairie City ... , ...................•..... 49 Rim of the World Rally ............ _. ............... 50 DEPARTMENTS Soap Box by Bob Steinberger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . Happenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tech -Tips by Bill Savage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Trail Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Side Tracks by Judy Smith ....... '. .................. 41 Weatherman Radio Relay Report by Bob Steinberger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 SCCA So-Pac Division Rally Report by Lynnette Allison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Pit T earn Register and Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Yokohama 6-50 Club Report ........................ 49 Good Stuff Directory ........ : ..................... ·52 The Losers by Judy Smith ........................... 57 Classified Ads . . . ...................... ............. , 58 Pony Express . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Manufacturer's Advisory Board Report ......... ...... 59 Index to Advertisers ............................. : . 59 · ON THE COVER-Two big winners at the Mint 400 live a continent apart, but finished wfrhin a few rni!1utes of each other in the dusty conditions. Congratulations to Californian Mark McMillin who scored the overall and Class l victory at the Mint 400, after some years of being very close. Mark drove his Chenowth/ Porsche alone to his big victory in the very quick time of 7:46.16 on the faster than usual Mint 400 course. Floridian Jimmie Crowder has been trying for some years too, to not only win, but to finish a Mint 400. This year he did both! With Gary Thistlewood riding along, Jimmie drove the entire distance in the Raceco to a terrific victory in Class,2, and he finished a close second overall. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Enterprises. I\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $11.00 □ i years - $i0.00 □ 3 years - $30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus ••• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. Stuck in the silt was a familia~ story at the Mint 400. The advantage of competing in a tw_o seat race car means there 1s extra strength to push, but by the railrOjld trestle Mitch Mitchell and Ernie Castro got help from friendly bystanders. Apparently the push did not revive the 1600 Chenowth, as the luckless team, not far from the finish line here, did_ not complete the first lap. Photo by Trackside Photo Enterprises. · . DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster 'for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. ff you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, Sx7 or 8xl0 will be considered. I • (Form on'inside back page) Name--------------------'-----------Address -------------------------City State-----------------Zip ________ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - I _year $15.00 U.S. • Ove_rseas subscription r.ites quoted on request) I I I I I I I I I -I I I I Dusty Times June 1988' Page 5
Soap Box ••• An Open Letter to Steve Spirko{{ & Larry Rae By Bob 11Weathennan11 Steinberger I'm sorry to see a situation between competitors escalate to the media, but since you opened the ball, you can dance to the music. Your soapbox was full of static (like your radios), there was one area where you were loud and clear, WE NEED BARRA BACK! The rest of your nar-rative needs clarification. virtue of your relay qn the main race frequencies. I contacted Frank De Angelo of BFQ by phone, and he agreed to my logic, that you cannot have "two traffic officers, independent of each other, directing traffic at the same intersection." I suggested to move the now BFG relay to 151.685, ( a frequency in every radio that has ever been sold by any of the old time companies in off road rac-ing), and one of the original 4 SCORE channels. Frank wanted 151.7-15 for BFG, but understood that I needed a second channel to get thru on when 151.625 was tied·up with traffic, or was out of service because of a stud.: on transmitter. I suggested 151.685 for BFG relay, which was too close a frequency for me to use. ( 151.625 vs 151.685 -only .060 Khz separation.) Frank agreed, and I thought the issue was #1 -"Gable Relay" being created by a heartfelt letter from the Weatherman, being knee deep in snow atop "P" mountain in Parker, handling an overwhelm-ing amount of radio traffic. "Our actions were met with immediate resistance, and negative opinion by the Weatherman." My nega-tive reaction was that a high powered team (Gable) should be using a frequency other than my two help frequencies for their rac-ing effort. You wer~ trying to showcase the Uniden radio by · OFF ROAD RACING 1988 DESERT SERIES MAY28&29 Yokohama/VORRA Big 400 YERINGTON, NEVADA JUNE 25 & 26 Virginia City Classic 200 VIRGINIA CITY, NEVADA SEPT. 3 & 4 Yerington/VORRA 250 YERINGTON, NEVADA TOTAL ENTRY FEE$350.00/$200.00 INTO RACE PURSE SHORT COURSE SERIES MAYS Mother's Day Spring Special PRAIRIE CITY OHV PARK - SACRAMENTO, CA JULY 17 Sunday Day Race PRAIRIE CITY OHV PARK - SACRAMENTO, CA -AUG. 7 Hot and Wild Summer Race PRAIRIE CITY OHV PARK - SACRAMENTO, CA Oct. 2 Short Course Off Road Race PRAIRIE CITY OHV PARK - SACRAMENTO, CA Oct. 30 1988 Championship Off Road Race PRAIRIE CITY OHV PARK - SACRAMENTO, CA TOTAL ENTRY FEE$150.00/$100.00 INTO RACE PURSE VALLEY OFF ROAD RACING ASSOC. NORTHERN CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA 1833 LOS ROBLES BLVD., SACRAMENTO, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 Page 6 settled! But RLH -Uniden, do to the host community's local is wasted and unproductive tiqie. never put 151.685 into his ra9ios, communications for the three A direct radio to radio response is and thus, couldn't use it for relay days of a race weekend?)." Read always better. If Jamie's injury for his customers, and has used my monthly column with regards was of a se.rious life threatening our secondary channel to this to amplifiers and who uses them, nature, I would have gone directly date! and how many are really on the to the medics, eliminating #2 _ "In 1985, the Weather, course, and who put them there. BARRA, and the possibility of manandTomRuddick,(S.J.A.R. #6 -With regard to your lost time. In fairness to BARRA's Medical Director for SCORE premise of the Ontario agree, amateur status, I would have sub, Medical T eam), attempted to ment, that "both Tom Ruddick sequently told them of the emer, create their own medical net, and the Weatherman created gency, so they could in fact, work." I o bject to the word their own 'network' independent broadcast it on amateur band ATTEMPTED, we actually did it! of BARRA.'' We created the radio, to keep their amateur status W e created a separate FM radio network i~ 1985, as previously intact. Racing safety has no room network for the medics that was . explained. In 1987, when you for BULL -politics. Yours, reliable and independent of other gave your free radios, you admit BARRA's or SCORE's! communications. Emergency to giving the S.T.A.R. Medical #8 -"We take personal communications were never bet, effort two handhelds, and two 36 offense to the Weatherman's con, ter! There were never response channel FM dash mount radios, tinued misinformation printed i.n times that equaled what we now (Column 3, Paragraph 4 ). That's a DUSTY TIMES, and On Dirt, had! total of four radios for a medical both January 1988 issues, from team that has a control point, a Uniden only providing three #3 -"In stepped the Weath, · d h d r erman, and he offered to do it for relay point, and 8 to 12 field ra ios tot e me ics." (Reier to $ operators!! One of the four radios Soapbox, Column 3, Paragraph 10.00 per racer, per event." I felt 4) I f d that the Weatherman Radio failed on delivery, was returned, . veri ie , at the Mint race, l ld and never seen again. So it was with Tom Ruddick, the Medical Re ay cou be substantially three radios for the medical team, Director; Robert Verde, a Medic; improved with volunteer person, d k h and twenty for the media team. an Ric Mars al, the new Medi, nel, with radios at each cheek-y ea Spirit =-Yea U niden. In the cal Director, that there were 3, III, point on the main race frequency h h d meantime, since Uniden was pro-t at's t ree, Uni en radios for a · to monitor for transmissions I viding radios to the medical team, team that had to have 11 radios. couldn't hear, and to find lost cars and report on a secondary chan, and my 10 free radios were no The other 8 were supplied by nel. We needed isolation cavities longer needed, I loaned them to F .A.I.R. memb.ers, Checker h ld I d pit clubs, to enhance the response members, and PCI Race Radios, t at wou prec u e our interfer, · l bl h d time in finding lost cars. The net, as correct y pu is e in both ing with existing communications work that we have created in 1985 periodicals!! equipment atop a mountain top and 1986, we recreated in 1988, #9 -How I went around the repeater site, our interfering with so the medics had their own inde, gate at the Mt. Diablo Observa, ourselves utilizing the same Pendent radio network. Sorry tory! · vehicular power supply, antennas h Steve and Larry. Your independ-1) I arrived at the locked common to t e same ground b ent FM network wouldn't talk o servatory gate 25 minutes source, etc. I related my problem from medic control to the first before the race was to begin. Bob of trying to provide a better and more efficient relay effort to sev, checkpoint! Your repeaters Hynes, BFG Relay, could shed no wouldn't work, and your repeater light on why the gate was locked! eral people including P.aula Simms, the then "Voice of Good-frequency was a joke. . (Note: this was our 5th or 6th year", and now PR consultant to #7 -"We at Spirit holtl both time on this mountain. The upper Tom Ruddick and Bob Stein, gate had never been locked racers. THEY suggested the ber $10.00 per racer, per event! It berger responsible for this pro, 1ore.) wasn't to make money for Bob gram's demise; for their unwaver, 2) I tried all my repeater be ing refusal to coo_perat for the keys, and that failing, I four,wheel Stein rger, it was to present a d d h good of the sport." The parties to rove aroun t e gate! It was light professional relay! It wasn't to h d k the Ontario agreement, BARRA, enoug to see! -I idn't use my circumvent BARRA, or ta e the and S.T.A.R. Medical, each left headlights! I didn't ruin any on, place of any existing communica, the meeting with their own feel- going experiments, and I only did tions network! I never asked any r ings to the specific agreement. it 1or one reason! At the start of racer or race team for any money! th 6 00 f BARRA's feeling was that they e race, : 'or irst light for The Weatherman Radio Relay b k d would dispatch the medics to i es, I was responsible to moni, was, an is, FREE!!! keep their amateur status, "in the torl54.600,thelowpoweremer, #4-"Meanwhile, both Parker interest of public health and pub-gency channel at SCORE races for and Lucerne ran without BARRA. lie safety." Once the·medics were bikers using handhelds! Even with an excess of 30 FM dispatched, they could use their 3) It was not the efforts of radios provided by Uniden to own radios to zero in on the acci- BFG that gained us permission to SCORE, and their medical units, dent scene. S.T.A.R. Medical left use MountDiablo. Sal Fish is the flaws were still found in the FM the meeting with the knowledge one responsible for gaining the system." You then also said, that they had, intact, their own ongoing permission. "Luckily they didn't involve independent radio network, and #10-ThattheBFGRelaywas major injury or death." The med, could operate independently on on the air before the first bike left ical team, since 1985 had been the commercial band radio sys, the line, and waited for the gate to given free radios by PACE and tern. They had agreed fo being be opened by the authorities! PCI. In late 1986, Tom Ruddick initially dispatched by BARRA. Horsepuckyl!! They were on the came to me and said Uniden has At Parker, this is exactly what air 22 minutes after the first car offered us fifteen radios, three happened. Even when my friend, left the line! Bob Hynes told me handhelds, and a repeater with no Jamie Martinez, fell off Stroppe's) that he was so.rry that the Soap, contingencies. I told Tom I was a truck, and broke his ankle, I box was printed without his businessman, and could under, relayed the information to knowledge, and pefore he could stand why he would change sys, BARRA, who in turn relayed it to correct some. of the mis in, terns particularly since my radios S.T.A .R . Medical personnel. I formation. were contingent, that after the had two S.T.A.R. Medical per, #11-Yourallegationstoward race, I would take them back, and sonnel helping me with the Tom Ruddick are confused -use them for HORA, SNORE, Weatherman Radio Relay, and wrong, and inappropriate, but FUD, wherever they were needed. could have circumvented BARRA Tom will do his own thing. At Parker ( 1987), the medics had for a more direct response, and no By now, you're probably tired only three Unidens. They came to one would have known, as the of dancing, so I'll stop the music. me for help, and I supplied them incident was reported on P.S. Should you wish to tango all they needed, including a spare Stroppe's own frequency. We fol- again, let's not do itin the media!!! or two for the U nidens. Yes, the lowed the agreed upon protocol. Volunteers are invited to climb on Parker and Lucerne races were We always have cooperated with their "Soap Box" and fill this space run without BARRA, however' BARRA. with their thoughts about what is they were run with a foll canting, I personally think double relays good and what is not so good about ent of radios for the medics. Yes, h f h y ds are time consuming, and hold the t e state o t e sport. our wor , Steve and Larry, your FM system potential for erroneous informa, short of being libelous, will be had flaws, but mine didn't. They tion. You have to monitor all the printed, so send along your praise or were both, perfectly safe races. frequencies being used for the damnation on your Soap Box topic. #5 - "(Have you any idea that multiple relays to verify the accu, Call or write DUSTY TIMES with 1000 FM radios, most of -them racy of the transmissions, and your Soap Box ideas and get on the tweaked out with 150 watt am~~ keep track of _the responses. This schedule. June 19N Dusty nma
at ' -Tune in Sundays for"Hidden Heroes"on the Nashville Network. Check local listings for time. Jack Johnson showed 'em who's king of the desert by capturing the Class 4 win in this year's Mint 400. And it took Fram/ Autolite to deliver all the power and dependa-bility Jack needed to defeat the unforgiving desert race course. , Congratulations, Jack, from your performance partners at Fram/ Autolite. We're w:ith you all the way in '88. Allied-Signal, Inc., Allied Aftermarket Division, East Providence, RI 02916. riil -Allied ~Signal
f 1988, HAPPENINGS ••• A.D:R.A. Arizona Desert Racin_g Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 July 16, 1988 High Country 150 Flagstaff, AZ September 3-4," 1988 Snowflake Buggy Bash Snowflak~, AZ October 15, 1988 Penasco 150 Sonora, Mexico December 3, 1988 Sonoita to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico BADGERLAND VW CLUB, INC. Terry Friday 5913 Fond Du Lac Road Oshkosh, WI 54901 ( 414) 688-5509 (All events located in Chilton, WI at the Fairgrounds Racing Facility) June 5, 1988 July 3, 1988 August 20-21, 1988 BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (818) 340-5750 July 29-31, 1988 Grari Carrera de T ecate Tecate, B.C. Mexico October 14-16, 1988 Gran Carrera de Campeones San Felipe, B.C. Mexico BONNEVILLE OFFROAD RACING ENTHUSIASTS }i!ll Baker P.O . Box 1583 Odgen, Utah 84402 (801) 627-2313 June 25, 1988 Wend over Express Wehdove_r, Utah . ' . ~G"o/~ 0 . ., August 6, 1988 Twilite 200 Wendover, Utah September 1 7, 1988 Bonneville Challenge . Wendover, Utah 1988 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2115 / (715) 478-2688 · June 25-26, 1988 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI September 2-4, -1988 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison 2001 Oakland Hills Drive ' Corona, CA 91720 (714) 736-1442 June 15, 1988 Pro Rally Forum Los Angeles, CA July 8-10, 1988 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ September 1 7, 1988 National Licensing School Los Angeles, CA September 24-25, 1988 Twin Rally Weekend Hungry Valley OHV Park Gorman, CA November 18-20, 1988 East of lndio Vlll Indio, CA January 28-29, 1989 Pro Rally Driving School (Location TBA) CHAMPLAIN V AI..:LEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (80i) 265-8618 June 5, 1988 Albany-Saratoga Speedway Malta, NY --r-, __z: ; 7 .i_ :z::--Page 8 July 3, 1988 Devils Bowl Speedway West Haven, VT . July 24, 1988 Albany-Saratoga Speedway M9lta, NY August 7, 1988 Devils Bowl Speedway Wes~ Haven, VT August 21, 1988 · Albany-Saratoga Speedway Malta,NY September 10-11, 1988 Vermont State Grand Prix Devils Bowl Speedway West Haven, VT _ · September 16-18, 1988 Eastern Motorsports Grand Prix & Awards Party Albany-Saratoga Speedway Malta, NY COLORADO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 9735 Colorado,Springs, CO 80932 June 11-12, 1988 Spring Teller County Hill Climb . Cripple Creek, CO July 5-10, 1988 Pikes Peak Auto Hill Climb Colorado Springs, CO (Promoted by the Pikes Peak Auto Hill C limb Assoc.) August 6-7, 1988 Continental Divide Auto Hill Climb Salida, CO September 3-4, 1988 I.ands End Auto Hill Climb 'Grand Junction, CO September 24-25, 1988 Fall Teller County Hill Climb Cripple Creek, CO CORVA 1601 10th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 (800) 237-5436 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 1717 Marker Road Polk City, FL 33868 (813) 984-1923 (305) 823-4487 June 12, 1988 Lakeland, FL i'Ell 'EM \~E'Rf .SUl?E~R'l''Rxn" -fHE\R '"If CM H June 1988-July 3, 1988 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL August 14, 1988 Lakeland, FL September 4, 1988 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL October 2, 1988 1 Lakeland, FL November 13, 1988 Lakeland, FL_ January 8, 1989 Lakeland, FL February 12, 1989 Lakeland, FL March 25, 1989 Aorida 400 Crowder Pits Tallahassee, FL . FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 . (619) 427-5759 August'-5-7, 1988 Superstition 250 V El Centro, CA September30-0ctober 1-2, 1988 Plaster City Blast El Centro, CA Decen.ber 30-31, 1988, January 1, 1989 , Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 927-6432 GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 665-0358/ (313) 996-9193 June 3, 1988 Milan, MI June 25-26, 1988 Sunner Nationals Oakley, MI July 2-3, 1988 Dixie/ STORE Midland, Ml (Tentative) July 15, 1988 Milan, MI July 29, 1988 Milan, Ml August 6-7, 1988 Sand-0-Rama Mears, MI August 12, 1988 Milan, Ml August 26, 1988 Milan, MI September 16, 1988 Milan, MI GREAT WESTERN -POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Knowlton 831 So. Jason Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-5537 June 5, 1988 S_r. Francis, KS June 12, 1988 Denver, CO July 16, 1988 Denver, CO August 14, 1988 St. Francis, KS· August 2 1, 1988 Denver, CO . HORA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 July 1-3, 1988 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 9-11, 1988 Nevada 500 Las Vegas, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Freeman -3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 342-0331 June 5 or 12, 1988 Beaver Creek Baja Jamestown, ND August 21, 1988 Gumbo Buttes Baja Pierre, SD October 22, 1988 Last Chance Baja Wall SD GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 ~ San Bernardino, CA 92406 (714) 880~1733 Off Road Races June 12, 1988 August 7, 1988 September 4, 1988 November 20, 1988 -United Sand Drag Association Sand Drags July 9, 1988 (Night Race) August 13 (Night Race) October 8-9, 1988 November 12-13 ICE CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURANCE SERIES P.O . Box 14824 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612) 639-0801 (612) 890-8693 IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events stageil at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION John Elliott - (51 7) 835-9923 Bob Ramlow - (616) 345-6407 Dusty nmcs
Tough? You don't know the meaning of the word until you've driven the Mint. Imagine a 400-mile sprint across trails etched out of the rug-ged, rock strewn des-ert south of Las Vegas. Drive conservatively, Jeep Comanche of Mike Lesle on Wrangler AT radials. and you don't have a chance of winning. Drive flat out, and the raw terrain will chew you to pieces. With only 29% of the 351 starters finishing, the 21st running of this off-road classic certainly lived up to its reputation. But, off-road champion Mike Lesle and his Goodyear Wrangler AT radials lived up to their reputations, too. With the aid of co-driver Cameron Steele, Lesle drove his Wrangler-shod Comanche to a convincing victory in class 7/ 4x4, beating his nearest rival by more than 50 minutes. It was the Goodyear driver's second win in as many races and his third in a row without a single tire failure. Goodyear Wrangler AT radials. They're the tires tough enough to carry Mike Lesle to victory and they're the ! same tough Wrangler radials you can buy at your local -Goodyear retailer. .. So, regardless of how the challenges your truck faces stack up to those of the Mint, Goodyear Wrangler radials can help keep the odds in your -favor. GOODEi'EAII BECAUSE THERE REALLY IS A DIFFERENCE. Wrangler ... MT. The newest member of the tough Wrangler radial family features a unique unidirectional tread design for maximum off-road performance.
MIDWEST OFF ROAD BAJA SERIES Rick Vasquez 1421 Lee Trevino D-1 El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 594-8266 ' June 11, 1988 150 miles Albuquerque, NM July 3-4, 1988 100 miles Decatur, TX August 13, 1988 O .O.R.R.A. 300 Oklahoma City, OK September 24, 1988 150 miles Albuquerque, NM November 5-6, 1988 Borderlanq Baja 250 El Paso, TX MIDWEST OFF ROAD CHALLENGE SERIES Tommy Bowling Rt. 6, Box 833C Midland, TX 79702 (915) 332-1537 -(915) 563-9154 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4100 O,ff Road Championship Gran Prix July 16, 1988 L.A. Coliseum Los Angeles, CA October 1, 1988 Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV Stadium Motocross June 18, 1988 L.A. Coliseum Los Angeles, CA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS 1421 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 0 00 []] 00 [JJ D (]J 00 00 0 DESERT LOCK OUTER 10.000 HOLE FOR EASY ACCESS TO LUG BOLTS 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8-1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP.-,,___,0, Standard Lock Outer Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength * At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing * All parts are available separately *In stock .;. Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 13" MIDGET 8"-10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED -MIDGET WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE Tb: 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 . (209) 275-5183 Page 10 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax August 6-7, 1988 200 miles Cars-ATVs-Bikes El Paso, TX November 5-6, 1988 250 miles Cars-ATVs-Bikes El Paso, TX OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL RALLY John Nagel P.O . Box 4254 T.umwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-9717 June 23-26, 1988 . Tacoma, WA ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamaker P.O. Box 688 Bancroft, O ntario, KOL lCO, Canada (613) 332-3811/(613) 332-1610 June 4, 1988 Supercross CNEStadium Toronto, Ontario July 9-10, 1988 Canadian Off Road Racing Southern Speedway Picton, Ontario July 16-17, 1988 7th Annual Highland Grove Highland Grove, Ontario July 30-31, 1988 . Budweiser 4x4 Weekend Brighton Speedway Brighton, Ontario August 13-14, 1988 10th Annual Canadian 4x4 Challenge Bancroft, Ontario September 3-4, 1988 Sandfest '88 Bingeman Park Kitchener, Ontario October 15-16, 1988 Oktoberfest '88 Bingeman Park Kitchener, Ontario ONTARIO OFF ROAD Ken Jackson - Dick Gillap R.R. #2 Tiverton, Ontario, Canada NOG ZT0 (519) 368-7874 (All events at Bingeman Park, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada) June 18, 1988 July 17, 1988 August 21, 1988 September 3-4, 1988 September 18, 1988 October 8-9, 1988 October 16, 1988 0 .0 .R.R.A. Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry 9220 N .E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 (405) 769-5491 (All races located at Freedom, OK) Vic Brur.nham Freedom Chapter President ( 405) 621-3428 August 13, 1988 O .O .R.R.A. 300 June 1988 ORSA Randy Miller 407 G Street, Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (213) 375-4570 · (213) 534-2747 June 25, 1988 Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA July 23, 1988 IMI Speedway Pearsonville, CA August 13, 1988 Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA September 10, 1988 Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA September 24 , 1988 Kings Speedway Hanford, CA November 26-27, 1988 IMI Speedway Pearsonville, CA ·PAC OFF ROAD RACING P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 July 15-16, 1988 400 Kilometer Race Ashcroft, B.C. Canada October 14-15, 1'988 Millican Valley 400 Millican Valle'y, O R November 5 , 1988 Awards Banquet (location TBA) POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD 113, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 All events in Monroeton, PA at the intersection of Routes 4 14 & 220. June 25-26, 1988 August 13-14, 1988 Eastern Off Road Shoot O ut Cayuga County Speedway W eedsport, NY August 2 7-28 , 1988 September 24-25, 1988 October 8-9, 1988 SAREEA AL JAMEL 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 526 Indio, CA 92202 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O . Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 June 4-6, 1988 Susquehannock Trails Rally Wellsboro, PA August 26-28, 1988 Ojibwe Rally Grand Rapids, MN October 21-23, 1988_ Marquette 500 Marquette, Ml October 28-29, 1988 Press On Regardless Rally Houghton, Ml November 12-13, 1988 Wild West Rally Tacoma, WA November (TBA) Barbary Coast Rally San Francisco, CA SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-92 16 June 3-5, 1988 Baja Internacional Ensenada,·BC, Mexico August 12-14, 1988 Off Road World Championship Riverside, CA November 10-13, 1988 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, Mexico December 3, 1988 Off Roadsman Awards Banquet (location TBA) SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac • Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 June 11-12, 1988 Moores, New York July 9-10, 1988 Moores, New York August 6--7, 1988 Moores, New York September 3-4, 1988 Moores, New York October 1-2, 1988 Moores, New York SCORE SHOW Edgell Expositions P.O. Box 1953 1 Irvine, CA 92713 (714) 250-8060 July 22-24, 1988 Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA SILVERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS Roger Wells 225 W . Foster Ave. • Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 564-2677 (All events but the finale held at Las Vegas International Raceway.) SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O . Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 r;.,.. gr-Dusty nmcs
THE//1 I f , OF AMERICA IS WINNING ............... ---~-~ ...... - - -- ----- -- - -- -----~---- -- - ------ - -- - ------... ------TEAM CHEVY DOMINATES IN THE DESERT. Thunder rolled across the desert and special(y modiliedRY.llr· Chel(Y trucks flew to six class wins in the first four races of the SCORE/HORA off-road desert season. Ir Larry Rag/ands Che"'J' S-10 outmuscled the com-petition at the Parker 400 and the Mint 400 races. Jeff McPherson returned to off-road racing with a victo,y in an S-10 4x4 at the Gold Coast 300. And full-size Chei,y pickups proved their toughness and durability when Steve McEachern won in his 2-wheel-drive Chel(Y at the Parker 400 and when Scoop IA:>sselr piloted his 2-wheel-drive pickup to first in the Great Mqjave 250 where Jerty MacDonald also won his class in a full-size Chel(Y 4x4. The Mint, 400 miles of heat, dust and bouldetS. But if it were anything less we wouldn't have been there. This kind of competition helps us prove and improve designs that make Cher,y trucks as tough as they are today. In fact, from the race-proven engines to our innovative lnsta-lrac 4-wheel-drive, the technology that makes us a winner in the desert helps make your Chei,y pickup a winner on the street Because at Chevrolet, quality is a way of life. BEWARE THE Rl:D BOWTIE, L. t?
SNORE August 6-7, 1988 VORRA August 12-14, 1988 10th Annual Brancrofr July 2-3, 1988 Hodag 50 Valley Off Road Racing Association Challenge Southern Nevada Off Dixie Autocross Rhinelander, WI Road Enthusiasts 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Bancroft, Ontario, Canada' Midland, Ml Sacramento, CA 95838 P.O . Box 4394 August 20-21, 1988 (916) 925-1702 WESTERN OFF ROAD Las Vegas, NV 89106 July 23-24, 1988 Off Road Race RACING ASSOCIATION (702) 452-4522 U.P. Off Road 100 Chilton, Wl June 25-26, 1988 19125 - 87 A Ave. Bark River, Ml Virginia City Classic 200 Surrey, British Columbia, June 11, 1988 September 3-4, 1988 Virginia City, NV V3S 5X7, Canada Twilight Race September 2-4, 1988 Brush Run 101 (604) 576-6256 Las Vegas, NV World's Championship Crandon, WI July 17, 1988 Brush Run 101 Prairie City OHV Park FIA WORLD RALLY July 30-31, 1988 Crandon, WI September 24-25, 1988 Sacramento, CA CHAMPIONSHIP Midnight Special Colorama 100 August 13, 1988 June 23-26, 1988 Las Vegas, NV September 11, 1988 Sugar Camp, WI Chicago Classic VORRA Central Cal Olympus Rall y September 23-25, 1988 Santa Fe Speedway Off &,oad Shoot Out Tacoma, WA, USA SNORE 250 Chicago, IL Kings Speedway Las Vegas, NV TEXAS BAJA CROSS Hanford, CA July 9-12, 1988 Ben Brown New Zealand Rally October 29, 1988 141 0 East 6th St. September 3-4, 1988 Auckland, New Zealand Yoko Loco SUPERCROSS, INC. Irving, TX 75060 Yeringron/VORRA 250 Las Vegas, NV Gateway Plaza June 4, 1988 Yerington, NV August 4-7, 1988 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 270 Argentine Rally December 2-4, 19~8 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Grayson County ~peedway October 2, 1988 Buenos Aires, Argentina Showboat 250 (714) 760-1606 Sherman, 1X Prairie City OHV Park Las Vegas, NV July 9, 1988 Sacramento, CA August 24-28, 1988 1000 Lakes Rally Grayson County Speedway October 15-16, 1988 Jyvaskyla, Finland S.O.R.R.P. SUPERIOR OFF ROAD Sherman, TX Millican Valley 300 Speedway Off Road DRIVERS ASSOCIATION August 6, 1988 Bend, O R ~eptember 19-24, 1988 Racing Productions Terry Prevost Ivory Coast Rally Bernie Weber 1006 Cardinal Lane Grayson County Speedway October 30, 1988 Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast P.O. Box 402 Green Bay, WI 54303 Sherman, TX 1988 Championship Race Tempie, Texas 76503 ( 414) 434-9044 September 3, 1988 Prairie City OHV Park October 10-16, 1988 (817) 773-3548 Sacramento, CA San Remo Rally June 11-12, 1988 Grayson County Speedway San Remo, Italy Antigo Kiwanis Sherman, TX SHORT TRACK Off Road Race November 22-25, 1988 · OFF ROAD Antigo, WI WHEEL TO RAC Rally . ENTERPRISES TUCSON AUTO CROSS WHEEL, INC. England FORMULA DESERT June 25-26 P.O. Box 55221 P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R · DOG SERIES Spring Run 101 Tucson, AZ 85 703 Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 S.T.O .R.E. Co-Ordinator: Crandon, W I (602) 887-8752 Tom Schwartzburg 2620 West Washington July 9-10, 1988 West Bend, WI 53095 Off Road Race (414) 33 4-3858 De Pere, WI June 25-26, 1988 July 23-24 Spring Run 101 U.P. Off Road 100 Crandon, WI Bark River, Ml W /IJ#tl DE"Ll!R!o C••b•rotoro - . ., ;lEARl'S •~-.... -·lfl.·--WEBER o.;."'2....;,--Page 12 September 25, 1988 October 2, 1988 October 9, 1988 October 30, 1988 November 6, 1988 2 GIANT SUPERSTORES TOSERVEYOU OPEN 7 DAYS SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS (613) 332-1766 ATTENTION (613) 332-4128 RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS Juiy30-3l, 1988 List your cominl{ events in DUSTY TIMES free! . Send your 1()88 schedul_e Brighton Wheel to as soon as possible for listinl{ in this Wheet Weekend column. Mail your race or rally schedule Brighton Speedway co: DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Brighton, Ontario, Canada Suite 0, Al{oura, CA 91.30 1. PERMI-COOL ~ OENOWTH ~ @9 ~ ·swAY·A ·WAY BIKiWICK-LI I IP r-
Series Sanctions I S.T.O.R.E. Sponsors GENERAL , TIRE ~61/~-) .. [ PDLRRIS Nothing heats the way we're built. CRANDON, WISCONSIN UUGliYlilUIUI -Brush l{un (>oint Series Total SeriesPurses Over $100,000" $10,000(]u·aranteed E~~-PEP.81 ~ · CONTACT Brush Run 101 P.O. Box 101 Crandon,Wl54520 715-478-2222 Food, Drink, . · Camping _ . Racing -A Full Weekend Of Off Road Racing Amerlc•• ACnON Sportt Spring Run 101 June 25th & 26th $10,000 In Guaranteed To Win. Puree Plus lOO'fo Payback --•· Barn ·Dance ---June 24th and 25th Live Music let Race Of Brush Run Point Series G.O.B.'s-Races June 26th -Over 400 Enterante In 1987 -Race Starts Daily At 9:00 AM. Total SeriesPurses Over $100,00~ Brush Run 101 World Championship@ Off Road Race -September .2, 3 & 4th $20 boo In Guaranteed To Win Puree ' Plus 100% Payback Barn Dance September 2 n~and 3rd - Live Music -. Hot Laps September 2nd · (For Cash & Prizes) Class Racing September 3rd and 4th G.O.B.'s Races September 4th Race Starts Daily At 9:00 AM. Brush Run Point Series $10,000Guaranteed
TECH TIPS By Bill Savage, Chairman HORA-SCORE Technical Committee As you know, the final revi-sions in the 1989-1990 rule book for the HORA-SCORE series fol-lowed the Las Vegas meeting of the Manufacturers Advisory Council early in May. There were some surprising turnabouts in attitude that have been publicized elsewhere, such as abandonment of the principle of "open truck" or C:lass 9 that has drawn a lot of attention. One of the more significant changes in the new rule book that did not come up in the manufac-turers' meeting is the new requirement for all but one of the four wheel classes - 1 through 14, except for 11 -that all vehi-cles must have a fuel cell installed. Nearly every form of auto rac-ing requires fuel cells, and we are proud to note that about 90·per-cent of our competitors already have fuel cells, because of their obvious potential for preventing horrible gasoline fires in an acci-dent. I guess that the competitors most affected by the new rule will be in the Challenger class. We excluded the Class 11 stock Volkswagens for 1989-90, because having to install custom fuel tanks with the fuel cells in the ·stock position would work a financial hardship on this essen-tially low dollar class. Beginning in 1989 there will be no more racing in the series for the Odyssey ATVs. · It has been an interesting sev-eral years with the Odysseys. They certainly added a dimension to the sport, but in recent races there has been little competitor interest. They have been a safety problem in loop races where they have mixed with bigger vehicles. And it has been difficult setting up courses for them, often requir-ing separate courses or at least separate finish lines. We're sorry to see them go and hope that some of the Odyssey drivers will con-vert to one of the established HORA-SCORE classes next sea-son as several have with success. One of the important changes for 1989 will be combining Classes 3 and 14 into a single 4 wheel drive production class for 108 in. wheelbase or shorter vehi-cles. Technical specs appearing in the new 1989-90 regulations will head the combined class , back towqrd stock production. All the existing competitors in Classes 3 and 14 will be allowed to compete through the end of the 1990 season, after which their "grandfather" status will expire, and they will no longer be legal to run. The Class 5 Baja Bug lobby did a good job in expressing its desires for rule changes, which by and large have been adopted' for 1989-90. Starting next January there will be no requirement for a belly pan. The firewall rules will be clarified, allowing competitors to move the front firewall just about anywhere they want to put it that still pro-tects the driver's compartment. Also eliminated is a rule calling for the rear fenders to be 6 in. wide at the center of the end of the rear axle. Baja Bug Class 5-1600 has qeen free of technical rule problems for several races, since the carburetor violations in this class and in 1-2-1600 have cleared up. Class 6S, which was the sil-houette class for modified pro-duction cars, has been written out of the rules for 1989-90. The class never did catch on. There was a move to raise the maximum engine size of Class 7 mini pickups to 3 liters, but it was squelched for lack of interest at the manufacturers' meeting. The engine size will be 2850cc for 1989-90. The new rule ·book will also provide for Class 7S mini pickups using stock production cylinder heads the way they are delivered by the manufacturer of the vehicle. Class 7 S and 7 4x4 will also be restricted to 12 inches of wheel travel, effectively outlawing the exotic suspensions that have been developed in these classes . . Class 7 4x4 will be opened to aftermarket fuel injection sys-tems. They currently are res-tricted to stock fuel injection. And in 1989 Class 7 4x4 maxi-mum engine size will be raised to 3 liters.• We have discussed this before, but lest there be a misunderstand-ing, no aluminum blocks will be permitted in Class 8 pickup trucks beginning next year. It is true chat the class competi-tors lobbied in favor of aluminum heads, and the subject was dis-cussed at the manufacturers' meeting. But after all the evidence was in, Walt Lott and Sal Fish of the HORA-SCORE series decided that the class will be for stock production blocks. The new rule book will also contain some clarification about the engine rules in Class 10 for production engine pow_ered 1650cc cars. There had been some concern about which type of block would be legal for the 4-valves-per-cylinder version of the engine, such as the Drake head for ,the Volkswagen Rabbit engine. Aftermarket heads will be acceptable, as they have been for air-cooled engines in the same class. JG Transwerks VW SPECIALIST "Go with a proven winner" DESERT, SHORT COl:JRSE, SAND & STREET CALL FOR THE LONG LIST OF WINNERS WHO HAVE BEEN RACING ON MY TRANSMISSIONS FOR THE PAST 5 YEARS!! * C·OMPETITIVE RATES* * CONTINGENCY DONOR * JOE GIFFIN 7037 S. Comstock Ave., #85 Whittier, CA 90602 Page 14 (213) 692-3642 (213) 692-0171 June 1988 Trail Notes ••• THE SCORE BAJA INTERNACIONAL drawing for starting numbers produced a healthy 194 entries in the 16 car classes and 84 in the motorcycle division. The annual June classic should produce another bigger-than-last-year entry when the registration closes on June 3 in Ensenada, especially since few of the Mexican competitors ever enter by drawing time. MINT 400 UPDATE - The dusty race had more than its share of acci-dents, and a couple resulted in serious injuries. Most dev:\stating was the second lap mishap involving two cars and three race teams. Briefly, the reports are that Lloyd Huffman flipped and landed upside down in his Class 1 in the middle of the track. Along came the Class 3 team of Jerry Bundy and Ron Zermanek, who pulled off the course and ran to help right the single seater. Just as they finished strapping Huffman back in the car, along came the Brian Collins Class 2, being driven by Kenny Cox, and the two seater struck Huffman's car .nearly broadside, flew over it, and rolled more than once, grazing Zer_manek and knocking him down. Bundy was the only one left conscious, and he got on the radio. Luckily Zermanek was only badly bruised. Not so lucky is Lloyd Huffman, still in a light coma two weeks later. Both Cox and his co-driver were air lifted out by their own helicopter, and we have no report on their condition. Hopefully we will have better news on Lloyd Huffman's recovery in the next issue. · About the same time of day the Class 14 Jeep of Jack Ma'rno had a flat, and while co-driver John Mamo was busy changing the flat, he was struck by one or both buggies busy trying to pass each other, and John was seriously injured. He suffered a broken hip and both legs were broken. He is now recovering at home in Surrey, British Columbia. While these two accidents, many miles apart, strained the on hand resources, response time in both cases was excellent. We congratulate HORA for having plenty of medical help available, even for such a bizarre circumstance. THE FINAL FLAG - Pro rally has lost one of its most blithe spirits with the accidental death last April of Jon Woodner. Woodner died when the small, single engine racing plane he was flying lost power and crashed near Washington, D.C. Jon was an accomplished pilot with a commercial rating, and there is no word on the casue of the accident. Jon Woodner had been involved in motorsport for many years, winning SCCA championships in the 1970s, and he was a class winner in the 24-Hours of Daytona. Since 1979 Jon devoted most of his racing energy to the SCCA Pro Rally Series, recently driving a Group B Peugeot. He had FIA ranking and was third in national ;;tandings. We extend our deepest sympathy to his family and friends. THE HORA FIREWORKS 250 departs from tradition this year. For 16 years the race near Barstow has been a twilight event, starting at four in the afternoon to avoid the July desert heat. This year the race will start at 7 a.m. on July 2, which puts the race back to being a three day meet, with tech on Friday. In recent years the tech and contingency had been on Saturday morning, so competitors did not need to take time from work in order to tech. The early morning start will see many racers finish by noon, and the move was made in hopes of avoiding some severe spectator caused problems common in recent years. More it\ the tradition of the meet, the 7th Annual Fireworks Raffle will be held on Friday, July l. Only 200 tickets will be printed, and the cost is $135 each. Numerous prizes are donated for·the raffle with proceeds going to the Barstow Chamber of Commerce and the HD RA/ SCORE Series Points Fund. The grand prize of a 1988 Nissan Desert Runner truck goes to the last ticket drawn, but every ticket holder gets something. VORRA has announced a date and place change for their July short course rac~ in the Sacramento area. Originally scheduled as a Saturday night race at the Sacramento Speedway, the event has been moved to a day race, Sunday, July 17, and to the Prairie City OHV Park._ THE WEATHERMAN RADIO RELAY TEAM will be supplying tips on how to save money on repairs, maximize your range, increase your performance, a_nd be an effective communicator, all absolutely free, at a seminar next month. The free seminar is to be held at P.C.l. Race Radios, 2888 Gundry Ave., Signal Hill, CA 90806, on July 16 at9:00a.m. If you are interested in this seminar, and no doubt many will be, please R.S.V.P. to Bob Steinberger, (2 13) 427-8 177. · THE PIKES PEAK AUTO HILL CLIMB has a new primary sponsor for 1988 in Checker Auto Parts. Checker will advertise the event in all of their outlets in the western USA, and Checker locations are the exclusive ticket sales outlets. Checker will inject $50,000 into the purse for the July 10 hill climb, and will increase that amount by $20,000 per year through 1991. Meanwhile, Peugeot is returning to Pikes Peak, having lost to Audi in their debut last year. The French auto company has entered two 405 Turbo 4WD cars for Ari Vatanen andJuha Kankkunen. There is no word if Audi will be · back, and they have won overall for two years running. THE GRAN CARRERA DE TECA TE out of Baja Promotions is set for July 29-31. The race will start in Tecate, B.C., and travel around Baja's high desert and pine forests before finishing at the Hacienda Santa Veronica, a resort ranch about 25 miles east of Tecate. Pre-running opens on July 1, and pre-runners are requested to please drive slowly, and close all gates when going through ranches and farms. Check the ad on page 15 for full information. BRIDGESTONE AND FIRESTONE completed their merger early last May. Firestone has now become a wholly owned subsidiary ofBridgstone, the world's third largest tire manufacturer. Apparently Firestone will continue on the market as a brand name, and the· tire reps from both companies involved in off road racing seem to feel very positive about the merger, good for both brands. THE.SNORE TWILIGHT 200 is a dandy June desert race for those who like the day into night type contest, ,which is helpful in getting a light sponsor. As with most SNORE events, it is a one day affair, _with pre-running only from 6 a.m. race day, June 11, Registration begins at 2 p.m. at the track, and the race starts at 6 p.m. The 30milecourse is in the El Dorado Valley, with the start/ finish near the Las Vegas Sand Drag Track offHighway 95 near Boulder City, NV. The race is scheduled for 7 laps, with a 60 percent payback in class of the $200 entry fee. Call the SNORE Hotline, (702) 452-4522 for complete information. (more TRAIL NOTES 011page59) Dusty nmcs
RACE JULY 29•8.l, ,1918 ''GRAN CARRERA +'DE·· TEC·:ATE''· *. 250-MILE OFF ROAD -RACE * OFTHE PRESENTED BY ti"'"' t " ' puus, mazca Offlc:IM Truft of IN TIIUPU CAO'#NfWIAJA 111·,s,Aln' ,,. • FINISH at Sallta Vel'Hlca (25 mies eat of Teate) • THE MOST BEAUTD1JL OFF ROAD RACE COURSE EV.ER LAID OUT -AU IN BAJA'S fflGH DESERT & PINE FORES11 f • RACE COURSE: Leaffl Teate ...._. lie--, 11111, to VIit lie ... ......_ Gear-. lycllllile'fSDPcmtllll,wllefta-,e.ac·mrerlleftleJlldowdllb1111rlNeltll IWIJ (all• wll 111e·..._.!), C.-Bw, 3 ... ._.-, tnlnl a-. s..ta Vfflllira .. Nt,11. At NeJI, II Ilka., lie IS-ale....,, nldl d fib,-ID II~• ...ie of f. die_. ilcllM reler,s,-'I ffll'Jf4,nJNI 'lllel O..-~ ••• .._ _, fonlt,' " ..... IQ,p, ,..,, -~ ........ _,.... S-lnili)le .. 'Indy· ilalele· ... se ClilBJ!AtAIC;eiltdieCIDlllt_.._. ..... lillf...._;IJC-,..lri ... '-ck 0r•Nej, ..... 1 Mpleof ilelNnferlililllliliCnAlecwt1711de:'AU-em,wllldO. ;Jill~ NDIIJI wll _. ae111er ~-,•a.-ceme. 'lllel, It lllt ad e1111e· ? _... llp, ~pkt .. die INd ,_ Nejl Ndt ID ltadio S.... Vll'Nica ad die flNISII, t wlNn tllePADYllr.CINS! Y• ca twllll,..., _..,--. ...._ lllle, l!fc., .,_.., __ • ENTRY FEF.S: PROS $308 -SPORTSMAN SIN ~ 1a a ... '-> • ~ Sa111J1JLY 1, 1'18. Ple-.e pre-n■ SWWLY! Ld'1 IOI lllew Jt bf lam& IP tw. , ··-,-,irt of BljL Betides, Yo11 Wiit 1o ltop 11d ciedl Olt fa pm niery. er. d pea! Step Htd ay liele to die nadlen, aaybe aare I beer or IOft drlak wltk !Ma. TIie ijda Iott ,.,.... .., .I PROTECf,TBE ENVIRONMENT! • ENTRY OPENS: Jue 21, 1988 -NO DRAWING for starting positions! BAJA PROMOTIONS , ~-:i P~.o. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (81 8) 340-S7110/992-831111 .. @] VALLE OE LAS PALMAS 4? "" LEGEND: Race Course ENADA 6 Cerro de EnHnodo ► Second Lap • • • • • • • ♦ • • • • 0.H-,.,...HOf To Finish ·-----------·-----------------------------------·-----------------~-~-----------------..-•-----.. ~ I "~::::::;:~:'.'~::=T.~ao:;;;:::.::::_ i f nns mntY IS fOR (Please check one (1) box as it applies: ~ -------------i ! filll~ lfil1■'1"'♦I I □ GRAN CARRERA DE TECATE □ GRAN Cil~ DE C~PEONFS : : -··-··•·•· •·•~•· July 29-31 • 1 sea Ootober 7•8, 1-• : : ~ JANUARY •· i,a E,,., o,..s: ruNE 11. 1,., 1titrr o,,. AUGUST z2. 1,a : : (NOTE, Slarliet poilJioa. _, dlll. di -...... _, ......... ". a.,i-ftnj-.... NO DRAWtNG FOIi st~ ~ !Sad,..,_, •IIJ!) I : ,.,.,;,,-. I " I I CATEGORY (Please check one (1) box per entry): D PRO D SPORTSMAN 1 I F I I [ J· CLASSES (Please check one (1) box per entry): fJ <'f .. D Cius 1 & 2 D Cius S-1600 D Open Motottyde (lSOct & over) I I D Cius 1-2/1600 D Class 7S D Ltd. Molortycle (200cc & under, 30 & 38) I I D Cius 3, 6, 7-4X4 D Class Clllllenger D Ope■ A1V (25tcc: & onr, Q■■dl/Trika) 11 • D Class 4, 7, 8, 14 D Class 10 D Ltd ATV (20kt & ••r, Qa■daffrlkes) 1 D Class 5 0 Cius 11 . D Ope■ Odyuey f (Note: There muat l)e • minimum of three (3) entrt•• per offlclal claN. OtherwlM, vehlclea may be combined with another cl .... ) I I GENERAL J.NFORMATION:. . I¾ ;« I -~ • Pf10 Entry,,,_ ......... "'' ~.. 13,00 . • Olf'QSITS will btc uwl,111-.i ~ ", • T ~ ,\I\~ l , • Pro~ ....... , ........ ., .. eo,-poaltlon ~ c.e, "1!!,f'\q1oa!ma\1!, ' . '" -t . • SPOATIMAN!ftt,y ....... . . : ••. 1100 • t.9!8or~FN .... _., .. , ... Addl25 • .,.._ \, t • • • FJ!IE •••. ,,.... .... • • • . . • 115 .... •(Fcx entr/N receiYed with/fl 10 days OI Mm) • Con""9eno; ,... ......... I ,t~.!INl""1 ·s2s,:kw-•Oepoe11~tntrflt~nd■llleJ1u1 •~.~, ~~~.-" ,f . ~•% ·•(Mty ) ·-·-·,.can II, .,111c1 to n,111 Tt,lpliCrown ~ .. .,. .... A, -___ ,... •• ..,., f Y DIEPOSIT • PRO •. , , S100 • Race numblrl ar!d ltartlng po■ltiol!S • CCl\illl It-tlUorNclnt pink I t Y DEPOSIT • SPORTSltAN •.. S50 .-lgMd by poatmari(.·N() OAAWING 11d rllltliilN■nd OtR>IRT dhetllinill-. •L/abi#fy ,,,._ ls for lriifd ptllfy-lt·s«:otldafy «> )'OU!' policy .. W. -• )'OU dO-,_ -,_,.,,,_.,,au, own po/ic)I. •· --MetJlc•·-T:l'. I»..,.-.,,_ .. 10 bt--dltecllV IA:>m N cwri,at., • \1'.-.,,,...,,CML DRIVER/RIDER IPLl!ASE PAINT) CO-RIDERS/CO-PILOTS (lion drtvwa) 1.)Name -------------·---1.)-AddrN8 ,....... % CJty _________ Sa1e __ Zlp ___ _ ~ Tel.If Socia! 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THE NISSAN MINT 400 The Wind Blew and the Dust Flew and Mark McMillin Won the Big One on the Nevada Desert By Jean Calvin Photos: Track.side Photo Enterprises Mark McMillin led the first lap in Class 1, and also regained the lead on the last lap, and Mark drove the Chenowth not only to the class victory but he was first overall on one of the toughest Mint races in years. -The Mint 400 came of age in its 21st year. Despite predictions of a 'smoother' course and trucks winning overall, Mother Nature got into the act race day, produc-ing not only the usual deep silt beds and quickly deteriorating trails, but high winds and zero vis-ibility due to thick dust stin•ed up by the high winds. It turned out to be a 'real' Mint 400 course after all, knocking out the majority of the competitors either from mechanical failure or because the race time had to be shortened due to the extreme weather conditions. The festivities started on Thursday afternoon with registra-tion for those who wanted to avoid the lines on Friday, a meet-ing of contingency donors, who then were allowed to park their rigs on Fremont Street to avoid hassles when the Contingency row opened early Friday morning, and it worked out well. With no · impound this year, most of the folks got an early start on parad-ing through the contingency line and into tech inspection, right in front of the Mint Hotel. This year the big tractor-trailer rigs were parked parallel to the curb and the contingency row stretched over four blocks, peopled by many more donors than last year. But, fHling in many spaces were a number of swap meet type companies, hawking license plate frames, beef jerky, picture pins, and similar stuff. Apparently, this year a company did not need to contribute to the race contingency fund, but just pay the $250 parking fee, in order to participate in the carnival midway-type happening. Sched-uled from eight to eight on Friday, the contingency row shut down early, as all but a few cars passed through_b'{ 6:00 p.m. · The entry was good for the piv-otal event in the SCORE/HORA Desert Sedes, up from 338 start-ers in 1987 to 351 this year, con-tinuing the trend of rising entry numbers in most of the races this season. The finishing rate sank some, however, with merely 100 cars covering their four laps before the weather triggered emergency 5 :30 p.m. cut off time. The start/finish was about thirty miles from Las Vegas, just south of the airport at Jean, the same layout as that for the Gold Coast race in March. However, the Mint 400 route was entirely east ofl-15. The 93 mile course offered some old familiar trails, like McCullough Pass which was one of four restricted areas on the route, the doses of silt beds, and the trip through the spectator area at the Las Vegas Motocross course near Boulder City. There were stretches of new rock gardens, some new fast roads; and some good old Nevada rough. Several pit areas were established in the open access spots, and handy for pit crews was the fact that the outbound and inbound routes ran close together half of the distance. At 7:00 a.m. Saturday morning Class 2 started first, with 39 potent two seaters on the line. Last year's Class 2 winners, Tom Second generation Las Vegas driver Troy Herbst, with.John Gaughan riding in the Chenowth, got through the dust handily for third in Class 2. and Steve Martin, were first away property in Tallahassee, Florida, in the starting format that had two had Gary Thistlewood, a driver cars leaving every 30 seconds for a from Georgia, riding shotgun all couple mile drag race down· the the way. Crowder drove every pavement before charging into the mile to arrive first at the finish dusty desert. But, the Martins had line, for sure the Class 2 winner. a time consuming flat early on the Hopes of the overall title disap-route. The first car around was peared quickly as Mark McMillin the Chenowth of Mike Lund, who arrived very shortly. Still the big passed the start/ finish about 8:45 crowd of southerners, complete a.m., and he set fast lap time at with proper drawls, whooped it 1:42.51. Second on time was the up with the victory and second Chenciwth of Aaron Hawley, overall honors. It is the first time 1 :49 .2 7; Corky McMillin and Al in the 20 editions of the Mint 400, Arciero were tied at 1 :49 .3 7, that a driver from outside the Arcierq driving the new Chevy sduthwest has won an Unlimited powered Chenowth, and it can't class title at this race. _ get much closer than that! Danny Letner, with son Marty Mike Lund was seen no more, helping out on the driving chores, and midway Tom -and Steve Mar- .got the Porsche powered Raceco tin had the Class 2 lead by a min- in about 40 minutes later for ute, ten seconds over Steve Sour-second in Class 2 and seventh apas and Dave Richardson, last overall. Troy Herbst, with John year's overall and Class 1 winners. Gaughan riding in the Porsche Floridian} immie Crowder had his powered Chenowth, moved from Raceco third, only another 28 28th on the first lap to third in seconds back. Jim Greenway/ Class 2 at the flag, another ten Russ Welch were another minute minutes back. Bernie Thompson behind, (allowed by Steve God-and Lynn Allshouse came from frey in 30 seconds, and so it went Albuquerque, NM to drive their in this highly competitive contest. Raceco into fourth in class. Jim The Martin Brothers held their· and Billy Wright finished fifth, lead through three tough laps, but fqllowed by Arizonans Jerry Fin-the Sourapas Raceco lost almost ney and Dan Fodrill, and Las two hours and eventually finished Vegans Aaron and Steve Hawley. 15th. Corky McMillin had a rare Tevon Murachanian broke a cv dnf when his trans packed up on about 25 miles from the finish, lap 3, and Greenway also van-and the dust was so thick in the ished while Godfrey lost an hour. high winds that his crew, close all Crowder was now second, about the time, took 2 ½ hours to find seven minutes back, and former him, so he and Tom Martin fin-Mint 400 winners Jim and Billy ished the four laps 18th and last in Wright had their older Raceco Class 2. third, another nine minutes The23hardchargersinClassl down. Rookie Tevon Murachan- were next off the line, and Mark ian and Tom G. Martin were just ~cMillin got his Chenowth/ two more minutes back in fourth. _Porsche-up front early with a The -picture changed again on l:48.36. But the Frank Snook/ the crucial final lap. Not many Eric Arras Raceco, with Snook miles from pay dirt and overall up, Was close at l:51.33, and Bob victory, Tom and Steve Martin Shepard 'had his handsome Sel-lost their transmission. They· stad Por~he close in third. Chet turned their attention to getting Huffman was another minute Jimmie Crowder home, as · the back, followed in the same minute Martin Brothers do the mechani- by Tom Koch, then John Kelly. ·cal w-ork in California on Eightweremissingonthefirstlap. Crowder's Raceco. I van Stewart retired the Toyota Jimmie Crowder, who annually on lap 2 with a blown head gasket, hosts two FORDA races on his and the Huffman car was out due Bernie Thompspn and Lynn Allshouse brought their Raceco from Albuquerque. New Mexico. and they had a good run to fourth place in Class 2. Former overall winners of the Mint 400, Jim and Billy Wright brought the older Raceco out for another attempt, and they took fifth in Class 2. Ken Frost and Don Blakely stayed close most of the distance. and they ended up placing third in Class 1 in their Raceco. Pase 16 June 1988 Dusty nma
-Truck in ' out of Tallahassee, Jimmie Crowder, with Gary Thistle wood riding in the Raceco, drove Danny Letner/Henry Bergdahl and Marty Letner whipped their Raceco home second in Class 2 and through the dust to win Class 2, and Crowder also took second overall. they also finished a fine seventh overall. F=;;;;;:,;;~:;;--::-;;;;:;:-::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;.;;;;;;;;;;,;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;,:;;;;;;;;-;;;--;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;; • .;;;;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--~o~v~e~r~S~-~te::v~e~-~M·cEachern. Frank ~_,,....,.,..,,.,..,,,..,,§~ Having a good year in the series, John Kelly and Don Weiser moved into contention midway, and they finished a fine second in Class 1 in the Raceco. to an accident, detailed elsewhere. Tom Koch lost a wheel and the hub wertt with it on his new Raceco, but.he hobbled into the main Checker pit, and started out again after four hours down time with Rex Keeling driving relief.· Mark McMillin had a flat that cost about ten minutes. Midway Frank Snook had the overall lead with tQtal time of 3:45 .44. In Class 1 McMillin was second, 5½ minutes back, fol-lowed in 6½ minutes by Jim Fish-.back/Chuck -Miller in a fancy Funco. Shepard was less than a minute further back in fourth and then the field was stringing out. It looked good for Frank Snook and Eric Arras after three laps, their Raceco still holding the overall lead by a few minutes. McMillin was strong in second, the Fishback Funco yanished, and Bob Shepard moved into third, followed in thirty minutes by fel-low Arizonans John Kelly and Don Weiser, who came from sixth to fourth. In fifth on lap 2 and 3 was the Raceco of Ken Frost and Don Blakely, only another minute back here. 'Just 25 miles into the last lap Eric Arras broke a cv. He was nearly hit by another car trying to make repairs, which didn't hold, and that 'fine effort by the Mc-Donald's team was over. Mark McMillin turned a 2:01 lap in the deep silt and vicious dust storms, despite losing the power steering on the last round. His was the second ca·r to take the checkered, the Class 1 and overall winner with a total timeof7:46.16. Mark McMillin had sought a Mint 400 victory for a long time, but the tough desert had defeated him. He took his first victory in an HORA event last March at the Gold Coast, but he seemed to savor the overall Mint 400 vic;tory consid-erably more, or, as he said, at least . for that day. The Tucson team ofJohn Kelly and Don Weiser plowed through Dusty nmcs the silt into second, their Raceco powered by a Type 4 engine. Shep-ard's best showing to date died when the Porsche engine blew on the last lap. Ken Frost and Don Blakely had a long last lap, but took third at the flag anyway. Jumping up to fourth on the last round was the new light car out of Chenowth with a 1'200cc Yamaha engine'in the tail, driven by Rory Chenowth and Bob Maynard. The team from El Paso, Texas, pressed on through many trou-bles on the second half, but Rick and Joe Vasquez got their Raceco home fifth, the final finisher in Class 1. The dozen Class 8 racers were third off the line, and young Robby Gordon set a-sizzling pace to lead the herd with a 1;50.39 on the first round in the '66 Ford truck. Walker Evans, with Dodge boss Dick Maxwell along for the ride, was less than a minute back ·in the Dakota. Frank Vessels was third in the Chevy, about seven minutes ba:ck, and he pitted to' cure some distributor woes. Fourth back came Steve McEach-ern, Chevy, and Steve Kelly, Chevy. A couple were missing and Dave Shoppe was d_own for hours changing a drive shaft and more, midway in the first lap. Robby Gordon slowed a tad on lap 2, but maintained a healthy lead-of over 11 minutes on Steve McEachern. Vessels held third another five minutes back, and Kelley dropped time with a broken brake caliper, but was fourth. Walker Evans had two separate disasters, the first when he went into the rocks to avoid hitting cars stopped on course and took m1t the oil pan and drive line. After a field fix , Evans was passing slower traffic and then collided with a stopped car, breaking a right front tie rod and wheel. Evans dropped to fifth midway in the race. Out front Gordon had aqother ~wift lap and a 13 minute lead ·Vessels was next, now only another four· minutes back in a tight dice, and Kelley dropped more time but held fourth over Evans, who had more troubles, but kept going. Dave1 W esthem/ Randy Salmont, who used up over nine hours getting to mid-distance, were now running well in sixth. On the final lap Rob Gordon, with Gary Houston riding along, did a 2: 10.35, had no troubles all day and not only won Class 8, his first win in a truck, but he placed third overall. The same truck, driven last year by Stan Gilbert, was third overall in 1987. Frank Vessels turned a 2:11.57 last lap with car builder Jon Nelson riding along, and was solid in second place, fifth overall. Steve Mc-Eachern had multiple woes and his last lap was a 5½ hour trip. Incredibly he hung on in third place, making it the second race in a row in which Jon Nelson built trucks took the top three spots in Class 8. Coming out of his pit to start the final lap, Steve Kelley was involved in a bizarre accident. Ralp)1 Paxton, of the McMillin crew, was driving the overall win-ning Chenowth to the pits on the pavement, and zigged to avoid another race car coming out of a pit, and in the near zero visibility Kelley didn't see the single seater and smacked it hard enough to knock his Chevy out of the race. Both vehicles were damaged, but_ happily neither Kelley and his rider ·or Paxton was seriously injured. Walker Evans had more trou-bles and gave the Dodge to team-mate Rob MacCachren on the last lap. The truck rolled in the moto-cross course and lost more time, but the 5:27 lap resulted in a 13:34.48 total time for four laps, and Evans was the fourth and final finisher in Class 8. W esthem and Salmont were waved in, but their three laps were good for sixth behind fifth placing Steve Kelley. A pack of 30 Cl~ss 10 racers took the green flag, and this was a real horse race. The wind had already begun to plague the start/ finish area, but the weather was still fine on the far side of the mountains, the majority of the course. After one lap Jack and Scott Irvine had their Raceco in a slim, 28 second lead over Bob Sherwood/ Fred Reva, both doing 1 :58 lap times as did Mark Whit-tington, in third. Great Mojave 250 winner Joey Adzima was next with a 1:59.19, followed by Steve Centurioni/Larry Job, 1:59.52, and Michael Church at two hours flat. Less than two minutes -~epa-June 1988 rated the first eight cars. Sad to say neither the lrvines or Whittington came around again. Midway in the race in the swirling dust, Michael Church had a good lead, almost 12 minutes, over Jerry Penhall/Dennis Sigalos. Dave Wood was just · a single second back in third, and the Ce·n-turioni ORE was close, just over another minute down, with Sherwood half a minute more to This is the system run by most off road race winners the rear. A flat tire could lose five spots or more in this dice: Handing over to his dad Bill Church, Mike saw the lead go away as the car was down an hour and did not cover the fourth lap. With three laps-done Steve Cen-turioni and Larry Job had the Class 10 lead by five minutes over Brad Person and Tony K1:1-jala, who had fan belt woes on lap 1 wirh rhcir _,,.. TRl•MIL BOBCAT • CHROM E .. DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS I • 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 17
Young Robby Gordon had quite a day in the '66 Ford. With Gary Houston riding shotgun, Gordon surviyed a few troubles to win big in Class 8 and finish .a great third overall. There were ~eve_ra·I leaders in Class 10, but Brad Person and Tony Kujala led when it counted. They drove the DtrTnx powered by a Toyota engine to the class victory at the Mint 400. Lr Toyota engine, built by Skinny Performance in Phoenix. They had made up 16 places in the DirTrix . . Just ten more seconds back, Tom Ferguson had his Raceco tight in third, a couple of minutes ahead of Penhall, and Wood dropped to fifth. Th!! last lap did iri ~everal Class 10s, but not because of the cut off time. Centurioni lost the engine 45 miles-into the lap and Ferguson also vanished, as did Penhall. This sprint race turned into a survival exercise. Brad Person and Tony Kujala had some alternator trou-ble, but sailed through the dust to win Class 10 in the DirTrix. Per-son, who drove the first two laps, said they installed a full Hewland 5 speed to handle the power of the Toyota engine, had no flats on the Y okohamas, and they were both thrilled with the victory, Joey Adzima, who sank to ninth on lap 2, came back strong, finish-ing 15 minutes later for second in Class 10, just eight minutes ahead of Kevin Bunderson and Rob M yerly in the radical Bunderson. Having-their troubles replacing an odd size Toyota fan belt early in the race, Craig Watkins and Greg Aronson zipped back to finish fourth. Sherwood/Reva put young Darren Hardesty in for the last lap, and he roared back from an hour down time on lap 3 to finish fifth. Dennis Green and total time! Mike Julson came home sixth, On lap 3 Mike Spina whipped and Dave Wood was the seventh into the lead with a 2:09.53, while and final finisher. Jack Ramsay handed over to Rick As usual, Class 1-2-1600 pro-Mills, and the driver change duced a whopping entry of 74 dropped them to second, now starters, but 18 of them did not about seven minutes back. Spina complete a lap. The 1600s turned elected to drive the distance, some very'quick times on the first al though his partner Keith lap in the heavy traffic.Jack Ram-Underwood was standing by, just say led the first round in his in case. Peter McCowen/ Dennis BundersonMirageSSwithaswift Fry were now just a minute -2:03.42, but Willy Higman was behind the Ramsay car in third, close in his Chenowth, with but only 21 seconds ahead of 2:04.33. James Gross and Bob Gross/Freiday. Dan Araujo/ Freiday had their Bunderson David Ramirez were fifth here, third, at 2:05 .26, with Joe Flinn/ but dropped two hours on the last Mark Voyles nextat2:05.38, and lap with a broken torsion bar, and Mike Spina with 2:05.43 and it eventually finished 17th. can't get much closer than that. Mike Spina did the iron man Next came Brad Newell, 2:07 .15 stint very well, with a 2: 11.37 and Dick McCool/Jerry Lawless, final lap which not only won the 2·:07 .32, and so it went well down huge class for the Las Vegas the list. driver, but placed him sixth over-Jack Ramsay turned a 2:06.46 all in the Bunderson, quite a feat and Willy Higman did a 2:06.50 for a restricted engine car. Mike on lap 2, and Ramsay held a 54 had little trouble other than a second lead on Higman midway in couple of flats in the rocks and an the fray. Mike Spina moved to extra stop for gas. He was tired third with a swift 2:06.14, and out at the finish line, but felt his Gross was now an even two min- decision not to take the time for a utes back on total time. Peter driver change made the differ-McCowen/Dennis Fry jumped ence. Jack Ramsay did the final from 13th to fifth with a 2:06.24. lap to finish second in class, about Brent Bell was now sixth, fol- 14½ minutes behind, and he and lowed closely by Dan Araujo. At Mitls also reported no real trouble the halfway point the top 16 cars on the course. were just 20 minutes apart on The Kingman, AZ team of · James Gross and Bob Freiday_ made it 1-2-3 for Bunderson· chassis, finishing another six minutes back in third. Gary Cog-bill and John Marking·moved steadily up the charts to finish fourth, less than two more min-utes back, followed in three min-utes by Jim Sumners and Jake Fogg. Peter McCowen and Dennis Fry dropped to sixth on the final lap, another five minutes back. Amazing as it might seem, the first six in Class 1-2-1600 beat the time of the Class 10 winner. In all, 25 of the 1600 cars covered four laps, and many others were vic-tims of the 5:30 cut off time. Joey Adzima was up an'd down the Class 10 charts all day, but he poured in on during the second half and took second in class at the flag. Class 5 had 15 starters ready to battle the dust and silt, and they Frank Vessels and Jon Nelson had some down time, but the Chevy went fast enough to take second in Class 8 and a remarkable fifth overall. also had a close race for top honors. On the first lap Greg Diehl and Mike Longley grabbed a big lead with a 2:01.53 lap, but unfortunately their second round was over five hours. David Allen Pick was second with a 2:07 .24 first round, but that was his only lap. In third was the Hungus Bug of Bob Utgard and Jeff Hibbard with 2:09.11, and Jim Madison/ Russ Mortensen were on their bumper with a 2:09.12. 1987 points champ, John Cooley, with Jim Cocores co-driving, was next with 2:10:23. · Midway Bob Utgard/Jeff Hib-bard had the lead, . by just 2½ minutes over Cooley /Cocores, while Madison/ Mortensen were another two minutes back in a real contest. George Seeley, Jr./ Howard 'Anderson were a bit back, but up to fourth, and Gary Bates/Don McAfee were only a couple minutes behind them in fifth, but they were out on the next lap. Only six Bugs survived to finish three laps. Bob Utgard and Jeff Hibbard extended their lead to 25 minutes, as Coolt:y/ Cocores had trouble, but hung on in second. Moving into third it was Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter, who lost an· hour on lap 2, and were another 40 minutes back. Seeley/ Anderson rolled over, got hit by a truck, but stayed in fourth,-while Madison and Mortensen dropped to fifth with a 3:57 lap. · Bob Utgard and Jeff Hibbard slowed a tad on the final lap, tak-ing no chances since . they had a good lead, but they·had two flats anyway. Utgard said on the last25 miles the dust was blowing so hard that he couldn't see the front of the race car. They finished 16th overall and won Class 5 by 43 minutes. John Cooley and Jim Cocores survived more problems to take second place, 15 minutes ahead of the Klawitters, who complained of dust problems also'. Seeley/ Anderson lost an alternator belt, but carried on to finish fourth, and Jim Madison and Russ Mortensen came in fifth. Having trouble all day, the sixth and final class finisher was the Bug of Greg Sanden and Jim Zupanovich, three hours behind the winners, but a finisher. Without a quota this year, Class 7 fielded merely five starters, three factory trucks and two. privateers. Going for his tenth Mint 400 class win, Manny Esquerra didn't get far before the Ford blew its engine. Way out front after one round was Larry Ragland in the factory Chevy S-10, with a quick 2:04.14 lap. Roger Mears, factory Nissan, broke a rear wheel hub, which cost two hours in down time, and Mears was Rory Chenowth and Bob Maynard gave the new Chenowth mini car a great debut, takinq fourth in Class 1 with 1200 mighty ccs of Yamaha power. Steve McEachern had massive problems on the last lap, but he pressed on in the Chevrolet to salvage third place and-a finish in Class 8. Bunderson and Rob Myerly got the radical Bunderson home in third spot. Page 18 June 1988 Dusty Times
Mike Spina took a year off after the '87 Mint, and he came back very strong, as he led the last two laps in Class 1-2-1600, not only winning the class but he was sixth overall in the Bunderson. Bob Utgard and Jeff Hibbard grabbed the Class 5 lead on the second lap, and they extended the lead lap by lap to win the class by a huge margin of 43 minufes and place 16th overall. Craig Watkins and Greg Aronson came back from early fa_n belt woes to drive their Raceco up the ranks and finish 4th in Class 10. James Gross and Bob Freiday came from Kingman, Arizona to fly over the desert in their Bunderson to a greai 3rd in Class 1-2-1600. Current Class 1-2-1600 points leaders, Gary Cogbill and John Marking were in the hunt all the way and drove the Jimco to a close fourth in class. third as the Flores Toyota did not finish a lap. In second was the Ford Ranger of Russ Jones and Willy Aguirre, but this team's hopes were dashed on lap 2 when the ring and pinion gear let go. Larry Ragland, wi~h David Beck riding along, did a 2:05.56 to lead Mears by two hours midway. Ragland dropped his pace on the next two laps, but he won Class 7 going away with total time of 9:12.12. With a fresh hub, Roger Mears, with Tony Alvarez riding in the Nissan, turned very fast times, 2:04.04, 2:01.15, and 2:07.34 to take second place points handily. Tired but happy, Roger praised his new engine design as really strong and he feels competitive now. Class 4 seems to be on the wane also, with only seven starters at the Mint 400, but four of them fin-ished. Jack Johnson took off like a cannon shot in the Nissan, doing a 2:01.32 first lap to establish a lead he never lost. Giving it all the Dodge had, Rod Hall/] im Fricker ran second with a 2: 10.55. Jerry McDonald had the Chevy in third with 2: 13.30, only a couple min-utes ahead of the Dodge of Buddy Renae and Bill Donahoe. The battle went on up front as Johnson did a 2:03.25 and Hall did a 2:07 .46 on lap 2. But John-son came back with a 2:04.36 third i;r The Las Vegas team of Jack Ramsay and Rick Mills led the first two laps in Class 1-2-1600, slowed a tad to the finish and were second in class. John Cooley and Jim Cocores had some troubles late in the race, but they hung on to their second place in Class 5 at the checkered flag. Dusty nma \ i i : ,, More off-road races are won on Bilsteins than any other shock absorber, period. ..... . . •BORN TO PERFORM" BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog, send $2.50. June 19U Page 19
Larry Ragland, with David Beck riding in the Chevrolet S-10, never looked back at the slim Class 7 field, and Ragland set hot laps to win the class by well over an hour on total time. Jack Johnson had the Nissan dialed for his native ground, and, with Brent Foes riding along, he led Class 4 from flag to flag, and drove to a very swift fourth overall. ~ lap to lead Hall by 19 min-utes heading into the final round, and McDonald was another 19 minutes back in third. The Jeep J-10 of]ohn Dyck and Tom Mar-ion was now fourth, another two hours back. The Renoe Dodge lost a transfer case and used 5:43 on lap 3, and were waved off when they tried_ to go for the last lap. Jack Johnson/Brent Foes not only won Class 4 wire to wire, but they finished fourth overall in 8: 19 .13, really fast for a Class 4 machine, even a highly modified one like the Nissan. Rod Hall and ·Jim Fricker were solid in second. Even with a four hour last lap.Jerry McDonald/Joe MacPherson took third, about 37 minutes ahead of John Dyck and Tom Marion, the fourth and final Class 4 finishers. There were 16 starters in Class 7 4x4, but one quarter of them failed on the first lap. Out front was 1987 points champion Mike Lesle in the Jeep Comanche with a 2:06.46 lap and nearly six minutes in hand over Jeff MacPherson in the Chevy S-10. Just another minute down Sherman Balch and John Deetz had the keen Nissan Desert Runner in third. Dave Simon/John Johnson were a couple more minutes back in the Ford, followed in a couple more minutes by Dave Ashley, Ford. Lesle was first around on the second lap, now holding a seven minute lead on Dave Ashley, who unfortunately lost the Ford's engine on lap 3. Midway MacPher-son was another seven minutes back in third and four minutes ahead of Simon/Johnson. Lesle put Cameron Steele in the Jeep for the third lap, and Steele turned an almost identical time to Lesle's second round. The Jeep now had over 45 minutes lead over the Nissan of Balch and Deetz, now second. Dave Simon blew the trans and had a 6½ hour lap, and was too late to try for a fourth round. John Swift and Curt LeDuc now had their Ford up to third, and Gregg Symonds ·ran a good pace to push the Toyota into fourth. Meanwhile JeffMacPherson did a 5½ hour lap ,,,,._ /4¾ Roger Mear$ had a disaster on the first lap, but got fixed and then set fast lap for Class 7, 2:01. 15, in the Nissan and he finished second. and the Chevy was seen no more. Back at the helm for the last lap Mike Lesle cooled it around to win Class 7 4x4 by 51 minutes, his second victory in the Jeep in a row. Sherman Balch and John Deetz car-ried on to finish second in the N is-san, over an hour ahead of the Swift/LeDuc Ford.Just another six minutes back was the Toyota of Gregg Symonds, who had been stopped on course on the last lap for a few minutes; it was a case of mistaken identity. Class 7S continues to be the big-gest truck bunch with 23 starters at the Mint 400. After one lap Spencer Low/Paul DeLang had a hefty lead with a fast, 2:09.46 lap in the Nissan. Willie Valdez, Ford, was second at 2:13.03, followed closely by Larry Noel, Ford, who had Rob MacCachren's Jeep just 20 seconds astern. Mike Falkosky was next in his Toyota, with Scott Douglas close in his Ford as all but one 7S finished the first lap. However, MacCachren spent hours in his main pit with a trans-mission change, which didn't get him another lap. Out front Spencer Low looked strong, and midway he held a five minute lead on Paul Simon, whose Ford jumped from tenth to second with a 2: 13 lap. WiUie Valdez was just 43 seconds behind Simon in third, while Noel dropped to fourth, only a couple minutes ahead of Malcolm Vinje/ Mark Hansen, Toyota. The Scott Douglas/ Chuck Johnson Ford had a valve train problem, and Falkosky had a long lap. Spencer Low had troubles on lap 3, and Willie Valdez took over the lead with Paul Simon now 20 min-utes behind him in second. Low was third, followed by Falkosky, then Douglas/Johnson running well again. Noel had a disaster and a five hour lap, and John Cabe/Tom Ebberts were holding sixth here, but neither one, plus two others, were in early enough to start the last lap. The final lap was a cliff hanger with Simon gaining on Valdez all , the way. Valdez had to stop and change a flat, and Paul Simon turned a 2:20 lap to best Willie Valdez at the flag by just 4.7 seconds, even though Willie was in first. Both men said the course conditions (dust/ wind) were the worst they had ever seen in off road racing. Pressing on, Spencer Low /Paul DeLang were third in the Nissan, about 39 minutes 'in arrears. Mike and Pat Falkosky had troubles, but were fourth in the Toyota, just five minutes ahead of the Douglas/Johnson Ford. In sixth was the Vinje/Hansen Toy-ota, while Eric Lane and Bruce Landfield got around in 13 hours and 58 minutes to finish seventh in Class 7S. But they were not the last finisher. Last overall honors, a dub-Rod Hall and Jim Fricker stayed in the ball game in Class 4 all the way, and they got the big Dodge home second in class and a keen ninth overall. Sherman Balch and John Deetz continue to surprise folks with top performance in Class 7 4x4. Their Nissan finished second in class at the Mint. ious tribute, go to Dave Wood in Class 10 with a four lap time of i 4:49.46, and a last lap over seven hours. . There were 23 5-1600 Bugs on the line, and despite the late class starting position, eight of them.got in four laps before the cut off. Four were down and out on the first lap, and Steve and Tim Lawrence had the lead with a quick 2:20.36 lap. lt was tight up front as Tom Lake/ Richard Roberts were second with 2:21.09, but they didn't do another lap. Third came Scot and Brock Jones, 2:22.26, followed by Mike Jones/Russ Simmons, 2:23.14. Another bunch in the tight running pack were a couple minutes back and just as close together: The second lap was over four hours for Lawrence, so the team from Oregon, Mike Jones/Russ Simmons went into the lead mid-way, with a margin of six minutes on Scot/Brock Jones. Coming from ninth to third were brothers Darryl and Wayne Cook, followed • by Randy and Rick Wilson, just a minute behind. George and Greg Tuttle were up to fifth, but had trouble on the third lap and ran out of time. After three laps Scot and Brock Jones moved into the lead, holding five minutes on Mike Jones/Russ Simmons. The Wilsons were just two minutes back in third and only Jim Sumners had his older Ra~eco "Mi~aged" rece";tly, and he and Jake Fogg ran a good pace to finish fifth among 74 in Class 1-2-1600. Peter McCowen and Dennis Fry are having a good year in Class 1-2-1600, but at the Mint they dropped from third to sixth on the very last lap. As it often does the Mint 400 broke the winning streak for Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter, and the brothers finished third in Class 5. Page 20 June 1988 Dusty Times
Mike Lesle, with Cameron Steele driving relief, had a nearly perfect day in the desert and no real troubles with the Jeep. Lesle won Class 7 4x4 by a whopping 50 minutes. Paul Simon came from tenth on lap 1 in his Ford Ranger, to second on the next lap, and on the last miles Simon stood on the gas to win Class 7S by a mere 4.7 seconds with his solo drive. John Swift and Curt LeDuc moved up into contention on the second half and drove the Ford Ranger to a fine finish, third in Spencer Low and Paul DeLang led the first two laps in Class 7S, but some serious down time dropped the Nissan to third in class at the finish. Mike and Pat Falkosky had some ups and downs during the race, but they kept moving to bring the Toyota in for a finish, fourth in Class 7S. Class 7 4x4. · nine minutes ahead of the Cooks. Darrell Smith/Manny Cortez had the Circus Circus Bug in fifth, four minutes ahead of Ross Craft and another Cook brother, Alan. Scot and Brock Jones carried on to win Class 5-1600 by 20 minutes. Scot said he couldn't see in the silt and hit a truck that was stuck, but had no other problems. Mike Jones and Russ Simmons stayed in second about 18 minutes ahead of Darryl and Wayne Cook. Randy and Rick Wilson had their trouble on the last lap, but took fourth, followed by Ross Craft and Alan Cook, who finished six minutes ahead of Smith/ Cortez. Several 5-1600s were waved in, and the last two finishing Bugs were Ernesto Arambula/Isidro Beltran and Steve and Tim Lawrence. A wild 44 Challenger cars were on the grid, and this was another late starting class, so many that were healthy were waved in after 5:30 to become dnfs. Mojave winner Tom Malloy led the first lap with a 2:23.13, but Darren and Dale Ebberts were less than a min-ute back at 2:24.06, followed by Kent Lothringer/John Bartolotti, 2:25.55. David Ramocinski/Dan Speaks were in at 2:28.07, followed by Rick Johnson, 2:29.38, Don Rountree, 2:30.26 and Larry Mar-tin, 2:30.29. Several more were in the next minute in this visual race. Things changed rapidly by mid distance. Tom Malloy went out after a stout hit from a truck and total wipe out on the shocks, and Larry Martin was missing also. The David Ramocinski/Norm Lester Raceco had the lead by two min-utes over Lothringer, and Rick Johnson/Lee Perfect were back six minutes in third. K.P. Hazelbaker/ Tom Craig were fourth, followed by Dennis Stankavich/Michael Currier and Don Rountree/ Gary Schnekenburger. won the Challenger class in 10:46.22, with a hefty margin of 17 minutes in the Raceco. James Tucker and Larry Wyatt whipped their Chaparral home second with · eight minutes in hand over K.P. Hazelbaker and Tom Craig. Ray McClain and Jamey Long were fourth, followed in by Craig White/ Steve Ryckebosch. With a four hour last lap and an early start-ing number, Don Rountree and Gary Schenkenburger were sixth, followed by Jim Clements/Michael Brown, and the Stankavich car was the eighth and final Challenger finisher. Class 3 fielded a healthy 16 start-ers, but alas, two vanished on the first lap including usual Contender Don Adams. Out front and run-ning hard was theJeepCJ 7 of Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson, with just five minutes in hand over the Ford Bronco of Rick Sieman/ Steve Kramer, and they were just 19 seconds ahead of Gary Logan and Jack Atwater, who came from South Dakota to race their Jeep, but they didn't do another lap. Las Vegans Ben Emerson and Allison Krueger were fourth in a CJ 7, about 15 minutes back, followed in five minutes by the CJ 6 of Buck Grifftn and Don Coffland. Midway the Sieman/Kramer Bronco led the Schwellinger Jeep by three minutes. Matt and Gale Pike IJlr Both the Ebberts brothers and Lothringer vanished on lap-3. Rick Johnson and Lee Perfect had the • lead with total time of7 :4 3 .12. The Rountree Sandwinder was second, MID VALLEY ENGINEERING at 7 :4 7 .39, followed in seven min-utes by Stankavich. Ramocinski was fourth, followed by James Tucker /Larry Wyatt. Although he was leading the class, Rick Johnson was waved in after his third lap. He did. have a high starting number, but another, with a longer elapsed time to that point and a higher start-ing number went on. It could have been a mix up at the flag station, but it cost Johnson his lead and possi-bly the race win. Most of the Challengers slowed on the final leg as the silt got deeper. But David Ramocinski and Norm Lester slowed the least, and they 16637 N. 21st St., Phoenix, AZ. 85022 Phone: (602) 482-1251 CONGRATULATIONS! TO BRAD PERSON FOR WINNING CLASS 10 AT THE MINT 400 USING MID VALLEY ENGINEERING, INC. TRANSMISSIONS. ARIZONA /WEST TEXAS iNEW MEXICO/NEVADA DEALER FOR: LOLA Full inventory chassis and gearbox Parts available HEWLAND Willie Valdez led the third lap in Class 7S, but a late stop with a flat dropped his Ford Ranger to second in class by just a few seconds. -~ Dusty Times June 1988 Page 11
Charging hard here, Scot and Brock Jones charged all the way, and led the last two laps in Class David Ramo'cinski and Norm Lester had their Raceco in the Challenger Class lead midway, then 5-1600, and they won by a big margin for this class, 20 minutes. dropped to fourth with troubles, but they came back to win the 44 car class by several minutes. ;;••-•••••~n:-=------::-;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j;;;;;;;;;~~la;-;:p;--, ;,an;,d~n~o;:;-n~e~g~ot to start the fourth Mike Jones and Russ Simmons came from Oregon to race in Class 5-1600, and they led the class midway, but had to settle for second place at the flag. ~ were third, about 26 minutes further down in the Dodge, and only seven minutes ahead of the Emerson Jeep. Now Les Barnett John Smith were fifth in a Bronco, as Griffin/Coffland dropped to sixth. · Schwellinger/Erickson had a clean third lap, and theirs was the onf y Class 3 rig covering the lap early enough to start the fourth round. After three laps the Pikes were seconti, and just missed the time to start the fourth lap, but they held second place on the results. • '>>mi'~::>""~ Mike Schwellinger and Les Erick-son drove carefully on the last round, finished all four laps in 11 hours, 51 minutes and they won Class 3. Ben Emerson and Allison Krueger were third, followed by Les Barnett/John Smith. Rick Sieman and Steve Kramer had their six hour lap on the third round and were fifth, followed by Buck Grif-fin/Don Coffland and the Japanese team in a Mitsubishi, all these teams completing three laps. Class 14 had a good entry of ten r~_gs, but three were out on the first round. Last year's Mint winner Carl Cook led the modified 4x4s on lap 1. His odd looking CJ 2 turned a 2:50.35, almost ten min- · utes faster than the second running Jeep Scrambler of Emil and John. Downey. Another 14 minutes back came Dennis Chencharick and Michael Rauch in another Scrambler, followed by Jack Mamo/Rob Babiuk, whose CJ 7 came from British Columbia to · race the Mint 400. Midway the Downey clan had a slim, 54 second lead over Carl Cook in a very tight dice. The Chencharick Jeep was well back on time in third, followed by Mamo, Mojave winner Boone England, and David Quill, but three of them did not cover the third lap. Emil and John Downey, father and son, took the Class 14 victory, driving on a brand new, Armstrong built set of Sears tires. After three rounds they were about 13 minutes ahead of Carl Cook. Downey reported no troubles, except with shocks after a first lap roll over. Jack Mamo and Rob Babiuk were about three hours back in third, the last of the three lap finishers. Class 6 came up with five start-ers, but a pair of them did not cover a lap: The Moser Brothers had the Ford Ranchero tuned for the fast but rough course, and they did the first lap in just 2:28.35 to take the lead they would hold all the way. Doing a great job in the small Saab 96, Arne Gunnarsson and John John-ston were running second, just over a minute ahead of the '57 Chevy of Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling. Dale and Randy Jordan had a long lap in their Chevy El Camino and went no farther. Midway in the fray the Mosers ' ~ increased their lead to 44 minutes over the Saab, and Schwacofer's Chevy had a long lap, but was third, the last Class 6 running. The Mos-ers kept up a swift pace and cleared the start/ finish before 5:30, and nobody else did. Greg and Wes Moser and family, there are three brothers who drive, finished all four laps in good time, 10:56.03 to win the Class 6 honors by a lap. The incredible perform-ance of the Gunnarsson Saab con-tinues, and Arne was second with three laps done, four hours ahead of the '57 Chevy. Climbing up the ranks on the second half, James Tucker and Larry Wyatt moved in.to second on the last lap in Challenger Class and stayed there. Darryl and Wayne Cook ran with the 5-1600 leaders all the way around four laps, and the brothers ended up finishing third in the tight class. Randy and Rick Wilson got up to 3rd in Class 5-1600 on the 3rd lap, but trouble on the last lap dropped them to 4th at the finish. Sporting an unusual logo for a Challenger car, the Messick of K.P. Hazelbaker and Tom Craig finished a close third in the 44 car crass. Mike Schwellinger. and Les Erickson led three of the four laps in Class 3, and their CJ 7 was the only rig that started and finished the last lap, and they took the big victory. Emil and John Downey took the Class 14 lead in their Jeep Scrambler on the second lap, kept the lead through the third round, and won the class with the fastest three laps. Page 22 June 1988 Dusty Times
The Moser Brothers had their best and most trouble free race in a long time, and they drove the spiffy Ford Ranchero hard enough to lead all four laps and win Class 6 by a lap. Jack and Tim Zanbergen drove a well paced race in Class 11, took the lead on the last lap and finished with Jess than eight minutes margin for the Mint 400 victory. Sliding past a spectator point, the Challenger car of Ray McClain and Jamey Long got through the cut off and finished a good fourth in class. It wasn't too dusty for a picnic early in the day on the far side of th_e hills. Craig White and Steve Ryckebosch drove on to fifth in Challenger action. · Ben Emerson and Allison Krueger stayed close in Class 3 in their Jeep CJ 7, and placed third in class with three laps completed. Last off the hne were the four Class 11 Beetles, . and before the start their Mint 400 had been short-ened from four to two laps by pop-ular demand. Out front after one lap, midway in their race, it w~ Juan De Gracia and Ricardo Flores with a 3:05.59. Very close was defending points champ Ramon Castro, with Alonso Acosta, at 3:06.58. Three of the four Beetles came from Ensenada, b.ut Jack Zandbergen and his son Tim were · third at 3:14.42, followed by Ser-gio and Porfirio Gutierrez, 3:20.38. It was a tight race, just 15 minutes covered the whole field. The second and last lap was just ing helicopters to evacuate the as tight up front, as Zanbergens did injured, and by 3:00 p.m. the dust a 3:22.36 and the Gutierrez time around the start/ finish area made it was 3:24.28. Jack and Tim Zand- seem dark. T~e high winds, over 30 bergen got their win in the white · mph sustained, were gusting up to Beetle sporting new front fenders. 69 mph on course on the start/ fin-They finished about eight minutes ish side of the mountains. At times ahead of Sergio and Porfirio visibility was about six ·feet, and Gutierrez. Ramon Castro lost an many competitors were lost trying hour on the second round, but to get to the finish, some ending up placed third, and Gracia did not in pit areas instead of the trail to the finish. checkered flag. Conditions at this Originally scheduled with an 18 time were the worst we have ever seen since we started covering off road racing in 1969. Competitors said ir wasn't as dusty on the far side of the mountains, but the wind gusts were blowing the race cars around there also late in the afternoon. The double hazard of severe dust and lack of visibility was grounding the choppers, -and the authorities advised HDRA it would be wise to get everyone off the course before dark. HDRA picked the time of 5:30 p.m. to put out the red flag at the finish line, regardless of how many laps the car coming in had covered. Competitors were given a good two hours warning on this action, so all competitors, at least those with radios, knew what was happening. Most drivers agreed that it was dangerous enough in the wind driven, dust fogged silt beds in the daylight, and few wished to be out on the desert, getting more lonely 1:.-hour time allowance for the four ,-----,-----------------------------------------, laps, this year's Mint 400 had to be shortened in mid-stream. There had been several accidents requir-MIKE SPINA & KElTH UND.ERWOOD Carl Cook won Class 14 at the Mint last year, and he led the first lap in 1988, but this year_he finished second in class, just 13 minutes behind. Matt and Gale Pike had a clean run in the big Dodge Ramcharger, and they finished second in Class 3 despite being waved off a lap early. Dusty Times give special thanks to all the people who helped them win Class 1-2-1600 over 73 other racers in the 1988 MINT 400 KEVIN BUNDERSON RACE ·CARS DON HA TZ .RACING ENGINES JEFF FIELD -TRANSAXLE ENGINEERING June 1988 Keith & Mike Racing Henderson, Nevada Page 23
Rick and Joe Vasquez were the fifth and final finisher in Class 1, but happy with a finish and stories to take home to El Paso. Bob Sherwood and Fred Reva were up front all the way in Class 10, and with Darren Hardesty driving relief, they finished the Raceco fifth. George Seeley, Jr. and Howard Anderson moved into 4th in Class 5 on lap 2, and they stayed in 4th all the way to the finish line. Scott Douglas and Chuck Johnson hadminorengine troubles all day, but tJ:!ey kept the Ford Ranger moving to take 5th in Class 7S. Doing a little nose stand for the cameras, the Brut of James Clements and Michael Brown got in four laps for seventh in Challenger action. Page 24 Jerry Finney and Dan Foddrill moved up through the four laps to place their Chaparral sixth in Class 2 at the checkered flag. Brad Newell and Scott Flamson had their Raceco sixth in Class 1-2-1600 midway in the fray, but dropped to seventh at the flag. Jerry McDonald had various woes along the trail with the Chevy, but he pre_ssed on to finish four laps, third in Class 4. Ross Craft·and Alan Cook sailed over the jumps and through the desert to a fine fifth place finish in the close Class 5-1600contest. Walker Evans didn't have a good day in the Dodge Dakota, and co-driver Rob MacCachren finished for him, fourth in Class 8. Tom and Bob DeNault looked good in the Chenowth, had some troubles, but got a good finish, 8th in the 7 4 car Class 1-2-1600. Gregg Symonds charges out of a ditch in his tidy Toyota, and Symonds carried on in the dust to finish fourth in Class 7 4x4. Don Rountree and Gary Schenkenburger kept the Sandwinder with the leaders all the way and finished 6th in Challenger Class. Les Barnett and John A. Smith covered three consistent laps in They usually race in the northwest, but Canadians Jack Mamo the tidy Ford Bronco and earned fourth>place in Class 3. and Rob Babiuk beat the desert and were third in Class 14. June 1988 Dusty nmcs ,,,
1988 HORA MINT 400 April 30, 1988 - Results POS. CAR # DRIVER(S) VEHICLE TIME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS 1 -UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -23 START - 5 FINISH 100 Mark McMillin (solo} Chenowth 7:46.16 116 John Kelly /Don Weiser Race co 8:40. 52 124 Ken Frost/Don Blakely ·,. Race co 9:53. 51 11 D Rory Chenowth /Bob Maynard Chenowth 11 :35. 55 1 07 Rick Vas9uez/ Joe Vasquez Raceco 12:05. 37 CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -39 START -18 FINISH 209 Jimmie ·crowder /Gary Thistlewood Raceco 7:52.48 218 Danny Leiner /Henry Bergdahl-Raceco 8:34. 14 217 Troy Herbst/John Gaughan Chenowth 8:44.09 238 Bernie Thompson/Lynn Allshouse Raceco 8:51.54 224 Jim Wright/Billy Wright Raceco 9:00.45 0/A POS. 1 8 39 77 92 2 7 10 12 17 CLASS 1-2-1600 -1600CC RESTRICTED ENGINE -74 START -25 FINISH i;w-and inaccessable by the moment, aftt:r dark. HORA did the most fair thing they could under the circumstances, and for once the weather forecast was correct. The wind howled all night and on Sun, day, so severe that power was out all over Las Vegas and Henderson. So, the 1988 Nissan Mint 400 came to an early halt, but it was not the first time a race had been called becaus~ of weather. The same si tua, tion happened to an event organ, ized by Walt Lott in southern Nevada about ten years ago. That occasion was flash flood warnings so severe that the far end of the course was in danger. That event was called fairly early, and one far Arne Gunnarsson and Johf'! Johnston Ill ran second in Class 6 all the way, and they got in three rounds of the tough race course for second in class. 1. 1627 Mike Spina (solo) Bunderson 8:33. 35 2. 1642 Jack Ramsay/Rick Mills Mirage 8:48.00 out checkpoint location, already 6 . vacated, was subject to a flash flood B .. that night. Ironically, the last time 14 the Mint 400 finished near Jean, 15 NV, the course presented dust 3. 1604 James Gross/Bob Freiday Bunderson 8:54.24 4. 1653 Gary Cogbill/John Marking Jimco 8:56.03 5. )672 Jim Sumners/Jake Fogg Raceco 8:59.22 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 300 303 310 345 309 404 400 403 401 402 545 500 506 546 511 595 560 563 597 562 CLASS 3 -SHORT WB 4X4 -16 START_,, 1 FINISH Mike Schwellinger /Les Erickson Jeep CJ 7 11 :51. o·s Matt Pike /Gale Pike Dodge Ramcharger 9:02. 17 Ben Emerson/Allison Krueger Jeep CJ7 9:19.52 Les Barnett/John A. Smith Ford Bronco 10:23.50 Richard Sieman/Steve Kramer Ford Bronco 11 :56.25 CLASS 4 -LONG WB 4X4 - 7 START - 4 FINISH Jack Johnson/Brent Foes Nissan 8:19.13 Rod Hall/Jim Fricker Dodge 8:42.59 Jerry McDonald/Joe MacPherson Chevrolet 10:54.35 John Dyck/Tom Marion Jeep PU 11 :31.40 Buddy Renoe/Bill Donahoe Dodge 10:22.12 CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -15 START - 6 FINISH Bob Utgard/Jeff Hibbard Baja Bug 9:00.40 John Cpoley / Jim Cocores Baja Bug 9:43. 38 Hartmut & Wolfram Klawitter Baja Bug 9:58. 5 7 George Seeley Jr./Howard Anderson Baja Bug 10:33.27 Jim Madison /Russ Mortensen Baj~ Bug 11 :'45. 56 CLASS 5-1600 -1600CC BAJA BUG -28 START - 8 FINISH Scot Jones/Brock Jones Baja Bug 10:00.13 Mike Jones/Russ Simmons Baja Bug 10:20.09 Darryl Cook./Wayne Cook Baja Bug 10:38. 38 Randy Wilson /Rick Wilson Baja Big 11: 11. 20 Ross Craft/Alan Cook Baja Bug 11:28.35 CLASS 6 -PRODUCTION SEDAN - 5 START - 1 FINISH 617 Wes & G.W. Moser Ford Ranchero 10:56.03 618 Arne Gunnarson/John Johnston Ill Saab 96 9:18.15 600 Larry Schwacofer /Sid Spradling · 5 7 Chevy 13: 19.05 CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICKUP - 5 START - 2 FINISH 702 L~rry Ragland /David Beck Chevy S 1 O 9: 12. 12 703 Roger Mears/Tony Alvarez Nissan 10:24.16 704 Russ Jones/Willy Aguirre Ford Ranger 3:4 7.08 CLASS 7S -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP -23 START - 7 FINISH 748 Paul Simon/ John Johnson Ford Ranger 9:43.16 722 Willie Valdei/Gerardo Novelo Ford Ranger 9:43. 20 728 Spencer Low/Paul Delang Nissan 10:22.34 729 Mike & Pat Falkosky Toyota 11 :07.42 720 Scott Douglas/Chuck Johnson Ford Ranger· 11:12.44 CLASS 7 4X4 -STOCK 11/IINI-MIDI 4X4 -16 START - 4 FINISH 750 Mike Lesle/Cameron Steele Jeep Comanche 9:24.36 756 Sherman Balch/John Deetz Nissan 10:15.23 752 John Swih/Curt Le Due Ford Ranger 11:44.55 753 Gregg Symonds/Warren Miller Toyota 11 :51.00 754 Jeff Mac Pherson/ Jeff Lewis Chevy S 10 10:05. 50 CLASS 8 - 2 WO STANDARD PICKUP -12 START -'--4 FINISH 88 (3 laps) (3 laps) (3 laps} (3 laps) 4 9 60 75 (3 laps} 16 36 40 52 83 41 47 54 67 74 61 (3 laps} (3 laps} . 21 50 (1 lap) 34 35 48 65 69 29 45 81 87 (3 laps) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 807 Rob Gordon/Gary Houston Ford 8:11.29 3 80.2 Frank Vessels/ Jon Nelson Chevrolet 8:29. 31 5 804 Steve McEachern Chevrolet 11 :48. 55 85 801 Walker Evans/Dick Maxwell Dodge 13:34.48 98 808 Steve Kelley/Terry Caldwell Chevrolet 7:46.19 (3 laps} CLASS CHALLENGER -RESTRICTED BUGGY -44 START _.:, 8 FINISH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 909 David Ramocinski/Norm Lester Raceco 10:46.22 93J James Tucker /Larry Wyatt Chaparral 11 :03.01 902 K.P. Hi!zelbaker/Tom Craig Messick 11:11.05 925 Ray McClain/Jamey Long 11 :38.25 903 Craig White/Steven Ryckebosch Chenowth ,. 11 :45.29 CLASS 10 -UNLIMITED 1650CC -30 START - l FINISH 1. 1015 Brad Person/Tony Kujala DirTrix 9:04.45 2. 1011 Joey Adzima (solo} Homeco 9:20.06 3. 1027 Kevin Bunderson/Rob Meyerly Bunderson 9:28.07 4. 1000 Craig Watkins/Greg Aronson Raceco 10:05.48 5. 1010 Bob Sherwood/Fred Reva Raceco 10:32.43 CLASS 11 -STOCK VW SEOAf!I - 4 START - 3 FINISH (2 Laps) 1. 1101 Jack Zandbergen /Tim Zandbergen VW Beetle 6:3 7. 18 2. 1103 Sergio & Porfirio Gutierrez VW Beetle 6:45.07 3. 1100 Ramon Castro/Alonso Acosta VW Beetle 7:20.54 4. 1104 Juan De Gracia/Ricardo Flores VW Beetle 3:05.39 CLASS 14 -UNLIMITED 4X4 - 10 START - 0 FINISH Emil Downey/John Downey Jeep Scrambler 8:49.42 Carl Cook Homemade CJ2 9:02.33 1. 1402 2. 1496 3. 1401 Jack Mamo /Rob Babuik Homebuilt CJ7 13:09. 1 0 4. 1403 Dennis Chencharick/Michael Rauch Jeep Scrambler 6:40.51 Starters -341 - Finishers -100 (4 laps) 3 (2 laps)= 103 Race Distance -97.2 miles per lap= 388.8 miles -Time Allowance -18 hours• Fast Time Overill -Mark McMillin -Class 1 Chenowth - 7:46.16 Fast Lap Overall -Mike Lund -Class 2 Chenowth/VW - 1 :42.51 "Race shortened because of weather conditions. Dusty Times 56 62 66 78 82 20 27 31 43 51 (1 lap) (3 laps} (3 laps} (3 laps) (2 laps) storms, rain, and a blizzard in the mountains on the course. That was in 1973. Sunday morning there was still a stiff wind in the concrete canyon of Fremont Street, closed again for the awards presentations and a street dance. The awards went well any, how, with handsome plaques for the winners, and each class winner also got a dandy Mint 400 real silver coin and a belt buckle, along with the checks, to help remember ~ · their triumph. Plans are already afoot for the 1989 Nissan Mint 400. Doing a .wheelie for the cameras, Sergio and Porfirio Gutierrez came from fourth to second on the second and last lap of the close Class 11 race. tONGRATULATIONS TO THE 1988 MINT 400 OVERALL WINNER MARK McMILLIN Congratulations to these other winners also: Class 2 -JIMMIE CROWDER Class 5-1600 -SCOT & BROCK JONES Class 1-2-1600 -MIKE SPINA Class Challenger -DAVID RAMOCINSKI & NORM LESTER Class 5 -BOB UTGARD & JEFF HIBBARD Class 10 -BRAD PERSON & TONY KUJALA WINNERS CHOOSE SWAY-A-WAY FOR ALL THEIR SUSPENSION NEEDS. FINE SPLINES. Racing Torsion Bars Two-Stage Coils for 10" Shocks Outboard C.V. Axles Heat Treated 4130 Spring Plates King Kong Front and Rear Adjusters All Sway-A-Way axlE~s and torsion bars have the new FINE SPLINE which increases face contact area while making · it smoother. FINE SPLINE axles greatly increase c.v. joint l'ife. DON'T BE LEFT IN THE DUST -CHOOSE SWAY-A-WAY June 1988 SAW Performance, Inc. 7840 Burnet Avenue Van Nuys, CA 91405 818-988-551 0 Page 15
11tb ~NUAL A.D.R.A. PENASCO ·1so Jerry Finney Claims Overall Victory in Mexico By Daryl Drake f Photos: Curt Hummel/ 3-D Photography Jerry Finney, with Frank Thomas co~driving, set the pace for the 1988 Desert Championship Series winning the Pro race overall and also scoring in Class 1 in the Chaparral. The Arizona Desert Racing Association (A.D.R.A.) opened the 1988 Desert Championship Series with a two day event held in Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico. Held in late March, the twelfth edition of the Penasco spring race, the "Penasco Twilight 250," fea-tun:d racing in the dark, but with a difference from last year. This time only the Pro division raced at night; the Sportsmen ran before them and the Beginners had at it Sunday morning. A.D.R.A.'s Phil Auernheimer really went to work on this year's course through the sand hills just north of Puerto Penasco. Using reflective arrows, he laid out a new 45 mile long circuit that was fast, fast, fast! He even graaed parts of the route to allow at-speed passing and new. record times. As always, no pre-running of any kind was allowed to equal-ize racing and minimize environ-mental impacts, but A.D.R.A. 's distinctive arrows and the inevit-able racing "groove" that devel-ops in the soft sand kept all the racers on course. Nearly one hundred entrants were on band to try -their luck, and over SO companies posted contingencies making for a strong series opener. The entry list would have been even higher were it not for the number ofBegii:mers who saw their rides broken during Saturday's i:acing. . Every hotel and motel in town was booked u Friday ni ht, and when we arrived ~t the start/ fin-ish line Saturday morning, it seemed the whole town had come out to wish the ·racers well or at I-east sell 'em a tamale. The weather was perfect: sunny mid-70's, gentle off shore breeze. The Sportsmen were relishing their chance to hit the trail first, anxiously awaiting their noon _departure time. Based on the fin-ish of the last race, they would leave in this class order: 1, 10, 2, 1600 Ltd., 5-1600, Challenger, 5, 1-2-1600 and 4. They would race three laps for 135 miles~· First off the line was Terry Harden in his one off Kawasaki unlimited. Then came Ross Whitmoyer in the Infinity En-gineering Mazda. Whitmoyer caught the screaming Harden at about the 30 mile mark and said later, "That little thing really goes, but on a long straight he gave me room and the Mazda rocketed by!" Whitmoyer went on to set the hot lap of the Sportsman race at 44:45. But the "mini-rail" had taken back in the tight trails much .of what it gave away on the top end and was only 1:14 back. Whitmoyer had what he called another "perfect" lap, but had aggravated a recent wrist injury and, still in the lead, turned the wheel over to Mike Perez. Harden had run into mechanical .troubles and fallen 37 minutes back. Perez went on to run hard until just three miles from the finish when he had a U-joint break. "lt was a super fast course and I was having lots of fun when the drive-line went 'pop!' The A.D.R.A. rescue buggy brought me the parts, Rudy Warren crawled underneath. to put 'em in and Harden went by as I got rea,dy to · get back in the car." After the long pit stop, Harden ran strong his last lap and beat the Whitmoyer / Perez entry by four minutes, turning in a time of 3:05:26 to average 43.68 mph in the unique Desert Mfg./Eastside Cycle Ninja-powered special. The Class 1 win was ranked 13th 0 / A. "This car has been basically a testbed," said Harden. "We've tried out quite a few ideas and learned which work. "The car gives top end away to the big cars but makes it up turning and in the ro1,Jgh. Wait •dr you see our new car! It's going to have plenty of top end!" Next off were nine racers in Class 10, all completing the first lap in fine style. Ron Fields held the lead by 31 seconds over Al McMullen. Tom Higgins was another minute back in third, Jon McNelis was fourth and James Taggert fifth. Fields continued to lead after lap two and had pulled 1 :49 in front of McMullen. Higgins dropped to fourth with shifter troubles. McNelis was now third and close and Jim Allison had taken over fifth. Roaring into the finish line, Fields looked like he had his first win but was worried since his motor had started fading and he knew his last lap was long. McMullen had some trouble with traffic and also slowed but slid in with an overall time of 2:26:20, 34 seconds faster than Fields, to take the Class 10 win and second overall in his McMullen Racing Brand wood. This was McMullen 's first win after many attempts and he was beaming. "The dust was horrible in spots," said McMul-len, "but we just kept going and it finally paid off!" Finishing third was Higgins, ahead of Allison, Wally Holder, and Glenn Hennessey. Class 2, also fielding nine start-ers, left next. Everyone made the first round, but Keith Alger was way behind. Doug Boelm'an enjoyed a 1: 15 margin over Jim Travis. Reuben Wood held third, . Ron Brown fourth and John Ja-cobs fifth. Travis took over the lead on lap two as Boelman was plagued by distributor trouble and fell back to fifth. Wood was now second, about 2:30 behind. Brown was just 30 seconds back for third, and Mike Gertsen moved into fourth. Six miles into the final lap, T ra-vis had the steering wheel come apart in his hands. The rim had separated from the hub, and Jim had to drive with the hub and broken-off spokes. But it didn't slow him down much, and he still finished First Overall Sportsman and Class 2 winner with a time of 2:24:43 to average 55.97 mph ( which I think is a Sportsman record average). "The car worked good!" said Travis of the Travis-Helwig Inc./People's Car Shop/ League Exploration International Chap-arral. "It's good to be back with A.D.R.A. - especially winning!" Boelman came back strong to take second, but 20 minutes down. Tom Sharp, who was eighth after lap one, had his best trip and fin-ished third.Wood had trouble on the last laA and limped in fourth ahead of Alger and Jacobs. Seven souls tried· th~ir best in Class 1600 Limited. AH but Shaun Darr came around, with Troy Churchman in the lead by one minute over Ben Pierpont. Jim Covey was a close third, Ed Faulkner was fourth and Scott Bennett fifth . The second lap saw Church-man fall to fourth, Pierpont slow and Covey roll ( for his first time!) while Faulkner kept it floored and moved out front with a five min-ute advantage. Pierpont still held second, Covey managed to stay in third and Mike Hathcox was now fifth. Falkner's final lap was his worst, but he still hung on to take the win at seventh 0 / A with a time of 2:42: 10 to average 49.95 mph in the Edwin Enterprises/ Yokohama/ Flair Adv.ertising Hi Jumper. Pierpont had trouble, let-ting Covey grab second, 20 min-utes behind Faulkner. Pierpont rolled in 15 minutes later for third ahead of Churchman and Hathcox. · A parade marked the 5-1600 · competition. Charlie Lamar led throughout by an ever growing margin as Mike Woods and Art Roper persevered through numerous troubles to finish second and third. Lamar and his Charlie's Auto VW sedan turned in a time of 3:04:20 to finish 12th 0 / A a~d average 43.94 mph. Woods was in about five minutes later and Roper staggered in an hour and a half behind. Sportsmen Challengers, with the exception of Michael Kure-tich, found the challenge too much and never finished a · lap. Kuretich went on to finish 17th 0 / A for the class win with a time . of 3:17:09 tq-average 41.09 mph in the Kuretich Orchards/Pro Can Beard's. . After all but disappearing in the 1987 series, Class 5 was back with two entries. Chad Cornell made one two hour lap and had to park it while Martin Munoz never did come around. Bill Krug Sr. moved up from the Beginner division to Class 1-Ed Beard was sure glad to see the checkered flag. Winning Pro Class 10, and placing second overall Pro, was even more icing on the victory' cake. Jim Bell and Walt Laycock shared driving the Jeep Honcho, here heading out on the final lap on its way to the Pro Class 4 victory, by two laps! Going wire to wire for the Pro 5-1600 win, Chuck Edwards and Larry Weiser covered all the required laps in the TUF Bug from Tucson. Don Weiser and Jeff Wester kept the new Pro 1-2-1600 TUF-mobile going fast all five laps, and they won the class going away. Page 16 June 1988 Dusty nmes
Finding themselves the lone entry in Pro Baja Bugs, G.A. and W.F. Burghout gave it their all in Pro Class 2, and finished a very close third. Despite knocking a tire off the bead twice in the same spot, Rob McCabe earned'his first Pro 8 victory, finishing on a floppy tire. Charles Lamar and Jim Brown never looked back on the way to the finish line, taking the Sportsman 5-1600 victory home to California. 2-1600 in his Bunderson but was unable to start after finding him-self the only entry. Also all alone but going out for a good run was Class 4 racer Benny Hinds. He drove one of the Randall Racing Cherokees· to a n"inth 0 / A finish with a time of 2:51 :32 to average 47.22 mph. At about 4:30, a brief drivers' meeting was held and the Pros suited up for their five o'clock start. Leaving in this class order: 1, 2,. 10, 8, 1-2-1600, 5-1600, Challenger and 4, all but 5-1600 ( whose members voted to go only four) would run five laps for 225 miles. Al Bright was again teamed up with Doc Ingram, and Bright set ·hot lap of the race, a 4 3 :39, on his fifth circuit to take the Class 1 lead. Fifty-four ·seconds back was Jerry Finney: Not quite six min-ute~ behind, Steve McCann held third. Ingram took over on lap two, wantir;i.g to get a look at the course Dusty Times in the daylight, and continued to 10 minutes. lead Finney at the start oflap three "I was cruising in, µo troubles, by just over a minute. McCann when Danny came on the radio ' was experiencing clutch trouble and told me to .'stand on it!' Well, and was now 20 minutes back. I guess I did, though I didn't need Frank Thomas, subbing for to. I was going down that straight · Finney's teammate Dan Foddrill, about three miles from the finish, no~ was at the wheel of the in fourth gear, and next thing I second place machine. By the end knew I was upside down! All I of the lap he had the lead. Ingram know is, it's all Danny's fault!" · had hurt an already damaged hand explained Thomas as he surveyed and had to turn the car back over the car's bent parts at the finish to Bright. McCann was now out line. It wasn't quite 9:30 as he with his·motor gone . .,,. • climbed out of the car. Finney, Charging hard into the night, happy with the wi;, said he didn't Bright noticed a light catching up have any trouble, but busied him-to him. Looking back, he disco-self giving Thomas the third vered his car was in flames. By the degree. time he stopped and put the fire In Class 2, Gray Hendricks out, the carb was ready for the streaked to a 1: 12 advantage over recycling bin. Thomas went on to Gary Anderson after one lap. win in the Fly-N-Hi/ Trick Fuel/ Jerry Everett was just a few Mid-Valley Engineering/Pat seconds back for third and Paul Hughes Performance/Palmer's Nolte was fourth in his new Dir-Custom Speed Chaparral with a Trix. Right on hi~ heels was Bill time of 4:25:16 to average 50.89 Cook. The Burghout brothers mph and take the Pro Overall. His were sixth in their Baja converti-last lap ran a little long - about hie. Lap two saw Hendricks June 1988 Gary Anderson and Scott Rhone chased a_lf day anp caught their quarry on th'e clock, taking Pro Class 2 by one second m the DfrTnx two seater. increase' his lead to six minutes. Anderson, the Burghouts were Anderson held onto second, Ev-another 12 minutes in arrears and erett dropped from view and the Nolte and Cook were even farther Burghouts worked their way to back. third. But six miles into the last lap, By the end of lap four, it looked Hendricks lost his electrics and like Hendricks couldn't lose as he - had to run with no lights. The enjoyed a. seven minute lead on Jeep, i;.,. Page _'1.7 .,,..
Ed Faulkner made the long trip from Signal Hill, California worthwhile as he drove his Hi Jumper to the win in Sportsman 1600 Limited. Mike Kuretich drove his Beard's car to the Sportsman Challenger win, then father Bob took the Beginner Ltd. trophy with it the next day. Al McMullen and Tom Higgins had it a!I go their way for once, and Al won the big Sportsman Class 10 contest, and finished second overall too. · · i;.,. wt:t .groove_ was his only guidt:. He nt:vt:r got lost but did lost: timt:, still finishing first on the road and thinking he'd won. Anderson finished not long after, but even he thought Hendricks had won, saying, "It was a heck-uva race. Real good but real dusty. Overall real good competition with Gray. I have to thank Dan Foddrill and Glenn Evans for their help. I did my best." And that w_as good enough. When the computer finished crunching numbers, we found Anderson had won, by one second! His Anderson Building Co./Pat Hughes Performance/ DirTrix/Trick Fuel/Complete Performance DirTrix DT-2 turned in a time of 4:28:34 to rake third overall also. The Burghouts had closed most of the gap as well and were just four minutes back for third. Nolte finished nine minutes later to hold onto fourth over Cook, last finisher in class. After a dismal 1987, Ed Beard was ready to start 1988 with at least a finish in Class 10. Finish he did, leading his class on a wire to wire chase that gave him second overall. "It feels great - just to finish!" laughed Beard after-wards. "It's real nice to be able to get in the car and drive five laps again. No real · troubles. My Yoko's worked great in the sand. I just took it kinda easy on the last lap and prayed the car wouldn't break!" His Beard's SuperSeats/ Stroller Engineering/Yokohama Toyota Chaparral covered the distance in 4:28:20 to average 50.31 mph, Behind Beard, John Kelly was second on the first -lap with Greg Oswskey third, Tom Foley fourth and Dave Hubbard fifth. On lap two Oswskey took over second for the duration, and at the-finish Kelly was back in third with Foley fourth and last finisher. Pete Campbell was running like an unlimited buggy in his Class 8 Chevy. At A.D.R.A. events, if it looks like a big truck, it is a'big truck, and I never took a-real close look at the underpinnings. No matter, the Campbell/Chevy combo was fast! His 47:52 first lap put him 10 minutes ahead of second place Frank Turben. Rob McCabe was 45 seconds back for third with Richard Mann fourth and Bob Ewing fifth. Nels Tom-linson was out with carb trouble. Campbell continued to pour the coal on. I watched him go down one whoopy straight where the truck was landing 15 feet lat-erally for every 40 forward, in the dark, and he never backed off. Turben continued to hold second while McCabe and Mann traded positions and Ewing finally fell out. · At the start of the final lap, Campbell held a nearly 20 minute lead on Turben. Not far out though, Campbell's fuel pump went south and he stopped. Turben also broke and was out of it. . McCabe had lost time with a tire earlier but was rolling now and took over the lead. Campbell was making headway by pressuriz-ing the gas line, but this would only allow him to run a little ways between stops. McCabe knocked another tire CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE U.S. Forestry Approved Spark Arrester/ Muffler Used by most Mint 400 entrants FAr.TOllY WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTOR OPEN 5 DAYS A WEEK Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. I BEFORE YOU BUY - TALK TO THE PROFESS/ONAL!-I 12945 SHERMAN WAY, UNIT 4, NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 (818) 756-5827 • (818). 764-6438 Page 28 • off the rim in the same spot he had earlier, and with no spare, flopped in and across the finish line. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat. His first win, nothing broke, and he'd just been hoping to finish. His McCabe Racing/Richard Groves 'at Law/ Bimba's Sports Lounge/ Yokohama Ford F-150 had finished at 11th 0 / A with a time of 5:26:39 to average 41.33' mph. "Thanks to Yokohama, my wife, Greg Holman and every-body!" said McCabe. Campl:,ell lost over an hour and a half due to the fuel pump and settled for second, finishing at 6:05. Richard Mann, going for third, was stopped before his last lap since he ·would have had to run it in 38 minutes to beat the seven hour limit. He'd had all sous of trouble, not the least of which was an old set of box springs he'd got-ten wrapped around the driveline . when he tried to pass in a dump-ing area. 1987 Class 1-2-1600 champ Jim Borel unveiled his new Mirage but lost his engine on the first lap, and Don Weiser nursed his old Baja's motor in his new cardboard bodied T. U.F. two seater to the finish, The T.U.F. Off Road/ Rick's Fibercraft/G;nnon Grad-ing/Eastside Cycle/ Kama Rac-ing/ Yokohama/Fox/KC Hi-Lites/ Chirco Automotive-sponsored racer finished with a time of 6:33: 16 to average 34.33 mph. "Even Challengers passed us, but we made it!" said Weiser. "I've gotta have a new motor for the next race." lt was sibling rivalry for the pair ofT.U.F. sedans iq Class 5-1600. Chuck Edwards led Port Camp-bell by 26 seconds aft~r one lap, and then left his "little brother" in the dust to win at 19th 0 / A in the T .U .F. Off Road/Rick's Fibercraft/ Eastside Cycle yellow Beetle with a time of 4:58:28 to average 36.18 mph over their 180 mile race. Campbell eventually finished for second. All but one Pro Challenger completed the first lap. John Imbriale held first by 2:20 over John Lee. Vic Evans was third, Larry Dimmett fourth and Dono-van Morrow fifth. Imbriale con-tinued to lead until into the third lap when he broke. At the start of lap four, George Gurule (with Robert Gayton co-driving) was in the lead by 13 minutes on Morrow. Richard Madrid was third and last run-n'ing. Gurule went on to take the win and 12th 0 / A with a time of 6:02: 19 to average 37.26 mph in the Gurule Racing/Gayton homebuilt. Morrow had mo re trouble but finished, 42 minutes later. Hard times fe ll on Madrid . Wi'fh 1 :25 :40 to make his last lap, he thoueht he could finish. but June 1988 • Jim Travis drove his Chaparral to the Sportsman Overall-victory, and the next day Alan League earned the Beginner Overall title in it too! more bad luck brought him in 10 minutes after the limit so that last lap didn't count. That's racing! Last off the line was Class 4, with Ed McClain and the Generic Racing Ford 7S running with the 4 WDs. John Randall shot in.to the lead on lap one with the'Pro divi-sion's fourth fastest lap, a 46:45! (Maybe Chrysler should recon-sider the retirement of the big Jeep' truck line.) Ten minutes back was Jim Bell in second place. Rich Severson was in third, Jim Huff fourth, and McClain fifth. Randall went-out on the next lap and Bell's J-10 inherited the lead, moving Severson to second. McClain was now third as Huff was also out. Walt Laycock took the wheel from Bell while the crew repaired an axle. Laycock was now rele-gated to 2WD for the duration but kept the truck on top of the sand to take the win at ninth 0 / A. The Bell Concrete/ Bell Cemer{t Tools and Accessories Honcho ran the route in 5: 18:39 to average 42.37 mph and was the lone Class 4 finisher. Severson had parked after three laps, and McClain was out there still work-ing on his third lap. All the racers were back in the pits by 2 a.m., and everyone caught a few winks before the Beginner division ran five 15 mile laps for 75 miles at nine o'clock. With all the previous day's wreckage, only 16 cars made the Beginner line up, and only 14 of those started. · In the Unlimited class, Tom Murray held a 20 second edge on Alan League after lap one, Steve Simmons was third, Regina Berg-gruen fourth, and Craig Bell was in fifth in the big Jeep. League moved out front on lap two, now leading Murray by eight seconds. Berggruen slipped into third, Bell took o ve r fourth; and Dan Enselen edged into the top five. League continued on with no troubles to the finish, but Murray slowed and then stopped with a broken ring and pinion. Bell hung on for second, Enselen finished third and Omar Adams was the fourth and final Unlimited. League ran the 7 5 miles in 1:45:41-to give the Arizona Desert Rat/ People's Car Shop/ Travis-Helwig Chaparral a 42.58 mph average. ln the 1600 Ltd. ranks, John Miles led laps one and two with Bob Kuretich second, Nancy Cas-sel third and Steve Cohen fourth. But Miles went -out on the next lap, giving Kuretich the lead. At the finish, Kuretich won with a 2:25:21 to average 30.96 mph in the Kuretich Orchards/ Pro Can Beard's. His vety first ride in this car was with son Michael in ·the previous day's Sportsman race where it was the lone finishing Challenger. Cassel rolled in seven minutes later to take second as the last Limited car. When we checked the scoring, it showed the Beginner division worst off with a 42.9% finishing ratio, the Pros next with a 43.6% and the Sportsmen coming out on top with a 66. 7% finishing ratio. Post race penalties were handed out to Pros Foley /Blackmore team (15 minutes for blowing Check 2 three times), and Jim Bell (five minutes for hitting a check-point sign), and Sportsmen Benny Hinds and Ron Fields (five min-utes each for hitting a sign and blowing a check, respectively). Overall winner Finriey lost some serious points for his team since he didn't drive 50% of the distance. But Finney will not drive at night so he turned the wheel over to Thomas after two laps. A.D.R.A. extends its thanks to the Sonoran Department of Tour-ism and all the other folks that helped make the "Penasco Twi-light 250" a success and a great opener to the 1988 Desert Cham-pionship Series. Next up on the schedule: the secoi:td annual "W estern 250" slated for May 14- 15, in the desert west of Phoenix. Then it's onto the mountains near Flagstaff on July 16th, for the fifth annual "Hi-Counrry 150." Dusty Times
· Proposition 70 --An Insane Proposal (Wildlife, Coastal and Parkland Conservation Bond Act) Never before has such a ridiculous idea come before the voters of California! Is this Proposition for you? If You Are An Off-Roader, ABSOLUTELY NOT! Ask Yourself These Questions: WHY BUY MORE LAND? WHAT WERE THE PROMISES? HOW LONG WILL LAND GO UNUSED? A final inventory of state-owned land won't be completed until 1990. The state doesn't even know how much land it owns! To get enough signatures to place Prop 70 on the ballot, promises of land and monetary grants were made to certain groups. Once land is acquired, it is closed until developed. Only 20 percent (about $50 million) has been marked for development. Not enough to develop what is needed now. HOW WILL THE LAND BE USED? WILL PROP 70 AFFECT TAXES? DOES CORVA FAVOR PROP 70? Millions of dollars worth of land will be granted to private corporations --closed to off-roaders The actual cost of Prop 70 could rise to $1.3 billion (with interest), transferable to your taxes. Well, the Sierra Club does ... June 6th, Vote NO on Proposition 70 CLASSES FOR: Open Wheel Racers Trucks -5-1600s A TVs - Odysseys ·mmaBa,a,,. JUUIIIQJa,111111 . ':'•,•, f. ·,:,• San Bernardino, CA For information contact BRIAN CHURCH (714) 880-1733 P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA 92406 -. .. l!JB~l1 --OFF ROAD CHALLENGE The Third Race of a Six Race Series The Finest in Short Course Racing SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1988 100% Cash Payback ENTRY FEES: Trucks, Open Wheelers - $200.00 ATVs - $75.00 Odysseys -$100.00 5-1600s - $100.00 Reprinted courtesy of CORVA News. 93.5 -~------.1'\.IVlr FREE Overnight Camping ADMISSION: $10.00 -Adults $ 5.00 -Children Children under five FREE Open Grandstand Seating - Come and See All the Action! DESERT RACERS! COME OUT AND TRY OUR SUPER TRACK! WIDE ENOUGH TO RACE DESERT CARS! Dusty Times June 1988 Page 29
"' Victories dorit get sweeter than this. On April 30th, in the desert outside of Las Vegas, Jad< Johnson drove his V6 Nissan® Hard body™ 4 x4 to an exciting first place finish in one of the most demanding off-road races ever. The Nissan Mint 400. A fact you might find impressive in itself, considering he was racing in Class 4 Unlimited Production against many full-size V8s. But the story doesrit end there. Because not only was the competition fierce that day, so was Mother Nature. By blasting the 351 entrants with 70 m.p.h. winds and blowing sand, which, of course, created zero visibility But even with all these obstacles, Johnson still took his class. Not to mention, an im-pressive fourth overall. And other Nissan Hard bodies racing that day walked off with two seconds and a thirq. So if you're looking for a vehicle tough· enough to take on just about ·anything, check out the Hardbody at your local Nissan Dealer You'll find its one very tasty truck. NISSAN ~ ~ ® Built for the Human Race: •
MICIIYTHOMPSON'S on ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mazda Scores a Hat Trick in the Seattle Hingdome By Leonard Day Photos: Track.side Photo Enterprises The Mazda team made it three in a row for the truck main event victory. In Seattle it was team leader Glenn Harris who led from the second lap through the yellow flags to v;in the race. The second annual stadium in good shape and even helped dry race in the Seattle K.ingdome was things out a bit. as good or better than last year's Danny Thompson gave a two event. Thirty-two thousand pee- lap demonstration with an on pie turned out and were thor-board camera, which was shown oughly entertained. The evening on the big screen and narrated by started out with the autograph Ivan Stewart. This was a real session which emptied practically crowd pleaser. The local Chev-every seat. The Seattle fans really rolet dealer, Bothell Brothers, 'like this part of the show. After a provided pace cars for the eve-tribute and a moment of silence to ning, and escorted the Banshee Trudy and Mickey Thompson, Quad racers out for their three lap three and a half hours of non-stop demonstration race. All the riders insanity, or so it seemed, kept the were amateur and they were all fans in their seats. · out for a good time. Later, the Last year the race was held on intermission show featured a dirt that had 115 days of drought couple of Big Foot style rigs that and suµshine, and the racers felt excited the crowd with wheel moreathome, beingable tobreak stands and jumps. They even loose on the corners. This year we pulled a '74 Vega apart and into a Seattleites had little time left to bunch of pieces, probably more gather up our belongings and head than it originall'y came with. all went for the lead and the trophy in the first corner. Croft got the hole shot, followed by Whelchel and Marty Coyne.· Croft died after the second corner and Whelchel took the lead. Croft got the fire going enough to exit the track. Robby Gordon managed a roll over on the white flag lap, and Jerry Whelchel hung on for the win and the trophy. Marty Coyne finished second. Heat 1 of the Stadium Super-lites, otherwise known as souped-up suspended 360 Odysseys, took the grid and Richard Obi-alero started on the pole with Rory Holladay next to him. Obi-alero came out of the first corner in the lead, but he rolled over on the first lap. Holladay was dropped back a bit in the ensuing tangle, whil~ Mike Lovelle grabbed the lead, followed by Russ East.Trying to make up time Obialero did a clean endo off a jump on the back stretch, landed clean on the wheels and kept on going. Lovelle still had the lead at the halfway flag. Each lap after that was a drag race to each corner by the top four racers. Lovelle rolled and the yellow came out. On the restart, Rory Holladay got the lead and hung on for the win with big lead over John Has-shaw. David Thomas finished third after John Gersjes fell back. The second heat of the Stadium Superlites also had nine starters. Bill Goshen had the pole and Allen Y aros shared the front row. Everyone cleared the first corner, but Ron Pierce slipped past Yaros to pick up second ·place. Rennie Awana rolled over and was nailed by Frank Odom in the second corner. Yaros quit on the back stretch and had to be pushed clear of the track. On the restart, Goshen grabbed the lead but hit the hydro barrier in the first turn, giving the lead to Ron Pierce, who managed to stay there for the vic-tory, followed by Frank Chavez in second, and Bill Goshen in third. Ron Pierce and Rory Holladay were expected to do battle in the main event for the Superlites. Six-teen tiny racers were on the grid with Bill Goshen on the pole alongside David Thomas. Goshen got the hole shot when the green flag flew. There was a slight jam in the first corner, and Ron Pierce and David Thomas went over the barrier and landed upside down in the oncoming lane, bringing out the yellow lights and flags. Thom-as exited the course with broken steering, and Pierce got restarted. On the restart, Goshen main-tained his lead followed by John Hasshaw and Rory Holladay. But it was a nerf to nerf battle all the way. At the beginning of the second lap Goshen went wide and Hasshaw dropped low to come out the leader. Goshen again went wide, allowing Holladay to get under him, and dropped back to third. At the white flag Hasshaw had a big lead, but on the back stretch a slower car died and created some excitement. But the checkered flag went to John Has-shaw. Bill Goshen, Frank Chavez and Rory Holladay diced out of the back stretch jam, with Goshen taking second, Chavez third, and Holladay was fourth. Heat 1 for the 4 wheel A TVs had 16 vehicles on the line with Donnie Banks sitting on the pole and Mark Ehrhardt in the same row. The dozers had churned up the first corner pretty good, leav-_ing some good sized lumps, but all the A TVs got through it in good shape. A couple of back runners got tangled in the second turn, but caused no problems. The race was won easily by Donnie Banks, who led from flag to flag. Second went to Mark Ehrhardt, and third place went to Sean Finley. Jimmy White took the checkered flag, then flipped his A TV into the wall for a little excitement. Heat 2 for the 4 wheel A TVs also had sixteen in the staging for the arks, as it had rained for The first race of the evening, thirty days and thirty nights. This the Trophy Dash, featured six made the dirt course, really mud, unlimited Super 1600s with very heavy and very sticky in the Tommy Croft having the inside corners. The soggy conditions pole position and Jerry Whelchel made for myriad problems for the sitting alongside. All six were anx-drivers during the day of practice, ious to please the crowd and man-qualifying and even into the races aged to creep right up on the start-in the evening. The good work of er while he mounted the starter's the dozer operators kept the track stand. The green flag dropped and Frank Arciero, Jr. made a bid to retain h is points championship, leading most"of the main event in his Chenowth, and he won the race and moved into a tie on points . ......... -,-----,------,_.-....;;;;:=.;====;;;;:--====,:.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii AffENTION PIT TEAMS Send in your tales of triumph and troubles to DUSTY TIMES soon after a race and it will be featured o n these pages. Send to : DUSTY TIMES 5531 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 9 1301 Page 32 Chris Neil was running strong in the VW Scirocco, taking the UltraStock main Steve Millen scored the points for Toyota finishing second in the first truck event lead on the last lap. and Neil pressed on to the winner's circle. heat and taking a close thi¢ in the wild main event action. June 1988 Dusty Times
Jerry Whelchel led all three laps in the 1600 trophy dash, but luck deserted him in his heat race and the main, where he placed 8th. Bill Bryant led both the heat and the main event in Super 1600 DefendingpointschampJeffHuberdidn'thavemuchluckatthe action,·but his Chenowth was third in the heat and fifth in the Kingdome, and his best finish in the Mazda was fourth in the Walker Evans scored his first win in a Jeep, leading all the way in the first heat for the Grand National Sport Trucks. He placed fourth in the main event. 1 area, and Derek Hamilton was on Finley, followed by Derek Hamil-the pole. These guys on the A TVs ton, Don Turk, and Marty Hart. really pay when they spend too The 250cc Pro motorcycles ran much time staging, they breathe a one heat and a main, with 25 rac-lot of fumes. But, then, maybe it ers in each event. They were the helps! Hamilton managed to grab only group to run counterclock-the hole shot while everyone else wise all night. They also were banged fenders in the first corner. started by the unique bungee cord Marty Hart came out of the mess system. Lowell Thompson and · next, with Mark Holz right on his Scott Tyler had fast qualifying pipe. At the halfway flag Hamil- times and were inverted six rows ton still had the lead over Hart, back. Tom Watts took over the with Holz and Doug Eichner in early lead, but lost it when Jeff third and fourth place. Hamilton Mabery put a move on him. Tyler and Hart battled for a couple laps moved up from sixth to third right into the checkered flag, with" place in three laps. Jim Holley Hamilton coming out the winner. grabbed the lead on the fifth lap The main event for the 4 wheel and stayed out front for the win. ATVs featured 24 vehicles. Sean Scott Tyler took second. The Finley and Mark Holtz had front Rough Driving Committee dis-row seats when the green flag flew. qualified San Jose rider John In the first corner a rider went Dauth for cutting ~he course. down, and in the second corner Tommy Watts finished third. another went down, but they were In the Ultracross 250cc motor-not serious spills. At the end of cycle main event there were 25 the first-lap Finley had the lead riders going in reverse direction. over Hamilton, Don Turk and Using the special inverted system, Toby Ashley in that order. Ashley some of the faster riders were overtook Turk for third, then lost inverted to various ositions · in it but managed, to get back in the back of the pack. Scott Tyler, shape to keep his place. Nineteen from Olympia, WA, and Jim Hol-year old Randy Grimes endoed on ley, from Woodland Hills, CA, a backside jump and had to be were starting from the seventh helped off.the track. Finley stayed row. Right after the start Mike 1 in the lead on the restart. Ron Tresch and Joe Casey tangled and Fields went down hard in the went down. They restarted and second corner on the white flag battled back to respectable fin-lap and had a tough time getting ishes. Tony Graves was an early out from under the A TV. The leader and held that pesition until winner of the main event was Sean he was aced out by a fender at the 4~· Vince Tjelmeland drove to a line second in the Ni~ an Pulsar in the UltraStock heat race, but he dropped to fifth in the main event. Dusty nmcs second truck heat. Brad Castie grabbed·the lead in the first 1600 heat late in the game, and his Raceco won the heat. but was penalized to last place in the main. finish line by Scott Tyler. Tyler Bell, from Gresham, OR. The was the winner, followed by Tony race was a crowd pleaser with a Graves, Jim Holley, and Mike home town rider taking the victory. The UltraStock class had just two races, the heat and a main event. Eight cars started the heat nrce, and Bill Silbermann and Lloyd Castle had the front row seats on the start. The battle over the line and into the first turn had doors and quarter panels flying all over. Lloyd Castle got underneath Bill Silbermann in the second turn and Chris Neil grabbed the lead, but the yellow flag flew. On the restart Silbermann and Tim Maples got jammed up causing another caution. On the next re-start Neil and Jeff Elrod tangled, allowing Vince Tjelmeland to jump out front. Elrod was able to get the lead back on the fourth lap and he stayed there for the win. But things got a little hairy when Elrod_. 1988 P€NDA Dedliner ·arr-Road Championship Series , Guaranteed Purse Of: 3 BIG OFF-ROAD RACING EVENTS May29 llJ'i/SiY July 16 _ J'NJ',l',,J. 'September 11 y._._._ BF Goodrich Memorial Day 1 00 Lake Geneva Raceway lake Geneva, WI BFGoodrich Off Road Grand Prix Santa Fe Off-Road R"ce Off-Road Stadium Race Santa Fe Speedway Adams County Fairgrounds Hinsdale, IL Denver. CO (Chicago area) 1 Big Multi-class Shoot-out Race at Each Event SCOR.E/HD~RA Classes -3, 4, 14, 7, 7S, 7-4x4 & 8 Additional $10,000 Series Points Championship Purse _ _ IP! , STORl:/S O O A Points Svstem ) Brought to you by: PE:MDA CORPORATION Home of Quality Penda Bedliners for Pickup Trucks RACERS-HOTLINE: 1-80.0-356-7704 (1-800-362-7611 in Wis.) June 1988 -Page 33
Bob Gordon does the bicycle act in his Chenowth on the sticky surface, and Gordon's best finish o f the night was fourth in the first 1600 heat. Defending points champion Ken Kazarian led from the pole in Jimmy Nichols ha<fa good run in his Raceco, taking 4th in the the UltraStock main, but his Scirocco quit on the white flag lap; 2nd 1600 heat, and Nichols finished 6th in the hectic main event. he was seventh. Arciero, then Jimmy Nichols and Billy Beck. Jim Fishback Jr. flew his Chenowth toa wire to wire victory;; the second 1600 heat, but he. had big troubles in the main event. Jeff Elrod won the UltraStock heat race in the VW Scirocco, fell to fourth in the main event, but he retained the season points lead in the class. The main event for the Super 1600s had 19 cars on the grid, with Frank Arciero on the pole. Bill Bryant tagged the "barrier in the middle of the first turn, but still managed to come out in front of the pack, followed by Arciero. Caddell also managed to nail the barrier in the first turn. Robby Gordon lost power and fell way to the back in the second lap. Mike Strong also lost power on the second lap and brought out the yellow flashing lights. After clear-ing his car the race resumed with Bryant still the leader, but this proved to be short lived when Arciero made a good move to take the lead. Al Arciero got his Jeep in the lead late in the second truck heat, and Al kept it together to win his first stadium truck race in Seattle. C.. momentarily lost power in Kazarian and Neil dead even the last corner.'Tjelmeland took again. Vince Tjelmeland seemed second and Neil finished third. to like the center barrier in the Maples managed a rollover when first turn as he high centered on it Tim Lewis jumped a barrier and and stayed for a "while. Kazarian collided with him. still had the lead, followed by The same eight cars took the Neil, Lloyd Castle and Tim Lewis. green flag for the UltraStock main Neil had trouble in a corner but event. Ken Kazarian and Chris still managed to keep second. Neil left the line in the front row, Kazarian took the white flag, went across the line and came out then went dead in the first corner ·· of the first corner in a dead heat. and Neil grabbed the lead. Kazar-Neil stalled a bit and Kazarian ian got started again, but bogged grabbed about a two car. length down, and just about everyone lead, and built that into about passed him, dropping him to sev-four car lengths. But, crossing the enth. Bill Silbermann rolled his line at the end of two laps it was Mazda over on its side in the last corner and it caught fire. No one was hurt, but if one can see humor, this was it ... two big guys trying to get out the same window at the same time. ·1t all ended safely as the traek personnel were right on the spot with fire equip-ment. The race ended with Chris· Neil taking first place in his VW Scirocco followed by Lloyd Castle, Nissan Pulsar, and Tim Lewis. Heat 1 for the Super 1600 rac-ers had ten cars at the start with Bill Bryant on the pole. This heat had a couple of loq1l racers in the pack, Roger Caddell and Mike Strong, starting in the last row. Everybody got through the first corner OK and the first four cars through the second turn were Bill Bryant, Brad Castle, Robby Gor-don and Bob Gordon in that order. Mike Strong stopped in the second corner, bringing out the yellow. Gary Kroses ran the entire race with a left rear tire flat, and barely staying on the rim. This really slowed him down and he brought up the rear. · When the race resumed Bryant still had the lead, Castle was still second and the Rob/ Bob duel for third and fourth was still going on. In the sixth lap Castle finally got past Bryant and took the lead. Robby Gordon made a few moves weve written the book-on Off Road. •FAT Racing Parts •Centerline Wheels • Bilstein Shocks •Sway-A-Way • Perma -Cool We've completed the most comprehensive catalog of race-proven parts ever. From the people who have put more Off Road \drivers in the Winner's Circle than anyone else. Whether it's a simple Dzus button or an elabo-rate race-ready engine. Call. write, carrier pigeon. anything. But do it now. Or you'll be at the back of the pack. PERFORMANCE FOR YOUR FAT PERFORMANCE CATALOG, SEND $5 TO FAT PERFORMANCE, DEPT. DT, 1450 N. GLASSELL, ORANGE CA 92667. OR CALL (714) 639-2833. Page 34 • S&S Headers • Weber Carbs •IPF Lights •JaMar Products • Wright Place •Tri-Mil Exhaust •Gem Gears • Beard Seats • Simpson Safety •Super-Trapp •Yokohama Tires •Many more ... June 1988 of his own and also got by Jjryant for second. Tommy Croft came from way back in the pack to momentarily take over fourth spot. At the checkered flag it was Brad Castle in for the win, fol-lowed by Robby Gordon, Bill Bryant and Bob Gordon. The second Super 1600 heat had nine starters with Jim Fish- · back, Jr. on the pole and Mitch Mustard alongside. In the first corner Fishback took the inside line, Mustard came out second best and Frank Arciero, Jr. was third followed by Marty Coyne. There was quite a duel hetween Coyne and Jimmy Nichols, and _Nichols slipped by to take over fourth spot. At the halfway flag it was Fishback, Mustard and Arciero. The race was full of excit-ing wheel to wheel contact, acro-batics and barrier contact. Gerry Charlton went throµgh three gearboxes during the day to get him this far, and he had a good dice with Jon Brockett, until he hit the wall, which dropped him way back into last. But Charlton managed to battle -back a couple places and then stalled out on the back stretch. Fishback still had the lead at the ' white flag, and behind him there was a great duel between Mustard and Arciero. . Fishback led the race all the way for the win. The wheel to wheel duel to the checkered flag found Mustard in second, followed by Brad Castle was seen doing some two wheel tricks after tang-ling with a barrier. Mitch Mustard made a move around a big jam to move back up in the pack. Bryant · lost another position when Billy Beck got by to take second spot on the fourth lap. Roger Caddell retire_d from the track with fuel pump problems. Arciero maintained his · lead, · then Brad Castle and Robby Gor-don brought out the caution flag; when they embraced wheels in such a manner that it took 13 guys to pry them apart. Art Gersjes brought out yet another yellow and had to be cleared from the track. On the restart and through to the checkered flag it was Frank Arciero, Jr. in first, Billy Beck in second, and Mitch Mustard in' third. Brad Castle was penalized for hitting and passing under the yellow aution. It really shouldn't come as a surprise, but the crowd can hardly wait for the Grand National Sport Trucks to come alive and provide the thrills and chills of a race and a demolition derby combined. The first heat had eleven trucks readv for the green flag. Dan Esslinger' had the pole in his Ford, and Jeff Huber; Mazda, lined up next to him. Esslinger took the early lead, but the race really resembled a demo derby. Esslinger got tangled Robby Gordon finished a close second jn his Chenowth in his heat race, but dropped to the back of the 1600 main event pack with traffic problems. Dusty Times
Tim Lewis uses a keen Porsche 911 body on his Raceco built U/traStock, and Tim finished a fine fourth in the main event at the Kingdom. Mitch Mustard had a good night in Seattle, his Colorado based Chenowth nailing down second in his heat and a keen third in the 1600 main event. Always a fast qualifier, Marty Coyne was second in the 1600 trophy dash, and he got his Chenowth through the traffic to place fourth in the main. up and high centered sideways on a jump and Al Arciero rolled his Jeep. When the race resumed Walker Evans had the lead in his Jeep with Steve Millen, Toyota', following in second. Danny Thompson's hood came un-latched on the Chevy and covered the windshield so the track crew removed it and he continued on. Huber and Rod Millen, Mazda, locked tires on the third lap. Evans maintained the lead into the sixth lap followed by Steve Millen and Glenn Harris, Mazda. Ivan Stewart blew the engine in his Toyota on the sixth lap and had to resort to the backup truck for the rest of the night. Walker Evans won the heat followed by-Steve Millen and Glenn Harris. After a rough run in the heat race, Lloyd Castle got his Nissan Pulsar humming and finished second in the UltraStock main event. The second truck heat had the same eleven cars on the grid, and the crowd was really up for these drivers. All the trucks had new body parts and looked like they hadn't been in a previous race, but fathers and sons alike left the dome with lots of fi~erglass sou-venirs after the night was done. Al Arciero had the pole position in this heat, and took the lead out of the first turn followed by Danny Thompson, Rod. Millen. and· Glenn Harris. Rod Millen moved up to take over the lead with Thompson running second. Arciero dropped to third but got into a push and shove match with Thompson. Then Harris got in the act and tagged Arciero a good one. · Rod Millen now had a 5-6 truck length lead, and Ivan Stew-art didn't seem able to keep the pace in the backup truck. Arciero and Thompson fought door to door, then Thompson went over the top of a barrier and got nailed by Harris, then went over another barrier and got it from Dan Esslinger and Walker Evans. Thompson then got spun around by Esslinger and was now going backwards on the track, but finally got headed in the right direction with body parts hanging all over. Yellow flags were flying and the trucks were regrouped to allow the track workers to pick up most of the pieces. On the restart Rod Millen had the lead followed by Al Arciero, but Al pushed Rod up against the wall. Walker Evans went up or:i a' barrier and lost a position. At the white flag it was Al Arciero, Rod Millen, Glenn Harris and Jeff Huber in that order. Evans and Steve Millen collided with Steve coming out best. At the checkered flag it was Al Arciero winning his first stadium truck race. Rod Millen was· second, followed by Glenn Harris and Jeff Huber. Dan Esslinger was dropped to last place by the Rough Driving Committee. The last event of the night is always the Grand National Sport. Truck main event, and all eleven were on the line to do battle for ten laps, and all were.decked out in new armor. On the two on a row grid, Glenn Harris and Jeff Huber were on the front row, fol-lowed by Al Arciero and Rod Millen. Filling in the field were Dave Ashley, Ford, Ivan Stewart, Walker Evans, Steve Millen, Roger Mears, Nissan, Danny Thompson, and Dan Esslinger, by himself on the last row. Into· the first corner it was ·a dead even drag race between Huber and Harris. Stewart went over on his lid, and this writer questions "Why no yellow?" It Rally star Rod Millen does a little wheel stand en route to a second place in both the truck heat race and main event,. good points for Mazda. Dusty nma seemed to be a bit unfair to let I van get passed and drop back a lap down, when all night the yel-low flew for lesser incidents. Anyhow, Ivan stayed in the first corner until the entire field went by, and then got restarted to the rear, now one lap down on the entire field. Harris started the second lap in the lead, followed by Rod Millen. This started a door to door duel with the lead changing back and forth. Then Huber regained second at the end of the third lap with Rod Millen right on his quarter panel. It looked like Harris lost power for a moment, but regained his speed and kept the lead. Ashley and Arciero got into a shoving match, and Esslinger went dead, bringing out the cau-tion flags. The fourth lap ran . under yellow. Roger Mears left the track at this time. On the re-start it was three Mazdas in a row, Harris, followed by Huber and Rod Millen, and Ashley's Ford was fourth. Arciero and Ashley tried another shoving match with Arciero getting the best of it. Danny Thompson missed a jump and rolled over sideways, landing on his top, and he gave the big screen viewers a good shot of what it looks like to hang upside down and watch all your friends go by. Glenn Harris maintained a good lead in his Mazda and fin-ished with the victory in pretty good shape, but the rest of the gang lost a lot of body parts. Rod Millen got his Mazda in for second place, .while his brother Steve Millen took third for Toyota.Jeff Huber was fourth in the other Mazda, but was dropped one posi-tion by the Rough Driving Com-mittee for contact with Steve Millen. This put Walker Evans and his Jeep into fourth place. Danny Thompson lost five places for passing under the yellow. Al Arciero also was docked five laps plus one for yellow flag and con-tact infractions. Danny Thompson won the June 1988 Texas racer Billy Beck took over second place midway in the 1600 main event, and his Berrien held second spot to the checkered flag. Peak Antifreeze "Cool Mo~e of the members of the press in the Night" award for his come attendance, is a check for $500 back drive in the truck main and points toward the seasonal event. The Peak Award, voted by· grand prize of $5000 po. Long Before Other Light Companies Thought Off Road Racing Was Popular ... KC HiLiTES Knew It Was Important ! KC's been involved in off-road racing· since day one. That's why we can produce the finest competition lighting avaiiable. Lights that can withstand the tortures of off-road racing. Lights that you can depend on to find the finish line in the depths of night. 1:.ights that are backed for a full 5 years by a company that really cares about off road ~acing and the people involved in it. It pays to take KC along for the ride ... for the confidence, dependability and support built into every ligh~. Since 1970 There Have Been More KC Equipped Off Road Race Winners Than All Of Our So-Called Competitors Combined. Williams, Arizona 86046 • 602/635-2607 Page 35
Jim Caudle and Randy Branson alternated the driving chores, with young Chris Day riding along, and they finished second in Pro Open action. Home town driver Don Monk had his best race ever, running the Bronco to second spot in Class 4, just eight minutes behind the class winner. Stan Case zipped his new Class 8 Chevy over the trails in good time, and he took third in Class 4, on the same lap as the winning 4x4 truck. PAC BAJA DEL NORTE SERIES A.J. IGelian Wins Overall at H~rn Rapids in a 1600cc Racer Text & Photos: Leonard Day A.J. Kielian had. a nearly flawless race, covering the 11 laps in 6:13.33, and he drove alone to not only win the 1600 honors, but A.J. won the race overall_ by 17 minutes. The eastern Washington desert Rapids 240. The rain stopped two had had no rain for about eight days before the second race in the months, but it finally· came and PAC points · series, and one came and came. For six days couldn't have asked for better rac-straight it rained good and hard ing conditions. It was perfect! The around Richland, Washington, temperature was just right, about site of the Yokohama/ Trick Horn 65. with a little wind to keep what BIGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the -C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. . ~~nvert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. Joints. Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. . All axles and bells for Type II can be threaded 3/8-i4 or stock 8 mm tifeads. pitch threads. 10 mm • 1. 5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. · FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 36 little dust there was off the track, so the visibility was perfect. The only problem was ... no cars! Only 14 entries showed up to race in these perfect conditions. The course for this race was 22 miles in length, and about one half of it was brand new trails: The entire route is pretty flat with no elevation gain, and there is hardly any rock: It is mostly very heavy, sandy type soil. What dust nor-rp.all y comes falls pretty fast. Eleven laps were scheduled within the seven hour time allowance for the event. The registration and tech inspection took place on Friday, April 22, and was pretty quiet. The drawing for starting posi-tions was made after the close of registration. Saturday morning the two Pro buggies left first, with Gayle Hod-son, Bothell, WA, at the wheel of his newly modified single seater. This was a good place to test his car after adding length and new suspension components. Gayle's plan was also to get his son's feet wet, and Don was going to have 'his first try at driving in competi-tion. The second of the Pro bug-gies was a Class 2 car driven by Jim Caudle and his riding navi-gator, young Christopher Day. Both cars turned very consistent lap times on the first few laps. In fact, Gayle Hodson got the fast time of the day on his first lap in June 1988 clean air, a :50: 12. Gayle Hodson turned the car over to his son Don, who is only ·16 years old, at the beginning of the fifth lap. Don did well and gained confidence with each turn. On the sixth lap he managed to roll the car over two different times. Fortunately ther~ was someone in the area to help right the car each time, and the soft desert did no damage except to his pride. Randy Branson took over the driving chores in the Class 2 car, and picked up the pace a bit. But a few things on the newly built car developed problems, and time was wasted in the pits making repairs. Two rear flats were also changed on the course. Gayle and Don Hodson covered nine laps in 5:59.04 to take the Pro Open class title. Jim Caudle, of Federal Way, WA, and friends went eight laps in 5:29.59. The two Pro 1600 cars did real battle all day. A.J. Kielian, in his single seat racer, passed his com-petitor and the Class 2 car on the first lap. Also in a single seat 1600 was young Ki Chainey, who drove the first four laps of the contest. He managed to stay right on the rear nerf bar of Kielian until the right side tie rod end broke, mak-ing it difficult to steer. But Chain-ey managed to get back to the pits for a repair job and changed driv-ing chores with his sister Dianne. It is hard to tell the difference in driving skills between the two. Anyway, Dianne set off in hot pursuit of Kielian. A.J. had a cou-ple of short pit stops on laps 5 and 6, but not enough for Dianne to catch up. The !)ait stayed close all the way with A.J. Kielian covering eleven laps to not only win 1600 class, but his time of 6: 13.33 was fast enqugh to win the race over-all. Kielian won $280 to take home to Mattawa, WA. The Chainey car finished all eleven laps also in 6:35.39, good for third overall for the Eatonville, . WA family. The Pro 4x4 Class was unusu-ally small for this area, but the largest at this race with six starting entries. Both Don Roemer and Bob Nyeste drove long distances to race, and their effort is com-mendable. At Horn Rapids, the two wheel drive rigs were mixed in this class. The first truck to leave the line was the Chevy pickup of Don Roemer, from Pet-aluma, California, and it looks like Don and his crew finally have things in the shape they want. They led the race from wire to wire, having absolutely no prob-lems all day. They only stopped long enough for fuel and to change drivers. Don Roemer also had the fast lap of the day for the 4x4s, a 37:53 on the 22 mile loop. Hank Williams and a host of co-drivers kept the two seater going hard and fast to not only win the Sportsman honors, but they placed second overall with 11 laps done. Young Ki Chainey and his sister Dianne took turns driving the 1600 racer, and · the pair covered 11 laps in quick time to place a great third overall. Dusty nma
Former buggy drivers Scott Livernash and Del Matthews had some new car woes with their new Mitsubishi, but they still got it home fifth in Class 4. Canadian Bob Nyeste had his Ford right with the leaders in Class 4 in the early going, but dropped time later to finish, on the same lap, in fourth. First time racer Jeff Ostby had fun on the· keen trails, and he also had some mechanical problems, but he scored second place among the Sportsman. The winning Chevy covered nine laps in 6:20.11. Bob Nyeste comes from Kam-loops, British Columbia to race his Ford, and he was second off the line. At the end of one lap Nyeste was only four second·s slower than Roemer, but his times started to drop off then. He fin-ished nine laps also, in 6:58.55, fourth in the class. Scott Liver-nash and co-driver Del Matthews brought out a newly purchased Class 7S Mitsubishi pickup and ran hard all day. They had a bunch of small, nagging problems, which took some time to get repaired. W e welcome this Korum Ford/ Mitsubishi sponsored rig to the off roag. ranks in the Northwest. The Livernash pickup finished five laps, fifth in class. Another newly purchased rig was the Class 8 Chevy now owned by Stan Case of Cove, Oregon. Case had second lap problems that dropped him way back, but he battled back each lap and got in nine rounds to finish just out of the money in third place. Don Monk, a local driver from West Richland, took his Bronco off the line· in the fifth slot and ran the best race of his career so far. Don had no problems and ran consis-tent times for nine laps and a second place finish, just eight minutes off Don Roemer's pace. The last 4x4 off the line and the one with the most problems was · the usually quick Ford Bronco of Ed Burnap and Kent Benedetti of Corvallis, Oregon._ Before Burnap exited the OHV Park he ran into fuel troubles, and the old Bronco just died. With a little bit of quick trouble shooting it was discov-ered that the fuel cell contained about two gallons of water, and that didn't seem to burn very well. Getting that all cleaned out,• the Bronco was back in gear and gone. The source of the water in the fuel was not discovered until another gallon was inadvertently dumped again from the supply drum\ and the same problem resulted. Not enough time remained to possibly make up the lost time, so the rig was parked after five laps in sixth place. Four Sportsman buggies made up the next class of racers, and first time racer Jeff Ostby, from · Gaston, Oregon, had the first slot. Jeff had a very long first lap with a bunch of troubles, and he man-aged to finish only two laps, which oddly enough was good for second place in the four car class. Randy Branson 's single seater sported a real air cleaner this time, and it was securely bolted on, but he still had a couple of tube socks along, just in case. The problem this time out was no oil in the rocker arm assembly on the number 2 and 3 cylinder side. Californian Don Roemer and his crew had good luck with the Chevy, and they led the Class 4 bunch from flag to flag to win the biggest class in the race. Gayle Hodson and his son Don whipped across the desert in good time and · they won the unlimited class title despite a few mishaps along the way. Dusty nmcs One lap was all she wrote for Randy. Scott Holt, sometimes known as "no lap Holt", had another of those familiar days, and he didn't finish the first lap again. But that doesn't mean that Holt, from Woodinville, WA, didn't try. He spent all seven hours trying! The winner of the class at Millican Valley Hank Williams again took first in class and a great second overall in the two seater. The team from Junction City, Oregon, have the NASCAR style pit stop down pretty good, and they need it. They have a multitude of driver and co-driver changes. The car developed a gearbox problem this race, making the Type 4 motor work hard with no second gear. But, they finished all eleven laps in 6:32.44, excellent time. Congrats to all participants. Keep the chins up, it can only get better! With two of the five series races in the 1988 record book the point standings are close in most· classes·. In Pro Class 1 John Winkes leads with 22 points, but Gayle Hodson is close with 20, followed by Phil LaPlante at 18. Jim Caudle and company are alone in Pro Class 2-5, with 40 points. A.J. Kielian leads the,Pro 1600 bunch with 46 points, fol-lowed by Joe Chainey at 38 and Russ Lierman at 16. Don Roemer not only leads the combined truck classes points with 52, he is tied for top overall points. In class Don Monk is second with 44 points, followed by Bob N.yeste Approved by: FIA, IMSA, and Ed Burnap in a tie for third with 40 points each. Gordon Scott is fifth with 36 points, fol-lowed by Robert Murphy, 32, and Phil D.ean 28. Greg Peters is all alone in Sportsman 4x4 with 20 points. Obviously Hank Williams leads, the Sportsman Buggy ranks and is tied for the overall lead at 52 points. Randy Branson is second in Sportsman Buggy points with 40, follo·wed by Scott Holt, 32 andJeffOstby, 22.· · The next event counting for Pac points is the VORRA desert race out of Yerington, Nevada on May 28-30. The next event after that in the Pac points series is in Ash-croft, British _Columbia on July · 15-16, promoted by the Bronco Busters of Kamloops, BC. NHRA, SCCA, SCORE, USAC and HORA • Custom Fuel Bladders • Fuel Tanks • Standard Fuel Bladders • Refueling Equipment • Budget Fuel Cells "let us_ knqw what you want. We can do it." (714) 897-2858 (800) 433-6524 (Outside California) Call or write for free catalog 5271 BusinessDrive, Hu.ntington Beach, CA 92649 June 1988 Page 37
The big Ford 'mother ship' was truly loaded before embarking from home base, using most of the same equipment as the Jeep, plus to_ns of spares. The Ford truck also go( extra gauges, fancy seats, the compass and ,the Terra Trip, since it did double duty as a chase r.ig and a rally vehicle. Bryant Hibbs organized the back of the Ford to use every bit of space and still be able to find any part quickly, by using a coding system. TRANS AMAZON ADVENTURE -Building a Truck for a 14 Day Race Text & Photos: Homer Eubanks The 1988 Jeep Cherokee outfitted for the 8500 mile competition sports big Bosche Lights and a Warn winch on the br1,1sh guard, a back full of spares and a roof carrier for whatever doesn't fit inside. CONGRATULATIONS AND THANKS TO CORKY McMILLIN FOR HIS CLASS 2 CHAMPIONSHIP AND.TO MARK McMILLIN FOR ANOTHER CLASS 1 CHAMPIONSHIP, AND TO THEIR CREWS. Congratulations and Thanks to Willis Hamilton and Marty Letner for their come from behind overall victory in the Great Mojave 250, and to their crew. Congratulations and Thanks to Mark McMillin for his fine overall victory in the Mint 400, and to his crew. Congratulations and Thanks to Danny Letner and Henry Bergdahl .for their second place finishes in the Great Mojave 250 and the Mint 400 with their small engine. When did a Bruckmann Porsche 6 engine win its first off road overall victory? 1983, when Mark McMillin won the Baja _1000 in his first attempt using Bruckmann Porsche 6 · How many engine failures has Mark Mc Millin had since early 1983? None! What about cost and economy? Bruckmann Porsche 6 engines have sold for far less than many of you pay for Type 4 engines. On the other hand, not one of the Bruckmann Porsche 6 race engines has been retired since 1983. What about maintenance cost? As you keep your HPS oil clean, your air filters serviced, your rpm's under 7500, your fuel system working, the oil temps under 250°, you will need a valve adjustment and tune up with oil change after your race. The small engine can go a full season without being opened. The big engine needs rod bearings every 3 to 5 races, depending on the circumstances (soon they can go the full season, promise). How good is. this big investment holding up? For example. if Gorky Mc Millin did spend $17. ODO on his 3.4 in 1984, that engine won four SCORE/HORA championships and is worth more today than in 1984! Why are Bruckmann Porsche 6 engines better? Because of experience and integrity. The Porsche 6 cylinder engine is a proven winner since 1965. It's closest competitioa comes from VW Type 1 and Type 4 engines, which again base on the superior design of Porsche going back to the 1930s. Also, Volker Bruckmann received some training in the Porsche Factory Race Repair department, has been an active racer since 1965 (Formula V, Mini Stock, Formula Super V. SCCA Solo II, Porsche Club. Daytona 24 hours. Pikes Peak. La Carrera Panamericana Classica, etc.). . What about the Drivability of these Porsche 6 engines by Bruckman? Piece of Cake! "Pure luxury", said Gorky McMillin one day; full throttle is possible from 2000 in any gear up past 7000! These engines are built by a driver who is a mechanic and he answers to God and to you. May God bless you all. Page 38 "rnup ~ru.dtmann PORSCHE OFF ROAD RACE ENGINES 8626 Commerce Ave., Miramar, CA 92121 • (619) 578-1585 June 1988 The Exploration Society of rear spider gears, and this elec-America, Inc. designed an 8500 tronic control allows a switch to mile rally through South America lock out the automatic lock.up called the Trans Amazon Adven- and use the converter similar to a ture Rallye-Raid. The event is gear splitter. !IYou never know scheduled .to take 24 days of when a few hundred rpm can actual racing, and it started last make a difference," stated Hibbs. April. Heading south from Carta-The front suspension remained gena, Columbia, the racers will close to stock with Doetsch Tech cross the Amazon mountain double shocks bolted on and the ranges four times and travel the stock sway bars retained. In the entire length of South America's rear Hibbs went to National Pacific seaboard before cutting Springs and designed and built his inland to finish in Buenos Aires, own leaf springs. Wheel travel is Argentina. After being involved said to be ten inches up front and in some long distance ( rather 11.S in the rear. General Grabber wimpy compared to this) off road tires (29" x 9.50) are mounted OQ races, the thought of vehicle stress steel rims. Hibbs felt the steel rims'· and team preparation came to · would give him a ~hance to beat mind. To see what is involved in and weld them back into a round such an event, we ventured south object, should the need arise. to Dulzura, CA, to visit Bryant Should the Jeep find the going a Hibbs of B-Bar-H Unlimited. little tough and want to lay down Hibbs_:,vas called upon by Ken in a mud hole, a Warn 6000 Walters and Ron Clyborne to pound winch and grill combina-organize and prepare the Maybe tion are available up front to get Manana Racing Team for the goingagain. WhenHibbsdesigned event. His duty was to prepare a the roll cage he intermixed the 1988 Jeep Cherokee for the tor- unibody and suspension into the tuous journey. In addition to the design. The full cage allows easy race vehicle, a support vehicle had access for the three occupants as to be prepared that actually would well as mounting for two spare be the mother ship as well as a race tires. A 32 gallon fuel bladder is participant. For this task a 1984 enclosed in the rear and designed Ford F350 Crew Cab had to be to vent outside. outfitted with roll cage and other Mastercraft seats, tool bags and safety equipment, besides having Sl;\fety harness are used through-every compartment of its utility out both vehicles. Stock gauges bed stuffed with race related and the addition of a Stewart components and personal sup-Warner transmission tempera-plies, like food and water,· for ture gauge provide the driver with both vehicles. Needless to say the full instrumentation. So the rally task required the most of Hibbs' crew won't get lost during their technological and organizational extended journey, Hibbs included abilities. a TerraTrip rally computer that The Je~p is entered in the features enough buttons and giz-lmproved Production 4 WD class, mos on it to keep any navigator and this meant improvements busy throughout the trip. could be made, but essentially the Unlike desert racing and typical vehicle would remain stock. Pro rallies where a support vehicle Hibbs began by removing the travels some of the race course, stock 4.OL in-line six, and sent it but actually takes short cuts to be to Mike Evans to blue print and able to pit the race vehicle, this lower the compression just a bit, support vehicle is entered in the as poor fuel, was expected on the truck class as a racer, similar to route. All the components went support vehicles on .the Paris-out to GNS Castiga where they Dakar. Built on a Ford F35C XL were moly impregnated with Kai-Crew Cab dualie chassis the truck · Guard. Once together again, the sports many of the same compon-engine, with 4.10:1 differentials, ents necessary in the race vehicle. produced an average of 14 mpg. Realizing that this engine would A unique trick Hibbs incorpo- take more punishment than that -rated in the Jeep takes advantage in the Jeep, this engine was also of the 4x4 Select Track viscous sent to Mike Evans for blue print-coupler in the transfer case and ing and Kal Guard work. Wii:h the the torque converter lock-up sys- Skaug enclosed utility bed loadt,d1 tern. The coupler acts like a dif-(see TRANS AM.UON TRUCK ferential between the front and page 40) L'/ Inside the Jeep additions include fancy Mastercraft seats and f?arness, extra gauges, and the all important compass and Terra Trip rally computer. Dusty nmes
NAPPY TRAILS SCCA PRO RALLY Chad DiMarco and Erick Hauge Win Overall in the Group A Subaru Photos: Track.side Photo Enterprises Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers got the big Ford F-150 pickup around the forest trails in excellent time, finishing first in Open class and second overall. took the other one. On the ninth of the ten stages OiMarco had a flat and lost five minutes. On the final stage the Watanabes picked up another 50 seconds on OiMarco, and nearly took second place away from Holmes·. e arco and-Enck Hauge won the rally overall despite an exhaust problem with the Subaru Turbo 4WO. It was the first National Pro Rally win for DiMarco, who also took the overall lead on series points. second with the Watanabes were Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers in the giant Ford F-150 pickup, Chad OiMarco and Erick Hauge in the 4 WO Subaru, and Grant Whiting and Ray Damitio in a Mazda RX-3. At the stop DiMarco was run-ning second overall and in Group A, despite suffering a cracked exhaust manifold on the turbo connection on the Subaru on Stage 4. A fix would take too much time so Di Marco went on to the final three stages, losing power all the way. On Stage 8 Rod Millen suffered a rare DNF. The Mazda was on its first event, a brand new car, and the water pump failed, so he was down and out. DiMarco held his lead, although the Ford truck of Bill Holmes had plenty of horse-power and was pushing hard and gaining time, as were the Watan-abes. In fact the Watanabes won two of the final stages and Holmes But, Californians C had Di-Marco and Erick Hauge were the overall winners of the Happy Trails. It was the first ever national rally win for DiMarco and his always tidy Subaru. Hauge has navigated several winners in years past, and the pair were happy to have held on to the win with their failing horsepower on the tough gravel roads. The second round of the 1988 SCCA Pro Rally Series was a bit different from most events. It started life as the Oregon Trails, but early this year it moved north to Olympia, Washington and under the d,irection of Rally Week Northwest, who produce the World Championship Olym-pus Rally in the same area in late June. In fact, the Happy Trails took place in the Capitol forest southwest of Olympia, and the stages are the same as some of those used on the World Champ-ionship event. This rally served as a warm up for both workers and competitors who would be on tap next June for America's only World Championship Rally. However, the prospect of run-ning on championship trails did not bring out a big entry. Only 23 teams were on the list on April 2, but then, it was Easter weekend, not the most popular time for motorsports. The one day event ran completely in torrential rains that soaked the trails and the workers. Of course the northwest is famous for rain, but on this rally day workers struggled to keep the paper ~ork dry all through the 205 mile event. The roads in the Capitol Forest com-plex where the rally, ran vary in elevation from sea level to 200 feet, and there had been some snow in the higher elevations ear-lier in the week. The Mazda 323 of Rod Millen and Harry Ward, overall win(\ers of the first rally in the series this year, led the field away from the Washington State Capital Build-ing at ten on Saturday morning. The continuing rain made the 116 stage miles real four wheel drive territory, and Rod Millen used this advantage in the Mazda to win Doug Shephard and Joe Andreini had some troubles with the Dodge Shelby Shadow, but they won Production GT handily and were fifth overall . . Niall Leslie and Brian Maxwell won the very close contest in Production class in the Canadian Toyota Corolla GTS, and placed sixth overall also. Dusty Times the first stage. Millen went on to win the first seven stages, although Richey and Howard Watanabe had their Toyota Corolla as close as 23 seconds on Stage 5. At the Oakville rest stop, seven stages and 81 racing miles into the event, Rod Millen had a seven minute lead. Dicing it ofit for Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers surprised the more traditional folks on the rally by bringing the Ford in only 11 seconds off the pace for second overall and first in Open Class. And, in one of the ri~hro.:sr r·inishes r·or top spots in rhi~ ~ ---------ALFORD DISTRIBUTING CO. OF EL CENTRO, CA DISTRIBUTORS OF BUD & BUD LIGHT PRESENTS THE BUDWEISER FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM • (619) 427-5759 DESERT RACING FOR ATV'S • BUGGIES• BIKES• CARS & TRUCKS DATE: LOCATION: START: Saturday, August 6, Hi88 Imperial County, California Bikes 6:00 A.M. • Buggies 6:00 p.m. DIRECTIONS: From San Diego take 1-8 east to Dunaway Road. Turn left, cross the railroad tracks and turn right on Evan Hewes Highway. Go east 4 ½ miles. Turn left on Huff Road. Go north 4 ½ miles. Turn left on Wheeler Road. Follow Wheeler Road to Start/Finish. June 1988 Page 39 ..
Gary and Judi Gooch got close in Production GT, their Guy Light and Jim Brandt won three stages in Production Dodge Shelby Charger was just four minutes behind the ranks, but had to settle for second in class, eighth overall, winner, second in class and seventh O/A. in the Volkswagen GTi. -----=--------------:------:::-::------:----r;.-sport in years, Richie and out for second place, until both to within a second of Leslie at one Howard Watanabe were just eventually retired. On the last point, he had a flat on' stage 8 another six seconds back in third stage Doug Shepherd lost the which cost him four minutes. overall, second in Group A. It was brakes on the new rally machine, At the finish Niall Leslie and a keen 1-2-3 overall for California but the pressure was gone so he Brian Maxwell won Production rally teams. nursed the Dodge to fifth overall honors in the Toyota and were and first in class, four minutes sixth overall. A little over three Another surprise in the final h d f d J d G h a ea o Gary an u i ooc , minutes back, Guy Light and Jim. results was the performance of whose Dodge Charger was second Brandt were second in class and Grant Whiting and Ray Damitio, d G I d in Pro uction T c ass an sev- eighth overall. Nelson Shepard a local team who had never placed h II ent overa .. and •Tom Burgess were third in in the top five on a national event. h I p It was at ree way tuss e in ro- Production class, tenth overall. Recent work on the engine in the d I II d th JI uction c ass a uring era y. Dan Holt and Dave White got Mazda RX 3, plus Grant's famil-Th 98 p od h e 1 7 r uction c ampion their Toyota Corolla home ninth iarity with the roads, resulted in h B d fourth overall and second in Guy Light, wit Jim ran t navi- overall, and they were third i(1 l r gating the VW GTI 16 valve Group A. Open C ass ror this team. fought it out with Niall Leslie and In GT Production, the new Brian Maxwell, in a Toyota Dodge Shadow out of Shelby of Corolla GTS, and Nelson Shep-Doug Shepherd and Joe Andreini ard and Tom Burgess in another won the early stages handily. Dan VW GTI. Guy Light won three Gilliland in another new Dodge stages and so did Nelson Shepard. Shelby Shadow, and Kevin Gord- But, Canadian Niall L,-slie won ham, Dodge Omni GLH, fought it four stages; even though Light got TRAMS AMAZON TRUCK (from page 38) and the 4 .56: 1 differential pulling the load, the vehicle averaged 4.27 mpg. The C6 transmission was sent to Ken Mogi and MARK'S TRAN SAX LES Exchange Repairs Modifications Parts & Off Road Work Home of 1987 VORRA Points Champions Don Miguel 1st -Class 1 Jeff Elrod 1st -Class 2 Wes Elrod 1st -Class 10 1016 Frazine Road Modesto, CA 95351 (209) 576-7960 Page 40 reworked for durability. For economy and to improve pulling power a Gear Vendors 30,000 GVWR Under/Overdrive was added before embarking to the starting point in New Orleans, LA. Uni Air Filters were called upon to provide clean fresh air to the 460 CID engine. To handle the increased weight that Hibbs had anticipated, he ventured to National Spring again and designed both front and rear springs for the truck. The front travel of ten inches remained stock with a total of 13 inches available at the rear. Doetsch Tech supplied one shock per wheel. General Tire supplied 7 .50 R16LT tires for all six contact patches. Once strapped into the Master-craft seats the navigator had a Ter-raT rip rally computer to keep the chase vehicle on track. Hibbs would be the driver of the support truck, so he outfitted the cockpit with a full set of gauges which included a device to monitor exhaust temperature. A pull cable was attached to the distributor to make running engine timing adjustments for weak fuel and elevation changes. To keep their sanity throughout the 24 day adventure a Sony CD player was hooked to six speakers. In all 1 7 cars finished the Happy Trails Rally, and many were already planning ahead because the third round in the SCCA Pro Rally Series was com-ing up soon, the Sunriser Rally in Ohio on April 15-1 7. · Hibbs, being the master builder that he is, said that putting the two trucks together was simple. "It's organizing everything in the sup-port truck that is a headache." But, organize he did. Only the very.necessary items made the trip with few duplications. Utilizing a computer to catalog every item, the race team have merely to look in the "red book" for anything they might seek. Having every pouch, bin or compartment numbered meant that if a tool was needed in an emergency, or if someone wanted a candy bar, the book would direct them to its exact location. When the Trans Amazon Adventure is over and the vehi-cles make their way back home, they will both be used in Walters and Clyborne off road racing endeavors. The Jeep Cherokee will become a pre-runner and the chase truck will remain on the job as a support_vehicle. Lasting 24 days the Trans Amazon Rally-Raid is guaranteed to be at least an adventure, and traveling over 8500 miles through Third World countries should satisfy just about anyone's lust for the unusual. That is anyone who can afford the trip. The estimated cost of the two race vehicles, entry fees, travel expenses to and from the event is a bunch.You are look-ing at, in round figures, $200,000. June 1988 The Trans Amazon Rally• Mutates into the South American Rally By Homer Eubanks The South American Rally 1988, formerly titled the Trans Amazon Rallye, got underway at 10:00 a.m. on April 22, despite being cancelled by the original organizers, as so many such ven-tures have in recent years. Three days earlier the event was left without funding when the Explor-ation Society of America's (ESA) Director of International Opera-tions flew "first class" into Carta-gena, Columbia and informed the assembled racers that his organi-zation estimated an additional $384,000 US dollars for opera-tional fees would be needed before the event could take place. A committee of competitors took charge of a floundering situation and funded the event . themselves, bailing their race cars out of the port, and led by Vene-zuelan Leopoldo Barbosa the committee worked hard in order to use existing travel permits and design a more simple route. Adding fuel to the fire, Patrick Verdoy, past director of the Paris-Dakar Rallye and Director of the rallye planning company AZALZIS.A., refused to release the route books and timing mate-rial he had prepared until he received $30,000 US and a gua-rantee of preparing the route next year. The event unraveled before _ the competitor's eyes. It was clear to the competi-tors, whose race and support veh-icles were in an impound area in Cartagena, that they faced an urgent financial problem. In true press-on-regardless fashion, the outraged racers decided to organ-ize the event themselves. In four short days a committee of eight · competitors collected $145,000 among themselves. With this and help from the Touring Automo-bile Club of Venezuela, and other South American automobile clubs, the Trans Amazon became 'the South American Rally 1988. It was sanctioned within the struc, ture of an F.l.A. Category II rally, under the direction of Leopoldo Barbosa. Settled in their minds that the ESA was no longer sanctioning the rally, the competitors took off on April 22 with over 200,000 well wishers lining the streets of Cartagena to watch 75 automo-biles and ten motorcycles begin their 27 day trek across 8700 miles of South American terrain. With little time to prepare the organization, the newly formed, do-it-yourself rally suffered from sketchy communications. How-ever, the ESA took it upon them-selves to release official press-notes ( under their name) about the first stages of the event. They even stated that the ESA was tak, ing complete responsiblity for the repayment of all additional costs 1 to the competitors - a rather 1 bold statement for an organiza-tion that initially said they were · financially insolvent. The early leader, Rob Shirley on a Kawasaki KLR 650 motor-cycle came into Bogota at approx-imately 5:30 p.m. on April 23. The first arrival in the automobile ·and light truck category was Gus-tavo Yacaman, the present Colombian national rally cham-pion. He drove a Colombian Chevrolet Trooper, with his clos-est competition being British driver Russell Gooding, driving a specially prepared Land Rover. The top American team at this point was reported to be the Cali-fornia based Maybe Manana Team of Ken Walters, Santa Rosa, CA and Ron Clyborne, Seattle, WA. The navigator of their Jeep Cherokee is Jim Harri-son, of San Luis Obispo, CA. The team also fielded a second vehicle, a 1985 F350 Ford crew cab with enclosed service bed. Its main duty was as support vehicle, but it was entered in the truck category. Clyborne's long time crew chief Brian Love navigated the Ford, and the driving was shared by Keith Haskins, and Bryant Hibbs, who built both vehicles. Day eight of the rally saw Ken Walters drive the Jeep Cherokee to a first place overall (tie) on the Cuenca to Loja, Ecuador, timed section. This put the team in third place overall. The support truck had not faired so well. It was caught on the wrong side of a major landslide and lost ten hours as it was forced to back track 150 miles. At this point only 40 autos and seven of the ten motorcycles were still in the event. After 12 grueling days of rac-ing, Team Maybe Manana reported that they had no flats on the General Tire shod vehicles. -Apparently there had been no serious mechanical troubles either. The first stage, running from Cartagena to Cucuta, saw one tragic accident which took the lives of both crew members in a Toyota 4-Runner, being dr:ven by Sergio Abuhabda of Chile; the vehicle struck a tree at an esti-mated speed of 150 km/ hr. An identical Chilian crewed Toyota had a major accident, approxi-mately two kilometers from the site of the first accident, and the vehicle rolled several times, but no major injuries resulted from that one. Japan's Toshihiro Nanami, who was drivipg a Toyota Celica 4x4, reputed to cost $250,D00 US, was pulled from the race due to illness. Japan's only motorcycle entrant, Kengo Okamoto, was running well on his Kawasaki KLR 650 until he collided witi an . automobile outside of Bogota, suffering minor injuries but total, ing the motorcycle. As of May 4 Team Maybe Manana had their Jeep Cherokee in first place in the improved pro-duction class. Their support Ford was pulled from the competi:ion to devote full attention to the Jeep. Of the 75 starters, only 30 vehicles remained in the competi-tion. The event is scheduled to finish in mid-May in Buenos Aires, Argentina. - Dusty Times
Side Tracks ••• By Judy Smith When the dust has settled and the race is over there's always a lot of applause and back-slapping for the heroic driver. But in off road racing, which has 16 classes all -together, 15 of those classes either may or must have a passenger rid-ing along with that heroic driver. In my mind the passenger is at least as heroic as the driver, and often more so. In many cases the person in the right hand seat not only fills a class requirement, but he or she navigates, handles radio communications, changes the flat tires, cleans goggles and/ or wind-shields, dispenses food and drink, watches the gauges, honks the horn, keeps an eye out for traffic from the rear, and rewards the driver with praise when he avoids disaster. Odd as it seems, many of those passengers pay part of the entry fee for the privilege of tak-ing on all this responsibility. In some cases a passenger/ driver team works so well that it becomes pe.rmanent, and race after race the two show up to hop into the car together when it's their turn. For example, Mike Lund and Buzz Combe have been paired for the last year or so. So we asked Buzz how it came about. It seems Buzz had been more or less involved in off road since 1978, when he was working for Amsoil, and he went to Baja to see what some of his customers were doing with the cars they bought his product for. He was hooked right then. Since that time his work has continued to keep him involved in the sport, and then, a couple of years ago, Buzz married Peri Miller, of Mastercraft, and they have now begun their own off road dynasty, with daughter Tyler, who's been coming to see off road races since she was just a handful. Buzz moved out of oil and into shocks, and in '83 he was involved in setting up the suspen-sion of a car that Bill Silverthorn was going to drive at Parker. He was invited to. go along for the ride. Now, Buzz had done quite a bit of desert bike riding, but he'd never raced anything. Still, he considered himself a good pave-ment driver, and he'd grown up in the mountains, driving 18 miles each way to and from high school, so he says he "felt comfortable sliding sideways on pavement." But riding in the dirt was some-thing else. It was a "foreign feel-ing ... not having control," he says, and he didn't know whether he liked that or not. He enjoyed the ride, but he felt that they "didn't go fast enough." Of course, Buzz adds, at that time he didn't fully understand what a car could and couldn't do. Then Buzz rode with Mike Fal-kosky in a Baja race, the 1000, in '84 or '85, in Mike's Toyota truck. This time he'd had a hand in building the vehicle, and went along as a riding mechanic. He managed to get carsick after com-ing down out of Mike's, and threw up in the cab. It's not one of his fondest memories. Says Buzz, "Sometimes I feel miserable dur-ing the ride." Somewhere during chis period of time, Buzz had run into Mike Lund while he was working for an oil company. Mike used the oil in Dusty nmes his car, and the company had been sponsoring him to the lubricant. Buzz remembers that at one point, when Mike was having a run of bad luck, he came to the oil peo-ple and told them he wanted to pay for his oil, because he hadn't had a win in a while. At that point Buzz decided that Mike was "one of the nicer guys" in off road racing. Some time later, when Buzz was working at Bilstein, Chenowth put together their first-ever two seat Magnum desert racer. And Buzz did some shock testing on the car. Mike then invited him to ride in the car, and he accepted. The first race he rode was the 1000 in '86, and one that went to La Paz. He rode with Rick Munyon, Mike's co-driver and they ran the first half of the race. The car ran poorly on three cylinders all day, and they had a terrible time. In addition to that, Buzz embarrassed himself by fall-ing asleep in the car, and then he got carsick and threw up, making the passenger compartment very fragrant. But he's ridden every race since then. Mike, who does all the prep work on the car in his own garage, had been looking for someone who could provide a combination of moral support and race prep help. Buzz was willing. He now spends many hours in Mike's garage, where he says Mike is training him to do things his way. The pair also gets help from Dave Ryskamp, DUSTY TIME'S Off road cartoonist. Not only does Buzz help with the prep work, but he's expected to pre-run the races, and to take it seriously. For the recent Mint he went around almost five times. He actually drove Mike's two seat pre-runner one of those laps, the first time he'd ever driven a buggy, and he loved it. He said it was a real eye-opener, even though he couldn't reach the pedals, particularly the brakes, since he's about five inches shorter than Mike. -Once they're in the race car, Mike wants Buzz to direct him at every turn. He's to point left or right, and on a sweeper, Buzz is supposed to peer further ahead than Mike, and also to remember the turn, and to use ha~d signals to let Mike know whether or not he can gas it. If the car has a problem Buzz is the first one out, to check for a loose wire, or to see what's mak-ing a noise. He pushes when they're stuck, but when they have a flat they've decided it's quicker for both of them to get out to change it. When it comes to extraordinary measures, it's the co-driver's responsibility, how-ever. At the '87 Mint, for exam-ple, when they had a flat and had no spare, Buzz ran a mile in the hot sun to get the new tire. He says he walked back. Buzz says he also pushes when they get stuck on a pre-run, and remembers doing a lot· of that when they pre-ran the '87 1000, which he says has been their worst so far. It seems it was raining on the weekend they went, and when they got to the Laguna Salada area things were a bit soggy. They got stuck, so Buzz got out and pushed. Mike got it moving and took off before Buzz could hop on. He drove almost a. mile before he realized that Buzz wasn't riding, so then he stopped, and of course, he was stuck again. Buzz caught up, and pushed some more, and this time when it started he was able to hop on the nerfbar. The rear tires were throwing a lot of mud, and Buzz was wearing one of those yel-low plastic rain suits, with the roomy pants that are tighraround the ankles. They began to fill up with mud, and started to weigh him down so that his feet felt as if they were bending around the nerf bars. He started to kick the pants off, and then thought about what would happen to him if one pants leg got caught in the rear tire and it dragged him off the nerf bar and under the car. So he carefully dangled off the bar, as far from the tire as he could get, to work his way out of the mud-filled pants. When he had them all the way off, he tossed them out onto the dry lake, where they presumably are to this day. As they moved across the muddy dry lake the car was not running well, and it finally quit. Mark and Grant Steele happened along and told Mike that the mud was causing the plug wires to arc. Tl\ey told him to clean and dry each wire, and said that then the car would start. And, of course, Mark was right, and the car did start, but by then it was buried to its belly pan in the mud. And while they tried to get it unstuck, the tires threw mud all over the ·engine again, the wires arced again, and it quit again. By then they had no more dry rags, and, in fact, no more dry anything. The Steeles had gone on ahead, but Mike and Buzz spent the night right there. They were cold, wet and miserable, and had to try to sleep in the two seater. In the morning the Steeles came back out with more dry rags and they worked together to pull the car out of the mud by hand, since Mark's pre-runner was also a bit fragile by then. After that they all took off, down the course, with the Steeles in front. And about a half mile down the road Mike and Buzz ran out of gas. It wasn't a good trip, but their partnership survived, and has gone on to bet-ter times. For one, this year's Mint, in which they started about tenth off . the line and had passed everyone but the Martin brothers in the first 25 miles. This race Buzz called his "best ride so far. Except ... we broke." But while they were still going, it was won-derful. Buzz says, "We were really into what we were doing. We were laughing!" It was going so smoothly, he remembers, not pounding the car, and they went by other cars so fast, '' it was kinda spooky, it was so easy!" They set fast lap for the day at an hour and 42 minutes, and had the overall lead at the end of the first lap. On the second lap they began to feel a vibration before they got to the motocross course. They stopped to add power steering fluid and oil, and then, as they went on, the motor began to slow down. They went a bit further, and the car was slower still. Finally, Mike looked back, started to laugh, and motioned for Buzz to take a look. He saw that the cylinders were "loose, and flopping about an inch or an inch-and-a-half." They never finished the second lap. When asked if he would like to drive a race car himself, Buzz said, "Sure, I'd like to drive, but I don't want to sacrifice everything I own to do it. And, the more I ride with Mike the more fun it is. I feel like more a part of the team." It's only a matter of time 'til this team takes home the big prize. We look for them in the winner's cir-cle soon. HDRA/SCORE CLASS 1 Tom Koch 111 Chet Huffman 107 Hark McMillin 102 John Kelly 101 Ron Brant 83 Ivan Stewart 74 Ken Frost 68 Bud Feldkamp "67 Bob Shepard 58 Jim Stiles 56 CLASS 2 Bob Gordon 120 Corky McMillin 97 Mike Lund 93 T. Murachanian 91 Jiuunie Crowder 84 Danny Letner 80 Bob Richey 77 Doug Aldridge 69 Jim Temple 67 Tom Martin 66 CLASS l/2.;.1600 Gary Cogbill 136 Pete Mccowen 123 Jim Sumners 114 Jack Ramsay 108 Dominic Borra 105 Joe Flinn 96 Art Peterson 76 Tom DeNault 74 Kevin Smith 74 Jim Fishback.Sr. 71 CLASS 3 Mike Schwellinger 96 Matt Pike 71 Don Adams 49 Richard Bundy 45 Christian Pike 37 CLASS 4 Jack Johnson 90 Rod Hall 87 Jerry McDonald 66 Buddy Renoe 49 John Dyck 46 June 1988 America's Foremost Off-Road Racing Series .. POINTS STANDINGS -May 1988 thru Nissan Mint 400 CLASS 5 Hartmut Klawitter Bob Utgard George Seeley. Jr. John Cooley Lisa Dickerson San Parnell CLASS 5-1600 Roy Taylor Mike Jones Steve Lawrence Andy DeVercelly Darryl.Cook Randy Wilson Ross Craft Robert Whitted Tom Neth CLASS 6 Wes Moser Arne Gunnarsson Larry Schwacofer CLASS 7 Larry Ragland Roger Mears Manny Esquerra CLASS 7-S Paul Simon Willie Valdez Spencer Low Malcolm Vinje Steve Luport Evan Evans Larry Carlton Eric Lane Scott Douglas CLASS 7-4x4 Mike Lesle John Swift Jeff MacPherson Sherman Balch· Dave Simon Dave Ashley Gregg Symonds 125 113 89 54 43 42 120 92 90 86 83 79 69 63 58 81 74 52 86 63 58 142 140 126 103 101 98 84 83 82 105 93 78 75 74 64 63 CLASS 8 Steve McEachern 108 Frank Vessels 106 Robby Gordon 96 Walker Evans 91 David Westhem 80 Steve Kelley 66 Dave Shoppe 57 Ken Conard 49 Frank Mancha 46 Mike Voyles 39 CHALLENGER Mike Ward 118 Nick Gross 108 Don Rountree 102 Rick Johsnon 98 James Tucker 97 Dennis Stankavich 93 James Clements 88 Pancho Bio 85 Tom Malloy 80 David Ramocinski 73 CLASS 10 Steve Centurioni Mike Church Dick Weyhrich Joey Adzima Mark Barnes DAve Wood Scott Dinovitz Rex Keeling Greg Hibbs William Poe CLASS 11 Ramon Castro Russell Johnson Jack Zandbergen Sergio Gutierrez CLASS 14 Boone England Giti Gowland F.Jnil Downey Dave Quill Charles Woodard 100 92 81 75 74 72 67 61 57 56 59 57 48 46 66 49 49 35 25 Page 41
THE 36th MARLBORO SAFARI RALLY Lancia Wins Their First in Kenya Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Miki Bias ion and Tiziano Siviero scored the first Italian victory on the Safari Rally, driving the Lancia Delta lntegrale to a 13 minute victory, and Biaison now leads on WCR driver's points. Miki Biasion scored Lancia's first African World Champion-ship victory on the Safari after ten ttempts by Lancia cars. Their domination of the World Rally scene is emphasized by having won every event in the series they have entered since Acropolis last year, and having gained maximum points in the series after four events this year. Biasion, who has now taken the lead in driver points, enjoyed an almost trouble free run after one of the most exhaustive pre-rally test programs in Safari Rally history. Still, Biasion's lntegrale had a blocked gearbox on the first day, a blown turbocharger on the second, a broken driveshaft on the third, and an accident with a zebra on the fourth; otherwise his journey was completely unevent-ful. Despite suffering many punc-tures, Nissan took second and third overall, endorsing their per-formance on last year's I vary ...<;oast Rally and aided by unchar-acteristically good service work. But, Nissan's great success was in the two liter class. After the official VW and Opel cars retired, Jim Heather-Hayes drove a one liter Nissan March Turbo to tenth place. Although only entered for experience and to act as a fast support car for the two works 200 SXs, he ran away from the four car official Oaihatsu team of Group A Charade GT ti cars, mak-ing their competitive debut. De-spite unexpectedly hot weather conditions generally, the two wheel drive Toyota Supra Turbos were off the pace, but finished intact, gaining the prestigious team award. Seldom has there been such an open Safari. This year four special stages meant chase cars were unable to drive the whole route, a new problem on this rally for support crews. There seemed good rea~ons why any one of the top five teams could win the event. Pre-rally stories of rains fall-ing across the country boosted hopes for the four wee! drive cars, the sophisticated Lancia team or the straight forward Subarus. Still, Toyotas were fast and strong, and the team had an estab-lished organization behind it. Light w.eight was a factor on which both Volkswagen and Opel placed their faith, especially if the route dried out and left dried mud holes. The rains had come early to Kenya, and there were countless tales of rivers appearing without warning and cutting off the roads. There were a few important changes to the original entries. Markku Alen's Lancia was with-drawn so his team could spend more time preparing for Corsica and Acropolis. Miki Biasion was back with his friend Tiziano Siviero, who missed the Portugal rally. Lancia and Opel appeared with six speed gearboxes for the first time, but the only new machines were the tiny Group A Daihatsu Charade GT ti cars.Well presented at scrutineering, they were the only professional team not to suffer from the eagle-eye inspection of Lanfranco Caneschi. Never in memory have so many top teams been disgraced in pub, lie before. "On many matters it is clear we need to go to the T echni-cal Commission for more clarifi-cation," Caneschi explained -little comfort for teams like Opel who had to carry out major modi-fications even though their cars had been prepared that way for three years. Ove Andersson was told to remove protection pieces on his Toyotas which were designed to prevent stones from breaking the rear plastic bumper. One suspected he had been given clearance for this modification from other parties, whom he assumed had greater authority. ,,,... Also required to modify modifi-cations were Lancia, Subaru, Volkswagen and Nissan. The night before the toughest rally in the World Championship was an unfortunate time to dispute international rules. Caneschi was straight forward in his views, say-ing "Safety is not a problem in all this. Many of the private cars also were incorrectly prepared, but often the cars were made more safe than FISA rules required." Rally Manager Mike Doughty was busy watching the sky, listen-ing to reports-from observers around the route, but by the eve-ning before the start his face seemed a little less wrinkled. Still corsetted after his Pharaohs acci-dent, he was seen together with a gradually recuperating Shekhar Mehta, who announced he had just started driving again. Their presence made the Drivers' Brief-ing a happy affair, although the first special stage had reluctantly, and ·apparently needlessly, been canceled, but everything else was due to run. Mike Kirkland, the Nissan driver, reckoned it would be dry. "It's a full moon tonight, so the weather will change." What's the moon to do with ral-lies? "Everything, in Kenya. Ever-ything changes with the moon. The night it was a new moon, it began to rain." Mike Kirkland's moon gazing days had not been wasted, for the first day of the Safari Rally was completely dry and very hot as well. The cars headed south, miss-ing the canceled first stage and proceeding down the Pipeline Road to Loitokitok before assembling at Bura for the first tight section around Taita Hills. Already there was trouble. Kenyan Johnny Hellier's works assisted Sierra Cosworth had front suspension trouble three times, causing AV A chief Peter Hughes to issue curses about Bil-stein. Bjorn W aldegard had a flat, and by his own admission changed the wheel on the Toyota too quickly. The wheel concerned then fell off, and he was in big trouble. Then, when they came to the T aita section, the same wheel came off again. Hannu Mikkola was becoming used to the front drive Opel the hard way, first by getting stuck momentarily in mud, then by suf-fering power steering failure and hitting a wall, and his troubles increased by the sight of water and oil temperature gauges rising. Also complaining of overheating were the two Lancias of Vic Pres-ton and Miki Biasion. In their efforts to maintain the pace of the leading VW s of Erwin Weber and Lars-Erik Troph (before the latter Jim Heather-Hayes and Anton bevitan got the one liter Nissan March Turbo in Masai dancers pose at the Kenyatta Center in Nairobi, during the start-the winner of the 1600cc class and a remarkable tenth overall. ceremonies, before the 54 cars headed south to Mombassa. ~Page 41 June 19D hit a cow) their new six speed Ital-ian gearboxes were sticking. Bia-sion drove 400 km stuck in second, Preston did all the T aita Hills section in fifth, yet they only dropped a minute against Web-er's time. Juha Kankkunen was going slowly because of a broken shock on his Toyota, but nothing was stopping Kenneth Eriksson's Toyota. W eber was still ahead, leading the Safari ·Rally for the second time.in four years. In the rapidly drying roads the VW decision to lighten rather than strengthen their Golfs, so as to · reduce the impact on the body-work over the bumps, was work-ing well. At Mombasa Weber was two minutes ahead of the Lancias, three in front of Kirkland's Nis-san and another two before his teammate T orph. The return trip to Nairobi started at 0400, but it was the beginning of the Great Attack of the professionals. Kirkland's weather predictions were still working out, and the roads were getting rougher and rougher. Weber had a broken driveshaft, losing two minutes and falling back equal with the Lancias. Then Preston suffered more transmis-sion troubles, leaving Biasion alone in the lead. But this was only good for him until the Taita region, when the turbocharger failed and he lost 35 minutes. Preston took over, but lost the lead again coming back to Nairobi. Joint equal now were Kirkland, who had been fourth at Mom-basa, and Toyota new boy Eriks-son, who has been sixth. Walde-gard was gradually making up, from 14th at Mombasa to ninth, but he lost more time with a gear-box change and was over an hour behind. Preston had a new gear-box and arrived in fourth place, but Josef Haider, in the highest Opel was 14th, and Mikkola was missing altogether with engine failure. Haider had a series of sus-pension troubles, and lost the power steering. But, if GM felt disappointed, it was i:he same for VW. They lost Torph, whose Golf had trans trouble, had that replaced, then the radiator failed, cooking the engine. Then Weber stopped three sections from home with a loose flywheel, and lost over 90 minutes. A lot had happened in a short space of time, and this was supposed to be the easy part of the event. Of the 54 starters, only 28 teams left Nairobi on Friday eve-ning for Sectors 3 and 4. They suddenly found themselves in the middle of a huge cloudburst as they waited their turn to walk into the pare ferme. But soon the rain eased off, and the sections to the northeast saw scattered showers, but dust was the main hazard. Eriksson immediately stopped to change a front strut, leaving Kirk-land alone in the lead, the first time a Nissan had led a World Rally since the 1985 Ivory Coast. Kirkland was unchallenged until towards the night halt at Nanyuki where he encountered rocks placed in the road by spectators. He damaged the steering rack and drove 40 km unable to make right turns, and lost 28 minutes in ser-vice for repairs. This let Kank-kunen into the lead, a pleasant birthday treat for the 29 year old. There was plenty of confusion. Dusty nma
Kenyans Mike Kirkland and.Robin Nixon whip the Nissan 200SX past a typical crowd of spectators en route to a resounding second overall. Kenneth Eriksson and Peter Diekmann led Toyota to the team prize, placing their Supra Turbo highest of the team, fourth overall. Sporting the odd looking snorkel exhaust, the Subaru RX Turbo of Kenyars Ian Dunca{1 and Ian Munro survived problems to finish sixth overall. · The Audi Coupe Quattro of Rudolf Stohl and Reinhard Kauf-mann was the only non-Japanese car in the top ten, finishing in eighth place. Manjit Gharial and Amolak Hunjan did the best of the Daihatsu Charade Turbo G Tti team, the only finisher, placing twelfth overall. Hannu Mikkola and Seppo Harjanne had early (roubles in the front drive Opel Kadett GSi 2.0, and retired early in the rally with engine failure. Several competitors suddenly noticed their time cards gave them an extra hour to cover the route into Nanyuki and went corres-pondingly carefully, others pressed on at full speed in the dark. Then came more stories about the rocks. Eriksson stopped short of the obstructions and had co-driver Peter Diek-mann get out and clear the wa,Y. Then Preston had the front differ-ential break, which put him out of the rally; he claimed it was due to hitting the rocks as well. Haider was in more misery. His steering arm broke, probably a legacy of the broken strut the previous afternoon; then he got the Kadett straddled on the rocks, and the starter did not work, and he had to wait for help to arrive. With all the delays the restart from Nanyuki was postponed by. 90 minutes, then the drivers headed north for a loop around Maraia! before finally tackling the Fluorspar Mine hill climb stage, the first special stage actually to be held on a Safari Rally, and then to the halt at Eldoret. Most drivers stayed clear of trouble, but Bia-sion hit his zebra, Mike Kirkland and Per Eklund both had four punctures, the Subarus of Dun-can and Bourne also had flats, Bourne still surviving with a slip-ping clutch, but there were disap-pointments for the leader Kank-kunen and also for Weber. The rally leader staggered to the top of the stage with a blown turbo-charger and lost 2 7 minutes changing it. Weber had an acci-dent with a Lancia service van, then later suffered broken steer-ing. This took almost an hour to rectify, there was some debate whether lateness should be extended, but it wasn't. Finally, when the fuss was clearing, it was noticed that Haider had gone, out with engine trouble. The big sur-prise here was the tenth placed March turbo of Jim Heather-Hayes, now leading the 2 liter class outright and heading the sole remaining Daihatsu GTti. On Sectors 5 and 6 various cars were now missing. Jayant Shah's Dusty Times 200SX retired with suspension strength of the Nissan, coupled failure after he braked hard in with the way the Integrale was dust and hit a rock, while team-busy dripping fluid over the mate Patel also retired with front pavement in Nairobi's pare fetme suspension damage. The only car made it seem that reli~bility might left in the Nissan 'B' team was be on the Japanese side, but the Heather-Hayes little March fluid was only water. The section Turbo. Toyota' hopes were fromtimecontrol76to77wasto dashed when Kankkunen had rear be the sting in the tail and Landa suspension fail{ire and lost over was taking no chances. They had an hour, enough to drop him maximum service; one service car from third to seventh place. Nis- every 15 km, the chase car driven sans were now in their greatest by Vic Preston, and two helicop-rallying moment for years. Lying ters. One chopper flew low in second and third overall, they front to warn of obstructions en would be able to chase Biasion route, the other flew behind in hard, while the March was leading case of trouble to the car. the Daihatsu team. Biasion started the section with Hellier's Cosworth overtook an 11 minute lead, and dropped the March into tenth place, and ten minutes on this section. Kirk-W aldegard got past Rudi Stohl I land arrived, also losing ten. For when the Austrian had a flat on them the battle.was resolved, but the Audi. Eriksson fell further there were still moments of bad behind Eklund with turbo failure, nerves. Hellier retired when he while Eklund drove four sections holed the sump, Eklund had a with a failed wheel bearing, front wheel bearing fail, Kirkland repaired later at Nakuru. In the survived an electrical fault, while Subaru camp, Ian Duncan was both. team Subarus had more sus- · still sixth despite brake troubles, pension trouble. while Possum Bourne was stagger- Back in Nairobi for the check-ing on despite two complete gear- ered flag, Mike Biasion and Tizi-box changes, and the New Zea- ano Siviero brought the Lancia lander felt lucky to be in the top Delta lntegrale to viqory by ten. nearly 13 minutes margin. For the Miki Biasion was mai~taining Italians the victory came after 14 his grasp on the event, but you attempts here, aI\d team chief could see how tired the Italian was Ninni Russo boasted that a very getting. Behind him Kirkland was all jokes and fun. "We've worked out how to psyche Miki. We'll go and tell him how well he's doing compared to us, sitting in our dirty old short trousers and our ancient old 200SX." They were just eight minutes behind, abso-lutely nothing in Safari Rally language. The final leg of the rally would start at 0500 on Easter Monday, with several fast stretches, and the final competitive section promis-ing to be the roughest of all in the event which already had been one of the toughest of all. The hot weather, with hardly any rain at all, had not been predicted by the Mombasa man in advance. With Eklund in support, Kirk-land had an obvious job, to have a go at Biasion on Sector 7. The The Range Rover of Dennis and Philip Mathews swings wide to avoid a water hole, but the Kf)nyan team did not see the finish line. June 1988 fantastic car had won a very fan-tastic rally. Mike Kirkland and Robin Nixon drove the Nissan 200SX to a solid second overall, 35 minutes ahead of teammates Per Eklund and Dave Whittock. In fourth was the Toyota Supra Turbo of Kenneth Eriksson and Peter Diekmann, another 15 minutes back but 23 minutes ahead of teammates Juha Kank-kunnen and Juha Piironen. Ian Duncan and Ian Munro were sixth in the Subaru RX Turbo, fol-lowed by the Toyota of Bjorn Waldegard and Fred Gallagher. Rudolf Stohl and Reinhard Kauf-mann broke up the Japanese domination of the rally. by taking eighth in the Audi Coupe Quat-tro. In ninth was Possum Bourne and Rodger Freeth in the second Subaru. And placing tenth overaU was Jim Heather-Hayes and Anton Levitan in the 998cc Nis-san March Turbo. Only 14 cars finished the rally, and the winning average speed was 89.48 kph. The total time on the road for the winning Lancia was 4 7 hours, one minute, four seconds. Lancia has a huge lead now on points for the Manufac-turers' Championship. Miki Bia-sion leads the drivers' points with 40, and closest to him are Lancia mates Alex Fiorio, 30 an d Markku Ale';1, ?6. · west Coast Distributor fOR HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AV AILA.BLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, t.lV 89102 702/873-1962 . OUR PRIC_E $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Mc Kenzie Automotiv~ 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEALER INDIIIR/£.S /N_V/TED Page 43 ·-
, Stan Schwellenbach did very well in the Class 10 heat, but while racing in the mai{I, a broken axle put him out, but ~e was still second on points. Class 4 rigs are really modified in the midwest, and Kevin Neuhauser won the close contest for second place in Class 4 in this wild creation. New to racing this year, Mark Jarvi did a good job in his two seater and ended up second in the unlimited buggy class points, with some problems. Jim Kitterman fought hard in Class 4, but had to settle for third place. Pat Roberts flies past on the far side of the track in his Bronco. Bart Dartt, foreground, has a close encounter with eventual Class 8 winner Wes Jobgen, and Dartt went on to take third.place points in Class 8. Jeff Grissop performed tor the home town spec(ators at Rapid City, and he ended the day in fourth place on points in Class 10. Stadium Racing in the Black Hills Text & Phows: Darla Crown It was quite a'different scene for the spectators/ at the Black Hills Speedway in Rapid City, $outh kota on Sunday, April 24, 1988. W ith their regular stock car racing season opener less than two weeks away at the half mile oval track, this scene was of Baja buggies and four wheel drive off road racers. The event was a 'double points' race, so it was a perfect opportunity for par-ticipants in the High Plains Off Road Racing Association series to gain valuable P?ints for the 1988 season. Twenty-two participants in four different classes showed up to pro-vide plenty of actio n packed excitement and entertainment for the spectators. It was definitely the way to watch ·a Baja race, for the spectators. They were sitting com-fortably in the bleachers or in the Crow's Nest Restaurant and Lounge with the ability to see every curve and bump, and mu<;l hole, and were able to listen to the lace announcer explain every class and introduce each driver. These plea-sures are not readily available at the other sanctioned events throughout the year. As for the drivers, it took some adjustments to become accustomed to this short oval course. The High Plains drivers are used to a much longer course, anywhere from two to ten miles for one lap and up to 100 miles in one racing afternoon. However,. the Speedway course proved to be no less demanding with its tight turns, water hazards and special jumps. The track was especially hard on Class 8 trucks, the water cooled 2WD class. Of the six' entries on JAMAR SUPER SHIFTER -: JAMAR JS3 - A super shifter designed for use in sand rails, buggies, off road race cars, and custom street cars that utilize a VW transmission. This unit may also be utilized in Baja Bugs with a type 2 tansmis-sion. The offset shift lever and lock out knob provide room on top of the black powder coated shift box for switches or the Jamar Park-Lok if desired. This neat, com-pact shifter also works well with the Jamar Side Shifter, or Jamar Mid-Engine Shifter. It is also available with a chrome plated box in addition to rods and linkage. • Short shift stroke • 3" x 4" mount apace required • Positive reverse lock out • Features spherical helms • 100% positive roll • Chrom-moly shift handle • Brass bushings with grease • Easy Installation fittings • Bolts to stock VW plate MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado • Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 876-2(111 •Page 44 ' Daryl Dre,ssler won the Class 10 heat, did some engine repair work, and then won tf?e main event, taking the overall class points for his efforts. hand, only n.yo were left running to finish the main event. W es Jobgen, with his brother Guy, from Rapid City, SD, drove the only Class 8 machine that endured both the heat race and the main event to come up with the overall first place win. Curt Willuweit, from Q uinn, SD, won the main event, burwas not able to run the heat race due to problems with his car's transmission. The biggest problem for the Class 8 machines seemed to be broken drive shafts. Greg Iverson, from Murdo, SD, Bob Edwards, from Rapid City, SD, and Burt Dartt, from W all, SD, all suffered this problem before the races were ove,r. And, Tom Andrews, driving Steve Baker's machine, got a little too close to a cement wall and had to be towed in to the pit area. Steve, how-ever, ended up with second place overall in class, and Burt Dartt was third. I It seemed the four wheel drive Robbie Smith and Ray Pearman came from Nebraska to dominate the Class 4 heat and main, leading them both from green flag to checkered flag. June 1988 unlimited class provided the most spectacular and exciting show for the spectators. Robbi Smith, with co-driver Ray Pearman , from Arnold, NE, said that it "felt good'' to take the checkered flag. They led all the way to the finish tine in both the heat and the main event. It has been quite awhile since we have seen Robbi in the winner's circle at a High Plains event. The real battle in Class 4 was for &cond and third, with Kevin Neu-hauser of Midland, SD, and Jim Kitterman of W all, SD, running neck and neck all the way to the end. Kitterman finally had to settle for third behind Neuhauser. Al Wacker of Rapid City claimed fourth. Gary Logan, from Rapid City, claimed the points for fifth in his bright yellow Ford Bronco. Gary was taking things pretty easy since he had his machine all ready to leave for Vegas where he will be trying his luck in the Mint 400. (Logan was eleventh at the Mint in Class 3 out of 16 starters, complet-ing one lap of the'four. Ed.) The well prepared race track was plenty slick for the buggies during (see RAPID CITY page 46) Dusty nmcs
THE FLORIDA 400 Ji111111ic Crowder Won Overall in the Rain Shortened .F.O.R.D.A. Classic Text & Photos: John Sprovkin Jimmie Crowder chases Mark Bicker around a swampy turn early in the race. Crowder won Class 1 and overall, while Bicker finished second in 1600 Class and was fourth overall. Everything was on ready for the 18th annual F.O.R.D.A. Florida 400 at the Crowder Pits in Talla-hassee, Florida late in March. There were forty-one race cars prepared for the bash, with driv-ers from Georgia, Canada, Indi-ana, and this home state of Florida ready to do their thing. This was the first "400" for some of.the drivers and a new race for the veterans. The course would be run in the opposite direction from the way it has been run in the past. The three mile long track started out in good · ·-shape. There were a few heavy duty mud holes, that would prove more interesting with each pass-ing lap. The day started out with super weather, partly cloudy with a nice breeze, but that was not the way it would end. During practice Joe Cunningham, a 1600 class driver, did a nose dive while going over a new jump,that had been added to the back side of the route. · The jump was then looked at carefully by officials, and it was decided to change it a bit in order to make it safer for all concerned. Two by two this awesome group took their positions on the starting grid, engine rpm maxed out. The green flag signaled the start of the 18th Annual Florida 400. In F.O .R.D.A. events there are three classes, 1-2-1600, D Class and everything else runs in Class 1. Carlton Jackson led the way in Class 1, Sammy Herrell led the 1600s, and Georgian Travis Hurst was the D Class leader early in the event. Gene Dittmer, Class 1, while going over the jump went from one side to the other, then continued on. Danny Hahn, also in Class 1, ·went off the same jump and landed in a deep mud hole, and ·all this happened on the first lap! ' The com.petition was hot . among the 15 starters in Class 1. During the second lap Carlton Jackson caught the rear end of his buggy on a bank just off this killer jump, and destroyed the car, ·and his was the first vehicle to retire. Ironically Jackson, Jimmie Crowder's son-in-law, lives on the property and should know the course fairly well. At this point . Mike. Hester took over the leading position in Class 1. Ed Chambers made his way around Sammy Herrell, and picked up the 1600 Class lead. Travis Hurst, how-ever, was still leading the dozen D Class competitors. During the third lap Jerry Allen put it in high gear, maneuvering his machine to the front running position in the 14 car 1600 pack, overtaking both Sammy Herrell and Eel Chambers on the lap. Class 1 driver Randy Arnold hit the jump and went into the bank with J.R. Taylor, 1600, right on top of him. The jump was really taking its toll. Mike Hester led the Class 1 chargers, 15 strong at the start, for a time, but pit stops put him back to second in class and third overall at the flag. Dusty Times -ln the next lap Gene Dittmer ended his race day when he did a nose dive into the bank of the jump. Jimmie Crowder, running behind Mike Hester, had to pit with a left rear flat. The pit stop was faster than fast, and he was back in motion quickly going for the first place challenge. Turn . about is fair play, as a few laps later M1ke Hester had to pit with a left front flat. Travis Hurst, the D Class leader, came off the jump wrong, and hit very hard. Travis had to leave the track in an ambulance . . (It was later reported that he was· diagnosed as having at least one compressed fractured vertebrae.) James Hester took over driving the Hurst buggy for the dµration of the race. The D Class leader now was Jimmy Keys, with Sam Pace at his rear door. By High Noon the rain had started, and from this point on it was all done in the mud. George Receveur blew an oil line on his Class 1, fo~cing him out of the race after five laps. Shortly thereafter James Crompton was forced to retire when he broke a front shock mount on his Toyota truck. Also parking at the same time was Marty Neri, when the transmission gave up in his 1600 racer. During the seventh lap Sam Pace did it his way, taking over the D Class lead from Jimmy Keys. Jimmy had to pit with shifter problems. He made it back on the -track, but he only lasted a few more laps before calling it a day with the same problem. Jerry Allen still had the leading edge for the 1600 Class, with James Mar-rocco and Mark Bicker hot on his bumper. Scott Haire put his Class 1 into early retirement after nine laps when.he threw a rod. As the rain came down in full force, the track became totally engulfed in mud. It was a chal-lenge in itself just to get around for a lap, but, as they say, "The · Strong Shall Survive." Jimmie Crowder was in the Class 1 lead, battling it out with fellow Flor-idian Mike Hester, and Bill Le-Feuvre, from Ontario, Canada. June 1988 Jerry Allen led the 1600 Class from the third lap, and although stuck in the rhud when the checkered flag flew, Allen won the class by two laps. Sam Pace, foreground, moves past Bill Prout on the front straight, and Pace went on to win the D Class handily and he finished second overall. Jerry Allen was on the front side race. Both made it over twenty-of the 1600 contest with Mark onelaps.Joedrovetheracewitha Bicker in 'the second place slot. bent tie rod he damaged during Sam Pace was holding his own his practice mishap, and J .R. de-as he led the way in D Class, with veloped an oil leak, which caused James Hester, driving for Travis his engine to burn up. -Hurst, at his rear bumper. Robby The track conditions worsened May and Gene Windham were in as the rain came down, while the competition for third place in D remaining buggies tried to make Class. Robby had his steering their way around for another lap. wheel come loose and had to have Sammy Herrell was now running it welded before continuing on. only in third gear because of a Top 1600 Class competitors Joe broken shifter, and Gene Wind-Cunningham and J.R. Taylor had ham was running on three cylin-~eir share of problems in this (see FLORIDA 400 page 46) THE WRIGHT PLACE~. . COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use the_m on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 45 .,
FLORIDA400 (from page 45) der~. ·It was now quescionable whether the race should be stopped or allowed to continue. Just about everyone was stuck somewhere along the·track at this point. Somehow a few of these mud-covered race cars were still sliding their way around the track. It was Jimmie Crowder, still out in front in Class 1·, now by two laps over Mike Hester. Jerry Allen was right there with Jimmie Crowder, also two laps on the front side of his 1600 Class, with Mark Bicker running second. Sam Pace was the leader in D Class, but James Hes-ter was within the same lap and not far behind. About three o'clock it was decided to stop the race. The white flag went up indicating the final lap. Jerry Allen had his 1600 ~i . -~. stuck in the mud at this point, but he still had enough laps covered to win 'the class with thirty-one laps completed. Mark Bicker was second in 1600 Class, with twenty-nine laps, and James Mar-rocco was third, covering twenty-seven laps. Jimmie Crowder won Class 1 and overall with thirty-one laps covered. Mike Hester was second in class with twenty-nine laps to his credit and Bill LeFeuvre was third at twenty-eight laps. In the restricted D Class Sam Pace did a great job covering thirty laps when he took the checkered flag. Close behind in second, on the road but a lap down, but still second in D Class was James Hester driving for Tra-vis Hurst. Gene Windham was third in D Class, making it around for twenty five times. F.O .R.D.A. rules require the overall prize winners to be run-ning at the checkered flag, so Jerry Allen missed that part of the glory. The first five overall were Jimmie Crowder, Sam Pace, Mike Hester, Mark Bicker, and Travis Hurst/ James Hester. F.O.R.D.A. extends many thanks to Jimmie Crowder and his crew for the use of and the prepa-ration of the track. The next race at-Crowder Pits is on the 4th of. July, when the weather should be kinder to the racers. Travis Hurst led D Class until an accident put him in the hospital, but James Hester carried on in the car to second in D Class and fourth overall. Bruce Mitchum, foreground, and Bill LeFeuvre drag race down James Marroc.co catches a little traction while passing, and he kep_t his racer moving through the mud to take third place in the 1600 Class. the straight; LeFeuvre finished third and Mitchum was fourth in the Class 1 action. Robby May tries a one wheel turn and it must have worked OK because May went on to take fourth place honors in the · competitive D Class contest. Randy Arnold, right, and J.R. Taylor came off the jump together and both cars rammed into the bank, scattering the spectators fora while. Early D Class leader Jimmy Keys does a whee/stand for the camera, and he later retired from the mud with incurable shifter problems. RAPID CITY· (from page 44) their · heat taces. After the four wheel drive machines completed their heat races, it dried up some-what. It did mean that there was a need for some tire alterations in Class 10. Daryl Dressler, from Rapid City, SD, did some fast pit work, repairing broken valve springs in his car's VW engine, after winning the Class 10 heat race. Daryl Dressler barely made it to the start line for the start of the Class 10 main event. But, he took the checkered flag first in the main, and captured the overall win .in Class 10, the 1650cc and under class buggies. Ron Carpenter, of Sioux f:alls, SD, made tire changes after the heat race and ended the day with third overall. He and his family made a mini vacation out of the trip to the Black Hills area for this race. Stan Schwellenbach, of Pierre, SD, a tough contender in Class 10, N SAHARA :r: ~ X ~ 5 O · SIRIUS Cfl ~..,__....,_,;;;;,.;;. _ _.o :l ~ ~ C0 SPRING MTN. :j VDO -Chenowth -Simpson TriMil - K & N Filters - Bugpack Bilstein -Centerline - Cibie Hewland - Porsche Turbo CVs Bead Seats -Parker Pumper Yokohama Tires -Super Trapp Gem Gears - KYB Shocks Sway-A-Way Transaxle Parts Wright Place -Dura Blue Ultra Boot - Neal Products SEE PAT OR DAVE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday - 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. NEVADA PHONE ORDER HOUSE 3054 So. Valley View, Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 871-4911 • (702) 871-5604 f Page 46 flew around those tight curves and through the mud holes to place first in the heat race. However, a broken axle kept him from finishing the main event. So he took home the points for second overall. Jeff Gris-sop, of Rapid City, placed fourth, and North Dakota's Steve Comer placed fifth. Class 3, the unlimited engine size buggy class, may be short on entries, but certainly not on racing competi-tion and enthusiasm by the drivers. Dave Wilson, of Isabel, SD, pre-vailed by taking first place wins in both the heat race and the main event. A new face and a tough com-petitor in this class was second place winner Mark Jarvi, from Belle Fourche, SD. He says he is excited about this type of racing and says they are "going to be around for a while." Mark Jarvi captured the win at the Badlands Baja back in February ( the first event he entered), which was the first event of the 1988 High Plains Off Road Racing season. Mark put together a two seater so his brother and car owner, Mike, could co-drive on the longer races. But, for this short track racing, Mark handles it alone. During the heat race the fuel pump came loose, causing Mark's car to stall out on one of the sharp corners. Luckily, he got it working again to hold on for second place. Harvey Walde, of Pierre, SD, claimed third in Class 3. After this short course event, the racers will be busy preparing for the next ·series event, only three weeks away on May 14, near Chamber-lain, SD. At the Black Hills Speed-way, the BFGoodrich Team T / A folks provided their tractor trailer and team engineers to assist the June 1988 There was tough competition among the unlimited buggies, but Dave Wilson won both the muddy heat race and the main event on a much drier track. competitors with technical advice ing more of this type of event in the and Uniroyal-Goodrich products. months ro come. But, for now, The short course ar Black Hills every Friday night at Black Hills Speedway may have been a different Speedway we will see four classes of style contest for the drivers, but stock car racing: Late Moael, overall it seemed to be rated as a Sportsman, Sprints and Grand "nice change of pac.e" from the Nationals at the half mile oval dirt longer races. Perhaps we will be see- track Local Rapid City drivers Wes and Guy Jobgen drove the only Class 8 that finished both the heat race and the main event, and they won the points. Dusty -Times
The Weatherman Raclio Relay Report By Bob Steinberger Linear Amplifiers vs RF Pre-Amplifiers First, let's discuss why people think about using linears. Their FM 2 ways are not giving them the range they expected, so the obvious answer is more power! Right? Could it possibly be that the receiver is the problem? There is no substitute for a good receiver! The fact is, that it is now even more important than the transmitter. . As the number of radios in use grows at each race, we face the problem· of a much larger effect from the Radio Field (RF). If the Radio Field was colored so we could actually see it, our vision would be totally obscured by it! I call this noise pollution. The RF in the air effects the receivers of our radios, and guess .what? The best receivers win! All radios have specification sheets ( technical data), some , radios meet or exceed their specs, and, I'm sorry to say, some fall below them.There is no help for a radio with a poor receiver front end. They do not filter out unwanted signals. They cannot work properly in the high Radio Field environment. The poor receiver becomes swamped with unwanted signal and, as a result, can't hear on frequency commun-ication directed at it from the same distance that a good receiver would hear the signal. The user of a system of radios with poor receivers is a pushover for a linear amplifier salesman. A linear amplifier will give you more -range. The higher your output, the more range you· will get. This is·the only advantage, or plus, of such a device. The Disadvantages of Ampli-fiers: 1. Cost of a 20-40 watt input for an 80 to 130 watt output is an average of$275.00. Devices over 150 watts are over $400.00. 2. The device is active, and can make your neighbors have a ·very bad day! Depending on the qual-ity of your 2 way, and the quality of your amp, you will have from a mild effect to a disastrous effect on your co-channel and adjacent channel users. There will always be some·effect, including the pos-sibility of: Disturbing other legal users of frequency spectrum, including police, fire, utility com-panies, government, ambulance services, etc. Disturbing trans-lators or repeaters of FM broad-cast radio, T.V., etc. 3. When you are stuck with no running engine to charge your battery, ·you have an electrical problem. How many times can you key up your r:adio and ampli-fier at 35 amps current draw? How 'long can you talk? Note: most radios won't transmit below eleven volts. Get the picture? You already have the current draw from your vehicle's ignition; fuel pump, lights, Parker Pumper motor, etc. How large is the capac-ity of your battery. 4. It is sol'Ilething else to break, having two or more RF connec-tions, other electrical connec-tions, and having to work in per-Dusty nmes feet harmony with the input from ditions that they are clean and free the 2 way and the output to the from spurious emissions. These antenna. People who use amplifi- conditions inch,1.de antenna varia-ers have far more complaints than tions, supply voltage variations, praise. temperature variations, and the 5. A trend towards amplifiers source impedance from the 2 way would have tremendous adverse driving the amplifier. Percom effects on the overall racing com- doesn't sell or use linear amplifi-munity. I don't wish to be an ers because they do not feel it is alarmist, or the bearer of bad necessary or desirable. news. I won't delve into this sub- Race Comm, Al Key (also Pres-ject in detail in print. I will be ident of BARRA}, I don't like· available to personally discuss the them. I think they should be dis-adverse consequences of what's carded. We have never sold them. already been done, and what will The survey clearly indicates happen if amplifiers are con-that linear amplifiers are not the tinued to be used. , way to go! If you already have an The number of linear amplifi- amplifier, please have your 2 way ers that PCI Race Radios has sold dealer install a switched relay in in the past can be counted on one line with the positive lead to the hand. There will be no future sales amplifier, so it can be turned off of amps, now that we know a sim- for the 99% of the time you won't pie pre-amp is more effective, less even need it. costly, and has no harmful effect The Advantages .of Enhancing on anyone else's communica-Your Receivers (Pre-Amplifiers): tions. The Weatherman Radio 1. Cost -less than $100.00. Relay and the Nissan Relay have 2. The device is passive. It has never used amplifiers, and never absolutely no harmful effects on interfered with each others the adjacent users of radios. efforts, { wiped out each other's 3. It doubles the effectiveness · receivers). of the receiver. It's like having As of the Mint race, PCI Race 500 watt linears on all the radios Radios had 700 radios in racing, that are talking to you. and only five with amplifiers! Th~ 4. Thirty to fifty percent more percentage of relays made for PCI range. users vs all others is 10% PCI and The Disadvantages - There are 90% all others. Further proof that NONE! Except perhaps the mod-amplifiers were not necessary est cost of the device, and it's when working with good equip- installation. Also, the fact that it is ment. not a life perserver for an inher-I took a poll of other dealers ently poor receiver. regarding linear amplifiers, and From contingency at Lucerne, here's what I found: using a 50 watt Pace Roadmaster Don Mendenhall, Valley T .V., and a special Weathermanized Parker, AZ. We use ICOMS-IC Ringo Ranger antenna, I talked to 125s. 25 watts is enough-never my truck, equipped with a pre-sold an amp. amplifier, at Lytle Creek, the top Jim Russell, Competition of the Cajon Pass, and the Bear Communications. I've sold occa~ Valley cut-off. During the sional handheld amplifiers to get Lucerne race, from our perch 25 watts from a 5 watt handheld, . atop a 5600' mol,Jntain off Camp but no amps sold in the last five Rock Road, I talked loud and years for 2 ways.Jim also said that clear to Morley Marsten {mobile) when he set up the Nissan com- and Linda (base) in Palm Springs! munications network, and had an And, because of our pre-unlimited budget, the subject of amplifier, we could hear them amplifiers came up and Jim told loud and clear. . Nissan that the known adverse This is the answer to clean up effects of amplifiers would hurt the air waves, get better range the system rather than help it. He from our radios, with no harmful let a lot of money slip through his radio effects on each other. fingers for the principal, if you The ''HAWK'' is the code have a good receiver, you don't name for a fellow off road racer, need an amplifier. who wishes to remain anony-Bob Hynes, RLH-Uniden. You mous. The reason? He has volun-know a 35 watt radio won't talk as teered to clean up the air waves, to far as a 90 watt, so you have to listen on his scanner to frequen-hop it up to get the desired range. I cies that, in the past, have been have about 50 amplifiers on the used illegally. Also he will search course. the bands for race related traffic Jim Gregory, Jim's Avionks. on illegal to use frequency spec-To achieve better communica-trum. We've warned you before, tions range, I would endorse a and you know who you are! Now receiver with higher signal to there is a concerned volunteer noise ratio over higher transmit-who will ferret out illegal users, ter output. I don't like linear and put a stop to it! amplifiers, and have never sold The Lucerne Valley and the them. Mint races are in the record Paul Sigmonson, Off Road books. I want to thank my volun-Comm unica tions. A better teer Weatherman Radio Relay receiver will do you a lot more crews. Rory Sena worked both good than an amplifier. The races on.151.715, and Alan Berg transmit signal is in the air, and if worked medical emergency ·and your·receiverisgoodenough,you relief on 151.625 and 151.715. will hear it. I've only sold four At the Mint, besides Rory, we had amps total, and only becau~ they Constantine "MacGyver" Pop-were specifically requested. escu keeping notes, records, dial-Percom, Tom Fisher, Sr. (con- ing in frequencies, and keeping sultant to Percom, 15 years VP of our antennas up. David Daugh-Engineering and one of the erty, a Long Beach fireman, founders of Standard Communi-worked the HORA frequency, cations). Outboard linear ampli-and monitored the Constables fiers should not be needed. If for Jeep Posse emergency frequency. some reason they have to be used, Rory was sick with the flu, and they should be set up by a quali- Jim Russell, of Nissan Relay, took fied person using a spectrum ana-him off the mountain after all the lyzer to verify that under all con- Nissans were accounted for. June 1988 It was 20° in the truck and the gas heater wouldn't re-ignite. My beer on the dash froze! The snow was coming horizontally, and as a last resort I started the Scout and got the heater going again, so we could alternately warm up while breaking camp. It was not the most pleasant relay station, with the inclement weather keeping all four of us in my little truck with five radios blaring! For safety rea-sons, Walt Lott shortened the time of the race, and there were some happy troopers atop Potosi mountain. The Jeep Posse did an incredi-bly great job handling nine medi-cal incidents. I don't recall when response times were so good. Thanks, everyone, who helped. You were great! Any comments, observations, or suggestions, get in touch with Bob Steinberger at PCI Race Radios. SCCA Soutllcrn Pacific Division Pro Rally Report By Lynnette Allison, Steward Some new events have been scheduled! Changes in the 1988 National Calendar will affect the remaining 1988-89 competition yea·r. Note these changes on your _ calendars, but contact event organizers for the most current information. On June 15 there is a Pro Rally Forum, a meeting open to all. It is your chance to offer solutions to problems, provide information and input about rallying, and voice your questions and ideas. The Forum will explain existing and new rules, review procedures at rally events, etc.; and have rally · movies to view. Contact Ric Bell (213) 424-6715 or Leonard Jensen (818) 249-0228 for place and time. The Prescott Forest Rally on July8-10 is Co-efficient 3. Organ-izer Rob Cherry and his commit-tee offer you an exciting event this July. Reputed to have the best competition rally roads any-where, Prescott '88 combines fast, smooth roads, twisting and narrow trails, and rocky river washes for a challenging course. Read up on the National/FISA sy'stem for checkpoints. Also watch for details on the "Mini Truck Class." Call Rob at (602) 778-6489 fo"r registration forms and current information. There may be a vehicle restriction in this event. The National Licensing School is on September 1 7. The final 1988 licensing school is for com-petitors desiring complete infor-mation on the National/FISA procedures, plus proper vehicle preparation and driving tech-niques for improved rallying. It is an excellent opportunity for any-one wanting to know about rally-ing. The school is a requirement for obtaining a National license and for anyone whose National license lapsed more than two years ago. SCCA membership is not required. The school costs $50 each or $90 per team by Sep-tember 10. Contact Lynnette Allison (714) 736-1442 for cur-rent information. September 24-25 is a Twin-Rally weekend with two Co-efficient 1 rallies at the Hungry Valley OHV area near Gorman, CA. It is b~ing co-ordinated by Dave Poston, Leonard Jensen and Steve Silsbee. Registration for both events is on Friday evening, and registration on Saturday evening for the Sunday rally. All vehicles must meet current SCCA standards and have a log book prior to the event. On October 14-16 is a Co-efficient 2 {possibly 3) rally head-quartered in Yerington,. Nevada. The route follows many roads from the Carson City National rallies, and is organized by the Reno Region, a NOR-PAC Divi-sional everit. The East of Indio VIII is on· November 18-20. Changing the Wild West National to run with the Olympus International Rally in June opens the month for Indio. Organizers Roger Allison and Randy Hensley hope to bring back some of the BLM lands from yesteryear. This event is the first 1989 SCCA Divisional rally. A driving school on January 28-29, 1989 will be coordinated by Ric Bell. This event will prob-ably be limited in enrollment. It will concentrate on competitor awareness of poor dr_iving tech-niques and provide instruction and practice in correct form, approach and follow through. Insurance coverage has been given the "OK" for 1989. In-surance representatives gathered with SCCA personnel at the Ohio Rally in order to view first hand how a National Event coordinates and implements its safety plans. There were many things done extremely well, but the overall feeling expressed was that organ-faers must strive to tighten up ~he implementation of the plans dur-. ing the events. K & K representa-tives were positive in their recommendation that coverage extend into 1989 for both National and Divisional events, as everyone works together for con-tinued improvement in event safety practices. / Major changes for the Pro Rally circuit have been proposed. Often mentioned as a solution to the long, cross country drives for National Pro Rally competitors, a proposal to combine the National Pro Rally Championship events with designated Co-efficient 3 Divisional events has been made by John Buffum. The ba:sic pro- . posal is that the best eight events will count toward the National Champioaship. Divisional Co-efficient 3 events will count with a multiplier of 3. National Champ-· ionship events count with a mul-tiplier of 5. The two "best" Nationals will . be designated as "Super Nationals" with a multip-lier of 10; only one can be counted toward points. A Super National will have 150-250 stage miles, a National needs 100-130 stage miles, and a Divisional Co-efficient 3 is 60-80 stage miles. The pr:oposal combines the best of both competitive series. The National events need the support of more entries and a broader field. The Divisional events provide opportunities for all competitors to earn National points and opens the door for those who _traditionally run only the National circuit to expand their event participation at ·tower overall costs. For more details, or to express your opinion on the proposed changes, write to Mr. John Buf-.fum in care of SCCA, P.O. Box 3278, Englewood, CO 80115. Page 47 •
CONEJO on ROAD RACING TEAM By Mike Schwellinger After the agony of defeat at the Gold Coast 300 where we DNF'd, Je were thrilled with the double victory at the Mojave 250 and the Mint 400. You can't imagine.how high the team spirit is! There were sorrle old familiar faces at the Mint race, like Don Coffland and Buck Griffin, and some new ones from as far away as Japan and South Africa. There were teams from far away PQints of the USA too ... wish you "local" boys could make more of the races, but we recognize the problems that the distance creates. We were glad to see so many entries, 16 starters, in Class 3. The whole race was well planned. Thanks go to Walt for thoughtfully NOT having im-· pound and a parade all the way out to Jean. The wind Walt pro-vided as a difficulty factor in the Mint was a nightmare in itself. We heard there were nine accidents out on the course. We wish Lloyd _ Huffman, and the other racer (John Mamo) who broke both legs, a speedy recovery. Other than the well publicized zero visibility at times, we had a relatively trouble free race. We broke a couple of hood pins and had a wheel failure which ruined a tire. Since that occurred when we were the only Class 3 on the fourth lap, it wasn't serious. It's • funny how a matter of minutes, or even seconds, can be so crucial in one race, and then not make much difference in another. We would like to welcome two new sponsors to our team: A.R.P. and Champion batteries. Also, we enjoyed our meeting with C.O.R.E. and think we will defi-nitely be an asset to each other. We're trying to get ready for the Baja Internacional like the rest of you, so hopefully we'll see you all south of the border.! F.A.I.R. Bv Terri Nicks 'Did everyone have a good time at the Mint 400? We sure did, with the exception that it took a week to get that dirt out of my hair and face. We got the strangest looks as we walked through the white marble lobby of the Golden Nugget in all our post-race _filth. Ok~y, back to business. FAIR supported 21 cars this race. Our race manager Rick. Neuhart did a great job of coordinating FAIR's eight pits scattered along the course. Radio communication went well with some relay help between pits and also from the Weatherman. Our only Class 1 entry was Rick Vasquez from Texas. Rick said that the pits were great, and he ought to know, he stopped at them all. He also finished the race, fifth in class. We had eight Class 2 entries. Jimmie Crowder from T allahas-see, Florida, finished first in class. At the awards he thanked ev-eryone for the fine hospitality and said that he kicked everyone's &@#!. The Martin Brothers led the race through the third lap and looked terrific until they broke their trannie. Bob Richey's team found a new mean_ing for the team Page 48 name, R.C.R. It now means Roll, but was also the Race Manager. Croll, Roll. Ray Croll is the new J.D. did a fine job as did all his drivinghalfoftheteamand rolled helpers in the day long dust the car twice before a broken hub storms. CORE Able was at mile assembly put them out of the race. 25 with Bill Ramsay in charge, Aaron Hawley in the Classic and Baker was at Check 3 (mile PlumbingClass2 carfinishedsev-43) with Alen Winchester run-enth in class. Following right ning the show. Toby Carlson was behind him was the Les Fulkerson Captain at Charlie, at Check 5, team with an eighth place finish. with a whole crew from Barstow, Grandpa Danny Letner did real and Joe Phipps ran CORE Dog at well with a second place finish mile 75. At mile 85 Eric Find! was behind Crowder, and Danny said Captain. Our thanks to all these that everything went wrong. He guys and all the workers who suf-broke an axle and had five flats. fered in the nasty weather to keep The Temp-le Racing Team lost the cars running in the Mint 400. their motor and that put them out CORE had mixed results in the 0£ the race. Unlimited classes. John Kelly and We had four Class 10 entries Don Weiser, from Tucson, fin-and none of them finished.' The ished a great second in Class 1 and W eyhrich Team had several prob-eighth overall. Sad to say the Huff-lems before a broken trannie put man car was involved in a terrible them out c;,f the race, along with. accident on the second lap. Lloyd Jack and Scott Irvine who had to Huffman was driving at the time,-quit because of the same problem and he went into a coma. At press on the second lap. Jess Caravello · time Lloyd is still in serious con-was on his last lap when a CV diiion, and the club extends their problem put him out. He had hopes and prayers to Lloyd for a come into the main pit with the speedy recovery. In Class 2 Jerry back half of his frame completely Finney and Dan Foddrill finished separated at the top, and the.guys a fine sixth, but Terry McDonald had welded his car back together. was out with a broken trans on the Apparently the welding held. first lap. Pretty good! When we asked the · In Class 10 Craig Watkins and Schindlers what put them out of Greg Aronson lost time with a the race, they just answered broken fan belt and a hard-to-find "Everything." replacement on the Toyota We had seven Class 1-2-1600 engine, but they came back to fin-entries. Darren Wilson lost his ish fourth. Steve Centurioni and motor. The Vasquez car, we aren't Larry Job had the class lead after sure how they did. Art Peterson three laps, but 45 miles into the broke a stub axle and also broke final round they lost the engine, his chase truck. I'm not sure, but I and were credited with eighth think there is more to that story. place. Kevin Bunderson and Rob The Coan Brothers·finished ninth Myerly got a fine finish in the wild with flats being their main prob-looking SS, and finished third in !em; that and the fact that they call Class 10, but Bill Poe lost the their car a slug might have some- clutch on the first lap. Scott and thing to do with it. Larry Dinovitz withdrew after one Brian Parkhouse finished tenth lap because of the Huffman acci-in 1-2-1600s. He said he could of dent, as did Cam Thieriot and done better, butthat it isn't safe to Greg Lewin in the Toyota 7S be in front of the Coans. Brian truck. Rogers is trying to set a new In Class 1-2-1600 Jack Ramsay record. He blew not one, but two and Rick Mills led the first two motors, and all within the first 40 laps, and finished second in the 74 miles. Bob Rule from Georgia car class and 11th overall. Dan raced with FAIR for the first time Araujo and Dave Ramirez had this race, and got in three laps for three good laps, were running 34th in class. fifth, then broke a torsion bar on We had one Class 5 entry. Ed the last lap. They got going again Mailo looked good until he, like to finish four laps in 17th place. many others broke his trans-Dick McCool, Jerry Lawless and mission. Kevin McGillivray were seventh It was a good race and thanks to after one lap, but a pair of roll all those who came out to pit for overs put them on the trailer at FAIR. Special thanks to Captain mid distance. In Class 5-1600 NF and his crew. If you want to Jerry and James Leslie were sixth know the story behind that one, after one lap, but rolled in the talk to Gene Norman or Mike rock pile on lap 2, and only got in Queyral. It's one I can't put in two -laps before the engine print, at least not in this type of expired. publication. . Two of the three CORE Chal-F.A.l.R. fs a-California Non-lengers finished. Jim Clements Profit Organization. We meet the and Michael Brown placed s~v-first and third Wednesday of the enth, and Dennis Stankavich and month at the Fullerton Holiday Michael Currier were eighth, and Inn, located at Harbor and the 91 last finisher, since the 5:30 red Freeway. Our meetings begin at flag denied a lot of cars in this 8:00 p.m. We always welcome class the fourth lap. Duane Smith guests and prospective members, and Greg Shapiro got in one long both racers and pit support lap, including a flip, and lost the people. engine. Hope to see you there. The radio watch bunch pro-G0DJ8 CJ0U80 CORE had 18 cars to pit at the Mint 400 and four more on radio watch. We had six pits strung around the course, including a big main pit at the start/ finish where J.D. Ward was not only Captain, duced CORE's only winner. In Class 3 Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson were the only entry completing four laps. Congrats to them. ln Class 1 Jim Stiles and Steve· Casagrande barely got off the line when ;he ring and pinion broke. Bruce Mangold and Steve Schober did one lap in Challenger class. In Class 5 Greg Sanden and Jim Zupanovich had a long first lap but climbed back to sixth in class with a four lap finish. June 1988 CORE meets the first Tuesday of the month at the Burbank Ramada Inn, just off the Golden State Freeway at Buena Vista, on San Fernando Blvd. The meetings start at 8:00 p.m. and guests and prospective members are always welcome. Next on tap for the CORE pit folks is the Score Baja Internacional, and the.HDRA Fireworks 250 at Barstow. CALIFORNIA RALLY ·SERIES B~· Bill Mourl· It is well known, from my last two columns, that I am one who looks at the changes forced upon the -rally community with a somewhat jaundiced eye. It is not that I am totally incapable of deal-ing with change, but, if it's not broken, don't fix it. These days the great "would be" power brokers of rallying and the insur-ance companies are beginning to "fix" things, and are holding our insurance coverage as the pawn in the blackmail of forcing ~ompliance. Mike and Paula Gibeault have shown me at least.a portion of the error of my ways. They attacked the problem with such a gracious assurance of overcoming all the obstacles that there was no way they could be beat. The fact that the Rim of the World Rally hap-pened as scheduled is proof of that. It is obvious the rest of us can and will do the same. Rob Cherry has the next event scheduled, the Prescott Forest Rally set for July 9 and 10. The roads are great and the entire area is filled with beautiful scenery. This rally is worth making the trip to Arizona. An odds-on favorite up at Prescott has to be Roger Hull. Roger is from the Prescott area and has definitely had some time on the roads. He is fresh off a win in Stock Class at the Rim of the World, and he'll be tough to beat. Ray Hocker and I had hoped to give Roger a little better competi-tion at the Rim. Ray's Honda did best Roger's Datsun time on .the first stage, but it was done at the expense of breaking the rear motor mount on the Honda. Undaunted, Ray tied the back of the motor down with a nylon strap. We finished the second stage; strap broken, right motor mount broken, and the engine overheated as a result of the water hoses pulling loose. We coasted down to the stream at the end of the ·stage. Roger drove by with a smile and a wave. Roger will be tough to beat at Prescott. After the Rim of the World Rally, the California Rally Series point standings for the first ten in each class are: Open Class, Driv-ers -Lon Peterson, 560, Dave Thomas, 274, Ian Millter, 245, George Daland, 240, Rod Koch, 1 77, Jeff Griffin, 160, Danny Topjian, 110, Ted Kendall, 110, Bill Holmes, 100, Jose Olaya, 91. Open Class, Co-Drivers - Jim Love, 500, Bart Godert, 240, John Elkin, 190, Camille Barnett, 175, Todd Bane, 160, Scama-horn, 150, Dan Pillow, 120, Chuck Corbett, 100, Rick Bau-com, 94, Farina O'Sullivan, 90. In Stock Class standings, the top ten are: Drivers - Roger Hull, 500, Richard Chemotti, 330, Noberto Gomez, 310, Ray Hocker, 250, John West, 140, John Morris, .135, Willy Agu-ierre, 120, Harris Done, 120, Steve Ryckebosch, 100, Jim Jac-obson, 100. Stock Class, Co-Drivers -Oscat Facio, 310, Richard Hull, 300, Bill Moore, 250, Rob Cherry, 200, Steve Rykebosch, 180, Young, 120, Nii:k Koolar, 120, Sixtoe As-peitia, 100, Larsson, 90, Gary Burgess, 80. ~~YOKOHAMA ~SUPPORT TEAM In last month's article we talked about the· dust at the Great Mojave being so bad, but this years Mint 400 takes the cake. Dust at the Mint 400 was so bad that safety was at risk and High Desert made a wise decision to cut the race short. Some say that because of the dust RAMMING rather than NERFING became common place. All three Yokohama pits were the busiest they have been all year. The first pit was at Mile 25, thi~ pit was run by Crew Chief Phil. At Mile 25 they changed two tires, welded on three vehicles and helped Mancha's Class 8 repair their fuel cell that was rammed out of frame, and I can say for a fact that the Class 8 continued to run the race after repairs were made. So, for racers that stopped at Mile 25 the·y were in_ good hands with Yokohama Support. Next on course was Mile 50 at the Motocross. Like Mile 25 they were also busy; after starting slow in the morning the pace quick-ened throughout the day. While no welding was done at Mile 50, mechanical repairs were what kept the pit hopping such as replacing bearings on a 5-1600, changing tires, and the last car being re-wired for headlights. This pit was run by Crew Chief Jay. And last but not least was Mile 75. At Mile 75 a little bit of everything was done but for the most part tire replacement was the order of the day. But then this seemed to be the order of the day over the entire Mint course. For I should know best with five flats in a 7S. This pit was run by Crew Chief Earl. I would like to thank all Yoko-hama Support T earn personnel for their hard work and perser-verance in conditions that sent even the hardiest back to the ho-tels in Las Vegas. Thank you Phil, Robbie, Joel, Johnny, Chris and Sebastian at Mile 25. Thanks to Jay, Bonnie, Dick, Judy, Donnie, Tracy, Tom, SteveP., Larry, Glor-ia, Steve G., Lina and my wife Deb1 at Mile 50. Thanks to Earl, Charlie, Dale, Anna, Jim, and Earl's Dad at Mile 75. Special thanks to Steve 0. for his help at start/ finish. · Also I want to thank all the co-sponsors who helped the support team: German Auto, Perma Cool, Lothringer Electronics, Car Chem and Valvoline Motor Oil. Now it is on to the soap box; being a racer and manager of Yokohama Support Team I see both sides of off road racing. One side I am .seeing more than I care · Dusty Times
PIT TEAM REGISTER ~e welcome all Support Team news articles. Typed and double spaced copy is a~eptable.~Deadline is the 10th of the month. CHAPALA DUSTERS LOS CAMPEONES Jon Kennedy, President Malcolm Vinje, President 3117 Klllarney 2450 Vineyar.d Ave., Suite 102 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 (714) 641-0155 (619) 292-0485 (home) Meeting. 2nd Wednesday (619) 743-1214 (work) Verdugo's Mexican Restaurant Radlo-FM-152.960 Costa Mesa, CA Radio-FM-151.775 CHECKERS Jeff Hibbar_~, Pres)dent 13237 Sierra Hwy. Canyon Country, CA 91350 (805) 252-4034 CORE Karen Clark, Race Director 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 Northridge, CA 91325 (818) 345-3833 F.A.I.R-:-SUPPORT TEAM P.O. Box 542 Stanton, CA 90680 Jeff Randall, President Teri Nicks, Secretary Dave Massingham, Race Director (714) 879-7697 (213) 943-1916 Meetings 1st & 3rd Weds. Holiday Inn -Harbor & 91 Freeway Radio-FM-150.860 MAG7 Jerry McMurry, President Bruce Cranmore, Race Director 11244 Horizon HIiis Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 440-3737 (home) (619) 225-6886 (work) TERRA Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue La Crescenta, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month - Jan Sunderland's house TIGHT 10 153 Lindell Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 283-6535 (day) (619) 447-7955'.(night) Gene Robeson, President (619) 41i6.~812i. ~~YOKOHAMA 6-50 Club Report ,6 By Jean Calvin There were 37 Yokohama 6-50 Club members on the entry list for the Mint 400. A few did not start, and only eight saw the four lap checkered flag. Doing the best of all were our Class 2 stars. Jim-mie Crowder came from Florida to win the class and finish second overall: Not far behind Jimmie was Danny Letner, second in Class 2 and a fine seventh overall. Although Emil Downey won Class 14 in his Jeep, his entire class was caught out with three laps done by the 5:30 p.m. cut off of the race. According to the entry list, Larry Ragland, who won Class 7 in a big way, is now eligible for 6-50 points. In Class 4 Rod Hall nailed second place. Gregg Symonds got in all four laps for fourth in Class 7 4x4. The other . three 6-50 four lap finishers were Don McBride, eleventh in Class 2, Jim Fishback, Sr., 13th in Class 1-2-1600, and Jim Van Cleve, 16th in Class 1-2-1600. Congrat-to ·see is the bad attitudes of some racers toward pit crews and their , fellow racers. Something I do not like and hope other racers dislike as much as I is excessive ramming rather than courteous bump and pass. This excessive ramming only' shows the lack of sportsman-like conduct and regard for the safety of their fellow racers. If High Desert and SCORE continue to allow these actions their integrity and the safety of racers and spec-Dusty Times ulations to the finishe.rs and con-dolences to the non-finishers at a most unusual Mint 400. With four out of the nine Yok-ohama 6-50 Club series races in the record book, Roy Taylor leads the points with 1 70, having won both the Gold Coast and .ucerne in Class 5-1600. Rod -fall, with a win, two seconds and a third, is next with 154 points, followed closely by Corky McMillin, 147, Andy Devercelly, 138, and Jimmie Crowder, 129. Danny Letner is sixth with 122 points, followed by Gregg Symonds, 94, Jim Temple, 89, Jim Fishback, Sr., 80, and Willis Hamilton, 69. Remember, only the best six out of the nine races in the series count for 6-50 points at season's end. So, it isn't even the half way point yet! Still to come in the ser-ies are the SCORE Baja Interna-cional, HORA Fireworks 250, HORA Nevada 500, SNORE 250, and the SCORE Baja 1000. tators will be in jeopardy. The Baja 500 is next and our pit locations will be Camalu, San Matias and El Rayo. If anyone wishes gas or tires to be at any one of these pits please make arrange-men ts ahead of time. Contact Dennis Rogers at(818)335-7757 days or (714) 599-5291 evenings or write to Off Road Dynamics, 307 S. Vermont, Unit I, Glen-dora, CA 91740. GET IN-VOLVED BE A VOLUNTEER! VOR~'s Prairie City Curtain Riser By Les Paulson VORRA opened its 1988 sea-son on April 10 with a short course race at the Prairie City OHV Park near Sacramento, CA. With early points to be earned, it was a fast and furious bunch of heat races. The course was altered somewhat from the last VORRA event here in 1987, and this fact provided the drivers with some . added challenge. The Sportsman racers were the first to sample the course after the practice sessions. The first time drivers run for trophies only. The race format, as usual, was a pair of heat races for each category, and the trophy or money winners were decided on the total points for a driver from both heats. In the Sportsman category, Scott Hall won both heat races and top honors. Dale Smith got a second and a third to finish in second position on points. Herb Holla-way finished third and fifth in the heats to end the day in third spot. Randy Miller was fourth ori. points. Only three started among the first time Sportsman group, and Jack Gardner won over Dean Harris and Gary Nibbelink. The first ·heat race for the Pros was for the 1-2-1600 cars, and these drivers were fast, finding the course to their liking. They gave the spectators quite a show. Andy Anderson took the first heat honors, with Dana Van Noort and Ron Van Nels in second and third place. The second 1600 heat was a scramble· too, run later in the day. On points Dana Van Noort took first place and $360 for his day's work. Ron Van Nels ~as second, good for $180, and Andy Anderson was third on points. The keen Odyssey racers were 9ext on the track. As small as they are, these machines put on a good show, turning the same course as the cars with surprising! y fast times. Ed Moore appeared to have done his homework well, and he had the course dialed in, winning both heat races. John Ross Moore finished the day in second, and Dave Lickes drove his racer into third. Classes 3 and 4 are generally combined in VORRA short course events, and were at this race. The heavy metal Jeeps and pickups did real battle getting around the turns on course. The first heat race went to Shane Hutchings, followed by many times champ Don German, and Bud Tickel was third. The second heat race found Shane Hutchings doing his thing again, and he took the win and the points win and $270 for his efforts. On points Don German and Bud Tickel were second and third respectively. During the first heat race for Class 10, Chris Vian and Ron Carter did battle for control of the Ant Hill turn, with the rest of the pack in hot pursuit. After the dust cleared, ending the first of two 10 lap motos, Ron Carter won, fol-lowed by Wes Elrod and Chris Vian. In the second heat race, Ron Carter again won the battle, fol-lowed in by Chris Vian and Don Kennedy. On points, and for the cash, Ron Carter was the winner: and took $360 home to southern California. Chris Vian was second, good for $180, and Wes Elrod ended up third. · The combined group of Classes 1, 2 and 5 provid_ed one of the most exciting races of the day. The first moto Class 1 win went to Dennis Kordonowy, with Ron Carter second in his 10 car and Al Baker took third. We heard that Don Miguel was contemplating the use of the old style crash box to solve his transmission problems! The second heat race, later in the day, found the same three-some fighting it out again in Class 1. This time Ron Carter was the victor and Al Baker finished second, followed by Dennis Kor~ donowy. In Cf ass 1 Ron Carter added to his winnings, taking another $300 for the title, and Dennis Kordonowy earned $150. Class 2-5 featured some fast driving for the first race of the season. Sam Berri took the first of these two heat races, with Tony Jordan home second and Garen Mc<Zune home third. The second heat switched things around, and this time Garen McCune won, fol-lowed by Tony Jordan, and Sam Berri was close in third. Garren McCune won the points and $360, while Tony Jordan was second on points. Overall it was a great day for the race at Prairie City. The track announcers got a good chance to get to know the cars and drivers. Jenney and Ed Robinson and the .. VORRA crew did a great job, as usual. Both the competitors and the spectators are looking for-ward to the next race at the OHV park, on May 8, and then the ser~ ies heads for the Nevada desert and the race out of Yerington on the Memorial Day weekend. Off Roads Winningest Radios OVER7000N THE COURSE Comlink V The Ultimate Racing Intercom • Helmets wired - $100. (CF) Road Master No Finer Radio ... at any price! only $495. • New! RF Pre Amp 30% to 50% more range! June 1988 2888 Gundry Avenue Signal Hill, CA 90806 We're next door via U.P.S.I (213) 427-8177 Page 49 ..
.. Jeff Griffin and Camile Barnett had a very good run in the Volvo 142, finishing a fine second overall and in Open class, about four minutes back. Dave Thomas and Dan Pillow kept a fast pace in the Mazda RX 3 and ended up in an absolute tie on time for third overall and in Open class. Norberto-Gomez and Oscar Facio rally the tiny Toyota Starlet, and they stayed close all night to take second in Stock class and eighth overall. Lon Peterson and Jim Love . . Win the F09 Bound Rim of the World Rally By Rod Koch Photos: Trackside Photo Enterp-rises After two stages Lon Peterson and Jim Love had the overall lead in the Arrow, and they stayed in front to win the "Rim" by a bunch of time, their secqnd "Rim" win in a row. Despite unseasonable warm clouds shrouded the higher and dry weather in southern Cali- mountain forestry roads in thick fornia during March and early fog. The fog caused C'rganizers April, Mother Nature decided Mike and Paula Gibeault to even-that the 31 rally teams entered in tually drop four of the scheduled the C.R.S./SCCA Divisional ten stages. Rim Of the World 1988 event However, on the day before the needed some challenging diver- rally, optimism and fair weather sions. Two days before the rally, prevailed. The Desert Inn in Lan-drenching rains fell, then, on the caster, CA was once again the site day the rally was to start, heavy of the Rim Rally headquarters, FACTORY WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTOR CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER .HOUSE America's No. 1 Racing Wheels! For performance, durability and dis-tinctive styling you can't beat Center Line wheels. They're the choice of America's top racers. So why settle for anything less than -the best for your car or truck? OPEN 5 DAYS A WEEK Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. I BEFORE YOU BUY- TAL-K TO THE PROFESSIONAL! I 12945 SHERMAN WAY, UNIT 4, NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 (818) 756-5827 • (818) 764-6438 with registration, technical inspection and the welcoming party held on the evening of Fri-day, April 16th. The sun was shining brightly Saturday morning as the rally cars took the short transit to Antelope Valley Nissan, site of contingency row and the pare f erme prior to the start. A starting ramp had been added this year, with each vehicle's occupants being inter-viewed on the ramp for local TV coverage. A good turnout of. manufacturers were in contin-gency row, and Spencer Low, two time Mini Metal off road racing champion, was on hand to sign posters and talk about rallying and off road racing to whomever stopped by. Spencer also brought along two of his Nissan trucks for display. Off road racing seemed well represented with the two large Ford pre-runner pickups of Ted Kendall and Keith Mertz, plus the Class 7 Ranger pickup of Don Lindfors. Mertz had an awesome 428 Cobra Jet motor in his truck, and all were well prepared. Cur-rent off road Mini Metal and Class 7S champion Scott Douglas was set to navigate for Ted Ken-dall, but he wasn't told that he needed to attend a novice rally school, so the SCCA steward would not let him compete. Scott ended up running sweep car in his off road pre-runner Ranger. Four more small pickups were on hand to try the twisty, tight mountain roads of the Rim. These included the Toyota of Lucinda ~----Roger Hull and Rob Cherry had a super rally in the Datsun 610, and they not only won CRS Stock class, but finished fifth overall and won the class on three stages. Strub of Team Shrew, the Isuzu of David Burgess (stock class), the Ford Courier of Richard Chem-otti ( stock class) and the Nissan of Mike Johnston.-Johnston had placed the radiator in the bed of his pickup for better weight dis-tribution and said his 2400cc motor was so highly modified, he figured to get only four mpg on the stages. Typical of many of the newcomers at the California Rally Series events, Johnston takes his competition seriously. 1987 CRS and SCCA So-Pac Divisional champs, Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers, were absent from the Rim, as they were running their big Ford truck in Ohio in the SCCA National Pro Rally held on the same weekend. Consequently most competitors were predicting that 1987 Rim overall winners Lon Peterson and Jim Love would have an excellent chance to make it two Rim wins in a row. A total of20 Open class and ten CRS Stock class teams left the starting ramp beginning at 1 :45 p.m. to transit out 22 miles to the first stage, the 7 .92 mile Bud-weiser seeding stage. All stages on this rally are done in the Angeles National Forest on Forestry roads with the approval and excellent cooperation from Forestry offi-cials. Recent rains had cut the dust, making the roads slightly damp with excellent traction. Lon Peterson blasted off the start of stage 1, but a sticking throttle caused him trouble, limiting the rpm. Yet, he still tied George Daland's Starion Turbo at 14.87 minutes for the stage win. Ray Hocker in his Honda CRX took the Stock class time in 15.56 minutes, and fourth overall. Brute horsepower doesn't help much on these precarious moun-tain roads where any kind of straight-a-way is non-existent. Ted Kendall's big truck could only manage a 14th overall at 16.37 and he was fastest of the big iron. However, reliability and consistency are as important as all out power in any endurance event. Realizing this, Kendall con-tinued to move up the ranks as the other stages were completed. Lon Peterson accelerated the Arrow through the fast, 9.36 mile stage 2 called Del Sur Ridge at 12.74 minutes, with Daland second at 13 .2 7. Jeff Griffin and Camille Barnett, in their Volvo 142, ran a close third overall, as they had on the first stage. Ray Hocker and Bill Moore broke a motor mount in the Honda and DNF'd at the end of the stage. Don Lindfors' Ranger broke third and fourth gears, putting him out of the rally. Roger Hull and Rob Cherry in Hull's Datsun 610 took fastest Stock class time with a 14 .31, and seventh overall time, right behind Ted Kendall's truck. Stage 3 also went to Peterson, who was steadily lengthening his lead over the rest of the field. George Daland and John Elkin, in the fast Starion ran close second, but retired after the stage with a damaged rear end.Jeff Griffin and Camile Barnett again set third fast-est time, and, with Daland out, had a chance to put the Volvo ir.to the winner's circle. Roger Hull increased his Stock class lead with fast Stock time on this stage, si:xth overall, again right behind Ted Kendall. David Burgess, with tenth overall time on the stage, was the second fastest stocker. Stage 4 was only 12.74 miles, but it has to be the tightest, twisti-est stage in North America. Stage 4 winner Lon Peterson took 24.54 minutes to run it, with Griffin in second at 25.56 min-utes. With outside temperatures in the low 40s, Peterson said he was sweating profusely by the end of that stage, and he wasn't the only driver to sweat on that stage. Roger Hull and navigator Rob Cherry again took fastest Stock time at 26.91, good for fifth over-all time as well, and once more right behind the fourth fastest team of Ted Kendall and Chuck Corbett, in the big Ford truck. The main service break took place after stage 4 at the pictur-esque Lake Elizabeth Ranch Club located in the Leona Valley some ~ Page 50_ June 1988 Dusty Timcs
Richard Chemotti and Nick Koolar won Stock class on stage 5 in the Ford Courier, and finished third in the class in the older pickup. · Ted Kendall and Chuck Corbett had a good time in the big Ford Jean Vigier and Brian Finn brought a Peugeot to rally, and they pickup and the team kept it going to place in the tie for third were fifth in Open class and they won Seed 3 honors and cash. overall and in Open. Local Lancaster ralliests Jim Jacobson and Sixtoe Aspeitia rally this handsome AMC Eagle4WD, and they finished well, fourth in Stock class. David and Gary Burgess lack horsepower in the Isuzu pickup, but they do well on course, and were fifth in Stock class at the Rim of the World. Mike Johnston and Russell Salisbury had a killer motor in the Nissan truck, and won stage 6 in the fog and were sixth in Open class. 20 miles west of Palmdale. Each team arriving at the Ranch Club again pulled onto the starting ramp for individual interviews. At least half of the navigators had motion sickness pads stuck behind their ears. "Dramamine" may want to look into sponsoring the Rim in 1989! The good folk at the Ranch Club had a chili dinner waiting for a modest price. This prompted the Control Crew at the start of the next stage, #5, to post this sign. "If you had the chili, don't worry about running out of gas." Rallying is a lot of fun. The teams were reseeded at the end of the service break with Lon Peterson and Jim Love holding a 2 .62 minute overall lead over Griffin.- Roger Hull had fourth overall time and first in Stock, 5.92 minutes behind Peterson. Dave Thomas and Dan Pillow, in their Mazda RX 2, had been run-ning consistently in the first six positions overall, and were now third overall and in Open class. Noberto Gomez and Oscar Facio had their little Toyota Starlet second in Stock and ninth overall, demonstrating again that reliabil-ity and driver skill are as impor-tant as horsepower. Lon Peterson swept stage 5 almost a minute ahead of Ted Kendall. Griffin had some problem, but only lost a minute or so. Richard Chemotti and Nick Koolar, in the Courier, had the best Stock class time on this stage, ahead of Gomez and Hull. Stage 6, run on Sawmill Moun-tain in the 5500 foot range, saw all competitors running into dense fog halfway into the stage. Peter-son, using common sense, backed off his usual blistering pace, to settle for fourth overall on this stage. Mike Johnston, in the mod-ified Nissan pickup, won the stage, with Jeff Griffin in second, and Ted Kendall third fastest. Several teams started stage 7, Libre Mountain, but no times were recorded due to the stage being dropped because of the dense fog. It was no fun trying to find the way off the mountain at 10 mph in that fog, knowing the Dusty Timcs sheer drop offs awaiting at each invisible curve. Back at the Ranch Club, and the. next scheduled service break, Mike and Paula Gibeault made the wise decision to cancel the remaining stages due to the fog. Temperatures had, by then, dropped into the mid 30s, and with the steady rain, no one seemed to complain. Lon Peterson and Jim Love won the Rim for the second con-secutive year, and they now hold a decisive lead towards the 1988 SCCA Southern Pacific Div-isional title as well. Jeff Griffin and Camille Barnett took a solid second overall and in Open class. Dave Thomas and Dan Pillow put their RX2 into third, but had to settle for a tie for third with Ted Kendall and Chuck Corbett in the big truck. Both teams had total times of 100.56 minutes a very rare occurrence in rallying. Roger Hull and Rob Cherry won the Stock-class and were a fine fifth overall. Sixth overall and fifth in Open went to the 2 .8 liter V -6 Peugeot of Jean Vigier and Brian Finn. Mike Johnston and Russ Salis-bury must have brought plenty of gasoline along for the "4 mpg" Nissan pickup, as they finished in the money at seventh overall, sixth Open. The Starlet of Nor-berto Gomez and Oscar Facio ran consistently and earned second in Stock, eighth overall. DUSTY TIMES reporter Ron Koch and navigator Tod Bane had a good nm in the vintage VW Fastback, and took ninth overall spot plus seventh in Open class. Tenth overall and eighth in Open went to that 428 CJ Ford pickup of Keith Mertz and John Lovett. Richard Chemotti and Nick Koolar followed right behind by less than a half minute in the Ford Courier for third in Stock. And, what of Team Shrew. Lucinda Strub and Matt Sweeney got their Toyota pickup to the finish line 18th overall. In all, 22 teams fin-ished the rally, which includes eight finishers in Stock class. Although the 1988 Rim of the World Rally turned out shorter Rod Koch and Todd Bane worked hard in the hills with the VW Fastback, and they carried on to place ninth overall and seventh in Open class. A TV racers Lucinda Strub and Matt Sweeney had a blast on the rally, and finished the course in fine shape, eleventh in Open class in the Toyota. than everyone would have liked, thanks to the weather, the con-sensus of opinion by competitors, course control workers, radio and rescue crews and the organizers, was that it was an exciting and enjoyable event. The three ama-teur radio clubs involved did an excellent job keeping tabs on the continued at the awards break-start and finish controls on the fast back at the Desert Inn the fol-stages and the competitors. As in lowing morning. There Rob professional off road racing, the Cherry invited ·all interested radio clubs are now indispensable competitors to the next CRS-to the rally sport and they were SCCA Southern Pacific Division much appreciated by all. Rally, to be held t Prescott, Ari-The positive spirit of the event zona, July 8-10, 1988. • ;/ • ·: ... ., ._'. -•• ~ .-~ - • • ' • ! ' :. •• ~ ... .,. ~,,. ~ --'-♦• .-• ,;, ... : • • /. •• ~ - -•• • - • • .. • -.. • • , .-: • :r~~;t\Y.Vherf yoif want .. ·actiorf;-call lis ! -?~:~;":"~-Trackside Photo, Inc.-Racing photography since 1970 Trackside Photo, Inc. Photos for Public Relations, Promotions, Ads Commercial & Product Photography June 1988 New Address: 1507 East Del Amo Blvd. Carson, California 90746 (213) 609-1772 Page 51 -
-• aler#i:W ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~~ Compellt1on Tires ~o~ Offroad & Motorcycle Products 22264 Ottawa, Unit 1 Apple Valley, CA 92308 (619) Z40-3186 (800)°_ 892-5263 -ALUMA-KO TE Aluminizing Sand Blasting Welding Repair 13574 Pumice Norwalk, CA !)0650 (213) 802-2328 Mike Matson Brent Miller -Performance Products Fiberglass Fenders & Hoods• Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins Pop-up Roof Light Kits• V-6 Kits for Mini Trucks Off-Road Truck Fabrication Product Catalog $3.00 (619) 562-1740 10996 N. Woodsi e Ave. Santee, CA 92071 619-583-6529 RAC ABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF-ROAD RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. Vvtl..DING TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: TOM MINGA BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, El CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-S764 BELL IMMORtp; SAFETY PRODUCTS KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES . NETS • TOOLBAGS• HARNESSPADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SHIPPED UPS BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED & BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 O,rnup ruckmann San Diego 16191578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF ROAD RACE ENG INES. WINNERS AT 8626 COMMERCE A V E . FOR CORKY McMILLIN DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK MCMILLIN IN MIRAMAR CAGLE REGULATOR? Adjusts fuel pressure as you drive, tor better mileage and perfor· ~r~~~=m~'~Wh t~~:y~o~e::uh,;;g:~~ !~ari~~ ;~~bri~~irip~5~,~~: smoke. Controls carb loadup and fuel pushby, with reinforced diaphragm. $49,95 £~J:~!re517 ~~~:eL:%;~oved ~~~~ f;!~~•Js1~ Car Custom OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON : ..,., .•. _, #IPr-lililll!lllill w lfDl1l ,...,.,.,__ ~ ~ ~..,,"OOWM,!!!!! ~- • "~ .,,..._ TWO GIANT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU SUPERSTORE #1 915 W FOOTHILL BLVD AZUSA, CA 9 r 702 818-334-4951 PH RS 969 • RACE CAR PREPARATION SUPERSTORE #2 12451 WESTMINSTER BL VD GARDEN GROVE, CA 92643 714-554-9260 • HI-PERFORMANCE ENGINE WORK • COMPLETE INSTALLATION & ELECTRICAL • HI-PERFORMANCE TR:4.NS WORK • COMPLETE TUNE-UP- STOCK OR HI-PERF. • COMPLETE SERVICE & REPAIR <tP~tm1:1:111,irm;::::f1f fiie:1:1::,1:111I1f!tm1:11'~:J ------------------~---------"!'-- -· - . Page 51 June 1,a Communications, Inc. 827 N. Hollywood Way Burbank, CA 91505 (818) 845-7437 EDGAR E. MOSQUERA Technical Service Representative Cellular Car Phones Mobile Two Way Radios Sales & Service Rentals I I I I I Dick Cepek, Inc. 17000 Kingsview Ave., Dept.OT Carson, California 90746 ; 0 I've enclosed $2.00* I Please send me your I 1988 Catalog and my I $2 Rebate Card • Canadian & Foreig n requests I send SS 00 US Currency. L------------------------------20 YEARS OFBUILDING WINNING OFF ROAD RACE CARS CHENOWTH CARS WIN Seven Out of Eight Overall Victories in 1987 CHENOWTH DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 1401 Pioneer Way #17 / El Cajon, CA 92020 Work (619) 442-3773 / Res. (619) 441-09~8 CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilRACING PRODlJCTS, INC. Racing and recreational chassis and accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 449-7100 (619) 27S-1663 [CNC] Manufacturers of Quality Hydraulic and Automotive Products Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 Dusty nma
COOL.WATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Fn:e L,...-ul l'lw11e * R.ecreatiun Ruum * Free Movie Channel * Swimming Pool "DUSTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619-256-8443 170 Coolwater Lane, Barstow (oENy~10) HERMAN DeNUNZIO (805) 683-12~1 5760 Thornwood Drive Goleta, CA 93117 BIRTB/C/TS ~llf!DJW {818) 882-7808 IUJCK /IIMBEII$ WfTII STYll U.S.A. 10138 CANOGA AVE., CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 PERFORMANCE , TRANSMSSIONS Im ...... ES <••>ae .... aoaa DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN 1533 TRUMAN ST. SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 "serving the industry since 1976" , DRIVELINE SERVIC~ /1 C, f., ~ THERE IS A DIFFERENCE __J,.,-,,£ ~EP~ RING • BALANCING • CUSTOMIZING PARTS AND SERVICE ON CN AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS (714) 824-1561 416 E. Valley Blvd., Colton, CA 92324 SCORE & HORA CONTINGENCY SPONSORS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY•SERVICE We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Components Dusty Times 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891 -8600 Bob Cassetta 825-0583 888-2703 Don Rountree 241 S. Arrowhead Ave. SAN BERNARDINO TM FREE-ST ANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! - R-EN_T_A-LS- VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE (714) 981-9666 AVAILABLE 963 S~ABOARD COURT, UPLAND, CA 91786 213-603-~200 Send fo~ our. catalog! The most comprehensive catalog of rac e-proven Off Road parts ever. From the people who have put more Off Road drivers In the Winner's Circle thon anyone else. Call. write. c arrier pigeon. anything. But do it now. Or you'll be at the bac k of the pac k. FAT0Raclng Parts/B:a. CenllNllne Whffll Bllsleln Shocks JoMor Products Sway-A-Way • • Wright P1ace Penna-Cool ., • Tri-MIi Exhaust S&S Headers .................. Gem Gears Weber Corbi Beard Seals IPf Ughll PBRl'CJRIIIICB ... many more FOR YOUR CATALOG, SEND $5 TO FAT PERFORMANCE. 1450 N. GLASSELL, ORANGE CA 92667. OR CALL (714) 639-2833. \LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS • SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES . NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA-91352 . 818-768-7770 RE·UCABl.£ V.W. PAim 11623 S HEL.CON ST. SUN VALLE Y , CA 913!52 June 1988 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 (619) 46S.3782 ~ a« Your SIIIPT Togetlaerl ===---~ POIITIIY TIIAIYSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane ~ ftfta•• Fortin Jamut CallfomJa 92035 ---a (408) 377-3422 Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's ·Specifications. IOX RACING SHOX . 544 McG/inc111 L111111, u,;f, 8, C.,,,,.11/l Calif. 95008 ~?~~ A Prototype Design & Development Company Specializing In: (619) 449-8322 FRISK BRO~. • Aacecars, Aacetrucks, ATV's • Tube Bending& Metal Fabrication • Aluminum & Steel Sheetmetal 10734E Kenney Street• Santee, CA 92071 Fuel Bladders Quick FIiia Dump Std., Cans FIiia 5271 Business Dr. Huntington Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 . - ..--.. -------~ .1-•0NCO~lil CUCAMONGA. CALIFORNIA (714) 981 -8743 GARMAN FABRICATION ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 Page 53
A GOWLAND ;'1985 Off Rood World Champions" MOTORSPORTS I Toyoto Fiberglass Kits Stroker Cronk Shafts Pre Runner Bumpers 34800 Vaquero Road Cathedral City, CA 92234 PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & CUSTOM POOLS LICENSED & INSURED • ACID WASHES • FILTERS• HEATERS • MOTORS • ETC. Racing Engines Piston Rits Boker Shocks By Appointment Only (619) 324-3119 BEEPER 381-3148 OFFICE 362-4202 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 . . HOUSE of BUGGIES 9027 Campo Road• Spring Valley, CA 92077 • 619-589-6770 MICHAEL LUND Lee Owner (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 dl@il1ICJf V. W. Service REPAIR O PART$ 0 SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON Check out the DUSTYTIMES Special Club Sub Offer ( Almost half price for group subscriptions) Cal (111) 189-5600 orwnre DUSTYTIMIS 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 Page 54 OHN ACMM: PIIOOVC'rS OHNSON Send $2.00 lor C.-,, CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINN ING 5USPINSION SYmMS PERFORMANCE P.O. BOX 912 . JAMUL, CA 92035 (619) 669-1978 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner HICH PBIFORMANCE SHOCl(S DUAL Ii TRFll SHOCk 5YS1l:MS RBERClASS 60• V-6 Z.I MOTOR PARTS ACCB50RB Custom Engines / Transaxles Street · Strip • Offroad MENDEOLA RACING TECHNOLOGY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC CEARBOXES ( 619) 2 7 7, 3100 7577 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 TABS- -BRACKETS -MOUNl'S Shearing -Punching -Forming Sawing -Tool Grinding -TIG & MIG Weld_ing RACE CAR COMPONENTS STEVE WRIGHT KEITH SCHINDLER (714) 599. 7 627 Riverside, Calif. (714) 351-2515 LANGAN CUSTOM METALS Aluminum"Bodies • Accessories Fabrication Specialists 5\S_ . C t-1 fl. S Custom Built to Your Needs by Bill Varnes Mike Brown Covina V-ENTERPRISES JIM LANGAN (818) 966-5625 37925 Sixth St. East, Unit 107 805/272-3843 McKENZIE'S AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAIIIHOUSI 01STlll■UTOIIS 1'011 CIEHTIEII-LINIE WHEELS SWAT- A -WAT TIEc:TtllA TIIIU ■ILSTIEtH SHOCKS KC LtOHTS SUP'IEII TIIAP' SP'AIIK AIIIIIESTOIIS Ct■IIE LIGHTS MCKIENZtlE Alllf!LTIIIS WIIIOHT P'LACIE DUIIA ■LUI[ ULTIIA ■OOT WISTIEIIIH AUTO TIIIES 818-711,4-11,4:98 818- 7811 -11827 K.T.■. SHOCKS ■IAIID SIIATS NEWLAND GIAIIS GIN CJIIAlta CIIOWN Ml'G. NIAL P'ltODUc:TS 'IIAP'ID COOL Tlll,IUL 129,411 SHIEIIMAN WAT, NO. ,4 NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA ·••os June 1988 Palmdale, CA 93550 INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Cutting Brakes'• • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clutches·and Throttles ... plus much more. VW TRANSAXLES OFF ROAD/STRIP/STREET Comple1e Ca1alog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 56.5-9336 OFF ROAD SUSPENSIONS / NEVER LIFT ENGINEERING JEFF HUBER (619) 242-5840 13952 HUDSON CT. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Per{ormance Dealer Today - Oil - Fuel - Transmissions - Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine .,, QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc, 12414 Hwy. 99 So., Dept. OT, Everett, WA 98204 Dusty Times
OFF ROAD CHASSI S EN-GI NEERING 6891 SAN DIEGO DR., BUENA PARK, CA 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 W 0 . VANS & P ICKUPS & M IN I TRUCKS G A BRIE L RACING SHOCKS • B AJ A R YDERS PRE· RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS A XLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION N O B L OCKS USED • WELDING & F ABRICATION Bill Montague Established 1974 (714) 521-2962 (714) 761-9460 Wants· Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved I Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-77~7 .. 1 ... RJ OFF ROAD INNOVATIONS BOLT·ON PRE-RUNNER ACCESSORIES LIGHT HOOPS TIRE MOUNTS BED KICKERS <::::Ch CUSTOM FABRICATION (619) S88-2S68 1160 PIONEER WAY, SUITE C, El CAJON, CA 92020 • COMPLETE PERF. ENGINES FOR: ORAG • OFF-ROAD ■OAT·• ROAD • fLOWIENCH • HEAD PORTING • PERFORMANCE VALVE JOBS • HELi-ARC WELDING RACING ENGINES RACING HEADS . · (714) 3115 McHarg Road 359-8452 Riverside, CA 92503 l5 PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSION DISTRIBUTING Hi-Tech Components For The Serious Off Road Racer V-6 Sidewinder 4 Speed Automatics Dual Range TH 400s HD Converters 4 Speed 727s 4 Speed Ford Automatics All Aluminum Oil Coolers Synthetic Trans. Oil * PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSION DIST. 2430 Seneca Or. Reno, NV 89506 (702) 972-5215 FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 Years -The best in th_e Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering Hole Saloon Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER, CALIFORNIA Dusty Times PROFESSIONAL • AMERICAN • CANADIAN c Off-ROAD . ~ A RACING~ ~ -c,/.~~ ~-4~ P. 0 . BOX 323eSEAHURST, WA 98062 (206) 242-1773 19000 Bagby Dr. Canyon Country PREPCo RACE CAR MAINTENANCE RICHARD PARCELLS (805) 251-9631 PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER R.ACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINOIS H W Y. NEW L ENOX. ILLINOIS 60451 (8151 485-RAC E (72231 Quality Products Fastener Specialists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845 East Compton jjlvd. IS O F 1\-\ AL KEY (213) 515-3570 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES Paramount, CA 90723 Telephone : (714) 535-4437 (714) 515-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 DOUG FREEMAN (213') 320-9584 P .O . BOX 37 57 GARDENA. CA 90247·7457 June 1988 The REP FIRM MEDIA DEVELOP MENT Bernice Sanders 5331 Derry Ave .. Suite 0 Agoura, CA 9130 1 (818199 1-3014 RUSS's V.W. Recyc//ng-3311 S. Peck Rd., Momovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V.W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914's ---~~~D (213) 583-2404 SANDERSSERWC~INC METAL PROCESSING 592 1 Wilmington Avenue· Los Angeles. California 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PAATICAL . FLOUAESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith , r( '--'".t-. .. --..... , ........ -.-Sa# "Je,ut4,uu, ~~~ ~ • 1533 Truman Street San Fernando. Ca. 91340 Phone: (818) 361-1215 NEW LOCATION IN ORANGE COUNTY - . SI RACE PRODUCTS 1130 N. Kraemer Blvd., 'C' Anaheim, California 92806 . (714) 630-8861 Race Car Fabrication Custom Bumpers Roll Cages & Nerf Bars Progressive Suspensions Systems SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF ROAD CHASSIS :~AY CUMMINS TRENT MORSE 702-739-9969 6245 Harrison Dr., #26 Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 Hi-Performance VW - Porsche Parts & Accessories Page 55
GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY OFF ROAD :::iUSPENSION SYSTEMS - SHOCKS RACE CAR FABRICATION AND PREPARATION CUSTOM MACHINE PARTS-KEVIN McGILLIVRAY 28210 AVE. CROCKER #301, VALENCIA , CA 91355 (805) 257-0934 SPORT ENGINEERING PRECISION HELIARC WELDING CUSTOM FABRICATION PRODUCTION & REPAIRS GREGG HAWKS 818-710-1 044 WOODLAND HILLS, CALIFORNIA -------------_;;.;:-.: .. _.,. ... -----------===-=--_.;:::::;:;;;;;;;;;_...._ ---------........ -_.......,.. ______ .......... RACING PRODUCTS .. · 115 OCTANE RACING GASOLINE Anaheim, CA ........................... (714) 630-3810 Bakersfield, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 324-9882 Bullhead City, AZ . .... ......... . . . . . .... (602) 758-5480 Colton, CA ........ .............•....... (714) 877-0226 Concord, CA .... .... . . . ......... ....... (415) 676-4300 Denver, CO ................. ..•. .... . . . (303) 750-9619 El Centro, CA ...... ............ . . ...... (619) 352-4721 Fullerton, CA . .... ........ . . . . . ......... (714) 635-5533 Hayward, CA . . ...................... ... (415) 783-6500 Lancaster, CA .......................... (805) 948-6044 Las Vegas, NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (702) 643-9200 1 Long Beach, CA .... ..... ............... (213) 432-3949 Los Angeles, CA . . .......... ...... . .... . (213) 531-0192 Oakland, CA · ...... . . ...... . ........... . (415) 261-6900 Phoenix, AZ ................ ...... ... ... (602) 899-1324 Pleasant Hill,·c A .. ........... ........... (415) 798-2201 Riverside, CA .......................... . (714) 877-0226 Salinas, CA . ................... . ........ (408) 422-9808 Santa Barbara, CA . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 963-9366 San Jose, CA ........................... (408) 294-4513 Van Nuys, CA . . . . ..................... . (818) 785-0902 Ventura, CA ................. ........... (805) -659-5609 Yuma, AZ . . . . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . (602) 782-6543 P.O. Box 610. 333 West Broadway. Suite 202 (213} 437 4373 Long Beach, California 90801·0610 -~J;:UMP 'RRace Engineering 602/435-2797 5316 W. Luke Ave. Glendale, AZ 85301 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER T.R. STUMP President Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER ·BOOT PRODUCTS (714) 630-8283 Anaheim, CA Page 56 1987 BUDWEISER FRT SUPERSTITION SERIES CHAMPIONS JOEY ADZIMA, JR. -CLASS 10 STEVE WOLCOTT -CLASS 1-2-1600 CECIL WRIGHT -OPEN UNLIMITED NICK GROSS -CHALLENGER CLASS KEN GOLOJUCH -BIG TRUCK CLASS AL DELAROSA -LITTLE TRUCK CLASS (818) 988-5510 GREG SANDEN -CLASS 5 TODD TEUSCHER -CLASS 100 CHUCK MEAD -CLASS 6 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 Get the word cut about your business, big or small. Put your buaineu· card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merelv $18.00 per month. ·rrackside Photo, Inc. Peter Hatch (213) 609-1772 1507 East Del Amo Blvd. • Carson, CA 90746 HACE Tf(ANS BY JEFF REU)Y TRfiNSflXLE ENGINEEIUNG JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 -TA l C l,L" 112 Octane Trick . I n 118 Octane Super-Trick racing gasoline 100 Octane Unleaded Alameda County (4151 538-RACE Phoenix (602) 952-2575 Bakersfield (005) 393-8258 Portland/Vancouver (206) 693-3608 Bremerton 1206) 377-7951 Riverside (714) 787-814 1 Denver (303) 452-5239 Sacramento (916) 638-RACE El Cemro 1619) 352-2600 San Diego (619) 460-5207 Hawaii 1808) 682-5589 saugus (805) 259-3886 Huntington Beach (714) 536-8808 Seattle (206) 833-0430 long Beach (213) 979-0198 Spokane 1509) 483-0076 Los Angeles f213J 863-4001 TriCities (509) 547-3326 Las Wgas (702) 871-1417 Tucson 1602) 326-8770 Oranoe County 1714) 634-0845 \.\i'tnatchee f509J 663-2912 -· --June 1988 lilPJ· UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNOLIA, SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 619/449-9690. Power Steering - Brackets Aluminum Fabrication - Tabs LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C . ·Fullerton, Ca .. 92631 Louie Unser (714) 879-8440 THE WINNERS CHOICE WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports winning drivers and engine builders. Just ask the top professionals before buying your next cam. . Our dedication to performance and quality keeps you on top. Call WEB-CAM for your winning cam for street , strip and off-road or send $3 for the complete --~ catalog. <iai)WEB-CAM 12387 Doherty St., Dept. DTW:RFORMANCECAMSHAns Riverside, CA 92503 (714) 735-2200 'Nol 1-glll lor sale in CA on pollution conlrol'-d vehk,.,. Engine & Machine VW -PORSCHE -OFF ROAU 947 RANCHEROS DRIVE SAN M ARCOS~ CA 92069 16 19 ) 741-6173 WOODS WHEEL WORKS 1602) 242-0077 2733 W. Missouri Off Road Products . iling Arms • SpindJes ---.a• Phoenix, N. 85017 For a.,,~, .. sing rates & information contact Wright Publishing Co., Inc. PO Box 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Dusty nma
The ·Losers By Judy Smith The 1988 Mint will go into the record books as one of a kind, and those who experienced it from the sidelines hope its type will never be repeated. A massive traffic jam, which b~cked cars up onto the freeway fdr a half mile or more, got the day off to a slow start, and, once into the pit area, spectators and pit folk found that the predictions for a wlndy day had proved cor-rect. This seemed just fine at first, as it was a dusty course, and the drivers had hoped for wind to keep visibility up. But as someone said later, "Too many people prayed for wind all at once!" The gusts kept getting stronger, and the dust raised by race traffic was stirred up into a giant sand storm. While the major part of the course wasn't affected, at the start/finish, and all along the west side of the mountains,- the dust was terrible. Spectators and pit people put goggles on to protect their eyes, and folding chairs had to be weighted down or they took off. Then the pit crews brought out their bandannas, and they began to look like a, peculiar type of western bandit, .with bandan-nas over their noses and mouths, and goggles on the eyes. Some contrived protection from the dust by wearing their t-shirts on their heads, and wrapping part of the shirt across their faces to keep the grit out. By 11 a.m. the dusted down spectators started to leave, and, as the parking area was about two inches deep in silt, this stirred up even more dust. It was now difficult to read the numbers on-the race cars as they "drove through the pit area, and from time to time the dust would be so thick that a driver would hav~ a hard time finding a pit. Some ended up overshooting, some slid into the wrong pit area. Keep in mind that the course through the pits was on pavement. The dust came from everywhere else. Pit crews hibernated into their vehicles, munching gritty sand-wiches and cleaning spare goggles for their racers while they swapped stories about windy races of the past. And the wind continued to get worse. Later reports stated that gusts had reached speeds up to 65 mph, and anyone who was there would certainly corroborate. Everyone stood facing northward, back to the dust, unless · another stance was absolutely necessary. The flagmen who had to stand in it full time were having a miserable day, and by about two p.m., there were times when ,the timing crew couldn't see what car wa_s going past them. There was no relief. People sat in their vehicles, stifled by the heat, but unable to open windows, and made only quick ·forays out to help their racers. Cameramen wrapped plastic bags, jackets, towels and whatever around their equipment, as banners were torn to shreds and sun shades were taken down and put safely away. As race cars broke, they were loaded up and the whole team would leave. No one stayed around to watch unless absolutely necessary. Those that did huddled together for protec-tion, kids.with their heads buried in their parents' jackets. The north side of any parked vehicle_ had a small group of people takine: · DustyTimes advantage of what small shelter it offered. The ESPN folks were nervous about their helicopter rides, and finally grounded them-selves, while the Med-Evac teams were unusually busy, -due to an abnormal number of emergency calls. The accidents weren't necessar-ily caused by the wind. In fact they probably weren't. But dus; was certainly a factor. The terrible accident which hurt four people, and sent Lloyd Huffman to the hospital in a ·coma, could have occurred on any race course; in calm weather. It was a conse-' quence of race traffic and bad luck. One car, following in the dust of another, simply did not see Huffman's parked car until it was too late. ln another accident, in which a passenger had climbed out of his vehicle to fix a tire, he was hit and his legs broken. This kind of acci-dent would also occur whether or not the wind was blowing at gale speeds. Another accident occurred when a race car overshot a turn and hit a chase truck. Obviously, this had nothing to do with the wind, but was caused by bad judgement on the part of the chase truck driver, who shouldn't have put his vehicle so close to the track on the outside of a turn. Last word on this accident was that the race car was demolished, but no one was injured. As officials pondered all the emergency calls and listened to weather reports for increasing winds, they began to have serious concerns for the safety of the competitors and the Med-Evac teams. Winds had picked up along the far reaches of the cou,rse in the later hours, reaching even to the motocross course off Highway 95. Officials now became concerned about the pos-sibility of more accidents, and the fact that their helicopter person-nel would be required to fly in dangerous conditions, not to mention the fact that they wouldn't be able to find the vic-tims in the dust below them. Concerned also with the safety of their checkpoint workers and flagmen, the officials announced about five p.m., that, after 5:30, no more cars would be allowed to head out onto the course. That had the effect of drastically short-ening the race for a large number of racers, though it didn't let the officials leave as early as they'd have liked. The last few stragglers didn't make it in to the finish until close to midnight. It had been a tough day. Aside from the unfortunate folks involved in the various accidents, there had been a lot of Losers, and the weather had made Losers out of everyone who had to stand around in it. Jon Kennedy was one of the first to go, when he stepped out of his motorhome a couple of days before the race, and stepped on a rock, twisting his ankle so badly he wasn't able to drive at all. And then his partner, Larry Smith, managed to get in only one lap in their 1-2-1600 car. Jim Stiles was one of the earliest Losers on race day, when his ring and pinion went out just 15 miles into the race. He had installed an all new bus transmission with Hewland "guts" to go with his new Toyota motor, but it wasn't enough. Ron Brant, aJso out on the first lap, towed Jim in. We never learned why Ron broke. In other aspects, Jim was considera-bly luckier. He and his girlfriend, Nellie, had taken time from their pre-race activities to get married on Friday. Our congratulatic;ms and best wishes for the future to the happy pair. Keith and Kurt Schindler put in a new rear suspension for this race, but never did get their down-straps made. Their Class 10 car got through the first lap with just one flat, but they were hearing strange clunks in the back. On the second lap they discovered what it meant. The spring plates were hit-ting the stops so hard that the tor-sion housing was being beaten out of the car. They did some on-course welding, but it' happened again, and then it started tearing up their c. v .s. They kept on going, wanting badly to finish, but what · with welding and replacing c.v.s. they were a long way down. Then when they got the word that the race would be shortened anyway, they decided they might as well park the car. . Mike Church had the family Class 10 car in the lead at the end of the second lap, but then he lost a transmission for the second race in a row. His dad, Bill, says he knows what the problem is, and it won't happen again. It seems he put in a lower second gear, to get a · better ratio, but the gear is smaller and weaker. They won't be trying that again. Mike Lund led the whole thing, coming through the start/ finish all by his lonesome, an astonish-ing seven minutes before anyone else on lap 1. He had recorded the fast lap of the day, but then his motor "exploded". He broke the cylinder head Studs and the heads and barrels fell off, accompanied by "lots of noise." · Jim Greenway and Russ Welch, teamed in Class 2, got about five miles into their third lap before losing their motor, and Steve Centurioni and Larry Job, run-ning up front in Class 10, lost their motor on the last lap. Darren Wilson and Willie Melancon, in 1-2-1600, lost their motor on the first lap, when a lifter boss broke. Rob MacCachren also lost a motor, in his Jeep truck, on lap two. The crank broke. Rob then stayed around in the pits, and thought he was· in heaven when Walker Evans, who'd had a long hard day, asked him to.drive a lap in the Dodge. Walker was already way down, having broken a drive-line, holed· the oil pan, lost a tie rod and had serious brake prob-lems. Rob jumped at the chance to drive the truck on the last lap. Then he got out to the motocross track and rolled it, much to his embarrassment. But they got it righted again, and he went on, concerned only with getting to the finish. He took off the axle splines and had lots of other troubles, but did make it in, disappointed that his ride hadn't been as much fun as he'd anticipated. Then Rob and his family, who are Las Vegas res-idents, went home to discover that the high winds had toppled a tree in their front yard and it had landed on Rob's pet Nissan truck. · Not a great day for Mac:Gachren. John Prosser didn't have a great day either. He got 12 miles into the race in his nice new 1-2-1600, and _broke the little plastic sleeve June 1988 that the throwout bearing rides on, and the throwout bearing.fell off. He came back to the main pit, and figured he was out for the day. But his crew got busy and took it apart, discovered the problem, and then disassembled the pre-runner and cannibalized the parts for the race car. By the time they were reassembled they'd lost an hour and a half. John's co-driver, Bob Finders, got in the car and took off. But they'd made a major error. Thinking the car hadn't gone far in the race, they hadn't dumped any fuel, and of course, they forgot about the extra mileage involved in driving it back to the main pit, and back out to where it had broken. At mile 85 Finders ran out of gas. By then they were really out of it. Russ and Luke Jones were second in Class 7 at the end of the first lap, but then they broke a ring and pinion. They were on the back side of the mountain and couldn't get through on their radio to their pit right away. After a long time they got help, and got things fixed, and went on. But, while. they were still on their second lap something ,in the transmission broke again, and by now they were out of spare parts, so they were finished. Brian Goodrich had his shifter coupler come detached on lap one, in his 5-1600 car. He had to pull the fuel cell out of the car to fix it, and lost so much time that he finished his third lap after the 5:30 stoppage. Cam Thieriot and Greg Lewin, who co-drive in Class 7S, got one lap in and then Cam broke a bolt in the steering. At about the time he radioed in for help his crew had learned about Lloyd Huffman's accident. They are all part of a close-knit unit, and Cam and Greg elected to pack it in, so they could be available for the Huffmans if needed. Jeff Quinn and Larry Rosevear spun the keyway on third and fourth gear while still on lap one in their 1-2-1600 car, and Greg Oswskey and Jack Woods got 20 miles into their third lap before losing second gear, which hardly • fazed them. Then they lost a c.v., which stopped them. . Steve Barlow got his 1-2-1600 car up into 8th place, and then co-driver Jim Moulton took off on the third lap. They'd had no rear brakes, but things looked good.Jim was chasing another car in his class, when the first car overshot a turn. Jim thought it was his chance to get by, but the other driver, correcting his error., came back on course and clipped Jim, rolling him into the rocks. They were right at mile 70, and there was help, and Jim was back on his wheels quickly, losing only one position in the fracas. But then, at the 85 mile marker a tor-sion bar broke, and they went no further. Buddy Renoe and Bill Dona-hoe, who run in Class 4, broke a transfer case on lap three. They got their crew out to help and they changed it, but then they were past the magic time of 5:30 and were waved in at the start/finish. They felt like Losers, because they were sure they'd have been able to complete that fourth lap. They had a lot of company in feeling that way. In the ·1600 class, Stuart Chase lost a wheel on the first lap. He walked back ibout three miles to a pit to send a radio message for help, and while he was gone, along came someone who had need of an axle/ c. v. assembly. By the time Stuart got back to his car it was· axleless. And the pilferer didn't even leave a note promising to repay. Tacky. Randy Jones came to a halt on. the first lap when a coil wire broke, fixed that, and then, since he was now back in the pack, got . hit by a 7S truck and pushed into the rocks which blew a tire off the rim. Since he was in a restricted area, where his pit crew couldn't come in to help him, Randy had to walk out, three miles, to get a spare. Then he had to walk back to his car, carrying the spare and the jack, to get the car moving .again. By the time he was on all fours he was a full lap down in the tight 1-2-1600 class, and decided it made more sense to park it. In Class 3 Steve Kramer got his Bronco stuck in a silt bed very early in the lap. He was teetering on the embankment w·hen another Class 3 car came up and hit him, jarred him loose and sent him on his way. Things were bet-ter after that until the third lap, when he had a flat, a bent wheel, and a broken tie rod all at once. It took three hours for the crew to get to him because they were in a bad area for radio communica-tions and also close to the border of the restricted area, and the crew thought they were in it and thought they wouldn't be able to go in to them. By the time it was all straightened out, and the Bronco was fixed, they finished the third lap after 5:30 and were flagged in. Some Losers had their bad luck off the race course. Athene Karis, BFGoodrich's gracious lady of PR, had had a long day, watching all her racers start and then, in the enveloping dust, greeting them at the finish line. She was, like ev-eryone else, thoroughly sanded by the time she left the finish line at about eight p.m. And she was headed for a shower. But Athene's motel was one of those that had suffered a power outage due to the high winds in Vegas, and unlike some, had no backup power source. She finally gave up and went to bed without that shower, because her only choice had been cold water. It seems the motel neede9 electricity to get the hot water to the rooms. Athene was mighty relieved in the morn-ing when all was back to normal and she could scrape off the grime with the help of warm suds. And Bob Hummel, from San Diego, had rent,ed a Dodge motorhome for "this trip to the Mint. He had· everything packed early, and left Las Vegas by one o'clock Sunday afternoon. But, about 11 miles west of Stateline the freeze plug blew out of the _ motorhome. Bob figured he knew how to fix that, so he set out to get it done, and the first thing he had to do was to take off a tire on the left side of the motorhome. He worked on that tire for endless time, and just couldn't break the lug nuts loose. Finally he gave up, and didn't discover until much later that some Dodge motor-homes have left handed threads on the left side of the vehicles. Altogether, with some battery troubles thrown in also, it took him until 11 a.m. Monday to get home. See you next time with stories from Baja. Wow! That must mean that the year is almost half gorie! Page 57
Classified~ •• FORSALE: 1986WorldChamp-ion car. Hi Jumper 1-2-1600 single seat, Fox, all the right parts, ready to race. 1987 3rd place overall for Northern Cal. New tranny, ·seats and seatbelts, spare tires, trailer available. $5,000. Call Frank at ( 415) 455-8043. la FOR SALE: 5-1600 car. Hatz engine, Wright, Bilstein, Sway-A-W a y, Mastercraft, new tires, Hewland, some extra parts and equipment. Ready to pre-run. -Needs new fuel cell to race, Approx. 50 hours total $12,000 invested, asking $4750 OBO. (619) 427-5773. FOR SALE: Y-4 Chevy racing engine, Brodix heads, Hilborn fuel injection, Lehm_an gear driven Moroso dry sumped, Vertex electric system, all gear driven, high torque_ band, Earl's plumbing, 300 plus HP, 4½1 bore. Longer life, less weight than Porsche. Feldkamp/Gardner racing same engine. Built by Ron Trainor Racing Engines and dynoed by Bob's Custom Engines in Phoenix. $9700, firm, serious inquiries only. Call C.L. Hodge in Reno at (702) 853-3448. FOR SALE: Class 2-1600 Race car. 112" Chenowth, new -Cur-nutt shocks, Wright front end, Sway-a-Way, Parker Pumper, new Beard seats, Neals, 19 gal. fuel cell, Yokohama tires, UMP steering. Extra tires and wheels. Also included trailer with tire rack. $12,500.00. Race ready. Excellent condition. Call Steve (619) 367-9156 or (619) 367-7361. FOR SALE: Jimco Class 2-1600. New West motor, Mendeola bus trans, turbo CVs,- Super Boot, Wright front end, UMP power steering, 110" wb, 22 gal. fuel cell. Best of everything for Class 2-1600. Call Steve at (619) 569-6280. FOR SALE: Class 5 convertible. ·Valley Performance 2240 engine; fresh Valley Performance bus transmission, Hewland gears, Bilsteins, Wright front end, power steering, 2 wheel disc brakes, secondary torsion bar set up, fuel cell, Beard seats. Prepped and ready to race. $10,000. Call Greg days (702) 641-1400 or eves before nine (702) 731--6708. FOR SALE: 2332 Dyno Shop built motor. Best of everything. Gene Berg crank, wedge mated, Carrillo rods, 142 true horse-power. One race on motor. FOR SALE: '69 Baja pre-runner, full cage, fresh bus trans, IRS, link pin front end, Beard seats, Center-lines, Sway-A-Way axles, 1776cc motor. $3,000 OBO street legal. 1983 Ford Ranger 4x4 5 speed, V-6, 71,000 mi. $4,000. Call (213) 519-1968. . $4,000.00 OBO. Class 5 Conv., Fox, Bilstein, 30 gal. fuel cell, Parker Pumper, 930 CVs, Wright power steering, everything fresh, less motor and trans. $5,550.00 FOR SALE: 1986 Class 8 Dodge OBO. Call (714) 626-8663. truck, proven class winner. Top F.OR SALE: Class 7S. 2 races on · of the.line equipment all the way complete rebuild. Race ready. 9" ar.ound. Can .be purchased with or Spool Doetstreck shocks Yoko- without engme and spare parts. hama Mastercraft 2 m~tors 2 Price negotiable depending on trans,' Wright Plac~ spindles ;nd equ!pment wanted. Walker Evans ball joints. Parts galore - Racmg. (714) 784-7223 ask for CHALLENGE CLASSES. Best Phyllis. offer. Enclosed trailer available ------------for $3,900. Call Nick (619) 443-8012 evenings. FOR SALE: Class 10 short course car. Has all the good parts. Rev Power Rabbit, 2" neg. combo spindles, Palmer arms, UMP power steering. Only raced a cou-ple of times. Fresh, ready to go. $18,500 w/ trailer & spares. Call (619) 275-6111, 753-7014. FOR-SALE: Class 7 4x4 Toyota race truck, 2400cc TRD motor, new 5-speed trans., power steer-ing, JaMar master cylinders, Earl's plumbing, 22 gal. cell, 8 Center-lines w /31" BFG tires, Autom-eter gauges, Mastercraft seats, Simpson belts, Flame-Out, much more. Would make super com-petitive Class 14 or great pre-runner. $6,900 OBO. Call (619) 347-8660. -MUST SELL: 2 seater, never raced.-Chromoly frame, dual headlocks, combo spindles, 930 CVs, 4 wheel disc, AMS, Saco, JaMar, fresh Leighton motor, 48 Dellortos, lots of chorme, new pearl and candy paint. Plus much more. THIS CAR-IS A REAL LOOKER! $9,900 OBO. Call (714) 657-8525. FOR SALE: 1986 Bunderson Class 1 or 10, Hewland trans, Wright suspension, Dura Blue ·axles, combos, power steering, Parker Pumper, everything fresh, race ready, includes tandem axle trailer, quick fills, spares, all extra equip., etc. Receipts worth over $19,000. Will sell for $12,000 or $9,500 less motor. Call Steve (702) 645-7996. FOR SALE: Berrien Class 1 or 2. Never raced, 99% complete. Only the best of parts. Must sell. $6,500 or trade. Call for details. Days (602) 931-0740, 881-7374 or 375-2004 Eves. Ask for Mark. · FOR SALE: Class 10 Funco A-arm short course car. Brand new · Rev-power Rabbit motor, new Kreisler trans, 6 new 12" Fox shocks, new paint, new fuel c:ell, new radiator, 6 spares plus 1600 air motor, XLNT cond. Best of everything, fast, ready to race. $13,000 OBO. Call (818) 891-8223. FOR SALE: 1984 Dico ·16' trailer .:_ tandem two car hauler, chromoly top tool box, 4K Onan generator, $2,500 OBO. Call (714) 240-3732 days, (714) 493-6658 eves. FOR SALE: 2180cc, roller crank, dual port Zenith, SS LG valves, alt fresh, Dyno 120 H.P., XLNT pre-runner or ? Call for more details, $1,800 OBO. Days (818) 365-1478, nites (805) 269-5044. FOR SALE: Class .1 or 10 frame, Chenowth 117", body, nets, dash, Taylor seat, 22 gal. cell, floor, skid plate, torsion bars. $1,500. Call Michael at (208) 345-6451 or 322-4409 . . FOR SALE: Class 10 Toyota 3TC 1646cc HTC Billet crank, Car-rillo, Venolia, Erson, Head Flow, Moriso, Weaver Bros., 48 Weber, DRE. 1st Glen Helen, 2nd LA Coliseum, 3rd Anaheim, OK desert or S.C. Fresh $4,500. Call John days (213) 548-8121, eves. (213) 867-0458. FOR SALE: 32 foot American Traveler 5th wheel trai'ler, 1979 model. Ref. air, central heat, stereo, fully equipped kitchen.and bath. $7,495. Call (805) 268-1644. FOR SALE: Double decker trailer, 17' bed with front mounted tool box; top level holds 115" wheelbase car; double axles with electric brakes. Great for hauling race car plus pre-runner. $2000, OBO. Call (702) 645-4830 after 5 p.m. or weekends. WANTED: Class 5-1600 or chal-lenger or will pay for ride/ drive with you. If you have a car for sale or are looking for someone to share the expenses with you, give me a call at (602) 893-9361 in Phoenix. r---------------------~-----~----------------~ I _ Sell' or swap your extra parts and pieces in I I -DUSTY TIMES. I I I I Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5 .00 for I use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. I NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIM~ - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclos.e $5 .00. :All classified ads must be paid in advance. · I I' I I 1· I I I I I I I I I I Enclosed is $ _ ____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Pleas.e run ad _______ times. I _ Name ---------------------------------Address ----------------------Phone ______ _ I City ------------,--------State _____ Zip ______ _ Page 58 June 1988 Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA91301 I I I I I FOR SALE: '80 Dodge D-50 pre-runner. Sandy Cone full floater Ford 9", chromoly cage, new -tires, Fuel Safe cell. Choice of shocks, Giese air shocks or Fox. 75% complete. Excellent buy at $3,800 OBO. Call Dennis at (213) 431-3233. FOR SALE: Class 10 single seat. Race ready. Funco A-arm front end. Fat Performance engine, Raceco trans, Wright axles, wheels with bead locks, too m:uch to list. Must sell $9,000. Call Rick Leigh. Days (818) 303-3844, nights (818) 358-1665. FOR SALE: Class 5, race ready, fresh motor & trans, all Hewland gears, P.S. by Unique, 32 gal. cell, trailer and spares and all equip. $9,500 OBO. Call (619) 728-0837. FOR SALE: Brand new Mirage, Class 1 or 10, DJ trans, Hewlands, Giese suspension, Micro stub, Super Boot, Carr rear disc, P.S., 24 gal. cell. Beard, Filler, BFGs. $25,000. John (213) 393-7050 eves., (213) 395-0382 days. L : 1 race truck. Fresh 351 VS 450 H.P., new axles, Art Carr trans, fuel cell, Rancho susp., ready to race, HORA/SCORE Class 3 -4th place 1988 Mint 400. Will sell or trade. $6,900. Call Les (714) 974-8441 eve., or (714) 632-5330 days. FOR SALE:· New 5- 1600 or 1-2-1600 European Type 1 race motor $2,200. New 5-1600 or 1-2-1600 Don Strong bus trans. New Dura Blue axles, one set bus type 4 CVs. New, 2 full sets of Diest seat belts. Fuel Safe com-plete. VW body and IRS floor pan cut and acid dipped, ready for fabrication. Call (213) 472-0957 or 472-8918. FOR SALE: '69 YW Bug Open Class Pro Rally, 2180cc, 180 H.P., full cage, suspension mods., Mastercraft seats, Stewart-Wa-rner instruments,-He Ila 2000's, skid plate, Neal brake, 911 5 spd., Hurst. Very good condition, $2,850. Call Mark (303) 772-8358. Dusty Times
Pony 1x.,ress ... know the reason for the bleed-overs. Our Pace radios do not need amplifiers, we talk an average of 30 to 40 miles. Cheap radios amplified with Linears produce indecipherable noise that hampers our ability to communicate. If the practice continues, unchecked, it will affect the entire race I just want to say a big THANK YOU to Danny Letner for letting us use his ONLY spare brake caliper during the Mint 400. THANKS also to the Toyota pit for changing my tire, Sam Arci-ero's crew, Chris and Gary, for · helping me change the inner tie rod end (some fun). And, as always, THANKS to the Jimco pits. We finished sixth in Class 10 with all your help. I hope we can return the favor some day. Mike Julson Dennis Green #1009 We just returned to Georgia from our first ever Mint 400. After seven years of watching, we couldn'tstanditanymore. We've read letters and reports for years about how nice and helpful "desert racers", friends and spec-tators were. This year we had the chance to find out first hand, and it's all true. We broke a front shock mount just after leaving a pit area. As we pulled off the track, almost before the buggy stopped moving, some-one came up and asked if we needed help. "Do you guys need a welder", he asked? You've got to be kidding! We had a broken shock mount and he asked if we . need a welder! To make a long story short, he fired it up, welded up the broken mount, and we were back in the race. I don't have their last names, but Rob and Bob, who were pitting for · the Fishback entry, really helped us out. Thanks so much. About five miles further down FOR SALE: Class 5 race car, race ready, Mathews engine & trans, turbo axles, Bilsteins, Parker Pumper, Wright, Durablue. Must see. $7,500. Call Lyn 1-800-531-. 2656 days. FOR SALE: 36 ft. enclosed Wells Cargo 5th Wheel Trailer. Car -peted w/ awning, generator, dou-ble doors in back, side door, ramps, spare wheels and tires. $5,500. Call Jerry (714) 938-4100. FOR SALE: Pro Rally Datsun 510, Mid-Div Champ, 175 H.P., never wrecked, comp head, clutch, flywheel, etc. Terratrip, spare wheels, custom suspension, ready to race. Call Clay (303) 779-9999 or 722-4758. $3,800. FOR SALE: Class 10 Toyota engine & Mendeola bus trans. Same model used to win '88 Mint. Fresh with tranny adpater, side draft Mikunis, P.S. pump, alumi-num head, radiator. $1,800 for both OBO. Want large race car trailer. Call Dennis evenings at (619) 442-8953. WANTED: Class 5-1600. SCORE/HORA legal. Car needs to be competitive, clean and up to '88 standards. Pies & info sheet will be requested. Contact Todd at (602) 948-0156. Dusty nmes the track ~e lost a shock bolt. Again, we pulled off the track and several spectators ran over to help. They dug through their tool boxes and quickly put us back in the race. Thanks to these real true desert fans. Sincere thanks from all of us for the help and the friendship extended to us to help make our first Mint 400 a very memorable one. BoLink R I C Car Desert Racing Team Bob Rule, Bill Porter, Rabbit Haire, Lindy Herrell, Jack Thompson, Larry Porter . Lawrenceville, GA P.S. You bet, we'll be back! At the last three HORA/ SCORE races we have ex-perienced an overabundance of off frequency transmission or bleedovers onto our frequencies. Having read the Soap Box (May issue), with regard to radios "tweaked out with 150 watt amp,s", we put two and two together and, it seems we now Coming Next Month ... community. Jack Srednick Main Pit Coordinator Team Toyota/ PP! Westminster, CA Check out the 'Weatherman Report' in this issue for more on this subject. DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters from all corners of off roaq. activity. The· Pony Express column will feature all the mail we can fit into the space available. Please keep your words fairly brief. Because of space limitations, your pearls of prose may be edited, but DUSTY TIMES will print your gripes as well as your praises. Letters for pub-lication should be at the DUSTY TIMES office by the r 5th of the month in order to appear in the next issue. SCORE BAJA INTERNACIONAL STADIUM RACING AT THE ASTRODOME AND ROSE BOWL SUNRISER 400 SCCA PRO RALLY WRC TOUR DE CORSE ADRA WESTERN 150 OFF ROAD RACING AT GLEN HELEN OHV PARK VORRA AT PRAIRIE CITY . .. plus all the regular features HDRA/SCORE Manufacturers Advisory Board Report Off road racing will take a turn toward stock production-type competition (in truck classes) if recommendations of the HORA/ SCORE Desert Series Manufac-turers Advisory Board are carried out in the next three years. The board, meeting at the Mint Hotel following the HORA Nis-san Mint 400, suggested to High Desert Racing Association Presi-dent Walt Lott and SCORE International President Sal Fish that they would rather the rules be tightened up in the truck classes, so that the winners they advertise are closer in technical specifica-tion to the vehicles they sell to the public. The key issue turned out to be a limit in front wheel travel of 12 inches in the stock and four wheel drive mini pickup classes (7S and 7 4x4 ), effectively outlawing the exotic suspensions that had been allowed in the rules through the end of this season. Board members agreed that the new rule, . to take effect in 1989, would mostly penalize Ford Ranger_ competitors, but would help equalize competition among all the marques. Class 4, for long wheelbase four wheel drive production vehicles, was proposed to be transformed into a class for stock bodied trucks, rather than the tube chas-sis racing vehicles they have become under current rules. The manufacturer reps were unanimous in rejecting a proposal they had previously championed, creating a new unlimited class for trucks (Class 9) that would have competed with unlimited single and two seaters for overall victories. Procedures for combining two four wheel drive classes (Class 3 for short wheelbase production and Class 14 for unlimi teds) were also discussed. HORA/SCORE technical committee chairman Bill Savage reported that with some vehicles "grandfathered" to protect the investments of their owners, the classes would be merged into a single, stock pro-duction four-wheel drive category in 1989. Under discussion was the lang-uage of the series' new rule book, which will be in effect for the 1989 and 1990 seasons. Other issues addressed: A return to stock cylinder heads for Classes 7S and 7 4x4; outlaw of aluminum block engines in Class 8 ( full size pickup trucks); barring of the V8 engine in the Dodge Dakota, which is sold to the pub-lic with a V6 power plant; deci-sion not to allow Rotary engine powered Mazda trucks to com-pete in Class 8, and locking in the location of the front spindle in relation to the back of the cab in Class 8 pickups. Savage reported that represen-tatives of the open wheel classes have met with him and discussed some proposed rule changes, which will be decided later. The next advisory board meet-ing was scheduled for August 16, at Riverside, CA. June 1988 morc ••• TRAIL NOTES EARL'S PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS, of Carson, CA, has formed a joint venture with Goodridge U.K., of Totnes, England, called Earl's and Goodridge Ltd. (E&G). E&G now combines the excellent automotive, marine, and motorcycle product ranges in plumbing of the·two companies and expands distribution throughout Europe. The E&G range of BSP and Metric hose ends and adapters and motorcycle brake lines will soon be available through Earl's in the USA. THE MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP has announced a huge, $225,000 reward leading to the arrest and conviction of those involved in the shocking murders of Mickey and Trudy Thompson last March. It is hoped that the lure of such big money will bring out information needed in the ongoing investigation. THE WCR OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL RALLY, America's entry in the world championship series, is set for June 23-26 this year. There have been some course changes on the 850 mile event, and it starts in Tacoma, WA, with a super special stage on freeway on and off ramps. From there the rally proceeds to the more familiar Capitol Forest stages and competition continues through Sunday, June 26. THE FIFIB ANNUAL JEEP CUP RALLY finale will be in Toronto, Ontario, Canada in 1988. The top teams from the various regional qualifying rallies will meet in Toronto for the championship event, which starts on August 27. At the final event, all the teams will be supplied with identical 1989 Jeep YJs, and the winning team will be crowned the North American champions. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Allied Automotive -Fram Division . . . . . . . . . . 7 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . 19 Brush Run 101 .......... 13 Car Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . 10 Chevrolet Motorsports . . . . . 11 C.O.R.V.A ............... 29 Mazda Motors of America . . . 4 McKenzie Automotive . . . 28 & 50 Mid Valley Engineering Nevada Off Road Buggy Nissan Motor Corp . 21 46 USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 PCI Race Radios . . . . . . . . . 49 FAT Performance ........ 34 Penda Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 SAW Performance, Inc. . . . . 25 ~ General Tire -Motorsports . . . . Back Cover Glen Helen OHV Park . . . . . 29 Marvin Shaw Performjlnce Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Mike Spina-BFGoodrich -Tire Division ........ . Keith Underwood 2-3 23 ....... 23 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . ........... 9 Gran Carrera de T ecate ... . Group Bruckmann ....... . IPF Motorsports ........ . 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.. .,.: 1._ ... _; .. The HORA-SCORE series of off-road races are held on marked courses using public roads and other ecologically approved accesses through open country, carefully monitored to prevent harm to plant or wildlife by racers. Associate Sponsors: After taking two firsts in the desert, General teams score five more wins including three in the Mint 400. It started at the Mojave 250 with Willie Valdez capturing Class 7S and Mike Schwellinger winning in Class 3. Then Glenn Harris took back-to-back wins in the Seattle and Houston Mickey Thompson events. But the copper was how the General Grabber Group mashed the field at the HDRA Mint 400. Larry Ragland came out ahead in Class 7, Jack Johnson crossed the finish first in Class 4 and Mike Schwellinger won again in Class 3. The fact that Willie Valdez and Spencer Low finished 2/3 in Class 7S was nothing to sneeze at either. Because the course was 400 miles of rock, sand, silt and occasional dust storms. When the dust cleared, Ragland, Johnson and Schwellinger were sitting on top of their classes in points, and General Tire was way out front in the Tire Manufacturers Grand Nauonal Sport 7ruck category. If you want to come out ahead, head out on General Grabbers. The all-purpose, all-terrain Grabber AP.® The rugged and ready Grabber AT.® And for really big performance in ugly conditions, the Grabber MT.® Grab a set at your General Tire Motorsports Specialist. Call 1-800-255-2550 for the one nearest you. And get on your Generals and go.