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1987 Volume 4 Number 4 Dusty Times Magazine

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including OFF~ROAD & IW.LYE '.·~ION NEWS

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ILEII 11111S WINS IFF-11111111-PIii AT JACK-IIIIPIY STADIUM. 1986 marked the most successful year in Mazda truck racing history. So it shouldn't_ come as a surprise th_at Glenn Harris wasted little time securing Mazda's first win of the 1987 season in San Diego. Unleashing the Mazda B2000's 270 rotary-driven horsepower, Harris flew off the starting grid, grabbed the lead and never looked back. Obviously, Harris and the California Gold Racing Team have their sights set on whadies ahead. Another 11 ld:;t; l.)a-• successful year for Mazda in 1987. ~

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, .. Volume 4 Number 4 . Ap~il 1987 . ... . . . .·· . .. I Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin Associat; Publisher Brad Goodrow Associate· Editor Richaro K. ?Chwalm. Controller · John Galvin' Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic Frank McCombs Contributors --------·--Dai-la-Grewn -·-----. Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Cam McRae Brenda Parker David Ryskamp Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Sprovkin · Darlene Thackston 3-D Photography . Trackside Photo Enterprises Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services ·•-nllll . • . .••.. . . I - ----~ 1 · THI OnlCIAL VOICE OF • - ' ~ ... . - --:·.....,.i.. . ==- . I Subscription Rates: . l· $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscri tion rates on request, I ....... _Contribution§:. DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributi~ns, but is not responsible for such material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addre1ssed, stamped en~elope, , , I ~. Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid, · DUSTY TIMES" assumes' no liability for · omissions or errors. All ads may be subject to editing. DUSTY TIMES combined with OFF ROAD ACTION NEWS, "USPS-305-609" is.published monthly bylHill-, . side Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Ag9ura, CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside. Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be repro-duced without written permission from the publi'sher. Secot1d Class Postage. paid at Agoura, CA 9 no 1. POSTMASTER: Send address changes toDusty T.1'imes, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. •. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and/ new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. · ' SNAPSHOT OF THE MONTH ••• I I I , I I I I,: . j In ·This Issue ••• 1FEATURES Page 1HDRA Gold Coast 300·• ............................. . 12 11986 A.D.R.A. Awards Banquet ..................... 23 &:dlands Baja 100 . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . 24 SCCA Pro Barbary Coast Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Outlaw Racing at El Cajon ... ; ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 SNORE Bottom Dollar ..... . ....................... 30 Toronto Supercross •..........•...... : .•....... ·· . . . 31 Ice Racing -Part II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Gran Carrera Internacional .......................... 34 IWCR Swedish Rally ......... , ...................... 36 Nissan Silvia Rally Car ......................... '. .. -. 37 DEPARTMENTS · Snapshot of the Month . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J Soap Box by Ron Fleming ...................... _ ...... _ 5 ·Happenings_ ..........• . : ... : ............... · .....•.. 6 Pony Express ..... · ............. .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Side Tracks by Judy Smith .......................... 10 1Score Great Mojave 250 Update ..................... 10 Trail-Notes· . -.. .-·--,,.-.~.·.-... -.-,_.-;··;· ......... ; ... -· .... ; ... 10- · Tech Tips by Bill Savage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Weatherman Radio Relay Report by Bob Steinburger ... 22 Pit Team Register and Reports ....................... 38 Dr. Downshift Report .............................. 39· The Losers by Judy Smith ........................... 40 Goodies Galore· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 1lndex to Advertisers : .................•.. . ........ :. 41 Good Stuff Directory .......... , .................... 42 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 ON_.THE COVER -Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas were the big 1winners in Class 7S at the HDRA Gold Coast 300. Despite oiling problems with the Ford Ranger, the team, who joined forces late last year and won the Baja 1000, now have a second and a first place in the 1987 desert series. They are leading the points hunt going into race 3 at Lucerne Valley. Chuck Johnson commutes from Illinois to race the desert. Both his truck, pictured here, and the Ranger ofSc'ott Douglas, from San Diego, will be used this year in search of the points title. In Nevada the team won Class 7S by a resounding 34 minutes. Color 1phd\:?graphy by Trackside Photo Enterprises. . . DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY ,IN THE COUNTRY!! D 1 year-. $12.00 D 2 years - $20.00 □ 3 years - $30.00 I , .· Take a~antage of your subscription bonus .•• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) The "Student Driver" sign on an off road rac~ car was a joke when 'this shot was taken near Reno, Neyada of the HE' ART entry in a VORRA race. If present plans for requiring a competition license for major off road event participation ever reach fruition, new drivers may have to display such a sign, rookie stripes or some means of identifying them . as new kids in off road racing. The major stumbling block to the program is that who among us would be qualified to judge driving ability across the wide range of off road race car performance potential. Photo by Jim Maddox, President, Handicapped Enthusiast's Ability Rehabilitation and Training, Neva<;la Chapter. · · · ;DUSTY TIMES will fea~ure pictures of similar "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of something comic · or some disaster for · consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. If you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black &white prints, 5x7 or 8x10 will be considered. Name I Address I City State ____ -,--__ __._ ________ Zip _______ _ Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES · · · 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 (Canadian - 1 yJar $15.00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates quoted on request) ---· · -· I . I I 1. I I I I I I I •• I 1· I I I I L Dusty nmes Page 3

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I , ONE NIGHT ONLY! ' Pasadena SATURDAY 6:30•P.M. There's going to be incredible ACTION at the Pasadena Rose Bowl with all the electrifying excitement and adventure of the Off-Road · Championship Gran Prix on Saturday night, MAY 2nd! This is where all the action really is! Grand National Sport Trucks, Unlimited Super 1600s, UltraStocks, Odysseys, 4-Wheel ATVs, and a specic,1I added attraction: 250cc Pro Motocross Bikes . . . All on the same • Super-Tough, Super-Wild, "Man-Made Chunk of the Baja" action-packed, all-new desigr:i, Rose Bowl race course . . . It's three solid hours of Off-Road madness! FOR EN·TRY INFORMATI.ON CALL (818) 359-5117 SPECIAL ADDED ACTION! 250cc PRO Moto-X DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR, THRILL-FOR-THRILL, THIS IS TRULY THE BEST-EVER ACTION/ENTERTAINME_NT VALUE FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! IT'S ONE NIGHT ONLY - ONLY ROSE . BOWL APPEARANCE THIS YEAR! . Use the handy order form on the facing page to get your tickets in advance and save up to $4.00 on each adult VIP'ticket . . . get the Best Seats in the House at a good discount, through this mail-in offer ONLY. ~~ . CHARGE:· (213) 480-3232 TICK.sf. ~SJErl . (714) 740-2000 ___ _.,.,.._ ___ ~ (805) 583-8700 SATURDAY * MAY 2nd Gates open at ................ 4:.30 p.m. Autograph Session ............ 5:00 p.m. Racing Starts ................ 6:30 p.m. AL UNSER JR. * IVAN · "IRON MAN" STEWART * DANNY THOMPSON . * STEVE MILLEN GLENN "FIREBALL" HARRIS * WALKER EVANS * JEFF HUBER * GREG GEORGE · AND ALL YOUR FAVORITES! . BROUGHT TO YOU BY THESE FINE SPONSORS: 1r-----TOY OT A ft;.i1ts !!CHAMPION ... U .. tlf .. :0-ltltl,Atl u GOOD1i'EAR "'·' VALVOLINE YAMAHA (Kc)KCHiUTES_

Page 5

, I SAVE UP TO s400 ·. h adult VIP Ticket.-. on r:dc with this order form ord:eFORE April 24, 1987 Dusty Times · . I . I . Soa1 Box ••• I by Ron Flrming Fat _Performance Peti~ion ~ Oppose the Inclusion of Four Valve Engines i-n Class ;10. Wl' thl' undl'rsignl'J do not want to include four valw pL'r cylinder engines iri thl' Class 10 · rull's for a numher /)f rl'asons, thl' first of which is cost. When you allow ti.n1r valvl' enginl's you raise· costs not just for the motor hut for the Jrivl' train components as well. As we all know, increasl'd horsepower mearis a greatl'r potential for drivel train foilurc·, which results in a dl'crt·ased finishing ratl'. · . Thl' second rl'as(m is halann·. . No one form M engine is dominant, and at any given racl' anyone can win. Many types of engines ,i're availahle tc:ir use, and most can he competitive when properly preparl'dl Last yl'ar's Class IO championj won with an air cooled push rod\ motor, and this year is currl'ntlly running the same motor in a class wherl' l'Veryhody can uw a "modl'rn motor". So, in l'ffect Wl' havl' a~h.ieved a near perfect ha lance in C lass IO nioti Vt" ph wer. "Why change?" ! Thl' third rl'ason is participa-tion. Currently thl' largest participation in our class is hasl'd on air cooll'd, 11ush rod l'nginl's. Tht:sl' peopll' wmild he· hurt_ rill' most with thl' inclusion ot a tour valve enginl'. Therl' is no way to change an air cooled l'ngine to a four valve, hl'nn· rt·4uiring a cJimpletl' l'ngi•lll' and car changl'. We now have one of the largest entries at every_ race. If less limitations in enginl' ruks arl' so good, why isn't thl'rt' highl'r l'ntry in Class I! Ohviously, hL'GlUSL' of increasl'd costs. Ll't's n(>t "spend our class _right out of existl'nce!" · Thl' fourth reason is a standard set of rules. In I 98 5 we· Wl'r~· gi~en a Sl't of rules for Class IO hy tHL' powl'rs that he, and Wl'rl' told thl'y WL'rl' "written in stonl' tor fivl' years." Now thl' saml' powt·r,s want· to changl' thL· mil's, hl!lt tor whom and 111 whosl' hl'st inttl'rl'St! Thl' -fifth rl'ason is format. I( y(lU like thL· un.llniited enginl' format' thl'rl' arl' othl'r classl'S you ran · run your four valw motor in, such as Class I or 2. Rut, pll'aSl' d( m 't changl' ( :lass I() into soml'thing otlwr than it is now for no good rl'ason1 If you fl'l'I this way also, pleasl' sign this pl'tition and makl' your voicl' hl'ard, or drup a notl' to SCORE and HDRA and Bill Savagl', whosl'. addrl'SS is in rill' TL'ch Tips column. l'IL'asl' hl'surl' to inc li1dl' your race· te·am. association, ancl if applic1hll', your· SCORE or HDRA me·mhL'rship numhcr. T h i s p l' t i t i o n \\' i II h c· cirn.ilating i1t' thl' Gn·at MojavL' 250 in· Luce·rne· Valll'y e·arly in April, as wdl as distrihllte·d to various pit cluhs. Or you ran tl'ar this out of DUSTY TIMES, sign it and sl'nd it along to thl' folks liste·d ahove·. U11r dumb ro Holl Fil'miil,~ /c,r his illsi.~ht illW rhc C/,1.,s 10 c'll.~iilt' rnlc., c-/1,m.~cs r/wr ,1r,· />rn/iosccl. l'nsrnw/h-, ,·om l'dirm hl'artih· ,1grces 1/{,u i,mh ( :/uss I ,me/ :! (lc·c•l'j)[ (()I\' l'l'l,~illl' Si~c• OJ_ c·oll/i.~11rarion, hdril!g onh \11/icrc·hw",1,ill.~ m 111rhoc·lwrgiil.~ ,1., <l mewis ro g<1i11 lwrse{"'tt·er. Th,u tmulcl seem to he the 1,/,rc·e .fen rho.,,· tt'ho tt'ish w nm n :oric· e11.~i;1es. U/>l'nin.~ 11/> r/w rnlc:; nwJc Class 7 <1 (udon J>l1l\'.~mw1cl u /ett· \'l'Ul'.\ /,,d<. untl rhl'11 .~m·,· hirr/1 ro C:l<1Ss 7\. Thl' swn,· elm/> i11 mrn ilt1m/,ns c·111dtl /w/i/>c'll ro C :/<IS.< 10. if rll<' rw1h al!J (ill' me Jnic"ecl ow u( the duss. · · Voluiiteers are invited to cUmh on their "Soap Box" and fill this space with their thoughts about what is good and what is not so good about the -state ·of off road racing. Callar-write D.LJSTY TIMES with your ideas fo~ a Soap Box column, and_get on the schedule. KC HAS SHINED THE WAY TO MORE OFF-ROAD RACING VICTORIES THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS . April 19~7 COMBINED! t KC. HiLiTES, we're serious about competition lighting. So why take a chance with anything else? ---=-~ KC. HILiTES, Inc. • Williams, Arizona 86046 • 602/635-2607

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FUD PUCKER .ROD HALL'S GHOST -October 3 1987. RACING TEAM TOWN ADVENTURE . Big Spring, TX . 250 Kennedy, #6 2150 Hunter Lake Drive Chula Vista, CA 92011 Reno, NV .89509 · November 7 (619) 427-.5759 (702) 786-6748 . El Paso, TX HAPPENINGS~ •• (open to Dodge 4x4s only) August 8, 1987 June 18-21 Superstition 250 IV Ancient Dry Lake Bed 3 Day Trail Ride El Cenfro, CA Lake Tahoe, NV M.O.R;E. A.D.R.A. April 10-12 October 3, 198 7 3513 North West Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76106 Arizona Desert Racing Association High DesertTrails 200 Mile Plaster City Blast (817) 625-8843 P.O. Box 34810 Ridgecrest, CA Plaster City, CA HDRA Phoenix, AZ 85067 High Desert Racing Association (602) 252-1900 May 2-3 December 31, 1987 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South . Rim of the World Rally · 150 Mile Dunaway Dash Las Vegas, NV 89124 . MICKEY THOMPSON'S April 11 Lancaster, CA El Centro, CA (702) 361-5404 Penasco Twilight 250 OFFROAD . Sonora, Mexico May 30 l. May 7-10, 1987 CHAMPIONSHIP Glen Helen Rallycross #2 Mint 400 . -GRAND PRIX. , July 18 San Ben:iardino, CA Las Vegas, NV Mickey Thompson High Country 150 GORRA Entertainment Group Flagstaff; .AZ July 10-12 Georgia Off Road -July 3-5, 1987 · 53 Woodlyn Lane ·Prescott Forest Rally Racing Association Fireworks 250 Bradbury, CA 91010 Sehtember 5-6 Prescott, AZ Box 11093 Station -A Barstow, CA ·· (818) 359-5117 Snow ake Buggy Bash Atlanta, GA 30310 May 2 Snowflake, AZ. August (TBA) ( 404) 927-6432 · September ll-13, 1987 Glen Helen Rallycross #3 Craig/Hi Desert 300 Rose Bowl October 17 · San Bernardino, CA April 5 Craig, CO Pasadena, CA Penasco 150 100 mi-Jes Sonora, Mexico September 26-27 Alabama December 5, 1987 June_20 Cliffs of Gorman Rally Desert Series Awards Banquet Kingdome December 5 Gorman, CA April 26 Las Vegas, NV Seattle, WA Sonoita ro Rocky . Point December 5-6 Winder, GA September 26 Sonora; Mexico East of Indio Vll June 7 Sam Boyd Silverbowl Indio, CA 100 miles HIGH PLAINS OFF Las Vegas, NV Alabama ROAD RACING October 10 ASSOCIATION AMSA June 28 Darla Crown L.A. County Fairplex American Motor Sports Association FAST CAMELS W inder, GA P.O. Box 83 Pomona, CA P.O. Box 5473 Wall, South Dakota 57790 Fresno, CA 93755 P.O.-Box 526 (209) 439-2114 Indio, CA 92202 July 26 (605) 279-2245 Cordele, GA April 24~26 August 23 ,May 17 NORTH AMERICAN 33rd Annual Fast Camel Lake Francis Case RALLY CUP 4 WO Cruise and Barbec~e Winder, GA Chamberlain, SD BAJA PROMOTIONS, Indio, CA September 13 April 25-26 LTD. S.A. June 21 Rocky Mountain Rally Lou Peralta 100 miles Beaver Creek Baja Calgary, Alberta P.O. Box 241 Alabama Jamestown, ND John Sim • Van Nuys, CA 91303 4 FUN 4 WHEELERS September 2 7 ( 403) 2 72-0605 (818) 340-5750 · August 16 915 So. Zeeb Road·1 -Cordele, GA ~ Gumoo Buttes Baja i June 5-7 October 2-4 Ann Arbor, MI 48 10S3 Pierre, S.D. Susquehannock Trail Rally Carrera de los Campeones (313) 459-8388 October 25 Wellsboro, PA San Felipe, B.C. (313) 755-3176 Winder,' GA October 24 John' R6binson , September 5-6 November 28 Last Chance Baja (716) 223-1369 Wall, S.D . . Summers End Extravaganza 250 miles July 3.4 1987 BRUSH RUN Bee's Sport Center Cordele, GA Rallye Baie Des Chaleur St. Johns, MI New Richmond, Quebec · POINTS SERIES December 5 GLEN HELEN OHV PARK Donald LeBlanc P.O. Box 101 Crandon, WI 54520 Annual. Banquet P.O. Box 2937 ( 418) 392-6120 San. Bernardino, CA (715) 478-2115 / (715) 478-2688 (714) 381-4454 or July 10-12 FORDA (714) 880-1733 Dartmouth Highlands Rally June 27-28 Florida Off Roaders Spring Run 101 Drivers' Association June 14, 1987 Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Crandon, WI 5349 Hansel Ave., C-1 GREAT WESTERN Clarke Paynter Orlando, Florida 32809 POINTS SERIES, INC. Short Course Race (902) 435-3948 September 4-6 (305 ) 851-6245 Ron Knowlton Brush Run 101 831 So. Jason September 2 7, 198 7 August 21-23 World Championship Denver, CO 80223 Short Course Race Sunriser 400 Forest Rally Crandon, WI (303) 722-5537 · . Columbus, OH · Dick Paddock FLORIDA OFF ROAD May 3 (614) 876-2277 RACING ENTERPRISES Raceland IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 40 Denver, CO P.O. Box 36 September 4-5 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Inverness, FL 32651 Cleves, Ohio 45002 · Rallye ofthe Voyageurs Lynnette Allison (813) 933-7947 -May 24 (All events staged at North Bay, Ontario 2001 Oakland Hills Drive (904) 726-6560 Gordon, NE the club grounds in Dave Carlin Corona, CA 91720 Cleves, Ohio) (705) 474-8007 (714) 736-1442 June 7 ! St. Francis, KS September 11-13 i June 21 MIDWEST OFF ROAD Mackinaw Trail Rally Traverse City, MI Raceland CHALLENGE SERIES Kelly Brandt Denver, CO Tommy 1;3owling (616) 374-7176 Rt. 6, Box 833C July 19 Midland, TX 79702-October 2-4 Raceland (915) 332-1537 - (915) 563-9154 Ojibwe Pro Rally Denver, CO April 4 Grand Rapids, ·MN Bob Nielsen August 8-9 Big Spring, TX . (612) 776-4471 G,.,o'-St. Francis, KS May30 October 9-11 August 30 Freedom, OK Defi Ste) Agathe Raceland Ste.-Agathe Des Monts, Quebec Denver, CO June 27 Andre Lavigne Albuquerque,. NM (514) 747-3663 BLMobile September 20 August 1 Raceland October ZS-November 1 Championship - SC Freedom, OK Press on Regardless Denver, CO September 12 Houghton, MI Dick Cole Albuquerque, NM · (313) 685-2853 Page 6 April 1987 Dusty Times

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November 21-22 -Rally of the Tall Pines Petersborough, Ontario Ross Wood (416) 876-1492 OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS 1421 Lee Trevino,·D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 N·ovember 7 Red Sands 150 El Paso, TX OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL . RALLY John Nagel P.O. Box 4254 Tumwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-9717 . June 25-29 WRC O lympus International Olympia, WA ONT ARIO ASSOCIATION . OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamake~ P.O. Box 688 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL lCO , Canada May 16-17 Kitchener, Ont. June 13-14 Kitchener, O nt. June 20-21 Verner (Sudbury), Ont. July 4-5. Highlnnd Grove, Ont. July 18-19 Belleville, Ont. August 1-2 Brighton~ Ont. . August 8-9 Kitchener, Ont. August 14-16 Bancroft, Ont. September 5-6 Kitchener, Ont. September 26-27 Kitchener, Ont. Oct~ber 17-18 Kitchener, Ont. O.O.R.R.A.· Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 (405) 769-5491 . (All races located at Freed6m, OK) Vic Brurnham Freedom Chapter President (405) 62 1-3428 April 24-25 O.O.R.R.A. 150 May 29-30 Badlands 200 July 10-11 Moccasin Creek 250 I. I August I Freedom 300 October 16-1 7 O .O.R.R.A. 150 I ORSAI Randy Miller 407 G Street, Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916) 756-9399 Short Course & Sand Drags, Ra~~:;:~~ss:~~~t~~oe,n~°A POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Tnick Shark Sa>1on RD /:/3, Bdx 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076' All events in Monroeton , PA at the intersection of Routes 4 I 4 & 220. May 16) 7 June 27-l8 July 25-26 August 29-30 .September 26-27 October l 0-11 ·1 PRO-CAN AM SERIES Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062-(206) 242-1773 June 19-120 250 miles Richland, WA . I July 24-25 400K Ashcroft. BC September l 8-i9 Millican 400 Millinm Valley, 08. 'SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports C:ir Cluh of America P.U. Rox 3278 Englewood, CO 80155 I ( 303) 694-722.3 May 14-17, 1987 Centennial Pro Rally Westcliff, CO · June 5-7, 1987 Susquehannock Trail Wellshoro, PA June 25-29 I O lympus lnternationalR ally-. Olympia, WA · , July 24-25, 1987 Arkansas Traveler Little Rock, AR August· 21-23, 1-987 Sunriser Forest Chillicothe, OH i · September 11-13, 1987. Mackinaw Trail Rally Tra\lerse City, Ml October 2-4 Ojihwe Rall y Grand Rapids, MN October 29-31, 1987 Press On Regardless Houghton, Ml November 13-15, 1987 Wild West Rally Tacoma, WA SCCA DIVISIONAL PRO RALLY SERIES April 4 Tulip 200 Chilli cothe, OH David Mathi:1s ( 6 I 4) 888-8877 April 10-12 High DL"sl'rt Trails .Ridgecrest, CA Ray Hocker · (619) 375-1028 April I l John 's River Lodge (tentative) WA ✓ Jcihn Forespring (20q) 866-8323 May 1-3 Rim of the World · Lancaster, CA Mike & Paula Gibeault (619) 375-8704 May 9 Lake Winona Little Rock, AR ·Janet Mitcham (501) 666-5093 May 23 Paris hy Night Paris, TX Roger Gihson (214) 644-3946 May 30 . Glen Helen Rallycross JI San Bernardino, CA Mike Blorl' (213) 425-0985 June 20 Coolidge Forest Plymouth, VT John Colt (802) 879-1073 I . ~A SINCERE THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED THE GORDON RACING TEAM MAKE IT TWO FOR ·Two IN 1987 - I 1 · Bob and Rob Gordon I WITHOUT SUCH TERRIFIC SUPPORT WE COULD NOJ HAVE1ACCOMPLISHED WHAT WE HAVE IN OFF ROAD RAC.NG! BF Goodrich Bilstein Sway-A-Way Center Line THANKS.TO: Fat Performance Champion Bead Lock Doug Fortin Tim Crabtree Mechanics -Derek Collins and Ann Knight Dusty Times April 1?87 Chenowth Dura Blue Summer Brothers Sports Racing Gas Simpson Safety Unique Metal K & N Filters Ex-Lax Pit Team Pit Crew -Dallas and Marie Crabtree Page 7 I. I J ·I

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Additional -HAPPENINGS SCCA continueJ July 10-12 Prl'SCOtt Forest Rally Prl·scotr. AZ Rob Chl'rry ( 602) 778-6489 July 25 Arkansas Tr.iVL'kr Littll' Rock, AR Janet Mitch,1111 (501) 666-5093 August 8-9 Briar Rallycross Briar MSP. VT Dan Way (802) 453-4792 August 8 Dirl' Straits Trout Lake. Ml Jay Topping ( 313) 625-0790 September 9 Coachman Capital Stages Washington John Forespring (206) 866-8323 September 11-13 Mackinaw Trails Traverse City, Ml Kelly Brandt . (616) 374-71 76 September 19 Lac Vieux L'Anse, Ml Scott Carlborn (906) 482-6992 September 26-27 Cliffs of Gorman Gorman, CA Gary English (714) 497-4670 October 3 Gold Rush Westcliffe, CO Regan Smolkovich (303) 477-9298 PRESENTED BY Ml~T .. . 0 · SCORE Score International 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 9 1362 (818) 889-9216 April 3-5, 1987 Great Mojave 250 Lucerne Valley, CA June 5-7, 1987 Baja Internacional Ensenada, B.C., Mexico August 14-16, 1987 Off Road World Cha·mpionship Riverside, CA November 6-8, 1987 Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico December 5; 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery-, Quebec,. J6N 1A3, Canada ( 514) 692-61 71 SCORE SHOW P.O. Box 6819 Burbank, CA 91510 (818) 768-2914 June 26-28, 1987 10th Annual Score Show Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 . Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-031 7 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 SANCTIONED BY -''-HORA, MAY 7-10, 1987 • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. Pages The world"s greo_Tesl. largest and.riches! off-rood event is coming at you again Moy 7-1 a. 1987. The. race 1s sponsored by Nissan Motor Corporation. presented by Del Webb's ~~~~~!~~~~~e~~~~r:,~~~il~r:~e~yf;i~~S~sert Racing Associolion. II is port ol the Over hall a million dollars win be distributed in prize money ond contingency owords. Th~ race will .be. limited t<;> ~00 entrants. There ore 16 diffe1enl classes representfng a variety cl un-llm1ted and limited single and two-seat race cars. four-wheel drive trucks utility vehicles and lwo•wheel drive trucks. , ' FOR REGISTilATION INFORMATION CALl HORA/High Desert Racing Association (702) 361-5404 -June 13, 1987 Twilight Race Las Vegas, NV July 25-26, 1987 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV September 25-27 Snore 250 Las Vegas, NV October 31 Yoko Loco Las Vegas, NV -December 5 Black Jack 200 Las Vegas, NV S.O.R.R.P. Speedway Off Road Racing Productions Bernie W eber P.O. Box 402 Temple, Texas 76503 (817) 773~3548 STADIUM RACING, U.S.A Marty Tripes 228 Faxon Drive Spring Valley, CA 92077 (619) 463-0651 April 17 Ascot Park Gardena, CA May 15 Ascot Park Gardena, CA July 18 El Cajon Speedway El Cajon, CA November 28 (Location TBA) SHORT TRACK OFFROAD ENTERPRISES FORMULA DESERT DOG SERIES S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: Gil Parker 7406 So. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-0905 May 23-24 Memorial Day 100 Lake Geneva Raceway Lake Geneva, WI . June 19 Chicago Classic Santa Fe Speedway Chicago, IL Jul)e 27-28 Spring Run 101 . Crandon, WI July 4-5 Sugar Camp Challenge Sugar Camp, WI , July 18;19 Off Road 100 Bark River, MI July 26 General Tire Sprints Macon County Fair Decatur, IL September 5-6 Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI. September 19 Dixie Autocross Birch Run, MI October 3 Indian Summer Sprints Lake Geneva Raceway Lake Geneva, WI April 1987 SUPERCROSS, INC. Gateway Plaza 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 270 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-1606 May 2-3 Sun Devil Stadium Phoenix, AZ SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Prevost 1006 Cardinal Lane Green Bay, WI 54 303 ( 414) 434-9044 May 23-24 Memorial '87 Dresser, WI June 6-7 Off Road Race Antigo, WI June 20-21 Off Road Race Land-O-Lakes, WI (tentative) July 4-5 Off Road Challenge -Sugar Camp, WI July 18-19 U.P. Off Road 100 Bark River, MI August 1-2 Hodag 50 Rhinelander, WI August 22-23 Brown County Fair Challenge DePere, WI (tentative) September 19-20 Colorama 100 Sugar Camp, WI VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 -April 12 Short Course Race Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA May 3 Long Course Track Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA May 23-25 Yokohama/ VORRA 350 Yerington, NV Jul)e 20-21 Virginia City 200 . Virginia City, NV July n Stadium Type Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA August 1 Stadium Type Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA September 5-6 Y erington/VORRA 250 Yerington, NV October 10 Championship Stadium Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA November 1 1987 Championship Race Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA WHEEL TO WHEEL, INC. P:O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL !CO (613) 332-1766 (613) 332-4128 August 1-2 Brighton Wheel to Wheel Weekend Brighton Speedway . Brighton, O ntario August 14-16 Bancroft's Canadian · 4x4 Challenge Bancroft, Ontario WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 April 12 Ashcroft, B,C. May 16-17 Kamloops, B.C. May 31 Mission, B.C. June 26-28 Sand Drags Only Mission, B.C. August 16. Mission, B.C. September 5-6 Kamloops, B.C. October 10-11 Ashcroft, B.C. FIA WORLD. RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP · April 16-20, 1987 Safari Rally Nairobi, Kenya May 7-10, 1987 Tour de Corse Ajaccio, Corsica May 30-June 4, 1987 Acropolis Rally Lagonissi, Greece Jul)e 25-29, 1987 Olympus Rally Olympia, WA, USA July 11-14, 1987 New Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand August 2-9, 1987 Argentine Rally Buenos Aires, Argentina August 26-30, 1987 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September ZZ-26, 1987 . Ivory Coast- Rally Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast October 11-17, 1987 San Remo Rally San Remo, Italy November 22-26, 1987 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your 1987 schedule as. soon as possible for listing in this ·' column. Mail your race or rall-v schedule ro: DUSTY TIMES, 533 r Derry Aw., Suire 0, Agoura, CA 91301. Dusty nmes

Page 9

.Pony Express ••• What a race the Gold Coast . · · Just a short note to let, yo~ was! Walt, you out did yourself know how much the $25.00 with this race! It ·. had a great check for, first out of the money variety of terrain, was well meant to us. Mostly it was the marked and the whole race was thought that meant a lot to the well organized. We liked the rain, many people who worked long too, so how about a ·rain dance hours to prepare our car for the for the Mint 400? Parker 400. Thanks! We'd like to thank the Gold Mike Fielding, Car #565 Coast Hotel for their outstanding · Montclair, CA hospitality. They helped make even the driver's meeting interesting and we really enjoyed the brunch and the great band in the bar. Thank you [cn your note, Mil<e. DUSTY TIMES iJentifies «·ith.all classes in raci1w, anJ our fx,lic-v is to offer a small rL'imrJ to the tL'am «·ho may miss a mcmL'y _/1ayin1; /wsition and a trophy «·ith thL' thou1;ht thur we kno«· you «·erL' therL' (.mJ Join1; «-ell in thL' raff. I'd like to publicly thank the Conejo Off Road chase and pit crews for the excellent job they always do. I really appreciate their participation. Thanks also to Jim Cocores' FAIR Pit 116 for I just received the information the fuel they gave us during the about the contingency row for the-M1·nt 400. They want us to race. We'd like to give a special thanks to Kreider Welding for all spend $500 to. allow us space in the work he's done for us and front of the Mint Hotel. Let's face it, the. majority of will have to do after this race. contingency sponsors are small Since this is turning out to be a companies. Obviously, it. is very big thank you letter, let me costfy ·to be a part of the pr0gram mention our other sponsors: as it is, or every manufacturer General Tire, Coast Machine (driveline), Smittybilt, KC involved with off road racing HiLites and 4 Wheel Parts would be in contingency row! Once again, the racers will lose. Wholesalers. AMC doesn't pay I d out of production anymore, so on't · think too many we lost our largest contingency contingency spohsors would donor. If anyone out there is complain about a small fee. to d help offset some expenses, but to intereste , we are now accepting pay the Mint Hotel $500 wiH be new sponsors. the "straw that broke the camel's Mike Schwellinger back." I will not obligate my Conejo Off Road T earn company to pay $500 to the Newbury Park, CA hotel for the privilege of AN OPEN LETTER TO CORE displaying my products in the MEMBERS. : ... ; . street. Consider this: The On the first lap of the recent SCORE SHOW costs about the Gold Coast 3b0 I had a small same for three days, and we have problem due to my .ignorance - the potential there to reach over I forgot to tighten or re-tighten 30,000 people and we don't have (as the case may be) my lug nuts to trip over beer bottles. · before the start of the race. As I've attended practically every you have probably already heard, off road race-since I 982, and I've my left rear wheel all but fell off. been at the Mint 400 every year, It just so happened that I was but I will have to sit this one out. right in front of the CORE pit I try to be as supportive as I can near Whiskey Pete's, and your possibly be, but I refuse to pit personnel were flagging me support the Mint Hotel. They get down. I stopped because they mega publicity from the race, and looked SERIOUS. Sure enough, I'm quite confident that they they fixed me up in about five more than make up the minutes. Then I stopped· at the · difference at the tables. · next Checker pit to get a new rear I want everyone to understand wheel. that I wrote this letter to help the The amazing thing about this racers, and I know that all of us little story is, at that time I was need this prestigious event. It is running second to the Hagle not my intention to call for a · Brothers in Class 10 who are boycott of the race. But, with the CORE· members and personal ~500 fee to display our products friends of mine. This is not the tn the street, I'm afraid the first time CORE has helped me participation by the smaller out. I belong to the Checkers and companies, which are the have for five years, and I can backbone of the sport, will be remember two or three past greatly diminished. This will cost experiences where you guys· the racers, · and that's my only bailed me out. point. , Because of your consideration I hope that Walt Lott and the of ALL racers, I was keep Mint management change their running trouble free and pass the minds about the fee. Even if they Hagles wheri they had a flat and don't, I want the race to be a huge take first place. Had you not success. I hope the Mint. Hotel helped me, even with their flat, I and Mr. Lott will make money don't think I would have won the on it, and will continue to have class. "The World's Richest Off Road · I wish someday ALL pit dubs Race" on the HORA schedule can be as considerate as you guys. each year. Because what goes around Comes Around! I hope the Checkers can return the SAME courtesy someday. Best of luck to CORE and all of your racers in the 1987 season. My sincere thanks! - Jim Stiles Newbury Park, CA Dusty nrncs Nelson Salerno President, HPS - Carlsbad, CA · This is not an isolated objL'ction to the "parking" fee of a minimum of $500 for the contingency ro«· spacL' at the Mint 400, but it's the best ar!{anized one we have heard. Other objections range from the dolati~m of the contingency contract for the ScorL'-HDRA seriL's, «·hich guarantees frL'e s/Jace on ccmtinl{L'llC)' ro«·, to the fact that this could ti-ell start a trenJ, and in the future ccintilll{L'llC)' donors could he charl{ed a parkinl{ fee at Rit1L'Tside, ParkL'T, EmL'liada, I or · any/Jlace «·hL'Te thL'Te is an orl{ai1izers cost in dosinl{ the street or deaninl{ u/J the dehris. Many donors fear that such a trend could_ «di end i~e explosion in the continl{L'llC)'. /Jrizh fund for the racL'TS in years to come. For further remarks on this "Ne«' Deal" at the Mint 400, check the LoSL'Ts column. DUSTY TIMES «·<~uld «'<.'/come a rL'sponse from the HORA and the Mint Hotel and Casino on this dei•elo/Jment. It «'Ould he great to ha1.1e their reasons for the fees in «'Titin1;' so thL' interested /Jarties coulJ SL'e hoth sides of the starcling Jei1elopmenc in off road racin1; /Jrocedures. . This year started off with two wins for the Baja Concepts Racing T earn. It was first in class and overall car at t ou Peralta's San Felipe race, as I cc~-drow with Perry McNeil jand prepared his Class 2 Raceco. I took first in Challenger Class at the Score Parker 400 too. My racing luck wasn't so good at the recent HDR,1\ Gold Coast 300. My torsion center broke out in the Challenger car thr~ miles before Checkpoint 1, after Paint and Body, ITS T ransmis-passing 13 cars. It was time to sions, Hilltop Tires, and Hi Tech accept my third DNF after seven Painting and Sandblasting. These years of off road racing. I guess I people. and corporations have really have been quite fortunate heen with me all the w,iy from the sc~ far. . beginning, They want winners I am presently focusing all my that publicize their name and energy towards a new effort, Baja increase business. This is why my Concepts Racing Team, as well as list of sponsors grows so sustaining the increasing consistently . .J have been able to business of Baja Concepts. The always work a deal with a Racing Team will consist of a potential sponsor.. Class 10, a 5-1600 and two I have recently heen elected as Challenger cars. In addition there a class rep. I'm enthusiastic about are fol!r pre-runners, trailers and representing everyone in the tow vehicles. All vehicles will . Challenger class,· and possibly have matching color schemes to sitting on the Manufacturers' match the "Baja Concepts" Board to represent all the buggy colors. type classes. I fed six years in the This endeavor will make business mid seven years in off r~'cing much more affordable, road racing will give me the due to the logistics of buying 4ualifications needed to help parts and receiving hacking with promote the hug1-,,y classes. products, group discounts, pit Rich Minga support spares, and so forth. We Baja Concepts will all work together as a group Lemon Grove, CA to help each other he more After attending the Parker 400 successful and able to afford to race, my husband would love to race more often. · have a subscription to DUSTY The Baja · Concepts Racing TIMES. We couldn't find a price team consists of Rich M inga and for a subscription in the·paper he Tom Ray in a Challenger car, picked up at the race. Please send Eric Hooley -and Rodger· us some info. Thank you. Whitcoft in a 5-1600, Tom Sharon Verwers F~rguson in a Class 10 and Jay North Bend, WA Vresland in a Challenger car. The suhscri/Jtion hlank is al«·a-vs · .Sponsors include Yokohama, cm the mastheaJ /Ja!;L', 3 or 5, but ~-e Bilstein, R.L.H. Ent. and Uniden smt :_vou the info fry return mail. Radios, Rob Taylor Kustom Thank~ so much Ji,r :_vour interest in Auto Graphics, Perry McNeil's DUSTY TIMES. • 1 . , I WE MANUFACTURE FUEL SYSTEMS FOR COMPETITION RACING OVAL TRACK, OFF-ROAD, RACE BOATS FUEL TANKS: All sizes for all fuels. _ FUEL BLADDERS: Gaso.line or Alcohol/ Methanol Stock sizes or to your print. SAF-FOAM, PLATES, FILLER CAPS, CHECK VALVES ' I USAC, SCCA, SCORE/HORA APPROVED . Winner of the 1986 CNA Award for Safety in Racing. FBI_ Fuel Systems (213) 542-3835 April 1987 Page 9

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Side Tracks ••• By Judy Smith , It looked like a reunion of old off roaders for·a few moments at the Gold Coast awards brunch. W.e were delighted to see Lenny Newman, Don Rountree and Gene Hirst together, enjoying what looked like some heavy duty ben_ch racing. Newman, who co-drives with Gold Coast owne'r Mike Gaughan, has been active in the sport for many years, but both Rountree and Hirst have heen absent. Rountree's heen out of racing for about eight years, and has recently returned, campaign-ing a yellow mid-engine Challenge car which looks a resurrection of one of his cars from the early '70's. He's been having pretty good luck with it, too, and once he gets the bugs worked out of the car he should be a front runner all the time. Hirst has also been retired, quitting racing ·at abciut the same time that Rountree did. Gene, who was a Mint winne-r in '75 and '76, and was HORA 's Class 1 champ in '76, is now working with Newman at the Gold Coast Hotel. He wouldn't say whether he plans to do any racing, but we're hoping to see him out there soon also, perhaps vying for the 6-50 award along with the 6ther greybeards of the spore Still another returnee was Rolf Tibblin, a Mint winner three times, both on bikes and in four . wheeled vehicles, and teamed with Mark Temple for the Gold Coast race. Tibblin is always a tough' competitor, another one we're happy to see racing again. He'll be at the Mint, entered in both of the Tempie cars. There are some still missing folks· that we'd love to see back racing. How about Bob Rodine, and Drino Miller, Dennis Platt ( who drove the "Single Seater Eater"), Bob Ferro, or Parnelli Jones? Just to name a few. Wouldn'_t it be something to see PJ in one of the big new Porsche powered cars with 25 inches of travel? We'd like to watch him on that long stretch of graded road after Ojos Negros and before the tall weedy stuff. What a sight it would be to see him set up· for the turns around those fence posts! Gives us goose-bumps. The Gold Coast ·race had a fairly high level of injuries, ranging from a broken hand to a badly cut nose.'The services of the Flight for Life group were needed, as well as the ESPN helicopter and various ambu-lances, to get .injured drivers to medical attention. None of the injuries turned out to be serious, but all needed, and got, prompt attention. We talked to Betty Johnson Rivers after the race, and she told us about the Southern Nevada Volunteer First Aid and Rescue ,Association (SNVFRA), a group of volunteers who stand by at the races with radio communica-tions, ambulances and trained first aid personnel. At the Gold Coast. the group had four amb.ulances in attendance, and had direct communications with Flight for Life, as well as other potentially helpful services. Betty, who is one of the founders of the group, pointed out that SNVFRA performs its services free of charge, including the ambulance rides, for injured racers. She told us that any racer, with any injury, could always feel free to stop in at one of their station·s for first aid at any time. Keep these good folks in mind for the next time you're racing in.Nevada, and stop in for help as soon as you need it. And while you're there, be sure to tell them how much you appreciate knowing they're in attendance during the racing. class which consists of limited 9isplacement open chassis cars, and there were 30 pre-entrants in the Challenger class, restricted further by wheelbase and engine claimer rules. "This is where the Trail Notes ••• THE MINT 400 has a few surprises in store for antendees next May, including a look at the first Mint 400 winning car. The overall winner in 1968 was Gene Hirst and co-driver Al Halz. The pair used Gene's hunting buggy, a sort of Burro looking affair with ammo boxes on the back. Hirst later drove for the Sandmaster team in the famous Hustler. He won the Mint 400 overall again in 1975 with a kid named Rick Mears, and in 1976 with Bobby Ferro. Gene recently moved to Las Vegas, and his 1968 race winning buggy has come out of storage and will be on display at the 1987 Mint 400. One glance at this race car, and then another at a 1987 entry, will give even the casual onlooker . an idea of just how far the science of building an off-road race c~r h3'stome in just 19 years·. BARSTOW POKER RUN. The first annual Mu.scular Dystrophy Poker Run fund raising weekend at Barst0\1/, CA is scheduled for April 25 and 26. The two day actfvity includes an off road poker run on Saturday, along with a Kidero and an ATV riding school. The're is another poker run on Sunday, followed by an·ATV rodeo. The weekend is geared for family fun; and all proceeds go to ''Jerry's Kids." The Saturday poker run starts at8:00 a.m. and covers a 35 mile loop course with five checkpoints. The Kidero starts at 10:00 a:m., open to children 12 years old or younger, and this is a three mile course with two laps scheduled. The best matched lap times determines the winner. On Sunday the poker run is on a different 35 mile course, starting at 8:00 a.m., and the A TV rode.o starts at 11 :00 a.m. The event headquarters are at . the Slash X Cafe, 12 miles of Barstow on Highway 24 7, with plenty of room for camping. For complete information. call Bev Moessner at ( 6 l 9) 252-2169 or Jim Moses at (619) 247-8515. BFGOODRICH has increased its contingency programs for 1987, and drivers in the SCORE/ HDRA off road championship desert series have a richer prize fund. A win in Classes 3, 4, 6., 6S, 7, 7S, 7 4x4, and 8 will pay $5Q0, and second place is worth $250. A free set of tires will go to winners in Classes 1, 2, 1-2-1600, 5, 501600, 10, 11, 14and Challenger. Drivers winning series championships in Classes 3, 4, 7, 7S, 7 4x4 and'8 can iook forward to a $5000 bonus at the end of the seasori. ' PALM SPRINGS SAND DRAGS. The glamour area around Palm Springs, CA is the location for the new 1987 Spring Nationals Sand Drags on April 11-12. The National Sand Drag Competitior. Association (NSCAf is sanctioning the event, organized by Multi Media Advertising and Larry Mann. At least 200 ,entrants are expected to compete for the $10,000 purse. The drag strip will have a modern, 300 foot long sand strip with~ 1500 fopt shut down, long enough for the top fuel dragsters. The area is near Indio, CA at the Cabazon Indian Reservation off 1-10. For all the details contact Larry Mann, 42-565 Glass Drive, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 or call (619) 345-7037. SCORE GREAT MOJAVE 150 DRAWING Class Battle Predictions of the Intense IOnd! -personal challenges wil I take SUPER CARS FOR THE PEAK. Peugeot has alreacl~ ai:mounced they wi;ll place," Kassanyi. continpel,i. n,m one of the Group Bturbosuper rally cars, outlawed in~CR thisyear;;~t ''These are tht; dri:v~rs who work . Pike's Peak in July. The Peugeot model that won both the manufacturers harder ·Jue to· performance and drivers world championships in 1986 will probably be driven in Colorado by -----------------------------. . su·spension ··restrictions, and Ari Vatanen, who recently won i:he Paris-Dakar marathon rally for Peugeot. R .. s,ultsc)fSCORE'sMarch 16 rc)Ut" ... 1·11 tak" <)Ur r·ac"rs C)V"r · I h h h · b I t 4\utoTecnicaMotorsport,ofBoulder,CO,hasenteredtheirownGroupB ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ·at oug t: ey may e sower a · Ford RS,20(i);4WD rall,i .ear in die Pikes Peak-Auto Hill Climb,,which is 6n drawing for starting positions for bedrock, sandy washes, lava beds_ top sp~ed,li; they . !;t?c_,~)A!)ize th~e •. July>'this year. The=Ford"drlver is veteran ·Hill climber Dan •Ripley of the third event of America's and chunky granite 'in a'inanncr need for extra effqr.t. Colorado Springs. The hills should be alive with the sounds of twin turbo foremost off road racing series, which wi'll test any driver's .. ) n a departure from.custorn,ary , Group B·rally cars next July as'botq.-Peugeotancf.Ford try to break the record -the 3rd' A dnual Great MojavL; mettle. There an•," Fish ,starting order, the motorcycles setlastyearbyBobbyUnserintheGroupBAudiQuattro. . ·. 250, already indicate an intense continued; i,interspers_ed, andATV'swflftake.theirturnon level 'of competition us ua.lly nlit sections which \\'ill allow tull the race course after the· seen this early in the year. The speed assults. Just eni.)Ugh to predicted majority of cars and father and son team of Bob and make it challenging." trucks have finished. "We have Rohby Gordon, two for two in The, mini mctid class introducedanewdementuniqu~ series overall wins this year to cc,mpetition will really become· to :rmulti-loop de?ert race,''. said date, will he first Mf the line at interesting, especially in the Fish. "For. the tirst time, the the April 4 Lucerne Valley, hotly contested ~t_ock two wheel. motorcycles and A TV's will start California, race which already drive class where factory support after the four wheelers. Our has more than 200 cars and has rcccn tly become more decision to do this was based on a trucksaswcllasSOmotorcyclcs cvidcnt.Fiftcendrivershavepre-serious study of ·.mixed and A TV's committed to the entered, with all manufacturers · competition and rider's safety in start line. represented. this environment". Fish pointed lmmcdiatL·ly following the The results of battle for out that although the format had Gordons will he unlimited two supremacy within the cbss often_ changed, it applied to this event scat rival driwrs Jerry Penhall, called the thundering giants ot only and provided motorcycle Bob Richey, Frank Arcicro, Jr., the desert, full si:ed pick up and ATV racers with an Jim T emplc and a host of equally trucks, at . the very least will opportunity to participate in an intent top calibL·r drivers, who in · p'roducc some close and fierce event structured for their turn •will he -pursued hy their driving, fully taxing the survival convenience where they could single Sl',1t ·counterparts of a most instincts ot seasoned drivers. race for points and fun all in the accomplished order: Mark "This is not a race course where same day, pick up winnings and McMillin, Alhcrt Arcicro, Ivan lcadfoot driving will win", said trophies that eycnin~ and be free Stewart, Rt)h MacCachrcn, Ron SCORE's Race Director Steve to compete in other District Gardner, and Larry Noel to name Kassanyi, who credits the Bureau events the next day. a few. · of Land Management's Jim It is·anticipatcd that more than This year's class 10 forerunner Moses for help in laying out the 300 entrants will start this third Jim Stiles \\'ill he anxiously race route. "We've bypassed annual event co-sponsored by waiting for his tenth in class some of the available options in the Lucerne Valley Chamber of starting slot, fully understanding Johnson Valley and looked for· Commerce, and with · the his task at hand: There will be new routes so that the desert peripheral activities planned by more than 50carsinfrontofhim v.·e've been using will have a this High Desert crossroads on a mostchallcngingracecoursc chance to renew itself." community the race weekend which SCORE President Sal Fish The net result, according to wilH:iecome one of good racing described as the perfec~ desert Kassanyi, is that "a race course and fun for all participants. The course. has been created which offers an next stop in this desert series will "We've designed an 83 mile · equal challenge for all. This be the HORA/Nissan Mint 400, loop with three laps over what · should become evident among marking two decades of tradfrion may he the most diverse array of drivers entered in the limited in the Nevada desert. The Mint is California desert terrain to be disr,laccmcnt classes." ThL·re on schedule for May 7 -10, at Las found," said Fish. "This unusual were 45 entrants in the l-2sl600 Vl'gas, Nevada. Page 10 April 1987 SPENCER LOW, the 1986 overall mini metal desert champion, is off to Europe to race in the Schevenige_n Auto races, happening right at pre_ss time on March 21. The event in the Netherlands each year attracts more than 1000 · competitors from more than ten countries, . and is repoi;t!'!d to gather · in -300,000 spectators. Low is driving a V-6 powered four wheel-drive Nissan . Hardbody . truck in the North Sea coast . event. Some of his serious competition will come from factory backed cars from the World Rally-circuit and from some of the. regulars on the Paris to Dakar ·rally. . MITSUBISHI MOTORS SALES OF AMERICA have announced some good contingency prizes for off road racers in all eight of the SCORE/HD RA desert series events. Mitsubishi is posting for Classes 3, 7, 7S and 7 4x4. The first Mitsubishi finisher in class earns a cool $ 1000, the second finisher gets $750, and the third finisher in a Mitsubishi gets $500. Should the Mits!,lbishi driver also win the class, it is worth a keen $3000. The posting ought to bring a few more Mitsubishis out into cleser.t racing. · THE BADGERLAND VW CLUB of Oshkosh, Wisconsin sent their newsletter full of info' on their 1987 rules, and results of their ice race, but no pies, said to be coming s_oon. Badgerland VW Club plans to hold four races at the Chilton Fairgrounds this year, and one is happening soon, on April 26. Other . dates are sandwiched into the busy northern midwest schedule between SODA and STORE dates. They are May 16-17, June 20-21 and August 15-16. If you want to know more, contact Firday's Off Road Center in Oshkosh, ( 414) 688-5509, for further details. · NEW TRUCK.RACING SERIES . . The Sports Car Club of America has finally recognized that trucks are sports cars too! At least they have.a new sport truck series this year for showroom stock pickups that will r'un hour long events .on the sports car tracks on dates shared with the Escort Endurance Series. The basic i;ules call for four cylinder engines only, short bed models, running to showroom engine and tire rules. All standard safety gear froin roll cages through five point belts, window nets and fire systems is required. There is some freedom in suspension like spring changes, lowering, choice of shocks and anti roll bars. A straight pipe exhaust is allowed to give the trucks a jazzy sound. The series starts on April 5 at Sears Point Raceway in northern California. Other dates on the tentative schedule are June 14, Portland, June 21, Detroit, July 19, Brainerd, August 8, Mosport, September 6, Road Atlanta, September 27, Mid-Ohio, October 18, New Orleans, and October 31, Sebring. more TRAIL NOTES on page 4'? Dusty nmes

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. . . I I ~ Brin~s you Mike Goodwin's_SuperShows suN DEVIL STADIUM [ I . Tempe, A . f I I j a~W• 68 I . '»•' , {~,~~•;« , ' > \ I. ~t~•w- (6,\,t,,"-~'-•~ ~-l?~s ~ • , ' . :::~~\\\f0~""'~ :6\k~:$ -::;·;if:"·~~ I ~Q\Q 1€)Q ~ --~---~-------------------,--~-----------~~ ORDERNOW FOR TRIPLE SAVINGS· SAVE UP TO $6 PEIR PERSON PRESS BOX ; · - _ · Save $2. per Supercross ticket on mail orders & save.another $4 ·off your Sunday Off Roa~ ticket when you I . · · · · · .. DT 4187 purchase it at the same time as your Supercross tickets. · . I , I Children 10 & under ½ price of regular adult price. Offer expires April 22. Make checks payable & mail to I Gammage Box Office, Supercross, 'Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287. Questions, call (602) 965-3434. Off Road Sunday seats are general admission. b S I I I · SUPERCROSS-MAY 2 ONLY Produced y upercross, nc. ADULT # TICKETS AMOUNT CHILD # TICKETS AMOUNT ! SUB-TOTAL I $16@14X ___ =$___ +$8.00 X _______ =$ ____ - - __ $____ ______ ·1 $12@ 10 X ______ =$_· _____ +$6.00 X OFF ROAD-MAY 3 ONLY - - --- - -=$ _ _ ---- . _s ___ ---- - I $14@12X~--=$ _ _ _ +$7.00 X _ _________ =$ _ __ _ ·--·. $_ ,, __ , ___ -- I OFF ROAD PRICE IF YOU ALSO BUY SUP~RCROSS $14@8X _ _ =$ ___ +$4.00X _____ _ =$____ $. __ ~ .-Ticket order will only be processed if service fee is· enclosed. Per order servicb charge +$2.00 . ORDER TOTAL ENCLOiSED _. _ ,-· -- . Please enclose a stamped, self-addressed· business size envelope. T,ickets will be returned to you in this envelope, otherwise the tickets will be held at the Stadium WILL CALL. · You can charge your tickets D VISA · D MasterCard Account#_ Name ______ _ _ _ Address __ ______________ _ _ Night Phone ( Day Phone ( Exp. Date ) )_ City _ _ _ _____ ____________ _ _ __ . ______ . _ -·-. _ State . _ _ _ _ __ I I I I I I I I I OFF ROAD. QUAD RACE & MUD DRAG TRACK EXHIBITION

Page 12

THE HDRA GOLD COAST 300 The Gordon Clan Repeat with Another Overall By Jean Calvin Victory Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises It was encore time ;n Nevada as Bob and Rob Gordon repeated their stunning overall victory at Parker with another fast time overall and fast lap of the day (Bob) in the swift Class 2 Chenowth. While the High Desert Racing Association has had a March race many times in past years, it hasn't recently. 1987 marked both a return to a March race date and the arrival of an all l)ew event, the .Gold Coast 300, south of Las Vegas, NV. The newest sponsor,· Sliding clo1se to the marker, Gregg Symonds bounced his Porsche powered O.R.E. around both laps to finish a keen second in the Class 1 wars. in off road racing, Michael Gaughan 's Gold Coast Hotel and Casino, is also a brand new res<)rt, opening just before the new year. The place provided the kind of hospitality to the off road crowd seldom seen in the past ten years. It started with a special $25 rcx,m rate for racers, sold out well. before the event, it carried on with a spacious area in the parking lot for tech and contingency inspection, to a free pair of T shirts and hats for participants, free drinks at the Friday night drivers' meeting, and finished with a real flourish - a complimentary awards brunch and drinks on Sunday morning, where it seemed anyone who came in the door ~as welcome. They must have fed a good thousand folks. Rain on the Thursday dampened ·down the race course, which was also a new route, piecing together long streti.:hes of mountains and desert that have not heen used for ·racing in many ' moons. One truly needed to pre-run this course, since the event was only two laps and each lap was 125 miles. · A high overcast and pleasant tem\""leratures held sway on FriL ay for the tech and contingency ritual, all done in the daylight. But, late on Friday the rain came hack, and it rained through the night and until well into afternoon in Las Vegas and on the major part of thl· race course. Veterans of the last HORA race at Barstow . in December welcomed the rain, remembering the super visibility without any dust tl-iere. But, many cautioned it would make for higher speeds on course, which could lead to more vehicle failures. Of the 2 39 entries in the Gold Coast race, 218 actually took the starting flag. There were no motorcycle classes in this double lap event. ESPN was on hand filming through the rain drops, and the air date is currently scheduled for April 20, hut do check your TV listings, since the ParkL·r air date moved twice. With the only recorded time at the half way point in the race, it was hard to get a hlow hy hlow picture of each class. The cars left the line and charged west into higher elevations, where snow was reported around .Check 2. Our station at Check 4, near Goodsprings, did provide some on course position reports. Class 1 was first away, with 20 hard chargers on the line. Sad to say only eight managed to finish . Starting first, Mark McMillin kept his clear track ahead through Check 4, hut Ivan Stewart had the Toyota right in the wake of the Chenowth. Ivan got the time advantage midway, leading Class 1 hy a full minute over McMillin. Running a close third, "Pops" Gregg Symonds had his PorschL· ORE a rriere five minutes back in third. Despite a delay at the start, when he wasn't staged and had to start last in class,, Larry Noel was fourth in his Chaparral, more. than three more minutes hack, hut just seconds ahead of the Raceco of Ken Frost and Don Blakely. Another minute hack came Ray Bates/ Paul Hamilton in sixth. Among the missing was Frank Snook, with a missing wheel and axle, Nick Nicholson, Mark Temple, and Boh Renz. Also missing was Ron Brant, who rolled his Raceco several times and broke somL' fingers. Eleven made it around one time, but along with Bates, hoth Al Chet and Lloyd Huffman had a good day on the desert in their fancy O.R.E., and the father and son team finished well, third in Class 1. Defending Class 1_0 points champs, Rick and John Hagle played the bridesmaid at the Gold Coast, a flat tire knocking them out of the win. Page 12 April 1987 Arciero and Aaron Hawley were destined not to finish. · On the second lar Lury Noel turned up the wick and did fast lap for the class, 2:30.30, and came within seconds of winning Class 1. But Ivan Stewart had a good cushion and he brought Toyota the victory, and was second overall, winning over Noel hy a slim 24 seconds. Ivan had scant tniuhles, a couple of flats and ~·ind,shield wiper woes. Aher finishing third overall, Larry Noel had a verhi1l altercation with the officials over hi_s starting time, and the upshot ot the verbiage dropped him to la~~. or eighth in class. Inheriting official second place was Gregg Symonds, the 65 year old ran alone to finish a respectable 13 minutes behind the "Ironman". With almost identical lap ~imes each round the son and tather team of Chet and Lloyd H uffrrian brought their O.R.E. in third, another ten minutes hack. Las Vegas star Rob MacCachren had a bad day with numerous on course delays, including a roll over, hut he still salvaged fourth place, followed hy Ken Frost and Don Blakely. Arizonans William "Doc" Ingram and Al Bright got their Chaparral home sixth, followed hy Mark McMillin, who had nearly three hours down time in the mountains with axle troubles. A hefr1 19 were on the line in Class 2_, a real heavyweight field. As they shot off into the rain, a dozen potential winners were on course. About midway on course Bob Gordon,. Chenowth, and Frank Arciero Jr., Raceco, were engaged in a real dog fight for 50 miles, often side by side, passing · and repassing. The fun was over near StatelinL.' when the pair went side by side ·into a hole. Gordon managed to fly the hole, hut Arciero had -suspension trouhle, landed wrong and flipped over and over and out of the race. Other hot dogs foiling on lap 1 were Jim Temple/Rolf Tibblin and Jerry Finney/Dan Foddrill, with a new Porsche powered Chaparral. So swift was the pace that Bob Gordon finished the first lap first on the the road, having passed all the Class 1 cars, and he turned fast lap of the race, 2:24.49. Less than six minutes back the David Kreisler/Curley Nobles Raceco pickup was second in Class 2, with Brian Collins/ Ken Cox a couple minutes hack in the Chenowth. Bop Richey/Tom Baker were close, less than ti.)Ur minutes back, with Danny Letner/J.D. Popkin a minute behind them. Fourteen Class 2s finished the first round. Young Rob Gordon took over dad's leading Chenowth, and despite losing the power steering half way around, and having a flat, the 18 year old rising off road star did a 2: 36 to stay first on the road, first overall in the race. It was the second first overall of the young seasim for the Gordon family, having done the same thing at the Parker 400. Their major problem in Nevada was getting to the starting line with a whole car. They hlcw thl· engine in the race car on Thursday, got the other car ready, after using it for pre-running, and lost the transmis-sion. They horrowed the engine out of Jerry Finney's pre-runner on Friday and won overall with Dusty Times

Page 13

Having a rash of problems on course, Nevada champ Rob MacCachren gave parts to his teammate and still came in fourth in the Class 1 Chenowth . • Ed and Tim Herbst drove the Terrible Herbst Chenowth swiftly down the trail and the brothers finished a strong third in the Class 2 ranks. · I · I Steve Lara and Jim Holley zip past a road crossing in their Raceco en route to fourth in Class 2; only four minutes out of third place. • Losing the weight of the rear body panels, Ivan Stewart drove a quick race in the Toyota for an Jim Stiles is running in real luck this year, and he scored his.second Class 10 victory of the season undisputed victory tn Class 1 and second overall on time. · in his Raceco, winning by a hefty seven minutes. . . it in the original car. which was faster than all the Collins/Cox, Richey / Baker Class 1 cars. In second midway and Troy Herhst/Rohh Richard-\\'ith a 2:37 .01 came Greg Hihhs son vanished on the second and Mike Julson. Parker 400 round along with David Kreisler, winner Jim Stiles was next, who had ahout ten miles left to a another three minutes down. good finish when he ran Stiles, a staunch member oft-he completclylout of gears. Driving Checkers pit team had a neat a clean ra':t'. Danny L:tner and experience·. As he approached a J.D. Popkin got thm Raceco CORE pit, a rival cluh, the crew home second .in Class 2 and fifth waved frantically for him to stop. ovcra!I, 23· minutes hehind the • He did and,,found the lug nuts Cordons. Ed_ and Tim. Herhst had come off a wheel. The CORE held up the family honor (dad folks.fixed him up in quick time J~rry 1s part owner ot the Gold ' and sent him on his way. <;:=oast ! . hy plarn~g _th_1 rd '.n class, The 1986 Class 9 points tollmH:d hy Stt.:Vt.:. L1ra/J1m champ·Dave Wood was fourth Holley and John Wilson/ Nick midway, followed in less than a Bachmann. Len _ Newman and minute by Jack Irvine/Kit racc.., sponsor MIChael Gaughan Trenholm. Then in seconds came zipped. their Chenowth home Rod Everett, in a new and s;iffy sixth, tollowed,hy Daw Parsons looking ORE, and Dwight "!1d Bc~ny Canela, ~nd the Lundell, Dirtrix. None of these Candy _Cane Raceco ot Walter four or Hibbs/ Julson finished. and Haig Prince that had serious Irvine crashed at the infamous engine pr:ohlems all day. hole near Check 5 and hurt his One ot the three bi~gestcbsses -ankle hut his son went on in the in the race at 27 s~arters, Class 10 car ti.;r a time. While 18 Class held a hunch ot _serious points 10s completed one lap, only h_unters_. Even with thl· engine eight saw the checkered tlag. s1:e limit, they continue to place Jim Stiles was first on the road very high in overall standi_ng, so the next time through Check 4, keen Is the -com pet1 t 10 n. as the Hagles had a flat in a wash, Ddending points champions, hut were only a minute hehind hrothc..·rs John and Ric~ Hagle on the road. Hihbs was next, a ~ad a ·sw_itt run on the first lap, few minutes later, but came to tast lap tor the class at 2:30.14, !-,'fief somewhere else. At the flag Danny Leiner and J.D. Popkin used the Raceco's Porsche power handily, and'--the team finished second in Class 2 and a smart fifth overall. ., Dusty Times it was the second victory in a row for Jim Stiles, who drives alone in his Raceco. John dnd Rick Hagle, with more dowJ time further down the trail, hung tight in second, seven minutes hehind Stiles, and the two Racecos were third and fourth1 overall. Stiles uses a. Rabbit engine and Hagle has an air cooled, so the jury is still out on the better engine for desert Class 10 cars. J Having no woes on the second lµp, the father and son tea1:1 of 'IDick and Gary Weyhrich, trom Oregon, snagged third place. A Las Vegas father and son team, John and Ron Ellen burg continu~d the parade of Racecos,. taking tourth place. Utah racer ~ick Rowland and LeRoy Van Kirk from Michig~n got their Raceco home fifth. After some trouble, Craig Watkins and Greg Aronson were sixth, followed by Scott and Larry Dinovitz and Bill and Michael Church, who lostan hour on the finaLround. Class 1-2-1600 continues to attract the largest entry, 38 at Sloan on the starting line. Defending points champion Jack Ramsay had his new and radical looking single seat Bunderson on the line, but a series of problems kept tr In NEVADA. Las · N Vegbs I OFF-ROAD it's... BUGGY . Stre~t -Stock - · Baja 1Race or Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay We'vefGot Your VW Parts S~e Brian .SAHAH,\ See Dave ~ X 2 Locations to. > , ___ ..,_11i_1_1 ,_.., __ I WEST 3054 Valley View 871-49111. 871-5604 Serve You Better! 1541 N. Eastern 642-2402 • .642-1664 NOW 2 LOCATIONS N April 1987 Page 13

Page 14

Bob ScoH and Mike Voyles won the close battle that went on all the way in Class 1-2-1600; and their It was the race of the century in Class 5 for 200 miles, but Jim Cocores led by_a minute midway, and margin in victory was a scanty 22 seconds at the flag. won the race by nearly 15 minutes. ' . · .,_.. him in and out of the car all Bundcrson, passed nose to tail, day, eventually finishing 15th with Spina having the edge on out of the 26 that did. time from his starting position. It didn't take long for the hot The Bob Scdtt/Mike Voyles SS dogs to muscle through the was close also. traffic to the front of the pack. At At the end of lap 2 it was Las Check 4 on the first lap, Larry Vegan L'lrry Joh out front on Job, solo in a Chenowth, and time with the class fast .!•'P of }0ike Spina/Keith Underwood, __ J:<l-5.OJ_B_n_d a good ]~ad __ tor this This is the system run by most off road race winners TRl•MIL BOBCAT• . DUAL CAN BOBTAIL - FOR BAJA BUGS CHROME 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 234-9014 Page 14 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED class, four · minutes over . Scott/Voyles, who were a slim minute ahead of Spina. Willy Hi1,'ffian was fourth, about five mon: minutes hack, with Steve and Don Barlow only half a minute behind him. It was tight down the ranks too. . At Check 4 Scott/ Voyles were first on the road and on time, hut Joh was close in his short course · car, until he broke a shock.1-lis Valley Performance teammate ·Rob MacCachren stopped to lend Larry a shock, hut the delay was the hall game. Roh Scott and Mike Voyles, who had rolled on the second lap hut landed on the wheels, won Class 1-2-1600. Voyles said he had a real rao:· with Job on the final 20 miles, as they passed and repassed several times. Voyles hlew a front tire and Joh went hy and actually was the first to finish. Rut Voyles v.·as close behind, and had started behind Joh. Bo h Scott and Mike Voyles won over-L1rry Joh hy just 22 seconds. ·Willy Higma n had no apparent Wl><:S and sailed his Chenowth in for third in class, about 11 minutes hack. Mike Spina,c who lost ten minutes somewhere: was fourth merely two more minutt.·s out, and Spina won the Cloud Seven Hotel award of an all exp~nse paid weekend on Santa Catalina Island for his fourth place SJX>t. Steve and Don Barlow were next, another 3 plus minutes behind. Saying something for the reliahility of the restricte.d engine class, only six of the J8 went out on the first lap and a stout 26 • finished the ract.• Within' the 12 hour time allowance. Class 5 started 11 fancy Rugs, and they had a real horse race going on the rough and· rocky , trails. At 63 miles into the course, Jim Ciicores, Mikt.· Quintana/RicharJ Llewl.'l!yn and Jl>hn Coo!l.'y all stoppt.·d at exactly the same time. In le~s than a mi n·utl.' Greg Hcin rich /Jim Pope and Gl.'orge Seeley /Howard Anderson arrived with a truck between them. Thesi: guys werL' really dicing! · Midway· Ctx:ores It'd "by om·· minute, one second over John Cooley. The Hl.'inrich/Pope Rug was next, ahout six ri1inutes hick, A flat tire late-in the race cost Larry Job, as,did a bad shock, and the one time leader in Class 1-2-1600 had to settle for second place. Dick and Gary Weyhrich had their Raceco in contention all the way, and finished third in Class 10, and they are now second in the points standings. Fresh from the overall win at the Bottom Dollar, Johh and Ron Ellenburg hopped their Raceco around quick enough to take fourth in Class 10. Willy Higman turned two almost identical laps in his Chenowth and his consistent times paid off with a keen third in the big Class 1-2-1600. April 1987 Running tight with the leaders, Mike Spina lost ten minutes on the last loop and dropped to fourth in Class 1-2-1600 in his Bunderson. Dusty Times

Page 15

john Cool"y raniclose in Class 5 most of the way, was second all the way, and took second In the race and on the series Class 5 point.<: -----------~--- - - - .. holding JUSt seven seconds on' · Out (ront all the way, Jim · lim Madison. 1who I\IPVIPr Qtrrte_'' C.OCores! with Doug Smith r_iding a .. ,und ·aeain. Seelev/ And;.rson along, zipped home the wmner were just a couple more minutes l:,y a !,ig margin, as.his adversaries It was a titanic battle in p1ass 7 between Nissan and back and the samedistanceahead all fiad!.,.., .. _ second time margin. 1 • -ut Roger Mear~ won the war for Nissan, just barely, by a two of Qµintana/lllewellyn as ·the .,.._.;.;,;;;.;;;..;;,. ____ _..;.. ________ -=------'------~----------------------pack charged off for the next 125 miles. - I On the next trin through Check: 't Coco~s. had nearly ien nunutes on Cooley and .the fie kl. jtrun't •out; Jwlt -past the check the · Seeley/ An~erson Bug had eriOus engine trouble, but aftet about-five houis down time; tht pair struggled _ 11'0~ for sixth in Class. 5. - H1aving serious suspension prdblems with their brand new Jim1co Bug, Hartmut and Wolfram K~witter had to -slow their pace, even though evervth!ne elsef ·op' tlte new c~r wotked very w1ell; an~ they took _ fifth at the ~g,_ - Hometown racers Greg Heinrich and Jim Pope ran third at eve y time check, !. _ ·and_desoite late D!<>ble'!'s they finished third in Class 5. I ~r:_:' -,..--~-l ' '.:i~ • -. . z ~ \ " ~ i ' I . , 1,;o-laM!llt.a -~r--~""'~Jll'.I"""~~~ \ ,_..,_~ . Sp6rting a brand new paint job, the Ford Ranger of Manny Esquerra was close all ~he way in Class 7, but clutch woes dropped him to second. F-ROAD RACING .DIVISION . . , . ·/ ,; ·-:: ' ' ':f,1 ~•-il{ , ~• ~:;;HIP;i~ '\!~. . ' VIA UPS CHENOWTH CLASS 11 ROLL CAGE KIT Chenowth's popular class 11 roll cage kit comes with extra .gussets for greater strength and is notched to slip together easier than ever. Features 1 ½" x .090'' wall tubing for superb lightweight strength. Includes rear torsion support kit. Welding required. #60600 Cl~ss 11 cage kit ...... . $149.115 YOKOHAMA OFF-ROAD TIRE SALE 7.00x15 tube typ frnts. ea ....... $57.95 33-10.50 x. 15 Super Digger tubeless rears, ea .............. $79.95 7.00 x 15 tubes. ea . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 12.95 Tubes for Supr Dggrs, ea ....... . 12.115 YOK~GE \iA:I Designed for the serious off,road racer. Package includes two 7.00 x 15 Yokohama front tires with tubes and two 33-10.flO x 15 Yokohama Supet Digger I rear tires mounted on two 15 x 3½ 5-lug Centerlines (bubble-style inset) for the frdnt, and your coice of 15 x 6-or 15 x 75-lug centerlines for-the rear. Hi-speed balanced-ready to install. I Yokoliania/Centerline pkg ...... $689.00 Add for tubes in rear ............ 20.00 SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON: W b7#-il0_ HENOWTH WEBER o!~a?J: - . :>YvoKOHAMA VC,O ,a1tl'0TIA#Ca ,.-oc,ucr, KIN "f DEil.S!R!o, <; .. buretors SWAY·A·WAY ~-er,__ .. __ ... , ... ,, PERMA-CDDL Dusty nmes April 19.~7 0 CENTERLl~E RACING WHEELS 15 x 35 • 5 lug. each . . ...... $ 97.95 15 x 4.75' 5 lug. each . 99.95 15 x 5.75 - 5 lug. each .......... 104.95 15 x 6 - 5 lug. each . . . . 106.95 15 x 7 -"5'1ug. each ... 109.95 15 x 8 - 5 lug. each . 114.95 15 x 10 · 5 lug. each .. 117.95 WEEKEND WARRIOR FRONT ENO BEAMS i t Custom made from D.O.M. Steel. Available 5" or 6" wider than stock. Includes 4 torsion adjusters. Adds 8" of shock travel. Specify width when ordering ... $225.00 KYB Gas shocks for above. ea . . . 19.95 €.arcustom ~j_High Per_formilnce & Stoel.-VWParts t 915 W. Foothill Blvd., Azusa, Ca. 91702 WALK IN (818) 334-4951 PHONE ORDERS (818) 969-7967 Page 15

Page 16

Rod Hall and Jim Fricker took the lass 4 lead on the second lap, and had no more woes anddrov.e Darryl and Wayne Cook came back from fixing a b.roken adjustef to take the lead on the second lap the big Dodge home.for another victory and a solid points lead. and win Class 5-1600 by a considerable margin•in the tidy Bug. · Tom Strong and Steve Borden had a two minute lead in the Chevy midway in the race, but Jost an hour on the second lap and were second in Class 4. llir small prohlems, mostly Ford, hut Rogl'r Ml'ars, who had flats. John Cooley got home started 15 Sl'conds latl'r, was second, ahout 15 minutes later, ahout tl'n seconds hack , and and he had ahout 17 minutes on nohody else rnml' hy for Greg Heinrich and Jim PopL' who hour. Next it was Rrian·and Lynn were a mere 59 seconds ahead of Dolinar from O regon, with thl' Mike Quintana and Richard left rear fender flapping on their Llewellyn. The time margins at Ford. In another nine minutes the checkered flag hardly rl'flect Larry Ragland_ shcl\n:d u\1 in his the fierce Class 5 competition on Chevy, having sutkreL trom the race course. flapping fan helts earlil'r,·and hl' Struggling for survival as a v.:as to endure more down. timl' class,· thl' field numherl'd six in latl'r. C lass 7, hut ir really was a' two At thl'· ~nd of thl' lap ML"ars horse race. At Check 4 Manny held thl' ll'ad owr EsLJUl'rra hy a Esquerra went ·hy first in his scant 18 seconds. Thl' Dolinars Dave Shoppe and _Larry Maddox came back from brake problems to slip into second place in the Ford in the hotly contested Class B competition. Dave Anckner and Darell Wiggins started the second loop with a broken · shock, but they carried on anyhow to finish second in Class 5-1600. Page 16 · The brand new "66" Ford of Jim Venable and Stan Gilbert showed real promise in Nevada. as th(! team drove the Hemet built truck to third in Class 8. Wl'rl' third, ahout an hour haL·k, followed hy Russ and Lukl' Jonl's, who did not completl' dw second lap. Moving on to C:hl'ck 4 ML"ars was ahl'ad of all thl' Class 8 trucks on thl' road, and had ahout four minutL'S on Esqul'rra, who had a stop with a flat and a hrokl'n shock. Nohody L"lsl' was closl'. -It was a·clitfliangl'r in Class 7 at the finish linl' . Esqul'rra was losing hi s L·lutd1 in thl' final mill's hur arrivL'd first on tlw road. ML"ars, \\'.ho said hl' and Manny dicl'd hack and.forth all dwway, lost shocks nl'ar thl' l'nd, had a flat and got all that fixl'd and caught up to thl' Ford almost in sight of thl· finish linL·. Thl'n ML"ars haggl'd a rock and dl'stroyL·d a front whl'el. Limping along on thrl'l' whl'l'is, Rogl'r was right on Manny's humpn anyhow, and dl'spitl' a flurry o( talk ahout his 3 whl'l'I slow slidl' through thl' 'finish lim·, RogtT Ml'ars won in his Nissan hy just two Sl'Conds ovl'r Man nv Esqul'rra in thl· Ford Ran·gL·r. Th~· ·-11·a1r ~'L'rL' ninth and tl'nth ovl'(,1 II. Larry Ragbnd had a ht·ttl'r Sl'Cond lap ancl L·limhl'cl _ into third placl', and tl1L' Dolinars rnml' in sounding hl'aithy in fourth. · · · Class 8 came up with ten starters as rumors of a rough course may havl' kl'pt soml' of the hl'avywl'ights away. In thl' early g6ing therl' was a hig dicl' h :tWl'l'n Stl'Vl' Kl'lll'y, Chl'vy, Walkl'r Evans, Dcidgl'·, Frank Ve.ssl'ls, Chl'vy, and Davl' Shoppl', Ford. At Check 4 Kelley came through first with Evans ahout fivl' Sl'Conds hack, followed in two minutes hy Shoppl', and Vessels had some trouhle and was ten minutes later on course.' At thL~ l'nd of thl' lap Kelley led Evans hy owr two · minutes, Shoppl' and VL"ssels Steve Kelley has a great start on the points race. following his win in Class 8 at Parker with a resounding victory in Nevada in the swift Chevrolet. ·SCORE · H.D.R.A . HELICOPTER . : ~i~i~~~ ::;r ;~~·r., Person. p R E-R u N ·S • Located Near Start-Finish Line. ' • Full Course Pre-Run $200.00 Per Hour. • Capacity - 3 Riders, Max. 2 Riders Min. • Looking For That Sponsor! Give Them A Bird's Eye View. • Take Up The 'Owner, Sponsor, Driver, Rider, Pit Crew, Mechanic, Girl Friend, Mom, Dad, And The Kids. RIDES • If You're Broken Down In An Inaccessible Area. And Are "OUT-OF THE RACE", We Can Fly In Most Parts And Mechanics. • Book Flights In Advance -Date And Time. · • Advance Reservations Call 6.02-952-1082 -Ask For Jim. WE WILL BE AT THE LUCERNE VALLEY RACE April 1987 Dusty Times

Page 17

It was a real dogfight nearly all the way in Class 7S, but late in the battle Chuck Johnson and Scott It was the second Class 3 victory in the rain for the Jeep CJ 7 of Mike Schwellinger and Les Douglas took a commanding lead and the victory in the Ford Ranger. Erickson, and they won by 22 minutes and took the class points leai:1: The Strong Chevy had real trouble, an hour's worth, on the second lap. Hall and Fricker turned in an identical 3:0 I lap time to their first, and they won Class 4 again in the Oodgl'. Strong/Borden hung on in second, that hour hehind, and in · a half hour morl'1 the Donahc)e and Renoe Dodge came in third, missing· some hody panels. The Dyck Jeep vanished into the . desert. Pulling up from eighth to second on the final leg, Tudy Esquerra and Gabe Naranjo made it a pair of seconds for the Esquerra family in Ford Rangers: Thl're were 17 starters in Class 5-1600 and ten finisht:d the tough route. The first Bug through Check 4 was driven by Cameron Stt:de, and it showed evidence of a roll over. Close behind was the Circus Circus Bug_ of Norm Sha1w and Manny Cortez, but they didn't finish the lap. After that•carhe the herd of muddy 5-f600s,I with barely visible numbers. were close astern, and all but two trucks did one la1~-· Getting a bad start this season, Walker Evans was out with engine failure in the mountains on the second lap, giving Kelley a little air space. Kelley had about seven minutes on Shoppt' at · Check 4 and he held that margin to the finish line. Steve, who also won C lass 8 at Parker in thi: Larry Minor truck, was eighth overall. Hl' said he and Walker . ran sidl' by side for over a lap, and he didn't know if either of them could havl' finished at that pacl'. When Kl'lk·y found out Evans was down, it took soml' of thl' pn;ssure away . Dave Shoppe reported recurring brake . troubles', no other problems, and said it was a good day of racing as he finished second. Just 21 minutes back Jim Venable and Stan Ciilbl'rt hrought thl' "nl'w" '66 Ford in a clean third. Over another hour· hack David Wl'sthl'n and Rill Holml's werl' fourth in thl' GMC. Frank Vessels had snious trouble this lap, and took fifth, only a few minutes ahL~1d of Dan Beaver and Randy Hoeft, Ford. Rounding out the finishl'rs Wl'rl' Stl've McEachl'rn/Jeft GL'isl'r, Chevy, as seven of thetl'n saw the chl'tkerl'd flag . Another endangered Spt'Cies may be Class 4 with just five starters. Rod Hall came through . Check 4 with a flat tirl', and promptly stopped for fresh rubber. Tom Strong had his Chevy right behind Hall's Dodge, and they waved at other as Strong went by in the lead. At the midway point Tom Strong and Steve Borden led Class 4 by two minutes over Rod Hall and Jim Fricker. The Jeep J-I O of John Dyck and Al Baker was third, ahout 20 minutes back, an·d the DodgL' of Bill Donahol' and Buddy Renol' was fourth. The first lap leader was the team of Randy and Rick Wilson, who scored fast lap for the class at 3:09.07. Dave Ancknt:r and Darell Wiggins did a 3:09.26, close in st:cond, but they soon had shock troubll'. Cameron Steele and Mike Harding were about 13 minutL'S 'back in third but ·neither they qr thl' Wilson~ finished the race. Just two more minutes back carrll' Darryl and Alan Cook, and several others Doing the best yet in the Ford Ranger, Jim Travis and Mark Schrano had their problems but finished a fine third in the Class 7S ranks. Jerry and James Leslie came forward in the second loop and drove their. 5-1600 Bug from seventh to _third place when the. checkered flag fell. Ensenada racers Ernesto Arambula and Isidro Brown · nailed down fourth in Class 5-1600, their Buggy apparently liking the rough Nevada desert. Dusty Times April 1987 wert: clost:. · Arambula and Isidro Brc;wn Through Check 4 tht: Cook nailed do\.\'n fqurth, mt:rely three Bug was first on the road, and the minutes or so aht:ad of Guy and brothers stayed out front all the Tom Lake. way to the cht:ckt:rt:d flag, Of the 16 starters in Class 7S, winning by a huge 40 minutes in ten survived the rough going to a usually tight running class. Tht: finish. First on the road at Check Anckner/ Wiggins Bug struggled 4 was thl' Ford of Chuck a,round with sagging suspension · Johnson/Scott Dou!.(las, hut Paul to take second, holding about 16 and Daw Simon were just astern -minutes over Jerry and James in another Ford, followed in a 1.leslie. ~nsenada racers Ernest<2 fow minutl's i;9'-DESERT LOCK OUTER 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8 - 1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP.--.,_~ . ..--. Standard Lock .Outer l ' Fully Machined ' Where Dirt build-up Is Not A Problem Tire Located Off Inner Ring Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength * At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing * All parts are available separately *In stock -Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 13" MIDGET . 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 8"-10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED MIDGET WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 O" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ; ..... $125.00 15"Desert Lock .. ; .. $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: · 3447 W. University I Fresno, CA 93722 '· (209)275-5183 . Same Day Service · Shipped 0.-P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax . . Page 17

Page 18

Missing a ge_ar; Mike Falkosky tried to fly a bad hole in his 7S Toyota, landed hard and sideways,short of the top, ·did another wheel·stand before:landing on the wheels, ·and ,later went out of the race with a broken transmission. The same hole was the site of several real accidents. · · · · Luckily none with any serious injuri~_s. · · LW" ·, . •. · hy the Forti of Jim · over to Scott Douglas in second, Travis and· .Mark Schrancl. about ·12 minutes in arrears after Defending · points champion the stop. The Travis Ford was Spencer Low ha9 three flat .tires ariother five minutes hack. in in the early going, and was stuck third, and followed in a minute on course for half an hour by Gary Dircks/ Rick Doetsch.a waiting for more rubber, to minute ahead M Willie Valdez. A arrive. fuH 15 finished one lap. Leading the pack midway were Next round at Check 4 the Simon and Simon, with class fast Simon Ford · led Johnson/ lap <)f 2:55.40. Stopping to · Douglas hy about seven minutes change drivers and steering on the road, and T ravis/Schrano wheels, Chuck Johnson handed were another 16 minutes up the ''TWO IN A Row·,_, * CLASS FIVE * 1st PARKER 400 1st GOLD COAST 300 Thank you to all those that made the win possible and believed in our effort these last years. CENTERLINE WHEELS TRICK GASOLINE BFGOODRICH TIRES C&S TRANSMISSION RUSS'SVW RECYCLING DESIGNS IN LINES TUITLE'S PARTS EXCHANGE LIL JOE'S BODY SHOP TONY VANILLO AT PORCO CHARLIE CURNUTT SHOCKS HPS ART ANGLADE ED KLEIN ED CEBALLOS CRAIG CLARK DOUG SMITH LARRY BETANCE RUSS DOUGLAS BOB LANZ DUKE BEN-ED.:.FELIX HERNANDEZ DOUG WHITE CHARLIE AND LINDA ENGELBART AND ANY ONE ELSE WE'VE FORGOTTEN JIM'S VW RACING - JIM COCORES 849 E. Garvey Ave., Monterey Park 91754 Page 18 trail . . Later. on the Simons Schwellinger had one flat-on Olsen patched the · Cherc\kee disarpeared from the charts, a'n_d . the second lap, and was· having a . together enough to finish thi: ra\:'t..' . . as did some others ltke Willie good race on the _hot11e stretch for third plact..• points. The-tram Valdez with electrical woes and with Don Adams' Jeep, that also · 'is building a ni:wjeeri. Wra'nglc.r Mike Falkosky with trans. had a flat. Later Olsen.found a -foi-Class3,anditshouldheseen trouble.· giant . rock and wiped out- a at the Mint 400. . Out from all the way in to pay goodly portion of the Cherokee's The. last of the big clas~es off: . dirt was the Chuck Johnson/ front end. Schwellirger had no the line was Challenger with 27 · Scott Douglas Rangt..•r, and both more trouble, and he and starters. One of the favorites, weary drivers were thrillt..~ with Erickson easily W()O Class 3 in Rich Minga, was out early with a the victory. It was the third-race the CJ 7, their second victory in torsiim housing in the-rear: that in a row they·had used Johnson's the rain, as they also .won at came unglued. St,arting.-.first, Ford, earning a pair of wins and a Barstow last December. Hutch- 1 986 poj n ts ch a mp R kk second. In· Nevada they had heen ins and Stewart lost :,-hunch of Johnson was first .on the road at up half the night trying to cure a time on the second loop but got Check 4, hut a herd came along hlowing oil problem and nevl'r the Bronctl home second in class in the_ next fow minutes including did. Conse4ui:ntly they had tu over an hour later. Adams and Danny Ashcraft/Jim Houck, cool it in the race, hut went fast enough to win. . . Hauling up from eighth to finish second in 7S was the Ranger ~>f T udy Joe Es4uerra and Gabe Naranjo, Tudy's hest finish since · building the Ford last season. Jim Travis and Mark Schrano had some troubles ·on the fini1l miles, hut held on in · third place. Spence Low had. been _making up time fast, then broke a spring and ended up fourth, just ahead of Steve Luport and Frank Williams. There was a 4uintet in Class 3, two Jeeps, two .Broncos and a Dodge. Neither the Pike Dodge or the Clemens Bronco made a lap. The other three had a tight race going in the early miles. At Check 4 they all came through in the same minute. The Don Adams/ L·ury Olsen Cherokee was first, followed hy Mark Hutchins/ Gary Stewart, Bronco and Mike Schwellinger/Les Erickson CJ 7. Erickson had collided a few miles hack with the Class 6 . Ford Ranchero of Wes and Garson Moser, and had stopped to -check on injuries, . then radio for help. By the time the trio finished the first la,p, the Schwellinger Jeep was in command, holding about seven -minutes on Adams/ Olsen. Hutchins' Bron-co was close enough, about 14 more minutes hack .1 Local southern Nevada drivers Mark Hutchins and Gary Stewart had a good day in the Class 3 Ford Bronco and they finished second in class. Roy Smith and Danny.Oliver kept the T-Mag charging all the way and the tea'm finished second in Challengers, just ten minutes out of first. Zooming past an old mine shaft, Tom Watson and Jeff Benneti'did two good laps and were the most surprised winners in the race, taking the Challenger Class honors handily. April 1987 • Dusty Times

Page 19

Enjoying the damp weather with a roof and a windshield, Jim Conner and Car/Jackson drove their . Nissan to the Class 7 4x4 victory, and they Jed all the way. · Larry Schwac-ofer and Sid Spradling not only won Clas$ 6 in the old Chevrolet, again, but they shquld have gotten the! "Good Samaritan,'.' award_, if there. was one . Rich Richardson/ Miki.' taPlant, Smith/Danny OliVl'r, and Bill Jim DdanL'y/ Rart Hamilton, Rill KL'n/ Pat Smith. Mori.' came in Runch/Kevin. Conlin, Roy hunches in thl' next Sl'Vl'ral One of the new names in the money in Challenger action was the Jimco of Kevin and Donald Basore, who were ?nother six minutes down in third. John Swift came back from disaster on the first lap, to nearly match fast lap on the second, and place his Ford Ranger second in Class 7 4x4. minutes. . .11 , _· 3:.2J9.18 hy mere seconds. Having Mike Lesle and John Johnson After one lap Dann'.y Ashcra:tt ovJrheating i ·oes due to a · who had. lost a water pump in a and Jim Houck _l~d in t_heir smhshed oil cooler, John Swift bad place and their team Raceco with class ta~t,-lap ot the · wa~ second around in his Ford, · communications. day at 3: 14.31. !Just three do~n about 45 -minutes. Alsi) C'lrl Jackson took over the minu_tes back, Larr}\! ,and Kada having trouhle, Stan Houghtoni leading · Nissan, and hotb long Martin, Chenowth, led Rick Brent Shoppe held third in ·the time Haia r_acers had. a healthy Johnson's Hi Jumper hy two Toyota. In tourth was the Jeep of respect· Lr minutes, and Richardson/La--1 · Plant were fourt!li just by seconds. Bunch was fifth followed by Smith/K.-)liver, ;nd eighteen completed (i1ne round. · Moving. on down coi.1rse Rick Johnson was still first on the road at Check 4, hut he did not finish, nor did the Martins.jOthers lost an hour here and t~ere. When the checkered flag-fol1l, it foll fir~t on the team of Tom Watson and Jeff Bennett in a newjChenowth. Their ORBS pit crew cheered their arrival on the r'.m1p, telling them they werl' prohahly fifth. When an HORA official told the team they Wl'rL' thL' first Challenger car home the cheers grew to big whoops . as the triumphant crew went off to post race tech inspection.: Roy Smith and D.\nny OliVl'r got their T-Mag in for a strong second, just ten minutes. later, followed in six minub hy Kevin and. Donald Basore fin a J imco. Next came Bi II Bunc~ 1,md Kevin .• Conlin, seven more minutes out in the Sandwinder Midi, with the original Challenge .cla~s champs Chuck Guy and Rhonda Walsh, . just eight minutes behind them in a T-Mag. A full dozen made the finish line, most of them in close company. A lucky seven showed up in Class 7 4x4, and the only one mi-ssing early was JL'rry McDonald, whosl' Chl'vy lost bdts and more belts, proke othl'r, things, and retired short ot finishing the first lap with a br.oken axle. At CHeck 4 Jim Conner was leading thL' hunch in his Nissan, and he continued to THORNTON. AND f ASSOCIATES INC. . . A Public Relations and Marketing Firm 18710 So. Normandie Ave., Suite C · Gardena, CA 90248 213-327 ~0366 As of April 2 Deitrich; Ober & Rettie, Inc. is purchased1 by Paula S. Thornton Turning very respectable lap times, Arne Gunnarsson and John Johnson Ill lead around to the end of the lap, will specialize in PR, Marketing, Sponsorship Packaging, Racer PR, Media Kits, Event Coordination and more. ! got the Saab 96 around very well for a keen second in Class 6. taking fast lap for ~he class at Bill Bunch and Kevin Conlin continue to· do well in the Coming back from a near total after a roll° over, the Sandwinder Midi, and despite troubles, the team placed Masers, Wes, Garson and Greg, got the Ford Ranchero fourth in the big Challenger field. rolling to take third in Class 6 with a finish. Dusty Times April 1987 , Clients in part: I BF GOODRICH MIKE HORNER RACING LASOR RACING HI-TECH RACING HILLTOPPERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB Page 19

Page 20

I ) ! ,., '· David Quill got his first victory in off road racing, driving his own designed Chevy Special, and he led both legs to the checkered flag in Class 14. Ramon Castto .and Salvador Avila had to change a torsion bar on the Beetle, but they charged back into the Class 11 · lead and won by a mere two minutes and change. Looking good here, G. T. Gow/and and Andy Calhoun had problems later with the Toyota, but they finished the route second in Class 14. It was Ensenada day in Class 11 as Jose Aguila and Armando Rojas were close all day, and very close at the flag, in for a good second place. SNORE TWILIGHT SPECIAL JUNE 6, 1987 200 Miles -$200 Entry Fee Second race in the SNORE Points Series It is not too late to get in the series. Only the best five out of six races count, and more than half are in the second half of the year. · Call (702) 452-4522 or write to SNORE. P.O. Box 4394, Las Vegas, NV 89106 1'. IT PAYS MORE TO RACE WITH SNORE Page 20 !JP for the rough L1l'Sl'rt. Neither Conner or Jackson had a flat, but Jackson rl'placeJ a hall joint on course losing ahout half an hour. While their lead shrank to around five minutes at thl' flag, the Conrwr/ Jackson Nissan won Class 7 4x4. Doing a swift 3:29.23 on the second lap, John Swift drove his Ford into a clost: second, over an hour ahead of Lesle/Johnson, who turnt:d a 3:30.08 for their final lap. The Houghton Toyota did not finish . While there were only four starters, Class 6 producl'd one of the finest .race stories in a long time. Heading into Check 4 Wes and Garson Moser were leading on the road, tht:n had the aforemt:ntioned collision with the Class 3 winriingJt:ep, and the Ranchero rolled at least three times. Both brothers had severe nose cuts, Wes, who was driving, had a lc)t of facial bleeding, and Garson also had a hand injury. Seeing the disaster as he came along, Larry Schwacofer, with Sid Spradling co-driving, stopped the old Chevy to hdp his classmatt:s, and stayed with them after the ESPN helicopter picked up Wes to take him to an ambulance. When the Ford wa~ clear of the trail, tht: Chevy refused to start, so the assemhled group gave Schwacoti:r a push start. After all this excitement, the Nissan of Dale and Randy Jordan was missing, anJ the ,Sai1h 96 of Arne Gunnarsson anJ John Johnston III finished the lap a mere three minutt:s hehind Schwacofcr's leading C hevy. Meanwhile the Moser crew towed tht: Ford out to the · checkpoint, made hasty repairs to the smashed up looking Ranchero, put in a relief rider, and Garson drove on to finish the lap about an hour;hehind the others. Tht: '55 Chevy ctmkl'd along April 1987 on the second round, and Schwacofrr and Spradling won Class 6, and it is nice to see stKh sportsmanship so wl'II rl'w:irdl'd. The Gunnarsson Saah hl'ld Sl'cond place, finishing ahout 4 3 minutes in arrears. And, wondl'r of wonders, a third hrother, (;reg Mosl'r, drovl' thl' Ford around the second lap to finish 35 minutes later in th'\rd place. Wes was hack from the -hospital, all sdtchl'd up, to wekoml' thl' Fore! at the finish linl'. Class 14 took off three strong and all thrl'l' madl' thl' first lap. First on thl' road at Chl'ck 4 was David Quill in a Chl'VV powl'rl'd HORA GOLD COAST 300 March 7, 1987 - Final Resulls · CAR POS. # DRIVER($) VEHICLE TIME CLASS 1 -UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -20 START - 8 FINISH 1. 108 Ivan Stewart (solo) Toyota PU 5: 12.13 2. 122 Gregg Symonds (solo) ORE Porsche 5:25.35 3. 104 Chet & Lloyd Huffman ORE 5:35.59 4. 103 Rob MacCachren (solo) Chenowth 6:12.09 5. 112 Ken Frost/Don Blakely Raceco 6:25.37 CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -19 START -10 FINISH 1. 200 Bob & Rob Gordon Chenowth 5:01.36 2. 222 Danny Letner/J.D. Popkin Raceco Porsche 5:24. t'5 3. 217 Ed & Tim H.erbst Chenowth 5:46.45 4. 203 Steve Lara/Jim Holley Raceco 5:50.31 5. 299 John Wilson II/Nick Bachmann Hi Jumper 6:00.36 CLASS 1-2-1600 -1600cc RESTRICTED -38 START -26 FINISH 1. 1614 Bob Scott/Mike Voyles Homebuilt 5:37.54 2. 1611 Larry Job (solo) Chenowth 5:38.16 3. 1610 Willy Higman Chenowth 5:49.12 4. 1-625 Mike Spina/Keith Underwood Bunderson 5:51.22 5. 1628' Steve & Don Barlow ORE 5:54.59 CLASS 3 -SHORT WB 4x4 - 5 START - 3 FINISH 1. 304 Mike Schwellinger /Les Erickson Jeep CJ 7 7:29.15 2. 302 Mark Hutchins/Gary Stewart Ford Bronco 8:51.50 3. 300 Don Adams/Larry Olsen Jeep Cherokee 9:18.02 CLASS 4 -LONG WB 4x4 - 5 START - 3 FINISH 1. 400 Rodney Hall/Jim Fricker Dodge 6:03.04 2. 405 Tom Strong/Steve Borden Chevrolet 7:08.52 3. 402 Bill Donahoe/Buddy Renae Dodge 7:36.18 4. 404 John Dyck/Al Baker Jeep J-10 3:21.27 CLASS. 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -11 START - 6 FINISH 1. 506 Jim Cocores/Ooug White Baja Bug 5:29.46 2. 509 John Cooley/Mark Fox Baja Bug 5:45.16 3. 501 Greg Heinrich/Jim Pope Baja Bug 6:03.00 4. 502 Mike Quintana/Richard Llewellyn Baja Bug 6:03.59 5. 508 Hartmut & Wolfram Klawitter Baja Bug 6:19.55 . CLASS 5-1600 -1600cc BAJA BUG -17 START-10 FINISH 1: 552 Darryl & Alan Cook · Baja Bug > •. 6.:47.l3 . 2. 598 David Anckner/Darell Wiggins Baja Bug · • . 7:27.05· 3. 562 Jerry & James Leslie Baja Bug · · 7:43.41. 4. 595 Ernesto Arambula/Isidro Brown· Baja Bug 8:05009 5. 554 Guy & Tom Lake Baja Bug 8:08.50 CLASS 6 -PRODUCTION SEDAN - 4 START - 3 FINISH 1. 600 Larry Schwacoter /Sid Spradling • · 55 C~evrolet 7:49.54 2. 618 Arne Gunnarsson/John Johnston Ill Saab 96 8:33.17 3. 619 Wes & Gars.on Moser Ford Rancher□ 9:08.54 CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED. MINI-MIDI PICKUP - 6 START - 4 FINISH 1. 701 Roger Mears/Brent Foes Nissan 5:35.44 2. . 700 Manny Esquerra/ Jack Murphy Ford Ranger 5:35.46 3. 703 Larry Ragland/Dave Beck Chevy S-10 7:19.14 4. 705 Brian & Lynn Dolinar Ford Ranger 1:33.32 5. 702 Russ & Luke Jones Ford Ranger 3:54. 13 Cl.ASS 7 S -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP -16 START-10 FINISH 1. 721 Chuck Johnson/Scott Douglas Ford Ranger 6:19.22 2, 724 Tudy J. Esquerra/Gabe Naranjo Ford Ranger 6:50.56 3. 71.6 Jim Travis/Mark Schrano Ford Ranger 6:56.45 4. 720 Spencer Low/Paul Delang Nissan 7:15.24 5. 737 Steve LupofFrank Williams Ford Ranger 7:23.05 CLASS 7 4x~ -STOCK MINI-MIDI 4x4 - 7 START _:_ 3 FINISH 1. 755 Jim Conner /Carl Jackson Nissari 7:34.58 2. 768 John Swift Ford Ranger 7:40. 11 3.. 769 Mike Lesle/John Johnson Jeep Comanche 8:49.38 4. 757 Stan Houghton/Brent Shoppe Toyota - 4:46.46 CLASS 8 _ )2 WD STANDARD PICKUP -10 START - 7 FINISH , 1. 803 Steve Kelley /George Eckardt Chevrolet 5:34.03 2. 806 · Dave Shoppe/Larry Maddox Ford 5:41.58 3. 804 Jim Venable/Stan Gilbert Ford 6:02.48 4. 858 · David Westhen/Bill Holmes . GMC 7:24.43 5. 807 Frank Vesse11s/George Robbins Chevrolet 7:31.16 CLASS CHALLENGE -RESTRICTED BUGGY -27 START -12 FINISH 1. 913 Tom Watso~/Jett Bennett Chenowth . 7:34.54 2. 995 Roy Smith/Danny Oliver T-Mag 7:45.06 3. 993 Kevin & Donald Basore · Jimco 7:51.34 4. . 908 William Bunch/Kevin Conlin Sandwinder 7:58.43 5. 907 Chuck Guy/Rhonda Walsh T-Mag 8:06.41 CLASS 10 -UNLIMITED 1650cc -27 START - 8 FINISH 1. 1011 Jim Stiles (solo) Raceco 5:12.57 · 2. 1000 John & Rick' Hagle Raceco 5:19.55 3. 1008 Dick & Gary, Weyhrich Raceco . 5:36.32 4. 1001 John & Ron Ellenburg Raceco 5:51.24 5. 1005 Rick Rowland/LeRoy Van Kirk Raceco 5:53:18 CLASS 11 -STOCK VW SEDAN - .3 START-3 FINISH 1. 1100 Ramon Castro/Salvador Avila VW Beetle . 10:26.33 . 2. 1103 Jose AguilaYArmando Rojas VW Beetle 10:29.14 3. 1197. Andy Diaz/Wesley Day VW Beetle 11 :56.06 · CLASS114 -UNLIMITE.D 4x4 _~ 3 ,START - 2flNISH . .1. 1498. David Quill , · Chevy Special · · 7:36.5·2 . 2, 1499 G.T. Gowlan1d/Anqy Calhoun · Toyota SR 5 . · · ·," 10:54.07 '· STARTERS -218-Finishers -118-Finisliing·Ratici.~ 54.1 Percent. Race Distance -246 Miles (2 laps) -Time Allowance · 12 Hours Fast Time Overall -Bob & Rob Gordon -Class 2 Chenowth - 5:01.36 Fast Lap of the Day -Bob Gordon • Class 2 Chenowth - 2:24.49 POS. 0/ A 2 6 11 31 40 1 5 17 19 24 13 14 18 20 23 61 94 100 27 53 67 (1 lap) 7 16 26 28 34 44 60 71 80 83 76 90 99 9 10 55 65 (1 lap) 33 46 48 54 57 66 70 93 (1 lap) 8 15 25 58 62 65 72 78 79 81 3 4 12 21 .. 22 1.12 113 118 68, 117 Dusty Times

Page 21

rig that hl' huilt himsl'lf. Stl'Vl' Mi:d, sporting Michdin tirl'S on his Bronco, was dosl', and C.T. Gowland was h;1ck sonw dist.incl' in his Toyota. At thl' l"nd of thl' lap Quill, with class fast lap of 3:33.57, had a slim ll'ad of ll'ss than thrl'l' minutl's on Mi:l'I. and -Gowland was way hack. ., . Mi:l'I rl'tirl'd on thl' Sl'COt'ld lap, ;ind Quill lost· thl' left rl'ar .axk·, rl'movl'd it, pluggl'd thl' linl's, and carried on to his first class victory in what hl' calls his junkyard spl'cial. Mml' than thrl'l' hours hack G.T. Cowland and Ancly Calhoun got thl' SR 5 Toyota in for second place points, which should give Ciowland thl' points le-ad afrl'r two racl's. Steve and Don Barlow flew over the rough in their 0 .R.E., were close all day, and finished close in fifth place in Class 1-2-1600. Rick Rowland and LeRoy Van Kirk came a long way to race in Nevada, and their Raceco stayed healthy to finish a close fifth in Class 10. Thl' trio of Class 11 cars wt·rc· last to ll'aw. hut thl'y did thl' hl'st of any class with a I 00 pl'rcl'nt tinish ratio. All thrl'l' caml·· past Chl'ck 4 in a wry frw minutl's timl', and after one round Ramon Castro and Salvador Avila led with thl' l-lass fast lap at 4:57 .07. Just ten minutl'S hack raml' Josl' Aguila and Armando Rojas, also trom Baja Calitornia, and anothl'r half hour in i1rn•ars Wl'rl' Andy Dia:/ Wl'sll'y Day. M idw.1y Castro pi ttc·cl to rc·place a sagging torsion har. and Aguila was il'ading out of thl' pits. Howl'VL'r, once repairl'd, Castro hustll'd down thl' coursl' and took thl' ll'ad hack l'arly on · thl' Sl'cond hp. Still. thl' two Rl'l'tks had a near visual racl' most of thl' distance. At thl' flag Ramon C;1stro and Salvador Avila just Sljl!l'akl'd out thl' victory hy two minutes, 47 Sl'nmds OVL'r 'Josl' Aguila .ind Amrando Rojas. Snagging thl' Juhious honor of last owrall was thl' Rl'l'tll' of Andy Dia: and Wesk·v Day who haJ ll'ss than Most of Larry Noel's troubles were at the start/finish line. He .was second in Class 1 and third overall on time, but penalized to last in class. Scott Webster and Coy Brigman looked good in their ORBS, and the team took sixth among the 38 in the tight running Class 1-2-1600 ranks. Go on by, the driver of #1607, the team of Bill Poe and Jeff Stevenso1, seems to be saying to D,arren Wilson, #16_18. The Poe Hi Jumper finished, rhe Wilson Mirage did not cover-a lap.. . _ Dusty Times --four minutl'S il'ft on the time allowancl' when thl'y croSSL'Ll thl' finish linl'. · / . Starting in thl' rain and finishing in thl' dust, thl' Gold Coast 300 was a hig success. Most Cllmpnitors enjoyl'd running on soml'' nl'w trails, despitl' thl' ruggl'Ll tL·r1in and the rocks that atl' tires. It was tun to mjoy thl' )..,'Tl'at hrl'akfast ~unday morning hl'forl' . th.l· awards prl'Sl'ntation. Ewn thl' trophies Wl'rl' a nl'w styll', a plaqul' hack with dl'sk-pl'nS on thl' hasl'. Soon it was hack to workton thl',racl' . cars tor thl' points Htmtl'rs. Thl' Scorl' Grl'at Mojaw 250 was coming up just four Wl'eks latl'r. Chuck Guy and Rhonda Walsh had trouble on the first leg, and more trouble-on the second and finished well anyhow, fit-th in Challen e cars. · . N-EW COIL SPRINGS FROM I . . . . SWAY•A•WAr· ~ !II !!Ill. I,; . ~J I l Now - Total Adjustability for Front . and Rear Suspension 1) Two Spring Plates 2) Progressive Spring ,Rates 3) Easy to Install 4) Fits Bilstein and Fox Shocks ,,. , .. LOAD IN $00 POUNDS 400 •= I / 2 l ~ 5 6 1 i q ro SPRING COMPRESSION IN INCHES RACE TESTED BY LEADING UNLIMITED CLASS DRIVERS Contact Your Nearest Dealer or Sway-A-eWay for Complete Information SWAY·A•WAr .... Su,spension Components April 1987 7840 Burnet Ave., Van Nuys, CA 91405 818-988-5510 Page 11

Page 22

.Tech Tips ••• By Bill Savage, HORA-SCORE Technical Director A fellow called the other day Class 5-1600: We've only to ask about the rear inner fender heard from a few competitors on panel rule for Class 5-1600. The the subject of spindles , and rule says you can't have any trailing arms. With that said, we modifications, but he said there can report the assumption that was just a little change from the majority is happy with the where the wheels had been rules the way they are. We won't hitting. All I could do was tell do anything more unless we hear him to bring it to the G<:>ld Coast from a lot of racers on the race, and I would look at it before subject, despite the fact a giving an opinion. concession was made on front You know the old story about . trailing arms for 1-2-1600 "just a little bit." What's a builders. If you want to express "little" to one person can be a yourself, please put it in writing whole lot to another. I can't and send it to me o.t HDRA-make rulings over the telephone, SCORE Technical · Headquart-and so I don't. When I saw the · ers, c/ o T-Mag Products, 300 N. inner fender panels at Las Vegas, Clara St., Santa Ana, CA 92703. of course they were illegal, and I No phone calls on this subject, had to send him away to make please. ' them right. Class 6 : There's a sentence in So this guy spent i:hree hours the rule book that says there will pounding and bending and be no more Class 6 after 1987. banging to make the thing right. . Either skip over that sentence He knew the . chance he was and don't read it, or don't believe taking, because I told him what I it -your choice. Class 6's,future can't see I can't okay. If there is a depends on the same criteria that moral in this message, you've just all the other classes will live or read it. die by. In eight races there must Class 1-2-1600:. As of the - be a total of 48 entries this year HORA Nissan Mint 400, for the class to survive. Class 6 aftermarket front trailing arms could go on indefinitely. will be legal if they retain the A good reading of the rule stock dimensions. We book would suggest that 6 can be this agreement as the result of a a big class, because it takes in any poll taken at the SCORE Parker two wheel drive vehicle that isn't ·400, the poll we mentioned in a pickup truck. That includes the last column. For his hard . sports utility vehicles, such as the work in _ conducting the poll, Blazers and Broncos that are now competitors in 1-2-1600 have more passenger cars than tility Bill Varnes of Mirage to thank. vehicles. In fact, there is a new · He set himself up in line at Mini Blaz~r being built for'Class . contingency and stayed with it all 6 right now by one of the_ le~ding day long and into the ~ight at .. , competitors. . . Parker -to cotne up· with the ,, FIA'Group ·B cars:The way it findings. · looks now, · these· international THE WRIGHT PLACEk COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars .in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 . (619) 561-4810 . Page 22 rally cars, the "super cars" that are mostly turbocharged but are now banned from the world rally championship circuit, will have their own class if and when they decide to compete on the HORA-SCORE circuit. They definitely won't be lumped in with Class 6. Peugeot-Michelin, winner of the Paris-Dakar ultra-marathon, is very serious about this year's SCORE Baja 1000, and there will be Peugeot-Michelin observers at the HORA Mint 400. Bobby Unser is quoted in a recent interview predicting Group B cars will challenge the Pikes Peak Hill Climb this summer. What international rallying has rejected could turn out to be a fine attraction in our sport. Turbochargers on these cars and tmbos found on many stock production vehicles these days present our rules makers with some to.ugh research and possibly tougher decisions in the future. We don't currently have a place for them in our rules, and we probably will face increasing demand for their use in off road racing. The difficult part is rating an engine's'potential with a stock production turbocharger in the package against other stock engines that are normally aspirated. We don't know of any equivalency formulas or whether those formulas (to equalize performance) would really apply in off road racing, if they even exist. Class 7: We expected to hear some questions about Manny Esquerra 's front spring configur-ation at the Qold Coast race, and we weren' t disappointed. Manny's Ford Ranger had two coil springs in ·the front at each wheel, instead of one each called for in the rule book. This is to report that Manny's· crew pleaded it didn't have time to make the ~hange between Parker · and the Gold Coast race. In a true sportsmanlike gesture, both Nissan and Chevrolet agreed to let him run one more race with four springs up front. But he'll have .to make the change before the Great-Mojave 250 at Lucerne Valley. .. _ Chqllenger: The rule says front I-beams can't have adjusters iristalled, but we have been _aHowing racers who. use old chassis or used Icbeams to have adjusters in them if they are welded shut. The question came up at the Gold Coast when the winner had adjusters, . which several of his competitors pointed out to our inspectors. I told them to go take a closer look, and they would see they were welded shut. Class 7S: It's _not legal to bend the front I-beams to. correct negative front . ca.mber . . When builders increase the front wheel travel, it puts a lot c)f negative camber in the wheel, and they.'ve been heating the, I-beam to bend the camber back. That's a no-no. It was one ofi:he key reasons we disqualified pretty nearly the whole class a year ago at Parker. For the HORA Nissan Mint 400 at Las Vegas, there will be another pre0race tech inspection for the limited classes, like we had for the Parker race. I will announce a date when we pick one .. This has been a successful program, and I believe it has played a role in our enviable .record so far this year of not having to make a single technical disqualification in either of the first two races. WEATHERMAN RADIO REIAY REPORT Parker 400 Revisited covet the entire course includin"-Swansea. I gave Don Mendenhall of Valley T.V. in Parker · (a member of the Parker 4 Wheelers, who manned the Swansea Control monitor "I") a 90. watt Pace . radio so we could This was the first Score race I' worked without the help of BARRA, (Baja Amateur Radio Relay Association). BARRA had decided their amateur radio licenses were in jeopardy stateside, because they were only doing the . Score checkpoints, which in their_~yes was not in.the interest of public health or public· safety. When they dispatched the Score Team, they had the pu:blic health and public safety aspect, which made their endeavor entirely legal as far as other amateurs were concerned. When Al Key, the President of BARRA, accepted an apprecia-tion award at the 1987 HORA/ Score Banquet, he held his presentation high and said, "BARRA, the world's greatest communication relay team." Mine was the loudest applause! I agree! BARRA puts the Weatherman Radio Relay to shame. For twelve years they have been Score's official radio relay team, taking care of checkpofnts, passing times, stuck stubs, and dispatching the Score . Medical T earn when you guys got hurt. They never failed to get the job done. Because they are amateur radio operators operating on amateur · frequenc,ies, you the racing · fraternity didn't take notice because you're on the commer-cial band and can't hear their transmissions. The Weatherman Radio Relay uses the commercial band to help you find lost cars, keep pe0ple in touch, and, when necessary, summpn emergency help. The Weatherman Radio Relav also interfaces with BARRA. Why do you think we can find cars -so fast? After the Baja 1000, Tom Koch said "Weatherman saved my ass." But, it was really BARRA who . saved him, because that's where I got the information. BARRA has three indisput-· able attributes that truly make them . tne world's greatest relay April 1987 By Bob "W eathennan" Steinberger team. They have amateur radio communicate from my relay equipment that cari talk ·great positioA atop Black Mountain, distances. T_hey. the the one behind Parker with the 'volunteer help through their "P" on it, to Don at Swansea. association to man their radios My thanks, as usual, to the and get the job dohe. And the professional pit organizations most important ingredient is that that helped. me find your lost they really like what they're cars. And )'to Phil Blurton \Jho doing. They have fun at-it! This is · loaned me a radio .to effect the an unbeatable combination. relay, and two hew guys who . I truly like helping people, but were absolutely fantastic! It was I don't want to get involved with like having Paula _Simms, the Score's official headaches, like · Voice of Goodyear last year, on broadcasting as many as 400 cars the radio. Who were these guys? through six checkpoints. That is They were really professional. 2400 passing times added t<:> the Doug Freeman of BARRA 300 to 1000 transmissions we worked California Checkpoint already do. · 1; and was inst.rumental in We need BARRA to help find helping effect two helicopter lost car-s. Score needs BARRA rescues as well as being J<:>hnny for their _checkpoints and passing on · the spot finding lost or times. The Score Medical Team · missing cars. Stan Parnell, the needs BARRA for dispatch on Silver Fox, while stranded at the emergencies that come to light bottom of Thunder Alley, throu~h the checkpoints from helped me locate a half dozen or people who· do not have more cars too. commercial band radios. Walt Lott and his HORA crew Emergencies that are reported on came with all their Pace ~adios, the commercial band frequencies anJ made them available to me · should be relayed to BARRA so finding lost cars, broadcasting they can dispatch on their pertinent information, arid Walt, frequency, thereby solidifying upon hearing I was working their status with regards to being alone atop "P" mountain, asked within the guideline "public HORA #2, Dave White, and his health and public safety." The wife if they could help. Well, racing fraternity needs BARRA they did, for hours lending moral to maintain .the status quo ... to and radio support, and I really keep things in perspective and do appreciated it. Walt himself was the things they have done for the going to relieve them, however it past twelve years. was late and I could handle it by The 1987 Parker 400 without myself. Thanks anyway Walt, BARRA was a communications you would have made a heck of a disaster! According to Sal Fish, relay person. · "There were no cornmunica- . The Weathermari Radio Relay tions. '\f./e all need BARRA back , worked at the Gran 13aja Carrera at ~he Score statesid~'. races." · in San Felipe an9 at the Snore Wnte your post cards or letters 'Bottom Dollar last month. The to Steve Kassanyi,11 Scofe bigonecomingupatthiswriting International, 31356 Via is the Gold Coast 300, and we Colinas, #U 1, Westlake Village, can always use volunteers. Next CA 91362. Address them "We is the Score Great Mojave 250. need BARRA back." Do it To volunteer, contact Bob NOW! Procrastination is the Steinberger at (213) 427-8177. thief of time ... really, do it now! Your · comments, observations Besides BARRA being absent, · and suggestions are appreciated . the weather was great at Parker, it Don't forget your BARRA gram didn't snow. We were able to to Steve Kassanyi! Dusty Times

Page 23

.\ I 1986 A.·D.R~A.·Descrt Challlpi Awards Banquet I to Daryl Knupp with Johr Imbriale finishing second after two races. In the Beginner division, Mark Harrison edged out Ron Brown forl the Unlimited Championship by just one point after they each ran all' five races! Definitely the p0ints battle of the series. Larry HJ rd was a distant third. Bill Capatch was named "Sportsman of the Year" to his surprise and enjoyment while Berlin Tire Centers were proud to be called" Race Sponsor of the Year." , . Beard's SuperSeats earned the title "Off Road Support T earn of the Year," and Pat . Hughes -picked up the "Off Road Mechanic/ Engine Builder of the Year" award. By Daryl Drake Frank Turben won top points honors in Pro Division, and the Class 8 champion thanked his wife for "letting him play" along with his sponsors. ··Gary Hendricks won the overall . Sportsman points trophy aio·ng with the Sportsman Class 2 champion-ship, and he happily accepted tfie unique photo trophy. was a far cry from the ADRA bunc"t/ dress in the usual desert digs; as the group went formal when.they invaded the Pointe's Grand Ballroom. .Photos: 3-D hotography . - .. _j_ Paul Nolte; Keith Alger, "Fhomas Green and the rest. ] ' In Class 5, Lee Finke was tops by a comfortable tnargin over George Telles. Rus~ Bly lie came on strong in the final two races to take .third and Clay Clark ended up. fourth. · Larry Vittitow garnered the 5-1600 honors with Ron Gardner second. Class 10 went to Bill Capatch in a close race ampng the top four. Jim Allison 1was second, Levi Beard third and Steve Baker fourth '.Nith qatiy Johnson rounding out the tcfP five. Tom Higgins_ held on to ~i1s 1600 Ltd. Champ1onsh1p agapjl with _ Ed Faulkn,er a close sccf nd this year. Jim Covey ended u~ third ahead of Todd Wittman and Troy Churchman. The] Sportsman . Challenger. Champr nship went Shaun Darr won.the Limited Ch1ampionship by just one point over Mark Mills after three races each. You CAN still go off road rac,ing on a budget and run · competitively. And New Mexican Robert Gayton won the Beginner Overall Roving trophy. Next up came the Manufactur-er's and Sponsors awards. DirTrix walked away with the MJnufacturers' Roving trophy with three event · wins. And Be~rd 's SuperSeats slipped by Pat Hughes Performance by a natrow margin to take fhe Sppnsors' Roving trophy. -Capping the awards segment -of j the evening were special awards to outstanding contrib-utors to the _sp9rt . . , · Your Reporter hum·bly accepted the ''Off Road Journalist of the Year" award, and snapped a shot of the crowd in the process. Thanks to all. Now it was time for the big drawing fo r door ·prizes. Everything from. DUSTY TIMES hats to a new M-Star dirt bike was up for grabs and many folks won big with over sixty companies donating prizes. A.D.R.A. and all the racers thank all those companies for the ·"goodies." , After that the . band started playing, the dancing began and the partying went on until the wee hours.· "Get more go in your tow:' I I . I. Je.c-1 Qy~y ?_00, fol.ks ;1,1rned out in ... ·_Class 2 went to the wire with ,i r;;)!1te,,Frpr:ua~M, to honor the top Gary Anderson finishing on top , . perfon:ners of the 1986 Arizona ahead of the Gene Greenlee/ Desert Racing Association John Gardner effort. Third w~nt season. Held in the Grand to the team of Jerry Finney/ Dan Ballroom of Phoeni'x's new Foddrill after their win at the ·;t,Pointe at South Mountain, the _series' fii-1ale . . Jerry Foley/ Jim affair was a real change-from our Blackmore were fourth and Carl usual · desert meetings. White Perez was fifth . tablecloths and salad forks! I'll · Class' 4 went handily to Jim .. admit _I didn.'t req:>gnize a couple . Huff as ~he only Four~wheel-of faces without the dust. . driver to compet~ and win in · · Just to make sure everyone · · three events. Pete Dunshie · would be· comfortable, , Frank reclaimed his Class 5 Champion, Turben's Class 8 Chevy and ship, edging out Pete Sohren, Dave· Hubbard's new Class 1 G.A. Burghout. and Bruce racer sat just inside the doors Whittig. Taking the top, and along with motorcycle/ A TV and ·· lone, sr.ot in Class 7 was John manufacturers displays. Randal . Things got underway after Frank Turben not only won dinner with a brief speech by Class 8 by a 100+ point margin A.D.R.A. prez Phil Auern-but was top foint getter in the heimer, then B.F.G.'s Mike Held series as we! . Nels Tomlinson presented the Team T I A awards earned second in the big trucks and a set of tires to the first while Richard Mann was third. person to call out the Team T I A Jeff Sanders only won one phone number ( remember gang, . Class 10 battle in 1986, but his it's 1-800-RACE-BFG ). consistent finishes added up to · Jim Travis then did the honors win the war. Ed Beard was for General Tire. Unfortunately, second ahead of Dwight Lundell, Yokohama's Bob Mount was Carlos Serrano and.John Kelley. ' unable to attend but we gave And wrapping up the Pro away a set of his tires anyway. division awards, Larry Dimmett Thanks, Bob! _took home the Challenger series' Now it was time to distribute award. . · the mountain of series' trophies Moving on to the Sportsman that stretched across one wall. division, Jim Travis and Ron First, off was the Pro division. League teamed up to win the Ed Beard earned the Pro Overall Class 1 championship back from Roving trophy. Larry Noel took Steve McCann who ended, up top honors in Class 1 with Texan second. Stuart Calvelage edged Rick Vasquez second. Doc out the Gil Feldman/ Terry Ingram ended up third after his Harden team for third. DNF in Mexico. Had he won that Gary Hendricks ran away with final race; he would have taken Class 2 this past season and was the series as Noel was off winning tbps points man as well as some race in Barstow that day. CDverall Roving Trophy winner No other Class 1 competitors fbr the Sportsman division. Jay had run two or more events to be \f oelkner was a distant second in eligible for series awards. the Class 2 hunt, but ahead ot Dusty Times Published test results show th~t a tow vehicle like the one pictured above, when , equipped wi~~ AirSensorsBectronic Fuel Injection system, will provide from 10-30 % power increye at the rear wheils. -It doesn't ma~er what heavy load ypu tow-Put the AirSensors EFI system on your truck or travel trailer, horse or dragster-w/iienyou're, · RV nQw and you'll get not only higher torque at driving with a standard carburetor.1 1 1 •· low speeds, but improved fuel efficiency, · The experience can be a drag. better driving from cold start to full power, That's why ele~tronic fuel injection11is replacing . lower exhaust emissiQns and prolonged conventional carburetion-and why AirSelisors engine life. is becoming the undisputed Jeadefr in EFI tech-You'll get the drag out ... and get more go in nology with a performance system, that gives. your tow. you more muscle when you needit AirSensors ha~1designeq an easil~-installed, electronic fue{ injection system un/ike any other, a computer-driven wonder t~at pre-cisely'regulates the flow of air and fuel to your engine under ~II types of driving conditions. The secret is ih a patented technique that . makes our syJtem so good, it is even replac-ing some factory stock fuel injection systems. I 350 250 TORQUE IMPROVEMENT 1NoAl.,1Al.LY AselRATF-D £NG}rJES.i II i I I i I EFI by J,,s.._ l I ,..+----- . I .,,. .... ;:,~ I .i -----c, v-,,r , 1 /(_,ff' i i / ~c,r EFJ 1,Y AirS-0,.,_.,'0l'S /,,,£:}~ is de..,igm.l(J for use wirh sit /'~<:? · ork1/m1.I engine a:71i~'Sk.Jf1 ~-s17ms. r ' . -I I 2000 250'} l :,;QOO 3500 4000 ENGINE RPM Electronic Fuel Systems Technology 708 Industry Drive, Seattle, WA 98188 (206) 575-1594 April 1987 Page 23

Page 24

Tim Rutzen, also from Wisconsin, survived the snow, then mud to place second in Class 10, and the car was still clean in this early lap shot. · Ron Wagner drove his four banger Jeep around through the slop to take a keen third in ylass 2, and 4 WO really helped on the slippery route. From Minnesota, Ron Iverson enjoyed the comfort of an enclosed cab as he sped around the course to take second in Class 8, 2 WO trucks. Burt Dartt and Doug Crown from Wall, the host city for the race, Scott Schwalbe gets a little help from his dad Walt as he climbs out A regular competitor with S. 0 .0 .A., Rick Witt came from flew the Bronco above the snow and finished a strong third in of his overall winning Class 10 single seater. Must have been fun! Minnesota to fly his Jeep in the Badlands, but he did not finish in ~C~la~s_s_B_. --------,-------------'-----------------------------'-'-th:..:.e---'-m'-';__ ______________ ___,_ __ _ The Badlands Baja 100 Text & Photos: Darla Crown Scott Schwalbe came from Rhinelander, WI to win the Badlands Baja overall in his Class 10 single seater. He endured the mudbaths and led the pack through the gumbo. Greasy times, fun times, on February 15, all manner of snowy times, muddy times ... ln warm weather records wer"e set in the weeks and months prior to Wall, South Dakota. Everything the 19th Annual Badlands Baia looked di:_y il.!'d promising right -STRONGER AXLES AND OUTPUT BELLS Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited • horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output beUs to accept the larger C. V. joints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. joints. -Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. Axles and bells for the 930 C.V.s can be supplied with 3/8-24 or 10 mm 1.5 pitch threads. 10 mm • 1. 5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 $HIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVIT-ED Page i4 up until the nightbefore the race. Many drivers had been calling to check on the track conditions during the days before the race, and receiving "dry and dusty" reports. A few specks of snow became an omen to what lay ahead. By race time on Sunday a couple of inches of snow blanketed the ground. It looked as if last year's race was about to repeat itself. The trip TO the track through the Badlands' curvy and steep roads proved to be as challenging as the race itself. Forty-two entrants lined up in Oklahoma Land Rush style for the start, and when the green flag dropped, the track turned to SLOP! The first two laps of the Badlands Baja '87 were fast on the 5.2-mile course. By the third lap the race track began taking its toll on the vehicles. The two wheel drive vehicles were having the most trouble, having to make several attempts at many hills. Midway through the race even the four wheel drive vehicles were having trouble maneuver-ing. The race course became littered with parts: hoods, air cleaners, bumpers, exhaust pipes _ and numerous vehicles. By the seventh lap the entire route was like driving in grease. On the average, the vehicles gained between 500 and 1000 pounds April 1987 from the mud. The drivers and co-drivers were hardly disting-uishable from their vehicles by the end of the race. Scott Schwalbe, from Rhine-lander, Wisconsin, was one driver who called ahead to check on track conditions. He was told it was dry, but, after getting to Wall and making the parade lap, Scott, among most other drivers, was in the pits frantically changing tires to compensate for •. t~e upcoming slick conditions. Scott endured the mud and slop and finished first Overall and first in Class 10, air cooled 1650cc open wheel class. Tim Rutzen, from Three Lakes, Wisconsin, was second, even after pulling a Geoff Bodine trick and running out of gas. Tim was also second in Class 10. "My calculations were not quite right" said Rutzen. Mike Baenen, from Jamestown, North Dakota, claimed third in Class 10. Harold Johnson and "his co-driver, Gary Parker, from Sioux Falls, South Dakota, seem to be startin_g 1987 the same way they started and ended 1986 - in the winner's circle. They powered their way through the mud in the classy Toyota to win the four cylinder, four wheel drive Class 2. Another Sioux Falls driver, · Terry Skiles was second, and Ron Wagner was third, from Tydall, South Dakota. Class 3, Open air-cooled engines, also had a repeat winner in Stan Schwellenbach, from Pierre, South Dakota. Stan played well in the mud at the Badlands Baja. Lyle Hogue, from Wilton, North Dakota, took' second in this class, and Dave Wilson, from Isabel, South Dakota, was third. Wilson also was the recipient of the "Super Charger" award. The Black Hills Four Wheelers presented the award to Wilson. On the start of the race, the 4x4s are given the green flag, tljien there ) s i'\ .3p second pause before the rest of the field is started. Within half a lap Wilson had made up the 30 seconds apd passed the lead 4x4, earning the "Super Charger" title. A local driver from Wall was the bi_g winner of the day, and provided the spectators with much excitement throughout the race. Jim Kitterman, with his dad Butch Kitterman as co-driver, finally broke the Minnesota winning streak that has dominated Class 4, modified 4x4, for the past several years. Kitterman took first place after a hard fought battle with second placing Chuck Heimes of Souix Falls, South Dakota. It was an exciting day for the Kitterman family who have been involved in off road racing for a good 16 years. It is definitely a family affair with Butch and Ann and I their three sons, John, Jim. and Jeff, and grandson Aaron, all helping out. Many other relatives Hometown heroes Jim and Butch Kitterman drove their Chevy Special to the coveted Class 4 victory, surviving breakage to take their first win at this early season race. Dusty Times

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Looking more like the mud monster than the Class 8 winner, Greg Iverson gives the thumbs up at the finish, and may be thinking On course action before the snow turned to gumbo showed the Class 10 car of Mike Baenen inching past the Class 4 rig of Gary Phil Swaney show's great flight attitude here, but he later broke a rear axle on his Class 4 and retired from the sloppy race course. about an enclosed rig for next February's race. Logan. The cold weather and snow didn't bother Mike Baenen much, and the North Dakota driver kept it all together for third in Class 10 competition. Pat Roberts kept his Bronco tidy in the snow, and finished third in Class 4, dominated this year by fou~ wheelers from South Dakota. Dave Wilson not only placed third in Open Class, but his dash from behind on the first lap earned him the 1987 Super Charger Award. and friends lend support and time also. Two years ago Kitterman was second at the Badlands Baja, but he had never been in victory lane until Sunday. "I guess all the time and money we fut into the vehicle finally· pai off", said Butch, "with a LOT of luck!" It wasn't all smooth sailing for them. After having to stop and change a flat tire from a back stretch crash when lapping a ·Class 8 truck, they figured they might be quite a ways down. But, once they started moving and found out they were still in the hunt, there was no stopping them. "The last two laps were the hardest we ever went," said Kitterman. "I don't know how it held up. There is a lot of damage underneath, a broken spring and a lot of other and supporters that come out not sure how anyone knew who track, ended up s;i,fely. Burt things. We picked up over a ton from Minnesota. They bring they were with all the mud Dartt, with co-driver Daryl of mud, and there was less than many good drivers and strong plastered over the rigs. Second Dartt, from Wall, finished third half the travel left in the shocks. machines. They travel in convoy, place was Ron Iverson, from in Class 8. It took seven hours with the . -bringing thirty to[ forty people Andover, Minnesota, who Despite the weather, Badlands power washer to get all that and all their equipment. They . thought the afternoon race was a Baja '87 will go down in the Badlands gumbo off, and there is call it their annual "fishing trip", breeze. "This race was a cinch, history books as a success. As the still mud falling off." Perhaps it and _ they have pnovided many compared to the trip driving to legend of this Baja race carries was the new body and sharp thrills and good times to the t~e track this morning," said on, the. drivers will- race no looking paint job that helped town of Wall and the Badlands Rion. He was referring to the icy matter what the weather or track bring them hometown luck. Baja for the past 15 years. ·, · h1ill that he had some trouble conditions. When everyone Pat Roberts, from Deadwood, Rounding out the day, Class 8, with wheri he jackknifed his loads up to go home, they South Dakota, slung some mud· 2 WO _ water cooled engines, and trailer going down exchange farewells and continue to pick up third in Class 4. Sduth went to Greg Iverson, from t~ ough the Badlands National thei'r lives in a somewhat no.rmal Dakota drivers dominated the Murdo, South D~kota and co- Pkr::k that morning. Luckily his fashion, until Badlands Baja fever class this y,ear as Kevin driver Forest Iverson. I'm really fine driving, both on and off the '88 comes around._ Newhauser, from Pierre, took --------•------.. -------------------------.. fourth. This is a switch from I previous years when Minnesota j or Wisconsin drivers took the 1986 SCORE/•HD·-RA CHAMPIONS checkered first. A lot of the festive mood and excitement - I · I . . , . comes. from the group of racers JACK RAMSEY - · STEVE LAKIN Steel Engineers Class 2-1600 Overall & ¢lass Champion I I Razo Racing Class 5-1600 -' WIN WITH-Harold Johnson started the season right by winning the 4 cylinder 4WD class in his 1986 Championship winning Toyota with Gary_Parker co-driving_. DON HATZ Raeing Engines Class 8 allows any 2 WO water pumper, and Greg and Forest Iverson drove this creation hard enough to win the class, one of four wins for South Dakota drivers. · Dusty Times 1105 Press Lane Chula V\ ista, California 9201 0 -(619) 425-1639 RICK & JOHN HAGLE Hagle Lumber Co. \ Class10 , -April 1987 MAX RAZO Razo Racing Class 5 Page.IS

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i. I f . I t The 1987 SCCA PRO Rally Nati9nru ChaI11pionship season began February 12th with a new event headquartered in San Francisco, California. Yep, you read that correctly. It wasn't Diddly Squat, Arkansas nor Bumthump, Tennessee - it was downtown San Francisco! DODGE/MDA BARBARY COAST-PRO RALLY Of course th~re are always glitches _in the best planned lays of mice and men. It rained on us every day. It had been raining in the Mendocino for two weeks. A local told Buffum · and I that we couldn't drive up into the forest There's -Mold In .Them Thar Hills · because the mud was too deep. He said there was a mass of mold moving down the mountains, about to enter the populated areas. I think he was the same man who directed the movie classic The Tomato That Ate Neu• Jersey, or something of that ilk. · When long-time competitors, Sans Thompson and Vicki Grimes, finally caught the organizing bug, they decided to take their new event, The Doclge/MDA Barbary Coast PRO Rally, directly into the limelight. They secured sponsor-ship from Dodge, dedicated the rally to the Muscular Dystrophy Association, and attempted to travel first class right from the get go. . And. it worked! Rally headquarters was located at the plush Airport Clarion Hotel. Technical inspection took place inside the Cow Palace. The· opening press conference took place during a cruise around the bay on the City of San Francisco. T-he opening spectator stages were run in the parking areas of Candlestick Park. There were stages at Sears Point Raceway and the Lake County Fairgrounds, stopovers at Aquatic Park near Fisherman's Wharf, at De Young Museum in Golden Gate Park and a finish Pare Ferme at the Palace of Fine Ans. Throw in the great roads of the Mendocino National Forest and free wine from a sponsoring winery and you've got a center ring act on your hands. The organizers dedicated a portion of our entry fees to the MDA and generated .about $3,000 for that wor;thy . org~niza tion. . . By Tom Grimshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises ¥ Thirty ,teams entered the Barbary. · Twenty-seven made it to the start line of the opening stages at Candlestick Park. Twenty made it to the finish four days later. At the close of the '86 season, John Buffum and I looked forward · to the possibility of semi-retirement. Audi seemed to be saying they might not return in '87. After all, there's nothing out there they haven't won and· won again - and again. The mid-season pullout from the W arid Championships seemed to indicate that Audi might look elsewhere for their strokes. Then things began to ·change. Audi announced they would · . field a two car Group A team in the world championships. Jo Hoppen, our boss at AudiSport, U.S., casually asked me if I would go one more year - if Buffum also decided to go. So I bought a cheap ticket to ~F and waited. At the last minute tt seems, Audi decided to send us West with our very tired 'Bo Sport Quattro. Maybe the enticement of starting a PRO Rally in a major media area tipped the scales. · Now, who says professional rallying has to hide in the back road closets of America? . John Buffum, Tom Grimshaw and the aged Audi Quattro only won two stages, but the 1986 series ctfampions won the rally, by six minutes at that. · · -~---· The rally started Thursday· ning with four Baved stai:1,;s a~dlestick: ,Pai-_k . .)t,_r1'ih~a.:... ha - .the entire time. We splish lashed around the parking ts; knocking Ions in Page !26 '//fi -TEAM T/JXM ANNOUNCES Mo. ·· ·AWARDS. MONEY . CLUBS e Enroll today. And drive off with your share · of our $370,000 pursel · ~o~ 1987, we're designating prize money and awards for top Team T/,At finishers in: 1 ■ ADRA ■ SNORE ■ HPORRA ■ SODA ■ STORE ■ MA4WDA ■ EC4WDA ■ GWPS This year, Team T/P:t has signed up more spomors than ever. Which means more club benefits than ever. It also means more BFGoodrich factory support than ever- engineering advice, newsletters, and ex-pert vehicle and tire preparation. Join the race today CALL 1~soo-RACE-BFG in Ohio ... (216) 374-2324 April 1987 Rod Millen and Harry Ward flat flew in the new Mazda RX 7, but a bad trans and a brief encounter with the Chippies cost time penalties that dropped them to second overall. Doug Shepherd and R. Dale Kra ushaa r started the new season by taking third overall and the win in GT class driving the Dodge GLH Turbo in fine style. Dusty Times

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Dean_ Blagowsky and Margo Culp fly _around the race course in their Dodge GLH Turbo, ana the team went on to.second in GT class, seventh overall. Richey and Howard Watanabe finished fifth overall and second in Group A in the new model Toyota FX 16 that'they drove at the Olympus Rally. every direction, doing our Slide For Life while sending up tall rooster tails as if we were racing power boats instead of killer rally cars. As usual Rod Millen and Harry Ward in their beautifully prepared 4WO Mazda RX-7 \\iere on the line· to kick ass and take ' 'names ·_ . our ass and our names. Millen had _the Mazda hunched down in race car trim and it was obvious from the opening stage that he didn't intend for Buffum and Grim-shaw to defend their national championships without losing a -little blood. The Mazda won three of the four stages and tied us on one. By the time we arrived back in the Clarion bar, Millen held a slim five second hold on first overall.. Slowly but surely Group A is emerging as a popular c)ass fo PRO Rallying. Thirty percent of the starting field was Group A. cars representing five different makes; Toyota, Saab, Audi, Subaru and VW. Clive Smith and Jean Lindamood (Toyota Corolla) shared the Group A lead with Jean-Paul Perusse and Martin Headland (VW GTI). The Watanabes, ChadDeMarco and Paul Choiniere were - staying dose. Dodge factory driver, Doug Shepherd, moved to the top of the GT Production class in his GLH Turbo but was tied by Steve Culp of Shreveport, LA. · Culp is a relativl! newcomer to PRO Rallying. He's also the last person to beat Doug Shepherd in GT Class, taking the win at the, 1986 Press On Regardless. The young man from Louisiana is one of the new breed • beginning to shift into profes-sional rallying. He is not new to motorsports, having won the Southwest Division Solo II Championships in 1984 and -1985 · and the same division's Formula Ford championships in 1983 and 1984. He's also driven in the Mazda PRO Series Long Beach Gran Prix. And at the end of the first day of The Barbary Mr. Culp had come from back in Seed 4 to share the GT Class lead with the defending champion, Doug Shepherd. Michingander, Guy Light, has a ·new works program from Volkswagen. The defending Standard Production Class champion, John Crawford, has a_ new works program from Dodge. By the end of the first da:y, Light held a twenty-two second lead over Crawford - the largest lead in any-of the four classes. Perhaps accustomed to the soggy weather, the Michigan team of Guy Light and Jim Brandt scored a remarkable sixth overall in the VW G Tl as well as the win in Production Class. Dusty Times On Friday · we took our show to Sears Point Raceway. There were two separate stages on .the raceway; three laps around direction, then three laps around in the opposite direction. The cars ran the track in reverse order, building up from the slower Seed Six teams to the dazzling speed of Rod Millen's Mazda RX-7 (and one proud elder statesman Audo Sport Quattro). · Clive Smith and JJan Lindamood splas~ through the puddles at Candlestick Park en route to a k~en victory in Group A and 4th overall in -the Toyota Corolla. The organizers waited until every team had completed the first ruri before starting Buffum and Millen. We went first. Millen followed one minute later. In the middle of the hairpin before the start/ finish line, ·I noticed something moving outside my window and yelled a warning that Millen was about to pass us on the inside. Buffum twitched left, Millen slid right and disappeared. We caught him at the top of the next hill when the Mazda did a tractor pull impression in the weeds and mud, but again the Mazda turned on the after-burners · and disappeared. So much for the power advantage of our Quattro over the Mazda. · . Tht.• highlight of the Sears Point show was watching Bill Dan Holt and Dave 1White made it a GroJp A sweep for·Toyota, bringing their Corolla home eightp .. overall and a strong third in Group A. _ Holmes of Malibu, CA thrash his _ i giant IJlf"' A PertDrmance Traditi• I More off-roa9 races are won on . Bilstein than a_~Y other shock \absorber. Our rec~rd. sp7aks for itself! · Win11ing Heritage1 . Many Appllcattons Today, Bilstein offers a Vc;iriety of off. road shock applications for racing or just running on the street. From single seaters and Baja Bugs to big and small two-wheel and 4WD trucks, · Bilstein' delivers performance second to none. Bilstein gas pressure shocks first appeared in America posting a win at the famed Baja 1000 in 1972. Since that impressive pertormance, Bilsteins have Reliable Performance been_ the choic1e of se.rious offL1_roaders Whether you're just entering off-road who not only want to start the race - · or have been there for years, check out but finish it as lwell. . Bilstein - first where reliability counts. . "World leader in development of the Gas Pressure Shock Absorber." Bilstein Corporation of America 11760 Sorrento yalley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 For additional techrical informaiion and a complete catalog, send $2.50. Page 17

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John Crawford and Joe Andreini did not have the best of rallies, but they salvaged third in Product.ion Class in the sleek Dodge. There was quite a birthday party for Dusty Times ' rally expert Tr;,m Grimshaw, left, and John Buffum may have had a.hand in the fancy decor on top the cake. · · The navigator is supposed to be the fix-it person, but rallying with his wife Judi, Gary Gooch turned out to be the mechanic, and fixed things all along the route. i;.,. Ford F-150 Pick Up Truck -through the turns. He attacked each corner with such verve · everyone stopped to watch. Finally, he spun a complete loop, but still ran two minutes faster than any rally car in his Seed group. The parade left Sears Point and started a leisurely tour through the Wine Country, up to a final stage on the paved quarter mile oval in the Lake County Fairgrounds. By the time_ the teams finished skating around the rain slick oval and squished off to their various motels, Millen held a 22 second lead on the field and we had not won a single stage in two days! , Bruce _Davis and Mike N_eff drove the big Dodge Charger through ihe bad weather to a fine second in Production Class and a keen tenth overall. At dinner we heard that the prevailing rumor_ was J.B and I were actually retired and just came to Frisco for fun and sun and really weren't trying. We '-1 may yet be retired ( no final words from Audi) but we were trying, we just weren't winning! Still, we ·thought, 'the real rally roads still lay ahead of us, up on_ the mountain sides in the Mendocino National Forest. In Group A Clive Smith had extended his lead to nearly a minute, .over Perusse and DiMarco; with the W atanabe · Brothers (aaahhhh SO !) and Paul Choinie re close b ehin d . Shepherd had broken the tie in· GT Class and led Culp and Dean Blagowsky by 40 seconds. Light was still kicking the hell out of Cr.awford in Production Class and Bruce Davis of Carmichael, CA had moved into contention, only 24 seconds off Crawford. But we'd only run about 10% of the total time on stages and the high slick roads o f the Mendocino waited - and bared their teeth. Saturday morning, back ori the fairgrounds oval, Buffum ~tai:ted snoring on the first lap and tried exiting on the second - one lap earf;y. JB woke up, braked and backed and did one more lap, and ·gave Mlllen another 11 seconds just for the hell of it. Of course the onlookers blamed me. Actually they were right. 1 should have noticed that Buffum's eyes were closed during the first lap. Finally, Millen and Ward led us off on the first gravel stage up the mountain. They'd have done better to quit while they were ahead. A few miles in, Millen's Mazda suffered a near terminal seizure of the gearbox. W e blew by him and took a four minute lead. The Blue Line is here. .. --' -\l·LE. · ' PRODUCTS, INC. Filler Safety Is now offering all seat belts and har~essea In BLUE at an additional 10% over existing prices. We are also sleeking harness pads, horse collars, arm reslralnts and tl'e downs In blue at no Increase In cost. To order use existing numbers and specify blue. No. 62625-3 ............... $127.85 1• · (Also avallable In standard -. I . black) .................... $116.25 SIMPLE TO ORDER Phone or mail order us!ng .Visa, Mastercharge or we do ship C.0.0. No personal checks please. Order now and receive the new, 20 paoe 1985 calalog and price list lree. · FILLER PRODUCTS, INC. 9017 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818) 768-7770 Page n The Quattro had just been biding its time, waiting to come home to the gravel roads. It was tired, but it wasn't dead. Millen 's problems were compounded · when he was forced to stay overly long in a service area rep.lacing the gearbox and encountered a representative of the California Highway Patrol. The resulting ticket ( no front license plate, loud muffler, plastic side windows) caused the team to take another five minutes penalty at the next stage start control. The Overall and Open Class positions were settled at that. po int. W e fed time back to the Mazda for the next twelve hours :;ind finished with a six minute and one second lead. We'd tied one stage ( back at Candlestick), won a stage when we passed the Mazd~ and won only one other when Buffum · decided to light em up on time towards the end, just for the hell of it, and we lost everything else - except the rally . The CHP were out and about in force all day Saturday. There were patrol cars everywhere, even meeting us at the end of race stages and following us through the mountains. They had a helicopter aloft to watch the nasty racers. They wrote tickets for anything they could think of -Chad OiMarco got one for driving-over six miles per hour on a steel wheel (flat tire). They wasted hundreds ,of rrian hours, burned up tanks of petrol, and never wrote· a single ticket for anything more serious than a missing front license plate. If I paid taxes to the1 State of California or the County of Lake I'd be a bit upset with the CHP. I'd be more than a bit upset-I'd be irrationally pissed off. Clive Smith and Jean Lindamood continued winning in Group A and eventually took · the class by four minutes over my · favorite Ninjas, Richey and Howard Watanabe of W . Covina, CA. It was a one-two April 1987 Traffic was heavy on the raceway, but Gary and Judi Gooch, #13, stayed in the game despite many troubles and took the Dodge to third in GT ranks. Steven Roberts·and Don Gibson d;ove their older Mazda hard enough to finish third in Open Class and eleventh overall at the finish line. · finish in Group A for Toyota. In Standard Production Class Pernsse and Choiniere never Guy Light put his foot through moun_red the expectep charge in the floor board of his VW GT! Group A as both DNFed with and won by six minutes over sour engines. Bruce Davis. John Crawfo rd Gary and Judi Gooch of Union suffered some unknown stumble City, CA won my personal Press- on Stage 18, taking nine minutes · O n-Regardless award. They extra penalty and allowed Davis experienced gremlin attacks on . to slip into second in class. their GT Class Dodge Turbo O n Sunday, after a slow drive Shelby throughout the Barbary back to San Francisco_ and stops Coast, falling more than an hour at every Burger King along the off the leader, Doug Shepherd. way, the innaugral Dodge/MDA Still, they kept plugging away, Barbary Coast PRO Rally ended hanging in there until Steve Culp at the Palace of Fine Arts. took an extended trip inside a hill Ah, but remember,. this was and allowed them to finish third California. God giggles whenever· in class, a seemingly impossible he chances to look down on triumph for the California team. California. He moves •his finger Cufp held onto second place in and muddles things about. ln GT for much of the rally but California the oddity is the communication problems with norm. his co-driver proved to be his At the Sunday night awards undoing. Corky DuBois, the banquet - a very posh affair in better half to Dave Thompson, the main ballroom of the Clarion SCCA PRO Rally Manager, has - - we were informed that the been co-driving for many years. hotel had sold the same room to She was the right side of Team two different groups for the same Tits which ran in the East for evening. No problem. Sans many seasons. Thompson simply directed us to Needless to say, she and Mr. pick up the remaining wine cases . Culp failed to communicate. and shrimp dishes and we moved Culp, in his growing frustration, · into the second floor lobby. ,It · charged harder and harder until was a fun ending to a very good the Mendocino bit him and he first time event. dropped back to finish 20th I'm already looking forward to· overall. 1988 - and my next retir.ement. Dusty Times

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Outlaw Off Road Nati·onal at El·cajon Greg George flew his Class 1 into second in the first heat and the win in the second heat and overall, taking home a tidy sum for his night's work. The Stadium Racing U.S.A. season started . at El Cajon Speedway on February 21. A decent crowd braved the unusual chilly weather to watch some 30 cars in three classes and 18 assorted A TVs cavort on the off road course. The race was sponsored by Daryl Holmes from Carquest, Honda of El Cajon, and Steven ·cushman of Cush Mazda. Cox Cable of San Diego filmed the race, and it was on T.V, on February 27, · The race action consisted of two heats for each class, and motorcycle style scoring was used. The sum of the two heats on points determined the class winner who was the driver with the lowest points total. Among the cars, Class 1 drivers were the quickest of course. Jerry Whelchel qualified fastest in his Chenowth Class 1 car and earned $25 for that ·effort. However, Eric Arras ~on the trophy dash in his Chenowth and a cool $50. In the Class 1 heat races, Whelchel won the first dash, worth $375, and Greg George was second in hi_s Funco earning$212.50. Arraswast,hird 1 in the first heat and also third in the second round, ending up third on points in Class 1. Greg George won the second heat and · the class honors and $375, This time Whelchel was in for second place money, $212.50, and second on points because the tie breaker is the best position in the second heat. Warren Marlay was fourth on points and Don Paxton was fifth, A good bunch of short course style 5-1600 Bugs were on hand _ and they really mixed it up. David and Kimberly Hendrick-son won the fi'rst heat over Ernesto Aramabula/Rogelio Cozzado and Kathy Fay/ Joey Klein. The first three positions in each heat earned money in the 5-1600 class, $200,1$JO0 and $50 for the places. Stacy Fay/ Renee Cornwall were second in the second heat, and the Hendrick-sons won again and Sergio and Alejandro Gutierrez were third. David Hendrickson won the class for the night and Stacy Fay was second with k fourth an~ a secorid, Sergio Gutierrez, with'a fifth and a third, was next. Kathy Fay took fourth followed by Soaring in practice, Jerry Whelchel won the first Class 1 heat, but dropped to second in the next round and to second on race points. Stacy Fay and Renee Cornwall had a good night in their 5-1600, and with a fourth and a second in the heats, they finished second on the points. Eric Arras had his Chenowth-flying-high at El Cajon, and he took third_place in both Class 1 heats and third overall on the night's points, Allen and Jeff Watson, from Barstow, looked strong here, but nailed a seventh and an eleventh for tenth in the Class 1-2-1600 points. AprU 1?87 David and Kimberly Hendrickson won both of the 5-1600 heats and $400.00 in t!Jeir well decorated 5-1600 short course Baja Bug. Ernesto Arambula, Grant Steele McCrory, Jesse Rodriguez, Allen and Ed Orozco. · and Jeff Watson, Dave and Sid As usual, the biggest class was Locke, and Butch Darling. 1-2-1600, and here the payback The four wheeled ATVs put went from first to fifth, $487.50, on quite a show also, and Marty $243.75; $121.88, $90 and Hart rode to first place in both $31.87 res'pectively. The limited h~ats and took home $450. With engine class provided some real a second and a third Andrew excitement for the hardy Buckwassecondonpoints.Mike ~pectators, but when it was all Coe took third, with a fourth and over Andy and Leslie Anderson a second, and Tracey Dickson had won both heats and the · was fourth, scoring a fifth and a biggest purse of the evening, · fourth, Brian Fuller scored a $975.00. Ken Seale was second third and a sixth for fifth place, in the first heat and third in the followed by Brian Showalter, in next one to finish the night in sixth, the last money paying $(!cond place. Ricky and David position, . Bucy took a third and a fourth Stadium Racing is currently for third place on points. Steve working on an event at Ascot Bishop was eighth in the first Park, in Gardena, ·CA on April round, but up to second in the 17,aFridaynightaffair.Itshould finale for fourth · on points, be fun in the heart of Los followed by Richard Woods, Angeles, and the weather should Neil Phillips, Rich Boyer, Mike be great in April. I This flying two seater might be the 1-2-1600 double heat and overall winner of Andy and Leslie Anderson, but a lack of car numbers on the results makes the 1 racers difficult to identify. . CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE K & N FILTERS - RAPID COOL TRI MIL - BUG PACK BILSTEIN - CENTERLINE - CIBIE HEWLAND -PORSCHE TURBO C/ V BEARD SEATS - PARKER PUMPER YOKOHAMA TIRES -SUPER TRAPP GEM GEARS-KYB SHOCKS-SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS - KC HILITES -~cK~NZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA BLUE l!LTRA BOOT.- NEAL PRODUCTS CENTER LINE AH '"I ltltNf/1 \ OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m, I BEFORE YOU BUY-TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! I · 12945 SHERMAN WAY - NO. JIOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 (818) 765-5827 • (818) 764-6438 Page 29 ~

Page 30

I ' Larry Gilmore kept his Chenowth roaring to finish second in Class 10, had no real troubles and was about 21·minutes behind the overall winner. Robert Christerysen came from Clinton, Utah to race his Challenger car, and he finished second, only six minutes behind Howard Gregory came from Anaheim, CA _to sample ·SNORE racing, did four quick laps and a long fifth lap-to take fifth place in Class 1-2-1600. the winning car. · THE SNORE BOffOM DOLi.AR The Ellenburgs Win Overall in Nevada Despite running the last miles on three wheels, Rem Ellenburg aod his-dad John swept the Class 10 honors in their · Raceco and won the race overall by 2½ minutes. The annual SNORE Bottom· Dollar race opened the six race Y9kohama_ ~ponso~ed SNORE series last February, and also opened the racing season in Nevada. The previous week Las . .. . .. - · . . '/ -WestCoast Distributor fOR HEWLAND OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962. OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available McKenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 30 Vegas and the surrounding area had been whipped by high winds and subjected to extremely cold weather. But, race day turned out sunny and· warmer at the start/ finish line near the Apex Highway and 1-15 northeast of Las Vegas. Unfortunately, the wind died down also, . which proved a hazard on the six lap, 200 mile race. While it is not a first in off road racing, SNORE tried the no pre-run policy for the Bottom Dollar, citing a concern over insurance as a big factor. The pre-run ban also equalizes track familiarity between those drivers who have plenty of time to pre-run and those who do not because of work schedules or living somewhere other than the Las Vegas area. For example, the 1986 SNORE points champion Rob MatCachren liked to pre-run a raq~ up to a dozen times. The habit might of helped him win so many .. events, but if everyone entered did the same, the race course · would bl! completely worn out before the events started. Thirty entries in . six classes took the green flag after partaking of the traditional Bottom Dollar pancake breakfast at the start/ finish line, prepared by SNORE's official cooks,Jerry and Glenda Magnuson. Tim Bell was first away promptly at ten in the morning, driving his Class 2 car in the combioed four car field of Class 1 arid 2 starters. Tim Bell was also the first around on the first lap, and the April 1987 fastest with a• 45.39 time, E:iut Trevor Ford was close behind him, also driving a two seate·r. James Barbeau took a very ·hard landing, but made it in, then the medics put ice on his back to help with the pain. Barbeau blasted the no pre-run rule, blaming it for his near roll over. On the second lap Trev or Ford did a 43.25 and took over the lead by just a minute on Bell, who · did not go another round. Aaron Hawley was third in his Class 1 car, and a couple hours later Short took the Barbeau car out for two more laps to take third in Open class. Trevor Ford held his lead all the way to the last lap, when an hour and three . minutes round and a flat tire dropped him .to second in class. Doing steady 4 7 minutes and change laps for all six .rounds, Aaron Hawley won · the Open class in his single seater and was fourth overall. Six strong, Cfass 10 held some. real chargers including the father · and son team of John and Ron Ellenburg. John Ellenburg took the lead on lap 1 with a swift 44.28 time, about half a minute quicker than Tom Bradley, who unforttmately was out on the next lap with transmission . trouble. Larry Gilmore was third now, followed by Jerry Lockridge. Joel Davis was out of the race, as was]ac·k Short, who broke a· stub axle . . John Ellenburg held his._ lead for four laps before turning the car over to Ron. . Lockridge slowed a goo~ deal and· retired after three laps.· Larry Gilmore ran steady in · second, a few minutes the lap behind the_ Ellenburg fliers. Ron fllenburg did a swift 43.~0 on.the fifth lap and took the overall lead at that point, less than a minute ahead of. Ford. However, near the end of the last lap Ellenburg lost ' a wheel. But he carried on and three wheeled the final five miles to not only wi~ Class 10 but take first overall ·honm:s on the race. The only other CJass 10 finisher, Larry Gilmore, was about 21 111.inutes back at the flag. As usual _ Clas~ 1-2-1600 was the biggest bunch in the race with a baker's dozen on the line, including Rob MacCachren. After one round Kenny Freeman had a skinny. lead of five seconds over MacCachren, and Mike Baker was a minute more hack in thi-rd. Next came Grant Garbari,' who was running plastic rear wheels rather than aluminum. Missing were both Bill Landon and Brent Bell. Bell, who was high _in points last year, turned over three times with a stuck throttle. MacCachren stopped to get a broken shifter fixed on the It was Raceco day at the Bottom Dollar as Aaron Hawley won the Open Class in his, with consistent times each lap, and he was fourth overall. Fast lap of the day honors went to Trevor Ford, who led the middle laps in Open Class, but a flat tire and other woes dropped him to second place. Dusty Times

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11 Mike Baker came all the way from Ogden, Utah to get in three good laps and he ·was awarded eighth place in the 13 car 1~2-1600 field. . . . Jack Short ran his 1600 in Class 10, broke a stub axle, an.d later · sold the car to finance the build in~ of his new state-of-the-art 10 car. I [ Tom Bradley was second in Class 10 after one lap, just 20. seconds behind Ellenburg, but that was the only lap he finished . at the race.· second round, which moved Garban into second spot behind Freeman. Among the missing at one third dista11ce were Barry McDermott and Bo~by Guevara. Midway Kenny Freeman continued to lead the 1600 charge, but, Rob MacCachren was back in second spot, only 2½ minutes in arrears. Both the leaders picked up the pace on the next two rounds, and both Mike Baker and Ron Cloud vanished from · the charts. Rob MacCachren did a 43.42 in his 1-1600 car on the sixth lap to not only win the tough class, but place second overall. Rob got a great start cin his defense of his overall points · championship. Just over three minutes back at the flag, Kenny Freeman nailed second in class and third overall. Freeman had about 14 minutes on Grant Garban, third in class. In fourth was Herman Salaz, some distance back. Failing on the final round, or perhaps running out of time, were Howard Gregory, Bob Westfall and Paul Kline. While the thre~ buggy classes were required to cover 'six laps for an official finish, the two truck groups and the Challenger cars n.eeded bnly . four laps. Randy Ward and Jeff Roberts came from lJtah·to race, but they were the only ClaJ 4 truck entry. After having radiator problems, and borrowing parts from a helpful spectator, they-complet- · ed all four laps, Inl Class 8 Mark Mueller and Greg Bur-rows came from southern California to race, but fai)ed to coT plete a lap. Gregg Holman 'rent all four TORONTO SUPERCROSS I Fords and Jimmys Race in the Blue Jay's -aa11 Park t'The only major stadium race in North America 1· . By Cam McRae to feature full size 4x4s" Ph~tos: !Shane Harvey Toronto Supercross is the only stadium event . in North America to feature full size 4x4 trucks. · The big trucks are Ontario's most numerous and active off road competitors and the drivers were clamoring for some of i:he stadium fun ·and glory. So, in what may seem like total madness, the Canadians actually raced Class 3 and 4 monsters on a track laid out on one of the American League's· smallest baseball fields. Their first attempt in '85 was an artistic and competitive disaster. The track was essentially a motocross course with detours past the "technical" areas for the trucks and cars. The agile single seaters were able to handle it, but even ~hey were on the ragged edge. The trucks were out of control. 1 The short, choppy, jumps and bumps were just too much. Bouncing around the playing field, the Jimmys and Broncos pulverised the haybales, knocking down signs and banners. Many broke on the first lap; others got upjto speed and then disappeared into the off-course darkness. The crowd, 43,000 strong, loved every minute of it. The Supercross organizers knew that I the trucks were IN, and the fans would expect them back. There was no choice now but to make the spectacle into a real race. The pro!Jlem lay in the · track design. If they built the thing just for the 4x4s, there wouldn't be any challenge for the bike riders. On the other hand, a four thousand pound Ford is no match . for a motocross jump. After a lot of head scratching, track designer Bob Levy came up with a winner of an idea. "Why no.t run'em in opposite directions?" The trucks and cars were given a wide course with long take off ramps and level Randy Beaudrie, left and BFG team driver Milan Mazenec ran side by side like this the entire race delighting the crowd and Ford fans. Randy Beaudrie does a little two whlieling in his "Showdown fl", but he kept the wheels under him to win the exhibition eight truck dash. Dusty Times April 19~7 rounds to win Class 8, well ahead on·time of the Class 4 rig at that. There were four starters in the Challenger . group and two ~f ~hem ·went the four lap distimi:e. Q)ut front cin time all the way w~s Joe James, the 18 year old son of. 11ast year's race steward Stan James. The youngster lost his brakes, but he still won by 5½ minutes over Robert Christen- . sen. Tim Crain got in two laps for . t,hird, but Bill Rogerson failed to record a time. -J The Bottom Dollar was quite a nice kick off for the lucrative landing areas. Coming back the other way, however, the bikes ran up the steel face of the jumps. The tight double jumps and the technical motocross sections were in the infield, separate from the main track. Five hundred rruckloads of dirt were required to create the new design ( up from fbur hundred!) but it was worth . r . I~. . ; The top eight finishers in the Ontado series, four from Class Three and and four from Class Four, were invited for what was still considered an experiment. 11hey were told that it was a demonstration race, only four l~ps, and they were told to be careful -no track destruction, no off 'course excursions. SNORE series. The results of a . poll of drivers on the no pre-run business was mixed, about half for · _and ... half against. Some b.lamed a lack of pre-run for their ·on course 0prciblerns, and others said they just gOQfed. Not all of the entry voiced an opinion. The biggest , winner at the race was Rob . MacCachren who took home $1649 for his Class 1-2-1600 victory. MacCachren now leads the SNORE points series overall, and that title is worth over five grand in cold cash at the end of the year. Careful, however, is not a big word ·in a race driver's vocabulary. When the green flag dropped, the gloves were off, no bets were covered, and the racing was ten-tenths. As the ground shook_ with the racket.of sixteen open headers the bi_g trucks drove for the corners, drag raced the straights and took the jumps side by side. Four laps went by in · the blur of an instant. The astounded fans were almost quiet, silenced by disbelief. As Randy Beaudrie took the checker, however, the stands exploded with a roar of applause. Only one truck broke. They could have raced for ten laps, or more! That's the plan for next year! 1 Become PARTners with FAT. Join the long list of winners by using FAT Per-formance components. Any of the quality sys-tems used in our winning race-proven engines can be purchased as a complete package, or in-dividually. , Realize the winning benefits of products (hat are the direct result of FAT Perfor-1 I I . • 81mm piston, ring & pin kits • Racing cylinder heads. • Camshafts & adjustable timing gears. • Rabbit adapter & ~/ywheel kit. • Down-draft manifold. • Exhaust systems. • Power steering kits. • HP oil pumps & · .windage systems. mance's /ong-time ottroad experience. Like our new FAT Rabbit combination ... the latest in watercooled performance technology. Don't tall behind. Give us a call, drop us a line -we'd be happy to discuss how you can put some FAT horsepower between you and the rest of the crowd. 1450 North Glassel/• Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 Page 31

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,/ \ I ·1ceRadng Part II John Hogdal and Chris Orr teamed up in the debut of the VW Fox, and finished fourth at St. Paul. Here they lead John Dinkle/Steve Potter in the #2 Archer Chevy Turbo Spectrum. TWELVE SECONDS SEPARATE TOP THREE AT SAINT PAUL Todd Schneider and Jay Dekko won the Class A Championship by a big margin and the team earned the Meyer Snowplow Most Improved Driver Award for the_ir performance. standings. Class-A for notmally aspirated front drive cars was taken by Todd Schneider and Jay Dekko in a YW Rabbit. Rear drive was won for the third time'this season by Don and Marianne Coats-change. Bobby A~cher slipped narrowly into first as the new Honda CRXSi driver, Lance Stewart, sped out of the pits in pursuit. Meanwhile, Geoff Brabham was bearing down on them both in his Volkswagen 16-valve Scirocco. This was ',the beginning of the 39th lap ou.t of and made a dash to the checker edging out Stewart bv less than two feet! The Archer/ Mahder Spectrum enjoyed an 11.7 second victory, capturing the coveted St. Paul Winter Carnival Cup trophy. -worth iii their Mazda. Chevy and two CRXSi 's into a fast sweeping corner~one to start lap 56. .Potter bumped Scott Gaylord in the Honda. Gaylord rode the outside -snowbank, spinning to a stop in the track when Archer collided into the drivers door at an estimated 80 to 90 mph .. Both cars were de-stroyed, though Bobby limped his racer back -to the pits. No serious injuries were sustained in After more than two hours of racing, the top three finish order was not decided until the very last lap of the Pepsi Grand Prix on Ice. Bobby Archer was joined in his Uniroyal Goodrich Chevrolet Turbo Spectrum by ice racing veteran Duane Mahder to squeak out a narrow victory for Round 3 of the Amoco Ultimate ICE Endurance Series for showroom stock automo-biles. · It was a cliffhanger to the end. Holding a slim lead, Scott Gaylord dove for the pits to make a late required driver the 40 lap race. . On the next pass by the start/ finish line the gap between first and., third .had narrowed considerably with all three in reach of each other. The Honda began to fade slightly with an iced-up carburator intake. Archer stretched a more · comfortable lead while Brabham hoped to catch Stewart before the checker. Through the last chicane the Honda still held the edge, but Brabham pulled inside MINIMUM. EFFORT .......................... . MAXIMUM EFFECT!!J CA3 - COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS · 'Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 Page 32 The track was lengthened after • Saturday qualifying to accom-modate the large 49 car field. A second straight weekend of abnormally warm temperatures would necessitate several course changes before and during the two hour endurance race. Fortunately, unlike the previous weekend, the full race ·distance was completed. The course was very twisting · and demanding for t.he drivers. Tommy Archer practiced on Saturday but. turned his spot over to Mahder because of an injured arm. Mahder started from third on ·the grid to eventually lead 21 out of 24 laps before turning the car over to Bobby Archer. Scott Gaylord · inherited the lead at that point, holding it until his pit on lap 38. Honda chose to pit late, hoping for a shortened race. Instead they· lost the lead and Lance Stewart will receive no points for his short ride. Brabham's impressive dash to the front started with him in 8th at the drivers change: More impressive was the come back of Herm Johnson and Cory Ruppelt in their YW GTI. At one point they sat 31st but fought back to a 5th place finish. A steady effort by SCCA National Champ John Hogdal and Chris Orr in the brand new issue Volkswagen Fox netted them a surprise 4th place finish in the relatively under-powered car. Season points leaders coming in, P.D. Cunningham and John Dozier fought several problems ift their Honda CRXSi to take 6th, bumping them behind Archer and Brabham/ Jackson in the April 1987 , FIRST HONDA ICE WIN AIDED BY CRASH P.D. Cunningham and John the frightening ·crash, though Dozier co-drove their Dino both drivers were shaken, Wheel/Tokico Shock Honda 'Gaylord bruised his ankle and CRXSi to victory in the 62 lap · legs and Archer bruised his leg, Lee Mark quart Grand Prix at Eau shoulder and suffered a sore neck Claire, Wisconsin. The win was from the impact. the first ever by Honda on· the Dozier cruised home to nearly ice, coming in only their sixth a two minute victory over fellow race. Honda drivers Mark Wolocatiuk Until a late race crash, Honda .and Parker Johnstone. Honda looked like they were going to and Chevy dominated the early take , their fourth runner-up going. Cunningham started from finish of the season without a the pole, but Tommy Archer win. Bobby Afrher overcame a took the lead on lap one, holding lengthy mid-race pit stop to it the entire 35 lap stint before regain the lead from Dozier on turning the wheel over to brother lap 51. His Uniroyal Goodrich Bobby. Thetopsixwasal!Honda Chevrolet Turbo Spectrum was and Chevy untll the Volkswag-running strong and it looked like ens of Judd Jackson/Herm a'fifth win for the Archer Racing Johnson and Jerry Orr/ Terry camp, but their two year long Orr broke 'into the lead pack. string of good fortune ran out. · Johnson brought his 16-valve Bobby followed closely Scirocco home third, just ahead behind . a pack including of Orr's GTI. teammate Steve Potter in a twin A-class for normally aspirated Judd Jackson and Herm Johnson had a good chance at the title, but on track mishaps at Thunder Bay dropped them to third overall on points. Dusty Times

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Geoff Brabham and Judd Jackson whipped th.e ice coated VW 16 valve Scirocco into second place on the very last lap at,the St. Paul event. The Honda team did a quick pit stop at Thunder Bay. but the working conditions don't look too great as John Dozier gets into the Honda. front Jrive cars was won by Jeremy Shaw anJ Len Frank i·n a Chevy SPecrrum. Don anJ Mari-. anne Coatsworth won the rear driw class. Volkswagen and Honda are tied for the ICE Manufacturers Cup going into the last race with Chevy slightly behind. Cunning-: ham/Dozier 1-ead Jackson,· Archer and Orr into the Thunder Bay, Ontario season finale, _but Jackson holds the advantage with the best five finishes counting towards the championship for the Amoco Ultimate ICE Endurance Series. CUNNINGHAM/ DOZIER HONDA . . TAKES CHAMPIONSHIP DESPITE FOURTH ARCHER WIN P.O. Cunningham and John Dozier did exactly what they had to do and captured the Championship for themselves and Honda in a dramatic conclusion to the seven race AMOCO ULTIMATE ICE ENDURANCE SERIES for showroom stock automobiles. Protests and · a post race tear down postponed the celebrating until the following .Wednesday after the March 1st race. Archer Brothers Racing came to the last race in Thunder Bay as underdogs, trailing in both the . drivers and manufacturers points standings. They had just one chance to r~peat their 1986 sweep of both categories: to finish one-two-three with their three ~hevrolet entries. To do this, Bobby and Tommy Archer brought a heavy arsenal of proven drivers including Don Knowles, regular Steve Potter and ice veterans Duane Mahder and Joe Hauser. Bobby and Tommy would start in separate Turbo Spectrums while Knowles would pilot the year old normally aspirated Spectrum. Honda was fielding their same line-up of drivers including Lance Stewart/Scott Gaylord, Mark Wolocatiuk/Parker Johnstbne and . points leaders Cunningham/ Dozier. It prom-ised to be a fierce battle for the top. As-the race developed it was a lone Honda against the Chevys. Judd Jackson - had a good chance for the title in his Volkswagen 16-valve Scirocco, but hopes for himself and co-driver Herm Johnson vanished early with a couple of track mishaps. Race day saw relentless blinding snows, making visibility Consistent performance throughout the ICE series brought P.O. Cunningham and John Dozier the drivers· points title and Honda the coveted Manufacturer's Championship by just seven points. Dusty Times P. D. Cunningham and John Dozier led the points race going into the finale and their second placi8 finish at Thunder Bay, On_tario gave them and Honda the series points championship. 1 · . • Bobby Archer and Duane Mahder led nearly flag to flag in the near blizzard conditions at the Amoco Ultimate Ice Endu.rance Series finale, but finished second on points. a major problem on the short 1.1 mile course. Numerous incidents kept corner wor~ers busy. The race was briefly stopped once to clear a three car t~ngle .. Originally scheduled for 80 laps, the race was shortened tb 50 because of the hazardous conditions for track safety crews. · Cunningham started from the pole but Bobby Archer took over the lead by the second lap. Tommy Archer pushed . the Honda back to third on lap twelve while Knowles fruitlessly tried to· keep pace. Cunningham/ Dozier needed a top two finish to clinch the 1 championship, otherwise Bobby would take it with a win. All three cars waited to pit until the last five laps. The pit stops would decide the championship. First in was Tommy Archer. Co-driver Joe Hauser sped towards pit exit, but was held up for heavy traffic. P.O. followed Bobby in to the,,..., pits on the next lap. A quick driver change put Dozier back on the track with a narrow lead with two laps to go. Mahder, taking over from Bobby, chased down the Honda and recaptured the lead for an exciting last lap win. The Chevy race win was not enough. The real victory went to Honda. Archers put up an ·_ impressive Chevy blitz, finishing first, third and fourth, but the second by Cunningham and Dozier gave both the Drivers and Manufacturers Championship to the Honda camp. A series of protests filed before the start of the Sunday race required · extensive inspec-tions of the series winning Honda CRXSi. The engine was disassembled to check such items as pistons, wrist pins, valves, manifolds, bore, stroke and machining. All components .matched with the proper stock weights, measurements and condition. · Bobby Archer won four races in the seven race series, two with brother Tomrriy and two with Duane Mahder. Misfortunes at two events opened the door to P.O. Cunningham and John Dozier, who put together a very consistant season with a win and four seconds. Class-A for normally aspirated front drive cars was taken by. Knowles and Potter in the race. Todd Schneider and Jay Dekko .won the Class-A Championship by a considerable point margin. Schneider and Dekko also shared -the Meyer Snowplow Most -,-• Improved Driver Award for impro·vement in the overall standings from last season. Rear Drive class was taken by Don and Marianne Coatsworth in a Mazda. They have dominated that class·for several seasons. ' CLASS WINS PER RACE WITH PACE· / FM 2-WAYS Land master I I I -$725 • Handhelds • Rent1als OVER 400 ON THE ·COURSE • Antennas • Intercoms • Helmet Wired $125 ( cf) • Amplifiers • Official Radio of: HDRA - SNORE• • Weatherman Radio Relay Team • • Emergency Rescue Service • 2888 Grundry Ave~ Signal Hill, CA 90806 RACE RADIOS (213) 427-8177 April 1987 Pase_33

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I I L ! THE GRAN CARRERA INTERNACIONAL Fun Running in the Sand Around San Felipe Photqs: Neil Paul/Lonnie Petalta Brent Miller and Skip Brandt finished 29 seconds ahead of second pla e in their Chenowth and they led most of the way in the Sportsman Open four w eel class. and Rich Minga zipped into the on solid ground. Mako m Vinje finish line the overall winner in and Mark Hansen now tpok over the car categories with a time of the leaJ, but ran out o! gas not 5:11.50. Brazell and Morton very far from the finish line. continued at a good pace anJ They got some pump 1as from took second in 5:33.33. Despite their chase crew, just to go about problems, Tc)dd Fetters and Glen five miles, but 1t didn't work in Thompson eventually came in the big VW engine. Mal olm and third, well back on time at Michie Vinje saJly parked with a --~8-:05-:-4-3-:-·-----------·--·-.:·---·--·blown-engine.------··· -Of the ' eleven starters in Pro Meanwhile the Estradas went Open, for Class 1, 2 and IO cars, on to victory. In second was the only th.rL't'-were finishers. Greg Class 5 Bug of John Grimes anJ George/ Jerry Whelchel lost the Lori Lopez, followeJ hy the clutch and had a long wait for a hapless Willie · MelanCO!)- ln tow. Quirt and Monte Crawti.)rd fourth was the Class 5 ot Jesus retired early, afterthe first check. Luna and Guillermo Rodriguez, Names from the past, Lonnie and in t"ifrh was the 1-2-1600 of Hawkins and Jim Taber, got just Glenn Goss anJ Dorot!°iy Baker. five miles before losing the The last finisher in the Limited engine. Walter Prince and Susan category was the Class 5 of "Stainless" Steele were going· Daniel Mora and Jose Castaneda. well on. the first loop, but later In· the Pro Heavy ML·tal group, lost the ring and pinion.gear. for Classes 4, 7, 8 and 14, Roh The next class was Pro Ewing and Kelley Reedy of Pevy McNeil and Rich Minga drove Perry's two seat Raqeco right into the overall car victory, and they also won the Pro Limited, for Classes 1-2-1600, 5. Phoenix were the only finishers, and 9. There were some whc) with a time of 8:35.50. The rest wondered about the coinpatabil-of the field was out in the desert, ity of putting the Unlimited Bugs probably hro'ken, when the Open four wheel class purse. · No doubt the most talked about race of the winter -season was the Gra~ Carrera !Interna-cional staged in mid-february out of San Felipe in Baja California, Mexicq. The event was sponsored jointly by the City of San Felipe and On-Dirt Magazine, with a fresh concept for classes grouping similar potential standard classes together in categories for the Fast time overall and first in Open Motorcycles went to Paul Ostbo of Woodingville, Washington and Joe McCormick of Redmond, Oregon in their first rRN1 in-f}aja. /TJS SUMMERS BROS. FOR THE I FINEST IN OFF-ROAD PRODUCTS! WE PAY CONTINGENCIES FOR SCORE AND HORA EVENTS! Page 34 SEND $3.00 FOR OUR DIRT RACER'S CATALOG!. M prizes. The race attracted its fair . ,in with the 1600 and 1200 cars, finish line closed. share of Baja types, w.ho enj_oy but it was a 240 mile race, and -The biggest' class cif the race the super February weather on distance can be a great ~qualizer. was called Pro Stock Four the Sea of Cortez. And, close to As it · turned out, Andres and Wheel, and included Classes 5-half the entry came from Mexico. · Joseph Estrada, from Calexico, 1600, 7S and Challenger. There With 76 on the entry list, pulled off a real mirade, as they were no trucks in this group and motorcycles, ATVs .anJ all won the category in a brand new, only one Challengrr car. The manner of race cars, 73 took the never raced or tested l-2-1600 winner, Ernesto Arambula, starting flag. The multiple loop Raceco. Early contenders and bested the eleven car field to win course held some familiar classleaderspartofthedistance the category and $1188, the ground and some new trails, new were Malcolm Vinje and Mark biggest purse of the event. He at least to the car classes. Hansen, in their Class 5 Bug, and also turned a very quick time of The bikes and ATVs were first Willie Melancon in a Mirage. , 5:58.28. His ·car was protested ori the starting line. Forty-five At the first check the Estrada after the race, because it had a minutes after the last of these Raceco was first on the road, but power steering unit, a no no in classes left, the car classes were Melancon had the lead on time. Class 5-1600. But, the officials flagged away, ·starting at eight in Vinje/ Hansen were a minute determined that the unit had the morning. There was no wind, behind, and the same pack been dis.connected before the so dust was sure to be a problem passeJ Check 2 nearly in race and not used during the · on course in the early going. formation. At the end of the first event. loop Vinje/ Hansen led on time, Second in this bunch went to The Pro. Open Four Wheel and were third on the road. The Dan Cash and Jorge Montalvo, Class was first away, and starting Estradas and Melancon were tieJ one hour behind the winner, first was the Mirage of Emory on time. Taking third was the Ensenada Brazell and Tom Morton. Close b J t· I Ch I k J Later Melancon got past ase team o ssac . ap u an behind, however, came Grer M' I p Lj ft" ' h ' t" Estrada, but soon found a rock, 1gue ac1 o , wit · a time o George, Funco, and Larry Noe ; · 7 04 56 h I h d h got high centereJ, and lost 20 : · · C aparra, w o arrive · at t e · · J minutes getting the Mirage back The closest race ot the ay was first check together, and on time they were absolutely tied. By the second check Noel was ahead, and · George, without second gear, was. having clutch problems, no doubt enhanced by the deep sand. Perry McNeil/ Rich Minga closed in by Check 3 when Noel stopped to have his brakes fixed. Heading into Check 4 Noel had regained the lead from Minga, and then the Chaparral ran out of gas, a common problem for many racers in this area where the sea level running and deep sand cause standard - fuel consumption calculations to fall way short. Carrying plenty of gas in their Raceco, Perry McNeil April 1987 Andres and Joseph Estrad,a took the lead in the Pro Modified Class on the last few miles, and their brand new, first time out Raceco won the class. Dusty nmcs

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Larry Noerhad his Chaparral in the overall lead twice, and was· leading when he ran out of gas about 13 miles short of his pit crew's location·. Paul and Bryan Malabanan wo_n the Sportsman Stock fourlwheel ·category, and Baja Bugs, both 5 car11s and 5-1600s, were out in force for the race. . · , . , · Greg George and Jerry Whelchel gave the desert the old college try in the Class 1 Funco, but clutch and tranny trouble put them out. in the Sporrsman, ()pl·ri Four · Wheel group. Brent Miller and · Skip Brandt just edged out Dave Pauley and Alan Cairns hy a mere 29 seconds. Earl ie-r, the. Miller /Brandt Chenowth fin-ished the first loop .with a ten minute lead. But, Pauley and . Cairns made up time on the second round, and reportedly were leading at Check 4. Still, Miller and Brandt got the checkered flag first and won the race. There were only three finishers in Sportsman Modified, Classes )-2-1600, 5 and 9. Leading the way was Steve Kreiger, Jr. in a Pro-Race 1-2-1600, and he won by 21 minutes. Randall Persky and Russell Root were second in a 1-1600 racer, and local drivers from San Felipe, .Raul Sanchez Diaz and Rubef1 ,De La Pena, were third. There were just three, all Class 6 cars, in the Sportsman Modified Heavy Metal Class, and all were from Ensenada. None of them finished within the time allowance. The one that went the · farthest, just past Check 4 at closing time; was--the team of Fidencio Salas and . Edward ~verett in a Mustang. They had tront end trouble, but after the first loop Salas handed · over to Everett, who made the effort and got through the sand wash and over .the sand hill that stc)pped other, lighter and faster .cars. Everett got through, although he was stuck several times, and cleared Check 4 with a minute to spare, hut failed to finish. However the team won the class. Second went to Alejandro Duran and Fernando Medina in a 1974 Chevy. Paul and Bryan Melabanan were the only finishers in Sportsman Stock Class for 5-1600,. 7S and Challenger cars. Their time was 7:05.40. Veteran racers Richard Schwieger and ·Tom Hunter stayed close through 100 miles of the top loop, hut then went out in the wash. Ernesto Arambula had to weather a post race protest to get his big check for first place in the Pro Stock four wheel class, winning in his 5-1600. 1-Dan Cash and Jorge Montalvo teamed up to finish second in the Pro Stock four wheel class, and the class was nearly an al/'5-1600 battle. In Pro Open Motorcycle class Paul Ostbo and Joe McCormick, who came from Oregon and Washington to race, won overall in 4:58.59 aboard a Honda. It was their fiq,t race together and the first time either rider had raced in Baja California. The· father and son team of Gene and Chuck Dempsey gave them a good chase on a Hus4varna, until dad Gene unloaded hard on the final loop. However the Dempseys still won their Pro Limited class. Manual Luna and Arturo Vasquez took second in Pro Open, and third overall hike, in 5: 11.46. In Sportsman Open A TV class, Aaron Lopez was the winner, while the Limited A TV honors went tO I Alfredo-Montiano and Earl Roberts. In the Sportsman Open Odyssey ranks Juan Lencioni and Armando Nuza took the win despite being stuck on the sand hill on the second loop,-and they did not pass Check 4. Scott Hewitt was second, after breaking the front suspension cm his Odyssey. In Sportsman Ope~ _bike there . I Steve Kreiger, Jr. drove his Pro7Race 1-2, 1600 to a convincing victory in the Sportsman Modifi,ed four wheel class, winning by 21 minutes. Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen had the Pro Modified class win in hand and werr 2 ½ minutes into the overall lead when they ran out of gas with just five miles toga. , - • was a fierce fight for the victory. Guillermo Boisson termed the At the flag Oscar and Vito Hale race a -success, despite a won over Todd Steele, who rode somewhat disappointing entry. alone, and took second over The idea of budget priced racing fellow solo rider Dave Simpson. in the San Felipe area could well Among the Sportsman ·Limited revive the type of followjn_g biHs Armando Lobato and enjoyed by the Baja Racing Armando Tiznado won with a Association in the same area time of 6: 13.08. some years ago. But, budget races After the race there was a these days do not seem to pull a block party i'n the middle of San big entry, so the idea of Felipe with free refreshments for combined classes seems a good the)racers and their crews and a one for this race, due to he live band. Event Promoter Lou repeated by the same organizers Per,alta and Race Dire~tor next October. THE GREAT CANDY CANE I , ' They were first off the line, but Emory Brazell and Tom Morton had to settle for second place in the Pro Open ranks in their Mirage. OFF RO.AD RACE TEAM. Dusty Times April 1987 I Page 35 I ! l h , l I

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I I i I ) I I ' I I t-i I I I I ! I i I i I ! I .....:. ... tl l ,, I Mazda Wins the Swedish Rally on the -Roa-d Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Timo Salonen and Seppa Harjanne scored the first WCR victory for Mazda and the 323 Group A car, taking the overall . lead on Stage 17 on the second day of the short rally. Mazda provisionally scored their firstl ever .World C½ampi-ons_hip tictory when Timo Salonen'sTouring Car Category· Mazda 323 4WD beat the Lancias on the Swedish Rally. After taking unprecedented trouble to check the competing cars both durin_g and after the event, FISA officials said the results are pending official confirmation, after a review in Paris. Mazda's superior recent XR .4x4, secured sixth place, the experience• in-Scandinavian -best of the "also-rans"; after gear rallies helped them ~"in, but two linkage trouble. of Lancia's three cars were Only one top driver, Kalle slowed by ~ engine problem·s: Grundel, failed to finish the Finally the Italian honor was -event, the shortest World Rally saved by Mikael Ericsson's in five years and also the slowest second place, which gave him A- major Scandinavian rally in eight priorfry for the first tin:ie in his years. The other Categories were career. The official Ford entered won by Soren Ni ls son's cars again suffered hasty pre-rally Production class Audi Coupe preparation, but a determined Quattro and Caroie Vergnaud's effort by Stig Blomqvist, Sierra Monte Carlo Coupe des Dames Hill R.L.H. ENTERPRISE COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALISTS UNIDEN RACE RADIOS 337 W. 35th, Suite "C" National City, CA 92050 (619) 585-9995 Official BFGoodrich Radio Relay for all Score/HORA Ott Road Events. UNIDEN FMH 350 36 Channels with built-in Intercom. $550.00 Helmets Wired $175.00 Amplifiers for that Extra Punch "Convertable" : Hand-Held Radios Motorcycle Radio Systems our Specialty Race Proven by JOHN CLARK GABLE -MAX RAZO RACING STEVE LAKIN -RICH MINGA -ROB TOLLESON MIKE LUND -HENRY ESCALERA Page 36 winning Group B Citroen Visa 1000 Pistes. However, the star of the event was Kenneth Eriksson with the front wheel drive VW Golf GTI 16 valve car. Eriksson scored third place overall on stage times, . but dropped to eight-h with road penalties following fan belt trouble. Finally Achim Warmbold's Mazda Rallye Team did well. This was the fourth year Touring Car Category 323s had been entered in the Swedish, but their most visible efforts had come in the past few weeks. "When I saw the Lancias at Monte Carlo," Warmbold said, " I realized just how far we should be pushing the letter of the new regulations. So we went tcr town and lengthened the wheelbase of our cars." This offered many advantages, including improved steering and stability. Otherwise it should_ have been business as usual, but _ pre-rally practice had proved very fraught. Salonen had a series of blown turbochargers, eventually discovered to be due to excessively changing atmos-pheric pressures, and then the former ;World Champion overturned his car as well. April 1987 Gaining valuable po/nf:s'tor Lancia, Mikael Ericsson and Claes Bi/Islam were the first day leader, but a spin dropped them to second at the finish. Ranged against the two work's weather changed for what the cars were a host of privateers, but Swedes consider better, it began none so determined as Mikael to snow. This made the event Sundstrom, winner of three scenically attractive, but caused national rallies already this year havoc among the top seeded and upset he couldn't get a bigger drivers who had to plow their turbo like Salonen and lngvar paths, and offered a great Carlsson. advantage for late drivers. If the concept of FISA's Current.World Champion Juha "super specials" are the rage this Kankkunen, running at number year, this event could well be one, was struggling while Mikael called a "super sprint." Just 400 Ericsson at eight and Mikael km in two days is very short, Sundstrom at twelve were visibly even by today's abbreviated in top form. Salonen staned standards. The warm weather slowly, hut the quest for ideal caused the lake stageatTorsby to turbo boost pressure was be cancelled, but the organizers thwarting Mazda, leaving their came up with a gem of an idea, lead driver struggling for power. the descent of a ski run. For a As the cars tackled the first stage, rally which once held a stage Ford's number two driver Kalle down a coal mine, a ski run must Grundel had the gearbox jam in have been obvious, but it was a neutral, while the national Audi first. Drivers were terrified that driver, Gunnar Pettersson, one false move would see them • retired with axle trouble. entombed in their cars as the After s.tage two Kenneth world's biggest snowball began Eirksson reported his water to head uncontrollably down temperature was too high a~fi 'hill, bu-r their fears were lost time at service; this tufn1etl groundless. The system was a fun out to be a blessing in disguise as idea, if hardly in the normal he then had to run 16 minutes concept of rallying. Just two days further-back in better conditions . isn't long for a World event; the At the head of the rally previous shortest, in terms of Sundstrom was running away stage distance was the 1982 foam them all until his Mazda, Swedish. then over half a minute ahead of The warm "inclement" Mikael Ericsoon's Lancia, got .. Tossing snow on the spectators, Stig Blomqvist and Bruno Berglund were sixth in the Ford Sierra 4x4 despite a time loss with gear linkage trouble. Kenneth Eriksson and Peter Diekmann showed amazing speed in the VW Golf G Tl, and finished eighth overall, the best of the two wlieel drive cars. Dusty Times

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caught out on a bend and · overturned. After a ten minute delay getting going again, he gave up the rally. The point had been made. Faced with the amazing speed of Ericksson's VW, the front drive Opel Kadett GSi cars seemed slow. Unable to run the two liter engine here, Bjorn Johansson was in and out of the top ten, hut his times were very much slower than the Golf. The route was unrelenting, stages followed each other without time for more than essential service, and in a way it made it difficult for spectators to· see the cars . often. At the end of the first day Ericsson's Lancia led the Mazdas of lngvar Carlsson and Timo Salonen, while Stig Blomqvist's Ford was fourth, ahead of the two Lancias of Kankunnen and Alen, \l.:hich had engine prohlems. Kenneth Eriksson had already ahsorhed his 160 second penalty and was now ninth, the hest two wheel drive car. Enjoying himself at numher 57 was Soren Nilsson with a Coupe Quattro, which took an immediate ll'ad in the Production category. An unknown in this category was Suzanne Kottulin-sky with an Audi 200 Quattro, and in this big car she was only marginally · slower than the category leader. Conditions were completely different on day two, and everything looked different. The route was similar, the snow had stopped, the roads were plowed, and the drivers would have no aversion to starting in their correct running order. Ford nearly had a repeat of their Grundel nightmare, when again on the first stage of the day ~Blc)m.qvist had .exactly the same gear trouble, although he was stuck in a gear, not in neutral. Two stages later Mikael Ericsson chose the wrong width tires, had a spin and lost the lead. Carlsson gradual I/ dropped back as well. On stage 17 · Salonen jumped from third to first, and on stage 20 Kankkunen overtook Carlsson as well. On stage 22 the Swede went straight into a snowbank and was lucky to continue without losing another nlace. On the very last stage.Alen was even luckier to restart when his engine just died on him. He managed to stay in front of Blomyvist's Ford. Eriksson goi: as high as seventh hefore being repassed by Per Eklund's Coupe Quattro. Achim Warmbold just smiled; he had never been in this winning position before. His Japanese masters just looked on · and smiled. It had been eleven years since an Oriental car had won a World Rally in Europe. Markku Alen was most relieved to finish, but he and Juha Kankkunen wondered if they would be able to do this again next month in Portugal. "Nobody will finish in Portugal if we drive these cars like this in that country." And then Kankkunen heard the results were not final any~ay. "We do our hit, and then they take their playing cards to Paris and see who comes up trumps." FISA doesn't see things quite that way, but the delay in confirming the results in Sweden was not wry convincing. At the finish Tirrio Salonen had the Mazda out front by 23 seconds over Mikael Ericsson, Lancia. l_n third was Juha · Kankkunen, Lancia, followed by lngvar Carlsson, Mazda, Markku Alen, Lancia, and Stig Blomqvist, Ford. After two rounds in the World Championship Lancia has a seven point lead over Mazda, and Ford and Audi are tied another ten points back. Kankkunen has 27 points to lea'd the Drivers Championship, Biasion and Salonen each have 20 points, followed by Carlsson, 18, Blomqvist, 16, and Mikael Ericsson, 15. Carole Vergnaud and Marie-Claude Jouan won the Group B Sports Car category, were 24th overall as well in the Citroen Visa 1000 Pistes. Dusty Tirnes I . ~issan .orld Championship\ Rally Plans -1 Text & Photos: Martin Holmes The Nissan Silvia 200 SX Group A Rally Car is the official entry in 1987 for world championship rallying, starting with the Safari Rally. Nissan announced in Tokyo in mid-February theirl motorsport plans for the 1 ~87 season. Included is the use of the American market vhsion of the Silvia (200 SX) for five international rallies, starting with the Safari ~lly, Easter week. I April 1987 The Group A car will be fitted with a three liter V-6 60 degree normally aspirated engine, and will feature rear wheel drive. Based on the. 200 SX it features independent suspension all around with struts in the front and semi-trailing arms at the rear. I Nissan will enter four World Championship events, the Safari, Acropolis, Olympus and Ivory Coast, and also the Hong Kong-Beijing. Top drivers include Shekhar Mehta and Mike Kirkland, both from Kenya, and a third driver perhaps. Three cars will run on Safari, and probably two in the other events. The 2960cc engine is the VG30E notmally used in the 300 ZX. In rally trim with ECCS fuel injection the car produces in excess of 240 bhp. It is the first time an official Datsun/Nissan · rally car has used anything other than an in-line engine in World Championship events. The Silvia has the shortest wheelbase of all top Group A rally cars, though it is the. same as the Mazda 323. Fifteen inch wheels will be used with 185/70 tires on the front and 225/60 on the rear. Nissan has been absent from World Championship rallying for 1some time though they have continued to support entries from nationally run teams in several countries. The Silvia has been the common theme for Nissan's competition activities· for some time. The model was first used on the 1981 Safari Rally in Group 2, two liter form by Timo Salonen. It continued as a Group 4 model in 1982 using the Violet GT 16 valve engine, then got turbocharged, and in 1983 came the 240RS; a Group B car with a 2.4 liter engine, but it still used the basic Silvia body shape. The last major Safari Rally entry for Nissan was in 1986, when Kirkland finished third overall in a 240RS. Datsun/ Nissan have won the Safari Rally seven times, including four times in succession, on each occasion with Mehta at the wheel. After the Nissan announce-ment only one team is expected to issue more news of Group A cars for the 1987 rally season. Toyota ..yill soon disclose their competition plans for the Safari Rally and subsequent events. Page 37 ....

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L I 1 • t ... CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES By Lynnette Allison STOCK CLASS CHANGES: More than fourteen interested Stock Class participants .met at the home of Stock Class Chairman Mike Blore February 22 to discuss changes and modifications for vehicles. With the newer cars, turbochargers, increased power engines entering the stock class field, and the inclusion of SCCA's production list, it was felt re-evaluation was needed: Three main changes were made for the 1987 season: 1. Vehicle · eligibility: Only SCCA production class listed vehicles with less than four valves per cylinder will be considered for the Stock Class. The formula for power~weight-torque previously includeq is no longer valid for establishing eligibility. Vehicles not on the SCCA list must have a market value $4,000 or less to be considered. 2. Air .filter: The air filter element is free but must be of stock size and in the stock location. This means modified lids must-be back to original configuration. (No holes or other modifications.) 3. Competitor eligibility/ vehicle: The burden of proof of any questionable part(s) on a vehicle lies,.with the competitor. If you have made a change or added 59mething, competitors must have some method of proving the· change is allowable ·and ' meets the stock · class · standarµs.'This'-\voulctindude a · shop manual or copy of a page illustrating the questionable change, The stock class tech in.spector( s) will make the final determination for eligibility. Any questions about Stock Class? Call Mike Blore (213) 425-0984, chairman. NEXT EVENTS: HIGH DESERT TRAILS, April 10-12, out of Ridgecrest, CA.Returning to the CRS calendar after a year's absence, HIGH DESERT TRAILS brings new, smoother roads to this event. Exquisite rally roads west of Ridgecrest have beckoned the organizer for years, but permission always eluded his grasp. No longer! Experience 100 miles of the ultimate desert road course. Contact Ray Hocker (619) 375-1028 or Mike Biddlingmeier (619) 375-8182' for current information. Headquarters is at the Carriage Inn. Entry after March 28, $200.00. RIM OF THE WORLD, May 2-3, 19~7 in Lancaster. One of. the CRS's new mountain events still on the calendar, RIM proves challenging . . . a true ·. endurance event with more than ·100 twisting stag-e miles: Contact. landed on his motor. Ouch! Bob · Mike or Paula Gibeault. (619) Richey and RCR were trailered 375-8704 for current informa-at the end of their first lap due-to tion. This event is always a · a burnt piston or two. This is highlight on the CRS calendar. RCR's first DNF since 1985. Headquarters is at the Desert That is. quite a record! And Inn. Call (805) 942-8401 for speaking of records, Grandpa reservations. Entry fee $130.00, Danny Lerner once again showed $160.00 after April 11, 1987 . . thatGeri.tol makes you go faster. COMPETITOR PROFILES: Danny finished in second place Please complete and return the with a broken shifter. Our fourth new profile sheets to Jim and ClaGs 2 entry was Dave Parsons Sheryl Love. They are assisting and Beny Canela. They rari a the CRS with the compilation of steady race for a seventh place. a "Who's Who" rally booklet. Our five Class 10 entries also The sooner they receive their h-ad mixed results. Sean information, the sooner we can Alexander was a DNF along with • get things together. Rod Evt;.rett, who had to quit late CRS INFORMATION BOOK-. in his second lap.Jack Irvine hit a LET: The CRS is also compiling big hole going very fast and (dare we say it_?) a rule book. banged himself up pre.tty good. Actually, it is a book listing the Anyone know of a good traditional CRS way of doing orthopedic surgeon? His son things. It will explain some of the -then got in the car not realizing CRS history, some of the the spare ti re had fallen off. He policies, how points. are got a ways out, had a flat and tabulated and the scoring ... etc. It radioed for ·a beer. The two will be available within the next finishing entries were Dick few months. Weyhrich with a third place and ADVERTISERS. Doypuhave Rick Roland.with a fifth. a business associated with auto FAIR had three Class 1-2-parts? With big bucks? With 1600 cars racing. Art Peterson greenbacks? The CRS is brokeatorsionbaratthestartof accepting business advertising in the race and James Gross had CV the booklets mentioned, previ-problems off the start. Both ously. Rates are reasonable, with teams repaired their cars and full or half-page options. Call finished the race. Darren Wilson Lynnette Allison (714) 736- was not so lucky. His problems · 1442, or Mike Gibeault (619) put him out halfway through his 375 8704 first lap. - · Jim Cocores, our only Class 5 F.A.I.R Notes By Teri Nicks FAIR once again shmyed what a good pit organization- looks like at the new Gold Coast 300 race. Before I go fu~ther, I need to thank a few people; . Firehose Fersch and his group for letting · me tag along all weekend ·and to Beny Canela's group,_j~specially his cook Fred, (o{ their hospitality ,.in., th~ maiQ ph. Thanks Guys! · · ,. · · ' Now, back to FAIR. Our race mairnger . w;s Beny Canel,1 assisted by Tom Maynard. Both tq~se'1men always do a great job. We had seven pits scattered around the course with good radio contact to most of them. The pits ran very well and most of them kept pretty busy. I was able to visit one pit however, that had no customers all day. By late afternoon they were ready to flag cars in and rotate their tires and change their oil. We were saved from total boredom by the HORA course worker trying to play _" Ironman" in his fiberglass buggte. FAIR had 17 entries to support this race and here are their results. Our two Class 1 entries had trouble right -away. Mark Temple, in his new car had a wheel put on backwards in one of our pits (our apologies, '1'111 sure someone's face is very red) and later lost his brakes. Aaron Hawley was able to complete one lap before he was put out of the race also. Our four Class 2 entries were 2 and 2.'JirrfTemple flipped his car . and while upside down, someone entry, finished first in· his class. Some may think it is because he · is a good clriver with a fast car. I . say it is because of that beautiful raspberr.y color he painted it. George Gowland in Class 14 finished second in his class after having nine flats and a broken . jack. At pne point he ran with a borrowed tire, ·'put on back-wards, with spacers and 0nly three lug nuts to hold it on .. The Tremblay Construction . team , )VaS our c:inh1 ,Challenge_r. .e,qgy. ' .They broke :an axle on their fast l:ap a11d had to call 'it quits:, FAIR meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday o_f _every month at the Fullerton. Holiday- Inn located at Harbor and the. 91 Freeway at 8:00 p.m. We welcome a_ny interested racers or pit support people. It is a good way to learn· about off road racing and a lot of fun. See you in Lucerne Valley! SCCA-Southem Pacific Divisional News By Lynnette Allison, Steward AffENTION DESERT RACERS The 1986 SCCA February Denver Convention was interest-ing. I met with Divisional Stewards for · two days, exchanging ideas and working to come up . with solutions to common problems. (Yes, everyone has problems with getting eneugh rallies on the calendar. Last year SO-PAC had six, this year nine ... next year twelve?) We're lucky. Some divisions have two events ... both rallysprints. The SO-PAC division currently tops the list with rally events-this year. You can thank your very active bunch of organizers for this excellent reputation. And what did SCCA think of our division? DUSTY TIMe5 has contingency money posted at all Score and HDRA desert races. Check it out on contingency row -Two different classes each event Page 38 SO-PAC received the 1986 Divisional Program of the Year Award. This award of e~cellence is given to "honor and recognize the efforts of Divisfonal PRO April 1987 ,Rally stewar9s, event organizers, participating SCCA Regions, and PRO Rally participants." Selected by the PRO Rally Board, and with recommenda-tio.ns from other sources, too, they recognize the division with a balaneed program of rallies, sprints, schools, 'training sessions, number of participating .Regions, plus the attraction of new Rally participants. · My thanks to all organizers, control workers, registrations personnel, press personnel, safety workers, etc., for your continued efforts. The Division-al award belongs to all of you . . CLARIFICATION OF TERMS: Southern California -has traditionally recognized three groups of rally events: rally-sprints ( very short course), rally cross (similar, but more miles), and rally. These events have been designated co1efficient 1, 2, 3, as appropriate. At the convention, it was pointed out to me the SCCA recognizes only two designations: rallysprints and rallies. The events are classified not by miles, but by structure; So, here is what's what: A rallysprint'is usually one "stage" course run numerous times by the competitors with no designated , transit between the "stages". Events such as these are Glen Helen and Carlsbad. A rally is an event ofat least two stages and a minimum of ten miles, with designated transits. Co-efficient l designation is used for rallysprints, rallies of 49 miles or less, and licensing schools. Another tidbit: Co-drivers · who enter an event with an FIA, National Seed 1 or 2 driver CANNOT gain championship ·points either. -FIA drivers are excluded from Co-efficient land 2 PRO Rallies, but Nat-ional Seed 1, 2 may e.nter, but not accrue points. . 1987 DIVISIONAL COM-PETITION RULES: are p~.ipted and available. All new· SCCA . members ~nd- new divisional license holders should receive their copies in the mail. If you did not get your 1987 book(s), call SCCA, Rally/Solo office, (303) 779-6622. CALENDAR CHANGE: Prescott Forest Rally has been moved to a July 10-12, 1987 time slot. The forestry department in Prescott, Arizona has assigned this weekend for the eyent. Organizer Rob . Cherry much preferred the August listing since it allowed him to run the Olympus International Rally at the end of June and still have time for the Prescott event. Mark your calendars on this change! H~llo Members. This . is the report from the wet and sloggy HORA Gold Coast 250. Walt Lott picked a great course for a rainy day. Thirteen Checkers went out to conquer, and ten made it muddily to the finish line-with fantastic results. The saying "you had to be there" fit this awards ceremony quite well. The festivity went all the way down to the Checker sticker on the podium. A grand thank you to tbe Southern -Nevada Volunteers First Aid and Rescue Associa-tion, who took the time to set up shop in the registration area for the race on Friday, and gave everyone who wanted to participate a free blood pressure test. President Renee Jones and Betty Johnson· -Rivers were on hand as well as numerous other members of the team, who also work very hard during each race. The Checkers had. three members finish with tirst place accolades. The Cook brothers broke a front adjuster in their 5-1600, but they still won the class at the race. Plus, we had two repeat winners. Five year member Steve Kelley repeated his Parker 400 Class 8 victory, and Jim Stiles brought his Class · 10 home first to duplicate his Parker ¼dn. Jim also collected third overall! Gregg Symonds brought out his single seat space shuttle, and he finished second in Class 1. Greg Heinrich, playing in his own backyard, finished third in Class 5. Steve Luport also had a repeat finish. Just like Parker his new 7S truck finished fifth. This time it did not need to cross the finish line backwards. George Seeley and Howard Anderson blew another motor in their Baja Bug, swapped it for a pre-run motor and brought the car home sixth in Class 5. John Wilson took me and the old Santa Monica Off Road Racing Team out to play with-..his .old Veltri/Van Zyel Hi Jumper. The car finished its first . race since John bought it, arid we all ended up fifth in Class 2. Not bad for an eight year old car. Michael Gaughan, who . sponsored t.he race, and Lenny N~wman, were a half hour. behind us in sixth in Class 2. Walter Prince rouF1ded out the. fielp_in Cla~s2J:,y.colll_ing in eighth. Our sad story of the day was that of Dave Kreisler: Running ses,:Qnd irf Cl.1ss2J he was one of the · few who had a chance to catch the Gordons. But,,alas, as I wa~. coming i_nto theJinisb line, there stood David on the side of · the track, about ten miles out, just watching the other cars go by, looking very disappointed. See you · at Lucerne, and stay dry. -Core had a big turnout in Las Vegas for the Gold Cqast 300, fifteen cars on the pit list, and ten of them wen: finishers, while several ¼;ere in the money. It was a good race for CORE with a goodly hunch of pit- folks on hand as i·ell. We had fiv.e on ·course pits strung around the 125 mile course and a. huge main pit at the start/ finish line at Sloan. The lone Class I from CORE was the ORE of Chet and Lloyd Huffman, with Toyota power this year. They reported running on three cylinders part of the time due to oiling problems, hut they finished third in class and 12th overall. Class 2 held Jer:ry Finney and Dan Foddrill, but again their new car succumbed to the desert, this round with trans trouble (m the first lap. The hig class frlr CORE was 10 Dusty Times

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with six startt:rs. As usual the stars of the show were John and Rick Hagle who diced with class winner Jim Stiles all day. The Hagles hl the first lap, hut hit a large rock and snagged a had flat on thl· second round, and they finished second in Class l 0. Cr,;ig Watkins and Greg Aronson did well also, suffering only a loose tie rod end on the first lap. and they climhed hack into sixth spot. Scott and Larry Dinovitz h\id some engine trouble, hut brought their ORE in seventh. Rill Sallenhach and Mike Bird did a three times over endo on the first lap and that was that them. John Sarracino and Wes Lind had fuel filter woes, then hit the infamous hole near Check 5, putting thl'ir Funco out of the race and giving Sarracimi a sore hack. Steve and Dennis Casagrande also failed to cover a lap. . CORE's hest fin-ishers in Class 1-2-1600 wm· Richard and John Lind, who brought the ORE in tenth in the 38 car hunch. Right hc:hind them, hy just four seconds, were Dominic Borra and Patrick Reyes, · who had rolled once en route to eleventh place. Showing off his hrand ne~· single seater Jack Ramsay rolled on the first lap and Jost hags of time. But he and Rick Mills got moving again to finish 15th in class. Bill Poe and Jeff Stevenson and assorted co-drivers got the aged Hi Jumper home 25th in 1600 class, making it four finishers out of five starters for CORE in the class. Only Alan Hensely and Chuck Gunter foiled to finish, when they broke the front end and lost the power ' steering on the second lap. · . CORE's only 5-1600 did very well. Jerry and James Leslie rolled into a neat third place in the hig class. And the Challenger car of Roy Smith and Danny C!;ver Jid i.·ven \:,ettl'r, running • first for a timl', then they had trouble restarting after a st::ill and lost a hunch of time. Rut they still finished second in the 2 7 car hunch. Our thanks to Race Manager Fred Ronn and Race Director Karen Clark for their extra l'fforts at the Gold Coast 300, and many thanks to all the hard working pit gang. CORE meets the first Tuesday of the month at the Dugout in Van Nuys near the intersection of Hazeltine and Oxnard Sts. The meetings SJart at 8:00 p.m. and guests and prospective memhl'rs arl' always Wl'lcome. ,~YOKOHAMA _.@"SUPPORT TEAM B)' Demi'i.1 Rogers Congratulations to the winners, finishers and to the starters who are down in the dumps about now, cheer up it takes a lot just to start a race. Be proud of yourself knowing you did your best and that there is a "next time". . I am glad to see that more of you know that the Yokohama Support Team is here. At the Parker 400 we were about to fall asleep, but at the Gold Coast 300 you guys and-gals really kept us hopping. We did a little of everything, starting wi_th 'changing tires to tightening steering wheels to welding. Speaking of welding, I thought I told you guys no complete frames! A 5-1600 from Idaho needed welding both laps, I guess they didn't get last month's DUSTY TIMES 'in time. Just kidding guys, Wl' were glad to help. During the ·race a car pulled into the Fair Pit just down the course from us; 1 it needed welding and for some reason their welder wa~n't working. They came up and we welded them, hope it worked OK. The Yokohama Support T earn is here to help in any way, we can. So if you are an individual or a pit team such as Fair, Core, Checkers or any one else, please feel free to ask for1 help. We are more than happy to assist you. At the awards[ presentation Walt Lott said the moaner and groaners after a' rate disgust him and have no place in .racing. So I am no,t going to moan, groan or make demands. But rather ask pleasantly if he can/lease mark entrances to pit an spectator's areas as well as he jdoes the race course. The Support Team was to pit at Check 3, but late Friday night it was a little hard t<) find and after two hours of head light searching we arrivJd. · I wish to thank the Gold Coast for sponsoring the race and welcoming the racers, pit crews and spectators with open arms. Thank you also for the brunch before the awards. Special thanks to the volunteers who helped in the pit, Steve, Troy, Bruce, Steve, Bonnie and little Nicki. Remember if you !wish to help call us and be a volunteer. "Get Involved!" I Yokohama Support Teams will be at the Great Mojave 250, Main Pit/Start-Finish, Bessemer Mine and Soggy Dry Lake. See 'you there. For mor~ information., contact Dennis or Steve at (818) 335-7757. PIT-TEAM REGISTER I l:l.y-r-.,.,,;,,.......,--1 We welcome all Support Team news articles.-Typed ancl d;i:;bl~ spaced copy is acceotable. Deadline is the 10th of the month. ·CHAPALA DUSTERS Jon Kennedy, President 3117 Klllarney Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) 641-0155 -Meeting - 2nd Wednesday Verdugo's Mex·Ican Restaurant Costa Mesa, CA Radlo-FM-151.775 CHECKERS Jeff Hibbard, President 13237 Sierra i-iwy:· . . Canyon Country, CA 91350 (805) 252-4034 CORE . Kar4[!n Clark, Race Director 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 Northrldge, CA 91325 '818) 345-3833 F.A:1.R-. Sut>PORT TEAM P.O; Box 542 1 Stanton, CA 90680 Wayne Morris, President (714) 996-7929 Sandy Davis, Secretary (714) 772-3877 1\11.Jetlngs 1st & 3rd Weds. ,Holiday Inn Harbor & 91 Freeway &dlo-FM-150.860 'LOS CAMPEONES Malcolm Vlnje, President 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 (619) 292-0485 (home) (619) 743.-1214 (work) -Radlo-FM-152.960 !MAG7 Jerry McMurry, President Bruce Cranmore, Race Director 11244 Horizon HIiis Drive · El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 440-3737 (home) (619) 225-6886 (work) ;TERRA Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue La Crescents, CA 91214· (818) 248-9039 Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month· .- Jan Sunderland's house TIGHT10 153 Lindell Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 283-6535 (day) Jlh9)_ 4!M'~S~ (night) 9ene Robeson, President ·. (619) 466-8722 . upward in what is apparently a approach of a stranger, all pitters are fairly intelligent, ·go<xi iy~k sign,. ·Tp~re al¥' se~ms · leadership is ignored, each male •. ~xtremely d,eperdabl~; and. th~y to be a common dis[like for water, screams at the other, and 'the net · seem to look for'l".ard to each . The DoWllshift Report . either Jar bathing c;>r cqns'ump- rdsult _is __ tllat, inJ,C>!ll~ the gatherJng . . They have · been tion. Great quantities of a native stranger must continue on his observed returning time after By Dr. Don Downshift brew are consumetl. ' way with little · or nothing time to the same location. Often -------------------------Each pit seems 1to be a loose accomplished during his '"brief their good natured desire to help In the, vast reaches of Baja The groups are generally small knit group with informal visit.· ' everyone is hampered by their California and the southwestern in number and are extremely leadership. Each individual has a Some pits seem more affluent lack of the necessary skills. But deserts of America, a hitherto possessive of their territory, particular function. The females than others, with family crests they carry on their nomadic life unknown nomadic, aboriginal. established at each camp with seem more adept at cookin_g, displayed in garish colors. They style, and seem well adapted to it. tribe has been discovered by the boundaries marked with gathering fire wood and child ~ually arrive at campsites much Although preliminary studies San Matias Research Station. primitive banners and pennants. care, although they have been earlier than the others, and their are well under way, it is obvious This wandering tribe, despite Any in fri ngemen t on the observed assuming,control of pit territory is always larger and in that more d_etailed informati.c:m is' occasional contact with civiliza~ boundary by others is not activity when the males are prime, locations. These .groups needed to understand the pltter tion, has maintained its primitive tolerated: This seems to be the · incapacitated by too much of . seem . slightly more structured, tribes. They could even. be the ways and nomadic life style. only time that the normally their native brew. but are generally aloof and have long sought missing link to Extremely outgoing and friendly, passive group displays any Each group selects the largest little to do with the other groups mankind. If you would like to they seem willing to share their hostility or aggression. and strongest individual for what except in emergencies. . participate in this research, meager possessions with any Initial studies by the San must be the highest honor; this , Due to the infrequency of contact Dr. Don Downshift, San passer-by, and., although they Matias Experimental Station individual has in his possession these gatherings, it is very Matias faperimental Station, have no written language, they Group indicate that pitters have at all times a primitive cross difficult to collect data. •But, P.O. · Box Uno Dos Tres, San are proficieht at sign language common sociological and shaped ii;nplement known as a most experts agree that the Matias, B.C., Mexico. with outsiders. They communi~ behavioral characteristics, lug wrench. He can go into a cate between clan members with providing the theory of a very trance like state, ~ven growling gutteral · sounds and· images comm.on heritage. h is thought and gnashing his teeth, while drawn in the dirt. · that in times past large groups using his strength to tighten Thesepeopleareconstantlyon may have lived in large, city like whatever the impl~ment comes the move, never spending more areas,, but for unknown. reasons into contact with. 1 thari, ,a few days in one place, · they have chosen to splinter into Most males are proficient with hauling their meager possessions family like groufs, gathering their primitive hand tools, but along as they establish temporary together on specia occasions to very large hammers seem to be campswhichtheycallpits.Since gossip;barter,andrelatestories their favorite. There is a there is no literal translation of of the past to each other, keeping tende_ncy ~o misplace tools, pits, the research team named the alive their past glories. espeqally tf a female from group Pitters Am~ricanus. Other common behavioral another pit is nearby. · When Each small group of pttters similarities include rapid tools are misplaced, the males seems to have its own identity. jumping up and down and become agitated,· howling and Although seemingly independ- waving both arms above the head stamping their feet \1/hile holding ent, their loose knit social if a stranger approaches; if the _ their heads with jboth hands. structures allow for interde- stranger halts, the entire clan These actions are ~bought to be pendence when necessary. They gathers around him in a circle harmless, and sodn forgotten, are extremely self sufficient and and· performs a dancing, and the males retu~n to normal inventive, and seem to have an screaming greeting ritual. If the activity - story telling, sleeping, inherent though primitive stranger does not halt, one hand and consuming the potent native reaction to emergency situations. is extended with the thumb brew. However, with the Dusty Times April 1987 TEAM SANDWINDER CHA-SSIS CHALLENGE CLASS WINNER -BUDWEISER 250 tivt~et~" rt/;' ~~,~ CHASSIS FOR ALL CLASSES CALL FOR DETAILS 71.4-825-0583 714-888-2703 241 So. Arrowhead Ave., San Bernardino, CA 92408 Page 39

Page 40

I end, so he lost still more time. But, finally, everything seemed The Losers B J d S ·th to be working, and he was Y u Y mi .·'charging hard, thinking in terms __ T_h_e_i-na_u_g_u_r-al_G_o_ld_C_o_as_t_l_O_c_a_r ___ D_a_v-id.;...K-re-is-1-er-,-a-ft-er-of at leaSt getting a finish. He got 300, with a starting field of218 finishing lap one in second place all the way around to. the cars, surprised a lot of folks by in Class 2 lost his transmission horseshoe pit area a couple of recording a high 54'}/'J finish rate. on the se~ond lap, while Mark mile~ be_forethe start/f!nish (stiH One hundred eighteen entries McMillin is reported to 1have on hts first lap) and, right at his survived the tough course, broken an axle on the first lap in pit, he brok~ an ax_le. He coaSted enjoying the good visibility his Class 1 car. Poor Walter up onto his trader and was provided by heavy rains through Prince, in the Candy Cane two-finished. . . . Friday night ;ind Saturday in the seater, lost his stereo on the first Darren Wdson, running m the early morning. lap, but toughed it out and went l-Z-l600 Mirage, went to pass Some, maybe a bit more on for a finish anyway. another car that had pulle~ over enthusiastic than· they should ,/ Mark Temple, in a new single for _him, and then found himself have been about the_ dustless seat car, got sideways into some upside down when the o~her guy race, self destructed early on. rocks and tore up his brakes and ran out of room _and slid back B h d I h · II h onto the track too early, , utc Arciero, ue ing wit Bob some m1sce aneous ot er parts. h. . . h w ·I Gordon. for the Class 2 lead, He was stuck for a long time and 0uc mg ttre\ ~w~t b h ! son. about halfway through the first then had no brakes when he arren was . un urt, ut ts car 1 b · I k d 70 h f· II t b k th - was wedged mto a ttght spot, and ap was emg c oc e at . mp ma y go ac. on e course. there was no way he could turn it by a chase vehicle running even Smee the car ts new the team b k . b h" If H --with them on the freeway, when hasn't accumulated any spare ac · over Y · tmse · e was he hit something wrong. parts, so he and his co-driver, -there a long ttme, as the rnl and Arciero's car went over and over, Rolf Tibblin, decided to call it a gas aH leaked out, before a late landing on every· corner at one day. running two seat _1600 car time or another. At one point Jim Temple didn't have much. st0PPed and. helped him right tt._ everything got quiet and Butch fun in the two seater either. First, By that time the car was out ot thought, "Now I can get out." while making his way through a Juice, and Dar~en and his ptt But when he looked out of the tricky little turn .that was chief, Bill Varnes, decided that car he discovered that he was still supposed to be the fast way they were <!_ half lap down, and 15 feet up in the air.- It finally through an area, Jim rolled the the car was m good shape for the landed and · Butch and his car over. He got upright again, Lucerne race, so they parked tt. · passenger were ok, but th_e car and went on, but then somebody . Danny Foddrill and Jerry was out of the race. Butch later who was going faster than he was Fin~ey race together, and _after got into his brother Albert's ( ! ) climbed up on his back cage their. bad luck at the Parker race single seater, to do lap two, and somehow, and became stuck they had hoped for good things broke an axle on that car. there._ Then they had to figure here .. B~t _it wasn t to be, as their Ron Brant, running in Class 1, out how to get the cars separated. transmissio!'l began to _make is reported to have rolled car Once rid of his unwelcome ominous nrnses, so they quit. But · when he was hit by a rock thrown hitchhiker Jim charged on down they're pleased to be able to say by another car's tires. The rock the road, only to see his front that the1r pre-run motorwon th_e broke his goggles and blinded · wheel, minus the hub, take off race overall. It seems they lent It him, and he went over, somehow down the road faster than he was to the Gordons, when they loSt banging or bending his hand and · driving. That was it for Temple. the1r own motor a day before the breaking several bones. L1st Jon Kennedy and Ed Deering race. report on Ron was that he was all broke an oil cooler on their Bob Shepard• with the big new right, except for the hand. Challenge car. They mickey- single seater, looked the F k S k I 22 ·1 mciuseL:I a way to by-pass it, but early _part of the race, but got a ran noo got on y mt es lost a lot c)t· t1·m·e, and eventually rear flat, and with no spare, had_ into the raci:: when his left rear wheel rolled ·off into the called it a day without even todriveonitforalongtime.The shrubbery, thanks ,to a broken finishing a lap. tire tore apart and ripped his stub axle. Steve Casagrande-was Stan Houghton, who drives a 7 brakes off,,.and j'iut him .ou·t. '· also on the first lap when his 4x4, slid into a wall in the In Class 7 Russ and LukeJones Class· 10 car lost a wheel and was railroad underpass, knocking off drive a Ranger which used to run toobadlydamagedtngoon. Rich a front fender and bending a in Class 7· 4x4 . . They found Minga, in the Challenge Class, wheel. Later, he had to stop to themselves illegal for that class lost his rear torsion. housing on put out a fire caused _when a because of · a rules change lap-one, and was out for the day power steering hose broke and regarding motors (they run a V-_ also. · sprayed fluid on the engine. He 6 ), and so, rather than replace the Early in theday:aswewatched managed to finish only one lap. motor, they replaqd the the cars ab6ut three miles out Jerry McDonald had a really suspension and moved into Class from the -start, we were joined by bad day in his 7 4:'<4, and it 7. On their first lap they tore out a couple of gentlemen who piled started out when he lost his radio the drive shaft on a rock before out of their truck all eager to right. off the start l\ne. That Check 3, but they got that fixed and went on. watch a friend go by. We doesn't sound like a big disaster, -,overheard them wondering when but when Jerry got out near However, they figure they ran ,, he'd be along, and then cme also Check 1 and broke a balljoint it into another rock or two, and wondered how they'd recognize was suddenly a real problem. His cracked the differential, and the. car• "What does his car look crew knew he was late and went ruined their ring and pinion, I making them a DNF on lap twp. ike!", he asked. Said his friend, looking_ for him, and one pit The jo!'leses say they'll be back to "l.t's white, and it's got a lot of truck just happened to find him. try again at Lucerne. stickers on it." They were able to fix the balljoint A wnole new group·of Losers They were watching for and send him on his way. h be d h b h M · W h h · But then Jerry uot 1· ust a couple as en crea re t is year Y t e mga. e ope t ey got to see it ,-, M H I I I d b f · b k B · · ·h · of· m1·les further dc)wn the road int ore personne invo ve eorett roe. uteven1tt-ey h h M 400 I h b didn't, they probably thought when a rear wheel fell off. Since wit t e int · t as een they did. he coudn't radio for help, Jerry decreed that the contingency folk Walker Evans joined the ranks backtracked to Check 1 for should help shoulderthe expense t- h L · h· h b repai·rs. They sc· rounued uh a of the big event, and to this end · o t e osersagam t 1smont y ,-, h h b Id h · blowing the motor in. his Dodge couple of set screws and a-bo t to t _ey ave een to t . at each truck. And Russell Welch had hold the wheel on. contingency donor who wishes some shock troubles, and then By the time he got to Check 4 to display on Fremont Street will lost his motor, in his new Class Jerry was in need of a new rear· be required to commit to a ----------------------------• minimum of two spaces, at a cost of $250' each. This means that Coming Next Month ... SCORE GREAT MOJAVE 250 MTEG STADIU,M RACING AT THE SILVERDOME PENASCO TWILIGHT 250 PORT WINE RALLY OF PORTUGAL CARLSBAD RALLYCROSS ••• plus all the regular features Page 40 each contingency donor is faced with an additional $500 expense for the privilege of giving some contingency funds to the racers. Racers will also come up Losers on this d_eal, because many of the contingency folk will simply stay away, unable or unwilling to pay $500 for their contractually guar·anteed free space on· contingency row, April 1987 more TRAIL NOTES ••• SCORE SHOW SOLD. The Score Show has been sold by Mickey Thompson and Alex and Helen Xydias, who have managed the Off Road Equipment Show during its ten year history. The tenth annual Score Show on June 26-28, 1987 will be managed and produced by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. of Irvine, CA. HBJ, among other enterprises,, currently produces Motorcycle and A TV.Expos, and this year Alex and Helen X ydias will be working closely with the new owners to make the transition for Score Show regulars very smooth. . . A SUZUKI BEST SELLER. Can you name the number one selling convertible in the USA? If you s~id Suzuki Samurai, you are right. The hints, in case you would like to try iton your friends, is that it gets almost 30miles to the gallon, you can buy it for a reasonable price, base price is under $7000, it . is sold in more than 100 countries in the world, but only came to the USA in November of 1985. The small four wheeler out sold the next highest selling import convertible by 3 to 1 in 1986, and was nearly 2 to 1 highest over the closest domestic convertible. Suzuki sold 37,493 Samurais in 1986, and sometimes it seems like all of those small bob tails are on the southern California freeways o_r in shopping center parking lots. THE RIM OF THE WORLD CRS AND SCCA Divisional Rally is coming soon, the first weekend in May. One of the finest dirt road rallies in the west, the Rim makes its headquarters in Lancaster, CA each spring, and travels over the fire roads in the nearby foothills. Organizers Mike and Paula Gibeault have a Grand Marshall for the event this year in Spencer Low; _ Nissan's many time Class 7S and mini metal champ in off road racing. Low will drive the 0car, or course opening car, on the Rim of the World Rally, his race pre-runner. Any volunteers as a navigator for Spencer [ow in this drive? BRIDGESTONE TIRES, USA is expanding and increasing th~ value of its contingency programs in 1987. Bridgestone is also supporting the Pikes Peak Hillclimb-and Olympus World Championship Rally, and a full program for both the SCCA Pm Rally Series and the SCORE/ HORA off road desert series. In the Pro Rally and SCOR,E/ HDRA Series Bridgestone is posted for all events. All four rally classes are included with Bridgestone offering $ 1000 for a win in each class, $500 for second place and $250 for third place. In the desert off road series, all classes, 1 through 14 are included·witn the same prize money for first, second and third in class. The only stipulation requires· a minimum of six entrants in the class to e~rn the cont_ingency · money. Td_YOTA OLYMPUS RALLY. Toyota has announced its sponso~ship ~t __ the only World Championship Rally in the USA, the Olympus, on June ~ 25-29, 1987. This is the third year that Toyota has sponsored the Olympus Rally, and last December it was the final event on the WCR calendar and the first Wurld Class the USA in many, m;my years. In 1987 the Toyota Olympus Rally. will count for both manufacturers' and drivers' points. The four day event will cover i;nore than 800 miles,mostly on forest roads around O1.ympia, Was~ington. ,,,; CLOUD SEVEN AW ARDS. Mr: Alan Kelley, owner of the Cloud 7 Hotel in Avalon on Catalina Island off the California coast-, has a unique prize for racers in the SCORE/ HD RA off road series. At each 1987 event a designated . class will receive a two day trip to the island, with all expenses paid. The prize has gone to fourth in class. in two different classes so-far in-the series. The award includes cross channel transportation via the luxurious Catalina Express from San Pedro, accommodations at the c loud 7 Hotel _with continental breakfast, dinner at the Channel House restaurant, tours of the interior of the island, the city of Avalon and a glass bottom boat ride. Alan Kelley, a long time supporter of off road racing, (his brother Steve is leading Class 8 points) is providing this award as an unique way of sharing his island home with the racers. Several months of negotiations with various businessmen in 'Avalon resulted in th_is coordinated prize trip to Catalina Island .. The first award was presented at the SCORE/ HORA banquet last January, and !t went to Rick Johnson, the Challenger Class points champion., TEXAS RALLY RESULTS. The first of the Divisional SCCA Pro Rally events in the Southwest Division took place late in February in Texas, arid the results do not say exactly where it all happened in that big state. The Coefficient 1 event was really two events, a rally cross style dash with five sccired stages in each event. In Mini-Bash I Steve and Mike Culp won in a Dodge by 33 seconds on total stage miles of 6.65. Hazzie Quick and Vance McConnell were second in a Nissan, only two seconds faster than Dave Jesse and John Horst, followed by Scott Leonard and Matt· Bartol in a Mazda, and all of these teams were in Class 1. In fifth Mark Long won Class 2 in a Kelmark. Pat Winkelman and John McIntosh w'on Class 3 in a Nissan in the event that started 20 cars. • -Mini-Bash II on the same day also held 20 cars, and again Steve and Mike Culp won in the Dodge by 28 seconds: Dave Jesse and John Horst were second, followed by Hazzie Quick/ Vance McConnell, and Jim Dale and Karen Burrows were fourth in a Mazda. Steve Brady and John Greer woh Class 2 in a Mazda, and Philippe and Kathy Robert won Class 3 in a Dodge. SUPERCROSS, INC. will open its off road four _wheel racing season in the Sun Devil Stadium in.Phoenix, Arizona the first weekend in May. Along with the leading attraction, the Coors Supercross for the best 250 and ~25cc bikers in the country, the event a'lso holds the On-Dirt Motorsports Off Road Classic for buggies, Baja Bugs, plus Funny Car mud drags, quad racers and Odysseys. There will also be Stadium Scrambles for 60 horsepower ground pounders. For complete details on the event, contact Supercross, Inc. or On-Dirt Motorsports, or check the ad on page 11. GOOD NEWS - MAYBE! A good many auto parts, like aftermarket lights, are labeled for off highway or off road use only. Now, it seems, the EPA and _the performance parts industry are working on an agreement to do away with such a label on some ·selected parts. SEMA sued the EPA over the problems and won in 1983. Now the EPA has developed a certification program for performance oriented engine aftermarket'parts that will not void the original manufacturers engine exhaust emissions warranty. It isn't much, but it is a start. We don't really understand just what has been developed, or if in fact a ruling is in But, the EPA certification is necessary to keep the auto manufacturers emissions warranty in effect, now that many sta.tes have a mandatory emission system inspection. This could help in getting your twin piped whatever through the inspections. Dusty Times

Page 41

Goodies Galore.~. ' I New Smittybilt . Catalog Bigger photos, more in orma-tion, it's new from cover to cover, with the old cover 'cause had to cut costs somewhere. The new catalog showcases many new products along with the popular Truck Bars, Tube Bumpers and Cage Kits for most mini, mid and full size trucks. The new Catalog #12 is only $3.00 from Smittybilt Inc., Dept. OT, 2112 No. Lee Ave., South El Monte, CA 91733. Sum:___1J.!.~rs !;!rothers One Piece Jeep Axles The new one piece forged rear axles are designed to replace the Super Transmission Girdle ~) ~ , , ' Made for street VWs, drag racing, road racing and off road . applications, the Super Trans-mission Girdle is easy to install. It strengthens the differential section, prevents carrier flex and stops ring gear and pinion separation. It can be used with the new aluminum side covers. It saves money due to breakage and too much horsepower. Oet all · the info' from Target Sales Company, Dept. OT, 9371 Kramer, Unit H, Westminster, CA 92683 or call (714) 893-0953. Wilwood Catafog two piece 1976 and later Jeep CJ Wilwood Engineering's new 7 and CJ 5 units that are prone to catalog pictures their full line of shearing at the axle key. The high quality products complete Summers Brothers axle utilizes a with detailed descriptions and chrome nickel alloy forging, with helpful technical information, high strength and durability. The and the new product line, easy to install kit includes two including the distinctive look of forged axles with studs, two "Black Gold". Wildwood's bearing abutment rings, two calipers, rotors and hubs have bearing retainer flanges with seals become the- preferred compon-installed, two Timken tapered ents of top professional racers roller bearings and collars, two across America, and the new oversize housing· seals and catalog outlines the new complete instructions. No exclusive pistons and quick modifications are required. release steering hub. To find out Contact Summers Brothers, more about the products, send Dept. OT, 530 So. Mountain $3.00 to Wilwood Engineering, Ave., Ontario, CA 91762 or Dept. OT, 4580 Calle Alto, send $3.00 for their Catalog. Camarillo, CA 93010. Dropped Spindles for the Chevy S-1 O Lower your 2 wheel drive Chevy S-10 pickup the right way with Lowered Spindles from Bell Super Tech. These cast, bolt on Dusty nm~s replacement spindles have the axle center line located two inches higher than the stock units, which lowers the front of the truck two inches while still maintaining full wheel travel. The new spindles are cast from high strength ductile iron, and the front wheel· caster, camber and toe-in are engineered to remain at exact OEM specifica-tions. No modifications are needed for installation, and the spindles fit all years and models of the 2 WO S-10 and S-15 from General Motors. Get all the info' on these and other products from Bell Super Tech, Dept. OT, 152 "M'' St., Fresno! CA 93721. I New Nissari Truck . Stuff . Jim Conner Racing has a new catalog that contains tons of on and off road accessories for the Nissan Hardbody Tlruck and the new Pathfinder. Through the use of their computer, al new concept in catalogs goes along with the new book. Each ~im Conner Racing customer who orders the new catalog will be d:ontinuously · updated with n~w catalog sections, specials, pricing information, etc. \For catalog subscriptions send f 5.00 to Jim Conner Racing, Dept. OT, 9356 Wheatlands Road, !Santee, CA 92071. . · Bilstein Now in Firestone Pro Shops r,restone PERF8RMlllCE PROSIIDP Bilstein shocks \ have been selected as · the sole high performance shock Jold through Firestone's new concept· in automotive retail !stores, the Performance Shops.1What began • as a Firestone test prlogram in 33 company stores is projected to grow to over 400\ Pro Shop oudets nationwipe selling upscal~ products to high performance vehicle1 owners and enthusiasts. For more informa-tion, send for the location of the Firestone Performance Pro Shop nearest you and for the latest Bilstein catalog to Bilstein Corp. of America, Dept. OT, 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121. KC HiLites Flood _ Lights . Put a lot of lighton the subject with one of three new KC HiLites flood lights, With special lenses designed to light up large areas April 1987 • 1. New Filters from . Earl's Fuel Filter Oil Filter ·Earl's Performance Products has introduced a ' new line of reusable high performance oil filters and in line fuel filters for competition and high perform-ance street machines. The Dual Filtration 2•finned aluminum oil filter has. double stainless steel elements with a 60 micron inner sc1reen and 100 micron overs.creen. The elements can be removed and are easily- cleaned with soap and water or solvents. The double O ring mounting surface fits most engines with the use of a spin on block adaptor or remote mounting system. Th!:'. In Line bronze element fuel filter tam be quickly disassembled for cleaning. Get full info on the filters and the full line of competitive components in the latest Earl's Catalog. Send $4.00 to Earl's Performance Products, Dept. OT, 825 E. Sepulveda, Carson, CA 90745. I Racer Spacer for VW Cranks Bugpack 's special one piece Spacer eliminates the problems of· stock VW crankshaft gear spacer failure in high perform-ance engines. The stock "Horseshoe" type tends to spread wider under high stress conditions, which could damage the gear train as well as the engine case. Bugpack's Crank Spacer is designed to slip around the crankshaft and forms a ~uperior fit. Made from steel, this fully machined spacer can be used on all Type 1 crankshafts. Contact OeJ Engineering, Inc., Dept. DT, 3560 Cadillac Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. using up to 22, 500 candlepower. The round floods have an inverted keystone pattern and the rectangular models have a 30° 1 vertical and 40° horizontal pattern. Available in 5" or 6" rou11d or 7" rectangular housings, these lights are ideal for off road use, commercial vehicles, back-up lights for farm equipment or RVs. Sold individually the KC floods are easy to install, and are covered by a five year warranty. For more information on KC Flood Lights as well as their full line of auxiliary lighting, send $3.00 to KC Hi Lites, Dept. OT, Williams, AZ 86046. VDO New Min, Catalog YOO Instrument's, Inc., has a new -28 page pocket sized mini catalog featuring their full range of automotiv'e instruments. Printed in, full color the mini catalog includes photos of gauges from all four YOO lines, a product guide, photos of popular mounting and installation accessories, an insfrument function guide as well as warranty information. f).vailable free of charge, get your new mini catalog from YOO Instruments, Inc., Dept. OT, 980 Brooke Road, Winchester, VA 22601. INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Air Sensors Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . 27 Candy Canes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Car Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . . . 17 Jim Cocores Racing . . . . . . . . 18 FAT Performance . ......... 31 FBI Fuel Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Filler Products, Inc. . .... ; . . . 28 BFGoodrich ........ : . . . . . . 26 Gordon Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Don Hatz Engines . . . . . . . . . . 25 Helicopter Rides at Races 16 JaMar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 KC Hilites ........ : . . . . . . . . 5 Mazda Motors of America . . . . . 2 McKenzie Automotive . . . . . . . 29 Mint400 ... : .............. 8 Nevada Off Road Buggy ...... _ 13 Nissan Motor Corp., USA . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover PCI Race Radios ........... 33 Sandwinder Chassis . . . . . . . . 39 · Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 SNORE Twilight Race . . . . . . . 20 Summers Brothers . . . . . . . . . . 34 Supercross, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Sway-A-Way Corp. . ........ 21 Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group · ................ 4-5 Thornton & Associates . . . . . . . 19 Toyota Motorsports ...... ; .. 47 Trackside Photo Enterprises . . 37 Tri Mil Industries . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Uniden Race Radios . . . . . . . . 36 Valley Performance -Hewland ............ . ... 30 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Page 41

Page 42

Bob ••TIN MAN' Behrens (71.4) 878.;4849 Raee ear_;/~ J/JA By Behrens RACE CAR ALUMINUM BODIES FUNNY CAR ALUMINUM INTERIORS 4072 C~ESTVIEW DRIVE LAKE ELSINORE. CA. 92330 a.1e_§fifJ ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~~'i>-Competition Tires · . , . ~o4)' · Offroad & Motorcycle Products 17501 Lemon Ave., Unit D Hesperia, CA 92345 (702) 876-2776 · (619) 244-0477 (800) 1392-5263 . AUTO - PLUS Complete Auto Detailing SANDY HOWE SIA HOWE 619-583-6529 4004 Vanessa Las Vegas, NV 89103_ . BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATIOtr,l • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR., SUITE B • LEM/)N GROVE, CA 92045 BELL KENNY PARKS RACING . · ·a AND -._,MOTORiJ&: SAFETY • PRODUCTS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA ,hi SPRINGS, CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER-SEATS'' EDI BARBARA IEARD Page 42 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 <&rnup ruckmann San Diego 16191 578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF ROAD RACE ENGINES. WINNERS · FOR GORKY MCMILLIN AT 8626 COMMERCE A V E . IN MIRAMAR C>< DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK McMILLIN OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION THE SOURCE FOR "PRO·COMP SERIES" RACING MOTORS & TRANSAXLES. SCORE & HORA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS WALK IN 818-334-4951 PHONE ORDERS 818-969-7967 915 W, FOOTHILL BL VD., AZUSA, CA 91702 Send $1.00* for 1987 Catalog and receive $2 off your first ordert BIG PICKUPS • MINI-PICKUPS • 4WD • ATV'S ~ ~-CAMPERS • HIKERS • HUNTERS • FISHERMEN ON-OFF ROAD TIRES ATV TIRES WHEELS OFF ROAD LIGHTS SUSPENSION YEARS OF BUILDING WINNING OFF ROAD RACE CARS =---Im ■1401 ~ PtONEER WAY #17 ~ CHENOWTH DESl~N & DEVELOPMENT 1401 Pioneer Way #17 / El Cajon, CA 92020 Work (619) 442-3773 / Res. (619) 441-0938 COOLWATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Free Local Phone * Recreation Room * Free Movie Channel * Swimming Pool "DUSTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619-256-8443 1 70 Coolwater Lane, Barstow MOST DURABLE CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE -OUR DESIGN OR YOURS SNAP ON • STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE -SNAP ON CLEAR PLACTICINE WINDOWS "DESERT RACER" ~~:o l'ROOUCTS P.O. Box 2233, San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 945-0035 Official Contingency Donor for SCORE /HORA and AORA. INLAND DISPLAY· POMONA MUNTZ STEREO· 916 HOLT AVE. April 1987 , DIRT DIGITS, WlMllfJJIJ[ff] , '" BlOCK NUMBER$ WITH STYlE u.SA~ {818} 882~7808 10138 CANOGA AVE., CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 DIRJ · -RIX f602) 253-5289 . Championship Off Road Race Car and Tcuck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 PERFORMANCE IDJTaiil■a DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN (818) 381-3033 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Components 15112 Weststate St Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 TM FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! -R-EN_T_A-LS-VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE - 714/627-5727 AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST., BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA 91761 (619) 465-3782 ~ aet Your SfflPT Togetherl ~~\~~;___ ____ _ PORTIJY TRAJVSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane ~ Jamut callfomla 92035 --W Doug Fortin . . -Dusty Times

Page 43

DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS R£·UCA8L£ V. W. PAim 11623 SHELOdN ST, SU.N VALLEY. CA 91352 768-455!5 . (408) 377-3422 Custom Shocks Built to Your Vehicle's · Specifications _ IOX RACING SHOX 544 McGlincey lane, Unit 8, Campbell, Calif. 95008 Fuel Bladders Qulclc FIiis Dump Cans Std. FIiis 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 962-0027 GARMA ABRICATIO ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION . RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 GRIFFITHS ENTERPRISES PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS LICENSED AND INSURED ROBERT GRIFFITHS BEEPER (702) 381-3148 OFFICE (702) 362-4202 HOME (702) 362-9416 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIR CU::, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 WALT LOTT 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 702-361-5404 Dusty Times HOUSE of BUGGIES I . . . 7302 Broadway• Lemon Grove/CA. 92045 • 619-589-6770 MICHAEL LUND I •••• Owner 1. P.O. Box 1065 • Solana Beach. CA 92075-0830 • (619) 753-3196 Lee (714) 522-,4600 (714) 5221602; rf=.===2±====1 1/jjj/1}jJJCJ( V. W. Service REPAIR O PAR TS O SERVICE . ., 6291 Manchester Blvd • . Buena Park, C_A 90621 ,, JIMCG ~~ p~-' . OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BpDIES ROLL CAGES PARTS &. ACQESSORIES (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 OHN 4CING PIIOIHJCTS OHNSPN JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON Send $2,00 for C.calog I I CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINNING SUSPENSION SYSTBIS PERFORMANCE H1CH PERFORMANCE SHOCKS P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 [619] 583-2054 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner DUAL & TRIPI£ SHOq(. SYSTBIS . RBERCLASS . 60° V-6 2.8 MOTOR PARTS ACCESSOIIIES LEDUC OFF ROAD 186 BALDWIN STREET - 9 a.m. -7 p.m. WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA 01089 TEL. (413) 739-4111 RACE TRUQK FAB. 4WD TRUCK REPAIR ~!'~~ .. ~~id·•· l~STANT SERVICE TRUCK ACCESSORIES April 1987 McKENZIFS AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAREHOUSE -~ISTRIBUTORS FOR CENTER-LINE WHEELS. T'ECTIRA TIRES KC LIGHTS ~UPER TRAP SPARK ARRESTORS CIBIE LIGHTS MCKENZIE AIRFILTERS WRIGHT PLACE DURA BLUE ULTRA BOOT • WESTERN AUTO TIRES e 18-7e4-6438 818-765-!5827 . SWAY-A-WAY .BILSTt:IN SHOCKS K .Y.B . SHOCKS BEARD SEATS HEWLAND GEARS GEM CHARS CROWN MFG. NEAL PROD_UCTS RAPID COOL TRI-MiL 129415 SHERMAN WAY, NO. 4 NO. HdLLYWOOD, CA 91805 MENDEOLA· RACINC TECH NO LOCY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC CEARBOXES ( 619) 2 7 7 -3 100 7577 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 5\S_ cH,:..S Custom Built to Your Ne_eds by V-ENTERPRISES Bill Varnes Mike Brown 32817 Crown Valley Rd. Acton, CA 93510 805/269-1279 INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Cutting Brakes'" • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clutches and Throttles ... plus much more. Comple1e Catalog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 565-9336 Page-43 . - I

Page 44

J OJieig· Enterprises, F I LT E RS "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask _Your Performance Dealer Today -Oil -Fuel -Transmissions -Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc., 12414 Hwy. 99 So., Dept. OT, Everett, WA 98204 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6879 ORAN CIRCLE BUENA PARK. CA. 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 W D . VANS & PICKUPS & M IN I TRUCKS GABRIEL RACING SHOC K S • BAJA RYOERS PRE·RuN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION No BLOCKS UsEo • WEL D ING & FABR1CAT10N Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 · Established 1974 Wants YOU Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved ! Dennis R.ogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-7757 ORE OFF ROAD ENGINEERING OffROMllaceCan 9720 Cozycroft Chatsworth . CA 91311 GREG LEWIN· (818) 882-2886 Close-Up Action From 1986 SCORE/HORA Desert Serles Races and SCORE Off Road World Championship 1 Hr. VHS Video Tapes $29.95 each P.O. Box 444 Please Write for Information El Segundo, CA 90245-0444 IKE' FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering Hole Saloon Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER. CALIFORNIA Page 44 PORCO PRECISION OFF ROAD COMPANY~ Retail Parts • Fabrication • Prototype 721 UNIT B SAN BERNARDINO RD. . COVINA, CA 91723 TONY VANILLO (818) 915-3847 (818) 915-3848 P.O. BOX 323 • SEAHURST WA, 98062. (206)242-1773 PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY. N EW L ENOX. ILLINOIS·6D451 18151 48S·RACE 17223) Quality Pr9ducts Fastener Sµecialists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845 East Compton Blvd. AL KE\ • (213) 515-3570 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICA TIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES Paramount, CA 907.23 DOUG FREEMAN (213) 320-9584 P.O . BOX 3757 GARDENA , CA 90247-7457 Telephone : (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 · David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim, CA 92805 April 1987 RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914's . l ===-(213)583-2404 , 'f!!jjf!!jj0 . SANDERSSERWC~IN~ METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Avenue · Los Angeles, California 90001 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Rick Munyon Larry Smith ~ ' ...._ .:-:t:-. .:. _ _ .. ., -Sa,e -7~~ ........ ~'8"99'1 ~ \ ,~.°!,) 1533 Truman Street I ~!~ San Fernando. Ca. 9134D_ ~{!j-,,;k.JJ.~ P hone: (818) 361-1215 ---~•J.....,.V-'--I SO-CAL PERFORMANCE ~v. ~ 8504 E. Compton Blvd. f Paramount, CA 90723 (213) 408· . - - # - -.,,. - ® I~ SO-CAL Performance "'/ Racing Gasoline IF YOU PAY FOR IT, WHY NOT_ GET THE BEST/!! . : ., . . OFF ROAD SUSPENSION SYSTEMS - SHOCKS RACE CAR FABRICATION AND PREPARATION CUSTOM MACHINE PARTS-KEVIN McGILLIVRAY 28210 AVE. CROCKER #301, VALENCIA, CA 91355 (805) 257-0934 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill WINNERS GREG HIBBS -1st OVERALL, 1st CLASS 10 KEN SNYDER -1st 2-1600; BRAD INCH · 1st 1-1600; MAX RAZO 1st CLASS 5; MARK CAMERON · 1st OPEN; ANDY DEVE.RCELL Y · 1st 5-1600; REX LEWIS -1st CLASS 100; .JIM DELANEY· 1st CHALLENGER; TIM YOUNG -1st TRUCK;' HAL GRAVES -1st CLASS 6 . Dusty Timcs

Page 45

LOCATION OISIRIBUTORS TEI.EPHONE Anaheim, CA Bakersfield, CA Tom Stalarz (714) 630-3810 Dave Pedrow/Wayne Ulberg . (805) 948-6044 Tim Schmidt (805) 324-9882 Bullhead City, AZ Colton. CA Corona.CA El Centro, CA Fullerton, CA Hayward, CA Lancaster, CA Las Vegas, NV Long Beach, CA Oakland/S.F., CA Phoenix, AZ. Riverside, CA San Jose, CA Larry Stover Dick Alden/John Donahoe Cal Performance Mike McNeece Jim Finn La Vern Unser Jack Bertwick Dave Pedrow/Wayne Ulberg · Darwin Pilger/Tom Tonal . Dave Wayt Chris Price Bill Wilhoit/Ed Clark Sand Rails John Graham Mike Whitacre Tucson, AZ. Don Larson Van Nuys, CA Dave Wayt Ventura, CA Bill Tipton Yu~a. AZ. Robert McNeece (602) 758-5480 (714) 877-0226 (714) 735-7223 (619) 352-4721 (714) 738-7820 (714) 635-5553 (415) 783-6500 (805) 948-6944 (702) 457-5906 (213) 437-4373 (415) 428-2600 (602) 278-6271· (714) 682-3270 (408) 723-3835 (408) 294-4513 (602) 745-2247 (213) 437-4373 (805) 659-5609 (602) 782-6543 P.O. Box 610, 333 West Broadway, Suite 202 _long Beach,-Califomia 90801-0610 (213) 437-4373 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTS 1649 W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667 714-997-0766 If no answer 714-997-0767 Suspension Components . (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 GET INTO "GEAR" WITH THE WINNING NAME IN TIRES s-11111 Cap: twill/mesh. one size fits all, your choice of blue. black. grey. red or yellow. $5.00 · T-Shfrts: ·50/50. available in S. M. L. & XL, your choice of blue, white. grey, red or yellow $7.00 Patches: 1 'h" X 5··.-yellow with black logo. $.50. Decals: 12" X 3" black or white on clear, $1.00. or 26"' X 5·· with black. white. red or yellow die-cut letters. $5.00 TO OAOEA YOUR "GEAR" ... please include 1ler'n. quantity, size and color, and send check. money order or MC/VISA,. (Ohio residents add 5.5% tu:) to. ---------~~"'."'."'."~ P.O. Boa 227 • Cui,ahoga Faffs, OH 44222 Inside Ohio · 216 928-9092 OUTSIDE OHIO • 800 222-9092 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill SPONSORS ALFORD DISTRIBUTING * THE WRIGHT PLACE * RACE READY PRODUCTS * SOUTHWEST RACING PROMOTIONS * OFF-ROAD BUGGY SUPPLY * CLAIREMONT EQUIPMENT RENTALS CONTINGENCY SPONSORS JOE STIDMAN'S HEARTLAND MEAT CO.; CORONADO AUTO BODY; GOWLAND MOTORSP0RTS; HPS LUBRICANTS; FIBER-TECH ENG .. INC.; BAJA CONCEPTS; T & J BUGGY-SHOP; AROS TRAILERS; BOZO RACING TEAM; THE OC0TILL0 TRAILER PARK; SAN DIEGO 0FF-ROADER; ARMSTRONG TIRES; MIKE LUND'S HOUSE OF BUGGIES Dusty nmcs Ill/CE TT(IINS BY JEFF RELJ)'S · TRANSfiXLE_ ENGIN~RING I I JEFF FIELD 9833 Deering 998-2739 Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91-311 ~TRACKSJDE1 -Photo Enterprises PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES .. CA. 90009 18710 SO. NORMANOIE ~ SUITEtC •GARDENA.CA. 90248 Jim Ober (213) 327-4493 RACING PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIALISTS TAiC~ WE DELIVER!!! racing gasoline . I I Alameda County Bakersfield Bremerton Denver (415) 538-RACE {805,J 393-8258 {206) 377-7951 Phoenix Pojtland-Vancouver Rivr rside · Sacramento /602) ~52-2575 , /303) 452-5239 /808) 682-5589 1714) 536-8808 {2 I 3) 863-480 I Hawaii Huntington Beach l.A.-1.Dng Beach San Diego Saugus Seattle {206) 693-3608 {7 14) 787-8141 19 i 6) 334-RACE {619) 460-5207 /80'.>) 259-3886 {206) 833-0430 /509) 483-0076 /509) 547-3326 {602) Z91 -9386 Las Vegas Monterey Orange County 1702) 871-1417 {408) 899-1010 {714) 634-0845 Spokane Tri Cities · Tucson DUSTY -.J1IMES : INVITES YOU TO BECOME.A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in vour shop, to sell or to -present to· preferred customers. It is :1 great traffic builder, and ·the cost is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Drrry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91 301. (818) 889-5600 M LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C Fullerton, Ca. 92631 , Louie Unser (714) 879-8A40 • TRAILERS FLAT BED ENCLOSED ATV-ATC JET SKI MOTORCYCLE • METAL FABRICATION TRUCK RACKS STAKE BEDS DUNE BUGGIES REPAIRS WELDING FUN Tl.ME MFG 12150BLOOMFIELD AVE UNIT G SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 · (213) 929-0f-40 'YOUR TOY HAULER SPECIALIST' BOB FULMER I KEN.HAGEMANN RES: (213) 929-1410 RES: (213) 531-9154 Ap~I 1987 'l'H/S WINNISRS· CHOIC/S Fact is, WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS have been used by more winning drivers and engine builders in 1985 than any other brand! Ask the top professionals before buy-ing your next cam. Call us for your winning cam for street•, strip Send $3 for complete 1986 catalog. VW - .PORSCHE -OFF ROAD 947 RANCHEROS DRIVE SAN MARCOS, CA 92069 Engine & Machine (619) 741-6173 Custom Wheels Phoenix, Arizona 85017 For advertising rates & information contact Wright Publishing Co., Inc. PO Box 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 · Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the .. GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $18.00 per month. Check out the DUSTY TIMES Spcdal Club Sub Offer (Almost half price for group subscriptions) Call (818) 889-5600 or write DUSTYTIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 Page 45 'i'

Page 46

Classified ••• FOR SALE: Two seat Class 10 race car. 12' wide, JT front armes, HD spindles, Wright box, tapered roller brgs. (front & rear), bus stubs, Palmer arms, FOR SALE: Short course winner, Hi Jumper. 105" WB, the best of everything. Ready to go, $4100 less engine and trans. Serious inquiries only. Call Chuck, (702) 853-3448. FOR SALE: 1973 VW Thing. Fresh 1835cc balanced engine, 3 inch lift kit, new paint, tires, aluminum wheels, 4:37 'rebuilt transaxle, AM/FM cassette, all equipment and accessories in working order. On or off road vehicle with KCs, air horn, front and rear aluminum skid shields· and nerfs. $3995. Call days (714) 986-4458, nights (714) 987-5978. new Type 4 cvs, bus trans FOR SALE: Type 4, 2668cc w/ Hewland gears, 091 cliff., 12 engine by Dave Head. Fresh.with FOR SALE: Class 2, 2300cc Bilsteins, Toyota powered. Fast Araoheads,singleordual48IDF Type 1. Bus trans, Taylor seats, and dependable, raced nine Webers, dyno 185 with duals, turbo cvs, Centerlines, 12" wide · times, with five firsts, two 165 with-single. Includes power be'am, 115" wheelbase, Wright - seconds. $6000.00 0 .B.0. Call steering pump. $6500, single, .spindles & arms, disc brakes, (602) 253-5408. $6750, dual carbs. Have Hilborn fourth in 1986 World Champ-FOR SALE: Baja Bug pre-. injection also. Call Art (818) ionships. $7500 complete, runner. As- new; has it atl! Also ---891-29-16. --. - - - ---$.~500, roller,_Call Vince (-7-14)-have 5-1600 chassis, 3 FM 7_7_9_-6_8_8_9_. ----~--radios, fuel cans and dump cans, and many other parts. Call (619) 464-5030. . FOR SALE: Raceco Class 1-or 10 short course car. New sprint car design. Best of everything, priced $12,000 less motor. Class 5, built by Frisk, also best of everything. Priced at $7500 less motor. Call for details. ( 714) 529-1466 or (619) 464-3499. 'FOR SALE: A proven winner. Steve Tetrick's Class 10 O.R.E. Won four of the first five races in '86! 130 hp Type 1 motor by 'Engine Machine Service. Full tilt 091 trans by Jeff Field, 18" two stage progressive rear ·suspe.nsion, 14" air shock front suspension, 12 Fox Shox, UMP p/s, Super-boot, Vasco bars; car has been professionally maintained since new by O .R.E., with no expense spared. Will sell complete for $15,000 firm. Also for sale, spare engine · and many major parts. Call Fred at (818) 889-0294. FOR SALE: Rod Hall's '77. _Dodge pre-runner. Completely· restored, interior roll bars, Art Carr trans, 360 performance engine. Serious inquirles only. Call Chuckat (702) 853-3448. MUST SELL: 1986 1-1600 World Champion Elrod/ Donsco Hi Jumper. '85-'86 Mickey Thompson off road se-ries champion! Wright rack, Master-craft, Centerlines, Fox Shox, Jamar. This car has won every-where. W·/wo motor; $6000 complete O .B.O. Also Elrod short course Baja Bug, Class 5, less motor -ari.d transmission -Cheap. Call ( 408) 866-7603 or 272-2216 .. FOR SALE: Super deal on Class 1-1600.105"WB,Beardseat, 18 gal. fuel cell, P Pumper, JT beams, Sway-A-Way rear, Wright R & P, hydraulic clutch and more. Class winner in VORRA. Engine, tranny, turn key. $5500 or $3000 less engine and tranny. This is the best way to get started. Call (702) 827-9121 in Reno, NV aftec6 p.m. WANTED: Serious, mature partner to buy or build a two seat Score Challenger car. Plan to race Score and HDRA races. Must live in San Diego area. If interested, call Jim at (619) 692-3063. FOR SALE: Class ?11-x4 Toyota. Five speed trans, Mikuni carbs, BFG, Beard seats, new Doetsch Tech shocks. Call for more infor-mation. Asking $8000; days (605) 987-5788, eves (605) 361-2655. ARE YOU GETTING MORE THAN ONE COPY OF ·--· --, - ' ,.. . - ' DU:STY TIMES? A number of subscribers now have two subscriptions, , because they get _one with theiimembership in HDRA, · or they subscribed through another club as. well as. DUSTY TIMES. If you don't really need two' copies each month, drop us a !1,0te and assign your duplicate subscription to a friend, pft crew worker, anyone you -"choose; Send us the full name and add~ess with zip code, of your friend, and the mailing label from the subscription you wish to assign to them. We will.take care of the paper work._ FOR SALE: Class l-l600, 96"' wheelbase, rebuilt engine and tran.s, Engle cam, Hi-Comp _ported-1i:eads,_Supec diff, __ dose __ · ratio 3rli and 4th, fuel cell, triple KYBs, Sway-A-Way torsion adjuster; Porsche ZF steering box, Ford tie rod ends, new battery. With trailer, ready to go, just $1950. Call Tom at (213) 828-3387. FOR SALE: 1986 Raceco, C ss 1-1600. Fresh West mot r, · Mendeola bus trans, turbo -cvs, Superboot, Wright front end, U.MP power steering, 115" wneelbase, 22 gal. fuel cell. Best of everything for Class 1-1600, $12,500. Call for details (619) 569-6280. FOR SALE: Original 1983 Factory Toyota "lronman" Race Truck. Winner 1983 Manufac-turers Cup. Works great, easy to maintain, many spares. Ready to race stadium or desert Class 7. $14,000 or make off~r. Call Mike (619) 485-9410. -, FOR SALE: Class 10 Chaparr,al. Wright front end, power steering, Beard seat', .Parker, Hewland gears. VW powered and ready to go. Also have Toyota power set up for car. Everything and trailer, $12,000. Call Chuck, home (602) 855. 7823, work (619) 3264589. FOR SALE: 1966 Baja Bug, street legal. Rebuilt swing axle, 1358cc, ball joint front, KYBs, . Edwards, Streakers, Beard seats, alum. panels, new wiring, one piece front. $2000. Call Jeff at (714 )-777-8800 days, or (714) 840-39651 evenings. FOR SALE: 1950cc Rabbit engine, Fat Performance built for UltraStock, Class 11 or 2 . Orkraska crank, Aris pistons, . less carbs with -custom radiator and header. $2850 0B0-will trade. Call (714) 632-3226 days, or (714) 974-9888. FOR SALE: 1985 Class 2 Raceco. 19~ travel, 122" wheel-base, fresh Type 4 2.6, Field 091 trans - Hewland, Super cliff, new 930 cvs, Super Boot, Wright Place, UMP, secondary, Bilstein, Fox, Beard·; ·sway-A-Way, Parker, fresh prep. Race ready with trailer, $15;000 OBO. Gary or Greg, days (818) 782-2614, eves,(818) 349-6611. · · - .. FOR SALE: Two bus gearboxes. -Hewland gears in both with ,-- -ii!----------- - - - - -__,_ - - --. - - - - ----___ ;... _ ------- -- - -------,. Super Gerri. Class 10 3rd and 4th · . . . , . Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in . I gear option. One Saco and one DUSTY TIMES. . . ' ' Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5·.00 for use of blat:k and· .white photo, or a very sharp color print. _ - · . NEWAND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TIMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if vou act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00.iAll classified ads-must be pald in advanCl . · I. Henry's Sµper cliff. Brand new 091 cases, never run. Built by I Hughes Performance. $2000-1 apiece. Call Greg Diehl at (602) I 272-2659 or (602)841-1288. I FORSALE: 1-1600Funco, 100" 11 WB. Excellent short course car. Completely rebuilt from the · I chassis up. Wright rack and I spindles, Fox and KYBs, Neal, . I Beard's Supeiseat, side fuel cells, Car looks like new. $4000 less • I mot0r and trans. Call Fred at I . (818) 889-0294. 11. I FOR SALE:· Looking for a good· I car? Look n.o more. Have I 1· , competitive Class 10- car! Long I I travel rear and front. Best of all I Enclosed is$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad ___ ,--___ times. parts money can buy, too many I to list. See for yourself or call I Name . ----------------------------Mail to: I · before 6 p.m. at (714) 492-1606 I I oi-eves.498-0381.over$15,ooo· ·· I Address ----------,-------------~ Phone_______ · DUSTY TIMES O I invest$ed, Irt.Ust sell at best offer I 533.1 Derry Ave., Suite over 6000. Ask for Drew or City ----------'-'----,--,-,-------State---,--~. Zip______ Agoura, CA 91301 I Rick . . I!....,___;,_.....,.._.:..,;_ _ ____: __ _;____:....:_ _______ ......:_ ___________ __,;..,;,._ ___ ...;■!,_-=:==========::::::===. Dusty ·Times Page 46 April 1987 r-

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MEARS AND CONNER CONTINUE THEI.R VICTORY MARCH IN THE FIRST ANNUAL GOLD COAST 300. Light rain and incredibly rugged terrain were the bill of fare for the day. But nothing could stop Roger Mears and the team of Jim Conner and Carl Jackson as they piloted their Nissan Hardbody Trucks to victory in the first annual Gold Coast 300 held in Las Vegas, Nevada. . It was neck and neck· for Mears and his V6-powered Nissan Truck as they held off all competitors to win 2WD Class 7 by an edge-· of-the-seat margin of just 2.1 seconds. This despite the fact that Mears suffered a flat tire just three mil;es from the finish line. Mean~ while in Class 7 4x4, the Conner/Jackson -team quickly! gained the lead in t~e s~cond half of the race and held on to win with a comfortable lead of over six minutes. Nissan congratulates these veteran -drivers on. their impressive victories. And we , thank them for the opportunity to test Nissa.n Hard body Trucks under some of the severest conditions imaginable. · You can get the same . top quality, too, with Nissan's full line of specialized parts for racing vehicles and production cars. Justs'end -your $10 check or money order ( do not send cash) for our Competition Parts Catalog to: Nissan Motor _ Corporation in U.S.A., Motorsports Dept., And remember to check out ur family P.O.· Box 191, Gardena, CA 9024lt . of winners at your nearest ~ 1 r:Fl\ Nissan dealer today. YOURS ~ r£/SNISSAN , '