... ,_? ~ ·::1':\: ' l .. ~~} r:jiovelJ.'19: ~h¢rworfd:f?f:'CoRlpe~ition· in·· the· dirt •• J
4~gtJon the he.els of his deLive win at J Mint , erry _McC?onald drove his hard-char ih Chevy S-10 Maxi-Cab through the legendai Just-Bc~o~ed des~rts and tr~ck-brea1king arroyos of1the . atua ~ternac1onal to clinch his second consecutive vic ory 1n Class 7 4x4. I I . Jerry's winning race-modified Maxi-Cab is spon-sor~d by GM Performance Parts and outfitted . , S~~i~~~hsafety equ_ipm<:nt. Will he repeat his 1 ~ih1 amp1onsh1p with Chevy s 107 K watching the finish line. - I · .. eep · An~ here's ·another ~in fC?r Chevy! Frank Vessels' race-m~d1fied Chevy Full-Size Pickup with required safety equ,pment ~on Class 8 against the big unlimited he~vy-metal pickups. And finished fifth overt1all against every truck the competition could muster: Congratulations, Jerry and Frank, from the Heartbeat of America! Full-Size Chevy Pickup also wins Class a. ....... ·-.,... . .,_, · .. ,•~-··~···•':":••":";.•-·····-~ ~--. . ::~;:;;:;;;:,;;::·.:,;.:: · ... - ~ ...,_~--~~· .. . ...... -.. ......,,.,.. ".If.;"''"''"-···, ... ~,:.,,-· ---':. . ~ .... :: :;::::.-,,,,,;,,:.\~'-'~~,:~',,"\\;":t,~~••S""':~:;;,;:. ~~·-.:.:,,,,,,,,. ... . t,i~;\r}\\~tr,~-~tltttl~~f¾:~~f~ --~•-:.:::-:::-•:::.-:'!.'!.•-:.'!.'!.•-:.-:.:-~•-:.-:.:--:.-:.: ~-.:~.-~~••:~:-~:.••~~~-~:-~~--~···~····--:-•~~ --.!:i,j,.~ .~s-=-.. -:.~~~1!_!,~:.:..:;:-.:.~ ~--;.~~-:.~r-:.~~-:.:.r-:.:-:. ..... ~ •:-:.~_:-:.~~-:.:-:..!~~~~-:.~.~~~-~~~:.~::-:.~:-:.:~.;:-!.;-:,:-:a!.,~~~':.~; .. ~ - - •... .. ... . .. ~--···-·· .. ' .. .. - .. -· .. ----•::-e-----,:.-_~· -;::.-;r~;~:~ .. ::s~:~ ~~:~:~~-· .. ~~rr-:.-:.::;-~,;.-:. •.• -~~-:-~~~;.;;.~~~~~ .... -" ............ •: . ----~~··•~.-~~:-~'!-••:~--~~~~ ::--·~--~--:;:---· .... ~.-,-:::;;;."! ~--:.-••:~----·~=--~-•-:.-:.-;-~~~--:.--~--~~iii~:;..-. ~~~~~., r_,_..-:;..,.•"'.'::..O --~:;;.--~..-••~:s-~1:.~-:.~i:.i:.~::::iiJt.:::•J!!:=:-~~,':.~~~:_-:.;~~~:~~:~:~~'!~ •• ~~ ~:~: -~,.k~::•~~~-:,'!,-~1:.•~-:.-::~-~--;.---~:-:. ~~-· ~--~---li~~~I~ ......... ~-~••!!= .. ~:-:.-:.:.~·.:::~~:--~ ~~--;.--:,• = =-----~.--...-,,-~= :---....,..----.,......,.,,...., =~~-~--~ . ..~-:.~.:-~~::.-:.-~-:.: ~---=-• ~~~~~ii;i ·-·-----· ~ -__.• .. ---~---=-. . I ~ • -·~:-:::••'!:~-'!~•:-:-;-•. ,:,~::•• . . ~~ .. •·.•····•·':· .. • ..................... •: ... . . -· ~ --· .. :. ~--·::.~* -~-· .. -:.·~·~::-:-._-._· . .-._:_ .. _.._.._.._ .. ·.:-.:: .. ·::.:_:,._:_-:·:: .. :·::.::·:·:··. __ ..., ~?-'. "' ._ ::·-, "'-~" s -,-: · · ·. ~ ~.;-...r~?-'i "?.· rt' ,\:-/:-.·-,:: ·-. .-·-:-:· <-:-'· ·.·,/-:-; :, , ·,:?,":· ~ ...•... ~--·· ... •:.•·· ... . . ;..:..:::=;~-·~•·.':...•·~··· ~~ .. •:--·: -·. ·.· ... .... · ... . · .... ·: ... ··:.-. : ,~--:.:..;::-:_;.~ ~~,_,,_._: ':_:;.:: . -: : ~ ~,::-,::-. '~ '; ,-·, '.: ·:. ,_,. ~ --~~,;:,::,--:·::-:-:-.-.-._-. ·. ·. :-.-::::, ·. : ·-:· .. ·-:·. '· .-.:.:.-.::: :c: •·:"";:;;•~"1?,<~'t~~-:S,r.?-:'""" :...;;;{{;;,,:-, : : :: :/f//· · · .::c~~~%,•~---~::/?\}: "·:·-\: ::·_ i O <· ·••·<· :' • i •• i . -~ ':. ~-~.: ·:::: ·:.: ·.: ·. :.: ....... : ........... :: :.;.·;:. : ·. :-. ~~ ·:. ·. ·;:. ·. ·2,;.~~~ :.~: -. : :. ·. °): •• :-: : ':" ~: :.: : :.~~-~ ::.=-~~~~.-:~ ·.~ -:-.:.~ :..-. :-:.·. ~~ .,... .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... ... . ·~~~--. . ... . . . . . . . . .. ~· . . .. -.. . .. -~~~ .::-.·.?f:.-:.:.:.\·:·:-. .... ·::":-..-.._.t.:.· . .-. .-.. -:..-._• .. :·:··.·:·-.~~~:-:-.· .. -. ... .-.. ·.~.;-:-.·.~· .. :.~·•.::.:·•::·:-..·:··.·.·:·/.-.:•:•.::_-:::-::.-.:-.-..~:--~:·:.~·;:z:-..:r;~•-::~~--.'!.~~--····'"?ft\\:?\\\j,f\S,\\\'t(/\~&;?/~t§t}f/~f//:ff{i>~}:itfil~~t~ .....-. ,,:.,:;;;::·,;:: ;;·,-. ,,:, :: :_-,,.: ,·, :·:: :·: :_;,·;, ;•.: ·._;;-. ·,;; , .. ; :_:-. ,_,,_.._: :_: ,-. ·. ·._, :,:;'.: ·. ,:~:: :,::;: ~-,: ':. '"'"""':: ;;;,. ""'"·":,,~;,:":l::;;;:. . !'!",-.•. •·.::-•::'•. ·.: .. :' ... ·.: .. ',· ... :: ... '' .• ,: · ... ·.: -·· ·.' .. , · .•.. : · ... : :, .. ,,,.,,,. -?.'-"~'·::..--;: .. ·. '"°'-:-... ,:: •. ,~,-~ ...,,.,,.~ ~f tl~it:2\!f }iiri~}iI~I~f ti'.3~~~I!i tt.ttJ~{~f li.f ff llf llf Bif 11111,~-• • • • . • ••.•••••. .-:, · •.. ·: . . ·.: ·:. ·.: ·: ....... : •. -. ·.:: :_._. ..... ·.: ·:. ::-:.~·· .. : ~~:.: ; ~ ·.-. ·;.-. ·:. ~--~-:. .... -~·--~~ •• • ... !-, . . ... •.• ...... -,:..~ .. .,.,,-.... ------~----~ -.. -·•• .. ~ •·
You can't get auxiliary lights any better than competition proven KC's ... aAd now you can't get any better deal, either. All summer long, when you buy a pair or a pair pack of KC Stainless Steel Daylighters SS, you'll get two special edition light covers-the famous KC 'happy face,' but this time with sunglasses! And, send us the proof of purchase (look for the specially marked KC Daylighter SS packages) and we'll send you a FREE vinyl roll-up shade just like the one our beach goers are using. A $7.95 value. You'll not only be getting the best auxiliary lighting availabre ... you'II extend your summer days long into summer nights with genuine KC HiliTES. Now that adds up to summer savings ... beyond a shadow of a doubt. 1987 catalog, just $2.00. Sunshades available direct for $7.95 plus $2.00 postage and handling. -- " -, KC HiliTES, INC. • Avenida De Luces • ~illiams, Arizona 86046
· Volume 4 Number 7 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associate Publisher Brad Goodrow Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Controller John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic Frank McCombs Contributors Darla Crown Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Tom Grimsh::iw · Marti;; H~lmes rZ~d l(och Cam McRae Brenda Parker David Ryskamp Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Spmykin Darlene Thackston 3-D Photography · Trackside Photo Enterprises Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting_ & Production . Michelle's Typesetting Services July 1987 I . ra I . THE onlCIAL VOICE OF = = ' ' ~ ' . -.. ~ ... , . . -~ =-Subscription Rates: · I , $12.00 per year, 1 Z issues, USA. Foreign subsc.ription rates on request. · I · Contributions: DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for s~ch material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stamped envelope. I Classified Ads ~ill be published as received, prJpaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissio~s or errors. All ads may be subject.to editing. [ · DUSTY TIMES, "USPS-305-690" is publi~hed monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., ·5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, · Agoura, CA 91301, (818)889-5600. Copyright 1983 b'r Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without wdtten permission from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura( CA 91301 · I· POSTMASTER: Send address changes· to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. 11 CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for _change of address. Please furnish both old and new 1dress, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry 'Ave., 'te 0, Agoura, CA 91301. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• I I . 'I. ,, ' ' f In This Issue~ •• I FEATURES . Page Score Baja Internacional ................ , . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Great Western Points Series Opener ... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 , Memorial Day lQO . ............................... . 28 Montreal Olympic Stadium Race . ................... . 32 · SCCA Centennial'Pro Rally ...... · ....... · ...... · ...... 36 I FORDA at Lakdand Speedway· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 VORRA/Yokohama Yerington 250 .................. 40 SCCA Trucks at Sears Point .................. , .. -.... 43 Tour de Corse World Championship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 SCCA/CRS Glen Helen Rally Cross .......... . · . . .' .. .. 46 I Nissan Mini Mint Rally .................. . . ......... 47 1\· Atlas Rally-in Afr!ca .......... , . .......... : ........ 49 One Lap of America ... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 50 . Tucson Auto Cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 I '1 DEPARTMENTS 1 Snapshot of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Soap Box by Otis Fudpucker ................ ; . . . . . . . . 6 Trail Notes ........ · ................ , ................ 6 I Happenings ... -...................................... '8 Pony Express ............. : ... • ..................... 12 Side Tracks by Judy Smith .......................... 13 Weatherman Radio Relay Repol'.t by Bob Steinburger . . . 45 Good Stuff Directory .............................. 52 1• Pit Team Register and Reports ....................... 56 Tech ups by Bill Savage ...... ; ................... : . 57 Classified Ads .............. , . , .................... · 58 Ind~x to Advertiser~ ............................... 58 The Losers by Judy Smith .......................... _. 59 I ON THE COVER•' Flying high over the sands of the Pacific Ocean shore, Frank Vessels and George Robbins still had a lot of miles to go, but their potent black Chevrolet never missed a beat in the heated battle for Class 8 honors. The pit stops were quick and uneventful, and Frank VesseJs got his first victory in Class 8 in this Chevrolet pickup, ·' and his first Baja victory in many a moon. The pace was so torrid in the I class that Vessels finished a remarkable fourth overall as welL Our congratulations to the whole team for a great race. Color photography by Mark Chen ofTrackside Photo Enterprises . I . . - . ,: TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year-$12.00 □ 2.years --$20.00 D 3 years - $30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus ... . I . This picture tells its own story, but it had a happy ending. The team of Cameron Steele and Doug Robertson obviously had some trouble with the 5-1600 on the way to the Sky Ranch. Steele kept it moving here, just barely, while his co-driver wishes he was heavier to get the front end up. The car got fixed, costing about four hours, and Steele even stopped in the forest to aid another 5-1600 car. The team finished 12th out of the ! 7 that did finish in the class. Photo by Trackside Photo Enterprises. DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used: If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 will be considered. Fr~e on'e time classified· ad up to 45 words. I (Form on inside back page) · Name---'-----------'---------------! Address ------------------.,------City I I 1State ------+-------~-----Zip ________ _ I I I I I Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 1 ybar $15.00 U.S. • Overseas subscription rates quoted 011 request) - I . . I I I I I I I I I ...I Dusty Times July 19f'.7 Page 5 1 •
i SoaR Box ••• I •1 ~~~~19si~1:i~oo:;:t~~~~: ·Tra.1 Notes ••• tainted like a well know racer By ttFud" Fudpucker President, AMA District 38 CHEATING! FIRST . OVERALL! How exciting these words spoken or printed sound. The second best is "I (we) won my (our) class." The worst headline just printed from the recent 1987 Score Baja Internacional was "They cheated." The team involved was disqualified. That is not the point. It was a factory team decision to cheat. All that mattered was "win at all costs." If we get caught, plead Ollie North. Everyone does it, we just got caught . . AMA DISTRICT 38 SAYS NO! I am going on record as of June 10, 1987 for all the world to know what we ( AMA District 38 and the Fudpucker Racing T earn) have been stressing for years: "Win Fair." If the only . way you can win is to cheat, we don't want you. If your sponsors want you to cheat we don't want them either. I am asking all other organizations to take the same position. Expose cheaters! I was so upset with this latest round I called the National AMA h!!adquarters in Westerville, Ohio. I was told if I thought this was bad, go to an l.S.D.E. There, the competitors tell us, the only reason the USA gets caught is because we talk about it. LET'S TALK ABOUT IT! If you see someone cheating, tell everyone you can. If you are a responsible and respected ottkial, make sure you do it. I realize we can't have every sore loser complaining. Referees arc necessary. However, if enough undocumented team cheaters are reported, officials, if they have any guts, will take action. This does not mean promoters should gimmick the race course. We are talking about speed events and every consideration must be made to make it as safe as possible, yet fair. YOU, the promoter have a responsibility to mark the course as fair as possible. There can be no sudden hidden checks that can be easily missed. When marking the course, if you find a route that requires a cheat check, but manpower to run it is not ·available, then you must mark that route. Don'ttell racers at the riders meeting it's 0.K. What happens to those that don't know what's O.K.? They are automatically penalized for not knowing where to legally CHEAT. Why? Because they stayed on the marked route and don't know where the short cut is! AMA DISTRICT 38 AND . FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM RACERS BEW ARE! If I find out you cheat or any of your sponsors require you to cheat to win, I will publicly expose you, hopefully in national publica~ tions. A win in a sp0rt we enjoy is the ultimate ecstasy. Don't spoil it with AIDS! P.S.: Bruce, look what you that put his white bike in a van while it was fixed driving south. His sore armed partner went the other way. While Fud's dismav is directed at motorcycle racers, mo.~t of his words rin.Q" true for faur u.•heel classes in the desert e\'L'1HS w u.d/. For exam/Jle, . some years a.Q"o a team of eight photo,Q"ra/Jhers, strun.Q" out in different areas for the four la/JS of an off roaJ race, ma1w.Q"ed w .Q"et only cme shot of the O\IL'Tall car «•inner. Hardly lil<dy if the car was on course e\'L'TY la/J. On the 1987 Score Baja IntenULCicnwl, the or,Q"aitizers /)ut in· a 11isual check in the area hetu·et'lt Three Poles and San Matias Pass, where the markea route ran \'L'TY close to the /Ja\'L'171L'1lt of Highway 3. The folks at the t•isual check tl.'L'Te armed u.•ith a camt'Ta, and the·v recorded 01.'L'T ttl.'L'llty race whicles, half motorcycle classes and half car . classes,\ running on the /Jat'L'171L'1ll whL'll tney should have het'll in the dirt. . Some «'L'Te. VL'TY u.dl k1iou.•n teams, three air class u•innL'TS in fact, and at least one hike class u•inner. T u.•o were et•entuall-v disqualified for runnin,({ on the pavement elsewhere as «di. Apparently the area «'hL'Te the cam<..'Ta crL'U'S u.;L'Te stationed u.•as' cm1fusing, PL'Thaps the markL'Ts wafted au•ay hy local folk. So most of this herd «·ere probably unknou.•ing cheaters, but the-v u.•ill find a lettL'T of reprimand i11 their mail boxes soon. Volunteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts about what is good and what is not so good about the state of off road racing. Call or write DUSTY TIMES . with your ideas for a Soap Box column, aiui get on the schedule . . In NEVADA t::as . OFF-ROAD it's ... BUGGY N :t :....; > ~ ..., ::.: ;... Street -Stock - Baja Race or Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay We've Got Your VW Parts See Brian See Dave ~.-\HAH,\ X . 2 N. I ·A'-iTLH:-.1 ',IHI!'', Locations fX z 0 to :S t-" ~ ',PHI'-<, M f'i Serve You l: (I) Better! ~ WEST NOR 3054 Valley View 1541 N. Eastern 871-4911 • 871-5604 642-2402 • 642-1664 NOW 2 LOCATIONS Page 6 July 1987 N -CLASS 1 o -RED ALERT!! Right on press time we received the Tech Tips column from Bill Savage, whose column in the June issue reported that 99 percent of the competitors in Class 10 oppose the idea o! all?wing 4 valves per cylinder engines in Class 10 in 1988. ~avage went on m h!S ~une co_lumn to say, "I hope that before this proposal is abandoned, racers will consider that there will be some horsepower restrictions for those who use 4 valve per cylinder engines." Also in the June issue, the Manu_facturers A~visory Board Report stated that the matter was brought up at their May meeting and tabled because of competitor opposition to it; . . . . CHECK this month's Tech Tips column. Sometime in the ensuing four weeks, with no apparent meeting of .anyone concerned, Bill Savage and whoever have decided to go against the wishes of the competitors. On page 57 of this issue Tech Tips says in no undertain terms, "Tl:iere will be 4 valve motors running in 1988." Who made this decision? Bill Savage? Walt Lott? Sal Fish? It is time for racers to really holler, but it will take numbers, all of you in Cfass 10, who oppose the rule change, to reverse what appears to be an arbitrary decision made for commercial considerations from someplace. Certainly not from those who pay entry fees for current Class 10 racers. THE RETURN OF.CLASS REPS. Now more than ever, see above, Class Representatives are needed to keep desert competitors informed and involved in both the making of racing rules and the enfocement and interpretation of rules. Many have felt the sting of rapidly changing interpretation of rules without a printed word being changed. Spearheaded by Bob Mount of Yokohama, Class Reps for the non-truck classes in desert racing were chosen at the Gold Coast race by competitors attending the drivers' meeting. These reps fa turn selected one rep to represent all seven classes involved at the Manufacturers Advisory Board Meeting after the Mint 400, and Mark McMillin, Class 1, was selected. McMillin attended the Mint meeting, and he will also attend the remaining two Manufacturers meetings this year, in August and December. · The purpose of the individual class reps is to field both positive and negative comments on their specific classes and relay the information to Mark McMillin, who will bring up the points at the next Manufacturers Advisory Board meeting for clarification.1 Then McMillin is responsible for notifying class reps, race related press and chassis manufacturers, such as Mirage, Raceco, Chenowth, T-Mag, etc., of the points brought.up. The current class reps, in addition to McMillin, are David Kreisler, Class 2, John Hagle, Class 10, Rick Frisby, Class 1-2-1600, Stan Parnell, Class 5, Andy Devercelly, Class 5-1600, Rich Minga, Challenger, Mike Abbott, Class 11. In addition to the class representatives, the Independent Desert Racers Association has been formed by the various pit organizations to also field both positive and negative comments from their specific pit clubs. The pit clubs involved are Chapala Dusters, Checkers, CORE, FAIR, Los Campeones, and Tight 10. This membership is open to other interested pit clubs. .George Thompson of Checkers was nominated and elected the Managing Director ofIDRA, and he will be responsible for communication between the pit clubs, Score/ HD RA.and the Manufacturers Board rep, Mark McMillin. Thompson recently announced the addition of Fred Du Puis to the IDRA staff as Public Relations Director. Fred will be responsible for the distribution of information between IDRA and the news media . KEEP FIGHTING 11IE CRANSTON BILLI! On June 1-t we rad with some horror an editorial in the Los Angeles Times enrid~d ''.Olft for the Future." It is a paean praising of Senator Alan Cranston and his plan to close up to eight million acres of the California desert to all visitors, except those on foot or horseback. In one statement the article states that there will be plenty of public land left over for multiple use under the Bureau of Land Management. And the closing words say "There was so much wild land then (1872). There is so little now." How can there be plenty left over for the general public use, after millions of acres are closed, if there is so little of it left now! Please, if you care about the future of motorized recreation in any state in this union, keep your letters flowing to your elected representatives in Congress. If Cranston succeeds in closing down the California desert for recreational use, Congress will move on and swallow up land in any state that has land managed for multiple use by the B.L.M. CORV A FLASH! The law offices of Gerald W. Newhouse in El Toro, CA have been retained to evaluate the legality of the California Department of Parks and Recreation's decision to ban "Green Sticker" vehicles from the Anza Borrego State Park. COR VA President Rick Bates stated that the involvement of legal counsel is part of CORY A's strategy on the Arua Borrego issue. For complete details call the COR VA hotline at 1-800-237-5436. THE HORA FIREWORKS 250 is shaping up to be a good mid-summer run with 174 cars entered at the June 12 drawing for starting positions. The race is sponsored by H. Olsen Distributing, the Barstow Budweiser bunch, and Soutar Motors, the local Nissan dealer. With the start/finish line at Barstow Community College, the course will consist of three laps of an 80 mile course similar to the one used last December, except it will run in reverse. The race starts at 4 p.m. on Saturday,July 4, and it will continue on into the night. RACING IN MICHIGAN! The 12th Annual U.P. Off Road 100, presented by the Bark River Lions Club happens, naturally, in Bark River, Michigan in the Upper Peninsula on July 18 and 19. It is a true double points event,.counting for both S.T.O .R.E. Formula Desert Dog Series points and the Superior Off Road Drivers Association points. This race features a 100 percent payback of entry fees in the class points heats, and an extra purse donated by Strohs Brewery and the Lion's Club for the three championship races. The course is 2.75 miles long, carved out oflocal farmland, and the track patrol is donated by a four wheel drive club called the U.P. Stump Jumpers. This is the largest midsummer race in the midwest, and the entire · community is behind the event, which sounds like great fun. Get the full information from Brian Adams at (906,) 466-2 723 or Dave Vandermissen at (906H66-7494. . (more TRAIL NOTES on page 10) Dusty nmcs
j ,GOODYEAR WHANG. ER RADIALS TOOK SPENCER LOW BOIIE AT TIE BAJA. · / ._-aE om~~ IJAY. . \ Someone once wrote, "For every · mquntain there are at least two valleys:' Those words were never more true than at this year'~ SCORE/HORA Baja · Internacional. Because at the 14th running of this off-road racing classic, the ~aja dished out more peril and morel'adventure than ever before. As if the ruts, rock and siit of the 461-mile desert course were lnot enough, the coastal valley added morning fog. The ., San Pedro Mountains offered low-lying cloud mist. And the temperatures in the San Matias Pass soared to 115 degrees. B1:1t Spencer Low to@k 9n the back-1 wrenching ruts. The tirelbiting rocks. The mountains. The valleys. The heat, ·. dust ·and silt. · Then, o_n the last leg of the course, . Spencer took to the rain-slickened high-. way. And won his fourt~ event of the. I I year on the very same tires you can buy: Goodyear Wrangler radials. They're thetires that helped Spencer win the Class 7S Championship and the Mini-Metal Challenge Championship for the last two consecutive year.s. · ' · They're the radial tires designed to · take on the toughest terrain. The toughest conditions: So no matter what kind of truck you own, get the tir-es that can conquer your· mountains, handle your valleys. On or off the road. Get Goodyear Wrangler radials. They' 11 take you home. The quick way.
1,e1 HAPPENl,NG·s •• ,. A.O.R.A._ . Arizona Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) ,252-1900 July 18 High Country 150 Flagstaff, AZ September 5-6 Snowflake Buggy Bash Snowflake, AZ October 17 Penasco 150 Sonora, M~xico December 5 Sonoita to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico _ AMSA American Motpr -Sports Association P.O. Box 5473 Fresno, CA 93755 (209) 439-2114 . BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD. S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 241 Van Nuys, CA 91303 (818) 340-5750 October 2-4 Carrera de los Campeones San Felipe, B.C. . 1987 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES . P.O. Box 101 . (715) 4~s~z;1s· ~~ftf~~8-2688-September-4-6. Brush Run 101 . War.Id Champtonship Crandon, WI CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 (714) 736-1442 July 11 Carlsbad Rally Sprint Carlsbad, CA . \ July 12 CRS Annual Picnic. Carlsbad, CA September 26-27 Cliffs of Gorman Rally Gorman, CA October 17 Glen Helen Rallysprint San Bernardino, CA December 5-6 East of Indio VII Indio, CA CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8616 All races are held ~t Albany-Saratoga Speedway, Route 9, Malta, New York. Class.es are 1-1600, 10, 4 WO Class 3 and Class 4 plus ATVs. July. 12 August 2 August 23 September 13 October 4 October 17-18 4 FUN 4.WHEELERS 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 ( 313) 459-8388 (313) 755-3176 September 5-6 Summers End Extravaganza Bee's Sport Center St. Johns, MI FORDA. Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 5349 Hansel Ave., C-1 Orlando, Florida 32809 (305) 268~1279 (813) 535-4578 ; July 5 Tallahassee, FL August 2 Lakeland! FL September 6 Tallahassee, FL October 4 Lakeland, FL November 1 . Lakeland, FL January 10, 1988 . Lakeland, FL · f:ebruary 7, 1988 . Lakeland, FL March 26 Florida 400 _ · · Tallahassee, FL -FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 August 8, 1987 Superstition 250 IV Ancient Dry Lake Bed El Centro, CA October 3, 1987 200 Mile Plaster City Blast Plaster City, CA December 31, 1987 150 Mile Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA_ GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 . (404) 927-6432 July 26 Cordele, GA. August 23 Winder, GA September 13 100 miles Alabama -September 2 7 Cordele, GA October 25 Winder,GA November 28 · 250 miles Cordele, GA December 5 Annual Banquet GREAT LAKES ~ FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 665-0358/ (313) 996-9193 August 1-2 19th Annual Sand-O-Rama Silver Lake Sand D~agway Mears, MI-, I GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. , Ron Knowlton . · 831 So. Jason Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-5537 July 19 Raceland Denver, CO August 8-9 St.-Francis, KS August 30 Raceland Denver, CO September iO · Raceland Championship - SC Denver, CO, HORA, High Desert Racing Association_ 12997 Las Vegas ·Blvd., South · Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 July 3~5, 1987 Fireworks 250 . · Barstow, CA September 11-13,,1987 Craig/Hi Desert 300 Craig, CO December 5, 1987 . Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV · i' HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION·, Tom· Freeman 3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 342-0331 . August 16 Gumbo Buttes Baja · Pierre, S.D. October 24 , Last' Chance Baja Wall,S.D. GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 . San Bernardino, CA (714) 381-4454 or . (714) 880-1733 September 27, 1987 Short Course Race IOK FOUR WHEELERS . P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) JEEP CUP RALLY SERIES David Hannum United 4WD Associations (317) 453-9242 July 11 Lindsey, Ontario_ July 12 Denver, CO July 18 Victoriaville, Quebec -. July 19 Haqison J:fot Springs, British Columbia July 26 Sae-ramento, CA . August 2 Atlanta, GA August Championship Rally Reno, NV MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION Joh~ Elliott - (517} 835-9923 Bob Ramlow - (616) 345-6407 - July 25,-26 MSBA Sprint Race· Oakley, .MI August 7-9 Bug-In Midland, Ml August.16 Gratiot Chapter Sprint Race ' St. -Johns, MI ' . August 22-23 Blue Water Chapter Enduro St. Helen, MI _ August 28-30 \ un Weekend in the Trees Harrison,. MI . August 30 ·. Can Am. Cha~rer Sa!"}d. Drag / Bervi le, MI · September 12-13 Over Mt. Baldy #30 Hillclimb Silver Lake, Ml - September 25-27 Fun Weekend in the Sand Silver Lake, MI - ,September 2 7 - · ' Can Am Ch:i,pter Sand Drag B.erville, MI October 3 1 Mid Michee Sprint Race ..,,Midland, Ml MIDWEST OFF ROAD CHALLENGE SERIES Tommy Bowling Rt. 6, Box 833C Miqland, TX 79702 (915) 332-1537 -(915) 563-9154 · August 1 . Freedom, OK September 12 Albuquerque, NM October· J Big Spring, TX November 7 El Paso, TX M.O.R.E. 3513 North West Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76106 (817) 625-8843 . MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF.ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 35_9:5117 July 25-26 L.A. Coliseum Los Angeles, CA September 26' Sam Boyd Silverbowl Las Vegas, NV \ October 10 L.A. County Fairplex Pomona, CA NORTH AMERICAN RALLY CUP July 3-4 Rallye Baie Des Chaleur New Richmond, Quebec , Donald LeBlanc (418) 392-6120 July 10-12 . Dartmouth Highlands Rally Dartmouth, Nova Scotia . Clarke Paynter (902) 435-3948 August· 2 t'-23 Sunriser 400 Forest Rally Columbus, OH Dick Paddock (614) 876-2277 Septell)ber 4-5 Rallye of the Voyageurs North Bay, Ontario ·· Dave Carlin (705) 474-8007 September 11-13 Mackinaw Trail Riilly Traverse tity, MI Kelly ·Brandt (616) 374-7176 October 2-4 Ojibwe ProRally Grand Rapids, MN . Bob Nielsen \ (612) 776-447i October 9-11 Defi Ste.-Agathe Ste.-Agathe Des Monts,. Quebec Andre Lavigne (514) 747-3663 October 28-Noveinber 1 Press on Regardless Houghton, MI Dick Cole . (313) 685-2853 November 21-22 Rally of the Tall Pines Petersborough, Ontario Ross Wood ( 416) 876-1492 .OFF ROAD RACING A.SSOCIA TION . · . OF TEXAS 1421 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 November 7 Red Sands 150 El Paso, T~ OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL RALLY John Nagel . P.O. Box 4254 . Tumwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-9717 ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamaker · . P.O. Box 688 Bancroft,. Ontario, KOL lCO, Canada · July 4-5 Highland Grove, Ont . . July 18-19 Belleville, On_t. August 1-2 Brighton, Ont. · August 8-9 .Kitchener, Ont. August 14-16 Bancroft, Ont. --========::::==::::::::::::::::=.;;..-.:=========-....;....--~-:,_-=---:--:--------- ---......:.------:--~---=--:-=-:--:--July 1987 pusty Tin1es Page 8
September 5-6 Kitchener, bnt. Septem her 26-2 7 Kitchener, Ont. October 17-18 Kitchener, Ont. ''ONTARIO OFF ROAD Barbara Lapointe 4 Bridge St. E. Kitchener, Ontario N2K 1J2 Canada · (519) 743-8841 (All events at Bingeman Park in Kitchener.) July 19 Off Road Endurance Races July 26 · Off Road Endurance Races August 9 ATV Races August 30 Off Road Endurance Races September 5-6 Sandfest '87 September 13 Off Road Endurance Races September 26-27 Ontario Off Road Challenge October 10-11 Oktoberfest Endurance/ Mudbog October 17-18 Oktoberfest Challenge '87 October 31-November 1 Off Road Endurance Series Finale ' ~r._ ~·- . -II , '/j I ' O.O.R.R.A. . Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 (405) 769-5491 (All races located at Freedom, OK} Vic Brurnham , Freedom Chapter President (405) 621-3428 July 10-11 Moccasin Creek 250. August .1 Freedom 300 October 16-17 O.O.R.R.A. 150 ORSA Randy Miller 407 G Street, Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (213) 375-4570 (213) 534-2747 July f2 Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA July 26 Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA ,POSTI Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track · .. Shark Saxon RD #3, Bo~ 9 Towanda, ·PA 118848 · (717) 265-3076 . . I . All events in Monroeton, PA at the intersection of Routes 414 & 220. I July 25-26 August 29-30 September 26-27 October 10-11 PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 July 24-25 400K Ashcroft, BC October 2-3 Millican 400 Millican Valley, OR August 21-23, 1987 Sunriser Forest Chillicothe, OH September 11-13, 1987 Mackinaw Trail Rally Traverse City, MI , October 2-4 Ojibwe Rally Grand Rapids, MN October 29-31, 1987 Press On Regardless Houghton, MI November 13-15, 1987 Wild West Rally Tacoma, WA SCCA DIVISIONAL PRO ~LLY SERIES July 25 Ar-kansas Traveler Little Rock, AR Janet Mitcham (501) 666-5093 July 10-12 Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ .Rob Cherry · ( 602) 778-6489 August 8-9 Briar Rallycross Briar MSP, VT Dan Way (802) 453-4792 August 8 Dire Straits Trout Lake, MI Jay Topping (313) 625-0790 September 9 Coachman Capital Stages Washington John Forespring (206) 866-8323 September 11-13 Mackinaw Trails Traverse City, MI Kelly Brandt (616) 374-7176 September 19 LacVieux L'Anse, Ml Scott Carlborn (906) 482-6992 September 26-27 Cliffs of Gorman Gorman, CA Gary English (714) 497-4670 October 3 Gold Rush Westcliffe, CO . Regan Smolkovich (303) 477-9298 SCORE · Score International 31356 Via Colirras, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 August 21-23, 1987 Off Road World Championship Riverside, CA November 6-8, 1987 Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 • . '-"Y..:llf.i~ . I ::err:::-~ FF-:ROAD RA €/NG DIVISION · • • · · , 1·f · I . . , , ,,.., . . . ' _.,. --. :r· t:~,· r-{i t , K:· ;HIP~iiJ 'l,'.,,___ ' VIA UPS CHENOWTH CLASS 11 ROLL CAGE KIT Chenowth's popular class 11 roll cage kit comes with extra gussets for greater strength and is notched to slip together easier than ever. Features 11/i" x .090" wall tubing for superb lightweight strength. Includes rear torsion support kit. Welding-required. #60600 Class 11 cage kit ....... $149.95 YOKOHAMA OFF-ROAD TIRE SALE • 7.00x 15 tube typ frnts, ea . ...... $57.95 . 33-10.50. x 15 Super Digger tubeless rears. ea , ............. $79.95 7.00 x 15 tubes, ea .............. 12.95 Tubes for Supr Dggrs, ea . ....... 12,95 YOKOHAMA/CENTERLINE 1PACKAGE ee Designed for the serious off-road racer. Package includes two 7.00 x 15 Yokohama front tires with tubes and two 33-10.50 x 15 Yokohama Super Digger rear tires mounted on two 15 x 3'h 5-lug Centerlines (bubble-style inset) for the front and your coice of 15 x 6 or 15 x 7 5-lug Centerlines for the rear. Hi-speed balanced-ready to install. Yokohama/Centerline pkg . . .. $689.00 Add for tubes in rear ............ 20.00 SCORE & HORA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON: W PY1-tl<). , . , HENOWTH WEBER o!:: 'II"" I: · -~m1:1m ~YvoKOHAMA vc,o _,fl& SWAY·A•WAY ~,..._ ... _ .... ,,. ..... Dusty nmcs_ Kl'N IV DEil.2R.!o Carbu,eton PER MA-COOL July 1_~87 CENTERLINE RACING WHEELS 15 x 3.5 • 5 lug. each . . . S 97.95 15 x 4.75 • 5 lug. each ........... 9!l95 15 x 5.75 · 5 lug. each .... 104.95 15 x 6 - 5 lug. each . . . 106.95 15 x 7 f 5 lug. each ... 109.95 15 x 8 - 5 lug. each ... 114.95 15 x 10 • 5 lug. each ... 117.95 WEEKEND WARRIOR FRONT ENO BEAMS i t-Custom made'from.D.0.M. Steel. Available 5" or 6" wider than stock. Includes 4 torsion adjusters. Adds 8" of shock travel. Specify width when ordering ... 1225.00 KYB Gas shocks for above, ea .... 19.95 -car-custom High PerforfflilfJC.e& 5toch VWParts I 915 W. Foothill Blvd., Azusa, ca. 91702 i ALK IN (818) 334-4951 PHONE ORDERS (818) 969-7967
SILVERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS Roger Wells 225 W. Foster Ave. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 564-2677 (All events but the finale held at Las Vegas lnteri1ational Raceway.) July 4 July 18 August 1 August 8 August 15 August 22 September 5 September 12 Sam Boyd Silverbowl Las Vegas, NV . SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 . .(702) 459-0317 August 22 Nevada 250 Pioche, NV October 17 Silver Dust 250 Las"Vegas, NV SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 July 25-26, 1987 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV September 25-27 Snore 250 Las Vegas, NV October 31 Yoko Loco Las Vegas, NV December 5 Black Jack 200 Las Vegas, NV S.O.R.R.P. Speedway Off Road Racing Productions Bernie Weber P.O: Box 402 Temple, Texas 76503 (817) 773-3548 SHORT TRACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES FORMULA DESERT DOG SERIES S.T.O.R.E. Co~Ordinator: Gil Parker . 7406 So. 12th St. Kalamazoo, Ml 49009 (616) 375-1233' July 4-5 Sugar Camp Challenge Sugar Camp, Wl July 18-19 Off Road 100 Bark River,_ MI July 26 General Tire Sprints·· Macon County Fair Decatur, IL August 28 Chicago Classic Santa Fe Speedway Chicago, IL . Se(!tember 5-6 · Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 19 Dixie Autocross Birch Run, MI October 3 Indian Summer Sprints Lake Geneva Raceway Lake Geneva, WI SUPERCROSS, INC. Gateway Plaza 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 270 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-1606 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Prevost 1006 Cardinal Lane Green Bay, WI 54303 ( 414) 434-9044 July 4-5 Off Road Challenge Sugar Camp, WI July 18-19 U.P. Off Road 100 Bark River, MI August 1-2 Hodag SO Rhinelander, WI August 23 Off Road Race Land-O-Lakes, WI September 19-20 Colorama 100 Sugar Camp, WI TUCSON AUTO CROSS P.O. Box 55221 Tucson, "AZ 85703 (602) 887-1275 P.B. and "Char'' (Speed Bump R/T) SINCERELY THANK THESE KIND PEOPLE FOR THEIR HARO WORK IN GETTING OS TO THE BAJA INTERNACIONAL. .. Chuck Mathews - Mathews Racing Bill Varnes - V-Enterprises Chris' Bowen & Friends -Foreign Unlimited Craig Slater - C & S Transmission John Prosser - German Auto Don Prim -Unique Metal Paul Bowen Racing Page 10 VORRA · Valley•off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) _925-1702 July 1'l Stadium Type Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA August 1 Stadium Type Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA Sept'ember 5-6 Yerington/ V.ORRA 250 Yerington, NV October 10 Cha~pionship Stadium Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA November 1 1987 Championship Race Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA WHEEL TO WHEEL, INC. P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 (613) 332-1766 (613) 332-4128 August 1-2 Brighton Wheel to Wheel Weekend Brighton Speedway Brighton, Ontario -August 14-16 Bancroft's Canadian 4x4 Challenge Bancroft, Ontario WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 August 16 Mission, B.C. September 5-6 Kamloops, B.C. October 10-11 Ashcroft, B.C. FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP July 11-14, 1987 New Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand .August 2-9, 1987 Argentine Rally Buenos Aires, Argentina August 26-30, 1987 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September 22-26, 1987 Ivory Coast Rally Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast October 11-17, 1987 San Remo Rally San Remo, Italy November 22-26, 1987 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your 1987 schedule as soon as possible for listinl!; in this column. Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. July 1987 . more ••• TRAIL. NOTES-SUSQUEHANNOCK TRAIL PRO.RALLY FLASH. John.Buffum, Tom Grimshaw and the Audi Sport Quattro won_ overa.11 at the Susquenhannock Trail in Pennsylvania early in June. Rod Millen and Harry Ward won Group Aina Mazda 323, the team of David Lapham and Susan _ Ferretti won GT Production in a Mitsubishi Starion, and Niall Eeslie and Tom Drake won Production Class in a Toyota C0rolla. · After three events John Buffum leads the drivers' points overall with 60·, and Tom Grimshaw has the same 60 points leading the co-drivers standings. A.udi leads the Manufacturers championship wi\h 60 points, Mazda.is secol'lG with AD, Dodge is third with 32, and Toyota, at 26, is just ahead of V olkj,wagen, at 21 points. . . · Rod Millen leads the Group -A driver battle with 40 points, Richey Watanabe has 2 7, and Clive Smith has 20. The co-drivers, with the same points are Harry Ward, Howard Watanabe and Jean Lindamood. In Production GT the points are 40 for Doug Shepherd andR. Dale Kraushaar, 20 for David Lapham and Susan Ferretti, and 17 for Henry and Cynthia Krolikowski. Guy Light and Jim Brandt lead the Production Class with 50 points, Bruce Davis and Mike Neff are second with 2 7 points. There is a three way tie at 20 points for third between Paul Choiniere and Scott Weinheimer; Niall Leslie and Tom Drake, and John Crawford and Joe Andreini. There will be a full report on the Susquehannock Trail in the August issue, along with all the news from the Olympus World Championship Rally in Washington . FLORIDA RACING ON TRACK. Tom Williams Productions is working in conjunction with 3D Sports and Lakeland (Florida) Interstate Speedway to promote FORD A off road racing events at the Speedway. While 3D Sports is rebuilding and repaving the stock car track, they are keeping the off road course intact and are developing an off road.spectator area. FORDA has six events scheduled there through February 1988, and the report on the first event last May is in this issue. The schedule is in 'Happenings'. This is a keen, centrally located .area near Tampa for off road short course racing, and it should complement the three longer course, rough track events FORD A runs at the Crowder Pits in Tallahassee each season. It is good to know that FORDA is alive and healthy again, and that the devoted racers have a place to hold the weekend bashes. GENERAL TIRE MOTORSPORTS DIVISION has announced its 1987 contingency program for the S.T.O.R.E. (Short Track Off Roa& Enterprises). General Tire will pay $200 for first in class in Classes 1, 2, 1-1600, 2-1600,),4,,5-1600,6, 7,8, 9, 10, 11, 13 and 14. The entrant must start and finish on General Tires exclusively, and.display decals on a least two sides of the vehicle. To be eligible for the contingency, a class must have a minimum of four starters. Special tire prices for off road racers are again available in 1987 through General Tire's Off Road Racers Purchase Program. Any off road driver competing in approved races is eligible for the discount. Purchase of tires within 30 days prior to any race will be covered by the program. The special rate applies to various sizes of light truck tires; Grabber AP, Grabber AT, Grabber MT, Ameri Grip LT, Super All Grip, GLT Traction II and Ameri Steel LT. Drivers who qualify and are interested in the·program can contact any General Tire dealer or call toll free 1-800-321-7575 and ask for "Competition Price Information." They will be advised of the tire prices and directed to the nearest General Tire dealer or store. · · WORRA RACING. The May 17 long weekend was a great one for the Kamloops race, held on Sunday with plenty of travel time. The weather was perfect, about 70 degrees, and the new track was challenging to the drivers, exciting to watch; and didn't destroy the equipment. Wayne Moore won the Obstacle Course, followed by Tom Moore and Richard Ziegler. Gerry Charlton won over Steve Cocking and Jeff Peacock in the Pro Buggy bash, and Bob Nyeste took the win from Tom Moore in Heavy Metal. The Sportsman race was spectacular with a tight fight for second place early on between Irene Crowie, Wayne Moore and Chet McKinnon. Gordon Fleske won therace, Chet McKinnon was second, followed qy Wayne Moore and Irene Crowie. · Guy Harrison had a hard time deciding which way the track went on one comer, but he finished fifth. JEEP CUP RALLY. For the second year in a row Dick Ecelbarger,• of Tucson and Ron Hayslett of White Sands, NM, won the Phoenix Jeep Cup · Off Road Rally last May. As last year, it was the first event in the series. Following the winners, who scored 46, came John Ving and Chris Carrillo of Tucson, David Harned and James Williams of El Paso, TX, Californians Ty Holmquist and Newt Withers, Ron an:d Ellen Christensen of Salt Lake City, Arizonans Greg Creco and John Getchell, and Phil Hanson and Ray Daoust. Rob Cherry of Prescott, AZ and Randy Hensley of Apple Valley, CA were eighth, and finishing ninth was the first woman team to ever place in the top ·ten in a Jeep Cup ·Rally, Kelly Montague and Donna Whittaker, from Phoenix. In tenth place was Kris Tvedt and Jim Whitlock of Tucson. · The top three teams won an expense paid trip to Reno, N~vada for the Jeep Cup Championship runoff, to be held August 28-30. There the top three winners from the ten preliminary events, five in the USA and five in Canada, will compete for the North American Jeep Cup 4x4 Rally Championship. In Reno the teams will be provided with identically equipped Jeep Comanche pickup trucks for the competition. The Jeep Cup is sponsored by American Motors Corp. and its Jeep dealers, as well as Shell Oil Company, Goodyear Tires, the Stroh Brewi::"ry, Turbo Wash, and Brahma, Inc. It is sanctioned by the Sports Car Club of America and the United Four Wheel Drive Association. For more info',. don't call us, check _the rally dates in 'Happenings' or call 1-800-JEEP CUP. OFF ROAD RAC,JNG IN THE NORTHEAST, The Champlain Valley Racing Association has plans to expand activities from the current base at Albany-Saratoga Speedway in Malta, New York. The two new locations are Airborne Park Speedway in Plattsburgh, New York, and the popular Devil's Bowl Speedway in West Haven, Vermont, which hosted an ATC race last ' month. C.J. Richards, Director of Racing for CVRA, says his prime goal is to explore these new sites and get established this year so a solid schedule of racing operations that will include ATC, off road racing, Go-Karts, and mud racing can be set for 1988. The off road cars have a good schedule at Albany-Saratoga this season, and plans are to also hold ATC races in the winter at these three locations. Dusty Times
ROGER MEARS AND SPENCER LOW CAPTURE DUAL CHAMPIONSHIPS. Once again, the competition proved to be no match for Nissan Hardbody toughness and strength as Roger Mears and Spencer Low emerged victors in the SCORE Baja lnternacionale Off-.Road Race, June 6-Z This year a sizable field of 299 _entrants competed on a 461-mile. course that proved to be as fast as it was picturesque. In the end, though, itwas VS-powered Hardbody speed and strength which prevailed. First, in Class 7 as Mears along with co-driver · -Brent Foe beat Manny Esquerra's Ford. In yet another classic duel, the two raced neck and neck until, just miles from the finish line, Esquerra broke a wheel, enabling the Mears team to win by 32 minutes. Then, in Class 7S, veteran driver Spencer Low, along with Paul Delang, thoroughly dominated the field, once again finishing welloJ an hour ahead of their nearest competitor. Nissan congratulates the Mears and Low teams on their out-standing display_ of driving skill. Of course, events such as these mean more to us than victory. The challenge of racing makes us push ourselves to the limit ... and then some. And it's the knowl-edge we gain fr6m our racing success that helps us enhance the power, performance ... the pure fun and pleasure of the cars and trucks we build for the street. 1 You can get the same top quality, too, with Nissan's full line of specialized parts for racing vehicles and production cars. Just send a $10 check or money order (do not send cash) for our Competition Parts Catalog to: Nissan Motor Corporation in U.S.A., Motorsports Dept., P.O. Box 191, Gardena, CA 90247. Please allow . six weeks for delivery. 1 And remember to also check out our family ear~ rf winners at y~ur nearest Nissan dealer today. lllUIISIU'\-1 THE NA/VIE IS NISSAN
Pony Express ••• The way the 1987-1988· powertoeliminatetheclassfrom busyhelpingusandseveralother Score/HORA rules read, you existence. In rhe early 80's,they teams. He . certainly earned · his h 48 made it a class for one 4··wo co~ride! " . must ave entries per year in a k h 1 70 h .. w·. e also had a lo·t of hel-p f_ro_ m · I t. ·t mini pie u_h. In t e _ate 'st e·. given c -ass to con mue I s h I the' Class 4 team of_ Do·nah·"'°, After reading the "Score! HORA Manufacturer's Advisory Board Report" in your June issue, I checked the Class 10, 4 valves per cylinder, engine reference against my copy of their own minutes of that meeting. Class 10 racers beware! The issue is not as dead as this article leads you to believe. As· the Checkers club rep for the "Independent Desert Racers Association" (IDRA) I can guarantee, unlike the Board, that any information from IDRA will include the name of the person· that wrote it! Jeff Hibbard Canyon Country, CA Jeff 1s quite right, and DUSTY TIMES has learned recently that the opening up of Class IO engine rules will be brought up again at the next manufacturer's me.eting, the Monday afre~ Score's Riverside race. In fact, a check on the text of ''Tech Tips" ii1 the same June issue reveals that Bill Savage is urging · more consideration for mqre exotic engines in Class IO. Keep your letters floii;ing to Score, HORA, and Bill Savage to protec;t the health of Class w as it nc1u,_ix1sts. · By the way, hoth T ech Tips and the Manufacturer's Advisory Board · Report are · supplied to. us by the desert series.press people, and since only members are allqwed at the "Bciard" meetings, we have 1ui"way of knowing what really was said and done. I enjoy your· coverage of Divisional, U .S. and World. Championship rallying. Your rally reports a:re tne most comprehensive that I-have found anywhere. One suggestion that might be appreciated is to list the top ten finishers at the end of the article like you do with some off road race reports. It is a lot easier to read the results in list form than to sort · them out of the paragraphs. Your rally pictures are great, and getting the inside story from Tom Grimshaw· is downright exciting!-Thanks. for a good magazine. · Dave Hintz College Park, WA We think ·our rally guys, Tom Grimshaw, Martin Holmes and Rod Koch are pretty special wo, hut Summertime Fun! SUPERSTITION ·250 IV ·, Saturday Night August 8, . 1987 Info: Fud: (619) 427-5759 Jeff Wright: (619) 561-4810 Presented by the Fudpucker Racing Team Page 12 they will probahly no«· iant u raise. When space permits wedo try to list the top ten at the end of ei,ery rally swry, ,and the existing /JOints · standings when available. · · h Th· sport ut1 tty ve 1c es wer.e ""' existence mto t e next year. is d h h 4 4 Ph1·J1:~s and·Renoe, who w_ ere out is not going to be the case with req·uire to run wit t e x cl Class 3 or Class 14 in 1988. pickups. My personal experience on t e first lap but stayed, an Four wheel drive vehicles that was as follows. In one race, the really pitched in to help anyone 1978 M. 400 cl · · 1973 wh·o needed them at the General represent off reading in ~merica mt • rivmg a I bb are the type of vehicle that the Bronco, I was the fourth large Tire pit: Our Genera · Ora er tr k the fl·n1·sh J1·ne The MTs took a severe beating with majority of Americans use to go uc across • I want to take a moment to ff d I h h I h first truck was Walker" Evans, 2 no problems, as usual. · I h d h o roa ing. t is t e ve ic e t at, k h cl We used KC H1·L1'tes ·£og 11·ghts personally thank Sa Fis an is · h La M" h h I WO pie up, t e secon was ,, entire staff, particularly Steve wit · rry mor at t e w ee Parnelli Jones, 2 WO pickup, fo.r the first i:ime and they really h I f and Rod Hall co-drivng won the d II 4 WO worked well. We'd lt'ke to thank Kassanyi, for t e leve o 1967 Baja 1000 and created an third was Ro Ha in a d h I cooperation and respect entire new realm of auto racing pickup, and I was fourth in the the above sponsors an 4W ee everyone showed the IDRA at h Id · h d .Bronco. I was second in class, ten Parts Wholesalers, Coast h I h , for t e wor . It is t e ivision d 11 Mach1·ne (dr1·veJ1·ne), Smittybilt t e Score J;3aja lnternaciona t is that created drivers the likes of minutes behin Ha . year. Frankly, I came to the race Sherman Balch, John Baker, In another race, the 1979 Baja and Conejo Off Road and RV expecting, at best, a small portion James Gamer (the actor), Rod 1000 to La Paz, still in my '73 Center for all their support. We of your time. Instead, I was given Hall, Larry Minor, J.M. Bragg, to Bronco, out of approximately sure do appreciate it. . complete access to all the race name a few. It will no longer.exist 250 car entries, I was 20th The high point of the whole activities and allowed to take an as a class. Sounds Crazy! Well overall. My reward for that finish race was finishing second, active part in the staging of the gentlemen, this is the case was a third in class, having been de.spite our serious problehs, race itself. I learned a great deal according to the rules, believe it beaten by Roger Mears, fourth and we really had a lot of fun t is from 'the ex'perience and look overall, first in Class 3, driving a time. We were sad to see: only or not. cl forward to working wtth your In 1985, the large 4 WO truck 4 WO pickup, and Rod Hall, eight entries this year ';ompare staff again, at Riverside. · classes were divided into two second in class driving a 4 WO to 17 in 1986, due to the rule Previously I had little insight segments, Class 4 for pickups pickup. That•ain't fair·. I mean ifl changes in Class 3. We su.re hate into the me<::hanics of putting on and Class 3 for all other sport was lucky enough to'getthe 1013 to see this class eliminated. an · event of this magnitµde, utility vehicles. And, this is . miles to La Paz, 20th overall, ten, Mike Schwellinger beyond paying my entry fee and exactly how it should be. By minutes, behind Hall, my 1973 Conejo Of(Road Team standing on the gas at the 1986, under that format, Class 3 Bronco should have been better Newbury Park, CA mo_ment the green flag ~ropped. had, become, at many· of the than third in class. In both ·these After returning from the Mint This experience has given m_e races, the largest truck class in races i' was the first 4 WO in any 400 and washing off aH the dust, I new. respect for the effort !t participation. In 1986 Class 3 class, other than a pickup, to must admit Walt Lot;t outdid reqmres t? p~t on a ~ace of th~s · was the mos( perfectly balanced·· finish. I use these examples himself on a tough, real tough sort. Whtie I II admit that _t~ts class in off road racing. For , purely to emphasize the point race. As crew chief on two cars, one experience . har~ly quabfi~s example, . in the ~eight points that I think to consider running "which both self destructed, the me as_ an expert m this-process, it races, eight different cars were sport utility 4 WO vehicles with·· only drawbae-J<. to a great certainly ha~ added to my winners. The driver points total 4 WO [ickups is utter folly. weekend·was downtown at tech understanding of some of the at the end of the season ended in I fee that .if we do not now, and contJ·ngenc;_y. · I don't pitfalls inv~lve~. • · . . a flat footed tie at 444 points imrnediately voice our opinions understand the $~00 .. 00 space · By workmg together, m this between Matt Pike and Don · to Score/HDRA ' . and the charge which obvi"oi.tsly reduced way, it_ is my•feelini;( tnah,ve can Adams. manufacturers, i:he real off road the ~umbe_r of participants. The . only improve the· __ SCO_RE/ _ Based upQn these . facts, it vehicles . used by the general buggy suppliers were not HORA series and. increase the would-seem that ·tne· promoters, -'public will no· Jonger exist as a represented well, and from start spmt of cooperatton that has drivers and-manufacturers would racing··class. If you will, as soon as to finish we were assembly lined b_eeh ~stab_lished betw~en our recognize that at least one perfect possible, send me.your responses through in thirty minutes or less. organ 1za t1ons. Aga tn, m Y racing class had been established. --·and suggestions, I will redistrib-It was not nearly as enjoyable as. congratulations to the en.tire Right! Wrong! Somewhere in the .. ute therp back to each one of you _ in the past. Still, in all it, was a Score staff. You guys put on one ~moke filled, back room of · and to Scoi;e/Hq~A and the ~reat race!! See you ~~xt·year. hell of a good race. Score/HORA, some manufac-manufacturers. Smee t.here a,r.e . , Mike Gertsen George Thompson turer, some driver, some entity no longer driv~r reps~ for the_ Oswskey Ra~ing Managing Director (IDRt\) with unknown powers of class~s, and hopmg to see Clsiss 3 · Mesa, AZ Ojai, CA persuasion convinced the rule s~rv1ve, and at the request ofSa_l . I' would like to . take~ this make·rs that equality in F1~h, I have pr:esumed to _have opportun_ity to ·tha_nk some far-I ho.pe all my friends and competition was wrong· for auto this __ lette_r published to gam aII, sighted racing teams for their supporters read this note. · I racing. The powers that be · poss1ble mput. ·• support at the recent Mint 400 .. would like to thank some of decided therefore to make the Gale Pike You see I was a one man these fine people- for their class less competitive and more 54.5 Emerald Bay contingency operation trying to support and fine products. These restrictive, thus ] i mi ting Laguna Beach, CA 92651 test the response of setting up a include: Metal Masters Welding, competition. I guess that is what All Class 3 and 14 drivers should program for Robert Bosch Corp. Pro A TV, HPS Oif, Saco and Pro some drivers and manufacturers voice their opinion, and Pike is -Although I had no money ·or Terrain Racing. Without these desire most ~ winning, not making it easy for you., Write him product to offer at the time, these key people and products, the competing. right now! For more on this subject, fine teams and individuals took it first place win in Class 44 in my The upshot of this new read the next letter. upon themselves to run our Odyssey would have been restricted class is that in the 1987 decals or offer support and · 'bl Our en_tire team en1·oyed the d imposst e. Ba1·a Internacional, Class 3 had a vice. . Th. · f· t · carnival atmosphere at contin- I h ts is my trs year racmg . just three entries. ~ow, the Congratu ations to t e Martin Score, so racing the Baja promoters are highly concerned gency during the Mint 4oo. We. Brothers for their fine Class 2 Internacional was quite a thrill to and disturbed. The question put might be a bit prejudiced, but we win and a hearty thanks to RCR say the least. The course was very to me was, "What do we do thought WE had the best looking Plumbing, La Victotia Salsa, f: b I · R team! At least one · TV crew ast, ut sow at times. acers now?"· The answer seems to be Team Casablanca, Roger Mears' II h cl f •· · thought so too, since we made f rea Y a to stay away rom quite obvious and very simple. crew, Ray Evans o General Tire, some of those treacherous cliffs. Return to what we had. Two the Las Vegas news that night! Sal Fish of Score, Santa Monica: One mistake and it is all over! classes for 4x4 large trucks. Class There were a. couple of things Off Road Racing, · Llewellyn D · h I d'd h we didn't like about the Mint -unng t e race . 1 ave a 4, 4x4 pickups, and Class 3 for Racing and Ron Fleming of few mmor probl~ms, among all other 4 WO sport utility 400. The last minute time change F.A.T. It is my sincere ,hope that them were two flat tires, a broken vehicles. Based upon the many for impounding and the parade your efforts will . be both clutch belt and a broken re~r, · modifications and changes that did nothing for the efficiency of rewarding· to you, and Bosch as shock. I even managed to roll 1t. have already been m'ade to the race. There was at least a two well. See you l!t B,arstow. The roughest par_t of the course existing Class 3 and l4 cars, my hour wait during the chaos of' . Marty fiolka was between 0Jos Negr~s _to recommendations as to design staging. The race itself, however, . Foster City, CA S T h h t lived up to its reputation of being anto omas, w ere t e maion Y limitations are as follows: DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters'' f bl d Aft one of the most demanding, and , o my pro ems_ occurre · . er - from all coryiers ofo"c road activi"" . .' S T th 1. Stock frames ( may be the course was very well marked. 11 •J, anto omas tt was smoo The Pon'V Ext>ress col-umn will sail_in~ all the way to Camalu. reinforced). The first lap was a piece of cake feature all the mail we can fit mto-This ts the same car _th~t wo_n _last 2. Engines of the same -and we had the fastest time in the space. Please keep your words year_ with Ron Gnffm dnvmg. manufacturers. laps 1, 3 and 4, but things started fairly brief. Because of space, Agam, thanks for all the_ support. 3. Bodies of the same style and going downhill during the second . limitations,,your pearls of prose may Dennis Rogers configurations ·as manufactured. lap. We broke the front axle and be edited, but DUSTY TIMES will D CA Period. housing, fractured the roll cage owney' I have personally been a racer and had to replace the r_adiator. print your gripes as well as your To All Class 3 and Class· 14 inClass3forthepastl5seasons. Fortunately, one ·of our praises. Letters·fprpublication Owners and Drivers: I have watched the promoters sponsors, George Kreider of should be at the DUSTY TIMES Class. 3 no longer· exists - it's upheave, push around, and in Kreider's Welding, had his new office· by the r5th of the month in history it's kaput it's gone. general do evervthing in their truck_ at the race and he was kept _order to apoea..-in the next iss~-~ July 1987 Dusty Times
Side Tracks ••• By Judy Smith ·Baja-Odyssey Conti~ued: Our wounded VW led the way o':1t of Malarrimo, mostly uphill, with no difficulty, motoring along at an easy pace that was just right for enjoying the desert scenery. Once back on the graded roadbed, which was now mostly downhill; we headed eastward, covering about 55 miles of washboardy road before we reached the pavement. Then there was another 14 miles, past scattered. ranchos, before we came to the intersection with Highway 1. There was a big Pemex station there, with both Extra and · Nova gas, as well as diesel.They had a good supply of oil, including Pennzoil, and we bought some, though the VW had really not used much oil in getting this far. The Johnsons and. Nick, our fellow travelers, arrived a half hour after we did having lost time when Nick cut~ tire on his Jeep, and had to put on the spare. . We headed northward after a lunch stop, with the VW still in front in case of trouble. About 4D minutes later we passed the road to the west which leads to the camp-at Scammon's Lagoon, where we'd started. A little bit of quick math showed us that we had driven some 219 miles from the beach at Malarrimo to this spot, by way ,of the roadbed and the highway. On the other hand, our trip from the whale camp to Malarrimo, by way of the salt company roads, was only 89 m_iles long; and much more fun, not to mention easier on the cars. So our big, brave adventure had turned out to be the easy way to go, although we hadn't known it at the time. -We kept moving along at a steady pace, hoping to get to Santa Inez, from where we wanted to hike to an old mission before dark. Ata point just north of the state line and the big eagle monument, our tarp gave way, and we had to stop and transfer everything from the roof rack into the few spaces left inside Nick's Cherokee and the Johnson's S~IO. One more good reason for always traveling with more than one vehicle. The stretch of highway from the state line to Catavina is pleasant and easy, if narrow; and we had no trouble with the VW. We stopped at the Perriex station at the Bay of L.A .. road, which had had Extra gas on the way down. It now not only had no Extra gas, it didn't even have the pump. It was simply not there. So we didn't buy gas. As the sun set we could see the Subscribe to , DUSTY TIMES See Form Page 5 Dusty nmcs .. .. rocky mountains that we. knew lay just north of Santa Ines and we looked forward with anticipation to a quiet evening at the rancho, enjoying one of the savory dinners in the peaceful courtyard off the kitchen. But it wasn't to be. As we rolled down. the private road that leads to the rancho, our headlights glinted off the aluminum bodies of at least 30 motorhomes and trailers. There were more people at Santa Ines than we'd seen there at any time except during a race. It turned out to be a group of snowbirds and they were having a great time at dinner. They had an accordion player in their ~idst, and were actually dancing m ~he Santa Ines dining room. We had to wait for our dinners. In the morning we were surprised to find frost on our sleeping bags, but it thawed quickly as the sun rose over the buildings: We discussed our plan, which had been to hike to the mission before breakfast with a gentleman (an American) who lives in the area, and he told us that it was 15 miles back to the site. That was a little far even for Linda Johnson, who was the physical fitness fan amongst us, and so we decided we'd have to drive. But not the VW. We off loaded most of the gear, piled it in a heap near the VW, and after breakfast at the rancho; took off in ·search of the mission. Our American friend had told us that we should be really careful on this_ trip, as he didn't have any vehicle here to rescue us with, and it would be a long walk out. The road to the mission starts in front of the ranch, then winds · across the wash and takes off into rocky h\lls. The first three miles are very slow going, with a lot of volcanic rocks and some sharp little inclines. Nick, new to four~ wheeling, was watching Johnson carefully, and trying not to think about the fact that he no longer had a spare. · There were some stretches of beautiful hard sand two rut road but much of the way was very rocky. Some was steep, and there were tire grabbing rocks and cactus everywhere. There are no buildings or other signs of humanity anywhere on this road it's very lovely. At one point, jus; at its highest elevation, there is a long view off to the east and a small piece of the Gulf of California coastline is visible between the hills. The Johnsons thought it was Punta Final and Bahia Gonzaga, and who knows? they could be right. From that point on the road was rockier and rockier, and for a while Linda got out to stretch her legs anq was able to make better time than the vehicles. A couple of times we had to check a turn before driving into it, and finally, after one such check, we decided it was time to park the cars and walk. We were not certain how far it was to the mission, but since the Gringo had said something about going through the last oasis and then walking the final mile, we thought it might just be a mile or so, since we were parked above a scenic oasis. It turned out to be more like - three miles. All up and down, wit_h some of it through head high b1 _ , skirting the edge of the strea111, and much of it very steep and rocky. We flushed a small herd of cows at one point. Finally, as we began to wonder if we'd taken the wr~ng trail, there was the Santa Maria Mission. It's ·a . few crumbling I adobe walls, with some stone walls off to the side, set on a small knoll, overlooking a very pretty oasis. Down in the stream there were two kinds of palm trees, some fragile flowering plants, little frogs and polliwogs. The mission was founded in! 1767, and abandoned a year later, and has · been quietly melting away since then. Weexplored1a bit.enjoying the serene, clean area, and took lots of snapshots. Then, after cooling off in the stream, we headed back to the cars. We made the trip out in good shape, getting only mildly hung up one time, and were back at the ranch in time for I a late lunch. Along the way we'd acquired two cow's skulls, souvenirs of Baja that a c.ouple of us had been coveting for yeats. After lunch we headed for Ensenada, getting there very late at night, after driving through a · heavy rainstorm for many miles. The VW just kept moving along, building up speed slowly and creeping up the hills, but never quite giving up. We had to stay in Ensenada that night so that Nick could talk to the insurance adjuster about a ltttle collision he'd had with a · ~ig pole in a motel parking lot. The Johnsons who live close td the border' went on home. · ' The insurance business we handled fairly quickly the· next day, and we headed back north hoping to get across the horde; I GO fairly early. All the way we'd been making the hills by .getting a good run at them and as the VW pooped out, sweet talking it up the final last few yards. We continued to use this method moving fast downhill and on th~ ~at, b~t creeping uphill. And we nrade It to the last few miles with no problem. But that last hill, after the road turns right and gbes down around the island, is a real bear. We had little room to get a run at it, and really sweated making it to the top, wh,ich we did, but in low gear. We were so relieved to finally have it all dpne, that we let 'er rip down the o1ther side, until, as we slowed for t' e . turn into the detour, we noticed a motorcycle policeman oh our tail. He montioned us to the curb, both of us, and came to the window of the VW first. He · ask_ed if we spoke Spanish, and we assured him we did not. He then proceeded to tell · us, in . pretty good English; that because of the construction there was a special low speed limit, and we had exceeded it. It would be necessary, he said sadly, to accompany him .to the police station. Both cars. Ni'ck, it seems, had been going ri_ght along with us. We explained very politely that we really didn't have time to go to the police station, that we were anxious to get our VW across the border and to · a mechanic because it was broken. He · Jooked a bit puzzled at this and we allowed ourselves to use one Spanish word, "The car,'' we t9ld him, ''ls enfermo. We have tq get it fixed." "Ah!", he said . still sadly. He was really sorry'. but we'd really have to go see the police station. . John told him that Nick, in the Jeep behind tis, was his son. "Does he have to go too?" "Oh, yes! He was also speeding!" 3 & 4 Wheel ATV's F'ASTER, - I "Well," we asked, "How much will the fine be?" He allowed as how the fine would be $20, each. In between conversa-tions with us he'd stroll back to Nick and talk to_ him a bit, but Nick was also unable to speak Spanish, and he didn't get any brighter responses from · him, Finally, we told him again that we really didn't have time to go to the police station, and we'd just give him the fine. So we handed him a, neatly folded $20 bill which we'd extracted from our · wallet when we first stopped. He then walked back to Nick and said, "Your Papa says you are to give me $20." Which Nick.did. And ·then we were on our way again. The policeman said he'd show us the way, which he did for a couple of blocks, before he left us alone. We were glad he left when he did, because we were so rattled that we turned the wrong way down a .one way street at one· p_oint, and had to do a big tandem U-turn to get straightened out again. We looked nervously around for our friend in uniform, but he'd taken his $40 and gone off somewhere to catch more unwary speeders. )"he border was no problem, ana everything was easy after that. We motored home, not having any trouble keeping up with Sunday traffic on the freeways. A couple of days later, when we disassembled the motor, we found that one piston ha.cl a badly melted edge, just about what we'd figured. The trip was a complete success, and we're ready to go back down to see the whales ' again, but we'll try for a February next time. They tell us there are more whales then. We've been reading about a lagoon south of · San Ignacio that sounds like a good trip. ... CARRY LESS WEIGHT You'll be faster off !the line, through the bumps and off the jumps with our three new lightweight suspension com-ponents. Our Pro-Lite Axles weigh only 12 lbs., our ex-tended length Swing Arm • a!. I we1g11,s approximately the same as an aluminJm swing arm, and our new Fiber Rein-forced Aluminum Wheel Hubs & Spacers are the lightest and strongest made! Less overall weight will mean faster 'hole shots', less unsprung weight will allow your sus-pension to react faster ... get your performance edge from Dura Blue. Catalog & Price List $2.00 Axles • Swing Arms • Spacers Hubs • Air Filters l _i"Vfllfr ti'fot:;,,,(~ llJ•1•1u1t· -...... ._ ,}' .,, •• , 11t111 "''"•I• inc. ""',.,ea,. 1450 N. Hundley, Dept. OT, Anaheim, CA 92806 (714) 632-6803 July 1987 Page 13
By] ean Cal.vin Photos: Trai::ksid.e Photo Enterprises took over the helm and led at San Felipe by 12 minutes over Kreisler, who was less than a minute ahead of McMillin. At a total mileage of 285 Chris Robinson had moved the Olds Calais into fourth, about 14 more •minutes back as the cars headed north, theti west. Crabtree held the lead on the road· through Matias and past Trinidad, about 75 percent of the distance. The Gordon Chenowth now had eight minutes on Kreisler, who had stopped for a tire and some welding. McMillin/ Ewalt were a minute back here, Bob · Richey and Harold Nicks had their Raceco up to fourth, and Jim and Mark Temple were in fifth, but soon came to grief. on Mark McMillin, who was going · alone in his Chenowth/ Porsche. Just over a minute back came Ivan Stewart, Toyota pickup, with Ron Gardner/ Bud Feldkamp, Chenowth, just a minute behind him. Larry Noel was a few more minutes down in his Chaparral, followed by Frank Snook/ Eric Arras, ·Raceco. Up the mountain through Mike's Smith held the lead, handing over to young Rob Gordon at Matias, but Mark McMillin was in the same minute. At San Felipe McMillin gained the lead over Ivan Stewart by 16 minutes, as Gordon had some down time. Noel was down and out on the dry lake, and Steve Sourapas/ Dave Richard-son moved up to third, three minutes back, and Gordon was four more minutes down in fourth, but healthy again. Bob Gordon won his third overall victory of the season in Baja, this time with Tim Crabtree co-driving the potent Class 2 Chenowth, and the team led all the way, 461 miles, and were first to arrive back in Ensenada. · On the home stretch •the Gordon Chenowth stretched out the lead, arid it was early afternoon when Tim Crabtree took the checkered flag, the team taking first overall car honors and second only to the winning unlimited bike on total time. Corky McMillin and Brian Ewalt had no obvious trouble in the last miles either, and took second in Class 2 and third overall in cars, about 12 minutes back. Kreisler and Nobles dropped a minute here and there and came in third, just three more minutes down. By Check 9 Rob Gordon was second, making up most of the lost time, but he was well back from McMillin . who just sailed along. Sourapas/Richardson were about ten more minutes back, a couple of minutes ahead of Stewart, and Snook/ Arras were holding on in fifth. Stewart lost an engine in the pine forest, Sourapas/Richardson gor · through Check 11 before vanishing, and Mark .McMillin never missed a beat. He looked fresh after his soio drive to the Class 1 victory and second over-all. Running hard, Rob Gordon kept his second place all the way to the finish line. It is curious that dad Gordon won Class 2 and son Gordon was. secol,ld in Class 1, while dad McMillin was second in Class 2 arid son McMillin won Class 1. Who says off road racing. If it's June, this must be Baja! For sure it was for the desert series racers early in June, as the clan gathered for the first points race in Mexico this year. The entry got off to a slow start in size, but built rapidly in the week prior to the race. The final tally produced 214 starting cars augmented by a flock of motor-cycle and A TV entries, which brought the starting number up to a great 299 vehicles. The June weather was typical with fog and mist in the mornings and late evenings, burning off to humid and sunny afternoons in Ensenada. Once again the contingency row was set up on the street in front of the Bahia Hotel, with a new twist. All the donor vehicles were parked on one side of the street, which made it · far easier for the race· vehicles to.wend their way down the several blocks, chat with the folks, and go on to the tech inspection and impound elsewhere. With the congestion eased 011 the street, there were few late comers, and it was the largest crowd in memory at the drivers' meeting; in fact they had to have two sessions, later on Friday night. The race course was designed to keep the hot weather running on the east side of the peninsula down to a minimum. Out of Ensenada the route went to Ojos Negros, then southwest to Santo Tomas, out to the Pacific Ocean and down the beach to Camalu. From there it was U{) the hills to Mike's Sky Ranch, down the hill to Matias Pass and across the burning sand of Diablo Dry Lake to the San Felipe Zoo. Next it was north to 3 Poles, and alongside the highway back through Matias, on to the pine forest and west to Ojos Negros and the Gorky McMillin and Brian Ewalt used the Porsche power in their Chenowth to eat up the miles quickly and they finished second in Class 2 and third overall. Malcolm Smith sails down the Pacific shores in the Chenowth he shared with Rob Gordon, and the pair caine back from problems for second spot in Class 1. Page 14 finish in Ensenada. On race day fog and rain were present in the morning and evening, especially along the Pacific shore and in the sewer bogs near Ensenada. This year Class 2 started first, and Bob Gordon, with BFG's Frank DeAngelo riding shotgun, was the first car away in the grey morning. The bikes had gone off into the fog much earlier. There were 16 Class 2 starters, more than half of them strong teams. Gordon led the group to Camalu in the Chenowth, but Danny and Marty Letner, Raceco-Porsche, were only three minutes back, followed in less than a minute by Dave Kreisler and Curley Nobles, Raceco. Corky McMil-lin/ Brian Ewalt were another half minute back, and this was 159 miles into the 461 mile course. Gordon held the lead on time and on the road as Tim Crabtree The finishers were scrambled a bit in the last miles in Class 2. Chris Robinson and Rod Anderson nailed fourth in the Olds, just 49 seconds ahead ot Bob Richey /Harold Nicks. The other five finishers were, in order, Perry· NcNeil/Roger Rolfe, Jim and Mark Temple, Walter Pri'nce/ Susan Steele, all in Racecos. Danny and Marty Letner lost bags of time at Matias with trans and electrical trouble, but were next fol!o'wed by Brent Miller and Skip · Brandt, Chenowth. Fourteen took the green .in Class 1, and this gang started out in close quarters also. The team of Malcolm Smith/Rob Gordon, with Smith starting, whipped into Camalu in the lead, the · Chenowth holding a slim minute --- ------------ - -Dave Kreisler and Curley Nobles stayed close all day in the super long Raceco, coming in a very close third in Class 2 and fifth overall. is not a family sport? , Staying close all day, Tom Koch and Larry Bolin came from the middle of the pack to place third in Class 1 in their Raceco. Doing a similar act, Dan Cornwell and Del Mathews came from Washington to take fourth in a Chenowth, just ahead of Frank Snook/Eric Arras. .Starting strong, troubles dropped the Funco of Al Arciero and Rick Munyon to sixth at the flag, followed .in by Chet and Lloyd Huffman in an ORE Toyota. Loaded with serious racers, Class 8 was next away, a dozen strong and nine of i:hem finished. This was a horse race all the way, but Mint 400 winner Stan Gilbert was out early after an on course collision with Steve McEachern left Gilbert's shattered Ford parked after Cneck 1. McEachern nursed his damaged Chevy through Check 5 before giving up. Meanwhile, Walker Evans, Dodge; led the first three legs, but at Camalu he Flying high over the fast Baja roads, Chris Ffobinson and Rod Anderson took fourth in Class 2 in the Olds, by a slim margin of 49 seconds. Tom Koch and Larry Bolin had a few disasters in their Class 1 Raceco, but they kept moving fast enough to place well, third in Class 1. · July 1987 Dusty nmcs
Mark McMillin had no troubles, not even a flat, and he went solo in the sleek Chenowth/Porsche to the victory in Class 1 and second overall, just 1/J seconds faster than his dad Gorky. Frank Vessels and George Robbins had good luck in Baja, the Chevrolet never missed a beat, and Vessels won the very tight contest in Class 8 and placed a smart fourth overall. was third, a minute behind Frank Vessels, Chevy, and Dave Shoppe had his Ford between them. Steve Kelley, Chevy, was three minutes back, followed in two minutes by Randy Salmont/ Jim Hunter in a GMC. While some got close, Frank Vessels, with George Robbins riding along, hever gave up the lead on time. At San Felipe frank led Walker by a full minute and Shoppe· by two. Kelley was fourth, a few minutes back, and the quartet thundered through Matias Pass like a freight train. After the run through the forest Vessels increased his lead over 5_taying in the hunt all the way, Dave Shoppe and Larry Maddox kept the Ford Evans, who was soon to buy a big · tidy all the way, and finished second in Class 8 and sixth overall. rock and take .out the Dodge's radiator. Shoppe held fast in third, Kelley dropped to fifth behind Salmont, and David W esthen/Bill Holmes moved into sixth, a ways back. Frank Vessels never looked back, his sleek black Chevy giving no big troubles, and he not only won Class 8 by 13 minutes and change, his was the fourth overall car of any class in the "' race. It has been some years since Vessels won in Baja, and this was a sweet one for him, his first in . the fancy Class 8 pickup. Dave Shoppe finished second, with about six minutes on the Salmont/ Hunter GMC, but they were only two minutes ahead of Steve Kelley. Westhen and Holmes were fifth in the GMC and Walker Evans got fixed to finish seventh behind John Huss_Q_~ i!l_ a_.f.9rd. Class 10 departed 18 strong, but three did not make it to Ojos Negros, including Jack Irvine, a strong contender, who blew an engine. Jim Stiles started fast, leading at Santo Tomas, but then broke a torsion bar. By Camalu Mike Church had the Raceco he shared with his dad Bill in the lead. Rick and John Hagle were next in a Raceco, four minutes Brothers Rick and John Hagle had a great run in their Class 10 Raceco, no troubles, and they took a very close second, and 11th overall. I Going solo all the way Russell Welch had no troubles along the course taking third in Class 10 by seconds, and a neat 12th overall in the ORE. ' Former Baja winner Dan Cornwell and Del Mathews did a good job in their Chenowth, finished in good time for a fine fourth in the Class 1 contest. The early leader in Class 8, Steve Kelley jand George Eckardt dropped a bit of time later and finished fourth in the Chevy, a fine ninth overall. Dusty nmcs July 1987 back and tied on time with.Russ · took over at Matias, had a five W-elch, who was going solo in his minute lead over Russ Welch, ORE. Bill and Scott Reams were the Hagle brothers were back . a couple more minutes down, another three minutes. Dwight but their Chenowth never made Lundell/Glenn Evans were it to the Sky Ranch. Craig fourth, but soon lost the power Watkins and Greg Aronson, steering, and Watkins/ Aronson Radeco, were tied for fifth with stayed in fifth. By Check 9 there Ro~ Everett. were nine Class J0s running and A....LCheck 6 Bill Church, wh~ they i;.,.. I . G (]] ~IP D [[) []] Oo ~ DESERT LOCK OUTER 10.000 HOLE FOR EASY ACCESS TO LUG BOLTS 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8 • 1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP. Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength • At last,a quality bead lock designed for · I Off-Road racing 1 • All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 13" MIDGET 8"-10" MODl'"'1ED MIDGET QUA .. ,RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED MIDGET WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! · I · SIMPLE TO ORDER Pirices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, 1 fully machined and trued • I 8" ........ $69.95 1 O" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: 3f\47 W. University · Fresno, CA 93722 . (209)275-5183 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. · Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Page 15 .. \ ' .
It was a perfect race for t~e father and so·n team of Bill and Michael Church, just one flat to slow their Raceco, and they led all but the.first miles to win Class 10 by just 33 seconds and take tenth overall . It was a see saw battle all the way in the big Class 1-2-1600 war, but Morley and Mike Williams stayed out front most of the distance and they won handily,· by a good 24 minutes. . f;a'-. all finished. Here Church, who had a flat and got a quick ,change, was physically hehind Hagle, but had a slim one minute lead. Russ Welch was tied on time with Hagle, and it was a dash · to the finish line. Bill Church said he caught up to Hagle and followed him horn~ This is the system run by most oft road race winners knowing he had a 2½ minute margin on starting time order. At the flag the family Church won by less than two minutes, but they took the victory. Rick and John Hagle just edged Russ Welch for _second place by 13 seconds, and Craig Watkins/ Greg Arorison were ten minutes back in fourth. TRl•MIL BOBCAT• -CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS Page 16 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED \ Hayward Mendenhall and Gary Gilbert were in and out of the top The team of Art Peterson, Richard Goldbaum and ten in Class 1-2~1600 all day, and they finished fifth in the two Roger Mears, Jr. were in the hunt all the way in the seat Raceco. O.R.C., taking sixth in Class 1-2-1600. After a very long pit stop _to cure a misfire, another father and son team, Dick and Gary Weyhrich, finished fifth in their Raceco, and four more finished in Class 10. At 28 starters, Class 1-2-1600 tied on numbers with Challenge Class for the biggest starting entry in Baja. In the early going this class produced a different leader at almost every check. At Camalu the team of Mitch Mitchell and Ernie Castro had a skinny lead bf half a mi~ute over Morley and Mike Williams, but the Mitchell car was down and out afte-r the Sky Ranch. Lying third at Camalu was the Mirage of Rick Frisby and Kirk Kontilis, another couple minutes back_on ET, tied on time with the trio of Art Peterson, Richard Gold-baum and Roger Mears, Jr, Peter McCowen and Dennis Fry were another couple minutes back · followed closely by Jim Fishback . Jr. and Tim Munroe, and so it went well down the ranks. The Williams took the lead for good at Mike's, but it was a battle all the way. By S::m Felipe they led by a good nine minutes over the · Peterson O.R.C., and Fishback was just another minute back. Frisby's Mirage was a couple more minutes to the rear, and a herd were along in the next few minutes. Out of the hot desert and en route to the pine forest, the Williams car stayed out front, holding 16 minutes on Fish-back/Munroe at Check 9. Mears, now in the Peterson racer, had .serious trouble, dropping about 40 minutes. Frisby/ Kontilis moved into third, two minutes behind Fishback, with McCowen/ Fry now just six more minutes astern, and 17 1600s were still running. Flying past some spectators, Craig Watkins and Greg Aronsn zapped their Raceco down course in great time for a good fourth in Class 10. Plowing a little silt here, Rick Frisby and Kirk 'Kontillis kept the Mirage in the 1-2-1600 contest all the way, _and they were second in class. Morley and Mike Williams had no delays as they . sped through Ojos Ncgros and into the Ensenada bogs. They were Carrying some Baja brush on the front bumper might have helped Peter the r;r Mccowen and Dfinnis Fry finish third in Class 1-2-1600 in the Raceco. July 1987 Dusty nmcs
ILEIIII HARRIS IIIIS Off ·RIAi 11111 PIii 'AlJACI MURPHY STADIUM. . . . ' . . _ 1986 marked the most successful year in Mazda truck racing hist9ry. So it sho~ldn't come as a surprise that Glenn Harris wasted little time securing Mazda's firs_t vvin qf the 1987 season in San Diego. Unleashing the Mazda B2000's 270 rotary-driven horsepower, Harris flew off the starting grid, grabbed thf lead ancl never looked back . . · . ~bviously, Harris a~d th. e Cali!frnia Colp Racing Team have, theu sights set on what he~ ahead, '1nother . ici:;;t; Lia · · successful year for Mazda 1n 1987. 1-1" ~ ·
me brothers Klawitter, Har.tmut and Wolfram, were happy with their new Jimco all the way, and_the pair won Class 5 by an_incredible 4·8 minutes, and zocmed home 19th overall. Rod Hall and Jim Fricker had a fight on their hands for the first half of the race, but at the checkered flag their Dodge won Class 4 .by over an hour and they were a keen 15th overall. Skirting the P~cific tide' pools, Russell Bu,tow and Daniel York had a good day in their 1-2-1600 Mirage, taking a cl?se, by 4 minutes, fourth . . tr first 1600 home in Ensenada, way from San Felipe, Hayward in before 6 p.m. in the daylight. Mendenhall and Gary Gilbert got Rick' Frisby was along next with their Raceco back in fifth spot, MtCowen in his wake, and Russ another eight minutes back _and Butow was right on his bumper. only four minutes ahead of the When the times were sorted, Art Peterson trio. Tom and Bob Morley and Mike Williams won DeNault nabbed seventh in their by nearly 25 minutes over Rick Raceco, followed by Dave Frisby and Kirk Kontilis. Peter Black/Rick Scalzo, Steve MtCowen and Dennis Fry, were Ferrato/Den.nis Orcutt, and nealy six more minutes down in Andres and Joseph . Estrada. third, just four minutes faster Fishback and Munroe were·out than Rus\ Butow/ Danny York. after the last check; and one Running i°-r.he top tet1_all the ·.finisher · was disqualified . for West Coast-Distributor .· fOff HEWLAND . -OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SE.PARATEL Y NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Perf~rmance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 -oua PRICE $695.00 Per Set. 2 Ratio's Available Mc Kenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 18 to third in-class with a 55 minute penalty added to their time for missing Checkpoint__2. This put · Jim Coco res and Don Robertson into second place. With myriad problems, including a flip right off the start, George Seeley and Howard Anderson were fourth, just a minute back of Cooley's corrected ti91e,. but hours ahead of the last Class 5 finisher, Bob Utgard and Jeff Hibbard, who lost over three hours in the forest. · · Racing through the grey ocean mists, Jim .Cocores and· Don _Robertson overcame a long, long pit stop to finish, officially, second in Class 5 . . The excitement among the seven Class 4 starters was the debut of the 1988 Chevy pickup running on the pavement·instead ofthe race course. . Of the eleven Class Ss on the starting lihe, half of them were potential winners, and these guys had a near visual race most of the 461 miles. The lead bounced around by seconds from checkpoint to checkpoint. At Santo Tomas John Cooley/ Mark Eox and Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter, in their new Jimco, were absolutely tied for the leaq. By Camalu Cooley/ Fox were in command over Jim Cocores/ Don Robertson by a wild minute and a half, with the Klawitters baGk another two minutes,1only half a minute ahead of their other Bug, driven by Dave Parsons. George Seeley and Howard Anderson were a few .more minutes in arrears. , As the bunch pitted at Matias Pass, Klawitter, Cocores and Cooley all set off for San Felipe- · in. the same· minute, and it must . have been some race on the dry lake! AMhe check Klawitter led by twb minutes, Cooley / Fox had 1 ½ minutes on Cocores/Robert-son, and the gang set out over the whoopees on rhe beach to 3 Poles and the journey ·west. However, -Robertson pitted at Matias for a long ,time with CV breakage, tie rod damage, and lots more. The second I!;:lawitter Bug, fourth at San Felipe, retired in this area, · and Seeley/ Anderson had a rash of trouble. At Check 9 before the forest, the Klawitters had a firm lead of half an hour over Cooley/ Fox, also in a Jimco built Bug. Bob Utgard andJeffHibbard slid into third, and Cocores/ Robertson salvaged fourth here, followed by Seeley/ Anderson. Despite too stiff suspension, Hartmut and Wolfram Klawitter won Class 5 in Baja by an increaible margin of 48 minutes officially. On ET John Cooley and Mark Fox were 38 minutes back in second, but they dropped Ju_ly 1~87 John Cooley and Mark Fox were in the three way visual battle in Class 5 all day, but a time penalty dropped this team to third in class. Doing very well_in Class 4 this year, Tom Strong and Steve Borden had some trouble with the Chevy, but they hung on to take a good second spot. In the fight all the way until a brok1en spindle slowed them short of victory, Manny and Tudy Joe Esquerra just\salvaged second in Class 7. I Dusty nmes
Roger Mears and Brent Foes had the Nissan dialed right for Baja, and they won the race long drag race in the last miles to take the win in Class 7 and 20th overall as well as good points. Spencer Low and Paul Delang led most of the way in Class 7S, but not by much time, but their Nissan won the class honors at the·flag by over an hour. Mike and Pat Falkosky had mechanical woes midway in the race, but they came back strong to p~t the Toyota home second in the Class 7S contest. John Dyck and Jerry Sterling had their trouble at mid-distance, overheating, but they got the Jeep J-10 home anyhow, third in Class 4. Returning to Class 7 action, John Johnson and Mark Steeie led for a bit, but troubles in the east dropped their Chevy S-10 to a close third place. driven by Frank Arciero, Jr., with Ben Metcalf riding along. The Cal Wells built beauty· looked like a real contender, and so it was. Arciero led the way to Camalu, besting the Dodge of Rod Hall and Jim Fricker by three minutes. The pace was so swift that third running Tom Strong/ Steve Borden were back 26 minutes from Hall in their older Chevy. A half hour back came John Dyck/ Jerry Sterling in a1Jeep Honcho. The nearly new Nissan ofJackJohnson didn't get far j with more transmission trouble, and we saw it on the end of a tow rope at Ojos Negros. Arciero led through the Sky Ranch, Ir I . _SWAY•A•WAr ;~ CONG_RATULATIONS TO BOB GORDON AND TIM1CRABTREE FOR THEIR -OVERALL WIN AT THE SCOR~ BAJA INf ERNACIONAL Congratulations to all the other class winners who usell Sway-A-Waf suspension components in Baja. Class 1 -Mark McMillin • Class 5 -Hartmut Klawitter •1 Class 5-1600 -Andy L. and Andy R. OeVercelly Class 1-2-1600 -Morley aJ)d Mike Williams • Class 7 -Roger Mears • Class 7S -Spencer Low • Class 7 4x4 -Jerry McDonald . Class 8 -Frank Vessels • Challenge Class -Don Rountree/Gary Schneckenburger • Class 10 -Bill and Michael Church SWAY•A•WAr I .1iJs:... ' Suspension Components 7840 Burnet Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91405 818-988-5510 · Dusty Times I July 1987 &ee the New Sway-A-Way Axle Boot at your local dealer Page 19 l
·• With less than 100 miles to go Andy L. and Andy R. Devercelly took the lead in Class 5-1600, and the seasoned Baja runners won the big class by quite a margin for the Bugs, over 12 minutes. It came together for Don Roun_tree.and GarySchneckenburger in Baja, as they took the Challenge Class ·lead in the Sandwinder Midi at Check 8, and Rountree finished with the big victory. Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen broke down right off the start, but they carried on regardless, and ended up third in Class 7S in the Toyo.ta. Early disasters put the team of Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas down on time, but they kept the Ford moving to place fourth in Class 7S. After a somewhat slow start, Steve Lakin and Rick Latimer got their Bug in high gear and motored into third then second at {he flag in Class 5-1600. .,..,. then dropped two minutes behind Hall at San Felipe. It wasn't long after that when the Chevy lost a water hose in the 100 plus temperature of the Gulf Coast, and that was the· end of the debut. Arciero was towed back to Matias. From there it was smooth sailing for Rod Hall and Jim Fricker as they increased their lead on the field, leg by leg, to win Class 4 again, by· over an hour. Running third most of the way, Tom Strong and Steve Borden inherited second after-~the Chevy's demise, and they stayed in second all the way to the finish line. John Dyck and Jerry Sterling had flat tires and overheating trouble to slow their progress, but they finished wi_th the Jeep in a solid third place. Also having woes along the way, Bill Donahoe and Buddy Renoe were fourth in their Dodge. Five showed up to contest the Class 7 war, and along with Roger Mears, Manny Esquerra and Larry Ragland, the dark horse was the Chevy S-10 of John Johnson and Mark Steele. It was frantic off the start, and at the first check Mears ' Nissan led Johnson by half a minute, Esquerra was another half minute back, tied on time with David Anckner and Henry Arras had the lead through Check 8, but dropped 20 minutes after that and ended up a close third•in Class 5-1600. House of Buggies' Michael Lund and Bob Falkenberg had small troubles, but kept their 5- 1600 moving swiftly to finish a good fourth in class. Page 20 Larry Ragland's S-10, and only half a minute ahead of the Mexican Dodge of-Javier Espinosa and Jose Luis Cervantes. This was some race! At Camalu Mears led Esquerra by ,three minutes, Johnson was another half minute back and Ragland followed in seven minutes and soon retired. The trio maintained the spread through Mike's, but· at Matias Pass Mears had a long stop to change a rear end, and was third at San Felipe. Steele replaced Johnson in the s~10, which had a coil failure earlier, and then had carburetion woes. Manny Esquerra had a strong, 16 minute lead at the Zoo, 16 minutes over Steele, who was only a minute ahead of Roger Mears, who was making back time rapidly. Mears put more time on the field west bound, his Nissan and Esquerra 's Ford Ranger leaving the Matias pits at the same moment and racing down the highway almost side by side, having started the race a half minute apart. Steele pitted for . full service and carried on. At Check tr SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF-ROAD.CHASSIS * * * * * FOX TRACKSIDE SERVICE congratulates the winners using our · progressive suspension systems in the - BAJA INTERNACIONAL -1-2-1600 LIMITED 1st MORLEY WILLIAMS , 3rd PAT McGOWAN • Externally Adjustable Progressive Rate, "Floating" Spring Shocks. • Multi-Stage Air Shox with Floating Springs. • Available with 5/8" Stainless Shafts and T-7076 Sleeves and.Reservoirs. WE OFFER COMPLETE SYSTEMS UTILIZING QUALITY COMPONENTS FROM FOX FACTORY, SWAY-A-WAY AND NORTH AMERICAN RACING. . SOUTHERN NEVADA·OFF-.ROAD CHASSIS #15 745 SUNS,ET RD., HENDERSON, NV 89015 702-565-D.I.R.T. July 1987 Dusty Timcs
.. ' , . . '· . ' . ' ', . 11 I I ' I .... p ', . : ... : SNO I , 'I Where It Pal's Tf.i Race· ·. _·. _.·.· JULY 25-~6, ~~87 ... -. Third race in the 1987.SNORE/Ydkohama Series I Race start/finish line at State ine, near Whisky Pete's I PRE-RUN~ING I .. LIMITED to RAC[ DAY 9NL Y JULY 25 I . . I . Entry Fee-- .$250 plus $65 for Insurance SIX LAPS OF APROXIMA TIEL Y 33 Ji1ILES EACH · Registration and Tech Inspection -31:00 P.M~, 1July 25 at State Line • j Drivers' Meeting and Draw for Starting Posit1on -8:00 P.M. • , I I ' . Race Start - 9:00 P.M. Shf rp All starting entries will participate in a drawing for a free entry , . . for the ~NORE 250 on $eptembef 25-27 NOTE: Working tail lights required and will be enforced. THE SNORE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL ISA BF GOODRJF H TEAM T/A EVENT. AWARDS PRESENTATION SUNDAiY MORNIIG, JULY 26, 1987 I >'YYOKo AMA . I . For serious PerfOrmers. ' . · For further information and e11 try packe,~ ton tact: · . ,. SNORE, P.O. Box 4394, Las Vegas, NWI _ 89106 o- call the Hot Line ·- : I , • • . 702-4~2-4~22 1 : I l)Q -:-••,>-.~ -It Pays to _Race 1ith s·1 ~~: O J I
This sharp looking Chevy Camara of William and Steve Russell ran as good as it looks, the father son team leading every leg on their way to the big Class 6 victory. It was a cliff hanger at the checkered flag in Class 3, but it was the Jeep Cherokee of Don Adams Larry Olson that won the class by the slimest margin, just 35 seconds. _ _ ;~...,__:,;y,Yf'. ..... ..-.. Charging over the rocky Pacific beach, Jorge Montalvo and Daniel Cash ran second in 5-1600, then a stop 50 miles out dropped them to fifth. Mike Ward and Mike Free had their time costing breakage on the eastern leg, but they got the T-Mag back together to come in fourth Challenger. r;r 9 Esquerra led Mears by three minutes, Steele was another nine minutes back, and Espinosa was an· hour down, Roger Mears chased hard, but ' Manny Esquerra still held ,four minutes on him going into the forest, about 65 miles from pay CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE K & N FILTERS - RAPID COOL o . ,· . . TRI MIL-BUG PACK . ___ . BILSTEIN - CENTERLINE - CIBIE -~ HEWLAND -PORSCHE TURBO C/ V ort,oad Rac:aea1 \))"" BEARD SEATS - PARKER PUMPER Par1s&Accesso11•5 . YOKOHAMA TIRES -SUPER TRAPP GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS - SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS - KC HitlTES - McKENZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE - DURA BLUE . l!L TRA BOOT - NEAL PRODUCTS ~17-■■I ~ ~-A•WAY~00-ctZIP•u+-CENTER LINE R/1{ ' "'• .. HIii ~ OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday -Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m. 1 PF I BEFORE YOU BUY -TALK TO THE PROFESS!ONAL! i . 12945 SHERMAN WAY - NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA 91605 .. (818) 765-5827 • (818) 764-6438 Page 22 Hansen got their Toyota home third, about 11 minutes up on fourth placing Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas. The Simons overcame major trouble late in the race to place fifth, followed by Andy and Judi Felix in a Mazda, and Travis and League: The third largest class in the race, 5-1600, fielded 25 Bugs, and an amazing I 7 of them finished the run. A variery of teams led at different points on the course. At Camalu the strong McDonald's Bug of David Tom Watson and Jeff Bennett kept the Chen-owth in the t~p ten all day, and Anckner and Henry Arras led the thev hounr:P.rl nnward tn fini."h thircl in th,. ?R car Challenge Cl;iss. pack by about four minutes over Jorge Montalvo and Daniel Cash. Cameron Steele and Doug Robertson were just 30 seconds back and 30 seconds ahead of 1986 points champ Steve Lakin, ' and it was close well down the field. Over the mountain to San Felipe Anckner and Arras held the lead, now with seven minutes in hand over Montalvo/ Cash. In . third here were the Andy Devercellys, father and son, a couple more minutes behind. Steele had rolled out of cont,ention, but did make repairs and finished 12th. The Hector Cuadras and Tom Hubbell came to the front late in the Challenge Class Arambula Bug was fourth here, contest, and they moved up to a fine fifth place finish. but was later disqualified for dirt. Then, the Ford broke a Pat Falkosky were back in running on the highway instead front spindle, and Roger Mears fourth, after some repairs. Low of the race course. The picture and Brent Foes grinned all the regained the lead through Matias. changed again at Check 9 where way to victory. Manny and Tudy oh the way home, and increased Devercelly led the herd, holding Joe Esquerra got a quick fix from the margin to over an hour at two minutes on Montalvo who their chase crew and came in Check 9, where Falkosky's had four minutes on Lakin. second, about seven minutes Toyota was second, just 13 Mechanical woes dropped ahead ofJohnjohnson and Mark minutes ahead ofVinje/ Hansen. Anckner to fourth. Steele at the flag. Espinosa and Well back, the Simons and Once in the lead', Andy L. and Cervantes were- fourth, much Johnson/ Douglas were in a near Andy R. Devercelly · led the S-later. tie for fourth. 1600 parade into Ensenada, - Class 7S produced a dozen starters, but they all followed Spencer Low and Paul Delang in the tidy Nissan most of the way. Others got close, but the battle was really for second place. At Camalu Low led the Ford of Paul and Dave Simon by five minutes, with the Ford of Jim Travis and Ron League only another minute back followed by the Mitsubishi of fellow Arizonans Pete Sohren and Sean Moss. Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas were well back, busy fixing things shortly after the start on their Ford, and Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen were doing the same act with their Toyota. Spence Low was in command until San Felipe, wh~re he dropped some 20 minutes. Simon and Simon led here, and Pete Sohren was up to third, but disappeared into the desert before the next check. Mike and July 1987 At the flag Spencer Low and winning over Steve Lakin and Nissan won Class 7S by over an Rick Latimer by 12 minutes at hour. The son and father team of the checkered flag. Montalvo/ Mike and Pat Falkosky were . Cash dropped to fifth on this leg, solid in second place in the and Anckner and ~rras took Toyota. Losing a full hour to third, another 14 minutes back. more trouble on the last miles, Gaining a place check by check, Malcolm Vinje and Mark Michael Lund and Bob Falken-Mike Leon and Javier Tiznado are in the Challenge Class this year, and their spiffy new_Jimco arrived a nifty sixth in the competitive class. Dusty Times
berg were another 12 minutes down in fourth. tude. This class had a number of leaders in the first half of the run, and it was tight at Camalu. Ed and Hugh McLean led Mike Ward and Mike Free by half a minute, Nick Gross and Joe Valentine were down another minute, and Don Rountree and Gary Schnekenburger were back a couple of more minutes, with a whole gang in the next ten The 28 car line of Challengers seemed endless on the boulevard start, and these folks are real racers ... 21 of them finished the course. Last in class and last overall were Steve Thompson and Bernie Proels, in 18:49.32, and we congratulate them for their press-on-regardless atti-1987 SCORE BAJA INTERNACIONAL June 6, 1987 - Results -POS.CAR # DRIVER(S) VEHICLE TIME · 0/ A" POS. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS 1 -UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -14 START - 7 FINISH 100 Mark McMillin (solo) Chehowth 8:31.53 112 Rob Gordon/Malcolm Smith Chenowth 8:53.36 102 Tom Koch/Larry Bolin Raceco 9:20.16 109 Dan Cornwell/Del Mathews Chenowth 9:51.17 110 Frank Snook/Eric Arras Raceco 10:04.50 CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -16 START -10 FINISH 200 Bob Gordon/Tim Crabtree Chenowth 8:20.33 206 Corky McMillin/Brian Ewalt Chenowth 8:32.11 207 David Kreisler/Curley Nobles Raceco PU 8:35.15 209 Chris Robinson/Rod Anderson Oldsmobile 9:14.42 205 Bob Richey/Tom Baker Raceco 9:15.31 CLASS 1-2-1600 -1600CC RESTRICTED ENGINE -28 START -15 FINISH 2 8 16 24 26 1 3 5 13 14 1. 1624 Morley Williams/Mike Williams 9:34:40 21 2. 1604 Rick Frisby/Kirk Kontilis Mirage 9:59.09 25 3. 1603 Peter Mccowen/Dennis Fry Raceco 10:05.00 27 4. 1602 Russell Butow/Daniel York Mirage 10:09.04 29 5. 1615 HaywardMendenhall/GaryGilbert Raceco 10:17.24 31 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4_, 5. 300 301 302 400 402 401 403 406 · CLASS 3 -SHORT WB 4X4 - 3 START - 3 FINISH Don Adams/Larry Oisen _ Jeep Cherokee 12: 10.03 Mike Schwelling_er/Les-Erickson Jeep CJ 7 12:10.38 Richard Bundy/Emil Downey Jeep CJ 8 16:41.28 CLASS 4 -LONG WB 4X4 - 7 START - 4 FINISH Rodney Hall/ Jim Fricker Dodge 9: 16.49 Tom Strong/Steve Borden Chevrolet 10:38.24 John Dyck/ Jerry Sterling Jeep Honcho 11: 15.49 Bill Donahoe/Buddy Renoe Dodge 11 :43.09 Frank Arciero Jr./Ben Metcalf Chevrolet 5:44.00 CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -11 START - 5 FINISH 503 Hartmut & Wolfram Klawitter Baja Bug 9:32.24 502 Jim Cocores/Do·n Robertson Ba1a Bug 10:21.07 547 John Cooley/Mark Fox Ba1a Bug 11:07.01 506 George Seeley. Jr.I Howard Anderson Ba1a Bug 11 :08.20 548 Bob Utgard/ Jeff Hibbard Ba1a Bug 13:39.24 CLASS 5-1600 -1600 CC BAJA BUG -25 START-17 FINISH 559 Andy L. & Andy R. Devercelly Baja Bug 10:40.50 550 Steve Lakin/Rick Latimer Ba1a Bug 10:53.13 555 David Anckner/Henry Arras Ba1a Bug 11:04.22 599 Michael Lund/Bob Falkenberg Ba1a Bug 11: 18.32 554 Jorge Montalvo/Daniel Cash Ba1a Bug 11 :27.44 CLASS 6 -PRODUCTION CLASS - 6 START - 2 FINISH 69 70 119. 15 38 50 59 (Ck 6) 19 33 . ... 49 93 39 42 47 51 52 1. 601 · William & Steve Russell Chevy Camero 10:43.43 40 2. 618 Wesley & Garson Moser Ford Ranchero 10:56.18 45 3. 617 Arne Gunnarsson/ John Johnston Saab 96 15:46.30 (Ck. 11) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.' 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICKUP - 5 START - 4 FINISH 701 Roger Mears/Brent Foes Nissan 9:32.27 700 Manny & Tudy Joe Esquerra Ford Ranger 10:08.23 718 John Johnson/Mark Steele Chevy S-10 10:15.16 20 28 30 90 703 Javier Espinosa A./ Jose Cervantes Dodge 13:15.44 717 Larry Ragland/Dave Beck Chevy S-10 3:34.30 (Ck. 4) CLASS 7S -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP - 12 START - 7 FINISH 720 Spencer low/Paul Delang Nissan 10:36.33 725 Mike & Pat Falkosky Toyota 11 :42.18 748 Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Toyota 13:08.55 731 Chuck Johnson/Scott Douglas Ford Ranger 13: 19.52 749 Paul & Dave Simon Ford Ranger 15:36.07 CLASS 7 4X4 -STOCK MINI-MIDI 4X4 - B START - 6 FINISH 750 Jerry McDonald/ Joe McPherson Chevrolet S-10 11:33.28 755 Mike Randall/Bob Bower Jeep Comanche 13:00.42 751 Gregg Symonds/Warren Miller Toyota 13:02.20 768 Mike Lesle/ Jack Ramsay Jeep Comanche 14:27.02 766 Juan Peralta/Ruben Amador 14:32.06 CLASS 8 - 2 WO STANDARD PICKUP -12 START - 9 FINISH 802 Frank Vessels/Gear~ Robbins Chevrolet 8:33.16 801 Dave Shorrpe/Larry addox Ford 8:46.59 803 Randy Sa mont/ Jim Hunter GMC 8:52.44 804 Steve Kellef Geor~e Eckardt Chevrolet 8:54.30 806 David West en/Bi Holmes GMC 9:52.28 CLASS CHALLENGE -RESTRICTED BUGGY -28 START -21 FINISH B97 Don Rountree/Gary Schneckenburger Sandwinder 10:47.10 907 Nick Gross/ Joe Valentine -T-Mag 10:54.06 906 Tom Watson/ Jeff Bennett Chenowth 11:51.42 992 Mike Ward/Mike Free T-Mag 12:00.04 917 Hector Cuadras/Tom Hubbell 12:04.16 CLASS 10 -UNLIMITED 1650 CC -18 START - 9 FINISH 1005 Bill & Mike Church Raceco 9:09.43 1000 Rick & John Hagle Raceco 9:10.16 1098 Russell Welch (solo) · O.R.E. 9:11.41 1099 Craig Watkins/Greg Aronson Raceco 9:21.12 1001 Oick & Gary Weyhnch Raceco 10:20.46 CLASS 11 -STOCK VW SEDAN -17 START - 8 FINISH 1100 Ramon Castro/ Jose Frecindo VW Beetle 12:12.30 1102 Sergio & Porfirio Gutierrez VW Beetle 12:37.31 1109 Juan DeGracia/Ricardo Flores VW Beetle 13:13.07 1198 Andy Diaz/Dan Alexander VW Beetle 14:35.33 1110 Victor Barajas/Salvador Ramirez VW Beetle 15:40.17 CLASS 14 -UNLIMITED 4X4 - 4 START - 3 FINISH 1403 Jorge Rivera/Fernando Fraleda Mitsubishi 12:27.16 1498 Giti Gowland/Michael Rorick Toyota 16:17.55 17:51.17 36 58 88 91 108 55 84 86 98 99 4 6 7 9 23 41 43 62 63 65 10 11 12 17 32 71 75 89 100 109 74 115 127 1499 Lance Martin/Gregory Foreman Chevy S-10 1402 Sergio Duron/ Armando Duron Nissan 4:05.00 (Ck. 4) Starters -Cars -.214 -Motorcycles -51 -ATV/Odyssey -34 -Total -299 Finishers -Cars -130 -Motorcycles -33 -ATV/Oilyssey -17 -Total 180 Race Distance -461 miles -Time Allowance -20 hours Fast Time Overall -Bikes -Larry Roeseler /Ted Hunnicut Jr. -Kawasaki -8:09.05 Fast Time Overall -Cars -Bob Gordon/Tim Crabtree -Class 2 Chenowth - 8:20.33 •overall positions refer to car classes only. .. Time includes a 55 minute missed checkpoint penalty. Dusty nmcs minutes. The McLeans had a major disaster en route to Mike's and fell out of contention, eventually finishing 15th, and Nick Gross led here. At San Felipe Gross/ Valentine led by ten minutes over Rountree/ Schnek-enburger, and Ward/Free were third, about five "'ore minutes back, well ahead of Tom Watson and Jeff Bennett who were fourth at this point. On the run west Ward and Free lost an hour, and at Check 9 Rountree was fighting hard to keep his lead, now only half a minute ahead of Nick Gross. The rest of the field was off this pace. Rountree cranked up the Sandwinder Midi on the home stretch and won the Challenge Class, following Nick Gross, T-Mag, to the finish line, but ahead by seven minutes on ET, as Schnckenburger had started last Chasing dust all the way-Wesley and Garson Moser were close in Class 6, their Ford Ranchero second by a mere 12 minutes and change. in the class. Nobody else was close. It was. nearly an hour before the Chenowth of Tom Watson and Jeff Bennett arrived. Making a strong comeback drive the Mikes, Ward and Free, nabbed fourth place, another nine minutes -back and just 12 minutes ahead of Hector Cuadras and Tom Hubbell, who had less than a minute on the· "old man of the mountain" Mike Leon,, with Javier Tiznado co-driving the J imco. The quota of six star_ted in Class 6 and this contest surprised a lot of regulars. Out front at every time check, a dozen in all, was the snappy red· Camaro of William and Steve Russell. It was not an easy win, though, as the venerable old Chevy of Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling was only 30 seconds back at Santo Tomas. But, by Camalu, Russell had a 12 minute lead over Dale and Randy Jordan in a Nissan 710 sedan. Wes and Garson Moser were third, only a couple more minutes back. Alreadyi;r Jerry McDonald and Joe MacPherson cranked the Chevy S-10 to another big win in Class 7 4x4; had one long stop around Matias westbound, but still won by well over an hour. For the BEST in Racing Photography July 1987 call Trackside Photo, Inc. (213) 327-4493 TRACKSIDE Photo Enterprises 18710 S. Normandle Avenue • Suite C Gardena, Callfornla 90248 Phone: (213) 327-4493 Page 13
Points Standings thru the Score Baja Internacional CLASS 1 CLASS 7 Mark McMillin 360 Manny Esquerra Ivan Stewart 34~ ' Roger Mears Frank Snook ;"' 275 Larry Ragland Nick Nichols·on 272 Doc Ingram 254 CLASS 7S Albert Arciero 254 Spencer Low CI.ASS 2 Chuck Johnson Bob Gordon 350 Mike Falkosky Danny Letner 348 Willie Valdez David Kreisler 346 Malcolm Vinje Bob Richey 343 .. Corky McMillin 310 CLASS 7-4X4 Walter Prince 190 Michael S. Lesle. Jerry McDonald CLASS 1/2-1600 'Jim Conner Art Peterson 412 Bob Scott 408 Cl.ASS 8 Steve Barlow 361 Dave Shoppe Morley Williams 343 Steve Kelley Wi 11 y Higman 323 David Wes them Jim Fishback, Jr. 317 Walker Evans Jack Ramsay 303 Frank .Vessels CLASS 3 CIW.LENGER Michael Sch\o.eJlirger 261 ' •Rich Minga Don Adams 247 Don Rmmtree Mark Hutchins 117 Mike Ward. CLASS 4 Danny Ashcraft Rick Johnson Rod Hall 348 Thanas Watson Tan Strong 236 Larry Martin John Dyck 221 Bill Donahoe 113 CLASS 10 CLASS 5 William iliurch John Cooley . 303 Craig Watkins: Jim C.ocores 296 Dick Weyrich George Seeley, Jr. 254 Jim Stiles Jim Madison 168 John Ellenoorg Hartmut Klawitter 126 Rick Hagle Rex ·Keeling CLASS 5;,.1600 Andy DeVercei'ly 351 CLASS 11 David Anckner 327 Ramon Castro Darryl Cook 291 Andy Diaz Gary Brading 271 Jose Aguila Cameron S t.eele 212 Mike Abbott Randy Wilson 163 CLASS 14 CLASS 6 Giti Gowland Larry Schwacofer 240 Carl Cook Arne Gunnarsson 168 David Quill . Wesley Moser 166 David Bryan TEARn SANDWINDER CHASSIS 268 213 131 423 362 241 212 203 229 216 159 345 277 255 224 187 395 363 337 328 322 312 299 447 435 411 392 291 221' 214 282 99 96 87 184 94 90 79 714-825-0583 714s888-270J 241 So. Arrowhead Ave.; San Bernardino, CA 92408 Page 24 Ensenada racers Jorge Sierra Rivera and Fernando Fraleda upset the regulars in Class 14, and they won the all mini truck class in the Mitsubishi by almost .four hours. Having a good day for a·change, losing time around the Gulf, Mike'Randa/1 and Bob Bower got a long sought second place in the Jeep in Class 7 4x4. 6-50 Clubbers Gregg Symonds and Warren Miller, had the 7 4x4 humming, and drove the Toyota to a fine third place, only a minute and change out of second. G: T. Gow/and and Michael Rorick had to replace the entire front end on their Toyota, but they came back.strong to finish second in Class 14, Sergio and Porfirio Gutierrez, another Ensenada based team, slid their Class 11 VW into second at Felipe and stayed .there all the way home. July 1987 Ir having axle and sundry other troubles, Schwacofer was in fourth, 40 minutes further back. Well down, Alejandro Duron got to the Sky Ranch before· retiring ~nd Schwacofer pushed on to Matias before running out ·of parts to keep the Chevy moving. . The Russells were out front by eleven minutes over the Masers at San Felipe, and the two V-8 powered racers had quite a dash going. Arne Gunnarsson and John Johnston had the old Saab in third, well ahead of the Jordans who didn't· go much farther. At Check 9 it was still a race, the Camara leading the Moser's Ford Ranchero by 14 minutes.• Gunnarsson got through El Rayo, before retiring. At the finish line it was the father ·and son Russel) · team in first for the Class 6 win. The Moser brothers were close, only 13 · minutes back in one of the best Class 6 races in recent years. Class 3 had only three starters, all Jeeps, and all three finished. But, it·was a two horse race. The New England team of Richard Bundy and Emil Downey took an extra four hours on the first 30 miles, but did well the rest.of the distance to finish third in the C]8. . .. The Cherbkee of, Don Adams and Larry Olsen led through the first four checks, and at Camalu they were 20 minutes up on the cp of Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson. Then the tide turned, and Schwellinger and company led through Mike's and on to San Felipe, there having 12 . minutes in hand. The Conejo Off Road C]7 led all the way through the last check 50 miles out. But then the . nh1e minute lead evaporated. Schwellinger, arrived at the finish line first, but Adams, who started a minute later, was right on his bumper. Don Adams and Larry Olsen· took the-class win by just35 seconds over M\ke Schwellinger and Les. Erickson. Class 71x4 came up with eight starters; and this bunch 'had a good . r:ace also.~ As expected, the fancy Chevy S-10 of Jerry . McDonald and Joe MacPherson whipped into - the, early lead, · ahead by just seven. m(n_utes at Camalu as MikeRandaHan~'Bob ,Bower ·finally , got· tneir Jeep sorted out. Mike Horner arid Brandon Carr had th~ n~w Chevy S-10 in third, another seven minutes back, but only a couple of minutes ahead of the Nissan of Jim Com:ier and Carl Jackson. Dusty Times
r minutes over Gutierrez, who now had 38 minutes on Degracia. Well on his way to another Class 11 championship year, Ramon Castro won the biggest Class 11 bash in a long time. His t_in;ie was exc:ellent, I 2: 12.30. In fact Ramon tinished right behind the Clas~ 3 winner, Don Adams, and that is really getting a Beetle around Baja quickly. Sergio and Porfir io Gutierrez fin ished s(•oond and Juan · Degracia and · Ritardo Flore held third. Moving into fourth on the westward trip were Andy Diaz and Dan Alexander. Eight Class I Is finished the course this time arormd. confirmed, and thl' usual amount ~lf.stragglers arriving in thl' wee hours of Sunday mllrning .. Battered but unbowed, the black Beetle of Ramon Castro led the 17 car pack of Class 11 racers from the P,acific Ocean The fog ca(ne ~ back to Ensenada after sundown, and the latJ runners had to battle that as well as fatigue . More than one car . got lost on the tricky last 20 miles to Ensenada. But, the generous time . allowance of 20 hours ~orked, and 130 of the 214 sdrting cars finished the race. There was only one· problem in· post race tech, explained in Tech Ti9s elsewhere in this issue. Thpre were a lot of rumors about chase truck accidents, few · It was a fine Baja race, and almost all the competitors l'njoyed it. The heat was down about ten degrees on the Gulf Coast this year, a help. Early morning and late night Pacific Coast fog caused somt: probiems. But, the big story was that thl' fas test hikl' on time was disqualified for, get this -changing. hikes mid-race, and it was a factory team. Factory pit involvement was somewhat overpowering in some areas, hut, except in some truck classes, it was the privateers that did all thl' winning. Score had a number of visual controls on course, and up to 20 compt:titors got letters about their course deviations a week after the r:1ce. all the way around, and won by a solid 25 minutes at the finish. · This shaped up to be a real race. McDonald held the lead to San Felipe, about 27 minutes ahead of Mike Horner there. Randall was just four minutes further · back, but then lost a ring and pinion on the beach and had fuel feed woes. Randall was back to fifth at Check 9, where Mike Horner had the lead, but only by three minutes over McDonald. After fixing leaking differential seals, Mike Lesle and Jack Ramsay -were now third, some distance back, and Gregg Symonds and Warren Miller were fourth in the new Toyota. Mike Horner and company got to Check 11 in second place, but did not finish. Meanwhile Jerry McDonald was back in the lead,. and he took the 7 4x4 victory by a ton of-time, almost an hour and a half. Mike Randall and Bob Bower got · a great big finish, · second in the Comanche, and· only two minutes ahead of Gregg Symonds, who drove the entire distance as did Randall. Randall passed Symonds in the last few blocks of pavement just before the finish line. Lesle and Ramsay salvaged fourth place after using an extra two hours in the last 50 miles. From Baja de! Sur, Juan Peralta and Ruben Castro were fifth, almost an hour ahead of]im Conner and Carl Jackson, who lost hours en route to San Felipe. Four started in Class 14 and they all made it to Camalu. ln the lead there and all the way was the Ensenada i:eam of Jorge Rivera and Bernardo Grajeda. Sergio and Armando Duron, Nissan, were second ~t thispoint, about ten minutes back, but- tney-did not make it to Mike's .. G.T. , Gowland and Michael Rorick were third, five more minutes back, and · Lance Martin and Gregory Foreman had their Chevy S-10 in fourth, well back. It is most interesting that all the Class 14 entries in Baja were mini trucks, although the class was created for modified Class 3 vehicles. · Rivera and Grajeda had 18 minutes lead over Gowland's Toyota at San Felipe, and the.n Gowland lost over three hours replacing the entire front end. So, Jorge Rivera and Bernardo Grajeda carried on to win Class 14 by nearly four hours. G.T. Gowland and Michael Rorick stayed in second, and Martin and Foreman struggled home in 17 hours and 51 minutes. A big flock of 17 Class l ls boosted this class right into the viable ranks for 1988. The early b~ttle was between Ramon Dusty Times Castro and Sergio and Porfirio Gutierrez. At Camalu it was Castro out front, ·Juan Degracia ·and Ricardo Flore were just 30 seconds back, with Gutierrez anothed0seconds back in third, and the trio were well ahead of the pack. · The three way battle went on for many miles. Castro kept his lead, with a 19 minute margin over Gutierrez .at San Felipe, where Degracia was another eight minutes back. In fourth most of the · way and at San Felipe were Jack Zandbergen and Clark Williams, but they s8on retired. Desp. ite sporting a sm:,ished front fender; Castro cariied on up front. At Check 9 ·hi~ lead was 27 In the top five all day.Juan Degracia and Rica~do Flore were third at San Felipe and they held their place to the checkered flag. · Now it is on to Barstow for the desert series racers. The traditional mid-summer twilight mad,ness from the HORA should attract a giant entry. It might be a red hot race, as in early'J une the ambient ~emperatures around · Barstow were · alreacjy well into the three digit m_ark. The first American team on the Class 11 list was Andy Diaz and Dan Alexander, the pair climbing forward to finish in fourth place. DESERT RACING FOR ATV'1S • BUGGIES • BIKES • CARS & TRUCKS SAT. AUG. 8, 1987 SAT. OCT. 3, 1987 THUR. DEC. 31, 1987 . I . FUDPUCKER RAFING TE~M • (619) 427-5759 T~REE RACE FALL DESERT SEllIES July 1987 Page i5
GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES The Racing Season Starts In Colorado Text & Photos: Joanne Blair Mike Diers won the 1600 main event at Raceland, driving his two seater hard to stay ahead of seven others in the class that ha~. close_dicing in every heat. · The first in a seven part series _ of off road short course races sponsored by GWPS ( Great Western Points Series) was held on May 17 at the Raceland track northeast of Denver, Colorado. Participants from a three state area of Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska competed in a two part, five lap qualifying race, and a ten lap main event race for points, contingencies and· cash prizes. The club points system is set up as follows: 25 points for first place, 18 for second, 15 for third, 12 for fourth, ten for fifth , nine for sixth and so on. The same point values are_ given for the qualifying race as well as the main event. This was done to keep the qualifying races exciting for the spectators to watch, as well as an incentive for the racers to compete seriously. At the completion of the season, series points are totaled for an overall winner, plus top winners in each class. Special contingencies are also awarded at this time for the top winners. GWPS has BFGoodrich _ as a major sponsor this year through Team Tl A. Wins by BFG shod racers by class are being kept in a log book by the club secretary, Shelly Gunther, who also helped compile data for this report. The BFG points will be totaled for overal I T earn T / A winners at the end of the year. Each top finisher will be awarded BFG tires at the conclusion of the race season. The starting order pole_ positions are determined by each driver drawing a·number for the qualifying race grid. The main event starting positions are then set by inverting the field from the outcome of the qualifying race. So the winner of the qualifying moto becomes the last starter in the main event. -The weather was not cooperative for the opening race of the season. The infamous Mexican Monsoons went further ·north than usual. The original race was scheduled for the third of May but had to be moved to May 17. We couldn't get into the pit areas because of the mud! The May 17 meet started out under sunny skies, but soon the clouds - moved in and it rained during the main event. A total of twenty-four cars participated in the first -meet, with eight in Class 10, eight in Class 1-2-1600, four in Class 4, two in Class 2, one in Class 3 and one in Class 5. A _. pre-race meeting was held to determine which classes would race together, what order they would run in, and which course they would run on for their class. Racers had a choice of two tracks -- a short lap route of 0.4 miles or a longer track of 0.8 miles. Each track consisted of several jumps, one dip, a small series of moguls and a few good sweeper corners. -Class 10 voted to use the shorter track while Class 1-2-1600 and Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5 decided to take a longer track. Classes 2, 3, 4· and 5 decided to run together because there were not enough cars in each class to run separately. They shared the same money for the overall winner, but Classes 2 and 5 and Classes 3 and 4 had their own point total results. Class 1-2-1600 raced first. During the qualifying run things went smoothly until the car driven by 34 year old Bob Metcalf, from Colorado Springs, rolled over in one of the last turns. He was finally put back on all four wheels and finished out the qualifying. Mike Di~rs, of Loveland, CO, hit hay bales and with the help of some folks on the track, soon was back on his way. For the main event the 1600 drivers stayed together for an exciting race. Brian Liska, from Loveland, CO, dropped out due t6 mechanical failure, as did Chad Bertram. Also from Loveland, Mike Jennings got Danny Rice flew his Chenowth high over the jumps, and he won the Class 10 close encounter with Mitch Mustard that turned into an al/Colorado show. - hung up in the hay bales during the later part of the race, and he was not able to get back in the action-until the race was over. At the flag Mike Diers won the race, followed by Paul Shaver and Kevin Walsh, all local drivers. Class 10 came up next. Since they chose the shorter of the two tracks, the racing was fast and furious. Kenny Bracelin, of St. Francis, Kansas, was not able to start due to engine trouble, a bent valve and a faulty cam. During the qualifying several cars ran over or into each other-because of the shorter track, and the high level of competitive feelings. This race was the spectator's favorite, because of the constant action it offered. In the Class 10 main event there was a real fight for the lead. After a couple of laps the battle was between Mitch Mustard and Danny Rice, a long time local, and friendly, .rivalry. They kept everyone on their toes watching the entire race. When the checkered flag fell it was Danny Rice home the winner, followed by Mitch Mustard. Not far behind in third place was another Colorado driver, Scott Gallo-way. The last group in the day's schedule was the combine of Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5. The longer track was abbreviated · and a sharp, narrow turn was eliminated so the trucks could run a safer course. In the qualifying race the big trucks gave the more nimble Class 2 and Class 5 cars a run for their money, but that would change during the next race. The winner was•Tim Briscoe, driving a truck, followed by the 4x4 of Robbi Smith from Arnold, Nebraska. In third was the Class 2 of Doug Bath. However, in the main event the Class 2 of seasoned veteran Bill Coffey, out of Colorado Springs, walked away from the leaders off the starting line, and he maintained his lead all the way to the checkered flag. The challenge during the main event was between two hard hitters, Robbi Smith in his 4x4 pickup and Jerry Daugherty, with his Colorado built Class 14. From the start they battled for second . and third place. By the third lap Smith broke ahead of Daugherty. He maintained the lead until the sixth lap, when he dropped out of the race. Somewhere during the second lap the two drivers -had a run-in and Smith's radiator was punctured, causing his truck to overheat. The finish results for overall money were Bill Coffey, Jerry Daugherty, and Rick DeVries, in a Class 4 from Colorado. On points in Classes 2 and 5 the win belonged to Bill Coffey, followed by Doug Bath, and in third was the Baja Bug of "Little" Ed Mialo. On points in Classes 3 , and 4 it was Jerry Daugherty, Rick De Vries, and the ClassJ of Jim Olson. · Two fund raisers were held during the race day. One was a $5.00 a guess raffle to take a chance on how long it would take to blow up an old Datsun motor - full throttle until there was no hope. The $100.00 winning pot went to Class 3 racer Jim Olson. His guess of 7 minutes, 30 seconds_ was only off by two seconds from the actual time of 7:28. The second fund raiser was a sledge bash. It was three swings for a dollar to really finish off the car that was just blown up. Everyone enjoyed both raffles and the money raised went to the club. The GWPS club recently purchased their own track and will be holding other events besides the short course off road racing. Included on the schedule are sand drags, motocross, T.T., motorcycle flat track, quad races, shorCtrack and supercross. Get complete information from Ron Knowlton at ( 303) 722-5537 during business hours, nqw on Mountain Daylight Time. The combination of Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5 was wild, but veteran Bill Coffey got his Class 2 racer around faster than anyone to win the heat as rain clouds gathered. Jerry Daugherty won the_tight battle for 4x4 honors in the main -event, flying his tidy Chevy Blazer like a buggy and he was second overall in the race. Robbi Smith, from Arnold, Nebraska broke up the local domina-tion in the first race, taking a fine secondplace in the first heat for Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5. · Page !26 July 1987 Dusty Times
I I ~ · 1111 ... • , ' I - I . . . . 1 .. .. 'Race ut p.•, · ·. . . q.~. "Booi o11JL,; ··· . . I l SEE THE "REAL \VEST'.' . NEVADA·.2sq August 22, 19~7 . ' . \ . . I . I I ;. . JI ·, Silver Dust Racine: AssaCiatian · -Phqne: (702) 459-0317 PO Box 7380 • Las Vegas. NV 89125 / I I . L. •
Dave Vandermissen, Sr. ,Wins the Unlimited Championship at the M•morial Day 100 By Brenda A. Parker Photos by Gil Parker The rolling farmland of southern Wisconsin is the site of the Lake Geneva Raceway, and the roar of racing engines is heard each Memonal Day weekend. Here the 32 entries line up for the start of the Limite.d Championship race, nearly all of them Class 1-2-1600 cars. The Memorial Day 100, the • first race of the Formula Desert . Dog Series, was held on May 23 and 24 at Lake Geneva Raceway in Lake Geneva, WL Dave Vandermissen, Sr. in his Class 2 BFGoodrich sponsored Funco drove a great race to win the Unlimited Championship. Dave, when he does not win his class, is usual)y in the top three, but this win was especially great for him because he beat some of th!! top Class 1 and Class 9 cars in the midwest. He is definitely a man to be reckoned with when he gets on the race track. · The course is 11/4 to 1 ½ mfles · lo_nj;( and this year it was very fast with few . obstacles .. There was one "camel back" jump and several small moguls. Each class ran one heat except for Class 1-1600 which, due to the number of entries,· ran two qualifying ' heats and a main event. The first race on Saturday was for Class l-l600. Jeff Probst in his Berrien Laser was first off the line and was never· headed. He was followed by Dale Scott in an S & K built car, and David VanDenElzen, also in a Berrien. Dale and David were neck and neck for most of the heat, but on _ the last lap Dale spun out and dropped to fourth place with both VanDenElzen and Johnny Koran passing him. At the finish it was Probst, with a huge lead, taking first, VanDenElzen and Koran second and third and Scott in .fourth. In heat II 2 John Kazmarek was the first off the line and he led until the last lap when Todd Attig, who had been putting the pressure on John for the whole race, finally passed him just as the white flag came out and took the win. Steve Kreiman came off the start in third position but was Page·2a soon passed by Chuck Williams in his Berrien and Scott Taylor, and Williams and Taylor continued to battle for third. However, they were well back ·from the leaders and were never a threat to them. Finishing in second was Kazmarek with Williams third and Taylor in fourth. Kreiman had .to settle for fifth this time out. With about half a lap to go Kazmarek started to put a move on Attig, but as he pulled up alongside of him, Kazmarek saw the yellow flag and as is customary in this series he had to pull back or lose a position for passing under a yellow flag zone. However, from my vantage point, it looked like Kaczmarek would have completed his pass on Attig and taken the win since it appeared tha.t he had the faster car and the right line in. this instance. Next w~re the Class 3 cars. Joe Dunlap won the drag race to the first turn and led for only one lap ' before falling victim to ·Bruce McKinney's Jeep CJ-7. McKinc n ey was never serious.I y challenged after making the pass on Dunlap. Driving in second place for several laps was Dave Gray in his Bronco but.,by lap #6 he gave way to James Miller. Dave Gray soon passed Miller to take second place where he finished, with Miller in third and Rick Rogers taking fourth. The Class 1-1600 main event was next to take the green flag. Jeff Probst again jumped to the lead and was never challenged. Kaczmarek was second and Scott Taylor was in third spot. Taylor _ soon got around Kaczmarek, however, which put .Kaczmarek in a battle for third with Todd Attig. They were jockeying back and forth until the final lap wher Kaczmarek pulled ahead to finish in third behind Probst and Taylor. Attig was fourth and Chuck Williams was fifth. The Class 10 cars were next up. There were only six entries in this class but they were. just as . serious as the classes with many !l)ore cars. David Vandermissen, Jr. in a Berrien was in the lead until just before the checkered Dave Vandermissen, Sr. flies high over the back jump in his Class 2 Funco on his way to the big victory in the Unlimited Championship feature race. July 1987 flag when he spun out as he came off the · "camel jump" ancj dropped to third. This allowed Terry Severson in a Berrien, who had been right behind· Vander-missen, to come up with the win with David Vandemissen·, _ Sr. finishing in second. Class 2-1600 took the starting . line next and Kevin Probst was -the first (lne to the fir-st turn. He was followed ·by Johnny Koran, Scott Taylor and Chuck Williams who were in a tight race for second place. Probst just continued to pull away from the rest of the pack and he was never _ seriously tested. It was nose to tail for Koran, Taylor and Williams and tne crowd loved it. At the end of the pit straightaway, Taylor got behind some slower traffic and was passed by Koran who also got caught behind a slower car and Willi~ms took advantage of the situation and came up with second place at - the checkered flag. Koran was third and Taylor fourth. , In Class 4 Bill Schirm, driving a Jeep, was the early leader with Herb Rosborough's Jeep in second.place for t~ree laps. Herb finally managed to pass Schirm and he went on to take the win. This put Schirm ·and Jack flannery, from Crandon, \XII, in a battle for second place. · Flannery ran out' of laps however, and had to settle for third. Greg Gerlach got a little' too anxious as he came off one of the jumps, rolled his Jeep Honcho on the first lap and had to park it. The last race of the day was Class 9 (Super 1600's). Mike Parker's Rabbit powered Berrien. Laser came away the winner in the drag to the first turn. In fact, he was mighty fa!?t, but Kevin Probst had just a little more going down the pit straightaway and passed him at that point. Mike then threw a belt and had to come in for a new one which put him a lap down. In the meantime, Art Schmitt from Pennsylvania was bearing down on· Probst. He retired after only four laps with mechanical problems. ' This · moved Scdtt Taylor into sec0nd place where he finished just behind 'Probst. Lee Wuesthoff was third, Bill LeFeuvre was fourth and Rod Attig finished fifth. Rod told me afterwards that he has finally "come out of the dark ages and into the modern age of technology" by switching from his Alfa Romeo to a Rabbit. This turned out to be· good luck for him as he finished fifth in both his class race and the Unlimited Championship and he was very pleased with these two finishes. The attrition rate was high in Class 9 with only five of the 12 starters finishing. Jeff Probst - olew a rod through his case-just as the green flag dropped. and Tom Schwa rtzburg lost a stub axle as he dropped the clutch on the, starting line. Jimmie Crowder, who came up from Florida for this race; lost a tranny as did Don Ponder. Parker, who ran only four more laps after replacing his belt, blew a radiator. . Class 8 took the starting grid first on Sunday. Joey Flannery really put on a show on for the crowd in his Class 13 Crandon Cruiser. He took the lead and -was never headed_. ,Mi'tch Dumask and Dave.Hackers, both driving Fords, were in a tight battle for second place. Tom Hackers retired early in the race reporting to . me that he had · distributor problems. Dumask, in the meantime, ·had a rear tire fl_at and dropped off the pace and had to settle for fourth place. At · the checkered flag Flannery took the win followed by Dave Hackers, Harry Mattmiller and Tom -1/ endeHey in that order. In Classes 1 and 2 Kevin · Probst had jumped ahead of e-veryone by the first turn by keeping his foot on the gas pedal and making a spectacular pass on Ed Righter on the first jump. He was in the lead for only one lap, when he missed an off-camber turn on the back stretch and went through the ha_ybales. It looked like he just plain lost it. It was reported to me afterwards that he had gotten a stone caught under his gas pedal and lost his power steering at just about the same time,. Needles~ to say, he didn't have. much control of the car at that point. He never got back in the race. · In the meantime, Jeff Probst took over first place and was never seriously challenged. There were · four drivers in second place du~ing this race at various times. Ed Righter, Lee Wuesthoff in his Chenowth, Art Schmitt and Bill LeFeuvre, .out of Cariada. Jimmie Crowder was out early with a valve gone. Scott Taylor was out early also. Jeff . took the wiri with Bill LeFeuvre second, Art Schmitt third and Don Porider in fourth. In Class 14 there were several Class 4 drivers who had bumoed-up., This made a class , ot 13 · entries. Mark Pelletier won the drag race to the first turn and led for seven laps. He was in a dog fight with Ken Kincaid and Jack Flannery. Jack, who was in third · at the time, made the right move . at the right ~ime and by lap #8 Jeff Probst takes to the air in his Berrien Laser and tie won the first 1-1600 heat race, and also won the main event for the biggest class at.the event. , Dusty nmcs
Kevin Probst had to work hard this year for his victory in Class 9, · but he held a slim lead every lap to win in his Berrien Laser. Bruce McKinney was never seriously challenged after the 1st lap, and he drove his. Jeep CJ7 to the victory in the Class 3 contest. John Kaczmarek led all but the last lap in his 1,-1600 heat, then Jost the game to the yellow flag; he also finished third in the main event. Former champion here, Scott Taylor was close in a variety of classes in 1987, but his best finish was 2nd in the 1-1600main event. Looking like a giant grasshopper here! Dave Hackers kept1 his truck together to finish well, second in 'class 8. Marc Pelletier led Class 14 action for seven laps, 6ut trafHc caught him out and he ended up 2nd in his ex LeDuc creation. had passed both front runners to Ponder. By lap 3 Jeff was out. He take the lead and eventually the ' was having carburetor problems. win. · . • Scott Taylor, who had moved Herb Rosborough was in third into first place after Jeff dropped for most of the race except for a out, led for only three laps with challenge from Greg Gerlach at Dave Vandermissen, Sr. right on one point, Gerlach, however, his tail. Taylor suddenly slowed who had worked his way up from (he was having tranny problems) eighth place to third, lost a front allowing Vandermissen to get · drive shaft and had to settle for around him and dropped to third sixth. Kincaid fell victim to a spot. smoking engine and was ·soon Vandermissen, who runs a out. Ray Janusz was out after Class 2 car, moved from sixth to only five laps with a . blown first in seven laps. He·-was engine. He is usually a pretty looking good. Don· Ponder was strong runner in t:his class. Atthe putting pressure on Vanderinis-finish it was Flannery, Pelle'fier, sen but didn't have enough go Rosborough and Bill Schirm, power to get around him. who had rolled in his Class 4 race Vanderm issen went on for the · on Saturday, but managed to get · win : ·with Ponder· in · second, things · together for Sunday's Taylor limping in for third, Doug action. Bils in fourth and Rod Attig in The limited Championship fifth. Some of the drivers who was an exciting race with Todd · did not finish were Bill LeFeuvre, Attig leading for one lap until Rod Attig with a broken ring and · Scott Taylor moved around him pinion, Mike Parker with . a· to take the lead until the last lap. broken stub axle, and Lee Jeff Probst then moved up to Wuesthoff with electrical second where he stayed and Attig problems. dropped back to third. Probst It appeared to this reporter and Taylor were in a bumping that 90 percent of the attrition in and - shoving match as t'hey the high powered classes was due jockeyed for. first place. It was to transmission · problems. I . close racing and they were · talked with one of the car owners pulling a pretty big lead on the after the race and he stated that · other cars. On the last lap Probst the Rabbit engines are now managed to pass Taylor. for the putting out so much power that win, Taylor was second and Attig · the· transmission can't handle it third. Chuck Williams, usually a · and, therefore, something si:rori~ contender· in this class, breaks. · pulled ·out at the half-way mark The . race the crowd was and parked it with a broken waiting for was next. The Heavy shock and his steering gone. Metal . Championship. Joey In the Unlimited Champion-Flannery again showed the crowd ship race Doug Bils pulled to the what a Crandon Cruiser-could do lead for three laps followed by leading for four laps. Jack · closely by Jeff Probst and Don Flannery, however, was not Switching from Class 8 to 4 WD this year, Jack Flannery was third in Class 4, but won the Class 14 race and the Heavy Metal Championship in a new Ford. .Dusty nmes about to let him stay there. Jack1 had moved from fourth to first by lap /:IS and he was never seriously challenged &fter that although Joey was in !the hunt. There was a fight for third place between Jack Heidtmann and Marc Pelletier. They I jockeyed back and forth. Seidler, after · Pelletier haJ dropped off the_ pace, with Seidler trying his best to get aroun1d Heidtmann for third spot. In the last lap, Heidtmanh and Joey Flannery bumped on the back stretch and this putJoey up on two wheels. He dropped to fourth place and was never able to catch up. Taking the win was Jack Flannery followeg by Heidtmann, Seidler and Joey Flannery. ' There was also a close race between Heidtm:inn and Mark This race Kicked off the racing season for the midwest and the next stop was in Montreal at the Olympic Stadium. Several of our midwest drivers were planning on participating there. The next Formula -Series race is in Crandon, WI in June. See you there. PAR~ER_ P~f!!:,!!lcE~ELMET CO. THEIR. LINE OF NEW HELMETS I * Standard Voyager w/90° Hose Fitting * Deluxe Voyager w/molded Air Inlet * Super Deluxe Voyager Red/Silver or Black/Silver · w/lolded Air Inlet ·. · ALL NEW STYLE lELMETS-'85 SNEL_L APPROVAL · RACHET SHIELD - MUCH LIGHTER - MORE NOSE ROOM ALSO AVAILABLE . DRINKERS -Kood PAC'S - MR 4000 LEXAN SHIELDS GLASS OVERLAY SHIELDS - 4' & 8' HOSES -FILTERS I . PUMPER MOTORS - CUSTOMER CONVERSIONS Plus! A Full Line of Simpson· Safety Products. I .. ··-.---........._ PARKER PUMPER July 1987 HELMET CO. 9371 Kramer St., Unit C3 & H Westminster, Calif. 92683 714/894-8332 Page 19
BFGOODBICB BACING UPDA'l'B· , © 1987 Uniroyal-Goodrich Tire Co.
I • ,· I . . BFGOODRICH I . SWEEPS BAJA TOTAKE SERIES LEAD! At the SCORE Baja !Internacional on June · 6th, BFqoodrich took lirst, second-and third overall on its way to ~ight class victories. With thr~e races remqining in the 1987 SCOREIHDRA series, BFGoodrich now leads all tire mbnufacturers iln overall victories. First place in this fi~rcely competitive race went to Bob Gordon in his Class 2 Chenowth-Porsche buggy. Mark McMillin took a hard-fought second overall in his Class 1 buggy and father Cor ky placed third overall ih his _Cheno~th-PorscJJe buggy. · The BFGoodnch-eqmpped Ba1a-Bug of Hartmut1and Wolfram Klawitter emerged victorious in Class 5. I · BFGo6drich TIA-equipped trucks had impressire showings at this year's Baja as well. Hey1_vy-metal driiver Frank Ve~sels _ blasted Jl11s way to fourth overall wrth a first place in Class 8, while Jerry McDonald captured the Class 7 41x4 victory in his BFGdadrich Chevrblet. Rod Hall and Don Adams took first place finishes in Classes 4 and 3, respectively. Once again, Baja has proved to be no . match for BFGoodrich. In the desert,· on the track and on the street, BFGoodrich TIA® Radials continue to piove their championship performance capabilities. BFGOODRICH T~ RADIALS WE MAKE YOUR TRUCK PERFORM:/
I ' r I Jeff Huber Wins the Gold For Mazda at· Montreal By Bren& A . PJrker Photos: Gil Parker/Danny McKenzie Glenn Harris won the first Class 7 race in his Mazda, came to grief in the 2nd, but came back Saturday to ~in the Montreal Cup race almost wire to wire. was just over 38,000 and 011 Saturday{ there were· about 50,000 people in the stands. They do like their racing in Montreal. As usual the crowd loved the motorcycles with their spills and thrills and lots of good tight racing. They had a big entry with four qualifying heats for the cycles with 24 entries in each heat, . with the finale having 25 entries. All of the Class 7 trucks drove in two heats with points being awarded for how they finished each heat and the winner being the driver with the most points overall. There was also some prize money put up for the· privateers, of which there are several in Canada who run the local circuit there. · The first heat got underway Going for the gold, a pound of gold, Jeff Huber takes the checkered flag in Montreal, the winner of the second truck race, the Manufacturer's Cup for Mazda, and a pound of real gold. · with Glenn ,Harris taking the early lead. · Jeff Huber in his Mazda wasn't about to let Glenn, his teammate, get too far ahead of him, however, and by the end of ·the first lap Huber was in first place, and Walker Evans and Roger Mears were in a fight for third place. Harris regained the lead, Evans caught Huber and finally put a move on him to take over second place which left Huber and Mears' Nissan· The Olympic Stadium at Montreal tried something new this year. They scheduled two nights of ra~ing instead of just one. On Friqay night they had several heats of motorcycles and Walker Evans finished a strong second in one heat, but a flapping hood slowed him in the main, but he also took second spot in the Saturday run. The second Class 10 Qualifier had to be red flagged with this pile up, as Jimmie Crowder lands on top of Dave Lofland, Robert Lemieux is on his side, and Denis Boisclair drives into the whole mess of more cars. Page 31 A TV's along with the run for the pound of gold for the Class 7 trucks. The attendance on Friday Billy Beck had his best race day ever in Montreal, driving his Berrien to his Class 10 heat victory, and Beck went on to win the main event and his pound of gold. Californian Tommy Croft was· the quickest of the six survivors for the restart in heat 2, and drove his Chenowth to the victory in the qualifier. July 1987 battling for third. In the meantime, Harris was stretching his lead over Evans. The Mazdas were really dialed in for this ev'ent. At the checkered it was Harris, Evans, Huber and Mears. One of the privateers, Norm Thompson, had to park it early when his engine caught fire. In heat #2 Huber and Harris came off the start together followed closely by Mears, and Walker Evans, driving a Dodge. Mears bumped Harris and their bumpers hooked together. This allowed Evans to get by Mears, but before he could get around Harris, Glenn got moving again and caught Huber to put pressure on him every step of the way. At one point the four trucks were so clo~ together that· when they cam·e off one of the jumps, the rear end of Harris' truck came down on the front of Evans' truck and tore the sheet metal. Mears was trying to keep up with the pack and was driving on the edge. He put rhe truck on two wheels on one turn. Huber and Harris came off turn 11 side by side. Harris got over close to the barriers at this point and climbed over the hay bales and the' concrete barrier. He thought he might be able to climb out the other side, but when he tried to do so he knocked over one of the concrete barriers and had to sit there. I was told later that.Harris landed on the hydraulic "pi.tcher's mound" which the promoters were trying their best to protect. In the meantime, Walker had tangled with somebody and his hood was flapping. In fact, I think he drove. the last lap , without .being able to see ·:one .. thing in front of him. Taking the-· .win on this heat was Huber followed by Mears, and Evans. Harris was. a DNF. The overall points and the gold went to Huber. This was a repeat for the Mazda team as Harris had won the gold here last year in the first appearance at this stadium for the Grand National Tr.ucks. Walker was second and Harris and Mears tied for third. Class 10 practice got under . way on Saturday at 4:30 p.m. and there were several cars with problems after the two rounds. Dean Dodd lost his tranny; Jeff Probst had problems with his gear box (and \vould go·through three trannys before the evening was over); Bill LeFeuvre sheared a brake caliper; Tommy Croft had a loose torsion bar; and Richard Nadon lost a C.V. joint, just to naml· a few. Dusty nmes
Roger Mears had some troubles in Montreal, but he got the Nissan home a close second in the feature race for the gold on Friday night. Kevin Probst took 2nd in the Class 10niain in his Berrien,' and he also took home the prize for the tbngest jump off the finish line. . . I . I Billy Beck accepts the BFGoodrich Autocross Cup in victory circle, and it is the first major stadium win for the man from San Antonio, Texas. The Super 1600 cars\ ran on Saturday night. Billy Beck, who towed_ all the way from Texas, broke to an early lea:d and 'was followed closely / by Carlton Jackson, from Florida; in a Chenowth. Jackson "'.as running in second place until the white flag lap when he pulled to the side of the track and stopped. He had lost a ring and pinion. Billy Beck c~me away the winner of the first heat in his Berrien, followed by Greg George, Jeff _Probst and Raynald Vaillancourt. These four drivers moved into the main event with the. next four, Ed Righter from Springville, N.Y., Denis Boiscla_ir driving a Berrien, ·Carlton Jackson in a Chenowth, and Dean Dodd, Berrien, moving into ·the consolation race. Bill LeFeuvre, who had managed to repair his brake in time for the r;:ice, lost a fly wheel and was out of the race by lap #4. . The first turn is always the worst in a_ny race and this was no exception in' heat #2. The cars were lined up ·ten abreast and in . the drag to the first turn, someone·-got off kilter and . started a pile-up that eventually involved four cars, Dave Lofland, Robert Lemieux, Jimmie Crowder and Allen Andreoli. This brought out the. red flag because the track was completely blocked. On the restart there were only six cars left. Tommy Croft driving a Chenowth, came away in, first place and was never challenged. Kevin . Probst's Berrien was in second for several laps until he got too wide on the corner and rolled. He got back up on his w~eels and back into the race but he was off his pace. He did, however, manag~ to hang in there for third place behind Croft and Lee Wuesthoff. Normand Vaillancourt was fourth: In heat #3 there were als~ ten cars. Jimmy Nichols, Raceco, led for six of the seven laps but lost it · to Jerry Whelchel on the last lap. Richard Dagenais was third and-Scott Taylor in his BFGoodrich sponsored car finished fourth. Mike Parker who had been running in second place, broke a stub axle and was parked by lap #4. There were supposed to be 12 cars in the consolation race with the top two finishers going into the main event. Three cars did not take the green flag. Jimmie Crowder's Chenowth was leading for several laps when he took one of the jumps wrong and rolled his car. By the time he got back on his wheels he was in last place. When he rolled, Dave Lofland from New Jersey, who had been in second took overthe lead and was never headed. He Dusty Times . was being chased by Allen Andreoli and Tom Surace, also from New Jersey, but they were never'a threat. At the checker-ed it was Lofland and Andreoli going in"to ,the-ma1in event. Dean Jveryone off th~ line and was Greg George, in a Funco, i11to Dodd's new Lase~ never left the :Junriingstrong, but this was not firstplaceforonelapandthenhe line. ·He blew aoorher tranny. . to be .. his night.' Before the end of. was gone. Billy Beck then took o:-· ., The main event was a thriller. .the first lap he was parked with a over the lead and he outdrove Lee Wuesthoffin 1 Magnum beat Throken rear torsion. This moved · evervone. There er . . I . j' . . -B~llet,·lroOJ Your YW 1 With su ___ MIBS BBOS .. .... -------. ._, ------------------__ --,------.....,... ...... --, VW TRANSMISSION DRIVE FLANGES Eliminate the problem of stnpped flange tnreads and worn out splines that occur w1Ih welded stock flanges. Mam1lactured from alloy steel and hardened for durability. Adapts bus trans (002 'and 09 t) lo 930 Porsche Turbo C·V joints. $150.00 per pair. 1 $78.00 each VW DRIVE AXLES Manufactured from high strength chrome nickel steel -(270 .000 psi tensile) rriateriaL the axles feature high spline surface hardness for lbw friction slip m C-V: hobb generated involute spl ines that perteclly match the C-V sphne. Comes · with .. Spiro-Loe" snap rings. close tolerance spline pitch diameter. spherical ends. micro-finished surfaces .. and are guaranteed for 1 year against bi-eakage. For Porsche 930 C-vs: S181.251pair. PORSCHE 930 C-V JOINT ADAPTION \(IT ULTR,A HIGH STRENGTH DRIVE AXLES . • , \ -Same as above. but manufactured from 300.000 psi tensile strength vacuum melt material. $330.00ipair. · RUSH AXLE SERVICE . We can custom make your axles m fbur ·workmg days 11 you requ1re. Add $80.00 to the regular .axle price tor this speedy service. '· LOANER TELESCOPING AXLE Incorrect axle lengths are a major cause of C·V joiri_t failure. We will loan you our telescoping axle at no chlltge so you can accurately determine your axle lengths. ( . ... Update your car·s·drive line to the high angularity. high load capacity 930 Joints. Race proven. compatibly engineered for maximum reliability. Kit i!Jcludes stub axles. boots and llanges. drive axles. C-V joints. inner drive flanges and 5 lbs. ol grease. Regular pnce: $1221.00: Special price: $1100.00. Y~u s.,ve $121.00 and still get all the right parts from one source! VW FRONT DISC BRAKE KIT · . . ' . .._ . Provides incredible stopping fqrce and ehmmates 5-1 2 lbs. •per wheel. •t:fuq flang,e offset same ~s stock VW front drom. therebyJetimir:ia!J~g t~e problem of excessive front tire "scrub radius ... The 9-1 4 .. diameter brake disc and 1-3 4" diameter piston floating Calipers clear smaller 13 .. Wheels. Race proven on desert arid sllort course cars. Fits either reinforced Wright . spindle (or yvright .v~nagon spindle. •Kit is complete with C-V BOOT AND FLANGE KIT D~signed specifically ·for Off Road racing and the 930 Porsche C·V joint._ This boot and flange kh allows the boot to fit outside the C·V joint:retaining bolts instead of inside. Drive axle will not ini~~-rfere - with boot' flange mouth. even at 24· axle arig'le. Complete Kit (4 boots·. 4 flanges, 24 bolts)°, $180.00. 14MM PRESS IN LUG STUDS WITH SPHERICAL SHAPED LUG NUTS Coriverts yo~r druffis to press-in .... studs instead of screw-in studs. Set of 1 o studs and nuts. $22.00.,, beannrl. an~ ~t~--?;~ -m~talled. A bolt-on 1nstallat1onI $627.00. t :."" ' ' ·. ·.,, . vw REAR DI.SC' BRAKE KIT This kidfits ty'pe 1 .traih_ng arms and a~les. and Is a bolt-on conversion. Prnr,ary features are 10.5 d1a. vented brake disc. generous caliper clearance on all 15· wheels. four piston ~luminum _quick change pad caliper. stiff steel caliper bracket! aluminum b~r stock material wheel adaptors. hardenJd .alloy steel splin~d hub and Wheel flange lateral location1 sarpe (\s that of ·a drum, brake. $750.00. . VW FULL FLOATING HUB ASSEMBLt' ~~!!! ~t~~~~~~x!~!~!=ly~!~,: full I VW STUB AXLE floating hubs like the class 8 trucks use (wheel stays on vehicle even if axle breaks). C·V joint mounts on same surface of hub as wheel moving C-V out T. drastically reducing C-V joint angle. Drive axle length increased by T. greatly increasing torsional load cushioning. ·c_:.Vi6int angle decre.ased by at least T . enhancing C·V )Oint hie. $2400.00; includes both sides with axles. no C-Vs WE PAY CONTINGENCY AT SCORE AND HORA RACES! To order DIRECT from SUMMERS BROTHERS. call 714-986-2041. Send $3.00 for SUMMERS BROTHERS. Dirt Racers· Catalog. SUMMERS BROTHERS Is also a distributor for Wilwood 530 S Mountain Ave .. Ontario. CA 91762 I I C-¥ JOINT HIGH TEMPERATURE G'EASE-our )research a~d development programs have -~:~t~o~~s 1~~~1~~~1~~ have properties for the 930 C-V iomts. Ifs temperature range ts 500 F. It Is a non-soap type with molydenum d1sull1de add1twe. Sold m 5 lb. cans S12.65 per can I . I Machined from aircraft quality chrome nick81 steel and heat treated for a strength level many times higher than · stock axles. These are the only axles in the industry with the outer thread · rolled instead of cut. providing su'perior strength at the thread. Available for Porsche 930 C-Vs . $330.00 per pair. , HEAVY DUTY .LARGE DIAMETER ' VW STUB AXLE This axle features 1.378" diameter shaft size. fine pitch 1 31-tooth spline. r0I1ed end tt'reads (fits VW bus nuts) and 230.000 ps, strength matenal. It ,s 46% stronger in torsion and Is 68% stronQer in bending than the Summers Bros. Type 1.12-spline axle. It is designed to fit Type-1 trailing arms Porsche 930 C-Vs and Summers Bros. VW Rear Disc Brake Kit. It c.an be retro-fined to existing Summers Bros. Rear Brake Kits. Comes with Timken bearmgS. bearing spacer steeves and end nuts , I July 1987 Page 33
Flying high over the finish line jump, Lee Wuesthoff, from Wiscon-sin was 2nd in his heat race but did not finish the main event. Richard Dagenais drove his unique Class 10 to third spot in heat 3 as his home town crowd cheered him along the course, Last yea_r's Class 10 champion Greg George started o'ut strong, second m his heat race, but he led only one main event lap and fflMra~d . In Clas·s 7 action, the antics.of Jeff Huber, Mazda on the left, and Walker Evans, Dodge, had the crowd cheering and on their feet. Brian Case was the best placed Canadian entry in Class 7, and he got his Toyota around in goof/ time for second in the privateer ranks. A jubilant Glenn Harris waves the BFGoodrich Challenge Cup, and his California Gold Mazda team swept all three Class 7 races in Montreal. A-not her local driver from Quebec, Rayna Id Vaillancourt did well in his new car, 4th in his Class 10 heat and 4th in the main event. All the way from Florida, Carleton Jackson ran second in his heat until the last lap, then a broken ring & pinion put him out of the contest. Local driver Normand Vaillancourt scored 4th place in the 2nd Class 10 heat, and went on to finish.6th in the main ev__ent. the' Class 7 trucks. This was for the BFGoodrich Challenger's Cup. Harris drove flag to flag for the win. Walker was right on his tail and Huber was off the pace from the leaders. The race was started without Mears because as he took the start line something went wrong with the truck and the mechanics were underneath it trying to fix it. By the time he did get started he was five laps down. He ran for only two laps and then left the track. This was not Mears' weekend. winner of the Privateer Cup concerted effor-t on the part of which was sponsored .by the drivers and crews from the BFGoodrich, aAd was worth Midwest to get Jeff Probst going $1,000. after he blew his transmission in In addition to the _puFSe, practice. Pulling these Rabbit contingency programs were put engines to change a tranny is no up by both BFGoodrich and easy task, but these guys did it Formula Tire, and I am sure that and got him ready to race in the George Dodd, who is the first qualifying heat. Gil Parker promoter for the ·off road from thtt Kazoo Krew loaned segment of the show, thanks Dean Dodd a transmission so he · these companies for their could compete in his qualifying support. heat. Dodd also borrowed an There was also an award made engine from Jerry Whelchel for the longest jump off the finish because he was having problems line jump. Kevin Probst from with the' one in his car. After Mokena, IL won this prize. Mike Parker broke in his Jerry Whelchel got his Chenowth in the lead on the last lap-of heat 3, and"Jerry hung on to win, and later finished third in the main event. · In the meantime, Glenn Harris and Walker Evans were putting on. quite a show for the crowd. They were in a battle for all ten I just want to comment on qualifier he had the offer of a some of the-good sportsmanship transmission· from Bill Wuest-1 witnessed this weeket1d. In hoff but Mike had not made the addition to the . clean racing Cut for the consolation race so he ( there was no unnecessary , was out of. the competition ~ , _ was no one even close to him. Jerry Whelchel ran second for several laps but soon gave way to Kevin Probst who finished there. Whelchel finished the race with a broken torsion and took home third place. Reynald Vaillancourt and Dave Lofland were fourth and fifth. Jeff Probst lost tranny #3 and · never got off the line, and Scott Taylor could do no better than seventh because he got a stone caught under his gas pedal and had to turn off his engine. When he did this he was immediately rear-ended by Tommy Croft and Jimmy Nichols. Taylor did get back in the race hut he was two laps down. Croft also got back in the race but had to settle for _ Page 34 last place. Nichols never got moving again and was a DNF. There was one more heat for ' laps. Harris came - away the winner followed by Evans. and Huber with Joey Moore in fourth. Moore, by the way, was Dave Lofland, from New Jersey, was the winner of the consolation race, and here is being chased by Kevin Probst in the main event in front of a packed house. July 1987 bumping and shoving) I saw a , artyway. · Joey Moore made the long trek from California, and he put the Chevy S-10 in fourth in the final race and won the privateer Challenge Cup prize.of $1000. ' Dusty Times.
. . World's Championship Off Road Race ® . . tal casm, Prizes & Contif-lgency Race #2 of Series . e·rush R1un 101 · September 4th, 5th & 6th World's Champions~ip Off1Road Race. . I 100% Payback 1 * Hot Lap Money, Prizes & Contingency, Tow Money . . ! . .. Class 8-Guaranteed Purse - $1000 • All Classes with $100 Entry Fee Guaranteed $500 to the winner $20,000 For more Information call: 715-478-3937 Fay Statezny · 715-478-2688 Jake Flannery Write Brush Run 101 -P.O~ Box 101, Crandon, WI 54520 Points Series 9\ Take in both of the series so you can _ d~~ce'< accumulate points for the $20,000 Points Serles. ~ I . ALL CLASSES OF CARS & BIKES WILL RACE . I . . S. T. 0. R. E. Sanctioned , I l . . . I Be-There~ BRUSH RUN 101 1 Mile West of Crandon, Wisconsin * June 27th &128th - Sept. 4th, 5th & 6th . l i . ) l - I l I l I j
Chad Di Marco and Ginny Reese whipped the Subaru around the mountains quickly and took second in Group A only 44 seconds out of the victory. Michiganders Guy Light and Jim Brandt took to the hills very well in the VW Golf G Tl, taking a strong second place in Production Class. Henry and Cynthia Kent Krolikowski, witfi "Earl, the Dead Cat" staring out the rear window, -took second in GT Class in their. Dodge GLH Turbo. , CENTENNIAL PRO RALLY Peugeot Moves Up As Mazda Goes Group A By Tom Grimshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises/Jim Ober/Cy Thornton The aging Audi Sport Quattro of John Buffum and Tom Grimshaw did the job again in the high country of Colorado, winning overall for the umpteenth time on the SCCA Pro Rally trails. Theothernightlwaswatching We all trekked off to a heavyweight championship Colorado on the weekend of fight on the television. It was a May 15-17, but I'm still not sure -yawn inspiring dance between why. It certainly wasn't the allure two squatty-bodies striving for · of the Yankee Dollar, there survival rather than victory. wasn't any - no prize fund! It During the broadcast the under wasn't a great p·ublic relations awed commentator said "the coup, such as San Francisco. In word EPIC does not come to fact, it was in the middle of mind in viewing this fight". nowhere - a place where few The same comment could have human beings dare to venture. applied to The Centennial, It wasn't the great rally roads .. second round in the 1987 SCCA They were just so-so. PRO Rally National Champion-Perhaps it was the scenery. ships. The Centennial was head-Race Under· ' Desert Stars SUPERSTITIO.N 2501V Saturday Night August 8, 1987 Info: Fud: (619) 427-5759 Jeff Wright: (619) 561-4810 quartered in Westcliffe, about eighty miles southwest of Colorado Springs. The two adjoining towns of Westcliffe and Silver Cliff are the only visible points of civilization in the Wet Mountain Valley, which sits 8,000 feet above sea level, huddling between two snow capped mountain ranges, the Sangre de Cristos to the west and the Sierra Mojadas to the east. Back in the late 1980's, when silver was worth more than it cost to dig it out of the ground, Silver Cliff had a population of 7,000. Today, the comhined population of the two mining towns is 600. But still, it's a very scenic area. If it hadn't been for The Centennial I probably would not have seen the beauty of the Wet Mountain Valley. I feel better when I hold that thought uppermost in-my mind. Twenty-two teams came to Westcliffe· -and all but overpowered the town with their Presented by the Fudpucker Racing Team Dominating the GT Class Doug Shepherd and R. · Dale Kraushaar drove the new Dodge Shadow to a resounding class victory in Colorado and a keen third overall. ""· Page 36 July 1987 Jon Woodner and Tony Sircombe had one of their best ever rallies in the Peugeot 205 T16, only 1.44 out of the win in second place overall. · fancy rally cars, their towing rigs, service crews,· trailers and pockets filled with money. Perhaps the highlight of the entire weekend was meeting the . people of the area. They treated us like visiting royalty. Nothing pretentious, Just plain good people. Most of the restaurants in the area have closed for lack of interest. No matter, the town folks grol.!ped together to prepare meals before, during-and after the rally. The owner of the small Westcliffe Inn, where several of us stayed, fired up his grill and provided us with some very good burgers - available day and night. The Friday night welcome party was hosted at the Conquistador Ski Lodge at the foot of the mountains. Plenty of beer, lots of people ({robably the entire population o the valley), and the usual TV tapes of rally cars in action. · Rod Millen and Harry Ward arrived at the Centennial with a Group A Mazda 323, announc-ing the fact they were permanently switching classes for the rest of the season. John Buffum and I were also scheduled to introduce a Group A Audi in Colorado but it didn't quite work that way. We were supposed to get one of the Group A Aud is that placed one-two in the African Safari World Championship Rally some weeks before. After reviewing the rebuild necessary to put the cars back in fighting trim Audi decided we needed a brand new Group A ;ehicle. So they went to work in Germany and JB went to work on our old (make that olJ and H'ry tireJI Group B Sport Quattro. Jon W oodner· and Tony Sircombe, having _completed the rebuild from their hairy crash at the Olympus back in December, brought their Group B Peugeot 205T16 and for the first time in several seasons were awarded first starting position. With Rod Millen moving down to Group A, Buffum and 1 . decided to relax a bit and take an easy win in the championship. Mr. Woodner had other ideas. By the end of the first section Saturday afternoon we were sitting in first -but just thirty-seven seconds in front of Woodner. Mill en was driving the Group A Mazda like a banshee and finishing stages only five seconds off Woodner's time. I thought perhaps Millen had forgotten he was not driving his killer 4WD Mazda RX-7. It turned out, on Stage 4 (Arroyo Rosita), that he · did forget. He . stormed into a right hand curve, drifted a bit far and reached for more power. The 323 ended up Rod Millen and Harry Ward came back from a disasterous "oW· early in the rally to put the Mazda 323 home the winner in Group A and Millen drove to fourth overall as well. Dusty Times
Enjoying the fast roads, Bruno Kreibich and Clark Bond drove their older Audi Quattro to sixth overall and third in the slim Open Class. Splashing through a mountain st1eam, the Toyota FX 16 of Richey and Howard Watanabe sailed into third in Group A and seventh overall. Jean Paul Perusse and Martin Headland came from opposite ends of Canada to put their VW Golf G Tl home fourth in Group A and eighth overall. Californians Bruce Davis and Mike Neff pushed their older Dodge Charger hard on the trails and finished third in Produc-tion Class. Scott Child and Steve Laverty'drovJ their new Toyota FX 16 well to a good 5th in Group A and 10th o_Jera/1 on the Colorad9 roads. John Crawford and Joe Andreini had a disappointing debut in their new Dodge Shadow, a dnf, but Trackside's Jim Ober recorded·this run early in the rally. in a swamp. Five minutes later, with the help of several spectators and some heavy duty pushing by co-driver, Harry Ward, Millen rejoined the fray -'-dead last. At the next Start Control no one would stand close to Ward. He looked like The Creature From The Black Hole of the Outhouse! Pushing a 4WD rally· car in a . muddy swamp does wonderous things to one's outlook. For the next ten hours Rod Millen drove like a man being chased by the memory ofa dumb move on an early stage. He moved steadily through the pack and _started the final stage only eil(ht seconds behind the leading Group A Subaru of Chad DiMarco and Virginia Reese. Millen's drive to fourth overall and first in Group A was mind boggling -but I'm glad I wasn't his co-driver. I don't like sitting next to drivers being chased by their own ghosts. Doug Shepherd did his usual thing. He and co-driver, R. Dale Kraushaar, took a .fairly easy third overall and first in Production GT in their new Dodge Shadow. And finally -Jon Woodner did not finish third behind Buffum and Millen. He finished second overall, behind Buffum. But it wasn't an easy win for JB and I. .I kept waiting throughout the night for the big move to break away from Woodner's Peugeot. It never came.Jon put in one of his best drives in recent years and pushed us right to the final finish control. It was a great drive, but not a nice thing·to do to one as old as the Quattro -and I. Young Paul· Choiniere introduced a new Audi Coupe in Colorado. Because JB and I will · · soon move to Group A, Paul moved into the Production Class. It was a very successful debut. Choiniere and co-driver, Scotty Weinheimer, took the P Class win by three m_inutes plus over Guy Light and Jim Brandt in a VWGTI. Only four cars failed to finish the Centennial. John Crawford's P Class Dodge Shadow DNFed when the front sub frame came adrift from the rest of the car. Nelson Shepherd rolled his P Class VW GT! with Tom Burgess on board. It was Tom's first comeback ride since he retired as Director of Rallying for the CASC in Canada. Gary and Judi Gooch of California parked their Dodge Shelby somewhere in the night while Dan Holt and Dave White did the same with their Toyota Corolla. Holt's Toyota was the only rear wheel drive car entered in The Centennial. And so it goes moving west. Except now we move east-to Pennsylvania and the Susque-hannock Trail PRO Rally. . Perhaps our new Group A Audi will be in the country by then. Perhaps Mr. Woodncr will move up one morn position -I' . that's afl he needs to reach the top. Perhaps Buffum and Millen will go _to war in the new class. r erhaps Harry Wa:d and I will stay home and play chess through the mail. _ ·But _ probably not. There be fools living in our ·bodies. · a· Pllrfari-mance Traditi• More off-road Jaces are won on · Many Applications Bilstein than any other shock absorber. Today, Bilstein offers a variety _of off-Our .record speaks for itself! road shock applications for racing or Winning Heritage just running on the street. .Froni single seaters and Baja Bugs to big and small two-wheel ·and 4WD trucks, Bilstein delivers performance second to none. Bilstein gas pressure shocks first appeared in America posting a win at the famed Baja 1000 in 1972. Since that impressive performance, Bilsteins have been the choice io.t serious oft-r?aders : who not only want to start the race - -· but finish · it as w1ell. 1 Reliable .Performance Whether yo1.1're just entering off-road or have be.en there fqr years, check out Bilstein ·-,·first where reliability counts. Youngsters Paul Choiniere and Scott Weinheimer entered the Production Class wars in the Audi Coupe, and they not only won the class handily, but placed ninth overall. Dusty Times "World' leader in development of the Gas• Pres:sure S~ock ·AbsQrber." Bilstein Corporation of America 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 ~or additional technical information and a complete catalog, send $2.50. July 1987 Page 37
F.O.R.D.A. Racing ·at Lakeland ·Speedway Text & Photos: John Sprovkin . Joe Cunnirigham (#646) worked hard in the closing laps of the combined Class 1 and1600 feature race, and he stayed ahead, just barely, of Bruce Mitchum to win overall as well as take 1600 class honors. · Lakeland Speedway in Lakeland, · Florida, was host for the Florida Off Road Drivers Association event in early May. The turnout of race cars and spectators is still on the short end. However, now that there is a ?., full racing schedule for the season, everyone should have plenty of time to get their machines ready, plans made, and gathenheir family and friends to join the racing scene for a full day of fun, excitement and entertainment. F.O.R.D.A. had its annual banquet and election of new officers the evening prior to this race. "Congratulations" go to the newly elected officers starting with the new President, Bob Bohres. The class Vice-Presidents for the season are . Mark Bickers, Gene Windham, Marty Pounds and Joe Cunning-ham. Genie Brumley accepted the post of Secretary for another year,' with Lucinda Windham as Assistant. Patti Fergusion is now the Treasurer and Allen Brumley the Tech Inspector. Gail Thomas once again is Head Flagman, and to complete the group, the new Head Scorekeeper is Michelle Bickers. With the new officials performing their assigned tasks, final preparations took place for the race on May 3. The schedule included two eight lap heats and a fifteen lap feature race for each class, with Class 1 and 1600 racing together. It was a nice day, the sun was out, and a steady, mild breeze · circulated throughout the area. However, the track was dry and it was a sure thing that "dusty times" were going to play a major part in today's event. D Class was first on line with nine starters. At the green flag, they were off in a big cloud of dust. Scott Gundeck was first in sight, leading the way with Daryel Stedman right at his rear. ~MINIMUlVJ EFFORT,: ................. ~······· ·MAXIMUM EFFECT!!! CA3 - COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM PERFORMANCE PRODUCTI . MANUFACTURERS OF THE Fl!VEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Page 38 Co:ltact your local JAMAt1 dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 878-2066 Mark Amrhein and Jimmy Keys were side by side as they went into the first turn. Pulling up the rear came Marty Pounds and Bill Prout. As the pack maneuvered through a hairpin turn, Daryel was able to move around Scott. By the next turn Scott did it his way, accelerating forward to regain the lead and finish the first lap in first place. During the second lap John Cory and Gene Windham made their way around Jimmy Keys. Stedman put his machine back in first plac~ as ~e overtook. Gundeck, leavmg him engulfed m dust. In the third lap John Cory made a hard landing coming off a jump, but without hesitation continued forward through a maze of dust, through all the obstructions and obstacles in his path, including Mark Amrhein, who was holding down third place. By the fourth lap Daryel was still leading the way with Scott in hot pursuit. Gene Windham_ was quick on the move and went by Mark Amrhein, and the.n passed John Cory during the next lap. Marty Pounds, who had been toward the back of the pack, started gaining some ground, then he and Amrhein tangled in the far turn. At this point Marty took over.Mark's position. Going into the last two laps, Jimmy Keys dropped out with broken shocks. Daryel and Sc.ott were way out front and Pounds was forging ahead, passing John ·Cory. Under the checkered flag it was Daryel Stedman first, followed by Scott Gundeck, Gene Windham, Marty Pounds, John Cory and Mark Amrhein. Next came Class 1 and 1600, taking the green from Gail Thomas with the three Class 1 cars leading the way. Butch Brickell developed engine trouble early in the lap and dropped out.Jerry Allen, a 1600, after the first jump put his front end into the air and landed on the frame of Bob Prier, crushing in Bob's. 1600 side panel. This July 1987 Daryel Stedman; here leading Scott Gundeck and Marty Pounds, had a perfect day at the races, as he won all three events for the D Class cars . Scott Gundeck, here just missing one of the nasty tire markers, drove hard in D Class ·and took a pair of second places and a third as well. mishap didn't slow anyone down one bit. It was taken in stride as they continued on in tight formation towards the far turn side by side and bumper to bumper with leader Bruce Mitchum. George Receiver, also in Class 1, was right there with Bruce through lap 1, but he developed some engine problems in the second lap and dropped towards the rear. In the · 1600 battle, Jerry A'llen came back · from his first lap mishap to pass Bob Bohres and Mark Bickers. By the third lap Bruce Mitchum was way out in front in Class 1, and Joe Cunningham was the 1600 leader. Junior Taylor did a third lap roll over in grand style, as he landed on all fours and continued on. He showed the crowd once again how it was done. During the fifth lap he hit a tire marker and rolled on his side; Junior was pushed back into an upright positipn and once again continued on. Mark Bickers saw his chance and made his way around Jerry Allen, and continued gaining ground toward Joe Cunningham. The sixth lap was exciting as Martin Neri broke his nose cone when landing from a jump. Jerry Allen, in hot pursuit of Mark Bickers hit a tire marker going through a cloud of dust and rolled over on his back. He was rotated and continued on. At the same time Joe Cunningham gave up his 1600 class lead to Mark Bickers when he hit a tire and · bent his front end. And, in the same lap Bob Prier had engine ignition failure while approach-ing the second jump. Bob had to be pushed off the track and was out of the heat. First across the finish line, Bruce Mitchum won Class 1, and was followed by the 1600 leader Mark Bickers, then Jerry Allen and Bob Bohres, also in 1600 cars. Ready for the second round, D Class was anxious to get moving. Darye) Stedman and Scott Gundeck were leading the way as they went over the first jump. Blinded by the dust, Junior Lindsey missed the first jump and did a nose dive in the ditch that was cut between the jump. Junior was knocked out and the race was stopped. When he came around the paramedics were on the scene trying to get him out of the buggy. He was taken to the hospital for X-Rays and upon his return was "OK, but sore." On the restart Daryel Stedman stayed in the lead with Scott Gundeck and Marty Pounds side by side behind him. John Cory Racing is always close in D Class, and here Gene Windham is just barely ahead of both Jimmy Keys and Mark Amrhein out of a very tight turn. Dusty nmcs
John Cory (#19) and Mark Amrhein race side by side for the advantage, but various troubles put both of them in the middle of the D Class pack. Jerry Allen had a great day in Class 1600 action, as he was second in the first heat, won the second round and to©k third in the main event. _ I I Bob Bohres does a neat one wheel stand trying to avoid one of the giant size tires used for course markers in his quick running 1600 racer. In the main event George Receiver had his Class 1 oLJt front for a few laps, and here is followed by Junior Taylor (#623) aryd Bruce Side by side 1600 action shows M1rk Bickers (#602) edging past Bob Prier and both drivers had mebhanical problems th roughout the racing day. I Looking strong here, Martin Neri got a slow start in the feature race, leading Jr. Taylor, who went on to second place in the 1600 ·main event. Mitchum. ·· made a quick m_ove around Gene Windham as they came into the far turn. Mark Amrhein and Jimmy. Keys made a slow approach to the jump, putting them into the ditch. They were quickly on the move again, pulling up at the rear of the pack. By this time Stedman had a good lead on the group, followed by · ~cott and Marty · who were definitely challenging each other. During the fourth lap Mark Amrhein tangled with another buggy and lost a lap. Getting down to the final laps, there was no doubt about who was paving the way and leaving a trail of dust behind . him. It was Daryel Stedman to the flag with Marty Pounds and Scott Gundeck still head to head to the finish with Pounds taking second place. John Cory did a nose stand during the final lap, giving Gene Windham fourth place, while Cory was fifth ahead of Jimmy Keys. . Class 1. held only Bruce Mitchum for the second heat, and he was joined by seven 1600 cars. Mitchum was ahead of the pack off the start, with Jerry Allen and Mark Bickers approaching the first jump side by side, with Joe Cunningham and Junior Taylor in tight formation right behind them. It didn't take long for this group to split up. Junior Taylor dropped out with problems during the second lap. During this lap, with limited visibility, Joe Cunning-ham hit a tire marker and rolled over. With a little help from "friends" he was pushed back on his wheels and moved to the rear of the pack. In the third lap Mark Bickers made a good move around Jerry Allen, the 1600 leader. Back up to speed, Joe Cunningham was trying to make up for lost time as he went by Bob Prier and Martin Neri during the fifth lap. The 1600 leader, Mark Bickers, gave up his lead to Jerry Allen when he_ developed transmission trouble and dropped out. Joe Cunningham moved up another position passing Craig Bohres. Bruce Mitchum, the Lone Ranger, was way out front of it all. During the last lap Craig Bohres retired when his engine started smoking. When it was all over Bruce Mitchum took the top honors for Class 1, and Jerry Allen won Class 1600 with Joe Cunning-ham right behind him . . With the fifteen lap feature now ready to begin, eight D Class cars were on the move at the green flag. As they headed towards the first jump, the pack was in tight formation, completely covered with a cloud of dust. Into a hairpin curve they went with Jimmy Keys leading the way, followed by Scott Gundeck and Daryel Stedman. Bruce Mitchum survived the best of the trio of Class 1 cars, and Bruce comes from Georgia to race and he won all three races in his Class 1 Chenow"th. Dusty Timcs Mark Amrhein did a spectacular roll and"landed on all fours. He developed some engine trouble and dropped out. During the second lap Daryel put on the power as he took second place away from Scott Gundeck. John Cory was also quick on the move, getting around Bill Prout. In the fourth lap Gene Windham put it in overdrive passing both John Cory and Bill Prou,t. By the sixth lap Jimmy Keys was still leading with Daryel Stedman right at his back door, followed by Scott Gundeck and Marty Pounds. In this lap John Cory went out with engine problems. In the next lap Bill Prout lost it in the dust and rolled over. The formation was c]ose, the challen~e tough, and Daryel Stedman 1was on the move. In the ninth lap Daryel gave Jimmy Keys a big smile while passing him. Marty Pounds saw how it was done and did the same thing during the next lap. This tight gr'oup co~tinued on, bumper to bumpenj. In the tenth lap Jimmy was able to get back to the front side of ~arty. As they came into the final stretch, Daryel Stedman J.as definitely the front runner] with Scott Gundeck right beh1ind, followed by Jimmy Keys, a~d that is the way they finisi-\ed . · Daryel Stedman not only won the feature, but all t~ree D Class races for the day. Marty Pounds and Gene W indharh were side by side down to the !ht fifty yards when Gene got r.~e edge for fourth place just before the finish line. j The final race oei the day held two Class 1 and five Class 1600 machines. ~t the green flag they all got under way fast except Martin Neri, who h~d a bad start. Junior Taylor and Bob Prier . I came around the aurve side by side. Junior hit th~ tire · marker . and did a rollover, his fourth for · t_he day! It didn't take long for him to be on his ~ay again. During the fourth lap George Receive pulled off the track in his Class 1 car. Just as [he did, a ball July 1987 of fire came out of the exhaust pipe. He was able to get it running later in the race, only to complete 011e more lap. Martin Neri finally was under way and completed his first lap during the fourth. On the other hand, Jerry Allen went out with a flat tire and lost three laps. · Bruce Mitchum, Class 1, started out in the number one position and stayed there until the eighth lap when Joe Cunningham overtook him in his 1600 car. At the same time Junior Taylor maneuvered bis buggy · around Bob Prier. Jerry Allen returned in the eighth lap and did what he could to make I . THE up for lost time, first by getting around Martin Neri during that lap, and passing Bob Prier on the next lap. He couldn't quite catch up with the rest of the pack, but he surely tried. · Joe Cunningham, still holding down the lead, had his hands full ..,. trying ro keep his machine in front of the Bruce Mitcnum Class 1. Joe kept it under control right to the finish. When the checkered flag came out, the.. 1600 of Joe Cunningham· was first, with Bruce Mitchum next, first in Class 1, followed by· Junior Taylor and Jerry Allen, who made a remarkable comeback drive. WRIGHT PLACE·~-co1L SPRl,NG YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines arid at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, an9 1 various lengths. Easy to install an.d adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for a9justments. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, .EL CAJON, CA 92.Q_21 . (619) 561-4810 Page 39"'
VORRA/YOKOHAMA YERINGTON 350 John Winkes Goes Solo to ·the Overall Victory Text & Photos: Leonard Day and Ed Bussman Photos: Les Poulson Pro CanAm racer John Winkes had a perfect day in Nevada and he drove all the way in the longest race in the series to win Class 1 handily and take first overall by over six minutes. Crazy weather and the fine hospitality of the great folks of . Yerington, Nevada set the mood -for the VORRA/ YokohalJla Yerington 350. The traditional northern Nevada Memorial Day race is put on by Ed and Jenny Robinson, who own and operate the VORRA racing organization. They have a really fine crew who have been at this business a long time, and they must be commended for a fine job. Saturday, May 23rd was set aside for registration and tech inspection at Dini's Casino, who also donated room outside for the Yokohama hosted Barbeque where the drawing . for starting positions also took. place. The _ .....,_Kiwanis Club of Yerington put their best touches on the food and managed to feed well ove; four hundred racers and their families. Many thanks to Yokohama and the Yerington Kiwanis for an outstanding time. The crazy weather mentioned earlier didn't seem normal for the area at this time of year, but anything can happen in the Nevada desert. Every afternoon for two weeks torrential rain fell and it seemed that it would wash the track off the face of the desert. A five o'clock in the morning call to the Alkali Lake up in the Weeks area checked out OK, and relieved the anxieties of many racers., who feared they would find a dry lake bed full of water or at least some impassable mud. r The course was extended to ( _ ~1 OS miles from the original 80 / miles, causing some realistic ' concerns by those who had I driven many miles to the race site 1 with just enough racing fuel to I- --Page 40 I ! l l complete the race. The Trick Gas people and the local gas stations managed to suffice for all. The total distance was eventually 420 miles. It was a little long for the 67 entries to keep up the interest of the many folks who ventured out in the desert to witness the race. Reports are that this event has surpassed all other events for popularity in the area. Of the sixty-seven entries to take the green flag, twenty-nine were to eventually take the checkered flag after completing the four required laps. The first class off the line was a group of eleven super fast single seaters. Planning on just one fuel stop paid off for Kent Bullock and he moved steadily up the Class 3/4 charts lap by lap, took the lead on the last lap and won the dozen rig class. Jack Mamo made the long tow from British Columbia, and his reward was a keen second in 4x4s, only 13 minutes out of the biQ victory. ' ~uly 1987 Short course winners last month, Garen McCune and Larry Zimmerman ran away with the top honors in Class 2 and 5, leading every mile and they also nabbed second overall honors. Of the ten in Class 1-2-1600 the team of Rigsby and Whitnack were the stars, taking the class lead early in the game and staying out front for the big desert victory. The late entries of both Keith Robb and Scott Brombacker were the first to drop out. Neither finished the first lap, Robb out with a broken steering shaft and left spindle. Brom-backer was not seen after· he passed Check 1. The Naches, Washington entry of Ken Sanislo and Billy Bailey managed to stay in front of the pack after leaving the line first, for one lap. But, about halfway through the second lap Sanislo found the course turned left after he was somewhat airborne. The front half of the car managed to find its way through two huge boulders, but the rear half kind of parted company, with the rear wheels leaving first. Michael Thornton, from Idaho, was right in the thick of things through the first lap, bµt · the rocker arm assembly decided to give up midway in the second lap. Bob Lemos completed the second lap in reasonably good shape, but the transmission blew right in the p,it. It was an easy catch for the crew. Al Baker completed three laps in good time, but then dropped out with Rob Smith chased the Class 1 O leader all four laps, fell off the pace late in the game, but took a clean second about 50 minutes behind. Ed Burnap charged over the desert in his Bronco.with KentBenedette co-driving, and the pair-took a close thir<j in 4x4 just two m)nutes back. Dusty flmcs
Whipping down a pole line road, Michael Ferris had a variety of problems, but kept moving quickly to keep third place cash in Class 2/5 in Nevada. Jim Cope has a unique Class 1 car, and he drove a strong race all four laps, finishing third in the rough and long desert enduro. I It looked like another Don German day in Class 3/4 for most of the race, but his single seater retired while leading somewhere . on the last lap. · · mechanical failures. Three laps of consistent times was all the LaPlante Racing T earn managed in their new Chaparral single, and their problems were not reported. Gayle Hodson had a thrilling ride on lap 2 when the steering dampner froie in a turn and gave him some anxious moments. The offending parts were removed and Hodson continued on to complete the race in a respectable fourth place. Jim Cope started in fifth off the line, and stayed there through the first lap. He managed to eventually slip up into third place and he finished third. The battle between first and second place was on from the start with Pat Verling starting sixth off · the line and John Winkes starting eighth. Winkes turned the first lap in 2:05.47 with Verling right up the stack with a 2:06.16. The end of the second lap found Verling up by just a few seconds over four minutes, but Winkes turned on the afterburner of his Mazda Rotary engine and managed to jump to an eleven minute lead'11 after completing three laps. John Winkes then made a decision to stay in the driver's seat and complete the race solo. The result for Winkes was a 34 minute victory over Pat Verling for first overall and first in Class 1. Pat Verling had to be content with second in Class 1. Class 10 had the honor of leaving the starting area next. Seven cars started and five managed to complete all four laps. The entry of Joe Caglia never made it around to complete the first lap, and was seen on the trailer early. Two laps were completed by Dale Smith, but not until he rolled the car trying to pass another on the first lap. After that it was n;igging minor problems from the rollover that finally forced the team to pull out after completing two laps. -Ray Scheiver did manage to finish all four laps to finish the race, but not until · he also managed to roll on lap 2, leaving a lot of accessories behind, but he finished fifth in Class 10. Peter Blake suffered a broken throttle cable on lap 2, but ·he did finish the race in fourth place. Chris Cash, from Idaho, finished in third place, but he had overating problems all four laps. Rob Smith chased the Class 10 leader around for all four laps, but couldn't pick up the necessary time and finished second. Dick Weichers led Class 10 from flag to flag for the victory. W eichers stirred up some excitement at the start/finish line when he was thought· to have overtaken Dusty nmcs Winkes for overall honors, but it was not to be. He was about nine minutes back on elapsed time, good for third overall.-The largest class at 14 strong was 2, next off the line. But only three Class 2s · survived to take the checkered flag.I Oregon entry Hank Williams and Californian Doug Robinson both went out on lap 1, Williams with flat tires-and transmission problems and Robinson with rear suspension failure. By the way, Hank Williams got married the day ·after the race at a local chapel, and he invited all the racers in for · champagne and lunch. Late entries Sam Berry and Geoff Van Noort expired on )qp 2 as did Perry Dennington .and Roy Brown. None of their problems were reported. Kevin Kroyer completed 1W' -Put the ·.trash can to wOrk for you ••• TOLL-FREE ordering and technical information call: National California (800) 554-3533 (800) 231-9137 July 1987 They called it the "TRASH CAN'.' Maybe with tongue in cheek at first. But it only took one season and the drag racing elite began dropping their oil filter systems like hot pancakes-and started "spinning on" our "trash cans" any-way. It's not hard to see why either. They are stronger than any other spin on type. Plus the added value and conven-ience of the tattle-tale cap and washable stainless steel mesh screens make our filters clearly the most well designed competition type filter available. For credibility-we're talking major racers like Don Garlits, Gary Ormsby, Dick LaHaie, Roland Leong, Tom McEwen, Dale Pulde, Super Gas leader Sheldon Gecker and literally thousands of others who have helped us earn bragging rights for the filters that look like a "trash can~ An $80.00 oil filter is obviously not for everyone-only the serious racer or street rodder with expensive equipment to protect. 1822A E. Main St., Visalia, CA 93291 Page 41
Reno racer Pat Verling had the Class 1 lead midway in the race, but a few late breaking woes dropped him to second in Class 1. While the Sportsman class went to a lady, Bob Shermer and Les Poulson got their single seater home, doing all tour laps for a solid second. At the finish line VORRA PresidentEd Robinson congratulates the overall winner John Winkes, left, as Winkes seems to be shaking out the dust. . ' It was a home town party the night before the race as the Kiwanis Club cooked a neat steak dinner for all that was hosted by Yokohama Tires. Proving that Dusty Times reporters are everywhere, Les Poulson Al Baker got in three good laps, and then vanished into the desert in his Class 1 stormer, and failed to finish. , . made a rear plate for his pre-runner that reads "Dusty Times Reporter - /'II listen." Bob Lemos got his Class 1 around for two of the four laps, then blew the trans right in front of his pit, so no one had to tow him in .. Don Roemer had a good run going in his Class 4 until he broke the frame, and welding time dropped him to 5th in class at the finish. 6-50 c/ubber Marshall Mahr lifts a wheel on his Jeep, and despite flat tires and lost fan belts, the Marh Class 3 finished the race in seventh place. i;; -- two good laps, but then suffered a broken intake manifold. The car was brought in by the co-rider when the driver, Terry Burnett, decided it was faster to get out and walk. Actually, it was reported that Burnett was feeling a little under the weather. · Ace Bradford completed only two laps after experiencing spark plug trouble for the entire two laps in Class 2. Tone Jordan also suffered terminal problems and . covered just two laps. The Jim Ntaddox/ Jimmy Lawrence entry did not report any problems, but a look at th_e eight hour time for lap 2 indicates a disaster. After an apparent fix, lap 3 wasn't bad, but they soon retired. Tim Bell called it a day after not being able to determine the cause of hagging plug problems, completing.three laps for fourth place. Michael Ferris finished all four laps for third in Class 2, but this entry experienced a broken exhaust system, flat tires, and a broken starter. Vince Alcou-loumre had minor things go wrong on every lap, but he still pulled off a second place finish . The entry of Larry Zimmerman and Garen McCune ran away from the field holding an unchallenged lead froin wire to wire. They had just one nerve wracking experience when a face sfi'ield exploded for no apparent reason. McCune and Zimmer-man finished the day not only with the Class 2 victory, but they were second overall, just under seven minutes behind• John· Winkes. Class 1-2-1600 had ten starters, with six finishing four laps. The early dropouts included Bill Landon, Dana Van Noort and Joe Gordon. All three dropped from sight on the second lap. Bill Cannon rolled his 1600 on the first lap, then had . a very long second lap, and the decision was made to pull out to save the machinery. Roy Gust managed to finish the four laps for six'th place, after suffering numerous ills along the way. Dave Maskill came in fifth just eighteen minutes ahead of Gust, with almost the same type of problems. _ De'nnis Kordonowy had serious wheel bearing trouble and several flats. He couldn't quite make up the necessary time, but he still came in fourth in Class 1-2-1600. Bill Norgrove started ninth off the line and moved steadily up through the pack to arrive a respectable third. The Schaupp/ Mcfarlane entry suffered a broken coil wire on the first lap, and that was just enough to keep them in second place for the day, about 15 minutes out of first place but less than five minutes ahead of Norgrove. Rigsby and Whitnack started fourth in class and quickly moved up to first where they stayed for the duration. They stopped only for gas and a driver change, and that was the winning combination. The Class 3 and 4 4x4s started a dozen rigs and had a great finish rate with seven heavies going the full distance. V.L. Hutchings bit the bullet early on the first lap and got an early ride. back to the pits. Phil Dean, from Portland, Oregon, had dutch problems and managed only one very· long lap before quitting. Roy Clark got in one pretty quick lap before having his usual power steering trouble, and he couldn't finish lap 2. Then, things started getting ser'ious for the remaining nine entries. Both Don German and Rich Hampton dropped out on lap 4, after both ran a good race. Moving along to the finishers senior driver Marshall Mahr came in seventh in his Jeep after having problems with fan belts and two flat tires. Mahr got one flat while trying to pass an upside down buggy . . Mike Povey finished just three minutes ahead of Mahr for sixth place. Don Roemer didn't throw another chain this time, but he was forced to spend a bit of time in the pits at the end of the second lap to weld a broken front cross member. Roemer went back out to race and turned in some good times, but couldn't catch up, and had to settle for fifth place. Gordon Scott and co-driver Ken Rushing were in the middle of the fight for the 4x4 lead when the alternator bracket broke and forced them to spend quite a bit July :1987 of down time. They nursed the old flat fender around in good time for fourth place. Another Oregon entry, that of Ed Burnap, was running quick all day, but had to search for some of that extra fuel they didn't bring, and he slipped back to third place, which is where he finished. Burnap has had lots of bad luck this season, and he was very happy with the finish, just two minutes out of second. Another very long hauler was the entry of Jack Mamo, out ·of British Columbia, Canada. After having a flat tire on lap 2, Mamo managed to stav, competitive and came home with a second place finish, just 13 minutes behind the eventual winner. Some very consistent driving and planning and making only one stop for fuel paid off for Kent Bullock. He moved out of a third place tie with Mamo at the end of lap 1, and he overtook Brunap, who was in second place for a time behind German. When German dropped out of the race, Bullock took the first place spot and he never looked back all the way to ' the checkered flag. Thirteen cars left the line in the Sportsman Buggy Class, and only four of them finished the 420 mile trek across the northern Nevada desert. Two ladies driving single seaters were part of the field, and oneofthem, Nancy Landon, showed the guys the way around the track, and in the good time of 10,:06.43. Congratulations Nancy!! The .first lap took its toll, leaving three buggys dead in the dust. Jamie Cole brok~ an A-arm, Fred Happich didn't say, and Michael Long ble·w an engine. John Walker finished · one lap, then retired with engine problems. Al Guertin, Jim Williman andJohn Middeton all completed only one lap before ending the day with mechanical woes. Jeff Eachus and Lisa Gray each retired after completing two laps, Lisa about 86 minutes up .on Jeff, and Miss Gray was credited with fifth place. John Alexander completed the four laps, but not without a struggle, and he h~d some long lap times, and· took fourth in Sportsman. Mike Turner did his four required laps, had some minor problems, and finished a nice third in the bunch. Bob Shermer ran in second, and briefly in first. But he' lost the lead midway through the second lap to the eventual winner, Nancy Landon. Again, congrats to Nancy Landon. Everyone had a great time at the race, and again thanks to to the people of Yerington, the Kiwanis Club, and Yokohama Tires for their support and help in making this a great race. VORRA's desert schedule includes another race at this same site on the Labor Day weekend, and then on to a points race in Bend, Oregon with the Pro CanAm Racing Group. Dusty nmcs
SCCA GOES TRUCK O,CING' . I I Nissan Wins the First Pavement , Race ·tor S111all Trucks were at a disadvantage going into this event, think again. Harris, Creel and Low all -·know the insides of a truck and how to make them handle. Plus, Harris ·c;Iid a stint a few years ago racing By Craig Fischer Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises · Super . Vee, and Low races showroom stock Nissans quite regularly, so each is capable of ·nolding his own with the road problems which I need to be racers. solved by the second race: The · No one knew how the trucks course, located on the San-: would behave or who would be Francisco Bay south of Sonoma, fastest. Even : the rule makers can be likened to a 2.52 mile didn't know. The man in charge roller coaster ride, with steep qf SCCA's professional r~cing, hills, both up and down, off. Bob · Anderson, said before camber turns, esses, hairpins, practice began, "We-are as green high G force sweepers, and some as grass. We don't know who will of the best specdting in North have the edge, but we will know America. Mazda· _ racer Glenn how t.o take the edge off." Harris called it the ·ultimate. off · Mitsubishi and the Nissan of road track. "All yo1u need to do is J?[!es. soon pro,ved , to be the . cover it with dirt, put in a few fastest in the field, by a , jumps, and give me my stadium considerable amount. Kong and truck." · Downes were r_unning nose-to- · Fourteen racers jshowed up at 9il the way the _NASCAR Sears . Point, rep~esenting , five st?ckers do_ on ~he high banks, manufacturers and all different with Jones havmg · to use the Max Jones got his Nissan on the pole for the first rac;e in the series, finished forms of racing I background. Nissan's superior qandling to get · d There were privateer Toyotas for around the track quickly. :~:peit7o~h:;i~~;; the event, and earned the victory after the post race Don Kostar· (clu8 racing), Bill_ Slpencer Low became the ---------------,--- --------- Sundin (club racing), and John weekend's first casualty when his It is an interesting combina-that could be viable. Bob / Dinkel-(Editor of Road& Track Nissan hooked a tire in the tion, to take mini . trucks, keep Anderson arid Stuart Duncan of and showroom stodk racer). T ~o uphill,_ off cam_ber Turn 2 and them virtually stock,-and race the SCCA had been working private Fords were (there for T.C. · rolled, totaling the truck and them on paved road courses with a racing truck idea already, Kline (showroom stock) and maki~g Spencer a spectator for ·acrossthecontinent.Mostracing as was··Dave Wolin of Bob Bergstrom (club racing), thef1rstevent. · fans think of truck races as being Mitsubishi. ,along with a i:wo !truck factory D~ring the one qualifying on dirt tracks, while the cars will By the_ time the_ Atlanta effort from Saleen Motorsports s~ss1on Kong and Downes stay on the asphalt. But, as a Runoffs for club road racing for Steve Saleen an<li Rob Stevens appeared to have a lock on the companion event to the Escort champions came in October, (showroom stock). front row over Jones, whil_e Rusz Showroom Stock Endurance there was enough interest that Glenn Harris brought a and ~arris settled into fourth series, sanctioned by the Sports the _ SCCA Governors got California Gold prepared Mazda, and fifth spots on the grid. Car Club of America, the Coors together Y? form a set of rules. Class 7S championlSpencer Low However, Jones put together an Race Truck Challenge will give The dectston was to make the brought three Nissans, one for absolutely J?henomenal last lap mini trucks a chance tci strut series low cost and use only the . himself, one for Myron Croel effort to wm the pole by four their stuff in front of crowds standard truck with stock four and a third for reigning IMSA seconds from Kong, with which_ may not give trucks a cylinder engines to allow for the Firehawk champ Max Jones. Downes and Harris on the second thought otherwise. · greatest , possible manufacturer Dave Wolin's Mitsubishi team second row and Rusz and Rob The ideg grew from many response. A ten race schedule of wl?-s perhaps the best prepared, Stev~ns on· _the third row. sources, but most agree that the one hour races was formed; h:;iving had test.ing time since Startmg last would be Don . roots came from _ a regional. which would allow the drivers to February, and fielding three Kostar, who had just arrived and showroom stock press day at not only compete with show- trucks for Ray Kong (sports· never turned a qualifying lap. Lime Rock, Connecticut. It was room stock, but also to have cars), Charley' Downes (sports At the start the Mitsubishis last September when Jim Haynes, separate races on some weekends cars) and Joe Rusz (Road & jumped Max Jones and drove off the track promoter, brought a in from1of Indy car and Trans-Trac_ k's· motorsports editor). into_ the <;:!(stance, Downes couple of Ford Rangers to the Am events. There were also five tire leadmg the first la_p and Kong track and raced them. They were The. first race, at Sears Point manufacturers represented: leading the rest of the 20 lap slow (what else can keep up with International Raceway' in Firestone, General, Goodyear, evfnt.Jones stru_ggled tokeepup1 a Corvette?), but the idea b~an California, proved the viability Toyo and Yokohama. but slowly dropped back to race to spread that this was something of the series, and also the If you think the off road racers byl himself. The best battle of the ========-,---------------· 1 · day was ·between Harris and Rusz, the two trading fourth place for the entire event. Meanwhile Kostar was in the difficult position of trying to learn· both his truck and a difficult race track. He spuQ twice in the first five laps and then got the hang of the situation. ~e moved ':1P thr~:)Ugh the field to fmally fm1sh sixth and earn himself $500 and the First Warn· Cup from associate sponsor Warn Industries for the best drive in the race. Dinkel followed in an~ther Toyota, followed by Steven~, Croel, Bergstrom, Sundin and Kline. Saleen retired on -lap 13 with a broken differential. · · However, as with most showroom stock type races, this one was not decided on the track but in the tech shed. The top two Mitsubishis were . both disquali-fied for having improper base ignit'ion timing ·and heads that did not m1:et SCCA specifica-tions. Rusz· was also dropped from the results, giving Jones the win and the $2000 first place award, and moving Harris to second and Kostar to third. After the race, Jones said, "I'm gettiQg more excited about the race now. But, the way they blew me off at the start, I was about ready to jus't stop and park it. If they (SCCA) do back the Mitsubishis down, it should make for good racing." Jones added, "I figured the three of us were going to have a real good battle, but they just motored past at the start." The next round took place at Portland, OR as a prelude to th~"" CART Indy cars, followed by . Brainerd, MN, July 19, Mosport, Ontario, August 8, Road Atlanta, GA, September 4, Mid-Ohio, • September 26, New Orleans, LA, · October 17., Sebring, FL, October 31, and-the . finale through the streets of St . Petersburg, FL on November 7. More manufacturer interest is expected, with Dodge and Jeep joining the Race Truck fray at Portland. Interest has been expressed by Chevrolet, GMC and· Isuzu. Information on the series can be obtained ,from the SCCA, 9033 E. Easter Place, Englewood, CO 80112 or call (303) 694-7223. I . . - -STR Q NG ER AX lE SAND OUTPUT BELLS Off road stadium star Glenn Harris got his road, racing Mazda m the second row on the grid, and Harris did a fine job, finishing an official second. The two truck Mitsubishi team rolled over the opposition, running way out front, but both Ray Kong, who won, and Charley Downes were disqualified. · Starting without practice Don Kostar finished an official The Fords of Steve Sateen an o /evens loo e s arp, third in the Toyota and won the Warn Cup as weli for the but the trucks seemed underpowered qn the tricky course best _drive in the race. and came in out of the money. I . . I July 1987 I I • Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited ,horsepower off road race _car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission · output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. joints. . · Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C.V. joints. ' ! All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24-. Axles and bells for the 930 C.V.s can be supplied with 3/8-24 or 1 O mm 1. 5 pitch threads. 10 mm • 1. 5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. , · , I FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS I 29300 3RD -LAKE ELSINORE, OA 92330 (714) 674-7365 . · . SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER .INQUIRIES INVITED Page 43 -JU.
The 1987 ' lour De Corse '-Text & Photos: Martin Hol~es Corsican Yves Loubet and Bernard Vieu had the Lancia Delta HF in the early lead, but finished second ·after a. flat tire cost stage· time. -----" --·----were slightly injured in the air, straight through Begu'iri's. accident. Oreille gQtgoing again1; open door window; and caught . having lost nearly ten minutes. . the driver · in the eye. 'lf was Bernard Darniche stopped in painful for the rest of the day, but mid stage after losing a wheel on the discomfort eased on the next his Mercedes, while Guy· day. _ _ · _ . Frequelin's Opel had many Kerineth Eriksson was playing problems, and he was finally a waiting game. Like Marc Dtiez, finished on stage 4 when _the ·he knew he '.¥1is out of his depth engine expired. playing against the French. But, A.lthough Loubet was chasing with the legendary reliability of Beguin hard, last year's winner the VW on his side, it was odds-Bernard Beg_uin and Jean Jacques Lenne won their first World Rally and brought BMW their first such victory in 14 Bruns. Saby had understeering on that a decent result' would years masten.ng the twisty, asphalt stages in fine style. · . . · · .,Jrouble and a drop in turbo foll_ow. Duez;. in another BMW, Thirt~en years of rallying the rally stated they were aware Clear and beautiful dawned pressure on his Lancia, while was ultra cautious as· well. Alain finally came good for Bernard that "all necessary measures for the opening day, quite a change Biasion needed . to change a Oreille · knew the game well .Beguin when he won the Tour de safety and accident prevention from the sudden storms which differential.· The rally arrived ,at enough, but was losing' all the Corse World Championship had been taken in planning ,this swept the island two days earlier _ t_he east coast harbor .of Porto same. After his fan belt Rally, scoring victory for the year's event," and that "the and even led to snow falling on Vecchio· with the BMW 20 problems, · he lost more time Group A BMW M3 ruri by the enthusiasm of spectators the• high stages. In the clear ' seconds ahead of the Renault of · when a wheel came off on a road private Prodrive team of David sometimes tends to approach conditions this was rear drive Jean Ragnotti, with Auriol now section. , . . Richards on their first World irresponsibility, and such territory, and Bernard Beguin third. As the rally headed .north the event. The rear drive, normally behavior cannot be allowed to opened the score with a time six The route then wen( over the memories of the Welsh Rally the aspirated 275 bhp car showed it jeopardize the.future of rallying." seconds faster than Didier Auriol Col de Bavella, which was weekend before visited the "'· 'f_;lS as competitive on twisty Thus the orily summer asphalt in the Ford'Sierra RS·Cosworth. originally to be a "selective" island, as both Blomqvist and . · as-phalt stages as it has been on World- Rally was given the all Corsican bred Yves .Loubet was section, and drivers watched the Auriol had turbocharger failure. smooth circuit tracks. Such was clear. the fastest of the three Lancias on sky become cloudy, then black. · Blomgvist could not change the Beguin's command that he won his first full y professional drive, After a pause at Zonza they unit that day, for fear of losing easily de~pite easing his pace in Since laSt year the stages had whiJe over a minute behind the headed towards stage 5, where more road time, so the surviving _ h I .been shortened, and this in turn I d h £, k d d t e · ater sections. After ea ers came Stig Blomqvist, the t .ere was og, rain;_hail and sleet,~. wor s For_ strug~e o_ n to d I meant the event was now all in consi erab e pre-rally concern daylight. Prio_ r to the rally there only works Ford to reach the end but many drivers still had slick · Bas.tia, in the hope t at the team about their suitability, the Lancia of the stage. tires fitted. Ragnotti was among might thin}< it worth the effort i:o De-ltas of guest driver Yves was mounting tension about the Kalle Grundel was missing, them and· twice skated off the make the restart. . Loubet and Monte Carlo winner tight road sections, in which helplessly off the road with an road · at 10 kph, eventu;illy At Bastia Loubet led Beguin by Miki Biasion took second and average speeds of over 60 kph unrecoverable vehicle, and Stig puncturing a tire. Fastest, for the 12 seconds, but Auriol had fallen h d 1 I would be used. This was one h f h t ir pace, a though neither was un appy. He complained irst time on a World to fourt behind Biasion, who actually took a fastest time on a focal point of the Finnish rally about brake problems, and when Championship · Rally, w;is a had overcome transmission· single stage. The Italian team drivers' boycott. After proteSts he drove up to a service point, G~oup N car, the Renault 5 GT trouble in the early sections. consolidated their lead in the from Lancia and Audi, ~he timing the car lost all the drive. The Turbo of Claude Balesi, who Fifth was Saby,_ who had suffered · on these sections was eased. The · · World Makes' series, while two - mech_anics suspected a differen- went on to a comfortable Group a lack of turbo pressure as well as f h d h Finns, however, still stayed at I h dl d ff o t eir rivers, Ju a Kankkunen home. tia failure, but only later N win. Loubet's four wheel drive an ing i iculties, ahead of ( who participated in the Finnish discovered the problem was a Lancia helped him . from fourth Carlos Sainz whose Ford had lost drivers' boycott of theevent)and As usual there was a large transmission universal joint. place to the lead. large quantities of oil. Ragnot~i Biasion now hold first and preponderance of Frerich drivers When Stig finally clocked in at The dark clouds over the was back up to seventh, ahead of second places in Drivers' points in the entry. Sweden had three the second stage start he was 21 mountains did not last long, but Chatriot, while Eriksson was after five rounds. drivers, Stig Blomqvist and Kalle minutes late. However, he was the damage had been done,· ninth in front of Duez. · If Beguin's thirteen years of Grundel representing Ford, and not the only one in trouble. Alain particularly to Renault. Ragnotti ·--Trouble was coming. On the -famine had been frustrating, it Kenneth Eriksson, ·who made a Or.eille, Renault 11 Turbo, lost five miriutes on the stage and final stage on the first day a was in fact fourteen years since last minute entry for VW. already had three fan belt failures another at a time control, after Group N Peugeot plunged off the §MW won a World Rally, the Othhwise there were only two and had to stop nea·r an access repairing the car. His teammate road ·and crashed 50 meters 1'973 Austrian-Alpine. Once Italians, a Belgian, a Spaniard, a point for mechanics to bring a Chatriot dropped four minutes, down hill, killing the co-driver more the disaster of the event Monagasque, a privateer Finn spare. A private Peugeot arriv.ed, while Begliin lost two. Shortly instantly. Foi-the third year in was Ford. Despite pious hopes of and an Andorran. "What kind of mov_ed over to miss the parked the BMW driver suffered succession this event had cost the fulfilling the rear drive Sierra RS international is this?", asked Renault, ·and , missed the. another indignity at the hands of life of a competitor. Cosworths' hopes, both works Eriksson, in amazement, but if handbrake turn, going straight . .Loubet, this time unintention-Ford's competition manager teams were out of the running the drivers-were unrepresentive, on ipto the people standing in the ally. Loubet was overtaking·· Peter Ashcroft decided it was after the first special stage. The there was quite a selection of escape road. One person had a Beguin on the open road when senseless to prolong Blomqvist's official . team then thronged cars. broken -leg, and several · others . the Lancia threw a stone into the agony, and he went home. The round the R-E-D and Mike Little cars, driven by Didi"er Auriol and Carlos Sainz, but rear axle suspension trouble on the second day put an end to their chances. The final humiliation of Ford was the success of the private BMW team, which _showed that professional competition experience is as much a necessary ingredient .as the car's design. . The Tour de Corse survived the aftermath of last year's tragedy and once again proudly represented France in the World "·-·Kally Championship. A, state-ment by the FIA President Jean-Marie Balestre in the middle of Page 44 This·mus.t be a real hand brake corner, but Francois Chatriot and Michel Perin w,ent on to finish fifth in Group A in the Renault 11 Turbo. July 1987 Group N Winner Claude Balesi/Jean Paul Cirindini scored the ·first stage win ever m the senes by a Group N car, doing it in the rain in the.hills. · Dusty Times
The limited displacement Group B winners, and fift1:tenth overall, were Francois Leandri and Gilbert Luigi in the Talbot Sama Ra/lye. _ team helped the private minutes over Albertini, Alfa Cosworths, but both these cars Romeo. went down with suspension · The final day again dawned collapses at the same place three . beautifully. Beguin slowed up, stages later. On the first stage of letting the Renaults do the the day Loubet had a flat and lost running. Auriol had his boost the lead back to Beguin, who in turned down rather than nsk turn had overheating tires. trouble, and the mechanics still Ragnotti had fitted some special could not properly mend his rear Michelin tires with an extra hard suspension. Loubet had more compound. He made best time tire trouble as the temperature on the first four stages on Friday, rose, and on the final stage of the then threw most of it away when rally he had the gear Jever come he went off on a patch of wet away in his hand. But his luck road and bent the car on stage 14. held, the stage was down hill, and Like Sainz, Auriol was losing he was safely in third gear ;it the ' oil and had to stop on a stage to time. fill up. Saby, the only Lancia ' Bernard Beguin/ Jean-Jacques driver to win a stage, had gone Lenne won outright in the BMW missing in confusing circum- M3 by just over two minutes. stances. Lancia claimed he had Yves Loubet/ Bernard Vieu were gone off and hit a bridge, but the second, 20 seconds ahead of driver contended he was Miki Biasion/Tiziano Siviero, struggling with a broken both in Lancias. Jean Ragnotti/ differential at the time which Pierre Thimonier were just 13 caused the trouble. Beguin was seconds back in the Renault, 39 seconds ahead, and Eriksson followed by teammates Francois was up to sixth, but his engine Chatriot/ Michel Perin in fifth. expired and put him out on the Marc Duez/Georges · Biar next stage. Sainz had fought back claimed sixth in the BMW M3 · to ei~hth, Auriol was 11th and followed by the Fords of Carlos Oreille was now 12th. Sainz/ Antonio Boto and Didier The Tour de Corse was now Auriol/ Bernard Occelli. Alain playing itself out. At the end of and Sylvie Oreille salvaged ninth the second leg at Calvi the BMW place, and Group N winners had almost two minutes lead. Claude Balesi/Jean-Paul Cir-Balesi, the hero of.stage 5, was indini claimed 11th in the leading Group N by eight Renault. Catching a little air out of a dip, the Alfa 75 Turbo of Albertini and Pasquali went on to take 13th overall and second in Group N. Dusty Times Weather111an Radio Relay Tea111 Bob Steinberger I'm proud to be a part ·of off road racing. As a company, PC! Race Radios too,k orders for forty-two two-way radios for the Mint race! We looked up the records, back to the 1986 Baja 1000, and foJnd we are averaging thirty ddios per race. Your continued support insu~es our expanded effort. Racmg actually supports our contingen-cy and mountain top relay efforts! We very much ·appreci- • .ate this and look forward to expanding our capabilities to serve you even better. Other contingency sponsors and race sponsors take heed. Off road racing is not only fun, it can be profitable! \ As the Weatherman, I am really proud of the way the whole racing fraternity, through two-way radio, has come together with an overriding attitude towards helping eJch other. The manufacturers have purchased base station facilities with channels to help not only their own race teams, but anyone needing help. The pit support clubs have been super towards helping anyone nee;ding help, and . with their support of the Weatherman Radio Relay. The Checkers off road support club even award Checker points for their members helRing me on the . I I mountam top re ay. I · am proud . 1o~ the race promoters and tHetr help and assistance in obtaining permits, their kindness, and the friendly way in which their people cooperate with our efforts. Walt Lott has spent his own money, · personally taking time to pre-run mountain tops and pay for . helicopter time to survey possible relay points, to insure the best possible radio coverage for the racers through the Weatherman Radio Relay. At the Mint 400 his own communications for the race were provided by the B.L.M., and they· set up their own repeaters. Walt's efforts were not for HORA, but for the racers, their crews, family and friends. I'm proud of the cooperation between our relay bffort and the emergency services. The rescue helicopters, should they be necessary, have our emergency frequency, so we .have direct contact. Tom Ruddick of the Score Medical Tiam and his · · whole contingent of medical support people have helped the relay team numerous times. They are all honorary members of the Weatherman Radio Relay. Frank Kostelac of the Jeep Possee has helped tl~e relay effort time and time again. When the racing fraternity can't find a lost car we go to Frank and his Jeep Posse. · I am really proud of the. racers who have purcha~d two-ways on their own frequency. Teams like Stroppe, Honda, MacPher-son, Carlton/ Devine, Enduro, Walker Evans, and many others who were on the main race channels, got off onto their own frequency so the little guys, the low budget racers, llcould get air ttme. I am proud of those racers, July 1987 when, not competing, who lerid me their radios for the relay! On the mountain top, if we had three radios we would use three radios. If we had six, we would use all s1ix. I have thanked these people in the past, but again than~s to Phil Blurton, John Cabe, Don . Chase, Gadzooks, Rod Everett, Brian Parkhouse, Gary Turner, Nels Lundgren, Jim Sickles and Mel Christensen - and all the others I am forgetting. I I'm proud of the articles and features in the off road publications, Dusty Times, Off Road America, On Dirt and Score News. You -all helped to . e~pand the "Helping Hand" ahitude that now prevails in off rbad racing. , Thanks to those who have helped me on the mountain tops. Parker 400; Dave· and Linda fhite of HORA. Gold Coast 300; Tracy Valenta of McKen-zie's Automotive. The Mint 400; The Checkers, Bob Bertram and his friend George Espino. No, I did not forget Lucerne! I was without help. It's extremely difficult to get volunteers, and I . d when you do getthem, they on't show up. I have begun to think that you feel that helping people on the radio from a mountain top would be so popular that you wouldn't have a chance to make the team,· or that you feel i~adequately trained for such a position. Maybe the compensa-tion, we use the 1932 minimum wage guideli()e, is not adequate? I need volunteers, a minimum of three persons per race! i The Mint 400 was the first race in a long time that I felt confident, because I had the help of the Checkers. I . was relaxed and even had the time to take a nature call, fill the· generator, eat or just walk around to get the kinks out. While getting mountain top volunteers is almost impossible, course side volunteers are easy. Because the B.L.M. furnished the radios for the Mint race, Walt Lott didn't need my ten radios, so I lent them out and had Weatherman Satellite stations ar;ound the course. Dennis Rogers of Off Road Dynamics, a.k.a. Yokohama, was one of these as was Los Campeones, one and five. Jim Terry and his family did a great job at mile 48. There was Max Norris of the Checkers at! the motocross site, and a Duster pit and . othets who helped. The same system of ten satellites plus help from five tire companies is the planned system for the Baja Internacional. . JThere have been four dfallenging situations at the last few races! First, too many status requ_dt_sL ihe§«! should be for lost cars, not five to twenty minute overdue cars! They are also not to find out how the cdmpetition is doing. Air time on 151.625 and 151.715 is premium, and should only be used when necessary. If you are so competitive that you want to keep total track of your <?Wn car or track the competition, buy or add to your own radio system on your own channel. The second challenge comes from the channel grabbers or' air time hogs! You hear them at every race. Generally they are new teams with their first radio system and haven't learned how to properly use it. When you hear "Ultimate base to Ultimate main, Ultimate chase one to Ultimate chase two, Ultimate race etc., etc.", or "Cough Drop chase to Cough Drop race, to Cough drop pit", you want to screa·m or throw rocks at them. These heavy users with·multiple radios should be on their own frequency, leaving the main race frequencies open for helping the low budget efforts and for helping traffic and ,emergencies. NOTE: The names . used are fictional, and any resemblance to the real perpetrators is purely coincidental. The third challenge is trespassing! . If it is not your frequency, chances are it belongs to someone else! Spy Racing has been running on F.A.l.R. 's channel and is not a member of F.A.l.R. It's not fair! If you are going to Spy on F.A.l.R., join the club or get off the frequency! The club frequencies were put into your radios for three reasons only. You are a member of that club, you are lending temporary assistance to that club, or you are seeking temporary assistance from that club. The fourth and most serious · challenge are the teams running on funny frequencies! These are unqualified for amateur band frequencies, marine band frequencies, frequencies that are not real frequencies according to -the Federal Communications Commission and frequencies not evenly remotely assignable to your racing effort. All these abuses collectively, or independ-. ently will bring our communica-tions systems down around our necks! As abusers, stop and think what you are doing to racing communications. You could be individually responsible for creating a bag of worms that could ultimately elimina!e our racing communications as we now know them! At the Lucerne race there was a new team using the Sheriffs Department frequency. If you are not sure about what you are doing, or not sure of who set up your frequencies, call or write and let's get it squared away before the next race. NOTE! The older crystal type radios take twenty working days to obtai'fi" crystals at regular prices. Crystals can be obtained in less time by paying the crystal manufacturer an extra fee. Remember, procrastination is , the thief of time. Do it now! Any comments, observations or suggestions, or if you wish to volunteer for radio relay work, call or write to Bob Steinberger, a.k.a. 'The Weatherman' at (213) 427-8177, P.C.l. Race Radios, 2888 Gundry Avenue, Signal Hill, CA 90806. Check Out the DUSTY TIMES . . Special Club Sub Offer Cal (111) 119-5600 or write DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 Page 45_
CRS/SCCA Glen Helen Rally Sprint II By Rodney Koch Photos: Trackside Photo ·Enterprises/ Peter Hatch Bill Holmes is on a roll with his new Ford pickup, built just for rallying and he was declared the winner overall, after a tie breaker ha~ to be implemented. Holmes and Jim Rogers lead the series points overall. · Excitement plus is the way to Southern Pacific Divisional title. lap per stage, dust often obscured describe :the California Rally Lon Peterson, the defending the vehicles. The powerful trucks Series Glen Helen Rally Sprint II, 1986 SoPac Divisional champ, of Bill Holmes, Ford, John held on Saturday, May 30 at the having just won the Rim of the Lovett, Ford,-and Mark Mueller, . Glen Helen Raceway and Off World rally with his navigator Chevy, sent·rooster tails of dirt Highway: Vehicle Park in San Jim Love, was also hot after the and dust flying from their rear ,.,. .. .Bernardino, CA. Glen Helen is Glen Helen victory and the wheels all along the course. A located at the foot of the Cajon points. . · service break followed the fourth Pass, an9 for the second time this Holmes and Peterson tied each stage, which was the half way year it proved to be an excellent, other on the first stage at two point of the event. The course modern : race site for the fifth minutes and 16/ lO0ths of a was watered down, and the cars event on the CRS and SCCA minute. They were well ahead of rescheduled to run the remaining Southe~n Pacific Divisional the rest-of the field, except one. three stages in the opposite . calendar, for 1987. Glen Helen Both were beaten by Ray direction. organiz!!r Mike Blore had Hocker's little Honda CRX Tied here for first overall and additional volunteer ·help this Stock Class car. Hocker turned in Open Class midway in the round. The "Above It All" 4x4 in a 2.13 time. event were Bill Holmes and Jim pickup truck club from the Los The watered down, smooth Rogers in the '87 Ford rally Angeles area came out to work dirt course now started to get truck, and the ne'w Toyota FX 16 course control with their trucks badly chewed up as the cars and · Group A car of Scott Child, at and C.B. radios. trucks dug in on the curves. By 8. 71 minutes. Following in Open The 1.2 mile course included a the end of the fourth stage, one Class and overall were the quarter mile straight-a-way in front of the grandstands, and tight and twisty curves which ran up and down and around the hills, then disappeared into a wooded glen, and emerged back in the view of the grandstands again. It turned out to be quite a challenge with a new and hefty "",jump on the course. Thirty-two drivers started the event at 11:01 a.m. The one minute spacing between starting rally vehicles often saw three cars on the short stage· at one time. Bill Holmes, fresh off his recent third place finish in Class 8 at the Mint 400, was anxious to do well at Glen Helen to increase his points lead for the SCCA George Daland corners hard in his handsome Mitsubishi Starion, en route to fourth overall, just a couple of seconds out of third place in seven stages. Scott Child showed off his new Toyota FX 16, and the former division champ tied on time for the overall win, but ended up s_econd on the list. Toyota Corolla of Ian Miller, problems, sei: afast 2.08 minute George Daland's Mitsubishi time on stage 5, but was eclipsed Starion Turbo, Lon Peterson's by Scott Child who had fastest Plymouth Arrow and Rod time of 2.06. Child's FX 16 Koch's 2240cc VW Fastback. Toyota negotiated the tough The CRS Stock Class lead was course so smoothly that it didn't taken over by Carl Azevedo's appear to be running as fast as it Datsun 510 after Ray Hocker's obviously was. Honda broke a CV joint on the Peterson's · charge ended. on second stage. David Burgess was stage·6 when he high centered the making a strong showing in his Arrow and DNF'd. The tough, new Isuzu pickup and was in twisty course proved no match second place, followed by Hal for Bil] Holmes' equally tough Haley in the clean Opel Manta. truck, however, as he powered The last three stages in reverse and slid the Ford through the order proved to be the toughesf turns, making it look as easy as if laps, a~ three cars rolled, causing that full sized pickup was only extensive body damage but no half its real size. injuries. Lon Peterson, having In a rare occurrence for any overcome earlier mechanical · (continued 011 page 48) tan ¥ii/er went fast in his Toyota Corolla in both directions, and Miller took a fine third overall and in Open Class is the older model ratty car. Datsun 510s will rally forever, and Carl Azevedo drove this one fast enough to finish eighth overall and win the Stoc,k Class honors. Newly elected C.R.S. Press Officer Rod Koch wheeled his VW Type 3 Fastback quickly around the dirt and took1ifth in Open and overall. · Flying over the jump, Hal Haley stayed clqse among the Stock Class drivers in his Opel Manta, and Haley was only 9/100ths out of first place. David Burgess digs out of a patch of soft stuff in his Isuzu pickup in off road style, and Burgess took third in Stock ranks at day's end. July 1987 Dusty Times .,,,.., ___________________________________________________________ ...;_ ____ .....;;._ __ _ Page 46
Bob King and Keith Hogland came from Chevy /and in Michigan and their S-10 was more equal to the rally route, as they finished in a tie for the win. Californians Randy G1auvin and Dale Hale whip their Toyota out of a hole in a spectator area, and they tied on time for first place honors in _the rally. Nissan Mini Mint Challenge I By Jean Calvin The idea of conducting a loose a.m. on Friday for mandatory knit time~speed-distance rally on safety inspection. The route. and an off road course in conjunction maps were qistributed ala rally with a major off road race was procedure, just before · the pioneered by Score International vehicles left the starting line, with at the Baja events. There the rally the first one away at 9 a.m. cars left after the last actual race The route followed the Mint car had departed Ensenada. The 400 course outbound for several rally route covered only part of miles, ther{ it went under 1-15, the race distance for a finish. The off the race course, and south concept moved into the HORA past Goodsprings Road for events last May with ·the· several morerriilesbeforepassing inaugural running of the Nissan back under 1-15. There was some Mini Mint Challenge · on the · silt running akin to the actual Friday before the Mint 400. · race course next, and then the The Mini Mint entry was route went north across the limited to 100 entrants and 76 desert to pie!< up the race course showed up to' battle 60 miles of again near Hidden Valley, and it southern Nevada terrain. Vehicle was another ten miles to the type and size was .limited, and finish line. The instructions were open rigs, such asJ eep CJs, we~ / written :With suggested speeds at not allowed. But, the rally was each mileage check, and turns open to all street -legal / mini were marked with the standard pickups and sport utility/vfhicles rally tulips next to the and they had to be registered and cumulative mileage. There were insured. Along with having a five checkpoints for time, none valid driver's . license, the marked on the route instructions entrants eligible were those of course. There were few drivers who had not previously landmarks on the instructions, driven in a Score or HORA but then there are not too many sanctioned ,contest. landmarks in the desert to use for Nissan posted a $10,000 purse . mileage checks. with $ 1000 going to the winner There was a go0d deal of and cash prizes going down excitement as the rally started. through25thplace.Theentryfee Among the driver/owner was $100 plus an addtional $65 entries, the bulk of the 76 insurance fee per vehicle. Safety starters, we spotted a·few folks in requirements and special familiar looking pre-runners, equipment included regulation certainly desert worthy rigs. It helmets for driver and rider, seat seems a neat way for the race belts, .fire extinguisher and a first · drivers to give their faithful pit aid kit. crew a bit of fun in the desert. Registration for the rally was The majority of the speeds on the Thursday afternoon at the were quite slow, down to 10 mph Mint Hotel. There the entrants in many areas, and they were receive.cl their bag of goodies and apparently far too slow for some instructions to be at Sloan by 7 contestants. The first finisher Looking like an off road racer here, Skip Skipton. and Nick Podar lunge through a whoopee in _the Ford Ranger and they tied for fifth place. Photos: Trackside. Photo Enterprises I . arrived nearly an hbur early, apd · another one came !along twenty minutes later. Stil!lmost of the bunch maintained close to the indicated speeds. T e timing was to the nearest minute, and with the truc;ks starting one every thirty seconds, no doubt they tended to bunch up1 in the slo\\fer··-. speed sections. Alli but t_hree of · the starters finishd:l -the course, and some took 1110st ·of their penalty points dig~g·qg out oft.he silt .beds near Jean. · There were a nu her of ties on points, expected 6. some with the timing to the mi'nute, and the ·organizers had no ptovision for a tie breaker. So, those in tied positions, three teams in the first ten, split the cash awards and honors. Robert King' and Keith I {J)rvid and Gary Burgess were some of the California rally types attr;1cted to tht Nissan Mini Mint, and they tied for third in the SCCA style Isuzu. I - . H0gland, Chevy folks from Kreg Donahoe and Pete Nelliso1,;1_...,.,. Michigan, drove a MacPherson in a Toyota SR-5. Cl1;evrolet S-10 home whh just Fifth place at twelve points was tei\ points, tied for the win with also a tie between Skip Skipton RJndy Gauvin and Dan Hale in a an"d Nick Podar, Ford Ranger, T6yota SR-5. CRS ralliests and Alan Travis and Dave D~vid and Gary Burgess were Jameson, in the first Nissan next in their Isuzu pickup, tied under the checkered flag. Paul fot third with eleven points with Stirling 8 CLASS WINS PER RACE WltH·PACE I FM 2-WAYS I Landma Ster Ill ·- $725 • Handhelds I • Rentals R4'CE OVER 400 ON THE COURSE . I • Antennas • Helmet Wired $125 (cf) • Intercoms . • Amplifiers • omb1a1 Radio of: HDRA -SNORE• • We~therman Radio Relay Team • • Emergency Rescue Service• I , ,....,...,,___j 2888 Grundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90806 (213) 427-8177 D14sty Times· July 1987 ,, Page 47 _ _,.; ___________________ ____;, __ ..:..:;.:.:.,_:..:...:..;__ ___ _...;.~------~-------------=,.,. I I I
••••-<•,'••:-:.,•v. Alan Travis and Dave Jameson had a good run in their SCCA legal Nissan, and the Arizona team did very well, tied at the finish for fifth spot. Paul Stirling and Nenad Bozin carried a pair of spares in their Toyota, but they didn't need them as they finished a strong seventh on time. Bill Eix ana John Gibson hustle down a typicafrally trail in their Toyota, and they went on to a fine finish, alone in eighth place. I NISSAN MINI MINT. (continued) r;..- and Nenad Bozin were alone in seventh place at 13 points in a'Toyota, as were Bill Eix and John Gibson, eighth in a Toyota with fourteen . points-. Taking 15 points were Kurt and Dorothy Spiegelberg in · yet another Toyota, followed by Jiles Evans and Reh Reynolds. Points, by the way acrue at one per minute error off true time. There was another tie for eleventh spot between Michael and Sandra Baughman and John and Steven Gibbs, both driving Toyotas. Some off road types did quite well in the rally, and most of them were doing such an event for the first time. Novice ralliests Cathy Suess and Toni Honso-wetz drove Spence Low's Nissan Pathfinder pre-runner to 15th. spot, and would have won the Coupe de Dame, had there been one. Mazda PR man Mike McClelland and Roger Gaddis got Glenn Harris' pre-runner horn<; in 31st-spot, also in a tie but out of the money. They spent a little extra time in a silt bed. Score's Officials Association President Russ Biswell and Bill Wick took 130 points and 62nd in their Chevy S-10, and they just might have been one of sev·eral very early finishers. In fact there were a good many finishers who seemed to enjoy the run, even if they had a half hour or more in penalty points. The concept of the Nissan Mini Mint Challenge is a sound one, and it certainly is a good method of exposing more and more people to the sport of driving off road. It worked well at the Mint 400 logistically, as the rally course used only ten or so miles off the start of the race course, and a similar run into the finish, so only those short miles were closed to pre-runners on Friday. It would be tougher to do a rally at either Barstow or Lucerne, since the parameters of the race courses are more· confined, and to run the rally, most of the course would have to be closed to pre-runners. With the restrictions at Parker, it would be hard to even think about another event there race week. However, we look for more of these rallies in 1988, held in njunction with the desert ,aces, and perhaps the roads can be found easily to avoid conflict with last chance pre~runners and the ,rally. The rally format is to have . fun off road, without the costs of fielding a Pro Rally type vehicle or an -off road racer. Keeping the instrumentation down to just stock, original equipment on the rigs certainly helps keep the cost down too. But, as Nissan's Bill Correia found out, a seasoned rally driver can do well going "seat-of-the-pants" without the fancy odometers and _computers. Carrying a back up light on their Toyota, Kurt and Dorothy Spiegelberg had a good run in the desert rally, placing a solo ninth on total time. Jiles Evans and Reb Reynolds drove their sano looking Nissan Pathfinder across the desert in good time with 16 minutes penalty for tenth place. The southern Nevada ~ilt caught some teams on the wrong side ' of the trail, and this scene of digging out was common in a couple of spots. motorsports event, first place overall ended in a tie between Bill Holmes and Scott Child. When the dust settled both men had run the seven stages in 15 .00 minutes. Organizer Mike Blore decided to give Holmes the official win, due to Bill's faster time on the first stage. Ian Miller nailed down third, only 3/ lOOths minute ahead of George Daland who drove consistently fast for fourth place. Rod Koch's vintage VW __ Fastback rounded out the top five places, fifth in Open Class and overall. Also in Open Class, Leonard Jensen was sixth overall in a Mazda RX-7, followed by Jeff Griffin in his Volvo 142. -In CRS Stock Class Carl Azevedo maintained his lead for the class win and he was eighth overall in the 510. Hal Haley, Opel Manta, edged out David Burgess, Isuzu pickup, for second in stocker running, by a mere 0.05 minute. The pair were tenth and eleventh overall. Tony Linehan, Ford Ranger, was fourth in Stock, followed by John Morris, Toyota Corolla, with fifth.place in the Stock Class. The Seed winners were Holmes in Seed 1, Daland, Seed 2 and Jensen in Seed 3. Carl Azevedo won Seed 4, and John Morris took Seed 5. There were no Seed 6, or novice, entries in Mini pickups are popular in Stock Class, and Tony Lineham drove his Ford Ranger fast enough to score fourth in the tight running bunch. this event. The Rally Sprint concept held at a professional race facility like Glen Helen is a super way to bring Pro Rallying before a large audience. Due to its popularity with competitors, Mike Blore and the California Rally Series have already scheduled a Glen Helen Rally Sprint Ill, for later in the year. Major sponsors take note: now is the time to get in on this new and exciting form of motorsports. Looking fairly sedate here on the hairpin, 'John Morris got his Toyota Corolla through the stages in good shape, with fifth in Stock Class. efending series champ Lon Peterson had some fast stage times, but also had mechanical woes with the Arrow, and finally got stuck in a sandbank. Leonard Jensen's sleek Mazda RX-7 looks like a road racer, but handled the dirt track very well, and Jensen was sixth overall and in Open. Jeff Griffin's Volvo 142 is the most easily spotted CRS rally car, and Jeff drove it around Glen Helen to 7th in Open Class and overall. Page 48 Dusty nmcs ,-.;:------------------------------:-------------------------------------..;_,----July 1987
Mal(olm Smith Wins the1 Atlas Rally in No,rt'h Africa I and Smith. By the way, we think despite a "slight navigational these scores are .for each day, and error, after Smith backed off an arf not cumulative, but can't be took directions from his sure. Special section four shows navigator that he felt were wrong, Ll rtigue back out· front in the and they were. Lida Niva pursued by Raymond- Still the time on this leg and isj and Malcolm Smith was third the rest of the nine day run was here ahead of Zaniroli. · • quick enough for Malcolm Smith However section five shows to win the Atlas Rally last May, the leader board as Lartigue, and he surprised a whole bunch Tambay, Raymondis, Zaniroli, of regulars on this type of Gabreau, and our man Smith was competition who felt, up 'to last down to sixth, but he popped May, that1four wheel drive was back into third cin the next leg, required to make it through the bJhind Zaniroli and Canellas, in a vast stretches of north African Rknge Rover. On the next to desert. The competition was sci fihal leg, Raymondis led on time, impressed with the performance biht Smith was')ust over a minute of the Class 2 race car that it was bl ck, aheacl of Zaniroli, and sold and is now living in France. The sixth annual Atlas Rally, a marathon run akin to the Paris-Dakar Rally-Raid, took place last May. It is a nine day run with stops for sleep and showers along the way. To the amazement of most of the competitors, Malcolm ' Smith brought his Renault powered Class 2 O.R.E. racer from the USA, .and with a small crew and a British co-driver, David Joyc;e, won the event overall. The entire affair for the American teams came about more by coincidence than master plan. Team Foltene grew' out of French contacts, with American champion motorcycle riders Dan Smith, Danny La Porte and Scot Harden. Foltene is a French hair shampoo, designed to make thin hair look thicker. Foltene was doing very well in the, ladies market, but the company wanted to create a macho image and market the product to gentleman who just might be losing a bit of their hair. What better way to create such an image than by sponsoring entries in the Atlas Rally, named for the tough Moroccan mountains on the course an9 only slightly • less famous in Europe than the renowned Paris-Dakar. The above mentioned Husq-varna riders suggested the company also put a competitive entry in the car classes, and eventually they contacted Malcolm Smith in California. Smith is perhaps . more famous · for his numerous - motorcycle championships in Europe than in North America. So, Malcolm · struck a deal, put his .Renault Class 2 0.R.E. in top shape and • air freighted it to Paris. He took along a small crew, his wife, and the two young men who maintain his race car in Riverside, CA, Mark Johnson and Carl Bunke . . Upon their arr_ival they were amazed that the other competi-tors and the organizers made them feel welcome, treating them like compadres rather than American tourists. In fact Malcolm Smith said later that · everywhere they went there were Dusty nmes lots of f_r~!)9ly people, and the event was very well organized all the way down the line. Last May the Atlas Rally started in the south of France with a spectator type stage on a motocross course in the mountains. This stage was like a qualifying run, and determined the starting position for each entrant when the rally reached Morocco and the serious contest began, and it would last for eight more days. . , Aftei,the motocross in France the crews and their vehicles were all stowed aboard a luxury liner and then cruised across the Mediterranean Sea in solid comfort. En route to Morocco, . the ship passed through the Straits of Gibraltar and the racers saw the famous 'Rock'. Upon landing at Tangier, the cars were rolled out of the ship, the competitors appeared in driving suits, helmets in hand, and the second leg started almost immediately. In this event the driver must drive the entire distance, and the bike riders go solo. Howev,er, there are overnight stops in campgrounds put together by the organizers, complete with tents for sleepirg and tents for showers, fed fresh water from water trucks, and meals are prepared on the spot. rhe first day in Africa covered about 325 kms, and, if we are reading the French language · results with any accuracy, the Lada of Lartigue was leading, followed by a Citroen of Carole Vernaud, the Rover driven by Sacy, and, the Toyota of Jean-Pierre Gabreau. Malcolm Smith was flfth, followed closely by Formula 1 star Patrick Tambay in a Rover and Raoul Raymondis in another Rover. On the next scored leg Lartigue held his lead, Tambay was up to second with the Rover of Patrick Zaniroli just astern, followed by the Mitsubishi Pajero ofTijsterman and one M. Smith. Carole Vernaud led the next stage on score, followed by Raymondis, Lartigue, Zaniroli - Lartigue . • : ; • But, what of the three solo The final day held two 90 mile bike riders on Husqvarnas from loops, and Smith was very close California? They all started out td the top on total time. On this strong, but on the second day fn rdute were some severe dune the desert Danny La Porte style hills, and while the course crashed hard and broke his wrist, did go around them, Malcolm so he was out, and the bike was a chose to climb the dune and sail total. Dan Smith got second off the top to a hard landing. fastest overall time in France, and SJveral other top runners tried was running second overall, then tHe same stunt, but the 4x4s were he got very sick and had to retire hJavier than the 0.R.E. Seven of half way through the fourth day. them wrecked their mounts at Scot Harden had fast time in tHis point on the final day. Smith three days of competition, but said he was lucky not to damage lost the ignition on the next day hrs car, as the landing was farther and got a lot oflate penalties, and down than . he anticipated. He later lost his time card and took wbt around the dune on the an hour penalty for that, bur next lap, where he took fast time Harden did finish the event. The Foltene Husqvarna motorcycle team s'owed well, but not at the finish. Fromjleft, Dan Smith, Danl y La Porte and Scot Harden, the o~ one that finished. . Malcolm Smith and David Joyce and crew savor the inish line glory, as the open wheeler led the f/o'cr;k of four whee/' rlrives into the cerem1ony, and on into impound. · I -Blasting past the walls df the city, Malcolm Smith starts the last 90 kilometer loop, where he gained the time needed to win the Atlas Rally overall in the Class 2 racer. David Joyce hold the Atlas Cup aloft at the gala awards ceremony in North Africa. ~ OFF-ROAD RACtNG TEAM
UNIROYAL/GOODRICH ONE LAP OF -ERICA Audi, Neighbors By Tom Grimshaw Photos: Mark Chen/ Monica Phiel ·• ·:, elson Shepard whips his Audi,5000 around a race track, and at one time this Ne_w England team had the overall lead, but finished fifth overall and second in A Performance Touring. In 1985, when John Buffum and I ran our first One Lap, we weren't too thrilled with the idea. As Buffum said "Why don't we just stay home, drink some beer, and say we did it. Who'd know?" The heavy breathers at Audi prevailed upon us and we won in 1985. Both of us swore we'd · never do it again. In 1986 Audi beckoned again and Buffum and I reluctantly dropped our drawers, bent over and tried it again. We lost two seconds the opening day (a blown rally computer ate our two seconds) and never got them back. We finished second-and swore we'd never do •it again. This year Audi commanded and we answered "Yassah Boss" ~nd off we went. But this year was different. I'm already planning on the 1988 One Lap. The One Lap of America is just that - a counter-clock-wise lap around the U.S. It's an odyssey for automotive nuttlings · who revel in touchy-feely adventure rather than vicarious · participation through the boob tube. One Lappers have a cog missing in their daisy wheel. In four years Brock Yates has elevated his once illegal Cannonball to a fully matured motorsport happening involving big bucks, major media coverage ( a one hour NBC TV special) and involvement from every major · automotive manufacturer. Like any successful huckster, Mr. Yates always has something new up his sleeve. In 1984, the One Lap was a tour, with the winner being decided on a guesstimate of overall official mileage according to The Farmer's Almanac. In '85 he introduced •Time/Speed/ Dis-tance road rallying with hidden checkpoints timed to the exact second -but allowed no rally computers. In '86 he did allow computers and the beady eyed road rally afficianados came out in force with 'their bits and bytes. This year The One Lap fncluded a new gimmick - race tracks. I'm not talking parking lot pylons here, I mean to say "RACE TRACKS". He retained the TSO sections for the "Touring Class". He added the TSO sections · together with several race track sections for the "Performance Class", with cars grouped according to SCCA Showroom Stock Rules. It was a great gimmick. It re-attracted major manufacturer involvement, with teams from Audi, BMW,. Porsche, Dodge, Nissan, and others. The Audi folks entered three teams, two in Performance and one in the Touring Class -all with Vermont Drivers. (An interesting bit of trivia comes to mind -all fou'r modern era One Laps have been won by Vermont drivers. Wonder what that means.) The cars were identical -SOOOCS Turbo Quattros. Bright red. Beautiful machines. 1n addition to our Perform-ance · Class entry, Audi put Nelson Shepard behind the wheel of a second P Class car and last year's One Lap winners, Karl The overall winning Audi of John Buffum, in the back seat, Jeff Andretti and Tom Grimshaw was back a ways here at the California rest stop, but moved up late in the game. Chevalier and Phil Suomo, in a Touring Class entry. Shepard had Bob Lyle and Janice Smola along for the TSO duties, while Kerry Voll of Southbury, CT. joined Chevalier and Suomo to assist with the driving. Up until the night before the star_t Buffum and I thought we'cd be doing the entire 8,000 miles and nine days by ourselves. Then we-read a press release from Audi at a media party and learned we would be joined by some kid named Jeff Andretti. Wee Jeff, who I dubbed the "Chubby Cherub", was fresh from his winning drive at · the opening round of the American Racing Series at Phoenix International Raceway. He put away some very good competi-tion. in Phoenix; Didier Theys, Juan Manuel Fangio II, Steve Millen, and such. It seemed a shame to put such a nice young boy (one week into his 23rd year) i.n a car for nine days with the likes ofBuffum and I. Who could suspect what qµirky personality traits he might adopt associating with such ancient nasties as we. IJ: turned out to be a brilliant choice. Jeff took to the One Lap like he'd been rallying all his young -life. He tolerated 1;3uffum and !_until he got up to speed and learned the game and then he became a very important working member of the team, a I w a y s en th u s i as t i c , e v er cheerful, eager'to do his·part, and neve·r doubting for a single moment that we would win. In nine da'ys we became close friends. And we added some new words to his vocabulary. The One Lap of America __ started Friday morning, April 17th, . at the Uniroyal _ Tech Center in Troy, Michigan. Sixty-· one teams. started. Forty-six Touring Class and fifteen Performance Class. It ended 8,007 miles later, on Sunday, April 26th, back where it " all started. The entire affair was a blur. Memories were washed away by cases of champagne -but some highlights I can recall. .. Day One - Troy, Michigan ... Fifteen minutes before our start, time some little man began scurrying around the back seat of our Audi. We discovered he'd installed a cellular telephone so the boss, Jo Hoppen, could call us and ask why we're not winning. Young Jeff taught the oldtimers how to use it three days later. Day One -Western, Michigan .. .During the first TSD section we take five seconds Skeet Russel, Irv Heorr and Tom Weaver restart in the Olds Trofeo they drove to 1st in B Performance Touring and 11th overall. Michiganders Troy Sika, Wayne Rood and Todd Finison drove their rally equipped Nissan 300 ZX into seventh overall and third in GT Performance. · Enjoying real pits at a race track, the Audi team did very well, with Buffum, left, winning overall, and Shepard taking 2nd in his class. ,lage 50 July 1987 Dusty Times
John Clever and Bob Garretson took the overall lead at Laguna Seca, after Garretson's fast_ drive in the forsche 9_44, and the team finished third overall. Taking the green flag at the Portofino Inn at the restart, the Dodge Daytona of Don Hagen, Richard Woodward and Pete Taylor won Performance GT and took fourth overall. penalty in five secret check-points. Not even -150 miles completed and we've dropped to. fourth in the Performance Class. We take a lot · of one second errors. We decide someone has built in one second errors in our computer. In the next 8,000 miles we take sixteen ones out of a total of 26 controls. Buffum remarks, "If · there's a one floating around anywhere in the world, it will find us." And so it goes. Day One -,- Indianapolis Raceway Park ... We do two timed runs on· the drag strip. JB drives one, Jeff drives the other. I get to watch. Then we tour the Indy Museum and I stand with Jeff in front of the car his father used to win the Indy 500 in 1969. When we start the parade lap around the great Indy Oval, JB ~nd Jeff get into the passenger seats. It's one of the few times l drove the Audi during the entire 8,(X)() miles. A gift to me from my team. Day Two - Denver Colorado ... We arrive at SCCA's new headquarters building for a great lunch. SCCA is celebrating their new membership high -40,000. We sleep on their lawn - until the sprinklers start up. During the Rocky Mountain TSO section we guess wrong on an instruction and take a big hit - 22 seconds of penalty at a single checkpoint. 1,500 miles out and we're now down to 12th. A few more days and we'll drop out of sight and we'll get a telephone call from Audi. Day Three - Imperial Palace, Las Vegas, NV ... We were allowed a choice of routes from Colorado to Nevada; take the low road through Flagstaff, or the high road through Salt Lake City. We opted for the high road and meet a blizzard-of course. Things are not looking good for our heroes. Our service car burns to the ground somewhere in the middle of Utah. The service crew saves the racing tires and part of my suitcase. Of course. They drive straight through the night· in a rental car to get the tires to us for the first track run at Laguna Seca. Day Four - Laguna Seca Raceway ... Buffum hasn't driven this track in many a year so Jeff does our five timed laps. JB and I scramble around for a makeshift pitboard. Just before Jeff starts, a . van pulls into the track. It's Michael Andretti's team come to do testing. A few hurried words and we're the only team with a professional pitboard -but we can't figure out how to use it. Jeff puts in an excellent drive in the Audi and wink our class. Scoring on the track~ is simple. The fastest car in each Showroom Stock Class gets a zero penalty. The slower cars get· a penalty equal to the difference between the hot time and their time. Unfortunately we can't put points on any cars e}\:cept those in. our SS Class and • the teams we have to beat are in orlher classes. Scott Brayton arives his Dodge Daytona to ~ class win, while past endurance- racing champion Bob Garrbston ( now living in Lancaster l ~ngland) wins his class in a Porsche 944 and takes over the overall lead. E,rhard Dahm and Gene Henderson meet with disaster. Instead of one warm ,llP lap; five timed laps and a cool down lap, Erhard misses count and cools down one lap early with his 1988 BMW MS. The glitch costs them forty big ones and 9rops them into seventh place o~erall. The NBC film crew explains to me the eight words I.lcannot say on the in-camera car. They sound like the same ones made famous by a comedian many jyears back. Day Five - Portifino Inn, Redondo Beach, CAI...Our first night off since leaving Michigan. Bob Garretson and John Clever (Porsche 944) are holding onto the overall lead, followed by our teammates, Nelson Shepard and crew. We've moved back up to third. We're starting to figure out this computing contraption and Jeff's drive at Laguna kicked · us up. I Day Six - Uniroyal Test Track, Laredo, TX .. . Each Performance Class e?try does a hot lap around the banked test track and is scored off a radar gun. Jeff pushes our Audi to 131 mph. The Porsche gets 14 7, the BMW 140. 1 Day Eight - Road Atlanta, GA... Now it begins to come together. We 're holding our own on the TSO sections but we have to win the rally on the tracks. Buffum puts on his driving face and b_lows around Road Atlanta in a time just under the .Showroom Stock A record. Nobody gets close to him. Not Brayton, not the Porsche, not the BMW, not anybody. I At the start of Road Atlanta, Shepard's Audi led the One Lap overall. At the end nf the Road Atlanta, Buffum had knocked him down several places and the Porsche moved back into the lead, followed by us\ in second · place. · It feels good!!!! · · Day Ten -Mid Ohio Track ... We completed the final TSO section coming into the Mid Ohio Track. It was a killer section that ran all night ~ 8 Tucson Auto Cross -Round Two The second'. e:vent in the Tucson Auto Cross Series took place on May 17 at Raven Raceway, on' a . course slightly modified from the one used at the! opening event earlier in the spring. The entry was up for the : second round, and TAC is now , planning an ambitious eight race setted ule with. year end ch~mpionships awarded, starting in June. At the May 17 race the organizers, Albert Bright and Don Kolt, allowed four racers to foi-m a PRO Class 2 for that race. TAC currently has seven classes scheduled, for Class 10 and Class 1 in the PRO ranks, plus 5-1600 Baja Bugs, Sportsman Unlimited and Limited and Mini Trucks, plus the new PRO 2 class.TAC is willing to form classes, providing at least five cars are on hand to make the class. · There were nine cars in the combined PRO SC I and SC I 0 class in the first heat, and ten in the second round. Larry Noel won both heats and the points for the night. In the first battle Gary Dircks nailed second place and Don Kolt was third. Brad . Campbell earned fourth spot, · followed by Ed Martensen, Tim Knight, Wayne Greene, Jerry FolfY and Jon Brockett. Oarlos Serano joined the group for the second heat, and Dom Kolt grabbed second behind NoJI this time. Tim Knight was third ahead of Jerry Foley, and Serano was fifth. Rounding out the group, it was Ed Martensen, Jon Brockett, Wayne Greene, Gary Dircks and Brad Campbell. The quartet that formed PRO Class 2 did some good racing. The first heat winner was Mike Williams, followed . by John Hitchcock, Tony Capanear, who moved over from the Sportsman ranks, and Tom Foley. Reversing the order, Capanear won the second round, Hitchcock was again second, with Williams and Foley to the rear . . hours and 224 miles -all sorts of nasty hidden signs and loop traps and such. We think we're doing badly until we hear some othJr scores at a coffee break. Hell, everyone is doing badly. I l.:lon't think the One Lappers are I ready for a National Championship calibre TSO trap rally after ten days and 7,500 .miles of driving. We started into Ohio leading . the rally. We left Ohio and head for the finish in _Troy, Michigan There. were five starters in Class 5-1600, but four of them followed Larry Vittitow all night, as he won both heats. Pete Gannon was second in both' rounds, and Newt Campbell took third in both heats. Jeff Husten was fourth in the first go, followed by Butch Roper, who was fourth next time out. The four Sportsman ran together, although limited and unlimited classes are scheduled if the entry holds enough cars. John Martensen won both of the Sportsman heats this outing. Robert Giblin was second on the first round and fourth in the second go. John Nault was third both times, and Jeff Huebner took second in the final heat. J,t> After two events Larry Noel leads the PRO SC 10 class with 80 points to Don Kolt's 75. Wayne Greene has 54.5 points tagged closely by Ed Martensen at 52.5. Tim Knight has a big lead in PRO SC I class with 49points to Brad Campbell's 28. In PRO 2 John Hitchcock and Mike Williams are tied at 38 points, and Tony Capanear is·next with 28.5. . The competition is just as tight in Class 5-1600 as Larry Vittitow has a one point lead with 78 points, followed by Pete Gannon with 77 points. Port Campbell is close at 63.5, while Butch Roper has 40.5 points. Robert Giblin leads the ~ Unlimited Sportsman points with 46.5 trailed by John Nault at 18. It couldn't be any closer in Limited Sportsman, as John Martensen has 60 points for the lead and Jeff Huebner has 59.5. Mike Stuart leads the mini truck points. The Tucson Auto Cross is a fun series, not too expensive, and · one that both short course and desert racers can enjoy. Get all the details and the latest schedule from Albert Bright, President, Tucson Auto Cross, P.O. Box 55221, Tucson, AZ 85703 or call (602) 293-0117. ·wondering if we had won. Erhard Dahm and Gene Henderson finished second in Performance Class. If it hadn't been for.the mistake way back at Laguna Seca they would have won. But that's what it's all about isn't it? ;y Brock Yates has already promised some interesting new P wrinkles for 1988 - and this time I am -looking forward to doing it again. Formerwinner Richard Hughes headed ]tie-team in this Alfa Romeo Milano that finished eighth overall, and third in SS Performance Tourin9. The Touring class competed only on rrsD sections, not on the race tracks, and the BMW of Chris Jensen, William Sadatal_<i and David Killian took second overall in that group. At the restart, Tom Grimshaw checks the charts on the course, Jeff Andretti relaxes behind the ;_,,heel, and JB lolls around in the back seat. Dusty Times July 1987 · Page 51 ., 1 j 1 j l ! j
Cl a.le.¥::B ALL TERRAIN ENTERPR/S S MOTOR SPORT PRoouctls ~~~'?-Compe/1/ion Tires ~o+u-.Qffroad & Motorcycle Products 17501 Lemon Ave., Unit D Hesperia, CA 92345 (619) 244-b477 I (800) 892-5263 I Get the word out about your busi ess, big or small. Put your business card in the .. GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customers. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $18.00 per month. (702) 363-4882 (702) 389-5012 Beeper AUTO· PLUS , Complete Mobile Detailing Auto / Boat I RV ~\NDY HOWE SIA H WE 619-583-6529 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP. 6630 MacARTHUR DR. , Sl:Jli E B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 FABRICATION & REPAIR .CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF-ROAD RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING • M.I.G. \NEWING TUBE BENDING' DISTRIBUTOR FOR: TOM MINGA BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 BELL MOTOR i'iiiit~NC .. ~ RACING a AND • SAFETY PRODUCTS KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 . 14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 Page 51 SUSPENSION SEATS IN_ FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ,I.. ''SUPER SEATS·,, 208 4th Avenue E. IED&IARBARA BEARD Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 · c&roup ruckmann San Diego <519> 578-1585. 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE O FF ROAD RACE ENGINES. WINNERS AT 8 6 2 6 COM M ERCE AVE. C>< FOR CORKY McMILLIN DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK McMILLIN IN MIRAMAR OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION THE SOURCE FOR "PRO·COMP SERIES" RACING MOTORS & TRANSAXLES. SCORE & HORA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS WALK IN 818-334-4951 PHONE ORDERS 818-969-7967 915 W. FOOTHILL BL VD., AZUSA, CA 91702 r------------------------------1 I I ~ I ,.1 I Send $1.00* for 1987 Catalog and receive $2 off your first order. Cut out this coupon and mail it to: Dick Cepek, Inc. 17000 Kingsview Ave., Dept.OT Carson, California 90746 I D ,I've enclosed $1.00* 1 Please send me your I 1987 Catalog and my I $2 Rebate Card. • Canadian & Foreign requests I . ... send ·s2.oo U.S. currency. L---~---~----------------------.-20 YEARS OF BUILDING WINNING _ , OFF RQ~D RACE CARS ■1401 ! PIONEER WAY #17 ~ CHENOWTH- DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 1401 Pioneer Way #17 / El Cajon, CA 92020 Work (619) 442-3773 I Res. (619) 44h 0938 COOLWATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL'' * Free Local Phone * Recreation Room * Free Movie Channel * Swimming Pool "DUSTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619_:::256-8443 170 Coolwater Lane, Barstow Ju.ly 1987 MOST.DURABLE CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE_:_ OUR DESIGN OR YOURS . SNAP ON • STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE SNAP ON CLEAR PLACTICINE WINDOWS "DESERT• RA·ClR" ~~:o l'ROOUCTS P.O. Box 2233, San Marcos, CA 92069 . (619) 945°0035 . Official Contingency Donor for SCORE /HDRA and ADRA . INLAND DISPLAY· POMONA· MUNTZ STEREO· 916 HOLT AVE. , BIRT BIii/TS· 1PJfiJ!iJffBZl[J]gJ[ff) "-BlOCK NUMBER$ WITH STYlE u.s.A.~ {818} 882-7808 10138 CANOGA AVE., CHA TSWORTtf, CA 91311 DIRJ . RIX (602) 253-5289 ·, ,,· Championship Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street; Phoenix, AZ 85007 PERFORMANCE IDJTBJlmi:iiES DAN McGOWAN JOHN· VERHAGEN (818) 381-3033 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 · "serving the i,ndustry since 1976" DRIVELINE SERVICE THERE IS A DIFFERENCE REPAIRING • · BALANCING • CUSTOMIZING PARTS AND SERVICE ON.C/V AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS (714) 824-1'561 416 E. Vall~y Blvd,, Colton, CA 92324 SCORE & HORA CONTINGENCY SPONSORS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE We SPECIALIZE in VW Cains and Valve Train Components 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 Dusty nmcs
,FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS ____ THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! RENTALS VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST., BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA 91761 1985 SCORE/HORA ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR VW & Poise.he . · . Racing Engines . I , & Transaxles PERFORMANCE Race Car Preparation Intake & Exhaust System Components • -for VW Type I. Rabbit. TYPE IV, 911 -1450 N. Glassel!, Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 ~\lLER SAFETY DRIVING SUITS SEATBELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS ,_.. 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE. PARTS RE·UCA8-.E V. W. PAffl _ 11623 SHEL.DON ST. SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 768-455!5 (619) 465-3782 ~ Get Yow SHIFT Togetherl -~'-'"~\~~-----FORT I IY TRAJYSAXLES. 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, callfomla 920:35 ~ Doug Fortin . (408) 377-3422 .. Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's . . Specifi.cations FOX RACING SHO:K .. 544 McGlincey lane, Unit 8, Campbell, Calif. 95008 Dusty nmes Fuel Bladders Dump Cans I . ,, I ue,~ •· CELLS_ ', I 1ulck Fl/ls Std. .. FIiis 10925 Kalama River .Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 • TRAILERS FLAT BED ENCLOSED . ATV-ATC I , • METAL FABRICATIO,N JET SKI MOTORCYCLE TRUCK RACKS STAKE BEDS DUNE BUGGIES REPAIRS WELDING · -FON -Tl.ME ·.MFG 12150 BLOOMFIELD Al' VE UNIT G I I J SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 . I (213) 929-1>140 'YOUR TOY HAULER SPECIALIST' BOB FULMER KEN HAGEMANN RES: (213) 929-UlO RES: (213) 531-9154 G.ARM~ ABRICATIO ,., ROLL CAGE sTR!ucTuREs 1. $USPENSION ~YSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER I DENNIS GARMAN 1l36 EAST THIRD STREET (714) 620-1242 I POMONA, CA 91766 . I I I GRIFFITHS ENTERPRISES • PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS LICENSED AND INSURED . I I . . ' ROBERT GRl.~~ITHS BEEPER (702) 381-3148 OFFICE (702) 3~2-4202 HOME (702) 362-9416 . . I 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 I I WALT LO T :12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. . Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 702-361-5404 . . I HOUSE of BUGGIES 7302 Broadway • Lemon Grove, CA. 92045 • 619-589-6770 MICHAEL LUND - Owner j 1 I July·1987;. ,'I 6211 Yarrow Drive, Suite C • Carlsbad.' CA 92009 • (619) 931-0844 Lee (114) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 dlflJffJtfltf:i v. w. Service REPAIR-0 PARTS O SERVIC_E 6291 Manchester Blvd~ Buena Park/CA 90621 JIMCO 'OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUM_INUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-17 43 '1Zaeuu, ~~-"OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 JIM JULSON ,MIKE JULSON OHN . ••CMre PIIOIIUCTS Send $2.00 for CaflllDg OHNSON : CUSTO.M RACE CAR.PREP FOR WINNING SUSPENSldN SYSlBIS PER FOR MAN CE HICH PERFORMANCE SHOC1S . . P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA-92045 (619) 583-2054 DUAL & TRIPLE s,tOCk SYS19IS FmBlCtASS 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner 60° v-6 2.1 MOTOR'PARTS ACCESSORIES (619) 244-3584 McKENZIE"S AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS FOR . CENTER-LINE WHEELS SWAY·A-WAY TECTIRA TIRES BILSTIEIN SHOCKS KC LIGHTS K.Y.B. SHOCKS SUPER TRAP SPARK ARRESTOIIS IIEARO SEATS CIIIIE L IGHTS. HEWLAND GEARS MCKENZI E AIIIFILTEIIS GEM Gl!ARS WRIGHT F>LACE CROWN NFG. DURA ■LUE NEAL PRODUCTS" . _ULTRA 110OT .RAPID COOL WESTERN AUTO TIRES TRI-MIL .8 ·18-7154-6438 . 1294!1 SHEIIMAN WAY, NO. 4 818-76!5-!5827 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 911105 Pase 53 ' ~ ·,
; ( : ' • MENDEOLA RACINC_ TECH NO LOCY '\ VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND _, RACINC CEARBOXES (619) 277-3100 7577 CONVOY COURT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92111 Bill Varnes Mike Brow·n . V-ENTERPRISES 32817 Cro~n Valley Rd. Acton, CA 9351 O 805/269-1279 INSTANT.SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High -Performance Pe.dais & Hydraulics, ln'cluding ... • NEAL Cutting Brakes'" • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clutches and Thro11les ... plys much more. Complete Ca1alog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 ( 6 I 9) 565-9336 "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" --Ask Your Performance Dealer Today. ' -Oil - Fuel - ,Transmissions_- Rearends -Offroad, O~al Track, Drag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc. 12414 Hwy. 99 So .. Qept. OT. Everett. WA 98204 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill WINNERS GREG HIBBS -1st OVERALL, 1st CLASS 10 KEN SNYDER --1st 2-1600; BRAD INCH -1st 1-1600; MAX-RAZO - 1st CLASS 5; MARK CAMERON - 1st OPEN; .. ANDY DEVERCEiLY -1st 5-1600: REX LEWiS --1st CLASS 100; . , JIM DELANEY -1st GHALLENGER; TIM YOUNG -1st .TRUCK; · HAL GR°A'VES - fst CLASS 6 Page 54 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6879 ORAN CIRCLE. BUEN A PARK. CA. 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 WO VANS & PICKUPS 6c MINI TRUCKS; GABRIEL RACING SHOCKS • 8AJ_A RYDERS PRE·RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS A XLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION . No BLOCK~ US.ED • WEL.DIN G & FABRICATION . Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 Established 1974 Wants Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved ! Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-7757 ORE I OFF ROAD ENGINEERING Off ..... llace Can I 9720 Cozycroft Chatsworth. CA 9 13 11 GREG LEWIN ( 818) 882-2886 . K-E' FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering Hole Saloon Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER, CALIFORNIA PO.RC a -PRECISION OFF ROAD COMPANY·~ Retoil Parts • Fabrication • Prototype · 678 UNIT C SAN.BERNARDINO RD. · COVINA, CA 91723 TONY VANILLO (818) 915-3847 (818) 915-3848 Power Plus RACING ~ SEALED GELL ELECTROLYTE . RACING BATTERIES RACE CARS, JET SKIS, ATVS & OTHER HIGH PERFORMANCE APPLICATIO~S MICHAEL McCARTHY . {714} 985-9181 POWER PLUS PRODUCTS 375 N . HERVEY UPLAND, CA 91786 July 1987 . ,11onss10NAL 0'1,ft0A0 IIACIH~ P,O, BOX 323 • SEAHURST WA, 98062 (2()6)242-~ 773 PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN an~ FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINOIS H .W Y . NEW LENOX. ILLINOJS 6 0451 (8151 4 85-RACE . (7 223) Quality. Product~ · Fastener Sµeciali~ts Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845 East ComptC?n Blvd: ' sMAN ,q .,, . - ~"(;Jl;l'i -z.. AL KEY (213) 515-3570 z m .JJ PERFORMANCE' COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES Param.ount, CA 90723 Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 DOUG FREEMAN (213) 320-9584 P.O. BOX 3757 GARDENA. CA 90247-7457 RUSS's v.w~ - -Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) -(818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's Dusty Times
(2-13) 583-2404 R. 1/~~o SANDERSSERWC~IN~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Avenue Los Angeles. California 90001 $AN DB LAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PAATICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith LOCATION ALBUQUERQUE, NM ANAHEIM, CA BAKERSFIELQ, CA BULLHEAD CITY, AZ COLTON, CA EL CENTRO, CA EL PASO, TX FULLERTON, CA HAYWARD, CA LANCASTER, CA LAS VEGAS, NV LONG BEACH, CA OAKLAND, CA PHOENIX, AZ RIVERSIDE, CA SAN JOSE, CA TUCSON, AZ VAN NUYS, CA VENTURA.CA YUMA, AZ Custom Race Car Fabrication & Preparation Larry Smith Hi-Performance VW Engines & Transmissions SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF-ROAD CHASSIS 745 W. Sunset Road #15 Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 565-DIRT · RAY CUMMINS · Suspension Specialist Fox Shox Trackside Service OFF ROAD SUSPENSION SYSTEMS - SHOCKS RACE CAR FABRICATION AND PREPARATION CUSTOM MACHINE PARTS- KEVIN McGILLIVRAY 28210 AVE. CROCKER #301, VALENCIA, CA 91355 (805) 257 -0934 Dusty Timcs RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT RODUCTS I I 1649 W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667 714-997-0766 If n! answer 714-997-0767 MEL SWAIN METAL.FORMING AND INSTALLAT ON ON SPECIA !yy CARS 4392 BLDG. TWO UNIT D BROOKS STREET MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 FRI., SAT., SUN, MON. SHOP•714·f526108!12 HoME·818·915·1126 I Suspension O )mponenls . . I (818)988-5510 PAULA S. THORNTON ' . . I 18710 So. Normandie tve., Suite C Ga;~~~;2f ~3~~248 HACE THANS BY JkFF FIEO)'S TRfiNSAXLE I EN<ilNEERIN<i I -JEFF FJELD 9833 Deerin~ 998-2739 Unit !fl 9hatsworth, CA 9131 ~ TA~C~ WE DELIVER!!! racing gasoline Alameda County Bakersfield Bremerton . Denver Hawaii Huntington Beach LA-Long Beach Las Vegas Monterey Orange <:_ounty f4 l SJ 538-RACE fB0SJ 393-8258 fi06J 37.7-7951• f303J 452-5239 fBOBJ 682-5589 f7 I 4J 536-BBOB (213J 863-4801 (7021871-1417 /4081899-101'0 f7 I 4J 634-0845_ Phoenix Portland-Vancouver Riverside Sacramento San Diego Saugus Seattle Spokane . · Tri Cities Tucson f602J 952-257:; (2061 693-3608 /714) 787-8141 f9 j 6) 334-RACE (6.19) 460-5207 /BOS) 259-3886 (206J 8~3-0430 · (509J 483-0076 /509) 547-3326 J~_o21 m-9386 ... ~ ,WTRACJ<SJDE Photo EntffPl"INs PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 18710 SO NORMANDIE • SUITE C • GARDENA. CA. 90248 Jim Ober (213) 327-4493 RACING PIIOTOGRAl'IIY SPECIALIITS M Louie Unser LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C Fullerton, Ca. 92631 (714) 879-8440 VW • PO~SCHE • OFF ROAD 94 7 RANCH.EROS, DRIVE SAN MARCOS, ,CA 92069 Engine & Machine Phone (602) 242-0077 2733 W. Missouri (619) 741-6173 ' Custom Wheels Phoenix, Arizona 85017 Page 55
CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES By Bilt Moore The Glen Helen Rally Cross was held May 30 at the Glen Helen ORV Park. Mike Blore is to be congratulated for another good event. Mike ended the drivers' meeting with, "Keep the shiny side up." At the next Glen Helen event, which is set for October 17; Mike has promised to show each driver the shiny side to avoid the confusion some people experienced. The C.R.S. Board of Gov-ernors held a meeting the day after the event at the home of Lynnette Allison. Lynnette has devoted untold· hours to the organization anc,i to rallying in California during the past three years. In addition to her responsibilities as the S.C.C.A. Steward of So-Pac.Division, she will be helping me adjust to the position of CRS Director. (Bill Moore has been r!3llying for many years, usually as co-driver for Ray . Hocker. He has co-driven in divisional, national and FIA event$, and is a well respected member· of our California rally community. Ed.) The C.R.S. Board of Governors is also grateful to Rod Koch for ~ accepting the position.of C.R.S. Press Officer. . · The Carlsbad-By-The-Sea Rally Sprint is still planned for Saturday, July 11, . at the Carlsbad Raceway. The C.R.S. picnic and competitor forum is set for Sunday, July 12, at Dixon Lake Recreation Area in Escondido, CA. Campsites for tents and motorhomes, as well as rally . information, can be obtained by calling Bill Gutzman · or Sheryl Love at (714) 985-9503. The campsite reservations should be . made as early as possible as there is a limited number available to us. As always at Dixon Lake, there are no provivate boats, no swimm'ing and no pets allowed. I am looking _forward to seeing you there. F.A.I.R. &v Terri Nick The 1987 Baja lntemac1omu ,. : has now come and gone like the rest. I was disappointed to miss this race, but sometimes we must make sacrifices. Anyway, my sources have filled me in on the race, so here ·goes. .· .. Our race managerfor Baja was Wayne Morris. As u$ual he did a terrific job. We had;,seven pits covering nine spots• on · the course, Our pit at San Matias was combined · with the Firestone people and support truck. A . special thanks for their hard work and assistance on the FAIR cars. Another special thanks to Bob Steinberger, the Weather-man, for his assistance on radio communication. We had eleven entries start out, and five of them were in Class 2. Bob Richey and Harold Nicks, in the RCR car, finished fifth in class. They had a bad morning after finding their race truck has been broken into and their helmets, radios, gloves, etc. , had all been stolen. Thanks to the generosity of friends, especially the T em pies, they- borrowed enough to start the race. As for the Temples, Jim and Mark, they came in right behind RCR in seventh place. Danny and Marty Lemer were next in Class 2, with a ninth place finish. Their main complaint was having electrical problems. They also had uninvited guests, this time in their motorhome. I understand it is quite disconcert-ing to see someone walk by wearing your clothing. Benny Canela's team broke down just outside of Santo Tomas with power steering problems. When they got · · out to check the problem; they found an injured quad racer hidden by the bushes. The man was immobile with some broken ribs, and our heroes ·. obtained the Rescue Helicopter. to save the day. Unfortunately they did not· finish the race, or go much farther. Brent Miller and Skip Bryant got a tenth place finish in Class 2 after being down two hours with a broken front trailing arm. They also had a rock go through the net, which broke Skip's he'lmet and gave him a black eye. · We had three Class 10 entries, and one of them finished. Jack and Scott Irvine made it less than five miles off the start before they lost their motor. Rod Everett hit a rock while avoiding a· non-racing motorcyclist on the course am;! broke bis rack and pinion steering, to put him out of the race. Dick and Gary Weyhri'ch had electrical problems during the day, a long stop at Matias, but were able to finish fifth in class: Our two (2-1600 entries were Art Peterson who had a nice sixth place finish, and John Valadez and Hector Garcia, who were a dnf. John rolled the car ·and sprained his wrist, then developed engine problems outside ·of San Matias. John and Hector were another pair of heroes though. They not only loaned their fuel to Art Peterson, they loaned their oil cooler and tie rod ends .to Jim Cocores. And, speaking of Cocores, Jim, our only Class 5 entry, finished second. Thanks to all in the San Matias pit for helping to rebuild his car. Thank you to all racers and pit people for their cooperation at the equipment hand out and turn in. Wayne said every_thii:1g went smoothly. Now for a little club business. Nominations were · held for officers for next year, and everyone should have received , their ballots. Election time also means that annual membei-ship dues are due. Please support your club by paying these in a timely fashion. FAlR meets the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Fullerton Holiday Inn at 8:00 p.m. We welcome prospective members and guests. See you in Barstow. ~YOKOHAMA ~SUPPORT TEAM B:I' DeHH1.1 l<u,1;,: 1 ., The big news flash from the Baja Internacional is that Store reports a record finishing rate and record finishing times. This is news worth celebrating, _for racing is never easy and racing in a foreign country is even more difficult. To finish a Mexican race is a true test of one's ability and his or her vehicle, for there are not only natural obstacles, but man made ones as well. Congratulations to all competi-tors and race crews. · Camalu, B.C. was the place where the Support Team threw out our tools and tires. After pitting in the dust in out of the way places for the last four races, I thought my volunteers needed a · break. So, a pit on the beach sounded like the answer. We got out of Ensenada a bit late and arrived in Camalu after dark. Once we found the course and the beach we thought we had it made. Wrong, the Mears Gang and Checkers got there first, and the ocean breeze was . blowing from behind them right at us. The dust was really bad and after Roger came through his crew left. So, we moved to the other side of the course. After that it was a breeze. (Get it! No more dust.) The pit was pretty laid back all day. We worked on a few cars, gassed a couple and thought our day was over by three in the afternoon. Wrong again! While all the other pit crews had left, we planned on staying the night. So if you got to- Camalu late and your pit crew was gone, we were there and still working on stragglers. One such straggler had a leaking fuel tank, I should say a time bomb. But he wanted to get a finish, so we pulled the tank, and he hitched a ride to town and found some epoxy to seal the tank. At nine p.m, he was off and running and he did finish the race, All in all we had a great time, even after we had to tow a PIT TEAM REGISTER ;----~------Glf4£ BOYS. 'Rf ADY MA\✓! -1Hf RE 's A 1 KLVNKER A·COMIN1 We welcome all Support Team news _articles. Typed ancl d~;bl~ spaced copy is acceotable. Deadline is the 10th of the month. CHAPALA DUSTERS Jon Kennedy, President 3117 Klllarney Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 641-0155 Meeting - 2nd Wednesday Verdugo's Mexican Restaurant Costa Mesa, CA Radio-FM-151.775 CHECKERS Jeff Hibbard, President 13237 Sierra Hwy. Canyon Country, CA 91350 (805) 252-4034 CORE Karen Clark, Race Director 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 Northrldge, CA 91325 (818) 345~38~3 F.A.I.R. SUPPORT TEAM P.O. Box 542 Stanton, CA 90880 Wayne Morris, President (714) 996-7929 Sandy Davl!l, Secretary (714) 772-3877 Meetings 1st & 3rd Weds. Hol_lday Inn Harbor & 91 Freeway Fladlo-FM-1S0,8.60 • · Chevy Suburban back to the USA · I want to thank Mexico and the City of Ensenada for hosting the race, and hope all had a good time as we did. Thanks to my crew - Steve, Phil, Steve, Tom, Tracy, Joel, Joel , Dan, Gary, and to the auto parts store owner we hunted down. to get the epoxy. To Valvoline, Lothringer Electronics, Perma Cool, and German Auto, thanks for the help. See you at the Fireworks 250 in Barstow, July 4th. Dave Clark will be at Hodge Road, the Yokohama fifth wheel trailer will be at the Main Pit, and full support will be at Slash X and somewhere on the powerline road we will have a pit set up so you can get to it from the powerline road. I don't know the exact location because we have . not seen a map yet. It you wish to be a volunteer, or want more information about our pits, contact Dennis Rogers at (818) 335-7757. LOS CAMPE;ONES Malcolm Vlnje, President 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 (619) 292-0485 {home) (619) 743-1214 (work) Radio-FM-152.960 MAG7· Jerry McMurry, President Bruce Cranmore, Race Director . 11244 Horizon HIiis Drive El Cajon, CA. 92020 (619) 440-3737 (home) (619) 225-6886 (work) TERRA Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue La Crescents, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 ' Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month - Jan Sunderland's h~use · TIGHT 10 153 Llndell Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 J619_) 283-65_~5 (day) J619)_447~795S)(nlght) Gene Robeson, President \ (619) 466-8722 . -May 9, 1987 saw the 20th annual Mint 400 "Run for the Rocks" off road race take place under almost ideal conditibns. The 106 mile, four lap race ran the reverse of the 1986 Mint 400, starting in beautiful down town Sloan and going south to mile 12 where Richard Allen was Captain at Pit 1. The course then went east over McCullough Pass to mile 31 where Jim Creese handled Pit 2 for the outbound racers and Pit 5 for the inbound racers. Jon Lippitt was waiting at mile 44 with Pit 3 and did a super job along with his able crew The 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250111 SPONSORS Baja Bugs Dune Buggies Race Cars Machine Shop Parts & Service Two for the OH-Road! . liotVWs ALFORD DISTRIBUTING * THE WRIGHT !'LACE * RACE READY PRODUCTS * SOUTHWEST RACING PROMOTIONS * OFF-ROAD BUGGY SUPPLY * CLAIREMONT EQUIPMENT RENTALS _CONTINGENCY SPONSORS -JOE STIOMAN'S HEARTLAND MEAT CO.; CORONADO AUTO BODY-; GOWLANO MOTORSPORTS; HPS LUBRICANTS; FIBER-TECH ENG .• INC.; BAJA CONCEPTS: T &· J BUGGY SHOP; AROS TRAILERS; BOZO RACING TEAM; THE OCOTILLO TRAILER PARK; SAN DIEGO OFF-RO.ADER; ARMSTRONG TIRES; MIKE LUND'S HOUSE OF BUGGIES Page 56 W.R. RACING Products 515 So. Vermont Glendora, CA 91740 July 1987 Bill Raybould 818-914-3904 -·~ I For advertising rates & information contact Wright Publishing Co., hie. . I PO Box 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Dusty Times
co·urse ran through the Las Vegas Motocross track and north to mile 65 where Gene Robeson and his'crew were waiting at Pit 4. It then went south again through Pit 5 and north once more to mile 96 · where Mike Lund and company waited with Pit 6. Continuing north, the course ended at Sloan where Ken Maltby and his crew had a very busy day at the Main Pit. Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson were the heros of the day·, winning overall and in Class 1, after losing the power steering belt 70 miles from the finish on the last lap. Steve used good old armstrong steering to get the car home. Dennis Frost also ran in Class 1. In the General Tire group, the Conejo Off Road Class 3 Jeep again pitted with Los Campe-ones/ Tight Ten. Also from the group we pitted Jack Johnson and Bill Donahoe in Class 4 and Dave Pack in Class 5. Class .5-1600 saw Robert Knight and LeRoy Hansen leading the pack in lap 3. Then the right shock tower went away at mile 35, followed sho.rtly by the tie rod. With the help of hose clamps the car made 'it to Pit 3, where Jon Lippitt and his crew welded things together. At around mile 95 the shock tower went south again,_ and the car limped into the Main Pit where major surgery was performed. Mark Hansen took off 0n the last lap and finished sixth, two hours behind the ·winner after three hours of down- time. Mike Harding ran in car 563. In . Class 6 Mike Higby's old Datsun 510 lost a transmission after about 50 miles and was a dnf. The team had . nothing but praise for David Nelson of . Yokohama Tires, who· swapped two tires and wheels for them at the start line. Class 7 driver Larry Ragland, and 7S drivers Willie Valdez and Jim Travis again pitted with · Los Campeones/ Tight Ten. In 7S Andy and Judi Felix lost the upper ball joint at mile 40, and after repairs found that the sho~k bushing was going out. Havmg no spares along, a piece of carpet from the truck , was pressed imo service and gQt them back to the main pit where the Felix's partner took over and did a six hour lap to a dnf. Mark .Hansen and Malcolm Vinje ran into problems on the first lap, losing oil pressure, then seizing the engine down McCullough Pass. Although within sight of Terry DuTemple, the rangers would not allow anyone on the course. The stand off ended when a chopper crashed, and Terry talked the rangers into going to the crash site while he scooted back to rescue Mark. Meanwhile, back at the main pit Malcolm Vinje tried to calm his nerves with nerve tonic and was seen setting off into the sunset with his faithful companion Michie, on her newQuadrun~er'. Jack Miller and Chester Williams, car 950; broke in half at mile 20, and after 1 ½ hours down time went on to finish seventh, their first finish ·out of seven attempts. Other racers included Jack Miller in Car 950, Dan Ashcraft in car 996, Bob Richardson in car 1010, Bill ~earns in car I 035, .Bil I Norgrove m car 734, Walt Lewis in car 1643, and Jim Modica in car Dusty nmes 1661. My thanks to those who gave me their Mint stories. Just ask them,·it didn't hurt a bit, and the price is right! The 14th ann_ual running of. the Score Baja Internacional began at 6:00 a.m. on June 6. As usual the bikes were off the line fir~t. ' At six in the morning temperatures were in the low 70s with low clouds and enough fog alorig the coast to cause wet roads . and slick conditions. But, the first motorcycles were back in Ensenada at 2: 10 p.m. Los Campeones and Tight Ten pits were busy all day, and the fast paced race saw some fast paced pitting. Richard Brown was at Santo Tomas, the first fuel stop for many racers. Jon Lippit was at Camalu with a very busy pit, and Jim Creese and his crew enjoyed the mountain air at Mike's Sky Ranch. Steve Serrato was at San Matias, Richard Allen held down the San Felipe pit, and Gene Robeson was -at El Rayo. Steve Sourapas was a dnf in car # 10 I. Rich Frisby took second in Class 1-2-1600 with an overall time of 9:59.09 and_ an average speed of 46.24 mpg. Dave Black was in eighth place in the class · and Steve Ferrato was ninth. Also in 1600 class Ben Greenwood was eleventh, and DonHicks was 13th. Clark West had distributor problems, for a dnf. Paul Bowen did not start in his new car due to a head-on whack with a local while pre-running. In Class 4, General Tire racer Bill Donahoe was fourth;. and Jack Johnson· did not clear a check. Another General Tire racer, Mike Schwellinger was second in Class 3, just 35 seconds behind Don Adams. Mike Lund finished fourth in the pop4lar 5-1600 class. But, R.C. Jones was a dnf after breaking both rear drums and doing a roll over, then he limped home on the highway running on two stock drums and wheels. In the mini truck wars Larry Ragland was out in Class 7 early, and in Class 7S the Vinje/ Hansen team placed third after losing a steering sector shaft right off the start line: . Then, after having to chang_e j~tting going ~P the hill mto Mikes, Vinje took over the helm at San Matias, and after changing the jetting again, lost a tie rod end, for approximately two hours down time. Vinje reported at the finish line that he enjoyed dicing with other cars, but when you dice with a Class 11 and lose, you know that things aren't going to well. Class 11 driver Ramon Castro finished about one hour ahead of the desert duo. Andy Felix and company finished sixth after many problems, including getting lost coming into Ensenada. Several Campeones were sitting down to dinner when Judi Felix's voice came over the radio asking for directions to the finish · line. The sympathetic respon~ was to keep going until your hat floats, then turn right. Another General Tire racer, Jim Travis was seventh in class and Willie Valdez was a dnf. In_ the Challenger Class Danny Ashcraft took 11th place, and Jack Millard was 14th. In Class 10 Craig Watkins finished a fihe fourth, and Bill Reams was a dnf after losing a stub axle. Los Campeonesf Tight Ten meet at Crest Beverage. Visitors ·are invited to becom~ members if they would-like to be a part of the off road race scene.No experience necessar')'! Come, join the fun! 1 ,I SC(A Southern/ Pacific Division Pro Rally Report By Lynnette Allison Monroe Shocks! ·sponsors Divisional events for 1987, and competitors for th~ run offs. Monroe Shocks is set to sponsor· SCCA's Divisional Pro Rally Driver. · Championship for the rest of the year. Divisional vehicles will soon carry' decals, and events will show their support by displayihg Monroe Shocks banners/··at · local Divisional rally even1ts. Through their · support, our Divisional · champion will have ~he entry fee to the Press On Regardless Pro Rally in October paid, and will receive tow monies to assist with the expenses. All I competing vehicles will carry a Monroe._ decal on the hood of the car. SCCA has nixed the tempor-ary license plan. The program to incorporate a "temporary" · license for people interested in trying out rallying at ~ally sprints was nixed by the SCG::A Board of Directors during !their May conference. This license plan was· not, apparently, intended to function as a license to operate a vehicle during a cbmpetition. The one-time-only / 1tempot'ary license is meant to anply to track workers and crews. This allows increased manpower at events, since SCCA membersh.ip is required for all track workers and pit crews, and it keeps expenses low for the first-timers. The initial temporary license fee can later apply tbward full membership. The idea seems a good one. · I · Vehicle Log Books are required for 1988. Our first Divisional event, the Glen Helen Rally Sprint scheduled for October 17, will !require all vheicle owners to haye an SCCA vehicle log book, properly issued by a licensed SCCA tech inspector. Plans are in the works for inspectors to attend our So-Pac events in order to issue the books prior to the start of competition. If riot, other locations for inspedion will be named shortly. Tak1e the time now to prepare your car properly ... electr.ics, wiring, proper tie down for the trunk and interior it_ems, etc. I Check the . 1987 Nattonal Pro Rally Rule Book for proper vehicle preparation standards. The roll cage requirement is confusing. SCCA's 1987 lateral bracing requirement for the roll cages has caused cbnsiderable probl~ms. The 19871 rule book describes the placement for the brace, but the diagram is confusing. Clarification on this -item is due soon. In the meantime, be sure to pad the cage area in all places where a helmet or body could come into contact with the bars. Many of you have neglected to do this. I Remember, the Glen Helen Rally Sprint #3 has moved to Saturday, October . 17, 1987. This will now be the first 1988 So-Pac Championship event. TECH.TIPS By Bill Savage HDRASCORE Technical Director · j The controversy in post race unofficial status is listed below. technical inspection at the Score The quota IS 48 entries for the B~ja Internacional ove·r, Roger eight races and there are three 1vfears' Class ~ _truck began on events left in the series. · Saturday night of the · race Class 3 has a total of28entries ~eekend with a one hour and needs 20 more to make the discussion about the width of the -cut. Class 4 is ahead of the game tdck on the Nissan. at 36 entries, needed but 12 more · Hwe measured the · track and in the next three events. Class 6 fopnd it to be within legal limits, has a total of 29 so far, needing b'-\t the matter didn'.t rest there. It 19 more to stay alive, not likely started all over again Sunday to happen. Class 7 4x4 is holding morning with a complai_nt that its own at 34, needing 14 more Roger's front suspension didn't· entries for the year. Class · 11 is cohfoi:m to the concept of looking good at 33 so far, and "sFock." The complaint never they need 15 more entries_. Cla~s reached the level of protest, but it 14 is low on the totem pole with brb ugh t up an · interesting 23 entries to date and they need question, which we went into a 25 more .to have a class in 1988. lo~ more thoroughly. On the good news side of the !Wastheconceptofhissuspen-ledger, a -new Chevrolet· ran in siom the same·as the suspension Class 4 .at the Score Saja o.rl the Nissan truck as-originally Internacional. It· is another high delivered from the show room tech truck, like the Nissan that fltjor?_ Well, we had . already . bas joined the class. So, at least established the legality _of the · Class 4 is experiencing healthy tdck width. A competitor new growth. · claimed that Roger was using an We had another problem in illegal A-arm suspension, as the Class 5-1600 at the Baja race, -truck comes with a single lower wheel spacers on Andy arm.. Devercelly's Baja Bug. In pre-(The rules say that the pickup race tech we told him he'd have points can be reinforced- and to remove them. So he pulled his relpcated. The stock Nissan has entry. The team worked all night, th~ee pickup points. One, from and race morning re~entered and the main strut, pivots from the passed inspection, . apparently frame rail on one end and from finding out how to' comply with the ball joint at the other. the rule. And, as you probably A9other small stabl]izer . runs · already know, he w,ound up from the ball joint end· of the winning. , m~in strut back to the frame A question has .also come up _ beneath the radiator.· This is about suspension in the Class 7S definitely not A-arm suspension. Chevy S-10 truck. There is a But, read closer ·in · the rule sway bar in the tube forward of bopk, which says the pivot the A-arms. That sway bar is no points are open. Roger took the problem, but if it is anchored in ·st8ick pivot under the radiator the center of the tube, it would be ~'1f moved it back toward the a torsion bar, 'which is illegal. In center line of the ball joint. He the case we looked at, 'it was mdved the pivot point inboard at anchored from one wheel to th~frameofthemajqrstrut,back another. We· have been to aw;iy from the centerline of the Chevrolet and inspected stock ·. ball! joint. He also moved the ball trucks. That's the way they joint at the centerline forward. come. · Then he legally reinforced all In Classes 7S and 7 4x4, any those points. What he ended up vehicle with a single torsion bar with looks like an A-arm may have multiplestops_attached sudspension, all right, but what he to the torsion bar. This is not di was legal. - spelled out in the rules, but it has ~e would like to remind all been deemed legal. It is dasses to inspect their lap and analogous to the multi-stack leaf shoulder belts before . the next spring and the multi-weight coil rac1e, the HORA Fireworks 250 spring. at Barstow. Those belts are Class 8 competitors should certified good for three years. have received their ballots by Figure the month and year, and if now on aluminum block engines. more than three years have gone If you haven't cast a vote yet, you by, replace them. And, the date should, if you want your voice myst be visible to our inspectors. heard before the rule is set for 1',nother reminder - we do 1988. n9f accept the Y-harness IMPORTANT:. Corifusion shoulder belts. The rules state and some misinformation exists the1re must be two separate 2-3 out there in Class 10 about the 4 _inch belts in the shoulder valve per cylinder rule for the , harness. - new season. THERE WILL BE 4 hlJ ORA is currently conduct-VAL VE MOTORS RUNNING ing an "endangered classes" · IN 1988. The question we are su'r1vey and . is sending out dealing with' is not whether to questionnaires. The idea is to try allow · them, but what type of to increase entries in these restriction will be placed on them classes, and to do that we are to offset .any advantage. they try\ng to find out what it js going would have over 2-valve engines: to 1take to get more people to · This proposal has been enter. A few questionnaires have attacked by several (many - Ed.) been returned, but there 'is far competitors, but it is not from a complete response. We intended to be controversial. The urge you, if yo1.,1 are a current or plain fact is that manufacturers -' past entrant in one of the aren't making very many 2 valve "endangered classes", to fill out engines any more. Almost all of . the form and ·send it back right . the 1600cc engines available to_, away. The classes involved are 3, (continued on -4, 6, 7. 7 4x4, 11 and 14. Their page 59) P~ge57
Classified ••• FOR SALE: Berrien 2001, race ready (less engine). Best of every-thing. Raced once last year - 1st Bark River. Must sell! Only ---------------------!!!!!!'!!'-----------, $4000. Also available with car, 24' enclosed trailer, panelled, FOR SALE: Very competitive 1-1600cc Funco. Race ready. Fresh engine and transmission. Best of everything. Would like to sell complete for $9000. Also available are (3) 4 channel standard FM radios. Call Mike Olson at (707) 447-2453. FOR- SALE: 3·2 foot American Traveler 5th wheel trailer, 1979 model. Ref. air, central heat, stereo, fully equipped kitchen and bath. $8495. Call ( 805) 268-1644. FOR SALE: Class 5 race car. Fox sho~ks, UMP power steering, DJ transaxle, Beard seat, Filler Safety, four Centerlines, four wheels, eight Y okos, two Yuasu radios. Fresh car, blown motor. $7000 complete with spares. Call (818) 768-1571 or (805) 251-0010. FOR SALE: Class 9 ( 10) Pro-Tech. New 1641 motor, 091 Hew land gearbox, Saco carrier, Fox shocks, Art Carr and AMS disc brakes, combo spindles, Sway-A-Way secondary suspen-sion, UMP power steering, fresh BFG tires, all Neal products and much more; This car is complete-ly rebuilt. Best offer takes it. Call Curt W uesthoff, days ( 414) 545-8010, evenings (414) 762-0289. WANTED: Two seat Challenger class buggy. Must be SCORE legal and race ready. Call (209) 227-5742 after 5 p.m. FOR SALE: 1983 Class 5 champ-ion. 3x3 Wood's trailing arms, Wright front end (short travel), bus trans w/Hewlands, Center-· lines, 2130VW, 2 Beard seats, Bilsteins, fuel cell and more. $6000 w I tandem trailer, Greg (602) 272-2659 days, (602) 841-1288 nights. FOR SALE: Class 7 "Grand Na-tional". 1987 Mitsubishi/ Dodge D-50 mini pickup. Chromoly custom frame and Works Performance suspension. Winner of Score .Canada Class 7 1986, 1987. Sister of the truck driven by Danny Thompson. This is a Mickey Thompson series truck, and is complete with many spares. This is a turnkey offer and includes everything needed to go racing, including enclosed trailer. $25,000. Bill Walker, Off Road Racing ofN ew England (617) 244-4367. FOR SALE: 1985 Outlaw, one of the finest Class 1 cars ever built. FAT type 4, Hew land 5 speed, the best of everything. Ready to race, includes 12 spare tires, quick jacks, dump cans, shocks, radios, trailer, etc. Priced at $18,000 for quick sale to pay the IRS. Nick (619) 460-4418. insulated, 110 and 12 volt, tire rack and bench. $2500. Bill (312) 584-7319. FOR SALE: Challenger motor 1600. Balanced. Tri Mil, full flow, one race, $950. Trans, 4:12, new drums, Frendo shoes, built by D .J., $1000. Front beam ready for Wright rack, stops, new ball joints, drum to drum, plus spares, $250. Or $2000 for the lot! Phone Mike ( 818) 352-8927. FOR SALE: Class 5 race car . . Fox, Ta.ylor, Pumpers, fresh motor and trans. All prepped, ready to race. Comes with sponsor. $9500. Call (714) 781-9287. FOR SALE: Funco A-arm Class 10 short course car. Best of everything, a steal at $5000 with motor and trans. Call for details. (818) 891-8223. FOR SALE: Baja Bug, street legal, 1776cc engine, bus trans,· Centerlines, K.C. lights, alumin-um skid plates, 6 KYB shocks, one piece windows, neat alumin-um work. Not an ex-race car. This was built for weekend pre-running and going to work on weekdays. $2900. Call (619) 252-2169 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE: 1967 Bug-3 inch lift kit, IPF lights, SBG gray tint glass all around, VDO gauges with tach, 6 point cage with bumpers and .nerf bars, gas fill through 1 / 4 side glass. Four spoke stainless wheel and cu_shion, Centerline wheels wrapped by Armstrong Norse-mans, Hurst shifter, Sway-A-Way 28mm bars and leaves, KYB shocks, skid plate, too many other things to list. Have all receipts and service records. (714) 795-6682, ask for Jim. WANTED: Race Truck! Class 7, 7S, 7 4x4, or 8. Reasonably priced, but NO junk! Please send picture and detailed description to: Joel Ellis, 6375 Plum Hollow Circle, Reno, Nevada 89502 or call (702) 356-6141. FOR SALE: Class 10 Bunderson. Magnafluxed, race ready,· fresh Rabbit with spare Grand National all aluminum radiator, fresh Jeff Field bus trans with Hewlands, power steering, progressive Bunderson suspen-sion, Summers Brothers hubs, Mastercraft seat, Wright front, 6 spares, 23 gallon cell and PRE-RUNNER. $19,999. Randy Black, (702) 737-7777. FOR SALE: 1-2-1600 Wright front beam, $250. Ten inch wide front beam, $390. Rear trailing arms, 3 inches longer, 1 inch wider with inner pivots and grommets, $500. Economy Porsche c.v. axles, $180 a pair. Bus c.v. axles, $100 a pair. New two seat unlimited race frame, $ 1300. Call Harvey at ( 206) 347-2286. FOR SALE: Class 4, 1982 Jeep Honcho. Professionally built and maintained. 401 engine, 561 HP, Art Carr trans, Summers Dana 60 full floater, Long Beach spring, 11 ½ front travel. Only . raced once, too much to list, all spares included. $20,000. Call Richard; ( 602) 879-6178 days, ( 602) 866-9914, eves. FOR SALE: Class 10, V .W. Type I FAT motor. Race ready, $2500. Class 1-2-1600 motor built by Mike Neal, $1250. For more information, contact Harbor Diesel, Jim or Mike, (213) 591-5665. A TIENTION HD RA/ SCORE MEMBERS. El Cajon Ford offers special discounts to all members and enthusiasts. Rangers, Broncos, F-Series and Bronco lls. Over 800 to choose from. Must contact Steve Olliges; (619) 579-8888. p--------------------------------------------, I Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in . I ; DUSTY TIMES. I II Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5 .00 for use of black I and white photo, or a very sharp color print. I NEW AND RENEWAL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES -=.A_45 word Classified Ad is FREE if vou act now and I I subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All classified ads must be paid in·aavance. I I I ----------------------~--I I I I --------~----------------I I - - ------------~-----~------I I ---------------------~---I I --------------------------I I I· I ---------------------------I I Enclosed is$ -----(Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. I I I I Name ----------------------------I Mail to: ' I Address __________________ ..:_ Phone______ DUSTY TIMES I I 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O 11 City -------'-----'----,'--------State _____ Zip_______ Agoura, CA 91301 I . Page 58 July 1987 FOR SALE: Trailer, U.S. car carrier. 96 inches wide, 18 feet long, single axle, new tires, with tire rack and compartments. $750. Jeff Field trans, bus final drive 7:16, ring & pin1on; 5:42, 3rd, 1:58, 4th, 1:32. Fresh-Gem gears, $650. Call (818) 891-2916. FOR SAI.,E: 1979 Ford 900 Van, Onan 12.5 K.W. generator, air compressor with hoses, lift gate, rest room, microwave, refriger-ator, awning, flood lights, air conditfo~ing, excellent condi-tion. Used as pit facilities for racing truck. Only 22,000 miles. $17,500. Call Brad at (714) 687-0711. FOR SALE: 11 r Chenowth 1000, Class 1 or 10. 12" front end, power steering, Bilsteins, Taylor, Wright, Kroyer arms, Flame Out, Centerlines, Yoko-hainas, 22 gal. cell, less engine & trans, $5000.00. Call Mike at ( 208) 145-6451 o.r, ( 208) 322-4409. FOR SALE: VW engine, FAT Type I Pre-Run motor. $2000. Call(818)332-7656 days, (714) 594-3858 eves. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . 37 Paul Bowen Racing ..... ·. . . . 1 0 Brush Run 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Candy Cane Racing Team .... 49 Car Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . . . 15 Chevrolet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Dura Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fudpucker Racing Team ..... 12, 36,59 BFGoodrich . . . . . . . . . . . . 30-31 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . . 7 JaMar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 KC Hilites ............. ; . . . 4 Mazda Motors of America . . . . 17 McKenzie Automotive ....... 22 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . . 6 Nissan Motor Corp. USA. • . . . • 11 Parker Pumper . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 PCI Race Radios . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Sandwinder Chassis. . . . . . . . . 24 Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Silver Dust Racing Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 SNORE Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Southern Nevada Off Road Chassis ................ 20 Summers Brothers . . . . . . . . . . 33 Superstition 250 Ill . . . . . . . . . 25 Sway-A-Way Corp.. . . . . . . . . . 19 System 1 ................. 41 Toyota Motorsports . . Back Cover Trackside Photo Enterprises .. 23 Tri Mil Industries . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Valley Performance-Hewland .......... ·. . . . . 18 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Dusty nmcs I , .. /)
I ~ ~ ::;; I ~ ~ ~ f~ i .. · .. ,•·. S'. -~·. , ·. ~: --::; -· -·· ... .. _; ::::;:; ::;; ~ ii'! ~--.. -. ·.: ·•.·. · • ' .. . -· ...:....: I Th Lo ' I ·' 'I & sars Chevy. He rim close behind Rod · s~~nd at the l()P of die hill and n!ght sky, w~ pi)ed the firewood,,-. .. .. _ By Judy Smi.th · Hall coming into Sb~ Matias; hut ~11gnal to John, who_ would ba~k_ high_ and wished we had been _____________________ ...... ___ , he had a leak in a Jater hose, and i\ipwn _to the bottom once again, ,. caut10us enough to pack sleeping The Baja 500, with , 214 Carl Haynes and Bob Whitted hy the time it regi1tercd on the "!hen -rt, was clear to come ahead. bags. Many of the drivers going~-starters, had an astounding finish lost the transmission" in their 5-temperature gauge lit was too late, He knew he needed a clear run or. by slowed down enough to check rate of 62% in the four wheeled 1600 car about three miles into and the engine wa_~plrcµd_y g()ne. · hf'd never make it up, since we that w~ were o.k., and most classes this year. In part, the the race, and Mario Ledezma, He came back to San Mattas-·on a hrd the wrong cam a(!d the car aske<;l. if.they could help in some course, which wasn't rough for who'd, ,been making some very tow rope. ·. \ ! 1 as __ rnnning ri~h. He backed way, but what we needed was a most of its length, was last minute adjustments to his Jim Stiles ran well in Class 10 dpwn a~cl. \Ve cl1f!1bed up even ~hole new distributor. responsible, and in part, its front end while- in the staging for a while, but I he lost an . f~rther, to·1a..,:1191~t wh~re we After an hour or so,' along layout, which made.fr easy to get line,wasalsooutinthefirstmiles adjuster finger before he got to rnuld see most·of·the-h11l, and came Cameron Steele who'd help. But there were still some of the race. Colonet. f\nd Dwight Lundell niost of the b~ttom. As)ohn. rolled over early in the day, and whodidn'tmakeit,andasusual, Jack Johnson was out early andGlenEvar\shaSsomekini,:lof nr3ched the b~se of the hill we wasnqw·running very late, but some had their problems even too, and as at the Mint, his new ·trick new power s~eering.--When "jatched anxiously as Scott healthy.·He .stopped to see what before the race started. Class 4 truck ate up transmis- it broke they had no spare parts q ouglas, his I?ass~nger ha.vingro we needed, and,-lo and behold!, Paul Bowen had gone out to sions before he even got to Check for it, and neith9r did anyone ppsh for a while, inch~d overthe there was a distributor in his car. pre-run the first 30 miles or so, 1. Beny Canela was also out else, and the car wasn't dr'iveable t~P-Now there was JUSt a two It didn't take us long to install it, which had not been marked until early, for reasons unknown,.but without it. Dave H~ndrickson, in seater, Brent Miller, parked even with having to flag off just a couple of days before the he was seen parked in a big hole Class 5-1600, !opt ,his motor niidway up, but with room to oncoming cars every now and race. Unfortunately, it was one before Santo Tomas. hefore Carnal u, and 'Jim clr ar._ Even the ~on .Adams Jeep then, and soon wi'test fired the of the parts of the course where Willy Higman flew off course Fishback, Sr., in, lryis first long hadfmallymade1t. We waved to caranditran.Sowewentbackto traffic would go in . both and put hupself out, while'Willie comse ,race, lost a rocker arm . John to tell him to go ahead, and the l:Jniden again-aria called BFG directions, so there were pre-Valdez lost a motor not long 1/fter'''in- his two sbat 1600 car,' hb backed further downhill, to Relay to reporf~hatwe had the runners going in both directions. before Camalu. Doc Ingram got a . before San Felipe.I His son, Jim, wrere he could get a run, and out car running,-and.would be able to AIWi-¼YS a dangerous situation. litd~ further along, through Jr., got al( the wry t~ past El of our sight. Now there was an -get out of there on our own. By Sure enough, Bowen, who was Check2,beforelosinghism. otor. Reyo'., ha~mg a grlea~ time (?ut · arixiouswaitascarskeptcoll)ing thattimetherewereseveralfolks not only pre-running, hut testing Dave Parsons teamed with the ask h_1s wife about being car sick ~~ound f~om below, and charging who'd heard our, di_stress call, his brand new Mirage, came to Klawitter brothers in one· i;:,ir of _.,,. and ·,throwing up. /rom Santo up the hill. and wete making efforts to help grief. He had stopped,and was their two-car .effort. Pai-scins got'·•{· Tomas to Camalul ), when _he JWecouldnolongerwarnJohn us. The•Checkers had r,ounded pulled over to the sicfC: ,of the it to . San, Matias, and then broke a _boot; _and then lost the !f one. of them should stall and _,,, up a distributor and were going trail, when another pre-runner, Hartmut got in, only to kise an c_.v., which rumed1 his a_xle: He Jaf11 thmgs up. And he was having, ·to give it to·the next car along to going in the other direction, adjuster finger. Phil Blurton, . finagled a way to rake 1t move trpuble getting.to the flat wh~re give to us as he wen! by, apd the came around the corner at him. who owns the exotic looking . forward another m11le or so, but he could get his run at the hill, Weatherman, on another He 'Would have.had space to get Chenowth Arrow, went off a cliff then ~I! the bolts broke and he b~cause Jim Travis, who'd been channel, hi,id also got _someone by, but in his panic he slammed in the dust. He tore off one front was finished.- I -. - t~ere a while, was now stalle? in wit~ . a ~istribu~or._ And Jef( on the br-akes and sli.d into the corner, but with the help of some . We ran in the 5-~6q0 clas~ t_his . t~e way. John and the co-dnver Qumn, with a d1stnbutor,.-was race · buggy, ·demolishing the ~e~ican spectators, ·got it back . time, and started ~avmg shifting h~d to push the. truck to. clear going to find a way to help us. frqnt end. Bower'\' didn't get to o·n· course on three whee.ls He trouble before we got to Tres space for the VW. Then, fmally , Thanks to all those nice people start. . . ,., . . went .on' t; Ojos: Negros; ~here ~.er!llanos. It just ~ouldn 't shift with a clear approach, he charged for their trouble. Jack Irvine did getto start, but his crew started to work, on i.t :e':'~ry now and then. We made it 1tJ and as we scrambled ,the last . ,. We·haye to s~y that the·radio then his voice,was heard on the whjJ~ he. ran around chasin~ tHrough all the bdoby tr.aps all . fe~ yar?s to the top, the VW ·• certainly,. changes the situation radio, p l"iti ~ ti ve I y asking parts. Finally, they had it all nght, an~ then gotj!o that rocky m1ched its way to the t0P.-. We · when a car breaks.in:Baja. In past someone fo tell the FAIR pit that foget~er, ~xcept for one coil hil) before M1k~ s , and our feare? for its axles and .. cl~W:;'-1,· ;_ye~rs· we've had th~ experience of he'.d broken just "a .. couple of sprin-g for a shock, and tbat had~ t _tro,ubles really beg1an. We knew byt 1_t got _there, . and w~ p1l_ed . bemg br.oken and out of touch, blocks" from the ,start. He'd. been lost when he crashed. Even ... wed need a good run at it, and we back mto the passenger seat wnh. arrd·having·to wait,'and wait, and already lost his motor.· a q1.,1ic.k trfp back to the site of the dec_ided t? try tr e . old road, re/ief. _ . wait. lt'~entirely different now if,.. -------------, crash couldnlt locate the ,spring, ., which ran right alo1j1gs1de the first jT~e rest of the _tnp to Sa·n a 'car. .. 'has a radio. The driver TECH TIPS (from page 57) this class . corile· with 4 valve configtrrti'tion. . For the Stroh 's Score Off Road World ,Championship at Riverside on, August 21-23, stadium Class 1-2-1600 will be accepted for entry. They must have 104 inch wheel.base maximum, and must weigh 1300 pounds minimum at the end of the race._ No restrictor plate will be required. The rest of the rules are in the book. ~·-. Have lights -Will Race· 'SUPERSTITION 250 IV~-· Saturday Night August 8, 1987 Info: Fud: (619) 4':n-5759 Jeff Wright: (619) 561-48 lO ' Prese_nted by the -Fudpucker Racing Team Dusty: Times .-I 'so . Blurton was unable 'to :half ·of It, and was less rocky.. Mlattas was Without mc1dent, but merer~ has to get the rrie'ssage to continue. · · ' _ · What we didn't know was that it whel) we stopped at_our pit there one of the hard working reJay Larry Schwacofer broke a rear . had a steep incline !at the end, up thFy discovered a flat rear tire folks, and they will pass messa·gts axle after Santo Tomas and lost '. an? over a soft berrr, We ~eren't and a br.oken fro~t adj1,1ster:. ~o around until they find someone about 35 minutes getting · if ·, gomg _fas~ enoug~ o\n our first try, asl we ch~nged dr_1vers they did who can help. And eyen if it takes ... repaired. Then he went on, only; _}nd d1dn t make it. So·~e backed so1me quick welding. 1:"he front ~ some time, . there. 'is the n_ice to have some overheatin·g down, b~t as w~ did, Mark ~9d held together ~nt1I we_got _secure feeling_ . that at. least problems on the way up to H_ansen tned to go py us, and got mf? the rough st~ff Just after ~an .. sqmeone knows where you are; Mike's. He had iostopatthe base his truck stuck. ~e th~~ sat at F9hp~, and th~n 1t went, leavmg and what's wrong. of the nasty hill to put water in t~e end of the h1I/, wa1~mg for us1 with 26 miles of whoop~de-Ultimately, we didn't finish. the radiator, but he did make it him to, go, bu_t h.f deqded he · d,'?os a~d n_o front suspe~s1qn. \Ve were running very late in our up and over the hill. Then Oiablo couldn t mak~ it either, un~1l he N? t a nice nde. When we finally class by now, and when-we got Dry Lake was the end of things, ch~nged his Jets f?r the higher go1t back to . San Matias, we past Ojos N~ros, and through and Schwacofer and Spradling, altttude. So then -,ve backed all ne1eded rnore thorough welding, - the awful fog and dust and our to and the Chevy, ended up parked _ the way down and frted to go up an1~ as we hea~ed up into the old the pavement, we took a vote and out in the middle of it victim of the rocky way. A1d we bogged tratl,aboveTnmdad,thesunwas decided not to go down in the the overheating. ' down about a thir1d of the way . gojing down. We were hours late. wash if it was still foggy there. Robert c. Jones rolled his 5-up. So yours truly cl1mbe_d out of J1;1?t before Nuevo_ Juncnon the And it was. Yours truly was very 1600 over, along the Pacific the car, to stand at the side, and Ci3r suddenly backf1r~d twice and carsick at t~at time and didn't beach, and was out. Ivan Stewart watch to. see whe~ Hansen was q~it. There wasn't even time to relish a trip through the sewer in ra_n well all day I but then got to go~e, so we rnuld fry that route corst off the track, and it was too any' case .. So w~ rode in on the ' within about 50 miles of the again. But, as it turryed out, wh~n her vy for us to push over the soft pavement, which was pretty -finish and lost his motor·. Stan our car wa~ at th~er d of the trail, s~nd ber_ms. S~ there we sat._ scary itself, in that fog. ' Gilb~rt got into a complicated we couldn t see lt-olr be seen. So i j\X'e tned to fix wh_atever m1~ht We are still wondering abouta.~ thingwher\,·as he followed Steve that was no _hell?. · _ . h~f e_gone wrong w1th1m~r tnc~ Loser that we heard, but didn't McEachern, McEachern . hit a Hansen did fmall,y get gomg, d1~tnbutor, but couldn-t figure It ever see. It was possible to take a rock and went over on his side. _ but by now there {ere car~ here ol\t,_ so we took the seat out and wrong turn about a mile before Gilbert tried to·goaround and hit. a_nd there, at the bottom, m the gof mto our spare parts bag. To where we broke, onto a good~, another. mck, which launched ftr_st turn, and parkfd ~bout two o~r chagrin, , t_he . thi~g we'd road that went straight for miles • him, so he landed on McEach-thirds .of .the wi,iy ~p, 1p the left . t9?ught ~as a d1stnbutor, was a (we. know, we took it). And em's rock, tearing out his hand turn. )?h,n '118de another S!1)fre coil, and much as we whilewewerenewlybroken,and -drivel_ine. He then helped Steve try, 1:10: realizing that,there was a h~nted th,roug~ ~he goodies, trying to figure out what we . put his truck back on its wheels, traff~c Jam, a':1d_ he\ and ~ansen, t~f e was no d1stnbutor to be could do, w_e heard a car go that and Mc~achern went on only to coming a~ It from . different fornd. . . way,· and It went for a long . lo~e his flywheel between El routes, amved_a: t~e Jam up at I JA..t t~1s pomt_ we reached for distanc~ until the sound of its -Oiablo and San Felipe. Gilberf about t~e same tl"]e,. Now t~~r~ ou~ Umden ra~to, and called the motor faded away. Then,, just as was parked for _good._ . _ ,was a line, each rttrs~n waiting - BpG Relay, which we coul_d hear · we were getting_ ready to fire up We were racing this time and for the one ahead ofh1m to make ld~d and clear .. We to!~ htm our and go on again, well over an . sawanoverheatedlookingfellow It to the top._ Onel<;:lass 11 q:1r pr?blem,andheprom1sedtosee hourlater,wehearditcomeback who was wearing a yellow driving went. up with t~e _passenger w~at ~e c~mld do. We started toward where he'd gone wrong. suit tied around his waist, joggir:ig stand11:1g on the re,r ?umper to' ga~hering f1rew<?od, and_ a chase But then· w_e could· tell that he down the road, abm,it a mile give ~t ~ore tr1~t1on: Don cr;~w gave us a c1gare~e lighter so , turned agam, and was. off in before the San Felipe Zoo Adam~ Jeep got r@ the Jam up w,9 could_ start the fire, and_ we another wrong direction. He was crossing. Cc:iuld · that have been and quit,_ and Larry 1Olsen, who se~~led_ m. fo~ the evenmg. far enovgh away that we couldn't S(?meone tro!T) ,. McEachern 's spent much of his ·¥av _this-way, Pep od1cally, wed ,talk to Bob on see his .ligh~s, but we sure felt _, . truck?Whoeverhewas,hewas a, gotoutandbegan~prkmgunder the radio, and hed tell us that sorry for him as he wandered · I,-oser for _sur~, to be out running the hood. We claorpered up to held reached our _pit and that through Baja, completely lost. -for parts m that. heat. . where our car was sropped, _an.9 th~y were ~orking on our · We wonder how much fuel he~ Frank Arciero·had.-a good race afte_r · a . breathless] .1 d1scuss10n, P\"i).blem. As_tl\e moon an? stars had., And we wonder if he ever for a while in his new Class 4 decided It was our ~hare to go brp n to 'shme brightly m the found his way._ '·' ! l I July 198il -Page.59 I.
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