~-' ... -~-,n--•-·-"-. ~ ---~--~--·· -·-----·-··-----------.--------------------·-··-·-------"· . ---~-----·--·---·----__ ,,~~ ,~. --•--'""%1 Volume S Number 1 - January 1988 $1.25 ISSN 8750-1732"' Covering the world of competition in the dirt ••
Volume 5 Number 1 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Controller John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic John Howard Contributors Darla Crown C & C Race Photos Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Deb Freimuth Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Rod Koch Cam McRae David Ryskamp Judy Smith John Sprovkin Darlene Thackston 3-D Photography T rackside Photo Enterprises Ken Vanderhoof Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services -January 1988 In This Issue ••• Subscription Rates: $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Un~olicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-1732 is· published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 De~ry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 ,(818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publtcatton may be reproduced without written permis-sion from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dust:, Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 9 1301. I I I I I I I FEATURES Page A Salute to the 1987 Desert Series Champions . . . . . . . . . 14 VORRA Finale at Prairie City OHV Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 W orld Championship Sanremo Rally ...... ......... .. 24 1988 Competition Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 SNORE Yoko Loco & Silver Dust 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 C.R.S. fast of Indio Rally ....... . ................... 32 F.O .R.O.A . at Lakeland, Florida ..................... 34. Jeep Cherokee Camera Wagon ....................... 36 Land 'O Lakes Altitude Adjustment ...... .... ........ 37 SCC A Press On Regardless . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 · Texas Borderland Baja ........ . ..................... 40 S.T.O.R.E. Indian Summer Sprints . . .......... ...... . 43 World Championship RAC Rally ..... . . . . ... .' ....... 48 DEPARTMENTS Soap Box by Jean Calvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Side Tracks by Judy Smith .... .................. .... . 6 Happenings . . .................... . .......... ..... . 10 California Rally Series by Bill Moore ... . ............. 31 SCCA So-Pac Divisional Rally Report by Lynnette Allison . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Weatherman Radio Report ......... ................. 41 Yokohama 6-50 Club Report . . . ........ . ............ 42 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 The _Losers by Judy Smith ........................... 49 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SO Manufacturers Advisory Board Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Index to Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Pit Team Register ....................... ........... 51 ON THE COVER - The January issue leads off with the Salute to the 1987 SCORE/HORA Desert Series Champions, and all three of the overall winners in the major categories are featured on our traditional triple photo cover. Rich Minga drove his two seat Chenowth to the Challenger Class title and won the absolute overall points championship by a goodly number of points. Rodney Hall won six races in his big Dodge on his way to another Class 4 title, and Rodney also won the Heavy Metal Championship. Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas, who not only share the driving chores but also share their Ford Rangers, won the Class 7S title and the Mini Metal Championship, grabbing the needed points with victory at the final race of the season. Congratulations to the winners and the teams behind them. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Enterprises. I\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING on ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $12.00 □ 2 years ....:: $20 .oo □ 3 years -$30.00 '.fake advantage of your subscription bonus ... Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) I Name--------------------------Address -------------------------HAPPY-NEWYEAR City State----------------Zip _______ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331-Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 1 year $15.00 U.S. • Overseas s'::ibscription r..ites quoted on request) I I I I I I I I I Dusty TilMS January 1988 Page 3
Soap Box ••• I . . By] ean Calvin Editor / Publisher - Dusty Times With this issue, DUSTY TIMES starts its fifth vear in publication, and, tooting our own horn a bit, it has come a long way since the first issue of the fledgling tabloid was printed. In the past four years DUSTY TIMES has carved its own niche in the field of off road publications, and it is a niche that covers off road racing all over the USA, not just in the southwest where the sport sprang to life in the 1960s. Along the way DUSTY TIMES bought out Off Road Action News, just over two years ago. And, just last month we bought back all the outstanding stock in the corporation, and now we have no one to answer to except our loyal readership. We arc proud of the record, and it is unusual for any monthly to reach total solvency, with no loans, in four short years. DUSTY TIMES. is also very proud of all our correspondents around the country who supply us with race and rally reports. We think they are the finest group of reporters in the sport, and we figure you do too. We are often complimented on our in depth coverage of events, and the fine f.hotos that accompany the artic es. Those compliments belong to all our contributors in the field, whose year long efforts are much appreciated. W e look forward to a strong 1988 in off road racing. Despite some lingering differences, the combination of Score Interna-tional and the High Desert Racing Association into one, insofar as the desert points series is concerned, has been a major turning point in our sport. All the early ind.ications show the series will be stronger than ever in 1988, and the major manufacturers have a I ready pledged and increased their support for the series in the coming season. If the big time vehiclt: and tire manufacturers feel that off road racing is a fine venue, worthy of heavy participation, it can only help'off road racing reach the status of other types of motor racing in the USA, and maybe even put the TV coverage on prime time down the road. Last February, in our annual Soap Box column, we stuck our neck out and predicted that the drastic change in the desert series schedule would decrease interest in the amount of folks going for points in 1987, and, unfortu-nately we were right. The problems for the average racer were two fold. First, six of the eight races were lumped into the first half of the year, from the first of February to the 4th of July. The tight schedule was more than many privateers could handle in both time and money. And, interest waned to some degree when the remainder of the series, just two events, were both Page 4 double points races, one in northwest Colorado and the other the long distance Baja I 000. It was reported a year ago that under 100 drivers qualified for the 1986 points champion-ships in the 17 car classes. In 1987 the car classes were down to 16, and the qualifiers were down to 85, according to the series record book. Well,, undaunted by the drop in both points qualifiers and total entry in 1987 from 1986, the schedule is similar for 1988. One difference is that the Mint 400 is a week earlier to get.away from Mother's Day, and that puts the Great Mojave 250 on Easter Saturday. Once again three-quarters of the events will happen in less than six months, and the two double points races will be spread from late August, the HORA Colorado 300, to early November, the traditional date for the Score Baja l 000. We predict this schedule will not produce great growth among the serious points chasers in 1988. Still a bit unclear is the result of the edict issued early in 1987; that any class not making its quota of an average of six starters per race would be dropped from the 1988 series. This was decided at the Manufacturers Advisory Board.meeting early inJanuaryof 1987. Elsewhere in this issue is the report from the latest Manufacturers Advisory Board meeting, on December 4 in Las Vegas. This report does not mention eliminating any classes this year! By the unofficial DUSTY TIMES count of starting entries in 1987, three car classes of the 16 running and seven motorcycle classes would be eliminated under the rule. With 48 the magic number for cars, Class 3 reached 4 3, Class 6 came in close with 46, and Class 14 had 40 starters. With 24 the magic number among the Score motorcycle engined classes, seven of the twelve would be eliminated; Class 20, with 20 starters, Class 23, with 14 starters, Class 25, with 23 starters, Class 33, with 22 starters, Class 34, with 20 starters, Class 43, with 14 starters, and Class 44, with 15 starters. No doubt the status of all these classes will be clarified when the Score Parker 400 entry forms are mailed. Other news from the Manufacturers Advisory Board meeting is somewhat perplexing on two counts. First, the ori~inal idea of most Board members, over three years ago, was to cut back on the number of classes, thus increasing the contingency funds available to the remaining classes. On this subject it appears that Class 3 is in its last season, and will not be scheduled in 1989. However, this action does not eliminate a class, as 3 is to be replaced in 1989 with a full blown, run-what-you-brung class for race cars with a truck body of some nature. The premise is that the folks in Akron, Detroit, and Tokyo would like to have s_ome brand image with the overall race winners , and a virtually unrestricted truck body class would produce such a result. Still, with the cost of campaigning.a competitive Class 8 truck now hovering in the six figures fo r a season, the new class sounds like it might become the exclusive playground for the independently wealthy and the heavily sponsored teams. · Only time will tell if this class will be the hoped for success, both in overall wins and participation. , Short course racing· came into its own in 1987, and the future of the Mickey Thompson Gran Prix Series is indeed bright. Thompson had his first major stadium sell outs in 1987, packing them in at Anaheim and the Rose Bowl, and coming close to filling the Coliseum. The series finished with an SRO crowd in Las Vegas, traditionally not a ·spectator sport town. Several of the events in 1987 are two day affairs with the stadium racing on Saturday night and Sand Drags and other action on Sunday. While the MTEG show now schedules just three classes for cars, 10, 7 and UltraStock, i:he program is full, often with the Quads and Odysseys being supported by two wheel bikers soaring high above the box seats in motocross fashion. To cap it off the successful year, Mickey Thompson moved his entire operation to dandy new offices inside the Anaheim Stadium complex late in December. Coming of age in closed course racing in southern California is the series at Glen Helen OHV Park in San Bernardino. Not only is it a great way for the pros to try out new cars or set-ups in racing conditions, it has become a great training ground for would-be stadium racers. The wide open track is less congested than a football field course, and makes a fine school for those with ambitions to drive in the major stadium events. While the southwest is looking strong for 1988, things are happening elsewhere in the country as well. The established series, especially in the midwest, have attracted good entries and major sponsors in recent years. Interest by other major sponsors seems to be growing in this area, which is basically natural terrain short course racing. The time hascometoclimboff this Soap Box for another year. This column is designed to display thoughts from people in the sport from all corners of activity. We welcome a Soap Box column from one and all, famous o r unknown, who have something to say about off road or rally com(etition. Your words, short o being libelous, will be printed. So send us your thoughts, praise or damnation on your Soap Box topic. Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts about what is good and what is not so good about the state of off road racing. · Call or write DUSTY TIMES · with your ideas for a Soap Box column, and get on the sc~~_!"le: January 1988 Trail Notes..·. PAC OFF ROAD RACING is the new name for the northwest racing organizer. Formerly called Pro Can-Am Racing, and for many years, President Leonard Day explained that the Sports Car Club of America has the Can-Am road racing series, and their legal people indicated that he was infringing on the title. Day remarked, that after six years of using the name, somebody noticed his series. The PAC schedule this year includes a pair of events at Millican Valley, near Bend, Oregon, and a spring run at Richland, WA along with points events promoted by VORRA in Nevada and the Kamloops Bronco Busters in Ashcroft, British Columbia. THE PIKES PEAK AUTO HILL CLIMB ASSOCIATION has made two key changes in the 1988 "Race to the Clouds." The race has been moved from Saturday to Sunday, July 10. The other move has been to add trucks to the annual classic. They will be the same as Class 7 series trucks currently competing in the SCORE/ HORA Desert Series. But, the release says that it will include two and four wheel drive mini and mid-sized pickups. The truck class relaces the historical/ vintage car class, due to the decline in enthusiasm and the inability for those cars to perform on Pikes Peak and put on a show for the fans. It will be most interesting to see what off road stars go truck racing on the mountain next July. THE ST. PADDY'S DAY DESERT SAND DRAG NATIONALS is going to be a dandy on March 18-20 at Kingman, Arizona. Organized by the Kingman Off Road Competition Club, the event, including a $5000 guaranteed purse, is backed by the Kingman Economic and Tourism Development Commission. Check the ad on page S for more information and how to get the details, entry forms and accommodations. SAND DRAG RACING will be featured often in DUSTY TIMES in the coming months. DUSTY Tl MES has been named the official magazine for the United Sand Association Sand Drags, held at Glen Helen OHV Park in San B~rnardino, CA. Look for good coverage of all eight events in 1988, and check the Happenings for the dates if you want to go dragging in the sand. SHORT COURSE RACING IN TEXAS is on the rebound, due to efforts by Ben Brown, of Volks Folks in 1rving, and his cohorts. The group have six firm dates at Grayson County Speedway, in Sherman, for the Texas Baja-Cross Championship Races, and more sites are planned for events around North Texas. All the races are short course style, and the firm dates at the Grayson County Speedway are April 9, May 7, June 4, July 9, August 6 and September 3. Get more information by calling the Speedway, (214) 892-3157. THE HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION schedule arrived too late to make the calendar, but they have six races scheduled for 1988. It starts soon, February 14, with the Badlands Baja 100 at Wall, SD, and goes on to April 24, Black Hills Speedway near Rapid city, and into spring, May 15 at Chamberlain, SD. In June they race at Jamestown, ND, and on August 21 at Pierre, SD. The season finishes back at Wall on October 22. UPWARD MOBILITY, or at least mobility has come to Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas, who drove a Ford Ranger to the desert series Mini Metal title in 1987. Along with recognition from their peers, Johnson and Douglas have begun a hectic schedule of promotional work for Ford. It all started just a couple of days after the awards banquet, when they drove Ford trucks for the video tape machines at Ford's Arizona test track near Kingman, AZ. Next they competed with other celebrity drivers and skiers in the Ford Michelin Challenge at Steamboat Springs, CO, and went to Hollywood in mid-December to pose for pictures that will be used in print advertising for Ford trucks, Despite a trip to Detroit in mid-January, the team will b~ back in desert competition when the green flag drops at the Parker 400 the end of January. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE OFF-ROADSMAN AW ARD WINNERS for the 1987 season, earning the trophies by the vote of their compadres. The top honor, Person of the Year, went to Bob "Weatherman" Steinberger, who guides all the desert racers in trouble with his multiple radio net. Young Rob MacCachren was named Driver of the Year, and this season Rob will be seen driving a Jeep Comanche in Class 7S out of the Walker Evans stable. In 1987 MacCachren won three desert series races overall in the Class 1 Chenowth, and won a bunch of SNORE events overall driving a 1-1600 Chenowth, both prepped by Valley Performance. Rob Gordon rook the Rookie of the Year honors, and he also aspires to go truck racing, having just finished second in Class 8 at the Baja 1000. Look for the full report on the award winners in the next issue. JOHN BAKER PERFORMANCE is expanding operations to Webster, Wisconsin on January l , to a facility that will be headquarter's for sales and distribution. John Baker said that more than two-thirds of his customers are in the Midwest and East, and the centrally located distribution will be more efficient. The firm 's present Los Angeles facility will continue warehousing and manufacturing operations, as well as providing on site installation and service for Southern California customers. The two facilities combined more than triple the capacity of the firm, which specializes in heavy duty and performance parts and accessories for Mitsubishi built vehicles, including Montero/ Raider and Mitsubishi and Dodge Ram 50 trucks. MAZDA THREE ROTOR ON SALE! A new 20B three rotor rotary engine is now available for racing purposes through the Mazdaspeed racing subsidiary of Mazda Motors of America. The engine is intended strictly for racing use and sales are projected at 20 units per year, at a price of about $42,000 per engine. The 20B puts out 450 horsepower at 8500 rpm, and weighs just 320 pounds. If it sounds like just the thing for your racer, contact Mazda Motorsports, 1444 McGaw Ave., Irvine, CA 92714, or call (714) 261-9429. TOYOTA TOPS WITH CUSTOMERS. For the second consecutive year, the Toyota 4Runner tops the sport/ utility vehicle category of the J.D. Power and Associates 1987 Compact Truck Customer Satisfaction. The survey ranks individual makes, as determined by consumers when questioned on the performance of a specific vehicle. The index identified Toyota vans and 4x4 compact pickups as being the most trouble free in their class. Take a I bow, Toyota! Dusty Times
KINGMAN OFF ROAD COMPETITION CLUB ..._ _ __,, '---__,. presents the first annual .· St. Paddy's Day Desert Sand Drag Nationals March 18 through 20, 1988 . Kingman, Arizona . Schedule of Events -F_riday, March 18: -* Tech inspection in historic downtown Kingman *St.Paddy's Weekend Kick-Off Saturday, March 19: * Eliminations on KORCC's all-sand track Sunday, March-20·: * Finals * $5000 purse * Contingency & grudge match · prizes awarded S5000 purse guaranteed by Kingman -Economic & Tourism Development Commission. rnmie----------7 I _______ I IAddres·s ___ _____ I I -I 1----------1 I . · Phone __ I ~~~f~~~------~ rnmie-------- - 7 1 _______________ 1 IAddress ____________ l I I 1--------1 I ------Phone - I ! Type of Vehicle . :JI L._ __________ _ Clip and send to KORCC, 4055 Stockton Hill Road. Ste. 16, Kingman. Az. 86401.You will receive your race entry fonn along with an information packet on Kingman. Az., and accommodations. For_more information call 602-757-1105 or 602~757-5264.
Side __ Tracks ... By Judy Smith after buying a gas can so they'd have a few extra gallons of American gas, and getting thl' names of some of the better eating establishments in San Felipe, they were ready to go. And, because Mom wantl'd to see Ojos Negros ( and we didn't disillusion her), they decided they'd return by way pf Highway 3, and Ensenada. In ·my day grand~others were OLD! They knitted scarves and made hot chocolate for the grandchildren, and their lives were over. Grandmas didn't 00 anything. That is, they cooked, they cleaned house, they mended socks and they entertained the grandchildren from time to time. But they did nothing new or exciting. They ~ere, so to speak, out to pasture. Nowadays grandmothers can be found climbing mountains, exercising at the health club, graduating from college, and learning to drive their four wheel drive vehicles in the sand. Two of these grandmas are pe~sonal friends of mine, one betng my mother, Mil Tuttle who's 73, and the other, he; buddy, Peggy Shay, who's 70. Mil is even a great-grandmother. Both are single, and Mel is retired, though not inactive. Peggy drives a bus. Peggy is the proud owner of a Toyota 4Runner which she bought a~couple of years ago for touring around the Grand Canyon area. She wanted to be able to go camping in the distant corners of the national park. Her truck, which she had painted in graduated shades of grey, I ike the mountains as seen at dawn, is her pride and joy (and the envy of all the young men of her acquaint-ance), but she didn't really u_nderstand it. So, recently, Peggy signed up for a class in 4 wheel driving. She was intrigued to learn about things like the location of her differential, and shock mounts, which her instructor said she should know so she'd be able to avoid damaging them with rocks. She enjoyed the class, and got a lot out of it. Peggy's instructor, Harry Lewellyn, offers a field trip for the purpose of learning to drive your vehicle in the sand. And the class is based in San Felipe, in mid-November. Peggy wanted to go, but she wanted company, and this is where Mom came in. She'd actually been to San Felipe once or twin~. and had heard a lot about ~aja in general from me. In fact, it turns out that for years she's been curious to see what Ojos Negros looked like, because she'd heard me speak of it so often. So they decided to do it. And The group met in Orange County at 5 a.m. on a Friday. They were all ready to roll, each student in his own vehicle, which had been required to have a c.b. radio, so they could communi-cate. Peggy, who o·perates on a careful budget, had located a used c.b. But she hadn't felt wealthy enough to take the still-good street tires off her Toyota and replace them with light truck, or off road type tires. . The group consisted of 14 vehicles . including a Suzuki, a Blazer, a Jeep and some miscellaneous mini trucks. All of the other drivers were men. In fact, most of the other people were men, though some had brought their wives or girl friends, and there were three kids riding along too. The average age was about 40. They took off together, headed for thl' border, and many had fired up their c.b.s, just to be sure everything was .THE PIKE RACING TE.AM Would like to thank all those who helped us win Page 6 Class 4 at the SCORE Baja 1000 · BOB MOUNT OF YOKOHAMA TIRE CORP. CHRYSLER/DODGE CORP. ART CARR TRANSMISSIONS RANCHO SUSPENSION F & L RACING FUEL ROD HALL RACING LIGHTS THE YOKOHAMA SUPPORT TEAM of DENNIS ROGERS AND DAVE SMITH RICK SHOPE for GREAT RACE PREP _and Everyone Who Helped All Year 1 .. Matt and Gale Pike January 1988 ' working. As they cruised down the highway, Mom and Peggy wt·re listening to the chit-chat, and heard a voice ask, "Do thl' I ittle old ladies have a c.b. ?" They pickl'J up their mike and rl'plied, "Surt·, Wl' have a c.b." And they were identifkJ as "the little o ld ladies" for the balance of the trip. As usual. the border crossing into Mexicali was without incidL·nt, but Peggy soon noticed a Mexican policeman following her Toyota. She fretted out loud about why hL· was there, and Mom assured her he just happened to be going their way, saying that Peggy hadn't done anything wrong, and she shouldn't worry. But she no sooner had the words spoken than the police car's lights came on, and they were pulled over to the side. It seems they had a "loose light". So Peggy and Mom hopped out to see. "Well", said the policeman, "You can only see it when you 're moving." It developed that a ticket for a loose light required a trip to the local jail, so Mom made a quick report over the c.b., letting Lewellyn know what was happening. The policeman asked Peggy what she was doing, and Peggy told him that Mom was reporting the incident "to our friends in the other cars.". Well...now it seemeq that they could pay the ticket right here. The asked how much, and learned that a loose light ticket was worth $8. Being careful travelers_, Peggy and Mom weren't carrying any big amounts of cash, having [5rudently bought ·traveler's checks, and they had to scramble through their purses and pockets to come up with $6. The cop accepted that, and they were once again on their way . . They arrived in San Felipe around noon, and after checking in to their hotel and stashing that extra gas can in the hotel office, went off with the rest to practice driving on the beach. Lewellyn had everyone lower the air pressure in their tires, and Peggy, always careful about such things, let out only a little bit, not wanting to damage her tires. As a result, she got herself stuck. So she hollered for help on the c.b., and got instructions to let more air out of her tires, which she did, at1d got herself unstuck. But she'd lost time, and that meant she missed the hillclimbing portion of the class. On Saturday, after a leisurely breakfast, the class left San Felipe at about 11 a.m., driving right down onto the beach at the Hotel Castel, and heading south to Puertecitos. The plan was to stay on the beach all the way, which they did, except for brief sections of deep water, which they circumnavigated on pre-existing trails. Peggy was nervous about being on the beach, having heard some of our stories, and she said that if the tide came in she was · "gonna go down with the truck." There was plenty of variety to keep all the novice four-wheelers busy, as, in addition to the sand, they ran through rocks, water, and mud. T here was no· lunch stop, everyone just gobbled whatever they had in their ice chests, and went on truckin'. They arrived in Puertecitos after about five hours, stopped long enough to refuel their vehicles if they wanted, grab a quick soft drink, and headed north again, on the beach. At about seven p.m. the class had arrived back in the area of Percebu, and they stopped there for a pot luck barbecue. which used up a couple of hours, and ensured that they'd get in some r_eal nighttime driving in the sand tor the balancl' of the trip. On this stretch the truck in which Lewellyn was riding got itself stuck in the mud, and the class learned how to use a tow strap to extricate a vehicle. They went a little further, and another vehicle, a Suburban, got stuck, also in mud. This time it took two hours, three trucks and a lot of digging to get him loose. And by now the tide was coming in. Once everyone was unstuck and ready to move again the instructor led the class out onto the highway for the few miles left. They arrived back in San Felipe at about 12:30 a.m. Sunday was an open day and , some folks took a "quick" trip down to Gonzaga with Lewellyn, while others stayed in San Felipe to eat, shop, loaf or fish. Peggy, wary of having to run Mexican gas in her Toyota, ell'cted to walk around San Felipe and explore the stores. That evening, reunitl'd with thl'ir leader, the class met to decide the route homl'. Some voted to go back out · through Mexicali, a few went with Lewellym up Highway 3 and then through the pine woods and up to Laguna Hansen, and across the border at T ecate. Mom and Peggy, and one or two others went across and into Ensenada.· Peggy was relieved to discover that Highway 3 was paved and easy to drive, although we'd told her it was, and the Auto Club m;1p had shown it as paved, she hadn't quite believed it. Sne told Mom, " You can't trust maps!" And, while she was enjoying the new sceney, she was still wary about Mexican police, and kept expecting one to pop out of the bush and pull her over for some imaginary infraction. She kept a handful of American dollars ready in her pocket for just such an emergency, and when they got to the turnoff to Ojos Negros, she wouldn't go in, apparently fearing another encounter with the Oficiales. So Mom never did get to see Ojos Negros. But in_ spite of the Mexicali policeman, they loved their trip, had a marvelous time, and recommend it to anyone who wants to learn to drive in the sand. Harry Lewellyn teaches several classes with names like "How to Go Back Roading", and "Where to Go Back Roading", at a number of local colleges, like Chaffey in Alta Loma, Glendale College in Glendale, Golden W est in Huntington Beach, Pierce in Woodland Hills, and Saddleback in Mission Viejo. He can be reached at 415 N. Sycamore, Suite 200, Santa Ana, CA 92701. His telephone is 714-836-1-129. In addition to his fo_rmal classes, Lewellyn also apparently has a variety of ''.Scouting Trips", or field trips, hke the San Felipe sand-driving class, to offer to his students. It looks like a great idea for anyone · who's new to four wheel drive. And Peggy is proof that it's not just for . the beer drinking, rifle totin' redneck type. She had a blast, and picked up a wide range of new skills that bring confidence to her driving. Dusty Times
RACE THE 15th ANNUAL SCORE PARKER 400 JANUARY 29-31, 1 see -PARKER, ARIZONA • LIMITED ENTRY! • DEPOSITS BEING ACCEPTED NOW. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: (all times California time) • DRAWING DATE JANUARY 6, 1988. THURSDAY, JAN. 28-Registration -5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p_.m. -Elks Lodge • COURSE RECONNAISSANCE FRIDAY, JAN. 29 - Registration - 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - Elks Lodge Contingency - 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. - 12th Street BEGINS JANUARY 22nd. Tech Inspection -9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. -Western Park • SPARK ARRESTORS REQUIRED. SATURDAY, JAN. 31 _ Race Day: • CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS - M/ C's and ATV's Start ARIZONA Loop at 6:30 a.m. GREEN STICKERS REQUIRED. Cars and Trucks Start CALIFORNIA Loop at 9:00 a.m. THE FIRST EVENT OF THE 1 9BB HORA/SCORE POINTS SERIES. For Information, Call Score International CB'1 BJ BBS-92'1 6
1. The Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus). 3. Class 7 4x4 . . winner. M"k and hrs Jeep C • 1 e Lesle omanche. 5. Craig WatKins dominated C\ass 10. 2. Rich Min · · SCOREJH5~;verall 1987 Champion. 4. Giti Gow\and, ran off with the modified 4x4 Championship. 6. Class 5 Champion John Cool ey. s. 5/1600 winner, AndY oeVerce\\y.
y K 0 H A M A NINE OF THE DEADLIEST CREATURES EVER TO ROAM THE DESERT. At best, the desert can be an inhospitable place. The terrain alone is enough to tear the-tires off a truck. And, if the diamondbacks and vultures don't fini$h you off first, maybe you'll get lucky and the sun will slowly bake your brains out. But once again this year, Yokohama proved to be more dangerous than the desert itself, taking more off-road racing victories and cham-pion ships than any other tire manufacturer. The list of triumphs in the badlands is a long -one. Including the prestigious SCORE/HDRA Overall Series Points Championship · won by Rich Minga, who joins six other Yokohama drivers as cl~ss champions. A$ a group they were the major cause of death among other desert racers. So if you think you're mean enough to venture into the desert, go at your own risk. But don't go without a set of Yokohama Tires. The deadliest creatures of all. 9. The Scorpion (Centruroides graciris). M >YYOKOHAMA For more information write: Yokohama Tire Corporation, PO. Box 4550, 001 S. Acacia Ave., Fullerton, CA 92631 © 1988 Yokohama Tire Corporation. 0 T 0 R • s p 0 · R T s
1988 HAPPENI_NGS ••• A.D.R.A. Ari:ona Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 March 26, 1988 Penasco Twilight Sonora, Mcxica May 14, 1988 Western 150 Phoenix, AZ July 16, 1988 High Country 150 Flagstaff, AZ September 3-4, 1988 nowflake Buggy Bash Snowflake, AZ October LS, 1988 Penasco 150 Sonora, Mexico December 3, 1988 Sonoita to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD. S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 8938 Calabasas, CA 91302 (8 18) 340-5750 February 19-21, 1988 Gran Carrera Internacional San Felipe, B.C . Mexico July 29-31, 1988 Gran Carrera de Tecate Tecate, B.C. Mexico October 14-16, 1988 Gran Carrera de Campeones San Felipe, B.C. Mexico 1988 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2 115 / (715 ) 478-2688 June 25-26, 1988 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI September 2-4, 1988 Brush Run 10 1 Crandon, WI CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 (7 14) 736-1442 February 13, 1988 Glen Helen Rally Sprint Glen Helen O HV Park San Bernardino, CA March 19-20, 1988 High Desert Trails Ridgecrest, CA April 16-17, 1988 Rim of the World Palmda le, CA July 9-10, 1988 Prescott Rall ysprint Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ November 19-20, 1988 East of Indio Vlll Indio, CA Page 10 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8616 All races an: held at Alba ny-Saratoga Speedway, Route 9, Maira, New York. Classes are 1-1600, 10,4WD Class 3 and Class 4 plus A TVs. 4 FUN 4 WHEELERS 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48 103 (3 13) 459-8388 (3 13) 755-3176 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association Rt. 5, Box 944 Brooksville, FL 34610 (813) 996-6306 (days January 10, 1988 Lakeland, FL February 7, 1988 Lakeland , FL March 26, 1988 Florida 400 Tallahassee, FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 August 5-7, 1988 Superstition 250 V El Centro, CA October 7-9, 1988 Plaster City Blast El Centro, CA December 30-31, 1988, January 1, 1 989 Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 (404 ) 927-6432 GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48 103 (313) 665-0358/ (3 13) 996-9193 GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Knowlton 83 1 So. Jason Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-5537 HORA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702 ) 361-5404 March 4-6, 1988 Gold Coast 250 Las Vegas, NV April 29-May 1, 1988 Mint 400 Las Vegas, NV July 1-3, 1988 Fireworks 250 Barstow, CA September 9-11, 1988 ingle Loop Race L,s Vegas, NV December 3, 1988 Off Roadsman Awa rds Banquet (location TBA) HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Freeman 3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 342-033 1 GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA 92406 (7 14)880-1733 Off Road Races February 28, 1988 April 17, 1988 June 12, 1988 August 7, 1988 September 4, 1988 November 20, 1988 United Sand Drag Association Sand Drags February 13-14, 1988 March 12-1 , 1988 April 9-10, 1988 May 14-15, 1988 July 9, 1988 (Night Race) August 13 (Night Race) October 8-9, 1 988 November 12-13 ICE CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURANCE SERIES P.O. Box 14824 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (6 I 2) 639-080 l (612) 890-8693 January 2-3, 1988 Driving School January 9-10, 1988 Detroit Lakes, MN January 16-17, 1988 Duluth, MN January 23-24, 1988 LaCrosse, WI January 30-31, 1988 Mankato, MN February 6-7, 1988 St. Paul, MN February 13-14, 1988 Eau Claire, WI February 27-28, 1988 Bemidji, MN March 26, 1988 I.C.E. 'Awards Banquet IOK FOUR W HEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 ( All et,ents staied at rhe club vounds in Clet,es, O hio) MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION John Elliott - (517) 835-9923 Bob Ramlow - (616) 345-6407 January 1988 MIDWEST OFF ROAD CHALLENGE SERIES Tommy Bowling Rt. 6, Box 833C Midland, TX 79702 (9 15 ) 332-1537 -(915 ) 563-9 154 M.O.R.E. 35 13 North West Loop 820 Fort Wo rth, TX 76 106 (8 I 7) 625-8843 MICKEY THO MPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Rox 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4100 Off Road Championship Gran Prix January 23,' 1988 Anaheim Stadium Anaheim , CA February 13, 1988 Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA March 12, 1988 Astrodome Houston, TX April 9, 1988 Kingdome Seattle, WA April 23, 1988 Spartan Stadium San Jose, CA May 7, 1988 Rose Bowl Pasadena, CA July 23, 1988 L.A. Coliseum Los Angeles, CA October 1, 1988 Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV Stadium Thunder Drag Series January 24, 1988 Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, CA February 14, 1988 Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA March 13, 1988 Astrodome Houston, TX April 10, 1988 Kingdome Seattle, W A July 9, 1988 L.A. Coliseum Los Angeles, CA September 1 7, 1988 Spartan Stadium San Jose, CA October 8, 1988 Silver Bowl Las Vegas , NV Stadium Motocross January 30, 1988 Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, CA June 18, 1988 L.A. Coliseum Los Angeles, CA (Some dates are tentatit•e.) OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS 142 1 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915 ) 594-8266 March 5-6, 1988 .150 mil es Cars-ATVs-Bikes El Paso, TX August 6-7, 1988 200 miles Cars-A TVs-Bikes El Paso, TX November 5-6, 1988 250 miles Cars-ATVs-Bikes El Paso, TX OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL · RALLY John Nagel P.O. Box 4254 Tumwater, W A 98501 (206) 754-9717 June 23-26, 1988 Tacoma, WA ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamaker P.O . Box 688 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL !CO, Canada ONT ARIO OFF ROAD Barbara Lapointe 4 Bridge St. E. Kitchener, Ontario N2K 1J2 Canada (519) 743-8841 (All events at Bingeman Park in Kitchener.) O.O.R.R.A. Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 (405) 769-5491 ( All races located at Freedom, OK) Vic Brurnham Freedom Chapter President (405) 621-3428 ORSA Randy Miller 407 G Street, Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, acramento , CA ' OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estate , CA 90274 (2 13) 375-4570 (2 13) 534-274 7 PAC OFF ROAD RACING P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 January 2, 1988 1987 Awards Banquet Issaquah, W A March 11-12, 1988 Millican Valley 250 Millican Valley, O R April 22-23, 1988 Horn Rapids 250 Richland, WA Dusty Times
The year 1987 marked Jeep's triumphant return to · the world of racing. And what a year it turned out to be! Throughout the season, a string of on-road and off-road victories wore the name Jeep. And when it was all over, Jeep had racked up enough _points to capture both the four-wheel drive SCORE/HORA .Off-Road Racing Series overall class championship and the two-wheel _ drive SCCA Racetruck Challenge manufacturers cham-pionship title. Throughout the season, Stroh's-sponsored Jeep Comanches led the way, The sco RE/HDRA 4 WD mini-pickup class cham-racking"" three one-two finishes during the SCCA Racetruck Challenge. pionship was picked off by Mike Lesle, based on his outstanding performance throughout the season, and points gathered during his final run in a Comanche at the Baja 1000. The unbeatable Archer brothers, driving slightly modified showroom stock Comanches, clinched the coveted manufacturers championship title for Jeep thanks to three one-two finishes that. lieiped the brothers pile up a combined first-place point total for the SCCA Racetruck Challenge. Now it's on to 1988, with the expectation that Jeep's next year on the circuit will prove even more excoitingforlyraci:gfans. J Co "h • ·· IJeeplmJ n 1n a eeR ' mane e ---~~~1988US.~Tum · _ Buckle up for.safety. _.. -
May 28-29, 1988 Yerington 250 Yerington, NV July 15-16, 1988 400 Kilometer Race A hcroft, B.C. Canada October 14-15, 1988 Millican Valley 400 Millican Valley, OR November 5, 1988 Awards Banquet (location TBA) POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short T rack Shark Saxon RD #3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 All events in Monroeton, PA at the intersection of Routes 414 & 220. SAREEA AL JAMEL 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 526 Indio, CA 92202 April 22-24, 1988 34th Annual Fast Camel 4 WD Cruise and Pit Barbecue SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 February 26-28, 1988 Chattahoochee Forest Rally Georgia March 25-27, 1988 Barbary Coast Rally San Francisco, CA April 14-16, 1988 Sunriser Forest Rally Chillicothe, OH June 4-6, 1988 Susquehannock Trails Rally Wellsboro, PA September 10-11, 1988 Centennial Rally Centennial, CO September 24-25, 1988 Ojibwe Rally Grand Rapids, MN November 5-6, 1988 Press On Regardless Rally Houghton, MI November 12-13, 1988 Wild West Rally Tacoma, WA SCORE Score International 3 1356 Via Colinas, uite I 11 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (8 18) 889-9216 January 29-3 1, 1988 Parker 400 Parker, AZ April 1-3, 1988 Great Mojave 250 Lucerne Valley, CA June 3-5, 1988 Baja Internacional Ensenada, BC, Mexico August 19-21, 1988 Off Road World Championship November 4-6, 1988 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, Mexico December 3, 1988 Off Roadsman Awards Banquet (location TBA) December 9-11, 1988 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, BC, Mexico (non-points race) SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Q uebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6 17 I May 21-22, 1988 Montreal Olympic Stadium Montreal, PQ, Canada More off-road races are won on Bilsteins than any other shock Page 1i absorber, period. . -. BaSTEIN •BORN TO PERFORM" BIL.STEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog, send $2.50. Jareuary 1988 SIL VER BOWL OF MOTOCROSS Roge r Wells 225 W . Foster Ave. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 564-2677 ( All rl'l'.1Hs hw chr finalr hdJ ur Las Vcgm /ncenwtiona1 lfoceut1:;.) SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O . Box 7380 L'ls Vegas , NV 89125 (702) 459-031 7 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. &>x 4394 L-is Vegas, NV 89106 (702 J 452-4522 February 13, 1988 ' Bottom Dollar Las Vegas. NV June 11, 1988 Twilight Race Las Vegas, NV. July 30-31, 1988 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV September 23-25, 1988 SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV October 29, 1988 Yoko Loco Las Vegas, NV December 3, l 988 Black Jack 200 Las Vegas, NV S.O.R.R.P. Speedway Off Road Racing Productions Bernie Weber P.O. Box 402 Temple, Texas 7~503 (817) 773-3548 SHORT1RACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES FORMULA DESERT DOG SERIES S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: Gi l Parker 7406 So. I 2th St. Kala mazoo, Ml 49009 (616) 375-1233 SUPERCROSS, INC. Gateway Plaza 180 ewport Center Dr., Suite 270 ewport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-1606 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Prevost 1006 Cardinal Lane Green Bay, WI 54303 ( 414) 434-9044 TUCSON AUTO CROSS P.O . Box 5522 1 Tucson, AZ 85703 (602) 887-8752 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 May 28-29 , 1988 Yerington 250 Yerington, NV June 25-26, 2988 Virginia City 200 Virginia City, NV September 3-4, 1988 Yerington 300 Yerington. NV October 22-23, 1988 Millican Valley 400 Bend, O R WHEEL TO WHEEL, INC P.O . Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL !CO (613) 332-1766 (6 13) 332-4128 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19 125 - 87A Ave. Surrey , British Columbia, V3S 5X7 , Canada (604) 576-6256 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP Novembe~ 22-26, 1987 RAC Rally England January 16-23, 1988 Monte Carlo Rally Monte Carlo, Monaco February 4-7, 1988 Swedish Rally Karlstad , Sweden March 1-7, 1988 Port Wine Rally Estoril, Portugal March 31-April 4, 1988 Safari Rally Nairobi , Kehya May 2-8, 1988 Tour de Corse Ajaccio, Corsica May 28-June 2, 1988 Acropolis Rally Lagonissi. Greece June 23-26, 1988 O lympus Rally Tacoma, W A, USA July9-12, 1988 New Zealand Rally Auckland. New Zealand August 4-7, 1988 Argentine Rally Bueno Aires, Argentina August 24-28, 1988 1000 Lakes RallyL-igonissi, Greece June 23-26, 1988 O lympus Rally Tacoma, W A, USA July 9-12, 1988 New Zealand Rally Auckland. New Zealand August 4 -7, 1988 Argentine Rally Buenos Aires. Argentina August 24-28, 1988 1000 Lakes Rally .Jyvaskyla, Finland September 19-24, 1988 Ivory Coast Rally Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast October 10-16, 1988 San Remo Rally San Remo, Italy November 22-25, 1988 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS Lise :vour coming e1,enrs in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send )OUT 1988 scheJule as soo11 a.s possible for lisring in this column. Mail your race or rally schedule w: DUSTYTIMES,533 , DerryA1,r., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 9 130c. Dusty Times
SEEi Action Packed Adventure-Entertainfflent , Jflcley 1'/JompS'Oll's' ~3MOTORSPORT MONTH __ _ January 23, 24, 30, 1988 at Anaheim Stadium ~-.-,....~rr-rwr-r'P:."'~l"'.:"-."'.:"1"-=-r:::....-:::T::"i Welcomes ALL THE TOP OFF-ROAD TEAMS & DRIVERS WILL BE THERE! Grand National Sport Trucks, UltraStocks®, Super 1600s, ATVs, Super Lites and UltraCross MAZDA• NISSAN • FORD •CHEVROLET• VOLKSWAGEN •AMC• PONTIAC• TOYOTA ATVs FROM SUZUKI, KAWASAKI, HONDA & YAMAHA Gates Open 6:00 PM Budweiser Autograph Session 6:30 - 7:30 PM Racing Begins 8:00 PM TOYOTA DEALERS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TOYOTA OFFICIAL PACE TRUCK ~Ke,KCHl.iTES [X ] YAMAHA TIMl(EN. TANR(O ftOU.UI H .ARIHOS ~~ Saturday Night1 January 30, 1988 Welcomes SEE: HONDA• KAWASAKI• SUZUKI• YAMAHA 250 cc and 1 25 cc Pros THE TOUGHEST TRACK EVER BUILT • HIGH SPEED SWEEPERS • THE 24 FOOT TABLE TOP THAT'S THE MEANEST EVER BUILT• TRIPLEANDDOUBLEJUMPS • WILD WHOOP-DE-DOOS AND MOGULS • STAGGERED STUITER JUMPS ... AND MORE Gates Open 6:00 PM Autograph & Photo Session 6:30 - 7:3 0 PM Racing Begins 8:00 PM --------------------· ----------------------------------------SAVE 3 PER PERSON MAIL ORDER/DISCOUNT/TICKET FORM FOR OFF-ROAD AND STADIUM MOTOCROSS Save $3 Per Ticket on Each Adult $21 & $19 Ticket. Child 10 & Under½ Price Off Regular Adult Ticket Price MARK YOUR SEAT OFF-ROAD MOTOCROSS 1. Order must be received Regular Number Number Total Your Discounted Price CHOICE/ by January 15, 1988. Adult Off-Road Motocross Number TOTAL 2. Make checks payable and mail to: MTEG Anaheim Tickets P.O. Box 8720, Anaheim, CA 92812 3. Enclose a stamped, Sl;!lf· addressed envelope to receive your tickets. 4. Orders received late, without a self-addressed stamped envelope or service charge, will be held at the Stadium Will Call near Gate 4 at the Stadium. Welcomes Price $21.00 $19.00 Child $21.00 $19.00 Tickets Tickets Tickets -----+ - ----+ -· --------+ -----= ---------+ -----= X X $18.00 $16.00 Child X $10.50 X $ 9.50 + Handling Charge NAM..._ ____________ _ TOTAL ADDRESS ___________ _ CITY __________ ,STAT~--I =$ ___ _ $3.00 $=== QUESTIONS: (714) 999-8990 ZIP _____________ _ PHONE (day) _____ (eve) ____ _ Save More Money -Buy Season Tickets For All Three Shows For Season Ticket Order Forms Call (714) 938·4100 Please charge this ticket order to my: □ MasterCard □ Visa PRODUCED BY: Tickets available at: TJCKef ~ v.JSTErl® Acct. # ________ Exp. date _ _ MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP MAY COMPANY MUSIC PLUS & SFORTMART Charge-By-Phone (213) 48C>3232 • (714) 74C>2000 You may buy your tickets at ~ldiil.:JJl:ZJ Locations Signed Authorization X ~1987 DT•JAN88 SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 24, 1988 Top Fuel Alcohol Burning Dragsters and Funny Cars Racing Side.By Side In The Dirt ~ .. Gates Open . 12:00 NOON Ticket Information for Thunder Drags Autograph & Photo Session 12:30 • 1 :30 PM call (714) 999-8990 Racing Begins 2:00 PM .
A s A L u. T E To The 1987 Desert Series Champions By Jean Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises SCIIE INTERNATIONAi: Championship Off-Road Racing ra HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION The third year of the combined SCORE/HORA desert points series closed on a high note with a huge entry at the SCORE Baja 1000 and a great race that even foul weather could not diminish. Contingency prize offerings increased in 1987, and more and more donors appeared on contingency row at more than half the events. The level of technology rose in all racing classes, and the vehicles are truly race ready at tech, and they are going faster on the same courses as well. There were some changes in the series format in 1987. Perhaps the most drastic was the change in schedule, lumping six of the eight series events into one six month period, February to July. The new schedule eliminated the HORA December date completely, and that event moved to early March, resulting in the crowded early schedule and leaving but two more races in the remaining five months of the year. The result was a drop in entry from 1986 in all four HORA events, and'l rise in entry in three of the four SCORE races. The entry shift was not particularly due to the individual organizer, but more likely because of the crowded calendar and the early drop out of many Page 14 CLASS CHALLENGE & OVERALL - RESTRICTED BUGGY-RICH MINGA -Winning the championship was the goal for Rich Minga two years ago when he built his Chenowth for the newest off road racing class, Challenge. The Lemon Grove. California resident entered all eight series races in 1987, and with Tom Ray co-driving, he won three of them, the Parker 400, the Mojave 250, and the double points Colorado 300. Ming a failed to finish the Gold Coast 300, but he placed second at both the tough Mint 400 and the equally tough Baja 1000. A fifth place finish at the Fireworks 250, and a hard earned ninth at the Baja Internacional rounded out the points races. Finishing seven out of eight events in the rugged desert series is quite a record, and Rich Minga does most of his own work on the two seat race car. who might have ra.ced for points. Although they all start the season at Parker with high hopes, few privateers can afford either the time or the money to race six times in six months and remain competitive. In most cases the long standing, traditional dates and race sites were the most !X)pular with the casual entrant who doesn't care about points. Both the changed geography and the timing of races caused the total drop in entry of 121 from the total in 1986. Another major change was producing a double points race far, far away from the southern Califomia,southern Nevada hub of the series which is home to the majority of the regular competitors. HORA replaced the Las Vegas based Frontier 500 this year with the Colorado 300, based in Craig, well and truly up in the northwest corner of Colorado. While a hefty independent sponsor for the points fund still remains elusive for the organizers, many other things came together well in 1987. Despite some highly controvers-ial changes in the rules, there was more continuity in tech decisions overall. Although there were some differences in rules enforcement at the events, regardless of the organizer, the new rule book coming out soon should eliminate the differences in rules of the road in particular. As in the last two years, HORA and SCORE each produced four desert races. SCORE ran the same sites and schedule, the Parker 400, the Great Mojave 250, and the Baja Internacional and Baja 1000 in Mexico. HORA held back to back races out of Las Vegas, the Gold Coast 300 and the Mint 400, and the Fireworks 250 plus the Colorado 300. To be eligible for a year end championship, a driver must compete in three ,of the four events from each organizer, and use his best three finishes from each organizer for the year end points total. This season the Colorado 300 and the Baja 1000 were the back to back double points events. The traditional season opener, the Parker 400, grows bigger every year. Run in both California and Arizona, the first of February race takes the off roaders to the warmth of the Colorado River resort of Parker, AZ. This past year leaden skies and cold weather were on tap for the tech and contingency inspection day, but bright sunshine greeted the competitors on race day. The SCORE events include twelve classes for motorcycles, while the HORA January 1988 runs only the 16 car classes, so entry in the SCORE races always looks heavier. At Parker the 419 starting vehicle number was up only three from 1986, butrhecar class entry increased from 320 to 333 in 1987. While Frank Arciero Jr. led the first two legs in his Class 2 Raceco, Bob Gordon kept his Chenowth close, and his son Rob drove the last 90 mile leg in record time. The Gordons not only took the class win, but the absolute overall victory at Parker. In fact the top three in Class 2, the Gordons, Danny Letner, and John Krugar all beat the fastest bike time, and that is a record! Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson won Class 1 in their Raceco, and Jack Ramsay repeated his 1986 victory in Class 1-2-1600, as he and Rick Mills drove the Bunderson to beat 55 others in the class. Among the big truck classes, Don Adams and Larry Olson won Class 3 in a Jeep Cherokee. Rod. Hall and Jim Fricker got started on another Class 4 title by ·winning in the Dodge. Steve Kelly and George Eckardt took the Class 8 honors in a Chevrolet, and G.T. Gowland won Class 14 in a modified Toyota pickup. Jim Cocores and Doug White gained a narrow victory in Class · 5, while Robert Whitted and Carl Haynes had a good time margin in winning Class 5-1600. Ramon Castro and Victor Preciado started the defense of Castro's Class 11 title by winning at Parker. Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling also made a bid to defend their title by driving the '55 Chevrolet to the Class 6 victory. Class 7 went to home town hero Manny Esquerra in his championship winning Ford Ranger. Another defending champ, Spencer Low won Class 7S in a Nissan. Michael Les le and John Johnson got a leg up on the 1987 title by winning Class 7 4x4 in a Jeep Comanche. Jim Stiles drove alone in his Raceco to win Class 10 by a bunch and place ninth overall. Of the. 46 Challenge Class cars, Rich Minga was the fastest in his Chenowth, a good start to his class title. Of the 333 car starters at Parker, merely 142 finished. The high attrition was due to great course conditions and close in fighting in most classes. The HORA Gold Coast 300 took place on March 7 out of Sloan, NV. It was a two lap run of 125 miles the lap south of Las Vegas. Contingency and tech inspection featured pleasant weather in the parking area of the race sponsor, the Gold Coast Dusty Times
Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. But, it rained Friday evening, and kept right on raining on most of the race course all during the event. It provided great on course visibility for the drivers, but there were some very damp workers and pit crews. Five weeks after Parker 218 cars showed up to contest the southern Nevada terrain. By comparison, there were 265 starters at the 1986 race at Barstow in December. Gordon family show as Bob had the Class 2 lead on the first lap, and handed over to son Rob. Rob Gordon held the lead and brought the Chenowth home first overall by over 11 minutes. In Class I it was a tight dice between Larry Noel and Ivan Stewart, but at the flag Stewart won the class and second overall in his modified Toyota pickup. Noel was penalized out of his second in class, third overall finish after a verbal altercation with ff' CLASS 4 & HEAVY METAL-LONG WB4X4-RODNEY HALL -Rodney Hall had a nearly perfect season as he won six of the eight races in Class 4, all of them points counting events, and he no t only took the class championship again, he won the coveted Heavy Metal title over the 2WD contenders. Hall and his long time co-driver Jim Fricker took the big Dodge to victory at the Parker 400, Gold Coast 300, Mojave ~bO, Mint 400, Baja Internacional and Colorado 300. Hall entered eight races and finished eight races in 1987. taking second at the Baja 1000and third at the Fireworks 250. Rod Hall is one of only two drivers who have won their class at the Mint 400 nine times, quite an accomplishment. The Gold Coast was another CLASS 7S & MINI METAL -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP -CHUCK JOHNSON -Chuck Johnson, from Rockford, Illinois, and his partner Scott Douglas, of Spring Valley, California finished seven of the eight races they started in the Ford Ranger. They started the season taking second at Parker, after changing a trans, won the Gold Coast and at the season finale. the Baja 1000. They also scored a second at the Colorado 300, third at the Mint 400, fourth at the Baja Internacional, and fifth at the Fireworks 250. The only non-finish was at the Mojave 250. It was a year long battle for every valuable point for this young team. and they won both their Class 7S title and the Mini Metal Championship by a slim one dozen points. CLASS 1 - UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -MARK McM/LLIN -Mark McMillin, from Bonita, California, successfully defended hi_s class title from 1986, and he is one of five repeat champions in 1987. Mark drove alone in the Chenowth powered by a six cylinder Porsche engine to a pair of victories in the second half, at the Baja Internacional and the Baja 1000, and also scored second in Colorado and fourth at the Fireworks 250. He finished all eight races in the series with sixth at Parker, seventh at the Gold Coast, fifth at Mojave and eighth at the Mint 400. Mark McMillin won the championship in 1987 by over 100 points. Dusty Times January 1988 This is tht system run by most off road race winners TRl•IIIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (2 1 3 ) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 15
CLASS 2-UNLIMITED TWO SEAT - GORKY McMILL/N-Racing is a family affair for the McMillin clan, and father Gorky raced seven of the eight series events en route to the Class 2 title, and had a great second half. Gorky failed to finish at Parker and skipped the Gold Coast race. and placed fifth at Mojave. With Brian Ewalt co-driving in most events. McMillin climbed up the points ladder with a third at the Mint. a trio of second places, at both Baja races and in Colorado. and he won the Fireworks 250. Gorky McMil/in also drives with Porsche six cylinder power in the tail of his well developed Chenowth two seat racer. due in part to the excellent visibility because of the rain. The SCORE Great Mojave 250 was just four weeks later near Lucerne Valley in the California desert. The tight race schedule began to take its toll here as total entry dropped to 343 from 403 in 1986. In 1987 there were 265 starters in cars, against 3 I 8 in 1986. This year it was a real three lap race, but the course was longer and the time allowance was shortened. It made an official finish impossi-ble for a number of classes. Only 79 of the 265 cars that started were able to finish in the nine hour time allowance over the 255 mile course. The route was tough too, with lots of silt beds, sand hills, and hefty rocks in the canyons. History was made too, because it was the first time in SCORE's history that the car classes started first, and the various motorcycle and A TV classes began to race about r.oon, and covered only two laps. There were some new winners at Lucerne. Although Class 2 started first here, young Rob MacCachren had a near perfect day, driving his Class l Chenowth Magnum into first overall by nine minutes, and he finished first on the road despite brake troubles. Bob Richey and Tom Baker won Class 2 in their Raceco and finished a keen second overall. Bob Scott and Mike Voyles again took the Class 1-2-1600 title in the 53 car field, winning by over ten minutes. ~ officials. Bob Scott and Mike Voyles won a squeaker in the 38 car Class 1-2-1600, by just 22 seconds in their O .R.C. The Heavy Metal results saw Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson start their march to the Class 3 championship, winning in their Jeep CJ 7. Rod Hall and Jim Fricker did the number on Class 4 again in the Dodge. Steve Kelley was looking good now on points in Class 8 with another win in the Chevrolet. David Quill won Class 14 in his homebuilt and interesting looking Chevy. Jim Cocores was another repeat winner, in Class 5, but Darryl and Alan Cook took the honors in Class 5-1600. It was Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling again in Class 6, and Ramon Castro repeated his win in Class 11. Roger Mears brought his Nissan home on three wheels for the Class 7 win by just 2 seconds over Manny Esquerra. Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas began working on their title by winning Class 7S in the Ford Ranger. Jim Conner and Carl Jackson won Class 7 4x4 in their Nissan. Jim Stiles was a repeat winner in Class l 0, and at the time an overall points contender. Tom Watson and Jeff Bennett took the• Challenger victory in a Chenowth. In all 118 finished the rugged course, a g~od ra_tio West Coast Distributor fOR HEWLAND . OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AV Al LAB LE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available McKenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 16 Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson gathered up more points by winning Class 3, and their CJ 7 was the only class finisher, just 11 minutes shy of the cut-off time. It was Rod Hall CLASS 1-2-1600- 1600cc RESTRICTED ENGINE-STEVE BARLOW-Steve Barlow competed in seven series races in 1987 and did not figure in the points race until late in the season. Driving a slick O.R.E. single seater, Steve Barlow placed well in the big class in five events and finished the season with the big double points win at the Baja 1000. a·nd won the class championship. Barlow took fourth at Parker, fifth at the Gold Coast and third at Mojave. He did not finish at the Mint and did not start the Baja Internacional. A second at the Fireworks 250 put him in the points chase and he was seventh at the Colorado 300. Steve Barlow won the class title by 60 points. CLASS 3 - SHORT WB 4X4 - MIKE SCHWELLINGER - Mike Schwellinger and his partner and fellow driver Les Erickson had a great championship season. They entered all eight races, finished all eight races, and were never worse than third in the spiffy Jeep CJ 7. The Conejo Valley team won Class 3 three times, at the Gold Coast. Mojave and the Fireworks 250. Second place finishes at all the other events. except Parker where they were third. amassed plenty of points to give the team the title in only their second year of racing off road. The line performance gave them the victory by over 100 points. January 1988 Dusty Tim~s
... CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -JOHN COOLEY -John Cooley and Mark Fox proved the team to watch this season 1~ Class 5, as they set out to go for the points title, and they won it, in their Jimco built Bug. They started out with a third at Parker and a second at the Gold Coast, then won the Mojave 250, even with a little extra mileage. Their only DNF came at t_he tough Mint 400, but they bounced back to third at the Baja Internacional and second at the Fireworks. They finished off the season by winning both double points races. in Colorado and Baja and they won the class championship by 110 points. .._....,.,..__....,,___ _____ ' · Then: wt:re a number of leaders in Class Z also, but last lap mishaps put the favorites down, and it was Tom and Steve Martin who won thl· class in their Raceco. On home ground. Jack Ramsay, the defending overall points champion, and Rick Mills won the66car 1-2-1600battlein the BunJerson. to another Ciass 4 win in the Dodge. Stan Gilbert tlx1k his Ford to the Class 8 victory and a dandy third overall on the rough course. Carl Cook and Glenn Emery won Class 14 in one of the olJl.'st race cars in thl' event. and Dodge again in Class 4, and Walker Evans got his firstClass8 victory of the year in. his Dodge. G.T. Gowland took another Class 14 victory, covering two of the three laps in the time allowance. John Cooley and Mark Fox got good points toward their championship by winning Class 5, as did Andy L. and Andy R. DeVercelly in Class 5-1600. Wes and Garson Moser got in two laps to win Class 6 in the Ford Ranchero. Mike Abbott brought his Class 11 home for the victory. Roger Mears repeated his Class 7 victory in the Nissan, this time by nearly half an hour over Esquerra. Spencer Low gave Nissan another Class 7S win, and Jim Conner and Carl Jackson gave Nissan a hat trick at Lucerne by covering two laps faster than the other 7 4x4s. Rich Minga and Tom Ray earned good points in winning over the 4 3 car Challenger field in the Chenowth. Craig Watkins drove solo to the Class l O victory in his Raceco, winning by just three minutes. The short time allowance will not be repeated in 1988, so this race should have a bigger impact on championship points in the coming season. For the second year in a row the Mint 400 was a HORA entry into the desert series, and it again ran out of Sloan, Nevada. The course was identical to that of 1986, only it ran in reverse direction. And, for the second year in a row the entry in this classic desert race dropped, from 367 cars in 1986 to 338 in 1987. New this year was a substantial charge to contingency donors for their parking space on the gala and usually congested contin-gency row in front of the Mint Hotel on Fremont Street in Las Vegas. The individual donor population on the street dropped by more than half, however the posted monies remained in place. The Mint 400 became a pivot for points chasers in 1987, the fourth race in the series. The weather was hot and humid, and light rain fell off and on all weekend around town and the race course. Dusty Times There were several different leaders going for the overall win at the Mint 400 throughout the over 400 mile four lap enduro. Near the end of the fourth and final 106 mile lap the Raceco of Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson took the lead to score their second Class 1 victory of the year and they won ~he Mint 400 overall, just beating out the Class 1 of Nick Nicholson and Mark Mill er. Don Adams anJ Larry Olson got the older Jeep CJ 7 out of mothballs and won Class 3, while Rod Hall and lim Frich·r rolll'd Jim Madison and Russell Mortensl.'n won Class 5 by 1 Z minutes, while Darrell Smith and Manny Cortl'z won Class 5-1600 by a mere six minutes. Ramon Castro· came from Ensenada to N.' thl· ~ ~ , .«t·.t_'";. .... CLASS 5-1600 - 1600cc BAJA BUG -ANDY L. DEVERCELL Y- The DeVercelly family were off road racing long before it was an organized sport,·as .. Pops" and his son Andy L. both were winners in the early Baja events. In 1987 Andy L. teamed up with his son Andy R. in the Colorado Racing Team Baja Bug. and they set out to win the championship. despite a slow start. The DeVercel/ys were tenth at Parker and ninth at the Gold Coast. The San Diego team got rolling with the victory at Mojave. and they also won the Baja Internacional and the Colorado 300. They were second on the Baja 1000. third at the Fireworks. and seventh at the Mint 400. finishing. all eight series races. This San Diego based team is truly a family_ effort. CLASS 8 Dave Shoppe ............. 553 CLASS 21 1987 POINTS SERIES FINAL STANDINGS Walker Evans ............. 515 David Westhem ........... 461 Steve Kelley .............. 414 Frank Vessels ............. 305 Dan Beaver .... . .......... 209 Joey Lane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Scott Morris ........ . ..... 298 John Alexander ........... 259 CLASS 22 Dan Ashcraft ............. 314 CLASS 1 CLASS 5 Mark McMillin ............ 606 John Cooley . . ............ 583 Ivan Stewart ....... ....... 504 Jim Cocores ........... ... 473 Tom Koch ................ 477 George Seeley, Jr ........ . 359 Rob MacCachren ......... 458 Richard Llewellyn ......... 157 Frank Snook .............. 392 Chet Huffman .... ........ 347 CLASS 5-1600 Larry Noel ........... ..... 305 Doc Ingram ............. . 297 Andy L. DeVercelly ....... 606 David Anckner ............ 514 Al Arciero ... ............ . 27 4 Bob Shepard ............. 206 Gary Brading .... ......... 365 Darryl Cook .............. 310 Steve Lawrence ..... .. .... 167 CLASS 2 Corky McMillin ........... 622 Bob Richey .............. . 610 Bob Gordon .............. 578 CLASS 6 Larry Schwacofer ......... 438 Wes Moser ............... 218 David Kreisler ............. 489 Dale Jordan .............. 101 Danny Letner . ........... . 384 Chris Robinson ........... 292 CLASS 7 Walter Prince ............. 275 Manny Esquerra .......... 545 Roger Mears ..... .... . . . . . 386 CLASS 1/2-1600 Larry Ragland ............ 317 Steve Barlow ............. 657 Morley Williams ........... 597 Bob Scott . . .............. 563 Jim Fishback Jr ..... . . .... 549 Art Peterson .............. 520 Willy Higman ............ . 334 Larry Smith . .............. 236 CLASS 7S Chuck Johnson ...... ..... 634 Spencer Low ............. 622 Paul Simon . . ..... ........ 515 Willie Valdez .............. 495 Pete Sohren ......... . .... 367 CLASS 3 Mike Schwellinger ........ 412 Don Adams ............... 300 David Ashley ............. 361 Malcolm Vinje ............ 322 Mike Falkosky . ........ ... 311 CLASS 4 - CLASS 7 4x4 Rod Hall ................ . 559 Michael S. Lesle .......... 516 John Dyck ............... 447 Tom Strong .............. 348 Jack Johnson . ........... 259 Jerry McDonald . ......... 478 Jim Conner ............. . . 387 Mike Randall ...... ..... . . 311 Bill Donahoe ........ ..... 210 John Swift ................ 268 January 1988 Steve McEachern ...... ... 128 Dan Smith .............. .. 171 CLASS CHALLENGER Randy Norman ........... 104 Rich Minga .. ............. 769 Don Rountree ......... ... 594 Billy Bunch ............... 566 Mike Ward . ....... . ....... 555 Danny Ashcraft .......... . 552 CLASS 30 David Callaway . ..... ..... 280 Pete Sheehan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Jim Buckingham ..... ..... 254 Rick Johnson ............. 546 CLASS 38 Larry Martin . ....... . . . ... 527 Gary Nolan ........... .... 198 Nick Gross .............. . 486 Ron Gray ................. 196 Rich Richardson .......... 452 John Etchart ............ . 145 Jack Millerd .............. 301 CLASS 23 CLASS10 Robin Davis .... .......... 220 Craig Watkins ........... . 676 Ralph Blundell ........... . 109 Dick Weyhrich .... ........ 603 Stephen Horner ............ 75 Russell Welch ............ 593 William Church ..... . ..... 560 CLASS 33 Jim Stiles ............. . . . 557 Jeff Courts ............... 169 Dave Wood ............... 408 Lance Schoonmaker ...... 168 Allen Fox ................. 165 CLASS 11 Ramon Castro ...... ... ... 470 CLASS 43 Ronny Wilson ............ 149 CLASS14 Darin Thompson .......... 122 Giti Gowland ............ 255 CLASS 24 CLASS 20 Rodney Engen . ........... 263 Frank Chase ......... .. ... 137 Jeff Driesen ... . . ......... 252 Jeff Miller ................. 79 Ben Schlimme ............ 240 CLASS 44 CLASS 25 Dennis Rogers ............ 133 Dean Sundahl .... . ....... 244 Kenneth Bayer ........ .... 118 Ray Schooley . . . .......... 169 OVERALL BUGGY & SERIES CHAMPION - Rich Minga OVERALL HEAVY METAL CHAMPION-Rod Hall OVERALL MINI-METAL CHAMPION - Chuck Johnson OVERALL MOTORCYCLE - Joey Lane OVERALL 3-WHEEL ATV-Robin Davis OVERALL QUAD - Rodney Engen Page 17
CLASS 6 -PRODUCTION SEDAN -LARRY SCHWA COFER - Despite some new and very stiff competition this past season. the Hemet team of Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling once again repeated their Class 6 championship driving the aged but effective 1955 Chevrolet sedan. They started out strong with victories at both Parker and the Gold Coast. but failed to finish at Mojave. as did the entire class. They came back to win the rugged Mint 400. but failed to finish either the Baja Internacional or Fireworks 250. A win at the double points Colorado 300 and third at the Baja 1000 secured their title. The team is building a new car for the 1988 season, a ~957 Chevrolet' into the Class 1-2-1600 victory, and this class had a different leader at almost every check~ point. Back in the Jeep Cherokee, Don Adams and Larry Olsen won Class 3 by just half a minute over Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson. Rod Hall 'won again in Class 4. Frank Vessels got his long sought C lass 8 victory in his fancy Chevrolet in Baja, and Frank finished fourth overall. Local drivers Jorge Rivera and Fernando Fraleda won Class 14 in a Mitsubishi . Roger Mears scored another victory in Class 7, this time the Nissan was 36 minutes ahead of the Esquerra's Ford. Also winning for Nissan was Spencer Low/ Paul Delang in Class 7S. Jerry McDonald and Joe McPherson got another big win in Class 7 4x4 in the Chevy S-10. only finisher in Ciass i l . Class 6 again went to the old and ropular Chevy of Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling. In Class 7 Manny Esquerra won for the ninth time at a Mint 400 in a Ford, and he and Rod Hall a,e the only two drivers to have nine wins at this tough race. Spencer Low and Paul Delang had a rough run to victory in the Class 7S Nissan.Jerry McDonald got the Chevy S-10 humming to win Class 7 4x4 by over an hour. · Larry and Karl a Martin survived the best in Challenger Class to win by a big margin in their Chenowth. Bill and Michael C hurch beat 46 other Class 10 racers for the win in their Raceco, and they were a keen fourth overall. In all 110 cars covered the distance in the generous 18 hour time allowance in the 20th year of the Mint 400. Four weeks later it was on to Baja California and the SCORE Baja Internacional. i he 461 mile Ensenada to Ensenada romp had more of thl' route on the west side of the peninsula ~b_i_~_yea!' to ' . eliminate a lot of the very hot weather in the eastern desert. The climate along the Pacific Coast was typical June, with morning fog, a little rain here and there and warm and humid during the sunny hours. For the second year in a row the entry was up, 22 more than in 1986. The bike classes were down by a few , but in 1987 214 started in the car classes against 195 in 1986. Class 2 started first, and Bob Gordon was first off the line, and his Chenowth stayed out front all the way. Tim Crabtree drove the desert and to the finish line, and the Gordon team again finished first overall among cars by some 11 minutes. It was the third overall victory of the season for Bob Gordon! Defending Class l champion Mark McMillin got his first win of the season in Class l, by 22 minutes, and Mark was second overall, less than a minute ahead of his father Corky McM ill in who was second in Class 2. Morley and Mike Williams drove their C henowth - - - --------··· -BIGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. 1oints. Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C. V.s are threaded 3/ 8-24 . . All axles and bells for Type II can be threaded 3/ 8-24 or stock 8 mm threads. pitch threads. 10 mm · 1. 5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 . (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 18 Hartmut and Wolfra m Klawitter won a tough battle in Class 5. The Andy Devercellys, father and son, started looking good in points with a narrow victory in Class 5-1600. On home ground, Ramon Castro won over 16 other Class 11 cars by a mere 25 minutes. Another father and son team, Bill and Steve Russell won Class 6 in a very tidy Chevy Camaro. Long time racer Don Rountree, with Gary Schneck-enburger co-driving, took the Challenge Class by just seven minutes. Even closer, Bill and Mike Church won Class 10 by only 33 seconds over Rick and John Hagle. Of the 214 starting cars, 130 finished in the 20 hour time allowance. In another four weeks the series moved to the torrid desert near Barstow, CA for the HORA Fireworks 250, another popular long standing event. This is the only one day event in the series, with tech and contingency inspection on Saturday morning, ancl the race start at four on CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI TRUCK -MANUEL ESQUERRA -Manny Esquerra and his Ford Ranger just keep rolling along to claim the Class 7 victory on points every year. Esquerra finished all eight events in the series this year, starting and finishing with the class victory at Parker and the Baja 1000. In between he also won the Mint 400. his ninth win in the class at that race, and the Colorado 300, as well as the Fireworks 250, and he was second in the other three events. the highest placing record of any 1987 champion. Only the small size of the usual Class 7 entry keeps Manny Esquerra from figuring in the overall Mini Metal Championship race. CLASS 7 4X4 -STOCK MINI-MIDI 4X4 - MICHAEL LESLE - Mike Lesle moved from 5-1600 competition to become a trucker in 1987. and he won the class championship in his Jeep Comanche, with John Johnson co-driving on the longer events. Lesle entered all eight races. and finished all of them but the Mojave 250, where even the class winner did not finish. He won at Parker and took a third place at both the Gold Coast and the Mint 400, then dropped to fourth at the Baja Internacional. Lesle won the class at the Fireworks 250 and the double points Colorado 300, and finished third at the Baja 1000. He will be back in 1988 in the Jeep to defend his championship. January 1988 Dusty Times
CLASS 8-2WD STANDARD PICKUP-DAVE SHOPPE - Dave Shoppe and his long time co-driver Larry Maddox had a busy season in the big Ford pickup. They started out with a pair of second place finishes at Parker and the Gold Coast. and were third at Mojave. Their only DNF was at the Mint 400, then they took second at the Baja Internacional and won the Fireworks 250. Third place at the double points Colorado 300 and Baja 1000, earned Shoppe the points championship in the heavily factory backed Class 8. Shoppe won his title by 38 points. Walker Evans by only four minutes. G.T. Gowl:mJ finished with the win in Class 14 in the Toyota. Jim Coco res and Don Robertson got a good win in Class 5, anJ Tom Neth and Jason Rates ht'sted thl· regulars in Class 5-1600. Bi 11 Russell won another Class 6 titlL' in the Camaro. Mike Abhott bested Ramon Castro for the Class 11 win, and an ama:ing dozen Beetles started on the roughl'St course in the series. of the season in his Raceco, and he was fourth overall as well. Manny Esquerra won C lass 7 by more than an hour at Barstow in his Ford. Paul and Dave Simon. in another R:mger. won Class 7S by ten minutes. AnJ, Mih· Lesle scorl·d another win fr)r Jeep in Class 7 4x4. In all I 30 of thL' 279 starters finishL'd in thL' ten hour time allowance. ~--~'• ,}·-m ' -~~£/':S ______ ., ___________ ...,.~ Saturday afternoon. T is year the course was lengthened from sixty to eighty miles, and three instead of four laps were required for a finish. There were some new trails, mostly rocks, and a new uphill rock garden that claimed a lot of victims and was filmed by ESPN. Despite the popular course, the Fireworks entry was down from 293 in 1986 to 279 in 1987. By this point in time, the hectic schedule had taken its toll on entry. The race seemed a cakewalk for Rob MacCachren as he took the lead on the road early in the Class 1 Chenowth. He stayed out front all the way and won his victory of the year, this time by 17 minutes, and Rob won this race overall in 1986 too. Corky McMillin got a rare victory for his clan at Barstow, winnil)g Class 2 by a couple of minutes. Bob Scott and Mike Voyles won another big orie in Class 1-2-1600, besting the 51 car field by close to four minutes. Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson won Class 3 in the CJ 7 on this rugged course. Jack Johnson and Max Jones scored the •first Class 4 victory for Nissan in the wild special. Daw Shoppe and Larry Maddox won C];iss 8 in the Ford, hestin Rick Johnson, thl' dd enJing Challenge Class champion, won the 44 car battle on home ground near Rarstow. Jim Stiles naild down his third Class 10 victory With six of the L'ight raCL'S history on July 5, the series regulars had two months to lick their wounds before making the journey to Colorado. As expected, the entry for thl· HORA Colorado 300 was not hu!!L'. ~ CLASS 10-UNLIMITED 1650cc -CRAIG WATKINS-Craig Watkins and driving partner Greg Aronson pulled out the Class 1 O championship in the highly competitive category at the last race of the year, the Baja 1000, where they placed a close second. The team started out with a third at Parker and a sixth at the Gold Coast,. then won the Mojave 250. A disappointing 12th at the Mint 400 didn't help much, but they came back with fourth spot at the Baja Internacional. Their only DNF was at the Fireworks 250, but they got second in Colorado for the double points there and in Baja. They won the title by 73 points. ROB MacCACHREN 19B7 SNORE Overall Champion & ..._ 9B7 HORA/SCORE Driver of the Vear Thank You to a ll o f our p it c rew and sponsors. Any venture requires a strong team, much like a chain. We had no weak 1inks and the results show it. Valley Performance - B.utch Dean Barbary Coast Hotel & Casino Yokohama Tire Corp. Ja Mar Performance Products Curnutt Shocks Unique Metal Products Sway-A-Way Corp. F & L Fuel - Pro Gas A Special Thanks t o MIKESMIG Nevada Off Road Buggy The Pit Stop - Chuck Hacht Beard's Super Seats Chenowth Racing Products for his excellent prep work on the car that won the SNORE Championship. Dusty Times January 1988 Page 19
'. i\,-~--~ ,. ~~~'$f M,/,;, :dt.: ~ ... ~ '.·><:C""i ,. .-#. .{, ... ~ltj.. ,.,n;.,~u-~'\..• · . -~ CLASS 11 -STOCK VW SEDAN- RAMON CASTRO -Ramon Castro travels the entire eight race circuit from his home in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico to compete for points in the desert. Castro is another repeat champion from 1986 and he worked hard to get the title again. He won four races, at Parker, the Gold Coast, the Mint 400 and the Ba1a Internacional. Castro was second at the other four races. and his only DNF was in Colorado, where he broke on the last lap. This young man has several different co-drivers, in fact used two different Beetles on his way to the Class 11 championship for the second year in a row. ~ with 126 cars scartmg as them right where they started in opposed to 19.3 at the 1986 class. Frontier 500. The town of Craig Class l started first, and did ·was super hospitable, but the have different leaders, starting race course was a dusty single with Rob Gordon, who with lane run, about an hour from Malcolm Smith co-driving town, and hen: there was no pre- eventually finished third. On the running allowed, just a parade third lap Rob MacCachren made lap. These factors, plus the 1000 some passes and took the lead on mile tow from the Los Angdes the road. Rob scored his third area, made this an event mainly overall victory of the season, all for serious points seekers, since of them coming on heavy dust it was a double points race and courses so familiar to the young the final HORA race of the Las Vt.-g.'ls driver. Bob Richt.'Y season. drove his Raccco solo to another The BLM had imposed a Class 2 victory. Mike and Morley number of no passing zones on Williams got thdr second win in the 65 mile route that startt.-d at Class 1-2-1600, which had its 60CX) feet and went up. The lowest entry ever with nine terrain was typical high desert, starters. with trails that looked smooth Jerry Bundy won Class 3 by an and fast ~ing in, but they soon hour in his Jeep Scrambler, and turned to silt as the race Rod.Hall took theClass4 victory progressed. ln the choking dust in the Dodge. WalkerEvansgota with rare opportunity to pass, a close win in hisClass8Dodge, by whopping 76 finished, most of \e!'§ th:m ~wo minl!_t~s. Emil and John Downey grabbed the Class 14 victory in a jeep Scrambler. John Cooley and Mark Fox got the double points in Class 5, and so did the Andy Devercellys in Class 5-1600_. Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling kept the old Chevy running to the Class 6 victory, and Andy Diaz won Class 11, the only finisher. Manny Esquerra won the close dice with Roger Mears to win Class 7 for Ford, only four minutes ahead at the flag. Dave Ashley and Wally Kaiser won Class 7S in a Jeep Comanche, and another Comanche, driven by Mike Lesle, won Class 7 4x4. Rich Minga nailed down his Challenger Championship with Tom Ray co-driving the Chenowth, winning by 15 minutes. Russell Welch drove alone in his O.R.E. to the Class 10 victory, his first this year. _ Most of the participants enjoyed ----------------------------,· the Colorado hospitality, but they would like a more open and different course if the race returns to Craig in 1988. THE WRIGHT PLACE~-co1L SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wri ght Place. You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. The 1987 series ended early in November with the 20th Anniversary running of the SCORE Baja 1000. The entry soared this year to a total of 314 starters, close to a record , and it was 73 more than in 1986, when the race went to La Paz. The car entry alone this year increased bv 35 starters, and while only 700 odd miles, the round trip from and to Ensenada was a much tougher course than the run to La Paz. A major storm mid-week washed .out parts of the highway and Ensenada, and there were some huge washouts on the Pacific side of the course. But, after h eavy rains on contingency day, the race started in grey but drv weather, and the dry sky held up· all weekend. For the first time SCORE had no impound in Mexico. Class 2 started first, and the 1986 champion Bob Gordon was again the first car off the line. Gordon and co-driver Malcolm Smith had a near perfect run, staying first on the road all the way around the long course, and they finished first in class aDd first overall car by 50 minutes. The Chenowth stopped only for routine service, and it was the fourth overall victory this year for Bob Gordon. Mark McM illin had a simila-r run in his C lass l Chenowth, winning the class by nine hours. Mark came in second overall, winning the Class l title again, so he doesn't have to change the number 100 on his racer. Winning his first race of the season, Steve Barlow, with John Hagle co-driving, won Class 1-2-1600 in his O .R.E. and with the win Steve got the champion-ship for the year. Jerry Bundy and Ron Zemanek repeated the Colorado win in Class 3 in the Jeep. Matt and Gale Pike won Class 4 in their Dodge pickup. All the favoritt.'S had trouble in Class 8 and the win went to David Westhem and Bill Holmes in a GMC. Emil and John Downey won Class 14 in the Jeep Scrambler, their second win in a row. John Cooley and Mark Fox were the Class 5 winners, and took the points title. While Ernesto and Alfredo Arambula won Class 5-1600, . the Andy Devercelly's were close in second and won the points. Sergio and Porfierio Gutierrez won Class 1 1, but Ramon Castro won the points with a second place finish. The Australian Ford pi!=kup driven by Randy Salmont and Jim Hunter won the Class 6 honors. Jn, for seventh overall, Manny Esquerra won Class 7 by a bunch and took the points title. It was a cliff hanger in Class 7S, but the Ford Ranger of Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas won the dquble points race and the title for 1987. Jerry McDonald and Joe MacPherson motored to the Class 7 4x4 victory by hours in theS-10. Nick Gross and Joe Valentine beat the Challenge Class field by an hour and a half. And Russ W elch again went solo in his O .R.E. to win Class IO and place a fine fourth overall. A good 112 of the 21 3 starters in cars finished the muddy, rugged and challenging 700 plus miles .of the Baja 1000. .-_ Yokohama came out the winner in the 1987 tire wars with seven class champions in Classes 1-2-1600, . 5, 5-1600, 7 4x4, Challenger, 10 and 14. BFG had five champions in Classes 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7S. Goodyear won in Class 8, General in Class 3, Firestone in Class 7, and Armstrong in Class 11. Chenowth , Ford and Volks-wagen each took three class titles on chassis. Ford in C lasses 7, 7S and 8; Chenowth in Classes 1, 2 and Challenger, and VW, of course, won Classes 5, 5-1600 and 11. Jeep came in with two class titles, in Classes 3 and 7 4x4. Dodge won Class 4, Chevrolet won Class 6, Toyota took Class 14, Raceco won Class 10 and O .R.E. took Class 1-2-1600. It is the.first time in years that a Class 8 driver did not win the Heavy Metal honors. This round the congrats go to Rod Hall in his Class 4 Dodge. Congratulations also to Chuck Johnson and his Ford Ranger team, the new Mini Metal champion. 1987 is the first time in many years, with one exception, that any class other than 1-2-1600 has produced the overall points champion. This year the congratulations ~o to Rich Minga of the Challenger Class. Our congratulations go also to two of the fastest guys in off road racin~. Bob Gordon and Rob MacCachren, who domin-ated the overall picture in the desert series. Gordon won overall in four of the eight races and MacCachren won three in 1987. The way the points system works, Bob Gordon was third in Class 2 and Rob MacCachren was fourth in Class 1. To salute each class champion properly, we are featuri ng pictures of their cars in action on these pages, with a brief report on how they won the title in the third season of combined desert points series. A full list of the final 1987 standings is included too. Another great idea from the front end exper,ts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LAN E, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 CLASS 14 -UNLIMITED 4x4 -GEORGE T. GOWLAND - He goes by the name of Giti at the races, and the California driver set out this year to win the Class 14 title, before the class went away and his race truck, a Toyota pickup, was obsolete. Gow/and started all eight races and finished five of them. He won the class at Parker and the Fireworks 250 as well as the Mojave 250 with a DNF. He was second at the Gold Coast and the Baja Internacional, and was third at the Baja 1000. He failed to finish at the Mint 400 and the Colorado 300. While he failed to qualify for points last year, he won the title in 1987. Page 20 January 1988 Dusty Times
v.o .. R.R.A. Prairie City Championshp Race Text & Photos: Ken Vanderhoof (Focus W est) Ron Carter had a busy day, running in five heats. He won both heats in Class 1-2-5, was second in both Class 10 heats, and had a flat in the Dash for Cash. There was a feeling in the air. Halloween/ Fall/ Or the fact that several class titles were still up for grabs because the racing was fierce at the V.O .R.R.A. Prairie City Short Course Champion-ship Race ne_ar Sacramento. The track was well prepared and very familiar to most of the 50 racers that showed up to race for the last time in 1987 on the first of November. The Sportsman Class was first to do battle with 19 cars packing the starting area. The two wide ' starting grid went to five wide as the green flag waved. Class Point Leader Howard Rankin had the lead as the tight pack came around the off-cambered ant hill with second in points Randy Miller getting a great start from the third row to grab second spot. That duo had some breathing space over a tight string beginning with the Ghia of Clayton Scudder, then Shawn Nibbelink, Jeff Eachus in his convertible Baja, and Millican Valley, Oregon, overall winner Jack Hamm. Mid-Moto saw Howard Rankin leading Randy Miller who still led a trio of hard fighting racers now consisting of Scudder, Eachus, and Jack Hamm, who by now had traded paint samples several times. At the white flag it fell apart for Clayton Scudder as he got passed by Jeff Eachus, and then Jack Hamm passed them both to grab and hold third place until the Moto's end. The excitement wasn't restricted to the front runners. There was a mid-pack battle going throughout the Moto with Max Halliday. Rick Philastre, Fred Happich, and Dale Smith. With the inverted second Moto some racers that saw nothing but mud the first Moto had their chance for revenge. Dennis Windle snagged the hole shot with Jack Hamm tapping his rear number plate, then Dale Smith in third with a gap over a very competitive group consist-ing of Garry Johnson, Howard Rankin, Jeff Eachus, Randy Miller, Clayton Scudder, Max Page 22 Halliday and Bob Shermer. Tight competition and a slippery track changed the order several times a lap. Dennis Windle spun out at the ant hill with Jack Hamm eager to take over the lead and continue on to the finish to take first overall Sportsman. Randy Miller's 3-2 tally gave him second overall. Dennis Windle's 6-2 put him in third. Clayton Scudder with his " Karma-Kazi" claimed a very respectable fourth overall narrowly beating Garry Johnson on points, and Jeff Eachus was sixth. In 1-2- 1600 action Tim Rior-dan used his front row, outside starting position to grab the lead with Frank Madrid not far back, then Bill Norgrove and Tim Bell. On lap two Bill Norgrove caught and µ1ssed Frank Madrid, while Tim Riordan stayed clean and in front. That only lasted a couple of laps because Bill Norgrove caught Tim Riordan and threw mud in his face. But Tim wouldn't settle for that and stayed with Bill for a couple of laps and passed him back, but Bill stayed right there and caught Tim again. This time it stuck because time ran out with Riordan pushing Norgrove around the last turn but coming up a few feet shy atthe end. Third was Frank Madrid with a safe margin over desert racer Tim Bell. Moto Two saw Tim Bell take the lead with Bill Norgrove and Frank Madrid bumper to Wes Elrod had a perfect day in his Class 10, winning both those heats, and he finished it off With the victory in the Dash for Cash race. Wes Banks pushed Bud Tickle hard in 4x4 action, and Banks won the first moto, and a third in the second round gave him the points for the day. January 1988 bumper. Rick Frock went a little too hot in a tum and ended up on · his roof for a while. Tim Riordan and Dana Van Noort both chose the same line and ended up on top of one another. Tim Bell led most of the Moto with Bill Norgrove occasionally putting a wheel alongside and Frank Madrid breathing down both their necks. On the eighth lap Bell took the off-cambered ant hill too hard and rolled, letting Norgrove take over first, Madrid, narrowly missing Bell, grabbed second, and Tim Bell wasted no time in tucking into third, and that's the way they finished the Moto. Bill Noq~rove captured first overall with back-to-back Moto wins. Frank Madrid got second overall thanks to Tim Bell's rollover which_gave him third overall. In Class 10, desert ace Chris Oberg drew the pole, but right behind him was point leader and short course specialist, Wes Elrod. Wes put the pedal down at the start and kept it down all the way through the first tum, letting the rest decide what the runner-up positions were going to be. Dan Fisk and Ron Carter, up from Southern California, held second and third positions. After a hard fought battle, Fisk finally relinquished second place to Carter, but by then Wes Elrod, who was the only one with clean goggles, was gone. At the balfway point Wes Elrod had a hundred yard lead over Ron Carter, who also had a safe distance over a skirmish between Dan Fisk and the new Class 10 vehicle of Dennis Kordonowy. Dennis finally got by Dan Fisk, and looked like he had plans to catch Carter, but pulled off because of a bolt coming out of his rear backing plate. The final order was Wes Elrod, Ron Carter, Dan Fisk and Fritz Wiechers. The second Moto saw Ron Carter take the lead with Wes Elrod coming from the third row to challenge, and Dennis Kordonowy securing third. That trio showed incredible talent as they pulled away from the rest of the field . By now the mud had dried some and the traction was excellent. Almost too good, as Wes Elrod tried to stuff it inside Carter, they both went on two wheels and only the north wind kept them from going over. But Wes made the pass stick and they played follow the leader at a high rate of speed to the end with Wes Elrod taking back-to-back wins. Ron Carter's hard fought 2-2 gave him second. Dan Fisk was third overall and Dennis Kordonowy was fourth. The Heavy Metal Class had quite a bit of action also. Every 4x4 sustained damage from contact with one another. In the first Moto, Bud Tickle, Wes Banks and Don German battled for top spots, while another trio of Bob Chapman, Dudley Tranum and Don Roemer fought it out. W es Banks pushed Bud Tickle hard as Don Gernan slowed, then dropped out with mechanical problems. Don Roemer drove hard in his Chevy truck to move up to third spot near mid-Moto. Bud Tickle fishtailed on the back section letting an alert Wes Banks take advantage and grab the lead. Both vehicles were pushing very hard. In trying to get back to first, Bud Tickle let it all hang out over the big back stretch jump and snapped off his rear axle. Wes Banks cruised to an easy victory from there, while Don Roemer and Dudley Tranum fought it out for second. · In the second Class 3 & 4 Moto, Don German hit the first turn first and took off, while Wes Banks and the rest of the field played bumper cars. Everyone seemed to have the win or crash attitude that makes the last event of the year so thrilling Jeff Elrod has a wild looking body for his UltraStock to run as a Class 2, wffere he got second in the first moto but dropped out of the second. Don Roemer has his Chevy in front of Dudley Tranum here, but when the scores were counted Tranum was second and Roemer was third on points. Dusty nmcs
Running his desert 1600 on the short course,. Tim Bell led a lot of the 2nd moto, but he had to settle for 5th on points for the day. Dan Fisk made the trip north from L.A. with the Carter clan, and Howard Rankin won ihe first Sportsman moto, but the inverted he flew to 2nd in Class 1-2-5 and 3rd in the hectic Class 10 action. start put him well back in the wild pack in the second. and he was severith on points. to the spectators. Don German's runaway sooh ended when he pulled into the pits again with mechanical problems. That let Wes Banks take over the lead, but not by much. Dudley Tranum who had been following Wes for the last few laps smelled victory when he saw Don German pull off. Dudley pulled a daring pass to take the lead. At the halfway point Dudley Tranum led Wes Banks by a couple of car lengths. Bud Tickle was in third after working his way up from a poor start. Wes Banks then fulled off after hitting the kil switch with his knee, and came back on the track in fourth behind Don Roem~r. Bud Tickle followed Dudley Tranum for a lap, then passed him over the big jump heading into turn one. The two hit and Bud Tickle pulled away with Dudley Tranum settling for second in the Moto and second overall. Wes Banks 1-3 score gave him the overall victory. Don Roemer edged out Bud Tickle for third overall. In combined Class 1-2-5 Dan Fisk read the flag well and led the field through the first turn. Ron Carter was right on his heels. Don Miguel and Jeff Elrod followed close behind with Sam Berri stripping his rear lug nuts Tim Riordan landed on top of Dana Van Noort early in the second 1600 heat, and both cars were out of the points hunt for the weekend. Randy Miller had several close calls en route to a second and a third in the Sportsman motos, which placed him second on points for the race. Bill Norgrove had a tough battle, but he flew high and wide to back-to-back victories in the competitive Class 1-2-1600 motos, and took the big points. Dusty Times off at the ant hill. Ron Carter didn't waste much time and passed Fisk late on the first lap and began pulling away. Jeff Elrod worked his way up from last on the start to push second place. After a couple of laps and several times trying, Jeff Elrod slipped by Dan Fisk. Bythe halfway point, Ron Carter had lapped a handful of back markers with Jeff Elrod getting through the crowd easier than Dan Fisk . The final order was Ron Carter, Jeff Elrod, Dan Fisk and Don Miguel. In the reversed start second Moto Sam Berri did a double roll landing on top of Dick Widandt's Baja Bug. When things settled down, Jeff Elrod was out in front with Ron Carter being Jeff's shadow. A bungie cord could have been attached to their bumpers. Dan Fisk was right behind them waiting for a mistake. Tone Jordan, Don Miguel and Dave Hinz followed, and Jeff Elrod's UltraStock began smoking. Then Jeff dropped out, letting Ron Carter inherit the lead with Dan Fisk running a comfortable second over Don Miguel and Tone Jordan. Ron Carter's double win gave him the big money. Dan Fisk recorded a 3-2 score for second overall. Don Miguel's 4-3 put him in third, and Tone Jordan got fourth over-all. The Dash For Cash event had twelve cars going for 308 donated dollars. Wes Elrod bullied his way through the first turn, with Dan Fisk and Ron Carter taking the second and third positions. These three amigo's raced like it was the last Moto of the yt·ar. It was! Carter got by Fisk, but a flat ended his chance at the cash. Wes Elrod then cruised to an easy victory with Dan Fisk finishing just out of the money. The weekend was a memora-ble one beginning with the Elrod sponsored Halloween Party Saturday night featuring Bar-B-Que'd venison with all the extras, and ending with the Mechanic's Only race that was supposed to be just for fun, but turned out to be a destruction derby. Final point standings and awards will be in the next issue. ' legal Fuel Bladders As low As $182.00 Approved by: FIA, IMSA, NHRA, SCCA, SCORE, USAC and HORA • Custom Fuel Bladders • Fuel Tanks • Standard Fuel Bladders • Refueljng Equipment • Budget Fuel Cells ''Let us know what you want. We can do it." (714) 962-0027 or (714) 968-4463 (800) 433-6524 (Outside California) Call or write for free catalog 10925 "K" Kalama River Road, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 January1988 Page i3
Miki Biasion Wins in Italy and Leads the Drivers Championship · Texc & Photos: Marcin H olmes Miki Biasion and Tiziano Siviero cruised in the Lancia Delta HF 4WD to give the team its eighth win in 1987-and put Biasion in the championship points lead. It was the first Sanremo win for an Italian team in a decade. Miki Biasion's win on the 29th Sanremo Rally has thrown the 1987 World Drivers' Champ-ionship wide open. Markku Alen was delayed by hitting a stone on the fi r:;t stage, and in struggling to regain lost ground went off the road on. Stage 18. The third top Lancia driver, Juha Kankkunen, did not take part, as part of the team's plan to give each driver an equal number of events to enter. Despite a great proportion of asphalt roads, Lancia 's Delta HF 4WD cars swept the board. Biasion won outright, Gian-franco Cunico won Group N and also the National Championship in that category, reigning European Champion Fabrizio T abaton came fifth and took the National Grou A title and Page i4 Pierangela Ri"va won the Ladies' Prize. And, as if all this was not impressive enough, the car has now won its eighth World Championship event of the season, more than any make of car has ever done before. Jean Ragnotti's Renault 11 Turbo came third overall and was first in the two wheel drive category; this closed the gap in the series behind the absent Kenneth Eriksson, but the Frenchman will haw to win the RAC outright to gain FIA's prize. After last year's scrutineering catasrrophe, the Sanremo Rally needed a year of calm to restore its international credibility. There seemed little which could lead to controversy; Lancia had Ion since won the Constructors' title, leaving only the award for the drivers to be settled. Apart from Renault's forlorn hope of gaining a top place, no other manufacturer was in s rious contention. Ford, for untnown reasons, did not take part, and Volkswagen, who had played their ace card and gained victory at Ivory Coast, were also missing, although Opel appeared with many new modifications to their Kadett GSi cars, and many more that they have still not yet perfected. · The rally route had been changed in emphasis. For the past eight years the meat of the event has been the gravel stages of Tuscany, using roads that weave around the tops of rolling hills - stages which are highly spectacular and much enjoyed. This year these were reduced in proportion compared with the asphalt roads, not only the traditional ones in the hills behind the Lugurian coast, but also ones new to the event, further towards Tuscany. This placed more attention on the relative potential of different cars and turned the rally into a protracted handicap event. The weakness of the four wheel drive Lancia for asphalt rallying gave rise to a feeling that this time the Italian team would have no automatic right to win. The only circumstances-in which the Lancia drivers looked forward to the tarmac was if it rained. Also, many of the gravel stages were to be covered two or even three times each. These hard based tracks are covered with loose chippings, which clear away after the passage of the first few cars. In dry weather wheelspin would be kept to a minimum on the hard tracks, and there would be an advantage for powetful two wheel drive cars. Lancia started praying, and their first answer to the prayer came when the works Fords stayed aw.ry, the second when the rains arrived for the asphalt stages. Biasion was the man of the moment. Whether or not he liked it, the World Champion-ship never really looked like going his way. In fact, many January 1988 Jean Ragnotti and Pierre Thimonier sailed the new style Renault 11 Turbo into third overall and took the best two wheel drive honors. Didier Auriol and Bernard Occelli finished fourth overall in the non-works Ford Sierra RS Cosworth, their second rally in a week at that. thought it would be Alen who won at Sanremo. But, every Italian racing driver wants to win at Monza, and every Italian rallyman wants to win at Sanremo. If Markku Alen ever becomes World Champion, nobody will say he did it the easy way. On the first stage he hit a stone, punctured and splayed his front suspension, and fell a minute and a half behind. After the first four asphalt stages he was in 11th place, nearly two and a half minutes behind the leader. Things were not entirely straightforward in other parts of the Lancia camp. At the sign of impending rain the team was searching for the best wet weather pavement tires, and settled on Pirelli's new P-Zero as quicker than orthodox wet weather racing tires. Biasion used them on all four series of asphalt stages, was fastest on the first and third and ended the opening series of asphalt stages seven seconds down on Jean Ragnotti 's Renault. Stage 5 was to be the first of the gravel sections and this was the only moment Biasion would not lead the event. Out already was Jimmy McRae's Sierra RS Cosworth. The British Open Rally Champion had head gasket failure. The Kadetts were lying fourth and seventh, but of the Lancia's, only Biasion lay in the top five. The gravel stages changed all that. On stage 5 Lancias took the fastest six times, and by nightfall after four gravel sections four Lancies were in the top six and Ragnotti was second, a minute 40 seconds behind Biasion. Going well in the privateer Sierra RS Cosworth was French driver Didier Auriol. This was his first time on gravel stages since 1984, and _he had come straight from finishing second on the Antibes ECR rally the day before. Alen was up to fifth, but not without more drama. "We spun when we were flat out in top gear," but he survived to tell the tale, this time. Lancia · team boss Cesare Fiorio was smiling carefully. He was delighted at how well his son Alessandro was going his first time out in a Group· A car, keeping up with Mikael Ericsson. Ericsson was not so ecstatic, moaning about engine perform-ane. Another moan came from works di;iver Bruno Saby, saying it's not easy being third driver in the team. October 13 was a bad day for Alen. He left the road on stage 18 and threw away his huge advantage in the World Championship race. "I don't know why it happened. It just shot off a right hander and hit a tree". Neither he nor co-driver Ilkka Kivimaki could open their doors, so they made undignified exits through the widescreen. It was a day of hard work for Sepp Dusty Times
Haider. He broke a drive shaft on his Kadett and had to push the car 500 meters to the end of the stage, losing five minutes. The gravel stages had been dry, but it was wet in the hills when the rally returned to the tarmac. Chatriot, in the second Renault went off the road and lost a quarter-hour walking a kilom-eter looking for some spectators. They were parked where the car was off, but had gone to watch elsewhere. There were many punctures. Italy's young Ford hopeful Gabriele Folco-Zambelli had two on one stage and one on the next, while both Fiorio Junior and Tabaton hit a post, punctured, and found them-selves changing flat tires at the same place. Ericsson was very depressed. He was driving as teammate to Fiorio in a Jolly Club L1ncia, but had constant troubles. He had the rear transmission seize, traced to central differential trouble, but sti II the car wouldn't pull properly. Both the Audi Coupe (..Juattros of Rudolf Stohl and David Llewellin had power steering trouble, and Llewellin had serious but elusive electrical problems as well. . On arrival back in Sanremo, ready for the last five stages, both the leading Lancias looked secure, but third placed Ragnotti was only 18 seconds in front of Didier Auriol. Auriol tried hard until slowed by differential trouble, but the big news came in Group N, through sabotage! Group leader Cunico found sugar had been put _in!O his fuel Despite problems, Lancia team management saw to it that Gianfranco Cunico and Stefano Evangelisti would win Group N titles for Lancia. rank and he lost road time having this sorted out. Standing to benefit was the Jolly Club car of Vittorio Caneva, but this meant that Ford would win the National Championship for Production cars, so Caneva was told to slow down to maintain Cunico's lead. Miki Biasion finished in his customary calm to become the first Italian to win this event this decade. He leads the W arid Championship by 14 points, but, by the "everyone enters seven" agreement, he will now have to stand by to see if Kankkunen or Alen will rob him of the title on the RAC Rally. Miki Biasion and Tiziano Siviero won by over five minutes at the finish. Bruno Saby and Jean-Francois Fauchille in a similar Lancia were second, nearly 2½ minutes ahead of Jean Ragnotti and Pierre Thimonier in the Renault 11 Turbo. Less than two minutes more behind wert· Didier Auriol and Bernard Occelli in the Ford Sierra RS Cosworth, followed in about two minutes by Fabrizio Tabaton and Luciano Tt--deschini in another Lancia. Only another 32 secends back came the Opel Kadett of Guy Frequelin and Didier Bretorr, close to two minutes ahead of Alessandro Fiorio and Luigi Pirollo, Lancia, followed by two more Lancias, Michael Ericsson and Claes Billstam and Paolo and Alessandro Ales-sandrini. In 12th overall Gianfranco Cunico and Stefano Evangelisti finished with the Group N title. The route held 38 stages totaling 530 · kilometers, and the total Kankkunen or Alen, can beat distance was 2065 kilometers. him for the drivers' title, and Of the 125 starters, only 55 they are tied on points, 14 made the finish line. With just behind Biasion in a series that the RAC Rally left in the series, pays 20 points for a victory and only Biasion's teammates 15 ti.)r second plan.·. 2 GIANT SUPERSTORES DE°LL!!R!o Carburclore TO SERVE YOU OPEN 7 DAYS SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECE /VE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS . ,~ ....... ,. ., ~EARL'S WEBER Ciii....._ • • • __ ,"IHltJIIMICI',__" 4t-jU8t ~ PEIMI-CDDL ~ v'ENOWTH ~ ~ ~ SWAY·A ·WAY BUfi~llTV Dusty Times January 1988 Page 25
Arizona Desert Racing Association Pro -Sportsman -Beginner A.D.R.A. P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 A.D.R.A. - P.O. Box 34810. Phoenix. AZ 85067 -(602) 252-1900 California Rally Series -2001 Oakland Hills, Dr., Corona, CA 91720 - (714) 736-1442 Baja Prom11ions Ltd. - P.O. Box 8938, Calabasas, CA 91302 -(818) 340-5750 F.O.R.D.A. • Rt. 5. 801944. 8rook .. ille. FL 34610 • (813) 996-6306 Fudpucker Racing Team• 250 Kennedy, #6, Chula Vis1a, CA 92011 -1619) 427-5759 Glen Helen OHV Park • P.O. 801 2937. Sen 81rn1nlino, CA 9Z406 • (714) 880-1733 H.D.R.A. -12997 us V1gas Bl'11. So .. Las V1gas. NV 89124 • (7021 361-5404 cr:. OIi Road Championship Gran Prix. MTEG. P.O. 801 'I' 25168. An1h1im. CA 92825 · (714) 938-4100 The Wright Place Por A II Fron I End Fr Str:crin.~ N1:1:chi 9420 Flinn Springs Lane El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 V.O.R.R.A. Nori lwm C:olifornio Fr Nuvoclo Off /lor,c/ llor:ing Suri()s 1833 Los Robles BlvcJ. Sar.ramenlo, CA 95838 (916} 925-1702 Unique Metal .Products Cuslom / \ l11111i1111111 Worh l'r Pownr Slrn:ri11g 8745 Magnolia Ave .. #4 Sanlee, CA 92071 (619) 449-9690 Uni Filter Irie. Two St.ogr: Air Filf()rs Fr Filt.1!r Wrops 13522 Newhope St. Garden Grove, CA 92643 (714) 530-6101 Sway-A-Way, Inc. T lwr() is No Substitul.() 7840 Burnet Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91405 (818) 988-5510 Super Boot Products, Inc. Drive: Trnin Componc:nls for Off Rood -IMSA -Trons A m -Indy Cor nm:ing (714) 630-8283 Summers Brothers Inc. Good Luck to All Racers 530 So. Mountain Ontario, CA 9176_2 (714) 986-2041 B & R Buggies Champion Bead Lock Chenowth Racing Jim Conner Racing DJ Transaxles Fat Performance Baja Concepts Racing Team I\ Quolity Rr:od Loc:k for Products Spccio/izing in Nisson/Dnlsun Truck Fr Pothfindur P()rforrrnmc:1! Off Rood Boeing Engines & Thonks To 1\/1 Who S11ppurlrn/ l/s VW Fr Off Rood Ports .Of( Hood Hnc:ing No. 1 in Hoer! Car Clrnssis Off Hood Hoeing Transoxfos Tronsnxlus. Pnrl.s Fr Ac:ccssori()s In Winning Tlw 1!1117 Smri,i lll>ll1\ ( )vi,ru/1 C/w111pionship fr Acc:cssori()s fr A c:c:cssorics Pnrl.s Including Cr!nlur Li,w Wheels Race Car Sn/cs -Ceil/ Us 6630 MacArthur Drive, Suite B Lemon Grove, CA 92045 (619) 583-6529 (D) = DESERT RACE (SC) = SHORT COURSE RACE (TBA) = TO BE ANNOUNCED <LEGEND i 1 2 J Send $5.00 for Coto log 1523 So. Hill 1671 No. Brnwley 943 Vernon Way P.O.Box1129 2022 First St. Ocec1nside, CA 92054 Fresno, CA 93722 El Cajon, CA 92020 Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 S,rn Fern.-1ndo, CA 91340 (619) 722-1266 (209) 275-5183 (619} 449-7100 (602) 453-8889 (818} 361-3033 1988 DUSTY TIMES OFF ROAD COMPETITION CALENDAR 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1450 No. G lassell Or.-1nge, CA 92667 (714) 639-2833 . 27 28 29 JO ir 1987 Awards Banquet -Issaquah. WA * Lakeland, FL -SC ffi Anaheim Stadium -Anaheim, CA -SC * January February March April May June July August September October November December * Lakeland, Fl -SC * Glen Helen Rally Sprin1 -San Bernardino, CA ~ Ja~k Mu(phy Stadium -San Diego, CA -SC + Bottom Dollar -Las Vegas, NV · D I I 0 0 Parker 400 -Parker, AZ - D 1,"'t 0 Gran Carrera Internacional • S;m Felipe. MX - D Car & ATV Races - San Bernardino, CA -SC 0 ❖ Chattahoochee For t I -I ~ Gold Coast 250 -Las Vegas, NV - D + 150 Miles -El Paso, TX - D I I ffi Astrodome -Houston, TX -SC * * Miilica~ Valley 250 · Bend, OR - D * * High Desert Trails Rally -Ridgecrest, CA tl4 Penasco Twilight -Sonora.1 MX - D I * Florida 400 - Tallahassee, FL -SC I I -;:, Great Mojave 250 -Lucerne Valley, CA - D I ~ Kingdome - Seattle, WA -SC * * Rim of the World Rally -Palmdale. CA $ ·Mint 400 -Las Vegas, NV - D ♦ Grayson County Speedway-:: Sherman, TX -SC C C .. r & ATV Races -San Bernardino, CA -SC ❖ Sunrise, forest Rally -Chillicothe, OH ffi Rose Bowl -Pasadena, CA -SC I . I + Western 150 -Phoenix, AZ - D ♦ Grayson County Speedway - Sherman, TX -SC ❖ Wild West Rally -Tacoma, WA I I I I I I ❖ ❖ ❖ Susquehannock Trails Rally -Wellsboro, PA ·t, * Baja lnternaci;nal - Ensen;da, MX - D ♦ Grayson County' Speedway -• Sherman, TX • SC ,,,,,,_ . I I I -Car & ATV Races -San Bernardino. CA. SC + Twilight Race • las Vegas. NV - D I . I · . I I $ Fireworks 250 - Barstow, CA - D * * Prescott Rally Sprint -Forest Rally -Prescott, AZ + Hi Country 150 -Flagstaff, AZ - D * 400 Kilometer Race -Ashcroft, BC, Canada - D ❖ I ❖ Batary Coast! Rally -San Francisco, CA I I I Mint 400 -las Vegas, NV - D $ ~ Spartan Sladium -San Jose, CA . SC * Horn Rapids 250 - Richlanl WA . D I Yerington 250 -Yerington, NV • D * Yeringt~n 250 -Ye0rington, NV '. D * I I * $ Virginia City 200 -Virginia City, NV - D Gran Carrera de Tecate - Tecate, MX • D O 0 ~ L.A. Coliseum -Los Angeie;, CA • SC I I I I MidnightlSpecial . Las Vegas, NV. D • * * * Superstition 250 V -El Centro, CA - D * I * Off Road World Championship -TBA -SC () Car & A TV Races -San Bernardino. CA -SC ♦ Grayson County Speedway -Sherm111. TX -SC + ♦ 200 Miles · .El Paso, TX - D I I I I ~ Desert Race -las Vagas, NV + Snowflake Buggy Bash -Snowflake, AZ • D 0 Car & A TV Races • San Bernardino, CA -SC ♦ Grayson County Speedway - Sherman, TX -SC -0-Centennial Rally - Centennial CO I . * I * Yerington JOO -Yerington, NV - D I ~ Silver Bowl -us Vegas, NV -SC * * I * Plaster City Blast -El Centro, CA - 0 0 * + Penasco 150 - Sonora, MX - D 0 I 0 Gr■n Carrer~ de Campeones -San Felipe, MX · D * Millican Valley 400 -Bend, OR - D I ❖ - I ❖ -0-Djibwe Rally -Grand Rapids, MN Yoko loco -us Vegas, NV - D • • 250 Miles -El Paso, TX - D * J 988 Awards Banquet -TBA ❖ Press On Rega~dless Rally -HoughtOtl, Ml -0-W~~ Wes1 Rally -Tacoma, WA * * East of Indio VIII Rally -Indio, CA 0 Car & A TV Races - San Bernardino, CA -SC * * B~• 1000 - E;senada. MX -D I I + Sonoita to Rocky Point -Sonora, MX - D * ~ Off Raadsman Awards ~quet -TBA + Blat Jack 201. Las Veaj•· NV - D l 'I,~ San Felipe 250 -San Felipe, MX - D Dunaway Dash -El Centro, CA - D * S.N.O.R.E., Ltd. Race Ready Products Precision Preparation, Inc. Mirage Chassis McKenzie's Automotive, Inc. Lothringer Engineering Off Road Center Leslie's Driveline Service Hewing /1110 1h11 F11l111·11 31 * * S.N.O.H.E. W /wri: It Poys lo Hoc:e . Co111p1:I ii ion Provnn //ig/i />1:r(O/'/llClllC!! VW Equip11w11t Coocl Hc11:i11g in 1HIW V-Enlcrprises I luv() r1 S11r:r:cssf11I Sc11so11 nnr:1) Prnpornt ion O11r Quolity Prnp Con Molrn You a Winner! Tlwrr: is c, Diffcrnnc:c "Serving tlw I nclusl ry Sin<:1! 1f/76 .. P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (?02} 452-4522 103 Press Lane, Suite 4 Chuli-1 Vista, CA 92010 (619) 691-9171 15041 Goldenwest Circle Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 894-7341 37925 S ixth St., East, #107 Palmdak CA 93550 (805) 272-3843 12945 S herman Way -No. 4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 (818) 765-5827 / (818) 764-6438 825 No. Glendale Ave. Covina, CA 91723 (818) 915-2212 416 East Valley Blvd. Colton, CA 92324 (714} 824-1561 Fox Factory, Inc. Custom Shoxs Built l.o Your Vehicle's Spccificotions 544 McGlincey Lane, Unit 8 Campbell, CA 95008 (408} 377-3422 OIi Road llaci111 Associetion of T e11s • 1421 lee Trevino. D-1, El Paso, TX - (915) 594-8266 PAC Off Road Racing - P.O. Box 323, Seahurst, WA 98062 - (206) 242-1773 SCCA Pro Raly Series - P.O. Box 3278. En1lewood. co 80112 -13031 779-6622 Score International -31356 Via Colioas, Suit■ 111. Wndake V~lage, CA 91362 • (BIB) 889-9216 ..._ S.N.O.R.E. - P.O. Box 4394, las Vegas, NV 89106 ~ -(7021 452-4522 ♦ ;;::oBaj■ Cross · 1410 East 6th St., Irving, Texas * V.D.R.R.A. - 1833 Los Robles Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95838 · (916) 925-1702 Fudpucker Racing Team Fall Scri1!s for Cors -Ruggius -Trur:l,s -Closs 1()0 Semi-Pro ATV Fr Rik{) S()ries 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 Garman Fabrication Hnc:1: T rucl,s -Pre-Hunn()rs 1436 East Third St. Pomona, CA 91766 (714) 620-1242_ Don Hatz Racing Engines VW Roc:ing Engirws 105 Press Lane Chula Vista, CA 92010 (619) 425-1639 JADA VW Hupuir -Ports -Scrvic:r: 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 (714) 522-4600/(714) 522-4602 Kennedy Enginf:ered Products Vo/1,swng()n Clu tr:lws fr Engine Adnpf.!!rs 38845 20th St. East, Unit H Palmdale, CA 93550 (805) 272-1147 La Plant Performance Pn:-Hunners -Roell Cars -Off Hood Prnp Mini Trur:l,s & Bojo S pr:r:iolisf s 150 Los O breros San C lemente, CA 92672 (714) 498-3354 Lee Leighton Racing Engines Short Coursi: fr Dcs()l'f Engirws VW -Alfa /lonwo -llnhbit 3961 Alamo Street Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 682-3816
The Snore Yoko Loco & B~ Jean Calvi11 The Silver Dust 150 1-'horos: John Calvin John Ellenburg cleaned the entire field in the combined race, his Raceco stopped only for gas, and he not only won Class 10 going away, but set fast time of the day, winning overall in the Yoko Loco. It was an interesting experi-ment for two Las Vegas off road groups that organize races, a combination event that would save time, effort and money in the logistics of staging a race. 30th the Southern Nevada Off i oad Enthusiasts (Snore) and the Silver Dust Racing Associa-tion had a race scheduled last October, both in the Las Vegas, Nevada area, just a week apart, and not that far ahead of the Baja 1000. Since both groups draw heavily from the Las Vegas area for entry, it was obvious that two races in the same month would tax the energy and pocketbooks of the potential entry. The heads of · both organizations, Don Dayton and Bert Vaughan, did some serious talking about a combination race. It came to pass on Halloween last October. The race area had been used before, a course near Jack Short and Tom Bradley Sr. teamed in a borrowed Class 10 car for the double race. Short finished second in Class 10 in SNORE action and Bradley won the Silver Dust Open Class and the overall points title. IT'S SUMMERS BROS. FOR THE FINEST IN OFF-ROAD PRODUCTS! WE PAY CONTINGENCIES FOR SCORE AND HORA EVENTS! Page 28 SEND $3.00 FOR YOUR DIRT RACER'S CATALOG! ~§s:. ~l;>OTHf:0° 530 South Mountain Avenue Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 986-2041 Boulder City that is unique in southern Nevada, no silt beds on its 33 mile route. Among the arrangements were the split in logistics. Snore would handle all the scoring, while Silver Dust manned the checkpoints and the race communications. Each organization already had a one day race format, with tech inspection early in the morning, a 9 a.m. start, and a 250 mile race. The last of the differences in format were ironed out during the drivers' meeting, and the turnout was a good one, despite a steady drizzle that turned to heavy rain from time to time throughout the day. A driver could enter one or both of the races, but only a half dozen ended up running in both events, plus there were two more teams that each had one car, but a different driver of record in the two races. To make the scoring easier, the start was by class, regardless of which race one had entered. During the race the scoring proceeded lap by lap overall, and was separated after the checkered flag fell. Thirty-five started for the Snore points, and 15 started for the Silver Dust points and championships, as the event was the final Silver Dust race of the season. A dozen Unlimited, Class 1 and 2 cars, lined up in the rain as the start time approached. First away on the two at a time start were Kenny Krumme, Class 1 Funco, and Jim Bunty in a two seater. In the pack were two Herbst team Chenowths and a similar Class 2 car driven by Brian Collins, plus several other fast folks. tarting seventh, Brian Collins had fast lap on the first of six rounds at 44.24, crossing the line with Krumme just ahead. Ed Herbst was next on time, however, with a 45.15, and Krumme turned a 46.39. This was going to be a tight race up front! January 1988 Ed and Tim Herbst took the lead in SNORE Class 1 & 2 on the second lap, and they stayed out front all the way to pay dirt in the two seat Chenowth and were second overall. Among the missing were Trevor Ford, out with clutch trouble, Aaron Hawley, sheared flywheel bolts, and Bunty. After two rounds Ed Herbst led Collins by three minutes and Greg Heinrich was up to third, just half a minute ahead ofJames Barbeau. At this point Larry Webster was leading_ the Silver Dust Open Class, followed by Jim Zupanovich/ Billy Sallen-bach. Midway Ed Herbst held his lead over Brian Collins by nearly three minutes, Barbeau now had a few seconds on Heinrich, and Krumme was closing in fust. Class 10 cars run with the Unlimiteds in Silver Dust scoring, and here it was almost a dead heat for the top three. Midway Kenny Krumme led by six. seconds over Tom Bradley Sr., who had 25 seconds on Larry Webster. Bradley Sr. was sharing his Class 10 ride with Jack Short, who was competing for Snore points. On lap 4 Brian Collins rolled, and Troy Herbst stopped to help right the car. Collins didn't get far before breaking a cv joint, and he retired. Kenny Krumme lost 20 minutes, and Ed Herbst now had a 14 minute lead over second Rob MacCachren turned in a great performance in the 1-1600 Chenowth, not only winning the class in both races, but winning the Silver Dust 250 overall, and he set third fastest time overall. Kenny Krumme entered his Class 1 Funco in both races, had trouble on lap 4, but finished all six rounds to take second in Open Class in SNORE and third in the Silver Dust 250. · Jim Zupanovich and Billy Sallenbach ran in the Open Class to a strong second place, despite some woes. in the Silver Dust side of the event. Dusty Times
running Greg Heinrich. The rain got heavy and visibility sank, and it sank most of the Unlimited cars on lap 5. Dennis Lee was out, Troy Herbst, who had two out of four good laps, retired with incurable fuel feed problems. James Barbeau was on the trailer with a brokeri ring & pinion, and Greg Heinrich also was missing with tr::.nsmission trouble. Only Herbst, the leader, and Krumme were left in Snore's race. In Silver Dust action Tom Bradley now had a good lead, as both Zupanovich and Webster slowed with troubles, as did Kenny Krumme the lap before. Ed and Tim Herbst kept moving fast to finish first on the road and win the Snore Open Class in the two seat Chenowth, with a total time of 4:48.17 for six laps, good for second overall in the Yoko Loco. Herbst stopped a couple of times for fresh helmets and fresh goggles, but had no troubles. Tom Bradley Sr. went on to win the Silver Dust section with Jack Short co-driving the Class 10car.Histimeof5:14.45 was good for second overall in that race. Jim Zupanovich and Billy Sallenbach were second in the Silver Dust at 5 :32 .4 7, closely followed by Kenny Krumme at 5:33.20, which Larry Webster sails by some spectators braving the rain en route to a fine finish, fourth in the Silver Dust 250 Unlimited Class. Herman Salaz ran very well until a disaster on the fifth lap, but his five laps were good enough to take second in Class 10 in the Yoko Loco. earned him second in class in the Snore race. Greg Heinrich was third in the Yoko Loco, the fastest of the four lap finishers. Larry Webster got in all six laps for fourth in Silver Dust scoring with a time of 5:41.14. There were four starters in the Yoko Loco Class 10 run, and they all followed John Ellenburg around. Ellenburg set class fast lap of 45.50 on the first lap, and his times varied by only three minutes all day. He not only led Class 10 all the way, but he took the overall lead late in the race and finished right on Ed Herbst's bumper. Ellenburg won the race Greg Heinrich was running very strongly in his new Class 2: but lost the trans on lap 5, and still took third in the SNORE Unlimited Class. Brent Bell catches a little air in his 1600 Bunderson, and the youngster came on fast m the last laps to finish second in SNORE's Class 1-2-1600. Grant Garban was right with the Class 1-2-1600 leaders all the way, and he finished third in SNORE racing, only two minutes out of second place. Dusty Tirncs overall with fast time of the day, a swift 4:46.53. John stopped only for gas en route to the victory. After first lap trouble, a roll over, Jack Short, in the Bradley Silver Dust machine, and this gets confusing, ran second all the way from half distance in Snore Class 10. Herman Salaz, in Short's old car, was second until lap 4, then did a2:20on lap5 and retired in third place. Jeff Akins, who entered both events, only covered one lap. Rising star Rob MacCachren had the Valley Performance 1-1600 car out in search of his third Snore overall points championship, and his mother sponsored him to the Silver Dust entry as well. On the first lap Rob passed nine of the 18 cars that started ahead of him, including and said he needed more power all in his class. He turned a quick to keep up with the big cars in the 47.54 and sailed off into the ' hills. His time .of 4:55.51 was gloom the class leader. Several ' third overall fastest in the Snore 1600 drivers were out to keep race, and he won first overall in Ml!,cCachren working, though. the Silver Dust 250. Joe Flinn did a 50.2 1, Dominic Meanwhile there was a dandy Borra turned a 50.53 and Grant battle going on for second place Garban was in with a 51.51. in Class 1-2-1600. After two laps Now first in his class on the Joe Flinn had a good minute on road, Rob MacCachren had only Grant Garban, who was just nine one lap over 50 minutes, his seconds ahead of Dominic Borra. fourth when he·stopped for fuel. Bob Westfall Sr. had woes, as did Earlier he had a stop for dry Scott Stocking, but they kept gloves and to fix the exhaust going. The Dodge 4x4 of Bill system. But Rob never looked Dickton, lumped in with the back on hi•s way to victory among 1600s for purse, got in two good the seven Class l-2-1600s in laps and then parked. Snore and three in Silver Dust Midway the picture changed. racing. Rob said he had no Borra ran out of gas on lap 3 anc! problems, ran most of the time lost 13 minutes. Flinn led with Krumme and Troy Herbst, Garban ~ PA-RKER PUMPER HELMET CO. ANNOUNCES THEIR LINE OF NEW HELMETS * Standard Voyager w/90° Hose Fitting * Deluxe Voyager w/molded Air Inlet * Super Deluxe Voyager Red/Silver or Black/Silver w/molded Air Inlet ALL NEW STYLE HELMETS - '85 SNELL APPROVAL RACHET SHIELD - MUCH LIGHTER - MORE NOSE ROOM ALSO AVAILABLE DRINKERS - KOOL PAC'S - MR 4000 LEXAN SHIELDS GLASS OVERLAY SHIELDS - 4' & 8' HOSES-FILTERS PUMPER MOTORS - CUSTOMER CONVERSIONS Plus! A Full Line of Simpson Safety Products. January 1988 PARKER PUMPER HELMET CO. 9371 Kramer St., Unit G & H Westminster, Calif. 92683 714/894-8332 Page i9
s:-· by' less than two minutes, and three more minutes back Brent Bell was now fourth. Seven plus two more in Silver Dust ranks were still running, but Ron Cloud, who had been doing well there, w·ent out on lap 4. After four rounds Flinn increased his lead to six minutes in a near flawless run. Grant Garban led Brent Bell by a minute and a half for third spot, and Borra was coming back up the charts, now fifth. Scott Stocking disappeared· on lap 5, but six more still ran behind MacCachren in both races. It couldn't have been much closer for second place, as Flinn still.led by a minute, and Brent Bell led Grant Garban by just two seconds! Brent Bell picked up the pace on the final round to nail second in Class 1-2-1600 by a minute, 58 seconds over Grant Garban. Dominic Borra was fourth at 5:44.06. Joe Flinn went out on the last lap as did Bob Westfall. Lance Tidwell finished a fine second in the Silver Dust ranks at 5:55.40. There were six 5-1600 Bugs on the grid, a quartet in Snore and a pair in Silver Dust with no overlap. On the first lap Doyle Mosley/ Dan Bousman led the pack by 1.21 over young Shawn Lee, and the race was on for the five laps required of this class. In third, but running only with Silver Dust, w.as Dave Herman-son, just 35 seconds behind Lee. Paul Klick had .a two hour,. 46 minute lap, but got cured enough to carry on. Neither Barry Slatter or Allen Winchester finished the first lap. Shawn Lee, part of a teenage team, took the lead on the second lap with about two minutes on Hermanson, who had four minutes on Mosley. But, neither Lee nor Hermahson came around again. The final three laps for Mosley/ Bousman hovered between 1.01 and 1.03 in a fine performance. This team not only won Class 5-1600 in good time, they were the only five lap finisher Paul Klick carried· on through four laps to win the Silver Dust honors. With nine starters the Challenger Class was a biggie, plus two more that ran only with the Silver Dust group, ·and two more who ran both races. There were eleven cars on the grid, and this group also ~ent five laps for an official finish. Tom Malloy, a double entry, took off like a cannon shot and turned a 53 .19 to lead both races. · Also entered in both races, Kenny Freeman was close at 54.54. Dennis Chizma was next, 56.03, followed by Larry Tremblay, 58.42, and the team of Jim Stout and Danny Oliver, at 59.38. Brian Pennington failed to make a lap, nor did Tim Cra.in. After a long lap Pete Dutton retired on the second round, as did Dennis Chizma. Leading after two laps, it was still Tom Malloy, with fast class lap at 53.12, and he had 12 minutes in hand over Stout/ Oliver. Freeman lost about 15 minutes and fell to fourth behind Larry Tremblay, who did not come around again. The middle lap saw Malloy and Stout still 12 minutes apart with nearly identical lap times. Freeman did a 56.40 and was back in third spot, Forrest Ellis was fourth, and Page 30 both 'Bobby Ruppert and 'Billy Rogerson were well off the pace. The fourth lap was a disaster for many. Malloy, Freeman, and Ellis all had lap times over 2½ hours. Up front Jim Stout/ Danny Oliver did a 57 .54, backed that with a 1:11.54 to finish the five laps and win the Challenger Class. They ran out of gas in sight of the finish line, about half a mile out, but quick pit work got them enough fuel to save the win. Tom Malloy recovered enough to do a 1 :01 lap, and was the only other five lap finisher at 6:23.20, and he was second in the Yoko Loco and won the Silver Dust honors. Kenny Freeman, who covered four laps, was third in Snore and second in Silver Dust. Also doing four laps;Forrest Ellis was fourth· in Snore racing. Car 908 was another double entry with Bobby Ruppert taking fifth in Snore and Billy Rogerson taking third in · Silver Dust, driving the same car. Even though this event ran to a stated time allowance of seven hours, only 14 cars finished their appointed laps. As the winter darkness closed in it rained harder and harder. But the scores were computed and the awards made right on the spot. To keep the troops busy in the interim, a big fire put out warmth, and the Silver Dust people put on their traditional barbecue with great food and enthusiasm undamp-ened by the nasty weather. Outwardly the combined race seemed to work well. Course Dominic Borra was in contention in Class 1-2-1600, until lap 3, came back from disaster to finish strong and finish fourth in the Yoko Loco. Doyle Mosley and Dan Bousman turned five very consistent lap times in their 5-1600 racer, and the team led most of the way, and won the class by laps. Shawn Lee had the 5-1600 lead in the SNORE ranks after two laps, but this Bug was not seen again, but he was credited with second in class. . control-by several on course checkpoints were rolling checks on the 33 mile route and lauded by all. The BLM representative also thought combining two smaller races into one event was a great idea with less land impact and less permit cost and paper work. Combining the effort also cost less on insurance for Snore and Silver Dust, and combinipg the work forces made certain there were plenty of folks on hand to conduct the race. Apparently, behind the scenes there were some differences between Snore and Silver Dust procedures, but it sure didn't affect the competitors, who thought the whole idea was keen. Oddly enough those who entered both races generally did well; Krumme, Malloy . and Freeman all finished well. Doing the best of all was Rob MacCachren w,ho won Class 1-2-· 1600 in both events, and the Silver Dust race overall. The Silver Dust 250 was.the final event for the 1987 .Nevada Triple Crown Points Champion-ship. · T akifig the Open Class victory gave Tom Bradley Sr. the overall points title with 281. Californian Larry Webster was second with 258 points. -Tim Crain was third overall in points and won the Challenge Class season honors. Dave Hermanson took the 5-1600 points title and was fourth overall, followed by Billy Rogerson. Rod Cloud was sixth on points and the 1-2-1600 Class leader. Lance Tidwell ran a good pace with scant troubles in his 1600 racer and Tidwell covered all six laps for second in class in the Silver Dust race. Paul Klicl< had a horrible first lap, but carried on to do three more good laps and he won class 5-1600 in the Silver Dust 250. · Kenny Freeman led the first lap in Challenger action, but dropped out after four laps, and was second in the Silver Oust and third in SNORE action. Tom Malloy had a tough fourth lap, but got fixed to win the Silver Dust JimStoutandDannyOliverclimbedsteadilyuptheranksinthecloserunning Ch_allenger title and he was also second in the Yoko Loco race, the last five lap '. challenger Class, set fast time for the five laps, and won the class in the Yoko finisher. toco. January 1988 Dusty nmcs
CAUFORIYIA RA.u,y SERIES B:" Hill Mmr<" T he 1988 rally SL-ason star-tcd off with the East and W est of Indio Rally. Roger Allison and Randy Hensley and the entire organization arc to he congratu-lated on an excellent, well run event. The daylight section ran cast of Indio on the Metropolitan Watl'r District roads out to Desert Center and hack. The roads sccrhcd to he smoother than in previous yl'a rs, hut no less trl'acht:'rous, with many competitors doing such automo-tive acrobatics as tht:" roll, the loop, the cndo, and the tree smash. Whl'n vou consider how few trees there ~re in that section of the desert, the prohahility of doing tht:" trl'e smash is Vt:'ry low, and rt:'4uirt:'S a Cl'rtain .talent. T hose who survived the eastern portion of the rally could not have imagined that the worst was yet to come, and I'm not just referring to the har-h-cue. The roads in the west portion of the rally Wt:'rt:' as tough as anything California rallying has St:'en in recent years. It was an interesting introduction to the terrain of thl' C lcvdand National Forest. This event was so wdl run that we may he allowed to utilizl' this area again, an important point to remember in a tinll· when the areas availahlc to us arc continually shrinking. Thl'rl' is full covcragl' of the Indio rally dsl·whL'rl' in this issue. I usually try to bring attention to the close competition in C.R.S. rallying. T he Indio event had close competition, hut of a different sort. Lauchlin O'Sulli-van had almost withdrawn due to the problems of procuring a co-drivcr, hut he found a willing body at thl' last minute, anJ hdpl'J pay for thl· rl·4uirl'd liCL·nsl' frcs so thl'y coulJ run. Thl'y rolll'd on thl' first stagl'! J df Griffin rnmpk·tl'd almost all of the ahovl' listl'd acrobatic maneuvers. Dctcrminl'd to continul", he worked "cry hard at the Dcst:rt Cl·ntcr service hrl'ak. got hack into thl' dcsl'rt only to have thl' rnginl' give up on him. Lauchlin and Jeff were appropri-ately rccogni:cd at the awards Cl'rl'nH>ny. Not rccogni:cd at the awards, hutJ·ust as unlucky, w1..·rl' Mike Rid lingml'il·r and Ray Thurm. Th1..·y wcr1..· blocked hy a train, which mad1..· th1..·m late to th1..· main time control at Indio midway in the rally. They ate the har-h-4ul', and finally hit the rear end of the car so hard it pulled the drive shaft out at the transmission. The 1987 champions will he rewarded at the C.R.S. Awards Ran4uct. It will he hdd at the Rcef-N -Ra rrcl restaurant in North ridge ( in thl· San Fernan1..lo Valley ) on Saturday, January 9. 1988, at 7:00 p .m. I hop1..· to see cvcryon1..· then·. Th1..· nn.t .schL·dulcd comp1..·tition is thl· Glen Hck·n Rally Sprint set ti.1r 1..·arly Fchruar\'. SCCA Soutllcrn Pacific Division Pro Rally Report By Lynnette Allison, Stc«·arJ The third evrnt on the 1988 SCCA So-Pac o ·ivisional call'ndar is a wt-to-hl·-n.tml·J rally sprint at th1..· Don Brown Racing focilitil:s at Gk·n Hdl'n OHV Park near San Rernardino. The event has hc1..•n moved to Sarurday, h·hruary I 3 from its prl'viously listl'd Fl'hruary 6 datl' in order to ,1Vt1id a schl·duling conflict at the facilities. A ll new ralli1..·sts must complete registration and technical inspection between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. A mandatory divisional licensing seminar is at 8:00 to 9: 30 a.m. for all new participants. Registration and tech for all other comp1..·titors is set for 8:00 a.m. No entries will he accepted after 9: >O a.m.,so hl· there and he rally rL·ady. The early entry fc1..· is $50.00. postmarked hy January 30, and $85.00 thcr1..-aftcr; CASH only at the event. Watch for your entry blank in the mail or call Mike Rlorc, (714) 425-0984. Log Rook inspections arc schcduk·d. All rally ve hicles must he issued the SCCA log hook for technical inspection. Log books should he obtained prior to an event. and tht.· fl't.' is $5.00. The m·xt schl·dukd vt.·hiclt- group insp1..·rtio11 is Sunday, Januar\' 24. at Allisun's lmport1..·d Car Parts, Corona. Call (714) 73,-8550 or (714) 7 36-1442 to schcdult.· your appointment timl'. Vchkks must m1..·ct or l'XCl'l'd all safety rl'quircm1..·nts outlim·d in th1..· 1987 SCCA Nation,11 Ruic Rook. The 19881 1989 SCCA S,1fotv Rl·quin·ml'nts should hl· notl'tl. as thl'sl' itl'ms affl'ct vour compt.·tition in I 98811989. I . fkginning January 1, 1988, all n>mpctitors in divisional rallil:s must have hdm1..·ts mcl'ting 1980 Snl'II standards. Stkkn should indicatl' an automotivl' standard, not a motorcyck· standard. 2. Rcginning with the 1989 compl·tition Yl',H, on Octoh1..·r 16, 1988. all comr11..'titors in Co-efficient 2 and 3 cvl'nts MUST wear driving suits of a designated firl'-rl'tardant matl'rial meeting National SCCA l'ro Rally standards. Comp1..·titor name, hltxid type. and th1..· SCCA patch arc also r1..·4uir1..·d on the front of the suit. The East of Indio VII Endurance Rally, November 20-22, 1987, ficldl·d twenty-nine well prqiarcd teams. Dcs1..·rt stages wcrl' freeway smooth, hut a surprising number of drivers hit the dust, literally. as vehicle spt.'t.·ds surpassed drivl'r reflexes, pushing five teams out hy stagl' b . T he l'Vl'nt's nl'w mountai n stages, in glaring cont rast, pn·s1..·ntcd t he long1..·st and roughest stagl'S in the r:'illy. Comr l·titors, previously warm·d hv a dir1..· not1..· from the organ i:l'r, c.imc focl' to forl' with th1..· "1..·ndurancl'" part of thl' rallv. Utili: ing th1..· Internatio nal FISA systl'm for timl' and controls was new this v1..·ar. Numerous competitors saw their positions eroding away as a rl'sult of rnrl·k·ssnl·ss or foilurl· to correctly comply with designated nmtrol proccclurl'S. T he FISA system incorporatl's thl' highl'st rallving idl'al. dm1andi ng thl' ultimatl' tl'am work hctWl'l'n driwr and rn-driwr, whl'rl' timl' and driving arl' factors determining finishing position. Congratulations to winn1..•rs Lon fll'tl'rson and Jim Low who got into thl' lead imml'diatdy for the victory in this t.·vcnt, coming in three minutes ahead of second place Ian Miller anJ Rart God1..·tt. The third and fourth place teams. Roger and Richard Hull and George Daland/John Elkin, were tight with only thirteen seconds bcrn·1..·cn then. The Romh Out award went to Lauchlin O'Sullivan and Charles Dornsif1..· who foiled to complete stage I . Compl·titors, course workers, radio and safl·ty crews rartici-patcd in drawings anl pri:c awards of mor1..· than $ 3500. Debbie Apogc1..·, course worker, won the grand worker pri:c of a set of Rridgl'Stonc tirl's, donated through Kl'ndall Racing. CHASSIS MFG. FOXSHOX MIRAGE RACING PRODUCTS Sales - Service Custom-Valving Rear Trailing Arms - Max Caps Chromoly Spring Plates -IRS Pivots Front Ends - Torsion Housings Off Road· Suspensions --- Race Car Fabrication & Repair RACE PREP 37925 6th STREET, EAST, UNIT 107 & 108 • PALMDALE, CALIFORNIA 93550 ,,(:805) 272-3843 Dusty Times January 1988 Page 31
1987 East of Indio VII By /foJru.':_v Koch Photos: TracksiJe Photo Enterprises Lon Peterson made a spectacular return to rallying. and with Jim Love navigating the Arrow. they whipped across the desert and the hills to first overall and earned the Open Class victory. The 1986 SCCA Southern Pacific Divisional champions, Lon Peterson and Jim Love put it all together once again, and won the East of Indio VII, held over the weekend of November 20-22. Lon Peterson-, sidelined for much of the season due to back injuries, made an exciting return to the driver's seat, keeping the Arrow out in front of the 28 other starting teams for the entire 320 mile event. For this California Rally Series event only, the large trucks were banned at the insistence of the Metropolitan Water District on whose graded roads the desert stages are run. Seems like MWD told East of Indio organizer Roger Allison in no uncertain terms that the big trucks chewed up the roads more than they liked during the 1986 Indio event. Consequently 1987 SCCA So. Pac. Divisional champs Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers and their 1987 Ford rally truck were noticably absent as were several others. Peterson and Love were not to have an easy win, as a formidable field of competitive, fast cars showed up to try for the coveted East of Indio victory. Indio is a multi-points performance rally, counting towards the 1988 So. Pac. Divisional title. George Daland and navigator John Elkin in Daland's Mitsubishi Starion Turbo wanted to repeat their October C.R.S. Glen Helen III win. Ian Miller and Bart Godett in Ian's Toyota Corolla 2 liter twin cam, looked like a potential Indio winner, as did the Volvo of Jeff Griffin and Camille Barnett. Other Open Class cars included the quick Mazda RX-2 of David Page 32 Thomas and Mark Scamahorn from Texas, and Michael O'Sullivan's RX-3 with daughter Farina as navigator. Michael's son, Lauchlin O'Sullivan had also entered a modified RX-3 in Open C lass. Jose Olaya showed up in his very quick Toyota Starlet. Kelly Walsh and Ron Wood had their VW Scirocco looking well prepared, and DUSTY TIMES reporter Rod Koch's VW Fastback appeared to have made a complete recovery from its Glen Helen III rollover. Two small trucks were entered and included the Stock Class Ford Courier of Richard Chemott, a newcomer to the CRS series, and the off road pre-runner Toyota 4x4 of Dana Satari. The fast CRS Stock Class was represented by 12 en tries, including Roger and Richard Hull's Datsun 610, Dave Poston and Michael Nitz's RX -7, Ray Hocker and Bill Moore's Honda CRXsi, and Mike BiJJlingmeier and Ray Thurm's Dodge Colt. On an endurance rally of this length, it is possible that one of these fast Stock Class cars could take the overall win. The picturesque Date Tree Motor Inn, in Indio, once again served as official headquarters for the event. Registration and SCC technical inspection were held on-Friday evening. The rally cars were required to bL· in the Pare Ferme, by a designated time, as this rally was to run under the tight controls of the SCCA National events which now use the FISA timing system. This meant that each competitor had to check into each start control on their precise minute, and checking in either early or late meant severe time losses. Arrival at a Main Time Control (MTC) early was allowed, but declaring in your official time was also required. This system has been used o n all N ational and International events for yL-ars. It Roger and Richard Hull rally in a Datsun 610, and they finished Indio a sparkling third overall and in Seed 2, and they' won the Stock Class honors handily. January 1988 mah·s an event morL' equitahle for all compt·titors. as those who prt·pare well and driVl' more carefullv. may do as well or hl'ttl'r than the hard charl,!l'rs who continuously hreak, have to repair, then arl' latl' at the controls. So, at precisely 8:00 a.m. on Snturday, the first ca r left tl~t· Date Trl'l' parking lot, transiting out 22 mill'S East of Indio, to hegin thl' first of six dl'Sl'rt stages. The first stagl', five miles lonl-!, wns thl· roughl·St, with tire eating rocks to contl'nd with and a variety of tight turns. Thl'· last ft·w miles howt·vt·r. smoothl'd out into fast 3rd and 4th gl~lr running into thl· finish control. Lauchlin O'Sullivan's RX-3 caught a turn wrong on Stage I and rolled into thl· rocks, making him eligil:,ll' for C RS 's dul:,ious "Bomh-Out" award for thl' first DNF. 'tages 2 and 3. 8.5 and 9.5 miles in length, had recently heen graded by the MWD :ind Wl're extremely fost . On thl·. e stages, the Peterson/ Love Arrow was doing close to 120, as Lon Peterson said hl; had it opened up in 5th gear. Stage 3 saw the Griffin/ Barnett Volvo roll over on n tight left turn. Thl'y werl' nl:,le to gl't it running again and mnke it into the MTC and servicl' arl'n nt Desert Cl·ntl'r, 50 mik·s East of Indio. The teams were re-Sl·eded in starting ordl'r at Desert Center in preparation for running thl' thrl'l' stages in rl'verse, hack to Indio. The Peterson/LoVl' Arrow had made the fastest ovl'rall time, and with no penalty points. Roth the Mi lier /Godett Toyota n nd the Starion of Daland/ Elkin were close hehind on overall times. But those fost CRS Stock Class cars Wl'rl' brl'athing down thl' leaders necks, with the Poston/ Nitz RX-7. the Hull/ Hull Datsun and the Hcx:ker/ Moore Honda CRX very close behind. On Stage 4, the G riffin/ Barnl'tt Volvo DNF'J due to a hlown head gasket. Gary English and Mike Blorl' drow their Alfo GT a mite fost into the Sturn off thl· high spl'l'd down hill straight, and after rolling and going end over l'nd, it lookl'd like thl'y will need to fiml another car to compt'tl' in. Fortunntely no onl' was hurt. Thl' Petl·rson/Lovl' team lengthened thl·ir ll'ad on the rt·turn stages, which insurl'd their first car on thl' road position for the night stages. Rogl'r Allison had a surprise for thl' compt·titors in the night stagl's. For thrl'l' yt~1rs he had l:,t:en working to,ol:,tain permission to use U.S. Forestry roads in rl1l' Palomar Mountain area. For Indio VII, pt·rmission was J..'T'anted. At 5:00 p.m. thl' Petl·rson/ LoVl' Arrow chl'cked out of the MTC at Indio aftt·r the late afternoon service and dinner hrl'ak. A 11 teams Wl're rl'l) u ired to drive tht· 56 mill· transit owr thl· Palms to Pinl's Highway to Aguanga, CA at thl' l:,ast· of Palomar Mountain. Stag·l' 7. run over the Palomar Truck Trail, was a 16 mile sragl', climhing to within onl' mill' of the fomous Palomar Uhsl'rvatory, then running the mountain ridgl's to JescL'nd back down into thl' Valk·y on Highway 79 nlm Warner Springs. In rallv language, thl' word for a dangl'rous drop-off is an "l'xposurl'". Ewry mill' of this stagl' had Sl'Veral "exposures". Thl' Poston/ Nit: RX-7 and tht· Hal Haley Opel Manta hoth slid off the course, hut high Cl'nterL'J and fortunately, diJn 'troll. Dave Poston got thl· RX-7 un-stuck and continued on, hut the Opl'i rl'mained m·ar the 6000' ll'wl and DNF'd. Down in the valley at a quaint village called Sunrise Summit, competitors checked into the MTC and had a 30 minutl' Ian Miller and Bart Godett cruised the trails in great time to place the Toyota Corolla second overall, in the Open Class and in top Seed 2. George Deland and John Elkin got the Mitsubishi Starion Turbo home in fourth overall, third in Open Class and first in Seed 3. Dusty Times
. . ... Richard Chemott and Steve Rykenbosch drove the Ford Courier. the only truck that finished, to a fine third place in Stock Class competition. DUSTY TIMES correspondent Rod Koch and Todd Bane drove the freshly fixed up VW Fastback hard in the desert to fifth spot in the Open Class. Norberto Gomez and Oscar Facio did very well in their Toyota Corolla. taking a fine fourth in the Stock Class and a good ninth overall. -%:,.,J .. ~ Proving the Datsun 510 lives on. Willie Aguirre and Brad Welles drove this one to fifth place in the tight running CRS Stock Class. Michael O'Sullivan and his daughter Farina had a good day in the Mazda RX-3. racing it to sixth place in Open Class and tenth overall. A Rolls Royce makes a very classy course car, and Charlie Martin. whose Rolls has four wheel drive underneath. added the Palm Springs touch to the rally. service break hcfore runni!)g Stage 8. This 9.54 mile rou1,?h stage, run on the Puerta La Cru: dirt road, north of the valley and at much lower altitudes, proved too much i<>r the Poston RX-7 which succumhcd to ml'Chanical woes and DNF'd, ending Poston and Nitz's chances to place wdl in the Stock Class. Ian Miller and Bart Godett made a valiant cha~e on this stage, winning the stage with a 17 .44 minute time over Peterson/Love's 18.11 time. Roger Allison cancelled running it a second time as Stage 10. However the Palomar Truck T rai I was run a second time as the last stage, and again Miller and Godett won that stage with a 32.07 m inute timt." OVl.'r Peterson/ Love's 32. 36 minutes. All teams then returned ·to the MTC at Sunrise Summit and were allowed two hours to return to the Indio MTC. 35 vehick-s entered Indio Vil with 29 starting and 18 officially finishing, attesting to the fact that Indio was indeed an l.'ndurance t.'Vent. Prize money was paid to the first four overall positions. and for first in CRS Stock Class. First place in t."ach St."l.-U also collected cash prizes. Sel.-dinl,! per SCCA rules is determined by how a competitor has finished in past events. Following the Peterson_/ Love Ray Hocker and Bill Moore drove the immaculate Honda CRS to a fine second in Stock Class. fifth overall. It was the smallest car in the rally. David Thomas and Mark Scamahorn brought their Mazda RX-2 from Texas to rally, and they finished fourth in Open Class and sixth overall. Dusty Times Arrow who also took first in Sel.-U 2, was the Miller/Uodett Toyota for second overall, in Open Clas.-; and in Sl.'l·d 2. Third overall and first in Stock Class was the Rogl·r and Richard Hull Datsun 610, followl·d bv thl.· Gl.·orge Daland/John Elkin Starion ti.>r fourth ovl.'l'all. third in Open and first in Sl't."d 3. Ray Hocker and CRS Prl.·sidl.·nt Bill Moore finishl.,J the Honda CRX in fifth overall and Sl'Cond in Stock Class. David Thomas and Mark Scamahorn put their RX-2 into sixth over.ti I and first in Set."d January 1988 4. Ri<.·h:m.1 Cht."mott and Stl.'Vt." Rykenhosch in tht." Ford Couril.-r finished their first pro-rally in seventh overall. and first in Set."d 6, ti.lllowt."d by Rod Koch and Todd Rane in the VW Fastt'ack for eighth overall, sixth in Open and second in S<.·l·d , . Ninth overall and second in S<.'l"-1 4 Wl'nt to Noherto Gome: and Oscar Facio in tht." Corolla. Thl· Father and Daughtl·r team of thl· O'Sullivans in their RX-3 roundt."l.{ out tht." top h:n finisht."rs. At the awards prl.'St:ntation back at thl.· Datl.· T rl.·e Inn. the word GIOll.' down that thl.· Fort."stry officials ,n·rt." very plt."aSl•d with th<.· condlKt and organi:ation of the rally run on thl·ir roads. With thl· comhina-tion of hoth dl·sert and mountain stag<.-s, plus the sucn-ssful USl' of tht." FISA timing systm1. Ro1-f\.·r Allison's East of Indio has full potl·ntial to h<.nm1e tht." National Pm Rally sought after hy thl.· SCCA for Southern California. All that is nt."t:dt."d is an l.'Vt."nt sponsor for next yt::tr's East of Indio VIII. KC HAS SHINED THE WAY TO MORE OFF-ROAD RACING VICTORIES THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED! At KC HiLiTES, we're serious about competition lighting. So why take a chance with anything else? ~=""'-. Page 33
Mike Hester had a pair of second places in the D Class heat races. but he took the lead in the main event and kept it to the checkered flag. The Novice Bomber Class is a home grown type Baja Bug group, and it is popular as a budget priced class with lots of tight competition. Bob Bohres gave the unlimited class winner a real battle in his Class 10. but finished second in the heats and second overall for the day. F.O.R.D.A. at Lakeland Speedway Text & Photos: John Spr0\1ki11 Jimmie Crowder had his Chenowth in great form at Lakeland, as he won both Class 1 heats and the main. and here zips past the Toyota pickup of Rod Miller. that finished fourth in Class 1. It was off road racing at its finest as F.O.R .D .A. and Lakeland Speedway hosted the October event. Two eight lap heats and a fifteen lap feature was on the agenda for the rail buggies. The Novice Bombers would run two heat races. D Class was in position to start things off today. As the green flag went into forward motion, eight D Class machines were on the move. Robbie May, after going over the jump pulled off the CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE K & N FILTERS - RAPID COOL TRI MIL-BUG PACK BILSTEIN -CENTERLINE -CIBIE HEWLAND - PORSCHE TURBO C/ V BEARD SEATS - PARKER PUMPER YOKOHAMA TIRES - SUPER TRAPP GEM GEARS - KYB SH<:X::KS -SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS - KC HILITES - McKENZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA .BLUE -ULTRA BCX)T - NEAL PRODUCTS CENTER LINE • • ~ ..... fl ' OPEN 6 DA VS A WEEK Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m - 1 :30 p.m. BEFORE YOU BUY -TAL-K TO.THE PROFESSIONAL! 1294S-SHERMAN WAY -NO. HOLLYWOOD, A 9160S (818) 765-5827 • (818) 764-6438 Page 34 track with throttle cable problems. Gene Windham was in front of the pack with Kelly Mdv1ahon and Sam Pace by his side Mike Hester and Mark Arn 1ein were wheel to wheel going into the far tum. As they worked their way around the track for the second time, everything was smooth and in good form. During the third lap, Gene Windham still had the leading edge. Sam Pace and Kelly McMahon were battling it out for the second place when Sam did a roll over putting him towards the rear of the pack. Kelly, now in second place, had two mean machines on his rear bumper, Mike Hester and Mark Amrhein and Dennis Ard (sharing the driving throughout the events). It was Gene, Kelly and Mike Hester, in that order completing the fourth lap. During the fifth, Bill Prout hit a tire marker and did a roll over. Pulling up the rear of the pack was Ronnie Wilhite, a new addition to off road racing driving his first race today. During the sixth and seventh lap the top three were still in a highly competitive mode. On the last lap, Kelly McMahon gave up his second place position to Mike Hester when he did a roll over. As they crossed the finish line it was Gene Windham all the way January 1988 with Mike second and the Amrhein/ Ard team in third. During their second heat as they went over the jump in the first lap, Gene Windham, Ronnie Wilhite and Amrhein/ Ard were side by side. Gene and M ark/ Dennis both cut in towards the center causing Ronnie to land on both of them. Ronnie did a roll over putting him out for the rest of the heat. Gene was also out with an ignition problem. Mark/Dennis continued on. Kelly McMahon picked up the lead and was first to complete a lap. During the second lap, Sam Pace had it in high gear as he overtook Kelly for the lead. Bill Prout and Robbie May were side by side as they made their way through the winding turn. Robbie was able to maneuver his buggie in front of Bill just before the second jump. Turn about is fair play, as they say, while during the third lap Kelly was able to overtake Sam once again. During the fourth lap it was all over for Kelly. The right rear tire ran out of air forcing Kelly out. Sam, now sole owner of the first place position, had Mike Hester gaining ground on him. Bill Prout once again during the fifth lap ran into Robbie May and then did a mid air spin around like a top. As they went into the last few laps, Sam Pace had a good lead with Mike Hester next. M"ark Amrhein/Dennis Ard and Robbie May came down the track together right down to the ·end. When it was all over, Sam Pace crossed the finish line first, Mike Hester second and Amrhein/ Ard third. 1600 Class had an exciting first heat as six buggies made their way in tight formation around the course towards completing the first lap. It was Joe Cunningham andJ.R. Taylor leading the way. Mark Bickers made it around J .R . as they came around the first turn; bumper to bumper and wheel to wheel this awesome group continued on their way. During the second lap it was metal to metal contact as Martin Neri and Buddy Taylor battled it out trying to keep out of that last place spot. During the third lap, J.R. Taylor tried to move a tire marker but it didn't work. He went off the track giving way to Jerry Allen. Jerry saw the opportunity and made his move overtaking Mark Bickers before completing the lap. In the fourth lap, J.R . was not only able to catch up to the front runners, but made a quick move and got around Mark Bickers. As they continued along the chosen track towards victory, it was total action and thrills right down to the finish line. When it was all over, Joe Cunningham was first, Jerry Allen second and J.R. Taylor third. Their second heat started out with Buddy Taylor and J.R. Taylor in a tangle enabling Jerry Allen to get out in front of the pack, but causing the rest of the pack to slow down. J .R. pulled out of it running second and Buddy third. Through the second la_P., J.R. and Jerry were paired off bumper to bumper. Buddy and Joe Cunningham were the same, side by side, all with drive and determination to become the leader. Durin_g the third lap, Joe made his move overtaking Buddy just after the far jump. Mark Bickers then did it his way also getting around Buddy. On the fourth lap the leader, Jerry Allen, hit a tire marker. J .R. following close behind did the same all in stride maintaining their positions. As we go into the final few laps, Mark Bickers rolled his buggie giving way to Buddy Taylor. During the final lap it was still anyone's race between Jerry Allen, J .R. Taylor and Joe Cunningham, in that order. When the checkered flag made its move the first three positions remained the same. Class I had it all together as they went into forward motion for their first time today. Jimmy Crowder picked up an early lead followed by Butch Brickle and Roh Bohres. Rod Miller driving the T 0yota truck huried himself · in the mud during the second lap. Jimmy, Rutch and Roh, in that order, were clashing sides.as they went into the hair pin turn. During the fourth lap, Bob was in smooth_ form as he made his way to the tront side of Rutch. In the fifth lap, Steve Getchell had a flash of fire and a puff of smoke coming out of the exhaust, then his engine quit. As they were working towards completing the sixth lap, Rutch dt:veloped L'ngim.• prohlerns and droppt:d out. This left Jimmy who was still leading the way, Bob who was right at his back door, then George Receiver all going towards the finish line. They stayed in those positions right through to the end. For their second heat, only four machines were on line for the start. Jimmy Crowder, Bob Bohres, George Rt.•ceiwr and Rod Miller. With plenty ofroom on the track they made their way along the course with one thing in mind, "victory". Jimmy and Bob were in a constant battle for the leading position, but Jimmy had everything under control and stayed as front runner throughout the heat. Rod Miller had his share of problems keeping that Toyota truck Dusty Times
Buddy Taylor leads Joe Cunningham over a jump in 1600 race action, and Cunningham finished second in the class, Taylor ended up fifth. Dennis Ard, right. and Billy Prout dice closely in D Class racing, and the combo of Mark Amrhein/Dennis Ard took second in the class points. Jerry Allen flies over a big jump ahead of J.R. Taylor, as Allen won the second 1600 heat, but dropped to third after the main event. Sam Pace and Gene Windham run tight over the lumps, and they finished in this order with Windham in third and Pace in fourth in D Class. Ronnie Wilhite drove his first race at Lakeland in the tidy looking D Class car, and he did a good job in that tight running class. The old and the new race in FORDA action as George Receiver drives his older Class 1 car just ahead of the state of the art Chenowth of Jimmie Crowder, who won the race. moving through thl' soft dirt and mud. GL·orgl· RL·ceiwr had some prohll'ms during thl' fourth and missl'd a lap. It \\'as Jimmy and Roh right to thl' l'nd in that order with Gl'orgl' hringing in third rlacl'. Thl' Novicl' Bomhl'r Class is gaining popularity and is gl'tting largl'r L'ach month. Thl'rl' wl'rl· tl'n on rl·ady whl'n thl· starting signal was givl'n, stnding thl'm on thl'ir way. Thl· drivL·rs naml's were unavailahk therefore they will he rd°L·rrl'd to hv thl' numhl'r. This ma:L' of machinl'ry moved in tight formation towards the first turn. 44 and 16 WL're side hy side trving to gain thl· lead. Numher 28 made his way around NumhL·r 16 and Numh:r 44 pickl"ll up thl' IL'ad. During thl'SL'Cond lap, Numhl'r 2 passl'd hy N umhL·r IO and Numh.:r 44 and Numhl'r 28 who w1.-r1.· silk hv side. Numhl.·r I was trapped in the turn during the fourth lap and dropped out. Numher 2 also droppl·d out during thl· fourth lap with prohlcnis. Numher 16 made its movl' once again during the sixth lap overtaking Numher 28. Numhl'r 44 now had a good lead. As they came down the last strl'tch of thl' final lap it was Numher 44 all the way. Numher I ti and Numher 28 \\'ere side hy sidl' right to thl' l'nd when Numhn 16 was ahll' to gl't ahl'ad just hL·forl' crossing thl' finish . ·linl' ti.,r SL'cond pl,Kl' with Numhl·r 28 placing third. For their second heat it sel'med 1.'Vl'r yrh ing changed around. Numhcr 2, Numher 20 and N um her I Wl'rl' on thl' front side of thl' rack. Numhl'r 28 got stuck on a tire marker. By thl' third lap Numher 2 was way out in front, Numhcr 20 was still holding SL'Cond and Numlx·r 44 movl·d on hy Numhn 209 and then hy Numhcr 3 3. As thl'y Wl'fl' hl'aLkd towards thl' last few laps, NumhL·r A- I hi t NumhL·r 44 and srun out. Numhl'r 44 was doing it with a right rl'ar flat. As thl'Y crossed the finish line, Numher 2 took first place, Numher 20 was second and Numher I was third. Seventeen rail huggies and one Toyota truck, a ll classes comhinl'd, WL'rl' now on thl' movl' for thl' fifrl'L'n lap fl'aturl'. Rilly Windham. Gene Wind-ham's son, was making his racing dehut driving their D Class huggil'. It didn't takl' long heforL· Stew G1.·tchdl, Class I, found hims~lf in a ditch without one whL'l'I, and Rod Miller had his Toyota truck huried in soft dirt. Jimmy Crowder picked up the lead for Class I ,Jm·Cunningham for 1600 C lass and the Amrhein/ Ard team for D Class. Georgl' Rl'Cl'iver, C lass I , was dropping hack with l'ach passing lap and finall y droppl'J out aft1.·r compkting th-rel' laps. J .R. Taylor did a ljuick movl' around Mark Bickl'rs during thl' third J.R. Taylor stayed with the front running 1600 cars in both heats, and took the class lead midway in the main and held it to the finish line. Dusty nmes lap. JL'rryAIIL'n, 1600Class.gota latl' start and didn't mak1.· it around until thl' third lap. With thl· racl' now in high gear. Sam l'ac1.·, D Class, had to pit with a tlat tire. A quick changl' and hl' was on thl' track again. Sam, trying to c1t1.·h up, did a roll over causing him tu losl' anothl'r lap. As thl'y madl' thl'ir way around thl' track ,1t thl' half way point, j(x.· Cunningham, 1600 Class ll'.u.kr, did a roll ovl"r hut was ahll' to continue on losing littll' timl'. Mark Rickl'rs, who was running third, also rolll'd during this lap. Mark had to drop out. While this was going on, J.R. Taylor. 1600 Class, was ahle to gain thL'ir class lead. Jimmy CrowdL'r and Roh Bohres WL're pouring it on for Class I . Jimmy was ~till on thl· il'ading sidl'. It was a c losl' Ol1l' for D C lass with thL' Amrheim/ Ard t1.·am and Rillv Windham humpn to humpl'r with Mikl' H\.'Stl'r closL' hl'hind. During thl' next lap, Mike was ahlc to ovl'r-take Rilly. jl'rrv Alll'n, 1600 Class, may have had a latL' start but hy thl' ninth lap madl' his way into thl' third rlacl' rosition within his class. As thl·y cont in ul'd on for thl' final few laps, it was Jimmy Crowdl'r all thl' wa y for Class I . Roh Rohrl's kL'pt right at his rl'ar humper then lost his ring and pinion during thl' last half ot thl' last lap. Mikl· HL'Stl'r was ljUick on thl' moVl' as hl' took ov1.·r thl' first placl' position from thl' Amrhl'im/ Ard tl'am in D C lass in thl' last stretch of thl' last lap. For 1600 Class it wasJ.R.. Taylor all thl' way with Jol' Cunningham Sl'n>nd and Jerry Allen in third. Rilly Windham did a finl' joh in his first raCl' to hring in third placl' honors within D C lass. ~~~~! 9. 8 8 M I N T April 29■ May 1, 1988 January 1988 2 1 ST ANNUAL Be part of the world's biggest, richest and toughest. The Mint 400 ... where finishing tastes almost as good as winning! It's the annual pilgrimage of drivers, crews and fans to a desert shrine where the aufomobile is not exhalted, buf torn apart ... wheel-by-wheel, gear-by-gear ... by some of the worst terrain Mother Nature can offer. • Enter the toughest, roughest, rtchest, most prestigious off-road race or them all. • Think you might like lo try itll Enter the Mini-Mini Race for persons who may someday Join the big boys. • Come to Vegas to watch, talk to drivers and crew members about racing and about their pride and joy -their vehicles. • It's all for the famiiy -something for everyone at the race and race actMtles. DEL WEBBS Ml~T 702/387-6468 • Take a vacation to the showplace of the wortd - see a show, see all the glitter and lights, enjoy a fine bullet of the elegant dining. Your choice!!! • Bring your product. service and/or talents and display them in the greatest showcase in the world, downtown Las Vegas!! • Come join us and celebrate - you'll love it along with the other 90-100,000 fans. celebrities, drivers, crew, spectators, and natives. FOR RACE INFORMATION CALL: HDRA 702/361-Las Vegas Nevada Page 35 i-
-Jeep Cherokee -The Ideal Camera Wagon last April, and, although it is known as one of the most dusty and silt filled courses on the eight race circuit, the Cherokee handled it with two-whed drive easily. We never put it in four-wheel drive during either the pre-run or the actual race event, while running around shooting photos. Of course, the BFGoodrich All-Terrain T / A 's are a great help in the traction department, as well as adding a vital inch-plus ground clearance. Stock wheels are 15x7 cast aluminum wheels that are very stylish for stockers. But, the question arose that no one seems to know the answer to - why sell auto roof racks with no floors in them? Do you let your cargo sit on the roof and slide around? Or do you buy plywood that flops around inside the rails, and warps horribly after the first rainstorm? After thinking this one out, we solved the problem by finding a metal supply shop and getting a piece of steel mesh cut to size. We took both pieces to a welding shop and got the mesh spot welded to the carrier. It added over 50 percent to the cost of the rack, and it took almost a full day of our time, but, if you want a job finished right .... By Jim Ober The new 1987-1888 Jeep Cherokee is more than an off road utility vehicle, it is really comfort on wheels. Also, there is almost 50 years of heritage and experience in the car, and that is really the feeli ng you get when you are at the wheel of the latest Cherokee 4x4 from Jeep. And now, since the Eagle/Jeep dealers will be backed up by their new parent company, Chrysler Corp., parts and service should be easier to come by in more locations. Gone is the traditional Jeep feeling in the Cherokee -the feeling that you are bouncing around on Army maneuvers in a canvas or open top Jeep (which have absolutely no creature comforts - a military prert:qui-site ). This latest version from the folks in Toledo, Ohio can handle almost any off road obstacle with M a lot of ease, and, more importantly to some, solid comfort, while keeping the pic~!est companion happy and sm1hng m the desert or the mountains. We approached the folks at Jeep with a daring concept-that of creating a pre-run project vehicle, which would actuallv pre-run on the HDRA and SCORE off road race courses. Our company, Trackside Photo, has been in the business of shooting off road racing since 1970, and the VW Baja Bug routine of having to avoid steep hills and soft sand was wearing a bit thin after all these years of pre-running the races that we photograph for various clients (including Jeep). Our test Cherokee came with all the goodies, air conditioning, po er everything, roof rack, The special roof rack holds plenty of stuff including gas cans, securely, and all luggage, but the cameras ride inside. A front push bar protects the driving lights from road or off road damage. -Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises fabric seats, and the off road package. O ne standard feature on the Cherokee is shift-on-the-run four wheel drive, which is extremely handy while on a pre-run and you suddenly encounter those Mojave sand hills or those Baja water crossings. There is no need to get out and engage the front hubs, and besides, you're usually stuck by the time you decide to get out and engage the hubs anyway. As a side note though, we pre-ran over the entire Mojave 250 course a week hefore the event After we rais~d the Jeep with the help of the aforementioned tires, and the Sway-A-W ay front torsion bars we installed, a lot of rock and gravel smacking caused by the high crowns o n the race courses ceased. This seemingly small change in the uspension really made a difference, and we breathed a lot easier on our pre-runs after the changes. Speaking of suspension, the vehicle left the factory with the off road package. It includes off road tire (Michelin) and heavy duty shocks. After a couple of pre-runs we replaced the Maeco Ltd. shocks (that's the brand name, honest) with Rancho Suspension Shocks, and our Cherokee rode a bit firmer both off road and on the highway. A small inconvenience for our crew was the-stock luggage rack. It is made from aluminum sheet metal and plastic. I am not quite sure what you would want to latch to it, something that isn't worth too much perhaps. It was just too flimsy for our needs, so we invested in a Con-Ferr medium sized rack, made of real steel. It is a real off road product. Another real plus for the Cherokee was the powerplant, a carbureted 4.2 liter, straight 6 cylinder, automatic trans, with loads of torque. Not only did it cruise the long, hilly Colorado Interstate to the Craig, Colorado race ~ith ease, you c_an also play stop-light racer with a high degree of confidence. A five speed transmission is standard on the Jeep model, but the automatic is our choice. It lets you concentrate on the business at hand _while driving off road. Also available is a 2.5 liter four cylinder, fuel injected engine that is adequate on power for most occasions. As a final note, all of the Cherokee models are covered by the Jeep Nl.'w Vehicle Limited Warranty, which provides 12 month/ 12,000 mile coverage on vehicle components and a three year corrosion protection. Major engine and powertrain compon-ents a re covered for 2 4 months/24,000 miles. And, the best part of all -of this is that you are buying American! , .. A) ter a couple of pre-runs, the optional factory shocks were replaced by hefty Rancho Suspension units, providing a firmer ride and more control off road. A canoe group zips py the Cherokee in the outback, and the go-anywhere Jeep wears a tire cover that explains exactly its off road job. The four door Cherokee provides access to the rear seat and cargo area. and it is the ideal Jeep model for an off road going camera crew. The Jeep gets a bath in a Utah lake after the Colorado race, and here Peter Hatch reload_, the roof rack while Jim Ober polishes the front bumper. The more serviceable roof rack from Con-Ferr was still not ideal until steel mesh was welded inside to make a proper floor for cargo. Page 36 January 1988 Dusty Times
The Class 11 racers put on their usual good show, and at the finish it was Chris Rhode, foreground. winning on the last lap in the tricky ski hills. It was a tight contest, but Phil Freimuth proved to be the master of the steep hills. led twice. and at the checkered flag to win Class 5-1600. Rob Kinner slides around the spectator area in Turning hard on a 180 flat hairpin. Darrin Parsons his class 11. and he finished second in the Old came to the front in the Class 11 showdown race. Style sponsored showdown race finale. and finished the dash in third. LAND O lAICES, WI SODA's Altitude Adjustment Text & Photos: Deh Freimuth Dennis Ferdon, leading here and at the flag, and Dave Hackers put on quite a battle of the Fords in their Class Brace, but Hackers failed to finish. The second new race of the SODA series premiered Satur-day, August 22 as· the Land 0 Lakes Lions Club sponsored the Land O Lakes "Altitude Adjust-ment" at the abandoned Gateway Ski Hill on the Wisconsin/ Michigan border. The course was dissimilar to any found on the SODA circuit and caused mounting dismay as drivers walked the track Saturday morning, staring in disbelief at the 125 foot drop and other inclines and declines. After a solo pre-run by each of the drivers, fears were put to rest and the racing began. Three Class 13 front engine buggies lined up to take the first green of the day with Tom Jensen and Gary Heidtman waging a real dog fight for the first half of the race, until Heidtman broke and it was smooth sailing for Jensen. Justin Yelle came in one lap down to take second place at the end of the twenty minute event. The big two seat buggies tore onto the course with a vengeance as the Class 10 action began. Dave Vandermissen Sr. led the four car class up the hill , but Dave Vandermissen Jr. was the only one to emerge. "What Happened?" was the key phrase until word got out that Dave Vandermissen Sr. had a broken axle on the top of the hill. It wasn't until Dave Jr. had chalked up a half-lap lead that the other two remaining competitors, Scott Schwalbe and Tom Lohf came down the hill. Class 1-600 Dusty Times racer Rick Geier commented about Vandermissen Sr.'s luck as being the "ups and downs of racing", a very titting quote to r the day. Scott Schwalbe put on a good show in his attempt to overcome Dave Jr., but just ran out of time and had to settle for second with Lohf finishing third. The Class 6 vehicles were next on the schedule in a real hair raising race.Jon Kaempf took the lead off the flag with Fay Statezny following close. Both ran a hard eight laps, but broke on top of the hill one lap before they could take the checkered. Third. and fourth place runners, John Znidorka and Bill Graboski, who was having trouble with going the right direction on the up hills, were both a lap down on the leaders. Znidorka and Graboski both came in to take the checkered flag with visions of victory, but were disappointed to later find out they had technically finished behind their two broken-down comrades. The biggest class of the weekend and the fastest growing in the midwest hit the course next as Dwayne Walkowski led eleven Class 11 buggies up and down and all around. Bob Schwartz and Chris Rhode fought Walkowski hard with Curt Gerald also coming up to run with the leaders. Midway through the race Cliff Holiday went sideways on the downhill but managed to pull himself out of a near roll. As the white flag came out it was do or die time for Chris· Rhode, who took the chance, made the pass and took the flag for first place. A stunned Walkowski took second with Curt Gerald, third. The big buggies were back with Dave Vandermissen, Sr. determined to see more of the Class I action than he had in Class 10. As thegreen dropped, it was Vandermissen followed by Scott Schwalbe and To m Schwartzburg. It wasn't until half-way through the race when Schwalbe broke that any of the positions changed, and Schwartz-burg moved into second behind the winner Vandermissen. Matt Trelstad took the lead in the 2-l 6eG race with Todd Wallace and Johnny Koran running a tight second and third, but were being threatened by Jeff St. Peter, Mike Sorenson and Dave Vandermissen Jr. St. Peter proved to be the man to watch as he made his way through the pack to steal away first place, but was followed closely across the line by Matt T relstad and Todd Wallace for second and third repsecti ve I y. Dave Hackers gave it his best shot as he tried to unseat Dennis Ferdon for first place honors in Class 8. Mitch Dumask and Peter VanDeHey ran a close third and fourth until the two collided in the corner at the bottom of the drop. Dumask canie out success-ful, but VanDeHey appeared to blow a hose shortly after and that left him sitting on the sidelines. For first it was still Ferdon and Hockers running door handle to January 1988 door handle up the hill, but to everyone's surprise it was only Ferdon who eml'rgl'd with Dumask taking over second and Steve Zdten coming in for third. It was hard to tell who was going to win the 5-1600 race as four crazy drivers took to thl" course. It was a battle up the first hill to see how many Raja Rugs wide the track really was. Phil Freimuth led withJeffTherriault running a threatening Sl'cond. Paul Dallman had trouble making it up the hill and Terry Wolfe was getting caught in the loose sand. As the action continued Dallman spun out coming down the hill, Therriault overcame Frl"imuth, who seemed to be losing power, but Frei-muth kicked in the turbo and rt·captured the lead just before the "up" hill, while Therrhult just tried to keep his car moving in the fornmd direction on the hill. As the checkered appl'c1red, Freimuth tallied up a two lap lead victory ahead of Therriault and Wolfl". · The Class 4 event was another season victory for Michigan's Jack Heidnnan as he led flag to flag followed closely by Brad Mihalko and finally Mark Seidler. It was nip'n tuck for Greg Smith to keep his lead in the 1-1600 ract· after batrling Dale Borgcmoen and Dave VanDl'n-Elzen , who shortly after had probl_ems that dropped his position terribly. Smith and Rorgemoen ran a close race with Dave Hameister working his way through the ranks right up to second place, two laps before the end of the twenty minute race. Smith kept his kad. but Rorgemoen slipped down to third behind Hameister. withJeff St. Peter driving his two smter to fourth place. The Old Styk sponsored showdown races Wl'rl' next on the agenda with the Class I Is getting the first run. Curt Gerald ran a supl'rh racL" in his Rerrien to finish first with Rob Kinner and Darrin Parsons taking second and third place honors. Gr~g Smith ran a carbon-copy race of the l -l 600's as he took the Limited Ruggy Showdown. The Unlimited event brought another of the day's winners to reclaim the victory spot as Dave Vandermissen Sr. t(x,k first with son Dave Jr. following him in for second. The Heavy Metal's concluded the championship events with Gary Heidnnan taking brother Jack's Class 14 to a first place victory, with Justin Y die finishing second. The final race of the day pitted the lady buggy drivers as Paula Sorenson drove the St. Peter car to an easy win followed by Deb Freimuth in her Class 11 and Tim Rutzen's wife Patti in hl'r prt>miere run . It was a day packed with the thrills of racing, thl" antagonism of the 125 foot drop and the roar of thl' approximatl'ly 1000 spect1tors who came to watch some of the midwest's finest racers do what they do hest to help make the Land O Lakl's Altitude Adjustment a sure winner! JAMAR SUPER SHIFTER JAMAR JS3 - A super shifter designed for use in sand rails, buggies, off road race cars, and custom street cars that utilize a VW transmission. This unit may also be utilized in 8aja Bugs with a type 2 tansmis-sion. The offset shift lever and lock out · knob provide room on top of the black powder coated shift box for switches or the Jamar Park-Lok if desired. This neat, com-pact shifter also works well with the Jamar Side Shifter, or Jamar Mid-Engine Shifter. It is also available with a chrome plated box in addition to rods and linkage. • Short shift stroke • 3" x 4" mount space required • Positive reverse lock out • Features spherical helms • 100% positive roll • Chrom-moly shift handle • Brau bushings with grease • Easy Installation fittings • Bolts to stock VW plate MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado • Tf!mecula, CA 932 90 (714) 676-2066 Page 37
PRESS ON REGARDLESS The Usual Nasty Piece of Business in '87 By Tom .Grimshau• Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprise~ John Buffum, Tom Grimshaw and the awesome Audi Quattro won the POR overall by about five m inutes, taking the manufacturers· title for Audi. It was JB's 102nd major rally win, but only his fourth POR title in twenty years of trying. The Press On Regardless PRO Rally, sixth round of the 1987 Sports Car Club of America's National Championship eries, has consistently maintained its well earned reputation as the meanest rally in North America. It began, back in the early Fifties, as a leisurely tour of Michigan back when "gentlemen" drove Ii ttle sports cars and proclaimed their elitist membership in the prevailing oligarchy by sporting white scarves, English hats and driving gloves so thin you could cut the fingers off and use them as condoms. During the past fourteen years that it has been a part of the SCCA National Championships, ten different drivers from five different countries have claimed victory over the hcast. It is not an easy rally to win. I ran my first POR in 1958. I • finally won it in 1977. John Buffum has won everything there is to win in North American rallying, but until last year he'd only won the POR two times. He added his third in 1986 and let me ride along for my second win -in Cttt'llty-nine vears! It is only because of the efforts of my wonderful self and several other fools that the POR can claim continuity back to the Fifties. In the early Seventies the POR was cancelled because of a conflicting date with another sanctioning body. The North American Rally and Racing Association scheduled its own two day event on the same weekend, in the same state, and headquartered only one hour away from Houghton, home of the POR. The Detroit Region SCCA caved in and cancelled the POR. The night before the start of the Marquette 1000, several of us shared a bucket of beer and staged our own POR. We appointed a Chairman in the bar, gathered together girlfriends, waitresses, busboys, anyone who could sit in the co-driver's seat and trooped to the woods at midnight. That POR consisted of two stages on a single road. Once up and once back -during a raging snow storm. It was won by Robert Hourihan in a Porsche. I drove a Saab 99. I ran over a photographer's tripod mounted camera and proved to my wife, Karen , that she should not co-drive since she became violently Doug Shepherd and Jim Kloosterman drove the Dodge Shadow to a fine win in Production GT Class, and fifth overall, despite gearbox troubles. Making their debut auspicious in Group A. youngsters Paul Choiniere and Scott Weinheimer brought the Audi 4000 Quattro home third overall and they won Group A. ill in less than two miles. The prize fund was $25.00. Long live the POR! This year it was snowing when I drove into Michigan's Upper Peninsula. As I was slipping and sliding northward I remembered 1982, the last time we'd experienced a major blizzard in the U .P. That year a driver died when he tried to brake on an icy bridge and lost control of his Jeep. It was a sobering realization that we are involved in a sport that can turn on us at any moment. Perhaps it was the fact I was about to run my 30th POR (and probably my last). I felt like the soldier who has just heard the war will end in two hours-but people are shooting at him 110«·! The POR is usually a long two day event. This year the organizers, under the guidance of Old Pro, Jon Davis, changed the format to a twelve hour run, beginning Friday evening (October 23rd) and finishing early Saturday morning, followed by a short bit on Saturday which consisted of four spectator stages. Since John Buff um and I had won the previous five rounds this year and had al ready banked the driver and co-driver champion-ships, all we had to do at the POR was finish fourth to grab the manufacturers title - which is what Audi pays us to do. But Thursday night, during dinner, halfway through our second bottle of wine, we decided to go for the win. What the hell, if we crashed and burned there was still one event left in Washington. The Audi folks would understand. This was the Press On Rel{ardless!. Forty-four teams started the '87 POR. Jon Woodner and Tony Sircombe led the group in their beautiful Peugeot 205 T16. We followed in our tattered Audi Sport Quattro. Rod Millen and Harry Ward came next in their Group A Mazda GTX. The snow had not stayed around, but the water had. The entire course was slippery and muddy, with lots of deep water holes and washouts with triple cautions in the route book. By the end of the fourth stage we led Millen by sixteen seconds, but, we had won three of those stages by less than two seconds. It was obvious that the Mazda was going for the win just as we were. It was going to be a long night. Since the start of the '87 season the rally watchers have been waiting for us to appear in our Group A Audi. Each time we've beaten Millen's Group A Mazda with our Open Class Quattro, the press has written It was a close run, but Guy Light and Jim Brandt scored the Production Class win, tenth overall, in the VW G Tl, after the tie-breaking rule had to be enforced to find a winner. Jon Woodner and Tony Sircombe kept the Peugeot 205 T-16 on track all night. and brought it in second overall and in Open Class in the Michigan woods. Bruno Kreibich just barely made the start, due to airline woes, but he and Clark Bond drove the Audi Quattro to third spot in the Open Class. Canadians Jean-Paul Perusse and Martin Headland stayed close in Group A all the way. but they ended up second in the Volkswagen Golf G Tl. Page 38 January 1988 Dusty Times
that our postttons will reverse A car by driving ten-tenths. In After three hours sleep we when we finally bring the Group other words, he always has his started again Saturday afternoon A car to the wars. pants down around his ankles and ran four spectator stages. Well, it finally appeared at the while we only lower ours to our JB and I looked at the girls and POR -but not with JB and I. knees - about eight-tenths. If held our breath, fearing the POR The Group A Audi 4000 was someone comes looking for the might still have a final trick to driven by John's stepson, Paul booty (and someone always play on us. It did. Following the · Choiniere. It was the first time in does) we can recover much faster final stage, we slowly drifted the car for the Audi junior team than Millen. back to Houghton for the big of Choiniere and co-driver, The theory proved itself on the finish. As we motored through a Scotty Weinheimer. Finally, right hand bend. Millen followed nearby town, a local numbnut Millen and Ward (and Mazda) our tracks into the woods, never pulled out from a side street no would get their run at the Group to be seen again except by my more than inches in front of us. A Audi - even if JB and I wife back in the Library Bar in It was the fastest move JB has weren't in it. Houghton, later in the evening. made all season. He threw the On Stage 5 the POR bared its And so the long waited battle Quattro sideways, kicked the teeth and once again proved why · between the Group A Audi and brake, slammed the gas pedal tu it has such a nasty reputation. Mazda ended -but not as the the floor and put an arm lock on The route book indicated a press has predicted for the· past the steering wheel as he literally mileage reference where the road ten months. pivoted the old lady around the went essentially straight-with a Buffum and I pulled our pants fool's front bumper. sli}{ht bend to the right. back up, dropped the intensity I knew in my bones that I had Something a co-driver would call level a few degrees and went on to just come as close to murdering a as "an easy swing right". win our second consecutive POR fellow human being as I ever The road turned almost ninety -and the manufacturers would in this life. If we had hit de~ree$ to the· right and we championship. that car, and DNFed the POR entered the woods at speed. JB Meanwhile,. the kids were-during the final transit, I'd have stayed on the gas, cussed and having a good go in Group A.At peeled and eaten the local on the threatened the Audi and we the end of the first night, Paul spot and _gladly gone to the popped back onto the road with and Scotty had moved the Group gallows knowing it was justifiable minor damage and vows to hang A Audi into 1hirJ o\·erall and first homicide. the rallymaster by his dingle-in class. However, they were only Jean-Paul mounted a rush in berries if we lived through this a matter of seconds ahead of past Group A but the kids pushed just mess. Millen and Ward were not Canadian champion, Jean-Paul a bit harder and lengthened their so fortunate. Perusse, and Martin Headland in l·ead over the VW. It was Paul It has been my theory their very fast VW Golf GTI and , and Scotty's best finish ever in a throughout this year that Millen we still had four stages to run on PRO rally and should prove to can only stay with us in a Group Saturday. the doubters that they are a 'top === ______________ __::_ ____ _.:__________ r.ally team of the future. Mike Purzycki and Dan Wernett drove their Jeep Scrambler to 15th overall, and they won the National Divisional championship in the traditional run-off at the P.O.R. This year the POR was the final runoff for the Divisional Championships. Each SCCA Division has its own champion, and they came to Michigan t(i decide who was the best of i:he best of the minor series. Sometimes the Divisional Champion can't make the final runoff and an alternate is allowed to enter. He is certainly not supposed to u·in! Mike Purzycki and Dan Wernette of Mkhigan were alternates. They certainly were not awed by the reputations of the other champions as,they ran away with the runoff and won the 1987 Divisional Championships Chad DeMarco and Ginny Reese stayed out of trouble in the Dan and Betty Gilliland had a good trip through the woods in trees and they placed third in Group A, sixth overall, in the the Dodge Shelby Charger, placing a fine second in the Subaru 4WD Turbo. Production GT contest. Niall Leslie and Trish Sparrow tied for the win on time, despite Scott Child and Steve Laverty had their ups and downs in penalty time on the Corolla, but the rules put them second, Michigan and finished the rally fourth in Group A in the since Light had the faster time on the final stage. Toyota FX 16. Dusty Times January 1988 1987 PRESS ON REGARDLESS - RESULTS 1. John Buffum/Tom Grimshaw•-Audi Sport Quattro·-Open Class 7h Olm 59s 2h 06m 58s 2. Jon Woodner iTony Sircombe •-Peugeot 205 Tl 6 --Open Class 3. Paul Choiniere /Scott Weinheimer -Audi 4000 Quattro ·-Group A _ 2h 08m 53s 2h 1 Om 09s 2h 14m 00s 2h 14m 26s 2h 17m 1 Os 2h 18m 12s 2h19m24s 2h 21111 05s 4. Jean-Paul Perusse / Martin Headland .. _ VW Golf GTI -Group A 5. Doug Shepherd1Jim Kloosterrnan --Dodge Snadow --Prod. GT 6. Chad OiMarco/ Virginia Reese .. _ Subaru 4WO Turbo•-Group A 7. Bruno Kreibich1Clark Bond .. _ Audi Quattro .. -Open Class 8. Dan GillilandiBetty Gilliland·- Dodge Shelby Charger .. -Prod. GT · 9. Scott Child/Steve Laverty•-Toyota FXl 6 --Group A 10. Guy Lighti Jim Brandt --VW GTI--Producticn in a Jeep Scrambler. Michigan teams live for the POR each year and they prowd it this weekend. Doug Shepherd and Jim Klousterman took another Production GT class win in their Dodge Shadow, followed by Dan and Betty Gilliland, also from Michigan, in a Dodge Shelby Charger. For a short time it was thought that Canadian ace, Niall Leslie had won Production class. Rut a large handful of road penalties had been omitted from his score. When the correction was made another Michigan team, Guy Light and Jim Brandt took the class in their VW GT!. It hasn't been a sparkling year for Chad DiMarco and Virginia Reese. Chad is serious about his career. He brings his beautifully prepared Subaru 4 WOT urbo to each event and tries like hell. Often he ends on the edge of a cliff or stuffed into the trees. Rut ::~ ,!,.., PCR it ali came together as the team put in a very good drive, finishing sixth overall and third in the tough Group A class. So another Press On Regard-less went into the recorJ books. It wasn't the be~t rally of the year. It wasn't the longest rally we'w run this·year. It wasn't the richest. Rut it was certainly the most satisfying to me. I wonder how long it will be before someone else runs their 30th POR -and wins it? · Whoever it is, I'll bet you they're co-driving for John Buffum. DO (]] 00 [JJ D CID 00 DESERT LOCK OUTER hread re Located ff lnner,Ring Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength • At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing • All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipme,nt .. For Todays' Sophisticated 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 13" MIDGET 8"-10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED MIDGET WE HA VE.DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69~95 1 O" ........ $84.95 . 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: ' 00 [[) 00 [JJ D CID 00 0o O 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Page 39 ·-
'C Borderland Baja 150 Photos: Clint Miller Jim Maness and co-driver Tommy Bowling drove the Class 10sprint buggy to their fourth overall win of the season. and with the victory Maness took the Midwest Off Road Challenge overall points title for 1987. ;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..:;.----::::----=---:--:--:-=--:-----:-::-=----; The Borderland Baja 250 took place early last November, the last race in the Mid west Off Road Challenge points series for 1987. The 28 mile course was located just ten miles east of El Paso, Texas, east of the city limits actually, and it was in the Red Sands area. The Pro Class had to cover eight laps, the Sportsman racers went fou r laps and the Beginner class drivers went just three laps within the five hour time limit o n the event. This was the first time a Beginner group had been scheduled in this series. Bill Barkdoll came all the way from Phoenix to race. and won first in Open Sportsman class despite losing the battery on the last lap. The Borderland Baja 250 was organized by the Off Road Racing Association headed by Rick and Joe Vasquez of El Paso. The race sponsors included Pepsi Cola, Rabbit House 4 Wheel Drive Center, Roy's Automo-tive, and Total Tan of El Paso. The weather was great race day, around 68 degrees with a light breeze. The pits were watered down by Montana Vista W ater Supply and it did keep the dust down during the race. A field of 32 starting cars were on hand for the event. The course proved to be the toughest of the series, as onl y eleven cars finished the race within the time allowance. Fred Wurdeman and Jack Day has some problems on course, but they fixed things on .the fly and won the Sportsman 1-2-1600 class in the Chenowth. The first category off the line were the Pro cars, which were All Welded Construction "NO PLASTIC" KOOL AUTO SPORTS All Aluminum Rabbit Replacement Rad iator Page AO KOOLAUTO SPORTS Division of KOOL RADIATOR FOR ALL YOUR COOLING NEEDS CUSTOM ALUMINUM & BRASS RACING RADIATORS CALL RON OR DON (602) 278-9211 OR WRITE DEPT. OT 2905 W. BUCKEYE RO. PHOENIX, AZ 85009 January 1988 combined to make one large standings. Rick Vasquez, of El purse. T he first Pro car around Paso, dropped out early with a the 28 mile loop was driven by broken spring plate. RobertG::iyton, of Albuquerque, Up front Jim Maness gave the cw Mexico, and it is a Class I wheel overto Tommy Bowling to Hi Jumper. Next came Jim finish the race, and the team took Maness, of Mid land, Texas, in the sprint buggy to their fourth the Tom Bowling Class IO Sprint overall win of the season and to Buggy. Maness came into the the Mid west Off Road Challenge event leading the points series by Points Series C hamp ionship. just two points over the no-show Robert Gayton brought his Hi David Tucker of Oklahoma. Jumper home in second place, Then came Cecil Robertson, of and he took third in the points Odessa, Texas, who had series. problems later in the race; but he The Sportsman category was finished third for the day and next off the line, divided into second fo r the points money. three classes, Open, 1-2-1600 Clifford Walker, of Odessa, and Challenger. In the Open Texas, in his Tom Bowling Sprint ranks, Doug Webber, of El Paso, Buggy lass 10 car was next. But, had some problem midway with he w::is not to be seen agai n for a the suspension in the MSD long time, ::is he had serious buggy, and finally pulled out a transmission trouble. However, drive axle. But he was credited Walker did place fou rth in the with second in class. Joe Vasquez points series. Troy Miller's car went out early with a blown was next around, with his co- clutch. Bill Barkdall, who made driver, from Garland, Texas, at the long tow from Phoenix, AZ, the wheel. Later, Miller took got his reward with first place in over and the team finished a fine the Open Sportsman C lass fourth in the race. driving a Class 10 A-Arm Funco. Joe Leyva, of El Paso, was next In the Sportsman 1-2- 1600 across the pit lane in his two seat Class, Horacio Porras left the line Funco. Leyva and his son-in-law first, only to lose a rear wheel, and co-driver had fuel problems, which sheared off the lug nuts. ~ot stuck, had two flat tires and a Kevin O'Hara, of El Paso, driving hell of a good time. Rounding the Total T an Funco, ran in the out the Pr-0 class, Leyva finished , lead until he hit some rocks and fifth, and took sixth in the points lost the right front wheel and James Bernard came from Albuquerque to run in the Challenger Class in his Baja Bug, and he ran a steady pace all the way to win top honors. Mike Johnson and Sam Palfamior had a smooth ride with no mechanical problems and the team took first overall in Beginners and in Open Class. Robert Gayton kept his Hi Jumper moving well all the way, and despite a broken shock tower on lap 2, Gayton.finished second in the Pro ranks. Dusty Times
spindle. He got it fixed and carried on, but later the same assembly broke again. But, O'Hara was third in Sportsman Class 1-2-1600. Ramon Enriquez, of El Paso, had some problems, but he got in all the laps to take second place. Doing the best was the team of Fred Wurdeman and Jack Day, of El Paso, in their two seat Chenowth. On the second lap the jack handle came loose, so co-driver Day climbed out on top of the car while it was moving, took off thi: jack and brought it in the car. Later he fixed the starter as well, without losing any time. Fred drove the Chenowth to first place for the day and fifth in Class 1-2-1600 points. The early lead in the Challenger Class was held by Caclum Jones, of El Paso, but he later developed electrical trouble that put him out for the Jay, credited with third place in class. George Garule, also from Albuquerque, took over the lead in his home built car, only to lose both a left rear shock and later the oil pressure on the last lap, just half a mile from the finish line, but he salvagi:d second place. The mishap gave James Bernard, from Albuquerque too, who ran steady all day the victory in Challenger Class. The Beginners came to race just for fun, but they took it very seriously at the starting line. They brought out their play buggies to sec what off road racing v.:as all about. Six out of the 15 starters finished in the Beginner group. First place went to Mike Johnson, a former Pro Moto-X rider, and co-driver Sam Palfamior. In second spot it was Grey T. Linde and co-driver . Robert McCoy. Placing third in tht: one class Beginner group were Randy Ulrich and Ross Johnson, who had some engine problems while leading the race, and managed to gt't things fixed wdl enough to finish wdl. Only one minute 61.'hind thm1 in fourth plact' was Gilbl.'rt Salcido who ran very consistent laps. Ray Ballard was fifth in the class, and Abd Gomez-took sixth plact:. Thl· organizers wish to thank all tht' participants in the Bordt'rland Baja 250. Many thanks go to the Jeep Club of El Paso, who manned all the checkpoints and handhl the radio communications. There are three races scheduled for the El Paso arl'a in 1988, so ifyou art' within towing distance of west Texas, check out the dates in tht' Happenings column. Cecil Robe_rtson, of Odessa, TX, had some problems late in the running, but he took third 1n Pro Class and second in the season 's points. . Dusty Times Weatherman Radio Report solutions, but not the finances.to implement the necessary plan. If you have any ideas or comments on how to solve the money and The Baja 1000-J ust another race in the book? Not Quite! It was tfie eleventh hour when my son Scott left.the P.C.I. Race Radio contingency booth to pick up the radio permits.for our relay effort at the National Observa-tory on Mount Diablo. He returned to the booth with very disturbing news! The permission letter banned both me and my vehicle from the observatory site. NOTE! At the 1987 Baja Internacional the upper observa-tory gate which was supposed to be open was, in fact, locked! The BFG relay crew was patiently waiting for someone to come down and open it. Assessing the situation: The race was to start in twenty-five minutes. It takes a full hour and a half to gain o~r position on top a ridge overlooking the observa-tory and set up our relay effort. I felt the responsibility of monitoring 154.600, the motorcycle emergency frequen-cy. · It was possible without any damage to property to four wheel . around the gate. The BFG crew could shed no light on why the gate was locked or when someone would open it. You can guess the rest! Well, the observatory honcho took exception to my action and ·reason was out of the question. Despite my profuse apology for going around the gate, I was ordered off the mountain. Because of the emergency nature of the relay, I refused to leave, and, as you now know, was banned from the mountain. , Back to the Baja 1000, where Steve Kassanyi, the race director, agreed to plead my case with Maria Louisa Morales, the Sub Director of Tourism, who in turn wrote a nice note in Spanish on the back of her business card imploring the authorities to let me accomplish the relay. I am glad for the nice note, because Maria Louisa and I had met before. At the 1986 Baja l 000 I was at the Ensenada Airport awaiting the aircraft from . which we would do the southern part of the relay. While there, Sal Fish and some dignitaries, including Maria Louisa, were starting to board a single engine aircraft. I had •on what looked like a flight jacket and a pair of aircraft looking sun glasses, and I was leaning on the plane, when Maria Louisa, about to board, looked across the aircraft at me and said, "ls it safe in such a plane as this to fly?" 1 told her I had only a few hours experience flying this type of plane, but I felt it was safe. She, thinking I was the pilot, turned a little green. At this time Sal introduced · us, and I then introduced her to the real pilot and assured her that he had a lot of experience. The note. obviously worked, and I am going to write to Maria Louisa and the observatory January 1988 supenntendant. The nice letters, people challenge, please share · hopefully, will insure my them with me. continued use of the observatory Because of a variety of as a relay point. commitments I have been unable The gates were open this time! to keep up my monthly column Had they been locked, my son in DUSTY TIMES. I want you to Scott and Rory Senna had know and thank some of the preceded us by seven hours to organizations and individuals have the relay pre-set, should any who have helped with the relay at contingency exist. the last few races. These people How did the relay work? Not include the' mountain top as well as previous Diablo. relay{ volunteers that included cameos as we had spotty or no coverage by Tracy Valenta of McKenzies, to San Rafael, Santo Tomas and Dave and Linda White of Ensenada. This was due to HORA, Bob Bertram and Jorge several factors: 1 ) The high Espino of the Checkers and moisture content and cloud Frank Kostelak of the Clark cover cut everyone's range by County Constables Jeep Posse. twenty percent to fifty percent. P.C.I. Race Radios own people 2) We used 50 watt Road masters include Elvin Berrios, Joleen and for their cleaner signal and had David Moorhouse and their isolation cavaties on both friend Frank Simich, both men in 151.625 and 151.715. These · the U.S. Navy, and Constantin measures were to clean up a "Connie" Popescu (I call him problem that has always plagued MacGyver as he fixes anything), our relay effort - interfering and my son Scott Steinberger. with ourselves! Our high A special thanks to Rory powered Landmasters, even with Senna, who has made five relays the cavaties, walked on each in a row! He has an almost other causing interference on photographic memory and does 151.625 from 151.715 and vice a terrific job on 151.715. versa. 3) The cavaties reduced Thanks go to the ground our output power and our stations who go out of their way receiver sensitivity, so we to help! First the tire companies, couldn't ' hear signals from San who have spent extra monies to Rafael or Santo Tomas. run two race radios, one on their On the positive side the relay own team frequency and one on worked super! 1) We had no self 151.625 to help the racers. They induced interference because of are, alphabetically, Armstrong thelowerpoweredradiosandthe Formula Tires with Bob cavaties. 2) We had HF (high Bogdanoff on the mike, frequency) communications to Firestone and Little Joe Aguire, every checkpoint and to General Tire, General Remote Ensenada via the BARRA and a host of fine operators, network. BARRA's cooperation Goodyear and Yokohama. I also and help was notjustgood, it was recognize the Pit Support Clubs, super. 3) We had great help both Chapa la Dusters, Checkers, atop the mountain and between F.A.l.R., Los Campeones and pre~set ground stations using the Mag 7. I am able to call on them P.C.I. Race Radios at a dozen at any time for radio help. different locations. Thanks to the racers who, After the race we critiqued our while racing, report broken cars effort and came up with some and their · locations. Two race innovative ways to improve our teams stand out in this respect-coverage with a minimum of Eagle Racing (The Bryans in interference. This will be done Class 3) and Gowland Motor-with special antennas at each sport and Giti Gowland. A extreme of the course, i.e., special thanks to the Baja 1000 Ensenada/ Santo Tomas and San relay team of Rory Senna, Scott Rafael, and use Yagi antennas Steinberger and Connie Popescu. that are directional. A fifty watt Finally, take your hats off to radio can effectively radiate its · some special racers who, not power in mostly one direction, competing in the Baja 1000, achiveing an effective output of loaned the S.T.A.R. Medical four hundred watts. On Diablo Team (formally the Score we will use a duplicate radio Medical team) their Pace radios. system on 151.625 with phased The STAR medics were to be Yagi antennas pointing at our equipped with only three Uniden two weak areas. The exception- radios. So the medics would have ally selective receiver of the nine teams and only three radios! Roadmaster with the Yagi They asked me for he,lp. But, the atennas · should insure good radios I used · to supply the communications to the extreme medics had already been areas when necessary, and the promised to pit support clubs Roadmasters with cavaties will and other ground support be the mainstay, providing stat.i0ns for the Baja 1000. l made interference free communica- a plea for the medics ata F.A.I.R. tions to the rest of the course. meeting and Voila!! Instant Of course this plan takes radios for our medics! Thanks to money,·time and people to help. So Don Chase, Jeff and Perry Coan, far P.C.I. Race Radios has Rod Everett, Wayne Morgan and supplied the money and time and Daryl Roll for the loan of their most of the people. In retrospect, Pace radios. the racing fraternity has been If you have any ideas, good to P.C.I. Race Radios, comments or observations call purchasing 78 radios alone for Bob "Weatherman" Steinberger ,the just run Baja 1000, and close at (213) 427--8177. to 600 radios over the last few At the Desert . Series A«mds years. Banquet, ril{ht on deadline, we are Our sport is growing and I pleased to announce that Boh , want my relay effort to be more Steinherl{er um wted "Person of the professional, more efficient and Year", the hil{hest honor in the able to help more people, faster. I series and well desenied by the know the challenges and have the "Weatherman". (ED.) Page 41
THE YOKOHAMA 6-50 CLUB REPORT Andy DeVercelly Wins the Gold Medal Andy OeVercelly finished all eight races he entered in 1987, winning three of them en route to the 6-50 Club gold medal and the desert series championship in Class 5-1600. The Yokohama 6-50 Club is a points series for. mature drivers, over 50 years of age. The points counting events each year include all eight of the Score/HORA desert series events and the SNORE 250. Only six of the nine races count for points, which is where the 6 in the title comes from, and at year's end the best six scores are counted for the winners, regardless of their class or classes in racing. The series was originated to give older drivers in the desert car classes recognition much the same as the motorcycle riders get in Class 38. The 6-50 Club began in 1981 , then the 5-50 Club. Corky McMillin drove his Class 2 Chenowth into the champion-ship and the gold medal. Then the series used the five Score desert races to name the winner, and that practice continued in 1982, when another Class 2 driver, Clark Gillies, won the championship. In 1983 the series was expanded to the best six out of nine events, using results from both Score and HORA races, and BFGoodrich picked up the sponsorship of the awards. Then the practice of awarding Olympic style solid gold, silver and bronze medals for the absolute top three in points also began. In 1983a5-1600driver,Bruce Jones won the gold, Gregg Symonds took the silver and Corky McMillin won the bronze medal. In I 984 Class 2 driver Danny Letner was the big winner, followed by Frank Snook, Class 1, and Marshall Mahr, Class 3, the first trucker to win a 6-50 medal. In 1985 Corky McMillin won his second gold medal driving in Class 2. Class l 0 racer Jack Irvine took the silver medal, and Class 4 Jeeper Vern Roberts earned the bronze medal. ln 1986 Stan Parnell, Phows: Tracl<siJe Photo Enterprises driving in Class 5, won the gold medal and the championship jacket, and the awards by now wt·re sponsored by Yokohama Tires. Corky McMillin won the silver medal and Gregg Symonds took home the bronze medal. In 1987 participation in the 6-50 Club points series increased to over 150 drivers on the list, perhaps indicative of the graying of the desert driving ranks. Again the eight desert series races counted for 6-50 points, along with the SNORE 250. On average, the mature drivers produce a much greater finishing ratio than that of the entire race entry, no doubt due to greater experience in desert racing. The 6-50 Club reached a real high at the HORA Colorado 300, where three class winners were eligible for 6-50 points, Andy DeVer-celly, Jerry Bundy and Emil Downey. Both Bundy and Downey als-o won their respective classes at the long distance Baja 1000. It was a tight points battle all year long in the 6-50 standings. The points are figured on a mon~ simple system than that used by the desert race organizers, with five points awarded for a race start, ten for a race finish, and multiple points against finishing position and the number of cars in the class. The numbers ran close together all year, and it came down to the last race, the Baja 1000, to decide the gold, silver and bronze medal winners· for 1987. 8 CLAS·S WINS PER RACE WITH PACE FM 2-WAYS dmaster \II • $725 Lan . OVER 550 ON THE COURSE • Handhelds • Antennas • Intercoms • Rentals • Helmet Wired $125 (cf) • Amplifiers • Official Radio of: HORA -SNORE• • Weatherman Radio Relay Team • • Emergency Rescue Service • 2888 Grundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90806 RACE RADIOS (213) 427-8177 Page 42 Ja~uary 1988 When the scores were counted, it was Andy DeVercelly in for the gold medal and the handsome championship jacket. Andy, with his son Andy co-driving the Coronado Racing Team 5-1600, also won the class championship in the desert serit'S. DeVerct·lly entered all eight of the desert series events and he won thrt..'t' of them. the Great Mojave 250, the Raja Internacional and the Colorado 300. A strong second at the Baja 1000, a thi-rd at the Fireworks 250 and seventh at the Mint 400 brought Andy DeVercelly the gold medal. While he fini shed ninth at both the Gold Coast and Park er, those scores were the lowest and were discarded. Congratulations to Andy and.his whole team for a great performance in 1987. Bill Church, who ract•s in Class 10, and his co-driver, son Michael. led the 6-50 points mid-season. Church entered all eight desert series events, and had just one dnf, at the Baja 1000. He won Class 10 attheMint400and at the Baja Internacional. He took a fine third at Mojave, fourth in Colorado and fifth at the Fireworks 250. A ninth in the 4 7 car class action at Parker counted for 6-50 points, and eighth at the Gold Coast plus the dnf were the discards. Rill Church finished the season in tight on points, merely eleven points behind the winm:r, and he took the silver medal. Corky McMillin earned the bronze medal in the 1987 series, and the Class 2 driver now has a total of five 6-50 C lub awards. McM illin entered seven of the desert series races, and Tailed to finish at Parker. His six race finishes were all strong ones. Corky won Class 2 at the Fireworks 250, and finished second in class at the Baja lnte.rnacional, the Colorado 300 and the Baja 1000. A third at the Mint 400 and a fifth at the Mojave 250 rounded out McMillin's season. He was also very tight in the medal race, only five points behind the silver medal winner. On the actual points count, Andy DeVercelly earned BS, Bill Church got 324 and Corky McMillin scored .3 I 9. The combo of Jim Venable and Stan Gilbert were fourth on points, competing in just six races in Class 8. They won the Mint 400, and were second at Mojave and the Baja 1000, and third at the Gold Coast. They also had a pair of dnfs, at Parker and the Baja Internacional. Their total score was 216 points. Competing in seven races, Frank Snook was fifth in the 6-50 Club 1987 standings. Snook failed to finish only at the Gold Coast 300. With co-driver Eric Arras, Snook was third in Class l at the Fireworks, fourth at the Mint 400 and fifth at both Parker and the Baja lntemaciorial. He finished ninth at Mojave and Colorado, for a total count of 202 points. Danny Letner ended up sixth in 6-50 points. He got a great start with second in Class 2 and overall at the Parker 400, and he was second in class at the Gold Coast 300 also. He finished fifth in Colorado, ninth at the Baja Internacional, and tenth at the Mint 400. He failed to finish either the Mojave 250 or the Fireworks 2 50. and earned a total of 176 points. Gregg Symonds compett·d in three classes in 1987, 1. 2 and 7 4x4, and he entered st·ven eligible events. GrL-gg was 12th in Class 2 at Parker, and second in Class I at the Gold oast. With his new Toyota truck he was third in Class 7 4x4 at the Baja 1 nternaciona I and fourth at Craig. Rut he did nm finish the Mint 400, Fireworks 2 50 or Raja 1000. Symonds had a total of 1 H points for seventh in 6-50 standings. Jerry Rundy comes from Connecticut to race the desert in his Class 3 Jeep. Bundy had a spectacular finish on the season with a pair of wins at Colorado and the Baja 1000. He took third at the Raja Internacional, but was a dnf at both the Mint 400 and the Fireworks 250. Bundy entered five events, and was close on points with 129. Len Newman also entered just five events in 1987 in C lass 2. His best finish was at the end of the season with fourth at the Baja 1000. More points came from a sixth at the Gold Coast 300, sponsored by his co-driver Michael Gaughan, and a seventh at the Mojave 250. He did not finish at the Mint 400 or the Baja Internacional. Newman was also close on points with a total of 125. -Rounding out the top ten in 1987 6-50 points standings was Jack Irvine, -who entered six events in his Class 10 car. Irvine did not have his usual good finish record this past year, with four non-finishes. Howo:yer, a St.'Cond in class at the Fireworks and a fourth in C lass at the SNORE 250 gave Jack a total of 12 3 points. The points race stayed close through the first fifteen Jrivers. Dave Fessenden scored 12 l points in six races, Emil Downey had 116 points in just three races, but of course he ·won rwo of them. Walter Prince, of Candy Cane fame, was next with 99 points, followed by Mike Leon, 96 points, and Wayne Morgan · with 82 points. The 6-50 Club points championship series starts all over again at the 1988 Parker 400, and once again the series is being sponsored h,y Yokohama Tires. The schedule is the same, the eight desert series races plus the SNORE 250, with the best six scores counting. The 6-50 Club rules are simple. You must be the driver of record and 50 years of age or older. If your age is listed on the entry form, it will be on the race results and available to the points keepe.r, and then you are a-n instant 6-50 Club member. It is absolutely free to participants, anq there is nothing to join. Only the 16 car classes in the desert series are scored for 6-50 points. Each driver of record receives · credit for his entry in all the races, even if he changes classes mid-stream. If you would like to know if you are on the 6-50 C lub list, or feel you are missing out and are eligible, contact Jean Calvin, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. We have lapel pins and jacket·patches for all 6-50 drivers, and if you missed getting yours, let us know and they will be sent to you right away. Dusty Times
• Indian Summer Sprints are Revived After. Two Year Hiatus finish, and Williams got into some trouble on the back side of the track and had dropped to fourth before the checkered flag came out. Jeff St. Peter made a strong push when he moved steadily from seventh place to finish in third behind thL' second place: car of Dave Hameister. battle with Williams for second place. When the two of them get caught behind some slower cars, Taylor used the advantage he had to move into second. David Vandermissen, Jr. finished the race with a broken shock tower and St. Peter finished with a flat front tin~. Probst took the win followed by Taylo~ in hot pursuit, and Williams and St. Peter were right behind Taylor. R:-, Rrcida A. Pmlwr Phoco.1: Gil Parker Classes 9 and IO took the track next. Scott Taylor came: off the: start line to gain the lead with Art Schmitt right behind him. In third place was Kevin Probst. Taylor parked it after onl y three: laps with a broken rear end. Schmitt and Probst d id battle for first place: with Kevin finally coming out on top and going on for the win. Schmitt has to sc.:ttlc.: this day for fifth spot, one lap down from the leaders after he had problems. At the checkered flag it is Probst, Todd Attig, Tom Schwartzburg and Jim Struble. In C lass 10 Dave Vandc.:rmis-sen, Sr., a stron~ contender in this class. was out after eight laps and the win wc.:nt to his son, Dave V a ndermissc.:n, J r . Scott Schwalbe was second and Terry Stotzhc.:im finished in third position. Dave, Sr. had to settle for a fourth place finish on this day. Class 1-1600 is big in the midwest. and the starts are hectic. Here eventual winner Jeff Probst takes the outside line over the first big jump traffic jam. took the lead on the second lap and was never headed in the Berrien Laser. Heavy Metal was next. In C lass 3 Rick Rogers, Bruce McKinney and James. M illt·r were: in a close fight for points and this race was a must for all of them. They did a great job on the track with Rogers taking the win followed by McKinney and Miller. In Class 4 Greg Gerlach was first, Herb Rosborough was second and Bill Schirm was third. Class I was next and Jeff Probst led for 10 laps but, with the white flag ready to drop, he pulled off the track just yards from the' start line with a blown engine. This gave first place to Art Schmitt with Jim Struble finishing in second and Scott Schwalbe in third. It appeared that something broke on Todd Attig's car and he ended up on a berm on the back side of the track. ·1 he Indian Summer Sprints were revived this year after a two· year hiatus. They were originally an endurance type race, running for six hours, and were designed to allow the mechanics, who had worked on the car all year, a chance to drive. They were never a points race, bc.:ing held at the end of the: rL>gular racing season. For the: past two years they were dropped altogether when interest in the long races waned in this part of the country since all of the drivers and car owners had designed their cars and engines around the short track races. This year however, Kevin Dawson, owner of the Lake Geneva Raceway, in Wisconsin revived this race in name only. The race was held on Saturday afternoon and the heats were 30 minutes long. It was the last race of the Formula Desert Dog Series and there was a good turn-out (a total of 80 entries) particularly in the classes where: there: was a close battle for position in the overall points standings arid in the three contingency programs. The weather couldn't have bc.:en better. It has been known to be cold and rainy this late in the year but Mother Nature was smiling on us for a change and it was a nice fall day. The first heat was for Classes 5-1600 and 11. The winner in Class 5-1600 was Ron Karlman followed by Phil Freimuth and Jim Pfeffer. Terry Wolfe started the race, but had to pit early and when he came back on the track he was 4 laps off the pace. In Class 11, Dennis Reimer came out on top with Jeff Jones and Kent Evert in second and third. Ron Kar/man flew his new Baja Bug to the victory in the tight contest in Class 5-1600 that is a favorite class with Wisconsin drivers. Art Schmitt took the Class 1 lead on the last lap in his Berrien. and he went on to victory. and he also placed fifth in Class 9 action. Dusty nmcs In Class 1-1600,Jim Wiggins, driving Todd Attig's car, led for two laps but was soon passed by Jeff Probst who went on for the win. Chuck Williams, running a strong third for about half the race finally got around Wiggins to take over second position. Wiggins continued to drop back to settle for a seventh place The 2-1600 drivers took the green flag with a flourish. Kevin Probst took the lead with Chuck Williams a close second and Jeff St. Peter in third. Taylor soon moved up through the pack to pass St. Peter and move into a The Class 8 and Class 6 cars were next. Pete VanDeHey managed to take the Class 8 win, with Dennis Ferdon second and Roger Lindsey third. In Class 6 it was Bill Grabowski and Thornton Schultz taking first and second withJohnZnidorka third. Kevin Probst. #799. a~ Chuck Williams had a keen dice in The highly restricted Class 11 buggies have some tight races. Class 2-1600, but at the checkered flag Probst won the race Dwayne Walkowski, foreground, finished fourth, and Jeff and Williams wa~ thir_d. Jones took second. For the BEST in Racing Photography call Trackside Photo, Inc. January 1988 (213) 327-4493 TRACKSIDE Photo Enterprises 18710 S. Normandie Avenue• Suite C Gardena, California 90248 Phone: (213) 327-4493 Page 43
•• a.l e.g' ;y_; ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~~'?-~o~'?' Compet,t,on Tires .._a Offroad & Motorcycle Products 22264 Ottawa, Unit 1 Apple Valley, CA 92308 (619) 240-3186 (800) 892-5263 ALUMA-KO TE Aluminizing Sand Blasting Welding Repair 13574 Pumice Norwalk, CA 90650 Mike Matson 619-583-6529 (213) 802-2328 Brent Miller BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR., SUITE B LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF~OAO RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. WEl.OING TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: \ TOM MINGA BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 BELL 1--. RACING AND SAFETY • PRODUCTS KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ma BARBARA NARD 208 4th Avenue E . Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 < Page 44 <&rnup ruckmann San Diego (519> 578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF ROAD RACE ENGINES. WI NNERS AT <::>< FOR CORKY McMILLIN DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK McMI LL IN 862 6 COMMERCE AVE. IN MIRAMAR Car Custom OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION SCORE & HORA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON : ~ 111Pr-• • l;... ~ W IJl11!jJ ,c.i,o,,,_ ~ & ~-~ JJ'oow,,. = ~ • ~~ .,,.,,.._ TWO GIANT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU SUPERSTORE #1 PH RS 969 SUPERSTORE #2 915 W FOOTHILL BL VD AZUSA CA 91102 818-334-4951 12451 WESTMINSTER BLVD GARDEN GROVE. CA 92643 714-554-9260 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $18.00 per month. Car custom VW SERVICE DEPARTMENT • RACE CAR PREPARATION • HI-PERFORMANCE ENGINE WORK • COMPLETE INSTALLATION & ELECTRICAL • HI-PERFORMANCE TRANS WORK • COMPLETE TUNE-UP-STOCK OR HI-PERF. COMPLETE SERVICE & REPAIR /iJos ·w.-fooH·m, ,,Jtzus;i <~1sJf§6~:~4ct~ I I I I I Cut out this coupon and mail it to: Dick Cepek, Inc. 17000 Kingsview Ave., Dept.OT Carson, California 90746 : 0 I've enclosed $2.00* I Please send me your I 1988 Catalog and my I $2 Rebate Card • Canadian & Foreign requests I send $5 00 U.S. Currency. L------------------------------20 YEARS OF BUILDING WINNING OFF ROAD RACE CARS CHENOWTH CARS WIN Seven Out of Eight Overall Victories in 1987 CHENOWTH. DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 1401 Pioneer Way #17 / El Cajon, CA 92020 Work (619) 442-3773 / Res. (619) 441-0938 January 1988 CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•f f.ACING PRODlJCTS, INC. Racing and recreational chassis and accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-1663 CNC Manufacturers of Quality Hydraulic and Automotive Products Send $3.00 for 1986 Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 COOL.WATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * FrL'l' / ..,,..-,ii Phone * Recreation Room * Free Movie Channel * Swimming Poo! "DUSTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619~256-8443 170 Coolwater Lane, Barstow MOST DURABLE CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE -OUR DESIGN OR YOUIS SNAP ON • STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE SNAP ON CLEAR PLACTICINE WINDOWS I "DESERT RACER" ·' ~~:D JIROOUCTS P.O. Box 2233, San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 945-0035 Official Contingency Donor for SCORE /HORA and ADRA. INLAND DISPLAY· POMONA MUNTZ STEREO· 916 HOLT AVE. BIRT BIii/TB ~llffJj}[J] IUJU IIIMIIEII$ WITII ITYlE U.S.A. {818} 882-7808 10138 CANOGA AVE., CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 Dusty Tirncs
DIRJ -RIX (602) 253-5289 Championship Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 PERFORMANCE TRANSMSSIONS ES <••> ae1-aoaa DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN 2022 ARST STREET SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 "serving the industry since 1976" DRIVELINE SERVICE , _µ,1-Ct£ 1-REPAIRING • BALANCING • CUSTOMIZING THERE IS A DIFFERENCE PARTS AND SERVICE ON CN AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS (714) 824-1561 416 E. Valley Blvd., Colton, CA 92324 SCORE & HORA CONTINGENCY SPONSORS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Components Bob Cassetta 825-0583 888-2703 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 Don Rountree 241 S. Arrowhead Ave. SAN BERNARDINO DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DIEALIER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. Ir is :i great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91 301. (818) 889-5600 Dusty Times TM FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! RENTALS VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST .. BLD. D. ONTARIO. CA 91761 1985 SCORE/ HORA ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR VW & Porsche Racing Engines & Transaxles PERFORMAICE Race Car Preparation Intake & Exhaust System Components for VW Type I, Rabbit, TYPE IV, 911 1450 N. Glassell. Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 \LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS .,..i·'•t . .1">-....0:·.~·- ··· · 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS RE-IIABLE V.W. PAffl 1 U523 SHEL.CON ST, SUN VALLEY. CA 913!52 768-4!5!5!5 (619) 465-3782 ~ aet Your sn1rr Together/ FORTIJ'Y TRAI'YSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane JamuL Callfomla 920:35 ~ Doug Fortin (408) 377-3422 Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's Specifications IOX RACING SHOX 544 McG/incey lane, Unit 8, Campbell, Calif. 95008 January 1988 ~?~~ A Prototype Design & Development Company Specializing In: (619) 449-8322 FRISK BROS. • Racecars, Racetrucks, ATV's • Tube Bending& Metal Fabrication • Aluminum & Steel Sheetmetal 10734E Kenney Street• Santee, CA 92071 Fuel Bladders Dump Cans -CELLS Quick FIiis Std. FIiis 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 962-0027 GARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN 1436 EAST THIRD STREET (71') 620-1242 POMONA. CA 91766 PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & CUSTOM POOLS LICENSED & INSURED • ACID WASHES• FILTERS• HEATERS• MOTORS • ETC. OFFICE 362-4202 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89103 HOUSE of BUGGIES 9027 Campo Road• Spring Valley, CA 92077 • 619-589-6770 MICHAEL LUND Owner 6211 Yarrow Drive, Suite C • Carlsbad. CA 92009 • (619) 931-0844 Page 45 -•
• Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 dl@miJJd V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 JIMCO OFF flOAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON OHN &eCMC l"IIINICCTS s.nd $2.00 lor C...., OHNSON CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINN ING SUSI EN5ION SYSTBIS PER FOR MAN CE t1CH PBlfORMANCE SHOCU P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 (619) 698-3407 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner DUAL 6 l1IIPU: SHOCK SYSnMS FIBBlClA5S 60• v-. :U MOTOR PARTS 4<X'BIO-.S Custom Engines / Transaxles Street · Strip · Ottroad KEITH SCHINDLER (714) 599-7627 . A.I'+, ti o~<v~~ ~.,..., .f O-.I STANDARD ,\\)V 4\,V ~ v REBUILDS ,9 f" <(;~ '~ ,.,. ~~~,._+" ~ .~ .TS" (619) 244-3584 ~ (\'(,'iCi~0 "'-~ 11435 Santa Fe Ave. East V Hesperia, California 92345 <?--'?" · Page 46 McKENZIFS AUTOMOTIVE INC. WARIIHOU911 DlaTlll■UTORS FOR CIINTIIER-LINil: WHEELS TIICTUV, TIIIU KC LIGHTS SU~lt .. T .. A~ S~A .. K ....... 11:STO .. S Cl■llt LIGHTS MCKltNZllt Al .. l'ILTIEIIS ■ILSTalN SHOCKS K.Y.■, SHOCKS ■IEA"D SIATS Hl:WLAND CHAIIS GltM GIAIIS CROWN Ml'O. W .. IOHT ~LACIE DU .. A ■LUI ULTRA ■OOT WltSTltllN AUTO Tl .. 11:S 8, 9 . 78<1-8<138 818-78!5-!5827 NIAL ~IIODUCTS IIA~ID COOL T"I-MIL 129415 SHE .. MAN WAY. NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA 91809 MENDEOLA RACING TECHNOLOGY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACING GEARBOXES ( 619) 2 7 7 -3100 7577 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO. CA 92111 5\S Ct°'{). S Custom Built to Your Needs by V-ENTERPRISES 37929 Sixth St. East, Unit 107 Palmdale, CA 93550 Bill Varnes Mike Brown 805/272-3843 INST ANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Cu111n9 Brakes'" • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clu1ches and Throttles ... plus much more. VW TRANSAXLES OFF ROAD/STRIP/STREET Complete Catalog, $3 00 NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road San Diego. CA 92lll (619) 565-9336 OFF ROAD SUSPENSIONS NEVER LIFT ENGINEERING JEFF HUBER (619) 242-5840 13952 HUDSON CT. APPLE VALLEY. CA 92307 "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer Today -Oil -Fuel -Transmissions -Rearends -Offroad. Oval Track. Drag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc .. 12414 Hwy. 99 So .. Dept. OT. Everett, WA 98204 January 1988 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEER.ING 6879 OR .. N C IRCLE. BUEN .. p,.RK. CA 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 WO VANS & PtCKUPS & M t N I TRUCKS GABRIEL R .. C ING SHOCKS • BAJ .. R YO[RS PRE·RUN TRUCKS • C USTOM SPRINGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION NO BLOCKS USED • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 Established 1974 Wants YOU Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved ! Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor-(818) 335-7757 IKE' FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 Years · The best in the Desert offee Shop -Steak House -Watering Hole Saloon Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER. CALIFORNIA PORCO-PRECISION OFF ROAD COMPANY~ Retail Ports • Fabrication • Prototype 678 UNIT C SAN BERNARDINO RD. COVINA, CA 91723 TONY VANILLO (818) 915-3847 (818) 915-3848 19000 Bagby Dr. Canyon Country PREPCo RACE CAR MAINTENANCE RICHARD PARCELLS (805) 251-9631 PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY NEW LENOX lLUNOIS 60451 18151 485-RACE 17223) Dusty nmes
PROFESSIONAL • AMERICAN • CANADIAN Cl -Off-ROAD \l A R~CING~ ~--:~~ ~? P. 0. BOX 323eSEAHURST, WA 98062 (206) 242-1773 Quality Products Fastener Sµccialists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845 East Compton Blvd. Paramount, CA 90723 S OF 1 AL KEY (213) 515-3570 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES The REP FIRM Telephone: (714) S3S-4437 (714) S1S-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 9280S DOUG FREEMAN (213) 320-9584 P.O . BOX 3757 GARDENA. CA 90247•7457 (818) 991-3014 Bernice Sanders 5331 Derry Ave. • Suite O • Agoura. CA 91301 RUSS's V.W. · Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's Dusty nmcs (213) 583-2404 fm1jJ fI!JiPSERVICE, INC. m ~ETAL PROCESSING 5921 W:lmington Avenue Los Angeles. Californ,a 9000'1 ~ANOBLAS i GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PART ICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith Check out the DUSTY TIMES Special aub Sub Offer . ( Almost half price for group subscriptions) Call (818) at-5600 or write DUS1YTIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 Custom Race Car Fabrication & Preparation Hi-Performance VW Engines & Transmissions SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF-ROAD CHASSIS 745 W. Sunset Road #15 Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 565-DIRT RAY CUM~INS Suspension Specialist Fox Shox Trackside Service .i, __ OFF ROAD SUSPENSION SYSTEMS - SHOCKS RACE CAR FABRICATION AND PREPARATION CUSTOM MACHINE PARTS - KEVIN McGILLIVRAY 28210 AVE. CROCKER #301, VALENCIA, CA 91355 (805) 257 -09:34 s,ORT ENfJINEEll/NfJ PRECISION HELIARC WELDING -CUSTOM FABRICATION PRODUCTION & REPAIRS GREGG HAWKS WOODLAND HILLS, CALIFORNIA January 1988 Anaheim, CA ........ . .... ............... (714) 630-3810 Bakersfield. CA .......................... (805) 324-9882 Bullhead City, AZ ........................ (602) 758-5480 Colton, CA . ............................. (714) 877-0226 Denyer, CO ............................... (303) 750-9617 El Centro, CA ..........•.............•... (619) 352-4721 El Paso, TX ..... .............. :-.......... (915) 533-5931 Fullerton. CA .................. . ......... (714) 635-5533 Hayward, CA ............. . .............. (415) 783-6500 Lancaster. CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 948-6044 Las Vegas, NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (702) 643-9200 _ Long Beach, CA . , .......•............... (213) 432~3949 Los Angeles, CA .•............. . ......... (213) 531-0192 Oakland, CA ............................. (415) 428-2600 Phoenix, AZ ........ . ................... . (602) 889-1324 Riverside, CA ......... .................... (714) 877-0226 Santa Barbara, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 963-9366 San Jose, CA ............................ (408) 294-4513 Van Nuys, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (818) 785-0902 Ventura. CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 659-5609 Yuma. AZ ................................ (602) 782-6543 P.O. Box 6 10. 333 West Broadway. su;te 202 {213) 437_4373 Long Beach. California 90801-0610 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS (714) 630-8283 Anaheim, CA S11spP.nsion ComponP.nts (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 CHUCK TAYLOR PREMIUM PETROLEUM LUBE 349 MAINSAIL RD. OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 (619) 433-8777 Lubricants Specialist SOUTHWESTERN PETROLEUM CORPORATION SINCE 1933 NACE TRANS BY JEFF REOlS . TRflNSflXLE . ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 Page 47 •. r
,. THE LOMBARD RAC RALLY Juha Kankkunen Wins It All In England Juha Kankkunen celebrated his last ride with the Lancia team by winning the rally and taking his second consecutive World Championship, navigated all the way by Juha Piironen. just like he had always been part of their family. He even embraced his season-long rival and fellow teammate Markku Alen, with whom he had started the rally on equal terms in the world chafl}pionship race. Alen, however, had an accident-fraught event; twice he went on the roof, and on another occasion he was off the road. He finished sixth, but this was not high enough to beat the absent Mas.c;imo Biasion in the title cha e. Tex! & Photos: Marlin Holmes unsuitable rear drive Ford Sierra Cosworths, which boasted a hundred more horsepower. In the end two of the three works Lancias had accidents and fell behind, so the alternative event became a race for second place behind the unmarked Delta of- Kankkunen. This was fought long and hard between Eklund and the works Ford driver Stig Blomqvist. Eklund won, until after the event. Scrutineers dismantled his engine and found that one of the inlet manifold dimensions was fractionally too big, which meant the Audi did not conform to FISA's Appendix J and was excluded from the event. The world championship for drivers has never been so exciting in its history. Before the RAC, Bia~ion had a fourteen point lead over Alen and Kankkunen, but having started one event more, · he did not compete in order to give his Finnish teammates an equal chance of success. But, not only did one of the Finns have to beat the other to be champion, they also had to finish the event either first or second. Biasion came to Britain before the event to wish then (insincere!) best wishes, then returned to Italy to hear what happened. The makes championship had long ago been settled in Lancia's favor, so no more were the Italian managers making their contro-versial orders about who should and should not be winning. However, as Kankkunen had already told the team he was not going to stay with them in '88, one wondered if the Italians, like Honda in Formula l, would take measures to insure the drivers' championship would go to someone who would stay with them. Team boss Cesare Fiorio was absent because of an off shore racing accident in America, but before the event he said that he wouldn't be needed. He would let the best man win the series! Pacenotes came officially to the RAC for the first time, not for the forests but only for the first day 'stately homes' stages. This development was widely welcomed by the professionals who now hope the rally will fall fully into line with the other major rallies in the world. The notes did little, however, to help Alen, who slid onto his roof at Chatsworth, the seventh stage, and let Kankkunen into a · lead he then held to the finish. It was just not Alen's rally! Because Sunday's stages had not amounted to ten percent of the total, the competitors had to restart on Monday in their numerical not classification order. This meant that-Alen was first on the road, and first to drive over the fresh snow at Clocaenog. More time was lost and he was third at the end of the day. Come the Yorkshire stages, not used on the RAC last year, and he went on the roof again. Then the rally went through Kielder and he left the road once more, and finally reached Chester in sixth place, only climbing to fifth when Eklund was excluded. The Eklund saga was a tragedy. Despite a remarkable drive by Blomqvist who rose from ninth after the snows to second at the end of the Kielder stages, Eklund's efforts in a private Audi Juha Kankkunen became the first driver to obtain the world rally title on two consecutive seasons when he won the Lombard RAC Rally, the final round of the 1987 season. After a most unhappy start to his one year stay with Lancia, Kankkun-en rounded off the season with a trouble free rally in his Delta HF 4WD. "My season had started so badly but ended so well. Actually I am now a little sorry I am leaving the team", he confessed after the rally. "I thought I would never get used to the Italian systems, but gradually through the year I realized the way they did things could work to my advantage as much as against, it!" The face of anger and misery'that we saw at Monte Carlo after being told to throw away 'his' victory had changed; now he was hugging the Lancia mechanics There were two competitions at the RAC, the four wheel drive turbo-charged race, which wa fought out between the Lancias, and the others. The alternative event produced a fascinating battle between the 4WD underpowered Audi Coupe Quattros, notably the privately -run car of Per Eklund, and the Per Eklund and David Whitlock did a great job taking $econd After a rally long battle royal, Stig Blomqvist and Bruno in the Audi Coupe Quattro, but were excluded for very minor Berglund were second. officially, and best 2WD in the Ford ~TRACKSJDE Photo £nterpr1Ns PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA 90009 18710 SO NORMANOIE • SUITE c·• GARDENA. CA. 90248 Jim Ober (213) 327-4493 RACINC PIIOTOCRAPHY SPl:CIALlfl'S LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C . Fullerton, Ca. 92631 Louie Unser (714) 879-8440 Phone (602) 242-0077 2733 W. Missouri Page 48 Custom Wh"ls Phoenix, Arizona 85017 technical problems. Sierra RS Cosworth. 112 Octane n-lck TA~C~-,acing gasoline 118 Octane Super-Trick 100 Octane Unleaded Alameda County f4 I 5J 538-RACE Phoenix f602J 952-2575 Bakersfield f805J 393-8258 Portland/Vancou~r f206J 693-3600 Bremerton f206J 377-795 1 Riverside f714J 787-8 14 1 Denver f303J 452-5239 Sacramento f9 I 6J 638-RACE El Centro f6 I 9J 352-2600 San Diego f6 I 9J 460-5207 Hawa11 1808) 682-5589 Saugus f805) 259-3886 Huntington Beach 1714) 536-8808 Seattle f206) 833-0430 Long Beach 1213) 979-0198 Spokane 1509) 483-0076 Los Angeles 1213) 863-4801 TriCities 1509) 547-3326 Las Vegas 1702) 871-1417 Tucson 1602) 326-8770 Orange County f714J 634-0845 \.Venatchee f509J 663-2912 FHE WINNERS CHOICE WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports winn ing drivers and engine builders. Just ask the top professionals before buying your next cam . Our dedication to performance and quality keeps you on top. Call WEB-CAM for your winning cam for street•. strip and off-road or send $3 Jor ~he complete _ _ _..., catalog. <tai)WEB-CAM 12387 Doherty st., Dept. o/W11;RfoRMANCE cAMsHAFrs Riverside, CA 92503 (714) 735-2200 'N« Mg-1 for 1M in CA on polluhOII controlled vehicles. Baja Bugs Dune Buggies Race Cars Machine Shop Parts & Service W.R. RACING Products 515 So. Vermont Glendora, CA 91740 January 1988 Bill Raybould 818-914-3904 lUiPJ UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNOLIA, SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 9207" 619/ 449-9690 . Power Steering - Brackets Aluminum Fabrication - Tabs Engine & Machine VW -PORSCHE -OFF ROAD 947 RANCHEROS DRIVE SAN MARCO S , C A 92069 (6191741-6173 For advertising rates & information contact Wright Publishing Co., Inc. PO Box· 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Dusty Times
,.. Winning the Sierra Rally Search won George Donaldson the RAC ride. and he proved his worth. with Fred Gallagher co-driving, by winning Group N. Mats Jonsson and Johnny Johansson fly through the wet roads en route to seventh overall in the Opel Kadett GS/. and were the best non turbo car. Cornering hard here in the Ford Sierra RS Cosworth. Carlos Sainz and Antonio Boto were eighth overall and in Group A at the RAC Rally. were marvelous to behold. Things went wrong the night after the finish when they checked his engine and he was excluded. Exclusion for a modification which even the scrutineers could not say would improve performance seems very harsh, but this was no case of punishment at all. It was the removal of a car which should not have been there in the first place. The fact the driver did not know the engine had the wrong dimensions, maybe not even Kolb the German engine builder or Schmidt the Austrian responsible for preparing the car, or that the machining error was small, was irrelevant. The system says that cars may compete in international championship rallies only if homologated. For every car the correct dimensions of every relevant piece is specified, and if the measure-ments are different the car is not homologated. Punishment would only apply if there had be~n fraud. The tragedy comes that this sort of thing will affect a privateer more than a factory team. A factory car is prepared under strict control but a privateer can only buy parts from outside suppliers. To say there were two races in the RAC was unfair, there were many others as well. Perhaps the third was for front drive, 2 liter Group A cars. The rally started full of promise for a royal Peugeot versus Opel versus VW battle. General Motors fielded a two-part team·, those prepared in' Britain, with guest star driver Derek Bell, and. those in West Germany. Little differed between them, except for one major alteration, the position where the air for the engine is collected. The British cars had their inlet pipe low down and sucked in water from the deep ford at the Weston Park stage. After a promising appearance at Sanremo, it was disappointing that only one works Opel reached the end. Peugeot fielded two 1.9 liter cars, their regular driver Louise Aitken-Walker beating all the others, but both of them went out with accidents. FISA two wheel drive champion Kenneth Eriksson was sent to drive a VW Golf for the British importers, but despite having all the best parts from the works team, Eriksson had a miserable event and was ninth. In the smaller classes Sk~a came to the RAC looking for the chance to gain their 15th class win in as many years. They had two opportunities in the 1300cc Group A class, but were defeated · by TWO seconds by Warren Hunt's Nova. But they also ha4 a · Dusty Times trump card, a little known Czechoslovakian, 24 year old Pavel Sibera, who this year won the Peace· and Friendship (Eastern European) title. They had a problem. As he was in a Group B car, he had to start, under RSA rules, right at the back. To Sibera's credit he tolerated the first two days of aggravations of the roads badly cut up and of 1300cc Group N cars in front of him, until he was reseeded for the last two days. He kept the car together and won for Skoda, not only the class they needed, but the team's first GROUP win in a world event since Monte Carlo in 1977. For GM, Hunt's success was the saving grace. Kankkunen wins the title, Eklund's exclusion meant that Jimmy McRae gained A status for next year. But, the happiest happening must have been in Group N. 15,000 people applied to Ford in response to the Sierra Rally Search, and eventually the champion was George Donald-son. His prize was an expense paid drive on the RAC with an officially prepared Cosworth. The 29 year old Donaldson has been a friend for some time, he even too'k a Mini to the 1983 Swedish Rally for experience, and to learn more about rallying he worked as mechanic for Toyota Team Europe. His days with Toyota also brought him into contact with co-driver Fred Gallagher, another Edinburgh resident, and they teamed up for the RAC and they won their group! Who would believe the man who upset the Lancia hierarchy back at Monte Carlo by publicly querying team orders would end up the world champion for a second time? But, with Kankkunen you can never take things for granted. Next year he drives for Toyota in selected world rallies and for Peugeot in one off events, including Paris-Dakar and Pikes Peak. And, 'Cinderella' Biasion is the man now being groomed for '88 world stardom. What of Alen? After all these years he has still failed to gain the one title that he most dearly wants. At least Lancia will have him back again next year. If they let Kankkunen become champion and still hav~ Markku back again, the Italians obviously have a heart. The RAC Rally held 47 stages over 300 miles in all, and 1630 miles of total distance. The Juhas, Kankkunen and Piironen, won for Lancia by over three minutes over Per Eklund/ Dave Whittock, whose Audi was excluded, and was only half a minute ahead of the Ford of Stig Blomqvist and Bruno Berglund. Jimmy McRae and Ian Grindrod were officially third in another Ford Sierra RS Cosworth, three more minutes back. Two minutes behind them were Mikael Ericsson/ Claes Billstam, followed in seconds by Markku Alen and Ilkka Kivimaki, both in Lancias. Of the 165 cars that started the 'rally, only 83 were official finishers.· The final points standings show Kankkunen with 100, Biasion with 94 and Alen with The Losers •••• By Judy Smith The SNORE folks ended their year in early December at the Blac~jack 200, which had its share of Losers. But we're inclined to think that the a-al Losl·rs wen: the folks who didn't enter this one. The weatherman co-operated with a heavy rainstorm the night before. and then hrought on sunshine and mild temperatures for race day . Everyone who drove it had a great time, and we envied them the dust free sprint through the Nevada desert. Tom Bradley was one of the Losers, having done his pre-running anJ gotten all suited up. but with no car to run. It seems they wen: having carburction troubles, and unless they got it right it was no go. And they never got it there. In Class 10, which was hard hit, the first lap leader, John Ellenhurg, was out when his front end fell apart, and the second lap leader. Rob Myerly. was out when his motor went r,away on lap three. Brad and Roh Johnson and Jeff Hinkle, who came from such diverse places as Oregon and Corona, and the Marine Corps, had a hard day . Their Class 10 two seater lost both its roof and its front bumper on the first lap, and thdr new torsion bars, which had had · no miles on them at the start, took a set and had to be re-set. They also lost a trailing arm bolt, and had to find a replacement.· Each lap they lost a lot of time, anq·ultimately, had time for only three laps. John Miller and Verdon Don Bowler, who were in a two scat 1600 car, lost their front adjusters. Both of them. And then they did a full lap with no front suspension, and about fiw inches of ground clearance. They also lost their air log ( it probably vibrated off because of the front end). They told us that their bodies were hurting, and we have no trouble understanding that. Bob Westfall, Sr., driving in an old Funco Hustler that made us feel nostalgic, had a flat on the second lap, and then a front wheel broke off on the third lap while Bob Jr. was driving. They got in only four laps. In the Challenge class, Brian Pennington pulled out an upper balljoint on the second lap, and January 1988 · had no spare with him. And Steve Burke finished his first lap, a long one, with no left front wheel. He'd apparently lost it when the nuts came off, or the studs broke. But he hadn't lost it entirely, because itwasn·stingon his ncrf har, and he was holding onto it with his right arm stuck out through the net and fingers wrapped around the wheel. We bet he couldn't use that arm much for the rest of the day. LeRoy VanKirk and Rick Rowland were out to sce what their new Raceco with a wry srwcial six cylinder Porsche motor could do, but hardly got a chann· to find out. First they had a flat tire, which lost them a lot of time,, and then they had to run two laps with no brakes. which they prudently did at reduced spel·d. They got to do only five laps altogether. And Kenny . Krumme was out on the first lap, in his Class 1 car, when he broke his left rear suspension. · Jim and Joe McMurray brought their brand new Chevy truck to Las V cgas to givt· it a "shakedown" run before they enter it in its first serious race, the Parker 400, in 1988. There \Wren 't any othi:r trucks to race with. but _the promoters put thl·m in with Class·S-1600, as for as the purse went. Unfortunate-ly, Jim and Joe broke a wheel on the first lap, and lost so much time they weren't able to get a finish. We forgot to tdl you one story we heard after the Baja 1000. It St:.'\.'ms that Dick Wcyhrich. who was running .third in Class 10 at the time, got down to the beach north of Camalu, . and found himself having the same trouhlc as everyone else. He was confused and lost, and kept getting wet, and was having trouble seeing where the course was. Finally, he found himsdf stuck in a puddle, and stalled because the engine was wet. So Dick got out of the car and dried everything off. There were some Mexicans nearby, but they didn't bother him, and he just went efficiently about the · business of getting his car to run again. Finally, it was dry, and he hopped in and fired it up.Just as he started to move on he saw his spare tire going off into the shrubs in the hands of a couple of 88. Kenneth Eriksson scored 70 and the two wheel drive title, Jean Ragnotti was next with 51 points. Lancia easily won the makes title, followed by Audi, Renault, Volkswagen, Ford, Mazda and Toyota. Ml·xican s1~ctators. It was a new spare on a new whl•t·I. and it made Dick really mad. So he climbed out of his car again, and decked the two closest hystandcrs, then got back into the car and took off. Hl· says ht· drove ahout a mile and a half before he dared to stop and put his hclts on. Uspally we art·ri't in favor of violence, belil·ving that it dot·s nothing to solve prohk·ms, only creating more. But in this cast· wt· can readily understand W eyh-rich 's angt•r and frustration, and can sec how he'd feel he had to express it somehow. We'd be inclined to react similarly in tht· same situation. But he didn't get his tire back. · Recently a friend reluctantly decided that his race car frame had seen the end of its usefulness. He stripped off all the good parts, and, with a lump in his throat, took the bare frame to the scrap metal yard. He figured he'd get a little cash return, a slim begin-ning stash for his new frame. Little is the word! When he counted his receipts for the scrap metal, he found he had been paid three dollars and ten cents! We'd like to congratulate all the winners at the recent SCORE/HD RA A wards Ban-quet. It's nice to see all the points winners be recognized, and to get a chance to applaud for all the winners in the special categories also. A whole crowd of off roading's finest were honored that night. We'd also like to congratulate all those attendees who stuck it out and stayed to the end of the banquet - a long five hours it lasted. All our best wishes to you for a Happy New Year, and we wish you many miles of safe and successful racing in 1988. AffENTION DESERT RACERS DUSlY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and HDRA desert races. Check it out on contingency row - Two different classes each event. Page 49
~ Classified ... FO R SALE: Two b ed ro o m house on 5.6 ac.res with 30 x 60 two story barn ( toy box) Elsinore area. Call (714) 674-7365 - Marvin Shaw. FOR SALE - 1986 Run,1erson 1- 1600. Wright. Super noot, Neal. Centerlines, Fox and Runderson shocks, Field trans. I 20" \\'h, 18 gal. fuel cell, po\\'er stel'ring. Prl'ppl'd, rl'ad{to racl'. Sparl's and A ms trai !er. $ I 0, 500. obo. Call eves after 5. ( 408 ) 724-542 l. FUR SALE - Chenm\'th 1000, perb:t 1-1600(1rChallengercar. Rael' rl'ady, less engine, trans & shocks: Fk·ard , Flaml'out, • way-A-W ay, Parker, Neal and much nwre. $2 300.00 Rob Gray ( 408) . 866-03 30. FOR SALE/TRADE - All new '87 Chl'nowth , 2- 1600, I 15" wh, has Miragl' front and rl·ar suspl'nsion. Nl'ver racl'd. All tbl' hest e4uipment used and prnfes-s ion a 11 y built b y Mathwes Racing. All m·\\· spares, includi ng tires, whel'ls and also trailer \\'l tirl' rack and tool hoxl's. Call Ms. " M"(714)5H-3519 aftl'r 6 p.111. FOR • ALE -Outlaw Class I , FAT type 4, Mendeola Hewland, hest of l'verything. Last race Mint 400, 2nd overall. Car is fresh and ready to race. Includes all spares, radios, trailer, etc. $ 18,000.00. For more info call Nick (619) 460-441 8. FOR SA LE - FUNCl) Class I buggy. Prl'viously owned by Makulm Smith. Prc.:parc.:,I and maintaine,1 hy O .R.E. (Cin;g L l' \\'in ) . NL',,. 2 38 0 cc FAT l' n g i n e . N c; \\ ' :h us tr a n sax I e \\' He\\'land g(:ars by Transaxle Engineering (Jeff). Ne\\' hrakes, li11t·s, master c yli nders a nd battl'ries. Ne\\' 2 rl',lr Fox posi-tion sensitive shucks. Many extra parts, incl 7 n:ar spares, 3 fronts. Rael' prepped, ready. $ 12,500.00. . Call GreJc! (805 J 52 3-2800. Rill (805) 272-384 3 or Terry (303) 2 32-7852 or ( 303) 2 32-24 15. FOR SALE-2 seat, 120" wb Hi Jumper. 2 180cc, low hours, Art Carr 3 speed tranny, Wright front end, heavy duty steering, KYR's and Rilsteins, K & N, Mesa coolers, Re ard seats , '.Simpson 5 point heirs, Nea l pedal, 22 gal. fuel cdl, Sway-A-Wav, Centerlines. Older Class 2 car, make a good pre-runner. $3800.00. Call Ted (714) 947-2009. FO R SALE 1966 Raja Bug pre-runner - show car. Lee Leighton 2 180cc roller crank engine, Zenith, K&N's, a ll chrome hraided lines, heavy duty mms, tilt front end, 8" wider front end, KYR's, VDO, Sway-A-W ay, Taylor seat , 3 seater, Si mpson belts. Street legal, lM O tan k, rack and pinion stl'ering, po lished Centerlines, custom cage and frame, custom paint inside and out. Must see. $5000.00. Call Ted (714) 947-2009. FOR SALE -O.R.E. Class 10 single seater. Colorado 300 and Baja l000 winnl'r. 25 gal fuel cell, MP power steering, Fox Shox, Wright, 3M bars, Sway-A-Wn y coil ove r, Centerli nes , turho c.v.'s, Vanagan trans \\' / D u k es ca r r i er s , Co rn u t t Rusters, air-cooled engine, 126 dyno hp. All the hest. $ 16,500. Call Jays (8 18 ) 574-1944, nite (8 18 ) 357-7241. FO R SALE - 2-1600 Raceco. Fox Shocks, Neal pedals, turbo c.v.'s, 22 gal fuel cell, Sway-A-W ay, Hatz motor, Fields trans. Call John, Rick or Ralph M-F, 8-5, (805) 987-3887, FOR SALE - Class 5 race ready. G reat for pre-run car , till competitive 5 car. Trailer and all equip ment. $9500.00. Call (619) 728-0837. FO R SALE: 1968 VW axles. Hot set up for Challenger Swing axle trans with four lug drums. Mag-nafluxed and shot peened. $40 each. Call Sport Engineering at (8 18) 710-1044. FOR SALE - Lee Leighton Type I O pen Class motor. Fresh rebuilt, 2240 roller crank, T rick heads, big W eher, dyno 130 hp. $4000.00 invested . Will sell for $3000.00 obo. Also, bus trans w/ Hewlands, built by Mike Leighton, $1 200.00 oho. Call Joe after 6 p.rn. (702) 647-2 102. FOR SALE -Bo Skowronnek's Canadian Tally cha~pion 1986 and Group" A " 1987 champion. 242 Volvo Turho. This Group "A" 270 hp fuel injected intercookd watl'r injectl'd rally car is ready to go. Two tu rhos, ·Matter alu. roll cage, Halon-o n° board fire system, I 00 liter fut:! tank , fou r ventilated disc hrakes, close ratio 5 speed transmission, PL·ltor intl'rcom, electronic FOR SALE - 2 car teeter board trailer, with winch. Will take wide buggy on top, $2500.00. Call Gregg at (818) 889-6950. FOR SALE - C lass 10 Chenuwth I 000. Very clean car, hest of everything. Complete Wright front end, power steering, Summers Bros.· hubs, FAT air cooled motor, Saco Hewland trans, Super Boo t, Sway-A-W ay, Mastercraft. Sell complete or less motor and trans. Call Diamond G Racing, days (303) 237-5722, nights (303) 237-0435. FOR SALE Chaparral 2 seater, 118" wb, chrornl' rnoly, DG 300 Hew land, ( fresh), Summers Bros. outhoard c.v.'s, 2700cc Type IV, UMP powL·r steering, Fox shocks, extra parts, race prepped. $25,000.00 or make offer. Call Dan (602) 272~ 6626 . ~r-----------~-----------~----------~---------, I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5 .00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All classified ads must be paid in advance. Enclosed is $ (Send check or money order, no cash). Pleas.e run ad _______ times. Name Address ____ ___________________ Phone _______ _ City __________________ _ State _____ Zip ______ _ Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 Page 50 January 1988 I I I I I I I • mileage countl'r, B()sch auxiliary lights, rims and tirl's and many spares, too numerous to list. Comes complete with dual axle electric brake trailer with tire rack and Dodge I ton long body van, equipped to carry all spares and repairs - sleeps one. Will service first two rallys. Phone Canada (306) 374-7737 or. ( 4 I 6 ) 640-54 I 4. FO R SALE OR TRADE -Sandwinder, 4 seat dune buggy. Sarne owne r. Featured in September 197 5. Hot VW's. New big bore 1500 Lee Leighton engine, Tri-Mil, Holley, CR, !sky cam, HD oil pump, Hayden, power pulley, 5 spoke rims, XT Commandos and Hi-Floatation, Deist belts, CIBIE lights, roll bar, KYB's and Sway-A-W ay torsion bar. Includes single axle, dual ramp trailer. $3500.00 or will trade for 2 seat Challenger. Call Ellis (714) 381-4509. FOR SALE -Bus 091 trans w/ Henry's Super Oiff, Summers 091 drive flanges, Hewland gears, new 4:86 ring and pinion, new center section, RIMCO rear case. Best of everything. Pat Hughes Performance prepared, fresh. $2500.00 obo. Call Steve (602) 272-9333 or (602) 978-5140. FOR SALE - Chaparral 2 seater ADRA 1600 Limited C lass. I 00" wb, VW suspension, 8 & 10" travel, bus trans, fuel cell, Bilsteins, Beards, Jamar hyd., new General ti res. Engine is disassembled, spare parts, raced . twice. Very clean car. Great pre-runner or racer. $4150.00. Call Larry at (602) 963--4275. FOR SALE -Callen trailer 8x22 race car hauler. $4500.00 obo. Type 1 2180 FAT roller crank motor. $2000.00. Call Bob ( 714) 594-3858. FO R SALE - Race car hauler. Heavy duty tandem axle open trailer, large cargo box, two tire racks, winch, electric brakes, new 8 ply Goodyears on 15" mags. Tows like a dream. Fresh paint. $1700.00. Call Steve (3 14 ) 843-4661. FOR SALE -Bilstein shocks for a Baja Bu~. Two 10 inch, fou r_ 8 mch and four 12 inch. Allot them brand new. Call Alex at (2 13) 472-C957. Dusty Times
FOR SALE 1967 VW pn:-runnt:r. Scort: lq.(.il, 1600cc, flt:.ird st:ats, Rael' Car spindles and trailing arms, hoxl'd rl'ar arms, IRS, full ragl' front to rl'ar, Cl'nterlint:s option:1I. l'rt:prx·d for Raja 1000 and didn't takl' it. Licensl'd , strL'L't ll'g:tl. Bilstl'ins. Call Gary aftn 6 p.m. ( 209) 22 4-9188. FOR SALE - Class I Racl'rn, Coors Light car. provL·n winnL·r. Changing clasSL'S, must st:11. 118" wh, compll'tl' Wright mil-over front L'nd, UM!' rowL'r stL'L'ring, Carr Micro Huh hrakL'S, Supl'r Boot ·axlL's, RilstL'ins, SL'Condary torsion, Taylor Sl'at, 28 gal. fuel Cl'II, Racl'co shiftn, Sl't up for HL'wland DG 300 wltypt: 4 motor. SL·II minus motor and trans only. PricL'd at $ 12,000.001 obo. Call Stl'w(619) 566-1010. WANTED -San DiL'go Class 7S tl'am sel'ks a partnl'r for onl' third ownL·rship, driving, co-riding in approximatL·ly four racl's in '88; start with l'arkl'r. Truck complL'tL', L'ntry fL'L'S paid. Major tirL' and shock sponsors comm ittL·d . A p/1rox i matL·l y $4000.00 nn·dL', . L'XJWriL·ncL' helpful, not m·n·ssary. Call Nick at(ol 9) 44 )-8012. FOR SALE -Class 5 rarlprL·-runnL'r. Neth. 9" widL'r hL·am, Wright front arms, Woods 3x 3 arms, Bus trans, IH ,5 VW. Turhos, Bilstl'in, Mastl'rrrafr, 2.!. gal. rl'II, many span· parts, haw licl'nSl' platL'S. Sl'rond place at thl' 1986 Superstition 250. $6500.00 oho. Call Waynl' at (714) 770-2495 days, ( 714) 4%-hh 15 l'Vl'S. FOR SALE - Sprin~-Chassis Works C lass IO. 1987 M id\\'L'St SL'ril'S ovL'rall points champion. $5000.00. hmrn A-Arm. Lots of span· ,,arts, l'Xtra glass, disc brakes. A stl'al at $ 3500.()0. Both cars art: ml ling chassis. C.11 Tommy days (915) 332- 1537, nitl's(915) 56,-9 154. FOR SALE -20 Cl·nterlinl' ust:d whl·t:ls. All whl'l·ls arL' 15x7 with VW 5 holt lug hok·s. 75'X, inset, 25% offsL't; pl·rt'ect for stuh axle cars. Also, various T L'Ctira, Sandhlasters and rl'caps for sale. l'ricL's rangl' from $ 100.00 to $50.00, ,lqwnding on conLlition. l'ert~·ct for sparL's or racl'. Call Stl'Vl' ( 619) 566-1010. FOR SALE - 2 sl'at Chl'nowth C halknger framL·. ComplL'tl' with all tahs, floor, roof, 8 pil'CL' body, currl'nt grL'L'n sticker. Racl'd thrL'L' timL'~. For info, call Kim after 6 p.m. (818) 794-9714. JOIN rnna1i1 1111 IITN ST. SACIAIUTO. CA 15114 INFO 1-800-237·5436 Dusty Times Manufacturers Advisory Board Report A nl'W class ot hamai trucks would compt:tL' for overall victory in major off road ract:s on thL' High DL'SL'rt Racing Association/ScorL' lntl'rnational circuit bl'ginning in 1989, if a recommendation of thl' Manu-focturl'rs Advisory Committl'l' is adoptl'd. Thl· class would hl' opm to :my truck, full sizl' or mini pickup, l'ithl'r two \\'heel driw or fou r whl'el driw. Therl' wou Id hl' few tl'C hn ica I restrictions to I imit thl'ir speed, it was rerortL-d hy Walt Lott and Sal Fish, prL'sidl·nts of HORA and SCORE. Tl'ntatiwly. it has het:n assignt:d thL' dL'signation "Class9." Discussion of this new class at thl' regular Advisory Committl'l' ml'eting hl'ld nt thl' Cold Coast Hotl'I in conjunction with thl' HDH.A/SCOH.E annual awards CL'rL·monil's CL'ntl'rl'd around thl' crl'ation of thl' nL'w class comprisL'd of si lhoul'tte un-limited open 2WD and 4WD mini, midi and full size pickups, according to Lott and Fish. Opming thL· rules to allow this class of truck to match thl' all out spl'l'd of unlimitL·d singll' Sl'at and two si.:at rarl' cars, that invariahly win ovl'rall at major racl's, rl'cogniZl'S 1:urrL'nt and past l'fforts to win ovl'rall in trucks, Fish pointed out. fvan Stl'Wart, of Lakl'sidl', CA, compl'ting ti.lr Toyota, has hl'l'n driving his mini pickup in Class 1 for unlimitl·d singk· SL':ltL·rs thl' last th rel' yt:ars. Walh·r Evans, ·driving a Class 8 Dodgl' pickup, actually won thL· 1979 SCORE Raja 1000 overall and rqx·atl'd with an owrall win in thl' 1982 SCORE Rarstow Classic In l'arlil'r years Parm·lli JonL's dominatl·J thL' sport in FOR SALE: 2 car trailer. Double deck, 3 axle w/ winch $1250.00. 3 speed Mendeola transmission, Don Hatz 1650cc engine, FAT 1650cc engine, Don Hatz 2233 wedge mated Okrasa crank, Carillo rods. Call Tracy Valenta (818) 765-5827 days, eves(818) 445-2597. hybrid truck/unlimited raCL' cars, the Big Oly Bronco and the PJ Blazer. Eliminatl'd from HORA/ SCORE rnmpt:tition afrl'r thl' 1988 smson would hl' Class 3, which is for · 4 whL·l'l drivL' whicks with short whl'l'ihast:s, less than I 06 inchL·s. Thl' committl'e also recom-ml'nded minor rull's adjustml'nts for othl'r truck claSSL'S heginning in I 989: Class 7S for stock mini pickups. a drop in maximum t:nginL' si:L' for Jl't:p from 2650cc to 2500cc, saml' as thl' othl'r manufocturt:rs art: allowl'd. C lass 7 4x4 for stock 4 whl'l'i drivl' mini pickups. incrl'aSl' in t:nginl' sizt: from 2650cc to 3000cc, with thl' l'Xception of the M itsuhishi , which will have to downsize from 2550cc to 2500cc. Clas 8 for full sizl' pickups, re4uiring thl'm to usl' l'nginL's with thL· saml' numher of cylindl'rs as dl'liwrl'd hy thL· manufocturl'rs. In other actions, thl· committee raised its assL·ssml'nt to l'ach ml·mhL·r from $5000 to $8000 and earmarkl'd all thl' funds to he spt:nt for administra-tion and tl'chnical Sl'rvicL's. This diminatL·d an annual $1000 each mL'mhl'r contrihution to thL· drivL'rs' point funds. Discussion was also hl"gun on mL'thods of rl'vising tlil' way championship points arL' awardl'd. Attending the early December meeting were representatives of AMC jl'l'p, Armstrong Tirl', flridgl'stonl', ChL·vrolet, Chrys-kr/Dodgl', FirL·stonl', Ford, Gmeral Tire, GM Truck and Bus, Goodyear, Mitsuhishi, Nissan, Toyota, Uniroyal/ Goodrich, Yokohnma and thl' sanctioning hodil's. FOR SALE: Class 1 Funco A-Arm short course car. 1985 points champion. Driven by Marty Tripes. Has new Hewland 5 speed, P.S., Don Hatz 2332 motor. Paid over $8500.00 for motor alone. Asking $15,000.00. Call Tracy Valenta (818) 765-5827 days, eves(818)445-2597. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Bilstein Corp of America . . . 12 Car Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Champion Bead lock Co. . . 39 Chevrolet Motorsports . . . . . 2 Coronado Racing Team . . . . 21 Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 General Tire Motorsports . . . Back Cover Ja Mar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 J,!lep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 K.c: Hilites . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Kingman Sand Drags . . . . . . 5 Kool Radiator Service . . . . . 40 Rob MacCachren . . . . . . . . 19 McKenzie Automotive . . . . . 34 Mint 400 ........ ; . . . . . 35 Mirage Chassis . . . . . . . . . . 31 Palmer Custom Speed 24 Parker Pumper . . . . . . . . . . 29 PCI Race Radios ........ 42 Pike Racing Team . . . . . . . . 6 Score Parker 400 . . . . . . . . 7 Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Summers Brothers . . . . . . . 28 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group . . . . 13 Trackside Photo Ent. . . . . . 43 Tri-Mil Industries . . . . . . . . 15 Valley Performance -Hewland ............. 16 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Yokohama Tire Corp. . . . . 8-9 January 1988 PIT TEAM REGISTER --------------G111Uf "cfflS ~A"DY, MA\,/! --n.fE:RE's A KLVNKER A-coM1N-! W e welcome ~11 Support Team news articles. T yped and double spaced copy is acceptable. Deadline is the 10th of the month. CHAPALA DUSTERS LOS CAMPEONES Jon Kennedy, President 3117 Klllarney Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 641-0155 Meeting - 2nd Wednesday Verdugo's Mexican Restaurant Costa Mesa, CA Radio-FM-151. 775 CHECKERS Jeff Hibbard, President 13237 Sierra Hwy. Canyon Country, CA 91350 (805) 252-4034 CORE Karen Clark, Race Director 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 Northrldge, CA 91325 (818) 345-3833 F.A.I.R. SUPPORT TEAM P.O. Box542 Stanton, CA 90680 Jeff Randall, President Teri Nicks, Secretary Dave Masslngham, Race Director (714) 879-7697 (213) 943-1916 Meetings 1st & 3rd Weds. Holiday Inn -Harbor & 91 Freeway Radio-FM-150.860 . Malcolm Vinje, President 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 (619) 292-0485 (home) (619) 743-1214 (work) Radio-FM-152.960 MAG7 Jerry McMurry, President Bruce Cranmore, Race Director 11244 Horizon Hills Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 440-3737 (home) (619) 225-6886 (work) TERRA Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue La CrHcenta, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 Meetings. 2nd Weds. each Month -Jan Sunderland's house TIGHT 10 153 Lindell Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 283-6535 (day) (619) 447-7955:(night) Gene Robeson, President (619) 466-8722 Coming Next Month ... FRT DUNAWAY DASH ADRA SONOITA TO ROCKY POINT SNORE BLACKJACK 200 PARIS-DAKAR REPORT SCCA WILD WEST PRO RALLY ... Plus all the Regular Features THE 1987 OFF ROAD RACING HANDBOOK Packed with Racing Lore about the Top Drivers and Riders, their Records, and a Brief History and Results of Off Road Racing over the Years. ONLY $5.00 PER COPY "OFF ROAD FEVER" A 14 minute action packed video for the new devotee or seas·oned enthusiast. $17 .50 (Specify 3/4". VHS or Beta) "A YEAR OF CHALLENGE" 15 minutes of reliving the snows of Parker, the heat of Baja, the bone and car crunching of the Frontier 500. The entire 1985 SCORE/HORA season! $17.50 (Specify 3/4", VHS or Beta) Order Now While the Supply Lasts Send Check or Money Order to: SCIIE DUSTY TIMES A S · 0 INTERNATIONAL: HDAA 5331 Derry ve., u1te ~"',.,. _ _,.,., HIGH DESERT Agoura, CA 91301 ----~--::ig'cftATION ' DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED I~ "4i J ~ ~ Page 51 r_
, ,;,, .:{···t')'?<'_-,... ·;,;:;; .-,j.:: ct-ct -. . . General thanks these drivers for an outstanding 1987 season: Glenn Harris, Jeff Huber, Larry Ragland, Jack Johnson, M ike Schwellinger, Bill Donahoe, Willie Valdez, Jim Travis, Dave Turner, Mike Horner and Vince Tjelmeland. General blasts its way to 41 off-road victories in 'BZ We fought it out on some of the country's roughest, toughest off-road courses. In searing heat. Pitch darkness. Through the nas-tiest driving conditions. And by the time the final bell tolled for 1987, General had defeated its rivals 41 times in HDRA/SCORE and Mickey Thompson-events. Plus we took· 43 seconds and 30 thirds. Along with two overall series championships. We're aiming even higher in '88. With off-road tires that can also help you take on any challenge. The all-purpose Grabber AP®. The tougher Grabber AT®. Or our heav-iest artillery, the Grabber MT®. Your set's waiting for you ·now. Associate Sponsors: -Mike Schwellinger -Class 3 championship HDRA/SCORE desert series Jeff Huber (Teammate of Glenn Harris) - Grand National Sport Truck Championship MTEG Get on your Generals and go. Call 1-800-255-2550 for the name of your nearest General Motorsports specialist. [~] [_a.,.,,] l.■·J FOR"!!o._lfep MontgomeIYWard r!I