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1987 Volume 4 Number 9 Dusty Times Magazine

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f --~ Covering the world of competition in the dirt, •• - - r 'f I , -.e· -, -1-;,

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_ Volume 4 Number 9 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin -Associate Publisher · · Brad Goodrow Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Controller John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless--Traffic Frank McCombs Contributors Dai-la Crown Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Rod Koch. Cam McRae Brenda Parker David Ryskamp Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Sproykin Darlene Thackston 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Enterprises· . Art Director Larry· E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services SNAPSHOT . I ·-Septc~r 1987 na omcw. VOICI C/1 (ti,)·. . . Sub.<rip,;on Ra<es, . 'lf dra $12.0b per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Un-,olicited ma1terial will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Classified Ads will be published as received, pr~paid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissiohs or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-1732, is published monthly by Hillside RacirigCorp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permis-sion from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. · POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty ~imes, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required 1 for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. OF THE MONTH ••• ~n This Issue ••• ; FEATURES - _ Page _ 'I -. . ptadium Racing at the Los Angeles Coliseum . . . . . . . . . . . 14 [fhunderbowl Action ...... : .......... . ............. 21 ]VORRA Virginia City 200 . . . ....................... 22 SNORE Midnight Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 24 bORRA Summer Fun at Cordele · ........... : ...... ; . 27 : New GMC Sierra Pickup ... -......... -........ ; ....... 28 Pikes Peak Auto Hillclimb ........................... 32 A.D.R.A. High Country 150 • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 )W~C Rally of New Zealand_ .... _ ........... :·· ........ 39 ppnng Run 101' ................... . ...... : ........ 40 IFORDA Cracker 150 ... · ... : .............. ........ . 42 lsuperstition 250'IV ................................ 44 CRS/SCCA Car-lsbad Rally Sprint ............. : ..... 48 Holmes & Rogers Winning Combination . . . . ......... 49 C;iHfornia Gold Mazda Pickup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 DEPARTMENTS ~napshot of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Soap Box . ............ : '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ~ rail Notes ...... _ ... . ..... : ............... · . ........ 4 ~ide Tracks by Judy Smith ... .-....................... 6 ~onyExpress . ............................ _ ... . , . ... 8 Happenings ............ . _.· ........ -. .... ............ 10 · poodies Galo~e ... ; .......... ; .. ................ ~· 51 pood Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Pit T earn Register and Reports . ; .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . • . . .. . 56 Tech Tips by Bill Savage .... : ....................... 56 SCCA Divisional Rally Report ...•.. : . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . 56 Index to Advertisers . .....•.• : ....•........ , ....... 57 Classified Ads .. ; ........ ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 The Losers by Judy Smith ...........•.•............ ·. 59 Score/HDRA Desert Series Points Standings . . . . . . . . . . . 59 ·.1-pN THE COVER - David Ashley soars off the peristyle jump in the /Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum during practice for the Mickey · ,rrhompson Entertainment Group stadium race last July. Ashley, subbing for Al Unser, Jr., who was racing elsewhere that weekend, lproved to be a real varsity driver. Ashley led the main event for the Grand National Trucks from flag to flag, fighting off all challengers. He gave Jeep its first ever stadium victory, in fact their first good finish this year. There was joy in Detroit at Jeep Headquarters for sure:· Color Photography by Mark Chen ofTrackside Photo Enterprises. I ~~. DUSTY TIMES ; THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY 1 IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year - $12.00 □ 2 years - $20.00 D 3 years -$30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus ... Door handle to door handle like the big boys in NASCAR, these two Baja Bugs are really having a race. This photo came out of the Off Road Action News photo files, so we don't know where the action is, what the race might be, who the drivers are dicing, or even who took the picture. The terrain is-familiar, as is the bull dozer in the back-ground. DUSTY TIMES has a prize for the first accurate identification of this race track, the date perhaps of the race, and, really reaching, the two drivers involved. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" .or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. H you wish the photo -returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, Sx7 or 8x 10 will be considered. - · I I I I . .I I r Free o e time classified ad up to 45. words. (Form on inside back page) Name _ _:.__--+-------------------,------Address ---+---,-------___,;_ __________ _ ~ I City ----~----------------'-.,-------State--~--'-'------------Zip---------Send check or money order to: DUSTY .TIMES (Canadian ·sJBl Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 l y1ear $1S°.OO U.S. • Ovi:rst>as subscription r,1it>s 4uott>d on re4uest) t I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I Dusty Tlmcs September 1987 Pa9c3

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Soa.P Box ••• CURRENT LAND USE OTHER (25-million acre California Desert Conservation Area) PROPOSED LAND USE (under Senate Bill 7) : Private. State. etc.) PRESERVATION 29.0% OTHER MILITARY ( Private. State. etc.) 29.0% PROTECTION (BLM) Key Points: MODERATE USE (BLM) • About one-fifth of the Desert is commit1ed 10 park and wilderness · preservation. • About one-fourth is managed by BLM primarily to protect cultural and natural values. w,hile allowing other compatible uses. • About one-<'ighth is managed by BLM for a variety of uses. balancing development with protection. • A small fraction (2%). is managed by SLM for intensive use of lands and resources tO meet human needs. PRESERVATION 4.8 MILLION ACRES (public vehicle access prohibited in wilderness: restricted in parks) National M onum~nts Joshua Tree Death Valley State Park Red Rock Canyon Wilderness (some in monuments above) _Park Servi_ce Proposed Park Service Designated BLM Proposed State-Anza Borrego PROTECTION 5.9 MILLION ACRES BLM. Class L'. limited use MODERATE USE 3.3 MILLION ACRES BLM, Class M•. moderate use INTENSIVE USE 500,000 ACRES BLM, Class 1•. intensive use MILITARY 3.1 MILLION"ACRES (no public access) Ft. Irwin, China Lake, Chocolate Mountains. Twenty-NinC Palms, Edwards AFB, elc. OTHER 7.4 MILLION ACRES (limited or no public use) Private, State, other govemmenI 19% 560.000 acres 1.957.000 acres 4.500 acres ( 1.9 million arces) (467.000 acres) 1.900.000 acres 400,000 acres 24% 5,900,000 acres 14% 3.300,000 acres 2% 500,000' acres 12% 29% Please study this graphic proof of what passage of Senator Alan Cranston's SB 7 will do to land use in the California Desert for everyone, including ranchers, miners, hunters, along with other types of recreational users as well as off roaders. It is a tremendous amount of land that would have access denied to the citizens and visitors in the California MILITARY I Key Points: DERATE USE LM) INTENSIVE USE (BLM) • The amount of land commitled to park and wilderness preservation would more than double, from 19% to 42%._ · • The amount of land managed by BLM and available for general public use would be reduced from 40% to about 17%, or about one-sixth -of the Desert. • Private land is not immediately affected. but large amounts are inholdings within the proposed parks and wilderness. The legislation calls for acquiring these linds by purchase or exchange, drawing from the 17% of general public use lands remaining. PRESE~VATION , 10.4 MILLION ACRES (public vebicle access probibited in wilderness: reslricled in parks) National Parks Joshua Tree (expanded) Death Valley (expanded) · East Mojave (new) State Park · Red Rock Canyon Wilderness (some in parks above) Park Service BLM State-Anza Borrego PROTECTION 1.5 MILLION ACRES BLM, Class L •. limited use MODERATE USE 2.1 MILLION ACRE~ BLM, Class M•. moderate use. 42% 805,000 acres 3,400.000 acres 1.500,000 acres 24.000 acres (4.500.000 arces) 4.300.000 acres 400,000 acres 6% 1.500,000 acres 9% 2.100,000 acres (The above two categories will drop further. as BLM lands will be used to excbange for private inholdings within the parks and wilderness) INTENSIVE USE 500,000 ACRES 2% BLM. Class 1•, inlensive use MILITARY (no public access) 3.1 MILLION ACRES Ft. Irwin, China Lake, Chocolate.Mountains. Twenty-Nine Palms, Edwards AFB, etc. OTHER 7.4 MILLION.ACRES (limited or no public use) Private, Slate. other government 500,000 acres 12% 29% Desert. It is also a tremendous amount of land for which no more land use fees would be paid to the government, If you feel as strongly as w~ do about blocking the passage of this legislation, keep your letters going to your congressman, Our thanks to the California Office of the Bureau of Land -Management for the use of their data, COMING NEXT MONTH ... SCORE RIVERSIDE RACES BRUSH RUN 101 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP RALLY ARGENTINA SUGAR CAMP ACTION Page 4 BARK RIVER CHALLENGE .. SCCA SUNRISER FOREST PRO RALLY VORRA SHORT TRACK RACING ••• Plus all the regular features Se~mber 1987 'Trail Notes ••• THE HORA CRAIG, COLORDAO RACE is going to happen, folks, despite all the rumors flying around in off road circles, There was legal action started to cancel the event by a coalition of environmentalist groups to get the permits voided, but that action was withdrawn. The permits have been issued, and the race is a go. If you are not a regular on the HORA circuit, don't forget that spark arrestors are required in order for your vehicle to compete in Colorado or in any other HDRA race, Also remember that some competitors are not installing front and rear bumpers on their race vehicle, Please refer to rule CR 42 on page 27 of your rule book, All vehicles equipped with SAFE front and rear bumpers. This rule applies to all fout wheel classes!! If your race vehicle does not have front and rear bumpers, you could be in trouble. Any race vehicle entered in the Craig, Colorado race that has not complied with this rule is subject to penalty, and could be denied permission to race, So gang, get the bumper business organized if you want to compete in the HDRA/ SCORE desert series, -NEWS FROM GLEN HELEN. The Glen Helen off road race for cars and A TVs has been moved from its original September date to October 11. The move was made because-of a date conflict for short -course racers with the Mickey Thompson Entertainment group event in Las Vegas,. Nevada. October is an open month-for short course racing with the announcement that the MTE.G event !lt the Pomona Fairground has been canceled, or at least put on hold, The races a:t Glen Helen OHV Park near San Bernardino, CA, provide a keen, open course where even desert race cars can be competitive, The organizers offer a 100 percent payback plus ten percent of the gate to the more successful entrants. Try it, you will like it, THE CHAP ALA DUSTERS just announced they have moved their meeting place. The new spot is Francois, at 18151 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach, CA. The Dusters meet on the second Wednesday of each month, and welcome guests and prospective members. · MINT 400 COLLECTOR PIN SETS can now be purchased from HORA. The complete collection of Mint 400 pins totals 19 items, and costs just $32.50 plus $150 for shipping. Individual pins can be purchased at a cost of $4,00 each; if you already bought rtie whole set in 1986 you can fill it in with the 1987 model. The pin set is a kee1:1 souvenir of the famous Mint 400 race, a great display item for home or office, or for adding decor to your race hat or jacket. Make your check payable to L. Hand and send it to High Desert Racing Association, 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South, Las Vegas, Nevada 89124. THE MACKINAW TRAILS PRO R,ALLY has been officially cancelect for 1987. The event has had troubles, financial and otherwise, and SCCA's Dave Thompson says the official reason for the cancelation is the high cost of road usage fees. Meanwhile, the Dire Straits Divisional Rally has taken over the old Mackinaw Trail date, on Septeml;,er 12-13, 1987. The Dire Straits is an excellent Divisional Rally, and will be running out of Trout Lake, Michigan. The post Labor Day date makes the forest service people happier. Call Dire Straits Chairman Jay Topping at (313) 625-0790 for all the details on the Divisional Rally.· THE NEW TOYOTA PICKUP out of Cameo will make its debut at the HORA Craig, Colorado race in Class 7S. The new truck entry will be driven by Cam Thieriot and Greg Lewin, and it is sponsored by Yokohama Tires, T.R.D., Cameo and Off Road Engineering. Greg Lewin and company at Off Road Engineering have been working for months preparing the truck for the rigors of the desert series. The team will use the remaining races this year as a testing rime. Cameo plans to campaign the full desert series next year. TUCSON AUTO CROSS RACING ASSOCIATION is mnder new management. Albert Bright is no longer President or associated with Tucson Auto Cross. T.A.C. 's new President is Doug Boelman. The main o(fice is now located at Lizzard Chassis Off Road Performance, at 3755 No. Runway Drive, . #F in Tucson. You can reach T.A.C, at (602) 887-8752. Miller Beer along with local businesses are sponsoring the T.A.C. Series, which began June 26. Silver cups will be awarded to the points winners of each claass at the end of the series. In each event the Pro Class races for 100 percent payback plus sponsorship money. There is also a points fund, with money awarded to the top three drivers at the end of the eight ~ace series. Sportsman classes race for trophies, but contingency prizes are offered in all classes. Three races were held in the summer, and the final three are coming up, all on Friday nights, on September 18, October 9 and October 30. I A NEW, YEAR END AW ARD. The Store/ HD RA Desert Series leaders are planning a new yeaF end award, sort of a Good Guy Award, ro·enliven the annual banquet ceremony, HORA is spearheading the research dnd would like to hear more.stories about other people, and these names' will be on the nominating ballot for the OffRoadsman of the Year awards. The ballot is due on these pages and in Score News next month. So, send your GoodjGuy story to HDRA now, or phone them at (702) 361-5404. . RIVERSIDE FLASH. Good weather, a good ;ntry, and a real good c~owd marked the second annual, last ever Score races at Riverside. In Saturday action Greg George won the. UltraStock class, Cameron Steele worked to win Class 5-1600 and Dave Parsons took Class 5 honors. Mike Williams won Desert 1-2-1600, and Jack Zandbergen topped Class 11, all thesd classes in one ten lap race. Frank Arciero, Jr. won the first Stadium Glass 10 qualifying heat and Eric Arras got the title in the second round, Jeff Probst won the Stadium Class 1-2-1600, and Frank Arciero came back to win Stadium Class 1 honors in the final event of the day, On Sunday Larry Ragland won Class 7, Spencer Low wo'n 7S and Mike Lesle won 7 4x4, Danny Ashcraft took the win in Challenger class, Robby Gordon won Class 2, Al Arciero, qiass 1, and John Hagle, Class 10 in the desert car action, Dan_ny Thompson.won Stadium Class 7, and Frank Arciero won again in Stadium Class 10, In the fiqale, Frank Vessels won 0 / A and Class 8, Jerry Daugherty won Class 14, Don Adams took Class 3, Larry Schwacofer won Class 6 and Frank Arciero won Class 4 . W arch for the full report next month, Dusty Times

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. DAVID ASHLEY AND GOODYEAR WRANGLER RADIALS CLEAN-UP 0-80 -ILLION POUNDS · · ·or DIRT AT· THE 1L.A. f OLISEUM. . . Mickey Thompson's Off Road Championship Gran Prix racing has been compared to having a boxing match in a telephone booth. By bringing 40-thousand tons of dirt, silt and crushed granite into the confines of a stadium, a "Chunk of the Baja" becomes· I . I compacted into one-half mile of torture. In July, at the L.A.[ Coliseum, nine Grand National Sport T~ucks packed the course for the eve,t . . Among them was the Stroh's Jeep · Comanche of David As~ley. Tires: Goodyear "f t1ang~er radials. . When the racing began, it was David, his Jeep' and his Goody9ar Wrangler rac:lials . that led the pack from w~re to wire. Whj~h . gave Jeep. and Dayid th~ir first Off Roa1 Championship Gran Pri(X victory. . The tires thattook~av_id's Coman9he . to its "squeaky-clean" Vt ctory are .the sa e. . · tires you can buy for your truck::: .:·. ,. . . I . . I I Take me home. I I Goodyear Wrangler radials. They' re the tires designed to take on the toughest terrain. The toughest conditions. They're the tires.we race. And the same tires you can. buy. So although we don't think you will ever have to climb 39 rows of dirt and mud . through the Paristyle Arches of the L.A. Coliseum . .Or take on either of the two six-story junips as David did. It's good to know ·· that the tires that took David Ashley to the winner's circle, can also take you hpme. No matter where you foam. · Goodyear Wrangler radials. . They'll take you home. The quick way . The quick way.

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Side. Tracks ••• By Judy Smith Every now and then, after a race, we hear a story from a racer that really gets our attention. But, all too often, the story is omitted from the printed race story because it's just too long to fit in. And, usually, the driver · who's had the adventure hasn't finished at the top of the heap, because the adventures, what-ever they may have been, have · used up time. So we save some of the better stories for later telling. Somehow, things just seem to happen to Dave Kreisler, like the time at the Mint a couple of years ago; whert he ran out of gas and stumbled upon a parked car nearby. When he went to the car to ask the occupants if they could spare some fuel, he. was embarrassed to find that he'd interrupted the pair at a delicate moment. David told us that they didn't seem too interested in his problem. · ' This year, also at the Mint, Dave was running about third in Class 2 in his truck-shape?. This is the system run by most off road race winners camo~flage color car, when, suddenly, on lap two, it gasped a couple of times and everything went dead. The battery had quit. Now, Dave had had what he thought was electrical problems a couple of races before, so, for this race, he'd started with a brand new, super battery, supposed to last for many miles. He was furious with his car. He said, "I wanted to burn it, but I didn't have any matches ... and I couldn't get any spark from that battery." Then, as he sat there, the Herbst two seater flew off a bump, landed hard, and broke an axle. The Herbsts, natives of the Las Vegas area, are followed in their races by the family helicopter, and it soon landed, with, as Dave said, "Food, drink and women!", to give aid and comfort to the Herbst boys, but not spare parts, which ls against regulations. Suddenly Dave realized that they had got • to that spot with a functioning battery in their car, TRI-MIL BOBCAT· CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS Page 6 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED and since they were going no· uncomfortable because of all the further, he borrowed it. It was dust in the pits, was rumored to much smaller than his, and had have been having chest pains, and to be held in with tape, but it g~t more ·wild stories were him moving, and he crept to his circulating about him. His next pit, where they rustled up a health, too, was o.k., but the car couple of bungee cords to hold it broke a c. v., on the third la_p, and in more firmly. Then, at the main he had to replace it, which took a. pit, they made a more permanent bit of time, but he got it done, · hold-down, and Dave put his co-and went on. driver, Phil Blurton, iAto the car Then he broke an axle. Only, for laps three and four. now he didn't have a spare. So he They had now fallen to 10th hitched a· ride out to the main pit, place. Blurton, who'd never and he and] im drove back out to raced a big car before, (he's been . · get the car. Then they towed it an Odyssey champ) did pretty back to the main pit, and got an well, but then the car died again. ax.le (borrowed from Bob Richey This time it wasn't electrical, but in the RCR car), and fixed it. It a fuel problem, and after a lot of turned out that the axle was horsing around, they discovered about an inch too long, but they that it was a repeat of a problem did some magic that involved . they'd had a year ago, and they . unscrewing the hub, that made it finally cleared . the lines by work. Then they took the car blowing backwards through the back out, and got back into the system. The car worked all right race, after losing a total of three from that point on, and Blurton hours. But they did finally get a brought it around to the finish fourth place finish. Doug line in seventh place. Dave said decided that off road racing was he was ready to build a new car. more work than he really liked, He figured he'd never get the old and has taken up boating as a fuel cell cleared out properly, hobby in the meantime. and he figured he was. due for a Perry McNeil is another driver new car anyway. But he's still who seems to always have stories racing the "pickup", and he's to tell. We ran into him one had more battery trouble since, evening on a pre-run for the '86 notably at Barstow, where his car 1000, ·and as we all settled in for went completely dead again. the night at Santa Ines, he had a This time his chief pit person, long bedtime story to tell, Kenny Bertram, came out to help It seems that Perry and Don him with the pre-run car, and he Hatz were teamed to drive the '79 got behind Dave, just off the La Paz race and Perry would start, course, to try to push start the while Don was scheduled to get race car. Now, along came a in at Punta Prieta. So Don pickup truck, and behind him, a hitched a: ride with Corky couple of buggies. The second McMillin, in a light plane, and buggy was Tom Koch, trying to flew down. But he became make up time, and he went out to violently airsick on the way, and pass the truck, never seeing in the spent the whole time at Punta· dust that Dave and his pre- Prieta, while waiting for Perry, runner were there. He ran into throwing up and eating crackers. the back end of theJre-run car, But he couldn't shake it, and by and popped it up an over. Dave · the time Perry got there Don was looked in his rear view mirror · in terrible shape. So it was going just in time to see the roll cage of to be Perry's race all the way. . the pre-runner land on Bertram's It wasn't exactly a smooth one, neck. He thought Kenny was because he had broken a dead, and began . to climb out of reduction box, and some parts his car, in his panic, forgetting to had fallen out and become lost. detach his pumper helmet and · Perry always seems to find a radio connections. When he source of spare parts down in finally got to him, Bertram was Baja, and this time he ended up alive, but unconscious, and Dave with some old rusty bearings in a was terrified. bucket. So they took all the They radioed for help, and it broken pieces in the reduction was there quickly. Dave hovered box and stuck them together over his friend, worried that his with silicone, and cleaned the neck was broken, as the medics rust off the bearings as well as put a brace on him and readied possible, actually chipping one him for his helicopter flight to clean with a rock to get it to the hospital. As they were getting move, and put them in. Lots of him ready to go, Bertram silicone, and keep the fingers regained consciousness, and told crossed. . Dave, who'd given up any idea of And Perry took off, leaving finishing the race, to "go on." So Hatz to recover from his nausea. he did. And, after getting a new Things went pretty well, the battery at the main pit, he reduction box was holding, and finished, in fourth place. After eventually Perry got to Villa the race he went to the hospital, Constitucion, where he, was to to see how Kenny was, and the meet his pit to refuel. But they doctors told him they couldn't were nowhere to be found. So find anything wrong with him, here he was, with a car that had to behond some bruises, but they have race gas, and no pit. Then he kept him overnight for remembered that sometime in observation. the past he'd delivered some race The Mint this year was tough gas to a friend who lived in for Jim Coe ores and Doug White Constitucion. So he headed for also. Jim drove the first lap, and the friend's house. The fellow he managed to have two flats at lived about five miles from the once, which lost-them a lot of course, and it was now 2 a.m. time, and dropped them back to Perry woke up the man's wife eighth place, in a class of 11 cars. and explained his problem. Jim had also, somehow, hurt his The wife said, sure, he was thumb, and there were wild welcome to the gas, and she woke rumors that it was broken, and up her 13 year old son and sent he needed a replacement driver. him out to help. The drum of gas -But he was o.k., and finished his was about half full, and they two laps and put Doug in for the lifted it up onto the wing of the last half. Doug, who'd been car. Then they wentlooking for a September 1987 hose to siphon it out. Perry saw the garden hose in the yard, and asked if they could use that. He offered to pay for• it. The kid said · he'd ask his mom,' but he didn't think she'd like that. She didn't. Perry could hear her inside, swearing at the mere idea of it. It seems that it was a brand new hose from Sears, which they had got to Constitucion at· great expense and trouble. She finally said he could use it, but that he could most decidedly not cut it. So now they blew all the water out of the hose, and put it in the drum. They they wrapped it all around the garage, and finally, into his gas tank. It was a lon_g hose. They sucked and sucked, and finally got it .going, and it was obvious to Perry that this was going to take a long time. So he asked the kid to wake him up when the tank was full, and he lay down on the garage floor and went right to sleep. He still had his helmet on. When the kid woke him up Perry found that . his gloves, which had been all muddy, had been cleaned, and the boy slid his goggles off. his head while he slept, and cleaned, them too. With the gas tank now full, Perry got back in and took off, into terrible fog and cold weather. He was miserable. His whole body was shaking, and he said, "l was almost prayin'." But then he suddenly saw a tire by the side of.the course, a flat, and next to it, a jacket. He thought, "Oh, boy!'.', but then he figured, "It's a trap!" So he drove all around it, in a big circle, to make sure no one was there. Then he got out and checked the tire, and found that it hadn't been there too long, because it was sill warm. So he lay on it for a while _:, "Pure heaven". Then he looked at the jacket and discovered that it was one of those big fancy motorcycle jackets, impervious to the wind and all. So he put it on, and hid the tire, which was still good, and mounted on a new Centerline, behind a bush, figuring he'd pick it up the next time he was down this way. Warm and cozy now, Perry went on to finish. In La Paz he ran into Bud Feldkamp, who had not finished. Bud said, "Say, that looks a lot like my jacket." Perry · said he guessed it might be - had Bud lost one? Yup - he had -and he'cf frozen the rest of the way. In fact, the cold, in addition to his other troubles, had been one, reason he hadn't finished. Perry ended up in fourth place, finishing the race in 23 hours and 29 minutes. TIRED OF BEING PERSECUTED FOR YOUR LOVE OF OFF-ROADING? . HELP STOP THE · CRANSTON/WILD_ERNESS BILL JOIN 16D1 IDTH·ST. SACRAMENTO. CA 95114 INFO 1-800-237-5436 Dusty Times .

Page 7

I J ' 1 ·d, f" . , 1. d, d, I "d -Ml.,, eep s-· egen ary 1repower exp o e to ~rov1 _ e , 1.t\.e -Lesle's second win of the year at the Fireworks 250, Held on the' Fourth of July, at Barstow, ·California .. Dnviiig a sp;ecially modified Jeep Comanche; Lesle increase~{ h1·1s-.-rurrent point lead by taking first place in the Class Seven. 4x4 cbmP,eti-tion while bringing home the fastest 4x4Jinish in all thick.-, classes. Mike Randall,· also driving a Coman.the, took ith,ird. -_ Other Jeep victorie~ went to David Ashley who pow-.· · . _ . ered his Comanche to second place in· the Stbck Class! Seven _·. , · _ · . · 2WD categ9ry, Mike Schwellinger and Don 1\dams wpo took first and second Class __ · Three victories re?pectively, and John Dyke lwho tooktsecond in ~lass Four. Perfor-mances as rugged as the Jeep reputation itself. OnlY ,in a Jeep IJeiP.IIWI Safety belts save lives. , ' , . ' . , I . OfficialSponsor1988U.S.OlympicTeam . [ .. I , \ ..

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Pony Express •••. came from one source: Don Dayton. · Dayton made two' points at the drivers' meeting, 1, the · rules-; 2, Snore wouldn't tolerate any more · "short coursing." I would like to say THANK YOU to Mike Julson and the Jimco pit crew for their help at the Superstition 250 race last weekend. After my partner, Don McAfee, rolled the car (second year in a row at this race) he limped to where you guys were pitting. You gave him oil and checked the car over and sent him on his way. With your help we got fourth in Class 1-2-1600 and seventh overall, and some money for a change. And it was neat to have such a super bunch of people at the Jimco pit to get us going. Maybe this dirty ol' Checker carr help you out some day. Thank you again! · · Gary Bates, #l610 Hesperia, CA missed your final offer on renewing my subscription. I lost the paper, but I would like to subscribe for 24 more months of your magazine. You undoubtedly have the absolute best "Off. Road" coverage of any publication in the USA I thank you ~or -r~minding me of the' termination · of . my past subscription. Robert Kunferman Burnsville, Minnesota Please begin my renewal of three years with the issue with the MTEG Kingdome race included. I believe my subscrip-tion lapsed just at this time. If not, just add this to my present subscription. Keep up the great work. I truly enjoy your magazine/ newspaper by far the best. · · Roger Caddell Puyallup, WA Thanks for the kind words, guys, we aim to please. We also appreciate all the support from our far [lung subscribers. · I really hate to have to write this letter ;-but sometimes things don't always work out to the best of everyone's concern .. At the Snore Midnight Special we had a problem concerning the winning Challenger car's legal-i.ty. Immediately after the finish, we went to the officials to file a protest. After ·· a very short discussion, we were told we could put up the protest money, ; · but it would be of no use, because they were going fo rule the car legal, no matter .what! This was the final word, no more was to be said or looked into. · (Funny . thing was;· Monday -. morning Snore officials called Score Tech· Line and were told .that the car was not legal!)These kinds of events·make it seem sort · of futile to try to go after win m~nies plus contingencies · or pomts when the rules are not followed. · After talking to Snore the Monday after the race, I was told they want protests to be filed before the races, ·not after the checkered flag drops! Do -we all have to go around pit to pir and check · all the cars for · illegal modifications? . -After talking to two . other racing teams . from California, both at this race, we all wonder if it is worth the hard work, money sperit, and fair to our sponsors to race at this kind of event? Does it really "Pay · More To Race 'Snore" or "Pay More To Cheat?" Pete Dutton Paramount, CA Read on for more details on the same subject. 'On July 25 the Lockridge and · Behrens race team had the displeasure of racing the Snore Midnight Special. The displeas-ure was not caused by sharing a pit area with a great bunch or because we broke while running third in Class 10. The problem -I would like to ask Mr. Dayton just who or what do "tne rules" apply to? And_, how many sets of rules are there? The Las Vegas racers seem-to have a different set . than anyone else. Apparently an . illegal front end on a Challenger · car. is O.K. according to. Don Day,ton. The winning Challenger car had an il.legaljront end. It had· material added to the shock towers C to implement the installation of shocks with heim ends. Snore uses the HORA rule book, which states that material · cannot be added to the shock towers and shocks must be stock type . and in stock location. Dayton says the rule book -is subject to interpretation, and in his opinion (without looking at the car) the car was legal._Dayton did contact Bill Sl!vage for a final determination, who apparently ruled the car · illegal, which should have settled the matter, . but it didn't. Dayton still says the .car should have been protested before the race started, (see above letter). . The rule book should not be' subject to such · interpi:etation, and Don Dayton's refusal to honor his word and.accept Bill. Savage's opinion has greatly damaged his integrity as President of Snore. Losing a race is one thing. But when you lose to someone who has-an illegal car, and _the organization supports those people, that' goes beyond being tolerable._ Don, if I move to LasVegas, can I get an official copy of the short course map for the next race? Can I run a 2180 in my Class lOcar? According to your opinions, the car becomes 'legal after the race starts. So, if. I get protested after the race, will you·· say it's a dead issue when ·the race is over? Or, will you call someone to make . a determination, and . DESERT RACING FOR ATVs, BIKES, BUGGIES, CARS. & TRUCKS INFO: (619) 427-5759 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1987 . . . RACE 2 .Of OUR FALL DESERT SERIES • LOS EXPLORADORES SEARCH AND RESCUE -PLASTER CITY, CALIFORNIA• 90 FREEWAY M'iLES EA.ST OF SAN DiEGO , Page 8 September 1987 . i .,. then refu~ to honor your ~9.rd?. · coh~usion: I can rememl;,er in the Jerry Lockridge , late 70s when Walker Evans was Lockridge and Behrens Race banned from Class 8 for using a · . Team swing arm type of rear . Twenty-Nine Palms, CA suspension. Now it appears that it is legal. Why? . .. These ruo letters contain scnne i1ery serious criticism of the · . Midnight S/Jecial officiating. Ii «'ottld saw that fhe described front end uould he hlata1ttly obvious. We 'welcome any input from Don Dayton anJ the Snore Tech team on this Jmihlem. I propose going back to basics. One class for 4x4 short wheelbase and ·one for long wheelbase. Run What you Brung! Maybe even break it up by weight. 3000 pounds oi-above, ' truck class. If you're below, run with the unHmited buggies. . This letter is concerning the As I understand it, one of the possible demise of several classes main reasons for the elimination .in professional off road facing, of classes is the cost of particularly Class 3 for shoft supporting a · low entry class. ,wheelbase production 4 wheel Solution: land rush start by drive vehicles: · . classes. First one across the line Let's -review . a little bit of wins. Thay way you'd have far history first. Does anyone less expenses for score'keepers. remember back to 1966, before Racing means the fastest organized off road racing existed? competitor wins. No doubt A couple of guys named Ed about this method-. · . Pearlman and Dick Cepek took a · All I know is that I've waited couple _of V-8. powered Land · ten years to becomt;_ involved in · Cruisers from the California an off' road racing effort. Now,-border to·La Paz, Baja California, some friends and 1 have finafly Mexico. While not a race, this . gotten l! Jeep CJ 7 together and led to the formation of the first · reach to join the fun, and the rule off road ra.ce the following year. makers are going to do away with --Shortly· after this historic run, the class. Not fair! I know that I Pearlman organized · NORRA, am just a:pebble on_a beach, but I the National Off Road Racing wo_ul_d like to thmk that my Association, . which sponsored' opm1on could make a difference. the Mexican 1000 on November Four wheelers are what off l_-4, 1967. If I am corr~ct,, this __ roading,in g~n~ral started with, first race had seven classes. Three so don t ehmmate tpem now for 2 WO cars, two for 4 WD because of a few riumbers. We're cars, on_e production buggy class out_ there still and ready . to. and one tor motorcycles. compete! Give us a chance. Twenty years later, and we're Remember the . roots of our talking about eliminating the . sport. classes that this sport was founded on. I say B.S. This sport Crew Chi~f, John Castro ·Westech Racing Team . Glenwood Springs, CO originated wjth 4 wheel drive vehicles, and they should riot be -eliminated due to politics. I am not that old, relatively speaking, · _Thanks for your-· in/mt, .John. but the names Rod Hall, Don Hou·ewr, the logistical cost of Adams, Gale Pike, etc., definitely su/JfxirtinR the cla_sses in off road hold some weight with me. r4einR ROes U'ell beyond mere scoring Don't eliminate these classes mto the cost of tro/Jh1es, extra check due to limited entries. Instead, · writing for award monies, anJ most consolidate if necessary. "On-· of all, r6 or more classes dilute the-Di.rt Mo.torsports" has· an mlue of a class «·•in for th<isc in tfie interesting s~lution. After a year giant entry classes as «di as in the and a half long study of classes sinRk diRit entry c-las:~es. As it isnou: with comparable finishing times, almost et1L'1)' breed or brai1J of they propose trimming the iiehide «'ins samethi11R in the mafe,r current 16 four wheeled ciasses races. · down to six, broken as follows: Open 4 Wheel Desert (current Classes l, 2 and 10), Modified 4 DUSTY TIMES welcomes Wheel Desert (current Classes· I-·_ letters from all comers of. off rO(Ul 2-1600, 5 and 9),.Stock 2 Wheel activity. The Pony Express column Desert (current Classes 5-1600, · will feature all the mail we can fit · Challenger and 7S ), Open Heavy · into the space available. Please keep Metal ( current Classes 4, 7, 8 and your words fairly brief. Because of 14), Modified Heayy . Metal space limitations, your pearls of (current Cla_sses 3, 6, 6S, 7 4x4 prose may be edited, but DUSTY and 12 ), Baja Bug ( current Class TIMES will print your gripes as well 11 ). · While I'm sure some as -your praises. ~etters for problems would exist, at least it publicationshouldbeattheDUSTY would be a temporary solution. TIMES office by the r5th of the Gale Pike, in a letter published month in order to appear in the next in DUST)' TIMES, July '87 issue. · . issue, brought up several _interesting points. In 1985 there were two 4 wheel drive classes, Class 3 for sport utilities and Class 4 for pickups ... period! He recommends the same for 1988, with the following restrictions: Stock frames must be · used although they may be reinforced. Engines must be from the same "manufacturer. Bodies must be of the saine style and configuration as manufactured. · . I, for one, agree. Maybe then . we can avoia some of the hassles of running a "funny car" in a · stock production class. No names please. Either way, rules must be clearly defined to avoid KELP STOP THE CRANSTON/WILDERNESS BILL JOIN. 1'60 I , I 0TH ST. SACHIIENTO.--CA 95814 . INFO 1-800-237-5436 . Dusty Times

Page 9

' / · I . You can't get aufiliary lights any better than competition . . proven KC's ... and now you can't get any better. deal, either. All ~ummer long! when you buy a pair or a pair pack of KC Stainless Steel Daylighters SS, you'll get two special edition ligh:t covers-the famous KC 'happy face,' but this time wit~ sunglasses! · And, send us the proof of purchase (look for the specially ma~ked KC Daylighter SS packages) and we'll send you a FREE vinyl roll-up shade just like the one our beach goers . are using. A $7.95 value. You'll not only be getting the best auxiliary· lighting . available ... you'II extend your summer days long into summe'r nights with genuine KC HiliTES. . . Now that adds up to summer savings ... beyond a shadow of a doubt. 1987 catalog, just $2.00. SunShade.s available direct for $7.95 plus $2.00 postage and-handling. ,, ·¥ ''Cf , -~ "'·•·'~" i-~-t:;;iij;.:.,;;'.i,i) ~!!!'.!!!!!!'! KC HiliTES, INC. • Avenida De Luces • Williams, Arizena 86046

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·-1987 HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252~1900 September 5-6 Snowflake Buggy Bash Snowflake, AZ October 17 . Penasco 150 Sonora, Mexko · December 5 Sonoita to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 241 Van Nuys, CA 91303 (818) 340-5750 'October 2-4 Carrera de los Campeones San Felipe, B.C. 1987 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2115 / (715) 478-2688 September 4-6 Brush Run 101 World Championship Crandon, WI CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 (714) 736-1442 September 26-27 Cliffs of Gorman Rally Gorman, CA October 17 Glen Helen Rallysprint San Bernardino, CA December 5-6 East of Indio VII Indio, CA CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards .P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8616 All races are held at Albany-Saratoga Speedway, Route 9, Malta, New York. Classes are 1-1600, 10, 4 WD Class 3 and .Class 4 plus ATVs. September 13 O.ctober 4 October 17-18 • 4 FUN 4 WHEELERS 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Ml 48103 ( 313) 459-8388 (313) 755-3176 September 5-6 Summers End Extravaganza Bee's Sport Center St. Johns, MI · Page 10 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association Rt. 5, Box 944 Brooksville, FL 34610 (813) 99?-6306 (days September 6 Tallahassee, FL October 4 Lakeland, FL November i Lakeland, FL January 10, 1988 Lakeland, FL . -February 7, 1988 Lakeland, FL March 26, 1988 Florida 400 Tallahassee, FL FUDP.UCKER RAClNGTEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 October 3, 1987 200 Mile Plaster City Blast Plaster City, CA December 31, 1987 150 Mile Dunaway Dash El Centrn, CA GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 927-6432 September 13 100 miles Alabama September 2 7 Cordele, GA October 25 Winder, GA November 28 250 miles · Cordele, GA December 5 Annual Banquet GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 665-0358/ (313) 996-9193 GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Knowlton 831 So: Jason Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-5537 September 20 Raceland Championship - SC Denver, CO HORA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-54g4 September 11-13, 1987 Craig/ Hi Desert 300 Craig, CO December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION. Tom Freeman 3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD 57702 ' (605) 342-0331 October 24 Last Chance Baja Wall, S.D. GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San .Bernardino, CA (714) 381-4454 or (714) 880-1733 October 11, 1987 Short Course Race IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the dub grounds in Cleves, Ohio) MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION John Elliott - (517) 835-9923 Bob Ramlow - (616) 345-6407 September 12-13 Over Mt. Baldy #30 Hillclimb Silver Lake, Ml September 25-2 7 Fun Weekend in the Sand Silver Lake, Ml September 2 7 Can Am Chapter Sand Drag Berville, MI October 3 Mid Michee Sprint Race Midland, MI MIDWEST OFF ROAD CHALLENGE SERIES Tommy Bowling Rt. 6, Box 833C Midland, TX 79702 (915) 332-1537 - (915) 563-9154 September 12· Albuquerque, NM October 3 Big Spring, TX November 7 El Paso, TX M.O.R.E. 3513 North West Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76106 (817) 625-8843 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 September 26 Sam Boyd Silverbowl Las Vegas, NV September 1987 October 10 L.A. County Fairplex Pdmona, CA NORTH AMERICAN RALLY CUP September 4-5 Rallye of the Voyageurs North Bay, Ontario Dave Carlin (705) 474-8007 ' Septem~er, 13 /) { -Mackinaw. T · ~ Traver , MI /I -~ y randt \....J.16-16-) 374-7176 October 2-4 Ojibwe Pro Ralfy Grand Rapids, MN Bob Nielsen (612) 776-4471 October 9--11 Defi Ste.-Agathe Ste.-Agathe Des Monts, Quebec Andre Lavigne (514) 747-3663 October 28-November 1 Press on Regardless Houghton, MI Dick Cole (313) 685-2853 November 21-22 Rally of the Tall Pines Petersborough, Ontario Ross Wood (416) 876-1492 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS 1421 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 November 7 Red Sands 150 El Paso, TX OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL · RALLY John Nagel P.O. Box 4254 Tumwater, WA 9850.1 (206) 754-9717 ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamaker P.O. Box 688 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL lCO, Canada September 5-6 Kitchener, Ont. September 26-27 Kitchener, Ont. October 17-18 Kitchener, Ont. ONTARIO OFF ROAD Barbara Lapointe 4 Bridge St. E. Kitchener, Ontario N2K 1J2 Canada (519) 743-8841 (Air events at Bingeman Park in Kitchener.) September 5-6 Sandfest '87 September 13 Off Road Endurance Races September 26-27 Ontario Off Road Challenge October 10-11 Oktoberfest Endurance/Mudbog October 17-18 Oktoberfest Challenge '87 October 31-November 1 Off Road Endurance Series Finale O.0.R.R.A. Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 (405) 769-5491 (All races located at Freedom, OK) Vic Bn.irnham F:reedom Chapter .President (405) 621-3428 October 16-17 O.O.R.R.A. 150 ORSA Randy Miller 407 G Street, Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) ·756-9938 (916) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (213) 375-4570 (213) 534-2747 September 26 Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA October 24 Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA November 28-29 Pearson Speedway Pearsonville, CA POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD #3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 ' All events in Monroeton, PA at the intersection of Routes 414 & 220. · September-26-27 October 10-11 PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 October 2-3 Millican 400 Millican Valley, OR SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports.Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80155 (303) 694-7223 (\ I · September 11fliJ ~ · /\Mack.i!l_~ally LCffa.verse City, MI October 2-4 Ojibwe Rally Grand Rapids, MN October 29-31,'1987 Press On Regardless Houghton, MI rr Dusty Times

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.. , .... I • 'S'Oll'I I _;_._,.-ra1ra=---· I FULL·BORE OFF·ROAD ACTION! Witness fabulous factory team GRAND NATIONAL SPORT TRUCKS!, flying UNLIMITED SUPER 1600 single sealers, incredi- . ble UltraStock® "All-Terrain Super . Sports" stock-bodied racers, wild 4-WHEEL ATVs, outrageous ODYSSEYS and fantastic 250cc Pro ULTRA-CROSSn~ motorcycles all in one thrill-charged evening of motorsports madness! DON'T MISS the FREE "Meet the Racers" · photo and autograph session held right on the race course 1 ½ hours before every event. It's your chance to get "Up Close and Personal" with the racers and their super racing machines on a one-to-one basis. , I I . , · ENTRY OR TICKET INFORMATION - CALL (81_8) 359-5117 Tickets are available at all Las Vegas Ticketron outlets, The · Thohlas & Mabk Center box · offibe, and-Las Vegas area Super1 Shops. Charge tickets by phone by calling (702) 739-3900

Page 12

November 13-15, 198 7 w ·ild West Rally Tacoma, WA SCCA DIVISIONAL PRO RALLY SERIES September 9 Coachman Capital Stages Washington John Forespring (206) 866-8323 September 11-13 Dire Straits Trout Lake, Ml Jay Topping (313) 625-0790 September 19 LacVieux L'Anse, MI Scott Carlborn (906) 482-6992 Se~te~ber 26-27 C iffs -of Gorman Gorman, CA Gary English (?14) 497-4670 October 3 Gold Rush Westcliffe, CO Regan Smolkovich (303) 477-9298 SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 November 6-8, 1987 Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV · December 12 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, B.C., Mexico . (a non-points race) SCORE CANADA · ·390 .Chemin Du Lac · Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (5 14) 692-9!71 SILVERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS · Roger Wells . 225 W . Foster Ave. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 5M-2677 (All events but the finale held at Las Vegas · International Raceu-ay.) September_ 5 September 12 Sam Boyd Silverbowl Las Vegas, NV SIL VER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 October 17 Silver Dust 250 Las Vegas, NV SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 .SAN BERNARDINO FREE Overnight Camping September 25-27 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD · WESTERN OFF ROAD Snore 250 · DRIVERS ASSOCIATION RACING ASSOCIATION . Las Vegas, NV Terry Prevost 19125 -87A Ave. 1006 Cardinal Lane Surrey, British Columbia, October ~ 1 Green Bay, WI 54303 V3S 5X7, Canada Yoko Loco (414) 434-9044 · (604) 576-6256 Las Vegas, NV September 5-6 September 19-20 December 5 , Colorama 100 · Kamloops, B.C. Black Jack 200 Sugar Camp,-WI . . Las Vegas, NV ' .. October 10-11 · Ashcroft, B.C. S.O.R.R.P. TUCSON AUTO CROSS Speedway Off Road P.O., Box 55221 FIA WORLD RALLY Racing Productions Tucson; AZ 85703 Bernie Weber (602) 887-8752 <:;::HAMPIONSHIP P.O. Box 402 Temple,Texas 76503,. September 18 September 22-26, 1987 (817) 773-3548 October 9 . Ivory Coast Rally October 30 Yamoussoukro, ·Ivory Coast SHORT TRACK October 11-17, 1987 OFF ROAD San R~mo ,Rally ENTERPRISES ·VORRA San Remo, Italy FORMULA DESERT Valiey Off Road Racing Association ·. DOG SERIES . 1833' Los .Robles Blvd. , November 22-26, 1987 S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: Sacramento,·CA 95838 RAC Rally Gil Parker (916) 925-1702 England 7406 So. 12th St. ' Kalaniazoo,-Mr-49009 September 5-6. (61"6) 375-1233 ·Yeringtcm/ VORRA 250 ATTENTION September 5-6 Yerington, NV RACE ORGANIZERS Brush Run 101 October 10 List your coming events in DUST Y Crandon, WI Championship Stadium Race TIMES free!. Seiid your 1987 schedule Sacramento Raceway as soon as possible for listing in this September 19 Sacramento, CA column. Mail your race or rally schedule Dixie Autocross to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 1 Derry Ave., Birch Ru n, M I November 1 Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. · 1987 Championship Race October 3 Prairie City OHV Park Indian Summer Sprints Sacramento, CA Check Out the Lake Geneva Raceway Lake Geneva,_ WI DUSTY TIMES Special aub Sub Offer WHEEL TO Call (818) 889·5600 · SUPERCROSS, INC. WHEEL, INC. or write Gateway Plaza P.O. Box-688, Dept. 4W0R DUSTY ,TIMES 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 270 Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Newport Beach, CA 92660 . . (613) 332-1766 Agoura, CA 91301 (714) 760-1606 (613) 332-4128 PRESENTS HIGH LIFE OFF-ROAD CHALLENGE (The Third Race of a Three Race Serles) "The Finest in Short Course Racing" SUNDAY, OCTOBl:R 11, 1987 100% C~SH PAYBACK PLUS 10% OF THE GATE· For information contact Brian Church 714/381-4454 or 880-1733 P.O. Box 2937 ENTRY FEES: Dune Buggies - $200.00 A TV's - $75.00 Odyssey - $100.00 -San Bernardino, CA 92406 Page 12 $eptember 1987 Dusty Times

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Page 14

MICICIY THOMPSON'S on-ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAN PRIX Jeep Scores an Upset Win at the Los Angeles Coliseu111 . By Homer Eubanks Photos: Track.side Photo Enterprises AI_Arcier~ had a p~rfect night at the ra-~es, driving his Chenowth to a wire to wire win in his heat race, and taking the lead midway m the mam event to win the 1600 honors. Traditions are built over years of repeated performance. The L.A. Coliseum is fastly becoming "the event" for stadium off road racing. Mickey Thompson started his stadium type racing at the L.A. Coliseum back in 1979. Since then the Coliseum event has taken on an importance of its . very own, and every driver has ambitions of winning this event. One of the things that have made this event special is the famous peristyle space shot. The rac~rs-are sen_t up through the Coliseum peristyle where they fly their vehicles through the air, and land inside the marble arches. They are then routed Page 14 Sporting Mazda signs on his UltraStock and a rotary engine in the tail, Greg George led wire to wire in th_e heat-race, and when it counted in the main event, at the checkered flag. · September 1987 The second Grand National truck heat had a spectacular finish. Glenn Harris, right, got his Mazda inside leader Dan Esslinger·s Ford on the last tum, and they ran side by side to the checke(ed flag. Just at the flag the two trucks touched, front then rear, and Harris won by a nose. Esslinger veered to the right and the Ford reared up, crashed into the retainer hydrobarriers, did a complete flip, losing most of the front body work, and in the final picture the roof is flying off. Fast pit work got the half bodied Ford on the track for the main event, but it was not allowed to start, lacking a roof over the roll ca·ge. back into the Coliseum by manufacturer championship will dropping off the six story jump. be decided at the final event. · This year Thompson decided to With this in mind, round double this interest by designing seven at the Coliseum was a new track, with two of the guaranteed to be exciting. famous peristyle space jumps. The Super 1600 buggies Last year the event was stuck a opened this year's show with a dastardly blow, as the racing trophy dash, and Marty Coyne action came to a stand still, when was the only Class 10 driver to the racers got caught in a traffic take the first turn option, and it jam in both the Class 10 and payed off; as he settled into first . Grand National Sport Truck · place the others took a gamble events. This year Thompson and bunched up in the second leg remedied this by designing more of turn one. Coyne was not so options into the peristyle and lucky on the second · lap as created a two option tum one. Tommy Croft edged his way into Each option of turn one had its the lead by taking the further own peculiar obstructions to corner. make them equal, and the Croft quickly put several car evening's racing proved lengths between himself and · neither favored the racers. Coyne t_o take the Trophy. Coyne was able to hold onto For the first time Thompson second ahead of Frank Arciero, also held a double-header which Jr. and Larry Noel finished . included a Sunday afternoon fourth. event of Thunder drag racing, The Grand .National Sport mud bogs and a battle of the Trucks got the heat races started monster trucks. with 10 trucks competing. The . The Mickey Thompson Off- two entries from Team Toyota Road Championship _Gran Prix shared the front row. Walker has grown into a professional Evans, who had earlier set the motor sport worthy of the fastest qualifying time, was on professional title. Not 'too long row two. Ivan Stewart took the ago the series lacked worthwhile lead by going into the first option competition. The formative days of turn one. His teammate; Steve saw the "big bucks" factory . Millen, managed second after teams running away from the rest Glenn Harris, moving from of the competition. However, inside row two, had out pulled 1987 has marked the beginning him down_ the straight. Jeff to the end of one manufacturer Huber managed fourth and dominating the series. Finally, Roger Mears settled int_o fifth. when a spectator lays his money Stewart pulled a comfortable down to enter the stadium he lead by lap two but his-teammate doesn't have a good idea who will was busy keeping Harris at bay. ·~win the main event. year has Millen had trouble getting seen a different winner in each of around the corner l:ieading up to the Grand National main events. the second peristyle and Harris, The points battles ·are so close and a bunch of others, were able that every individual and to get around. Harris had several Almost a stadium race rookie; desert regular David Ashley learned fast in the heat races, and he drove the Jeep to victory in the main event, leading all the way. Dusty Times

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seconds to make up if he was to catch Stewart. Huber was holding onto third but Mears had some strong intentions. The two quickly became the battle for the fans to watch. Mears and Huber swapped a lot of paint, but Mears would only end up the -bridesmaid. · When Millen was getting lapped, he managed to stay in front of Harris long enough to allow his _ teammate to gain additional breathing room and kept Harris , from seriously challenging for the lead. Mears flipped his Nissan, on the next to last lap going over the double jumps and landed on his side, but traffic was able to go around. Mears later lamented that·he was "practicing my half-gainer, but I guess I didn't have it quite perfected." As the checkered flag came out it was Ivan Stewart who saw it first. Glenn Harris was a distant second with his · teammate Jeff Huber following. Danny Thompson managed fourth ahead of Dan Esslinger. Last year's _ main event champion Sherman Balch was sixth. Next out of the chute were the Odysseys. Eddie Brown jumped , out the early lead~r with Terry Ron Pierce waslable to ~lose in Peterson running second until he on Cook fo mak~ the last lap an rolled several times coming off exciting race. Pierce made a last the peristyle jump and was not effort for the win while Cook was able to get going. Brown managed being held up at the finish line by a commanding lead over the field a lapped car. Pierce was on the for the first few laps. Second inside, at the jump,·-and place John Hasshaw had Rennie flipped over the end of the jump. Awana breathing down his neck James Cook wentl on to win with with Rory Holladay staying Pierce taking a rdll over second. within striking distance of both Frank Chavez h~ld onto third of them. and fourth went t◊ Pete Florence. On the third lap Awana held Fifth was Johnny Custom. on the gas over the rough stuff to The 4-wheel A 1Vs lined up take the lead. Brown gave up his for their first heat race with 19 second place spot when he pulled starters. Mike Coe put his off after the first peristyle jump. Yamaha out front early and held It was Rory Holladay that moved · -onto the lead for the win. The into second and held that battle was for second between position until the end_. John Rodney Gentry an_d Charles Hasshaw was third with Don Shepherd at the finish line with Archibald fourth ahead of John Gentry winning by a nose. Schultz. Fourth place went to Jeff Watts Another group of Odysseys and fifth was Chtis Brandt. took the field for heat two. The second 4-Jheel ATV heat Thirteen starters lined up and 12 consisted of l8 I starters. Right of those saw defending class from the start the battle was champion Johnny Custom take between Marty Hart and Donny the lead. At the bottom of the Banks. Banks, who was suffering first space shot James Cook from exhaust pipe problems, was maneuvered his way into the able to keep Hart at bay until lap lead. On the th_ird lap Ron Pierce Jfour, where Hart out braked him -at the end of the front stretch. Marty Hart went on for the win with Donny Banks taking second ahead of Greg Clark. Fourth. place finisher was Don Turk with IBryan Fry fifth. _ The UltraStocks entered for their first heat with eight starters ' prepared to race the eight laps. IKen Kazarian and Greg George :shared the front row and Greg George was able to take the lead. Uoyd Castle came from the second row to take third until he decided to take the right hand · bption gofog into the peristyle and got his car hung up sideways. Course workers were able to free him and he returned to the battle a lap and a half down. _' Greg George managed to dominate the neat by running ~away from second place Ken 1 ~ azarian. Jeff Elrod came in a distant third with Christopher Neil managing fourth and (ifth going to David Kreisler. Thompson decided to run the 250 pro Motorcycle riders in what he calls Ultracross racing: I The first heat drew 16 starters to run on the reversed course for six laps. Shaun Wooten pulled away from the crowd early on his Honda. Second_ place Marty -Smith had two riders breathing down his neck. Tyson Yonland took second from Smith over the doubl; jump, Jeff Matiasevich took third from Smith over the double jumps · on the next lap. Yonland closed in on Wooten on the last lap and challenged over the double jumps, but was not able to . steal the lead. However he was not through. He would pressure Wooten at every corner until he got his front wheel into Wooten's rear wheel, and fell over to end up fourth. Shaun Wooten took the win with Jeff Matiasevich second over Marty Smith. Fifth went to Gary Semics. In the second Ultracross heat the battle was for second as Doug Dubach quickly put several bike lengths between himself and the crowd. Scott Burnworth settled into second over Mike Kiear-owski i;r was able to handle the studdei: bumps better than Frank Chavez ·to take over second. i':is N~VADA Vegas · : OFF-ROAD it's .. '. BUJGGY Street - Stock - Baja I ,_ !Race or. Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay The Super 1600 starts are always hectic, and here Al Arciero, right, just noses out Larry Noel, center, at the_ flag, with Tommy Croft coming up on the left. We've Got Your VW Parts Ivan Stewart had a brand new Toyota at the Coliseum, and tie won the first truck heat handily, and was third in the f11_a_in event in a great debut for the new design. Dusty Times N See Brian ~AH.\H,\ ~ X I > ' ; .,_ __ .,,_.1_1< ... uj,_", __ ,,, :., WEST 3054 Vialley View, .871-4911 • 871-5604 2 'Locations to Serve You Better! See Dave 1541 N. Eastern 642-2402 • 642-1664 N NOW 2 LOCATIONS September 1987 Page 15 I • I

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The second heat race for the Super 1600s ,had 15 starters. Greg George and Gary Dircks sat on the front row with Marty . Coyne and Frank Arciero, Jr. behind them. When the green Gary Dircks ·comes from Phoenix to race, and he drove his Chenowth righ_t into the victory in the second Super 1600 heat, but faded to fifth in the main. Ken Kazarian flies his #17 VW Ultrastock past Lloyd Castle on the peristyle, and Kazarian placed second in both the heat race and the main event. . flag came out Greg George · got sideways for just a moment down the front straight and lost the lead to Dircks. Frank Arciero settled into the third place position ahead of Coyne. During lap two, Greg George managed to close the gap between himself and Dircks. Not being able to get around, Greg George found Frank Arciero all over his tail'end looking for an' opportunity. On the fourth lapCraigDurfee hit a hay bale coming down off the peristyle and held up traffic for a moment. This allowed the leaders to gain a comfortable lead over the pack. Gary Dircks was able to pull a 10 car lead over second place Greg George, because George was busy fighting off a hard charging Frank Arciero. At the end of the heat it ~as Gary Dircks that won easily. The battle between Greg George and Frank Arciero continued all the · way to the finish line, but . Arciero had to settle for third. Fourth went to Marty Coyne and fifth was Brad Castle. Brad Castle used Toyota power in his"Raceco to move up to second place in the crowded but clean running Super 1600 main event, and he finished second. After taking second in his 1600 heat race, Larry Noel made a great start in the main event, but ended up in the peristyle seats on the first lap. Only nine trucks lined up for the second Grand National heat. Fast time qualifier, Walker Evans, was not able to make the Page 16 legal Fuel Bladders As low As $182.00 Approved by: FIA, IMSA, NHRA, SCCA, SCORE, USAC an~ HDRA • Custom Fuel Bladders • Fuel Tanks • Standard Fuel Bladders • Refueling Equipment • Budget Fuel Cells "let us know what you want. We can do it." (714) 962-0027 or (714) 968-4463 (800) 433-6524 (Outside California) Call or write for free catalog 10925 "K" Kalama River Road, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 September 1987 ~ and then Eddie Hix. These line up. Last year's inain event four remained in this order until winner Sherman Balch sat on the the checkered with fifth going to pole with Dan Esslinger. The Rex Staten. second row was made up of Fifteen cars lined. up to battle Danny Thompson and Jeff the eight laps in the first Huber. Balch took the first turn Unlimited Super 1600 heat. On s:,ption and captured the lead. the front row sat Albert Arciero Thompson hit the peristyle and with Larry Noel sitting next to held up traffic just long enough him. Arciero and Noel nibbed to give Balch a commanding lead. tires off the start, but Arciero Esslinger was able to get·out of was able to hold onto the lead. the traffic jams first and settled Tommy Croft took advantage of into second. Noel's misfortune to settle into Balch had the whole back second. Then on the fourth lap straight lead over second place Noel was able to push his way Esslinger. Last year Balch was inside of Croft to steal second able to miss the turn one traffic place. · · jam that allowed him to coast to Jerry Whelchel was behind victory. Esslinger wa~ not as Croft with Bob Gordon in fifth . comfortable, he had_ Steve Millen Coming through the pack was and Glenn Harris within striking Bob's son Rob Gordon. He had distance. By the third lap to follow Bob around for a Esslinger had managed to close in couple of laps. until the elder on Balch. Suddenly Balch pulled Gordon was caught snoozing on off with a broken steering box lap five, and gave the lead to Esslinger. Larry Noel, Croft and Rob Esslinger had about 10 truck Gordon were all running lengths lead over Millen with together. When Croft balked in Harris knocking on Millen's turn one, with engine trouble, he · door by lap four. Millen must found himself down to fifth. Al have used Harris' pressure to add Arciero held on to take the win . fuel to the fire, as he closed the The second place battle, between gap on Esslinger. Harris was able Noel and Rob Gordon, went to to take second away from Millen Larry Noel. Bob· Gordon , dqwn the front straight. Millen managed fourth ahead of tried to take the second option of T __ o_m_m~y_C_ro_f_t_. ________ tu_r_ni;r =-c..c...._--'--------Glenn Harris started out strong in his Mazda, taking a narrow victory in the first truck heat, but got into a traffic hassle in the final race. _ Dusty Times

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. · 1tEIIII HIIIIS 1111S 'lff-llAI 1111 PIii . AT JACK. IIIPHY ITAIIII. . . . I . ' . -. . 1986 marked the most successful year ~n Mazda: truck racing . . ~istory. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that .Glenn Harris wasted ,.· ·. little,time securiDg Mazda'fr first ½fin of the i987 s~ason .. in San Diego. Unleashing the Mazda B2000s 270 rotary-driveD- horsepower, Harris flew off ~he s~arting grid, grabbed. the lead·.and never looked back. Obviously, Harris and the California Gold Racing·Team have their sights set on what lie? ahea~. Another, ■11111c12 ua successful year for Mazda 1n.198Z / · ·· I 11 ~ ----------~ - - -'' ,.; ._,;,s:::,:,,. ··<¾:' .• . . . . . ~

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C.. one and squeeze Harris out, but Harris would have no part of it and held onto the position. Dan Esslinger was running his best race of the season. The battle for second had closed in on his comfortable lead but Harris was several truck lengths away with only· two la:ps to go. Harris was able to reel - in on Esslinger, leaving · Millen back 10 truck lengths. Millen got pushed into the wall in the peristyle and he landed on his side. Glenn Harris was one truck length behind Esslinger when the white flag came out. Harris held the gas on down the back straight to challenge . Esslinger on the inside of the sweeper. It appeared Esslinger was about to win Ford's first victory in two years when Harris was able to get · some traction and pull the Mazda along side. The two were side by side at the finish line, making this the closest Grand National finish ever. . Dan Esslinger was not only unfortunate in that Harris beat hifl) to the finish line, but·, he and Harris tangled over the jump sending Esslinger into a flip and · then into the outside hydrobar-rier.· "It was a good race and Glenn beat me fair. I guess my momentum carried me into him; causing me to veer off. I will have to review the video to know for sure." stated Esslinger. · . Before the race Harris had stated that Mazda's game plan was to be conservative and hold onto his and teammate Jeff. Huber's lead in to the points battle. ''I guess game plans are to be broken. When Dan drifted outside on the l·ast corner, I gave it everything it was worth. I could see he was going sideways on the jump but I didn't see him crash." A whopping 23 Odysseys lined up to get the main events under way. By the end of the first lap it was Rory Holladay in the lead. John Hasshaw was trailing with Frank Chavez third ahead of Ron Pierce. Things were looking good for Holladay out in the front, and also for Pierce. Ron Pierce had moved into second place going into lap ·five . Suddenly Lady Luck flew out of Holladay's buggy and into Pierce's. Holladay stalled at· the bottom of the peristyle and Pierce managed to hold onto the lead for the win. John Hasshaw held onto second with Rennie THE PLASTER CITY BLAST Short & Sweet FREEWAY CLOSE \ 4 TIMES AROUND A FIFTY MILE LOOP SATURDAY OCTOBER 3, 1987 · Info: Fud: (619)-427-5759 Jeff Wright: (619) 561-4810 Race Two of Fudpucker Racing Team Superstition Fall Series Page 18 Danny Thompson stayed with the program in the feature truck race, losing the engine hood on the Chevy, but he finished a surprise the flag. Awaoa finishing third.. James Cook finished fourth with Frank Chavez finishing fifth. The 4-wheel A TV main event had 24 riders looking for the green flag. Once the race was underway it was Greg Clark that shat into the lead, ho}1/ever, he lost power on the Kawasaki and had to pull off. Charles Sheonerd inherited first ,with Don Turk second. Turk dropped his second place position when he went ove.r ti:le handle bars, putting him out of the battle for first. When the fat lady had sung, it was Charles Sheonerd that too,k the checkered flag. Sean Finley finished second and third . went to Roger Burman. Chris Brandt was fourth and Jeff Watts managed fifth ahead . of Don Turk. There were seven UltraStock cars lined up for the seven -lap main event. It was Chris Neil that jumped off -the starting line for the lead with the other front row sitter, Jeff Elrod slipping into second. Greg George was third ahead of Tim Maples. ' On the second lap Chris Neil had a flat tire c.oming out of the back straight an9 lost the lead to Jeff Elrod. On the following lap Greg George took second in turn Lloyd Castle showed off f?is new Nissan Pulsar UltraStock racer, and kept it together down the peristyle to finish third in the main event. Young Dan Esslinger Jed most of the way in his Ford in the second truck heat, but he got aced out and crashed hard right at the finish line. Although he ran second for a time in the UltraStock main event, Jeff Elrod ended up fourth 'in the. VW bodied racer, after a small scuffle in the turns. September 1987 Jimm11 Nichols aims for the hydrobarriers on the first turn, and he kept it put his Raceco home third in the Super 1600 main event. one and began his challenge on Elrod .. Going into the fourth lap Greg George took the second option of turn one, to take the lead from !;!rod. Ken Kazarian, , who had been behind Greg George, was able to close in to add to Elrod's trouble. Greg George held the gas pedal down on the Funco and was able to pull a comfortable lead over Elrod. This made· the battle for second place, between Kazarian, Lloyd Castle and Elrod, the hot seat. When ~he white flag came out Kazarian tried to take second from Elrod. He tried the first option of turn one, but the two , efbowed one another for awhile, and Elrod was able to hl!.ng on to his position. · Before the lap . was over Kazarian made his way around Elrod and he left the door open; Castle was able to get into third. At the checkered flag Kazarian was able to see Greg'George take the win from · his · second place position. Third place went to the newcomer Lloyd Castle with Jeff Elrod finding himself in fourth ahead of Vince Tjelmeland. . As the green flag fle~ for the Super 1600 main event it was Frank Arciero, Jr. that jumped out first with Rob Gordon It is always exciting when th.e Grand National trucks start a heat, and most of thes_e ten survived through the night to the feature race. Chris Neil looked good in his Ghia bodied UltraStock; Jeading the main-event · until a flat tire put him in the hay on the peristyle uphill run. Rob Gordon, left, lost the 1600 main event lead to Al Arciero.right here as Gordon had been running on a rear flat, and lost the tire completely' heading up the peristyle. · DustvTima

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for second with ihompson settling into third . .Roger Mears fell in behind Thompson. · . On the third lap Thompson · and Mears battled for third ' around the sweeper and down · the· front straight until 'Thompson made it final. Glenn Harris and Steve Millen had got caught in early traffic and were running at the rear of the pack, so fow were watching, when the two tangled coming out of the sweeper. A prqtest was filed by Mazda saying Millen intentionally ran into Harris. No ruling ha·d , been made by press time. Jeff Huber had his Mazda this close to David Ashley's Jeep in the waning laps of the main event, but a last turn effort and a trip into the hay dropped Huber to fifth. Defending points champ Tony Croft won the Super 1600 Trophy Dash, but did not figure high iri the 20 plus car main event traffic. On the third lap Ashley still had the Jeep out front. Thompson and Huber. were battling . for secopd and when _Thompson got by he left eno~h room for Mears to get by as well. On the·~ making an attempt in the first reaction though, i:h~ mle maker tum. Arciercj exited tum one should have been sent to the · first, but with 20 other cars guillotine. · Ashley shared the front row with row two made up oflvan Stewart -and Jeff Huber .. After the Jeep (Ashley) and Chevy (1bompson) elbowed one another a couple ot times down the front straight, it was the Jeep that took the lead. I:Iuber was able ,to squeeze past bunched up, it was anybody's Danny Thompson and bavid ball game for second. Cireg George, who had started.on the second row, managed to follow Arciero . as the others got themselves straighted out. Larry Noel straightened out in the wrong direction and ended up in the hay bales going up the . peristyle. Early heat winner, . Gary Dirc"ks pulled· his Chenowth into third. · Coming o ff the second_ peristyle the leader, . Frank Arciero, pulled to the side. Rob Gordon took over the lead with Greg George second, Marty Coyne third and Brad Castle fourth. Gojng into the second lap, Greg George tangled with Gary Dircks and lost his left rear wheel giving the second place spot to Marty Coyne. Rob Gordon had managed to put some breathing room between himself . and second place Coyne. Coyne lost his second place spot on lap four. when he got sideways off the front jump. Bad luck struck the leader on the following lap. Rob Gordon lost his right rear tire and was unable to make it up the hill going into the peristyle. Al Arciero, who had taken second from Coyne when he suffered steering problems, took over the lead. Al Arciero went on to win with a distant second going to Brad Castle. Jiinmy Nichols, who started 13th, took home third place honors. Fourth went to Ron Carter and fifth was Gary Dircks. In the Ultracross main event . 20 bikes lined up and the other 19 saw Russ Wateman, on a Yamaha, take the lead. Wateman · dropped the bike but was able to get back up and not lose position. . By the half way mark the battle was between Wateman, Tyson Vohland and Doug Dubach. Yoh land was able to hold the gas on over the double.jump to take the lead. As Dubai:h made his attempt -on Wateman the two collided and both fell, but Dubach was able to get up for ~econd. Tyson Vohland took the win with Doug Dubach second over Jon Nelson, Jeff Mabery was fourth ahead of Jon Ortner. When the Grand National Sport TiUcks lined up for the main event battle nine trucks were present. To the crowds favor, Dan Esslinger was able to return, however, Esslinger was missing the roof of his vehicle (from his earlier heat _perform-ance) ·and was sent back i:o the pits. Esslinger later said, "I should have.known the rules, it's my fault." By the crowd's Dusty Times , ~ ---. ·····--------"'"'1.U\\.. .,...,.. _--.~-~ ~-:..-r, ' --~ ·,•~ ~ ' . ' . . . BILL MEARS P.O. Box 40881. Bakersfield, CA 93384. 805/ 831--0377 JOIN THE GANG ... THE MEARS GANG! Be a part of the exdtement of America's fa-vo-riie forms of racing .. .lndy cars and (J)ff-Roadl No'Ait available for the first time, you're able to order the colors of America's faJorite racing brothers, Rick and Roger Mears .. Order your . T-shirts, jackets, hats,. pins, decajs and car witdow signs todayf · . · , · I I -----------------------------------------------------------... ~-------------------------------. ORDER BLANK . I " , ITEMS SIZES/DESCRIP11 IONS PRICE TOTAL COST FOOTBALL JERSEYS s M I I L XL S12.00x I T-SHIRTS s M I I L XL ' S 10.00x Wht __ Blue __ _Red __ Yellow __ HATS Blk Red Wht Blue S6.00x JACKETS Black Racing Jacket sao.oox Penske, Penzoll Racing, Mears Rick Standing__ Roger's P.U. __ Rick Car __ ! PINS Roger Helmet ___ 1Rlck Helmet __ Mea7 Gang_ S4.00x 10 Rick __ 10 Racing_,,._ 10 Indy Cars __ IQ Oft:Road--. 10 Roger Mears Racing _ .. • DECALS Rick Mears Roger's P.U. I Mears Gang ____ St.00 X -S3.00/mx __ -HANGING Mears Gang I S3.95x WINDOW SIGNS Mears Fan I NAME Please add S 3.50 on all non-C.O.O. orders for shipping and handllng. _____ _ California residents add 6% sales tax. _____ _ ADDRESS--------------------...---C IT y ________ ST ATE ___ __,. ____ ZIP -1---··Check O Money Order D Specify Rick or Roger on all orders. , ! 1.J•, ·.,' '-t' TOTAL ____ _ BILL MEARS P,O Box 40881, Bak~rsflefd, CA 93384. 805/ 831-0377 Scpttmbcr1 1987 Page 19

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~ · following lap Huber put himself in second by taking the second option of the first turn. Huber automatically closed in on the Jeep. The Jeep is the new comer to this series and until to.night had not made a respectable showing. Huber made several attempts on Ashley but couldn't find an open spot around the Jeep. Being pressured by Huber, the Ashley and Huber duo pulled away from the remaining t_rucks. On the seventh lap Huber tried to go -inside on tum one and looked as if he could make it, but again the Jeep held on. As the white flag came out, Huber took the second option and stood the_ Mazda s'traight up in. the air, but Ashley held on. The crowd got excited as Ashley got hung up on one of the hydrobarriers at the switchback but he was able to keep the Jeep in the lead. ·Greg George was second in his heat in the Funco, but a traffic tangle in the feature, while running second, cost him his left rear wheel and a finish. Huber made his final attempt down the back straight, but ended up in the hay bales, and fell to fifth place. David Ashley brought the Jeep around for Jeep's first Gran Prix victory. Danny Thompson finished second and third went to Ivan Stewart. Last year's main event winner, Sherman Balch finished fourth and fifth went to Jeff Huber. . · Despite whee/standing on top of Jim Sandefer, Ron Carter came back through the congestion in the 1600 main event to place fourth in the Chenowth. \ '· ,-,, :: \ More off-road-races are won on Bilsteins than any other shock absorber, period. Bl.5'l'EIN •BORN TO PERFORM'" BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 11760 Sorr_ento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog, send $2.50. e CME -Page to -~ptember 1987 Defending Coliseum truck champ Sherman Balch led his heat until the steering broke, but he got the Nissan home fourth in the main event. Driving his older Toyota while the late model is being updated, Steve Millen tried hard but could do no better than fifth in the truck main. Marty Coyne started out strong with second spot in the Trophy Dash, but steering problems put him out of the feature while he was in second spot. Frank Arciero was the early leader in the main event, but coasted to a stop; but he still leads the 1600 points standings with one race to go. The second leader in the 160o'main, Bob Gordon was out early after a bump on the peristyle destroyed the carburetion on his Chenowth. Dusty Times

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THUNDIRIOWL RACING A Motor Extr•va-9anza in the Los Angeles Coliseum By Homer Eubanks ,. '· . · . Photos: Ch1 is Thompson The deafening roar of the top fuel and dragsters really got the crowd's attention, fast off the line and thrilling to watch stop, helped by the arresting straps tied to the rear frame. . . I Mickey Thompson has been, ·distance.Couldthedistance have peristyle and Big !Foot came and apparently always will be, been lengthened another 100 across for an easy wfn. The final one of motorsport's most noted feet, the visual effect would have event was the 10 cr:ar monster innovators. He has been involved been greater. But, what the hell, mash, where they al~ took turns with every form of motorsports racing· is racing, and. those in • flattening the cars. I. imaginable, so when he an- attendance were treated to a good Super Pete, a moclified Peter-nounced · his la test attraction, afternoon of racing excitement. bilt, was the first to get the crowd "Thunderbowl racing," no one Thunderbowl racing was a really going by backing off and was surprised -just curious. fitting · race for the Coliseum, ~ floor boarding the Peterbilt. The Thunderbowl racing was the since several events were staged Goodyear66x43.00-25NHS Sunday event to top offThomp-at one time, something similar to tires were churning! up the dirt s~m's two~day Motor Extrava- . a track meet. The variety kept the -before leaping onto1 the line of ganza. pace moving to create non stop cars. The Peterbilt 1hot straight Thompson's pre-race publicity action. After a top fuel dragster, up and landed on the fifth car. A said, "Thunderbowl rai:ing is a with its deafening 2000+ coupleofbouncesrhoreandhis combination of some of today's horsepower, vibrated the eyeballs first run was over,I so he spun most popular forms of dirt of the 20,633 in attendance, it around and repeated his per-racing. There will be sand drags, was refreshing to watch· the formance. I mud bogs, monster trucks, Odysseys or 4-wheel ATVs go The world famous Big Foot Odysseys and 4-wheel ATV after one another. was the last of the five monster events performing at one venue The monster trucks put on trucks to do its part of turning to give the spectators, 'something three different shows. First off, the cars into frisbees. By now the for everybody.' " they raced the clock around a cars were only a couple of feet The only problem with this special course up and down the high, which aUowed Big Foot to type· of racing is the confined peristyle. Next, a grudge race get a longer jump than any of the quarters within the L.A. Coli-between Big Foot and the trucks. For this he 1was named seum. This required the dragsters Barbarian took place. Each truck King of the Hill. to run solo, and for only 200 feet. ran in an opposite direction until There were repeat winners The mud baggers ran the same The Barbarian got hung up in the from the Saturday f ight event; Rennie Awana too~ home· top honors in the OdYjssey class. Greg Clark was able to win the 4-wheel A TV class after taking oyer the lead on the last lap. Clark was runnin~ third and' found a large hole] whet:). , the leaders Marty Hart and Sean Finley tangled at thd 1bottom of the peristyle. Hart kent on to take second and Finldy was third. The Monster Trucks have a big following, and the fans at the Coliseum got a three rin_g circus in activity, climaxed by flattening old sedans. Dusty Times The Thunder draghers were a real treat. In our\ world of compact cars poweryd by over~. grown lawn mower engines, the super power dragstbrs were· a thrill for everyone to watch. Due to the confined area, stopping the dragsters would appfar to be a problem. Therefore Mickey Thompson, being t~e inventor he is, devised a huge gungee cord to stop these-su~er power vehicles. Only ont e did the system fail. When the top fuel dragster of Phil Johrison turned in his winning low E.T. of two seconds flat the bungee cord let go. However, it held long enough to slow the fueler down to the point he was able to stop. Another problem. with the bungee cord was with the three-wheel motorcyclesi, When it stopped them some of the riders }VOuld tend to be thror n over the handle _bars. Besid~s ~ couple of bruised knees and t;go, no one was injured. I September 1987 The mud baggers produced real side by side racing, even on the shortened coerse, and amazingly, none of them got stuck in the Coliseum mud. The three wheei bike dragsters are incredible_ creations, and they put on quite a show, e;,pecially when the strap stopper took hold on the bikes. John Weaver, of Hanford, CA won top honors in the Funny Car class, and John Edwards from 1n4io, CA was the Pro Comp winner. Dick Phillips, Carson I . Ciny, Nevada, turned in the top speed of the meet with 121.64 mph. · The mud drags produced some top notch side-by-side racing. However, the course should have been longer. The action would appear to just get started and it would be over. No one even got stuck: The Bounty Hunter was thel only casualty, at the end of the bog, his Jeep was thrown side-ways into one of the hydro-bar\riers, causing him to flip and catch fire. The blower blew and soJnded like a cannon going off. 1he Bushwacker was the winner of the 2-wheel drive mud bog event with an elapsed time of 3.1013 seconds. The Californian, a 4-wheel drive unlimited vehicle took 4. 7997 seconds to pass through the 200 feet of bog to win the 4-wheel drive class. The Off-Road Motor Extrava-ganza did offer something for everyone. The event was a Hrst of its kind and had a few of the expected glitches that go along with such an event. However, the action remained constant to keep the audience entertained. The Monster trucks, with their somewhat comical antics, and top fuelers, with their super power stole the show. The mud bogs appeared to attract a large crowd of their own. The A TV and Odyssey races ra:n on a shortened track making them somewhat an exhibition. Thun-derbowl racing turned out to be entertaining for all ages. ct-1Ass1s Is Expanding to Better Serve You WE HAVE MOVED Visit our all new· and larger facilities in Palmdale V-ENTERPRISES Bill Varnes Mike Brown 37925 Sixth Street East, Unit 107 Palmdale, CA 93550 805-272-3843

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VORRA VIRGINIA CITY IOO DDERT RACE "The Bl99est Little Race in the West" Text & Photos: Ken Vanderhoof (Focus West) The action began with a parade of.race cars on the historic main street in Virginia City, now as 100 years ago, lined with restored bars and other establishments from the gold rush era. Sixty-six cars left the start by It hasn't been an easy year for the old train station in beautiful Tim with five D.N.F.'s in the last Virginia City, Nevada. After a five races. Even in this race his couple of blocks, past the clutch started slipping on the baseball field and the historical third lap, so he had to baby it for Virginia City graveyard, the seven more laps. He still course dropped down into the maintained the best lap times of . mineshaft riddled · canyons for the day to take the checkered in 5 the twenty mile loop which was hours, 27 minutes. made up of either smooth fast Tim had been chased very marbley roads that produced close by Jiin Lawrence until the several rollovers and even a few halfway point of the race when endo's, or steep rocky hills that Lawrence failed to show up for stranded more than a few racers. lap six. Second in Class 2/5 went Whatever the reason, only 13 to Sam Berri of Arnold, Cali-cars made the entire ten laps in fornia, who also leapfrogged in the allotted time. Everyone the point standings. Third went interviewed really liked the track whether they broke down or not. Tim Bell of nearby Reno, Nevada, was the big money winner by. repeating his last year's Virginia City win. This win not only earned him a lion's share of the $10,000 purse, but also rocketed him to first place in the V.0.R.R.A .. Desert Point Standings. · FUN!FUN!FUN! THE to Emory Brazell, up from Los Angeles. Fourth place money went to Hank Williams down from Grand Junction, Oregon, and fifth spot to Dick Wielandt of Napa, California. A few odds-on favorites failed to finish, one of those being Larry Zii:nmerman, winner of the recent Yerington 350 and the Prairie City Short Course Race. Larry broke an axle on his second lap and never got it fixed. His usual co-driver, Garen McCune, driving the single seatedn Class 1 this time, tried to help by taking parts out to Larry who broke PLASTER CITY .BLAST Christopher Cash was another repeat winner at Virginia City, taking the Class 10 win by four laps, and he also took third overall honors home to Boise, Idaho. · SATURDAY OCTOBER J, 1987 Info: Fud: (619) 427-5759 Jeff Wright: (619) 561-4810 Race Two of Fudpucker Racing Team Superstition Fall Series Page 22 Leaving the sta.rt/finish line at the old railroad station Roy Clark got very c(ose to the Class 3/4 victo!y, second at the flag by just five secor:,ds. September 1987 Tim Bell led all the way to repeat his overall victory last year, with Terry Bell _co-driving the potent Class 2 racer, and Bell now leads the VORRA desert points series. • Californian Steve Bradford has been racing for 22 years, and he scored bis first' victory at Virginia City, winning Class 1 in spades, with a three lap lead in class. down in the roughest most inaccessible spot on-the race course. The only problem was Garen had transmission troubles and also was a D.N .F. Ron Carter from southern California also suffered transmission troubles and drop~d out early . . Steve Bradford of Watsonville, California, looked great in finishing second overall and first in Class 1, which was his first win in twenty-two years of trying (perserverance). Second in Class 1, a couple of laps down, was Keith Robb of Pleasant Hill, California. In Clas~ 10, Christopher Cash ofBoise, Idaho, pocketed the cash in his repeat oflast year's win. He had a serious battle going with Chris Oberg of Reno. On the sixth lap they both pitted at the same time across the track from one another. Cash made a pit stop that Mario Andretti would be proud of, but Chris Oberg made a long stop and then never made it back for lap seven. Oberg-still got second· place since the course was hard on Class 10 cars. Third place money was nabbed by Ray Chriever of Quartz Hill, California. Oberg and Cash are Roy Gust had the 1-2-1600 lead starting the last lap, but took an extra 20 minutes to get around, and Californian Roger Shuman took over to win. Tim and Terry Bell get doused. with the victory bubbly at the finish line, and at Virginia City it was beer bubbles instead of champagne. Dusty Times

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Richard Hampton swings around a turn on the smoother part of the race course and he drove his truck into third in the 4x4 competition. Jeff Eauchus gets fresh rubber on his Sportsman Bug during an in town pit stop, and Jeff is now second in the class points in the desert series. now tied for Class 10 V.O.R.R.A. points. Roger Shuman of Quartz Hill won the very competitive Class 1-2-1600, where the first four places finished in just over a nine ·;r,,:~·, minute span. The cars running one-two-three for most of the race all had problems on their last lap letting Shuman's consistent lap times edge them all out. The final order was Shuman Dennis Kordonowy at1 ost brushes the fence, en ;oute to fifth in 1600 ranks. That is the historic Virg/nia City graveyard i~ the background. Clayton Scudder turne,d the fastest lap of the day in Sportsman class, a 36.22, but it was also the onlYi lap for his Karma-Kazi Ghia. . . · first, Scott Schaupp and John Kordonowy fifth, who could Mcfarlane from nearby Reno have won if not for the last lap second, Bill Norgrove up from blues. San Mateo third, ~ very disap-Flass 3/4 was bagged_ by pointed Roy Gust fourth by Mrrshall Mahr who also gets the forty seconds, ~nd Dennis G~ Sam Award. When Don German, who led the first lap an<;l-a half, dropped out with carburetor problems, Marshall took the time to see what Don needed, he then stopped by German's pits on his way through Virginia ~ity and grabbed a spare to drop off to Don. Don German then cranked out six of the fastest Class 3/ 4 laps of the day to end up fourth. Meanwhile at the end of the race Marshall Mahr beat Roy Clark of San Rafael, California, by a mere five seconds! Third went to -Richard Hampton of Reno. Marshall Mahr has a good chance of capturing the Class 3/ 4 points · title .. That is if he cfn beat Don German. . Bob Shermer, of Modesto, California, outlasted all in the crowded Sportsman Class where no one made all ten laps in the given time. Second place went to local favorites John Foody and Jim Duncan of Carson City, who were one lap down because of mechanical difficulties at the midway . point. Third was Jeff Eachus of Peteluma, California, who was running excellent lap times in histrick convertible Baja Bug until a broken spring plate put a halt to his plans. The V .O.R.R.A. points battle is really getting tight between Bob Shermer and Jeff Eachus. Once again Ed and Jenny Robinson .and the V.0.R.R.A. crew put on a splendid race out of a beautiful town. The start/finish line is just a hundred yards from Main Street where there is lots to do for young and _old alike. ' •--• • I "';d",;..,1/ ~ ,,. " , - z 't!:t 1i ' I = -~~\ ·--~1c:::-1--F F-R OA D RA GiNG DIVISION KIT SHIPPED VIA UPS CHENOWTH CLASS II ROLL CASE KIT Chenowth's popular class 11 roll cage kit comes with extra gussets for greater strength and is notched to slip together easier than ever. Features 1½" x .090" wall tubing for superb lightweight strength. Includes rear torsion support kit. Welding required. #60600 Class 11 cage kit ....... Sl41Ul5 YOKOHAMA OFF-ROAD TIRE SALE • 7.00x15 typ frnts, ea ....... $57.95 33-10.50 x 15 Super Digger tubeless rears. ea . . . ........... $79.95 7.00 x 15 tubes. ea : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.95 Tubes for Supr Oggrs, ea .. . ..... · 12.115 YOKOHAMA/CENTERLINE PACKAGE 8G> Designed for the serious off-road racer. Package includes two 7.00 x 15 Yokohama front tires with tubes and two 33-10.50 x 15 Yokohama Super Digger rear tires mounted on two 15 x 3½ 5-lug Centerlines (bubble-style inset) for the front. and your coice of 15 x.6 or 15x 75-lug'Centerlines for the rear. Hi-speed balanced-ready to install. I Yokohama/Centerline pkg ...... $8811.00 Add for tubes in rear .... ........ 20.00 SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL . DISCOUNTS ON: W /llll-11 hENOWTH -~.l~J.1-l ~~ .. .......... - V WEBER o.;;.":a-just• . ~~ VC,0-#Cw wmJ;JJ.\w.j ~ YOKOHAMA IV SWAY•A·WAY ~,. ..... ~._._ ..... ,,.,.,, Dusty Times September 11987 CENTERLINE RACING WHEELS 15 x 3.5 - 5 lug. each . . . . . .... S 97.95 15 x 4.751 5 lug. each . . . . . . . . .. 99.115 15 x 5. 75 - 5 lug. each . . . . . . . . 104.95 . 15 x. 6 - 51 lug._ each ......•..... 106.95. 15 x 7 - 5 lug, each . . . . . . . . . . . . 109.95 15 x 8 - 5 lug. each· ............ 114.95 15 x 10 - 5 lug. each ...... , .... 117.95 WEEKEND WARRIOR FRONT END BEAMS Custom made from D.O.M. Steel. Available 5" or 6" wider than stock. Includes 4 torsion adjusters. Adds 8'' of shock travel. Specify width when ordering , ... 1225.00 KYB Gas shocks for above. ea .. . . 19.116 Car.Custom· High Per;tormanc;e& 5toclf VWParts j 915 W. Foothill Blvd., Azusa, Ca. 91702 W~LK IN (818) 334-4951 PHONE ORDERS (818) 969-i967 Page 13

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SNORE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL t · . Eel Herbst Takes the Overall I Victory in the·Dus,r Darkness · -I Photos: Kure Schindler Ed Herbst had no trouble at all in the dark, his Chenowth two-seater never missed a beat, and he led all five laps to win the combined Class 1 and 2 title and win the race overall in 4:14.22. · The 15th running of the annual SNORE Midnight Special brought some changes in the format of the race. There was a new location for the midsummer night contest that usually attracts a husky entry from both local folk around Las Vegas, Nevada and the outlanders from Cali-fornia and Arizona. Running late in July, the 1987 event produced all the expected course condi-tions, hanging dust, stray cows, and plenty of power poles to keep the drivers on their toes. But, for the first time in rfi.any · years the Midnight Special lacked a sponsor. Last minute cancelation of the event in 1986 may have caused some of the problems, and both the host hotel ·and KC HiLites were absent this year. KC HiLites had been a major sponsor of this race for well over ten years. The start/finish line was in a new area this year, right at the Nevada/California state line. Oddly enough it was the site of the first Midnight Special back in 1971. Then the start/ finish line was in the middle of the dry lake west of I-15, with only a small cafe and gas station__ for land-marks. The small cafe has.grown to be the massive Whiskey Pete's hotel/casino now. The 1987 Midnight Special started across the highway, to the east, down the dry lake from Kactus Kate's, where the registration took place on a hot day in July, Both the Team T / A folks from BFGood-rich and Yokohama Tires had their big rigs on hand to take care of the racers. A disappointing entry o( 38 cars in five classes started the 1987 Midnight Special, with very few on the list from outside the southern Nevada area. As the nine in the evening starting time approached, all semblance of wind, or even a breeze, faded and competitors worried about thick dust on the hazard strewen course. It was a fast route that included three dry lakes and TEAft~ SANDWINDER CHASSIS CHALLENGE CLASS WINNER Budweiser 250 & 1987 Baja Internacional ,rut\ i;t;o:.. '1} , \,,..= 1,~.:t;.; J.-. .._# G,>,s,..:f-' CHASSIS FOR ALL CLASSES 714-825-0583 CALL FOR DETAILS _ - ~14-888-2703 241 So. Arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino, C~ 92408 _ Page 14 some tight pole line road running, plus a fence line that saw most of the fence downed throughout the _ course of the event. The starting order for the race led off with the ten cars in the combined Class 1 and 2, followed by the seven Class 10 and eleven Class 1-2-1600 racers. The trio in combined Class 5 and 7 followed next, and last to leave were-the seven in Chall~ger Class.Tom and Steve Martin drew the first starting· spot in their Class 2 Racecp . And, there was some grumbling among the Class 10 drivers, who are accustomed to starting first in the SNORE club races. There were six laps of the 33 mile course on the schedule for a finish, but, after the race was underway, the dust and attrition turned out to be heavy. So, the _ event was shortened to five laps, and the Challengers had to cover just four rounds. · Ed Herbst led the pack after one lap in his Class 2 Chenowth, with a swift 46.36 lap time, fast first lap of the race. Closest to him at that point was Mark Cameron, in a single seater, with 50.54, followed by Brian Collins, in another two seat Chenowth at 53.10. The Martin Brothers were already in trouble with axles and shocks, and were well back in this herd. Ed Herbst's brother Troy was running fourth at 53.44 in another two seat Chenowth, _and the entire ten car field covered the first lap: · Breakage started on the second lap as the two seaters of both Dennis Lee and Kevin McGil-livray failed to come around. Out front Ed Herbst increased his lead over Mark Cameron to over , -September .1987 Mark Cameron had a good race in his single seater, and he ran second in Open class and overall most of the distance and at the finish line. Jack Short survived some mechanical problems on the last:lap to hold his lead lo win Class 10, and Short finished a fine fourth overall in his battered racer. six minutes, and Briari Collins in third at 2:49.02 closely was close, only another 46 followed by Aaron Hawley at seconds behind the Class 1 car. 2:50.08. It was going to be a run Tcoy Herbst was still fourth, but for second place. Heading into Brian Bakh, in another two the final lap Herbst had a 13 seater, was now less than a minute lead over Cameron, who minute behind him in a real dice. had five minutes on Hawley, and Troy Herbst did not finish the the Martins were only another third lap, and Balch, with a nearly minute back. Both Collins and two hour middle lap, was gone James Barbeau finished four laps, after that round. but not the final round. After three fast laps, Ed Herbst The running order for Open had a good lead with total time of -dass did not change on the final -2:28.49. Closest to him was lap. Ed Herbst whipped off Mark Cameron at 2:41.18, while another 52 minute round to win the Martins were back on form, the race overall in quick time, Mark Whittington started out strong in Class 10, had many troubles late in the . nigh_t, finished four laps which was good for second in Class 10. Ken Curtis held a strong second in Class 10 for two laps, then had a very long th,rd lap_ and retired, taking third place in Class 10. · _ i>usty Times

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. -', '.i' -lead to·four·minutes over Curtis . . J~r.ry .L9ckridge was another three minutes back,. but he went -no farther , nor did Larry Gilmore. Curtis used 3:42.53 to cover the Jhitd lap, and he parked. , ' · . · r1i . -. ·• I . ·•· It was a race all the_ way for J.D. Ward and Terry Jeffers, but even electrical _ .. Brent Belfstayed near _th , front in Class1-2-16po all the way, and he brought tf]e trouble didn't slow them too much, and they won the biggest class, 1-2-1600 and family two seater home for a close second in'tlhe class. After four trips around, Jack . Short had 30 odd minutes lead over Mark Whittington, who had. a two hour fourth lap a:nd retired in second place. Short used an extra 12 minutes on the fifth and final · lap;' repairing his roll cage which had come adrift. He finished without some of the tubing, but he won Class 10, the only finisher, and placed fourth overall with total time of 4:32.55. There will _6e chassis rework on. the Stop 'N Go sponsored Short machine before the next race. were fifth overall. --------'·-+I~ _____ .:__ ______ __:__:_ I Grant Garban came back from first half troubles to,turn two quick final laps and it boosted him into third place at the flag in Cla$S 1-2-1600: · 4:14.22. Mark Cameron came · from California to nab second place honors in his single seater, with total time of 4:25.20, good for second overall too. Despite second lap woes, Aaron Hawley came back . with a remarkable 46.17 final lap to take third overall and in class at 4:31.18. The Martins had big troubles with electrics and lights on the . last lap, but they did finish fourth in cla·ss, over: half an hour behind. It was a tight battle in Class 10 on the first lap with close times down the line. Jack Short led the way with a 53.35, Ken Curtis did a 54 .58, Jerry Lockridge cranked out a 56.08 followed tightly by John Ellenburg at 56.20. All seven covered the first lap. However, Ellenburg -was-out on the second lap with engine trouble, and Tom Ellingham was involved •in an on ·co.urse collision and out for the evening. On lap 2 Short stretched his . . Californian Pete Dutton had the fastest first lap in Challenger rahks, but tioi.Jbles on the second half dropped him to second at the finish. · Steve Burke got in three good laps in his Challenger car, but he did not finish the fourth, but took third in class anyhow. Dusty Times Class 1-2-1600 had the biggest field at eleven, and they all covered the first. lap. As expected, SNO~E points leader Rob MacCachren led the pack with a quick 54.14, but Paul Kline recorded a 54.29, and Californians J .D. Ward and Terry Jeffers were right there with a 55.33, only eleven seconds ahead. of Ken Freeman Jr. in a very tight battle. Bryan Pennington took the Challenger Class lead on the second lap in the Valley Performance car, and hJ led the rest of the di1tance to win, the class. · Three dropped out on the second• lap, including Paul Kline and R.ob Guevara. Kenny Freeman pad a frightening experience; as he crashed into one of -(;Ir I I· ·. PAR~ER P~MPER HELMET CO. I -ANNOUNCES ·THEIR-LINE OF ·NEW HELMETS I -1 - . . .. . . I * Standard Voy·ager w/90° Hose Fitting I * Deluxe Voyage;r w/molded Air Inlet · · * Su~er Deluxe Voyager Red/Silver or Black/Silver w/molded Air Inlet I , I ALL NEW _SJTYLE·HELMETS··- ;85· SNELLAPPROVAL . I . . . . . . . RACHEif SHIELD - ~~CH LIGHTER -MORE NOSE ROOM j •· - ALSO AVAILABLE · . DRINKERS -KooJ PAC'S -MR 4000 LEXAN SHIELDS I · . I ·' · GLASS OVERLAY SHIELDS - 4' & 8' HOSES -FILTERS I PUMPER MOTORS -CUSTOMER CONVERSIONS Plusl A Full Lin~ of Simpson Safety Products. . - .. I - . PARKER PUMPER I HELMET CO. 9371 Kramer St., Unit G & H Westminster, Calif. 92683 714/894-8332 Page 25.

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Aaron Hawley had his troubles on the second lap, but later-turned fast lap of the race, 46:17, on the last lap to take third in Open class. Tom and Steve Martin ha<;! troubles on the first and last lap in their Raceco, 'and the brothers ended up with fourth place in Open class. Californian Jerry Lockridge was running a strong third in Class 10 for two laps, then broke down on course and was credited with fourth spot. Herman Salaz ran a very steady pace all five laps, and brought his two seat racer to the finish in good shape, fourth in Class 1-2-1600. Brian Collins was a close third in Open ranks after 2 laps, had woes on the 3rd, did a fast 4th ro_und, but did not finish the last lap. Vance Schmid turned most con$istentlap times in his 1600, and he went the entire distance in good time to take fifth in Class r;a--the huge, cross country passed him both physically and minuteflatroundtonotonlywin power poles hidden in the dust, on E.T. Ward started the fourth Class 1-2-1600, but he and and it tore off half the front of his lap with a 46 second lead on Jeffers were fifth overall in the car. Happily, Freeman was not MacCachren, and Bell was back race. Brent Bell, who ran steady injured. Also, involved-in an on about ten minutes. Barry all night, was just'over four course collision, Grant Garban McDermott failed to finish the · minutes back in second, and was soldiering on, and there were lap, having lost a wheel some- sixth overall. Well down on time reports of other cars hitting where on a dry lake. with troubles the first half of the power poles in the near zero MacCachren turned class fast race, Grant Garban finished visibility. laponthefourthroundat52.12, third at 5:10.04, followed by After two laps Rob MacCach- retaking the lead. Ward/ Jeffers Herman Salaz at 5:21.50 and ren had over four minutes in lost a coil and about 15 minutes, Vance Schmid at 5:52.28. · hand upfront. But, Ward/ Jeffers dropping to third, about a , ThreestartedoutinClassS/7, were in hof pursuit, about five minute behind Bell. However but Keith Dill did not cover a lap minutes ahe;id of Brent Bell. . MacCachren, as well as · Hal in his Baja Bug. The leader then Only these three 1600s had less Flippen, retired on the last lap. and all the way was Art Grajeda than two hours total time at this Rob was reported down and out in his Class 7 truck, a half hour to point. MacCachren slowed a tad in a wash. the good over Mike Mosley in a on the middle lap, and Ward J.D. Ward put down a 55 Baja Bug.Mosleywasouton,the ~---------··--------------------. second lap, Grajeda got in three West Coast Distributor fOR HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS. ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 ·Ratio's Available Mc Kenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywoo~. CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 16 laps at 5 :3 7 .11 and retired the Class 5/ 7 winner. Incredibly all seven Challenger starters completed the first lap, and Californian Pete Dutton led local favorite Bryan Pennington by a ·slim 30 seconds. Steve Burke was another three minutes back in quite a 'tight contest in this class, Stan James was fourth, another eight minutes back, but neither Stan nor RolandTemblay made another round. Pennington took the lead after two laps by an even three minutes over Dutton. Steve Burke was another three minµtes plus in arrears, and nobody else was close.· Forrest Ellis retired after two rounds, and Les Carnahan, with a long second lap, got iri three rounds before time ran out, but it was good for fom:th place. Pennington stretched his lead over the quartet on lap 3, holding about six minutes on Burke who led Dutton by ten minutes. But, Steve Burke ·was out on the last · lap. Pennin:gton did a wild 1 :09 final round and won the Challenger honors handily. Pete Dutton finished second, about half an hour back. There was some flap later about the legality of Bryan Pennington's car, but no , protest was accepted at the finish at 2:00 a.m. The 1987 edition of the SNORE Midnight Special was September 1987 1-2-1600. Art Grajeda ran his truck with the 5-1600 Bugs, and he finished three laps in 5:37.11, to win the combined class by a full two laps, quite a fea"t on_ the rough course. not exactly a landmark event. The organization was ragged in many areas, and there were some unhappy participants, many beefing about the poor choice of course for a night race, three dusty dry lakes for example. Abruptly, SNORE moved the awards ceremony Sunday morn-ing from the state lfne area some 50 miles north to a Las Vegas bar and grill. One California team that may regret not driving the extra 100 miles to attend the awards is the Martin ·Brothers. At the drawing for the free entry for the SNORE 250, coming up September 26, held during the awards, the Martins name was drawn from the Midnight Special entry list. But, you had to be there in Las Vegas to get the prize! The Martins had no luck at all during the Midnight Special weekend. . .. With three of the six SNORE/ Yokohama Series races on the books -this year, Rob Mac~ Cachre~ has a firm grip on the points lead with 1510. Grant · Garban is second with 1300 points, closely followed by Jack Short at 1240. It is tight for fourth as Aaron Hawley is there now with 1130 points, but close behind and tied for fifth are Herman Salaz and Kenny Freeman, each with 1110. There are 62 racers on the SNORE points listing so far, and the second half of the season is yet to come. Young Mike Mosley didn't have much luck in his 5-1600 Bug, and after a two ar,d a half hour first lap, Mosley vanished into the night. ( \ Dusty Tl•s

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Rabbit Haire came out of retirement to drive the 1600 race, but the top chassis builder had bad luck and only covered nine laps in the race. Ronnie Whigham gets sideways trying to hold off the pass from Darrel McKee got out of shape and flipped early, but carried on in · the 1600 winner Clint Hurst. Hurst finished a fine third overall as the r.ace, before retiring for good after completing 18 laps. well. · st gett1'ng settled down and 1·n· 24·· laps betore· ren·r· 1·ng, and . . . . - l I JU . Cl C iaA6MI· · t ( d I G i l used to the course when a rear , Travis Hurst was·out midway, ON o._.. .... on a _·. o_ f • ., .I org a , t stub axle bearing went out, and . with 25 laps to his credit. Ray he was done after orily nine laps. Whigham go~ well over half way, J.R. Taylor chased Travis at 28 laps, but he didn't finish Hurst until lap 10, when J.R. either, nor did Ronnie Whigham, made the pass. But, a bright day third in 1600 class with 30 laps suddenly turned sour for Taylor completed. on unlucky lap 13, when he was · Out the 1600 ranks at through for the day with engine · the checkered flag was first· lap problems. Taylor blew a hole in leader Clint Hurst with 42 laps · one of the heads, no joke, and done and he was third overall . . ·nobody knows hdw he did it. Close behind, also cqvering 42 Next to park for · the day was laps, was Dennis Aiken, and he 1 Darrel McKee, with _18 laps was second in class and fourth . completed. Bobby Bramblett got overall. · · Lindy Herrell took the lead on the second of 45 laps, was eushed hard toward the end of the race, but he hlung on to the lead 1 to win Class 10 and overall at Cordele. • · -, G.O.R.R.A.'sJuly26eventat these folks, as weWas to Glen wasstardnghis£irstoffroadrace \ Cordele produced a relatively Edwards for' bringing the water in almost five yJars, driving Bob small entry, just 13 starters. truck. But, where in .the world Rule's 1600, sirice Bob was out ' Nearly all were regulars, but J .R. did Glen come up with a water_ of town. 1 Taylor came from Florida to truck??? At the green flag Bill Gaylord race, and another entry journeyed In Class 10 Grant and Casey took the lead and kept it for the from Tennessee. A lot of people · Dale drew the pole position for first lap. Then ILindy Herrell, ih worked on the 2¼ mile Cordele the start of the SO mile main Porter's · Rabbit built Magnum course to make it ready for the event. Class 10 was a small field, took over for good. While racing. Travis Hurst and .James with only four starters. Among Herrell led all the way, things got Hester manned the tractor, Mike the nine in the 1600 class, Clint · tighter near the end of the 45 lap · Isola worked hard, and Ronnie Hurst drew the pole spot, and event. With about 15 laps to go, and Ray Whigham drove the ~his class started right behind the second place G~ry Thistlewood water truck. Thanks go to all .Class 10 bunch. Rabbit Haire · pitted for gas; °il,Vhen Gary left the pits he was down almost two full minutes· fr6m the lead car. The hext 14 laps were as exciting as G.O.R.R.A. has had in quite a while. Gary really pushed and · 1 pitched 'his buggy around the I track. . I ' l . Finally Herrell saw Thistle-wopd coming . up fast, and he · started pushing harder. With about four laps to go Gary had I ··pulled to within ten or fifteen seconds of the leader. The next · · four laps sawl both cars stay pretty eve,n on lap · times, and Lindy Herrell took a well deserved overall and Class 10 . victor~. Also gbing the. 45 laps, . Dennis Aiken, foreground: swings wide to pass Ray Whigham; and Aiken went · and still close ~t. the checkered · • . 11 . ,.. . on to take-second in 1600 ranks and a fine fourth_overall. _____ flag, Gary Tliisdewoc;>cl,' was: second in class ~nd overal[~Grant and ~sev Dale got in 40 lai;;,s. for third. in Class 10; and unlucky . Bill Gaylord was . on the trailer I after only ten l~ps. l The 1600 class took off fast, and had over ten great laps of very tight running from the start-. -1 Clint Hurst took advantage of his pole position to lead his dad, f Travis Hurst, a1nd Florida's J.R. f Taylor on the first round,. But, it 1 took dad Travis Hurst just one ' lap to get sirouhd "his son Clint .. I For a time Clin~ managed to hold· off the_ hard fharging Taylor, who finally sHpped around to Gary Thistlewood tries for the inside line to get past Darrel McKee, and make the pass on lap 6 . Thistlewood finished a close second overall and in Class 10. Meanwhile, Rabbit Haire was• DustyTJmes __ September 1987 DESERT LOCK OUTER 10.000 HOLE FOR EASY ACCESS T9 LUG BOLTS 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8-1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP.--'-'=-,'"" Red. Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight · and optimum strength *At last,a quali~y b~ad loc.k designed for · Off-Road 'racing . · *All parts are available separately , *In stock • Ready for ship~ent . -. For Todays' Sophisticated · 15'' 13" 8'.'-10" UNLIMITED MIDGET MODIFIED MIDGET SPORTTRUCK MINI.STOCK ·auAD'RACER ' BAJA BUG MODIFIED MIDGET ATV WE HAVE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD, LOCK FOR _YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, . · fully machined and trued 8"· ........ $69.95 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert_Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: . . 00 -.. [JJ□(]JOO 3447 W. University . Fresno, CA 93722 (209)275-5183 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Page 17

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1918 GMC l(.;1J SIERRA PICIUIP \ The All New Truck fro111 General Motors is a Different Dandy Text & Photos: Jean Calvin The "new look" GMC pickup is bigger than it lodks with a vast amount of high tech features underneath the smooth. aerodynamic body. The top of· the line mod(JI comes with everything, including fancy wheels ... It has been on the road· for a few months now, but the all new • full size pickup, from GMC and Chevrolet, still turns heads on the street. Starting with nearly a clean slate, the design team took years to fashion the replacement • for the venerable, boxy pickup, scarcely changed except for trim~ since 1972. Gone ·is the square rigged look of the "big" pickup, and the new rig has rounded edges, sloping. nose and wind-shield,· and streamlining every-where for better aerodynamics from stem to stern. The end result makes the new truck look smaller thap its, ancestors; and a bit more like a Japan~se truck than one from the heartland, of America. · ' · The truck we tested was a-fully loaded four wheel drive half ton Wideside out of OMC. Gues~ing that the "smaller-look" might just be an ill\}sion, we parked the new rig next to a friend's 1987 Chevy 4x4, similarly equipped. For sure the trucks were the same length, but the 1988 ro~( li~e was a bit below that of the '87, and the overall width was an inch or so less. The truly an illusion, brought on in part by th'e severe rake of the windshield and the sloping hood. Perhaps the lack of opening wind vents in the front windows makes the doors look smaller also. The wind wings are a feature we really miss;'_ hut· apparently sacrificing fresh air, without-blowing apart, is the wave of the future. Another new featur~ on the trucks is the anti lock rear brake system, standard pn all models: lt is an electronic control to prevent wheel lock up and aid skid control'on sudden stops. A control unit handles the hydraul-ic pressure at die rear wheels, regardless of load or road conditions, and it works great on wet or dry road conditions. Under the hood was the 350 CID V-8 complete with electron-ic fuel injection. Despite'the low, 210 hp rating there is plenty of' power to haul any load. This unit was fitted with the four speed automatic transmission, with_ fourth gear being a h'ighway cruising overdrive. This is a new four speed automatic, vastly better for ·power than the older design, and, the trans no longer shifts constantly on mild grades or in traffi5. · -Also new under the hood is a single belt for all functions; it is probably the world's longest bek, and winds through a maze of pulleys, but it gets the job done. The part time four wheel drive is complete with automatic hubs, and the shifter operates with ease on the fly, another new feature ·forGMC. Th~ cockpit presents the look of the future, perhaps, on the dash. But at both the press introduction and after a few weeks usage, the jury is still out on the new instrumentation. The instrument panel is right under the steering wheel with a center · speedo flanked by temperature, oil pressure and fuel gauges and an ammeter. Fine so far, but all these instruments are done in a curving line of light grey ladder rungs over dark grey ladder rungs. While they are e~sy to read at night, in bright daylight, especially with the sun behind you,. the whole panel fades to nothing. The speedo is electronic, which is fine, 'but a color code rather than grey on grey would sure be easier to read in daylight ·driving. The whole dash is space age, with ✓push buttons' for everyth'ing including radio volume, heating and air condi-tioning, etc. Mostiare in the center of the-dash, hidden behind the steering wheel· rim for the shorter driver. With -daily use, no doubt one would le~rn to deal with this instrument panel, but it is certainly a different problem for th~ driver that could easily be cured with some orange or other colors added for better. visibilJty. Evidence of the wind cheating design is noticable on the nose, with all the lights faired in, the bumper rounded, and an ,air dam .underneath. \ the instrument panel is all electronic in the 1988 model, and all the matching gauges are equally hard to read until one gets used to them. Even the bench seat is new and responsive than· thar of its very co,mfortable on the long ancestors. haul. The entire interior is done Fuel economy varies, depend-in a single color, in this case it was ing on the load. Hauling up the beige. Keen extras are every-hills to an off road race with the where. Push button windows and bed stuffed with heavy bundles door locks, a _ light in the glove of DUSTY TIMES plus all the box as weHas a trouble light in race gear,· the GMC returned · the engine _bay, even defrost about· 12.5 mpg. On the return stripes on the·rear wiridow make trip, with almost no load, ..the this pickup eligible for town car economy zoomed up over 16 use as well as· working ,the mpg: With the big tank, we outba,ck. -. . qidn't fuel often, a keen feature One of our more favorit e when one is traveling on the features is the GMC emblems on , highways or off road. the ~ilgate and the nose. These . The new body style from red letters are actually reflectors, General Motors is sure to be the a keen_· idea and one we hope , pattern into the 1990s, for both . becomes more common. Neat Ford and Dodge as well. While also are the quartz halogen high the rig still draws double takes on beam ,lights, nicely faired in the the street, with people asking "is . nose for good aerodynamics. this an American truck", as more · On the road you often forget· and more. ,are sold through the you are driving a truck, it is so. year, it wil'l blend right in with its very civilized inside. ,Roa:d noise · boxy brethern. The base price on is at a minimum, aided in part by ' the 4 WO GMC pickup is the Goodyear Wrangler MT $11,825, and, adding on all the 265/ 75 radial mud and snow optionsincludingtheSierratrim, tires. This truck drives Hke a car,· th~ 'one pictured here lists at so m.uch so you need to $17,200. So, the price is similar remember its extra length when to that of the 1987 models, but parking. The ride is excelle_!lt, the look is all new. especially considering it is a 4x4, -----and the handling is far more Along with the body, the frame is new on the 1988 model tbo. It is fully boxed in with a pair df extra long leaf springs in the rear and torsion bars up front for modern suspension, which contributes to the lower stance of the new 4x4. The gas ta'nk, this one had the optional 34 gallon capacity, is located inside the frame rails,,and even the steering gearbox is located inboard on i:he frame up front .. Electronic fuel injection breathes -new life into the 350 V-8 The cockpit is spacious enough for big drivers, the bench seat. engine, and it provides plenty of power to haul-any load almost .far more comfortable than .in the past, and one piece side anywhere. windows are a sign of the times. · The radio and climate controls are truly space age, all push button, and there is a button for every function in the compact space .. Pagel8 _ September 1987 l).ustyTI_. •

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.·. SNO .· Where It Pdys I To.Race THE SNORE 250 The1 Racers' Race. SEPTEMBER 25-27, 1987 · . . . I . ·Fourth race in the 1987SNORE/Yokohama ·Series. . - - . . I -Race start/finish line pt Jean,~evada -southof Jean Inte[°_ationalt irport Course open for pre-running on. September 19 · · , I . I . -Barbecue and steak fry, music and dancing, and drawing for starting' numbers on September 19 at 7 p.m. at Jean, Nevada. $100 deposit to get in the drawing. - I - - . . . FOUR LAPS OF 3 MILES EACH Registration and Tech Inspection - September 25 at Jean -. Drivers' Meeting - 7:001 a.m. -s Jptember 26 . ' "'. . "" • I ' . · Race_ Starts - 8:00 · a.µi. -· ~ep~ember 26 Awards Presen_tation -Sundr y Morning, September· 27 . EXTRA CASH BONUS FOR FIRST, i ECOND ~ND THIRD OVERALL $500 CASH BONUS FROM QUAKER STATE OIL IN A DRAWING Drivers eligible for the drawing must leave ihe. start' line lvith Quaker State decals. · SNORE 250 OVERALL WINNER WILL RECEIVE .. FREE ENTRY TO ALL 1988 SNORE RACES._ >~~CHAMA FOr 5eriom Perfor-For further information and entry packet contact: \. SNORE, P.O. Box 4394, Las Vegas, NV 89106 or call the Hot Line · , 1 :' .;·:J ·n•it fy ~! . . ' 702-452-4522 · · l)Q -:-•">-,: -It Pays to RacJ with SNORE ~~= @ . I l j ! 1 1 . l

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Bl'GOODBICB BACING UPDJI. ,,· © 1987 Uniroyal Goodrich Tire Co.

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BFG0dDRICH . TIA®RAJJ)JALSITOP . ·THE COMPETITION AT PIKES PEAK. I , Leonard Vahsh_ol1tz·left th~ comPieti~ion below· · as he:rocketed his way to f1rst place m the · challenging Stock Car Division at.this year's Pikes Peak Auto Hill Climb held dnSaturday, July 11th: , I I DrivingonBFGoodrich TIA® Rddlials, Vahsholtz , . I and his 1987 Ford Thunderbird proved too strong an opponent even for drivers comlpeting on specially prepared racing tires. T~d Roberts won the Vintage Car Ditrision, giving BFGoodrich ' victories in both classes entered. j · Traction was a major feat on this year's dry, yet unusually slippery, course. Loose sand on top of hard-packed silt Jett many driver!f spinning their wheels. The 12.42-mile course was no match for BFGoodrich TIA Rddials, however, as they bu.rned the~r way ~.P the winding ~56-turn course to the peaks summit at 14,100 feetl This hard-foughtlvictory is proof positive of the oiitstanding performance captrbilities - . of BFGoodrich TIA Radials. Visit ypur local BFGoodrich TIA specialist to find out about the tires that will help your car or truck perform at its peak. BFGOODRICH JYA RADIALS WE MAKE YO IR CAlliPERFDRM~M

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1917 PIKES PEAK HILLCLIMI Group B Rally Cars ·at Their Peak By John Rettie Photos: Track.side Photo Enterprises The 1987 King of the Hill, Walter Rohr/ is a rookie on the hill, but he drove the Audi Sport Quattro in a record smashing run, breaking the 11 minute barrier by a bunch with a time of 10:47.85. When Michele Mouton, driv-ing an Audi Quattro Sport, broke the overall record at Pikes Peak in 1985 she upset quite a few locals. It changed tradition - the open wheel cars were no longer the fastest cars nor were locals privy to winning the race. Until then the famous "Race to the Clouds" was all but a local race for local drivers. "Foreigners" weren't expected to win especially if they were n:_>9kies. Likfr,~O many races it was an event steeped in tradition. From the mid-thirties until last year the U nsers held most of the records. In 1975 Roger Mears upset the locals when he won in a rear engined VW powered buggy instead of the traditional upright sprint car. This year, though, the traditions were truly shattered as European rookies took over the event. It started in 1981 when a newly created class for rally cars saw Audi of America enter its Quattro rally car with U.S. champion rally driver John Buffum at the wheel. While he didn't set any records he did open the eyes of the locals who couldn't believe that a funny small European car could be so fast on their hill. Since then Audi has returned each year and every year the team has managed to get up the 12.42 mile long dirt road; which rises from 9,402 ft. to 14,110 ft., faster and faster. Last year Audi of America made a smart move - it entered Bobby Unser in the Sport Quattro Group B rally car. Although he had not raced up the mountain in 12 years he managed Page 31 to better Mouton's record by 15 seconds with a time of 11 minutes 09.22 seconds. It was a popular win -Unser was king of the hill again. Audi's participation attracted the attention of other rally teams fro!ll Europe. But it was the outlawing of the ultra fast Group B rally cars in the world rally championship which encouraged the sudden interest in the race as manufacturers and private owners have been looking for places to Andrea Zanussi was close to team leader Vatanen in the race, driving his Peugeot 205 T16 across th~ finish line third overall at 10:56.05._ Pro Rally champion Doug Shepherd whipped his Dodge Shadow into second in Pro Rally class, a mere 0.99 second behind the victorious Crawford. September 1987 Ari Vantanen was the fastes_t qualifier, breaking Unser'srecord, but a turbo hard.ware failure held him to second overall on raci: day at 10:54.83. use their cars. Fortunately; Pikes Peak's rally class is still open to Group ._B cars so the wo_rld championship's loss is Pikes Peak's gain. No less than eight 4WD Group B rally cars entered plus three 4WD one-offs built specially for this race. Topping the bill was Peugeot, with a three car entry for its top rally drivers. Audi returned to defend its record with the highly .rated German driver, Walter Rohr!. Peugeot, without a rally team as it does not have a suitable Group A car, took particular advantage of the situation. Heavily spons-ored by Camel Cigarettes·, it competed in (and won) the ·three week long Paris-Dakar desert off road race in Africa earlier in the year as well as corning to Pikes Peak. Peugeot reportedly spent over one million dollars in its assault on Pikes Peak. It rented a complete warehouse in Colorado Springs·for two months and even rented the mountain for seven days of exclusive testing. The three cars were specially built for the race. They were. reduced in weight, by 200 kg, to 850 kg by removing unnecessary spares and using a thinner plastic body and lighter metal in' the suspension, brakes, etc. The team spent six months working on the engine. to gain an additional 200 hp, giving the 1775cc engine a conservative power output of 500 bhp at start level. Thanks fo an adjustable boost the team said it only lost 30 to 40 hp between the bottom of the mountain and. the top. The rQad up the mountain is smoother than most rally roads so the chassis engineers were able to use softer spring settiogs. Normally the Peugeot 205 T16 has a regular FF Developments developed 4WD system with three viscous couplings and a torque split of 33/67 front/ rear. But for this race the drivers experimented with different rados and opted for a 45/55 split. The car was oversteering so a second rear wing was added two . days before the race. According to Peugeot, the large fear wings even help in 20 mph hairpins and the underskirt, which actually touches the ground, helps although it loses 50% of its effectiveness as it ,wears out! According to Jo Hoppen, Audi of America's team manager, the German Audi team spent some, time in VW's wind tunnel fine tuning the aerodynamics · of the Quattro _that Unser. di:'ove in John Crawford drove his Dodge Daytona to his sixth straigM'win in Pro Rally . class, and he was congratulated by Bobby Unser, whose record of six_straight on the hill Crawford tied with this -year's performance. · · Californian Gary Gooch nailed down third in Pro Rally class in his Dodge Shelby Charger rally cw with a time of 14:22.51 on the 12 mile run. Dusty Tfmcs

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1986. As a result the car sprouted larger front and rear wings as well as a smooth undercarriage. Additionally, the turbocharged 2110cc 5-cylinder engine's power output was increased to 598 hp. In rally trim the car has the option of using viscous couplings, Torsen cliffs or friction plates in its 4WD system. For Pikes Peak the team opted for a conventional 50/ 50 split with a T orsen in the center and viscous couplings front and rear. For the past few years Rod Millen has competed in his own designed and built "4WD Mazda RX, 7 and has finished second to Audi each time. He says he lacked - horsepower in previous years but in March, Mazda approved a budget for a turbo engine which Racing Beat developed for him. Electramotive developed the electronic fuel injection and Garrett worked to get the correct turbo sizing for the 550 bhp engine. Millen then decided to build an all new car, just for the Peak. It uses the same tubular chassis as his regular rally car but-is 200 lbs lighter as it doesn't need to be as . strong. The 4WD &ystem was developed by Millen. and Wefsmann; it uses an Alfa Romeo front differential and the regular RX, 7 rear diff. Torque split is 50/50 with no viscous couplings or T orsen cliffs. In the race Millen only managed to finish sixth as his tires wore out half way up the hill and he had to limp to the finish. , Volkswagen has bujlt a special twin,engined· prototype Golf for the past three years. In previous year,s it used transversally mounted engines, .one at each end. This year VW altered the layout using turbocharged- 16, _ valve GT! 1800cc engines mounted longitudinally front - and rear. With an aluminum · _ nionocoque cabin it was literally like splicing two FSV .race cars together! Each engine produces Bill Brister won again in Open Wheel class, his Wells Coyote breaking the clas_s record by nearly ten his swift run to the clouds in a time of 11 :28. 78. . I I ' • .;Jdik-. After 12.42 miles straight up the Wollaston Coyote gets a pair ot'checkered flags, taking Open Wheel class at 11 :50.44 elapsed time. 300 hp so it has to be one of the most powerful and unusual VWs ever built. In previous years the team suffered engine manage, ment problems but this year the car ran smoothly and it was a broken suspension component which stopped it, less than a mile from the finish. · The only American car to compete against the rally teams was a specially built 4WD Oldsmobile en~ered by veteran local driver Frank Peterson. He built it in 80 days, justin time for last year's race; but do to lack of ~e~ting it never showed its true · potential. Th~ well ~ngineered car has a transverself mounted 207 cubic inch Y.-6J /idy engine ·built by McLaren Engines. The car has. inboard brak es and suspension and uses three Torseii Gleason di(fer'entials with a· 50/50 split front/rear. Peterson admits that the effort is underfirianced and hopes that · the tremendous publicity generated by the Audi,Peugeot battle this year will !encourage Oldsmobile to· mount a serious effort' next year. Everyone we spo,ke with at the race agreed that the Oldsmobile has Pptential to The fast qualifier in Open Wheel class was Robert Donner /II, but in the race he .was,second in the Donner, only three seconds out of the win. ,,1 . . . . . Defending Stock Car class champion Leonard Vahsholtz WOfJ again, but with a slowfir pace in his '87 Ford Thunderbird than his record run last year. His time was 12:58.55. · be-a !competitive car. · li'he private· entries, in an -'.Aµdii, Lancia, MG Metro and. For,q RS200, lacked budgets to_ build -special vehicles for Pikes Pe:ik so they con:ipe\e.d iri unrtiodified 4WD Group B cars. · Nevkrtheless 'they I all set times faster than the Stock cars, such is the 1effect of these high tech, nology cars from Europe. 'f.'Qere were few changes in cars . in the other classes, although famed local chassis builder John· Wells did try out a simple four, wh~[el,drive system on ~is Coyote. He made an extension I I from the rear of the g~arbox with · three pulleys on it. _Three belts then transferred drive to a shaft running under . the car to the ,frbnt axle. Slippage in the belts ·acted ·as a crude ·differential. ·· Apparently it did not work as· well as expected as he discon, nected the drive to the front for the race. · · Virtually every auto buff magazine· and many newspapers from Eur~pe sent a representa, · rive to cover Pikes Peak. With over -150 European journalists it was ·the largest f dreign coverage _of-any auto race in ·the U.S. except for the Formula._One Grands Prix. Mariy veterans of the sport said there were mqre .foreign media than any Indy 500 . race h·as ever attracted! In addition there were over 200· U.S. media including abdut:'150 from Colorado. -Qualification day saw Ari_ Vatanen, from Finland, driving a J_)eugeot break Unser's old ' recorq and beating Rohrl by five _ seconds. The Quattro though was down on power, so Audi flew in a Bosch technician from _Germany and spe~t the next day and night testing. ·Peugeot relaxed. Gay Smith was very close in the Stock Care/ass, his 19_85 Ford making the run less than two seconds out of the win at 13:00, 16. Staying tight around a hairpin turn, the 1984 Camara of Schranz was third in Stock Car class recording a time of 13:13.78. ' In the open wheel class Bobby Donner Ill was fastest in his · Donner 'Chev¥ 250 with his brother David second. -In the For, Trans Am racer Ted-Roberts won the Vintage Division on ttie hill in his AMC Javelin, well under the record but taking the flag in a good time of 16:14.08. ,Completing the Peugeot 2-3-4 sweep overall Kenyan Shekhar Mehta, with his wife Yvonoe riding along, I was fourth overall with ·a time of 11 :27.39. September 1987 · stock car,class Leonard Vahsholtz ('87 Thunderbird) besteq Carnes '86 Pont_i;ic. Roger Mears --in a brand new Camara qualified sixth, while -off road~r Don Adams was in 16th place in his '81 Camara. Adams chose not to compete in his open wheeler_ as a protest against the rules which restrict open wheelers to 355 c,µbic inch engines. Many of the competitors -feel they are at a _ disadvantage _ against the rally cars, though· ·4WD was allowed for the first time this· year: Of course,' if somebody decided to stick a Mazda,tr" · Pase 33 I I I / ! ! I I ·,

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;.:.;c.. Rod Millen started strong in his special RX-7, but tire woes on the hill slowed the.Mazda, and Millen was sixth in Open Rally class at 12:04.82. Another second generation Unser, Bobby's son Robbie, zipped his-Mazda 323 4WD home tentfrin Open Rally ranks and first in Group A cars. Completing the Dodge domination of Pro Rally class, Henry Krolik·owski too1< fourth in class at 14:28.32 in his rally trim Dodge Omni GLH. . Straight from success on the Olympus Rally, Guy Light placed fifth in Pro Rally class in the non-turbo Volkswagen GT/ at 15:18.97. Spraying dust on the red rocks of Colorado, Ted Foltz put his Wells Coyote in fourth spot in the Open Wheel class, with a time of 11 :57.42. Gary Kanawyer zips along on a wide section-of the route in his Wells Coyote, which finished a fine fifth in Open Wheel class at 12:10.17. ' . Malcolm Wilson drove the standard Group B rally trim Ford RS 200 to fifth in Open Rally class, and Wilson was the fastest of the privateers. gr-Peugeot or Audi engine . behnd Rohrl. Audi had retained in a single seater the 355 limit· its title and a rookie German rally would be irrelevant anyway. driverwasnowkirtgofthehill. Millen and Audi would love· to Andrea Zanussi, in the second build single seater versions · of Peugeot, finished third, also their rally cars! under the magical 11 minute ltace day saw the record mark which had appeared to be a ·. number of spectators, press and fon;nidable target for a long time. - helicopters waiting_ for the· main K~nyan Shekhar_ Me~ta, ~i~h his battle between Audi and Peugeot. wife Yvonne beside him, fmished Because he qualified second fourth in the third Peugeot, while Rohrl got to run up the hill ahea9 Malcolm Wilson, in the,. Ford .of Vatanen. It was fast run -RS200, in road trim fqrm, he'd blown Unser's record into finished fifth .. Robbie Unser, the weeds breaking it by nb less Bobby's son; finished in tenth .than 22 seconds. Vatanen's place,andfirstinGroupA,inhis nimble Peugeot looked good Rod Millen prepared Mazda until half way, when it started to 4WD 323. It was a fine effort, .run ragged. A clip on the hose considering he was a rookie with connecting the turbocharger to a broken leg sustained in an · the intercooler · had broken and accident in May. he was down some. 200 hp. He There were no surprises in the finished second, seven seconds production rally division -John Crawford won for the sixth time in a row in his '87 Dodge Dayton.a but only just - his tearrima te .Doug Shepard was 0.99 of a second behind in his Dodge Shadow. While the open rally class demanded all the attention· the open wheel class provided some excitement as two drivers beat the record Al Unser Jr. ·had held since 1983. Bill Brister was the fastest despite having failed to qualify, and fas.test qualifier, Bobby Donner III, had to be satisfied with second place, just three seconds behind. There were only two VW powered buggies entered and they finished in the last two positions - they just don't have the power to compete against the·V-8 cars any more. Leonard Vahsholtz took an easy victory in the stock car class .1although it·was much slower than his record setting time last year. His run was made somewhat easier knowing that Roger Mears was out of contention -he spun off the road on the third turn from the start which brought out the red flag for twenty minutes while a wrecker qragged his car · back · to the start area. Roger admitted it was his error but the road was slippery and it seemed to affect the stock car drivers worse than the drivers in . other classes: Despite its defeat, word has it: that Peugeot is hooked on the race and it. will likely returl). next year with th·e advantage of knowledge it has gained this year. The betting is that Audi will · return as well. W ith · the vast media coverage this year's event garnered the pundits expect many more rally teams to compete in the future. · . It looks as though, after 65 years, Pikes Peak has finally found itself a place on the international racing calendar. Not only because of its unique challenge but also because Pikes Peak is now part of an FISA sanctioned Intercontinental Hillclimb Challenge. This, year there will only be one other round in the series -on October 11 at a paved hillclimb course in the Bavarian _Alps in West Germany. The Germ;m organiz-ers are shipping six Pikes P~ak Hillclimb· competitors over for -this year's event. Hopefully the series will grow in stature and Pikes Peak will be the crown jewel in the challenge . . The question is, how long will it tals,e for Detroit to wake up and realize it has a fantastic auto racing-event on its doorstep that the Europeans have discovered? Pikes Peak is already a _test ground. 'for U.S. manufacturers so they already have experience on the hill. · While many of the local drivers were upset at the high bucks European operations, · general consensus amongst the more professional teams was that this was the best thing that could happen to the event. Bobby Unser feels the international flavor is good for Pikes Peak as it . gives the race credibility and it will help to get the manufacturers involved. One European journal-ist said "it's the best kept ~ecret in the. world." A well known rally photographer from England, who tra~els all over the world, said ifhe could only attend three events a year this would be one of them, along with the Hong Kong to Beijing and Safari r,allies. During the past decade prize money at Pikes Peak has declined, but now a m•ajor spoI1sor shoµld. pick up the event next year which me~ns prize money will increase for.everyone, making it a much more .attractive event for local-drivers. The day after. t}le ra·ce Gharles Tutt and his daughter Beth, the _two key figures behind the race for the past eight years resigned. According _to local drivei:s we talked· with, members of the board were unhappy that the Tutts had not gott~n any major sponsors this year after Predator Carburetors-went ba1,1krupt. Let's hope the .new'organizers don't mess ·around with ·the present formµla as it appears to. provide a good mix for local, drivers and for keen international ·competition. This year's event has to be the turning point ~ich · will make Pikes Peak one of the world's greatest' auto racing spectacles - which it deserves to be. ------------------Looking like a visitor from NASCAR, Bruning·s 1986 Buick finished fourth, less than a second out of third in the close Stock Car contest. -Larry Carnes had-a good run up the hill in his 1986 Pontiac, and he finished fiffh out of 23 starters in the largest class, Stock Car. Two time World Rally Champion Walter Rohr/ tells how it was on his record shattering victory at Pikes Peak, the thir_d year in a row that Audi has broken the absolute record time. Page 34 September 1987 Dusty Tlm~s

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-TIie "Utile Samii" Clia:kpoiBI II Ille bol-32 Ml. ·51 KM. ........ .., @ua ... wa~-u-MA0AZ1NE ··-----... • - · ..... lom, befcn clmbilg it. 11. 10,0 6 Good l<ffll for pit. ..::,_ ••• •••-..._ '· ---. 0 "l j Cerro«io ., 11».f 70 o,r,. The TECATE/X X Rudl.SlttolM \ Pit #2 ... ull .from towa. '...-.../ ....... j 51i,-,/,.V" .. "· Double Cllttkpoi■t. ,wv• M, Good spol for llmale · pitting. Cerro Corcovado , "·::" "Cllollu to tbe Mu" seclion. Keep yoar Son Fermin A 11,u.ll Ind r1 ,, ,.,,.,,o LJJj~s 1"""10 •IIOI UVUIITUWf YiS Ofl SOC. "'"'' •,.~:;"tn felipe @J . N FELIPE OUllfUlll'OIAIICO ' A l'flCHU :tb.:/=:~ J:,rlt;,, ..;,,"''' ,\fnri,c /1AHfA SA/WF, ¥AIIA ' ,._.,_. HIIM0'4 hQ ... IAl1.1N· •oc• 11.\11'10" Hil1T& OI.UUNff M/IICO Al\11 Of •C•MCO ~(,40,,U' -The Official Truck of the Gran C~rrffl de Campeoaes n ., __ 0 ••«-' . ■ C&•jllO IAHJA ffflU lfl'E[ Alfl'E ··•■c•M,o •ou .&,~~ ,-,-,. ... c. I ft I ~u,ror·_•· c11.w . ~'-@) ,_.;'/ PUERTECITOS COURSE REVISED: AUGUST 17, 1987 Off!dll Spomor ol Ille Swt/Flallll

Page 36

Noel Nabs Overall at-A.D.;R.A. ~. Fourth Lube Shop/ Air-Com By Daryl Drake 11Hi Country 150" Photos: 3-D Photography •- . . . l~rry-Noel flew low through the p_irie trees in his swift Chaparral, reported no real trouble with the 9ar,'and won Pro Class 1 handil,Y and, took his secon(j overall victory here in as many tries. ' Over one hundred off roa'd . racers .made the trek to the mountains and pine forests _near Flagstaff, Arizona in mid-July for the Fourth Annual Shop/ Air-Com "Hi Country 150," the second event in the Arizona Desert Racing Assoc;ia-tion 's _1987 Desert Champion-·ship series. But it was Phoenix's Larry Noel as "King of the Mountain" at the race's end as he racked up his second win her-e in as many tries and grabbed the overall and Pro 1 honors. After last year's race had been so dusty, A.D.R.A. moved the race later into July to take advantage of Arizona's "mon-soon" season and the ensuing rains. But, you guessed it, this year's "monsoon" was late and the racers still had lots of dust concealing the infamous "jumping" pine trees. A ·strong breeze all day at leasf kept the. course relatively dust free and didn't let the clouds hang in the trees .like in '86. · . The course closely followed the last two years' route and offered up no real surpdses except in the volcanic cinder beds near Strawberry · Crater. T~ere were some "ice berg" rocks . getting uncovered -out there that snatched wheels from the unwary with some frequency. At one point, we counted six cars in a row finishing on three wheels. The day's action started right on time at 9 a.m. for the five lap, 150 mile Pro Division bout. Class 2 led the fray, followed by 1, 10, 7, 5, 8, Challenger, 4, 1-2-1600, 5-1600. Fifty-six racers left the line; 32 would finish within the six hour time limit. Pro 2, with 10 starters, matched Pro IO as the biggest classes, and at least five of them •'<-_ -had a clear shot at the-overall. Lap one saw Rick Geiser streak out into a race long lead with a Page 36 1 :03 advantage on Dick Patterson, who held a scant 18 second lead on Bill Cook. Frank Thomas was fourth a little over a minute back, and Mike Gertsen was fifth, exactly 10 minutes behind the leader. Three racers never made the loop, including last year's 0 / A winner Dwight Lundell who was out with brake and exhaust troubles in the DirTrix Mazda. Geiser clicked off the classes' quick lap at 44:54 next time out and increased . his lead to four-plus minutes ori· Thomas who'd taken over second. Patterson was . now third, three minutes back but 10 minutes ahead of Gary Anderson, now fourth. Cook had a dismal second lap and fell to a distant fifth. Jerry Foley, winner of the series' opener, was now charging hard to make up for a 1 :28 first lap. Gertsen had a rear trailing arm come adrift and went out ab ut a mile from the pits. eiser had built up a 10 mi ute lead at the end of lap Dave and Bryant Wood are refugees from the desert series, and sailed through the tall pines in their trick one-off to win Class 10 honors, and were second overall. Gary Anderson took his wife Kristie for her first ride, didn't tell her he had no brakes, and he won Pro Class 2 by the slim margin of nine seconds. September 1987 three. with Patterson regammg second, Thomas falling to fifth and Anderson moved into third. Foley slipped into fourth. A big tactical mistake not far into the fourth lap cost Geiser a win in his second A.D.R.A. race. Reports conflict on just 'how far he was out of the pits, but Geiser suffered a flat and returned to his pits, crossing the course backwards in conflict with A.D.R.A. rules. Told at his pits that he was probably going to be DQ'd by the competition board (he was); Geiser went back out anyway, still first on the road, and finished with a seven minute lead on the eventual official Pro 2 winner. At the end of four circuits, Patterson was still second, five minutes ahead of Anderson. Foley was moving up but still a half hour behind and Thomas . was enduring 90 minute laps to stay in fifth. The final lap saw both 'Anderson and Patterson battling tire and other woes with Patterson finishing first, much to his surprise. s·ut · after start _times were . figu,red in, Anderson· had 'finished nine seconds faster for the Pro 2 win, with a time of a · ,4-:27.54 to average 33.59 mph in the Anderson Building/Trick/ DirTrix/ Pat Hughes Perform-ance/BFGoodrich backed Dirtrix. Despite tii:e and brake troubles, Gary Anderson called the race "Great! A real fun time." His wife Kristie, co-drivfog for the first time, exclaimed, "I'm still in one piece! I sat and watched Gary change the tires. It's really nice out there when you 're clear of the dust." Patterson took his second place finish well. "We got the finish-I'm tickled to death. Vic Evans helped us change a flat out there - told me to get back in and he'd finish up, but that's where the 10 seconds went. Great day for a race!" Evans, a DNF in his Challenger, said, "l wld him to get going!" Foley continued to move up earned third just 10 minutes off.the winning time, and Frank Thomas was fifth an hour off the -pace. M,issing the time limit by a measly minute and a half after a valiant effort was Bill Cook in a shakedown race for his new Chevy V-6 Brandwood .. Pro 1 fielded five starters, but it was the Larry Noel show throughout as he clicked off five · consistent l_aps, only varying 1 :34 between, his longest and shortest. On the first lap, Noel was in at 44:56, with Greg Christy a surprisingly close second at 45:58 in his older SWB _car. Doc Ingram was third at 47 minutes even, . Tim Kennedy · fourth just shy of 52 and Jerry Finney was way back with a flat tire and a broken lug wrench. Christy disappeared on lap two as Noel increased his lead. Kennedy moved into second and would finish there after Ingram got hit when he stopped for a rolled car and lost some shocks. Finney got his spare on finally and ran smooth for the rest of the race ·and was third . Noel's winning time of 3:45.04 gave him a 39.99 mph average and the overall win in the Noel Plastering/ Trick Fuel/ Fly- . N-Hi/Mickey Thompson Tires-sponsdred · Palmer's Chaparral. "It was pretty dusty for the first two laps, but fun. I finally broke out of traffic on the third lap and really got running good as cars dropped out on the last two. My tranny started coming loose early, and I really pounded it on the fourth lap ( his fastest, a 44:04 ). Had to cruise it on the last lap," said Larry. "Thanks to my crew chief Rick Carnahan, the crew, and my wife." Pro Class 10 was next off with 10 starters and seven finished. Ed Beard set the quick time of the day, a 43:14 on the first loop, with Jeff Sanders a close secoi:id at 43:29. Richard Binder was third at 45:31 ahead of Greg Oswskey and Dave Wood. PeteSohren left his truck home, and charged through the_ dust in the potent Baja Bug, to lead Pro Class 5 from flag to flag and garner a keen fourth overall . . Buck Griffin ran all alone in Pro Class 4 in his trick Jeep CJ 8, ran four strong laps, and retired then, a two time winner at Flaqstaff. Dusty Times

Page 37

Lap two saw borh Beard and Sanders slow, but Beard incrased his lead to 52 seconds. Binder dropped out and Wood moved into third with Oswskey holding fourth and Stan Calvelage taking over fifth. Beard was a little quicker on lap four, moving 2:05 ahead of Sanders, Wood, Oswskey and Calvelage. At the end of four, Beard held a 40 second lead for the overall and was 3 :48 ahead of Wood. Sanders had dropped to eighth after clogging his air filter and suffering a flat. Calvelage was I . I . now third, 14 minutes behind Wood, and ahead of Oswskey and David Ludtke, working his way up from eighth . . Gary Dircks put on a strong charge for another Pro 7 win in1his Ford and his . •· IR/cha,rg Mann overcame a ion with a tree. and_ a buggy, to clim_b back up the brother Drey won overall in the same truck in the Beginner d\vision. · Class 8 ranks and take the victory in his sleek Chevrolet. · . ' ' I Beard looked like he had it in the bag, but came up with "a handful of neutrals" and had to park it less than 15 miles from the -finish. Wood took over the lead for the win in his VW Fun Buggy and turned in a time of 3:50.14 to average 39.09 mph and gamer second 0 / A as well. "Dusty - lots of trees - good race!" said Woodatthefinish. "I missed a turn on the first lap and got behind some slower cars. But I kept just m9toring around 'em. The car and our front end worked great, thanks to Mr. Curnutt!" His front end was of a new design from the famed Curnutt and featured horizontal-ly-opposed coil-overs in an A-arm configuration. In Pro 7 only two trucks entered in a classic Ford vs. Chevy battle. Lap one saw Lee Alderman put his S-10 out front by 12 minutes, but his lead would be short lived as Gary . Dircks took over on the second. Alderman never started his third lap after major suspension woes, and Dircks streaked on to the win and a seventh 0/ A finish. His BFGoodrich/ Art Carr/ .Doestsch Tech/Ford Motor-sports/Gary Dircks Racing Ranger covered the distance in 4:22.33 to average 34.28 mph. Pro 5 drew seven starters, but they followed Pete Sohren for the duration after he grabbed the lead and never looked back. Despite losing a coil-over on lap two, the loss of third gear on three, and a flat on four, Sohren was cooking and came in fourth · O / A with a time of 4:16.37 to average 35.07 mph in the Yokohama Tires/Sohren Cer-amic Tile/United Materials/ Complete Performance DirTrix DT-5 convertible. Lap two saw Jack Dinsmore in second, Bud Johnson in third, Bruce Wittig fourth and Pete Wekell fifth. Wittig moved into second on lap two and. would finish there while Dinsmore fell Jim Borel had no trouble grabbing the Pro 1-2-1600 win in his two seat Raceco, and this class is slim with A.D.R.A., only two started the race. I out and Johnson fell back with followed by Tomlinson, Turben, clutch troubles. Wekell was now Herwick and Dohhty, who hit a third, and the Burghout Brothers big rock and lost ~nother tire. had moved into fourth ahead of Mann held hiJ lead to the Johnson, who parked it after checkered to take! the Pro 8 win crossing home check. From there at 15th 0/ A in th9 BFGoodrich/ it was a parade behind Sohren to Air-Com/ Art Carr/Rough the finish. Country /Howard/ Racing Chevy Pro Class 8 boasted a very with a time of 4:34.33 and a healthy seven entries and some 32.78 mph average. The rest of good_racing. Lap one saw Frank the field's positi,ons remained Turben leading with a time of 49 unchanged at the finish. . minutes even and a 3:07 lead on Four Challengets started but Greg Holman. Richard Mann . only ,one finish~d their four was third ahead of Mike Doherty allotted laps. John Imbriale led and Peter Herwick. All the racers for the first three! laps, building made the fir~t lap. · up a 26 minute lead. But his Turben's exhaust system came tranny blew as he .left home apart early in lap two and he fell check and he had /i:o park. Larry back making repairs. Doherty Dimmett then tQ(i)k over as the took over the lead while Holman only car still rupning and so fell hours off the pace and Mann backed up last year's class win in moved up to second. Third now his Big O Tires/Dimmett was ·Herwick · with Nels Construction/1ucson Oil Tomlinson and Turben filling . Products/Black's Dynamic out the runners. · Engines/ Nelco C@nstruction T-Lap three saw Doherty's bed Mag. His four lap time of 4:29.49 break and cut a tire, dropping gave him a 26.68 r,ph average. him to third. Mann had a lit.tie · Tuba City's Buck Griffin was run-in with a tree or buggy ( or the lone Pro 4 entty, voted(?) to . -both) and Herwick got around go just four laps and finished for the lead. Tomlinson and them at 3:25.33 with a 35.03 Turben held on to fourth and mph average in the General fifth. Tires/Tuba City Truck Stop/ Herwick got stuck on the big Desert Suspension/K.C. HiLites cinder hill, overheated and Jeep CJ-7. [ •· dropped back on the fourth lap. Two l-2-1600s raced i and Mann was now out front finished five laps, [but Jim Borel --------------------------was out front ap: day in his Raceco for the w~n over Chuck .·. Kieffner. Borel's w1inning time of 4:46.2~ gave him1 a 31 .42 mph . average and 20th 0 / A. Shaun Darr perservered through the gradual disintegration of his car, but he finished the race sans rear cage for the Sportsman 1600 0Ltd. Dusty Times Finally, the 5-1600 turtles hit the trail, eight I strong. Don Weiser led throughout for the win but there r ere lots of changes behind hit;n. Lap one saw Pete Gannon leading the chase ahead of Port'Carilpbell, Darren Gardner, and LJrry Vittitow. Campbell moved into second on lap two with Gardner, Vittitow and Gannon dosej behind. · Gardner _took over second for the duration next time around, ahd Mike Woods moved into third ahead of /Gannon and 5eptcmbe1,1 1987 Robert Grayton ran his first A.D.R.A. Sportsman race, and he won Class 1 as well , as winning the Sportsman division overall in his older race car. Vittitow. By the end of lap four f eiser was three minutes ahead of Gardner, Vittitow had third, ffiannon was fourth and Woods out. I At the finish, ,Weiser brought his T.U.F. Off Road/ Rick's Fibercraft sedan in with a time of 4:44.33 to average 31.63 mph for 18th 0 / A. Gardner was second nine minutes back. Then came Gannon as the class last finisher. / Slightly delayed acivertised 2 p.m. Sportsman and, I . from the start,. the Beginner THE divisions got the green flag. Forty-two Sportsman started their three lap~ with Class 10 leading th'e way for 2, 1, 1600 Ltd. and Challenger. 'Fourteen Beginners queued up behind. them for two laps. With 15 starters, Sportsman 10 held on to its biggest class cla_im. Jim and Gail Allison ran the fast lap in Class of the day and grabbed the lead for the duration on lap one. Randy Miller was second, 1 :30 back and Bryant Wood was third. Ron Fields and Tom!;r WRIGHT PLACEk COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you _are seeing on magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You , can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy- to ·install. and adjust Wrenches come wi_th the kit for adjustments. · . Another great idea from the front'end experts.of off road ra.cing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4~10 Page 37 J

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These guys had fun. The Dirt Cheap team lost the left front on lap 1, the right front on lap 2; and still finished fourth in the Beginner Unlimited Class . . Jim and Gail Allison w.ere all smiles at the finish line, Gail really enjoying the winning ride, saying, "Boy, that was fun!" Despite the high mountain altitude around Flagstaff, the buggies . get some altitude too, as does this Unidentified Flying Challenger. [;Ir Higgins filled out the front five while three racers fail ed to - · complete a lap. After two, the Allisons had a 1:52 lead on Wood, and Miller was now in third. Higgins and . Fields switched places and three mor~ racers dropped out. The Allisons had lost second gear but still kept out front and finished first on the road and in class with a time of 2:29.41 to average 36.08 mph in the Allison Automotive Hi Jumper. Their time was good enough for second 0 1 A Sportsman. Wood almost caught them, but ran out of race course and had to settle for second, 11 seconds back. Higgins roared in at third· two minutes later, while Fields regained fourth three minutes back. · Miller dropped to· fifth, three minutes behind Fields. "It was dusty, but we got around everybody on the first lap," smiled Jim Allison. "Midway through the second, second gear went away, but uttimately we prevailed. Great race!" Gail Allison declared, "If he puts a 'For Sale' sign on our car again, I'm going to break his neck!" Next off, and the ne~t biggest Jim and Gail Allison Jed all the way in Sportsman Class 10, and despite losing second gear, they brought the Hi Jumper home the class winner. class with 13 entries was Sportsman 2. Clay Clark put his Pat. Brown built Baja into the lead early and turned in the class hot lap, a 49:34 on his first round. Gray Hendricks was second, 1 :30 back. Then came Doug Boelman, Ron Brown and Tom Green. Five cars· did not complete a lap, including Paul Nolte's Vulcan that wound up stuck up in a tree, off the ground, after the. steering broke. Nolte had to use a 4WD to pull the car down later. Ron Brown h~d a great second lap and moved into the lead as Clark dropped to second. Boelman held third and would to the finish. Tom Green was now fourth and Tom Sharp took ove·r fifth. · · Brown continued to cruise on his final loop and finished fifth 0 1 A for the win with a time of 2:32.18, and a 35.46 mph average in the C.S. Construe~ tion/ Family Racing Chaparral. The rest of the field slowed and Sharp moved into second 19 8 CLASS WINS PER RACE WITH' PACE FM 2-WAYS Landmaster I I I -$725 • Handhelds • Rentals . OVER 400 ON-THE COURSE • Antennas • Intercoms • Helmet Wired $125 (cf) • Amplifiers • Official Radio of: HDRA • SNORE • • Weatherman Radio Relay Team • • Emergency Rescue Service • 2888 Grundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90806 -RACE RADIOS (213) 427-8177 Page 38 September 1987 • I Ben Pierpont led th_e parade all the way in Beginner 1600 Ltd. action, winning the class and taking division third overall in the Brandwood. minutes back but seven ahead of Preferred Foam Systems Woods Boelman. Clark and Green filled Challenger. Lee ended up five out the top five. Brown, who minutes back in second and moved up to the Sportsman class Knupp was a distant third. this year, said, "It was rough, The Beginner classes, 1600 rougher · than we expected. Big Ltd. and Unlimited, start luck-buried rocks. out there! But we of-the-draw in no class order. No had fun, no troubles and we matter though to Pro 125cc never looked back!" motorcrosser Drey Dircks, who Putting together a wire to wire was behind the wheel of brother win in Sportsman 1 gave Robert Gary's Ranger (for that rnatter, Gayton the overall as well. any truck) for the first time. He Gayton's first A.D.R.A. race was went out and won the 0 / A and here last year, where he won the Unlimited class with a time of Beginner O /A. This was his first 1:54.22 to average 31.48 mph. Sportsman race. "It was fun, fast Bicycle Outfitters sponsored his and real bumpy. I peeled some ride in the Ford. Bill Krug was tires on some of those rocks, but second 0 / A and Unlimited, we ran well. I think l'Htry the 1:25 later in a 1600cc Pros next year," he laughed. "My Bunderson. Jeff Huston, Geoff hat's off to my pit crew!" Kincale and James Taggert - Gayton ran a 2:26.20 for the rounded out the Unlimited win and a 36.90 mph average in finishers. the Gayton Appliance/ Bug A parade also made tip the Works/ Shamrock . Racing Hi 1600 Ltd. race with Ben Jumper. Jim Covey, second in Pierpoint leading Merilyn Brown class, nine minutes back, said, and Mike Viola. Pierpont's time "We had a fun, good rate. Just of2:00.ll gavehima29.95mph couldn't catch him!" average and third 0 / A Beginner Only three racers tried 1600 · in his Beard's SuperSeats Ltd. competition this time. Lap Brandwoocl. one saw Troy Churchman hold a Due to time conflicts· as two minute lead over Shaun A.D.R.A. was presenting three Darr, and Ronald Colucci was a more races for motorcycles and distant third. But only Darr was A TVs the next weekend, the running after two, and despite . comfetition board did not meet losing his rear cage, he finished unti July 20th and held up his third lap for the win in the results in a few classes. But M&M Racing/ Beard's Super- Geiser's disqualification turned Seats/Cheat ham True king out to be the major penalty of the homemade car. His time of event . 3:39.37 gave him a 24:59 mph Overall, it was a good clean and 21st O / A. · race and despite t~e · record Seven Challengers tried the turnout, the finishing ratios of Sportsman class. Out front flag 57 .1 %, 10% and 66. 7% for the to flag was newcomer Mike Pros, Sportsmen and Beginners Kuretich, ahead of John Lee and respectively were quite good. But Daryl Knupp throughout. Dale A.D.R,.A. prez Phil Auemheimer Shirley was fourth and Chris said he "must've picked up at Harris fifth after the first lap. least 40 wheels out there" after Ron Dalke took over fourth the race. He also want~d to thank on the second lap, Shirley fell to Air~oi:n and the Lube Shop for fifth and Harris dropped out. their sponsorship of the even_t Shirley regained fourth at the flag and announced plans for a new ahead as Dalke fell by the course next year. wayside. But. Kuretich . had Next up on the A.D.R.A. finished 40 minutes earlier for schedule is the Tenth Annual the win and I2thO/Aat2:52.46 "Snowflake Buggy Bash," to average 31.26 mph in the September 5 & 6. See you there! Dusty Tlma

Page 39

AWA-Clari.on .·Rally of . New Zealand Text & Photos: Ma tin Holmes I Franz Wittman, with Jorg Pattermann co-driving the Lancia, took the lead early in the rally, and kept./eadinJ to score his first World Championship Rally victory, and it was the first such win for an Austrian driver as well. ,c j Franz Wittman's Michelin shod, privately owned, ex-works Lancia Delta HF 4WD led the official VW Golf GTI 16 valve of Kenneth Eriksson at the end of the Clarion Rally of New Zealand. He took the lead near the end of the first section when Eriksson was delayed by misfir-ing froubfes. Eriksson did, however, end his run of bad luck. He had not finished a World Championship Rally since Portugal in March. Expectations of a battle between Eriksson and his fellow Swede Stig Blomqvist faded on the first day when the _ Ford driver broke his transmis-sion and then crashed. By finishing second, Eriksson has now closed to one point behind his Renault rival Jean Ragnotti in FISA's two wheel drive Chal-lenge. For "Possum" Bourne, his third place brought him A-priority for next year, and for Subaru their best result on a World Championship Rally. _ This year the route had been changed in concept, mainly as a result ofFISA's route short~ning rules. The rally changed essen-tially into a three day format, with the loop north of Auckland abandoned altogether. On Saturday the _route went south, just as in previous years on a Sunday. Now·on Sunday new ground was found to the southwest of ·Rotorua, and on the Monday the rally used familiar stages to the northeast ·and southeast of Rotorua.' The drivers then had finished the stages, had a rest and the next morning went back by ordinary road sections to Auckland. Entries for the 1987 Rally of New Zealand finally closed with 58 crews on the list. However, there were a few withdrawals. It has been another struggle to make the needed 50 starters, but unlike at the Olympus, there were only genuine rally cars on _ the list. But, again unlike the Olympus, the weakness was at the top of the entryHst, with only -two A priority driver.s, both Swedes, Kenneth .Eriksson and Stig Blomqvist. The, absence of top teams from this event threw emphasis on the chance to gain an unexpected high placing for drivers, with the FISA A priority status for next year awaiting those who finished in the top three. · Reliving the old New Zealand traditions of producing unusual winners, the leader at the end of the first leg was private Lancia driver Franz Wittmann .. The Austrian gained the lead at the end of stage 10, having overtaken the VW Golf of Kenneth Eriksson, which was struggling because of running first car on the road on tracks covered by tiny stones, and was also misfiring due to an ignition fault. Eriksson had held the lead after sharing it with Wittmann and Blomqvist on stage l. Blomqvist broke a rear differential at the start of stage 3, and took 18 minutes in road penalties. The Ford made hideous clanking noises as it raced around the two lap spectator stage ·at the Alexandra Park trotting track, and then the car ground to a halt outside the stadium. Eventually the mechanics arrived and replaced the rear cliff, hut the central differential had mean-while been damaged · This was a big blow to the private team, and Blomqvist had to drive the rest of the day in rear wmeel drive. Before repairs could be made, he hit a bank on stage lp, damaged the suspension and retired. · After the first .leg, 40 of the original 51 starters were still running. Wittman fwas doing more than regaining his A priority status, he was leading the rally by 26 seconds over Eriksson. An impressive per-formance was coming from Australian driver Wayne -Bell, leading all the local drivers except for "Possum" Bourne. The young New Zealand driver Ray Wilson retired when water loss caused overheating in his Mazda, and fellow Mazda driver Neil Allport was badly delayed when a stone smashed a brake caliper, which then wrecked the driveshaft. He had to finish stage 10 with one wheel seized, ground down to the hub, and lost more time at the next control. Also delayed was Australian David Officer, his rear drive Mitsubishi Starion Turbo had a flat that had to be changed on a stage. It had been a dry day, the first time rain had avoided the rally in this area for t~ree years. Th~ next day Wittman savored the "1st overall" banner across his wind~creen in the pare ferme. Eriksson, however, had cured the misfiring, and after two sections the gap between the Swede and the Austrian had been reduced to 19 seconds; then the VW lost top gear and had to struggle through the next six stages, losing more thdn a minute At the finish line ceremonies Kenneth Eriksson receives the traditional New zeJland "nose-rub" welcome and also the second overall honors. I an4 a half. · · the end of the stage, and to get The morning stages saw three restarted on the road section, the ;.c,, ... driyers coming up the field fast. friendly nudg~ from his crew car Topy Teesdale had risen to holed the radiator, but he made fol\rth place in a Mazda 4WD, repairs witho~t time penalties. and David Officer's first day But it was his final blow in the delh s were gone, and by stage 27 hope of victory, although he kept he i as up to se\'.enth. The Nis~an going at speed, he was now a 20GlSX of Paddy Davidson was in . minute, 14 seconds behind. fou'.rth by the end of the day. On · Paddy Davidson was comfort-the final morning stage Neil ably in fourth place when he had All~ort's miseries came to an an exciting incident, flat out in a end, as he ground to a halt with curve on asphalt. "I thought a gearbox trouble when eighth. tire exploded, the reaction was so Wittman arrived at the end of violent", he explained. Actuallv., stage 23 in a most agitated state, it was a differential failure, and claiming he almost had to stop to on the next stage the car stopped miss a hunter who had driven on with apparent computer·failure. to jthe route. This despite The leading Japanese driver considerable efforts by the Kouichi Hazu lost time with org~nizers to avoid a repetition of suspension trouble, but stayed in last year's incident involving the top ten, and New Zealand· Ma~kku Alen. By coincidence, Junior Champion Robert }¼rt thi$ was the stage with the deep retired his Subaru with head for!is which he had been asking gasket failure. thejorganizers to cancel ever since · With two stages to go Franz he first checked the route during Wittmann was over a minute pra~tice. - ahead. The penultimate stage had Teesdale fell back from fourth a ford which caused-no trouble to to fifth after twice stalling his car the top driver~, and Wittmann in water crossings. But, Bourne wondered how he would fare on wa~'unchallenged in third place, the final stage. The past two troµbled only by -a puncture, times he had driven the Lancia on while the promising Australian Austrian events, victory-had W Jyne Bell retired when a cam been denied on the last stage; but -belt broke and the engine · this time all went well. He took ex~ired. In Group N the well things easy, allowed Eriksson to driven Mazda of Taguchi, which take 20 seconds back and won had been· making stage times in the rally by 4 7 seconds. Lancia the top doze,n, crashed heavily, had won their fifth World Rally and the lead in the group was this season, Michelin gained a taken over ·by a Suzuki, which success· which they never disappeared three stages before imagined they would enjoy, and the1 end of the day, leaving no Eriksson fully complet; ~ the survivors in that category. A course for the first time ii\"t:hree Nissan 1200pickupwastheonly _ months. Group B starter, and at the end of · Franz Wittman became one of th1d~y was lying 22nd, last. The the few p~ivate entries -ever to Lancia led the VW into the pare win a World Rally. Only 16 ·of fertne, the only two European the 51 starters finished the event, cars left. All the others were and no Group B or N car Japanese. finished. The results had little With nine stages left, Eriksson ef'fect on the driver's points, was looking forward to a trouble except that Eriksson is now only free day with fresh driveshafts one point behind Jean Ragnotti, installed. But, his confidence was who is currently third. The New sodn gone,·as five kms before the Zealand Rally this year did not end of -the second stage a count for -the Championship of driveshaft broke. He cruised to Mal_ces. . ' Despite early troubles Kenneth Eriksson and Peter Diekmann got the VW Golf G Tl 16V home second, and first in the two wheel drive category. Doing the best of the Australian entri1es, David apd Kate Officer took the rear drive Mitsubishi Starionl Turbo to a fine fifth lplace o ~ra/f I "Possum" Bourne and Michael Eggleton scored a grea t third overall in the Subaru, earning Bourne A priority status. only the second New Zealand driver to gain the honor. Dusty Times I September 1987 I Page 39

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Spring Run 101 at ,Crandon, Wisconsin It does get dusty in Wisconsin, as shown in the start of the 1-1600 heat as the cars funnel down from the meadow in the first sweeper, Scott Taylor, #702, is already making time on the outside line. 'The second race in the Formula Desert Dog Series was held in Crandon, Wisconsin on June 27th and 28th. This is a fast 2½ mile track. Classes 5-1600, 7 and 11 were Dave Vandermissen, Jr. drove one of the family "green machines" to victory in Class 10, which is two seat 1650 cc in midwest racing. ---~ -----~---Art Schmitt had a g.ood weekend in Wisconsin, winning the Class 1 honors. and he also drove to a close third in the larger field in Class 9. IT'S SUMMERS BROS. FOR THE FINEST IN OFF-ROAD PRODUCTS! WE PAY CONTINGENCIES FOR SCORE AND HORA EVENTS! Page 40 SEND $3.00 FOR YOUR DIRT RACER'S CATALOG! M q 0 -' . ' . ~~OT1-n:--:.0'b 530 South Mountain Avenue . Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 986-2041 first on the track. Terry Wolfe · jumped to an early lead and was never serious! y challenged. It was pretty much follow the leader with Phil Freimuth, Jeff Therriault and Douglas West right behind · him .. West was out of the race early and -at the finish it was Wolfe, Freimuth and Therriault in that order. In Class 11 Chad Ramesh beat everyone off the line. He was gone after five laps and this moved Chris Rhode into the lead followed by Glen Mathews and Dean Hauser. Mathews was soon parked moving Hauser into second place·. At the end of the race it was Chris Rhode, Dean Hauser, Jeff Jones, and Bob-· Schwartz. There were two Class 7 trucks entered and they ran at the same time as the two previous classes: Taking the win was David Friday with Willard Hawley coming in second. This is a relatively _new class for the Midwest, but the organizers here have great hopes that it will be one of the growing classes in the future. Classes 3 and 4 were next on the start line and Jack Flannery in a Class 4 truck wasted no time in taking over first place, beating everyone off the line and around the first sweeping turn. · He was never challenged and he can give everyone a lesson on how to drive on his home track. After Herb Rosborough, who had been in second place, rolled on lap 1, there was quite a battle going on for second be~een Greg Ger-lach's Jeep Honcho and Bill Schirm. The crowd was thrilled ·with this race because the· two drivers would come over the jumps and around the turns side by side. It was a great race. They exchanged places several times until Gerlach finally passed. · Schirm for the last time to take over second behind Flannery with . Schirm having to settle for third spot this time out. In Class 3 Dave Gray moved into first place and hac:l to fight off Rick Rogers to maintain the lead until, with only three laps to go, Rogers made a pass on Gray and took the lead and the win. Gray told me afterwards that he lost oil September 1987 A/Ways 8. strong runner, Kevin Probst ran ·away with the Class 9 race in his Berrien Laser, and he led from flag to flag to win the big class. Brad Milhalko got ,the lead early in his wild Class 14. machine, and he kept it together to win the ·race on his home track at Crandon. Scott Taylor took the lead midway in the 1-1600 race and won the class. He drove the same car to third in 2-1600, after fixing a flat tire. Kevin Probst was a double winner last June, driving his two seater to a hard won victory in the good sized field in Class 2-1600. Dust)' Times

Page 41

Phil Freimuth had a fight on his hands in 5-1600 competition, but he held on to take second in the close run in the Baja Bug bunch. 'The two seat buqqy Class 11 out of SODA is a highly restricted ciass, and the usually big field seetns to have more fun than Greg Gerlach had to fight hard for second place in Class 4, note the massive dent in the Jeep Honcho'sdoor, and he also was third in Class 14. · .,pnyone racing. . . I · I Dave Gray was the early leader in the Class 3 contest, but, with only three laps to go, he lost oil pressure and had to settle for second. Lee Wuesthoff flies his Chenowth fifagnum over the firstlof many Jumps, and he finished second ,n Class 9, losing the engine on the last lap. \ ,· ) The checkered flag waves for Jeff St. Peter, who took a fine second in Class 2-1600, and he was third in 1-1600 on Saturday as well. Dave Vandermissen, Sr. had a good lead in Class 2, but 100 feet from _the checkered flag, his fuel pump quit and that was that. Don Ponder comes north from Missouri to race, and had fuel feed Bill Schirm, leading here, and Greg Gerlach had a real battle for pressure and had broken all four shocks which contributed to his defeat. He did manage to hang on to finish in second spot followed by James Miller in third. Kevin Probst, in his Berrien Laser, came off the line in the lead followed by Don Ponder and Jeff Probst in the Class9 race. It only took two laps for both Jeff and · Lee Wuesthoff to move around Ponder with Art Schmitt nipping at Ponder's heels. He eventually got around Ponder also and by lap 11 Ponder had dropped out with fuel supply problems. Kevin was never headed and went flag to flag for this win. Coming in second was Lee Wuesthoff with his engine going away on him. He said that he probably would not have . finished if the white flag had not dropped when it did. He afso had a flat on the right front tire. Taking third was Art Schmitt and fourth was Scott Taylor. The attrition rate was high with only five of the 15 Class 9 entries finishing. Jeff Probst shut down after 10 laps because his engine was not running right and he did not want to blow it up. Taylor told me he was having carburetor problems and just wasn't running that good. Rod Attig had a broken oil cooler and Tom Arthur lost his brakes and locked up a gear. Mike Parker, who was right behind Kevin in second place at the start of the race, pulled off just after the sweeper turn. He never finished the first lap because he blew a . timing belt. woes in Class 9, but came back to place third in Class 1 on Sunday. second in Class 4, with Gerlach eventually claiming the position. Class 2 ran at the same time as the Class 9 cars and Dave Vandermissen, Jr. had a healthy lead until lap 10 when he was parked. This moved his dad Dave, Sr. into first place but just 100 feet from the checkered flag the fuel pump on Dave's car quit and he handed the win over to Scott Schwalbe from Sugar Camp, WI. Dave has been having fuel problems for a while and he is hoping to have them_ ironed out by the next race. I~ this class only two cars finished out of a total of five. Taking the win in Class 6, which is a popular class in this part of the country, was John Kaempf _followed by Gary Bradley, Jamie Zalewski and Bill Grabowski. Scott Taylor and Kevin Probst were in a battle for first place right off the green flag at the start of the 2-1600 race. They were followed closely by John Koran, Jeff St. Peter and Mike Sorenson. By the end oflap 3 Taylor was in the pits with a flat tire. He got back into the race just ahead of Probst who was in first place. Scott slowly moved up through the pack to finish in third place. Once Kevin took over the lead he was never challenged. John Koran ~an a strong second until lap 11 when he pulled off and parked. This put Jeff St. Peter into second spot where he finished followed by Taylo·r in third and Dave Vandermissen, Jr. Next up were the Class 8 trucks. Jack Flannery did a repeat performance and drove flag -to flag to victory. He was folllowed closely by Keri Kincaid for eight laps when Ken pulled into the pits. Torn Vandehey was all done after only 10 laps w~en he broke his front end. John !Channey was out after 12 laps because his steering got real sloppy and he also had a front tire that was flat. He had been running in fourth. Jim Hanson, running i~ third place, didn't make it to the finish line because he had a fl4t tire. At the checkered it was Flannery and Dave Hockers in first and second. Hanson did take a third but was a lap down from the leaders. · On Sunday the first race was Class 14. Jack Flannery, who bumped into this class with his Class 4 truck, moved around Ken Kincaid by the third lap when Kincaid pulled off the track with transmission problems. Jack then parked it on the back side of the track and was looking over the front end. This moved Brad Mihalko into first where he stayed until the checkered \flag. Coming in behind him was Mark Seidler, Greg Gerlach and Herb Ros-borough. In Class 1-1600 Todd Attig beat everyone to the first turn but by the second lap he had been , passed by Jeff Probst. On the third lap Attig had mov~d back into first place and Probst was trying to get around him on the inside when he clipped a metal fence post and rolled over. He tote up his left front wheel and was out of the race. Taylor was running strong and he eventually moved around Attig to take over first place where he stayed to take the win. He was (allowed by Attig, Jeff St. Peter, Rick Geier and Dale Borgernoen. J In Class 10 Dave Vanderrnis-~n, Jr. took the win with Terry Severson and Dave Vanderrnis-kn,' Sr. · finishing in second and third. Art Schmitt came away with first plac_~ in· Class 1. He was followed by Lee Wuesthoff, Don Ponder and Dan Baudoux. Jeff Probst blew his exhaust system, had to shut down and -was out early. As always this is a fun race. The track is fast and longrand the Rabbits definitely have an advantage here. The Brush Run 101 will be held on this site on Labor Day weekend. See you there. CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE K & N FILTERS -RAPID COOL TRI MIL -BUG PACK BILSTEIN - CENTERLINE - CIBIE ~ HEWLAND -PORSCHE TURBO C/ V I.Ail._,.,....,_N1_--:\\),I""' BEARD SEATS - PARKER PUMPER YOKOHAMA TIRES - SUPER lRAPP GEM GEARS~ KYB SHOCKS -SWAY-A-WAY · . lRANSAXLE PARTS -KC HILITES -Mc.:KENZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT - NEAL PRODUCTS IE) 1r··.~ Cl■l■I CENTER LINE R1( ,.,, .. /',II//\ SWAY·,! ·WAYc-. ~ OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday -Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m. IPF I BEFORE YOU BUY-TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL!' 12945 SHERMAN WAY -NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA 9160S (818) 765-5827 • (818) 764-6438 September; 1987 Page 41 ________________________ __;;.._ __ ...i... ______________________ ___;=---- ,c._. Dusty Times

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I ( ! I /" The Crowder·.crackcr -150 at. Tallahassee, ,Florida . Text & Photos: John Sprovkin Action was heavy in the 1200 cc D Class. Here Mike Hester, left, two wheels it past Sam Pace for the class lead, but Hester ·later lost his trans, and Pace went on to win the class and take fourth overall. · J.R. Taylor took the 1600class lead with twenty minutes left on the clock, and he • not only won the class, he won·the race overall by a full lap. formation moved along the track ·place that year . with forty one on the first lap, Clint Hurst, also laps completed. Still on the froIJl Georgia, had carburetor · · second lap, Scott Haire bit the problems and dropped out of the , dust, as he spun a rod bearing. 1600 class. George Rereiver, ·. While the third lap was in Class 1, ended his racing day at · progress, Bruce Mitchum, one of the start when his, throw out · Georgia's finest, was shortening bearing came off. the distance between himself and the local driver Carlton Jackson, . The • rest of the pack got who was still l~ading. · Bryan · It was that time of year again, • -the 4th of July weekend. It was time for FORD A to produce the annual "Crowder Crack~r 150", a keen race through the gravel . pits on Jimmie Crowder's property near Tallahassee, Florida. This 150 mile, three hour race brought together drivers from all over Florida and Georgia. The track once again was engulfed in mud, as it was for the FlorLda 400 last March, but it seemed to be in a little better shape. The sun was doing all it could to drain the moisture out of the ground, and if the weather held, the course would be in excellent condition after a few laps. around the challenging course to Peterson, with fire in his eyes and complete the first lap.0·Carlton smoke coming out of his ears did Jackson led the way in his Class it "his way" when he overtook 1, followed closely by Scott . Bob Rule, then Ed Chambers for Haire, Class 10, and Bruce the lead within the 1600 class. Mitchum, also in Class 1. Further down the line Sam Georgia's Bob Rule was next, the Pace and Mike Hester were leader in the 1600 bunch, with bumper to bumper in p Class two more 1600s, Bryan Peterson action. Jerry Allen called it a day and Ed Chambers, side by side at during this lap when he stripped his rea_r bumper. Sam Pace was out. second gear in ' his 1600. on the front side of D Class, with . Mike Hester was on the upswing, the challenging John Cory right as he took the D" Class lead by behind him. passing Sam Pace. After giving up making the final adjustments, During the second lap Carlton the 1600 lead to Bryan Peterson, and filling the gas tanks in hopes Jackson was pouring it on as he Ed Chambers seemed to. be that gas would be the only reason . was extending his lead. Ed. losing momentum. · There we're twenty-four buggies registered for . the race. Five were in D Class, five in Class· 1, and the big · bunch was the fourteen in 1600 class. For a little trivia, the 1984 "150" had thirty-eight entries, and there were twenty-four entries in 1985. With Jimmie Crowder's men out on the track getting it ready, the racers were in the pits going throug_h safety inspection, for a pit stop. After the drivers' Chambers made a quick moye During the fifth lap Craig meeting and a parade lap, the .around Bryan Peterson, and then Boh_res was able to join the racing machines were lined up in their · overtook Bob Rule for the 1600 group after failing to start due to starting positions. All it took was class lead. Sam Pace was still up numerous problems. Craig only the green flag to start the 1987 front in D Class, while Mike lasted for two laps, then had version of the Crowder Cracker Hester maneuvered his D Class problems with the starter, finally 150. , · machine around John Cory. did a rollover, and subsequently This particular start wasn't the Mike has been out of racing for a . lost first and second gears. It was best for Lindy Herrell, from few years. Back in 1984 at th<; total frustration for the day for Georgia. He completed his race Cracker 150 Mike was driving·a Craig Bohres. · ' day on tlw first lap when he Class 1 car, ;md he took fifth · Brian Puch, driving the 1600 snapped an axle. Lindy had new oar ts at home, but he didn't bring· them along. As the tight THE 1987 OFF ROAD-RACIN·G HANDBOOK Packed with Racing Lore about the Top Drivers and Riders, their Records, and a Brief History and Results of Off Road Racing over the Years. ONLY $5.00 PER COPY "OFF ROAD 'FEVER" A 14 minute action packed video for the new devotee or seasoned enthusiast. $17 .50 (Specify 3/4" ,· VHS or Beta) "A YEAR OF CHALLENGE" • 15 minutes of relivir:19 the snows of Parker, the heat of Baja, the bone and car crunching of the Frontier 500. The entire 1985 SCORE/HORA season! $17 .50 (Specify 3/4", VHS or Beta) Order Now While the Supply Lasts HDRA HIGH DESERT RACING ASSQCIATION Send Check or Money Order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O Agoura, CA 91301 •oEALER INQUIRIES INVITED SCIIE INTERNATIONAi! Championship Off-R:,ad Racing Racing in his own back yard, Carlton Jackson was the early leader, and his was the only Class 1 left, the winner, when he retired after 27 laps completed. Georgia's Bruce Mitchum led tt;,e race overall for a time, but flipped out of contention, to end up second in the non-finishing Class 1 ranks . .., -'...:•=--•-1 _________________ Sc...;ptc_mbc __ r_1_91_1 _______________ D_u_1_tv_TI_ma __ , __ •

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for Dean Priep, made it into the pits after the sixth lap with a left rear flat and shifter problems. After repairs were made,· Dean took over as driver and made it as far as the mud ·hole where Joe Cunningham buried his buggy during. the "400" last spring. Needless to say, De,!n did the same thing, which finished his racing day. Darrel McKee, from Georgia, was able to make· it around the track eight times before h'is engine blew _in the. 1600. Ed Chambers, who was losing it the last couple of laps, dropped out when he lost third gear and the engine overheated. During the next lap the leader, Carlton Jackson, had his hands full trying to keep in front of Bruce Mitchum. Bruce finally made his move, overtook Jackson and took over the Class 1 lead. Joe Cunningham made it to the nits with a flat after ten laps of the more than two mile course. Bryan Peterson still led the 1600 Class, but after .completing twelve laps, he had to pit with clutch problems. Bryan was back on course periodically through-out the race, but only completed a total of seventeen laps. Mike Hester started having intermit-tent transmission problems in his D car, and was in ·and out of the pits until his transmission finally gave out after he finished thirteen laps. . With dropouts, stayouts, along with the in and outs that happened in th~ first twenty laps, there were changes up front. The leaders were Bruce Mitchum in Class 1, followed by Carlton Jackson. Bruce made · one more lap, after which he did a flip, re-arranging the shape of his racer and the front end alignment. That left Carlton Jackson with the only Class 1 machine still running on the track. However, Carlton went around only seven more times, then became a victim of mechanical problems, which put him out for the remainder of the race. Class 1600 was now led by Bob Rule with J.R. Taylor right at his back bumper. Sam Pace was leading the way for D Class cars, followed in short order by , Gene Windham, then John Cory. With about twenty minutes of racing time left, J.R: Taylor and Bob Rule were bumper to bumper and side by side. Now they were dcing for the overall victory as well as the 1600 class honors. Bob Rule started having some mechanical problems. The retainer on his valve guide went out, and his engine died. Now the 1600 Class competition was Joe Cunningham executes a one wheel landing in his 1600 on his way to a fine finish, second in class and also secc,md overall by one lap. D class drivers favor rear implement tires, that work grea't in the mud. Sam Pace used tiis to advantage to win the hotly contested class honors. I From Georgia, Bob Rule sails high over the Florida foliage, but lost the engine while leading the race overall, and was fourth in 1600 class. Waving the flag on the fourth ol July, Dennis Aike_n had a good run, a little troJble_and ended up fifth among the 14 cars in Class 1-2-1600. . between J .R. Taylor, with thirty-one laps done, ,and Joe Cunningham and Travis Hurst. By this time Gene Windham had broken a ring and pinion, giving up second place position in D Class to John Cory. As they came down to the final laps J .R. Taylor was giving it all he had to keep his lead and be the first to cross the finish line, which he did, completing thirty-four laps. Right behind Taylor at the checkered flag-was Joe Cunning-ham, but he was nearly a lap down, with thirty-three rounds to his credit. · Back at the 1984Cracker 150, Joe Cuningham crossed the finish line after forty-one laps to take. first. place in the Bomber Class. J.R. Tii.ylor was in D Class during that race and took second place with forty-six laps. In 1987 both Travis Hurst and Sam Pace made it across the finish line each with thirty-two laps completed. Hurst placed third in 1600 Class. behind . second placing Joe-Cun.ningham. Sam Pace won the top honors in D Class. In 1985 Sam took third place in the same class with thirty laps completed. . Bob Rule was credited with fourth among the 1600s, followed by Dennis Aiken, and both Georgia drivers got in 30 la!{s. John Cory, .with· twenty-seven laps covered was the · second D Class buggy to cross the finish line, and Bill Prout was third in class having! completed twenty-four laps, land Gene W indhain was a lap oehind him. Carlton Jackson was the Class 1 winner, making twenty-seven laps, followed by Bruce Mitchum; who covered twenty-• one laps. Bruce also did twenty-one laps during the 1985 "i 50;:'. Carlton won Class 1 in 1985 with thirty-seven laps to his credit. . . Not many cars were still in motion when the time ran out at the I 'Cracker 150. The next enduro race for FORD A is Labor Day w~kend, on September 6, right in the same place, . the Tallahassee Crowder Pits. The July1 meet was a good race, and it looks as if FORD A is once again I I I starting to grow, attracting fUany entries from Georgia. The Georgia Off Road Racing Association invites all the Florida drivers to their turf in the f.• • · fall, and ~veryone else as weU. GORRA has their longest race, the Thanksgiving ·250, at Cordele, Georgia on the 28th of November. It is a limited entry, first come, first serve to the first 75 entries. Check with GORRA -for all the details. SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF-ROAD .CHASSIS 'I * * ·* * * FOX TRACKSIDE SERVICE · congratulates the winners using· Fox .Factory suspension systems in the _L HDRA1 FIREWORKS 250 -111 . - I Class 10 - 1st;. Jim Stiles Class 7S - 1st -.Paul Simon Class 7 4x4 -1st -Mike Lesle Class 1 - 2? d - Chet Huffman Class 1-2-1600 - 1st - Bob Scott 2nd - Steve Barlow 3rd -Darren Wilson • Externall) Adjustable Progressive Rate, "Floating" Spring Shocks., • · Multi-Stagle Ai_r Shox wi~h Floating Springs. . .• Ava.ila,ble,~it.h 5/8''..and"~I ¼" Stai_nless.Shafts and _T~7076 Sleeves an~ Rese.rro1rs. ·. . . · . WE bFFER.COMPLqTE SYSTEMS UTILIZING QUALITY COMPONENTS FROM FOX FACTORY, SWAY-A-WAY AND NORTH AMERICAN R~CING. ' ' I , I . ' I 702-565-D.I.R.T. . Dean Priep feil victim to (he famous mud hole on course, and his race ended right here in the mud after only six laps on the course. S1 UTHERN NEVADA OFF-ROAD CHASSIS #15 745 SUNSET RD., HENDERSON, NV 89015. ""We wish to apologize for incorrectly stating that all tre racers use o~r "progressive shocks". P-sc 43

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IUDWIISIR·SUPIIISlfflON ·110 IV Steve Sourapas_ancl .Dave Richardson Conquer the He.-t -1o Win Overall! By Jean Calvin Photos: John Calvin/ Track.side Photo Enterprises Steve Sourapas took the overall lead on the second lap, and co-driver Dave Richardson held that lead as-they drove_the Raceco home first overall and in Class 1. tht;' famous Rock House, again within sight of the fi.nish line. . But, at the SO mile marker, a left turn took the cars into the infamous mud · hiJ'ls before winding back to the finish line. The mud hills did in a fair share the excellent frequency of course markers. -Along with mad dogs and Englishman, a whole flock of off. road racers went out in the noonday sun last August, enduring the pa·rching heat on the Ancient Dry Lake in Imperial County, CA. The Superstition 250 IV was the occasion, and. the registration and tech inspection was held from noon to race time six . in the evening, on a ver; warm, well over 100 degrees temp, Saturday. A good breeze helped everyone survive, but the more wise attendees brought their own shade in the form of tents with them. . of the entry, many of whom wer.e . just-plain lost in the dark, despite Tech was a fairly casual affair, .checking only for safety equipment and spark arrestors. Arountl three in the afternoon a pair of · very friendly B.L.M. Rangers arrived to check for green stickers on the California The area just wesf of El Centro has been a favorite playground for off roaders in the area for years, hosting lots of San Diego · folks. This year the fourth running qf the twiHght event for . cars_ organized by the Fudpucker· Racmg T earn drew a real herd in the,drawing for starting spots a . · couple of weeks _before the event,. For unknown reasons, ther.e were a number of no shows at the -starting line, and some entrants did destroy their racer while pre-running. Nonetheless, an excellent field of 73 cars in nine classes took the green flag to start four laps of the approximately 60 mile course. The route was a lazy T in shape, winding out from the start in a pair of half loops south to Dunaway Road, the alternate pit area. Then it was a fast run north parallel to the Navy boming range to an abrupt turn that brou~h~ the racers within sight of the finish lme at the 30 m:ile mark. But, the route did a 180 and headed off toward the Superstition Mountains, then another 180 took the cars past· Page" Greg Hil:)bs tried hard to repeat his 1986 overall win, but this year he went solo in the Chenowth, and won Class 10 handily but had to settle for third overall. The local team of Ken Snyder and John King did a number on Class 1-2-1600, as they fed the 14. car band from flag to flag in the O.R.B.S., and finished a quick second overall. September 1987 Surprising even themselves, Malcolm Vinje and an extensive team kept moving to put their Class 5 Baja Bug into a fine second place in Class .1. based cars, but there were· no problems there at all. Some. entrants waited a bit too· long to out in the sun and go through tech. There was a fair sized line there when the drivers' .meeting commenced at 5:30 p.m. All" did make the starting line, albeit a few· started late behind their class, since-the staging area was. very narrow, more suited to. motorcycles, which had raced early in the morning. ~ . The cars started ·one every IS. seconds, heading right ihto the low sun, but the timing give most ,of them a full lap in . daylight. There were five in Class 10, the first class off the line. Leading off was defending_champ Greg Hibbs, . who with Mike Julson co-driving, won the race overall in 1986. This year Hibbs was going solo in the , quick Chenowth. It wasn't long before a hanging cloud of dust engulfed - the first mile off the start, as the breeze died out as the sun went down. About SO miles into the first lap Greg Hibbs was first on. the road, .about a minute ahead of Dennis Green, second away in Class 10. At the end of the.lap Hibbs had more than a minute margin on Green, and the team of . Joey Aclzima and Bill lsenhouer . were about eight minutes back in third. Well back, William Hammack was only a couple minutes·ahead of Omar Adams, who had made a brief stop on . course. Neither Adams or Dennis Gr_een did another lap, Green losing his clutch in the nasry mud hills. The only problem Greg Hibbs had was tryingto keep the overall -lead that he held after one lap. He ·· went swiftly .all four rounds to finish an easy winner in Class 10, second on 'the road but third overall, just under seven minutes behind the overall winning time -of '4:35.34. Hammack vanished on the third lap. Taking second in Class 10, the only · other finisher, was Joey Adzima/Bi-11 lsenhouer, about two hours behind Hibbs. . Eight started in Unlimited Class, and three.were Class 5 Baja . Bugs. In the pack was the Class 1 Raceco of Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson, dofog a real wo'rld .test on their new engine, having lost the engine a few miles from the finish a't the Baja Internacional. Malcolm Vinje was giving his daughter a ride in the family Baja Bug, and Greg and Glenn Sanden were in line in a ~eautiful black Bug. At our post at the SO mile Running in the top three in Class 1 0 all the way, Joey Adzima and Bill fsenhouer sutvived to finish, we/I.back but second in the class. · Johnny Johnson teamed with Steve Wolcott to keep the 1600 winners.honest, and.they stayed up top all night to eventually finish 2nd among the 14 starters. Dusty Times·

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mark Mark Cameron was third on the road, only a minute behind the leading Class 10. Steve Sourapas was right in his dust, with Kirk Kontilis another minute back. In the next few , minutes the Sanden Bug was next, and in another minute both Jeff Wright, who started late, and Malcolm Vinje, already fixing flats, came along. At the end of the lap Kontihs was· out with trans trouble, and Scott Ryan also failed to show up. Sourapas led Cameron by one minute, and Steve was about a minute out of first overall. Sanden was a mere two more minutes back in the Bug, Wright was next, followed by Vinje. It was a fun race for the Vinje team, with a different team scheduled to dri~e each lap. 01: ,lap _2 it.was LeRoy Hansen and s1dek1ck Don McDaniel in the car. Gary Cogbill and John Marking ran swiftly all the way, and with some trouble on the last lap, they still took third in tbe big Class 1-2-1600. I · Midway Steve Sourapas had taken the overall lead by three minutes and was first on the road when he pitted for fud and handed over to Dave Richard-son. The stop took about three minutes, and meanwhile Greg Hibbs went past. Cameron lost over 15 minutes on the second lap and dropped to third, and Wright had a 50 minute disaster in the Mazda powered car. In second, midway, about 12 minutes behind Sourapas, was the Sanden Bug. LeRoy Hansen and Don McDaniel got lost in the mud hills, fought their way back to the course, then got lost in the ribboned maze going into the finish line. But, when they pitted midway the were third in class, about 30 minutes ahead of Wright. This time regular Vinje team driver Mark Hansen replaced his dad at the wheel, and Petro Tech 's Al Martinelli climbed into the right seat as the Bug set off on the second half. Dave Richardson drove under the checkered flag,_ waved by "Fud", rjight at 10:40 in the evening, and the overall winner was also the first to finis_h. _ On lap three Richardson made up time, repassed Hibbs and ended the lap with just a wave to the pit as he flew past, first on the road and in the overall lead now by over five minutes. Sanden did a fine lap to hold second in class by about six minutes over Mark Cameron, who was making time back quickly. The Vinje Bug dropped back with frequent stops to replace the oil leaking from a flywheel seal, but stayed in fourth place. The sleek Sanden Bug vanished on the last lap. Out front Dave Richardson was feeling a bit weak from the heat, but never lifted his foot; He turned two almost identical lap times, and he arrived first at the Al De La Rosa and John Pekarek had their Datsun in the Class 7 lead on lap 2, and they led through the three laps, the only survivor in the class, and the big winner. Steve Lawrence and Andy DeVercel/y had a close. victory, out front in the last three laps by mere inches, and they ended up winning the class by just 13 seconds. Dusty Times finish line, first in Class 1, and . first overall by about six minutes. Mark Cameron lost a !good hour and a half on the last lap and dropped to third a~ i'th~ flag. Surprising his teatn, . Mark Hansen nursed the oil!aholic Bug home second in Class 1, about 53 minutes behind the winner; Having various woes,JrffWright was about eight minutes behind · Cameron, taking fou!rth. Larry McCallum and Art Eiligenio had a good time on their\ local turf and finished fifth in their Baja Bug. · Next awav was the largest class, 1-2-1600, running here without restrictor plares. Several of the 20 starters too~ the green flag late, one as muc~ as seven minutes late. At the SQ mile mark the local team of Ken $nyder and John King, in a ORBS,lwere tenth on the road, flying loi"' in a lead they would not relinquish all night. Close, a minute back on the road, was Brad Irich, tightly followed by Gary C9gbill/John Marking, Gary Bates/Don McAfee, and Steve !Wolcott's car. Wolcott had a secret , weapon, John Johnson, who had come to spectate, but was pressed into service and drove the first two laps in I Wolcott's car. With one lap done, Snyder/ King had a minute Idd on dme over Johnson, who wks only 32 seconds ahead of Cdgbill, who had merely 11 seconds on Brad Inch, and Bates/ Mc,t\fee were another minute back. [ his was a real race for the 1600s. But, Inch got off course on the second lap in the mud hills, lande1!d in. a hole and could not get out for hours, until help came, and that ended his race. Snyder/King pu,t more time on the field midway in1the battle, leading Johnson by an even 11 minutes. John pitted tb,hand the car he had never dri~en before over to Steve Wolcott. Cogbill/Marking werr another September 1,11 Gary Bates and Don McAfee took fourth in Class 1 °2-1600 in the Raceco, despite a ro/lover they got help from the Jimco pit and finished the race. »--The Class 8 trucks had real woes on the desert. Jim Nemlowi/1 led the five truck clasl on the first lap, but that was his only lap and he was second. Mike: Lund and ·Bob Falkenburg, hiding behind the bushes in the House of BugJies 5-1600, were close all night, but they-finished tight in second place. I • ' ' I . , eight miQutes back, holding third by \iust two minutes over Bates/McAfee, . who had only aboilit three minutes .on Keith and poug Cowell, who vanished t -from the charts on lap 3. Only half the field covered three laps, ·and the Snyder /King combo had a firm grip on the lead, Ga-, MINIMUM. I FFORT ......................... . MAXIMUM EFFECT!!!. . TA3 -COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEiST IN-OFF ROAD Pl'IODUCTS , Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 93290 (714 J 676-2066 . Page 45

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Jeff Wright got a late start, made up time, then had troubles with the Mazda racer, and Jeff ended up taking fourth in Class 1. Rob Zimmer and Tim Noe fought for position all nigf)t, and the team ended up fifth in Class 1-2-1600, and it was a tough battle. Andres and Joey Estrada had their ups and downs all the way in the 2-1600, but they finished the race and finished sixth in the big class. · ~ riow with ten· minutes on · Cogbill/ Marking. Wolcott was · another minute back, and Bates/ McAfee lost half an hour on the lap but still held fourth · spot. Rob Zimmer /Tim Noe and I . . . Tom FergllSon/Darrell Wagn~r; who had been running tight all night, were now fighting for fifth. Even though Ken Snyder slowed a tad_ on the last lap, he brought the ORBS und·er the checkered flag third on the.road, just behind Hibbs. He and John King not only won the 1600 class, they placed second overall over a minute ahead of the Class 10 winner in a remarkable performance for a restricted engine machine. Wolcott turned up the wick on theJ ast lap to finish second in class, ten minutes behind the winner and fourth overall. Gary Cogbill and John Marking had a little last lap trouble, but held on in third place, another eight minutes out, and fifth overall to boot. Arriving about 27 minutes later Gary Bates and Don McAfee took fourth in class, with 25 minutes in hand over Rob Zimmer/Tim Noe, who were fifth out of the nine that finished. By midnight, merely eight cars in · any class had finished four laps, and half of them were 1600s. There were five in Class 8, four Fords and a Chevy, but most of them did not get far on the tough . course. In fact, Craig Corda's Ford had to be pushed to fire the engine at the start line, and they took off without their safety harness fastened. They did not cover a lap, nor did the Fords of Jim Saldi or Herman Meister, although·Soldi did make it to the 50 mile point. At the end of the first lap Jim <v Nemowill, from nearby Brawle'>:'._, · had a husky lead iri his Chevy, , doing a good, 1: 1 7 lap and leading the Ford of Ken Goldjuch by nearly an hour. But, the Chevy was swallowed up in the darkness on the second lap: Meanwhile, Ken Goldjuch and Roger Lopez soldiered on, doing the second lap in just under 4½ hours, and they won the Class 8 honors with two laps completed. Four brave teams started out in Class 7 /7S, two older Datsuns and a new Toyota and Ford Ranger. First to succumb was the Toyota.of Rich Mi~ga and Tom Ray, sufferin,g overheating problems in the first 30 miles. Also missing early -was the Ranger of Eric Lane and Harold Patty. At the 50 . mi)e point, the Datsun of Al De LaRosa and .,,,..,_ John Pekarek passed just a few minutes ahead of the plain jane Datsun of Steve Fenton and Duane Hollander. The first lap Page 46 Kreston Pons and Darren Hardesty stayed with the 5--1600 leaders all the way and finished third, just over three minutes behind the winners. Class 100 features antique racers, and Dave Collier and Rick Golden drove this original Funco Hustler to second in class with three laps done. Nick Gross and Mike La-Plant had some troubles late in the race, but they led every lap in the Challenger Class, a big one, and the T-Mag looked good at the finish line. times show De. LaRosa about four minutes up on Fenton, then Fenton went· out somewhere' on the second lap. The De LaRosa crew carried on -.through the second and third laps, taking a sure win in the class. ' An incredible 14 Bugs took the green flag . in Class 5-1600, and five of them saw the checkered flag. Dave Hendrick-son/Grant Steele had a slim lead at the end of one lap, about three minutes. It got tighter behind them. Steve and Tim Lawrence were second with just 16 seconds · in hand over Mike Lund/ Bob Falkenberg. Another 2 ½ minutes l::;,ack was the team of Kreston Pons/Darren Hardesty, who nearly nailed our camera crew while taking a -hefty slice off a right angle turn. They were just one minute ahead of Rick Wilson/1,,ance Patten, and four were mis~ing after one lap. The Hendrickson Bug had a major, two hour disaster on lap 2. Lawrence, with Andy DeVercelly co-driving, had a four minute lead midway over Lund/Falkenburg, who were five minutes up on Pons/ Hardesty: This class did not string out at all up front. About 20 more minutes down, Wilson/ Patten held fourth, well ahead of Robert and Rueben Gutierrez. who were September ·1997 Todd and Stuart Teuscher took the checkered flag in good time, driving this -immaculate Chenowth Wedge _to the Class 100 victory, and the team led all the war, Mark Hansen takes the flag for second in Class 1 in the Vinje Bug, but check the headlight, still on, pointing directly up to the night sky. Hector and Daniel Ledezma ran second the last three laps in the close · ·-Challenger contest, and the pair held on to finish second at the flag. just three min~tes behind fifth running Lupe Garcia; who didn't cover al)other lap. After three rounds Lawrence/ DeVercelly held . a tiny, one minute lead on Lund/Falkenburg in the best race of the night. And, Pons/ Hardesty were just another three minutes back in fifth, but well ahead of Hendrickson and Steele who gave up the struggle on the final lap. · It was a three way battle all the way to the checkered flag in Class 5-1600. But, Lawrence and DeVercelly got the job done, winning by just 13 seconds at the flag over Lund and Falkenburg in a real cliff hanger. Just over three minutes down, Kreston Pons and Darren Hardesty, another second generation racer, were . solid in third place, 34 minutes up on Rick Wilson and. Lance Patten. Back another 40 minutes, Robert and Rueben Gut'ierrez made it to the flag for fifth spot among the Baja Bugs. . Class 100, originated by AMSA, is on the FRTschedule, and this time there were four starters, mostly in older cars. All four rnvered the first lap, led by Todd and Stuart Teuscher in a real Chenowth Wedge, a rare race car. Runnin'g just 2½ minutes behind the leader was another-antique racer, an original Dusty Times

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Steve Fenton and Duane Hollander didn't have much decor on their older Datsun, but it ran a full lap, giving them second place in Class 7. Rick Wilson and Lance Patten started out strong in Class 5-1600, came to grief here and there, but survived to finish fourth !Iii class. . Robert and Rueben Gutierrez lost the hood from their 5-1600 in the desert, but they carried on and came in fifth in the 14 Bug class. Kevin and Ken Basore drove a very tidy Jimco built Challenger, · had a few delays, but they drove all the way to finish fourth in class. Larry Wyatt and Larry Turner had good laps and trouble laps, but It was still shorts weather at 10:48 when Ken Snyder took the they held the Chenowth together to ltake the flag, fifth in' Chai-checkered flag in the Class 1-2-1600 winning two seater that was lenger Class. ' · second overall. Funco Hustler driven by Dave Collier and Rick Golden. About 25 minutes back came the all girl team of Jean Ames, Sandy McLaughlin and Donna Hingtgen. The girls . were just two minutes ahead of Doug Jennings _and Chris Beriington, who were seen no more. The 100 cars strung out midway in the· race. The Teuschers were well in command with a · 36 minute lead on Collier/ Golden, and the girls in the Sandhawk were a full hour behind and did not cover another lap. After three laps the Teuscher Wedge had over an hour lead on the Collier Funco, which did not finish the final round but was second anyhow. Doing all four laps and finishing well up the scale with a total time of 5:34.45 were Todd and Stuart Teuscher, and it sure was nostalgic to. see that Wedge take the checkered flag. . The last class to start was Challenger, a dozen strong, including one Baja Bug. It didn't take Nick Gross and Mike LaPlant long to put their T-Mag out front, but it was by no means a safe lead after one lap. Jack Hettinger and Art Eugenio were just five minutes back and only two minutes ahead of Hector and Daniel Ledezma. Just 20 seconds_ behind them came Hector Cuadras and Dona.Id Kenniston, a mere-38 seconds ahead of Lee and Mark Culver in the Baja Bug. This bunch had . three more Challengers under a three minute blanket fo the rear, and this was a real horse race. All but two covered the first lap. Midway two more were missing, including Hettinger. Gross/LaPlant were still out front, now with a comfortable • lead of 26 minutes over the Ledezmas. Less than another four minutes back, the Cuadras car was still in the hunt, only four minutes up on Mark Schriner/ Steve Clark. Aley Melero was well back in fifth, and out on the next lap. · After three rounds Gross/La-Plant had some troubles, and Dusty Times Hector Cuadras and Donald Kenniston ran in the top four all four laps and they finished close. a_few minutes down for third in Challengers. I . their leading margin shrank to eight minutes over the Ledezmas. Now less than three minutes further . back were Cuadras and Kenniston. Schriner/Clark dropped time, but held fourth, but they did not finish the last lap. At the checkered flag it was the team of Nick Gross and Mike LaPlant in for the Challenger victory, in the good time of 5:48 for the four laps. Losing time on the last lap Hector and Daniel Ledezma held on in second place, finishing about 20 minutes behind. Another seven minutes down Hector Cuadras and Donald Kenniston claimed third in class, some 42 minutes ahead of Kevin and Ken Basore in a Jimco. Another 19 minutes back, the Chenowth of Larry Wyatt and Larry Turner was the fifth and final finisher. Although the beautiful Corvair sedan of Chuck McCormick and Debbie Mor-ones took the green flag, the engine sounded terrible. This lone Class 6 entry did not go very far. -. As the cars· finished they were directed to a loose knit impound area amply illuminated by floodlights. Here each team got a pair of finisher awards, a real nice custom. These were two glass been mugs with the race logo imprinted on them, and they were courtesy of McKenzie Automotive. Plus, rilght there in the same spot ·fwere the Bud.weiser kegs, ready for tapping. The next morning & J Buggy of El Cajon put on an early Bloody Maiy drink-in and breakfast for those attending the awards presentation at the finish line. There were stacks of doughnuts and hard boiled eggs for breakfast, and an apparently inexhaustible supp1ly · of the fixings for the Bloooy Marys. The racers receivedf handsome plaques for their winning efforts on course, and · tlie payback checks went well' doJn the ranks of each class. I · There was also a keen award plus more plaque~ for first overall. Along witH the class payback check, Dave Richardson picked up anothe~ envelope · containing $400 in cash for the overall win he scored with Steve Sourapas. Dave remarked, with a · rueful smile, that it was 400 more dollars than they received last May for their overall victory at the Mint 400, where trere was no award of value for the achievement. Because of the warm August weather, the entire cetiemony was over by nine on Sunday morning. The racers packed up to leave the Ancient Dry Lake, quiet for a couple of months, until · the Plaster City Bash hap1pens in the same locale on Octo8er 3. September 1:,11 Mark Cameron stayed close in Class _1 for two laps, but last lap woes dropped himlback on time and down to third in class at the finish. Tlitl e Fudpucker Racing T earn through the looking glass back 'to puts on a well run event, the the origins of off road 'racing, peoRle are friendl y and the when there was a class for every scheHule relaxed. The whole kind of car, and · the racing oper~tion is aimed at letting the seemed less heavily officiated competitors have some fun along and manufacturer oriented, and with/ the serious business of off it seemed, in retrospect, racing road racing. lt is· like a peek was a lot rnore fun. ' - .J -· . - . - ---- -STRONGER AXLES AND OUTPUT BELLS , 'Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited · horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission• output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. _ Type I stub axles and output bells to accep~ Type II or Type lVor 930 C. Convert Type II stub axles and output b_ells to accept 930 C. V. joints. IAII axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. Axles and bells for the _930 C.V.s can be supplied with 3/8-24 or 10 mm 1.5 pi,ch threads. 10 mm -1. 5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. . - . FIT YOUR_OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE' PRODUCTS I 29300 3RD • LAKE ELS!NORE, CA 923-30 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 47

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C.R.S. Carlsbad Rally Sprint By Rod Koch . Photos: Track.side Photo Enterprises Topi Hynynen was on form in the Toyota Starlet at Carlsbad, and he whipped the stock class car into first overall, winning by just a few seconds total time in five stages. · The .summ,er sun had just This situation did give Peterson's burned off the low coastal clouds · navigator and car owner Jim Love near San Diego, CA at Carlsbad · a chance behind the wheel of the Raceway at 10:30 a.m. on fasi: Plymouth Fire Arrow. Saturday, July 11th. The last rally Topi Hynynen brought out the car had completed Technical Toyota Starlet that he had run in Inspection, and the stage was set the Olympus International Rally forthefirstof33entrantstotake in Washington three weeks ,, , their turn running the one mile earlier, where he was forced to serpentine dirt track. drop out after an early shunt and The Carlsbad Rally Sprint had front end damage in that been postponed by the organizers, prestigious event-. The 1300cc Sheryl Love and Bill Gutzmann, Toyota was entered at Carlsbad in from the original March date to the CRS stock class. However, mid July, because the event was with 14 to 1 compression and rained out in March. This was the weighing only 1760 pounds, fifth performance rally event and Topi's Toyota soon proved tobea the third rally sprint on the tiger on the short course. . California Rally Series/SCCA Gary English, in his fast Alfa. Southern Pacific Divisional· Sprint Coupe, had also just calendar for 1987. returned from the Olympus, and Bill Holmes, CRS Open class he and his navigator Mike Blore and SCCA So-Pac Divisional were anxious to give Topi points leader in his 1987 Ford. competition for the stock class • Rally truck drew the first starting win. Additional CRS stock class number. But Bill seemed a little entrants included Carl Azevedo's apprehensive about the very tight, fast Datsun 510, David Burgess's off camber turns on the course. . Isuzu pickup and Hal Haley's Lon Peterson, who has been vying'' . Opel Manta. CRS stock class with Holmes all year for overall entrants totaled thirteen. honors, was on the sidelines as a Open class regulars included spectator due to an old Vietnam · Ian Miller's twin-cam Corolla, Ric war wound that continues to give Bell's V-6 Chevette,Jeff Griffin's ' him problems. But Lon hopes to Volvo 142, George Daland's· be back in action at the next event. Starion Turbo and Rod Koch's VW Fastback. Mike Gibeault, who usually runs CRS stock, was entered in an Open class Datsun 510. Steve Silsbee and Leonard Jensen had their beautiful Mazda RX-7 ready, and, with the Mazda's low stance and excellent power to weight ratio, it appeared to be the right combination for the tight but smooth course. Open class had the largest number of entries at twenty. Five pickup trucks were entered. In addition to Bill · Holmes and David Burgess, Tony Linehan's Ford Ranger was in CRS stock cla_ss. Showing up in Open class were Mike Johnston, Nissan, and Dana Satari, 4x4 Toyota. Bill Holmes was first to start, and despite an impressive run and a time of 1.55 minutes, it was obvious that Bill would have his hands full getting the full size pickup around-the off camber, 180° plus turns. Topi Hynynen's little Starlet sprinted around the track and set fast time of 1:52 minutes, followed right behind by Jeff Griffin and George Deland, both with a time of 1 :53 minutes. Ric Bell, at 1.56, was next, with Ian Miller, Rod Koch, Jim Love and Leonard Jensen all timed at 19n Miller did a great job in the Toyota Corolla, winning Open class by mere seconds and Miller was second overall, again just-b-y--seeenfis.,. Page 48 September 1987 1.57 minutes. Buzzetti (another Topi prepped With competition this close, it Starlet) all af 1.58. wasobviousthatnoonewasgoing With the competition this to jus.t walk away with this event. close, any mistake would cost a Stage 2 saw Topi turn fast time of competitor many positions. Stage 1.49, with both Holmes and 5,thelaststage,wouldbeawinor Miller right behind by less than a lose. situation. Topi 's .fast, second at 1.50. Jeff Griffin and consistent driving style paid off as Gary English both turned 1.52, he tied Ric Bell on the final stage at with George Deland and Mike 1.51 and took the overall win as Gibeault at 1.53. . well as the CRS stock class A short service and lunch break victory. Ian Miller, in a skillful followed Stage 2. Then the'c:ourse and smooth drive, won the stage was flagged for running in the· . with fast time of the day at 1.48. opposite direction for three Miller took second overall and additional stages. Topi again had first in1 Gpen class. fast time of 1.51 minutes. Ian Ric Bell, third overall _and Miller turned a 1.53, with Ric Bell second in Open, was followed by and Steve Silsbee both at 1.56. Jeff Jeff Griffin, George Daland, Mike Griffin, George Daland, Jim Love Gibeault and Jim Love, all-in and Jose Olaya (a Topi prepared Open class. Gary English, despite Starlet) all tied at 1.59 times. Bill suffering some extensive body Holmes lost his bid for victory damage on the Alfa during the when he spun out, losing event, took second in stock dass ·precious seconds and dropping and a solid eighth overall; Rod histimeto l.72minutes.Leonard Koch's VW Fastback finished , Jensen suffered tie rod failure in ninth overall, folla'"wed by Bill the RX-7 and also dropped way Holmes in tenth o~rall and ninth off the leaders' pace. in Open class. · Stage 4 saw Ric Bell take fast Carl Azevedo and his Datsun time at 1.51, followed by Topi 510 came in third in stock and with a dose 1.52. Mike Gibeault eleventh overall. David Burgess turned a fast 1.53 with Jeff Griffin . captured the fourth CRS stock and Leonard Jensen both at 1.55. · position followed by John Scharf Bill Holmes and Ian Miller tied at in a Toyota Corona; fifth in stock. 1.57, and just two-thirds of a The awards presentation inimedi-. · second behind came Rod Koch; . ately followed the tallying of final George Dalan~ and Charles results, with trophies for the top Ric Bell drove his unique V-6 Chevette very well on the tight, twisting course, finishing tight in second Open class and third overall. Jeff Griffin swings the tail on the Volvo 142. and he was less than a second behind Bell, third in Open class and fourth overall. George Deland crosses it up in the Mitsubishi Starion, but he finished fourth in Open class, only_ a split second behind Griffin. Dusty Times

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Rally organizer as well as competitor, Mike Gibeault ran hard in his Datsun 510, still a competitive car, and Mike was fifth in Open class. Still wearing .the Olympus Rally signs, Gary English drove (he Alfa . Dusty Times reporter Rod Koch found his V,W Fastback /il<ed the·· hard, had some woes, but he still fini$hed seventh in Open) eighth. tigh_t turns at Carlsbad; and Koch drove·to a good eighth in Open overall. . · . I . · I class. · class finishers as well as the seed winners: Course workers, without· whose volunteer help none of these events could take place, were rewarded by the organizers with additional gifts and prizes. TheCarlsbadRallySprintgave Koch and George loalarid ex, horsepower, but the vw Fast~ stated, it \\:'llS a lot of fun for' drivers and CRS/SCCAmembers changed rides with [ea<;h qther, · back is lighter, • and had . better · participants and, spectators as • a chance to jump into the and desp.i~e . having tptally traction in certain situations. well. Fortunately, Carlsbad was a passenger seats of different different types .of cars, the .. times . [IheCarlsbadRallySprinthada -very safe event as well, with only vehicles to see how other drivers were very close. 1fhe Stari'ori . ch_jtllenging· course and it was a one DNF due to mechanical and cars handled the course. Rod Turbo does have 1100 more w~ll organized event. But, simply . problems. . · · Carl Azevedo· drove his very tidy Datsun 51-0 neatly, and was rewarded with a fine second place in stock class running at Carlsbad. Doing very well this season in his Isuzu pickup, David Burg'rss got Dana Satari tried the rallycross course in a four wheel drive .Toyota around the tough turns fast enoughl to take third in CRSI .stock pickup, which put him in Open class, but he finished second in his class. seed. H d R · hot ever. His matter of fact Score/ High · Desert Off Road·o om•s an fta••s•♦ statement, "Each race should be Racing Circuit with driver, Dave W '1191' ;a W■ 1 better than the last one,'' Westhem. Holmes claims that he A WI i R I i exemplifies this. . has a better future in off road, nn nl - at onship Holmes works hardest at because he has more experience . • • , · . trying tcrsave time on corners. "I with that type of racing, and B h .t ka try Ito come into the corners as there is more money available. "I Y Bet Hoe1er mp fast1 as I can," he said. "And I try know off road a lot better than -------------------------------------1-----tostayonthegasthewholetime. Pro Rally," said Holmes. "I've "We work very tell toge~h- It uakes a lot of practice," he been doing it for a long time." Bill Holmes, right, does all the driving while Jim Rogers mans the clocks and calculators on the rally trails. They are a winning combination. Bill Holmes describes one of his most recent racing experi-ences this way: "We were nearing the end of East of Indio and we lost our lights. It was pitch black. I thought about quitting, but I just cou·ldn't. I followed the whiteness of the road and Jim had a little tiny flashlight he stuck out the window to spot the reflectors. We ran the 10 mile stage that way, and it's a good thing we stuck with it because we won the race." Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers shudder to think of the problems that can cause them to lose a race, but when contemplating the things that can go right, they start by looking at each other. The two have what they consider to be the fundamental of success in team racing: .an excellent wbrking Dusty Times relationship. As the current points leaders for the SCCA Pro Rally SO-PAC Division, Holmes, as driver, and co-driver Rogers, are practically a natural pair. Their personalities compliment each other, as well as their individual skills and experience. The. love of racing, a strong determination to win and a good sense of . humor are qualities shared by ·Holmes and Rogers that have led them to victories in the East of Indio, Glen Helen · Rallycross, High· Desert Trails and Glen Helen Rally Sprint races and a second place finish in · the grueling Rim of the World contest. Individually, their characteristics form a balance that helps them get through · tough! races in good time with no friction between them. er," said Rogers, myner of the added. Holmes -and Rogers feel that 1987 Ford FlSO truck that the 1 here was a particular rally, Pro Rally racing is lacking team races. "We cor4municate a though, that Holmes was forced recognition. "We want people to lot and we trust eacH other," he to make an exception to his rule know more about rallying," said continued. "We combine our of constantly staying on the gas. Rogers. "We want to help give it skills to do the best we can. For "We lost our brakes in the Cliffs a better image." It 'is easy to spot instance, I try to keep my eyes on of Gorman Rally last October. the Holmes/ Rogers area at a the r.oad as much as I can, W d had a real thrilling finish on race; there is always a banner because I know Bill can't always that one; we had to quickly think flying nearby, symbolizing their see everything." ] of al new strategy because we were enthusiasm for the event. Good concentratio1n is a key to stilJI trying to win. So, I down- Holmes and Rogers have big the team's success. Holmes is in a shifted a lot. We came in plans for themselves in Pro Rally. constant state of sitnultaneous sec@nd." • Their immediate focus is on anticipation and reacbon during At age seven Holmes won the clinching the SCCA Division a rally. He must try to judge the . first race he ever entered, the Championship this year. Their road to gain efficiency while "Coyote Derby" desert race. He next step will be to win the U.S . . 9-. being able to handle lits ups and has been racing ever since, Division Championship, and downs quickly. switching over to trucks · from their ultimate goal is to be a "Bill has excellent reflexes," mo.torcycles after he became the champion World Rally team. said Rogers, the morJ outspoken 19~2 World Champion of Off "We'd really like to change the of the two. "His r~~ctions are Road Motorycle Racing. "I used fact that no American has even very, very fast." Holmes has to lrace for Husqvarna," said won the world championship," proof of this. In I 1986 he Holmes. "I owned 1 S of them," said Holmes. According to attended the Bondurant School he said with a smile. . Holmes, the only obs.i:acle now is in Somona, California, earning a Rogers also raced motorcycles money. "One reason that we do 4+ score in the four da_y for several years before he. began want to gain more exposure is to Competition· Road Racing· racipg trucks. Although the main obtain more corporate sponsor-Course. This is the highest score reason for his change was due to a ship," he said, adding quickly, · awarded from the school. knef injury, he and Holmes agree . "for everyone in Pro Rally; not Holmes, a softspoRen individ- thav they prefer trucks because just for us." ual, dtes the reasons ]fbr his high they have a higher visibility Holmes and Rogers are out score at the BondurantlSchool as: wh.ifh people-can relate to better there to win, but not without "I followed instrucdons, I was thar;i motorcycles. having consideration for their real fast and I guesk my skills '.'I want to be out front where competitors. One memorable were pretty gooJ ." Other the I action is," said Holmes. example of this was during the strategies that help him from "You really don't get too much Glen Helen. contest. When behind the wheel are, "I try to be exp:osure with motorcycles. Holmt;s and Rogers came upon a· very consistent and try not to Trur ks are safer, anyway," he car that had overturned on the stop the vehicle at ~111, I keep a • added. course, they both jumped out of coolheadandrunmYrownrace." izjacing the Pro Rally circuit their vehicle, helped the driver:~. Holmes . is clear/v serious alone doesn't give Holmes all the right his, jumped back into the, about wmnmg and alh,;mt racmg. actibn he needs. He also co- truck and went on to win the · His real challenge is jto himself, dri~es in the points series.of the race. September 1987 I I Page 49

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. , CALIFORNIA GOLD. PRODUCIS · 0 ·Mazda's New 11600 · 4x4 Gets the ·Golden Touch. By Homer Eubanks . . package. Those wanting to install the components themselves can save approximately $500. "Mazda has always offered a quality product at an affordable price, and we intend to carry on that reputation with our products," said Harris. California Gold Products sells directly to individuals wanting to outfit their Mazda with orders-.sent UPS. Since the components are bolt-on accessories, most do-it-yourself type mechanics can easily transform their Mazda under the shade tree. Performance conscious off roaders know that little can legally be done to today's emission equipped engine, therefore, the best performance increase attainable is through the suspension. Having had some input on the design of the Mazda 4x4, Harris' insight enables him to offe_r the components that wil do the truck the most good. California Gold starts with Sway-A-Way ·replacement torsion bars to gain stability in rough terrain. Rancho shocks are used for their ability to handle oscillation during all types of driving conditions. For the serious off roader, CGP offers bolt in roll cages, Simpson safety equipment, brush guards, spare tire carriers, CenterForce clutches, K&N air filters, auxiliary long range lighting systems from KC, and fiberglass hood and fenders. Off road apparel is also available with the California· Gold Racing/ Products insignia on shirts and caps. To race prep the interior of the - truck CGP offers a special steering wheel , to add good looks, as well as .a better grip. FloFit seats add to the drivers out pre-running race courses. Also, Harris has added · an additional gas tank. A test drive of the California Gold Products 4x4 pre-runner reassured this journalist that selected aftermarket components can improve on that which seems ' flawless. The stock 4x4 delivers a firm yet .smooth ride through its torsion bars up front and leaf springs in the rear. Installing the new Sway-A-Way torsion· l:iurs didn't seem to effect the street ride of the pre-runner. The torsion bars were able to give it a more confident feel. Off road the pre-runner was able to absorb the terrain while the stock truck had it~ occupants grabbing the edge of their seats. Running down fire roads, the pre-runner hugged the mixed terrain with more confidence than its counterpart. The pre-runner was able to take sand washes at a speed requiring use of third gear, while the stock 4x4 would bog down and demand second gear in the same wash. · At th~ same time of our interview Harris was preparing his new SCCA Sport Truck for its maiden run at Sears Point Raceway. Many of the compon-ents used to lower and stiffen the suspension. for racing are available for Mazda 4x2 owners to use on the street. Those in need of a sport-utility vehicle will be glad to hear that California Gold Products is working on fiberglass compon-ents to alter the original pickup into a sport-utility concept. The concept is to offer all the advantages of a utility vehicle as well as the sporty appearance expected from today's sport-utility market. Mazda owners rejoice. The 4x4 driver's compartment is enhanced by adding the Flow Harris has added an electric cooler to refresh himself during Fit seats, Simpson safety harness, and the bolt-in full coverage desert runs, and a fire extinguisher and first aid kit, just in case. roll bar. feeling of safety, especially once strapped in by the five point Simpson harness. Inside Harris' personal pre-runner is a two-way California Gold Products is ready to help you build your piece of history. California Gold Products, P.O . 'Box 1933, 1390 Flynn Rd., Unit G, Camarillo, California 93011 (805) 484-0629. The l 980's will go down in history as the era of the pickup; this versatile vehicle can be transformed into any individ-ual's dream, Whether preferring the pre-runner Sport-truck look or the distinctive "lowered" street cruiser, everyone is utilizing the pickup to build their own creation. To get that special look from a particular brand of vehicle, buyers are seeking specialty shops to meet their needs. In order to simplify Mazda owner's -~ shopping needs California Gold. Products (CGP) was formed by Mazda's own factory pilot Glenn Harris. · Mazda Motors entered the 4x4 pickup market this year and Harris decided the introduction would be a good time to launch his new endeavor. Harris has gathered what he feels is the best bolt-on performance equipment under one roof to help Mazda owners in building their own. automotive creation. Mazda owners wanting a pre-runner, street cruiser or sport-utility vehicle can make one call to CGP. After driving Mazda's new 4x4, one might wonder why anyone would want to chan_ge such a fine handling pickup. The truck is equipped with a standard . 2.6L four-cylinder engine that ·,--.<1·delivers 102 horsepower with 132 lbs-ft of useable torque. The engine incorporates a silent shaft crankshaft-balance system to eliminate vibrations that other manufacturers have experienced in large displacement four-cylinders. To further insure a smooth ride, Mazda designed a dual-directional rubber trans-mission case mount to absorb driveline vibrations. Unequal-length A-arms and torsion bars handle the front suspension along with a 24mm stabilizer. In the rear, leaf springs have been placed on top of the. axle to allow for 8.2 inches of ground clearance. This truck in showroom condition is ready to take on most duties expected from a 4x4. However, those wanting to pre-run a des·ert course will appreciate the added handling and dependability that CGP can offer. , .. California Gold has put together an accessory develop-ment package for all of Mazda's pickup line. Harris is presently negotiating to outfit a small fleet of the new units to be sold through Mazda dealers. The dealers will install a package consisting of a Lite bar with KC lights, front brush guard, rear tube bumper, Rancho shocks, tailgate net, four Centerline Pro-T ruck wheels with General 31 inch 10.S0xlS AT, AP or MT tires mounted to them. Special graphics will distinguish it as a California Gold Product. How much would you have to spend to tum your truck into a CGP pre-runner! Expect dealers to add around $2000 onto their sticker price for the complete The street crowd will appreciate the lowered look that Harris developed for his race truck, campaigning the SCCA Sh_owroom Stock Truck Series.' radio, fire extinguisher and an electric powered refrigerator to keep a cold drink on hand when California Gold Products, in Camarillo, CA, is mainly a mail order firm, but in_stallation of special parts can be done in the facility. . ;- ·:"' 'i3;:' · . ¥<-,'$s; , Both Mazdas are the same basic truck, but the California Gold Products pre-runner stands out far above the dealer stock Mazda 4x4 rig. Page 50 September 1987 Dusty Times (;!"_...., _______________________________________________________________ ..;... ___ _

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Goodies Galore ••• New KC HiLites "Le Series" Driving/Fog Lights A new technique in the process of manufacturing ABS products has resulted in a new high tech KC HiLites driving and fog light series. Proportionately designed for compact cars and small trucks, these new "Le Series" lights are available with clear driving or amber fog lenses. The rust proof ABS housings · have high tech black appearance to blend in ·with today' s automotive styling. The flip-up · lens covets can't get lost or stolen. The amber or clear lenses are virtually immune to scratch-ing or breaking. These lights come complete with mounting hardware, rocker switch, wiring and easy to follow installation instructions. Look for Le Series lights at automotive accessory outlets almost anywhere. New Dick Cepek Catalog The latest edition of the Dick· Cepek 1987 Off Road Catalog is packed with 198 pages of four wheel drive and off road accessories. Cepek carries the largest selection of off road tfres for two and four wheel drive trucks, a complete line of A TV tires and wheels, and almost everything you ever thought about for your off road car. The catalog includes the traditional Cepek technical data on tires, load range and inflation .charts, test reports, and the like. Along with automotive equipment, there is a full line of surplus and camping equipment and an extensive selection of books for . the off road enthusiast. To get your copy of the new catalog, and a $2 .00 rebate on your first order, send $ 1.00 to Dick Cepek, Dept. D /T, 17000 Kingsview Ave., Cartson, CA 90746, and don't forget your zip code. Canadian and Foreign requests, send $2 .00 U .S . currency. Dusty Times NewVDO Instrument Catalog VDO, the world's largest independent manufacturer of precision automotive instru-ments has produced a new 40 page catalog. It contains photos and information on all VDO instrument lines, including Cockpit, Vintage, Series 1 and Night Design along with the newly introduced Performance Tachometer. A full range of quality mounting and special accessories are illustrated to help the do-it-yourself enthusiast crt::ate a custom gauge installation for any vehicle. Sending unit listings for all automotive applications are also included. Send $2.00 for your catalog to VDO-Yazaki Corp., Dept. OT, 980 Brooke Road, Winchester, Virginia 22601. Computer-Cut Race Car Graphics Competition Graphics offers a wide range of colors and type styles for custom-cut vinyl self-adhesive lettering and numbers for use on race cars and support vehicles, eliminating the need to paint on such l.D. Choose from ten color finishes and ten type styles, in sizes ranging from one inch to 24 inches tall. Custom vinyl graphics tome pre-spaced . and pre-aligned to make installa-tion a snap with professional looking results. Custom vinyl graphics are less expensive and more versatile than conventional paint on methods. Get your free copy of the catalog, containing color swatch samples, type styles and producdon information from Competition Graphics, Zacman Inc., Dept. OT, P.O. Box 2117, Farmington Hills, MI 48018. Bonatrade Roll Up I Sun ShaHes , Bonatrade lnternJtional has a new concept on automotive interior sun protection, a corrugated windshield sun shade that rolls up. There are two new graphic designs, tailc~red for men and women, and the roll up shades are easier to put in place and store than conven1 tionaHold up shades. The new shades compliment a comJlete line· of solar protection froducts, · including ~ear windpw louvres and aluminum sun fans. For more information on the new · roll up sun shades I and other automotive accessories from· Bonatrade, request the latest catalog from Bonatrade Interna-tional, Inc., Dept. OT, 1146 East Chestnut Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92701. New Web-Cam PerformancJ Cams Web-Cam, Inc.I has just released two new performance camshafts for the Kawasaki 250 Mojave. The camshafts are available for bolt-in phformance or all out racing. The bolt-in cam increases overall 9ower and requires no rnodific~tions, The hot cam was made for full tilt racing engines. Feltured are Web-Cam's race winning design, ultra precision grinding and our exclusive moly-lube finish for long life. The camshafts retail for $90.00 with exchange of your stock cam cores. For more details I . on these products co9tact Web-Cam, Dept. OT, 123~7 Doherty St., Riverside, CA 92503. I Holdit Truck Bar Holdit is an ad purpose holding bar designe8 to keep September 1987 cargo from shifting or sliding in held in suspension as the material the back of pickup or panel is applied by a proprietary tr4cks. The Holdit bar secures process. Polymers in the Swairi ·0 itsrlfwith_justa twi~tofthewrist. Tech coating form a_ matrix No tools are required, and the which protects the surfaces and bat is constructed of the highest , reduces friction, resulting in quklity, heavy duty cold drawn, . · cooler oil and lower heat. Get all stebl to take the toughest usage. It . the details on these high tech is 1also galvanized for lorig life coatings for high performance prbtection against rust and parts from Dan Swain, Racing-cotrosion. The Boldit bar is also Division, Swain Technology, av1ailable with soft, sturdy Dept. OT, 35 Main St., Scotts-BarTender foam protection pads- ville; New York 14546. that fit snugly over the bar to help protect fragile cargo from sciatching or breaking. Valley Industries has a variety of acdessories, and complete lines of towing accessories and cooling pf<bducts. Get further 1nforma-tid n from Valley Industries, DJpt. OT, 1313 South Stockton, Lodi, CA 95240. N fw Bilstein Catalog. Bilstein_ has a new, 52 page color catalog containing their full range of gas pressure shock· absorber applications, suspen-sio~ kits, anti-sway systems, and their R-2000 Car Care Products. Bilstein .offers shocks and MatPherson struts · and inserts for jmost domestic cars, trucks, vans and RVs. Bilstein sport suJpension kits cons,ist of spebially valved shocks and strJ ts along with corresponding length progressive rate springs, while the anti-sway systems consist of anti-sway bars, bushings and hardware. The new cadlog also has a cross section of off road, rally and road racing shock applications. The new catalog is available by sending $2 ·ISO to B ilstein Corp. of America, Dept. OT, 11760 So,~rento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121. Swain Tech Valve J Spring Coating Swain Technology, whose Thermal Barrier Coating and Poly Moly slippery coatings are protecting more and more high performance engines and drive-line parts, has developed a special high technology coating for valve sprihgs. The coating. is a· special forfuulation of Swain Tech's Pol,~ Maly slippery coating, a pol~mer-type coating with low coefficient of friction materials 1987-88 MSD -Ignition Catalog MSD's new 1987-88 catalog has 64 pages of performance ignition products for your vehicle. Whether your vehicle is for racing or daily driving, MSD has ignitions, distributors, spark plug wires, coils and many other items to fill your needs. Sections of the catalog are devoted to technical tips, and the Blue Ribbon Product line, that includes adjustable timing controls and commercial ignition modules for foreign and domestic vehicles. A very helpful product index. makes finding the listed products easier. Send $2.00 for your copy of the new catalog to MSD Ignition, Dept. OT, 1490 Henry Brennan Dr., El Paso, Texas 7993~. , INDEX TO ADVERTISERS AMC Jeep ................. 7 Audi of America. Inc. . . . . . . . . . 2 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . 20 Candy Canes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Car Custom ·. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Champion Headlock Co. . .. ,· . . 27 Fudpucker Racing Team ..... 18, 22. 58 Fuel Safe . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . 16 Glen Helen OHV Park . . . . . . . 12 BFGoodrich . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Goodyear nre & Rubber . Co ...... . .............. 5 Gran Carrera de Campeones . . 35 JaMar Performance Products .... ·. . . . . . . . . . . 45 , KC Hilites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Mazda Motors of America . . . . 17 Mears Gang · . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 _ McKenzie Automotive . . • . . . . 41 Mirage Chassis ............ 21 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . 15 Off Road Racing Handbook -Videos . ................. 42 Parker Pumper . , . . . . .. . . . . . 25 PCI Race Radios . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Plaster City Blast . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Sandwinder Chassis . . . . . . . . 24 Marvin Shaw Performance Products ... : ........... 47 SNORE 250 .. .. . . .. . . . . . . 29 So. Nevada Off Road Chassis ................ 43 Summer Brothers . . . . . . . . . . 40 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group ................. 11 Toyota Motorsport ... Back Cover, i 13 Trackside Photo Enterprises . . 57 Tri-Mil Industries . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Valley Performance -Hewlan.d . .. .. .. . . .. . . . . 26 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Page 51

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a.le_£:ifJ ALL. TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~;,-Competition Tires • ~o.f)' Offroad & Motorcycle Products P.O. Box 2053 Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 244-0477 (800) 892-5263 ALUMA-KO TE Aluminizing · , Sand Blasting Welding Repair 1357 4 Pumice Norw~/k, CA 90650 Mike Matson 619-583-6529 (213) 802:.2328 .. Brent Miller BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • . RACE; CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR, SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF-ROAD RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.tG. WELDING - TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: TOM MINGA BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 BELL MOTOR SPORTS, INC. J, FETY RODUCTS KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA, 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' EDI BARBARA BEARD Page 51 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 <&rnup ruckmann San Diego <519> 578-1585 · 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE O FF ROAD RACE ENGINES. WINNERS AT 8626 COMMERCE A V E . C>< FOR CORKY McMILLIN DANNY LET.NER LARRY RAGLAND MARK McMILLIN IN MIRA MAR :_, "< , • ta ~:~ ···•·• .~~i.llo-, - , , OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION THE SOURCE FOR "PRO-COMP SERIES" RACING MOTORS & TRANSAXLES. SCORE & HORA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS WALK IN 818·334-4951 PHONE ORDERS 818·969-7967 . 915 W._FOOTHILL BLVD., AZUSA, CA 91702 r--~---------------------------1 Send $1.00* for 1987 Catalog I Ill and receive $2 off your first order. Cut out this coupon and mail it to: Dick Cepek, Inc. 1 17000· Kingsview Ave., Dept.OT I Carson, California 90746 I I O I've enclos~d $1.00* I Please send me your I 1987 Catalog and my I $2 Rebate Card. • Canadian & Foreign ,equests I send $2.00 U.S. currency. L------------------------•-----20 YEARS OF BUILDING WINNING · . OFF ROAD RACE CARS ............... ., ■, .. , ;g ·PIONEER WAY #17 ~ m -< CHENOWTH DESIGN & DEVELOPME,NT 1401 Pioneer Way #17 / El Cajon, CA 92020 Work (619) 442-3773 / Res. (619) 441-0938 CHENOWTH aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilit' ACING PRODVCTS, INC. Racing and recreational chassis and accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • • (805) 329-2663 , Templet.on, CA 93465 September 1987 COOLWATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Fm: Locu/ /'/10nt' * Recreation Room * Free Movie Channel * Swimming Pool "DUSTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619~256-8443 1 70 Coolwater Lane, Barstow MOST DURABLE CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE -OUR DESIGN OR YOURS . SNAP ON • STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE SNAP ON CLEAR PLACTICINE WINDDV'/S "DESERT RACER" ~~:o PRODUCTS P.O . Box 2233, San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 945-0035 Official Contingency Donor for SCORE /HORA and ADRA. INLAND DISPLAY • POMONA MUNTZ STEREO -916 HOLT AVE. , BIRT BIG/TS, V!lf!BJWUJ[ff] {818} 882-7808 \. 8lOCK NIIM8Ell$ WITH STYLE u.sA., 10138CANOGAAVE., CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 DIR[ .... · RIX (602) 253-5289 Championship Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 PERFORMANCE lffenmiJlS DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN (818) 881-8033 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 . "serving the industry since 1976" ' DRIVELINE SERVICE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE _£1;,~JL£ 1-REPAIRING • BALANCING • CUSTOMIZING PARTS AND SERVIC E O N C/V AND FRO NT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS (714) 824-1561 416 E. Valley Blvd., Colton, CA 92324 SCORE & HORA CONTINGENCY SPONSOR'S , . , ,, 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Dusty nmcs

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We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Components 15112 Weststate St. . Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 TM FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS _ _ _ _ THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! RENTALS VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 . AVAILABLE 4751 STAt E ST., BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA 91761 1985 SCORE/HORA ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR VW & Porsche · -Racing Engines . . I & Transaxles · PERFORMARCE .Race Car · Preparation Intake & Exhaust System Components . tor VW Type I, Rabbit. TYPE IV, 911 145O.N. Glassel!, _Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS \LLE SAFET 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 RE·UCABI.£ V.W. PAim 11623 SHEL.CON ST, SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 76S-4eSs (619) 465-.3782 ~ oet·Your SHIFT · Togetiaerl ===-= ~\~--------FORT I /Y T·RAJYSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane ' ~ Jamul, callfomla 92035' -W Doug Fortin · Dusty Times I . (408) 377-3422 Custom Shocks . -Bu1ilt to Your · ~ehicle's 'AC100, ,,;: Sp~tifications K)X.RACJNG SHOX · 544 McGlincey lane, Unit. 8, Campbell, Calif. 95008 Fuel Bladders Dump Cans . I Quick FIiis Std. FIiis . 1 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 962.,-0027 GARMAN 6211 Ya!row Drive. Suite C • Carlsbad, CA 92009 • (619) 931-0844 Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 rllm~ .V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE 6"291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 FABRICATION I ROLLCAGESTRU~TURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE T.RUCK & PRE-RUNNER JIMCO I ~ad#<J p~ OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES _ (619) 56271743 I DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 I t TERPRISES I, . I ~~ :·· · .•. PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS f SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & CUSTOM POOLS LICENSED & INSURED • ACID WASHES• FILTERS• HEATERS • MOTORS• ETC. BEEPER 381-3148 OFFICE 362-4202 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE, LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89103 • WALT LOTT 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas1 Nevada 89124 ¾ --''. "~ -.~--.:: f-=· -~ •:::..~ ---~.,.::':.--:-·- r HOUS·E of B'q~GIEs·· · 3444 Citrus Ave.• Lemon Grove, CA 92045 • 619-589~6770 I MICHAEL LUNDI ' I . Owner . September .1917 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON OHN IICMIII: PIIOIHJCFS Send $2.00 for C...., OHNSON CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINNING SUSPiNS10N SYSTEMS PERFORMANCE ..-... ~ SHOCKS P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 (619) 698-3407. DUAL 6 11m"lE SHOCK SYSTEMS RBER(;tASS 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner 60° V-6 2.1 MOTOR PARTS ACCESSOAES McKENZIE'$ AUTOM9TIYE INC .. WAREHOUSE DISTRIIIUTORS FOR CENTER-LINE WHEELS TECTIRA TIRll!:S BILSTlltl N SHOCKS KC LIGHTS K . Y .B . SHOCKS .SUPER TRAP SPARK ARRESTOftS BEARD SEATS CIIIIE LIGHTS HEWLAND CHARIi MCKE;NZIE, AIRP"ILTE:RS-. CEM Ol!ARS WRIGHT PLACIE CROWN Nll'G. DURA ■LUIE . NEAL PRODUCTS ULTRA IIOOT RAPID COOL WESTERN AUTO TIRES TRI -MIL 818'-784-6438 129415 SHHMAN WAY; NO. A 818,78!1-!1827 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91109 Pagc.53 • • · 4 '

Page 54

MENDEOLA. RACING TECHNOLOGY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND . RACING CEA~BOXES (619) 277--3100 7577 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 ss,s C t-1 /). Custom Built to V-ENTERPRISES 37925 Sixth St. East, Unit 107 Palmdale, CA 93550 Your Needs ~y Bill Varnes Mike Brown 805/272-3843 INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. . High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics , l_ncluding ... • NEAL Cutting Brakes'" • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clutches and Throttles ... plus much more. Complete Catalog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road · San Diego, CA 92111 ( 6 I 9) 565-9336 OJieif Ente~rlm, Inc. FI LT E RS "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Pe.rf ormance Dealer Today - Oil - Fuel - Tn~nsmissi9ns - Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marin·e QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc., 1"2414 Hwy. 99 So., Dept. OT, Everett, WA 98204 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill WINNERS-I GREG HIBBS -1st OVERALL, 1st CLASS 1 0 KENI SNYDER -1st 2-1600; BRAD INCH -1st 1-1600; MAX RAZO . · 1st CLASS 5; MARK CAMERON -1st OPEN; AN1DY DEVERCELLY -1st 5-1600; REX LEWIS -1st CLASS 100; JIM DELANEY -1st CHALLENGER; TIM YOUNG -1st TRUCK; HAL GRAVES -1st CLASS 6 Page 154 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6879 ORAN C IRCLE BUENA P A R K . CA 90620 · Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 WO VANS & PICKUPS & MINI TRUCKS GABRIEL RACING SHOCKS • BAJ A 'R YOERS PR-E·RUN TRUCKS • C USTOM SPRINGS A XLE WORK • CUSTO M SUSPENSION·_ -No B L OCKS U sEo • WEL D IN G 8c FABRICATION . Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 Established 1974 Wants Be a -Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved! Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-7757 ORE OFF ROAD ENC/NEER/NC Oft ..... Race Can 9720 Cozycroft Chatsworth . CA 91311 GREG L~WIN (818) 882~2886 IKE' FAMILY RESTAURANT · Over 40 Years • The best in the Desert Coffee Shop - Steak House - Watering Hole Saloon Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER. CALIFORNIA -poRCO ~RECISION OFF RO~D COMPANY c::; Retail Parts. • Fabrication • Prototype : 678 UNIT C SAN BERNARDINO RD. COVINA, CA 91723 TONY VANILLO (818) 915-3847 (818) 915-3848 . ~ Powe~ Plus R A CING ., BATTERl';,S SEALED GELL ELECTROLYTE ~ I RACING BATTERIES RACE CARS .. JET SKIS. ATVS & O ·THER HIGH PERFORMANCE APPLICATIONS MICHAEL McCARTHY (714) 985·9181 POWER PLUS PRODUCTS 375 N . HERVEY UPLANO. CA 9lf86 September 1987 _Get the word'out about your business, big or small. Put your· business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" . and r~ch new custome~. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $18.00 per month . PROBST Off Road. Racing Inc. OFF RO~D DESIGN and FABRICATION .,,. BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINO!S f:-lWY NEW LENOX. ILLINOIS 60451' t815) 485·RACE 172231 Qua.lity Products fas.tener Sµccialists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845 East Compton Blvd. Paramount, CA 90723 AL KEY (213) 515: 3570 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES Telephone: . . (714) 535-4437 (714) S~S-4438 · David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Plac~ Anaheim, CA 92805 DOUG FREEMAN (213),320-9584 P.O . B O X 3757 GARDENA. CA 90247-7457 .. 'RUSS's V. W. . Recycling· 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEH'IND TONY'.S °TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in v.w. Bugs.' a'u; es, Ghias and 914's . . - - I . Dosty Tl~s

Page 55

----i~~o -(213) 583-2404 SANDERSSER~C~INQ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Avenue Los Angeles, California 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PAATICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith LOCATION ALBUQUERQUE, NM ANAHEIM, CA BAKERSFIELD, CA BULLHEAD CITY, AZ COLTON, CA EL CENTRO, CA EL PASO, TX . FULLERTON, CA HAYWARD, CA LANCASTER, CA LAS VEGAS, NV LONG BEACH, CA OAKLAND. CA PHOENIX, AZ RIVERSIDE, CA SAN JOSE, CA TUCSON.AZ VAN NUYS, CA VENTURA.CA YUMA, AZ Custom Race Car Fabrication & Preparation Larry Smith TELEPHONE (505) 842-6120 (714) 630-3810 (805) 324-9882 (602) 758-5480 . (714) 877-0226 (619) 352-4721 (915) 533-5931 (714) 635-5553 (415) 783-6500 (805) 948-6044 (702) 643-9200 (213) 432-3949 (415) 428-2600 (602) 252-8923 (714) 877-0226 (408) 294-4513 (602) 889-6307 (818) 785-0902 ( 805) 659-5609 (602) 782-6543 Hi-Performance VW Engines & .Transmissions SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF-ROAD CHASSIS 745 W. Sunset Road #15 Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 565-DIRT RAY CUMMINS Suspension Specialist · Fox Shox Trackside Service OFF ROAD SUSPENSION SYSTEMS - SHOCKS RACE CAR FABRICATION AND PREPARATION CUSTOM MACHINE PARTS-KEVIN McGILLIVRAY 28210 AVE. CROCKER #301, VALENCIA, CA 91355 (805) 257-0934 Dusty Times RICHARD, LILLY LAURA STOUFFER , I Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components . I SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667 714-997-0766 If no a1swer 714-997-07~7 I I MEL SWAIN . I METAL FORMING AND INSTALLATION I ON SPECIALTY CARS 4392 BLDG. TWO UNIT D BROOKS STREET _MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 . . I FRI., SAT., SUN., MON. SHo P-714- 6 26-0815 2 HOME-818-915-1126 SWAY·A I . I •WAYcoR~. I I I .Susp1msion Components (818) 988-5510 I 7840 BURNET AVE. • I VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 Sponsorship Packaging and more. PAULAS. THORNTON I 18710 So. Normandie Ave., Suite C Gardena, CA 90248 213-327-0366 KIICE TT(ANS BY JEFF FIELD'S , TRfiNSflXLE fi ENGINEERING! JEFF FIELD 998-2739 ' I: 9833 Deering . UnitH Chatsworth, CA 91311 September 1987 112 Octane Trick TAlL~· racing gasoline · 118 Octane Super-nick 100 Octane Unleaded Alameda County 1415) 538-RACE Phoenix 1602) 952-2575 Bakersfield 1805) 393-8258 Portland/Vancouver (206) 693-3608 · Bremerton f206J 377-7951 Riverside 1714) 787-8141 Denver {3031 452-5239 Sacramento {9161 638-RACE El Centro {6191 352-2600 San Diego {6191 460-5207 Hawaii {8081 682-5589 Saugus 18051 259-3886 Huntington Beach 17 14) 536-8808 Seattle· 1206) 833-0430 Long Beach 1213) 979-0198 Spokane 1509) 483-0076 Los Angeles {2131 863-4801 TriCities 1509) 547-3326 Las Vegas (7021871 -1417 Tucson 16021 326-8770 Orange County f71 41 634-0845 Wenaccree {509,.663-29 1 2 ,&.:TRACKSIDE-Photo £nt..,,• PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 18710 SO. NORMANDIE • SUITE C •GARDENA.CA. 90248 Jim Ober .(2131327-4493 llACING PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIALISTS QltPJ UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNOLIA, SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 619/449-9690 Power Steering - Brackets Aluminum Fabrication-Tabs LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite-,C Fullerton, Ca. 92631 Louie Unser (714) 879-8440 DUSTY TIMES · INVITES YOU TO BECOME A .DEALER Each month ten o r more copies of.the current issue can · be in your shop, to sell or to p resent to preferred customers.' It is :1 grl'.lt traffic huilder, and the cost is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. (818) 889-5600 THE WINNERS CHOICE WEB:CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used· by lhe sports winning drivers and engine builders. Just ask lhe top professionals.before buying your next cam. Our dedication to gerformance and quality keeps rgrus~r~~~f' ~~~ :n~ ~f~-~~~o~ryi~~;inning cam $3 for the complete catalog. *WEB-CAM 12387 Doherty St., Dept. DT PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS -~~:::,!:~~1;n~~oo~,~~3con/rolledveh~les (714) 735-2200 Page 55

Page 56

Chapala Dus-ers Man· the Fandcst Pit in the D.cscrl Thf!,.Cb apala Dusters McDonalcfs oµtletat'the Fireworks 250 had all the favorite , goodies for young and old in the mid(l/e.ofnowhere in the Mojave Desert. Check it out·next year and help a most worthy cause. . . Dr. Geri Bennetts, left, and a young cancer patient accept the Chapa/a Dusters' check from President Jon Kennedy, Larry Smith and Marc Widdicombe, the proceeds from the pit "drive-through" McDonald's. It is a proven fact that laughter can be therapeutic. With this in mind, the Chapala Dusters pit team may be the healthiest group in off road racing. Laughter and having fun is taken seriously, but so too is quick pit work, and both are prerequisites to being a Chapala Duster. · The annual HORA Fireworks 250 on the 4th of July weekend has become a Dusters' showcase. It all started several years back, when the pit team brought a portable spa to their main pit, filled it with cool water and provided a place for the Dusters and their guests to escape the searing summer heat in the Mojave Desert. It wasn't long before a trap shooting te>urna-ment was added to the pit activity, giving the troops something to do while waiting for the four p.m. race start. Next came the four hole go_lf course, · AffENTION DESERT RACERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and HDRA desert races. Check it out on contingency row·-Two different classes e.ach event. Photos: Lane Evans using artificial turf for the greens, and the spa grew into a real swimming pool complete with potted palm trees, the works. The Chapala Dusters Fire-works pit scene at Barstow has .become famous around desert racing circles. This year the Dusters decided to put all their extra energy into helping others as well as providing a good time for many people, including members of the pit team. In 1987, the main pit, near the Slash . X ranch·abou.t ten miles from the. race start, featµred a 3,000 gallon swimtni_ng pool that held up-~o 20 people at a time, the skeet · shooting contest, and of course . the astro turf, four hole golf course. New this past July was a bona fide drive through McDonald's restaurant at the pit, jusf far enough on course to be an oasis for pre-runners. Coordinating with Duster member and Orange County McDonald's restauran-teur Marc Widdicome, the group set up a full service McDonald's at the pit. One could drive up, order many of the McDonald's · favorite foods, and even buy hand puppets and balloons. The place did a great business with the pre-runners,· many of whom must have thought they were seeing a mirage. All the proceeds from the Fireworks 2 50 "drive-through" MacDonald's hamburger stand were donated to the construction fund of the soon-to-be-built Orange County Ronald McDon-ald House for young cancer patients. The whole operation at the race was such a success that Widdicombe, who spearheaded the McDonald's end of things, is already planning for . a better McDonald's in the Chapala Dusters pit' at the 1988 Fireworks 250. Of course the swimming pool, ·skeet shooting range, and four hole golf course will be there too, but all your favorite refreshments will be on hand at the McDonald's stand, and it all helps support a most worthy cause. CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES B;i Bill Moorl' The Carlsbad-by-the-Sea rally sprint-and CRS picnic were great successes: Bill Gutzmann and Sheryl Love did a tremendous job of organizing the event. Topi Hynenen brought out a stock Toyota StarJet and turned the fastest first lap, and went on to win first overall and first in stock class. Ian Miller turned fast lap of the event and was second overall and first in Open class in his venerable old Toyota -Corolla. There were no roll overs and only a few dented fenders, most of which were more.damaging to the driver's ego than to the vehicle. Camping at Dixon Lake after the event was a lot of fun. The campers were able to do some bench racing in the great outdoors as well as sample some of Kay Gutzmann 's special chili. The CRS picnic and open forum the next day at Dixon Lake were as ,good as the previous day's rally sprint. There were games for the kids and adults, and some spirited discussion on a variety of issues facing rally folks here in the southwest. Work is continuing on the Cliffs of Gorman Rally scheduled for September 27 at the Hungry Valley off road vehicle park. Technical inspec-. tion will be on Saturday, September 26. Those competi-tors who-require technical inspection on Sunday, must make an appointment in advance. This format change should allow more time for rallying _on Sunday. I'm looking forward to seeing you there. ~YOKOHAMA .D'suPPORT TEAM After a month without any racing I would imagine most of you are starting to have racing withdrawals. Fear not, Riverside Off Road World Championship racing is on the way. Since DUSTY TIMES will be publi~hed directly after River-side, I wqn 't be able to congratulate the winners, so I wish all of you racing there the best of luck. Now, on to Craig, Colorado. At this point in time the. Support Team can only guess the conditions of the race course. Due to restrictions· by the B.L.M., we are unable to give you the location of the area that the Yokohama Support Team will be . pitting. But, like the races in the · past, we will be a full support pit with tires, parts and welding services. Just ,a reminder to racers not running YokohamaTires, we are there to help ALL racers, and will provide the best possible service. . . . I would like to ask all racers that we have pitted in the past to comment on our service; good or bad, we want to hear about it. If you have any ~uggestions ·or would like more information on the Support Team, contact Dennis Rogers at 307 So. Vermont, Unit J, Glendora, CA 91740, or call mt; at (818} 335-7757. We still need volunteers, soif you wish to help, jump in and get a T-shiri: and hat for your time. We are also going to have a drawing for Yokohama jackets at the end of each season, and the more you help pit, the better your chances. - I wish to thank DUSTY TIMES for allowing us space for this column, and to Custom and Commercial, thanks for the rims supplied for our second pit at the Fireworks 250 . Independent Desert Racen Association By George R. Thompson . Managing Editor On Saturday, August 8, 1987, the Independent Desert Racers Association (IDRA) tabulated the results of the mail-in election for drivers representatives from · the truck classes. · The election results ar.e as follows: Class 3, Gail Pike; Class 4, Rod Hall; · Class 6, Dale Jordan; Class 7, Lee Alderman; Class 7S, Malcolm Vinje; Class 7 4x4, Mike Lesle; VW -PORSCHE -OFF ROAD Custom Wheels Check out the 947 RANCHEROS DRIVE SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 Engine & Mochine (619) 741-6173 . _!-, 1986. . BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill SPONSORS ALFORD DISTRIBUTING * THE WRIGHT PLACE * RACE READY PRODUCTS * SOUTHWEST RACING PROMOTIONS * OFF-ROAD BUGGY SUPPLY • CLAIREMONT EQUIPMENT RENTALS CONTINGENCY SPONSORS·, JOE STIDMAN'S HEARTLAND MEAT CO.; CORONADO AUTO BODY; GOWLAND MOTORSPORTS; HPS LUBRICANTS; FIBER-TF~H ENG .. INC.; BAJA CONCEPTS; T & J BUGGY SHOP;' ARDS TRAILER:>, BOZO RACING TEAM; THE OCOTILLO TRAILER PARK; SAN DIEGO OFF-ROADER; ARMSTRONG TIRES; MIKE LUND'S HOUSE OF BUGGIES · Page 56 Phone (602) 242-0077 2733 W. Missouri Baja Bugs Dune Buggies Race Cars Phoenix, Arizona 85017 Machine Shop Parts & Service W.R. RACING Products 515 So. Vermont Glendora, CA 917 40 September 1987 Bill Raybould 818-914-3904 DUSTY TIMES Spedal Club Sub Offer ( Almost half price for gmup subscriptions). Call (818) 889·5600 or write DUSIYTIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 Two for the OH-Road! liotVWs Al'p?iF For advertising rates & information contact Wright P!,lblishirig, Co., Inc. PO [lox 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Dusty Times

Page 57

Class 8, Frank Vessels; Class 14, David Quill. Frank Vessels was elected Chief Truck Class Representas tive, and was also made a member at large of the !ORA board, representing the truck and related classes. The newly elected truck class reps will be meeting soon. IDRA wishes .to remind all drivers in the above mentioned classes to contact their respective class representa_. tive with their input. IDRA planned a major public relations effort for the Score Riverside event. Of course it will be over by the time this issue is in print. But !ORA will distribute flyers to participants on the organization and its goals. The flyers will go not only to race participants, but to all on Contingency Row. Also, the IDRA is putting together a press kit, with a cover letter outlining the history of the IDRA. But the bulk of the contents of the kit will consist of material from the various !ORA pit clubs. So, if your club secretary, or the person assigned to this task, has not done so yet, urge on the effort to send IDRA material for the press kit. It should-contain a brief history of your organizations, recent accomplishments of the mem-bers, membership requirements, and information on when and where your club meets. SCCA Divisional Rally Report Sponsored by · the Ojibwa Casino, the Lac Vieux Divisional Rally last June had a hefty entry of 28 starters, arid all but three finished the route. The 181 mile event had a variety of stage roads, from fast and smooth to rough and rocky in the area around L'Anse, Michigan. The overall victory went to Steve Nowicki and Erwin Sumardi, both from . Midland, MI, in a Nissan 200 SX. They finished 2 ½ minutes ahead of Erik Zenz and Brian Berg in a Mazda 323. In for third were-Mike Purzycki and Dan Wernette in a Jeep CJ 7, and fourth went to Ojibwe National Pro Rally organizer Bob Nielson, with Lynn Anderson co-driving the Dodge. In for fifth was the Mazda of Carl Kieranen and Diane Sargent, bare seconds ahead of Andrew Klos and Karen Bastian in a Dodge, who were mere seconds ahead of James Warren and Charles Fortino in an Oldsmobile. The rookie team of Troy Sika and Wayne Rood did a great job in a Nissan, winning Seed 6 and taking 12th overall. While there was a real shortage of workers on the route, service crews pitched in to help with the marshall duties, and it all came off smoothly. Thanks to the great sponsor, the Ojibwa Casino, the Lac Vieux had more prize money than most Nationals, a cool payout of $2300.00. SCCA Southcm Padfic Division Pro Rally Report By Lynnette Allison The Cliffs of Gorman Rally, September 26-2 7, is the next event on the So-Pac Division competition calendar. Registra-tion and tech inspection takes· place on Saturday, and the actual Dusty Times compet1t1on will happen· on Sunday. All the activity takes place at the Hungry Valley.Off Highway Vehicle Park, just off Interstate 5, near Gorman, California. On Saturday, September 12, the SCCA National Licensing School will be held at the Tahitian Village Motel, 13535 · Lakewood Blvd., Downey, CA. The cost is $50, postmarked September 9, or $60 thereafter. The special rates for two people together are -$90 postmarked September 9, or$.120 thereafter. Mail your name, address, phone number and check to Lynnette Allison, 2001 Oakland Hills Drive, Corona, CA 91720, or call (714) 736-1442 for additional information. Licensed tech inspectors are a reality! Through the efforts of Cal Thorpe, and Tech Insrector Harry Appleby ralliests will soon have Nationally licensed tech inspectors. Meeting at Cal Club's race day at Riverside Raceway during the Labor Day weekend will be several interested ralliests, · ready_ to trade notes and information with the--track inspectors as they complete their inspections of the race cars for that event. A rally car will be on hand for examination by the Cal Club personnel, courtesy of Lindspeed Motorsports. Divisional Stand'ings are complete through six events, starting with Indio '86. Many So-Pac competitors have completed all six events. Bill Holmes leads with 171 points. Second and third place drivers, Lon Peterson', 116, and lan Miller, 107, may find it a fight to the finish with only two (and possibly one) event left on the 1987 championship calendar. In fourth through ninth places are Dave Poston, Jeff Griffin, Ric Bell, George Deland and Topi Hynynen, separated by a total of just eight points. New scores will definitely affect these places, and the overall top five. Scoring is based on a competitor's best six event scores, but two events from outside the Division may be substituted. NOR-PAC's Twin Divisional · weekend, September 12-13, with two Co-efficient 2 events out of Olympia, WA, plus the Midwest Division's Gold Rush Ra II y, a Co-efficient 3 event on October 3, could create a major difference in out' finishing positions. TECH TIPS By Bill .Savage HORA-SCORE Technical Director Some of the data are in on the new four valve engine for Class 10 in the 1988 season. We have received our first Toyota engine from TRD, which reports that the price of the completed · package, less core to be provided .by the competitor, will be in the $4,500 to $5,000 range. Preliminary tests of the four valve Toyota engine indicate that we will go with a restriction of about 28 to 29 millimeters of venturi in the carburetor. The spirit ot our rule bo'ok will be carried out when we are presented each new engine to evaluate. And remember, these engines will be carbureted, not fuel injected, in race cars. In the rule book on page 52, referring in this case to Class 7 4x4, · is a note that 1states our policy: In the event Je find that one powerplant has an advantage over the others, dlie to the availability of stock high performance options or for whateve reason, that engine will be subject to restrictiqns that we judge will equalize competition ih the class. The same policy also covers Classes 7S and, 8 already, . and it will apply to Glass ·10 in 1988. I . In 1988 any two valve engine , in the correct size will continue to be legal, including V19lkswagen Rabbit, Nissan, To'yjlota, Ford Pinto · and Chevro et "Iron Duke". The four val yes that so far appear to fit into Class 10 include Toyota, Nissan Pulsar, Honda CRX and other models, Saab and Mercedes-Benz. Restrictions on each of-them will be assessed on a per model basis. They will each have to be submitted to be evaluated before _ being made legal. We continue to hear rumors, reports and allegations over this new development for the class in 1988, but' we have tried to stay clear of the "controversy" only to report the facts. We will comment on one· rumor, however sadly and rell!Ictantly, to set the record straighf. There is no truth to the story that Bill Savage has a vested commercial interest in any team or manufacturer which[ will be in_volved in fielding one of the new four valve perl cyclinder motors in 1988. · We misstated an engine policy inadvertently in last month's column. In Class 8 therewill be no change in engine regulations for next season, contbry to the way it appeared in this .space. What we meant to say was that iron block engines only would be legal in 1989, not 1988. The HORA-SCORE series has a commitment to all thb competi-tors in backing the two year rule book, which will still be in effect in 1988. Sorry for the1confusion. A few issues back we covered the subject of heating and bending of I-beams on Ford PIT TEAM REGISTER -----'---....;_-----'---GI f 1~£ 'OOYS ~ADY, MA\./! ..-nH:~E's A KUJNKER A·COMINI ·we welcome all Support Team news articles. Typed ana doubl~ spaced copy is acceptable. q_ead!ine is the 19th of the month. CHAPALA DUSTERS . LOS CAMPEONES Jon Kennedy, Pr,sldent Malcolm Vinje, President 3117 Killarney 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 (714) 641-0155 (619) 292-0485 (home) Meeting. 2nd Wednesday (619) 743-1214 (work) Verdugo's Mexican Restaurant Radio-FM-152.960 C~sta Mesa, CA 'MAG 7 Radio-FM-151.775 Jerry McMurry, President CHECKERS Bruce Cranmore, Race Director Jeff Hibbard, President 11244 Horizon Hills Drive· 13237 Sierra Hwy. El Cajon, CA 92020 Canyon Country, CA 91350 (619) 440-3737 (home) (805) 252-4034 (619) 225-6886 (work) CORE Karen Clark, Race Director -17045 Roscoe Slvd., #11 Northridge, CA 91325 (818) 345-3833 F.A.1.F.lj, SUPPORT TEAM P.O. Box 542 Stanton, ~A 90680 Jeff Randall, President Teri Nicks, Secretary ·oave Massingham, Race Director (714) 879-7697 (213) 943-1916 Meetings 1st & 3rd Weds. Holiday Inn - Harbor & 91 Freeway Radio-FM-150.860 · Rangers. At that time we said we were1 waiting to hear from the man1ufacturer, Ford Motor Company, on whether or not it approved of such modifications. W,ell, we've heard from Ford. We !are told that Ford has no printed material dealing with heating or bending I-beams. Further, the manufacturer says it TERRA Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue La Crescents, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month -Jan Sunderland's house TIGHT 10 153 Lindell Avenue . El Cajon, CA 92020 !619} 283-6535 (day) (619) 447-7955)(night) ·Gene Robeson, President . (619) 466-8722 is not a recommended pro.cedure for stock Rangers. So, it's now clear that competitors cannot heat and bend their I-beams to make camber adjustments. One final note is a reminder that aftermaket spindles will be legal in Class 5-1600 if they fit stock specifications as of the Score Baja 1000. For the BESTi in ~acing Photography - I call'Tracks1de Photo, Inc. (213) 327-4493 I TRACKSID.E Photo Enterprises . I 18710 S. Normandle Avenue• Suite C · Gardena, California 90248 Phone: (213) 327-4493 September 1987 I Page 57

Page 58

Classified ••• FOR SALE: Class 9 ( 10) Pro-Tech. New 1641 motor, 091 Hewland gearbox, Saco carrier, Fox shocks, Art Carr and AMS disc brakes, combo spindles, Sway-A-Way secondary suspen~ sion, UMP power steering, fresh BFG tires, all.Neal products and much more. This car is complete-ly rebuilt. Best offer takes it. Call Curt Wuesthoff, days ( 414) 545-8010, evenings (414) 762-0289. FOR SALE: Class 10, V .W. Type I FAT motor. Race ready, $2500. Class 1-2-1600 motor built by Mike Neal, $1250. For more information, contac,t Harbor Diesel, Jim or Mike; (213) 591-5665. FOR SALE: Class 1-9 ( 10), Wright spindles, ATI fuel cell,· 20 gal., Wright rack, Woods, trailing arms, Mastercraft seat, . Sway-A-Way, JaMar pedals, Neal steering brakes, AMS disc brakes. This car is nice .:...,.. .i reasonably priced at $3500, or best offer. Call Greg at (612} 933-1181 or 935-1811. FOR SALE: Class 10 single seat race car. 1st place winner 1986 at · Lucerne, the Mint, Baja 500; Barstow. O .R.E. frame, Fox shocks, EMS motor, Field's . trans. Professionally maintained and prepared by Greg Lewin of O.R.E. $14,000 complete. Call Greg at ( 818) 882-2886 or Steve at (805) 344-2133. FOR SALE: Two radios - . a standard 866 race radio, set for 151.75 and 150.86, 2 spare channels, $525. A standard 867 chase car radio, same channels, $400. Six races on both. Sell as one or both. Call Dave at (714) 891-0759 p.m. or (714) 636-3590 a.m. FOR SALE: 5-1600 race ready. Best of everything. Brand new V.P. motor, Beard, Simpson, dual Parker Pumpers, front Fox, rear Bilsteins, rack and pinion, Wright front end and spindles, FOR SALE: 1985 Raceco Class·_ fuel cell. $7000. Call Keith at 1 or 10. Available with E.M.S. (801) 628-9411. Ty~e IV or ~AT Type 1 _Class 10 FOR SALE: Baja Bug w/1776 engme. Kreisler' trans with Hew-1-motor with Zenith 32NDIX, la_nd_ gears, Curnutt Torque stainless steel plumbing, Sway-Limaers; Super Boot axles, A-Way suspension components, Summers rear hubs, long travel 6 KYBs, Centerlines, Mastercraft suspension fro_nt and r~ar .w / seats, Hines belts and nets, ready secondary tors10n · b~rs lQ rear• to take.out and play. $2600 OBO Four Fox shocks w/Sway-A-withouctrailer or $3100 OBO Wayprogressivespringsinfront, . with trailer. Call (213) 540-U.M.P. power steering, etc This 9690. · car was built .with the best of --·----------everything. $25,000 race ready. Contact Jim or Mike at_Harbor Diesel, (213) 591-5665. FOR SALE: '86 Challenger,. single seat T-Mag frame. Prepped and ready for next race. Two seat IRS pre-runner, one single axle trailer. Both cars have green stickers. Many, many spares. $10,000 takes all. Trades con-sidered. Dans Diesel ( 619) 244-0746. FOR SALE: 091 gearbox, for 1-2-1600, perfect for Mexico, 5.37, 1.48 third, 1.19 fourth. Complete with flanges. Call (714) 530-3980 after six. LOOKING FOR SPONSOR: A new book provides you with proven methods on obtaining local and corporate sponsors. Send $25.00 M.O . to: T. Meadows, 6312 East Santa Ana Canyon Road , Suite #188, Anaheim, CA 92807. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. FOR SALE: Class 7 Nissan race truck. Driven by Roger Mears, Mario Alesi and Jim Conner. · Twin cam 16 valve motor, Nash trans, all the trick stuff, ready to run, $20,000. Jim Conner (602) 453~8889. RAINIER AUTO SPORTS CLUB announces the first Alcan Winter Rally (Seattle, Anchor-age, Calgary), held February 2-12, 1988. Also, a few spaces left for the 1987 Akan 5000, August 16-26, 1987. 1987 route is Seattle, Dawson City, Anchor-age, Yellowknife, Jasper, and entry is $1500/ car including all accommodations on route. Reply: Alcan Rally, 15 Central Way, Kirkland, WA 98033 or call (206) 823-6343. FOR SALE: 1970 Ford Pro Rally truck, bumpers, Hella lights, Spirit front end, rebu_ilt motor, T rasy 4: 11 posi rear end, full cage with kickers. · 14 Bilstein shocks_, Taylors, carpet, headliner, Fairbanks shifter, 30 gal. aluminum tank, truss rear end, Bridgestone tires, Urathade paint. $10,000. Call Ed at (619) 448-1179. . FOR SALE: 1969 VW sedan. In very good running condition. Clean. Sway-A-Way sway bars, 1600 ccs,. new brakes, recondi-tioned seats, new carpet, only $2400. Call Judy days, (818) 988-5510, eves, (213) 306-6131. FOR SALE: Pre-runner two seat Hi Jumper. 1600, 115".' WB, 44 Weber, Mendeola bus trans, 22 gal. cell, Neal, Beards, Bilsteins, turbos, adjusters, Wright, Sway-A,Way, Jack's Alum., Center-. lin~, Parker Pumper, trailer, full set of spare tires, spare parts. $6,000 080. Call (619) 445-8785 weekends or eves. FOR SALE: Challenger car, · Funco SS 1, 100" WB, Bilstein shocks, Beard seat, Porsche ZF steering, KC lights, K & N Filters, five lug drums, 4:37 ring & pinion . . $4000. Call (209) . 592-2038 days, (209) 592-5319 eves. WANTED: Baja Bug or pre-runner, street legal. Link pin front end, Bus Type II rear end, Type 3 rear brakes, and possibly with skid plates and bumpers, and some aftermarket suspen-sion parts. Reasonably friced, but NO junk! Cash! Wil travel to Arizona, Nevada or southern California for the right car. Call (916) 343-6224. FOR SALE: Chenowth two seater play buggy. Lots of custom aluminum work, swing axle, 1835 cc, Neal, Bilsteins, Sway-A-Way, Centerlines, Diest and more. Custom heavy duty trailer. 34 hours. Asking $3500. Call (714) 985-7907. r~------~---~-------~---~-------~------------~ I _ Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I t DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising-rate is only $10 for 45 words, not including name, a-ddres_s· and phon~ number. Add $5 .00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES --, A 45 word Classified Ad is FReE if you act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All classified ads must be paid in advance. - · Enclosed is $ · ___ _ {Send check or money order, no cash).· Pleas.e run ad ----~--.times. Name---------------~-------,-----,-----Address ______________________ Phof)_e -------City _________________ _ State ~--'----Zip ______ _ Mail to: DUSTY TIMES· 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 Page 58 September 1987 I I ... FOR SALE: 26' motorhome conversion completed in '87. Built by off roader for_ that use. Has a full shower stall with 100 gal. of water, and enough ground clearance to go where you want. Sound like your next tow rig? Too many extras to list. $14,995. Call Jerry at ( 503) 666-3354. FOR SALE: 1979 Jeep truck, ex-. racer, now pre-runner. Fresh 9.5 401, Art Carr trans, convertor, 4:88 gears with Cone floater, Summers spool, torsion secondaries, extra parts, spares, much more. Sell now, $15,000 cash takes everything. Call (714) 247-0980 and leave message. FOR SALE: 1986 Dodge GLH Production Class Pro Rally car. P class national champ in 1986. Ready to rally with many, many spares. Buy now and run Ohio and/or Ojibwe. $8500. Also, two Regency FM radios, Freq. 151.625, ready to go -$800.00. Call (313) 476-7169. FOR SALE: 1985 Class 3 or 4 Jeep CJ 7 off road racer. Race · ready, it's a winner. Call Rick Rogers at (715} 886-3117 or (715) 886-5709. . , FOR SALE: '79 Chevy Luv 4x4 pre-runner. Double·· shocked front and rear, full roll cage, rear down bars to spare tirr mount, Beard racing seats, five point harnesses, Western wheels, Weber ·carb and headers, KC lights, seen in Feb. '87 Off Road Mag. $3000 080, Call (818) 843-3641. FOR SALE: Twocartrailer, with large storage area. Enclosed, electric brakes, new tires, tows great. $4000. Call John, (213) 595-5545. Enjoy Yourself! Race THE PLASTER CITY BLAST Just for the fun of it! ,SATURDAY OCTOBER 3, 1987 Info: Fud: (619) 427-5759 Jeff Wright: (619) 561-4810 Race Two of Fudpucker Racing. Team Superstition Fall Series Dusty Times

Page 59

The.Losers By Judy Smith Harris . went by, their tires tqp · .covering, or roof, and b1ehind1 ·and Kent Castle · touched, and Esslinger's Ford Esslinger's crew either didn't _ disappeared up into the peristyle was tossed sidewa)fs. He lost' a', t~ink of it, or didn't know' it, but during this race, and was out of The mid-summer madness of evening off fairly badly with a wheel and ti~e, 'andlthe r!ght top th1e Competiti_on Dire~tor, Jerry things with a broken stub axle. Mickey Thompson's Coliseum rear flat in the first UltraStock corner of his cab dug mto the Stansbury, did. Esslinger was Marty Coyne, whowasdoinga event cteated a batch of Losers, race, which put him out. And - ground, as he slid mto the wall. ejrcted from the cour~, to the great job, running second to Rob and Walker Evans was an · then, in the Main, he had some When the dust settled, he was on di1sappointed booing of the Gordo~. came flying off the victim, when his Dodge lost its problem with missing gears or his side, never having gone crlowd, jump on the front stretch, on the motor on the third lap of the first ·something, that caused him to completely over, b4t he might as , When·the Class 1~ main event sev:en~h lap, . a_nd . ~s he soared truck heat. He was using his run way back, and very slowly. It well have. Damage · to his r9lled around, the first to go was through the air a p1eceof his nerf back-up motor .as it was, because wasn't Vince's night at all. bodywork was extensive, and Frank Arciero, who didn't even bar detached itself from his car. If he'd lost his race motor during In the first Class 1 O heat race there was obvious running gear · complete a lap, coming to a stop it had come totally off, he'd have practice. The irony of it was that someone bumped into Jerry damage too. Esslinger's truck .on the back stretch. And Bob , been all right. But it came loose Evans had been the fast qualifier. Whelchel, _ which caused his was towed back to the pits. Gordon was also gone on the first only at one end, dropped down, Roger Mears came off the back throttle to stick full on. So Jerry · His crew · labored hard and lap .when someone hit him from and dug into the dirt. That stretch bump just wrong and did flew off a jump and landed full . -· long, and got it running again; th~ rear ::ind pushed in his motor; · pitched Coyne over onto his a cartwheel, landing all snuggled throttle, and his ring and pinion . but didn't spend much time on moved it over and broke the.bell side, with the front end still up to the infield barriers. Mears gave up. · cosmetics. When E$slinger came. housing all atthesame time.Greg pointed more· or less upwards, was apparently knocked cold for ·· Sherman Balch took -the early · back out on the track for the , George got some of the same ·• and he dropped down hard on a a while, but climbed out and lead in the second truck heat, and Main Event, it w'as lacking its · treatment, on the second lap of ·rear tire, which popped alltheair walked_ away in a few moments. had a big space between himself · hood, the right sid~ sheet metal; th~t event, while running second, out right then. Marty, who must His_truck had to be towed away. . and the rest of the pack right and the cab. The rules apparently orily it was his rear trailing arm_ have felt as if a giant hand had _ And Steve Millen became an away. But on the third lap his say 'that all vehicles! must have a thkt was broken by a hit from grabbed him in mid-air, couldn't also-ran in that heat when his steeringwentaway,andhehadto -------•----------------• even hav-e guessed', what powersteeringwentaway,andhe pull out, disappointing his fans. ~--!!!!!H C RA/SC o ·R E happened until he saw t~t the puttered around a distant last, Dan Esslinger took over the · (( nerf bar had disappeared. It was just barely getting through the , lead when Balch broke, and ~--------------•·.4merica's ForttnoltQtr-Road Rat:inQ s.r- the end of his good race. tight turns. . · stayed in front until the last foot _Points Stalndin9s_thru .... Fireworks 150 Glenn Harris was a Loser in Vince Tjelmeland started his or so of the race. Then, as Glenn the truck main event; as he went FOR SALE: Chapparal, Class 1 or Class 10. Single seat, 125 inch wheelbase, total Chromoly, extra wide front ~nd rear torsion, FOR SALE: 1-1600 Chenowth 110" wheelbase. New powde; coated frame and body. UMP power steering, 13" rear travel Bilstein shocks, turbo cvs.'Parke; Pumper. Car has been complete-ly reworked and prep, and is race ready. $8500 complete, $6000 less motor and trans. Call Dave at (714) 241-7001 days, (714) 754-0255 eves. outer cv arms, fuel cell, Hewl_and FOR SALE: 1970 Ford pre-trans mount, . Hewland shifter, . ru·nner or rally truck. 428 engine, Wright rack & pinion, power · locker rear end, 8 shocks, new steering, tie rods, heavy duty paint, Beard seats, full roll cage, length pins, 4" heavy duty arms, K.C., C-6 trans, tum brake, P/S, spindles, 8 inch rear arms, trans cooler, oil cooler, six spare complete body, Beard seat, tires & rims and extras. $8000. hydraulic brakes, clutch, steering Call (805) 945-4664 eves. wheel. All fabrication complete. All Palmer built. $9500. Call (602) 978-2344. . · FOR SALE: Baja with full cage·, Centerlines, Super seats, long arms, KYBs (2F/3R) set up. "Thing" adj . beam, disc front brakes, woven rear, Sway-A-Way, KCs, full gauges, radio, Baja blower, Flarrieout, bus trans, 4:86, by Field, engine 2276 cc Autocraft w/ SPG roller crank, 44 Weber, full tinted glass, trailer and spares. $4500 080. Call (813) 488-0513. FOR SALE: 1986 Raceco Class 2. 24" _travel car, two stage coil over front shocks, Super Boot axles and cvs, secondary torsion w/ twin shock s/ u, p/s, new Wright Place front arms and link pins. S/ U for Hewland trans w/ Type IV. $18,S00roller. Also Hewland trans and FAT Type IV available. Call John, ( 213) 595-5545. Dusty Times FOR SALE: Class 5 race car. Colorful cover car for Ram Liting catalog. Look for it this issue in Virginia City parade lap. Features five tires, ten Fox shocks, recent 1835 cc, Delorto, Fat, new Sway-A-Ways, all Wright stuff, recent trans, looks great, race ready. Photo available. $7500.00 with trailer. Call (916) 677-PLAY. FOR SALE: 1985 Raceco. Class 2 truck. First one built, well equipped. 24" travel, coil over front end, Hewland gears, Type IV by FAT. Can race or make a very fast pre-runner. $13,500. Call John, (213) 595-5545. FO~-SALE: 1-1600 Hi Jumper, 117 WB. 930 turbos, combos, new Y okos, Bilsteins. Asking $8500, call after 6:00 p.m. for details, (714) 530-3980 . CLASS \1 CLASS 7 - around the big sweeper turn he M k M M·11· 1 ·-Ma E · broke a steering sector shaft, and ar c I in · · · · · · · · · · • · 427 nny squerra · · · · · · · · · · 341 the car took out a whole row of Ivan Stewart ..... : ........ 408 Roger Mears ......... . . .. . 248 f Id b b £ h ran noo .. .. .. . . . . .. .. 348 1 d A I f I · I · F k S k I in_ •ie arriers · e1ore e got it T K h CLASS 7S stoppe . coup e o aps ater, om oc · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 3o7 · Glenn's teammate, Jeff Huber, CLASS 2 Dave Kreisler ........ ..... 429 Bob Gordon ......... . . . . . 424 Bob Richey ............... 413 Gorky McMillin .. -i-...... . 405 · CLASS 1/2-1600 Bob Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 518 Steve Barlow . . . . . ...... 469 Art Peterson . . . . . . . ...... 441 Jim Fishback Jr ....... . . . 41-0 Jack Ramsay . . . , . . ...... 371 CLASS3 Mike Schwellinger . . ... • ... 328 Don Adams .......... ..... 300 CLASS ! Rod Hall ......... l ...... ·. 408 John Dyck . .............. 290 Tom Strong . ..... l ..... .. 265 I CLASS 5 Jim Cocores ...... ! .. ..... 373 John Cooley .. ... . ! ....... 372 George Seeley ..... ....... 305 Jim Madison ...... ; ....... 168 CLASS 5-1600 Andy L. DeVercelly I·-· ..... 434 David Anckner ......... ... 392 Gary Brading ............. 340 Darryl Cook .... ; ...... ... 310 . ._ CLASS J Larry Schwacofer . J •.•.••. 267 Wes Moser .. ., .... J ....... 201 ·Spencer Low ............. 494 k l b d r 1 Chuck Johnson .... _ ...... 428 ma ing a ast i ,or the ead, got Mike Falkosky .... · . . : .... . 301 into the outside line on the same w·w V Id turn, ran out of space, and took 1., ,e a ez · · ·: · · · · · · · · · · 289 out a whole row of barriers on . I · CLASS 7 4x4 the outside. He recovered, but · went from second place to fifth, Mi~e Lesle ..... ...... · .... . _304 just like that. Jerry McDonald .. ... .... . 282 Plaster City was the site of Mi~e Randall .......... . . . 195 Fudpucker's fourth annual J, c 1· 59 Superstition 250early inAutst. ,m1 _ onner ........... ... . -We didf\'t go, but did hear a · out "' CLASS 8 : one Loser from that hot weather Dave Shoppe ........... • • 427 night race. Brad Inch, ,w,ho was Steve Kelley . ............. 346 running second in the 1600class, Da1vid Westhe_m .... ...... . 303 suddenly disappeared. l;f is crew Walker Evans ............. 300 _ tried to track him down, with no I CLASS CHALLENGER Ri9h Minga ....... ........ 492 MikeWard ........ ... ..... 439 Ri9k Johnson ........... . . 429 D8jnny Ashcraft . . ...... ... 428 Larry Martin .... ... , . . .-... 404 I CLASS 10 . William C.hurch ... .' ...... . 529 Dick· Weyhrich ............ 501 Jim Stiles . ............... 489 Craig Watkins ..... ....... 468 I CLASS 11 Ra'mon Castro .... ........ 355 Mike Abbott . : ......... ... 168 Anldy Diaz ......... -....... 165_ CLASS14 Gif~ Gow_land ............ 251 David Quill ... ~ .. :: ..... 125 luck at first, but they kept asking, and finally they found a photographer who'd seen him, and knew' vaguely where he was. They took off to go find him, but the .dir-ections were really vague, and about five miles off the mark. Finally, with the help of a spectator on an A TV, who'd also seen him, they tracked him down. It seems that Brad had -missed a turn somehow, and had gone off the course, and then had - got stuck in the soft sand. It took his crew only a couple of minutes to get the car unstuck, and there was nothing wrong with it, bur the race was long since over. Next month we'll be back with • . Losers from the Second Annual Last.Ever Riverside Race. prep for all classes, including Candy Canes , ' We do our own machining in our own shop. Pickup and delivery available. ~ ' OFF-ROAO RACING TEAM ~~~o,!ad~mp~ c;;; 678 Unit C, San Bernardino Road, Cov·ina, CA 91723 (818:) 915-3847 • (818) 915-3848 Pagc -59

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