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1988 Volume 5 Number 10 Dusty Times Magazine

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ISSN 8750-1731 Covering the world of competition in the dirt.

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CALIFORNIA GOLD TEAMMATES ROD MILLEN AND GLENN HARRIS WIN FIRSI TWO EVENTS IN MICKEY THOMPSON OFF-ROAD GRAN PRIX SERIES. Mazda began the year with a gold rush, taking commanding ·early leads in the Manufacturers' and Drivers' points stanilings for 1988. At Anaheim Stadium, Rod Millen won. Then, at San Diego's Jack Murphy Stadium, it was Glenn Harris 's turn. And Mazda drivers won three oI four heat races, too. As a matter of fact, three different Mazda drivers have won the last-three Grand National Sport Truck main events of 1987-1988. . Proving that if you drive a Mazda, you have ~ a solid gold aavantage over anyone who doesn't.

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-Volume 5 -Number 10 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Editorial Associate Jan Flick Mazzenga Controller John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic John Howard Contributors Darla Crown · C & C Race Photos Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Deb Freimuth Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Elaine Jones Rod Koch Cam McRae David Ryskamp Judy Smith John Spr.ovkin Linda Whigham 3-D Photography T rackside Photo Enterprises Ken Vanderhoof Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services SNAPSHOT October 1988 THI OfflCIAL VOKI OF PROFESSIONAL• AMERICAN• CANADIAN o Off-ROAD ~ A R~CING~ Subscription Rates: ~-~~~ - ~ - ~ $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. UMolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified . Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-1732, is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permis-sion from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at · Agoura, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave.; Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. OF THE MONTH ••• I I .1 In This Issue ••• FEATURES Page Score's Last Harrah at Riverside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 FR T Superstition 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Bark River's UP 100 . .............................. 21 Bonneville Off Road Racing ..................... ~ . . . 26 SNORE KC HiLites Midnight Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Fox River Fest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 · Glen Helen Riverside Warm Up ..................... 32 SODA's Hodag 50 ................................. 34 WRC Rally of New Zealand .. : ....................... 36 WRC Rally of Argentina ............. _ .•.......•...• 37 Georgia Off Road Racing ......................... , , 39 DEPARTMENTS Side Tracks by Judy Smith ···················"''''''. 4 Trail Notes ........................................ 4 Happenings .••...•••........•..•••••.•..••.. , •... , • 6 SCCA Divisional Rally Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Good Stuff Directory ......................... • • • • • 40 Manufacturers Advisory Council Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Pit T earn Reports ............................ • • • • • • 45 Classified Ads . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . • . • 46 Tech Tips by Bill"Savage ........................... • • 47 Index to Advertisers ............................ • • • 4 7 ON THE COVER -Typical of off road racing at Riverside is the rush into the esses and the switchbacks. Photograph!!rS favor the shot of the herd with the Turn 6 grandstands in the background. Here Ron Carter leads the pack of Stadium Class 10 cars into the second switchback, ' and most of the race cars are jammed up behind the leaders in the 180 . degree turn, q1,1ite muddy due to thewater trucks that always seem to be most active before the open wheel events. Color Photography by T rackside Photo Enterprises. I\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year...;. $12.00 □ 2 years - $20.00 □ 3 years - $30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus ••• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) "Look Ma, I got one!", might be w~at this young man is saying as he hauls away a Toyota banner. The extensive number of banners on the fences at Riverside International Raceway stayed relatively intact throughout the weekend; but when the last checkered flag dropped the bounty hunters rushed to snag their booty. Photo by Trackside Photo Enterprises. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. ff you wish the photo . returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, Sx7 or 8xl0 will be considered. Dusty nma Name-----------------,-----------Address -------------------------City ' State _________________ Zip-~-------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 ( Canadian' - 1 year $15 .00 U.S. • Overseas subscription r ,Hes quoted on request) I I I I I I I I I -1 I I 1. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ....

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S♦d T k chatteringatmeoffandon, telling I & •a C s me who was broken at the side of _ _ _ ~--■ 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ By Judy Smith the road, and such like. I was con--------------------11111_11111_-!!!1·,..-,..·-----·--~ ce n tra ting ha rd, trying to Th 1 t · e f DUSTY couldn' t unhook his belts, remember exactly where the turn ' Trail Notes ••• e as ISSU O b h l I RIVERSIDE UPDATE-At press time we received the revised results of · TIMES contained a letter from ecause t e g oves were too to the left was, and then·the right the Class 11 race at Riverside. Even though he wasn't listed at all on the Sam Wilshire, an old friend, who slippery· He had a few bad turn, and Sam was chattering qriginal results, Mike Abbott was the actual winner of the four car battle. ' . • . had some suggestions about the moments, but finally got loose, again. I asked, "What?", and he . Mark DeNunzio was second, Andy Diaz third, and Tom Haliburda, Jr. was possibility of honoring co-drivers and, as Jerry came back down into· repeated himself, but I couldn't fourth. Our apologies to Mike Abbott for the lack of recognition in the in the-future. Sam feels that the waterto see what was keeping hear him. "Oh, well", I said to coverage of the race. Hewasn'tlistedon the entry, noron the results, and with they've been neglected, and that him, he finally slfthered out of the myself, "He can't be saying any-more than one white Beede on the course, we thought it was a three Beede recognition is overdue. He's car and popped to the top. The thing too important." And, field and it turns out there were four. probably right. water wasn't very deep, they Whoops!, I drove into another Reading the letter from· Sam ' could stand on the roof of the car hole! We ended up parked with dredged up some old memories; and be head and shoulders above our front wheels dangling in fond old memories, involving him water• But it was deep enough to space, and the floorpan on the as a co-driver. One in particular. scare them badly. Sam, who could edge of the wash. As we contem-Sam was a'passenger in the two see the humor in most situations, plated the situation I asked Sam seat Class 10 car of Orris John-was hard pressed to find anything what he'd been blathering about. son, called the "Old G_oat" (both funny about that incident for a He said, " I was telling you to Orris and the car bore the name), long time. He couldn't even take remember the hole." 1 and he rode with Jerry, Orris's notes because his notepad got wet. Jon Kennedy, who'd followed son. They'd been teamed before, Sam didn't quit riding, how- us down that wrong frail, had to and Sam had been a co-driver ever, and inJuneofthesame year, help get us out, since he too, was many times. He liked to get a real he signed on as my passenger, in stuck, and we helped him. Jon "up close and personal" look at a Jackie Thomison's Class 5-1600 took what I thought was a rather race course, in order to bring car. I was scheduled to drive from crabby attitude about it, blaming more detail and realism to his stor-San Felipe to the finish. This me for leading him astray. We still ies. Sam even carried his steno fumed out to be the hottest Baja finished fifth, I think. pad and a pen with him, so he Internacional ever. Temperatures Sam hadn't learned, and con-could take notes on smooth of about 130 degrees were tinued to ride with other folks, stretches, and in the event that the reported in the El Chinero area, although the last time he rode car broke, he could keep track of and San Felipe steamed in three with me was in a pre-run vehicle. things, digit temps also. Sam and I had We had commandeered a Scout This particular event was the been friends for a long time, and for the pre-run and chase part of 1978 Parker race, which took knew each other well, but we were the '79 Baja 1000, in which I was place in Mexicali, thanks to a co-about to find out a lot more about co-driving with Dixie Hawkins (in lossal last minute insurance each other. It was the first time her two-seat 1600) and Penny squeeze. That's another story all he'd ridden with me in a race ~r. Fogg and our publisher, Jean Cal-together. The course ran right -Jackie got the car to us in good vin. The Scout was comfortable, from the heart of Mexicali_, across shape, and a little down on time, and huge, and we got in a fairly Highway 2, and onto some dikes because she was quite ill from the uneventful three or four day pre-that-ran along an irrigation canal. heat. In fact, we had to lift her out run which included a stop at the It was a narrow trail and many of the car, so weakened was she. lovely Mission San Borjas for drivers were nervous about run-Sam and I dousep our driving photos. We ha a flat in there, and ning so fast so close to the water suits with cold water and climbed were dismayed to find that none so early in the race, in. We had the good part of the of the tires had tubes in them and As the Goat ran along the first course as far as the weathec went, the spare was flat too. As we ~on-dike, Jerry got ready to slow for because, while it was murderous dered our fate, a gentleman with a the right angle turn onto a little on Diablo, it kept getting cooler spark plug pump came by, bridge which led off one side of and cooler as we headed to inflated our spare, told us always the dike and on to the other. He Mike's. But, about halfway down to drink Absolut vodka, and went pushed hard on the pedal -and from Mike's, as it warmed up on his way. one brake failed, as another again, I moved over to let a faster On race day, Sam's contribu-worked. The car pulled hard to car go by, and, blinded by the sun tion to the cause was to drive the the left. Jerry did his best, but it on the dusty windshield, drove Scout from the start to the half-happened so fast that they slid the car right into a hole and high- ·way point, just north of El Arco, backwards into the canal and centered it. It was hot, easily still where I got out of the race car. under water almost before they 100 degrees, and Sam had to get Then, after a quick snooze, we realized what was happening. out and help push, carry logs, and took off for La Paz., with me driv-The buggy stayed upright.Jerry gather brush, to try to give the ing, to try to catch the buggy. This got his belts off and got out of the tires some purchase. But I had was the year that there were so car very quickly, but Sam, who picked a deep hole. We were get-many detours on the highway, was wearing leather gloves, ting nowhere fast when Carlos and we nearly came to grief at a lribe showed up, hitching a ride couple of them. I braked so hard on another car on his way to his at one that I dumped all our ginger pit crew, and the extra manpower snaps on the floor, but we was just what we needed. scooped them back into the box, RACE INTO THE NEW YEAR THE BUDWEISER DUNAWAY DASH Sat. , Dec. 31, 1988 Info: FUD (619) 427-5759 Final FRT Series Race Once out of the hole we took knowing we'd need sustenance off, a slightly disgruntled Sam try~ later. The exhau~t header came ing to keep the windshield clean apart, and the Scout made so . so I wouldn't do something dumb much noise it was embarrassing. like that again. We hadn't had the And we were finqing that a week sense to set up hand signals or in a Scout was a long time. some c:>ther way to co1:11mun_icate, In La faz the noise from the and this was the days before inter-headers was even worse as it corns. So, in order to talk, we had echoed off the buildings. We tried to yell, and it was tiring. But, as to fix it, but hadn't the skills or . the sun was low, and we were the tools. Wemadeittothefinish going essentially westward, I · line just minutes after the race car needed Sam to help pick out the finished, and gathered up my co-course. I'd holler, "Where's the drivers. Then we had a couple of #@¢*!* course", and he'd· say, daysofrest,duringwhichweused "Over there!", frustrating me theScoutonlyifabsolutelyneces-with inconclusive arm waving. sary, and then we had to climb But after a while we got pretty back in and head north again. clever at communicating, and By now Sam and I were tired, began to be friends again. But the Scout was tired, we had no then, as it got dark, we got to the clean clothes left, we were out of outskirts of Ojos Negros, and a ginger snaps, American beer, ice section that I had pre-run only in and money. It wasn't exactly a the outward direction, and not for cheerful return trip, but we made this race. it o.k. And when I dropped Sam I remembered it vaguely from at his front door and said good-previous years, but wasn't really bye, he said, "Don't call me, I'll confident. Sam, who is naturally call you." Off road racing tough-gregarious and talkative, had been ens the character. October 1988 THE HORA NEV ADA 500 was a silt bath for most contestants, but half of them survived to take the checkered flag. Brian Collins survived the best as he led overall most of the way with Bruce Graves riding shotgun. Collins drove the Class 2 Chenowth to the overall victory in much the same cool fashion he displayed when doing a similar overall victory run last March at the Gold Coast 300. Bill and Brian Church won Class 1 in a new Raceco, and Doug Fortin, Jr. won his third race in a row, topping all the Class 1-2-1600 racers. Oddly enough, all of the above were driving white race cars. Other class winners include Matt Pike and Steve Hummel in Class 3, Rodney Hall and Jim Fricker in Class 4, and Gary Bates and Don McAfee in Class 5. Bob Knight and LeRoy Hansen won Class 5-1600, and the Moser Brothers triumphed in Class 6. Larry Ragland ran away with Class 7, and Frank Vessels scored another win for Chevrolet in Class 8. Class 7S went to Mike and Pat Falkosky in a Toyota, and Dave Simon and John Johnson won Class 7 4x4 for Ford. Nick Gross and Joe Valentine won Challenger Class by nearly two hours in the LaPlant, and they are looking good right now for the overall points championship. Craig Watkins and Greg Aronson got the win in Class 10, and Don German came out of the north to claim Class 14 by an hour in his Chevy powered Jeep. No Class 1 ls finished, but we think Ramon Castro got the furthest and fastest. We'll have the foll story next month. THE MINT LIVES! Since the sale of the Mint Hotel and Casino last spring to Binion's Horseshoe Hotel and Casino (just next door to the old Mint), there have been many rumors flying around about the fate of the classic off road race.Just prior to the HDRA Nevada 500 there was a press conference at the Horseshoe Hotel that cleared the air. The race will return for its 21st annual run across 400 miles of rugged Nevada desert on April 22, 1989. Now called the Binion's Nissan Mint 400, the race has the enthusiastic support of Binion's Horseshoe Hotel and Casino. The race will be the third stop in the 1989 eight race HDRA/ SCORE Desert Series, ·and it will be promoted and sanctioned by the High Desert Racing Association. "We're excitei:I over our involvement with the Mint 400," said Jack Binion, Horseshoe president. "We're committed to expanding the number of participants and enlarging the audience reach of the race television coverage world wide. We're convinced that this can become a major international attraction." Current plans call for a return to the old, rugged and slower than this year's Mint 400 course. While it is still in the planning stage, the format calls for the start/ finish to be at the International Speedrome near the main gate of Nellis Air Force Base. It will be a return· i:o the famous rock pile and other landmarks on the course used from 1975 through 1985. Nissan serves as the name sponsor for the race, and General is the "Official Tire". THE ADRA HIGH COUNTRY 150, run out of Taylor, Arizona, over the . Labor Day weekend had some new winners out front. Fresh from his Class 5 victory at Riverside, Pete Sohren zoomed the same Baja Bug to first overall in · the Pro Division. Sohren ran the Class 5 in Class 2 in Arizona, and won by six minutes over Dwight Lundell in a Mazda powered Class 2. Ron Brown finished third overall among the Pro Division drivers in his Class 2 Chaparral.. Doug Boelman won the overall Sportsman honors. Watch for the full report next month. RED LINE SYNTHETIC OIL CORP. has recently become interested in off road racing. They make a full line of synthetic lubricants for transmissions and transaxles, engine oils, diesel fuel catalysts, gas treatments and lead substitutes. Involved in many forms of racing and with high performance vehicles, Red Line intends to fill the gap in off road racing left by H.P.S. Judging frof1l the brochure, they have one of everything you might need. If you are interested in more information, contact Red Line in Martinez, CA at (415) 228-7576 to find a dealer near you. APPLE PIE RACING will be making its debiJt next.season, and the team is trying a new concept in off road racing, using all American made equipment for both the Class 1 and Class 2 race cars now under construction. Apple Pie Rac;ing principals are K J Howe, Bob Griffiths and Sandy Howe, all of Las Vegas, Nevada. They plan to prove that one need not use Porsche, Hew land and other exotic foreign made components to win in the unlimited classes. Currently the team plans to be ready to race in mid 1989, and perhaps even ready for the Binion's Mint 400 in late April. KEN CO is another company getting seriously involved with off road racing. Based in Milford, PA Kenco is a division of Sparkomatic Corp., and they make all sorts of good things for pickup trucks and vans. Kenco is entering the off road racing venue with their Kenco off road Lights and other products, which already adorn Mike Lesle's Jeep Comanche Class 7 4x4 and Scoti: Douglas' Class 7S Ford Ranger, and others as well. Kenco markets its full line of accessories nationwide, and look for them on continge_ncy year, if not sooner. THE BADGERLAND SPRINTS, a SODA points race at Chilton, Wis-' consin, had a good entry on hand last August for the short course event. Greg Smith won over Dave Hameister in the 12 car Class 1-1600, and a similar number in Class 2-1600 saw Scott Taylor take the victory from Greg Smith. Ron Kartman, followed by Terry Wolfe, led the half dozen 5-1600s to the flag, and John Znidorka bested Gary Gottschalk in the quartet of Class 6 machines. There were five starters each in Classes 7S and 8. Scott Taylor won over Tom Hockers in the mini truck bash, and Pete VanDehey beat Dennis Ferdon forClass8 honors. ChuckJohnson won theClass9/ 10war, and yes it is the same Johnson that races the desert in a 7S truck. The biggest fields were in Class 11. Dennis Riemer took top &pot in single seat division over Mark Steinhardt and Jeff Jones. Curt Gerald won the two seat dash over Darrin Parsons and Mark Steinhardt. Class 13 honors went to Lowell DeGreef over Tom Jensen. Rhonda Smith won the Ladies Buggy race and Shari Recla won the Ladies Heavy Metal bash. · (more TRAIL NOTES on page 8) Dusty nma

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C I VAN KIRK RACING AND DESERT RACING PARTS present THE SNORE/YOKOHAMA YOKO LOCO · October 29, 1988 ONE DAY RACE FOUR LAPS - 50 MILES PER LAP . NO PRE-RUNNIN·G -· Registration and Tech Inspection Saturday, Octob~r 29 -7 :00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at start/finish line Race Start - 10:00 a.m. Sharp Start/Finish - Motocross course on Highway 95 in the El -Dorado Valley Sunday, October -30 - Awards Presentation · Jeep Posse Hall, Las Vegas, Nevada ENTRY FEE - $200.00 INSURANCE - $65.00 SPARK ARRESTORS ARE MANDATORY . >YYO<OHAMA IT PAYS TO RACE WITH ·sNORE SNORE LTD.,P.O. Box 4394, Las Vegas, NV 89106 SNORE Hot Line -702-452-4522

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1988 COLORADO HILL December 30-31, 1988, HIGH PLAINS OFF CLIMB ASSOCIATION January 1, 1989 ROAD RACING P.O. Box 9735 Dunaway Dash ASSOCIATION Colorado Springs, CO 80932 El Centro, CA Tom Freeman ... HAPPENINGS ••• 3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 342-0331 CORVA GORRA 1601 10th St. Georgia Off Road October 22, 1988 A.D.R.A. BONNEVILLE OFFROAD Sacramento, CA 95814 Racing Association Last Chance Baja Arizona Desert Racing Association RACING ENTIIUSIASTS (800) 237-5436 Box 11093 Station -A Wall SD -P.O. Box 34810 Jim Baker Atlanta, GA 30310 Phoenix, AZ 85067 P.O. Box 1583 (404) 927-6432 (602) 252-1900 Odgen, Utah 84402 GLEN HELEN OHV PARK (801) 627-2313 FORDA October 23, 1988 P.O. Box 2937 October 15, 1988 Florida Off Roaders 50 Miles San Bernardino, CA 92406 Penasco 150 Drivers' Association Vienna, GA (714) 880-1733 Sonora, Mexico 1 71 7 Marker Road 1988 BRUSH RUN Polk City, FL 33868 November 26, 1988 Off Road Races December 3, 1988 POINTS SERIES (813) 984-1923 Thanksgiving 250 November 20, 1988 Sonoita to Rocky Point P.O. Box 101 . (305) 823-4487 Vienna, GA Sonora, Mexico Crandon, WI54520 United Sand Drag (715) 478-2115 / (715) 478-2688 October 2, 1988 Association Sand Drags Lakeland, FL GREAT LAKES October 15, -1988 November 13, 1988 FOUR WHEEL November 12-13 BADGERLAND VW CLUB,INC. CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lakeland, FL DRIVE ASSOCIATION · Terry Friday Lynnette Allison Bob Moon 5913 Fond Du Lac Road 2001 Oakland Hills Drive January 8, 1989 915 So. Zeeb Road ICE CHAMPIONSHIP Lakeland, FL Ann Arbor, MI 48103 ENDURANCE SERIES Oshkosh, WI 54901 Corona, CA 91720 (414) 688-5509 (714) 736-1442 (313) 665-0358/ (313) 996-9193 P.O. Box 14824 Minneapolis, MN 55414 February 12, 1989 (All events located in November 5-6, 1988 Lakeland, FL (612) 639-0801 Chilton, WI at the El Camino A Las Estrellas March 25, 1989 (612) 890-8693 Fairgrounds Racing facility) · Rancho California, CA GREAT WESTERN Florida 400 POINTS SERIES, I~C. January 28-29, 1989 Crowder Pits IOK FOUR WHEELERS Taliahassee, FL Ron Knowlton Pro Rally Driving School 831 So. Jason P.O. Box 36 BAJA PROMOTIONS, (Location TBA) Denver, CO 80223 Cleves, Ohio 45002 LTD.S.A. (303) 722-5537 (All events scaged ac Lou Peralta the club grounds in P.O. Box 8938 FUD PUCKER Cle<1es, Ohio) Calabasas, CA 91302 CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACINGTEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 HORA (818) 340-5750 RACING ASSOCIATION Chula Vista, CA 92011 C.J. Richards (619) 427-5759 High Desert Racing Association MICHIGAN SPORT October 7-9, 1988 P.O. Box 332 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South BUGGY ASSOCIATION John Elliott - (517) 835-9923 Gran Carrera de Campeories Fair Haven, VT 05743 September 30-October 1-2, 1988 Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 San Felipe, B.C. Mexico (802) 265-8618 Plaster City Blast CLASSES FOR: Open Wh~el ·Racers Trucks - 5-1600s A TVs -Odysseys ··J>ma)Ja,aa )UIIIIIQ..!Bdllfte ,••· ~:;. ~ ...;;;,a..:;;;a..;;;;a.J San Bernardino, CA FREE Oyernight Camping For information contact BRIAN CHURCH (714) 880-1733 P.O. Box 2339 San Bernardino, CA 92406 El Centro, CA OFF ROAD CHALLENGE Don't Miss the Final Event In the 1988 Point Serles Sunday, November 20, 1988 The Finest in Short Course Racing 100% Cash.Payback ENTRY FEES: Trucks, Open Wheelers - $200.00 ATVs - $75.00 Odysseys - $100.00 5-1600s - $100.00 Bob Ramlow - (616) 345-6407 93.5 -~------1\..IVlr-(PIIEF. CHIEF AUTO PARTS Inc . / ~ · ADMISSION: $10.00 -Adults $ 5.00 - Children Children under five FREE Open Grandstand Seating -Come and See All the Action! . . . - . DESERT ~CE_RS! COME OUT AND T~Y OUR.SUPER TRACK! WIDE ENOUGH TO RACE DESERT CARS! Oc:tobcr19N , Dusty nma

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MIDWEST OFF ROAD BAJA SERIES Rick Vasquez 1421 Lee Trevino D-1 El Paso, TX 79936 (915) 594-8266 November 5-6, 1988 Borderland Baja 250 El Paso, TX MIDWEST OFF ROAD CHALLENGE SERIES Tommy Bowling Rt. 6, Box 833C Midland, TX 79702 (915) 332-1537 - (915) 563-9154 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group P.O. Box 25168 Anaheim, CA 92825 (714) 938-4100 Off Road Championship Gran Prix October 1, 1988 Silver Bowl Las Vegas, NV OFF ROAD RACING ASSQCIATION OF TEXAS 1421 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 November 5-6, 1988 250 miles Cars-ATVs-Bikes El Paso, TX OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL RALLY John Nagel P.O. Box 4254 Tumwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-9717 ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamak'er P.O. Box 688 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL lCO, Canada (613) 332-3811/(613) 332-1610 October 15-16, 1988 Oktoberfest '88 Bingeman Park Kitchener, Ontario ONTARIO OFF ROAD Ken Jackson - Dick Gillap R.R. #2 Tiverton, Ontario, Canada NOG 2T0 (519) 368-7874 (All events at Bingeman Park, Kitchener; Ontario, Canada) October 8-9, 1988 October 16, 1988 O.O.R.R.A. Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 ( 405) 769-5491 (All races located at Freedom, OK) Vic Brurnham Freedom Chapter President (405) 621-3428 Dusty Tlma ORSA Randy Miller 407 G Street, Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (213) 375-4570 (213) 534-2747 November 26-27, 1988 IMI Speedway Pearsonville, CA PAC OFF ROAD RACING P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 October 14-15, 1988 Millican Valley 400 Millican Valley, OR November 5, 1988 Awards Banquet (location TBA) POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD #3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 All events in Monroeton, PA at the intersection of Routes 414 & 220. October 8-9, 1988 SAREEA AL JAMEL 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 526 Indio, CA 92202 S.C.A.T. INC. Michael R. King P.O. Box 277 Morrisonville, NY 12962 (518) 561-3208/ (518) 236-7897 October 1-2, 1988 Buggies & Trucks Swap Meet Airborne Raceway SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80112 (303) 779-6622 October 21-23, 1988 Marquette 500 Marquette, Ml October 28-29, 1988 Press On Regardless Rally Houghton, MI November 12-13, 1988 Wild West Rally Tacoma, WA November (TBA) Barbary Coast Rally San Francisco, CA SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 November 10-13, 1988 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, Mexico· i;r LOOK TO SIMPSON. FOR YOUR RACING PRODUCTS SIMPSON SUITS All Simpson Driving Suits meet most sofety stondards for FIA, SFI, IMSA, CART, & SCCA. FUEL SAFE CELLS These are in stock. Coll with requirements and for Racer Net prices. Home Office Simpson Race Products 22630 S. Normandie Ave. Torrance, CA 90502 (213) 320-7231 • FAX (213) 320,7179 TELEX 910-349-7514 1-Layer (ideal Stock Car and 2-Layer Light Weight Suit #1000 4-Layer Quilted Driving Suit 2-Layer Quilted Driving Suit sportsman classes and pit crew) 3-Loyer Quilted Driving Suit 1-Layer NASCAR style (straight 9 STANDARD SIZES or Custom Fit to Your Specifications leg cuff) drivers and crew 3-Layer Deluxe Quilted Driving MADE■ lir> a INTHEV~ .. SIMPSON GLOVES The Number l Glove in Racing 2-Layer Driving Glove 3-Loyer Driving Glove SIMPSON HELMETS These helmets were designed for auto race drivers ONLY. Meets Snell 85-SA. These sur-pass the strict require-ments for flame retordance and provi-sions for adequate cooling and ventilation. SIMPSON DRIVING SHOES No compromise in quality, construction or fit MADE IN USA. 80th High and Low Top come in red, block, and white. Sizes 5-12½ SUPER TRAPP · GLASSPACK SERIES Complete line is in stock. Coll for prices. SIMPSON. RACE PRODUCTS San Fernando Valley Location Simpson Racing Products 16053 Victory Blvd. Unit 4 Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 780-4444 October 1988 Orange County Location Simpson Racing Products 1130 N. Kraemer Blvd. , Unit C Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 630-8861 • (714) 630-8889 Most orders shipped within 24 hours. -■p I '3 i / send $3.00 for full - color catalog. Page 7

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December 3, 1988 Off Roadsman Awards Banquet Gold Coast Hotel & Casino Las Vegas, NV SIL VER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 SCORE SHOW Edgell Expositions P.O. Box 19531 Irvine, CA 92713 (714) 250-8060 SIL VERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS Roger Wells 225 W. Foster Ave. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 564-267"7 (All events but the finale held at Las Vegas International Raceway.) P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 SNORE -Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 October 29, 19 8 Yoko Loco Las Vegas, NV December 2-4, 1988 Showboat 250 Las Vegas, NV S.O.R.R.P. Speedway Off Road Racing Productions Bernie Weber P.O. Box 402 Temple, Texas 76503 · (817) 773-3548 DESERT LOCK OUTER Red Anodi.ze Ccmstructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength *At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing *All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipmen"t~ For Todays' Sophisticated 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK 13" MIDGET MINI STOCK 8"-10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER BAJA BUG MOOIFIEl?-MIDGET ATV WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $6'9.95 1 O" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Deserf Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: 0 DO 00 00 ~ D [[) 00 0o O 1671 N. Brawley Fresno, CA 93722 . (209) 275-5183 Page I Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax . .. SHORT TRACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES FORMULA DESERT DOG SERIES S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: Tom Schwartzburg 2620 West Washington West Bend, WI 53095 (414) 33 4-3858 SUPERCROSS, INC. Gateway Plaza 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 270 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-1606 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Prevost 1006 Cardinal Lane Green Bay, WI 54303 ( 414) 434-9044 TEXAS BAJA CROSS Ben Brown 1410 East· 6th St. Irving, TX 7 5060 TUCSON AUTO CROSS P.O. Box 55221 Tucson, AZ 85703 (602) 887-8752 October 2, 1988 October 9, 1988 October 30, 1988 November 6, 1988 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 October 2, 1988 Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA October 15-16, 1988 Millican Valley 300 Bend, OR . October 30, 1988 . 1988 Championship Race Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA WHEEL TO WHEEL.INC. P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4WOR Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 (613) 332-1766 (613) 332-4128 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP October 10-16, 1988 San Remo Rally San Remo, Italy November 22-25, 1988 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS Lise your coming et1ents in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your 1988 schedule as soon as possible for listing in chis column. Mail your race or rally schedule co: DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura,_ CA 91301. October 1988 morc ••• TRAIL NOTES SWAY-A-WAY IS SAW! Some long time off roaders seem to be confused about the slight name change at the major maker of off road suspension components. Last spring Sway-A-Way sold its mini truck product division in order to concentrate on the off road and racing suspension product line. Long time leader Russ Harmon retired, and Brian Skipper took over control of the company, renamed SAW Performance, Inc. · to 'Stress its new aggressive direction. The products will continue to be marketed as Sway-A-Way sus-pension components, complete with its now famous "orange dots." SAW Performance, Inc., nee Sway-A-Way, has not moved, and can be reached as always at 7840 Burnet Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91405, or call (818) 988-5510. THE CHICKEN BONES RACING CLUB is presenting the first Annual Wishbone Enduro, Sunday, October 9, 1988 at Plaster City East. It is a District 38 points event. Sign from noon to 7:00 p.m. on October 8, followed by the riders meeting and a drawing for prizes. The race starts at 8:00 a.m. on Sunday. No membership is required, but Green Stickers and spark arresters are required. Get full information by calling (619) 753-8010 and ask for Marty. RIVERSIDE IN PHOENIX-At a press c:onference during the last Score race at Riverside, Sal Fish announced that next year the event will probably be held at Phoenix International Raceway. He said he was also looking at Sears Point in northern California, which would allow the race to be held on the traditional August date. If Phoenix is the final choice, the event will be scheduled sometime in October of 1989. Future plans include taking the race to Palm Springs at the track, in the planning stages now, to be built by Frank Arciero, Sr. Stay tuned! WRC CALENDAR CAPERS -Off road racing is not the only form of motorsport that has date conflicts. The Swedish Rally is to take place on the second weekend in January, right in the middle of the Paris-Dakar event next year. The Swedish organizers were advised that a move right to the beginning of the season was essential if they were to retain their status as a qualifying round in both the Manufacturers as well as the Drivers series. Following FISA's edict that Europe is to lose one round of the Makes' series next year, this unpopular move was agreed by them. The calendar crisis has been caused by the unusually early date for Easter in 1989. For reasons of safety on the roads and availability of workers, it is necessary for the Safari to be held at Easter in Kenya. This crisis also means that the Rally of Portugal will have to move back into February, another unpopular move because of poor weather at that time of year in Portugal. This latest development will come as a shock for Paris-Dakar. The FISA urged them to start the event at Christmas this year, and to shorten the event to 15 days. The reasons were to create a gap between Paris-Dakar and the Monte Carlo Rally, then assumed to be again the opening round of the WRC series. Paris-Dakar organizers agreed to the changes, and will now find the reasons given by FISA have been changed! OJIBWE RALLY RESULTS show that Paul Choiniere won a close battle in the Minnesota woods over Richard Kelsey. Choiniere, with Scott Wein-heimer navigating the Audi Coupe Quattro, won by just 13 seconds over Kelsey and Harry Ward in a Mazda 323, and both cars were in Group A. Doug Shepherd and Joe Andreini wc-n Production GT Class in a Dodge Daytona Turbo and were third overall. Bruno Kreibich and Clark Bond won Open Class in an Audi Quattro, and Niall Leslie and Brian Maxwell took Produc-tion Class and tenth overall in a Toyota Corolla GTS. Richard Kelsey was subbing for Rod Mill .n at Ojibwe, as Millen was in Indonesia where he took second ovecall and first in Group A in a Mazda 323 4WD in the Starko Rally. Indonesian Beng Soeswanto won the rally, part of the new FIA Asia Pacific Series, in a Group S Metro 6R4. MARATHON RALLY RULE CHANGES - FIA has announced that marathon cars will be subjected to homologation procedures in the future, starting from 1989 and gradually increasing after that. The long awaited rule changes have brought a partial reprieve to the Supercars, typified by the Peugeots, but by 1990 the premier marathon formula will be much more restrictive. The 1989 rules specify that three classes will be run. The (irst category, " Normal Cross Country" must be based on homologation, one thousand examples of the type with the same engine, but the chassis can change, wheelbase and body, etc. The "Improved Cross Country" category rules closely follow the Improved cars currently running in rally raid events. Catalogs can be used for eligibility instead of homologation, and the main technical innovation is that the method of aspiration must remain the same. For "Prototype" category, the most important changes are that the induction diameter at the turbine will now be limited to 45mm, and that minimum weights will apply; 1200 kg for two wheel drive, 1300 kg for·4x4, and an extra 100 kg for normally aspirated cars with engines over four liters. Additionally, all prototypes must have side doors. The major changes will come in 1990. FISA has continued its passion for name changing. Single-country events will be known as Cross Country Raids, multi-country events as Cross Coun-try Marathons. Of course the body which has rubber stamped these changes is no longer the Executive Committee-;-- it is the World Motor Sport Council! THE RUMOR MILLS were operating at full speed during the Score Off Road World Championship at Riverside. Perhaps most surprising was the . since confirmed tale about the Toyota team switching tire brands for the 1989 season. Apparently the Cal Wells team for both stadium racing and the desert series will be shod with Yokohama tires next year, forsaking the BFGoodrich rubber they have used since day one in competition. Apparently the brand switch order came from way up in the board rooms ofT oyota and Yokohama. Oddly enough, the Toyota Class 1 truck for I van Stewart was missing at the HDRA Neyada 500, since some special parts needed to be race ready did not arrive in time. Another interesting story has Larry Ragland returning to unlimited class competition in 1989. Well on his way to the 1988 Class 7 championship in the Chevy S-10, Ragland will drive a "funny" Chevy truck . in Class 2 next season, going for the overall honors. There is no word on who, · if anyone, will inherit the ride in the quick Class 7 Chevy. SCORE INTERNATIONAL IS ON THE MOVE. Score is moving to new and bigger offices on the first of October. They are moving just down the street from the current location, so you won't have any trouble finding them, same Lindero Canyon off ramp from the Ventura Freeway. The new address is 31125 Via Colinas, Suite 908, Westlake Village, CA 91362. The phone number remains the same, (818) 889-9216. · · Dusty Times ...

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UNITE.D STA TE.S SEN A TOR. . . . PETE WILSON. Will Speak at a Fund-raising Dinner for CORVA FIND OUT what really happened on S.7 October 7, 1988 at the Irvine Hilton and Towers . $125.00 per person all proceeds go to CORVA 's Land Use Fund for more info call 800/ 237-5436 . Tables available for groups, business', club's, etc. 2 GIANT SUPERSTORES . TO SERVE· YOU . . OPEN 7 DAYS SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECE /VE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ~ PEIMI-COOL ~ VENOWTH ~ ~ ~ SWAY·A·WAY

Page 10

. . SCORE on ROAD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP The Last Hurrah at Riverside Raceway By Jean Calvin Mitch Mustard had his Chenowth flying at Riverside, and he took second in his Stadium Class 10 heat race, then survived a tough dice to win the Taco Bell Challenge grand finale race to take the trophy home to Colorado. For years off roaders have joked about the first, second and · third annual , last ever event at Riverside International Raceway. In 1988 it really was the last race, not only last off road race, but any kind of race at the venerable facil-ity that has seen the best drivers in the world from all forms of motorsport compete on its u-nique road course. Unfortu-nately, with the closing an-nounced in most media since June, the-off road fans apparently believed it. The crowd last August was dismal, no better than the first event back in 1973 on the weekend that ushered in the gaso-line crunch at the local station level. The off road course was another fine product of Dick Dahn's bulldozer brigade, a bit rough to start with, -as usual, but pared down by race time to a rough but managable course, sim-ilar .to the route last year. The sur-roundings did not match the tidy race course, and it looked as if the Raceway had been closed for Kevin Probst brought three Berrien cars from Illinois to race, and he was second in the first stadium 10 heat, but failed to finish the finale. Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises some time.Trash was stuck on the fences before the off roaders arrived, the chain link fencing along Thompson's Ridge was fall-ing down, and, well, you get the picture. It was startling to look across the long back straight of the road course and see, just behind it, a Mervyn's Department Store, and other structures of sim-ilar size -still being built for the soon-to-be shopping center. For sure, this was the last time a spec-ta tor race would be held at Riverside. Score stuck to their traditional four day format for the 16th Annual Off Road W arid Champ-ionship, sponsored in part by Stroh's Brewery. Thursday was a . quiet day with no track activity. Registration began early, and tech inspection and contingency row opened at noon, as did the Okla-homa land rush to stake out pit areas for the private teams. For-tunately it was pleasant weather, j~ff Elrod flew his tidy VW bodied UltraStock over the lumps in the esses to second in class and second overall among the five classes racing. Robby Gordon was on form at Riverside, taking the lead in the Chevrolet Heavy Metal Challenge midway in the fray, and Gordon went on to the overall victory, and his 4th in a row Class 8 title in Jim Ven ab/e's '66 Ford. Robby Gordon won the first race at the last ever Riverside, driving his Chenowth to the victory in the first heat for Stadium Class 10 cars. Bob Gordon led the second Stadium Class 10 heat wire to wire in his Chenowth, and he finished seventh in the 38 car hectic main event action. Greg George took off fast and never looked back in his Mazda UltraStock, and he not only won ths class he won the multiple class race overall. . " Page 10 October 1988 Dusty nmcs

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Pete Sohren un-retired his faithful Baja Bug, for Riverside, and Pete led the slim field from flag to flag to earn the Class 5 "last ever" honors. Young Doug Fortin Jr. followed his victory at Barstow last July with the big win in Desert 1-2-1600 at Riverside, and Fortin placed a keen third overall as well. ~ second round. UltraStock, and the first of the 5 Five classes were involved in cars, Pete Sohren, followed by the first championship race for Dave Parsons in the _Bitcon B~g cars at Riverside 1988. The Sta- with a fancy automatic transm1s-dium UltraStocks led off, all four sion. On the first lap Mike Lesle of them, followed by eight Desert led the 5-1600s, followed by Class 1-2-1600s, three Class 5s, Cameron Steele, David Anckner, . nine Class 5-1600s, some desert Kathy Fay, and John Johnson. and some short course Bugs, and Tom Haliburda, Jr. led the Class three Class 1 ls. 1 ls off the line, but it was a few Despite a roll in his desert Baja Bug, George Seeley Jr. kept it moving fast enough to take second in Class 5, two laps down to the winner. Jim Sr. and Sharon Fishback had a good run in Desert Class 1-2-1600 and slid the big two seater into second in class on the short, tight course. Greg George, Mazda, got the laps after the first roun~ before hole shot on Vince Tjelmeland, any Beetles were seen agam. Nissan, as the UltraStocks AfterfourlapsGeorgewasway powered around Turn 6 first. outfrontofTjelmelandandElrod Next on the road were the 1600s on his way to the overall victory. of Mike Williams and Rob Mac- Williams and MacCachren were Cachren, who was a rookie at this hard at it in the 1600 battle, and track. Then came Jeff Elrod, VW Sohren IJIP which lasted all weekend, not too hot and usually a light breeze was blowing. The expected busy time on Thursday on contingency row did not materialize. Most on hand had expected a heavy entry for this final off road race at Riverside, but it did not happen. Only a few classes had full fields, and some of the entry went straight to tech instead of passing through con-tingency row, or did not even arrive until Friday. So, the con-tingency donors had long periods of time to talk to each other, without a single vehicle visible down the aisle. Friday the practice started early and the mechanical destruction kept pace. The sharp jumps on the switchbacks caught a bunch of drivers in various classes, some really mashing their steeds. Each class was given two practice ses-sions, and usually the classes were combined as they would be for racing. There was a subdued atmosphere in the pits, despite the many repair jobs in progress. Many folks mentioned the lack of hangers-on who usually do their pit watching on Friday. For sure, traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, was well down from previous years in the pits. After short practice sessions for the classes running on the day, the Saturday action began with the first qualifying heat for Sta-dium Class 10. It was the only class big enough to require quali-fying heats. Jerry Whelchel got the hole shot on the long charge to the first turn from the green flag. But, Robby Gordon was right behind him, and before the lap was done young Gordon had the lead. By the fourth lap Gordon had a good margin over Whel-chel, who had Kevin Probst right behind him. After a slight gap, next came Larry Noel, Al Arciero, Mike Withers, Eric Arras and John Sprague, aff having a pretty good go. Midway Robby Gordon had a hefty lead, with Probst and Whel-chel having a good dice for second, and Kent Castle was in Dusty nmcs the middle of this fight, but a lap first quad moto, ran away and hid down. Just to the rear Withers, from the pack to win overall in the Arciero and Arras were nearly side by side, the best show of this heat. At the flag Robby Gordon won by a goodly distance in his Chenowth over Kevin Probst, Berrien, who had a similar dis-tance on Jerry Whelchel and Larry Noel. Al Arciero finished fifth, followed in by Eric Arras, Tommy Croft and Mike Withers, all on the lead lap. Next came the first motos for the motorcycles and quads, each with a mixed bag of classes involved.Terry Fowler won over-all in the bike dash, and Donnie Banks took top honors in the quad race which mixed desert classes and stadium quads. Both of these heats featured a bunch of crashes on the tricky course: The second Class 10 Stadium style qualifying heat had an all new cast of 20 cars and more close racing than the day's opening salvo. Bob Gordon took an immediate lead that he would hold all the way, but he sure had to fight to stay out front. By the second lap the trio of Frank Arciero, Jr., Mitch Mustard and Brad Castle were nose to tail fight-ing for second, and not much · further back Danny Rice and Marty Coyne were side by side. Midway both Mustard and Arciero had closed up tight on Gordon, and several cars were parked around the course. Earlier Matt McBride had done a spec-tacular endo, several in fact, down in the switchbacks. The three way battle up front continued all the way to the checkered flag; although positions didn't change, they were so close it was any-body's race all the way. Bob Gor-don did win, keeping these heat victories in the family, Mitch Mustard was a close second with Frank Arciero on his bumper. Marty Coyne was fourth, with Danny Rice, smoking heavily, next. All were driving Chenowths. The motorcycle finale went to the first moto winner Terry Fowler, but, Rodney Gentry, who didn't figure in the top ten in the More off-road races are won on Bilsteins than any other shock absorber, period. -. . •BORN TO PERFORM" BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog, send $2.50. October 1988 Pase 11

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Mike Lesle refurbished his championship winning Baja Bug to lead the tight pack in Class 5-1600 all the way, flag to flag, for the class victory In Stadium Class 1 Frank Arciero.Jr. won the drag race to the first turn, and he stayed out front by inches all the way to the checkered flag in his Chenowth. Rick Boyer sailed his Funco into the Stadium Class 1-2-1600 lead midway in the ten lapper, and he flew on to win the tight battle in the class. Larry Ragland had an easy day in the Chevrolet Mini Metal Desert Challenge; with no opposition after one lap in Class 7, Larry led overall to victory in the Chevy S-10. David Anckner sailed his Baja Bug to second in Class 5-1600, staying close to the leader until the last few laps in the mixed class event. Mark DeNunzio took it easy over the tough moguls in the esses, and at Riverside he was declared the Class 11 winner, with three laps done. Wes Elrod executes a one wheel landing in the esses in his Mirage, and he went on to take a hard fought for second place in Stadium Class 1. ~ and Parsons were doing the same in Class 5. Mike Lesle had a good lead in Class 5-1600, at this point his was the last car that hadn't been lapped by Greg George. It really got confusing trying to follow the various classes. Greg George easily won overall, fol-lowed in UltraStock Class by Jeff Elrod. Tjelmeland faded late in the game, and Lloyd Castle went out early. Pete Sohren led George Seeley, Jr. to the flag in Class 5, as Parsons retired with a broken cv joint. In Class 1-2-1600 Doug Fortin, Jr. moved in to challenge Mike Williams for the lead, as Mac-Cachren stopped on the course to attach a coil wire. By lap 8 young Fortin was firmly in the lead as Williams was circulating on three wheels, but still finished third. Doug Fortin went on to win Desert 1-2-1600 honors, fol-lowed in by Jim Fishback, Sr. These three were all that covered nine laps and Fortin was the only one to cover ten laps. Class 5-1600 started out busy, but gradually Mike Lesle in-creased his lead to win easily. Lesle, a former desert series champion in Class 5-1600, had refurbished the car just for the "last Riverside." Dave Anckner nailed second in class, followed by short course racer Mario Pan-agiotopolous, Kathy Fay, Norm Francis and Stacy Fay, who lost her turns from the flag. In Class 11 Mark DeNunzio did his three laps to take the win from Andy Diaz, who also covered three laps. The final race on Saturday combined the Stadium cars in both Class 1 and Class 1-2-1600. It was a bad move for scoring as there were bags of duplicate car numbers in the two classes. With over active water trucks, the early race mud baths make numbers hard enough to read without hav-ing pairs of cars wearing the same number. Half the entry in Class 1 were Stadium 10 cars, having another go at the track. As he has in the past, Roger Mears was driving the winged, V-8 powered Chenowth of Karol Vanzant, and making a bid for his 21st victory at Riverside. But, Frank Arciero and Bob Gordon had big engines in their Chen-owths, so it could be a real race. Also lurking on the back of the ~:-ic ·.~•ere the Stadium Toyota trucks i;r Mike Lesle ran second overall for a time, but settled in to a pace that took the Jeep Comanche to the Scott Douglas got a few wrinkles on his Ford Ranger, but he also won Class 7S in the desert challenge and finished a strong second overall . win in Class 7 4x4 and fourth overall. • Pagc11 Dultyflma

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• • • I I •--1•_..-.. ,-7--•_. 1111111~.-1-·.-• - • Ill :7 ::::111111 .. « ......... 1 .... 1 ..... J __ _ BUICK • GMC TRUCK Check Our SUPER SUMMER SPECIALS Commercial and Fleet Needs r----HORA/SCORE Member Discounts / 101-------Special Financing Packages / O 0,:,---; We Care About You And Want To , 0 Al r ' Give You The Best Deals On I G All _IJ / GMC Trucks, Accessories And Service. / IY/ h~R I Call or see JEFF SANBORN ... ............. Offer ~ r. I ----~1'ire8 s / 1881 LONG BEACH BOULEVARD --.... t!{!_e / LONG BEACH, CALIFORNIA 90806 --.... .J (213) 591-5611 (213) 775-6156 (714) 827-8920 '88 GMC CREW CAB DOOLY Fully Loaded, Power Windows, Power Locks, Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control, Chrome Wheels. $19,195°0 Plus Dock Fee, Tax and License If not in stock, we will order for you at this price!

Page 14

Dwaine Walters took the early lead in the accident marred Challenger Class race, and his T-Mag took the victory over 21 other starters in the big class. Robby Gordon took off like a bullet in the race for desert Classes 1, 2, and 10. With Ryan Thomas riding along, the teenage team scored the victory in Class 2 and overall. C.. of Ivan Stewart and Steve Nlillen. But the trucks took a delay start, explaining -that they were just testing for the next day, and they only went a couple of laps. In Class 1 Frank Arciero won the drag race to the first turn, but Mears was right in his wake, with Kevin Probst, Berrien, in close followed by Bob Gordon. Mears lost the front end on the first lap, and Arciero stayed right out front, hounded by Probst and Bob Gordon, along with Robby Gordon on the second lap. At this point, we think we have the numbers straight, Tim Riordan was leading the 1600 bash, fol-lowed by Rick Boyer and Robert Matthews, and yet another Mears, cousin Lance. Midway in the ten lapper Frank Arciero stretched out a good lead over Robby Gordon. Lee Wuest-hoff was next, followed by Wes Elrod, Art Schmitt, Bob Gordon, Kevin Probst and Billy Beck. The 1600s, we think, were led by Rick Boyer, and Steve Sourapas had moved up to second, followed by Robert Matthews, Carlos Zuniga, Andy Anderson and Dana Van Noort. As the Class 1 race wound down, nobody was close to Frank Arciero. Robby Gordon was run-ning second, followed by Elrod, Wuesthoff, Schmitt and Bob Gordon. There was no doubt that Frank Arciero won the race, but there was some doubt about the next few places for a time. By our count Wes Elrod was second, fol-lowed by Robby Gordon on a flat, Bob Gordon, Art Schmitt and Billy Beck, all that covered ten laps. Several of the above were initially DQ'ed for bypassing a jump near Turn 6. But they were later reinstated in the above order. It seems nothing was said at the driver's meeting about it being mandatory to go over the jumps instead of around them, but it was mentioned at the Sunday meeting. Of the 14 that started in Sta-dium 1-2-1600, many fell out on the rough course, including some of the early leaders. Once he gained the lead, Rick Boyer held it all the way to victory, even though Steve Sourapas got close in his Mirage. Robert Matthews was a good third, followed by Dana Van Noort, the last one to cover the nine laps. Sunday brought out the truck racers. It started with the Chev-rolet Mini Metal Challenge for desert Classes 7, 7S and 7 4x4. Early Friday morning the Simon brothers had suffered a bizarre accident. Right off the start of the first practice Paul Simon did a tri-ple endo in his 7S Ford, and incredibly landed on top of the 7 4x4 Ranger driven by his brother Dave. After a lot of work, both trucks were ready to race on Sunday. There were three starters in Class 7, but it wasn't much of a race. Don Rountree made less N SAHARA VDO - Chenowth - Simpson ---------t :i: ~ 1-1.LJ X :::i > ~ SIRIUS ~11---------tc:i ..J > ..J ..J < al > ·;;. SPRINGMTN . ..1 T riMil - K & N Filters - Bugpack Bilstein - Centerline - Cibie Hewland -Porsche Turbo CVs Beard's Seats-Parker Pumper Yokohama Tires -Super Trapp Gem Gears -KYB Shocks Sway-A-Way Transaxle Parts Wright Place - Dura Blue Ultra Boot - Neal Products SEE PAT OR DAVE OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday-Friday - 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday -9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. NEVADA PHONE ORDER HOUSE 3054 So. Valley View, Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 871-4911 • (702) 871-5604 Page 14 than a lap before retiring the already wounded Billy Bunch Ford Ranger. Roger Mears lost the output shaft on the Nissan on the first lap. Larry Ragland roared off the line in the lead in the Chevy S-10, and he outdistanced the field of stockers to easily win overall. The 7 4x4s started second, llnd Mike Lesle was second overall in his Jeep at the end of one lap, just ahead of the leading 7S trucks, Paul Simon, Ford, Spencer Low, Nissan, and Scott Douglas, Ford. Mike Randall was next, his Jeep second in 7 4x4, and that was just the first lap. As Larry Ragland disappeared down the esses, Lesle stayed put in second overall. But behind him the battle was fierce between Paul Simon, Low, and Douglas, and, coming up through the traffic, it was midwestern champion Scott Taylor in a Ford. Midway in the eight lap race Paul Simon was second overall, and his brother Dave was out of the race. Lesle prudently slowed his hot pace, Steve Sourapas charges past the course crew n t e ana Van Noort does a nose dive in his big desert size car, switchbacks, and he drove the tidy Mirage to a close buthekeptittogethertofinishfourthinthe14carStadium second place in Stadium Class 1-2-1600. Class 1-2-1600 field. David Ashley charged hard in his ord Ranger in the desert mini metal action, and he finished second at the flag in Class 7 4x4. Kenny Freeman nosed his Bunderson into second place in Challenger action on the very last lap in the switchbacks, and stayed there to the finish. Although Al Arciero did not see the checkered flag, having lost a wheel, he ended up second in Desert Class 1, as attrition was very heavy. October 1988 Spencer Low tried hard and stayed close in the Chevrolet Desert Mini Metal action, but his Nissan ended up second in 7S and third overall. .,.,;«'P Mike Lund took over second in Class 2 and overall in the desert bash early in the race, and he kept the Chenowth second all the way to the flag. Bob Austin led Desert Class 10 most of the way in the Dirtrix, but lost the clutch with two turns to go and ended up taking second in class. Dusty nma •

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and Al Arciero was second on the road, leading Class 1, followed by Richey, Mike Lund, Class 2, Ron . Brant, Class 1, and Stiles. Mark Barnes had the Class 10 lead, fol-lowed by Bob Austin and Craig Watkins. These notes are not the result of taking down car numbers, since in this race the cars were too muddy to read the numbers, and we hopefully tried to be accurate just by recognizing the desert racers. Walker Evans got his Jeep Comanche into second on the isconsin racer Lee Wuesthoff had trouble in the Stadium first lap of the Stadium truck-race, and Evans held a close Class 10 heat, but he got the Chenowth roaring in the main After four of ten laps Robby Gordon led the pack with young Ryan Thomas riding in the Chen-owth.,Lund held second, and next came Stiles, back in the Class 1 lead, followed by Dwight Lundell, Class 2 and Al Arciero. Bob Aus-tin had the Class 10 lead over Watkins and Jim Greenway, and half the field was being lapped. -seemed set. Robby Gordon had a good lead, followed by Mike Lund. Stiles . was running , third, leading Class 1. and the only one left as Al Arciero had-tossed the left front wheel; but Al's five laps were good for second in class. Next it was B0b Austin and Craig Watkins in a close duel for the Class 10 win, the only close battle still going. Two laps later Robby Gordon took the checkered_ flag, first overall and in Class 2. Mike Lund was second in Class 2 and overall, and some distance back, with· blistered hands, Jim Stiles was third overall, taking his second Class 1 win in a row with the new Toyota engine. second all the way home. event to take second in the huge field. having a good lead over the 4x4s of Jerry McDonald, Sherman Balch and Mike Randall, who were really having a dice. On lap 6 Paul Simon hit the wall on Tum 6, handing the 7S lead and second overall to Scott Douglas, with Spencer Low close but unable to make a pass. Lesle was now fourth overall, and to the rear the war still waged between Jerry McDonald and Mike Ran-dall, with Scott Taylor in the middle of the sandwich. Larry Ragland won overall and Class 7 by a mile. Scott Douglas hung on in second overall and took the 7S victory handily as they stretched out at the flag. Spencer Low was third overall, second in 7S, followed by the 7 4x4 winner Mike Lesle. Scott Taylor was next, third in 7S, and Rob MacCachren was fourth in his Jeep, a lap down as were Mal-colm Vinje, Toyota, and Larry Noel, Ford. Dave Ashley drove his Ranger to second in 7 4x4, Jerry McDonald was third in the Chevy, and Wayne Demonja was fourth in a Mazda as Randall faded on the last laps. Next up were the 22 in Chal-lenger Class, and the race started badly. The defending champion here, Danny Ashcraft did a whole series of endos on the first lap. Both he and his co-driver were injured, Ashcraft with back trou-ble and Carol Primeni:ell with a ·broken ankle. Half the field got caught in the resulting traffic jam. After one lap Dwaine Walters had the lead in a T-Mag, with Larry Dimmett, Giti Gowland and Don Rountree close. After three of the eight · laps Walters had a clear lead, and there had _ been another, less serious wreck in the esses. Rountree now had the Sandwinder in second, 'closely followed by Dimmett, Gowland and Rich Richardson. The leaders were lapping many of . the cars delayed in the two wrecks. Then Rountree. and Gow-land collided on lap 4 and the 'Tree broke a ball joint, and-neither came around again. Now Richardson and Kenny Freeman · had the best battle going, followed at some distance by MiJ<e Wil~ liams. Dimmett was dragging not one, but two rear flats, and only nine made it through five laps. Dwaine Walters continued to increase his lead in the T-Mag, and scored an easy victory after eight tough laps. On the penulti-mate lap Rich Richardson was second by half a car length over Freeman, who was followed by Williams. But, on the last lap there must of been contact in one of the switchbacks.-Kenny Free-man got his Bunderson home second with W illiams right on his bumper. Richardson ended up fourth, nursing a left rear flat. The desert chargers with the Dustyflma hot engines were ne-xt on the schedule with five in Class 2, five in Class 1 and ten in Class 10. The unlimiteds were off first, and Jim Stiles, in his Barstow. overall win-ning Raceco, was out front, and Bob Richey, in the RCR two seater was right with him. Richey made the pass to lead going into the esses, and Stiles lost his power steering and found a big mud puddle. -After one lap Robby Gordon had the overall and Class 2 lead, Comparing Our KC SERIES ._ Daylighter. SS ••• _ With eight laps done, the order The Class 10 battle continued _ to be rig:,~. Austin b,.;ely held his lead with oil on the Dlnrix clutch. Then, f"'" turns from pay dirt the clutch i;.-• ••• to Our LC SERIES Long Rang~ Ught isUke mparin A Full Blown Race Truck to A Stocker But Comparing Our LC SERIES to the So Called Competitors' Light is Like Comparing the Stocker to a-Roller Skate KC offers a.series of lights for every body and every budget. Our LC Series Lights are great for cruising, lo.oking good, promoting your image, and of course improved off-road . vision at night. And they carry our one year warranty. But if you want the top of the line, a real.competition light, the same light racing greats like Ivan Stewart, Frank Vessels, Dave Shoppe, Manny Esquerra, Larry Schwacofer, Robby Gordon, Mark & Gorky McMillin and most of the top names in off-road racing win with, then insist on the KC Series Daylighter $S. It features the proven KC sealed beam, the race proven shock mount that we invented, and a stainless steel housing that's virtually indestructible. Plus the whole light is warranteed for five full years. Insist on genuine KC _HiLiTES ... because there is no comparison. KC catalog $3.00. Avenida De Luces·• Williams, Arizona 86046 USA• 602/635-2607 ..,.1,

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Although Jim Stiles lost the power steering on the Raceco early in the desert unlimited race, he . carried on in the battle to take Class 1, his second in a row victory. Craig Watkins, Raceco, had a tight dice for the lead, took over on the last lap to score the desert Class 10 victory at the checkered flag. Marty Coyne kept his Chenowth with the leaders in Rod Hall had the old Dodge wired for Riverside, and he and Stadium Class 10, and ran third and finished third in the Jim Fricker moved through the Heavy Metal ranks to win hectic 30 odd car finale action. Class 4 and finish a great second overall. Jack Johnson had the Nissan in the overall Heavy Metal Steve Kelley herded his Chevy around Riverside to take S'pot for several laps, but without power steering he second in Class 8 and fourth overall, the last ten lap dropped to second in Class 4 and third overall. finisher in the Heavy Metal ranks. et quic,andWatkinstookthe win and fourth overall. Austin was still close, second in class. Despite driving with a broken wrist, Jim-Greenway and his wife Lisa were third in Class 10, their Raceco the last car to finish ten laps. with a stuck throttle, putting two of the three Mazdas out of the running. Joey Moore also parked with problems. Midway in the eight lapper Stewart was still ahead of Evans and MacCachren held third in his Jeep. Next it was Roger Mears, Sr. and Steve Millen, coming back from a starting line problem. Dave Ashley pitted for a fresh tire at this point. On lap· 6 both the Mears Nissans were out, Sr. with engine trouble and his son was also missing. Now Ashley was puffing white smoke from the back of the Ford. Through seven laps, only five were still in motion. Coming off Thompson Ridge for the last time Ivan Stewart led the survivors with Walker Evans still close, and they finished 1-2. Before the final two turns, third running Rob MacCachren bailed out of his smoking Jeep that had some sort of engine fire. Glenn Harris finished third in this high attrition rur~, MacCachren was called in fourth and Steve Millen in fifth, also a lap down. The Taco Bell Stadium Class 10 'Challenge field held most of the 3 7 entries, the biggest race of the weekend and it was a real bang-em-up sample of stadium racing. Off the line Jerry Whelchel led Ron Carter and Mitch Mustard, but by the end of the lap Carter was in the lead, Mustard was second and Whelchel was third. ~. Carter and Mustard had a real dice going, joined on the third lap by Whelchel and Kevin Probst, all nose to tail. At the end of three rounds, Mustard had a skinny lead over Carter I with Whelchel and Probst very close. By now· both Arciero brothers were out of it, as were several oth-ers, and on the next lap Carter limped to the pits: · Halfway it was tight between Mustard and Whelchel, and Marty Coyne was a distant third, followed by Lee Wuesthoff, Probst, Eric Arras and Larry Noel, but positions changed con-. stantly. The Mustard/ Whelchel dice went on through eight laps, then Whelchel gained the lead. Now Coyne just held off Wuest-hoff for third, Arras was next fol-lowed by Noel, Bob Gordon and Art Schmitt. Robby Gordon bad disappeared early in the race. Jerry Whelchel messed up his front end on a jump on the last lap, and Mitch Mustard had a good trip to victory. Meanwhile Lee W uesthoff got ast Marty Coyne on the last lap to take second. Coyne was third and Eric Arras held off a hard charge by Larry Noel for fourth. Art Schmitt was next, followed by Bob Gordon, the hapless Jerry The Odyssey classes came out for their eight laps, and the course was hard on many of these com-petitive racers. They seemed to · roll, pop back on their wheels and carry on. Ron Pierce won the race over-all and in Class 34, followed by Rennie A wana and Terry Peterson. Dan Roberto won Class 44. In the 26 vehicle race, half of them made it at least half way, and six covered all_ eight laps. . The Chevrolet Mini Metal Challenge for Stadium trucks b~gan the glamour classes sched-ule toward the finale, and there were a dozen starters. Ivan Stew-art shot off the line in his Toyota, with Walker Evans, Jeep, in his wake. At the end of the lap Jeff Huber was third, followed by Rob MacCachren, Roger Mears and Danny Thompson. Ivan and Walker gained gro·und on the field after two rounds, Mac-Cachren held third, followed by Mears, Sr., Glenn Harris, Mears,-Jr ., Patrice McGrail and Dave Ashley. Danny Thompson had a rear flat on his Chevy and pitted, then Huber went out with a dead battery while McGrail retired Dave Ashley entered his legal Ford Ranger 7 4x4 in Class 14 to run the Heavy Metal Challenge and Dave took home second place in class honors. Dale Jordan had his Class 6 El Camino in the lead for 99 percent of the race, but landed on the retaining wall just yards from the victory. Ivan Stewart grabbed the lead off the start in the Chevrolet Mini Metal Challenge for Stadium · Jerry Daugherty bested the slim field in Class 14 driving his Chevy Blazer to the class victory in the trucks, and while others go·t close, Ivan led all the way to win in the Toyota. Chevrolet Heavy Metal Challenge. Page 16 Oc:tobcr 1988 Dusty nma

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Don Adams had an easy cruise to victory in Class 3, his Jeep Wrangler finishing a lap ahead of the only other entry in Clas, 3 at Riverside. Larry Schwacofer ran second in Class 6 through the very last turn, but won the class taking the last checkered flag at Score's Riverside races. Whelchel, and Danny Rice. A weird accident happened after the checkered flag between two ten . lap finishers. Scott Galloway turned left too soon after the flag stand to head for the pits and was struck by Phil Carter, Jr. Both cars ended up in the Turn 6 seats, with . Galloway's underneath Carter's. When they got everyone out, only Carter seemed to be injured, hav-ing hit his head and wrist very hard. The final racing event of the day, and ever, was the Chevrolet · Heavy Metal Challenge with five classes, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 14, making up a field of 23 rigs. Class 8 was the largest with ten starters, Class 4 had five, Classes 14 and 6 had four each, and there were two in Class 3. We only counted 23 on the parade lap. Some never got far off the start, including Walker Evans. Ken Kincaid did a wild roll-over in his Class 14 Ford, crashing into Evans' Dodge, which took out most of the side and a wheel. And, three more didn't cover a lap in Class 8. riding along in the Dodge, went on to win Class 4 · and finish second overall. Jack Johnson strong armed the Nissan to take third overall, second in Class 4. Steve Kelley was fourth overall, second in Class 8, the last of the ten lap finishers. Dave Shoppe, with wife Linda riding along in the Ford, was the fastest of the nine lap finishers, fifth overall and third in Class 8. Minnesota racer Greg Gerlach got in nine laps for third in Class 4. Meanwhile in Class 14, Jerry Daugherty led most of the way in his much raced Chevy 1;3lazer, and Jerry took his second Class 14 title at Riverside home to Colo-rado. Dave Ashley ran his desert 7 4x4 Ford in Class 14, and finished second ahead of Bill Dickton, Dodge, all three covering nine laps. In Class 3, it was a pair of Jeeps. Don Adams circulated at a steady, stay-out-of-~rouble pace to win class honors by a lap over Rich Severson. It was Frank Vessels who led the pack into the first turn, fol-lowed by Jack Flannery, Jerry Daugherty and Jack Johnson. But Vessels parked in the switch-backs, and Jack Flannery led after one lap over Jack Johnson and Rod Ha!-l, all in Class 4. The four wheel drive helped a bunch in the early laps on the muddy track. After a cautious start, Rob Gor-don had his Class 8 Ford in fourth, with Steve Kelley right behind him followed by Greg Gerlach. But, Flannery pitted with a flat tire on the next lap, and Jack Johnson had the Nissan in the lead, followed by Robby Gor-don, Rod Hall, Steve Kelley and Greg Gerlach. Flannery came roaring oack onto the track, worked up to fourth in Class 4 in four laps, and then the steering shaft broke on his Ford. The final class on the traek was 6, with three in motion for half distance, then the Rambler sedan retired. Out front all the way was Dale Jordan, and his El Camino Chevy had a huge lead early in the · race. Then he got mud in the radiator and backed off some because of overheating. Then, on the last lap he caught sight of Larry Schwacofer, '5 7 Chevy, closing up on him. So, Jq_rdan stood on the gas out of the last turn onto the pavement, slewed out of control and landed _straddled on the cement retaining wall by the grandstands, about 50 . feet shy of the final checkered flag at Riverside International Race-way. Larry Schwacofer, with Sid Spradling out for the ride, cap-tured the last checkered flag at Riverside and the Class 6 honors. After four laps Jack Johnson had the lead but _Robby Gordon was closing in, and Rod Hall wasn't losing any ground while Kelley's Chevy held fourth ahead of Gerlach's Class 4 Chevy. Next lap Gordon was right on top of Johnson, who later reported the power steering went out early in the race. Gordon made the pass at the end of the lap and that was it for the overall title in the Heavy Metal ranks. Robby Gordon con-tinued to lead, not by a lot but by a comfortable margin, to win overall in the· '66 Ford Class 8 truck with which he has been ' cleaning up on the desert. At the end of lap 6 Rod Hall passed Jack Johnson at the finish line, and Rod, with Jim Fricker Dusty nma Well, it was over, and some-where the fat lady was singing, no doubt. Oddly, a certain ambiance had been missing all weekend. Even at the lavish BFGoodrich dinner on Saturday night in the garages, people remarked that the usual frivolity seemed to be miss-ing, although the party was as keen as ever. Even the slim audience in the grandstands seemed restrained, not tossing balls or water balloons, which is the norm. And, until the final race was over, not one banner or track souvenir Was taken down by the crowd. _ It was eerie, especially for those who remembered the glory days of Score off road racing at River-side, when the entry was heavy and so was the crowd. Back then · the boisterous crowd often had to be restrained by the police on Robby Gordon was the biggest winner at Riverside, taking DUSTY TIMES had a busy weekend at Riverside as new a Class 10 heat, the Heavy Metal honors, and Class 2, friends and old buddies dropped by to chat, pick up a copy, shown here in victory lane with his rider Ryan Thomas. or tell us.about how they did in the race. Saturday night, but it was a well acts of Raceway officials was to overflowed and was running behaved group in 1988. Maybe it lock the Tum 6 restrooms on down Thompson's Ridge. was fitting that one of the final Sunday, because the sewage had RIP - RIR STILES RACING & CHUCK SAWYER RACE ENGINES Would Like To Give Special Thanks For All The Help They Received IN WINNING FIRST OVERALL AT THE FIRECRACKER 250 and FIRST IN CLASS 1 DESERT AT RIVERSIDE BACK TO BACK Toyota Motor Sports Yokohama Shann Sawyer Steve Casagrande Norm Jameson Dave Evans Dennis & Richard Jim Willis Bill Varnes Jim & Lisa Greenway Judy Smith & Jean Calvin Lou Peralta · October 1988 Trick Racing Fuel Jim Moulton Racing David Kreisler Summers Brothers Bear.d's Seats McKenzie Automotive Bosch Sway-A-Way Checkers Dusty Times On-Dirt Page 17

Page 18

1600 WINS OVERALL Mclrking Takes Fudpucker's Budweiser Superstition_ ISOV By Judy Smith Photos: C&C Race Photos John Marking drove the Jimco all the way with Gary Cogbill riding shotgun in a trouble free race that Marking won overall as well as taking the Class 1-2-1600 honors. Fudpucker's Budweiser Super-stition race draws off roaders to one of the hottest parts of the desert, at just about the hottest time of the year. The August event, which doesn't start until 6 p.m., is situated at the edge of a nameless drylake, just northeast of Plaster City. Or you could say, southwest of Westmoreland. As the bikers, who'd done their racing in the morning, left to find air conditioned motels and cool-ing showers, the car and truck people moved in, and settled limply around the lakebed, to wait for the start time. Even Fud, usually the most energetic person at a race, was ensconced for a while in the shade of the sign-up booth, cool drink in hand. Temperatures hovered at right around 115 degrees, and the wind, rather than cooling, blew silt, which stuck to sweaty bodies, and gritted up the tops of soda pop cans. But as race time drew near, everyone crept out from their air conditioned motor-homes, and the shade of their canopies, to take the cars through tech, and then attend the drivers meeting. · As Fud described the course he specifically noted one short cut that had been popular with pre-runners, and told the racers that it was a no-no, stating that he'd have a cheater checker there. A quick run down of the rest of the course, and a review of the rules, and they ,were ready to stage. Fud started the cars one every 15 seconds on this 60 mile loop, which some had predicted would be traversed in less than an hour. The course was described as "nice", with lots of sand, and hardly any rocks. There were some "disorienting" mud hills, and also a difficult area called the "Snow Cones", which drivers were inclined to want to short cut, along with a couple of fast straights. The whole track was in the shape of a skinny cloverleaf, and came close to the start/ finish area on the dry lake a couple of times, making it easy to get back to the main pit in the event of serious problems. There were five checks, in addition to the start/ finish, but drivers were not required to stop at any of them. The rules declared that cars would go through the checks in single file, and that there'd be no passing within the flagged off area that marked checkpoint territory. Nobody made it around in less than an hour, although a few came close. The two Unlimited class cars, who were first off the line, both had major troubles on lap one, or maybe they would have broken the one hour time, but as it was, Kirk Kontilis in a Bade-noch 's chassis, was the first Unlimited car around, in an hour and 14 minutes, after running about 20 miles on a flat. Cecil Wright, with overheating prob-lems in his Mazda powered Hi Jumper, which sports a Mazda body these days, was only three minutes behind him in second place. Kontilis had a pretty good second lap, but then lost third gear on lap three. Still, he con-tinued to lead, as Wright spent a long time in the pits on his second Robert Whitted and Carl Haynes moved to Class 5 at this race, and turned fast laps for the class win, and they also placed a swift second overall. lap, repairing damage done after running into a concrete block. Kontilis went on to take the win, pleased that his new rear suspen-sion worked, and Jeff Wright ran the last two laps in the Mazda, to bring it home second, but very late in the evening. Class 1-2-1600, which runs with no restrictor plates in the Fudpucker races, and often fin-ishes very well, started as the second group. John Marking, in a Jimco, had the lead at the end of the first lap, followed by John King and Ken Snyder, in their ORBS, only two minutes later. In third place it was Jeff and Randy Anderson, in a Goodsell, and then it was Bob Hummel and Kevin Basore, Jimco, fourth, fol-lowed by John Lind, in a Mirage. They were all within six minutes of each other. · Marking, who usually co-drives with Gary Cogbill, in SCORE and HDRA races, had Cogbill as a passenger this time, and they still had the lead at the end of the second lap. Hummel and Basore were now second, as King and Snyder got high centered, lost 15 minutes getting unstuck, and lost second place. The Andersons held on to third, Lind was fourth, and King and Snyder had fallen to fifth place. As Cogbill pointed the way, Marking built his lead, having no mechanical problems at all. At the end of the third lap he had 16 . minutes on second place Hummel and Basore. The Andersons were still third, King and Snyder had moved back up to fourth, and Lind was fifth. Marking kept pushing hard, and Cogbill thought he would revert to an old bad habit the team has, of rolling the car, but he kept it on its wheels, and took the win. And they had the overall victory along with the class win, making a good reason for a mighty big celebra-tion in the Marking/Cogbill entourage. Hummell and Basore finished second, the Anderson team third, and King and Snyder, who'd run well except for that second lap, were fourth. Lind was fifth. The Class 10 cars, who'd been expected to finish in front of the 1600s, had a tough evening of it. Half of the field broke on the first lap, and the rest of the evening wasn't any too e·asy either. Dennis Green's Jimco, with Mike Julson at the wheel, was in the lead at the end of the first lap, with a time of 1:01:40, the fast lap of the race. But Mike and Jim Zupanovich, in an ORE, were just seconds behi_nd him, at 1:02:18. Jim Sherman lagged a bit in his Jimco, since he was running on a right readlat. At the end of the second lap it .was still Julson in the lead, and the Zupanovich car was still close, though it had dropped back a few minutes. Sherman never finished that lap. The Zupanoviches were leading at the end of the third lap, by about 40 minutes. Green, who was now driving, had had all kinds of trouble. He was. running with no brakes, and spent a lot of time repairing a caliper. But he went on, determined to finish. A spark plug wire came off on the last lap, and he couldn't stop to fix it, because his starter was dead, and he wouldn't be able to get going again. So he pressed on, stopping in at a friend's pit for help, and then went on to finish, surprised and delighted to find that he was the first one there. The Zupano-vich car had suffered terminal problems on the last lap, and never got to the finish. . But Green's heroic efforts were in j_eopardy, as a checkpoint team reported that on the second lap the car had passed within a couple of the "no-passing" zones at checkpoints. A hearing was held in front of the Competition Committee the next morning, and the upshot of it all was that, as the rules require, the car was docked a lap. However, that turns out i:o be less drastic thaQ it sounds, becuase, for some odd reason, although it was docked a·lap, the team ended up with the win. Even though the Zupanovich car had ,.. ·.;,. Dennis Green and Mike Julson had a goodly amount of troubles on course, but in the end they put the Jimco home first in the Class 10 action. Despite getting stuck in the "Snow Cones", Brian Goodrich and Doug-Jennings led every lap in Class 5-1600, and won the nine Bug class by six minutes. Jack Hettinger and Steve Reynolds got lost in the mud hills but still got the old Funco home for the victory in the close competi-tion in Challenger Class. Stuart and Tod Teuscher have a habit of winning Class 100 at Fud's races, and they again drove the immaculate Chenowth Wedge to the class win. Page 18 October 1988 Dusty nma

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been in front at the end of lap . three, the lead position had reverted to Julson and Green. Fudpucker told us that it had something todo with the fact that the rules were originally written · for motorcycle races, where he rarely has only one contestant left running at the end of a race. He said he would have to rewrite the rul~s to suit the cars. And he did. Fud told us that after running afoul of the above situation he has put together a rule book for FR T events, and it will be available at his next race, the Plaster City Blast, on October 1st. Fud has also added a lineup of Class Representatives to his organization, to be sure that each racer has a person to present his view to the promoter. Class 5 at the Superstition race was small, but determined. Bob Whitted and Carl Haynes, in their pre-runner, which had been Larry McCallum's race car, had decided t6 see what it was like to race with a big motor, lots of wheel travel, and some extra shocks. They usu-ally run in Class 5-1600, where they do very well, indeed. This race proved not to be too chal-lenging, as their only competition, Greg Sanden and Larry McCal-lum in Sanden's car, ran afoul of something on lap one and lost over an hour. So Whitted and Haynes ap-plied themselves to the problem of getting around the course as fast as they could, while staying out of trouble. Running at a very steady pace, they had themselves in fifth overall at the end of the second lap, and at the finish line they were second overall. It turns out they liked racing in that class quite a bit. Sanden and McCal-lum, with only one clean lap the whole evening, did finish, a little over two hours behind them, for second. The 5-1600s were the next class to go, and Brian Goodrich took firm hold of the lead at the end of lap-one, with two minutes andJ 7 seconds on Jim Beeson, who ran second. In third it was Tim Lawr-ence, a veteran co-driver, but with his hands on the steering wheel for the first time, and he was only 4 7 seconds behind Beeson. Ken and Duane Basore ran fourth, about nine minutes later, and eve-rybody else was having serious troubles. Goodrich built his lead to about six minutes by the end of the second lap, with Beeson still second. Peter Brown, who'd taken over for Lawrence, lost a few minutes, but still held third, with the Basores steady in fourth place. The Lawrence/ Brown team again changed drivers, putting Tim's dad, Steve, in for the last two laps. Goodrich, feeling a bit weary, put DougJennings in for the third lap, and Jennings, nearly a foot shorter than Goodrich, had some trouble seeing over the dash-board. But, in spite of sliding the car over onto its side for a few -They had just a fad under three moments, he ran a good lap, and minutes on Jack Hettinger and held on to the lead. Beeson, who Steve Reynolds, in an old Funco. was driving all the way, with his lnthirditwasTomBogowitz,and son, Jason, doing the navigating, then came Mike McClure and maintained a steady pace, and Rick Paquette in a Chenowth, just held second. But the Basores now 40 seconds ahead of fifth place moved up to third, while the Lawr-John Fargo and Art Eugenio, driv-ence/Brown team, with some ing a Baja Bug type Challenger. troubles, lost about 10 minutes The race was still tight at the and fell to fourth. end of the second lap, with Bennet Goodrich hopped back in for and Watson just a minute-and-a-the last lap, and managed to get half ahead of second place Hettin-h imse l f stuck solidly in the ger and Reynolds. Fargo and "Snow Cones". He had to get out Eugenio had now moved to third, and use his jack to unstick him- · while Martin Schlosser brought. self,butwasquickenoughtosave his Funco into fourth place. his lead, and still get the win. The McClure and Paquette were now Beesons were second, only six fifth, and then they never finished , minutes later, followed by the the third lap. Basores in third, and then the Bennet and Watson lost about Lawrence/ Brown group. No one 18 minutes on the next lap, and else finished. Hettinger and Reynolds took over The Challengers were next, and the lead, followed by Bennet and the team of Jeff Bennet and Tom Watson. Schlosser, who's in his Watson, who'd started last in the first year of racing, now moved to class, were the first ones around in third place, with Fargo and Eugen-their Chenowth, to take the lead. io a IJllr ~ -':'-:-:;;=;:::;::::::;;:=::::;;;:;:::;;;:::;::;:;:;~ Perry McNeil took the Big Truck lead on the last lap and his Ford roared to victory, with no exhaust, beating the competition by just two minutes. Steve Fenton was up and down the ranks in the Little Truck Class, but after three laps his Datsun was the first one to the checkered flag. Sporting a full body on·the Mazda powered Hi Jumper, Cecil and Jeff Wright survived problems to finish second in the Unlimited Class. Dusty nma October 1988 Page 19

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Kevin Basore and Bob Hummel started out fourth in the Jimco and they worked their way forward to finish second in· the 14 car Class 1-2-1600. John Fargo and Art Eugenio run their tidy Bug in Challenger Class, and finished all four laps for third place, just 16 minutes out of the win. off the pace. Jonathan and James Hurley led the first two laps in the Ford Ranger, but dropped an hour on the third lap and to second in Little Truck Class. Tim and Steve Lawrence and Peter Brown ran third midway in Class 5-1600, but dropped to fourth on lap 3 and finished fourth at the flag. Mike Smith ran a Spence Low Nissan chase truck in the Big Truck_ Class, and he finished all four laps third among the six that started. Al DeLaRosa and John Pekarek ran second in Little Trucks on the first lap, but their handsome Nissan never came around for another lap. tllr minute-and-a-half behind him in the Bug. Jim Tucker and Larry Wyatt were now fifth in their Chenowth, about a half hour Hettinger and Reynolds, whose only problem had been getting lost in the mud hills, sailed on in for the win,· while Bennet and Watson, after a good race, lost their rear suspension, and didn't get tef the checkered flag. Schlosser was second, eight min-utes back, and Eugenio and Fargo finished third in the Bug. None of the others made it. • . The Class 100 folks were led all the way by Stuart and Todd Teuscher, in a Chenowth Wedge. They had three minutes at the end of lap one, on Mike LaPlant and Joe Valentine, who were running LaPlant's 1600cc, single shocked pre-run Baja Bug. Greg Hutchison and George Wessels, who started about 45 minutes late, ran third,· but then never made another lap. front, to take the win by just a hair over· two minutes. Meister and Smail, disappointed to lose, were nevertheless pleased with their second place, since it was the first time they'd managed to finish one of Fud's races. Smith finished Performs like no other batterv. · The f:>ulsar is a radically differe11t car battery. It looks like no other battery. It performs like no other battery. In fad, we don't even call it a battery. We call it a Power Pack. Your current car battery has remained essentially unchanged for the last hundred years. Pulsar introduces a new era of battery technology. Maintenante free. Pulsar is a sealed unit. You couldn't top it up if you tried. No checking, no leaks, no mess. It has a special Teflon sealing strip that keeps the liquids in, but lets gas out. · Easier starting. Pulsar offers 90% more cranking power than a conventional battery of i-he same ~eight. Lighter and smaller. · Pulsar's designers removed all of the non-essential lead that you find in conventional batteries. · As a result of their efforts, the Pulsar Power Pack is much lighter and smaller than conventional batteries of · Longer life. Pulsar has been designed to resist vibration damage which is the ma;or cause of battery failure. Constant vibration can make the active material in the battery loosen and fall from the plates. With Pulsar it ,s not possible for active material to fall from the plates because they are locked within each welded frame section. . . The incredible vibration resistance of Pulsar can be demonstrated in the laboratory using a vibration life test procedure; with the battery being subjeded to a highly accelerated test of 10g at 50Hz. Under these conditions a.standard battery gives a life of less than 30 mins. After 4a hours Pulsar is unaffeded. size / inches weight 9.5 L SH 2.25W 10.8 lbs SP " 3.5 16.5 8P " 4 .25 21.0 10P AACE T LHOP comp_arable performance. 714• SS l-8 2 8 6 Supplies &. Specialty Products 11532 Stephanie Garden Grove, CA 92640 Page 20 October 1988 The Teuschers ran steadily, having no major troubles, to get the win, while LaPlant and Valen-tine, after three good-laps, used up the engine on the little Bug, and became an official DNF. No one else finished either. · The Big Truck class was led by Danny Smail and Herman Meis-ter, in a long-bed Ford, who had a nice secure-feeling 23 minutes on Perry McNeil, also in a Ford. McNeil, always a charger, had been blowing U-joints on his truck, and when he'd had to stop and change the fifth one, he finally decided he'd probably better slow down a bit. Mike Smith, in a Spencer Low four wheel drive Nissan chase truck, ran third. Mike had disconnected the front wheel drive for this race, since there was no 4WD class. The other trucks in the class were hav-ing troubles, and after long first laps, none came around a second time. Smail and Meister continued to lead, having a good race, but McNeil closed the gap some, and was 21 minutes back after two laps. Smith lost a little time, but still ran third. After three laps Smail and Meister still had 16 minutes, but· they had to pull into their pit for repairs to a broken spring. Tha_t cost them 20 minutes. McNeil lost his exhaust, but that didn't slow him; and he charged · ahead, with Smail and Meister pushing furious£ y to catch up. But the broken spring had lost the race for them, and MsNeil crossed the finish line in . third in the mini truck. The Small Truck class started next, and by the end of the first lap the Ford Ranger of Jonathan and James Hurley had the lead, followed by Al DeLaRosa and John Pekarek in a Nissan. Steve Fenton was third in his Datsun. But at the end of the second lap, with the Hurleys still in front,. Fenton moved into second place, and DeLaRosa and Pekarek never appeared again. Fenton, with a severely bent front A-arm, was stuck in the silt on the third lap, but still came out ahead, finishing that lap before the Hurleys, to get the win. The Hurley team, who lost a. whole hour, took second place on the basis of their three laps. It was too late in the evening for either vehi-cle to take off to try for a fourth lap, so Fud declared their race over after three laps. There was only one Class 6 entry for this race, the Corvair of Chuck and Mike McCormick; but they didn't even ·get to finish· the first lap. It was still 85 degrees as the race woundto·a close at approximately 2 a.m., and the wind, which had kept the course clear for the rac-ers, was still sandblasting the pit folks. Many thanks to Andy and Chuck DeVercelly, who gra-ciously allowed us to enjoy the comfort of their air-conditioned motor home during· the race. It was a life saver. Fudpucker got everyone off to an early start the next morning with an 8 a.m. brunch ( that's early enough to call it breakfast) of fresh fruit, doughnuts and Bloody Marys, before presenting the awards at 9 a.m. The FR T series continues with the Plaster City Blast, on October 1, and then moves on to the New Year's Eve Dunaway Dash, in the same general desert area. Dusty nma' -

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BARK RIVER SHOWDOWN SODA's U.P.Off Road 1.00 Text & Photos: Deb Freimuth The first race of the weekend was a wire to wire waltz for SODA President Terry Wolfe, as he led theS-1600 survivors all the way. Those who have never been to was SODA President Terry Bark River, Michigan would Wolfe taking the green followed probably look on the map in the by Paul, "Froggy" Dallman and southern peninsula portion, but Jeff and Sandy Therriault. Wolfe to those who have been there, was commanding a siza.ble lead, so they know the U.P. is to the battle was waging for second be in the middle of]uly, at least if and third. Dallman was running you're into off road racing, that is. good until an unfortunate spin The Bark River Lions Club out allowed an opening for Ther-sponsored their thirteenth annual riault to slide by. Half way running of the U.P. Off Road through the race however, it was 100, Saturday and Sunday, July shut down time for Dallman and 23-24withover lO0driversfrom · the two survivors Wolfe and Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, Therriault took first and second Indiana, Pennsylvania, Connecti- places. . cut and of course Michigan gath- In one the largest fields of Class ering for their share of the approx- 10 cars in recent years, eleven of irnately $10,000 purse. The U.P. the two seat modified buggies Off Road 100 was also part of the stepped up to· the line for their Superior Points Series and the shot through the funnel. The Formula Desert Dog series. water pumper of Gary Cumber-The first race of the weekend worth took the lead position fol-pitted three Class 5-1600 drivers. lowed closely by the Bark River Technically there are supposed to boys, Dave Vandermissen, Sr. be four entries, but Ron Karlman and Todd Wallace. Jeff Probst had a little problem getting to the started making his moves early in race on time, and was quite sur- the race, over powering Wallace, prised when he pulled into the and eventually Vandermissen, campground and was told he just and sat on the rear bumper of missed his race - all due to a Cumberworth, who came off the schedule for a different race. But front jumps goofy, nose dived, meanwhile, back at the races, it but fortunately for him didn't Kevin Probst beat 16 other 2--I600s on Saturday and he drove thi; Berrien ro overall victory on Sunday in the Thompson Oil Limited Champi.onship. Dusty nma flip. All this commotion got the best of Probst also, and Vander-missen, Sr. was back into first. Robert Connor came off the front jumps in just about the same manner as Cumberworth, but was also saved from an ultimate roll. Wallace had claimed second place by this time with Dave Vander-missen Jr. also trying to show the hometown crowd his superior racing abilities. After being out for several laps, Probst was back in the race, but too much time and laps had gone by for him to make any serious moves on the leaders. Dave Jr. put on another show for the fans by moving· into second place and started to put the chase on Pops, but as the checkered flag came out it was obviously a Bark River· tribute as Dave Vander-missen, Sr. took first followed by Dave Jr. and Todd Wallace in third. The Class 11 two seater event was next on the schedule with eleven entries. Now a lot of credit has to be given to Class 11 driver Darren Parsons. It seems Darren couldn't get off work, so he gra-ciously allowed his wife Paula to fill in for him. Paula has been rac-ing quite actively in the women's . buggy races and has always done , quite well; but that day, she was on her own, without her husband even there to cheer her on in her debut run with the boys. As the race commenced, it was . Dwayne Walkowski, Curt Gerald and Jeff Jones in their usual top spots, but that wasn't the way the race would be run from start to finish. In. the early stages of the game, Paula Parsons developed a flat rear tire and was -forced into the pits while Jeff Jones m the meantime was oushin · ard for a win. Jon..:s mustered his way into first with Dennis iemer and Glen Cummings doing the nudg-October 19U Dave Vandermissen Sr. won the tight dice in the big entry Class 10, as Bark River racers finished first, second and tf)ird in thP. event. Jeff Jones edged his way into the lead midway in the Class 11 two seat action and not only won the race, but was second in 11 singles the next day. . ing for position. Also in there was Tom Brink who slid into the third · place spot, and then the second place spot when Riemer rolled on the corner after the timing tower. At the end of the thirty minute run it was Jones still leading the company followed by Brink and Cummings in second and third with Riemer in fourth. And, they were off. .. all seven-teen of them, for the start of the 2-1600 buggy class. And it was Dale Borgemoen who was off the lindirstfollowed tightly by Kevin THE Probst and Tim Connor. In .the back stretches Probst took over the lead and was running fast and strong, but Borgemoen's racing stint was cut short with mechani-cal difficulties leaving room for Chuck Williams, Jr. and Larry Manske to come up and threaten Connor in• the runner up spot. Halfway through the race, Lester· ~.forth had problems with the front jumps, came off cockeyed, but was saved from a roll when the rear wheel collapsed, putting a halt to !r-WR.IGHT PLACE~. COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 420 F IN SPR INGS ANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (610.) 561-4810 Page 11

Page 22

gr, everything for his day of was Jack Flannery, who was work-. racing. After completing thirteen ing his way through the hordes laps, the checkered flag was pre- and snatched away second just sented to Kevin Probst with after the timing tower. Jack Chuck Williams, Jr. and Larry Heidtman had a bad run of luck Manske taking second and third. when a flat right front tire slowed Classes 13 and 6 were next on him down. Seidler by this time the schedule of events with ;om had gained a sufficient lead over Jensen snatching · the pole spot ~ the rest of the class to be pretty through the funnel at the start of secure in his win: The rest of the the race. Due to the extreme heat positions were still being ques-many of the'Heavy Metal vehicles tioned however. Marc Pelletier, were finding themselves running who stopped by to race on his way hot, including the leader Jensen back home to Connecticut from a and Pat Barney, but they kept race in Colorado, was running in their vehicles running as long as fourth place and giving Gerlach a permittable. Lowell DeGreef was real run for his money. pushing his Shabooms vehicle After completing only three, hard to take a position, finally laps, both the third and fourth working his way up into second place drivers were suffering place with Mark Hockers in third. power failures, so it was a whole With only a few laps left in the new race again, for the final pay-event, Shabooms suddenly disap- back position. Miller, who was peared from view and it was still running strong, dumped his Hockers who now commanded Class 3 on its side, putting him second place behind the smoking out of contention. Heidtman but steady Jensen. John Konitzer however, was back running and Sheldon Scray came up with strong, chasing the leading pair the same laps as the leaders to fin- right to the checkered flag for ish third and fourth as the race third behind Seidler in first and concluded. Flannery in second. John Znidorka slammed his The last event of the day was Class 6 over the jumps with the reserved for Classes 9 and 2 as other two contestants Jon Kaempf nine Class 9s and three unlimited and Gary Gottschalk following two seaters began their run for the close behind. Attrition really got money. It was the hometown duel the best of this event as Gotts- (or dual) as Dave Vandermissen chalk was out after only one lap, Sr. and Dave Jr. started the·show and Znidorka after two. Kaempf in Class 2, followed closely by Jeff finished six laps, and almost went Probst who quickly pushed Davy out in a blaze of glory as flames right into third place. Jeff kept were seen shooting from the pushing Dave Sr. and the two got · underside of the Class 6, but that so close at one point that they got didn't seem to bother Kaempf as · hooked up by the timing tower. he just kept right on racing, stal- After the separation it looked like ling by the timing tower, restart-it was going to be a Probst win as ing, then stalling for the final time he outlapped both the Vander-at the top of the hill just above the _ missens for first place with Dave pits. Kaempf did take the first Jr. in second. place honors though, with Zni- The Class 9 race looked more dorka placing second. like the bumper car rides at the· More Heavy Metal was in store Delta County Fair, with Todd as the 4x4 classes of J , 4, and 14 Attig receiving the blunt of the took to the course. It was Mark bumping. Kevin Probst was riding Seidler in the lead with Greg Ger- up on one side of Attig with Tim lach,James Miller ina Class 3 _and Lemons on the othel' side. All this Jack Heidtman following. Miller was happening behind the leaders passed Gerlach for second, but Art Schmitt Ill, Lee W uesthoff the battle was just beginning as and Scott Taylor. This event Gerlach regrouped and took back proved to be hazardous to vehi-his second place. But, then there des, wi~h less than half the class > >+ able to finish the race. Wuesthoff was out after only three laps, Kevin Probst went out on the next lap, with Todd Attig only able to complete seven. The leader from · the start however, kept everything running in tip top shape and Art Schmitt finished fifteen laps for the win followed by Scott Taylor in second and Tim Lemons, one lap down for third. There's typical U.P. race week-end weather every year, which includes hot one day, and rain-the next. Well, Saturday pretty well took care of the hot, and Sunday definitely looked like a day for rain as ten Class 11 single seaters took to the track. As the green w;is shown, it was Andy Zipperer, Curt Gerald, Jeff Jones and Darrin Parsons fighting for the lead. Dar-rin quickly overtook Jones, but Jones retook the third place spot · almost as quickly. By the third lap Zipperer was already sitting on the sidelines watching the race as the new leader Curt Gerald took his position. Dennis Riemer started to move in on Parsons, who shortly after had mechanical problems and was scratched from the rest of the race. Jones had moved up to second, but it was Mark Steinhardt who slid ahead of Riemer for the third place fin-ish behind Gerald and Jones. The Class l-1600s opened the door for some good hard racing as eighteen buggies hit the course led by Jim Wiggins and Scott Taylor. Jeff Sakovitz found himself sitting sideways at the bottom of the funnel, and Dave Hameister had a problem with his hood, which came loose over the jumps and flew up to block his view. Scott Taylor had moved past Wiggins to take over first place with John Greaves slidding into the second place spot. Wiggins managed to hang onto third, but Jeff Probst was working his way to the top, starting with Jim Wiggins, as he passed into third. Cory Friday had a little problem with his air cleaner, finally losing it on the track, fqrcing him into the pits, where his pit crew installed a new one, and duct taped it into posi-tion. Scott Taylor had mustered a. substantial lead, b u t Prob st wasn't ready for a third place fin-ish. In a last ditch effort Probst overtook Greaves on the white flag lap for second place with Greaves coming in third and Jim Wiggins finishing fourth without his left front tire. The Class 7 and 8 pickups took the midday run with Dennis Fer-don taking the pole with Dave Hockers, Roger Lindsay and Pete VanDeHey·and Chuck Brand fin-ishing off the Class 8 contestants. Hockers, running hard overtook Ferdon to steal away the first place ·position with VanDeHey overtaking Lindsay for third. The rain had started to come down quite heavy, and the mud was get-ting to be a bit much for the big truck's cooling systems forcing most of them into pits, overheat-ing. Ferdon was one of the unfor-tunates who pitted, losing second place to VanDeHey, but then it was VanDeHey's turn to pit, a lucky break for Ferdon as he retook his second place spot right behind Hockers. Roger Lindsay, who always finishes the race, out-lapped VanDeHey for third place. Scott Taylor took the early lead in the Class 7 event while the other three drivers, Tom Hockers, Mark T oburen and Brian Farrell came down the ' funnel nose to nose. Scott Taylor's race only lasted one lap and it was Hockers' run for first place. Brian Farrell also was victim of mechanical problems leav1ng Mark T oburen in second, uncontested. The last points race of the day was reserved for the Class 1 single seat modified buggies, and it was Tom Schwartzburg in the lead with Art Schmitt and Kevin Probst being the aggressors. Both Probst and Dave Vandermissen Sr, 'were running the track with smoking engines, which got the best of Probst as he was out of the race in the early stages with a blown engine. Vandermissen, however, just kept plugging along. Sc h m it t was really pushing Schwartzburg hard as the rain continued. Shortly after the tim-ing tower, Schwartzburg suddenly seemed to be having problems, and got rear ended by Schmitt who had be.en running right on his bumper. Schmitt got by Schwartz-burg who only made it,a few feet further down the track before coming to rest near the· impound area. Dave Vandermissen, still smoking moved up to the second place hole with Lee Wuesthoff coming up for third. On the white flag lap Schmitt also started puf-fing smoke, and everybody won-dered if there was still enough power in the engine to get Schmitt across the finish line. Well, there was, and the Pennsylvania driver took home the first place check with Dave Vandermissen and Lee Wuesthoff taking second and third with Todd Attig coming in fourth. Ten big trucks, 4x4s and Class 13s gathered together for the Graham Trucking Heavy Metal Championship with Mark Seidler, Marc Pelletier, Jack Flannery and Greg Gerlach taking the top four spots off the start. By the end of the first-lap, positions had already changed as Pelletier was no longer in contention, with Gerlach in second followed by Flannery and Bill Lohf. A minor slip on Ger-lach's part by going wide on a corner was a fatal move for the General Tire truck by leaving an opening for Jack Flannery to move into second, followed by Lohf, forcing Gerlach down to fourth. Pelletier who was fighting to get back in the top four, went too hard over the front jumps, endoed and rolled finally landing upside down. John Znidorka who was running close . to Pelletier, gave the brakes pn his Class 6-the stress test and just missed hitting the rolled over 4x4. Although the cage of the Pelletier "truck was pretty well crashed, Marc was able to get out on his own and was going quite well. U nder the yel-low flag situation Flannery was able to make a little ground on Seidler, and passed as soon as the yellow was off to take first place right to the end. Seidler came in for second with Bill Lohf and Greg Gerlach taking third and fourth. At three o 'clock eight een ~·: . :Ii,;.·: .... -:.-=. Class 13 produces some wild looking machines, and, while smoking all the way, Tom Jensen star ted from the pole andwon the race in this mac hine. Mark Seidler led the 3, 4 and 14 bash from flag to flag, but he had to settle for second place in the Graham Trucking Heavy Metal Championship. Art Schmitt had a big weekend winning Class 9 on Saturday, and despi te a smoking engine on Sunday he won the Class 1 contest as well. • Curt Gerald ran up front most of the way in Class 1 ·, single sea action, and he stayed out front when it counted, at the checkered flag. ---~:i.....;...-.. Scot! Taylor took the early lead in the Class 1-1600 action, and he flew on to hold a substantial lead when the checkered flag waved. Dennis Ferdon follows Dave /-lockers in tne tight Class 8 battle, and Hackers won the race, and Ferdon, after a pit stop, still was second. Dusty Tl-.

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..... \ Jack Flannery had his Class 4 Ford roaring in the Graham Trucking Heavy Metal Championship, taking the lead and the victory late in the race. Todd Attig ran hard in the A-1 Auto Paint Unlimited Championship, and he got the lead on the last lap and sailed on to the big victory. · Paula Parsons and Bev Friday had a flat in the Class 11 race, but came back Sunday to win the Ladies rear engine contest in the same car. limited engine buggies lined up for the Thompson Oil Co. Limited Championship. With the wave of the green it was Mike See-feldt, Ron Karlman and Scott Taylor down the funnel first. The · 5-1600 of Karlman went a little squirreley in the mud, bumping into Taylor, then running into the course marking tires, then spun out. Taylor was able to get out of some of the mess and continued on with his race, but lost serious ground. The new leaders included Seefeldt still in first with Kevin Probst and John Greaves in second and third. By the second lap Probst was really putting the heat on Seefeldt and by lap three held the lead with Seefelt now in second. The rest of the race was pretty calm and as the checkered flag was waved, it was Kevin Probst, Mike Seefeldt and John Greaves in the top three positions. There were thirteen entries for the A-1 Auto Paint Unlimited Championship with Probst and Schwartzburg causing the com-motion at the start of this race when Probst slid in the mud, slid-ing into Schwartzburg, with both cars landing in the pines at the bottom of the funn~l. The buggies survived much better than the pines, and the red flag was brought out for a restart. Two cars were already out of the race as the restart took place, but Tom Schwartzburg got another chance for first place as he led the team down the hill and past the pines. He was followed by Scott Taylor, Scott Schwalbe, Lee Wuesthoff, sporting a flat tire and the smoking Dave Vandermissen, Jr. Tom Lohf spun out coming down the funnel on lap two and Scott Schwalbe passed Schwartz-burg on the same lap to take over first place, with Vandermissen Sr. and Todd Attig running a tight second and third. Schwalbe was forced to pit and Vandermissen landed the first place spot with Attig still in hot pursuit. Attig found himself out of control for a moment, hitting the course markers, but continued on racing hard, finally overtaking Vander-missen. Schwartzburg had moved back up to third place and was running a consistent race. Dave Vandermissen seemed to disap-pear on the white flag lap, and it was reported that his buggy died up by the cemetery, putting Schwartzburg into second place, Lonnie Andrews seemed to come up from nowhere, and got his four-seater around Schwartzburg at the last moment to take second behind Attig. The last two races of the day pitted the women racers in head to head competition. The Heavy Metal ladies ran first with Karen Heidtman taking a good lead fol-lowed by Brenda Lemke and Shari Dusty nmc1 Recla. Lemke overheated and only finished one lap, and by the half way point the only two run-ning were Heidtman and Recla, and thus after seven laps, the winner and runner-up. Sandy Therriault snatched the iead posi-tion in the buggy class followed by the Class 11 drivers Chris Gerald and Paula Parsons. Chris got by Sandy for first with Paula closing in. As the three went past the tim-ing tower, Paula too passed Sandy then put a successful rush on Chris for first . Sandy retook second place pushing Chris down to third place followed by Lisa Andrews in fourth. The Bark River Lions Club as usual put on one heck of a race for the enjoyment of both spectator and racer making the thought of the 14th Annual something to look forward to. YOU MAKE MORE POWER* OR WE PAY THE PRICE Hermetically-sealed housing is guaranteed 100% leak proof Internal inertia ring Nylon coating for longer life Unique, high-vis-cosity silicone fluid surrounding the inertia ring ~ -Easy-to-read stamped timing marks A Fluidampr~ Harmonic Damper will give you more power -it's as simple as that! With reduced harmonics in the valve train and better timing with our easy to read timing marks, you'll gain 1 to 5% more horsepower, as well as in-creased torque for lower ETs or a better punch down the straightaways. Just stop and think how much you normally pay for more horsepower. Now available for all popular engines, we're so sure of the Fluidampr's benefits that we're backing up our claim with a money-back guarantee. If you don't get 1 to 5% more horsepower just for bolt-ing on a Fluidampr versus your comparably sized stock rubber balancer, send it back. No questions asked. Unlike low RPM stock dampers that rely on spring-action of rubber to resist harmonic twisting or vibration, Fluidampr uses fluid shearing to control it. So there's virtually no surtace-to-surface wear, and the fluid is guaranteed for the life of the damper. Fluidampr's free-moving internal iner-tia ring and unique viscous fluid design absorbs destructive harmonic vibrations much like a shock absorber. The result is a cool average operating temperature far below that of inferior friction, rubber or elastomer style dampers. Only Fluidampr works at all RPM ranges, re-moving destructive harmonic twisting whenever it occurs from 1,000-12,000 RPMs. Install a Fluidampr Performance Harmonic Damper. After all, you've got nothing to lose. And 1 to 5%more horsepower to gain. Guar_anteed! • ...,.flo•···· ... ~ s CDl:D f,;;;,:~ --~ ,_ ••• uu•• W,-?-..?::.::.-.:. • *1 ·5% MORE HP GUARANTEED r~-------------------~-----------------~--~m------~ 1 $25.00 REBATE PLUS 1 ·5% MORE HORSEPOWER I With a Fluidampr® Harmonic Damper, you'll also get longer crankshaft and I bearing life. For a limited time, to remind you of the added bearing life with I Fluidampr, you'll also get a $25.00 refund by mail. Simply send us your old I main bearings along with this coupon and your Fluidampr receipt from a bonafide jobber or speedshop. (Mail order purchases do not qualify.) Offer ends: 12/31 /88. iJ For the location of the Fluidampr dealer nearest you, t call 1-800-PAR-3336. OT October 1988 luidampr® performance harmonic dampers Vibratech, Inc. • A unit of IDEX Corporation • 537 E. Delavan Avenue• Buffalo. NY 14211 • Phone (716) 895-8000 • Fax (716) 895-7258 ....... Page 23

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-Bonneville Off Road Racing Report The season opened last April with the Fools Gold 200 at Wend-over, and despite high winds that weekend there was a good turn out of racers. The Saturday race program enjoyed beautiful weather, a little cool during the parade but warm enough by race time. Several of the 1-1600 cars elected to invite the unlimited entries into their fold, and the class ran as unlimited. The unlimited class ran in close quarters for most of the distance · with Mike Baker taking the lead on the second lap and holding on to win the class. Steve Siddoway ran very well, but had a flat tire on both the sixth and eighth laps, which cost time. Dan Baker, in his first off road race, was up to second . after two laps,J ,Et then This is the system run by most off road race winners destroyed the shocks and suspen-sion. Steve held firmly in second place after five laps, by three min-utes, but a quick seventh lap by Dan brought them in with Steve ahead by exactly ten seconds. Steve had a flat and Dan an even quicker eighth lap to take second place by a shade less than four minutes over Steve. Dan was 15 minutes behind overall winner Mike Baker who had a trouble free run, fast lap of 34.52 and he was first overall with a total time of 4:36.55. The largest class was 5-1600. The Wylie, Green and Gottschalk entry was out with a broken rear torsion housing on lap l, but the others stayed in a tight pack for two laps. Here Chris Klick led Rod Sorenson by 38 seconds, and TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS Page 26 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (21 3) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Guy Young was 10 more seconds back. John Holmes was back another minute and Bob Chris-tensen was over four more min-utes behind. Deane Johnson had steering problems and retired after three laps. After three laps Guy Young was in first place by 18 seconds on Chris Klick and Rod Sorenson was another 34 seconds back. John Holmes was running con-sistent times but dropped back from the leaders, and Bob and Kathy Christensen were three minutes back of John. Young had trouble on lap 4 , and Sorenson turned fast lap for the class and led Klick by 14 seconds. Holmes was five minutes back, followed in four minutes by Young. The fifth lap put Klick back in front by seven seconds over Sor-enson, Young recovered third place followed by John Holmes, who then withdrew in a contro-versy over blocking on the course. Klick turned a quick lap and Sor-enson rolled, losing 15 minutes, while Young ran steady on the last four laps. At the finish Chris Klick won Class 5-1600 with a time of 4:59.18. Guy Young was about 12 minutes back in second, followed in another three minµtes by Rod Sorenson, with Bob and Kathy Christensen in fourth, another six minutes back in a very close finish. The truck class fell on hard times with several potential entries breaking before the start. Jerry Tydeman won it all in his big Class 4 Ford with a seven lap time of 5:44.05. In for second was Elbert Emley in his Toyota. The Sportsman class title went to Dave Bosgieter who broke in two races last season. This time the V -8 powered Vega led from flag to flag. But, first timer Todd Egbert kept the heat on and was close most of the way, but he had to make a pit stop for repairs and was second at the flag by 1 7 min-utes in the four lap race. The Ladies race ran on a short-ened course for about 30 minutes on Sunday morning, with three entries. Paula Bosgieter won the dash, followed home by Sue Sor-enson and Kay Magill. The Desert Cactus 250 ran on the same basic course as the sea-son opener near Wendover. Once again Classes 1-1600, 10 and unlimited cars ran together. Mike Baker drew first off the line in his class and ran dust free for fast lap of the day with a 32.45 time for the 23 miles. Mike was a shade over a minute ahead of his brother Dan, and Steve Siddoway was just a few more seconds back, fol-lowed in two minutes by Cloyd Oleson in his newly purchased Chenowth. Rick Holt and Gary Hogan both had problems, with Holt on the trailer after one lap, but Hogan, despite more trouble, kept on going. · Mike Baker had problems on lap 2 and fell behind Siddoway and Dan Baker, and they ran within seconds every lap through October 1988 ~ ¾ Mike Baker, from Ogden, Utah, started the season right, as he drove the 1-1600 Bunderson to the overall and Unlimited victory at Wendover. the fifth, when Steve pitted for 20 minutes. Hogan was replacing spindles on the middle laps, and Oleson blew his engine. Mike Baker fried his distributor on lap 7, and Dan Baker was also in the pits for repairs, which put Siddo-way right back in the race. At this point the overall win was up for grabs between Steve, Dan and John Holmes in his 5-1600, and the next two laps were so close that nobody was giving odds. Then Holmes went upside down briefly on lap 9, and Dan was leading by about two min-utes. Steve set his fastest time on lap 10, to set up an exciting finish. The stop watches were out as Dan Baker limped the last 500 yards and Steve was pressing in. At the flag Steve Siddoway won by 1: 19 over Dan Baker. Next came Mike Baker, Gary Hogan, and Cloyd Oleson and Rich Holt. Class 5-1600 was a flag to flag run for John Holmes, in with a 6:23.44 overall time and third place overall. Holmes ran flaw-lessly except for an easy roll on lap 9. Some of the others were not so fortunate. Guy Young had igni-tion trouble and went out after four laps, and Chris Klick hung it up after running real well through lap 4, then the ring gear broke. The Jim Magill/Rod Sorenson team ran steady all day long to keep the pressure on Holmes, but were down by 15 minutes at the flag. Bob and Kathy Christensen turned in one of the steadiest drives of the day with less than five minutes difference from the fastest to slowest laps, and they were third. The Baja Bug of Greg Wylie, MaxGreenandCliffGotts-chalk finally mastered their pre-vious woes and ran steady laps to a fourth place finish. The truck class was down in numbers but not in enthusiasm. Curtis Christensen and Mike :"1itchell had a new Toyota at Wendover, facing the Toyota of Elbert and Scott Emley. It was a surprise when Dave Bosgieter decided his V-8 powered Vega was a good match for the rice burners and jumped up from Steve Siddoway, of West Jordan, Utah, has three outright victories in 1988 in his new'this season 1-1600 Chenowth, and he leads overall on points. <. \:X:;l,.i/oiJiitY 'i~ Chris Klick, of Ketchum, Idaho, tests the Utah desert during the Twilite 200. Klick won 5-1600 honors here and also at the season opener in April. Dusty n mes

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Sportsman Class. T he Emley Toyota left the line first, but the Toyota with Curt Christensen at the wheel showed its strength with a quicker lap than the others, and the Vega was second. On the sixth lap the Mitchell Toyota had broken motor mounts and spent a couple hours in the pits, and Bos-gieter was close enough to take the lead. The Emleys had ignition problems and retired after six laps, and they donated their throt-tle linkage to the Mitchell truck. Howeve~ Bosgieter still looked strong, although keeping the speed was getting tougher with failing suspension. Starting the ninth lap the · lead was down to one minute over Christensen/ Mitchell. The Toyota was running good and outdid the sagging sus-pension on the Vega for a ten minute advantage at the check-ered flag. The Wend over Express was held late inJune n~ar Delle, Utah, and we have no report on that race. From the points it appears that Steve Siddoway won the buggy class and Rod Sorenson took 5-1600 honors. Mark Brad-shaw apparently won the Sports-man dash, with Dave Bosgieter in second. The Twilight 200 ran in July, also at Delle, with a big thunder shower just before the race. The new course featured a figure 8 crossover at an· existing cross-roads, although a couple of entries that didn't pre-run got off course for a time. Dan Baker rolled on his way back to the course, and Bob and Kathy Chris-tensen didn't go far enoug):l to get their car dirty before a broken spindle put them on the trailer. Bob's other car, the Challenger driven by Dean Allred, didn't get much fa rther when the trans broke. Other woes included a broken engine in the Elbert Emley Toyota, a broken steering box in the Rod Sorenson Baja Bug, and ignition problems for Rick Holt. The lead on the first lap changed several times. Mike Bob and Kathy Christensen bring their 5-1600 Baja Bug from Clinton, Utah to race, and they have done quite well this season on the tough desert. Baker was setting a quick pace The Sportsman Class grew for until ignition trouble stopped him this race, possibly due to all the for a few minutes, and the lead cash and merchandise prizes sup-went to brother Dan, who plied by sponsors. With eight promptly went off in the wrong entries it ·looked like anyone's direction for a couple miles, fol- race. However, the fickle finger of lowed closely by Cloyd Oleson. fate waved at Dean Allred and This put Steve Siddoway into the Judy Kornight in the Challenger, lead, a position he liked well and at Rick Holt, plus Jed Wor-enough to stay there for the rest of ley. This left the race to the Baj;., the race. Steve·was challenged on BugteamofCraigClarkandMark laps 2 and 3 as .Mike Baker came Bradshaw, who finished first. In back to set fast lap of the race with second was the buggy team of a 50 minute time. Mike and Steve . John Bemis and Gary Hogan regis-diced it up for a time, but Mike tering their first placing in the couldn't keep the distributor money. Dave and Paula Bosgieter clean and the down time kept him finished third in the Vega. The from pushing Steve.· Eml~y's Toyota shelled an engine, Dan Baker and Cloyd Oleson and the Baja team of Destry Dun-battled to make up lost time, but can and Ray Short had all kinds of their off course excursion was too electrical trouble to sideline them. much to overcome. Steve Siddo-way was Mister Steady and won the unlimited class and first over-all, giving him a leg up on the sea-son points championship. Mike Baker ended up second in class. Chris Klick and co-driver Gary Brennan got their second win of the season in the hotly contested 5-1600 Baja Bug class. The d_uo had a healthy lead on the Greg Wylie/ Max Green team when the time expired. With midnight the time limit set by the BLM, the cars were stopped after completing five laps. The third spot went to the Guy Young entry piloted by Craig Holt and Greg Mark. Dan Baker, of.Ogden, Utah, really wrung out the pre-runner and took second overall, just 1:19 out, in Unlimited Class at the Desert Cactus 200. There were five entries for the Powderpuff race on Sunday morning, and they toolc off for 25 miles of serious racing. They left-the start with two first timers in the field, Alison Levin/Craig Clark and Sue McFarland/ Eliza-beth Lucido. Not getting away was the team of Kay Magill and Destry Duncan, as their racer refused to run. Carol Klick, start-ing her second race, gave rider Gary Brennan a demonstration of how quick a Klick can learn. Alli-son Levin edged Carol out at the line by eight seconds. The Vega was given the ride of its life when Paula got hubby Kent belted in and showed him what she learned on Saturday. At the flag Paula Bosgieter became a mu!-Approved by_: FIA, IMSA, tiple winner of the Powder Puff Derby. - · With one race left on the sched-ule, the ~onneville Challenge on September 17 at Wendover, Steve Siddo·way leads the Pro points with 1820. Chris Klick is next at 1530, followed by Mike Baker, 1350 and Rod Sorenson, 1240. Dave Bosgieter leads the Sportsman points with 980, fol-lowed by Craig Clark, 690, and Mark Bradshaw, 550. The season points champion-ship dinner is scheduled for October 15 at th Stateline Casino in Wendover at 7 :00 p.m. with a business meeting for the association following dinner. Call B.O .R.E. at (801) 627-2311 for complete information. NHRA, SCCA, SCORE, USAC and HORA Curtis Christensen and Mike Mitchell drove their new Toyota 4x4 hard enough to win the truck class at the tough Desert Cactus 250. • Custom Fuel Bladders • Fuel Tanks S~•·¥· . ~ Todd Egbert, in his first race, and Rod Holbrook flew high at the Wendover Express, and ended up second that day in Sportsman Class. Dusty nma • Standard Fuel Bladders • Refueling Equipment • Budget Fuel Cells "let us_ know what you want. We can do it." (714) 897-2858 (800) 433-6524 (Outside California) Call or w rite for tree catalog 5271 Business Drive, Hunti~gton Be~ch, CA 92649 Page 17 . I

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... Aaron Hawley turned fast lap of the race, 46.45, and was tied for Steve Centurioni and Larry Job took the lead in Class 1 O on the Rob MacCachren shot off in the lead in the Chenowth, never the lead for a time, but he finished $econd overall and in fourth lap and they held it to the flag, and the ORE was fourth looked back and he not only won Class 1-2-1600, but he finished _u_n_li_m_it_e_d_C_la_s_s_. _________________ o_v_e_ra_ll_a_ls_o_. __________________ _ a_q_u_ic_k_th_,_"rd_ov_e_ra_l_l. _____________ _ THE SNORE KC HIUTES MIDNI.GHT SPECIAL Troy and Tim Herbst Win Overall in the Dark, Wet Desert Photos: Charlie Crunden Troy and Tim Herbst took the lead off the line in Unlimited ranks,.and while it got close, they finished six laps the winners in Class 2, and overall as weU in the Chenowth. · West Coast Distributor fOR H --ND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set \ 2 Ratio's \ Available \ Mc Kenzie Automotiv~ 12945 Sherman Way':#4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEAi.ER JNQi/lRiES INVITED The SNORE KC HiLites Mid-night Special is an annual mid-summer romp in the dark that started back in 1971. Over the years the format has changed from a couple of long laps in the desert to shorter mileage and more laps to cover. The race is a popular event, this year taking place on July 30. -It is unique, the only desert race that both starts and finishes in the darkness. It is designed to e~cape some of the searing desert daytime heat around Las Vegas, Nevada in July. The 1988 edition took place about ten miles south of Boulder City, off the old Searchlight Highway. This year there were few complaints of heavy dust, and many got wet. The wind blew up to 25 mph a.t the 8:00 p.m. driv-ers' meeting, and later in the eve-ning thunder and lightening storms plus flash floods plagued parts of the race course. At one point water was running three feet deep through Checkpoint 2 from fl.ash flooding. The drivers were told that complete light setups were mandatory for this event, and anyone spotted without lights, front or rear, would be pulled out. · The Unlimited cars in Class 1 and Class 2 started promptly at 9:00 p.m. and were led off the line b Tom Bradlt>y Jr. Class '\nd Cl.ass 1-2-i.60<.i fo owwi, th. Cd i · departing at 30 second intervals, and these three classes had six laps October 1,aa to cover. The Challengers, 5-1600s and trucks would cover five laps for an official finish. Soon after the start Checkpoint 2 radioed that a man with a gun had arrived, expressing concern over the- race using the road to his mine. The problem was resolved by SNORE officers. The weather worsened too,.and by 10:00 p.m. the winds were in excess of 40 mph. After one lap Troy- and Tim Herbst led the Unlimiteds in their two seat Chenowth, at 4 7 .11. But, Aaron Hawley was close at 4 7 .18, followed by LeRoy Van Kirk and Rick Rowland, 49.38, all three leaders in Class 2. Doc Ingram led Class 1 over Chic Spina, but Spina did not cover another lap. After two laps Hawley picked up some seconds with fast lap of the race of 46.45, and he and Herbst were tied to the second for the overall lead. Tom Bradley Jr. was back about three minutes in third. Van Kirk/ Rowland were now about five minutes back in ~ourth in this close contest. Midway Ron J3auer was miiss-ing, and the eight car starting field was down to six. Hawley had some steering problems and Herbst took a lead of four min-utes over Tom Bradley Jr., and Hawley followed in another cou-ple of minutes. Bradley went out on the fourth lap with axle woes, and five of the Unlimiteds were still charging through the night. Four laps into the race the Herbst brothers had a seven min-ute lead on Hawley, with Van Kirk/ Rowland back another four minutes. Doug Fraser moved into fourth ahead of Doc Ingram, who was driving the only surviving Class 1. On l;ip 5 Hawley gained five seconds on Herbst, and somewhere in here the Herbst car had been stopped and questioned about the lack of taillights. Van Kirk and Rowland had an hour and a half lap and were seen no more, nor was Fraser still running. Troy and Tim Herbst kept up the pace to win the race overall and in Class 2 with a time of 4:46.32-for the six laps. Aaron Hawley was second in class and overall, in with 4:57.42. Doug Fraser was third in Class 2, his five ·laps six minutes faster than those of Rowland and Van Kirk. Doc Ingram was the Class 1 winner with four laps done. Class 10 had five starters and they were all close on the first lap. John Ellenburg led the pack with a 51.4 7, followed by Herman Salaz, 52.12, Tom Bradley Sr., 53.05, Steve Centurioni, 53 .2 7 and K ,vi,1 MrGil ivray, -" .. 26 John · Uenbu g cii · anothe1 4uicK ap, 51.59, for the second round and led Centuriqni by about three minutes, with Salaz down another minute. Both McGillivray and Bradley had long laps, kept going, but dropped from contention. Midway Ellenburg held the lead by just over a minute over Her-man Salaz, and Centurioni, with Larry Job co-driving, was back three more minutes. Salaz turned a third lap time of 50.29, fast lap for Class 10. Centurioni and Job had the lead on the next lap, about three minutes ahead of Salaz, as John Ellenburg broke a tie rod and dropped ten minutes, but still held third. After five laps the bat-/ de raged on between Centurioni/ Job, two minutes up on Salaz, and Ellenburg now was just ten min-utes back. Both McGillivray and Bradley were out of the race. Herman Salaz retired on the last lap, but still placed third. The ORE of Steve Centurioni and Larry Job won Class 10 and fin-i~hed fourth overall in 5:21.34, over 13 minutes ahead of John Ellenburg, who was sixth overall and the last to finish six laps. Class 1-2-1600 fielded- seven cars and started out to be a tight race, at least up front. Rob Mac-Cachren led the first lap with a 51.13 in his Valley Performance Chenowth. Paul Kline was next at 52.48, followed by Pat Dean, 52.56, and Brad Inch, 53.01. While the others slowed on lap 2, MacCachren got faster and led Paul Kline by eight minutes, and Dean was another minute back. Brad Inch was out of the race with failed power steering, and nobody else was close. Kline disappeared on the third lap, as did J.D. Saunders, and the field was down to four. Mac-Cachren whipped off fast lap for the class, 48.51 to lead midway by 13 minutes over Pat Dean, and Rob picked up another four min-utes on lap 5. Rob MacCachren not only won Class 1-2-1600, but he finished third overall with a total time of 4:58.49. Pat Dean, racing o~t of the Valley Performance stable also, finished all six rounds for second in class and fifth overall, and teenager Pat just started off road racing this year. Both Gary Sewell Jr. and Patrick Galliher completed five laps, in third and fourth spots respectively. Aiming for five laps; the five Class 5-1600s took off fast, and first around was Charles Lamar with class fast lap of 1:01.21. However, it was his only lap. In close was Kent Lothringer at 1:02.48, followed by Barry Slater, 1:06.03. Back some on time were both Reid Ferguson and P ul Klick. Kent Lothringer ied the bunch after two laps, holding over half ·Dusty nma

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Pat Dean is having a super rookie year, and he plowed along behind team leader MacCachren to finish second in Class 1-2-1600, fifth overall .. Barry Slater started out strong in Class 5-1600, went up and down the chart for five laps, and ended up taking second at the checkered flag. The Class 7S entry was slim, so Marty Pedi did his one lap in the Toyota and either retired or came to grief on the next dark, wet lap.~ an hour on Reid Ferguson who had Paul Klick only five minutes behind him. Barry Slater had a two hour lap and dropped to fourth. Tom Cornwell ran a very steady Only two Class 7S trucks were Despite the strange weather SNORE 250, this year running pace for five laps to finish sixth, on hand for the Midnight Special. conditions, everyone enjoyed the out of Jean, Nevada on a mostly eight minutes later, and Bobby Tracy Kubio did not cover a lap, night race, except perhaps the fresh course. Be there on Sep-Rupert was seventh, the last Chal- and Marty Pedi got in one good crew at Checkpoint 2. Next on the tember 23-25 for fun racing and lenger finisher. lap of 1:16.01 for the class win. series schedule is the traditional big dollar purses. Ferguson was gone on the mid-dle lap and Lothringer turned a 1:03.11. Slater did a 1:16 to move back into second, as Klick had a long lap and went no farther. Kent Lothringer kept up the pace to finish his five laps, the obvious Class 5-1600 winner. Barry Slater had a good fourth round, then took nearly two and a half hours to cover the fifth. But he did finish the five rounds, over· two hours behind the winner, but the second place finisher. There were 16 starters in Chal-lenger Class, and some started out very fast, and, only one retired on the first of five laps. Bryan Pen-nington, in yet another Valley Performance single seater, led the herd with a time of 56.03. In second was Kelly Kessel, 58.20, and John Bartolotti was third at 58.55. These three were the only Challengers in under the hour. But, it was quite a different pie- -ture after two rounds. Bartolotti was out, as was Joel Davis, and Kessel dropped half an hour while Pennington lost about 34 min-. utes. Daryl Nustad had the lead at 2:05.12. Steve Thompson was second at 2:07 .35, followed by Douglas Castillo, 2:08.34, Dennis Chizma, 2:10.35, and Duane Smith, 2:11.34. Midway Nustad still led, but only by 27 seconds over Bryan Lutz, who was coming back from a slow first lap with laps 2 and 3 under an hour. Steve Thompson was four minutes down in third, and Bryan Pennington set fast lap for the class at 55 .36, only to have -more trouble on the next lap. Doug Castillo and Steve Evers-meyer were both missing, and both Duane Smith and Steve Gooselaw had over two hour middle laps and vanished. Eight completed four laps, with Nustad now leading Lutz by 3½ minutes. Steve Thompson held third, about eight more minutes back, followed by Dennis Chizma in another six minutes. Kessel had a 2:44 lap and retired, and Kenny Freeman Jr. was out after three rounds. Daryl Nustad opened up another five minutes on the field on the last lap to win the Chal-lenger Class with a five lap time of 5: 17.50. Bryan Lutz stayed with the program to finish second, at 5:26.00, eaxtly ten minutes ahead of Steve Thompson. Dennis Chizma took fourth,· another three minutes back, and Bryan Pennington, with a quick last lap, climbed into fifth at 5:50.41. Dusty nma ~---------=---------------------------=---__._-----, TIIE WORLD'S FINEST OFF ROAD CALENDAR! NEW FOR 1989! ONLY$12.95 Off Road Racing '89 is a brand-new 17" x 22" wall calendar which captures all the color and excitement of off road competition. The big names .. . the big events ... the big action ... they're all here as you've never s them before! Each month, Off Road Racing '89 pre-sents 3 QXclusive photographs of a major series or event - a huge 11" x 17" action photo and two interesting smaller shots. The calendar, photographed by Pete Biro and other off road specialists, also includes a bonus "photos only" section which makes it a beautiful poster when the year is over. Off Road Racing '89 is truly the ultimate calendar for anyone who enjoys the sport -a true collector's item that will be treasured for years to come. Best of all, Off Road Racing '89 is now available for only $12.95. And through this special offer, you get a $3.95 discount on every additional calendar you order! To bring the world of off road racing into your home or office -every day of the year -use the coupon below or call us toll-free. Supplies are limited, so order yours today! CREDIT CARD ORDERS CAll TOLL-FREE (2 calendar minimum for jJhone orders please) 1-800-228-0787 ---------------------PAUL OXMAN PUBLISHING, INC. P.O. Box 8509, Fountain Valley, CA 92728 Telephone (714) 979-8855 Please send my Off Road Racing '89 calendar( s) as indicated below: I have added $3.0Q postage and handling costs and any applicable sales tax to the total cost of my order. _l_ Off Road Racing '89 calendar at $12.95 __ Additional calendars at $9.00 each S 12.95 $ SUBTOTAL~$ __ _ 6% Sales Tax (Calif. residents.only) Postage and Handling Costs-$ $ 3.00 TOTAL AMOUNT~$ _ _ 0c:tobcr 1918 $3.95 off _ single calendar price for each adtBtiona/, ca/,endar! Name __________________ _ Address _________________ _ Citr, State ___ Zip ____ _ D I enclose $---in check or money order. □ Charge my MasterCard VISA._ __ Account # _______________ _ EXPIRATION DAT~-------------(fflUSI he 1ndudcd for pff"ICffiirljl of ordtr) Interbank # (MasterCard only) _________ _ Signature _______________ _ Page 19 .... -

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-FOX IUVERFEST CHALLENGE Baja by Green Bay · Text & Photos: Walt Schwalbe Greg Gerlach flew his Chevrolet to a flag to flag victory in the first Class 14 heat, but trouble in the second round dropped him to third. The Fox Riverfest, held at the Brown County f:airgrounds by the "Bay Area Optimists" and sponsored by McDonald's Res-taurants·, The Green Bay Press Gazette and WFR V-TV is a week-end event. The activities include water sports, logging, fire fighting, fireworks, sky diving and off road racing in a multifaceted program that fills the weekend. The water activities consist of a water ski show, rowing clubs in action, boat radng, including antiques and outboards, and a hovercraft demonstration. Area fire fighters from eight communi-ties competed in water fights. Lumberjacks were represented by logging displays, demonstrations and log roUing. The off road rac- · ing, sanctioned by the Superior Off Road Drivers Association, was promoted by Richan;! Gilson of Wrightstown, WI. Because of a drought, fire bans were in effect and promoter Gilson spent Friday having gallons upon gallons of water dumped upon• the clay track. Although the surface was muddy at the start of the racing, it didn't take long for dust clouds to appear. The Saturday racing program staned with Class 11, with a good entry of 14 cars. Dwayne Wal-kowski led off the start, followed by Curt Gerald and Jeff Jones. Gerald went qut after one lap, and Jones followed Walkowski to the checkered flag. Glen Cummings and Mark Steinhardt came in for the third and fourth spots. Next came Dennis Reimer, Tom Arendt, Terry Strotzhein and Chris Ward. Only three showed up for the Class 10 battle, so the 10 heat ran with Class 5-1600. Todd Attig was out in front off the start, but he lost it in the 180 degree turn at the end of the first lap and never fully recovered. Todd Wallace grabbed his chance at first, but his lead was short as Scott Schwalbe powered around him in the next turn. Wallace stayed right on Schwalbe the whole distance to make an exciting race, but no error was made. It was Schwalbe first, Wallace second, and Attig third. -Class 5-1600 held five starters. Jeff Therriault led off the start fol-lowed by Terry Wolfe and Ron Karlman. Karlman overtook Wolfe after about five laps and then proceeded to work on Ther-riault. Karlman zoomed past Therriault with four laps to go, and went on to win the race. Ther-riault was second and Wolfe third, with Jim Rolefson and Paul Dallman bringing up the rear. Class 14 produced four entries, and Greg Gerlach was out in front for a flag to flag victory. Mark Seidler followed Gerlach all the way to the flag. Jack Heidtman came in for third spot in spite of ·being docked a lap tor course cut-ting and ecessary roughness. A hal ozen Class 13 rigs started, running at the same time as the 4x4s. Lowell DeGreef pushed out in front and stayed there for the distance, Sheldon Scray and Dave Vorphal ran hard trying to catch up. Vorphal, run-ning a Konit zer appearing machine, passed Scray in the third lap. It ended with DeGreef first, Vorphal sec6nd and Scray third. Don Liegeois, in a machine that reminded me of Sam Konitzer, took fourth, down quite a few laps. Ten started the Class 2-1600 battle. It was Mike Brue out in front, but not for long as condi-tions were very slippery in the mud. Gerry Parent led momentar-ily, but it was Scott Taylor, work-ing up from midway in the pack, who took the lead very early in the first lap, as most had trouble hand-ling the slippery corners. Taylor moved way out in front, followed by John Koran and Dale Borge-moen, who parked early giving the third spot to Brue. Taylor worked his way through the pack to take the checkered flag first, followed by Koran and Brue. In fourth it was Jeff St. Peter, fol-lowed by Doug Motto, both down a lap. Gerry Parent, Mike Sorensen and Bill Bowles finished in that order. Class 7S fielded five trucks, and Scott Schwalbe sailed to the win in the first Class 10 heat, dropped to second on Sunday, but won the class on points for the weekend. · Ron Kar/man had to work for his overall win in Class 5-1600, but he won both heats and the big points, in the SODA series as well. they raced at the .same time as moving from the back of the pack, Class 6. Scott Taylor ran flag to held fourth for the last five laps. flag to take the win in his Ford Glen Cummings held down sixth Ranger. Slipping and sliding for most of the race, and moved forced a couple of vehicles to face up in the last four laps to finish thewrongdirectionmomentarily. fifth. As this race progresse~, This helped to sort out the pack. lightning and dark clouds moved Dave VanDenElzen was chasing in from the west. Taylor early on, but was back The nine starters in Class 1-some after three laps, and out 1600 battled not o~ly each other, after three more rounds. Tom but also the elements, which cut Hockers moved to the second the race short, not in time, but a position and was followed by lap in distance. It was the rain, Willard Hawley, who stayed for lightning and mud that lost the lap third place in spite of rolling over. for this class. Scott Taylor led off He came right back on his wheels the start for four laps, but faded and continued racing. Brian Far-off to a fourth place finish. He was rel! took the fourth spot, down a replaced by Bryan Frankenberg lap on his maiden run. and Dave Hameister, first and Class 6 had five entries. Fay second. Dave VanDenElzen came Statezny, who won my award for in for third, a position he held or the best looking Class 6 "ever", was close to for the entire race. was out early with front end prob-Dale Borgemoen moved from the !ems, giving the lead to John Zni- back of the pack to take fifth, dorka. By the third lap Allen Fan-down a lap. The thunder storm nin took the lead and held it to the subsided, but the track was mired checkered. Znidorka settled for in mud, so the pickups opted to second place, leaving Thorton run twice on Sunday. Schulz third, even though he was Early Sunday morning the skies out by the sixth lap. -opened in Green Bay and a light In the second Class 11 heat rain came. that lasted for a few Curt Gerald exchanged first place hours. As the clay track holds some during the middle of the race water, most everyone felt the gods with Mark Steinhardt, but Gerald were against any racing this day. led most laps and when it counted 'Richard Gilson bowed to the at the finish line. Andy Zipperer · skies, then got his crew working. held down the number three spot Although it started a little late, for four laps, and then parked. By racing did start and it got better as . this time Jeff Jones, moving from the day progressed. ninth place took third to the Class -8 started seven trucks. checkered. Tom Arendt, also Don Gregorie took the lead, then Allen Fannin bested the field in Class 6, moving to the lead in both heats in the big sedan to take a double win at Green Bay. Scott Taylor was on forfT) in his Class 7S Ranger, leading both heats flag to flag, and taking first overall in a conyincing fashion. Curt Gerald had a busy weekend in Class 11, winning both heats in single seat action and the 2nd heat for the two seat Class 11 racers. Page 30 October 1988 Dusty fflMI

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Bryan Frankenberg started out strong in Class 1-1600, winning the 1st heat, but he fell to 5th in the Sunday race, and was 3rd overall. Don Gregoria won the muddy first heat for Class 8 trucks, but cooling problems, shown here, put him out of action on the second round. Todd Attig had troubles in the first Class 10 heat, but he led from start to finish on Sunday and finished second overall at the meet. Dave Vorphal was a close second on Saturday in Class 13, and he won the Sunday heat in his tidy machine and won overall in class on points .. Dave Hackers barely leads Dennis Ferdon in tfie second Class 8 Mark Seidler led the second Class 14 heat wire to wire, and with a heat, and after a race long battle Hackers took the narrow victory. 2nd on Saturday, he won the weekend points overal(in Class 14. Lowell DeGreef had a wire to wire win in his interesting looking Class 13 in the first heat, and he also finished second in the Sunday race. was passed by Dennis Ferdon in a 180 degree tum when everyone lost it except Ferdon. Gregorie took the lead back and raced to the checkered flag. This was a race of slipping, sliding, turning arounds and back ups to be able to go again. The race was held to eight laps because of conditions. Mud in his radiator caused Den-nis Ferdon to slow down, and then stop. It also took Pete Van-Delley out. At the finish it was Da_ve Hackers in second, Steve 2.elton third, followed by Roger Lindsay and Chuck Brand. Class 11S had a dozen starters and this was another slipping aml sliding event. Curt Gerald went flag to flag in first place, followed by JeftJones. Dwayne Walkowski moved from halfway back in the field to take third spot. Andy Zip-perer held on in fourth place, and his was the last car on the ninth lap. With eight laps done, com-pared to 14 for later classes, Cliff Holiday was fifth, followed in by Gerry Cote and Tom Robinson. The second Class 10 heat saw Todd Attig in the lead from the start to the checkered flag, fol-lowed home by Scott Schwalbe and Todd Wallace. The second Class 5, 1600 heat was a race for Ron Karlman all the way, as he put a lap on the field by the finish. Terry Wolfe took second and wasn't challenged all day. The lastthree places changed d4ring the race; but at the flag it was Jim Rolefson -third and Jeff Dusty nma Therriault in fourth. The second Class 2-1600 heat featured a clean start until the first turn, and then a pile up happened. It sorted out, and the second turn had another big pile .up. By the end of the first lap it was Scott Taylor in the lead, followed by John Koran to the checkered flag. Mike Brue settled into third spot on the third lap, Jeff St. Peter came in fourth, a lap down, as was Doug Motto in fifth and Gerry Parent, following in sixth. Class 13 had a close race in the second heat. Lowell DeGreef started out second and was threatening leader Dave Vorphal from early on. Sheldon Scray stayed right there to keep them both racing, until overheating set him back. Don Liegeois moved from the back of the pack up to the third flace at the finish. It was Vorpha first and DeGreef second, while Tim Jensen settled for fourth. In the second Class 14 heat Mark Seidler led off the start to a clean victory, but he was kept honest by Jack Heidtman, just behind him. Greg Gerlach had trouble at the start, and finished third, on the lead lap. Jon Kaempf led off the Class 6 second heat, but was overtaken by John Znidorka in the fourth lap. Kaempf was out, moving Allen Fannin to second. Fannin then moved passed Znidorka to take first place at the checkered flag. Third went to Gary Gottschalk, Scott Taylor won both heats in Class 2-1600, but he didn't fare as well in the same car in 1-1600 action, but was second for the weekend. down many laps. Class 7S was a flag to flag romp for Scott Taylor, who was fol, lowed to the finish by Tom Hackers and Willard Hawley. In the second Class llS heat Jeff Jones held the lead for six of the 14 laps. Quite a difference from the mud of the earlier heat when only nine laps were covered in the same time. Curt Gerald exchanged the first and second spot with Jones for a few laps, and it was Gerald in front when it counted. Mark Steinhardt took third spot, all the way, followed by Kent Ewert. Cliff Holiday was down a lap in fifth. The second Class 1-1600 heat was restarted with the first and second spot off the line a repeat. Dale Borgemoen had a flag to flag first place. Jim Wiggins lost his second place to Scott Taylor with two laps to go. Scott came from sixth spot way back in the field for his second place finish. Dave VanDenElzen settled for fourth. Bryan Frankenberg came in fifth and John Greaves was sixth. In the second Class 8 heat it was Dave Hackers, Dennis Ferdon and Pete VanDeHey running close at the start. VanDeHey went sideways and Hackers and Ferdon went out in front to the checkered flag in that order. Roger Lindsay came in for third, down one lap, followed by Steve Zelton in fourth. It was noted that fifteen laps were made in this second heat, compared to the eight laps made in the mud of the first heat. Karen Duquaine led the first two laps in the Women's Heavy Metal race, but was overtaken by Shari Recla in a vehicle called 'Sha Boom, which went on for the win. Duquaine took second, followed by Sue Mullins and Marilyn Schultz. In the Women's Buggy battle Chris Gerald, in a Class 11 car, took the first place in a four vehi-cle class. Bobbianne Nelson rolled her Class 2-1600 car. It was right-ed and off she drove to roll it again without making lap one. Kathy VanGheen, driving a 1-1600, came in for the second spot. So the race ended, a race the gods must have been watching over. It quit raining just in time to allow Sunday's racing, and even though it was rough on the first few classes, it was done. I heard it said, if you want rain in Brown County, just· throw an off road race, and that is mostly true judg-ing by my experience at Green Bay. But, luckily all races have been successful, and it should happen again as the Fox Riverfest is reported to be an annual event. Look for it next year. Many thanks to all fans and racers that were present this year has been extended by the promoter, Dick Gilson. Weve written the book on Off Road. •FAT Racing Parts •Centerline Wheels • Bilsteln Shocks •Sway-A-Way • Perma-Cool We've completed the most comprehensive catalog of race-proven parts ever. From the people who have put more Off Road drivers in the Winner's Circle than anyone else. Whether it's a simple Dzus button or an elabo-rate race-ready engine. Coll, write, carrier pigeon, anything, But do it now. Or you'll be at the back of the pack. PERl'ORMAICB FOR YOill FAT PERFORMANCE CATALOG. SEND S5 TO FAT PERFORMANCE. DEPT. DT. 1558 NO. CASE ST .. ORANGE. CA 92667. OR CALl(714) 637-2889 October 1988 •S&S Headers • Weber Carbs •IPF lights •JaMar Products • Wright Place • Tri-Mil Exhaust •Gem Gears • Beard Seats •Simpson Safety •S1,1per-Trapp •Yokohama Tires •Many more ... Page 31 .... •

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t, t ., ' David Ashley Flies at Glen ~elen Miller Off Road· Challenge By Elaine Janes Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises w: The Cross Cars/Odysseys provide some of the most entertaining and the closest racing at Glen Helen, with whole packs battling for the lead most of the time. David Ashley took his Motor-· craft/ Fairway Ford/ Bosch spon-sored Ranger and made a rough course silk smooth especially " Animal Leap" where Ashley flew higher and further than anyone else. Names familiar to Stadium Truck racing were on hand getting fine tuned for Score's Riverside. In the first heat the only one to challenge Ashley was Joey Moore in his Wayne's Machine/ General Tire/Pro Gas Chevy. The other two competi-tors never made it to the line. In the second heat Walker Evans came out charging putting his Jeep in the lead and never looking back. Ashley followed him home, content to save it for the main event. Again the only two to make the grid were Ashley and Evans both Riverside residents and friendly rivals. Ashley got the drop on Evans off the line and it was the beginning of the end with Ashlev taking total command. RING IN THE NEW YEAR ON THE DESERT Race in the BUDWEISER DUNAWAY · DASH Sat., Dec. 31, 1988 New Year's Eve Party After the Race Info: FUD (619) 427-5759 Page 31 Walker also had his big Dodge Desert Truck on hand and Evan; his son, was feeling out his BFGoodrich/Sports Fuel Datsun as they put on an exhibition that proved why he is considered one of the best. . Class 10 was full of surprises and some new faces. The first heat had Gary Dillon from Sepulveda in his Dillon Construction/ Funco Rabbit make a spectacular move on the first lap that took him from fifth to first in one trick pass. He liked the feeling so much he stayed in front for the rest of the race. Chuck Adamson, from Hermosa Beach in his Body Glove/ Funco/ Vellion VW, locked into second and held off Vince Tjelme-land of Yorba Linda in his General Tire/ Sabina VW for one lap and Randy Rhinehart from Culver City in his W eh-Cam/ BFGoodrich/ Funco VW for two laps to take the second spot. Gary Gall of Fontana was more than happy to move into third when Rhinehart was sidelined. Rhinehart got the jump on the field in the second heat but it did him no good when he was again out of it by the end of the first lap. Gall was again the man on the spot and took over the lead and never looked back. Dillon looked to have second locked up but Dave Bonner of Riverside in the Martec Pacific lnc./VW Rabbit snatched it away on· the last lap to drop Dillon to third. It was an unevent-ful main as Gall led the way fol-lowed by Dillon and Rhinehart. The first heat of 1-2-1600 had Andy and Leslie Anderson in their Lompoc based VW out on top and doing one of their catch me if you can numbers. This time the scenario was changed on the last two turns of the last lap when Steve Bishop of Westminster in his Bishop Racing VW did the catching and came up with the win. The Andersons were second and Carlos Zuniga ~f W estmin-ster in his Zuniga's Auto Body VW rounded out the field in third. . In the second heat Zuniga got out on top with Rick Boyer of Bakersfield in his Independent l'ipe and Tubing Funco VW, in second and Bishop third. Bishop ran into trouble early on and Anderson had taken over third on the second lap. One lap later the Andersons again played hop scotch but this time they went all the way to the top dropping Zun-iga to third. Anderson had the win with Boyer keeping his head and the second place and Zuniga was third. The main was a wire to wire romp ·for the Andersons. Zuniga was out second but with three laps done he was a victim of broken tie rods and could only watch as Boyer took over second and held off Steve Bishop for the rernainin~ Rick Boyer drove his Funco to second place in the second Class· 1-2-1600 heat, and after much shuffling, Boyer took second in the main event too. October 1988 Gary all led all the way in the second Class 10 heat, and he did the same-act in the main event to win handily and take home the winner's purse of $486. Gary Dillon started out strong in the first Class 10 heat, which he won, and a' third in the next heat and second in the main gave him second place money. laps. his Far West Construction VW Mario Panagiotopoulos of was off first but was unable to Rialto in his Tony the Greek/ hang on to the lead as it was Brian Care Equipment VW sedan Maginnis of Bellflower in his served notice in the first heat of Doug Davenport Racing VW the 5-1600 class that he was going who saw Thornsberry zig when he to be the man to be reckoned with · should have zagged and found as he led from start to finish. Stacy himself the front runner. Magin-Fay from Santa Monica in her JT nis held on for two laps and then it Industries of El Cajon VW Bug was Jack Millerd of Dana Point didanexcellentjobofholdingoff who found the hole he was look-all comers as ~he claimed second. ing for and took over for the dura-Darrell Wiggins of Riverside in tion. Maginnis had the second and his DeAnza Fence VW had the Kevin Conlin, more at home in a third for two laps and then Mike stock car but learning the off i;oad Lesle of Corona took over and game, rounded out the field in held Wiggins off for the show third in his VW. money. In the second heat Wiggins shot off the line followed by Mario "P" and Stacy Fay. Mario was loaded for bear and in one lap had taken over the lead. W iggins' problems were just beginning as Fay liked the second place finish and decided to repeat. Wiggins was definitely having some major problems as he kept falling further behind letting Curve) Fer-guson of Fountain Valley pick up the third. The Main event was clear sailing for Mario as all Fay and Ferguson could do was follow him home. The Challenger Class had more entries than usual whifh is always a plus for spectators. Snow Thornsberry of Lake Elsinore in Millerd must have taken a speed reading course because he was out on top in the second heat and ,immediately started putting daylight between himself and the rest of the field. Conlin got off second but the distance that Mil-lerd opened up was just too great and time was just too short to do anything more than finish second. Antonio Cortez of Anaheim was third all the way. The main was a battle· royal with Millerd off on top but this time Conlin was on his exhaust and with three laps down Conlin , mad~ the move that put him in first. He held off a very strong challenge by Millerd for the remaining laps t.o take the win. Maginnis was the solid third hop-Kevin Conlin finished strong in second in both Challenger heat~. and he got the lead in the Main and hung on to win the very close contest. Dusty nma

Page 32

. ~.-. Steve Bishop grabbed the lead on the last turns in the first 1600 heat, but troubles dropped him to third in the next two races and Jack Millerd won both of the Challenger Class heat races, but after a battle royal in the main, he had to settle for second place Brian Maginnis ran with the Challenger leaders all day, but ended up third in the main event, still in a cash earning position in class. on points. Stacy Fay stayed close in all three 5-1600 events, but could not pass the leader, and Stacy was second in all three events and on points. Rob MacCachren made his short course racing debut, getting the feel of the Jeep Comanche to get himself tuned up, for the Score Riverside race. Walker Evans also got in some. practice in his Stadium Jeep Comanche, and it did some good as Walker·ran a close second in the Riverside bash. · ing the front runners would make a mistake he could take advantage of. It never came. The Cross Cars/ Odysseys had some heavy hitters on hand to do battle,and it got a little rough as they all drove as if there was a million dollars riding on the win. In the first heat Joe Price took the lead hut it was short lived as John Gersjes of South Gate in his H&R Fabrications/Leckich Honda . went storming to the front. Frank Chavez in his Cal Bumper Honda had third, for the moment but in this class nothing is permanent. One lap later he was caught in a · bump-n--go that saw Ron Pierce of Carson in his Briggsbuilt/ Bil-stein/ T rick Honda take the third while the day glo special going by into second was none other than Rory Holladay in his Fontana based, Briggsbuilt/HRD Honda. In the second heat it was Holla-day all the way with Pierce and Gersjes content to play follow the leader. The main is what it all came down to and again it was a tena-cious Holladay that roared out in front with Price and Chuck Parker in his Chuck's Chevron/ Klemm Research Honda in third. That lineup started changing immediat~ly as Chavez came charging from fourth to second in the blink of an eye to start a whole new ball game. Parker held onto third in spite of Mike Lovelle's Cal Bumper car attempt to dis-David Ashley got the long jump award and the Stadium Truck win as he flew his Ford Ranger in spectacular fashion around the Glen Helen hills. lodge him. It was a long dry spell problems and Duckett/ Ferguson for Holladay so the victory was had moved to thircl where they sweet for the Fontana resident. finished behind Schnoor/ Chavez had the second and Parker LaGosh. was home free with the third. In the second heat Duckett The Mclntyres and Whitneys went wire to wire with the Whit-seem to be the match up when it neys having to work to get aroun~ comes to Side.Hacks and Sunday Schnoor/LaGosh which they was no different. These two teams finally did on the last lap. When always seem to be in the thick of the flag dropped for th~ main the things and usually battling each Whitneys took no chances, going other. Throw in Damon Duckett out fast and getting some breath-and Rick Ferguson and things can ing room on the rest of the field. get pretty hairy. In the first heat it Duckett/Ferguson tried to give was the McIntyre's out on top chase but just couldn't make up with the Whitneys second and the distance and settled for Bob Schooner third. In two laps second followed by Schnoor/ La-the Whitneys had taken over the Gosh a team we should be hearing spot they usually run in - first a lot more about. -and left the field to fight for the With the starts inverting from other two spots. On the third lap heat to heat it really makes itself the Mclntyres were out with felt in the larger ATV class and ------------ - ------------ the rider who can get two good Walker Evans, out testing for Riverside the following weekend, drove his Dodge V-8 to_the desert truck win over three Class 7S pickups. Dusty nma finishes is going to have the advantage in the main where you are placed on the line by the com-bined points of both heats. Chris Couto of Canyon Country on his Scorcher Racing/lTP Wheels/ Honda when out hard and man-aged to stay in front of the eigh-teen others who wanted his spot. Shannon Smith, the resident young lady from Blue Jay on the U .S. Suzuki/ P.E.P./Bills Pipes Quad gave a good account_ofher-self running second for half the race before Donny Banks of Macon, Georgia on his Bill's Pipes/ Capitol Cycle Honda got around her to take over the spot. Rick Rupert who made the trip October 1988 It was Mario Panagiotopoulos day in C/ass 5-1600, as he led the tight action in both heat races, and also took the victory in the main event. from LasVegas was in for third to round out the field. · In the second heat Derek Hl\_m.ilton from Blythe played the catch me if you can game and no one did as he picked up the win. Rupert on his Las Vegas Suzuki/ HPH Racing/ P.E.P. assured him-self a good spot in the main by passing Andrew Buck, the Tor-rance rider and his FMF/O'Neal USA Honda on the lasdap to take second. The main was follow the leader with no one in the top four making any changes in the six lap race, It was Derek Hamilton all the way followed by Rick Rupert and Donny Banks. CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER HOUSE K & N FILTERS - PERMA COOL TRI-MIL - BUG PACK BILSTEIN -CENTERLINE -CIBIE HEWLAND-PORSCHE TURBO C/ V BEARD SEATS - PARKER PUMPER OfffON~ ~•&Acc..--YOKOHAMA TIRES - GEM GEARS SUPERTRAPP SPARK ARRESTORS -KYB SHOCKS SWAY-A-WAY....:.. TRANSAXLE PARTS-KC HILITES McKENZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT - NEAL PRODUCTS CENTER LINE OPEN 5 DAYS A WEEK Mo nday - Friday - 8:30 a.m . - 5:00 p.m . I BEFORE YOU BUY;_ TAL-K TO THE PROF.ESS/ONAL! I 12945 SH ERMAN WAY, UNIT 4, NO . HOLLYWOOD, CA 9 1605 (818) 756-5827 • (818) 764-6438 Pasc33 ,.

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i I ... SODA on ROAD RACING .The Hodag 50 Text & Photos: Deb Freimuth By the fifth lap, Scott Taylor. had moved up to assume the lead with the challenge being made for the second and third spots, which included Brue, Greg Smith, Mike Manicke, Gerry Parent and Mike Sorensen. Parent was the next vic-tim of the ~ires causing front end damage which forced him to coast around the course the last two laps, leaving the opening to Sorensen to finish in third place behind Taylor in first and Manicke, second in Johnny Koran's Foreign Automotive special. · One o'clock in the afternoon was the time was the time reserved .for the Class 13 Front Engine The two seat Class 11 s started the action and here eventual winner Curt Gerald d • .c Buggies an it was an easy run 1or dogs event!-'al third place finisher Mark Steinhardt. Mark Hockers, who dominated Rhinelander, Wisconsin, the flag was presented, it was Jones the class from the green to the home of the World Famous who knew it was going to be his checkers. Blaine Konitzer had a Hodag Country Fest, opened its last chance to better his position. run of bad luck when his front gates August 6-7 to play host to A hard push on his part brought end gave way putting him out of some of the midwest's finest off him up behind the leader Gerald the race on his fifth lap. Chris road racers at the 12th Annual to finish second; with Steinhardt Bauknecht hit the tires causing Hodag 50. taking third, Tom Arendt; fourth. more front end problems and was The seventh race in the Super-The noon whistle hearlded the out also, losing his second place ior Points Series started rolling at start of the 2-1600 buggies. It was position. Tom Jensen stayed away 10:30 a.m. Saturday with two Mike Brue's tandem that led the from the tires and ran a strong classes of ATVs participating. pack of 14 vehicles at the start,, second for the last six laps of the Antigo' s Bryon Dee de added but it was Larry Manske who saw event with Don 1,-iegeois finishing another Hooag 50 trophy to his the wrong side of the track when third, followed by the smoking collection with first in the open he went too high on Hodag's ver-Tony Votis in fourth. class and Joe Ludwig and Jim sion of the Daytona curve and The entries in Classes 6 and 7S Wergin ran hot laps for the 250cc went over ·the drop off. A recov- were low, but together they put first and second places. ery was made and Larry eventu-on a pretty good show. Tom The Class 11 two seaters ally carried on with the race. The Hockers led Class 7S off the start-started off the SODA sanctioned track seemed to get the best of ing line first followed by the classes with 15 entries. It was the Larry though, as later in the race Stump Jumpers' Brian Farrell and normal trio of Curt Gerald, he came around the hairpin Mark Holmes. Both Ferrell and Dwayne Walkowski and Mark before the timing tower too fast Holmes had engine problems Steinhardt who led the troops and slowly rolled to his right, early in the race, giving Hockers around the twci mile long track. It seemingly hanging on the to-an uncontested win. was quite evident that most of the driver's side tires. That corner But it was the madman John drivers had become too used to took more than just Larry on a Znidorka who put on the show in heat races, as attrition plagued the roller coaster ride, it also took out his Class 6, as he flew over the first few laps of the 40 minute Lester North and newlywed jumpsandaroundthetracktrying event. Walkowski was among the Richard Woulf, but for Woulf it to make up the 30 second stag-breakers and Steinhardt quickly was a fatal roll for his Chenowth. gered start between the 7S trucks moved into the second place posi- Lester continued on but only to and 6 sedans. Znidorka made up tion, while Jeff Jones worked his smack into one of the earth-enough time to catch and over-way through the pack to eventu- mover tire markers after the old come Hackers for first in Class 6 ally hold. thirc!_place. As the white__ mQ~ocr~s sectjgn. and overall ·in this event. Track ,-.:._ ___ ;,.;;;;:,_.==:=:=:=:=.:;__.:.::::=:.::::::::::::::::=.::::.:~----~--workers became alarmed the last Bl·GGER IS BETTER, Upg"rade the C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS-Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. ' Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. joints. . Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C.V. joints. All axles and bells for Type·II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. All axles and bells for Type II can be threaded 3/8-24 or stock 8 mm threads. pitch threads. 10 mm - 1.5 is slightly larger an~ is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 . (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Pa,c34 couple laps of the race when flames were spotted shooting from Znidorka's undercarriage. The flames subsided and track . officials gave the okay for Zni-dorka to make his way to the checkered, with Jon Kaempf one lap down for second place. The Class 11 s were back on the track, this time for the single seat event. This time it was the Jeff Jones show as he took the starting lead and held on all the way. Attrition again plagued the lls with half the field out of commis- . sion by the fifth lap. Gerry Cote did as so many before him had and tried to cut the timing tower corner a bit too tight and also found out, as many had, that those tires just DON'T move. Curt Gerald and Mark Steinhardt ·again did battle in the early stages of the race to see who would take the second and third place· positions. Fourth place runner, Denny Freimuth had a little problem understanding the pit signals when the crew chief, Mel, held up four fingers to let Danny know he was in fourth place. Well ... Den,ny October 1918 Scott Taylor moved into the lead midway in the Class 2-1600 battle and Scott stayed out front to win handily in the 14 buggy class. didn't quite understand and thought they were signaling him into the pits. After a brief discus-sion on "what's wrong" by Mel and "why did you pull me into the pits" by Denny, he was back on the track and did keep his fourth place finish behind Jones, Parsons arid Arft. The last event of the day, and an ever popular one, was the Good Old Boys, which pitted 15 of those crazy drivers in hot pursuit~ of the winner's trophy. Jeff Polzin literally ran away with the race commanding a good lead over the remainder of the GOBS. John Schmittay drove his Chevy to a strong second place with. third place going to number 68½ LaBamba II driven by Paul. Larson. · Saturpay night's festivities con-cluded with music by Night Fire in the pavillion along with free beer _provided graciously by the Hodag 50 track. Unlike most tracks, here the women get to run the first thing in the morning, or at least the women buggy drivers do. This popular time spot brought out three Class 11 women and four limited engine drivers. ·The limit-eds took the front row and it was Kathy VanGheem who took the holS! shot at the wave of_the green. Rhonda Smith suffered a bad start, but being the expert driver she is, she stormed her way right to the top by the second lap leav-ing VanGheem in second. Lee Dallman suffered a round of bad luck when she rolled the Class 5-1600 "Froggy's Toy", but it didn't stop there; the Bug righted itself, and in the confusion, Lee , engaged the gas pedal instead of the clutch, and after taking out one tree, finally came to rest nosed up to another tree. Track workers sped to the scene only to realize Lee's nightmare hadn't quite ended. It was obvious from the horseshoe shape ·of her wrist that there were broken bones. A consultation with the EMT's sent her on another ride, this time to the hospital where surgery was inevitable. The good news came later that afternoon when reports came back to the track saying Lee was out of surgery and doing fine. Meanwhile back at the races, Paula Parsons snapped up the Class 11 lead, but she too got too close to a tire and ended up with a broken spindle and a lost first place spot. Chris Gerald quickly moved up to the top spot and ran it to -the checkers for the first fol-lowed by Dawn Ward in second. The men started off their day of racing with the Class 4 event, with the addition of a Class 3. Mark Seidler ran another strong race as Mike Manicke moved up steadily during the Class 2-1600 action, and late in the race he took over second place and kept it to the checkered flag. Tom Hackers led the Class 7S field off the line.and his-Ford Aanger led all the way to win the class honors, as the competition faded away. Duatyff111a

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he put it in all the right gears to lead all the way from start to fin-ish. Bill Shirm piloted his Class 3 Jeep quite well to hold the second place spot for half of the race, finally being overcome by Jack Heidtman who went on to take the second place finish. The only buggy race scheduled for Sunday brought out the Class 9, 10 and 5-1600s. The Class 10s took the line first with the lonely Class 9 of Chuck Johnson takin~ a delayed start of 15 seconds. Chuck was just out there trying out the car, running only for his own entry fee, but it was hard to tell he was out there just for the fun of it. The Class 5-1600s moved up to their starting posi-tions and awaited the green in their class. Scott Schwalbe led the Class 10s with quite the finesse, with the Michigan boy, Todd Wallace running number two. Robert Connor also tried to take out a tire, and Chuck Johnson was on his way to blowing everyone's side panels off, as he moved from fifth to fourth to third in three laps then on to the top spot, leav-ing Schwalbe eating his dust. As the checkered came out, Johnson ran a good race screaming his Class 9 to an unrecognized first place, with Scott Schwalbe com-ing in to claim first in Class 10, followed by Todd Wallace and his Michigan counter part Dave Vandermissen, Jr. Six Class 5-1600s came off the start with Terry Wolfe in the lead, followed closely by Ron Karlman. The two veteran Baja Buggers continued on to play a game of musical chairs for the next few laps with Wolfe being first, then Karlman, then Wolfe, then Karl-man. But, suddenly there was no Wolfe, and it was time for a Sun-day ride for Karlman. Jeff Ther-riault allowed the two rivals to battle themselves to oblivion and then stepped into the second place spot after all the rivalry was over. Jim Rolefson ran strong to John Znidorka drove hard to make up the 30 second staggered start to not only win Class 6 going away, but he beat all the Class 7S trucks too. Mark Seidler ran a strong race in the combined Classes 4, 14 and 3 event, and he led in his Class 14 rig from the start to the finish line. · Scott Schwalbe drove to first place in Class 10 at his home track, but he finished second overall behind Chuck Johnson in the combined race. the third place spot until mechan-ical problems left the door open for Paul Dallman to outlap Rolef-son by one lap to claim the third place finish. Pete Van De Hey led the first half of the Class B race, but a late pit stop put his truck out of the race that Dave Hackers eventually won. The Class 8s left a cloud of dust too thick to really even see who was leading at the start, but when the dust cleared, it was Pete Van-DeHey out front with Dave Hackers and Dennis Ferdon being theagressors. VanDeHey held the lead for almost half of the Class 8 race until a trip to the pits put him out of the feud. Don Gregoire, Jr. took a leap off the jumps coming into the hairpin, and seemed to ride his front bumper for the longest time before landing, then hitting the big tire. The hard jump didn't seem to bother him as he just kept right on racing. Dave Hackers took over where Van-DeHey had left off with Frank Hood coming up after Ferdon's breakdown to run second. With only two laps to go, Hood found his truck didn't want to go any· further and Old Reliable 899 came up to give Roger Lindsay, the driver, a second place trophy. Class 13 features a variety of body styles, and this high flying creation of Tony Votis finished fourth with a smoking engine. Dusty nma The Women's Heavy Metal concluded the day's racing with Karen Duquaine powering the Heidtman Class 14 to a perfect run. Pam Liegeois came in for second with the rest of the class unable to make more than one lap. October 19U --Jeff Jones took the lead in single seat Class 11 from the flag, and he led all the way to pay dirt in the high attrition battle on Saturday. Jack Heidtman corners hard in his Class 14 rig, and he kept it going forward to take second place midway in the race for four wheel drive rigs. SODA President Terry Wolfe started out leading Class 5-1600, had a tight dice for half the race, but eventually retired with mechanical ills. There are many things that can attribute to a successful event and harass an attempt to make a per- the anticipation of the next annual feet race, including dust, heat and Hodag 50. The Wausau Bunch is unco-operating wind. But these already looking forward to 1989 seem so minor compared to the and they hope you'll be there too, quality of the racing itself and the for more of the midwest's best in quality of the racers, all of which off road racing. 930 CV COOLERS Dissipating the heat build up in your 930 C\<s can be a big problem in all types of off road racing. Excessive heat can cause failure due to exceeding grease drop point temperatures, which reduces lubrication and increases harmful friction. These new aluminum-flanged coolers bolt right on, and can produce a temperature drop of up to 100" F. The surface cooling area is six times greater than the 930 CV by itself. All this for just .. $3995 1826 North 27th Ave. Phoenix, AZ. 85009 (602) 272-9333 Pltge35 •

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18th Rothmans Rally of New Zealand Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Josef Haider and Ferinand Hinterleitner led the first stage, dropped back, but came on strong to score their first World Rally win, and it was also the first championship victory for the Opel Kadett GSi. Success comes second time someone who would thereby around. Josef Haider's return to become a first time winner. Only World class rallying last year two A-priority drivers had finally brought him unforgettable entered, and neither were regular memories when he became the World Championship competi-second consecutive Austrian to tors, Possum Bourne in the Su-win the World Championship baru and Britain's Jimmy McRae, Rally of New Zealand. At the in a private Ford Sierra XR 4x4. wheel of his works 8 valve Opel The only full works car was Josef Kadett GSi he overcame the Haider's Opel. After the surprise determined onslaught of local of the low entry, 29 starters, at drivers. Haider's rally career Olympus, it was refreshing that began over ten years ago and was there were 51 starters in New Zea-only resumed seriously when he land and plenty of onlookers, joined the Opel World champ- even though not a single Scandin-ionship team in 1987. The New avian, French or Italian driver was Zealand Rally was the first World on hand. Rally of the season to qualify just The real message of the event is for Drivers' rather than Makes' that this was not only New Zea-and Drivers' points. Only one land's World Championship official car came from Europe, event, it was Japan's. Subaru, but many entries were officially Mazda, Nissan and Mitsubishi supported by Japanese compa- were all represented officially or nies. This was the first event in the semi-officially, also interested in four round Asia Pacific series, the contesting the opening round of leading contender for which was FISA's new Asia Pacific Champ-Kenjiro Shinozuka, whose Mitsu- ionship. This series, despite the bishi Galant VR-4 retired early recent cancellation of the Hong with gearbox failure. Kong-Beijing qualifying round, This was an event in which no presents a stepping stone for the end of drivers were good enough Japanese industry, which seeks its to come fourth or third, but there own presence on a World Sport-was nobody on the entry list ing level, but which geograph-whom one felt had World Champ- ically it cannot provide on its own ionship rally winning quality. But, territory. Only six of the 51 start-someone would have 'to win, . ingcarsinNewZealandwerebuilt New Zealanders Ray Wilson and Stuart Lewis took a fine second place in the Mazda 323, and they had led overall after the first day of the rally. Page 36 outside Japan. Unable to compete against the European political expertise and quick-reaction engineering capabilities of the European manufacturers, the Asia Pacific series is the obvious opportunity for the Oriental teams. The rally itself maintained its four day format, this year the final day saw a full day's activity, but with a much less energetic first day compared to last year. The first day was a big disappointment because plans to run a three lap Superspecial on a horse track were wrecked by FISA's post-Portugal Rally pronouncements. Then there was a bizarre devel-oprnent at stage 4. The Waitemata City Council this year adopted by-laws limiting smoking in pub-lic places, and refused the applica-tion for road closing rights for the stage because of the Rothmans sponsorship of the rally. The first day had already been a short day of rallying. It was decided to run one of the earlier stages twice. Only 51 km of stages were run on Saturday, making the first leg little more than a half day's tour of the Riverhead Forest, just 30 km north of Auckland. Thrown in for spectator fun were three other stages, the first one right October 1988 New Zealanders David Strong and Jeff Grove had some woes, but they kept the Daihatsu Charade G Tti moving to take the Group N lead late in the rally and also place ninth overall. -after the start at the Auckland Domain in the heart of the city. Then, after three forest stages, there was a stage through a quarry and round an industrial estate, and the final one, in darkness, round another industrial estate, all on asphalt. Haider made best time at the Domain by three seconds from McRae, while Shinozuka was third in the four wheel steering Galant. Things were to change drastically when the rally reached Riverhead, however, for the Maz-das of Ray Wilson and Neil Allport were considerably quicker, and Allport was in the lead. McRae was nowhere to be seen! His engine had failed after just 2 km of stages, making his long journey from Britain a real loss. On the third stage Wilson was again quickest, and Shinozuka lost some 20 seconds with a blocked gearbox. The same prob-lem had happened on Test Dry, so it was decided to withdraw the car. Others were having problems too, Bourne with brake cooling, David Officer with exhaust cool-ing, and Tony Teesdale, engine management computer on the Mazda. Allport was holding second place through the forests, but in the quarry he hit a rock and lost 15 seconds, then spun on the final stage, ending the day in fourth place. The star of the show was Wil-son. Fastest on all three Riverhead stages he arrived back in Auck-land with a 24 second lead. He has only one national rally win to his credit, and here he was leading a World Championship Rally! Haider was content to be lying third. It had been a strange day; only three cars had retired, another two were allowed to start, but were then excluded for arriv-ing at the pre-rally pare ferme too late. Ray Wilson began the second day in the lead. Two stages on asphalt began the day, and both were taken by Haider. But then the ensuing gravel stages were 4x4 territory. Teesdale's Mazda was going much better and actually made best time on stage 13. David Officer was still off the pace, but one of the big surprises was the performance of the British Group N champion Simon Stubbings, whose mildly modified Mazda was now lying tenth. Allport edged into sharing the lead with Wilson on stage 14, and got ahead on stage 15. This was the first of two consecutive asphalt stages, where Haider once again was the fastest. Next came the two T olco-roa forest stages and the surprise was that Haider made best time on both of these. Stubbings' engine failed, so now Haider was the only European left in the event. Allport had front transmission trouble, and Wilson had an eight minute flat. Haider was out front and pulling ahead, and at the end of the day 16 seconds separated the top three Group N cars. The third day of the New Zea-land Rally was one of the most extraordinary in the history of World Championship Rallying. Haider held on to a lead he never expected to keep, and increased it from seconds to nearly 20 min-utes! Ray Wilson set off in 11th position and came back in second place. Six of the top ten drivers retired or were badly delayed, and a Group N Suzuki was in tenth place overall. The drivers at Rotorua awoke to the clatter of rain on the coof, and the third day was four wheel drive stuff, and it had rained all night and the rain was getting heavier by the minute. Immed-iately the day started Bourne had to change a gearbox, and on the second stage Allport went off the road for 25 minutes. Teesdale moved into second and was catch-ing Haider, fast. By stage 22 Tees-dale was in the lead, and on stage 23 he was off the road backwards and upside down in a fence. Dusty nma

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World Championship Rally of Argentina Text & Photos: Martin Holmes - . Rudolf Stohl and Ernst Rohringer flew the Audi 90 Quattro on a SuperSpecial and to fourth in the rally, the WCR debut of the 90 model. At home on the Cordoba stages in the mountains, Jorge Recalde and Jorge Buono took the Lancia Delta lntegrale to victory, the first for Recalde and the first World Championship win for a South American driver. Jorge Recalde became the first South American driver to win a World Championship Rally, when he won his home Rally of Argentina. He avenged the memory of throwing away his chances here last year, and he matched the times of his team, mate Miki Biasion tnroughout the rally. It was an event in which both Lancia drivers suffered troubles. After taking the lead on the first day, Recalde lost it when he hit a rock, damaging the front suspension. Later, on the third section, Biasion stopped for about 7½ minutes with electrical trouble, giving the Argentine an unexpected three minute lead. Third place went to privateer Lancia driver, Austrian Franz Wittmann, who also damaged his car in the rocks on the same stage where Biasion stopped. Still second place for Biasion puts him even further into the lead in the World Drivers' Championship. The size of the entry in Argen, tina was impressive with 81 start, ers, even though the top profes, sional level was very poor. Having won the Manufacturers' Champ, ionship in America, Lancia went with the two cars for Biasion and Recalde. Franz Wittrnann's Lan, cia had been upgraded from HF 4WD to lntegrale standard. Rudolf Stohl had an Audi 90 Quattro for this event, while Georg Fisher'.s Audi was the ex, works car he drove in the Olym, pus. These five cars were in a class of their own. The rally route was very much like last year, except two stages went in reverse direction. There were two S'-!perspecials, one at the start on a horse track in suburban Buenos Aires, and the other on the third day at Cosquin. The car, nival atmosphere at the Palermo Hippodrome was infectious as the rally began. The organizers wanted the 40,000 spectators to fully enjoy themselves. The Superspecial stage was just 3.07 km long, with many chicanes and both a water crossing and an artificial ramp jump at the end of a straight. Some drivers thought the ramp would be an easy jump. But, Wittmann was the first of the three Lancias to fly unexpectedly high into the air, and he landed heavily on the nose of the car, and broke the oil cooler. "They must have raised the ramp you know," Dusty nmc1 he said, facing a·long night's drive towards Cordoba with possible damage due to the lost oil. Others had damage also. Maciel broke his transmission and had tci be pushed out of the arena, Raies broke his gearbox, and Ricardo Pasialso broke a gearbox, all three driving Renault 18GTX cars. Wittmann was surprised when the times were posted and his was the fastest by about four seconds. No one knew until they arrived in Argentina that the organizers had cancelled the four hour rest halt in Cordoba before stage 2. The transit from stage 1 to stage 2 was a hefty 740 km all night drive, after which the competitors were sent to the first series of stages. In these mountain stages close to Cordoba, Recalde was King, 18 seconds faster than his teammate on stage 2, and another 13 on stage 3 before Biasion got the edge on him in the other two. Biasion explained that he was having hand, ling problems. The "King of the Pampas" was 20 seconds in front when the cars finally reached the Cordoba sta, dium. Lancias filled the top three places. Ernesto Soto was three minutes back in fourth, but where were the Audis? Stohl had rolled one and a half times after hitting a hole, and lost over seven minutes. Fischer's service car was late reaching Argentina by boat, so he shared resources with Stohl, and Fischer hit a bank and rolled on stage 3. Soto apart, the 170 bhp Renaults were having a dreadful time. All the others were being headed by the 150 bhp Regattas of De Giovanni and Bescham and the 145 bhp VW Gol 1.6 cars of Uruguyans Gustavo Trelles and Luis Etchegoyen. Many more had time delays and a lot had hap, pened in just five stages. The second leg stretched from Cordoba across the hills to Mina Clavero and Villa Dolores and back. Mina Clavero is Recalde territory, he was born there, and this is still his family home, even though the little town is in the back of beyond. With Biasion starting the day 20 seconds behind, this was the moment for a grand attack by the Argentine, to put as much distance between him and his teammate. Last year Recalde threw away this chance with a spin, and this time he spun again. He lost little time, but Bia, sion had taken seven seconds off the lead. Recalde pulled back five on the second stage, but on the third stage he spun again, and again dropped seven seconds. On stage nine Biasion took six seconds back, Recalde now was five seconds in front, and on stage 10 the Italian gained another three. The gap was QOW two seconds. But close to home on the last three stages, Recalde showed his local knowledge. The gap increased to five seconds, then to 13 and by the return to Cordoba, Recalde led by 15 seconds. Wittmann had been continuing along in third place. On every stage of the day he was third fast, est, even though he broke an anti, roll bar, which broke a rear drive, shaft, and cost him a one minute time penalty. Fourth/lace driver Soto was far behin , driving a rally of his own. Starting in 13th spot was Stohl in the still dented Audi 90 Quattro. There were few other happen, ings in the day. Bescham retired his Fiat with gearbox trouble on ·~4>-.. -.v-<~ Jose Celsi, former Chilean National Rally Champion, and Elvio Olave splashed their way into fifth overall driving the Subaru RX Turbo. the penultimate stage, and his stage with a broken gearbox. teammate De Giovanni fell well Things all went wrong on stage back. Traverso had pulled up to 16. Recalde, running first on the ninth, but Recalde apart, this was road, came suddenly on a rock in a dismal day for the Argentines. his line in the middle of the road. The idea of an Uruguayan and He hit it with full force and two Chileans beatfng all the local wrecked the front suspension, cars, except Soto, was very losing almost two minutes on the upsetting. stage and another two minutes at On the third section it seemed the next control. Biasion also hit there were no team orders in the the same stone, which threw the Lancia camp. The race between car up on two wheels in a horrify, Recalde and Biasion would con, ing moment, but it fell back on all tinue, for another day at least. The four again. Biasion was now over Argentine increased his lead to 38 three minutes in the lead, and the seconds after the second stage of race appeared to be over, up the new day, while Wittmann fell front. For others the grind con, further back when he hit a stone tinued. Trelles suddenly stopped in the road and a broken electrical with differential trouble on stage cable stopped the car for a minute 17, and on_ the same stage his or so. Soto was out on the first teammate ~ .. ~~--~~--~••~•...,,..----~""F.'~.r,....'::'77"'~•~N"'•'T':(r • ~ ,_ ~ • --·:·· Wheri'.•you·want action, call us! Trackside Photo, Inc.-Racing photography since 1970 Trackside Photo, Inc. Photos for Public Relations, Promotions, Ads Commercial & Product Photography October 1988 New Address: 1507 East Del Amo Blvd. Carson, California 90746 (213) 609-1772 Page 37 •

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.. Racing.driver Juan-Maria Traverso and Ruben Valentini were the highest placed local entry, taking the Renault 18 GTX to sixth place. World Champion points leader Miki Biasion tried out a one horsepower model during the rally, but ·quickly returned to his .,. -Uruguyans Gustavo Trelles and Pablo di Bello Reyon were doing well ,n the locally bwlt VW Go/, but retired midway with differential failure. DIP Etchegoyen broke his gearbox and was out. Jose Celsi was up to fifth in his Subaru, struggling with a leaking turbo pipe. The rally, heading back towards Cordoba, paused for the Super Special on the new interna-tional motocross course at Cos-quin. On the two kilometer course up and down a dusty and windy hillside, Recalde thrilled the crowds by beating Biasion by a second. Then came the final stage of the day. Miki Biasion suddenly stopped on the stage with a blown fuse, that took seven minutes to fix. The lead passed back to Newlealancl (from page 36) Bourne was charging hard and got back in second, only to have gear-box failure again. Halfway through the day the rally was unrecognizable. Allport lost another 25 minutes, this time on his roof. Tortoise Haider was fighting off the hoard of hares, and the Opel was now running far ahead of the others with a 15 minute lead toward the end of the day. It was all quite eerie. At the finish for the day, Haider held an 18 minute lead, Allport was up to Lancia. · Recalde. Then came more drama. Witt-mann hit some stones on the road and his car shot into the air and landed heavily, on its nose, and the right side rear suspension was wrecked. Officials were aghast as he drove into the pare ferme on three wheels. What would they do? How could they permit the car to continue in such an unsafe state? The organizers decided to allow Lancia mechan-ics to enter the closed area to fix the crippled Delta, timed as they worked and the driver would be penalized accordingly. Five mechanics were given the job in 18th, but far from happy with his engine and decided not to restart. Haider hoped the final day would have no nasty surprises; certainly it was a relief to see stars in the sky that night and a warm sun after dawn. After three stages Haider voluntarily checked in to start five minutes late, so that Ray Wilson would have the dubious pleasure of opening the route and clear away some of the little stones. Nobody had much of a go at the head of the field. But, in Group N there was unexpected life. After Seiichiro Taguchi, Mazda 323 4WD, had the morning and they took just four minutes to get the car driva-. ble again. The decimation of the local crews continued unabated. Miguel T orras suffered endless gearbox trouble, and Claudio Israel broke the rear suspension on his Toyota Corolla. The Fiats were faring no better. Bescham had given up the day before and his Regatta teammate De Gio-vanni hit a bank in the dust which damaged the steering and finally retired with engine trouble. After the rush and tear getting Wittmann's car running again, there was little to report on the led at the opening day Domain stage, Masakazu Goto, Mazda, led right through to stage 22. On stage 23 he went off the road, and Sano, Toyota Celica, pulled him back. Taguchi also went off, los-ing less time, and took over the lead. Goto then displeased his sav-iour Sano and collided with him trying to pass, while Taguchi damaged his radiator and differ-ential. Taguchi went on until stage 26, where he retired because of accident damage, leaving Goto in the lead until his gearbox failed on stage 33. This left the Suzuki of Murray Walker in front, but final day. Ninth place man Alber-tengo disappeared, which brought the Group B Fiat up to tenth place, and the Suzuki of the Chil-ean Urrutia up to tenth place for FIA standings. Recalde's victory gave the Argentines something to be excited about for the locally entered cars had fared badly. The highest placed Argentine entry was that of racing driver Juan-Maria Traverso in the Renault 18 GTX. For the second time in three years Argentine entries were beaten by the Subaru of Chilean driver Jose Celsi who was fifth overall. Even in Argentina the Lancia catching fast was David Strong, who finally passed Walker with only three stages to run. Of the 51 starters, 24 finished the 1979 km route, of which 611 km were stages. Josef Haider and Ferdinand Hinterleitner won Group A and overall in the Opel Kadett GSi by nearly 19 minutes. Ray Wilson and Stuart Lewis got the Mazda 323 4WD home second, followed by Malcolm Stewart/John Kennard in an Audi Coupe Quattro. David and Kate Officer finished fourth in the Mir-subishi Starion Turbo, followed by Ross Meekings/ Steve March, Delta lntegrales rolled to a 1-2-3 victory. Jorge Recalde and Jorge Del Buono won by over 3½ min-utes over Miki Biasion and Tizi-ano Siviero, who were about 25 minutes up on Franz Wittmann and Jorg Pattermann. Rudolf Stohl and Ernst Roh ringer got the Audi 90 Quattro home fourth, another 1 7 minutes off the pace. Miki Biasion now has a 38 point lead in the drivers' points battle, and the following five drivers are all also in the Lancia stable. Now the series leaves the New World for a return to the Old World with the Rally of 1000 Lalces in Finland, late in August. Toyota Corolla 16 V. Rounding out the top ten were Marty Roes-tenburg/ Pat Norris, Toyota Star-let rwd, Joe McAndrew/Mike Wilkin, Toyota Starlet fwd, Tet-suo Sano/T akeo Henmi, Toyota Celica 2000 GT-Four, David Strong/Jeff Grove, Daihatsu Charade GTti, the Group N winner by a split second over Murray Walker/Neil Harris, Suzuki Swift GTI. The Group B winner was the team of Chris Clarke and Graeme Robertson, over an hour behind the winner, driving a Datsun 1200 pickup, however that got into Group B. Ross Meekings and Steve March kept a steady but not spectacu-lar pace to bring the Toyota Corolla 16 valve to the finish line in fifth overall. Looking more like a Baja Safari entry, this 1200cc Datsun pickup carried Chris Clarke and Graeme Robertson to the checkered flag, the Group B winners at that. Among the leaders for some time, the Mazda 323 4WD of Neil Allport and Robert Haldane went out on the 30th stage with serious engine trouble. SCCA Southcm Pacific Division Pro Rally Report By Lynnette Allison, Steward a beautiful Mazda 323. Mike has been a co-driver, driver and event organizer during his years with our Pro Rally group. Mike was considered a "new" competitor for about four years, theq some of the "old timers" realized he was making a name for himself. They figured it was better to have him "join them than beat them", so he was coerced into stepping in as an organizer at Glen Helen OHV Park, then a new facility. Mike created the first Glen Helen Ral-ly sprints: Our 1988 season opened on October 17, 1987 with a great event at Glen Helen. Mike also put together "882" on Feb-ruary 13, 1988. Limited to one event per season, Mike earned twenty championship points as an organizer. trading seats with Mike as driver, Paula offers a great challenge to competitors in any class. Paula started rallying as a driver while still a teenager, managing to become one of the "old timers" before the age of 25. A strong competitor with a heart of gold, Paula earned 40 organizer points. points for 1988. Leonard Jensen is a Pro Rally competitor from way back, who returned to the flock just a few years ago. Running an immaculate Mazda RX-7, Leonard met his match at the Cliffs of Gorman in 1987 when his car rolled over a few times. Taking revenge, Leon-ard opted to organize this year's event, and it became two events on the same weekend. Leonard earned 20 championship points for his efforts, and he didn't have to roll the car to do it. The 1988 Southern Pacific Di-vision Pro Rally Championship series is about to close. The results from the Hungry Valley Rally and Got My Fill Hill Rally were not in at press deadline, but, current point standings indicate an outstanding year of growth with the inclusion of many new teams in our special Pro Rally community. Allow me to honor, however, some of the "old timers" who have worked so dili-gently to create these many rally events for you. Each event organ-izer, in accordance with the 1988 Pro Rally Rules, earned organizer points toward the season's champ-• ionship. Congratulations! And thanks. Paula Gibeault, working with her husband Mike, created one of Southern California's golden events, Rim of the World. Often Rob Cherry started as co-driver with infamous Mike Whitman in a striking orange Datsun 510. Rob is known as the only co-driver to tell his driver to slow down because the sound barrier was meant to be broken only by jets. Mike is now an airline pilot, and he may yet be trying for the air-speed Pro Rally Champion-ship. Rob moved into the desig-nated "old timers" group in 1985 with his first Prescott Forest Rally. This year's Prescott Rally ran with a full bore Co-efficient 3 rating, earning him 60 organizer Roger Allison was snatched by Mike Gibeault in 1971 to operate as co-driver, and Roger now operates as co-driver, driver, ser-vice crew and general leader in rally sportsmanship. One of Cali-fornia's unique rally organizers, Roger created the concept of course worker assistants, running seeding stages during the day, spe-cial timing clocks for rally con-trols, and was the first to incor-porate the National/FISA timing and control system into So-Pac Divisional events as a standard practice. Roger and Randy Hens-ley created the first East of ln.dio Rally in 1981, which evolved into the Indio Endurance Rally series. With two National events in the traditional time slot, he offers a new event for 1989, El Camino A Las Estrellas Rally. For his work on the Indio Rally, Roger earned 60 points. There is a new event in Nevada, and it is a must. Everyone should plan on the Mason Valley Rally, October 15-16, 1988, headquar-tered at the Casino West in Yerington, NV. New organizer George Gornik offers some great Nevada rally roads, and barring weather damage, these roads should be fun to run. Contact George Gornik at (702) 883-6868. Mike Blore is currently running Page 38 October 1988 Dusty nma

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GORRA could not have a race without at least one Hurst car in it. Here dad, Travis Hurst, tries some laps in his son Clint's 1600car. Bobby Bramblett raises some red dust in the corner, and Bobby, GORR A 's Challenger Class is growing each race. Here one of GORRA 's faithful, finished a strong third on the day. newcomer Steve Langley leads the Lithia Automotive racer out of a tight turn. Georgia Off Road Racing By Bob Rule Photos: Keith Williams, Lithia Automotive Like all races, the start gets a little tight heading for the first turn. Here Mickey Smallwood leads Bob Rule and the rest of the field from the green flag. The Georgia Off Road Racing Association has been around since 1974. Their 1988 racing season got started late, but it will end with a bang. The premier event is the Thanksgiving 250, a Six Hour Enduro. The highlight this season is the fact that GORRA has a permanent race site, 45 acres just south of Atlanta. So the club has a place to race for as long as they want it, and, all the work done this year will still be around to enjoy next year. The August race at Vienna was fairly quiet. The weekend started on Saturday night at the Colonial Inn at Exit 36 on I-75. A pool party and good ole fashioned bull session highlighted the evening. One nice thing about all GORRA events is they are family affairs, even a buU session. N<>thing was planned for Saturday night, it just happened. Now that we have our own race course, we would like to see some of the semi-retired GORRA members show up again. The race format held the usual five lap heats and a SO mile com-bined feature race.'The only excit-ing thing about the heats was Tra-vis Hurst's return to the driver's seat. It was the first time since his mishap at the Florida 400 in March. He drove the family Chal-lenger Class car, and when the heat was over he had both a frown and a smile on his face, if that is possible. The smile - his back felt great. The frown - his new motor was a dog. He said he guessed wrong and it was back to Dusty nmc1 the work shop. The Hurst car was done for the day. Another noticeable event in the 1600 heat was Sammy Herrell. He , did us all in again. Starting dead last, he led the first lap and every other lap the entire day. Dennis Aiken drove the only 1600 car that could stay in the same lap with Sammy. Newcomer Steve Langley wori both the heat race and the feature in the. Challenger Class. This is our fastest growing class, and next year we should really have a good field of cars. It's a great way to get started in racing or to just have a fun Sunday afternoon. The feature race combined all classes, with 10 starting first, fol-lowed by the 1600s, then the Challengers. Mickey Smallwood did not start the feature due to broken suspension on his 1600. Bob Rule broke a clutch cable on his 1600 working on lap 5, and lost five laps. So much for his day, but he finished fifth. James Hes-ter, driving the Hurst 1600, was running a strong race and broke an axle on lap 22. Ronnie Whig-ham's 1600 was driven by himself in the heat race, and by Charles Lowery in the feature. A bad back keeps Ronnie from full time driv-ing. Charles has not been around for ·a while:'and everyone was all smiles to see him back. He hasn't forgotten how to drive either, fin-ishing fourth on the day. Bobby Bramblett drove stead-ily all day and finished.third on'! lap behind the ieade and in a lap all by himself. Denni Ai in chased Sammy Herrell all day, and finished second, about 15 seconds behind the flying Sammy. This was Sammy's third straight · victory. Seems like every year we have a new strong front runner. Wish my turn would come up! I've also been asked to DITTO that for Bill Porter, Jack Thomp-son, etc. Sorry fellows, there is not enough room. Everyone must be getting used to the track. No one turned over this week. Good job fellows. · News from the pits includes the insurance regulation that bans children under 12 from the pits. They must be on the spectator side of the fence. There is a good news - bad news story about Dennis Aiken. Dennis, along with four other GORRA entrants, ventured to the Crowder Pits in Tallahassee for the three hour Fast ;unning Sammy Herrell is having a-great year in the 1600 class. He took his third win of the season, leading every lap in his heat and the 50 mile feature. race on Labor Day weekend. Dennis came home with the first place gold. The bad news is that it was his last race in the southeast for a while. Dennis is moving back to Jackson, Michigan in Sep, tember, but he says he will be back for some races next year. We wish you well, Dennis. The 1988 General Meeting will be Saturday, October 22nd at the Colonial Motel, with a new name of Econo-Lodge. Proposed rules changes will be discussed and th_e officers for 1989 will be elected. Sunday will be race day with a SO mile feature event. As of August 21 the GORRA points battle in two of three classes is very close. Sammy Her-rell leads Class 1-2-1600 by four points over Dennis Aiken, who is 16 points ahead of Bobby Bram-blett. Keith Williams has a two point lead over Mike Isola in Challenger Class. Grant Dale leads Class 10 by a big margin, 104 points to Lindy Herrell's 68. Off Roads Winningest Radios OVER 794 ON THE COURSE • Comlink V The_ Ultimate Racing Intercom ROADMASTER "A LEGEND" Helmets wired - $100. (CF) New! RF Pre Amp $95 30% to 50% more range! 2888 Gundry Avenue . Signal Hill, CA 90806 We're next door via U.P.S.I (213) 427-8177 t

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@Off Qa,d / Qoad Racing APPLE· PIE RACING ~.fl.';:il~ '8ot ~ ~ ';:ii~ {70Z} 36Z-tJ4 f 6 (702) 363-2245 a.le.a/;; ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~"'-Compet1t1on T;res · ~ o.:f?· Of/road & Motorcycle Products 22264 Ottawa , Unit 1 Apple Valley, CA 92308 (M9) 240-3186 (800f 892-5263 • ATU INTERNATIONAL SPECIALIZED EXPORT TO SOUTH AFRI CA THE BIGGEST OFF ROAD MARKET OUTSIDE USA. ':l>e11u ~-St"lte, QlJc FOR INCLUSION IN OUR OVERSEAS PROMOTION SEND 2 CATALOGES & EXPORT PRICES. PHONE (714) 77 1-0580 1119 ALVAREZ (OFF MAIN) HOME (7 14) 550-9509 ORANGE, CALIFORNIA 92668 U.S.A. FAX#(714)953 0307 Performance Products Fiberglass Fenders & Hoods• Urethane Bushings & Hood Pins Pop-up Roof Light Kits • V-6 Kits for Mini Trucks Off-Road Truck Fabrication ., Product Catalog_$3.00 (619) 562-1740 10996 N. Woodside Ave. Santee, CA 92071 TOM MINGA FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGES , OFF-RCl,\D RACE PREP. DISTRIBUTOR FOR: FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. \W.DING TUBE SENDING BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, El CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 KENNY PARKS (213) 8C2-1477 14920 SHO EMAKEA,SANT A F E SPRINGS, CA. 90670 Page 40 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES NETS • T OOL BAGS • HARNESSPADS ALL SEATS CAN BE SH IPPED U PS BEARD'S ''SUPER-SEATS'' 208 4th Avenue E. ED & BARBARA BEARD Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 BITCON ENGINEERING 55446 29 PALMS HIGHWAY YUCCA VA~LEY, CA 92284 (619) 365-7649 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business ~rd in the "GOOD STIJFF DIRECTORY., and reach new cwtomen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $18.00 per month. ®rnup ruckmann San Diego <5 19> 578-1585 6 CYLINDER PO RSCHE OFF ROAD RACE ENGINES, W INNERS AT 8626 C O MMERCE A V E . C>< FO R CORKY McMILLIN DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK McM ILLIN IN M IRAMAR (619) 279-2509 CACTUS RACING RACEAIR HELMETS & ACCESSORIES 5153 Bowden Ave.· San Diego, CA 92117 GORDON CLARK CAGLE REGULATOR? Adjusts fuel pressure as you drive, for better mileage and pertor-;~~l:m:'~Wh 1~:vio~8:u~~:~ !farif::'; !~dbll~rng~bl;g; smoke. Controls carb loadup and fuel pushby, with reinforced diaph ragm. $49,95 S1~J:k!,es11 treet Legal Long Beach, CA 90806 Marine Approved Tech lin6 213/595-4987 October 1988 --- ---------car custom OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION SCORE & HORA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL. DISCOUNTS ON : ~ LIIPr-r......-.-, Kl,., lllliiiQllill W IJlI/!il "'""«•--· @RI ~ ~_££ IV -. - Glirl -'Ull'S - -I' 'i0(004H>. _,. r;S;}!..· ... - -.,.,,...,. TWO GIANT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU SUPERSTORE #1 915 W FOOTHILL BLVD AZUSA, CA 91702 818-334-4951 PH RS 969 SUPERSTORE #2 12451 WESTMINSTER BLVD GARDEN GROVE, CA 92643 714-554-9260 . C & M OFFROAD & TRUCK CENTER OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE INC. ~ FEATURING , •.. _. --:'. . DICK CEPEK . PRODUCTS · • Auto/Manu~ Custom Tra~smiss10n Welding . • Engine . & • Accessories Metal Fabrication PARTS AND SERVICE FOR ALL 4WO'S $ ~ ......... ACCcSSORIES (818) 504-0306 SUN Guo,-,-SERVICE . (818) 767-0588 VALLEY 8540 LANKERSHIM BLVD Comer or Larbrshim, I(....., "119• -• 2 Blka. So. of 5 Fwy Car Custom • RACE CAR PREPARATION • HJ-PERFORMANCE ENGINE WORK COMPLETE INSTALLATION & ELECTRICAL HI-PERFORMANCE TRANS WORK • COMPLETE TUNE-UP-STOCK OR HI-PERF. • COMPLETE SERVICE & REPAIR ,:905 W irifiithil/'' : A:iWii¥ f lJJ!J)t96fF9413? Cut out this coupon and mail it to: Dick Cepel<, Inc. 17000 Kingsview Ave., Dept. OT Carson, California 90746 □, I Ive enclosed $9.oo• for my Dick Cepek corduroy Hat, I . 2 Decals, and 1988 Catalog. I I • Canadian & Foreign requesls s~nd $15.00 U.S. currency. I L------~----------------J L YNN CHENOWTH PRESIDEN T 9338 B OND AVENUE (619) 390-8104 EL CAJON. C ALIFDANIA 92021 FAX (619) 390-8601 CHENOWTH CING PRODVCTS. INC. Racing and recreational chassis and accessories. 94 er. on Way El ca·on, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 Dusty nma

Page 40

1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 275-1663 [CNC] Manufacturers of Quality Hydraulic and Automotive Products Send $3.00 for Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS • FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, CA 93465 COOL.WATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Fict' f.ut·u/ l'h11,1c· * Recreation Ruom * Free Movie C/iannel * Swimming Pool "DUSTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619~256-8443 1 70 Coolwater Lane, Barstow :,,-tw!::::''""--~--·.• · BODY & PAINT ~ 35.2400/.· ._ ,, ..... ., ... •_, ' CROWN AUT ERVICE /?I 140 C AVE . . CORONAOO. CA 92118 RAOIATOR v<.,, 9:>lY~ 435·0340 DE COPPEN BROS. RACING D.B.A. DE WURKS Engine-Heads-Transaxles. Carbureted and Turbocharged Motors. Race proven for Street-Strip-Sand and Off Road Racing. We supply all of your racing needs. 70 W. EASY ST., UNIT 6 .805-522-0414 SIMI VALLEY, CA 93065 MONDAY-FRIDAY: 9-6 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY DE UNZIO RACING PRODUCTS HERMAN DeNUNZI0 (805) 683-1211 5760 Thornwood Drive Goleta, CA 93117 Dusty nma TERMINALS. T V -WRA P S . LUGS. W IRE CONVOLUTED TUBING. SHR I N K . AUTO L..OOM . NYL O N C LAMPS. SPECIA L PACKAGIN G . WIRIN G ACCESSOR I E S DHRcoRP 1104-A N. MACLAY S A N FERNANDO . C A 9134 0 (800) 634-9118 (818) 361-1234 PERFORMANCE . TRANSMSSIONS <••> ae1-aoaa DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN 1533 TRUMAN ST. SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to· preferred custom ers . It is :i gre:ir rraffic builder , and the co st is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. (818) 889-5600 "serving the industry since 1976" , j£1-Cl£ ~ DRIVELINE SERVICE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE REPAIRING • BALANCING • CUSTOMIZING PARTS AND SERVICE ON C/V AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS (714) 824-1561 41 6 E. Valley Blvd., Colton, CA 92324 SCORE & HORA CONTINGENCY SPONSORS 24 HOUR EMERGENC Y SERVICE We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Components Bob Cassena 825-0583 888-2703 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 Don Rountree 241 S. Arrowhead Ave. SAN BERNARDINO Octobcr 19N TM FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! _ R_E_N-TA_L_S_ VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE (714) 981-9666 AVAILABLE .963 SEABOARD COURT, UPLAND, CA 91786 ~,.RACING ffj FI/El'1 213-603-2200 Send for our catalog! The most comprehensive catalog of race-proven Off Rood ports ever. From the peop le who hove put more Off Rood drivers in the Winner's Circle than anyone else. Coll , write. carrier pigeon, anything. But do it now. Or you'll be of the bock of the pock. FAT Racing Parts/B.:a Cente~lne Wheels Bllsteln Shocks JaMar Products Sway-A-Way Wright Place Perrno-Cool , Tri-MIi Exhaust S&S Headers -...-.......... ollllllllllll'-Gem Gears Weber Carbs Beard Seats !PF Lights PERl'ORIIBCB ... many more FOR YOUR CATALOG, SEND SS TO FAT PERFORMANCE, 1558 N. CASE ST., ORANGE, CA 92667, OR CALL (714) 637-2889 \LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 R£-IKA8l.t V.W. PAffl 11623 SHELDON ST, SUN VALLEY. CA 913l52 ===--DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 (619) 669-4727 ~ Od Your sn,rr Togetherl FORTI/Y TRA/YSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 92035 ~ Do"IJ Fortin Page 41 ..

Page 41

• (408) 377-3422 Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's Specifications IOX RACING SHOX 544 McG/incey l ane, Unit 8, C1mpb1/I, Calif. 95008 ~?'~~ A Prototype Design & Development Company Specializing In: (619) 449-8322 FRISK BROS. • Racecars, Racetrucks, A TV's • Tube Bending& Metal Fabrication • Aluminum & Steel Sheetmetal 10734 E Kenney Street• Santee, CA 92071 ·Fuel Bladders Quick FIiis Dump Cans 5271 Business Dr. Std. FIiis Huntington.Beach, CA 92649 (714) 897-2858 z~ GILGEORGE -SZ'i-.1·VN0O~1~~ CUCAMONGA. CALI FOR NIA (714) 981-8743 GARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES .SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 1452 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 .6.Hll1fITHS:l&NTJ l I' , . l.f>./' ·· . L~\ " .___.-... ~.. L..-. .J~.rJ..J.79-J. 't.4 .., .. , RISES -"'. ci{ ,, '\. r- J ·.:., I :-:::: ..... ~-•~4."':;;], .~,;~ . \t., ft' ·: : i.J;.:.-~ , .. ,., ' -~ ::::. /j,;-~ . PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & CUSTOM POOLS LICENSED & INSURED • ACID WASHES· FIL TEAS• HEATERS• MOTORS• ETC. BEEP.ER 381-3148 OFFICE 362-4202 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 Page 41 HOUSE of BUGGIES 9027 Campo Road • Spring Valley, CA 92077 • 619-589-6770 * * HAT PINS ** FOR TEAMS, CLUBS, SPECIAL EVENTS HIGH QUALITY * LOW PRICES DEPENDABLE DELIVERY WRITE OR CALL FOR PRICE LIST & SAMPLE PHONE (818) 848-RACE ~ R-:::... BOX 6369 * BURBANK CA 91510-6369 Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 d1@l!Jil1:Y V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 Check out the DUSTY TIMES Special Club Sub Offer (Almost half price for group subscriptions) Call {818) 889-5600 or write DUSTY TIMES . 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS, INC. JERRY JEFFERIES P.O. Box 1538 • 42030-C Avenida Alvarado • Temecula. CA 92390 (714) 676·2066 JOE GIFFIN JG Transwerks "Go with a proven winner" Off Road-Sand & Street · 7037 S. Comstock Ave. #85 Whittier, CA 90602 (213) 692-3642 (213) 692-0171 October 1988 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-1743 . "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 OHN ~CMIC l"IIOO«JCTS OHNSON JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON Send$2.00,0,C...,., CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINN ING .susPfNSION smBIS PER FOR MANCE HIGH PERFORMANCE SHOC"5 P.O. BOX 912 ' JAMUL, CA 92035 (619) 669-1978 10, Time BAJA 1000 Winner DUAL Ii TRFl£ 5HOCI( SYS1B1S RBERClASS 60° V_. 2.a MOTOR PAIR'S ACCHSOaE5 NCE Custom Engines / Transaxles Street · Strip · Otfroad KEITH SCHINDLER (7 14) 599-7627 JIM LANGAN LANGAN CUSTOM METALS Aluminum Bodies • Accessories Fabrication Specialists Covina (818) 966-5625 Dusty flma

Page 42

McKENZIFS AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAftl:HOUal: D1eT111auT011• "011 CIHTIR-LINI WHIIL.S TICTIRA TIRU KC LIGHTS . SUP'l:11 TIIAt-a.-AflK AflllUTOIIS c1a11 LIGHTS MCKINZII AIRl'ILTll:Ra WRIGHT l'LACI DURA ■LUI ULTRA ■OOT Wl8TIRN AUTO TIR[8 II 18-78A-8A38 818-7S!S-!S827 SWAY_•A-WAY ■IL■Tll:IH IHOCKI K,Y.■. IHOCKS ■KAIIIID SCA.Ta Ht:WLAND OIARa GIN Clll:AR8 CROWN M.l'G. NIAL P'RODUCTS IIAP'ID COOL TRI-MIL 129A!S SHll:RMAN WAY, NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA 9180!5 MENDEOLA RACINC TECH NO LOCY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC CEARBOXES ( 619) 2 7 7 -3 100 7577 CONVO¥ COURT, SAN DIE-GO, CA 92111 TABS -BRACKETS -MOUNTS Shearing - Punching - Forming Sawing -Tool Grinding -TIG & MIG Welding RACE CAR COMPONENTS STEVE WRIGHT Riverside, Calif. (714) 351-2515 5\S C \-I{). S Custom Built to Your Needs by Bill Varnes Mike Brown V-ENTERPRISES 37925 Sixth St. East, Unit 107 Palmdalf:!, CA 93_550 805/272-3843 Jim Moulton Racing • Wuun • L• •~ •T• • • • • PRODUCTS ■ Off road racing chassis ■ Fabricatipn and repair ■ Fox shock parts and service ■ Race Car Prep 26846 Oak Ave., Unit G Canyon Country, Calif. 91351 (805) 298-1212 YOUR COMPLETE IGNITION SOURCE Ignitions • Distributors • Rev Limiters Coll■ • Hell-Core Wire■ • Acce■■orie■ AUTOTRONIC CONTROLS CORPORATION 1490 Henry 8renn■n Or., El P■ao, Tx 79936 (915) 857-5200 Dusty nma INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEA~ OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Cut1m9 Brakes'· • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Mas1er Cylinders Complete Catalog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road • Hydraulic Clutches and Thro11les San Diego, C A 92111 ... plus much more. (619) 565-9336 FILTERS "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer T oday - Oil - Fuel - Transmissions - Rearends -Offroad . Oval Track, Drag , Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc .. 12414 Hwy 99 So .. Dept. OT. Everett. WA 98204 DUSTY TIMES BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE $ 1. 7 5 for a single copy $ 1.25 each for 5 or more copies Any mix of dates Send check or money order and your UPS · street address to: DUS'IYTIMES 5331 Derry Ave. , Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 9130 1 OFF RO.AD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6891 SAN DIEGO DR .. BUENA PARK. CA 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 W D V•NS & PICKUP S & M INI TRUCKS PRE · RuN TRUCKS • CuSTOM SPRI NGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM S USPENSION NO B LOCKS USED • WELDING 6c FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 761-9460 Established 1974 PLEASE CALL FOR APPOINTMENT Wants Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Ge.t Involved ! Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-7757 i ..... RJ OFF ROAD INNOVATIONS BOLT·ON PRE·RUNNER ACCESSORIES LIGHT HOOPS TIRE MOUNTS BED KICKERS [6HI 588-2568 CUSTOM FABRICATION 1160 PIONEER WAY, SUITE C, EL CAJON, CA 92020 Oc1obcr 1988 (714) 359-8452 3115 McHarg Road Riverside, CA 92503 ~Q lP~WOO~l1l1 1660 Babcock Bldg. B Costa Mesa. Ca 92627 (714) 650-3035 Fabrication ✓ Coil Over Suspension ✓ FoxShoxPartsAndService ✓ Race Car Wiring ✓ Race Car Prep. ✓ Tum Key Race Cars FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Shop - Steak House - Watering Hole Saloon Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER, CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL■ AMERICAN■ CANADIAN o Off-ROAD · ~r-4 R~CING~ ~:~~ . ~ ? . P. 0 . BOX 323eSEAHURST, WA 98062 (206) 242-1773 19000 Bagby Dr. Canyon Country PREPCo. RACE CAR MAINTENANCE RICHARD PARCELLS (805) 251-9631 PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DE.SIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLIN015 H W Y NEW LENOX. ILLINOIS 6 0451 18151 485-RACE 172231 Page 43

Page 43

. I GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY IS OF 1'°' AL KEV (213) 515-3570 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES MARTINEZ, CA 94553 TELEPHONE: (415) 228-7576 Telephone : (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 DO UG FREEMAN (213) 320-9584 . M P.O. BO X 3757 GARDENA. CA 90247•7457 The Leader in • Lubricant and Fuel . System Technology RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovi a, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses. Ghias and 914 's (213) 583-2404 ~~· SA NDERPsE RVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING S9Z I W1Jmmg1011 A venue Los Ange/cs. Californ,a 90001 Mark Smith GLASS READ FLOURESCENT INSPECTION MAGNETIC PAAllCAL Larry Smith '-'":J:- . . ·----•··•-~ Sa# 7~ ,'EelA/)11 ~ \ 1 •• ':j 77 Page 44 ,~ 1533 Truman Street San Fernando Ca 91340 Phone : (818) 361-121 5 NEW LOCATION IN ORANGE COUNTY 'SIMPSOll i.. ~ RACE PRODUCTS .j 1130 N. Kraemer Blvd., ·c· Anaheim, California 92806 (714) 630-8861 Get the word out about your business, big or small . Put your busineu card in the "G(X)D STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new cuatomen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $18.00 per month. NEW LOCA TJON IN THE VALLEY SIMPSOll RACE PRODUCTS 16053 Victory Blvd. #4 Van Nuys, CA 91406 (818) 780-4444 FAX (818) 780-4567 -------------_,,;;;;;;.--_;;;;.,_----------=== - - -·--~~=: = -----RACINGPRooocTs----: 115 OCTANE RACING GASOLINE Anat,e1m. CA ........................... (714) 630-3810 Bakersfield. CA . ........................ (805) 324-9882 Bullhead City. AZ . . . • • . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . (602) 758-5480 Colton. CA ... .......................... (714) 877-0226 Concord. CA ........................... (415) 676-4300 Denver, CO ............................ (303) 750-9619 El Centro, CA .......................... (619) 352-4721 Fullerton, CA ........... ................ (714) 635-5553 Hayward, CA ........................... (415) 783-6500 Lancaster. CA .......................... (805) 9~8-6044 Las Vegas, N V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (702) 643-9200 Long Beach, CA .................. . ..... (213) 432-3949 Los Angeles, CA ........................ (213) 531-0192 Oakland, CA ..... · ...................... (415) 261-6900 Phoenix, AZ ...... . ..•.... : . •....... . ... (602) 899-1324 Pleasant Hill, CA ..........••.......•.... (415) 798-2201 Riverside, CA ....................... .... (714) 877-0226 Salinas. CA ............................. (408) 422-9808 Santa Barbara, CA .......... ............ (805) 963-9366 San Jose, CA ........................... (408) 294-4513 Van Nuys, CA ...... : : .............. . ... (818) 785-0902 Ventura, CA ............................ (805) 659-5609 Yuma, AZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (602) 782-6543 PO Box 610. 333 Wesl Broadway. Su,le 202 (213} 437 4373 Long Beach. Cailforn,a 90801-0610 -. . ~T,UM P 'R Race Engineering 5316 W. Luke Ave. Glendale, AZ 85301 602/435-2797 October 1988 T.R. STUMP President RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS (714) 630-8283 Anaheim, CA 1987 BUDWEISER FRT SUPERSTITION SERIES . CHAMPIONS JOEY ADZIMA, JR. · CLASS 10 STEVE WOLCOTT· CLASS 1-2-1600 CECIL WRIGHT · OPEN UNLIMITED NICK GROSS · CHALLENGER CLASS KEN GOLOJUCH · BIG TRUCK CLASS AL DELAROSA · LITTLE TRUCK CLASS GREG SANDEN · CLASS 5 TODD TEUSCHER · CLASS 100 CHUCK MEAD · CLASS 6 (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 Trackside Photo, Inc. Commercial Photography Peter L. Hatch (213) so9-1n2 1507 E. Del Amo Blvd. • Carson, CA 90746 NACE THANS BY JEFF REIJ)'S TRfiNSflXLE ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 9833 Deering UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 TA~c~· 112 Octane "D'lck 118 Octane Super-Trick 100 Octane Unleaded racing gasoll-Alameda County (415) 538-RACE Phoenix (602) 952-2575 Bakersfield (8051 393-8258 Portland/Vancou~r (2061693-3600 &emerton (206) 377-7951 Ri~rside (714) 787-8141 . Den~r 13031 452-5239 Sacramento 1916) 638-RACE El Centro 1619) 352-2600 . San Diego 1619) 460-5207 Hawaii 1808) 682-5589 Saugus (805) 259-3886 Huntington Beach 17141 536-8808 Seattle 1206) 833-0430 Long Beach (213) 979-0198 Spokane (509) 483-0076 Los Angeles (213) 863-4801 TriCities (509) 547-3326 Las Wgas (702) 871-1417 Tucson (602) 326-8770 Orange Covnty /7141 634-0845 Wenatchee 15091 663-2912 Dusty nma

Page 44

,;:,~ Manufacturers costs." the change felt the additional in George's 1-2-1600 car. Two The Nevada 500 has been run Speeding up and down the weight of a passenger was a disad-other Checkers came home a little by now, results next month. Let's Advisory Board Report cqurse on race day by mechanics vantage, and would force all Open the worse for wear for their hope that there were enough in chase trucks elicited this sar-Class vehicles to become single efforts. Greenway broke his hand . Checker condoms in the pit boxes The Manufacturers Advisory casm from Fish: "Some of you seaters. while getting a third in Class 10, for all those who needed them. Council for the HORA/Score people ought to fire your drivers There has been a recent devel-and Seeley, while trying for more Remember, one size fits all! Desert Series met the Monday and make racers out of your opment in the Competition ESPN highlights, did his Howard Ferd's back! The Lost Gonzo after the Score Riverside races to mechanics. They are getting Review Board as far as determine Anderson impersonation and Air Force is no longer leaderless. discuss problems and rules that around faster thin. your paid pro-·ing when and, where these meet-bent up the roof of his Baja Bug. A court martial was . held, the are current and yet to come. The fessionals." The consensus was ings are held at the end of each Peralta was once again trying to Commander was found techni-problem under discussion was that factory teams and sponsors event. The Buggy Reps have made prove he is not an Iranian by serv-cally not guilty, but was fined pre-running and land use abuse. will work with racing officials when-arrangements with IDRA to make ing tacos to all the guys on Satur-anyway. Good taste and obscenity Score International President ever possible to discourage the a sign up sheet available for racers day around the Checker Corner. laws prevent me from going into Sal Fish, speaking also on behalf practice of reckless or excessively who want to attend the CRB Hey Lou,. keep dishing out grub detail, but Checker justice was of Tom Spiel of the High Desert fast chase truck driving. meeting with details on time and like that and you can claim to be done. Hey Ferd, are ya gonna take Racing Association, said pr·e-In other business, a committee location of the meeting. The sign from ANYWHERE you want. the pit at Mike's at the 1000? running of desert race courses in meeting of factory engineers was up sheet will be located at the ' Steve Brown recently bought a The Baja de Lou II, held in San the HORA/ Score series will be authorized to discuss opening up same place as the unofficial race Felipe instead ofTecate, had a big boat and put his race car up for more restricted in the future. At the 1990 rules to allow Jeep to times are posted. This should help drop in Checker entries, as four sale. Sez Brown, "it's for sale, not the same time Fish called on the field a competitive vehicle in the avoid any confusion that m:i,y cars and most of the pitters could gonna race it anymore." See ya at manufacturers to help police race mini pickup Class 7, and to search arise in getting a racer who wants not handle the change and bowed Parker Steve, boat, race car and all day abuses by chase crews racing for rules that would bring the four to present an opinion in the front out. But, even with the change -bet ya. to meet competitors at pit stops. wheel drive Class 4 closer to pro-of the CRB. over 100 entries left the line at The, next big race coming up is 'The two issues of pre-running duction standards than it is in the If you are interested in serving midnight. Chris Armstrong, in the Baja 1000 in November with and chasing will play a key role in new, 1989-1990 rule book. The on the CRB, or for that matter Loggins car, soloed the race for a the Baja de Lou III somewhere in the future of our sport in the meeting will be held in Detroit in being a Driver Rep, you should let third overall car, second in class Baja in October. Speaking of Lou desert," Fish said after the meet-October. your R_epresentative know so you finish. Good r~ce Chris! Hey Log-and Mexico, let's hope that he ing. "On the one hand, federal A proposal by Mazda to allow can be considered when a vacancy gins, does this mean that Arm-won't be a party killer again like and local authorities have been rotary engines in Class 7 was occurs. Serving on the CRB usu-strong is gonna start all the races he was at the June race in Ensen-inconsistent in their requirements tabled for future discussion, pos-ally means staying at the race loca-from now on? Speaking of this ada. Seems Lou showed up at the about pre-running, and we have sibly at the next meeting sche-tion an extra day and making deci-hotshot duo, it seems that Jim's traditional Checker pre-race maintained that we want to res-duled, December 2 at the Gold sions that are never easy. As far as race car was spotted at the Coun-· meeting held at one of the local . trict the practice. On the other Coast Hotel fa Las Vegas, Nev-being a Driver Rep, attendance at ty Fair in Palmdale on display downstairs bars and brought his hand, some of the restrictions we ada. Copies of the 1989-1990 eight meetings a year and most of without even one Checker sticker wife. Get your act together Lou, are faced with are not in the best rule book were distributed, and the races ·is a minimum requir~-on it. Loggins was lucky enough these meetings are serious interest of protecting the envir-are now available to all from ment. to miss the me·eting when it was Checker business, not some fam-onment or safeguarding the safety Score and HORA. ~ -brought up, but Armstrong was ily get together! of the competitors. We are trying 'lhe Driver • there. As the abuse was directed The word is that we are going to to write our own parameters to towards Loggins, someone up with CORE to pit the justify what we feel is logical, Representatives reasonable and environmentally gested that his co-driver pay the 1000 this year. After our expe-sound. We've already made our By Mike Church OFF-ROAD RACING TEAM proposed fine. Chris was smart rience with the CORE'. pits in the ·; enough to slip out of the meeting Baja 500 race, t_he 1000 pits general reaction known in negoti-At the request of several racers, ations with the BLM and other_ the Buggy Class Reps looked into The Straight Poop from early and miss the Sergeant at should work smoother, especially i\gencies." the prospect of combining Classes the 'Big W aluoo' Arms report. That Armstrong is a if we keep in mind that these guys lot smarter than he looks! are not Checkers and should not The debate on pre-running, 1 and 2 into one Open Class. The Hey Checker dudes, was River-Ivan Utgardsky, formerly Bob be expected to act like Checkers. Fish told the council, centers on criteria for pursuing this kind of side a party or what? This one was Recently Carl Wilson came up the U.S. Bureau of Land Man-request, formally, was that almost once again called the last River-Utgard, appears to be bringing the for a vote for full membership, agement proposed restrictions to every Class 1 and Class 2 racer side Race, but rumors are already Russians over to race the Baja and was voted in unanimously two days of"course observation" would have to be informed of spreading about an '89 version. 1000 this year and is asking for when it was disclosed that, when and the HORA/ Score stand that such a change.· Informal surveys My spy over at Score HQ tells me Checker pit support for three faced with' a choice of either his one Week is necessary to give were done by both Mark McMil- that Sal is already planning on set-entries. Aside from needing an race car or his wife, he chose his competitors a minimum safety lin and David Kreisler, and ting up a Riverside type course in exception to the bylaws, some Raceco. This guy is definitely margin by familiarizing them with enough drivers were found to b~ our favorite college parking ·lot important issues were raised. Checker material.Welcome Carl. the course. against the to warrant and calling it "Riverside de Bar-Would Burack accept Rubles as Fish told the manufacturers he dropping the idea completely. stow"; good traditions die hard, payment for . pit fees, and if so, · Well, that's all for now. hopes they will discourage their Had enough active racers been don't they? does he even know what a Ruble Remember t-rue stories of teams from searching for short found in favor of such a move, a As far as this Riverside was looks like? Big John stated flatly Checker daring ·do, both on and cuts during pre-runs. "Our formal Class 1 and Class 2 vote concerned, the Club had one class that he won't pit 'em unless off the course at the Nevada 500 courses are well marked, and would have been taken. Drivers win. Jim Stiles extended his win someone teaches him enough in ·next month's column. And, I that's where we expect everybody who wanted the change cited streak to two Class 1 victories in a Russian to say "Hey commie, assure you that all whore house to race," Fish said. "Short cuts larger purses and better recogni-row, and more big contingency shut up and get back in the car." stories will be handled with the damage the environment, and tion from potential sponsors as money from his engine sponsor. Things could get interesting, so tact and dignity that they deserve. that's what we will avoid at all reasons. Those who against Thompson and Wolfe got a fifth stay tuned Comrades. You have my word it! GO.OD STUFF DIRECTORY LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C Fullerton, Ca. 92631 Lou,ie Unser (714)·879-8440 · WOODS WHEEL WORKS Off Road Products Front and Rear Trailing Arms • Spiooles Su~ Spec!allsts • Custom Wheels (602) 242-0077 2,733 W. Missouri Dustynma Phoenix, AZ. 85017 =C.!..~~PAINT tWP aJ471NGS.:CRAh1,U;* WJl/08 "-t~ TO MCI MAINT£NANCI• fJmll'lllt)iJ,JHIR/Nt;lc . ~I/rt W0v78"1orR~J1p~ -~!9• o 'J'HE WINNERS CHOICE WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports wiMing drivers and engine builders. Just ask the top professionals before buying your next cam. Our dedication to performance and quality keeps you on top. Call WEB-CAM for your winning cam lor streer, strip and off-road or send ~;t~~~~~e c,omplete _____ .,, .WEB-CAM 12387 Doherty St., Dept. OT PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS Riverside, CA 92503 (714) 735-2200 • Nol legal lor sale III CA on pollution controlled ~, n,c/es. .,. October 1988 Engine & Machine VW -PORSCHE • OFF ROAD 947 RANCHERO S DRIVE SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 741-6173 Two for the OH-Road! ROtVWs ~~j~' For advertising rates & information_contact Wright Publishing Co., Inc.· PO Box 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 .Pase 45 ,.

Page 45

Classified ••• FOR SALE: Rally electronic odometer, Comp Tron Mach 1. LED readout, increment mileage only, $100OBO. Rally intercom, Finvox, made in Finland $100 OBO, both used only one season. New Dunlop rally tires, 195-14. $40 ea. OBO. Four point race harnesses, $100. for both. Call Jeff at (818) 352-5729. FOR SALE: Class 5 convertible. Valley Performance 2240 engine, fresh Valley l'erformance bus transmission, Hewland gears, Bil-steins, Wright front end, power steering, 2 wheel disc brakes, secondary torsion bar set up, fuel cell, Beard seats. Prepped and ready to race. Make offer. Call Gn;g days (702) 641-1400 or eves before nine (702) 731-6708. FOR SALE: Class 5, race ready, fresh motor & trans, all Hewland gears, P.S. by Unique, 32 gal. cell, trailer ang spares and all equip. $81500 OBO. Call (619) 728-0837. FOR $,ALE: Rally Cars: 1980 Corolla T-C, ex-Watanabe/ Mil-ler. Rolled, $2000. Volvo 242 Special. A winner for $5000! 1986 Corolla SR5/ GTS roller, $1000. Volvo 343, the only one in U.S, $ 1000. Also, CLOSE OUT PRICES on seats, belts, . tires, wheels, lights, pins, etc. Call Topi (818) 765-5542 6-10 p.m. l R -c FOR SALE: Class 1-1600, very competitive. 1985 VORRA class winner. Wright front end, Beard seat, Sway-A-Way in rear, fuel cell, 105H WB and more. Turn key car. $6,500 or $3,500 w/ o engine and trans. Call Randy at (702) 329-0940 or (702) 827-9121. FOR SALE: HEWLAND DG 300 trans by Doug Fortin. Com-plete prep in April '88. 50 miles, test only, $6,500. 2 700cc Fat type IV, dual W ebers and all the good stuff. Zero miles since prep in June '88, $6,500. Call John at (213) 595-5545. FOR SALE: Class 5 Conv., Fox, Bilstein, 30 gal. fuel cell, Parke_r Pumper, 930 CVs, Wright power steering, everything fres~, 2332 Dyno Shop _built motor. Best of everything. Gene Berg crank, wedge mated, Carillo rods, 142 true horsepower. One race on motor. $7,500 takes everything, spares included. Call ( 714) 626-8663. FOR SALE: Class 8 Ford, 351W. -C6-Rev. valve body-high stall conv. Nodular 9" rear 4:86 SIB 35 spline axles new Aug. '88 - 22 gal. A TL cell, Pred. carb - lots of extras, complete w / tandem trailer. $6,500. Call Roger at (608) 249-4383. FOR SALE: Funco Class 10 short course race car. Ready to race. Alum. I beam, 1650cc VW eng., disc brakes, Dura Blue stubs, axles, torsion bars, Fuel Safe cell, Mastercraft seat. All the best FOR SALE: 73-87 KlO Chevy parts. Trailer and many spares. frame, brand new from factory, Must sell. $5,000. Call Mike at $700. NP 203 transfer case w/ stock turbo 350 trans (KlO) (602) 992-3968. $325. Turbo 350 trans Art Carr FOR SALE: Class · 1, 10, or 2 built, manual valve body, 2500 1985 Raceco. 125"' WB, long rpm stall convertor $500. Call travel coil over front. Currently Dennis at (714) 620-1242. set up for Class 1 with 2666 Type FOR· SALE: Baja Class 5, street IV. Will sell complete or less eng. legal, full race car. Ten Fox & trans. $20,000 complete, shocks, big Sway-A-Ways, new $12,000 less eng. -& trans. Car Beard seats, colorful custom equipped with best of everything. paint, Wright box, spindles and Call Jim at (213) 591-5665. arms, big fuel cell. Built bus box, WANTED: Good 2-1600, race fresh 1650cc with Dellorto, ready. Will trade equity in 2 acres Cepek tires, Centerlines. $5,800. at Silver Saddle Ranch in Califor-FOR SALE: Class 10 Raceco. Fin-ishes top 5 every race. Fat 1650, Hew land Gears, fresh trans. Car is prepped and ready to race. $15,000with trailer. Contact Rex Keeling at (619) 379-5159. Box 506, Lake Isabella, CA 93240. f,;" FOR SALE: Class 5/pre-runner, new 9 .. wider beam, Wright front arms, bus trans, 1835 VW tur-. hos, Bilstein, 22 gal. cell, new paint, professionally prepped, many spares, $8,00d. Call Dennis at (714) 646-5232. -""''· :&;...,. FOR SALE: 1-1600 C~enowth Magnum built by Net~ I Racing Works, Dyno tested Kelron Ent. engine, Henry's cliff., Hewland gears, UMP power steering, wind-shield. CLASS RULES !MAXI-MIZED. Will sell less engine or trans, includes all spares_ and extras. $13,950. Call W,ill Hig-man weekdays at (714) 848-8222. FOR SALE: 32' Wells Cargo 5th wheel enclosed trailer. 5th wheel included. Carpeted inside w/ cabinets. Perfect for your race car. $5,000 OBO. Conta<:t Jerry at MTEG (714) 938-4100 days. FOR SALE: Ford Ranger short course truck. MTEG legaJ, Co~ worth engine, Z F transmission, Mag Danna 60, air suspension, $221500. Call Enduro Racing at (714) 528-1196. FOR SALE: 1981 Chevy Blazer FORSALE:GREATPRE-RUN-2WD. New 350ci. A/T, PIS, NER, '72 Ford full roll cage, P /B, P /W, POL, C.C., tilt, A/ C, Summers Bros. 9 .. rear end, Art AM-FM Cass., Silverado Int., Carr tranny, I-beam susp., triple new paint, 30 gal. tank, push bar, shocked all around, BFG 33 .. All skidplate, 12 shock suspension, Terrain, Street tagged, 400 .. longer rear springs, taller front Chevy motor, $11,500. Contact springs with balls. $10,500 030 . . Don McCormack Parker, AZ, 2 way FM also available. Call (;:...60_2-'-)_66_9_-2_2_2_8_. _____ _ Craig at (818) 799-3430. FOR SALE: Class 2-1600, Bill FOR SALE: Trailer 18 ft. long, 8 Varnes frame, Fuelsafe cell, Beard ft .. wide. Diamond plate floor, seats, Wright steering, adjustable tandem axle, electric brakes on torsion bars front and rear, Fox both axles, chrome wheels, tool shocks, Neal pedals, Filler belts, box, full width fold down ramp, Centerline wheels, Bus trans, will carry buggy and 3 ATCs. stainless steel lines and more. $2,100. Call Ron at (818) 339-· Never finished, 80% completed, 8523. would make great pre-runner for FOR SALE: '83 Chenowth 2 seat Call John at (916) 677-7529. nia City (includes Ranch mem-pre-runner. 110" WB, Bus trans FOR SALE: 5~1600 race car bership). Call for details. Herb w/Hewland gearset & Henry's parts.Now European 1600ccrace Smith, work (818) 334-4486, 091 Billet differential, Wright motor, Don Strong race trans, eves/weekends (714) 596-8308. arms, combos & rack, UMP · Dura Blue stub axles, complete FOR SALE: 1985 Toyota PU power steering, 300 M bars, 930 anodized dash w /2 VDO gauges, Class 14 champion, all the good CV s w /Saco cages, Summers 6 waterproof switches, door pan- stuff, Yoko tires, new Curnutt stubs & axles, Centerlines & els, 1 setofType4 busCVs, front shocks, race ready, many extra y okohamas, 25 gal. tank,, 2020 Sway-A-Way 5 leaf springs, .Bil-parts and much more. 1985 Chen-FOR SALE: House in Bullhead motor, recent rebuild. Current steinsteeringstabilizerw/ bracket, _owth 2-1600, race ready, all the City, AZ across the street from green sticker & pinkslip. lncludes 4 inner tubes and 1 gal. of sealant, extras, with trailer, getting out of the beautiful Colorado Ri,ver. single axle sprung trailer w/ elec- eight inch Bilsteins and 2 Bosch racing must sell $16,000 firm Great 2nd home; 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 · tronic brakes & Firestone radials. coils. Used Fuel Safe and 26mm cash. Call Steve at ( 619) 367- car garage. Energy efficient. 1650 $7,950 OBO., Call Mike Men- torsion bars. Call Alex at {213). 9156or(619)367-7361 or(805) sq. ft. + garage, $89,950. Call deola at (619) 277-3100. 472-0957. Leave Message. 489-2384. · Large at (602) 763-7880. a few dollars! $5,500 OBO. Call Andy at (805) 296-0854 or (805) 296-8110 answer machine. ENJOY YOURSELF r-----lllilii·----------------~-------------------------,. · · · . Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I I I I I I I I .I DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for45 wC:,rds each month,not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of qlack and white photo, or a very sharp color print. · NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is Fl\EE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All classified ads must be paid in advance. Enclosed is $ ____ (Send check or money order, ~o cash). Please run ad _______ times. Name------------------------"---------Address ______________________ Phone-------Ciry _________________ _ State _____ lip ______ _ Mail to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 Plgc46 I I I I Race in the BUDWEISER DUNAWAY DASH Sat., Dec. 31, 1988. Info: -FUD (619) 427-5759 The Final Race of the FRT Superstition Fall Series Dusty Tlma

Page 46

FOR SALE: Custom Blazer 2WD pre-runner, full race cage, 4 wheel disc, 12 sho~ks, built 406 Chevy engine, fiberglass front-end, etc., etc. Best of everything, $45,000 invested. Will sell for $20,000. For more details call Dave West-hem at (213) 556-5499. FOR SALE: 2440cc Type 1, Scat 88 stroke crank, Carillo 5.600 rods, Cima 94mm pistons and barrels, ARPM cases with 100 drop cam, Auto Craft dry sump pump with tank, Headflow HO heads with big valves, single or dual carb, Goshen dynoed and tuned. 200 mi. Call Jerry Penhall. $3,500. (714) 650-3035. FOR SALE: Class 1 or 10 very competitive car. Last driven by Bud Feldkamp and Ron Gardner. Class 1 short course car last driven by Marty Tripes. Baja Bug set up for pre-running, Mendeola 3 speed, 2 Class 10 motors and a lot more. Call Tracy Valenta at (818) 982-1961. FOR SALE: Class 10 Funco A-arm short course car. New Rev-power Rabbit motor, new Kreisler trans, 6 new 12"' Fox shocks, new paint, new fuel cell, new radiator, 6 spares XLNT cond. Best of everything, fast. Ready to race. $11,500 OBO. Call (818) 891-8223. FOR SALE: Class 10 ORE 118"' WB. Power steering, Carr discs, Jamar hydraulics, Wright com-bos, Fox shocks, secondary rear, 21 gal. Fuelsafe, Mastercraft, w/ lumbar, Parker Pumper, Neo sealed Type 1, much more, excel-lent condition, many spares, must see. $15,000 complete. Rod Ev-erett (213) 775-3431 days. Ed or John at German Auto (213) 863-1123. FOR SALE: Class 5-1600, needs trans, motor and fuel cell. Has beefed IRS rear arms, 22" KYB on long travel front beam, fuel cell mount, 33" Yokohamas on Cen-terlines, Sandblasters on front Centerlines. Asking $2,000 as is. Call (619) 243-5358. WANTED: 2 seat turnkey newer Challenger car. Will trade 2 seat 85 to 90 MPH jet boat, fresh pro-built 482 Cl Chevy, 2-750 Hol-lys, roller cam and rockers, trick pump and intake, lots of chrome and anodizing, or will sell boat for $6,500. Call ( 714) 681-0350 eves. or leave message. FOR SALE: Class 1-1600Funco, 114"' WB, Wright front end, l.T.S. trans w/all Hewland gear sets, stainless cliff., Mastercraft, Parker Pumper, Turbo CVs, Sway-A-Way, Dura Blue, and more. Call Bob at (619) 691-9171 or 585-1616 or Mark at (619) 420-0042. Price $11,000. Dusty nma FOR SALE: Class 5-1600 race FOR SALE: Funco Class 1, ready car. Fresh DRP engine, heads, bus to race. Fresh 2240 with Scat trans, bus CVs, Dura Blue axles crank. New trans with all Hew-and stubs, Fox shocks, Wright land. Curnutt front end. Flame rack, 10" front end, Wright spin-Out, Pumper,Ja-mar, UMP sheet dles, Simpson seats, VDO, fuel metalandl>.S.Sway-A-Way,Fuel cell. Car is fresh and race ready. Safe, etc. Includes trailer and 2nd place in Snore point series, spares. $10,000 or trade for very competitive car. Call Large motor home or dualie. Call Roger Off Road at (602) 763-7880. at (818) 445-7705 eves. Price $7,500. FOR SALE: PARTS -Woods 3x3 trailing arms, $375. Dura Blue stub axles $150. Dura Blue drive axles $160. Sway-A-Way torsion bars 28mm $120. SAW spring plates $65. Wright 10 .. beam/with adjusters $175. Will-wood disc brakes and rotors $450. 4-8"' Fox shocks $ 100 ea. 33xl0:50-15 Yokohamas from $50-65. Centerline wheels from $50up. Type 12276DRPmotor, best of everything, Engle, Cima CB crank, Elite 600 heads, duel 48 Webers, flywheel, Bosch, Tri-mil headers: Fresh $2150. Call Large Off Road at (602) 763-7880. FOR SALE: T-Mag single seat Challenger. Beard, Yokohamas, Bilteins, FBI cell, Saco rack, all the good stuff, new engine.Winner of ADRA Penasco Twilight 250. $8,500. All new 20' enclosed Wells Cargo trailer, $4,500. after 5:00 p.m. call George at (505) 281-5599. Subscribe to DUSTY TIMES See Form Page 3 Tech flps By Bill Savage, Chainnan HDRA-SCORE Technical Committee Now that the 1989-1990 rule them before they have -to be book is out, I'd like to suggest that retired. everyone look it over very care- This is not a signal that we will fully, especially competitors in allow a lot of new, radical four Classes 5 and 11, which had a lot wheel drives to be "grandfa-of changes. We discussed some of thered" if they can be built in time those changes in Class 5 in the last for the ·Presidente Score Baja column. In Class 11, we are allow- 1000. We only intend to accom-ing a ion adjuster in the rear, modate the people who have been and the new rules spell out how supporting the two classes right you can make use of an electrical ~long. Between now and then, we fuel pump ( only as a back up to will formulate some guidelines on the stock mechanical system). how to determine exactly which The rule is the same as it is in the vehicles can be "grandfathered" new Class 9. in Class 3. So, keep watching this Class 9 is the new designation space. for the Challenger Class. It makes The dates are tentative, but a lot of sense to give the class a right now it will be either October number, and the new rule book 5-6 'or October l 7-18 when we gave us that opportunity. meet with the truck manufactur-ln the past there have not been ers in Detroit to determine how many competitors in Class 3, but - rules will be influenced not only they also should give a good read-by their desires to achieve more ing to the new rule book, and so stock configurations in truck should the people who have been classes, but also where their prod-waiting for the new rules to build uct designs are leading them in the a Class 3 vehicle. As you know, near term future. We'll be look-we have folded Class 14 into Class ing at Class 4 for possible new 3, and at the same time cast the direction as early as the 1990 sea-rules to a more stock four wheel son, as the manufacturers say they drive configuration. To accomp- want to return to more stock con-lish this, we have "grandfathered" figurations as soon as possible in the few remaining modified four this class. On the second day of wheel drives so that their owners our meeting, we'll be looking at can get some more races out of new prouct plans. So this --------------------------amounts to a look into the future FOR SALE: Class 2 Raceco Eagle. Absolute "state of the art" in · design, fabrication, and equip-ment. 135"' WB, 420 HP, 291 CID 90° Fischer alum. block Chevrolet V6, Powerglide trans., Winters quick-change rear end, plus many spare parts, including 14 mounted tires. Over $80,000 invested. Asking $39,500 for package or $31,500 w / o engine. Will consider partial trade for clean street car or SCCA road race car of comparable value. Only raced three times. Excellent condition. Must see to appreciate the quality and potential of this car. Call Dick Young, days (213) 426-1912, eves. (213) 498-7812. FOR SALE: Seven Motorola VHF FM radios. 40 watts, also 60 watt base station with remote. All on the same frequency. Antennas included. Great for race team or small business. $2,000 for every-thing. Call Roger at (818) 445-7705. WANTED: Experienced chase crews for the Baja 1000.Nov.6, 1988. We are forming a new team to campaign a Class 8 Ford for the full 1989 season and wish to shake down the truck and crew at the Baja 1000. Qualified person-nel needed. Send resume to Baja 1000, 39067 Orchard St., Cherry Valley, CA 92223. All replies confidential. FOR SALE: 1970 Chevy 3/4 ton PU, with 8 ft. cab over camper. 401 Cl big block, low miles, 4 sp. trans, Hellwig overload springs, big tires, dual exhaust, new brakes, wheel bearings, seals, etc. Cruise control and Blaupunkt stereo with amp. $2,500 OBO . . Call Bob at ( 805) 5 2 7 -1892 after 4:00p.m. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS forClasses3, 4, 7, 7S, 7 4x4 and 8. Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . 11 Boulevard GMC . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 California Pre Fuh . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 Car Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . . . . 8 C.O.R. V.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 FAT Performance ........... 31 Fluid Damper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 FRT Dunaway Dash . . . . 4, 32. 46 Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Glen Helen OHV Park . . . . . . . . . 6 BFGoodrick -Tire Division . .. . .. .. .. .. . 24-25 IPF Motorsports . . .. .. .. . . . . 19 KC HiUtes ................ 15 Mazda Motors of America ...... · 2 McKenzie Automotive ........ 33 I Nevada Off Road Buggy 14 Oxman Publishing Co. . . . . . . . . 29 P.C.I. Race Radios . . . . . . . . . . 39 Pulsar Batteries . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Score Baja 1000 . . . . Back Cover Marvin Shaw Race Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Simpson Race Products . . . . . . . 7 SNORE Yoko Loco . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Station 1 . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 35 Stiles-Sawyer Racing . . . . . . . . 17 Trackside Photo Both Classes 7S and 7 4x4 are affected by the new rule book in several ways. But, it's taking a while to digest the feedback, and we'd like more time for the com-petitors to read, interpret and question the new rules. So, look for a discussion of these new rules in the next column. Technical rules discussions once a month by the buggy class competitors have been working out very well lately. We appre-Enterprises ............. . Tri Mil Industries .......... . 37 ciate all of the contributions the 26 class reps have been making. Now Valley Performance -Hewland ............... . Wright Place ............. . it appears that the truck class rac-28 ers are getting organized. We look 21 forward to benefitting from their contributions. , 1989 FORD RANGER FIBERGLASS NOW AVAILABLE! Update your current Ranger to 1989 aero styling, design to retain stock appearance and allow 34" tall tires. SCORE/HORA legal, bolts to stock panels or DZUS on. Reinforced hood to stop distortion at speed. Racers Price Available. -CALIFORNIA 'PRE-FUN (714) 845·4402 39057 Orchard St. Cherry Valley, CA 92223 Curt Leduc, Owner 0ctobcr 1988 Used by: Manny Esquera Douglas & Johnson Swift/Leduc Pagc47 ,., ..

Page 47

ENTER NOW! ""' S.urlM..UtJJri ISUSUf """""'""' , ••. ~,;o -(> .... ~ """'!' ;{5Ni'AGUERRERO ' c_....,,.._!',. ":~ " - ' ~ ' , ... '' ·:Y{~~, UINTIN tr ~ .... \. , -··',l, J:., -.---... CctboSo,,o..,.,,,;,, &> •~ ~ , ;c § ~ . .. ~ r _____ _ SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10th-M • RACE HEADQUARTERS at Riviera Convention Center. • REGISTRATION at Riviera Convention Center, 10:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. • CONTINGENCY on Blvd. Lopez Mateos (in front of Bahia), 10:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. • TECH INSPECTION at end of Contingency Row on Ave. Alvarado, 11 :00 a.m.-6:30 p.m. NOTE: There will be NO pre-race Impound. • MANDATORY DRIVERS/RIDERS MEETINGS - Riviera Convention Center -- 5:00 p.m. - All Mexican Entries - 6:00 p.m. -All Motorcycle & 4-Wheel ATV Classes - 7:00 p.m. - All 4-Wheel Classes & Odysseys TENEMOS UNA JUNTA ESPECIALMENTE PARA LOS MANE-JADORES DE HABLA ESPANA CON INTERPRETES PRESENTES. JUEVES, NOV. 10 A LA 5:00 P.M., RIVIERA DEL PACIFICO. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11th-• RACE DAY - Motorcycles/ATVs start approx. 6:00 a.m. Four-wheeled classes start aprox. 7:30 a.m. Odysseys start approx. 9:30 a.m. Endurance Safari will start approx. 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 13th-• AWARDS PRESENTATION - 12:00 noon. , .... 0 ······· .. -•, ;; •I• .,.,..,Y .:.~., ---:, • ,. 11.p .. ·---c;,o .-c.· .":\ I , PAR Ut.: """:--:-; ---:,•· a " I . • si .... r--~ I ·"P... ._,. co smuc,qtr ' l\aoE 1a11 ,, ..... "°", lLI y,,,." 1, ~CJ( .... ~,,... ... q: E .... ·-i .~• .,•4 ,..,., I•~••"''• '· : ,;•;),.,1!, .• ~ . ....... . ■:., ... . . PU[RTECITOS tt ts essential all persons participating In this event as a compe,-tltor. pit crew, official or course worM:r, u well as observers and spectators, realize that motor racing is a sport that is considered to be dangerous. Our rules are as stringent as possible to minimize that danger, but ..,.,ryone Involved must act In a prudent, safe manner to insure the overall safety of the drivers, workers and spectators. Spectators must keep off the course at all times. • RAND .__ '°''">GO\. \,.., '~,~-:.0~»•11 TOYOTA~ O'SCCJ!E INTIRNATO-w. BFGoodrich BOSCH FRAM uniden SCIIE 19B8 1000 CALL NOW FOR ENTRY FORMS DRAWING DATE OCTOBER 14th 700 PLUS MILES OF BAJA'S BEST! FOR MORE INFORMATION, CALL SCORE INTERNATIONAL (818) 889-9216