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1987 Volume 4 Number 6 Dusty Times Magazine

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• / SPENCER LOW TAKES HOME TBE MONEY FROM TBE MINT. ON GOODYEAR WRANGLER RADIALS. The Mint 400. It's billed as "the world's biggest, richest and toughest off-road race'.' And the course of this year's 20th Annual event was tougher than it's ever been. Forget the fine, misty rain which made clear vision nearly impossible. Forget the scattered high winds. Forget the deep silt that seemed to appear from nowhere. Because the drivers who remembered the mountainous, high-desert course from last year, ran the course this year from the opposite direction. So it was a whole new course for veterans and rookies alike. But Spencer Low found his way to the winner's circle (for the third time this season) · on Goodyear Wrangler radials. Take me home. They're the tires that help~d Spencer win the Class 7S Championship and the Mini-Metal Challenge Championship for the last two consecutive years. . They're the radial tires that are designed to take on the toughest terrain. The toughest conditions . . They're the tires we race. And the very same tires you can buy. So no matter what kind of truck you own, get the tires .that can take on your toughest off-road trail. Goodyear Wrangler radials. They'll-take you home. The quick way. The quick way. ..

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/ -Vofume 4 Muniber-6--· Editor-Publisher - Jean Calvin .Associate Publisher Brad Goodrow Associate Editor • Richard K. Schwalm: Controller John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic _ -Fi:-ank McCombs Contributors' Darla Crown . Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks t. , Tom Grimshaw ' Martin Holmes ' ~Rod Koch- --,-Cam McRae Bienda Parker David R yskamp Walt Schwalbe ' Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John SproY.kin · Darlene Thackston 3-D Photography _ Trackside Photo Enterprises Art Director · Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Prodi..cti,on -Michelle's Typesetting Services I I ·-· 1-1 ' · June 1987 1' ' -- . THE OFF.CIAL VOICE Of O :r-' - - - ' •. -Uc.G.. . . . . . --~ ==--. . ·-· -- . Subscription Rates: _. . _ _ $_12.00 per yea_r, 12 issues, USA: Foreign subscrj!i~tiqn ' rates on request. - --, . --_ · Cont~jbutions: · · , . · , ; --· I · 'DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but -is not responsible for·such material. Unsolicited m~terial -will be returned only by request and with a self-addtiessed; -stamped envelope: · · ·· . . . -Classified Ads ' will be published as received, ·prepaid. _ DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omission& or errors. All ads·may be· s·ubje•ct to editing, _ _ DUSTY TIMES, '.'USPS-305-690" is published mbnthly -by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 19,83 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be reproduced without wdtten permission fi:oin the' publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 9130'.1. _ _ - _ I - -POSTMASTER: Send address changes to.Dusty f imes, · 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 9130L CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of ad.dress. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry· Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• -I i I . I I I I I. 11 Ir I' I' . I L l _ : , FEATURES -Page , HDRA Nissan Mint 400 ............................. 14 · Sand Drags at Indio .... -....... _ ...... · ................ ·. 28 I . . ·--•t .Stadmm Racmg at t?~ Rose Bowl .................... 32 ADRA Penasco Tw1hght 250 .............•.... _. ..... 37 WCR Marlboro Safari Rally, ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Florida 400 .. : ...... .'. , ........... ; .... _ ........ , . . 40 Toyota 4Runner ...... · ... -...... ·,-................... 42._ 1 VORRA at P:r~irie City .. , ......... : . . :· ............. 44 -1 Pro Ca~Am Horn Rapids 250 ... _ .................. ... 46 1 CRS-R1m of the World Rally ... , .................... 48 _. Stadium Racing in Phoenix ....... ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 I' Ti1csori Auto Cross · ..... ·:· . . ...... -................ ,. 59 -A DEPARTMENTS , Snapshot of Jhe Mofl_th ..... ·. ~ .............. · ....... _. . . . 3 i Soap Box by Jeff Hibbard .................... • ........ 4 . 1-TrailN~tes . -........ , .. _ .. -........... _._•····-··-•···· ••·•• 4 :I ~~~i~r;b~~ii R;ska~p · : _: : : '. : : : : : : _: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ f SideTracks.byJudy Smith .............. ; ..... : ..... 10 1 Manufacturers' Advis,ory Board Report ... .-... ; ....... 12 1 The Lo$ers by Judy Smith ........................... 43· 1-Pony, Expres,s· ..... _ ............ _. : ............ -. . . . . . 50 1 Pit Team Register and Reports ...... ; , .... , ........ '.. 52 -. I CRS and SCCA Rallv Roundup ...... : ......... , .... 53 -Tech Tips by Bill.Savage .... ' ........... , ............ 53 -Yokohama 6-50 CluQ Report .............. , .... _, .... 53 Good Stuff Directory ...................... .". . . . . . . 54 -f :Classified Ads .. ' ... -...... , .... ; ................... -. 58 Score/HD RA Series Points Standings ... , , ........ ; . . . 59 i~ fod~x-to Advertisers · .....•.... ·. :_ .... , ............. -. ·59 • 1 ON THE COVER -The 1987 Nissan Mint 400 produced ,a pair of t hard running class _winners who earned-their victories in the last miles I of the last lap. The Overall and ,Class 1 winning Raceco of Steve l Sourapas and Dave Richardson stayed close to the front all day and . won outright by over seven minutes. Tom and Steve Martin, also in a · Ra:ceco, followed the same scenario, and the Martin brothers have long sought a victory at the Mint 400. This year their dream came true as · they won Class 2 by just over three minutes and placed a swift fifth overall. Color Photography by Trackside Photo Enterprises. Tl.MES ,~.DUSTY I THE FASTEST G~OWING OFF ROAD MONTHlY IN THE COUNTRY!! -1 I I I r I I I I -I I I I I D 1 year~ -$12~00 _ · □ 2 years -$iO.OO . ·-• "Ready - radar set -we have another Cla~s 1 in our sights." Could this be a new class for off road racing? This battle tank from the Nevada National Guard unit at Henderson did-zip down the Mint 400 course in good time. With several men in the crew, we don't know who_the driver of record tnight be. But, the tank covered several miles of the course after the last entry took the green flag, retiring-first in class at the "horseshoe" pit area. · DUSTY TIMES will feature pictures ot similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us· your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & whiteprints,5x7 or Bx IO will be considered. · I I ft II I I I I □ 3 years - $30.00 Takf advantage of your subscription bonu~.· •• Free O".'e time ·classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on insicte back page) , :i N,ame I Address -----------'---~------------1 I City --"-'--,----'--,--------..------I : Zip I, State----'--'------------------1 I I I. I Send check qr money order to: -DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 1 year $15.00 U.S.• Oversea_s subscription rates quoted on request) . . I . . . I I I I I I I I -·I I I I I I I . 1· ; I -, I I .L Dusty nmes June .1987 • I Page 3 . 11 - 1

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SoaP-BOx ••• number"of racers we represent . . ,J, . ·,·1_·. N ·o:· _· -,e~ -. ·s··· .·-•· .:--·--IDRA was started ·by the. president_s of the clubs mentioned ahd at our April Open· Letter to ·All B,ug· & Buggy Racers-meeting .we elected George· THESCOREBAJAINTERNACIONALhasa~iftycoutsethisyear, and Thompson as our Managing the race is coming up soon on June 6. The 460-inile route was marked for pre-· Director. The structure of this. running the first of May. A brief.look at the route shows that it goes out of organizati0n is as follows: At Ensenada to Ojos Negros, then south'to Santo Tomas and to,Camalu on the their-. respective meetings, club Pacific Ocean. From there it is up the mountain ~o Mike's-Sky Ranch and on . members (and guests) discuss the_ to the San Felipe Zoo, then west to Va.Iii de Trinidad andthroughthe woods ByJeff Hibbard pros and cons of how the race to El Rayo and back to Ensenada. A generous 20 hour time allowance insures ranks and -_raise $5000 · from · was staged, raced and finished, that even the walking wounded will have time to finish in Baja: The·drawing buggy related businesses so· the · conveying their feelings to their for starting numbers on May 18 produced 214 entries, and Score anticipa_tes a We, the vast majority at any race, have lost any effective voice with the promoters: Board wqul_d -have some ·input club ·representa.tives. The club .starting number a_tound 300 by race day. ·. a-. • • • • As the president of the Checkers I've recently been involved with five other support teams in forming the "Independ-ent Desert Racers Association" (l.D.R .A.). This -organization presently represents the Chapala Dusters, Checkers, Core, Fair, Los Cornpeones and Tight Ten. It was formed with a number of objectives in mind'. But before I get into them let me give you a quick review of the situation as it from this segment of the racers. reps(clul;,presidentsatthistime) THEREISANEWDODGEINOURGARAGE . .DUSTYTIMEShasa Elections w~re _held ( disputed by.. meet with George Thompson brand new project car, and if you were around Sloan ai: the Mint 400 you saw many) and class reps were and -discuss these i terns. George our dandy Dodge Colt Vista Wagon, nee Mitsubishi, already decked out.with · elected. They in turn. elected . then , ·presents our collective the familiar magazine logo ori it's doors: The wagon is load~d with luxury · Mark McMillin to sit on the views to ·the-promoters. items, and it is complete'with four wheel drive for pit hopping Board and represent the buggy . . George Thompson is a buggy work at the races. So, watch for 'reports on the evolution ofthe Colt. in ·1 U 'l h $5000 · · d I Ch k upcoming issues. ' · · c asses. ntl . t e . . 1s raise racer, occasiona ec er pit . he will be a guest of Yokohaml). captain and has had some past WIN A NEW NISSAN. HDRA is now selling tickets fo~ their annual raffl~ Tire . with no vote. !ORA experience in the.organization of on Friday, July 3 at Barstow, and the grand prize is a Nissan 4x4King' Cab considers this· poor representa-·NHRA back when drag racing pickup. The tickets cost just $125 each, and only 200 are printed; ~a.king the · tion at best since Mark will be · came of age. · He is _also a· . odds good. 'To add·to the fun each of the ZOO tickets is good tor ~ome sort of only one voice among man-y. , volunteer. Both· of the major · prize, from tires and carn:er~s to hats and oll. The last ticket drawn is the one stan~s today. · As buggy racers, with over two promoters have . expressed a that wins the new Nissan truck. The proceeds go to the Barstow Chamber of thirds qf the entries at any given willingness to deal with · our Commerce.and the de·sert series-points fund: Make your che_ck payable to the race, we feel we should have if organiza.tion, seeing· the advant~ Barstow Chamber of Commerce, and send-for 'your raffle. ticket to them at little more say in the rules and age of deal_ing with ·one voice 270 EasfVirginia Way, Barstow, CA 92311. . . . The old class rep system that provided input from the racers in that particular class is long gone. It has been replaced by a Manufacturers Board. A seat on this Board costs $5000-and gets you one vote. The Boa rd presently consists of vehicle manufacturers and tire compa-nies. Basically this group makes the ,rules for ALL the classes and pressures the promoters to make -· decisions and changes . that are favorable to their corporate interest. This is nothing sinister, just good _business on their part. conditions under which we race. · rather than many. ·' SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION has announced a shorter It is under these conditions that . IDRA's membership i's open schedule for)987, holding thr;ee races throughoutthecomingmonths; all in these six, independent and-to any support team that fields different-l9cations. The three events will all count t_oward _the final Triple · normally competitive su,pport/ ten or more cars at any particular· Crown Championship for 1987. Coming up soon,. the Delamar 250 will run race· teams got together to protect .. race. All members contribute out of Caliente, Nevada on June 20. The Nevada 250 will happen at.Pioche cm our mutual interest, and those of their share to. cover operati•ng_ August 22nd, and the final race, the Silver Dust 250, will be in the Las Vegas · all buggy type desert racers. This expenses. ·-There· is:· nb. profit area on October 17th. Following that race, theTdple Crown champions will should not be considered a call to involved for anyqne. receive their prizes. . . . . . ·. , : ~-Recently the Bqard asked Yokohama Tire to find a representative from the buggy ' f b · · h Major changes in the Silver Pust format include going to all multiple lap arms o uggies against t e·· The . goals' of IDRA are -as_ -- events. All the faces will be approximately 250 miles long and will be either light/ heavy metal classes, it is varied as the people who make five 50 mile laps or six 40 mile laps. The rules will revert'fo match the simply a reaction to the feeling -up the .individual ch1bs but some·· S~ore/HDRA rules in all respects, including restricto~ pjate sizes in Class that the big spon·sored., · big items seem to be . on a lot of · 1-2-1600. Entry fees have been reduced to $250, plus insurance, per race money classes are dictating how people's minds, such as: "How with a 50 percent payback. · _ ., ·· things are going o be done, with come a· club pitting 25 'cars can't All the fun things that are a feature of Silver Dust races wlll continue.· the vast majority of the racers get a main pit area as_· big as Participants can look forward to pre-race parties, calcuttas, Bar-B-Ques and having 110 say. Our only Wa Ike rs.?". Everybody is awar~ parties. Caliente and Pioche have offered to be more helpful with room objective .is to gain represfnta-concerned about·how to stop the· and prizes, along with their wonderful hospitality. . ·· · · . . tion more in line . with I the closing of the -deserts. · Some As usual, the Caliente race on June 20 wilt start and finish" on the main street of Caliente, with plenty of spectator area on.the pavement and out of AffENTION DESERT RACERS other commonly heard bitch's the dust in the picturesque high mountain community_. Check the ad on page are: "Toyota shouldn't be able t9 27 in this issue for full de~ails. . · . . · press for engine changes in Class · . DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and_ HDRA desert-races. Check it out on c:ontingency row· - Two different classes each event. THE WRIGH·T PLACE~. COIL SPR-ING YOUR FRONT-END! The coil.springs you are seeing in magazines.and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You · can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and a_djust. Wrenches come with the kit for.adjustments. , Another greE:Jt idea from the front end_ experts of off road racing: 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, E_L CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 4 10 without the drivers approv-CALIFORNIASTATEPARKRANGERSrecentlyannouncedthatthey al?". "Why talk_ of combining intend to ban off road vehicles in the Anza Borrego Desert State Park because . buggy classes while maintaining of damage to the ecosystem .. Off roaders make up about one quarter. of the the consistantly· small classes in park's one million visitors annually, according to Chief Ranger Ke,n Smith, _ the light/ heavy metal category?". but they have destroyed animil,l habitat and tender desert flora, daip.aged "How come non~finishers, that sensitiv~ mud_ flats and archec;>logical sites and the list goes ,on:,· 1 . 1 h · h h Smith said the ban does not preclude persons from operating "street p ace : in t .e money I ave t at' legal" vehicles, including four wheel drive trucks and cars; arid rtiotdrcycles, rnoney ~put into the drivers' on the 500 miles of marked dirt roads in the sprawling 600,000 acre park in po_ints fund and their trophy sent eastern San Diego County. But, rangers will begin issuing mfsdemeanor back to the supplier just because citations to the operators of unlice_nsed vehicles on September 1, 1987. Smith they didn't finish in thi time- said off roaders have caused so many heada,ches to park rang!!rs rl)at they are limi-t?". "What right do truck now·unwelcome and will have to go elsewhere. The only problem with that · and tire guys have -making rule statement is the "elsewheres" are shrinking fast, and will not·exist if Alan changes in my buggy class?". - Cranston's Senate Bill, aimed at putting most of the California desert into It. is concerns like ;these and wilderness status, passes in Congress. So, keep those cards and letters headed many others that IDRA intends toward Washington, voicing your opposition to SB 7. If you wrbte before, · to ress. The six clubs write again, since a good deal of the count on pros and cons from c;onstituents 3 · is d_one by weight of mai_l received_! _ . , . . 1·.· · _ involved ran 1 2 cars at the last ~fint race, with· proportionate MINT 400JACKE_TSALE. HDRA over bought on the souvenir jackets numbers at the rest of the races. for the '.'1i~san Mint 400,._~o t~ey·ar~ having ~-post n~ce sale. If yo~jstill ne~d a ·With numbers like that we feel souvernr Jacket for the. ·famrly, fnend,s, pit crews, early Christmas gifts, that we deserve, at the very least, "HDRA has a special after race priceof$29.95, plus $3.00 for handling. Atthe a say that is equal to that of the momentallsizesareavailable. ThejacketswillbeshippedUPS,so-pleasesend Board on decisions that affect us. · a street address with your check or money order to HDRA, 12997 Las Vegas If you feel the same way, I suggest mvd.-South, Las Vegas, Nevada 89124. , _ ~-ou get involved and support us WORRA, out of Vancouver, British Columbia, held their first race of the in our effort to represent you. year on April 12. They used the new facility at Ashcroft, and the place really If you are not a member'of one· showed potential for being a top race site. Due to the track conditions and of the clubs that make ·up IDRA ·· time allotment, the first WORRA meet was limited to one heat and two main please a~end a meeting of the· events for each class. Gerry Charlton won the Pro Sportsman and ~ob Ny~ste club nearest-you and make your, won the Heavy Metal honors. Toni Weisstock was the Sportsman champ; views known. All of these clubs and Bruce Foulds won the Oddyssey title. Wali:er Wei~si:ocU ,won the welcome _ guests (no women at · Obstacle Buggy run, and.Bob Nyesterepeatedin theObstacle4x4{ace. Terry Checker meetings) and .IDRA . Dietterle won the Odyssey Obstacle run. The towns of Ashcroft and Cache business is becoming .a. regular Creek provided excellent hospitality, truly appreciated by the racers and their families. · · · · topic a.tall these meetings. Y mi'll find a liSt of clubs and meetings THE NISSAN MINI MINT RALLY, run·the day before _the Mint 4_00 in most off road publications. · race, had an exceUent turn out of 76 starting rigs. The rally was t_imed to the Volunteers are invited to climb on, minute, and, a_s expected with a 60 111ile route and no provisio~ · f~r-a 'tie their "Soap Box" and fill this space breaker leg, there were a number of ties, including for the victoty and the _with Jheir. thoughts about what 'is . biggest part of the purse. The pair of "-,'.inners were Michiganders Robert King · · and Keith Hogland, Chevy S-10, and Randy Gauvin ·a11d Dan Hale in a Toyota good and what is not so good about · SR 5, each taking ten penalty points. The full report with pictures will be in the state of off road racing. ' the Jujy issue. This format is becoming very popular with would-be off road Call or write DUSTY TIMES racers, and it doesn't break the truck in half either·. Check the Mam1facturer's with your ideas for a Soap Box Board Mi:eting report on page 12 for what mk•ht he in store for oft road rally column, and get on the schedule. folks in the 1988 desert season., (More TRAIL MOTES on page 59) June 1987 Du$ty Times

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!·. l . 1987 HAPPENINGS •• + A.D.R.A. Arizon~ Deser't Racing Association P.O, Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (60_2) 252-1900 July 18 High Country 150 Aagsta~f,,AZ September 5-6 Snowflake Buggy Bash Snowflake, AZ October 17 Penasco 150 Sonora, ·Mexico December 5 Sonoita ·to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico AMSA American Motor Sports Association P.O. Box 5473 Fresno, CA 93755 (209) 439-2114 BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD. S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 241 Van Nuys, CA 91303 (818) 340-5750 October 2-4 Carrera de los Campeones Sa£! Felipe, B.C. 1987 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES · P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI.54520 . (715) 478-2115 /(715) 478-2688 June 27-28, Spring Run IOI Crandon, WI September 4~ Brush Run IOI World Championship Crandon, WI CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison · 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91 720 (714) 736-1442 July 11 Carlsbad ·Rally Sprint . Carlsbad, ·cA Ju[y 12 CRS Annual Picnic Carlsbad, CA September 26-27 Cliffs of Gorman Rally Gorman, CA October 17 Glen Helen Rallyspririt San Bernardino, CA December 5-6 East of Indio VII , Indio, CA 4 FUN 4 WHJ,-;ELERS 915 So. Zeeb.Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 459-8388 . (313) 755-3176 . September 5-6 Summers End Extravaganza Bee's Sport Center St. Johns, MI Page 6 FORDA Florida Off R-oaders Drivers' Association 5349 Hansel Ave.·, C-1 Orlando, Florida 32809 (305) 851-6245 May3 . Lakeland; FL · June 14 •. Lakeland, FL July 5 Tallahassee, FL August 2 Lakeland, FL September 6 T al,lahassee, FL October 4 Lakeland, FL November 1 Lakeland, FL .J~nuary 10, 1988 Lakeland, FL February 7, 1988 . Lakeland, FL March 26 Florida 400 Tallahassee, FL FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM . 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 Augusi: 8, 1987 _ Superstition 250 IV Ancient Dry Lake Bed · El Centro, CA . October 3, t 987 200 Mile Plaster City Blast Plaster City, CA . December 31, 1987 150 Mile Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atl'anta, GA 303 IO ( 404) 927--6432 · June 7 100 miles Alabama . June 28 Winder, GA July 26 Cordele, GA August 23 Winder, GA ,septembet 13 100 miles _ Alabama ' September 27 Cordele, GA October 25 Winder, GA November 28 250 miles Cordele, GA -December 5 Annual Banquet GREAT LAKES FOUlt WHEEL .. DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road_ Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (-313)-665-0358/ (313) 996-9193 . . August 1-2 . . I 9th Annual Sand-0-Rarna. Silver Lake Sand Dragway Mears, MI GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Knowlton 831 So. Jason Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-5537 .· June 7 St. Francis, KS ' June ~1 Raceland Denver, CO July 19 Raceland Denver, CO Augus_t 8-9 . St. Francis, KS August 30 · Raceland .Denver, c·o ··September 20 Raceland Championship - SC · Denver, CO ROD HALL'S GHOST TOWN ADVENTURE 2150 Hunter Lake Drive · Reno, NV 89509 (702) 786-6748 / (open to Dodge 4x4s only) ·· June 18-21 3 Day Trail Ride Lake Tahoe, NV HORA High Deserr Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South · Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 July 3-5, 1987 Fireworks 250 Barsww, CA September 11-13, 1987 - ·-Craig/Hi Desert 300 Craig, CO -December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Torn Freeman 3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD.57702 (605) 342,0331 June 21. Beaver Creek Baja Jamestown, ND August 16 · Gumbo Buttes Baja Pierre,-S.D. October 24 Last Chance Baja Wall, S.D. GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2957 }line 14, 1987 Short Course Race September 27, 1987. Short Course Race IbK FOUR WHEELERS · P.O. Box 36 . Cleves, Ohib 45002-( All et1ei1ts staged at the club grounds·in Clm?s, Ohio) JEEP CUP. RALLY SERIES David Hannum .United 4WD Associations (317) 453-9242 . (. . June 14 Cadillac, MI · June 20 . Moncton, New Brunswick June il Atlanta, GA . June 27 Calgary, Alberta . July 1 L Lindsey, Ontario July 12 Denver, CO , July 18 Victoriaville, Quebec July 19 Sacramento, .CA July lQ Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia · August Championship Rally Reno, NV MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION - · · John Elliptt - ( 517) 835-9923 Bob Rarnlow -(616) 345-6407 June.13-14 Gratiot Cha"pter I::nduro Harrison, MI · June 27-28 MSBA Sand Drag Fish Creek, MI July 25-26 . MSBA Sprint Race Oakley, MI . August 7-9 Bug-In Midland, MI · August 1_6 · Gratiot Chapter Sprint Race St. Johns, MI . August 22-23 Blue Water Chapter Enduro St. Helen, MI August 28-30. Fun .Weekend in the Trees, Harrfson, MI August.30 · .Can Am Chapter Sa('!d Drag BerviHe, MJ September· 12-13 Over Mt. Baldy #30 Hillclirnb Silver Lake, Ml · Sep.tember 25-2'? -Fun Weeke~.9 i.~. ~h~ Sand Srlv-:n . .ake' MI -••. I , San Bernardino, CA ·(714) 381-4454 or (714) 880-1733 -~ ~--:,-·· · September 2 7 · .,-, Can Am Chapter Sand Drag · Berville, MI ~• October 3 Mid Michee Sprint Race Midland, Ml . MIDWEST OFF ROAD CHALLENGE SERIES Tommy Bowling Rt. 6, Box 833C Midland, TX 79702 (915) 332-1537 -(915) 563-9154 June 27 -Albuquerque, NM · August ·1 · . Freedom, OK September 12 Albuquerque, NM . ·October 3 · . Big Spring, TX November·7 El Paso, TX M,O.R.J:'.: 3513 North West Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76106 (817) 625-884.:i MICKEY .THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD . CHAMPIONSHIP GRANDPRIX . Mickey Thompson · · Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 . J~ne 20 Kingdome Seattle, WA July 25-26 L.A. Coliseum Los Angeles, CA September 26 . · Sam Boyd Silverbowl Las Vegas, NV , October 10 · ·L.A. County Fairplex 'Pomona, CA NORTH AMERICAN RALLY CUP June 5-7 Susquehannock Trail Rally Wellsboro, PA - John ~obinson (716) 223-1369 · July 34 Rally,e Baie Des Chaleur New Richmond, Quebec · Donald LeBlanc (418) 392-6120 July 10-12. Dartmouth Highlands Rally • Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Clarke Paynter (902 ).435-3948 August 21-23 . Sunriser 400 Forest Rally . Columbus, QH Dick Paddock (61,4)876-2277 . September 4-5 Rallye of the Voyageurs North Bay, Ontario Dave Carlin (705) 474~_,C07 .. ~Pt~mber 11-13 Mackinaw Trail Rally Traverse City, MI Kelly Brandt (616) 374-717(:i October 2-4 · Ojibwe Pro Rally Grand Rapids, MN Bob Nielsen (612) 776-4471 Dusty nmes .

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.Ocmber 9-11 Defii ~--A1g,a11rllne Sre.-Ag,aitllne ][)es Mo1111L'S. Q=bec Amll1re Ltwiigm,e (SH)) 747-3663 Octoher 28-November l Press 01111 IR<fWlauid!~ess Honnglmtt:<lllllll,~ll Diiclk Goile on» 685--2853 November 21-22 R.allllw of ttllne T;alf lPiilllleS Pierer:soomll\gllu, Omtt:arrii((J) !Ross w~. (416) /616--11'1¥91 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION ·oFTEXAS 1411 Lee Tre\?ii11ID, JD..l B Paso, TX 19935 (915) 594-8266 , Novanha-1 Riedl Sands 150 B Paso. TX OLYMPUS INIERNATIONAL RALLY Jolhurn N:a)l!lell P.O. &x-4154 Tllllffiware1r. WA 9850B (10J6) 154--91H J~e:ZS-29 · WRC OllymplllIS ll11111teirrualliioD11.iil Qilwmrii:a. WA ONJ"ARIP ,ASSCX:1ATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS &.iriry W.a1l11111ll1l11111k~1r · lP'.O.&x688 Bmcmftt:. 011111tario. iKOlL n oo , · Caum.:nocll::n · " Dusty 'llllles_ \ June 13--14 Kitche·ner, Ont. June 20-21 · Verner (Sudhury), Ont. July 4:5 Highland Grove, Ont. July 18-19 Belleville, Ont. . August 1-2 1 Brigh_ton, Ont. August 8-9 Kitchener, Ont. Aug~st 14~16 Bancr6ft, Ont. I . September 5-6 Kitchener, Ont. September 26-27 Kitchener, Ont. October 17-18 · Kitchen.~r, Ont. ONTARIO OFF ROAD Barbara Lap9inte 4 Bridge St. E. Kitchener, Ontario N2K IJ2 Canada . (519) 743-8841 (All events at Bingeman Park-in Kitchener.) June 7 Off Road l;.ndurance Races June .13-14 Kitchener-Waterloo Chall~nge July 19 · Off Road Endurance Races July 26 . Off Road Enduran·ce Races I . August IQ . A TV Ra9c•,s I I · August 30 Off Road Endunf'ce Races Septe~b-e! 5-6 Sandfest 87 · Septembe 13 Off Road Endurance Races Sept~mber ~6-27 Ontario Off Road Challenge October 10-11 · Oktoberfest _Endurance/Mudbog · October 17-18 Oktoberfest Challenge '87 . I . October 31-Noveinber 1 Off Road Enduranc~ Series Finale • I . I . o:o.R.Rt . Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association L'lrry Terry 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, cbK 73141 -(405) 769-5i:91 (All races located at ~~eedom, OK) · Vic Brumryam· · Freedom Chapter! President ( 405) 621-3428 Ii July 10-11 Moccasin CreJk 250 August~-,· ~ree~omt P · October 16-17 O.ffR.R.A:I ISO ---June~ 19f i1 ; ORSA _Randy Miller · 407 G Street, Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938. (916) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drags, ' all events at Sacramento · Raceway, Sacramento, CA OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION , P.O. Box 204 Ralos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 · (213) 3754570 (213) 534-2747 June 14 .. , Willow.Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA I I· ., . '' ., . June 27 Pearson Speedway Pears~nville, CA 'July 12 Willow Springs Raceway Rosamond, CA July 26 -Willow Springs Raceway ·Rosamond, CA POST Pennsylvania Off Road . . -Short Track Shark Saxon RD #3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (-717) 265-3076 All eyents in Monroeton, PA at the . i[)Fersection of Routes 414 & 220. June 27-28 July' 25-26 August 29-30 September 26-27 October 10-11. PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst:' Washington 98062 (206) 242-.1773 July 24-25 400K Ashcroft, BC October 2-3 Millican 400 Millican ,Valley, OR SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80155 (303) 994~7223 June 5-7, 1987· Susquehannock Trail Wellsboro, PA June 25-29. , Olympus International Rally Olympia, WA July 24~25, 1987 Arkansas Traveler Little Rock, AR August 21-23, 1987 Sunriser Forest Chillicothe, OH September 11-13, 1987 Mackinaw Trail Rally Traverse City, MI October 2-4 Ojibwe Rally Grand Rapids, MN ~ / /. \·

Page 8

,\ · Additional HAPPENINGS October 29-31, 1987 Press On Regardless Houghton, MI November 13-15, 1987 Wild West Rally Tacoma, WA SCCA DIVISIONAL PRO RALLY SERIES June 20 Coolidge Forest Plymouth, VT John Colt (802) 879-1073 July 25 Arkansas Traveler Little Rock, AR Janet Mitcham (501) 666-5093 July 10-12 P{escott Forest Rally · · -Prescott, AZ Rob Cherry (602) 778-6489 .August 8-9 Briar Rallycross . Briar MSP, VT Dan Way (802) 453-4792 August 8 Dire Straits Trout Lake, MI Jay Topping (313) 625-0790 September 9 Coachman, Capital' Stages Washington John Forespring (206) 866-8323 September 11~13. Mackinaw Trails . Traverse City, MI Kelly Brandt . (616) 374-7176 September 19 Lac Vieux L'Anse, MI Scott Carlborn (906) 482-6992 September 26-27 Cliffs of Gorman Gorman, CA Gary English (714) 497-4670 October 3 Gold Rush Westcliffe, CO Regan Smolkovich (303) 477-9298 SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 June 5-7, 1987 Baja Internacional Ense'nada, B.C., Mexico August 21-23, i 987 Off Road World Championship Riverside, CA . November 6-8, 1987 Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico December 5, 1987 -. Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV Page 8 SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1 A3, Canada (5f4) 692-6171 June 20-21 Thetford Mines, Quebec July 25-26 Thetford Mines, Quebec August 22-23 Thetford Mines, Quebec Septembefs-6 Thetford Mines, Quebec October 3-4 Race Swap Meet Thetford Mines, Quebec SCORE SHOW HBJ Expositions & Conferences P.O. Box 19531 Irvine, CA 92713-9969 (714) 250-8060 June 26-28, 1987 10th Annual Score Show Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA SILVERBOWL OF 1 'MOTOCROSS Roger Wells 225 W . Foster Ave. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 564-2677 (All events but the finale · held at Las Vegas International Raceway.) June 6 June 20 July 4 July 18 August 1 August 8 August 15 August 22 September 5 September 12 Sam Boyd Silverbowl Las Vegas, NV SIL VER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 ( 702) 459-031 7 June 20 Delamar 250 Caliente, NV August 22 Nevada 250 Pioche, NV October 17 Silver Dust 250 Las Vegas, NV SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O . Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 · (702) 452-4522 June 6, 1987 Twilight Race Las Vegas, NV July 25-26, 1987 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV September 25-27 Snore 250 Las Vegas, NV Octobe·r 31 Yciko Loco Las Vegas, NV • December 5 Black Jack 200 Las Vegas, NV S.O.R.R.P. Speedway OffRoad Racing Productions Bernie Weber P.O. Box 402 Temple, Texas 76503 (817) 773-3548 SHORT TRACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES FORMULA DESERT DOG SERIES S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: Gil Parker 7406 So. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 June 27-28 Spring Run 101 Crandon,-WI July 4.5 Sugar Camp Challenge Sugar Camp, WI July 18-19 Off Road 100 Bark River, MI July 26 General Tire Sprints Macon County Fair Decatur, IL August 28 Chicago Classic Santa Fe Speedway Chicago, IL September 5-6 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI September 19 Dixie Autocross Birch Run, MI October 3 Indian Summer Sprints Lake Geneva-Raceway Lake Geneva, WI SUPERCROSS, INC . . . Gateway Plaza . . 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 270 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-1606 . SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Prevost 1006 Cardinal Lane Green Bay, WI 54303 ( 414) 434-9044 June 6-7 Off Road Race . Antigo, WI June 20-2i Off Road Race Chilton, WI July 4-5 Off Road Challenge Sugar Camp, WI July 18-19 U.P. Off Road 100 ·.Bark River, MI August 1-2 Hodag 50 Rhinelander, WI August 23 Off Road Race Land-O-Lakes, WI September 19-20 Colorama 100 Sugar Camp, WI June 1987 TUCSON AUTO CROSS P.O. Box 552-21 Tucson, AZ 85703 (602) 887-1275 June 14 Raven Raceway Tucson, AZ. VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association . 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 -June 20-21 Virginia City '200 Virginia City, NV July 11 Stadium Type Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA August 1 Stadium Type Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA September 5-6 Yerington/VORRA 250 Yerington, NV October 10 Championship Stadium Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA November 1 1987 Championship Race Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA WHEEL TO WHEEL, INC. , P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL ICO (613) 332-1766 : (613) 332-4128 August 1~2 Brighton Wheel to Wheel Weekend Brighton Speedway Brighton, Ontario I WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19 125 - 87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S SX7 , Canada (604) 576-6256 June 26-28_ Sand Drags Only Mission, B.C. · August 16 Mission, B.C. September 5-6 Kamloops, B.C. October 10-ll Ashcroft, B.C. FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP May JO-June 4, 1987 Acropolis Rally Lagonissi, Greece ] 25-29, 1987 Olympus Rally Olympia, WA, USA July 11-14, 1987 New Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand August 2-9, 1987 Argentine Rally Buenos Aires, Argentina August 26-30, 1987 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September 22-26, 1987 / Ivory Coast Rally Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast / October 11-17, 1987 San Remo Rally · San Remo, Italy November 22-26, 1987 RAC Rally Engla'nd ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS August 14-16 Bancroft's Canadian List· your coming-et1ents in DUSTY 4x4 Challenge TIMES free!. Send your 1()87 schedule Bancroft, Ontario as Soon as possible for listing in ihis column. Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 r Derry At>e., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 9r3or. WHY AREN'T YOU??? A DUSTY TIMES ·DEALER!!!. SELL TO YOUR CUSTOMERS PRESENT TO YOUR PREFERRED CUSTOMERS U.P.S. EVERY MONTH TO YOUR D0O.R YOU PAY NO SHIPPING CHARGES GET ALL THE RACE AND RALLY NEWS FROM THE TOP OFF ROAD JOURNALISTS-Contact DUSTY TIMES' 5331 Derry A~nue, Suite o Agoura, CA 91301 (818) 889~5600 " Dusty Times

Page 9

o : I H I A C 0 on int chasing-.. . ·· · .. ·. ama. The Mint 400 has been called the richest of.aJI off-road races. And the roughest. Out of a starting field of 338 teams, many found it hard to swallow. But when the checkered flag fell, Yokohama M -0 T 0 R Sourapas wins the Mint on Yokohama tires.-··! had captured the overall first place trophy and devou·red 5 out of 16 class victories. · And t~e winners are; Steve Sourapas and . Dave Richardson, Class land Overall First Steve arid Tom Martin, Class ~ Jack Ramsay and Rick Mills, Class 1/2-1600. Jim Madison ·and Russ Mortenson,·Class 5. And Bill and Michael 1Church, Class 10. ·. -' At the! mid-point of the 1987 SCORE/HORA season, Yokohama has piled up more class I victories than any ot_hertire manufacturer. I Which a I goes to prove two things . . You cbn't find a tougher light duty truck tire than Yol<ohama. · . · . And rocil')g against them can leave a bad • I taste in vour mouth. . ' . ->Jr YOKOHAMA What the world's best have in common. . -S I p 0 R T S ' © 1987 Yokohama Tire Corporation. For information write: Yokohama Tire Corporation, P.O. Box 4550, 6011s. Acacia Avenue, Fullerton, CA 92631.

Page 10

Side Tracks ••• By Judy Smith hought "Haj1py Jack" firl'wood was usi..'d to prop the dc1:k lid opl'n, so it ¼-·ouldn 't jostll' thl' jug loosl'. And Wl' Wl'rl' off again. Meanwhile, back in Baja. Our little troop of intrepid explorers, having conquered the Salt Company roads around the · tip of Scammon 's Lagoon, reached the intersection with the road to the west, which would ultimately take us to the road to Malarrimo Beach. Our feelings were mixed when we discovered that this road, rt:me~bered by the Johnsons as arduous and fun to drive, was now no more than an ugly road bed, washboardy and being graded for eventual pavement. It went straight as an arrow, for miles, offering no challenge beyond having to endure the washboard. We headed off to the west, with John Johnson leading the parade in his S-10, followed by our VW pre-runner, and then Nick in his '87 Comanche. The VW rode all right on the lumpy stuff, but it began to make some noise. The spring plate grommets were squeaking with every bump, the n.ested set of cookwan: rattled, the cheapie styrofoam cooler that we'd brought for the overflow of food began to squeak, the passenger seat revealed a squeal, and small rocks rattled and clanked on the undersides of the fenders. One of us is a little deaf, and the other wasn't paying attention, and who could hear the engine pinging in all that racket anyway? We hadn't even realized that the road· was going uphill. We noticed it simultaneously. One, as the car lost power, and the other, as the pinging overwhelmed all the other noises. Oh, no, there. goes the vacation! So Wl' backed out of it Thl' road down to Mahrrimo and slowed down a lot. Soon Bl'ach is ahout 26 miles long, and Johnson was out of sight, hut we first risl'S a hit, thl'n skirts the werl' reassurl'd by the prescncl' of l'dge of a deep, bl'autiful canyon, Nick behind us in thl' Jeep. and drops gradually down to thl' After 31 apprehensive miles of floor of the canyon and follows the graded road, there ·was a thl' wash to thl' beach. It's just narrow trail hl'ading off to the . two ruts widl', and very right, or north, and a sign in reminiscent of thl' · old Baja incomprehensible Spanish. Thl' Highway hl'fnre the pavement Johnsons were waiting for us. destroyed it. Any vehicle in We hikl'd over to read the small reasonably good condition could print on the sign, and found that makl' it to thl' beach, including many gringo tourists had made· our damagl'd Volkswagen. It was notations on it, leaving messages a nice trip, and the road never for friends, and reassuring us that even got sandy enough to worry it was, indeed, the road to about until Wl' were suddenly Malarrimo Beach. The turnoff right at thl' beach. Then we from the new roadbed was hard parked. to spot, but we found our way (;ff Malarrimo is a shock. After and started down the trail. We traveling for miles through the had checked the oil and listened clean desert, the first impre1?sion to the sound .of the VW, and is that you've reached a trashy decided that it should go first so _campsite. But as you get onto the that in case of terminal trouble, beach itself, you realize that this the others would find us soon. is why you're here. The Now that we were so close, there mountains of driftwood that was to be no turning back. .used to make it difficult to drive a After a couple of miles we car on the beach are gone, thanks stopped to check the oil, and to all the intrepid tourists who've found that it was down found their way here, and the alarmingly. A quick .inventory exotic floatsam and jetsam, like revealed that our well equipped glass Japanese fishing net floats, safari had come to Baja with just have all been picked up, but two quarts of extra oil. We had there's a huge supply of stuff to two ace mechanics on hand, poke through. however, and they decided to It's windy there, with nothing build an "oil recovery system", at all between Japan and the to catch the clil as it was blown beach to stop the gale. But, of out the breather, so that we'd b~ course, that's what makes it able to recycle it if needed. To Malarrimo (or, Beachcomber's) this purpose an empty plastic Beach. We found. a fairly water jug was taped to the rear sheltered campsite, back from bumper,- and the breather was. , _the shore, and then all piled into routed to it. We had lots of super the S-10 to go exploring. It had tape, and held everything in place been a warm t-shirt type day back with it. A piece of our store-on the main road, but now it was timl' for jackets and hooded sweatshirts, as the wind blows uncl'asingly. Thl' S-10 likl'd thl' hl'ach, and had no trouhll' making it a couple of mill's eastward to wherl' Wl' decidl'd it , was a good place to start to look for "trl'asures". Apparently, every ship that travels the Pacific Ocean dumps trash from time to time, and anything that can float eventually ends up on this beach. There are endless empty bottles of glass and plastic, countless corks, lightbulbs by the hundreds ( even four - foot flourescent tubes), shoes of every type, lobster traps, plastic and cork floats, toys, crates, mysterious cylinders with Navy markings, driftwood, fish nets, giant logs, and lots of firewood sized wood. Down by the water line there are even some shells, including a few sand dollars for the naturalists among us. We found a buried truck chassis, and nervously imagined how it had happened to end up. where it was, wondering if the S-I O could possibly suffer the same fate. We stayed at Malarrimo that night and two more, making several long beachcombing trips, and a couple of firewood runs. After having to nurse our supply of Happy Jack firewood i.lp at Scammon's, it was a luxury to have a huge stack of wood to burn, and·. we welcomed its warmth on the damp, windy evenings. Beachcombing at Malarrimo is a little like playing the slots at Las Vegas. You find something odd, or however slightly valuable, and it's like getting two cherries and your nickels back. It makes you keep on trying, knowing that sooner or later you'll get a jackpot. We found nothing of any real value, though each found several go6dies worth taking homl' as souvenirs. We all coveted the lobster traps, hut didn't have the space to carry them home. As it was we salvaged · some handsome pieces of driftwood, a whale vertebra, some shells and a cork float. We left behind a jack o'lantern, a doll's head, some hypodermic syringes, the medical rrcords of a cruise ship, a half made paddle, a fishing pole, and a . motley assortment of stuff. We know in our hearts that there was buried treasure attached to those bits of rope that w~ couldn't pull up out of the wet sand, or under those big pieces of lumber ethat we couldn't move. We felt that\ w . could. have found untold treasures if we'd had a couple of shovels. to do some digging. Strangely, shovels were one thing that hadn't washed up on, the beach. The wind was a bit hard on the two tents, undermining our dome and t-hreateneing to slide it down off its ll'dge, while it worried at Nick's little two-man tent, so we had to add extra tent stakes and ropes to· keep it anchored. So after three nights we decided to head for somewhere with n6 wind, and packed everything up and started hack up the road. Once again, the VW led the way, just in case it should have trouble. · Now we were headed for.Santa Ynes, near Catavina, and the old mission that we'd heard was somewhere in the hills behind the Rancho. But, would the wounded VW be able to make it? Or would the miles of highway driving finish it oft? To be continued. SOUTAR IVIOTORS/B.UD\NEISER -'~ HORA HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION l•I ►~ I t--t--M ~ i OFFICIAL VEHICLE OF THE HORA 1987 SERIES Page 10 DRAWING: FRIDAY, JUNE 12 ~YVOKOHAMA BOSCH For serious PerfOrmers June 1987 JULY 3-5 I ' 1987 BARST I w. CALI FDR NIA Dusty nmcs

Page 11

ROGER MEARS WINS OFF-ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAN PRIX AT THE ROSE BOWL. It was as if a chunk of the infamous Baja had been transported to the Rose Bowl. Truckload after truckload of sand and dirt was spread over the track and then watered down. The result was thick, slippery mud that sent competitors spinning, rolling and crashing into each other. Yet, Roger Mears and his Nissan Hardbody-tough Truck mastered this Gran Prix right from the start. In nail-biting, bumper-to-bumper action, Mears first snatched victory in the heat race. Then, as an ecstatic crowd of 67,000 cheered themselves hoarse, Nissan also won the main event with an incredible lead of four truck lengths! aa., ~ Nissan congratulates Roger Mears YDURSB.F'-7' on his outstanding demonstration of driving skill. Of course; events such as this mean more to us than victory. The challenge of racing makes us push ourselves to the limit ... and then some! And it's the knowledge we gain from our racing success I . that helps to ~nhance the power, performance ... the pure fun and pleasure of the cars and trucks we build ,for the street. You can get the same top quality, too, with Nissan's 1full line of specialized parts for racing vehicles and production cars. Just send your $10 check or money order (do not send cash) for our Competition Parts !catalog to: Nissan Motor Corporation in U.S.A., Motor-sports Dept., P. 0. Box 191, Gardena, CA 90247. Please allow six weeks for delivery. And reme1mber to check out our family of winners at your nearest Nissan dealer today. -THE NAME JS NISSAN I

Page 12

. SCORE/~DRA .Manuf~cturer's Advisory Board Report The second meeting in 1987.of the Manufacturer's Advisory Board to the Score/HORA Desert Series took place after the Nissan Mint 400 last May in Las Vegas. It brought together representatives of five truck and seven tire manufacturers, along with -three drivers inclu~hng a first time representative of the open wheel _ and Volkswagen classes. . The elimination · of racing classes that are not meeting the minimum requirement of six entries per race in the desert series was the most debated subject of the off road manufacturers meeting. Classes 3, 4, 6 , 7, 7 4x4, 11 and 14 were noted as either being under the minimum of close to the minimum number of entries required to continue the class next year, midway in the 1987 series. Coming Next Month ... TKe following shows a breakdown of the total number · of entries for each of the classes in jeopardy, the number needed to make the 48 entry minimum at the end of the year and how many entries per race will be needed to keep each class alive in the eight race series. Class 3, short WB 4x4, has a total of 25 entries to date, needs 23 in the. final four events or an average of 6 for e;ich remaining race. Class 4, long WB 4x4, has a total now of 29 entries, needs but 19 more or an average of five per · event. remaining. Currently under the quota, Class 6, Sedans, has a total of 23, needs 25 more, and needs to average seven per race remaining. Class 7, modified mini-midi pickups, has just 20 entries to date, needs 28 more and an average of seven per race in the next four events. Class 7 4x4, 4WD mini-midi pickups, is SCORE BAJA INTERNACIONAL ONE LAP OF AMERICA VORRA YERINGTON 250 WISCONSIN'S MEMORIAL DAY 100 SCCA CENTENNIAL PRO RALLY NISSAN MINI MINT RALLY SCCA TRUCK RACES MONTREAL OLYMPIC STADIUM RACE . WCR TOUR DE CORSE ... Plus all the regular featues · on the-bubble with 2o entries to Manufacturers would not date, and 'needs 22 more or an ,become involved so that it would . average of six· per· event foi the ·remain an "amateur's class." 5. rest of the year. Class· l I· has but ·Trophies/ certificates would be sixteen entries to date,. needs a awardsd as prizes instead of \ash_ total of 32 in the four next ewnts payouts. Both · Fish and HORA or an average.of eight' pq; race. President . Wa1t:, Lott will_ Class 14, unlimited 4 WD, has a · inves.tigate the possibility ot total of 19 entries to date, needs running· the "stone stock" class. 29ormoreoranaverageofeight · HORA/Score technical per event. . . director Bill Savage reportl'd the Representatives of Ford, following tech problems ,from Chevrolet and Nissan expressed the Parker and Mojave events. concern about where they would Ford's Class 7 entry did not showcase their products if Cl_ass comply with the 1987 suspen-7 was eliminated. The consensus sion rules because it was·running . of opinion agreed that the cost of two coil springs per wneel on the fielding a competitive team was front end. Two Class 1 ~2-1600 the most inhibiting factor, since vehicles. were found to have . Class 7 has become a "Manufac-modified intake ·manifolds. turers Class." Nissan's Class 7 4x4 entry was Suggestions were made to disqualified for relocating its axle contact past competitors of the from stock location. · classes in jeopardy to solicit The following are tech items to input on what it would take to get be considered for 1988: them "back. in the game" and Aluminum blocks may be legal save their classes. Final decisions in Class 7. The rules for 7S and 7 on the fate of'these classes will be 4x4 w·ill state, "The block has to made at the committee meeting · be the same material as the one following the Stroh's Score Off originally delivered in the Road World Championship at · vehicle." Many Class 8 Riverside, CA on August 24. competitors wish to do away Score President Sal Fish said with aluminum blocks, but a few that he received numerous letters do not. from people who want to Setting the camber on Ford compete in a "storie stock" class. Rangers in Class 7S by heating The committee thought this and bending the I-beams will be would be a good concept and allowed once Ford provides an offered the following suggestions: acceptable standard for this 1. The class. would be run on the procedure in writ_ing. Friday prior to a HORA/ Score Savage said he will research desert race. 2. Limitations on transmissions to recommend speed would have to be whether or not Dou·g Nash_ gear maintained for safety/ insurance boxes (commonly used in reasons. 3. The race would be CorvettesJ will be acceptable as conducted in rally form. 4. original equipment for Classes SWAY·A•WAr ~ .7S and 7 4x4 . Nissan a~d Toyota_represen,ta-tives questioned the·rear axle rule for Class 7S arid 7 4x4. A ruling , for 1988 was promised for the Riverside meeting. ' In Class 1-2-1600 the use. of stainless steel · valves would be legal 'if the stock Volks~agen profile were maintained. ;· Compensating for a stock rear spring length in AMC vehicles currently longer than the rules allows, the 1988 rule would accommodate the longest stock spring ~i.f_ any-~anufacturer in , Class, 7S and 7. 4x4. As of the Niss,in Mint400 it is legal to use aft~rmarket trailing arms in Class 1-2-1600 as long as they remain in the stock configuration. A move to legalize 4 valves per cylinder engines in Class 10 was tabled. The Yokohama Tire representative reported that 99 percent of the competitors are against the proposal. A Ford representative suggested that rules infractions should be 'posted at the event where they occur, and followed by a letter from the tech team to all parties involved. The AMC Jeep representative proposed eliminating the restriction on number, of cylinders allowed to run in Class 3. The Chryste·r representative agreed that this, restriction should also be lifted from · the Class 4 rules. Bill Savage said he would study the two proposals and n:port his findings in writing to. all of the manufacturers in those classes, NEW PROGRESSIVE SPRINGS WIN THE MINT 400 OVERALL Congratulations to S~eve Sourapas and Dave Richardson for their D__vera/1 Victory Congratulations to all the class winners at the Mint 400 using SWAY-A-WAY SUSPENSION COMPONENTS Class 2 - Tom & Steve Martin • Class 1-2-1600 -Jack Ramsay & Rick Mills • Cla_ss 10 -Bill & Michael Church Class 5 - Jim Madison & Russell Mortensen • Class 5-1600 - Darrell Smith and Manny Cortez Class 7S -Spencer Low & Paul Delang • Class 7 4x4 -Jerry McDonald • Challenge -Larry Martin & Jerry Rice. SWAY·A•WAr Suspension Components 7840 Burnet Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91405 Every Overall Winning Car at the Mint 400 since 1975 has used Sway-A-Way Products See the New Sway-A-Way Axle Boot . at your local dealer 818-988-5510 Page 1i June 1987 Dusty Times

Page 13

You can't get auxiliary lights any better than competition proven KC's ... and now you can't g~t any better deal, either. · \.. All summer long, when you buy a pair ora pair pack of KC · Stainless Steel Daylighters SS, you'll get two special edition· ligh~ covers-th~ famous KC 'happy face,' but this time. . · wit1 sunglassesiJ . __ And, send us the· proof of purchase (look for the specially marked KC Daylighter SS packages) and we'll send you a · FREE vinyl roll-up shade just like the one our beach goers are using. A $7.95 value, · · Youn I n_ot only b~ getting . · the best auxiliary, lighting available ... you'U extend yoursummer days long into summer nights with\genuine KC HiliTES. . . ·· · . · ;· _ · I . . . Now t_hat adds up to summer savings ... beyo_nd a shadow of a doubt. 1987 catalog, just $2.00. Sunshades available direct for $7.95 plus $2.00 postage and handling. . . I I I . ' j . KC HiLiTES, INC. •·-K:~·~1cf~·5;'t~~s • William=s=, ~A,:~rizona 86046 _J

Page 14

' · .HDRA NISSAN MINT 400 .. . Steve· Sourapas and -Dave Richardson Beat the Desert for First Overall Photos: Photo Enterprises · lake running was replaced with ·new and formidable r(ick. gard~ns. The motC)GrOSS course was still on the-route, and 'it does• siphon a lc)t of spectators off the course and into the grandstands, a blessing for · desert racers. Around noon on race day a goodly porticm of.the motocross · stan·ds were fiHed with Spectators, estimated at around 15,000 folks taking advantage of the free admission. The Bureau-of Land Management ·c)tficers estimated · a total of. 50,000 spectators at the I 987 ractt, a hefty crc)wd by any standard. Promptly at 8 a.m. the starting gun fired and Mark Mc Millin left the line, the first Class 1 away. Yes, there really was a starting gun, a 75mm cannon attached to a huge battle .rank pa_rked just behind the st~rting line. The tank fired a blank,·natch. Then, after the last Class 11 · departed, . the. Nevada National Guard crew from· nearby Hmderson fired up :the 12 cylinder diesel, lumbered up to the hne' took the green flag and sailed down C()Urse for several miles at a decent speed., _30 mph, delighting the spectators lining . that section of the trail. Remembei:ing that· the average Speed for the race was 31.25 mph, the tank cotild have donl' all right, but it sure W(>Uld havl' ; been hard to . pass in . the mountains. · A tc~tal of 29 started in Class 1, and they were :hard at it at very quick speeds in just miles. Young Rob Gordon, driving one of the· famous Gordon FL-ed two seat Chenowths solo, started sixth off Steve Sourapas and Dave Richardson had their Class 1 Raceco in contention all day, and they took the lead in the last miles the line; but he-was soon-first oti · , · · to win big, Class 1 and overali, despite having no power steering at the finish, · :i:he' road, turning fast time of the It was the twentieth year for the Mint 400 off road race, and the signs of the times were everywhere. For the first time in history the Mint Hotel and · Casino in downtown Las Vegas actively solicited outside sponsorship, and Nissan Motor Corp. USA jumped in fast, thus the race· name change to the Nissan Mint 400. Associate sponsors of the race include Bilstein Shocks, · Burger King, Coca Cola and Coors Beer, and all these ~ponsors contributed_ to the heavy logistical costs of staging the race. The competitors purse remained a percentage payback of the entry fee, plus contingericy prizes. Contingency Row on Fremont Street on Friday, in front of the Mint Hotel changed consider~ ably in 1987 also. It was every bit as crowded with spectators as in the past, but many of the spaces available were filled with T shirt and souvenir vendors, along with m.ost of th~ major companies on the contingency list. With the majority of regular series contingency donors missing from ~ the street, but · not the contingency list, this year, the trek through contingency row on a hot and humid Friday often took less than an hour for eqntestants, accustomed to four Nick Nicholson and Mark Millerran a close second in Class 1 all the way, led for a•time on the last lap, but a flat dropped them seven minutes back, in for second in class and overall. Page 14 hours of waiting in line in · previous years. Because of the , heat and tricky wind gusts, it was perhaps a blessing for many. The whole ceremony was virtually .over by 9:00 p.m., which has to be the earliest ever shut down of the Fremont Street scene at a Mint 400. . HORA events have· encount-ered strange weather in recent months, and the Mint 400 was no exception.,.Real rain. fell on both the December 1986 race at Barstow and the Gold Coast last March. Last May light rain fell in the. afternoon and evening on both Thursday ·and Friday, and during the race on Saturday parts day in clean air c>n the dusty of the course .got sprinkles, but cour'se, a swift 1 :49.34. ·After . not enough water· to hold. the Rob <::!eared the line on the first ·dust down. The normal dry hear lap, the dust settled and it was of southern Nevada was replaced eleven · minutes before the next with high humidity and,- car c1f any ktn'd appeared. It was tembrat'urns, and,gusty winds all the swift Outlaw driven by Nick wee end. · · · . · Nichoison, now second in class The sun was bright and a good at 1:Si52 ·and Nicholson was breeze: was ·blowing Saturday third off the line. -morning as the 338 starting race Running in third place now in ca;s arrived · in Sloan: after the . Class 1 was Bob Shepard, of parade from the Mm~ ~otd Tempe, AZ, in a ·brand new and impound garage some 15'milcs to · handsome single seater· built by the north. Bedecked with -Jim Selstead and powered by a banners and flags, the start/ . 3.5 liter Porsche at two hours · finish area had a festiw a~r. The flat. : Ken FrostiOon Blakely 10,6 mile route was baSteally the were next in a Raceco, and Rob same as in 1986, except it_ ran in MacCachrcn, Chenowth, was reverse., and-some of the silty dry fifth with a 2:02.35. MacC1chren took the lead after two laps with a total time of 4:07.59. Gordon had a flat, a collision, · and g~)t something in his eye and dropped to second ar 4:09.24, with Nicholson close ar 4: 12.56. Another two minutes · hack, Mark McMillin was fourth in the· Porsche powered Chenowth, and ·the Stevt Sourapas/O:ive Richards,,n R:iceco moved from seventh to fifth, with Larr.y Noel. Chaparral, anoth_er ll)inute back. If was a wide open race! Looking tidy here Larry Noel had a collapsed rear suspension in the Chaparral · at the finish, but he still placed a solid third in Class 1. Roh·Gc)ruon put'Tom Hoke in his car for lap 3, while he clean.eJ his · eyes out, and Tom held second place at the three quarter mark. _Rob . MacCachrcn _ van-June 1987 D~stv Times

Page 15

A·win at the Min.twas a long time comi~g for Tom and St~ve Martin, but they.took the Class 2 lead Bill Church and his son Michael pulled out the big victory in the huge Class 10contest, andtheyied on the last lap and won the big one in the Raceco and fifth overall. · t1he last three laps ha~dily to also put the Raceco home fourth overall. · · · · , his new _ racer home sixth, Cam Thieriot moved into second winner Jim Temple an_d : his son followed in &vcn minutes hy· · whh _ 4:23.05, hut had big Mark were up to sixth.· Ivan · Stewart in I the Toyotn troubles with axles and o_ther · McMillin and Ewalt took the pickup, v.·ho had\ tors_ion _ har r i~ts lat~r, and finished 12th. lead on lap 3 with a total time of _woes and other t~ou~les. Only Third here the Casagrandes were 6:46.13, and the Casagrandes deven Class 1 racers tinished in rJnning ·a good pace, and the were second, just seven minutes the 18 hour time allowance. P()rsche powered, Chenowth of back. Tom G . and Donny Martin Class 2 hnd a real herd c.m the Corky McMillin and Brian Ewalt were third_ now,· but did not line, 44 starters including a lot of was fourth, followed hy Tc:im G. finish the final loop, nor did the heavy}itters. Boh: Gordori.nnd and Donny Martin in another Te~ples, who were fifth at this · -Tim Crahtreek-J tije pack on the R::iceco1.._and fo_r_mei:c Qverall pomt. Tomll@f' first hip with a 2:0Q.42, hut this · Having some go.od luck at-the Mint, Frank .Snook and sric Arras got their Raceco home in great time, moving into fourth in Class 1 at the flag. was no cake walk.I The _team of Oanny Letner ,mill· Ron Brant were right th~•re in the Porsche· pciwerL·d Raceco at/ 2:04. IO, and · Daw Kreish:r/ C t/rley Nohks were next with a 21:07 .10, while Tom and Steve Martin, Rt1cccc>, were just_ 15 seconds behind them. Lying fifth herewercMark ' ished into the desert and Mark wheel ·ahc,ut four feet ()ff -the Hamilt()n and Marty u-tner, just McMillin was ieading, by eight ground. It was something else to another two seconl:ls in arrears,' ' minutes. Mark Miller took over v.·atch Noel wend through the and· less -than anbther minute for Nick Nicholson and held serpentine' concrete barriers hack came Steve I and Dennis third, Sourapas and Rich~r_d~on ·hefore the finish line, and he was Casagrande in i1 Mirage. Thi_s was were up to fourth, and L1rry about 40 minutes out of ~cond a real horse ract:. · Noel held fifth, just ahead of . plact:. . On round two the Gordon Frank Snook ;ind Eric Arras, . Another seven minutes back Chenowth .ml't a rock that Ract:co. · came the McDonald's team of deranged the front1end. But, pit Fans watched the clocks at the Frank Snook and Eric Arras. work got him out in eighth spot, finish line, hut two nours came Hauling hack from a first lap -hut the car didn't cover another and went and nobody camt: disaster, Tom Koch and Larry lap. Out front on the second la·p around. Rob Gordon broke a Bolin claimed fifth. 16 more on the roa_d and on \time were the. nt:w c.v. and axle setup and did· minutes out. Over 43 more Martin Brothers, with a · total not finish. Leading overall, Mark · minutes hack, Bob Shephard got 'time· of 4:21.44. Bob Richey and McM illin broke a right rear hub, ---'----'-------'-------'-'----------------'--------'---somehow got it welded, went on, and near the end of the lap _ the weld hroke. Mark had a fivl'hour plus lap, hut_ got fixed and finished eighth in Class 1. Miller, in . the Nicholson -Outla\\·, was now -first on thl' road. hut he knew Steve Sourapas wns close, ahd had starti:d six minute's hehind him. Minus third gear, Miller was _ trying to he hoth carefuland fast, .then hagged a hig rt>ek whrn he missed a shift and had a flat. He ran· ten .miles on the flat to help, and the rim by then was wrapped nround the tie rod and brake caliper. It tt)(lk ten minutes to change the flat and that was the hall game. · _ Meanwhile, Sourapas had lost power steering in the Raceco, hut he pressed· on to take the checkered first, and take first <'' era II and the Class _ 1 victory. , .,chardson, who did thl' tw·o middle laps, was not aniund to savor tht: victory; he was doing tht: last lap i_n his hr.other Bob's Class IO car, a 'real gh.1tton for punishment, and he .hrough tit in 13th in class. Nicholson and Miller were just 7½ minutes hack, second in class and overall, behind just the tir~1e lost on .the final lap. Lirry Nol'I t_<)tlk . third in -C lass I, dl'spite finishing with the rear suspen° · sion gonL' and thl' right front Dusty 'flmes. Gorky McMillin a"nct Brian Ewalt were leading._Class 2 on the las// lap when they • lost a wheel and bags of time, but they did place third in the c ,ass. · _. . -June 1987 f This is the system· · run by most· off road_ race winm:rs TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL . -FOR BAJA BUGS . . . . , .. ' . ·,···; •• 2740 COMPTON AVENUE , LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 · (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITE~ Page15 '. '

Page 16

-..l ~ -· and Steve Martin had to .~top to 'fix a clutch and dropped to fourth, and John Wi1son/Kelly Nulty were now sixth. . . . · just like his son Mark in Class 1, Corky McMillin's car -had a go~d lead all arou,nd the final lap until, about 30 •miles out, it snagged a flat tire. The tire. was -changed, but apparently the lug . nuts were not on tight. Brian -Ewalt, who was driving· the last fap, saw the left rear wheel come off and it stripped the studs. Ewalt had to manufactur.e, spacers out of the wrenches he had on board to get the· whee! · back on the car and it cost an hour. Meanwhile, the Martin· Brothers .were at the finish line claiming their _ first _Mint 400 victory and fifi:h overall. Other. than the clutch, Tom and Steve reported no big problems, and · they won Cl,iss 2 by a slim three minutes over Steve and. Dennis Casagrande. It was the first good finish for the Mirage powered by a Toyota 20 R 2400cc -engine, and both Steve and Dennis gave Chuck Sawyer of Southlarn;l Transmission a-lot of credit for their trouble free Mint 400 run. McMillin and Ewalt salvaged third, almost half an hour back and just three minutes ahead oJ John Wilson and Kelly Nulty in a l:Ii Jumper. Recovering from second lap woes, Mike Lurid and Buzz Combe got their Chenowth home fifth, followed by Steve and Jo Ann Godfrey in a Sandhawk. -Dave Kreisler and Curley Nobles lost the battery and had othe_r trouble too, but hung on to take seventh ahead of Greg Heinrich and Jim Pope in a new Chenowth. In all, 13 of the · 44 starters finished in Class 2. · It · was" a~~ther herd scene in Class 10 with 4 7 on the line, all ready to tackle the tough course in most competitive class. John R. Wilson II and.Kelly Nulty drove four good laps in 'their Hi Jumper, moved steadily up the charts to claim fourth in Class 2 at the finish_ line. Charging over the rough desert Mike Lund and Buzz Combe had a good day at the races, aod brought the. Chenowth in a fine hfth in Class 2 ranks_. -~~--e Las Vegas father and son team of John and Ron Ellenburg had no big · Despite steering woes, Class 10 points leader Jim smes, and Mark Broneau, troubles with their Raceco, and scored a close 2nd in Cla~s 10 and 6th .overall. got the red Raceco to the finish a strong third in the big field. Defending points champs Rick - RacJco. - , _Ellenburg with _ total time of Bill Church ha·d · no problems and John Hagle whipped off fast Oh the second lap the Hagles . 4:38.03; Larry Gilmore had his in the last miles, reporting only a lap in class of .the day on the first wer~ still fir~t on the road, at the Chenowth .up to fourth _npw, a couple of flats all day as he toqk round, a 2:09.54 to ta_ke a good IT\otorcross ,course, about half few minutes back and this race the checkered flag to win Class lead in the Raceco. Stev~ Tetrick '."'a vj a round, but · several, was tight_ening up. 10. It was the family's sixth tryat was i.n at 2: 14.46, second in the mcludmg the Ellenburgs, were Bill Church took over from his the Mint 400 and their first ORE he shared with Fred Ronn. ,closJ behind. Halfway in the son Mike on lap 3 and held the victory. BilI and Mike said they Next came the Raceco of Rex raceJ however, the father and son lead handily, over three minutes had no me.chanical trouble all Keeling/ Jack Scott ,at 2:15.52, Church team had the lead on ahead of the Ellenburgs. Jim day, and that is what it takes to tagged closely by the Raceco of time at 4:33 .49, and Rex ·Greenway, going solo in his win the Mint 400. Less than five Bill. and Michael Church at KeeHng/Jack Scott were· in Raceco came back from an early minutes back John_ and ·Ro~ 2:16.14. On their bumper came secohd with 4:36.44, but they delay to slide into third, some- Ellenburg claimed second in Sean Alexander and Tim Sims at did jnot do another lap. THe distance back, Jim Stiles/ Mark . class, and the twci sets of family 2: 16.51, followed by John and . Hagles broke a stub axle and -Broneau recovered the· time lost racers were fourth and sixth Ron Ellenburg in yet another drodred to sixth, and were not on . the first lap with steering overall in the race. . . seenj again . In third at mid-point failure and were just over a Jim •Stiles turned up th~ wick in ti-le race was another father and minute back in fourth, while on the final round, and moved West Coast Distributor 1 s_c_)n_J_l _t_e_a_m_:'___:J:....c_)h_. n __ a_n_d __ R~c_m _ _ L_·1_rr--'y~G_i_lm_- _o_re_· _d_ro~p=p~e_d_to_f_if_th. into third at the flag, just six minutes-ahead of Jim Greenway. Bill and Sherryl Poe, and · assorted family members, brought their brand new, never rated ORE twc> seater home in fifth place. They were a happy crew with their first big finish at Ofl· . I . f ' . HEWLAND __ OFF ROAD.GEARS ALL GEARS-AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 .. 702/873-1962 -OUR PRICE -$695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's-Available Mc Kenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 -818/764-6438 DEALER INQUIRIES .INVITED Page 16 One of thefew to go solo a't the Mint, Jim Greenway did a fine job and sailed_his _Raceco .home a very.close fourth in Class 10 action. Bill Poe and his family scored fifth in Class 10 in their brarid new; never raced · two seat O.R.E., and this was a most happy crew in post race te_ch. June 1987 __ the Mint 400, and 'they had just seven minutes on Bill Sallenbach and Mike Bird, who were only a few - minutes ahead of Jerry ' Penhall .-and Kent Pfeiffer. An9, ' so it went all the way down-the ranks, but only 13 Class 10 starters finished the four laps: , With 71 · entries and · 66 - starting cars, Class 1--I 1600 held more entry than ma'ny an off road ,, race . can boast. The populari!Y of restricted engine racing continues at-the Mint 400. Some years back · Class 9 set a .record of90entriesata Mint400 in the heyday of 40 horse racing. After a ~couple· of frustra_ting races with the new single scat Bunderson, Jack Ramsay, who started, and Rick Mills had ·the bugs out of the cat, and Jack set fast lap for the class of 2: 18 .5 7 on the first Jap. Still this bunch "did noi: spread mwa great deal on · course. Points leaders Bob Scott . - and Mike Vc,yles had the ORCin second at 2:22.32, and Steve Barlow was close with-a 2:24.55. Willy Higman was just as close in fourth at 2:25.17, and off his bumper was the Willy Melan-con/ Lou Peralta Mirage at Dusty.nmcs

Page 17

Jack Ramsay and Rick Mills had the new single seat Bunderson dialed in for the Mint, had no real trouble and won the gigantic 66 car Class 1-2-1600 by over 20 minutes. Jim Madison and Russell Mortensen drove a very consistent race, and they took the Class 5 lead on theltinal lap and hung on to win by a goo_d margin of twelve minutes . . Running very strong all day the Mirage of Willie Melancon anci Lou Peralta h_ad no real troubles, and they flew into a swe_/1 second place in Clas 1-2-1600. Ray Croll, Jr. bounces off the rocks in the outback en route to a very close third place finish in the herd of Class 1-2-1600 racers. 2:25.31. One of the -favorites, L1rry Job, was sixth here at 2:26.54, but his Chenowth went no farther. Jack Ramsay built his · lead midway in the race to eight minutes over Steve Barlow, and Higman was just ni'ne seconds behind Barlow. Melancon/ Peralta moved into fourth with · the Mirage of Russ Burow and Danriy York now fifth. L1rry Smith and Jon Kennedy held sixth, but their Raceco vanished on the third lap. Bob Scott lost a front wheel and his brakes in the canyon before the- motocross course on lap 2, and parked there ro get help. He used an extra 2 Y: hours on that lap, but he and Voyles finished 18th. Rick Mills held the lead in the . Ramsay Bunderson after three tough rounds, but now Steve Barlow was less than·two minutes behind. Melancon/ Peralta held on to third, about seven minutes ahead of Butow/ York, and Ray Croll Jr. moved his Chenowth into fifth . Only 32 1600s started the last lap, and many driwrs final lap, and Rick and Jack won the huge class, reporting no serious woes with the race car. margin of victory was big for the class, i.wer 22 minutes. The Barlow · ORE challenge ended ,on the final lap with a DNF. Taking a fine second place was the Miragt.· of Willie Melancon and Lou Peralta, secure with nine minutes in hand over Ray Croll Jr. Russ Butow and Dinny York were fourth, less than two minutes back, and seven minutes ahead of fifth placing Ji°' Oizm.·y, Chenowth. but,they fell out on the final loop. Madison and Russell Mortensen, Mike Spina and Keith Still running a strong p~ce, who moved out smartly on_ the Underwcxxl Rundersbn climht..J Madison and Mortensen moved last lap when the others failed. steadily up 'rhe charts ~o finish · intc~ fourth, as eight Bugs started George Seeley and Howard sixth, ahead of the Bunderson of the,fourth lap. Anderson salvaged, Peny' and J.M. Coan. Higman Cooley/ Fox were out on the a bitdi5'.1ppointed. Even with the had ari hour elf prohlems on the final round for unknown d~wn time they_ were only 12 third lap, hut salvaged eighth rt-asons, and · Seeley/ Anderson mmutes ~ut of first. It was forty place. Just two Jozt.·n of tht." 66 were down I½ -hours with more minutes _ before ~~ney starters .madt." tht." checkered-flag. sundry problems. · The first G~bbert and Bill Scott fm1shed In 24th spot was thl· Florida across the -line and the Class S ~h11:d, followed m an hour by haSt-d Hi Jumpcr cjf Boh and winner was the Bug of Jim Cocores and White, who ~ L,rry O'Br:ien, pushing the time allowanct." hard with ja 17:51.03 tqtal t;ime. Class 5 turned out only 11 of the Unlimited Baja Rugs, but it was· a strong field. Tht." sleek silver Bug of 9regl Diehl and Mike Longley, troni Arizona, led the pack on the first lap, but not by much. Their time of 2:25.53 was only four minutes fastt·r than that of John Coole\l and Mark Fox, Third afrt."r ont." 1round wt."re David Alan. Pick/ Ge~Hge Jackman, only 23 seconds behind Coolt."y in a real race.and·-, Gt.·orgt." Sedt.·y and Howard Anderson Wt."rt.· just another ti..·,,· . minutes bt."hind. Tht." Diehl/ Longley Bug sct'tht." pace on lap 2 with fast lap for the class at 2:23.05, and had seven minutes ·in hand over Cooley/ Fox. Pick/ Jackman /agged only anotht."r rhrt."e minutes back in third, but both their Bug and thl· Diehl racer vanished on lap 3. Mithmy S,.-eley arid Anderson were fourth, less thtin a minute ahead of Jim Cocores/O(-lUg White, who were moving up: Cocores lost time with a broken thumb on the first lap. In sixth on both laps was the Jim Madison/ Russell Mortensen .Bug, Parker runner-ups, and close to the l~ders now, At the three/ quarter mark it was a brand new race in Class 5. John Cooley/ Mark Fox led by ten minut~s _ ov·e.r, Ge0rge Seeley/ Howard Anderson. Well back, but third here, came Larry Mc~llum and Rus~ Winkler, ~o ·. DD W 00 CPD CID 00 O o I _.;.._ ___ _..c _ _. DESERT LOCK OUTER . Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum hread • 'strength ·re Located ff lnn~r Ring • 1 * At last,a quality bead Jock designed for Off-Road racing * All parts are available separately *In ·stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" . 13" 8"-10" UNLIMITED . . MIDGET. MODIFIED 11/!IDGET SPORT TRUCK MINI STOCK QUAD RACER j, .BAJA EJ°UG MODIFIED MIDGET ATV ·wi HAVE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST.DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU!. SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead,Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 O" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ..... -.$125.00 15"De~errLock-: ... ~$132.50 · CALL OR WRITE TO: o [J{J(]J 00 [J! D C[J 00 000 · Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. · reported that tht· race course was lite.rally covered _ \.dth broken cars. Mills carried on with a 4uick Russ Bu tow and Danny York got their Mirage home ,;;urth in Class 1-2-1600, only a couple minutes out of the third place money at the Mint 3447 W. University· Fresno, CA 93722 (209)275-5183 Calif: Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Dusty Times June 1~7 Page 17

Page 18

Manny Esquerra scored his ninth Class 7 victory at the Mint 400, and he led every inch of the way in the fancy Ford Ranger and won the class by over four hours. Stan Gilberr"plows siit on his way to a remarkable third overall in the '66 Ford pickup; he had no trouble at all and won Class 8 by a huge margin, almost two hours. ' ~had more problems on lap 3. Well on its way to becoming a non-class, the unlimited mini trucks of Class 7 showed up with five starters. Three did not cover a lap, including Roger Mears, who started his Nissan on five cylinders and the engine went early. Frank Honsewetz started in the older Mears Nissan, but did not do one lap, nor did the GMC of Lee Alderman and· Dan Clement. · Out front all the way was Manny Esquerra,,, with Jack Murphy riding in the Ford Ranger. Esquerra led Lairy Ragland by 15 nrinutes after one lap, and increased the lead lap by lap to take the checkered flag and his ninth Mint 400 victory in the class. Big troubles on the second and fourth laps did not keep Larry Ragland and David Beck from getting a finish in the Chevy S~lO, but they were over four hours behind at the checkered flag. The Heavy Metal Class 8 trucks put 16 on the grid, but the rugged route really took its toll, as only three finished the race. Four ,were missing on the first lap, including John Gable, racing his pre~runner without much success. Walker Evans .saw his hopes for a ninth Mint 400 Jim Dizney returned to off road racing at the Mint 400, and he hasn't lost his touph as he drove the Chenowth to a fine fifth place in Class 1-2-1600. victory evaporate early in the • race as a broken oil line, then Kicking u~ the dust here, George Seeley, Jr. and Howard Anderson survived a last lap disaster to take a strong second place in the Class 5 contest. -shock trouble slowed his pace. Out front on the first round Sanborn in the Casablanca Fan climbed into third midw~y and was the potent '66 Ford Stepside GMC, and Walker Evans clung David Westhen/Bill Holmes had driven by Stan Gilbert and Vance to fifth · spot despite his down their ,GMC in fourth. Don Collins. The Jim Venable . time. McCormack was involved in a sponsored beauty had stiff Stan Gilbert turned an almost multi car,. silt dust induced on competition, as Dave Shoppe/ identical 2: 18 time to his first lap course collision and was seen no Larry Maddox had the Ford in on the second round and more. Steve McEachern/ Jeff second; less than five minutes stretched his lead to 15 minutes Teeman had their Chevy in sixth. back, and Steve Kelley/ George over Kelley. Shoppe had front After breaking a ball joint on the Eckardt were only another four suspension problems in a first 'lap, an a'iling Frank Vessels minutes back ,in the Chevrolet. restricted area, hard for his crew put Frank Arciero in his Chevy, Only two more minutes behind to reach him, and the lost time but a blown head gasket midway came Don McCormack and Jeff .9r9pped him to fifth.,._Evans on the second lap put the.entry ---------------------------------on the trailer. Steve Kelley retited with a ======,-,,,,,.,,--,--,,,--Las Vegas charger Mike Spina, with Keith Underwood co-driving, took his neat and tidy Bunderson to sixth spot in the big Class 1-2-1600 field. Rodney Gabbert and Bill Scott must be Checkers, and they kept thef Bug together all day to finish third out of the six that did in Class 5. blown rear end on the third lap, fifth in their Chevy. j after having replaced the item Reporting nothing other than once, and McEachern also routine pit stops, Stan Gilbert, vanished. Way out front now, with Vince Collins riding along, Gilbert had well over an hour in not only won Class 8 by hearly hand over Walker Evans, who two hours, he put the tlandy was making a real effort but still looking Ford home third crverall slowed by pit time. Gilbert set in the race, unheard of for~ truck fast lap for theclassat2:l l.10on at the Mint 400. Walker Evans, lap 3 as well. David Westhen/ with Randy Anderson riding Bill Holmes were another hour along, perservered to take second back in third here, followed by in class, but it was a longer than Shoppe, who had his .front end usual day for the Dodge driver. rebuilt in an hour in the pits. With body work flapping into Dic.k Walker/Ben Abatti were the concrete barriers, Bill ,,.TEAM SANDWINDER CHASSIS ----~-------==-===========----:= Holmes drove Dave Westhen's CHALLENGE CLASS WINNER -BUDWEISER 250 fn~'i\,'ftJ!Jl'~. _7,1~,;a , il~•~;,t,, •"' ;,,,.,. CHASSIS FOR ALL C.LASSES CALL FOR DETAILS 714-825-0583 714-888-2703 GMC under the checkered flag for third in Class 8. After fixing the master cylinder in his main , pit, Dave Shoppe got only twelve miles into the last lap before the rear hub broke, hut his DNF was still good for fourth place points. Class 4 had a respectable field of eleven on the line, but four · failed to cover the first lap, including the Bill Donahoe Dodge and the brand new Nissan of Jack Johnson. Johnson lost the transmission before the first check. the crew changed to a fresh one, then Jack lost the ·transfer case, and the torque Larry Ragland started'out strong in hi~ Class 7 Chevy S-10, but a nu~ber of converter a little further down 241 So. Arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92408 d h r · h /' h ·1 ..-= ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::_--.=.::.:.-.. -.. -.. -... -._-__ ~P_r_o_b_1e_m_1?_d_r_o_PP_e_d_h1_·m_ba_c_k_,_·n_t_im_e_a_n_d_1o_s_e_c_o_n...;..a_tt_e_m_,s __ m_e_. _____ t_e_t_r_a_1 _. ~---:---~---Page 18 Junc· 1987 Dusty Times

Page 19

llEll 11111S 111S IFF-11111111' PIii IT Jll:K. IIIIPHl<STIIIII. 1986 marked the most successful year in Mazda truck racing history. So it shouldn't, come as a surprise that Glenn Harris wasted · little time securing Mazda's first win of the 1987 season in San Diego. Unleashing the Mazda.B2000's 270lrotary-driiven horsepower, Harris flew off the starting grid, grabbed the lead and never looked back. Obviously, Harris and the California Gold Racing Team have their sights set on what lies ahead. Another I j ld:i::; 1.ic::1-• successful year for Mazda in 19S7. · ~ ..

Page 20

Rod Hall and Jim Fricker had to fight for their ninth Mint 400 class win in the Dodge, but the competition faded and the savvy team won again in Class 4, undefeated this year .. It was a long time coming, but Darrell Smith and Manny Cortez finally won the Mint 400 in Class 5-1600, and they wore their pink shorts, as promised, to the awards ceremony. A disappointed Walker Evans got the Dodge in second in Class 8, after Rookie driver David Westhen and Bill Holmes did a fine job in the GMC, had numerous small problems c~st him the chance for his ninth Mint victory. some problems but finished third in Class·B, about an houf behind. ~ anJ thl' fancy new racer reported no real problems other Cameron Steele/ Mike Harding. point were Parkhouse and was llonl' for thl' day. Another than five flats and a broken air Turning the fast lap for the class Gibson with 19 seconds in hand brand new truck, a club cab Ford filter. Tom Strong and Steve on the first go were the brothers over the Cooks·, not very much. built hy Bill Rohrbacher and Borden moved up to third place Cook, Darryl and Alan at a keen Knight and Hansen were third, driven by Steve Mize!, got in one atthe flag, followed by the Dodge 2:45.32. Very close were Randy about 17 .minutes down, and Jim long lap before retiring. ofMattPikeandBurtMcCready. and Rick Wilson with 2:48.06, Duncan and John Foody moved Out front by only seven It took. Don Yosten and Larry trailed tightly by Brian from sixth to fourth. The Cook minutes on the first lap, tht> Monroe almost five hours to do Parkhouse/Darryl Gibson, brothers were out on the third Dodgt> · of Rod Hall and Jim the last lap, but they did finish 2:50.52, and Bob Knight/ Le lap, and Knight/ Hansen u,sed an Fricker had the Chevy of Tom fifth in the Jeep. - Roy Hansen at 2:52.33. It was a extra two hours to get aro1Jnd. Moving into third with their best lap, Darrell Smfrh ;md Manny Cortez were a real threat as the Circus Circus Bug was just another three seconds back. Imagine, after more than 300 mtles, three restricted Bugs were starting the last lap less than a minute apart on total time! _ It was nip and tuck on those last tough miles, and the 5-1600 winner was the team of Darrell Smith and Manny Cortez, from L1s Vegas, who had the fastest last lap of the bunch.Jim Duncan and John Foody were only five minutes slower on the last lap and that is about how far back they were in second place. Parkhouse/ Gibson dropped a bunch of time and finished fourth behind the Fresno, CA team of Gary Brading and Gary Kile. Coming all the way from Michigan, Douglas West and Tom Defer grabbed fifth, some time later, and they were only 22 seconds ahead of Bob Knight/ LeRoy Hansen. The seventh and final finisher was the father and son team of Andy Deverc;ellys. Class 7S started out 21 strong, but only six survived four tough laps. Whipping out to an early lead~ Strong and Steve Borden Following the big trucks off very hot pace among the leaders. Heading _into the final loop, snapping at the rear bumper. the start were tht> 19 5-1600 The picture changed midway Brian Parkhouse and Dirty) Another fiften minutes back, Bugs. A couple of potential as the Wilsons vanished and the Gibson held the lead by just 25 Don Yosten and ~1rry Munroe contenders\ were missing early. Cooks dropped over 15 minutes seconds over the Carson City, had their Jeep J-10 in third, with Mike and R9y Taylor and and fell to second. Leading at this . Nevada team of Duncan/Foody. a similar Jeep of John Dyck and ====t----------------------------------'------------,---Al Baker a mere three more minutes back. John Randall and Josh Bruner, in yet anc,ther J-10 were running fifth. Rod Hall stretched his lead midway to almost an hour, and the Strong Chevy lost that much time and dropped to fourth. Yosten/Munroe took over second place midway, and even with ·flats, Dyck/ Baker moved into third just two minutes behind Yosten . Matt Pike/ Burt McCready got the Dodge in fifth, and the Randall Jeep had a long lap in sixth, and was not seen again. Rod Hall and Jim Fricker maintained their pace, dropping a little time but holding an hour and change lead heading into the last lap over Dyck , Strong took over third as Yosten lost a bunch of time, still in fourth, and Pike was fifth. Only five started the last lap and they all finished. It was the ninth Mint 400 victory for Rod Hall, and he won by over I and I /2 hours on the tough course, the type he knows very well how to pace. Hall and Manny Es4uerra are now the only nine time winners of the Mint 400, and both the Dodgt> and the Ford are race prepped in Bill Stroppe's shop. Holding on to a well deserved second place was the Jeep of John Dyck and Al Baker, who Page 20 John Dyck and Al Baker, from Phoenix, were slowed by flats, but this up and coming team nailed a keen second in Class 4 in the tidy Jeep Honcho. Jim Duncan and John Foody came south from Carson City to race the Mint 400, and the team did very well taking a close second in-Class 5-1600. J'-ne 1987 Tom Strong and Steve Borden had their Chevy in close contention until breakage slowed their pace, but they carried on to hnish third in Class 4. Gary Brading and Gary Kile kept their spiffy 5-1600 together all four laps, and they finished third in this very tight running restricted class. Dusty nmes

Page 21

' . f • CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FIRST PLACE WINNERS . AT THE HORA NI,SAN 'INT 400 _ ,. 'Thank You For Using SJ?~rts R~cing Gasoline "" Steve Sourapas & Dave Richardson - First in Class 1 and Overall Tom & Steve Martin - The Martin Brothers -Fi'rst in Class 2 Jack Ramsay & Rick Mills -First in Class 1-2-1600 -1 ·. ' Larry Schwacofer & Sid Spradling - First in Class 6 Carl Cook & Glen Emery,Jr. -First in Class 14 SPORTS RACING BRINGS THE WINNERS HOME!!. , . Looking Forward to Supplying Your Racing Gasoline at the Score Baja Internacional. TO PRE-ORDER CONT ACT US AT: P.O. Box 610, Long Beach, CA 90801 (213) 437-4373

Page 22

.Spencer Low and Paul DeLang had to work hard for the Class 7S victory ih Nevada, taking the lead Don Adams and Larry Olsen brought the Jeep CJ 7 out of retirement, an·d they had some trouble along the way, but they still won Class 3 honors by a full two hours time. ,on the last lap in the Nissan, as others fell out, and they won by a big margin. Bria.n Parkhouse and Darryl Gibson had the 5-1600 lead starting-the last lap, but then dropped a lot of time on course and finished fourth. Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas hadtheir Ford Ranger in the Class 7S lead in the middle laps, but a broken flex plate dropped them to third. ~ with the class fast lap on the minutes back was the Nissan ot first round was the Ford Ranger Spencer Low and Paul Delang, of Gary Dircks and Rick Doetsch and Steve Lu port was only ten in 2 :37 .38. Less than three more minutes down in his Ford, MINIMUM EFFORT ..................... ~ ... . MAXIMUM EFFECT!!! . CA3 - COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Page 22 Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula. CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 Mike and Pat Falkosky had a good day in their 7S Toyota, no real serious trouble, and they drove to a keen second in the 21 truck competition. Looking good here Willie Valdez and Jose Alvarado had some breakage, but kept the Ford Ranger moving swiftly to take fourth in Class 7S. but did not do another lap, The housing, and it cost well over -an Ford of Chuck Johnson and . hour i_n repairs on the last lap. Scott Douglas was 19 more They were third, ten minutes seconds back, and five minutes behind Falkosky, Willie Valdez ahead of Willie Valdez in another and Jose Alvarado trucked into Ranger. fourth, over an hour back. T udy Midway Johnson/ Douglas led Esquerra and Gabriel Naranjo the pack with about seven had real trouble and dropped minutes over Dircks/ Doetsch, -two hours, bui: still were fifth. who went out on the third lap. In The sixth and final 7S finisher third midway was the Toyota of was the Nissan of Mark Schwein Mike and Pat Falkosky, followed and Chu,ck Guy. by Spence Low, who broke a ball Class 3 came out with eight joint and saik-d off a cliff in starters at the Mint, five Jeeps, McCullough Pass and lost time. two Broricos and a Dodge T udy Esquerra had his Ford up Ramcharger. Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson got the fast lap for the class and the first lap lead . at 3:04.20, but the Bronco of Mark Hutchins and Gary Stewart -was right there at 3:05.45 Don Adams and Larry Olsen had the old Jeep CJ 7 out of retirement and were third at 3: 11.18, and seven completed the first lap. The Schwellinger :Jeep broke an axle housing'and dropped 3½ hours, while the Hutc,hins •Bronco sank to third on the second lap. In second here was the Ramcharger of Gale Pike and Steve Hummel, but they retired on the next lap. Taking over the lead midway, with over half an hour in hand, was the venerable Jeep of Don Adam·s. Adams and Olsen ran a steady pace on lap 3 and held the lead among the four survivc>rs at this point. The Conejo Off Road Jeep came back with the fastest third lap to take over second spot, but Schwellinger was over two hours behind the leaders. . Don Adams and Larry Olsen . had shock trouble, a broken battery, and a broken right front spring on·the waning miles, but they carried on to win another Mint 400 Class 3 title. Schwellinger and Erickson lost an hour on the last lap, and finished second, exactly two hours behind. The Mark Hutchins/ Gary Stewart Bronco was third, with. three laps done·, about 26 minutes ahead of the three lap time of Bob Sims and Chris Overacker in a Jeep from Colorado.. · . The last of the giant economy size classes off the line was Challenge, 37 strong and they faced a long day's journey into night. The team of Norm Lester and Da}.lid Ramocinski did the fast class lap in their Raceco to lead the pack on the first round. Larry and Karla Martin, Chenowth, were close, about four minutes back, followed in to fifth, well aht."ad ()f Willie ------------------- -------Valdez. Johnson/ Douglas held their lead through the. third lap, but Low was gaining back time and was now second ahead of the Falkoskys, who had overheating trouhles this lap. Esquerra and Valdez were next in line, and the race was on heading into the last lap. Spence Low put the trans in overdrive, and his Nissan was first across the finish line, first in class, and the defending champ is hack in the groove. Mike and Pat Falkosky had a good final lap and tcx)k second place, 22 minutes down. The Johnson/Douglas Ford broke a flex platl' and bell June 1987 Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson got fast Class 3 lap on the first one, but serious breakage dropped their Jeep CJ 7 to second at the finish. · Dusty nmes

Page 23

Larry Martin and Jerry Rice were in contention all day in the Challenge Class, had less trouble than most, and they drove .the Chenowth to the victory in_ the big class. -~ -n/~·111 paint job b~l'~gh Je;~;''iA~oonald good luck as he drove the Chevy S-10 hard all day and won Class 7 4x4 by an ihcredible margin on time, well over an hour. . another three minutes by Jim Godown and Dave Stokes, but they -did not cover another Jap. Despite a soft flip on lap 1, Rich Minga and Tom Ray had their Chenowth in fourth, two minutes later, and 'the herd came along in the -next few minutes: At the half way point the Martin's Chenowth had a nine · minute lead over Minga, and defending points champ Rick Johnson had his Hi Jumper in third, another 16 minutes back . . Billy Ken and Pat Smith were up to·fourth in a Funco, which did, not come around again. Dale and Tom Ebberts had the Jimco in fifth, and many more were still in contention. Rich Minga and Tom Ray led the Challenge action on the third lap, but had trouble on the last round and the Chenowth sank to second place. Norm Lester and David Ramocinski led the first lap in their Raceco in the close action in· Challenge Class, but ended up third at the flag. -The field spread out some on the third .lap, but not up front as Rich Minga had a slim minute and a half lead on Larry Martin. big trouble on the last lap and The Ebberts youngsters were a dropped to ninth at the flag. long third, followed by Mike Minga lost over anl hour on the Ward and Mike Free, who had last lap and the chance for victory. Larry and Karla Martin · slowed also, byan hour, but they wc~n the Challenge Class by-an . overwhelming time margin, 45 minutes. This crew was tired but happy · in the post race tech, which did not produce one bit of tro1,.1ble~ THE RACE TH.E MARTIN BR-OTHERS HAVE WANTED!!! ' , . THE MINT 400 .. l • THEN WON!! Because of Good Friends and Manufacturer Sup)ort Through the Year~. . . . . ' I I . , . Our Sincere Thanks to: • MQm and Dad Martin • Mehr Auto Parts -David "Garfield" Jamison (co-rider) • M & M Cut-0-Matic Metal Sawing • Gertler Industries -John French (co-rider) • Chassis and Transaxle -David Kreisler and the whole gang at North American Raceco • Engine -RacEngine by Larry May • F .A.I.R. Pit Suppprt • Quality Truck & Auto • Downey Race Haus • Bramble Maps . • Ja-Tar Couriers • Ja Mar Performance Products • Yokohama Tires • Sway-A-Way • Summers Brothers • Super Boot • Wright Place • Sports Racing Gasoline • Parker Pumper • Pennzoil . • Jack's Aluminum Products • Henry Z. DeKuyper Photography • "Crazy" Ge~rge Shultz -Aluminum Fabrication • Dave Nirschl· • Jean Calvin • · Dave French and Friends of the Orange City Fire Dept. • "Our Friends" from Goldfield and Sloan. Nevada. and Everyone else who has supported us in our race effort. Dusty nmes Tom andS~eve Martin Would like to Dedicate This Win I to Our Friends Forever: The late f la~de Dodgel and the late Roger Roderick~ June 1987 Page 13

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Former Parker winner Bob Shepard made an auspicious deb1A in his brand new Porsche powered racer, taking it to•sixth spot in Class 1. David Kreisler and Curley Nobles had big electrical troubles on the last lap but got fixed quick enough .to finish seventh in Class 2 in the Raceco. Terry Jeffers and Jerry Larson had troubles all the way, but they kept moving fast enough to finish ninth out of 66 Class 1-2-1600 starters. Mechanical woes slowed the Raceco of Jerry Penhall and Kent Pfeiffer on the second half, but they came in a close seventh in Class 10. Running with the leaders · for three laps, Tudy Esquerra and Gabriel Naranjo lost two hours on the final round but thei Ford was fifth in 7S. Page 14 Having good laps and not so good laps, Tom Koch and Larry Bolin got the Swift Raceco home a fine fifth in Class 1 competition. Bouncing out of a hole in the c·lear air here, Perry and Jeff Coan did well in the Bunderson taking a firie spot in Class 1-2-1600. Forsaking the old Bronco, Matt Pike and Burt McReady had a good run in the Class 4 Dodge pickup, coming home solid in fourth place. Having both physical a·nd mechanical problems, Jim Cocores and Doug White kept-their Bug moving well enough to finish fourth in Class 5. Danny Ashcraft and Jim Houck had serious breakage on lap 2, but they got the Raceco fixed a'nd finished sixth in the Challenge contest. June 1987 Steve and Jo Ann Godfrey had a good 1st lap in the Sahdhawk, dropped some time on the other three, but finished 6th in Class 2. Willy Higman was in close contention for two laps, dropped an hour on the third round, but he still got the Chenowth in eighth in 1-2-1600 class: Bill Sallenbach and Mike Bird had problems here and there with the Raceco, but they pushed on through the desert ·to sixth in Class 10. Douglas West and Tom Defer came all the way from Michigan to race the Mint 400, and they finished a keen fifth in Class 5-1?00. Jack Millerd and Chester Williams got a slow start in their Chenowth. then picked up the pace to finish seventh in Challenge class. · Dusty nmcs

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Digging out after a pit stop, the keen old Chevy of Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling won Class 6 at the Mint, the only survivor for four laps in the five car class. Carl Cook and Glen Erriery Jr. drove what must be the oldest racer at the Mint 400, and the modified Jeep led the last three laps ary<j when it counted, winning Class 14. I@' this year. Rich Minga/Tom Ray hung on in second, putting the points battle now between these top two teams at the Mint 400. Norm Lester and David Ramocinski had a good last lap and moved from fifth to third, another 22 minutes back in their Raceco. Dale. and Tom Ebberts were merely nine. more minutes back in fourth in the new Jimco. Rick Johnson had a good final lap also to place fifth, just a minute and a half later, and 12 minutes ahead of Danny Ashcraft and Jim Houck, who had their disaster on the second lap but plugged away for the finish. In all, ten of the highly restricted Challenge cars completed the grueling course, which has to be a lot more grueling in a swing axle car. Seven Class 7 4x4s were on the line, and they all did at least one lap. John Johnson took off fast in Mike Lesle's Jeep Comanche, doing fast lap for the class at 2:39.36 on the -first round. However, John Swift and Curt LeDuc were only eight minutes back in the Ford, and 1? minutes ahead of .Jerry Mc Donald's Chevy S-10, sporting a riew grey · Dale Ebberts, just 16 years old, and his younger brother Darren did a keen job, driving the new Jimco to fourth place in Challenge Class. I _paint scheme. Another 16 back.insecond,anhburaheadof minutes in arrears came the Jim Conner. Swift had a nearly Nissan ofJim Conner/Carl Jack- · six hour. second lap and was seen son, almost an hour ahead ofthe no more. Also vanishing into the brand new Toyota of Gregg and dust on the third round was the David Symonds, but the Toyota Jeep of Mike Randall and Bob lost the front suspension on the Bower. second lap. The sentimental Mike Lesle held 1a· strong 13 favorite, the IH Scout •of Mike minute lead on the McDonald McCarthy and John Favale got in Chevy heading into the final lap, just one lcing lap. Defending points champion Rfc·k Johnson stayed with the Challenge leaders · all ~ay, and he brought the Hi Jumper in for fifth at the checkered flag. I and nobody else was close. However, the Jeep ingested a number of parts and took over eight hours to complete the lap, dropping to third and last in class .. Ha\(ing troubles of his own-, · Jerry McDonald used an extra hour to get home,·but he was the winner of Class 7 4x4. Doing the fastest last lap for the class at . I . . 4:01, Jim Conner· and Carl Jackson grabbed second to start their climb back up the points standings. Five brave teams tackled the. rugged run in Class 6 cars, but only one ·covered .all four laps. Out early was the Datsun 5 IO of Mike Higbee and Craig Powelski, but I&'. The Lesle/ Johnson Jeep led midway in the race, but now McDonald was about 14 minutes t NEWADA v::a~ . OFF-ROAD it's.:. , BUGGY I Baja. Street -Stock I · ,· Race or Sand I . . . Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay Jim Conner and Carl Jackson drove their Nissan at a good and steady pace all the way to take.a solid second place in Class 7 4x4. :We've Got Your VW Parts The Jeep Comanche of Mike Lesle and John Johnson Jed the first three laps in Cla_ss 7 4x4, but a last lap disaster dropped them to third,. Dusty Times · N ~- X '> See Brian . ;,-ll-__ ..,_1H_1_1 •_..,_1 __ ..., t· (· 1 WEST 3054 Valley Vie"' 871-4911 • 871-5604 I t 2 Locations to Serve You Better! See Dave .1541 N. Eastern· 642-2402 • 642-1664 N NOW 2 LOCATIONS I . June 198!J I I Page 15. I L I

Page 26

David Bryan and Debbie Keefe moved from Class 3 to 14 at the Mint, and they had good luck, and finished the Jeep in a solid second place. Doing well untirthe last lap, the Jeep CJ 8, formerly a Class 3, of Eric Heiden and Russ Pig non finished third in Class 14, and last overall. -~ the other three all managed two laps. Out front from flag to flag was the '55 Chevy of Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling. They got a big-cheer from the crowd at the motocross stadium. The Chevy led the Ford Ranchero of Wes and Greg Moser by 21 minutes after 106 miles, both well ahead of the Nissan 710 of Dale and Randy Jordan and the Chevy Nova of Mick Newton/ Larry Tunnell, · credited with third and fourth respectively. · Midway the Chevy had 41 minutes on the Ford, which then vanished from the charts in second place. Schwacofer and Spradling dropped some time, . but they finished all four rounds in a r~spectal:,le time of 15:26.25: Keefe. This bunch had a real race going! · Downey, along · with three other entries disappeared on lap 2. Out front midway was Carl Cook, with less than six minutes in hand over Giti Gowland and Michale Rorick in a Toyota pickup. Bryan was less than a minute b;Jck in third in a tight dice. Cook continued to lead the third lap and picked up time on the field . Bryan/ Keefe moved into second, about half an hour back, and they were twenty minutes ahead of the CJ 8 of Eric Heiden and Russ Pignon. Qutll was fourth here, but neither he nor Gowland finished, listed at fourth and fifth respectively. Carl Cook went on to win Class 14 in a hard fought run tc>r this class. David Bryan and his sister Debbie Keefe, who drove . some of the distance in the Jeep, took second, worn out from the effort, but only 28 minutes out of the win. The Gadzooks CJ 8, driven by Eric Heiden and Ru·ss Pignon, not only finished third and last in class but last overall, with less than seven minutes left on the time allowance. They won the DUSTY TIMES turtle prize of $50. · Only a pair of Class l ls appeared, and the ' Beetle of Keavin and Gary Anderson did not cover a lap. The class needed just two laps for an official finish . Ramon Castro and Jose Frecindo .did a great 3:59.27 first lap, slowed to 5:33.07 on the second and won the Class 11 honors and points. The 1987 Nissan Mint 400 presented the usual and expected rough, to ugh course, with familiar hazards and new rocks and ditches. As usual the finish ratio was low despite a generous time allowance of 18 hours for all classes, coming out to 32.5 percent. The average mph for the entire field was a slow 31.25. The crowds were gonr, but the bleary eyed officials and pit crews waited it out at the finish line for the 16 and 17 hour racers. The finish line finally shut down around three in the morning. Steve Kelley's Larry Minor Racing pit crew won the Vernon Truck Wash award of $250 for the "Best Appearing Crew" in the tech line. Fourth place in Class 5-1600 won the Cloud 7 prize of an all expense paid weekend for two on Catalina· Island, organized by Steve's brother. Alan Kelley, owner of the Cloud 7 Hotel in Avalon. A valiant band of ten were on hand in Class 14, four refugees from other classes. Gold Coast winner David Quill had his odd but effective Chevy in the first lap lead with class fast lap at 3:01.39. But, all the way from New England, Emil Downey and Joe Janis had their Jeep CJ 8 less than two minutes back. Carl Cook had the Jeep special another seven minutes back followed in two minutes by the Jeep of David Bryan and Debbie Contingency Row south at Sloan-held only eight displays, and while the visitor count was not huge, they were all enthusiastic, and the weather was much cooler in the wide open spaces. It -was a two car battle in Class 11, but the only finisher was the points leader Ramon Castro, with Jose Frecindo · co-driving, and it had to be a tough ride on the rough course. Page H June 1987 The awards· ceremony was held on thl' street in front of the Mint Hotl'I & Casino on Sunday. Most of the class winning vl'hicll's werl' lined up in front of the podium, surrounding Genl' Hirst's hunting buggy, winner of the first Mint 400 in 1968 and still wl'aring thl' tech st,icker on thl' dash. Thl' idea of the awards do with thl' race cars displayl'd was kL'L'n, hut the very' hot and humid ·wl'athL'r did not add-to the comfort factor. Hov.•ever, off road racers are a hardy bunch, and' the winners thanked their hdpl'rs as usual as they accepted their checks and plaques. While there was a lot that was diffrn·nt about thl' 1987 Mint race, thl're arl' also a lot of factors thai: will not change, 1 including the · chalk·nge of the ruggl'd trails in thl' southern Nevada dl'sert. 1987 HORA NISSAN MINT 400 May 9, 1987 - Results POS.CAR # DRIVER(S) VEHICLE . TIME 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS 1 _;_ UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -29 START -11 FINISH 108 Steve Sourapas/Dave Richardson Raceco 8:50.00 102 Nick Nicholson/Mark Miller Outlaw 8:57.37 129 Larry Noel (solo) Chaparral 9:37.40 117 Frank Snook/Eric Arras Raceco 9:44.49 120 Tom Koch/Larry Bolin Raceco 10:00.16 CLASS 2-UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -44 START -13 FINISH 0/A PDS. 1 2 8 9 11 1. 211 Tom & Steve Martin Raceco 9:32.04 5 ' 2. 220 _ Steve & Dennis Casagrande Mirage 9:35.18 7 3. 233 Gorky McMillin/Brian Ewalt Chenowth · 10:04.36 12 4. . 299 John Wilson/Kelly Nulty Hi Jumper 10:07.44' 13 5. 213 Mike Lund/Buzz Combe Chenowth 10:20.15 17 CLASS 1-2-160D -1600CC RESTRICTED ENGINE-66 START-24 FINISH 1. 1600 Jack Ramsay/Rick Mills Bunderson 9:52.17 10 ·2. 1651 Willie Melancon/Lou Peralta Mirage 10:14.48 16 3. 1639 Ray Croll, Jr. Chenowth 10:23.50 18 -4. 1629 Russ Bulow/Daniel York Mirage 10:25.26 19 5. 164 7 Jim Dizney • Chenowth 10:32.29 20 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS 3 -SHORT WB 4X4 - 8 START - 2 FINISH 300 D_on Adams/Larry Olsen Jeep CJ 7 15:33.20 302 . Mike Schwellinger/Les Erickson · , Jeep CJ 7 17:33.01 301 Mark Hutchins/Gary Stewart Ford Bronco 13:51.27 400 408 406 405 407 CLASS 4 -LONG WB 4X4 -11 START - 5 FINISH Rodney Hall/ Jim Fricker , Dodge -11 :26.02 John Dyck/ Al Baker Jeep J-10 12:59.46 Tom Strong/Steve Borden Chevrolet 13:29.50 Matt Pike/Burt Mccready Dodge 14:46.23 Don Yosten/Larry Monroe Jeep J-10 15:03.54 CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -11 START - 6 FINISH 1. . 549 Jim Madison/Russell Mortensen Baja Bug 11 :43.53 2. 504 George Seeley, Jr.I Howard Anderson Baja Bug , 11 :55.54 3. 548 Rodney Gabbert/Bill Scott · Baja Bug 12:35.48 4. 502 Jim Cocores/Doug White Baja Bug 13:39.59 5. 503 Uoyd Sukut/Mel Vaughan Baja Bug 14: 11.15 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS 5-160D -1600 CC BAJA BUG -19 START - 7 FINISH 555 Dar/ell Smith/Manny Cortez Baja Bug 12:57.50 558 Jim Duncan/ John Foody Baj,i'Bug 13:03.] 9 553 Gary Brading/Gary Kile Baja Bug 13:33.37 . 596 Brian Parkhouse/Darryl Gibson Baja Big 13:4 7.30 565 Douglas West/Tom Defer Baja Bug 15:14.52 CLASS 6 -PRODUCTION SEDAN - 5 START - 1 FINISH 94 106 (3 laps) 39 61 66 81 83 43 44 54 70 77 59 63 67 71 86 1. 600 Larry Schwacofer/Sid Spradling '.55 Chevy 15:26.25 92 2. 619 Wes & Greg Moser Ford Ranche·ro 7:54:28 (2 laps) 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICLUP - 5 START - 2 FINISH 700 Manny Esquerra/ Jack Murphy Ford Ranger 10:51.25 701 Larry Ragland/David Beck Chevrolet S-10 15:05.36 702 Roger Mears/Brent Foes Nissan -(No Time) CLASS 7S -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP -21 START - 6 FINISH 720 Spencer Low/Paul Delang Nissan 12:27.39 724 Mike & Pat Falkosky Toyota 12:49.39 726 Chuck Johnson/Scott Douglas Ford Ranger 12:59.19 730 Willie Valdez/ Jose Alvarado Ford Ran_ger 14:08.44 723 Tudy Esquerra/Gabriel Naranjo Ford Ranger 15:15.1 O CLASS 7 4X4 -STOCK MINI-MIDI 4X4 - 7 START - 3 FINISH 750 Jerry McDonald/ Joe McPherson Chevrolet S-10 13:06.02 753 Jim Conner/Carl Jackson Nissan 14:25.20 769 Mike lesle/ John Johnson · Jeep Comanche 16:44.06 · 768 John Swilt/..Curt leDuc Ford Ranger 8:42.53 CLASS 8 - 2 WD STANDARD PICKUP -16 START - 3 FINISH 27 84 51 58 60 '76 87 64 78 103 (2 laps) 1. 2. 3. 4. 803 · Stan Gilbert/Vince Collins 'Ford · 9:09.07 3 800 Walker Evans/Randy Anderson Dodge 11 :04.16 31 858 David Westhen/Bill Holmes GMC 12: 16.35 50 802 Dave Shoppe/Larry Maddox Ford 10:05.22 (3 laps) CLASS CHALLENGE -RESTRICTED BUGGY -37 START -10 FINISH 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 993 Larry & Karla· Martin Chenowth 13:59.50 992 Rich Minga/Tom Ray Chenowth 14:44.51 912 Norm Lester /David Ramocinski Raceco 15:06.13 907 Dale & Tom Ebberts Jimco 15:15.16 900 Rick Johnson Hi Jumper 15: 16.58 CLAS.S 10 -UNLIMITED 1650 CC -47 START-13 FINISH 1. 1028 Bill & Michael Church Raceco 9: 12.40 2. 1017 John & Ron Ellenburg Raceco 9:33.55 3. 1008 Jim Stiles~Mark Broneau Raceco 10:07.45 4. 1031 Jim Greenway (solo) Raceco 10:1-3.55 5. 1036 William & Sherryl Poe O.R.E. 10:37.28 CLASS 11--STOCK VW SEDAN - 2 START - 1 FINISH (2 laps) 1. 1100 Ramon Castro/ Jose Frecindo VW Beetle 9:32.34 2. 1101 Keavin & Gary Anderson VW Beetle (No Time) CLASS 14-UNLIMITED 4X4 -10 START - 3 FINISH 1. 1495 Carl Cook/Glenn Emery, Jr. CJ 2 Special 15:30.02 David Bryan/Debbie Keefe Jeep CJ 16:06.38 Eric Heiden/Russ Pignon Jeep CJ 8 17:53.10 2. 1404 3. 1403 4. 1498 David Ouill Chevy Special 13:34.26 Starters -338 -Finishers -110 = 32.5% 73 80 85 89 90 4 6 14 15 21 95 101 109 (3 laps) Race Distance - 4 laps of 106 mile course -424 miles -Time Allowance -18 hours Fast Time Overall -Steve Sourapas/Dave Richardson -Class 1 Raceco -8:50.00 Fast Lap of the Day -Rob Gordon -Class 1 Chenowth - 1 :49.34 Dusty nmcs

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. I Lincoln County.Nevada ·· .· & .·. . . \ . · .· Silver D'ust Racing Assoc. Presents JUNE 20th 1987 . · - 6 -40 Mile Laps · = 250~ miles · · . ENTRY .FEE $250 . . . DRAWING SATURDAY, JUNE 13 Shamrock Bar· \ . · 50% PAYBACK .· · · . Second Race in Series Nevada 250, August 22 · · Pioche, N~ada .. I -----~ . -- ' · Silver Dust llacin--' ·Association . 'Phone: 1(702) 459-0317' ( . I PO Box 7380 • nos V~s ~v 89125 \\x I I ~"'~

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,r NSCA SEASON OPENER Palm 11Springs Fever!!'' "Spring Fever" has a tendency forth a lot of effort to get your car to bring out the PASSIONS in a ready, then all of a sudden at man. One man - Larry Mann THE LAST MINUTE have it (no pun intended -driver of the canceled!" A/Fuel car "Sheer Energy"), . decided to share his passion this Larry Mann proved to be a Spring, with his fellow racers, man of his word! On April 10, friends, and the people of the the doors to Larry Mann Coachella Valley! Larry's Raceway were officially open, passion? SAND DRAG RAC- and as he attended to a few last ING! And how did Larry fulfill minute details, the drivers his passion? He built his own started pulling in. Quickly they TRACK! settled themselves in the new pit When asked what prompted . area, and were in line ready to· him as a racer to build his own take their .turn on the new track! track, Larry quietly commented: The drivers · weren't the only "Well, I've been wanting to do early arrivals for the weekend's this for several years now, and festivities, there was an unusually probably because a couple of the earlier turnout of spectators, well races recently were . canceled at wishers, and even the Mayor of the last minute, well, I wanted to ' I~dio! put something · on and NOT On·e by one the drivers had cancel it! Because it is very, very lined . up ready for their first disappointing as a racer to put practice run, all that was needed Text & Photos: Thom Roslan was the arrival of the Rescue T earn. Then all of a sudden from · high up in the Tower NSCA Announcer. Dale ''Lurch'' Jones grabbed everyone's attention with: "Ladies and -Gentlemen, pulling through our gates ALL THE WAY from F-resno, · California, The Sierra Med Trans Ffre & Rescue. As if he had said . "Geqtlemen start your engines", Sand Blast '87 was underway and the NSCA 1987 Season had begun!! Sand Blast '87, provedto bean exciting, action packed weekend, filled with surprises! Nearly 200 dragsters took their turn on .the new track.Five amazing Pro ATC. Riders turned out and astonished the crowds W-ith their incredible speeds of 90+ mph, and Ken ·Stuart aboard his 3 wheeler "Triple-Bye-Pass" (sporting a 140 C.I. 2 cycle V6 outboard boat· motor) broke his own record on sand at 100 mph, and took the class win! William Tribble, Sr. a · veteran asphalt dragster, brought out his car; that's right his asphalt car! Tribble commented 'tha't he had played in this very spot as a child, and he thought it would be lots of fun to race here. · On Saturday, the crowd was completely taken by surprise when the 1986 TAD · Points Champion Randy Schedler, who was staging in # 1 Lane, blasted out of the hole, only to veer to the left, but when compensating for the hard · left angle by cranking it to the right, something caught. Then all of a sudden it happened! The crowd · watched "spellbound" as Randy lost his right back tire, which catapulted · the sleek TAD Dragster side over side and then it.hit the guard rail sending huge bellowing towers of dirt,· grass and; dust 60 feet into the air! The crowd were pn t:heir feet waiting motionless, as the Sierra Med Trans rushed to the scene; in a matter of seconds Randy was out of the car on his feet!! The crowd . went INSANE!! Because of the strict safety rules NSCA applies to their sanctioned races Randy walked away uninjured. When asked later, how concerned he had .been .for his life when this was . happening, Randy calmly replied: "At the . time when everything happened I didn't get nervous . or really scared or anything; when ·1 got out of the car l·was really fine. That's what the roll cage, the ·fire suit and everything ~lse in·_the car is for!" . Throughout. the weekend the crowds continued -to grow. Each class took their tum, ,from Sports and Pro Bracket 'racers, the thrilling-Funny, Cars, Pro Comp's, · all the way up to the TOP FUEL! As each class came up, they gavt: their· all to the crowd! The men weren't the only ones _enjoying themselves either! Cindy Hitchman',· in her car "Whisp~ring Thunder", -took home th~ win in the TAD G:lass, with an ET of 2.805 at 113.92 mph! Ready to start the season out right, Mardel Weaver, took her T A/FC funny car "Grand-ma's Dream'.' (she is a grandma too! and the 1986 T A/ FC Points Champion!) to a victory at 92. 78 mph with an ET of 3. 774, so the ladies have their passions too! In the Brackets, Bill ueFever continued his winning ways by taking his car to a 4.292 ET for the Sport Bracket 1 win, and Bear Nickerson took home all the marbles in both B and C Sand Modified with 60 mph at 4.914 and 59.21 at 4.716 respectively. The greatest passion realized would have to be Larry Mann's. Not · only . had he put on a successful event but Larry and Bud Martens ("Bud's Six-Pack"), tied AND broke the National Record in A/FUEL!! All weekend these two drivers kept breaking each other's record, switching and matching each other's speed and ET's exactly! The crowd continued to be astounded. At the end, there was nothing to do but award a TIE! , As the last class, Top Fuel, pulled into the staging lanes the track was officially broken . in when Gene Herzog took "H&H Earthshaker" down the track and t!frough the traps at 126.76mph, with an ET of 2.519!! As nightfall crept across the lower . desert, Larry Mann's passion had been realized, with the help of Rick Banik (Vice-President, Multi Media Advertis• ing), fellow Sand Draggers (John Huff and Skip Moore, the' Pipeline Express Team and. ··several fellow . racers), friends (Bucky· Ray, Dave & Sandy Connors, and others to numero·us to mention), and the cooperation of . the NSCA, he had entertained and delighted nearly 10,000 spectators!! Probably the greatest accomplish-ment of the weekend was that a new racing facility had been develop!d for the Coachella Valley, not just for drag fans, but for other racing associations as well. Larry Mann's looking to the future and plans to make the facility available to other. forms of racing, ' Terry Mode took his B/Modified Bug "Quick Trip", powered'by a 465 CID Olds engine, to the Class win on Bungay. "Hole Shot" is a '37 Fiat driven by Don Huff. · Winning both B and C Sand• Modified was a breeze for Gary "Bear" Nickerson. His "Half Breed" Jeep 4x4 is powered by a 301 CID Chevrolet. Lifting the wheels le~vi~g the starting Jate, $t~ve Kirscher won his class <;in Sunday in 7.127 seconds driving his 2084cc VW powered rail, The clean and tidy Pro Bracket S buggy of Ron Goss sits in the pits waiting lfor the call. That's a 2365cc VW engine sitting in the back. (· Page 28 . Taking time out from the spring planting, a pair of tractors groomed the race track neatly for the premier of Sand Bfast '87 at Larry Mann Raceway. June 1987 The Sierra Med Trans Fire & Rescue Team used a.quad for a tow truck, and came to the aid o( Kevin Coulter in his stalled 4x4 Jeep. · Dusty nmes ..

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World's Championship Off Road Race® : . Race #1 of Series , Spring Run 101 --June 27th &28th--, l ' ' I TotJI Cash,I P~izesR& Ceo~lirl2:ncy 1F ·The Two ac I Or ·,mate Projection . · •Approx , I Race #2 of Series B ,ush Run 1·01 - 1Sept. 4th, 5th & 6th-Wo~ld's Championship . Off ·Road Race®. 1: . I 00°/o Payback * Hot Lap Money, Prizes & Contingency I S \ Take in both of the series so you can "'~(i~ accumJlate points for the $20,000 Poi?ts ~erie~. , ~ .. I , . ALL CLASSES OF CARS & BIKES WILL RACE( . Budweiser. KING OF BEERS· Plus Over 40 Major Co tingency Ajards. For more information call: 715-478-3937 Fay Statezny 715-478-2688 Jake Flannery Write Brush Run 101 -P.O. Box 101, Crandon, WI 54520 S. T. 0. R. E. Sanctioned I I I ... i ' I i

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11 Jerry M<;:Donald and Chevy S-10 wonIat the Mint 400 for the second year in a row. It's another win for Chevy's Desert Fighters. And another win in Jerry's (~nd Chevy's} I domination of Class 7 4X4. This time Jerf}1 won the tough Class 7 4X4 iri a brand-new race-modified S-10 Maxi-Cab sponsored by I GM Performance Parts and outfitted .with required safety equipment. · j That's the kind of rugged dependabilitythat won Chevy the 1986 SCORE/HD~ Class 'l 4X4 Championship. And thanks to Jerry McDonald and his crew, it looks like artother championship season for Chevroletl

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MTEG - A RECORD BREAKING CROWD OF 67,153 · ·Roger Mears Solves His 11Hardha·ndlin9 Nissan'' Problems and Wins at the Rose Bowl I By Homer Eubanks Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises Jeff Huber had one of his best stadium races, winning the trophy dash_ and placing 2nd in both his heat and the main event, good points for him and Mazda. main event winner, qualified sidelines in the first heat race. second fastest: Third qualifier Rory Holladay was able to leave was Dan Esslinger . in his Ford the other 14 mini buggies behind Ranger. Walker Evans in his to settle out who would be Dodge also made the line up. second. Huber was the quickest off the Rory Holladay went on to win line-and pulled a two truck lead the heat and Russell East over his teammate Harris. Harris managed to win the battle for was able to close the gap and second. Third went to Dan make the race · exciting, but, Hamilton. Tom Pries finished Huber was able to hold on for the fourth ahead of Bill Goshen and ~ trophy. After Harris was Walker ,the current points leader Ron It finally came together for Roger Mears_ as h.e won convincingly in the Nissan, taking his heat race and the main event in hard fought battles. It was the first stadium win for the new truck. · Just before_ Southern· Calis . fornia forgot what stadium racing was all about, round five · of the Mickey Thompson Off Road Championship Gran Prix· returned to perform at the historic Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. The event itself was · quick to make history by drawing over 67,000 ·to witness America's fastest growing· motorsport. This, the· largest attendance in American stadium short course history, witnessed a hotly contested points series, performed on a new and improved race track. , With half the season already in the history books, each class was closely contested. Entering this event it was Team Toyota leading Mazda for the Manufacturer's Cup Challenge by a lilere . 34 points. However, it was Glenn Harris· leading the Grand National Sport Trnck individual series with 160 points, . his teammate Jeff Huber was his closest competition with 1-47 points. Greg George had accumulated 152 points as the points leader of the UltraStock class. · Frank Arciero Jr. has been busy this year by holding the third place spot in the Grand National division with 142 points, and leading the Super 1600 class with 136 points. Ron Pierce went into the evening's event as leader of the Odysseys with 117 points. A close battle in the 4-wheel A TV series has Don Turk with 128 points to Jimmy White's 123. The Rose Bowl saw the debut of a new points series for 250cc motocross bikes. Mickey Thompson heard several complaints about last year's Rose Bow-I course being too tight so he redesigned it. Everyone seemed to find the . new, w_ider track to their liking. Thompson had announced that the Rose Bowl event would be the only stadium race held in Southern California this summer because the L.A. Coliseum would 'be .u·nder renovation. However, the construction· fell · through and that event is scheduled for July 25 and 26. Thompson ·plans a full weekend that will include other off road events. · As u·sual, -Thompson opened the evening's entertainment with trophy dashes, with the fastest of the fastest! The four .fastest Grand National qualifiers took to the field for a four lap trophy dash. Jeff Huber was the fastest qualifier in· his Mazda. Glenn Harris, last year's Rose Bowl Evans and Esslinger. Pierce was sixth. Rob Gordon sat on the pole A total of 14 Odysseys took n~xt to Jimmy Nichols in the the field for the second heat race. Super 1600 trophy dash line up. John Cook made an early charge Jerry Whelchel sat on the second for the lead but ended up going row next to the current points over the hydro-bar-riers. The leader Frank Arciero Jr. Rob incident also involved John Gordon was able to jump ahead Gersjes arid Rennie Awana. of the pack at the start, but he · During the confusion Allen . nearly spun in turn three and Yaros led the pack around tum·· Nichols got hung up with him. two. Yaros held the lead until lap - Whelchel_ was able to capitali_ze four when Don Archibald was on the mistake and take over the able to maneuver aro~nd him. , lead. ; W~en ,the checkered flag Archibald went oh for the ~in came out Whelchel was all with secqnd pla~e going to Ya~os -smiles. Arciero had managed to and third going to John Hasshaw. muscle his way into second and Defending class champion early leader Rob Gordon. came Johnny Custom was fourth across third ahead of Nichols; ahead of Michael Ferry . Mike Baugus jumped out front In four-whee] A TVs, Jackie of the pack of Odysseys until a Meadows and Don Turk traded f1ip and flat tire put him on the_ the lead two times during the first Tim Maples led the early going in the UltraStock main event in his Mazda RX 7, but Ken Kazarian, just astern, put Maples down to second at the flag. Ken Kazarian has been a bricfesmaid often, but in Pasadena he won both the UltraStock heat race and the main event in his sleek and swift VW Scirocco. Jerry Whelchel had a nea_r perfect evening, winning the trophy dash in Super 1600 action, and he drove the Chenowth to victory in the crowded main event. Page 31 June 1987 Dusty Times I

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Bob Gordon got his Chenowth in an early lead in heat 2 and went on to win the Super 1600 race, but he came to grief in the main event action. Rod Millen made his first-appearance in the truck racing this season, and won his heat race, but bobbled out of action in the main event. 1 lap. However, Don Turk entered the green flag flew. Ken Kazarian the scene later and captured the _took second after the elbowing win. Marty Hart managed to slip was over at turn two. Greg past Meadows for second. Gary George settled into a distant Denton crossed over fourth third. Christopher Neil settled ahead of Toby Ashley. into fourth just ahead of the 31 · In the second heat race Mike Flavors Pulsar, driven by Vince Coe came out of the chute and Tjelmeland. said "see ya" to the other 17 Elrod, whq was said to be entrants. A group of five riders suffering from an aching back, battled for second place with was feeling no pain when his Rodney Gentry finally capturing closest competition was several that spot. Third went to the car lengths away. Suddenly former champ Jimmy White and frustration was added to Elrod's Jeff Watts·took fourth over Ron pain as his Scirocco stalled and Fielos.' Kazarian simply motored around . Seventeen riders lined up for him for the leacl. Greg George the first motorcycle heat. Russ was experiencing engine Wageman brought his Yamaha problems and began falling back, around for the win with second until a puff of smoke put him on going to Chris Young. Third was the sidelines. Doug O'Donnell. · Ken Kazarian won with Vince In the second motorcycle heat Tjelmeland crossing over a Jeff Stanford managed an easy distant second, Third place win with Mike Kiedrowski finisher was Christopher Neil bringing his Kawasaki across in with Tim Maples fourth. . front of Jon Ormer. . Kent Castle and Greg George-A total of eight cars lined up shared the front row with ten for the UltraStock heat. Jeff other Super 1600 cars lined up Elrod saf on the front row with behind them for the first heat. Greg George. Elrod leaped out Castle took the lead with and leftGregGeorgesittingwhen defending champion Tommy Young.Rob Gordon followed his dad Bob across the line in the Class 10 heat. and Rob also took a fine second place in the 22 car main event. -r'11 Flying high in his Chenowth, Marty Coyne'is doing very well this season, and he took third in both his Class 10 heat and the main at the Rose Bowl. Dusty nmes , . Croft taking second. Castle ended up in the hydro-barriers and Greg George took the lead, while. Croft settled into seco~d. Marty Coyne slipped-into third ahead of Frank Ar,ciero Jr. The front four bunched up, with each pulling up next to the other at every turn. George managed to pull a couple of lengths from the battle for second. Croft was ~ kept busy fighting Coyne who had both, hands full keeping Arciero behind him. Coyne was so busy fighting off Arciero, Croft was able to pull out some breathing room between them. Arciero made his final attempt by holding trye gas on after the back straight but was unable to pass. . I Greg George won with plenty of breathing room with second place Tommy Croft finishing a couple of car lengths ahead of ~arty Coyne. Arciero was glued to Coyne for fourth. The ·second heat race for the Super loOO's consisted of 12 cars. Billy Beck and Bob Gordon shared the front row. Once the starter waved the green flag, Bob Gordon quickly closed the door on Beck for the lead. The pack bunched up in the first turn, and this allowed Bob Gordon, Al Arciero and Jerry Whelchel the opportunity to gain a lot of distance between themselves and the pack. . Once out front, Bob Gordon was~ · -A Performance Tradition. More off-road races are wo_n 10n . Bilstein than any other shock absorber. Our record speaks for itself! Win~ing Heritage . · . Bilstein gas pressure shocks first appeared in America posting a win at the famed Baja 1000 in 1972: Since that impressive performance, Bilsteins have · been the choice of serious .ott-roaders who not only want to start the race,.,-but finish it as w~II. I · Many Applications ,Today, Bilstein offers a variety of off-road shock applications for racing or just running on the. street. From singl~ seaters and Baja Bugs to big and small two-wheel and 4WD trucks, Bilstein delivers performance second to none. Reliable Performance Whether you're just entering off-road or have-been there for years, check out Bilstein - first where reliability counts. "World leader in development of the Gas Pressure Shock Absorber." Bilstein Corporation of ·America • 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121' 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a complete catalog, send $2.50. June 1987 Page 33 -~1i .

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II looks liilke ifrreeway lf'iJ!lSf/;J I/Mm,ras t!lhtie 7T~off SltereMillen and Frank Arciero lead Danny Thompson, Chevy, Glenn Harris. Mazda. aJTiJriJ lfmro ~ . 7T~ iim t!1lm hairpin_of the Class 7 main event. ~ able to pullll severnll rear lengths away firom tlne irualt1rlle fo:r second. An::iem ~ m iget some bre,athmg room ~ himself and Whdclbell. hown'tell". WhckheB was ablle 11D fiiml different pointrs on dne 11lr.adk 11D close in for an attempt. WBuiille 1tlhe battle for second ihe-.'!lttiing UlJll). young Rob Gordon snudk up om the Arciero am.l Whellclhell well. Arciero•s engine srianedst~ just before the wlbite ~ came out. This and the whnlte fllag forced Whekhell to dose m b-another attempt. Whuile me two were running _together they were held up by NO la~ in ltUIID one and there was Rob GmdOlll to steal second pllare. Bob Gordon won· e.asiillv wiidu die crowd he hasn't lost his touch as lheoutpowered Thompson for trlhe Dead. Coming from the second row Ro d Millen 's 11:eammatie Jeff Huber found his w.ay around the Chevy of Thompson for second. Huber pumped up from his trophy dash win and went to work on his teammate Rod Millen. But Miillllen was not about to just pull owir. On the second fap it was Rod Milllm in the lead with Huber ridit on his taiL Frank Arciero had his Toyota in third ahead_ of hiis reammate Steve Millen. Steve MiiBDen was making his c~meb~ck 11:0 off road racing after suffering· from a broken leg an~ broken ribs tlhat he received in an IMSA one and two with Rod Millen taking a narrow victory. Walker Evans brought the Dodge across third ahead of Steve Millen and then t ame Frank Arciero Jr. The second Grand National heat consisted of six trucks. Ivan Stewart and Roger Mears shar·ed the front row. Dan Esslinger and Glenn Harris sat on row two. : Joey Moore.shared the ·third row with the three-time Indy winner Al Unser Sr. in a Jeep. A good drag race developed between Mears and Ivan Stewart with Ivan taking the lead. The current points leader, Glenn Harris was sidelined with a b~oken rear end after Joey Moore was ·unable to stop and smacked -the rear end of the Mazda. __ . his son Rob · ,aossmg ower .. race bade in March of this year • . Mears was working on the inside at every turn trying to overtake the lead from Ivan but Ivan was reading his every move. Joey Moore rolled his Chevy on the sweeper on lap three and his truck momentarily caught fire. This left only four trucks on the track and they were getting strung out. L: second. A foer the llapper confusion. Jerry WbeildaeU was able to ~t around Allbert Amero for third. Billly Beck ~ fifth. The first Grand NlatiiomaU Sport Trude heat racedirel'll'sewlfllll of the high rdolliar en1tr.m11S ro compete. Rod Miilb. Mma. who was malkiing lluiis appearance tlluis season. slbair«ll the front row witth D.amny Thompson, Olewollet. Rod MinBen qmclk to show The Jeep driven by Dave Ashley ended up on its side after he and Thompson argued over , siixlth place. Tiie group bunched tll3)) as the workers tried to get Ashley going again. Steve Millen put a move on his 1teammatie fur third o n the last lap buil: the two tangled and Walker Ev.ans slippeilinto the third place -spoil: durin,g the confusion. Whern the battle was over it Team Maula crossing over Stewart and Mears were one and two with Mears driving the Hardbody all over the track looking for a way around. Going down the back straight on lap Tl-ut TouGREsf' L.aa~IGNMENTS ... Page 34 June 1987 Walker Evans led six of the eight laps in the Dodge in the Class 7 main, but power steering failure dropped the desert master to fourth place. Frank Arciero Jr. maintained his Super 1600 points lead, driving the Chenowth to fourth place in both his heat race and the busy main event. Greg George corners his Funco hard staying ahead of Tommy Croft, and George won the heat race, and placed fifth irf the Class 10 main. Still recovering from injuries at an IMSA race, Steve Millen looked as strong as ever, driving the Toyota to a fine _third in the main event. Dusty nmcs

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Terry Smith drove the brand new Raceco built Mazda powered Ultr~stock; the long car was a handful on the tight turns, but was fourth in the main. Al Arciero had a good run in his Chenowth, with the leaders in the main, but a smoking engine dropped his speed and he finished sixth. five Mears held the gas on and muscled his way around.Stewart. Just as Mears pushed -his way around Stewart, Stewart stalled for a moment allowing Mears to pu~ a lot of real estate between the two. · Once Mears was out fron·t the race was over. Mears enjoyed his first victory since March of 1985, which was the year he wcm the GN championship. Mears KIT SHIPPED VIA UPS CHENOWTH CLASS 11 ROLL CAGE KIT Chenowth's popular class 11 roll cage kit comes with extra gussets for greater strength antl is notched to slip together easier than ever. Features 1 ½" x .090" wall tubing for superb lightweight strength. Includes rear torsion support kit. Welding required. #60600 Class 11 cage kit . . . .... $149.115 YOKOHAMA OFF-ROAO TIRE SALE 7.00x15 tube typ frnts, ea ....... $57.95 33-10.50 x 15 Super Digger tubeless rears, ea . , ............ $79.95 7.00 x 15 tubes, ea .............. 12.115 Tubes for Supr Dggrs, _ea .. ...... 12.115 I The 1986'points champion-Tommy Croft looked strong with a second in his heat race, but-the Chenowth to grief somewhere in the main event. I I Vince Tjelmeland's Nissan Pulsar is a· keen ;looking UltraStock, but has new car woes and dropped V(nce to fifth in the m9in. . . . has been frustrated with a hard-handling truck ever since the Nissan Hardbodys were intro-duced. Mears commented, "We have finally seemed to find a way I to keep the tru9k on all four I wheels. Its been a long time coming but I think we're back, finally." Ivan Stewart, Toyota, was second with Dan Esslinger. 8ringing his Ford across third. Al Uf)ser had excited th~ crowd · ,,.,.-when hisJl'ep caughdire but was credited as the fourth place finisher. Twenty-three of the Odyssey mini buggil's lined up for the main event to run for seven laps. John Hasshaw pulled away from the pack before the completion of the first lap. Russell East was quickly working his way through the field and was soon the leader. Just hefore East was to see the checkered flag Don Archibald took over the lead on the inside of the right hand sweeper. Don Archibald won the main event with Russell East settling for second. Third place _went to Frank Cha'vez with Johnny Custom fourth ahead of Rennie Awana. · In the 4-wheel ATV main event Marty Hart held on the gas over the rough stuff to take the lead from Jimmy White on the second lap. Hart managed to pull out ·a comfortable lead for the win with second being battled over by Gary Denton, Jimmy White and Rod Gentry. When the fat lady sang her song, it was .. Rodney Gentry taking second and Denton was third -ahead of White. Toby Ashley was fifth . Among UltraCross bikes Tommy Watts brought his Kawasaki across for the main event win _with. Jeff Matiasevich second,· also on. a Kawasaki. Brian Manley finished third on a Yamaha and Lowell Thomson was fourth. Only seven racers were able to patch up their UltraStocks for, . the-~ . YOKOHAMA/CENTERLINE PACKAGE .00 WEEKEND WARRIOR FRONT END BEAMS Desig.ned for the. serious 'I011-road racer., Package includes two 7.00 x 15 Yokohama front tires with tubes and two 33-10.50 x 15 Yokohama Super Digger rear tires mounted on two 15 x 3'h 5-lug Centerlines (bubble-style inset) for the front, and your coice of 15 x 6 or 15x 75-lug Centerlines for the rear. Hi-speed balanced-ready to install. 1· I Yokohama/Centerline pkg ...... $689.00 Add for tubes in rear .. .. .. ...... · 20.00 CENTERLINE RACING WHEELS 15 x 3.5. 5 lug. each . . .. ;.,· 15 x 4.75 · 5 lug. each . . $ 97.95 . !19.95 ... . 104.95 .. 106.95 109.95 ..... 114.95 ...... 117.95 15 x 5.75 • 5 lug. each 15 x 6t 5 lug. each 15 x 7. 5 lug. each 15 x 81 5 lug. each 15 x 1q - 5 lug. each t Custom made from 0.0.M. Steel. Available. 5" or 6" wider lhan stock. Includes 4 lorsion .adjusters. Adds 8" of shock travel. Specify wi_dth when ordering . $225.00 KYB Gas shocks for above. ea .... 19.115 SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON: . I .. w ,,m-110 , . HENOWTH WEBER a!:: ....... 1: . -~mJilN,..LJ. _ >YYOKOHAMA vc,o ~ DEil!R!o C•rbureton d1Y6o/¢' PERrA-CDDL AEARL'S •·;;•,,.,(llltilAIICl, toDCKrJ . '"l l'OIINAIWCE l'lt00UC1' ~ ·car·custom -~: .11i111J Pertormance&-Stoclf _ VWPBrts . J . . 915 W. Foothill Blvd., Azu~, Ca. 91702 WALK IN (818) 334-4951 ~· PHONE ORDERS (818) 969-7967 I Dusty nmes June 1987 Page 35

Page 36

The Jeep Comanche o( At Unser Sr. blew the engine in the heat race and went up in flame, then smoke. Unser, happily, was not injured at all. Dan Esslinger goes wide in his Ford Ranger, and Jeff Huber was right-ther:_!o slide inside and go on to second place in his Mazda. Car hqpping ail night, Frank Arciero Jr. drove his Toyota to fifth spot in his heat race, and finished fifth irJ the finale as well. Second fastest qualifier, Glenn Harris drove his fire breathing Mazda to second in the trophy dash, b.ut it was downhill from there all evening. Danny Thompson fought the good fight in his Chevy S-10, but t: affic and other problems dropped him to 6th in the main event. Jimmy Nichols was the second fastest Class 10 qualifier in his Raceco, and he survived the heavy traffic in the finale to {}lace 7th. ~ main event. Tirri Maples jumped from hit-nole position to rake the early fead with Ken Kazarian second, Jeff Elrod was in third and Terry Smith fourth. On the third lap Kazarian drag raced Maples down the front straight and entered the righf - hand sweeper on the outside. Here Kazarian held onto the lead with Maples having to settle for · second place money. Christo-pher Neil managed third with Terry Smith-fourth. There were 20 Unlimited Super 1600 buggies lined up and ready to battle for top honors of the main event. Marty Coyne and Jerry Whelchel sat on the front row. When - the race started Whelchel took off and pulled away from Coyne -and Rob Gordon who were fighting over second. Coyne managed second after Gordon got a little squirrely in tum three. Greg George was in fourth place. · Al Arciero was holding onto fifth but had his brother Frank right behind him. Frank was able to make his move, inside on tum two. Frank then ,set his sights on Greg George. Frank was able to ·" overtake Greg George just before the two entered the back straight: Jerry Whelchel went pn to win with Rob Gordon a distant second, and third going to the other front row starter Marty Coyne. went to the hard charging Frank Arciero Jr. and Greg George managed to hang onto fifth. Incredibly, there was not one rollover in this race! A total of 13 trucks lined up to do battle in the main event. On the front row it was Dan Esslinger and Walker Evans. Evans seems to finally have the little Dodge dialed in so he could ·be a real contender. On row two w~s the early heat winners Roger Mears and Jeff Huber. Last year's winner Glenn Harris, after suffering mechanical difficulties _ was way back in the line up and would have to pull off a miracle to challenge the front runners. - Walker Evans got the Dodge wound up and took the early lead. _ During the first lap confusion, teammates Jeff Huber and Rod Millen tangled and set . Rod flying into the hydro barriers and on his lid. This put Esslinger in second with Huber third and Mears in fourth. Esslinger .seemed to lose his steering just before the front straight and over-shot the corner. In his attempt to back up and get into the action he ran into Glenn Harris which put Harris out of the race. The battle was for · second, as Evans seemed to have the Dodge dialed in. Huber was settled into second but Roger Mears was pressuring him. Mears was able to get alongside Huber and the two played push and shove until Mears came out ahead. Once around Huber, Working hard to gain points {or Toyota, Ivan Stewart got his truck into second· in heat 2, but fell back in th(? pack in the finale. · Mears honed in on the Podge of Walker Evans. Mears trie_d to take the lead by going on the outside of the sweeper but Evans held on despite losing the power steering. Mears was riding the bumper of the Dodge looking for his place, and then Evans got sideways after the bac_k straight and Mears took the lead. Once in the clear, Mears was able to put five truck lengths between himself · and . Evans. Evans' trouble wasn't over . yet. Jeff Huber and Steve Millen _ found their way around the early leader dropping him to fourth. · A jubilant Roger Mears went on to win the main event for Nissan. Jeff Huber brought the Mazda across second with Steve Millen's Toyota glued to his bumper. Evans held on for fourth and Frank ArcieroJr. was fifth. . Point Standings: Jeff Huber's performance at. the Rose Bowl moved him into the lead over his teammate Glenn Harris for the GN points battle. KenKaiarian is· leading the UltraStock class and Frank Arciero remains the leader of the Super 1600s. Don Archibald leads the Odysseys and Don Turk is in <:;harge of the 4-wheel ATVs. Jeff Matiasevich is the new leader of the UltraCross class. With Mears winning the main event he became the fifth different winner for the year. 1987 has turned out to be a real challenging year in the GN Sport Truck division. The upcoming L.A. Coliseum event, because of its historic nature, has become "the one to win" ·among the racers; so the event should provide for another rec~rd breaking attendance. See ya there. . · · 8 CLASS WINS PER RACE WITH PACE FM 2-WAVS Landma$ter I I I -$725 • Handhelds • -Rentals OVER 400 ON THE COURSE • Antennas • Intercoms • Helmet Wired $125 (cf) • Amplifiers • Official Radio of: HDRA - SNORE • • Weatherman Radio Relay Team • • Emergency Rescue Service • · 2888 Grundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90806 RACE RADIOS (213) 427-8177 l .. __ ~_ag_e_36 _____ ___,; _______ ____; ____ Ju_n_e_1_9 __ 87 __ · __________ ..;.__ ______ ..;._D_us_ty:......;TI_me_s

Page 37

-Jerry Foley Wins Big at A.D.RJA. ·s Pcnasco Twilight ·-150. I ·. , .. including Gil Feldman in the kingle seat Harden · "Mini-Rail." li\11 but one made the first round ~ ith GarY' Hendricks, Paul Nolte, John Jacobs, Robert ~ood and Jay Voelkner all close together. The computer showed Jacobs at the front after two, Gannon's Nelco Cohstruction/ --_,.~ T.U.F. Off Road/Gannon ,Grading/ Port Campbell spon-sored sedan as his competition fell out on the first lap. Gannon sailed in at 14th 0 / A Sportsman For the past decade, .buggy· tires have been churning the · sands near Rocky Point, Mexico each spring, more often than not during an A.D.R.A. race. But Phil Auernheimer, A.D.R.A. Prez, likes to start each season with something special. Last year it was the "Western 150 " probably the biggest--real off ro~d race held within minutes of Phoenix, or any other· major metro area. This year,· he blazed . and graded a 45 mile course through the sand hills of Sonora and made the race a twilight affair for the Pros and Sportsmen. Contingency donations were up too, with A.D.R.A. finally getting a reason to solicit Arizona based K.C. Hilites for a contingency. K.C. put up$2000, and the total contingency purse topped $30,000! NGt bad for a "little" race! The weather was perfect for racing with just enough sea breeze to keep the pits dust free and cool. Activity through tech and contingency registration start~d Friday night and continued on to Saturday afternoon as 86 racers checked in. The . racing action saw the Beginners, 22. strong, get the first peek at the no pre-run course. They started at noon and had to cover four 20 mile laps. For the first three laps, it lo0ked like Tracy and John Mallory had the 0/ A and Unlimited Wins well in hand with a three .minute advantage over James Taggert. But the Mallorys disappeared on their final go-round, and Taggert took the win despite tranny troubles. Omar Adams ran smooth laps to finish just 32 seconds back for second 0/ A and in Unlimited Class. · Shaun Darr slid in two minutes later.for the 1600 Ltd. win and third 0 / A. Muriel Cole was back in a race car after a season's absence and finished fourth, third Unlimited, one minute ahead of Ben Pierpont, second 1600 Ltd.'lnall, 12racers got in four laps and a full finish. Lap times and comments showed that at least that 20 miles of the course was fast. At 5 p.m. 37 Pro racers and 27 Sportsmen got 'their chance to find out how fast the rest of the course was. The Pros would run five laps and Sportsmen three, leaving in this class order: Pro 2, 10, 5, 5-1600, 8, 4, 1, 1-2-1600, 7S; Sportsman 2, ro, 1, 1600 Ltd., 5, 4, 7S, 8 with the Pro and Sportsman Challengers st_artlng at the back. We'll follow the race as they started by class. First off, Pro Class 2-drivers voted to let the four Class 1 cars run with them for 'the ·money, with series points, etc., staying in each respective class. Doc Ingram's single ~eat Chaparral and Dick Patterson was fifth. Foley and Foddrill continued to lead on lap two with Foddrill moving up to 15 seconds behind. Bright moved into third, Everett fell to fourth and Larry Noel moved into a close fifth after a first lap flat tire. · Foddrill blasted out ahead of Foley on lap three with a 14 second lead. But now it was getting dark and Foddrill had his light bar come off not far out on the next lap. Of the 12 starters, four went out on lap one and six started the fourth lap. Foley ·had nearly a six minute margin as he started the final lap. Foddrill had lights again but three of the four burned out, and he,fell off the pace again. Larry Noel, after a real strong second lap, had killed one cylinder and had to motor around on three for two and a half laps. So Foley sailed in with a time of 3:54:33 to take the Overall and Pro 2 honors · in • the Foley Tile, Inc. / Black's Dynamic Engines/ Loose Dirt Racing/Barlow's Janitorial Chaparral. · Foddrill was 8:56 back for the Pro 1 win with one K.C. left to light the way on the Palmer's Custom Speed/Trick Fuel/ Yokohama Tires/ Pat Hughes Performance Chaparral. Then came Noel, second Pro 1, 20 minutes back. We had a 30 minute wait for Doc Ingram to come in.He'dhad a shock tower break not long after taking the wheel from Bright and then lost his brakes but managed to finish. No other Pro 1 or 2 racers finished all five . laps. Eight racers turned out in Pro 10, but three never turned a lap. Ed Beard's Chaparral had a five minute lead on John Kelly's Chenowth, while the Jack Woods/Greg Oswskey Woods Vulcan was third a minute behind Kelly. Gary Underdown · held fourth and David Ludtke fifth within minutes of the leaders. · Lap two saw Beard slowed by flywheel trouble and Kelly took O\'er the lead. But the 'Woods/Oswskey e'ntry was coming ·on strong. Underdown was out with a blown motor, and this would be Beard's and Ludtke's last lap. A real race shaped t1p on lap three as the two cars still running tied on time. On lap four the Woods/ ,O~wskey car lost time and though they made most ofit up later, Kelly was just smooth enough· to come in exactly one min. ute quicker at 4:34:59, good enough for fourth 0/ A and the Pro 10 win in his Eastside Cycle/T:'U.F. Off Road Chen~ owth. Pro 5 boasted five starters and Jerry Foley moved out front early and brought his Chaparral Tandem around first with quick lap of the race, a 43:13. Dan Foddrill was next in at 44:55 in a single seat Chaparral. Jerry Everett was third about a minute back in a two seat Woods Vulcan. Al Bright was fourth in . fine pr~ects for an engine service. The hard charging Pete Sohren was the first to blow, never completing a lap. Bruce Wittig held the lead with a five minute margin over Pete Dunshie. Pete Wekell was third in the Sandhawk Squareback and the Burghout Brothers were Dusty nmes B?' Daryl Drake fourth. · I · followed by Wood, Voelkner, Lap two sent Dunshie and the Keith Alger and Hendricks, who Burghouts in search of the lost l.,.,I as way back with tire troubles. bearing while Wekell started Jacobs and Hendricks fell from reeling in Wittig.I At the end of view on the final loop and Wood three; Witr'ig'js lead had zoomed in for the win in the DK narrowed to five seconds after he Works/Coors Racing/ Ameri-nearly ran out of1gas and had to can Continental Corp. Woods beg some at a ch~ckpoint. Vulcan' with a time of 2:47:21 Lap four and five went smooth good enough for third 0 / A for Wittig despite a close Sportsman. Voelkner was encounter with a truck stuck in a second four minutes later and 15 blind corner, and he brought his seconds ahead of Alger, who was Wittig's High I Performane/ the last finisher in class. People's Car Shopl,Woods Off I A suitable ten cars showed for Road Products cohvertible in for ~portsman 10 and nine got one the class win and I eighth 0/ A 0at l,ap in, Levi Beard was running 5:31:47. Wexell \Vas not quite a first; two-.minutes ahead of Ron minute and a half back ,for fields. Then· came Steve second. I 1 · McArthur another two minutes Next off was Pr@ 8 with five big tliack . Mark Harrison was fourth trucks taking the green flag. Once tlnd Jim Allison fifth . · again, Frank Turben put. his I Beard increased his lead on lap Chevy in the leaS, but Richard , ~o as Fields went out .and Mann's Chev~ i and Greg· fricArthur took over second, Holman's Ford '"lere close. Nels seven minutes behind. By the end Tomlinson and Bbb Ewing were ,cjf three, Beard came in witn an done on the first llap. ~ight minute'margin to take first Turben moved into a big lead ([)/ A Sportsman and. the class on lap two as Hohnan contended ~ in with a time of 2:34: 11 in the with an engine fire and Mann was IBeard 's SuperSeats/Stroller slowed by unkndwn woes. But · 1£ng./Yokohama Tire. backed Turben was in the pits a long time Rea rd 's Single. · with alternator trpuble, and lap I ~McArthur hung on t~ seco.nd three saw Mann move into the and Harrison third, but Al lead by seven se~onds. Holman Mc'Mullen broke into the top was sti_ll running 11:'ut had spent five and took fourth ahead of some ume wondering how to get Bruce Mills. Three other racers his truck uristuc~ as it sat high ·. finished, giving this class one of. centered ove~ ·an angry the best finishing ratios. rattlesnake's den. Mann's hopes and truck died Just three racers showed for on lap four, and Turben cruised 1600 Ltd. competition tliis time,· on for the class win at 5:42:54 in and Ed Faulkner increased his the Armstrong lTires/Jugan's lead each lap to win handily in Kustom Fabrication/Turben 's ~he Edwin · Enterprises/Flair Auto Body Chevy,. H.olmanhU:ng Advertising Hi Jumper. Troy on to finish second 57 minutes Churchman was a distant second later. ~ut finished. Just as in the SCORE/HORA j Two 5-1600's did battle but it with a time that put him third among the 1600 Ltds. . P·robably due to the Mexican economy, no Mexican trucks entered the Sportsman run this year, so now it was time for the Challengers to start. In the Pro class, three started and finished · three laps. · · , Vic and Frank Evans led lap one with John Imbriale second and Larry Dimmett third. Lap two saw Imbriale move into the lead and go on for the Win as the only five lap finisher. · His DirTrix/ Bandit Racing single seater covered the distance in 5:44: 12' to finish 11th 0/ A Pro. An equal number of Sports-men Challengers ~ntered. Only two started; but they both finished and had a close race. John and Jack Lee had a · 90 second lead at the end of lap one. On lap two; Daryl and Jeff Knllpp to(_)k over and built up a three minute margin to take the win in the Volkspower/ Beard's SuperSeats/ Roy Martin Ma; chine/Woods Off Road Prod-ucts/ Yokohama Chenowth with a time of 3:25:37. · ·Overall, for all three divisions, 42- racers completed all their respective·laps, and 44 turned in DNFs. The top Pro racers had . finished by 10:30 and the top Sportsmen just after 8 p:m., with plenty of party time left. The last of the losers was• towed in byi:-· -1 :30 a.m. Almost everyone liked the night racing concept, especially in Mexico where there are not too many big rocks or trees. Next up is the 4th Annual FLAGSTAFF HIGH · COUN-TRY I 50 in July. It's straight Interstate from L.A. and just 15 minutes from.resorts, motels and shopping. So come on out and · enjqy the co61 mountains with · some· hot racing. series, the bobtail l4x4s_have lost -.yas an easy -win for Pete much of their for111er popularity,,• ""1 -----------... ---...... ---------.. , it seems. Jim Huff was the lone CANOPIES _FOR THE LAKE OR DESERT Pro 4 entry again, !so he went out and had some fu~, pulled stuck racers out of hole~, and brought the Huff's 4WD CJ:enters/ Kittle-son · Disti:ibutingYValvoline/ Larjon Drilling/ Atkins Distrib-uting _"Plum Krazi/ " CJ-6 in! in one piece, at 6:2.4l:43 and 12th 0 /A. .. . Also fielding j st orie entry was A.D.R.A.'s hew Pro 1-2-1600 class. Chucll: Kieffner and Bob Rivard ran four good laps, then fought their way through a last lap that wo1.,1ld have seen many racers raise :their hands in · 1 defeat. But they finished, with a time of 7:01 :22 in the Sun Off Road/Michelle's 44th Street Florist Hi Jumper~ Last off among the Pro classes was 7S with two starters, both Fords. Gary Dircks flat out flew Gin odhis_ hFo/Grd M0o!orkspoRrts/BF1- , l 0 TIC ary 11rc S acing Trick Fuel Ran~er for the win. After two laps he1 was just four minutes behind Turben and then · r moved out front to finish with a · 5:21 :5.4 for sevemth 0/ A. Ed McClain was clea(ly out classed in his older Cotirit;r but hung on · for three laps u1ntil- electrical troubles became 1too much to overcome. l; Starting off the SJDortsmen was Class 2 with J1ight starters, I I Completely free standing. No need to tie up .your ·vehicles.Construction is 3/4" tubing for the frame with 1" corners. Simply slide together and tighten thumbscrews. The tarp is heat reflective silver (the shade is actually cooler) .and will last for many years. Simple one man setup (larg,er canopies require two people). You have a choice of flat or peaked roofs and we have a cut _down model that will fit in the trunk of your car or in the back of your Jeep with the addition of connecting_ sleeves. 10x10 Flat Roof $110:00 Peaked Roof · $125.00 10x20 Flat Roof $140.00 Peaked Roof $150.00 20x30 Flat Roof $245.00 Peaked ·Roof $260.00 Other sizes available. We ship UPS kits anywhere. G.M.G. Canopies 2802 E. Washington St., phoenix, AZ 85034 ,Evening telephone: (602) 275-9326 June 1,11 Page 37 -------------------------------...;...-...;.....;. __ _,. ____________________ _.;.. __ -,:::::1: ,

Page 38

----35TH MARLBORO SAFARI RALLY Audi Wins It All· In Kenya --~ I Veterans Han nu Mikkola and_ Arne Hertz drove the Group A Audi 200 Quattro mto the lead at the Nairobi control, arrd led the rest of the way to take the first win for Audi and a 4 WO car on the Safari. A':1di cars spectacularly outdistanced the opposition in t~e Marlboro Safari Rally, the first endurance-type War.Id Championship Rally held under the new car rules. Audi became only the second non-Japanese t~am to win the event in the past nine years. Hannu Mikkola returned from the desert of his career, entering his first. World Rally for 16 months and winning his first for over three years. He headed a cautious Walter Rohl in a remarkable Audi 1-2 finish. · Defending champion Toyota's Bjorn Waldegard led with his Supra 3.0i for some way, but then fell back and retired when second. Shortly afterwards another second placed driver also retired, and it was Kenneth Eriksson with his incredible 16 valve VW Golf GTI that was set to smash the myth that front drive cars are of no use on African events. Despite many predictions, the rains never came and the dry conditions gave the first four wheel drive victory in WHERE DO YOU RIDE YOUR TOY? CA You_r favorite riding area may soon be closed if the Wilderness B111 1s passed! INVEST IN THE FUTURE OF OFF ROADING ... BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. r:-:JOIN CORVA [1-800-237-5436] CORVA. _The California Off Road Vehicle Association Inc., is a non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving the land use rights for off road enthusiasts, and companies in California and the rest of the country. · _ To Join: $20.00. Call Toll Free 800-237-5436 to charge o~ Visa and Mastercard or request a membe!ship application .. ~-r,J 1601 10th St L..:~Page 38 Text & Photos: Martin Holmes the history of this rally. This was not only the most exciting Safari Rally -in memory, but the most anticipated World Championship Rally for a long time. Organizer Mike Doughty had propheisied nine months previous that it would be a low entry because of FISA's ban on Group B cars. Although numerically there were only a handful over the minimum 50 level, no fewer than nine major · manufacturers were represented. Four new ral1y cars appeared for the first time; Toyota's Supra . 3.0i and age old rival Nissan's 200 SX. _Subaru had a Coupe version ot their RX Turbo, said to be stronger body-wise, and Nissan also ran their March Turbo on its international debut while Opel had the Kadett GSi running on a World event with a · two liter engine for the first time. This would be the supreme test of the strength of the Group A cars in WCR terms. If a Group A car reached the end of this one, it could do anything. Most of the teams had been in Kenya for testing for three months, and some horrific talcs of mechanical woes spread around. Mazda opted out of the rally altogether, Lancia made a token entry with a single car, but the dark horse seemed to be Audi. Whereas engine failures or broken axles were discussed in the clubs in Nairobi each evening, nobody knew much about the German team. Were they super secretive, or had absolutely nothing happened for Nairobi's rally fans to talk about? If another team was being super careful, it was Toyota. Visiting journalists were banned from Toyota's workshops apart from special appointments. But, those admitted found nothing unex-pected, except the team was behind in their final prepara-tions. It was an event of engaging interest. People could never remember waiting so long for such an unknown quantity. FISA's constantly variable rules struck particularly hard in Kenya. "African rally rules" had been declared forcing special "Competitive Sections" to be run, timed to the sernnd unknown in Kenyan rallying'. The implications were far reaching in format, but made little difference in effect. The roads were still open to ordinary traffic, road sections were still unattainable within the times allowed, and the only conse-quences were the far heavier burden on the navigators. Kenya had special reason to want the non Supercar Group B cars on the·event, relating to local import laws. So they arranged for them to run in a parallel event which counted only for the African Continent Championship. With Easter late this year, there were high hopes among the organizers that the weather would turn wet for the first time in seven years. The route headed a long way into the barren north and the 4000. km route limi~ meant-the cars would only return June 1987 Surviving the best of the Toyotas, Lars-Erik Torph and Benny Melander slide past K1/1man1aro on their way to a strong third·overa/1 in the Supra. once to Nairobi, not the normal Zealander in a Subaru, who on twice. The fast sections were run two sections was lying third in nch farming country north of overall. But he, like all the Nairobi in daylight, and the first Subaru team drivers, suffered cars on the _route were nervous of constant tire troubles. ,Blomqvist othe'. traffic, but systematically then took over third place for a th~ times of each competitor got section before losiI}g an . hour quicker. The early leader, after with a broken differential. At the the f~rst Competitive Section, end of the first day the order was ~·as Sug Blomqvist, who was Waldegard, Mikkola and Lars-teverish and for some time was Erik Torph, Toyota,· the not expected to drive at all. His privateer Rudolf Stohl, Audi, Ford had been destroyed in a Erwin Weber, VW and Vic road accident 36 hours before Preston Junior, Lancia. the start, and he had taken over Good Friday, the second day, the ~ar of local driv~r Johnny was bad Friday for Blomqvist Hell1er, for whom Ford's and Preston. TheForddriverwas mechanics then had to build a put over the time limit when an replacement out of spare parts. electrical fire was caused by a Hannu Mikkola took over the broken turbocharger flange. lead and behind a big fight Then Preston lost .2 ½ hours , evolved between Shekhar Mehta, changing the gearbox, which had Nissan 200 SX, Erwin Weber,_ broken when -the oil filler cap VW Golf GTI, and Rudolf cameJoose, which, coupled with Stohl, Audi Coupe Quattro, all broken dri~er shaft gaiters, had running dose together. Walde-put thim well out of the top ten. gard start_ed number three and Mikkola was hounding Walde-forced his way ahead of a gard, and found he could take cautious Walter Rohr!, Audi time off the Toyota driver, as he 200 _Quattro, and Ari Vatanen, did not have to stop so often for makmg a guest appearance on his fuel, and the Audi went ahead on first WCR event since the crash section 30. · in Argentina, with a Subaru · . The much vaunted "Competi-Coupe 4WD Turbo, to run first t1ve Sections" had little effect on on the road. By night time the the event. A sultry Rohr!, who Swede was also able to lead the never enjoys the Safari, said he rally overall, and it was as dry and never knew which sections were dusty as ever. · "Competitive" and which were Trouble came soon. After not! Frank Tundo, the Subaru initially leading, Blomqvist's car team driver who lives in the heart appeared to run out of fuel and of the barren country in the caught fire when friendly Opel north of Kenya, lost a wheel mechanics _topped it up. ~ehta co_ming into. a village only 20 had to rettre when his Nissan miles from his home, and other caught fire when oil leaked out of Subaru drivers had a bad time as the rear axle. Teammate Mike well. Bourne had to dr-ive 250 Kirkland had the same problem, kms with front drive mode but ~urvived it by immersing the although between punctures, Pe; ca~ m a handy stream. Kenneth . Eklund was hounding the team's Eriksson had- shared the lead guest driver Ari Vat:anen: with Blomqvi~t at one point, but 1!1e baby car battle was going the~ had drive shaft trouble, Da1hatsu's way, but one, which he had to,repair himself. An.war's Charade, retired after This entailed a long climb back, being hit by a service car. The and at the end of the first day he three Nissan March Turbos were was eighth. out with an accident,· turbo-Another early charger was charger failure and clutch 'Possum' Bourne, the New trouble. VW driver Weber lost ~.-,:;:'{ Rushing through the rocky hills Per Eklund and David Whitlock nailed down fifth overall in the new Subaru Coupe 4 WO Turbo, the highest placed team car. Dusty nmes

Page 39

over one hour with a gearbox change, but the greatest excitement came at the Kisumu time control that evening. The poltce lost control of the crowd, who started throwing large rocks · and generally panicking. Many ' rally and service crew cars had broken windows, and for a ·mo'ment Torph, already ill with, suspected food poisoning, was almost overcome by the Police CS gas. The organizers had always feared this trouble' at Kisumu, and only reinstated a rest halt there because the new rules made it difficult to avoid going into Kisumu. The first section after Kisumu saw Mikkola in big trouble when a turbo pipe came'adrift. He lost 35 minutes and fell to fourth place, but was lucky that help was nearby. It was a long drive to Nairobi. Vatanen went off the road under pressure from his teammate, while sole Opel driver Rauno Aaltonen had endless - troubles. Much of Waldegard's 'lead shrank with a double puncture while Hellier suffered a differential failure like Blom-qvist, and later was out with electrical problems. This brought the curiously unhappy Ford presence to an end. Before clocking in at Nairobi, both Waldegard and Torph were badly delayed when the team carried out a routine axle change and the parts would not easily shift. It was enough for Mikkola to retake the lead once and for all. Eriksson arrived in Nairobi with only · one driveshaft, and feared that the next morning he would be unable to gain enough speed to mount the re-start ramp, but he was in third, ahead of Rohr!, Torph and Eklund. On Easter Day the rally headed south, and again there was drama, this time for Waldegard. In the Chyulu Hills there is deep grass, and this caused the car to overheat, thus blowing the head gasket. Missing was the Italian . Andrea Zanussi, who became Nissan's second retirement with rear suspension failure, this being the first time in ten years that the works Nissans ran with independent rear suspension. Eklund was up to sixth place, and , on the final morning he rose to fifth when the heart breaking· news came that Eriksson's VW was out. An oil seal failed and the engine succumbed. The Safari came and went. Audi scored their first win since Sanremo 1985 in a convincing manner. Nissan was not unduly downhearted, as this was for them just the start of a whole new competition program.· The surprising thing was the remarkable longevity of these The Safari Rally's most experienced foreigner, Rauno Aaltonen, with Lofty Drews co-driving, finished nint~ (n the two liter Opel Kadett GSi. Kenneth Eriksson and Peter Diekmann surprised the fans by putting the VW Golf G Tl 16 valve into second, but the engine failed on the 1Jst day. . The Daihatsu Charade Turbos were 1-2-3 in the small engine 6/ass, and Ashok Pattni and Zahid Mogul were 16th overall in their "baby" Charade. new cars. Only 53 started, and 23 story about the considerable aid finished the route. If anyone said from foreign countries coming to that Group A cars could survive Kenya, and how jthis was being the Safari a few months ago, they used. Finland's contribution would have been laughed at, but included the supply of . radar it was true. meters and the expertise on how The Finnish rally driver Ari to use them! Vatanen, making his return to Hannu Mikkola and Arne competition, was penalized twice Hertz triumphed in the Audi 200 for exceeding a speed limit Quattro, beating teammates during the Safari Rally, on both Walter Rohrl and Christian occasions along the same stretch Geistdorfer by over 17 minutes. of road! For the first offense he Lars-Erik T orph and Benny received a 1000 shillings fine, for Melander took third for Toyota, the second a five minute time another 35 minutes back. Erwin penalty. The day before the rally Weber and Matth11ias Feltz got the a national newspaper published a VW Golf GTI up to fourth, over an hour more down, and Per Eklund and Dave Whittock scored fifth for Subaru just 13 more minutes Lancia sent just one Delta HF 4WD to the Safari for local driver Vic Preston Jr., v,1ho had multiple problems and was well down the ranks, 14th. - Kanyans Robin1 Ulyate and Ian Street were sixth in another Supra 3.0i. Rudolf Stohl and Jurgen Berti put the Audi Coupe Quattro in seventh and Kenyans Mike Kirklan_d an:d Robin Nixon were next in a If issan 200 SX followed by Rauno Aaltonen/ Lofty Drews, Opel Kadett, and ' Ari Vatanen and Christian Tilber in a Subaru. Ashok Patni/ Zahid Mogul won the 1 BOOcc class in a Daihatsu Charade Turbo, and were 16th overall. Patrick Njiru/ Gavin Bennett took the 1600cc class in a Subaru Leone 4WD and were 19th overall. Dusty nmes June 1987 African Ra{ly Series champion Bjorn Waldegard, with Fred Gallager co-driving, had the Toyota in the lead early on, but retired with engine failure. I 17" he Ford Sierra RS Cosworth of Stig Blomqvist and Bruno Berglund was the early rally leader, but retired on Friday after an electrical fire. 'The new look Nissan 200 SX rally cars look very promising, and Andrea Zanussi and Paolo Amati did well until suspension failure put them al.ft. On championship points Juha Biasion, 23. In the makes points Kankkunen leads with 37, race Lancia has 57, Audi 48, followed by Markku Alen, 28, Volkswagen, 38, Mazda, 34 and_. Walter Rohr!, 27, and Miki Renault, 23. l CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE K & N FILTERS -RAPID COOL TRI MIL - BUG PACK . BILSTEIN - CENTERLINE - CIBIE . !:Mi, HEWLAND - PORSCHE TURBO C/ V Olfroed Rec:ecar V BEARD SEATS - PARKER PUMPER Perts & Accesson•• YOKOHAMA TIRES - SUPER TRAPP GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS - SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS-KC HILITES-Mc~NZ~_t.IR FILTERS - WRIGHT PLACE-DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT - NEAL PRODUCTS w.,M11,m1 ~ lcJ.,■1 ~ =Y•A•WAYcoo•-H1116► OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday -Friday -8:30 a.m : -5:00 p.m. Saturday -8:00 a.rn. - 1 :30 p.m . I BEFORE YOU BUY -TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! I · 1294S SHERMAN WAY -NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA 9160S {818) 765-5827 • {818) 764-6438 Page 39·

Page 40

,, ,, 1987 Florida 400 at _ Tallahassee's Crowder Pit' Once again Crowder Pits was invaded by rail bugf ies from Florida; Georgia and Michigan -.r.:on the super Saturday, the 28th day of March. It didn Jt look so super for the two days prior because of the constant rain. Even though it was olrercast in the morning, the sun was shinning by noon making it a pleasant day. The track was water saturated creating a feiw ponds, mud holes and slick !upgrades, sure to provide a challenge for the drivers. A few modifications were made to the tracR in order to eliminate some! of the impassable areas. By-passes were created around eaJh jump making them optional. There was a total of ~hirty-two entries; eleven for D Class, eleven for Class 1-2-i 600 and ten for Class 1-10. Six hours or 400 miles is what it took to make this a complete race. As -registration place, you could hear the sound of . wrenches turning, engines starting and a sense of good feeling throughout the pits with anxious anticipation for the start. It wasn't long after the drivers' meeting when· the loud roar of engine sounds echoed in the distance as the starting signal was made. Two by · two, front to rear, seconds apart they went into forward motion. Mud was flying in all directio•ns as the front runners led the pack sliding their way along the track down a steep grade into a water and mud hole that covered the area.·Somehow, everyone came through it with minor dings, bumps and scratches. Continuing · on a straight-a-way, the buggies pulted away or dropped back, splitting the congested pack. Around a hairpin turn they T ext & Photos: John Sprovkin came, the rolling mud buggies doing it with care. As they approached the first jump it was a toss up as to how many took the jump ,-and how many went around via the by-pass. Those who took the by-pass had to yield the way for the jumpers which created a bottleneck. · The next challenge ·on this course was a slight upgrade that was slanted and led into another hairpin turn. This one was a really slick trick to accomplish as muddy as it was. The rest of the course was basically the same way with another jump, a few more hairpin turns and one steep upgrade. _ Joe Cunningham was first to maneuver his buggie around the course c;ompleting a lap with Jimmy Crowder right at his rear bumper, followed shortly thereafter by Marty Pounds and the of the pack. Ed Plowing a little sand, Allen Brumley sets up to pass David Steve Norris, from Michigan, found the Florida mud no big Greene, and Brumley, #63, took second in D Class and problem, as he covered 49 laps for second place in the fifth overall with 59 laps completed. Class 1-10 combined class. · .. ,.., Page 40 June 1987 Bruce Mitchum came from Georgia to race, ignored the mud as he passed most of the field, and Bruce won the race overall and the 1600class honors by a bunch, covering 66 laps in the Florida Gumbo, Chambers got a late start of about four laps due to water in his gas tank . Sam Pace didn't waste any time getting into the pits after the first lap with a left rear flat. Jimmy Crowder made a quick move as he drifted by Joe Cunningham to grab the second lap lead. ·Darrel McKee, from Georgia, while approaching the jump on the back side, stalled out. His pit crew was on the scene in seconds, diagnosing the problem. It was condensation in the distributor that did him in. After losing three laps, he was now back in motion. Darrel completed another lap then his clutch went out. He now joined the ranks of spectators. But he wasn't the only one to become an early spectator. J.R. Taylor joined that group when his ring and pinion broke after three laps. Larry Elliott also pitted after the first•lap because his engine was missing. He went back i n after dropping back six laps only to go around one more time then out again. He lost three more laps then went back in again. But somewhere along the line a bolt broke off his steering and he was still having engine problems. · · Butch Brickell was doing it his way ( wild and crazy) as he went from the tenth place spot at the end of the first lap to the third position at the completion of the third lap. After that great move, Butch got his transmission stuck in first gear. It was downhill for him thereafter. · He completed four more laps then the fan belt broke causing the engine to seize · up. . Bob Rule, from Georgia, was . wide open as he made a quick shift around Mark Bickers during the second lap. They hung in there together in a close competitive mode for eight laps before Mark had to pit with a broken brake line. He lost four laps but came back in style. Mark didn't cut ·any slack and went right to it making up lost time. Scott Ha'ire seemed to be having some problems. He was in and out seven times before completing thirteen laps when his Rabbit engine blew out two ejL-ctor plugs bringing an end to his racing day. Bruce Mitchum, also from Georgia, was _pouring it on as he went around Ken Burkert and Dale Randall during the second lap then cruising around George Receiver in the third. Brl,lce definitely had it under control. George Receiver, racing for the first time today, gave it up after eight laps when his rail buggie suffered from the removal of its transmission nose cone when landing off a jump. Bob Bohres was another eight lap fatality. He first was slowed down by starter problems then crippled by losing third gear and finally put out when he lost the rear end. Jimmy Crowder, Class 1, completing twenty laps was in the lead with Bruce Mitchum and Jerry Allen right at his back door, all with 20 laps. Steve Norris was right there also with 18 laps under his belt. Joe Cunningham who was running up there with them ran into some trouble afew laps back when he hit the water · mud hole on the front section of the-track and spun into the edge where his buggie was engulfed in mud. /oe's brother, Randy and mysel tried to push him out, but forget it! Each passing buggie that went through the mud hole covered us with mud. That was the pits, not to mention sinking knee deep in · mud. Joe finally rounded up enough help that we got him back into moving comretition. Joe lost about ten laps because of this. Joe also had some other problems later on. He lost his hood coming off the back jump, then his day as a race driver ended when the : transmission went out. Marty Pounds, at this point, had 17 laps completed along with Mark Amrheim and Allen Flying high over the marshes, Bob Rule kept his car together to place second in 1600 class, and his 59 raps got him third overall honors. Dusty nrnes

Page 41

J. Brumley in tnat order. Ken Burkert completed twenty-six laps before his ring and pinion went, forcing the end of his race day to come earlier than expected. Chuck Rogers was in and out during the entire . race and only · completed sixteen laps. At one point in time · his co-driver, Marty Neri, not knowing the back jump had a gulley cut through its center, didn't get up enough speed to get over it. Right lN he went. . . · Sam Pace had to drop out because of a broken axle. Sam went into town and found one. Two hours later his buggie was back on the track again with co-driver, Darrell Stenman. Their problems didn't end, for shor~ly thereafter the axle was broken again and put this team out of it for the day. With the sun shining and the race well in its way, the track conditions became excellent. But it was too late for Jimmy Keys, who callea it a day after breaking a spring plate and two shocks. John Cory was spotted in the pits working on his machine. His pit crew was replacing the front and rear ends on his buggy. Bruce Mitchum and Jimmy Crowder, both now with forty laps accounted for, were the leaders. TWO laps behind them was Steve Norris, and Bob Rule. ln hot pursuit was Mark Bi~kers, Marty Pounds and Allen Brumley, all with thirty-six laps. Jerry Allen had just lost eight laps with a broken header. Jerry lost a few more laps later on with a broken steering mount. · Mark Amrhein, who was hanging right in there, started having some engine problems after completing· forty-one laps. He decided not to push it and call it a day. Dave Greene came rolling into the pits with some throttle and carburetor prob-lems. It was awhile before his machine was back on the move again. Ed Chambers flies his 1600 out of a deep hole in the woods, and 1e placed third in 1600 action despite losing a trans on lap 54. I , Kelly McMahon was running at the finish, and despite some pit stops, he covered 49 laps, good for fourth in the competitive D Class. Jimmy Crowder had devel- eight. oped a bad oil leak. The only As the race was now on its correction to the problem was rapid descent, · Chad Peterson, adding oil. Eleven quarts later while landing from a jump, broke Jimmy decided to save his engine his front end and eliminated one and become a sideline spectator. more out of this dompetition. Jimmy completed forty-four Jamie Marrocco Was a long laps. lasting competitot until he Bruce Mitchum who was stalled out, and after finally alternating the lead with Jimmy getting it started he went to the was now the sole leader of this pits. Jamie had been' running on race with a four lap lead over three cylinders for most of the Steve Norris and Bob Rule. The race and doing a good job at it. next group behind Steve and Bob He completed forty-six laps. were Marty . Pounds completing Gene Windham called it a day thirty-nine laps, Mark Bickers after breaking a tie rbd twice and and Allen Brumley with thirty- being hit by a 1600lbuggie. With fifty laps now under his belt, the leader Brilice Mitchum was making tracks Jnd extending his lead when Stevb Norris lost the ring and pinio~. St~ve had completed forty-nine laps. This was a break for Bob Rule, who had al~ completed forty-nine laps. Mark Bickers, Marty Pounds and Allen Brumley all with forty-five laps were making ;:~~~:-::a::n slti:ls::y;t~i:: Joe Cunningham spun off the track and sank in the mud, and it took ten laps to get him back in the running. He placed sixth in 1600 Class. bad at all. Kelly had a few problems. He brok a fan belt but caught it in timJ. Had a flat and also a loose front end. Towards the end, he got on the track and was definitely trying to make up for lost time. He hung in there until the end. eorg,ansLarry Elliott and Bill Gaylord had troubles from the first lap, and covered only 29 laps bef9re retiring with multiple problems. . . Dusty nmcs Travis Hurst, from Georgia, was about the same. te had some carburetor problems t,hroughout the .race but towar s the end everything seemed to mend itself. However, w en Travis crossed the finish line, his engine blew. Ed Chambers ,also was in the race till the end when he developed transmission prob-lems forcing him to drop out after fifty-three laps. J Bob Rule, who was in second place at this point,! developed some carburetor problems causing him to lose a lap just about every other lap through · the end. Mark Bickers took advantage of this· and obtained June 1987 r1e event runs on Jimmie Crowder's property, but the host led only for 44 laps be/ ore engine trouble sidelined him, taking fourth in Class 1-10. · The 40 horse D Class drivers run tigh( and here Jimmy Keys has Mark . Amrhein right on his tail. Amrhein finished sixth in class, Keys in tenth. . the second place spot along with "came in · second for the 1600 Marty Founds and Allen Class and tcx.>k third position Brumley. When everyone overall with fifty-nine laps. D crossed the finish line, Bruce Class Marty Pounds also had MiJtchum was_ the winner with fifty-nine laps as he was first in . si~ry-six laps followed by Mark his class and fourth overall. Allen · .. Bickers having completed sixty. Brumley also with fifty-nine laps Then battling it down to the wire had the second place position came Marty Pounds and Allen within his class and was fifth Brumley in that order with fifty- overall. Travis Hurst was third nine laps. Bob Rule, who had for D Class. It was time to pack dropped out a few laps earlier, up, clean up and head for home .. also had fifty-nine laps. A special thanks for the Well, it is all over now. Bruce sponsors who have made this Mifchum was the overall and race a success; Crowder Class 1 winner with sixty-six Excavating & Land Clearing, laps. Steve Norris was in the Fisher Buggies, Tampa, Bug Hut, second place spot for Class 1 Orlando, Street and Sand Toys, completing forty-nine laps and Ft. L1uderdalc, Castro! S.E. Div., Dale Randall third with forty-Jacksonville, Coca Cola, five laps. Mark Bickers was the Tallahassee, Reeves Imports, seco nd place overall winner and Tampa, Globe Automotive the first place winner for 1600 Imports, Sarasota and Ryals Lee Class_followed b_v.13ob Rule, who Sales, Tallahassee. STRONGER AXLES AND OUTPUT BELLS Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited h1orsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C.V. joints. I Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. joints. · I Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. Axles and bells for the 930 C.V.s can be supplied with 3/8-24 or 1 O mm 1.5 pit~h threads. 10 mm - 1. 5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsch.e factory uses on their cars. · · I FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSltJORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 41 • I

Page 42

· TOYOTA 4RUNNER TURBO SR s· A Classy Wagon for the Upscale Market When· the Toyota 4Runner made its debut in the ever increasing field of 4 WO utility wagons,_ it roused mixed emotions on test. Based on the sturdy pickup truck, the 4Runner was then more truck . than stationwagon, with a rugged ' ride on the pavement, and super performance off road. Time and the tides of market have changed the outwardly familiar 4Runner·· into a vehicle .that perfectly suits the upscale market for an up to. $20,000 four wheel drive passenger carrying conveyance. ' . The 4Runner we borrnwed from Toyota, pictured h'ere, was equipped with everything one could ever want for comfort and convenience, more goodies than one could imagine inside on this .top of the line model. With the -addition of the independent front suspension on the rig last year, the 4Runner now has a pavement ride that soaks up the ruts and bumps of the potholes on the streets of Los Angeles like a sports sedan. Inside you are wrapped in comfort on the highway and byways, with· a positive feel in handling as well as a good ride. There is power · for every Page 42 driving need in the turbo charged 2.4 liter fuel injected four cylinder engine. The model on test was equipped with the four speed automatic transmission, and with an overdrive switch for highway cruising, a gear for every need. The turbo comes on strong atter a slight lag when -accelerating from a St()p, and it comes on fast · when passing power is needed on the highway. Rated at 135 horsepower, it is a believable figure after driving the 4Runner, loaded with copies of DUSTY TIMES, to the Score · Great Mojave 250 on mainly two lane highways. Done up in a rich black paint with no excess of signs on its flanks to spoil the clean lines, the 4Runner turned heads every-where. Inside the luxury touches include handsome grey tweed upholstery on the seats,, buckets in front and the split fold down type in the rear, as well as on the front doors that are equipped with good sized map pockets. Deep pile carpeting covers everything else from stem to stern. · The automatic shift lever is mounted on the center console Text & Photos: Jean Calvin · • . ' with a· push button tor shift release. On the dash the overdrive switch is labeled normal·, ove.rdrive e.ngaged, and power, overdrive shutout, which . works _best off road with more . power instantly availahle. The shift into 4 wheel drive is easy with a sh6rt lever next to the automatic shifter, and it is a shift on the fly for free wheeling hubs. Four high is good for up to 50 mph out in the boondocks. . One of _the most fascinating teatures ot this SR 5 was the electronic display in front of the driver. a virtual video game. The speedometer is a huge digital display that can be changed from mph to kph at the touch of a button. The oil pressure, temperature, turbo boost and fuel gauges are vertical ladders, with the slats in a pale greeri indicating the level. It could give birth to a whole new method of calculating fuel economy ... "the trip only used three slats of gas". When the reading falls under a lJUartcr tank of gas, a touch of a button will provide an enlarged view of the fuel remaining. On the left of this display is the tachometer, a gently arching linear device in a gold color. Along with all this, on top of the center dash is a three window display for the altimeter and inclinometers, one each for horizontal and vertical tilt. The altimeter is really trick, and adjustable by an alignment knob. There is also an easy reading digital clock, and so much to tinker with on this fancy dash that you nl'ed to rl'mind yourself 'to watch the rrnid instead of the displays.·· Between the front huckl't seats is a covered storage hox, and on the passenger si&· dash is thi.· usual triangular shaped glove box, almost decent sized in the Toyota. Being fully equipped, this SR 5 had air conditioning, an AM/ FM radio wi·i:h Sl'ek feature, a button to bring up the antenna, rear window washer, wiper, dl'frost, power ewrything from windows · to stl'ering, cruise contr()l, and even a sunroof with a covl'r if dl'sired. One key operatl's evl'rything, ignition, doors and the rear hatch. Using the key, the rear windo\\' slid l's down into thl' tail gate, and not one but two latches ,lrt· nel'ded to thl'n drop tht· mil gatl', ,1 fine safetlfeatun·. Thl' rear window locks June 1987 Satin black paint highlighted .the 4Runner's sleek design, handsome wheels add a sporting flavor, and front and rear mud flaps are ideal for an on and off road four wheeler. The 2.4 liter four cylinder engine comes with plenty of plumbing for the fuel injection and turbo charger. It produces plenty of power in any driving s1tuat1on. • . . , · -·. •· · automatically when the wind·ow goes back up, by using the key again. On the road the 4Runner was a joy to drive, quiet and comfortable riding on the P225/75 Dunlop SP Qualifier tires, that seemed just fine on the highway, and · also fine for tramping around the various pits in the silt of the. Lucerne Valley race. Overall fuel economy was impressive, even with enthusi-astic use of the turbo at 21.6 mpg. ThL~ figure sank very little with in town driving and off roading on the pit access roads, . coming out still at over 20 mpg. These figures afford an excellent driving range of .well over 300 miles from the I 7.2 gallon tank. Nifty touches are the sliding windows for the rear, seat passengers, and a neatly padded roll bar over the rear seats. There is much more inside this dandy rig, probably a lot we didn't find. It certainly is capable of handling any off road going trip as' well as being a most civilized town car, with plenty of comfort and those fancy video displays to keep you happy, even in the worst traffic gridlock. The rear windo'w slides.into the tail gate at the touch of a key, and the· tail gate comes with a double safety latch, {Jnd it is fully carpeted, of course. ------readily available. Shift levers are short and easy to reach, as are all the numerous gadgets near the driver. Dusty Times

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The-Losers By Judy Smich The 1987 Mint has come and finding it very different from his gone, and as usual, a crowd of single seater, lost a torsion bar Losers are left in its wake. This mount on his second lap. year the non-finish ratewas68%, Ron Gardner and Bud aboutthesameaslastyear, and, Feldkamp dro ve t-qe. V-8 as bad as that looks, it's actually powered Chenowth this time, better than the last Speedrome and lost a c.v. oh the ·first lap. Min·t, 1 where the non-finish Their time was still good, and percentage was 73%. they went out on the sec9nd lap As always happens, there are optimistically, only to lose their some who never even· get to start. mot~r for unknown reasons. Steve Holladay and Gary Hymes Pete Sohren, who runs in Class were planning to drive an 7S nowadays, was out on the first two seater. It's an lap when he had the bad luck to old little window VW body, run over a vehicle that rolled in which looks something like a front of him. It damaged some Baja Bug, but has · a Toyota part of his suspension so he motor, and therefore has to run ·couldn't goon. Wehavenoword· in Class , 2. But they had last on how the run-over car-fared. minute serious problems with Bill Norgrove, who drives in the motor, and couldn't get to Class 1-2-1600, lost his c.v. the start line. · boots on the first lap, got that Phil Blurton and Glenn Harris fixed, and then got only as-far as were scheduled to team up in the motocross stadium on the Blurton's new Chenowth Arrow, second lap when the tie rod that slick blue. car that· was on ,mount on his rack and pinion display ~t the Parker contingency 'steering broke. · line. It's finally finished, . or it In Class 3, Ken Correia had was: They went out to test it terrible carburetion troubles, about a week before the race; and right from the start. He made one endoed hard, damaging it beyond lap in just under seven hours, their abilities to fix it in such a stalled at the start/ finish line, short· time. So Glenn sat out the and then gave up the attempt. race, while Blurton co-drove In Class 1, the Huffmans, Chet with Dave Kreisler. and Lloyd, ran 10th at the end of Another new car fared a little lripone,butbroketheirclutchon better, but only a little. Jack the second lap. Greg . Lewin, Johnson's new Class 4 Nissan who'd been all ready to get in for truck did get to start, but a while, found himself out of his managed to go only a few miles single seat ride. Then' the John before losing the transmission. and Rick ·Hagle car, which led Repairs were made, but then he .Class 10 on lap one, hit a rock on broke the transfer case, and then the second lap, and bent a rotor. the torque convertor. All before Quick on-course repairs were the' first lap was finished. So it's made, and the car limped back to back to the drawing boardforthe the pits and the driver change. Nissan, apparently. ' Lewin was now subbing for one Jimmie Crowder came out of the Hagle brothers, and he got from Florida' for the Mint, only into the car, and was-all buckled to lose his transmission on the in and ready to go, when an first lap,· and Kurt and Keith attentive pit person noticed that Schindler lost their front trailing the hub was falling apart. So Greg arms, also on the first lap, in their climbed back out of the car and Class 10 car. And Roger Mears, resigned himself to watching. who left the start line on five Steve Tetrick and Fred Ronn cylinders, lost his motor before broke a rear A-arm pivot early in he got to the motocross park. -the day, and got it fixed, only to Kevin Conlin and Billy Bunch, have it break again on the last lap. who drive one of the mid- They'd been second in the tough engined Challenge cars, lost their Class 10 when it broke the first suspension on lap Of)e, and Mike time. Patrick, who's raced in every . Scott and Larry Dinovitz, a ' Mi'nt sin,ce the beginning, blew a father and son team, lost their helicoil out of the head of his. motor on the second lap, and so tandenJ two seater. Mike's about did Russell Welch, who'd lost an decidea that the car is getting too oil cooler and had tried to run far along in years to cope with a with it bypassed. Steve Barlow, race as tough as the Mint. who drives in the big 1-2-1600 . Susan_ "Stainless" Sted finally class, ran third, and then second, got her chance to drive her Class and, on the last lap, lost his 10 car, and broke both the transmission. transmission and her wrist on ljp Roger Gask i 11, ·a Las Vegas one, and Malcolm Vinje ai"l"d driver, andoneofSNORE's hard Mark Bansen lost the motor in working folks, bought one of the -their Toyota truck on the first chances on the late Roger lap. Roderick's two seat buggy a Getting a little further into the couple of months ago, and won race, Frank Vessels, who had a the car in the drawing. Gaskill . broken balljoint on his Class 8 was pretty excited about it; and truck on lap one, put Frank •eentered the Mint but then found Arciero into the truck for the that he couldn't I get all the pre-second lap, because he (Vessels) race work done in the short time had not yet recovered from the left'. So Gaskill never got to drive flu.-Arc1ero, who had already his nice new car. · crashed and wiped out the front .Lenny Newman who drives in end of his two seate~, got as far as the Barbary Coa~t two seater, the motocross stadmm, and lost lost his transmission about · the head gasket in Vessels' truck: halfway through the second lap, In Class 7S, Steve Luport had and 00fl Rountree, who drives his Ranger in third place at the the mid-engined Sandwinder in end of the first lap, and his the Challenge class, had a really partner, Dave Holti>, took it out long day. It seems. that Rountree . fc~r the second l~p, only to ~urn a has stiffened up his front end, to piston. Gregg Symonds, fmally try to get it to work as well as the m his Cl~ss 7 4x4 Toyota, and rear suspension. Sut what it did Dusty Times was · "heat the balljoints _ to death'_', in Don's words. They ~ad lots of repair work to do, and tinally finished, hut wcrl' a couple of minutes over the 18 hour time limit. Art Peterson and Roger Mears, Jr., weren'tlreally Losers, hecause they did fi,nish (22nd in Class 1-2-1600), but they had such a long, hard time of it that we thought they qualified. It seems that Mears, who had a long first lap for some unknown reason, then brok'e two clutch cables on the second lap. Then Art got in, and he _was hit by a Class 2 car, which damaged the right front corner of his car so badly that it eventually fell off. Art finished the lap on three wheels, with the unattached·one riding on his hood. He pulled into his pit, hoping to get some quick repairs, and then discovered that the impact · of the crash had stretched and malformed the co~ner so badly that they couldn't ~einstall a new spindle. So the crew tidied things up a bit _and put a qig 16" tire on the other side of the front and Art took off for his last lap. It was a-long one, at five hours and 39 minutes, and many times Art wished he had never decided to do it, but he finally got back around, for their finish . It was slightly . less than what they'd hoped for, but a finish nonetheless. In Class 5-1600, the Cook brothers, Darryl and Alan, were running second after two laps, and looked like a ~ood bet for a top finish. But they _lost a stoc_k valve spring, and holed a piston on lap three. And in Class 1 it was a similar story as-Rob MacCachren went into the third lap in the lead, and blew a hole right in the top of the motor. His dad, Bob, tells _us that for the first time ever, they tested the car before the race, · then tore it down and rebuilt it, being sure they'd really be prepared for the Mint.' Bob says he was devastated, but that Rob was m9re philpsophical. Late in the day we watched a Loser in ac,tion I thoµgh we didn't know it then. The l!-2-1600 car of Scott · Zimmennai-i and Theo Struyck quietly pul)ed up to the start/ finish line at about 8:35, at a time when otherJ in the class · were finishing. The car stalled, and the driver couldn't get it going again. So the HORA flagmen rallied 'round and gave him 'a shove. No.1 ·1uck: So a couple more folks joined in -still no fire. Then the announcer jumped down from his perch and June 1987 helped - still no fire! And then didn't hit exactly squarely, some we realized that they weren't of the impact _was absorbed by pushing him toward the finish the pre-runner's rear tire. The ramp, but outward, toward th~ engine was smashed however, pits, because he wasn't even a and the·rear suspension was torn finisher. They finally got him up. going, and he wandered off down Paramedics were called to the course. Later, we looked him up scene, an'd when they quoted a to see how lie'd done, .and price · of $500 apiece to take discovered that that had been the Loren and Jim to the hospital, end of his first lap, and it had Pearson sent them away empty, taken 11 hours and 45 minutes and had his son drive them in. to get around. They never made They waited about seven hours another lap. · _ in a county hospital, and finally • Sometimes· a person doesn't left, still untreated, and found a have to be a racer to bec·ome a private hospital, where they .got Loser at a race, ·and we heard of help quickly. It seems that the such an event at the Mint. Loren race driver had been there also, Pearson, an off road fan for a and he'd been diagnosed as long time, brings friends and suffering a broken back, and the family to the Mint each year, and report is that he will be out of on a day before the race, -they ac_tion for eight weeks. Pearson load up their old pre-runner and _and Breslin were bo~h diagnosed a ,couple of his boys hop on their as having suffered whiplash and dirt bikes, and they make a nice , · concussion, and Breslin needed d\ly of it, pre-running the Mint · 12 stitches in his head in c@urse, so they can really enjoy addition. They were released tHc race a few days later. They've after treatment, and went outside been doing this for years, as have to go back to their motel. many other folks. The group was traveling in a This year they were set to go crew-cab truck, which was on Thursday, and they gathered towing a bike trailer with the dirt near the start/finish area_, where bikes, and as they went around a Loren and his friend Jim Breslin, · corner on the strip, in sight of k;aded up the car (which is, their hotel, a couple in a small incidentally, a glass-bodied Japanese sedan failed to stop, and Wam_puskitty, and the first car plowed into them. This tiine 1 built by Gil George of Funco, an I there was no personal injury, but off road museum piece) and a bumper was torn off the truck, buckled in. They took off,on the the trailer was ruined, and both cciurse, in the race direction, motorcycles were wrecked. Said following the two youngsters on Loren, in what must be an their bikes. They weren't going understatement, "We didn't· _very fast, since the Wampuskitty have a good day!" · ' is I a swing a_xle car, and has a very Back in Febru~ry, we were ,_,_J sHort wheelbase, and they were · complaining about the ~peed hugging the right side of the limits in effect on the Parker , course, because they were aware course for the days before the that racers who were pre-running race. We felt that a 30 mph limit would be moving considerably . w~s too slow for propertesting of faster than they were. a race car, and wefurtherfelt that They were chugging down the off road drivers are mature course, still in the pit area, when enough and sensible enough to they went into a little patch of be able to judge when it is and is dust, and then, to quote Loren, not safe to drive at speed. Now "Lights out!". One minute they we wonder. Certainly, a c:ar can were driving along and the next ~ tested to some extent on the minute they were bleeding and a course just in front of the pits. A b,~nch of people had gathered · driver can be sure that he can find an,d wanted to know if they were all his gears, and that his brakes all right.. It seems that a race work, and so on. But it seems to driver, out "testing" his car, had us that it is careless beyond belief ·hit them from the rear, and had to run down course, two days catapulted the Wampuskitty 25 before the race; with pre-or: 30 ,feet forward, through the runners, pit crews, and family air. The impact had whiplashed members all throughout the area, both Loren and Jim, banging at top Jpeed in the pit area. There both their unhelmeted heads on are miles of roads where there the old car's roll bar. Witnesses would have been no congestion, told Loren that they estimated that would have been safe for -~• -the race driver's speed at high speed testing. . upwards·of 90 miles per hour. _, We need to watch it folks; or Both cars were badly damaged, we'll, have fatalities, and an although since the race buggy abrupt end to ou~ favorite sport. ~ . OFF-ROAD RACING TEAM Page 43 ~ ~

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' It was a Dusty Day-fo_r VORRA Racers at Prairie City Text & Photos: Les Paulson and Ken Vanderhoof .. ~-"Dennis Kordonowy tried hard to get past Dana VanNoort, and eventually did, as Kordonowy won the first 1-2-1600 heat and won the class honors on point!! for the day. VORRA's second ~ace of the cars were trying to get around the moto in his Baja Bug. Howard season .was again at Prairie City ant hill on the first lap at the same Rarikin was second and Steve OHV Park near Sacramento, time. The hard charging drivers Windle moved into third, both CA. The difference from' the · were using every technique driving open wheelers. Dale season opener is that this was to imaginable to pass their competi-Smith was fourth followed by be the long course, a desert type tion. Up front Howard Rankin Bob Sherman and Michael Long. run. However, the course was and Jeff Eachus were running In the second Sportsman changed back to the shorter run very close, and Randy Miller was ril.oto, Dale Smith caused some between motos, when the water right on their back door. excitement as he rolled his Class truck broke down and had to be At the checkered flag Jeff 10 car and Max Halliday, in a towed off the course. It was a Eachus won the first Sportsman Baja Bug, ran into it as it rolled. good decision, because there ----------------------------wasn't much wind. The-hanging dust would have made it unsafe on the_ ridges of the long course for those who didn't expect such conditions. ·As before, the opening ceremony included the American flag being carried around the track in a new Bronco from Bennet Ford in Folsom. The first race was for the • 0-6portsman Class, which had 17 starters. It was a spectacular sight, as it a eared that all 1 7 Race Under Desert Stars SUPERSTITION 2501V Saturday Night ,. _August 8, 1987 Info: Fud: (619) 427-5759 Jeff Wright: (619) 561-4810 Presented by the Fudpucker Racing T earn Don Miguel got a dandy victory in combined Clas:, 1 and 10on points, and Don finished third in the first moto and a keen second on the last round to take the points title. Bob Lemos broke on the first round in Class 1-10, bat he came back strong to win the second moto and finished fourth on points for the day. ·June 1987 Jeff Eachus drove his keen Baja Bug to victory over 1 ot er portsmen, as Jeff won both heats in a hard fought race. Here he gets past Howard Rankin, who finished second. T-im Riordan flew to the win in the second 1-2-1600 moto, and with his third in the first round, Tim was second on points at the race . Frank Madrid hustles down the .track at Prairie City en route to fifth spot on points in 1600 action, with a fourth and a fifth place finish. Ro~ Smith did very well with his Class 10 car, taking a strong second in the first moto and third in the next one, for second place on points. · Don Geiman led all the way in both 4x4 heats, his sanitary Jeep i:Jid no/miss a beat, and German is well on his way to another Class 3-4 VORRA championship this year. Dusty Times

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Srri.ith climbed out, and with some help, got his car back bn its wheels. There were ·nO injuries and both_ cars. drove away. Jeff Eachus won · the second moto also and top points for the · day in Sportsman Class driving his tidy Baja Bug. Howard Rankin was second in the· moto and for the day. Randy Miller took third, and with his ninth in the first moto, he was third on points. Michael Oevlin scored fourth on po1nts with a seventh and a fifth, and Bob Sherman was fifth, with a firth and a seventk Th~ second class to take to the race course was 1-2-1600, with · -Bud Tickle; who usually gives the 4 w_heel drive champ a goodr4n for his win, eight on the 'grid. After a short had a flat tire in the first moto, but still took second place. • I. delay, the quartet of 4x4s started and ran at the same time. The 1600s ha:d a close battle, and after eight laps Dennis Kordoq-owy claimed first place. Giving battle, were Bill · Norgrove, in second, and Tiin Riordan in · third.' Frank Madrid took fourth and Dana Van N oort nailed fifth. Stott Vian was sixth, the last one _ on the winner's lap; In the second round the race got even more exciting. Dana Van Noort took the early lead, but on the fifth round 'fim Rior- . dan snuck by to lead. Th~n on the sixth lap Dennis Kordonowy whipped into the lead, and all three fought all the way to the checkered flag. Riordan took the · win, Kordonowy was second and Van Noort was third. Back a bit from· this action, Bill Norgrove was fourth, followed in by Frank Madrid, Team Gordon, Scott Vian a1;1d Roy Gust, as seven of the eight managed the eight laps, . ' . On points the 1~2-1600· winner was Dennis Kordonowy.· T iin Riordan was second and Bill N ~rgrove was third. Rounding out the class, Dana Van Noort was fourth, Frank · Madrid was fiftl{ and Scott Vian was sixth. The four wheel drives .put oh a good show, and it was Don German who won both motos After an overnight haul from Pasadena, Jeff Elrod raced to a fouriti and a win in Class 2~5, and Jeff was second on points for the _day. · I ; , and the points in his Jeep. Bud · Wes E_/rod won the firstClass 1-10 moto, but right h. ere he is aboult to flip out of Tickle ran second all the way in contention in the second round, but he was third on points. both races and on points. Bob in a Class 10, and Don Miguel was second, followJd by We;. Chapman was third in both was third, followed by Steven · Elrod, Bob Lemois, Steven motos and David Harmon had Babblitt and Al Baker. Don Bobblitt, Don Kennedy and Al troubles and failed to finish. Kennedy didn't cover a lap. Baker. ; j . · ·_ Class 1 and 10 decided to run In the second inoto Wes Elrod As usual with VORRA, Class-. . , l' together and shar_e the money. flipped, got the car back over, . es 2 and 5 were colllbi_ned, and Each class, however, earned and carried on to finish fifth in one team that seemed ready was season championship points the race. Al Baker lost his left the G.L.M. teamlof Larry separately. Three Class 1-cars front tire and didn't cover a lap. Zimmerman and Garen McCune. and four Class 10s started the Up front Bob Lemos made up for In the first moto, Zimmerman contest. B.ob Lemos broke down the time :lost in the first round grabbed the hole shot from the on the first lap of the first moto, 'and won the moto. Don Miguel outside front row and ~ever worked on his car on the track, was pushing him, and took looked back. The passenger was and got back in the game to fiQish second spot. Rob Smith was having such a good time that. he .sixth. Up front wa~ Wes Elrod in thfrd and fourth we_nt to. Don waved at the fans eve~y time past his 10 car, and he won the moto. Kennedy'. On ~oints Don Mig':1el . ; he start/ finish area. J11;1st behind, Rob Smith nabbed second, also was a happy wmner. Rob Snuth • Jeff Elrod and Tone Jordan were ========::-'-=------~---~-----'---.:__· --neck and neck all the }vay. At the flag Zimmerman won the moto, Jordan was second/and Mike · Farris third.Jeff Elrod ias fourth· . ahead of Kevin KroyJr. . Inthe second moto!Garen Mc- . cune-hada tougher time, since he had to start in the 8ack of the · pack, and the lack bf a water 'truck made it Dusty1.Times f~r · . every cine. These guys 'were ready for dust, but not for the shorter course, since their Chenowth is a Action in Class 1-1.0shows Don Miguel leaqing Bob Lemos and Wes.Elrod on _ the ·downhi/1 run, and_Miguel was the eventual points win_ner. . desert car. Jeff ,Elrod,! who raced the night before at theRose Bowl and towed north fast; did not _make a mistake this: ,time and won the moto. Garen managed second . place in the heat. Tone Jordan was third, fc~llowed by DustyTimes I 1 June 1987i i ·-La[ ry Zimmerman a~d Garen McCu,neeach drove one moto'. nailed a first and a second place, and won the combined Class 2 and 5 honors going away . . Der n is Kordonowy raced hard all day in his. 1-1600andthe cla,ss points 9hamp came very close to beating the Unlimiteds in the Dash for Cash. · .. · Steve Bobblit_t drove his 10 car to fourth in the first moto, but troubles put him out /ot the running early in the second round. · K~t in Ktoyer, Mike Farris and more than $450; but he really Jinimy Lawrence, a former over- · earned his money. Dennis all ~ORRA points champion. Kordonowy knocked on his On points for the day, Larry door several times, but found .. Zirimerman and Garen McCune himself pushing a little too. hard wop the class. Jeff Elrod· was and overshot a couple of tums.-se~ond a:nd Tone Jordan was VORRA's next two races are third ahead of Mike Fa-rris. desert events in northern \ Rounding it _out, Kevin Kr_oyer- _ Nevada, and they return· to C took fifth, andJimmy Lawreilce Sacramento in mid sµmmer for a ended up sixth. couple of stadium events; On · 'Fhe water truck got back on June 20;21 VORRA conducts theltrack in time to cool it down one of the best desert races in the . fat .the "Dash For Cash.''' Rob· north in the keen setting in and Smith eventually won the'pot'of . around Virginia City, Nev~d:t I . .. . . /iT'S SUMMERS BROS.-FOR THE .FINEST IN OFF-ROAD PRO[)UCTS! SEND $3.00 FOR . YOUR DIRT RACER'S CATALOG! -I WE PAY CONTINGENCIES FOR f SCORE AND HORA EV_ENTS! .0§~~. ~ . ·.' 0 . . ~OTHf~~-sao South Mountain Avenue . Ontario, CA'.91762 (714) 986-2041-. - . _ Page 45 c,:

Page 46

I • . . . . . ) PRO CANAM YOKOHAMA.WA DEL NORTE SERIES Matthews ·and Cornwell Burn Up the Sage and · H~rn By Leonard Day & M.J. Reis Rapids Photos: Duane Pray Del Matthews and Dan Cornwell battled for all twelve laps, but they had no trouble and won overall and Unlimited Pro Class by a dozen minutes in the fancy Chenowth. A week of wi'nd and rain at this nifty race course near Richland, Washington, was just what the doctor ordered for a completely dust free race ... or so we thought. Winds up to 70 mph were clocked in the area on Thursday before the early May race. The wind · coupled with drenching ·rain really -raised havoc with the course markings, wrapping them around the stakes and eventually tearing-the soggy arrows right off · the stakes. A group of pre-. runners volunteered to re-arrow and ribbci-n the course, but it.had Hank Williams had a smooth race and a good day in his two seater: stopped . only for gas and was third in the Unlimiteq Pro Class. to be d~me o~er and over right up to race time to assure a properly marked. course. But the job. got done ·and a big thank you goes to all who pitched in and helped. The .Bill Bailey/ Ken Sanislo seater roared off the line right at 9:00 a·.m. sharp with Ba'iley at the.wheel. He managed to stay in front forabout 16 miles on the first lap, but the valve train seemed to let go just a stone's throw from checkpoint 6. After a quick check to see what parts were-still at home under the valve cover, it was decided that a trailer ride back to the pits were necessary. This left seven running in the combined Classes 1, 2 and 5. It was a real.battle among the rei:naining seven Pro Buggies, all turning fairly equal laps. Gayle Hodson was the next to bite iton lap 3. Tom Arnold turnedjntwo good laps, but the third lap was forever and the fourth wasn't. much better, so they called it a race. Jim Caudle and Jim Shape finally managed tq get a C'hance to actually race· their car. They , turned in six really competitive laps before tearing the right side of the front suspension off .the car. . · Phil LaPlante and his sons Randy and Roger made a fine _ winter·· purchase of a single ·seat ·chaparral and did a fine job of ·racing it and learning how the car was going to handle. They turned in six good laps and were right in the thick of things, but on lap 7 the program started to turn sour, and ·the eighth, of 12 laps, was their last. Hank Williams was third off the line and was passed · by onjy .one car, and came in a respectable third place. that seemed to ease the problem for a sbort while. But this 4x4 only covered three laps.' Donny Monk turned· in some good laps until number six, . when · he doubled· his time. They seemeq to get things sorted for a time, hut Monk left the . race after completing only nine laps. The hig black Brpnco _driven hy . Boh Nyeste of Kamloops, .. B.C. experienced ·· a kit of problems that . usually don't . happen to him. The trouble kept him in the .pits long enough that he only got in ten laps, for third place. The pickup o( Robert Murphy broke a . front axle durjng a warm up run just prior to taking the· green flag, and he had to run ·. the entire -race· in 2WD. The course was soft in places, and. Murphy reportedly got stuck near the end of the race and had to settle for I l laps · completed and second place. The :_ Williams, John Winkes, and. Del Matthews had a real battle all day. long, the only in this · class to cover the distance. Wink es and ·co-dtiver. Bob Holzwarth started second off the line and finished in · the· same p<Jsition, in 5:26.08_. Winkeswas passed by the Del Matthews/ Dan Cornwell entry when he. stopped tc> change a flµt rear tire. Other than that Matthews . reported he had a trouble free race stopping only ·to change drivers and ~et gas. · Tne .congratulations go to Del Matthews and . Dan Cornwell who had no trouble at all with the Chenowth, and i:h~y finished the course in a swift 5: 14.24. · Tj-)e Pro 1600 class had only two entries and the Relic dass had.only one. SQ the two classes were combined and a few side bets. were made, along .with a whole bunch ofB--S, and it was a fun race. Actual ]y, all three cars were. dose enough all day so that_ A.J . Keili'an, who started first, nad to look over his shoulder to be sure of his victory. Kei lian covered 11 of the'20 mile laps in _6:48.42. Bill and Billy Ballester, racing a Relic Baja Bug, didn't do bad at all, doing 11 laps only four minutes and 33 seconds slower in second place behind Keilian, who has ·won two in a row. It was a good run for a riew car owner in his first two races. Roger Zac her ·was the unfortunate one, doing eight laps for last in class, and he also had ·the painful chore of making the sid_e notes good. · With six starters, it was the smallest -field of Pro 4x4s in recent years. The first entry to retire, after just one lap, was Don Roemer who came· from California to race. Roemer had-the same transfer case prob.lems that plagued him at the last race. Anth0ny Overall experienced major overheating problems on the first lap. Water was obtained· from one of the checkpoints, and . entry of Rob Babiuk .and Jack Mamo, of Surrey B:C., finished the 240 mile race, all 12 laps, in 6:.56.07 afte•r stopping for only · gas and a driver cha11ge . . · Next off the line were the Sportsman for buggies and 4x4s. The four buggies took the green flag first led by Paul Chrismer in his sanitary Baja. Bug. Paul . managed ·only four complete laps before his 8ug was . seen on .the trailc:fr. Ki Chainey usually manages to·:put on a go.od show, and usually finishes, but this time he had terminal problems arid didn't see the end •. of the first lap.·. Scottie Holt started ·last in this class.and in his second. race ever had a rea I battle with Eric Hinderlie, who was in his first race ever .. Hinderlie had just compl~ted the_ purchase of his car a couple weeks .prior to the race. But he and Holt put on a good show with Holt doing ten laps and Hinderlie taking the win with eleven laps completed.,_ Just twoSportsman 4x4s took the ,gree_n next with Jim Stull leading the way, followed by the ' .rrar engined Jeep driven by Bruce Barnes. This was the firstrnce for · both of these Jeeps, · -anJ they were required to go only half the Pro distance .'Barries 'managed the full six laps for the win, and Stull finished only five, Both experienced first race problems, hut nothing they can't overcome hefore the next race. -Suzuki mounted Tom Carlon aga'in dominated the small but loyal field of Pro CanAm racers. This was Tom's ti:mrth straight win in the Pro CanAm series. _ There were but three quads on the, line, and Carlon was second · off the ·line for the five lap, I 00 mile'race. Tom quickly overtook John Otterstrom, who· was ,, competing in his first ,race, a.nd was on his way · to, another uncontested v.:in whm a foot'peg -fell off. Carlon found the peg and bolt and stuffed · them in his , pants, but he soon found out that cleated foot pegs, don't fed good · in your ri.ding pants; .While he · made_ his way to the pits, Walt Ottenad, eventual 3-wheeler winm;r on a Honda 2 50 R, was catching up -fast. Carlon did make it back at speed, a·nd he W ()l1 6verall by just 18 seconds. over Otrenad at the end elf I 00 Bill and [)illy Ballester raced this Sano looking Relic Bµg to second in Pro 1600 Class, and they were just .over. four minutes_.out of th~ win. · RobBabiuk and Jack Mamo cam~ from.Canada to ra-ce their Jeep, and theirs · was the only 4x4 to finish the distance, and they won Pro 4x4 by a full lap . . miles. John Yamaha Otterstrom, riding a Warrior, encountered -Page 46 June 1987

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Bob Nyeste, from Kam/oops, usually has a trouble free rac.e. _but in May pit time dropped him t9 third in Pro 4x4 ranks, two laps down. Scott Holt stayed close to the leader in Sportsman Buggies,· and' he finished second in his second fJver off road race. -Phil and Randy La ante a goo un in their new Pro. Class 1 Chaparral, and the family of racers finished eight laps, good for fourth in class. much difficulty on hi~ first lap when the ill fitting. chest· protect.or he was wearing interfered with his helmet, making it impossible to stand.up. Otterstrom rode most of his lap sitting do~·n before turning rhe bike over ·to Chr·is Day. Chris and John finished third 4 wheeler .. and ninth overall with four laps · ·· done. despite Chris' acrobatics in . front of his uncle and father, race promoter Len Day. Eric Hinderlie celebrntied his first his new buggy the fight way, he led the Sportsman Buggy f /ass to the fla{J, and ro~ his first ~verra·cebya full lap. . · Smokin' Rods' Bruce fames droye this -re~r •engine Jeep to the vtr;tory in Sportsman 4x4 Class, and despite one very long loop, Barnes wonbya full lap. ·· · 1 · I · · . I l. Paul Chrismer looks strong here ih his tidy Baja Bug, but he got in just thr.e.e laps before retiring, If/if in Sportsman Bugwes. . _ l I tht; fot1rth lap; about a quartt·r . $ milt.• from the last checkpoint .,, before· _the pits. Upton pushed his bike towards-the checkpoint, the only one on the whole course with: a qroken radio, as Crews, Garner, and Creeth zoomed by . . Upi:on 's quick thinking pit ere~· came out from the pits and towed him hack for -gas just in .time to salvage fifthplace: · Fred · Smithers, ·on a Honda 350X, was the sixth place man in 3-wheelers, and he also covered four laps. This was Smithers'' first Pro C;iriAm race, and while he l.iked .the· professionalism, he · mentioned that· ·the course was very rough, Odysseys are always welcome at Pro CanAm races, hut this -.. time only cme entry felrup to the Horn Rapid~ course,· Doug Cornwell, on· his Honda 350, turned _a very impressive 36 minute lap,'and only,did one lap. The'· fop 3-wheeler times were around 3 I' minutes, so that was qtfick indeed. · . ' Later that evening, the,,awards presentation was held at .the Riyershc,re .lrin in Richland. , Most ci the racers .who attended admitted that· the·· race was . _conducted, well-· as . u;sual, · although the c9urse was still as · rough ris ever. · · .::rne next Pro CanAm poi[)tS .. -race is on Memorial· Day weekend at Ye.rin~ton, Nevada nm by VORRA.The next Pr.o . CanAm event is rurning at a bra'nd spank mg . new cou.rse located at Ashcroft, British Columbi.a:· The course is being ·' -'" donated hy the Ashcroft Indian .. Band, a · member of• the· Tholl)pson Indian Nation. The Band is developing quite a nice radng comples that is to iriclude . .in asphalt drag strip, a dirt and a paved oval, a short course off road track, mud bog, and the Pro CanAm long course. The terrain is typical desert, and the laps \\'ill . be about 20 miles in length. Pro CanAm thanks the Ashcroft Indian Band fr,r their considerate d6natiori to. our sport. ' Third to leave the line was Ron Stokes riding a Honda Four Trax. Ron \\(as making a good first lap until he also showed Len Day the wrong way to get off a FourT-rax. Stokes turned the bike ove.r to Randy Branson, and Randy a first time 4-wheeler, quickly . moved up through the .pack to ·-finish five laps, second 4-whecler and third overall. . Don Monk had some good laps befor~ big trouble came on lap q;,he got in a total of nine laps fo'r fourth in Pro 4x4 class. · Jini Caudle and Jim Shape got in six good laps in the Pro Class 1, but then they . tore the front suspension 9ft and retired. · · Jon Solomonson arid Mark Crews rode a Kawasaki T ecate and finished in sec6nd'place inJ-wheclers behind Walt Ottenad, · and were just .. seven - seconds behind Stokes· and Branson for fourth overall. John Garner, riding a Yamaha 250,. pulled down a good third place in 3-w h i:cle rs with 'four completed: Also doing four ·1apS,: Curtis Upton, .who had been running a solid second in 3-whcder action, ran out of gas on Dusty Times,· Gayle Hodson had a quick first lap, a disaster on lap 2, and he retired from Pro Class .1. on the third round. I June 198~, - I JimfStull corners hard in the Washington desert, and•he went on to place sec@nd in Sportsman 4x4, with four laps done .. . •I• . . . . Page 47 ;._h

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I ., ,· I I l , __ ,,... RIM OF THE WORLD CRS/SCCA PRO RALLY Peterson and Love Triumphant in -·and most narrow. stage Io have 10 saw Ian Miller shoot ahead to · ''ever seen. No roller co-aster ride wiri that· run, followed closely by ever com-pared to this. Ho~ Bill Peterson and Hynynen. Still - Holmes got his big Ford truck holding a decisive -edge in -time into third fastest time on this for the overall lead, Peterson and .stage behind leader Lon Peterson Love backed off slightly on and Ian Miller's twin-cam Stages 11 and 12, where Bill ' Toyo.ta, is amazing. Topi's little Holmes won both stages. The the California Hills., By Rod Koch Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises ,, ----~~-,.·;•:· ·..: ~'?";,;:,:·. The Plymouth Arrow of Lon Peterson and Ji,;;·Lo: ~ was well suited to the tw1stmg 1gh mountain tra1 s, and hey led the rally on time all the way. It was the first win t~is season for, the defending points cha nips, History does repeat itself, at . showed up in a new Mazda 323 4 Perez rolled his be~utiful Datsun least it happened at the Rim of WO Group A car and posted 510 on the first stage, but the· World CRS/SCCA Divi- overall fast time, sending waves continued on regardless of the'· sional Pro Rally held over the of concern 'th.rough the ranks_of smashed windshield and .a badly weekend of May 1-3. Ten years the usual front runners. bent body. · ago in May 1977, amidst a freak Unfortunately for Kelsey, the . Stage 2, 8.09 miles, was tight, snow .storm in - the mounta_ins Mazda succumbed to mechanical soft and filled with waterbars, west of Lancaster, CA and east of ills on the next stage and ~as a often known as "yumps", which Highway 5, a Plymouth Arrow DNF. launched the car into space if (AKA Mitsubishi) driven by A re-seeding took place after taken too fast. .. Tight hairpin · Hendrik Blok and Erick Hauge the 9.36 mile first stage, a fast, turns were as numerqus as any ... won thatsecond Rim.rally which twisty mo,,mtain roa.d . The straight sections, but the was a National event at the time. Peterson/Love Arrow led ubiquitous hairpins and The 1987 Rim was again won . overall and in Open Class, and waterbars were the order of the by an Arr9w, this time driven by right behind came the· Volvo of . day on most of the stages. Lon fast char~ing SCCA Southern Jeff Griffin and Camille Barnett Peterson had the best time on Pacific Divisional champions in and the Bill Holmes/ Jim Rogers Stage 2, with Topi Hynynen less 1986; Lon Peterson and Jim • '87 .Ford rally . truck. Topi than a second behind, followed Love. There was no snow or rain Hynynen/ Mini Lundquist, in by Bill Holmes.' truck. this time, just plenty of dust, and, their Toyota Corolla. 1600 had Stage 3 was a repeat of Stage 1, if' memo'ry serves me correctly, fast time i'n the CRS Stock Class, and Stage 4 used two miles of much smoother stages- than ten - followed by Roger and Ric.hard Stage 2 with more waterbars and years ago. Rim organizers, Mike Hull's Datsun 610 and Paul and hairpins. Stage 5, only 7 .05 miles and Paula Gibeault had Ken Eklund's Opel Manta. Bill long, was the steepest, tightest announced that the U .S. Forest Service recently graded the roads, and the speeds of many of the competitors bore this out. The Desert Inn in Lancaster . was designated as rally headquarters for the fourth year in a row. Antelope Valley Nissan's spacious parking area , .. -· again served as contingency row, tech inspection and the parc-ferme. Off road champion and · Nissan factory driver Spencer Low came out to the event. He drove one of his ·well prepared. pre-runners, a new Nissan V-6 pickup, as Fast Lead. Fast Lead is the car thatnins each stage just before the start, a few miles ahead· of the first competing car. It not only provides for. a final course check, but also makes a little dust for the first car, so there is no huge advantage to being first on the ,road. Spericer's times . as Fast ~ad were very impressive. More than a few rally drivers were glad Low was not competing. Judy Smith, of DUSTY TIMES, rode along in the Nissan on the rough· Stage 2 and commented on his very smooth .and quick driving style. The 230 mile rally, that held 109 stage miles, started at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 2nd,.with a 3/ 4 mile spectator stage right in Lancaster. Richard Kelsey Page 48 Cornering hard: Mike Biddlingmeier and Ray Thurm got the Dodge in the Stock Class lead late in the rally, and they won the class and were a good sixth overall. Leonard Jensen and Steve Silsbee returned to the CRS circuit in fine style, driving the Mazda Ri<-7 to a fine third o.vera/1 and third in Open Class. ·June 1987 1 p()0cc Corolla was the perfect · final tally gave Lon Peterson and size for ~his stage, turning only Jim Love the overall victory, with 2/lO0ths 6f a minute behind Bill . Holmes and Jim . Rogers Holmes to dominare the SfrKk takjng second over-all and in Class. . Operi Clas.s . . The·ma~nservicebreakatlake Topi Hynynen and Mini Hughes followed Stage 5, along continued · their with a re-seed for starting challenge ~1y taking fourth positions. The Eklund Opel overall on Stage 11. Then on the came in under its own, power, last stage sorrictthing happened. after rolling badly on Stage 5. It Todd Bane arid · I, .in the VW looked like "Big Foot" had ·run Fastback, were running about over it. The next seven· stages tenth overall when we skidded to would all run at night, and most a· halt three ~iles into Stage 12. of the teams were checking out Topi had-rolled and the Corolla their · running. lights very blocked the course. With the · carefully, as no one wanted to VW's traction, I might'have shot make -a mistake on the-se around Topi on the right side. mountain stages. . It's one of those moments when a Peterson's lead was followed driver has· to make. a . quick closely in Open ranks by Miller's deciston. We decided to help Toyota, Griffin's Volvo and Bill T~pi' and )vtini upright the Helmes'.Ford truck. The George Corolla. lt cost us a couple of Daland/ John Zucker Mitsubishi · places, but'we felt we had made Starion Turbo and·the Leonard the right decision. Topi Jensen/Steve Silsbee Mazda RX-· completed the stage and finished · 7, n-ot far behind, were setting second in Stock and 'tenth fast and consistent stage times . overall. and moving up •On the leaders. Leonard. Jensen and . Steve Following Topi in Stock Class Silsbee, returning this past year came the Hull's Datsun 610; to CRS competition, did a fine Mike Biddlingmeier/ Ray Thurm, · job in their Mazda RX-7 and · Dodge Colt, and the Jean took third overa-11 and in Open. Vigier/ Brian Finn Peugeot. George Daland and John Zucker, Topi, not satisfied with leading CRS newcomers, got it all the Stock group, the together i.n · their fast Starion Peterson/ Love Arrow for fastest : Turbo and were fourth overall on the remaining seven and· ih Qpen.·The husband and stages. Stage 6 saw Hynynen - wife team of Ric and Maite Bell, finish second overall behind . in their V-6 Chevette ,' won the Peterson and· ahead of Hoimes. fifth o:verall and Open Class On Stage 7 Topi tied Peterson for spot . . · the stage win, when both teams CRS Stock honors went to the turned in a 14 minute, 651100th C;:>lt of Mike Biddlingmeie~ and time. Topi then was third on. Ray Thurm. Third in Stock was Stage 8, just behind Holmes, as taken by the new Isuzu pickup of Peterson won that , stage ·and . David Burgess and Donna. stretched out his overall lt;ad. DeGraff, wi~h the Opel Manta of Topi Hynynen then surprised · Hal Haley and Jim Hancm:k in everyone by winning Stage 9 the' fourth Stock position. outright, just 2/ l'O0ths of a D~spite the, roll over on the first minute ahead of Peterson. Stage stage, Bill Perez and Roger Ralls . .Id.I ..z_. The 1987 points leaders, Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers, die/ a great job on t.he narrow fire roads in the hills, and drove the Ford pickup to second qverall. Topi Hynynen and:Mihi Lundquist led the Stock .Class most of the way in the Toyota, chall_enged for the overall as well, but a rolron stage 11 dropped them to second in Stock. Dusty nmcs

Page 49

brought the Datsun 5 iO in for fourth place in Stock Class . . . Of the 40 vehicles entered, 21 finis~ed. "Rim" had again lived up to its reputation as the most challenging event in the, California Rally Series. During -the awards breakfast the following day I Spencer Low praised the rally teams and said that prior to Rim, he . hadn't known much about Pro Rallying. But, he now had a new respect for 'the sport and the teams involved. A "Rim" Ride with Spencer Low George Daland and John Zucker charged hard in the handsome Mitsubishi Starion and finished the rally fourth overall and in Open Class. · David Burgess and· Donna~DeGraff-had a fine time in the Isuzu pickup, and they drove their new rally rig to a close third in Stock Class. By Judy Smith When we were invited to ride with Spencer Low on one sta_ge of the Rim of the W arid Rally, we jumped at the chance, in spite of the fact that we'd never been in any kind of a rally at all. We'd have jumped at a chance to ride with Spencer Low anywhere. He was going to drive the number "0" car, we were told, which means that he'd be first on. the road, behind the pre-race course car, and before the first competitor. His function would be to test the scoring team, to be sure they were all set up and their clocks were all working. It meant he would have to run at speed, or else the first car on the road would catch him, and that would be an embarrassment. · · We said, "Sure, of course we'll ride with Spencer. What do we have to do?" Well, they made it sound easy. All we had to 90 was ride along. We asked about navigating, and they said that we wouldn't need to navigate, since they'd give Spence a chance to pre-run the course (which is strictly a no-no · for the competitors), so he'd know it and would feel comfortable. We thought that was just dandy, since we wear tri-focals, and also have a tendency to get carsick when reading in a moving vehicle. The mere idea of navigating for a rally driver makes us break out in a· cold sweat. So we accepted the invitation. Never mind the tendency to get carsick when riding, never mind the tri-focals, never mind that we're afraid of heights and this rally is called "Rim of the World". We were going to ride with Spencer Low. So, one breezy Saturday morning in May, we headed out to Lancaster. When the pre-rally contingency and scrutineering ( tech inspection to you off roaders) were over, there wa~ a brief spectator stage to get everyone warmed up. Rallies are even . harder to watch than off road races, and this gives the photographers a chance to get some good shots, and the spectators who can't, or won't climb around in the woods, get a chance to see the drivers in action. We then hustled off to find the beginning of the stage that we were going to ride. It was to be the second one, and it started on a dirt forest service road, up above Bouquet Canyon, in the hills west of Lancaster and Palmdale. In, we are not comfortable on winding roads with someone else driving, and we are also very uncomfortable wi :h heights. We tend to freeze up and want our Mommy to coine rescue us. There is also a very real threat that we will The Opel Manta is not a common car in US rallies, but Hal Haley and Jim Hancock drove this one to a very tight fourth in Stock Class. ,,,., Spencer Low took Judy Smith for an exciting ride in the course opening Nissan pickup on Stage 2. Low drove the. Fast Lead O car on the Rim of the World Rally. Dusty Times become nauseated add will throw up in . our own lJp. But, we believe that it buildsjcharacter to do things that terrify! us ( else why would we ride our tnree-wheeler down Competition Hill?), and we really wanted to ride with Spencer Low. W1e cl.reamed about it for three ~ights before the rally. I So we took two motion sickness pills an hour before we were due to get in the car, and we stuffed our pockets with Kleenex, with some vague idea that we could sop up the mess, if things came to that. We were really glad that we \\feren 't going to have to navigate wlith the route book. · When we got into the truck, Spence was very cheerful and enjoying things so far. He'd done well on t he first stage, but his trick rally odometer, which featured bunches df numbers, of which I we never understood, hadn't worked out quite right. We began to worry when he handed us a book and a pen. And, whimpering some- , what, we said, "But, she told us that we wouldn't have to navigate! She said ybu'd have it memorized!" "Ha!'',lhe chortled, "Memorized? No way." And he thrust the book I into our trembling hands. After a few words -o f explanation about the rally odometer, we sat and studied the Fl+ng over one of the few flat sections, Ric and Maile Bell scor-ed a keen fifth in OP,en Class and overall in the unusual V-6 Chevette. book,. and disco,vered that the pushing the button, and braced whole stage was going to be just a , our right foot against the cage, bit over eight miles long. That's·, and got a death.grip on the book nothing! We can stand anything with our left hand. Spence took for! eight miles. A little more off, got into the third turn, and stucly told us that all four turns got the Nissan truck completely indicated in the book were right sideways. "Whoops!", he says, ,,_ haJders. So we told Spencer just "I'm gonna have to watch this to I remember to go right slippery stuff." Now we're whenever he came to a fork or a looking for someplace to hold "y". We were beginning to feel on. that there was nothing to this The first water bar ( with two navigating. All we h(ld to na.vigate exclamation ·points) is at .99 now was a handful of something miles. At about the time we're at called "water bars", and three .79, we tell Spence that it's rig~t hand hairpin turns and a left coming , up soon, and he says, hand hairpin turn. Two or three "Oh - that was it." What was it, of the water bars ,had double we wonder? We had just sl<ipped exclamation points, indicating over a small bump, nothing to that they were serious hazards, make an off reader even take apparently. notice. Well, we tell him there's w1 e zeroed the odometer by -another one in a few tenths of a --------~-------+.-----------mile.· "Um", he says, "There it The Datsun 510 looks very tidy here on the second stage, later rolled over, but Bill Perez and Roger R~lls pressed on to finif h fifth in Stock Class. Rob Tolleson, with John Lovett navigating thJ Ford pickup, made his debut in rallying, and the truck fit shed a good eighth in Open Cla,ss. June 1987 -is." And this time we're quick enough ·to see that there is a galvanized spout kind of thing projecting from the side of the road, out into space, to channd water away from _the road, and there's a matching small dip in the road. That's the water bar that gets an exclamation point in 9"' the route book. Not even worth thinking about in Spencer's truck, except . that if we can ·pinpoint where we are, we may be able to pinpoint when to expect the first hairpin. We zero t.he bottom odometer when we go by the first right turn, because it's so -far out of calibration with the book that we're lost. Now, we think, we'll know where we are. Then we get to a right hand hairpin turn. It's way too soon. Spence says, "Is that our hairpin? What's that if it isn't a hairpin?" We're in · agreement, but it's not at the right place. 'When we finally get to THE hairpin, it's what we know as a "decreasing radius turn", and we .. know for a certainty 'that it's the one the book refers to. All the others pale in comparison. We . spend a lot of time sideways, and at one point, get the two passenger side tires so far (conti111teJ on nl!xt Ju,gc) Page 49 -❖-

Page 50

....... , Pony Express ••• I have spoken to horh_·SCORE and HDRA representatives. SCORE's policy has remained I like ott road racing, especially the people you meet in off road racing. Sure, there are flashy people with fast cars and shiny Rim of the World (continued) · up ·bn the bank that Spence wonders out -loud if it's legal to drive on the. bank. We wonder silently, when it's going .to turn over. When we get to the next turn we punch the odometer to zero out the bottom figures, and, horrors!, we hit a bump at just the wrong time, and our finger . hits both buttons, and zeros out both odometers. Now we're really confused, because, in the struggle to find out where we are in relation to the route book, we miss a couple of water bars, and aren't even too sure about a hairpin. We're really happy that we already know that any turns are to the right. We slide wide, and the two right side tires ride on the small berm that edges the road, and there's nothing but air and tree tops beyond it. We decide to concentrate on the book and the odometer, and don't look out the side window any more. Spence tells us th;it the "only thing I didn't like about this stage was all the drop offs. But, at least they're all on your side." · Now, about six miles into the stage, there's a familiar, queasy feeling in the pit of our stomach. We squint carefully at the book through our tri-focals, trying to keep our head from bobbing, so the numbers don't go in and out of focus. That left hand hairpin is here somewhere! Not to worry. Spence slides around it in good form, impressing us once again with his skills, and, before we can even tell him we're at the end, we're there. Doggone! It was over. too soon. But in our heart we know that another couple of miles would have found us hanging out that window.• We'd go riding with Spencer again, any time. That's fun. And if_ someone will prove that those motion ~ickness patches work, we might even try a whole rally sometime, but we'd like to start with one that doesn't have all those drop offs. Summertime Fun! SUPERSTITION 2501V Saturday Night August 8, 1987 Info: Fud: (619) 427-5759 Jeff Wright: (619) 561-4810 Presented by_ th& Fudpucker Racing Team Page 50 unchanged, deriving its starting equipment. They provide the class positions from the very last sport with a certain amount of SCORE race. HDRA's policy, gloss and glamour. But, more which used to be the same ·as importantly, there are truly SCORE's, has changed. Instead friendly and unselfish people of going by the last race, they involved in off road racing. now average tht.· previous season These are the people that add as a whole. This policy was class to off road racing. These are - changed, -apparently, ahout the the individuals you meet middle of April 1987, only somewhere out in the desert who because of phone calls hy Class 2 ;re more than happy to share racers wanting to know why thefr last beer with you. Or hetter Class 2 was not starting first at yet, they give up their last spare the Mint 400. rear tire hecause your race car We, as racers, prefer needs one. Often, you barely copsistency, and as memhers of know them by their first name, HORA deserve more considera-but they'll drive to town to get a tion. John French . new starter for your chase vehicl1..·, drive all the way back and then install it for you. And they will help dig you out of the sand when it is 105 degrees. No Sweat!! Martin Brothers Racing Costa Mesa, CA (We 1mJmtunJ the HDHA mdhoJ of cmn/mtin.t: tl'hich cla.,s SlllrtS in jrrnl! of llllO!her (1[ (1 ,t:it'l'n race H"U., rdu,·cJ ro wm hv /1hone. Currrnrlv ir i.1 hasl'Ll on remlr.rnf rhc / Jl!S[ Jintr HDRA l't'l'llCS from ch~ />rct·icm.1 season. Fm che SCORE .IV.l[l'1ll, rl'lLJ cm.) These are the people who stop by the garage to say "Hi", and then spend every night for the next two weeks helping to get the car ready. They do it not hecause you asked them or because they expect something in return, but only because " ... you looked like We received your letter you needed the help". They offer regarding starting order their time, their energy, and their computations on May 1; knowledge because they enjoy it. unfortunately we soon left for Off road racing is a great sport Las Vegas for th1..· Mint 400, and because of it. can only now respond. Claude Dodge was that type of It is SCORE's policy to derive person. Claude lived in that great starting positions fr()m our very bastion of off road racing, last rac~. We ha~e used . the Parker, Arizona. If you live in results trom our Great Moiave .Parker, you prohably km·w 250 event at L1:1cerne Valley for Claude. If you live in Parker and-comp~tatlon of st_artmg order for are involved in off rmid racing, the Baia lnternactonal. _ you definitely knew Claude. We take the average speed ot Claude was an individual that the top three class fm1shers from gave a little class to off road that ~vent,_ which has resulted in racing. I w,1s honored to have the tollowmg starting order for known him. Baia: Classes 2, I , 8, IO, 1-2-He was a good mechanic and a 1600, 5, 4 , 7, 7S, 5-1600, wonderful person, and people Challenger, 6, 3, 7 4x4, 14 and knew it. It didn't matter whether 11. We would appreciate you I was pitting-in some harren informing your team members of stretch of Baja, or in a fiendish this order. silt bed in the farthest reaches of Nevada, when you found out someone was from Parker, homage was made to Claude Dodge. They all had their own stories about Claude, and · I always offered my own in adoration. I writt· this now because Claude Dodge passed a\l.:ay on Easter, a victim of a long fight with cancer. Many of us are saddened by his passing. Trips to Parker won't be the same without Claude Dodge being. there. For myself and on behalf of all the people that knew him, I would like to thank Claude ti.)r all the things he did for us, and all the kindness he offered us. Dave R yskarnp W estm instcr, CA SCORE/HORA Dear Walt and/or Sal: Could either one of yoµ pll'ast• explain how you determine which class of vehicles gets to start · first, second, third, etc., etc., fr)r the SCORE/HORA desert events. Si nee hoth organizations are combined in a Points effort, shouldn't_ you have tht· same staging critt-ria? It is my underst.inding that SCORE and HDRA, as of April 2 7, 1987, have a ditfrrrnt means of determining staging order. This seems unfair to the racl'rs going for year end points. Steve Kassanyi Race Director Score International We at GADZOOKs Four Wheel Drive would like to thank the Mint Hotel for another fun, competitive and grueling Mint 400. It was our third consecutive third place finish, and just as eventful as any of the others. Due to the ever incrl'aSing political turmoil in our sport, and the rl'sulting lack of financial support for Jeep racers, the guys who invented the sport in the first place, we decided to race in Class 14 instead of Class 3, and avoid the risk of anothl'r new rules interpretation. We found' a whole class of hard 'running ex-Class 3 racers and we all had a ha] I. We grabbed the early It-ad, but had the hard charging homehuilt of Dave Quill breathing down our necks, and a host of others right heh ind. Wt' lost a bunch of time and positions to electrical' prohlem and flats on lap 1 and lap 3. Starting the last lap we were down about an hour and a half, hut took tht· ll'ad at about mile 95 . . Wt· had a classic Juel with Carl Cook for about four miles, and rnml· up short with a hrokl'n steering box adapter. We limped in with no steering at all, crashing and houncing off the concn·tt• June 1987 barriers at the finish line with ahout thrl'e minutl'S to spare on the tinil' limit. What a hlast! · Mark Heid!.'n Gadzooks Four Wheel Drive Anaheim, CA ·· I want to thank you fr,r all the enjoyment we receive from your paper. We have heen reading it from cover to cover for several yl'ars, and we don't want to miss a copy. We have moved from Azusa to Pinion Hills, CA and have enclosed our new address. Mr. & Mrs. Don Foreman Our Gang Race T earn Pinion Hills, CA ( W c' h/ush ur ~•011r c·om/>limcnrs,-lllld. tlwnl< you for tniting. For the other siJe of the L·oin among our rraJcrshi/>, n:aJ the ncxr leHer. J I have just received a notice that my subscription has expired, but chl'cking the mailing label, which I have enclosed; you can see my subscription does not expire until December 1987. This notice was in my last issue. -Probahly a mistake, but face it-,-your circulation department is a mistake. I have subscribed to "Off Road Action News" since it started and have ALWAYS had problems. Did DUSTY TIMES employ the same retarded idiot to run the circulation department? If this letter offends you, please cancel my subscription and refund any money due. Allen Dole Bend, OR HORA .and Score for providing the mailing list. Dick W eyhrich Portland, OR (The Ji1/loi1·i11g /Jetition was nwi/cJ w all Class , o Jriwrs last month. CoJ1ies «·ill he amilahle lit chc Raia /nrernacional. or if you are intL-resteJ in Class 10, iust smd 'lour o/>inion to hoth HORA and Score.) Petition to Oppose the Inclusion of 4 Valve Motors in Class 10. We, the undl"rsigned, do not want to include 4 valve motors in Class 10 for a number ofreasons. The first of which is cost! When you allow 4 valve motors, you raise costs not just for the motor, but for Jrive train components as well. As we all know, increased horsepower means greater potential for drive train failure, which rl'sults in a decreased finishing rate. The second reason is balance. No one form of motor is dominant, and at any given race anyone can win. Many types of engines are available for use, and most can be competitive· when properly prepared. Last year's Class 10 champion won with an air cooled pushrod motor, and this year is currently running the same motor in a class where l'Vl'ryhody can use a "modern'; motor. So, in effect, we have achieved a near perfect balance in Class IO motors. "Why Change?" -The third reason is participa-tion. Currently the largest participation in our class is based on air cooled pushrod motors. These people would be hurt the most with a 4 valve motor inclusion. There is no way to change a VW air cooled motor to a 4 valve, hence requiring a completl' enginl' and car change. We now have one of the largest class entries at'every race. If less limitations in engine rules are so good, why aren't there higher entries in Class I! Obviously, because of increased costs. Let's not "spend our class right out of (We nwke chis same mis cake ac lcllsr ll JoZL'll rimes ~LU.:h month, mmhe more. To all our suhscrihers «·h;1 mistaken/...,. receit•e a nor ice cucked · in rheir issue, «·e ll[)(}/ogize, and w coin a [>hrase, "NohoJy's Perfect". In ans«'L'T to your question, 110 «·e did not em/Jloy w1yo11e from Off HoaJ Action Ne«·s, as that />Uhlication useJ a mailing sen·•ice, Jar a«•ay across.the cir,·. DUSTY TIMES Jocs chc mailin)-! in house, anJ />erhaJ>S \I'(' llTe all ll /ictlc rerl!TJeJ or « ·e tmu/Jn'c he in chis husiness. FllT from hein)-! offenJeJ /ry vour /errer, tl'l' a/>/>rl'Ciacc che o/>/)(Jrrunirv !CJ ll/)(Jlo)-!izc for vour incom•enic'lKe.) · l'Xistence." · Dear Class 10 Racer: First, let me introduce myself. I am Dick Weyhrich.My sons Gary and Mark and I race the red and whitl' 'TSCO' Class 10 car. We are from Portland, Oregon and· have raced both North and. South since 197 4. In March of 1986 we changed from Class l to Class l 0 for three main reasons. 1. Cost of Equipment. 2. Maintenance of Equipment. 3. A very competi-tive class with numerous entries, , At the present time, we could lose the above if we let Score and HORA have their way. Being an ex-promoter, I really appreciate all their work and efforts. However, please be _reminded it's OUR entry fees which \\'e race for, at the saml' time making a profit for HDRA and Score. I firmly believe that it is time we as racers tcx>k a stand. Below is a petition for you to sign with your own opinion-:-Please return it immediately. The results will be forwarded to HORA and Score. In closing, I would like to ~ay "Th<}nks" to The fourth reason is, a standard set of rules. In 1985 we were given a set of rules for Class 10 by HORA and Score, and we werl' told they were "written in stone for five years." Now thl'y' are changing the rules, for whom and in whose best interest? The fifth reason is format. If · you like the unlimited motor format, there are other ·classes you can run your-4 valve motor in, such as Class 1 or 2. But, don't change the class for 1650cc engines into something othl'r than it is now, for no !-(ood reason. If you feel this way also, please send your opinion to the organizers, and make your voice heard. Please be sure to include your race team, association, and/ or Sc.ore or HORA membership number. DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters· from all coryiers of off road activity., T _he Pony Express column will feature all the mail we can fit into the space. Please keep your words fairly brief. Because of space limitations, your pearls of prose may be edited, but DUSTY TIMES will print your gripes as well as your' praises. Letters for publication_ should be at the DUSTY TIMES office by the 15th of the month in _ order to appear in the next _i~sue., · Dusty nmcs

Page 51

. Noel, Anderson Win A.D.R.A. Off-Road Classic. Wow Big Crowd at ASU Sun Devil Stadium. By Jane & D~ryl Drake Larry Noel was the quickest in the Class 10 field, as he won both the preliminary race for grid position and led all the way to the main event victory and cash. . · Thirty thousand fans saw Larry Noel dominate the Class 10 main and Andy Anderson blast to the 1-2-1600 win at the ()n Dirr Motors/JOrts sponsored, A.D.R.A. sanctioned "Off-Road Classic" held in conjunction with the Phoenix Supercross. Originally planned as a two day event, the show went off all on Saturday night after Sunday's ticket sales failed to add up. (Please, Promoters; Phoenix is not inuch of a spectator town, and fans will not pay to sit in the_ hot sun - unless you provide the pool and refreshments. Mike Goodwin, et al: Try Friday and Saturday nights.) So_the originally planned A TV races, mud drags, TI motor-cycles and many off road classes were cancelled. With MTEG running the same weekend, car turnout . was light, but still provided a thrilling show for the crowd in two heats and. two mains. Last year, the off road course used much of the bike course and drivers and riders alike complained. This year, a modified oval was used for the off road action and made for a big improvement in both courses. Sun Devil Stadium has a small field, and we'd estimate the oval was probably less than 400 yards in length. But it was wide, providing two lanes throughout. Off the start, racers roared off and over a breaker jump while accelerating down the field. A foster jump then flew them into the first turn, a wide sweeper. Then came a tight turn with a nasty bump on the inside line and the approach to a ramp jump made up of three flatbed trailers on each side. With the haybales in place, the lane was probably 18-20 feet wide and the gap between, though lined with bales, was big enough to swallow a car and then some. Racers had an alternate lane to the inside of the ramp that put them through some whoops. Next came a very rough section of moguls with a 120° turn thrown in the middle. Then it was a faster sweeper back to the starting line. Afterwards, drivers' com-ments included Larry Noel's "really nicely prepared for a short course, fun," and Doc Ingram's "the best short course I've raced on! The oval let us get some speed up," and were generally favorable. · Heats and mains would run for 15 laps, which works out to ·about three and a half miles per moto. Only the Main would pay. Seven cars turned out in each class, an Open Class 10 dubbed "Super 1600's" for this event and· a 1-2-1600 class called "Formula 1600." The Super 1600's were first off. Gary Dircks had the inside slot alongside Dale Fowler, Al Bright and Larry Noel. Don Kolt, Doc Ingram and Carlos Serrano made up the back row. At the green, Dircks grabbed the lead ahead of Bright, Noel, Serrano and Ingram. The heat was J only to determine starting position but They Were Racing! Bright came off the ramp sideways and went into the bales on lap two after Fowler went out on the first round. Then on the next lap, Dircks sent the bales flying on the other side of tht ramp and went off to get . high centered. Noel then settled irito the lead ahead of lngr;am, Kolt and Serrano. Noel, in his short course Chaparral, lapped Serrano and his desert Chenowth, but then Serrano stayed on his bumper for two laps, catching up on the straights and falling back in the turns. Bright had rejoined the race behind Ingram oh the fourth lap and Dircks jumped in ahead of" Doc on the sixth. Then a pow~r loss ~cuffed Bhght in the hole Just m time to have Noel and · Ingram fly over his roof on their 11th lap. But otherwise positions remained the same. So Noel would have the pole, with Ingram. Kolt and Serrano sharing the front row. Dircks had managed to get 12 laps in to take fifth. . Andy Anderson had no trouble moving o.ut front in the 1-2-1600 heat, and Anderson, from Lompoc, CA, won the pole and he also won the main his desert car. I l;he Formula 1600 heat was l"lretty much a parade after a first ap piggyback put Carlos Zuninga out1 with motor troubles and stoJi)ped Steve Bishop for one lap. Andy Anderson had no trouble moving out front ahead ·of Wayne Greene's two seater, especially after Bishop rejoined the race behind Anderson. Rick Boy,er maintained a clqse third just ahead of Rick Frisby, and Neil _Phillips was a slow fifth. Bishop regained his lap from Phillips on lap 11 when Phillips went ou_t. Anderson would get the !pole but Greene, Frisby and Boyer also got I 5 laps in and would start alongside. The Super 1600 Main came next on the schedule and all sevJn racers made it back out. Butlit was Larry Noel all the way for the win while the action went on behind him. Lap one saw Serrano in secc~nd, ahead of Bright, Fowler and Ingram. Kolt was broken arid Dircks had spun out. Dircks pulled out in front of Ingram on the next lap and they tangled as Noel moved out. On lap three, Bright was off the course a broken rear torsion bar and Fowler moved into third. Dircks got out of shape again and Ingram fou!ild a way past and into third only to get out a few feet later with· a blown CV joint. Positions stayed the same until the tenth lap when a bi:oken tie rod I stoppe~ Serrano. Fowler now found himself in second a·nd drove hard but conservatively to keep Dircks, now third but down a lap, from passing. Dircks spun once more in an attempt on the . 14th lap but got going again tQ finish on Noel's bumper, two laps down. Noel picked up $882 for his effort in · the Noel Plastering/ Body Experts Aerqbic Salons/ Trick Fuel/Mickey Thompson Tires/Fly-N-Hi Off Road Centers/KC HiLites/Sway-A-Way Chaparral for about a $252-per-mile average. "I have to thank my crew chief Bobby Griggs, my crew, and F.A.T. fora sidedraft motor that really runs!'( grinned Noel. "I had fun!" Fowler tclOk home $357, Dircks $294, Serrano $232, Ingram $168, Bright $105 and Kolt got $63 for his start in the Main. Zuninga was unable to repair the damage done to his racer in the heat, so he was out of the rnnning, . hut the other six .formula 1600s returned. Once again, Anderson shot out front in his Lompoc, California based desert style car. Greene was next, followed by Frisby, Boyer, Phillips and Bishop. Phillips was -our with CV trouble on lap two. Bishop stopped on his third lap, · and Frisby was pressuring Greene. On lap six, the pair tangled and Boyer snatched second, Greene holding onto third. Then Boyer tdl into the "gap" with his rear in the air. Course workers had him out within a lap but the race was Anderson's, though Greene and Frisby stayed oh the same lap. Anderson earned $945 for his win in the Foreign Unlimited backed car. He wanted to thank . everybody that helped him. get the car together and to Arizona as he headed out for an eight hour drive home. Greene took $357 for second, with' Frisby, Boyer, Bishop .and Phillips going away with $294, $232, $168, and $105 respectively. Entry fees with pit passes totalled $230. The crowd really enjoyed the show although the racing wasn't really too comp~ti(ive. The off road action is a perfect complement to Supercross, and the integrated show seemed to build excitement for the 250 Main, which some kid (on a green bike) named Jeff Ward won. An interesting sidelight was how the short course cars excelled in the super class while desert style racers took the 'top spots in the 1600s. We don't know why. The crowd was big enough that plans for the 1988 event are already underway, so contact A.D.R.A. or SXl for details, Doc Ingram had a good second place finish in the Class 1 0 heat race, but broke midway in the main event while running third. Wayne Greene drove his two seat 1600 to the restricted class Californian Rick Frisby tried hard in his 1-1600 Mirage, but he Gary Dircks drives a truck in desert racing, but despite looking good over the jumps, .he finished with a fifth and a third at Phoenix. second place in both the qualifying race and the main event. had to be content with third place in both the heats and the feature. Dusty Times June 198~ Page 51 . -p

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I I I r I C . ~ . t l l I I ! f I I JI' ..... PIT TEAM .REGISTER 1 Gilbert is second at 162 point~-1 ti_onswere~o?dandallofthepits p.m. We welcome anyone to . Danny Letner stands third m · d1dagreat1obandwerekeptreal attend, both drivers and W 6-50 poJnts at 150, and Danny busy supporting 26 cars this rac~. in~erested pit people. Hope to see was going very wdl in Class 2 The FAIR main pit had a large ·you there. . · · . I~ 2 ~nti,l the last lap in Nevada. and interesting new addition this ·scCA South. -rn Pacific ,V., Scpous tro!-lblc put him back to ra_ce. ·Some of you might of ,. ,B.t,~9; temh in class, but he got the -recognized her from her usual Division Pro Rally RcpOrt . C ?C~ 2 fm1sh. Although eight "viejos" grazing point at Riverside . ' By Lynn~tte Allison . ;.q,P, st~rted m ~lass _2 a~ the Mmt, the Race~y, but the full size tow. ( · . . . \ • 2 only othn finisher was Corky standmg on top of the FAIR van Storing update: Competitors McM1llm'.. who was leading the helped more than one weary within SO-PAC Division will be race "'.ell 11:ito the_ last lap. Then a driver locate the FAIR pit at the scored on their best six rally tire and wheel d1saster'<..iroppcd .'start/ finish line. events with two events from Cork_y and co-driver Brian Ewalt As for . those drivers, we had outsid~ the division allowed. to third m dass, and Mc~illin is_ eleven entri~s in Class 2.' That Divisional championship points now sixth m 6-50 prnnts with meek group of racers who call increase by co-efficient rating, 113. . themselves the Martin Bros. and the . top ten overall are Only . a pair of 6-50 guys Racing Team had a good reason scored. SO-PAC Division has . started m _Class _1, and Frank to _celebrate this weekend. After seven events schedul~d. counting _ .. $'f~"----' Sn_ook, wnh Eric Arras co- bemg slowed down by problems East of Indio '86 and ending with We welcome all Support Team news art~cles.-Typed anc.l double driving, got thL' McDonalds with a slave cylinder these guys the Cliffs of Gorman this · spaced copy_ is _acce_2_ta~le_. Q~adline is the _l0_1h of the month. Raceco horn~ fourth m the fost still finished first in class. Thef.l September. Those who have run CHAPALA DUSTERS LOS CAMPE9NES , class and a neat_ ninth ov<-:rall. So, the_ party started, including a the complete season will drop Jon Kennedy, President Malcol~ Vinje, President . ~o~ of th~ six ~-50 h~ishers congratulato~y telegram deliv- their lowest score(s), Remember, 3117 Killarney 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 a e home m the ~oncy • and ered by a stripper• I understand if you compete and complete ati Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 Frank Snook is now fifth m 6-50 the pictures are going to be great. out of division event, send a copy (n4) 641_0155 (619) 292-0485 (home) pomts at 114. . The Mike Lund car finished in of the rally results to the steward, Meeting-2nd Wednesda (619_) 743-1214 (work) Andy Devcrcelly hdd on m after having a major ~il so ,your· points· can be tabulated. Verdugo'sMexicanRestiura~t Radio-FM-152.960 fourth on po~_nts, at 143, as he leak proq_lem all day. Steve ahd · 1988 nas some new require-Cqsta Mesa, CA !MAG 7 and his son finished seventh m Aar~n Haw!ey finished in ninth ments. A vehicle log book issued Radio-FM-151.775 Jerry McNiurry, President the tight running Class 5-1600 with Danny Lerner right behind by a qualified SCCA tech CHECKERS Bruce Cranmore, Race Director ranks. Holding seventh at 84 him i_n tenth. Les F~lk_erson had inspector is mandatory for 1988 Jeff Hibbard, President 11244 Horizon Hills Drive points~ IS 6-50 Club foun_der steenng rack problems. but events. ·Our first 1988 ·event is 13237 Sierra Hwy. · El Cajon, CA 92020 Gregg_Symonds, who got points finished el_eventh_ and R.C:R. 1 the Glen l:le,len Rally~print on Canyon Country, CA 91350 (619) 440-3737 (home) at Parker m Class 2, and at the after replacing the,'. third c.v. of October 17, so be ready. (805) 252-4034 (619) 225-6886 (work) Golf Coast in Cla,ss l . Gregg got the day fi~ished twelfth . . The Arrangements are being made to 'coRE TERRA hin a ap and change at the Mint in Temple Racing Team was a DNF have a tech inspector scheduled Karen Clark, Race Director Jan Sunderland, President' IS new Class 7 4x4 truck, that along with the lv1cBri9e Team there o~ arrange designated 17045 RoscQ'e Blvd., #11 2542 Kemper Avenue hadD new race_ car troublL's. . who broke a trailing arm on their location for your convenience. Northrldge, CA 91325 La Crescenta, CA 91214 esp1te a DNF at the _Mint~ last lap. Beny Canela had oil and More on this will come later. 1818) 345-3833 (818) 248-9039 Len Newman is close behind at water problems until a head All co-effident j SCCA F.A.I.R·. ,SUPPORT TEAM Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month 79 pomts, followed by another gasket put them out along w1'th D' · · I ' t ·]] h FIA P.q. Box 542 Cl s 2 d • , W I , p . . 1v1s1ona even s w1 use t e Stanton, CA 90680 - Jan Sunderland's house ha s I nvfn,_ h da tt:r h rincled, the Hamilton Team who had rear timing and control system. This . w o a most mis e in t e w1 · bl J · · h · · ' · ] Wayne MQrris, President I k susp~ns1on pro ems. 1mmy ,. system, t e rnternat1ona (714) 996-7929 TIGHT 10 , 00 '?g CandY Cane Raceco.. Crowder and his bus full of ,.standard, was adopted by the Sandy Davis, Secretary 153 Lindell Avenue Prince has ,53 po1~ts .. Class .1-2- . people from Florida ended _their SCCP., national organizers in (714) 772_3877 · El Cajon, CA 92020 1600 driver Dave Fessenden 1s race very early with clutch l 98T C ff . l d 2 Meetings 1st & 3rd we· ds. (619) 283-6535 (day) tenth on ·points at 4 7 fol lowed bl b h d 'd , · · . . o-e icient an event ·- · · b Cl 2 B 'C I . pro ems ut t ey I n t seem to organizers may opt to use the FIA , Holiday Inn '(619) 447-7955,' (night) y ass racer eny ane a at mind too much as they started t t . Harbor & 91 FreeW!iY Gene Robeson, President 46, ~and it can't get much closer their "gator meat" party. These sy~ err98°9°· . ·-Aadlo FM 150 860 (619) 466-8722 than th t' . n , among new requ1n: · _,.. --- _-.. · · Th Ba·. I . I . h Florida people really know how men ts are driving suits. A driving .-6-5 u -port mid int on t'hu 6-50 schudul» to party. . ·. SUit O SU!ta e ame resistant ~~v~o~OHAMA O Cl b R e aJa nternac1ona 1s t e · f · bl fl · . . -- · • . . - d pob dB . ~ h . ~ ~, Out of our six Class 10 entries material will be required of all an eyon • aia t ·c points races I h d tw · f· · h Se · · ff· · 2 d h F' , k 250 C I d we on Y a. 0 mis ers. an competitors in co-e 1C1ent an are t. e irewor s , o ora o Alexander came m nmth · and 3 , 300, Snore 25~ a~d the Baja Dick Weyhrich in tenth. The _e_v_c_n_ts_. --------1000. Only a dnver s best six out Weyhrich team had stopped , .... ,,""''"""'''' of the nine events cou!lt for total because a car was broke down in pomts at the _end ot the y<:ar, the pass and ended up with a when .gold, silver and bronze Class 8 truck on top of them. medals are awarded to the top. Our other Class 10 entries were three 6-50 points collectors. . the Larry Rickman car who only There is nothing_ to join or made it about five miles due to dues to pay _ to be in the 6-50 the output flange on the Club. Just 1ist your age, 50 or transmission and Keith Schind-older, on the· entry form as the !er who broke a trailing ~rm on dnv_er of record, and you become his first lap. Lloyd Painter had '!n instant 6-50 Clu_b mcm~er. ignition problems and Rod Standings are published atre_r Everett's steering rack came each race in DUSTY · TIME::i ~1(~YOKOHAMA. ~SUPPORT TEAM Sta Gilbert, second in 6-50 points currently, won big, third overall and first i; Cl ss 8 at the Mint. Chris Harris, 11, is the poster chiid for the Muscular Dy trophy Association, and Chris won two wheel chair races in Las Vegas the sa e weekend. The Venable Racing Team donates all their winnings and then so e to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. ·• apart Score News and Snore RacL' 0 · · 1 2 1600 • · h d R ' · If' 1· 'bl . ur.s1x - -· entnes a a uts. youaree1g1eandthink h'h f''h' Th Co . . 1g er mis m1 rate. e an you are m1ssmg out, contact the t r· · h h f · k . earn mis e sevent a ter pomts eeper, Jean c:=_alvm , at welding on a trailing arm and 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Don Chase and his group Agoura, .CA 9_1301. If_ you arc . finished tenth with C.V.s being new to 6-50 action, or missed out one of their setbacks. Darren last year, we have pms and Jacket 'Wilson finished right behind katches for you, if you let us them in eleventh place. Art . now your address. · · Peterson placed 22nd, Larry Well, another race has passed under yc.)Ur wheels, the Mint400 of 1987 commonly known as the world's Roughest and Richest. I am sure most of you can attest to the roughness but only a limited few know of the -richness. To both winners and non-finishers alike congratulations, and to the pit crews a fob well done.' As for us, the Yokohama Support Pit at mile 90, it was a bit boring and I think there are a possible three reasons for this. he annual Mint 400 madness sh•fted the Yokohama 6-50 po nts leaders around, and the Cl b had two big winners at the ra e. However, the Mint also pr duced about the lowest finishing ratio ever for the over 50 drivers. Just six out of the 25 st rters ever saw the checkered fla , a skimpy 24 percent co pared to the entire race av rage of 32 percent. owever, we did have a pair of b a fide stars in action, Stan Gibert drove the Jim Venable Cl ss 8 truck all the way, led ev ry lap in the class, and not only won Class 8 by hours, but S n finished the very rough co rse third overall on total ti e. That has to be the highest ov rail finish for a truck in many a moon at the Mint 400. Our congratulations to.Stan and the entire team behind the "hay hauler" '66 Ford. This team donates all their winnings to the Muscular Dystrophy Associa-tion, and they also collect more funds to fight the disease on contingency row. Just about three minutes slower on total time, Bill Church and his son Michael took their Raceco to the Class 10 title and placed a keen fourth overall in the race. Like Gilbert, the Church team had no real trouble all day, and they led the last three laps. Our congratulations to them as well, and Bill C hurch is the 6-50 points leader with fou r of the nine races in the record. Church now has 210 points and F.A.I.R. B"i Terri Nicks i hav.: JeudcJ that thL-MlNT 400 is my favorite race. All races have their good points, but the MINT has atmosphere. Party atmosphere. As usual it was a really fun race and it was great to see a lot of old friends. FAIR's race manager this time out was Mike Queyrel. Mike did a terrific job assisted by his crew of Steve Fogliasso; Bryan Jones ' and Dennis Jones in coordinating all nine pits. Radio communica~ June 1987 O'Brien 24th and James Gross placed 26th. · Out of our two Class 5 entries only one raced. Ed Milo and Stan Parnell blew their motor before the start of the race. Jim Cocores had several flats, lost two C.V.s and axle but still came in for a fourth in class finish. The Parkhouse Team in their 5-1600 car were running in first until they broke a front tie rod but they got things back together for a fourth place in their class also. FAIR meets the first and third Wednesday of the month at the Fullerton Holiday Inn .at 8:00 . Re,ison 111 ; Yokohama Support did such a great job at the Great Mojave 250 most of you did not have to prep your cars for the Mint . . Reason 112; All of you racers prepped your cars so well you had no need of Yokohama Support. ·· · Reason 113; O4e to the restricted areas, which is probably where most of you broke, the chase crews could not get in and you were stuck for the duration. I am almost positive· .. the answer is number 3-,. therefore since you could not get to us we could not help. . Now it is time to get up on my soap box, I have but one complaint, the lack of markings for pit and · check point access Dusty Times J

Page 53

ti! locations. This is the second lap while running tenth. Jim ai1d last l:1p. Rid, and John Lind did TECH TIP§ HORA race that I have had Mike Zupanovich had a good not compktl' a lap! ' - . trol.)ble finding a pit location. first lap, a long second lap, and Thl' nl'Xt full su1rpo~t ram for _ By Bill sdvage We did run across an HORA ran out of gears at the motocross CORE is thl' Fireworks 250 'at HORA-SCORE Technical Director official, I won't mention his ' course cm thl' third round. Rarstow in July, ·,rnli expect a lot _..;. ___ ------.------------------condition·, that to'ld us from this Class 2 was a bl'tter onl' for of e·ntry for that dne too. Core 1we had~ great m~eting at the competing for trophies rather point tp the pass was restricted. CORE , as Steve anJ Dennis nwets the first Tu~sday of l'ach M/'nt Hotel attl'r the race there. A than prize money. Manufacturers And on race day crews were Casagrande had some brake anJ month at the Dugout in Van st HY reporting what was would not I become invc)lved. pitting between us and the pass. I shock trouble but they got the Nuys. Cuests and prospective Ji~cusseJ there by the manufac- Speed limits would be imposed will ask again, please mark access Toyota powered Mirage to the h1emhers are alw.lys welcome, tutl'r's reps will ·be found in this by formatting the competition as to pit and check points more finish second out of 44 starters, -and the meetings lstar_t at 8:00 issue, and I'll touch briefly on a rally rather than a race. Steve \ clearly. and aiso took seventh overall. p.m. those items. Kassan'yi, who has been in charge So now on to the thai:ik yous, Congrats to the Casagrandcs! · 1We think we arc making great of the Baja Safari, reported that Thanks to the Mint Hotel and the · Jerry Finney and Dan Fc)ddrill . CAL/FORNI lA prbgrcss with the manufacturers' there has been considerable cityofLasVcgasforhavingallus gotafinishintheirnewcaratthe RALLY meetings. At.the Mint we crossover from the Safari to crazy guys and gals, and to the Mint also, I 3th in Class 2 after SERIES, Wlllcomed, Mark McMillin, the racing once the novice drivers got Mint Girls, hope ,you like youi ·one seven hour lap with "·limit , ne1w re-prescntative for the buggy _ cxpi:lsed to our sport. · Yokohama "T" shirts. To the pit straps and other troubles. Mike · I classl·s. Mark is just the right man The status of aluminum blocks crews, thanks,· for without your Hart and Wayne Nosala only for the joh, I believe. I couldn't for ' 1988 is under review. In help those guys on four wheels cov.ered one lap in their Class 2 imagine anyhody fairer to Classes 7S and -~ 4x4 it is wouldn't go very · far. To the Chaparral, and we don't kn'ciw represent , the op,en wheel propbsed to allow them if they volunteers at Yokohama 90, v,ihat happened. I I co:mpl•titors. · He's intclngent, are stock in the . vehicle off the Bob, Donnie, Gary, Crew Chief CORE had eight starters in _l3..y !-:~~e!te Allison thoughtful, businesslike and showroom floor, and in Class 7 Jay, Phil, Steve and Steve thanks Class 10, but our usual stars foll·· personable. We think he is a- · they would be legal. In Class 8 a a bunch. Gram; I am sorry for by the wayside. Doing the bi:st, CHANGES ONI IBE CAL- great addition to th_c -pancL ballot is being s_ent · to last month so 'thanks for Mojave and taking a keen fifth in the 47 ENDAR: Carlsbad-By-The-Sea Don't look .,:now, . but yours competitors for their input. and the Mint. Did I do good? car class were Bill Poe and Ray . Rallysprint at Carlsbad Raceway rn'ily is a subject of rnnt_ro¥c~sy. Already we have heard See you at the Baja 500. We Kehoe, and . assorted family has been resch~puled for :I'd like to try to address ~the c9mplaints and some comments will be afCamalu and Dave Clark-·• meini)ers, -in their brand 'new, Saturday, July 11. Fees are $70 prbblem up front so that maybe that it tnakcs no difference. If will bt: just out of.M.ike's on the never raced before ORE ' tw6 · for one driver, $ ~20 for two · sorile of the -competitors who you are in a·position to express two . way section. "For. more seater . . Poe, whose olJ 1600 ... driv~rs in the sam~ vehicle, for 1have questions !about , my yourself, please do. ' information contact Dennis at rarely-finishcd1 was so excited at 'entries postmarked June 13, and standing as a builder and a tech · Other items for 7S and 7 4x4 (818) 335-775t . · · the finish line that he turned left $85. each thereafter ·JRcgistration - in~pl>etor can judge my position . arc pending. A proposal t~ allow to start another lap instead. <lf .. opens at 8:30 a.m., and the first for themselves. heating and. bending of I-beams 80 ["'o°"J R right onto the ramp and on into car is out at 11 :00 a;m. · First, I'm a car builder, which in Class 7S is awaiting a written lI\.j L:J impound. Bill soon came back N) The annual CRS Picnic and is how I make my living. Second, position by Ford that would set 0 [] 0 ~he right area. . Competitor Forum will · be I'm a technical official, and as down an acceptable proct;dure CJ.· o LJ . f,.lsp·finishing in Class 10 was Sunday, July 12, a't the Dixon . such I deal almost exclusively fot doing this work safely. LJ •. · John K.clly from Tucson, his Lake Recreation Area in ,.1,:ithrcstrictedclasscs,classesfor · NissanandToyotarepresenta-~-------------" Chcnowth coming in eleventh in ,Escondido, CA. Ei it Interstate which I do not build cars. There · tives question the current rule in CORE had to pit at the .class. Right behind him came J 5 and take El Nqr;te_ Parkway wds a time I built some entries in 7'$ and 7 ~ 4x4 covering the Mint 400 and ,two more oi') a.· , Craig Watkins and ·· G rtlg . east to La Honda Drive. Camp th£ Ch.allt;nger class/ just to'get it location of rear axles, above or radio watch only, a . real h't!rd .. A ronson, 12th in dass in the sites for tents and motorhomes going, but now that it is bc'iow the lea( spri~gs. · We've , producing a lot of <;:ohgestion at Racecq,. that had lots c>f have been reserved, but- are established I don't do that any promised them a ruling at the the main pit arca,at"i:imes.CORE . probfcms with flats, power, limited, with costs depending.on m~re. ,, , Riverside meeting. Main ha'd Co•Captains Dan steering and so on. Steve T ctrick services needed. Showers are · My new Nissan showed up i{i'. •~ . I'm.researching the question of Oliver and Dan Hook in charge . . and Fred Ronnstartedoutstrong available. Boat,rentil runs from Clhss 4 at the Ni~san Mint 400, allowing Doug Nash gearboxes, The c_lub_ manned _five full ~m . in seventh placi:, had_trouble·ori _, $8 to ~14, fishing is\$4.50 p_lus:a add some of the other found in sc>'me Corvettes, in 7S course pits as well, at . Mile · lap 2 and more ,on lap 3 and state license. There are p1cnte cotnpetitors objected to it. It was arid 7 4x4 trucks. MarkersJ 1, 23, 48, 69 and 9~. finally retired, with a ·broken;: areas, barbecues, volleybal_l, etc.· different, .-ba.s~d on interprei:a- Finally, wetre fine tuning the There was a good turn out of pit trailing arm at the motocross,'. There is no swimming , and no . tidn of existing rules. Class 4 is rl1le tcj cover the length of leaf help, and the logistics all went course on the last lap. Orie more_' pets. Call Bill Gutztnann, (7 l 4) · on:e ·o_f the open classes. Almost · · springs in 75 and 7 4x4 for 1988. very well. . position down was the of 989-1 15 5 for tamp . si·te·, m:iythmg goes. . , • , The way it looks, we will try to There were five Class l cars on Chuck -Inman and . John J. , reservations ·and I Rallysprint -Objections· to'the Nissan 4x4 . accommodate the longest stock the CORE pit list, and not 6nc of _Johnson who lost the generator entry form and information. · wJrc based on the _fact it is so leaf springs. , th~m finished. Jack Mc~illen, · on the last lap. · Enter the Rally Games light, but it is within the rules. lq Starting With the Mint race it from Gabbs, lost hoth Jrrans Rick and John Hagle led Cl~ss Challenge Events 'and win so~c faot, Look fm: a~othcr super light was . ·legal to use afterinarket action and torsion .bars an~ did . 10 on the first lap, dropped w prizes . for best "hages" and · , vehicle in this class -soon, a ,trailing arms in Class 1-2-1600 as not cover a lap, nor did Shelton · sixth' on the next round anq ·•:overall" finishers. tom_peti~ors CHevrolet. Somebody else used long as they remain in stock Lowery and L~rry Webster, }."ho retired with the _loss of b9tp a forum will begin alt' 2:00 p:,m. th~ same logic and built it. _configuration. Just a reminder. rolled on the first lap and broke a stub axle and c.v. JOtnt. Scott and The CRS Board of Governors· · At the meeting there was a lot · · 'A report on the thihking of stub axle. T crry McDonald gc>t in Larry Dinovitz got in' · will be on hand to ans:\vcr ofUiscussion about the new class Class 10 competitors by the one long lap before the trans quit lap. before lbsing their engin~. questions, fie)d· inquiries, and .· elimination rule that is in effect Yokohama representative Was to altogether on the second round. Doing really well were _Bdl · accept suggestions about events · foi the first time this seastm. the effect that 99 per cent oppose Chet and Lloyd Huffman arc still Sallenbach and Mike Bird, their · and the series. Plan ~o attend this , H,Jlfway through the eight race .the idea of allowing 4 valves per having new woes with the , Raceco finishing just· SfVCn once-a-year meeting. Your sctics six racing classes are in cylinder in 1988. I hope that ORE Ti:lyota, and at the Mint minutcsbehindthePocsinsixth opinionsarcvaluedl jeqpardy,3,4,6,7,74x4and14. before this• proposal is they lost the clutch on the second in class, and they had some shock Glen Helen Rallysprint . #3 It looks as if Class 14 is cooked abandon·ed racers will consider troubleandlosta<;.v.bootakmg, originallysetforAugusthasbeen foi 1988, but the other classes that there will be some Have lights -Will Race SUPERSTl1"10N 2501V Saturday Night August 8. 1987 . Info: · Fud: (619) 427-5759 Jett Wright: (619) 561-4810 · . . Presented by the Fudpucker Racing Team Dusty. Times the way. . _ ·• .·•· :'tentatively reset for pctober 1.7, have a chance to survive. They horsepower restriction.s . for The stars of the CORE ,Mfnt ·: 1987. Glen Helen l,iaison· Mike ne~d an average of five to seven those who use the 4-valve-per-sh~>w were Jack Ramsay andRi~F ; :Bk,rc ~_xp~riencc9 a maJdr entries per race from now till the cylinder engines. This change is M-1Us. The te~m led every)apm communtcat1on problem,. ancl enil of the year to survive the desi~mcd fohelp,theclasskeeptip ' the 66 car tield in Cl_ass };2_>: found the track's August dates "cut." with manufacturer technology, 1600, and won their tirst race : filled when he called in April. · As might be·· expected, not to turn Class 10 into-a rich since switching to the single.se_af;!_ · East of Indio orgahizers Roger rehescntativcs of Ford, man's class, as some comp~titors Bunderson earlier this ·year:.:·· Allison and Randy !Hensley are Clfovrolet and Nissan at the -fear. Congrats to Jack and again requesting moLmain ro~ds . mJcting made strong appeals for As mostofyou know, we had a the whole team. Terry Jeffersarii:L to add to their event. Maybe the saving Class 7, because they base flap over penalizing a racer, and it Jerry Lawson had a good day and , third time will be a "1go" this fall. a lot of their marketing strategies _has resulted in a good suggestion took ninth in the big class, :c · fo~ mini pickups on how they do for the future by the Ford Dominic Borra and Patrick· in 1rhat class. We'll take another, representative. He suggeste9 that Reyes rolled on the first lap iri"rhc -· look at all these classes and rules -infractions be posted in motocross course anJ it was , 1 es~cdally Class 7 at Ri;erside at writing where they occur so that downhill from .there, but. thi.iy , S b • t tht.; next meeting on August 24. the offender can protect his Jid finish '23rd, despite running · U scri I e O . There is a new concept called rights, if necessary. This would out'·of gas on the last lap. · DUSTY "stone stock" that was discussed be followed by a letter from the Jerry Lawless, Dick McCcxll - at the Las Vegas rnccting. Sal Fish tech team to .all •involved parties arid Kevin McGillivray had flats,- · - · I ·and Walt Lott were encouraged · in that class. ~at's reasonable. shocks, and c·.v.s. break -and TIMES· ' 1 to I explore its potential for a Separate proposals would call retired on the last lap while · · startup as early as , 1988. It for elimination of the restriction running 12th. New , members · I soi.'inds a lot lik&hc Baja Safari, on the number of cylinders in Dave and David Fessenden also See Form Page 3 wh;ich SCORE has successfully . engines 'fr>r Classes 3 and 4. I'm went out on the last lap , with "-st-aged the last two years. currently studying both ideas electrical trouble. Dan Arauj(J (In concept form, this is what it and will report findings to all thl' and David Ramirez went Wl'll · lodks like. Stone stock racers• manufacturers ·involved in the until they lost the engine on the wc~uld be strictly amateurs two classes. June 1987 Page 53 ,

Page 54

' a.-. ---.1---.e-.~;;fJ . ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~.;-'?-' ' . ,[)~ Compet1t1on Tires 4,0 ' Offroa-d & Motorcycle Products· 17501 Lemon Ave., Unit D Hesperia, CA 92345 (702) 363-4882 (702) 389-5012 Bee·per . I (619) 244-0477 (800➔ ~92-5263, · AUTO -PLUS Complete Mobile Detailing Auto I Boat I R.V. SANDY HOWE SIA HOWE 619-583-6529 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR., SUITE B • LEMON _GROVE, CA 92049 .KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER. SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA :. 90670 SUSPE~SION SEATS iN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S .. SUPER SEATS" . . ED& BARBARA BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386~2592 <&roup ~uckmann San Diego <519)578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF ROAD RA CE, ENGIN ES. WINNERS AT 8626 COMMERCE A V E . IN MIRAM A R Page 54 C>< FOR CORKY McMILLI N · DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK MCMILLIN OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION THE SOURCE FOR "PRO-COMP SERIES" RACING MOTORS & TRANSAXLES. SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE S~CIAL DISCOUNTS WALK IN 818-334-4951 PHONE ORDERS 818-969-7967 915 W. FOOTHILL BL VD., AZUSA, CA 91702 r~--------------------~--------, I Send $1.00:t for 1987--Catalog I I and receive $2 off your first order 1 I Cut out this coupon and mail it to: I I Dick Cepek, Inc. I 1 17000 Kingsview Ave., Dept.OT , I I Carson, California 90746 .11 , I I, 0 I've enclosed $1.00* I I . Please send me your 1 I 1987 Catalog and my I I $2 R b 1 C d * Canadian & Foreign requests I I e 8 8 ar • send $2.00 U.? - currency. I L------------------------------1 '20 YEARS OF BUILDING WINNING. · OFF ROAD RACE-CARS =---ta> ■1401 ~ PIONEER WAY #17 ~ CHENOWTH DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 1401 Pioneer Way #17 / El Cajon, CA 92020 Work (619) 442-3773 / Res. (619) 441-0938 COOL-WATER INN uBARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Free Local Phone * Recreation Room * Free Movie Channel * Swimming Pool ' "DUSTY DISCOUNT" . $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 6 i 9~256;.8443 170 C99lwater Lane, Barstow MOST DURABLE CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE -OUR DESIGN DR YOURS SNAP ON • STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE . SNAP ON CLEAR PLACTICINE WINDOWS ,-··· ll•o·E tER T RACER.'~ --~~:~ PRODUCTS-P O Box 2233. San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 945-0035 · · Offic,a/ Contingency Donor forSCOREIHDRA and ADRA. INLAND DISPI.A y ~ POMONA MUNTZ STEREO· 916 HOLT AVE. , BIRT BIii/TS, V!lfJJ!imBZ7fJJBJ[U) {818} 882-7808 BlOCK NUMBEllS WITH STYlE u.s'.A.~ , t .,,,. ' -~·-~~~ '. ~1'/ ((~ . ; 10138CANOGAAVE., CHATSWORTH, CA91311 June 1987 DIRJRIX' (602) 253-528:~ ' ' ~-. Championship Off Road Race Car. and Truck Fabrication . ' · Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoeriix; AZ.85007 . ~~. i,.. ... . ,/ DAN McGOWAN. JOHN VERHAGEN 2022 ARST·STREEI SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 ' _....,.,, ,, . We SPEC/At,zE in VW Cams ahdt ·· Valve Train Components · ' •I 1t 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 ' (714) 891-860.0 · , ' · FREE-ST ANDING; RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS 'THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! . · -RE_N_T_A_LS-VARIOUS.SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAIL~BLE 714/627-5727 · AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST., BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA91761 1985 SCORE/ HORA ENGINE BUILDER Of THE YEAR -WJ & Porsche [lttl· · Race f.aJ Racing Engines ~ ' • · Prepara~on & Transaxles ....,_,ia .. ~ _ .... ..,._. .. ., • PERFORMANCE .. Intake & Exhaust Sy~tem Components . for·VW Type !:Rabbit. TYPE IV. 91_1 1450 N. Glass;II. ·orange, GA 92667 • (71.4) 639-2833 DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOG,GLE_S & HELMETS. \LLE SAFET .. 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 Du5tfffma

Page 55

DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS RE·UCA81.E V. W. PAffl 11623 .SHEL.CON ST. SUN VALLEY, CA 913!52 768-4555 (6l9) 465-3782 .111111,nc--=l Get Your _SIIIPT Togetlaerl FORTlrt TRArtSAXLES· 3006 Colina Verde Lane · ~ . Jamul. California 92035 --.., Doug Fortin (408) 377-3422 · · Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's Specifications · _ IOX . ING SHOX . . . . 544 McGlincey lane, Unit 8, Campbell Calif. 95008 Fuel Bladders ·oump ., · Cans 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Quick FIiis Std. · FIiis (714) 962-0027 I : GRIFFITHS ENTERPRISES PROFESSIONAL'POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS ' . LICENSED AND INSURED . . . .I -ROBERT· GRlfFITHS BEEPER (702) 381-3148 OFFICE (702) 362-4202 . HOME (702) 362-9416 3999 GRAPEFRUI"[ CIRCLE, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 . I . . . WALT LOTT 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So . . Las Vegas. Nevada 89124 HOUSE o · . GIES 7302 Broadway • Lemon Grove, CA. 92045 • 619-589-6770 MICHAEL LUND Owner 6211 Yarrow Drive, S~ite C • Carlsbad, dA 92009 • 1619) 931-0~44 . I I . I LP.P. I • JRAI~~~~ · FLAT BED ENCLOSED ATV-ATC • METAL FABRICATION TRUCK RAci<:; STAKE BEDS DUNE BUGGIES REPAIRS WELDING I ' ~--JET SKI MOTORCYCLE FUN TIME 'MFG 12150 BLOOMFIELD AVE UNIT G SANTA FE SPRINGS, q.,, ~noio (21:;j Y29-04'40 'YOUR TOY HAULER SPECIALIST' 1 , BQe ;:ULMER KEN HAGEMANN RES: (213) 929-1410 RES: (213) 531-9154 G'ARMA FABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRU~ TURES . SUSPENSION SY~TEMS - CUSTOM METAL FA~RICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-12'2 , Dultyflma 1'361 EAST THIRD STREET · : POMONA,-CA 91766 v!liJ!Bl::I• V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS' 0 SERVICE 6291 Manchester :Blvd. · 1.1 ... · _.· · .. 1 • . . . _ _Bue'i1a Park; GA 9~621 __ I / . I . . . OFF. ROAD RACE CARS JI M·co . ALUMINUM BODIES ,, ROLL CAGES . _ _ · · . PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-1743 . . . "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS~'! ! ·.. . 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 June 1987 · 1 JIM JULsdN. MIKE JULSON ·1 OHN · . . Send n.oo tor cac.av RACING PIIOIH.ICTS · ::· =========-OHNSON . CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINNING SUSPENSION SYSTEMS PER FORMAN CE HICH PERf()llMANCE SHOCKS P.O. BOX 81 DUAL 6 TRIPLE SH()CI( SYSTEMS. · LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA ~ [619) 583-~54 RBERClASS 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner 60° V-6 U MOTOR PARTS ACC&S()IIIE5 McKENZIFS AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAREHOUSE DISTRIBUTORS FOR CINTIR,LINI WHHLS SWAY-A-WAY TEC:TIRA TIRES KC: LIGHTS SUPER TRAP _SP'ARK AflfiESTORS CIBIE" LIGHTS MCKENZIE AIRl'ILTERS WRIGHT PLACE DURA ■LUE ULTRA BOOT Wl:STERN AUTO TIRES 818-784-6438. 818-76!1-!1827 ■l~STl!CIN SH.OC:KS, K,Y.■, ·SHOCKS 81iAIID SEATS _HE~LAND GEARS OEM IIEARS CROWN Nl"O. NEAL PRODUCTS RAPID COOL TRI-MIL 129415 SHE".'MAN WAT, NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA I .ISO!! . · MENDEOLA , . RACING -TECHNOLOGY VW • PORSCHE • NEWLAND . RACINC1 CEARBOXES (619) 277,3100 · 7577 CONVOY COURT: SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 • 5\S. ,. G to\{). S Cµstom Built to · - Your Needs by -V-ENTERPRISES Bill Varnes ,,. Mike Brown 32817 Crown Valley Rd. Acton, CA 93510 · 805/269-1279 Page ~5

Page 56

" INSTANT SERVICE ·I-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including... · • NEAL Cutting Brakes"• • Clutch Pedal AssemQhes • Master Cylinders . • Hydr~ulic Clutches and Throttles .. ,plus much more .. Co.mplete Catalog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7J 7i Ronson Road . ~. San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 565-9336 "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Perfor~nce Dealer Today ~ Oil -fuel -Transmissions -Rearend,s -Off road; Oval TraGk; Drag, Marine . • -QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc., 12414 Hwy .99 So., Dept OT, Everett. WA 98204 . . OFF ROAD CH.ASSIS_ E-NGINEERl,NG ·· 6879 QRAN CIRCLE BUENA PARK. CA. 90620 Off: Road Suspen~ion Preparation 2 &: 4 W D VANS & · PICKUP S 6: M f N I TRU CKS GA.BRIEL R _ACIN G, SHO CKS • 8 A•JA ·R vOERS PRE·RuN TRuc·Ks • CuSTo M SPRING.s A _XLE W ORK· • CusTOM SusPEN·s 10N No BLOCKS U SED-. WELDING.& FABRfCATION Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 Established 1974 Wants YOU Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved 1 Den~i~ R ogef;; ~; Steve O'Connor (818) 335-7757 " ·"' . OFF ROAD ENGINEERING Off ..... --Can 9720 Cozycroft • C hatsw orth. CA 91311 __ -"-t_oo.c _ I .JOU.· GREG,LEWIN, (8 18) 882-2886 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250.111 WINNERS GREG HIBBS - ·1st OVERALL, tst CLAS.S 10 . KEN SNYDER · J st 2-1600; BRAD INCH -1st 1-1600; MAX RAZO 1st CLASS 5; MARK CAMER_ON -1st OPENi ANDY DEVERCELLY • 1st 5-1600; REX LEWIS · 1st CLASS 100; JI.M DELANEY -·1st CHALLENGER;.TIM YOUNG-1st TRUCK;' . . HAL GRAVES· 1srCLASS 6 IKE'· FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering_ i-tole. Saloon Mobil .24 Hour Service Station . BAK(R. CALIFORNIA Po R c·o PREC1s1c:,N ofF ;OAD c~~PANY G . Retail pa_rts • ,Fabrlcatl.on • Prototype 678UNIT C SAN BERNARDINO RD COVINA, CA 91723 TONY VANILLO .. (818) 915-3847 (818) 915-3848 Power Plus RACIN G ·~ SEALED G~LL ELECTROLYTE RACING BATTERIES -: RACE _CARS, JET SKIS,. ATVS .. ' · & .OTH.ER, HIGH PERFORMANCE AP.PLICATIONS MICHAEL McCARTHY. (714) 985-9181 PowE R P LUS PROouCTs 3 7 5 N ! HERV.E V _ UPLAN~,.CA 91786 PltOFEISIONAL OFF-ROAD ltACING P.O. BOX 323 • SEAHURST WA, 98062 (206)242-1773 {) _f_f_J_~-~-a d R-a d n g Inc . . -OFF R;AD-DESiG~~Q-.fA~._F!!f!, TION . --..:.. __ ·-· ·--~ .... BERRIEN ~ASER RACE FRA.MES 112 1-EAST ILUNOIS HWY N E W LENOX . I L U N 0 1S -60451 1815)-485:.RACE 172231. Q-ua..lity Products I t. Fa_stcl1cr Specialists Heinz ·(H enry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 · 6S45 EastCorripto~ Blvd . . · Paramount, CA 90.723 June 1987 · ·sMAN _ . . ,,,, . ' ·~~ .AL KEY (213) 515~3570 ,. -PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATl0NS FOR ~RFORMANCE.VEHICLES· z m :::c Telept,one: _ (714) 5354437 . '(714) 5}54438 · David Kreisler -· 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim,CA 92805 . . ~ .DO.Uc; FREEMAN · (213) 320--9584 . .P.O. B O'X 3·757 GARDENA, CA 90~4 7-745.7 R·uss's ·v. w. - Re~ycling : 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 _ (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (81_8) 574-1944 Specializing in V.W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914 's · ,----~~~D .. (213) 583-2404 SANDER$SERWC~IN~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Avenu~ Los Angeles. Califo~nia 90001 SANDBLAS1 GLASS BEAD MA$ NETIC PARTICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Rick. Munyon Custom Race Car Fabrication & Preparation · Larry Smith Hi0Performance VW . Engines & Tra·nsmissions SOUTHE~N NEVADA OFF-ROAD CHASSIS . _. 745 W. Sunset Road ill5 . Henderson, NV89015 (702) 565-DIRT RAY CUMMINS Suspension Specialist Fox Shox . Trackside Servic!:l Dusty nmcs, ·

Page 57

SO-CAL PERFORMANCE ~v ~ a . . 8504 E. Compton Blvd. ~ Paramount, CA 90723 0 1 · ◄liiN!i.--1\ 11) . ' ; (213) 408-0440 . . . . . . . . .: ~ -t -. .. ·1 ® . II ,• I . .. · -· . "y S0-.CAL Perf~rmance IF YOU PA y FOR IT Racing Gasoline ., . . ' WH-Y -NO.T GET THE BEST!!! OFF ROAD SUSPENSION SYSTEMS -SHOCKS RACE CAR FABRICATION AND PREPARATION CUSTOM.MACHINE PARTS-KEVIN McGILLIVRAY 2?210 AVE. QROCKER #301, VALENCIA, CA 9f355 (805) 257-0934 -------------~~-------===~ -,.._ ~--._ _____ -_. ._ ---------.r .... -----------------RACING PRODUCTS TM LOCATION ALBUQUERQUE, NM ANAHEIM. CA BAKERSFIELD, CA BULLHEAD CITY. AZ COLTON.CA' EL CENTRO, CA. EL PASO, TX . . FULLERTON, CA HAYWARD.CA LANCASTER, CA LAS VEGAS, NV LONG BEACH, CA OAKLAND, CA PHOENIX, AZ RIVERSIDE, CA SAN JOSE, CA TUCSON, AZ VAN NUYS, CA VENTURA, CA YUM( AZ TELEPHONE (505) 842-6120 (714) 630-3810 (805) 324-9882 (602) 758-5480 (714) 877-0226 (619) 352-4 721 (915) 533-5931 : (714) 635-5553 (415) 783-6500 (805) 948-6044 (702) 643-9200 (213) 432-3949 (415) 428~2600 (602) 252-8923 (714) 877-0226 (408) 294-4513 . (602) 889-6307 ·(818) 785-0902 (805) 659-5609 .. · (602) 782-6543 P.O. Box 610, 333 West Broadway, Suite 202 ··Long Beach, California 90801-0610 . (213) 437-4373 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality • Drive Train Components SUPER. BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W; Collins, ·orange, CA 92667 714-997-0766 If no answer 714-997-0767 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250UI SPONSORS ALFORD DISlRIBUTING * THE WRIGHT PLACE * RACE READY PRODUCTS . * SOUTHWEST RACING PROMOTIONS * OFF-ROAD BUGGY SUPPLY . , · * CLAIREMONT EQUIPMENT RENTALS · CONTINGENCY SPONSORS JOE STIOMAN"S HEARTLAND MEAT CO.; CORONADO AUTO BODY; GOWLAND MOTORSPORTS; HPS LUBRICANTS; FIBER-TECH ENG., INC.; BAJA CONCEPTS; T & J BUGGY SHOP: ARDS TRAILERS:· BOZO .RACING TEAM: THE OCOTILLO TRAILER PARK: SAN DIEGO OFF-ROADER; ARMSTRONG TIRES; MIKE LUND'S HOUSE OF BUGGIES DustyTlma MEL-SWAIN. METAL FORMING ANI> INSTALLATION I . ON SPECIALT CARS I, 4392 BLDG. TWO UNIT D BROOKS STREET . MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 FRL, SAT .• , SUN., MON. ' SHOP· 714-6 2 ·6-08 5 2 · • . HOME-818-915~1l26 1 l I . . 1-. SWAY•-A • WAYciRP. ........ ---- . . l • M •'-' 4.$. ' . . . . (818/ 988-5510 .-. . s,,spensr n c,m1pnnents 1 · --7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 PAULA·S. THORNTON I 18710 So. N9rmandie P,, Suite C Gardeoa, CA .90248 · 213-327 -0396 '1 . HACE THANS BY JEFF REU)t ' I TRfiNSflXLE I ENQINEER1N<i1 JEFF FIELD ·· 998-2739 . 11 I 9833 Deering . Unit H ~t/atsworth; CA.91311 i&'TRACKSJDE . , I . . ,!. • Photo Entnprlus PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 18710 SO. NORMANDIE • . SUITE C • GARDEN°A. CA. 90248 Jimqber, )· (2131327-4493 llACINC PIIOTOGllAPHY SPECIALlffl June 1987 T.A,.c~· racing gasoline Alameda Coun.ty [415/ 538-RACE Bakersfield f805) 393-8258 Bremerton (206) 377'.7951 Denver ./303) 452-5239 Hawaii .. (8081 682,5589 · Huntington Beach j7! 4)-536-880,8 L.A.-Long Beach. -[213/ 863-4801 Las Ve.gas f702) 871-1417 Monterey (408) 899-1010 Orange Co_unty . [7 ! 4/ 634-0845 WE DELIVER!!! Phoenix · [602)952-2575 .Port/and-Vancouver f206J 693-3608 Riverside (714) 787-8141 Sacramento (916) 334-RACE San Diego (619) 460-5207 Saugus (805) 259-3886 Seattle [2061 833-0430 Spokane f509) 483-0076 Tri Cities (509) 547-3326 Tucson [6021 791-9386 LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave: Suite C Fullerton, Ca. 92631 Louie Unser ) Engine & Machine (714f '879-8440 _ VW - _PORSCHE -OFF ROAD 947 RANCHER0S DRIVE S~N MARCOS, CA 92069 (619) 741-6173 Custom Wheels OFF ROAD PRODUCTS · Phone (602) 242-0077 2733 W. Missouri Off Road Accessories Phoenix, Arizona 85017 For advertising rates & information contact Wright Publishing Co., Inc. PO Box 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Page 57

Page 58

I -·Classified ••• FOR SALE: P~rsche "356" . Type 1 motor, pre 1960 com-plete, factory rebuilt. 1 700cc with original D.P. heads, dual carbs, aluminum -pistons & cyl-FOR SALE: Class 9 (10) Pro- inders. Flawless condition, never T h N . 1641. t 091 ' installed, but completely tested · ec . , ew mo or, d · d • h C JI H 1 d b S •. an tune wit warranty. a ew an . gear ox,, aco._carner, _ Ra (?02) 565_3478: · . Fox shocks, Art Carr and AMS _ _Y _________ _ _ disc brakes, combo spindles, · FOR SALE:- Class 10 Toy;ta -Sway-A-Way secondary suspen- 2TC 1600cc motor · hemi-head sion, \]MP power steeringi fresh · design for smooth flow: Com-. BFG tires, all)'~eal. P:0ducts and plete with dual Mikunis, exhaust,_ FOR SALE: 1986 Raceco, Class · much n:ore. This car is con:plete- clutch. and flywheel, and adapter · 1-1600: Fresh West motor, ly rebpilt. B:st offer takes tt. Call . :for bus tranny. Don't be left Mendeola bus trans, turbo cvs, Curt W-uestho_ff,_ days ( 4 l 4) behind, water cool now or pay Superboot, Wright front ·end, 545°8010, evenm~s ( 414) -762-- big bucks later. Asteal at $1500 UMP power steering, llS" 0289. complete! Take advantage now, wheelbase, 22 gal. fuel cell. Best call Dennis (619) 442.-8953. -of everything for Class 1-1600, $12,500 . . Call for details (619) 569-6280. FOR SALE: Raceco 2-1600 with Hatz motor, Field trans, ready to · race. Only $9000. Call Larry Leslie at (805) 64_2-4616 days or (805)· 649-2687 evenings. FOR SALE~ Chevy pre-runner. New mqtor, B & M trans, Henry axles, four wheel disc.brakes, full cage, seats and fuel cell, Rancho · shocks. $4000 OBO. Call John Deetz at (4i5) 846-5907. . · FOR SALE: Cl~ss 5 race ca~. Fox . shock's, UMP power steering, DJ transaxle, Beard seat, Filler Safety, four Centerlines, fou_r wheels, eight Yokes, two Yuasu radios. Fresh car, blown motor. $7500 complete with spares. Call (818) 768-1571 or (805). 251-0010. FOR SALE: The '_'Spruce Goose", 2-1600 class winner two years in a row. 98"wb, IRS, , Wright, Mastercraft, etc. In-c;Iudes special front fenders, spare motor and parts.Update to win or have the str0ngest pre-runner on your block. $3000 OBO. Rich (818) 8,10:41'83 . WANTED: Race technician or fabricator. Experience with bff road trucks not essential. Must have good driving record, own tools and be willing to travel 2 weekends a month. Salary based on experie~ce. Wal"ker Evans Racing, Riverside, CA. (;714) 784-7223 Ask for Randy or ,Phyllis. . '· · FOR SALE: Must sell, two seat, 90"wb play buggy. Fresh_ 1350cc engine and fresh Type 1 IRS trans. Dual Bilsteins with Swgy-A;W a y torsions in rear and -KYB's up front. Fun car to-learn in. i975 OBO (§05) 252-2957. FOR SALE: Berrien 2001,. race ready (less engine). Best of every_; thing. Raced once last year - 1st• Bark River. Must sell! Only ·, $4000. Also available with car, · 24' enclosed trailer, panelled, insulated, 110 and 12 volt, tire rack and bench. $2500. Bill (312) 584-7319. . FOR SALE: 1983 Toyota Celica ·pro rally car~ ex-factory. 2 liter, · low miles, foll roll cage, many spates, homologated, ready for Olympus. Current California license-:-- will deliver. $4500 or trade for sailboat or street · of 'equal or lesser value. Call Bob · (714) 851-6221. . FOR SALE: Class 1-1600 Hi~ frame, 108"wb, with rear WANTED: Partner, serious and mature to buy 2 seat Score legal race car. Plan .to race Snor.e, 'Score, HORA, Fudpucker races. Must live in Riverside, CA area. If interested call Richard at ( 714) -242-9699. FOR SALE: 1983 Class·5 champ- · _ traili~g arms, fiberglass, power ion. 3x3 Wood's trailing arms, - steermg set up_ and floor pan. Wright front end (short travel), _$800 OBO. Jim (818) 894-,bus trans w/ Hewlands, Center:. 6602. FOR SALE: '85 Toy9ta Corolla GTS, fully equipped Group A rally car. Latest Group A spec engine, 1: 1 gear box, Lockl:!_eed brakes, Tratrip. Ready to race, $15,000. Call Richey Watanabe, (213) 532-1232. . . FOR SALE: John Deetz' s Jeep CJ 7. Two complete engines including 575 hp 401 and all spare parts. Has chrome moly front and rear, 9" Ford housing, Henry spindles and hubs, new . fuel cell, Flame-Out fire system, Turn key, ready to race. $25,000 or offer. Call (415) 846-5907 . . FOR ·SALE: 32 foot American Traveler 5th wheel trailer, 1979 m9del. Ref. air, centr,il heat, stereo, fully equipped kitchen and bath. $8495. Call ( 805) 268-1644. FOR SALE: 1985 2-1600. 115"-. WB. Bestofev~rything, immacu-late throughout. Six races old. Car is fully prepped and race ready. Motor arid trans just · prepped. Power steering, Fox Shoxs, combo· spindles, Super_ Boot, 20 gal. fuel cell, much more., $9500. Call Jim, (818) 966-75Q9, eves, (818) 332-· 1336. FOR SALE: 1986 T-MAG 2 seat Challenge'r car, Beard seats, pumper, hydraulic clutch, 18 gal. · fi,iel cell, spare tire i:nount, good motor and trans. Some spare parts _and tires. Very· clean. $8500 OBO. (818) 2~5-2380: - lines, 2130VW, 2 Beard seats., Bilsteins, fuel cell and more. $6000 w/tandem trailer, Greg (602) 272-2659 days, (602) 841-1288 ni~hts, FOR SALE: 1985 Outlaw, one of th~ finest Class· 1 cars ever built. FAT type 4, Hew land 5 speed, the best of . everything. • Ready to race, includes 12 spare tires, quick jacks, dutnp cans, shocks, radios, trailer, etc. Priced at $-18,000 for quick sale to pay -the IRS. Nick (619) 460-4418. FOR SALE: Former John Baker•. pre-runner. Lots of new -fresh parts. Eight Ranchos, Center-lines, BFG, Art Carr 904 Torque · Flite and cooler, 5.37 P'osi-trac.tion, Taylor seats, Diest Harnesses, fiberglass front end, Mikuni · cam and carbs, Doug Thorley header, 26 gal. tool tank, p_;pf essionall y ma in ta ined. Strong and reliable on and off road. $12,000 invested, sell for $6000 firm. Call.Tom or Mitch, (714) 557-9133 or (714)583-· -1197. ' ~-----~-------------~----~~-----~--~~----~---, I _ . . · Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in- . · I I I I I· I I I -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I DUSTY TIMES. Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for45 words, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5.00 for use of black and white photo, or a very sharp color print. - . . NEW AND RENEWAL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES --: A. 45 word Classified Ad is FR~E if you act now and subsc~ibe. If you wish to use a _photo in your free ad, enclose $5;00. All classified ads must be paid in advance. --c- · ·· -- - -Enclosed is $ -~---(Send check or monev',order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times. Name Address ---------'---------------Phone~------City _______ _.__ __ __,..------~ State _____ ZiP---'-----Man'to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O • -Agoura, CA 91301 Page 58 June 1987 I I I I I I · FOR SALE: Class 10 two seat, fresh motor and trans, power ·-.steering, Fox shocks,. Flameout, FiHer harness and nets, 25 gal. fuel cell, spare tires and trailer . . $8500 OBO. Mike (818) 344-2693 or (818)84.6-5933. WANTED: Two seai: Challenger class buggy. · Must be · SCORE legal and race ready. Call (209) 227-5742 after 5 p.m·. FOR SAirE: Class 3 Jeepster, 360 with Art Carr turbo 400, fuel cell, Taylor seats,· Dana 44 front and rear with spools, MSD system. Turn key, ready to race. $8000 or trade for Class 2 or Dualie. ,Make offer, Call Carlos . at (915) 593-4848. · FOR SALE: Class7 "Grand Na-tional". 19.87 Mitsubishi/Dodge · D-50 mini pickup. Chromoly · ·custom frame and Works Performance suspension. Winner of Score Canada Class 7 1986, 1987. Sister of the truck driven by Danny Thompson. This is ·a Mickey Thompson serie~ truck, and is complete with many spares. 'This is a turnkey offer . and includes everything needed to go racing, including enclosed · trailer. $25,000. Bill Walker,· OffRoadRadng ofN ew England (617) 244-4367. FOR SALE: Baja ]3ug pre~ runner. Full race cage, 1835, built IRS trans, 105" wheelbase, 5" wider. 32 g~l. fuel cell, Beard seats, Deist 5-point · harnesses, Deist window nets, Centerlines, Parker Pumper helmets. $6000 O.B.O. Call Je(f at (714) 596-9921. 'HORA; Fireworks· ·250 .Drawing For Starting Numbers June 1.2' Dusty nmes

Page 59

«~[ - -HCRA/SCOR-E "'ii. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,America's Foremost Ott-Road Flaeing Serie, Points Standings thru the Nissan Mint 400 CLASS 1 Ivan Stewart Mark McMillin Nick Nicholson Doc Ingram Frank Snook CLASS 2 Danny Letner Bob Richey David Kreisler Bob Gordon Corky McMillin CLASS 1/2-1600 Bob Scott Steve Barlow Art Peterson Willy Higman Jack Ramsay CLASS 3 Mike Schwellinger Don Adams Mark Hutchins CLASS 4 Rod Hall Tom Strong John.Dyck CLASS 5 323 276 272 244 217 308 279 271 263 229 408 361 332 313 303 235 195 117 278 178 174 John Cooley 240 · Jim Cocores 225 George Seeley 199 Jim Madison 168 CLASS 5-1600 Darryl Cook 259 Andy DeVercelly 255 David Anckner 239 Gary Brading 195 Randy Wilsbn 163 CLASS 6 Larry Schwacofer 230 Arne Gunnarsson 128 Wes Moser 113 CLASS 7 Manny Esquerra Roger Mears Larry Ragland CLASS 07-S Spencer_Low Chuck Johnson Willie Valdez Tudy Esquerra. Steve Luport CLASS 7-4x4 Mike Lesle Jerry McDonald Jim Conner John Swift CLASS 8 Dave Shoppe Steve Kelley David Westhem Walker Evans Jim Venable CHALLENGER Rich Minga Rick Johnson Da-nny Ashcraft Don Rountree Larry Martin -Mike Ward CLASS 10 Jim Stiles Craig·Watkirts Bill Church Dick Weyhrich John Ellenburg CLASS 11 Ramon Castro Mike Abbott CLASS 14 GiTi Gowland Carl Cook David Quill David Bryan AffENTION!! ARE YOU GETTING MORE THAN ONE COPY OF DUSTY TIMES? 221 150 121 342 303 202 195 191 188 143 138 131 272 218 204 187 139 326 322 266 265 263 250 382 362 358 343 2_91 194 77 145 94 .90 79 A number of subscribers now have two subscriptions, because they get one with their membership in HDRA, or they subscribed through another club as well as DUSTY TIMES. If you don't really need two copies each month, drop us a ~ote and assign your duplicate subscription to a friend, pit crew worker, anyone you choose. Send us the full name and address with zip _ code, of your friend, and the mailing label from the subscription you wish to assign to them. We will take care of the paper work. Dusty Times Tucson •• c,Oss FQnncd. . ~rry Noel· Takes Opener. Hy D~ryl Drake Tucson elf road rhcers have languished sincl· Fe8ruary '86 when the last short coLrse race at · Corona Speedway w~·s held. So they got together and formed the Tucson Auto Cross, hr TA.C., - I to take advantage of a new permanent short cout1sb track at what is now called Raven Ra~e~ay. I Ex-rivals Al Bright and Don Kolt are chief officers this year with Bright serving as president. They worked with Dave Manes, track operator Jr Raven Raceway, to create a dependable venue for short coutse racing. The track now sports fresh paint, · new gran-dstand se~1ting, new restrooms, sold out retaining wall billboards and ·I a much improved pit area. At T.A.C.'s open(!~, the off road course was layed -out. entirely · in the irifield, so . . I NASCAR "Charger" class I . . stocks could run on the oval between motos. This made for a very tight course andi, added to some very steep jumps, made for plenty of action but I not much speed. · (Plans now\ call for sinoot'hing out the jump approaches and opening up the course so ra'<::ers can get into third gear[') _ Twenty-two racers turned out for :the opener, running a two moto format. The Pro division offeted a ,100% payback and dreJ ten cars in a combined 1/H) class. Larry Noel won both motos with Don Kalt second in eachl. . · -For the day; Jon Brockett was third, Wayne Greene fourth, and Dale Fowler fifth ahead of Mike Williams, Ed Martensen, Tim Knight, Doc Ingram and Brad Carrtpbell. Six 5-I 600s showed up and let Mik/e Stuart run his Mitsu~ishi mini truck with them. But he broll:11 e on the first moto. Taking the 5-I 600 win was Pete Ganm'rn, . ahead of Larry Vittitow, Port Campbell, Mike . Woods, Art Roper and Newt CampbeH. AP the turtles ran as Sportsmen. Two other Sports-rrian1 classes, under and over I 65€lcc, ran together with five I · · I . . . r I . · · more ••• TIU'IL N10TES , 1 1 'I , , BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD., S.A, has, firmed up the route for the October 2-4 running of vhe Gran Carrera de O:amperones. Over 60 percent of the 350 mile course wil\ be on dirt roads an,d trails never used before. The start/finish line will be just south of San Felipe, Baja California, in the area where a proposed motorjracing complex is scl:;ieduled to ~ake shape soon. The course is a figure eight with the first and third loops running north and west of San Felipe,,_and the second and fourth loops run south on new trails to just north of Puertecitos and then head north to! the finish line along the beach areas. The sand hills whe\-e so many got stuck in the inaugural race from these promoters has been elitninated. Each loop1 is approximately 90 miles in length, and pit accessto!the majority of the course is very good. Get all the · details from Baja Promotions, P.O, Box 241,1 Van Nuys, CA 91308. OHIO BUG-IN. Tri-SJate Dragway, on statle route 128, near Cincinnati, is the site of the 1987 Bug-I~ organized and preJented by Dune Buggy Inc., and sponsored by Off Road Center, both in Cintinnati. The date is June 27-2f$ and events include a car s~ow, drag races and Jn obstacle course competition. Get complete details frotn Bug-In '87, 1550 Marlene Drive, Fairfield, Ohio 45014. . j, sta-rters. But only John Martensen and Robert Giblin were able to finish each moto. John, Ed's son, was drjving for the first time and was really pumped with his win. A crowd of about 3,000 p~id to get -into the stands, and comments were favorable, especially for a first time effort. Future race dates for T.A.C. at Raven include May 17th, May 31st and June 14th. Classes to be run will , be Pro S.C. 1 (above 1650cc), Pro S.C. 10 (below I650cc), Pro/Spt. 5-1600,· Pro/Spt. D-1 (desert, 110" WB _,,, or over, 8" rear wheels, 4" front wheels), Spt. Ltd. and Unlimited, and Pro 7S mini trucks. T.A.C. membership is $25, with Pro members paying $75 instead of $90 for non-members, and Sportsmen members paying $15 instead of$20 for entry fees. For entry forms or more information contact: Albert Bright, President, Tucson Auto Cross, P.O. Box 55221, Tucson, AZ 85703, or call (602) 293-0117. INDEX TO,ADVERTISERS Bilstein Corp. of America . . 33 Brush Run 101 ......... 29 Candy Cane Racing Team : .............. 43 Car Custom . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Champion Bead Lock-Co ............. 17 Chevrolet ~ ......... 30-31 C.O:R.V.A. . ........... 38 Fudpucker Racing T earn . . . . . . . 44, 50. 53 G.M.C. Canopies ....... 37 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co ............ 2 High Desert Racing Association .. . .. . .. . . 10 JaMar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 KC Hilites ............ · 13 Martin Brothers Racing ............. 23 Mazda Motors of { I ! I l LAKE GENEVA RACEWAY in southeastern.Wisconsin is_having a real bash on the Fourth of July weekend. Called t~e Off-Road-E-O II, the activities run in the ·style of midwestern club competition. There is a ~'Tuff Truck World Championship," consisting bf four events for street legal · trucks. To be the World (Champion Street Trui'.k, the entry must compete in the mud bogs, sand drags, sliow and shine, and the obstacle run. There are cash prizes and enormous tro*hies for the winnersf New this year is a Friday night on/ off road rally, open to everyone. Along with all this is a Pro Mud Bog event sanctioned by AMBA ahd Pro Sand Drags !sanctioned by MW4WDA. It should be fun for both j spectators and participants. Contact Lake Geneva Raceway, Route 3, Box 895, Bloomfield Road, Lake Geneva, WI 53147. America .. .. .. .. . .. . 19 , McKenzie Automotive ... 39 Nevada Off Road - ! Buggy ............. , Z5 THE CANADIAN STADIUM RACING is in f~il swing now. The Montreal OlympicStadium event will be history by the time you read this column, and we will hat e a full report in tl\.e July issue. Two weeks after Montreal, the Class 10 cars will have a similar format of three qualifying races and a main event at Toronto's Exhibition Stadium in conjunction with the .Molson Canadian Supercross for motorcycles. After an exhibition race here last year, the four wheel cl.rive trucks are part of the program as well. Entry is open to Classes 3, 4 and!?, and the top twelve trucks will race in the six lap main event. Get the details from Supercross Prod\,lctions, 1, Yonge Street, Suite 1801, Toronto, Ontario M5E 1E5. I I Get the w11ord out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the--"GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY'' and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directt ry Ads are m rely $18.00 T r month. J1:1ne 1987 I I I Nissan Motor Corp.. · USA . . . . 11, Back Cover PCI Race Radios . . . . . . . 36 Sandwinder Chassis . . . . . 18 Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Silver Dust Racing Association . . . . . . . . . . 27 Sports Racing Gasoline . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Summers Brothers . . . . . . 45 Sway-A-Way Corp. . . . . . 12 Toyota Motorsports . . . . . . 5 Trackside Photo· Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . 34 + Tri Mil Industries ....... 15 Valley Performance -Hewland . ........... 16 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Yokohama Tire Corp. . . . . . 9 Page 59 ~

Page 60

\. I -" I lj SPENCER LOW WINS CLASS 7S. It was the 20th anniversary of desert racing 's largest and toughest event-the Nissan Mint 400. And this year, it. also proved to be one of the wildest races in Mint history. At times, swirling, choking clouds of dust cut visibility to near zero as the crowded field of 338 vehicles did high speed chases over boulders that split tires li_ke . melons. Yet, Spencer Low and his Hardbody-tough truck took all that the Mint could dish out and finished first-· 22 minutes ahead of their nearest competitorr Nissan congratulates Spencer Low on his outstanding demonstration of driving skill. We also tip our hats to the teams of Robert King/Keith Hogland and Randy · mr t:I')\ Gaubin/Dan Hale who tied for first place · Y111RSELF \1'J in the Nissan Mini-Mint Challenge. Of course, events such as this mean more to us than victory. The challenge of racing makes us push ourselves to the limit ... and then some! And it's the knowledge · _ we gain from our-racing success that helps to enhance the power, performance ... the pure fun and pleasure of the cars and trucks we bYild for the street. You can get the same top quality, too, with Nissan's full line of specialized parts for racing vehicles and production cars. Just send your $10 check or money order (do not send cash) for our Competition Parts Catalog to: Nissan Motor Corporation in U.S.A., Motorsports , Dept., P.O. Box 191, Gardena, ,CA 90247. Please allow six weeks for delivery. · And remember to check out our family of winners at your nearest Nissan dealer today. THENAME JS NISSAN I < ~3~: • ,_,; : :~--<£;.