Coveringtheworl.d .ofcdmpetition in the dirt •• 1 '.:I I 1
Volume 4 Number ·a AUgust 1987 I . . ♦ In This Issue ••• Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Publisher · Brad Goodrow Associate Editor . Richard K. Schwalm Contr~Uer John Calvin Circulati~n Jerry Lawless Traffic Frank McCombs Contributors Dai-la Crown · Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer ·Eubanks Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Rod Koch Cam McRae Brenda Parkei David Ryskamp Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simmons Judy Smith . John Sproykin Darlene Thackston 3-D Photography Trackside Photo Enterprises ArtDir~tor Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services SNAPSHOT THE OfflCIAL VOICE OF .· • =-----' $ . - -··· - -= =-Subscription Rates: $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited.material will be returned only by request and with a self-addre~sed, stamped envelope. . · [ . Classified Ads will be published as received, prei:iaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omission~ or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-1732, is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Derry . Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permis-sion ft:om the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301. I POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Perry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. I CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and hew address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. I OF THE MONTH ••• • I FEATURES Page HORA Fireworks 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 MTEG Stadium Racing at the Kingdome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Susquehannock Trail Pro Rally ...................... 38 SNORE Twilight 200 .............................. _40 Great Western Points Series in Kansas ................ 42 FORDA Racing at Lakeland, Florida .................. 44 Miller Hi Life at Glen Helen Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Spring Racing at Antigo, Wisconsin ............... _. .. 48 World Championship Acropollis Rally ................ 49 Spring Racing Action in Georgia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 World Championship Toyota Olympus Rally .......... 52 Stadium Racing in Toronto ......................... 55 IDodge Colt Vista Wagon ........................... 63 DEPARTMENTS Snapshot of the Month ....... -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Soap Box by Walter·B. Lott .......................... 4 Trail·Notes ........................................ 4 Side Tracks by Judy Smith ........................... 6 Happenings ......... : _-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Tech Tips by Bill Savage ............................ · 12 Pony Express ............................. · . . . . . . . . . . 14 The Losers by Judy Smith ........................... 31 Yokohama 6-50 Club Report .......... : .• .... · ........ 47 SCCA So-Pac Divisional Rally Report by Lynnette Allison .............................. 55 Good Stuff Directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Pit Team Register and Reports ....................... 60 · Classified Ads .... · ..... '. ........................... 62 Index to Advertisers. . .•........................... ; 63 ON THE COVER - The HORA Fireworks 250 produced tight competition in most classes, and the teams in our cover cars had to fight hard for their victories. Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson ·avenged their narrow loss in Baja by taking the Conejo Off Road Jeep CJ 7 to the. Class 3 victory, winning by more than half an hour. Jim Cocores and Don Robertson whipped the always tidyJim's VW Baja Bug .around in fine style, and this strong team won Class 5 on the r'ugged Barstow course by just ten minutes. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Enterprises. /\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$12.00 D 2 years -$20.00 □ 3 years - $30.00· Take advantage of your subscription bonus .•• Free one tlme classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) · Name---'----'--.:..._------------'--:--------"Ready, Aim, Fire when ready!" No, gang, these are really driving lights, but they sure could double for a lethal weapon, maybe rocket launchers. The lamp pods were fitted to a Ford Sierra RS Cosworth at the 1987 Tour of Corsica. The one piece four light cover sure would make it handy to remove the covers on the fly, but these·pods can't · help the aerodynamics of the car at all. Photo by Martin Holmes. DUSTY TIMES will.feature-pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of .something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used . .if you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8xl0 will be considered. I I I I I I • Address --~--------------------:--City State ________ _;. ______ Zip--------Send check or money.order to:. 1 DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 1 ( Canadian - 1 year'$\ 5 .00 U.S. • Overseas subscriptiqn rates quoted on request) I I I I I I I I I -1 I I I Dusty Times August 19~7 Page 3
Soag Box ••• By Walter B. Lott President, High Desert Racing Association We have received numerous phone calls about the penalties assessed for missing a checkpoint at the recent Fireworks 250, not only from the individual drivers involved, but from many others calling on their behalf. We understand and appreciate their concern, howeyer, two, three and four days after an event is not the time to question the results. The Competition Review Board met at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday after the race to discuss race infractions and review the checkpoint books for violations. They decided on the penalties that would be given. These were reflected in the unofficial results that were posted at the college and at Rosita's Restaurant at 9:00 a.m. The official protest period follows for one hour following the posting of unofficial results. This has been the procedure at al I our races and will continue to be so. It is the driver's responsibility to check the results board then to verify his position. If there is a question, that is the time to consult the Board and discuss the penalty. We feel that the procedure we have been using at ,the checkpoints is virtually fool proof. There is a person on each side of the track writing down your vehicle number and the time you came through. This information is transferred to another book with your car number and each lap time. At the end of the race, we verify the results with the checkpoint books. If they show you missing a checkpoint, we go back to the two notebooks that contain the sequential listing taken from both sides of the track to see that ... WILDERNESS ... West Coast Distributor fOfl HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS those postings were transferred correctly to the checkpont book. At this race ( the Fireworks) there were no discrepancies. The only other measeure we can, and may, take fa to have someone talking into a recorder at each checkpoint calling off each vehicle number as it goes by. This would be an additional back up 1 to the people recording the numbers. The only other incidents at the Fireworks race were spectator related. The Sheriff's Depart-ment estimated a crowd in excess of 40,000 watched the race. We like the fact that our sport gets this kind of attention, but, unfortunately, not all of those people act in a "safe and sane" manner, as you drivers are well aware. I spoke with the B.L.M. about next year's event and the need to get rid of the motorcycles, three wheelers and ATVs. Tl;ley concur. Conse-quently, in 1988, the B.L.M. will have rangers in the area to cite offenders, so that you can worry more about racing than about someone darting out on the race course pretending they are an off road racer. Other phone calls we received recently co1_1cem my "retire-ment". No, I am not going to_ "desert the desert"; however, Edna and I do want to take some time off to do some traveling and visit some old friends, without having to be on a rigid time schedule. Therefore, after the Colorado race in September, we will not he in the office as often as before, and not as available to the phone. -· • I have the utmost confidence in my staff, and I am passing along many of my responsibili-ties to them. Danny Cau and Sue Smuskiewicz will still be handling matters in the office and can answer most of the questions you may have. Mal and Connie Wessel will also continue on as our contingency program representatives. Hopefully, you. will not notice any changes in our operation, unless, of course, they are for the good. I will certainly be keeping tabs on all our activities, and I will be on hand at all the races. And, you can bet, that if we are in your area during our travels, we'll stop by and do some bench racing with you. The entry forms for the · Colorado race in September are in i:he mail. There is a lot of OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available 1 interest from the Midwest · and the East. So, you will have some new competition there. Call us if you have any questions. ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 Mc Kenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 4 text was in a letter to the driver( s) of record who participated in the Firetmrks 250 at Barstow last month. We hope it clears the air about the HORA being sold because of Walt Lott's "retirement", and other rumors too. Our thanks to Walt for being so prompt with the · explanation of the penalty system at desert races. For more information on hoo; the Competition Review &ard works, check the I.D.R.A. column elsewhere in this issue. Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts about what is 1,;ood and what is not so good about the state of off road racing, rallying, or anything else that re_lates to our sport. _ Call or Ull'ite DUSTY TIMES with your ideas for a Soap Box column, and get on the schedule. August 1987 ·1,ail Notes ••• THE 1988 NISSAN MINT 400 was announced last month by Bill Kiser, the race coordinator for the Mint Hotel and Casino. The dates are April 29 to May 1, 1988, so mark your calendar. As last May, Nissan Motor Corp. USA continues its major sponsorship of the event, and HDRA will conduct the race action. Kiser stated that planning for the 1988 Mint 400 1s in full operation, and some changes are anticipated for 1988; including the elimination of the' race morning parade. That is a real. boon to competitors! Kiser said they will improve the positive and attempt to overcome the negative. Along with Nissan, the Mint will be looking for more sponsors, as they had last May, and that information is being sent out this month. Contingency row is again planned for Fremont Street in front of the Mint Hotel. Kiser also said that feedback is important, and he encourages any inpur you may have to offer. CLASS 6 RACERS had a class party arid meeting in Huntington Beach on · July 19. At the meeting Dale Jordan was voted the class r~presentative. Also the group discussed considerably the possibility that next year the class might , be extinct. After some discussion, all involved class entrants agreed that we want to fight ·co keep the class, as we feel we are one of the original classes and offer some uniqueness. We really are production sedans, and each is very distinctive. We just cannot see what class we could be combined with and feel comfortable racing against. We have advised our new cl&.ss rep to try to get involved in decision making processes with SCORE and HDRA that affect our class and the rules pertaining to Class 6. We hope for cooperation from HDRA and SCORE to encourage new entrants for 1988. OFF ROAD ON TV! Nearly 450 million people have seen off road racing on television through the first four events of 1987, according to a survey conducted by Quest One, an independent market analysis firm in Georgia. The viewership number is based·on more than 400 television stations served by the Desert Race News satellite video news service. It is estimated that more than the listed numbers actually see these feeds, because a station often uses them twice, during both the 6:00 p.m. and the 11 :00 p.m. news program. The Desert Race News feed goes to both commercial stations and cable TV stations, and the Quest One survey found viewership the highest in the west, southwest and upper midwest. ' CONGRATULATIONS TO Olga Vernon of General Tire Motorsports. She has been promoted to the new position of Motorsport's Manager, responsible for all rnotorsports activities in relation to General Tire's racing programs. A native ofBeograd, Yugoslavia, Olga has been with General Tire since 1973, and lives in Akron, Ohio. Racers might not know lier name, but Olga Vernon attends nearly all major off road races, and you know her by her friendly smile and long blond hair. CAR CUSTOM is expanding rapidly, and the parts and accessories store in Azusa, CA moved into the off road field in force early this year. Now, Car Custom has opened a second store in Santa Ana, at 12451 Westminster Blvd., stuffed with on and off road goodies for race cars, play buggies, Baja Bugs, the whole scene. Look for them also in contingency row at all the major races. CALIFORNIA ASSEMBLYMAN RICHARD KATZ, of the state transportation committee, is a real friend in court for off roaders, having participated himself a couple of years back in the Baja 1000 Safari Rally. His most recent report states that he gained approval from the Assembly to fund a Los Angeles County area off highway vehicle park. The· Assembly passed Katz's bill, AB 539, to provide $2. 73 million from the OHV fund to acquire and develop a park, and the bill was sent to the state Senate. Unfortunately, Katz reports, there is a bit of foot dragging going on in Los Angeles over the choice of a site. The environmental impact reports have been completed for land in -Bee Canyon and Hurne Canyon, in the Santa Clarita Valley, but no decision has yet been made. Presently the county is _ considering the petitions filed by disgruntled homeowner groups, who believe that neither site is acceptable. Perhaps the search for a more suitable location should begin immediately. Katz asks all OHV users to let their representative on the Los Angeles · Board of Supervisors know of their interest and support for a speedy resolution to site selection. You can write them at: Los Angeles Hall of Administration, 500 West Temple Street,_Los Angeles, CA 90012. Kao states· that is vitally important that the thousands-of OHVers in the Los Angeles area be provided access to a_ safe, environmentally appropriate recreational park, and pledges his continued effort towards this in Sacr-amento. Katz represents the 39th Assembly District of Panorama City. SAN FELIPE WINTER RACE. Just when the desert racers'figured on having a quiet December, no races, and plenty of time to enjoy Christmas, a new race as popped up on the Score International calendar. Score will revive the San Felipe 250 on December 12, 1987. No, it is NOT a points race; in fact the 1987 points champions will be crowned the previous weekend at the annual banquet in Las Vegas, NV. Advertised as a race for fun, with low entry fees, starting and finishing in San Felipe, B.C., Mexico, it follows the final series race, the Score Baja 1000, by five weeks. You know as much about it now as we do. Get more details from Score International. . ., SPEAK UP DIVISIONAL RALLY ORGANIZERS. We would very much like to publish information and res_ults, with pictures if possible, about your events. We get all the info' and reports from the So-Pac Division, but nothing from anywhere else in the country. Occasionally we get results from SCCA in Denver, but those results don't even tell us where the rally was, let · alone any details. For example, we have results from Zena Sprin.t 1 and Zena Sprint 2, that took place on June 27. The Chairman's name is Sharon Hart, the organizing region is Neokla, and that is it for details. We can tell you that Texans Mark Long and Earl Hammond won both events in a Kelrnark. Ken Stewart and Vance McConnell got a second and a third, while Dean Blagowsky and Sherri Morgan nailed a third and a fourth in their Dodge, but the fourth was a DNF. Clayton Thomas and Kathleen Nordine were second in Sprint 2, that had three finishers out of six starters. (more TRAIL NOTES on page 12) Dusty Times
YOKOHAMA CEllEBRATES INDEPENDENCE DAY -WITH HUGE Fl WORKS DISPLAlt · The show started around duski . ,• in the desert outside· Barstow. Rob MacCachren blazed · across the finish line to win the 4th of July Fireworks 250 off-road race. On Yokohama tires. the fastest vehicle of the day and overall winner. Then, like r·ockets out of a bottleJ came an explosive -flurry of Yokohama class wins. Six more making seven in all. was the fastest 4x4 on the 4th·. © 1987 Yokohama Tire Corporation. _ Mike Lesle .. Giti Gowland and -. Michael Rorick. Bob Scott and Mike Voyle~. Jim ~tiles. Mike Abbott. And Rick Johnson. _ -Leaving everyone else in a cloud of smoke. -I >~YOKOHAMA For information write: Yokohama Tire Corporation, P.O. Box 4550, 601 S. Acacia Ave., Fullerton, CA 92631. s
S♦d· T k ·· salad, potato salad and pickles. I & •ac s Hit the spot. We cheated, and __ . . _ • ■ 1 ♦ ♦ ♦ By Judy Smit~ put Anderson's spare (easier to =======~----..... ==...,_ ________ ....,...., get to than ours) on our car, and tied our flat on the roof rack. We figured it would be easier to go to Camalu and have repairs made than do it ourselves in the dirt: And we were right. The tire repair shop is right across the highway from the gas station at Carnalµ, and they fixeq the tire there ( removing a three inch bolt) and had everything back together in about 10 minutes, and charged us $2. We tipped him another $1. The Simon and Simon Mexineered tandem pre-runner seen at Mike's Sky Ranch. It was rocky and nasty just out of Camalu, but we expected that and both cars chugged through with no problems, and then we When early May rolled around this year, we decided to enter the 500 ('scuse me, the Baja Internacional), so we'd have a reason to gQ pre-running on Memorial Day Weekend. We had a healthy 1600cc motor to install in place of the one we damaged on our vacation, so we tacked on the off road muffler · and started making plans. Planning was fairly simple for this trip: · we stopped the newspaper for an undetermined number of days, got a neighbor to collect our mail, and told the boss we'd be back to work on Tuesday, if possible. Then we made arrangements to meet our fellow pre-runners at the Instant Mexico Insurance parking lot late Friday night, .stuffed in as much food, drink and spare parts as the car could carry, and took off. There were six of us. Yours truly and John Howard, in our full VW sedan pre-runner, and Howard Anderson and eight-year-old son, Jason, in their Baja Bug pre-runner, and George Seeley (Anderson's racing partner) and Saul Zambrano (their chase perso!1), in Seeley's pickup truck, with an empty trailer, in case one of the VWs . died. We all got to that parking lot close enough in time so it didn't matter and spent some minutes checking out our radios. Our Uniden was working fine, but Howard's radio while able to receive, didn't send properly, we figured out a way to answer by using one burst of static for yes and two for no,-and left it at that. Lots of pre-runners were arriving during all this and we saw a steady stream of folks buying insurance and pesos while we got things together. We saw Jim Cocores and Russ Welch, with Jim's Baja Bug pre-runner, come through, along with ·a full entourage in a motorhome, equipped with a microwave, blender and two t.v.s. They planned to spend Saturday watching the Indy 500 in San Felipe, and were taking no chances. We also saw Bill and Mike Church, who were even less elaborately equipped than we were, planning to pre-run on bikes. They didn't even carry spare gas, planning to buy Mexican gas when they needed to refuel. After topping off with American gas, we braved the border crossing and the Mexican interchange. As many years as we've been driving through that part of Tijuana, we never feel sure about it. Never feel as if we know the way. And we proved it Page 6 this time, as, with John driving were on those miles of good and me hollering, "Left, no, graded roads heading uphill to right, u,m, wrong!" we led our Mike's. We were still making buddies down the wrong road, good time, and looked forward and through some interesting to a pleasant evening at the ranch. parts of Tijuana before we found Then we got to the steep hill. the right road again. But the George and Howard disappeared balance of the trip was over the top, and our car bogged uneventful, and we made down a third of the way up. We Ensenada in good time, and even radioed to them that we were found an all night Pemex station, stopped, but, since Howard's with Extra, to fill up before radio was being flaky, couldn't taking off on the course. be sure they heard us. No matter, Since SCORE hadn't marked there were lots of folks behind . the course from the start to Ojos us. We backed down, and tried Negros, we drove up.the highway again, with no better result. As and ,turned onto it where the we · sat there this time, up arrows began, at the old "tire bounded Cocores and Welch, in store", went in about a quarter Jim's Bug. "Are you stuck?", mile and parked. We could see they asked. "Well, it seems so .. " other groups parked here and "Do you have a tow strap?" We there, obviously doing the same told them we didn't. But Jim did, thing, so we quietly got out a big and he fetched it from his car, tarp and unrolled the sleeping · and tossed it to us, saying, "We'll bags. As we settled in, enjoying see you in San Felipe. There's a the beautiful milky way 4x4 coming that should be able overhead, we realized that to help." someone nearby had starting · I climbed out, and, tow strap banging on something. It turned in hand, stood there as John once out to be a couple of Class 11 again backed down. This time he pre-runners fixing a flat, and really abused the clutch, but he when they got it done, at about made it all the way to the top, as I 3:30 a.m., they fired up their cars started slogging upwards, lugging and took off on their pre-run. the unneeded tow strap. It was In the morning, after a quick hot, and the hill was steep, and I breakfast of sweet rolls, bananas drank a can of gingerale in one and coffee (made with water swallow, when I finally got to the boiled by our pre-runner's i:op. A whole gang of folks went cigarette lighter / water heater) by as we resituated, including the we took off towards Tres 4x4, which had sounded ·so Hermanos. Saul and Jason took rattley and pingey when it got to the pickup and trailer and headed the bottom of the hill that we for Mike's Sky Ranch, where we wouldn't have asked it for help in planned to spend the night. any case. Everyone motored on The weather was perfect; clear, smoothly to Mike's from there, sunny and cool, and it felt great · and we picked up George and to be in the hills of Baja, with no Howard who'd heard about our telephone poles, no traffic, no fix from Cocores and Wekh. fast food restaurants - just the Those two were hustling, trying beautiful natural surroundings. to get to San Felipe before dark, And there were miles of glorious to get in on the traditional wild flowers through here. That Memorial Day partying. part of the course is. fun, We reached Mike's at about 4 although we found that one or p .m., and found Saul and Jason two corners were a bit sharp for who'd been there since 10 a.m. our pre-runner, and we had to They'd hiked, and played in the make two tries at them. The only water and explored, and all in all thing that slowed us down was had a good day. It was still very the gates. John drives, I navigate. sunny and warm, and the pool Therefore, I do the gates . . was full of pre-runners and Sometimes the gates win. vacationers sluicing off the dust. The road from Santo Tomas, After a tall cool drink, mixed by and then along the beach was in the talented Ramon·, in Mike's good shape, and the trip went bar, I remembered that there is a quickly, until, as we got almost to shower there, which sometimes Colonett, we picked up a bolt has hot water. So off I went. And that instantly flattened our left there was hot water. Pure luxury! rear tire: All of a sudden, it was We settled in for the evening, time for lunch. I hiked a quarter finding the bar full of congenial of a mile uphill to find a suitable folks, some pre-runners, some ladies room (we never have flats not. Frank Vessels was there, near big bushes or rocks), while with an employee who'd been George explored the beach and drafted to come along with,him. Howard unpacked lunch. He had We asked him if he liked pre-a remarkable selection of running, and he said he thought delicatessen food, including ham . he would, "As. soon as I stop anc;i cheese sandwiches, macaroni bleeding." We also met George August 1987 Earl, and the friendly folks in the way back to their trailer that way. big Dodge 4x4, as well as Larry With a substantial Mike's Schwacofer and Sid Spradling, breakfast under our belts we who, with two other Hemet headed back to the pre-run, after folks, were pre-running in their . first checking our little t.v., (it big green station wagon. Mike plugs into 'that cigarette lighter, arid Bill Church made it up the too.) to be sure we couldn't get hill on their bikes, and Larry the Indy 500. Mike has a color Smith was there, with Jon t.v., and a big dish, but he doesn't Kennedy and family. Mike Leon turn on his generator during the arrived, also pre-running, and day. Not even for Indy. We got later on, Bob Gordon, Gregg to the San Felipe Zoo without Symonds and his friend Jesus, incid~nt, and had lunch there, and the Simon and Simon team. spending a few extra minutes as Not to mention many folks Saul shopped for fireworks and whose names we didn't get·. It was George tried to find some big a sociable and spirited group, and shrimp for dinner. Fireworks dinner table conversation was they found, but shrimp, no. lively that night. · John' and I have seen the One of the nicest things about whoopies after the Zoo many a pre-running in Baja is the time, so we skipped them, and serendipitous groupings of folks then, with our motor beginning that happen in the evenings at the to ping on the Mexican gas, we stop over points. Mike's has also decided to skip most of that always been a great stopping uphill ~ft stuff after 3 Poles, and place, and Santa Inez used to be in San Matias wash. We got back marvelous, as was El Rosario at in the dirt above Trinidad, for a times. San Felipe is too big, it's nice ride through an old favorite too easy to miss people. But if section. Jason, who was now they're at Mike's they're right riding with George, was there, and with the common ostensibly in charge of the gates dinnertime, and family style every now and then, but he was dining, almost everyone eats just not big enough to handle together, and only a Scrooge them. He found only one eight-wouldn't have a nice time. year-old,size gate, and opened After a post dinner li!,ation or and closed that one with great two, it was time to set up camp enthusiasm. down in the trees, and we headed We spotted a splintered tree, for our spot. It took some up in the forest, which must have scurrying to find enough been hit by lightening, and firewood to keep us warm, and stopped to pile up a load of we shared Schwacofer and firewood in the roof rack, and Spradling's fire for a while, some pine cones, for our before once again rolling out the campfire that ,night. The ride sleeping bags on the tarp. The · from the woods to Ojos Negros stars were really gorgeous up at was smooth, and except for the Mike's, but after the long day, it blinding setting sun, easy. We was hard to stay awake to watch got to Ojos well before dark, and for the shooting stars. George, had time for a quick shopping Howard, Jason and Saul chose to trip, to provision ourselves with . sleep in their tent, crowded, but dozens of tortillas, frijoles, some warmer. butter, and sardines. A gourmet During the .night I was aware feast! We crossed the highway that it was coolish, and at one and went back up the course a point, as I tried to snug my pillow way, to find a level, unfenced into the space around my head, I field, for our last camp. We had a discovered that it was covered cozy fire going in no time, with with ice. I was awakened in the frijoles simmering in the pan, and morning by the mellifluous tortillas warming'on the rocks. sound of Gregg Symond's voice, In the morning an inquisitive as he tried to thaw his sleeping "moooo" woke us up, and we bag oyer our fire. It was cold! But peered up from our sleeping bags things got movfng quickly, as we to see eight full sized critters ·thawed things out and repacked standing nearby, watching us. the car. · One was a big black bull, and the We chatted with the Simon rest seemed tq be his harem, and and Simon group, camped · ,off-spring. They didn't like us nearbv, who'd found a novel way any better than we liked them, so to bring their Baja Bug up the after studyi_ng us curiously for a hills. It seems they usually pre- half hour or so, they left, to join run in a truck, but they always · the . rest of the herd .down the take along the Bug, because it's road a piece. dependable. This time, as they Our pre-running . was over came up the hill out of Camalu, ..since the remainder of the course the Bug had broken a spindle. wasn't marked and SCORE But that hardly slowed them officials had asked us to stay off, down, and they kept on coming. so we had a lazy morning, which Then they got nearly there, not included ·heating some water and quite to the bYl hill that stopped washing our hair. Jason didn't go us, and the other spindle brolce. that far, but he did scrub his With no spare, they really were hands and face, albeit, a bit in a fix. Theirtruckwasn'tworking reluctantly. Then we headed well right then, so they spent back down. the, i hill and into some time repairing it. Then they Ensenada, where we. had a good hoisted the front end of the VW lunch at Quintas Papagayas up onto the back of the bed of the before heading for home. truck, where they have a tubular As we waited in the massive framework . for carrying · spares, traffic jam in Tijuana, one of and tied it on. They towed it the Howard's rear tires went flat. But rest of the way to Mike's, finding Saul, behind him in the truck, that it rode very well. They said it had a magic can of whatever it is worked better than they'd that reinflates tires and spits imagined, and was no trouble at stop-leak inside, so he adminis-all, and they didn't even bother tered that without even making to try to find replacement Howard pull over to the curb, spindles, and just took off in the thus saving his spot in line. From morning, VW still on the back of there on, it was an easy drive the truck, planning to go all the home. Dusty nmcs
. , :,., "tl · Q) Q) ..J :i ~ ·:,., .Q 0 0 it COME TO RIVERSIDE I AND BE A :PART OF HISTORr ••• WATCH INDY 500 WINNER AL UNSER AND HIS SON AL JR. BANG FENDERS WITH OFF-ROAD RACING'S BEST DRIVERS IN THE JEEP MINI-METAL CHALLENGE ... FEEL THE GROUND SHAKE FROM BRUTE V-8 POWER 10F THE BIG TRUCKS IN THE.HUNGUS HEAVY METAL CHALLENGE ... TASTE THE DIRT AS OPEN CHASSIS BUGGY AND ULTRA-STOCK DRIVERS STAND ON IT CHARGING DOWN THOMPSON'S • I RIDGE ... THE TOP MOTORCYCLES, AlV'S AND ODYSSEYS WILL BATTLE FOR CLASS CHAMPIONSHIPS ... I SEE THE BEST RIVERSIDE OFF-ROAD TRACK EVER ... BIG TIME WHOOP DE DO'S ... HELMET-SLAPPING WASHBOARD .. .FAST -STRAIGHTS .. .AND TURNS .TIGHT ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU PUCKER!!! DON'T Ml~S THE EXCITEMENT OF THE STROH'S/SCORE OFF-. ROAD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.;JHE LAST TIME AT RIVERSIDE ... BE THERE!!! FRIDAY· August !21st • Spectator gates open 7:00 a.m. • A full day of practice for all classes. • FREE 0.-emight Parking TOVOTA~Nl~w. OFSCORE INTERNATIONAL OFFICIAL BEER IVINT SCHIDUU SATURDAY· August ftnd • 7:00 a.m_. to 11 :00 a.m. - Practice sessions for all classes. • Championship racing starts at Noon. • FREE 0.-emight Parking -a HIIIGUS. HIAVY MITAL CHAI I INCi~ I I I I I I I I ® 1987 IIE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP -AUGUST 21-23, 1987 --EVENT SUPER TICKETS@ S35/ea. (S47 Vaiue) $ __ _ ' - . (includes3-dayeventgeneraladmission,event pit pass and reserved seat in r~ 27-40 at turn . 6 on Sunday). Not available at gate. -3-DAY EVENT GENERAL ADMISSION @ S25/ $ ---ea. -PITPASS@$10/ea. $ ----SUNDAYONLYGENERALADMISSION"@$15/ $ __ _ ea. ( Can enter track anytime after 9 P.M. Saturday). _*RESERVED SEATS@ S10/ea. (raws 1-26 at - $ ---tum 6 on Sunday) _ *RESERVED SEATS @ S12/ea. (raws 27-40 at S -~-turn 6 on Sunday). *MUST ALSO HAVE GENERAL ADMISSION TICKET. DT add handling cha,se per orc:ler $ 2.00 TOTAL $ __ _ ORDER HOWi REDUCED PRICES IN EFFECT UNTIL AUGUST IO. · Children under 12 admitted free when accompanied by an adult. However, they must have a reserved seat ticket in order to sit in-the grandstands at Turn 6 on Sunday. No Saturday only tickets will be sold. If Rows 27-40are sold out, rows 1-26will be substituted and a refund of S2will be made. Open seating in the Tum 6 grandstands on Saturday; reserved seating only on Sunday. Coolers that exceed 14" in lengthwiNnotbe permitted inthegrandstanos.Also, no glass containers will be permittEd. · Min"i-Bike or motorized cycle riding not allowed on raceway premises. Name ______________ _ Address ----'-------------City -------------'-----State ________ Zip ______ _ Phone ( □MasterCard □ VISA Expiration Date ____ _ I CardNo. _____________ _ I Cardholder"s Name ___________ _ I IMPORl'AH't: Any ticket orders received after August 14 wil be held in the I Will-Call Booth at Riverside International Raceway. .L ~------~ -------·------Where to luy Tickets · Use the attached coupon and order your tickets directly from SCORE International at reduced prices. Tickets may also be purchased prior to the event at Riverside Inter-national-Raceway and TicketMaster, as well as on race day at • Riverside. · All tickets available from: . SCORE lmlfflltlonll RMrlldc lntcmltlonll RKnay 31356 Via Collnas, Suite 111 22255 Eucalyptus Avenue Westlake Village, CA 91362 Moreno Valley, CA 92388 (818) 889-9216 (71-4) 653-1161 For Sunday General Admlulon Tickets & Sunday RacMd Seat Tickets • EVENT TO BE RUN ON DATE SPECIFIE0 ... RAIN OR SHINE. NO REFUNDS OR EXCHANGES ON TICKET PURCHASES. SUNDAY· August Urd •. 7 :00 a.m. to 11 :00-a.m. - Practice sessions for all classes. •i Championship racing starts at NOON, · including the HUNGUS HEAVY METAL CHALLENGE and the JEEP MINI-METAL CHALLENGE. , MINI-MITAL C1M■-■ 1NG1
1987 HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. ' Arizona Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 September 5-6 ·· Snowflake Buggy Bash ~nowflake, AZ October 17 Penasco 150 Sonoi:a, Mexico December 5 Sonoita to Rocky Point Sonora', Mexico BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 241 Van Nuys, CA 91303 (818) 340:5750 . October 2-4 . Carrera de los Campeones San Felipe, B.C. 1987 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 · Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2115 I (715) 478-2688 September 4-6 Brush Run 101 World Championship Crandon, Wl CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 • (714) 736-1442 October 17 Glen Helen Rallysprint San Bernardino, CA September 26-2 7 Cliffs of Gorman Rally Gorman, CA December 5-6 East of Indio VII Indio, CA CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.]. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743· (802) 265-8616 All races are held at Albany-Saratoga Speedway, Route 9, Malta, · New York. Classes are 1-1600, 10, 4 WO Class 3 and Class 4 plus ATVs. August 2 August 23 September 13 October 4 October 17-18 4 FUN 4 WHEELERS 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 459-8388 (313) 755-3176 September 5-6 Summers End Extravaganza Bee's Sport Center St. Johns, MI Page 8 FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers•· Association Rt. 5, Box 944 Brooksville, FI:..34610 (813) 996-6306 (days · August 2 Lakeland, FL September 6 Tallahassee, FL· . October 4 Lakeland, F.L · November 1 Lakeland, FL January 10, 1988 Lakeland, FL February 7, 1988 Lakeland, FL March 26, 1988 Florida 400 Tallahassee, FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 August.8, 1987 Superstition 250 IV Ancient Dry Lake Bed El Centro, CA October 3, 1987 200 Mile Plaster City Blast Plaster City, CA December 31, 1987 150 Mile Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 ( 404) 927-6432 August 23 Winder, GA September 13 100 miles Alabama • September 2 7 Cordele, GA October 25 Winder, GA November 28 250 miles Cordele, GA December 5 Annual Banquet GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 665-0358/(313) 996-9193 August 1-2 19th Annual Sand-O-Rama Silver Lake Sand Dragway Mears, Ml GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Knowlton 831 So. Jason Denver, CO 80223 (3.Q3) 722:5537 . August 8-9 St. Francis, KS August 30 Raceland _Denver, CO September 20 Raceland Charnpionship - SC Denver, CO, HORA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 '(702) 361-5404 September 11-13, 1987 Craig/ Hi Desert 300 Craig, CO December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV . HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Freeman 3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 342-0331 August 16 Gumbo Buttes Baja Pierre, S.D. October 24 Last Chance Baja Wall, S.D. GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA (714) 381-4454 or (714) 880-1733 September 27, 1987 Short Course Race IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 4500i (All events staged at the club grounds in . ·Cl.eves, Ohio) JEEP-CUP RALLY SERIES David Hannum United 4WD Associations (317) 453-9242 August 2 Atlanta, GA Aµgust , Championship Rally Reno, NV MICHIGAN SPORT-BUGGY ASSOCIATION John Elliott - (517) 835-9923 Bob Ramlow - (616) 345-6407 August 7-9 Bug-In Midland; MI August 16 Gratiot Chapter Sprint Race St. Johns, MI August 22-23 Blue Water Chapter Enduro St. Helen, MI August 28-30 Fun Weekend in the Trees Harrison, Ml Al,gust 1987 - ·-- :August 30 Can Am Chapter Sand Drag Berville, Ml September 12-13 Over Mt. Baldy #30 Hillclimb Silver Lake, Ml September 25-2 7 Fun Weekend in the Sand Silver Lake, Ml September 2 7 Can Am Chapter Sand Drag Berville, Ml October 3 Mid Michee Sprint Race . Midland, M~ MIDWEST OFF ROAD CHALLENGE SERIES Tommy Bowling Rt. 6, Box 833C Midland, TX 79702 (915) 332-1537 -(915) 563-9154 August 1 Freedom, OK September 12 Albuquerque, NM October 3 Big Spring, TX November 7 El Paso, TX M.O.R.E. 351.3 North West Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76106 (817) 625-8843 MICKEY THOMPSON;S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 September 26 Sam Boyd Silverbowl Las Vegas, NV October 10. L.A. County Fairplex Pomona, CA NORTH AMERICAN RALl.,YCUP. I August 21-23 Sunriser 400 Forest Rally Columbus, OH Dick Paddock (614) 876-2277 September 4-5 Rallye of the Voyageurs North Bay, Ontario · Dave Carlin (705) 474-8007 September 11-13 Mackinaw Trail Rally Tra:verse City, MI Kelly Brandt (616) 374-7176 October 2-4 Qjibwe Pro Rally Grand Rapids, MN Bob Nielsen (6'12) 776-4471 . October 9-11 Defi Ste.-AgHthe Ste.-Agathe Des Monts, Quebec Andre Lavigne (514) 747-3663 October 28-November 1 Press on Regardless Houghton, MI -Dick Cole ·(313) 685-285::3 November 21-22 Rally of the Tall Pines· Petersborough, .Ontario Ross Wood (416) 876-1492 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS 1421 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 November 7 Red Sands 150 El Paso, TX OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL RALLY -John Nagel P.O. Box 4254 Tumwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-971 7 ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamaker P.O. Box 688 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL I CO, Canada August 1-2 Brighton; Ont. August 8-9 Kitchener, Ont. August 14-16 Bancroft, Ont. September 5-6 Kitcnener, Ont. September. 26-27 Kitchener, Ont. October 17-18 Kitchener, Ont. ONTARIO OFF ROAD Ba~b;i.ra Lapoipte 4 Bridge St. E. Kitchener, Ontario N2K 1)2 Canada· (519) 743-8841 · (All events at Bingeman Park in_ Kitchener.) August 9 ATV Races August 30 Off Road Endurance Races September 5-6 Sandfest '87 September 13 Off Road Endurance Races September 26-27 Ontario Off R_oad Challenge October 10-11 Oktoberfest Endurance/ Mudbocr . 0 October 17-18 Oktoberfest Challenge '87 October 31-November 1 Off Road Endurance Series Finale O.O.R.R.A. Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry · 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 ( 405) 769-5491 (All races located at Freedom, OK) Vic Brurnham Freedom Chapter President . (405) 621-3428 August 1 Freedom 300 i;.,.. Dusty Times
JACK JOHNSON'S NISSAN 4x4 NAILS A ·STUNNING VICTORY IN JULY 4th CLASSIC. It was an unusually rough course from the word 'go.' Yet, that didn't stop Jack Johnson from piloting his radically-new, four-wheel-drive.Nissan Hardbody Truck across the finish line to capture his first Class 4 win of the season. Although a total of 10 trucks started in the division, · only four managed to survive the 75-mile trek across the Mojave Desert. And in emerging victorious with a time of 6:43:10, Johnson snapped the streak of perennial four-wheel-drive champion, Rod Hall.' Nissan congratulates Johnson on his impressive BELT /S')\ display of driving skill. Of course, events YDUASELF'-1' such as this mean more to us than just victory. Th~ challenge of racing makes us · push ourselves to the very limit ... and then some! And it's the knowledge that we gain from ou( racing suc-cess that helps us to enhance the power, performance, the pure fun and pleasure of the cars and trucks we build for the street. You can ge~ the same top performance, too, with N,issan's full line of specialized parts for racing vehicles and production[ cars. Just send your $10 check or money order (do not send cash) for ouc Competition Parts Cata-·1og to: Nissan Motor Corporation in U.S.A., Motorsports Dept., P. 0. Box 191, Gardena, CA 90247. Please allow six weeks for delivery. And remember to also check out our family of win-ners at your ne~rest Nissan dealer today. THENAMEIS NISSAN.
October 16-1 7 0.0.R.R,_A. -150. ORSA Randy Miller ~ 407 G Street, Suite .F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (91_6) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCiATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (213') 375-4570 (213) 534-2747 POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD #.3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 All events in Monroeton, PA at the intersection of Routes 414 & 220. August 29-30 September 26-27 October 10-11 PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 ' October 2-3 Millican 400 Millican Valley, OR SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80155 (303) 694-7223 August 21-23,, 1987 Sunriser Forest Chillicothe, OH September 11-13, 1987 Mackinaw Trail Rally Traverse City, MI October 2-4 Ojibwe Rally Grand Rapids, MN DESERT LOl:;K OUTER . ·-3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8 • 1.125.HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP. Standard Lock Outer Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength ·• At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing . * All parts are available separately *In stock-Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 13" MIDGET , 8"-1 O" MODlrlED MIDGET QUA .. •RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED ·MIDGET · WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, · fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 O" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: 3447 W. University · Fresno, CA 93722 . (209)275-5183 Pase 10 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales-Tax October 29-31, 1987 Press On Regardless Houghton, MI November 13-15, 1987 Wild West Rally Tacoma, WA SCCA DIVISIONAL PRO RALLY SERIES August 8-9 Briar Rallycross Briar MSP, VT Dan Way (802) 453-47?2 August 8 Dfre Straits Trout Lake, MI · Jay Topping (313) 625-0790' September 9 Coachman Capital Stages Washington John Forespring (206) 866-8323 September 1 t'-13 Mackinaw Trails Traverse City,' MI Kelly Brandt (616) 374-7176 September 19 .,·Lac Vieux L'Anse MI Sc·on Ca;lborn~ (906_) j 82-6992. . ~ ~-, S;pteml,er· 26-2 7· Cliffs of Gorman · · Gb rman, CA . q iirr)~:rtgHsh J714f497-4670 October 3 Gold.Rush • Westcliffe, CO ifegan Srriolkovich ,, (303) 477-9298 SCORE Score International· 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, ·cA 91362 (818)889-92'16 · August 21-23, 1987 Off Road World Championship Riverside; CA November 6-8, 1987 Baja 1000 Ensenada; B.C., Mexico December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV December 12 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, B,C., Mexico (a non-points race) SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, · J6N· 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 SIL VERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS Roger Wells 225 W. Foster Ave. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 564-2677 (All events but the finale held at Las Vegas International Raceway.) August 1 August 8 August 15 August 22 September 5 Au9ust 1987 September 12 Sam Boyd Silverbowl Las Vegas, NV ' SI1 VER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box· 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 August 22 Nevada 250 Pioche, NV October 17 Silver Dust 250 Las Vegas, NV SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394· Las Vega,s, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 September 25-2 7 -' Snore 250 Las Vegas, NV October 31 Yoko Loco Las Vegas, NV December 5 Black Jack 200 Las. Vegas, NV · - September 19-20 Colorama 100 Sugar Camp, WI TUCSON AUTO CROSS P.O. Box 55221 Tucson, AZ 85703 (602) 887-1275 VORR:A Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 August 1 Stadium Type Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA • J S.eptember 5-6 . Yerington/VORRA 250 Yerington, NV ' 10ctober 10 Championship Stadium Race Sacramento Raceway · Sacramento, CA . . ·.-::• t November 1 ; 1987 Championship Race• Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA J WHEEL TO~ ' -WHEEL, INc;'. . I'.O. Box 688, Dep~. 4WOR ·"'Bancroft, Ontario, CanaifaKOL ICO --~---~----· (613.) ,3~?-l?JS6 . < (613l ~31;412s - · . S.O.R.R.P. · Speedway Off Road Racing Productions Bernie Weber ··-· P.O. Bol<402 '[emp_le, Texas 76503 _ · . (817) 7]-3-3548 •--SHORT TRACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES FORMULA DESERT DOG SERIES S.T.O.R:E. Co-Ordinator: · Gil Parker 7406 So. leth St. Kalamazoo, .MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 August 28 Chicago Classic · Santa Fe Speedway Chicago, IL September 5-6 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI s·eptember 1 9 Dixie Autocross Birch Run, MI 'October 3 Indian Summer Sprints Lake Geneva Raceway Lake Geneva, WI · SUPERCROSS, INC. .Gateway Plaza 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite ,270 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-1606 . SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION . Terry,:Prevost 1006 Cardin,al Lane~ Green Bay', WI 54303 ( 4 I 4) 434-9044 August 1-2 Hodag 50 Rhinelander, WI August 23 Off Road Race Land-0-Lakes, WI .August"{i . Brightof) W.hl!e), to Wheel W eek~nd Brighton Speedway , . B~ighton, (:)ritario'· :· August 14-16 Bancroft's Canadian 4x4 Challenge Bancroft, .Ontari6-WESTERN -OFF ROAD. RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87 A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 . . August 16 Mission, B.C. September 5-6 Kamloops, B.C. October 1 O.t 1 Ashcroft, B.C., FIA WORLD'\RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP August 2-9, 1987 Argentine Rally Buenos Aires,· Argentina August 26-30, 1.987 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September 22-26, 1987 Ivory Coast Rally Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast October 11-17, 1987 . ··.sari Remo, Rally San Ren_i.0, Italy November 22-2'6, 1987 RAC Rally Engla_nd ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List yout comi11g events in DUSTY , TIMES free!. Send your 1987 schedule as soon· as possible for listin1; in this column. Mail YOl;lr race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. Dusty Times
GOODYEAR WRANGLER .RADIALS LEAVE THE C011"'1'1110N CHASING STARS AT THE nREWORKS 250. Five-time Fireworks winner, Walker Evans and his big Dodge Ram, finish a close second on Goodyear Wrangler radials. I On the Fourth of July week-end, when the Class 8 "Heavy Metal" drivers squared-off to do battle in the 16th Annual Fireworks -250, their minds were not on the sky. They were ori the earth. The dirt, the silt, the rocks and ruts of this year's 250-mile desert course. And once the race began, Dave Shoppe and Walker Evans quickly stole the show. Running wheel-to-wheel for virtually the entire race, Dave and Walker, the only Class 8 drivers on Goodyear Wrangler radials, left the competition chasing their dust. After nearly five hours of racirig, the grand finale came on the last leg of the course when Dave passed Walker for the last time and outran him to the line by less than four minutes. The tires that helped the duo lead the chase: Goodyear Wrangler radials. They're the tires engineered to take on the toughest terrain, the _ toughest conditions. So no matter where you do your "holiday" driving, on the road -or off the road, get Goodyear Wrangler radials. · And get down to earth. Take me home. The quick way.
1 I I I I I I ) . I TECH TIPS By Bill Savage HORA-SCORE Technical Director The good news is that two of the remaining six classes on the · "endangered species" list are now free and clear. Total entries for the season as of the HORA Soutars Budweiser Fireworks 250 at Barstow reached 46 for Class 4 and 43 for Class 7 4x4. making it obvious that both will reach the required 48 by season's end. Conversely, there was bad news for Classes 3, 6, 7 and 14, but not necessarily all bad. There were eight entries-in Class 7, an encouraging sign, and even the orph,m Class 14 had a healthy six starters. So it appears that competitors are taking to heart the advice that they can keep their classes ·alive if they will enter the remaining races, and encourage others sitting idle to do the same. With two races left in the series, Class 3 entry total is 34, needing 14 more or seven per race to make the cut. Class 6 has a total of 35, and needs 13 more in the last two events. Class 7 is up to 33, -and they need 15 more entries to total 48 at year's end. Even tougher numbers show for Class 14 with a total entry to date of 29, and another 19 must run in the final two events to make the required 48 starters this year. Several Class 5 competitors have expressed their opinions that the stock rear torsion housing requirement be changed to include allowing aftermarket ·replacement. Rule changes like this would have to go to a ballot for competitors to decide whether to make the change, but we don't have enough informa-tion yet to put out a ballot. We need more input from Class 5 builders. Please send your information to me, Bill Savage, 300 No. Clara St., Santa Ana, CA 92703. While you're at it, let me know if there are any other rule changes desired. This class has stayed pretty stable for a long time, and there may b~ things we don't know about that would improve competition or lower costs. As of the Score Baja 1000, Class 5-1600 builders will be allowed to use aftermarket spindles. This is due to the lack of stock link pin spindles, which haven't appeared on stock VWs since the 1966 model year. All the ballots are in from Class 8 _ competitors, who were asked to decide whether they wanted to allow engine blocks to be made from materials other than cast iron. The vote was nearly unanimous to go with cast iron blocks only. This means that the few aluminum block engines running this season will have to be eliminated, and the class will have all cast iron engines in 1988. Controversy continues to dog the Class 10 rule change that allows 4-valve ·engines next season, ev.en though restrictions will exact penalties on those who switch to 4 valves per cylinder. Our view s that most of the arguments against the 4 valve engines co.mes from a lack of information or misinformation, and I'd like to point out some facts that may not be known to the opponents of this change: 1 ) . Costs of the new type • engines presented to us by the manufacturers are in line with the costs of current 2-valve engines. So, we dispute the claim that the new rule will add to the cost of racing. 2) Stock configuration for 4-valve engines includes fuel in,·ecrion,. which wi_ll_ not be al owed m competltlon. We haven't assigned a carburetor restriction yet to the 4-valve engin_es, but it will be · more stringent that the 42mm venturi allowed on 2-valve engines. Most competitors are running 32mm venturis anyway. 3) High horsepower and torque figures used in arguments against the new rules are taken from curves that show them at higher rpm, out of the range of practical use in off road racing. And, as we mentioned above, they are taken from engine tests made with fuel injection. Thus, the figures are invalid for off road racing. 4) Arguments at this stage are academic, since there ·haven't been any engines built to racing spec up to this time. TRD is still working on its Toyota engine, and other prototypes are being built by Nissan and Honda. We expect to have them for testing · either right before or right after the · Stroh's Score Off Road World Championship at Riverside August 21-23. If there is a problem with competitive~ ness at that time, we can solve it with carburetor restrictions, which is what we've been saying all along. · · There is nothing new to report on the motorcycle front, except to say that our committee is working on new ways to. mark m·otorcycles that will make it tougher to switch them during a race. At Barstow there was some confusion about whether · rear mounted spare tires would or would not serve as the required rear. bumper. Rear mounted spares have been allowed in lieu of rear bumpers all year up to the Barstow race, and for good reason. On some models a rear bumper in addition to the rear spare is sold as optional equipment. At any rate, we hope to have this problem cleared up in sufficient time so it doesn't create difficulties for the last two races. DUSTY TIMES· Special Club Sub Offer Cell (111) 119·5600 or write DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 For the BEST in Racing Photography call Trackside Photo, Inc. Page 12 (213) 327-4493 TRACKSIDE Photo Enterprises 18710 S. Normandle Avenue• Suite C Gardena, Callfornfa 90248 Phone: (213) 327-4493 August. 1987 morc ••• TRAIL-NOTES CLASS 10 RACERS should check out the Tech Tips column on page 1 for· two items of interest. One is the planning for the 4 valve engines next year. The other is the fact that those who make the rules have bowed to the vote of the participants in Class 8 and banned alloy engines for Class 8 in 1988. We wonder why they did not heed the majority vote against the 4 valve engines in Class 10 from the active participants in the class. If you wonder also, don't hesitate to ask Bill Savage, Sal Fish and HORA. We just learned that John Hagle, the elected Class 10 rep, has resigned and Bill Church has been chosen-to replace him. We also understand that Bill Church is already building a 4 valve engine! EGG ON FACE DEPARTMENT. Last month in the frenzy of writing captions for events we did not attend,·we made a major error. In the coverage of the Memorial Day 100 we identified Marc Pelletier's car, which was second in Class 14, as an ex LeDuc creation, which it is not. Paul Casadere of Hill Top. Competition Trucks in Danielson, CT called to tell us that the winged vehicle was fabricated in his fine shop, is based on a Chevy S-10, and sports a 350 Chevy engine. Our apologies to all concerned. -KEEP FIGHTING THE CRANSTON BILL! A report in the Los Angeles Times on July 22 stated that a Senate subcommittee had opened hearings on S . 7, known among enthusiasts as "Alan Cranston's land grab bill." Politicians quickly took sides, usually along party lines·. Even the generally environmentally oriented L.A. Times called the hearing the beginning of an "epic struggle" over use of 25 percent of California's land mass. The man on the hot seat, the first witness, was none other· than · California's Republican Senator, Pete Wilson, from San Diego. Wilson asked for more time to allow for compromises among the conservationist/ environ~ mentalist factions, and the·off road vehicle enthusiasts, miners, hunters, the U.S.. Military, rock hounds, archeologists, ranchers, and all others who work or play in the desert. Wilson, up for re-election next year, rqay be the best man to pressure _with letters and phone calls from those who oppose this sweeping measure to deny access to millions of acres of the desert to most of the populatio~. One possible opponent in the 1988 race for the Senate seat now held by Wilson is Californian's Democratic Lt. Gov. Leo McCarthy, who fully supports Cranston's proposal, without compromse. For your information, -other supporters of the Cranston bill are U.S. representatives Mel Levine (D, Santa Monica) who is backing the proposal in the House, and Richard H. Lehman (D-Sanger ). On our side were three Republican congressmen from desert districts, opposed to the proposal. They argued that Cranston was ignoring ten years of study and negotiations between the Bureau of Land Management and desert users. These Congressmen are Jerry Lewis (R-Highland), Duncan L. Hunter (R-Coronado) and Al McCandless (R-Bermuda Dunes). More opposition to SB 7 comes from Secretary of-the Interior Donald Hodel. Visiting California last May, Secretary Hodel spoke aQ<>ll,t the proposed legislation, and at a speech made during that trip he stated: "l think the bill should be defeated. l feel the bill is a denial and a negation of the public review process that took place during the late 1970s that led to former Interior Secretary C:ecil Andrus' decision to sign the 1980 Desert Plan. Some of you undoubtedly are familiar with the f~ct that there was a tremendous . public · review process that went on, over 20,000 people participated. Secretary Andrus, who you will recall had a reputation for being a solid preservationist, decided that a balanced plan more appropriate, and he went forward with that proposal in 1980, as it was really a compromise between the various interests." Hodel concluded, "It seems to me that the Desert Plan is working well_; there are many interests that are accommodated. We oppose the S-7 legislation." In case you are not aware ofit, the B.L.M. is a division of the Department of Interior and spent years working on a fair Desert Plan, working well now for multiple use o(public lands in California. COURSE HOGGING CHASE TRUCKS are becoming a bigger and bigger problem at the major desert races. Some chasers, not always in trucks, feel the race course as well as the access roads are their own private turf, never mind the paying competitors. Many racers have run in dust for miles, only to find the dust c~used by a chase crew instead of another competitor. And, particularly in Mexico, it is no longer a surprise to meet a chase vehicle· hea_d on during a race. We have a solution, which probably w9n't be very popular with the major teams, but, if winning cars in many classes can make it with just stationary pits, others should be able to do the same in the interests of safety. Why not follow the example of the Paris-Dakar Rally where every vehicle on course must be a bona fide entrant in the rally. There are chase crews and mechanics for major teams, but they dutifully pay.the entry fee at1d take a number somewhat behind their pdmary team, and follow the route at1d the rally rules. Just think of how much more money in some class purses if the chase crews were all entrants, say for the Baja 1000. And, the chase crews would have no need to ever go backwards on: the course! Thit1k about how much safer chasing would be with all required to wear helmets at1d harness, all safety gear in the vehicle, and all the stuff in the vehicle for pitting would have to be properly tied down. Think about it! It could well be the answer to this growing problem, and also boost the entr.y numbers and decrease the amount of "spectator accidents" at a major tace. INDUCTION TECHNOLOGY GROUP, a British firm, introduced its range of high performance air filter_s at the-Score Sho~ last }i,me.' The filters have been used exclusively in Europe in racing and on dirt·road rally cars with great success, and the firm has now established a U.S. ~ranch in Brisbane, CA. At the show they demonstrated the filter, which ·uses a two stage medium, and the inner medium is made of a special fire reiardent material. They say no socks are needed in the Sahara Desert. It sounds interesting, and the new filters will no doubt get a good off road test this fall in the famous silt beds on the south end of the Baja 1000 race course. · · LA TE NEWS FROM THE COLISEUM. lt aH came to_gether for the Jeep T earn at the July 25 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group event at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The cranky air bag suspension had been replaced with coil overs, and David Ashley drpve the lone Jeep entry to a w_ire to wire victory in the Grand National Truck main event, although bo.thJeffHuber'~ Mazda and Danny Thompson's Chevy got close. In Super 1600 action Al Arciero drove his Chenowth to a pair of victories, in his 15 car heat race and to a convincing victory in. the 21 car feature. In UltraStock competition Greg George, now with Mazda Rotary power, won both the single heat race for the eight car field and the main event. Watch for the full story in the September issue. Dusty nmes
You can't get auxi.liary lights any better than competition proven KC's ... and now you can't get any better deal, either. All summer long,)when you buy a pair or a pair pack of KC Staihless Steel Daylighters SS, you'll get two special_ edition light covers-the famous KC 'happy face,' but this time with sunglasses! And, send us the proof of purchase (look for the specially mar~ed KC Dayli9hter SS packages) and we'll send you a FREE vinyl roll-up shade just like the one our beach goers are using. A $7.95 value. · You'll not only be getting the pest auxiliary! lighting available ... you'II extend your summer days long into summer nights with genuine KC HiliTES. Now that adds up to summer savings ... beyond a shadow of; a doubt. 1987 catalog, just $2.00. SunShades available direct for $7.95 plus $2.00 postage and handling. -h w , • KC HiliTES, INC.• Avenida De Luces • Williams, Arizona 86046
Pony Express ••• new "Explorer" lights during this night race and were pleased with their performance. We also got good results with Sports Racing Gasoline. Dear Fellow 1-2-1600 Racers: . race. My job as class rep is to see Thanks to General Tire, I have recently been elected as that problems that arise are Kreider's Welding, Coast your class representative for the handled in a professional Machine (Driveline), Smittybilt, Score/HORA racing series, and manner. Your help and opinions Control Masters and the Conjo hope that I can serve and better are essential in minimizing Off Road Race Team for their the class for all of our enjoyment. · problems and communicating continued support. While I'm On June 17, 1987 I attended our concerns. thanking everyone, I'd like to the first driver representatives YOUR RESPONSE -IS IM-mention our wives. We couldn't meeting with all "buggy" class PERATIVE! Concerns of yours be enjoying this sport without representatives. The purpose of need to be sent to me in writing. their h{'.lp and support, and we'd this meeting was to organize and Please s·e~d along your like to publicly thank them and start a communication flow to comments, negative or positive, let them know how much they convey our classes, concerns and long term of short, for our class -are appreciated. comments to better off road and/ or the benefit of the whole Our whole crew enjoyed the· racing. Hopefully, you will help sport. 4th of July festivities put on by me in doing this job. I need your The five year "no rule change" General Tire and the Donahoe, input to give our class the best will be up shortly. Please list · Renoe and Phillips team. We'd and fairest possible racing , changes you would like to see . like to tell everyone involved, -opportunity. Please, if you feel made. Remember, this is our especially O.J. and Susan, how you have a concern or comment class, and it's up to us to make it much we appreciated their hard that should be addressed, write it work. · work and hospitality. down and send it to me, so I can You have my word that the Several people asked if we are present it at the next meeting. information you send to me will going to be at Riverside. We will The flow chart of communic-get attention and be discussed at be there, but only as spectators. ation goes from each class rep to the next manufacturers' meeting, Since we only have one old CJ 7 Mark McMillin, who is not only if not sooner. In dosing, this that keep on winning, and no the Class 1 rep, but the elected total effort only helps the limited alternate, we have to keep it man to represent us all to the classes to go racin'g with a clear together so we can win the Manufacturers Ad~isory Board. mind. · Inaugural Colorado 300. We'd Other class reps are: Class 2, Rich Minga Hke to make a clean sweep by David Kreisler; Class 10, John 6630 MacArthur Drive, Suite B winning three Inaugurals in a Hagle; Class 5, Stan Parnell; Lemon Grove, CA 92045 row! Class 5-1600, Andy Devercelly; On a somber note, we Challenger, Rich Minga; Class Winning the Fireworks250 by dedicated this race to the 11, Mike Abbott. The organiza-35 minutes was a LOT more fun memory of Bob and Marjory tion of class reps can be a very than losing the Baja Internacional Mellinger, who were the parents positive step toward getting rules by only 35 seconds! My co-of Andy Mellinger; one of our and problem areas cleared up, if driver, Les Erickson, thought it Conejo Off Road Team we work rogether. I need to here was one hell of a birthday members. While in Barstow, he from you soon, and will do my present! I guess we've all been received word of his mother's best to represent the class and "Walterized" and now expect a death. Andy had lost his father keep you informed._ challenging course, and we were only 15 days earlier·. Our Rick Frisby not disappointed this race either. sympathies to him and his 263 Cranston Crest The entire event ran smoothly family. Escondido, CA 92025 except for the long, hot wait in One thing that has always contingency and tech, and the impressed us since we started Fellow Challenger Racers: tight time frame between that racing is the camaraderie that I have recently been elected as and the drivers' meeting. exists between off road racers. class rep in this fast growing We ran a flawless race this From our first race, people have class. As everyone knows, there time. Fortunately, our problems been so generous and helpful. At are a few gray areas in the rules occurred the night before. all the races, but especially this that are very difficult to Thanks to O .J. Schrum and his last one, so many new friends decipher. . son for finding us a transfer case stopped by to tell us where their The intent of this letter is to get • adapter ... they sure saved us a pits and crews would be if we feedback from you on how to long trip home and back. We needed them, or to offer help of m;ike the rules fair for all who used 4 Wheel Parts Wholesalers' any kind. We're sure proud to be DESERT RACING FOR ATVs, BIKES, BUGGIES, CARS & TRUCKS INFO: (619) 427-5759 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1987 RACE 2 .OF OUR FALL DESERT SERIES • LOS EXPLORADORES SEARCH AND RESCUE PLASTER CITY, CALIFORNIA• 90 FREEWAY MILES EAST OF SAN DIEGO Page 14 August 1987 involved with people of this caliber. Mike Schwellinget Conejo Off Road Raci~g T earn Fellow Class 3, 4 and ·14 racers, there seems to be a lot of controversy over who makes the rules in the Score/HORA organizations. After talking to the participants at the Gold Coast, Mint 400 and the Fireworks 250, it seems the only · hang up for the long-wheel-base, short-wheel-base, 4 wheel drive, "run what you brung" classes are the promoters. Let's cut out the static and get bade to the· "run what you brung" racing! There are several classes targeted for elimination because they are unpopular either politically or financially with the manufacturers or the promoters, There are approximately a dozen, possibly more racers, from Classes 3, 4, and 14 with limited race budgets that are not participating because of frequent rule Ghanges that are making their race cars obsolete before they are able to race them. This forces them to race in other organizations or not at all. Does money make the rules or do we racers make the rule? We'll see when the dust settles and when the 1988 racing season starts. If the rest of you don't_ voice your opinions publicly, then you will have to be satisfied with what· the manufacturers tell the promoters to do. Remember, if they plan a race and only the manufacturers' cars show up, who are they going _ to race against? Us sma-11 . guys out number the big boys. You can't be a King without subjects, or a _ Chief without Indians, and you can't promote a race without racers. _ One basic rule of psychology gentlemen: If you remove positive incentives .the ·desired response dies. In other .words, if you change the rules for particular people, then how do you expect your racers to have an enthusiastic, positive· attitude towards you and your racing association. You can't keep taking our money and treating us like dirt. When you make a class rule .change,' it needs to be approved by class members, in advance, after a majority vote. David Quill Garden Grove, CA The off road racing commun-ity _has lost a good man. Last May Christopher (Kit) Cook was killed in a fluke accident. His Baja Bug's rear brake seized, sending the car into several roll overs, ejecting himself and his loved · one out through the sunroof. She will survive, but Kit passed away in the emergency room two hours later. Kit was not racing, but neither of them were wearing their seat belts. This tragic accident would have -been avoided had they been more safety conscious on the road. -Kit was my friend. He and I shared a common interest, enjoying many hours in his garage tinkering with VW engines back at the turn of the 1970s before most folks took horizontally opposed engines seriously. Kit had become a welder extrodinaire, a steel fabrictor and inventor. He shared his love of racing unselfishly with others by ,volunteering his talents as a pit team member for the Checkers at this season's Mint 400 race. Kit had ~ dream. He was very concerned by the myriad threats to off _road racing in the southwest deserts. He felt he could be most effective by being actively involved, as he was doing with the Checkers. He saw the transition off road racing was experiencing. That from a casJJal good ol' boys individual pit crew,. usually of lackad_aisical pre-paredness, arid too much beer drinking, let's pit over here approach. He saw the attendant race management problems informal pitting was causing to the environment, fo ra·ce promoters and organizers, for drivers and spectator safety, and most important, the less than satisfactory results of drivers who depend on the old school of easy going pit crews. Kit looked around, and saw Score/ HORA and Snore and other clubs becoming organized professional racing associations, attracting major sponsors. These clubs have become popular _and properly manage quality events on public lands. Pit teams and dedicated pit crews evolved from this _ response to racing professionalism. Whether or not Kit stayed - with Checkers or started a team of his own, he knew _ the only way to be comfetitive and experience the thril of winning, while ensuring the continuation of off road racing, was to be professional; to self regulate his crew and surround himself with like minded enthusiasts who were serious on ~afety, -who respected the Great Outdoors, who wanted to win, and have loads of fun. Ironically, Kit let safety slide and it cost him his life. l will never forget Kit, and will learn from his fatal misjudgement. His· spirit will live on, and he would be pleased knowing there is a g~owing majority _of _others like hun who offer their ttme, energy and knowledg~; and whose lives are enriched because they trul~ enjoy and protect the sport of off road racing. · Bob Bruno Boulder City, NV DUSTY TIMES w'elcome! letters from all comers of off road . activity. The Pony Express column wil( feature all the mail we can fit into the space available. Please keep your words f 4irly brief. Because of space limitations.,,yqur pearls of prose may be edited, ,but DUSTY TIMES will print youf gripes as well a s your praises. Letters for publication should be at the DUSTY TIMES office by the 15th of the monih ii:i,order to appear in the next issue. HELP STOP THE CRANSTON/WILDERNESS BILL JOIN 1601 10TH ST. SACRAMENTO. CA 95814 INFO 1-800-237-5436 Dusty Times
I . I . . . . . . . . ILEII .HIIIIS WIIS IFF-11111111 · PIii AT JACK IIIPHY STAIIII. 1986 marked the most success~ul year i~ Mazda truck racing history. So it shouldn't come as a Sl}rprise that Glenn Harris wasted little time securing Mazda's first win of the ,987 season in San Diego. Unleashing the Mazda B2000's 270lrotary-driven horsepower, Harris . flew off the starting grid, grabbed the lead and never _looked bpck. Obviously, Harris and the California Gold Racing Team have their sights set on what lies ahead. Another 11 lclz rm---successful year 'for Mazda in 1987. ' 1 ~ . ' t I . I ! I !
Wofid'S Championship Off Road Race ® Race #2 of Series Brush Run 101 September 4th, 5th & 6th - ' World's Championship Off Road Rac_e® 100% Payback * Hot Lap Money, Prizes & Contingency, Tow Money ' . Class a-Guaranteed Purse-$1000• All Classes with $100 Entry Fee Guaranteed $500to~hewinner $20,000 For more Information call: 715-478-3937 Fay Statezny · 715-478-2688 Jake Fl~nnery · Write Brush Run 101 - . · P.O-: Box 101, Crandon, WI 54520 Points Series Take in both of the series sq you can . accumulate points for the $20,000 Points Series. ALL CLASSES.OF CARS & BIKES WILL RACE . s. T. 0 . R. E. Sanctioned . -· Be Ther~ BRUSH RUN 101 · · 1 Mile West of Crandon, Wis~ nsin * June 27th & 28th -Sept. 4th, 5th & 6th I I I I I ....
,, !-I Ge[leral teampu.s on display at:the Fl(l!won Fresh out of development, Jack . grabbed ·it~ third ~ ajor Class .3 Johnson's Nissan Hardbody 4x4 yvinJn four starts. ~111d Willie Val-burst onto the scene to win Class 4. -dez's Ford Ranger ~ad a strong On the Nissan were four new · third place finish inlClass 7S. 35-inch Grabber MT radials. The No matter what you drive biggest, most aggressive Grabber orwhere you play, c:call ever, this tire has wasted no time 1-800-255-2550 for your near-clawing its way'to the head of est General Motor~ports Spe-the class. cialist. He's got thejright tire for But fans at the 4th of July yo1,1. The rugge_d, all:purpose event near Barstow, California Grabber AP. The G~abber 1T for also saw other sparkling perform- tougher on and ott1road use. Or ances from the General team. the mud-tossing, sand-slinging · 1 • • w1nn1ng s250. big 35-inch size. · Get a set today. You'll have yourself a blast. Mike Schwellinger's Jeep CJ-7 Grabber MT, now Jvailable in the1 . ;·.. .. · 1 . . GENERAL TIRE l~ffTFD::~ET~;-·Assodate Sponso,s, American Racing, Flofit, H,nte, Et nee,lng: Monroe, Montgomecy Wacd, TRW
HDRA FIREWORKS 150 Rob MacCachren Blisters the Barstow Course En Route to the Overall Win! By Jean Calvin Photos: Trcickside Photo Enterprises Rob MacCachren never put a wheel wrong on his Chenowth as he led e,very one of the three tough laps at.f3arstow, and won the race over.all, as he did on this course last year as well. The annual sum~er trek to the · torrid desert near Barstow, CA, began in 1972 when AR VRA began the Firecracker 250 off road race to augment their California 400 event in January on the same course. Over the ,years the route has grown longer, the start/ finish area moved more than once, and the name has changed to the Fireworks 250. But, the tough challenge of the July heat, the rugged desert course and the prospect of a twilight event draws both the points chasers and a nost of fun racers to Barstow over the 4th of July weekend every year. In recent years the pre-race activity has become downright civilized. Instead of a dusty desert encalljlpment, the start/ fini~h area is right on the paved rear parking lot of the Barstow Community College. Registra-tion is accomplished in the air conditioned comfort of the college student union, and tech and contingency inspection all happen on the pavement near the green lawns surrounding the college. While there was some Friday regtstration and tech, the bulk of this activity took place in balmy, for the area in July, weather on Saturday morning. The . race start time was and always has been at four in the afternoon. Because of the heavy entry in recel}t years, 293 starters last year, the course has grown in length from.sixty i:o eighty miles. The good news was that three, not four laps were required for a finish under the ten hour time allowance. This year some of the over used sections of the traditional. route were .·replaced with rocky trails, and one new incredible rock garden hill that claimed more than its fair share of victims on the first lap. Seven on course ckeckpoints and the start/finish check kept most competitors on the straight and sometimes narrow paths marked for racing. As the time grew close to four o'clock, the race cars began piling up near the start line. As. usual with HORA, drivers stage themselves except for the last few yards. To avoid the mad dash for the timing line common in the past, a ribbon chicane had been set up on the pavement, and wonder of wonders, rriost of it lasted the night. The final cmmt ,pn entry was 279 starters, a little ' behind last year, but plenty of entry for an eighty mile course. Class 1 was first off the line with several former overall winners in the .pack. The dust posed quite a hazard for all but the front runners, and the new "gotcha" rocks put some down and out in · most every class before the first check. The Class 1 s stayed in close formation up front on the first lap, but young Rob MacCachren served notice early that he intended to repeat his 1986 overall victory. Starting sixth on the one every 15 seconds format, Rob gained first on the road late in the lap, and in clean air he had the Valley Perform-ance Chenowth cranked up to turn fast lap of the day at 1 :24.54. Close behind ar-1 :26.42 was Chet Huffm:;in in the fancy · new O .R.E. powered by a twin cam 1.oyota engine. Just four · seconds further back was Mark McMillin in the Porsche powered Chenowth. -In yet another Chenowth, Rob Gordon was fourth, over four minutes down. The winner here last Decembc;r, Larry Noel was next, a couple more minutes ,back but j.ust seconds ahead of Frank Snook/ Eric Arras, Raceco, and it was some race going. ·The leaders slowed on the middle lap in the heavy traffic they were lapping. MacCachren · stayed in the lead, now having a good ten minutes on Huffman, who had a flat and stopped to fix his torsion adjuster. Only 20 more seconds back, RobGordon was up to third, and Snook/ Arras were fourth with a driver change mid lap. McMillin lost many minutes but held fifth, and Noel lost bags' of time with a broken throttle arm. Starting the last lap Rob Gordon broke an axle and was seen motorscooting around the ·main pits lookiqg for long shocks.· Apparently the , fix didn't work, as his car did ·not finish the final round. MacCachren, who" did a 1:29 middle lap, turned a 1 :27 last lap, and he never relinquished the overall lead; he proved a master of the rough .cou·rse, taking 34 minutes off his overall winning time in 1986. It was one of many Fireworks overall victories for Butch Dean's Valley Perform-ance cars. Rolf Tibblin won in 197 8 and 1979, then Jack Johnson took over the ride and won in 1981, 1983 and 1984, and now Rob MacCachren has · two wins under his belt. Rob said later his only problems was losing the use of his Parker Pumper h~lmet, but -reported no flats. He probably wasn't close enough to the ground half the time to snag a rock. Chet Huffman, who raced alone, held second place all the way to the flag, finishing about 17 minutes behind Rob, good for second overall, and the very best the new and exotic car has done. . The Frank Snook Raceco, with Eric Arras doing the anchor man job, ·moved up smartly on the last lap <;iespite a sickly engine, and was third in Class 1 and overall 13 minutes behind Huffman as the field strung out on the; last lap. Mark McMillin survived his on course woes to finish another three minutes back, fourth 'in Class 1. Soine, 2.4 minutes latef Ivan S.tewart gave it a mighty try in the modified Toyota truck,. . :Bµt,, starting with a broken wheel and tire in the rocks on lap 1, Ivan's trouble continue~} but he finished fifth in class. . ' . • i" Sta~ting late because he did not have an armband, Tom . Koch made up a lot of time, then had major trouble with an on course collision on the last lap. Tom finished sixth ahead of. Larry Noel, whose Chaparral also had more problems. In all, ten Class 1 _Chet Huffman showed the potential of his new ORE powered by a Toyota twin cam engine, and he drove to second in Clas13 1 and Frank Snook and Eric Arras powered through the rough ground in their Raceco to score a keen third overall, and in class! Las Vegas.racers Brian Collins and Derrick Tinney had a good day in their Chenowth, storming around the rocks to take a close second in Class 2. second overall. Tom G. Martin gave his Raceco a good outing and, with young Tevon Murachanian co-driving, finished tight in third place in Class 2. Page 18 David Kreisler and Curley Nobles had some troubles on course, but they got the super long Raceco around for a good fourth in the Class 2 ranks. . August 1987 Coming back from disaster in Baja, Jack and Scott Irvine held their Raceco together handily to score a great second spot in Class 10 action. - ' Dustynmes
Gorky and Scott McMillin zipped around the course in the Chenowth Porsche to a close victory in Class 2, and father and son took fifth overal/'as well. Jim Stiles his slick Raceco to his third Class 10·victory of the season, and Stiles ran so fast that he finished way up the scale in fourth overall. · · cars finished, the highest ratio of any class in the race, 66. 7 percent of the 15 starters. The two dozen Class 2 chargers were next away, and this was a multi car race all the way around the rough 80 miles. After one lap the Raceco of Bob Richey/Tom Baker led with a 1 :30.57, followed in less than a minute by the Raceco-Porsche of Danny Letner/Henry Bergdahl, and they were less than a minute ahead of Tom and Steve Martin, the Mint 400 winners. Another half minute back was Corkv McMillin in · his Chenowth-Porsche, with nearly two minutes margin on Brian Collins/ Derrick Tinney. It was a ti_ght battle! · Letner dropped out on the second lap with carburetion · trouble, and Corky Mc:Millin, with son Scott co-driving after his own entry went out after one lap, took over the lead at two-thirds distance. Less than five minutes back Brian Collins slid -intosecond spot, and the Raceco of .Tom Martin/Tevon Mur-achanian was no~ third, about three more minute~ down. The Martin Brothers dropped to tenth, and went out on lap 3, and Bob Richey lost nearly an hour on the middle lap.I M_eanwhile Steve Casagrande pushed his Mirage into fourth ahead of Dave Kreisler, who was d:elayed in an Another father and son team, Dick and Gary Wehyrich, whipped their family Raceco around the tough run to place a close third in Class 10. Less than a minute out of third spot in Class 10, Russell 1 Welch is a real contender in his ORE, and fourth in class was also 13th overall. · j Steve Barlow scram/:)les up one of the many hills on course in his ORE en route to a very close second place in the 51 car herd of 1-2-1600s. Returning to the 1-2-1600 wars, Jim Sumners and company drove his Raceco to a close finish, fourth in class by less than two minutes. Dusty Times Bounding over the desert Darren Wilson 1was only five minutes out of the 1-2-1600 victory at the flag in his Mirage, good for third in class. I John Cooley and Mark Fox are another swifJt team in Class 5, and this round they had some trouble, b t took a clean second place at the flag. • I August 19is1 on--cou rse collision. Not much changed up front as the daylight faded on the last lap. Corky McMillin and family continued to lead with no strain, )Slnwirn! a hit on the final rn"~(~ This is the system run by most off road race \winners I-I but finishing with a,total time of 4:53.15, good for theClass2 win and fifth overall. Collins and Tinney -hung on in second in Class 2, just over two minutes back ari;.., TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS GO FOR 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 19
Bob Scott and Mike Voyles are another triple class winner this year, and the swift team led every lap in the O.R.C., winning Class 1-2-1600 by 3'h minutes. The Class 5 race was a tight one all the way, but Jim Cocores and Don Robertson survived the rocks the best, and the pair won the class by a margin of over ten minutes. Manny and Tudy Joe Esquerra had a fantastic run in the c·lass 7 Ford Ranger, having no visible trouble, and they won the class not by minutes, but nearly three hours. Dave Shoppe and Larry Maddox had to race every inch of the way in their big Ford, and they did, scoring first in Class 8 in the tight battle, and eighth overall as well. \Jr the flag with a swift final Mark Milleron was slightly lap. Tom G. Martin and young wounded in the foot. But they Tevon Murachanian held on carried on with failing brakes, tight to third place, about six broke a CV ten miles from the more minutes down, whi'le Dave finish, but were fifth in Class 2. Kreisler and Curley Nobles did In sixth was the Baja winning salvage fourth after their team of Bob Gordon and Tim troubles. Steve Casagrande hit a . Crabtree, who had lots of little wall of dirt and his co-driver problems. Richey ended up 7th, CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE ,ii . K & N FILTERS .:_ RAPID COOL -~ . ;~·.· . . • TRI MIL-BUG PACK , ~ BILSTEIN -CENTERLiNE -crnii-~-HEWLAND -PORSCHE TURBO C/V Oflroad Raceur V' BEARD SEATS-PARKER PUMPER Parts & Accessories . YOKOHAMA TIRES -SUPER TRAPP GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS -SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS - KC HILITES - McKENZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA-BLUE- -l!L TRA BOOT -NEAL PRODUCTS CENTER LINE PH .. , l/tH/11\ OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday -Friday - 8:30 a.m. -·s:oo p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m. I BEFORE YOU BUY-TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! I . 1294S SHERMAN WAY -NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 9160S . {818) 765-5827 • {818) 764-6438 Page 20 and 13 finished in Class 2. A fine field of 27 Class 10s went into the battle next, but several did not survive the rock pile hill by the Slash X Ranch on the first lap, the most common failure being flats and clutches. In all, eleven did not cover the first lap. Jerry Leighton turned a swift 1 :33.01 · first lap to put his Raceco in the early lead, but just under two minutes back lurked the team of Mike Julson and Ben Hibbs, Chenowth. Less than _ another two minutes down, Jim Stiles was after another win in his · Raceco, and he was only two seconds ahead of Dick and Gary Weyhrich. Craig Watkins/Greg Aronson were in the next minute, with Jack and Scott Irvine just another minute back. What a race this was on the dusty rough course, as the Class !Os were lapping many cars on the middle round. . Heading into the final lap Jim . Stiles took the lead by seconds over Julson/Hibbs, who failed to finish the lap. The Weyhrichs were third now, a couple minutes ahead of Leighton, who had the lrvines a couple minutes astern. Russ Welch was two more min_utes back in sixth, with several more in the same bfanket. Watkins and Aronson slowed with clutch trouble on the final round and did not finish . Jim Stiles turned up the wick on his Rabbit engine and sailed August1987 home the Class fb winner, and who were just five seconds ahead fourth overall. Having won at of Willie Melancon. Ray Croll both Parker and the Gold Coast, and Chris Gilbert were a couple Jim Stiles is really in the points minutes back in fourth, followed hunt. He had just one flat, and in a minute by Darren Wilson, also lost his lights on the last lap, just ahead of Steve Barlow, and but he borrowed some lights so it went among the top 20 in from a friern;lly Score truck class. driver. About l4 minutes back · Scott and Voyles slowed a tad Jack Irvine and his son Scott on the middle lap with a driver claimed a strong second place in_ change, but held about six the Raceco, less than two_ minutes lead over Darren minutes ahead of Dick Weyhrich Wilson. Peterson and Mears lost and his son Gary, and they had hours, and vanished on lap 3, less than a minute on Russell while Melancon went out on lap Welch who went solo in his 2. Croll/Gilbert dropped some O .R.E. Baja winners Bill Church time, more on the final lap and and his son Michael snagged fifth eventually finished 12th. In third place points, followed by Joey here was Steve Barlow, just a Adzima, Jr., then Jim Greenway minute behind Wilson. A in seventh, and a dozen finished familiar name a few years back, in Class 10. Jim Sumners was a few minutes An incredible 51 cars took the back in fourth in his Raceco. The ·green flag in Class 1~2-1600, Jack Ramsay Bunderson, piloted making the Fireworks the fourth · at this race by Rick Mills and series race this year where this Don Hatz, was up to fifth here, class has topped 50 starters! but Ramsay was home in Vegas Over half, 27 of them finished. awaiting the birth of his new son . Some of the herd came to grief in A flat in the bushes and severe . the dust on the rock pile hill, and suspension problems put the when the last 1600 passed this Bunderson down to 20th on the point, a couple dozen buggies of final lap. all classes were stranded there, Having no visible trouble, Bob some broken, some high Scott and Mike Voyles kept up centered, some turned turtle. the hot pace on the final round Watch for this shot on the ESPN and won the huge class in the coverage of the Fireworks 250. O .R.C. by over 3½ minutes. It As always the competition was was the third victory this season keen among the 1600s. After one for the team, having scored at the lap Bob Scoti:/Mike Voyles had a Gold Coast and the Great less than two minute lead on Art Mojave, and they might well be Peterson and Roger Mears, Jr., · back in the overall points lead. Dusty nmes
Using a spare tire for a bumper, George Seeley and Howard Anderson ran well the whole distance and were fourth in Class 5, very close to third. Richard Llewellyn and Jerry Miller had fast lap and tl:e Class 5 lead after one round, but droppedltime later and finish, d t~ird in class. . I ·. Russ and Luke Jones pressed on· in their Class 7 Ford Ranger, covering all three laps and they were the surprise of the race, , second in class. Walker Evans and Randy Anderson stayed close all day in the Class 8 Dodge, but Evans had to settle for second place, four minutes behind. Steve Kelley and George Eckardt lfid the first lap in Class Bin the ohn yck and Brian Scheuring ran a good pace all day in their Chevrolet, dropped a tad of time later and ended up third in.class. Jeep, and came close to winning Class 4, but ended up an official Steve Barlow kept his O.R.E. together handily for second spot, besting Darren Wilson, Mirage, by the . three minutes he picked up on the last lap. Veteran Jim Sumners stayed in fourth, about seven minutes back, followed in " 10, atc1ci'i!l1l't~til1'b"~;~~r, McKenzies1Automt1i1vt .. . . I . . · I second place. less than two minutes by Perry McCowen and ~rian South-C:lass. One flat tire and you can and J.M. Coan. worth were just ONE second drop ten spots in 1600 action. · Another three minutes back back in eighth, fol lowed in TWO Class 5 was down to ten came the Mirage of Dan Araujo · seconds by Jim· Fishback and starters, but most of them were and David Ramirez, followed in Chuck Miller. The next several real contenders. · All but one five minutes by Dennis Fry. It places were all about a minute rilade the first tough lap in heavy gets really tight from here as Pete apart in this very !tight running traffic. Richard Llewellyn and 12945.Sherman· Way, North Hollywood, CA-9i6Q5>;f\ (818J 764·-64~11J818J zq57512z .. ',:::,:,-::~·••: •,,, ::,,: ·::•,: .,:;::;.... ':::,:,,:,.;:,,,','' , :~ « Dusty Times August 1987 Jerr.y Miller led the pack after the first 80 miles with a swift 1 :42.32, fast lap for the class. But, 3½ minutes back John Cooley and Mark Fox were pushing hard, holding a mere 19 seconds i;w-Page 21 1 1 I 1
Jack.Johnson brought smiles to the Nissan camp, as he led every lap in Cf ass 4, and despite trouble on the last round, he won the ten rig class by_over 14 minutes. It was a tight fight in Class 5-1600 all the way, but Tom Neth a_nd Jason Bates took the lead on the middle lap, held the lead and won the race by less than three minutes. The tough Barstow course put an end to. the winning streak for Rod Hall and Jim Fricker, as carburetion trouble in the Dodge dropped them to third. David Hendrickson and Grant Steele Jed the first round in Class 5-1600, but dropped a couple of minutes later, and finished second in class. Andy L. and Andy R. DeVercelly had a fine run at Barstow, and the father and son team finished a strong third in the 21 car 5-1600 competition. f}P-on Jim Coco res and Don Robertson, who had four minutes on Craig Slater. dropped ten minutes and to third. Llewelyn/ Miller were two more minutes back, about the same distance ahead of David Alan Pick and George Jackman, who were a minute ahead of George Seeley, Jr. and Howard Anderson, and it w,as still anybody's race. Cocores and Robertson swept into the lead on the middle lap, with a four minute margin on Slater, now second. Cooley/ Fox On the final lap Craig Slater did a 1 :46 to take the unofficial win in Class 5, but when the dust settled he was docked the last lap for missing Checkpoints 5 and 6. {" NEVADA, v::as OFF-ROAD it's ... BUGGY N ~ X :;;, Street -Stock - Baja Race or Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay We've Got Your VW Parts See Brian ~ . .\H-\H-\ 2 See Dave > ....,_....;;.._,l.;,,;H,;,,;,11_·.._,;..__ Locations to ~x <& :s WEST , 3054 Valley View 871-4911 • 871-5604 . Serve You Better! . ~( :: &() '1< 01> ~ NORTH 1541 N. Eastern 642-2402 • 642-1664 NOW 2 LOCATIONS Page 22 August 1987 z 0 I-C., ~ I: cJ) ~ N The winner was theO.R.C. car of back some time to start the final Jim Cocores and Don Robertson, lap about 12 minutes behind. who had no real trouble along However, just into the final the way. Cooley and Fox made round, the·Mears Nissan lost fuel back some time in their Jimco pressure, and it turned out to bea car, and were second, about ten broken timing belt, and repairs minutes back. They were 11 could not be made quickly. So, •minutes ahead of Richard Manny and Tudy Esquerra Llewellyn and Jerry Miller, Jr., in claimed yet another Class 7 the Frisk car. Seeley and victory for Ford, finishing nearly Anderson got close, but they three hours ahead of Russ and were fourth, by less than two Luke Jones in another Ranger. minutes, well ahead of Pick. A baker's dozen started in Having trouble all day, Hartmut Class 8, but tive were missing on and Wolfram Klawitter were the lap 1, including Steve McEach-sixth and final finisher in Class 5. em, who blew an engine in the Class 7 came up with eight Chevy, and Don McCormack, starters, a couple of them Nissan with overheating problems in the ringers. Similar to the Mint 400, · GMC. Up front it was a visual Frank Honsowetz started in a race as Steve Kelley and George Nissan, as did Cathy Suess, of the Eckardt just barely led by 38 Spencer Low team, with Carol seconds in the Chevy. Dave Mears co-driving. The girls were Shoppe and Larry Maddox were having so much fun they covered next in the Ford, and Walker · the whole first lap, but neither Evans had his Dodge a mere 24 Honsowetz or Larry Ragland got more seconds back in third. far down the course, nor did Frank Vessels had a flat and Cameron Steele who blew the dropped bac~, still fourth about engine in his Chevy S-10 on lap six minutes down. 1. While the extra entry helped Round 2 saw Dave Shoppe this endangered class, it is still leading by 11 seconds over three entries short of the 36 car · Walker Evans, and Steve Kelley quota for the first six races of the was two minutes back in third, series. Also out on the first lap with a flat tire. Vessels had more was the Chevy of Dan Bourg and problems and dropped a lot of Joe Veillon. time on the final two laps, and he Manny Esquerra had his Ford eventually got his Chevy home out front on the first lap with a fifth. Up front on the final lap 1 :46.18 lap, while rival Roger Dave Shoppe did not waver, and Mears had two flats · in the big he had his only flat just before rocks and was about seven the finish line and won Class 8 by minutes back. Mears, however, almost four min.utes. Walker made a long pit stop to fix his Evans had one flat about 30 miles shocks, and he ~ctually started from the finish , and he put the the second lap about 23 minutes Dodge home in second. Kelley, down. Russ and Luke Jones were who had a total of two flats and a long third in their Ford, and no other trouble, was third, only these three started -the exactly six minutes behind Evans middle lap. . in a real horse race. Greg and Ron Esquerra kept up his front Kishiyama ran steady all day to running pace, and Mears made take Jlr Dusty Times
After a swift start, nagging problems stowed Mark McMillin's Chenowth but he carried on to finish a close fourth in Class 1. Matt Pike and Burt McReady drove a Dodge pickup this time in Class 4, and they trucked into a fourth place finish. Racing into the setting sun, Rich Ming a and Tom Ray had plenty of woes, but carried on to place fifth in Challenge Class. Dan Araujo and Dave Ramirez climbed hills fast enough in their Mirage to take·a close sixth in the big Class 1-2-1600. Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling ran out of luck at Barstow and the '55 Chevy did only two laps, good for third place. Dusty nrncs Steve Casagrande: go t in just one clean tap, the second, but he, Perry and J.M. Coan drove consistent taps in the Bunderson to Pressed on in thJiM/ra_ge .to a fine tlinish, fifth in Class 2) ·· bring it home a good fifth in the huge Class 1-2-1600. · . . i·.. . . I Greg and Ron Kishiyama drove their older Ford quickly "in Class 8, and the brothers finished with a fine fourth place. Baja winners Bill and Michael Church ran another consistent race at Barstow, and ended up fifth in the Class 10 contkst. Dennis Fry and company charge down a rare smooth road on course to take a seventh place in · the close running Class 1-2-1600. . · Roger Mears looked strong here, but had myriad mechanical problems and Roger was third in Class 7, a non-finisher. I . August 1f87 Ernesto Arambula and Beltram Alberto came from Ensenada to race their Bug, and they finished fifth in Class 5-1600. Mike Randall and Josh Burner had only a few problems with the Jeep Comanche, and they finished "third in Class 7 4x4. Former Class 11 A champion, Barstow;s Jim Clements, and Mac Delaney, raced in Challenge Class this year, and took sixth place. Having more fun than anybody else at Barstow, Cathy Suess and Carol Mears did a full lap in Class 7, fourth in the ~ow pre-n1nner. Page 23 t
. coLORJ\l>0 ~~t. Craig, Colof ado ~Q · ~ on the Continental Divide ()"' I I --c~--- ~ - r OFF1p1AL VEHICLE OF THE HORA 1987 SERIES September 11 -13,1987 Schedule of Events SATURDAY,SEPTEMBER12 BOSCH->:,VvoKoi-iAMA FRIDAY, AUGUST 14 1 :00 p.m. Drawing for Starting Positions, HDRA Office, Las Vegas FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 8:00 a.m. Race Starts (All cars have 10 hours from the ti me they leave the Start Line to complete the race.) 8:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. Driver Registration, Tech & Contingency, Holiday Inn Depart Holiday Inn for Parade Lap. 10:00 p.m. . . Posting of unofficial results at the Holiday Inn. Protest time follows for one hour. SUNDAY,SEPTEMBER13 8:00 a.m. Awards Presentation, Holiday Inn Parade Lap begins from Start/Finish (40 miles west of Craig at Sand Wash area off Hwy 318) -'~L HORA RACE THE HIGH CQ_UNTR.Y ___ · HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION HORA COLORADO 300 (DOUBLE POINTS RACE) ENTRY FEES: Classes·1 - 4 .... ...................................... $400.00 Challenger ........... . .................. . . . · . .......... $300.00 50% PAYBACK PLUS CONTINGENCY AWARDS *$1 0.00 OF EACH ENTRY PAYBACK TO POINTS FUND INSURANCE: All entries . ........... .................. .. .............. $65.00 LATE FEE: ............. . .. . . . . . ........................... $50.00 (Any entry for which we have not received a deposit by September 8) HORA MEMBERt,HIP FEE: .............................. . ....... $50.00 Driver of Recor.d is the only Driver who is eligible fo_'.: points. If there is a change in the Driver of Record after the drawing, no points will be awarded to the entry. THE SEVENTH EVENT OF THE 1987 HORA/SCORE . CHAM_PION.SHIP POINTS SERIES SEPTEMBER 11-13, 1987 MAIL ENTRIES TO: HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOC. 12997 LAS VEGAS BLVD. SO. . LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89124 (702) 361'-5404 ENTRY DEPOSITS REQUIRED: All Classes . .. . . . . . .. ..... . $100.00 · I REQUEST A NUMBER D AS DRAWN O REAR START I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ri--------------------------------------------1 I I I I . DRIVER: AGE: HORA NO. . ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: 71P: DRIVER'S L'ICENSE NO. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER PHONE Np. •· -CO-DRIVER: 'AGE: HORA NO. . -ADDRESS: CITY: • ; "-STATE: ZIP: . DRIVER'S LICENSE NO. , SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER PHONE NO; ., CO-DRIVER: AGE: HORA NO. - ; . . ,,, CITY: ' ADDRESS: - . . ' -STATE: ZIP: DRIVER'S LICENSE NO. SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER PHONE NO. , CO-DRIVER: AGE: HORA N·o. ADDRESS: C ITY: , STATE: ZIP: DRIVER'S LICENSE NO. ' PHONE NO. --SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER . VEHICLE OWNER: ADDRESS: CLASS: ENGINE DISPLACEMENT: ENGINE MA~E: CHASSIS/MAKE: . MODEL: YEAR: -.. SPONSOR INFORMATION: WINNER'S PRIZE CHECKS SHOULD BE PAID TO: SOCIAL SEC URITY NUMBER/TAX I.D. NUMBER Entry Fees All contestants under 18 years of age must have Are Not Refundable parent's or guardian's notarized consent. ABSOLUTELY No Personal or Company checks will be accepted after September 1st. $10 charge on all returned checks. . I•. I! ' 1,
l I · Never worse than second on time, Paul and David Simon scored big -at Barstow in their Ford Ranger, winning the Class 7S battle and giving Ford three winners in the race. ft was a sweet victory in Class 3 for Mike Schwelfinger and bes Erickson whose Jeep CJ 7 tpok the lead on the middle· lap and won the race by a big_ margin, 36 minutes. David Ashley and Wally Kaiser came on strong on the fast, dark lap to bring the Jeep Comanche home in good time, second in Class 7S. Don Adams and Larry Olsen brought the Jeep CJ 7 out one more time at Barstow, .led the first Lap, but dropped to second in Class 3 at the flag. · · · • •' · Looking a little like a funny car, Gale Pike and Steve Hummel ran steady in the Dodge Ramcharger, and their reward.wa·s a thlfd !r fourth in their older Ford. The GMC of David Westhem and Bill Holmes was the sixth a'nd final Class 8 finisher. Class 4 had a healthy ten on the start line, and they all did at least one lap. The surprise leader after one lap was Jack Johnson, THE with SCCA racer Max Jones riding shotgun. Jack did fast lap for the class at an incredible 1 :39.46. After a close duel with Frank Arciero for the first 50 miles, Rod Hall was about ten minutes back in second, and Arciero had suspension trouble WRIGHT PLACE~. COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to. install and adjust. Wrenches . come with the kit for adjustments. Anot'her great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 26 with the Chevy and lostwell over an hour. Rod Inch and Jim Roebuck had th~ir Jeep in third, about 2·0 minutes down·, and . John Dyck/Brian Scheuring were fourth in anothei: , Jeep, followed by Tom Strong/Steve Borden, Chevy. place in Class 3. · Jack Johnson slowed by ten minutes on lap 2, and,still led; holding 18 :minutes over T,om Strong, who was second. The Dyck Jeep was third, about five more minutes back, followed by Rod Inch. Rod Hall was down to ·fifth, • with carburetor problems that flooded the cab with fuel. Arciero had down time fixing the alternator and was sixth, and he went out on the last lap with rear In with the leaders the entire distance, Mike and Roy Taylor had no serious problems and came in a tight fourth in Class 5-1600. end failure. and Grant Steel~ turned fast lap The final lap saw Johnson in for the class, 1 :58.43, to take a trouble, losing over an hour slim .lead. Tom Neth and Jason when the battery died, and they . Bates held second with 2:00.21, had to wait for,the chase truck to and just four minutes behind bring in a fresh power source. them were Mike and Roy.Taylor, However, the lead held up, and only nine seconds ahead of David Jack Johnson and Max Jones gave Anckner and Dave Simpson. A Nissan their first Class 4 title in whole bunch.were in the next few the series. Finishing second on minutes as this class ran in nose the road, about seven minutes to tail gr:oups most of the back, were Tom Strong and distance. . Steve Borden. But, they were · Neth and .Bates did another docked the last lap for missing two hour flat lap to take the lead Check 1, and dropped to fifth. at two-thirds distance, but they Officially second, only 14 had just over three minutes on minutes behind the winner, was l;,Iendrickson/Steele. ·At· this the Jeep of John Dyck and Brian point the father and son Andy Scheuring, followed in 21 DeVercellys moved into third, minutes by- Rod Hall and Jim about 11 more minutes back, . Fricker in the Dodge that with Mike and Roy Taylor right continued to have ·troubles. A on their bumper, less thari a couple more hours back, Matt minutt in arrears·. Anckner/ Pike and Burt McCready · got . Simpson were fifth hel'e, less their Dodge home fourth. than a minute back, but they lost Class 5-1600 had a big,herd of 40 minutes on the final round Bugs, 21 on the &tarting line, and and finished seventh. · this battle was hard fought all day The order held . up front, and into the night. _After one although ev~ryone slowed on the tough lap David Hendrickson , ,finaL._!oop in the dark, when the August 1987 rocks grew bigger and the trails more rutted. Tom Neth and Jason Bates, driving the reported former pre-runner, won the marbles in Class 5-1600, and it was a race right to the wire. Hendrickson and DeVercelly turned identical lap times on the final round, but David Hendrick-. son and Grant Steele finished three minutes behind the winner for second place, while the., DeVercelly family were solid in · third. Mike and Roy Taylor held , onto fourth, and Ernesto Arambula and Beltram Alberto came up the ranks to claim fifth spot. In all, a husky 14 of the 21 starters finished the course. Class 7S turne0 out 17 strong, and remarkably, nine .of them finished the course had to be tough on 2 WO ·stock trucks. One interesting entry was a '78 Datsun pickup driyen by Evan Evans, Walker's soti,,but he did n(?t cover · a lap, nor did four others'. Zooming into, the early lead,was the·Ford Ranger of Gary Dircks and Rick Doe_tsch, with a Dusty nmes
On home ground at Barstow, Rick Johnson paced the race well iri his Hi Jumper, took the lead on the last lap and the defending points champion won the 44 car Challenge Class. Mike Lesle made the Jeep folks happy at Barstow, and his Jeep Comanche led all three laps in Class 7 4x4, winning the class by the huge margin of 49 minutes. . I Larry Martin led the first two laps in Challenge Class, carried a Mike Ward and Mike Free whipped tl;leir always tidy T-M1ag hard Danny Ashcraft and Jim Houck finished fourth by just one spare for a passenger, diced here with spectators and finished in on the last lap and climbed up the ranks to finish third in minute in the Challenge Class, as they ran with the leaders all · second spot. · Challenge Class. I I day in the Raceco. 3½ minute margin over Paul and · on the last go to slide their kept plugging along and got the Mike Falkosky lost his fuel purrip David Simon in another Ford. Comanche into second in Class Nissan home for fourth place on the last lap, and later ran out Showing real promise, Pete 7S, about nine minutes ahead of points, about 20 minutes ahead of gas just a few miles out, but he Sohren and Sean Moss had their , Willie Valdez and Jose Alvarado. of Chuck Johnson/Scott borrowed enough fuel from a Mitsubishi in third, less than a Spence Low and Paul DeLang Douglas, who had lost a spring. spectator to finish sixth in class. I-Class 3 fielded six starters, but· it is still in danger, two shy of the six race quota. At Barstow two dropped out on the first lap, and up i;-,. minute back and merely 40 seconds up on Willie Valdez, in another Ford. It looked to be a cou~se that favored Ford's twin ·1 DESERT RACING FOR ATV' S • BUGGIES • BIKES • CARS & TRUCKS beam front end. . Favorite Spencer Low had carb flooding in his Nissan and was well back. Other former class winners Chuck John'son/ Scott Douglas and Mike and Pat Falkosky, were having troubles, mainly just getting up the rock hill. Dircks and Doetsch did a 1:53.51 second lap and held a commanding lead, 25 minutes over Simon and Simon. Valdez held third, another 14 minutes down, followed in eight minutes by Sohren's Mitsubishi, which had an odd problem at Checkpoint 2 where a control worker banged and broke the truck windshield with the stop sign. Spence Low was back in form and in fifth, holding less than a minute on Dave Ashley, Jeep. The third round in the dark was tough for the mini trucks. Three more went down for the count, including the leading Dircks Ford. Sohren had over four hours on the lap with fuel pump problems, but finished eighth. Atthe checkered flag Paul and David Simon gave Ford its third class win of the night, finishing first with a 30 minute margin. Simon had four flats and got stuck once on the "hill". He credited running last year's lower power engine as a factor in getting to the finish line first. Dave Ashley and Wally Kaiser turned their fastest lap, a 2:01, Dusty Times SAT. AUG. 8, 1987 SAT. OCT. 3, 1987 · THUR. DEC. 31, 1987 FUDPUCKER R~CING TE~M • _(619) 427~5759 THREE RAC·E F AL~ DESERT SERIES August 1987 Page 27
Bill Russell, with Melville Sharpe co-driving, won his second Class 6 title in a row, and this time the handsome Chevrolet Camara was the only finisher in Class 6. George Gow/and and Michael Rorick had the Toyota wired for Barstow, and they led all three laps, were the only finisher, and increased their points lead in Class· 14. · Jerry McDonald and Leo Brown could not quite get the Chevy S-10 out front this time, and the team finished a comfortable second in 7 4x4. Wes·and Greg Moser nailed the lead and fast lap on the first go in Class 6, but the Ford had a disaster on lap 2, then retired in second place. Ramon Castro and Guito Vega were only nine minute.s back on lap 1, but dropped more time in the dark, and finished well, second in Class 11. .r;w-front it was _ a tight battle b-etween the CJ 7s. Don Adams · and Larry Olsen led Mike Schwillinger and Les Erickson by a skinny 37 seconds. Third running Gale Pike and Steve Hummell had the Dodge Ramcharger back a tad in third, but well ahead of the Bronco of Mark Hutchins and Gary Stewart. Mike Schwellinger took over from Erickson on the second lap, and he turned fast lap . for the class at 2:16.00, and passed the leading Adams Jeep about ten miles out on the middle lap to take the lead. Adams/ Olsen SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF-ROAD CHASSIS · * * * * * FOX TRACKSIDE SERVICE congratulates the winners using our progressive suspension systems in the -HDRA FIREWORKS 250 -Class 10 - 1st - Jim Stiles Class 7S - 1st - Paul Simon Class 7 4x4 - 1st -Mike Lesle Class 1 - 2nd - Chet Huffman Class 1~-2-1600 - 1st - Bob Scott 2nd - Steve Barlow 3rd - Darren Wilson • Externally Adjustable Progressive Rate, "Hoating" Spr'ing $hocks. • Multi-Stage Air Shox with Floating Springs. • Ava'ilable with 5/8" Stainless Shafts and T:...7076 Sleeves and Reservoirs. WE OFFER COMPLETE SYSTEMS UTILIZING QUALITY COMPONENTS FROM FOX FACTORY, SWAY-A-WAY AND NORTH AMERICAN RACING. Page 28 SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF-ROAD CHASSIS #15 745 SUNSET RD., HENDERSON, NV 89015 702-565-D.I.R.T. August 1987 dropped 30 .minutes somewhe·re but held second over Pike. The Hutchins Bronco. stayed in fourth, but did not finish, taking seven hours to do the first two .laps; they may · have run out of time. , Mike Schwellinger stormed on through the last dark lap and scored a big victory over rival Don Adams, leading by 37 minutes at the flag. The winning CJ 7 was one of a few race cars that had no flats. Gale Pike finished a:bout 24 minutes back of Adams in third spot. Gaining numbers every race, the Challenge Class had an enormous fie Id of 44 on the I ine. Most of these drivers do not relate their war stories, so we have scant information on who broke what and where. After one lap Mint 400 winner Larry Martin had fast lap of 2:03.31 in his Chenowth, out front by two minutes over Jim Delaney/ Bart Hamilton, Funco SS 1, who had a disaster on lap 2 and did not finish lap 3. Barstow's Rick Johnson was a few more minutes back in third, and Pancho Bio, who got a late while adding a spare tire on the line, was in · fourth, . another minute. down, but Bio went no farther. Danny Ashcraft and Jim Houck were less than another minute back in the Raceco, followed by Kay and Rick McLean, a minute more down in the T Mag. After two laps Larry Martin held a seven minute lead on Rick Johnson, while Ashcraft/ Houck were only six more minutes back in third. Mike Ward and Mike Free were up to fourth, and the McLeans were fifth, almost tied with Rich Richardson and Kevin Perrault, whose Jimco vanished on the last lap. Rich Minga and Tom Ray were climbing back, now seventh, after being stuck on the rock hill and damaging the clutch. Later on they lost a wheel and the lights. Larry Martin dropped time, a good 20 minutes on the last lap, and it was enough to let Rick Johnson take the lead and win the Challenge Class in his Hi Jumper. Martin was just nine minutes back in second. Mike Ward and Mike Free whipped their T Mag into third, another seven minutes out, pushed hard by D~nny Ashcraft and Jim Houck, fourth by just one minute. With Tom Ray driving the last half, Rich Minga's Chenowth got fifth place money about ten more minutes back andjust43 seconds ahead of Barstow's Jim Clements and Mac Delaney. The top six were well ahead of the field of 16 finishers. The McLeans actually finished in seventh place, but were penalized the last lap for missing Checkpoint 1-on the lap. The absolute last overall three lap finisher..,... a dubious honor, was the team of Nick Gross and ' Joe Valentine, their T Mag taking an extra two hours on the first lap and finishing in_ 9:42.27. With nine starters Class 7 4x4 is a full seven ahead of the quota and should make the cut at season's end. , Contenders Michael Horner: Chevy, and John Swift, Ford, were both out on the , first lap, as was Jim Conner, whose Nissan retired at Check 6 with trans and clutch failures. Mike Lesle grabbed the early lead, tu_rning fast lap at -1 :59.31. in the Jeep Comanche. Mike Randall had his Jeep closest of all, eight minutes back on lap 1, just ~ Dusty Times
• I SEE THE "REAL . . . V · NEVADA :250 August 22, 19187 • I . ' I I ,, ..... .....u .... "----.Mi Silver Dust Racing Assopiation · · Phone: (702) 459-0317 PO Box 7380 • Las Vegas, NV 89125
! . I I I I I ! l I I 1 I I I I I ) i \ ( i I 1 Mike Abbott and Fausto Parisotto were the fastest of the dozen Class 11 starters at Barstow, and they covered their two laps in excellent time to take the win. [lit" three minutes ahead of ally on lap 2 as Russell did Jerry McDonald, Chevy S-10, another 2:24 lap to take a huge who was followed by Gregg lead. The Mosers took almost six Symonds, Toyota. hours to cover the lap, retiring in The middle lap saw Mike Lesle second place, while Schwacofer increase his lead to 19 minutes, wasn't much quicker and erided now with Jerry McDonald in up third. Bill Russell and Meville second. The Randall Jeep used an · Sharpe carried on, this last round extra hour for the lap, but held doing a 3:24, to be the only third as Gregg Symonds had . finisher and the Class 6 winner. torsion bar woes and took six They would have won by hours hours on lap 2, then retired. anyhow, without the third lap. William and Kenneth Taylor did Class 14 also came up with six two laps in a Nissan and then ran starters, but the class is now shy out of time. seven on the six race quota Mike Lesle stretched it out in number, and may be the most the Jeep on the lastlap, taking the endangered class of all. On lap 1 flag first with a safe 49 minute G.T. Gowland and Michael margin in victory. Jerry Rorick had the Toyota in front McDonald'sChevywascomfort- with class fast lap of 2:16.17. able in second, holding 32 David Quill had his unique minutes over third placing Mike Chevy Special a mere eleven Randall in another Jeep, and only minutes back in. second, and these three finished. David Bryan/ Debbie Keefe were Class 6 is climbing out of the just another three minutes back, endangered group too, with six as all but one made the first lap. starters at Barstow and lacking Lloyd Riggins in the older just one to have made the six race Gow land truck was fifth, behind quota. Still, a pair did not get far, the Lance Martin Chevy S-10, and a third, the Pacer of Larry I but went no farther. and Yvonne Stone made one five Gowland opened a lead of 21 hour lap. Turning fast class lap at minutes over Quill on lap 2, 2:04.04, Wes and G_reg Moser Bryan had trouble and dropped had their Ford Ranchero out to fourth, almost an hour behind front for the first lap. To the rear Martin/ Gregory, now third. ·the Baja winning Camaro of Bill• George Gowland went on to Russell was a mere two minutes finish the third lap in good time, ah~d of long time champs Larry and won Class 14 with a total Schwacofer and Sid Spradling in time of 7:42.11. David Quill the '55 Chevy. broke a ball joint 25 miles out on The icture changed dramatic- the last lap, got it fixed and STRONGER AXLES AND OUTPUT BELLS Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion a~les o_nyour"pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. _Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV.or 930 C. V. JOmts. Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C.V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C. V.s are threaded 3/8-24. . Axles and bells for the 930 C. V.s can be supplied with 3/ 8-24 or 1 O mm 1.5 pitch threads. 10 mm · 1. 5 Is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars: FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 30 finished the third lap six minutes overtime, but his two official laps were good for second spot. Both Lance Martin and David Bryan also ran out of time on the ten hour allowance. A whopping dozen Beetles showed up at Barstow, not the type of course that would be fun in a Class l l. Sure enough, five of,them went out on the first lap. Taking anywhere from five to eight hours to do the first lap, four more did not cover the second of two laps required for an official finish in Class 11. The other three had a good race. Mike .Abbott and Fausto Parisotto led round 1 by just nine minutes over Ramon Castro and Guito Vega. Back half an hour, Andy Diaz also survived the first 80 miles. The leaders did better times on lap 2 as the traffic eased and they didn't have so many race cars to dodge. Abbott did a 3:05, fast· lap for the class, and he took a convincing victory in Class 11. Defending points champion Ramon Castro also went·faster but finished second, 21 minutes down. A full hour behind the winner, Andy Diaz got home in plenty of time for third place. When the race clock wound down to O at 3:14 Sunday morning, a total of 127 cars had finished three laps. The three Class 11 's had finished their two laps for a total of 130 finishers, . or 46.6 percent,-a good ratio for Barstow. The mild weather, only 96° at the start, and a good breeze -helped the cause. However, "the race is never over at the flag" syndrome struck, and the Competition Review Board met at 7:30a.m. to discuss several race violations of rules. The board was a good mix, !ORA man George Thompson, and three drivers who had been in the race, Frank Vessels; representing manufacturer interest classes, Rick Frisby, representing the other classes, and Russ Welch serving as alternate, for the pit club representative. It was here that Tom Strong, Class 4, Craig Slater, Class 5, Kay MacLean, Challenger, and Richard Binder, Class IO were all penalized a lap for missing checkpoints. Morley Williams, who did only one lap, was disqualified for three infractions, and Steve Holladay was disqualified for not having a tech sheet or tech sticker. Everyone at the awards presentation felt that the penalty phase had worked the best ever and that the penalties were fair. August 1987 1987 HORA FIREWORKS 250 July 4, 1987 Results POS.CAR # DRIVER(S) VEHICLE TIME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS 1 -UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT-15 START-10 FINISH 105 Rob MacCachren (solo) Chenowth Magnum 4:21.03 101 Chet Huttman (solo) O.R.E. 3SG 4:38.48 103 Frank Snook/Eric Arras Raceco 4:51.22 100 Mark McMillin (solo) Chenowth.-Porsche 4:54.49 113 Ivan Stewart (solo) Toyota PU 5:18.06 CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -24 START.:__ 13 FINISH 212 Corky McMillin/Scott McMillin Chenowth-Porsche 4:53.15 203 Brian Collins/Derrick Tinney Chenowth 4:55.40 217 Tom G. Martin/Tevon Murachanian Raceco 5:01.44 213 David Kreisler /Curley Nobles Raceco PU 5:22.36 218 Steve Casagrande/Mark Milleron Mirage 5:36.30 , 0/A POS. 1 2 3 6 16 5 7 9 18 27 CLASS 1-2-1600 -1600CC RESTRICTED ENGINE -51 START - 27 FINISH 1. 1605 Bob Scott/Mike Voyles O.R.C. 5:21.02 17 2. 1635 Steve Barlow O.R.E. 5:24.46 20 3. 1625 Oarren Wilson Mirage 5:27.06 22 4. 1614 Jim Sumners Raceco 5:34.32 · 25 5. 1615 Perry Coan/ J.M. Coan · Bunderson 5:36.05 26 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 302 300 301 303 405 406 400 408 407 CLASS 3 -SHORT WB 4X4 - 6 START - 3 FINISH Mike Schwellinger/Les_ Erichon Jeep CJ 7 7:14.46 Don Adams/Larry Olsen Jeep CJ 7 7:51.03 Gale Pike/Steve Hummel -Dodge Ramcharger 8:15.15 Mark Hutchins/Gary Stewart Ford Bronco 7:01.26 CLASS 4 -LONG WB 4X4 -10 START - 4 FINISH Jack Johnson/Max Jones Nissan 6:43.10 John Dyck/Brian Scheuring Jeep Honcho 6:57.46 Rodney Hall/ Jim Fricker Dodge 7:18.09 Matt Pike/Burt McReady Dodge 9:23.33 Tom Strong/Steve Borden Chevrolet * 4:31.00 CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -10 START - 6 FINISH 549 Jim Cocores/Don Robertson Baja Bug 5:30.00 505 John Cooley/Mark Fox Baja Bug 5:40.34 503 Richard Llewellyn/ Jerry Miller Baja Bug 5:51.43 502 George Seeley, Jr./Howard Anderson Baja Bug 5:53.25 506 David PicVGeorge Jackman Baja Bug 6:05.25 CLASS 5-.1600 -1600CC BAJA BUG -21 START-14 FINISH 566 Tom Neth/Jason Bates Baja Bug 6:14.31 565 David Hendrickson/Grant Steele Baja Bug 6:17.27 559 Andy L. & Andy R. DeVercelly Baja Bug 6:28.20 568 Mike Taylor/Roy Taylor Baja Big 6:34.35 594 Ernesto Arambula/Beltram Albert? Baja Bug 6:38.24 CLASS 6 -PRODUCTION CLASS - 6 START - 1 FINISH 84 98 109 (2 laps) 72 78 85 123. (2 laps) -24 32 43 44 50 54 56 63 66 70 1. 601 Bill Russell/Meville Sharpe Chevy Camero 8:13.17 100 2. 617 Wes Moser/Greg Moser Ford Ranchero 8:01.48 (2 laps) 1. 2. 3. 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICKUP - 8 START-2 FINISH 700 Manny Esquerra/Tudy Esquerra Ford Ranger 5:37.11 701 Russ Jones/Luke Jones Ford Ranger 8:28.34 702 Roger Mears/Tom Alvarez Nissan 3:52.20 CLASS 7S -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP -17 START - 9 FINISH 747 Paul Simon/Dave Simon Ford Ranger 6:27.12 749 Dave Ashley/Wally Kaiser Jeep Comanche 6:57.05-726 Willie Valdez/Jose Alvarado Ford Ranger 7:06.98 720 Spencer low/Paul Delang Nissan 7:09.28 722 Chuck Johnson/Scott Douglas Ford Ranger 7:29.10 CLASS 7 4X4 -STOCK MINl;MIDI 4X4 - 9 START - 3 FINISH 751 Mike Lesle Jeep Comanche 6:38.17 750 Jerry McDonald/Leo Brown Chevy S-10 7:27.31 753 Mike Randall/ Josh Burner Jeep Comanche 8:00.19 756 Darren York/Steve Schlachter Toyota 5:53.07 CLASS 8 - 2 WO STANDARD PICKUP -13 START - 6 FINISH 802 Dave Shoppe/Larry Maddox• Ford 5:0_1.28 800 Walker Evans/Randy Anderson Dodge 5:05.21 806 Steve Kelley/George Eckardt Chevrolet 5:11.21 803 Greg & Ron Kishiyama Ford 6:29.40 805 Frank Vessels/George Robbins Chevrolet 7:36.31 CLASS CHALLENGE -RESTRICTED BUGGY -44 START -16 FINISH 900 Rick Johnson Hi Jumper 6:35.31 984 Larry Martin Chenowth 6:44.37 986 Mike Ward/Mike Free T-Mag 6:51.25 990 Danny Ashcraft/ Jim Houck Raceco 6:52.27 996 Rich Minga/Tom Ray Chenowth 7:42.30-CLASS 1.0 -UNLIMITED 1650CC -27 START -12 FINISH 1. 1005 Jim Stiles (solo) Raceco 4:51.50 2. 1019 Jack °Irvine/Scott Irvine Raceco 5:05.43 3. 1013 Richard & Gary Wehyrich Raceco 5:07.24 4. 1098 Russell Welch (solo) O.R.E. 5:08, 18 5. 1018 William & Michael Church Raceco 5J 6.18 , CLASS 11 -STOCK VW SEDAN -12 START - 3 FINISH (2 laps) 1. 1198 Mike Abbott/Fausto Parisotto VW Beetle 6:33.26 2. 1100 Ramon Castro/Guito Vega VW Beetle 6:54.42 3. 1196 Andy Oiaz VW Beetle 8:35.35 4. 1104 Gary &_Keavin Anderson VW Beetle 5:34.44 CLASS 14 -UNLIMITED 4X4-&.START - 1 FINISH 29 114 (2 lapsl 60 77 82 83 90 69 89 101 (2 lapsl 8 10 14 64 92 67 73 74 .15_ 95 4 11 12 13 15 (1 lap) 1. 1498 G.T. Gowland/Michael Rorick · Toyota PU 7:42.11 94 2. 1499 David A. Quill Chevy Special 5:00.47 (2 lapsl Starters -279 Finishers -130 46.6% finish ratio 3 laps of 80 mile course = 240 miles Time Allowance -10 hours Fast Time Overall & Fast Lap of the Day -Rob MacCachren - 4:21.03 (1:24.54) - • * Time includes penalty Class 1 -Chenowth Magnum AffENTION DESERT ~CERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and HDRA desert races. Check it out on contingency row -Two different classes each event. Dusty Times
.. - ------~--------:--------------------------------,--------,.,-------.----------------------------The Losers This year the Fireworks 250, or more familiarly, the Barstow race, was tougher than ever. No' heavy winter rains had smoothed out the course after last December's event, and it just got nastier .and nastier with each lap. The weather co-operated though, with · a·. helpful breeze, except at the one point where it was needed most. Nicknamed "Boot Hill" by some who spe_nt some time there, the hill was about two miles before the first check, arid it stopped· a lot of racers. Rod Everett, who races in,. . Class 10, was. one of them. He spent a good part of the· day there, after losing his clutch trying to make it up past the cars that had already become stuck on the rocks. Rod said that there was Class 10 cars and Class 2 cars all jammed together, and he got in the middle of it. He t'ried for a long time, and finally got himself into a £lat area, where he thought he had a good run at the hill, put the car in gear and let out the . clutch, and it went away. There were -spectators sitting up at the top of the hill, on some giant rocks, and at first they didn't do much but watch. But after a while they began to climb down to try to help, some of them even bringing water and d_rinks to the overheated drivers. Rod saw a pink and green two ;;.: ' -'By Judy Smith seat 1600 car, which had tried for a while to go uphill, decide t0 back down to the bottom to get anothe~ run at it. They got nearly down, got sideways, and rolled over into a gully, j;:imming things up even worse. Ro8 ran downhill to help them, and when he got . there, fuel was pouring out of the car, and the driver and co-driver were hanging upside down and laughing. Rod said that he and the 6ther stuck drivers helped m~ny ug_fh~ hill, including people like Roger Mears and Manny Esquerra. A.J. DeNun_zio, who races in Class. I-I, broke an axle on the hill, and he was one who helped push others, including the Class 11 cars that were still running, to the top. Keith and Kurt Schindler got their Class 10 car to the hill, and had to stop because of "about,20 . cars" stopped · in their way. When they finally got a chance at it, spotting a clear path in the chaos, the clutch snapped, and the car wouldn't move. They got their car back to the main pit about midnight, having gone in after the race was nearly over, with a four -wheel drive truck to tow it back. 'As they towed the race car out, there were still so many stuck drivers in the area that the bed of the truck was full of hitchhikers, all drivers of 'broken cars. Jim Conner, who drives in the ~r~ -----. I I ~~,(.,.,,; . "" " " ~ ij -~ , 't!li 1i 'Ii ' -~, ----_ ,., ... . ' ' 1! I! _four wheel drive minli /truck class, that! fell out and loose c.,;. bolts'. , was seen on the hill/ sitting on a. Ultijfmately, it fo:iished only one big rock, just st inning his lap. Larry Schwacofer and Sid wheels. He did event1ually get up, Spradling, with one of the best but to quote him, "I paid the· 'fini~h records in off road annals, price." His clutch was gone, and are ~eported to have broken an _i~ his truck it takek too much axle! this· time. , ,· nme to change onel to ,mak~ it 9ireg Aronson _and_ Craig worthwhile m a · race like Watkms, who ran fifth m Class Barstow; so he was · out. F,.i'ck · IO bn .the first lap, cracked the· Rowland and Lero~·Nan Kirk, nos1cone on their transmission, another Class IO car, ·also lost and even tho.ugh · they stopped · their clutch on the Hill, and had and added fluid, it all ran out to be tow~d -a':"ay_,f and · Evan agai , and the transm!ssion Evans, dnvmg h1sf1rst race ma se1z, d. Rod Gabbert and Vincent Class' 7S' Datsun, loJi: his clutch Sau~ders _lost the transmissic;m · there·, as.did Bill Pob ahd Mark . on their Class 5 car on ·the second May •in their Class l©,car. There lap. \Mike Mosley, Jr., and Kyle were others,·some o\f whom we Ve~termark, . driving their first . saw ,as we drove l!lp the hill racel, in a new Class 5-1600 cat:, ourselves, bµt we dop,'t: have tpi;-}ost ~ piston on the first lap. Don nacyies of all '.of those unsung .,,:McO:ormack, m Class 8, was also victin:s of Boot Hill I I· ,· ' o~n pn the first lap with a blown lnc1dentally, _Ever~tt told us p1stf n, and Steve McEach~rn. that there were · helicopteb another in Class 8, lost his engine hovering over the hill! for hours, aboilit 30 miles into that difficult presumably taking p~otos. first! lap. . People did find other ways to Friank Arciero put up a good break their cars at Barstow, like figh~ for a while in his new Class Larry Job, who lost I a ring and 4 Chevy, but he had some pinion in his 160(]) car, and troulbles with a suspension piece Danny Letner whose two seater that broke and then punctured a had terminal carburetion tire on lap one. He got that fixed, troubles. Mike Julson, in Oreg but I then had an alternator Hibbs Class IO dr, had an problem and finally lost the rear output shafJ break dff, and Art end Ion lap three. Lloyd Riggins, Peterson an? Roger ~ears, Jr. in q iass 14; rolle_d his ~ruck on lost a torsion bar. Cameron· lap Qne, ~,ut kept It movmg, only Steele . was running the family to ~all out on . lap two with Class 7 Chevy ,S-10 this time, and elecnrical problems. •· lost the motor aboJti 25 miles Rbbbie Gordon, driving in into the race .. He thf1e,n hopped· Clask I, g_ot t_o the end of lap two mto the 5~1600 of Steve a_cl9seth1rdmclassandtoreupa Lawrence, which broke a spring . ltm1~er. strap on 1the r,ear of the plate, and had tro~bles with car. ]fhat let the suspension move loose wheel nuts, shock bolts _ too. far, and that tore up the c.v. I ,_,..-,c---;-:,._,.,,_.,,..s, \ ·_ ~ - ~. --..,,~---But he _was close to the pit, and got help and repairs pretty fast: His crew 'replaced the limiter strap and sent him back out again, but the second strap, ·not made of stout enough stuff:carrie ap_art in about IO miles, and Robbie was out for good. .,. Ddn Rountree had a long hard day'; or at least his cat did .. Gary Schneckenburger drove i:ne first lap,· and he broke a front sho~k. G~ry pulled into- · a pit gnd 'replaced the broken .Of-le with the spare· that, was me:ibrited · on the c~r. _Rountree ,then took.over the d~iving on the ~cohd lap,,and he broke another front shock. Wheri he got to w!-\_ere his pit was supposed to be, they weren't there. But aftct. some hunting around. he,.did find some of his people, and asked them to change tHe shock. Th"e problem was, they had no spare parts, and the on-board spare front shock had already been used on lap one. Rountree- lost a lot of time fooling around with that shock, but he did finally complete his second lap. It was all complicated by the fact tliat his radio, which was receiving just fine,' didn't transmit, and he didn't know it: Therefore, he didn't realize that no one was receiving pis impassioned pleas for help. Then to top off a dim evening, Rountree had a spring plate ( one that had been re-straightened) pull apart on him on lap three. And no one had spare mid-engined spring plates in their pits either, so Tree and Schnecken-burger were out. See you next month.' . 'F-ROAD RA,CING DIVISION .,} - :;: ,:.-1. . ,:'iL· •. ,.. /, . ..,. ,,,_, ~ ; % '' I KIT SHIPPED ,, .. - . VIA UPS CHENOWTH CLASS 11 ROLL CAGE KIT Chenowth's popular class 11 roll cage kit comes with extra gussets for greater strength and is notched to slip together easier than ever. Features 1 'h" x .090" wall tubing for superb lightweight strength. Includes rear torsion support kit. Welding required. . #60600 Class 11 cage kit .. , ..... $149.95 YOKOHAMA OFF-ROAD TIRE SALE 7.00x15 tube typ frnts, ea ..... $57.95 • 33-10.50 x 15 Super Digger tubeless rears, ea .... . . . . . : .... $79.95 7.00 x 15 tubes, ea . .'. . . ... 12.95 Tubes for Supr Dggrs, ea . 12.95 . . YOKOHAMA/CENTERLINE l'ACKAGl • ·00 ·Desig~ed for the serious off-road racer. Package includes two 7.00 x 15 Yak, hama front tires with tubes·and two 33-10.50 x 15 Yokohama Super Digger rearj tires mounted on two 15 x 3'h 5-lug Cen\erlines .(bubble-style inset) for the front. a~d. your coice of 15 x 6 or 15 x 75-lug Centerli1nes for the rear. Hi-speed balanced-readly to · install. I Yokohama/Centerline pkg ...... r89.00 Add for tubes in rear . · ...... 20.00 SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE-SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON: . HENOWTH AEARL'S • ·~•l'fllUIIM~/Kf Pl0/)1/(rJ w ,,m110 -WEBER o!~..!,.~= VDO L1!tM.l;J~@ ~:Y"voKOHAMA Dusty nmes SWAY·A·WAY ~ IC~ IVj DEil.!:!R!o Carburet~n I PERMA-COOL . I I • I August 19~" I CENTERLINE RA ING WHEELS 15 x 3.5 • 5 lug j each . 15 x 4.75 • 5 lug. each 15 x 5_75·. 5 lug. each )~ : ~: ~ :~6 ~=~~ 15 x 8'- 5 lug. each . 15 x 10 · 5 lug. \each . . $ 97.95 . . · 99,95 .... 104.95 !06.95 ... 109.95 114.95 ... 117.95 WEEKEND WARRIOR FRONT END BEAMS Custom made from D.O.M. Steel. Available 5" or 6" wider than stock. Includes 4 torsion adjusters. Adds 8" of shock ·travel. Specify width when ordering ... $225.00 KYB Gas shocks for above .. ea .... 19.95 cJarcustom I . . .. fflg/1 Pertormal1Ce& Stach VWPMts _ · I 91~ W. Foothill Blvd., Azusa,' ea·. 91702 . WALK IN (818) 334-4951 PHONE ORDERS (818) 969-7967 J, I I :j Page 31 I i ·1 1
• I MTEG OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAN PRIX : Three Hours of Thrills for Seattlc-Kingdomc-·Fans Photos: M_ark Chen/Trackside Photo Enterprises . because you don'.t see your everyday ·mini truck flying off jumps and accelerating i:he way these drivers do. Rod Millen rolled and suffered body damage, and some structural bends, but got righted and .continued ·on only to suffer a broken tie rod that took the Mazda out .of the race. Glenn Harris had the lead for a while, but the Mazda balked'. allowing Roi;:er Mears t~ push his way around both Hams , and ,Steve Mill en to take a . commanding lead. Frank Arciero, Jr. won the battle of the brothers in the Super 1600 main event, taking the lead from brother Alon the iap and inches. Walker Evans came on strong in the Dodge, making a bid for second, but the charging Harris was not about to let him by. Mears bobbled and almost rolled the Nissan, but was able to regain his footing and keep Harris and Evans behind. Walker went wide and lei: Ivan Stewart slip under him and take over third. After eight laps Mears took the checkered flag by just a whisker, with Harris and Stewart taking second and third. Fourth went to Evans, followed by . Danny Thompson, Steve Millen, Jeff Huber and Rod Millen. Mickey Thompson's promise of a thrilling, money · back guarantee show was, bar none, the best motorsporrs show that Seattle fans have ever witnessed in the Kingdome or the · · ~surrounding area for that matter. The crowd of 24,093 was treated to a spec,;tacle put on by a host of· expert drivers. Just to name a few, the fans saw Walker Evans, Glenn Harris, Ivan Stewart, Jeff Huber, Roger Mears, Rod and Steve Millen, Bob and Rob Gordon, Greg George, Marty Coyne, Frank and Albert Arciero, Jim Fishback, Jeff Elrod, Vince Tjelmeland, and the list goes ob. You can believe the place will be packed the next.time the show comes to town. The autograph and "meet the drivers" sessiori was. a real treat for the Seattle fans. Not many of them passed up the opportunity to get a close look at the equipment and the drivers who were about to put on an exciting show. The first event of the evening was an exhibition race of Banshee Quad racers, the latest thing · available from Yamaha. This was an exciting start .to the evening of ;iction. ·~ Page 34 , The only trophy dash of the night was a Super 1600 race. lt was_.a wire to wire affair won by Jerry Whelchel . in a Ch.enowth. From Arizona, Gary o·ircks was second, followed by Rob Gordon, Marty Coyne., Al , then · Frank Arciero. The six car entry was an all Chenowth show. .The first Grand 'National Sport Truck heat had all eigh.t starters going at it and really got the crowd excited. No one· really expected the antics they saw, · Ten Odysseys started in the· first heat. Allen Yaros, of Roger Mears started out strong in the Nissan truck, winning the roll over in the main event dropped him from contention. August 1987 Steve Millen put his Toyota in the lead in the first turn of the truck main event, and he fought off all challengers, including pis brother Rod to win the.race. Bothell, WA, got the hole shot and hung on to lead for the first lap; but he was then overtaken by Ron Pierce, who battled Yaros, Johnny Custom and Mike Lavelle for the lead and the eventual win. John Hasshaw did a· nice endo right on the finish line at the end oflap 2, damaging only his pride. Shelley Cook stalled on the white flag lap and couldn't finish the heat. The win went to Pierce, followed by Lavelle, Custom and Yaros. In the second Odyssey heat David Thomas got a clean jump on the rest of the field. The first corner saw a little bumping and shoving, but nothing serious. Bill Goshen endoed on the second lap, but got restarted at the back ofthe pack. Scott Johnson stalled out on the third lap and was out of the race. Goshen lost a tire and Rory Holladay broke on the · white flag lap. Thomas went on to victory, with Eddie Brown in second and James Cook taking third spot. Heat 1 for the 4 Wheel ATVs held 13 machines, and the first corner looked like it could turn into a traffic jam, but the riders cleared it nicely. Jeff Watts got Tim Maples won the UltraStock heat in his fancy Mazda RX 7, but ran afoul of the rough driving committee in the main event, and was last. Greg George flew the California flag on his Funco, and he won the ·first 1600 heat race, but serious troubles dropped him back in the feature . . Dusty nmes
Billy Beck, fresh from his win at Montreal, led wire to wire in the first 1600 heat in the Berrien, but was out ewly in the main event. At the green flag for the 1600 trophy dash Jerry Whelchel, left, jumped /nto the lead, followed by Gary Dircks, center, and Rob Gordon and that is the way they finished. the jump on the field and led wire to wire. Ben Schlimme dropped out on lap 1, and Ron Fields and Ron Pickett tangled on lap 2, where they stayed for most of the race, pushing and pulling to get the quads loose from each other. The final lap found Watts the winner, with Jackie Meadows second and Marty Hart in third. Heat 2 for the A TVs was a close race from start to finish. Tim Wheelis had problems right off the line when some important parts fell off, but the bad luck of the heat went to Roger Burman of Fort Dodge, Iowa. Burman had a good start and the lead until the fourth lap when he collided with the barrier fence. Rick Marshall, who had been second all the way, blew by for the victory, followed by Gary Denton. Jimmy White and Derek Hamilton were third and fourth and in close. The UltraStock heat race featured only six starters, with_ Chris Neil on the pole and Tim Maples alongside. Maples led into the first turn with Neil just behnd followed by Ken Kazarian, Jeff Elrod, Vince Tjelmeland and Dale Scott. The best action of the Al Arciero came very close in his Chenowth, leading the 1600 main event most of the way, and he was second just a whisker behind brother Frank. Ken Kazarian nailed second in his VW in the UltraStock heat and survived the first lap pile up in the main to end up third on the results. Dusty Times I I Danny Thompson '(few his slightly rumpled Chevy S-10 to a flag to flag victory in the second truck heat, and ended up ifourth in the main event. Jerry Whelchel also flew the California flag on his Ctienowth, and he won the TD but ended up third in his heat and fourth in the main event. . . I heat was the acrobatics of Vince Tjelmeland's N1Ssan, that went up on two wheels and let Scott by on the third lap. The heat was a bit dull, and they all stayed in order to the flag. In the first heat of Ultracross Motorcycle racing the first comer had most of the eleven starters in a jam, but Jeff Matiasevich, Jon Nelson and Larry W ard came out in that order. Hart Grayson and Steve Friesen started making good moves and gained on the leaders. The heat ended with Jeff Matiasevich on ,top followed by Jon Nelson and Hart Grayson. Ten started the second bike heat, and it was a clean start with Lowell Thomson taking the Jead followed by Scott Tyler and Rick Hanson. Drey Dircks got past Hansen for third on the second lap. The fir~t four places ~ere wheel to wheel through the first five laps, then Thompson opened a good lead, and the rest spread out a -bit. Thomson took the win followed by Tyler, Dircks and Rex Staten. Hansen took the flag for fifth, and then took a dump right off the finish line. Ten racers rolled up to the starting line for the first Super 1600 heat. The pole position belonged to Greg George, Fuoco, and hei;a-' ·. I . · · I -More off-road races ar~ w~n on Bilsteins th~n any other shock .~bso~ber, period. . 1 ·. BIJS'l'EIN•BORNTOPERFORM. e I . • I p1LSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA R~~ ·.y• 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453·7723 ~,. F 'dd' . ' I l·h1 . I . f . d or a 1t1ona tee rnca in ormat1on an a complete catalog, send $2.50. I August . 1987 Page 35
ran into him. Vince snuck through and got a big lead. Kazarian got loose first and took chase. Elrod and Scott battled for third with Elrod coming out the best. Now Kazarian and Elrod were door handle to door handle for a couple of laps, with Elrod finally getting by for second. Elrod closed the gap and was dead even with Tjelmeland after five laps. Tjelmeland· took the white flag by just a whisker over Elrod. On lap 5 Maples hit the wall again and got the crowd excited even more. In the final corner Elrod shoved Tjelmeland Rally star Rod Millen had mixed results in his Mazda, troubles in the heats, but he dogged brother Steve in the main to finish a close second. Ivan Stewart was stuck in third place at the Kingdome, driving his Toyota to third in both heats and he was third again in the feature race. off the lead briefly, but lost a tire doing so and Tjelmeland beat Elrod by less than a car length for the win. Scott and Maples collided right before the finish line with Scott getting third and Maples fourth. This race was to be one of the bes_t crowd pleasers apart. But this was that action that the crowd liked. The next extra on the program was a five lap event made up of all local 4x4s. The starting order was determined by a drawing; When the green flag dropped, eight hard charging neavies made for the first turn with Roger McKenzie pulling out front. Coming star Robbie Gordon got his Chenowth home second in his 1600 heat race, but he had to s~ttle for third in the main and the trophy dash. · Trouble developed early on for McKenzie as the front end splattered and Tom James plowed into his rear. James managed fo get restarted and cleared the-track. Donnie Monk ba_ttled with Jim Stull for the lead, . then Monk's B~onco sputtered and died. This left the lead to Stull, who cruised home unchallenged for the victory. i;w-was· joined in the front row by Frank Arciero, Jr., fo.llowed hy Marty Coyne and Jerry Whelchel. George got the ,...._:jump on the field and came out of the first comer in good shape, followed by Arciero and Coyne. On the sixth lap the~e was finally a position change in the back of the pack when Larry Noel overtook Jimmy Nichols. On the white flag lap Jim Fishback passed Bob Gordon who was having major problems in the tranny area, and he dropped to last. For all eight laps the cars were all nose to stack and were evenly matched, but up front they finished like they started, except for Arciero. George won, fol lowed by Coyne and Whelchel who got by Arciero on the final lap. In the second 1600 heat Billy Beck of San Antonio, Texas earned the pole with Al Arciero by his side. The starter dropped the flag and nine cars went for the hole. There was a lot of bumping ""'-and a few wl ~I stands. Beck came out first a,1d was to hang on to the lead in his Berrien for the entire heat. O n the fourth lap Robbie Gordon passed Al Arciero to claim second spot. There was a lot of action in this race as the leaders fought neck and neck, nerf to nerf, and had to pass a lot of slower traffic. The checkered flag saw Beck leading, Robbie Gordon in second, followed by Al Arciero, Tommy Croft and Gary Dircks. Heat 2 for the Grand National Sport Trucks f~atured the same cast with Steve Millen on the pole in his Toyota, with Danny Thompson, Chevy, right by his side. At the flag Thompson took the lead with a grejt hole shot and led the race from flag to flag. Rod Millen stalled and the field passed him by, and he brought ~~-up the rear for a while. Walker Evans pulled out after one lap with mechanical trouble. Ivan Stewart managed to keep second spot for three laps, · but Glenn Harris took over with a great pass.· This dropped Stewart to · third, where he finished but not without a real crowd pleasing fender to fender battle with Jeff Huber which resulted in Huber landing the Mazda on its top. At the finish it was Thompson, HarriSi and Stewart, bumper to bumper in a real crowd pleasing formation. There was an intermission, but if you left your seat you missed more action by the big footed vehicles that go over cars and pull poor imported station wagons Twenty rigs took the green flag for the Odyssey main event. James Cook, then John Hasshaw took the lead and managed to squeak through the first corner untouched with Johnny Custom and Ron Pierce right to the rear. Back in the pack Bob Curtis rolled over not once but twice. Hasshaw gave up his lead having to go wide around one prone rig on the sixth lap. Ron Pierce en_ded the first lap in a three way pile up, but charged · back into contention. The race stayed tight all the way. On the white flag lap Marty Coyne got a good start, qualifying for the TD, and was second in his 1600 heat race, but had troubles in the hectic main event. Jeff Elrod showed off his fancy new VW UltraStock body, but he ended up with a rough driving penalty, dropping from second to fifth place. Ron Pierce slipped under them all tc> win the race. James Cook was second, followed by Johnny Custom and David Thomas. The crowd loved watching the hard to handle machines that were all over the track every lap. · The A TV Quad main event started 23, as Jeff Watts took a hard JJ<?ke in t~e stagin~ area ~nd c_ouldn't ge~ his machme gomg. Jimmy White had the pole with Marty Hart beside him. White made a good dash for the first corner and Gary Denton pulled right in behind with Hart filling in the third slot. The race was ~ight with these three staying mches apart the entire time as they finished in the same order with White winning the race. The next group held Don Turk, Toby Ashley and Jackie Meadows. . The six UltraStocks really let it all hang out in ·the main event, and it was really exciting. Jeff Elrod was on the pole with Chris Neil alongside. Next came Ken Kazarian and Tim Maples, followed by Dale Scott and Vince Tjelmeland. The green flag dropped and all hell let loose, with Maples putting his Mazda in front but he r;m smack dab head on into the barriers on Turn 2, and everybody but Tjelmeland of the night. _ The motorcycle main event started 21, t with Dale Wolfe holding the pole, and Larry Ward in second place. The start was .red flagged due to a gate at the rear position failing to open. The gang was restaged, and this . time -Larry Ward was in front with a good start, followed by Dale Wolfe and Scott Keller. Ward still led on the second lap, · · but Jon Nelson and Scott Tyler took over second and third. On the fourth lap· second and third changed again, this time going to Tyler and Matiasevich. Matiase-vich made a pass on Tyler on lap 5 and went after Ward and the top slot. On the white flag lap Jeff Matiasevich made a slick maneuver around Ward right at . the finish line and sailed home . the winner. Larry Ward was a close second, followed by Scott Tyler and Rex Staten. A hefty_ field of 18 Super 1600s staged for their main event with Al Arciero on the pole. The first four cars to make it out of the mess on the first corner were Jerry Whelchel, Al Arciero, Mazda team leader Glenn Harris put his truck home second in both Class 7 . heat races, but he dropped out of the main event early in the game. Jerry Huber was going well in the truck main event until the last lap, when this visible underside fire put him out of the truck and the race. Page 36 August 1987 Du~ty Times ~ ..... _____________________________ .:;.._ ___________________________________ _
Chris Neil does a two wheel act in the first turn in the UltraStock action, and his handsome VW bodied racer ended up fourth in the feature. Gary Dircks drove to a strong second in the Class 10•trophy-Jon Brockett drove his Chaparral, one of the few non-dash, but was fifth in his heat and out of action early in the main Chenowths in 1600 class, hard to finish a fine sixth in the wild Marty Cqyne and Robbie Gordon. Greg George started the main with a broken rib and dropped back early. Coyne retired on the third lap after getting a flat and losing the tire. That put Robbie Gordon back in third place. Roger Caddell · almost put his Funco on its top on the fourth lap, and eventually did just that a couple laps later, and had to stay that way for the rest of the race. The leaders, Whelchel, Rob Gordon and Al Arciero found slow traffic on lap 5 and there were nerf bars flying at random. On lap 7 the leaders were again jammed into the wall by a slow car and Robbie Gordon emerged the new leader with Al Arciero and Jerry Whelchel following. On lap 8 Whelchel regained second place ahead of Al Arciero. The trio again encountered the same slower car and again all three leaders wound up tangling with the barriers, knocking Gordon well off the lead. This time, when they _untangled, Al Arciero came out best. But all the slow traffic enabled brother Frank Arciero to close up and make the pass on the white flag lap. Frank Arciero . won the race by just inches, and both Arcieros made an appearance at the winner's stand, while the crowd showed appreciation for the fine show. Rob Gordon salvaged third ahead of Jerry Whelchel. The final race of the evening· was the Grand National Sport Truck main event, and all eight trucks were back to do battle. Rod Millen was on the pole with brother Steve next to him. The second row had Ivan Stewart and Roger Mears side by side, followed by Danny Thompson, Glenn Harris, Walker Evans and Jeff Huber. After the smoke and dust cleared, the first truck through the first corner was the Toyota of Steve Millen, and he held on for the eventual win, but not without a great battle. Brother Rod Millen was right up his exhaust pipe for the whole race and·took second place in his Mazda. Ivan Stewart had third place · in his Toyota, then he didn't.· Roger Mears passed Stewart and held on for two laps, then Mears rolled the Nissan in Turn 3, got righted and dropped · to last. Mears stayed in motion for three more laps, but each lap the Nissan got lighter and lighter, dropping lxxly parts as he went · around. When Mears rolled, I~an Stewart took over third again, but only for one lap, then Walker Evans got past in his Dodge. 8ut, Evans dropped out on lap 8, and Jeff Huber moved Dusty Times event. main event action. his Mazda into third, followed by bailed out with a real hot back Stewart .and Danny Thompson, · side. ·This opened the door for Chevy. On the white flag lap Ivan to retake third place. Four Huber's ?l.jazda had a glowing fire of the eight were moving at the underneath the trann and eff checkered fla led b Steve > °Fo(cohi · Millen all the way with Rod Millen second all the way. ivan Stewart was third and Danny Thompson took fourth place. The Kin dome crowd was on nG INC 20t South Hill'.Drive;. Brisba. (415) 467-75?8 . Fax (41:5) 585-4820 :Tel . _. , _ :, August 1987 its feet all night long cheering the stadium off road racers. It should be a packed house the next time Mickey Thompson brings his show to this town. Page 37
SUSQUEHANNOCK TRAIL PRO RALLf The O.ld Lady's Final-Run(?) Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises The Old Lady Audi Sport Quattro covered herself with glory in Pennsylvania, and her crew, Jofln Buffum and Tom Grimshaw, brought her in first overall again, as they said goodbye to Group B competition. The eleventh annual Susque-han nock Trail Pro Rally, headquartered in Wellsboro, PA., lived up to its fine reputation established in previous years. It is almost a rarity on the SCCA National PRO Rally Chamfionship . calendar - a we) staffed, experienced committee, friendly town, abundant workers, substantial prize fund, great roads well controlled and one of the best safety systems in the entire series. No small wonder most of us look forward to the STPR. The rally ran the weekend of June 5-7. The weather was perfect; rain during the previous two weeks, then clearing rally weekend -the road conditions could not have been better and perhaps that is the reason for the unusually high attrition among top seeds. More on that later. Nearly eighty teams ent~red the STPR-87. Sixty-nine actually started. Forty-five of us finished. It does not seem like a high DNF ratio does it? But a review of the final results shows some surprises. Of the fifteen teams starting in Seeds FIA, · One and · Two, less than half finished. Eight of the top teams in the country - teams that seem to finish every event-parked in the woods of Northern Pennsylvania. Once again, as in Colorado the month before, John Buffum and I were to introduce our new Group A Audi, and once again we brought back the ancient Group B Sport Quattro. The Group A car was en route - we think. . The poor old Group B car has served us well. In two years, it has won every national champion-ship rally except two and finished second on those two. Not too shabby a record for a car designed to run one or two tough events and retire with honors. Buffum and crew had returned from our Colorado win, parked the car in the corner of the shop and waited for the new Group A car. Then they dusted it off, . Page 38 added body fluids and brought it to Wellsboro. Nothing more. Friday afternoon I sat in the sun outside our motel room and read the latest in a long line of "shoot 'em, screw 'em and do 'em" ·spy thriHers I wallow in during spare moments. TheAudi sat directly in front of me. I · paused to look at it and wonder if it had one more run left in its tired body. Or would it finally turn on us and bite me like my cantankerous 125 year old cat back in Kansas. · The Audi seemed to be drooping as it sat there. I thought I could hear it sigh in resignation. If cars could speak (and sometimes they do) it would have said something like "Come on guys. Enough is enough. My back hurts. My bones are brittle. I have a terminal sniffle in my running gear. The old ticker skips a beat now and then. Encrn}{h already!" Saturday afternoon we dragged the old bitch downtown and lined up around the Village Green. I thought, at least she's sitting in the honored spot -Car One - befitting her glorious past. Maybe her pride alone would get her to the finish line the following day. Or maybe we'd go directly to the hospital as we did in 1985. As we led the field out of town I said a little prayer to my favorite black market Saint, Christopher. "Protect us from the dreaded DNF and give this old bag one final day in the sun." The STPR has a great opening format. We leave Wellsboro Saturday. afternoon, run two stages, then return for reseeding based on scores. This gives the spectators ample time to hit both opening daylight stages and see some close up action before we rest~rt the long night sections. The opening stage is a six mile run ending in a spectacular river crossing - with the finish timing line in the middle of the river! The river crossing is a traditional spectator point, attracting as many as 5,000 spectators. Halfway through the opening stage I began to feel a bit better . about our chances. The Old Lady shimmied and shook and limped around corners but, under pressure, she had the same old breast beating roar I'd grown used to over the past two years. We won the opening stage with an average speed of sixty-two mph, followed by Jon Woodner/Tony Sircombe in their Group B Peugeot 205 Tl6 and Rod Millen/ Harry Ward in their new Group A Mazda 323GTX. Stage Two always worries me a bit. It runs along the rim of a very steep gorge called "The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania". If you fall off the Rim Run you could call home on a cellular telephone, Guy Light and Jim Brandt survived their troubles to put the VW G Tl in second in Production ranks, and a keen fourth overall in the rally. August 1987 Rod Millen and Harry Ward did a dan'dy job in the Group A Mazda 323 G TX, not only winning Group A by well over a minute, but they took second overall as well. Nia/I-Leslie slides tight irf a corner in his Toyota Corolla, en route to victory in Production Class, and a super third overall finish. · dictate your last will and testament and say goodbye to your loved ones before you hit bottom. With '"my luck in Pennsylvania over the years, I'd get a busy signal. During the transit to Stage Two we were held up for an hour because of an incident back at the river crossing. It seems Mr. Woodner's Peugeot exited the river like Orea in heat, and ate a photographer. The luckless photog ended up under the rally car, with a split lip (video camera stuffed into mouth opened wide in fright), and a scuffed knee. He - was toted off in an ambulance, repaired and returned to view the night sections, relatively unharmed. The sound of an · ambulance screeming past is just what a co-driver needs before going _up on top of the world to run a stage at speed. We averaged 70.5 mph along the rim, missing Rod Millen's 1986 record by about a half minute, and returned to Wellsboro's Village Green with a small but comfortable lead over Woodner and Millen. Strange happenings occurred behind us. Jean-Paul Perusse, driving one of "Salty" Saltalano's VW Golf GTis, performed major surgery on the front suspension and lost many minutes crawling to the finish of Stage Two. Dan and Betty Gilliland rolled their Dodge Shelby Charger on a right hand hairpin after catching Perusse and experiencing the wonderful-ness of blinding dust. · The Dodge Shadows of Doug Shepherd and John Crawford were reported wallowing badly in the tight hairpins, experiencing ma,·or understeer problems. John Ke ly of Louisville, KY. blew a tire and limped to the finish of Stage Two. -While all this was going on Buffum and I sat in our motel room and watched the women's tennis finals of the French Open. I left early to walk back to the Village Green for the restart. JB ran back, arriving one minute before our out time. The match was tied when we left. For the rest of · the night we asked everyone who had finally won. We didn't find out until Sunday morning. , • · The first night stage, "Asaph Run", is also a famous spectator stage. It always shocks us when we hit the spectator point at the "Tee-Right Over Bridge" to see four to five thousand people sitting in the hil_ls. Bo Skowrannek and Terry Epp corner hard in the Volvo 242 Turbo, and the pace brought them second in Group A and fifth overall . Dusty Times
Dan Goughnour and Eric Marcus had a good run in the Dodge Omni GLH, and they ended up taking third in Production Class and sixth overall. Cal and Karen Landau, another one of the Dodge orphan teams, were close all the way, and the pair finished fourth in Production Class. Bill Buff and John "Doc" Shuster did a fine job in their Dodge Omni GLH Turbo, taking second place in the Production GT Class. A few stages later we received a report we were in second place behind Jon Woodner's Peugeot. On a previous stage Jon got a "flyer" - that's the term we use when a start co_ntrol sends you onto a stage a minute earlier than your actual start time. It cuts your stage· time by a full minute. Until the error was corrected by the organizers, with Woodner's sportsmanlike cooperation, the press reveled in the prospect of a major upset. At the Wellsboro finish Sunday morning, Buffum and I opened a bottle of champagne and celebrated. We weren't · drinking to our first place finish, we were honoring The Old Lady. We poured the entire bottle over the Audi, and thanked her, and said goodbye to Group B. Then we opened a second bottle and drank it. Woodner had dogged our trail throughout the night, followed by Millen in a comfortable Group A lead. Three stages from the end W oodner lost a front cliff and became a two-wheel drive rally car. At a start line he told me the car scared the hell out of him. It refused to accelerate in a The Open Class has few entries, but one interesting Volkswagen G Tl took _third in the class driven by Jody Lift and Tony Turnlund. Dusty Times explains human suffering. They were sitting third overall when they started the final stage of the STPR. They were sitting second in Group A, behind ·Rod Millen. During the first mile of the final stage they exerienced "The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering" - they stuffed their Toyota Corolla FX16 into the trees and DNFed! -David Lapham and Ferretti drove tml e·handsome Mitsubishi Starion harq all the way and wo/2 the GT Production Class; their seed, and were seventh overall. I . There were only two major glitches in the entire rally. One we agreed on - a holdup at a Start Control waiting for the return of an ambulance delivering a competitor to the hospital during the night. The competitor, Laura Hire of Grand Rapids, Michigan, suffered a badly bruised elbow when her driver, Chris Jacobs, an unmovable object in his VW GTI. She was treated and released with a cute little sling and joined the walking wounded of the STPR. Erik Zenz and Brian Berg four wheeled their Mazda ·323 in fine style to finish third in Group A, w1ich is gaining more converts this year. The second was a long hold at a Starr Control while the safety marshals searched · for the whe,reabouts of an employee of a power station located· inside the stage. Seems the fellow left the station at the midn,ight shift change and disappeared! Not so strange - last year the same guy did the same thing and stopped the same stage at the same time of night. Last year Buffum and I refused to run the stage at speed and it was scrubbed. This ,year they located the missing late night traveler and we did run the stage. Michael and Rene Ville mu re drove yet another Dodge Omni GLH Turbo in GT Production Class, a~d this team earned third in the class. All in all, the 1987 STPR was a , huge success. Perhaps the roads were just too good and the hotshoes just a bit over exuberant. Perhaps the lure of outstanding rally roads in the Pennsylvania mountains, coupled with the perfect running conditions, moved the right foot down a fraction of an inch too far. Whatever the cause, a lar:ge number of traditional finishers in the higher Seed groups, joined the ranks of the DNFers. That old saw "The race does not· always go to the swiftest" proved all too true at the STPR. straight line. Just bombed off wherever it pleased. The Peugeot service crew changed the diffbut couldn't cure the problem and Woodner DNFed, moving Millen and Ward into second overall. JB's stepson and our team-mate, Pau Choiniere, drifted a bit wide in a hairpin. and high centered his Production Class Audi Coupe. Spectators threw it back onto the road but the loss·of time cost young Paul and Scott Weinheimer a finish. They continued on through all the stages but the organizers caught up with them at the . finish -DNF. Doug Shepherd proved he is human. He broke his long string of class victories with a DNF well off the road. Br1uno Kreibich experienced terminal mechanical problems with his Group B Audi Quattro and also parked for the night. Bob Voll and Phil Suomu (who co-drove one of the.Team Audi cars on The One Lap of America) performed a major off and did major structural damage to their Mazda RX-4. Guy Light parked it for unknown reasons. Californian Scott Child blew an engine -unluckil1,1 it was in the _car he was driving1- DNF. · The Mysterious O!'es, Richey August 1~87 and Howard Watanabe of W. Covina, CA. must have done something to · upset Buddha. Perhaps they did not study "The Fout;fold Noble Truth" which Perhaps this is The Year of the Turtle. Someone should ask the Watanabes. Ninjas know these things. MINIMUM EFFORT1••························ .. MAXIMUM EFFECT!!! CA3 -COMPETITION BRA~E WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACii.JRERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 Page 39 . ")
~-----------------------------------------------------I , I t t: t i. -Jack Short Ta~cs Top Honors · in the Snore-Twili9ht ·100 John and Ron Ellenburg had a good night in the rough weather, and the father and son brought their racer home a strong third in Class 10. lap. Collins held his lead through the second and third laps with a pair of 36 minute rounds. But on lap 4 studs stripped from the left rear wheel, and Collins put his car on the trailer, at the time holding a nine minute lead over Troy Herbst; who also broke . down on lap 4. ' class. Class 10 also had· seven starters, and again all but one covered the first lap. Californian Don · Angel was the first one -Dack, with the second quickest time of the day, a swift 34:57, and it was the fastest lap in Class -10. But, Jack Short was only 18 seconds back, and here Larry Gilmore was third, another four minutes down. -Jack Short drove his new Stop n Go sponsored Class 1 0 car to his first overall victory of the season, taking the lead on the second of six laps and taking top honors by over three minutes. After four laps Dennis Lee led the remaining quartet in Unlimited class, and Kelly Collins was second, having had trouble on lap 3. James Barbeau was next, -followed by Aaron Hawley. Hawley retired after four rounds with a long fourth The weather took its- toll on the class, as Gilmore used nearly two hours on lap 2, and retired after three laps. After two rounds Short held a slim lead on Angel, and John Ellenburg was close, while Mike Rusnak was now fourth. But Rusnak lost a lot of time on the next lap. Midway, Short led Angel by less than a minute, and the race was between these tWQ fast drivers. Dennis and Shawn Lee won the combined Class 1 and 2 handily in the two seater,. and they were the only entry in the seven car class thaJ finished all six laps. The Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts went head to head on June 6 with Score's Baja Internacional, and they still came up with a good field for the second SNORE points race of 1987, the Twilight 200. Thirty-five starters in four classes braved threatening weather and the rocks and silt of southern Nevada, going for the cash and --..-valuable points in the Yokohama race series. The Twilight 200 was staged about two miles south of Railroad Pass, near a sand drag facility, and several southern California drivers joined the Las Vegas regulars on the starting line. Classes 1 /2, 10 and 1-2-1600 were required to cover six laps of the 28 mile course that _ used some of the roads of the recent Mint 400 race. · Pre-running was allowed only on the morning of the race. The ·event started at 6:00 p.m. and mixed daylight and night racing. • Competitors felt it would be a fast course, and Chief Steward Rob Wicker warned the racers about possible short cuts. He TEAM SANDWINDER CHASSIS CHALLENGE CLASS WINNER Budweiser 250 & 1987 Baja Internacional Vitf(J['ij,i,,_ di""""! co..,;;e>),,__ ~ ~1-~ CHASSIS FOR ALL CLASSES 714-825-0583 CALL FOR DETAILS 714-888-2703 241 So. Arrowhead Ave .. San Bernardino. CA 92408 .said he knew where they were -lap, and Kelly Collins held and that monitors would be second ahead of Barbeau, while watching the1;,e spots. There had Lee still led with one lap to go. been rain earlier' in the week in Barbeau parked his Class 1 car, the Eldor1; Valley,· and ju~t saying the water was too deep, a pefore race time, heav)I_ clouds··-foot or more in the washes, and moved into-the area, lightning one wash held three stalled cars. flashed to i:he southwest, and a It was getting cold out on the· storm seemed headed/toward the - course for the drenched drivers. race route. At the drivers' Dennis Lee was the only _one in meeting, Bob Bruno 'of · the the class who finished six laps, B.L.M. warned the drivers to w.inniiig Unlimited honors at beware of flash flooding; ·and to 5:07.36. Each with five laps pull to higher land if it should . done, Kelly Collins and James happen and just wait out the Barbeau were second and third in · ,- A~gei.slowed by afe~ minutes on lap 4, and that was the ball game. J ~ck Short carried on in his keen new ,car to not only win Class 10, but he won the race overall with the incredible tirr1e considering_. tne weather, of . ( continued on pa1;e 43) weather. --------------------------A good wind was blowing at the starting tir;ne, but just ten minutes later the wind was blowing hard, too hard, and in a·nother ten minutes the start/ finish area experienced a torrential downpour. After a radio check around the course, SNORE officials ascertained that there was no present danger from flash flooding in the racing areas. After another 20 minutes the rain let up some, but it left the start/ finish area a sea of mud, and thunder still boomed ominously in the hills. Brian Collins was the first one to finish a lap with fast lap time for the race in his Class 2 Chenowth at 34: 11, and he was trailed tightly by James Barbeau at 35:43. Troy Herbst was close behind at 36:06, followed by · Dennis Lee at 37:39, both driving two seat cars. Only one of the seven starters in this Unlimited class failed to cover a Rob MacCachren almost stole the whole show in his 1-1600, not only winning t big class, but he turned the only class laps under 40 minutes and p(aced secor;~ overall. Brian Colli.ns does a nose stand en route to fast lap of the James Barbeau had a disaster in the water on tne· second race;bathisClass2carwentoutoftheleac/andtheraceon lap, but did cover five rounds, good for third spot in the fourth lap. Unlimited class. Jwgust 1987 Dusty Times
. ·, · YER-IN,GiON 250 \ ~. -. DESER: R~FE . September.5,:6 &·1,.1987 6 LAPS . New 45 Mile ·course ENTRY FEES $350--Pro Classes $150 - Sportsman Classes / : r I. ~: . SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Registrj' tion & Tech Inspection~ · Dini's Lucky Club ): \ . SUrOA!•a!!~~~MBER 6 _ , · :MO~DAV, SEPTEMBER 7 Award$ Continental Breakfast_;_ 1 • Casino West -II Sponsored by:· . · ; , .. >YYOKOHAMA. ' ·~ ASON. VALLEY· I . Chamber of Commerce . For ·serious Performers Entry & Race lnformatio'r1 -yoRRA 1 (91.6)925-1702 , 1833 Los Robles Blvd., S cramento, CA 95838 · Yerington Information - Mason Valley~ amber J Commerc~ ~ (702). 463-3~63
i > I I I ' I "" GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES Super,Racin9 at St. Francis; Kansa-It was a 90° plus day at St. Francis, Kansas as the second race of the Great Western Points season got underway. The W .K.R., W·estern Kansas Racing, were our hosts, and this season they are the only off road club in the state of Kansas. The evening before the race the W.K.R. sponsored a fund raiser for the club as well as the community. In the past this club has donated funds for college scholarships (four years running), to support the local ambulance, and they also helped the JayCees pay off the note for the county baseball diamond. The next morning a brief meeting was held before the race where it was agreed that the GWPS rules would be followed, and they use the Score rulebook. There were a few changes that the drivers voted on for this race only. Instead of inverting the · entire field for starting positions for the main event, only the top SO percent were inverted from the results of qualifying. It was THE ,. also decided that points for the qualifying race would be dropped; there was money as an incentive instead. First place paid $100 and second position paid $50. The W.K.R. also deducted $20 from each entry fee for a bonus given to each car in the entry for tow money. Before racing started, each of the cars lined up in front of the grandstand. The· separate classes were described, cars and drivers were introduced to the spectators and the National Anthem was played. After a rousing cheer, the race· was officially on the way as the drivers pulled off the track to get ready for action. Once again there were not enough entries in Classes 2, 3, 4, and 5 to contend separately, so the drivers decided to run together for one overall winner, but separate points were awarded by class • The entire day featured a plague of flat tires; the plague struck every class in just about .every heat. There was a banked corner with a long, parallel dip right before the start/ finish line that appeared to be the culprit. PLASTER CITY BLAST Short & Sweet - Many of the top contenders dropped back here or pulled out. Along with the "killer corner" there were seven jumps and five FREEWAY CLOSE 4 TIMES AROUND A FIFTY MILE LOOP SATURDAY OCTOBER 3, 1987 Info: Fud: (619) 427-5759 Test & Phc!ws: Joanne Blair sweepers on the nearly half mile track located at the Cheyenne County · Fairgrounds in St. Francis. Class 1-2-1600 ran the first moto with· a total of ten entries. The qualifying run went fairly smooth, but not without mishap. Dave Coyle, of Loveland, CO, suffered the first flat of the day. It wasn't Coyle's day, as he had another flat past the fourth lap in the main event, forcing him to drop out again. Gerry Bowers, of Ft. Collins, CO, was beginning to have mechanical difficulties, and also had a flat. Chad Bertram was another casualty with his flat in qualifying coming in the first t-um right off the start of the heat. The rest of the contenders managed to avoid flats and put on a race that the spectators enjoyed. The results from the 1-2-1600 qualifying heat had Paul Shaver, from Colorado Springs, winning the first place cash, and Shawn Whitney, from Littleton, CO, was second. During the 1-2-1600 main ev,ent .Steve Douthit, a favored · loc)ll driver from St. Francis, held a good lead. Just as he started the fifth lap, the "killer corner" gave him a flat and he slowly dropped back to finish in fifth place. The new leader was Jeff Wright: (619) 561-4£10 Race Two of Fudpucker Racing Team Superstition Fall Series Ed Mialo out lasted the Heavy Metal in the Class 2-5-3-4 main event, and Ed kept his Bug tidy as-he took the Class 5 points and won the race overall. Page 42 -August 1987 Shawn Whitney came from Littleton, Colorado to take second in the 1-2-1600 heat and score an impressive c_ome-from-behind victory in the main event. p;~l Shaver. But, Kevin Walsh, Robbi Smith and Jerry Daughera of Denver, CO, was passing ty, from Colorado, both driving contenders and- pulled up to Class 4· rigs. As Smith began to challenge Shaver's lead. These pull the lead away from · two had a good fight for two laps, Daugherty on lap 3, his left front then Walsh suddenly dropped wheel came off when he leaned out. His engine seized on lap 6 into one of the sweepers, forcing due to a broken fan belt, and him out of the action. _ Walsh said his dash warning light · As Smith retired, Daugherty was ino perative, so the was also forced to ·slow down. overheating did him in. Then Ed Mialo, in the For~ign From the back of the pack, Car Auto Body Class 5, came up keeping a steady pace, came to take over the lead. Right Shawn Whitney. Shawn kept behind Mialo was another Class passing his challengers, and on 5 car, driven by Kerry the seventh lap he passed Shaver Armstrong from Arvada, CO. to capture the lead. Both men Mia lo· started fifth and battled it out for the remaining Armstrong started in seventh. three laps, but Whitney was able Both managed to avoid to hang on to his lead. The results breakdowns and collisions, and for the Class 1-2-1600 main stayed out front with the overall event show the winner was victory going to Ed Mialo, from Shawn Whitney, followed to the Lakewood, CO. Kerry Arm-flag by Paul Shaver and Mike strong finished second overall, Jennings, of Loveland, CO. and third· went to Jerry The next group in action were Daugherty. The points winners theeightstartersinClasses2,3,4 for Classes 2-5 were Ed Mialo, and 5, two each in Classes 2 and Kerry Armstrong and Bill 5, three in Class 4 and one in Coffey.ThepointsinClasses3-4 Class 3. This qualifying heat was went to Jerry Daugherty, Tim basically uneventful. The once Briscoe and Robbi Smith. exception was right off th~ start. The final class on the course Jerry Daugherty, driving his was 10, with eight cars in the Class 4 Chevy Blazer, forced Bill field. The qualifying race was fast Coffey's, Class 2 car into the and steady. All who started the · guard rail in th~ first tu_rn past the five lap event finished, most in grandstands. The impact of their starting position. There was Coffey's car into the rail caused a a slight juggle from the onset of flat and forced him out of the the race to get the lead . Taking -qualifying race. Also during this the advamage and jumping right heat Doug Bath/ Larry Christ-off the line, Mitch Mustard ran man, both frotn Loveland, in an away with the lead. Close behind UltraStock body Dodge, had a him was another favorite from . carburetor clip fall down the St. Francis, Kenny Bracelin. The manifold, cracking the block, so other cars in the field had little they were out for the day. chance to catch up with these The main event for these two, so they battled among ' classes held more action. At the themselves for third position . . green flag cars and trucks From the back of the pack scrambled and fought for another local driver, Vaughn , position. The first lap was Sabatka from McDonald. _ indecisive, the sec~md lap Kansas, advanced through the . the cars began to gain position. others to claim third place. At The Edgewater Jeep driven by .the flag Mustard won, Bracelin Jim Olson snapped a tie rod and was second and Sabatka was came to ,an abrupt halt in the third. secqnd lap, leaving the struggle The main event held more for. first between Nebraskan excitement than the qualifying, The Class 10 action was hot and heavy, but had a familiar result as Mitch Mustard kept his tidy Chenowth Magnum out front all the way in the heat and the main event. Dusty Times
The excitement in Class 10 came in the main when Tom Schreivogel stuffed his Magnum over the cage of Danny Rice's Magnum, but they both went on to finish, third and second. Local driver from St. Francis Steve Douthit started the 1-2-1600 main event in the lead, but a flat tire dropped him to fifth at the flag. Gerry Bowers led Shawn Whitney in the 1-2-1600 heat in the early laps, but Bowers went out with mechanical woes and Whitney finished second. and there were a few entangle-ments during the ten lap event. Right off the start Mitch Mustard, Arvada, CO, and Scott Galloway, in the Diamond G Racing entry, fought for the lead . . Galloway, from Lakewood, CO, went into the guard rail in the first turn, and dropped back 'i:o last place. Mustard pulled out and once again maintained the first slot during the entire main event. Not far behind Mustard was Danny Rice, sponsored by Miller Brewing this year. Rice was just behind Mustard and was able to maintain second place during the race. Rice had a scare on the sixth lap when Tom Schreivogel advanced into a turn that Rice had slowed for, and Schreivogel's car climbed up the back of Rice's racer for · a moment. They both managed to separate without damage to either Chenowth Magnum;and both continued on in the race. • From this point Schreivogel stayed in the third position. The sixth lap was unlucky for Ken·ny Bracelin. The "killer corner" claimed one of his tires and forced him to the back of the field and eventually out of the race two laps later. In the seventh lap Larry Lee and John Evans tangled, then Evan~ slid into the guard rail, lost thie bead on a whLel and ended J p with a flat, and went out of th~' race. . , . The remainder of the race was a battle of the Magnums wii:h Mustard leading Rice and Schreivogel. The three contend-ers kept the spectators on their feet for the last lap ih anticipation of a spectacular fihish. · But the order held for the Class 10 main event; as Mitch Mu:stard won the battle. Danny Rice held second and Tom Schreivogel was third, both from Lakewdod, CO. Once again rhe IW.K.R. club put on a ·great · race, and the tember 20. Team T /Ahas been adtivities were enjoyed by all who supporting our races through a~tended. The W .K.R. invites one of the local distributors, Tire a~y racers to drop by on the way Centers, Inc. TCI's manager Bill · to Riverside to race in their next Utter donates three percent of all eJent on August 8 and 9. This tire sales from purchases by race is run along wii:h the country racers back to the club. In fair, so there is plenty of other addition Team T / A has put up . at tivity for singles as well as money to help the club advertise, fa'milies. For more information send out newsletters to please contact Mr: Brent Reub at members, and has guaranteed (913) 332-3402. $7880 in. paybacks for top class j A closing note to remind finishers at the end of the season. i,acers that the BFGoodrich All of us appreciate what Team Tbam TI A tractor/trailer and TI A has done for the club. For st~ff will attend the two Denver more info' on GWPS races call dces, August 21 and the · Shelly Gunter (303) 669-1069 c~ampionship race on Sep- during business hours. Another racing Collins from Las. Vegas; Kelly, stayed with the program for five taps, and ended up with second piace money in Unlimited class. teve Burke gave the winner a run for the trophy for two laps, had real trouble on the final two rounds and ended up finishing second in Challenger class. California racer Mike Rusnak did well for four laps, but then came to grief, but his four laps were good for fourth in the Class 10 action. . ' SHORE (from pagqo) 3:57 .48: Don Angel stayed close, finishing second in class and third overall with a total time of 4:06.35. John Ellenburg finished · all six laps for third in Class 10, and Rusnak, with four laps done, was fourth in class. With 14 starters the biggest field was, as always, in Class 1-2-1600, with Rob MacCachren heading the list of favorites. Running just ahead of the weather, MacCachren turned a 37 :31 first lap .time, fast lap for i:he class. He slowed a bit after that, stopping every lap for dry gloves. In second on lap 2 was · Brent Bell at 40:38, but he was not seen again. Barry McDermott was next at 41 :06, just barely ahead of Grant Garban at 41 :08. Two failed to cover a lap, and, except for Bell, all the rest did at least four rounds. After two laps ·MacCachren stretched his lead to seven minutes over Howard Gregory, who had Grant Garban just behind him. Steve Burke was a seconds behind him. Midway the close third, with Stan James just a order held with MacCachren minute behind himl now eight minutes up on Both Penningtoh and Bill Gregory, who had over five Rogerson went out bn the second minutes on Garban. Now Kenny lap. Up front Pete Dutton led Freeman was shaving his Steve Burke . by about five early laps. minutes, and Dave Collier and Nobody was going to catch Stan James were tight, fighting Rob MacCachren this evening, for third spot. Both James and and after four laps the young I, Forrest Ellis vanished on the next Vegan had moved into second lap, Burke had bigltrouble, and overall. After six -rounds Rob Dutton continued to turn lap was still second overall, and he ti~es just under an r._ our. Collier won Class 1-2-1600 and the big disappeared on thepast lap,. and points by over 17 minutes with a out front Pete Dutton did a total time of 4:01.15. Kenny 58:45 to win thJ Challenger Freeman went faster each lap to honors by well over an hour. place second in class, about four Steve Burke kept· moving to minutes up on Barry ·McDer- finish all four laps in second spot, mott, who had eight minutes on while Dave Collier was third with Grant Garban. Only these four three laps done. finished six laps. · The Twilight 200 was a good There were seven starters in warm up for SNORE drivers for the Challenger Class, and they all the next series race, ti he Midnight did at least one lap of the four Special, all in the dark late in required in this class. Californian July. Next it is SN0RE's biggie, Pete Dutton led the first lap with the SNORE 250 on September class fast lap of 49:03, but Brian 25-27, a fun desert race with a Pennington was just a minute generous payback that usually Aaron Hawley had two good laps and a. very long_ fourth lap, and was not seen again, but his two seater was fourth in the Unlimited action. Brian Pennington started out strong in Challenger Class, a close second, but he was down and out on the second of the · four required laps. Dusty Times August 1987 brings out some of the heavy · hitters. . )With two of the six Yokohama Points Series events scored, Rob M1acCachren leads on points with 1270, followed by Kenny Freeman, 1010, Grant Garban, 860, John Ellenburg, 800, and Stan James and Herman Salaz are I -, tied at 740. COOLEXX Water cooled shock adapter kit · Fits any shock . Easy bolt-on with no shock modifications I The revolutionary fTIOdel R-5OO COOLE:XX'M_ water cooled shock absorber system completely eliminates shock fade and failure due to heat build-up. This patented system consists of thin metal jackets that clamp to the outside of existing ;shocks and add only ¼-inch to the total shock diameter. Jackets are available for any shock size. WESTCORP RACING 12155 Magnolia Ave., Suite 8-B Riverside, CA 92503 (714) 964-0822 Page 43 .P
_The "Bombers" Return to FORDA Racing at Lakeland It was a bright sunny morning as the participants and spectators arrived for the June 14 races at Lakeland, Florida. There was a • welcome addition to the program as the Novice Bombers (stock VW sedans) arrived ready to take their place in the event. The track was in great shape. It wasn't going to be dusty, as it was for the last race, thanks to the rain that covered the area during the week leaving the ground saturated. The racing schedule called for two eight lap heat races and a fifteen lap feature for Classes 1, 1600 and D, with Class 1 and 1600 running the heat · races together, and all three classes doing the feature at the same time. The Novice Bombers ran two seven lap heats and a nine lap feature. Their course consisted only of the front section of the track, which eliminated the two jumps and the hairpin turn. Once again the participation was on the light side, with only three Class 1 machines, of which one was a Toyota truck, seven 1600s, six D cars and five Novice Bombers. D Class was first on the schedule. They were six abr~ast when the_ head _fJ;;1gm_a_11_, Gale Page 44 Text & Photos: John Sprovkin Thomas, gave the starting signal. Windham, in second place. John Daryel Stedman didn't waste any Cor-y and Mark Amrhein were in time getting in front of the pack a competitive mode,. bumper to as they made their way around bumper and side by side. They the wide turn, through the were in a real struggle for .third mudhole, and along the straight place. John hit a tire marker towards the first jump. As they . during the seventh lap and did a went over the jump, still led by half turn spin, but it didn't slow Daryel, Gene Windham acceler- him down as he continued on his ated his machine into second way. When the checkered flag place, separating himself from came down, Daryel Stedman was the rest of the group. After the the first to -cross its path, far ti.Im, John Cory and Mark followed by Gene Windham, Amrhein were side by side as then John Cory. they went into the hairpin turn, In the first Class 1 and 1600 while Robbie May and Bill Prout heat, Butch Brickle and James brought up the rear. Crompton were the only Class 1 Into the second lap Daryel . drivers in the heat, starting in Stedman extended his lead. Gene front of the 1600 class. With Windham, John Cory and Mark everyone on "ready", off they Amrhein were bumper to went with engines roaring and bumper approaching the second wheels turning. Butch Brickle jump. Robbie May seemed to be was the first in sight as they came having some problems, as he was around the wide turn into the leaving a trail of smoke behind . straight, and he was followed by him. On the next lap, Bill Prout, James Crompton, then Joe who was pulling up the rear, Cunningham in his 1600. All made his way around the went smoothly over the first smoking machine of Robbie jump and around the hairpin May. turn. As the pack went over the Starting the fourth lap there second jump, Crompton had to was no doubt as to who was pull off because of transmission leading. Daryel Stedman had a trouble. good third lap ·margin_ c:>n __ Gene _ By the third lap, Butch was the ~ OFF-ROAD RACING TEAM August 1987 Daryel Stedman flew out front all day long, as he drove smoothly to victory in both D Class heats and the main event, where he finished well overall also. sole runner in Class 1 and had a substantial lead on the 1600s. Jerry Allen and Jr. Taylor came off the_ second jump together with Randy Cunningham right behind them. Randy ran into Jr. when they landed, but it was no problem as they all continued on in tight formation. Taylor had another mishap on the fourth lap when he went off the track, came back onto the track, then rolled over the jump and stalled out. It put him out for the remainder of the heat. While all this was taking place, Martin Neri · made a good move around Craig Bohres. By the fifth lap Joe Cunningham was at the rear bumper of leader Butch Brickle. Jerry Allen and Ed Chambers were in hot pursuit, side by side along the· back stretch of the track. As the race wound down the tension was building up with · Butch and Joe going down to the wire, and Jerry Allen, Ed Chambers and Randy Cunning-ham in tight formation. Butch Brickle was first to cross the line. Joe Cunningham was next, first in class, followed by Jerry Allen and Ed Chambers. The five Novice Bombers were now lined up for the start of their heat. Everything was going smoothly until they reached the first turn where there was a lot of loose dirt. Dwayne Hinson and Hall/ Doss had a hard time getting around Wilson/ Booth .. During the second lap Jeff Staneff hit a tire marker, but didn't slow down a bit. Dwayne Hinson had engine problems during the third la.r., putting him out of the race. Jetf Staneff went flying by Hall/ Doss in the fourth lap, putting him right behind Wilson/Booth,, who were leading, with a good margin. When it was a II over, Wilson/ Booth won, followed by Jeff Staneff . and Hall / Doss in third. D Class was back for their second heat, and five buggies were on the move with Daryel Stedman once again leading the way. Mark. Amrhein bumped wheels with Daryel as they went into the' far turn. Daryel accelerated ahead, and John Cory got around Mark. Mark then overtook John just after the hairpin turn. Bill Prout made his turn too wide and hit a tire -marker, standing his machine on end. During the third lap Gene Windham and Darycl Stedman were side by side and wheel to wheel over the first jump. Gene came around the far turn on two wheels, and the pair were bumper to bumper through this and the next lap. In the fourth lap Mark Amrhein came off the jumr wrong_ and almost lost contro . Bill Prout once again had his hands full when he hit a bad spot on the track and he went off cqurse. By this time Daryel had -about a ten buggy length lead over Gene Windham, who was bumper to bumper with Mark Amrhein. On the seventh lap Bill Prout came around the hairpin with a flat tire. When all crossed the finish line the order was Daryel Stedman, Gene Wind-ham and Mark Amrhein. The second Class 1 and 1600 heat saw Gary Groce have some traction problems as he pulled up to the rear of the pack. Ed Chambers made a good move as he went around Randy Cunning-ham. The pack was stiff in tight formation as they went into the hairpin turn. By the second lap Randy Cunningham _and Ed Chambers tried to occupy the same. space on the track, but it didn't work out. A little buggy to buggy contact took place, then they went on with Ed on the front side of Randy. Joe Cunningham and Jr. Taylor were bumper to bumper and exchanged positions twice during the third lap. Randy Cunning-ham hit a tire marker and did a Butch Brickle ruled the slim three car field in Class 1 and 7 combined, as h9 drove easily to victory in both the heats and the feature race. Dusty nmes
Taking the inside line in traffic in the feature race, Gene Windham got his D Class racer in for a pair of seconds in the heat races. Jerry Allen, left, and Ed Chambers fly a Jump in the 1600 action. Allen finished second in both heats, and took a third in the main event. The Bombers are slightly modified VW sedans, and here Jeff Staneff leads Dwayne Hinson and the Ghia of Malcolm Booth in first lap action. Thomljls Wilson and Duane Booth won the first Bomber heat, and here the car shows the battle scars from the fun time competition. John Cory kept his D Class racer in1 good shape all day, and drove hard to finish third in all three events for the small engine class. Covered with Florida mud, Martin Neri just edges past Craig Bohres in 1600 action, the largest class as the Lakeland FORDA event. · · "wheelie". During the fourth lap Butch Brickle developed some engine problems and started losing ground. Joe Cunningham was now the leader of the pack. Jerry Allen passed Jr. Taylor. In the fifth lap Randy Cunningham and Ed Chambers once again bumped buggies as they came out of a turn. For the next three laps Joe Cunningham and Jerry Allen were head to head in stiff competition along the course. Butch Brickle finally dropped out during the last lap with a broken rocker arm. Down the last stretch to victory, Joe Cunningham and Jerry Allen were right there to the wire, and Joe came in first, Jerry Allen was second and Jr. Taylor was third. . The Novice Bombers fielded · five for the second heat. ·Wilson/ Booth picked up the lead as they went around the first turn. Dwayne Hinson got stuck in the dirt. During the second lap Hall/ Doss buried the car in the same turn, losing two laps. In the third lap Malcom Booth made his way around JeffStaneff, then took over the lead on the next lap from W ii son/Booth.Jeff Staneff was quick on the stick and also made his way around Wilson/ Booth. As they crossed the finish line, Malcom Booth was first,Jeff Staneff was second, and Wilson and D. Booth took third. After a short intermission the Novice Bombers again lined up for the start of their feature race. .Off the line Hall/ Doss led the group, but they dropped out during the second lap with ·problems, giving up the lead to Malcom Booth. During the third lap Jeff Staneff was w,ring it up as he went by Dwayne Hinson. Malcom had a good lead while Staneff and Hinson were in close competition. On the final phase of the race Dwayne Hinson bogged down turning his position over to Wilson/ Booth. At the flag it was Malcom Booth, Jeff Staneff and Dway!'le Hinson. The final race of the day was the feature for Classes 1, 1600 and D, all together on the track. At the green flag twelve buggies anc~ one Toyota truck were on the move. Butch _Brickle, Ed Chambers and Jr. Taylor were the first three over the first jump, while Gary Groce got stuck in the soft dirt Randy Cunningham lost his ring gear, forcing him out before completing a lap. Randy's brother Joe Cunningham had his hands cramp up in the first turn, spun around and caused some congestion. During the second l~p Jr. Taylor got the dirt flying and got around Ed Chambers. ThenJerry Allen and Chambers tangled Joe Cunningham, left, and Jr. Taylor battled hard for the 1600 honors. Cunningham won the two heat races and Taylor took the win in the main event. Dusty Times during the-third lap. By the sixth lap Butch Brickle, the overall leader, was holding his own, but he was losing oil so he wasn't pushing it. Jr. Taylor was leading the 1600 class, I and Daryel Stedman was out in front in D Class. Craig Bohres hit a tire marker, stalling his engine, and · he also broke the shifter. Gene Windham ended this race early when the fan belt broke, burning up his engine. Going into the tenth lap Jr. Taylor and Joe Cunningham were side by side, each trying to be the front runner. Daryel Stedman came around the hairpin with Mark Amrhein righ·t on his bumper, and going into the final laps it was still anyone's race. The tight 1600 group ofJr. Taylor, Joe .Cunningham and Jerry , Allen stayed with each other front to rear, side by side, and bumper to bumper until the end. In D Class Daryel Stedman had a good lead on the rest of his class, and Mark Amrhein and John Cory were in a battle for second. When the. final checkered fla_g of the day fell, Butch Brickle was first overall, followed by the 1600s of Jr. Taylor, Joe Cunningham and Jerry Allen. Daryel Stedman was first across for D Class, followed by Mark Amrhein and John Cory. F.O.R.D.A. would like to thank Street and Sand Toys of Fort Lauderdale for · putting up the $300 purse for the Novice Bombers. After the Crowder Cracker 150 on the 4th ofJuly, F.O.R.D.A. returns to Lakeland on August 2 for · another round of short course action. St·CLASS WINS PER RACE WITH PAC"E . . FM 2-WAVS . . Landmaster I I I - $725 I • Handh;elds • Rentals OVER 400 ON THE COURSE •I Antennas • Helmet Wired $125 (cf) • Intercoms • Amplifiers • Official Radio of: HDRA -SNORE • • Weatherman Radio Relay Team• • Emergency Rescue Service • 2888 Grundry Ave. Signal Hill,-CA 90806 RACE RADIOS (213) 427-8177 August 1987 Page 45
GLEN HELEN OHV PARK Brad Castle Wins the Second Miller Off Road Challenge By Elaine Jones ( Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises/Peter Hatch finished proving it was survival of the fittest. · Brad Castle won the close infighting in Class 10 in his Raceco, and here Castle just edges Rob Gordon into one of the tight turns on the Glen Helen course. Andy Anderson from Lompoc and his wife Leslie looked like they were out for a Sunday drive as they went wire to wire in the 1-2-1600 Class. It was almost like he was holding class as everyone was content to follow him around. Rick Boyer of Bakers-field, who went solo, locked in behind.Anderson and waited for the mistake that never came and settled for second. It was third place Jesse Rodriquez of Orange that had to work his way up from a fifth place start and Steve Bishop of Canyon Lake and Dave .Locke of Fountain Valley were not eager to help him out. Rodriquez zigged when they zagged and put himself in third by the third lap and found frustration when he couldn't out slick Anderson and Boyer.. Brad Castle had a lovely· time at Glen Helen as he came from behind in the main event to collect all the marbles. In an unique move on the part of the promoters the fastest qualifier drew for the number of laps the Class 10 main would run and the magic number was fourteen. For some it was good and for others not so good. . At the drop of the flag it was Tommy Croft, the fastest qualifier, out in front followed by Jerry Whelchel of Anaheim and Castle. On lap three Croft was sidelined- by mechanical problems and · the driver from San Diego watched as the battle shaped up between new leader Whelchel and Castle. Mean-while, back in the pack Rob Gordon of Cypress and Eric Arras of Riverside were on the move and were running third and fourth repsectively. The fickle finger of fate stepped in again and on the sixth lap Gordon was also by the wayside and Arras was in possession of third. Whelchel was still leading the ·way with Castle a very close second and then it all changed on lap nine as Page_46 Whelchel's car expir~d leaving the way clear for Castle. It was clear sailing from there on out as attrition continued to claim the top runners. Arras nursed his McDonald's spon-sored car to the eleventh lap and could go no further. Ron Carter of Culver City had been right in there all the way and he was more than happy to take over the second slot with Jim Fishback, · the Etiwanda driver, home third. Fifteen cars started and five The Quads put on one of the best shows of the day as Andrew Buck and Brian Fry fought it out for the -overall win. Buck of Torrance put on an awesome display of riding ability as he made the Glen Helen course look almost flat going wire to wire in the first heat. The second time out did not end so successfully as Joey Moore drove his stadium racing Chevrolet very well on the more open track, and he ended up taking the victory in the crowd pleasing_ Class 7 battle. August 1987 Jack Millerd flew high on the back stretch in his two seater, and he won the honors in the first round of Challenger Class racing on this short desert course. Rod Fowler of Riverside joined forces with Fry and applied a whole lot of pressure and then it hdppened. Ruck's left rear tire w~nt flat with two laps to go and t b ugh he hung in there gamely he couldn't hold off Fowler and · F 1y and ended up third. When the main rolled around you can be sure Buck was ready atjd so was his tire and he ran . a't'ay from the field proving it was his day. Fry was second and Drvid Chappell of Apple Valley rounded out the field with third. Fchwler made a mistake early on aqd it cost him two laps putting hilm out of contention. f Rory Holladay of Fontana had a grand slam in the Odyssey Class' and he wasn't even playing golf. He set fast time, won the heat and, after two laps behind Ron Pierce in the main, he took over the lead and went on for the whole pot of gold. Russell East of San Bernardino was a solid third. The Class 7 Trucks were short on numbers but long on crowd appeal as they put on a great show. Joey Moore topped both the heats but in the Main Event Moore outlasted Bill Holmes but neither truck finished. Hopefully this class will add some numbers for the next race because they do put on a show. Grant Steele and co-driver, It was two seater day in the limited classes as Andy Anderson tqok off fast with his wife Leslie riding shotgun, and never looked back as he won in the big Class 1-2~1600. Grant Steele is another charger in the racing family, and his debut at Glen Helen was a dandy, as he drove to the victory in the eight Bug 5-1600 contest. Desert racer Danny Ashcraft brought his Challenger Class Raceco out for the short course bash, and Ashcraft drove to a strong second place. Dusty Times
Ernesto Arambula slides a corner in his 5-1600, and he kept on the pace to take second place in class money home to Ensenada, Mexico. Rick Boyer drove hard in his slick looking racer, and he ran second all the way to the checkere1ld flag in the Class 1-12-1600 contest. Bill Holmes drove his Ford hard in the early going in Class 7, but Joey Moore, to the rear here, ended up winning the class honors. Tim Lawrence of San Clemente had their VW 5-1600 sedan running tops and when attrition seemed to be the style of the day they motored smoothly along not missing a beat and were there at the end when it counted. Ernesto Arambula of Ensenada, who was one of the top finishers in this class at the first Off Road Challenge, again found himself among the top three as he collected the second place cash. He was also part of a Steele sandwich as CamerJn Steele and· ,co-driv~r brew KeyE were third. Nothing like keeping it all in the family . . I A Challenger Class made its debut. This class is Jgreat for the racer on a tight budget as you are li~ ited as to what can be done to thb car keeping the racing solmewhat affordable. Jack Millerd andJeffWaddell of Dana Pdint won the inaugural event with Danny Ashcraft of Carlsbad second. Glen Helen continues to offer good purses and a beautiful setting to bring the whole family to for a day at the races. With the surrounding mountains, grass and fine food stands it's hard to beat. Jesse Rodriguez stayed with the leaders all the way in the Class 1-2-1600 action, but at the flag he finished in third place. Desert racer Cameron Steele had argood tim.e in his 5-1600, but this ro'und Cameron had to be cont~nt with third spot in1class. Racing hard ·through the scenic San Bernardino hills, Tim Rodriguez kept it all together for a fine finish, fourth in Class 10. __ ~YYOl<a-lAMA6-50 Club Report ~ By Jean Calt1m The Yokohama 6-50 Club was well represented at the Score Bafa Internacional last June with 22 starters in ten classes, including three, in truck classes. The heaviest 6-50 entry-was in Class 2, with eight of the 16 starters in the 50 years of age category, and four of them finished. Doing the best of the viejos were Bill Church, who with his son Michael won Class 10, Corky McMillin, with Brian Ewalt co-driving, who was second in Class 2, Andy DeVercelly and his son Andy, who won Class 5-1600, plus Gregg Symonds who was a close third in Class 7 4x4. Our lone starter in Class 1 was Frank Snook. With Eric Arras co-driving the McDonald's · Raceco, the team finished a strong fifth in the 14 car class. , After Corky McMillin's strong second place in Class 2 in the Porsche powered Chenowth,Jim Temple and his son Mark finished seventh in their Raceco, followed home in eighth by Walter Prince and Susan Steele, Raceco., After a long pit stop, Danny Letner and his son Marty came in ninth. Len Newman and Mike Gaughan came so close, in eighth at Check 9, but" they went no further, anc,i Wally and Wayne Schwaia went out while lying ninth at the same check. Ray Tirheiner and Doug Aldridge got to Check 5 before retiring, and Beny Canela and Mike Quintana were out-4Jefore Camalu. -T-he 6~50 drivers didn;t do well in Class 1-2-1600. Jim Fishback Sr. and Sharon Jarrett got all the way to Check 8 before retiring, while Larry Smith and Dusty Times Jon Kennedy made it through Check 5 and then vanished. Jerry Bundy and Emil Downey had early tr:ouble with their Jeep, but got fixed to finish third in Class 3 action. Of the three starting in Class 5-1600, all crossed the finish line. Doing the very best was Andy DeVercelly with his son AndyR. co-driving, and brothers riding shotgun. The family won the 25 car class. John Howard and Judy Smith did not actually finish, but they came to the finish line to repqrt in so that no one would go looking for them, but the results claim they did finish! A real finish went to Thomas and Sherrie Rogers, taking 16th i;,_ Class 5-1600. In Class 7S Andy and Judi Felix got their first finish since Parker, sixth in the 12 truck class. Gregg Symonds and Warren Miller trucked along quickly to take third in Class 7 4x4 in the Toyota, only ~ minute and change out of ~econd. In Class 8 Stan Gilbert bought a big rock, another truck and sundry trees and was out of the race early. _ A pair started in Challenger Class and Mike Leon. and Javier Tiznado nailed a fine sixth place in the new Jimco. Ed and Hugh McLean did a good job, and they finished 15th in the 28 cai: class. In Class 10 the 6-50 guys -really ·split it up. Jack Irvine was the first one out of the race, still in Ensenada, while Bill Church and his son Michael won the 18 car close battle by less than two minutes. Our congratulations to all the 6-50 B·aja racers, and the winners and losers alike gained points. It was the fifth in the nine race Yokohama 6-50 points series, but only a driver's best six events count at the end of the season. The points leaders after five races were:_ Bill Church,1 278, Andy DeVercelly, 218,Jim Venable/ Stan. Gilbert, 167, Danny Letner, 166, Corky McMillin, 166, Frank Snook, 147, Gregg Symonds, 113, Len Newman, 84, Walter Prince, 73, Andy Felix, 65 and Beny Canela, 51. Moving on to the HORA Fireworks 250, a healthy 23 6-50 dubbers took the green flag, but the tough Barstow terrain took its toll, and only 10 finished the three rugged laps. This round our only winner was Corky McMillin, who took Class 2 by just a couple of ~inutes. Jack Irvine and his son Swtt nabbed a keen second in Class 10, and Frank Snook/ Eric \ Arras were . third in Class 1, a~d the Andy DeVercellys were third in Class 5-1600. . I ( Our only Class 1 starter Frank Snook was also a swift third overall, and Corky McMillin took fifth overall. ]fhree of the, five starters in Class 2 finished; with Wayne Mor~n and Daryl Roll grabbing eightlii and Walt~r and Haig Prince whe eleventh. Getting · in two la~s was Beny Canela, and Dahny Letner covered just one lap. Fiveviejosstarted in Class 1-2-1600, but only two finished. Richard and Jeff Kent were 21st, and Jim Van Cleave and Phil Guckes were 25th, both well within the time allo1wance in the 51 car class. The aged Funco of Jean Calvin and IJudy Smith managed two laps lbefore crying "enough". Sadl¥ neither Dave Fessenden and hi!i Son or Larry Smith/ Jon Kennedy survived the first lap. · August 1.987 Out of the six who started in qass 3, half are in the6-50Club. Gale Pike, with Steve Hummell co-driving, brought the Ram-charger in for a third p!iice finish. Hpwever, both the Jeep - Scrambler of Richard Bundy and the Jeep CJ 7_ of __ Cbfil"I~ Morrison vanished on the first round. Our lone starter in Class 5-\1600, Andy DeVercelly and family, took a fine third at Barstow. 1Grant Randall failed to cover a lap in his Class 7S -Jeep Comanche. Gregg Symonds got in one good lap and one six hour lap in Class 7 4x4 and retired gracefully. Neither of our two ChaUenger cars got a finish at Barstow. Herman DeNunzio got in! two laps, and Richard and Tracy Ford covered one lap. U ack Irvine and his son Scott a great job taking second in Class 10, while father and son Bi111 and Mike Church were fifth th!is round. Also starting in Class IGl, Wayne Withers got in two laps before retiring. New member Rock Bradford, sad to say, did npt cover a lap in his Class 14 Jeep. · \With six of the nine races in -the hopper for 1987, it looks as if sdme folks have a commanding I . lead, but remember, only the bJst six count .. Some of the leaders have competed in all six eJents. So, from here on they will drop their lowest scoring race, be it the Colorado 300, the Snore 250 or the Baja 1000. · With August off for points hunters, the Yokohama · 6~50 · Club -leader now is Bill Church with a giant 323 points. Andy DeVercelly is next with 269, · fqllowed by Corky McMillin with 239. Others in the top group are Frank Snook, 194, Danny Letner, 171, Jim Venable/ Gibert, \67, Gregg Symonds, 118, Walter i:i Prince, 89, Len Newman, 84, Jack Irvine, 77 and Andy Felix, 65. Remember there is nothing to join or dues to pay to be in the 6-50 Club and be eligible for the, year end gold, silver and bronze medals. Just list your age, if you are 50 or over, on the entry form as the driver of record, and you become an instant , 6-50 Club member. Standings are pub-lished in DUSTY TIMES, Score News and Snore Race Ruts. If you are eligible and think you . may be missing out, contact the points keeper, Jean Calvin, at 5331 Derry Ave,, Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. ~f YO\! are new to 6-50 action; or· missed out last year, we have pins and jacket patches for you, · if you let us know your address. FIJN! FIJN! FIJN! THE PLASTER CITY BLAST SATURD_AV OCTOBER 3, 1987 Info: Fud: (619) 427-5759 Jeff Wright: (619) 561-4810 Race Two of Fudpucker Racing .Team Sup,rstition Fall SBriB$ Page 47
" I; I; 1: L, I:, j . i. L i i.: I i i l i. l. i. ts ·, Severson wasn't going to give-up._, Off Road Racing in Antigo, Wisconsin snapped up the leaa with Mitc-h Dumask and Pete Vandehey tight behind. On lap 2 Pete Vandehey got a flat tire but kept the truck moving. Then on lap 3 Tom the race .without one last push on Dave Sr. At the checkered Dave ' Sr. managed to stay ahead of ·. • Severson to finish second behind By Deb Freimuth Photos: Deb Freimuth/ Dennis Freimuth Vandehey also got a flat. Midway in the race Pete took a corner badly, spun out, and John Chaney also was sucked into the spin. Chaney recovered, and then took over the lead. As the white flag appeared, Chaney ·was still running first with Mitch Dumask in second, until he lost his right front wheel. Pete Vandehey snuck back up into second while Dumask limped around the track to finish third. his son in their screaming green : machines. · · · Joey' Flannery set out to prove • th~ name Flannery is synony- · mous with winning by grabbing the lead in Class 13. Tom Jensen had early problems with the • /. track marking tires in an attempt to catch the leaders. Midw~y ih the race things looked a little hairy for the leader Flannery, as. he bumped with a lapped car .and\ almost rolled. But, he pulled himself out in a brilliant save to continue on his winning way. ·. Gary Heidtman. finished second. The Class 6s also took to the course with an almost flag to flag victory for William Graboski, who was the lone survivor after The dust was thick as the Heavy Metal racers rounded the first corner in the Pabst Championdhip run, and Jack Flannery is. already taking the lead, and he won the dash in his Class 4 Ford. I I ' A favorite at any off road race is the Good Old Boys, a class you literally have to see to believe. Sixteen of the most bizarre cars ever seen on an off road course stormed their way, lap after lap, over the jumps, sand, · and whatever else was out there waiting for them. As the checkered came out, Tom Zarda was the lucky winner, with Karl Kegler finishing second. Sunday morning's pre-run 11 laps. After a little encourage-' ment from the flagman and the.• crowd, he limped acros~ the , . finish line with a flat tire to take· · · first place. Scott Taylor· and Dave Vandermissen Sr. made it a battle for the Class 1 lead until seven laps later ~hen Vander-missen was left stranded w,ith mechanical problems. Toin Schwartzburg and Barry Kline . .moved up to second and third,· but just couldn't quite catch the Illinois boy, Scott Taylor, for first. When you get the backing of the Kiwanis Club and the Pabst Brewing Company, odds are you are on your way to a great off road .race. That was certainly the case as the Antigo Kiwanis sponsored the . First'. Annual Antigo Off Road Race at the Langlade County Fairgrounds, June 6th and 7th. · As the racers took to the track for pre-running, it was obvious to all that this new track was • going to be fast and dusty. During the practice, a Class 11 buggy driven by Ed Kniefel nose dived off one of the infield jumps. Its occupants found their way out of the flipped buggy with only a few minor injuries, but the · racer looked like someone had rolled it open like a sardine can. The first class to take the green flag was the· 3 Wheelers. Bryon Deede of Antigo was the happy winner with Joe Ludwig taking second place honors. Shortly after noon, the first of the SODA classes took to the course for the second event in the Superior Points Series. In Class . 5-1600 Phil Freimuth proved his years of experience were the keys to his success, finishing a lap ahead of his closest competitor Jeff Therriault, who was followed closely by · Paul "Froggy" Dallman for third. Sixteen Class 11 stock buggies followed the 5-1600s off the green with Chad Ramesh running a carbon copy race of the first SODA meet at Dresser, for an<:>ther firs~ place. A couple of serious accidents marred this run. Early in the race a Class 11 drove atop another, and the driver of the bottom vehicle received a broken shoulder. Mike Mullaney also received a broken wrist and had to undergo five hours of surgery after he was pushed through the infield fence on the fourth lap. His co-driver suffered a concussion and temporary memory loss. As the checkered appeared, Jeff Jones followed Ramesh across the line for second, with Mike Nixon and Curt Gerald taking third and. fpurth spots. Thirteen Class 2-1600 buggies screamed onto the course, with Scott Taylor and Johnny Koran battling for the first place s,pot. Page 48 Midway into the race it was evident Taylor was on the way to his . first win of the weekend. Koran settled for second and Matt Trelstad was third. . Ken Kincaid grabbed an early lead in Class 4 action, with Jack Heidtman, Mark Seidler, . Bill Schirm and Greg Gerlach following close behind. Jack Flannery really put on a show, as he grabbed about 150 feet of air off the spectator jump. Flannery eventually worked his way up to third, and had his heart set on better. Kincaid then lost the glory spot when a broken drive shaft forced him out of the race on lap 17. Jack Heidtman quickly slipped into the lead and drove home to victory. Jack Flannery and Bill Schirrri were second and third. Johnny Koran found the right opening groove in the 1-1600 proved hazardous, as Beetle class, wlhile several cars piled up Bailey endoed his American behind him. Gary McGowan Stocker four times off the front comple1 ely rolled, but landed jump, finally coming to rest on back on his wheels and was able the infield fence. Emergency to continue on in the race. Greg crews were _immediately sum-Smith quickly stole the lead from moned to remove Beetle and his Koran, with Dave VanDenElzen co-driver from the· • magled in hot pursuit. Scott Taylor had a . wreckage. Both were,aken to the little trouble in the early stages of hospital, but were released later the race, but had quickly that afternoon with broken ribs, recovered. The battle for a broken collar bone and bruises, positions had begun. _ the result of the wild ride. VanDenElzen. passed Smith, - . . In Class 10 action Terry with Taylor following shortly Severson took the pole position, after into second place. Taylor . with the Vandermissens out for pushed VanDenElzen hard the blood. Dave Jr. quickly snitched nextthirteenlaps.ltwasnip-and-Severson's glory, and it wasn't tuck a few times for Dave, but he long ··after when the elder managed to out run Taylor· to -Vandermissen a:lso passed take the win. Gr:eg Smith came tn sSeverson, leaving him in third. third, with Chuck Williams, Jr. On lap-10 $cott Schwalbe's in fourth. motor burned' up, leaving him The crowd was ecstatic as out of contention. As the white twelve Class 8 pickups stormed flag came out, Dave Jr. already onto the course. Tom Vandehey had first plac,e sewn up, · but At two in the · afternoon; seventeen. limited buggies drove up to the starting line for the.first . of the Pabst $1000 Showdown . races. Terry Friday rode on two wheels, but kept the car from rolling, while Dave VanDenElzen was trying for his second win of the weekend. Greg Smith and Scott Tay !or battled for the second place hole, with Taylor eventually coming out 'ahead. Now the heat was on VanDen-Elzen. Taylor snuck up, passed, but was quickly repassed, and (continued on page 5 1) After a few seasons of close-but-no-cigar, Tom Schwartzburg took his first career win in the Pagst $1000 Unlimited Buggy Showdown dash in his Berrien. The Class 8 race was a hectic bash, but John Chaney/recovered the best from traffic trouble, and he went on to win the dozen truck r/Ice. Dave VanDenElzen flew over the start/finish jump, and kept on flying all the way to victory in Class 1-1600, and was second in the Showdown. August 1987 Nursing a .flat tire to the checkered flag, William Graboski survived the best in ' Class 6, and he limped home· for the victory. Dusty Times
The•34th Acropolis Rally Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Mark~u Alen and ll~ka Kivimaki won overall by team decree in Greece, putting Alen second in drivers' points, and giving , Lancia a hefty lead m the World Championship for Makes points. Lancia cars convincingly year old veteran. His age-long kms to the south of Lagonissi, dominated the Acropolis Rally, rival Stig Blomqvis.t was not the rally base. This was the only further increasing their lead in present, since Ford canceled competition on the first day, and the Manufacturers' Champion-plans to run the Sierra RS enormous crowds, estimated at ship, while Markku Alen's Cosworths. · 40,000, watched Alen take. the second win of the season has Surely the most desperate of fastest time. Lancia's semi-thrown the Drivers' series so drivers was the privateer ·Finn official driver Mikael Ericsson strongly into the laps of the Hari Niemi, who two nights jumped awkwardly and bent his Lancia drivers, that the final before the event had both his car's chassis. This led to bad result is likely to depend on team rally and training BMW M3s handling and ultimately to his decisions. Eventual winner Alen stolen from outside the head- retirement when th.e suspension was unable to match the pace of quarters hotel at Lagonissi, and collapsed on the third day. teammates Juha Kankkunen was thereby forced to stay The route on the Monday was ( delayed through punctures early behind. also short with only six stages, on) and Miki Biasion, who fell Ford, Mazda and Opel made butthey were enough for Biasion from the lead with last. day their excuses, but Lancia, Audi, to pull ahead during the critical turbocharger trouble, but tea.m · VW, Renault and Nissan all classification stages which orders enabled him to take the represented the heavy brigade, dictated the starting order for the top honors. while Skoda led a large entry long Tuesday run. Driving on Hounding the Lancias through from Eastern Europe, including freshly graded roads at number to the end were the Audis, not Polonez, Dacia and Wartburg. one, Kankkunen initially took only'the two works 200 Quattros Of the "heavies", few seemed over Alen's lead, . but two flats of Walter Rohrl and more fitting of the description badly delayed him. The wealthy Mikkola, but also the normally than the-Japanese cars, that were Greek driver ·"Jigger", who was aspirated Coupe Quattro of no more competitive on this · heavily guarded wherever he Argentine privateer Jorge event than the Nissan 240 RS went, lost considerable time in a Recalde, who had been second car.s in their day. The question private' Lancia with steering Kicking up dust for the cameras, Hannu Mikkola and Arne Hertz celebrated Mikkola's 100th World Rally by putting the Audi 200 Quattro home third overall. Splashing lots of water, Jorge Recalde and Jorge Del Buono did a fantastic job in the Audi Coupe Quattro, placing a close fou_rth overall. forsometime,andwhosefourth was whether the Acropolis· troubleafterdrivingonaflattire. place was a personal best in would provide an ideal event to Kenneth Eriksson's VW lost a AndreaZanussithenhadgearbox night she was promised spare European rallying. balance the breeds, enabling the 'wheel right at the end of the final trouble, and suddenly the wheels not now needed by They all said that the new super saloons like the Delta to · stage qf the day, again after a tire Japanese challenge· was down to Caneva. Group A formula would be a meet the African monsters like had def_lated: On Monday night two out of four cars. · The heavens opened up in the disaster, and the Acropolis Rally; ·the Audi on even terms. ·Lancias held the top two places As the rally_ headed into the remote hills where Francois would show the inadequacies of The Safari had shown that the overall and the top four in Group hills, so the weather deteriorated Chatr:iot rolled his Renault in the , the new rules, but the gloom was change in the rules had done little N, but these positions were all :even further. The leading Group . mud. He tried forfive minutes to misplaced. Five different types of to _weaken the ability of cars to very close, less than two minutes N cars of Lancia were in trouble; right the car as the fuel dripped· car finished in the first six, and withstand the rugged tracks, and, separated the top ten cars.· . early leader Paul Moshoutis . away; finally the crew succeeded the high tech, four wheel <;lrive so the attention focused once Tuesday started wet; the retired with alternator trouble, · ·and free-wheeled fuel~less to machines were still at the top. again on the tires, ~ainly previousday'sracetogetagood JollyClubdriverVittoriaCaneva within lO0metersoftheendof' This event was not, however, Michelin and Pirelli. Michelin restart position and1 avoid the went out with broken front the stage. Erwin Weber broke a mechanically interesting. Once proudly claimed that their;users ,d4st had therefore been un-suspension, just as Ericsson had drive shaft but continued, losing again it was the people who were suffered fewer deflations on this necessary. VW lost Eriksson, for done, and Alessandro Fiorio was about three minutes. Chatriot's in the I imeligh t. Th is was rock strewn endurance event the third rally running, this time stuck in gear and had differential teammate Jean Ragnotti sensed Mikkola's centenarycrally, and in than others, but Pirelli were just with drive shafttrouble. Shekhar trouble. The leading Group N the 11 Turbo was .losing the later stages he overhauled the happy to say who won! Mehta dro've his Nissan on a flat driver was the lady Pascale considerable power up in the charging Recalde,' showing there· New this year was a spectator tire and immediately the rear Neyret, who had trouble with hills. At th~ night halt at Kamena. is still plenty of life l_eft in the 45 orientated opening stage, held 11 suspension failed. His teammate wheels bending, but on Tuesday (continued on page 51) ==============~--------,-,--------------------,---- - - ------==-------:__- __ :___ __ · Catching a little air for the fans, Jean Ragnotti and Pierre Thimonier drove the Renault 11 Turbo to a keen and close fifth overall. Dusty Times Looking sedate here, Erwin Weber and Matthias Feltz pushed the VW Golf G Tl hard enough to place sixth in Class A and overall. August 1987 The best finish for a Japanese car was the tenth overall scored by Mike Kirkland and Robin Nixon from Kenya in the Nissan 200 SX. Page 49 l i '
' l ..... I -... ~pring Racillg in feorgia . . '{ ,, ..... _j, The 'class 10 action was tight at Cordele as here Bruce Mitchum gets through a corner just barely ahead of Gary Thistlewood, who eventually finished fourth. · The Georgia Off Road Racing Association . began their spring racing program in the middle of March at Cordele, GA. The racing actually started Saturday night at Cordele, with several laps around the round track, an exhibition run for GORRA's off road race cars and crews. Ten cars took the green flag, four Class 10s and. six 1600s, Bruce Mitchum won ln Class 10, ·and Dennis Aiken passed Travis Hurst on the last lap to take the checkered flag in the 1600 contest. Other drivers in the run were Bill Gaylord, Gary Thistle-wood, Jack Thompson; Darrel McKee Jr., Dwight Gilbert, Bob Rule and Bobby Bramblett. The drivers all got a big kick out of racing on the round track, and the crowd loved it. · . ' Saturday morning 18 buggys showed up-for the points race. The activity started with five lap heat races for each class. Starting sixth, Jerry Allen finished first in the 1600 class. Starting second, generator problems and lost oil, Casey and Grant Dale won Class while Jack Thompson, in eighth, 10. lost a fuel pump. In the feature race Grant and It took a big effort of team Casey Dale led the first five laps, work on the part of GORRA only to lose the lead to Gary , drivers just to get Bob Rule's car Thistlewood. Then Jimmie into the race. Rule broke a Crowder, . from Tallahassee, spindle 16 laps into the 35 laps of Florida, took over for the next 12 the 1600 feature, and put the car laps, but on_ the l~th round, on the trailer-with no hope, Crowder broke the right rear although he had planned to run it trailing arm. The Dales reclaimed . in Class 10 as well. Then Ray their first plac~ for the rt:st of the Whigham-offered to take a run, 50 miles· or 35 laps, and spindle off his car, and the big Casey and Grant won the race. effort was under way. Jerry Larry Elliott, driving Bill Holcombe,RayWhigham,Keith Gaylord's car, was closing in Prall, Lindy Herrell, just to name toward the end of the race, but, a few, all pitched in. With six laps didn't have enough time and done in the Class 10 feature, placed second. Lindy Herrell, Lindy Herrell was out on the driving Bob Rule's car, finished track, and came in third. third in the 1600 car. Gary Florida driver Jerry Allen led This'tlewood was fourth and the 1600 feature from flag to flag. Jamie Stahlman was fifth, with Travis Hursf ran in second every shifter problems. Bruce Mitchum lap. Dennis Aiken took .third, was hit from behind and broke a followed by Darrel McKee and · -header, and was sixth. Credited Ray Whigham. Mike Isola was with seventh, Travis Hurst had sixth with trans trouble, Clint ' Hurst was seventh, as his car quit on t_he last lap. Bobby Bramblett was eighth, out with transmission and shock problems, then Bob Rule, broken spindle, was ninth, and Dwight Gilber~ was .tenth; , having lost a wheel dust cover and l;iaving battery trouble. . · The next GORRA race was mid-April, scheduled at Sandy Creek, near Montgomery, -- Alabama. However the 100 ·mile run was changed at the last minute~to .Cordele, 'because of problems ·with insur,ance. Now, all the races scheduled for Montgomery• will take place at Cordele, GA. So., race day there was another round track raee for the buggies the night before the main GORRA points event on Sun-day. And, what . a race it was. GORRA's past President Jack Thompson broke his irm in an incident on the second lap. Jack's fan belt broke, knocking the return springs off the carburator, and the throttle hung wide open, aiming him at the infield bank. But, suddenly, Jack was hit, T-boned to be clear about it, by another car. Neither driver was at fault. Jack was carried to the hospital in an ambulance for a four hour stay, then he was released to go home. There were 14 cars on the line for the Saturday night round track race. Jimmie Cr.owder won Class 10 bv almost a lap. Dennis Aiken·won the 1600 class. Sunday was perfect for r_acing. The sun was out, it wasn't too hot, and there was a little water on some parts of the track. The only serious spot was where the water truck got stuck. If Jimmie. -Crowder had not unhooked his . trailer and pulled the truck out, only after the, water truck had dumped all the· water out on. the trac;k, 'the truck would still be there. Thanks, Jimmie. · A total of 17 cars ,lined tip for the start· of the· 100 mile rate:• Dennis Aiken won the 1600 class, followed by Travis Hurst_ and Bobby Bramblett, all doing 67 .laps. Ray Whigham ·was fourth with 62 laps complete,' -and Darrel McKee got in 64 lap~ also, despite loose seat behs and wheel problems. Clint Hurst had· a_ flat and shock problems, and flipped twice, but he still got in 52 laps for sixth, place. Dwight Gilbert did 40 laps before he flipped and broke the frame. Bob Rule managed 38 laps, pitting three times with fuel problems, and he parked it. David Herrell did 29 laps before motor trouble and the car jumping out of gear put him on the trailer. Ronnie -Whigham covered 41 laps, then went out with' transmission trouble. In Class' 10 Jimmie Crowder won the race with 67 laps completed despite power steer-ing problems. Bill Gaylord's 59 Jimmie Crowder had a perfect run at· the second Cordele race, taking the !3aturday night win, and he als? won the feature race on Sunday and the points. Two seat cars are rare in GORRA competition, but Grant and Darrel.McKee had a good time at the second Cordele run, finishing Clint Hurst flies neatly over the jump at Winder, Georgia, an Casey Dale won the Class 10heatraceandthe feature in this one at well in fifth in Class 1-2-1600-in the long,' 100 m!le feature race. carried on to a good finish in the 25/ap feature race in the heat and .::.C..:.o....:rd....:e....:le'--.--------------------------------------------~d~ust. _________________ ~---Bill Gaylord charges down the front straight at Cordele, and in the 100 mile run he finished second despite a few pit stops. __ Page 50 The track at Winder was hard on tne Class 10 cars, as only three finished, and Jimmy Evans led them all to the victory. AUgust 1987 Dennis Aiken leads the 1-2-1606 points battle, and he won at both the second Cordele run and at Winder, and was third in the first event. Dusty Times
laps were good for second spot, · and he had a flat, trouble with the Parker Pumper, loose link pins . and he lost a shock bolt. Placing third Gary Thistlewood did 46 laps, and had the steering column break, lost a nerf bar, and also had front enLl and power steering ' woes. Next w&s Jamie Stahlman, whose 37 laps included coil problems, a driver change, a flip, a stuck on track, and transmis-sion trouble. Bruce Mitchum also got in 37 laps, downed with engine trouble. Casey and Grant Dale managed just 15 laps before trans trouble put them out and Lindy Herrell lost his engine after just two laps. Late in April GORRA moved ACROPOLIS (continued) Vouria, Biasion was over two minutes ahead of Alen, the Lancias safely 1-2-3 ahead of the 4-5 for Audi's official team, and a surprise sixth place for Recalde's private car. The two wheel drive category was head!!d by Ragnotti, three minutes in front of Weber. The weather cleared up on the final day, but deep pools of water still remained everywhere. Rohrl reported his oil pressure was dropping, possibly due to the air filter collapsing and allowing dust to enter the engine, and, as the route went initially north before heading back towards the finish in Athens, Biasion had his turbocharger break. He struggled on, since an hour was required to the activity to Winder,. Georgia, and it was a hot ana dusty Sunday race. The track was in good shape, but the dust was really bad. In the 1600 class, Dennis Aiken won the race, doing 25 laps, ahead of Bobby Bramblett, who also covered 25 laps. Mike Smith was third with 24 laps completed, followed by Ronnie Whigham, 23 laps, and Clay Hurst, 21 laps. Rounding out the entry, Darrell McKee did 1 7 laps, Dwight Gilbert, 16 laps, Charles Lowery, 14 laps, Bob Rule, 12 laps, and James Hester did not finish the first lap. Only three cars took the checkered flag for the .feature change the unit, but soon the other drivers were ahead. Team orders dictated that whatever happened, the drivers must maintain their station, so for the second time this year Kankkunen found himself expected to allow -a teammate to beat him. Rohrl cruised through to the end of the penultimate stage with a dead engine and retired, but even tougher was the loss of a wheel for Neyret. On the final stage she gave up hope of both the Group N and Ladies' victories. Lancia's team engineer Claudio Lombardi was thrilled, "the only thing to spoil our rally was Miki's turbocharger". But there would be trouble ahead on another score. The Italian quest for the Class 10 race. Jimmie,Evans won the bash, followed by Gary Thistlewood, then Lindy Herrell, all covering the 25 laps. After three races, the Class 10 points are close. The team of Bill Gaylord/ Larry Elliott and Gary Thistlewood are tied for the lead at 112. Grant and d:asey Dale have 108 points, followed by Lindy Herrell, 104, and Jim and Jamie Stahlman have 72 points. In the 1600 championship run, Dennis Aiken leads with 140 points. Travis Hurst is close with 132, and Bobby Bramblett is third with 124. Darrel McKee has 120 points, and Ray Whigham is fifth 'with. 116 points. best drivers knows nb end. Out these days see~s to be the unlucky Bruno Salby. After failing to honor a promise to provide a car for Recalde on the last two events, and seeing him at one time ahead of two works Lancia drivers with the obsolete Coupe Quattro, he now becomes a favored driver. Lanctia has now confirmed cars will Be available for him in America Jnd Argen-tina. They still have to find a fair way of deciding which driver will · win the Drivers' Championship . . That, one suspects, will be their hardest challenge of all. . At the finish Markku Alen and Ilkka Kivimaki won the Acropo-lis in the Lancia Delta HF 4WD, with 48 seconds in hand over teammates Juha Kannkunnen ' ' Travis Hurst lands hard in his 1600 charger, but later on at Cordele he was forced oµt dt the race with mechanicfJ.I problems. - · ! •. - . and 1J uha Piironen. Another four minutes, 37 seconds behind, Hadnu Mikkola and Arne Hertz were third in Mikkola's. 100th rally start, just over a minute ahead of the remarkable drive of Jorge Realde and )orge Del . Buono in the Audi Coupe Quattro, giving Audi third and fourth place. Almost another two 1~inutes b~ck, ~ean Ragn?tti and Pierre Thimomer were fifth· in die Renault 11 Turbo. Sixth through tenth were Erwin Weber/Matthias Feltz, VW Golf GTI, Miki Biasion/Tiziano Siviero, Lancia Delta HF, Francois Chatriot/ Michel Perin, Renault 11, Turbo, Rudolf Stohl/Ernst Roh ringer, Audi Coupe Quattro, and Mike Kirkland/Robin Nixon, Nissan 200 sx. In fifteenth overall the Group N winner was the Toyota Corolla GT of Vangelis Gallo and John Vasiliades. Maurice Chomat and· Didier Breton won Group B in the Citroen Visa 1000 Pistes and placed _12th overall. Of the 95 starters, 35 finished the rally. · Going into the Olympus Rally, Kankkunen led the drivers' points with 52, followed by Alen, 48, Biasion, 39, Ragnotti, 37, Mikkola, 32, Rohrl, 27, Chatriot and Eriksson, 21, Beguin and Salonen, 20. In the Championship of Makes after Round 6 Lancia fs way out front ·with 94 points. Audi has 62, VW, 4 7, Renault, 45, Mazda, 30, Ford, 28, BMW, 20, Toyota, 14 and Subaru, 10. The Polish entry was the Polonez 125 PNC cars, this one driven by M. Bublewicz and R. Zyszkowski. They finished 18th overall: Looking very familiar, this is a Wartpurg 353W460 from East Germany. Driven by Kruger and Schenk, the Wartburg was 26th and a finisher. The end of the rally came for Vittorio Caneva and Loris Roggia• when their Lancia Delta HF 4 WO had a rather obvious suspension failure. ' Mitch Dumask had been running with the leaders in Class 8 until he lost a wheel on the last lap, but he crossed the finish line in third spot. The dust was heavy in the Class 1 action, as Dave Vandermissen Sr., left, and Scott Taylor battle it out followed by ,Tom Schwartzburg and Barry Kline. Ken Kincaid ran a good race, the early leader in Class 4 action, but his Bronco went out with a broken drive shaft. ANTIGO (continued) VanDenElzen maintained his lead until he went too wide in a corner. Taylor saw the advantage and took home yet another first place trophy. The unlimited buggy champi-onship brought out seven big buggies for their share of the Pabst purse. Veteran driver Tom Schwartzburg ran a remarkable race to take his first career win, with Dave Vandermissen and Terry Severson placing second and third. Seventeen Heavy Metal vehicles roared on the course, Dusty Times , with Jack Flannery putting the Bev coming in second and third. · As the races concluded, the pedal to the metal to take first In Women's Heavy Metal action drivers gathered to collect the_ir _ place in his big Ford. Jack Becky Bell ran hard toistay ahead wim11ings and trophies, and swap·. Heidtman came in second and of her dosest competition, Tina stories about "the one that got Joey Flannery took third. Zelten, who pushed ~II the way, awa❖." In a decision by the race The ladies were next up with but couldn't quite !catch the committee, Scott Taylor was foot trophy for being the most spectacular racer of the weekend. The racers and the promoters will certainly agree that the first Antigo Off Road Race was a success, and all look forward to making this an annual event. Bev Friday snapping to an early leader Bell. presented with a beautiful six lead in the limited buggy class, ---------------------------------------until a soft corner grabbed her, COMING NEXT MONTH ... allowing Deb Freimuth to slide into first. Her lead only lasted a couple of laps when she too went too wide on a corner. and Paula Parsons took over the lead. A strong race prevailed, but Paula maintained the lead to the checkered for first, with Deb and • MTEG at the Los Angeles Coliseum • Spring R:un 101 • Pikes Peak Hillblimb • Flagstaff High Country 150 I I ' ,, • <parlsbad Rall!! Cross • WCR New Zealand Rally • Superstition ~50 IV • SNORE Midnight Special · I ••• plus all the regular features August 19~7 Page 51
TOYOTA OLYMPUS RALLY Lancia Rules Supreme ln the Washington-woods By Jean Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises Looking almost sedate here, Juha Kankkunen and Juha Piironen led the Lancia parade in Washin_gton;· despite a few flats they won by 12 seconds in the handsome but small Delta HF 4 WO. The World Championship Rally scene moved to the forest · trails of the state of Washington late in June for the first full championship event ( drivers and makes) in the USA in many, many years. Unfortunately, Lancia's domination of the first half of the 1987 points series has .been so overwhelming that only the Nissan ·and Toyota teams crossed the Atlantic to challenge the three Martini Lancias backed by three privateers. From day one on the event it was only a matter of which of the Lancias would win the Toyota Olympus Rally. In the end the nod was given to Juha Kankkunen and Juha Piironen, while mates. Miki Biasion and Markku Alen dutifully followed the defending -world champion to the finish line. Despite its full World Championship status the rally attracted only mild interest from American news media. Basically, only the enthusiastic type publications had reporters on hand. But the European press came out in force, with a polyglot of language wafting around the magnificent press room set uj:, in the Tacoma Sheraton rally headquarters. The huge room contained literally dozens of · computer terminals ana printers, that would call up the latest stage results, all the history one might need on the event, and print it instantly. It was a real boon to those on daily deadlines. top teams and drivers arriving last tci go -thro ugh the procedures. O ne glitch that has plagued this rally appeared again, as the entry seemed to be falling short of the required 50 starters, needed to maintain FIA/ FISA championship status. Even. a SCCA road racing Mus tang came in for inspection, but was turned down because, among other problems, it was not a street [egal machine. The entrant returned later with a rather tattered Ford Fiesta, which did make it through tech after a couple of tries. There were other cars that were in line just to make the magic number of 50, and some of these were not seen much beyond the first stage. The onlookers at tech were ~xcit~p seeing the fancy cars that run t1~ entire W RC circuit. It is surpr~sing to see how small most of them really are, and how much most 1of them follow the body style of the VW Rabbit. Along with the three Martini Lancfas, The second place honors went to the Lancia of Miki Biasion and Tiziano Siviero, who had to nearly park on the last stages to obey team orders. The rally started rather quietly in the parking garage of the Tacoma Sheraton where the technical inspection and registration went on all Thursday afternoon. Oddly, nary a banner or flag was flying over the outside parking lot to indicate what was going on. The inspection was done on a time schedule, with the Doing the best of the SCCA Pro ralliests, New Zealander Rod Millen and Canadian John Bellefleur finished a terrific fourth overall and in Group A in the 4 WO Mazda 323. the Jolly Club sent a pair, a on the parkstreets was only 1.28 Group A t:he-At:gentine team miles long, and 4 7 cars finished .ef orge Recalde and']orge Del the stage. The fast time went to Buono, and a Group N Delta HF Miki Biasion, who had three for Alessandro Fiorio/ Luigi more Lancias a second or two·to Pirollo, plus another Group A the rear. Rod Millen was the best for Paolo and Alessandro of the locals, in ninth spot. Alessandrini. All the Lancias Midway on this stage the road were the same 4 WO model. went under a railroad bridge, and Team Toyota Europe brought a midway in . the run Amtrak's pair of 2 WO Supras for Bjorn finest came along, and the train Waldegard/ Fred Gallagher and had to stop to avoid hitting the Lars-Eric Torph/ Ben Melander. mass of spectators on the trestle, Nissan countered with three 200 and did get going again in a few SX Silvias for Shekhar and minutes. Yvonne Mehta, Per Eklund/ It was a long transit back to Dave Whittock and · Mikael Tacoma through Seattle's Friday Ericsson/ Claes Billstam. From afternoon rush hour traffic. The Japan came two Suzuki Cultus Tacoma run was another street twin cams (same body as the · stage. ~n parts of a freeway Chevy Sprint) for Alan interchange built but not yet Carter /Martin Headland and open. . Biasion again led the Nobuhiro Tajima/ Kenzo Sudo. parade of Lancias, an1 Jon Most interesting was a Nissan Woodner was eighth on this March Turbo driven by stage. Yoshihiro ·Nakamura and The real rally on the gravel Harunobu M urase. roads of the Weyerhaeuser forest Agasint this mighty invasion lands started with Stage 3, which force in Group A, the stars of was half an ho_ur late in starting. U.S. rallying were few. There was It seems thepairofToyota FX 16 a branc! new Audi Coupe · pace cars, driven by TV stars Quattro for John Buffum and Perry King and Richard Dean Neil Wilson, air freighted to Anderson, ·were caught in rush Seattle just days before the rally hour traffic in Tacoma, but the from Germany. Ron Millen and rumors were they had stopped John Bellefleur had a Mazda 323 for lunch. , · 4WD, and Jon Woodner/Tony Stage3 wasafamiliarfourmile Sircombe had a similar Mazda run, used on most every rally in rented for the occasion. In Washington for many years. Group N the VW Golf G1Is of Kankkunen won by one second Guy Light/ Jimmy Brandt and over Biasion, and Rod Millen Nelson Shepard and Joe showed real promise in fourth. Andreini were on hand, along The field was down to 38 at the with several others froin the end of this stage, and CRS rally SCCA ranks. None of the Dodge driver Topi Hynynen crashed teams could compete, because into a hole and was o:ut w_ith a their cars are not homologated broken radiator in his Toyota. with FIA, but several teams were Stage 4 was canceled because on hand to spectate. Anderson rolled his pace car on The first stage was held in the stage, happily without injury. Golden Gardens _Park, some Unfortunately, the start control distance up the freeway from had already sent Markku Alen,· Tacoma in the north end of first on the road, off on the stage; Seattle. Here the pare ferme was he was quite unhappy about the located, and it was closed at noon surprise that awaited him, rolled on Friday to await the actual rally pace car, tow vehicles and . start. Some teams got caught in spectators on the course, but he freeway traffic and just barely got stopped before disaster. No made the closing time. The stage other cars were started and the Flying over the gravel roads, Markku Alen and llkka Kivimaki seemed to enjoy the driving, and logged in dutifully with third overall honors. Doing the best of the privateers in Lancias, Paolo and Alessandro Alessandrini were fifth. Check the trick air scoops on the roof, front and rear. Page 52 August 1987 Dusty nmes ,.-~ -=-====--==--------------------- -------..:....:=:::::.=::..:.....:....::...=...:...... ________________ ___,,,__ ________ ....;;._ __ _
stage turned into a transit as the rally went to the service stop at Shelton. _The next three stages went off without major incident with Kankkunen winning one and Alen taking the other two. On the tight turns the 2 WOT oyotas and Nissans looked more impressive than the leaders, shooting giant rooster tails of dust as they dirt tracked around. The 4 WDs had a tighter line, and made lots less dust, and were going faster. All the drivers complained about dust, and western Washington was in the middle of a heat waye. There was no breeze to. blow the dust away, even though the top seeded cars started three minutes apart. The · dust hung in the trees for a long time in the thick forests lining the Bjorn Waldegard and Fred Gallagher did a great job in the Toyota Supra 3.01, taking sixth overall and they also wqn the two wheel drive honors; it is a real WCR class! 1The Argentine team of Jorge Recalde and Jorge Del Buono make a little dust for the spectators midway in the rally . .They'finished seventh 0/A. trails. . It was nearly midnight when the drivers · checked in for the overnight stop back in Tacoma. Leading overall, Alen was 5 I seconds ahead of Kankkunen, and Biasion was 1 :46 out of the lead·. Waldegard was next followed in 24 seconds by John Buffum, who complained his new Group A Audi was down on power. Next came Eklund, Torph, Millen, Recalde and Fiorio, tenth in the Group N Lancia, after six stages. · . Saturday. morning the first stage ran through the streets of One time Baja racer, Shekhar Mehta and his wife Yvonne looked spectacular in the right hand drive Nissan, and were second 2 WD and eig~th overall. !The Lancia of Alessandro Fiorio and Luigi Pirollo had bright orange and green trim on its white flanks, and the go fast paint worked, as they won Group N by miles. Olympia with the capitol Ginny Reese. The car slid to a building as background. Led by stop about halfway over a cliff, Biasion, the first five were all and the team had to climb the Lancias, followed by a pair of dirt cliff walls to safety. Also on Nissans, then Buffum and . Stage 9 Waldegard had two rear Mi)len. The first factory team flats, Alen lost his brakes, and retirement came on this stage. used the hand brake for 11 miles Mikael Ericsson lost the ignition and Torph had ~ flat, but ali off the start and used 24 minutes carried on. After three more to cover the less than two ·mile stages it was time for service in stage and his Nissan was done for Raymond, then back to the the weekend. woods as the rally wended its way On the next stage Alan Carter southwest. Some wind came up, lost the transmission in the which helped the dust problems, -Suzuki and was out of the rally. but the heat wave, in the 90s, Also out, the night before, was continued all through the event. theSubaruofChadDiMarcoand The final six stages on Per Eklund and Dave Whittock made keen rooster tails in the Nissan 200SX, but they had to _settle for ninth overall, and third iri two wheel drive. SCCA Pro rally regulars Clive Smith and Harry Ward did a great rally, bringing the Toyota Corolla home in a swift tenth overall. Dusty Times I -Saturday procee9ed to bring rhe teams into Westport, on the ocean, fo~. the Avemight stop. · Alen lost time with a flat on stage 13, and a brake change on · Eklund's Nissan j made the car handle better. Biasion had won most of the stages on day 2, and he led overall by 13 seconds over Kankkunen. Alen was down another 16 seconds, and Rod Millen was fourth about 5½ minutes back, but only half a minute ahead ofJohn Buffum. Next came Recalde, Alessand~ rini, Waldegard) . Torph · and Mehta. j I Sunday was a long day on the frail starting in Westport at 7:00 ~.m. and ending in Tacoma after 8:00 p.m. In betweeri were 123 st~ge miles. and over 300 transit m1-les. While 33 cars made the restart, the very first Sunday stage was canceled. A contractor · had left some heavy logging equipment on the stage in a dangerous spot, so stage 19 turned into a transit. Among the missing was the Group N Audi of Paul Choiniere and Tom {irimshaw that had gone through ~me too many rear cliffs. I The word along the trail was The best job by an a/I American team was done by Guy Light and Jim Brandt, who drove 'the VW Golf G Tl into second in Group N, and despite some troubles they were 17th overall. Nick and Kathleen Moore got a lot of radio coverage, and they brought their Toyota Corolla FX 16 home in good shapb, third in Group N. I I August 1987 I that · Lmcia team bosses had · decided that whoever had the lead after stage 25 would continue to lead the team to victory. The trio of Martini --r Lancias responded on stage 20 by doing times just one second apart. Millen, in fourth, was picking up time on Buffum. On stage 23 Jon Woodrier rolled his rented Mazda, but hasty work on the roof and fender kept him in the hunt. On stage 25 Lars~Erik T orph retired with engine failure on the Toyota. Biasion led through stage 23, and he and Kankkunen turned identical times on the stage with Alen a second behind. The game had begun in emest. On the next stage Kankkunen put some time on Alen and emerged the leader, and Biasion had spark plug wire problems, but was still second overall. After a few more forest runs, ·the rally went to a pavement stage for spectators in Aberdeen. It was short, 1.22 miles, and broadcast live on local radio. The announcer, unaware of the Lancia team orders, excitedly reported that all three Martini Lancias turned identical times of 1:12. In with 1:13 were Alessandrini and Recalde, followed at 1:15 by Eklund, Buffum, and Millen with Mehta a whisker behind, and 28 were still running. But the day wasn't over yet with three more forest stages to go. Stage 30, the same route as the one canceled earlier, now had the logging equipment removed, and it was the swan song for John Buffum. A couple miles into the stage he hooked some soft ground and threw the brand new Audi on its roof, apparently clear of the course since the stage went on. Neither .JB or Neil ·Wilson were hurt, but they had to wait until all the cars had gone past to get help righting the car. Other Americans retired also. Paul O'Kane -lir Page 53
J. Armando Eduque and Renaldo Espino came from the Phif/ipines, and they . finished their first rally in the USA a fine fourth in Group N. A most interesting looking mini car was the twin cam Suzuki Cultus G Tl. This one driven by Nobuhiro Tajima finished the rally in 15th place. IJlf" and Erick Hague were out -with mechanical woes in their Audi, and the Nelson Shepard/ Joe Andreini VW was down with a deranged front end. Finally the rally went back to Tacoma for the night stop, with 13 stages left to run on Monday. Kankkunen led Biasion by seven seconds, and Alen was another 27 seconds back, and nobody else was close. Rod Millen-was fourth with about five minutes on Alesandrini, followed by Waldegard, Recalde, Mehta and Eklund, as 26 cars checked in at the Sunday finish. Biasion won the first Monday-stage, and took the overall lead. Millen checked in a minute early and got two minutes road penalty. On the next stage it was Alen's turn to take fast time, apd he did it again on the third stage. But the Martini team did some regrouping on the next run, and Millen's fourth place was being threatened by Alessandrini, now only three minutes back, and Waldegard was closing up as well. There was a morning stage at a motocross course, and the same stage ran again before the second service stop on Monday. A water truck had filled the holes handily, and the cars emerged muddy. One that did not emerge quickly, stalled out in fact, was the Toyota of Scott Child, and the stall probably cost him his class win. Close to the finish, the ridge running on Porter Creek, stage 38, cost a couple teams their finish. Ed Healey and Boyd Smith, in the last remaining Audi in the rally, had a disaster. Healey, who was suffering from food poisoning, had brain fade and missed the final turn on a down hill corkscrew completely. The Audi tumbled over and over -down a 50 foot bank, luckily hurting nothing but his pride and the car. Also missing on th is stage was the Mitsubishi Starion of David Lapham and Michael Pease. While the Lancias were arranging their proper' order, Rod Millen won stage 40 in the Mazda, and then won the next stage as well, well on his way to earning full FIA status. The afternoon stages were repeats of the morning runs, and the rally ended with a repeat · of the freeway stage in Tacoma, finishing just a couple of blocks from the Tacoma Sheraton Hotel and the pare ferme. It was no surprise to see the Juhas, Kankkunen and Piironen, _Looking strong here, John Buffum and Neil Wilson later flipped the Audi Coupe Quattro, so new the paint wasn't even dry at the rally start. Another new car in North America was the Nissan Marc(1 Turbo, and Yoshihiro Nakamura drove the lone example to 16th overall on the rally. wheel their Lancia in the door first, the chosen winners this round for the Martini Lancia team. Miki Biasion and Tiziano Siviero claimed second, 12 seconds down and 30 seconds ahead of Markku Alen and Ilkka Kivimaki, first and third for the Finnish teams and second to the Italian drivers. Rod Millen and John Bellefleur brought their Mazda in fourth, about· 11 minutes back, followed in just over three minutes by Paol_o and Alessandro Alessandrini, Lancia. Bjorn Waldegard and Fred Gallagher brought the lone surviving Toyota Supra in sixth, another three minutes down and the first of the two wheel drive brigade, followed by the Lancia of Jorge Recalde and Jorge Del Buono. Shekhar and Yvonne Mehta were eighth, second 2 WO, followed by Nissan mates Per Eklund and Dave Whittock. Clive Smith and Harry Ward got their Toyota Corolla in tenth place, and the top ten were all Group A cars. · The Group N (Production class) winner, and 11th overall, was the Lancia of Alessandro Fiorio and Luigi Pirollo. Jon Woodner and Tony Sircombe climbed back up to 12th in the Mazda, followed by Richey and Howard Watanabe and Scott Child and Steve Laverty, both in Toyota FX 16s. In 15th place was · the Suzuki Cultus of Tajima, followed by the Nissan March Turbo of Nakamura. Placing 17th and second in Group N was the Michigan team of G1w Light and Jim Brandt, followed by the Group · A Corolla of Dan Holt and Dave White. Third in Group N went to Nick and Kathleen Moore, FX 16, followed by the . · Datsun of Gene McCullough and Ray Damitio. Fourth in Group N was the Phillipine team of J. Armando Eduque and Renaldo Espino in a Corolla. Scott Hartman and Duane Bender were next in a Group A Toyota Starlet. The last, 23rd, finisher was the Toyota GTS of George Olewinski and Ken White, who were fifth in Group N. Despite the first day glitches, the World Championship Toyota Olympus Rally was quite a success, at least artistically. One suspect<; that it will take bunches more money to keep this event on the world calendar, and we admire the true grit of John and Claudia Nagel in making their dream of this event come true. Perhaps making th_e mostmoney of all from the rally were the truck and motorhome rental agencies. Lancia alone had dozens of big truc;ks and motorhomes to service their teams. The European drivers liked the rally roads, and also enjoyed the in town spectator stages. Accustomed to hordes of fans crowding aroul)d them at .every stop, they may even have enjoyed their relative anonymity in the Washington Woods. We spotted Markku Alen chatting happily with the driver of a Ford pickup with a giant lift kit and huge tires fitted, and Alen wanted to know where he could buy something like that, while his co-driver kept busy moving the car along to the start of the stage. Of course the Lancia team drivers could relax with relatively no competition except between themselves. The 2 WD cars of Toyota and Nissan were no match for the Delta HF 4 WDs in this first year of Group A as the top class in the series. Ron Millen was the only non-regular who could come close to keeping the 4 WO pace. Perhaps Buffum could have also, given more than a few days with the new Group A Audi. Surprisingly, the awards ceremony was low key, with chairs set up in the same parking garage that served for tech and the pare ferme. While Pirelli had put on quite a victory party Monday night, open to all, there was not so much as a stale potato chip to munch on during the rather brief awards presentation. Still, it seemed that everyone who finished won something. Along with the group winners, there were a number of class winners and special cash awards from Toyota USA to all those who carried Toyota stickers, regardless of the make of car. It was a safe rally with literally hundreds of volunteer marshal ls manning the stages. The most serious injury reported was suffered by a member of a British TV crew who tossed their borrowed 4Runner on its lid Monday. One hapless crew, out of the ral I y, were run off the road by a spectator truck, which dumped their tow truck, trailer and rally car in a deep ravine. The future of the Olympus Rally with full championship status will not be known until the FIA 1988 calendar is approved. There was some talk of 1utttng New Zealand back to ful status and downgrading Olympus to driver points only. But, the rally ended so we) I and the organization was so tight, we will bet on Olymfus being back next year with Jul FIA championship listings. Scott Child cranks the starter while Steve Laverty tries to coax the Toyota engine to life after it drowned out in the motocross course . . The Lancia team pits were quite a sight, with a full team for each car, and it seemed they changed tires and shocks at almost every stop. The battered pace car, a Toyota FX 16, only made it through three stages before Richard Anderson tossed it on its side and luckily nobody was injured. Page 54 August 1987 Dusty Times
Ric~ard Dagenais Gets Lons Awaited Win at Toronto By Brenda A. Parker -Photos: Gil Parker Under threatening skies, Mike Parker, right, shot into the lead and won in his heat race, and went on to f(nish a close second in the feature. The Supercross at Toronto's Nadon fifth. Exhibition Stadium (home of the In the seco.nd' qualifier, Toronto Blue Jays) has been Richard Dagenais, in a Richard staged here since. 1979. Buggy, beateveryoneofftheline. Originally, only a motorcycle However, he was quickly pass~.d race, the off road cars were added by Joe Hoffman's Mantis Spyder in · 1981. This year · saw the and Joe went on to lead the race attendance at 44,403 which was until the last lap when his car the second-highest crowd in the suddenly stopped dead on the history of the race. There is one ·track.This moved Dagenais, who other noteworthy event concern- had been running second, into ing this race. Exhibition Stadium the lead and he went on to take 1.s an open stadium and in the the checkered · flag. He was eight year history of this event, it followed by Raynald Vaillan-has rained every year, either just court, another Quebec driver, before or during the race. This Joel Croft out of Guelph, year was no exception. The rain Ontario, Dean Fisher, from came about half way through the Vincentown, N.J. and _Blair evening and it was.evident that ·Bassett from Scarborough, the cro\\/_d came with expecta- Qntario. Tom Arther's ·Mirage tions of this because when the ~uffered a -broken front .end. He rain started I looked out of the · had finished his new Rabbit . press box and all I could seewere . engine the night before the race umbrellas. and was anxious to see what it It was also very evident to this would-do, but would have to w·ait reporter that the off road cars are for another day. secondary to the motorcycles. It Another American, Scott was announced at the driver's Taylor out of Belvidere, IL, beat meeting that in the event of rain, everyone off the line 1n heat #3. t~e heats would be shortened He was followed b"y Norman and, in fact, they were. It is sad to Va_illancourt and Dave Lofland. report that the qualifiers were Taylor went on to an easy win shortened from 7 to 4 laps, and with Vaillancourt and Lofland in the last chance qualifier was second and third. Robert shortened from 5 laps to 3. By Lemieux and Gordon Zima were the time the main event started it fourth and fifth. was announced that the original However, later in the evening 10 laps would be shortened to 7. this heat had to be re-run However, it is· this reporter's because the flagman dropped the opinion that they did not run green flag, while there were still more than 5 laps. I'll grant you marshalls on the track and five of that the rain and mud made the the cars did not get a clear start. track a real soupy mess, however, This was just the first of two the drivers really don't get a incidents where the flagman was chance to show what they can do not payinB attention. On the re-in a 5 or 6 lap feature. l have been start, Taylor again took the lead advised that there is a new but, this time it was Dave covered stadium in the works Lofland who moved into second and when this is finished it will and Normand Vaillancourt was take care of the problem of bad third. They finished 'in that weather. order. Bob "Haybale" Hanna After several heats of was fourth and Bryan Norris motorcycles, ATV's and th~ ' fifth . Monster trucks, the first heat for The Last Chance qualifier was the Super 1600s took the line. only 3 laps and only the first and Kalamazoo, Michigan's Mike second place cars would move · Parker in his Rabbit powered in~o the main event. Robert Berrien shot to the lead by the Lemiux moved into the lead but first turn and he was never he was soon. passed by the challenged. He· was followed by Berrien of Dean Fisher. Tim Quebec driver Claude Tetrault in Lemons from Warren, Ml was a Funco, and Bill LeFeuvre from third. The track was a mud bog Limehouse, Ontario also in a because the rain had started and Berrien. Bill, by the way, was the cars were all over the track. It driving with a borrowed air was hard to tell who was who and cooled power plant in his car the drivers certainly could not because he had sheared· the fly see much of where they were wheel on his Rabbit in Montreal going. Fisher took the checkered two weeks before. Parker, fl11g followed by Bryan Norris, Tetrauli: and LeFeuvre finished Farmington Hills, Ml; Blair first, second and third with Paul Bassett, Tim Lemons and Frank Robertson· fourth and Richard Neilson from Bowmanville, Dusty Times Ontario. ' ·,_ ' l . and tfie off r·oad 'c·ars, there were -"i:he whole field. The rain was a I' _ The Heavy Metal classes were A liV's and the Monster trucks as factor in the race. The bikes were next. It was announced fhat this well as .a Nissan Celebrity race. all strung out and the attrition was the only race ih the world Fo~ the Monster trucks there rate was very high with bikes where you can see lthe full size were two timed laps. "Excaliber" going out and riders being heavy metal classes racing inside (a 79 GMC pick-up) owned by thrown off right and left. Ross a stadium. There we're 12 entries Dave Marquart out of Maumee, had no competition in this final including Brian Case who has , Oh1i6 had the lowest elapsed time ·event of the evening and it was Ivan Stewart's old Class 7. Brian for the two heats and was plain to see that he is popular finished second in the Privateer's dec,h1red the _winner. with the crowds here. ; Cup at Montreal Stadium two Ross Peterson, who was the This race has the potential of weeks ago. Because there were· no big winner at Montreal in the being a good race, having been · qualifying heats, the ,entries were motor:cycle. class, hurt his leg taken over by the Ontario off determined by how they finished thete on Friday night. The road· group: Hopefully, the -in the year end points standings doctors froze the leg so he could problems that did arise here will last season. All classes ran at the · race on Saturday night and then be ironed out by next year. same time, howevfr,1 they were pu't1 a new spaceage titanium When they finally get the running for their own purse, brace on his leg so he could covered stadium a big share of The second · example of the compete here in Toronto. To the their problems will be behind flagman not paying attention surprise of no one, he made the them because the weather will no happened next. He started the fr-,-,~~:re here :rnd ran away from longer be a factor. Class 3 cars and evidently did not• •i!i-•iiia••--•••••••1111111111•~•-----look behind him to lsee that the SC:CA Southern Padfic Champi<;>nshil?. Rally, 'June ~5, truck of Andre Aube was stalled Division Pro Rally Report 29. With first day steering _in the middle of thf tracJs just problems solved at the Sheldon past him. He droppe~ ,the flagfor . , -_By Lynnette Allis?n service, the Alfa team roared the Class 4s and Bryan Larocque, over the challenging course. thinking he could pass Aube on A PRO Rally licensing school Three days later, coming in to the left, got caught in a squeeze will· be offered Saturday,· .Sunday evening's MTC, the team play and did not have enough September 12 in the (os · received official notice they had room to get around Aube's .;Angeles/ .t\nahe_im area. Success~ been time barred. Seems they truck. He hit Aube in the left rear· ful, [completion of the all day · had been too long replacing the and this caused Larocque to flip school is a prerequisite for an · steering unit that first day. Tough over on his side. Theitrack atthis SCCA National license. The luck for our Divisional team. point was now blocked and the sch0ol, sponsored by Bosch Off East of Indio VII, is facing red flag came out. I saw every one ,Ro~d Lighting, includes in depth vehicle eligibility problems. East of the trucks ignore the red flag study of the co-driver responsi-of Indio organizers Roger Allison and keer_on racing for one more bilities and navigational skills and Rapdy Hensley face vehicle lap unti finally one of the timers needed, SCCA and FISA restrictions · on their Divisional came out on the .track and held organization and timing proced-PRO Rally rescheduled for up her clip board to signal the ures, vehicle safety requirements November 20,22 . . Both the drivers to stop. k was . really andlpreparation hints, basic rally Metropolitan WaterDistrict and · lucky no one got hurt. On the re- terms and other topics. Students the forestry personnel expressed start, the Ford Bronco of will1 follow rally procedures and considerable concern with road Mazanec was the first Class 4 to complete a mock rally. No damage from large, off road type cross the finish line with driving is required. The trucks running over their roa~s .,.-Wannamaker also in a Bronco in Enrbllment fee is $50.00 per during rally competition. Having second. In Class 3 it was Dean perJon. Completion of · the witnessed the running of our Wilson's CJ 7 Jeep in first and school is required for both driver Divisional teams in 1986, MWD . the Ford Bronco of Dave Boldt in and ;co-driver. was most adament, declaring second. I Three Bosch Off Road road damage caused by one truck The main event for the Super LigHting kits, provided througq . to be extreme compared to' the. 1600's consisted of tl--le first three Light Performance Works of usual rally cars. finishers from each · of the Midland, Michigan, will be Reaching a compromise, qualifying heats and the top two awarded to three lucky students organizers have agreed to restrict from the last chance qualifier. By at the conclusion of the licensing any large trucks from entering this time the track was a mud bog school. SCCA membership is next November. In the interest of since there had been more rain not I required for attendance to fairness, Group B c;rs wouid throughout the evening. The the school, though membership probably face similar restriction. start was a slow one since no one . forms and Divisional competitor To prevent conflict with the could get 'any traction but licenses will be available at the championship with the Cali, Norman Vail Ian court beat completion of the course. fornia Rally Series, the event has everyone off the line with Contact Lynnette Allis~n, been withdrawn from their 1987 Dagenais second and Parker in Divisional PRO Rally Steward at calendar of events. The 1987 So-third. Dagenais and Parker both (714) 735,1442 for more Pac Divisional Championship passed Vaillancourt b~ the end of · information. will not be affected since the lap #2. Scott Taylor was fourth. Licensed Technical Inspectors event will be listed on the 1988 The track was such a mess that are i needed! Divisional PRO calendar. If there is a change in the cars are all over the place. It is Rally events require a licensed vehicle eligibility status, all a wonder that any of them stayed tech inspector. A major competitors will be notified. on the track. diffi~ulty has been locating the . The 1987 National SCCA :-At the end of this rain requ,ired inspector who was rulebook awards points for . shortened feature, Dagenais took willing to attend a Divisional finishers in tenth through his long awaited che<1:kered flag PRO Rally and perform this task. fifteenth places. The 1987 So, followed by Mike Parker, Claude A primary requirement is plain Pac Division scores have been Tetrault and Scott Taylor. ol' experience. The more a revised to indicate points earned Vaillancourt had dropped out on person performs tech, the more for those places, retroactive to lap 4 with mechanicallproblems. credit he/ she has. Some of you the beginning of our 1987 For Daganais the win here was a are well frepared,'needing only ~ championship year, Indio '86. long time coming. He has been the Jcrua tech experience. Have Check your SCCA membership competing here for several years you !worked on a rally car? Have card for region number. So-Pac but this was the first time he you put in the h~rnesses, includes only Arizona (2 ), Cal maqe the winner's ci~cle and he repaired brakes, axles, struts, and Club (19), Hawaii ( 46 ), Utah was one very pleased driver. Both had I to check out suspension (50), San Diego (57), Las Vegas Parker and Taylor informed me components? Well, you're (72), Arizona Border (88). All after the race that I they had probably half way there already. · other membership numbers are missed a shift on the start of the Ourj Divisional PRO Rally out of division, and points are race. Had this not happened they program ~eeds properly licensed tabulated with your region of · felt that they would have had insrectors for our events. Please record. quite a race with each other and cal Lynnette Allison for more With five events scored, the the outcome would have been a - details. . . top drivers are Bill Holmes, 170, lot different since both of their The , Olympus International Lon Peterson, 116, Ian Miller, cars were dialed in and working Rally Nips Local Team. Gary 92, Dave Poston, 48,JeffGriffin, great and the engines were English and Mike Blore, in their 34 and George Daland, 34. The running-smoothly. knight-white Alfa Romeo, co-driver points leaders are Jim -There were several other traversed Washington's excel, Rogers, 150, Jim Love, 116, Bart events going on throughout the lent forest roads in USA's only Godett, 77, Bill _Schrader, 36, evening. Besides the motorcycles FIA I sanctioned . International Maite Bell,: 30, Doug Cwiak, 26. August 19-87 Page 55 ::.,-
a.le.M:ifJ ALL TERRA/'N ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~'i"" Competition Tires ~o~-Offroad & Motorcycie Products P.O. Box 2053 Apple Vall'ey, CA 92307 (619) 244-0477 (800) 892-5263 ALUMA-KO TE Aluminizing Sand Blasting Welding Repair 13574 Pumice Norwalk, CA 90650 Mike Matson 619-583-6529 (213) 802-2328 Brent Miller BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP . 6630 MacARTHUR OR., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF-ROAD RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. WELDING TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: TOM MINGA BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELIA LIGHTS TH_E WRIGHT PLACE · 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 BELL MOT-. 1,-~ WWW ·a AND SAFETY · • PRODUCTS KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' IDIIARBARA IEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 <&rnup ruckmann San Diego (Sl9) 578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF ROAD RACE ENGINES, WINNERS AT 8626 COMMERCE AVE. C>< FOR GORKY MCMILLIN DANNY-LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK McMILLIN IN M IRAMAR •· .~=• L.-.;___~: , ,.., ., OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION . THE SOURCE FOR "PRO-COMP SERIES" RACING MOTORS & TRANSAXLES. SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS WALK IN 818·334-4951 PHONE ORDERS 818-969·7967 915 W. FOOTHILL BLVD., AZUSA, CA 91702 r-----------------------------~ I Send $1.00* · for 1987 Catalog JIii and receive $_2 off your first order. Cut out this coupon and mail it to: Dick Cepek, Inc. 1 17000-'Kingsview Ave., Dept.OT ; Carson, California 90746 ·: D I've enclosed $1.00* I Please send me your I 1987 Catalog and my I $2 Rebate Card. • Canadian & Foreign requests I . send $2.00 U.S. currency. L------------------------------20 YEiRS OF BUILDING WINNING OFF ROAD RACE CARS ---tco ■1401 ~ PIONEER WAY #17 ~ CHENOWTH DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 1401 Pioneer Way #17 / El Cajon, CA 92020 Work (619) 442-3773 / Res. (619) 441-0938 CHENOWTH .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirE-P YCING PRODVCTS, INC. Racing and recreational chassis and accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 COOLWATER INN "BARSTO\V'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Free Local Phone * Recreation Room * Free Movie Channel * Swimming Pool "DUSTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619.:: 256-844_3 170 Coolwater Lane, Barstow August 1987 MOST DURABLE CUSTOM TOOL-POUCHES AVAILABLE -OUR DESIGN OR YOURS SNAP ON • STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE SNAP ON CLEAR PLACTICINE WINDOWS -"DESERT RACER" ~~:~ PRODUCTS P.O. Box 2233, San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 945-0035 Official Contingency Donor for SCORE IHDRA and ADRA. .... INLAND DISPLAY -POMONA MUNTZ STEREO -916 HOLT AVE .. BLOCK NUMBER$ WITH STYlE 11.s.A.,, {818) 882-7808 10138CANOGAAVE., CHATSWORTH, CA91311 . . DIR,. -RIX (602) 253-5289 Championship Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 PERFORMANCE IDJTRRmiLr.s DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN (818) 381-3083 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 "serving the industry since 1976" , J.f,1-Ct& 1-DRIVELINE SERVICE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE REPAIRING • BALANCING • CUSTOMIZING , , PARTS AND SERVICE ON C/V AND FRONT WHEEL D£WE UNITS (714) 824-1561 416 E. Valley Blvd., Colton, CA 92324 SCORE & HORA c'oNTING,ENCY SPONSORS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Components 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891~8600 Dusty nmes_
FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS ___ · __ THAT S0ET-U.P IN SECONDS! RENTALS VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST., BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA 91761 1985 SCORE/HORA ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YE.AR . VW & Porsche tlUl Racing Engine.s ~ & Transaxles ___ __ . PERFORMANCE Race Car Preparation Intake & ExhaustSystem Components for VW Type I; Rabbit, TYPE IV, 911 I 1450 N. Glassel!, Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 ~\LLE DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS SAFET 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 ~~ DENNIS WAYNE r·v".,,_ . . '-,; ....,\_, -~::3; .. RE·UCA8L£ V. W. PAim 11623 SHELDON ST. SUN VALLEY. CA!-913!52 PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 (619) 465-:3782 ~ aet Your , s,.,rr Togetherl ~~\~~-----~ORT l IV TRAIVSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane ~ -JamuL callfomla 92035 ~ · Doug Fortin (408) 377-3422 Custo111,.S hocks .. Built to Your Vehicle~s _ '---Specificatidns POX RACING SHOX · 544 McGlincey Lane, Unit 8, Campbell Calif. 95008 Dusty Times Fuel _ Bladders 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 _Std.; ' FIiis \ , Get,the word out abo1 t you'.} >usin s, · big or small. .,, 1 1 ' J:>ut your business I card in the ''GOOD. STUFF DIRECTORY" and reac_h. new f1ustomen. Good Stuff Directory Ads • . I .. . . .. are merely $18.0 1 per month. GARMAN FABRICA,PON I ROLL CAGE ST~ UCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FlA.BRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN -(714) 620.1242 1436 EAST THIRD STREET 1 POMONA, CA 9:1766 GRIFFITHS ENifERPRislks PROFESSIONAL POOL SER1VICE AND REPAIRIS I LICENSED AND INSURED I ROBERT GRIFFITHS . BEEPER (702) 3~1-3148'': . I OFFICE (702) 362-4202 HOME (702) 362-9416 3999 GRAPEFRUIT_ CIRCLE, LAS ~EGAS, NEVADA 8910 WALT LOTT ·12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. -Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 702-361-5 04 HOUSE -of BjtJGGIEs 7302 Broadway• Lemon Grove, CA. 92045 • 619-589-6770 MICHAEL LUND Owner August 1987 I / JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES ';r2 aebuJ 'PNUU«t4 _ (619) 562-17 43 "OFF. ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 JIM "JULSON MIKE JULSON . OHN ••CIM: PIIOIIUCTS Send $2.00 tor 0IIMJg OHNSON / . CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINNING $IJSPENSION S\'STBIIS PERFORMANCE IICH PB1FORMANCE 5HOC1S P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA-92045 '(619) 583-2054 10 Time BAJA 10!)0 Winner DUAL & TRFlE 5HOCI( smBIS FmERClASS 60• Y-6 Z.8 MOTOR PAIRS ACCE5SORB "'' ... 'i''~~ ,.~, .~ 0,.,. STANDARD ~~~ ,,_ V REBUILDS . . ~L ~ ,. ... ::·e:,'i'-~ ~~ ~':<:" (619)244-3584 A C\.~~0'~0 ,(,,,</.' 11435 Santa Fe Ave. East ~~ '1 <?-'?" . Hesperia, California 92345 McKENZIF S AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAREHOUSE OISTRIIIUTORS FOR CENTER-L INE W HEELS ~ TECTIRA _TIRES K C LIGHTS SUPER TRAP SPARK ARRESTORS CIISIE LIGHT~ MCKENZIE AUtFILTIEll:S W RIGHT PLACE DURA ■LUE ULTRA IIOOT W ISTERN "1,ITO TIRES e 1e. ,a4.543a e 1 a. 71115-15827 SWAY·A-WAY ■ILSTEIN S HOCKS ·K,Y.11. SHOCKS 1111:ARD SEATS HEWLAND GEARS GEM CIEAJl9 CROWH N.FG. NEAL PRODUCTS RAPID COOL TRl,MIL 12945 SHERMAN WAY, NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA •1eos Page 57 .... I •
MENDEOLA . RACING TECHNOLOGY. VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACING GEARBOXES ( 619) 2 7 7, 3100 7577 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO. CA 92111 55\5, C t-1 P. Cust(?m Built· t9 Your Needs by V-ENTERPRISES Bill Varnes. Mike Brown 32817 Crown Valley Rd. Acton, CA 93510 ' 805/269-1279 INST ANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. . High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Cutting Brakes'" • Clulch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clu tches and Throttles ... plus much more. Comple1e Ca1al'og, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7 I 71 Ronson Road San Diego, CA 9211J (619) 565-9336 OJieig· . Ente~rlm, FILTERS "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE!' Ask Your Performance Dealer Today - Oil - Fuel - Transmissions - Rearends - . Offroad, Oval Track, brag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc., 12414 Hwy. 99 s·o., Dept. OT, Everett, WA 98204 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill WINNERS GREG HIBBS -1st OVERALL, 1st CLASS 10 KEN SNYDER-1st 2-1600; BRAD INCH -1st 1-1600; MAX RAZO 1st CLASS 5; MARK CAMERON -1st OPEN; ANDY DEVERCELL Y -1st 5-1600; REX I.FWIS -1st CLASS 100; JIM DELANEY -1st CHALLENGER; TIM YOUNG -1st TRUCK;' HAL GRAVES -1st CLASS 6 Page 58 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGIN'EER-ING0 6 8 79 ORAN CIRCLE. Bu ENA~ PARK. CA. 906 20 ' . Off Road $uspen~ihri. Preparation '· 2 & 4 W 0 . V A N S & ~ICKUPS & MINI TRUCKS GABRIEL RACING .SHo.cK·s • ·e .. JA R voERs PRE·RuN TRUCKS · • C u s ToM SPRINGS A XLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION NO BLOCKS U SED • -WE.LDING & FABRICATl~N Bill Montague Wants 'Established 1974 l 1YOD (714) 521-2962 Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved I Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-7757 ORE OFF ROAD ENGINEERING OfflloMllaceCan 9720 Cozycroft Chatsworth. CA 91311 I i<E' GREG LEWIN · (818) ?82-2886 FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 Years -The best in the Desert·. Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering-Hole Saloon • Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER'. CALIFORNIA PORCO PRECISION OFF ROA~· COM;ANY G ' Retail Ports • Fabrication • Prototype · 678 UNIT C SAN BERNARDINO RD. COVINA, CA 91723 ~ -t Power Plus 'RACING TONY VANILLO (818) 915-3847 · (818) 915-3848 BATTERIES SEALED 'GELL ELECTROL VTE ~ RACING BATTERIES / RACE CARS, JET SKIS, ATVS 8c OTHER HIGH PERFORMANCE APPLICATIONS POWER PLUS PRODUCTS MICHAEL McCARTHY 375 N. HERVEY (714) 985-9181 UPLAND, CA 91716 August 1987 ,1to,n110NAL 0"·1'0AD ltACIHO . I,! ., ~ P.O. BOX 323 • SEAHURST WA. 98062 (206)242• 17_7~ . . · .. _··pROBST Off R·o ad Racing Inc. , OFF ROAD DESIGN and-·FABRICATION . -BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY . . NEW LENOX. ILLIN0IS 6 0 4 51 -18 151 485-RACE 17223). Quality Products Fastener Special_ists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845_ East CompJon Blvd.-,AL KEY (213) '5'15-3570· PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES ·1 Paramount, CA.9072~ Telephone: (714).5354437 (714) 5~54438 David Kreisler 9.20 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 DOUG FREEMAN (213) 320-9584 P.O. BOX 3757 GARDENA. CA 90247-7457 . RUSS's V. W. .,, Recycling 3317 S_. Peck Rd., Mon{ovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'_S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914's Dusty nmcs I t
(213) 583-2404 5921 Wilmington Avenue Los Angeles, California 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNi::TIC PARTICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith (?; '-·"'1-. . . -...:..,;,_ __ , ·----. S" ?i __ ,,_g"99'1 ~ • 1533 Truman Street San Fernando. Ca. 91340 Phone: (818) 361-1215 ------------_.;;;;::;::::_::;:;;.. ~--------------_.;;;;::;::::_;;;::;; -----.-.......... ~------~ -RACING PRODUCTS-TM LOCATION ALBUQUERQUE, NM ANAHEIM, CA BAKERSFIELD, CA BULLHEAD CITY, AZ COLTON, CA EL CENTRO, CA EL PASO, TX FULLERTON, CA HAYWARD, CA LANCA'STER, CA LAS VEGAS, l'!V LONG BEACH, CA OAKLAND, CA PHOENIX, AZ RIVERSIDE, CA SAN JOSE, CA TUCSON, AZ VAN NUYS, GP:. . VENTURA, CA YUMA, AZ . · Custom Race Car Fabrication & .Preparation TELEPHONE . (505) 842-6120 (714) 630-3810 (805) 324-9882 (602) 758-5480 (714) 877-0226 (619) 352-4721 (915) 533-5931 (714) 635-5553 (415) 783-6500 ( 805) 948-6044 (702) 643-9200 (213) 432-3949 (415) 428-2600 (602) 252-8923 (714) 877-0226 ( 408) 294-4513 (602) 889-6307 (818) 785-0902 (805) 659c5609 (602) 782-6543 Hi-Performance VW Engines & Transmissions SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF-ROAD CHASSIS . 745 W. Sunset Road #15 Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 565-DIRT . RAY CUMMINS Suspension Specialist Fox Shox Trackside Service OFF ROAD SUSPENSION SYSTEMS - SHOCKS RACE CAR FABRICATION AND PREPARATION CUSTOM MACHINE PARTS-KEVIN McGILLIVRAY 28210 AVE. CROCKER #301, VALENCIA, CA 91355 (805) 257-0934 Dusty Times RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER M lhutacturers -oft Quality Drive Train 'Components j SUPER· BOOT PRODUCTS . I, ' 1649 W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667 714-997-0766 If no a~s~er 714-997-0767 I . MEL SW~IN . I . . . !I METAL FOR.MING AND 1NSTALLAT1ol ON SPECIALri CARS I . I I I 4392 BLDG. TWO UNIT D BROOKS STREET MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 FRI.. SAT .. SUN., MON. 5HOP·714-626-08!52 • I HOME-818-91!5-1126 I I I SWAY•A •WAYcoRP. ~ Suspension1 Components (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN 1VS, CALIF. 91405 ,llii.... . THORNTON AND tSSOCIATES, INC.1-_ I.. Public Relations, Marketing .. · Sponsorship PJckaging and more. . j , I PAULA S. THORNTON 18710 So. Norman die AvJ · Suite C Gardena, CA 902418 . 213-327 -0366 l(IICE TNANS BY JEFF! FIEU)t mAN•LE· ENGINEEltlNG JEFF FIELD 998-2739 I 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 I I August 1987 I WE DELIVER!!!. . Alameda County Bakersfield Bremerton Denver Hawaii Huntington Beach L.A.:long Beach Las Vegas Monterey Orange County (415) 53B-RACE (805) 393-8258 (206) 377-7951 (303) 452-5239 (80BJ.682-55B9 (714) 536-B808 (213) 863-4801 (702) 871-1417 · (408) 899-1010. f714J 634-0845 Phoenix . Portland-Vancouver Riverside Sacramento San Diego Saugus Seattle Spokane Tri Cities Tucson f602J 952-2575 .(206) 693-3608 (714) 787-8141 (916) 334-RACE (619) 460-5207 (805) 259-3886 · (206) 833-0430 • /509) 483-0076 (509) 547-3326 . /602) 791 -9386 ,WTRACKSJDE Photo Entaprlsa P.O. BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA 90009 18710 SO. NORMANDIE • SUITE C •GARDENA.CA. 90248 Jim Ober (213) 327-4493 RACINC PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIALISTS (yMPJ UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNOLIA, SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 619/449-9690 Power Steering - Brackets Aluminum Fabrication -Tabs LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suit_e C Fullerton, .Ca. 92631 Louie Unser (714) 879-8440 DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each mont_h ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop,--to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is :1 gre:1t traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 5 33 I Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91 301. (818) 889-5600 THIS f/lllNN/SRS CHOIC/S WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports winning drivers and engine builders. Just ask the top professionals belore buying your next cam. Our dedication to performance and quality keeps you on top. Call WEB-CAM for your winning cam for street , strip and off-road or send $3 for the complete catalog. ·•WEB-CAM 12387 Doherty St:, Dept. DJ . • PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS ~~:,:::,:~~:~,n~~n~l~~~controll8d vehlc;es. (714) 735-2200 Page 59
COIIVA MEMBER WINS-HONDA FOURTRAX Walker Evans Draws Winning Ticket COR VA Promotions Chair-man and SCORE Show Coordinator Bud Schick announced that COR VA member Gary Hallgren ot Gardena won the· Honda FourTrax, and Chaparral Cycle Supply provided riding apparel given away at COR VA'S SCORE Show exhibit on June 28. The A TV was donated to CORVA for fund raising purposes by American Honda Motor Corppany and Tustin Honda, as was the Arrow Riding Apparel donated by Chaparral Cycle Supply. The winning ticket was drawn by Walker Evans, SCORE/HORA Off Road Independent Desert Racers Association By George R. Thompson Managing Editor Last month I issued a statement calling for t he restructuring of the Competition Review Board at all future Score/HORA po ints series events. After meeting with Score and HORA officials on this matter our plan was adopted, in its entirety, by both organizations and was recently implemented, at the Fireworks 250 , with great success. I want to discuss the structure of this board as well as the various respons ibi Ii ties which all competitors must assume, so that everyone will understand the scope of this new board and how protests and infractions are going to be handled at all future events. The board will consist of the following members: 1) The Race Director; 2) The Chief Official; Person of the Year for _ 1986, culminating a successful SCORE Show weekend for COR VA. Walker drew Gary Hallgren1s winning ticket as an anxious crowd of onlookers hoped their name would be drawn, .but to no avail. For his part, Gary, who was very excited at being named. the winner, expressed ·his thanks 'to COR VA for provid_ing the opportunity to win these prizes and expressed his regrets at having missed the opportunity to meet with Walker since he is a great fan. Gary encouraged any one involved in off roading to join CORV A and be represent-ed. In his . opinion, everybody · wins with CORVA 3) IDRA Representative; 4) One Class Rep. ( from the Bug and Buggy classes); 5) O ne Class Rep. ( from the Truck classes); 6) One Pit Support Team member ( on a rotating basis); 7) O ne Alternate member; 8) A member of the Independent Press. The function of the Race Director and Chief Official is to advise the board about the specific Protests and Infractio ns to be considered. They have-no vote in matters pending before the board. The Press representa-. tive . is there to report the decisions of the board and does not participate in the proceed-ings. 'The Alternate has input on the board, but does not vote unless a conflict of interest exists. Everyone else votes! Prior to the meeting, which usually will be at 7:00,on the morning after the event, a list of vehicle numbers . involved in these protests will be posted on the bulletin board, next to the unofficial results. It is the responsibility of all drivers to be aware of these proceedings and to be available in the event that your entry is involved in matters pending before the board! The board has the-authority to -reverse any penalty, imposed by any official, for any reason! If you feel that - you have been unjustly penalized, for . any reason including Tech decisions, you have the right to appeal your case to the board. To do this you m_ust state your name, vehicle number and the nature of your appeal to the Race Director prior to the meeting of the board. He will add your case to the agenda _and you id! be heard. If you fail to attend the meeting your appeal will not be heard and the decision will stand. · When the Chairman adjourns the Competition Review Board, all race results become official and will be considered final. Your only responsibility, as a competitor, will be to check the agenda to determine if your entry is involved -but this is a serious responsiblity! If you are not available, the board will be forced to determine your case without your iriput being considered, and that decision will be final! Prior to each race you will receive information, in the drivers' packet, concerning the time and place the board will meet. Make it a point to be there! . In restructuring the Competi-tion Review Board, off road racing joins virtually every other form of motorsport in having the racers determine their own penalties for protests and infractions. Here is how the system worked at the Fireworks 250 last month. O n Sunday morning at 7 :00 a.m., July 5th; the first Competition Review Board utilizing the new IDRA format held its first meeting at the Barstow Community College. Present were: Danny Cau, representing HORA: George Thompson, representing IDRA; Frank Vessels, representing the truck and production classes; Rick Frisby, representing the Bug and Buggy classes; and Russ Welch, alternate member taking the place of Jon Lippet of the Tight Ten, pit team representa-tive, who was unable to attend. · Also present were Fred DuPuis of IDRA public relations in a clerical capacity and Walt Lott, President of the HORA, as chief coffee maker and observer. After evaluating the informa- · tion and checkpoint data available to the board, the following penalties were assessed: #501, Craig Slater -penalized one lap for missing Checkpoints 5 and 6 on_ lap 3; #407, Tom Strong - penalized 'One lap for missing Checkpoint 1 on the last lap; #903, Kay Maclean - penali_zed one lap for missing Checkpoint 1 on the last lap; #1022, Richard Binder -penalized one lap for missing Checkpoint 3A on lap 1; #1638, Morley Williams - Disqualified for dangerous driving within several chec_kpoint control zones; #204, Steve Holladay -Disqualified for no tech sticker or tech sheet. The restructured Competition Review Board allows each case to be determined by a "jury of our peers" , and effectively spreads the burden of responsibility to a panel of experts, mostly active drivers. In this manner it· is possible to arrange for board members well in advance of the event, allowing ample time for replacements if needed. It will also assure that each racer can expect uniform treatment, at all races, for any offense which he might commit. The IDRA is made up of the major pit support clubs in desert racing; Chapa la _Duste r s, Checkers Off Road, C.O .R.E., F.A.I.R., Los Campeones and Tight Ten. The IDRA solicits comments from non-members and members alike, in all matter,s of concern to the off road racing community. CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES By Bill Moore August is a slow month on the C.R.S. calendar. The Glen Helen Rally Sprint originally scheduled for this month was moved to October, making September's Cliffs of Gorman Rally the next event. This gives everyone the chance to repair their cars, relax, and reflect on some of the problems facing all of us . involved in-off road competition. One of the major problems we have to deal ·with is rhe ever decreasing area available to us. Many of my friends tell me it is impossible for the earth to shrink, but when I think about the effects of the "Cranston" .land use plan, I have to disagree. Jean Calvin and DUSTY TIMES have been warning us for months about the potential loss-of large sections of the California Desert. If yo1,1 haven't written to your congressman and Senator Pete Wilson, please do so. If you · . know someone in the Chamber of Commerce of a town which benefits from the economic iritlux of an off road event, give them the hint. For our own part, we may need to rethink event formats and rules to limit potential damage to the areas where events take place. If we refuse to take responsibility for our part in land use, we will certainly lose our ability to use the land at all. · The cost and availability of liability insurance · is another major problem. We do not have to accept the insurance problem as we do the other certainties of life, death and taxes. If we consider the amount of money ;_ill organizations are spending on insurance, it may be time to consider a little group leverage, or at the very least, time to put a few thinking heads together.' While CORE does not pit in ' Mexico, a few of our members enjoy racing in the wide and wild o_pen spaces out of Ensenada. They hooked up with other pit teams last June, and all four teams from CORE fini shed the race. Rick and John Hagle were in and out of the lead in Class 10 on the long trek, and they brought their Raceco in a close second in class, less than two minutes out of the victory. ·. Craig W atkins - and Greg Aronson also had a good run :n their Class 10 Raceco in Baja, taking fourth in the hot;y contested class .. Chet and Lloyd Huffman got their new Toyota VW • PORSCHE • OFF ROAD · Custom Wheels Check out the 947 RANCHEROS DRIVE SAN MARCQS, CA 92069 Engine & Machine (619) 741-6173 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250111 SPONSOR~ ALFORD DISTRIBUTING * THE WRIGHT PLACE * RACE READY PRODUCTS * SOUTHWEST RACING PROMOTIONS * OFF-ROAO BUGGY SUPPLY * CLAIREMONT EQUIPMENT RENTALS CONTINGENCY SPONSORS JOE. STIDMAN"S HEARTLAND MEAT-CO.; CORONADO AUTO BODY: GOWLAND MOTORSPORTS; HPS LUBRICANTS; FIBER-TECH ENG .. INC.; BAJA CONCEPTS; T & J BUGGY SHOP: AROS TRAILERS; BOZO RACING TEAM; THE OCOTILLO TRAILER PARK; SAN OIEGO OFF-ROADER; ARMSTRONG TIRES; MIKE LUND'S HOUSE OF BUGGIES Page 60 Phone (602) 242-0077 2733 W. Missouri Phoenix, Arizona 85017 Baja Bugs · Durie Buggies Race Cars Machine Shop Parts & Service W.R. RACING Products 515 So. Vermont Glendora, CA 91740 August 1987 Bill Raybould 818-914-3904 -DUSTY TIMES Spcdal Club Sub Offer (Almost half price for group subscriptions) Call (818) 889-5600 ot write DUSTY TIMES 5331 Perry Ave.; Suite 0, Agoura; CA 91301 For advertising rates & information contact Wright Publishing Co., Inc. PO Box 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979:2550 Dusty Times
powered ORE around in fine style to finish seventh in Class 1. Steve Ferrato and Dennis Orcutt had a good race also, taking ninth in the big bunch in Class 1-2-1600 in their Mirage. Moving on to Barstow, CORE had a big turnout for the Fireworks 250, pitting 14 member cars, and there were three more on radio watch only. The radio watch didn't work too well for those at the main pit, where the radio didn't seem to reach anywhere except to the last of our six on course pits at Sidewinder Road. . " CORE had two cars in Class 1 and had mixed . results. Chet Huffman drove solo in the still new ORE with Toyota twin cam power, and it was dialed in this trip. Chet not only took second in Class 1, but also scored second overall in a super finish. On the other hand, Mike and Jim Zupanovich broke a rear hub on the first lap of the nasty 80 mile route, and retired. Our hero in Class 2 was Steve Casagrande, who had many problems, including a broken c.v. joint ten miles from the checkered flag. But, despite one "off course excursion" that left his rider and our President Mark Millerori with an injured foot, Casagrande got the Mi.rage home fifth in the close running, 24 car class. . CORE had five starters · in Class 1-2-1600, but only two finished, neither in the money, an unusual situation for CORE's limited engine drivers. Doing the best were Dominic Borra and John Basso. Despite a long second lap to fix a broken center adjus~er, the team brought the ORE in for 13th spot in the 51 car class that saw but 2 7 make the finish line. Suffering with suspension woes and many small problems, Rick Mills and Don Hatz got the Ramsay Bunderson around for a finish in 20th place. Jack Ramsay was home in las Vegas, where his new son was born on the 4th of July weekend. Having an unusually tough time on their home course, J.D. Ward and Terry Jeffers were victims of the infamous rock hill, having a flat first, getting that changed, then they rolled over,. hut finished the lap. Jeffers had more woes on the second lap, ·. · and finally the steering went out, so they retired at the main pit just before the finish line, with not enough steering left to cover the final 100 yards. Dave and David Fessenden did not get far at all, losing their engine before the first check on the first lap. Jean Calvin and Judy Smith remar-ka-bly made it over the "hill" for two laps, but were so late after two laps they decided to retire and not keep the pit crews waiting for the extra hours in the night. Besides, several ca·rs had already finished in the class. CORE did not have any top finishers in Class 10 either, in fact only two of the five starters finished. Scott and Larry Dinovitz had enough trouble to cost time on the final two laps, and they finished tenth in the ORE. John Kelly, from Tucson, had rear brake trouble, but he got his Chenowi:h home in eleventh spot in Class JO. Craig Watkins and Greg Aronson were doing fine in Class 10, fifth on the first lap, dropping to seventh on the Dusty Times . middle round. But, midway on the race. Grandpa Danny Letner the last lap the nose cone on the was parked in the p1its after only trans cracked in the rocks at the one- lap. and Steve! ,and Aaron far end of the course. Adding Hawley m the_ Classic Plumbing body fluids didn't hel_p, the Car also radioed for~l_trailerearly clutch died, and it was all over. · in the race. Bob Rit hey ahd the Bill Salienbach and Mike Bird RCR Plumbing tearh ran a good had a short race, losing the motor race until they hJd problems in the first ten miles. Bill Poe and with some wiring to tie them Mark May didn't get inuch down to a seventh jplace finish. farther, losing their clutch trying Wayne Morgan and his team to get up the rock hill. · finished minutes 8ehind them . Thanks go to all the ~een pit with an eighth . pl~"e with his crews who manned their posts in problem being a C'f on the last the hot sun and on into the late lap. j night cool breezes. Special thanks We had six Class 10 cars also. to Kirk Cartwright, who was Rod Everett and the Landm~rk visiting from northern California team lost a clutch on the rock and was a tremendous help in the hill, Jess Caravello lost his main pits. transmission and Kbith Schind-CORE's next full pit effort will ler along with his dr got buried be for the SNORE 250 in in the silt to put th~~ all out on September. Not enough CORE the first lap. Jack and Scott Irvine teams will be going to Colorado ran.a great race for akecond placf to make that a full effort, but, a finish with Dick and Gary co-op between various pit teams Weyhrich right: beh1ind them in and the IDRA is in the works to third place. Larry Rlickman and provide pit service for the points his crew had a shot k reservoir hunting drivers who will be come loose; one flbt, lost two racing in Craig, Colorado. shocks and, finall~, his front CORE meets the first Tuesday springs, but still ffnished with. a of each month at the Dugout, ninth. 1 near the intersection of Hazeltine We had seven Class 1-2-1600 and Oxnard in Van Nuys: Along entries. Brian Rogers and Dave with the business meeting and - Massingham had a broken ring race reports, there is a social time and pinion_o_n their If. irst lap and and a raffle to benefit the Don Chase and his team rolled · equipment fund, usually with their car to put them out on their some very nice donated raffle first lap. James Gross was a DNF prizes. The meeting starts along with Art Petetson and his promptly at 8:00 p.m., and co-driver, Roger Mdars Jr., who guests and prospective members broke a torsion bar at the end of are always welcome. his second lap. Da~en Wilson finished in third plac¢ after being high centered on his last lap. The · Coan Team fini~hed · nine F~A.I.R.-B-v Terri Nicks_ Every year, my friends look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them l'rn spending the fourth of]uly in Barstow. I tell them "No, it's not that bad," and, again, I was right. It was great! Congratulations to David "Garfield" Jamison for taking home first place booth and second place team chili in the chili cook off. I heard that the food was great and so was the ·tequila. Maybe a little too much beer and tequila, but everyone had fun. As for the pits, we had nine. I had the fun job of being the race manager _this time so I need to thank a lot of people. First of all, Harold Nicks for driving the FAIR Van for me and Dave Massingham for tellins me what to do. And thanks to all you guys who listened when I told you what to do. Radio communica-tion was great too. I can't remember ever being al;,le to talk to every pit before, but we did this time. All nine of them. We had 25 cars signed up to pit with FAIR but only 23 actually started._ Hector Garcia -and John Valadez couldn't get their car back together in time after the Baja 500 and Rich Fersch with the Downey Racehaus Firehose Racing Team rolled his car an hour before the start of the race. Not too good, guys! .We had six Class 2 cars start and two finish. The Martin Brothers ran a good race until they broke a.n axle in the canyon on their last lap. Beny Canela had trouble all three laps including oil cooler problems, rolling the car, destroying the exhaust system and finally a broken front trailing arm that put him out of · minutes behind hitn, in fifth place. John ,Prosser ~nd his team had trouble with their car being stuck in second gear but finished with a fourteenth, Our only ClassS entry was Jim Cocores and his crew who had a great day to finish w1ith a first in · class. The Parkhousb T earn was our Class 5-1600 Jntry. They broke a rear torsion bar near Sidewinder Road to put them out on their first lap. We had two CJ:hallenger entries.·The Tremblay Team had problems with a broken wheel hub ·that put them dut on their first lap. Fortunately, Darryl Nustad and his crei had better luck. They ran a steady race to finish twelfth. The race was ftin, the cars did well, and the pits were great. By the way, if any of youj stopped by out pit out near Che~kpoint 6, I understand it was Christmas in July. It was lit up an~ beautiful. We did, however, miss the cow. Thanks to everyone who helped in all the pits. I _ . Now to officialj business. We've elected officers for the coming year. There w[ere two ties and Spuds MacKfnzie was elected as a write-in candidate to both the offices of Prbsident and Sergeant-at-Arms. Spud; how-ever had to decline ,due to his current commitments with' Budweiser. The amended slate reads: President - Je[ff Randall, Vice President -Tom Maynard, Race Director - Dave Massing-ham1 Secretary - Terri Nicks, Treasurer - ·Janet Quaryel, Sergeant-at-Arms -Harold Nicks. The new officers will officially take office a~ the July 1_5 . meeting. A tremendous thanks to the outgoing board! They did a great job and put in al lot of hard work. August 19's7 • 1 PIT TEAM REGISTER I I . R,..,_,,."-,.,,-.....,1 wb welcome aff Support Team news articles. Typ~d ancl' do~hl~ spJced copy is ac~table. Deadline is the 1 0th of thP. mont_~-. ___ _ b1~PALA DUSTERS LOS CAMPEONES . Jon Kennedy, President ~117 Klllarney _ 1 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 1(714) 641-0155 -I !. ,Meeting - 2nd Wednesday IVerdugo's Mexican Restaurant Costa Mesa, CA Radio-FM0151.775 CHECKERS J,eff Hibt;,ard, President 1\3237 Sierra Hwy. Canyon Country, CA.91350 (~05) 252-4034 CORE -, !Karen Clark, Race Director . ; 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 Northrldge, CA 91325 J~18) 345-3833 F.A,I.R. SUPPORT TEAM P.O. Box 542 Stanton, CA 90680 ,Wayne Morris, President ~714) 996-7929 Sandy Davis, Secretary ~714) 772-3877 Meetings 1st & 3rd Weds. titollday Inn · · t:tarbor & 91 Freeway ., .Bad.lo.:Et.1.~iso..e.&9 FAIR meets the first and third Wfdnesdays at the Fullerton Holiday Inn at8:00P.M., located at Harbor Blvd. and the 91 freeway. We invite anyone to attend. See you there. _ ~YOKOHAMA ~SUPPORT:TEAM I By Vem11.1 H.ogci-s" · . If-lot·-ls the first word that eri~ers one's mind when someone tall:cs of Barstow, California in July. But, this year the weather was quite enjoyable with te"i1peratures in the 90s and a nice breeze to keep down the duJt. But "HOT" was still on the lipJ of a lot of people, for it best des;cribes the racing at the Fireworks 250. The course at Barstow is made up j of hills and canyons with plenty of big rocks thrown in for · good measure. It also has very fe"'J smooth areas where drivers can, rest between rough sections; so for a driver to complete a lap in one hour, 24 minutes is amazing, and to keep up that pace for I two more laps is simply incredible. Congratulations· to ovJrall . winner Rob MacCach-renl and to all the drivers who suffered through 250 miles of unforgiving roughness, as well as to the chase and pit crews for" A Job Well Done!" The Yokohama Support T earn tried something new this race, at least for us it was new. We set up twd full support pits. Slash X was one' location and Checkpoint 6 was1 the other. Like all new en·deavors we had minor _Malcolm Vlnje, President 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 (619) 292-0485 (home) · (619) 743-1214 (work) Radio-FM-152.960 _ 'MAG7 Jerry McMurry, President . Bruce Cranmore, Race Director 11244 Horizon HIiis Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 , (619)440-3737 (home) (619) 225-688~ (work) !TERRA Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue · La Crescenta, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 -M'eetlngs 2nd Weds. each Month - Jan Sunderland's house TIGHT 10 153 Llndell Avenue El Cajon; CA 92020 1619) 283-6535 (day) ]619L«r~!~{nlght) Gene Robeson, President (~1.~J ,6-6~872i, .. pr~blems. That is what we get for throwing something together at the last-minute. All in all things went OK. Slash X really didn't dp much because of its location, being _right after all the other main pits. Checkpoint 6 was a lot more helpful to the racers, and we helped a number of them, At one time we had three vehicles in the Check 6 pit, which was a little hectic, but we got them out quickly. A special note to one Challenger driver; we are in the pits you, but if you run us over in the meantime, we can get a little irritated. This goes for the rest of you drivers; please do not be in such a hurry to leave the pit that you create a hazard to the people pitting you. Please watch our signals. Now it is time to jump on my Soap Box! We put out signs so the racers can find us, but if people keep stealing those signs, the racers will drive right by us losing valuable time. So please, if you see anyone taking ANY pit signs, tell them they are not only stealing, but they can keep a racer from winning, or even finishing. I want to thank the city of Barstow and the Barstow Community College for allowing us to race. I want to thank all my volunteers for without them we could not serve the racers. Thanks to Donnie, Steve, Phil, Steve, Grant, Dave and his dad, Vance, Robin, Debi, Charlene and the Giti Crew. Thanks to Valvoline, Lothringer Electron-ics and Perma Cool for their help. Have a good month off. See you in Craig, Colorado. Page 61
Classified ••• FOR SALE: 32 foot American Traveler 5th wheel trailer, 1979 model. Ref. air, central heat, stereo, fully equipped kitchen and bath. $8495. Call ( 805) 268-1644. FOR SALE: Class 9 ( 10) Pro_-Tech. New 1641 motor, 091 Hewland gearbox, Saco carrier, Fox shocks, Art Carr and AMS disc brakes, combo spindles,· Sway-A-Way secondary suspen-sion, UMP power steering, fresh BFG tires, all Neal products and much more .. ,This car is complete-ly rebuilt. Best offer takes it. Call Curt Wuesthoff, days (414) 545-8010, evenings (414) 762-0289. FOR SALE: Class 5 race car. Fox, Taylor, Pumpers, fresh motor and trans. All prepped, ready to race. Comes with sponsor. $9500. Call (714) 781-9287. FOR SALE: Funco A-arm Class 10 short course car. Best of everything, a steaht $5000 with motor and trans. Call for details. (818) 891-8223. FOR SALE: Baja Bug, street legal, ,1776cc engine, bus trans, . Centerlines, K.C. lights, alumin-um skid plates, 6 KYB shocks, one piece windows, neat alumin-um work. Not an ex-race car. This was built for weekend pre-running and going to work on weekdays. $2900. Call (619) 252-2169 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE: VVJi engine, FAT Type I Pre-Run motor .. $2000. Call(818)332-7656 days, (714) 594-3858 eves. FOR SALE: 1986 Bunderson Class 1-1600. Wright, Fox, Mastercraft, Parker Pumper, Trick, Super Boot, Sway-A-Way, Centerlines, Jeff Field trans, Aros trailer and spares. $12,000. Call (408) 724-5421, eves. FOR SALE: 1967 Bug - 3 inch lift kit, IPF lights, SBG gray tint glass all around, VDO gauges with tach, 6 point cage with bumpers and nerf bars, gas fill through 1 / 4 side glass. Four spoke stainless wheel and cushion, Centerline wheels wrapped by Armstrong Norse-mans, Hurst shifter, Sway-A-W ay 28mm bars and leaves, KYB shocks, skid plate, too many other things to list. Have all receipts and service records. (714) 795-6682, ask for Jim. FOR SALE: Class 10 Bunderson. Magnafluxed, race ready, fresh Rabbit with spare Grand National all aluminum radiator, fresh Jeff Field bus trans with Hewlands, power steering, progressive Bunderson suspen-sion, Summers Brothers hubs, Mastercraft seat, Wright front, 6 spares, 23 gallon cell and PRE-RUNNER. $19,999. Randy Black, (702) 737-7777. FOR SALE: Class iO, V .W. Type I FAT motor. Race ready, $2500. Class 1-2-1600 motor built by Mike Neal, $1250. For mqre information, contact Harbor Diesel, Jim or Mike, (213) 591-5665. ATTENTION HDRA/S"c:ORE MEMBERS. El Cajon Ford offers special discounts to. all members and enthusiasts. Rangers, Broncos, F-Series and Bronco Us. Over 800 to choose from. Must contact Steve Olliges, (619) 579-8888. FOR SALE: Trailer, U .S. car carrier. 96 inches wide, 18 feet long, single axle, new tires,. with tire ra~k and compartments. $750. Jeff Field trans, bus final drive 7:16, ring & pinion, 5:42, 3rd, 1:58, 4th, 1:32. Fresh-Gem gears, $650. Call (818) 891-2916. FOR SALE: Class 1-9 ( 10). Wright spindles, A TI fuel cell, 20 gal., Wright rack, Woods trailing arms, Mastercraft seat, Sway-A-Way, JaMar pedals, Neal steering brakes, AMS disc brakes. This car is nice -reasonably priced at $3500, or best offer. Call Greg at ( 612) 933-1181 or 935-181L FOR SALE: Class 5 conv., completely rebuilt, West 22 76cc engine, Hewland Gears, 12 Fox shocks, Wright 12n coilover front end,. rear discs, Centerlines, M 930 Turbo cvs, Woods rear arms, UMP body & power steer-ing, 20 gal. cell, secondary rear suspension, 18n rear travel and 14n front. $14,000 or trade w/ spares. Call Larry, (619) 344-2451. . FOR SALE: 1985 Raceco Class 1 or 10. Available with E.M.S. Type IV or FAT Type 1 Class 10 engine. Kreisler trans with Hew-land gears, Curnutt Torque Limiters, Super Boot axles, Summers rear hubs, 'long travel suspension front and rear w / secondary torsion bars in rear. Four Fox shocks w /Sway-A-Way progressive springs in front, U.M.P. power steering, etc. This car was built with the best of everything. $25,000 race ready. Contact Jim or Mike at Harbor Diesel, (213) 591-5665. 'FOR SALE: Hagle brothers Class 10 Raceco. 1986 class · • champs. EMS motor, Transaxle Engineering transmission·, Fox Shocks. This car has the best of everything. Spare motor availa-ble. $18,000. Call Rick, John or Ralph at 805) 987-3887. FOR SALE: 1-1600 Raceco, 114n WB, Bilsteins, combos, Neal pedals, Sway-A-Way, Parker Pumper, Beard, power steering. Turbo cvs. 19 gal. fuel cell, fast West engine, complete, $11,000, without engine and trans, $7500. Call Rick at (619) 747-3366, leave message. FOR SALE: 1987 Toyota 7S short bed. 14 Fox shocks, Mikuni carbs, Centerlines, too much to list. Race ready and comes with '. '83 Toyota pre-runner and many spares. $10,000 for all. New business forces sale. Call ( 619) 480-9156 evenings. FOR SALE: Pre:.runner. Dual port engine, stock bus tranny, bus cvs, Sway-A-Way axles, Dura Blue stubs, big drums and brakes. All new Wright rack, spindles, tie rod ends. Adjustable front end, four rear shocks, two tanked front, Centerlines. Like new. Make offer, must sell. (619) 464-5030, leave message, will return call. FOR SALE: 1971 Chevy school bus, full size. Runs great, every-thing works! (lights, stop sign, etc.) Needs paint, no body damage. Exc.ellent for camper conversion or would make an excellent custom car hau.ler. $2000 OBO or possible trade for 1600cc race buggy. Call ( 813) 535-4578 or (813) 327-5921. -r-----------... -----.---------...----------~~-----~~---, 1 · _ Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in I I DUSTY TIMES. I I I I · Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5 .00 for use of black I I and white photo, or a very sharp color print. . I NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES :-: .& .45 word Classified Ad is FR~E if you ~ct now and I I subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All classified ads must be paid in advance. I I ---------------------------I I --------------------------I I I I ---------~----c-~--~---~------I I --------------------------I I I I ---~--------------------I 1· I ----~___c_____________________ I Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. I I I : Name ---------------------------Mail to: - : , I Address _________________ Phone______ DUSTY TIMES I I 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O I City ----------'----,--------State _____ Zip-'-~-----Agoura, CA 91301 J • . Page 62 August 1987 FOR SALE: Class 10 desert racer. A consistent top finisher in the midwest. Worst finish this year, second place. Race ready, $7950. Also Funco A-Arm, bargin basement priced at $4500 less engine and trans. Too many items to list for both cars. Deliv-ery available. CaH (915) 563-9154. FOR SALE: 5-1600 chassis, Wright rack, big tie rods and ends, gauges, fuel cell, 'full cage, nets, tires, wheels, misc. parts. As in picture. Best offer buys. Call (619) 464-5030. If not home leave message, will return call. SELL OR TRADE for 5-1600 car a Class 10 single seater. Sway-A-Way, IRS bus, Bilsteins, Mastercraft, 1641 engine, Wright arms and spindles, fuel cell, Centerlines and trailer. Call Richard at (714) 242-9699. FOR SALE: Class 10 single seat race car. 1st place winner 1986 at Lucerne, the Mint, Baja: 500, Barstow. O.R.E. frame, Fox shocks, EMS motor, Field's trans. Professionally maintained a:nd prepared by Greg Lewin of O.R.E. $14,000 complete. Call Greg at (818) 882-2886or Steve at (805) 344-2133. FOR SALE: Two radios - a standard 866 race radiq, set for JS 1. 75 and 150.86, 2 spare channels, $525. A standard 867 chase car radio, same channels, $400. Six races on both. Sell as one or both. Call Dave at (714) 891-0759 p.m. or (714) 636-3590 a.m. FOR SALE: '86 Challenger, single seat T-Mag frame. Prepped and ready for next race. Two seat IRS pre-runner, one single axle trailer. Both cars have green stickers. Many, many spares. $10,000 takes all. Trades con-sidered. Dans Diesel (619) 244-0746 . . ' ' ' FOR SALE:, 5-1600 body and pan, bumper to bumper cage, fiber-glass front end, 22 ·gallon fuel cell, Trick products rear trailing arms with chromoly spring plates. Front beam with ·rack plate, 10" shock towers, Wright spindles and torsion links, with Sway-A-Way components. $1250 OBO. Call John at (213) 831-1986. Dusty-Times
The Dusty Times Do'd!lit ~Ol"f Vista w-,1on. -1, Text &,PhotosV ,ean Cal~in , M~ny western folk have seen vehicl~ is not a utility wagon by b'~~d·l~~-of D~STY !TIMES, up the new Dodge in o_~r garage at any means, but a real lµxury,·car , ,:,Interstate 15 from L~s Angeles the last few'.races-in this area, but ~hat has the go anywhere .capabil-to th~ Mint ,~oo·· inj Las Veg~s. wewantedtosharethenewswith tty of four wheel drive. Of' Despite showmg less than two all our readers. When we started course, for day to day use, the hundred miles on the clock, the dreaming about .a project car fQr standard front drive is all one. wagon ran without "fault,' its two DUSTY TIMES, the choice was needs. It is nice to do the daily liter engi~e climbing the Baker somewhat limited by our special chores wrapped in soft velour grade in fifth gear without hesita-needs. While we enjoy driving seats, with all sorts of gadgets on tion. Race day we took off on pickups, an open bed is no place the dash to . play with, push pole line roads on the far end of to· carry anything, including button windows and door locks, . theMint400coµrse, in search of copies of DUSTY TIMES, to the the whole nine .yards of options a pit in the, area_ that we never did races. A standard passenger car . came on this Colt. . find. Still, the Colt handled the does not fit our off road image, Like any proper Californian, , gravel roads with no co~plaints, nor would many of them be our first move to dress up ,the and the heavy wax job we had equalto the task of pit hopping in Colt was to paint "DUSTY done earlier totally protected the the desert or servtng as a c·amera TIMES" on the doors. This ta:sk ,_body paint. ,, . car in remote areas. Last fall we was accomplished by master · · After such a baptism by fire at saw our· dream machine at artist Dwayne Fla~mer, of Van the Mint 4d0, we spent the next Chrysler's introduction of its Nuys, who copied the logo per-monthijust finding all the goody imported line of cars, trucks and fectly and also put some keen options on the Colt,, and there; · . wagons. There it was, four wheel orange swirls on·the vast shovel may be some we have yet to drive and all - th~· Dodge Colt , ,.nose so typical ofthese wagons. discover. We have a few items to Vista wagon, from Mitsubishi of The,Colt is done in tw.o tones of . add on to the already completely Japan. . gr't;Y paint, so the orange touches ~quipped car, so stay tuned for Proving that dreams.can come on the doors and nose really l0ok the further adventures of th~ true, the Dodge Public Rela~ions very good. ,., · Colt, a w,agon thi,i.t has already people presented us with a brand 'v_ The Colt was just. a week old proven- itself both d~sert worthy new Colt Vista wagon late in when we put it to work, hauling and a most lux11rious commuter .AP._ril}987, ours for a ye~r. This all. our gea~, including a few car:~.-: · i So new it has no plates, the Colt rests in front of the DUSTY TIMES office;· shiny and new and carrying the orange logo on its front doors. The entire range of options are built into the dash, everything is within easy reach, and the velour sea.ts are very comfortable on the long haul. . . · ,,.'.•.:,..:coLLECTOR'S ~;~tr.r __ .,·· · SPECfAL · -A Full Set -12 Issues -oft~-First Volufue of . . ' .. , ' ,. ' FOR SALE: 1979 Ford pre-runner. Full race 351 Cleveland, full roll cages, new exterior, new interior-:-new wiring, new gauges, riew., six Center l_ines, disc . 'brakes, Summers· locker,. hi!iden dri'vihg 'lights and much' more .. $40,dO0 invested, only$ 14,756. FOR_ SALE: Class 7S Toyota -, FOR SALE: Ra.ceca Class 10, .. ;', .: , DU$TY TIMES Xtra Cab. Reliable arid st~ong :professionally built1, exceUent-\~ -, ·:~ '. unmark~d by•rriailinglabels _running, competitive. l ; t place lig?t weight car. Best of every-'. : -,~ ·: Early birds w~ll ·r~ceive the bonus of the.Preview issue -Sept. 1983. '86 Baja Int 2nd '87 Mint '87 thmg. DonHatz dry sump motor,. · .. .' . · . Baja Int. and '86 Fireworks'. KC Mendeola tranny, Hew land ~ .. ? NOW AVAILABLE-AFullSet-12 lssues-Volum.e2&3 _ Lites, Rancho shocks with reser- _gears, S;way-i\~ Way 300 M' bars.; ': "· ' GET YOUR FULL SET WHILE THE -v9irs, Beard seats, Henry's SCP · ai:id ax1es;~ent~rli!es, BF.~ _s, · 1 SUPPLY LASTS 9" rear end with disc BFGs and Super boot cvs, ·hght bar' wmd- _ Send just $10.50 f~ ~n~ set or $20.00 for 2 sets or $30.00 ·cal_\ {714) 240-6176. spare parts. $15,ooo'. Call Mike shield and m~n'y spares. $13,500. for all 3 sets, check or money order to: at (619) 485-9410. Contact Rich Mi_nga at Baja · Concepts (619) 583-p529. · FOR SALE: Hawkes Racing's 1985 Class 8 Ford pickup. Built with the best of everything, chromoly cage, Summers full floater, Sway-A-Way, Rough Country, two en-gines, two FOR SALE. D . -510 p ""' . trans~issions, too many -spares · _atsun I ro to list: $25,000 OBO. Call Jess rally ca~, pr_ofess1onall_y prepared. or Bud at ( 415) 45 7-7 486. Two liter, 180 HP, 5 speed, . · . . · · Lexan., 4.88 cliff. ~erra Trip,. FOR SALE: Ba'a Bu w/1-7?6 many spares, low miles, $3800. . h l , h g Call Clay at (303) 779-9999 or m~tor wit_ Z~mt , 32NDIX, 722-4758 in Colorado. stainless steel ~Jumbmg, Sway-.A-Way suspension components, FOR SALE~ 1966 Baja Bug, street legal. Rebuilt swing axle, 1358cc, ball joint front,,.KYBs, Edwards, Streakers, Bear9, seats, alum. panels, new wiring, one piece front. $2000. Call Jeff at (714) 777-8800 days or (714) 840-39,65 evenings. . . FOR SALE: 5-1600 race ready. Best of everything. Brand new V.P. mo_tor, Beard, Simpson, dual Parker Pumpers, front Fox, rear Bilsteins, rack and pinion, Wright front end and spindles, fuel cell. $7000. Call Keith at (801) 628-9411. Dusty nmes , 6 KYBs, Centerlines, Mastercraft seats, Hines belts and nets, ready to take out and play. $2600 OBO without trailer or $3100 OBO with trailer. Call (213) 540-9690. ·,.,,··». =${>. FOR SALE: Chenowth 1000 chromoly 100" WB, excellent Challenger car. Full fiberglass body, fuel cell, complete Unique Metal Products interior, log and cell cover, Mastercraft seats and nets, Neal brake and pedals, Filler harness. $3200 OBO. Call Mike (805) 832-6~04. FOR SALE: Class 7 Nissan race truck. Driven by Roger Mears, Mario Alesi ·a.l)d' Jijti Conner. Twin cam,16 v_alve "rotor, Nash trans, all the tnck,st~ff, ready to run, $20,000. Jim Conner (602) 453-8889. I ========· . RAINIER. A 1:J,TOt-SPOR TS CLUB announces the first Akan ·Winter. ~ally· (Seattle,· b,nchor-. age, Calgary), .held February 2-. 12, 1_988. Also,'a fewspaces_left for the l-98,TAlcan 5000, August 1'6-26, 1987. 1987 route is Seattle, Dawson City, Anchor-age, Yellowknife, Jasper, and entry is $1500/ car including all accomrriodatioris b n route. Reply: Alc:\ri'llally,-Jl5 Central Way, Kirkland, WA :98033 or · call (206) 823-6343. I . . August 1987 DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O • Agoura, CA 91301 SHIPPED PRE-PAID VIA U.P.S. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS AMC Jeep .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Armstrong Tire Co. . . . . . . . . . . 25 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . . 35 Bru$h Run 101 . .. . .. .. . .. .. 16 Can~y Canes ....... , .. . .. . 44 Car1Custom ............... 31 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . . . . 10. Coolexx .................. 43 Fudpucker Racing Team . . . . . . . . . . . . 42. 47, 63 General Tire Motorsport · . . . . . . 17 BFGoodrich . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 -Go9dyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . . 11 · HORA Colorado 300 . . .-..... ,'., 24 Induction Technology Group . .'. / ... ,37, JaMar Performance " Piroducts .. " .. .. .. . .. .. 39. KC Hilites ................ 13 Mazda Motors of America . . . . . 15 McKenzie Autqmotive . . . . . . . . 20 Nevada Off Road Buggy ·. . . . . . . 22 Nissan Motor Corp. USA ....•.. 9 PCI Race Radios ......... ; . . 45 Plaster City Blast . • . . . . . . . . . 14 Sandwinder Chassis . . . . . . . . . 40 Score International . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Marvin Shaw Performance ' Products .. : .. . .. . .. .. .. 30 Silver Dtist Racing , . , Association ...... ,, . . . . . . . 29 So, !Nevada Off Road ~hassis ............ ·,· .. 28 Sup1erstition 250 IV ....... ~,.!. 27 · . SuperTrapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Toyota Motorsports ... . Back Cover Tral:ksiile Photo .Enterprises . . . 12· Tri-Mil Industries ... . ....... 1!J Valley Performance-Hewland . . . . 4 VORRA Yerington 250 . . . . . . . . 41 Wright Place • .. .. . .. . .. .. . 26 Yokohama Tire Corp. . . • . • . . . . . 5 Enjoy Yourself! Race THE PLASTER CITY BLAST ., Just for the fun of it! 'SATURDAY OCTOBER 3, 1987 Info: Fud: (619) 427-5759 Jeff ~right: (619) 561-4810 Race Two of· ' Fudpucker Racing _Team Sup11rstition Fall Series· Page 63 ., .: $I .,