, I, including OFF-ROAD & RAI.LYE ACT~ON MEWS .. . I com
Walker Evans locks up the 1986 Class 8 Championship, the Heavy-Metal Challenge Championship; and the True Grit Award with victory at the Budweiser/Barstow 250. Spencer Low wins the Class 7S Championship and the Mini-Metal Challenge Championship for the second year in a row. Class 7-4x4 rookie Dave Ashley, on the way to his second consecutive Barstow 250 victory. Goodyear Wrangler radials help Walker Evans take home the"Triple Crown'' at the SCORE/HORA season finale. The rain on the course of the Budwe_iser/Barstow 250 turned the deep silt into slick mud. Which seemed to make the rocks even sharper, the ruts even deeper, and the terrain of the Mojave Desert even more treacherous than ever. But for Walker Evans, Spencer Low and Dave Ashley, the season-ending event became a joy ride of sorts. In Class 8, Walker Evans raced his big Dodge Ram to the eleventh off-road Championship of his career. He. also took this year's Heavy-Metal Challenge Championship. And won the True Grit Award for the fastest year-long average speed in his category. In Class 7S, Spencer Low took his Nissan Hardbody to his second con-secutive SCORE/HDRA Championship. And his second consecutive Mini-Metal Challenge Championship. In Class 7-4x4, Dave Ashley, driving Dick Landfield's rugge4 Ford Ranger, won his second Barstow 250-mile race of the year. And 1986 ~as Dave's first year of truck racing. 1986. It was a very good year. For off-road racing. And for Goodyear Wrangler radials. So, to ,"Triple Crown" winner Walker Evans, to Spencer Low, to Dave Ashley and all of this year's winning Goodyear drivers, thanks for helping us prove how Goodyear Wrangler radials are engineered to take on the toughest terrain. And congratulations on a great year of -racing. . · GOODJlrEAR Take me home. ,The quick way. ·
Volume 4 Number 1 Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin As~iate Publisher Brad Goodrow Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm. Controller John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic Frank McCombs Contributors Darla Crown Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake .Winnie' Essenberg Homer ·Eubanks Tom Grimshaw Dennis.Henneberg Martin Holmes Danny McKem:ie Brenda Parker David Ryskamp Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Sprovkin Joe Stephan Darlene Thackston 3-D Photography T rackside Photo. Enterprises Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Mi,chelle's Typesetting Services -------I ·[ .... ' ' January 1987 I -111 ,_•is Issue ••• -1 THE OfflCIAL VOICE OF SC()RE CANADA -·.!17!!1?' Subscription Rates: $12.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. Foreign subscription rates on request. 'contributions: . . . . , . . . . . I DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions, but is not responsible for such material. l)nsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed,· stamped envelope. \ . Classified Ads will be published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omissions or errors. All ads.may be subject to editing. I DUSTY TIMES combined with OFF ROAD ACTION NEWS, "USPS-305~609" is published monthly by Hill- , . side Racing Corp., 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Ag6ura,: CA 91301, (818) 889-5600. Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part of this publication may be r~pro-duced without written permission-from the publisher. . Secon~ Class Postage paid at Agou~a, CA 91301. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. .~:1 ./ . ·~ FEATURES Page HDRA Budweiser 250 . .......................... • • • 10 Dixie Sprints in Michigan ............. ; ........ : . , . • 22 Press On Regardless Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Bancroft Off Road Challenge .................. '. . . . . . 28 Sanre~o Rally .................. .-... .' . ......... • • • 30 Colorama 100 in· Wisconsin ...................... ·. . . 31 East of Indio Rally .............................. , , • 32 VORRA Finale in Sacramento ..................... • • 34 Outlaws at El Cajon Speedway ..................... . • 35 Short Course Racing at Glen Helen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Lombards RAC Rally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 SNORE Midnight Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 GORRA at Cordele, Georgia ....................... • 41 .GORRA Action at Winder-Barrow ... : ......... ...... 47 . DEPARTMENTS . Soap Box by Homer Eubanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 4 Trail Notes .................... ; .............. • , • • •. 4 · Happenings ................................... • • • • • 6 Side Tracks by Judy Smith ........................... 8 Yokohama 6-50 Club Report ................... _ ...... 8 SCCA So-Pac Division Rally Report ............... : .. 20 The Losers by Judy Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 California Rally Series Report ........... ,. . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Weatherman Radio Tips by Bob Steinberger ........... 37 Pit Team Register and Reports .......... : ............ 40· From the Driver's Seat by Dick Johnson ............... 40. · · Good Stuff Directory ................. , . . .. . . . . . . . . 4 2 Classified Ads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Index to Ad~ertisers ............ _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 · ON THE COVER - Larry Noel enjoyed the dust free running on the soggy desert near Barstow, and he drove alone in his ChaparraJ to a resounding victory overall at the HORA Budweiser .250 last December. From Phoenix, Arizona, Noel races everywhere a·nd often, and at one time was leading the Baja 1000 overall, but failed to finish. At Barstow he gained his first overall victory in the desert series, and he took over the lead on the last lap. Congratulations to Larry Noel for a terrific finish to a very busy year. Color Photography by Trackside Photo E~terpri_ses. I\~ DUSTY TIMES THE FASTEST GROWING OFF ROAD MONTHLY IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year - $12.00 · □ 2 years -$20.00 □ 3 years - $30.00 Take advantage of your subscription bonus ••• Free one time classified ad up to 45 words. (Form on inside back page) Name-~ ___ .:..._ ____________________ _ HAPPY I Address -----------------,--------NEWYEAR I I' I I I . I I I City·----------------------------State ----------~---,----Zip---------Send check or money order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301 ·(Canadian - 1 year $15 .00 U.S.• Overseas subscription rates quoted on reauest) 1· I I I I I I I I I -.;;_.;.... _________ ..,... ______________________ •_...,... ___________________________ ..._.;.._ ________ ,.~ January 1987. Dusty Times Pagel i I l I i
SoaP-Box ••• By Homer Eubanks . havin·g a secret starting order placement gives the promoter the power to position favorites, for whatever reason, up front, giving • them a great advantage in the tight, closed course stadium style races. To· remedy this problem, Du.ring the winter off season, our capitalistic society it is the drivers should vote on racers have time to lick their perfectly understandable that inverting the starting order, or wounds and prepare for the up anyone promoting a race should there should be a drawing in the coming season. Most important-receive a just reward. Promoters public eye to insure fairness for ly, it is a time to plan ahead to should also realize that racers all! make the next season even better spend their hard earned money One of the biggest-concerns of than the previous one. Hope-to perform at these events and fair play iriclosedcourseracingis fully,· this is what eveyone con-should be financially rewarded the use of the Rough Drivmg . cerned with off road racing is for their efforts. Committees. Simple errors on doing with their off season time. The problem is that promoters the part of these judges can prove If Short Course off road racing work every angle of the racing devastating to the sport. This is is to hold its professional motor-business to their adyantage. This the true hot · .seat of racing,. sport status, it needs to take a is where one group can put the making objectivity ,that much· serious look at itself and make sport back to a semi-pro status more important. changes for the betterment of the by committing some. unsavory To be sure, favoritism happens sport. The sport has come a long dealings, which leads the sport in other forms of racing events, way in its short history. Now is down an unprofessional path. but, in all cases it degrades the the time for everyone concerned Promoters ·get into making integrity of.the sport. Any rac-ing about off road racing to look promises, or giving favors, and organization, being made up of around at other major sporting this is when the favors turn into a human beings, will have faults, events and decide what traits not Catch 22 situation, where no one unfortunately. Professionalism to pick up. wins and the sport loses. When enters into the overall picture as Short Course events can be one sponsor receives a favor, those people involved in the looked at like children; they are a other sponsors feel cheated events attempt to conduct growing personality, striving for because they didn't get special themselves in a manner that aims maturity. As they grow, they can treatment also, even though they for perfection. · be subjected to many racing are helping to support the sport. Racing fans have the privilege customs, whether good or bad. If This can jeopardize the future to have their favorites! Racing : left unchecked, the bad habits support of sponsors. officials must deal with facts . picked up become accepted by Of course, everyone in without distortion of their own wrong doers as fashionable traits. business wants favors, but the personal feelings or prejudices. But to outsiders, "bad habits are , race track is not the place. If track Putting themselves in this just bad habits!" . favors are bestowed, what can position requires one to commit It · is these bad habits that turn out is that the Champion-to personal excellence, and if professionals overcome in order ships will become· nothing more they cannot make this commit-to project a positive image for· than a title for those that can ment, then it is apparent another , their sport. This image works for. afford to buy it! position would be more suited to 1 everyone, in attracting sponsors How could this be, you might them. and fans to the sport. This ask? One point that .comes to Promoters are not the only acceptance will elevate the sport mind . is not having set starting individuals involved that can to a true financially professional order rules in short course elevate the sport. Drivers racing· status. events. When a promoter has a with an "eye for an eye" attitude The first thing Short Course secret starting order, so the should realize that their actions off road racing should do is take a drivers wc;,n 't · sand bag iii • leave the sport with a black eye. hard look at the business of qualifying, that is understand-Sure, fans love the action, but car racing. Promoters put on racing able, and in theory should owners are reluctant to s~nd events to make money. And, in benefit the sport. However, their money on a free for all that ~--------.,----------------........ ends up costing them repair bills. West Coast Distributor fOff HEWLAND . OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AV Al LAB LE Valley Performance 3700, Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Mc Kenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page4 Without owners wanting to spend more for better equip-ment, the sport cannot grow into the future. Stadium style racing provides everyone with enough physical contact! Now it is time to let the show stand on its own merit. Closed course racing has all the features of success. It is an ideal market place for those wishing to expose their goods to an upbeat '. audience. Very few other• motorsports events offer as much action as does this type of racing. With apmperly designed course, more position changes occur in one heat than in most entire circle track · events. This . exciting competition is what the ' fans come to see. Another problem that closed· course, short course, stadium -racing; or whatever name it has in your area, has is the lack of a marketable name. You say motocross to someone and they· know what you are talking about, whether it is performed in a stadium or open fields. Some-thing like Desertcross or Baja Cross, or the term used back east, Autocross, is needed to identify the sport in a general catch phrase. The ·market place has trouble identifying with · many titles with several names. Let's use the new year to make a resolut.ion, committing to the · betterment of the sport of closed course racing. January 1987 Trail Notes ••• , GEr-lERAL TIRE MOTORSPORTS has announced its 1987 contingency program for the SCORE/ HORA events. Bonus money is offered also in specified classes. Of course the vehicles must be equipped with General's light truck gres to be elig\ble for the contingency prizes. At each event a total of $9000 is available. Six truck classes will be given $1500 for first in class, OR, $500 for the first finisher in class on General Tires. Special tire prices for off road racers will be .available in 1987 through the Off Road Racers Purchase Program. Any driver competing in approved events is eligible for the· discount. Drivers who qualify and are inter.ested in the program can contact any General Tire dealer or call toll free 800-321-7575 to get the "Competition Price Information". THE 1986 SCORE/HDRA DESERT SERIES CHAMPIONS were decided .-i many classes at the December running of the HDRA Budweiser 250 at Barstow. In case you are curious, a brieflist of the new champs follows, and the full story on how they won their title will be the main feature of the February issue of DUSTY TIMES. Mark McMillin will wear #100 next year, taking the points title from Ivan Stewart·and Larry Noel, who were tied for second in Class 1_. Bob Gordon bested David Kreisler and Bob Richey for top spot in Class 2. , Scoring the overall points victory and in Class 1-2-1600, Jack Ramsay accumulated more points than ·any other driver in 1986, running all eight events. Willie Higman and Jeff Papple were second and third in the clas's. Don Adams took another Class 3 title trailed closely by Matt Pike and Mike Schwellinger. Rod Hall ran away from Don Yosten and Don McCormack in Class 4 points. Max Razo won a close one in Class 5 over Hartmut Klawitt~r and Stan Parnell, and Steve Lakin did the same· to David Anckner and Owen Duggan in Class 5-1600. · Class 7-went to Manny Esquerra by a bunch over Roger Mears and Larry Ragland, and Larry· Schwacofer did the same to Wes Moser and Arne Gunnarsson in Class 6. Spence Low squeaked out the win in 7S over Willie Valdez and Paul Simon, and won the Mini Metal title, whileJ~rry McDonald had a good lead in 7 _4x4 over Jim Conner and Dave Ashley. Walker Evans took another crown-in Class 8 from Dave Shoppe and Steve Kelley. Dave Wood ran away with Class 9 honors, followed by Gary Cogbill and James Gross. The Challenge Class went to Rick Johnson, followed by Rich Minga and Edward McLean. It was close all year in Class 10, but Rick Hagle took the title from Steve Tetrick and Roger Mortenson. Ramon Castro claimed top spot in Class 11, followed by Andy Diaz and Sergio Guiterrez, while Steve Mize! defended his Class 14 title over Carl Cook and Jerry Daugherty. The champions will get their rewards on January 3 at the annual banquet in Anaheim. · DATE CONFLICTS IN THE NEW YEAR! The crowded calendar is upon us once again in off road racing in the west. So far February seems tQ be the busy month in the desert, with nothing happening in] anuary. Lou Peralta had already moved his San Felipe, B.C. event once to position it half way between the Score Parker 400·onJanuary 31 and the HDRA Gold Coast on March 7. Meanwhile, SNORE searched frantically for an event to start off their season, after they·cancelled out at California City due to the excessive cost of the required insurance. The only date SNORE could get around their Las Vegas base was, you guessed it, February 14, the same· date as the San Felipe race. It is doubtful if that will be a big problem, because it is usually a different group of racers that are attracted to the club style runs in Las Vegas or the sands of San Felipe. . However, short' cous~ racers may have a real problem as the stadium season develops. The Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group recently ·announced an eight race schedule for 1987, starting off fast in Anaheim on January 10 and in San Diego onJ anuary 1 7. The other half dozen MJ"EG dates. should be available very soon, with plans to g6 to lndianapoli~ and Detroit in March still very much alive. Meanwhile, Supercross, Inc., formerly known as Stadium Motocross, Corp., not only has a new name in 1987, but a schedule that includes a half dozen events that feature autocross for open wheel cars . along with the famous supercross motorcycle races. They have only one firm date at press time for the bike-car combo event, March 14 in the Sun Devil Stadium in Phoenix, AZ. But Supercross, Inc., also plans a schedule of at least .. six events that include the off road race cars. Beyond that Glen Helen OHV Park in San Bernardino already had three firm dates published for two months in DUSTY TIMES. Even a devoted short course racer could run out of energy, time, and of course money, trying to make all the events, even just those in his immediate area. . . . RALLY NEWS - The WRC Olympus International Rally .in December went to Markku Alen driving a Lancia,which should earn him the 1986 drivers' championship, unless, the late Decemb~r meeting ofFISA decides to toss out the Sanremo Rally. In .that case, Juha Kankkunen, who was second in the rally, would be the,new world champion. John Buffum did America proud by finishing third overall at the Olympus in-the Audi Sport Quattr.o. California based Kiwi Rod Millen won Group A in Washington in a 4 WD Mazda Familia, and young Paul Choiniere surprised everyone by winning Group N (Production) in his Audi 4000. There will be a full report on the Olumpus in the next issue of DUSTY TIMES. · · Flush with the year end success at the RAC and Olympus, Ma:z:da Rally T earn (Europe) announced they will campaign a pair ofMazda4 WD 323s in the World Championship Series in 1987. The 1985 world cha(Jlpionship driving team ofTimo Salonen and Seppo Harjanne will drive one Mazda, and lngvar and Per Carlsson will drive the other. THE AMERICAN AUTO WRITERS AND BROADCASTERS ASSOCIATION just released the results of their All America team for 1987, selected by a vote of the membership. Last year Roger Mears became the first full time off roader to make the team. This year part time off roader and part time pavement racer Steve Millen made the twelve man team in the "at large" category. Getting honorable mention in the "at large" category were a pair of oft times champions familiar to our readers. Manny Esquerra. the current, and many times past, Class 7 desert champion and John Buffum, the cur.rent, and many times past, _SCCA Pro Rally overall champion, both got the votes to earn honorable mention. These drivers, along with many others from all forms of American auto racing will be honored at the AARWBA annual banquet on January 9 aboard the Queen Mary, in Long Beach Harbor. · more TRAIL NOTES on page 45 Du$tyTimes
'T I' I TA~C~ racing gasoline December 10, 1986 Off Road Racing Teams & Enthusiasts c/o Dusty-Times 5331 Derry Avenue, Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 Dear Racers and Enthusiasts: As 1986 draws to a close, it is-apparent that the SCORE -HDRA 11marriage11· has-been a great success for everyone involved in off road racing. · ' TRICK Racing Gasoline is also concludjng its' most successful year in business thanks to _you and competitors like you in all forms of motorsports throughout the West. Our competitors have come and gone over the years .for various reasons. Most have made promises and claims they have been unable to keep over the long haul . . . _, ¼ LET IS SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT! ! ~-}f 1· L No racing gasoline is ·s~perior in quality and consisfency than TRICK Racing, G~soline! 2. None have higher octane! . (Regardless of claims and printed brochures) ·' 3. None produce more.power or run _co?ler! .. . · ·-4,. More professional motorsports engine builders and racing -teams use TRICK Racing Gasoline for development than all other brands combined! · 5. We have consistently had the finest contingency program in the industry including the fastest redemption! . 6. We have consistently had th'e most professional service and fair -prices! · · 1 ' · 7. TRICK Racing Gasoline is produced to o_ur specifications by the Phillips 66 Co .. No competitor on the West Coast can match the resources and special blending components exclusively available_ to us! · · 8 . . Our staff is the .most experienced in the industry with-·over 26 years in the petroleum in,dustry and a combined 62 years in racing! Our product has been proven in over SEVEN MltqON racing miles. Your customer loyalty has enabled us to sell more racing gasoline in the West thaA all other brands combined. We''re #1 because we have worked hard to earn it. We guarantee you that our dedication will conJinue for many years to come. When a bet:ter fuel is in~roduced, you can bet it wi 11 be TRICK!! ' · / · Thank you and best wishes/to you all in 1987. • . · ~ #~ ~ ~~cerely,%~t: k_ .· \ ~ j ._,1,\ ~ ~ /C.. (i, 'n'ick Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Box 5025, San Diego, CA 92105 (619) 281-9133 I ! I I I I I ' I ! I i I i i I I I J '
1987 HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 March 21 Lorna 150 Sonora, Mexico April 18 Western 150 Phoenix, AZ July 18 High Country 150 Flagstaff, AZ August 29 · Snowflake Buggy Bash Snowflake, AZ October 17 Penasco 150 Sonora, Mexico December 5 Sonoita to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico AMSA American Motor Sports Association P.O. Box 5473 Fresno, CA 93755 (209) 439-2114 BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 241 Van Nuys, CA 91303 (818) 340-5750 February 13-15 Gran Carrera Internacional San Felipe, B.C. . CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES January 24, 1987 Glen Helen Rallycross #1 March 1987 (TBA) High Desert Trails April 1987 (TBA) Carlsbad Rallysprint May 2-3, 1987 Rim of the World Rally Page6 May 30 or 31, 1987 Glen Helen Rallycross #2 July 1987 (TBA) Prescott Forest Rally August 1987 (TBA) Glen Helen Rallycross #3 · September 26-27, 1987 Cliffs of Gorman Rally December 5-6, 1987 East of Indio VII FORDA Florida Off Roaders Drivers' Assbciation 5349 Hansel Ave., C-1 Orlando, Florida 32809 (305) 851-6245 FLORIDA OFF ROAD RACING ENTERPRISES . P.O. Box 40 Inverness, FL 32651 (813) 933-794 7 (904) 726-6560 FUD PUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 · Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 August 8, 1987 Superstition 250 IV Ancient Dry Lake Bed El Centro, CA October 3, 1987 200 Mile Plaster City Blast Plaster City, CA December 31, 1987 150 Mile Dunaway Dash · El Centro, CA .GORRA Georgia Off Road Racing As0sociation Box 11093 Station -A Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 927-6432 March 5 50 miles Cordele, GA NO\v 1'1-lERE' .S SOME1HIN<i YA DON'f :JEE'--roo Off fN, 130Rf ! I A CAR LEADINli \HS CLASS 'fHAf .AlfUALLY HAS \~ORKIN& 13~E L.ICt\.rfS AND -fAIL UCcHfS ... April 5 100 miles Alabama April 26 Winder, GA June 7 100 miles Alabama June 28 Winder1 GA · July 26 Cordele, GA August 23 Winder, GA September 13 100 miles Alabama September 2 7 Cordele, GA October 25 Winder, GA November 28 250 miles Cordele, GA December 5 Annual Banquet GREAT WESTERN . POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Knowlton 831 So. Jason Denver, CO 80223 (303) 722-5537 May3 Raceland I Denver, CO May24 Gordo~, NE June 7 St. Francis, KS June 21 Raceland Denver, CO July 19 Raceland Denver, CO August 8-9 St. Francis, KS August 30 Raceland . Denver, CO ·September 20 · Raceland Championship Denver, CO HDRA High Desert Racing Associatio·n 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV .89124 (702) 361-5404 January 3, 1987 , Desert Series A ward Banquet Anaheim, -CA March 6-8, 1987 .Gold Coast 250 Las Vegas, Nevada May 7-10, 1987 Mint 400 · Las Vegas, NV July 3-5, 1987 Fireworks 250 Barstow·, CA September 11-13, 1987 Frontier 500 Las Vegas,-NV January 1987 December 5, 1987' Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING · ASSOCIATION · Darla Crown P.O. Box 83 Wall, South Dakota 57790 . (605) 279-2245 Feµruary 15 Badlands Baja Interior, S.D: August 16 Gumbo Buttes Baja Pierre, S.D, October 24 Last Chance Baja -Wall, S.D. GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA (714) 381-4454 or (714) 880-1733 . March 22, 1987 Short Course Race June 14, 1987 Short Course Race September 2 7, 1987 Short Course Race IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 . Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at the club grounds in ·Cleves, Ohio) M.O.R.E. 3513 North West Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76106 (817) 625-8843 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFFROAD. CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group 53 Woodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 January 10, 1987 Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, 'CA January 17, 1987 . Jack Murphy Stadium San Diego, CA OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL RALLY . John Nagel , P.O. Box 4254 Tumwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-971 7 June 25-29 WRC Olympus International Olympia, WA OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION OFTEXAS . 14.21 Lee Trevino, D~l El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 O.O.R.R.A. Oklahoma Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry 9220 N.E .. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 (405) 769-5491 (All races located at Freedom,-OK) · Vic Brurnham Freedom. Chapter President . (405) 621-3428 ORSA Randy Miller 407 G Street, Suite F Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916) 756-6399 Short Course & Sand Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA November 15-16 POST Pennsylvania Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon . . RD #3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265-3076 All events in Monroeton, PA at t/le intersection of Routes 414 _& 22~. PRO CAN AM SERIES · Pro Can Am Racing Inc. P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062-. ·· (206) 242-1773 . March 20-21 250 miles Richland, WA "' May 23-25. Y errington 250 Yerrington, NV June 19-20 · 250 miles Richland, WA . July 24-25 400K Ashcroft, BC September 18-19 -Millican 400 Millican Valley, OR SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America . P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, CO 80155 (303) 694-7223 February 13-15, 1987 Barbary Coast Rally San Francisco, CA March 20-22, 1987 Carson/ Reno Rally Carson City, NV April 10-12, 1987 Tulip 200 Chillicothe, OH. May 14-17, 1987 Centennial Pro Rally Westcliff, CO June 5-7, 1987' Susquehanno~k Trail Wellsboro, PA July 24-25, 1987 Arkansas Traveler Little Rock, AR August·21-23, 1987 Sunriser Forest Chillicothe, OH Dusty Times
September 11-13, 1987 Traverse City Rally Traverse City, MI September 25-27, 1987 Ojibwe Rally . _ Grand Rapids, MN October 22-25, 1987 Press On Regardless Houghton, MI November 13~15, 1987 · . Wild West Rally . Tacoma, WA ·scORE Score International . 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 January 3, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet · - Anaheim, CA January 30-31, February 1, 1987 Parker 400 ·Parker, AZ April 3-5, 1987 Great Mojave 250 . Lucerne Valley, CA . June 5-7, 1987 Baja Internacional _Ensenada, B.C., Mexico __ Au~st 14-16, 1987 Off Road World Championship Riverside, CA · No:vember t;-8~ _-1 ~SL __ · __ ·· -·-··•· ·· ·····•Baja'WOO-···· -Ensenada, B.C., Mexico December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet · . Las Vega's, NV ·. L SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, }6N 1A3, Canada (514 )' 692~6171 · SCORE SHOW P.O. Box 6819 Burbank, CA 91510 (818) 768-2914 . June 26-28, 1987 10th Annual Score Show Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, CA SILVER DUST RACING . ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts ·P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 . June 13, 1987 Twilight Race Las Vegas, NV July 25-26, 1987 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV Dusty Times October 2-4; 1987 Snore 250 Las Vegas, NV SHORT TRACK OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES FORMULA l!>ESERT DOG SERIES S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: SUPERIOR OFF ROAD 1 DRIVERS ASSOCIATION · Karen Jenkins 2345 Hopkins Crossroad Minnetonka, MN 55343 September 5-7 Labor Day 250 Yerringtpn, NY November 21, 1987 ,Black Jack 200 Las Vegas, NV Gil Parker 7406 So. 12th St. ·-Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375fF33 (612),544-2370 WHEEL TO WHEEL, INC. S.O.R.R.P. Speedway Off Road Racing-Productions . Bernie Weber VORRA Valiey Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 (613) 332-1766 (613) 332-4128 SUPERCROSS, INC. Gateway Plaza P.O. Box 402 Temple, Texas 76503 (817) 77J-3548 ·. STADIUM RACING, U.S.A 180 Newport Centen[1 Dr., Suite 270 Newport Beach, G::A 92660 .· . (714) 76011606 May 23-25 Y errington 250 Yerrington, NV WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION · · 19125 ~ 87A Ave. Marty Tripes 228 Faxon Drive Spring Valley, CA 92077 . -(619} 463-0654 March 14 Sun Devil Stadium Tempe, AZ June 20-21 Virginia City 200 Virginia City, NV Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada (604) 576-6256 · I ------------1~ I' BJ!.llet-P1root Your VW · With SUMMIBS BROS.! • I • ~ I _____ . ___________ ....;.___,....;. ______ ...., vw TRANsM1ss10N C _ PORSCHE r· .' DRIVE ,FLANGES > ··~,,,, , ~30 C-V JOINT - . . vw DRIVE AXLES Eliminate the problem of stripped llange , .,,,.ccv 0--v:_._....,_.._,_,. _____ _ tnreads and worn out splines that occur with· welded stock flanges. Manufactured from alloy steei and hardened lor durability Adapts bus trans (002 and 091) to 930 · Porsche Turbo C-V joints. $150.00 per pair. I ~78.00 each Manulactured from high strength chrome nickel steel (270,000 psi tensile) material.'the axles feature high spiine surface hardness for low friction slip in C-V hobb generated involute splines that perfectly match the C-V spline. Comes with .. Spiro-Loe" snap rings. close tolerance spline pitch diameter. sPherical ends. micro-finished surfaces. and are guaranteed. for 1 year against breakage. For I Porsche 930 C-V s, $181.2'51pair. PORSCHE 930 C-V JOINT ADAPTION KIT ___ .U.LTRA,HiGW-SlRENG-lH _ DRIVE AXLES·:·· ; ·· · · . . . - . --·-· -· ------· Same· as-above. but manufactured from 300.000 psi tensile strength vacuum melt material. $330.00ipair. · 1 RUSH AXLE SERVICE . I We can custom make your axles In fou; working days if you require. Add $80.00 1 to the regular a~le price for this spe~dy service . LOANER T_EL,.ESCOPING AXLE 1 lncorr~ct axle lerigths are a major cause of C-V joint failure. We will loan. you our telescoping axle at no ch'!tge so you can accurately determine your axle lengths. I . Update your car's drive line to the high angularity, high load capacity 930 10Ints. Race proven. compatibly engineered lor maximum reliability. K1ij includes stub axles. boots and flanges. drive axles. C-V joints. inner drive flanges and 5 lbs. oi grease. Regular price: $1221..00: Special pri ce: $1100.00. You s.,ve $121.00 and still get all the right parts from one source! .C-V BOOT AND FLANGE KIT Designed specifically for Off Road racing and the 930 Porsche C-V joint. This boot and flange k11 allows the boo"t lo Iii outside the C-V joint retaining bolts instead of inside. Drive axle will· not interfere with boot flange mouth. even at 24 axle angle. Complete Kit (4 boqt$. 4 flanges. 24 boll$) $180.00. 14MM PRESS IN LUG STUDS WITH SPHERICAL SHAP_ED-LUG NUTS Converts your drums to press-in studs instead ol screw-in studs. Set of 10 studs and nuts. $22.00. \ VW FRONT DISC BRAKE KIT Provides 1ocredibi9' ;jo~Ping· ;f~r; e· ; nd eti~1na1e/ 5~ 1 2 lbs per wheel. Hub flange offset same as stock VW front drum. there.by eliminating the problem of excessive front.lire ··scrub radius:· The 9-1 4"" diamet9r brake disc and 1-3 4·· diameter-- piston floating calipers clear smal ler 13 .. wheels. Race proven on desert and short CO!JrSe cars. Fils either reinforced Wright · ·spindle or Wright Vanagon ·spindle. Kit is complete with · bearings and studs installed. A bolt-6ri ,nstallationI $627.00. I VW REAR DISC BRAKE KIT • I • This kit fits type, 1 trailing arms and axles. and Is a bolt-on conversion. Primary features a[e 105"" dia. ·vented brake disc. generous caliper clearance on all 15"" whe·e1s. lour piston aluminum quick change pad caliper. stiff steel caliper bracket. aluminum bar stock material wheel adaptors. , hardened alloy steel splined hub and wheel flange lateral location same as that of a drum brake. $750.00. I VW FULL FLOATING HUB ASSEMBLY WITH ARTICULATING AXLE VW STUB AXLE Machmed_from aircratt quality chrome nickel steel and heat treated for a .strength level many times higher than ,slack axles. These are the. only axles in the industry with the outer thread rolled instead of' cut. providing superjor strength at the thread. Available for Poische 930 C-Vs ' $330.00 per pair. The state cit the art rear axle assembly. Features full floating hubs like the class 8 trucks use ·(wheel stays on vehicle even 1f axle breaks). C-V Joint mounts on same surface of hub as wheel moving C-V out T, drastically reducing C-V joint angle. Drive axle length increased by T, greatly increasing torsional load cushioning. C-V Joint angle decreased by at least T enhancing C- V 101nt life. $2400.00, includes both sides with axles. no C-Vs. WE PAY CONTINGENCY AT SCORE AND HORA RACES! To order DIRECT from SUMMERS BROTHERS. ·call 714-986-2041 Send $3.00 for SUMMERS BROTHERS Dirt Racers· Catalog. SUMMERS BROTHERS 1s also a distribu tor for Witw0od Brakes. . ·M . q . ~ -lm7JlI!i11•-r:m■ -~ OTH~ (o 530 S. Mountain Ave .. Ontario. CA 91762 I C-V !JOINT ~IGH TEMPERATURE GREASE I . Our research and develo8nien1 programs_ have shown fh1s grease to have very good lubrication properties lor the 930 C'V JOlnlS . lt"s temperature range 1s 500 F. It is a non-soap type with molydenum . disulfide additive. Sold In 5 fb. canS. -$12.65 per can I I ' January 19~7 HEAVY DUTY LARGE DIAMETER VW STUB AXLE This .axle features 1.378 .. diameter shatt size. fine .pitch 31-!ootti spline, rolled end threads-(fits VW bus nuts) and 230.090 psi strength material. It is 46% stronger in torsion and 1s 68% stronger·1n bending than the Summers Bros. Type 1 12-spline axle. It is designed to fit Type-1 trailing arms Porsche 930 C-Vs and Summers ·sros. VW Rear Oise Brake Kit. It can be retro-fit1ed·to existing Summers Bros. Rear Brake Kits. Comes w11h Timken bearings. bearing spacer sleeves and end nuts. Page7 1 I (
) . Side Tracks ••• By Judy Smith ' Last month we talked about that they had decided to mark the Baja 1000,ingreatdepth,and another roa~, not nearly so · you may have thought that we'd rough, as an alternate to the · exhausted the subj~ct. But we , ' original section of the course. have more to say. This so~nds great, but the There· were some last minute immediate question w~s, "How course changes at the 1000, and do w~ f!nd this alternate~" Sal's we'd like to discuss them now. ~escnptton wa~. that 1t was First of all, let's make it clear that bef<;>re Tabion . . Well, any~me we understand the need for both who s . ever tried to fmd changes. We have no quarrel somethmg that was BEF(?~E a with •that. What we think was land~ark knows how d1ff1cult wrong was the way one of them that 1s. And, for those who had was handled. only a_sketchy pre-run, or none As the course came down out of the mountains at Camalu, it crossed the highway and headed straight out to the beach. Then it turned south, generally parallel-ing the shoreline, and skirting some planted fields. As we pre-ran this area (which wasn't well tnarked at the time) we wondered ,how the farmers liked all the dust settling on their various crops. Apparently, they didn't. Word got back to SCORE that one of the farmers with some strawberry fields was very unhappy. So the course had to be cha_nged. At the ·drivers' meeting the officials announced that die course would take a different route around those fields. Be preµued, they said. · J]god enough. Every driver ~ad-,to watch the markers closely and had to find the new trail around the strawberry patch. It wasn't hard, as the markers had 1?een cha~ged and the course was !med with spectators. But it added an element of surprise. Still, since every driver had to find the way thro_ugh the area, it . was evened out. But! At the drivers' meeting the officials had announced another change. This one was a bit different. Down the road apiece, after El Arco, and before the course came out on the pavement above San Ignacio, there was a very tough section. It was about-eight miles long, and had been very hard to travel during pre-running. At the drivers' meeting they announced at all, tt was no help. And that's what 1t turned out to be during the race. If a driver had been over the course several times, he would probably have spotted the turnoff, and would have found itduringtherace. But that was no guarantee. We know that Ivan Stewart, who got there early, was unable to find the turnoff. It probably wasn't too crucial to Ivan, since he was the first car on the road, but as the _ day progressed and the condition of the trail worsened, it would have meant a lot to some folks to be able to find that turnoff. Like the biker with the flat tire that we saw in there late in the evening. We spoke to one biker, who tried to tum right where he thought the alternate road might be, and a pit crew for a competing brand-of bike -told •him~ he ·· couldn't go that way, that it wasn't the course. Now, in all probability, that pit crew person thought he was helping the biker and keeping him on the course. Because most of the pits that were i_n that area had probably gone down a day or two early, they would not have known that the access road had been made into an alternate route. Some sort of sign had apparently been posted, but in the ·confusion of all the pits,\ it was invisible. Many, many drivers missed it. Bill Varnes, \who had the unnerving expet\ence with the crowd of rowdie's, was one of them, and Bobby F~rro, a Baja veteran, missed it, as did several of the front running bikers. And MINIMUM EFFORT ....................... ~. MAXIMUM\ EFFECT!!! CA3 - COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Page8 Contact your local JAMAR dealer or -write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 · uncounted others. We'd like to suggest that if · SCORE had simply sent one person down there to remaTk the course, ·ribboning off the old trail, and making the "alternate" route the only way to go, a lot of difficulties 'could have been avoided. No one had any trouble getting past those strawberry-fields where the course had been changed. Actually, this is an old gripe of ours. We do our limited pre-running (limited by budget and time off available) and think we have a pretty good handle on . things, a:nd then, at the drivers' meeting the officials say, "You know that part of the course out there, past the wash, and around the corner from the dead bush? Well ... some of you found the short way around it, so we've decided to make it an• 'either/ or"' There we stand, the·: night before (or maybe a half hour before) the start of the race, . wondering where in 'hell he's talking about. How will we ever find that alternate time-saving route? If it's easier, and shorter, why'n hell didn't they just make·· it a part of the course in the first place, and let everyone go .that way? ·, Well, that's how we felt about that course change in Baja. And as we flogged along that nasty section, dodging rocks _ and plo_wing silt, we ,wondered why Sal and Steve hadn't just marked the dagnabbed alternate in the first place, and omitted this unpleasantness. What difference would those few miles make? And if they hadn't been alert enough to see it in the beginning, then why, when someone pointed it out to them, hadn't they just made it the course? If was sure to be used for short-coursing for some. All they had to do was put up a couple of big red arrows and tell everyone to go that way! While we were struggling · through that area, we were wishing that SCORE still ran a sweep vehicle at the end of every race, and we were daydreaming about watching Sal and Steve sweep that section in their official Toyota. Good racing to all in '87. Additional :HAPPENINGS FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP '\. "'--January 17-24, 1987 ' Monte Carlo Rally Monte Carlo, Monaco February 13-15, 1987 Swedish Rally Karlstad, Sweden March 10-15·, 198-7 ' Port Wine Rally Estoril, Portugal , April 16-20, 1987 Safari Rally Nairobi, Kenya May 7-10; 1987 Tour de Corse Ajaccio, Corsica . May 30-June 4, 1987 Acropolis Rally Lagonissi, Greece January 1987 The Yokohama 6·50 Club Report . B:y Jean Caldn The 1986 season is over and the Yokohama 6-50 Club has a new overall champion. The'gold medal winner this past year is none other than Stan Parnell . . Stan drove the Larry Bitcon Class 5 cat in all µine eligible races, and Stan also finished every one of the n'ine races, certainly a championship per-formance. Stan gathered in a pair of class wins, a pair of seconds and a pair of thirds to earn his gold, having to throw out the points earned in the other three races. Stan Parnell finished well ahead of the crowd on points with a total of 305 after the three discards.· Corky McMillin ran seven of the eligible events, tossed out one of two DNFs; .and his II_lajor points came from a first place in Class 2, a second and two thirds. McMillin finished second on points, and the silver medal winner has a total of 249 points. The 6-50 Club was Gregg Symonds' idea originally, and he came into the bronze medal in 1986'. Symonds also competed in all nine races, but had a trio of DNFstothrowaway. The Class 1 driver had a second, a third and two fifths among his finish scores· in 1986, and his adjusted points total is 245, really close behind McMillin. Not much further hack Danny Letner took a giant stride with his Class _2 victory at the December Barstow bash. Letner won Class 2 there, and he also won the 1986 Parker 400. He ran in six of the June 25-29, 1987 Olympus RaJly Olympia, WA, USA July 11-14, 1987 New Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand August 2-9, 1987 Argentine Rally Buenos Aires, Argentina • August 26-30, 198,7 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September 22-26, 1987 , · Ivory Coast Rally · Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast OctQber 11-17, 1987 San Reino Rally . San Remo, Italy November 22-26, 1987 , RAC Rally England events, a few without much success, bui: he is only ,eight points behind Symonds, with a total of 23_7. Close all year, Jim Temple finished close again with 233 points for a fifth in 6-50 stand-ings for the Class 2 driver who won the Great Mojave -250 overall. Class 10 ace Jack Irvine missed a few events this year, but he won at Parker and ended tip with 216 points. Challenger . Class racer Edward McLean is very tight with 213 points to round out the top seven. The full report on the other top guys in the 1986 points standings will be in the February issue of DUSTY , TIMES. We will also have a ,, report on the medal awards ·: presentation happneing January \i 3, during the Score/HORA ' · banquet. The program is much the same for 198 7 , using the eight ,, Score/ HDRA desert races and , the SNORE 250 for the Yoko-hama 6-50, points standings. ,; Only a driver's best six out of n_ine races, any six, count for the. . year end points, and the prizes , are gold, silver. and bronze medals for the top three. It all starts over again ,at th~ Score Parker 400 the . end of January, so if you are the driver of recora and 50 or more years of age, come on· board, it costs nothing. Do put your age on the entry form so it will be on the entry list, .and available to the points keeper in 1987. ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your 1987 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column. Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 r Derry Ave. Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301. ' • cocial Evenl of lhe Off-Qoad "&ason 0CORE/HDRA Awards Banquet January 3. 1987 Anah~im Hilt~n -Qeservations now bein8 accepted. Call cCOQE tfeadquarlers -818/889-9216 Dusty Times
INTERNATIO'NAL: ra Championship Off-Road Racing H,GH DESERT RACINGASSOCIATI.ON ~~ire, pad~~ /M~ 198'6 ()~ 'POUIU .· We also congratulate th.e Class Pqints -Champiohs:= -, . .• I I . .· MARK McMILLIN - CLASS 1 BOB GORDON - CLASS 2 JACK RAMSAY "' CLASS 1-2/1600 and Overall Buggy Classes Champion DON ADAMS - CLASS 3 ROD HALL - CLASS 4 MAX RAZO - CLAS 5 STEVE LAKIN - CLASS 5-1600 .. LARRY SCHWACOFER - CLASS 6 MANNY ESQUERRA - CLASS 7 SPENCER LOW - CLASS 7S and Mini Metal Classes Champion JERRY McDONALD - CLASS 7-4x4 WALKER EVANS - CLASS 8 and Heavy Metal Classes Champion DAVE WOOD-CLASS 9 RICK HAGLE-CLASS 10 RAMON CASTRO - CLASS ·11 STEVE MIZEL - CLASS 14 RICK JOHNSON - CHALLENGER CLASS 1 DUANE SUMMERS - CLASS 20 SCOTT MORRIS - CLASS 21 , ·. and Motorcycle Cla~s-Champion r , DAN SM 1TH - CLASS. 22 BILL HARRIS - CLASS 30 RON GRAY - CLASS 38 ROBIN DAVIS - CLASS 23 STEVE FENTON - CLASS 33 and 3-Wheel ATV Classes Champion MIKE MANCHA - CLASS 43 GLEN ELLIOTT - CLASS 24 and 4-Wheel ATV Classes Champion RON APODACA - CLASS 25 STEVE SIXBERY - CLASS 34 1 and· Odyssey Classes Champion PHIL BLURTON -CLAss·44 ,,~~toat/,~41«it4e~jt,,e~~-. l#4tU de 2'"' ~-:seO'ieEl~~/1 '1'0Utt4 Seltie4 4 ')'te4t 4~/ . -·• REMEMBER .. ■The first event of tJ 1.987 series is the SCORE PARKER 400, January 30, 31 & February 1. Entry forms are now available from SCORE Headquarters. Can 818/889-9216 for ·information. . \ l l · l I l I J
Larry Noel Wins Overall at the Dust Free Dash in the Barstow ·Drizzle Ph ,tos: Trdckside Photo Enterp. rises I . Larry N<fel came on strong in the last lap at Barstow and he charged over the damp desert in his Chaparral to win the race in Class 1 and take an overall victory for the first time. The !winter run on the Barstow, California off road course has always been popular with alll level of racers, never more so than the first weekend in December last year when 275 entries showed u·p in the crisp high desert winter weather. A full 265 made the starting line in a light rain early Saturday morning, facing the unusual hazards of slimy rocks and water filled ditches on a course well known for i.ts choking dust. The route was enlarged last summer, and again this round, now over 80 miles the lap. The course was basically the July route, run in reverse direction, with the start/ finish line in its usual spot at Barstow College. There were a few new trails on course, with fresh and ferocious rocks recently turned up by the B.L.M. bulldozer, to connect the more familiar washes and hills, while eliminating all running on the p0wer line roads. Three laps. were required · of all classes, except 11, as the Beetles needed just two laps for an official finish. The serpentine course held eight checkpoints and a few more monitor stations to keep the her~ of race cars on the right paths. In some areas you could see other parts of the course from your trail, so close did the route come together at several points. The festivities started Friday morning in cool but pleasant · weather. Registration, tech and contingency inspections all took place at the Barstow Community College, a most gracious host for the event. The Bud 250 replaced the Las Vegas based Frontier 250 on the HORA calendar this year, and it was co-sponsored by Olson Distributors, the local Budweiser people, and Soutar Motors, the Barstow Nissan dealer. All day long a constant· parade of race ready vehicles inched through the slow moving tech line and went back to tinker with the mechanicals, as there is no impound at HORA events. On Friday an occasional clap of thunder portended what was to come. By nightfall the clouds had gathered and the wind died completely. On Saturday morning intermittent rain and drizzle started before dawn, and it was a soggy pack of.drivers who gathered for the 7_:30 a.m. meeting for the last word on the race course. It rained until well past noon at the start/ finish and on many sections of the course, but in a few spots the sun was out as well. The grou·nd was wet everywhere, and this race had absolutely no dust, a major fact~r in the swift lap times recorded by nearly every class. Cars diced nose to tail for miles aeross the desert, with no need to swing out into the rocks to gain visibility. Of course there was some fog in the hills, but other . than the brisk temperatures and the drizzle, it was an ideal race day on the high desert. Promptly at 8 a.m. the first Class 1 car, Mark McMillin fresh from his overall victori in Baja, was first away. Mark, in the Porsche powered Chenowth had plenty of competition among the 17 Class 1 starters, and with no dust, these cars moved out at incredible speed. The lap times turned out to be faster than most pit folk had figured. Rob MacCachren, who started fifth, was the first around, and chalked up a swift 1:37.42. MacCachren, who won overall on this course last July, was looking good for a repeat performance, but he lose· oil pressure and retired on the second lap. Running· second after one round was Mark McMillin, less than two minutes back, with Tom · Baker just to the rear followed by Ivan Stewart in the Toyota truck and Bob Renz/ Dick Clark in their Raceco, all in the same minute. Mark McMillin was the overall leader after two of the three laps, and only a dozen in Class -1 ~ent this far. McMillin had a good lead of nearly three minutes I over Larry Noel, Chaparral who had to stop and fix a loose tie rod on the first round.-T dim Baker, out in a single seater at Barstow; held on in third spC?t, only 20 seconds behind N<:>el's Chaparral. He was followed by Ron Brant, Raceco; and Renz:fClark. Ivan Stewart dropped tp sixth here, with four flat tires on the second rough lap. The third and last lap told the tale. Mark McMillin had a flat, then a pai!r of flats, and that was the end of his hope of winning. Larry Noel had no problems and little traffic on the last lap, and · the Arizoha driver was first on the road knd crossed the finish line around one p.m. His overall ·time for I the three laps was 4:56.34, a six minute cushion for the overall victory. Noel,. who was the I Class 1 winner at Lucerne last spring until the penalty phase, savored his victory, h~s first overall win in the ScoreYHDRA desert series. Ron B_riant, the 1985 points champ, picked up the pace on the last lap anti took second in Class 1, about 4½ minutes faster than the hapless Mark McMillin, who really wa~ted to win a race at Barstow. Ivan Stewart was back • strong, f~r · fourth in class, although tpe Toyota was missing most of the rear body when he finished. Baker vanished on the Defending Class 1 points champion Ron Brant had a good day in his Raceco, and he finished a strong second in the tight Class 1 contest. Mark Mcfytillin had the overall lead for a time in the Chenowth, but last lap troubles on course dropped him to third in Class 1 action. Danny Letner and Henry Bergdahl came on strong late in the race to take a neat win in Class 2 and second overall in the Porsche powered Raceco, with no big problems on the course. Page 10 January 1987 Dusty Times
\ · was fifth, and Bob Gordon ; slipped to sixth. Class 2 was another last lap dash for the front runners, and - dashing the fastest with the least trouble was Danny Letner_, and he won Class 2 and also finished a keen second overall. About half a minute back, Bob Rii::hey claimed a strong second in class, third overall, driving the entire Driving the whole distance this race, Bob Richey was close all the way in Class 2, and his Raceco ended up second by less than a minute, and third overall. Bob Gordon and Tim Crabtree had minor woes with the Class 2 Chenowth, but they made good time and finished well, officially in third place. · distance. The Arcieros finished third, about five minutes back, but Al slid into the finish too hot to stop, and earned a 15 minute penalty, which dropped them to fourth. Inheriting third was Bob Gordon/Tim Crabtree, who had finished about six minutes back, but ten minutes ahead of Ed and Tim Herbst. This class ran in a pack, as David Kreisler and Curley Nobles were another three minutes· back in sixth, followed~ last lap, and Gregg Symonds, off road's elder statesman, drove solo to · fifth in his Porsche powered O.R.E., beating young Rob Gordon by just three seconds for that spot. In all, ten finished in Class 1. Class 2 came up ·with ·a hefty 28 starters, half ofthem capable of winnng. It was a tight struggle on lap 1, but it was Frank Arciero, Jr. in the Raceco who had fast time, 1:36.04. About two minutes back Jerry Penhall/Kent Pfeiffer had their new Raceco running second. Just 16 seconds back was Bob Gordon/Tim Crabtree, Chen-owth, followed in a minute by Danny Letner/Henry Bergdahl, Porsche powered Raceco, Brian Collins/Ken Cox,. Chenowth, John Krugar, Raceco, and Bob Richey, Raceco, all in the same _minute. This was going to be Ji some battle. Penhall slowed on the next lap, and retired on the third. Up front Frank Arciero held the lead, although he slowed some and was reported to ha;ve rock. damage to his eyes. Al Arciero took over the leading R\i.ceco for the last lap, since Al's Class 1 had only gone a , few milesj. Collins Frank Arciero, Jr., with a lastlap assist from brother Al, got the Raceco home fourth in Class 2 after taking a 15 minute}ime penalty. , : . I and <Cox moved into second place, only _seconds behind Arciero, and Danny Letner was withini inches also. Bob Richey was nbw a close fourth, Penhall I . Darren Wilson went solo in his Mirage this trip, and it worked for him as he . came ih second in the hotly contested Class 1-2-1600 ranks.' . Steel Engineers, I' c. Racing Tea:t'm 1 Co Drivers: Rick Mills Jerry Ramsay Eric Treat I ' , I I Dusty-Times Winner of 1986 HDRA/SCOR~ · America's Foremost Off-Road Racing Series , . I Class~ 1-2 1600 Championship Overall Points Championship Thanks for the help~ Jack Ramsay I January 1987 Don Hatz Duane Herrera Bill Ramsay Crew Chief , . Our.Pit Crews i / . C.O.R.E. Commu,nications Engineering Southern. Nevada Equipment Kevin Bunc:t.~rson Chassis / Jeff Fields,Transaxle Don Hatz Engine ;· Centerline Racing Wheels Filler Products, ll)C. Fox Racing Sh9x H.P.S. Oil / Ja-mar Bat I PF Lights McKenzies, Inc._ Parker Pumper PermaCool Oil Coolers Sports Racing Gasoline ·Super-Boot Products Beards Super Seats Sway-A-Way Tri-Mil Ybkohama Tires Page 11 ' ; l I \ I l .J '1
, Steve Tetrick and Fred Ronn gave it a good try, but their O.R.E. fell short of the Class'10 victory, by an incredible eight seconds at the flag. Greg Hibbs and Mike Julson had a few problems, but they booted the Chenowth Magnum home a fine third in Class 10 and 13th overall. Steve Kelley got close in Class 8 in the Chevrolet, and missed the win by less than three minutes, finishing with an ailing transmission. ~ in three minutes by Steve and Tom Martin. So it went down the line as 17 two ·seaters finished the course in · good time. Class 10 was next off the line, also with 28 starters, and three hard chargers got out front early in the day. Leading the pack by mere inches after one lap was Rick Hagle, Raceco, with Jack -Irvine/ Kit Trenholm, Raceco, less than two minutes back. Steve Tetrick/Fred Ronn, O.R.E., · were just 23 seconds behind them, and Gary Weyhrich, from Oregon, was just another 26 seconds back in fourth in his Raceco. Whew! We saw the three leaders near Check 7 on the second lap,.and they were right on each other's. Finishing his championship year in great style, Rob Tolleson flew to victory in the 39 car Class 1-2-1600, and was 16th overajj on the fast, fast COf.!!Se. __ -----------7 CLASS WINS PER RACE WITH PACE FM 2-WAYS \\\ ;. $72S dmas\ef '-30 OVER 300 ON THE COURSE • Handhelds • Helmet Wired cf 125 • Rentals • Intercoms • Antennas • Amplifiers • Official Radio of: SCORE -HDRA -SNORE -SCORE Medical Team • • Emergency Medical Rescue Team -Goodyear Weatherman Radio Relay Team • • • Emergency Rescue Service • RACE RADIOS 2888 Grundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90806 (213) 427-8177 Page 12 January 1987 Bob Scott and Mike Voyles got their 1600 special around with scant trot1bles and the team took a fine third in Class 1-2-1600 action. · ' bumpers, with Hibbs back a couple of minutes. Hagle held the lead on time at the end of thefap, the other two had a driver change, and Tetrick/Ronn were now second, about three minutes down, and Irvine/ Trenholm were in the same minute, but destined not to finish the third lap. Weyrich held fourth, about three minutes ahead of Mike Zupanovich, and the team of Greg Hibbs and Mike Julson was up to sixth, only 11 minutes behind the leader. The race was tight between Hagle and Ronn on -the final round, th_e pair as close a1; 'they could get without touching in the outstanding visibility on course. Hagle turned his fastest lap on the last one, a 1:38.58, and he won the Class 10 255 mile sprint race by a tiny eight seconds over Steve Tetrick and Fred Ronn. The pair finished in formation, having started just 30 seconds · apart. They fought so hard that they finished fourth and fifth overall. I Gary Weyhrich had big problems on the last round and fell to fifth place, the youngster doing a~ --------Rick Hagle continued on his winning streak in Class 10, taking the spiffy Raceco to victory in a very hard fought contest, and ;inishing a nifty 4th overall. Walker Evans had a good day on the desert, despite the missing fender, and Walker sailed to the Class 8 victory and also to the points win and Heavy Metal Championship .. Dusty Times
Rc;,ger Mears' Nissan Truck wins the HDRA Budweiser 250. NISSAN THl(NOERS TO . . l•at Barstovv and Spencer Lovv from clinching the championship! ~very ?~-road driver is used to the dust and heat of q~sei:: racing,J but this year the Mojave had a surprise wa1t1ng when storm clouds greeted the HDRA Buawe1ser 250. . The rain started before the race and it didn't take longlbefore the soggy course had trucks slipping and sliding into leach other. Yet, as bits and pieces of trucks littered the way, and as one competitor after another was blown out of the race, Roger Mears easily piloted his Ni~san Hardbody Truck the full 250 miles. In the end Mears was the only survivor in his class.as he claimed victor}f in a fast six hours and eight minutes. . Spencer Low also showed what a Hardbody Truck can ~o when he clinched his third consecutive Class 75 title. Plus, for a second year in a row, he captured the MinhMetal Challenge.title-one of off-road's most prestigious achievements. -1 , Nissan congratulates Mears and Low on their wins. Of course, events such as these mean more than vic-tory. They offer an opportunity to drive Nissan cars and truJks under some of the severest conditions possible. Spencer Low takes third consecutive Class 75 title. This is just one of the many ways in which the quality that goes into Nissan cars and trucks is constantly being improved. You can get the same top quality too, with Nissan's ful.1 lime of specialiied 'parts for racing vehicles and production cars. Just send your $10 check or money order (do not send cash) for our Competition Parts Catalog to: Nissan Motor Corporation in U.S.A., Motorsports Dept., P.O. Box 191, Gardena, CA 90247. Please allow six weeks (rJ). ~ d 1· ear ,or e 1very. YOURSELF THE NAME JG NISSAN I' ' . I ' .
Dave Shoppe and Larry Maddox dropped some time mid-race, and made a lot of it back to finish third in Class 8 in their trusty Ford. · Jim Cocores and Dave Snoddy had better luck with the new paint scheme, and their Baja Bug zipped into second in Class 5 on the Max Razo and John Johnson had a long middle lap, but they got a 3rd in Clas 5 earning the 1986 points championship for Max Razo. very last lap. ~ solo run at Barstow. Greg Hibbs/Mike Julson leap frogged into third in the Chenowth, 18 minutes back, but ten minutes ahead of Bill Sallenbach and Mike Bird, who brought their Raceco up from seventh to fourth on the firial round. Roger Mortenson and Russ Welch got the Funco home sixth. Of the 1) finishers in Class 10, one, in tenth place, was· Mike Zupano-vich, who apparently broke the front end on the Raceco, and had This is the system run by most off road race winners a pair of tow straps and a come-a-long holding the front end, strapped to the roll cage, as he crossed the finish line. We missed getting that picture. Class 1-2-1600 -continues to produce huge entry numbers, with 39 starters at the Bud 250, even though Jack Ramsay had secured the class and overall· championship on points before the event. Despite the numbers and talent in the ranks, it turned out to be a two man battle up TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213) 23_4·9014 Page 14 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED front most of the distance in . Class 1-2-1600. Right out of the chute the battle raged between Larry Job, in the Valley Performance Interceptor, 11nd the 1985 overall points champion Rob Tolleson in his Mirage. Job had the edge after one lap, but he was only a minute and 19 seconds ahead of Tolleson. Others were in the picture, of course, with Darren Wilson, Mirage, less than four more minutes back, and Bob Scott/Mike Voyles were another three minutes down. Pete McCowen and Scott Pfeiffer were less than another minute Roger Mears had a great debutfor his new V-6 powered Nissan Hard body, and he beat the desert to score first place in the modified Class 7. · back, but were seen no more. On lap 2 we saw Job leading come in nintb in class. Stopping down Baja winners Art Peterson Tolleson by about a yard heading for little more than gas, Rob and Roger Mears, Jr. were eighth, into Check 7, but with two thirds Tolleson finished his season well with problems all day. Having of the race done, Tolleson had out front, winnng Class 1-2- even more troubles, the 1986 · the edge on time, by seven 1600 by nearly 14 minutes. points champ Jack Ramsay _minutes. Job held about ten Darren Wilson took a strong ended up 12th, using an extra • minutes on third running second in class, making it a one-hour on his first lap. Wilson, and Scott/ Voyles were two punch for Mirage. A full 15 Class 8 trucks came another 11 minutes back. Lance Another 15 minutes back, out to test t_he rocks and damp and Glenn Tidwell were .up to with a longer last lap, Bob Scott ditches at Barstow, but it wasv" fifth in their Raceco, and half the and Mike Voyles were third, less another one of those Wii.lker~i field was within minutes of each than five minutes ahead of Evans days on the desert. Evans other. Dennis Fry in the Flat & Vertical led all three laps in his Dodge to -Rob Tolleson never lifted his Raceco. The Tidwells'held on in claim not only the race victory, · foot, all three laps less than a fifth, and Scott ~ebster/Coy but the Class 8 points minute apart on elasped time. Brigman were bac~ seven more championship and the Heavy ·. Larry Job wa_s in trouble, with minutes followe1d in four Metal Crown for 1986. Several · major breakage on the last lap, minutes by Larry Smith/Jon other trucks kept Walker honest but he got fixed well enough to Kennedy. Another six minutes and running as hard as he could, ____ ___..: __________ ____ =r==== however. After one lap Dave ft was his second race in Class 5 and Mike Quintana made it a dandy, as he won (he close battle on the last lap with a 5½ minute-margin in victory. John Dyck and Al Baker topped the slir,1 field in Class 4 driving the Jeep J-10. Honcho smoothly to take th_e victory by .over a full· hour on elapsed time. · January 1987 Shoppe was less than three minutes back in his Ford, and Steve Kelley, Chevrolet, was only 25 seconds behind him. Just another seven minutes back, _ . Steve McEachem was fourth in -his Chevy, and Steve stayed in fourth all the way home. The rough course took its toll on the heavyweights, and after two laps, seven were missing. Walker's lead now was up to four minutes, and Steve Ke ley was second, four minutes ahead of Dave Shoppe. After a horrible first lap, over three hours, Frank Vessels had his Chevy up to fifth, but his hard drive was . for nothing, as an engine fire put him out on the last lap. The final lap saw few changes, except that Steve Kelley finished just 2½ minutes behnd Walker Evans. .The Chevy came .in· billowing clouds of transmission oil smoke, and Steve was happy to make the finish line. Dave Shoppe and Larry Maddox kept up the pace to take a strong third,, six minutes back, almost an hour ahead of Steve ·McEachem/ Jeff Geiser. Henry Escalera and Michael Rix got their Ford in fifth, two more hours back, and Bob Sievert was the sixth and final Class 8 finisher, his Ford having less than half an hour left on the time allowance. The Class 7 entry dropped to Dusty Times
Steve Lakin and Todd Fetters shared the driving to finish a close _ 2nd in Class 5-1600, and Lakin is the 1986 class champig_n as well. In sight of the leaders, Norm Shaw had a late breaking disaster Staying with the pr.ogram all day Dean -Telli(lghuisen and Don on the last lap, and the Circus Circus Bug finished a long third in Atwood got their older Funco over the three laps to take second Class 5-1600. · place in Class 9: three starters at Barstow, and one \\'.as gone after the first lap. However, Manny Esquerra, Ford, and Roger Mears,-Nissan, put on a great show for half the race. They ran in sight of each other, thrilled the spectators with a side by side act in some areas, and enjoyed the contest. After one lap Esquerra led Mears by just one minute, and off they . wen! into the drizzle. Esquerra lost the engine in the Ford on the middle lap, and Mears had some troubles, but now no competi-tion. He got back in the groove on the last lap to finish with a total ,time of b:OB.59. Roger was Class 5-1600 had a different leader every lap, but Randy and Rick ilson led pleased with the first desert ·. the third lap, and when it counted, at the chec,kered flag, in their tidy Bug. • performance of his new V-6 powered Nissan Hardbody, and · among the front runners, just Llewellyn, making their second it is nice to have a winner in a check the times on the result start in the ex-AlJordan Bug. Just brand new race car. sheet. The Max Razo/John another five minutes back was An even dozen started in Class _ Johnson combo had a decent lead the Greg Heinrich/ Jim Pope 5, and remarkably, ten finished. of seven minutes on the first lap entry, with Hartmut and This class was also a battlernyal over Mike Quintana and Richard Wolfram Klawitter ifst a few Already the points champs for 1986, Dave and Bryant Wood ran away from the field in Class 9 at Barstow, winning the half dozen car class by a cool two hours. more seconds down. · H~inrich lost an engine on lap 2, Razo and Johnson had sµspension breakage, and Mike Quintana took over the lead, holdihg about seven minutes I .. . • . -· over the Klawitters. Another three minutes back, Jim Cocores/Dave Snoddy had cured their first lap ills, and Stan Parnell was -fourth, another six .. minutes down~ 'F-ROAD . ~ · lN '• DlVI . · . THE ·SOURCE FOR "PRO-COMP SERIES"IRACJNd MOTORS & TRANSAXLES. SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON:.·. YOKOHAMA TIRES, PERMACOOL, J-MAR, EARLS PRODUCTS, CENTERLINE, NEAL PRODUCTS, SWAY-A-WAY, CIMA PISTONS, ARM~TRONG NORSEMAN TIRES, S&S EXHAUST, GEM GEARS, 11,DO GAUGES, K&N FILTERS, CHENOWTH, WEBER, ENGLE CAMS, KYB, DELLORTO, RACE-TECH FRONT ENDS & THOUSANDS OF OTHER ITEMS. . . . . VISIT THE WORLDS LARGEST! . - . ·.1 W PZ/J.tl WEBER 0 ~:EARfS -HEN_ O,WTH . .t-(2,,,.,., ... ,,, ""'" ·~ ,·•=· Gas-a=iust v· c,· O WiiUJi!J.~ >YvoKOHAMA Dusty Times SWAY~A-WAY ----~ -ll#t·1•J#i61WI+'! January 198~ ·T car custom , High Performance& 5toch VWPilrts 915 W. Foothill Blvd., Azusa, Ca. 91702 WA~K IN (818) 334-4951 PHONE ORDERS (818) 969-7967. -Page 15 ! _\ I l I I i I I r l
I I, I I I Danny Ashcraft and John Hamilton worked hard in the Raceco. On home ground in ~arstow. Rick Johnson and Gary Watson got Despite a few problems. Spence Low and Paul DeLang got the Nissan into second in Clsas 7S an(J got another championship in hani:I for Spence Low. and they took second in Challenge Class act-ion. just about 26 the Hi Jump·er around for third in Challenge Class and got the minutes behind ' . · -championship for Johnson. ~and going solo this race, Dyck and Al Ba:ker,JeepJ-l0and Fetters, who had two minutes or The contest was on the final_ Curt -LeDuc, in his first desert so on Norm Shaw. So it went lap, not only for the event but for drive, in another Honcho. down tht ranks. The 5-1600s . the points cha~pionship. Having . ·strong vanished on the second _ had a veritable traffic jam on the · made a pact with Llewellyn not lap,, and Rpd Hall took over the. trail, they were running so close to stop for a driver change if they !<".ad. Nobody else was close. on time. were doing well. Mike Quintana McCormack moved into second, Lesle/ Steele were missing ori. carried on to take the big win in followed by Dyck, then ~Due. ·the ' second lap; and · Dave only his second race in a car. The However, LeDuc was out Anckner/ Henry Arras took over team made their debut last fall at · somewhere on the final lap, and the lead, · holding ten minutes the Snore 250. Quintana _took Rod Hall lost an engine scoring a over the Wilsons. Lakin/ Fetters the victory by 5½ minutes over rare, for . him, DNF. Don were back another two minutes hard charging Coco.res and McCormack was busy changing a and Shaw was less than a minute Snoddy, whose tough lap had transmission on course, and John behind t.hem. Darryl and Alan been the first one. Max Razo Dyck and Al Baker took the Cook were up to fifth, and 15 poured the coal on during the Class 4 win home to Phoenix. Bugs were still running well, half final round, doing a 1:45.12, and McCormack made the finish line of them in one giant pack. he slid into third place, securing about an hour later to take . On the final lap the-Anckner · A new driver in a ne'wcar. Bill Bunchbeat35 others in the Challenge Class. taking his points title. He and Johnson, second place. _ · Bug lost the transmission, and the reborn Sandwinder-Midi to a big victory in its maiden outing on the desert who did _the first lap, had nearly Class 5-1600, like Class 5, with it their hopes of capturing · ·' • · identical.times, but their middle produced some. real surprises at the points championship, having lap was 36 minutes longer. The Barstow. Among the 25 staters been second on points going into Klawitters were close in fourth were a dozen strong and weff the _ race. The Cooks had a 4½ place, only 41 seconds later, and known teams, and this was a hour lap and fell to ninth place. Stan Parnell finished fifth. donnybrook from the green flag. Up front the Wilsons turned Class 4 fielded five rigs and· Mike Lesle and Cameron Steele their fastest lap, a 2: 11.38, and they all made the first lap. Tom started out leading after one lap, they came across the finish line Strong and Steve Borden had trailed in a couple of minutes by the • 5-1600 winners. Only 5½ their Chevy in the lead then, David Anckner/ Henry Arras, minutes back, Steve Lakin and holding :ibout three minutes over who had -about three minutes in Todd Fetters took second place. points champs Rod Hall and Jim hand over Dave Hendrickson/ Lakin had the points to take the Fricker in the Dodge. Don· Peter Alesi. Only another half 1986 class championship-, McCormack and Dick Greenlee minute back were Randy and making it two titles for the two were another 11 minutes back in Rick Wilson\ followed in 40 Bugs on the Razo Racing Team. their D?'1ge, followed by John seconds by Steve Lakin/Todd Norm Shaw had his trouble -N 3 i.,; > ; :;:: :;.. i"as NEVADA Vegas .· OFF-ROAD it's ... BUGGY Street Stock - Baja Race or Sand · --Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay, We've Got Your V-W Parts See Brian See Dave SAHAHA X 2 -. N . t-,\<;TLHN -Locations· -'J'x '-,IHII''-, z z to ::: 0 ~ c.:, ._ !: '>PHI'.\<, MT'-i Serve You :c rJ) Better! j WEST .NOR 3054 Valley View 1541 N. Eastern 871-4911 • 871-5604 642-2402 • 642-1664 NOW 2 LOCATIONS Page 16 January 19.$7 N · Willie Valdez and Joe Alvarado turned in three matching lap times in the Ford Ranger to win Class 7S convincingly, leading all the way on the rough cour~e .. almost in sight of the finish line, after three laps. A couple of 9s lost a bunch of time, but still failed on the first lap, including finished third, less than two . our own SS 1 with an ailing minutes ahead of Richard Kent engine. Chuck Inman and. Herb and Doug Ingles. In all eleven 5- Smith were second after one lap, 1600ssurvivedtherough,tough followed by Andy Blue. course for a three lap finish. However, neither one covered It was the last Hurrah for Class . · the second lap. -Dean TeUing-9, written out of the 1987 rule huisen and Don Atwood were book. The 1200cc fans showed sec;ond in Class 9's swan _song, up with six starters, five old. the only other class finisher. Funcosand the state of the art car The popularity of· the of Dave and Bryant Wood, who Challenge Class-is astounding, had already secured the class with 36 of the restricted buggies championship. The Woods, starting at Barstow. ··The tough father and son, took off into the course took · its revenge on the gloom. and held ten minutes or swing axle, single shoeked cars, more lead the entire race. They though,and only 15 finished the finished over ~o hours ahead three laps. Home town -Barstow Dave Ashley and Wally Kaiser had no trouble that showed. and their Ford Ran[J_er led all three laps'in Class 7 4x4 in an excellent performance in the rough:_ Dusty Times
Paul and Dave Simon ran 3rd all the way in Class 7S in their Ford The 1986 Class 7 4x4 points champion Jerry McDonald had time In one of their best finish positions this year, Mike Randall and Bob Bower brought the Jeep Comanche home a good third in Class 7 4x4. · Ranger, and they also finished 3rd in the 1986 points standings. • costly mechanical woes, but came back strong in the Chevy to take second in class. Missing bodywork as always, Steve Mize/ and Tom Nathan drove the Ford Bronco to the victory in Class 14, and Mize/ was already the 1986 points champion.-Class 14s seem to shed body panels, but Jerry Daugherty and Ken Stout led the first lap, but dropped to second in class at the finish line. boys Rick Johnson and Gary things shifted around on the Watson led the first lap by about middle lap. Douglas Brown took six minutes over Douglas• Brown.. over the lead in his new Geise A familiar shape to old timers, built Challenge car. Bunch was but a brand new car was in third about six minutes back in second place. It was • the Sandwiri.der and about six minutes ahead of Midi of Don Rountree, wi'th Bob mates Rountree/Cassetta. Cassetta co-driving. They were Johnson/Watson lost time but another five minutes back, but held fourth, followed by Danny only 40 secop.ds ahead of Rich Ashcraft/ John Hamilton, and · Minga. Next, two minutes more Minga dropped to sixth with behind was another new brake trouble. Sandwinder Midi driven by Bill On the final lap Johnson and Bunch, and Mike Ward and Watson had more trouble and Mike Free were next, in the next Brown disappeared. Bill Bunch minute followed in less than a brought his Sandwinder in the minute by Danny Ashcraft. This class winner in its debut run in was some horse race! the Challenge class. It looked like As expected in a big class, a Sandwirider one,two in class Mike Schwellinger and Marty Pollard scored the first Class 3 victory for the · Conejo Off Road Team, and they led all three laps in the tidy Jeep CJ 7. Dusty Times shaping up, but Rountree's Midi broke a brake drum about 20 miles out and dropped to fifth. Bunch beat all the odds, winning over Ashcraft _and Hamilton by 26 minutes at the flag. Rick Johnson and Gary Watson were two more minutes back in third in the old Hi Jumper, but the points were enough to give Rick Johnson the 1986 • class championship. Making back time fast, Rich Minga nailed down fourth, · only three more minutes out, and well ahead of Rountree/Cassetta. Finishing . 15th, Chuck Guy and Rhonda Walsh used all but six minutes of the te,n hour · time allowance to finish three laps, and they get the turtle. title, 133rd overall. A brave 14 were on the stil.rting line in Class_ 7S, but alas, the rugged route put five of them dqwn and out on the first lap, and only four finished three laps. This was a , race for the class championship and the Mini Metal title in the desert series, as, go,ing into the event, Willie Valdez and Spencer Low were absolutely tied on points. Valdez was really wired for the race,and he had no problems on course. Willie turned . three nearly identical 2:12 laps to lead on the road and every inch of the distance for the victory. Also getting their stuff together · after a year of developing -the Toyota, Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen were second on the first lap, about seven minutes behind, with ,Paul and Dave Simon only five minutes behind them in their Ranger. Suffering flats and broken shocks, 'the Nissan of Spencer Low and Paul Delang was fourth here, only a couple of minutes behind the Simons. On the middle lap Valdez increased his lead to 15 minutes, and Low was healthy now and up to . second. The Simons held third, about six minutes behind, and no one else was within an hour . . Willie Valdez and Jose Alvarado sailed across the finish line with a convincing victory in the Ford Ranger. Willie knew if Low finished better than fifth, he had lr@i" WE MANUFACTURE FUEL SYSTEMS FOR COMPETITION RACING OVAL TRACK, OFF-ROAD, RACE BOATS FUEL TANKS: All-sizes for all fuels .. FUEL BLADDERS: Gasoline or Alcohol/ Methanol Stock sizes or to your print. SAF·FOAM, Pl!ATES, FILLER CAPS, CHECK VALVES . . · I · USAC, SCCA, SCORE/HDRA APPROVED . _ Wi1nner of the 1986 CNA Award for Safety in Racing. . FBI Fuel Systems - (213) 542-3835 January 1987 Page 17 \ \ \ ! l I I I I I I I l l l ·1 I , I l l I I I I
l Keeping the leader in sight all the way, Andy Diaz and Scott Wagstaff were second in Class 11, just a skinny minute and 35 seconds behind. Ensenada racer Sergio Gutierrez made_it a one c1nd three finish • · Dennis Fry and Mark Smith had their Raceco right up front in Class for Mexican tea!J1S in Class 11, taking a close third at the 1-2-1600 all day, and they finished fourth, just five minutes 'out. checkered flag. ~ the series championship. Spencer Low arrived less than 11 _minutes later to claim second place in the Nissan, and the Mini Metal year end title. There was a real race for third place going on to the rear. The Simons and Vinje/ Hansen were within a minute or so of each other most of the lap. At the flag Paul and Dave Simon took third place in the Fotd by a minute, 49 seconds over ·Malcolm Vinje and Mark Hansen in the Toyota. While three more stock trucks' covered two laps, none of them finished. · Class 7 4x4 seems to be a relatively slow growth group, but there were nine on the line at Barstow, and five of ·them finished. The four wheel drive had to be a-help in the wet sand and on the steep and slippery hills on course, and they all covered at least one lap. Out front on the first round was the Ford Ranger of Dave Ashley and Wally Kaiser, well ahead of the herd. Favorite Jerry McDonald had a case of flipping fan belts, and it took a pulley change to cure the habit in the Chevy. He was sixth on lap 1. Jim Conner and Carl Jackson had their Nissan in secqnd spot at one third distance, about eight _minutes out, and Stan Houghton and David Henry had their S-10 in third, another five minutes down, in a_tight run for this class. Ramon Castro, with Salvador Avila co-driving, nailed down his 1986 Class 11 points championship by taking a very narrow victory a·t the Barstow contest. Page 18 · Ashley picked . up the pace considerably on the second lap to increase his lead to 33 minutes over second running Conner/ Jackson. Houghton held third, now just six_ minutes behind, and McDonald was up to fourth, trailing the other Chevy by just · 12 minutes. Mike Randall and Bob Bower dropped to fifth with problems with the Jeep Comanche. The team of Dave Ashley and _Wally Kaiser kept up the pace, their Ford leading all three. laps . for the 7 4x4 victqry. It made it two out of three for Ford in the mini truck classes. Jim Conner broke a lower control arm and failed to finish . Jerry McDonald, whose class title was secure before the race, poured on the gas and came in second, about 41 -minutes behind. This class really spread out on the last lap. Mike - Randall/ Bob Bower moved into third in the Jeep, another 1 ½ hours behind, while· Stan Houghton/ David . Henry took fourth about 40 minutes later: The fifth and final finisher was ,the Chevy of ~ ,hael Homer and Brandon Carr, with just 24 · minutes left · on ,· the time allowance. Barstow was to be the · final race for Class 14, modified 4x4s, -and six showed up for the final · desert run, some wead!lg funeral stickers mourning the demise of their class. Colorado -ace Jerry Daugherty put his ·chevy Blazer Camden Superchargers' new "Road Warrior'"" System will blow their doors off! Instant off the line power ... wall cli"mbing torque, no wimpy "turbo lag" here! Reliable Roots-type supercharger systems featurin'g pressure lubrication to all moving parts utilizing filtered engine oil. Complete install-it-yourself-kits, fully tested and warranted. Toyota 20R & 22R - $1,843.00 Jeep Cherokee 2.8 V6 -$1,883.00 Chevy 2.8 V6 · $ 1,883.00 ·. Chevy Small Block VS· $1,729.00 Ford 2.8 V6 · $1,883.00 Chrysler 2.2 4Cyl.• $1,804.00 CATALOG & TECH BULLETIN: $2.00 Specify vehicle wh.en ordering catalog. 970i Brown Lane #402, Dept. DT, Austin, TX 78754 (512) 339-4772 Outside TX 1·800·4CAMDEN (1 ·800·422·6336) Janua"ry 1987 Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling once again outlasted-the slender field in Class·6, taking another victory, and they were the only finishers in th_e class. out front on the first round with a swift 2:12.35. Already the 1986 class champion, , Steve Mizel, another Colorado resident, was second, about 15 minutes back .in the Ford. Emil Downey, from Connecticut, had his Jeep CJ 8 in third, just another 11 minutes down. Daugherty slowed, and Mizel took over the lead on the second lap, holding a 13 minute margin on the Blazer. Downey held fast in third place, but dropped a bunch of time. Carl Cook moved into fourth. Steve Mizel and Tom Nathan ]:iad no real down time,did a fast !~st lap and won Class 14 honors going away. Jerry Daugherty and Ken Stout had more trouble on the last lap, but so did everyone else, so they hung on to finish second, over an ·hour back. Downey had big trouble and went down to fifth, while Carl Cook and Martin Vaughn moved the modified Jeep into third., spot. A big supporter. 9f .. Class 14, Dave Quill, with Dale· Mercado co-driving, . finished a long fourth. Rock Bradford got in two_ laps before falling - out. · Of interest here is that HDRA Jefe Walt Lott announced at the awards presentation that if Class ·Jerry Bundy and· Ron Zemanek came from New England to race the Class 3 Jeep CJ 8 and they missed secorid pi ace by a slim 1 ½ mi~utes . . After a slow sta;i, Buck Griffin and Don Coffland got back in the groove to bring their Jeep CJ 8 home second in Class 3 action. · . Dusty Times
HDRA BUDWEISE.R 250 December 5-7, 1986 · Final Results Pos. Car# .Driver(s) · Vehicle Time CLASS 1 -UNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT -17 START -10 FINISH 1. 117 Larry Noel (solo) ' · Chaparral 4:56.34 2. 100 Ron Brant (solo) Raceco 5:04.30 3. 101 Mark McMillin (solo) Chenowth . 5:09.01 4. 114 Ivan Stewart (solo) Toyota 5:14.53 5. 102 Gregg Symonds (solo) 0.R.E. 5:21.28 CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT -28 START -17 FINISH. 1. 203 2. 222 3. 221 Danny Leiner /Henry Bergdahl Raceco 5:02.44 . ·Bob Richey/Tom Baker Raceco 5:03.23 Bob Gordon/Tim Crabtree _ Chenowth 5: 15.03' 4. 219 Frank & Al'Arciero . Raceco 5:23.23 5. 214 Ed & Tim Herbst Chenowth 5:26.42 , CLASS 1-2~1600 -1600cc RESTRICTED -39 START -24 FINISH 1. 1600 2. 1620. 3. 1621 4, 1601 5. 1626' 1. 303 -2. 312 3. 301' 4. 304 5. 349 1. 403 2. 404 3. 400 Rob Tolleson (solo) Darren Wilson (solo) Bob Scott/Mike Voyles Dennis Fry/Mark Smith Lance & Glenn Tidwell Mirage Mirage Homebuilt Raceco Raceco 5:26.54 5:40:33 5:55.50 6:00.14, 6:00.38 CLASS 3 ~ SHORT WB 4x4 -12 START - 7 FINISH Mike Schwellinger /Marty Pollard Jeep CJ-7 7:3:4.52 Buck Griffin/Don Coffland Jeep CJ-8 7:55.09 Jerry.Bundy/Ron Zemanek Jeep CJ-8 7:56.34 Matt & Gale Pike · Dodge Ramcharger ; 8: 10.15 .Don A~ams/Larry Olson Jeep Cherokee · 8:11..19 CLASS 4 -LON.G WB 4x4 - 5 START - 2 FINISH · John Dyck/ Al Baker Jeep J-10 · 7:00.02 Don McCormack/Dick Greenl~e Dodge D-150 8:06.00 . Rodney Hall/ Jim Fricker Dodge 4: 16.00 CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -12 START -10 FINISH Pos. O_/A 1 6 7 8 '10 2 3 9 14* 15-16 24 35 37 38 96 99 100 105 106 76 104 (2 laps) 1. 505 Mike Quintana (sol,o) Baja Bug 5:47.07 27 2. 504 Jim Cocores/David Snoddy , Baja Bug 5:52.37 31 3. 508 Max Razo/ John Johnson -·· · Baja-Bug 5:53.52 . 33 . 4,.. -51-0-- ----Hartmut-&-Wolfram Klawitter Baja Bug · · ----: ·5,54_33··-·- - -34 ... - -..;i 5_ 509 Stan Parnell (solo) Baja Bug 6:12.03 43 1. 552 .2. 554 3. 555 4. 568 5. 564 CLASS 5~1600-1600cc BAJA BUG -25 START-11 FINISH Randy & Rick Wilson Baja Bug 6:42.16 Steve Lakin/Todd Fetters Baja Bug 6:47.56 Norm Shaw/Manny Cortez Baja Bug 7:09.51 Richard Kent/Doug Ingles Baja Bug 7: 11.12 Steftan•Vigano/David Toda Baja Bug 7:18.37 CLASS 6 -PRODUCTION SEDAN - 3 START - 1 FINISH 65 72 82 84 88 1. 600 Larry Schwacofer/Sid Spradling '5_5 Chevy 8:21.06 110 ·: 2 618;. Bob Stone/Ken Hagemann AMC Pacer -6:59.10 (2 laps) .½· ,· ,,,. CLASS-7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICKUP~ 3 START - 1 FINISH 1. ·701 Roger Mears/Brent Foes Nissan 6:08.59 41 2. 700 Manny & Tudy Esquerra . Ford Rarger 1 :45.09 (1 lap) 1. 724 2. 720 3. 749 4. 748 _5, 732 1. 769 . 2. 751 3. 752 4. 759 5. 753 1. 803 2 .. 800 3. 802 4. 806 5. 807 CLASS 7S -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP -14 START - 4 FINISH Willie Valdez/ Jose Alvarado Ford Ranger 6:42.34 Spencer Low/Paul Delang Nissan 6:53:02 Paul & Dave Simon Ford Ranger 7:11.58 Malcolm Vinje/Mark Hansen Toyota. 7:13.47 Roy Baligad/Gary Steinhoff Ford Courier 6:39.52 CLASS 7 4x4 :_ STOCK MINi-MIDI 4x4 - 9 START - 5 FINISH Dave Ashley/Wally·Kaiser · Ford Ranger 6:41.36 Jerry McDonald/Joe MacPherson Chevy S-10 7:22.48 Mike Randall/Bob Bower Jeep Comanche 8:57.14 Stan Houghton/David Henry • Toyota 9:36.24 Michael Horner /Brandon Carr Chevy S-10 9:36.48 CLASS 8 - 2 WO STANDARD PICKUP - 15 START- 6 FINISH Walker. Evans Dodge , 5:28.10 Steve Kelley Chevrolet 5:30.41 Dave Shoppe/Larry Maddox . Ford . 5:36.52 Steve McEach~rn/ Jeff Geiser Chevrole.t 6:29.24 Henry Escalera/Michael Rix Ford 8:26.16 CLASS 9 -1200cc SINGLE SEAT - 6 START - 2 FINISH 66 73 85 86 (2 laps) 64 92 120 129 131 17 19 22 57 112 1. 918 Dave & Bryant Wood Fun Buggy 6: 18.14 51 2. 902 Dean Tellinghuisen/Don Atwood Fuoco -8:34.39 116 3. 919 Chuck Inman/Herb Sinith Funco 2:13.43 . (1 lap) CLASS CHALLENGE -RESTRICTRED BUGGY -36 START -15 FINISH ·1. 931 William Bunch Sandwinder Midi 6:m6 2. 998 Danny Ashcraft/ John Hamilton Race co 7:08.59 3. 95 7 Rick Johnson/Gary Watson Hi Jumper 7: 11.07 4. 995 Rich Minga/ D. Ebberts Chenowth 7: 14.34 5. 940 Don Rountree/ R.obert Cassetta Sandwinder Midi 7:26.09 l . 1018 2. 1016 3. 1007 4, 1012 5: 1017 1. 1102 2. 1100 CLASS 10 -UNLIMITED 1650cc ..:_ 28 START -13 FINISH Rick & J_ohn Hagle Raceco 5:03.53 Steve Tetrick/Fred Ronn 0.R.E. 5:04.01 Greg Hibbs/Mike Julson Chenowth Magnum 5:22.19 Bill Sallenbach/Mike Bird Raceco 5:32.46 Gary Weyhrich (solo) Raceco , 5:46.35 CLASS 11 -STOCK VW SEDAN - 7 START:_ 4 FINISH (2 laps) Ramon Castro/Salvador Avila VW Beetle 5:54.00 Andy Diaz/Scott Wagstaff VW Beetle 5:55.36 Sergio Gutierez · )IW Beetle 6:02. 17 · Mike Abbott/Fausto Parisotto VW Beetle 9:49.51 67 81 83 87 93 4 5 13 21 26 3. 1105 4, 1197 5. 1101 'Gary Legerton/David Hendrickson VW Beetle 3:27 .14 (1 lap) CLASS 14 -MODIFIED 4x4 - 6 START-- 5 FINISH Steve Mize I/Tom Nathan Ford Bronco 6:5 7.18 1. 14ob 2. 1404 Jerry Daugherty/Ken Stout Chevy Blazer 8: 14.45 3. 1497 Carl Cook/Martin Vaughn Homemade CJ 8:43.34 4. 1498 Dave Quill/Dave Mercado Chevrolet • 9:08.36 5. 1402 Emjl Downey/ Joe Janis Jeep CJ-8 9:29.13 Starters -265 cars -Finishers - 137 -50.69% finish ratio Race Distance -255 miles · Time Allowance - 1 D hours Fast Time Overall -Larry Noel -Class 1 Chaparral -4:56:34 -50.74 mph *Time includes 15 minutes penalty. Dusty Times 75 108 117 ·121 126 14 continued to show up in'good numbers, he woµfol schedule the class at his 1987 races. Maybe the funeral signs worked! A sturdy dozen showed up in Class 3, and incre?ibly seven of them finished the three laps. · Still, this race was the sole property of Mike/ Schwellinger and Marty Pollard in the Conejo Off Road Jeep CJ 7,. They led all three laps and enjoyed their first class victory in their rookie year _of Class _3 racing in the series. Don Adams . and Larry Olsen, The other side of the Barstow race are those that did not finish. Steve McMullen · . had a good first lap in his 1-1600, then vanished. · . with the 1986 championship secure, still ran second on the first lap, about 12 !minutes back in the Jeep ChJrokee. Jerry Bundy, from Connecticut, had his strongJeep CJ 8 in third, only -their Dodge Ramcharger home · their AMC Pacer. another five min'utes behind. fourth, another three minutes Always the last to start, but Kirby and Allan Hightower were · back and only a minute ahead of seldom the last to finish, seven another 12 minutes · down in Don Adams/ Larry Olsen. Todd showed up in Class 11, most their Jeep CJ 7, but they only 'Clement and Mark Comings got wanting to go for the three laps, covered two laps'. their Bronco home in sixth, and but HORA decreed they would j Schwellinger and , Pollard had David Byran and his sister do two laps for an official finish. no trouble that showed, and they Deborah Keefe got their CJ 6 This bunch of Beetles had one of led all the ,way to victory, with a atound all three laps, with 14 · the closest races of the day. From 25 minute cushionl and this was minutes left on the time Ensenada, Ramon Castro and. a happy crew. MoviRg up the aUowance. · Salvador Avila led the first round ranks from a long first lap, Buck Only three sedans appeared in . by less than two minutes over Griffin and Don Coffland Glass 6, and the Wes and Garson Andy Diaz and Scott Wagstaff, grabbed second place in i:he Jeep Moser Ford Ranchero expired and, Sergio Gutieriez was less CJ 8 by a slim minute; 25 seconds on the first lap, so it wasn'tmuch than two minutes behind Diaz. frorri Jerry Bundy and Ron of a race. Larry Schwacofer and We saw all three Beetles in visual , 1 Zemanek, who had a hard time Sid Spradling led all three laps . contact on a narrow canyon near believing the clocks. Also and fi_n~hed in good time for tl;le · the e~~ of their firs,t @P,-_}Iet:c~..,!,"~~-~--1 c.91:TI-iti_g pack. fr_om ._a._ first-Jap --win~ Bob Stone--and · ·Ken--Mil<e Abbott was just another 20 i disaster; Matt and Gale Pike put Hagemann managed two laps in minutes ~ ROB TOLLESON 1st Place 1/2-1600 1986 Baja 500 1985 Score/High Desert-1/2-1600 Ch11mpion . DARREN WILSON 1st Place 1/2-1600 1986 Mint 400 TOM KOCH 1st Overall 1986 Parker400 1st Overall 1986 Snore Yoko Loco 1985 Rookie of the Year· . I ... NOW ~HAT YOU'VE GOT IT TO GO -LET HOT SHOES MAK~-IT WHOA! Better Braking When You Need It/Longer WQarlife ,RACE !CARS • P;RE RUNNERS • DUNE BU(iGIES - ~-JliWHEELERts · • ~UADS -• MOTORCYCLES . "Custom Applications" No problem, send us your cores and we will deduct it from your bilL Everibody Need$ Brakes, -Why Not Use The Best HOT SHOES RACING PRODUCTS. 166 West J-5, Lancaster, Ca.lifornia 93534 I (805) 942-2344 . DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED January 1 ~87 Page 19
-------------TheS-1600 class really had a close battle, and the Bug of Richard Kent and Doug Ingles finished very tight, in fourth place. Rich Ming a had some problems on the last lap, but he stayed in the game to finish a close 4th in the busy ranks of Challenge Class. Sandwinder builder Don Rountree, and Bob Cassetta, got their newest version around well, dropping from second to fifth on the· last lap in Challenge Class. ~ back, only six minutes ahead of Gary Legerton/ David Hendrickson, who went out on the next lap. ·On the second round Castro turned a 2:57 .17 and Diaz did a 2:57.02, and it can't get much closer than that! At the flag Castro finished first on the road and won Class 11 by a minute, 36 seconds over Andv Oiaz, and the two teams congratulated each other on a fun race in the close compet1t1on. Sergio Gutieriez wa(i less than seven minutes back at the finish in a fine drive.Mike Abbott and Fautsto Parisotta had a three hour disaster on the last · lap, doubling their time, and they finished with about ten minutes left on the time allowance, in fourth. The race was over just after seven in the evening, and while the rain had stopped, it was cold, and there was more thunoer. Post race tech for the restricted classes went smoothly, the best all year with no problems. Only two 15 minute failing-to-stop DESERT LOCK OUTER hread ire Located ff Inner Ring Red Anodize Constructed of all. Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum s·trength , * At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off~Road racing * All parts are available separately *In stock-Ready for· shipment For Todays' Sophisticated .15" 13" 8"-10" UNLIMITED MIDGET MODIFIED MIDGET SPORT TRUCK MINI STOCK QUAD RACER BAJA BUG MODIFlsD MIDGET ATV WEHA'VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! _ SIMPLE TO ORDER. Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, . fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 O" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: (]] [y=) D (]J 00 3447 W. University· Fresno, CA 93722 . (209)275-5183 Page 20 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax penalties were assessed. Later in the evening the rain came back much heavier, drenching the on course pit folks as they packed up, and those still left trying to get out of the desert with broken cars. Also caught in the rain was the Weatherman Radio Relay Team, stuck in a mountain canyori until mid-morning on Sunday. It was still raining hard when the awards presentation started right on time.Sunday morning at Rosita's · in Barstow. The wall plaques for the winners, two per entry, were handsome, and the folks selling color pictures of race cars with the 1987 calendar on them did a land · office business. It seems a shame that the winter race_ at_ Barstow. or _ elsewhere has been scrubbed from the schedule, although it · has been an intermittant date the last few years. . . The huge entry, just three weeks before Christmas, should tell SCORE/HORA something about the popularity of the Barstow course with the rank and file racer. Only J~e 4th of July race is on the calendar next year at Barstow, ana the annual awards banquet replaces the race on the first weekend in December. Maybe we should all mourn that omission next year, · along with the off again-on again status of Class 14. SCCA Southern Pacific Divisional News By Lynette Allison The 1987 Southern Pacific Division's competitive year opened with the EAST OF INDIO VI rally, bringing thirty-two teams, almost half of th~m CRS seed 4 or 5, to face one of the major endurance rally events in the western states; As our. division's first co-efficient 3 rally, India's organizing body out did themselves. with superb radio communication, safety coordin-a-tion, and control-w.orker training. The rally's only delay was caused by a vehicle and armed campers along the rally course. As the radio controls and safety personnel performed their jobs, competito·rs waited patiently for the ''all clear", which came about forty minutes · later, just as the organizers were about to call for the stage to be transited rather than run at speed. Thanks to the radio communication and safety personnel in the lead Samauri, the vehicle and campers were moved· to another spot, all in good humor, fortunately enough, and the rally continued. January 1987 Lance and Glenn Tidwell were close all the way, an·d finished in Class 1-2-1600 just 24 seconds behind fourth place, taking fifth spot. · ·am Sallenback and Mike Bird had a keen run in the Class 10 Raceco, for a change, and the team finished close, in fourth place at the flag. The only major flaw occurred during service when two · rally competitors ch~se to speed their vehicles through the Desert Center area, raising the ire of some of the townspeople, and some service crews as well. Mr. Dave Thompson, SCCA's Special Events manager, and his wife observed Indio, stopping here and there and getting acquainted with course workers and competitors. Mr. Thompson met with various competitors, organizers, and coordinators after the awards' presentation on Sunday. . The second event for 1987 points is Glen Helen Rallycros.s -# 1, co-efficient 1 at the Glen Helen ORV Park near -San Bernardino, CA. Contact Mike Blore, (213) 425-0984 for current information. SOMETHING NEW! Begin-ning with Glen - Helen, new .· competitors . applying for an SCCA divisional competitor's license MUST complete a beginners' class on rallying before the license can be processed and the competitor allowed to compete.in any event. The beginners' classes have been mandatory in the SO~PAC divi~ion since January 1986, but' have not been required BEFORE thr application can be completed at registration. This will place some pressure on new competi-tors, especially at Glen Helen, which operates· on a daylight-only format and has a minimum of time to spare. Those who completed divisional licenses at Indio, and most at Gorman, are considered as 1987 licenses, and will be valid · until October 15, 1987'. Your SCCA national membership will be good for the anniversary date of your application ( unless they change the rule again). · Thanks to Rod Koch for taking time to write up articles on Gorman · and · Indio. Both SO-PAC and CRS are looking for a full time news reporter for 1987. Good communication is vital to rally promotion. Any volun-teers? · The SCCA National Conven-tion is scheduled in Denver., February 18-22, 1987. Registra-tion form is in the November and December SPORTSCAR issues. Thursday, January 19 is scheduled for various rally meetings, stewards information meeting, and divisional awards. Check with SPOR TSCAR for details, or contact The Travel Gallery in Santa Barbara, (800) 255-SCCA or (805) 687-0721. As the SO-PAC Steward, I will be attending for the four days .. Dusty Times
Th& Los·a,s· Class 1. Each had been -leading and took the hose that ran from phone. For sorrie reason he • • By Judy Smith his class before that.1 Rod Hall ' the bottom of the tank to the-car, couldn't get any numbers in ~:::-~--~"':'"""...;.. __ ~-~~---,;_---...;..-also had the lead, in Class 4, and and inserted it in the filler-neck · Barstow, though he could reach · The last race of the season, the privilege. · lost his motor on lap three. · shoving it ·way down into th~ Hquston, which wasn't much HDRA Soutar Motors/ Bud-One racer we listened in on Dick Johnson, who drives in ·· tank. Sure enough, that was the help. Now _the rain was coming weiser250atBarstowwasakick! wasJimSi:iles,Cwhohadvowedto the Challenge class,·_, lost' his answer. Apparently the pickup, down steadily, and it w:is also The Losers were those who finish this race, even if he had to motor on the first lap, between insid~ the tank, had fallen apart very cold.'Bob and Elvin resigned didn't get to drive. -be "dead last". As he was checkpoints one and two. This somehow, and couldn't deliver thetnselves_tospendingthenight. The rain held off until after finishing · his first lap we heard was the 12th DNF in1 a row for ,gas. Now Anderson was all rekdy . They had some cold weai:her gear contingency and tech were over, him radio to his pit crew that Johnson, surely _ some kind of to go, but·he developed a severe with them, but no sleeping bags, and then it came down gently for he'd. lost his light bar about a half record. oil ltkk from a valve cover, and : and they were soaked to the skin. most of the night, watering the mile out of the start/ finish, in the Brian Collins was going well in lost oil/ressure. So he had to They tried wrapping ·themselves entire course better than any fleet wash. Jim was anxiously saying Class 2 for a while, and went out stoplan get that fixed because in whatever they had, but never of water trucks could do. "Somebody go get it!", as h~ to pass ai;tother car on his third the motor started rattiiog. But got warm. Bob's feet, thoroughly A lot of folks felt like Losers as drove towards his pit. About a lap, hit a hole or bump just the fix was too late, and when he soaked, had become numb and they tucked themselves into their half hour later we h~rd Jim on wrong and did a combination got to the n_ext hill the engine just· he ·had to rub them for a ' long open vehicles to line up for the the radio again. This time he was en~o and rollover_ th~t sent him qu~t. Howa~d anticipated a long _ time before . they had feeling start! ~ny wearing rain gear, or asking for somebody to go get fly mg. It put Coll ms out of the watt for his chase crew and· again. He finally stuffed both feet mpchf1ed plastic trash bags to -him, he was ai: Check 2, and "my race, but apparently he and his radioed . for help without ~uch _ into a stocking cap he had, and keep the wet out. Their goggles front end's in pieces!" There's passenger were uninjJred. hope, since they'd had some taped them up with duct.tape, fogged something awful while always '87, Jim. Frank_ Vessels had a hard first problems reaching each other and then used his blanket to they waited for the start, but by Mark Broneau has built lap, losmg over an hour with during the day. But his crew ' cover that, to keep them from the time they got to Lenwood the himself a new Class 10 car, and some problem, but then he got heard his call this.time, drove to going numb again. They spent fog cleared, the rain quit, and he made it to Barstow very late. thin~s f~xed and really took off, the edge of the. hill they were the night, tilted at some damned if they didn't have a dust Everything on the car was new, turnmg m the fast lap for Class 8 parked on to look around, and improbable angle, just waiting free race ahead of them! No dust except the front end which didn't atan hQur and 46minutes. But as there was Howard, parked at the . for daylight, too cold and all day! get finished in time. Mark h~ neared the end of his third,lap bottom. So one thing went tight · uncomfortable to get much Wecountourselvesamongthe showed up in the pit area about his motor let go. Mike Falkosky for them. sleep. ' Losers, because our co-driver, 45 minutes before the start, still reports that the rods let loose One of the big Losers at In the morning Steinberger publisher Jean Calvin who unteched, and looking for · with ~uch forc_e thiit they ripped Barstow was not a racer, but the tried his phone again, and this started, lost the fo1rward- numbers and a horn. Somehow the 011 pan right off and they· Weatherman himself. Bob timehegottheSuper8Motelin motivating-force of our Class 9 he got that a(:complished and, ~ol:'ld see that _the oil ~a~ on fire Steinberger s_tationed himself up Barstow. He asked them what car Qn the first lap. It quit before although liite, · got started. Right mside the engme. They Just had on a1mountam, so he could ,relay - racers they had registered·, and Check 7. And it also had a rear off the line his pumper helmet to let it burn i_tself out_. messages for all the ·race teams, the d¢sk clerk said Spence Low flat. Jean sat for quite a while died, and he didn't have any George Seeley started out in and did his _usual fine and helpful · was in his room, so Bob had the before our pit crew located her goggles. Then the car began good shape in his Class 5 car, arid . job all · day. The· race was · hotel wake Spence. Low then got but she was in radio contact: running badly, having some fuel thought it was going to be a good officially over at 7: 10 p.m., and in touch with the HORA, and the • thanks to the Weatherman.' problem. Mark wasn't sure what day. But then the car began to run abo1;1t 20 minutes after that, with HORA sen~ a rescue crew out to After she'd sat a while, along it was, but figured it was badlyandhediagnoseditasafuel everyoneofftheair,Steinberger wi_nchSteinberger and Barrios. came Michael Stewart of Off something foreign either in the pr?blem.- George and his co- . and pis passeng~r, Elvin Barrios; out of their . misery. They got Road Video, who very_ kindly tank or the carburetor, so he ?river, Howard Anderson, had started to drive down the. · back to Bar$tow at about noon towed her in to Check 7 where _ stopped and tore the carb apart, t~stalle~ a new fuel cell, and they mount~in. lt ?adbeen raining for · on Sunday, 16 hours after they'd the cha~ vehicle gathered her up trying to dean it out. That helped figured It must be rel~ted to that, hours 11nd thmgs ~ere very wet. stuck themselves. and earned her.back to the finish for a while, but he had to stop s?meh<;>w, We he:gd_ much Somehow they missed the road1. As if all of that wasn't bad area. Many thanks to Michael. twice more to take the carburetor d!scuss1on ~:m the raf '<?• as one and j got sidehilled into a very enough, somewhere · along the . One of the very first Losers at apart, and still it wasn't quite ptt crew tned to ~xplam to the rocky _area, and then stuck. They line,-while he was putting _his Barstow was the three man team right. Then one of his front tires next , that ?eeley s I fuel tank were tipped at a steep angle, both cold, wet hand in and out of his . of)_"fm1y Sielski, Steve Kassanyi rolled off, and turned left out wasn t ventmg . properly, and forward and sideways, and pocket to get his knife and Sal Fish, who planned to take into the desert. Mark thought they ~hol:'ld be;~~ady to punch a could~'t go any further. Steinberger had dislodged som~ turns driving the candy__--striped "Oh great!, Now I'm gonna hav~ hole m his gas cap when George Stem berger and Barrios cash, and had lost $400. He was tandem two--seater of Walter to go look for that turkey!", as he got to the next pit. , climbed out and began to try to going to have toge back upon the P~in~e. As i~ happens, the buggy pulled off to the right and · They got thatdone,and the car' get themselves out of their fix. hill to look for it when we last · d1dn t survive the pre--running, coasted to a stop. But just as he seemed _to work for a while, but They tried winching themselves :saw him.1}1atwas just too much and the trio was out of a ride. parked, the tjre rolled up behind then, with Anderson in it, it quit. out,. using rocks as anchors for money to not go look for it Another very early Loser was him and rear--ended the car, a_gain. So they t~ied taking~off the_ the winch, but the ground was so according to Steinberger, and w~ Jerry Leighton, who was back in ~aking things a little easier for Imes and clearmg them out, to wet thatthe rocks just oozed out 'd have to agree. his pit before all the last starters him. Altogether it took Broneau make sure there. was !nothing in of the mountain. There was no · We wish all our readers a had got the green flag. He'd three hours and 12 minutes to them. Still no luck."Finally, they one I on the radio anymore, so Happy New Year, and many broken a torsion bar, and the car finish his first lap. And he'd just punched.a hole in the filler neck, Bob tried to use his mobile miles of safe racing in. 1987-. was done for the day. A bit later barely started lap two when the Jerry climbed into the single only old thing on the car, that seater of Frank Snook and Eric front end, broke and put him out Arras to help. It seems the Eric for good. But he says the car had hurt his back the day before worked great while it was and, still in pain on race day, hacl running. not really wanted to drive. So There were a lot of rocks on when Snook got to the pit, . that course, and a lot of people almost an hour down because of' were · ~liding over them and some mysterious trouble that he rubbing the fasteners off the thought might- be carburetor bottoms of their cars. We saw icing, Jerry was pressed into Jerry Penhall's car go through the service. He did a good second . . pits with his rear skid pan lap, but then never finished the dragging; we saw Art Peterson's t~ir~, _apparently , having the 1600 car come through with the d1stmct1on of break:ing down in floor pan falling off arid Roger two cai-s in one race .. Not much Mortenson's Class 10 car fun for Jerry. finished with the floor pan falling We had a radio -in our van at off. That's not a course we'd this race, thanks to the good . want to drive with our f~lks at Uniden, who, teamed bottomside unprotected. with the SPIRIT Racing Team; , Ben Greenwood was out on have created-a media program the first lap when the gas tank on which lets journalists borrow th~ his 1600. car broke, and Albert radios at the races in order to Arciero lost the clutch in his keep closer track of what's going single seater and was also out on on. We really enjoyed -the radio, lap one. The Moser brothers had and thal)k Uniden for the their Ranchero there, to run in Check Out the ·. DUSTY TIMES , Special Club Sub Offer Call (818)889-5600 or write -DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 Dusty Times Class 6, with the body still _ all crumpled up from its rollover in Baja, and a new cage inside, but they never ma·naged to finish the first lap either.· And Steve Casagrande, having a_ bad year, lost his trans on lap one. Manny Esquerra lost his motor on the second lap, and so did Robbie MacCachren, in I l t i I J ' ! I I !
Dixie Autocross is the Season Finale. By Brenda A. Parker Photos:. F & A Photographies Chuck Williams, Jr. drove his Berrien hard all day, and he took a win and a third.in 1-1600 action, and a pair.of seconds in Class 2-1600. Forty-seven drivers from the Formula Desert Dog Series were on hand for the season finale at the Dixie Motor Speedway in Birch Run, Michigan on Sep-tember 20. There had· been two weeks of rain prior to race date, and Michigan had seen its worst flooding in years in this part of .. the state. While there were no floods right at Birch Run, there was a lot of standing water in many low spots, and the infield of the race track was no excep-1 tion. It was literally "under water". The track itself is · asphalt, but the off road cars use the perimeter and the infield for their course, so changes had to be made. The Michigan Off Road[ Racing Association did the best they could under very trying conditions,. and the race went on · as scheduled. . At Dixie each class runs two heats with points awarded for f each finish to determine the overall standings. This has been a very popular 'concept at this event for several years. Because of insurance problems the race was cut to one day instead of two, so all the racing was done on Sat-urday afternoon. Class 1-1600 was the first group to take the green flag. There were 13 cars in this heat. Rick Price jum!Ded the start. He was moved to· the back of the They build strange looking 4x4s in Quebec, and Greg Paul Plunkett came from Ontario to run in the Heavy Toneguzzo drove his long tailed creation to Metal, and his Jeep style Class 14 took a fine third place in the first truck heat. third place in the second heat. --------'------------- ---------John Morgan led off the line in both Class 9 heats, but lost time on some corners, like this, and finished with a second and a third place. Ron Kar/man drove the only 5-1600 at the event, and to his credit he finished with a fourth and a third place in Class 1-1600. Page 22 Muddy but still racing, Doug Bills slid around the course fast enough to take third place in· the first -Class 2-1600 competition_·--~---Canadian Claude Tetrault surprised the Rabbit powered racers by staying right in the Class 9 front four , with his air cooled VW engine. January 1987 · pack, and the race was restarted. Lee Wuesthoff, in a Berrien, jumped to the front and led for 13 laps until he spun out, and was passed by Chuck Williams i.n his Armstrong sponsored Ber-rien, who hung on for the win. Gale Brockie moved from mid-pack at the start of the race to finish third behind second place . Wuesthoff. Jeff Probst was fourth in his Berrien, and CanadianJoel Croft, who is spon-sored by BFGoodrich; was fifth. In heat 2 for the limited 1600s Jeff Probst moved into first place after one lap, and he was never headed in the Armstrong shod . car. Brockie and Williams battled for second, with Lee Wuesthoff also getting into the thick of things. Scott Taylor's Eliminator clipped a berm, which flipped him over and into some wild gyrations. When· he stopped, he had lost his exhaust and air.cleaner. This finished his car for the day. At the checkered flag it was Probst, Wuesthoff, Williams, Brockie, and Canadian Joel Croft. Classes 3, 4 and 7 were com-bined with only seven total entries. Geoff Dorr was first off the start line, and he went flag to flag for the victory in his Jeep CJ-8. Jan Dudiak, CJ-7, was a close second. Greg Toneguzzo, from Quebec, ran third and the · Class 7 truck of Greg Hammond, never a serious Contender, was fourth. The back side of the track took a real beating during this heat, and the heavy equipment was called out to help re-align the track to avoid this area. Heat 2 for the Heavy Metal was a reverse of the first heat as Dudiak took over first place on lap 4 and kept going for the win. Dorr had to settle for second place this time around. Finishing third was Paul Plunkett, out of . Ontario, and fourth was Herb Roseborough, from Rockford, Illinois. Gary Hammond's Class 7 truck broke in the "Alligator Pit'.' and had to be towed. from the track. , Class 1 was next on the line. · Burt Decker, who hasn't raced much this year, beat everyone to the first tum, but then broad slided the car and was hit by two other cars. He managed to stay in the race for eight laps, but then parked with engine problems. John Morgan, new to the circuit this year and a "senior citizen'' . compared to most of the drivers, · took advantage of Burt's trouble · and moved into first place. He did a superb job of holding off Kevin Probst for 11 laps, but Kevin stayed right on his tail and finally made his move to take over first place and the victory. Morgan had to settle for second place, with Dan Baudox, from · Saginaw, Michigan in a Mirage, taking third, and Steve Norris, from Farmington Hill,. Michigan, in fourth. By heat 2 Decker had made repairs to his car and was on the starting grid. Morgan again took the lead, but Kevin Probst had· finally gotton his new dual car-buretors dialed in and was win-ning strong. He soon passed Morgan. Decker was now run-ning in third spot,and Bill Le-Fevure, in his BFGoodrich spon-sored Berrien, soon passed both Probst and Morgan. Probst's engine wasn't sounding too great by this time. Bill went on. to cake· the checkered flag, with Probst,· Morgan and Decker following in . that order. Scott Taylor had to scratch from the 2-1600 race because his· ca~ could not be repaired in time. Kevin Probst jumped to an early lead, but he rolled on lap 5, and Chuck Williams took 'ov'er' t:H(? 1 lead. Kevin man~ged · to stay fn' the race, and by the last lap he had passed Chuck and finished first, with Chuck a close second . Doug Bils was third and Ron Karlman, in the only 5-1600 car there, took fourth. · In heat 2 . for the 2-1600's; Geoff Dorr churned his way to the first Heavy Metal heat race win, but he had to settle for second in the second round in his Jeep CJ-8. Jan Dudiak drove his Jeep CJ-7 to second in the first truck heat, but he c9me bac/1 strong to score the victory in the second round of action. Dusty Times
Lee Wuesthoff drove the family Berrien to second in 1-1600, after leading 13 laps, and he was second again Gale Brockie coiners hard in his 1-1600 racer and he ended up with a third and a fourth in the Canadian Joel Croft had his Berrien tuned for the muddy course, and he placed fifth in both rounds in, the second heat race. Kev)n Probst won the first Class 1 heat in his potent Berrien Laser, but his engine went sour in the next heat, and he ended up in second spot. Kevin and Chuck were again fighting for first place. Chuck, however, was not able to get around Kevin, and Probst went on to win the heat. Williams was second, Karlman third,, and Roy Holmes finished fourth. The real show of the day was the Class 9 race. The air cooled engine of Claude Tetrault, from Quebec, ran right with the_Rab-bi t powered cars, which sur-prised ,ev.eryone. These racers were br~ad sliding around the corners, and it was a sight to see all the way, From the start Tetrault was in a battle for the lead with Lee Wuesthoff, in his Magnum, and Jeff Probst's Berrien Laser. Probst finally prevailed after Wuesthoff spun out and ended up backwards on the track. He had been pushing hard. Jeff, in the meantime, had tangled with Mike Parker and Scott Taylor. Taylor took the worst of it and was soon parked. Parker had a broken shock, but managed to stay in the game and finish the race. Probst went on for the win, and Tetrault was second. Wues-thoff took third, and Art Schmitt was fourth. Parker finished fifth. In heat 2 the battle for first place was between Taylor, Probst and Wuesthoff. Art Schmitt was also right-in there until he rolled coming out of the "Alligator Pit". After taking the lead from Taylor, Probst went on to win. Taylor and Wuesthoff were second and third, and Bill Le-Fevure was fourth. Canadian Bill Lefeuvre likes racing in the midwest, and this time he drove his Berrien to a keen victory in the second Class 1 heat, and fourth in Class 9. Kevin Probst, #799, drags off the start and drove the two seat Berrien to a pair of victories in Class 2-1600 and second on the season's points. Dusty Times highly competitive limited engine class. Lee Wuesthoff had the Class 9 lead for a time in his Chenowth Magnum, but he was third at thle flag in both hard (ought heat races .. As stated earlier, all M the rac-. I ing was done on Saturday after-noon, and by 6:00 p.m. everyone who wanted to be was on the road for home. Several teams stayed over until Su~day and · went to Tony's for breakfast. Ron Karlman and Don Poppie indicated they would be back at Dixie next year, just so · they could eat at Tony's. When you see them, ask each h~w much they took with them! in their "Qoggie bags." . While the entry was down, as it has been at moscof the races in the midwest this •year, the. Dixie Autocross was a very successful of the Class 1-2-1600 competition. Art Schmitt was a close fourth in the first Class 9 heat, but he rolled the Berrien out of contention in the Alligator pit in the second round. end to the first season of the After a tough battle in both heats, Jeff Probst ended up the winner in both Formula Desert Dog Series. Class 9 rounds in his quick Berrien Laser, and he also won the points title. --BIG\VRENCB GO LET A SPEED 5760 THORNWOOD DRIVE GOLETA, CA 93117 805-967-4048 --------------------~--------~-----------D 36mm (Bug) ... .... . .... . $29.9~ Name ________________________ _ □ 46mm (Bus) ..... . ........ $29.9s Addresi □ Both ........ . ........ + .. $49,gs City __,1 __________ State _____ ,Zip _____ _ CA Residents Add 6% Sales Tax , D Check D Money Order Send To: Goleta Sp~d I 5760 Thornwood Drive All Merchandise Shipped Freight follect Goleta, CA 93117 ~nuary 1987 I Pagcl3 ,J 1 i
l l Sway-A-Way There is No Substitute 7840 Burnet Ave. Van Nuys, CA 91405 (818) 988-5510 * A.D.R.A. - P.D. Box 34810, Phoenix, AZ 85067 -(602) 252-1900 ~ CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES -2001 Oakland Hills Drive, Corona. CA 91720 -(714) 736-1442 • FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM -250.Kennedy, #6, Chula Vista, CA 92011 -(619) 427-5759 ❖ G.O.R.R.i\. - P.O. Box 11093 Station A, Atlanta, GA 30310 -(404) 927-6432 ♦ GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES -Ron Knowlton, 831 So. Jason. Denver. CO 80223 -(303) 722-5537 Q H.O.R.A. ~ 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So .. Las Vegas, NV 89124 -(702) 361-5404 0 GLEN HELEN OHV PARK -P.O. Box 2937, San Bernardino, CA' 92406 -(714) 882-9981 Super.Boot Products Inc. Drive Tra'il Components for Off Road -IMSA -Trans Am -Indy Car Racing 1649 West Collins Orange, CA 92667 (714) 997-0766 Supercross, Inc. Presenting 1987 SMC's Schedule of Supercross and Autocross Racing Gateway Plaza 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 270 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-1606 Summer.s Brothers Inc. Good Luck to All Racers 530 So. Mountain Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 986-2041 Stadium Racing'U.S.A. California Short Course Events Marty Tripes 228 Faxon Drive Spring Valley, CA 92077 (619) 463-0654 S.N .O.R.E. Inc. S.N.O.R.E. Where It Pays to Race P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 Smittybilt Inc. Truck Bars -Bumpers -Tow Bars 2124 N. Lee Avenue So. El Monte, CA 91733 (818) 442-1788 Precision Preparation 15041 Goldenwest Circle Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 894-7341 Uni Filter Inc. Two Stage Air Filters & Filter Wraps 13522 Newhope St. Garden Grove, CA 92643 (714) 530-6101 (D) = DESERT RACE (SC) = SHORT COURSE RACE (TBA) = TO BE ANNOUNCED Unique Metal Products Custom Aluminum Work & Power Steering 8745 Magnolia Ave., #4 Santee, CA 92071 . (619) 449-9690 1987 The Wright Place Inc. For All Front End & Steering Needs 9420 Flinn Springs Lane El Cajon, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 All Terr~ Distributor _ 17501 Le Hesp1 (619) 244-0• < LEGEND I OFF ROAD COMPI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. *Q AWARDS BANQUET * ANAHEIM STADIUM -ANAHEIM, CA -SC JANUARY * PARKER 400 -PARKER, AZ - D FEBRUARY otsf-\\'t 1Rt.\lS -:-50 MILES -CORDELE, GA -SC MARCH Q Q Q GOLD COAST 250 -':,AS VEGAS, NV - D • ~'t\\~) "'G" ' Rt.\.\.'-fS\>l\ltn ❖ 10D MILES -ALABAMA -SC + + + TULIP 20D RALLY_:_ CHI * * I I I APRIL • ({\\~) t~I\\.SB~O . * GREAT MOJAVE 25D -LUCERNE VALLEY, CA - D t RIM OF THE WORLD RALLY -LANCASTER. CA MAY ♦ RACELAND -'DENVER. CO -SC Q Q MINT 400 -: LAS VEGAS, NV - D ,,, I 'l--------+----+--~----+..-----+---+---+----+----+--....:...1-------1--------1-----1-----+---I _JUNE JULY SEPTEMBER -:-100 MILES -ALABAMA -SC ♦ ST. FRANCIS.' KS -SC I . + I I SUSQUENHANNOCK TRAIL -WELLSBORO, PA I I I r -* BAJA INTERNACIONAL -ENSENADA, MX - D Q FIREWORKS 250 -BARSTOW, CA - D 0 . I 1-0 I • SUPERSTITION 250 IV -EL CENTRO, CA - D ♦ ♦ ST'. FRANCIS.' KS -SC () LABOR DAV 250 -VERRINGTON, NV - D Q + ¥ PLASTER CITY BLAST -PLASTER CITY. CA - D OCTOBER (I\ I I 1 @ , @ 'O' SNORE 250 -LAS VEGAS, NV - D' NOVEMBER DECEMBER Parker Pumper Helmet Co. -Simpson -Scat - Race Numbers Air Breathing Helmets "It's Almost Like Cheating" 9371 Kramer -Unit G Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 894-83·32 * * * BAJA 1000 ::_ ENSENADA, MX - D * SONOITA TO ROCKY POINT -SONORA, MX - 0 ~ , ~ EAST OF INDIO VII -INDIO, CA ·1 ❖ ANNUAL BANQUET -ATLANTA. GA! . Q .--AWARDS BANQUET__:_ LAS VEGAS, NV • • . I ' ( Off Road Video Qne Hour Tapes of Racing Action Desert -Riverside P.O. Box 444 El Segundo, CA 90245-0444 Mirage Chassis. · Custom Built to Your Needs 32817 Crown Valley Road Act'on, CA 93510 • (805) 269-1279 ' 0 Sl @ TWILIGHT RA * -:-100MILES-Q I Q Fl + TRAVERSE Cl I I Mc Auto11 Have a S, 12945 She North Holl (818) 765-58
1in Enterprises for Yokohama Tires mon Ave., Unit D ~ria, CA 92345 477./ (800) 892-5263 "' 16 17 Arizona Desert Racin_g Association Pro -Sportsman - Beginner . Desert Racing in Arizona and Mexico TM 18 P.O. Box 3410 Phoenix, AZ 8 50 67 (602) 252-1900 19 20 21 22 B & R Buggies WV & Off Road Parts & I Accessories 1(523 So. Hill Oceanside, CA 9 2054 (619) 722-1266 1987 23 24 25 I Ba!ja Concepts Off Road Race Prep 6630 MacArthur Drive, Suite B Lemon Grove, CA 92045 (619) 583-6529 27 29 30 31 * JACK-MURPHY STADIUM-: SAN DIEGO. CA -SC I 1 1 I . ~ GLEN HELEN. RALLYC OSS #1 -SAN BERNARDINO, CA * / * PARKER 400 + BARBARY COAST RALLY -SAN FRANCISCO, CA " ILLICOTHE, OH * LOMA 150 -SONORA. MX - D I 0 · SAN BERNARDiNO. CA -SC * 250 MILES_: RICHLAND.WA -DI 16)1 Yr O LOCO -LAS VEGAS, NV - D _,_ ..!.. I I . '"i" '"i" CARSON/RENO RALLY -CARSON CITY, NV * WESTERN 150 -PHOENIX. AZ - D . I . ❖ WINDER. GA -SC -£-CENTENNIAL PRO RALLY -WESTCLIFF. CO . ' GLEN HELEN RALLYCRiJSS #2 -SAN BERNARDINO. CA ~ A'N'BERNARDINO, CA -sc· I I I ,CE -LAS VEGAS, NV - D I * o o * * o -·TvERRINGTON 25a :__ vERRINGTO~, Nv-D j ♦ RACELAND -DENVER, CO -SC ❖ WINDER. GA -SC I . * 250 MILES ~ RICHLAND:. WA - D I () () VIRGINIA CITY 200 -VIRGINIA CITY, NV - D * HIGH COUNTRY 150 -FLAGSTAFF, AZ - D ♦ RACELAND -DENVER, CO -SC ❖ CORDELE. GA -SC I * 400 K -ASHCROFT, BC :__ D + ARKANSASITRAVELER ~· LITTLE ROCK. AR @ @ MIDNIGHT SPECIAL - IL.As VEGAS. NV - D * · * OFF ROAD WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP -RIVERSIDE, CA -SC ❖ WINDER. GA -SC * SNOWFLAKE BUGGY . ' + SUNRISER FOREST RALLY -CHILLICOTHE. OH BASH.:=_ SNOWFLAKE. AZ - D . I RACEL{'!"D -DENVER. co -SC ♦ -;-,ALABAM~ -SC ♦ RACELAND CHAMPIONSHIP -DENVER, CO -SC I I I I ~ CLIFFS OF GORMAN RALLY -GOR I r I RONTIER 500 -LAS VEGAS. NV - D ❖ CORDELE. GA -SC ITV RALLY~ TRAVERSE CITY, Ml * 0 *O MILLICAN 400 - MILLICAN VALLEY, OR - D 0 SAN BERNARDINO. CA -SC · ..!.. I I I T OJIBIJYE RALLY, GRAND.RAPIDS. M -* PENASCO 150 -SONORA, MX - . D ❖ WINDER, GIA -SC l + I I PRESS ON REGARDLESS, HOUGHT, ., V + WiLO WEST RALLY-TACOMA, WA @ BLACK JACK 200 -LAS VEGAS. N_V - D ❖ r MILES -CORDEll Kenzie's notive, Inc. uccessful Season rman Way - No. 4 .ywood, CA 91605 ,27 I (818) 764-6438 Lee Leighton Racing· Engines Short Course & Desert Engines VW & Alfa Romeo 3961 Alamo Street Riverside, CA 92501 (714) 682-3816 Jamar Performance .J Products Quality in Shifters & Brakes 42030-C Avenida Alvarado Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 DUNAWAY DASH -EL CENTRO, CA - D ¥ \ Jada· VW R~prfr ·Poets· Se,vke 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Par-k; CA 90621 (714) 522-46~0 I (714) 522-4602 Bilstein Corp. of America For All Your Shock Needs 11760 Sorrento Valley Road San Diego, CA 92121 (619) 453-77~~-PRO CAN AM RACING - P,O_ Box 323, Seahurst, WA 98062 -(206) 242-1773 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES - P.O. Box 3278, Englewood, CO 80155 -(303) 694-7223 SCORE INTERNATIONAL -31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111, Westlake Village, CA 91362 -(818) 889-9216 (6) S.N.O.R.E. -P.O. Box 4394, Las Vegas, NV 89106 -(702) 452-4522 * OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAN PRIX -Mickey Thompson Entertainment Group -53 Woodlyn Lane, Bradbury, CA 91010 -(818) 359-5117 0 V.O.R.RA -1833 Los Robles Blvd., Sacramento, CA 95838 -(916) 925-1702 Champion Bead Lock A Quality Bead Lock for Off Road Racing 3447 West University Fresno, CA 93722 (209) 275-5183 Chenowth Racing Products No. 1 in Race Car Frames & Accessories 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 DJ Trans~xles Performance. Transmissions 2022 First St. San Fernando, CA 91340 (818) 361-3033_ Fat Performance Off Road Racing Engines & Transaxles 1450 N. Glassell Orange, CA 92667 (714) 639-2833 }:ox Factory, Inc. Custom Shoxs Built to Your , ... Vehicle's Specifications 544 McGlincey Lane, Unit 8 Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 377-3422 Fudpucker Racing Team Fall Series for Cars - Buggies · Trucks -Class 100 Semi-Pro ATV & Bike Series 250 Kennedy, #6 Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 Don Batz Racing Engi1'es VW Racing Engines 105 Press Lane Chula Vista, CA 92010 (619) 425-1639
.,.c .. ---•'·' ' ' ' -~-... . , SCCA-PRO RALLY --BUDWEISER PRESS ON REGARDLESS John Buffum Finishes the Season in a Blaze of G_lo,Y By Thomas D, Grimshaw Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises John Buffum and Tom Grimshaw showed their championship winning form in the. Audi Quattro, winning outright on two thirds of the stages, and winning the rally overall by minutes. The Budweiser Press On during his care~r, He may reach rounded the first turri. Regardless, billed as the longest, that goal in 1987. But, before he It was a very good media show, meanest, roughest, PRO Rally in started the '86 P.O.R., he'd only with some vigorous driving and a the U.S., lived up to its title in won it twice. It took me eighteen service crew competition worth 1986. It doesn't matter that it tries before I finally won it with $500.00. · Jon Woodner! s · was not particularly · well' the eccentric Hendrik Blok in Peugeot team mechanics took the organized, doesn't really matter 1977. I haven't won it since. service crew contest, and that there, were long delays I know John Buffum wanted promised to provide drinks in · opening stages in Michigan's the P.O.R. this year as badly as I the Library Bar, home of Pro· • -Upper Peninsula, doesn't matter did, but I believe he also wanted Rallying, in Houghton. that we had already won the to give it to me as a personal gift. · On Thursday we all took a c;,-.~ational Championships, He did give it to me and I am leisurely ten hour drive to doesn't matter what the hell goes grateful. _ Michigan's Upper Peninsula~ and on - you HA VE to win the This year the Bud P.O.R. prepared for the real action to P.O.R. to have a successful rally moved its official start to the race start on Friday morning. The season, indeed, a successful rally track in Waterford Hills, 38th running of the P.O.R. CAREER! · Michigan. It was a move designed produced a starting entry of 56 The P.O .R. has run continu- to attract major media attention cars, and .a surprising 31 teams ously since the early Fifties. I ran from nearby Detroit, and it finished the tough event. Four my first one in 1958, and every seemed to work. All the major ' stages were dropped on the first year since. In the thirteen years 1V stations and newspapers day due to high water on one and since the SCCA PRO Rally -were present to watc}:i the top logging activities on the others, Series began in 1973, the P.O.R. three Seeds vie for starting leaving a total of22 special stages · has been won by ten different positions, when the serious work in the Copper Country State drivers from five different began on Friday in Houghton, in Forests on the 878 mile event. countries. It's not an event that's the Upper Peninsula. I used to Buffum put on his driving face easy to win. Maybe that's exactly · race on the Waterford track, way in Houghton. He put our Audi the reason we all want it so bad. back in ancient times. I haven't Sport Quattro through its paces John Buffum is aiming for 100 seen it in twenty-five years, but it from the first countdown. I never national championship wins felt like coming home when we doubted the outcome for a single second. It was as if everything The Blue L·1ne . here. cametogetherforusonthatfinal IS 1986 event. We couldn't lose. No one could beat us on that day. There is no feeling, no ;• I. J \LLE PRODUCTS, INC. ;··· -. · - . FIiier Safety Is now offering all seat belts and harnesses In BLUE at an addltlonal 10%-over existing prices. We are also stocking harness pads, horse collars, arm restraints and tie downs In blue at no Increase In cost. To order use existing numbers and specify blue. No. 62625-3 ............... $'127.85 (Also available in standard . black) .................... $116.25 SIMPLE TO ORDER Phone or mail order using Visa, Mastercharge or we do ship C.0.0. No personal checks please. Order now an(j receive the new. 20 page 1985 catalog and price list free. · FILLER PRODUCTS, INC. emotion, that can match what I felt throughout the three days of the Bud P.O.R. I was reminded of a scene in the classic movie, "The . Hustler", when Paul Newman discovers he cannot lose a pool game _because he has "oil . in his. arin." Those · moments come rarely in one's life and.last' far · too short a time. Moments · when everything meshes exactly· right. Moments most people Clive· Smith and Jean Lindamood kept the Toyota Corolla on the track in Michigan, a!Jd not only won Group A, but the team finished a fine fourth onraU · We won the 1986 Budweiser . did, as Sh~pherd went out at the P:O.R. by four minutes over Rod end of the first day with a hole in Millen and Harry Ward in the 4 the sump. It was Shepherd's first WD Mazda RX-7. Actually our DNF in many moons, in facr it margin was only two minutes, ·was the first time he had not won but Roddy got slapped with a his class in two years. two minute penalty for jumping a Another consistent GT front stage start. · runner, Scott Child, was a DNF On that weekend, eat that after wrapping his GLH Turbo particular time, our win could around · a tree in the fog. hav,e been much bigger, but JB Production GT honors on the and l a:re older and wiser, and P.O.R. went to Steve and Mike we'\le learned we only need one Culp in a Dodge Omni GLH sec11md. Anything more is wasted Turbo. Close behind them, effort. about 1 ½ minutes, Dean Jon Woodner and Tony Blagowsky and Sherrie Morgan, Sircombe brought the Peugeot T-of Tiburon, New Mexico, were 16 in third overall and in Open second in GT class O!) the rally, Class, about six minutes back. and the Southwest Divisional ~Woodner has placed third in Champs w9 n the Monroe , class in nearly every rally since he Formula q\. Shock and Strut started competing in the Peugeot SCCA Na~•o nal Divisional turbo car. Championship. They finished The races for the remaining· four positions ahead of the So-National Championships took Pac divisional champion, Lon place behind us throughout the Peterson. Another couple of three days. At times, we'd hear minutes back, Henry and snippets of information on their Cynthia Krolikowski took third progress, but most of the time it in GT on the P.O.R. J" ,-•, was as if we were in our own Doug Shepherd's Dodge World. We won 16 stages, tied teammate, John Crawford, only with Millen on one, and Millen needed to finish eighth in won five stages. We"had already Standard Production Class to savored, the championship, Rod take his Championship. Dodge finished second on points, and had already won the Manufactur-Woodner was third in Open ers' _ title . in both GT and class. · Standard Production classes. Doug Shepherd and Virginia Crawford did a bit better than Reese had already taken the GT eighth. He finished seventh with Production Class Champion-navigator Jim Kloosterman ships in the Dodge Turbo Shelby subbing for regular n:).vigator Joe two events prior. It was well they Andreini, who served as Clerk of Steve and Mike Clup drove their Dodge Omni GLH.Tur/10 through the woods fast enough to win the Production GT Class, a new name in the winners' cirdle this year. · I 9017 San Fernando Road, Sun Valley, CA 91352 (818) 768-7770 Rod Millen and Harry Ward slide through a dark corner in the 4 WO Mazda RX-7 en route to second place in the · rally and on the 1986 points. · Chad Dimarco and Rich· Stuetzel were about 2½ minutes out for second in Group A, and drove the Su.baru RX to a swift fifth overall on the P. O.R. I Page 26 January 1987 Dusty Times
John Crawford and Jim Kloosterman took few chances at the P.O.R., finishing seventh in Production Class in the Dodge. but winning the .1986 'Championship. Walter Boyce and Jim Brandt drove the Volkswagen GT/ to a · sedate fourth in Group A. good enough to win them It was a rare DNF for Doug Shepherd, and Virginia Reese, but he had already secured the GT Championship the 1986 class championship. for himself and for Dodge. Steve Nowicki and David Stone were part of a three car Niall Leslie a'nd Martin Headland tried hard with their . dice in Group A, but their Nissan 200 -SX ended up Toyota Corolla, and they finished second in · third in the competitive class. Production class by just 3½ minutes. The rookies of the 1986 season, Paul Choiniere and Scott Weinheimer showed their smooth-style in the Audi 4000 Quattro, and won the Production Class and finished eighth overall. fortunate enoughito have hooked may be going racing. After all, . record. . . up with the best a1ver the past two · !they have won everythin$ in the · It could be time for John and I · years." · · U.S. for the past several years. to become a service crew for the And, what about the future for Since JB and Audi joined forces kids~ Paul Choiniere and Scott John Buffum and I? I can't answer five years ago, they've won 40 of Weinheimer. It could be time for· that question yet. No one has the 52 SCCA National PRO us to take up serious loafing. talked to us about 1987. Audi Rallies - a very impressive Who ~nows? the Course for the P.O.R. The Production Class victory in the rally was taken by Paul Choiniere and Scott Wein-heimer in an Audi 4000 Quattro. It was the third class win for this novice crew in their first full year of competition. Niall Leslie and Bob Pierce took second in class in a Toyota Corolla, and these two teams finished eighth and ninth overall. Tenth overall and . third in Production Class were Guy Light and Joh Wickens in the VW GTI, and these three teams were only 4½ minutes apart at the finish. Clive Smith took top honors in Group A and fourth overall at the P.O.R. in a Toyota Corolla GTS with Jean Lindamood on board. Probably the best drive of the rally was put in by Californian Chad DiMarco, with Rich Stuetzel navigating the Subaru RX. DiMarco proved he is go_ing to be a star of the future, placing second in Group A by less than three minutes and fifth overall - a damned good finish for a young driver on a very tough, three day rally. Steve Nowicki and David Stone were less than two more minutes back for third in Group A, sixth overall. Finishing fourt~ in Group A, seventh overall, the team of Walter Boyce ' and Jim Brandt brought the VW GTI into· the 1986 Group A National Championship for themselves; this class, like Production, decided at· the P.O.R. for the drivers' titles. In the Manu-facturer Championsh_ip category, Dodge took Production GT and Production Class handily. The overall title was a sweep for Audi with Mazda in second. The remaining Manufacturer's. Championship, Group A, will not be decided ·until an event _ protest is settled by the Court of . Appeals. Thus ended the 1986 PRO Rally season. Now, many of us will head- for Seattle, Washing-ton to take on the Toyota .Olympus World Championship·:· ~ally._ Having _a world cha':1p-10nsh1p event m the -USA 1s a fitting end to a very good season for professional rallying· in our country. We've had events with more than one hundred entries. We've had events that have gained signi-ficant national media attention. We'.ve had great support from the SCCA, who paid out $50,000.00 to the championship drivers at the Budweiser P.O.R. All in all, it has been a ve~y good year, 1986. John Crawford perhaps said it best at the year end awards presentation. He said, "Drivers win rallies, but teams win championships. I've been Dean Blagowsky and Sherrie Morgan nabbed second spot in Production GT in . the Dodge Omni, and they also won the National Divisional Championship at the P. O.R. runoff. Dusty Times \ : •: l ~ \ \, ; A Performance Tradition More off-road races are won on Bilstein than any other shock ab-sorber. Our record speaks for itself! · Win!ning Heritage1 · Bilstein gas pressure shocks first appeared in America posting a win at the famed Baja 1000 in 1972. Since that impressive performance, Bilsteins have been the choice of serious off-roaders who not only want to start the race -but finish it as well. · Many Applications Today, Bilstein offers a variety of off-road shock applications for racing or just running on the street. From single seaters and Baja Bugs to big and small two-wheel and 4WD trucks, Bilstein deliv~rs performance second to none. Reliable Performance Whether you're just entering off-road or have been there for years, check out Bilstein - first where reliability counts. "World leader in development of the Gas Pressure Shock Absorber." · Bilstein Corporation of America 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 For additional technical information and a compl.ete catalog, send $2.50. January 1987 Page 27 ~ I ; l
The Bancroft 4X4 Challenge· entering all the competitions. This is no Gender Blender, and it's sure no Powderpuff. The women are as good or better than the men. They'd just rather race each other. Many of the trucks .are· "family" vehicles, raced by both husband and wife. For example, in the women's Modi- · fied B division Lois McCaw's CJ beat Carol Beaudrie's OMC. When the men took over Kirk McCaw ended up second behind E.,andy Beaudrie. The package was almost as tidy in Modified A. Gord Schlamb had to settle for third in his Class 14 behind the drag prepped CJs of Jeff Easton (second) and Dean Wilson. Had there been any doors, however, Mrs. Schlamb (Linda Lou to you) would have blown them off, taking her class on straight wins. Second went to Beth Bennett,. but back in third was JoAnne · Wood - driving Dean Wilson's By Zak Waubuno The Bancroft 4x4 Challenge has been one of off road racing's best. kept secrets. Not -that anybody wanted it that way. The energetic_organizing club, the Bancroft Tailgators, h,ave kept up a promotional push right from the beginning, but the media played wait and see. Maybe they couldn't. accept c, Jl:ie idea of a club event being the size and calibre of the Challenge. Especially one held up in deepest "cottage country" in Ontario, Canada.· It wasn't until the event's fifth year that the off rci>ad press finally took, notice. 1B y then, attendance· was over 12,000, and the Challenge was bursting at the seams, running out of parking, camping and racing room. This summer, with a new race track, 20,000 spectators,' and major support from Labatts, BFGoodrich and Ford of Canada, the Challenge was definitely being noticed~ The local media types were out in full force and the event was visited by two of the big off road magazines, plus off reading's top news tab-loid (guess who?). The entry took a jump in '86, particularly in the short course racing classes. Single seaters had c-,6~n invited for the first time in '85, the rr.sult of a coalition between Ontario buggy ~nd track racers. Only two classes (SCORE, ' HDRA are you listening?) are allowed, 1-1600 and 10, and they were quality fields. Best of all, the Quebec drivers· have dis-covered Bancroft. The cream of the · Quebec racers, six in all, three in each class, made an appearance. Along with them came. two of Quebec's incredible ,Class 14s to race with the On-tario trucks. : Th~ eighth edition of the Chal-lenge marks the second year for the Tailgators' new race place. Held under a long term lease, the huge property is an ideal site. Varying between 700 and 1000 feet wide, the field is almost a mile long - lots of.room for an · exciting racing plant and the sup~ port areas, Thinking all the time, the Tailgators kept the parking and the spectator camping at one end of the long field, put the rac-ing complex in the middle, and the racers' campground at the far end. The separation means that the fans can boogie all night without disturbing the racers who only boogie most of it . . The complex includes a "stock" or "s.low" obstacle course, complete with mud splash pit, right in front of the · m:;tin spectator area. Jost beyond is the sand drag strip. The organ-izers told us the strip had its problems .in the first year ( uneven traction, rough areas in the shut off lanes) but they were pleased with its condition for '86, and expected it to be perfect after ano_ther winter's settling. · The main short course track or "Wheel to Wheel" , as the Montreal ace Richard Dagenais literally flew to the Class ,10 victory, leading all the way in a spectacular drive in his own creation, a Richard Buggy, Page.n Photos: Dan Moeller/Diana Jacuzzi . Jeep! . , Super St9<=k 8 is just that. J3ig trucks with big tires and big . engines, all street legal. The SS 8s are the most popular class with both racers and fans and, althougl1GM, Ford, and Chrysler are all h'eavily (pun!) repre-Canucks call it, is a long warped sented, after the sand settled it oval that incorporates the usual ·_was Ford vs Ford at this Ford straights, turns, jumps and sponsored event. Topelimiriator bumps, plus a high bankep over e.ighteen other Cowboy "power turn" that is reminiscent · .. Cadillacs was Henri Boudrie. of oneendofaquartermilestock • :Gary Smith_ was second. and car track. Harry Kliemola, third. Another obstacle course for modified vehicles. makes use of the Wheel to Wheel track and most of the infield. The natural terrain is flat, so "texture" has been created with a power shovel and a bulldozer. TI{~-dominant modification is "Fbrd Hill", a structure that's not so much a hill as a megajump. Only eighteen feet high, the "Hill" is shaped like a BMX stunt ramp and has a reputation for being treacherous. ' •· ~ , • • I · The Saturday sa~d drags at Brancroft ·have never attracted a lot of the power to weight machines. In fact, only five strictly drag vehicles showed up for the festivities. Instead, the big field is made up of a wide variety of modified but street legal trucks -and a crazy assortmentof3, 4 and 14 racers who elect to bolt on a pair of paddle tires and have a go. The result is far from boring. The race trucks are fast and noisy and brand rivalry 'is nowhere more evident than during the stock class drag races. "Ford lines up with Chevy; Ford beats Chevy; Ford fans go crazy." · · . Adding to the interest at Ban-croft in the enlightened eighties is · a strong Women's Division Bancroft's Stock Obstacle event is the. most fun yqu can have with your helmet on. Fun to do and fun to watch. Anybody .-who wants to can blow the car-bon out, test their skill, and · splash some mud. Any non-race prep'd 4x4 is eligible and ancient Jeeps go up against brand new Commanches. The course stays more or less the same from year to year so there's always a chance to do better. Many of the com-petitors · are experientifig their first try at a 4x4 contest,_ others are back for the · eighth time. Doing well takes a combination of skill,· guts and brains. Gqing too fast can cost. Penalty, time is added if the truck runs a section incorrectly and a really big splash through.the Tailgators' "mud pit" can drown any engine. At the '86 Challenge, three racers finished the course on foot! (I knew all that jogging would come in handy.) Henri Boudrie ~ollected his second win of the day in the Modified Stock Class with his trusty 460 powered Super Stock Ford (time: 132.14 sec.). Gord Shaw was next, and Jack Easton, Patriarch·of Ontario's Easton racing dynasty, ,was , third in an Milan Mazanek had a great debut for his new BFG backed Ford, taking the lead in Class,3 on the eighth lap, ard claiming a popular victory. January 1987 ,.;. '86 Comanche - right out of his AMC dealership showroom. (Would you buy a new truck from this man?) Among the strictly stockers, Ron Slodky pulled out all , the stops in his Toyota and ran the best time of day (128.83 sec.). A downsize Blazer driven by Tim Schmidt came second and Tailgater Barry Wannamaker "borrowed" the Ford Ranger Pace Truck and managed a third. Sunday's program started.with the Modified Obstacle contest and here mo!,t people would agree with the need for "skill and guts" but might question "brains". It's a hairy course that takes a lot more truck than the stock obstacle. Most are full-on racers, and for many of the entrants it is showtime, a chanc1;: to let it all hang out with nobody· to run into. The Mod Ob is also qualifying for the Wheel to Wheel races. If a racer doesn't·, enter, sandbags or does poorly, · he/she.starts at the back·of the · pack. Adding to the excitemenr of the all out individual efforts is the fact that two trucks are on the ··. course at once, actually racing to the finish. They are only side by side:at the start and at the checker because· there are two loqps built into the unique Bancroft co4rse. · They run both, but separately t coming back together for a final sprint. Good stuff! The women took to the course in two classes, one for 14s and one for 4s. Linda Lou Schlamb ·contiQued her winning ways in-_14 with a quick 133.41 seconds. But Beth Bennett came right back with a 132.64 to take Class 4 and Women's Overall. _Terri ·Aube ' should have been- BetH's dosesf · ' competition in Class 4 ·but she did a cartwheel off of Ford Hill and DNF'd. Terri did win an spe~ . cial trophy for "Best Perfor-mance of the Weekend"! It was .a photo finish in the men's Class 3. How 'bout 129.44 for Wes Mundy, 129.00 for Ranc;ly Beaudrie and a winning time of 128.35 for Tim Burke? Close, but the 4s were even clo·ser. Wayne Thomas and ,Barry Wannamaker split times of 128.27 and 128.43 respectively. Brad Honey was off the pace in third at 132.56. Canadian obsta-cle racing is competitive! The obstacle contest. is a new ball game for "Buggie" drivers but they love it. (Showtime!) In l-1600 most of the E.T.s were within two seconds of 126 seconds. Raynald Vaillancourt put the fear into Ontario champ ' Joel Croft with a winning 123.06 to Joel's second place 125.37. Times were almost that consis-tent in Class 10 but about five seconds faster. Paul Robertson, who had last year's best time of day, ballooned to132.10 (mechanical glitch) and .the Quebec guys kept the pressure .. ·on.Richard Dagenais was second - at 120.21 but Claude Tetrault served noti~e with a blistering 117 .60. Nobody was going to top that. · It almost happened. Rene Laroche fired up his mid-engined Class 14 (he calls it "Le Fugitif", everybody else calls it "The Ski Boat") and howled around in .117.88 seconds. Only twenty-eight one hundredths of a second behind the single seater's time! In comparison, Jeff Easton's new Dusty Times
Rene Laroche's Chevy S-10 is a wild creation for Class 14, very fast, but out of action early in the rape Beth Bennett and Carol Beaudrie ran this tight the entire distance in the Woman's-whee/ to! Wheel, and they finished· It was a wild start in the 1-1600 race, and early leader Raynald Vaillancourt has the lead, with eventual winner ·Joel Croft in third here. · because of an on course collision. third and fourth in the race. · second, not that far behind -Burke. . · The "Ski Boat", Rene La-roche's interpretatiqn of Class 14, almost_ pulled offfa Dagenais-like display when the combined 4, 14 race was flagged away. The mid-engined, vee-drive, bo-at-headered creation ihas .a 'long· travel independent frjont suspen-sion and its speed on the dirt has to be seen to be believed. The chassis is so compd~ed tha:t .it does,h't look crazy fa1st until you realize that only thrJe laps have · passed and he's already picking off back -markers. Unfortu-nately, Rene got too bold in the Paul Robertson flew "Ford Hill" perfectly this year, but carburetor trouble traffic and he was hit in the left dropped the Ontario driver to fourth in th_e Class 10 contest. - rear wheel. Milan Mazanek was Com;u::i.c'he t_ook nine more eighth laps; Peter Jeffries moved waiting in his new J3FGoodrich seconcts, ( 126.80) for the numb_er into fifth. . . Ford. Picking his way· into a clear twp spot._, .. -,----,_ ___ __ _ __ _ There was no Ontario based space, he was well into the lead When the weekend .capping spoiler for the Class _ 10-race,c -, on-the eighth.lap~_With .. no QJJe __ _ Wheel to Wheel races got however. It was a benefit for La around to· challenge him; Milan underway, the handwriting was Belle Province. His incredible went on to a very popular on the wall. Two days of racing performance in the Mod Ob victory. 1 had identified a standout in each notwithstanding, Claude Tetrault His main rivals hac;l other con-class, an odds-on favorite for the didn't win in Class 10. The cerns back in second and third. win. The ladies race ran true to Toronto Su,percross champ was Dwight Cook and G~y Poisson form. Linda Lou Schlamb beaten s~mndly by his arch rival bothpilotwhatonetjbserverwas cha_,1<_gt~iq~o._,t}lele.~doffthe,first · Richard Dagenais, whose per-calling"Third.Wave"trucks; turn .and stayed-there. Both Beth. formanc~ was nothing short of chopped, chafinelled, · modified Bennett and Carol Beaudrie chal- electrifying. Leading from flag to to the hilt. Along with Laroche's lenged briefly but in the -later _ flag, Dagenais, driving his own Le Fugitif, the "C9okie Mon-stages they got totally involved "Richard Buggy" creation, ran ster" and "Le. Vagabon" give with racing and thumping each ten-tenths, just on the edge of true expression to th~ term"rad-other in a classic side by side control, throwing dirt every-ical". Cook's creatibn sits the duel. Pat Plunkett took advan- where. Whenhe-wasn'tairborne, driver alongside1 the mid-tage of their preoccupation, and he was sideways. Tetrault hung mounted engine. Poisson drives on the second to last lap she on for second and Norrriand from the centre of the truck, on moved in behind Linda Lou. Vaillancourt was a distant. third. top of the drive train! For all th"e. Joel Croft's ownership of the Ontario veteran Paul Robertson variations in design) they were 1-1600 class in Ontario was on-· survived carb woes to finish dead even in perfottfuance and the line, and for a while it looked four.th, a lap ddwn. · · their duel was_ spectapular. Truly like Raynald Vaillancourt's per-The Mod Ob time did predict Wheel to Wheel through every formance in the Mod Ob was the Class 3 contest. Tim Burke, _ corner and over the Jumps, they truly predic_tive. Vaillancourt driving on his home track, ran drove brilliantly, ho nerfing pulled a hole shot off the line, away and hid, never putting a required. Cook took over from leaving Croft, 'Denis Boisclair, wheel wrong. The big surprise Poisson on the eighth lap and Serge Lambert and Rick Price in was behind Burke. W ~yne Thom- held on for-eleven more Banzai hot pursuit. 1-1600 cars are so as had tested his Class 3 legal trips around the rapidly deteri-equal almost anywhere on the Br_onco's mettle against.the Fours orating course. Finally, only half track, that it wasn't until the in the obstacle event and won. a lap from the finish,[ the Cookie fourth lap that subtle differences That inspiration and a darned Monster dropped a wheelinto a in· chassis, engine and driving , good truck held him in good hole, went wide and Poisson style started to show. Croft and stead .in his rookie attempt at eeked through. Brian Case Vaillancourt were running nose short course racing. For his fi,:-st , watched all of this with some to tail _but they began to move time out, Wayne finished· amusement, stayed 0ut of trou-away from the pack . . On the fourth tour, Croft started to re:illy press, dipping a wheel alongside in a corner or moving up to charge a jurrip side· by,side, The crowd was cheering as Joel finally made it by on-the fifth. lap. But it wasn't just parti-san Ontario support, they con-tinued to whoop and holler as Vaillancourt did not let up, fight-ing in a vain , attempt to get his lead back, right 'till the 'end. If Croft checked his mirrors on the last lap he would ha:ve seen three Qubecois chasing his crown. Denis Boisclair finished about fifty yards behind Vaillancourt and Serge Lambert was right with him. Rick. Price was out on the Dusty Times The 1-1600 race was intense between Joe(Croft, leading here, ani;f Raynald Vaillancourt, and they finished just like this, a yard apart as Croft ron _the dice. I January 19$7 ble, -and brought his . Uniroyal GMC home fourth. . i\ttrition in the feature races lirilited the entry in the Challenge off Champions but the race still told a story. Norman Vaillan-court took the overall win when . Dagenais, attempting the same,. .manic pace .ori a much rougher track, rolled three t,imes and · hung the Richard Buggy cin a catch fence. Jo_el Croft held of( Riynald Vaillancourt one_ more tithe: And Linda Lou? Yes, she w~m her class again. A final note. When discussing the Bancroft 4x4 Challenge, rac-ers often comment that the Tail- _ gators have kept the fun in it even !.though the "Club Event" has _ grown beyond anybody's wildest imaginings. We don't think the fun will change, but this kind of success inevitably . brings some loss of innocence. Faced with major financial responsibilities, potential personal liability, and the always present thr,eat of insur-ance litigation, the Tailgators' execs have had to protect their tails. It's the same gang, but now they're incorporated as Wheel to Wheel Inc. for the purpose of running the show. Get in touch with them at Box 688, Bancroft, Ontario, Canada, KOL lCO. Li~~a Lou Schlamb had a perfect weekend, as she won every event' she entered in this Ford based device, shown on the drag race course, _ THE WRIGHT . PLACE~: COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! , The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You 'can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages,' and · ~arious lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches borne with the kit for adjustments. · Anothe~ great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. _ 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 19
Laricia Wins by a T .K.o •. at the Sanremo Rally ' · · Text & Photos: Martin Holmes It was a traubled and controversial event that gave the Lancia Team the victory on home ground as Markku Alen · and 1/kka Kivima_ki were the winners after some manipulation. Markku Alen closed to two tion of Peugeot brought out the points behind Juha Kankkunen good possibility that the Drivers' / . in the World Rally Drivers' Championships would be Championship after an incredi- qecided in the final round of the ble Sanremo Rally in which series in America; rather than on 'Lmcia's rivals, Peugeot,· were -·the RAC-raily.----- -----... -excluded for alleged technical The Peugeot affair was · most errors, and during which Alen's extraordinary. The eligibility of teammates were each asked to . the World. Championship .... : , incur penalties at time controls winning Peugeots was decided by _. to enable Alen to win. After four three Italian inspectors who years of refusing to help Alen in claimed to have noticed an his quest for the elusive title, apparent ineligibility of the cars Lancia 's team boss g_;1ve orders · on casual inspection in pare that his long-serving driver ferme, even though the Chief · should be allowed to score top Inspector had failed to spot the points. But, he emphatically problems on a previous event. denied asking the Italian officials Peugeot gave notice of appeal to secure the exclusion of Juha against the decision, but having Kankkunen, Bruno Saby and' been banned from completing Andrea Zanussi in Peugeots. the course, they have no chance Rudolf Stohl kept alive his of altering the results of the rally. hopes · of taking the Group A Recent rule changes made a World Rally title, but a third top few changes to the nature of the score for Kenneth Eriksson now Sanremo Rally. "We removed gives the Swede an even greater some of the places dangerous for chance. The Sanremo elimina- spectators, and· eliminated the gr0t1ps of stages which were · tackled in loops, and we had to split our famous Ronde stage in the hills behind Sanremo because it was too long" explairied organizer Adolfo Rava, but otherwise it was business as usual. Asphalt stages were at the start and the end, near Sanremo. THE PE CT PRE-FILTER Gravel stages were in_the hill~ of FIL:JER WRAPS Tu~any, the o_ther s1~e of Pis~. This was an event which Lancia . had to win to save face. An Italian • Cleans air before it reaches primary h d l h · h filter; designed to lit over most foam, car a On Y WOn ere once Int e paper or gauze filters. past five years. • No restriction. to breathing. E h h -h M £ • Stops all dirt/sand ... excellent protec-Ven t OUg t e anu1ac-tur-tion against water and mud; breathes ers' tide had been settled, no even when dirty. £ h h · • uses specially oiled "sticky" foam 1ewer t an t ree s~percar teams fibers; the dill clings to th!' m1ers; the were present, the third being ~\::; air flows easily to your primary Austin Rover. Two champion-• Reusable; withstands hundreds of ships were, however, still open cleanings. h w Id r· 1 f' h r • Can be used oiled or dry; instructions - t e or It e 1g t ror included. Drivers, Overall and in Group A. ~!!1,:~~Ra~~s~0'i~r":y~~.'.i~;i:~~i"~s For the Overall honor, Juha most race cars and iight trucks. To order Kankkunen was well ahead, but direct, contact UNI FILTER; newest M kk l h d l catalog, $3.00. Filter Wraps priced from ar U A en a no inc ination $4.95 10 8·95· to give in. In Group A Kenneth of clinching the title were high. Returning to a competition car was Ari Vatanen. The Finn, who so nearly lost his life last year in _ i\r:~n_tjna_, -wru;_ddving a,.,werks:. Peugeot as a course opening car. His job was to check every stage a few minutes ahead of the first car and show spectators just how dramatic a supercar would be. Without the pressure of compe-tition, Vatanen was able to play himself, and wa -loving every minute of it. Peugeot's third team driver Bruno Saby had a point to prove and made fast time on the opening stage. He only just lost the lead three stages later to Italian Peugeot driver Zanussi at the end of the opening asphalt stages. The top . regular circuit driver was Timo Salonen, in only fourth place, showing how special are these stages that twist high above the Ligurian coast-line. Alen was delayed by a puncture, but when the cars drove round to Tuscany-, he was up to seventh. · The gravel stages once again reshuffled the order. After six stages Kankkunen had risen from . sixth place to first, but behind him came a 'fleet of La:ncias_ driven by Alen, Massimo Biasion and Dario Cerrato. Off the pace of the other supercar teams, but well ahead of the rest were Tony Pond and Malcolm Wilson in the Metros; Zanussi fell back when his · suspension failed with a terrify-Leading part of the rally in the Peugeot, Juha Kankkunen and Juha Piironen saw their championship hopes go away when the en"tire Peugeot team was disqualified. ing crack in front of photogra- confused and hinted that unless phers. He hobbled to the finish the Italian federation of of the stage on three . wheels. timekeepers sorted out the mess, Salonen went off the road and they wou'ld take legal action could not restart the Peugeot. against them! · Through .the long second day It was certain, however, that Kankkunen kept his slender-lead, Kankkunen still held a slender but Alen closed to within one lead of 14 seconds at the end of second, then had a flat. the gravel stages, in front of Spectators said ·Alen came upon Biasion, with Cerrato and Alen a lefthander just too fast and slid just over a minute behind. Pond wide into the rocks; so he was · was still running, but he had been back to equal fourth pl;ice ~ith · delayed just·over the.permitted Zanussi, who was still charging quarter-hour after hitting a hard despite his suspension house, so back· in Sanreino he delay. . was excluded. Then came the Curious things happened at asphalt · sections, three before Stage 22. The first hint of trouble Sanremo. On the first Biasion came with the news that the reduced Kankkunen's lead - to organizer:s had cancelled _ the ___ tw,Q seconds, .. on .. the..secol'}cl,,in"- . seetion--because -of "timing wet conditions, the Italian took-troubles". Zanussi -was given a the lead. . time of 5:22 compared with · In Group A Eriksson had the Kankkunen's next best time of VW GTl in a class of its own, . 6:36. Lancia's chief Fiorio · when the Renault Turbo II of angrily demanded the stage be Jean Ragnotti retired with engine reinstated, because Saby had lost trouble. The VW \\'.as now more ten minutes with a flat and a than ten minutes ahead of b~oken wheel jack: He had Allesandro Fiorio's Uno~J,l!ltil;,~0·r. his way, and in mysterious and the Audi challenge . was circumstances Zanussi 's time was failing as Stohl was· far behind changed to 7:52, even though tQe after a flat-and then distributor driver confirmed it should in trouble. reality have been 6:36. Peugeot's The rally was·. never to be chief, Jean Todt, was powerless decided on the final night, but to say much, but issued a earlier that af~ernoon. Surprised statement demanding that onlooke·rs saw Jean-Pierre Zanussi's real time be credited. · Nicolas, the oldtimer rally driver . The organizer~ w.~re completely and now PTS executive, drive Driving the tidy VW Golf GT/, Kenneth Eriksson and Peter Piekmann .won Group A, were fifth overall, and were assured of the Group A Drivers' title for 1986. · UNI FILTER, INC. Dept. DT 13522 Newhope Street Garden Grove, CA 92643 714/530-6101 Eriksson hoped for an outright Group win to augment the many smaller scores he had ·amassed earlier. His rival for the title, Rudolf Stohl, entered at the last .minute and came without much preparation, so Eriksson's hopes Malcolm Wilson and Nigel Harris scored a keen fourth overall, one of the best ye.t finishes for the British team of MG Metro 6R4 Groµp B cars. The Skoda ieam scored a surprise sixth overall in the 130 LR driven by Ladislav Krecek and Borivoi Motl, after more Italian hanky panky on timing. Page 30 January 1987 Dusty Times
Saby's car out of pare ferme and down to their garage. Waiting there were rally officials who started to measure the ~ump guard and the now famous "skirt" attachments. They took pictures from every angle and measured the positioning of the side pieces before reporting back to the stewards. With a degree of inevitability, the exclusion of the Peugeots was announced later that evening. Cerrato through to the honor of ·the first Italian home. Even Markku said at the firiish that this was no enjoyable way of ending a two and a half year famine of World Rally victories. · Suddenly the plug had been pulled out of the rally. -Biasi on looked exasperated. "This isn't my style of rallying at all", he said.- Maybe it was also that he had just been told by Fiorio that not only would he have to let Alen win by the end of the night, but he would also have to let The night was dry and uneventful. Out went the second Conrero Kadett GSi because of a broken differential, into the top ten came not one but two Skoda 130 LRs, their first points winning result since 1981, and at the head of the field the shuffling ·began. It all began, however, by accident. On leaving a confused service park at San Romola, Alen's co-driver, llkka Kivimaki, clocked out one minute early. Alen started charging back through the stages, but still he The Peugeot of Paololan_d Alex Alessandriri found some "Gotcha" rocks"in Italy, and retired the 205 Turbo 16 aft~r this accident. Sailing past ancient but graffitti covered walls, the Opel Manta 400 rear drive of Tchine and Gilles Thimonier ' finished a fine eighth overall. · SODA'S-1986 FINALE could not catch· up. :So,· Cerrato and Biasion were asked to clock in late at a later control to compensate. And _still at the Italian game, Fi.roio's son Alessandro . found himself in a Colorama 100 By Deb Freimuth• and Jim (Waldo) W ollenzien The definition for ~n off road slowly but surely put · some another Land O ljaker, James racer in northern Wisconsin in distance between them, moving Hook, started to ma~e his move, September is "Hearty."Thatwas up to second after Van Den .so it was musical chairs again for certainly the case as 60 hearty off Elzen's-exit on lap 6. Freimuth, with Hook eventually road racers _converged upon Bad luck was out to get winning the bout. Sugar Camp, Wisconsin, Stotheim, as he entered the After about l·½ hours September 13th for the muddy wooded stretch of track. problems were becoming Color~ma 100. Wham! He landed the front end predominant for several Class 11 ,Th'e 100 mile race was set for of his buggy on a stump, high teams. Freimuth had a flat tire, 34 laps on the three mile course, centered. At least he had. a ring and had to pit, and Hook was or three hours, whichever came side seat for the rest of the event. also in the p its taking an first. The coursei was unusually Meanwhile, Bark River's Harvey unscheduled breather. Curt mucky this year, causing the race Lewis moved up ' into second, Gerald was trying to compete officials to re-route sections of with Tom Lohf finishing third. with a broken shock, . in an the track. Sugar Camp's Terry Severson, of Spooner, attempt to hang ontb his points notorious hill was thereby maintained his lead and took the position. · \ · eliminated to allow a straight class honors. - Meanwhile, Ramesh was still shot through the·race car eating Class 1-1600 was about the running strong, and added 31 maiit'eog.s~· 1 -,,· · • -· most cut and dried race of the laps to ·his ·1credit when· the The temberature was in the day. In first place was Jay Finke, checkered came down on his - follo·wed by Mike Seefeldt, with vktory. Dennis Freimuth was chilly 40s, ut 35 buggy drivers Dale Borgemoen coming in third. second, Hook third, and Glen donned gloves, hooded sweat-Th t th h Id h · Mathews was rourth. Even shirts, just about all the _warm e op ree e- t eir 1, clothes they couldietunder their respective positions from lap 1 though the race was officially right on to the checkered flag on over, the end results has been driving suits and elmets. They lap 34 .. Jay Finke, of DePere, challenged. Glen Mathews p~t faced the long, cold, muddy and k h miserable consequences, all for too ome the honor of being up the bucks to protest the wheel the overall winner ror· the s· 1·ze of the Ramesh b ggy SODA the points they would accumu- k d h b 1' u · sur,prised but unwelcomed sixth next year. So he waited- six place overall with his Fiat Uno minutes in order that the Turbo. This would give him · unsuspecting C;ech Krecek automatic FISA 'B' priority. for would gain this place instead in 1987, which would rri.ean he the Skoda. What a week, what an could not drive a Group N car i_ncredible affair, what a country! had · a hard time getting four points once again. gallons of gas into the fuel cell. The combined 4x4 class was -Not only is this Ford fast and exciting as Greg Gerlach, in his dependable, its four cylinder General Tire Honcho, was engine is also economical. Jim chased by the LeDuc chassied Sharkey was second · in his Bronco of Terry Bell during the Cmevy, and Dave Hackers held first portion of the race . . Bell 011to third, which gave him· the went out, putting Gerlach, who SODA points championship in was running strong all day, in Class 8. first. The only thing between In Class 6 John Znidorka ran Gerlach and the checkered flag the race without incident to were pit stops for gas and Earl · finish -first in his "West Allis Erickson, in his always enduring RebuildersBuick';.DonLiegeois CJ-7. Gerlach lived through his hati to pit at the beginning 0:f ~he two long stops for gas and race, but then ran hard to fm1sh finished first, with Earl Erickson second, four laos down. Liegeois second, both doing 33 laps. tobk the SODA points champi-With the conclusion of the onship for 1986 in Class 6 . racing once again, as in _past Darrel· Brehmer grabbed the years, free beer began to flow, lead in the opening laps of the thanks to sponsors _like Dune Class 13 front engine buggy bash, Buggy Supply, . Midwest Off but fell out of contention just as Road, Dirt News and Sugar quickly, leaving the race once Camp Enterprises. Campfires again to be won by one of the were the game plan for the "Konitzer Klan". To make a long evening, along with bench racing story short, George, Phillip, into the wee hours of Sunday, in Wayne, Blaine · and Sam took anticipation of the awards picnic turns challenging for the lead and held Sunday morning. · taking it over. Finally Sam passed Sunday morning the picnic Blaine to take the lead and hold was ·a replay of past years, with ·ot1to it until the checke,red flag hot beef and .turkey being fell. Blaine came across the line· available in abundance, along second, by means of foot power, with Don Poppie's famous pork late in both the Superior Points wee en in t e uggy classes. officials reviewed the protest and John Koran snapped up the declared Ramesh officially · Series final results and the last of early lead 1·n Class 2-1600. Peter d' ·1·f· d M h d as a gremlin got him right before chops · _and the Abrams bunch the finish line. George, who was once again brought sweet com in the pits at the beginning, got it for everyone. The picnic was well back together, and accumulated worth i:he overnight stay, and a the 1986 General Tire Con tin- tsqua I ie . at ews move . up . . Karempelis gave a strong pursuit, into third for his efforts, with gency prizes. but couldn't quite catch the Hook now second arid Freimuth Before the.race, several Class victor, "Koran, who has been taking the first place glory; 1_ 1 drivers were feeling a little outstanding at all the races this In the afternoon the Heavy hesitation about starting at the year, and took another title home Iron came out, along with blue same time as the "big buggies", to Marshfield. Karempelis skies for their lO0miletest.Four not to mention racing with them. settled for second, followed by Class 6 cars, seven Class 8s, of A couple of the guy·s .even Matt Trelstad and Mike Renkas. which one was the ne~ Class 7 of thought about sitting a lap out, The 5-1600 action was very Tom Hackers, six Cl~ss 13s (all having another cigarette, and just similar to the other classes. The but one entry being 1<onitzers) waiting for the dust to settle. leader off the start, Ron Karlman and all the 4x4s were grouped When the green flag came down of Ixonia, was i:he leader at the into one seven category class. At. for the mass start, Classes 9 and end. Jeff Therriault finished the green light on the timing 10 were first through the mud, second, and ·Paul (Froggy) tower, all 24 starters left at one followea by the 1-2-1600s, s~ Dahlman was third. Terry Wolfe time, although the classes were 1600s and finally the lls (yes, didn't have the best racing day of staggered at the line) a1? in the they all mustered up the his career. He nearly completed buggy race, to break them up for courage). two laps before his steering box the first corner. - -The first half hour of the race broke, just before the timing This race was dusty and loud was miserable. The course was so tower. into the first portion of the track, deep in areas, cars were getting The Class 11 bunch were until the cars hit the muddy stuck in front of other drivers, about the only buggy class that wooded · section, where the and they would be sucked into really mixed it up. At the start, greasy mud traps still waited for the mud with them: After things the brother/ sister team of the competitors. In Class 8, Dave started to dry up a little, the Dennis and Deb Freimuth found Hackers drove his Ford hard, racing becam~ quite competi_tive, just _the ri~ht lane and took their with his brother Tom, in a Class . and speeds _pICked up consider- · car _mto first place. But, not far 7 Rariger, on his tail. About half ably. · behind was the current points way through the race, Dave's In Class 9 and 10 action, Terry champ, Cha.cl Ramesh, who hood came loose and he went Severson grabbed an early lead overtook the Freimuths by the into .the pits, giving the lead to with Jim Van Den Elzen end of the first lap . . The two brother Tom and I the new challenging his lead. Tom Lohf , buggies continued · the battle, Ranger. Tom never missed a beat and Terry Stotheim were back and forth for several laps. and held onto first in Class 8 and running third and fourth. Then Ramesh finally took the first overall. Word is.wh~n the Stotheim passed Lohf, and lead permanently. Meanwhile, Ranger pitted for gas, the crew Dusty Times January 19~7 enough laps to give him the Class grand way to·end a great season 13 championship on SODA of racing! ~:OFF· ROAD 198&· THE SCORE & HORA_ SERIE& 2-Hr-. VIDEO TAPE featuring: PARKER MINT GREAT MOJAVE FIREWORKS RIVERSfDE FRONTIER BARSTOW and BAJA $49.50 ea INDIVIDUAL RACES $39.50 write for more info. to MICHAEL STEW~RT , VIDEO BOX 129 BrynMawr,Ca OFF~ROAD 9231B 714-796-4122 · Page 31
1986 East of Indio Rally By Rod Koch Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises At home in the desert, Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers whipped their Ford pickup over the rugged _route, -__ .. . . . leading most of the way and they won the rallyl overall. Roger Allison, organizer of the sixth annual East of · Indio performance rally, and the Indio Chamber of Commerce could not have asked for a more perfect weekend, weatherwise, for this last event on the 1986 California ~ -.-,,.Rally Series schedule. With temperatures ranging· from the low 80s during the day to the high S0s at night, it was an ideal setting for the '400 mile desert rally held November 14-16. The picturesque Date Tree Motor Inn in Indio, CA, again served as official headquarters for the event, as it has- since the first East of Indio rally in 1981. Since my Baja racing days, I have always had a deep feeling of· appreciation for the Southwest-ern deserts. However, the areas east of Indio are not to be taken lightly, as it is a desolate expanse of. desert, with service stations . few and far betw~en. Preparation is the name of the game here, and it was 32 well prepared teams that showed up for the challenge. This was also the first event on the SCCA 1987 Divisional Series calendar. The 1986 SCCA National Divisional champion, Dean Balgowsky, and his navigator Sheri Morgan, showed up at Indio fresh off their recent success at Press On Regardless in Michigan, where they won the national title, to defend their divisionaL championship for 1987. Lon Peterson and Jim Love, the 1986 Southern Pacific Divisional champs, who lost -their bid for the national title to Blagowsky at P.O.R ., were anxious for a win at Indio. Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers brought their potent Ford pre-runner pickup out, and Don Lindfors was seated behind the steering_ wheel of Scott Child's Chevy pickup. Other open class CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE K & N FILTERS -RAPID COOL TRI MIL -BUG PACK . BILSTEIN -CENTERLINE -CIBIE HEWLAND - PORSCHE TURBO C/ V . Off road Rae•"' BEARD SEATS -PARKER PUMPER P1rt,.~cce1~1•• • YOKOHAMA TIRES _..:.SUPER TRAPP GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS -SWAY~A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS -KC HILITES -McKENZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE....,,. DURA BLUE UL 1RA BOOT--' NEAL PRODUCTS CENTER LINE .,, .. , "'"'''' OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. -5:_00 p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - _1 :30 P-n:1· I BEFORE YOU BUY-TALK TO THEPROFESS!ONAL! I · 12945-SHERMAN WAY -NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91605 (818) 765-5827 • (818) 7.64-6438 -Page 32 contenders included Ian Miller in his ex-Watanabe Toyota Corolla, Gary Potts' fast Arrow, Rick Bell's V-6 Chevette, and yours truly in the 2240cc vintage VW -Fastback. A vehicle appropriate to the Indio/ Palm Springs area caught everyone's attention. It was a genuine Rolls Royce Silver Shadow with four wheel drive, SQls), plus cubic inches in the V-8, and it was driven by Doug and Kim Kopp. C.R.S. Stock class entrants included Roger Hull's Datsun 610, Dave Poston/ Bill Schroder in a Mazda RX-7, Paula Gibeault/ Steven Burgess and Clyde Gray/ Dave Jameson in Datsuns 510s, and Mike Biddlingmeier/Roy Thurm, Dodge Colt, among the field of stockers. Departing from the - usual C.R.S. starting system, the cars checked into the SCCA start control on Stage 1, beginning at 11:15 a.m. on Saturday. _This 13½ mile stage with severe dips, jumps, rocks, washes and 90 plus mph straights took its toll on the leaders. The Peterson/Love -· Arrow ·hit an unmarked wash at speed, losing 5½ minutes when a tire blew. Blagowsky's Dodge Turbo GLH also suffered on this stage, as did· several others. _ Pulling up to Stage 2, Bill Holmes' pickup had overheating problems, and it looked like the · Open class could be up for grabs. However, a 20 minute delay allowed Holmes and Peterson to make quick repairs. Bill Holmes started stage 2 in a rooster tail of dust, which was a prevfew of things to come. Throughout the day and night, the usual desert winds were absent. Desf ite a two minute starting interva between cars, one could easily see the stages from nearby Interstate 10, as the dust lingered in the air. Indio is known for its smooth, high speed settions, but at over 90 mph with a 60 yard visibility, it can be downright unnerving. The Stock class seemed to fare better on the tough_, first stage, January 1987 Lon Peterson and Jim Love had trouble early with the Plymouth Arrow, but came back strong, made up all /;Jut seconds of the lost time-for sec.dnd overall. with Paula Gibeault's Datsun coming out first on the road, followed not far behind by Roger Hull, Dave Poston and Mike Biddlingrneier. Stages 2 and 3 ,were fast and smooth, leading into the first service break at Desert Center, soine SO miles . east of Indio. Bill Holmes led overall her~ and in Open class, followed by Ian Miller, Toyota, .and Don Lindfors, Chevy truck. The Poston/Schroder RX-7 appeared to show a slight lead in the Stock class, with Roger Hull and Paula Gibeault, Datsun 510s, running close behind. The 4x4 Rolls Royce made it to the first service, but carburetor problems put them out. Peterson's fear was that his Arrow might not make it through the long event, due to front suspension and frame damage. He and his crew proved capable of solving the problems, though, as on the four return stages back to Indio, Peterson started making up the S½ minutes he had lost on the first stage. _ The main service back at Indio saw most of the remaining teams and crews working on their cars, ·while alternately enjoying a Bar-B-Que hosted by the organizer. The-rough stages, 1 and 2, were scheduled to run again as Stages 9 and 10 and 19 and 20. But they had wisely been deleted by Roger Allison and Chief Steward Randy Hensely due to the high car attrition. After the main service break · and re-seed, Bill Hoimes led the field and Open cla_ss into the night, followed by Ian Miller, Don Lindfors, Dean Blagowsky, and myself. Roger Hull was first on the road in C.R.S. stock, but very close behind were Poston, Gibeault and Biddlingrjleier. At the start of Stage 10, Peterson pulled in directly behind me. He indicated that the Arrow was running ·o .K. 'now, and he and Jim Love were going to go flat out. Navigated by Steve Frazee, I ran the,9½_mile stage in 9.36 minutes, but Peterson gained a good SO seconds on us, and was· rapidly making up the time on overall leader Holmes. Holmes, meanwhile, was having alternator troubles, but~ that didn't appear to slow him down. After a 20 minute service break in Desert Center, the cars then transited 35 miles north to run four · stages in the Iron -Mouritain area. With the exception of one short, twisty 2 ½ Dave ,Poston and Bill Schroder won the close running Stock Class title, anc they ran so hard the Mazda RX-7 finished third overall as well. Ian Miller and Bart Godett swing Wide on a sandy corner in the ex-Watanabe Toyota Corolla en route to third in Open Class and fourth 0 /A. Dusty Times
Paula Gibeault and Steven Burgess took third in Stock class in The 1986 National Divisional Champions, Dean Blagowsky Clyde Gray and Dave Jameson were part of the three way battle in Stock Class, but their Datsun 510 ended up the-Datsun 510, and missed sixth overall · and Sheri Morgan, hadwoes out of Indio, . · -fifth in the tough class. by a skinny 18 seconds time. . but got the Dodge hom~ fifth in Open Class. i. mile stage, these were fast stages·· over Roger Hull and Paula when an exhaust valve decided it ' with heavy dust and little breeze, Gibeault. Returning from · the had had enough rallying for the again making it difficult to go all Iron Mountain stages into the night. · . out. Bill Holmes continued to last. service at Desert Cent~r, But, the real battle for first lead, but his advantage was Lindfors was first on the rciad overall continued, as Peterson/ rapidly diminishing, as each stage followed by Blagowsky, Miller, Loye had _successfully moved saw Peterson push the Arrow Poston, Hull, myself, and their Arrow into second overall. faster and faster. . Peterson. The efforts of the . Less than. 90 seconds now In Stock class, Dave Poston's Koch/ Frazee VW ended a half separated them from the RX-7 had taken a decisive lead mile short of the last service Holmes/ Rogers Ford truck. CALIFORNIA RALLY.· ··'SERIES By Lynnette Allison First event for 1987 is the GLEN HELEN RALLYCROSS #1 , Saturday, January 24, at the · Glen Helen ORV Park near San Bernardino, CA. Registration and tech will be in the early morning, with a short course run ~hr~ . or four times in both directions. New land .has been graded and added to the course, increasing its length over last year. The event should finish by dark, but bring driving lights should there be a delay. Contact Mike Blore,.(21-3) 425-0984 for current information. · He welcomes all offers of help and assistance in organizing, too. Two other Glen Helens are , scheduled, for May 30, and in August. Organizers are urgently. neeqed, or the events will NOT , BE HELD. Call (714) 736-144.2 with your offers. CALL NOW! EAST 0F INDIO VI .closed our 1986 rally year with suitable pomp and circumstances. Clear skies, slight breezes, sparkling pool, all setting the stage for CRS's most challenging event. Thirty-two courageous rally teams· anxiously awaited Saturday's early competitive start. Rumor mixed with myth about car-crunchiJ1g Indio rockadillos, infamous high-speed competitive sections, twisting canyon roller-coaster pathways, and dust-holding stages. Everyone was ready and waiting. Indio's rally teams faced a major endurance event,, . as fourteen teams bit the dust literally and figuratively. Holmes/Rogers' Ford P.U. · nabbed first OPEN, squeaking by Peterson/ Love's Arrow by · 63/ 100, but putting more than six minutes on the Miller/ Godett Corolla. STOCK CLASS showed Hull/Smith and Gibeault/Burgess finishing within 34/ 100 of each other, taking second and third at the finish. - · Dusty Times India's own Doug- and Kim Kopp caught-everyone's attention with their four-wheel-drive Rolls Royce. Having faced Baja's rocks and dust, the team was ready for a smoother weekend. Alas! The Rolls encountered problems and retired after stage 2. INDIO welcomed fourteen CRS Seed 5 competitive teams, with seven finishing the sixteen grueling stages. Congratulations, riovices! Have a great New Year's· Celebration. And don't forget your first resolution ... to have the rally car ready two weeks before each event .. .instead of the usual two hours. 1986 FINAL RESULTS OPEN CLASS Drivers Total Lon Peterson . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . 732 Bill Holmes .................. 460 Richey Watanabe ......... .. .. 440 Ric Bell .... .... .............. 390 Ian Miller .............. ...... 330 Rod Koch .................. .. 259 Gary Luke ......... .......... 245 Gary Potts ................... 220 Don Lindfors ........... ...... 200 Clint.Huering ................. 194 OPEN CLASS Co-Drivers Total Jim Love ..................... 640 · Jim Rogers ................... 460 Maite Bell .................... 340 Howard Watanabe .......... , . 300 Bart Godett .................. 300 Mark Williams ............... : 240 Lou Arnold ...... · ............. 220 Steve Frazee ............... ... 210 Scott Snyder ................. 175 · George Ottley ................ 154 STOCK CLASS Drivers Total Ray Hocker .................. 760 Roger Hull ... ·.· .............. 600 Paula Gibeault ............... 480 Mike Blore .......... : .......... 370 Dave Poston ..... : . . . . . . . . . . . 300 Clyde Gray ................. .. 2~0 George Daland ............... 250 Rob Cherry ................ .. 210 · Mike Biddlingmeier ............ 210 Topi Hynynen ............ .. .. 200 STOCK CLASS Co-Drivers Total Bill Moore,.: .................. 660 Kelly Smith .. ................ 540 Bill Schrader ................. 300 Dave Jameson ............... 280 Paul Bowman ................ 250 Steve Burgess ................ 220 Ray Thurm ................... 210 Mini Lundqvist ............... 200 Gary Dunklau .. .... .......... 180 Steve Burton ................. 134 With only two stages left, Peterson mad_e a heroic charge to gain first overall, ·but he had to settle for second, only 40 seconds behind the winners, Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers. Lon Peterson did gain enough points at Indio to becorhe the 1986 C.R.S. Open class champion. Dave Poston and Bill Schroder finished a fine third overall and first in stock class. Ian Miller took fourth overall and third in Open, followed by Roger Hill with fifth overall and second in Stock class. Don Lindfors nailed down sixth overall ~nd fourth in Open in the Chevy[pickup. Only 18 seconds . behind, · Paula Gibeault. took third in Stock, seyenth overaiJI, followed by Dean Blagowsky, fifth in Open. Rounding out the top ten, fourth January 1987 Don Lindfors and Steve Lidda/1 had a good run in the ex-Child Chevy pickup, herding it horn.e to fourth in Open ranks, sixth overall. and fifth in Stock class, were National rallies. All that is Mike Biddlingmeier and Clyde keeping this super event from Gray. Of the 32 starters, 18 becom_ing a Natio~al Rally, finished the event. according to' organizer Roger• j SCCA Pro Rally Manager Allison, is findii:tg a major Dave Thompson was at Indio to· sponsor. Anyone interested? It observe and check out the does cost a bunch of money toi>--• possibility of the rally becoming organize a national event as a National event in the future. opposed to a divisional. Surely in Comments were heard from southern California there is that several teams that East of Indio· kind of . promotional money was as well organized as the better. . available! KC HAS SHINED THE: WAY TO MORE OFF-ROAD RACING VICTORIES THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED! . At KC HiUTES, we're serious.about competition lighting. So why take a chance with anything else? · Page 33
--' i ! I l. ---------------,, ;. _,,. \; 1'.:: VORRA Changes Counc$ for. the 58ason Finale Text & Photos: Peggy Johnson . . . Jeff Elrod zoomed his Class 5 around to a second and a win in combined Class : · 2-5, and.took the _points cash_ for the day over ten other drivers. followed by Chris Oberg and · Kevin Ohnstad. Bill Landon won the points in Class 1,2,1600, with Scott Schaupp in second a.nd Roger Shuman in third. Among the Sportsman in the desert series, Tone Jordan was Ron Carter was the big winner at Sacramento Raceway, taking both motos in Class 10 and again taking both motos in Class 1; he missed the dash for cash. · the points winner, while Bob Shermer was second and the team of Foody and Duncan was third. Class 2,5, with Bower /Kroyer in. second and Dick Wielandt third. Don German, of course,.won 3--4° and Keith Robb was second. In· Class 10 it was Ron Carter, again, in the top spot, with Don Kennedy second and Chris Oberg third. Wes Elrod won the 1,2,1600 points, followed by Rick Frock and Dana Van Noort. Among the short course Sportsman racers, Steve Cowdrey and -Greg Nibbelink tied for first place. Bill Kohler was next and Tone Jordan was VORRA had to cancel the first of its pair of season ending short course races because of insurance problems at the Prairie City facility. But, Ed Robinson of VORRA got together with Dave Smith of Sacramento Raceway, and they put together a very good race at that track to round out the 1986 season. It was a-cool, 74 ° day with cloudy skies last November, a perfect day for off road racing. Fifty,seven cars showed up for .. the double pointer to close the •·= season, a very healthy entry. The course was a half mile of twists and turns, with a back straight that saw speeds well up to the three digit mark. · The Sportsman Class had 16 starters. In the first heat Howard Rankin won the bash, closely followed by Greg Nibbelink. Third went to Mark Reden and Mickey Cochran in a two seater, and May Halliday was fourth. The second Sportsman heat went to Greg Nibbelink with Bill Kohler second. Running smoothly for a third place was May Halliday. On overall points for the day it was Greg Nibbe link who won the Sportsman honors. Bill Kohler was second and May Halliday took third ahead of Steve Winde. Class 1,2,1600 showed up with eight cars, and the second ,h1at looked like a re,run of the · rf1rst round. Wes Elrod, the Mickey Thompson series champ in 1986, won both heats to take the overall in this division. Second on points went to Rick Frock, who was second in both motos. Third went to Dana Van Noort, who was, natch, third in both heats. Roy Gust took fourth in both heats and Scott Vian was fifth both rounds. Class 10 and combined Class 3 and 4 ran together on the track with five buggies · and three trucks. The buggies started a half lap ahead of the 4 x4s, to keep the traffic hazards to a minimum. Ron Carter dominated Class 10 with a whopping margin for first place in boili heats. The brother team of Wes and Jeff Elrod . scored second in the first heat and fourth in the next for third on the day. Don Kennedy nailed a fourth place in the first heat, and came back to take second on the next round and second on points for the day. The 4 x 4s quickly became close buddies with Class 10, as they soon caught up and were racing side by side. However, the trucks produced another follow the leader pair of heats. Don German won both motos and the honors on points. Keith Robb was second overall with a pair.of ·. seconds, and Dave Harmon was third all the way. Class 2,5 had eleven anxious ,drivers ready to explore the new course. Sam Berri won the first heat and Jeff Elrod was second. In . the second moto Jeff Elrod was the winner and the winner on points for the meet. The team of -Lawrence and Maddoy finished second in the moto, followed in BUY A PROVEN WINNER THE 1986 CLASS AND OVERALL CHAMPION OF THE HORA/SCORE DESERT SERIES Class 2-1600, race ready. _ 1984 Bunderson fame, Don Hatz engine, Jeff Field transmis-sion, Fox Shox, Super Boot. For sale for $15,000.00 firm! Call after 6:30 p.m. - (702) 363-2299. Page 34 by Dick Wielandt, who was also · third on points. Class 1 was another .pair of races that, if you saw the first rnoto, you also saw . the second. Each of the seven cars finished both times in the same spot, in a very quick race. Ron Carter won it all, again and Jim Cope was · second both rounds. Phil Carter, with a fourth and a third, was. third for the day. In the dash for the cash, $200, · Dennis Kordonowy won the winner take all dash. Dennis, who was second in the first Class 1 moto, broke a fuel line in the second round. But he got fixed well enough to fake home the 200 bucks. VORRA's overall champions for 1986 earned a bit of money, with $2000 put up by VORRA for overall points. Don German, Class 4, won overall points and a cool grand. Sam Berri, Class 2, was second overall, taking home an e~tra $500. Chris Oberg was third, his Class 10 entry eamin_g an extra $300, and Rick Frock was fourth, Class 1,2,1600, worth $200 extra. In the VORRA desert series, Michael Thornton won the Class . 1 points with McCune/ Zimmer, man second and Patrick Verling was third. In Class 2,5, Sam Berri was the winner on points, followed by David Hinz and Jimmy Lawrence. Don German won top spot in Classes 3 & 4, with Roy Clark in second and Kent Bullock in third. Class 10 _ top honors went to Chris Cash, I - . In VORRA's short course series, Ron Carter won Class 1 ·points, with Fritz Kroyer second and Hodge/ Kordonowy third. J«;ff Elrod took the honors in third. . Don German did his usual job in Class 3-4, sailing the modified Jeep to victory in both rriotos and f0r the day, and he is the 1986 overall VORRA points champion. Driving a moto each, Wes and Jeff Elrod gave their new Class 10 some exercise, and the team came in third for the day in the class. Keith Robb ran second in the 4x4 races in both motos and also earned second place on Class 3-4 points for the. VORRA desert short course series. · Phil Carter raced in both Class 1 arid 10, and he came out of it with a third in Class 1 and fourth in Class 10 on the day's points. January 1987 Dusty Times
Stadium Racing at El Cajo'1 Jerry Whelchel won both Class 1 motos, ~ it·,-e to~;,on;;·;n the class, and also won the first Class 10knl 1oto, in a good night out at the El Cajon Speedway. . Stadium Racing U.S.A., a.k.a. courseracing.Drawingalowstart-The second ro1llhd of 1600 Marty Tripes and backers, has ing number, Jerry Whelchel won bashing saw Rodriguez play the had a difficult time in 1986 thefirstmotowithease, followed wait and see gam~ again, and he keeping the dates they set a year closely at the flag by Frank again took the checkered flag ago.Someoftheeventshadtobe Arciero Jr. Jim Fishback Jr. first, with Chris Bowen behind cancelled or postponed because nailed down third, followed by him again. Mike. t-,1cCrory was of conflict with other, similar Marty Coyne, Mitch Mustard, third, Jeff Watsom to0k fourt:h events i:hat appeared on the Steve Kelley, Randy Rhinehart and Rick Boyer was fifth, calendar on the same date. But, and Ron Carter. followed by Mike Goodbody, when the Mickey Thompson In the second Class 10 dash, Gary Jones and Richard Wood. Series landed its final race of the Jerry Whelchel had a lot of traffic The top points arid $500 went yearatPomonasmackdabonthe in front of his last starting to Jesse Rodriguez, natch, and El Cajon ~late of Stadium Racing position, had trouble getting Chris Bowen was second. Jeff last October, Tripes took the bit around anti ended up eighth. Out Watson was thirld on points, in his teeth and went on with the front early and at the flag was Jim followed by M il<e McCrory, show. FishbackJf., who passed the first Rick -Boyer, Mike Goodbody, The date conflict was not the leader Steve Kelley, putting him Gary Jones and Andy Anderson. only problem facing the El Cajon down to second. Mitch Mustard, This class also paid six places. :. race. Rain and more rain, into the from Colorado, finished this There wr.d v_ 13 Baja Bugs in race morning, threatened the use moto in third place. Glenn Class 5-1600 on the line at El of the track. The course workers Galbraith ended up fourth, Cajon and they put on some put plastic covers on the track followed by Ron Carter, Frank close battles on the tight course.-just before the heaviest rain, and Arciero Jr., Randy Rhinehart Mike Taylor won the first round their quick thinking saved the and Jerry Whelchel. over David Hend~ickson, and course from being flooded out. Jim Fishback Jr. won the top Grant Steele was third. Rick The hardy spectators showed up purse of $700 in Class 10 for the Leigh Jr. took fourth and Stacy. that evening in sell out numbers, meet on points. Steve Kelley was Fay was fifth, followed by Greg over 5000 came to watch the second, Mitch Mustard took Burgin and Steve Lawrence. · action. The racers also came in third. Next came Frank Arciero The second round of Bug husky numbers to provide a wild Jr., Jerry Whelchel, Ron Carter racing was equally as fierce as the and spectacular show. and Glenn Galbraith. The points first, with poisitions changing A record purse of $10,851.50 paid. through sixth place. constantly. At the flag Bryan was paid out that night ·to a There were 15 chargers in Bisbas won the moto, and Greg -variety of classes. Among the car Class 1-2-1600, who had no Burgin was sec[ond. Andy groups on the schedule were place else to race that evening. Devercelly nailed third in the Classes 1, 10, 1-2-1600 and 5- Jesse Rodriguez waited out the heat, followed by Mike Taylor, 1600. There were two Odyssey traffic on the first moto, and slid Kathy Fay, Grant Steele and Ed. class.es, two for 3 wheelers and a into the lead at the flag in the Orozco. I quad class, making a full evening bump-em cat action among the Mike Taylor won the points, of racing. An inverted start restricted engine buggies. These but originally was set down two system was used, putting the cars were all over the track and places by the Ro1ugh Driving winners of the first moto at the off into the mud puddles on Committee. But, hfs win was re-back of the pack in the second occasion. Behind Rodriguez, instated after anl appeal was round, and the winners were Chris Bowen sailed into second made. Greg Burgin was second, determined by points from both on the first moto, followed by with Grant Steele in third. Next motos. Jeff Watson, Andy Anderson, came Bryan BiJbas, Andy Class 10 had a good field of 13 Gary Jones, Mike Good body, Devercelly and Stady Fay, the last cars, including many stars of short Rick Boyer and Mike McCrory. of the money winners. Next came David Hendrickson and Ed Orozco. [ · Class 1 brought out an even dozen cars, who also have few places to race short course events these days in the sbuthland. As always, the crow\d loved the antics of the swift unlimited cars. Jerry Whelchel took command in the first moto,I with Frank Arciero Jr. on his \tailpipe. Eric Arras whipped into third spot, followed by Richard Leigh Jr., Rory Chenowth, in the new, experimental MiniJ1Mag, and Ed Lynch. Eric Arras could taste the victory in the second Class 1 moto, when he went off The second Class 1 moto was a course trying to [ap cars,.and ended up second at the flag. wild one. Eric Arras took the Dusty Times January 1987 Jim Fishback Jr. scored a third and a first in the two motos and he drove the 'bhenowth to top points and the purse in Class 10 action. I Jesse Rodriguez had a perfect evening in his 1-1600 racer, as young Jesse-won both motos by using his head and also won a fat $500. lead ~ff the start, and looked good for the victory. Again Whelchel started at the back of t:he pack, but got close to the leader by mid race and was in second with two laps to go. Then Arras got in trouble trying to lap Rory Chenowth, and ended up in 'the hay bales. Meanwhile _ Whelchel slithered around the muddy areas to his victory, while Arras recovered-quickly to claim second place. Frank Arciero Jr. ~tayed in third this round, followed by Jim Fishback Jr., Bobby Morse and Ed Lynch. The story goes 'that there were some hot words and maybe more action in the pii:s after this moto. On points Jerry Whelchel won the bulk of the Class 1 cash. Arras was second and the pay back went through five places. Frank Arciero Jr. earned third, _ Ed Lynch was fourth, followed by Bobby Morse, Rory Chen-_owth and Jim Fishback Jr. In other action Michael Greenwell won the Suspende_ . Odyssey class while Dennis Elliott took top spot in. Unsus-pended Odysseys. Chris Schott won the A TV 200cc honors, and Brian Fuller took the big first place in 250cc 3 wheelers. Mike Coe won the Quad points. Stadium Racing U.S.A. pians a full schedule for 1987. But, this year they are standing back this month to see where other promoters place their dates before booking into their southern California tracks. Stay tuned for the when and where of the fun style short course racing from these.organizers. ] STRONGER-AXLES AND OUTPUT BELLS Upgrade the C.V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited I horse pow_ er off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. joints. I Convert Type II stub axles and output"bells to accept 930 C.V. joints. All· axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. Axles and bells for the 930 C. V.s can be supplied with 3/8-24 or 10 mm 1.5 pitch threads. 10 mm - 1.5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your ·supplied parts. "1A~VIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS _ DEALER INQUIRIES INVIT-ED I L Page 35 • I
The Miller High Life Off Roa.d Challenge Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises It has been some time since the HORA put on short course races at Glen Helen OHV Park near San Bernardino, CA. The track has been enlarged and graded under new management now, and the first event for both cars and A TVs happe·ned last October. The race format, was that of two or more motos for eactJ class with the winner for the day being determined on points. While trusty Trackside Photos made it to Glen Helen that day, with no problems, the DUSTY TIMES reporting staff failed to arrive, due to sundry troubles. So, we present a photo story of the inaugural short course affair at Glen Helen promoted by Don Brown and Bud Feldkamp. Dennis Kordonowyflew his tidy Class 1 to the victory in combined Classes 1, 2 and 5, taking home $472 for his day of racing in the southland. Landing hard, Dan Fisk was second on points in the 1-2-5 contest on the much improved Glen Helen course, and Dan· earned himself $200. Geoff Van Noort flew his Eagle over the lumps, and.was the first Always spectacular, Ron Carter zooms past the timing tower en two seater on points, but fourth in the combined Class 1-2-5. route to a fine 2nd in Class 10, and Carter was also $628 richer. Closely following his mate Carter, Randy Rhinehart hopped his way · to 3rd in Class 10 on points, and he took home $418 for his efforts. Staying close at the finish line, Stacy Fay drove her 5-1600 to a Close behind the winner here, Kathy Fay ended up 3rd in Class fine second place for the day, and Stacy won $200 as well. 5-1600on points forthemotos, and Kathy took home a purse of $150. Don't . miss out .Order Your ,....:0, Off-Road Racing 1987 CALENDAR Features: Top Drivers Action. Photos MAJOR RACE DATES Now $5.00 Postage Included M&M ENTERPRISES 5318 Don Pio Drive Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Page 36 Jesse Rodriguez flies past the grandstands in his new racer, and Jesse took second on points in Class 1-2-1600, and won $926 as well. Barstow racer Jeff Watson went well in his 1-2-1600, and he ended the day fourth on points in his class in the modified Hi Jumper. Class 1-2-1600 is a big one in short course racing as well as the desert, and Andy Anderson won· $462 for his third place at Glen Helen. Flying high here in the McDonald's Chenowth, Eric Arras has some problems later, and ended up fifth on points in Class 10. January 1987 Glen Helen OHV Park is a keen setting for short course races, and Ed Lynch enjoyed his flight to fourth place on points in Cl_ass 10. From the north, Dana Van Noort likes racing in southern California, and his big Eagle finished fifth on points in Class 1-2-1600. Dusty Times
I . , ~j,, ~;;-~ ,,1, ~ The Baja 1000 - where do you start? There were enough stories to write a paperback novel, the super version! First are the appreciation and thanks to many people who made the relays atop Diablo and the Blimp relay possible. All the Pace radio equipment was loaned to us by racers who were not competing in this race. Without this help there would be no relay. We never have enough radios to relay on as many frequencies used, or enough volunteers to do the job I ultimately envision. The volunteer help and the loan of the Pace radios is really appreciated. Thanks to Don Chase/Bob Stockton, Jim Sickles of Downey Off Road, Dave Wes them of W estcap Capital Corp., Brian Parkhouse of Parkhouse Tire, Gary Turner of the Chapala Dusters, Mel Christiansen of Advanced Y-Dub, and Eric Heiden of The Goodyear Weatherman Radio Relay Team By Bob "·Weatherman" Steinberger Gadzooks Four Wheel Drive, who by the way decided to run the 1000 and ·still let us have two radios. P.C.I. Race Radios put the program together and loaned everything else needed. Thanks to our Diablo crew who braved an ice cold wind that made the chill factor 10° at their perch above the observatory, at 9300' elevation. The super crew who did a teriffic job were Jolene Moorehouse of P.C.l. Race Radios, her husband David (his second trip up Diablo) and his friend Frank Simich, both men of the U.S. Navy. They had a great time helping people, and will be at the Barstow 250. Thanks to the Goodyear Blimp, aka Piper Aerostar, crew - my friend and pilot Jim Anders who owns the aircraft, a 260 mph pressurized twin. Our co-pilots were Bill Stevens, Bill Warren and yours truly. My appreciation to my son Scott Steinberger, who spent a Driving his new short course car, Butch Darling bested the eleven car field in Class 1-2-1600 handily, winning a cool $1156, the biggest purse of the meet. _ Dusty Times day and a halfl putting together. the equipment and installing it in the aircraft. Maria Lousia Morales obtained the permission to fly at night in Baja, and got the permits for the radios ~nd the use of the National Obsetvatory. She even had the gates open to us, and we usually have to attempt four wheeling around the gate and move a few rock barriers before the constable comes out, pulling, up his pants with one hand, a · flashlight under his arm and a 1 rifle in the other hand, to finally read our official papers and let us pass. I Thanks to IVY great sponsor The Goodyear [!ire arid Rubber · Company, whol~inanced most of the aircraft ancl P.C.l. Radios who financed the rest. Finally, thanks to all those racers, their chase vehicles and the pit organizations who always help us find the lost cars and keep people in touch. them! They really work. You can't even see any damage, although the flames were fifteen feet high and wind blown. · Our thanks also to the observatory people who lent us the cabin, and Don of BFG Relay even had a color television, so he could watch the Flintstones. Now for the Blimp stories. -When we. got smart and flew east-west, we could talk from a Ii ttle above Guerrero Negro to La Paz. The two relays together had a dead spot from south of Santa Ines to above Guerrero Negro. We had a plan to cover the course· and almost made it. But, the Pro-Seal never hardened where we came through the pressurized bulkhead with the seven antenna feed lines. Losing pressure, we couldn't safely go over 16,500 feet. Next time at 21,000 feet we will _ cover the course! Our Tempo handheld programmable, so we could relay on any frequency, crashed and literally burned when we zapped it with 28 volts by mistake. So, if your frequency wasn't on our regular •program, . we couldn't help you, and we are sorry. The airport at Loreto didn't . know in advance of our endeavor, so we had t·o "payola" to keep it open until we landed at 3:15 a.m. Friday, and they had had enough! They wouldn't fuel The SCORE Medical Team was, as always, terrific with regards to radio help, and B.A.R.A. {The Baja Amateur Radio Association) were great. These people l\ave been doing the same thing I do, helping other people who need help, for years with very little recognition. So, look for my story on this super organization in the very near future. But now, a few stories. How cold was it on Diablo? The Mexicans, feelililg sorry for our Diablo crew, loaned them the use of an "A" fram~ house to get out of the cold. 'IBey made piping hot spaghetti add coffee to take to the relay crew at the Scout, but it was ston~ cold,after 100 feet. 1 us or put the lights back on. So, we were grounaed until 7 :00 a.m. Since we kept the crew there I until 3:15 a.m., they didn't arrive to fuel us until 9:30 a.m. Frank Simich, taking gas from the Scout ( for those of you who haven't seen a 1985 International Scout with forty grand -counting mistakes - invested -stay tuned) undoing the steel braided line from the carburetor to fill a gallon can to ultimately gas the generat~r that runs the radios, hit the !gas can on the alternator + 12 volt terminal. It blew a hole through the can, ignited a half gallon of gas and the electric fuel pump was still pumping seven gallons a minute! Panic! I wasn't there to tell them it was insured by the Mexicans for 25 K. They weren't sure the BFG Relay Team had enough room for everything left to take them down thJ mountain, so they put out the fire. If you don't have Halon extinguishers, get The only other.negative aspect was our inability to communi-cate because at our altitude we heard so many transmissions we couldn't respond, without walking on someone else's effort. ·our sincere apologies to those of you who needed us for competitive traffic, and couldn't get through becau~ of our respective locations, low power I transmitters, too much traffic and of our having to go down for fuel. I wish there was a 21,000 foot mountain, so we could have constantly taken care of everyone. . 'For the Weatherman Radio Relay to be effective at any race, and at any altitude, we certainly learned one thing ... 151.625 and 151. 715 have to be designated "help" channels, and all racers have to get on other frequencies. If the two main frequencies could be used only for help, eg. "400 Chase One for a relay on BFG Frequency", we could meet 400 Race on their own frequency ancl effect the relay, keeping 151.625 and 151.715 open for help onlx transmissions. Think about it! It makes sense. We flew and relayed for 25 hours, the total our budget allowed. I knew I had about had it when I picked up the speaker to talk to and put the mike up to my ear! Bill Stevens, co-pilot, burst out laughing, and I am still the brunt of the jokes. La Paz, our final set down after 25 hours in the air plus ground time. The Gran Baja Hotel was where we had pre-paid rooms -Right! "Uno momento" said the surprised desk clerk. We had rooms Thursday through Saturday, and didn't show up Thursday. Many friends said we wouldn't get rooms, that there was a giant screw up, and that many teams with reservations were turned away. Well, we were beat ,_ my pilot and friend Jim Anders said, "I hope you have a way home if we don't get our rooms!:' He also said, "You have to be aggressive." So, I told the desk clerk who said "uno momento" for the fifth time, "In my country uno momento is one second, and pointed a second . out on my watch. So, he says, "How about a half hour?" Now this I understood, so I went to see how many class winners were on Pace radios and to have a cerveza. Not too much later my tirade paid off. Jim came in with two room keys, but the first one had two . live bodies in the bed. But, it all turned out well, or almost so. . At the awards party I got thrown intb the pool, but! took several Mexicans and some countrymen with tne. The water took out my replica of a birth certificate, and I had no tourist card, so they wanted to keep me at San Jose de! Caho. I hid in the plane and miraculously made it to the good old USA, where I contracted America's Revenge, found out about the fire with the Scout and got ready for the SNORE Midnight Special the following weeke,nd. It is never dull when you 're havi~~-a good time! Be·apart of the Weatherman Radio Relay team; it is different, challenging, exciting, never dull, gratifying. A really different experience. Everyone who has done it has enjoyed it, as it really is a . challenge! Contact Bob "Weath-erman" ·stein.berger, c/ o P.C.L, Race Radios, (213) 427-8177. THE GREAT CANDY CANE OFF ROAD RACE TEAM I , January 1987 Page 37 . j J
THE LOMBARD uc·-RALLY Timo Salonen Wins -The Driver's Title Up for Grabs Text & Photos: Martin Holmes Timo Salonen and Seppa Harjanne made their last drive for Peµgeot a dandy, 'as they won the RAC by' over a minute, taking the lead late in the four day event. · The reigning World Champion, Timo Salonen, seemed to enjoy his final day in the Peugeot, as he went on to victory, adding more laurels for th'e team. Swedish driver Kenneth Eriksson hardly looks 30 years old, as he posed after winning the 1986 World Group A Rally Championship at the RAC. without protest. Lancia entered two supercars for Markku Alen and Mikael Ericsson. Team Manager ~sare· Fiorio motivated the young Swede Eries.son in true Roman style by telling him on the morning of the start he was being replaced by Kankkunen next season. Ericsson arrived at the start as black as thunder, determined to prove Fiorio wrong. Against them Peugeot had three cars for Salonen, Kankkunen and Mikael Sund-strom. Ford had four RS200s, and Austin Rover no fewer than seven works entered16R4s. The rally attracted an unprece-dented high proportion of "I cannot remember ever surprise of the event was Mazda, British competitors among the having to drive flat out from start however, who won both the 150 s.tarters. The end of the tofinishbefore",saidthewinner Touring Car and Production supercar era did not lessen the Timo Salonen at the end of i:he (Group AandGroupN)categor-organizers' resolve on security. Loinl;;,_ard .RAC Rally, run J>.n_a ___ jes i~--the _J?r:eviously unreli;ible '·" Vigorous efforts .. to . i~prove new, four day, sleep-at-night Familia 4 WO model. safety on stages paid d1v1dends, formula. "Last year we The supercar Peugeot 205 while the ·route shortening and complained the rally was too Turbo 16s and Lancia Delta S4s provision for longer rest halts all dangerous for supercar drivers, won all but three of the 45 special contributed to an accident free this time they got it right, as you stages, and completely outpaced event. ,Missing this year were the can see". It was the Finnish the British prepared Ford stages on the North Yorkshire reigning World Champion's RS200s and MG Metro 6R4s, moors, tqo fast for supercars to, finale for Peugeot, the end of the although four of the 6R4s use, and any hint of an endurance . supercar era in Europe, and a finished in the top ten. As aspect. · . record breaking event. predicted, Kenneth Eriksson, Ford had one moment of glory Five drivers held the lead, the VW Golf GTI, became the when Stig Blomqvist snatched lead changing seven times. It was World Touring Car Rally the lead on the first special stage, the first RAC Rally to be won at Champion the moment the event but the Swede then dived to his more than the magic 60 mph started, in the absence of the only seryice crew to change a gearbox ayerage speed, and the first RAC rival, Rudolf Stohl, able to beat in the RS200. From then on the in which all top ten finishers used him. show was entirely stolen by the four wheel drive. Lancia driver The Sanr.emo exclusions still French and Italian cars, though Markku Alen came second, a haunt the rally world. Ho~ever, Blomqvist stayed in touch, by ,place ahead of Juha Kankkunen, Peugeot announced ~at the 205 seconds, with the leaders until and snatched a one point lead in Turbo 16s would run m the same early ,into the second day. The-the World Drivers' Champion- form as in Italy, and were allowed early "Mickey Mouse" spectator ship, with one round to go. The to run the . RAC in this form, stages had publicity and financial Group B cars will be seen no more in WRC contests, and gone will be the sight of hinges at both ends, as on Kankkunen's Peugeot, getting a little roof repair. Page 38 Kenneth Eriksson and Peter Diekmann took second in Group A in the VW Golf GT/, 11th overall and Eriksson became the 1986 Group A driving champion. January 19l7. importance ( up to four pounds behind. per spectator, with six figure The rally then turned south ' · paying attendance throughout again, and immediately Kank- ' the day) but not so much kunen jumped into the lead, significarice to the actual event. despite a flat tire, and Blomgvist-In the early stages Mikael was in trouble with water leaking Ericsson, Lancia, _was struggling from the engine. At the Penrith to stay in the top ten, but at the. service, the mechanics worked · end of the second day he was hard on.the Ford, but Blomqv-ist leqding. When the cars reached was out on the .next stage. • Harrogate on Sunday night, Ericsson fqught back to the Kankkunen led by four seconds lead again in the wintry Kershope fr~m Alen, desp_ite a fuel leak in stage, and maintained this until the Peugeot which flooded the the rally rt;ached the two car with toxic and volatile fluid. daunting Grizedale sections, that Tony Pond, on his last rally once more wrecked the hopes of before changing to a circuit many. Here Ericsson damaged . racing career, had his Metro in his front suspension on the first · third -place, a second ahead of stage, had a flat on the second Blomqvist, who was two more and fell from first to third. · seconds in front of the usually -Kankkunen lost his 'chance to slow starting Salonen. Alen had a · inherit i:he lead when he went off · 1ui:ky. second escape when he the road for three minutes, and · assaulted some trees, while through the melee came Timo · hitting the same obstacles was Salonen once more, with a Stig Andervang's RS200, never leading margin of nine seconds. the same again. Out was Marc At 3:30 a.m. on Wednesday Duez, 6R4, with engine trouble. the final leg began. The journey From Harrogate the real action · through Wales, now deep in started as i:he cars headed for the water rushing off the hills, was forests. The rains of the first day much _shorter than before, continued off and on: The first though . three stages in tht . big tes~ came at Hamsterley, Glamorgan forests could well where Blomqvist had a flat and provide a sting in the tail. The Pond almost stopped with pressure at the head of the rally transmission troubk, the results was increasing all the time, but dropped the two British cars to this was territory which Salon'en ninth and tenth /lace. But knew how · to handle. Still the Malcolm Wilson ha his 6R4 in greatest perils were punctures fourth, but he later had . here. As the raHy reached transmission trouble and left the Gl'amorgan, . the order was road, losing 38 minutes. Salonen, · Alen, Ericsson, Alen was driving hard and a Sundstrom, Kankkunen, and slip by Kankkunen let him take_ Kalle Grundel, RS200. Ericsson the lead. Then the Lancia in turn · sudden 1 y disappeared with 'had a flat, which let Salonen engine problems, but not before through. It was a relief to escape the Lancia team had been to Scotland, though the equival- sufficiently imp~essed to agree to ,·,"' ence of problems on the second reconsider the Swede"s future day left the top four drivers wi_th them,. · His exit left Juha . nearly level, five seconds apart. Kankkunen two places ( four But; snatching the lead at the points worth) behind . Markku lngliston fairground stage was Alen. Between them was Juha's Ericsson, .two seconds ahead of teammate Sundstrom. Did . •Salo-nen, ai:l'd· ·-Al·en, with ·Sundstromfalldtiwn'1:ofourthi n~ · Kankkunen an·other three .the face of-Kankunnen's attack, Markku Alen and 1/kka Kivimaki stayed close all the way, taking second overall in the Lancia Delta S4, and Alen took 'the lead for'tfie po/nts title: Tony Pond and Rob Arthur did a great job with the MG Metro 6R4, taking s'ixth overall. Pond now moves on to a circuit racing career.' Dusty Times
The RAC was the swan song in world competition for the Ford RS200, and Kalle Grundel and Benny Melander 1/kka Kivimaki and Markku Alen do not look particularly happy about their second place arid th~ points lead for Alenlin the David Maslen and Andrew Balfour won Group Nin the Mazda ·Familia 4WD, and the surprise of the rally took this one to _fifth overall. or wa·s he pushed? "Juha was driving·much faster than me", Sundstrom said, "and anyway he needed the points''. Sundstrom's teamwork gained him favors in Peugeot, a renewed contract to compete in Britain. Salonen's lead at the start-of the final stage was 24 seconds. The stage was to be the toughest of them all. Winner Salonen said "I decided the only important thing The SNORE Midnight Special World Driving Championship. I was that Mazda also won in Group A. · I · I to do was make · sure I came Peugeot of Mikael Sundstrom. through safe~y, hoJrever _long it Krlle Grund.el was fifth iri the took. Happily, A\en did . the ford RS200, followed by the same, and took even longer .... " . MG Metro 6R4s of Tony rand, After Salonen, Alen and third PJr Eklund, Jimmy McRae and placing Kankkune~ came the Drvid_Uewellin. Ingvar Carlsson to Trevor Ford,\ about ten minutes behind. Wlith five laps done, Troy Herbst was next in class, followed bV Larry Ellis who also completed five laps. There were five\ starters . in Class 10 also, led off the line by Larry Gilmore. Giltriore led the first lap also by aboJt six minutes over Mike· Rusnak,! with Aaron Hawley, right in his dust, and it was dusty. Jerry Lockridge was next, and Ron Ellenburg was out with transmission failure on the first lal?, , . Reports are sketchy on lap · won Group A in the Mazda Familia 4 WO, and David Maslen won Group N in a similar Mazda. In all, 83 of the 150 starters finished the 1986 Lombard RAC Rally. times, but the Class 10 race came down tci a fight between Aaron Tied for the overall points lead going into-the event, Brent Bell failed to finish in Hawley and Mike Rusnak with his rent-a-racer, and dropped to third in the 1986 points'stani:Jings. Hawley taking the win by about Two entries showed in the 2070, while Barry McDermott. nine minutes over Rusnak. Jerry Challenger Class, and after one was fourth with 2010.JackShort Lockridge got in five laps, and lap Tim Sims led Tim Crain by dropped from third to fifth at the · P' Larry Gilmore covered just three about 14 minutes. However, last race, with 1870, and Class 1 Rob ~a9Cachren glicfes i(Jt_o victory lane after "'(inning the race overall, taking the 1-2=1600 class honors, and winning his third SNORE/Yokohama points laps before retiring. · Crain went no farther, while charger James Barbeau was sixth As usual Clas~ 1~2-1600 was Sims got in four laps for the with 1740 points. . series overall. course took a very hard left onto the biggest bunch, and Rob victory. These top six drivers finished another road, did a big loop MacCachren opted to run in this-Rob MacCachren became the in the money on the 1986 around the mountain then class in the Valley Performance first three time SNORE points SNORE/Yokohama points another big loop and back to the Interceptor, since he was fighting champion, with his victory in series, worth an estimated Postponed from its traditional date the end of July, due to insurmountable troubles with · insurance, the SNORE Midnight Special took placeNovemher.,15,. on the same course near Boulder City, NV. Most classes were required to cover six laps of the 36 mile run, and 29 cars were on the line to start the race. The event turned into a twilight affair instead of running completely in the dark, in deference to the chill night winds on the Nevada desert. .~tart.line, after passing a wash full , hard fRr hi_s_thirq SNPRJ::overall . 1986. His other titles came in $15,000 in prize money, and of cows. · · · '· championsli.ip and t:he'l'4 cars'inv.,, 1982 and"l985. He also- worr 'wco1_n11ttairigee-nh·c0ym'periz$eS·s0.'00Ma_'00cC~0cnr·rhe15'.n'c,~,. There was a Bar-B-Que, th~ class w~ul~ provide more • ~hree ?f this yea_r'.s five races, k 1, The course held fast power ·line roads, and a rocky sand wash. In contention for overall points in Open Class, Gregg Symonds had quite a tale about his weekend. It started out Friday with a vehicle breakdown on the freeway, and . · the Symonds, . hauling their two seater, got · away from Los Angeles about 9 p.m. The race was scheduled to start about 1 p.m. on the Saturday. Symonds arrived at the pit area about ten in the morning and hurried off to do his pre-run, saying it felt like a . Tom Koch start, when you hu~y with the pre-run and sign in as you pass the start line. Off the start the course went through the pit area to a hard left turn on a · fine desert road that wound around some rocks. Next you wound around the mountain to a hard right turn into a tight sand wash, which brought you to a power line r,oad for a few miles, Next it was right, into another. sand wash, and back to the pit' area, way too soon to be back: But, just before the pits the Dusty Times cooked by Bert Vaughan of the pomts in his struggle against mcludmg the Twilight 2~0 and victory, ' and second through Silver Dust Racing Association, Brent Bell for the points title. the _SNORE ?SO, along ~1th_the sixth will earn $3000.00, before the race started. There The two young drivers were tied delayed runnmg of the Midnight $1500.00, . $750.00, · $500.00 were five cars in Open Class, goi_ng into the final race on Sp~cial. Ro_b gathered in 3030 and'$250.00 respectively. Those ·· leading off, but the start was pomts. pomts, while Kenny Freeman year end awards put truth to the delayed to wait for a bus load of It didn't take MacCachren and . moved into second place with , slogan ''It Pays to Race with Yokohama dealers, since Bell long to run a.Jay from th!;! 2310 points. Bell was third with SNORE." Yokohama is a major sponsor of rest of the 14 car field. After one the SNORE series. During the !al? Rob led Brent [ by under a drivers' meeting a vote was taken mmute.,Kenny Freeman was next to pre-run or not to pre-run next over three minutesj back, and, year, arid most of the SNORE after a spectacular flight with a regulars voted for no pre- hard landing, Jacki Short was running. The Californians think fourth, another ½ min_utes . it might be fun to race against the down. M_acCachren had the fast Las Vegas folks, when they t!me overall on the f/rst lap, then haven't pre-rt.in 15 times. Jim Barbeau led through lap 4 About a half hour late, l.,arry overall. I Ellis led off the line in his Class 2 MacCachren had a trouble free followed by Gregg Symonds'. race, taking . the ] 1600 class Trevor Ford, James Barbeau and . honors by 18 minl!ltes! w_inni~g Troy Herbst. After one . lap - th~ race overall, anq wmnmg his Barbeau was leading the class in third . overall· . SNCDRE poirits the only single seater in the championship. Brerlt Bell had a bunch, about eight seconds long list of woes, including . ahead of Trevor Ford. Larry Ellis ~rakes and lights, atjd go_t in j~st was a minute back in third with five laps. However, Tim Bell Symonds only three s~conds took second in the\ 1600 class, behind him. Symonds engine followed to the flag by Kenny. quit on the next lap, and after Freeman, Jr.,_Barry McDermott, half an hour of checking things, Howard Rmge_, /a~d Jerry he found a broken rotor key and Heaton, all covering six laps. · that was it for the day for him. · Alone. in Class 5-1600, Out_ front Jim Barbeau .Leonard Jones got in three laps continued to lead the Open Class on the course. The single Class 8 all the way, even though he had truck of Ron Fiedler1also covered to borrow gas, since he thought it three laps, as did David Strum in was a five lap ~ather than a six lap Class 7 4x4, 'the only entry in a race. Second m Open Class went mini truck. January 1987 Hill R.L.H. ENTERPRISE COMMUNICATIONS SPECIALISTS UNIDEN RACE RADIOS 337 W. 35th, Suite "C" National City, CA 92050 (619) 585-9995 Official BFGoodrich Radio Relay for all Score/HORA-Off Road Events. FMH 350 36 Channels with . built-in intercom. $550.00 Helmets Wired $175.00 Amplifiers for that Extra Punch "Convertable" . Hand-Held Radios Motorcycle Radio Systems our Specialty Race Proven by. JOHN CLA.RK GABLE - MAX RAZO RACING STEVE LAKIN - RICH MINGA - ROB TOLLESON MIKE LUND - HENRY ESCALERA z .. . I i .1
{ PIT TEAM REGISTER CHAPALA DUSTERS By Mike Klinger According to . Score · Official Steve Kassanyi, the final Baja 1000 finishing percentage was an astounding62 percent. Well, the ·· finishing ratio for the Chapala Dusters pit tearri was a remarkable 85 percent - eleven finishers out of 13 entries, including two class wins! The Challenger car of Kent Lothringer and Carl Cabaniss drove along flawlessly, with Carl ~ at the helm for the first leg. Kent ......,..,...._ had his problems at San Ignacio, , i::l I when the upper light gave way. We welcome all Support Team news articles. Typed ancl double· He drove the remaining 400 spaced C:<?2Y i!;JlCceptable. Deadl_ine _is the 10th of t,he __ m:>nth. miles on the lower lights. Because -CHAPALA DUSTERS LOS .CAMPEO~ES of the lighting mishap, Kent Jon Kennedy, Presldeni Malcolm Vlnje, President logged some tide pool time for 3117 Klllarney · 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 about 15 minutes, got back Costa Mesa; CA 92626 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 · under way and finished fifth in (714) 641-0155 <619) 292-0485 (home) class with a time of 32 hours, 40 Meeting-2nd Wednesday <619) 743-1214 (work) minutes. Kermit Rima and Dave Verdugo's Mexican Restaurant Radlo-FM-152·960 Bufe put their 1~1600 car on the Costa Mesa, CA course and had no major Radio-FM-151:n5 MAG 7 problems, except one rollover, CHECKERS Max Norris, President 4910 Townsend Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90041 (213) 255-1053 - (213) 254-1531 CORE Karen Clark, Race Director 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 Norlhrldge, CA 91325 (818) 345-3833 :t=.A.I.R. SUPPORT TEAM P.O. Box542 Stanton, CA 90680 Wayne Morris, President (714) 996-7929 Sandy Davis, Secretary (714) TT2-3877 Meetings 1st & 3rd Weds. Holiday Inn · Harbor & 91 Freeway l;l11c!l~_~M~_:15Q.~6() -Jerry McMurry, President d I · I · h b k Bruce Cranmore, Race Director . a{! ater osmg t e rear ra es. 11244 Horizon HIiis Drive Duster's "Pie Man" Fast Eddie El Cajon, CA 92020 drove the third and final-leg into (619) 440-3737 (home) La Paz, taking a fourth place class (619) 225-6886 (work) finish in 25 · hours and 30 TERRA Jan Sunderland, President 2542 Kemper Avenue La Crescents, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month -Jan Sunderland's house -'TIGH1'10 153 Lindell Avenue El Cajon, CA 92020 1~~1~8~:6.~35 (day) J619l 447-795~ (night) Gene Robeson, President (619) 466-8722 minutes. · The only comments from Pat Shea and John Alabaster were, "We were stuck and freezing!!" John started in the 2~1600 entry and immediately drove off "The Cltff" right out of Ensenada. From the Drive(s Seat By Di_ck Johnson ~ ~-~~--~.]-~ __ · _·,· __ i ·~~i!t:i~!.!~{~~~~: ~ i .. ii~. was our highest place finisher OFF-ROAD RACING TEAM · · once again. Gregg took home The SCORE/HORA final points race of the year is in the book, and for a change there was no controversy in the Challenger class. I would like to think that due to work and understanding between tech and the racers the problems have been resolved and ' . By Nels Lundgren fifth in Class 1, and ended up fourth in points standings. Tom_ Koch broke and ended up fifth in the standings. Dave Kreisler finished the race sixth in Class 2, and that put him in second on Class 2 points. ' ~·-The last race of the year has just finished in Barstow, and I find myself behind the keyboard of my new typewriter. So, let us · think back to the events that t<X>k place at the Baja 1000. Seven of the 14 club cars that started found their way to La Paz, and the Giggling Marlin. Our . best finisher was Gregg · Symonds, who grabbed three cows, a steering box from a wrecked car, and second in Class , 1. The club brought home fourth place in three different classes ... David Kreisler in Class 2, Russ Welch in Class 10, and John Howard in 5-1600 in his new car. Tom Koch and Tom Martin teamed up again to take seventh in Class 1, althoughT om Martin spent quite a few hours digging himself out of the sand. Lou Peralta and Willie Malacon · survived to take 12th in ·1-2-1600 class. And, last but not least, the Candy Cane Express finished 14th in Class 2. Walter said that he ran out of Candy Canes at the.last be;ich run, and had to recruit the l:ost Gonzo Air Force to · set up a· makeshift Candy Cane factory, so.he could finish. Now, back to our blustery day in Barstow. While the club did Page40 Russ Welch cruised into sixth in Class 10, giving Roger Mortenson third in Class 10 points. Randy Reinhart and Ron Carter got beat up by their car, but still finished, ninth in Class 10. The Cook brothers lost their i:ear torsion adjuster, which -dropped them from fourth to ninth in 5-1600 class. Although Alan ended up ninth on points and Darryl was 13th, their combined points would have put them in fifth overall. Lesson -don't break your hand in the _middle of the seasonj Alan. State of intent, member Rod Gabbert took one of Tabor's old Baja Bugs to tenth in Class 5, while Greg Heinrich took his car to 12th in Class 5. Terry Smith teamed up with Steve Lara and limped their car to 12th in Class 2. In all, it was a day of minor problems, no dust, and I have never seen people pack up and leave the desert as fast as they did at this race. Just to mention, there are some other people in the club that did well in the year end desert series points. In Class 2 -buried. · Usually the final race brings out new cars for shake downs for the new season and this was no exception. Eric Lightle who ran 5~1600s for so long showed up with a new to him, 1~ 1600. A riame from the past, which puts fear into anyone who has been around for a few years is back, Don Rountree from Sandwinder fame debuted his new Challenger car · (mid ' engine) and finished fifth. William Bunch also debuted a mid engine Challenger and t<X>k home first place honors, not bad for first races on both mid engine .cars. Between _Bunch and Rountree were the . same three as usual, Danny Le·n Newman was 13th, with Walter Prince 15th, and Tom Martin 16th. In Class 1-2-1600, Willie Malacon was eleventh, Dave Mansker was 18th, and Russ Butow was 19th. In Class 5, George ·seeley was tenth. Jim Greenway ended the year fourth in Class 10; · while Randy Reinhart was 16th and Boneheqd Broneau was 22nd. Don't forget the elections are .January 7, 1987, and the Checkers · annual banquet is January 9. The-cost for open bar and the meal is $20.00 a head. See you there! · January 1987 When they got back and running car finished ninth in Class 1-2-they were ·chasing seventh place, 1600, but not until it was rolled · until the car just stopped. We twice and cartwheeled twice in changed the coil, adjusted the . one touch of the dial, des'troying valves and ended up putting in a all but one headlight. Tom and new distributor; and the car was Bob Denault finished tenth in off again. But, this was the their 2-1600, but not until the beginning of the end and the car had a bad rollover, breaking motor went south. After sitting the bones in the driver's hand, for 16½ hours Saturday and when it got caught in the steering watching seagulls and waiting for wheel. help, the Shea/ Alabaster team We were pleased to have and car were brought home . . Henry Arras, 5-1600, and Rick· Close inspection of the engine Hagle, , Class 10 race with the revealed a melted number 3 Dusters in the Baja 1000, -piston and a hole.in number I. because they won their Mike and Morley Williams respective classes. There was not finished the 1000 in eighth place much to report, other than they· won! in Class 2-1600, but not until Morley's son Mike rolled the car Duster Pr~sident Jon Kennedy twice. The steering arm broke on and · Larry Smith did more the wav to Mike's Sky Rancho, partying in La Paz than they did and he ·had to head back to Valle driving their 2~1600. Off the ld d l start the oil light was on. They. Trinidad for we ing an oSt checked the oif and the level was valuable time. After.three more d A-OK. They kept going with the flat tires, the car finishe eighth oil light, thinking it was the in La Paz. sending unit. But, the engine Dave Black and Dave Jr. retired early in the event, causing entered _their 5-1600, and had Jon and Larry to make a beeline some initial trouble. It took Dave to La , Paz to ·become the Sr. 24 hours to complete the first welcoming committee. 500 miles. But, they finished the · _ Gary Jones, who usually drives race·and t<X>k ten th place in class. a 2-1600 car, teamed up with Jeff , Another 5-1600 for the Dusters, Quinn and Bill Boyer,to race the was driven by Steve and Bill. · 1000 on a 1986 Honda 250 CR. Taylor. The Taylors finished They · did pretty darn good, third in class. ' - fini~hing sixth overall · and third; Willie Higman and Mitch motorcycle to finish. Their.-,-Mitchell drove the Higman 2~ Honda led the entire event at one 1600 into some real trouble. time, but_-numerous -crashes,: Willie was stuck in a traffic jam dropped time, causing them tobe -·, off the start, but -then had about 20 minutes off the pace. smooth sailing.into Caiilalu. The They finished in over 18 hours. · Ashcraft, Rick Johnson ('86 points Champ) and Rich Minga. It should be real interesting in 1987 in our class. On to the race; it threatened rain all day Friday during contingency. I swear I saw a couple of snowflakes swirl through, it might have seemed colder, but the chili (which was -excellent, all four bowls) kel)t it warm. Walt answered every prayer by ordering rain Friday night, with light showers early Saturday morning. The course was great, no dust, excellent visibility, and super bite with the damp dirt. I don't think you could have gotten \ost on the course, the tracks were so visible; no excuse for missing a checkpoint. Again it was another fine effort by the HDRA crew. I admire you workers and volunteers, staying in the cold damp weather for your love of our racing. Thanks to all the workers and volunteers because without you, we the racers would not have·the quality of racing that goes on. Thanks again!! I wimessed one of the most sc·ary rolls and endo.'s -that I · personally have seen in my life. Brian Collins in the Collins Brothers Class 2 car was passing a slower car, hit a bertn he never saw_ and probably went for the ride of his life (including the co~ driver). · He went by me about eight feet off the ground, backwards with the left side down, endo'd _twice and went side over, I think three times. · Thanks to the stringent safety requirements of SCORE/ HDRA, both Brian and co~driver crawled out of the car to +ace-, again. I believe the chasis was a Chenowth, and thanks to their care and integrity, the· main cage . was bent, but mainly in good shape. The next time SCORE/ HORA mentfo!l anything about, , safety on our class, don't -say, "Why are you being so picky?", ask Brian Collins. I doubt he would argue ever again, if he ever did. I know I won't. The racing year is over in the SCORE/HORA series and it's been quite a year: A lot of new · faces, a .lot of new friends and some old faces coming back. Points championships were not decided until the last race,- a return to La Paz, we thought the end of two legends ( the Mint & Riverside), we lost some great off . roading friends to tragedies (but the finer moments will be with us), we gained new faces and friends in our community, and as .-. I reflect back it has been quite a year. I d~n't finish a single race, always something different. Looking towards 1987 we have a small change in the Parker · course, for the first time in years,· a r,ace in March again (in Vegas), the good possibility of a HDRA sponsored points race near Craig, Colorado in September, some new sponsors and of course, hop~fully, more racers, Have a safe and Happy Holidays. See you at the Banquet. . AffENTION DESERT RACERS DUSTY TIMES has contingency money posted at all Score and _ HDRA desert races. Check it out on contingency row - Two different classes each event. Dusty Times
O.ctober Adion for G.O.R.R~a.-Featured 100 Mile Races 1 _ _ Text & Photos: Darlene Thackston The second race at Cordele in Georgia was in late ' October. Then O.O.R.R.A. entertained visitors from Florida, racers).R. Taylor, Mark Bicker, Joe Cunningham and Glenn Steph-ens, and one competitor from far away, Russ Waddington from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The program was the same as in September, with a heat race and a main event for each of three classes. As usual, D Class led off the heat races, as Bobby Bramblett took the win, followed by Ray Whigham, Lamar Whigham, Ronnie Whigham and Clint Hurst, who had carb problems all day. In the feature race for the GOOD/'iEAR OFFROAD SUPPORT TEAM By PaulaSimms The Goodyear Offroad Racing Team ended the ,1986 SCORE/ HDRA . season in ··the same winning style they showed throughout this year. Due to some rain falling, very little dust was stirred up, a condition that helped create lap times much faster than had been expected. And when .talking to both drivers and spectators after the race, it seemed that everyone· agreed that the Budweiser 250, the last race of the .year, had some of the-best racing seen for quite a while. Our special congratulations to Walker Evans. The lead had changed so many times in Class 8 that no one was sure who would win · until Walker' crossed the· finish line first, just 2½ minutes ahead of Steve Kelley. And this win not only earned Walker the Class _8 Championship for 1986, but also the Heavy Metal Championship title. A great finish to a very good year for Walker Evans. · Congratulations also to Dave Ashley, Class 7 4x4, who held off all other dass drivers to wrap up another first place finish, and to Spencer Low, Class 7S, second place, and Dave Shoppe, Class 8, third place. The Goodyear Hi Miler competition came down to this last race of the year. And after the dust had settled, the results showed that the full product sponsorship from Goodyear-for 1987, the Hi Miler trophy, and the pit team flag go to Gil Divine and Larry Carlton for the second year in a row. Gil and Larry started every race this year and raced their way to a winning total of 2330 points. Congratulations to Gil and Larry, and we know they'll continue to be a great asset -to this sport with their enthusiasm. And finally, all of the Goodyear Support T earn would like to say thanks to all our old friends and also to the many new ones we've made this year. We're glad we were there to help you and wish you the best of everything in 1987. Dusty -Times ' - I I 1200cc cars, it was still Bobby including a change ih1the office of Bramblett day, as he covered the _ Vi_ce-Presiden~. No:w there is_ a 25 laps in first place, having , Vice-President for 1each class of taken the lead on the fourth cars. -round. Ronnie Whigham led the The riew, 19~7 J President is first three laps, then dropped to Tate Thackston, ajaed by Vice-second for the rest of the race. Presidents Jack Thompson, Class Mike Isola got the 22 laps then , 10, Bob Rule, Cla~s 1-2,1600, . lost a c.v. joint for third spot. and Ray Whigham,ID Class. The Despite changing an engine, John Secretary /Tre_asurer · is Joy · Plummer covered 14 laps, and Porter, and Co-Directors are Clint Hurst managed a dozen Larry Porter and H~rold Trader. rounds.. The Protest Committee will be In the Class 1-2-1600 heat Gary Thistlewood, I Ray Whig--race, the first eight cars finished ham, Ch;irles Lowery and Mike exactly in the starting order. J .R. Taylor won, followed by Denn-is Aiken, Tony Leftwich, Travis Hurst, Joe Cunningham, Mark Bicker, Bob Rule and Jerry Holcombe. In typical action on the front straight, Bruce Mitchum, #176, flies his Class 10 past Jimmy Evans, who was seventh in the 1-2-1600 contest. . A total of l3 cars lined up for the 1600 main event. J.R. Taylor took over the lead on the second lap, and he ,stayed there for the rest of. the day, covering a total of 25 laps for the victory. Fellow Florida driver. Mark Bicker . moved into second place on the tenth lap and _ finished there. Dennis Aiken -and Travis Hurst each got in 25 laps also for third and fourth. Travis moved into fourth on the 14th lap. In fifth and sixth place were Scott Haire and Jerry Holcombe, each with 24 laps completed. Tate Thackston had a busy weekend, and the new President of G.O.R.R.A. took a well deserved victory in the close fight in -the Class 10 main event. J.R. Taylor came from Florida to race, and he had a perfect day, winning both the heat race and the feature run in Class 1-2-1600. ,Jimmy· Eva·ns had to pit to change a flat tire, but he still did 22 laps for seventh, followed by Ronnie Whigham and Tony, Leftwich, at 21 laps each, and . Leftwich suffered a broken link pin. Russ Waddington got in 19 laps, and Jack f-lanson was out after seven laps with a slipping clutch. Joe Cunningham rolled on tne ~ixth lap trying to passJ.R .. Taylor. Gler1r.1 Stephens covered three laps, with carb problems, and Mickey Smallwood lost his transmission on the very first lap. In the Class 10 heat race Bruce Mitchum was out in front when he missed .a turn, because the track has been shortened. Bill Gaylord went on to win the five lapper, followed by Lindy Herell and Tate Thackston. . The Class 10 feature race saw a . big fight for the lead in the first eight laps._Lindy Herell took the lead first, followed by Bill Gaylord and Tate Thackston, who had Bruce Mitchum and Mike Isola close behind. On lap 7 Tate Thackston took over second place, on Lindy's tail. Tate passed Lindy on lap 9, to take over the lead he held to the victory. Struggling with a broken trailing arm, Herell dropped to second spot, and then out. Bill Gaylord. took third, followed by Bruce Mitchum, all covering 25 laps. Jimmie Evans, in his 1-2-1600 car, was third in Class 10 with 23 laps completed. Jack · Thompson was fifth, out after 18 laps with engine trouble. Ray Whigham was sixth with ten laps done, followed by Lindy Herell and Michael Moore. The 1986 General Rules Meeting was the best attended ever for O.O.R.R.A. There were 31 voting members present. New officers were elected, and a few ru·le changes were made, It was Florida day in Class 1-2-1600, as Mark Bicker Sliding through a tight corner, Bruce Mitchum losthis took over second place in the main event on the tenth early lead in the Class 10 heat race, but came back ______ la-'-p_a_n_d_h_e_f_in_is_h_e""d_t_he_r_e. ___________ st_ro=n=g'=t=o finish third in the main. Dennis Aiken had a good day in Class 1-2-1600, taking his older car·to second in the heat race and-a very close Russ Waddington came from the far north, amilton. Ontario, Canada, to race in Class 1-2-1600, but covered just 19 laps in the main event. · third place in the feature. Isola. The Head scorekeeper is Sheri Thompson. A new office was added to the board, the Rough Driving <Committee, made up of the !three Vice-Presidents and the co-Race Directors. . I Under rules changes, next year all cars must have mirrors, and they must be mounted in a way to make them functional. Restrict-or plates have been dropped for the 1600 class. Ea:ch buggy must have the appropriate number for the class of competition. All 1600s must have a 6 for the first of three digits, Ds Wiill be #0-99, and Class 10 three d,igit numbers will all start with _a zero. January 1987 _ I CAU~~ _ R.E. RACING · USIASTS C.O.R.-E. PIT TEAM: C.O.R.E. offers unique pit services at western desert races, a family oriented club with social activities and much more for its members. Get 1 all the information on C.O.R.E. Karen Clark, Race Director, (818) 345-3833, 17045 Roscoe 1 Blvd., #11, Northridge, CA 91325. Page 41
Bob"TIN .MAN'.Behrea11 (71.4) 678-4649 .RaeeC.U-~;J~ :J/A By Behrens RACE CAR ALUMINUM BODI E's FUNNY CAR ALUMINUM INTERIORS 4072 CRESTVIEW DRIVE LAKE ELSINORE. CA .. 92330 a.le.§ftJ ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~I~~'?-', .p~~ . Competition Tires .· . .._a Off road & .Motorcycle Products 17501 Lemon Ave., L./nit D Hesperia, CA 92345 (619) 244-0477 (800) 892-5263 , 619-583-6529 . BY APPOINTMENT ONLY . RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM .FABRICATION • RACE CAR PRE~ 6630 MacARTHUR DR., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 BEtt M-ORih .,...,.,_...,,RACING · -~ AND • J~~tLirs (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SP-RINGS, CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN.FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS!' 208 4th Avenue E. ...... J ED& BARBARA BEARD Buckeye, AZ 85326 · (602) 386-2592 <&rnup ruckmann San Diego (519> 578-1585 6 C YLINDER PORSCHE a°FF ROAD RACE ENGINES. WINNERS AT 8626 COM M ERCE AVE. IN MIRA MAR ·page 42 C>< FOR GORKY Mc'MILLIN DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK McMjLLIN 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill SPONSORS ALFORD OISTRIBUT1NG * THE WRIGHT PLACE * RACE READY PRODUCTS * SOUTHWEST RACING PROMOTIONS * OFF-ROAD BUGGY SUPPLY * CLAiREMONT EQUIPMENT RENTALS CONTINGENCY ·SPONSORS -JOE STIDMAN'S HEARTLAND MEAT CO.; CORONADO AUTO BODY; . GOWLAND MOTORSPORTS; HPS LUBRICANTS; FIBER-TECH ENG., INC.; BAJA CONCEPTS; T & J BUGGY SHOP; ARDS TRAILERS; B_OZO RACING TEAM; THE □COTILLO TRAILER PARK; SAN DIEGO OFF-ROAOER;· . ARMSTRONG TIRES; MIKE LUND'S HOUSE OF BUGGIES ·n. . u . . ' . OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION THE SOURCE FOR "PRO-COMP SERIES" RACING MOTORS & TRANSAXLES. SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS WALK 1N 818·334·4951 PHONE ORDERS 818·969·7967 915 W. FOOTHILL BL VD., AZUSA, CA 91702 Send $1.00* for 1987 Catalog and receive $2 off your first ordert ~~-CAMPERS • HIKERS • HUNTERS'• FISHERMEN ON-OFF~ ROAD TIRES ATV TIRES WHEELS OFF ROAD LIGHTS SUSPENSION . STRONGEST CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE -OUR OESIGN OR YOURS , , •, ,... SNAP 0~ • STRA~JIE .. • JIOLL \,IP STYlE.;,.,,, .. ~ 'fj> Mel SNAP ON P~N~CsN:~RO:uiLJ~: :~f1~1:tG~1W/~ifJLEAR INSERT TO · DIVIDE THE COCKPIT FROM THE REAR OF VEHICLE TO REDUCE BACK FLOW OF DUST & ENGINE HEAT SLIP ON SEAT COVERS "DESERT RACER" ~~:D PRODUCTS·· P.O. Box 2233, San Marcos, CA 92069 , DIRT DIC/TS, tPlaJlfJJUJ[ff] '-BlOCK NUMBERS WITH STYlE u.sA . .J . (619) 729-2269 {818} 882-7808 10138 CANOGA AVE., CHATSWORTH_, CA 91311 DIRJ·· · RIX (602) 253-5289 Champions'hip Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 January 1987 PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS . (818) 391-3033 DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FERNANDO, CA 9134Q We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Co'!'ponents · 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 Bob Cassetta Don Rountree ,, I . 825-0583 888-2703 -241 S. Arrowhead.Ave. SAN BERNARDINO FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS!·~---.---R-EN_T_A_LS- VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 AVAILABLE 4751 _ST ATE ST., BL.D. D, ONTAR_IO, CA 91761 . . 1985 SCORE/HORA ENGINE BUfLDER OF THE YEAR VW & Porsche Ill.a,·· Racing Engines ~ .· &: Transaxles ._ _._. . PERFORMANCE ·Race Car Preparation Intake ~ Exhaust System Components. for VW Type I. Rabbit, TYPE IV. 911 1450 N. Glassel!, Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 (619) 465-3782 l Get Your sn1PT , Togethe,:t · ~ ~ \~-------'---p OR Tl /'I .T RAI'ISAX LES 3006 Colina· Verde Lane Jamul, California 92035 Doug Fortin · Dusty Times .
' . . n nnr.lftW&'DJ1 0, ~IJ\J r:v",. . '-,: ""-, \ -->---> .n-..:~~; ..... - ·,. RE-l~A8L£ V.W. PAffl 11623 SHEL-DON ST. SUN VALLEY. CA 91352 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 .. (408) 377-3422 R>X RACING SHOX. _ 520 McGllncey Lane, Campbell -Calif. 95008 · · Fuel Bladders Dump Cans 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, GA 92708 Quick FIiis Std. FIiis (714) 962-0027 _GARMAN. FABRICATION ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) 620-1242 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA. CA 91766 . WALT LOTT 12997 Las Vegas Blvd: So. 702-361-5404 Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 Dusty Times •Alloy Axles & Spools •Mag Dana 60's •VW Master Diffs. •VW Axles Send· This Ad In For.A Free Catalog. HOUSE of BUGGIES 7302 Broadway• Lemon Grove, Cf 92045 • 619-589-6770 MICHAEL LUND . · Owner I · P.O. Box 1065 • Solana Beach, CA 92075i0830 • 16.19) 753-3196 j Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 dl@lllOt:i V. W. Sentice REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE . . --.. . 6291 Manchester Blvd. _Buena Park, CA -90621 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BOIJIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES 6R~ _PIUHU«,/4 _ (619),562-1743. "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 OHN 'ACINC PIIOIHJCTS OHNSON -JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON s«wl $2.00 #or Catalog l CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINN ING SUSPENSION SYSTEMS PER FOR MAN CE H1CH PERFORMANCE SHOCKS P.O. BOX 81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 [619] 583-2054 10 Tlmlf BAJA 1000 Winner DUAL & TRFlE SHOCK SYSTEMS RIIERClASS 60• V-6 2.1 MOTOR PARTS LEDUC OFF' ROAD 186 BALDWIN STREET I · 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. WEST SPRINGFIELD, MA 01089 TEL. (413) 739-4111 RACE\ TRUCK FAS. ~1: ·~ , , -,, it7i 4WD · TRUCK - ? .....::;: .. _ ->,,,•• I .. , .... _.,..-_. -·· REPAIR INST ANT SERVICE TRUCK ACCESSORIES January 1987 A.., ... , o~~~f(> ttf...' ~f Q~'< STANDARD ,\\)~ -4\,V 'b-v -REBUILDS ,9 ,~ ~~ L ~ r~ -~~~+v ~ ~~ ,:-,:-(619) 244-3584 4' <\.t~Ci§"0 ~~ 11435 Santa Fe Ave. East -Y Hesperia, California 92345 ~"l" McKENZIE'S AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAREHOUSE DISTRIIIUTORS FOR CENTER-LINE WHEELS TECTIRA TIRES KC LIGHTS SUPER TRAP SPARK ARRESTOIIS CIIIIE LIGHTS MCKENZIE AIIIFILTEIIS WRIGHT PLACE. DUl'tA ■LUE ULTRA BOOT WESTERN A-UTO TIRES 818-764-6438 818-76!5-!5827 SWAY- A - W _AY IIILSTEIN SHOCKS -K.Y.19. SHOCKS BEARD SEATS HEWLAND GEARS GEM CHARS CROWN NF'G. NEAL PRODUCTS RAPID COOL TRI-NIL 129415 SHERMAN WAY, NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD. CA 9UIOS MENDEOLA, -· RACING, · TECHNOLOGY VW • PORS(:HE • HEWLAND RACIN(i CEARBOXES (619} 277~3-100 7577 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO. CA 92111 5\S_ . C t-4 f>. S Custom Built to Your Needs by V-ENTERPRISES Bill Varnes Mike Brown 32817 Crown Valley Rd. Acton, CA 93510 805/269-1279 INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF_ High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including .. _ • NEAL Cutting Brakes"' • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clutches and Throttles · ... plus much -more. Complete Catalog. $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. · 717 I Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 ( 619) 565-9336 Page43 ' I
"USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Per{ormance·Dealer Today -Oil -Fuel -Transmissions -Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine QUALITY GUAR~NTEED Oberg Inc .. 12414 Hwy. 99 So., Dept. OT, Everett, WA 98204 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENG.INEERING 6879 ORAN C IRCLE. BUENA PARK. CA. 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 W D . VANS & P1c_KUPS ·ac MINI TRUCKS GABRIEL RACING SHOCKS • BAJA RYOERS PRE-RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS A XLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION NO BLOCKS USED • WELDING: 8r: FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 Established 1974 ORE. OFF ROAD EN6/NEERIN6 · Off Road llace (!an 9720 Cozycroft Chatsworth. CA 91311 .... ,f~ OFFROAD VIDEO GREG LEWIN (818) 882-2886 Close-Up Action From 1986 SCORE/HORA Desert Serles Races and SCORE Off Road World Champlonshl~ 1 Hr; VHS Video Tapes $29.95 each P.O. 'sox 444 Please Write for .Information El Segundo, CA 90245-0444 . nw c:1! V THE POWER IN RACE RADIOS • 90 WATTS • SYNTHESIZED ( 213) 427 -8177 • RACE & BUSINESS USE • NEW R0A0MASTER SERIES -50 WATTS· S499 PHONE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL 2188 GUNDRY AVE. · SIGNAL HILL, CA 90806 IKE' FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering Hole Saloon Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER, CALIFORNIA Page 44 PORCO PRECISION OFF ROAD COMPANY~ Retail Parts • Fabrication • Prototype 721 UNIT B SAN BERNARDINO RD. . (?OVINA, CA 91723 TONY VANILLO (818) 915-3847 (818) 915-3848 P.O. BOX 323 • SEAl!URST WA, 98082 (206)242-1773 PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRA·MES 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY. NEW LENOX. ILLINOIS 60451 18151 485-RACE 17223) Quality Products Fastener Specialists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845 East Compton Blvd . AL KEY (213) 515-3570 PERFORMANCE. COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES 1S OF 1 Paramount, CA 90723 DOUG FREEMAN (213) 320-9584 P.O. BO X 3757 GARDENA. CA 90247-7457 Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place Anaheim,CA 92805 · January 1987 RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 • (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK 'WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914's -u~~o · (213) 583-2404 . SANDERS SERVICE, INC. . METAL PROCES~ING , . 5921 Wilmington Avenue Los Angeles. California 90001 SANDBLAST .GLASS BEAD · MAGNETIC PARTICAL . FLOURESCENT INSPECTION Rick Munyon Larry Sm_ith ' ~1:--:-. . SaH 7~'-'1--..,........_~Z'~ eut« \ ✓>",_) 1533 Truman Street ~j~ .San Ferna~do:Ca 91340 ~11 ..l .. l1[Lfj,__Phone (818) 351-1.rn SO-CAL PERFORMANCE r,.-W a 8504 E. Compton Blvd. ~~'\> Paramount, CA 90723 0 \ (213) 408-0440 -....... ~~ - . ... - ® IF YOU PAY FOR IT,. I : ~"I WHY NOT GET THE BEST!!! . '" S.Ci.F.T~ CAR TOW ROPE From 6,60.0 lbs.--: Up to 44,000 lbs. From Passenger to Heavy Duty Truck HASHl;.KEN CORP. -U.S.A. INC. 312 E. First St. #400, Los Angeles, CA 90012 Tel: (213) 620-9229 FAX: (213) 620-0160 Call your nearest dealer. In L.A. McKenzie Automotive. 1986 BUDWEISER SUPERSTITION 250 Ill WINNERS GREG HIBBS -1st OVERALL, 1st CLASS 10 , · KEN SNYDER · 1st 2-1600; BRAD INCH · 1st 1-1600; MAX RAZO 1st CLASS 5; MARK CAMERON • 1st OPEN; ANDY DEVERCELL Y · 1st 5-1600; REX LEWIS -1st CLASS 100; JIM DELANEY -1st CHALLENGER; TIM YOUNG -1st TRUCK; HAL GRAVES: 1st CLASS 6 Dusty Times
LOCATION Anaheim, CA Bakersfield, CA Bullhead City, AZ Colton, CA_ . Corona.CA El Centro, CA Fullerton,-CA Hayward, CA Lancaster, CA Las Vegas, NV LDng Beach, CA Oaklari~/S.F., CA Phoenix,AZ Riverside, CA San Jose, CA . DISTRIBUTORS Tom Stalarz Dave Pedrow/Wayne Ulberg Tim Schmidt Larry Stover Dick Ald_en_/John Donahoe Cal Performance Mike Mc:Neece Jim.Finn La Vern Unser Jack Bwtwick Dave Pedrow/Wayne Ulberg Darwin Pilger/Tom Tonal Dave Wayt . Chris Price . Bill Wilhoit/Ed Clark Sand Rails John Graham · Mike Whitacre Tucson, AZ Don Larson Van Nuys, CA Qave Wayt Ventura, CA Bill Tipton Yuma, AZ Robert McNeece TELEPHONE (714) 630-3810 (805) 948-6044 (805) 324-9882 (602) 758-5480 (714) 877-0226 (714) 735-7223 (619) 352-4721 (714) 738-7820 (714) 635-5553 (415) 783-6500 (805) 948-6044 (702) 457-5906 (213) 437-4373 ( 415) 428:2600 (602) 278'.6271 (714) 682,3270 (408) 723-3835 (408) 294-4513 (602) 745-2247 (213) 437-4373 (805) 659-5609 (602) 782-6543 P.O. Box 610, 333 West Broadway, Suite 202 __ Long Beach, California 90801_-0610 (213) 437-4373 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers of Quality Drive Train Components SUPER BOOT PRODUCTs-1549 W. Collins, Orange, CA ~2667 714-997-0766 ,-, no answer 714-997-0767 Suspension Components . (818) 988-5510 7840 BURNET AVE. • VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 GET INTO "GEAR" WITH THE -WINNING NAME IN TIRES Baeoall Cap: twill/mesh, one size lits all: your -choice of blue. black, grey. red or yellow. ss:oo T-Shirts: 50/50,·ayailable in S, M, L. & XL, your choice of blue, white. grey, red or yellow $7.00 Patches: 1 'I,'' X 5"; yellow with black logo. $.SO_ Decals: 12" X 3" black o·r white on clear. $1.00, or 26" X 5" with black, white. red or yellow die-cut letlers. $5.00 TO ORDER YOUR "GEAR" ... please mclude item. quantity, size an~_,color._and send check. monl:!Y order or MC1VtSA" (Ohio resIden1s add 5'.5% ta){) to . ' -~ Mic/fey Thompson_ · ~::==:==ui~I PERFORMANCE T1RES P.O. Box 227 • Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222 Inside Ohio - 216 928-9092 'OUTSIDE OHIO - 800 222-9092 morc ••• TRAIL NOTES KACE TNIINS BY JEff RElDS I mfiNS8XLE ·ENGl·NEERINCi1 .. . 1 • JEFF FIELD 998-2739 I 9833 D~~;ing I , Unit H Ct1atsworth, CA 91311 1 -.TRAC¥1DEj _ Photo Ent~lses · PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES . CA. 90009 18710 SO. NORMANDIE • SUITE q • GA~DENA. CA. 902,S Jim Ober . ·. (21313~7•44! 3: . , I llACING PIJOTOGllAPHjY SPE4:IALlffS I TAIL~ racing gasoline Alameda County Bakersfield Bremerton Denver Hawaii Huntington Beach L.A.-1..ong Beach Las Vegas Monterey Ora'.'ge County (415/ 538-RACI;: (805/ 393-8258 (206) 377-7951 (3031 452-5239 (808/ 682-5589 (7141 536-8808 (213/ 863-4801 (702/ 871-1417 (408/ 899-1010 (714/ 634-0845 WE DELIVER!!! Phoer ix . Portland-Vancouver ::~;*eento San 9iego ·Saugus . Seattle Spokane Tri Cities TUcsop I (602/ 951-2575 12061 69l 36o0 (714/ 787-8141 (9161 334-RACE (61'9) 460-5207 (8051 259-3886 (206/ 833-0430 (509) 483-0076 ::~~: ~:t!!!: Division of Off Ro, Concepts . · 58838 Douglas Lane Yucca Valley, CA 92284 LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C Fullerton, Ca. !fa,631 ,· ,r Dave Snoddy (619) 365-0162 Louie Unser (714). 879-:8440 THE WINNSlls·eHOleE. Fact is, WEB-CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS have _been used by more winning drivers and engine builders_in 1985 than any other brand I Ask the top professionals before buy-ing your next ca,:n. Call us for your winning cam for street', strip and off-road. Send $3 for complete 1986 catalog. ·12387 Doherty Street · Riverside, CA 92503 WJ/I/EB-CA/111 . PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS (714) 735~2200 "Not teg"al tor sale in CAon pollution controlled vehicles. Engine & Machine Phone (602) 242-0077 2733 W. Missouri VW -PORSCHE -OFF ROAD . 947 RANCHER0S DRIVE SAN MARCOS, ·cA 92069 (619f74 i-6173 Custom Wheels Phoenix, Arizona 85017 ~· Two for the OH-Road! trtVW . 0 . S For advertising rates & information contact Wright Publishing Co., Inc. PO Bo)( 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Get the word out al;,out-your business,.-•·_ big or small. Put. youT . business card in the "GOOD STUfF QIRECTORY" and reach new custom.;n . . Good _Stuff Directory Ads are merely. $18.00 ~i:month. CAR CUSTOM, the huge YW Parts and Accessories store in Azusa, CA is moving into the off road indu_stry. Just weeks ago they opened an off road department, and they carry all major brands of anything and.everything you might need. You can shop in person or by mail order. Check out their ad on STEVE MILLEN is making more news by starting his own autosport accessory b~siness. The latest venture is called Steve Millen Sportparts, Inc., and he will be marketfr,g a. variety of unique accessories for the light truck marker. The products are called the Stillen Liq.e,.and are not.limited to trucks, although truck owners'stluely like to personalize their vehicles these days. The new shop is at 1743 East[ Borchard Ave., Santa Ana, CA 92705, and you can phone for information to (714) 835-6095, 1 Subscribe to DUSTY TIMES page 1.5 of this issue. . . 3 WHEELING MAGAZINE is changing its name. The original all terrain vehicle magazine produced by Jim Wright's merry qand of off road crazies, will be known as ATV SPORTS. Since the industry seems to lean toward making more 4 wheelers than 3 wheelers these days, _the name change makes sense. Wright Publishing is certainly keeping up with a changing industry, so don't be surprised when your March issue arrives with a new name. Dusty Times THE FINAL FLAG__;__ It was a ~hock to learn of the sudden death of Cher-yl Manning early last November. Cheryl was a devoted off roader, driving in some races and working on the Score timing and scoring crew for many years. An active outdoor sportsfoman, Cheryl spent much time in Baja California. · She had planned to take part in the Baja 1000 this year, We offer our sincere condolences to her family and friends, and we 'will all miss her presence at the off road events. I f January 1987 See Form Page,3 · Page 45
---,---------. ,,•·;_,.,,:' \ ;-, I FOR SALE: Class 8 race truck. 400 engine, '67 Ford chassis, fuel cell, Chrisman rear end, fultdisc brakes, B&M trans.; Tom Lee pumps, torsion bar assist front & rear. Many extras - Btidgestone, Flame-out, $48,000 invested. Quit racing. Any reasonal:,le offer. Call (818)- 887-4580 or 884-6605. ·Classified ••• FOR SALE: Class 5 convertible, with Wright, Hewland gears, pc:,wer steering, best of every-thing, trailer. 2nd in the 1985 Baja 1000. Strong 2180 -$9,900.00. Serious inquiries only. (619) 462-1380. RACE CAR SHOPS: Top qual-ity steel buildings. Standard • . buildings or custom designed to . _1 your needs. Buildings .. coine complete with everything for the · do~Tt-yourselfer or we can. construct for you. Save 20 to 40 percent over conventional building. Call Tom at (619) 256-0262. FOR SALE: 1972 VW Thing. New white paint, new 1650 motor. Call Rick at (805) 393-6350. FOR SALE: Funco Hustler ST, A-arm. Air suspension, front 10 inches of travel, torsion rear, 16 inches travel. Complete car less engine, trans, disc brakes, Flame Out. Can supply drum brakes. $2500.00 - negotiable. Call (6~) 829-4095. --FOR SALE: Race Ready 86 T -Mag single seat Challenger car. 100" wheelbase, new motor and transaxle, trans, best of every~ thing. Fox, Bilstein, Y okohamas, car is brand new, raced one time. Many spares, shocks, tires, trans, comes with trailer. Call after 5 p.m., (805) 252-4515 FOR SALE: Mirage2-1600, new powder paint, 116" WB, 14½" rear travel.'Fresh engine and DJ transaxle. Wright combo with . 1 O" front travel, Fuel Safe, Super Boot, Dura Blue, turbo cvs. Sway-A-Way, Fox, Centerlines, Filler, Edwards and Yokohama tires. Includes trailer plus extras. $10,000.00 or best offer. Call ' (805) 948-9776. FOR SALE: CLASS 10 or, 1 Chaparral. Complete Wright . coil over front end, Fox, combos, 10" w, 4" longer, AMS disc rear, 930 cvs, spare rack, jack; fresh trans. Extra body, new paint. Raced two times '86, five times '85. Excellent shape. Less engine, $6500.00. (206) 883-6558. FOR SALE: Larry Ragland's Class 1 desert car. 3400cc Porsche engine, Hewland trans-mission. Completely rebuilt and capable of winning any desert race. Many overall victories including the 1986 Mint 400. This car is extremely quick and · reliable. Call Larry Ragland or Jim Selsted at (602) 269-5151. FOR SALE: 1984 Funco SS 2. 100" wheelbase, fresh Class 10 1650cc engine, bus trans with Hewland gears, Super Boot axles and cvs, Sway-A-Way secondary suspension, Fox shocks, Wil-wood disc brakes, Wright rack, Neal pedals, fuel cell, Flame Out, Accusump, Rapid Cool, Parker Pumper, Weld wheels. Only seven races on car. For more info' call (203) 673-1443 or (203) 673-3809. . MUST SELL: Class 10 custom single frame, body panels, all skid pans, complete rear suspen-sion, Super Boot, Dura Blue, turbo CVS, Frisk rear arms·, Rough Country, Wright Place chromoly 8" beam, chromoly trailing arms. $1700.00 - nego-tiable. Call Dennis Green, eves or weekends at (619) 442-8953. FOR SALE: Off Road Champ-ionship Gran Prix 1986 points champion. Monte Crawford's :FOR SALE: Short course champ-ion. 1986 LA Coliseum and San Diego Stadium winner as driven by Sherman Balch and Roger Mears._Ready to run and win in 1987. Complete with Nissan FJ-24 twin earn engine, A TI prepped . trans and quick change rear end. Many spares. Contact John House, Electtaomotive Engineering, Inc. (213) 322-4084 or (213) 322-6105. FOR SALE: 7S Mazda. Raced five times. Extra motors, trans-missions, tires, rims, 9· in. Ford spool, reverse· shocks, Master-craft, race ready for 1987. $11,900.00 or offer? (619) 444-5447 or (619) 588-0400 eves. FOR SALE: 1966 Baja Bug, street legal. Rebuilt swing axle, 1358cc, ball joint front, KYBs, Edwards, Streakers, Beard seats, alum. panels, new wiring, one piece front. $2000. Call Jeff at (714) 777-8800 (days) or (714) 840-3965 (evenings). WANTED: Sponsor or partner for new Class 2 car with. the best of everything, professionally built by Station 1. Very competitive. Experienced racer for 10 years needs expenses paid ( entry fee, gas, upkeep). Pictures and info' · available. Call Steve at ( 602) 278-7324, days, or (602) 978-5140, eves. FOKSALE: UltraStock or Class 1, Mazda rotary powered. Too many extras to mention. $7000. Consider partial trade. Call Rich at (714) 599-6722 or (619) 243-5375. winning Chenowth Magnum. FOR SALE: Volker Bruckmann Disc brakes, power steering, is selling two Porsche 6 cylinder turbo cvs, etc. Best of everything, 2.8 liter off road engines. One with both Chenowth and VW has been raced by Mark McMil-Golf bodies. Class 1-10 or Ultra- lin only 20 hours from fresh, the Stock. Sacrifice, $10,000.00 other is fresh. Both engines are complete, $7000 less motor and guaranteed to finish first race if trans. Call San Marcos Tire properly installed. 240 HP with Mart, (619) 744-7481. greatreliability.Beawinner!Call FOR SALE: Baja Bµg pre-PARTNER WANTED:Partner's- . Volker at (619) 578-1585. runner. Centerlines, Sway-A, Way,JaMar, dual shocks, Master-illness -creates opportunity for ATTENTION. 1-1600 owners. craft seats, five point harnesses, full, one third vested interest in Selling complete 1984 Funco A- Simpson nets, full cage. Strong two Class 7S trucks. Driving arm short course car, minus 1776 motor with steel braided experience helpful but not man>-engine, trans, steering, wheels, lines. Runs clean and cool. Set up datory. Entry fees and major tires and brakes. Perfect car to very nice. Off road only. sponsorship secured for 198,7- convert your 1-1600 to· Class 10 Includes nearly new frailer, only 1988. Plans call for five races per for 1987. $3900.00or $7900.00 2000 miles on it. $3700. Call year: Approximately $15,000.00 . for complete car, negotiable. Call Tim at (213) 540-9690. needed for full share, either cash (818) 891-8223. - FOR SALE: 1986 Raceco. 125 . or product? Evenings (619) 447- FOR SALE ... Class 10 Funco, 6969. · in. WB, single seat Class 10. All freshengine&trans.Powersteer-Super Boot, coil overs, Fox CLEARANCE SALE: Baja Bug body and pan, stripped and primed. Link pin front end, tor-sion adjuster, fiberglass complete with misc. parts - $1150.00 or · best off er. Type I trans, super beef-a-dif, close ratio third and fourth, $525.00 or best offer. Husky 390 automatk,desert tank, 750 original miles. $1350.00 or best offer, cost $2400.00. Chen-owth Magnum frame and body with rear suspension complete. $2650.00 or best offer. Call days, · ( 213) 3 20-1902_ or evenings (213) 542-7447. ing, ~ AT carburetion, Flame-out Shocks as seen on ·cover of VW system, Wright, Bilstein, Master- Trends, Sept. '86. The best of craft, new belts& nets, Fuel Safe, everything. Also a 1985 Bunder-Dura. Blue axles, 55 gallons of son two seater, 125 in. WB, T ridk Fuel. $5000 firm or $4000 Class 10 or pre-run, plus two minbs engine. Call Mike at (714 )" trailers. $20,000 takes all. Call 772t3877. John at (702) 739-7377. FOR SALE: Class 10 Berrien 2001. Just finished and never raced. Lack of time forces sale. · Wright,· Neal, Sway-A-Way, Bilstein, Centerlines, AMS, BFG, etc. Price includes trailer, spares, tools, fixtures, etc. $6000. This is an incredible deal. John Davis - (312) 991-6051. FOR SALE: 1985 Toyota pickup. 4 speed, Dunlop radials, AM/FM 'cass., 2 wall box. 9800 miles. Bought Ram Charger and can't afford 2 payments. Excel-lent condition, garaged for 4 months, $4850. Save $1600 . over new. Call George at (612) 925-3664 eves. r--·---------------...,._.--·-..-·------------------------, I · . . . Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in - · I FOR SALE: Class 10 single seat Sandhawk chromoly chassis. 116 in. WB, Bilsteins, 1641 engine, Centerlines, 930 cvs, bus Type II trans. Includes trailer. Race ready with spare tires. $4500. Call Jerry C. at (714) 591-3282 or (714) 633-0030. ')1 . DUSTY TIMES. . . . I I I I ·1 Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words, not including name, address and phone number. Add $5 .00 for use of black · and white photo, or a· very sharp color print. . NEW AND RENEW AL SUBSCRIBERS TO DUSTY TiMES - A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if vou act now and subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. -Allcfassified ads must lie pafd fn acfvance. - .. Enclosed is.$ _____ (Send check or money order, no cash). Please run ad _______ times: WANTED: Competitive Class 2-1600 car. Ready to race or? Possible partnership in Las Vegas area. Call Jon at (702) 456-4117. FOR SALE: 1984 Toyota 4x4, race ready. Twelve shocks, "race springs, fuel ceU, Score/ HDRA legal, a proveri performer. Fresh engine, many spares, complete . desert operation. $12,500. Fred Wright (805) 327-9624. Name I FOR S_ALE: Ford F700 car · hauler, pit support truck. 28' I custom box, Diesel Generation. Mail to: I 100 gallons diesel, 100 gallons I race fuel, 100 gallons water. Address ______________ ______ Phone_______ DUSTY TIMES I New, never used! Must see! I, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O $70,000. Fred Wright, (805) City _________________ State ---~-Zip______ Agoura, CA 91301 I 327-9624. '-· -~..;..;....;_ _____________________________________________ ...;■;.;;... ___________ _ . . Page46 January 1987 Dusty Times
Tony Leftwich scored a fine second place in the 1600 heat race, but troubles put him out of contention Ray Whigham was in a close qice for second in the1 D Class Jimmy Evans took third in the.1600 main event, winning his main event, but_ this timl ~ he had to settle for first big trophy in off road racing, and he and third spot in the ~200cc action. ___ his crew were really_ excited_. --------------------~~----------+-'--------+-----------in the feature race. ' G.O.R.R.A. Action at Winder, Geo~gia · Text & Photos: D, +lene Thackston I In late September the Georgia Off Road Racitig Association returned to the tiilack at Winder, but only 15 cars showed up for the race. It was the lowest turnout of the yelir for both race cars and spectat9rs. Hmyever, it was clean racing f ith no protests and no rough driving calls this time. I During the heat races Dale Plummer found !two trees, one on each of his laps, and .went out· for the day. Co~ !Scott, driving for the first time in the 1-2-1600 class, lost a rear_ ~ al, and he was also out for the clay. Bill Gaylord, right, and Jack Thompson had quite a dice in Class 10 action, as Gaylord won both races, and Thompson was a close second both rounds. The main evenf s for each class were 25 lap race~. In D Class it FOR SALE: Class 1 or 10 Probst Berrien Laser set up for Rabbit '·m·otor':'Rll the best, CNC pedals, Summers Bros., Bilstein, Weld, Wright Place, UMP. Class winner 1986 Formula Tire points series and B~ush Run points series. Complete, less engine and trans, $10,500. Call Probst Off Road Racing (815) 485-7223 days or 485-4691 eves. Chicago time. FOR SALE: Class 2-1600 -Raceco with FAT-motor, power steering, combo links, 930 cvs, Raceco trans, 112" wheelbase 13" rear travel, took second a~ the Fireworks, fourth at River-side. $10,000 or $8000 less motor and trans. Call (619) 252-3475. FOR SALE: Want to go racing in 1987? Buy this as new 2-1600, 110" WB car. Has the best of everything. Brand new pre-runner, 3 seats, bus tranny, Centerlines, full cage, all the good stuff. Trailer, spares, parts, dump cans, fuel cans, gas pump, all pit equipment. No REASON-ABLE offer refused. Cash, trade or finance part. Serious inquiries only. Call (619) 697-3838 and leave message. FOR SALE: Unique Raceco stadium short course car. One race new. Sprint car chassis design, best components. Roll.er priced at 15K or best offer. Call for info'. McBride Racing, (714) 529-1111, after 6 p.m. (714) 529-4466. -Dusty Times ARE YOU GETTING MdRE I ~HAN ONE COPY Ofi -DUSTY-TIMES? A number of subscriber"s now Have two subscriptions, because they get on,e t ,ith their membership ·in HDRA, or they subscribJd to both Off Road Action News and Dusty Ti~~s. If you don't really need two _copies each mont~,I drop us a , note and assign your duplicate subscription to a friend, pit-crew worker, anyone you chooJe. Send us the full name and address with zip codt of your . I friend, and the mailing label from the subscription you, wish to assign to them. We will take ~are of the paper work-. I COLLECTOR'S SPECIAL A Full Set - 12 Issues -of the First Volume of DUSTY TIMES unmarked by mailing labels Early birds will receive the bonus of the Preview issue - Slept. 1983, NOW AVAil,ABLE -A Full Set -12 Issues - Volume 2 GET YOUR FULL SET WHILE fHE SUPPLY LASTS Send just $10.50 for one set or $20.00 for both sets, check or money order to DUSTYTIMD 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O • Agoura, CA 91301 SHIPPED PRE0PAID VIA U.P.S. I ' I January 1 ,s1 was a Clint Hurst race, as he led -from flag to flag to win the main event. It was a close race behind him between Mike Isola, Ray Whigham and Ronnie Whigham. There were eight cars in the 1600 heat race, and Travis Hurst won the heat, leading four of the five laps. Tony Leftwich was second, followed · by Bob-Rule, 1D~nnis Aiken, Jerry Holcombe, Mickey Smallwood, Jimmy Evans and Coy Scott. 1 In the 1600 main event Travis Hurst won again. Dennis· Aiken lled for the firsr✓ZO laps before he , lost the position to Travis. ~immy Evans finished third and :Won his first trophy, and he and his pit crew were really excited f it~ that trophy. Bob Ru!~ went put m the early laps after hitting a, large log ' when he ran off the track. He bent two wheels, one tire went flat and he also broke a torsion bar. Only four of the seven starters were still running ~t the finish. _ Bill Gaylord led all five laps of the Class 10 heat race, and Jack Thompson stayed in · second all the way. Bobby Bramblett took over third on the second lap and stayed there, and James Hester then ran fourth to the flag, as Jimmy Evans did not start. In the Class 10 main Bill, Gaylord repeated his heat race win, _ leading all 25 ,laps. Jack Thompson stayed in second all 25 laps as well. James Hester covered 24 laps (qr third, and Bobby Bramblett was another lap down in fourth. Jimmy Evans covered only seven laps. _ At this po.int in the GORRA season Clint Hurst is leading Ray Whigham by ten points in D Class. Clint and Travis Hurst have the 1-2-1600 points lead also, but only by two points over Tony Leftwich. In Class 10 Bill Gaylord has a hefty lead of 24 points over Travis Hurst, and Jack Thompson is another 24 . poin):S bac_k jn third. ____ _ --:,;,. _ w~ ARE~'' YOU??? A DUSTY TIMES DEALER!!! SELL TO YOUR-CUSTOMERS PRESENT TO YOUR PRE~ERRED C~STOMERS 1 U.P .S. EVERY MONTH TO YOUR DO()R YOU PAY NO SHIPPING CHARGES GET ALL THE RACE AND RALLY NEWS FROM THE TOP OFF ROAD JOURNALISTS -Contact DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Aftnuc, Suite O Agoura, CA 91301 (818) 889-5600 -1, Index to Advertisers Bilstein Corp. of America . . . . . 27 Candy Canes ........... ; . . 37 Camden Superchargers . . . . . . 18 Car Custom . .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 15 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . . . 20 C.0.R.E .................. 41 FBI Fuel Systems · . . . . . . . . . . 17 Filler Products, Inc. . . . . . . . . . 26 !General Tire Motorsports . . Back Cover , IGoleta Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . . 2 Hot Shoes Racing Brakes . ·. . . 19 Jamar Performance Products . . 8 KC Hilites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,33 M & M Enterprises . . . . . . . . . 36 -McKenzie Automotive 32 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . . . . 16 Nissan Motor Corp., USA : . . . 13 , PCI Race Radios ..... ~ ...... 12 Ramsay Racing . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 SCORE/HORA .. .. . . .. .. .. . 9 Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Steel Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Summers Brothers . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Trackside Photo Enterprises . . 21 Trick Enterprises . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Tri Mil Industries ........... 14 Uniden Race Radios . . . . . . . . 39 Uni Filter ......... 1 • • • • • • 30 Valley Performance -Hewland . . 4 ideo Productions . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25" Page 47
l 1986 was a great year. General Tire wound up with 29 firsts, 17 seconds and 15 thirds in off-road competition. Drivers riding on General Grabber-radials doubled in the Rose Bowl. Tamed the Frontier 500. Outclassed the good, the bad and the-ugly at Riverside. And kept getting better as the seas.on wore on. © 1986. General Tire, A GecmF Company What about this year? General is hell-bent to tally up even more victories in 1987. · And win over more off-road enthusiasts. With the Grabber AP® for all around on- and off-road use. The Grabber AT® for even tougher turf. And the Grabber MT® for just about anyth'ing thicker than swamp water. They're yours at a nearby General Motorsports dealer. . l \