:!_ ff ••• .{: . . ·'_-.. :-' ,.·-:i:.., incl·uding.OFF-ROAD & RALLYEACTION MEWS
i . I I i y 0 K-8 racers win Mo·avewifh ·ust one fire. It was an amazing day. · . 256.teams took on 250 miles of the nastiest terrain the Mojave knows how to dish out. And when the dust cleared, Yokohama had taken an-incredible 8 out of 16 class victories at the SCORE Mojave 250. -Here is the winning line-up. . · · Rob MacCachren, overall first place and Unlimited Single Seat Class winner. Bob Richey and Tom Baker, .· · Class 2. Bob Scott and Mike Voyles, Limited 1600cc For more Information write:_ Yokohama Tire Corporation, P.O. Box 4550, 601 S. Acacio Ave. Fullerton, CA 92631 M 0 T 0 R • H M Buggy. Andy L. and Andy R. Devercelly, 5-1600GC Buggy. Craig Watkins, Class 10. Mike Abbott and A.J. Denunzio, Class 11. And GitiGowland, Class 14. All in all, Yokohama won more Mojave 250 classes than any other tire manufacturer. Not to mention more SCORE/HORA victo-ries so far this.year. Which could explain why, from Barstow to Baja, more and more off-d th • t Rob MacCachren screams to a first place roa en us1as s, -Mojave250victoryon Yokohama Tires. pro and weekend warrior alike, are choosing one light duty truck tire over every other. Yokohama. >~YOKOHAMA Whdt the world's best have in common. ©1987 YOKOHAMA TIRE CORPORATION s p , 0 R T s
Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin . Associate Publisher ·. · · Brad Goodrow Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Controller · John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless • Traffic , Frank McCombs · Contributors Darla Crown . Leonard Dav Dary!D. Drake Winnie.Essenberg Homer· Eubanks Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Rod Koch ·cam McRae Brenda Parker David Ryskamp . Walt Schwalbe . Wayne Simmons Judy Smith . · John Sprovkin Darlene Thackston. 3;0 Photography · ·-Trackside Photo Enterprises Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production, ·· Michelle's Typeseqing Servjces · .I._ May 1981·> I I ' ' . ., ·I· ~~Mojave250 ............ , ............. ~~~~ · t 1986 s :O .D .,'.\.Awards .. -: ......... . . , ....... ; ....... 35 . Glen Helen Miller•High Life Race, .................. ; . 3fr · ,Beach Racing in Holland ... , ....... : ...... . .... , ....... 37 Pro CanAm Horn Rapids 200 .......... , . . , .•. ; ;_. . . . . 38 ) I Nissan Pathfinder ........ : ......•.......•.... :' ...... 41 '011.ioa·u arnn · . · '. ·. · ·. MTEG at the Silvetdome . ....•.... .' .. ; . . , :<. ;i .... ·, •• i . 42 · n~ VORRAatPrairieCity .. , .· ......... , , ... :-...... ..... .-45 . · · · ■ ~.. 1. MTEG at the Hoosierdoine ...... ' . •.......... :: .... ·: . . . 46 · ·· · • . •. ~ . 1 • World Chat;npionship Rally bf Portugal .. ; ........... _. . 50 • -.· ·--·- - , .. - ~ . • 1• • S~fari RaHy Up~ate . •· . : .... , .......... 1 •• ,· •• • • • • • • • 51 · , · · ~ Htgh0esertTra1lsRally '..-; ....•• . , ... ,. .... , .......• _52, THI OFFICIAL VOl~I OF ·~ , _Mint 400 Entry List}nd Map ......... : ..• , . · . . · · · : , · · · 54 .,...-,-.· . .. DEPARTMINTS . Subscription Rates: . $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subs ,~iption .. rates oh request.. / .. Contributions: . . . . . , •· I . , . . ·. DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions,. but is not responsible for such, materiaL Unsolicited material will-be returned only by request and.with a self0addtessed, stamped envelope. . - · Classified Ads ~will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liaoility for omissions. or _errors. All ads may be subject fo editing. . I . . . DUSTY TIMES combined with OFF ROAD ACTiotr . NEWS, '.'USPS-305-609" is published monthly ~y 1-lill~, ,•side Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, .f\goura, CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may b~·repro-. duced without written permission from the pilblisht,r. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA 91301! . P. O·.STM. A.·.STE. R: Send a·.ddress cha·.·n.ges to Dusti\. 7fimes, ,· . 5331 Derry Av.e., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. · CHANGE. OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required . • . . . . • I • • for change of address. Please furnish both old apd new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Der~y Ave., Suit~ 0, Ago1,1ra, CA 91301. · · · 1 • Snapshotof the Month ....... . ; ...... : ..... --· . . . . . . . 3 Soap Bo:it by Jean Calvin·· ........•.. : ..... : .......... 4 -Trail-Notes., ... ,.· ................. ·.• .. • .. ••••••••••••··• 4 · t··PonyExpress .•.. · ..•...•........................... Q Side Tracks·by Judy Smith .........••.... · • . ••... : .... 8 ' Happenings ...•.. · .. ; ....•..•.• ; ...... ; .....•........•. -12 1 The Losers by Judy Smith· .•.. :'. . . : · .. ; .. ; ........ ;; .... 15 Observations by DavidRyskamp .. : ... , .. ...... , .' ... : ... 15 Yokohama 6-50 Club Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Radio Tips by Bob Hynes •........ : ...... : ..•..•....• 40 Tech Tips by Bill Savage ... , ...... · .. ; ................. ·'44 SCCADivisional Rally Roundup ... ; . , ........ ; ;· .... ;. 53_ Pit T ~am' Register an& llepprts .. : . . ; : . ; ; ... · .... · ...... / 56 Good Stuff Directory ...... :· ............•..... · .... , 58 Classified Ads ...... , ..•..... · . •.. ; .... :.; .... ; ....... 62 Score/HD RA Series :(> oiritS Standings, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Jndex to· Advertisers : ..... · ... , .... , .. ·. . . • . . . .. . . . . . . . . 6J 'oN THECOVER-Al tion fro~ the Great Mojave 250 features a pair· of wihners.fr~m the two largest classes in the race. Rjch Minga .drove . 'his Challenger Chenowth hard enough to beat the cloc;ks and win the 41 car class by a healthy margin of 15 minutes. Boo Scott ;md Mike , Voyles sailed their single seater around the tough course in great style en route to winning over 5,l"other Class 1~2-1600.starters, and they not only won by· over t_en minutes, they are the overall poin.ts l~aders in the :desert series. Color Photography by Mark Chen and Jim Ober of Trackside Photo Enterprises. . · · · · ••'. ,. . SNAPSHOT OF -THE MONTH.~. 'f I I . 1· I .. ;.~ ·DUSTY TIMES ·. I 'What a drag it is waiting to go through tech inspection.' You ~ay have seen the fa~h~r . -of these adorable six weekold Pit Bulldogs on CoritingencyRow at most any race in Las '· Vegas. He has blue eyes·and wears special sunglasses. At the Gold Coast race his two pups were riding in·the spare tire on top of the ra_se ,car as it went through contingency _row, wearing theirT•shir!s to ~ard off the.March chill. You'll see them again no doubt at the Mint 400, and.while papa will still be wearing sunglasses, the kids will be a whole lot bigger. Photo by Trackside Photo Enterprises. DUSTY TIMES will feature pittu'res of similar '.'funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something com(c or some disaster ·for . consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used: If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 · or Bx 10 will be considered. ·. . Dusty Times . I " 1: 11 I . I . THE. FASTEST GROWING .OFF ROP MONTHLY. IN THE COUNTRY!! . I .. f I -I I I t I I 1:· r ' , I• □ 1 year - $12.00 □ 2 years:- $~0.00 l -□ 3 years _;, $30.00 · I , C, I .. · . . . . . . . . Take advantage .of your ,ubscription bonus •.. Fr,ee dne .time classified ad up to 45 words~ .• . . . · I .· . - . . . . . . . . . (Form on inside_ba'ck page) I' Name~~-+...,..,..-,----'--------,----,--------,----,--,,,----,-------,-' I I , ~, Address·-.......!-----'-----'------'--~--,--,-,------------,-i I ·I City ---+·_!/ __ --'----'-----.;_.;_--::--------------. . ." , I State--------'----------Zip ________ _ , .. I I r J Send check or money order to: - . . -DUSTY TIMES . · . . '5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 . . (Canadian: 11v~ar $15 .. 00 U.S . • O~crseas subscription rates quoted on request) I I I I ·1 I •• I I . I I I I I I I I . I I I I I I. I I I 1· I I I I I J. Page3 ·· ✓ I
Soag. Box ••• . " ' . . -.results were posted at Pioneer· Park, and the· awards were ·another. -mile-down the btock, and none of these areas · have . Trail Notes ••• 8 J Cal • adequate - parking. ls it_ any THE NISSAN MINI MINT CHALLENGE has about 70 entries at press -'Y ean · vin wonder that severalclass winners ti"me," and this off road rally can handle 100 starters. The rally is for mini 1 _ skipped the awards presenta-.. ·trucks and utility'rigs, streetlegal ofcourse, ahdthe entry is limited tp folks The Great Mojave 250 puts Martin second on points· _ tion ... they probably couldn't ·who have NEVER competed in a SCORE or HORA event. The rally ~ill produced mor·e , unhappy after three· races. park. . cover the first and the last part of the Mint 400 course, about 60 miles, on protesters than usuaLas the race At p· ress -time.we learned that .A · similar scenario is Friday-,.May 8, with registration .at the Mint Hotel on Thurs_day, .starting at Wound down. Due to· some d l f, th M 400 th · 1:00 p.n:i: The rally $tarts at 9:QO .a.m. on Friday morning, with,:the' cars Jim Conner had been disquali-eve oping or e int wi · leaving at 30 second'intervals. lt is a basic Seat-Of-The-Pants rally form.at, attending the Long Beach Grand fied from the Class 7 4x4 win at · the revival of impound at the tirne-speed-distance, so bring a good-watch, pencil and paper. But, i:here .is a Prix~ Score officials were spread Lucerne. The problem is the rear Mint Hotel garage. Last year Poker Rally thrown in as a rie breaker. The organizers may need that tie fairly· thin. at this race. T}:ie hue spring and axle placement in the-;··ther,e was no impound, an~f for,. · breaker, as we were told the tirriing'is only' to the whole minute. · . and cry over the short time Nissan, admittedly contrary to year~ -~pri~r ·to that, after t~e-. The rally has a $10,000 purse s1,1pplied by Nissan, with$ l'OOO·going to allowance grew to a ·crescendo the rule book. They say Conner demise of the parade past Nelhs firstplace,andthepaybackextendingdownthrough25thplace.Eachlegwill.. when the winners of classes with . was warned ·to fix it at the Gold AFB and .the ensuing traffic have an assigned av~rage speed; so be sure your odometer i~working. There. no official finishers discovered Coast,-.but had not done so by congestion, the Mint impound o/ill be all manner of goodies in each entry pac~et, and the en!ry feeis $100 their purse was. going to the Lucerne, four weeks later. See was at the r~ce site. The ear.ly plus-$65forinsµrance.SendyourentryofftoHDRA, 12997LasVegasBlvd. , points fund i~stead of to the Tech Tips for the full info': : m:orning parade is bac;k also this:, ,So.,LasVegas,Nevada89124,orcall.(702,)361-5404formoredetailsandto winners. Led by the Class 6 However, the· ford of Mannv·:' year,, X? miles down HS to) rese~e your entry. ··., · ·. , . - _ . ·_ _ 1 • • :° - . '. winners, wh<> finished three laps, Esquerra in Class 7 had a similar ~loan.-Now-n~b~y, leas~ ofaU· - ·AMA DISTRJCT 38 inerµbers; with help from the 1~1:aealers surprised . overtime, the quir~ in the rule. situation, .warned to .fix an illegal m._Las. V ~a~, ts going ,to line the . •·Otis•.Fudpucker, better. known as F_ud, with a super gi_ft fast fy{~rch: At the· book ( no finish-no pay) was · design at :Parker, _but the ~a'!l , 1!]-tet~-~ -~e at dawn on Saturday to,,: _,-qrivers':meet!ng for the, T u~b"s'St4t'5ln The Mud Race; ·~a~id Tubbs and resolved by Sal Fish, who beggec!_ lack of time to .fix 1t wa;ch ;a . parade-, of -ra~ •.. ,-cars-;: Steve.:!:'Jicot ha~ as~ed to be ,ntrp_~uced, an~ they came-up_ ~1th a ye~y good . . announced at the delayed awards before the -Gol~ Coast, and· Never mind t~e:e~ns1ve: .race : · .s~orv. fl~ut why. th'.~y s~ould he mtr9duced. Fud fell for.•1t;,hook, lme and presentation tha_t Scm:e Interna• Manny· was allowed to run. and . gas b',lrned •.-m · this parade . · smker. ·'When Steve N1cot.anno.unced that everyone but me knew what was tional would duplicate the purses take, second· at the.Gold Coast, charade, the ploy is .to.keep·the · _-:going on, I knew I had beenhad,•:·said Fud. ·"But, when they rolled out. a · i-n those classes · ~~ pay 'the still illegal. It would follow this race crews in the Mint Hotel area , • _ ·?rand new Yamaha YZ 250, my ~~µth fell ?pen. Then S!eve a~d David winners as well as· ~e points p · ed · t th t th 'll l all the time. And gone torever :. . mtr_odu~edJo~nGregoryofJT.~~cmg:He·~adagreedt?outf1Jmefromhea~ fund rec e!l a e 1 ~ga . _rear . l . . ' bla f ' . to toe ~1th new gear; They all said 1t was. their way of saymg thankirfor.alH had • . suspe1.1~1on on Conners Nissan • apparent Y tsany~m .. nceo an · - done for AMA Di~~rictJS. While:.the crowd applaude4, .tears 9f-thanks . Perhaps more serious th~n: not . should_ be allowed to run two a~rds ce~emony_. ,In_ 19~7 :_the ·,flowed.Thank you all, very, _very'.much(" The gifts ar,e a s~per way to show paying bona fide class winners, races, like the.Ford; before fixing . winners w1_ll be stan~mg_ •~ the appreciation to Fud, who always does a great job for the racers.'· . . some of .whom did protest the the s~pension to match the rule· street outside the Hotel; either short time limit at the Friday . book. cooking in the hot sun · or -HELICOPTER AROUND THE RACE COURSE. A yellow helicopter night drivers' meeting, where _the .Another problem · is the shivering ·in the cold, depending has been seen at recent desert races, and service is offered to spectators as well protest fell on deaf ears, is the devices used at the desert series·• on the weather, while ,they wait · a~ racers. The bird is a Bell Ranger, and it can carry the pilot and three full pr~lem in · rules 0. f the road. races to keep competitors milling . for_ their rewards. . ' . sized adults. Spectators can have a ten minutl! ride around the start/finish pit While we have no axe to grind about the host town; hopefully _ Harking back to. the lack of area and portions of the course, an<i with two or three passengers it ccists just . -with Larry Martin and h,is always spending money. It is reaching continuity in rules enforce,:nent,. $20 per persqn. Racers can get a foll pre-run around the course., ata r~te of fi d . . Ch 11 Cl d t l l A . h h . l r $200 per hour. . - . . . ne · nve tn · a enger ass, we ri icu ous eve s! . t Lucerne t e . ow can one serious Y go ior a ·. During the race, if your car is down and out of competition, they will fly do-think the penalty_ for missing a start/ finish is some 15 miles points title in the Score/HORA -· ir) parts an.cl help to expedite retrieval cost and time. They also offer service to checkpoint should be the same in from town, so racers had to series ·if the rules interpretation - photo and video folks, and h~lp with search and rescue, but·are not-qualified all multiple lap races in the series, trailer first to •Pioneer Park to changes from r:ice-torace. Atone i:o render any emergency medical aid. You cari .bo.ok rides "in advance by both Score and HDRA events. register, -then several more • post race tech. a winner is • . calling'.Jim af (602) 952-1082. Or.look for the-~igns and helicopted1ear the At the 1986 Frontier 500 Tom blocks to unload and go th~ough ~isqualified for ·. using _ screws start/finish at the Mint 400. - · ' · ... · ~ -Koch lost a lap for missing one contingency row, therr· load up · instead of welding . on sheet · checkpoint. Despite Score's own and go back to Pio_neer Park for metal, and at Lucerne the tech . · THE MONTREAL OL YM~IC STADIUM RACE will happen on May driver bulletin stating that only tech and into impound. For the .people say "we know the car is 29and30thisyear.Combiningmotocrosswithautocross,theevenfplaysto -completed laps would be scored., -. maJ· ority who were camping on illeg_al, but the modification does a sell out crowd each "year. The· seventh edition of the Autocross is again sponsored by BFGoodrich, who present the Autocross Cup. The event has .Martin,· who missed a check on course or · 30 miles aw~y in not promote performance," so - becqme truly international, as"last year the field of cars .was equally divided lap 2, was not docked the lap but Victorville, it was back to the winner is legal..Before the big between drivers from the west coast of the USA, and those from east of the only given a time peQalty of an Lucerne for the Friday night time . sponsors J'ick up their -_ , Roc~ies and· from Canada. This year the tourse has .been redesigned, hour, 13 minutes, less than half drivers' meetirig, and, after ·a pocketbook!:> an . . move on to presentingnewandexcitingcha:llengestotheClass IOrace,carsandCla!\s7 the time ~f the fastest Challenger short sleep, back to Pioneer Park greener and more organized racing trucks. On the line is a total cash purse .of $45,000, and each class Class lap. He was placed in fifth, to drive in the S a.m. •p~rade,' to pastures, the promoters should winner receives one pound of gold. Get entry' information from Score first DNF, well ahead of a horde the start line. It doesn't end do everyone involved a big favor Canada, Inc., 390 Chemin Du Lac, Lery, Quebec, Canada,J6N 1A3 or call of competitors whose two lap there. Post race tech for the and get together on the rules! As ' <514) 692-6171. · · · · · · · · time .was faster. C.omliftunding classes involved was back in they say .on ~he radio, that's our ' . . . · · ' . . - · · h ble th h fth l · th · . l -THE. JEEP CUP RALLY is it' dandy competition for four wheel drive . t e pro mis · at t e i P ace town at ~-fire station, w4ile the -opinion; we we come YO';lrs. enthusiasts: You don't need much experience to compete, and the ~ntry fee . Attention Crews & Drivers!! . -r Because of~the new contingency space charges -by the Mint, Tr~ckside Photo will hot be in the contingen9y lrne at the Mint 4no . _ But come by and see· us at Sloan o_n Friday, May 8th (day before the race) · for the best in racing photos! . · Look for the yellow Trackside banner along· the main -road in Sloan (Bring this ad for a 10% discount) Page 4 May 1987 . . _for each event is just $25, Jeep Cup· is a time-speed-distance rally that requires· a street legal four wheel drive vehicle and a driver and navigator.The regional rallies will be held a.cross North America in 1987, five in the USA and·five in Canada. The top few' finishers in each event will win a trip to Reno,_Nevada _for ·the expenses paid championship rally in August. There, ralliests will be . provided with identically equipped Jeep vehicles. The winning team in that event will be crowned North America Jeep Cup 4x4 rally cha'mpion. The · dates and locations for Jeep.Cup rallies are: May 17., Phoenix, Arizona; June 14, Cadillac, Michigan; June 20, Moncton, New Brunswick; June 21, Atlanta, Georgia; June 27, Calgary, Alberta:, July 11, Lindsey, Ontario; July 12; Denver, _Colorado, July 18, Victoriaville, Quebec; July 19, Harrison Hot Springs, British Columbia; July 26, Sacra_mento, California. For more details . and entry formstall 1-800-JEEP CUP in the USA; and 1-416-640-5414 in Canada. ' THE MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP has just ' announced there.will.be a race at the Los Angeles Coliseum this sum.mer, on . July 25. The race had not bt;en scheduled earlier because c.onstruction would ·have been in progress for new seats for the Raider games this year. However, apparently the Coliseum authorities ran into. problems, th~ project is off because it is now too late to get the new.seats finished-in time for the first ' Raider game in August. So, the date was open and Mickey Thompson _ grabbed it. Along with the Rose Bowl on May 2 and the Seattle Kingdome on · · June 20, it will make a busy summer for stadium racers, before the first run at · the Sam Boyd Silverbowl in Las Vegas on September 26, an~ the finale at .Pomona on October 10. · · We just watched a y_ideo tape of the 1986 Grand National Truck race at the ½-A Coliseum, and it is one of the best we have seen about_stadium racing. The cameras-caught all the action; including the massive pile up of trucks in the first turn late in the race. This tape is a real bargin at $20, and it runs nea_rly half an hour. Get a copy fromMTEG, 53 Woodlyn lane, Bradbury, CA 91010. . -. ·THEOUTLAWMINISTOCKSeriesstartedaction in the middle of April .. - at Wi_llow Springs ·Raceway. This is· fun racing to spectate and for participants, and the bulk-of the series will be at Willow_ Springs, near Rosamond, . CA. However, ·the' May 10 date is at Pearson Speedway, Pearson ville; CA and date!\ are pending for. Ventura, Ascot and Bakei:sfield . . Get ·au the details from-the Mini Stock Racing Association, P. 0 . Box 204, Pa_los Verdes E;states, CA 90274 or call (213) 375-4570or (213) 534-2747. (More TRAIL NOTES ~11 pa/{e 49) Dusty Time~ .4, ' l .•,,1.-
Pony ExprCsS~~.-_ -Talk ahout excited!! We jlJst tinished racing in the . Great Mojave 250. Our ·race team proved to be t<X) much for that nasty terrain. Tc:)o bad we had to compete against Score Interna-tional at "the· same time. At the end of the day we had finished nine minutes over the time allotted (nine hours). That moved ·us, from finishing sixth b~ck to our second lap placement ot eleventh. · When the ChaHenger · Class was·started, it was looked upon as a slow go class. The class was very restricted. Also, itwasn't to do very well because of the suspension we had to run. Tah· notice SCORE! . There art' one heck of a lot of racers who built a Challenger,tar, knowing all this. ~here in t_he rules of building this car did it say I also had to ruri it· agaipst a computer! (The•time ~llmi;ann· for the race was t_igured. on _the average .. speeds trom th~ 1987 Parker 400,. ed.) Lrt's tace it, when a Class I, 2, I 0, the list goes ~.m, goes racing, they can hreak a tront end off fix it, and finish in the to th~m lengthy time limit. Then, that same c:ar will, \i:hile making up all that precious time, drive like a mad( der) man and still finish the race ahead of the restricted cars. · . At t~is point ['in not saying'_that the taster cars. should have .a time restriction. However, make the time -for the restricted classes · base'd on the desert knowledge you have, not on the infr>rmation you punch into a computer. The last thing I have to say is about money. Money makes the. world go round, ·and the tires on my race ci1r. If the money that I should have· gotten for my placement goes irito the Challenger car points fund, so . what!! Who benefits! The points . chhser. I'm not a points_chaser, · and I \\uuld guess that the high majority of Challenger Class racers are not. Scc)re, you are too darn smart t!) let som_ething like this happen. When you get opinions from racers about times, you'd better listen. Nine_-houis for a junk course like we ran was two or three hours too short. What was the hurry! Maybe a littie too much -in one day! Cars, hikes, and awards! Add a circus and we would have had it all. Danny Oliver, Dan Ho~k. Roy Smith,Dans Diesel . ·Hesperia; CA - · Well, the Great Mojave 250 is h_istory now, and maybe -we can learn somL·thing from -it. The overall plan was good, but the problem was that no one knew the plan! We needed more inforn1ation before the race. A map showing where to unload, where contingrncy starts, and the best way to get _to tech would have been very helpful. Parading us out to the start/ finish line in · the morning was a waste of tim~ . and gas, especially since the leaders of tne third wave got lost and took us way out yonder and back! , ·. . ·We were one of the lucky ones who beat the tight deadline, but ~e consider ourselves wry. lucky m that we had no mechanical problems at all and our General Grabber MTs came through with flying colors once again, We understand that mistakes do occasionally happen, and we teel the Sci>re C:>fficials handled the problem in the only way they could. But, we · can't help. but· sympathize with the teams that -misseJ the deadline so .closely or those who coulJ have finished the race if only the clock hadn't Became PARTners with FAT. Join the long list of winners by using FAT Per~ fotmance components. Any of the quality sys-tems used in our winning race-proven _engines can be purchased as a comptetepackage, or in-. dividually _ · · . Realize the winning benefits of products that are. the direct resu// of FAT Pertor-• 81mm piston, ring & pin kits _-• Racing cylinder heads. • Camshafts & adjustable timing gears. • Rabbit adapter & flywheel kit. -• Down-draft . manifold. • Exhaust systems. • Power steering kits. . . _ . • HP oil pum,-& wlndage systems. -( mance's long-time offroad experience. Like· our new FAT Rabbit combination... the latest in watercooled performance technology Don 'tfa/1 behind. Give us a call, drpp us a line -we'd be happy to discuss how you can put some FAT horsepower between you and the rest of the crowd 1450 No1h Glassel/• Orange, t~ 92667 • (714) 639-2833 Page 6 "run dcfwri-sh'<,1uiekl\f:<":'.""' '•c,:-.¾ • ".the c_·h·a: ·p·_--a--1-a~-----""'"'· "·=·-,,.---- . Th I Dusti:rs. ~ Thrint<s· "'and' spt>ns6r--'it1:nar."piir.ti0ip:Jtt.· in e course was certain Y a · again. . the Mint 400. that tne Mint challenge with every variety of _ Jerry Penhall manageme~t will ccrnsider conditions the Score planners PonhaJI/ Pfeiffer Racing -changing this foe policy .. could find. My team ·would like , · Costa Mesa, CA Steve Godfrey to give _a big thank you to a group s f I h · · · h 1 (Th r II I I .·ration I o peop e w o put up w1_t a ot, . e,o o«·ing etter1.1·asse11t lite in Phoenix, AZ including flying debris, for little March to Mr. Bill Kiser of the Mine or no recognition, and they are Hotel & C',asino in L,.as Vl'~as, Ac thi.nime there are inuny ma;or the checkpoint>personriel._ NemJa.) . manufai:turers «·ho hat•e /iaid We overcame Mother-Nature The subJ._ect of this letter is the . i f · sw1Ur)' 1ees ro che Mine Hotel, hw and all her cont_ouring, but how . growing concern and controver- TTUlll)' smaller firms hat•e ahstained. _do we_ a"'.oid unnecessary and sy amo'ng manufacturers over the The result (If this /)(JliC)' will not he rough nerting? We try to get out Mint · Hore I charging a II l<iiotrn for ·11 fe«· «•eeks, uniil of the way when·someone. comes contingency posting companies Frida-v, -'Mav H, .«·hm «~ see hou· up behind us, but wncn there is $500, to . be able to sit on many. block.; of Fremont Street are no place to go except straight Conting~ncy . row· at this year's needed 'or che 1 •• u7 Mint_ 400 ahead, there is no reason t<) ram Mint 400 rac • I'm f '' 'I'·' . e, . sure many o cmitin,l!enc_v ro«•. us-harder, .causing further the racers are not aware of how · damage, We understand another this wi!I affect the ability of many An Open Letter to Score and teamwasalsoroughlynerfedand manufacturers .to· reta,in a -HORA Officials: pushed so hard they rolled, and . presence in the sport cif Mf road -. _·_W_e have sev_eral .questions as a result their· vehicl" ·was· rac1·ng The 1·ack of p r't·; · ·t· '" · ' · a · ,.cipa ion concerning the rul.es . . Who unable "to fii;ish the race~ on contingency row will. affect k h · Everyone w~nts t<> win, hut thesplendoroftheevent,andthe · ma_ est em and who ·changes safety should come first. So why reduced crowd on contingency them? Several times last· year dqn't we all practice some self day will mean reduced business ruleswere apparently changed or control? __ · t· ·h I d · waived to suit certain individ, · or t . e restaurants an · casinos in uals, but not allowed for other -We had Kevin Adler of 4 the area. ·· · · h · 1a· ·wheel Parts Wholesaler riding . There are many -opinions on racers in t e same c ss. Other with us on onec>f t)ur laps. Wt.·'d this subject, but I have listed the individuals were allowed to · like to· thank them f<ir their major _ complaints from the_ continue running -when they sponsorship_ as well as Conejo manufacturers' point of view. were not legal according to the Off Road and RV, General Tire, First; in no other form of mntor rule book. Why? · · Kr-eider's -Welding, Coast racing is this done. _, ltseemstherules'arebentand Machine (Driveline), Smittybilt, . Second,with prize money still changed for no .reason·. For · and KC Hilites. Thanks also to · largely inadequate.' for the size of inStance, ~hy th .. e cha~ge in Class h · 1 t· L. y II h -3 concerning wmdsh1eld fram· es'. f e peop e · o u<'.'erne. a ey . rnosr_ events, _ t e. contingency Wh · -who put up with a lot of traffic, money · is ·the only thing o came up With that one and dust and.especially noise. compensating the _ racer. This whatisthereason_forit?Weonly _ · Mike Schwellinger money is used by all promoters know about this change because Conejo Off Road Team to advertise their ·events,· someone recently joined Score · Newbury Park, CA especially the Mint 400, which . and happened to get a new '87~ boasts it is the "richest. off road '88 rule book: None of the other· race.'.' The contingency money ·• Class 3 people we talked to at helps a great dear in giving this · Parker were aware of this rule . We a/1/m.'cime ·. chqe letters Jescrih,mg soml': of the /1rphlems C1l the chirJ TC1L'e 111 the Jeserc se;r1es, (,lnJ there «ne some J>rohlem.1. For un eJitoriul o/>inion on ir ull, ched< the Sc'1e1/> Box column. . race this honor. · ·change either. · ' · Third, manufacturers post We built our Jeep according to -tens of thousands of dollars· to the rule book and assumed that sponsor the sale of their everyone else did too .. But, with products, a_nd help promoters • the rules being ben_t and changed Yes,·· Jean, you have good draw racers to the events. What all the Jime, we could· reading material in your really Jisturhs us .is that with-all conceivably arrive at a race and 1T1agazine. I would - like tl> · this participation, you still \~.'.ant find· we are no· fonger legal, or comment oh the writing ·from _ us to pay $5_00 for the privilege finish a race behind someone Ron Flemi_ng in the Soap· Box. · of talking to ·the very people ·we· who is obviously ,not legal, b_ut Ron has three good reasons not · helped bring to your event! I ask . allowed to r_un anyway. In either to change engine style in the ever - you: What is -the Mint _ 400 · instance, something is not fair. so popular Class 10. I'll stand ~ithout 'the huge contingency We feel that a rule is a rule and WITtJ· Ron Fleming not to let row! , ·, . should apply to EVERYONE in this class die. ·1 have seen other Fourth, the small amount-of the class. Also, if a rule change is <;lasses fade away from the sport revenue brought in by the tew . being considered, why not ask tor t,his very same change in who san afford:it will have little - for ' some . input from those equipment that the racers will im11act on t~e cost of clean up, affected? At the ~e~y least, they feel . the pressure ti) finally police and msuranc~ expenses. should be· not1f1ed of the . replac_e. _ As Jong as you are going to have changes. Now that the new · Mike Leighton the, contingency row downtown, · season is underway; let's keep the Hesperia, _CA . the costs will be the same . no politics Q\,lt of off road racing ana We u,1;ree-ulso thut the Class 10 mies shou/J he left ulone unJ to mlw ~ngines hdqng. in Class · 1 or-Cle1ss ·.:2. matter how few manufacturers·~ just have fun! · show up: . _· . -. , Mike Schwellinger Maybe the Mint management " _Conejo Off Road Team forgc>t how many r,eople comet<-i -. Newbury Park, CA_ · see ~fle happeni13gs on Friday, . · . . · . •.· ' and how rriuch money those Class 3 isnot the only one u.'ith ; This note is a special thanks to · people spend in the casinqs and rules that u•affle, Mike. We suggest t_he Dusters. For ten years \1ie hotels, and the restaurants. This you pass your .compla_ints on to the . have . had..: a . very supportive pit · type of policy will · only reduce major _·manufacturer close.st to you. crew, consisting of both family . the spectacular to the.mundane, There · is a meeting._ pf the anJ friends. The only _race they the crowds will disappear, and all Manufacturer's Adt•isory,Bdard the could not support us lOOpercent the splendor, the revenues, the Monday -after the Mint 400, and was the 1986 Baja 1000. We publicity, as ;well as the perhapsyourreponthatboardcould , needed the help ofa professional specialness (lf ·the not-so-rich pres?)1t the problt'Tll then .. With a pit crew association. We decided Mint 400 will be gonci $5000 membership fee, the-Board to USl' the Chapa la Dusters· and . , Where will all th1send? Soon it · consists mainly gf tire, and i;ehide they came through for · us the will cost $300 at the Parker.400, _manufacturers. · - · entire race. Before we became · $300·a~ the Baja 1000, $200 at ·· Dusters we were never turned other races! ._ All just for the. DVSTY TIMES welco~s .letters dc~wn when w<,> needed their help ·privilege _of talking to the racers ... from all comers of off road acti,;ity. 1n· numerous emergency · pit Do racers travel frc)m all over the· The Pori-v Express ·column will stops, ·, · · world to the Mint 400 because it 'feature all the mail we can /fr into Since we have such a great·. is just micither off road race·! No the space. Please keep your u"Ords ~upport systi:m within our own indeed! It's because of what the fairly brief. Because . of space - race program; we haven't needed MintAOO has_bL"Coine, including limitations, your pearls of prose may to use the Dusters again. Yet they .nm,tingency day. Tl-tese racers oe edited, but DUSTY TIMES will seem to be wherever our· come for the opportunity to sel' priiit your gripes as well as your' problems occur, and have given and talk with the manufacturers praises. Letters for publication us numerous parts, tires and . at this special.race. should be-at the DUSTY TIMES helping hands: This is a letter of It is my,. ht)pe, as well as the. office by the 15th of the month in thanks to. all the people who are hope of all the manufacturers order to appear in the next.issue.. •. ·May 1987_ Du$ty Times -_
I .. I LOSANQ -The grandadd EL Es' some ve~y s ey· of the~ all, the L.A. . . • Peristyle "S:ac:•;~:~,~ twists" . .-. a,!~::~al Coli~eum, with ~:~sn-1 bik,s, flying G!!":f ;, ~calding-hot new"f 5~ew DOUBLE eel ATVs and Od at,onal Sport Tru k cc Pro Ultra-S A TU ysseys., What a show! cs, UltraStocks®, RDAY•JULY · · -25 LL·BORE FF· THREE GREAT RACES IN THREE GREAT PLACES! From Seattle to the L.A. Coliseum, to Las Vegas ... the Off-Road Championship Gran Prix is on the road and bringing its action-packed, best value in audience entertainment show to three of the top cities of the West! Witness fabulous factory team GRAND NATIONAL SPORT TRUCKS!, flying UNLIMITED SUPER 1600 single seaters,. incredi-ble UltraStock® "All-Terrain Super Sports" stock-bodied racers, wild 4-WHEEL ATVs, outrageous ODYSSEYS ' and fantastic 250cc Pro ULTRA-CROSSn~ motorcycles all in one thrill-·, charged evening of motorsports madness! I DON'T MISS the FREE "Meet the Racers" photo c1nd autograph session lield right ·. on the race course 1 ½ hours before every event. It's your chance to get !'Up Close and Personal" with the racers and their sueer racing machines on a one-to-one basis. · ENTRY or TICKET INFORMATION1.CALL: (;818) 3'59-5117
1· I Side Tracks~.-•. By Judy Smith We took . our vacation in March this year, and as usual, it was an off .road vacation; a special cifroad vacati()n. We had tried for years to get to Scammon's Lagoon, midway doi:n the Baja peninsula, to sec the grey whales; and this year we finally did ir. , · One reason for going to Baja on vacation is the sense of adventure, which is what draws most of us into off roading in the first place. And traveling off road in Baja adds a certain piquancy, · and we can always expect the unexpected to add, to the fun. W c wcrcn 't really prepared to have our "unexpected" happen on the sou·thhound San Diego Freeway, i ust south of Long Beach -hut that's when we started to hear · an ominious thumping. We pulled off to the side and crawled around with a flashlight to s_ec if one elf the tires was beginning . to separate. Evcrythi.ng looked 'o.k., so we hopped back in and took off. The thumping became a nasty clunking, and we began to wonder what a disintegrati11g c. v. joint sounds like, We crept off the freeway and· tound a gas station with lights, a_nd prepared to spend the .evening making repairs . . It took about three \ PRESENTED BY DEL WEBB~ Ml~T CASI\O HOTELQDaXINTOWN minutes in the light to find that all hut one of the lug nuts on the kft rear wheel were loose. A quick tigl:itening with thl' lug wrench, and a double check of all the other wheels, and we were on our way again, with no clunk. Now we figured it had to be a good trip, because we'd already · had our token ·mechanic-al · breakdown. The _ rest of the drive was relatively uneventful, and we arrived in Guerrero Negro the folkiwing night. We spent the · night in a local motel, did sofl)e exploring nearby the next day, and then headed for fhc campground. It's . reached by means of a I 5 mile dirt road that heads west from the highway at a point five I miles south of Guerrero Negro. At about · ·three in the afternoon . we finally arrived at the Grey ·Whale National Park, on the northern edge of Scammon's Lagoon. It was menacingly dark, .and as we started setting up our tents a nor'castcr ( or something) blew up and made tent erecting into an exercise in oversize kite flying. About the time we got the second tent · halfway up, it was also raining, and as we grappled with the rain-fly, we were soaked, and •" so was th~ t~nt. The P-P-T c~ Pee, ( its name speaks for it) was next, and heing smaller and narrower, created less wind resistance, and went up quicker. Ahout the time all the tents were up, the -rain quit, and we were ahle to huilp a fire to dry off the jackets. We l<ept peering out at the lagoon, hoping to see whales cavorting, but it was getting ·dark hy now, and there seemed to he nothing to see. _We spotted whales, or -more precisely, their spouts, the next morning, and spent a wonderful half hour or so following them with our bino~ulars. It was great. We were watching about four or five whales as they swam from east to west. But then the wind came up again and the water got so rough that it was hard to see the spcruts because of the whitecaps. After a couple of hours exploring the . shore, we went back . to ·camp, . and spent some more time with the binocs, looking for the whales again. As we lazily scanned the neighboring beach, watching the shore birds, we spotted a taxi cab parked at one of the. campsites. This seemed odd to us, so we trained our binoculars on it so to see what that was all about. We were 'kind of crushed, actually, because here we wt;re, having this marvelous adventure, and all prepared, with a four wheel driv~ SANCTIONED BY -''IL HORA MAY 7-10, 1987 • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Page 8 The world's greatest, largest and richest off-road event ls coming at you again May 7-10, 1987. The race Is sponsored by Nissan Motor Corporation, presented by Del Webb's Mint Casino/Hotel and sanctioned by High Desert Racing Association. II ls part of the combined HORA/SCORE Points Serles for 1987. --Over haH a million dollars will be distributed In prize money and contingency awards. The race will be limited to 500 entrants. There are 16 different classes representing a variety of un-llmlted and limited single and two-seat race cars, four-wheel drive trucks, utility vehicles and two-wheel drive trucks. · FOR REGISTRATION INFORMATION CALL: .HDRA/High Desert Racing Association (702) 361-5404 May 1987 ' . . - . ' . . . . "' . . . "•,., . ., . . .late inod'eiJcep, and ,a rcally"trick .. us;· ,1nd . v.·& ... were moved and off roadVW pre:runnCJr, and all delighted- with · the rlosencss of · kinds of camping gear, and really · the hig creatures. We rnmple,tcly roughing it, and here was this forgot ahout the rickety hoat as smartly dressed lady driving to we watched the whales all around the campground in a taxi. That us. The trip back to shore was \gives you an idea of just how had much like the one outward the road is. · · hound, except that now the other Pretty ·soon the · 1ady showed three · passengers were . on the · up in our camp, having hitched a windy side, so all six of us were ride with another camper, to talk completely soaked and shivering us into taking the hoat ride out to hy the time we got to shore .. The see the whales. The wind was middle scat collapsed only once. blowing · at ahout 30 miles an The lady with the taxi' was hour at this time, and we'd heard dismayed that the taxi driver that 110 boats would go out on a charged~ her. an extra $10,000. windy day, because it was unsafe. pc~()S hecause he'd had to wait So we asked, quaveringly, . "In longer than planned, · but in this wind?" "Oh", said the nice gencral,shewassothrilledwithit lady, "It's alw.ays windy Hke this all that she went back home to here." She lied. But we didn't Mexico G:ity happy. know that 'ti! later. She had to go The next day, since John and right then, because she had that taxi waiting, and tbe meter was Linda Johnson had now joined ticking. · us; we decided to go out again. This time there was no wind at So, we said, sure - why not? · And proceeded .to put on about all, and we gotthe same trip, with even m. ore whale's, for $5 a head . four layers of clothe~·, load up the less. most _expendahle camera, and st:uff _it into_ a pl_~stic h_ag, gulp The following day we packed down a seasick p,11, and take off up all our gear and headed ourfor for the boat. . what we· planned as a real Now, whale watching boats a~vcnturc; thetripalongthecdgc that leave from San Diego or ot the lagoon, following the Salt Marina de! Rey, have a nice Compan'y roads, . out to the solidity to them, 'and comfort-secondary road.that traverses the able seats, life jackets and a well point. From there we would find dressed crew. Not to mention the road that goes down to being about 30 feet long. This Malarrimo Beach. This is the boat was none of that. This boat beach were all the flotsam and 'was about 12 feei: long, with an jetsam from ships and northern outboard motor and a can of gas coasts finally comes ashore. It's with a rag for a cap. The Captain been a · beachcomber'~ treasure took off his shoes,' rolled up his for years. The Johnson~ hadbeen pants and put on a foul weather there about 15 years-Iago, just ·jacket.Then he reeled in the boat briefly, · and wanted f0. see it and invited us aboard. There again, and we had nuver .been . there, but had read abbut it fo~ • were to be six of us as passengers. Th h d 11 L years. At any ·. rate · it was . e oat , n a me · a hi . h / . Colorina"' was plywood, and it inconcei va e t at a Y ot . us had · heen painted many times, would just sit in a cam when we many years ago. It had one board, had these off road ve icles (the seat in the stern, one in the prow, Johnsons \Vere in t eir . four and a board that was simply laid wheel drive S-10) and a:11 those across, from side to side, that miles of dirt roads wer •\•,aiting. served as the third seat, in the We asked the park er ployees middle .. That one was completely about the roads, and thcy·advised . h d us against it, saying tHat it was unattac e .. So were the supports 1 for the ,sides of the boat _ · "muy trahi.>joso", and waving unattached, that is. The floor of their hands to indicat~ · humps. the boat was plywood, and But they ci.rnldn't scar~ us with several plies had worn away, bumps. I making us wonder ·how ma_ny As it turned out, the~c weren't were left. We looked around.for any . . Someone h~d ·very· life jackets, and found two old graciously graded the roads not life rings piled up on the prow.. long before and tHey were That-was it. But we didn't worry, smooth and beautiful.. There was because we figured that board no washboard, no rocks, and scat would float too. none of the bumps t hat we'd The motor fired up reassuring- been warned about. In fact; these l_y quickly and smoothly, and El roads were -a good dbl better Capitan took off. He was the than much of the paveJ highway Walker Evans of 'the whale in Baja. The trick wast~> find our watchers. It was a white knuckle way; hecause therc.'s ;1 maze of trip out to where he thought the roaJs, all at right anglfs to one whales would be, flying off the another, and all surrounde,J hy waves, the spray soaking all those evaporating sea water,I with np on the windy side of the boat, landmarks and no sign~. and the middle seat slowly Feeling very hr~ve and slippi,ng backwards with its two exploratory, .we drovelofl, only unaware passengers busy hanging to be taken down a PL:"g when a on for dear life. We could seethe rattley Mexican truckl: with a floor flex with each bound over a man and wife, about fivt kids and wave. two dogs, drove by, huaded out The trip was a resounding into the "unexplbred ~)ff road" success. When the boat didn't terrain we'd just . ~truggled sink immediately, we decided it through. They smiled and waved probably wouldn't, and relaxed a as they· passed, appar~ntly not bit, though not enough-to let go ... realizing the hostile ter,1itory out (The thing needed shock there. , absorbers.) He.found whales for To be continued. ~ffENTION DESERT RACERS _ DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all ore and HORA desert races. Check it out on contingency roi ~ Two different classes each event. .. Dusty Timcs
ILEIIII IIRRIS 1111S IFF-111111111 PIii IT JACK IIRPIY S111111. 1986 marked the most successful year in Mazda truck racing - history. Soit shouldn't come as a surprise that Glenn Harris wasted little time securing Mazda's first win of the 1987 season in San Diego. Unleashing the Mazda B2000's 270 rotary-driven horsepower, Harris flew off the starting grid, grabbed the lead and· never looked back. Obviously, Harris and the California Gold Racing Team have their sights set on what lies ahead. Another ·· &m2' ..... -• successful year for Mazda in 198Z . 11 ~.....-_
'.1,1·7 HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association · P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 ( 602) 252-1900 July 18 High Country 150 F,lagstaff, AZ September 5-6 Snowflake Buggy Bash Snowflake, AZ October 17 Penasco 150 Sonora, Mexico December 5, Sonoita to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico AMSA American Motor Sports Association · P.O. Box 5473 Fresno, CA 93755 (209) 439-2114 BAJA PROMOTIONS, . LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 241 Van Nuys, CA 91303 (818) 340-5750 October 2-4 Carrera de los Campeones San Felipe, B.C. 1987 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 (715) 478-2115 I (715) 478-2688 June 27-28 Spring Run 101 Crandon, WI September 4-6 Brush Run 101 World Championship Crandon, WI CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES • Lynnette Allison 2001 Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91 720 (714) 736-1442 l , May 2-3 Rim of the World Rally Lancaster, CA May30 Glen Helen Rallycross #2 San Bernardino, CA July 11 -Carisbad Rally Sprint Carlsbad, CA July 12 CRS Annual Picnic Carlsbad, CA August (TBA) Glen Helen Rallycross #3 · San Bernardino, CA September 26-27 Cliffs of Gorman Rally Gonrian, CA December 5-6 East of Indio VII Indio, CA 4. FUN 4 WHEELERS 915 So: Zeeb Road Anri Arbor, MI 48103 ( 313) 459-8388 (313) 755-3176 September 5-6 Summers End Extravaganza Bee's Sport Center - St. Johns, MI FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Association 5349 Hansel Ave., C-1 Orlando, Florida 32809 (305) 851-6245 FLORIDA OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES P.O. Box 40 Inverness, FL 32651 (813) 933-7947 (904) 726-6560 FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619J 427-5759 ~ WHERE DO YOU RIDE YOUR TOY? Your favorite riding area may soon be closed if the Wilderness Bill is passed! · INVEST IN THE FUTURE OF OFF ROADING ... BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. r.-:JOIN CORVA:-:, !1-800-237-54361 CORVA The California Off Road Vehicle Association Inc,, is a non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving the land use rights for off road enthusiasts, and companies in California and the rest of the country. · · · To Join: $20.00. Call Toll Free 800·237-5436 to charge on Visa and Mastercard or request a membership application. - . ~--CALIFORNIA OFF-ROAD VEHICLE ASSOC. INC. 1601 10th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 - o ~ · Page 12 August 8, 1987 Superstition 250 IV An den( Dry Lake Bed El Centro·, CA October 3, 1987 200 Mile Plaster City Blast Plaster City, CA December 31, 1987 150 Mile Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 927-6432 June 7 100 miles Alabama June 28 Winder, GA July 26 Cordele, GA August 23 Winder, GA September 13 100 miles Alabama . September 2 7 Cordele, GA October 25 Winder, GA November 28 250 miles· Cordele, GA December 5 Annual Banquet GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 665-0358/(313) 996-9193 August 1-2 . 19th Ahriual Sand-O-Rama Silver Lake Sand Dragway Mears, MI · GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Knowlton 831 So. Jason Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-5537 May3 Raceland Denver, CO May 24 Gordon, NE June 7 St. Francis, KS June 21 Raceland Denver, CO July 19 Raceland Denver, CO August 8-9 St. Francis, KS August 30 Raceland · Denver, CO September 20 Racela·nd Championship -SC Denver, CO May 1~87 ROD -HALL'S GHOST TOWN ADVENTURE 2150 Hunter Lake Drive Reno, NV 89509 (702) 786-6748 . ( open to Dodge ,4>\4s only) June 18-21 3 Day Trail Ride Lake Tahoe, NV HDRA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 May 7-10, 1987 Mint 400 Las Vegas, NV July 3-5, 1987 Fireworks 250 · Barstow, CA September ll-13, 1987 Craig/ Hi Desert 300 Craig, CO December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING-ASSOCIATION Tom Freeman 3503 Hall St. Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 342-0331 May 17 Lake Francis Case Chamberlain, SD June 21 Beaver Creek Baja Jamestown, ND August 16 Gumbo Buttes Baja Pierre, S.D. October 24 . Last Chance Baja Wall, S.D. GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA (714) 381-4454 or (714) 880-1733 June 14, 1987 Short Course Race September 27, 1987 Short Course Race IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in Cleves, Ohio) JEEP CUP RALLY SERIES David Hannum United 4WD Associations (317) 453-9242 May 17 Phoenix, AZ June 14 Cadillac, MI June 21 Atlanta, GA July 12 Denver, CO July 19 Sacramento, CA August . Championship Rally Reno, NV MIDWEST OFF ROAD CHALLENGE SERIES Tommy Bowling Rt. 6, Box 833C Midland, TX 79702 . (915) 332-1537 -(915) 563-9154 May30 Freedom, OK June 27, Albuquerque, NM August 1 Freedom, OK September 12 Albuquerque, NM October 3 Big Spring, TX November 7 -El Paso, TX M.O.R.E. 3513 North West Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76106 (817) 625-8843 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFFROAD . CHAMPIONSHIP · GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 May 2 Rose Bowl Pasadena, CA June 20 Kingdome Seattle; WA September 26 Sam Boyd Silverbowl ·. Las Vegas, NV October 10 L.A. County Fairplex Pomona, CA NORTH AMERICAN RALLY CUP June 5-7 Susquehannock Trail-Rally Wellsboro, PA John Robinson (716) 223-1369 July 3-4 Rallye Baie Des Chaleur New Richmond,-Quebec Donald LeBlanc (418) 392-6120 July io-12 Dartmouth Highlands Rally Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Clarke Paynter (902) 435-3948 August 21-23 Sunriser 400 Forest Rally Columbus, OH Dick Paddock (614) 876-2277 September 4-5 Rallye of the Voyageurs North Bay, Ontario Dave Carlin (705) 474-8007 September 11-13 Mackinaw Trail Rally Traverse City, MI Kelly Brandt (616) 374-7176 Dusty nme~
Oc.tobei' 2,4 Ojibwe Pro Rally Grand Rapids, MN Bob Nielsen (612) 776-4471 • October 9-11 Defi Ste.-Agathe Ste.-Agathe Des Monts, Quebec Andre Lavigne (514) 747-3663 October 28-November 1 Press on Regardless Houghton, MI Dick Cole (313) 685-2853 : November 21-22 Rally of the Tall Pines Petersborough, Or:it.ado Ross Wood (416) 876-1492 . OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATiON-OF TEXAS · 1421 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 November 7 Red Sands 150 · El Paso, TX OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL . . RALLY John Nagel. P.O. Box 4254 . Tumwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-9717 June25-29 WRC Olympus International . Olympia, WA ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS . Barry W anriamaker. P.O. Box 688 . . . Bancroft, Ontario, KOL · 1 CO, Canada • May 16-17 . Kitchener,•Ont. Junei3-14 · Kitchener, Ont . . June 20-21 V_erner (Sudbury), Ont. ' July 4-5 · Highland Qrove, Ont. July 18-19 BeHeville, Ont. August 1-2 · Brighton, Ont. . August 8~9 · Kitchener, Ont. ,, August 1.4-16 "' Ban.croft, Ont. September 5-6 Kitchener, Ont. September 26-27 Kitchener, Ont. October 17-18 Kitchener,· Ont. ONTARIO OFF ROAD Barbara Lapointe 4 Bridge St. E. · Kitchener, Ontario N2K 1]2 Canada (519) 743-8841 (AU events at Bingeman Park in Kitchener.) May 16~17 Mudfest Challenge '87 May 24 Off Road Endurance Races Dusty Times June 7c·. _ Off Road Endurance Races, June 13-14 Kitchener-Waterloo Challenge July 19 Off Road Endurance Races . July 26 Off Road Endurance Races August 9 ATV Races · . ·August 30 Off Road Endurance Races September 5-6 Sandfest '87 September 13 Off Road Endurance Races September 26-27 Ontario OffRo~d_Challenge October 10-ll Okfoberfest Endurance( Mudbog October 17-18 Oktoberfest Challenge '87 October 31-November 1 Off Road Endurance Series· Finale 0.0.R.R.A . Oklahoma.Off Road Racing,Assocfation . Larry Terry 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 · (405) 769-5491 . (All.races located at Freedom, OK)· Vic Brurnham _ Freedom Chapter .President (405) 621-3428 Mav 29.30 Badlands 200 July 10-11 Moccasin Creek _250 August 1 Freeqom 300 · October 16-1 7 0 .0.R.R:A. 150 ··oRSA . Randy'Miller 407 G Street, Suite F Davls, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916.) 756-6399 . Short·Course & Sand Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD #3,Box 9 Towarida, PA 18848 .(717) 265-3076 . ~ ' . . All events in Monroeton, PA at·the -intersection of Ro.utes 414 & 220. May 16-17 June 27~28 July 25-26 August 29~30 September 26-27 October 10-11 PRO CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. . , P.O. Box 323 ·· Seahurst, Washingtor:i 98062 (206) 242: 177 3 May 1-2 250 miles Richland, WA I I " I ,. . ~ay 23-i4 . . 1 Y okohama/V0RRA 250 Yerington, j1'~V July 24-25 400K Ashcroft, BC ,October 2-3 Millican' 4ioo Millican Valley, OR - I I SCCA.1 PRO:.M J{ y SERIES ' Sports Car Club !of America · . · P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80155 (303) p94-7223 May 14-I 7/i987 Centennial Prlo Rally · Westcliff, ~O . I, . June 5':,.7, 1987 Susquehannocl< Trail · . -Wellsbar1,,PA _ . · . June 25i29- -Olympus International Rally . Olympia, WA 'July 24-25; 1987 Arkansas Traveler · Little Rock; AR August 21-23, 1987 Sunriser Forest Chillicothe,. OH September 11-13, 1987', Mackinaw Trail Rally _Traverse City, Ml · · October 2-4 Ojibwe Rally Grand Rapids!. MN October 29-31, 1987 Press On Regardless Houghton, MI . 1 • November 13;15, 1987 I I 1-:1 Wild West Rally Tacoma, WA SCCA DIVISIONAL · PRO RALLY SERIES , May 1-3 Rim of the World Lancaster,• CA Mike &. Paula Gibeault (619) ,375-8704 May9 Lake Winona Little Rock, AR. Janet Mitch_am --· (501) 666-5093 May'-23 . Par.is by Night' Paris; TX. , · R,oger Gibson (214) 644-3946 May 30-Glen Helen Rallycross II San Bernardino, CA . · Mike Blore {213)' 425-0985 )une io Coolidge Forest · Plymouth, VT John Colt (802) 879-1073-. July 25 Arkansas Traveler· Little Rock, AR · Janet Mitcham : (501) 666-5093 Jul; ·l .. --August8-9 Briar Rallycross Briar MSP, VT Dan.Way ($02) 453-4792 , IIIOlfegojn your tow!' . • . I . . . Pub~ished {~st r~sults ~how t~at a t~w vehic(e li~e the one pic~ured a_bove, when . . · eqwpped with A1rSensors Electron,c Fuel Jn1echon system, will provide from 10-30 % power increase at the rear wheels.· ·· . ' : . . . . . . . I . It doe,sn ·~ matter wb~t he_avy loaq you tow- . ·. travel trailer, Jhorse qr dragster-when you're -driving with a,standard carburetor. - . · . The ~xperiei,ce can be a:drag: I . . ,• - . That's wh~ e(ectronic fuel injectidn is replacing conventionalcarburetion-,and Why AirSensors is becominglthe undisputed leader inffl tech-nology with a peitormance system that gives you more muscle when you nee.~ it . Put the AirSefJ.sors EFI system qn your truck or RV now and you'll get not only higher torque.at low speeds, ·but improved.fueretficiency, · better driving tram cold start to tullpower, lower: exhaust emissions_ and prolonged · engine life. •, . ' -You'll gef the· drag au(. and get more go in your tow. AirSensors has designed an easi/y-installeq, · electronic fuel injection systemhnlike any 3,0 · other, a computer-driven, wonde/ithat pre-!ii cisely' regulates the flow of air ancl fuel to your i engine under all types of driving, conditions. -,., 100 The secret is1 in a patented technique that ·. j makes our system so good, it is even replac-"' ing some factory stock fuel injection systems. l I I· I May 1_ 987 ' ! ' . I . . . . Electronic Fuel Systems Technology 708 lndusiry Drive, Seattle.WA 98188 · (206) 575-1594 Page 13
,, ! t { r: ! ! i r l l Additional HAPPENINGS August 8 Dire Straits Trout Lake, Ml · Jay Topping ( 313) 625-0790 September .9 Coachman Capital Stages Washington Johl) Forespr.ing (206) 866.S323 . September 11-13 · Mackinaw Trails Traverse Gitv;'Ml · ·-Kelly-Brandt · (616)374-_7176 September 19 ·. • LacVieux · L .. Anse-:Ml · · Scott'Ca;U,orn '• (906) 482.'.(,992, . -··,,;· s.;ptember 26'-27, Cliffs of Gorman Gorman, CA , Gary English · ·(714) 497-4670 October-3· Gold Rush · Westcliffe, CO . Regan Smolk9vich (303).477°9298 . SCORE .. -Score lni:emational 31356 Via Colfnas, S.uite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 · (818) 88_9-9216 . June 5-7, 1987 ·Baja lntetnaciorial . Ensenada, 'B.C., Mexico August 21-23, 1987 · Off Road . --. World Championship Riverside; CA November 6-8, 1987 , , Baja 1000 · Ensenada, .B.c.,· Mexico ' · Pecem_ber .5, · 1987-. Desert Series Awards Banquet .. Las Vegas, 'NV · SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery; Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 May 16-17 Thetford Mines, Quebec May 29-30 Montreal Oly_mpic Stadium Montreal, Quebec June 20-21 . Thetford Mines, Quebec July 25-26 Thetford Mines, Quebec August 22-23 Thetford Mines, ·Quebec September 5-6 Thetford Mines,. Quebec October 3-4 · · Race Swap Meet · Thetford Mines, Quebec . SC0RESHOW HBJ :Expositions & Conferences ' P.O. Box 19531 , . ,. .. Irvine, CA 92 713-9969 _, · (714) 250-8060 --June 26-28, 1987 10th Annual Score-Show Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA SILVERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS Roger Wells 225 W. Foster Ave. Henderson: NV 89015 (702) 564-2677 (All aients but the finale -held at Las Vegas. lntentat:ional Raceway. ) May 16 June6 June 20. July 4 July 18 'August 1 August 8 . August 15 - August 22 -September 5 September 12 . Sam_ Boyd Silverbowl . .Las -Vegas,·NV SiLVER DUST R.ACING . ASSOCIATION . P.O. Box 17380 La~ Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-03}.7 June 20 Delamar 250 Caliente, NV DUSTY TIMES has increased Contingency awards for the HDRA MINT 400 .Posting for first out of the money in Challenge Class and Class 1-2-1600 as well as $50 to the absolute . last overall finisher. Dusty Times will not be in contingency row ort Friday, May 8, due to the $500;00 parking fee. Decals will be available at Contingency inspection, and copies of Dusty Times will be available there, at registration, and near the start/finish line in Sloan. Page 14 August 22 Nevada 250 Pioche,'NV October 17 · Silver Dusi: 250 Las Vegas, NV ' . ·sNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas; NV-89106 , ·a•(7Q2) 452-4522 June 6, 1987. .-Twilight Race Las.Vegas, NV July 25.-26, 1987 ., .Midnight 'Special. -. : ·~as y eg:1$, NV · __ S.;p~einber 25~27 · ,. ,' _ Snore ,250 •\fusV~as,NV_· ·. October 31 Yoko Loco ·· ·.Las Vegas, NV ·.· December:5 . ·c Black Jai:k 200 . ·LasVegas, NV S.O.R.R.P. · Speedway Off Road Racing Productions · Bernie Weber .,. P.O. Box 402 ·,. . · Temple, Texas 76503 '(817) 773-3548 · SHORT TRACK . ·OFF ROAD :ENTERPRISES 'FORMULA DESERT . OOG'SERIES · S.T.O:R.E. C~Ordinator: · Gil Parke~ · 7406 SoA2th St. Kalamazoo, ,MI,49009 · (616) 375-1233 . May -23~24 Memorial Day.100 Lake Geneva Raceway Lake Geneva, WI June 19 Chicago Classic .Santa Fe Speedway Chicago,· IL · June 27-28 Spring Run 101 Crandon, .WI July 4-5 Sugar Camp Challenge Sugar ~arrip, WI July 18-19 Off Road 100 Bark River, MI July 26 ,, · General Tire Sprints · Macon County Fair Decatur, IL September 5-6 Brush Run 101 _' Crandon, WI September_ 19 Dixie Autocross Birch Run, Ml October 3 Indian Summer Sprints . • .Lake Geneva Raceway Lake Geneva, WI May 1987 SUPERCROSS, INC. Gateway Plaza . ;c 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 2-70 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-1606 , May 2-3 ,_ Sun Devil Stadium Phoenix, AZ · SUPERIOR OFF ROAD . . .DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Prevost 1006 Cardinal Lane : Green Bay, WI 54303 (4~4) 434-9044 May 23-24 Memorial .'87 Dr_esser, _WI June 6-7 Off Road.Race · .. >,Antigo, WI · J~ne 20-21:-. -/ Off Road '-Race •· -' · · · ..,, . Chilton; WI : ·::-, · ·• · July 4.5 . _·. _ Off Road Challerig_e - · . · · Sugar Camp, WI-· · .. July 18-19 .. U.P. Off Road 100 ·~ Bark River, MI August 1·2 Hodag 50 Rhinelander, WI August'23 - . Off Road Race 'Land-O-Lakes, ~I . September 19~20 · · Colorama 100· Sugar Camp, ·WI . V0RRA Valley Off Ro;id Racing Association · · · 1833 Los Robles. Blvd. _-·· Sacramento, CA 95838 : ·· • -(916~ 925~1102 May3 Long Course Track •'Prairie. City OHV .Park Sacramento, CA . · May 23-25 . . Y okohama/VORRA 350 . Yerington, NV ' June 20-21 .. Virginia City'200 ,-Virginia City, NV July 11 Stadium Type Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA August 1 Stadium Type Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA, September.5-6 Yeririgton/VORRA 250 Yerington, NV October 10 Championship 'Stadium Race Sacran:iento Raceway Sacramento, CA November 1 1987 Championship Race Prairie 8ity OHV Park Sacramento, CA, -WHEELT0 _. . WHEEL, -INC.· P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 . (613 f1332-1766 (613) 332-4128 August ·1.2 Brighton Wheel to'· . Wheel Weekend Brighton Speedway -Brighton, Ontario August 14,"16 · · BanGroft's Canadian 4x4 Challenge Bancr9ft; Ontario WES'FERN OFF ROAO ''RACING ASSOCIATION 19-125··-87:A.-Ave. , . ' ' · Surrey, Br_itish Columbia, . V3S 5X7 / Canada .(604) S76-6256 .May16~17. . Kamloops',' B:C. May J,1 Missioq, B.C . . - Jun~,,26-2~ : Sand Drags Only Mission; B.C. · · Augusfl6 Missi<;>n, 'B.C.' September 5-6 · Kamloops, B.C: Octo~r 10-11' .· Ashcroft, B.C . FIA W0RLD·RA.LLY . _CHAMPIONSHIP. May 7-10,.1987 Tour de: Corse Ajaccio,. Corsica,· May 30-June 4; 1987 AcropoHs Rally ·_ · Lagonissi, 'Greece. · June 25-29, 1987 Olympus Rally Olympia,. WA, USA July 11-14, 1987 New Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand August 2~9. 1987 · Argentine Rally · Buenos Aires, Argentina August 26-30, 1987 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finl.and September 22-26, 1987 · Ivory Coast Rally Yamoussoukro,_ Ivory Coast October 11-17,'1987 ., San Remo Rally San Reme, Italy .No~ember 22-26, •1987 RAC Rally England · ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your comi1ig events in DUSTY · TIMES free!. Send your 1.987 ,schedule as .soon as possible for listinR _in this coluv{n. Mail' your race or rally schedule · to: PUST¥ TIMES, 533 1 Derry Ave., Suiie 0, Agoura, CA 913oz. M O VI N G.? •·Please notify us four weeks BEFORE moving. , Pla·ce our address labe,I in'the space provided , . · ■ and pnnt your NEW address. DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave. Suite O . Agoura, CA 91301, • New· Address (Please Printl Moving ·oate ~~-----'--------,Name---~---------New Address City _____________ _ -·State ------ZiP------Dusty-Times
· The _ Losers I network -_ of - hsteh'ing' pit folk -Mlabcl." arid ~fter )osing' 50 abandoned i:heir d>wn chatter to mmutes· with a carburetor. send a message outlquickly_, to try change, and then hitting -a big !3Y. Judy Smith , to pinpoint the !@cation of the h(}le and ripping. apart .their I--· __ ...;;. ____ _,; ______ ..;.. ____ ;_ _____ ~--:--car; in .order to'send tnedical aid. huam bracket, tney were _Losers The-GreatMojave2~beamed there was a -big hoo-hah ahc)ut But,happily,thedrivercame_to', \i.'.ith c)nly two-bps Jon(·. Said more.than- its share of Lrniers, whether or not their truck was andwhathadhadthepotentialto Johnson, .,_Mabclwasahle ... tora since the time . allotted for legal, _which dragged'on for many be a serious emergency, became while." Jinishingtheracewasahouttwo days.Jn,fact,itwasstilldragging · onemorecaroutbftherace: '!Frank,Ar.ciero, Jr., ran very '. hours shorter than it should have on .at this writing. · _ " ~here's soi:n/h9r's_~pla_y on. i:he w&lrin Class.2 for a lap, and then been. Three classes ended -up Some Losers didn't need the rad19 from ttme to time, anq at b~l'oke a c.v. joint out near Check with no finishers at all, rare in a -short time , allowance · t<:) get this race·we heard bireport about 5 c)n lap two. And Steve Kelley shcirt race like that, and several themselves in trouble. Like Mike a "co-driver cdrhmitting an lohked great in Class 8, but he had many less than normaL ·Horner, (you all know him from unnatural act · Jl'th a --small hdd steering problems, and then Some examples ,:,f the victims the tv cOmmerci.al. He's the animal.'' ~here ~~s also some_ b,tioke· a "lower A:arm and w.as of the short time allowance were -_ follow who. drives·· himself· t<) local busmess on the -same -out. J 1m TeD1ple, runnmg his new Don Adams, arid co-J river Larry wo;k in his S-10 and then goes to channel and we heard midst the ca'r-in Class 2, -had a couple of Olsen: who had a problem with a race -the Baja.) Well, it'll he a reports' of broken C.V .S. and . tldts, but what. p_ut _him out Was, tic rod, and had also been losing - while before Mike driv_es to work blown motors,·a report of sewage _that his-fuel injection quit: Marty, oil. !twas enough trouble to lose in his S-10 -again. He. rolled ·it outage. _ l. . - _ _ L1tner1whc~ _drove the ft~st lap . time -for the· team, but not over. on the. fir.st lap,-and p~t In Class 10, as Jim Sttles lost and a half m Mark Hamilton s enough to stc)p them: In a race -himself 6ut of the running. And _ time when he ranbui: of, gas:,; the __ c:ar,-moved_over to the passtnge~ with' a generous ' time period then, t<) make maqersworse,one Hagle brbthersJodked ltke class seat when-•Mgrk took over the they'd have had a finish, hut here of his pit vehides \Vas involved in leaders for a seco~d; until th'eir d~iving, ~a~ty felt like a Leiser they _ did not~ _ Also, George a head-on collision with a drunk _ motor mounts pulled out: 1 It wren he discovered that the seat Gowland, who gfo in two laps in driver cin one c,t'the access roads, .seems they'd hit sdmething a tad ·-w;is wet. __ _- -possible, and . in. their- effrlrts, roJled the· car.-They got going again, hut thei:i blew ·their motor. -And Steve Kassanyi, SCOR E's Race Di rector, headed for home ('in 'Mirnday a'fternmm, in_ a , rented motorhome:Hc noticed a hot smell, and w_hen he checked thl'. temp gauge, it was pegged. When he pulled elver, he saw -smoke curling cmt frc,m under th~ hood. Luckily, he had · a c'oLiple of fire extinguishers, SC) he gonhem teady,and then cracked the hood, and poured on the chemicals. The entire _motor· compartment had been in flames; and the fire extinguishers served to slow it down, but not stop it. Steve was teduccd _-to sorabbling 'in die weeds to find dirt to-rhrow (-)n it .. He was sa·ved by a trucker who -called tne· local ·fire department,' and they gc_)t there · really> quickly, and tinished Class 1_4, and then did this third just after t,hc rnc<; tinisbed. No too hard on the first lap. Jack '!John VaJaqez a!'d Hector . lap, or tried to. Part way around, one ·was injured, but_it was more Ramsay, inClassJ:i2-1600, lost a · Garcia had completed ,tw~) laps, _ ,Perhaps the biggest Losers of : a Bronco rolled in frorit of hin)', aggravation that Mike surely c.v. just before tHe end of lap arid had to pit for some r¢pairs. ' a~l-werea\]._thosc peohle.out at and he -_stopped, to offer didn't need. . , . one,. and- also Jo~t;J'lis torsi_on They conferenced with sorpe of · tfie start/fm1sh area, w o had no putting out the flames: assistance. Gc)wland missed the Tom Koch also nad a . short' housmg at t_ he oute, r end, which thleir.•pit crew-and decided tp .go camper or ll)otor , home \\.·ith · b - - ·1 - h · h · I I · h · h bu1'l·t-1·n ·bathrooms. It. s_eems the cut-otf time y just minutes. d_ay, He was ate getti_ng to·._ is destroyed -his tors/on bar. Don out on t e1r ast ap, event t)ug . . Bi 11 Donahoe and Buddy first 'Pit, .ind they made some Rountree, who had 1a brand new i'(l1was late, in the mistaken b~liet , truck. full of port-a-potties for Renne broke their powe.r repairs and sent him on_ again. - water~cooled shoe~ system on th,at they'd be credited with every the start/finish -area got !()st on' steering on the first lap, and But he hadn't been out ten ,. h_is c_ hallenae_ car· ~or thi_s __ ra-i::e, additional ·check point that they its way out there, and none _ever d h If· 1 - h - · h'• h - - b r h ------ d- " · 1 Id · ( · r lk th ht ·arr1·v0ed· £or t-he co_mfort ot th_ e_ rove a a apwit out It, w 1c_ -,minutes, e,ore· t e pit'reporte, thinks they were .working 1·ust cou get to -_many 10 _ s _ oug ,, I h Cl 4 D d h ' - b k d h -h · h' - · h' ) S h h - d - cun· dreds •· 'of folks_ o __ n the isarea core in a. ass - b ge. tat Tom-was ac ,an ·tat is swell.Buthebrokeashock,up·at t ,esamet mg .. ot ey--c _arge n · h I , b - - d ]] b Wh h I d h - · t · t as "sidelines and in all those pits. They,too,gotin_treeaps, ut tr~~nten wasa•entup: · ·en the_topend,_and1hadaspare_ ~r _, opm~toge,_as ar,: . the last one-didn't count. he returned t<) the main pit, a shock, b_ut no nut1 to. fit ·it. He 1 __ ..• _ , ____ _ ·Mike Lcsle, who drives in .friend went tc) ask hi•m_what he'd · lost about two hours, because he ,-', ·. Class 7 4x4 these days·, had his broken. When he returned he broke so early thaHis pits hadri 't- ' I i i t J John Johnson prepped Coman-said, "It would've been easier to_ even been all set up ye-t, and it · che in the lead for a while, but ask him what wasn't broken." took a while toge~ the parts he then he' blew a seal out of the Seems Tom had done a bigend9, needed. Once he gohhatall fi~'ed • i , water p~mp. He flxed it, went 10. and had broken, not . ot:)ly the _ he . too~ off, · onlyj-rto· lose::the miles, and hrc)ke a shaft ih the front end, but the motor and bell- -ms1de tte rod end, aind he had no water 'pump, and the fan went housing as wel!· , __ , _ "' · spare this tiflle. j 1 _ _ _ - , into the radiator. Mike got that 1 om Martm s ~ar hadn t bee~ Steve Ferrato rnd _ [)enms. fixed tc)(), and went on, trying to racmg for ten mmutes before 1t Orcutt blew a transm1ss1on m get at !cast two laps, and blew broke, something in the_ fear ·-their 1-2-1600 car:, lon Jap three, another seal in his water pump. suspension, and was out for the-and· Jim Cocc)r~s lost his He limped in, finishing only two day, and Bob Stone, in the Class transmission on the first lap_. _loops. Lesle says he knew no one 6 Pacer, had blo~n his motor - while -running neari · the top of . in the class·wouldfinish, and that -before Check 1. Class 5, Richard Llewellyn, also · he told SCORE officials that : We had_ our borrowed Uniden in Class 'S, lost his ~rarisrnission none would finish. He was right. radio going again, arid listened to ·on .i:he'third lap. - I · · _ _ ' Jim Ccmner and Carl Jackson, many 'reports,· some of .which Danny 'Ashcraft and Jim. I -· - who may <)!' may not have won, -really entertained 'us_. We hear:d Houck hada lorig-lday_ in the'ir, Class 7 4x4, depending on how·a _ t~e Chec,k~r team atone of-~~e1_r <;::hallenge . c~t, _ brieakmg two _ dpenddindg dtedchnicaL1·<:Juestiofn_ 1is p1ht~ drad1omg to Db_ave .Khre1sler, front trading -arms, . They_ · .I eci e , i . two · aps in air y w b' jusi: gone y in is ~o -managed only two laps iri eight- -1. . SELL TO YOUR-CUSTOMERS PRESENT TO. YOUR-PREFERRED --CUSTOMERS -UJ».s. EVERY MONTH TO YOUR DOOR ----YOU PAY NO -SHIPPING CHARGES GET ALL THE-RACE AND ·RALLY NEWS easy style. and went()Ut to try for s~ter. They were trying_ to tell and-a-half hours.· 1, · .. a third: 'rhey thought it ' was hurt that he had a flat t~re, p~t _ -Cbuck Johnson i ancf Scott , + FflOM 1"E ·TOP OFF ROAD JOURNALISTS poss,ihle, and they _ had exactly Dave, hadn't turned on hts radio Douglas, who had teamed their . ,•. ·. . . . three hours, left. Jackson was yet .. We heard a report that c~r . efforts, and run wit~ one Ranger: ·1 driving, and he was really -555 had rolled and that tne one time and the other •the nex,t, - - Con.tad . determined. But, about two driver was unconscious. We. got tired o( referrih:µ t9,'. ••~y:" .. _-· DUSTY' TIMES ' miles het'orl' the finish lint:, he were impressed by how qui~k]y truck, or "your" I ~n;1ck, and ; __ , , __ broke a tie rnd. They ended up the , air was , cleared as Bob decided. that for enHancement of t _ 5331 Derry-Avenue, Suite 0 about 11 minutes over the time. Stinberger, the_ \X:eatherm~n, their team_ spirit, thh'd giye the 1 • · -Ag-oura, CA 91301 limit, whieh was probably just tned to get precise mformatton trucks nicknames!. . So· they . . what the tiernd cdstthetn.Then, about the location from the -christened· them IMabel and . (818) ~89-5600 to add w their disappointment, distraught passenger. The_ Gladys. This time t~ey ran· with ____ ....,...;.._-----------------, . l~~i Dusty Times · i ~iJf t1~;:4,· , ~~1:1r11,[) ~ ~~, I~_.. _.i% . ~~ M:f-:5~ ' e;.r;=-~ ' ~ W--~t~\~~ .. f ~'\~ i~, i)) ..,_ ' ,,@¾{~ , l ,) -I ! I
SCORE GREAT MOJAVE 150 . Rob MacCiichren Beats the Wind and Dust By Jean Calvii't for First Overall Honors Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises allowance was SHOR iENED from the 1986 ten houi-s to nine hours for the car classes. · On a more positive note, for the first time in history in Score races, the car classes started first. The various motorcycle and A TV classes began their. race about noon, with only two laps needed for an official finish and · six hours to cover the gr~und. While some drivers grumbled a bit about having to start the 15 mile parade from impound at five in the· morning for the six o'clock scheduled start, they forgot that the cars started at 6:30 a.m. last year. After a slight delay at the start, the first car was away about 6: 10 a.m., and it was sunny but a brisk and chilly wind kept the jackets on the bystanders. Class 2 started first, .probably because of their one through. t_hree overall. finish at the Pa'rker 400. As0usual we , will follow the race · in the order in which the classes started. Defending poi nts champion Bob Gordon zoomed off the line first in his Class 2 Chenowth, in . search of a hat trick of overall Rob MacCachren had problems with power steering belts and.brakes, but it didn't show as his Chenowth was first to finish, first in Class 1 and first overall on the tough, car breaking race course. · victories. In this 27 car field, however, were more than ·a dozen capable of spoiling Gordon's plans. Starting just JS seconds later, John Krugar and Vince Leone had · their Raceco humming and were the first team arou.nd on the dusty rugged , course. Krugar scored fast lap of the day at 1 :41.10 on the ·first lap, but he ~as n~t seen again. The Great Mojave 250 race · near Lucerne Valley, CA is now a fixture on the four desert race calendar from Score Internation-al. Each year it · has provided some surprises for the intrepid desert drivers, arid 1987 was no exception. For starters the March winds . stayed . over into early April, and high winds. and a . sudden rain storm shut down the huge contingency row a.n hour early on Friday. Once again the contingency row was moved to another locale, this time to a side street in the tiny town of Lucerne Valley, which would have been fine had not the wind . blown finish ·was well out in the dust, from the empty desert . boondocks, and the racers and behind the street, dusted the support crews , alike got lost folks and their products as if they trying to find the area on race were set up in the middle of the day, i'ts location did keep the race course. When the rains heavy dust fallout away from the came the racers simply bypassed local residents. The area soil is · contingency row and went akin .to southern Nevada with straight to tech and impound, a developing silt beds as the race few blocks down the highway. progresses, sand hills that For the first time in the history stopped a l9t of ca~s, and a of this race Score designed a true couple of dandy rock piles that three lap event with the start and · ate tires on the course. It was the finish line in the same spot. It • advertised at less than 85 miles a . certainly helped the logistics for lap, but was longer than that the pit c;rews as well as the according to those who ·pre-ran organizers. While . the start/ and measured the miles. . In-some ways the story of the Right in his dust came Frank 1987 Great Mojave 250 is not Arciero, Jr. and Mark Manley that of the winners, but of the With a 1 :42 .19 in another vast amount of losers created by Raceco, second overall here, but the rugged course and short time this entry also vanished into the allowance. Hosts of exJJt:rienced dust on the second lap. Gordon racers ran-out of gas, figuring on was . in third with a 1:43.02, onegasstopastheyhadlastyear, followed closely 'by Bob and .. this is more testimony Richey IT om Baker in a Raceco supporting the extra length of the at 1 :44 .09, and after a gap of course. Many car classes.had.few several minl!tes, the herd came • finishers and three classes had · along. none. The ,major reason for this Five two seaters failed on the situation . was that, despite 'the ·first lap, and, plus the two · extra length and the elimination mentioned, another ,four of some of the higher speed trails including Jim Temple and ,Ed · from the route, the_ time Herbst were gone on the second Doing the best ever in the Raceco, Bob Richey and Tom Baker moved up steadily to take the Class 2 Craig Watkins drove solo at the Lucerne race, barely stoppe,d for gas, and had no trouble with the victory and finish ·a nifty second overall. Raceco en route to .a three minute victory in Class 10. · Page 16 May -1987 Dusty Times
Mark Hamilton and Marty Letner· used enthusiasm and experi-ence to put 'their Raceco home a close second in Class 2 and third overall in the race. f3ack in action, Rolf Tibblin, with Doug Fraser.riding, was close.in third in ·cIass 2, qlose enough to (inish a fine fourth overall. Dave Kreisler and Curley Nobles had a good day in the super long Raceco, and they brought the hard to see car in fourth in the · Class 2 wars. D[ iving hard all the way Ivan Stewart not only brought the Toyota in' 2nd in Class 1, but the-"lron Man" is now leading in Clas~ 1 points. Nick· Nicholson and Mark Miller had few problems 1with the Outlaw, and the team finished a close third in Class 1; just six mil)utes qehind. Running· close all day, Jim Greenway and Ken Govers had to settle for a tight second place in Class 10, and sixth overall, in their Raceco. · program in his Toyota picku·p, not the best design for rhis extremely rough hunk of desert, ·Ivan Stewart sailed home second in Class 1 a half hour behind ¥acCachren. Renz and Clark 'fere out on the last lap after a any car class. · . Twenty-five started in Class 10, but-sixweregoneearlyonthe first lap. Also going for a hat trick of wins, Jim Stiles led the first lap in his Raceco, by ~ust over a minu.te over Rick and John Hagle, and Jerry Leighton had his Raceco a couple minutes more back in third. Neither the Hagle~ or Leighton covered an.other lap. After one round Craig Watkins was followed tightly by both Jim Bill and Mike Church kept their Raceco on track and charged ha-rd all day to end up third in the very competitive Class 10 competition. · Many carried a spare tire on the rough course, and it worked for Rex Keeling, who brought his Raceco jn a fine fourth in Class 10. /gooa run, and Nick Nicholson and Mark Miller took over third place at the flag. Arciero and Munyon lost almost an hour on . the final round, but held on to place fourth in class, followed by Mark McMillin, who ran out of gas, as many entrants did, on the second lap. Ten finished in Class li, one of the best finish ratios of . Greenway and Bill Church. In fact there was less than five minutes between the first six in Class i;r round. With a total time of 3:33.15, Gordon and his son. Rob who was now driving, took over the Class 2 and the overall lead. Richey and Bak~r moved up to second, about eight minutes back, and Brian Collins ahd Ken · Cox moved from sixth to third in their Chenowth on the middle · lap. Another minute back, youngster Mark Hamilton, with Marty Letrier co-driving his Raceco, wa's in fourth, . and several more were close on time. The Gordons losttheir trans in the rock pile on lap 3, putting an end to their effort for the day; and Collins/Cox also retired. Turning another swift 1:57 lap the team of Bob Rickey and Tom Baker got the big Class 2 victory · in the RCR Plumbing Raceco, and they were second O"'.erall as well. Despite losing a few minutes on the last lap, Mari< Hamilton and Marty Letner~ere solid in second in class, about 11 minutes back, and just as solid in third overall. Another six minutes back Rolf Tibblin brought the second Temple Raceco in third in ch1ss and fourth overall with Doug Fraser riding along. David Kreisler and Curley Nobles were fourth in class and tenth overall. After a long second lap with a broken stub axle, Corky McM illin and Brian Ewalt salvaged fifth place, andten Class 2s made the finish line. , . · Starting second slowed the Class 1 speeds initially, but Rob_ Dusty Times MacCachren passed a bunch of Class 2s to lead Class 1 on the first round with a 1 :48.06. Exactly two ~inures back Al Arciero and Rick Munyon were close in the Funco Hustler, and less than a·minute ahead of Mark McMilliri, Cheriowth. Bob Renz and Dick Clark weie just a few seconds back in fourth, a couple of minutes ahead oflvan Stewart, who had just seconds on Nick Nicholson in the Outlaw. It was a very tight run among the 15 starters. On lap 1 Tom Koch rolled his Raceco into a ball and· Dan Cornwell was also missing. Larry Noel had a quick lap, but was not seen again, and Ron Gardner turned up missing on the second round also. Out front Rob MacCachren was-tossing power steering belts off the Chenowth but he held the lead anyhow and was only 4½ minutes out of the overall lead after · two laps. · Arciero and Munyon heldste;idy in second in Class 1, about eight minutes back, and Renz/Clark were tight, only 39 seconds behind and ten minutes ahead of Ivan Stewart who had Nick Nicholson within two minutes of his tailpipe. Despite brake trouble, MacCachren barely slowed on the final round, and his Magnum was first around of any vehicle on the final lap. Rob won Class 1 handily and took first overall in the race with a total time of 5:29.17. Staying with the 3 & 4 Wheel ATV's G~ FASTER,· ... !CARRY LESS WEIGHT· You'll be faster off the line, through the bumps and off the jumps with our three new lightweight suspensi;on com-ponentsJ Our Pro-Lite Axles weigh _ dnly 12 lbs., I our ex'.. tended length Swing Arm weighs approximately the same as. an aluminum swing arm, and our new Fiber Rein-forced Aluminum Wheel Hubs & Spacers are the -lightest and strongest made! Less overall weight will mean fast~r 'hole shots', less unsprung weight · will allow your sus-pension to react faster ... get your performance edge from Dura ~ua . Cata.log & Price List $2.00 Axles• Swing Arms• Spacers• Hubs• Air Filters May 1987 Pa_ge 17 \.
Diving hard into a ditch, Russ Welch had good luck this round in his 0. R. E. and he finished a close 5th in the tight running Class 10. Stan Gilbert and Jim Venable came on strong on lap 3 in the keen looking Ford, and almost but not quite won Glass 8, taking as close a second as possible. Dave Shoppe had no troubles with his Ford, ran a good P.ace and was 3rd in Class 8 and has a good lead in the points standings in class. i;..-10 on lap 1. Stiles, who was one of those lost on the parade to the start, ran out of gas once, some said twice, on the second lap and lost an hdur. Turning an almost identical lap time to his first rou~d. Craig Watkins, going solq, _took over the Class IO lead, but not by much time. Jim Greenway was only 2½ minutes back in his Raceco and Bill and Mike Church moved into third. -Craig Watkins drove a most consistent i;r Walker Evans didn't put a wheel wrong in the Dodge, fought off the tough competition, led everi lap and won Class 8 by just over two seconds at the flag. Bob Scott and Mike Voyles ar e on a roll and they flew to their second Class 1-2-1600 victory in a row, this time beating 52 other cars, and they lead the points overall. ''='l=Cl for ordering info contact: vd' McKenzies Automo-tiv 12945 Sherman Way, North lfo1/ywood, CA 91605 (818) 764-64~8, (818) 765-5827 - , , .. , ., ·%• jfii/jk• Page 18 May~1987 Dusty nmcs
Walker Evans captures Class 7 honors in his big Dodge Ram. Tires: Goody~ar Wrangler radials. Spencer Low wins Class 7-S and the battle of the Mini-Metal pickups. Tires: Goodyear Wrangler radials. Jim Con~er takes his second Class 7-4x4 victory of the season~ Tires: Goodyear Wrangler radials. Goodyear Wrangler radials take a few good men t~ vktory at the Great Mojave 2~0. Approaching the outskirts of the U.S. Marine Corps training area and bombing range, the course of this year's Great Mojave 250 was tougher than it has ever been. The usual sharp rocks, jarring ruts and deep desert silt were accompanied by high, gusting winds. Which made visibility questionable\ even on the dry lakes, where drivers had to negotiate the large rotmd holes left over from Marine target\ practice.-. · It all made every tw~~t in the coursJ a turn for the worse. I , But Walker Evans, Spencer Low and Jim Conner had the mettle and . I the tires to take them to victory: Goodyear Wrangler radials. They're the tires engineered to take on the toughest terrain. The toughest " conditions. They're the tires we race. And the very same tires you buy. So no matter what kind of truck you own, get a set of Goodyear Wrangler radials. And get the grit to go proudly. And quickly. Wherever you want fo go. The quick way. • Subject to official . confirmation. 1 . '
Learning to like desert racing, Jim Fishback Jr. has a· truck bearing down here, but he got the Raceco in a good second in Class 1-2-1600. _ Flying the flag and advertising the Navy Reserve, Bob Utgard and Jeff Hibbard got their. Baja Bug around fast enough for second in Class 5. Lady Luck stayed with George Seeley, Jr. and Howard Anderson at this race, and, despite such whee/stands, they finished a good third in Class 5. !Jr' pace, with all three laps less than a minute apart. He drove not only to the Class 10 victory, but to a keen fifth overall on the race. His only trouble was fighting the headwinds on the dry lakes, and having to push his Fat Rabbit , engine too hard. Also turning three consistent lap times, Jim Greenway drove alone to a close second in class, sixth overall, just three minutes back at the flae. The Churchs, father and son, hauled home in third in · Class· IO in another Raceco. Rex Keeling drove yet another Raceco to fourth in class, and Russ Welch, in only his second time out in the O:R.E., nailed.a nifty fifth place. Unlucky Stiles, who had the fastest last lap in the class at 1 :55.04, was seventh behind Scott and Larry Dinovitz. The small but formidable group of ten Class 8 trucks was next to start, and only one failed Thornton and Associates, Inc. would like to wi ·ents the BEST 0 the MINT 4 * Mike Horner * Douglas Bros./ ck Johnson Racing * Hi-Tech Racin avid Kreisler Thornton and Associ 1871 O South Norman $uite C ena, California 90248 13) .327-0366 Page 20 to make a lap. It looked like a rerun of the Gold Coast on the first lap as Walker Evans, Dodge, and Steve Kelley, Chevrolet, ran nose to tail with Evans leading with a 1 :57 flat time, and Kelley recording a 1 :58.13. Hard luck might be Frank Vessels' middle name, as he was down for an hour on the firstlap in his Chevy. About three minutes behind. Kelley, Dave Shoppe had his Ford in a strong third, and just three minutes behind him came Stan Gilbert in Jim Venable's venerable looking Ford. Don McCormack had his Chevy close too, another four minutes back, and Steve McEachern, Chevy, was just three minutes behind him. All but two trucks finished two laps, and Walker Evans barely slowed for his gas stop midway, but Gilbert had a faster lap, a I :57 .20. Evans still led, but Gilbert moved into second, about six minutes back and just four minutes ahead of Shoppe. Kelley lost a little time, dropping to fourth, then disappeared on the final round. After two laps McCormack was fifth. Walker Evans lost more time on the third round, giving the finish line spectators a real photo finish · in Class 8. Evans had started 15 seconds ahead of Gilbert, and his wheels had barely stopped at the line when Stan pulled into sight and slid into a stcip. Walker Evans won the Class 8 honors and points by just 2.2 s1bconds, a slim margin over Giloert. Although both Evans ahd Gilbert initially thought !that Stan had the victory, more than one set of clocks agreed that Walker had thf .tiny edge. The pair were seventh and eighth overall. Dave Shoppe and Larry Maddox picked up the pace on ther;.., Steve Barlow was with the leaders all day in Class 1-2-1600, and finished third in the O.R.E., and he is now second in class points. Richard Llewellyn and Jerry Miller led the Class 5 contest for two laps, but mechanical woes put them out, still credited with fourth in class. Rich Fersch and Pat Todd favor two seat competition in the 1600 class, and they zoomed into fourth in the big bunch in their Star Fighter. Back in the 1600 battles, John Slagor'and Phil Bowers had the Raceco in the top five all day, and they finished fifth in Class 1-2-1600. John Cooley and Mark Fox did an extra 85 mile lap for insurance, and this team won Class 5 by a bunch of time and were a smart twentieth overall, 3 lap time. · May 1987 Dusty Times
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS 14th ANNUAL SCORE BAJA INTERNACIONAL JUNE 5, 6 & &, 1987 Ensenada, Baja California PRE-RUNNING: Course marked and open for pre-running May 1st. DRAWING FOR STARTING POSITIONS: Monday, May 18th. REGISTRATION, CONTINGENCY & TECH: Friday, June 5th, Starts at 10:30 a.m. RACE DAY: Saturday, June 6th, Start/Finish in Ensenada. AWARDS PARTY: Sunday, June 7th. FOR INFORMATION CALL: (818) 889-9216
Pete Sohren scored his best finish ever in his Mitsubishi, as he had no big down time-and drove to a fine 2nd place in Class 7S._ Darryl and Alan Cook ran out of gas and had other woes, broke right on the finish line, but got the finish and third in Class 5-1600. This is the system The new paint scheme worked for Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen as they scored third in Class 7S in the Toyota, their best finish ths season. ' Young Cameron Steele held a slim lead in Class 5-1600 for two laps, but trouble on the 3rd made him_ a DNF, but he was 4th anyhow. !:IP final lap too, qnd snagged third, about seven minutes out. Over an hour back Ddn · McCormack and Jeff Sanborn were fourth, followed by Frank Vessels whose only clean lap was the last one. Steve McEachern and Jeff Jieman were sixth and last in Class 8, which also had a good finish ratio. Michael Ganshorn and Dick Bower moved into second place in Class 5-1600 on the last lap, and they stayed there all the way to the finish line. Moving (nto second on the middle lap, defending points champs -Rick Johnson and Gary Watson got the Hi Jumper home second in Challenge Class. · the team held the class lead. Williams lost a bunch of time in the pits and Willy and Jerry Higman moved their Chenowth into second from sixth with a - run by most off road race winners TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME The never ending stream of 1-2-1600 race cars numbered 53 off the start, more than enough to make their year's quota of 48 in one race. The competition is fierce in this class with more than a couple dozen potential winners . of Bob Scott and Mike Voyles was wired for this one, c6mil}g off a win at the Gold Coast the month before. Scott did a 2:06.57 first lap for fast lap of the class to take a · slim lead over Morley and Mike Williams who did a 2:07.28. Steve and Don Barlow were next with a 2: 10.13, just seven seconds faster than · John Slagor / Phil Bowers; who . had a mere two seconds on Jim Fishback, Jr. It can't get much closer than that, especially with several more cars only two m0re minutes off the pace. -2: 10 lap, about five minutes back here. Another six minutes out, Fishback held third spot, about a minute ahead of Rick Frisby who had less than three minutes on Rich Eersch. The entire field slowed in the rough going, and . the Barlows dropped to sixth, another couple minutes down. DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE · -LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 _ (213) 234-901\., WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED, · in each field. However the team . Even with a driver change from -scott to Voyles on lap 2, Bob Scott and Mike Voyles had no troubles, no flats, and they led the huge Class 1 :2-1600 field !Ir. ---,-------On full song all day Spencer Low and Paul DeLang had no problems with their Nissan, led all the way in Class 7S, arid beat the winning 7 time by a bunch as well. It was a see-saw battle all day in Class 5-1600, but at the flag the Andy De Vercellys, father and son, took the victory by over seven full minutes. May 1987 Dusty nmes
. . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . ·~ .. . , . . . . .. . .'. . . ' . . . , . . : . .. . . ; - . . i -•' , . l ' i ---·-. . I I : , . ' , · Lincoll1 coJnty Nevada · .. · · ·& · .. , ' . . . . Silver.D_~st Racing M,oc. Presents. ~-I. . -~Vt - ' . ~~~ . ,,~~ ·... .· ".250" ,, .• , ~f,' '\~. DESERT BtMOUNTAlffl RACE . · JUNE-2oth 1987 6 -40 Mile Laps -, = 250 miles ENTRY FEE $250 . . . . . _ DRAWING.SATURDAY, -.· · JUNE .13 Sh·amrock Bar. . . . 50% PAYBACK• Sec:ond Race in Series Nevada 250, August 22 Pioche, Nevada , ' ::' .,1 I -Silver Dusi nacin , . ' . Associatlo I . Phon~: (702) 459-0317 ~~ · PO Box V 380 • las Vegas NV 89125 ,\ f - ( . . . ! . I
There was no doubt'this round that Rich Minga and Tom Ray were the fastest Challenger team, ahd It's getting tougher every race, but Rod Hall, Jim Fricker and the Dodge did it again, lgading all the way in Class 4 and winning by 1 B minutes. they won the 43 car class by a good margin, 12 minutes. · ~ from flag to flag, winning by mellow for stadium racing, over ten minutes; a huge margin · zipped across the line in second for the 1600s, and placing 15th place in his Raceco, with riine overall on a course that basically · minutes in hand over Steve demanded horsepower to Barlow, who moved back to .. survive. With two wins and a third. Frisby had troubles and third this year Bob Scott is the dropped to 12th, and Rich overall points leader-in the desert Fersch and Pat Todd came in series. fourth, just another 3½ minutes Jim Fishback, who said that back, with John Slagor and Phil the desert keeps him Bowers a mere five more minutes 00 00 00 []=) D CID rn DESERT LOCK OUTER 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8-1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP._.L..::.._,--,., Standard Lock Outer Red Anodize Constructed of all · Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength * At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing · * All parts are available separately *In stock-Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" 13" 8"-10" . UNLIMITED MIDGET MODIFIED MIDGET SPORT TRUCK MINI STOCK QUAD RACER BAJA BUG MODIFIED MIDGET ATV-WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEf1.P LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER . Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.9S 1 0" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CAL~ OR WRITE TO: 00 (]] 00 CPD (]J 00 0 0 0 3447 W. University · Fresno, CA 93722 . (209)275-5183 Page 24 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Two wins in a row went to the fancy Jeep CJ 7 of Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson, and they had no down time, had 11 minutes left when they won Class 3. Class 7 started out to be a three way battle, but at the flag· Roger Mears had his Nissan way out front, repeating his · victory from the month before in Nevada. · . . behind. Trouble on the last some listed for two laps actually Jim Cocores saw that hope round dropped the Higmans to did cover three, but were out of tjashed early on the first lap with sixth, followed by Art Peterson/ time. , trans trouble. The pack ran tight RogerMears,Jr.,PerryandJ.M. Showing the effects of the on lap 1, with Richard Coan, and Louis Farrar and these accelerated first half of the year Llewellyn/Jerry Miller grabbing guys were two or less minutes desert schedule, Class S was a slim lead with the class fast lap apart at the flag. Jn all 22 finished down to eleven starters. Another of 2:06.17. Right in their dust out of the 53 starters, although guy going for a hat trick of wiris, came John Cooley and Mark Fox Billy Bunch and Kevin Conlin are having a good year in the Sandwinder Midi Challenger, and they took a clean third . in the rough Mojave desert. May 1987 Michael Ward and Michael Free stayed close in the -Mag, and were the fourth and final finisher in the close running Challenger pontest. Dusty nmes
Class 14 was another group with not enough time for a finish, but Giti Gow/and did his three laps anyhow, overtime, but still won Class 14 honors in the Toyota. Just missing the time cut off, Jim Conner and Carl Jackson were first across the line in the Nissan, first on the second lap too, in Class 7 4x4. at 2:09.41, and this young team is one to watch in Class 5. Stan Parnell did a swift 2: 11.51 for third at this point, and the team of Bob Utgard/Jeff Hibbard, sporting U.S. Navy signs on their Bug, were fourth, eight minutes back. · The Llewellyn Bug held onto the lead through the middle lap, with just two "?inutes . over Cooley and Fox. Parnell dropped a bunch of time, and was out on the third lap. Moving into third were Utgard/ Hi~bard here, about 14 minutes out of second, and the hard luck guys at the Gold Coast, George Seelei and Howard Anderson, were another nine minutes back in fourth. The Llewellyn Bug vanished on the last lap, and John Cooley and Mark Fox barely slowed en route to victory. A funny sidelight~ John Dyck and Al Baker had no serious down time in the handsome Jeep Honcho, and they finished the course well, second in Class 4 action. Mark Hutchins and Gary Stewart kept their Bronco together to finish out of time, but still fast enoJgh to .take second place in Unknown trouble slowed the usually swift Ford Ranger of Manny Esquerra, and the Class 7 points leader had to be content with a second place. Class 3 for Ford. I ~r.,: \ /""A, ,.. __ _._ . I ~,W",,,""'1/ :--Ii ,. z w , ' '5J 't!IJ ~ , I --~\. YOKOHAMA/CENTERLINE PACKAGE ,,., YOKOHAMA OFF-ROAD TIRE SALE r.■04 :I,• I• :I•■ U.' I :ti WEEKEND WARRIOR FRONT ENO BEAMS ,-a • (:)0 R•tt#O WHEELS ,;- I ' • --: 1;.:., - l , I 0 i t '•~--[, .... . -. '<-, ·( , ..... .. .. % ;' I KIT SHIPPED Designed for the serious off-road racer. ,\-: . . VIA UPS Package includes two 7.00 x 15 Yokohama 7 CHENOWTH .CLASS 11 ROLL CAGE KIT front tires with tubes and two 33-10.50 x 15 Chenowth's popular class 11 roll cage kit Yokohama Super Digger rear tires CENTERLINE RACING WHEELS comes with extra guss~ts for greater mounted on two 15 x 3½ 5-lug Centerlines 15 x 3.5 - 5 lug, each . . S 97.95 strength and is notched to slip together (bubble-style inset) for the front. and your 15 x 4.75 - 5 lug. each . . . 00.95 Custom made from D.O.M. Steel. Available easier than ever. Features 1 ½" x .090" wall 7.00x 15 tube typ frnts, ea ....... $57.95 coice of 15 x 6 or 15 x 7 5-lug Centerlines for 15 x 5.75 - 5 lug. each . .. 104.95 5" or 6" wider ihan stock. Includes 4 torsion tubing for superb lightweight strengt'h. 33-10.50 x 15 Super Digger the rear. Hi-speed balanced-ready to 15 x 6 - 5 lug. each 106.95 adjusters. Adds 8'' of shock travel. Includes rear torsion support kit Welding tubeless rears, ea ....... ...... $79.95 install. 15 x 7 - 5 lug. each ...... ...... 109.95 Specify width when ordering .. . 1225.00 required. 7.00 x 15 tubes, ea ........... . . 12.115 Yokohama/Centerline pkg . ..... 1689.00 15 x 8 • 5 lug. each ... 1 t4.95 KYB Gas shocks for above, ea .... 19.115 #60600 Class 11 cage kit ....... $149.115 Tubes for Supr Dggrs. ea .... ... 12.115 Add for tubes in rear ..... 1 ...... 20.00 15 x 10 -1s Iug. each . . tt7.95 SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON:. I W /lltl-1/ /).ENOWTH l~,~~B.~$, ~ WEBER oEJ.:" V ~~YOKOHAMA Vea ~ l•:m .. oouo .. Wt4UiM\UJ .e 1 RA DE"'1.l.2R!o Carburetors -. D-1_, ~- I = , ·PERIUIA-COOL SWAY·A·WAY ~.-... -,.,,.,~ .. ·1 ' ' ' ' . / ' Car Custom . l High Per;tormanc,e & 5toclf VWParts I 915 W. Foothill Blvd., Azusa, Ca. 91702 WALK IN (818) 334-4951 PHONE ORDERS (818) 969-7967 ~usty Times May 1987 Page IS
Wesley and Garson Moser thought they finished in the Class 6 Ranchero, but they were-overtime, but _~aving led the second lap also, they won the class. Sliding past the big rocks on course, Mike Abbott and A.J. DeNunzio won Class 11 by a mere six minutes over the other four who started the tough course. r.. to their win is that, with The 7S race was for second no checkered flag at the finish plac~ with Chuck Johnson and control, and no obvious sigh out Scott Douglas holding that spot for the lost race impound area on lap 1, only 12 minutes behind (you ha to be there), and people Low. Paul and Dave Simon were waving him on, Fox was next, a slim half minute back. confused about the laps needed, Malcolm Vinje and Mark and carried on for a fourth Hansen were fourth, just ahead round. He finally realized he_ of Pete Sohren, while Mike didn't need to be on the course, Falkosky was next. Willie Valdez and stopped here and there to was well back with .water pump borrow gas, but couldn't get clear woes, and later had trans trouble. directions to get back to the After two laps Pete Sohren had starting area. So he followed the his Mitsubishi in second/lace, race course and completed a and Vinje/ Hansen ha the fourth lap. Toyota in third. Harold Bob Utgard and Jeff Hibbard Patty/ Eric Lane had their Ford in held position to take second, fourth, followed by Johnson/ about 22 minutes behind the Douglas, who had carburetor winners' three lap time. George. and front end down time. The Seeley and Howard Anderson clock ran out on most of these had no bad luck this trip and teams. Having only slight finished 18 minutes· later for troubles, Pete Sohren and David third. Two ~Jinishers Richard Nelson got the Mitsubishi home Llewellyn and Stan Parnell were· in second place, with about 32 fourth and fifth. minutes left on the time Looking strong here; John Swift and Curt LeDuc had troubles later with the Ford Ranger, but kept moving to take second place in Class 7 4x4. --~·nother finisher, but overtime, was '55 Chevy of Larry Schwacofer and Tom Bock, scored just 17 minutes back on the two lap score, and second in Class 6. Class 7S was next on the line, ~llowanc:e. Malcolm Vinje and 20 strong, but the nine hour time Mark Hansen got their best finish limit was too short for all but this year, third, coming in with .three _Qf them. Ou.!__ front early less than 12 minu.tes left on the and to stay was Spencer Low, clock. Listed from fourth on with Paul Delang riding in the down, the trucks of Harold Ni~o. Low's first lap was done Patty, Chuck Johnson, Steve iu.2_:15.34,andwhilehesloweda Luport, Willie Valdez and Paul bit on the other two laps, he led Simon also finished the course, all the way with no big troubles, · overtime, but many were less and he won by over an hour. In than half an hour in arrears. fact his total time was a full 16 · A goodly gang of22 took off in minutes faster than that of Roger Class 5-1600, but the nasty Mears' winning time in Class 7, course took out seven on the first for modified mini trucks. lap. Cameron Steele, with Mike Driving a Beetle borrowed from co-driver Victor Preciado, Class 11 poirrts leader Ramon Castro finished a very close second on the rugged course. Gorky McMillin and Brian Ewalt came back from serious down time to finish strong in fifth place in the tough Class 2 competition. • Harding riding along, took the early lea.d with fast class lap of 2:33.18, and Cameron planned to drive all the way on the tough race. Darryl and Alan Cook were .just five minutes back in second, and only a minute ahead of Robert Whitted, who l.!nfortu-·SCORE · H.D.R.A. HELICOPTER • Look For Balloon. • Racers-~ Spectators. • Pit Rides -$20.00 Per Person. • Located Near Start-Finish Line. PRE-RUNS • Full Course Pre-Run -$200.00 Per Hour. • Capacity - 3 Riders, Max. 2 Riders Min. • Looking For That Sponsor! Give Them A Bird's Eye View. • Take Up The Owner., Sponsor, Driver, Rider, Pit Crew, Mechanic, Girl Friend, Mom, Dad, And The Kids. RIDES • If You're Broken Down In An Inaccessible Area, And Are "OUT OF THE RACE", We Can Fly In Most Parts And Mechanics. - · · • Book Flights In Advance -Date And Time. -• Advance Reservations Call 602-952-1082 -Ask For Jim. WE WILL BE AT THE MINT 40-0 RACE Page 26 May 1987 nately was out of action on the second lap. In fourth were Randy and Rick Wilson, ariother four minutes down, and most•of the class was close behind. Seven more 5-1600s failed on the middle lap. Up front Cameron Steele continued to _lead, now holding a skinny margin of just 40 seconds over-the Andy DeVerc:ellys, father and son. The Wilsons lost an hour, then finished overtime. Starting the last round, Michael Ganshom was third, about six minutes down, and the Cooks dropped well back but held fourth, after 'running out of gas twice and having serious clutch trouble on the second lap. Steele reportedly ran out of gas on the final lap, and whatever did happen, itcosthim the race.He is listed in fourth, overtime on the last lap. Out front with three very consistent lap times, the Andy DeVercellys zipped in to the win with a total time of eight hours _ flat to take the first victory this year for the Coronado Racing Team. Only seven minutes back, Michael Ganshorn and Dick · Bower were a strong second, about 40 minutes ahead of the Cook brothers, the final class finishers in third with just one minute, nine seconds left on the Dusty Times
Al Arciero and Rick Munyon ran 2nd in Class 1 in the Funco for two laps, but trouble on· the 3rd dropped the team down to 4th. Scott and Larry Dinovitz had a gobdday in the fierce infighting in The early leader in Class 10, looking for a third win, Jim Stiles ran Class 10, and they took a fine sixth in class at the checkered flag. out of gas, and his Raceco ended up finishing seventh. I I · nine hour time allowance. The Cook's. trans had been clunking ominously for the last 20 miles, and the ring & pinion let go as they stopped at the finish line. They had to be pushed to the impound. Other finishers, but overtime, included the · Wilsons, whose long second lap cost them a finish. For unknown reasons the huge, 43 car Challenge Class started . ahead of most of the truck classes, but they were ready. In the rough cross grain, deep sand and silt, and nasty rock gardens, and with the suspension and power limitations in the rules, this class truly suffered from the short time. It was tight up front on the first lap as Larry and Karla Martin recorded a time of 2:31.J4, Buddy Rivers did a 2:34.20, and Rich Minga was just 35 seconds behind him. Rich Richardson, who retired shortly, was fourth with a 2:43.00. This field strung out fast with only about eight more managing a first lap under three hours, andaU but four made at least one. lap. On paper on the second round Larry Martin led with a 2:07.7 lap, equal to fast time in Classes 5 and 1,2,1600! But, that problem was left until later. Listed in · second was Rich Minga, with 5:23.20 total time, about 20 minutes ahead of Rick Johnson/ Gary Watson, the defending points champs. Rivers dropped to fourth, followed in a couple of minutes by Jon Kennedy II, and a bunch more were still close, hovering on the six hour mark and game to try for a third lap. But, only four really made it within nine hours, although a dozen more came through the finish before scoring shut down. Taking the lead on the final round for sure was Rich Minga with Tom Ray riding in the Chenowth Magnum. Minga finished in 8: 13 .08, a good 15 minutes ahead of the second placing Hi Jumper of Rich Johnson and Gary Watson at 8:28.28. Originallylisted in third at 8:34.42, Larry Martin later received an hour and 13 minute time penalty for missing Checkpoint 4 on the second lap,· instead oflosing the lap as is done in other multiple lap races. Despite then having a total time well over , the time limit, · and slower. than several others that finished overtime, Martin was eventually put in fifth place! Billy Bunch and Kevin Conlin got the Sandwinder Midi home third at 8:42.41. Mike Ward and Mike Free were the last under nine Dusty Jimes hours Challenger finishers in Class 4 is close Ito making the ! t the Mint 400, started but their T ,Mag at 8:47 .06, good for endangered specifs list. Helping ·c!lidn't go far in Spence Low'_s fourth place. to swell the Luc:erne entry to pre,runner. . and the Dodge led all three laps by a husky margin, and finished easily in 7:15.09foranotherwin. Back in the Class 4 Jeep, John Randall r;llr Just making the quota of an eight starters, Jlack Johnson, I It. was the familiar story in average of six entries per race, wnose Class 4 Nissan will debut Class 4. Rod Hall, Jim Fricker - · I I Put the t~ash can w~rlc for you ... to TOLL-FREE ordering and.technical information call: National California (800) 554-3533 (8,00) 231-9137 I May 19~7 They called it the "TRASH CAN'.' Maybe with tongue in cheek at first. But it only took one season and the drag racing elite began dropping their oil filter systems like hot pancakes- and started "spinning on" our "trash cans" any-way. It's not hard to see why either. They are stronger than any other spin on type. Plus the added value and conven-ience of the tattle-tale cap and washable stainless steel mesh screens make our filters clearly the most well designed competition type filter available. For credibility-we're talking major racers like Don Garlits, Gary Ormsby, Dick LaHaie, Roland Leong, Tom McEwen, Dale Pulde, Super Gas leader Sheldon Gecker and literally thousands of others who have helped us earn bragging rights for the filters that look like a "trash can~ An $80.00 oil filter is obviously not for everyone-only the serious racer or street rodder with expensive equipme_nt to protect. If that's your kind of customer SYSTEM 1 ~TRASH CANS" belong in your inventory today. · 1822A E. Main St., Visalia, CA 93291 Page 17
Willy and Jerry Higman had their Chenowth as high as second in Class 1-2-1600, but last lap trouble dropped them to sixth at the finish. Art Peterson and RogerMears, Jr. had a series of troubles in the ORG_, but they kept moving to finish well, seventh at the flag. Don McCormack and Jeff Sanborn had the snappy rooking Chevy in close for a time, but they finished fourth in the Buddy Rivers and Bill Evenson looked strong here in the Challenger T-Mag, but they were another team caught in the time warp problem. Class 8 battle, _ _ _ · ~ . . was out early, as was Edward Castro in a Mitsubishi. Running second all the way with three very copsist~nt laps, John Dyck and Al Baker took second place honors in their Jeep, about 48 minutes behind Hall. While both Ed Martensen, third in a Jeep, and Bill Donahoe, fourth in a-Dodge, did three laps they were both overtime. Tom Strong was fifth in his Chevy after two laps completed. · Class 3 is now . on the endangered species list, with a · total of 17 entries _in the first three 1987 races, one under the quota. There were five on the line at Lucerne. This turned out to be another no contest run, as Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson drove the Conejo Off Road Jeep CJ 7 , with no trouble, not so _f!1U_c_h as a· flat, and went swiftly to the victory. Their time was 8:49.03, with less than 11 minutes left on the time limit, so naturally nobody else was an official finisher. Mark Hutchins and Gary Stewart stayed close, the Bronco only 20 minutes back on the first lap. They dropped a little time on the middle round, but their two lap time was quick enough for second place. It wasn't a good day for Don Adams and -Larry Olsen in the Jeep Cherokee, who got in two official_laps for third in class. Another class facing extinc-tion is 7, with just 15 total entries to date in three races, and five started at Lucerne. It was Roger Mears' turn to have good luck, and he whipped off a 2:04.26 first lap to take a 21 minute lead in the Nissan. Larry Ragland had his Chevy S-10 second, but with only 11 seconds in hand on Manny Esquerra, Ford. How-ever, Ragland had a four hour second lap and finished overtime on the third, good for third place ahead of Russ Jones, Ford. . On the , second lap Esquerra did a 2:15 to Mears' 2:24, but Roger still held the edge on total time by 12 minutes. Both trucks slowed considerably on the third round, but Mears still had the faster time and won Class 7 handily for Nissan. Manny Esquerra got home well under the time limit at 8:04.56 for full second place points. Definitely headed for oblivion is Class 14, with just three starters. The year to date total entry is just nine, half the three race quota. There was a real race going on thefirstlap, however, as Giti Gowland in his Toyota had just five minutes over Carl Cook in the modified, Olds powered Jeep. David Bryan, with a 5-1/2 hour lap, went no farther, It was still a close race on the middle lap, used for scoring, as Gowland was still out front, now by just under 12 minutes over Cook. Both rigs ran out of time, but did finish the third lap with Gowland still in front on the trail. Running close to the wire on numbers, Class,7 4x4 had a total entry in three races of 19. The required six showed up at the Great Mojave 250, and thisclass might _survive, unless_ th~ second half of the year, with no close at hand events, might lower the entry. ' . Off the line the Jeep Comanche · of Mike Lesle and John Johnson looked strong with a 2:39 lap and a 20 minute lead over Jim Conner and Carl Jackson in the Nissan. Just another four minutes back John Swift . and Curt LeDuc were running a close third in the Ford Ranger, 42 minutes ahead of Mike Randall and Bob Bower in a Jeep. Michael Horner rolled out of the race in his Chevy, and Jerry · McDonald had a seven hour plus lap in his S-10. Sirycere Thanks to All for Your Participation and Support. We could not race without your help; Barbary Coast Hotel & Casino Yokohama Tire Corp. Sway-A-Way Corp. JaMar Performance Curnutt Shocks Chenowth Race Cars Valley Performance and all our terrific pit personnel Page 28 -Rob MacCachren May 1987 The' scene shifted a good deal Swift was lying second at seven on the second lap. The LesleJeep hours flat, and Randall was just lost not one but two water four minutes behind him, while pumps, took over five hours to Lesle's total time was 7:42.35. get l\rotind, and did not try for a The Conner Nissan did cover third lap, parking instead,, another lap, as did the other two, perhaps out of water: pumps. but Conner, in front, came in Meanwhile Conner and Jackson about 12 minutes over the time were less than a minute slower on limit. So the finish order stood lap 2 for a total time ofS:59.21, with the Nissan winning, and with three hours left for a followed by Swift's Ford and lap, they went for the thitd. Now Ran:dall 's Jeep. The results of this 1987 SCORE GREAT MOJAVE 250 April 4, 1987 - Results POS. CAR# ORIVER(S) VEHICLE TIME CLASS 1 -UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -15 START -10 FINISH 1. 104 Rob MacCachren (solo) Chenowth Magnum 5:29.17 2. 103 Ivan Stewart (solo) Toyota Pickup 6:01.36 3. 109 Nick Nicholson/Mark Miller Outlaw. · 6:07.13 4. 101 Albert Arciero/Rick Munyon Fuoco Hustler 6:34.55 5. 100 Mark McMillin (solo) Chenowth/Porsche 6:57.52 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -27 START -10 FINISH 203 Bob Richey/Tom Baker Raceco 5:38.36 213 Mark Hamilton/Marty Leiner Raceco 5:49.35 223 Rolf Tibblin/Doug Fraser Raceco 5:55.49 298 David Kreisler /Curley Nobles Raceco PU 6:04.46 218 Corky & Scott McMillin .Chenowth/Porsche 6:43.58 POS: 0/ A 1 9 11 16 25 2 3 4 ' 10 21 CLASS 1-2-1600 -1600cc RESTRICTED ENGINE -53 START-22 FINISH 1. 1603 Bob Scott/Mike Voyles Homebuilt · 6:31.45 2. 1626 Jim Fishback Jr./Regie Dunlap Raceco 6:42.15 3. 1623 Steve & Don Barlow O.R.E. 6:51.14 4. 1642 Rich Fersch/Pat Todd Star Fighter 6:54.43 5. 161'3 John Slagor /Phil Bowers Race co 7:00.13 CLASS 3 -SHORT WB 4x4 - 5 START - 1 FINISH 15 19 22 24 26 1. 301 Mike Schwillinger /Les Erickson Jeep CJ 7 8:49.08 73 2. 303 Mark Hutchins/Gary Stewart Ford Bronco 6:30.29 (2 laps) CLASS 4 -LONG WB 4x4 - 8 START - 2 FINISH 1. 400 Rodney Hall/Jim Fricker Dodge W150 7:15.09 2. 401 John Dyck/Al Baker Jeep Honcho. 8:03.35 3. 406 Ed Martensen/Richard Roberts Jeep Honcho 6:16.03 CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -11 START - 3 FINISH 1. 510 John Cooley/Mark Fox Baja Bug 6:43.09 2. -514 Bob Utgard/Jeff Hibbard Baja Bug 7:05.18 George Seeley/Howard Anderson Baja Bug 7:23.43 Richard Uewellyn/Jerry Miller Baja Bug 4:21.24 3, 505 4. 512 CLASS 5-1600 -1600cc BAJA BUG -22 START - 3 FINISH 1. 2. 3, 4, 564 Andy L & Andy R. DeVercelly · Baja Bug 8:00.36 559 Michael Ganshorn/Dick Bower Baja Bug 8:07.55 560 Darryl & Alan Cook Baja Bug 8:58. 51 594 Cameron_ Steele/Mike Harding Baja Bug 5:21.06 CLASS ,6 -PRODUCTION SEDAN - 7 START - 0 FINISH 36 58 (2 laps) 20 29 43 (2 laps) 57 62 76 (2 laps) 1. 617 Wesley & Garson Moser Ford Ranchero 5:51.38 (2 laps) 2. 600 Larry Schwacofer/Tom Bock ·55 Chevrolet 6:08.20 (·2 laps) CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICKUP - 5 START - 2 FINISH 1. 701 Roger Mears/Tony Alvarez Nissan 7:36.39 49 2. 700 Manny Esquerra/ Jack-Martin Ford Ranger 8:04. 56 60 3. 702 Larry Ragland/David Beck Chevy S-10 6:26.51 (2 laps) 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5, 1. 2. 3. 4, CLASS 7S -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP -20 START - 3 FINISH 720 Spencer Low/Paul Delang Nissan 7:20.26 722 Pete Sohren Mitsubishi . 8:28.34 748 Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Toyota 8:47.18 733 Harold Patty/Eric Lane Ford Ranger 6:02.56 CLASS 7 4x4 -STOCK MINI-MIDI 4x4 - 6 START - D FINISH 751 Jim ·conner/Carl Jackson Nissan 5:59.21 769 John Swift/Curt LeOuc Ford Ranger 7:00.37 754 Mike Randall/Bob Bower Jeep 7:04.02 CLASS 8 - 2 WD STANDARD PICKUP -10 START - 6 FINISH 800 Walker Evans/Randy Anderson Dodge · 6:00.59, 801 Jim Venable/Stan Gilbert F.ord 6:01.01 804 · Dave Shoppe/Larry-Maddox Ford 6:07.59 803 Don McCormack/ Jeff Sanborn GMC 7: 14.12 806 Frank Vessels/George Robbins Chevrolet 7:25.26 CLASS CHALLENGE -RESTRICTED BUGGY -43 START - 4 FINISH 989 Rich Ming a/Tom Ray Chenowth Magnum 8: i 3.08 900 Rick Johnson/Gary Watson Hi Jumper 8:28.28 994 Billy Bunch/Kevin Conlin Sandwinder Midi 8:42.41 9~3 Michael Ward/Micha.el Free T-Mag 8:47.06 CLASS 10 -UNLIMITED 1650cc -25 START -10 FINISH 1. 1007 Craig Watkins (solo) Raceco 5:56.26 2. 1005 Jim Greenway/Ken Govers Raceco 5:59.28 3. 1019 Bill & Michael Church Race co 6: 15. 51 4. 1097 Rex Keeling Raceco 6:29.06 5 . ., 1099 Russell Welch (solo) D.R.E. 6:37.52 40 66 72 (2 laps) (2 laps) 12 laps) 12 laps) ' 7 8 12 34_ 45 63 65 69 71 5 6 13 14 17 CLASS 11 -STOCK VW SEDAN - 5 START - 2 FINISH (2 laps required) 1. 1101 MikeAbbott/A.J.DeNunzio VWBeetle 8:10.11 2. 1100 Ramon Castro/Victor Preciado VW Beetle 8:16.55 CLASS 14 -UNLIMITED 4x4 '-3 START - 0 FINISH 1. 1499 Giti Gowland/Michael Rorick Toyota SR 5 6:22.49 (2 laps) ·2. 1498 Carl Cook/Larry Crane CJ 2-0lds RE 6:34.25 (2 laps) Starters -Cars -265 -Finishers 76 (3 laps) 2 (2 laps) = 78 -29.4% Race Distance - 3 laps -255 miles -Time Allowance - 9 hours Fast Time Overall -Rob MacCachren -Class 1 Chenowth -5:29.17. Motorcycle Division -Starters -78 -Finishers -48 {Most Classes 2 laps ot 85 miles cpurse, some classes required just one lap) Dusty Times
Doing well all day John Kennedy II and Ed Deering were also "close but no cigar" in their Raceco, over the time limit in Challenger Class. Ed Martenson and Richard f!obe'lts had a gbod !un in tpeir Class: 4 Jee~ Honcho, did three laps, or rtime, and were thirtl in class. The. racer is an older model special, but Carl Cook and Larry· Crane held it together and finished second in Class 14 on the clocks. . · The snappy paint job on the Ford Ranger didn't quite work for Harold Patty and Eric Lane, fourth, first DNF in Class 7$ · competition. Mike Randall and Bob Bower ha~e a 7. 4x4 Jeep Comanche.this Larry am;J Karla Martin had bad times, a broken front enrJ on year, but time ran out and they were 3rd t,y just over 3 minutes. course, and more trouble after the race, but were scored fifth in :I 1 Challenger Class. class have been held up due to a Castro led the first lap ~ith a -So many fell victirll to dry tanks, finishers and a pair of two lap "technical problem" according 3:50.37, al!d held a considerable figll!:i~<?n the saMe fuel as last · ~inishers, is due partly to the to Score officials. If there is any lead of 29 minutes over Mike year. The high attr1ition rate, 265 · rough · course., and more to the change in the results by press Abbott an_d A.J. DeNunzio; An starters in cars, 176 three lap short time allowa.nce. With the time, look for the results in Trail hour behmd the leader, Jose Notes. Aguila got in one lap, as did both · serious problems wrought by the time limit, we are sure Score will extend the time allowed next year as well. Seven Class 6 sedans started Chris Fraser and Earle Howard. out bravely into the already - Castro lost half an hour on the chewed up course, -but three second lap, and that was the race. retired without doing a lap. This Abbott and company did a 3:50 class is holding its own . on second lap'to take the lead and numbers so far, with an even 18 the victory over Castro by over , for the 1987 .total entry. Coming six minutes. There was some back from · near disaster at . the hassle in post race tech over Gold Coast, Wesley and Gatson hardware on the Abbott Beetle, · Moser had the Ford Ranchero but the car was ruled legal, even tidied up and in primer paint, with a non-stock. sunroof and they took the first lap lead arrangement. _ with a 3:01.15 time. However, The bike classes wer.e fairly -the tough . old Chevy of Larry thin, as many of the faithful did Schwacofer and Tom Bock was not like the idea of a noon start, close, just over seven minutes heading off into the heavy dust . back and about 43 minutes ahead with 70 or 80 cars still running of Arne Gunnarsson and John competitively on the course. A Johnstone III, who had a real total of 78 started in 12 classes, uphill struggle in the aged Saab and only 48 finished, although 96. Dale and Randy Jordon got not all classes had to do two laps. their Nissan 710 around for one At this point the bike classes 6:56 lap and.retired. magic number is 12 total entry, The Masers picked up another and, five of them are under that nine minutes on Schwacofer on number and · on the way to ·the second lap, increasing their extinction. lead to 17 minutes, and, with Fast two wheel time went to over three hours left, they went Dan Smith at3:37 .03. Doug Roll for the · thi_i:4 J~ as did at 4:39.23 had fast time in the Schwacofer. We saw th'em both Quad competition, and Alan Fox firiish the course, both overtime, got fast time in 3 Wheeler racing about 15 minutes apart with the with 4:40.20. We hope we are Mosets in front and not many reading from the final results, as minutes over the time limit. But, there was some question about only two laps counted so Wesley . · some bike classes as well. The and Garson Moser won Class 6 . course was really awful by the . over Larry Schwacofer. Arne time the riders got going, and we Gunnarsson did his two laps in. do admire their gutsy attitude in 8:15.13, quite a feat considering tackling a rugged and dusty the rough course. course and the car traffic at the About the only sane thing same time. concerning the. nine hour time Despite the problems at this -allowance at the Great Mojave event, most competitors enjoyed 250 is that the five Class 11 cars _ the Great Mojave 250. It came only had to cover cy,,o laps for an complete with choking dust, official finish. This class is rocks. and ditches, and the odd another that looks in danger of ambiance of the tiny town of being dr~pped in 1988, with · Lucerne Valley, whose residents -only 14 total entries to date, bllt _accept the traffic jams for the ~lass 1 ~ usually has a good field business bonanza·the race brings m Mexico, and two races there to them. No doubt next year the are yet to happen. racers will be better prepared for Driving with Victor Preciado the longer and slower course, and .in the latter's Beetle, Ramon br!ng more gas or gas more clten. Dusty Times WE MANUFACTL!RE:FUEL SYSTEMS FOR COMPETITION RACING OVAL TRACK, OFF-ROAD,· RACE BOATS FUEL TANKS: All sizes for all fuels. _ · 1FUEL BLAD~ERS: Gasoline or Alcohol/ Methanol . . k . Stock sizes or to your print. AF-FOAM, Pl.A TES, FILLER CAPS, CHECK VALVES I . USAC, 1SCCA, S,CORE/HDRA APPROVED Winner of the '1986 CNA Award for.Safety in Racing. FBI Fuel Systems {213) 542~3835 I. May 1987. Page 29' ..
·Y:okohama 6·50 Club Report . \ ' 7 . The second round in the 1987 goihg well in his Raceco, in fifth · the overall for car classes at 29.8 Yo~ohama 6-50 Club points after the.first lap, but he crashed percent. The route was longer series was · a dandy rain swept later and did not finish. Bill - and far rougher than in previous · event, the Gold Coast··3oo·in - Church was running strong on years,andthetimeallowancehad Nevada. The HORA designed a the first round too, but a long been shortened by an hour, 125 mile lap, and as is common second lap · dropped him to creating a -lot of DNFs. In Class 1 with longer routes, the 6-50 eighth at the flag. It was an even Frank Snook, with Eric Arras co-dubbers -did very well, using split in Class 1-2-1600 as Bert driving, got the Raceco home in experience to survive the rigors Vaughan and· Ken Fry came in ninth spot, but Bob Renz· and of the weather on the southern 24th in the 38 car class with a Dick Clark, after two swift laps, Nevada desert. The viejos scored finish, but, Robert Westfall, Sr. · failed to finish · the third and second place in both Class 1, got in just orie lap. . . ended up eleventh. ,. ~ ·' Gregg Symonds, and Class ·2, In Class 5.:1600 Andy · Class2wasthebiggieforthe6-. Danny Letner, and Jim Venable DeVercelly• and his son finished 50 boys with eight starters and grabbed third in Class 8 with well in ninth place. But, in Class four finishers out of the 27 car fellow 6-50 driver Stan Gilbert 7S Andy Felix and Terry Lottes rack. Corky McMillin did very co-driving the neat Ford. . failed to record a. lap in their well, taking fifth spot, with·Beny A total of 17 over 50 years of Maroa. It was the same story in Ganela right behind him in sixth age drivers started the Gold Class 3 as Gale Pike and Steve in Class 2,. and L.en Newman · Coast race, and eight of them Hummel vanished on the first bagged seventh in the class. The finished,-a 47 percent ratio. Of round. . Candy Cane Raceco of Walter the four that started in Class 1- · In the Yokohama 6-50 points , Prince took a fine tenth, the last only Symonds made the two chase, after two events, Danny , finisher in Class 2. Going very laps. Ray Bates got in one lap for Letner had a commanding lead fast for-two laps, Danny Letner ninth, while neither Bob with 115 points. However,Gregg was in the top five when he Renz/Dick Clark , or Frank Symonds was closing fast with 79 retired on lap 3, in 13th on the Snook/ Eric Arras made a lap in points, and Bill Church held 67. results. Ray Tirheimer was 15th Class 1. · · Frank Snook was thfrd with. 50 with two laps in, while Jim There were five more veterans points, Jim Venable was close Temple got in just one lap, as did in Class 2 and· three finishers. with 48, followed by Andy Wayne R. Morgan. Not far behind Letner, Len DeVercelly with 42 points.. The pair in Class 1-2-1600 Newman and Michael Gaughan The next stop on the 6-50 took a split with Dave Fessenden took sixth in the 19 car class, and series was Score's"Great Mojave finishing well in tenth ~pot i_n the Walter Prince Candy Caned his 250. The wind blew seriously 53 car class that saw 22 finishers. way to an eighth placefinish:Not race day, 24 6-50 drivers started, Sad to say, Jirn Van Cleave did completing a lap were both Jim and justninemadethefinish line. .not cover the first lap. In Class 5 Temple and Ray Tirheimer. Still, the 37.5 percel)tfinish ratio 1986 overall 6-50 points champ , In Cl.?ss 10 Jack. Irvine was for the viejos was far better than. :Stan Parnell had a good first lap, PRESENTS .. trouble on the second and did · are 40 drivers on the roster. not finish the third round. One third of the way through The best job of all for the 6-50. the 1987 season the 6-50 Club club was the Class 5-1600 has a ·new leader, Bill Church victory scored _ by Andy with 121 points. However, DeVercelly and. his son Andy, Danny Letrier is right there, one besting the closest Bug in the 22 point'behind with 120. Closin_g car field by over seven minutes. in faSt is Andy Devercelly with In Class 7S Andy Felix had some 113 points,· and Jim Venable/ serious troubles and ran out of Stan Gilbert are not that far back time, a common problem at this with 96 points. Gregg ,Symonds, • race, and got in just two laps. In who sat out the_ Lucerne race, is Class 8 the 6-50 duo of Jim next with 79: Len Newman is Venable and Stan Gilbert· gave close with 7 4points, followed by the winner a real chase, finishing Frank Snook at 64, Corky second,just 2.2 seconds behind. McMillin · at 50, and Walter But, Ken Conrad did not cover a Prince at 48. Bob Renz is tenth · lap in Class 8. . with 43 points with Dave -·There were six 6-50 drivers in Fessenden and Beny Cariela just one point each further down. Challenge Class, but of the 43 The six events to. go on the starters only a few finished, the Yokohama 6-50 1987 schedule nine hour time allowance being are the Mint 400, Baja too short for any trouble at all in Internacional, Fireworks 250, the low horsepower class. With Snore 250, Colorado 300 and two laps done, Ed and' Hugh the season ending Baja 1000. McLean were 12th, Dave There is nothing to join or du~s Girdner and Roy Perfect were to pay to be in the 6-50 Club.Just 16th, Bill Ensley and Jim Hares , list your age at 50 years or older were 19th, and Richard D. Ford ,as the driver of record in ariy of was 21st. Getting in one lap each the races listed arid, if_ we can get were Herman DeNunzio ' and the full entrf list, you become an Jerry Manley. In Class 10 the 6-instant 6-50, Club member. 50 Club had another money s d · bl h d winner as Bill Church and son tan tngs are pu is e periodically in DUSTY TIMES, Michael took a keen third place Score News- and Snore Race in the tight running, 25 car field. Ruts. If you are eligible and think Remember gang; only the best you are missing out, contact the six finishes out of nine races points keeper, Jean Calvin, at count for, 6-50 points, and in 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, 1987 only three races, Parker, Agoura, CA 91301. If you are Gold Coast and Lucerne, are· in ne.w to 6-50, or missed out last the records. SQ, it isn't too late to , year, we have pins and l'acket get in on the fun and t_he fancy .patches for you if you et us year end awards. Currently there know your add_ress. . _ HIGH LIFE ,. OFF-ROAD CHALLENGE-l I Page.30 SAN BERNARDINO FREE Overnl~ht Camping For information contact Brian Church 714/381,-4454 or 880-1733 P.O. Box 2937 · San Bernardino, CA 92406 (The Second Race of a Three Race Series) "The Fin·est in Short ·course Racing" .\ -sUNDAY,,-JUNE 14,.1987 100% CASH PAYBACK PLUS -10% OF THE GATE Saturday, June 13, 1987 One Hour Practice Session and Bar-B-Que ENTRY FEES: Dune Buggies - $200.00 : A TV's - $75.00 Odyssey - $100.00 Dusty_ nmes. l ;
World's Championship Off Road Race® · I · I . Race #1 of Series Spring Run 101 --June 27th &28th--. . 100% & $5000 Payback . . . I Cash Prizes & Cont1~gency Tota . Th'e Two Race Series F Of x\mate Projection •Appro . · Race #2 of Series B~ush Run 101 -Sept. 4th, 5th & 6th-Wor:ld's Championship Off Road Race® 100°/o Payback * Hot Lap Money, Prizes & Contingency $20 000 Points ts\ · .. . ., · Series : ·~ Take in both of the series so you can , accumJlate points for the $20,000 Points Serles. ALL CLASSES OF CARS & BIKES WILL RACE Jna'iV~-HARDWARE STORES ii<> Budweiser. KING OF BEERS· / ---------Plus Over 40 Major Comtingency Awards---------For more Information call: 715-478-3937 Fay Statezny 715-478-2688 Jake Flannery · Write Brush Run 101 -P.O. Box 101, Crandon, WI 54520 S. T. 0. R. E. Sanctioned . I I · Be There-BRUSH RUN 101 1 Mile West of Crandon, Wisconsin * Jwne 27th & 28th -Sept. 4th, 5th & 6th . . . I I I . ' • j j I 1 ' 1 I I
NISSAN DOMINATES ALL THREE MINI-TRUCK CLASSES AT SCORE GREAT MOJAVE 250. Thanks to a torturous course that covers every type of terrain-from bedrock and sandy washes to lava beds and chunky granite, the Great Mojave 250 has become one of America's foremost off-road races. The ultimate test of man ·. and machine. A single win here is a major achievement. Yet . this year, Nissan Hardbody-tough Trucks and their drivers did more than just win-they dominated the entire race. In Class 7, Roger Mears scored a spectacular victory with a 28-minute lead-making this his fourth win in his last five races! Spencer Low's victory was just as exciting when he finished over an hour ahead of his nearest competitor in Class 7S. And Jim Conner turned in still another great . performance by leading all the way in Class 7 4x4. Nissan congratulates Roger Mears, Spencer Low and Jim Conner on their outstanding demon-strations of driving skill and Hardbody performance. Of course, ever:its such as the Great Mojave 250 mean more to us than victory. The challenge of · racing makes us push ourselves to the limit ... and then some! And it's the knowledge we gain from . our racing success that helps to enhance the powe~ performance ... the pure fun.and pleasure of the cars and trucks we build for the street. . You can get the same top performance too, with Nissan's full line of specialized parts for racing vehi-cles and production cars. Just send your $10 check or money order-do not send cash-· for our Com-petition Parts Catalog to: Nissan Motor Corporation in U.S.A., Motorsports Dept., P.O. Box 191, Gardena, CA 9024Z Please allow sjx weeks for delivery. And remember to check out our family of winners at your nearest Nissan dealer today. I . ..
. ,I
I. I l . ----1 ) SNO Where · It Pays To Race SNORE TWILIGHT RACE JUNE6, 1987 Second race in the 1987 SNORE/Yokohama Series I ' - -PRE-RUNNING LIMITED TO RACE DAY ONLY Entry Fee -$200 plus $65 for_Insurance· ' - -SIX LAPS OF APPROXIMATELY 33 MILES EACH South of Henderson, Nevada in the El Dorado .Valley (near the sand drag race course)- . Race Start - 6:00 p.m. - Awards - Sunday Morning -ALL STARTERS WILL PARTICIPATE IN A DRAWING FOR TWO FREE ENTRIES FOR THE KC HILITES MIDNIGHT SPECIAL . I It is not too late to start earning points toward the ·1987 SNORE/YOKOHAMA Series Race Schedule 1987 SNORE/Yokohama Championship and the generous year end payoffs. Only your best five out of the six races count for points, and the best is yet to come! >Y-voKOHAMA Far serious Performers June.13 200 mile Twilight Race $200 entry fee July 25-26 KC HiLites Midnight Special $250 entry fee · · Sep,ember 25-27 SNORE250 $350 entry Jee October 31 200 Mile Yoko Loco $200 entry fee Decembers Black Jack 200 $200 entry fee -(Insurance -all races - $65)· For further information and entry packet contact: SNORE, P.O. Box 4394, Las Vegas, NV 89106 or call the Hot Line•- , ;, 702-452-4522 · IJQ -:-· 4~ _ It Pays to R,ace with SNORE ~~= O
t t: y:·,.•,.,•.;· . .. .. . Dave Vandermiss·en, Sr., left, from Bark River, Ml, was presented · with the prestigeous Sportsman of the Year award by last year's General Tire's personabfe rep Kevin Nauman congratulated al_/ the 1986 contingency winners, and donated a set of tires for the Class 5-1600second place man on points Ron Kar/man aJso got an extra goodie, a cupcake ·with a nice picture of his Bug in recipient, Dor, Poppie. door prizes. · action on top. · The Sixth-Annual· SODA Awards Banquet poir1ts, and the order in -Limited clas's was Karen Jenkins and Deb Freimuth. . During the presentation of the 5-1600 awards, second place finisher Ron Kadman received an . u·nusual trophy, a cupcake with his car's photo stuck on top. It seems Ron has a real fetish for cake, and the awards committee decided to have a little fun with hi~. The Sportsman of the Year Award was presented to Dave Vandermissen, Sr. o(Bark River, MI,1 a long time off road racer, promoter --·a-nd charter Vice President of SODA. given away, including belt buckles, hats, jackets and t(>0ls from many of the participating manufacturers. Also there were free breakfasts and one night complimentary rooms from Howard Johnson's. The, grand prize of a set of tires, compliments of General Tires, was presented i:o Beth Heidt-mann of Marquette, Ml. , · Almost every class points winner was on hand at the banquet to accept their trophies, jackets, checks, and the magnum of champagne last January. Howard Johnson's in Wausau, Wisconsin was once again the scene as approximately 200 members ·of the Superior Off Road Driver's Association gathered last January · for the Sixth Annual Awards Banquet. A new twist this year was the Hospitality Room. It was set up Friday night to accommodate early comers for the weekend festivities. Saturday morning there were · various meetings for -race personnel, promoters and tech inspectors. The afternoon brought the general membership meeting, election of officers and · class representatives to the Board of Directors. As the votes were tallied, an entire- new slate of officers was announced for the 1987 term. Elected to the office of President was Terry Prevost, Green Bay, WI, Vice President, Greg Gerlach, Dakota, MN, and Dick Gilson of Wrightstown, WI assumed the duties of Secretary IT reasurer. Also during the afternoon, displays were set up· in the hallway for the drivers to view and discuss problems with the reps. Folks were on hand from the Midwest Off Road Center, who brought displays from Rancho Suspension and General Tires, and Dune Buggy Supply was there with a nice line of buggy parts and accessories. Saturday night's banquet dinner featured Howard Johnson's famous roast beef and all the fixings. As the dinner concluded, banquet co-ordina-tor Randy Geier introduced the out going Secretary Mike Seefeldt, who served as the Dusty Times evening's · emcee. Among the other speakers were Karen Jenkins, out going President, who thanked everyone for their attendance, and special guest, General Tire Motorsport representative Kevin Nauman, who congratulated all the drivers who had won General Tire contingency· for the 1986 season, · and spoke briefly · on their commitment for the 1987 racing season. The top drivers were then presented with their jackets, _trophies and cash prizes, and the first place· winners in class also got a bottle of champagne', compliments of Dune Buggy Supply. In Class l Kevin Probst won top points over Scott Schwalbe, and in Class 3 Earl Erickson did the same to Don Gregory. The.topthreeinClass2 were Dave Vandermissen, Sr., Dave Vandermissen, Jr. and Brian Adams, and the 5-1600 winners were JeffTheriai:..lt, Ron Karlman and Jim Pfeffer: Greg Gerlach won Class 4 over John and Rick Witt, and the team of Jack Heidtman/Terry Bell topped Class _14 over Greg Rice. Dave Hockers won top honors in Class 8 over Roger Lindsay and Steve Zelten. In Class 13 it was a Konitzer family blit2. with Geor:ge winning over Sam and Philip .. The 1600 classes are the big ones in SODA racing. In 2-1600 Johnny Koran led Dave Vandermissen, Jr., Matt T relstad/Scott Thompson, Mike Renkas, Todd Wallace and Mike Sorenson· in the points hunt. In 1-1600 class the order was Mike Seefeldt, John_ Kaczmarek/ Jay Finke, pale Borge~oen, Greg Text & Photos; Deb f reimuth Smith and Tim Rutzen. Class 9 saw Barry Kline best Jeff Probst and Tom Schwarrzburg on, points, and· in Class 10 it-wa~ Terry Severson, Terrr Stotzheim and Harvey Lewis. Class 11 honors went to James Hook, Chad Ramesh and Glen Mathews, and in Class 6 it was · Don Lieggois, John Zndorka and William Grobowski.' In Women's competition Rhonda Smith led the Unlimited As the awards came to an end, the band "Frontier" tuned up their guitars to provide some high stepping rµusic for everyone's dancing pleasure. During breaks, door prizes were As one a.m. slipped onto the clock, the festivities of the weekend, became history, with only the Board of Director's meeting to be held C:m Sunday. As the 1986 race season was . a success, so too was the Awards Banquet. We will see you in Wausau again next January for / what hopefully will he an even bigger and better Awards Banquet. · 11. PAR"ER PUMPER HELMET· CO. ANNOUNCES THEIR LINE OF NEW HELMETS· * Standard Voyager w/90° Hose Fitting ·• Deluxe Voyager. w/molded Air Inlet. * Super Deluxe Voyager Red/Silver or Black/Silver w/molded Air Inlet ALL NEW STYLE HELMETS - '85 SNELL APPROVAL RACHET SHIELD - MUCH LIGHTER - MORE NOSE ROOM ALSO AVAILABLE I . . . DRINKERS-KOOL PAC'S - MR 4000 LEXAN SHIELDS GLASS OVERLAY SHIELDS -4' & 8' HOSES - FILTERS PUMPER MOTORS -= CUSTOMER CONVERSIONS Plus! A Full_ Line of Simpson Saf_ety Products. PARKER PUMPER HELMET co.· 9371 Kramer St., Unit G & H Westminster, Calif. 92683 714/894-8332 May,1987 . Page 35
·Ron. Carter Takes. Glen Helen -By Elaine Jones Series Opener PhCJtos: Glen Helen Staff repeat of his Class lb heat win, got the hole shot for.the stat:t of.-the main event, but he didn't coun"t- on a determined Ron Carter, who took · advantage of an opening on the second lap and was gone. Fishback Jr. was having problem.s of his own, as his dad-was on him like a second skin, and Sr. got by on lap 3 about the same time young Jim's car went south and he was out with mechanical difficulties. Eric Arras also had the fickle finger of fate point at him as he was moving into contention, when not one but two flats sent hir_n limping to the pits a few laps later. The fight was on between Fishback Sr. and Randy Rhinehart, as the two swapped places every lap: With two laps to go the senior Jim put the second place away and drove The first in a series of off road and Kent Castle each found ·an · defensively,_ holding Rhin_ehart at car events scheduled at Glen opening and went on by to pick . bay and takmgsecond behind the Helen Off Road Vehicle Park in up the place arid show spots. smooth race of Carter. San Bernardino County, CA, McBride held on for fourth, with With 100 percent payback - saw Ron Carter walk away with Eric Arras fifth and Ron Carter and another ten percent of the all the marbles. It was by no doing no better than sixth. gate, Ron Carter won $1531. means an easy victory for Mr. The second Class 10 heat Fishback Sr. earned $919 and Carter, who worked his way turned into the flip and roll event Matt McBride, who was third .in through Class 10 traffic most of' of the day. It did prove to all . the main ahead of Rhinehart, the day. · concerned that you cannot put In Class 10 action Brad Castle five vehicles into a spot that was took home $612· got things off to a fast start in the designed for . two, as David The baker'.s dozen in Class 1-14 car field. He proved to be the Bonner, Kent Castle and Matt 2-1600 saw a fair share of wide ._, .. ,,, quickest in qualifying, earning McBride found out. When the open racing, as.no one had the· the coveted pole position for the dust had cleared and everything inside line on thi's contest ei'ther. first heat. The drag race to the was sorted out, they watched Jim Ken Seale led Mike McCrory and first corner saw second fastest · Fishback Jr•. go wire· to wire from Steve Bishop for the first lap of qualifier, David Bonner win the the pits. Eric Arras put on a the first heat, but McCrory got drag race, and even though Matt driving show, coming from fifth ~y to take the lead the se~ond McBride was on his tail, it didn't to pick up second place, and John · time aro~nd, _o~ly · ~o lose •~ to rattle Bonner and he led from Brockett and Ron, Carter Seale agam. Smmg m the wmgs start tofinish. McBride looked to rounded out the field with third waiting for his chance was Steve have second locked up, but on and fourth. Bishop, and he got it oh the last the_white .flag !.'!P)iTTl fi,.hhac!<Jr. Jim Fishback Jr., looking for a . lap, to come up with the win, p------..... -------------· _ .. ,. · .. -_,·.;;.·· ;.;...;;·.,···..., followed by McCrory and Seale, · who had swapped again. West Coast Distributor. .fOff HEWLAND . OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE. SEfARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vllgas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available McKenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEALER INDUIRIES INVITED Pagt 36 McCrory_ was not about to let anyone arouna him in the second heat, and all Rick Boyer and Allen Watson could do was follow him home, hoping for the mistake that riever came. Main event tim~ for the 1600 buggies was Steve Bishop's time to shine, and that he did, holding class on just how straight you can make. an off road track if you find the right line. Boyer tried to get within striking distance, but Bishop was able to weave through the 5-1600 cars and get them to block for him. Boyer came in with the second spot, with.Rex Lewis coming from the fourth · .row, · passing David Locke, Allen Watson, and putting Jesse Rodiguez: in fourth as Lewis finished third. The. 1-2~ 1600 pay was handsome too, as Bishop earned $1422, ·Boyer was $853 richer, and Rex Lewis' last lap dash netted him $568. There were six Class 5-1600 Bugs, who shared the track ~ith the 1-2-1600s in their motos. David Hendrickson ran-off and hid from the rest of the field in the first heat, and Stacy Fay was the only one to get even a little close to him. It was a whole new ball game in the second mo'to, when Ernesto Arambula got by leader Stacy .Fay with two laps to go and held on for the win. Hendrickson, May _1987 Ron Carter had a super day at the races, 3rd in the 1st Class 10 heat, then he took the lead on the 2nd lap of the main event and won the b/g money.handily. Dave Hendrickson ran away with the first 5-1600 heat, had troubl_es on the next h,eat, but came from the back of the pack to run away with the_ main event-cash. with a DNF, lo.oked to be out of _it. · He fooled them all, coming from the back of the pack in the main event to take the lead on the second lap from Arambula, and snubbed •his no-se at the rest of the field. Hendrickson took home $477 for his win, and Ernesto Armabula earned $235 for second. In third in the main, Doyle Hosley got .only the glory. Russell East recovered from a· disastrous Odyssey heat that saw 1 him on the sidelines after three laps as he came back to win the main event in the front running slot from start to finish. Rennie Awana, who won-the first heat after he passed Randy Pettit on the first lap, found much tougher _ going in the main as he battled John Gersjes. Gersjes played the . cat and mouse game with Awana, leading Awana for two and then letting him take o ver, and waiting · until ·the white flag came out to reclaim the second spot: Nqt only did Awana_ lose second .. place, he-lost third as Pettit also took advantage· of Awana 's bad lµck. · Andrew Buck had a bit of a scare in the 4 Wheel A TV 500cc Class when Mike Coe jumped out in front at the start of the main event. Buck had won both heats and wasn 'r prepared for ·Coe, who is one of the toughest comp~titors around and one you don't ever give an edge to. It took Buck four laps to find the opening he needed to get by Coe, Ernesto Arambula came from Baja California to race his 5-1600andhe won the second heai, and placed second in the main event battle. · Eric Arras got a great start with second·in his Class 10 heat, but two flat tires at the same time put him out of the main event money run. · Dusty Times,
Doyle Hosley drove his Bug _hard all day, and his reward was a good third in the \ main event, but he was first out of the money. and then all he had to do is hold him off for the last four laps, which· he did. Chris White settled for third. Andrew. Buck looked headed for a double win as he walked away with the first heat of 4 Wheel ATV 250cc. Class. Unfortunately, he didn't count on Derek Hamilton, who felt the wealth ought to be shared. After finishing second to· Buck, he turned the tables for the second heat and let Buck ·chase him. The main event had a new ingredient added when Ron Baker jumped out on· top, followed by Derek Hamilton and Richard Worley. Hamilton took over the front running spot on the second lap, but Baker was still close enough to shake hands with, and Worley was starting to feel pressure. from Mark Ehrhardt. Worley bowed to that pressure on the sixth lap of the eight lap main, and settled for fourth, with Hamilton taking it all, and Baker and Ehrhardt second and third. Chris White had a grand slam in the 3 Wheel A TV Class, winning both heats and the main event in wire to wire style. Doug Yarnell was second and Scott Brown took third. The second round of the three race series at Glen Helen Park happens on June 14. It is a keen facility, a wide open track, and a fun day of racing for competitors and spectators alike. · Dave Bonner was second fastest qualifier, and led almost the entire way to the first Class 10 heat win, but he also failed to start the feature. Dusty Times s,-llccr ~• Wins a 8eaCh. Race in Holland I . first lap. After the restart, Spencer Low took the checkered this time by about 40 feet. . I ·--Spencer Low was invited to the Netherlands lah spring to compete in· the !Schevenigen Auto Races on Veronica Beach. It is an enormous eivent in both entry and spectators, with 70,000 watching h~st March in~ adverse weather I conditions ranging from rain t~) snow. Low drove a Nissan picklup with V-6 power and four w~eel drive _in Class C, a 70 entry class tor 'Special Vehicld and 4x4 Prototypes'. In his class was a Rothmanris Audi Quattro, factory backed Mitsubishi Monteros; Range Rovers and many Paris·-Dakar veteran drivers. the checkered flag first in the first herit after a close battle with a Q1.lattro. Lovi stunned the crowd • wh:en ~e took th~ Nissan high . over a Jump and literally cleared th9 first place Quattro to grab the lead. The spectators had never see1n anything like that and the an~ouncer rraised his "Ameri-can Style o Driving." _ Low started at the back of the pack in the second heat, and finished third, meanwhile bending a steering arm on a hard landing. But his Nissan · of Netherlands crew fixed the problems and got him to the grid for the finale with a minute. to spare. This race was red flagged when around 50 cars were stuck in rhe end of the straight on the Spencer Low said he had to drive all out to keep up with the rally car.s, who have incredible horsepower. He said the cars would fly past on the straights, ·but his Nissan .worked great and would enable him -to pass them back in the rough terrain. Low presented the purse money to the dedicated crew members and the trophy to his sponsor, _Nissan of ,,,_ Netherlands. He said, "It was a The race started with seven rows of ten across, dnd Low took trip we won't forget. We could not have asked. for nicer, more competent people to work with. Everyone went out of their way tp see we enjoyed our stay in their country." · TRAVEL A0VENTURE I I I IDEO'! I , \ The Turtle Expedition goes in search of . The Trea~ures of Mpxico's B~~~~i~~~----~ . PART 1 . r Send me --tapes at $24.95 each, I I postpaid. Cashier's check, money orders or From the sawdust-covered floors personal checks accepted. ·ofHussong'sfamousCantinato I VHS · Beta ___ _ the remote!, rocky backroads of I Name---------Baja's Pacific coast, join us in I A~dress ________ _ ·the search for giant lobsters and City __ ----------. thesolitud~-0f unspoi_ledlbeach t1 State ____ Zip camps. Experience the thrill of Please allow 3-4'weeks for personal checks to clear the bank. · Phone: (219) 875-57 41 traveling totthe isolated tip of the I Write: Turtle Tracks Productions Vizcaino Peninsula, where visi- I PO.'Box 1002 Dept. DT tors ·seldo~:venture. I Elkhart, IN 46515-1002 May 19817 • I Page 37
I l l ! l I I I I l I I PRO CAN AM BAJA DEL·NORTE The Yokohama Horn Rapids 140 By Leonard Day and M.]. Ries Photos: Jerry Branson It was a long time coming, but Gayle Hodson, of Bothell, WA. and his team had more good luck than bad at Richland and came in the happy winners of the Pro Buggy Class. Gayle Hodson -overcame a long drought with a convincing ..., win last March 21 at Richland, Washington. After receiving a plaque at the 1986 Pro CanAm Awards Banquet that read "Nothing But Hard Luck" Gayle Hodson made a promise to all that his seemingly years of bad luck was going to be turned around in the coming season and we were to see a few wins in his column. Well, by golly, Gayle and his crew of able bodies overcame the odds and accepted a bit of bad luck by good buddy John Winkes. Hodson came out the winner in this first race of the season in the Great Northwest. After six years of promoting off road ra<;ing in the Northwest, Pro CanAm Racing has yet to put on· an event that has had more than a few minutes of sprinkles or what is more commonly called RAIN. But, don't worry folks, our reputation up here is true. For a solid week before this race it rained really heavy in eastern· Washington, and it made the -Page 38 $370,000 PURSE WITH SOLID SU -· Enroll now. And let our Team T/AM Staff help you across the finish line first. For 1987, we're designating prize money and awards for top Team T/AM finishers in: ■ ADRA ■ SNORE ■ STORE ■ MA4WDA ■ HPORRA ■ EC4WDA ■SODA ■GWPS Competing for cash is always easier when you've got experts tp back you up. And this year, Team T/t.M is offering its best factory support ever. From engineering expertise fo newsletters. From car preparation to tire preparation. All this while you go for your share of our biggest purse ever-$370,000! Think like a winner CALL 1-SOO~RACE-BFG in Ohio ... (216) 374-2324 May 1987 The high flying Canadian from Kam/oops, Bob Nyeste charged the course in his tidy Ford to win the big entry Pro 4x4 class by a fu/116 minutes. course conditions better than we sharp. Ron.Sanislo led the way in have seen them for a long, long · his single seater. One of those time. There were only a few small unforseen gremlins hit him early. puffs of dust seen on the course, -The center section of the rear and that was late in the day near torsion housing let go in the the end of the race. Some have middle of the third lap of the accused the promoters of having t~ elve lap race. Hank Williams connections with someone and co-driver Linda left the line upstairs, but be assured that is next, and they made the full 12 not true. We just have some nice laps and 240 miles, but had a bit country to race in. of trouble on the last lap and fell-Spring races have a history of a little short on time. But they small turnouts, and this was took third place. typical, but not bad. The Off the line next was the single competition in the Pro CanAm seater driven by Gayle Hodson series is always stiff, and this race and his cohorts Todd Springer was not a disappointment. and Larry Olson. They battled A couple of drivers, Jim · with a stuck throttle, then the Caudle from Federal Way, WA, main ignition switch broke, racing out of the Tacoma Off which they eventually bypassed, Road stables, and Bruce Barnes and had a large oil leak from the from Spokane, WA, out of the bottom end. But they managed to Smokin Rod Shop, made a hold the down time to a tremendous effort and showed minimum and came home the up. Sadly, they discovered major class winner. Following Hodson mechanical problems at the last off the line and making a pass on moment and couldn't take the the first lap to take a seemingly green flag, and were forced to commanding lead was the team watch the race from the sidelines. of John Winkes and Robert We know that is not the place Holzwarth. They buzzed around these two competitors want to be the course in fast times every lap, when a race is in progress. until just before the white flag. Nine Pro Class Buggies in Then the bad luck bug bit one of Classes 1, 2 and 5 took the green the torsion bars. It broke in half, at the Horn Rapids ORV Park but with some ingenuity and a 2 x start line beginning at 9:00 a.m. 4 keeping the car up off the Racing his new car for the first time ever, A.J. Kielien had a tight battle going, but he not only won the Pro 1600cc Class, but he won the race overall! Moving into cars from A TVs this year, Earl Fahrney continued on his winning ways in Washington, taking top honors in the 1600 Relic Class. Dusty Times
Starting tenth was no problem for Tom Carlon, who took the overall victory in the A TV Class riding a Suzuki Quadracer hard· over the rutted route. Gordon Scott and Ken Rushing, fought hard the entire race in the keen flat fender Jeep, but they'ended up second in the wild Pro 4x4 ranks. The slick Chevy of Robert Murphy usually is a contender in Pro 4x4 action, but fuel pump problems dropped him to third at the spring race. The truck looks super tidy here, but leaking tranny fluid, and finally a fire, put Bob Rea, from BritiSh Columbia, on the trailer early. John Winkes and Robert Holzwart/ii led the Pro Buggy group most of the race, but a broken torsi6n bar on the last lap dropped them to second. I Hank Williams ran very well until the last lap, where troubles dropped him so far dC?_wn he was out of time when he finished the race. ground, they managed to limp around the last 20 mile lap and still hung on to a second place finish. Larry Olson, subbini in another single seater, was found alongside the course about half way through the third lap. The diagnosis was the inside of the tranny wasn't there anymore, so on the hook he went. The Class 2 entry of Larry Flowers and Scott Livernash managed about three laps in good _time, but the nasty loss of a cylinder slowed them down, and they could only manage to complete ten laps for sixth place. The only Class 5 entry this race was the Bug of Tom Arnold, from Eugene,· Oregon. Tom's crew was seen a couple of times replacing CV -joints on the drive axles, and that action kept them out of the money, but they did manage to. finish in fourth place. The single seater of Del Matthews and Dan Cornwell got · off the line, but had a rear flat just before the first checkpoint. Cornwell managed to change the tire and get underway in good time, only to have a major disaster strike a short distance down the track. The right rear diagonal arm sheared off at the bearing housing, causing the car · to tip on its side and also causing a lot of damage to the left rear arm. Short day for them. The last Pro Buggy· at the start was the single seater of Ken Sanislo and Bill Bailey. Minor problems plagued them throughout the day, but they overcame flat tires and broken ignition wires. But a broken spring plate was enough to slow them to complete only ten laps for a fifth place. The Pro 1600cc buggies took the green flag next:'-with the single seater of Todd Francis and Brian Johnson off the line first. They were in-.a real dog fight all day long with A.J. Kielian, who was in his car for the first time . ever. The lead changed hands several times during the day, with A.J. coming out on top, with the class win. The Francis/Johnson entry was only a minute, fifty seconds back. The big highlight of this race was that both Kielian and Francis. beat the rest of the field, taking first and second overall! They beat Hod_son's Class 1 car by over seven minutes. The other two 1600 entries of Ki Chainey and Roger Zacher/ Ken Johnson both had troubles early. Chainey . dropped out of the race on lap 7 and Zacher had to quit on lap 2 with terminal problems in the drive axles. -The hard charging and gro.und shaking Pro 4x4s left the line eight strong, with young Robert Murphy leading the way in his Chevy pickup. Murphy experi-enced what he thought was a vapor lock, causing numerous Todd Francis and Brian Johnson made a Pro 1600 out of the former 9 car, and while 'they missed the win by less than two minute,s, they did finish 2nd overall. Dusty Times stops on each lap. After a third inside the electric fuel pump. by Gordon Scott and Ken place finish the ' problem was Next off the line behind Murphy Rushing, and they bat!led the loc~ted and tur~~d1out to be dirt -was the stu_rdy flat fender driven whole _r;r A Perfarmance Tradition More off-road races are won on Bilstein than any other shock absorber. Our record spea1ks for itself! Winn~_ng Heritage Bilstein gas p~Eilssure shocks 1tirst appeared in America posting a win at the famed Baja 1000 in 1972. Since that impressive perfolrmance, Bilsteihs have ~~~n n~t o~7;i~:n~f t~e~~~~t\~=-~6~~ers but finish it as Jell. · Many Applications· Today, Bilstein offers a variety of off-road shock applications for racing or just running on the street. From single seaters and Baja Bugs to big and smail two-wheel and 4WD trucks, Bilstein delivers performance second to none. Reliable Performance Whether you're just entering off-road or have been there for years, check out Bilstein - first where reliability counts. "World leader in development of the Gas' Pressure Shock Absorber." . Bilstein Corporation of America f 11760 Sorrento Vdlley Road , San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 l~or additional te~hni6al information and a compiete catalog, send $2.50. I May 1987 Page 39
~ Rob Babiuk, from Surrey, British Columbia, got more than halfway in the race, then clutch and output ·shaft failure put the rig on the trailer. Usually a strong runner among the Pro 1600 buggies, the team of Roger Zacher and Ken Johnson were out of axles on the 2nd lap. Ed Burnap and Ken Bennedetti, from Corvalis, Oregon, set fast lap in 4x4 class in the Bronco, but weri't out with trans trouble on lap 5. r;w-race with Bob Nyeste in his hig Bronco. Neither was sure of a win as the time for both were close each lap. Both Nyeste and Scott had a trouble free race, and both stopped only for a driver change and tuel. · Nyeste , eventually came o_ut with the win . and a 16 minute margin over Scott. , · --Don Roemer hauled his nifty nedetti from Corvalis, Oregon, for Clark. well riding the only 200cc set the fast lap of the day in 4x4 Pro CanAm's first race of machine in the field. Close class, but they also exper.ienced a 1987 gave new hope for the behind was Jon Solomonson on a transmission problem that put future of long . course A TV Kawasaki T ecate: them on the trailer early, with events in the Northwest. A A special note about the only four laps completed. Don strong turnout of racers showed Richland race course. The entire Monk, home in Richland, WA, up for the four lap, 80 mile race. route is almost devoid of rocks, had first lap woes and parked ata Tom Carlon, riding a Suzuki being made up of sandy soil with checkpoint, then helped that Quadracer, sponsored by Sport . sagebrush. Dust is never a major crew for the rest of the day. Cycle and ATV Sports, both of_ problem. What makes this race The new Relic 1600 Class Tri-Cities, won his third straight so physically demanding is the brought out only two racers, but Pro" GanAm event. · mile after mile of whoop-de-dos. · for·sure this class will grow in the Carlon drew the tenth starting Some of these moguls are as big near future. It is comparable to position, but in less than 20 miles as an Odyssey, and there are a the Score Challenger Class. The he worked his way past everyone few s tra teg ica II y located father and son team of Bill and ' except eventual_ second placing abandoned irrigation ditches Billy Ballester took the green flag Walt Otten·ad. Honda mounted thrown in. Just finishing a race at first and traded the lead for nine Ottenad was the fastest 3 Richlan,d is a major accomplish-laps with Earl Fahrney, who was Wheeler of .the day . Some time ment. This leads · to a well driving his first race in his single behind Ottenad was the team deserved recognition to the seater, purchased just a couple of · effort of Tom Willette and Norm "other half of the field." These weeks earlier. They had a lot of Soderstrom, who just nipped guys didn't have a:s good luck as fun and Fahrney came out on top Curtis Upton in the last six miles the winners, but are truly the with ten completed laps. of the race. Upton crept up on backbone of any race. Without The Sportsman buggy class Randy Branson toward the very them there wouldn't be future also had two starters, and both end of the race to take fourth winners. · experienced early difficulties. overall. Branson had been Don Otterstrom and Chris Scotty Holt managed to take the runnfog strong in third place Day, competing in his first race, win with only two laps done, Pete uritil his Yamaha, sponsored by rode a Yamaha Warrior to a solid Clark, Jr. got a real late start and Ski and Sea of Seattle, developed eighth place. John Garner and Jerry Creeth took ninth and eleventh respectively on '(amahas. Honda rider John Wallace placed tenth. Surpris-ingly, riding the only Fourtrax entered, Ron Stokes finished a , good 12th, and Brian Hedberg on his Honda was 13th. This was Ron's and · Brian's first kmg course race. . _ Only four Odysseys started, and as mentioned earlier, this course was quite rutted and itisa difficult run for Odysseys. Doug Cornwell, from Portland, Oreg~m, took first place h_onors followed by Dianne Fahrney in second. The team of Bruce and Tony Bartenetti were third after rolling. their Odyssey six different times!!. Scott Johnson was fourth with mechanical probl·ems. All things considered, the race was a big success, and Pro CanAm congratulates everyone who participated. The second race in the series will be the first of May right back on the Richland course. red Chevy all _ the way from California, but was seen in the pits several times during the race. He only covered eight laps for a fourth place. The Babiuk/ Marno entry from Canada i:an into serious problems when the clutch and rear output shaft let go on lap 7. The entry of Bob Rea, from 70 Mile House, B.C., was doing fine _but seemed to be leaking tranny fluid every lap. But the source of the leak was riot found until lap 7, then the trans overheated and caught the ·underside of the truck on fire. Rea says to all, "that Tech Inspection really works." Because two other drivers stopped and used their extinguishers, he didn't have to sit and watch his truck b~rn to the ground. drove a little on the hard side. mechanical troubles and •------------------------• With no pre-run time, Clark met dropped to fifth. Sixth went to Rul•s for Rad·10 Communicat·1on' -•. ·_ his match on a crossing berm Kevin Rice and John Duncan • about halfway through the first riding a Honda 200X with flat By Bob Hy7Tles lap and endoed ... end of the day track tires! They did extremely , Ed Burnap and Kent Ben-tas NEVADA• .. Vegas OFF-ROAD it's ... BUGGY N :S ;...; ;;, :: ..., -,:' ::., Street -Stock -Baja Race or Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay We've Got Your VW Parts See Brian See Dave <-;AH AH,\ X 2 N h\<-;TLHN <-;IHJl •<-; Locations !' X z z to <t, 0 :$ ,.. -~( : c., z <-;f'HI "-<, -'1 r-,; Serve You ~ :r .,,,. rJ) Better! ~1> i -1$-WEST NORTH 3054 Valley View 1541 N. Eastern 871-4911 • 871-5604 642-2402 • 642-1664 NOW 2 LOCATIONS Page 40· May 1987 N We all enjoy being part of the wonderful world of off road racing. But, some things never seem to -get said. The radio ·communications in the sport have become a very important part of off road racing. They are used to keep drivers informed of their position, to get parts, and so forth for vehicles that have broken down. They are also used to get information on lost or missing cars, and most important of all, to get medical aid to the scene as fast as possible. Radios are made to be used, not abused. Racers should be very careful on how they use their radios during and after the race, and what frequency they are using. At the recent Mojave 250, th~re were two teams using the Big Bear Fire Dept. frequency, and another that was on the San Bernardino Sheriff's frequency. These are a couple of examples of the way to lose all of our race communications. · Let us all work together to keep our communications, and to continue enjoying the results of a radio system that can help everyone in the sport. I hope this does not sound like a sermon, but maybe it should! Following are some suggestions that will help improve all commimica-tions dur~ng and after the race. If possible, try to have your own channel to use during the race. Many of you are using 151.625 and 151.715 for all of your communications·. These frequencies should be left .open for racers to obtain assistance from the BFGoodrich Radio Relay and the Weatherman Radio Relay. Keep an eye on children in.the pit area and around vehicles with radios. They lo~e to play with the knobs and m1cro_phones. It is congested enough without having children singing and talkini into the microphone. Somebody may be trying to get medical aid, and cannot get through because of kids on the radio. Plea~e. watch your' language when usmg the radio. There are a lot of women and children that can hear what is being said on the radio. They should not have to listen to foul language. When calling· for assistance, use your vehicle number. The _ checkpoints all list all cars by numbers, and they do not have any idea who Mickey Mouse, Dead Indian or Dingaling are. Do not keep calling several times in a row for y9ur vehicJe. Chances are that if you don't get'. an answer the first time you call, -the car is not within radio range. So, it does not do any good to keep .calling. Wait two or three minutes, then try again. . When the race is over please do not carry on conversations on the frequencies of. 151.625 or 151.715. The race may be over for you, ·but there are, still other cars that may need assistance or medical aid, and cannot get help beOl use_ you_ are llsing _ the radio. Good luck; and safe racing. Dusty nrnes
.I Nissan· Pathfinder SE Text ,& Photos: Jean Calvin An all new design, the high style of the Pathfinder is accentuated by the rear quarter windows, and the small windows do open for rear passenger fresh air ventilation. . , . . I . • Designed in th_e USA, b~ilt in th~t _is well g~are? for all purpose to discover all the gadgets on Jap~n, the new Nissan Pathfu~~er dnvmg. While fifth gear is really board. The dash is really SE 1s the latest of the sport utility an overdrive gear, you can cruise different, orange on black, with ~ago,ns to e11:rer the fa~t growing the city streets between 35 and ·two foe! gauges and two trip field competing for-this market. 40 _mph in fifth gear without meters. The top fuel gauge reads The front bOfY. de~1gn shows ~h~ engme stumble. At l~wer speeds, one quarter tank all · the time, expected k 1ss10g cousin however, a down shift to fourth until the fuel level drops below r~semblance ~o the 'Hardbody' ma~es all th_e power of the engine that. The other fuel gauge is pickup, ~s designers of every type available, mstantly. A handy standard reading from full to half of vehicle pursue elusive shortgearleverforthefivespeed and so forth. With the 21.1 aerodynamic purity. ~ut, the is parked right next to the even gallon gas tank, we never did see resembla~ce to the . p1ck~p !s shorter transfer case _s~ifter-on the top gauge drop off. The pair merely skm deep. ~1s ve~1cle_ 1s the front tu~ne!. Sh1ftmg mto of trip meters are most handy on a ~omp~ete new design_ with its four wheel drive 1s_ a mere matter such an all purpose rig. Starting cm! sprmg rear suspension, very of an easy shift, and the with both at zero we let one run ~ty!ish body, and gobs of r~om aut?m~tic h~bs engage without through the enti~e Nevada trip, ms1de for cargo and the family. hesitation. just to see how far we had driven. The I Pa_thfinder SE pictured !he val~e of designing a sport The other we reset to zero every here carne~ the full i?3d of utility vehicle f~om_ the _ground time we filled the tank, providing· luxury options, and 1t was up shows mightily m the a handy 'measure ol fuel dressd in ~andsom_e silver and suspension o( the Pathfinder. No economy. Of course you cari do m_aro ;n pamt. Inside _a deep mo~e bouncmg around on leaf the sar:ne thing by subtracting velour- upholstery complimented sp~m~s on or off the. r?ad _with numbers, but we really enjoyed . the pamt scheme and the maroon this ng. Front suspension 1s by · having the pair of trip meters. fancy carpeting went all the way torsion bars, and in the rear are The Pathfinder SE has full to the tailgate. While the 2.4 liter the new 5-link coil springs. Front instrumentation with a round fo~r cylinder engine !s the base and rear stabilizer bars are tach and matching speedo umt for the Pathfmder, the standard on all three mod1ds of framed by warning lights and a popular S~ top of the li~e ~ode! ~he Pa_thfinder. The result is an temperature gauge on the door comes with the fuel miected, mcred1bly smooth and comfort- side, and a volt metbr and oil three. liter, overhead car_n V-6 ab_le ride. Everyone who rode in pressure gauge toward lthe center. spcrttng 140 hp, . a behe~able this wagon ~emarked not only on In the middle are the pair of fuel figure after you d~1ve the ng on the great nde, but on the quiet gauges, and underneath all that the open road. This truck hauled running on the road. Inside there . a.re switches for the rear window two people and their gear_ to the !s no _running gear noise to wiper, washer, defrost, and Gold Coa~t 300 race m Las mterruot co~versation or the warning lights for the cruise Vegas, and m the back was a load stereo. The nres are P235x75R control and -four wheel drive of the latest issue of __ DUSTY Radial Toyo Steeline Open engagement. There · are . map TIMES. Ever:i the mfamous Coun_try RV, new to us. But they pockets molded into each front -Baker grade did not bother the contnbuted to the quiet ~unning · door and a standard size glove powe~ output ~s we sailed up the and they went everywhere we box plus a cubby box behind the 16 mile grade m top gear. wanted to go in the Nevada center hand brake for cockpit . The V-6 power is mate? to a desert. storage. There are open boxes for five speed manual transmission Ten days was not long enough the rear seat passengers as well. The front end styling the o,auv,,,,,",,., to the 'Hard-body' pickup, also designed in the USA, and the zoomy headlights are bright enough stock for off road travel. Dusty Times It looks like a station wagon from the rear,.and it does have a rear-window that opens, inqependent of the lift gate, a handy device for quick rear access. . I . . May 1987 1 It could take a week to learn your way around_Jhe spiffy new instrument panel. Our favorite gadget is the pair of trip odometers, just below the speedometer. Ther.e is power to spare with the three liter, fuel injected, overh:ad ·cam V-6"' engine in the SE model, listed at 140 horsepower and plenty of torque. Not only do the _rear seats pop up and down easily, they also split, so you can carry thrne people and still gain more cargo space. Other neat items are the rear liftgate that has a ~indow that opens and the stylish quarter windows that also open for improved ventilation. Of course there is much more in luxury touches, but the perf?rmance is jus~ as impressive as t~e decor. There is plenty of power for any situation on or off the road on tap, but there is no fuel ~conomy penalty with the V-6 engine. For years we have thou-ght that mpre cubic inches · in s,mall rigs would produce better fuel economy, with the engine not working so hard, and it is true with the Pathfinder. In ·town and off the road pit }lopJ/ing at the race we managed between 17-and 18 mpg. On just highway running the figure climbed to over 21 mpg, and with the heavy load we carried one way the drop was only to 19.5 mpg. This is one sports utility where ¥OU can enjoy the power and still stretch the fuel economy. We truly like the Pathfinder, its comfort, its quiet manners, , and its go anywhere ability, without sawing on the gear shift. It is definitely upscale, both in features and in price. But most of the models in this class have grown fancier and more costly recently, and the Nissan fits right in 'with the bunch. Even the base model Pathfinder is a fancy wagon, the XE has more_goodies, and the top of the line SE is definitely fully equipped fo'r any type.of motoring. STRONGER AXLES AND OUTPUT BELLS Upgrade t~e C. V.s and torsion a~les on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output ~eHs to accept the larger C. V. joints. ~~nvert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II.or Type IV or 930 C. V. JOtnts. _ Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24 . . Axles and bells for the 930 C.V.s can be supplied with 3/8-24 or 10 mm 1.5 pitch t~reads. 10 mm -1. 5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW P,ERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD •-LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 614-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS I DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 41 .j J
~MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAN PRIX Beautiful Weather Welcomes the _, Racers to the ·Silvcrdomc· in Michigan . . By Brenda A. Parker Photos: Trackside Photo Ent. / Gil Parker Whether you call the 50 degree temperatures in Pontiac, Michigan on Saturday, March 21 a "warm winter day" or a "cool spring day", they were a far cry from the near freezing tempera-tures of a year ago when the Mickey Thompson show last came to the Midwest. At that time tents had to be erected and heaters rounded up to keep "Old Man -Winter" at bay. This year the weather was so nice most of the rac~rs were pitting outside, rather than in the garages, and they wore light coats or just shirts. It couldn't have been a better day for March in this pan of the country. The Silverdome event, sponsored by J~. marked the first time that Al Unser and Al Unser, Jr. competed on the same race team in any form of racing. The three time Indianapolis 500 winner and his son ha\l'e been on different teams since Al Jr. joined the Indy car trail. Here they both drove Jeep Comanches·. While Al Jr. has started in all the MTEG stadium races this season,. it was Al Sr's first appearance in. the series. . Luck was not with the Enduro team of Jeeps, arid owner Dick Landfield said after qualifying, "There are always growing pains when you start a ·new team, and CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER HOUSE ., K & N FILTERS -RAPID COOL TRI MIL -BUG -PACK BILSTEIN -CENTERLINE -CIBIE ■LM.-.. ..... _.~--:~ HEWLAND -PORSCHE TURBO C/V ottroad Aac:aea1 \))I" BEARD SEATS - PARKER PUMPER Parts & Accesso"es _ YOKOHAMA TIRES - SUPER TRAPP , GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS - SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS - KC HILITES _:_ McKJ::NZIE_AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT - NEAL PRODUCTS wiwci.u ~ ~ ll••■I SWAY•A •WAY, .. ~""'1!11MWf-~ . OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m. I BEFORE YOU BUY -TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! I · 12945 SHERMAN WAY - NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 (818) 765-5827 • (818) 764-6438 Page 42 1 • Al Arciero had a good night in· Pontiac, taking his Chenowth to second in the heat race, and Al stayed upright to win the Class 10 main evenf . Jeff Elrod had his new UltraStock VW in shape for Michigan, survived the heat race tangles and went on to lead almost wire to wire and win the main event. we have had some pains. We have accomplished a lot in the five months since we got together with the Jeep people, and we feel extremely fortunate to have the Unsers driving for us. They are so professional. Today our problems included motor troubles with both trucks". Steve Millen leads the points standings in the Grand National Sport Truck division with 95 points followed by Mazda driver Glenn Harris with 81 points. Millen, who won both the 1985 and 1986 main events in his Toyota at the Silverdome, was not able to drive·the Toyota this year. Millen is sidelined with injuries, including a broh~n leg, he suffered at the · IMSA GTO race in Miami. · Glenn Harris, after qualifying fastest in the Grand National truck field, stated, "We're real pleased with being the top qualifying truck, but we've got a long night of racing ahead of us with a lot of tough competition." Kevin Probst took the,lead early in the 1-2-1600 main event, and he stayed out front of the herd of 17'1idwesterner_s to takifthe checkered flag 1st in the Berrien. Ivan Stewart had a good string going at the Silverdome, as he won his heat race and later drove the Toyota to the wire to wir~ victory in the-truck main event. May 1987 Harris' time of 36.364 seconds around the dirt· course, new this . year, bettered last year's fast time by almost three seconds. In 1986 Steve Millen posted fast time of 39. 715 seconds over the course, which was built by using metal ramps to simulate the jumps over the arena pavement base. The dirt appeared to be quicker. In the three lap truck Trophy Dash, Glenn Harris put his Mazda in the lead early with Danny· Thom_pson's Chevrolet in second place. They stayed that way to the finish. Frank Arciero, subbing for -Steve Millen, and Ivan Stewart , were third and fourth in the Toyotas. The Unlimited 1600 Trophy Dash saw Bob Gordon move to ar:i early_ lead. ~•1.arty Coyne flipped m the, first lap, but · managed to continue racing far back in the pack-Gordon then stall~d in lap 2, giving Billy Beck the- lead and the win in -his Berrien. Tommy Croft was' second in a Chenowth. The Class 1-2-1600 heat race was next on the grid.Todd Attig, in a Terminator, led flag to flag. There was a pile up in the first corner, . and Wayne Lemons, driving a Bill W:c\ddill designed Mirage, ended up on his top during this melee. The track workers finally got him back on all four wheels, and he continued to race well behind the leaders. Tony Trinkle, from.Jefferson-ville, IN, was in second for a few of the early laps, but he soon turned that position over to Gary Hardin. Steve Koopman and Kevin Probst got hung up in the second corner, and they were well back from the lead car when they finally got rpoving again. They did a _great job of driving though, as _Steve finished third · and Kevin was in fifth_ at the checkered flag. Randy Eller lost a right front ·wheel early in the heat, but he hung in there to take the checkered flag on only three wheels and received a loud ovation from the crowd for his Dusty nmes
Jeff Probst, from Illinois, started out strong, winning his Class 10 ··heat race in the Berrien Laser, but dropped to third in the feature. Vince Tjelmeland led the early laps in the UltraStock heat in the Nissan, but retired from that fray, and later placed third in the main event. I . Glenn Harris flew his Mazda to the Trophy Dash honors, had troubles in the heat race, got fixedbnd came back to takbl second in the finale. I The Super 1600 Trophy Dash was J busy few laps, and at the flag Billy Beck won the trophy driving his Berrien Laser, bujt had no . perseverance. The finish order was Attig, Hardin, Koopman, James MorrOGO and Probst. luck later on. . I 1 • , flag first was Illinois' Jeff Probst . Californians Al Arciero, Marty Coyne, Bob Gordon and Greg ·· George followed in that order. Greg Qeorge won the UltraStock heat race in the Toyota powered Funco, but with a smoking engine, and he failed to finish later in the main. Jeff Huber tries to fly his Mazda past the Dodge of Walker Evans, . ·and he was third in the truck main event, just ahead of Evans '.1t the flag. .. $-.. Vince Tjelmeland broke to an early lead and led the first two laps of the UltraStock heat race, until Greg George moved up to take over ·the lead, and George stayed there to the finish. Ken Kazarian, who had broken a rear arm just as he took the green flag in the qualifier, put real pressure on George, but was not able to make the move to get around. Ken, a former sprint car driver, said he was not able to use the berms as he would like to · because the track was too sticky. Heat two for the Super 1600s saw Rob Gordon, Bob's son, pull from the number 3 start position to the lead in the first corner. Jerry Whelchel and Frank Arciero, Jr. maintained second and third throughout the heat. But ·they were in a serious four-way challenge with Billy Beck and Tommy Croft. Scott Taylor, usually a strong challenger in this class, was out in the early going. He had just finished his new car prior to the race, and evidently he didn't have things dialed in the way he would have liked. The finish order was Rob Gordon, Jerry Whelchel, Frank Arciero, Billy Beck and Tommy Croft. Ken Kazarian made! a fast start. in the UltraS!ock VW Scirocco taking second in the heat race, but traffic ' I , I Bob Gordon kep( his Chenowth together in the hectic Super 1600 main event, and he placed third, behind the pair of Arciero bro_thers. This was caused because the dirt . was clay, and also because it was brought in the night before the race and it was frozen. When the dirt thawed, instead of getting, wet and muddy, it gdt sticky and tac}<y. This caused some problems comin_g off the jumps because the tires would stick when the cars landed. Vince Tjelmeland and Jeff Elrod tangled about midway through the race · and Vince sustained some damage to the fiberglass Nissan body. George, who was showing signs of smoke from his Toyota engine, managed .to hang on to win the heat. -Kazarian was second, Tim Maples took third and Jeff Elrod was fourth in an all California show. In the first heat race for the Super 1600s, it was Wisconsin's Lee Wuesthoff who jumped to the lead for two laps in his Chenowth Magnum. Jeff Probst's Berrien Laser moved on around when it looked like lee missed a shift. It turned out later that Wuesthoff was having shifting problems. He came to a sudden halt, bottomed out in the middle of one of the jumpi,, and could not get the car in gear. It was too bad, because he sure looked strorig when he was running. Jimmy Nichols dropped out on lap 5 and Don Ponder and Tim Lemons were all done by lap 8. Rod Attig, driving a Funco, rolled over on the last lap, and punctured · his radiator with liquid spraying from the bottom of the car. Taking the checkered . Dusty Times · Always a hit with the spectators, the Grand National trucks were next on the program. Walker Evans had transmission troubles and did not start the first heat. This left Al Unser, Jr. and his Jeep on the pole. Ivan Stewart's Toyota passed Al, Jr. on the back chute and t0ok the lead. Unser was right on his bumper, but was soon challenged by Glenn Harris, Mazda. Harris was able to run with Unser wheel to wheel for half a lap, and then moved on around the Jeep. Harris' truck started to smoke heavily on lap 3, and Unser came back to pass Glenn, even though fluids were leaking out of the rear • of the Jeep. Harris bowed out of the race on lap 6. Stewart led the remaining laps by a healthy margin over Unser; who did manage to 'finish the race. It turned out later that Unser had a blown head gasket. · In the second truck heat Evans was allowed to run, but had to bring up the rear. Al Unser'sJeep w~s on the pole with Jeff Huber's Mazda alongside. Frank Arciero, Toyota, and Danny Thompson, Chevrolet, were in the second row. Huber beat Unser off the starting line and Thompson quickly moved to second. Evans jumped two spots to third by the end of the first lap. Thompson then passed Huber to take the lead _on lap 3 and Arciero and Evans~ damage put him out of the feature. I . . ,I KC HAS SHINED THE WAY . TO MORE OFF~ROAD RACING VICTORIES THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED! . At KC HiLiTES, we're serious about competition lighting. So why take a chance with anything else? ~---=--KC HiliTES; Inc. • Williams, Arizona 86046 • 6021635-2607 May 1987 • I ,., ! I 'f I (.]
Young Rob Gordon won his Super 1600 heat race, but troubles took his Chenowth out of contention in the 19 carma1n event. .Jerry Whelchel sailed his.Chenowth into second in his Class 10 -heat, flying the California. state. flag, and he was fourth in the · feature race. Rod Attig tossed his neat Funco, poweredlby an Alfa Romeo engine, on its head in his heat race, and broke.the radiator on . i[!l_pact. I _r;a-·were i~ a tight battle for third. They tangled and Evans came out with severe tire damage to his truck body. Unser started spilling fluid in lap 5, and stopped in lap 7 with _ smoke pouring from his truck, also. from a blown head gasket. Danny '-~ Thompson · won the heat followed by Jeff Huber, Frank body, and he . could not steer.· Greg George was out after six laps with what looked like either shifting or tranny problems. At the finish it.was Jeff Elrod, Tim Maples and Vince Tjelmeland. Dale Scott, from Louisville, KY, who has the first UltraStock in the midwest, finished in fourth. There were 19 cars on the grid for the ,start of the Super 1600 main event. Lee Wuesthoff did not qualify for this race, but, because there was not a full field, he was allowed to line up in last place. Billy Beck, Marty Coyne, Al Arciero, Frank Arciero and Jeff Probst came off the green flag in that order. Greg George rolled himself out of the race in the early going·. Wuesthoff stopped on the back side of the track with fire erupting from the Rabbit engine. He said later that a rod went through the case which caused the fire . Billy Beck got tangled with Burt Decker and lost · the · lead, several more positions and eventually finished 13th. Taking the checkered flag first was Al Arciero, followed by brother Frank, both in Chenowths. Bob Gordon drove his Chenowth into third, and Jeff Probst, Berrien, and Jerry Whelchel, Chenowth, were fourth and fifth. i ' Arciero and Walker Evans. After a very short intermission the 1-2-1600 main event came to the starting grid. Kevin ·Probst, from New Lenox, IL, in a Berrien took · the lead away from James Morroco, Funco, and led the remainder of the race to go to the winner's circle. Morroco and John Kaczmarek, from Green Bay, WI in a Pro-Tee, battled for · second place, with John finally coming out on top on the last lap. Toad Attig finished i fourth. Steve Koopman, who rolle.d in the early going, managed to come back through the pack to finish in fifth place. · · i< The UltraStock main event was next. Jeff Elrod's Scirroco pulled to the lead with Tim Maples in the Mazda RX-7 in second and Greg George had his Toyota in third. Ken Kazarian was not running well, and left the track after only two laps. He said later that he had run into the two leaders on the first turn and bent a front wheel into the fiberglass ! .,l. r:, THE-In the Grand National truck main event Ivan Stewart jumped' WRIGHT PLACE~. COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country'-s Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. An.other great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 44 off the green flag into the lead. Huber was second and Thomp~ · son was third. Danny Thompson rolled on lap 2, however he continued to race with severe body damage on the Chevy. Stewart stretched his lead over the rest of the field while Huber, Evans and Harris battled for second. Frank Arciero rolled his Toyota midway through the race. Taking the victory for Toyota · The ATV mai~ event saw Marty was Ivan Stewart. Glenn Harris, Hart, Rodney Gentry, Gary Jeff Huber and Walker Evans Denton and Don Turk finish one followed in that order. through four. _. A regular part of the Mickey The Silverdome event was a Thompson races are the good clean show, and the rough Odyssey and 4 wheel ATVs. In driving committee had virtually the Odyssey main event the nothing to get concerned over. In winner was Rory Holladay, a week'stimetheshowmovedon followed by Ron Pierce, Don to the Hoosierdome, where it Archibald and John Hasshaw. started all over again: TechTips... · : . By Bill SavJge, HORA-SCORE Technical Director advisability of allowing alumin-um block engines, which are · admittedly expensive. If a decision is ·made to disallow them, it would start with the It's not with any particulatf pleasure ·that IJeport the series . this year finally has a controversy. Nobody is as distressed as! am that in the third race of 1987, we were forced to make a technical disqualifica-tion. The word 'is now that Jim Conner, a gentlema~ racer for almost as rriany years as our sport has been around, was disquali-fied from the Score Great Mojave 2.50 on technical grounds, the action coming over a week after the event. I hope and pray there is no misinterpreta-tion. Never in anybody's wildest imagination-could Jim .be suspected of cheating on the rules. What happened in his case was- unfortunate, but neverthe-less in violation of the rule book. I should have paid more attention to his case when he brought it to my attention informally at the Gold Coast 300. The HORA-SCORE rule book says that the rear axle location on all Class 7S and 7 4x4 trucks should be where it was when the manufacturer delivered the vehicle. Jim told me that his rear end was above the springs, whereas in the case of his truck it should have been below the springs. I told him at the time it would have to be changed, because tt w_as illegal. Well, tech inspection for the Great Mojave ,250 came and went, and I either didn't see his truck or I wasn '-t thinking about our conversation, one of about 100 I had that earlier weekend, and his truck was approved for racing. After the race, some of his competitors complained about the illegality, we checked with Jim, and he admitted the infraction. There was a delay in making the ruling, because of our concern for fairness. In the end, we had to go back to the rule book, which clearly said his truck was illegal, and he had to be disqualified. With this action we believe we have established an important precedent. Informal -conversa-tions with me or with other Score officials do not constitute license · to ignore the rules.Jim may have May 1987 been under the impression that if his truck was approved before the race as is, that was as good-as giving him permission to ignore that particular rule. The point.is: whether or not there is human error in the pre-race inspection process; the rule book will always prevail. (See Soap Box -ed.) · CLASS 1-2-1600 -Nothing new since last month, except a reminder that aftermarket front . trailing arms will be legal starting with the HORA Mint 400; so long as they are the same shape, size and configuration as the stock p&rt. CLASS 5-1600 -The same goes for front trailing arms in this class, beginning with the Score Baja Internacional. 1 CLASSES 7S and 7 4x4 -Rear leaf' springs are evolving, as some competitors are aware. The current rule says that rear springs can be increased up to 56 inches in length. The rule was written to accommodate the owners of all but Ford Rangers, as the Ranger came stock with 56 inch springs. Now we have more brands of vehicles in the class, including the AMC Jeep Comanche and Jeep Cherokee, . which have longer springs than the Ranger, about 58 inches; I believe. We are going to accept the Comanche and Cherokee in stock form and leave the 56 inch rule for the rest of the competitors, at least until the end, of the 1987 season. We need input from the racers as · we observe what is going on in this class, and if there ·is too drastic a performance difference, we could change this ruling. At the end of the year we'll decide if the other manufacturers can lengthen their rear springs based on their comments and our own evaluation. :: · '_. CLASS 8 -The use .~ b( aluminum blocks is under discussion. One competitor already has one. This year for NASCAR Grand National (Sportsman) racing Pontiac has created an aluminum . block engine by gi~ing a factory part ·number to a Rodak motor. We will be looking at the 1988 season. · . CLASS 10 -We're still exploring the possibility of allowing four valve engines, listening to both sides of the question. Competitors, in co~sidering the possible change in rules, should remember that there will· be a restriction on the four valve engine. The venturi on the two valve engine currently is limited to 42 millimeters. For the four valve engine, we are looking at 30 millimeters. , .. · CLASS 11 -No technical problems, but I thought it should be noted that in the last three weeks we have taken a lot of competitor · calls, indicating a revival of interest in this class; MOTORCYCLES -It should be noted that we haven't had any rules discussions about any of the bike classes yet this year. The fact is that I haven't found an illegal motorcycle-·'in a te,ar down in my six years in this position. That's a credit to the people building and racing these machines. . · LUCERNE VALLEY -Thank You. That is directed to Al Miller, Lucerne Valley fire chief, and his men. They are all interested in the sport and in the people involved. They supplied everything we needed at post-race tech. They only see us once a year, yet they remembered my name, for goodness sakes. Their facility was · great. It was very convenient to the racers to be inside out of the weather when it was necessary to pull the .motor down. HE LEA YES A BIG HOLE -Warren Mill er has -retired as a technical· inspector after ten or eleven -years with Score and the last_'ti o ,years with High Desert. It's a:'shame to see him go. He has put i~ a lot of long, hard hours doing a thankless job. Warren was a ,city employee in Los Angeles uritilhe retired, and now he has also cut his ties with us. We already miss him. One thing he will be immediately missed for is his thoughtfulness to bring with him a lot of"consumables",1 like wire tags. I suppose we'll adjust to that all right,· but it won't be the same without Warren. . Dusty nmes
VORRA Opens the Season ·at · Prairie City OHV Park f "L! ::::: Don Miguel, left, and Jeff Elrod line up for the start of the Dash for Cash finale, and the cash went to El rod's Class 1 nee UltraStock racer. · I Rerri was st:cond, 1Jordan third. McCune fourth and Farris was fifth. I Ron Carter took a bunch of money home to southern California, as he drove the Chenowth to victory in both Class 10 heats and in both Class 1 races. VORRA· started the 1987 season with the traditional short course romp at Prairie City OHV Park near Sacramento, CA on April 12 . A fine field showed up to battle the terrain and contest the two heat per class format of VORRA's short course events. Bennett Ford, from Folsom, CA, led the parade arourn;:I the course before the start of activity, but his Ford got stuck climbing a was Rick Frock, followed by Frank Madrid, Bill Norgrove, Dana Van Noort and Roy Gust. On points Frank Madrid won the cash, Bill Norgrove was second, Dana Van Noort third, followed by Rick Frock and Joe Gordon. However, this race ended under protest. Only a trio of 4x4s were on hand, and Don German won hoth heats. With~ second and a third, Boh Chapmtin was Sl'Cond on points and Rudi Trickle was third. I I· A flashy Sl'Vl'n appeared in short courSl' l'~l'nts. Last April Class I ranks, and Ron Cartl'r the monl'y st.lyl'd in northern did the fastest lap of the Jay in California, as Jeff Elrod won the (\ne minute, 24.14 seconds. winner take all "Dash". Carter won hoth thl' first and VORRA 's first race lif the 1987 Sl'cond heat and thl' points for Sl'ason was a great success with the day. Roh Lemos, with a· kits of fast, hard driving and no second and a third, was third on injury accidents. Mechanical noints, whill' Don Migul'I, with a hreakdowns and nlllovers took third and a second, edged Lemos the toll on thl· entry as the driwrs for Sl'Cond placl' monl'y. Phil pusht•d hard, frl'ling out the Carter, Jr. took fourth and limit,itions of their cars. Rut, RI andy Rhinehart w,~s fifth. they are all looking forward · to ' The Dash tor Cash is thl· the next race at Prairie City, this feature that closes the VORRA one on the Ion~ course on May 3. muddy hill. · The Sportsman Class started out fast with Randy Miller taking the lead off the line in the 17 car field. Miller led the early laps, but Howard Rankin came in close behind him. They had a good race with Miller hanging on for the heat win, and Rankin took second. Max Halliday was third, Dale Smith fourth, and Greg Nibbelink fifth. The second heat frH the Sportsman saw Jeff Eaches take the victory, followed in . by Nibbelink, Rankin, Smith and Halliday. On overall points for the day in Sportsman rnnks, Howard Rankin won top honors, Jeff Eaches was second, Greg Nibbelinl< was third, and Randy Miller and Dale Smith were fourth and fifth respectively. Eleven cars took the green flag for the first Class 1-2-1600 heat. . The excitement grew as Dana Van Noort, Joe Gordon, who started on the pole, and Tim Bell battled back and forth for the lead. Frnnk Madrid was also close and coming on strong. Tim Bell made his move on Dana Van Noort at the Ant Hill turn in the eighth lap, and took over the lead and won the first heat. It was a different story in the second 1600 heat as Bell only managed two laps before retiring. Out front at the checkered flag Class 10 had a seven car field, including a trio of southern Californians from the Carter racing stable. Ron Carter grabbed the lead from pole sitter Wes Elrod early in the first heat, and Carter held his lead to win the ten lapper hy tWi.) seconds over Elrod. Randy Rhinehart was third, Phil Carter.Jr. fourth, and Don Kennedy took fifth. The second 1650cc heat was a near copy of the first, with Carter · out front most of the way and at the flag, taking the overall points and the purse. Wes Elrod again was second, and for the day in Class 10. Don Kennedy was third in the heat, and on points, and Randy Rhinehart, plagued with mechanical prohlems, t•nded 'up fourth, and Ron Gates was fifth on points. The comhination of Classes 2 and 5 hrought nine cars to the grid, including two Baja Bugs. Jeff Elrod replaced his Ultra-Stock b<xiy with buggy panels and ran away with the first heat, gliding around the course in · chan;ipionship fashion: Sam Berri was second, followed hy Garen McCune, Tone Jord;m and Dick Wielandt, who drove the first Bug across the line. The second heat again saw Jeff Elrod whip away to the victory and the Class 2-5 points for the day. This round Mike Farris was • second and Sam Berri third, followed by Tone Jordan and Geoff Van Noort. On points Jeff Elrod, a many time winner on this course, ran away with both heats in the Class 2 and 5 action, and he also won the fun time Dash for Cash. Dusty Times Randy Rhinehart had a little trouble on course, trying to lighten the load perhaps, but he was fourth in Class 10 points for the day. Bob Lemos flies over the rough jump in his long and lean desert car, and he finishe<! well, third in Class 1 points for the two heats. a·CLA,SS WINS PE . RACE WITH PACE FM 2-WAYS Landmaster Ill -$725 I OVER 400 ON THE COURSE • Handhelds • Rentali .c. • iAntennas • Helmet Wired $125 (cf) • Intercoms· • Amplifiers • Official Radio of: HDRA -SNORE • • Weatherman Radio Relay Team• • Emergency Rescue Service • 2888 Grundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90806 (213) 427-8177 May 1987 Page 45 ,.:,. ·'
' l I i t t . ., It was a sweep for the Arciero brothers as Frank Jr. got the hang of truck racing, and won the big one, the main event, keeping Toyota in the Manufacturers Points lead. Class 1-2-1600 was big in Indiana, and a native Hoosier, Steve Koopman, took the lead in the main event and led from flag to flag, fighting off serious challenges. MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAN PRIX The Arciero Brothers Take Home All the Marbles from the Hoosierdome By Brend.a A. Parker Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises/ Gil Parker Al Arciero had a near perfect night in his Class 10 Chenowth, a third in his heat, and he took the lead on the last lap of the main· event to score the big win in Indianapolis. The extravaganza at the Hoosierdome started at three in the afternoon on Sunday, March 20 in front of2 l,754 spectators. Mickey Thompson said_ that the announcement for the State Basketball tournament, which was held in Indianapolis on the same weekend as this race, really put a dent in the ticket sales for MINIMUM EFFORT .... : .................... . MAXIMUM· EFFECT!!! CA3 -COMPETITION BRAKE WiTH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 Page 46 the off road race. Thompson said he was on his way to record sales until the basketball announce-ment was made. During the aftern6on break after qualifying, Al Unser, Jr., who had engine problems at the Silver Dome the week before, said that all the temps were running cool and his Jeep truck was working well. He hoped to make a good showing for the Jeep people at this race. Bill LeFeuvre, from . Lime-house, Ontario, Canada, was not at the Silver Dome because his Class 10 car was not finished. He said, "I finished the car on Thursday in Florida while I was on vacation". He stated that the car felt good, and that the track had changed a lot from Saturday to Sunday. Ivan Stewart, who qualified second behind Glenn Harris in Grand National Truck class, said his Toyota felt real good and he was · "ready to go racing." He is competing in about 18 races this year as well as doing a lot of public relations work for Toyota. Todd Attig, a l-2-1600driver from Dixon, IL, said his car was running great; although he had a little trouble during the heat race May 1987 he was trying to get the bugs worked out. He said the track was tight but his car felt competitive, and with a few breaks and getting everything dialed in, he thought he would do all right. Lee Wuesthoff's Class 10 engine caught fire at the Silver Dome, and he and his dad Bill · · 'put their long track engine in the Chenowth and repaired the transmission so they could compete here. Lee indicated that the track was going to be fast, and that the race was up for grabs because, "I don't think that anybody is going that much faster than anybody else." Ramiro Gonzalez, a racer from Ohio, used the autograph session to encourage the youngsters to "Say No To Dope." He had a black and white flyer printed with a picture of his car and the above logo. In addition to the autographed flyer, each young-ster received a packet of cravons so that he could color the flyer when he got home. Gonzalez is the driver who got hurt at the Hoosierdome last year. H; has recovered from those injuries, but he still experiences a little apprehension when he passes the spot on the track where he went over the retaining wall last year. The heat races for the 1-2-1600 cars were'held prior to the evening's program. In the first heat, Randy Hartke, from Pietrich, IL, drove his S&K built race car to first place. Steve Koopman was second, Kevin Probst, third, and John Buschon was fourth. In the second heat it was the Be~rien of Alan McMillan taking the win, followed by the Berrien of Beverly Tavelli, the only women . driver entered in this race. Tony Trinkle was third and Joe Henderson took fourth. In the Supe~ 1600 Trophy Dash, Jerry Whelchel spr.inted to an early lead, surviving a bid by Rob Gordon on the last lap, which ended when Gordon got a wheel on top of a hydro barrier. Gordon managed to get going again to finish second, with Marty Coyne third, all in Chenowths. Billy Beck took fourth in his Berrien. The Trophy Dash for the Grand National" Tru_cks was Greg.George had some troubles with his Toyota UlttaStock in the heat race, but he got it handled to lead most of the distance and win the main event. Jeff Probst drove his tidy Super 1600 Berrien Laser to his heat race victory, and he finished a close second in the wild and woolly main event. Dusty Times
cancelled in lieu of having two heat races. The first heat saw Jeff Huber's Mazda jump into the lead .over the Dodge of Walker Evans. However, Huber's teamhtate Glenn Harris passed Evans for second at the end of lap 1. By lap 3 Harris slowed and finally stalled when the drive shaft let go. Evans put a move on Huber to take the lead and the victory. The Chevrolet of Danny Thompson moved into third place where it finished despite a challenge . from _Ivan Stewart, Toyota. At the checkered flag it was Evans, Huber, Thompson and Stewart. · \ After the heat. Harris said, Ivan Stewart won his Grand National Truck heat race handily, fo~ght with his ' "When the shaft let go, I knew Toyota.teammate all the way in the main event, but Ivan finished1second. Tim Maples lifts a wheel on his Mazda RX 7 UltraStocker, and he got the early leadiin the heat race and was never headed en route to victory. exactly what it was, and my heart last place. Greg George, in his the wall after making a quick sank. At least it happened in the Toyota/Funco, who inherited · break from the back df the pack heat and not the main event. My third when Tjelmeland dropped at the start. Kelley got back ih the guys already have the rear end out, was now smoking badly.Jeff rac,e, just ahead of tHe leaders, out and it will be fixed in plenty Elrod's Scitocco moved from and he was 1.·n danger lof going a of time for the main event." · fifth to third, when he passed lap pown. The UltraStocks were the next (?e?rge_ on the last lap. At ~he Jeff Probst put p~essure on cars on the starting grid. Tim · fm1sh it wa~ Maples, _Kazanan Nkhols in the early go/ng, and by Maples, driving a Mazda RX 7; and Elrod, with George m fourth _ lap 3 . he moved int9 the lead broke to an early ·lead and was spot. . . where he stayed to ta~e the win. never headed, despite challenges In the first heat race for the By lap 5 Al Arciero had passed from KenKazarian, Volkswagen. Super 1600 class, Jimmy Withers to take over third spot, Ken had third fastest time for this Nichols, Raceco, took the lead in and Jerry Whelchel pulled ahead class, racing with his old Class 10 the first l~p, wirh the Armstrong of Withers in lap 7 of, the eight motor. The Nissan Pulsar of cl:3d Bemen La~er of J~ff Probst . lap event to take over fourth · Vince Tjelmeland was running d1r_~ctl'i'. be~ind . him, an_d position. Frank Arciero, Jr., the strong in the early going, but C~liforman Mike Withers was m points leader in this class, stalled suddenly slowed and dropped to third. Steve Kelley ended up on on lap 4 and retired. At the finish -~--------~---------~------it_ was Probst, Nichols, Al Kevih Probst favors a 2-1600 for the limited class, and he took a third in his heat Walker Evans scored the win in the first Grand National truck heat, his Dodge winning the race long duel with both of the Team Mazda racers. .Dale Scott, out of Louisville, KY, was the only midwesterner in the UltraStock bash, and he finished fourth in the main in the VW Scirocco. Jerry Whelchel flew high in his handsome Chenowth, winning the Super 1600 trophy dash, and ended up third in the exciting main event. Dusty -Times Arciero, \;r, ' - and r close second in the feature in the new Berrien Buggy. I . . . I ,. HOW MUCH IS YOUR ENGINE WORTH? -I ' $ ? I 3,000, I $5,000? $10,000? now·ABour $t95 ?! Be~ause that's alJ it costs to protect the investment that you have in your engine!!! ! THE ENGINE GUARD IS NOT; SOME NICE "ACCESSORY'; BUT AN ESSENTIAL AND COST-EFFECTWE NECESSITY FOR YOUR ENGINE PRCITECTION. I It is a state-of-the art device that uses digital electronics to interrupt the spark coming from the ignition coil to control engine speed. It does -this so rapidly .that the erygine does not have time io lose power, instead, it "pulses" at the limit that you have chosen and pre-set, protecting your engine from a costly over-rev. I TIIE ENGINE GUARD: I • Will protect your engine ags1inst costly over-revs. • Positively holds engine rpm's to the level you desire. • Will allow you to run faster . and harder. I • ls easily and infinitely • ls oil. gas, wate'r and heat • Wili save on engine wear, adjustable. resistant. · reducing rebuild and ~ Is set and tested at one-third • Is simple to install. set and maintenanc1e costs. bf the desired red line. .test. • saJ sfaction Guauanteed or your money refunded! I . . I -----------------------------------ORDERFORM: SHIPTO: - . QUANTITY ___ at $i195.95 each. (NYS residents pleas!, adld $15.68 1. _ tax for each unit.) • ' Pavment Enclos1:d: __ · Check __ :Vfonev Order/ _ _ MasterCard __ VISA . . I Phone Orders please call 716-tl52-7791 :--it\~IE: _________ _ STREET: _________ _ CITY __________ _ STATE -~--7.IP ___ _ Credit Card Number:_~----'-"-------Exp. Date: ___ _ Signature: / _ ! . PHONE: I I------- -AVID DIGITAL 6EVICES, 1340 arlarc1 Park Road, West Seneca,-N.Y. 14224 I . ' I . . I I I I (716) 652-7781 Page,47 - I
Scott Taylor is heading. for the ch_eckered flag in the Class 10 main event as he heads into lapped traffic. He makes contact with a back marker and is over, with Al Arciero ~nd Jeff Probst close behind. But they clear to the left as Jerry Whelchei approaches, and Taylor stayed upside down. i;rwhekhel and Withers .. The second Super 1600 heat was next on the grid.Jim Struble, from Pennsylvania in a Funco, took the lead with Tommy Croft, in a Chenowth, jumping quickly into second place. Croft and Joe Hofmann, Mantis, clanged. wheels in lap 4, and during this melee Croft passed Struble, who got caught behind a slower car. · Billy Beck also moved past Hofmann and Struble at this time . to challenge Croft. Beck pulled alongside Croft several times, but Tommy Croft managed to hang on for the win. Billy Beck was second, and Bob Gordon. came out of the back of the pack, to 'pass Hofmann and finish' third. Hofmann was fourth. Defending Class 10 points champ in the series, Tommy Croft won his heat race, but his Chenowth got caught in the hectic main event traffic. Lee Wuesthoff took a bad flip off the moguls and ended up on _his top. He got back in the race after being righted, but was soon,. black. flagged, evidently for having no roof, which was pulled off by the track workers after his rollover. Craig Durfee was towed from the track with front suspensipn problems. The second heat for the Grand National Trucks was next, with the same cast. After the first heat Ivan Stewart commented, "I like this track better than last week's at the Silver Dome. The soil is not as moist. It doesn't grab at the truck and slow it down. I've got the pole for Heat 2, so I'm trying to get a good start in my Toyota and just hold on." Stewart did just that with Danny Thompson trailing throughout the race, although he made two bids for the lead in the early laps. Working through the traffic, Randy Hartke, from Dietrich, IL, drove his S & K car to the win in the first 1600 heat and fourth in the main. Walker Evans settled into third with Glenn Harris moving from the "scratch" starting position to fourth. Jeff Huber, Frank Arciero, and Al Unser tangled in the early going, with ' Huber taking serveral laps to restart. Unser and · Arciero continued, but well back of the leaders. At the checkered flag it was Stewart, Thompson,· Evans· and Harris. After a fifteen minute intermission, the 1-2-1600 main event was staged. Steve Koopmen sprinted ,.out fast to. take the lead and the victory. He was never seriously challenged until the last few laps when Kevin Probst started to gain on. him. Probst, however, ran out of time and the victory went to Koopman, a driver from Indiana. Beverly Tavelli got upside down when she tangled with John Buschon and Ramiro Gonzalez TEAnn SANDWINDER CHASSIS CHALLENGE CLASS WINNER -BUDWEISER 250 /ti/,;f!-0~ !;{i;.o~--e• i J&,.,.,../~~ \'' Q"'~'< ~1-{r-~ CHASSIS FOR ALL CLASSES CALL FOR DETAILS 714-825-0583 . 714-.888-2703 241 So. Arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92408 Pa~e 48 on lap 1. They all got back in the race, but were well behind the leaders. Finishing behind Koopman it was Probst, Alan McMillan, Randy Hartke, and Tony Trinkle. . The six UltraStocks were next. Greg George won the three across drag race on most of the _ first lap over Jeff Elrod and Tim Maples. Elrod was knocking on the door and made two serious bids through -the moguls to no avail. Ken Kazarian moved into third when Maples dropped out on lap 3. Vince Tjelmeland was running fourth, but he seemed to have some problems as well. At the finish it was George, Elrod, Kazarian and Tjelmeland. There were 29 Super 1600 -cars lined up for the start of their main event, and this was by fat the best race of the evening. Steve Kelley and Frank Arciero, Jr., sta_rting on the tail end of the grid, cut the angle to the first corner, and after a final tu-rn melee were 11th and 12th at the end of . the first lap and were moving up through the pack. Bob ·Gordon rrioved · into the lead. Seven cars stacked up in the · final corner on lap 1, but-all were, able to continue. In a four car pile up· on the same corner in lap 3, both Glen Woolbright and Bill LeFeuvre retired. On the same lap another four car tangle May 1987 Alan McMillan, from Elkhart, IN, ran hard in his plain Jane Berrien and won fhe second 1-2-1600 heat and took third in the main event. · Luck was not with Scott Taylor in the MTEG races, and at Indy he flipped his new Class 10 on the_ last lap of the main event, while leading the race. Looking very smooth over the' jumps, Danny Thompson got a pair of third places in the Chevrolet, jn both the heat and the main event. Beverly Tave/Ii braved it out .;.;•,th the-stadium racers, and put her Berrien in second in the second 1600 heat, but flipped in the feature. Dusty Times L.
.sid~li~ed Jimmy ·-Nichols a~d Mark ,Manns. _ -Scott Taylpr, meanwl)ile, was moving up, ::1.nd _he gave everyone a lesson in driving by moving through and around· traffic. Gordon was still leading with Al Arcit;ro right behind him until_ lap 8, when Al passed Gordon to take over the lead, and Jeff Probst was in .third spot. Now the leaders · came up on the .back markers and suddenly' they were a factor in this race. In the _ meantime, Taylor was still moving up and · started to pressure the lea~ers, passi,-i~ first Probst, then Gordon, and finally Arciero, to take the lead on the next to last lap. Taylor was just half a. lap from the finish when he tangled with a back marker and rolled over, giving the win to Al Arciero. Jeff Probst finished second, followed by Jerry Whelchel, Billy Beck. and Frank Arcie.ro, Jr. Bob Gordon lpst several positions , when he. got caught up in the _slow~r traffj<,:, and finished in sixth spot. Frank Arcierc,, Jr. led wire to wire in his Grand National Toyota · to win the truck main event. Danny , Thompson challenged early, but gave way on · lap 4 to Arciero's teammate Ivan Stewart, who chased Arciero for the remainder of the race. Al Unser, Jr. dropped out on-lap 3 after a skirmish with Walker Evans' Dodge. Jeff Huber, Mazda, managed to overtake Evans late in the race. The win went to Frank Arciero, Jr. with· Stewart, Thompson and Huber finishing in. that order. Class 10 winner and Frank's brother Al Arciero said later "It's the first time the Arcieros ha~e Won at Indianapolis since 1963." In the · Odyssey main event Oreg DavisJed the first lap, but lost the lead in the first turn of the second lap to Don Archibald after the two m;tde contact going into the first turn. Mike Baugus battled .Davis the rest of the race, before slipping by on the final switchback to take second plae:e. The finish order was Archibald, Baugus, Davis and James Cook. In the :4 Wheel ATV main, _ Roger Burman broke. away afrer the whole front line of the huge field went into turn 2 together, and he stayed in the lead for the victory. Don Turk passed Jackie Meadows for second ori l_ap 4, and both Turk and Meadows closed on Burman but coul.d not overtake him. Rod Gentry passed Meadows for third spot onlap 5 and challenged Turk to Vince Tjelmeland has an eye-catching new paint job on the UltraStock f;JiSSf!.n, but small troubles put him down to fifth in the final race. I . · · the wire. Finishing in the top five . Kalas, who st_arte~ ~t the back' of spots were Burman, Turk,· the field, came utp,through the . Gentry, Meadows and Brian Fry. pack to take over[ second from Mickey Thompson tried Kenny Boll.meie._r ofn.la'p 4 .. Kalos something new · with the kept gaining onJStephenson motorcycles, part of the show throughout, fell back slightly this weekend. Instead of lining . after contact with Stephenson at them up across the track, he the center switchback, then both handicapped -them. the same as went down in-the corner double' the cars. There were two in each j4Wp on the final lap. Bollmeier row for eight rows. Dennis passed both of them.while they Stephenson broke to an early righted their bikes; to take the lead in the main event, but Shaun victory, Stephenson was second, ___________________ ...;;. .......... ____ Dale Spangler third, and -Kalos AR O , ~ · -fol.lrth. I · -E Y U GETTING ~ORE . Mickey Thomp~on was very THAN ONE .co_ PY OF disappoinbotedh in-.rlthe spectator count at . t m,7 ~estern races DUSTY. TIMES' this year. He hap just over · - _ . . _ · · · _ . · __ ·• . , 27 ;000 at the SilvetUome due to . the fact that "Wtestle Mahia A number ot subscribers now have tw,o·subsciiptions, because they get one with their membership in HDRA, -or they subscrib~d through _anotl:u~r dub as _well as ' DUSTY TIMES. If you don't really need two copies eachmonth, drop us a note and assign your duplicate sub~crjption to a friend, pit crew worker, anyone you:,.. -c~oose. Send' us the full n_;ime and address wi~h -zip code, of your friend, and-the filailing label from the subscription you wish-to assign to them. We wilLtake. care of the paper work. Dusty Times 1987. " was held ·1the following weekend and the stadium. sold . over 93;000 tickets for that event alone. Thompson !indicated that he might not be back in the midwest next year, possibly opting for ii location· in the New York area. This wbuld be a loss to the drivers in the rriidwest who enjoy winter racing. T ~e people who did not attencl either of the t:wo events here missed a great . sho~ and an enjoyable-evening of e. ntertainm~nt as 1:is. usual wi_th any of Mickey Thompson's events. _ . · 1 _ • -[mo,c.~-.TRAIL NOTES I - - . -! iTHE MINT 400, sponsored by N is_san thi~ year, is shaping up to be another -biggie, with dose to 2:-70 in the drawing the middle of April, and many more ,since then. If you are attending the race, check out the map on page 55, and do · yo'urself and everyone -in the sport a big favor., and ST A Y OUT of the restricted areas, Ther_e are good-reasons why they are.restricted, and there are plenty ofspots along the 105 mife course where you can legally spe<;:tate _and enjoy a day in the desert, Once again there will be a real spectator section 1 through the Las Vegas Moiocross course, off the Sea_rchlight Highway; and of , course it is always fon around the giant pit ,areas at the start/finish line·at .Sloan. · · · · · · . . , . f - A recent bulletin about the.Mint 400 announced a new contest at the, ·1Mint 400 this year: Bill Donahoe arid the crew from Vernon Truck:Wash are sponsodng a $250 cash award to the -'Best Appearing Crew\ with factory 1sponsored teams excluded. The jud~ing will ~e doni;. as the cars and crews. go thr01,1gh tech inspection, and the_ winners will be announced at the awards ceremony on Sunday. Another keen prize comes from France th\s year: S«!rge Valette and Bernard Francis, who came over last year to participate in a Class . 1 car at the Mint 400; had such a great time they are coming back again this . year. As a token ofappreciation to you hospitable racers, their sponsor, Cu ire· '_fet La_ ine(;:ie,, will be. ~iving a bottle ofFre11ch champa~ne to each cl_ass wi.nner. I· The Slime bulletin announced the reasons behmd the parkmg fee for Contingency Row partidpants on.Fremont Street this year; primarily that of the cost of using the street. But, HDRA stated tha~ they will set up a · Contingency Row at the start/ finish area in Sloan for those companies who · l:io·n:ot wish to pay the $500 fee for space downtown, and it will be open all day Friday as well. So ra.cers will have two ch~nces to socialize with their sponsors at the 1987 Mint 400. This has t9be the first time there will bea pair · of Contingency Rows at an off road race. So, if you don't see your favorite · suppliers on Fremont Street, chances are you will find them at Sloan. · ALCAN 5000 UPDATE. The Akan 5000, a 5000 mile mad rally from 1w ashington state to Alaska and back has been held annually sinc_e 1984. The 11987 edition wiU begin August 15 in Bellevue, Washington; and finish-on IAugU:st 26 in Jasper, Alberta. The route inc\udes Anchorage, Dawson City ,and Yellowknife. Entry opens on May l, and get all the info' fromAlcan 5000 _1Rally, Jerry Hines, 15 Central Way, Dept.-300, Kirkland, WA 98033. Get your. Akan experience this year, because in 1988 it will, be the Akan Winter Rally early in February. It will be the longest winter rally ever conducted and · !finish near Calgary., Alberta, just prior to the opening of the 1988 Winter Olympics, The rally will start February 2 in Seattle and proceed north to f nchorage via the Alaska 'Highway to Anchorage, then return thro,Ugh · airbanks, Dawson ,City and the Cassiar Highway. The planned_ route ncludes a winter crossing of the Top Of The World Highway to the Yukon, and an optional side trip to lnuvik, 200 miles north of the Artie Circle in the !Northwest Territories, This rally should be popular with the snowbirds. ' . . _o WIN A NEW NISSAN PICKUP. In conjunction with the HDRA · 'Fireworks 250 in Barstow, CA on July 3,5, the.HDRA is holding the sixth annual Fireworks Raffle at the Barstow Community College on Friday, July 3. · As always, only 200 tickets are printed for the raffle, at a cost of $125 each_. All of the tickets are drawn, arid a prize is awarded to each ticket holder. The own~r of the last ticket drawn will receive_ a 1987 Nissan 'pickup. Proceeds from the raffle will benefit the Barstow Chamber of Commerce and bolster the HDRA/ SCOREChampionship points fund: Get tickets from the HDRA.· I . ' " MORE RAFFLE NEWS. At the drawing for the Mint 400 on April 8 a brand new Class 2 Raceco was raffled away. The car belonged to Roger · "Roderick, who died in a highway accident late in 1986. The tickets were $100 each, and again, HDRA sold only.ZQOticket_s. The lucky winner of theRaceco ~as Roger Gaskill, past President of SNORE, so the car stays in La~ Vegas. Karen Roderkk would Hke to thank all th_ose who bought tickets, and the :faftlewas a sell out, bringing the Roderid:s $20,000 for the neat race car. - THE 1987 OFF ROADRACINGHANDBOOK is a keen pocket sized book foll of facts and figures about the 1986 desert series from SCOR~/HDRA, backgro_und information on the drivers and leading race 'teams, and media information contacts. Some pages contain historical notes about off road racing, and.it is a handy guide to the sport for newcomers, an.3 old timers can make up a .great trivia game orr who won what race when with the answers right in the book. Just $5.00, get one at the ra0es in contingency row, or. send your c1'1eck to Ron Metz & Associates, P,0; Box 824, Simi Valley, CA 93062. . NOH{,JC; the Nevada Off Highway Users Co~ncil was formed late last "'-' ~nter. The non,profit organization has. objectives that include educating public land users, and participatirig with the B.L.M. and other governmental .. agencies in· the equitable management ofpublidands. They also are involved in the effort to prevent excessive land closures as wilderness areas. Many . readers. might be Juke warm about these issues, but perhaps they do. not_, understand the total impact of the wilderness issue. As it is explained by B.L.M., once an area is designated as wilderness, it is completely closed to all _ lnotorized vehicles. In the event ofa fire, no vehicles can be ,brought in to ~tirpress it Firefighters may walk to.the fire, planes may fly over, but men and bquipment cannot be delivered by trucks, but they can ai:rive on horseback. I . NOHUC_ is actively involv~d in fighting California. Senator Alan Cranston's new wilderness bill, the biggest land grab yet for new wilderness areas, so massive that 'the B.L.M,, the. Secretary of the Interior, and _the ~alifornia B.L.M. Director are against it; NOHUC encourages Nevadans to fight this bill, feeling that•ifCalifornia's desert recreation areas are closed or drastically·reduced in size, the ob.vious result would be more people traveling to Nevada for .their, recreational heeds, over populating the open areas in that state.They also feel that should Cranston succeed in ·making most of the east · Mojave desert a wilderness area, even though many of his designated areas are already developed and contain proposed nuclear and other hazardous waste . dump sites, that the environmentalists will not stop -with taking over · <;::alifornia 's recreation lands. They will then move into N_evada, Arizona, arid perhaps all the we:istern states where the bulk of federal land is. located in the · USA. · . --. · NOHUC is actively recruiting members within Nevada and neighboring _ states; .The annual dues are just $25, and the Council_ is dedicated to keeping ~ublic lands ·open for all the public to use. Contact NOHUC at P.O. Box 43872, Las Vegas, Nevada.89116/1872. I · Page 49
1987 Rally -of Portugal Text & Photos: Mi:rrti_n Holmes Kennet_h Eriksson-and Peter Dielmann!gave Volkswagen its best'ev~i: world -tally res!)lt taking third overall _in the Giflf GT! 16 valve. . . , '. . Markku Alen and 1/kka Kiv_imaki surviveiseiious shock.al)sorber,trouble and'tire problems to win overall andthe Group he w~s barely in_,.the top ten. Th~t 1· ·.was ,a poor we_ le. o~e for -B __ ernie . _ A hon-ors driving the Lancia Delta HF 4-WD and put Lancia in the Manufacturers'·points lead. evening Mazda changed his . Ecdestone who arrived to watch ------------'---'--~--~--'-------------'---_c_----~-._ cent ra I d i.ffe re nti a I._ .The the Group A-_cars in action .on Back tonormal,inm6reways involved accident last year the time. The spectators' cciuld see revelat_ion, however,· \\'.aS I roligh_,roa9s. Ka~kktirien made than one. Markku Alen scored organizers made several changes who was catching-whom without _ Ragnom. _In the way that few I best trme on the first two stages, d',his fifth victory at the Rally of · to the event, although essentially a_ stopwatch. · . - people believed Sainz had "only" and Alen on the third. But, Alen Portugal, for the first time this the basic outline was as before. Juha~ Kankkunen went away . 300 hp, the Renault went far ' was fat from happy. "It-is so season a world rally ran without The most important novelty was first followed by Timo Salonen, better than. the official 185 hp-. dangerous driving Touring Cars protest or reser:vations about the the indusion of two "Super-but he was in trouble as the power _ output- suggested. The I fast fn .these conditions. The-results, the rough rpads of specials", stage one and stage 14. Mazda started to oversteer more · Frenchman _ was apprecia.bly -1 wheel travel is so much-less than · Portugal once again -create.9 These were run respectively over and in~re. First Markku Alen- quicker than. Kenneth Erikssqn on Group B cars yo4 risk the car . -considerable problems for the three laps of the Formula 1 overtook him, then Jean withalighterVW16-valvewith jumpingofftheroadallthetime. leading cars, and there was Circuit at Estoril on which two - Ragnotti almost passed him a~ alm_ost 200 ,hp. Ragnotti took The cars are stuffy _ins-ide and -another serious spectator chicanes were added and at th~ well. The biggest surprise·came awaytheleadonstage4,thefirst there i.s no reserve of power ai' accident. Lancia gained victory in airfield at Braga where a two lap on the second heat, when the first time a front wheel: drive car had all."•·~ · -. - ' · -both i:heTouring·and Production stage was held over a rallycross car away was Carlos Sairiz's led any worl\1 rally since the Ragn.otti, however, · had his categories; with Citroen winning course. To the relief of all the Sierra Ford RS · Cosworth. He 1980 $wedish, and he only Jost normal twjn~k in his eyes. "Just the Sports _Car· group for the drivers the Sintra loop, where st_eamed away and stopwatches the ·lead back to Alen after a watch our times when the stages third time this year, while Mazda spectators were killed last year, soon showed he was going faster disastrous tire choice on stage 7. go downhill, our Renaults .are · ( now c0nfirmed as. Swedish was abandoned. In other respects th.an anyone in. the first heat. · Climbing back upto third was just as fast as the four wheel drive Rally winners) were deceived by the route was very familiar, and After Estoril, the cars.headed Si}inz i·n·the rear drive Ford, but car·s." For aH that .rhe Lancias the inadequacies of their the character -of the event north with _nine special stages to th'e end came soon . . A were hauling_ iri· the French car: transmissions. For all· the top remained as one of r01:1ghness be run before the rest halt at . turbocha_rger turbine broke and On stage 11 'Miki' Biasion got drivers' pre-rally pessimism combined with high speed. · Povoa de Varzim. This was the he. lost ten minutes _on stage 7. ahead of Ragnott-i, -then _about_ the, strength of the new · The decision to run th~ first "asph~lt" part of the event, but Now it was only Ragnotti left to -· Kankkunen got closer and cl0ser. high technology Touring Cars, stage at the · Estoril _Autodrome several stages · had stretches of figh~ the Italian challmge. More The rally then. reached the they still' survived theevent, after brought _a new element into the gravel. The first "real" gravel stage 7 .drama c·a·me _ when_ rallycrbss circuit at Braga. The a lot of hard work by the service equation. Lancia took it so stage was A Montejunto, and Eriksson lost his brakes. entirely _ slippery mixed surfaces were all crews. But, it was not a complete seriously that they fitted their immediately Sainz lost the lead. - and had to spin the car to stop it. the total trac_tion cars needed to. four wheel-drive ·show. Second three team cars with suspensions His front tires were too wide and Ra:gn,citti · · had . some brake. succeed, Kankkunen took 22 ~ place went to Jean Ragno qi 's set up for this stage. It was a good he dropped 18 seconds to Alen, problems too. -Salonen was still seconds off Ragnot ti and the . Renault 11 Turbo -and third to spectacJe for the crowds. Bo.th who in turn.took back the two· rriiserable, now run•nihg si:age 10 · Lancias were I-2-3. 0 C./ the.low-tech VW Golf GTI 16V "Superspecials" were run with seconds he ha.cl dropped . to on three cylinders. All three From th.ere the rally went i:o of Kenneth Er_iksson,_both front cars · being dispatched at ten Ragnotti, so that Renault and _ Lancia _gt;~rboxes were changed the fai-north, stages which were wheel drive cars. second intervals, with up to. ten Lancia were :momentarily equq"-1 to shorter gear ratios at the night -savag_ely daunting back to the old After the tragic spectators .cars on the course at th_e ·same first. . halt. · Group 4 days. First to suffer. was IT'S SUMMERS BROS. FOR THE FINEST IN OFF-ROAD PRODUCTS! WE PAY CONTINGENCIES FOR ' SCORE AN_D HDRA EVENTS! Page_SO SEND.$3.00 FOR YOUR DIRT RACER'S CATALOG! M ' 0.~ ...... ~ -• · I ' I • . ~r-i ,-:).,0. ¥ • OTH°E-" 530 South·Mountain Avenue Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 986-2041 Salonenwasveryunhappy, the The_second day dawned grey • 'Kankkunen when, on,stage 15, .car did riot seem to go well, and and soon _the rain wa_s falling. It both front shocks &_eized up and · . broke, then that haP,pehed again after two kilometers of stage -16. Including · two 'minutes · road penalty, he had fallen six minutes back. Biasion had . fyel pump failure,'. and he had ·to push his Delta a kilometer to the end of .. . stage 15. Of the works Lancias, only Alen was unaffected. Making it two class titles for Lancia, Alessandro Fiorio and-Luigi Piro/lo won Group N and finished a remarkable 13th overall in the Delta. ' _ M.Jy 1987 · Mazda were also in big tro~ble. · lngvar Carlsson suffered lack of engine power on the first day, and ·Salonen's .• only consolation was that the · cause of the differential trouble had -.:been discovered . ari'cl cµred. No~ it was. demoralizing to be lying in . eighth place, but at the end of stage· 15, the trans.mission made ominous · clicking noises, and Dusty Times'.
damage. The_ .. Lancia _shock_s finally · arr_ived mid-morning on Satl!lrday, hit they still did m)t seem right, and at one . point Alen's lead .shrunk to four seci.mds, before. finally getting the right suspensidn tune_. But Biasion was _in .dbep trouble • having tc) change a gta..rhox, then the engine started t o overheat, and finally having : the fr6~t suspension change\.t . and get_ttng . even 11,1ore penalties 'when . the · power steering failt;d1.as well. · M~ny drivers wtf · collecting flat ttres, Alen was lutky;he lrn,t· Imly a few seconds J ith a flaftwo Zooming past .speciators. Michele Tirabassi ·and Herve Sauvage were 14th_ . kilometers from' the· finish. clt° a overall and first Group B car in-'the Citroen Visa 1000Pistes. ' · · stage. But,. Kankkunen had to-·. . . · • _ . . . ' stop to change his-..f~(lt;on ,'stage. ,after changing the driveshafts, wonder if FISA would allow thi~ .. Eriksson damaged,~h~:Tt;,~r of-his the sounds remained. It was the rally to continue in the . Wor;I~ car sliding off thl' tohqjn ri;patch . . central-cliff again. . . Series. . · · _:;, . of sanq_ o~ an .asp~~fr/$ti:t:tc,b.'.·of -Others had trouble · as well. A 28 year old-spectator .w~s .· i:oad. Bms1on losti:nQ.te.J1me;w1th · Erwin Weber "'.ent ~ff th_e road, killed · on _Friday morning _.at ; t~ont . s~spension A~.M~ge.,}B':1t · and was reporting his plight by Marao special stage, after •being__ . fmally 1t looked ',-:,!>-,:.-1( :-Lancm ·radio · . when alo~g came the hit by a· Production 'category would win. At thc,hnh •a(T6mar, · Re~ault of Manuel Mello _Toyota, and another ten were Alen had a mimitc:,ji37'se¢6n:~s · Breyner, that pushed the . VW • ·injured.· The crash happerie!d a on Ragnotti, arid Erikss<>n was further off· the roa_d. Carole -short distance after the star( of another three minu·~~s .d<,wn. · Vergnaud, the overnight le~der the stage at a spot where an Markku Alen 'and -Ilkka ofGroup B, was -12th after the earlier rally car had hit a-parked Kivimaki won ithe rally for asphalt stages, but her Citroen car a few minutes earlier. The Lancia by nearly'.tlli-ft: miri'utes· Visa l(X)() Pistes broke a gear spectators had moved from their . O\'.Cr the RenaultofJeanRagncmi selector fork: so ~he lost the previously safe locations. to and Pierre Thimor:iie,r,: Another . chance of a third maior award on inspect the damaged spectator two min_utes back' .·Ken_neth a world rally this year. Alen was car when the Toyota leftthe•road •· Eriksson · and Pett.'f ::Diekmann now l min~te, ~l _secot_'lds ah~ad · in the same way. This accident t,:ot the VW into t'1ird, 11nd Juha_ of Ragnottt, B1a~1on was th_1rd was -less foreseeable, than t'he Kankkunen _and Ju,ha. ~iironen ahead of Eriksson with tragedy last year. Some blamed were fourth m the Lancia, some Kankkunen sixth behind the two minute -rule, where the six •minutes further down. C~rlsson. , top drivers start ,two minutes Francois Chatriot/ -Michel Perin Markku Alen has never yet apart, and the rest of the field.run drove another Renauli'l 1 Turbo been forced ~o retire-in Portugal with only a minute gap. __ The car into fourth place, ln lHthc)vc_·r;tll for mechanical reasons, but that hit the spectators this year Alessandro Fiorio ·1 land Luigi things started to look uncertain was one of the first cars running · Pirolo won Group'N,.for"Lancia, w~en the rally restarted on with tne one minute gap and the and in 14th overa:11 Michele Friday, the 13th day of ~arch. · spectators were used -to two Tirabassi and Hctr'w Sauvage Shocks were the problem_. and he minute. intervals at the time of took Group B _in a.Citroen. b~oke a frontshoc~ aftequstone the crash. The other. surprising On Champions~'ip points kilometer at Marao. U~less.they aspect of the accident was that Lancia has 57, Mazda 34:Audi -actually broke, replacing them the Toyota backed out of the 28, Volkswagen 26 11nJ Renault was a waste of time.:A d~fferent crowd after the crash and went 23. In the driv.ers' fpo)nts•J~ha batch were en route by air from 6n with ' the rally, without a Kankkunen -has · 317,, . Markku 1 Italy. Suspension woes were windscreen and .. any apparent . Alen, 28, Miki •Biasion, . 23, common to all breeds of cars. concern about the seriousness of Kenneth Eriksson, ZJ and Timo' Lancia had more than the .incident which caused the Salonen has 20. ' · suspension trouble. Biasion's car -=--~=--'--,.,.,-:..-· --,,,---,,--,,---=.,.,..,,.-::-..,.......,,..,.,.===--::-=--::--was jammed in second gear and he drove half a day like thai:. · Kankkunen was regaining lost ground, but was badly baulked by lngvar Carlsson) crippled Mazda before, like Sa:lonen, the Swede retired with -transmission t_rouble. The Renaults were going very well, and Ragnotti was keeping the pressure on Alen. But, at the mid-day halt the Frenchman was less optimistic.· "We now have smoother stages which should be better for Lancia." Asked what . would allow him to.win, he replied 1.'the Lancia shock absorbers!" Lancia was-out of shocks, and damaged ones were being rebuilt as the team looked for their air freight shipment. The Lancia helicopter, flying into a service stop, landed with a sickening whirring noise. The -pilot had . misjudged the landing spot and . · the tail rotor cut its way through a parked van like a scythe. There were no injuries, just emb;urass-:ment. for Alen the struggle of ,doing six stages on worn out shocks was showing, but· the Laticia was 51 seconds in front of the Renault, Eriksson held third . place; .. a minute in- front of Biasion, while Kankkunen and Chatriot were writ spaced out · behind. · Then news of the spectator tragedy at Marao Driving one of the smallest Group A cars, Jorge Recalde and Jorge Del Buono filtered through and one began to beat the tough course for tenth overaU in the Fiat Uno Turbo. Dusty Times· May 1987 J · Safari· Rally Update Photos: Ma~tin Hdlmes The ·1987 -' Safari - Rally in Kenya· attracted .· fac(ory enti-ies from. all ,over .the/\World. The event • traditionally ·· runs over Easter . .week; and '.this year . the· T 9yota streak·. 9_f victories was . broken. It was_'.a sweep for the two car team of Audi Quattro 200s, pictured in a practice pit stop a~ the top. Sro~t•ng 238 hp and six speed · gearboxes; the Quattros -finished first and second over.all. The winners were Hannu Mikkola and Arne Hertz, with mates Walter Rohrl and Christian-· Geistdorfer placing second overall. Rumors say that Jo~n Buffum, will have a similar Audi· . Group' A .·car· · when the SCCA National Pro Rally Series resumes this'. ·summe'r, and no doubt for the'World'Champion-ship. Toyota, ·_Olympus Rally commg late m June around . Olympia, WA.· · ._ . In Kenya Lars-Er,ic Torph and Bepny Melai:ider ' held up ~h~ hono.r of Toyota; taking third overall in· one of three Supras with .three liter . erigines and a stated 250 hp. Erwin Weber and Matthias ,·_sfehz . were fourth., overall\ in; a VW Motorsport· :.... · Gcilf,GTl'l6 valve; boasting 193 hp.'. Bic,tµred_helow is teammate Ke.nnedi'.faiksson plowing a little sand·:in a·nfatching car. · S11baru entered .a formidable four car team of three door, flat four \ eQgined Coupe ·4 WO Turbos._whkhweigh,the same as the' ;;RX' ·Turbo but are aerod¥namically better.: Per Ekli:md and Dave Whittock dr.ove their Subaru .Coupe into fifth place-:overalLon the Safari _last (l)Otith: .Early results go_ no farther, but the lower pict4re shows many time Safari overall winner. Shekhar Mehta_ testing one of the three Nissan 200 SX · __ ,.,_ 12 .valve V-6~ cars. This Nissan is an·. American. specification model, which in rally trim produces at least 240 · horse-power: . ' . The full.· report of the Marlboro Safari ·Rally will be in the June issue. This event always produ~es. exdting pictures with · . African · ,wildlife in the back-ground. Page 51
Bill Holmes Makes it Three in a Row at· the. High ~sert Trails By Rod Koch Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers continued on their winning ways in the For~ pickup.on t~e rough r~ads around Ridgecrest. With three wins in a row the team is leading the points standings in both the Cal,for'!!a Rally Se,res and the SCCA . So-Pac Rally· Division. It is no surprise to off road race ers for the event, and the Inn's of internal motor massaging that fans just how fast a well prepared rear parking lot was large enough is allowed. Several of these cars · pickup truck can move rhrough to accommcxlate the 33 starting will ruri on nothing less than 100 the desert. At the High Desert entrants and their crews'. The plus octane gas. As such, they • Trails, a California Rally Carriage Inn provided very nice often out-perform many of the Series/SCCA Divisional Pro accommcxlations overall. . Open Class vehicles. . Rally held at Ridgecrest, CA Eleven cars and four big trucks · Just at sunset the first cars, led April 11th and 12th, both Pro made· up the Open Class. These by the Peterson/ Love Arrow and Rally fans and competitors saw included Bill Holmes' 400 plus the Holmes/Rogers Ford truck, the skillful driving of Bill Holmes hp truck, Lon Peterson's 210 hp accelerated away from the start and Jim Rogers in their 1987 Plymouth Fire Arrow, Ian of stage .1, Powerline, at two Ford Pro Rally truck again wipe Miller's .two liter twin cam minute intervals. • . out all the competition. They Toyota, and the GT National The short, straight sections on took their third · consecutive Class Dodge Shelby Turbo of this narrow one lane stage saw overall win in the California Gary Gooch. CRS regular Jeff the fastest. vehicles hitting Rally Series. . · Griffin had his potent Volvo 142 around · 100 · plus mph, then ,.,'-· Warm weather with a slight ready, and the ex-works backing off to twjst around the breeze gave organizer Ray Hocker Vauxhall Chevette V-6 of Rick power poles, and accelerating a near perfect setting for the 125 Bell looked as fast as ever. Rcxl again. After 2½ miles ofthis,you . mile event. Six . special stages Koch's 2240cc VW Fastback quickly drop into the third, then · ranging from 1.72 miles to 9.62 had a double shocked front end second gear, for a roller coaster miles in length were run twice for for the rough roads, and the big ride up and down and around. a a total of twelve stages. Hocker trucks of Keith Mertz; Ford, and series ofsmall arroyos .. A sudden _ had made a valiant try to obtain Mark Mueller, Chevy, looked, 90° right hander then found you permission from the LosAngeles ready for' any desert course. facing .a half mile of whoop-0e-Department of Water and Power Leonard Jensen's RX 7. Mazda doos, way to far apart to·jump,. to use their smooth aquadutt looked very fast as did George and too close to go fast. Peterson roads on the Sierra Nevada side Daland's Mitsubishi Star ion said that he bottomed so hard he of Ridgecrest, but earlier Turbo. drove the J/4 inch skid plate up promises by DWP officials were The CRS Stock Class was well to the pan and the pan up to the rejected on grounds of"financial represented with 15 cars plus the crankshaft. This only slowed him liability", a saying too often Ford Ranger of Tony Lineham down a touch, but enough for heard these days. Ray Hocker · and a new Isuzu pickup of David. Holmes to win. that stage. · · and staff then turned to the and Steve Burgess. No less than After the first stage, the next Bureau of Land Management, five well prepped Datsun 510s four, in comparison, were who-approved use of the were · entered·, driven by Bill extremely rough. But, they were previous route which ran south . Perez, Mike Gibeault, Sans very well·marked with reflecting of Ridgecrest and east of Thompson; Carl Azevedo and arrows for the turns, and red · Highway 395. · · Jay Mathes. Roger Hull had his caution markers, and most of the· Skidplates and extra ground qufck Datsun . 610 ready and teams made it through without ,.8 clearance were strongly recom- CRS's-own 'Flying Finn', Topi damage. Stage6wasa reverse of· mended by Ray Hocker and Hynynen showed up with his stage 1, . after which everyone Course Marshall Mike BiddHng- Toyota Corolla SR-5 looking returned-to Ridgecrest and the meier, as most stages .were a far real good and ready to take on Carriage Inn for the only service cry from being graded. Heavy · any of the Datsuns or anything . break, and a re-seed. · rains earlier had created wash outs and whoop-de-doos else. Although Lon Peterson/ Jim aplenty. ,. It should be noted that these Love won stage 2, the . The new Cardage . Inn at CRS ."Stock,.' cars are ..:isually Holmes/ Rogers truck won the Ridgecrest served as headquart- very fast, due to a certain amount other five stages ·and had a good Showing considerable rally skills, Topi Hynynen, with ~ill M~ore co-driving,. flung the Toyota Corolla into sixth overall and the victor;: in CRS Stock, lead over the rest.of the field. The Mik~ Gibeault/ Paul Bowman. Datsun 510 led the Stock Class at the · halfway point, closely followed by Bill Perez/Roger . Ralls in their 510. Gary English/Mike.Blore, in the Stock Alfa . Sprint Coupe,_ made a Banzai . charge ori stage 3, · finishing right behind Holmes and ahead of Peterson. Stage 4 saw the Alfa take · fourth fastest time, but brake problems soon dropped it off the fast Stock Class pace. _ The second half of the rally saw the front runners picking up their speeds on at! the stages. But, in the overall position it was Bill Holmes winning . all the stages except stage 9. There Lon , Peterson, tired of being second fastest, won• that stage, and finished second · overall and in Open Class. Not far behind the two leaders Ian Miller's twin cam T 9yota, Gary Gooch 's Turbo Dcxlge, and Jeff Griffin's Volvo swapped fastest times· on the remaining stages. . In Stock Class the Gibeault/ Bowman .510 dropped out after . suffering carburetor problems on stage 7. The Perez/ Ralls 510 · then took over the Stock Class lead, but only momentarily. Topi · Hynynen, in a demonstration of the driving skill, that a few years ago prompted Satch Carlson of Autoweek to describe him as one · of the quickest, yet most under · rated drivers on the National circuit, literally catapulted his aging Toyota Corolla 1600 into the Stock Class lead. Topi set · forth fastest times on stages 8 and 9, with third fastest time on stages 10 and 12, right behind Peterson and Holmes. Ian Miller's steady, fast pace gave him and navigator Bart Gcxlett third overall and third in Open· Class, followed closely by the Turbo Dcxlge of Gooch/ Williams. The Oriffin/Cwiak Volvo . was only nine seconds . back in fifth overall and in Open Class. · Topi Hynynen and Bill Moore took a well earned sixth overall and the Stock Class-win. The Perez/Ralls · Datsun finished -second _in Stock · and eighth overall. In ninth overall and third in Stock came Roger and Richard Hull, Datsun 610. Rounding out the top ten, Ric and Maite Bell · were seventh overall, and · Rod Koch and Roger Allison got their air cooled VW home in tenth.· Despite the rough stages, twenty-four cars finished the . course. The excellent lay out of the route, the diminished speeds due to the roughness, and the superb course markings, . made this one of the safest rallies on the CRS schedule. Lon Peterson and Jim Love won the stages that Holmes didn't, and placed a close ·second overall in the rally driving the. Plymouth Fire Arrow. Ian Miller and Bart Godett finished 3rd overall and in Open Class, their . Toyota Corolla about 3. minutes behind t.he two leaders. Datsun 510s are big in CRS action, and Bill Perez and Roger Ralls put this one home eighth overall and second in Stock, Jeff Griffin and Doug Cwiak got through the rough going inthe Volvo 142 to place fifth overa/1 and in Open Class a/the High about a minute behind. · Desert Trails. ·· · Page 52 May 1987_ Dusty Times
SCCA Divisional Rally Roundup Rough Riders Pro Rally By Kevin Mays The Rough Riders Divisional Pro Rally, held in Pueblo, Colorado on March 21st proved to be more than a horsepower race over the tough, demanding course. Regan Smolkovich and Bill McDermott showed every-one how to stay on course and avoid•mistakes on their way to first overall in the Plymouth Fire Arrow. Their experience and decision making ability was clearly evident. They won the event by almost 17 minutes. Second overall and first in Seed 2 was the ever threatening Datsun 510 of Clay Thomas and Kathy Nordine. Even though they broke a half shaft on the second of six stages, fast service work and smart driving the rest of the rally kept them right in the thick of it. Ken Stewart, with Steve Culp co-driving for him in the Chevy S-10 Blazer, won the first stage, then . they had fuel problems · until the two final stages, which they won, and they were third overall. Smolkovich won ·the other three stages. With the route as rough as it was, the rest of the field ended up on the DNF list. Loss of oil and major parts seemed to be the norm. Stage four through six ran through a motocross course, and the co-drivers definitely earned their keep trying to stay on course, some with no success. Mazda Chattahoochee Forest Pro Rally A good field of 21 cars started the Mazda Chattahoochee Fbrest Pro Oivisional Rally organized by the Atlanta Region. A few visitors from the National Pro Rally circuit, a little short· on rallies this time of year, showed up, and the odd couple of Doug Shepherd and Tom Grimshaw won overall in a Dodge. There were eleven stages on the 230 mile rally, and entrants came from all over the country to compete. Driving another Dodge, Steve Culp and Karen Burrows were second overall and in Seed 1 , over eight minutes behind National Champion Shepherd. Paul Choiniere and Doug Nerber were close in third in an Audi, the Vermont team coming in i ust 24 seconds out of second place. Michigan drivers James Warren and Chuck Fortino were fourth in an Olds, followed by more from Michigan, Gail Hoult and Paul Truess. Texans Kevin Yoeman and Forrest Folwell took sixth, and twelve fi_nished the rally. Cherokee Challenge Pro Rallv The Cherokee Challenge Divisional Rally on March 7 drew a competitive bunch out to tackle eleven stages and a 226 mile course. The big winners, by almost · twelve minutes, were Hazzie Quick and Janell James, who had no real trouble in the Datsun 280 ZX. Among the non-finishers · Dean Blagowski and Sherri Morgan were out on stage 10 with a loose half shaft bolt. Steve Culp and Tom Grimshaw located a tree stump on stage 4, and· Jim Dale and Vance McConnel had a loose lower Dusty Times strut bolt which caused another to break. Jeff Ivins and Margo Culp had their best ever rally, and were second overall and first in Seed 3 in a Mazda RX 3. Jim Leonard and Ralph Star were third overall in a Mazda RX 7, follo~ed by Clayton Thomas and Kathleen Nordine; Datsun, and Steve Brady/John Greer, Maida RX 3. Tom Hanlon and.Bill Warren drove a borrowed Jeep CJ 7, and they won a stage and finished in the top four in all but one other stage. On stage 4 they high centered the Jeep and spent over twenty minutes digging out, and · they were nearly time:.barred. That delay put them down to sixth overall. Nor'Wester '87 The Nor'Wester Rally on March 28 took place, natch, in the great Northwest, the state of Washington. It was a mini practice run for the 1987 Olumpus World Championship Rally coming the end of June. There . were eight stages, _and twenty-four cars started the night event. · Along with the Olympus organizers, Richard Kelsey and Tony Sircombe got in a little practice also. They drove a brand new Mazda 323 4 WD (Familia in Europe) and the Kiwis finished first overall by a minute, At one point the winners were down 16 seconds from the lead, with minor brake problems, but got that fixed and made up time fast. Running second most of the time Steve Roberts and Don Gibson finished there in a Mazda RX 2. The Toyota Starlet of Kevin Gordham and Edward Judd took third nearly three more minutes back, followed by Joel Wright and Mark Simmons, Mazda RX 3, and Gordon Bobillot and Jo Eddy in a Dodge GLH Turbo. . Memo to All SCCA Pro Rally PartW,'.ipants . By Vir)('inia Reese, Chairman, Pro Ralh Board - It has come to our attention that our • competitors and workers are being offered opportunities to participate in events (stage ral-lies) that are not sanctioned by SCCA, and we advise you to exercise caution and judgement when considering. supporting such events, We are particularly concerned about the potential harm caused by events not having suitable insurance coverage for participants and/or proper safety and use permit procedures. The position of Pro Rally in this. country is very fragile. The publicity surrounding the European incidents may have made a negative impression upon the Federal, State and local officials with whom your event organizers must work. A major mishap of any kind associated with stage type rallies in this country could seriously harm the ability of the SCCA National and Divisional organizers to fresent events. This . impact wil occur regardless of whether or (lot the accident occurs at an SCCA ·or non-SCCA event. Likewise, a major mishap may have a strong impact upon our insurance rates regardless of the organizing body of the event in question or any insurance ~nderwr1iters involved. If you consider running a stage event organized outside the CASC -or SCCA sanctioned series, be very careful for your own good as well. as the good of the sport_ Be sure the event is fully insured, has valid road use permission fr6m all authorities, and that standard. safety procedures are iri · place, l'ike marshalls controll,1 ratlio nets, and EMT or medi~al coverage is . readily availahle_ When you run an SCCA Pro Rally, Divisional as well as National, you know that the event has received its sanction by havi~g the proper insurance, road use permits, and safety planning. (The above is I a shortened version of the memo sent !~st March by Virginia Reese and Dave Thompson, $CCA Special Events Manager_ lfhe words are worth heeding, since one serious mishap can close the roads to everyone.) The SCCA Dit•isionnl Rally Roundu/> is a nett• feature . for DUSTY TIMES, and m .· ott'e thanh to "-r:hc Stage 'Times" for much of the ahrwe that tt·e crihhed from the A/>ril j issue, Any Dit•isional rally ryganizer that tmu/J like s/>ace (111 this />a!('e need only mail his nett's, results, etc,, w DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry At•e-, Suite 0, A!('oura, CA 91301, cmJ it tt·ill a/>/>car in the next amila.hle issue_ vehicle for·proof of a solid body new or make a different ·and frame. There is not much interpretation of- _details read point in having a roll cage ff it is previously. Be sureyou·knowthe mounted to rust. If you roll, the rules! If you need a book,· both cage will just pierce the bottom national and divisional books are of the car, and the total force of $5.00 each to members, $6.00 the rollover will be on you, or · for non-members. Send check ·what is left of you. payable to SCCA, Rally/ Solo, Vehicle Preparation: All 9033 East Easter Place, vehicles entered in a rally must Englewood, CO 80112. meet basic safety standards A news update from Rob required by the National SCCA Cherry contains the bad news Pro Rally Rules. The only that the Prescott Forest Rally, exceftions are helmets, 1975 scheduled for July 10-12 has Snel, driving suits are optional, been cancelled for 1987. and the use of a four-point H-Regarding Carlsbad, the bad: type harness is allowed. National news is that the Carlsbad by the l0g books are not required at this Sea Rall ysprint had to be ti.me, but may be needed in the postponed due to very poor future. Most So-Pac organizers track conditions from the heavy• require 1980 Snell helmets, as rains: The good news _is. that a the information given to us in whopping 36 entrants paid and November required them. pre-registered at the event, and 1 Championship: The divisional Sheryl Love and Bill Gutzmann championship year runs October say the majority of their expenses 14, 1986 to October 15, 1987. were covered. All who entered In 1987, the first AND second are considered ready to "tech placing champions in each and run" at the event's new date. division wHI be invited to the Due to the cancellation of National Oivisional Champion- Prescott, Sheryl and,Bill were ship Run-Offs at the Press On able to secure a new date Regardless Rally, currently immediately, Saturday, July 11. scheduled for October 28 - This will · be CRS' first Rally November 1. However, should Weekend Southwest! (Sorry, either or both decline, the-next John and Claudia.) placing driver will be invited in The Rallysprint will be held on their place. To enter POR, Saturday and ralliests can then competitors must have a national adjourn for bench racing or license, and must compete in a commiserating at Anderson's vehicle that meets ALL national Motel/ Restaurant. The next day, rules. Sunday, July 12, will be the Personal Auto Insurance/ annual CRS Picnic at a beach or SCCA Southcm Pacific Registration: Your current car park nearby. This should be a Division Pro. Rally Report registration form or certificate of really enjoyable weekend for ownership (or Xero~ copy)must everyone, with gorgeous By Lynnette .f,.llison bb available for inspection at any weather. Sheryl and Bill are to be The 1987 rule Books are out, time before or during an event. applauded for such a creative ..:l> and many of you jhave received Also, current valid liability solution to a "sticky" problem! your copies. Changes in various insurance policy must include a They wish to thank all who made categories are designated by a description of the vehicle, it to Carlsbad Raceway. If any vertical black bar preceding the vehicle identification number, competitors find they cannot new information. There are a few and the entrant's name and enter on July 11, contact the items of importance, which you address. Those used to showing organizers at (714) 982-3173, need to note. an insurance receipt should plan days, or (714) 989-1155, nights. Roll Cage: Additional on getting a more valid form of May holds two events, the Rim diagonal bracing is . required proof of insorance coverage for of the World Rally, on May 1~3, along the rear sectir,n of the cage, your cars. 1987, out of Lancaster, CA, and joining the top parallel horizontal I Please note that your personal Glen Helen #2, currently bar to the rear vbrtical bar on insurance coverage is in effect scheduled for Saturday, May 30. each side of the cage. The two during a rally event. The SCCA The Rim organizers have braces will be near the back insurance does not cover your distributea a glossy program, "passenger" window area of the vehicle or any damage to it or with tidbits and news about the roll cage. See the national rule another vehicle. An insurance event and its history. Contact book, page 86, figure8.Cagesare report form, however, must be Mike or Paula Gibeault, (619) also now officially required to completed and sent to K & K 375-8704, for the latest update. have l / 2 inch energy-absorbing Insurance, should there be ANY The Rallysprint at Glen Helen material.on parts of the cage that damage, and especially any OHV Park, near San Bernardino, could come into I contact with personal physical injury_ Event CA, has outstanding.facilities for competitors' helmets during organizers have the necessary both service crews and competition. The ~adding must . forms. competitors. This ,dirt course is be covered by\ protective Read through both the gaining in popularity. Organizer wrapping. natlonal and divisional rule Mike Blore should be contacted ~ Additionally, I suggest you books.,,several times_ I know I at (213) 425-0984 for the most -check the underside of · your always seem to find something recent news. · 1 THE GREAT CANDY CANE OFF ROAD RACE TEAM May,1987 Page 53
! l I. I I t 1987 MINT -400 ENTRY LIST CLASS l 100. Mark McMillin 101. Ken Frost 102. Nick Nic.holso"n . 103. Jack McMillen 104. Bob Renz 105. Bob Gordon 106. Kenny Krumme 107. Terry McDonald 108. Steve ~burapas 109. Doc Ingram 110. Chet Huffman 111. Bob Shepard 112. Mark Cameron 113. Al Arciero 114. Kirk Kontilis 115. Max Harris 116. Jim Barb~au 117. Frank Snook . 118. Larry Webster 119. Ivan Stewart 120. Tom Koch 121. Jim Zupanovich 122. Rob MacCachren , 123. Bernad Francis 124. Devin Derby ·125. Dan Hahn 126. Steve Mc Cann 127. Jo~ Boggio 128. Ron Gardner ,i;_, 29 1 . Larry :'\oe l CLASS 2 200. Bob Gordon 201. Steve Godfrey 202. Roger Gaskill 203. Dan~y Letner 204. Tom Lawson 205. Willis Hamilton 206. Jim Temple 207. Jerry Finney 208. John Kruger 209. Emory Brazell 210. Bob Richey 211. Tom Martin(Anaheim) 212. Ed Herbst 213. Mike Lund 214. v:acant. 215. Jim Mahan 216. Aaron Hawley ? 217. Steve Holladay ., 218. Jim Austin 219. Frank Arciero 220 ,Steve Casagrande 221. Troy Herbst 222. Walter Prince 223. Ray Tirheimer 224. Matt McBride 225. Tommy Ford 226. Brian Collins 227. Bill Stern 228. Mike Patrick 229. Tom G. Martin 2.30. Bernie Thompson 231. Len Newman 232 ~ Greg Heinrich 2~3. Corky McMillin 234. Rick Carnahan 235. Jimmie Crowder 236. Jerry Foley 297. Les Fulkerson 298. Dave Kreisler 299. John Wilson II Page 54 Drawing - 265 CLASS 1/2-1600 1600. Jack Ramsay 1601. Greg Huff · "l'.'602'. Scott ···Webster 1603. Jon Gunter 1604. Dewayne Gray 1605. Brad Maurer 1606. Bob Stockton 1607. Bob Scott 1608-. Steve Kreiger 1609. Steve Barlow 1610. Art Peterson 1611. James Gross 1612. Brian Steele 1613. Gary Cogbill 1614. Perry Coan 1615. Ray Cummins 1616. W~lly Higman 1617. Ben .Greenwood 1618. Richard Lind 1619. Bob O'Brien 1620. Kory Vasquez 1621. Keith Kitts 1622. Steve Cruce 1623. 1624. 1625. 1626. 1627. 1628. ·1629. 1630. 1631. 1632. 1633. 1634. 1635. 1636. 1637. 1638. 1639. 1640. 1641. 1642. 1643 . 1644. 1645. 1646. 1647. 1648. 1649. i650. 1651. 1652. 1699. Jim Fishback Jr Larry Smith Dave Fessenden Brent Bell Gary Bates John Schneider • Russ Butow Don Araujo Mike Spina Dominic Borra Greg Balelo Paul Kline Max Loftin Darren Wilson Alan Hensley Bill Norgrove Ray Croll Jr Robby Guevara Ken Freeman Morley Williams Walt Lewis Larry Job Doug Ingles Stuart Chase Jim Dizney Ray Maxey Robb Dotson Jim Van Cleave Willie Melancon Duke Perrin Terry Jeffers CLASS 3 301. Mark Hutchins 302. Mike Schwellinger 303. Gale Pike 304. Jerry Bundy 305. Emil Downey 347. Todd Clement 348. Bob Sims 300. Don Adams ' CLASS 4 400. Rod Hall 401, Jack Johnson 402, J. Anderstrom 403. Bill Donahoe 404. Frank Arciero 405. Matt Pike 406. Tom Strong 407. Don Yosten 408. John Dyck 409. Rodney Inch 410. John Randall 411. Steve Mizel CLASS 5 501. John Cooley 502. Jim Cocores 503. Lloyd Sukut 504. George Seeley Jr 505. Greg Diehl 506. Ed Mailo 507. David Pick 508. Kevin Davis 548. Rodney Gabbert 549. Jim Madison CLASS 5-1600 551. Tommy Walker Jr 552. Mike Ganshorn 553. Gary Brading 554. Keith Bawden 555. Darrel S~ith 556. Randy Wilson 557. Andy DeVercelly 558. Jim Duncan 559. Bill Gibson 560. Robt. Knight 561. Chris Klick 562. Darryl Cook 563. Cameron Steele 597. Steve Lawrence 598. Dave Anckner 599. Edward Orozco CLASS 6 600. Larry Schwacofer 601. Mike Higby 602. Dale Jordan 619. Wes Moser CLASS 7 701. Larry Ragland 702. Roger Mears 703. Lee Alderman 700. Manny Esquerra CLASS 7-S 720. Spencer Low 721. RJ Brown 7 22.. Mark Schwein 723. Tudy Esquerra 724. Mike Falkosky 725. Jim Travis 726. Chuck Johnson 727. Jessie Vester 728; Cam Thieriot 729. Ga!y Dircks 744. Bill Milem 747. Andy Felix 748. Maloolm Vinje 749. Dave Ashley CLASS 7-4x4 750. Jerry Mcflonald 751. Gregg Symonds 752. Mike McCarthy 753. Jim Conrier 754. Mike Randall May 1987 768. John Swift 769. Mike Lesle CLASS 8 800. Walker Evans 801~ Don McCormack 802. Dave Shoppe 803. Jim Venable 804. Steve McEachern 805. Frank Vessels 806. Greg Holman 807. Mike Doherty 808. Steve Kelley 809. Fred Allen 858. Dave Westhem CHALLENGER 901. Jim Tubbs 902. David Mason 903. Brice Jones 904. Doug Castillo 905. Greg Kalajian 906. D.C. Kuehl 907. Dale Ebberts 908. Tom Malloy 909. Scott Casebier 910, Larry Dimmett 911. Bill Cookman 912. Norm Lester 913. Rick Carver 914 : Billy Kem 915, Dave Mcclendon 916. Thomas Scanlon 917 .. Kris Dieson 918. Doug Brown 919. Rich Richardson 920 . . John Devine 921. W. H. Vandergrift 922. Dick Johnson 923, James Howard 924. Doug Wager 991. Steve Thompson 992 .Rich Minga 993 , Larry Martin 900. Rick Johnson 995. Mike Ward 996. Danny Ashcraft 997. Don Rountree 998. Kevin Basore 999. WD Bunch. CLASS 10. 1000. Rick Hagle 1001. Craig Watkins 1002, Joel Davis 1003. Bradley Johnson 1004. Rex Keeling 1005. Jerry Leighton 1006. Dwight Lundell 1007. Susan Steele 1008. ,Jim Stiles 1009. Chuck Inman '1010. Bob Richardson .1011. Bill Sallenbach 1012. Dennis Green 1013. Scott Dinovitz 1014. Sean Alexander 1015. Greg Oswskey 1016. Jack Short 1017. John Ellenburg 1018. Dave Wood 1019. Tom Bradley Jr 1020. Ed Beard 1021. Jim Henry 1022. Rick Rowland 1023. John Kelly 1024. Larry Gilmore 1025. Joe Chirco 1026. Randy Rhinehart 1027. Dick Weyhrich 1028. Bill Church 1029. Larry Rickman . 1030. Mike Withers 1031. Jim Greenway 1032. Lloy,d Painter 1033. Greg Hibbs 1034. Stan Calvelage 1035. Bill Reams 1036. William Poe 1037. Jim Smith 1038. Russell Welch 1039. Bud Yates 1040. Ted -Smith '1041. Joey Adzima 1042. Jerry Penhall 1043. Dan Hicks · 1044. Jim Sherman 1099. Keith Schindler CLASS 11 CLASS 14 1400. Steve Mizel 1401. Dennis Chencharick 1402. George Wagenblast 1496. Randy Ward 1497. Lloyd Riggins 1498. Dave Quill 1499. GiTi Gowland Bob Scott - Overall Series Points Leader After Three Races
11 THE 1987 MINT 400 RACE DATE MAY 9, 19~7 COURSE AND DIRECTION OF TRAVEL .. ~.::i::t .......... :~ :~;~~~r~:~4~~~:~Z.;.!~:~~~~t::~:::,au1ww.ww:1.m® CHECKPOINT LOCATION CP MONITOR .• MILEAGE. MARKER . 31 NO PRE-RUNNING S/F-MILE 23 MILE 90-S/F FRIDAY, MAY 8th SECTION CLOSED FOR MINI MINT RALLY 17/ :~·!\~;~;e~ pit "',·:1 ·; I area. 61 . at the !.V tJ!otoc,oss ,Track. SStp.~ertc. ,tFait.no.,rJ.,, .. a· nadt p~1t!oan NV. 5i~: .--., . Spectator and pit. ,~~J\:~-~ . , I 69. ·., ••• .::,. •• }!!r1' . .... ~ _____ ---· ... ~ .... -... <1 ......... Spectato; and pit area at mile 4. Spectato, and .:, a,ea at/· mile 7. Park at the / /1-~ 7 gravel pit on tile ea$(/ · . side of the cours•; ✓-· · · ·:;-·,·.' C . II ~ • .---~..: ::" ~ ' ..... 54 CP3 i f The_ 1987 Mint 40i0 R~ce: Race management .JJ - }f l j f :::ir.tI0ns :::irA RI M rAr+ remP.nts fnr the \rrotection f \.. of resource values and for safety reasons. T These areas will be r onitored to ens~re race -l '!' _ q') and _spectator safety. Be pre.pared for a harsh . ,,{1 3 . . day in the desert Take r--I-::nty of \Nater for · ·' : Cl) yourself and your; vehicle. Pack your trash ~ .,,..a,_ back home. Fnjoy the desert and have a I . t $ale race. l 2 .. ............. 76 §1-. ·"' :: -~~~..,,, , ,n .. .. • ·I . \ ·_ .... . t! \ I,., . -... · ' --:~ ... . ,.-_ ' 2 "" "" '4'4 23 I : .. ! . . • ' ' I -0 NO SPJ:CTATORS, NO PITS AND NO CHASE VEHICLES BETWEEN THESE POINTS: ~-. I -~-I ' I .. " $,? Mile 12 to M e. 20 Rest~icted flor pmtection of Dese~t tortoise habitat.,.,,:: ,\•. ~...., Mile 25 to! _Mi e 31 Restricted for safety reasoo~. I · -,., I f· 0 ' ALL MILEAGE lS APPROXIMAlE. Mile 31 to. Mile 44Restricted for protection ,of De~~t\!ortoise habit1:1t. Mile 85 to Mile 90 Restricted for .safetv reasons. \ ,_ ' Mile 96 tn M;le 103 RP.strir.tP.rtd•ew-·.safetv reasons and p~tection of a ' ' Race Management Actions: • . ·1 1 · grazing operation. j 17""+-->4-'-----1--....'..!!"'c!.'-----I - -• I Dusty Times ~rerunning starts on May 1. 1807 No exceptions permitted: the I course will be patrolled by HORA and B~r.~ offl'cials. SCALE 1:100,000 ~-I NORTH WEST SIDE ACCESS: I; Mint Hotel to Start/Finish al Sloan, NV, south vja 1-15 is 18 miles (exit 25). I Start/Finish (S/F) to Spectator area .at mile 4: lour miles south via the oid LA highway. S/F lo spectator area at mile 7: six miles south via the old LA highway. S/F to Jean Dry Lake Rd.: 9 miles south via the old-LA high,.lay. · S/F to second Jean Dry Lake Road and CP1: 11 miles south ~ia the old LA highway. I ALLMILE~GE IS APPROXIMAT1:. I . ATTENTION: The only access to the east side of the Mint Course for spectators and chase crews 1s via Hwy 146 thr0ugh Henderson. Twelve miles from the intersection of Las Vegas Blvd. and.Hwy 146 to the Boulder Hwy US 93 & 95. Access to spectator area at mile 65: turn right (south) on Horizon Drive and continue until you reach Pacific Ave. (7/11 store on the corner); turh left ar,d follow the signs. From Hwy 146 and the Boulder Hwy US 93 & 95 it is 10 miles to the Las Vegas Motocross Track. · Spectator Area via US Hwy 95 south. To the'Eldorado Substation Rd. it i~ 9 miles south of the LV Motorcross Track via US Hwy 95. . I May 1987i' I "" 1115 Page 55 1 , I -
.The inaugural HORA Gold Coast 300 thrash, hash, and crash classic was . a complete success thanks to Walt Lott and his hard working group. They provided a variety of weather that had something for everyone. If you didn't like what was going on, just wait a few minutes and the weather would change. The race course· was almost dust free due to the great water trw;:k in the sky, and racers, pitters and spectators enjoyed almost perfect racing conditions. Los Campeones and Tight Ten again joined forces to provide emergency roadside services for the racing frate·rnity. Ken Maltby and crew did their usual great job at the start/finish line. Bill Hays, on very· short notice, was kind • enough to fill in at Pit #1. Bruce Jeffery and family were on call at Pit #2, and Jon Lippit and crew handled the situation at Pit #3. General Tire racers again were S$'rviced by Los Campeones/ Tight Ten, with Mike Schwel-linger of Conejo Off Road winning Class 3. Jim Travis finished third in Class 7S, and Willie Valdez completed one lap to place 12th in Class 7S. The Vinje/Hansen Yokohama -· Toyota sponsored 7S Toyota ran a good first lap, losing 20 minutes ·replacing a rear shock. Then, on the next round a rear transmission seal went· out just· outside of Check 1 and the Toyota limped into the Jean substation for two hours of repairs after losing a right front torsion bar finger by Whiskey Pete's. The dynamic desert duo finished in tenth place. Rick Frisby in Car# 1650 lost his rear torsion adjuster on lap 1, causing a severe case of the droops which resulted in the loss of the rear skid plate. After a short stroll in the desert the skid plate was recovered and put hack in place, and the car finished in 20th place. The Papple/Hicks car encountered one of Nevada's infamous jumping J ocks; these rocks have suicidal tendencies and will throw themselves in ts... . tront of an oncoming race car. This happened to Car #16B, resulting in severe damage to the right front corner. After repairs to the upper arm, tie rod, and shock mount tfie car ran trouble free until an alternator belt went south, and the throttle stuck wide open. These racers finished in 26th place. The Millerd/ Hagerty Challenger Car #935 suffered a broken right axle near Whiskey Pete's on tht· first lap and that.was a DNF for them. The Gran Carrera Internaci-onal at San Felipe on February 14th saw the Hansen/ Vinje team back in their Class 5 car leading e,.. the race overall with just a short way to the finish when the car RAN OUT OF GAS! Next round will be the report on the Great Mojave 250, when: the bikes will start behind the cars · for· the first time. Page 56 < Los Campeones and Tight Ten again joined forces ar·the Score Crear Mojaw 250. Jon Lippert and new dispensed service at the main pit at the sr.irt/ finisb line, while Ken Malthy and his group did their usua l great joh at Pit I Rich,m1 Alkn 'and 'hi~ hunch held the fort at Pit 2, and Mike M,·Crory and new took care i)f !'it 3. Se·w n Los Campeones plus fiw <..:;-enernl -Tire drivers signed on for t,·ndn loving car care. Class 1-2-1600 found jl'ff Papple and Don Hicks completing one lap for 40th place. Rick Frisbee finished 15th and Jerry Jeffries and Mike · Kalickie completed 0 li1ps afrn losing hoth front tie rods ,mcl doing a reverse wheelie. Class 5-1600 had Mike Lund and Roh Frinkl'nherg completing one lap tu frnish tl'nth. Mark Hirnsl'!1 and Malcolm Vinjl' had thei r hest finish of the yl'ar, third in Class 7S, after losing rwo rear shocks wh ich took out one of the transmission niokrs. M,irk 's motorhome did not fare as well, having ·a DNF hecause ofrlectrical prohlems. In the popular Challenger class Danny Ashcraft and Jim Houck Wl're 27th after completing two loops, and Rlil Ruddell was in 38th placl' afr,·r one loop, thl'n thl' front l'nd Wl'nt south. Continuing his winning ways, Cil'neral Tire star Mikl' Schwellinger was first-in Class 3, while the Rill Donahoe Dodge completl'i..l two loops for fourth in Class 4. Jim Travis had a DNF with O Lips. a~ did Michael Horner. Willie Va Ide: was eighth aftn completing two loops. Stormy weather was the setting for this ra·ce, with strong gusty winds and low tempera-tures. One racer commented that he couldn't tell what the weather was lib.· K:cause he coC'ld nm see thl' sky due to dust. There was a great dl'al of stormy weather at thl' finish line also, when soml' l·lass winners found they . had exceeded the nine hour· time limit. Prize money was awarded in thl'Sl' cases, hut no finishing points. Thl' Los Campeones after race party at the Seiman Ranch had a huge turnout, hut it l'nded at an early hour so that all who wanted to coukl attl'nd thl'' awards presentation in to\\'n. F.A.I.R. By Terri Nicks The Great Mojave 250 truly stood up to its name this year. The community of Lucerne Valley was so nice to tolerate, I mean, welcome us · once again. And the weather, it was so beautiful. Anyway, if you were one of the few FAIR meinbers who did not come out to race, pit or spectate, you really missed out. As for the pits ... FAIR's race manager· this time · was David Jamison, better known to you race people as Garfield. 1f you have never met .this man, you Jeally should. He is a terrific guy! Garf did a very good job of coordinating our seven pits dotted along the course. Radio communication for this race was also good. Thanks, as always, to Bob Stein burger, the Weather-man, for his help and the use of two of his radios. Now to the racers ... We had 21 cars supported hy FAIR this race. My notes as to finishing positions and· technical details may he a little sketchy this race, due to the fact that I had an extra responsibility crawling out of her playpen all day, hut here goes. First off the line were our eight Class 2 cars. Now I am going to brag and say that we did really well-this race. Boh Richey and the RCR team had a great day, with their only prohlems heing a few flats and a hroken helt of some sort, ending with a first in class and second overall win . Mark Hamilton also finished well after havi ng his shifter welded in the main pit. Mark got a second place, · with Marty Let·ner co-driving. As for third, the Temple Rac ing T earn with Rolf Tibhlin driving took those honors in one of their cars. The other Tempie car, uh, ran out of gas. Beny Canela ran a good ·race with ol})y one flat early on, hut he broke an alternator bracket. Never fear, being the experienced racer he is, it was soon firmly tied in place with baling wire, and Beny moved back up the ranks for a sixth . place finish. Brent Miller started his first race with FAIR this time. Unfortunately he lost his tranny right off the start. Grandpa Danny Letner was able to make it to the,starting line on time this year, but after two good laps, the Geritol Express br'oke a torsion bar. Wayne Morgan, in his Class 2 car, did not get quite as far . He broke something in the torsion area on his second lap .. We had two Class 10 entries. The first was Dick and· Gary Weyhrich, who were down a whole lap off the start with a front hub assemb_ly. Thanks to the generous donation of parts from a Temple pre-runner, Gary did get going for a nice finish . Rick Roland and his car did not have a happ',' ending. My only notes on this car are " lug nuts" and "out." I really do_n't know what put them out of the race, surely not lug nuts? Five Class 1-2-1600 cars started from FAIR. Darren Wilson I know was having fuel problems. James Gross and Art Peterson both finished, Art in seventh and James in 19th place. Rich Fersch with the Firehose Racing Team finished fourth this race, three minutes out of third. The Coan T earn finished eighth, and their main problem was a flat on the last lap. Our two Class 5 cars were both sad stories this race. Jim Cocores started with a bad trans, and after losing first and second gears, burned up the clutch .. Ed Milo al}d his team got quite a bit further, but broke a front spindle, I think, on their last lap. The infamous Class 5-1600 team of Hector Garcia and John Valadez rar:i a steady race despite having to weld the front end together in the main pit. These "never say die" guys finally called it 4uits on the last lap after rolling the car. · FAIR had two Challenger entries this race. Daryl Nustad and his crew ran a yety good race, but unfortunately finished after the time limit had expired. Congratulations anyway. Larry Tremblay and his crew had to c_all it 4uits on their second lap, but I'm not exactly sure why. George Gowland in his Class 14 Toyota May 1987 W e welcome all Support Team news articles .. Typed and double spaced copy is acce2table. Deadline is the 10th of the month. CHAPALA DUSTERS Jon Kennedy, President 3117 Killarney Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (7H) 641-0155 Meeting - 2nd Wednesday Verdugo's Mexican Restaurant Costa Mesa, CA Radio-FM-151.775 CHECKERS Jeff Hibbard, President 13237 S_ierra Hwy. Canyon Country, CA 91350 (805) 252-4034 CORE Karen Clark, Race Director 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 Northridge, CA 91325 (818) 345-3833 F.A:I.R. SUPPORT TEAM P.O. Box 542 LOS CAMPEONES Malcolm Vinje, Pres'ident 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 (619) 292-0485 (home) (619) 743-1214 (work) Radio-FM-152.960 MAG7 , Jerry McMurry, President Bruce Cranmore, Race Director 11244 Horizon Hills Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 440-3737 (home) (619) 225-6886 (work) TERRA Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue La Crescenta, CA 91214 - · (818) 248-9039 Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month -Jan Sunderland's house Stanton, CA 90680 Wayne Morris, President (714) 996-7929 TIGHT 10 Sandy Davis, Secretary 153 Lindell Avenue (714) 772-3877 El Cajon, CA 92020 Meetings 1st & 3rd.Weds. '619) 283-6535 (day) Holiday Inn (619) 447-7955; (night) \ Harbor & 91 Freeway Gene Robeson, President Radio-FM-150.860 (619) 466-8722 was another FAlR first i~ class but of 20 starting cars, but two winner. cars finished after the rather Now, before I finish, let me short time limit. Ste\le Luport, again remind ·you of my bad sixth in 7S, and Scott notes. Please excuse any errors or Z_immerman with Theo Struyck om.issions. As John Snider wi1T in 1-2-1600, were both late to say, "It's· all Harold's fault." We the finish. On the brighter side welcome any guests, old Jim Greenway finished second in members and. prospective, Class 10, gathering sixth overall . members to join us at the FAIR with it. The club racers also took meetings. See you at the Mint! home second and third place .May I add my plea_ to the rest. honors in both Bug classes. In Write your legislators regarding Class 5 our illustrious President S.7!!! Jeff Hibbard and Bob Utgard ~ OFF-ROAD RACING TEAM By Nels Lundgren Well members, what did you think of the new format of cars first at Lucerne? The Lost Gonzo Air Force and I were up the track from Galway Dry Lake and were out of the pit by 4:00 p.m. That was nice, but having to be ready at 6:00 a.m. was a bit strenuous on the brain. As far as the racers are concerned, I think the jury is still out. One problem that did develop at Lucerne was the nine hour time limit. The course turned out to be a little rougher than e~pected, and this left a few members with no finishing points. Who knows wnat would have happened if it had been really dusty. Overall though, I think it worked great and the desert gave us another break by providing a stiff wind to keep the dust moving. Checkers officially finished 14 grabbed second, while George Seeley and, Howard Anderson finished a fine -third. In Class 5-. 1600 Dick Bower and Paul Ganshorn came down from Fresno to take home second, and the Cook brothers moved into the points lead after finishing third. , David Kreisler came hack from his first non-finish in a long t_ime at the Gold Coast to place tourth in Class 2. Two club members came home with fifth in class. John Slagor and Phil Bowers teamed back together in 1-2-1600 and Russ Welch brought his car in to finish fifth in · the competitive Class 10, while Rex Keeling took fourth in Class 10. Micryael Gaughan was smacked hard m the rear on the last lap, breaking his exhaust, but he finished seventh in Class 2. Jim Stiles ran out of gas on tht' second lap, but came back to finish seventh in Class 10. Jim Gregory suffered with power steering problems all day, and still managed a tidy dghth in Class 10. Terry Smith had the seat in Steve Lara's Class 2 car Dusty nmes
give way, and he had to ;it on the that' most· everything went skid plate for twenty miles, part smoothly. of it with a rear flat. Then Kelly . The star of the CORE show at Nulty and his son Patrick, from Lucerne was Craig Watkins in the Santa Monica Off Road Class 10. His usual co-driver Team, changed the flat for him, Greg Aronson suffered a back and Smith'came in ninth in Class - injury while pre-running, so 2. Last, but not least, Walter Craig elected t(~ go the distance Prince and the Candy · Cane alone in the spiffy Raceco. Craig Special came in tenth in Class 2 did most consistent laps, all . with a finish. Not a bad day for under t,vo hours and all within the Checkers, with nine cars in the same minute. He took the the top five in their respective Class 10 lead ,m the second lap classes. The awards. ceremony an_d won the 25 car class by three saw a parade of Checkers to keep· mmutes. Congratulations to things interesting. Craig Watkins and his team. So off to the Mint 400 you go. Scott and Larry Oinovitz had I won't be able to be there. I am their Funco in fourth after two getting married the next week to laps, but dropped to sixth in Stephanie Blessing, one of the Cla~s IO on the final ro~nd, waitresses from the Van Nuys having a clean race with no big Dugout, where the Checkers woes. Rick and John Hagle got in meet. She is the gal that stopped a great first lap, 1 :55.20, in the you before the start line at Parker Class 10 Raceco, but double - tall, blond and gorgeous, the trouble with motor mounts and a kind you couldn't miss. We both bad trans put them out on the wish you good luck and will see middle round. you when you get back. Chet and Lloyd Huffman had "A Word From The Prez" their brand new O .R.E. out in On March 18th the Club sent the Class I wars, powered by an every mem her, active and equally new twin-cam two · liter inactive, an information letter Toyota engine. They were rolling and a copy of the Club's new "Pit along well, fourth afo:r two laps, Captain Guidelines." If you dict when carburet<._)r linkage failure not receive your letter, it means stopped them tor an hour and a the Club Roster does not· have half on course. But, they did your correct address. Please s~e finish in seventh place. , Jerry • me at the next meeting or call ine Finney _and Dan Foddri_ll again at (805) 252-4034 and give us hadthe1rd1sasteronthet.irstlap. your correct address. This round it was transmission The members once again went problem!i, and their Porsche on record as insisting ALL powered Class 2 did not cover a Checker cars run a blue light. lap. . The 6:00 a'.m. start and early CORE's biggest. entry wa~ in finishatLucemehadsomegood C lass _l-2-1600 with tive points about it, but it seemed to memhers on ~he starting line, cause a very poor attendance at plus the pair ot radio ch1:ck _cars. the 5:00 p.m. pit meeting at the None of the, members tinished, main pit to pick up race spares. some caught in the time warp, This meant a lot of racers' tires ' ~ut the two prospectives both were being hauled back to the finished. Doing the hest was garage by the pit crews. This Dave Fessenden and his son, problem is the ,kind of thing that David. They drove the Ch_en-makes people, more hesitant to owth Magnum from 21st on lap volunteer to take a pit. I to 14th on lap 2. They finished T)-, Checkers Summer Party is tenth, in gom.f timt: at 7: 1 J_.34, still planned for April 25th, even though they ran out ot gas starting about noon. Please let on th.: last lap. Alan Hensley and the Club know if you are Chuck Gunter were slowed b') a_ planning on attending, and how ~roken shock, but they also many people you are bringing. hnished, m 7:47.19, in 18th · See ya at the next meeting. place• __ · Jeff Hibbard Terry Jd_ters and J.D. Ward CORE had a big bunch, a · dozen car~ on the pit list at the Score Great Mojave 250, and two mo~e on radio watch only. The pit tolks turned out in good numhers also, with five on course full pits and · a massive main pit iust past the start/ finish line. Dick McCool did a great job as Race Manager, and Race Director Karen CJark reported Subscribe to DUSTY TIMES See Form Pa~e 3 Dusty Times had a good tirst lap, ran out of gas on, the st.-cond round, then lost the clutch completely at the main pit after two laps, and were credited in 24th spot in Class 1-2-1600. Just three minutt:s behind them tc.)r a two lap time, Steve Ft:rrato and Dennis Orcutt were going well in the O .R.E. Mirage, until Orcutt lost hoth the, trans and· engine power on the last lap. Making it three in a row for CORE, Bill Canon was 26th in a Bunderson, suffering from bad brakes and broken shocks. Bill Poe and Ray Kehoe had plenty of trouble. They' ran out of gas, had to stop to have Fred Ronn fix the clutch, then rolled tne l~O Hi Jumper. They ran. out ot time to make tht: finish , and wert: 31st with two laps rnmpleted. Jack Ramsay and Rick Mills continued to have teething trouhles with the new . single seat Bunderson. This round they had a very long first lap,, reported to have c.v. joint trouble, and went no farther. The two <;ORE Challenger cars were part of the sad tale of miscalculated time allowance at the Great Mojave 250. This class produced just fr)Ur of the 43 , starters whcl were ab1i· t6 make three laps in less than nine hours. . Roy Smith and Dan Oliver did a 2:49 first lap, . had some problems._ on· 'the second, but went fast on th.: third round, only to finish nine minutes · overtime, whi'ch d~o17ped them down ~to 11th in th.: 1standings. Joel Stankav1ch and Warren Messick had similar misfortune. They were fifth on th& first li1p, also dropped some tiine on the second, hut with 6:02 on the clock they figllied 1they had plenty of time for a third. But, by now the motorcycle classes were also on course, creating more traffic, and these guys were in just ovl'r nine hours also at the finish, credited in ninth place. CORE's pit crews )VCre busy all day, working on all kinds of cars as well as CORE team cars. Charlie Pit amused themselves in the waning hours of the race hy watching the hikes ahd A TVs race past, most of them well and truly c;ff the course. After the race,-over for cars around 4:15 p.m., CORE. had a I barbecue party for everyone at the main· pit. It was a great success, as the workers went througli I 00 hot dogs and hamburgers, ,\nd lots of liquid re_freshment. I N.:xt tor CORE is tne big, bad Mint 400, with 23 carstopittwo weeks before the drawing, and we always get a few more. CORE can us.: hdping hands at these big races. If you arL' intt:r.:sted in helping out, call Ra.ce Director Karen Clark at818-345-3833 to voluntel'r. If you are inunestt:d in CORE and its activitie:,11- , come to a meeting, normally th.: tirst Tuesday of the month, hut this month on Thursday,! May 14 after the Mint 400. CORE meetings are at the Dugout, near Haidtim· and Oxnard in Van Nuys. They start at8:00 p.m. and includ.: social time · after the ·meeting and a raffle I for door priz.:s that raisl's mon~y for th.: equipment fund. I , ~~YOKO~AMA ~SUPPORT TEAM By Dennis RoRers There is an old saying "To the victors belong the spoil~", but at the Great Mojave 250 of 1987 I am not sure there were any spoils left. This year's race cqurse was one nasty romp in the desert and it took its toll on a n6mber of vehicles. So to thel victors congratulations and to the survivors a hearty salute, for to survive this course was a feat in itself. ' Bessemer Mine was one of the Yokohama Support Team locations; it was also the spot where I pitted in 1986. Being witness to racing action in the same location two years running was quite interesting, for the speed~ of cars ang trucks a.like seemed to be a lot slower than in ' 1986. But the co~rse was also a tad bit rougher too. This roughness contributed to the large amount of carnage on the course and this is where the Support Team steps into the picture. The pit was the _happening place most of the day, with repairs taking as much as 45 minutes ( not that we are slow but that damage was that bad). We serviced 12 v~hicles during the day with repairs ranging from May 1987 I . replac:'ing l~g n~ts to changi~g tires to welding. Speaking of lug nuts, I sure hope Centerline solves the problem with their. polished wheels. The pit went through,-11 lug nuts. . "embarr.assment, the tractor became mired so badly thatit too· was stuck. Well, that act ended the possibility of having the event that day. The organizers then assembled the three, six foot sandwiches that were originally planned to be served during, the scoring time when the competitors had nothing to do. Feed us and we can't think with our mouths full, at least the drivers can't! Those who stayed around the track gates managed to have · a very I would _ like - to suggest a monnhly service •Contract for a couple of racers (I won't mention any names Morley and Malcolm) who lneeded some heavy duty repairs .. Seriously guys we are more than happy to help in any way we can and it is all free. The only thing we ask is that you · replace the.items yoµ use, so that the next racer has the · same -seco1nd chance you got. Remember you may be that next racer. · enjoyable impromptu party and bench racing .event· before .heading home. _ On the Rim .of the World Rally, organizers.Mike and Paula Gibeault have some requests. "We would like to ask all of you who plan to enter Rim to: l) mail your entry in as early as possible and 2) include any press releases or information about your team if you have such material. The reason is that we split our Program printing into two runs, an initial run with an entry form as the centerfold, and· another 1100 with a blank page. We would like to finish the second 1100 run by printing either a partial entry li'st, if we get enough · entries by April • 11, or, if we don't, printing paragraphs of information about interesting teams 'to watch for.' The majority of the second run will be distributed in the Lancaster area before or at the rally for N9w a word to the bikers, , I woula like. to help you guys, but if yob cannot give us a radio frequtncy I cannot contact your support team. A channel number does me no good because each radio is programmed differently. . Talk i:o SCORE and HORA and ask them to standardize a stuck or broken frequency; it will not only help you but the 4 wheel vehicles as well. You have now read the story so nor-see it on TV. One of our volunteers video taped the Support Team in action, should be good watching ( most likely a good laugh anyway). Thanks George and thanks to all the volunteers; Gary, Bob, Paul, Steve, Donnie, Robin and all the rest.· Special -thanks to John at German Auto, we would have . runoutoflugnutsifnotforJohn and ) thanks . to Lothringer Electr1onics, Mac Tools and Valvoline. And thanks to Lucerhe Valley for hosting the Great Mojave 250. The Mint 400 is next and we will b~ there ready and waiting. Yokohama_ will have three pits open,lone at Start/ Finish, one at Las Vegas Motorcross Track and my group at the 18 mile mark (on the 1986 course map). This is right I on your way out of McC4llough Pass going towards Statt/ Finish. The course runs in reverse of last year's race. See you there! For more information on the pits or volunteering plea~ call _Dennis at (818) 335-7757. • CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES l3.y Lynnette Allis~ The Carlsbad-by-the-Sea Rallysprint was rained out on its March date. New organizers Bill Gutzmann.and Sheryl Love spent five frantic weeks putting the event together, only to have old Moth~r Nature spoil th~ir preparations. Completing registration and tech, competi-tors· waited at the nearby Anderson's Pea Soup Restaurant for the course to dry out. Bill Gutzmann, taking a test drive ... ver-r-ry slowly ... managed · to clear the first turn or two, then came to an off camber tight turn which,caused his car to slide ever so easily on down into the barrier fence and up to the axles in mud. Track owners started 'up their trusty I tractor to attempt a dynatjlic rescue. To their . spectators. Thank you for your . help!" "We would also like to encourage you to approach local car dealerships in Lancaster or Palmdale to se~ if they would like to display your car on Friday. Scott Child and Don Lindfors did this successfully last year and even got some help prepping the cars. While a sponsorship such as having your entry paid is unlikely, this will still increase local exposure for Rim and for rallying. And, who knows - if you carry their decals, perhaps they might help out. We have names and phone numbers if you neeq them. Good luck! Call us at (619) 375-8704." May will be busy with the Rim of the World Rally on May ·l -3, and Glen Helen /:12 scheduled for Saturday, May 30. The Rim is a great rally, and Clen Helen Park has outstanding facilities for a Rallysprint. Contact Glen Helen organizer Mike Blore for the latest news at (213) 425-0984. Carlsbad has been rescheduled for Saturday, July 11, possible since the · cancellation of the Prescott Rally. Those who need refund$ of the Carlsbad entry fees should contact · the organizers. Those who opt to . have the organizers hold their entries until July should only have to "tech and run." And, who knows? The July entry fee could go up! Insurance rates increased 10-15 percent after March 25. Sunday, July 12 will be our third annual CRS picnic, barbecue and open forum. Traditionally it is a tim,e of fun a'nd business. The picnic was not previously scheduled because of conflicts with summer rally events. So now, plan on a.great July weekend in the . Carlsbad • area. It is a great time to meet your i:Iosest competitors and see what they look like without a helmet. Page 57
.. ' Bob "TIN MAN' Be~as (714) 678-4649 Raeec ... _4~· JJ/A . · By Behrens RACE CAR ALUMINUM BODIES FUNNY CAR ALUMIN_UM INTERIORS 4072 CRESTVIEW DRIVE LAKE ELSINORE. CA .. 923 3 0 .a.l e._~SD ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~'i'-Com pet1r1on Tires ~o.:J,J· . Offroad & Motorcycle Products 17501 Lemon Ave., Unit D Hesperia, CA 92345 (702) 363-4882 . (702) 389-5012 Beeper (619) 244-0477 (800) 892-5263 · AUTO - PLUS Complete Mobile Detailing Auto/ Boat/ R.V. SANDY HOWE SIA HOWE 619-583-6529 · BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR., SUITE B •. · LEMON GROVE, CA· 92045° · KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA F!= SPRINGS, CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES - BEARD'S ~'SUPER SEATS'' EDI BARBARA BEARD Page 58 208 4th Avenve E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 l&roup ruckmann San Diego (519> 578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF ROAD RACE ENG INES. WIN NER S · FOR CORKY McMILLIN · AT . · DANNY LETNER 8626 COMMERCE A V E . ~ ·. LABRY RAG LAND ]N M IRAMAR ~ MARK MCMILLIN. ,,t ,,l ·. ta· ~:~11 . OFF-ROAD RACING Cl/VISION THE SOURCE FOR "PRO-COMP SERIES" RACING MOTORS & TRANSAXLES. · SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS.RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS 1 WALK IN 818-334-4951 PHONE ORDERS 818-969-7967 915 W. FOOTHILL Bl VD., AZUSA, CA 91702 Send $1 .00* for 1987 Catalog and receive $2 off your first ordert BIG PICKUPS • MINI-PICKUPS • 4WD • ATV'S ~~..__CAMPERS • HiKERS • HUNTERS • FISHERMEN ON-OFF ROAD TIRES ATV TIRES WHEELS OFF ROAD LIGHTS SUSPENSION YEARS OF BUILDING WINNING OFF ROAD RACE CARS ---fa, ■1401 ~ PIONEER WAY #17 ~ CHENOWTH DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT. 1401 Pioneer Way #17 / El Cajon. CA 92020 Work (619) 442-3773 I Res. (619) 441-0938 COOL WATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Free Local Phone * Recreation Room * Free Movie Channel * Swimming Pool "DUSTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD .. 619~256-8443 1 70 Coolwater Lane, Barstow MOST DURABLE CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE.-OUR DESIGN.OR YOURS • SNAP ON •. STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE · SNAP ON CLEAR PLACTICINE WINDOWS ·"DESERT _RACER" -~~:0 .PRODUCTS P 0 . Box 2233 , San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 945-0035 Official Contingency Donor for SCORE /HORA and ADRA. INLAND DISPLAY -POMONA MUNTZ STEREO -916 HOLT AVE. May 1987 DIRT DIC/TS W28l7m[!}m {818} 882-7808 BlOCK NUMBERS WIJH STYLE us.A. 10138CANOGAAVE., CHATSWORTH, CA 9131.1 (602) 253-5289 -Championship Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 ' PERFORMANCE -··IDJTMNSIW (818) 381-3033 DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FERN~NDO, CA 91340 We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Component~ · 15112 Weststate St: Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 . TM .__ . C: . ~ -. FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS . THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS1 ____ • -RE_N_T_A_LS-VARIOUS SIZES & COLOR.S RENJ ALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 . AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST., BLD. D, ONT-ARIO, CA 91761 DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR .GOGGLES & HELMETS I· 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 -.818-1.68-7770 -Dusty Times
DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PAR.~S . · RE-UCABLE V. W. PAffl 114!523 SHEL.DON ST. SUN VALLEY. CA 913!52 768-4!5!5!5 . (619) 465-3782 i Get Your ·· SHIFT Together/ -=::::.-~s=--~\~--,;;,------FOR TI IY TRAIVSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane ~ ' Jamul, callfomla 920:35 ·-w Doug Portln . (408) 377-3422 . Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's Specifications f0X RACING SHOX 544 McGfinc11_y l ~nB, Unii 8, CampbB(/, Calif. 95008 Fuel Bladders Quick FIiis Dump Cans Std. FIiis 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 962-0027 • TRAILERS 'FLAT BED ENCLOSED ATV-ATC. JET SKI MOTORCYCL~ • METAL FABRICATION. TRUCK RACKS STAKE BEDS DUNE BUGGIES REPAIRS WELDING .FUN.TIME MFG 12150 BLOOMFIELD AVE UNIT G . SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 (213) 929-o«O. 'YOUR TOY HAULER SPECIALIST'. BOB FULMER . KEN HAGEMANN RES: (213) 929-1410 RES: (213) 531-9154 GARMA ABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM.METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK& PRE-RUNNER , DENNIS GARMAN (7H) 620-1242 Dusty Times . 1436 EAST THIRD STREET .-<)MONA, CA 91766 . I I: GRIFFITHS ENTERPRISES PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND.REPAIRS . LICENSED·AND INSURED . . ! . ROBERT GRIFFITHS BEEPER (70.2) 3~1-3148 OFFICE.(702) 362-4202 HOME (702) 362-9416 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE, !--AS VEG.AS, NEVADA'89103 . . . . • t . • ldra . . . I WALT LOTT 12997·Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 702-361-5404 HOU·SE_of.BUGGIES 7302 Broadway • Lemon Grove, CA. 9~5 • 619-589-6770 .. . MICHAEL LU"';ID Owner 6211 Yarrow Drive._Suite C • Carlsbad, CA r 200~ • (619) 931-084f Lee '(7'.14) 522-4800 (114) ~J2""'460i. .. · rfl1I!JlllJ(:Y . . l .· . v. •. w. Service REPAIR O PARTS~ SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. · . Buena ~ark, CA 90621. ~ . OFF ROAD RACE CARS JIMCO 'I ALUMINUM BODI.ES. , ROLL CAGES .· · . . . . .PARTS & ACCESSORl~S .r., . "n:.._ J ·~~ 1 (619) 562-1743 ~4all') ,-~ .. ' .··!· .. "OFF· ROAD SPECIALISTS" · 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 May 198~ I . JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON OHN Send $2.00 tor c.c.og. ~ PflOIICJCFS . ~HNSON . . CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP . , . FOR-WINNING . PER FORMAN CE t11c.lt PERFORMANCE SHOCIIS · P,O. BOX81 . LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 [619) 583-2054 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner DUAL 6 1RIPlE SHOCK SYS1tMS IWIKilASS t0• V-6 2.8 MOTOR PARl'S ACCl!SSOIIW5 ~,• #,,ir , ~.,.., f{tf O~ STANDARD i~v.~V<,,'> 'I, G · REBUILDS ..... ~\J ""' ""~+" . (619) ........ .,~ a,.~~ 0 ,<,._<?--~ · 11435 Santa Fe Ave. East V CJ~ Hesperia, California 92345 ~'f McKENZIE'S AlffOMOTIYE INC. WAREHOUSE DISTRlilUTORS FOR CENTER•LINI: WHEELS. TECTIRA TIRES KC LIGHTS . SUPER TRAP Sl'ARK ARRESTORS SWAY·A•WAY ■ILIJIEIN SHOCKS K. Y .a. SHOCKS HARD HATS Ht:WLAND CHARS· · . GIEM .CHAIIS CROWN N.l'G . . CIBIE LIGHT~ MCKENZIE Allll'ILTEIIS WRIGHT P.LACIE DURA-■l:Ut: ULTRA BOOT WUTERN AUTO T'.IRIES 818. 78A-6A38 818-78!5-.!5827 NIEA.L PRODUCTS, RA,.1D (;OOL 129415 SHERMAN WAY, No. 4 NO, HOLLYWOOD, CA 91110!1 ·_MEND~LA RACING .TECHNOLOGY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC GEARBOXES · . (6f9) 277,3100 7577 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 . ss,s. . . cl-I,.. . Custom BuUt to ·· Your Needs by . V-ENTERPRISES Bill Varnes Mike Brown 32817 Crown Valley Rd. Acton, CA 93510 805/269·-1279 ········ Page 59 .,,.
INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals ·& Hydraulics, Including... · • NEAL Cutt-ing Brakes'" • Clutch Pedal Asseniblies • .Master Cylinders ·• Hydraulic Clutches and.Throttles . ... plus much more. ~omplete Catalog, $3. 00; . NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 565-9336 ' ·FILTERS "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" · .Ask Your Performance Dealer Today - Oil - Fuel~ Transmissions -Rearends-. Offrnad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine · QUALITY GUARANTEED . Oberg Inc, 12414 Hwy. 99 So., Dept. ot Everett, WA 98204 O ,FF ROAD CHASS!S ENGINEE-RiNG 6879 'ORAN' C1Rc;LE. BUENA P4'RK. CA. 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation . 2 & 4 W D V .ANS,_ & PICKUPS & MINI TRUCKS GABRIEL RACING SHOCKS • BAJA RY0ERS· PRE·RWTRucKs • CusTOM SPRtN·Gs ·Ax\.T WORK • c ·L!STOM siusPENSION .NO BLOCKS USED • WE,LO!NG. & FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 52_1-2962 Established 1974 ,, . OFF ROAD DYN~"" Wants ·Bea Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved ! Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-77-57. O·RE '. OFF ROAD ENGINEER/NG "° Off ...... tice.Can 9720 Coiycroft Chatsworth. CA 91311 GREG U;WIN (818) 882-2886 . . -FAMILY-RESTAURANT · Over 40_Years -The best in the Desert . . Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering Hole Saloon-.Mobil 24 Hour Service Station . BAKER. CA~IFORNIA ·· l P ~o; .:.R · c ·a".: . PRECISION OFF ~QADCOMPANYc;;;; · .. Retail Parts • Fabrication • Protofype · p78 UNIT C SAN BERNARDINO RD.-COVINA, CA 91723 · TONY VANILLO (818)91~7 (818) 915-3848 . Power Plus. RACING . . '' BATTERIES SEALED-'GELL ELECTROLYTE . ~ · · _RAC_ING BATTERiES . 'RACE CARS, .JET SKIS, .i\TVS & (?THER HIGH -PERFORMANCE ,!\PPL_ICAT10Ns MICHAEL McCARTHY · (714·) 985-9181 POWER. PLUS. PRODUCTS 375 N. H.ERVEY UPLAND. CA 91716, ~ ,...,..._ .Off~OAO IIACl#O • P.O. BOX 323 • SEAHURST WA·; 98062 (206)242-1773 · · PROBST Off' Road: Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICA.TION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121'EAST ILLINOIS HWY NEW LENOX. ILLIN O IS 6 0 4 51 181 5 1 485-RACE 172231 ' Close-Up Action From · · ~ - -r-,f~.i··~ ·"·!-~.·~. A 1986 SCORE/HORA·· ,, : . --Desert Series Races . and SCORE Off Road OFF ROAD·· World Championship., -VJDDft· 'DV 1 Hr. VHS Video Tapes . $29.95 each -P.O. Box 444 Please Write for Information 'El Segundo, CA 90245~0444 -Page60 Quality Product~ ·· Fastener Sµ.ecialists Heinz (Henry)' Buchhardt . (2.13) 633-697.1 .1 6845 East Compton Blvd .. Paramount, CA 90723 May 1987_ sMAN-.. ·. ~ · IS OF 1\-\ z IJ1 .lJ .., Telephone: (714)535-4437· · (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler . ,. 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA ~2805 AL KEY . DOUG FREEMAN (213) 515-:-3570 (213) 32Q:-9584. -~·····~··. ' ~ ' ... . . ' ~. . ; . . '> PERFORMANCE COMMUNIC.O.TIONS P.0 : BOX 3757 FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES GA.ROE.NA. CA 90247-7457 3317:_s,.. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIIIJD TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 57~-19~3 • (818) 574-1944 . Specializing in V.W. Bvgs, Buses, Ghias and 914's (21 :}) 583-2404 . i~n ~· ~-'@@D . I V ' . ! i SANDERS SERVICE, INC. · I ME1'AL PROCESSING · ,59z'(w;1;;;;;;,on Avenue . Los Angeles. ~alif~rnia 90001 SAND.BLAST , ~ GLASS BEAD · -· . FLOURESCENT. INSPECTION MAGNETIC PARTICAL . Hick Munyon Larry Smith · 1'986 . BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill ' WINNERS;' .\. ' ' . GREG HIBBS .:1st OVERALL, 1st CLASS 10 . - ' ~ . . . KEN SNYDER -1st 2-1600; BRAD INCH -1st 1-1600; MAX RAZO · i st CLASS 5; MARK CAMERON : 1st OPEN; . ANDY OEVER.CELLY -1st 5-1600; R,EX LEWIS: 1st CLASS 100; JIM-DELANEY - 1st CHALLENGER; TIM YOUNG -1st TRUCK; HAL ~RAVES - ls! CLASS 6 - . Dusty Times
· SO-CAL PERFORMANCE . ~ . ~ R · 8504 E. Compton Blvd. -~<\. · Paramount, CA 90723 0 ◄lll!!IPILi -, (213) 408-0440 .,--®-.. · SO-CAL Performance ... ' Racina 6*.'ine · : ' :IF Y.()U PAY FOR IT/ ·· l'!H.Y NQT GET THE BEST/II lOCAflfllj DISTRIBUTORS Anaheim, CA Tom Stala'rz 8akarsfield, CA .Dave f>edrow/Wayne Ulberg . Bullhead City, AZ Colton,CA Corona.CA El Centro, CA Fullerton, CA Hayward, CA Lancaster, CA las Vegas, NV Long Beach, CA Oakland/S.F., CA Phoenix, AZ. Riverside, CA .~nJose,CA Tim Schmidt· Larry Stover · Dick·Alden/John Donahoe Cal Performance Mike McNeece ·Jim·Finn · La Vern Unser · Jack Bertwlck Dave Pedrow/Wayne Ulberg Darwin Pilger/Tom Tonal ·Dave Wayt' Chris.Price Bill Wilhoit/Ed Clark Sand Rails John Graham .. Mike Whlt!!,cre Tucson, AZ. Don Larson Van Nuys, CA · Dave Wayt Ventura, CA · Bill Tipton Yuma, AZ. Robert McNeece P.O. Box 610, 333 West Broadway, Suite ·202 Long Beach, California 90801;0610 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers . . of Quality Drive Train · ·components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS · 1_649 W. Collins, Orange,.CA 92667 714-997-0766 · If no answer 714-997-0767 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill SPONSO.RS · ALFORD DISTRIBVTING * THE WRIGHT PLACE * RACE READY PRODUCTS * SOUTHWEST.RACING PROMOTIONS* OFF-ROAD BUGGY SUPPLY * CLAIREMONT EOUI PMENT RENTALS CONTINGENCY SPONSORS JOE STIDMAN'S HEARTLAND MEAT CO.; CORONADO AUTO BODY; GOWLAND MOTORSPORTS; HPS LUBRICANTS; FIBER-TECH ENG., INC.; BAJA CONCEPTS; T & J BUGGY SHOP; ARDS TRAILERS; BOZO RACING . TEAM; THE OCOTILLO TRAILER PARK; SAN DIEGO OFF-ROADER; AR.MS'TRONG TIRES; MIKE LUND'S HOUSE OF BUGGIES -Dusty nmes TF:UC~ · · racina gasoline ' WE ·DELIVER!H ' Alameda County f4 I 5/ 538'RACE ·,Phoenix JIIIETAL FORJIIIING AND: INSTALLATION '.• Bakersfield '. (8051393-8258 : Portland-;Vantouver · f . . Bremerton (206/ 377-7951 Riverside, .. f602I 952-2575 /i06I 693-3608 -{714/ 787-8141-. . f916I 334-RAtf";' ·ON SPECl:·A·,. ",LI·,:'"·,!··;,'. •'..c_:· .. ·.·.A,' _R_ s' ' .· ' t ,· •. 1 . DHaewnyealrl ..... : . f303/ 452-52.39 .• .Sacramentc;,'. . .. , (8081682:5589 1,rsan;o,[~?io · : . · . ·-fl~ntl~Jton Bea~h 17141 536-8808 . ·Saugus , .. ,j' ' , ll 'A 'long'Beach f213/ 863-4801 . ,'Seattle·.:," . 4392BLDG. TWOUNITD ,,·, '.', FR1.,"SAT. SUN .. MoN::-, ·. jj;:v.egat·_. (7021871-1417 . Spok'an~·.:, •', ~~~~~~,1~~~Tt1763 "';;;1;¥::\i~;;;·:.~~:.!~~~1~!; '.:' ~~~~;:~~u;tY :~::::::~ .. ~}~~~e(; . · /619/ 460-5207 .:\ (8051 ?59-3886 ;: . . {206/ 833,0430 :, (5091 483-0076' < (5091 547-3326 :, · .. (602/ 791-9386_·,, . . · (818{988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE.·• PAULA S. THORNTON • • < .18710 So. Norrriandie Ave., Suite C · · Garden~. CA 90248 . 213-327~0366 RACE THANS BY JEFF f/EO)Y · TRfiNSfiiXLE i · ENGINEEIUNCi; JEFF FIELD 998-2739 I., 9833 Deerin. g . . . Unit H c 7atsworth, CA 91311 , ,&.:BACKSIDE. J _I . Photo EnlffPl'I•• PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 . 18710 SO. NORMA~DIE • SUITE C •GARDENA.CA. 90248 Jimqber. llAaNG <21_3> 321.44?3 · PHO'TOGllAPHY . SPECIALiffS May 1987 ··' .·-' ··,;;'r'' {' ~ '\_:,· '• : '. · LOUIE::!J1'TSEj ,:· Racing Engiri'es:,;:• .. ·. 1106 E. Ash Avf ,$uite C Fullerton, pa: ,92~31 · .(714) 879-8440 , 947 RANCHEROS DRIVE ✓ • ·. SAN MARCOS. CA 92069 Engine & Machine (619) 741-6173 Custom . Wheels OFF ROAD PRODUCTS. Off Road Accessor.ies Phoenix, Arizona 85017 For advertising rates & informa)ion contact - Wright Publishing Co., Inc. . . PO Box 2260, C~sta Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 9_79'.2560 • .,•, _ Page 61
·Classified.· •• FOR SALE: Short course. winner, Hi Jumper.·· 105" WB, the best of everything. Ready to · go, $4100 less engine and trans . . Serious inquiries only; Call Chuck, (702) 853-3448. FOR SALE: Class 10 Chaparral. Wright front, end, power steering, Beard seat, Parker, FOR SALE: Class 3 Ford Hewland gears. VW powered Bronco. Originally built by and ready to go. Also have Chuck Johnspn. 351 with Art FORSALE:ORCClassZ-1600, Toyota · power set .up for car. Carr C6, 33· gallon fuel cell, ready to ·race with trailer. 11_4,; ·Everything and trailer, $12,000. Taylor seats, F-150 suspension, wheelbase, new Centerlines and Call Chuck, home (602) 855-Rancho shocks, floater, disc Yokohamas, new Sway~A-Way, 78:?3, work (619) 32_6-4589. brakes, etc. A consistent winner new Wright rack & pinion, new in the midwes_t. Contact_· Matt . · p· k p · · FOR SALE: Class 1-1600, 96" c.v.s., new . ar er umper; new wheelbase; rebuilt engine and Foltz at ( 414) 965-2244 eves, air log, new nets, new seat belts, . trans, Engle cam, Hi-Comp 968-3137 days. - new brakes, new carburetor., new· ported heads, Super cliff, close WANTED: Partner, serious and · · oi_l cooler. Bus trans, fuel cell, ratio 3rd and 4th,.fuel cell, triple . mature to buy 2 seat Score legal Bilsteins, JaMar .pedals. $6995 . KYBs; Sway-A~Way torsion race car. Plan to -race'.Snore, OBO.CallJonMeissnerat(818) adjuster, Porsche ZF steering. Score, HORA, Fudpticker races. 33].c.4347. · · · 'box, Ford tie .rod ends,,new Must livein Riverside, CA area; FOR SALE: Class 9.(10) Pro-battery. Withtrailer,readytogo, · IfinterestedcallRichatdat(714) . Tech. New le4l motor, 091 just $1950. Call Tom a:t (213) ·· 242-9699.,:_ Hewland gearpox, Saco carrier, 828-3387. FOR SALE: Mazda. RX 3 Pro ·Fox shocks, Ari: C;itr and AMS FOR SALE: i 985 c'lass 2 .Rally ·car. Full gauges, rally disc.brakes, combo spindles, R~ceco. i9" travel, 122" wheel- suspepsi?n, ra_cing engine. Call · Sway-A-Way·secondary suspen-base, fresh Type 4 2.6, Field 091 · for details, Will sell car, or car · sion, lJMP power steeringi fresh FOR SALE: Super de~l o,n Class _ trans. _ Hewland, Super diff, plus spares,.or 'car tninus engine:· BFG tires, all Neal products and 1-1600. 105" WB, Beard seat, 18 . new 930cvs, Super Boot, Wright Price ·range '-$1300-$3200. much more. This tar is complete~ gal. fuel cell, P Pumper, JT Place,UMP,secondary,Bilstein, CaU(818)342-5799. lyrebuilt.Bestoffertakesit.Call· beams, Sway-A-Way tear, · Fox, Beard, Sway-A-Way, FOR.SALE: Chenowth single Curi: Wuesthoff, days (4'14)1 Wright R & P, hydraulic clutch Parker, fresh prep. Race ready seat 1000. Neal, JaMar·; Center- 545-'8010, evenings (414) 762-and more. Class winner. in with.trailer,$15,000OBO.Gary -Hoe, Sway-A~Way, Beard seat, 0289. ' · VORRA. Engine, trariny, turn. or Greg, days _(818) 782-2614, Wright boX; W,ood arms. FOR SALE: 1980 Sand Hawk key. $5500 or $3000 less engine eves (818) 349:.6611. Would make excellent pre-single seater. IRS bus, Sway-A-and tranny. This is the best way FORSALE:-Raceco2,;1600with runner or good Challenge Way, Bilsteins, Mastercraft, fuel to get started. Call (702) 827-Hati.rimtor,Fieldtrans,readyto _orl-1600.Lessengineandtrans; cell, 1641 engine, Centerlines, 9121 in Reno, NV after 6 p.m. race. Only $9000. _ Call L~rry ' $2500. With engine and trans, Wright spindles and arms. Good. Leslieat(805)642-4616daysor .$45oo. bi.co ~railer, $800. Calf pre-runner, Class 10. Two car · FOR SALE: 1986 Raceco"Class 1-1600. Fresh West motor, Mendeola bus trans, turbo CVS, . Superboot, ·wright front e~d, UMP power steering; 115" wheelbase, 22 gal. fuel cell. Best of everything for Class ls 1600, $12,500. Call for details (619) 569-6280. (805) 649-2687 evenings. Bob a! (602}269-6994 or (602) tr:ailer, $4000 or OBO or trade 866-82 77. . _ for family ski boat. Call Jerry at FOR SALE: '85 Toyota CoroJla (714) 591-3282. GTS, fully equipped Group A , FOR SALE: '1985 Chaparral, rally· car. Latest Group A spec Class 1.. 1986 2700cc FAT engine, 1:1 gear box, Lockheed · !!Qgin:e, dual carb FAT Ty.pe 4. brakes, Tratrip. Ready to race, Five speed Hewland gearbox. $15,000. Call Richey Watarabe; · Ready ·to go. Race_d six times. , (21J) 532-1232. Complete car with motor and FOR SALE:JohnDeetz'sJeepCJ transmission, $32,500. Engine , 7 . Two complete engines and transmission only, $15,250. including 57.5 hp _401 and all Owner, Tim Kennedy of Ken-spare parts. Has chrome moly nedy &Noel RacingTeam. Call front and. rear, 9" Ford housing, ( 602) 971-1444. Henry spindles and hubs, new FOR SALE: Class 2-1600 Hi FOR SALE: Class 5 race car, Fox shocks, UMP power steering, DJ .transaxle, Beard· seat, Filler Safety, four CenterJines, four wheels, eight Yolios, twb Yuasu radios. Fresh c,ar,. blown motor. $7500 complete with spares. CaU (818) 768-157-1 or (805) 251-0010. . WANTED: Race car mechanic. Assistant needed to pr:ep off road race car, Class 2. Must have VW experience. Must have ·own tools. Based in . Riverside; Call · (714) ·371-5000; ask for Bob Richey: · FOR SALE: 32 foot American Traveler 5th wheel trailer, 1979 model. Ref. air, central heat,· stereo, fully . equipped kitchen and bath. $8495. Call (805) 268-1644. . I . -FOR SALE: Hi Jumper two seat , Challenger car, -98" WB, nets, 3 nozzle Flame-Out, Steering brakes, 3 piece fiberglass body. • Corvette center steering. Run-· . ning but needs completion. -$950 .. Call'(805) 522-5112. FOR SALE: 1986.Mirage 1-1600. 1985 Score/HORA overall ch;impion and 1-1600 champion. Best of everything, all spares included. Prepped and _ready to win. Accepting offers. Call Rob Tolleson, evenings at (805) 947-9859.,, . . . FOR SALE: 1966 Baja Bug, FOR SALE: Very competitive 1-1600cc Funco. Race ready. Fresh engine and transmission. Best of. everything . . Would' like to sell . complete for $9000-. Also available . are ( 3) 4 channel . standard FM radios. Call Mike Olson at (709) 447-2453: fuel cdl, Flame-Oudire system, Jumper, race ready, $10,000.All Turn key; ready to race. $25 ,OOO the goodies. l) niden FM radio by FOR SALE: 1-1600 Bunderscm'; · or offer. Call ( 4 l5) 846-5907• R.L.H. Ent., Neal pedals, Wright 1211.' wheelbase, Jeff Field trans, . street legal. Rebuilt swing axle, 1358cc, ball joint front,'KYBs, Edwards, Streakers, Beard seats, alum. · panels, new wiring; one piece front. $2000. Call Jeff at (714) 777-8800 days; or (714) 840-3965, evenings. FOR SALE: Chevy pre-runner. ·New motor, B & M t rans, Henry axles, four wheel disc brakes·, full cage, seats and fuel cell, Rancho shocks. $4000 OBO, Call John Deetz at ( 415) 846-5907. FOR SALE: CRS Stock Class front end, Unique power Mastercraft'seat, power steering, Toyota Corolla for $3000. Race- steering, engine by Ron Bai<er, · combos, 101/4" front travel, 14". .ready. Three rallies on it: _Two Centerlines, over . built trailer. · rear travel. $12,000: Call (702) wins, one second place. Call Topi See it ·at the Mint 400. Call the 877~1706 after 5:00 p.m.'Pacific · Hyny,nen at (818) 764-9013 CircusCircusandaskforRobert time, ask for Mike_. between 10 a.m, and 5 p.m. O'Brien. r--------------~----------~--~--------------~, I · . . Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in · · , ·. · I 1 -DUSTY TIMES. · I I _ , - · -. · ._. _ -1 , I Classified Advertising rate ·is only $10 for 45 words, not including name, address an:d phone number. Add $5.00 for us,~ of black , I . I and white, photo, or a very · sharp color print. , · . , . · . . I I · NEW AND RENEWAL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES -:A.4fword Classi(ied_Aci i~ FREE if you act·now and I-· I · subscribe. If you wish· to use a photo in your free-ad, enclose $5,00. All c~assified ads must be paid in advance: · -· I· FOR SALE: .19S5 2,l600. 115 .. WB. ·Best of everything,·immacu-1 ----'----'-------------'---------------------,----'----------,--I·· late throughout, Six races old, · I ___ _:_---------------'--------'----------------------- I Car is fully prepped and· race I I ready-, Motor and tr:ms just I ---'-----'-----'---------------______________________ I .prepped. Po.wer steering,,Fox ·1 -----------------------------------------'---I Shoxs, com.69 spindles, '.Super Boot, 20 gal. fuel cell, m.µch 1 · I· more. $9500_. · Call Jim, (818) I --'---"-----"-------'----------------~----~~------I 966-7509, eves, (~18) 332--1336. . . I -------~~------~-----~--~---I I I FORSALE': Ori'ginal 1983 .1 · Enciosed is$ ______ (Send check or money order, no cash), Please run ad. times. .1 Factory Toyota "Ironman" Race Truck. Winner 1983,Manufac-l Name ·-------~------'---------'------'----------,---I turers Cup. Works great, easy to _ 1 . Mail to: •.. , . R d maintain, many spares. · ea y to · I Address ------'----------------Phone · ,. DUSTY TIMES I· race stadium or desert Class 7. 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O $14,000 or make offer. Call . 11 · City -. , State , Zip______ Agoura, CA913Cil .. Mike (619) 485~9410._ I , · Pagc61 -_May1987 Du_sty nmcs
,, ,€A!f!!!~ ~ - H C RA/SCORE 'S;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-,4,nanca:• Fot91110st 0tr,Roat1 RM;;ng s.. Point Standings thru the Great·Mojave ISO CLASS 1 CLASS 7 Ivan Stewart 245 Manny Esquerra Mark McMilli n 202 Roger Mears Albert Arciero 181 Larry Ragland Rob MacCachren 181 Doc Ingram 177 CLASS 7S Nick Nicholson 177 Spencer Low CLASS 2 Chuck Johnson Bob Gordon 235 Steve Luport Danny Letner-223 Jim Travis . Bob Ric,hey 199 Pete Sohren . David Kreisler 179 CLASS 7 4X4 Steve Lara 142 Len Newman 14(1 Michael Lesle Jim Conner CLASS. 1/2-1600 John Swi-ft Bob Scott 323 Jerry McDonald Steve Barlow 306 CLASS 8 Jim Fishback, Jr. 274 Art Peterson 254 Dave Shoppe Scott Webster 249 Steve Ke 11 ey Marley Wi 11 i ams 220 Jim Venable David Westhem CLASS 3 Walker Evans ~ichael Schwellinger 173 )on Adams 122 CHALLENGER CLASS ~ark Hutchins 78 Rick Johnson Larry Martin CLASS 4 Rich Minga Rod Hall 199 Thomas Watson Tom Strong 115 Bi 11 y Bunch John Dyck 103 Don Rountree :LASS 5 CLASS 10 John Cooley 216 Craig Wa-tk ins Jim Cocores 170 Jim Sti 1.es George Seeley, Jr. 128 Di ck Weyhri ch Jim Madison 89 William Church Rick Rowland CLASS 5-1600 John Ellenburg Darryl Cook 234 David Anckner 219 CLASS 11 Andy DeVercelly 195 Ramon Cas·tro Randy Wilson 153 Mike Abbott Cameron Stee 1 e 150 Jose Aguila CLASS 6 CLASS 14 Larry Schwacofer 167 Giti Gow]and Arne Gunnarsson 128 David Qui 11 Wesley Moser 89 Michael Horner Coming Next Month ... HDRA MINT 400 STADIUM RACING AT THE ROSE BOWL SAFARI RALLY IN KENYA PRO CANAM HORN RAPIDS 250 RIM OF THE WORLD RALLY VORRA AT PRAIRIE CITY 158 140 74 250 220 179 150 146 132 125 103 73 220 189 139 129 106 230 229 225 220 217 207 279 278 256 249 187 185 150 77 36 113 52 26 -RACE ACTION IN ALABAMA AND COLORADO ... plus all the regular features Check out the DUSTY TIMES Special Club Sub Offer ( Almost half price for group subscriptions) Call (111) 819-5600 or write ~TIMES 5331 Deny Ave., Suite 0, Agoura. CA 91301 Dusty Times Foley Flies in _Mexico Puerto Pena~o, Sonora By Daryl Drake Photo:. 3-D Photography Tucson, Arizona's Jerry Foley was ready to part~ all night after earning his first heads up overall win in A.D.R.A.I racing at the "PENASCO TWILIGHT 250," opener to the 1987 Desert Championship Seties. The blond young racer, withJ co-driver Jim Blackmore riding in the Foley Tile lnc./Black's Dynamic Engines/Loose Dirt Racing Products/Barlow's Janitorial <i::haparral Tandem, set a hot pace ~ffthe start and enjoyed a 1:42 lrad after the first of five. laps around a fast, sandy 45 mile loop. At the finish, Foley roared in with a time of 3:54.33 to win ·with a nine minute margin over Danny Foddrill. Larry Noel was third, another 20 minutes back. Dominating all the truck classes was Gary Dircks in his 7S winning Ford ~otorsports/BF-Jerry Foley (center) says "I couldn't of done it without my crew!" After winning the Penasco Twilight 250. Co-driver Jim Blackmore stands to Jerry's immediate right (in qutlaw t-shirt). I . , I · -CCOLLEOTOR'S I SPECIAL . A Full Set .. 12 Issues .. of the First Volume of I DUSTY TIMES unmarked by mailing labels Early birds will receive the-bonus of the Preview issue - Sept. 1983. NOW AVAILABLE --A Full Set -12 lssues -Volume 2 & 3 ,1 I GET Y©UR FULL SET WHILE THE I SUPPL y LASTS_ Send just $10.50 for one set or $20.00 for 2 sets or $30.00 for all 3 sets, check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES-5331 Derry Av.e., Suite O• Agoura, CA 91301 SHIPPED PRE-PAID VIA U.P.S. . DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A.DEALER Each month ten or more copies i°f the current issue can be in your Jhop, to sell or. t<;> present to preferred customers. It is :1 grc:1t traffic builder, apd the cost is minimal. · I · -C0NTAO DUSTY T1IMES, 5 331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91 301. (818) 889-5600 I _ Get the word out about your business, I big or $mJn. Put lyour business Icard in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" an1d reach new customen. Geod Stuff Dir~tory Ads are tiierely $18.00 lper month. I . . May 1987 Goodrich/Dircks Racing/Trick ' Fuel Ranger. Starting-at the back of the pack, Dircks caught and passed all of Classes 4 and 8 to finish at seventh overall -with a time of 5:21:45. Class 8 winner Frank Turben was 20 minutes back at 10th overall.John Imbriale, in his first Pro race, won the Challenger Class at 11th 0 / A. Winning the Sportsman race 0 / A and Class 10 was Levi Beard, while James Taggert earned the Beginner 0 / A and U nlim1ted trophies. EightY.-six racers turned out for this event, and we'll bring you all the details in next month's DUSTY TIMES. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Air Sensors, -Inc. . . . . . . . . . 13 Auto Digital Devices . . . . . . /J 7 ·-::._.,. Bilstein ~orp. of America . . 39 Brush Run 101 . . . . . . . . .. . 31 Candy Canes . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Car Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . 24 C.O.R.V.A .............. 12 Dura Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 FAT Performance ......... 6 FBI Fuel Systems · ..... ; ... 29 General Tire Motorspo.rts . . . . . Back Cover Glen Helen OHV Park . . . . . 30 ' , BFGoodrich -Tire · Division . . . . . . . . . . 1 0-11 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co ........... · ....... 19 Helicopter Rides at Races .... ....•...... 26 JaMar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 KC Hilites ............. 43 Mazda Motors of America . . 9 Rob MacCachren . . . . . . . . 28 McKenzie Automotive ..... 42 Mint 400 ............... 8 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . 40 Nissan Motor Corp., USA ............ . 32-33 Parker Pumper . . . . . . . . . . 35 PCI Race Radios . . . . . . . . 45 Sandwinder Chassis . . . . . . 48 Score International . . . . . . . 21 Marvin Shaw Performance Produc~ ............ 41 Silver Dust Racing Association . . . . . . . . . . . 23 SNORE, Ltd. . .. .. . . . .. . . 34 Summers Brothers . . . . . . . 50 SuperTrapp . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 System 1 Filters . . . . . . . . . 27 Team T / A -Goodrich . . . . . 38 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group ................ 7 Thornton & Associates . . . . 20 Toy~ta Motorsports .. :· .... - 5 Trackside Photo Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Travel Adventure Video . . . . 37 Tri Mil Industries . . . . . . . . 22 Valley Performance -~ Hewland . ., . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . 44 ,._ Yokohama Tire Corp. 2 Pagc63 0 .,
0 Yet another win for Mike·Schwellinger · .. · and General Grabber radials. · : This time the setting was the SCORE Great Mojave 250. Where hair-raising ridges and rocky trails finished much of the field before the 9-hour race was .even over. And as if the course wasn't tough enough, Mother Nature added high winds and drizzle. But the results were the same as before for Mike Schwellinger. First in Class 3. Driving a Jeep CJ7 outfitted with General Grabber.MT® radials. The Grabbers gave him a win-. ning combination of hard driving traction and rock-pounding ruggedness. For you, there's a choice of three General Grabber light truck radials. The Grabber AP® for all- · around use. The Grabber AT®·for· tougher on and ·off-road chores. Or our most aggressive off-road. tire, the Grabber MT-the one that helped Mike Schwellinger · snatch his second first-place trophy in as many starts. Pick up your set topay or 'call . · · 1-800-255-2550 for the Gener~~ Motorsport dealer nearest you. :: :·:, , GENERAi. TIRE HOTa"!5...0[JRTS