Covering the world of c:ompetition in the dirt ••.
y 0 K 0 H A M A THE HIGHLIGHT OF OUR TRIP TO MEXICO WAS TH.E WATER. It doesn't rain much down in Baja. But when it does, look out. Dry washes swell into raging rivers. Sand turns to quicksand. And · the mud gets so deep you .can drown in it. That was the setting for the ioth ann,ual Baja . 1000 off-road race. But dri.vers Matt-and Gale Pike were prepared. High atop a massive . · · set of four Yokohama Mud The Pikes beat the ooze in Diggers, their Dodge Pick- ' Baj~ on Yokohama Mud Diggers. up blasted through a thousand miles of muck to grab victory in Class 4. A full two hours ahead of the rest of the field. On top of that, Yokohama went on to capture victories in Class 5, the 5-1600 Limited Baja Bug Class, 1/2-1600, and Challenger, too. So if you're ever how· to prep_are for a tr:ip through· Baja, here's some good advice: , , . Always take an umbrella. And a set of Yokohama Mud Diggers. >~YOKOHAMA-© 1987 Yokohama Tire Corporation. For more information write: Yokohama Tire Corporation, PO. Box 4550, 601 S. Acacia Ave., Fullerton, CA 92631. M 0 T 0 s
Volume 4 Number 12. Editor-Publisher Jean Calvin · Associate P,uhlisher Brad Goodrow Associate Editor Richard K. ~chwalm cintroller Johri Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic Frank McCombs Contributors, Dai-la Crown Leonard Day DarylD. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer·Eubanks Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes Rod Koch Cam McRae Brenda Parker · David R yskamp Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simmons Judy Smith John Sproykin Darlene Thackston 3-D Photography . T rackside Photo,Enterprises· --I '1111 omcw. VOICE Of ·c.ii) Sub.,ripd"" Rate., ~dr . .. . $12.00 per year, 12 issues, U~A. Foreign subscriptiJ n rates on request. · . - · .I · Contributions: . DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributi~ns, but is not responsible for 'sucH material. Unsolicited material will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, stam~~ envelope_. . • ... . . ' . , J Classified Ads will be_ published as received, prepa1cli.-··· DUSTY TIMES assumes· no liability for omissions ~r errors. ·All ads maybe subject to editing. ·· I . . I DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-1732, is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331 Der~y _· ·• Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-5~. · Copyrig~t 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No part.of this .. publication may be reproduced without written P.ermi~-sion from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA,9B0L , . _ . . FE'ATURES Page Scdre Baja 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . Dodge Colt Vista Wagon . . , . ; . ~ ....•............•..... 21 Glen Helen Short Course Racing ................. ; .. e: 22 Plaster City Blast : .... , ................... · .... '.. . .. 24 Pads-Dakar Range Rover ..... ; ......•... , .. , ..... , . ·27 SC~A Ojibwe Pro Rally : ... ... • ..... : ... ·• . . . ... : , . ; .. 30 ADRA Penasco 150 .............. .. ., ....... ; .... ; . 32 'HPbRRA Last Chance Baja, ..... . ... ~ .............. . 36 MillicanValley 400 ........•... · ................ ; ... 38 SODA Hodag 50 ... : ..... _ ..... : ........ ·> .... : ... . 40 WRC Ivory Coast'RaUy ........ : .. ............ : .. :. : . 41 VQRRA at ,Praire City ............ . '.. , ...... : ...... 43 CR.9; Glen Helen Rally'sprint ... . .. : ..... . ... , ....... 44 D. I, · ·A --46 1"11e utocross ... .... ......... : ...•...... : ......... ·, . ~ . . DEPARTMENTS.· Sna1pshot of the Month ..... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Sidf Tr~cks by Judy Smith ...................... : . .... :4 Happenings ... •.· ._ ... •· -'· ... , . ....... .................... ·•. 6 Trail Notes··.~ ......................... · .. · ............ 8 Poriy·Express . .'. ;· .....•............. : .·.· ............ ·s SCCA So-Pac Divisional Rally Report . . _ .· by Lynnette Allison •............... · •.. _,.; ..•.•... _ ..• 45 · Chhstmas Goodies Galore ..•... : . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 4 7 The.Night Before Christmas by J .. McMlfrray .•.•••••.•• 47 Gobd Stuff Directory ..•.. , •..•••...•.... : ....•. , • • 48 Th~ Losers by Judy Smith .... : ......... .,. ; , ......... 52 Pit:feamReports .... : ............ _ ............... :, .. 53 Classified Ads ........ ; ............ , ................ 54 lndh to Advertisers . ; ..... -...... ' .................. 55 ' oJ TiIECOVER -John Cooley and Mark iox have had a ml!,rvelous ye:iti in Cl~ss 5, and had.a nearly trouble free race in M~i<:ko, meaning that they did their homework very well. The team swept the c~ass . honors at the Score Baja 1000, winning by a slim 18 minutes, but the win.cemented their Class 5.champiq_nship for the 1987 desert season. . They also finished tenth overall amo'ng cars oh the 700 mile plus run · Art Director Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production· Michelle's Typesetting Servic;:es POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, . 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91.30~:: •·. . l , CHANGE OFADDRESS: Four weeks nottce1s required · for change of address. Please furnish both old and· ne~ addr:ess, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301: · · . . 1 ' " thfdugh the muck and mire. Matt and Gale Pike had a fantastic journey in tHeir Qodge pickup, taking punishim;nt all the way to the checkered · · flag !a~d the victory in Class 4. The ·son .and father teai:n ijre repeat winners, having won Class 3 last year on the. long race to La Paz. In 1987 theywon Class 4 by a remarkable two hours; Color Photography., 'SNAPSHOT OF-THE MONTH ••• This picture records a scene that for V~ars' did not seem possible. But, the occasion of · the 20th anniversary of the ~aja .WOO, nee Mexican-1000, brought together Sal Fish, left; President of Score International, and Ed Pearlman, the guiding force of NORRA, . the original promoter of the long distance off road races in Baja Californi!l, Eq Pearlman·· was invited tp Ensenada by Sal Fish, and . was the honorary starter 011 .the 29th anniver-sary of.major, professional off road racing around,the Baja'California peninsula. It was a typical grey morning at the start of the race, making this historical moment seem more complete. · · . , · · · DUSTY TIMES will feature pictu·res of similar. "funnies" or woes on this page each month. Send us your snapshot of. something comic or some disaster . for . consideration. DUSTY TTMES wiU pay $10 for the picture used.ffyou ~ish ,the photo returned, enclose'a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or 8xl0·will be considered. · .· · · ·· . . by Trackside Photo Enterprises . . I I I I ·1 I ·1 '' 1 · I ·-DUSTY TIMES: .: 1· t· I I I .. . . . I.·.· J' I l I I I. B ·rHE-FASTEST GROWING ._; OFF ROAD MONTHLY: t . • . ". - . . 1 · IN THE·COUNTRY!!·. I D 1 year """." $12.00 ·· ;· io I years~ $20.00 _ :□ 3 years-:· $30.00 ii. . ; ··~ Take advaftage of ·yo~r _subscription b~nus ••• 1 · Free one tinie classified ad up· to 45 words. I : . ' : - .. ,.•.· '(Form onin:id~'b~ck page) ' '. . ' . · ... ·..• Name · · - · · ·· ·· · I 11 · 1· Address ---...,...,....1 ~----,----~----,-""----------!_ I I . I · I· . Cfn, ' 1 s· z· I tate·------------.------· 1p ·.1 · 1 Sen4,checkormoney order to: I , ' l -D'.USTY TIMES · 1 c 53311 Derry Ave.~ Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301, I ( Canadian - 1 year $15 .00 U.S. • Overseas subscription r_atl!s quoted on request) I .t·.· . . ! · - -~ •, . . . -·· ··· . -... I 1· .-1 J. ·I I I -I I I I I I I I I_ I ·1 I .. I . I . r ... I •• I I ,, . · Dusty Times· December :19,11 . Page 3 I
S.d. ., . k. . . . the lead early and goingon t() ·1 · I& · --ac s win, with a fittle timely hl·lr from .... ·. • • . ■ l . . · . ♦ ♦ ♦ By}udySmit~-Larry Schwacofer. who was -~----~~~~~~~~~~~-~:----~""'.""'-""'.'""-potent ia 11 y . their h iggl'St At .many races f hear stories IOOo" . . and he invited R·,mdy tll compl·titoi-fn the class. You can · from the: racers that are just too co-ddve with him. The team had . read about that ih the race story long to fit into an ordinary ran' already paired a couple of times c)sc\.\·hcn.- jn this issl!e. · report; Arid very often all readers in Jim's old BFG Bla:l·r, and The Class 8 truck didri 't' fare ever know .!ii. that so~and-so they'd done quite well.. This timl' quite so well , Dodd and David finished 8th or 15th; hut thL'Y a couple of Jim's friends also , co-drove it, and they "lost four or never learn what it was that wanted to race. so Randy.agreed . five hours when the rear huh let slowed them to that extent. to let them rent his Class8 truck. go. But they took the time to The Baja races seem to hring He . also . made most of the make the cxtensivl' repairs, on ~ore of those stories than any arrangements _for pit support and · because they wanted to get . ;1 · o_ther events, partly hccause of that sort of .thing. In thl' finish in the Raja 1000. They the exotic surroundings, and meantime. Jim and his crew 1, kept going, andnc..·ar Camalu thl'y partly because of the long miles worked frantically to g~t the ran· broke a·balljoint, which they also involved. There is also the fact, a Class 6 Australia built repair~d, losi'ng another two and that racers become more· Ford, with a 351 c.i. motc>r, a half hcit.frs. From thl'n on, determined to finish· a Baja race completed. The.y didn't 4uitl' having heard that the C lass 6 car than any other, it being-a sort of make it, and some last minute was doing so well ; they wen.· perso[)al badge of honrir to be details had to be left until after it determined to get hot h able to say you've raced and arrived in the States. Australian entries to ·the finish , finished in Baja. Getting i~ here. was another arid they, picked· up the pace, One of our long stories this problem, since they'd taken so Only, by now they . had onl· time concerns the team of racers long to get it bllilt, tht·y had to fly seriously bent corm·r; and· no from Australia. Everyone knows. it over. The car was air freighted brakes .. They were racing against how difficult it is _to plan a race in a specially built trate, which the cut-off time of 30 hours nov:; operation in Baja, starting with allowed the, Ford to bl; but the fact that it was daylight hotel reservations, moving on to transported · upside down: A · again helped somewhat. Just past things like fuel stops, and where more c6nventiorial shipping Ojos Negros, on the way in,jd"f to -store the trailer while you're posture, with· the tar on ·its lost a wheel in a ravine, and used out on · the course. The details wheels, would· have cost them up precious mimitcs finding it that need attention are seemingly $ I 1,000. For some reason the . and re-attaching it". He t_hen · endless, and it can be frustrating upside ·down setup, in a crate · drove as hard as ·he dared, to the for Southern Californians. Im- · built by . the team, cc'ist only · finish Irne, and got an official agine how much more difficult it $4000. Only! · • · finish, in 29 hours, 56 minutes would be if you lived in Acouple of pit crew members· and 17 seconds. _They had'only . Australia. · . were _· shipped across early · to three minutes and 43 seconds ··· lt didn't daunt Jim Hunter, attend to the last few details left, ancl they \\'ere in 8th place in Phil Dodd an.d Jeff David, but · needed on the car, to get it ready Class 8. · · · · . they did admit to getting a lot of for the_ race; hut ewn so, they had The Aussi,is were all delighted help from Randy Salmont who managed t<) get only two hours of-· with the race, andplan to he hack lives in South9rn California. Jim · testing in hefore the start. again. As tp thL· race car~ it's decided to bl.iii~ a rate car for the But they dcmc g(X)d[ Taking going · home hy way of ocean Page 4 AVeryMet'!Y Christr,ias from all of us at Dusty Times. to all OUT friends all· over the country and the wmld. December· 1997 · fr~ight. interes~ed partKtpant in this Rick Seim an and Steve discussion. When they decided KramerbuiltalinlJofreplicaHig that. it wm; prohahly ;iJ-,roken Oly Hro.nco · for, this-_race-, T_hcy rocker. arm, Hl,n ,hi.-lpcd thyri) wanted it to he reminiscl·nt ot the . figurl' out how to disconnl'Ct 'Big Oly :~;icer that_l'arnl·lliJon..:•s certain p;1rtsof the motors<; they drove in t~e early Raja races; and could . go ·on more · or less .1t was, althtiugh he drove in Class L•ffickntly_, • .· running : on ·only· 2 (or its_ equivalent) while they seVl'n cylinders. Hal.I was really were going to bt'. raci'ng in Class 3. thankful for Metcalf's help. ihey°W()rked. night and day tc>r . . A_t any rate, they got to Mike's weeks before tht.: race; and just- all right, and ewn gC,t up pa1t th~: barely got idinished. But that's~ terrible hill, thciugh it was a ·normal for' a new car,-and their sth.1ggle, and took an ½our, and hopes \Wre high. Unfortunately,·• they had thrL·e or tour _cars it rained a lot befort.· the race and · backed up hl•hind them' tor a Rick, the first driver, had trc;ubit; whill'. •. ·. , . _ with it stalling when it got we.t. Whl·.n thL'Y got d5_1wn fo \\'Ql're . Somehow, they hadn't man,iged thl· . road turns .ott '.tqwatd_ !he to ~;aterpn>of it properly. ,But, observatory they ran outot tuel nonethek·ss, they moved tih, and 1:resst~rL' and Fricker c.hanged the_ by T res Pozos. with driL·r terrain, tuel tilrl'r, losing another fo1lt they werl' run_ning ·v.·dl, 1.mtil hpur:Atthispointtheywerestill they hroke a front radius rod: in· the lead in the class. And they They Wl're . able to fix -it right got to Camalu· all right. . thl·re at Trt·s Pozos hut when they Down on _thl· beach thl·y maJl· got to Check 4 thL·y had to a coup!~ ot "major· mistak':-'s"; rework their repairs, and also fix and hit somL·~hing way too-fast, a . hroken exhaust., vihich lost and hrokt; a tront axk, ml·a·ning . another half hour or so. From they'd _he in two' \\'hl-cl drive thL• there things wentwdl·until they rest of the way. Now, R<idney got to Matoi:ni W ash, whert.' they , said, it actually ran .rt.'ttl'r, with got lost like everyone else, and , only two whl'els ~riving, since then they began tq hnve l'lectrical ·that. was 1.l'SS stress on thl' .sick problems.. · ·· · motor . . . Kramer got in at San :Felipl' . Ahout three miles aftl'r . thl'Y and "he. managed to get a flat after broke the axle they can1L";\lpon Three Poles, and also had battL·ry three pig mounds of sand built hY trouhles. Three times the car the Mexicans. By nmv Hall \\;as stalled and their pit had to cC:ime down to five cylinders; and thL· in and jump it. He also broke thl' engine wouldn't ruh un&r 4000 other radius rod, which needed-• RPMs. He coi.ildn 't sk>w Jmm. to. be fixed hefr)re _he headed tip _for thl' mounds, so hedl'cided co· to Mike's. . · · hit it he.:)d on. Says Rod, "Whl11 Ry now thl'Y were:.. running we landed; it tore mit the · some\\-'hat late, and althou~h drive line. That was, it!" Hall got they made it_ to Mike's all right, · out of thl· truck "holk·rin' ,and · tht:y_drovc around in 'circles up yellin'. ";mdchasedtheMexicans . there· looking for the·· Gheck~ away. He had noticed a , hig . point, and_ never found it \vhich Dodge truck parked nci,rhy, and · worried them some:Thcy finally as luck would have it,_ it. was decided to just go on, and as they inhilh~ted hy il RoJHa·ll tan; wbii, topped the. first hill out of cheeduHy-towedthc trµck out to Mike's, all their lights went out. the. highway · whi,•re. Rod's pit Now the passenger, Darryl could, catch ·up with hini · and 0:>o~, pulled out their flashlight, mak!-.' the necessary rep,\irs. In and with it and the nearly full any caSl', RoJ wasn't goi_lig to sit moon, they ncg<:>tiatc9 their way . orj the beach and_ wait tor help, down the -40 miles or so to San bcca.use-he figured tnosL· . Telma. Steve said it felt like "a Mexicans he'd yelled at might hundred miles" .. Darryl. rc~de corne h~ck. - · with. hjs .b_ead hanging out the - · Once his. crew had him_ . side of the car, .aiming the _repaired, as tar-. as thl· rear end_ · flashlight. Every now and ti-kn a went anyway, he drove back _in to• · Class 11 car would catch them•.-thl, be,tch. Or, towards where he and Steve could USL' their-lights" a~ th() ll gh t. - .it was. He got ·they shone unde.rneath t:he taller· thoroughly" lost, iuid . at o_ne . Rfonco. He'd go along that· way . . [)()int, drc)wed the l'r.lgine, . so until he judged the Class' 11 .. Fricker had to get out an , dry driver was completely· out , of everything off again. $()mewhere patience with him, and then he'd in here tre·lead Class J ·car came - m<)w ov~r and let him·pass. The · alon~. losr,a'nt:l decided to tc?llcw.· Brone:o"'asilotruningwellatall,· f'lall, because_h_e'd surely ·know and they managed fr> ·get it just the way. Rut that didn?t pan 6ut. ahout to San T~Imo befor!-.' it Now Rod.'s truck wassmQking quit. They' se·nt in· a si:u·ck ~tub, so badly that the sm_oke wqtild and _their pit showed ahout fill .the cab and swirl aro1.,1!1J, and 15 minutes, tt\ put _in nl'w ·he and weren't-able to seL'. · b~tteries. The sun was coming u1"i' But they finally fou.nd the hl·ach _by then, and they made it.the rest .. and headed h_ort'h again, and then of the way to the finish line with twc, miles before they got to their n,; prohlems, using up 26 hours last r,it .they h_it a square edged -and 53m1nutes of the allotted 30 i'ashout so hatd that thev hours.· · · · shattered the lefr front wheel and - . R,;d -Hall and J irn Fricker ran h~·w a ren_nirl' tC:>o. Rod saidthat -· well during the early part of their when· he got.i:iut to survey" the · 'day, but i,m their second trip damage to his .truck· he saw a through Check·. 4. they we~e · mot(trcyde there that had hit the having prciblems with lo~ing oil hole so hard it . had hrokl'n pressure "·hen the engine got hot. , entirely· in two._ He: and J iri1 put So they did .a lot of talking and thl· spares on and JUSt ml~tored discussing and listening: to the on in -fro.m there to the -tinish. motor in. thdr pit. And· Ren And they were second after all Ml'tcalf, who· is Affiero's that. _ passenger in the· Class _4. Chl'vy, · Next time· w<i'II tell you about · ,ind just happened to he standing John Johnson·'s three _ "naked around waiting for thi:• Chevy's . bcxlies" after we get al I the details steering to be repaired, was an from him. . -Dusty '.flmes_
T · · · ,1l11111s 11111 1■ 11111s F111s1 111-TWI · · 11-11111.11111-lll lllVEIS' PIIITS CIIIPIIISIIP. · . If yfou want to clean up iri off-road racing, you need the right equipment _· •· ·_ In Las Vegas on September 26,Jeff Huber and Glenn Harris used 270 hp Mazda B2000 rotary-powered pickups to sweep their comp~tition.~ l ; . _ __· _. _ - . -· · ;Hubers win in the Mickey Thompson Off-Road Gran Ppx event clinched the Grand National Sport Truck.dt:ivers' points champiohship. Harris finished a close second. . . What does that prove? That if you want fo ·dust 1 ■lllllii-iil::« an entire field, it's quicker The Mazda Way. . 1 · . 1 · 11 _ _ · _ ~LICI · · I
\ 1988 . HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association CHAMPLAIN VALLEY RACING ASSOCIATION C.J. Richards . · P.O. Box 34810 ·-P:O, Bcix 332 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252~1900 December 5 Sonoita to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico _BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta · · , P:O. Box 2_41 _ . Van N uys, CA 91303 (818) 340-5750 _ February 19-21, 1988 · Gran Carrera Internacional San Felipe, B.C. Mexico·· July 29-31-, 1988 Gran Carrera de T ecai:e . Tecate, B.C. Mexico October 14-16, 1988 Gran Carrera de Campeones . San Felipe, B.C. Mexico 1988 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES - · P.O. Box rol Crandon, WI 54520 Fair Haven,-VT 05743 (802) 265-8616 _ · All races are held atAibany-Saratoga Speedway, Route. 9, Malta, New-y ode: Classes are 1-1600, 10, 4 WD Class 3 and c:Jass 4·plui. ATVs. 4 FUN 4 WHEELERS - 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 459-8388 (313) 755-3176 FORDA Florida Off Roaders '·Drivers' Association Rt. 5, Box.944 _ Brooksville, FL 34610 (813) $>96c.o306 (days · Janu,ary 10, 1988 Lakeland, FL February 7, 1 988 Lak~land, FL ' · (715) 478-2115 / (715) 478-2688 March 26, 1988 Florida 400 -Tallahassee, FL ' June 25-26, 1988 Spring Run 101 _ · · Crandon, WI September ?--4, 1988 Brush _Run'lOl Crapdon, WI . . FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM 250 Kennedy, #6 _ Chula_Vista, CA 92011_ (619) 427-5759 CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnette Allison · Pecember 3 ~, 198 7 · 150 Mile Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA' I 2001 Oakland Hills Drive - Corona, CA 91720 (714),736~1442 : July 9-10, 1988-Prescott Rallysprint Prescott Forest Rally Prescott, AZ ~ August 5-7, 1988 -S:uperstition 250 V -El Centro, CA October 7•9, 1988 Plaster City Blast El Centro, CA · ---WHERE_ DO YOU RIDE-YOUR TOY? Your favorite riding area may soon tie closed if the Wilderness BilLis passed! - _ , __ INVEST IN THE FUTURE OF OFF ROADIN_G ... BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE; 1""7"":JOIN CORVA-:-:, [l-800.;237-5436t .CORVA The.Californili Off Road Vehicle Association ·1nc., i~ a non-profit corporation dedicated to _ preserving the land use rights ·tor off road enthusiasts, and companies in· California and the of the country. ,1 To Join: $20.oo'. Call Toll Free 800-237-5436 to charge on Visa· and Mastercard or request a membe!ship application. 11!111111 _ _, Page 6 · December 30-31, 1988, · January 1, 1-989 Dunaway Dash El Centro, CA ·GORRA -· -·Georgia.Off Road _ Racing Association Box 11093 Station -A _ Atlanta, GA 30310 ··-(404) 927°6432 , · December5 - Annual Banquet . _ GREAT.LAKES -FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSQCIA TION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 _ (313) 665-0358/ (313) 996-91~3 GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Knowlton -- 831 So. Jason _ Denver, .CO 80223 -(303) 722-5537 . HORA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 December 5, 1987 -Desert Series Awards Banquet LasVegas, NV March 4-6, 1988 Gold Coast 250 . · Las Vegas, NY· April 29-May 1, 1988 Mint 400·· Las Vegas,,NV July 1-3, 1988 Fireworks 250 Barstow, <;A ., August 26~28, 1988 . Colorado 300 Grand Junction, CO December 3, 1988 · Off Roadsman Awards Banquet -(location TBA) _ HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING - . ASSOCIATION Tom· Fr~eman 3503 Hall St. -Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 342-0331 GLEN'HELE-N:OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA 92406 (714) 880-1733 '· February 28, 1988' April 17, 1988 June 12, 1988 Aµgust 7, 1988 _ September 4, 1988-_ November 20, 1988 ICE. CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURANCE SERIES P.O. Box 14824 ' Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612) 639-0801 ' (612) 890-8693 -: December 19-20 Ea_gle River, WI January 2-3, 1988 Driving School . January 9-10, 1988 Detroit Lakes, MN January 16-17, 1988 Duluth, MN Jamiary 23-24, 1988 - LaCrosse, WI Dcccm~r 1987 January 30-31, 1988 Mankato, MN .. February 6-7, 19,88 St: Paul; MN ·February 13:14, 1988_ --Eau Claire, WI · February 27~28, 1988 - Bemidji, MN March 26, 1988 _ -i.C.E. Awards ·Banquet IOK FOUR WHEELERS - .P.O. Bo;-c'.36 _ Cleves, Ohio 45002 -( All events sraged at . the cll!l, grounds in . , _ Cleves, Ohio) -. MICHIGAN SPORT· BUGGY ASSOCIATION John Elliott - (517) 835-9923 Bob Ramlow - (616) 345-6407 ·--MIDWEST OFF·ROAD· CHALLENGE SERIES Tommy Bowling Rt. 6, Box 833C _ Midland, TX 79702 (915) 332-153?.-(915) 563-9154 . . \ M.O.R.E. 3513 North West Loop 820 fort Worth, TX 76106 -(817) 625-8843 MiCKEY THOMPSON'S OFF-ROAD -CHAMPIONSHIP "GRAND PRIX .. Mfckey-Thompson Entertainment Group · 53 W oodlyn Lane · · Bradbury, CA 91010 '(8,18) 359-5117 -J~nuary 2.3, 1988 -Anaheim Stadium Anaheim, CA February 13, 1988 Jack Murphy Stadiurn · San Diego, CA (The following are tentative dates.) March 26, 1988 San Jose, CA April 9, 1988 Kingdome -Seattle, WA May 7; _l988 Rose Bowl Pasad_ena, CA_ July 30, 19,88 MemoriaI.s;;oliseurp Los f\ngeles, Cf,. October.1_3, 1988 · Silver bowl Las Vegas, N~ OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIA TlON OF TEXAS 1421' Lee Trevino, D-1 El Paso, TX 79935 (915). 594-8266 OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL _-RALLY t John Nagel ._ _ P,O. Box 4254 · - -Tumwater, WA 98501 (206) 754-9717 . ONTARIO-ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS Barry Wannamaker P.O. Box 688_ Bancroft, -Ontario, .KOL lCO, - --~ Canada ' ONTARIO OFF ROAD Barbara Lapointe · _ -. __ 4 Bridge St. E. · -Kitchener, Ontario N2K 1J2 · Canada , · (519) 743-8841 1 - (All events at Bingemarr Park in Kitchener.) . o.o.R.R.,A. Oklahoma Off Road ·. Racing Association -Larry Terry_ ' __ -· 9220 N .E. 23rd .. . Oklahoma City, OK 731:41 , _ (405) 769~5491 · _ (All races located at Freedom, OK) · · ·Vic Brurnham ' Freedom Chapter fresident ., ( 405)621-3428 ORSA , _ Randy Miller 407 G Street, Suite F . Davis, CA 95616 -(916) 756-9938 (916} 756-6399 Short Course & S~nd Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA _ OUTLAW MINI. STOCK'.-RACING ASSOCIATION P.O"'Box 204 _ _ _ Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 (211)375-4570 (213) 53't-2?47 '-' .POST _ Pennsylvania Off)Road _ Short Track. · Shark Saxon RD #3, Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (717) 265~307{? · ·All-events in Monroeton, PA at the _ intersection of Routes 414 & 220. . . . . PRO NORTHWEST SERIES· - - P.O. Box 323 Seahurst, Washington 98062 (206) 242-1773 C SAREEA AL JAMEL 4WDCLUB P.O. Box 526 Indio, f:A 92202 · April 2£.24, _ 1988 ·_ 34th" Annual Fast Camel · 4WD Cruise and_ , · Pit Barbecue . . .SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, !=0 80155 (303) 694-7223 , SCORE ·score International Jl356. Via. C6linas, Suite J 11 , Westlake Village,.CA 91362 - (818) 889-9216 December 5, 1987 ·-Desert Series A warcls Banquet Las Vegas, NV _ · December 12 San Felipe 250 --San Felipe, B.C._, Mexico · (a non-points race) _ Dustynmcs _
January 29-31, 1988 Parker 400 Parker, AZ April 1-3, 1988 Great Mojave 250 Lucerne Valley, CA June 3-5, 1988 Baja Internacional Ensenada, BC, Mexico August 19-21, 1988 Off Road World Championship November 4-6, 1988 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, Mexico December 3, 1988 Off Roadsman Awards Banquet (location TBA) December 9-11, 1988 San Felipe 250 San Felipe, BC, Mexico ( non-points race) SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 May 21-22, 1988 Montreal Olympic Stadium Montreal, PQ, Canada SU-VERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS Roger Wells 225 W . Foster Ave. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 564-2677 (All events but the finale S.O.R.R.~. May 28-29, 1988 held at Las Vegas Speedway Off Road Yerington 250 lntemational Raceway.) Racing ProdJctions· Yerington,. NV Bernie W ~ber P.O . Box 402 June 25-26, 2988 Temple, Texas, 76503 Virginia City 200 SILVER DUST RACING ,s, 1, 773T48 Vlrginia City, NV ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 December 5 Black Jack 200 Las Vegas, NV February 13, 1988 Bottom Dollar Las Vegas, NV June 11, 1988 Twilight Race Las Vegas, NV July 30-31, 1988 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV September 23-25, 1988 SNORE 250 Las Vegas, NV October 29, 1988 Yoko Loco Las Vegas, NV December 3, 1988 Black Jack 200 Las Vegas, NV September 3-4, 1988 . Yerington 300 SHORT TRACK Yerington, NV OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES October 22-23, 1988 FORMULA DESERT Millican Valley 400 · DOG SERIES · Bend, OR S.T.O.R.E. Co-d>rdinator: Gil Parkh 7406 So. lith St. -Kalamazoo, MI 49009 WHEEL TO (616) 375-1233 WHEEL, INC. P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4WOR I . I Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 SUPERCROSS, INC. (613) 332-1766 Gateway Plaza (613) 332-4128 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 270 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-f06 I WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION 19125 -87A Ave. SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Prevost 1006 Cardinal Lane Green Bay, WI 54303 ( 414) 434-1044 TUCSON AUTO CROSS P.o: Box 55221 Tucson, AZ 85703 (602) 887-8752 VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 2 GIANT SUPERSTORES TO SERVE YOUi. OPEN 7 DAYS SCORE & HORA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS Surrey, British Columbia, V3S SX7, Canada (604) 576-6256 FIA WORLD RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP January 16-23, 1988 Monte Carlo Rally Monte Carlo, Monaco February 4-7, 1988 Swedish Rally Karlstad, Sweden March 1-7, 1988 Port Wine Rally Estoril, Portugal March 31-April 4, 1988 Safari Rally Nairobi, Kenya May 2-8, 1988 Tour de Corse Ajaccio, Corsica May 28-J une 2, 1988 Acropolis Rally Lagonissi, Greece June 23-26, 1988 Olympus Rally T aconja, WA, USA July 9-12, 1988 New Zealand Rally Auckland, New Zealand August 4-7, 1988 Argentine Rally Buenos Aires, Argentina August 24-28, 1988 1000 Lakes Rally Jyvaskyla, Finland September 19-24, 1988 Ivory Coast Rally Yamoussoukro, Ivory Coast October 10-16, 1988 San Remo Rally San Remo, Italy November 22-25, 1988 RAC Rally England ATTENTION RACE & RALLY ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your 1g88 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column. Mail your race or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 , Agoura, CA 91301.
Trail·. Notes ••• CONGRATULATIONS to the 1987 Score/HORA Desert Series Champions! They worked hard; traveled a lot, and won races en route to their titles. While only three of the point leaders in cars going into the Score Baja 1000 lost their lead as a result of the race, several others had to hustle hard through the mud to keep·their lead intact. Wearing the first number in their class in 1988, and the title winners for 1'987 are: Class 1, Mark McMillin; Class 2, Corky McMillin; Class 1-2-1600, Steve Barlow; Class 3, Mike Schwellinger; Class 4, Rodney Hall, who is also the Heavy Metal Champion; Class 5, John Cooley; Class 5-1600, Andy L Devercelly;· Class 6, Larry Schwacofer; Class 7, Manny Esquerra; Class 7S, Chuck Johnson, who is also the Mini Metal Champion; Class 7 4x4, Michael Lesle; Class 8, Dave Shoppe; Challenger, Rich Minga, who is alsd the Overall Points Champion; Class 10, Craig Watkins; Class 11, Ramon Castro; Class 14, Giti Gowland. Three different vehicle manufacturers scored three class wins each, Chenowth, Ford and Volkswagen. Jeep got two class titles,and one each went to O.R.E., Dodge, Chevrolet, Toyota and Next month, in our Annual Salute to the Champions, we will have all the details on how the class winners earned their tides, and a full rundown on who finished where cm points. THE MICKEY THOMPSON ENTERTAINMENT GROUP has moved from Bradbury to Anaheim, California, to the Anaheim Stadium to be exact. MTEG is unpacking right now in luxurious new quarters in Angel Stadium, or is it Ram's Land. At any rate the notice came too late to change the listing in "Happenings", but the new address is P.O. Box 2516~, Anaheim, CA 92805, and the new phone number is (714) 938-4100. By the way, ESPN will be producing twelve one hour shows about the Mickey Thompson Off Road Championship Gran Prix events in the 1988 season. The twelve individual shows will be produced utilizing only eight racing days, but highlighting a few different classes in each program. JOHN BUFFUM finished off the SCCA Pro Rally Season by winning both the Press On Regardless in Michigan and the Wild West in Washington. In fact, John Buffum, Tom Grimshaw and the Group B Audi Sport Quattro have won evet'y event overall in the series this year. The Wild West victory clinched the world record for Buffum for the most wins by a rally driver ever, with 103. Of course Buffum and Grimshaw claimed the Driver and Co-driver titles for 1987 easily, Buffum's 11th such tide in SCCA and the fourth for Grimshaw. Audi also earned its sixth manufacturers championship in the SCCA Pro Rally Series. And, with one event left on the North American Rally Champsionship, Buffum, Grimshaw and Audi have already captured their respective championships in that Canadian-American Series. With little else left to win on American rally trails, John Buffum has announced a semi-retirement from the game. But, look for John, Tom and an Audi at selected events, including the One Lap of America. THE WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION, of Vancouver, British Columbia, had a slow season in 1987, with troubles that .could not be resolved with some of the track owners at faciliti~s where they planned races. However, the 1988 racing season promises to be a good year for WORRA. Negotiations with Hannigan Speedway, in Bellingham, WA, have resulted in confirmation of three dates, one each in May, June and July with a rain date in August. These races will run in conjunction with motorcycle events. Negotiations are also under.way with Mission Raceways for events on an all new track, presently being built. The WORRA Executive will be working very hard with the people in the Kamloops area to set up a race at the K.X.A. Exhibition Grounds, and there is also a possibility of a race in the Okanagan in the early fall of 1988. Check for WORRA dates in the Happenings column when they become available. THE GRAN CARRERA in San Felipe, Baja California last October was apparently quite a blast. Our anticipated coverage never made it to this office, so our apologies t6 the racers. We do know that 6-50 Club founder Gregg Symonds got his Class 2 out from under wraps, and he and Warren Miller beat everybody, finishing first overall car. Congrats to the pair of seniors. Ron Gardner finished.second in Pro Open 4 Wheel in a Chevy powered Class 1, and Emory Brazell was third in a Mirage, followed by Beny Canela. The Pro Modified 4 Wheel winners were Pat Shea and John Alabaster, and Dave T umer and Steve Stith won the Pro Modified Heavy Metal honors, driving the 1987 Mazda B2200. Sergio and Armando Duron won Production Heavy Metal Class in a 7 4x4 Nissan. Pedro Campbell won Pro Open Heavy Metal over Bob Ewing and W.F. Norton. Guillermo and Javier Quintero won Pro Stock 4 Wheel over Ernesto and Adolfo Arambula. In the Sportsman Classes, Raul Sanchez Diaz and Victor Rodriguez Silva won the Modified 4 Wheel bash, Ken Walters and Keith Haskins took the Open Heavy Metal tide, and Ramiro and Danny Gonzales were the Modified Heavy Metal winners. Edward Everett Jr. and Sr. were non-finishers in their Scout, but took the Production Heavy Metal tide. ( TRAIL NOTES more on J,age 47) CONGRATULATIONS TO NICK GROSS & JOE VALENTINE Challenger Class Winners at the. Baja 1000 and to George Erl, Eighth P_lace Challenger at the Baja 1000 CHASSIS & SUSPENSION THAT GO THE DISTANCE LaPlante Performance -(714) 498-3354 Page 8 ' 1, -Pony Express ••• I would like to personally thank you for the picture of our car on the cover of the November issue of DUSTY TIMES. We have worked very hard this year to win races and stay competi-· tive. Getting exposure from the press is very important to our sponsors, whose support is necessary in this very expensive sport. , Thanks again for the great picture and article . . Bob Richey R.C.R. Plumbing Riverside, CA Let me introduce myself. I am Norm Lester and I was the recipient of your thoughtful offering from the recent SNORE 250. As a general rule I know what classes you are paying the "First Out of the Money" prize to at the various races, and have always felt that this was perhaps the kindest gesture in the desert. This time I forgot that the Challenger Class was chosen and, needless to say, I was surprised to see a check in the mail. This action confirms what I already know. Jean Calvin and DUSTY TIMES is a quality organization that cares about racers and racing. You show it and the paper proves it. On behalf of my partners Dave Ramocinski, Dan Plante and the whole DND Racing Team, thank you very much for thinking of us and all the racers who don't have such, a good day. We will take our check, some good fortune hopefully, and proceed to Parker! Norm Lester Anaheim, CA Thanks so much for your kind tmrds, Norm. We think our small prize to the "First Out of the Money'' teams lets all the racers know that we know they were in the action as well as the biK winners. Just a quick note to say how much I enjoy your newspaper. I've been out of the U.S. Army now for about six months, -after being stuck at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, where they have no idea what off roading even is! I've been to every V.O.R.R.A. race here-in Sacramento, and I have really enjoyed myself. Thanks again. John Schloesser Sacramento, CA While searching for a Baja Bug these past three months, .I spent several hours on the phone to people -in business related to racing. In fact, I called practically evewone that had an advertise-ment in DUSTY TIMES. Everyone I spoke with was extremely courteous and informative. I spoke with Glenn Evans at Dir Trix and Bill Varnes at Mirage weekly. I want to thank the two of them for the time spent. Unfortunately-for•Bill, he was the one who ended up being my main source of information. He suffered with my questions and took the time away from his work to help me. -After advertising in DUSTY TIMES I finally received a few responses. Two to be exact; one from Chuck Wishn~r and the December 1987 other from Gary Brading.· Unfortunately, I never stopped in Fresno to look at Gary's and headed straighttoChuck's. After a ten hour trip in my old 4x4, I arrived on Saturday night. I spent the night at Wishners, after being fed and extended every possible hospitality. We sealed our deal Sunday morning and Chuck fabricated a special tow bar to fit from the Bug to the 4x4. I headed out for the drive home that afternoon, the proud owner of a beaufitully built Baja Bug. · What this sums up to be is a Thank You and the good feelin_g that in this world people can still be people and extend their hospitality and -thoughtfulness. So, a special THANK YOU to the Wishners and Bill Varnes. Tom Ruzich ' Chico, CA Enclosed is a check for my subscription to DUSTY TIMES. I enjoy all the off road coverage. Keep up the good work on the SCCA Pro Rally coverage! David Gawlik Havoc Motorsport Pro Rally Team Dolton, IL This is an open letter to all C .O .R.E. members. This is a special thank you to Bill Cannon and all theC.0.R.E. pitcrewsfor the radio watch and pit help during the SNORE 250. We broke an oil filter mount during the second lap and pulled into the C.O.R.E. pits. The guys there patched it up, and we were al::ile to finish third. Again thanks to all C .O.R.E. members from car #913. . John Mello -Howard Burdick . Watsonville, CA If you like water and lots of mud, then the Baja 1000 was the race for you! All the rain before the race sure did a number on Ensenada and the course. Because of all the mud bogs, the vehides crossing the finish line were so dirty, you could hardly tell who was who! At least ·the weather held for the race. Steve Kassanyi was right when he said the 700 miles would seem like 1000. He and Sal must be taking lessons from Walt Lott. We especially liked the Summit and Matomi Wash! We do have one question: Where were the road guards at the highway crossings? We saw several, but next year we need more. We lost our tranny, which had been 'through 12 races, near. T res Pozos, but thanks to my excellent crew, we were able to cbntiriue. I finished the last 20 miles in first gear with another bad tranny, and thought I might have to finish in reverse. We thought this race would be hard on tires, but our General Grabber MT s came through again with hardly a scratch. -Speaking of General Tire, we'd like to thank them for the party on Wednesday. My wife., Gaylt;, was caught by surprise when they presented her with a huge trophy for Pit Mom of the Year. She thinks Wayne is a sweetie. Thanks to Bob Hynes of Uniden and to General's radio relay for doirig a good job under difficult circumstances and getting us the message concern-ing the tranny. I had the pleasure of having Loren Snyder of 4 Wheel Parts Wholesaler ride with me this race, and thanks also to Kirby and Kevin who pitted for us at Santo Tomas. We all · know how important sponsors are to racers, and I'd like to thank all of mine for their support, and give them a plug, too. Beside the ones already mentioned, they are Conejo Off Road and RV, Krieder Welding, Coast Machine (Drive line), Smittybilt, Explorer Lights, Control Masters, Sports Racing Gas and Mr. Sticker. If your company's name isn't on this list, it can easily be added!! The Conejo Off Road Racing T earn had a very successful and exciting year. We didn't win the Baja 1000, but we did finish first in points for the year. We're sorry that, due to rule changes, Class 3 and 14 have to be combined, but we're looking forward to the increased , competition next season. See you at the Awards Banqut;t. . Mike Schwellinger Conejo Off Road Racing T earn Newbury Park, CA The following is a copy of a letter sent to ESPN cable TV. Just a couple of short comments regarding a recent program which -you aired on the Score Riverside World Champ-ionship event. First of all, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed the show . and the camera work. I think it was the most outstanding pi~ce of TV work that I have ever seen on off road racing. As a hobby level off road racer I certainly appreciate it. Keep up the good work. My second comment is one which might be consid~red a little criticism. The announcer said, and I repeat pretty close to word for word, "The Challenger cars are the low budget racers in the series". Then, in the same breath he mentioned that Al Arciero led until breaking. He ran Class 10, he ran Heavy Metal, and who knows what else. How in the world can Al Arciero be considered a low budget racer? I think it's a shame for a racer of . his caliber to cherry pick a class which is designed for low budget and entry level people. -Bob Rule Lawrenceville, GA To be fair and set the record straight, Al Arciero ran in Class l and Class ro as well as Challenl{er ai Riverside. His brother Frank drives the Class 4 Chevrolet. The idea of rentinJ{ a car at Riverside is not new, and some stars hate been doi1w it for years. One time Rol{er Mears drove inat least five different classes, including Class ro when it W'.IS r 2oocc, another entry level class. There are some desert drivers who just do not like short course racing, and they are more than happy to loan acartoanotherdriver in return far having a host of new parts and pieces added to the machine both before and after the race. DUST-Y TIMES welcomes letters from all off road activity. Letters should be at the DUSTY TIMES office by the 15th of the month in order to appear in the next issue. Dusty nmes
.THE PRESIDENTE SAUIA SCORE BAJA 1000, Bob Gordon and Malcolm Smith arc the Mud Masters of Baja By Jean-Calvin Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises ; Bob Gordon and Malcolm Sniith made no mistakes. had no real trouble, andproved themselves Baja masters in Bob's slick Chenowth. The team won Class 2 by over an hour, and were well ahead of the pack for first overall among cars. It was a dark and stormy week around Baja California just before the 20th Anniversary edition of the Baja 1000, this one produced by Scorelnternational and sponsored by Presidente Sauza. The inclement weather was to test the mettle of all participants in the event, which · fortunately had been shortened from the original 900 plus miles to about 700 miles, more than enough for the survivors to cover in the 30 hour time allowance. - A new storm hit with a vengeance on the Wednesday of race week, when most folks were heading south to Ensenada~ Steady rain with an occasional cloudburst washed rocks and debris on the roads, even the toll road from the border. The same weather on Thursday certainly dampened the spirits of the hardy souls who set up shop on contingency row in front of the race headquarters, the Bahia Hotel in Ensenada. Reports from the Pacific Beach route, the final leg starting ninety miles south of Ensenada and a section that would be in the darkness for racers, were so grim about course conditions that Sal Fish took off Thursday afternoon to check it out himself, but the trails t:urned out to be pas~ble if not easily tions., Then it "7aS through the identifiable. · pine forest to Check 2 at Nuevo A huge entry turned out for Junction, also with the access the 20th Anniversary of the off roads in poor shape. Now it was road race that started the entire over . the Summit to .Cohabuzo concept of professional off road and north towards Tres Pozos, racing in the .open desert. The Check 3. The racers were now on final count came to 348 entries, the east side of the peninsula, and including the motorcycle classes, into warm weather and dry sand. and 314 actually started the race. The course went south across The near record entry in 1987 is Highway 3 to the double Check-surpassed only by the 346 who points, 4 and 7, and continued started the 1977 Score Baja south to San Rafael, ·Check 5, 1000. almost on the Gulf of California. Among the host of important It turned north to San Felipe, visitors to the event this year Check 6, back through · the were the organizers of the Baja de double check and north to Spain, covered last month in Matias Pass and the highway run DUSTY TIMES. They were before turning onto the dirt en interested in comparing the 1000 route to Mike's Sky Ranch, to their similar endurance events Check 8, and west down the wet in the Spanish deserts. More mountain into Camalu, Check 9 . . famiHar to long time off roaders From here it was tough going on ·were Ed and Shirley Pearlman, the muddy beach route north to who started the concept of Baja Check 10 at Santo Tomas. Most racing in 1967; their NOR,RA thatmadeitthatfarfinished. The organization ran the show in route went east and north over Mexic·o through 1972. Ed sodden ground to Ojos Negros Pearlman was the guest starter and back to Ensenada on the Friday morning when the race common route. commenced. Friday morning dawned dry, The driver's meeting Thurs- overcast, but with the promise of day evening announced a course . no more rain, and there was none change as Score abandoned the throughout the weekend. The route out of town through the bikes flew off into the early deep ditches. The cars went out morning gloom; and just before on paved side streets en route to 8 :00 a.m, the first car, the potent the turn off to Ojos Negros, and · · reigning · Class 2 champion it was a prudent move. The heavy Chenowth, with Bob Gordon weather continued with thunder and Gary Pace up, took off and and lightening and rain squalls raced down the boule:vard and that not only washed out the onto the race .course. Class 2, annual BFGoodrich barbecue, ' first away, started 14 cars, 'but but took out some buildings at• some came to grief early in the the hotel where it is held. The game. Failing to make the first barbecue came off Saturday time check· were both Walter evening, however, and was quite Prince, in the Candy Cane a success. Raceco, and Garen McCune/ The race course went east Larry Zimmerman, from from Ensenada through Ojos Sacramento. Negros to the first check, moved Bob Gordon drove the first car downstream from El Rayo of any kind to reach Nuevo because of access road condi- Junction, and he held his lead on Gorky McMillin and Brian Ewalt fly through the soggy turf en route to a great 2nd in Class 2 in the ·.Chenowth and 3rd overall car honors. Corky'McMillin also won the Class 2 championship.on points. It was nearly a perfect McMillin day in Baja, as Mark drove solo in his_Chenowth to· a resounding Class 1 victory, had no troubles, and Mark is a repeat points champion in Class, 1 . . Bob Richey and Lance Barron carried both a front and a rear spare for the Raceco. had some woes. but the team carried on to third in Class 2. Page 10 Len Newman and Michael Gaughan were right with the leaders Young Robby Gordon was an instant hit as a trucker, driving the until the dreaded beach, and they dropped to fourth in Class 2 in hay hauler Ford all the way to a very close second in the factory the Chenowth. _ --··- - - -dominated· Class 8. December 1987 Dusty nmcs
Dave Shoope and Larry Maddox made a few unscheduled stops . A_ wounded buggy_;-i10ve1;i ov_er for thf Ford df Ron Cly borne and along the way, but they got the Ford.home third in Class 8,'.and ·-~ • Bryant Hibbs, and the _truck went on to finish a fine fourth in the Shoppe earned the season tit/~. · Class B c_ontest - · 1 · · --I Flying high over a cattle guard "early_in the race. Stev~ and Ace Bradford had plenty of tro1,1.ble but did. finish and were second ,n Class 1. - . the road to Tres Pozqs, where Malcolm Smith · and ·Derek · Collins took over to do the· foll -loop. Smith went by the double pit area a good 20 minutes before . another car arrived. Meanwhile Dave Kreisler. was missing at -· Check 4 as was Perry McNeil, and also Javier Cevallas. The remaining· st;ven charged off in · good shape on the loop. . . · winning car, and Bob Gordon ,. Chenowth, side bi side. across and Gary Pace wereahappy pair, the _ line at 10:45 ._ p.m. Corky alb~itquite muddy. Gordon said took the finishing ramp first, but the only bad times he had was didn't wait for theTV folks, and when he lost the power steering ~ent on, -· leaving the glory to twice, plus trying to get past -all Mark who won Class 1 by 'nine the stuck in the' mud Safari cars . hq\Jrs ... that's right,1 hours! Malcolm Smith held the lea:d on the road allthe way around, and_ returned to the double pit at 3:34 p.m. Gordon and Pace got back in the Chenciwth · and took off heading west-to eventual glory. Matt McBride, who had been going . well in his new Porsche · powered racer, went missing on the leg to Mike's, and Manuel Romero made it to-Camalu, but no farther. ·and fighting the fogon the last The Mc Millin cars ran miles. The win was not only solid together the last .I part ~f the in Class 2, by over an hour,· course, knowing that Gordon· . their time, the only car under I 4 was already in, and! that nobody hours,. of 13: 15-.04 was gooq for else. was close beh_ind them, just overall car honors by . 50 in case something rilight happen minutes. It was the fourth such to either car. Cotky'~ second Cr'aig Watkins and Greg Aronson stayed close in Class 10, but ended up victory_ for Bob Gordon and his place gave him the (!::lass z points· _ sehond in the Raceco. good eriough to give_ Watkins the points championship. team this year. Malcolm Smith championship for the year, and '"·'1 • . ,. _ • The crowd gathered around 8:00 p.m. at the finish line, but estimates of fast time had been optimistic. It was a long wait, w~ile ~me O! the Safari rally cars with bright lights got. the cqeers going as they finished . Around 9:45 the roar of a strong VW Type 4 engine preceded the white lights of the . overall was on. hancl to greet the pair Mark won th{ Class·· 1 when they · arrived, but · the championship by _ ~bunch for victory dinner was put 'off until anot_her year. Congratulations go Bob's son Rob arrived some time to the McMillins for their -later. -ou-tstanding _ performance ·; by , With the first car finish the both the drivers-. a~d their well i spectators came alive at the finish organized crew; --1· , . . '-, . line. Also getting active w~re the Third in Class 2 went to Bob ' folks from ABC TV who now Richey and Lance Barronin their 1 expected the usual steady stream Raceco _over-· two f liours later. ; of finishers, but they did , not Like. most , finishe~s they _ wer~ ' arrive. A few motorcycles came bothered . by the mud on the in, but it was another hour Until _ beach, scratched viJors and mud the · Mc Millin Clan arrived, covered lights, and the fog. toge-ther .. lt was .Markin his Class About 37 minutes later the next -1 Chenowth, and dad Corkyand Class 2 · home . was the Len Brian Ewalt, in· the • Class 2 Newman/ Mike ~ -Russeli'Welch did the 1'iron man" number in his O.R.E., almost didn't get to.start, but once moving he had1no troubles, · took the Class.10 lead midway in the race, wonthe c!ass and finished fourth overall. I -Dusty nmes December . ,987 This is the system run by.mosi 1ott roati race ,winners I TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BA~A BUGS . ' ' . .. . . . ' . ' ----- -. . . . . I _ 2740 COMPTON ~VENUE _ LOS AN~ELES, CALIF~ 90011 - . (213) 234-9014 WHOLESALE ONLY DEALE_R INQUIRIES _INVITED Page 11 I i· i ..
Steve Barlow and John Hagle teamed in the O.R.E. to storm the ?3 car Class 1-2·1600 field, and despite clutchAroub/es they held a good lead to wJn the class in Baja and g/ve Barlow the points Manny Esquerra took the Class 7 lead early in the game in his Ford Ranr;er, and he proved again to be a master of the rovgh desert as· he no_t only won Class 7, but !inished seventh overall. title. . Dave and Bryant Wood, another father and son team, looked good in the eastern desert and finished in good time forfourth in Bill Rodriguez and Jesus Luna .had a fine race in their .trick Jimco, and they raeed o·ver familiar ground to a keen second in Morley and Mike Williams, father and son, flew theirChenoWth with ease in the desert, had troubles on the beach and finished Class 10. · the big Class 1-2-1600. · third in 1-2-1600s. · ~ Gaughan Chen- since Gaughan owns the Gold owth, that had been up front on Coast Hate.I in Las Vegas where the east side. They had troubles MacCachren is a valet parking on the second half, arid like many supervisor. Rob took over the others, Gaughan got lost on the car and the Vegas team· took beach. His eyes were ruined by fourth in Class 2. the mud, his visor too scratched ·Chris Robinson arrived about to use by the time he got to Ojos -· 46 minutes later in the fancy Negros. Rob MacCachren, Olds bodied Class · 2. Phil whose Class I was out, waswith Blurton and Glenn Harris were lhe crew so. Mike Gaughan told sixth, about five hours later in Rob "Take· this car and park it in the neat newly rebu.ilt Chen-the impound." It is an "in" joke, owth. In seventh, i:he last class CONEJO OFF ROAD RACING. · MIKE:SCHWELLINGER 1987 Class 3 Point Champion Wish to Thank all Who Contributed to a Very Successful Seaso.n. · My Wife Gayle . My Stepson Jon-Snyder Co-Driver Les Erickso_n Letter Writer Judy Erickson · Conej(? Pit and Chase Crews General Tire Motorsport Smittybilt, Inc. Coast Machine (Drivel~nes) Krieders Welding .. Four Whe~I Parts Wholesalers ExPlorer Lights Mr. Sticker Sports Racing Gasoline Control Masters Uniden Race Radios . Donahoe, Renoe, Phillips Team Conejo Off Road Center 1-304 B Newbury Road, Newbury Park, CA 91320 Page 12 finisher, came Beny Canela and Mike Quintana, who had lots of · down time, and finished in 28 hours flat. · The eleven Class 8 pickups were second off the line; and it wasn't long before Ba-ja Internacional winner -Frank up front in his nifty · Chevrolet. His was the first truck through Check 2, arid pushing · for the overall car lead. By the double check Vessels led Class 8, but only four minutes behind him on the road came. Dave Shoppe in his trusty Ford: Steve · Kelley, Chevy, was just a few more minutes back. All eleven made it this far and also to Check Dick and Gary Weyhrich had late breaking tro1Jble with their Raceco; but the . . father and son pressed'on to finish a fine third in Class 10 . . 5 atthe bottom of the loop. .. Walker Evans lost the trans in by David Westhem and Bill Bryant Hibbs came in to 'pl;ce his . new Dodge Dakota- some- Holmes, and the pair were eighth fourth in Class 8, followed 1n -where near Check 3, bu this crew overall car as well as the Class 8 · almost an hour by Walker Evans saddled up and went to the winner: Near the finish, around and Dick Maxwell who stayed rescue. Out for good was Steve ·.OjosNegros, they had buried the with the program to gain fifth Kelley, who made it nearly to San truck in a big water . hole. and place. In eighth; the last Class 8 · Felipe before the engine went. spent 40 minutes drying it out. finisher and last overall ·were . Under the rules you can replace a But -they won the. clas_s by 6½ Australians Jeff David and PhH trans, "bui: not an engine, .so . minutes. - . · · • ·Dodd, whoseGMChadjustovet Kelley was done for the day. Close 15ehind . was rookie three minutes left on the 30 hour · Peter. HerwieL also vanished trucker Robby Gordon ~n Jim time allowance. .. after ·check 5. Afrer much down Venable's hay hauler Ford. There were butni~·e in:Class 1, time · Walker Evans cleared Robby drove the distance, and third off.the line and the drivers Check 4 and .looked and the 18 yearold was ninth overall, . were not too happy about that. sm.mded strong. . ·. saying ithad been a loroffun. En First away and first to Check 2 Nine kept going through route through the beach Gordon was defend(ng .champion Mark Camalu with Vessels now way out had helped Don Hatz, in Bob · McMillin. By Check 4 th.e front. Then, while in contention Scott's 1600. The VW was wet McMillin ·chenowth had a for overall honors, the Vessels and would ~ot start, so Robby decent lead in Class L Ron Brant. . Chevy broke a rare, high dolla.r . hooked up and pushed the buggy did-not clear a time.check before front spindle en route to Santo all the way to a pit. What a neat retirfng, and the Ron Gardner/ Tomas. There was ·no replace- thfng · to ·do. There was soi:ne Bud Feldkamp car, powered by ment part, and Frank was serious celeb_rating in- Ensenad_a h~lf a-Chevy· V-8, .ala midget sidelined after a magnificent for Robby, his dad Bob and their engine, drowned out right off the drive. N.ieanwhile Shoppe and entire crew. . start. Nothing would cure the Dave Maddox had .rolled -the_. Dave Shoppe finished third, water related problems so they Ford, losing time, then· later just ·another 13 minutes down,. went.out at Nuevo Jum:tion . broke a tie rod, resulting in mote and the third was good enough to Getting farther down the road down time, and the running give Dave the Class 8 champion- . was Bob Shepard ,in the Porsche · order was really scrambled. ship on -points. Congrats to the powered Selsted, hut he did not The first big truck in was a real entire Shoppe team. Some time. dear Check 5. Rob MacCachren, · · surprise: It was the GMCdriven passed, then Ron Clyborne and also with Porsche power in_!he · December 1987 . Dusty Times
. John Cooley and Mark Fox had the Baja coursewired this ro~~d. and they drove their rac~r to th.~ . M~tt and Gale Pike.h~d1their best day in· the dirt for a long ti~e .. as they dro. ve their Dodgepast .the victory in Class 5, andwentfast enough to take tenth overall,_ · co/;T1petition to a convin,cing .win in Class 4, and they won by two hours. · .. More family racers, Dave Fessenden 1 and.2, fl1Jw the cattle guards and all the way in Baja to a neat fourth place finish in Class 102-1600. Chenowth, had a small engine Three more Clas.s · 10s made fire at Check 4, carried on, but a Check 5 before vanishing, _and leaky main seal arid oil'line leaks Jim Stiles went ·out with. engine caused an6the{Jii:e; and he was trouble. Welch was now in the out afte,r : Check 5. Steve lead on the road, and since he · Sourapa~. and Dave Richardson started last, he now led the Class had been leery of the beach on 10 troops. BiU Church, with the Thursday,andsureenoughi.tdid- leaders through Check 7, had them in, and they blew the engine tranny prQblems heading for the after Camalu. Sk_y Ranch and he retired. · Both · 1:van Stewart, Toyota, Welch led to Camalu, and and Tom Koch/Larry 13olin carried Off, saying the · race was · the entire family )races in the Class -1~2~1600, a:nd this group in su~h packs we· lost-track, . Bill Poe entry. They got lost in haa a ~tartling_ total of ten entries assuming there would be· some . _ the Matomi Wash, ~s did.scores that did not start. Three dropped checkpoint 'times available after ofothers, and were lost again on . · . ou!t early and two more failed to . the race; which ,there were not. · . the Padfic . beach rJn. But they make the big loop, but 18 made,it At any rate the Scott car was · kept moving in thb O.R.E. to . alljthe way to_Camalu. At Check · doing well _throug~ _Camalu, but finish fifth in Class io. Sixth and 4·1t lool<ed as 1fthecomboof Art· the mysterious engine woes on ,last in class wereTotn Fergusson Pe,terson/ Ricbard Goldbaum·. the heach··co.uld not be, and Bob Maynard,.)some hours anp. -Roger Mears Jr. w~re · and the team took~ dnfrand'lost~ later. Out after Caralu after a . leaping, at least on t~e road; w1_th · Boh ~cott'_s ._ bid . for ~he · good run was the team of Chuck th~ Bob Scot!/M1ke · Voyle~/ champ1onsh1p. , Also havtf\g .Sugar and Mike Pathck. Don Hatz car m close pursuit. somctroublesalongtheway,and Next to.leave we~e the 23 in Afiter..that the 1600s came-along•. nearly~ .1, . . . . . . made it across the.beach, only to fun to -that point. He elected fall out heading for Ojos Negros. to .go · solo, although · Roger · Koch was third and Stewart- Mortenson was standing by at fourth in Class I, desJjite being Camalu. Welch was slowed by non-finishers. Steve and Ace the beach mud andthe fog in _the Bradford kept moving through mountains. Finally a cv joint the long night and finished nine Degan clanking, but it kept hot1rs behind the winner, but working: Russ Welch drove his that was good for Class O.R.E. into the finish, the fourth I . Winning the class and home car to arrive, fourth overall, and second overall was Mark he. was about an hour behind the McMillin, who· drove the entire McMillins on time.of day. It was distance. Mark reported no quite a race to do a solo drive serious trouble, only · lack of effort, but the wiry salvage yard vision on the beach·, and said that owner looked fresh and full of · he and his dad•·· Corky both energy at the finish line .. _ sto_p~d __ often to wipe off the Just 15 minutes later the-team headlights. · · · · · of Craig Watkins and Greg Next off the line was Class 10, Aronson came along, second in a goodly pack of 21, but four did Class 10, fifth overall, and not dear a check, and threemore clearly the 1987 Class 10 points were QUt beyond _Check 2; where ··• champions.·. Along •with many Jim Stiles · was · the first one others, they · had fitted · a wind~ through. By Ch~k 4 t~e-fi~t _ . shield to the Raceco for weather was between· Jun · St1les/J1m protection. But, l_ike many.· Greenway, Bill and. Mike others, it caused engirie over~ Church, and Russ Welch., who heating on the ,east side of the was the secorid·Clas.s 10 at the peninsula, so they kicked it out check, but several more were · and had no more troub'le: It was reasonably close. Welch had nearly two more hoµr~ before . most of his trauma oefore the the _third Class IO arrived, Dick start. As he tnoved up the line, an Weyhrich, who dr'ave· with .his .oil . line let go. His crewman · son _Gary. Weyhrich also gei:s a · Ricky fished another fitting out good samaritan award, men-of · his truck and he and Jim tioned in the Class 1-2-1600 Greenway got it all toget!ler just report .. Another father · and son barely in time for Welch to start team were fourth·, Dave and in his time slot. Bryant Wood. Dusty Times · I I . M~re qn-roa~ rac_es -are, won on B1lste-1ns: -1·- . · . . -·1 · -· . ·_. . · ·. . tha~ ·ani c,ther shock so~ber ,~ perio.d. · 11.STBN-BORN TO PERFORM" ' •.. B;~TEINCORPORATION OF AMERICA'. . · 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 . .' i. ' . . :-1 .. : ... ' . . ·. . . ' . ,·· . . . '. . tr additional tech~if I inforinatio~ .and a complete catalog, send $2.50. I Page 13
Young.Cameron Steele is a twcker this sea·son, and he drove the tidy Chevy S-10 very welfto finish a fine third in the tough Class 7 The Baja Bug of Harlmut Klawitter featured a sliding windshield, ~nd it must have worked; as the car was a close second in Class 5 . Cf]arging through the warm desert.:the Bug of Wolfram Klawitter and Mat Parsons had trouble later on. got fixed and came in third in Class· s: · · C ranks. · · The handsome AL(ssie Ford Falcon pickup ran as it looked, and Randy Salmont and Jim Nick Gross arid Joe Valentine streaked away from the Challenger cars, the biggest class in the race, . I· .. . . . - . . , • Hunter drove the interesting eAtry to the. Class 6 victory, winning by just seven minutes. . ·. and their T-Mag led the way to victory, the team winning by over 1 ½ hours. -~ . kayoed by the beach run, was the Art reterson ORC, down for hours here and there. They did get a finish eventually; inover 24 hours, but 12th wasp't enough points for Art to take the championship. Meanwhile Steve Barlow and John Hagle were n::ioving right along in their O .R.E. Barlow finished first on the road about 1 :SO a.m., and he told another of the race, and the dutch hung · over half an hour; so Steve up badly. He often had to back Barlow not only won the class on ·· up the hills. On the last miles he the Baja 1000, but .,he also won came to a hill he c?uldn 't get _up, · · th_e class poin~ title. No doubt and along came Dick Weyhnch, the Barlows will buy a round of who graciously pushed Barlow _ drinks for the Weyhrich clan at fourth were Russ·Butow/Danny Ho11sewetz had retired. as York in a Mirage; followed by · planned. ·So, . whe.n the, word Jirn Fishback Jr.I.Chuck Miller. came that Mears was down; In all, 14 finished-in Class 1-2- Balch got in the Class 7. pre-1600, and the last finisher was runner that Frank had started, Jim Fishback Sr. , and drove the course to where Ni_ne . started in · Class 7, Mears was parked. Roger went including the pit trucks of Roger on- racing in· the pre-runner, Mears, driven by. Frank somewhattiredbutmovingwell, Honsewetz, and of Larry . while ·Balch went with .the 'pit Ragland, driven by Clive Smith. crew further down tourse in ,i, keen Baja tale. He said he ha9 tranny trouble on the last third · up the hill and stayed with him to . the awards · banquet. Taking a the final steep climb ~ut ofOjos. · solid ~cond was theJimcoof~ill Negros and pushed him up that Rodnguez and Jesus Luna, only obstacle also. Barlow waited the .22 minutes ahead ofMorl~y and few minutes for Dick to finish, Mike . Williams in their and 'thanked him profusely on. Chenowth. Next came the David the finish platform. · . ·. Fessendens, father and son, who No other 1600 came long for had a good run thfa_!i_me out. In · Roger Mears took off fast ih his order to get back into the Deet~ Nissan, and Manny Esquerra, machine when planned'.. . Ford, was close but had to stop · By now Manny Esquerra was before · Check 2 to replace a hours.ahead of the five Class 7s windshield. wiper ·motor, ·still moving. Esquerra, with handing a good lead to Mears. Joseph Naranjo riding shotgun Meanwhile Larry Ragland broke all the way, slid:off the trail a few a ball joint about 20 miles out on times in the mud, but.arrived at the pavement, and park~d up a . die finish line just five minutes bank: His crew, including Clive after Dave Shoppe, for a Smith who had s,tarted behind convincing win in Class 7 / the him, was on hand soon, but.they yeac end championship arid a were still working on, the truck keen seventh overall. . late in the morning. . Over five hours and·gallons of·· -December 31, 1987 • Plaster City-East ATVs & Bikes Start Time: 7:00 a.m. • Buggies, Cars, Trucks Start Time: Noon A.M.A-_FUDPtJ,KER RAciN6 ~~ . . .... ' .• \:>· •• ---..P::,-------c-;;_;, ~=-~~-~ii 0 -. · . -~~ BUDWEISER DUNAWAY DASH PROFESSIONAL· OFF ROAD RACING . · SPONSORED BY: THE WRIGHT PLACE, SOUTH BAY YAMAHA, THE BUGGY SHOP, RACE READY PRODUCTS . Info:. (619) 427,,.5759 . December 1987 Then Roger .Mears lost the oil later Mears finished-,' giving engine somewhere near Tres Frank Honsewetz and Nissan an Pozos, and that entry was· out, unexpected second in Cla~s · 7. but-the Nissan team had a plan . . Cameron ·. Steele and · Mike Sherman Balch, who started in .. Harding_ hacl th~ir.own troubles the John Deetz 7 4x4 Nissan, had along the way, but they came in ha.nded it over tqDeetz at Check third tn the new Chevy 5; 10, 2, the same place that Frank about an. hour behind Mears.· Ernesto.and Alfredo Arambula went quickly on home ground ih Baja, and they took the lead late in the race and held it t,o the checkered flag to win Class s-1600. . , - I · - . · . .-· ... I . I I I I.
The tales of woe from Rod Hall and Jim Fricker would fill a book, but the veteran team kept the Dodge moving and finished the race second iri Class 4. John Dyck and Michael King lost six hours midway to a broken trans, but they got the Jeep rolling again to finish an easy third in Charging into the desert the Chevy Camara of Bill Russell and Neville Sharp had a real dice going late in the race, but the team finished second in Class 6. Class 4. · I • I Andy L. and son Andy A. Devercelly led a long way in Class Scot and Brock Jones nose stand over the famous Ojos Negros _5-1600. but beach troubles dropped them to second at the flag, cattle guard, but they kept the BJg together to finish the race Looking sedate here, Steve and William Taylor went fast later on and got their Baja Bug home a close 4th; by 7 minutes, in 5-1600s. but they won the year end points battle. third in Class 5-1600. Fourth, and the last Class 7 Klawitter, in a somewhat Matomi Wash on the loop the the night. They were surprised to finishers. finisher . was the team of Larry confusing driver change strategy. Dyck Honcho hit a rock and finish at all, and more surprised Class 6 had a husky entry of Ragland and David Beck, · who After lots of trouble in the night, broke the trans; repairs cost this to find they were second in Class eight sedans, some of them lost most of their time off ·the Jim Cocores/Don Robertson team some six I hours. Bill 4 ! a couple hours behind the supported by the efforts of both start, and flew ,around the route finished fourth, followed by Lyn Donahoe's Dodge went out for Pikes. It was well worth the all -Bill Russell and Larry Schwa-after repairs. and Mike Mocaby, and Pedro good in the same area. · night drive for Hall, as he not cofer in the struggle to save the A hardy eleven Class 5 Baja Talamantes/Hemberto Espinola. Now in the leadJras the Dodge only won the Class 4 points, but class from extin~tion. Dale Bugs started out, but a couple Class 4 started next, eight of Matt and Gale Pike. The father the Heavy Metal Championship. Jordan's Nissan hadn't oeen seen were out early. At Check 4 it was strong, but Tom Strong did not and son team had a.great last half Dyck and King, who lost their for some time, but he made ino a tight race. Bob Utgard/ Jeff get off the pavement before his to win Class 4 in liust over 19 lights completely on the beach, Check 2 before dropping from Hibbard flashed past first, but Chevy was parked. Jack Johnson hours. Losing a couple more arrived third in class, another the charts. Sid Spradling got one two minutes ,behind and in the took off like a rocket in the cylinders, and both front and two hours down. The Arnolds of the 1969 Rambler racers out same •minute came John Nissan, and led all the way to rear drive ·here and there, Hall finished fourth with more than a of mothballs and started out Cooley/Mark Fox and Hartmut Tres Pozos, where the transmis- and Fricker kept their pit team double sweep around the clock, bravely, only to break a spindle Klawitter, and in another two sion failed, and he was out. The busy but soldiered on through· and were the last Class 4 early in ~ minutes Wolfram Klawitter Dodge of Rod Hall and Jim ______ ,...I ____________________________ ...,. passed by. Nine made itthrough Fricker was now leading, but I Check 5, but then Utgard, who pitted at Check 4 to have the had the lead on time, went out, as . brakes fixed, and the side of the did George Seeley/Howard Dodge was caved in as well. Anderson, who were close · on Frank Arciero, also missing time through the check. some body work, got to the same Running without any serious pit with the steering out of the problems, John Cooley and Chevy. It took hours to fix, and Mark Fox crossed the finish line then down the road the trans ad:52 a.m., theClassS winners, went out and caught fire, so the tenth overall car, and the Frank was a spectator. 1987 Class 5 champions. The At Check 4 John Dyck and Klawitters came in second and Michael King were.second on the third in class. Hartmut was one road to Hall, followed in 15 of many who took the wrong minutes by Lowell and' William turn at Matomi Wash and found Arnold in a similar Jeep, and in it led to a dead end canyon. But ; another ten minutes by the he brought . the new -Bug in Dodge of Matt and Gale Pike. second, 15th overall. The older When Rod Hall returned to the Bug was an hour and a half pit the Dodge had dropped a behind in third spot,. and Mat cylinder. After some·heavy work Parsons had started in that car he continued on with seven beforehandingovertoWo]fram cylinders working. In the Wearing a little dry mud, Rich Minga and Tom Ray came back from carb problems to place second in Challenger Class and win enough points to make . Miriga the 1987 overall champion. · Dusty nmes DOUGLAS BROS./CHUCK JOHNSON OFF~ROAD RACING would like to tha1 k those who helped make winning the Class 7S and the Overall Mini-Metal Points Championships possible: I-BFGOODRICH FORD SVO I FORD TRUCK_ -PRECISION 4-WHEEL DRIVE STE!j>PLER RACING ENGINES ART CARR THPRNTON ASSOCIATES . SUPERIOR INDUSTRIES RICHMOND GEAR K&N ENGINEERING F&L RACING FUEL QUAKER STATE DOETSCH TECH FO.UR WHEEL PARTS WHOLESALERS FARADYNE UMP J And the best crew in off-road racing: STEVE DOUGLAS FRED PROGNER MIKE POPPIE I KELL V SWANGUEN JOHN SWANGUEN DENNIS KASNIK WARREN BAIRD KEVIN & PAM O'CONNELL JOHN LIBBY NORMAN McCLAIN CLARK STEPPLER and I EVERYONE !ELSE WHO HELPED ALL YEAR!!!. December 11987 i 1 1 i' !
Billy Bunch and Kevin Conlin are always near the top in the Sandwinder ChalleAger,. and in Baja they drove to third place, out of 27 starters. Mike Leon and Javier Tiznado took fourth place in the Jimco in Challenger class, but it was close as they w_ere ahead by a mere 34 seconds. Spencer Low and Paul DeLang tried hard in the spiffy Nissan, but their effort this year fell short, and they finished 2nd in Class 7S. ~ - the race. So Sid re-joined the Schwacofer crew. The Moser brothers got over the Summit before breaking a spindle at T res Pozos. Later the trans blew up and the Ford caught fire, and that was that. The nostalgic Edsel of Edward Everett and Rene· Brugger made it to Check 4, before returning to Ensenada on the highway. At Check 4 the Australian Ford Falcon Ranchero, a neat looking rig, was the first Class 6 thrbugh and looking strong. It I - ---· was driven by Randy Salrnont and Jim Hunter. Larry Schwa-cofer was about 25 minutes back, but made a long pit stop, replacing a shift cable and other things in the '55 Chevy. After the second time through the double check, four were still running. The Falcon and the '55 Chevy exchanged the lead often all the way to Mike's. In the lead coming out of the Sky Ranch, the Aussie car had electrical problems, and none other than Larry Schwa-_sgfer stoppes:j_ t_Q_ give .. them a DESERT LOCK OUTER 10.000 HOLE ~OR EASY ACCESS Tp LUG BOLTS 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8-1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP. Standard Lock Outer Tire Located Off Inner Ring Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength ·• At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing * All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 13" MIDGET 15" UNLIMITED SPORT TRUCK BAJA BUG 8"-10" MODIFIED MIDGET QUAD RACER ATV MINI STOCK MODIFIED •MIDGET WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 O" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL OR WRITE TO: 3447 W. Univ~rsity · · Fresno, CA 93722 . (209)275-5183 Page 16 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax . jump start, saying he wanted a ten minute lead for the service. Out of Camalu on the Pacific beach, the Falcon, the '55 Chevy and the Camaro of Bill Russell and Neville Sharp swapped the lead from mud hole to mud hole, and it was a real race to the finish line. Randy -Salmont and Jim Hunter won the Class 6 battle, one of the better races of the day. Just seven minutes behind them the Bill Russell Camaro took second. With plenty more trouble in · the mud, Larry Schwacofer and crew were third, another 43 minutes back. · The fourth and final Class 6 finisher was the Saab 96 of Arne Gunnarsson and Jol;m Johnston III, quite an accomplishment. Class 5-1600 started a pack of 19, but fi:ve were out after Check 2. Two more died in the dreaded Matomi Wash. First on the road at Check 4 was Andy DeVer-celly, but two minutes later along came Scot and Brock Jones and David Anckner/ Eric Arras, and here nobody else was close, but 12 made it around the loop again. Almost all the Bugs had troubles during the night, and when it sorted out at the finish line the 5-1600 winners were Ernesto and Alfredo Arambula, a keen 18th overall to boot. In second place were the Andy Devercelleys, father and son, only 25 minutes out of the win. They led to Camalu, then broke a throttle cable, got that fixed, broke a shock, replaced that, and then had trouble with the lights. Still, second in Baja gave the Devercellys the class points championship. Scot and Brock Jones had more down time, but did finish third, follgwed ·by S,teve and William Taylor, and David Anckner/ Eric Arras. In sixth among the ten finishers was the House of Buggies team of Michael Lund and Robert Falkenberg. They had trouble in the water on the dry lake, had various electrical problems all night, and finally hit a tree only a few miles from the finish line. They were glad to finish sixth. The biggest class was Challenger at 27 starters, and all but four made it to Check 4, and · a remarkable 18 finished the race. In 18th spot, one place from last overall, 35 minutes shy of the cut-off time, were Mike Ward and Mike Free, and they must have some great stories. The first Challenger through · Check 4 was the T-Mag of Nick · Gross and Joe Valentine, running and sounding strong. Next on the road, 20 minutes later, was the Sandwinder of Billy Bunch, followed by defending points champ Rick Johnson. __ . December 1987 The folks at Valle de T~inidad really know how to spectate a race, as they bring along refreshments and their own grandstand to watch the off road racers fly past. It was a great day for Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas. They repeated their Baja 1000 win of last year in Class 7S, won the 7S points and the Mini Metal Championship for 1987. After a rocky start. Jerry McDonald flew around Baja in . the tidy S-10 Chevrolet, went faster as it got later and not only won Class 7 4x4, but his was the fastest time of any truck, good for sixth overall. The Rick Johnson Hi Jumper crew have a very sad tale. It seems they did the full loop, passed back through the double check on the second time through, then turned left instead of right at the road split and did an entire second loop, about 200 extra miles, before realizing the mistake. They eventually finished 15th. In for a long pit stop .at Check 4 was Don Rountree's Sandwinder with Gary Schneckenburger waiting patiently in the seat while the pesky brake problems were cured. It took about 15 minutes, and the team eventually finished sixth. First on the road, first to arrive, anq apparently leading all the way from Check 2, the big Challenger winners were Nick Gross and Joe Valentine. Gross, . who finished, said he needed goggles and a snorkel to get across the beach. He praised the Arciero pits for giving him gas and fixing his lights. The pair won the biggest purse at the race by, nearly I½ hours, and they were~ Dusty nmes
Muddy but unbowed, Paul Simon and Andy Johnson brought the Ford Ranger back from major troubles to cross the finish line third in Class 7S. "Willie Valdez hasn't run in good luck this season, but in Baja he did have a good day, finishing well up in fourth among the 18 Class 7S cars. Sherman Balch did a lot of car hopping during the race, but he and Johri Deetz·kept the 7 4x4 Nissan in good sh~pe all the way to second in class. Mike Lesle and John Johnson led the first third of the race in Class 7 4x4, but troubles dropped the Jeep Comanche to third at the finish line. Armando and Hector Sarabia drove their Beetle in fine style to finish third in Class 11, although there was some dispute about the finish later. Roberto Ramos zips over a cattle guard on his way to a close, by just 12 minutes; fourth place ;inis/1 in the close running Class 11 contest. ~ a great 12th overall. Plagued with carburetion trouble, Rich Minga changed carbs twice, did sundry other chores, but he and Tom Ray drove the Chenowth ho me second in Challenger class. It not only seetired the class champion-ship, but Rich Minga won the series overall points title as well. Congratulations to this fine privateer team. Billy Bunch and Kevin Conlin were only another 12 minutes back in third, while Mike Leon and Javier Tiznado had some woes, but took fourth an hour back. Less than a minute behind Leon, the team of Rich Richardson and Kevin Derrault was fifth. Class 7S started·l 7 trucks, but neither Larry Noel , in a new Ford, or Walker Evans' son Evan, in a newly refurbished Datsun, made Check 2 . Swallowed in the eastern desert · were the Toyotas of Malcolm Vinje, who had a long struggle to Check 2, and Cam Thieriot, with ,broken ball joints. A doz.en made 'it through Check 4, and here Mike Falkosky was two minutes ahead of Paul Simon on the road. But the Falkosky Toyota lost oil pressure a few miles later and was out. Another few minutes back was Spencer Low, Nissan, and in eight more minutes came Dave Ashley's Jeep which made a long pit stop to change alternators and repair roll over damage. The Chuck Johnson/Scott Douglas Ford passed by while Ashley was in the pits. Next along was Jim Travis, then Pete Sohren. Ashley went on, but disappeared in the Matomi Wash. Through the night the Ford Ranger of Chuck Johnson and Scott Douglas, the same truck with which they won the 1000 last year, ran very well. The team's secret weapon was a hair dryer plugged into the cigarette lighter, used to keep the windshield defogged. The team started on BFG mud tires, changed to All Terrain in the desert and back to the mudders at Camalu. That factor and the Nascar style pit stops by the BFG support team helped them to the Class 7S victory and 14th overall. The win gave Johnson not only the Class 7S championship, but also the 1987 Mini Metal title. Page 18 A Japanese team of bikers on· a tip to toe tour of the Americas took time out to race the Baja 1000, which they finished, and they also learned about pit stops and lunch. Spencer Low and Paul Delang finished 41 minutes back on ET, to put the Nissan in second in Class 7 by hours. Paul Simon and Andy Johnson had big trouble along the way and just barely. took third in their Ford, as Willie Valdez, also in a Ford, finished just 24 seconds behind them, a really tight finish after 700 miles. Pete Sohren, with only one chase truck and his family for support, drove all the way to bring the Mitsubishi in fifth after a variety of problems. Eight finished in Class 7S. · Class 7 4x4 is growing fast, with 15 stqrters in Mexico. A pair were out early, then Gregg Symonds/Warren Miller lost a , rear drive shaft near T res Pozos. When their crew arrived with fresh parts, they found nothing to hook up to, as the whole rear assembly was gone, and that was that. Mike Horner did not make it to Check 5, and Jim Hatton was out before San Felipe. Going through Check 4 Mike Lesle's Jeep, with John Johnson at the helm, had the lead in 7 4x4, and Jerry McDonald, Chevy, was about ten minutes back and made a quick pit stop. In about 25 minutes, Mike Randall, Jeep, came along, made a 25 minute pit stop and the full loop, but was not seen again. Jerry McDonald and Joe MacPherson had their troubles early, three flats and windshield fogging woes with the S-10. But they mushed on across the desert and the muck quickly, taking the lead when Lesle had trouble, and -~~~y _stretched the lead to over 2½ h01:irs at the finish; winning in 15.38, good time for sure. They were sixth overall car, and the fastest of all the trucks in a keen performance. . Sherman Balch and John Deetz got the Nissan home a strong second, about 20 minutes up on Mike Lesle and John Johnson. Consolation for the Jeep team is that third place won the class points championship for them. Jim Conner and Carl- Jackson came in fourth in the Nissan, followed by fomer Class 5 racer Wayne Demonja and Robert Seivert in a Mazda. In all six finished in the class. Class 11 was nex~ off the line, a full dozen Beetles, but a couple did not clear Check 2 and Mike Abbott was out soon thereafter. Most of the entry came from Mexico, and we have scant information on this class. However, defending points champion Ramon Castro was first on the road at Check .4, but it was getting dark', and we didn'-t see the rest pass by. At the finish it was Sergio and Porfierio Guttierrez winning Class 11 by a mere 12 minutes over Ramon Castro/Guito Vega. But Castro won the points title for the year. Third on time were Armando and Hector Sarabia, but they were protested for missing a major check, 5 at the bottom of the loop. The official ruling is not known at press time, but on the results the Sarabia'team and that of Roberto Ramos, who finished , eight minutes back, are shown tied for third place. Victor Barajas December 1987 Sergio and Porfierio Gutierrez sailed out of Ojos Negros in their Class 11 Beetle and they sailed all around the course to win the class by just 17 minutes at the checkered flag. · I ' It was a repeat performance from Colorado for Jerry Bundy and Ron Ze.manek~ again driving the fancy Jeep CJB to the big victdry in Cf ass 3, winning . here by over three hours. finished fifth, and Francisco Murillo was the sixth and final Class 11 'finisher. · With four starters Class 3 was next away, and Don Adams looked strong in his brand new W rangier. However the new Jeep dropped the steering box near Cohabuzo,' and that and other trouble put Adams on the trailer. The other three all fihished. The Mike Schwellinger/ Les Erickson CJ 7 led for a short time, then lost the trans and torque converter near Tres Pozos. Hours later they were back on the road. Meanwhile, Jerry Bundy and Ron Zemanek, from New England, had their CJ 8 in the lead, and they stayed out front to the finish line, the second series win in a row for Bundy. The Schwellinger Jeep held second all the way,· despite the ~eco!ld trans going bad, forcing Erickson t~ drive slowly, down· to first gear over the last miles. The second place gave Mike Schwellinger the Class 3 title. Taking third! in Class 3 was the interesting new Bronco, built to recall the early triumphs of the Big Oly Bronco driven to many Baja victoriesJby Pamelli Jones. The 1987 mcklel was driven by Off Road editor Richard Sieman and Steve Kramer, and crewed by many, including Dennis Garman who helped build the car. The team survived the rough going to finish the course. Last to sdrt were the four Class 14s. Still in Ensenada, the Toyota of GT Gow land was seen parked by a tire store. But Gowland and Mike Rorick got moving to finish third. Charlie Woodard and Andy Diaz were out early. · It was a scene like that at Craig, Colorado at the finish line. There - -·-Dusty nmes
Mike Schwellinger and Les· Erickson ied briefly in Class 3, but one and nearly another trans failure put the CJ 7 down to second, but good for the 1987 points championship. . - I . I Rick Sieman and Steve Kramer had.their ups and downs all day He·avy rain.kept the spectators down to nothing on contingency row on Thursday, but a good group of donors huddled under · umbrellas and tents all day long. and all night. but the Ford Bronco carried them to third, a finish in Class 3. _ , ·· · . I · 1987-SCORE BAJA 1000 November 6-7, 1987 -Results POS. CAR# DRIVER(S) VEHICLE TIME 1. 2. 3. CLASS 1 -lJNLIMITED SINGLE SEAT - 9 START - 2 FINISH 100 Mark McMillin (solo) Chenowth•Porsche 14:05.40 106 Steve & Ace Bradford Raceco 23:17.01 102 Tom Koch/Larry Bolin Raceco · 15:54.00. CLASS 2 -UNLIMITED TWO SEAT-'--14 START - 7 FINISH and here Jerry BJndy won Class J, and his teamrilates Emil and . John Downey w9 n Class 1_4 in a O/A* similar CJ 8. Downey had good 2 72 (Ck. 10) . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. POS. time of 21.55 an(d ffnished just over an hour 13,ehind Bundy. Sergio and Ar~ando, Duron took second in Glass 14, ab.out l ½ hours down in their Nissan. 200 . Bob Gordon/Malcolm Smith · Chenowth 13: 15.04 1 So the 20th Baja 1000 w as in . the i:ecord books,· and it actually turned .out weH, clespite the wet weather. Natural1ly, the bright 206 Corky McMillin/Brian Ewalt Chenowth-Porsche ·14:19.39 3 207 Bob Richey/Lance Barron Raceco 16:40.00 · 13 201 Len Newman/Michael Gaughan· Chenowth · 17:18.59 ·19 203 Chris Robinson Oldsmobile 18:04.51 27 CLASS 1-2-1600 -1600CC RESTRICTED ENGINE -23 START -14 FINl~H 16 -sµnshine returnecl to Ensenada 1. 1601 Steve Barlow/ John Hagle 0.R.E. 16:50.46 2. 1611 William Rodriguez/ Jesus Luna Jimco 17:28.01 3. 1612 Morley & Mike Williams Chenowth 17:50.07 4. 1610 Dave & David Fessenden Chenowth 18:26.00 5. 1603 · Russ Butow/Danny York Mirage, ·19:07.52 1. 2. 3. . CLASS 3 -SHORT we 4X4 - 4 START - 3 FINISH , · 305 Jerry Bundy/Ron Zemanek Jeep CJ 8 20:44.42 301 · Mike Schwelhnger/1,.es Erickson Jeep CJ 7 24:00.38 303 Richard S1eman/Steve Kramer Ford Bronco 26:53.15 CLASS. 4 -LONG WB 4X4 - 8 START - 4 FINISH 1. 449 Matt & Gale Pike Dodge PU 19:08.15 2. 400 Rod Hall/ Jim Fricker Dodge PU 21 :07.25 3. 405 4 . • 406 5 . . 402 John Dyck/Michael Kirig Jeep J-10 23:08.55 Lowell & William Arnold Jeep J-10 25:47.15 Bill Donahoe/Buddy Renoe , Dodge PU 12:27.00 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS 5 -UNLIMITED BAJA BUG -11 START -&FINISH 549 John Cooley/Mark Fox · Baja Bug 16:26.49 505 Hartmut & Wolfram Klawitter Ba1a Bug 16:44.38 501 Wolfram Klawitter/ Mat Parsons Ba1a Bug 18: 18. 50 503 Jim Cocores/Don ·Robertson · Ba1a Bug 22: 19.19 509 Lyn & Mike Mocaby Ba1a Bug 24:01.36 CLASS 5-1600 -1600 CC BAJA BUG-19 START-10 FINISH 1., 596 Ernesto &'Alfredo Arambula Baja Bug 17:17.41 2. 555 Andy L. & Andy R. Devercellly Baja Bug 17:42.29 3. . 599 Scot & Brock Jones , Baja Bug 19:00.06 4. 557 Steve & William Taylor Ba1a Bug 19:07.08 5. 552 David Anckner/Eric Arras \ 'Ba1a Bug 20:37.20 , 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. s: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLASS 6 -. PRODUCTION SEDAN _;,_ 8 START - 4 FINISH 602 Randy Salmont/Jim Hunter Ford Falcon PU 22:14.33 ·603 Bill Russell/Neville $harp · Chevy Camaro 22:21.20 600 Larry Schwacofer/Sid Spradling '55 Chevrolet 23:04.40 617 .Arne Gunnarsson/ John Johnston Ill Saab 96 24:48.00 606 . Edward Everett/Rene Brugg~r Ford Edsel 11 :19.00 CLASS 7 -UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICKUP - 9 START - 4 FINISH 700 Manny ·Esquerra/ Joseph Naranjo Ford Ranger 15:46.31' 705 Frank Honsewetz/Roger Mears · Nissan 21 :04.08 718 Cameron Steele/Mike Harding Chevy S-10 • 22:23.42 703 Larry Ragland/David Beck Chevy S-10 23:06.16 717 . Ken Walters/Keith Haskins Nissan 18:48.00 CLASS 7S - _STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP -18 START - 8 FINISH 729 Chuck Johnson/Scott Douglas Ford Ranger 16:40.14 720 · Spencer Low/Paul Delang · Nissan 17:21.40 749 Paul Simon/ Andy Johnson Ford Ranger 20:00.31 727 Willie Valdez · Ford Ranger 20:00.55 730 Pete Sohren Mitsubishi 20:49.22 ClASS 7 4X4 -STOCK MINI-MIDI 4X4 - 15 START - 6 FINISH 750 Jerry McDonald/ Joe McPherson Chevy S-10 · 15:38.35 759 Sherman Balch/ John Deetz Nissan 18: 1 H4 753 Mike Lesle/ John Johnson Jeep Comanche 18:37.46 758 Jim Conner/Carl Jackson Nissan 19:15.22 755 Wayne Demonja/Robert Seivert Mazda 20:26.00 CLASS 8 - 2 WO STANDARD PICKUP -11 START,-8 FINISH 1. 804 David Westhem/Bill Holmes 'i: GMC 15:58.00 2.-807 Rob Gordon/Jim.Venable · ·. Ford. 16:04.38 3. 808 Dave Shoppe/Larry Maddox Ford 16:27.09 4. 855 Ron Clyborne/Bryant Hibbs Ford 17:52.12 5. • _800 Wc1lker Evans/Richard Maxwell· Dodge '18:46.33 CLASS CHALLENGE -RE$TRICTED BUGGY -27 START -18 FINISH 1. 909 Nick Gross/ Joe Valentine · T-Mag 16:34.24 2. 996 Rich Minga/Tom Ray , Chenowth 18:00.55 3. 902 Billy Bunch/Kevin Conlin Sandwinder 18:12.47 4. _ 918 Mike Leon/Javier Tiznado Jimco 19:18.44 5. . 901 Rich Richardson/Kevin Derrault Jimco 19:19.18 CLASS 10 -UNLIMITED 1650 CC -21 START-6 FINISH 1. 1099 Russell Weith {solo) 0.R.E. 14:52.18 , 2. 1008 3. 1013 4. 1014 5. 1002 1. 1109 2. 1100 3. 1107 4. 1101 5. 119.8 1. 1401 2. 1402 3. 1498 4. 1403 Craig Watkins/Greg Aronson Raceco 15:15.21 Dick & Gary Weyhnch Raceco 17:D2.36 Dave & Bryant Wood -Fun Buggy 18:03.18 · William Poe/Ray Kehoe 0.R.E. , · 19:17,12 .· CLASS 11 ......:. STOCK VW SEDAN -12 START - 6 FINISH Setgio & Porfierio Gutierrez · VW Beetle 22:45.25 Ramon Castro/Guito Vega . VW Beetle 22:57.13 Armando & Hector Sarabia VW Beetle -24:02.24 Roberto Ramos .VW Beetle 24: 14.04 · Victor Barajas/Luis Angeles VW, Beetle 27:29.46 CLASS 14-UNLIMITED4X4--4 START....,., 3 FINISH Emil & Joh1i'Oowney Sergio & Armando Duron G.T. Gowland/Mike Rorick Charlie Woodard/ Andy Diaz · Jeep CJ 8 21:55.21 Nissan 23:22.35 Toyota 25:38.11 Ford 4:02.00 Starters -Cars -213-Motorcycles/ATVs/Odysseys -101 -Total - 314 · Finishers -Cars -112 -Motorcycles/ATVs/Odysseys -66 -Total 178 · Race Distance -716 miles -Time' Allowance. -30 hours Fast Tillie Overall • Bikes • Don Ashcraft/Bruce Oqilvie -Honda • 12:02.14 Fast Time Overall • Cars -Bob Gordon/Malcolm Smith -Chenowth -13:15.04 *Overall positions referto car classes only. Dusty nrncs 21 on Saturday and ~unday, which -~y -aided those walking wounded _ _ 36 trying to finishj. ! before m id - _ , Matching the team a_ct in.Coloratfo, Emil,and John Downey _matched_ Bundy's afternoon on.Satl./rday when·_the . ( epeat victory, bydnvtng th.e1rCJB to the Class 14 victory, with nearly an hour . 48 course shut down, 1and a half margin. , . . 81 The awards pre~ntation was a Ensenada Chamber of -Com-th~ir· . wounds; savor_ their . 104 real gala at thb Convention lnerce and the race sponsor, . trophies,• and start thinking Center, with a buffet lunch and -P-resideilte Sauza . .The awards about next year and the annual refreshments, entertainment by ceremony went on into the late · winter invasion of Parker, 37 51 70 98 (Ck. 5) 10 15 30 59 · 82 18 22 34 35 47 . 58 60 67 91 (Ck. 4) 7 50 61 69. (Ck. 9) 14 20 43 44 49 6 29 32 38 .45 8 9 .n 24 33 12 25 28 40 41 4 5 17 . 26 39 64 65 84 86 106 53 74 . 96 (Ck. 2) . several groups of.dancers, and it · afternoon on Sunday. Then the Arizona., That race should be a was all furnis1hed by the off roaders headed north to lick real record breaker next month. I' I • . :~pprove,d by: FIA, IMSA, NHRA, SCCA~ SCORE, USAC af\d HORA . t :., . ·. .·· . .· . . · • Custom Fuel Bladders • Standard Fubt Bladders • ·Fuel Tanks .-• Refueling Equi~ment ~ Budget Fuel j<;:ells, , , :'Let ds kno~ what you want. We can do it." (714)(962-0027 or (714) 968-4463. .· · ... (800)433-6524 .. •. · . , (Outside California) -I · Cail or Write for fr~e catal~g 19925 "K" Kalama River Road, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 Deccmber1 1987 Page 19
Tom Koch and Larry Bolin were going well most of the way in Class 1, but the car broke down beyond repair less than 100 miles out. They took tbird. Jim Cocores and Don Robertsorrwere with the leaders in Class 5 in the daylight. had late breaking woes and came in 4th in class. Jim Fishback Jr. and Chuck Miller had a good tim_e and a good run in the Raceco, finishing the 1000 sixth in the big bunch in Class 1-2-1600. Finishing his 1st year as a trucker, privateer Pete Sohren drove his Mitsubishi we/I across Baja and took 5th in Class 7 S a_t the flag. Russ Butow and Danny York had a few unplanned delays along · the way, but they brought the Mirage home to Ensenada, fifth ir., Class 1-2-1600. Page 20 Bill Poe and Ray Kehpe got a little muddy early, muddier later on, but they kept the O.R.E. rolling well to finish fifth in Class 10. Aussies Jeff David and Phil Dodd borrowed the GMC to race in Baja, and they werelast overall, pressing on to finish with a three minute margin. Michael Lund and Robert Falkenberg had trouble in the water on the dry lake, but hurried on to the finish line, 6th in Class 1-2-1600. · Colorado racers Wayne Demonja and Bob Seivert tried 7 4x4 trucking in Baja and piloted the new Mazda to a fine finish, fifth in class. David Anckner and Eric Arras had their share of problems on course,.but they kept the Bug moving to finish 5th in Class 5-1600. December 1987 Tom Fergusson and long time racer Bob Maynard kept their Raceco together with a few stops, and went.on to sixth place, a finish in Class 10. Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling had plenty of troubles in the night, but the '55 Chevy finished again,· third in Class 6,' and the 1987 champ. 'Flying nicely here, the Jim~o Challenger of Rich Richardson and Kevin Derrault kept right on soaring to fifth place in Challenger Class. · Long time Baja racers Jim Conner and Carl Jackson zip across the hard pack road on their way io a good fourth place finish in the Nissan 7 4x4. Designer of the mid-engine Sandwinder, Don Rountree, with qary Schneckenburger co-driving, brought this·one home sixth in Challenger Class. · Dusty nmes
l tHE Dusn·,,11t1a ioDGE coL, vas,A wA,oN _-T~e Fun if ,in the Going . · . · _ · , · Text & Photo : Jean Calvm The Dusty Times project car has covered almost ten thousand miles in the first five months that the Dodge has been in our garage. The Colt Vista Wagon, out of Mitsubishi, has proven to be a super all purpose vehicle, uniquely suited to the on and off road needs of our schedule of urban commuting, highway travel and off road running at the races in search of pit news and pictures. The Colt is no'w a familiar sight at the off road events in the west, and it has covered every mile without a single problem, not even a , whimper. The Colt- came completely equipped w'ith · numerous features that are options on many cars. Included in the base price of $11,713.00 are such nice things as the four wheel drive option, velour bucket seats with recliners, rear window defroster, and the nifty intermittent feature on the windshield wipers. The five speed transmission is standard as is the keen interior gas filler door release, along with front and rear mud guards and the neat Y okoharria radial tires. Being a press fleet car, this Colt caine with almost every option on the list, and most are either inexpensive or badly needed. The air conditioning, at $717, is a must in southern California, and on a vehicle with a straight backside the rear window wipers and washers are a must too, at $107. The two tone gray paint, at $24 7, gives the Colt a touch of style, and the power windows, · $194, and power door locks, $139, become a ·real necessity after you use them for a time. Pure luxury is the Custom Package. It includes dual electric side mirrors, velour seats all the way back, dual vanity mirrors, the easy to read ,digital clock, a pair of dandy map lights, an interior back door lock and lift release, along with a tachometer and more . interior lights. All these goodies cost a bargain price of $24 7. The alloy road wheels are stylish for just $242, and the speed control is handy on the highway for just $154. The AM/ FM stereo radio · with cassette player is $401 . Ever.ything else comes with the wagon. The total cost last April when the Colt was delivered was $14,404.00 including destina-tion charges. h is a reasonable price considering all the fancy equipment on board, and the fact 9f its trouble free performance no matter what the task. The Dusty Times Colt is powered by the two Ii ter, overhead cam Mitsubishi Clean Air Jet engine with multipoint fuel injection, rated at 88 bhp at 5000 rpm. The engine is mounted transversely under the sloping nose atop the transaxie· on the basically front wheel drive · wagon. A.' single, thick stalked gear lever does everything from its center floor mount between the front bucket seats. The top of the ~ear lever looks like a cane handle, and the large orange button in the middle engages four wheel drive. Jhe remark-, able t~!ng about this single gear lever 1s that at any speed in any gear there is not one trace of vibration, something of a new experience for -us on any vehicle with a floor mounted shifter. lt is very handy to just push the button to engage the rear drive, and this can be don~ when the car -~he middle bench seat has a split back, and both sides recline individually. The n,et parcel holders onthe front seat backs are handy supplies. I With all these good things on the required service was done,.an board, the Colt is a pleasure on engine and drive train check, an t~e road. Performance is oil change and an oil filter e~ceptional considering the two change, plus the service on the air liter is a small engine by today's cleaner and anti smog devices. st1andards for cargo carrying The only untoward service was a w~gons. Acceleration is great for quick fix on the speedo cable, the daily freeway on ramp which had developed a wobble at dashes, and more than equal to higher speeds. It was ·~ pleasant anything Los Angeles traffic can surprise to emerge from a new provide to complicate the car service with a bill for just is moving. I , The instrumentation is.highly visible, and it all 'fklls within an easy glance witho~t' losing sight of the road aheacl. The large tachometer and . ~peedometer, with trip odo, flank the fuel and temperature gauges in front of ~ orning commute. The Colt $35_.00. . . · c~uises the highway _with th~ . Presently we are collecting· a gtjeatest of ea:,e, purrmg along few-pa~ts to add to the Colt's sijently-in -fifth gear, seemingly . frisky _appearance and per-oblivious to any load it might be formance. The installations will d rrying, and it will run all day at be sandwiched between dead-speeds well in excess of the lines and the holidays. But, stay posted limits. runed for the next installment of I From the first day the Colt the saga of the Dusty Times Vista Wagon has delivered good Dodge Colt Vista Wagon. · the driver. The light controls, wipers, washers, cruise control, and so forth are all on a pair of steering wheel sta~ks, and the horn buttons are op the steering wheel. The radio is just below the center dash mouhted climate t~:mtrols that provi4e a v_ariety of air flow for Heating, air condit_ioning or) fresh air circulation. The clock is mounted close to tlie windshield, smack dab in the middle of the dash where not only the driver but most of the passengers can. see the time on thej road. fuel economy, a function of c..· ----------'---mating the gearing to real world driving insteap of the EPA dynombmeter. · In heavy traffic cqnditions the lowest fuel figure has been 22.4 • mpg. In normal, spirited urban driving, the wagon delivers an average between 25 and 27 mpg, day in and day out. On long highway drives 28 and 2g) mpg is common, and what a pfeasure it is not having to leave the freeway in search of gas. It is fJn to make the really boring run t9 Las Vegas for a race without having to stop for fuel, and then still have around town gas capacity left in the 14 .5 gallon tank. The first service on the Colt was scheduled at 7 500 miles, and we took it to the nearby Dodge· d aler in San Fernando. There Under all the plumbing the two liter overhead cam engine is mounted transversylY on top of the transaxle, and in normal drive, the Colt is in front wheel drive. CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE The Colt wago1n styling is oriented toward people packag-ing, wbich prodtlices a boxy shape, and aerodyn~mics, seen in the broad sloping ~ngine hood. Inside, the front I bucket and middle seats are really comfort; · able, and we haven't tried the rear seats yet. Middle, seat passengers have gobd leg room, their own ashtraysland window · controls, and keJn net type · package holders on \the front seat . backs. These seats also recline. •~~#' K & N FILTERS -RAPID COOL . ---.. tRIM1L ..,..·Buol>Ack With all three ro\\js of seats in use, there is still some storage area in the rear alongside the full size covered spare tite and wheel. · The cockpit is des:igned for the distance traveler,'s comfort. Even ·with the severe slant to the nose the Colt has a flat da1sh top with a slight ridge toward j the seats so . . .... . BILSTEIN - CENTERLINE - CIBIE JVIIIIIJ>!lll'II_.,..__.~ HEWLAND -PORSCHE TURBO C/V 01t,oad Ric:eea• \»" BEARD SEATS -PARKER PUMPER Parts.Access~••• . YOKOHAMA TIRES-SUPER TRAPP GEM GEARS-KYB SHOCKS-SWAY-A-WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS -KC HILITES - McKENZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA BLUE - .. ULTRA BOOT -NEAL PRODUCTS . ··~ ~ . . ' . -. --. . · . =:.. &■■I . SWAY•A•WAY,~. -«"Illa+-~ . ·· ···· · CENTER LINE lf1( , .. 1 MIH/11 \ IPF things Hke maps, sunglasses and drink cups, if they dbn't fit in the pair of. center mb.unted · cup holders, can ride securely even on less than petfect roads. Storage spots are !everywhere. There · is a map po<tket on each front door, a couple of open cubby boxes on I the center console, and not o1ne, but two glove boxes stackea' on top of each other.We use dne glove box . for the usuaLclutter ~nd the other · for the records· oh' the Colt. OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK .. Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. -5:00 p.m. The Colt' Vista is a real station wagon with three rows of seats providing commodious people carrying capability in a very compact, go anywhere vehicle. · Dusty nmcs There is another otien bin that slides out from under the front passenger seat, very nice for keeping a camera h1andy on the mag anq_sti!J hidden from _sight. I December 1987 • I Saturday - 8:00 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m. I BEFORE YOU BUY -TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL!' · 12945 SHERMAN WAY -NO: HOLLYWOOD, CA 9160S (818) 765-5827 • (818) '(64-6438 Pigc 11
Racers Duel with Mother Nature at Final Round of -Miller Series at Glen Helen By Elaine Jones Photos: Tracl,.side Photo Enterprises Brad Castle won the Class 10 honors on points, his Raceco finishing a strong second in both heats, and the main event was rained out. · · The weather at Glen Helen for the final round of the Miller Off Road Series was almost as exciting as the racing. What · started out as a pretty nice day even at six in the morning ran the gambit from sunny, sizzling hot to run for cover frog strangler, and through it all the races continued until the track became unsafe and even then only two classes were called. The fast boys, Class 10 saw a fired up Eric Arras of Riverside in his McDonald sponsored Toyota out to prove a point. Arras by luck of the draw had the pole position and that was all he needed as 'he fired off and gave the boys a scenic tour of the gnarley Glen Helen course. Arras in the past has had a lot of bad luck at Glen Helen but this was not one of those times as he drove a flawless race. Jim Fishback of Fontana in his Fishback Racing Rabbit held on to the second until the fourth lap when mechanical problems sidelined him and Kent Castle of Long Beach took over. His turn in the second spot was short lived as a mistake cost him three spots and .he watched as Brad Castle, Robby Gordon and Jerry Whelchel wheeled by. Not one to give up easily Castle came fighting back and made it to third before the checkered flag came out. The second heat had the starting positions inverted and the track was starting to get a little soggy as the rain began to steadily fall. Ron Carter after a poor showing in the first heat was out for revenge and he got the hole shot with Brad Castle second and Jerry Whelchel third. Arras in the back of the pack was flying and after one lap was in the sixth spot. Castle with a much clearer view of the track, since he . wasn't eating as much mud, held off all comers until the sixth lap of the eight lap race when Whelchel made his • move and took the white flag with one lap to go. Brad Ca_stle was paying Page 22 pretty close attention to what Whelchel did because he followed suit not much later and moved into second. _ Arras meanwhile had gotten around a couple more drivers but was stuck in traffic and couldn't get around some of the slower guys and settled for fourth but second overall. Whelchel with his first place finish redeemed himself and added to his eighth was good enough for third. The biggest winner was Mr. Consistency, Brad Castle whose two, two was ·more than enough to take it all. The Class 10 main event was one of the races that had to be called for safety reasons and was scored by placements in the two heats. Not too many people can say they have seen them but when you do they are not soon forgotten. The spectators at Glen Helen were lucky enough to see eleven Side Hack teams in action and they put on one great show. Side Hacks truly depend on team work and the ability of two people, one motorcycle and an attached car to do the right thing at the right time. A lot of teams' success depends on the ability of the passenger, affectionately called the Monkey, to scoot from one side to the other, acting like a third leg in some instances and a passenger the next second. Side Hacks on an Off Road Jerry Whelchel took the lead in his Chenowth on the white flag lap of the second Class 10 heat, and charged on to victory and third on points. Steve Bishop won both 1-2-1600 heats, the second in heavy rain, and he earne_d the vl<;Jory and a big $1448, his share of the over $12,000 purse. December 1987 Eric Arras took off like a rocket in the 1st Class 10 heat, starting from the pole he led every lap; traffic dropped him in the 2nd heat, and he was ~nd on points. Course have an added dimension · because they have to deal with all · sorts of unknown obstacles such as rocks and critters. T,he guy on the bike can see a· lot of what's ahead but the Monkey is so busy getting from point A to point B he may not have that luxury. The team that made it look so easy . was Duane McDowell and Ramsey Harris from Simi Valley. The first moto it was a wire to wire romp with Bob Schnoor of · Burbank and Todd Redondo of Reseda second and the old pros that have been around for a long time, Ralph and Scott Whitney third. In the second moto Schnoor and Redondo got out first with the Whitneys second and McDowell and Harris third. The rain was starting to really muck up the course but the three top runners were going to go the distance ancl no one was backing off. It went right down to .the wire with McDowell and Harris making a pass at the finish line on the white flag and bringing it ·on home from there. The order stayed fhe same as in the first moto with Schnoor and Redondo second and the Whitneys third. It was great to see that there are still Side Hacks out the~e because they are really a crowd_ pleaser. Iri the 1-2/1600 Class Steve Bishop ahd his Bishop Off Road Racing VW worked his way through traffic from fourth to grab the win from Andy Anderson practically at the flag in the first heat. In the second heat he took no chances and went wire to wire. This Class was the last race to take the track before the rest were called off as the weather had really turned ugly as the rain poured down and so did some of the hillsides. There had to be panic in the pits as the drivers tried to get tires on that would work in a mud bog and get some kind of a bite on the · slippery course. The song Slip -Sliden Away accurately describes the way things were at this point. Thirteen hardy souls showed up at the line and as the flag fell you had to feel sorry for the guy in the back because he was literally sprayed with mud. Bishop wasn't about to have any of that and wanted a perfect record out ·of the day so he got out in front and stayed there. Mike McCrory of Lemon Grove· and his West Engineering VW also felt the cleanest place to be was up in front so he locked on second while Mike Goodbody did it the hard way by working through traffic . and passing McCrory at the finish line to edge Kent Castle had his Raceco in the Class 10 hunt in bQth heats, and top finishes brought him the fourth place on points for the day. Mike Goodbody drove his older but still potent single seater to second in the muddy 1600 heat and_h~1Yas_secq1?c/_ on the points for the cash. _ Dusty nmcs
him out of second with his Clark Auto Repair VW. Grant· Steele and his Mission Viejo Home Loans sponsored . YW made it look pretty easy in the two 5-1600 -heats leading . both all the way and Robert Jones and David Hendrickson were content to follow him at least until the main event. The main was where things got a little sticky. Jones and his VW got off first but Steele got by him to take over the lead on the second lap. Jones didn't like that. very much so he came right back and reclaimed the first on a driver error that dropped Steele to fourth behind Hendrickson's Chula Vista· Race Ready, Country Tire Service, Daveco VW and Mario Panagioto-' poulos, Tony the Greeks VW. The driver error turned out to be mechanical failure and Steele after doing such a good job all day could only watch as Jones, Hendrickson and Panagioto-poulos took the top three spots. The Challenger Class went to Jack Millerd on a tiebreaker with Danny Oliver getting the second spot. The Odyssey ctass had a good size turnout of go-get racers and that's exactly what they did. Russ East of San Bernardino led the first lap of the first heat but Mike McCrory ran second in the final 1600 heat until the last lap, and he slid back to third in the heat and on points in the tough going. I . ' I Class 5· 1600 managed to cover two heats and the' main event before the 1deluge, and Robert Jones led the pack from the_'third lap to victory i~ t~e '!1ain. David Hendrickson moved handily into second in the 5· 1600 main event and \Mario Panagiotopoulos in the Tony The Greek Bug drove consistently to finish he stayed in second all the way to pay dirt and the checkere~1 flag. , third in the eight Bug 5-1600 main event, good for some cash. · Art Gersjes and his AG third. . ,I where they were going-was pure Miller race, aboard his .Varner Transport/SoCal Racing Leck-The largest class as usual were luck. · Racing/FMF/Graydon _Proline ich Car to take over second and the Quads and When these guys Mark Ehrhardt on his Suzuki came from off the pace to Goshen held on to the third as go racing you can throw a blanket .O'Neal/Graydon Proline/Torco pick up the third. . · bowed to Ron Pierce of El Cajon and his HRD, Klemm Researcb special. Rory Holladay with his Works Performance HRD car was looking for a repeat of his Mickey Thompson win the week before and was really cookin before mechanical problems sidelined his day-glo special. Rennie Awana in another Klemm/HRD car moved into second and locked it in with Bill Goshen and his Quality First Concrete sponsored Honda rounding out the field with the third. they finished in that order. By over about ten at a time, they are ?uzuki went wire· to wire in the The second muddy go round virtue of his 1-2 finish Pierce that close. Add f mud all over first moto and was never saw Buck in top form going away took the overall with Goshen everything that lo1oks like a rider 'kriously challenged by anyone but he didn't count on the · second ~nd Gilbert V ~ldez in the and a ~ike and y9u_ have a_ pretty . !is he built up an awesome lead. tenacity of Ehrhardt who dogged J.B. Price Construction spon- good·1dea of what 1t was hke for Ron Baker and his P.E.P./ .him all the way looking for the sored Honda with two fifths took the scorers as the boys went out Malcolm Smith Suzuki took over mistake that finally came so that the third overall. and played in th~ mud. Tearoffs second with four laps down and he could take over the'lead and Class 44, Open Qdysseys now couldn't be gorren off quick , pever gave it up while Andrew en.a the day with a perfect 1-1 referred to as Cross Cars, went to enough and ho~ anybody saw, . . ~uck, the big winner at the last and the overall victoryonpo_ints. The second moto saw Holladay back and · with no problems as he went out fast and ran away from the rest of the field. Pierce got by Goshen and RPM Yamaha's Michael Blakely I I with Selvy's/Bills Pipes sponsored Rich Dahn in a Roltex second and Ray Mohoff in his -1 II Pat's Pizza sponsored Honda in () 11---:i!S~----I --------------------------Young Grant Steele flew to victory in both of the 5-1600 heat races, but mechanical failure put him out early in the m,ain event. . Former winner on this track Andy Anderson placed a close second in the first 1600 heat, but dropped out of the runn!'19 in th(! _Second roun_d Dusty nmcs ~~--=;___·:+{'I~ Dccembcti 1987 KC HAS SHINED THE WAY TO MOR.E OFF-ROAD RACING VICTORIES THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED! t KC HiUTES, we're serious about ompetition lighting. So why take a ha.nee with anything els KC HiLiTES, Inc. • WIiiiams, Arizona 86046 • 6021635-2607 .. . - I . . . . .. --Pase 13
FRT PLASTER CITY BLAST Steve Wolcott a·nd John Johnson Lead the 1600 Sweep Photos: C & C Race Photos Steve Wolcott and John Johnson took the lead midway in the race, and the team drove the 1-1600 car not only to the class victory, but they also won the race overall by 4½ minutes. The middle race in the Fudpucker Racing T earn Series, the Plaster City Blast, happened on October 3 in beautiful weather near El Centro, California. It featured four laps of a new, 50 mile course that wound through the sand of the low desert and some of the mud . hills in the area adjacent to the Naval Bombing Range. Despite a conflict in dates in desert races that weekend, the Plaster City Blast drew 61 entries on four wheels and 57 of them survived pre-running to take the green Hag. It was a healthy entry, indeed, and among the regulars were a few stars of-desert racing. Only three took the starter's flag in Class 1 /2, Open s Unlimited, but they were three good cars. Out front on· the first TIRED OF BEING PERSECUTED FOR YOUR LOVE OF OFF-ROADING? HELP STOP THE CRANfflN/WILDERNESS BILL . 1601 10TH ST. SACRAMENTO. CA 95114 INFO 1-800-237-5436 Page 14 lap was the Raceco of Bill Herrick and Mike McDonnell, with a 1:03.7. But, only four minutes back was the Class 2 Raceco of Marty Letner and Ike Bruckman. Jeff Wright had early troubles with his Class 1, and only did the first lap. Letner turned° -a 1 :06 c:;n the second round to Herrick's 1:08, and it narrowed Herrick's leading margin to just over two minutes. But, the Herrick Raceco vanished on the third lap, while Letner did a 1:03, and followed that with the fast lap of the race, · Gary Cogbill and John Marking were close all the way in the Jimco, and they finished tight in fourth overall and third in 1600 class by a few minutes. Marty Letner and Ike Bruckman drove the Raceco to third overall in the bash, and the Class 2 Raceco was the.only finisher in Unlimited ranks. December 1987 57.52. Marty must have been pre-running on thf first lap. So, Letner and Brucldman won the Open Class handily, and also finished third overall. As always the 1-2-1600s were - the biggest class, thirteen on the line, and they had a dandy dice ·for the entire distance. Local driver Ken Snyder, who won the August race, zipped off fast first lap at l :0t08. But, the team of Coy Bridgeman, Scott Webster and Rodney Woolf were close at 1:01.50, with Gary Cogbill/ John Marking just nine more seconds back. In tight was Brad Inch, 1:02.15, and Steve Wolcott/ i]ohn Johnson, 1:02.42. Missing on the first lap was R.J. Anderson, who had started first. The second lap took out both Mike Acosta and Andres Estrada. Als_o out was defending champ Ken Snyder, as near -the start of the second lap he came over a rise and ran nead on into a pit truck going backwards on the cour~e. Just behind Snyder was Brad Inch, who ran into the Snyder ORBS, but was able to continue. Snyder's car had severe front end damage, as the collision was on a high speed section of the course. Midway the field was down to nine, and out front, with fast lap for the dass at 1 :00.04:, was the Steve Wolcott/John Johnson 1600, now holding about two minutes edge on Cogbill/ Marking. Brad· Inch was another three minutes back in his Bunderson, followed in just 40 seconds by Doug Fortin, Jr. The Bridgeman ORBS was another four minutes back, followed in two minutes by Gary Bates and Don McAfee• in a Raceco. lt was a close battle. Fuel stops scrambled the front runners, ·except for the leader. After three rounds Wolcott and Johnson had a three minute lead on Inch, who was less than two minutes ahead of Doug Fortin, Jr. Another five minutes back W~S Cogbill, follo:,ved in ten minutes by both Bndgeman and Bates, only 24 seconds apart. Unfortunately Brad Inch suffered a wrist injury in the earlier accident, and he was gone on the last lap. Up front at the checkered flag it was Steve Wolcott and John Johnson, who not only won the closely fought 1-2-1600 race, bur won overall with a total time of 4:08.12. Keeping them honest was young Doug Fortin, Jr., only three minutes and change behind at the flag, and Doug was second overall in the race in his Chenowth Magnum. Gary Cogbill and John Marking were Doug Fortin Jr. had a great day in the desert in the 1600 Chenowth, zipping to a close second in 1600 class and a terrific second overall. Coy Bridgeman, Scott Webster and Rodney Woolf stayed with the leacfers all the way to finish fifth-overall, fourth in 1600 class in the ORBS. Todd and Stuart Teuscher scored a repeat victory in Class 100, finishing all four laps in excellent time in the Chenowth Wedge, and placing tenth overall. Dusty Times
• I Stanley Herzog and George Wagenblast had a blast in the desert, and they drove the tidy Ford Ranger to the Little Truck victory, winning by a full hour. · Rich Minga, Harold Patty and a host of others had so,;ne woes Gary Bates and Don McAfee show off for the camera, but they with their ForGI Ranger, but got it hbme second in class, covering drove the Raceco to fifth in 1600 class and a fine seventh overall. all four laps. ' Marc Jones and Bob McLaughlin had the handsome Funqo Hustler in the eariy Class 100 lead, but only did three laps, still good for second. · · Joey Adzima flew across the desert to the Class 10 victory, leading the final three laps, despite a bag of trouble on.the third round. Jacques de Roquancourt covered two laps with some major troubles,-but his · new racer went far enough for him to finish secon9 in Class 10: Nick Gross and Joe Valentine are having a great year in the T-Mag, and they not only won the Challenger Class by nearly an hour, they finished sixth overall. Dusty nma was second on time ahead of Marc Jones. · · An even .dozen li~ed up in Challenge Class, but a pair, Giti Gowland and Victor Lopez, did not cover a lap. It was a good race for a time up front, as Nick Gross and Joe Valentine led the firstlap by three minutes over Chuck Guy and Rhonda Walsh, both teams fri TMags.JeffBennettand Tom Watson were third, another minute and. change back, followed by Steve Gooselaw and Bill · Howard, who were just · seconds ahead of Jack Hettinger. DaleArnes, Sandy McLaughlin, Donna Hingtgen and Gene Szufnarowski had two out of three good, laps in the Sandhai,vk, and were third in Class 100. Neither Lee Culver or Larry Wyatt covered more than one lap. Midway Gross and Valerl!i_!le had opened a hefty lead, ·turning a 1 :09 second lap. Bennett was running second, closely followed by Paul McGrath/ Rt.chard baclc less .than five m'inutes in third, fourth overall, while Coy Bridgeman and cofllpany nailed fourth in class, fifth overall, back about 15 minut~. Next came · Gary Bates _and J?on McAfee, seventh overall, tagged closely by Bob Hummel and Mark Cooper in their Jimco, riinth . overall. Seventh in class, artd the last (our lap finisher, was the Fugitive II of Glenn Goss and Dorothy Baker. Only five started. in Class 10, and two, Marty C,oyne and the team of Bruce McCrae and Greg Hibbs, were both out on lap 1. Out front· aft_er pne lap was Dennis Green, with . a three minute lead, buthisJimco retired on the last lap. In secqnd_Jwre was Joey Adzima,. and midway he had a two hour lead over Jacques De Roquancourt, who went no farther. Despite a four hour third lap, Joey Adzima got in all four · laps to take top honors in Class 10. . . There were five in Class 5~ 1600 also, but Hector Fonsca ·was missing on the first · la_p . . _Robert and Kyle ~itted led the first lap, but only by just over a minute from Steve and Tim 'Lawrence. Jbhn Neibert and Fred Grabowski were about nine minutes back, but not seen again, while Ruben Gutierrez had a four hour lap. It was still dlVlt midway as · Whitted now lea by about four minutes over · Lawrence; .The · Whitteds increasd:1 their lead after three laps to ten minutes over . the Lawrence team .. Gutierrez · was well back and · covered just three . laps. Both · · leading teams · racecl. hard to the flag, turning aJ inal[ lap time only a minute apart. Robert, Kyle and Joe Whitted and Carl Haynes won Class 5:1600 by just eleven mim1tes over · Steve and· Tim Lawrence. Ruben Gutierrez took · third place. · · Class 100 was anothedive car group, and all five c!ompleted the first lap. Marc Jones and Bob McLaughlin led the first round by about two minutes over Todd and ~tuart..I~11scher, and Becky December 1987 · and Michelle ·Bahike were about . 25 minutes down in third. John Neff and Doug Jennings were well back in fourth, and were not st;en again. following here were qale Arnes and Sandy McLaugh, Jin in a Sandhawk. Midway the T~us~hers · moved into a huge lead as the Jones Funco lost over an hour, but held second ovetthe B_ahrkes, who retired shortly. Todd and Stuart Teuscher drove the handsome Chenowth Wedge all the way with great lap times to win the Class 100 honors and place tenth overall. No other car finished, and Arnes I . Bruemmer, and nobody else was close although eight were 'still running. Another trio went out on the third lap, including Bennett. Gross and Valentine widened the gap each lap, doing most consistent . times to win the Challenger Class by a bunch, and they finished a nifty sixth overall to boot. Paul McGrath and Richard Bruemmer hung on in second, ~ West Coast Distributor ·foll ~GEARS - ' . . ·.ALL GEARS ... AVAILABLE ·sEPARATELY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE ' Valley Performance 3700 Mead Ave. · r Las Veg[i:$, NV 89102 · I 702/873-1962 OUR PRICE ·$&9s.o·o Per Set 2 Rati<>'s Available Mc Kenzie Automotive . 12945 Sherman Way #4 North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 . DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 15
/ Ale•x Melero had his troubles on the second lap, but he pressed on to finish the four rounds, and took fifth place in Challenger Class. Bob Hummel and Mark Cooper had a good day'in their Jimco, coming back from a bad fir:~t lap to finish sixth in 1600 class and Participation isn't heavy in Class 6, but Chuck Mead drove his full bodied VW three full laps for the Class victory last October. n~~onraU · 57 minutes later. And, Chuck Guy came back from a long second lap to place third, while Jack Hettinger nailed fourth by nine minutes over Alex Melero. There were a pair of Class 6 ;5tarters, but the Corvair of . · Chuck McCormick and Debbie Morones failed to cover · a lap. Chuck Mead managed a total of three laps to claim the Class 6 title. A good field of seven started in the Big Truck Class, including Walker Evans, who was giving his Dodge Dakot~ a real world raci!}g test. Walker whipped off a Paul McGrath and Richard Bruemmer had their aps and downs in the race, but very fast 1 :01.39 tjn the first lap, they pressed on to a good finish, second in Challenger Class. and then retired. In second then was Herman Meister and.Danny Corda and Tony Hodges hung on Smail in a Ford with a 1: 17 .46, to finish another 50 minutes tagged closely by Ken and Jim down in third. Golojuch in another Ford, just · The Little Truck Class started five . minutes · behind and only a trio, and Al DeLaRosa and eight minutes ahead of Scott John Pekarek did the fastest first Douglas and Fred Power in yet lap at 1:24.53. AbQut ten another Ford. The whole bunch minutes behind Stanley Herzog covered one lap, but John and George Wagenblast had Campos had a long one and their Ford in second, about half vanished on the second round. an hour ahead of Rich Mingaand Midway Meister had a ten · Harold Patty in another Ranger. minute lead over Golojuch, and DeLaRosa had big trouble on the Dick Walker and Jim Saldi had next lap and the Herzog crew their Chevy up to third, but they, took over the lead, holding about along with Douglas, had a long 20 minutes on Minga. Herzog, lap and both failed to. come from Missouri, and Wagenblast, around again. Three laps was all . from Oregon, beat the desert to any of these trucks covered, and win the class by a full hour over Herman and company the local team headed by Rich won the class by almost two Minga. DeLaRosa ran out of time hours over the Golojuchs. Craig and only covered three laps. · There were a pair of Class 5 · cars that started, but both only coverea one full lap and change. While Larry McCallum was about 4½ minutes faster on the first lap, he didn't get much farther. Greg Sanden got through Check 3 on the second lap, before succumbing to the desert, a:nd he was declared the Class 5 winner. Of the 57 starters, ·nineteen covered four laps of the course, and ·everyone had. a good time. The finale of the three race FR T 1987 series is a keen idea, the race being on New Year's Eve, December 31, 1987. It is a fine way for off road racers to have some fun in the desert; before welcoming the New Year under the clear starlit skies. THE 1987 OFF ROAD RACING HANDBOOK Packed w\th Racing Lore about the Top Drivers and Riders, their Records, ·and a Brief History and Results of Off Road Racing over the Years. · . ONLY $5.00 PER COPY "OFF ROAD FEVER" A 14 . minute action packed video for the new devotee o_r seasoned enthusiast. $17 .50 (Specify 3/4", VHS or Beta) "A YEAR OF CHALLEN-GE" 15 minutes of reliving the snows of Parker, the heat of Baja, the bone and car crunching of the Frontier500. The entire 1985 SCORE(HDRA s~ason! $17 .50 (Specify 3/4", VHS or Beta) Order Now· While the Supply tast_1 HD~A HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION Page 16 Send Check or Money Order to:_ SC·IIE· DUSTY TIMES -. · Q INTERNATIONAi! 5331 Derry Ave., Suite Championship Off-A□ed Racing A~oura, CA 91301 'DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED December 1987 Jack Hettinger covered all four laps in his Funco, with some down time, but he carried on to finish fourth in the big Challenger Class. · Herman Meister, Danny Smail andf ompany had their Ford out front after two laps, and they came in the .winners in the Big, Truck competition. , , , Ken and Jim Golojuch stayed close until the last lap in their Ford, but they finished three rounds for second in the Big Truck Class. Dusty nmcs
.Malcolm Smith Joins-··the 1988-Paris•Dakar· Range Rover Team · · Text & Photos: The Range Rover built by Halt'Up looks a lot like a three-quarter scale model, and most of the modifications are done to improve vehicle balance and aerodynamics. · I · -- . ·---. ---··- . ·····-. . . . I For the first time a British been used extensively at Paris- torque split. The body has been manufacturer had decided to Dakar, and similar events in the de~igned for aerodynatl)ics, and support the Paris-Dakar! Shown past, only last year did the British is ·narrower, shorter and lower in Paris on November 4 was one company dispatch a representa- than previous off road Rangr of the four special Range Rovers tive to observe the performance Rovers. It has peen extensively currently under construction by of the Rovers and other tested . in ..yind funnels with the French specialist rally-raid company's products. The effect reducing fuel conrumption in preparation company "Halt'Up", of this visit was to recognize the mind. The wheel trayel has been to be driven by Frenchmen commercial importance of the increased by a furthh 10 cm with Patrick Zaniroli and Patrick event. "30 percent of all our new shock absorb4"s developed Tambay, the former Formula 1 products are sold in Europe, and in conjunction witl-1 Bilstein. driver., Spaniard Salvador we now realize just how much The cars will use the dcial Canellas and . an American, Paris-Dakar influences this Michelin tires develope for' Malcolm Smith. Smith, by the market," Russell added. . Peugeot last year, fitted to the way, flew directly from Paris to "Halt'Up" has been preparing standard 16 inch wheels. The an:ive in_ Ensenada in time _to co- Land an9 Range Rovers for the gear ratios allow a top speed of dnve with Bob Gordon m the French importers for the past . 200 kph at 5500 rpm, although · overall winning car on the Score four years. Twice they · have the engine limiter isl set at 6200 Baja 1000. finished second on theevent,and rpm: The engine is tuned to give After words from supporting they have prepared cars for · 300 bhp, and the four wheel sponsors, the project was private teams as well, such as that drive system incorporates a introduced by officials from of Tambay last year. Run by Torsen Limited slip diff at the Ra~ge Rover's· headquarters. in Pascal Vigneron at_Courtaboeuf, rear, but a normal cliff at the .Solthull. Range-Rover Marketing southwest of Pans, they have -front. , Directo~ John -Kennedy Russell , quickly become accepted as an There are · stricter servicing explained the company's authority in off road preparation rules this year, but lthe team will involvement saying . that rally- work, and also as a company full take 30 people into the desert in raids are the ultimate test of a of young people. support of the cars, including road going machine, and this is The present Range Rovers. are four Range Royers dnd three 6x6 why they .are supporting a series all new and have been developed trucks, which wiJI j be officially of events next year. Starting with with the following objectives in entered in the event, and 13 Paris-Dakar the "Halt'Up" mind. The revised weight people who will travel from hatt prepared cars will also compete distribution, by moving the 4 .2 to halt in airplanes.I · on the Atlas Rally in'Monoco, liter engine and gearbox s_dme30· ' Pascal Vigneron is under no the Baja in SRain, the Pharaohs in cm rearwards, provides a 50/50 · illusions of the challenge ahead. Egypt and an off road event in front/rear weight distribution, "Until last year the ~ne thi/lg that Dubai. which matches the viscous mattered . on PariJ-Dakar was Although privately. owned coupling central differential reliability. Now P~ugeot have' · Land and Ran e Rovers have s stem which rovides 50/50 shown that you will have to be · fast as well as strbng to win, There is considerable talent in the 1988 Range Rover team. At the rear, from the left are drivers Malcolm Smith, Patrick Tambay, Patrick Zaniroli and Salvador Canellas. In front are co-drivers Alain Fieuw, Dominique Lemoyne, Fenouil! and Pedro Maymi. Dusty nmcs which is why we hav~ undertaken so much development in the past 12 months." Range Rover gained con·siderable publioity last year for . finishing the hlghest plac.ed 'normal' off road vehicle, but these laurels are , no longer attractive. Only one of the t : ur drivers in the team, Patrick Zaniroli, has won the Paris-Ddkar before, although the American Malcolm Smith scored an impressive victory at the Atlas Rally in an American style off road open wheel two seater. f,lthough his performance has renewed interest in the twoj wheel drive Gategory for the '8S Paris-Dakar, i.Jike most Paris-Dakar utility rigs, the Range Rover's cover up the rear windows. which supplies ample billboard space for the extensive sponsorships one needs on this event. It 1is about as stock as off road racing trucks, and the entire rear section of the R;mge Rover lifts up for easy access to facilitate service and repairs en route. S~ith·. himself has 'now pro-g'.ressed to an 'orthodox' type of vehicle. Smith's co-driver will be I . . Belgian motorcycle scrambles sdr Alain Fieuw. In 1980, while te~ching at a motorcycle school in/ Califor_nia, · Fieuw competed on the Baja 1000 on a bike. Fi~uw has run the Paris-Dakar alone five times, and should have an 'excellent knowledge of the route in the vast desert. jPatrick Zaniroli's co-driver is 'Fe1nouil, who partenered Kenjiro SHinozuka · to third place last I . . -I THE time, and who is the organizer of the Pharaohs rally-raid in Egypt. Dominique Lemoyne · will co-drive with Patrick Tambay, and Salvador Canellas and Pedro Maymi will be in the fourth Rover. Sponsors of the Range Rover team will be the Camel Information Service, part of the R.J: Reynolds cigarette and the Nabisco food groups, and the French fuel company Elf, along with Champion Spark Plugs, Michelin tires, Bilstein shocks, a~d Vitagermine. WRIGHT PLACEk. -COIL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and 1 at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place: You ' can useJhem on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger._Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. · 1 Another great idea from the front end experts of off road racing. 9420 'FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 17
):~ BFQOODBICB BACINO UPDJJ'r. © 1987 Uniroyal Goodrich Tire Co.
BFGOODRICH.1 ZASTS I THROUGH BAiA WITH · . I - I '7 CLASS VICTORIES! ~ 1· ! . I , BFG'?odric_~ t:eam drivers1'showed true champ1onsh1p form up.der extremely . mizddy conditions dt the Pnbsidente Sauza Baja WOO, No~ember 6-7. L~ading the way was Bob Gordon, who took the overall title for an amiazing third cdnsecutive time. Bob was fir~t off the s~arting !ine, and he and c~-dnver Malcqlm Smith kept their Chenowth Porsche ou( front almost the entire racJ, taking the CTlass 2 victory in the proces~i . · . · I Mark McM11lm took second overall and first in Class 1 Jwhile driving the last 80 . miles in tand1m with his dqd, Corky. Father and son watched out for each other as Corky took ~econd in Cidss 2 and third overall behin& Mark. The winninb ways continued in Class 7 4x4 as Jerry McDonald led a one-two sweep in his Ghevrolet S-10. . · . These winning performances under extremely adverse conditions are further proof of the championship potential that the Radial Mud-Terrain TIAi and the ·entire line of BFGoodrich TIA®Radials can bring to ybur vehicle. Fbr more informaHon, see your local BFGoodrich TIA specialist. I . II BFGOODRl<IH T• RADIALS WE MAKE YO IR TRIJ/ 'K PERFDRM;M
_.._ SCCA OJIBWE PRO RALLY -John Buffum Wins #100 in the -Minnesota Woods Photos: Tracksig.e Photo Enterprises/ Angie Berghammer John Buffum, Tom Grimshaw and the mighty Audi Sport Quattro got the job done in Minnesota, winning the rally outright, Buffum's 100th major win, and winning the SCCA driver and co-driver championship also. Fantastic weather blessed the second edition of the SCCA Ojibwb Rally in the Pro National SeriesJ It was cool but sunny and dry, J real treat in northern Minnesota in October. Last year the event took Pro Rally of the Year honors, and participants praised the organizers and the format. But, a variety of . ~ituations changed the format this time around, but the rally roads were every bit as good, and the new trails were even _ better. One of the many items that made Ojibwe so popular, a lot of daylight stages, fell by the wayside i:his year through no -fault of the organizers, Brian Jacobsen ·and Bob Neilson. Originally scheduled earlier, in late September, a conflict of dates droppbd the Ojibwe down a week. This put the rally on a collision course with the opening of duck hunting season, and that was the end of the daylight forest stages. The sundry government agencies in control of land use permits dictated that the rally could use the forest roads from dark to dawn only, while the duck hunters held possession from dawn to sunset. Also this year the transits to the Paul Bunyon forest stages were much - longer, as las_t year the entire rally took place quite close to Grand Rapids. For unknown reasons the entry sank to 31 starters this year, but, with a couple of exceptions, most of the Pro Rallies in 1987 have suffered reduced entry, due in part to the withdrawal of some contingency programs this season, and many competitors· relied on those monies for travel expenses. As expected, most of the teams were from the midwest, but a good cadre of Californians were on hand, and the top stars were in Minnesota in search of championship points. The usual rituals of registra-tion and tech inspection took place at various locales in Grand Rapids, Minnesota, a few hours north of Minneapolis on the highway. The scenery around Grand Rapids is incredible, with Page 30 lakes and streams everywhere. It was a real treat for Californians fleeing parched air, earthquakes and wild fires early in October. The red and gold colors of the trees among the evergreens was post card quality, and the endless rows of trees is also mind boggling to the outlander. Plus, the vast amount of forest roads are made to order for a performance rally. Midday on Saturday the Schmidt Ojibwe Pro Rally officially started with a pare ferme at the Central School in the middle of town. From there the rally cars paraded to the Itasca County Fairgrounds, led by Shotgun Red of Nashville fame. The spectator stage incorporated a couple of loops around the dirt oval track, and a 'longer-~outethat wound around the dirt parking lots. The cars started in reverse order, with # 31, · a Production Class Rabbit, first off the line. The fastest cars were last, so the times dropped with nearly each competitor. The weather was warm, almost shirt sleeve style, and as expected the final two cars set the good sized audience in the grandstands cheering. Rod Millen set a very quick 1.37 time in the Mazda 323 4WD, and John Buffum, in the Group B Audi Sport Quattro, edged Millen with a 1.35 to take the early lead. The third quickest time went to Chad DiMarco in a Subaru at 1. 51, so the two leaders were looking good. The second·daylight stage was some distance away, but worth the trip. The Hill Annex Mine, Bruno Kreibich and Clark Bond fly around the poles at the Fairgrounds in the tidy Audi, en route to second in Open ranks, and a fine third overall. Doug Shepherd and Jim Kloosterman won the GT Production lionors, again, in the sleek Dodge Shadow, and scored a very close fourth overall with quick times all night. December 1987 once a busy iron mine, is now a tourist attraction. Stage 2 ran from the bottom of the pits on twisty roads to .the finish line near the administration building, and this 1.5 mile stage way out in the country drew more spectators than Stage 1. While the stage road was a dandy and scenic, it was not marked at the various inter-·sections, no ribbons, no arrows, nothing! About 40 percent of the cars missed a crucial turn right after a blind brow, including race leader John Buffum with expert navigator Tom Grimshaw in the right seat. Most of them missed • getting their picture taken also. It would seem the stage should have been flagged, as most are at intersections, but the offenders all took a two minute penalty. The Y that so many missed was in sight of the hordes of spectators on the bluff, _ who roared approval for those that took the right trail, and roared again when so many others went wrong. Talking to Tom Grimshaw later, he said he wasn't worried, as they still could lead the rally overall. The only car close to Buffum, on time, had been Rod Millen. While Millen did the Hill Mine Annex stage correctly, his navigator Harry Ward suffered a bit of brain fade there, and to?k six minutes late penalty at the·· start. So, after two stages there was a three way tie for the lead between Richie and Howard Watanabe, Chad Dimarco and Ginny Reese, and Gary and Judi Gooch. Meanwhile the first retirement came at the Mine. It was Jean~ Paul Perusse, who had gearbox trouble on the Friday Press Stage, and on Saturday broke a half shaft on the VW on the same road. The rally went back through Grand Rapids on a 7 5 mile transit to Walker to await, for hours, the restart at 8:00 p.m. and the availability of the roads in the Paul Bunyon Forest. Here the word came that the Hill Annex Mine stage had been scrubbed, so eight hours into the rally, only one stage was scored. After the restart the stages came along fast with shorter transit runs, and the attrition began. The Watanabes parked the Toyota on Stage 5 with a blown engine, and several others fell off the pace. As Rod Millen hustled to make up time, John Buffum led easily, with the advantage of being first on the road, although dust was not a problem on most stages. Scott Child led Group A by scant seconds over Chad DiMarco, bu! Rod Millen and Harry Ward take the Mazda 323 on the RIGHT road at the Hill Annex Mine, but it didn't count. They won Group A by four minutes and finished second overall. · Chad DiMarco and Ginny Reese had a relatively trouble free rally, taking the Subalru 4WD Turbo to second in Group A, and to a keen fifth overall. Dan and Betty Ann Gilliland had some troubles with their Dodge Shelby, but they kept moving fast to finish second in GT Production Class. Dusty nma
Millen was ci:.;tting ~he time gap by half a minute a stage. Then Child slid intQ a bank on stage 9 and nabbed a flat tire and also did front end damage. At the next service stop Nelson . Sheperd retired his VWfrom the Production battle with a bad gearbox. Sheperd, Guy J .ight in . another GTi, Niall ·Leslie, . Toyota, and John Crawford, Dodge, had been too close to call for some time. The next one in trouble was Crawford, who bent ·a bunch of sheet metal on some trees, but he stayed in the battle. • The usually tidy Mitsubishi Starion pf David Lapham and , Susan Ferretti lost an argument with a tree; at about 60 mph, and did enough damage to need a tow -out of the woods. Through the night Rod Millen gained back his lost time and then some to move into second overall and first in Group A in the Mazda. Meanwhile Paul Choiniere got his Audi Coupe stuck on a stage on the trail, and he had to wait for the herd to pass before getting unstuck; but he . and Scott Weinheimer went on in the rally ,,despite being well out · of contention. · The final . stages. were on the · roads . used last year in. the Chippawa National Forest, close to . Grand Rapids. The major . suspense stm left on the scores was the fractions· of a second between the Production cars of Guy Light and Naill Leslie. By Stage 16, of.the 20 stages scheduled, the _ duck hunters were already waiting anxiously to • get into the forest, even though the Sunday morning sky was still dark. The rally had become a bit behind schedule .on the later stages as radio glitches and other things that cause organizers nightmares popped up. Conse-quently Stages 19 and 20 had to be canceled because of the time of day, daylight. It was just after 6:00 a.m. when John Buffum and Tom Grim-shaw entered the final time , control '. in the · Audi Sport Quattro. They not only won the Ojibwe Rally for the second year running, but:they each· secured .the series championship as driver and co-driver. Even better in a way, it was John Buffum's one hundredth victory in a major rally, a real world record, and it was J.B. 's tenth SCCA Pro Series championship. He has _ quite a record! · Rod Millen and Harry Ward took a fine seeond overall, their Group A Mazda winning that category, and they were less than eight minutes behind_,.~Buffum. Going strong all through the pigh~, Doug Shepherd and Jim Kloosterman nailed down fourth overall in the Dodge Shadow, another five minutes out, but only ten seconds behind third overall placing· Bruno Kreibich and Clark Bond,· wbose Audi Ouattro was second in Open Class. Chad Di Marco and Ginny Reese took second•in Group A in the Subaru 4 ·WD Turbo, and scored a keen finish, fifth overall. Guy Light and Jim Brandt won the rally long battle in Production Class by a skinny 11. hundredths of a minute in the VW GTi, and they were a happy team, scoring sixth overall as well. Canadians Niall Leslie and Trish Sparrow had to fight hard for their second place 'in Production Class and seventh Dusty nmcs Guy·Light and Jim Brand(won the tight fight in Production c1ks~. in the VW Golf G Tl, winning by just 11 hundredths, and taking 6th overall (n the process. I · Scott Child and Steve Laverty had the Group A lead for a time in the Toyota FX 16, but dropped to third in class after hitting a sand bank. Dan Holt and Dave White looked good in the Toyota Corolla at the Fairgrounds _ stage, and they carried on to nab third in the Open Class. Zach Thompson and Jon Wickens kept their Dodge Omni GLH on1 track all the way to score a good fourth in Production Class and 12th overall, l verall, which -is .. where--they . to Doug Shepherd as! usual. Scott finishec on time. At the rally Child got rolling sans some of the tech, Leslie did not have · the FX 16's body workl to come in needed documentation for the third in Group A and ninth carburetor on his Toyota overall, maki~g up tvrµe after the Corolla, and the Steward moved encounter with the isand bank. him into· Open Class. However, · Rounding out the top ,ten were Leslie appealed the ruling, and Dan Holt and Dave White, third the claims committee reversed in Open Class in their Toyota the decision and put the car back Corolla. Next cam e John into second place in Production Crawfprd and Joe Andreini, Class. · - salvaging third in Production Dan and Betty Ann Gilliland Class in the Dodge, only about survived pesky troubles with the half a minute ·ahead of Zach exhaust system on the Dodge Thompson and Jon Wickens in a , Shelby to finish second in GT Dodge GLH. · · Production Class, and eighth In all · 23 . of the I 31 starters . overaJI, the class win having gone finished the rally, a good ratio. December 1987 Niall Leslie and Trish Sparrow finished seventh overall, second '.n t e · · . fmtsh. John Crawford and Joe Andreini survived an encounter with a tree in the Dodge Shadow, and they ended up third in. Production Class, 11th overall. Ga~y and Judi Gooch·slid th.eir Dodge Shelby through the dark woods en route to a fine -finish, third in Production GT Class and 14th overall. . The last starter, but first at the Fairgrounds, David Beddor and Kerry Voll kept their VW Rabbit moving well to take sixth in Production Class. -Th~ seed winners were Kreibich, in 11, DiMarco, in 2, Holt, in 3, Anl:ly and Eric Klos, in 4, Robert Carilpbell and Lynn Anderson in Seed 5, and .the last starter, David Beddor and Kerry ,Voll in" a Rabbit won Seed 6, the novice class. Later Sunday morning a nice victory breakfast preceeded the awards program. Unfortunately the, organizers were saddened by an early morning tragedy, as one of their staunchest workers suffered a fatal heart attack after · the rally finished. As he opened the1 ceremonies, Brian Jacobsen dedicated the event to . the memory of Douglas Doun. The buffet breakfast was held at rally headquarters, the Rainbow Inn, and the food was good and plentitul. This is· the .time the control workers get to mingle with the rally teams, and for most it was a fun time occasion. Many of the trophy winners remarked about how very good the rally roads were, and that it was too bad the rally had to be ·shortened because of the duck hun-ring season. Plans are already working to move the rally ahead a week next year, and insure that all the planned stages are. open for the event. -·.Page 31 .. ,J
,. . Kelly. Tops at the · A.D~R.A. Penasco -.Fall Beach Bash By Daryl Drake . Photos: Curt Hummel/ 3-D Photography Achon was fierce in the soft first turn the start, and the track didn't get any smoother as the laps went on all day. For the penultimate race in the course and widened the trail in . not in the winner's circle had this 1987 Desert Championship spots,. and with no pre-running, · to say: "It went really well, but it Series, the Arizona Desert Racing the first la,p would be fairly · ., was real dusty this year. We got Association returned to Puerto .smooth. But, as the race past Oswskey on lap three, then . Penasco, Sonora, Mexico. The progressed, the sand became very . promptly got a flat tire. We car breaking terrain is on· the Sea whoopy and choppy, ·while still caught him later and were about ' of Cortez, and is appropriately fast. to ·repass him when he broke. csc. named "Sandy Beach." I twas the Pro starting order saw Class 10 Other than that it was fairly site of the • Eleventh Annual get the green flag first, followed u'neventful, hard to get around· Penasco 150. by I, 2, 5, 8, '1-2-1600, the 8s though; they weren't real Rocky Point, as the· area is Challenger, 5-1600 and 4. The courteous today. As usual, a lot known t.o gringos, long start was two abreast every 60 f fi - · h AD RA,,, ·d d "A . d d k o un wit . ·• . .. cons1. ere rizona's Beach", secon s, an we too · Yp a has been the scene of impromptu position on a dune overlooking . Hubbard was second,· not beach racing for eons. Off road · the "drag-way" and first turn, a · quite nine minutes back and races have been organized here 180'' with a choppy inside line seven minutes ahead of d AD RA r h d f h d I Oswskey. Geiser_ was in for un, er . . . . . ror t e past an a so t smoot outsi e ine. r h several years, after originating The action was wild to say the rourt as the last finisher in Class under the Penasco Sports· least, as racers vied for the lO. Committee back in the late '60s. advantage, but, all but one were Class 1 was next off with four The Sonora. Department of soon on their way. Keith Randel entries. But Larry Noel was a Tourism co-spo nsored this . was out of after the motor non-starter, and by lap two, only eleventh edition. . • burst into flames in the turn. Doc Ingram was running: after This · y~ar's event featured Class 10 would produce the Jerry Finney cooked his Porsche. d II So Ingram clicked off five more perfe~t weather once again, and a ay's overa winner, John Kelly I 25 · mile loop starting · and of Tucson, but not without a . aps to finish fourth · b J overall m· the Skoal/Petro finishing right on the beach. The att e: Tech/Fox/Jamar/Yokohama/KC course was described both as Off the· start, Ed Beard and · B b A b h I k d h Hilites/Trick Fuel Chaparral being smooth and very choppy hod . hustin oth ook e ot and with a time o't 3:42.00 and a by the finishing drivers. The first a t eir cars oo ing up well. B h f h d I 40.54 mph average. "No story," mile and a. half wound throtioh ut, · t ey never inis e a ap. I , d ,.., R· k G h Id h ) d augne Docatthefinish.l!lwent · the d.eep sand of coastal dunes, ic · eiser e t e ea with a 33 36 f. · d h D as fast as I could go and here I am. then the route1·umped theCholla · irst roun wit an S · b k · Finney, Perez and I had a good Bav. road and headed into the · pencer a mmute · ac tor d J h K II h d race for a while, but they fell by desert and ultra high rned road's, secon · o n e y was t ir , G O k r h · d D the wayside." some soft, some har ·pack. •Five. reg _sws eh rourt , an av.e H bb d f·f JI II h Class 2 featured a heartbreak miles fro. m the finish the loop u . ar I t , a sti in t e h · and a new face in the winner's returned to the coastal dunes unt. · · south of. Sandy Beach . . This • Geiser really had the pedal tu.; circle . . Gary Hendricks led the d r th · t I d d r · h ' 'race by a hu0e ma ruin · section .. ma e 1or some great . e ·me a ,· an move · iart er "' "' · h · d · h. I A h d f throughout, only to drop a valve spectator action dune-side. It was a ea on eac ap. t t e en o · f. h h. Id I one dune and less than a-mile something akin to watching the 1ve, e e a seven mioute pus, Paris to Dakar event, 1 imaaine, advantage on Kelly, who had from the finish while enjoying a I " b b 1· · h o k 13 minute lead. "If it had been on v a lot easier and chearer. · een att mg wit · sws ey. · · · Hubbard was now third ahead of hard pack, we would've pushed Nine~-nine entries, all from Oswskey, and David Ludtke was · her in!" lamented He_ndricks. the. States, turned out to try and fifth. · Meanwhile, Dick · Patterson, earn a finish on the deceptively Five miles from . the finish Jerry Everett, Bill Cook and simple looking course. The G · h Steve -Godfrey battled ror w· hat distance award went to Om· ar e1ser saw is win evaporate r, Adams from Anchorage,·.Alaska. along with the rest of his fuel and they thought was second place in he coasted to a stop. Somehow a close race. Godfrey held the The Pro division continued i:o he found enough gas· to make it advantage for much of the outdraw. the· .Sportsmen entry in, arid only fast 30 minutes. distance, but just past Hendricks' and would start six laps Saturday · But, the' race was over. Kelly, broken car, he ran out of gas and morni~g at 9:30 for a distance of in the T.U .F. Off Road/ Eastside Cook rumbled past on a broken 150 miles. The Sportsmen were Cycle/VP Racing Fuel Chen-rear ·wheel assembly and came in slated for four laps at 2:00 p.m. owth had roared in First Overall, the class winner at third overall and the Beginners would run two with a time of 3:35.03 and a with a time of3:40.16 to average laps at 4:00 p.m. 41.85 mph average for his first 40.86 mph. Cook's Chevy V-6 A.D.R.A. Prez Phil Auem-win in A.D.R.A. racing. Kelly, · c;ombo finally paid off for him. heimer had graded parts of the who has often been close to but Longtime Dusty Times readers Page 31 Terry Harden gave his Kawasaki Ninja-powered Harden Mini.Rail ·;rs best finish yet, winning the Sportsman Class 1 and taking seventh overall. Ed Faulkner's throttle stuck wide open or the last lap, but he charged on to _bring the Hi Jumper in to the finish, the ~portsman 1.600 L(d. winner. may re~e~be~ · his -m'idship off . ·o~er the le~d. ~wi~g mov:ed i~to road Camaros m past years. · second, Herw1ck mto third and Now Cook. is trying a _more McCabe fell to fifth. Turben was convention~! aI?proach, ~,uilt by ready to giv~ up, but his crew Brand wood s J 1m Cunnmgham, worked furiously and seven his co-driver .. "How sweet it ·is!, minutes before Holman would after all thes~ tries at finishing to have passed him a second time, actually win one!" smiled Cook. he was back in the race. "Even with a broken wheel. Holman fell on hard times the What can I say? It feels good. The next lap . when his distributor sand, the. course, were really blew apart and Ewing moved out neat. From my experience, I front. Lap times were lengthen-think one of these Penasco races ing as the-trucks churned their is just about equivalent to the way through the sand. McCabe Baja 1000 in terms of abuse to was now second, and Holman equipment .. " . was fourth after Turben blasted · Godfrey was able to refuel and• by his stopped Fo.rd. Turben was grab second three minutes bac~. trying the "go for it" technique, Everett was third, Patterson · since he was so far out of it and it fourth and. Mike Gertsen w;;is paid off. - . fifth, and the last finisher. On liip four Tur'ben moved ~n U~limited Baj~ Bug rat?ks, into the lead ahead of Ewing, and M tk~ Longley flew_ m the Diehl led the parade. to the. finish, Equipment / Fly-N-Hi / Yoko- bringing in the Armstrong/Big hama/DirTrix convert and. beat A/Turben's Auto Body/ Air Cook out of second overall by · Comm Chevrole~ with a time of nine seconds to take the class win 4:28.28 to average 33.52 mph at at 3:40.07 with a 40.89 mph · 14th overall. 11Thanks to my average. Pete·Sohren was second, · super crew and Mike l:luckeba. 18 minutes .back with a ·. sick Tney _stayed . up all Thursday sounding engine, and · the rest night to put this• new motor in · were out with engine woes. Friday morning," said. Turben. "The course is· chopped up . "It just r1,ms super-real fast: I was real l:;,ad ... shakes your car to ready to give up when the axle· death: I guess it was smooth for went, but my crew took care of · us t~ough," ~aid Longley. "I have me. Thanks to Armstrong and• to give special double thanks to Big A, too." · _ · Greg Diehl for footing the bills, Ewing took second in Class 8, and to my wife LuAnn for aH the· · McCabe was third and Holman sleepless nights!". · fourth. · Seven trucks turned ciut for a In 1-2-1600 competition, C:lass 8 battle that .saw four . Wayne Greene led the race right d1_fferent leaders and a. surprise up to the post race protest from wmner: Off th.e start, Richard Chuck Kieffrier (a DNF) that Man".1• .was · _out .. front flying, . Greerie had no restrictor plate. headmg for his third consecutive Greene had finished 12th overall win. · Greg .Holman· was• second, -with a time of 4:01.37 to average · less than a minute back, and Rob 37 .25 mph, but the A.P.R.A. McCabe held third. Bob Ewing Competition Board ruled that he and -~eter Herwick were fourth would be given a last in ·class and -fifth ~ few minutes off the · position among the finishers, pace. Last year's winner Frank which made him second. Turben was down with a broken This move gave the win to Jim axle, less than a mile off the start. Borel and his .Palmer's Custom Lap two saw Mann's tranny· Speed/Yokohama/Trick Race-blow and set fire to the motor, co, a three race sweep an~ he was -out._Holinan took in the series, as it was Bo~el's Dusty nma
John Kelly steers his Chenowth clear of a jumping Chol/a on his way to the Pro Class 10 victory and the overall win in Pro ranks. · I . Mike Longley really flew in the Diehl Class 5 car, and he went so fast he not only won Pro Class 5, b~t he finished the racb second overall. · After a start like this, it didn 't seem like it would be Jim Boret:s cfay. But, after the du'st settled, he came up the winner in Pro 1-2-1600 Class. making it a \hree race sweep for·lhim. Jim Bell's feet got so hot he had to turn the wheel over to Walt Laycock. But, the Jeep Honcho kept going and took the Pro Class 4 victory. third consecutive win. This was the first time the class had three entries, and was Greene's first race in this class. He had the SCORE restrictor plate with him, but did not realize it was required in A.D.R .A. since it wasn't required in the old "Pro 1600" class. Five cars entered the fray in Pr9 Challenger and all five led at different points along the way. Off the start John Jmbriale looked the smoothest and quick-est · over the dunes, but his lead was short lived as his rear torsion housing gave way. Larry Dimmett held the lead at the end of one loop, with Vic Evans, Donovan Morrow and Keith Randel all within ten minutes. Lap ·two saw Evans take the lead as Dimmett experienced clutch troubles and fell to fourth. Evans then broke a ring and pinion set, went out, and was replaced in the lead by Randel. Unknown woes slowed his charge on lap four, however; and Morrow moved into the lead. Co-driver David .. Anderson was now at the, wheel of Dimmett's Challenger and was charging hard to make up lost ground. Morrow then suffered through · a 93 · minute lap, and Anderson moved out front followed by Randel. The final lap saw Anderson Dusty nmes score another win for the Dimmett Construction/Nelco Construction/ Raley's Big ''0" Tires/Tucson Oil/Black's Dynamic Engines T-Mag. His time of 4:54.39 gave him a 16th overall finish and a 30.54 mph average. "'It was rough in some of the turns and at the checkpoints with no clutch," laughed Anderson. "But, no other troubles, and a neat track., so we had a good time." Morrow, not quite 11 minutes back, was second and the last finisher. The 5-1600 racers voted togo only· five laps, but even that was too much for all but one. By lap two Don Weiser was in the lead and all alone, so he ran a conservative race and brought the T.U .F. Off Road/ Rick's Fibercraft/Gannon Grading sedan home a winner once again. This time he finished 24th overall at 4:00. l O to average 3 1.23 mph. Last ot the Pros was Class 4, with an all Jeep field. The Honcho trucks of Dan Randall and Jim Bell held an advantage over the Bobtail CJs of Rich Severson and Jim Huff, and moved out front early. Randall led lap one by 28 seconds over Bell, with Huff third, three minutes back, ·and Severson another six.minutes in arrears. Randall fell out on lap two and Bell took over the lb d. But, his Jeep was putting dut so much heat running throukh the deep sand that his right foot was blistering and he hacj to pit. W alt Laycock then too~I over at the wheel and broug~t the Bell Concrete Honcho m for the wm at 3:57 .27 to average 37.90 mph and finish tenth overall. " I've got to thank our co-driver Tracy for keeping me on track," said Laycock, "And a big thanks to Bell Concrete, too!" Huff had held second until lap five when he went out, and Severson inherited the position, holding it to the finish, an hour and three-quarters dut of first. After seeing hoiv high the attrition rate was for11the Pros and ho~ chewed the 1course was gettmg, the Sportsmen decided to run just three la psi. They left in this class order, IO,\ 2, 1, 1600 Ltd., Challenger and 5-1600. Usually the big~est in the Sportsmen division, Class 10 took a back seat to Class 2 in numbers, but not I in exciting racing. Lap one saw Randy Mill er leading Steve McArthur by just two seconds, after they started side by side. Back land fourth went the lead, with Miller · showing an edge in the fast and McArthur holding sway in the .rough. Al McMulleJ was third, Jerry Bernhard fourth, ·and Jim Allison fifth as theyl started the second lap. Miller's lead ha9 grown to eight seconds at the !start 6f the last lap. McArthur was six minutes ahead of Allison, who'd moved into third. \X,jally Holder was now fourth and Bill Barkdoll slipped into the top fiv~. . McArthur gave it all he was worth on the final. lap, reeling in Miller and passing him less than two miles from the1 finish . So McArthur's Beard's Super Seats/Kirk's Automotive/ . Stroller Engineering - Beard's Buggy scored its first victory of 1987 with a time o~ 1:50.15, a 40.82 mph average and a second overall finish. Miller was in 18 seconds later for sec@nd. December 11987 · I !"'Best race of the season!" exclaimed McArthur. " My friend right here and I, we had a good time. A blast. I finally passed him on the last hard pack, I don't know how!" Miller added, "It was one helluva race!" Allison took hc)ffie third, eight minutes back , with Holder and McMullen filling out the top five. Class 2, with 13 starters, was the biggest Sportsman class, and at least half of the entries looked to have a good shot at the win . Lap one saw Doug Boelman, who had blown a motor here last year, throw caution to the wind as he put the hammer down and set ho1t lap of the Sportsman Division at 34.42, building up a five and a half minute lead in the process. Keith Alger held seoond, a minute and a half ahead of Robert Kline. Tom Sharp and To:m Green filled out the front five. · I Boelman was having a · great time, and by ti-le end of two laps had built up a 12 minute plus lead.-Kline was now second, Paul Nolte roared into third, G reen moved up a notch to fourth and Alger fell hack to fifth. Boelman's lo~gest lap was to he:;:, his third and final. Still with a huge lead, started missing, then died. But, it was just a coil wire dropping out, much to Boelman's relief, and he was soon on his way. No t knowing where his competition stood, but knowing he'd lost time, he really nailed it. This caused the coil wire to pop out a couple of more times. But, Boelman was not to be challenged and sailed in First Overall Sportsman and the Class 2 winner. Despitl' thl' stops, he turned in a· 1 :46.07 to average 42 .41 mph in the Bailey's Fabric & SupJ:?ly/Don's B" , JAMAR SUPER SHIFTER JAMAR JS3 - A super shifter designed for use in sand rails, buggies, off road race cars, and custom street cars that utilize a . VW transmission. This unit may also be utilized in Baja Bugs with a type 2 tansmis-sion. The offset shift lever and lock out I . !<nob provide room on top of the black powder coated shift box for switches or the Jamar Park-Lok if desired. This neat, com-pact shifter also works well with the Jamar Side Shifter, or Jamar Mid-Engine Shifter. It is also available with a chrome plated box ih addition to rods and linkage. • Short shift stroke • 3" x 4" mount space required • Features spherical helms • Positive reverse lock out • 100% positive roll J Brass bushings with grease • Chrom-moly shift handle • Easy Installation fittings • Bolts to stock VW plate MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado • Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 Page 33
Doug Boelrpan flies over a dune on his way to a convincing victory in Sportsman Class 2, and he wan the Sportsman race overall as well. Tom Murray led all the way· in the Oswskey Racing Woods Vulcan to w~n Beginner Unlimited honors and first overall in the Beginner race. I · Former A TV racer Jon McNelis gave the Beginner 1600 Ltd. group a real run, · and he won the class by almost ten minutes in the long shadows. Q> Offset Repairi Lizzzard Chassis/Loose· Dirt Racing Products Palmer's · Tandem. ~ . "After blowing up last year, I was wondering if I should let the · guy beside me at the start just go and run -a conservative race," said Boelman. "But I figured No Way! I'm going to go for it. And I came in with the Overall, huh? I didn't even know. Well, it was fast, deep sand and dusty, but the car worked real well 'til the coil wire started popping off. That sure had my blood pressure up. Good race, and thanks to everybody." Kline would hang on to second, 17 minutes back but -36 seconds ahead of Green. Then came Alger another 20 minutes behind. Muriel Cole, tenth at the end of lap one, had worked her way up to fifth by the finish. Class 1 only had two starters, so they'd be scored with Class 2 for trophies and by class for points . . But, Rick Vasquez sports a water cooled 1000 cc DOHC four with a six speed transmission, chain-jack shaft drive, and Fox suspension, all in a very compact package. "It went real good until the last ten miles when I caught an old fishing net and broke a CV. We have a solid rear end, so I drove it sictewaysalT the way in," said Harden. "Beautiful race! Fast as I wanted to run, 9000 in sixth, about 85-90 I figure in this sand. I'd like to give special thanks to Gil Feldman, Desert Mfg. and Eastside Cycle." Despite the long last lap, Harden turned in a 1:58.34 for a37.95 mph average It was a close dice most of the way among the Sportsman Challengers, but at the flag Daryl Knutt took the honors in his Chenowth. and seventh overall. This put him in second in Class 2. Seven starters in 1600 Ltd. yielded five finishers and a close race for the top three spots. Ben Pierpont led lap one with a 37 second margin on Ed Faulkner. Jim Covey was third, 22 seconds back with Shaun Darr fourth and Troy Churchman fifth. Faulkner slipped by for the lead by the end of two, and had a 20 second lead on Pierpont. Darr was now third, three minutes back. Churchman was fourth and'. Scott Bennett had moved into fifth. Faulkner had trouble on the last lap but it worked to his advantage, and he sailed in the winner. · "My throttle stuck," laughed Faulkner. "Wide open, luckily! The course was super fast and it was a super good race,. just like always!" His Edwin Enterprises/ Amsoil/ Flair Advertising Hi Jumper ran the distance in 1:54.51 to average 39.18 mph and finish fourth overall. Pierpont was second, 1.26 slower, Darr third, five minutes behind the winner: Churchman and Bennett rounded out the finishers. Four Challengers did battle, with Daryl Knupp leading John Lee and Mike Kui-eti9h after the first lap.Kuretich was ray off the pace, but Lee was clos1e and took over the lead on lap two, moving 2.06 ahead. f Knupp then- pick~d up the pace and regained the Jead for the win, bringing the V9lk?power/ Roy Martin Mac~ine/lnski Racing Heads/Woods Off Road Products/Yokohama !Chenowth in with a time of 2:26.38 to average 30.69 mph and take I 5th overall. Leewassecond,just 1.27 out of the win. Kuretich came back from his long first lap to • finish third, just over 20 minutes behind. Last off in the Sportsman Division was 5-1600 with three starters. Charles Lamar was out front in his first race, leading Mike Woods by 57 seconds. Art Roper was a very distant third. Lamar increased his lead throughout, while Woods had a bad last lap and Roper fell out. Lamar won with a time ·of 2:16.11, a 33 .. 07 average and 13th overall in the Ed Faulkner backed sedan. . "I came out here last year with Ed and rode with Red Burgin," said Lamar. "I liked it a.Jot, arid with a ton of help from Ed, was able to build my own car. It was a lot of work and I had my doubts for a while. But the car ran good ., wouldn't care much either way because he made the long tow from Texas only to blow his motor just a few minutes off the . start. This paved the way for Terry Harden and the best run yet for his Kawasaki Ninja-powered Harden Mini-Rail. It is a very unusual vehicle.' It "The best race of the season" said Sportsman Class 10 winner Steve McArth.ur, after a close race with Randy Miller, who was 18 seconds behind. Frank Turben demonstrated it pays to fix things, as he came back from a broken axle on lap 1 to win Pro Class 8 in his tidy Chevrolet. Early leader in Class 8, · Greg Holman churns his way out of the dunes. Troubles dropped him to fourth in Pro Class 8 at the.finish line. Page 34 Wayne Greene ran away with the Pro 1-2-1600 race, but he was dropped to second for lack of a restrictor plate, newly required by A.D:R.A. this year. December 1987 Don Weiser had th'e lead in Pro 5-1600 ranks by the second lap, and he was the only finisher, cruising to an easy victory in the T.U.F. Bug. Dusty nmes
William "Doc" Ingram was the only .Pro Class 1 survivor but he kept driving hard to bring the Chaparral in 4th overall in the race. Gary Hendricks led the Pro Class 2 battle by a huge margin until one dune from the checkered flag, when his engine gave out in Charles-Lamar tried out hi.s newly built Baja Bug in the Sportsman 5-1600 class, and he led all the way in the Ed Faulkner backed sedan. and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. It's a lot of fun!" Woods was about 15 minutes back in sec.ond in 5-l 600s. The .Beginners, seeing the Pros suffer a 50'¾, attrition rate and the Sportsmen a 40'¾i, were glad to go just two laps. The setting sun would be enough of a problem. With a luck of the draw start, 18 racers hit the trail. Unlimited cars would sweep the top five spots on this fast course. Tom Murray led throughout to bring the Oswskey Racing Woods Vulcan in first overall and in Unlimited ranks with a time of 1: 17 .34 to average 38.68 mph. James Taggert came from sixth to second on lap two to fin-ish six minutes back. Bill Krug Sr. was ried with Taggert. Omar Adams was just 0.56 back for fourth and Josh Burner was fifth, three minutes later. In the. 1600 Limited group, ex ATV racer Jon McNelis ran away the soft stuff. Bill Cook finally brought one of his Chevy V-6 powered race cark in for the Pro Class 2 victory after many years of trying just to finish. I with the win with a sixth overall finish at 1 :32 .05 to average 32 .58 mph in the Rill King Rig "A" Auto sponsored Brand-wood. Merilyn Brown was · second, not quite ten minutes back, and Andy Hooper was third. The Beginners fared the best overall with ten oi!it of the 18 finishing compared! to the Pros 22 out of 44, and the Sportsmen, . 22 out of 3 7. But e~en the losers were soon smilini4 enjoying · a beautiful sunset over the Sea of Cortez. Dan Randall -had no luck in Pro Class 4, but long time co-driver Josh Burner brought the Jeep home fifth overall in the Beginner action. · --·'With the December 5 Sonoita expected to make their to Rocky Point A.D.R.A. finale a appearance, It is a fast, 125 mile double points event, series run· over varying Sonoran desert, cHampionships are still up for starting in Sonoita, a border grkbs in many classes. And, with town, and finishing on the Sea of no competing SCORE/HORA Cortez. ' rat e on the same weekend this Manny, when you get to_ Gila year, all the Arizona big guns are Bend; turn south! ICIIE SAN FELIPE 250 OFF ROAD RACE FUN IN THE HOLIDAY SUN! . _Th_ink of warm, pleas<;1nt surroundings in mid-December, where life Is simple and uncomplicated. Think of miles of beaches lapped by gentle waters of a gulf sea. Think of an oasis of civilization in the middle of all this, where modern hotels, fine restaurants, and more than enough shops to satisfy holiday shopping await you. Join us in San Felipe on December 11 and 12 for the return of SCORE's San Felipe 250, and treat your sponsors and support crews to some fun laps around specially designed separate loops where motorcycles and ATV's will run their course while cars and trucks run their own. Both race courses will be equally challenging, with about 270 miles of racing for each course. Pre-running and pit access will be easy. Checkpoints will be k~pt to a minimum ... after all, this one is for fun!! This event is NOT a points race. , , · START/FINISH will be at the San Felipe Arches. RACE HEAD-QUARTERS will be at the EL CORTEZ Motel, which offers T_WO bars and a fine restaurant within frisbee distance of the beach , rents windsurfers and has a fine pool. ' REGISTRATION and TECH INSPECTION will be on . Friday, ~ecember 11, at the El Cortez, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. RACE; DAY Is Saturday, December 12, and we will start at a civilized hour! Time limits will be comfortable for all classes. The festive AWARDS PRESENTATION, hosted by PRESIDENTE-SAUZA, will be held on Saturday night, and will feature Fish tacos, Kassanyi burritos and libations for all! ' For information, call SCORE INTERNATIONAL . at (818) 889-9216. ·-I December ~987 I DECEMBER 11 & 12, 1987 Pagc_35
' I ' I i i. I · , l I l ( I ·1 ... THE LAST CHANCE BAJA · Mitch Mustard -Wins l Overall in Dako• Text & Photos: Darla Crown ! It was Colorado day in Class 10 as Scott Galloway flew his Chenowth over the tundra to finish second in one of the largest classes at the rac_e. Mitch Mustard came from Colorado to win everything, both Class 10 titles,.and he also won the main event overall on the rough and ready course near Wall, South Dakota. The tenth annual Last Chance The race, sponsored by Baja was held near Wall, South BFGoodrich and Budweiser, was Dakota on O,croher 24, 1987. · the 1987 season finale for the Just like Class 10, the first South Dakota driver in Class 4 took third place, and Kevin Neuhauser was also third in both Team TI A and HPORRA points for~the Harold Johnson easily won Class 2 in his handsome Toyota, and "Hollywood" Harold took the year end honors in class in Team TIA and HPORRA as well. John Pesek, from Tyndall, SD, drove his Jeep hard enough all day to finish second in Class 2, 4 cylinder 4x4, in the Last Chance Baja. Pase 36 High Plains Off Road Racing Association. A total of38entries came from South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Colorado, Minnesota and Kansas. Mike Baenen finished hird in Class 10 a·t Wall, but his points were good enough to give him the ~vera/1 honors, cash and ring, in Team TI A points. It was indeed · the "Last Chance" for many of the compe~itors to chalk up the last few important points for the HPORRA points race and the BFG Team T I A points. For most of the other racers it was the "Last Chance'' to race in the 1987 season, and to try their luck on the two mile course through the "Little Badlands" near Wall. Colorado racers took home the victories in both Class 4 and Class 10. Mitch Mustard, from Arvada, Colorado, flew to the first place finish in Class 10 in his Chenowth Magnum 1650 cc racer. Mitch, with help from his parents Dick and Rose Mustard, brought their beautiful tractor-trailer towing rig to the Badlands race to add a little beauty and Jerry Daugherty, from Colorado, did his number again, repeating his win in Class 4 of last year, and he had to drive the Chevy Blazer hard to win again in 1987. . . . professional ism to the event. The spectators enjoyed admiring the rig that had the race cars of Scott Galloway and John EvaQ,5 inside, along with Mitch's Chenowth. Mustard Racing is familiar to most local spectators and participants. They remember the . fine first place showing of the team at the Last Chance Baja in 1985. This year Mitch Mustard, the 1987 points champion in the Great Western Point Series in .Colorado, dominated his class with the heat, main and overall wins, making it iook almosteasv. Scott Galloway, of Lakewood, Thad Briggs is becoming a once a year racer, but his Jeep was strong in Dakota, and young Thad kept the winner honest all ihe way to his second in Class 4. Colorado, finished second in The first two finis-hers in the Class 10. The 1987 HPORRA 198_6: race, Jerry Daugherty and Class 10 champion Mike Baenen, Thad 'Briggs, did it again, taking of Jamestown, North DakoEa, first and second place, finished third. Baenen also won _respectively. the overall points in both Jerry Daughei:ty, of Denver, HPORRA and T earn TI A. There Colorado, owered his Chevy was a lot of tough competition in 4x4 to the first place finish in Class 10, with the 1986 Last both the heat race and the main · Chance Class winner, Ken · event. Jerry had to do some fast Bracelin, of St. Francis, Kansas, pit work before the start of his finishing fourth, after having heat race. During the practice transmission trouble. laps before the race, Jerry broke a On the windy, cold, South ring and pinion gear in the front Dakota day, it was a repeat axle assembly. "We/ut in used performance in Class 4, for parts and they hel up," said unlimited four wheel drive rigs. Daugherty. They obviously December 1987 ."held up," as Daugh~rty finished both the heat race and the main event out front by a wide margin. Jerry is another racer who adds to the professionalism with his tractor-trailer rig. Right behind Daugherty in second place was Thad Briggs, from Nebraska, who now lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Thad, with his · uncle and co-driver Dave Randall, of Fort Morgan, Colorado, had not raced the 4x4 Jeep since last year at this same .race, when he also placed second behind Daugherty. "This is the first race we've been Dusty flma
Barry Kline came from Minneapolis to race, and he raced to the 3 victory in the Unlimited Buggy competition in the chilly Dakota climate. In Dakota Class 8 is for 2 WO anything truckish, and Curt Willuweit drove his . creation over the Badlands quickly to win the class race. A regular from Kansas in the Great Wes'tern Series, Ken Brace/in did all right in Dakota also, finishing a fine fourth in the competitive Class 10. Jim Kitterman finished fourth in Class 4 in the race, but the points put him in 'an absolute tie with Chuck Heimes for both ciass points titles. to all ,year/' said Briggs. "The car . hasn't been on the track until today". Many eyes were on this tough, young competitor after having. watched his strong finish in only one rac.e a year. It makes . one wonder what may . have happened had he bee·n racing regularly. When asked how he li~ed living in New Mexico, Thad's response was, "I love it! It's warm down· there!'? A little different than the chilly, 40 degree weather race day in South Dakota. A disappointed Chuck Heimes, of Sioux Falls, SD, DustyTI~s -ended the -day with a lot. of damage to his nicely painted 4x4. Heimes was leading the Class 4 HPORRA points and' the _Team TI A points going into the· race. But~ all hope for the gold disappeared when he and Gary Logan, of Rapid City; SD, were both sidelined in a wild, two vehicle flip at the_ start o,f the main event. Neither driver was injured, but both machines suffered heavy damage: Heimes_· ended up in a tie with Wall's own Jim Kitterman for the first place honors in HPORRA and BFG Team T I A points. • I • across the finish line in first place. Curt is another driver who had a year plaguttd with problems, but he put on a good show here for the hoine towh crowd: . Burt Dartt, the I 987 BFG winner in Class 8, ·was determined to finish the race and to accumulate thc)se badly needed points, 'no matter what the circumstances. Dartt, with co-driver Doug Crown, had . transmission problems during the heat race. Just as Crown jumpt;d out to check out the problem, the Bronco connected, Stan Schwel/enbach came in second in Class 3 in the race, but t,,e took the class h.onors in Team IT/A and. HPORRA pbints home to Pierre, SD. . so he told Dartt to go ahead without him, rather than take the time for the co-driver to get strapped back in the harness. Eventually Dartt lost aH f~rward gears and ended up havmg .to drive the last mile in reverse to cross the finish line going backwards. Dartt won the T earn TI A points by a mere two points. Greg Iverson, in his hc)me-made Class• 8 finished S!,'cond in the.race, followed by Steve Baker in third, both drivers from Murdo, SD. ·oartt· ended up in fourth place. · · . The Wall Jaycees did an outstanding job of presenting the Bart Dartt had plenty of troubles-with his Bronco, losing the gears, but he finished in reverse to get enough points to win the Team TIA cash. . race. Local busine.sses anµ people contributed most· of the $5,000:00 purse t_his year. Even though ·it was the "last chance" for racing locally in 1987, the memories and discussions of the It was the first ti.:ne out in his Class 4 machine for Jerry Edwards, who has, been a tough competitor in Class 8 in the past. Edwards was doing a good job of driving, getting faster and faster · on each lap. Then; on the last lap he got high on .jl jump, · came down really hard, ,and rolled his Jeep right in front of the spectator hill at the oegi~nin~ of the last lap. It was the first time out for Jerry's 14 year old son, Jason, who was his co-driver. "It . I , was awesome, up to a certam point," s~idJason. "~e hit_really hard," said Jerry, "II Just wish we could have finished the last lap. Now we have to go home, check out all the damage, and start working on it to get ready for the Badlands Baja." That ii; the first race of 1988 coming in February. Kevin Neuhauser, of Midland, SD, finished a fine third in his 4x4, after a frustrating year of mechanical problems. And Jim Kitterman, last . ye;ir's Class 4 overall winner, finished the race in fourth, but it was enough for • the tie for first place in HPORRA and Team T / A lpoints. Pat Roberts, of Deadwood, SD, finished third in both points series. . ,. Harold Johnson\ and Gary Parker, of Sioux Falls, SD; were the victors in• Class 2, with John Pesek, of Tyndall, SD, in second. "Hollywood" Harqld was the 1986 overal I Team T / A winner, and has always parti:cipated with his sharp blue Toyot~ in Class 2. But, with few entriesjin.this clas$, Harold and Gary ~ill probably be trying their luck i1n a different cla.SS next year. 1 . • Cla!;is 3,· the unlimited buggies, saw Barry Kline, fiiom Minne-apolis, take first place honors. Stan Schwellenbachl, of Pierre, SD, came in second1• Stan easily took home the firsr I pla~e cash from the BFG Tear T / A and HPORRA points. Harvey Wald,' of Pierre, s_ D, was tl1 hird in _the race. . . December 1987 ,In Class 8, a ·local dr-iver from ~all, Curt Willuweit came • yea will last well into 1988. K.t. Huggins brought-his tidy from Omaha, NE, for the race, and he kept it together all the way to finish a good fifth in Class .10 action. BIGGER IS B-ETTER· l Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road r11c~ car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission · output be Us to accept the larger C. V. joints. : . . . -I Con_vert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or.Type IVor 930 C. V. joints. · · . · , - . I Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to.accept 930 C.V. joints. 1-AU axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/8-24. · I All axles and bells for II can be threaded 3/8-24 or stock 8 mm threads .. pitch threads. 1 0 mm • 1. 5 is slightly larger and is: the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. I . . . . ' FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS ,' I O,_lly $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. . . MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS I . , l 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 ' (714) 674-7365 Si1IPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED. Page 37
PAC on ROAD RACING Chris Oberg and Jack Ham win the Millican Valley 300 the Hard Way By Leonard Day Photos: Ken Vanderhoof . Rookie (iriv~r Jack Ham started his stint in Chris Oberg 'scar by ·doing an endo, got with the program and finished first overall and m Class 10. What a day for a rookie, and where do you go from there? . If you come to a strange place, not disappointed. Luckily the with only three points separating wind came up at times and the first three drivers for the . offered the drivers a glimpse of VORRA Class 10 Champion- where they were supp95ed to be ship, and you ai:e one of them, driving. and you let a rookie driver take . The points series exchange the wheel to drive the car over between PAC Off Road Racing two hundred rriiles of a three and VORRA is turning out to be hundred mile race . . . .. . . you a real challenge between the cars gotta be nuts!! Well, Chris Oberg from the northwest, and those did just that. He turned his car from northern California and over to his friend Jack Ham atthe northern Nevada. Entries came end of the·second lap, and turned in from California, Nevada, him loose. It didn't take long, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and however, for Ham to find out British Columbia. Fifty-five in all what it was like to endo an off took the green flag for the road car. Ham managed to right Millican Valley 300. the racer and continue on with The seven Pro Class 1 cars little damage. After a quick started first. ~hi! LaPlante, who checkup back in the pits, he was· won the class at the last race in let loose again, only this time he Yerington, NV; missed his mana,ged to go the distance fot. · number one starting slot, and he the Class 10 victory, and the win was moved to the rear, and on secured the VORRA season top of that a burned piston took championship for Oberg, plus · him out after finishing the first the team won the Millican Valley lap. Keith Robb also pulled up 300 overall. Quite a performance lame, and he completed j,ust one for the rookie! · long lap. John Winkes turned in With. t}:ie · exJ_re~ely dry three good laps before retiring summer in Oregon this year, the w,ith a bJo~n tra11~ission. race was doomed from-the start Jim Cope had to puJI out on to be a dusty one,· and we were the ninth of ten laps when he lost ' . all rear suspension when a torsion bar broke. Gayle Hodson started quick, but he was slowed by nagging electrical problems, and he also. lost his entire exhat1st system. Hodson covered nine laps, good for third in class. The battle in Class 1 was left to cousins Ron Sanislo and Ken Sanislo, both from Washington. Each had his share of troubles. It was shocks and flat tires that slowed Ron down, but he covered all ten laps and tocik second in class. A broken stud in the. valve train cost Ken Sanislo time, but_ he won Class 1 by ten minutes, doing the ten laps in 8:07.46. · Only four cars lefrthe line in Class 10, with Chris Oberg leaving first · en route to the victory. Oberg and Harn completed the course, all ten laps, in quick time of 6:49.56, and Oberg, from Reno, an.d his . California .. co-driver Jack Ham won overall. I . _ Chris Cash, from Boise, Idaho, was the first -of the Class 10 racers to bite the dust, with a Bill Landon and Rick Frock survived a roll over in the dust-to nofonly win the Pro 1600 clgss, but they were second overall-by less than two minute_s, ma/<ing it quite a sweep for Nevada drivers. r,s berg flew into the early'fead in lass 10, andwith co-driver Jack Ham, wpn overall, won .Glass 10, and won the VORRA ·Class 10 Desert Series Championship.. · blown motor on· lap 3. Blown ·Then out · came the cryi~g motors seemed to be common, as towel for Bob Lemos and crew, It Rob Smith, from Rescue, CA, seems· Lemos ran ·out of gas on went dowri on lap 6 with engine . the last lap while in the lead and . trouble. A rough running motor only about seven miles from the · with bad oil leaks, and no. third checkered flag. Finally, with a' g!;!ar .caused · the exit of Dale little gas, Bob did get in his ten Smith, from Carson City, NV, laps, good for second place, just on lap 7, and that left Oberg and 13 minutes out of the win; Garen Hain free to go after the overall McCune and -Larry Zimmerman win. · managed to win the class, despite · The combined Class 2 and '5 lacking power steering, and they left the line next, with Robert had some minor electrical Lemos lead_ing the way in his problems. But they Won Class 2-Class 2 car: Bob Rea arid Jim 5 with total timeof7:03.32, and Caudle had the worst luck of any the win gave McCune. the team in this bunch. Oil leaks VORRA class championship. . plagued this new entry from· the Next off the starting line was . start, and after an internal part the three car class of 1600 cars, · exited the engine case about a led by Roy Gust. But . Gust · mile and a half into the course, a dropped from the race on lap 5. to.w was needed for the British Bill Landon and AJ. Kielian had Columbians. The Baja Bug of . a good race going, . b~t Kieliari Dick W-ielandt dropped from the was . suffering from a severe race also on the first -lap. . . stomach ache and ·eventually just . Tim Bell, . out of. Sparks, couldn't continue. Bill Landon Nevada, lasted six full laps and finished tbe ten laps in 6:51.12, . was going good until the justoveraminuteoffthepaceset transmission let go in the Class 2 · by Oberg, and the driver from car. The ~aja Bug driven by Sparks, · Nevada took second Oregon's To~ Arnold was in the ··overall. pits for about three hours with A big field of sixteen Heavy broken torsion ·bars, but he got Metal rigs left. the start Urie next, back · out, and. then had a: flat and they put a little thunder in which caused a roll over and the the Valley. Some thought it was end of the race for Tom .and · another quake from California. crew. Sam Berri reported no Don Monk left first and was major problems and managed a making good time, but he had respectable third, covering all ten . troubles on the third lap when a laps; · miscalculation left the fuel. cell A.J. Kielian was in.the hunt for nine laps in the 1600 battle,.but he dropped out on the last lap, but stiU took a fine second in class. Dale Smith, from Carson City. NV, went out on lap lwith a rough . running engine, but his single seater was still second in Class 10 action. Bob Lemos and crew led Class 2/5 most of the way, ran out of gas on the last lap, and had to settle for s~cond place in class; fourth overall. Page 38 December 1987 Dusty nmes
Reno ·s Kent Bullock had some shock and air filter troubles, but he kept the big Dodge rolling fast enough to finish third in Pro 4x4 action. Bob Nyeste comes from Kamtoows, B.C. to race his yery tidy Ford, and despite shock woes h~ covered all ten laps to ta,ke fourth ·amon the 4x4 . . I 1 • Marshall Mahr and family had a great run in the,Class 3 Jeep, and they overcame overheating problems to finish all Jen laps fifth in the 4x4 ranks. ; It was a tight race all the way among the portsman uggies, but Ki Chainey won the battle at the fla g, taking the title home to Washington. Chris Klick. from Ketchum. Idaho. stayed close in Sportsman Buggy class. all the way, d id his ten)' laps for second place, only a couple minutes out of first. ) Californian Bob Smith lost his brakes, clutch. and electrics. but he finished 9 laps. good for 3rd place in Sportsman Buggy Class. ,. Garen McCune and Larry Zimmerman ·suffered through with no power steering to win the combined Class 2 and 5 honors and take third overall home to California. · dry. After getting more fuel, Don hit a rock which took the tires off the right side. Overheating problems finally took a toll, and the team managed to complete just three laps. · -Gordon Scott had a pile of trouble on the first lap, including a failure of the rear springs and a driveline that took out the rear end, and he was parked before the pine forest. , Scott gave his shocks to Bob Nyeste and his _tires to Phil Dean so they could 'continue OQ. Nice work, Gordon. From Canada, Gerry Irvine had a short race, as the rear driveline let go, then his steering broke before the end of the first lap. Don Roemer lost another trans/transfer case adapter and managed only one lap also. Roy Clark managed only two speedy laps before spinning a bearing. Robert Murphy was beset with a blown head gasket on his brand , new engine right off the start, and he couldn't keep water in it, so he called it a race after completing only three laps. -· After getting replacement tires from Gordon Scott, Phil Dean's mount blew a rear end on lap 5. Babiuk and Mamo lost a transfer case and the front cliff, and were towed back to the pits and early retirement on lap · · -5. Gary Holland and crew brought out a brand · -new truck, but had problems early on and called it a day after finishing six laps. Motor mounts and shock mounts kept breaking on Joe Copening's Dodge truck. His son Dusty Times Chris managed to keep it going for seven completed laps, but decided to retire when the crew ran out of parts. Eight complete laps was all Dale Jinkerson could manage with nagging fuel filter problems and flatting two tires at 'once on the same rock. Seems lots of folks found that same roe!< which kept getting .bigger and bigger as the race went a long. Marshall Mahr, driving his Class 3 Jeep, had overheating problems all day, but he still managed to make all ten laps and finish fifth, a money paying spot. Bob Nyeste, from Kamloops, B.C., had a good bit of down time replacing shocks, but he still covered all ten laps, good for fourth place. There was a three way battle going on all day for the lead in the Pro 4 x 4 class between ..Ed Burnap, Kent Bullock and Don German. From Reno, Bullock wound up third after having to change air filters and shocks. Ed Burnap, from Corvallis, Oregon, took second place after being down for a short time with a clogged fuel filter. And, Guess What!! Californian Don German managed to win his third race in a row here at Millican Valley, no down time! It is quite an achievement, because of the large entry number in this class every race. German did his ten laps in 7:28.01, and finished 18 minutes ahead of Ed Burnap. This race draws people from all over the northwest. It is interesting that Nevada claimed two class wins, Chris Oberg and Ken Sanislo diced all day with his cousin 10n Sanislo, 1:nd Ken won lass 1 y just ten minutes over! Ron as both completed ·all ten laps in the dust. Bill Landon; Califo~nia also had a . racing, but this was not to be hTs pair of wins with G~aren McCune d~y. He never finished the first and Don Germa . But nearby lJp, because of a broken tranny. Washington also got a class I Scottie Holt was not to be victory in the Pro·rankswithKen denied a ·complete lap however, Sanislo. I but the lap took 7 hours and 15 The Sportsman Buggy class minutes. So after a multitude of had fourteen entries, one of the problems arid a long day he largest in many rates, and there retired. Aron Springer com~ were a lot of carS that haven't pleted only one lap and called it a been out in quite a while. The d~}' on the second lap after a organizers were pleased to see cbllision with a Jeep in the really them back out inl competition. bad dust. Jeff Eachus was not First off the line \ras the single s~en again after he completed his seater of Bob Smith, and Bill · IJp. Jim Willaman broke a · Ballester again br~ught · his old ·· steering arm on lap 4, and Dick Baja pre~runner · but to race. Mauhl finally packed it in on lap Ballester comes to bvery event to s! after having his share of nagging compete and supWort 'off road tl}ings go wrong, like an electrical -1 -. I -fire in tech. Then in the race he hit a tree and brokeaspindle,had flat tires, hard shifting problems, and the engine threw all the fan belts he could borrow . . Steve Fisher ran his Baja Bug and was going OK when a rod came out the side of the engine on lap 5. The two seater, usually driven by Hank Williams, but due to a previous injury used (ive substitute drivers and · three riders made up of the pit crew, covered five laps one time was a lap up on the competition. S.K. Smith made seven complete laps, and reported. nothing exciting, but he just ran out of time. Craig Holt was another victim of time. He j1,1st plain ran out after completing eight laps. Joe Chainey teamed with his daughter Diane in a newly ~uilt (old Army Fast Attack Vehicle) buggy. Diane was seen doing most of the driving._ She had a few electrical problems but finished her first ever race in a good fourth place with eight laps completed. .. · Bob Smith drove his single seater most ·of the race with no brakes or clutch, and then did a couple laps with no gener;ator. But he still cov,ered · nine laps, good for third place in Sportsman Buggy Class. The battle for first and secqnd place (continued on page 42) ' prep for all classes, Including Candy Canes We do our own machining in our q.w.ry_ shop .. December I 1987 Pickup and .delivery available. OFF-ROAD RACING TEAM PORCO•-· Precision 011 Road Company ~ 678 Unit cJ San Bernardino Road, Covina, CA 91723 I . (818) 915-3847 • (818) 915-3848 I . Page 39 , • I I ' ! t 'i; \ ! I
Soda's Hodag 50 By Deb Freimuth Photos: Dennis Freimuth Terry Wolfe had the 5-1600 lead, as here, for half distance, but the trailing Bug here of Phil Freimuth moved up to take another victory. The sounds of country music dissipated from the grounds of the world famous Hodag Country Festival on August 1 and 2 to make room for the roar of racing engines as the Wausau Bunch and promoter Bernie Eckert co-sponsored the 11th Annual Hodag 50 in Rhine-lander, Wisconsin. Through the cooperation of Mother Nature's nighttime rain storm, the track was in excellent racing condition, and it was kept that way through the expertise of the Pine Lake Fire Department. • The first scheduled event brought eleven 3 and 4 wheelers onto the track. It was Bryon Deede taking the checkered flag for the victory. .Fourteen Class 11 buggies lined up behind four Class 5-1600 sedans as the SODA points classes began racing. Terry Wolfe ran a strong first half in his 5-1600 Bug, wi_th the Desert Dog clad convertible of Phil Freimuth running a tight second. When Wolfe rolled his sedan in the back section, Freimuth stepped right in to take another season victory, and he finished four laps ahead of Wolfe who later suffered mechanical problems after his roll over. Rhinelander's Glen Mathews had a pretty good command of Class 11 until four laps before the finish when Dennis Riemer s_natched. away the lead as Mathews was down and out with mechanJcal difficulties. Darrin Parson picked up the General Tire contingency as he came across the line second, with Jeff Jones coming in third. Paul Hubenette, in his old 1200cc engined buggy, finished fourth, but relinquished all prize money and trophies and ran just for fun. At noon. twelve 2-1600 buggies took the green flag. It was Mike Renkas who led the pack on the first lap, but it was Johnny Koran who looked like he was going to be the hero of the hour. Meanwhile, third place Jeff St. Peter was pressing to better his position.-as was second running Matt Trelstad. By lap 11 of the 20 lap feature, it started to look Page 40 like a game of musical chairs. Trelstad moved into first, Koran to second, then it was St. Peter to second, Koran down to third, then back up to first for the next lap with St. Peter seconq, and Trelstad down to third, in what was to be his last lap. St. Peter then moved to first until three laps before ·the end, when he broke. This allowed Koran to move back tci first spot, when on the w,hite flag lap he lost a tire! So, the surprise was when Dave Vandermissen Jr. came across the finish line to win the 2-1600 race, with Mike Sorenson second, and Koran tallying . enough laps to take third. A half dozen Class 6 American Stockers lined up to take the green flag as Jon Kaempf snapped UE?, the lead. By the sixtn lap · B.t·G's John Znidorka snatcheo away the lead while the rest of the troops mustered to keep their vehicles running. By the end of the hour long race, Znidorka finished four laps ahead of second place Scott Harris. -The Class 1-1600 race was a flag to flag finish for all three of the top spots. General Tire's Greg ·Smith took home a first place win, followed by the team ofJohn Kaczmarek andJay Finke in second. Johnny Koran took another third place finish for the weekend. The last race set for Saturday was the infamous Good Old Boys. Nine of those crazy fellas Class 2-1600 put on a dandy race with the lead changing often in each lap. at the flag Mike Sorenson nailed down second in the big class. Terry Severson was part of the dice for the lead in Class 1.0 for half the race, then his racer went out with mechanical failure and he was fourth. December 1987 John Znidorka took the Class 6 lead on the sixth lap of the hour long race, and • he stayed out front to win the class by four full laps. Greg Smith came from Minnesota to race in Class 1-1600, and he led the pack from flag to flag in this p6pular class in midwest racing. ' from a two state radius took the started and the . car went . green for one of the wildest races backwards into 'the Cat that was._ of the weekend. Tom Littleton used for clearing vehicles from' · looked like he had the bull by the the track, with Todd still ... horns, but a breakdown dashed slumped under the hood of the his victory. Meanwhile Dan car. The Buick died again, but Wolter continued to add laps was restarted in the same manner until the victory was his. In the to allow Todd and his co-driver meantime the Stump Jumpers to go on their way. They made it . fluorescent "La Bamba" Special half way around the track am:l, · driven by Paul Larson got high then the Buick gave up the ghost centered on one of the jumps. for good. They lost second place , Todd Kuehl had problems m the process. · with the carbon his Buick. After For Saturday night entertain-choking the engine just before ment, the race organizers the timing tower, he gave the carb sponsored a dance and free beer an application of beating it with a for the racers and fans. All in screwdriver until the engine c-;;;;-1tinued on page-42) . A crowd favorite in the Good Old Boys race was the Stump Jumpers brightly hued "La Bamba" Special driven to an early high center by Paul Larson. Sugar Camp's Scott Schwalbe had the early Class 10 lead, but h~ dumped his racer late in the race, but held on Ito finish second in the battle. I I Dusty nmcs 'I j '
THE 19th ANNUAL MARLBORO NORY COAS1 RALLY Volkswagen Victorious in West Africa Text & Photos: Martin Holmes I Shekhar Mehta and' Rob Combes .drove the only surviving Nissan 200SX cbnservatively on the final days, and they finished second, the best WR result f0r Nissan in five years. Kenneth Eriksson and Peter Diekmann scored the first world Rally ·championship win for Volkswagen driving the Golf GT/ 16V to a resounding victory, winning by over 20 minutes. Kenneth Eriksson has joined the Greats! After two season's reputation as being a potential .giant killer, he has finally taken his little VW Golf GTI to a world rally victory, winning the Ivory Coast Rally on the first time either the driver or his team had been to that event. After threatening to · pressure the Swede till the end of the event, the sudden retirement of his two teammates meant that Nissan driver Shekhar Mehta decided to ease his speed and ensure his team gained a world rally points placing. The main story of the event, however, was the premature withdrawal of the new Toyota Supra Turbos at the end of the first leg following the death of the team's rally coordinator Henry Liddon, with that of British co-driver Nigel Harris also, when Toyota's aerial communications plane crashed during the first night of the event, killing all four on board. This rally had the makings of an excellent three cornered fight. Obvious favorites must have been Toyota, even though up to the last moment the mechanics were busy trying to overcome overheating troubles. Ivory Coast is an event where experience pays. Nissan's cars had been coming to this event even longer than Toyota, and with reliability becoming anasset of the 200SX, there was always the chance this could bring the so far unsuccessful model a moment of joy. VW had shown such surprising pace at the Safari, on their second attempt, that the cars had to be taken seriously, except for this being their debut in West Africa. The rally itself had been the subject of every pre-rally emotion from despair to promise. Early information was virtually not available to team scouts. Some of the sections had to be cancelled due to deep water on the route at the last minute, and so it went. · The real problems of the event became manifest on the first day. However much the organizers · promised crews that the marshals had been fully trained to handle the new selective timing system of ASA, it ·was alarming when they still tried to penalize the crews for early arrival if they arriv~d at a control, as permitted, one minute before their time. Bjorn Walde_gard said, "We did not know what to do. Suppose we were about to clean a section. If we came to the finish control in our allowed one minute earliness, they tried to penalize you five minutes because you were early. So you paused, but they only gave you the time when you actually put the time card on their desk. Playing safe cost us seconds each time." FISA's Patrick Copetti and Jean-Michel Dionneau race past the viliage spectators in .!fJ.~Toyota Corolla 16v en route to a fine _fiftt,__e!_ace fi[liSh. Dusty nmcs selective section~ were sup-posedly conceive~, so far as anyone knows, for reasons of The French team of Patrick Tauziac and Claude Papin came bac;k from real trouble to finish a fine fourth in the Mitsubishi Starion Turbo. safety, butt~ get things right the Torph, while the best Nissan, crews had to jump out of their Mehta, was fifth. All of the top cars to have the tirl)e card signed. driivers were still going strong as During the first section the thley headed into a five hour rest. selectives were kcually well Still, Rudolf Scohl's Audi received. "They chose some real Coupe Quattro had left the road drivers' roads for these attheendofalongstraight,just sections," Mehta expounded. before the road crossed a railway Eriksson jumped into the lead on line. It was the same place where a 101 km section which looped Michele Mouton hit a train two around forests northeast of years before. The two VWs, of Abidjan, even though the VW's Eriksson and Erwin Weber, were windscreen wipers failed in the suffering misfiring prob.terns, water holes. Whereas Waldegard and .Weber also had a slipping came through second quickest, clutch. T orph found the cow had the second Toyota of Lars-Erik·· done more damage than first Torph went off with a broken i£!1agined, and the oil leak got brake pipe. The route on this worse. He stopped for help from section wound its way to Robin Ulyate, entered as a 'flying Yamoussoukro and back and the mechanic'. They by-passed the weather was as upredictable as ,oil cooler in mid-selective, but ever. In one place there was dust the delay dropped him to ninth. which blinded the Hrivers, while Alain Ambrosino was the a few kilometers latbr there was a highest placed local driver at violent thunderstofm. sixth in his Nissan, ahead of Torph made best time on the Patrick Copetti's 16 valve next three selectives, but C6rolla. Salim Assef had engine Eriksson just held his lead. For a trdmble in his similar car, and the long time Torph w~s running on Be,lgian Je;in-Pierre Van de the same minute as Waldegard, \Vjauwer, Corolla, was stuck for often setting off fir~t to clear the 2Q minutes in a mud hole. route for his team lbader and he It was to be a black and terrible hit a cow which !smashed his dliy. "The first thing we lights and caused an oil leak. So, rerli~ed,"" Waldegard later at half distance lin the first explam~d, was that ':"'e had lost section, Eriksson led by 31 our radio contact. This can often seconds over Waldegard, who happen for an hour or so, but the was over three minLtes ahead of plane still did not come on the Bjorn Waldegard and Fred Gallagher went well in the debut of the Toyota Supra Turbo, but the team was withdrawn after the airplane accident . December 1987 air. Gradua_lly we began to get really worried." The full horror of the accident was not revealed until the team had almost returned to Abidjan, and Waldegard drove straight to pat>c ferme ahead of schedule, the uncleaned condition of his car making it seem very unlikely the Toyota would continue. Wednesday morning TIE chief Ove Andersson officially withdrew the Toyota team. Suddenly, a lot of interest in the event was taken away. That evening the rally would go back to Yamoussoukro, using mostly the same routes, and then the cars would head west towards the borders with Guinea and turn south down the frontier with _ Liberia before resting for the Thursday night at the old port of San Pedro. The night run was, by most standards, uneventfol. Eriksson was now running first car . on the road, and without Toyota to provide a course opening car, he soon realized that nobody was ahead of him to warn the villages _of the rally',s, impending arrival. Mehta and Eriksson, running 68 seconds apart at the start of the run, kept making similar times on tl-ie -. selectives, but the Swede had one nasty moment when he found cows across the road. "luckily the cows climbed the left hank and I swerved to the right." Weber was suffering an oil seal failure, and had to change a transmission, and later he had to do it again because the clutch had gone. All three Nissans got ahead of him, after the VW lost a total of 42 minutes. Unlike the day before, the weather had been clear almost throughout and the roads dry. . On Thursday came the only adventurous part of the route for the 17 cars left running. It was not long before the fight for the lead would have a material shift , in emphasis, ·all caused by a wate hole deep ih the forests west of Daloa. The two VWs passed Page 41 ·I ! l t l .J
l''ltrough uneventfully, Mehta stopped in the water but was pushed out. After two minutes, · two of pis six cylinders caught and he gradually staggered on his way. Then came Kirkland and Ambrosino. Kirkland stopped in the water, eventually getting going after blowing the water out through the plug holes. Ambrosino did likewise, but both Nissa~s stopped with broken connecting rods after a hundred kilometers. "This has really changed our . tactics," Mehta sadly reflected when he reached San Pedro. "There is no way I can take any risk trying to catch Eriksson. It would be terrible for us all if all three Nissans retired. On the long trip down through the Tai forest towards San Pedro Mehta had one more worry. A service crew had missed its rendezvous and he was low on fuel. "This · then became ·an economy run. Anyhow, we survived, and if anything happens to Eriksson we are still in the hunt." The cars were to start the final leg some five minutes apart, and with Mehta now some ten minutes behind Eriksson, if the Swede stayed in front ·of the Nissan his lead was intact. Only 13 cars eventually emerged from the Tai fore-st·. Among those still then headed' ~ff for the final running was Fredric Donner in spurt to Abidjan. Eriksson had the only Group N car left, a trouble selecting gears; one Subaru. And Eriksson wondered moment he lost first and third, how long his good luck would then just first, and as he came to a hold. service point he ONLY had The first selective on the third reverse. It was discovered the end leg was cancelled because a river of the speedo cabie had jammed had carried a bridge away, then at the gears. He set bff without the start of the third selective, losing time, and then found the there was a delay after a Nissan · oil pressure light came on every chase car driven by Jim Heather~ time he hit a bump. Hayes of Kenya crashed into a Mehta was cruising along, but passing bus head on. It was an Weber broke his engine ugly scene as Heather-Hayes' co- mounting. "The mechanics said driver Marzio Kravos had brokeo there was no way we would get to ribs and internal iniurtes. This·· the finish," but he did! Behind happenedonasectiondesignated him came Tauziac's works for high speed driving, but the supported Mitsubishi Starion drivers petitioned the -organizer, Turbo, with his new engine who were eventually traced to consuming vast quantities of oil. Yamoussoukro, to have the He had lost an hour earlier with timing annulled. They agreed; collapsed rear suspension, but but on spot officials misunder- his fourth place was to be stood what to do. They thought Mitsubishi's best world placing crews had to tackle the next two in five years. Copetti ~as heading sections within an hour and told for a good finish ahead of60 year Eriksson to do this. Actually old Adolphe Choteau who they should have told him to shared the driving with van der cover only the immediate section Wauwer. lt worked well, he said, in the hour, which is what Mehta "save that neither of us knows and the others were told. When how to· navigate. We got one the Swede got to Yamoussoukro penalty for early arrival because he was told he had amassed a we did not know what time we huge early arrival penalty, which should arrive','. This was was not enforced. Choteau's fourteenth Ivory After a short break the rally Coast Rally, and the first time in HODAGS0 (from page 40) good humor, Class 5 victor Phil Freimuth dedicated a song to his rolled over comrade Terry. Wolfe, entitled "Wipe Out." Usually a strong runner in his Class 14 Ford, Ken Kincaid came off the line fast, , but his racer dropped the drive shaft on the second lap. Jeff St. Peter has had a very good year in racing, and this round he placed his buggy fourth in the busy Class 2-1600 competition. MILLICAN-VALLEY (frompagq9) wasn't . decided until the last minute as Ki Chainey and Chris Klick raced to the checkered flag. Washington driver Ki Chainey won the race, but Chris Klick, from Ketchum, Idaho,· stayed close, in second just over t~ minutes back. Chainey's winning time was 8:40.42. The Sportsman 4x4 Class had only two starters. Greg Peters overcame water in his fuel to cover two laps, and he retired the ·nner. Don· Alsup broke an adapter between the trans and transfer case on the first lap. _ Plge41 The Relic Class also had only two entries, and they had quite a good battle going for three plus·· laps. Then Gary Marlin, digging for another gear in the silt bed, got lambasted by a faster buggy. The damaged old Class 9 car of Marlin was unable to continue. Russ Lierman, in a single seater, coasted home after seven laps to the victory. The Millican 300 was the final event in the PAC Off Road Racing Series. PAC is the new name for what most peopk kno.w as Pro CanAm Racing. · John After an early morning_ rainstorm, Sunday's track was also in excellent condition for the Ladies buggy race. As the field of seven contenders rounded the track, it was Juanita Casto who started the excitement with a roll over in the hairpin if! front of the spectators. As -if a chain reaction qad started, Bev Friday hit an earthmover tire that's used as a track marker, on the same corner. Paula Sorenson took over the lead and held it for the rest of the race. The battle was . for second place, as Chris Gerald fought Bev Friday, with Bev coming out with second place. Dave Vandermissen Sr. and Terry Severson played a game of cat and mouse in the Class 10 race, until Severson's buggy started to self-destruct on the track, and eventually went out of commission. Scott Schwalbe, who was spending his honey-moon in his buggy, after being · married the day before, moved .up to second. But, only for three laps, ;mq. then a s_m.oking engine_ finally put him out also. Dave Vandermissen Jr. assumed second place and-gave his dad a run for the money all the way to the checkered flag. It was Heavy Metal time as the Class 4 and Class 13 racers W inkes is the 198.7 Champion in the combined Pro Classes 1, 2 and 5 with 793. Garen McCune is second with 700, followed by Ken Sanislo,688, Gayle Hodson, 620, and Robert Lemos, 560. A.] . . Kielian is the 1600 champion with 270 points. Bill Landon took second on points, followed by Roy Gust and Roger Zacher. In the Pro Classes4 and 8 Ed Burnap is the new champion with 904. points, and Ed is the overall points champ as well. Don German is second in Heavy Metal points with 800, followed by Bob Nyeste, 728, Rob Babiuk, 727, and that was a tight one, and Kent Bullock, 512. December 1987 Fredric Donner and Cedric Wrede overcame numerous problems to · win Group N (Production) and take ninth overall in the Subaru RX Turbo. ten y.ears he finished. ·wauwer. Fredrick Donner and So Kenneth Eriksson and Cedric Wrede won Group N, the Peter Diekmann brought first time a production car has Volkswagen the overall victory,, finished this rally, and were ninth winning by over 20 minutes. overall. Shekhar Mehta and Rob Combes Of the 43 starters, only eleven took second easily in the Nissan finished the rally; After eleven 200SX, almost an hour ahead of rallies, the leaders for the World E'rwin Weber and Matthias Feltz Championship. for. Drivers are in the other VW. Patrick Tauziac Juha Kankkunen and Markku and Claude Papin were fourth in Alen, tied at 80 points. the Mitsubishi Starion Turbo, Completing the Lancia sweep, another 3½ hours behind, and Miki Biasion is third with 74 Patrick Copetti and Jean-Michel points, but now Kenneth. Dionneau nailed fifth in the Eriksson is closer with 68, and Toyota Corolla 16V, followed with the time running out in by the similar car of Adolphe 1987, nobody else is close Choteau and Jean-Pierre van der enough to be a contender. roared onto the course. Joey Newlywed Scott Schwalbe took Flannery took the lead for the an early lead with Dave first, lap, with Tom Jensen being Vandermissen Sr. running right the second lap leader in Class 13 on his bumper. Ken Noard rolled, action. The third lap was Lowell his buggy in the notorious DeGreefs turn to lead, but he hairpin before the tower, and, in refused to relinquish his a carbon copy move of the position, and took it all the way women's race, Barry Kline hit the to the finish line, a lap ahead of track marking tire simultan-second placing Tom Jensen. eously. Both continued on, but The Class 4 race started out neither collld get en-ough power with a gang buster, as Ken . out of their engines to. threaten Kincaid dropped his drive shaft the leaders, who had their own on the second lap and Greg battle waging. By lap 4 Gerlach had front end problems Vandermissen overcame Schwalbe a couple laps later, leaving the in a nip and tuck race until three-two General Tire drivers sitting quarters of the way through on the sidelines. Robert when Schwalbe dumped his Flannagan ran a strong flag to flag buggy in the same spot Noard _race with Terry Bell, his closest had earlier. Scott did maintain competition, coming in second. second place behind the victor Both finished six laps ahead of Vandermissen. third placing Mark Seidler. The last race of the weekend Ken Kincaid's luck in Class 8 again brought the ladies onto the wasn't any better, as he lost a track, but it was in the Heavy wheel and first place just that Metal vehicles this time. Becky easy. Tom Hockers ran into the · Bell ran her usual good race to run-a-way wheel, but it didn't add another first place trophy to cause him to lose his newly her collection. Tina Zelten and gained lead. By lap 4, however, it Kris DeGreef finished off the rest was .Frank Hood who proved to of the pack. be the Class 8 hero, leading all Once again through the the rest ,of the way - to the cooperation of the race checkered, with Dave Hockers promoter, the Wausau Bunch and Dennis Ferdon both running and the expertise of the U.P. consistently to finish second and Stump Jumpers, the Hodag 50 third. became one of the-best run races Although the number of around. It was fun for all those entries in Class 1 was low, the who attended, with promises of competitiveness was high enough_ 1988 being an even. bigger and to make for an exciting .race. better race! Don German won his third race in a row at Millican Valley, topping the 16 rig 4x4 Pro Class by a fu/118 minutes, and German drove the Jeep to a keen fifth o~rau · Dusty Tlma.
I VORRA c_ HAM_ PION_.· s. "· IP._ s. H_. o. RT.· cou.-RSE_· RA_ CING, ·_ . j , race until German's Jeep broke a ' some time atthe Ant Hill, ~c~ · fttont spring. Bud Tickle went on lap, so at the checkered flag it was W · El d 1 k th D h f · (a M to win the moto, but he was third Jeff Elrod in for the win and a . ' cs ro . . a cs C as . or Sn . on points. Don Germ,m wrestled first place on points for the day. P • • c· • his way into second in the heat Wes Elrod easily held seconq in at ralFIC lty Text & Photos: Les Paulson and first on points. BolChapman the race :n:id on points. Pl.acing ------~--------------,_ ___ ...., _________ .,..i_.____ g6t in nine. laps .for third in the. thirdinthesecondmotobrought Jeff Elrod drove his full bodied UltraStock to a second and a first place in the· combined Class 1; 2, 5, and 1 0 action, and he just edged his brother Wes for the points title for the day. · · · Some of the survlvors from Bol Chapman after the ten laps. the previous weekend's Millican Dudley Tranum got in ninelaps, Valley 300 .· desert race were but unlucky Bud Tickle didn't among the 33 starters at the short make the first lap around. course r,un at Prairie City OHY The four way combination of Park near Sacramento, CA. Classes 1, 2, 10 and 5 brought .VORR.A had been well ninecarstothegrid,anditwasa represented in Oregon with over very fast and interesting race for twenty cars in that race; and they all including the current points brought back most of the· top leader Kevin Kroyer. The first honors in each class plus the lap was hectic with cars running · fastest _time of the day. But the . side by side. Mixing it up in the schedule was · tight for the early going were Don Kennedy, drive~~ ' es~cially those in the Don. Miguel, and. Tone Jordan. desert ricing series ofVORRA, McCune.and Zimmerman did a since the Millican · race was the . real act irifront of the spectators, final points event,for the desert and on the last lap Tone Jordan championships. · . · . lost. a tire. Out. front at the At · Prairie City there were . checkered was Wes Elrod in his rumors, that it is possible to roll a Class. IO.Mirage, followed by his_ water truck! Possibly, the truck brother Jeff Elrod,. running his was pre-running for entry in the full bodied UltraStock as a Class first Sportsman moto. At any 2 · entry; Don Kennedy hung ·on · rate practice began for all classes for third, with Jimmy Lawrence· at 9:30. in the morning; and . home in fourth place .. Jordan practice went on until 11 :(X}a.m. f~nisheq the last lap to take fifth, Racing started just after noon while Miguel covered nine laps and the schedule called for two for sixth. -motos per· class, and class One Sportsman, Randy winners w~re determined by the · Miller, did not make the second· points from the two niotos. moto, and Max Halliday was out There were 13 starters in the after one lap. Howard Rankin first Sportsman moto, · and the and Greg Nibbelink -ran side by race course was wet and slippery, side for more· than· three laps, which resulted in numerous then on the fourth round nerfing and bumping incidents. Nibbelink got past Rankin at the The contact got heavy as these Ant Hill.Nibbelink increasecl his cars tried hard to gain positions lead lap _by _lap to post .a perfect going around the Ant Hill: Wheq score, wmnmg the second motb the dust cleared Greg Nibbelink as well as the points and top spot won the heat, followed by in Sportsman Class. Joe Gordon Howard_ Rankin and Joe Gordon. finished second in the moto Jeff Eauchus was fourth in .his which gave hhn second on points · Baja Bug, and next came.Shawn for the day. Rankin ended up Nibbelink, Mike Long in another third in the heat and on· points, Bug, and Matt Swann, all and Shawn Nibbelink got fourth· completing the ten laps. · · in the rnoto and on points. Jeff . Only six were o·n the line for Eauchus finished fifth in the the . first Class 1-2-1600 dash. heat, and with his sixth in the This was a hard fought race with first round/he was fifth Oii points. a lot ofpassing and repassing. At Sixth in .the ·heat was Clayton the flag it was Bill Norgrove who Scuddet, followed. by Mike came from a third place start to . Long, Bob Shermer, Chris Vian, win the heat. Tim Riordan was and Rick . Philastre, . all that second, followed by Frank completed the ten laps. Madrid .and Scott Vian. Jeff .· All the 1-2-1600smadeitback Gordon got ·in nine laps, but · for the second moto. Dana Van Dana Van Noori: only covered Noort took the early lead, one round. · followed by Frank Madrid, Tim A quartet of four wheel drive Riordan, Bill Norgrove, and-Joe Class 3 and 4 rigs showed up for Gordon. Op the second lap Jeff the· Heavy Metal contest. Don Gordon rolled at the Ant Hill, German surpris,ed . many · drivers and· Norgrove moved into third _.PY being able to run as hard as he spot. Midway it was a tight dice did, after completing · the 300 · for the lead between Norgrove mile race in Oregon the weekend · and Van Noort, and Madrid was · before this event. And it was Don right· behind the action. On the German who won . the heat oyer .§:(!Venth lap Jeff Gordon rolled . Dusty/ Times again, giving his-pa~!;,enger a bit of rrtoto, which boosted · him to . Jimmy- Lawrence into third . on · a wild ride. At th~ point of the sbcond on points. Dudley points. Sam Berri was third in the · roll over, Bill Norgrove passed ; Tranum got in just one lap on the 1heat, and sixth on points. Don Dana Van Noort, and pulled final heat, to end up fourth for · Kennedy, with his sixth place, away. MeanwhileVan Noortlost the day. . · salvaged fourth on .points, and more· time to a spin during the . , Only six of the_ original nii:ie Tone Jordan with his fifth in the eighth lap. At ~he flag Bill . started the second round m moto, :was also fifth <>Q the points Norgrove won the second heat, · Classes .1, 2, 10 and 5. Don for the day . . • . · · · . as. well as the ·firs~ and the top Miguel sat this one out with a • The last race of the day was the · 1600 points _for the day. Frank broken rear . hub, and Kevin now traditional Dash for Cash, ·Madrid finished second in the Kroyer anc:i McCune/Zimmer:- but, in October, only two cars mqto and on points, and Tim man were also ~pectators. On the entered the winner take all run Riordan got third (n the race and nrst lap Jeff Elrod took the lead, for the purse of $302.95. In the on points. Van Nobi:t finished in clos~ly followed by Don six lawer itwa~Dana VanNoort fouri:h, and fifth· for the day, 'Kennedy and Wes Elrod. After and Wes Elrod, and Van Noort, while fifth · in the heat brought .three laps Tone Jordan was out ~ith a 1600, was given about a 50 Scott Vian up ~o fourth on· . · with a right front wheel problem yard lead off the Sta.Jt over the points. Jeff .Gordon got going on the back side of the course. - Class 10 car. But, Elrod caught well enough . to cqver nine laps And, on- the fourth lap Don Van Noort in . the first lap· and , and take sixth pla9e. • ~ennedy had rear suspension went on to win the. cash by The Heavy Metal group was up failure and was· out. · .· almost a full lap. . to full strength after Don . 1 By the fifth lap the Elrod Overall i~ was a well organized : German gave Bud· Tickle- a brothers were running in very ·. race at Prairie City. VORRA transfer case to get him back-on dose quarters for the. lead, and ended its racing season with the _ race track. I The broken they had lots 0f encouragement another event at Prairie City on · transfer case had put Tickle. out ftom the spectators. Jeff, in the November· 1, and the gala awards on the first lap of the first heat. In. · ultraStci<:k was running a larger banquet, aboard a ship. cruising the se~ond moto Tickle · and . engine than Wes, whose Mirage . San Francisco Harbor, took German were having a very ood ,is a Class 10 car, Wes would lose place on November 21, 1987 .. Don Kennedy started/ out strong in : Class 10 with a tf:,ird in the first heat; but a sagging rearl suspension dropped him to fourth1 on points. Sam Berri· had trouble in the first round of Class 1, 2, 5, and 10, but · fiAished a good fourth in the sec.and Competition is tight around the Ant Hill, and here Tone Jordan has his Class 2 machine -just ahead of Don Miguel's Class 1 racer. · heat to nab sixth•'for the day.. · 81CLASS WINS PE·R--RACE WITH.PACE.· . . .. , FM .. 2-WAYS , -· .... Land master n I -.., $725 • H;mdhflds • Rentals ( OVER 5-SO ON THE COURSE · · • 1 Antennas · • Intercoms . ·• 1-telmet Wired $125 (Cf}. • Amplifiers • Official Radio of: HDRA -SNORE • • Weatherman Radio Relay Team • . ' • Emergency Rescue Service_ ~ . 2888 .Grundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90806 RACE RADIOS -(213). 427-8177 December 1987 I' Page 43 ' (
C.R.S./5·.C.t.A. Glen Helen RaHy sprint II~ his/ her Pro R~lly' vehicle · tech inspected prior to this. everit by an authorized SCCA tech inspector and have a log book Photo;: Trackside Photos/Kyle Culley issued. Those .CRS/SCCA _____________________ ;... __ ;... .... ;..._;... ___________________ ...., ________ ,,_ mem~ers who couldn't or didn't Don Brown's Glen Helen Off obtain. .the · log books .were George Daland pulled out avery fast lap, fast time of the day, on the final stage to earn first overall honors, and the Open Class title in the fancy_ Mitsubishi Stwion. · • . · · - . . Highway Vehicle ' Park, located ·· noticeably absent. . · just off Highway 215 riear San Stil!; it was a very c0mpe'titive Bernardino, CA, at the foot of .. group, with 14 · cars entered in _the C~jon ~ass,-p!ayed host f~r OpenClassandsixinCRSSt~ck .· the third nme this year to the Class. The first rally car left the Calif~mia Rally Series compe- · start line at 11 :40 a.m., followed titers. ·1t was. the final' C.R.S. by each su~ceeding car at one peints event: of dre 1987 season. minute intervals. After complet-The 1987 Glen Helen Rally in'g a lap, each car would return Sprint HI was also the fi_rst event to the start to run a total of four on the SCCA Southern Pacific_ laps in one direction. A . JO D1vii,iona I Pro Rally points minute service 'break followed schedule for 1988. · . the last car's foµrth: lap, .after Mike . Bl~re, the event which -the-cars would run the organizer, set up a graded .1.3 course for four- laps · in- the mile course that curved along the opposite direction. . - - -hills on the west side of the park, - After the - first lap George and it included,a straight-a-way- . Daland's Mitsubishi Stariori heading back to the grandstands -Turbo was tied with-Ian Miller's -andthe start/ finish area. Several ' rwo .' liter, twin-cam Toyota good.-size jumps were observed , . Corolla for fastest time overall on the course, which the rally · ·and in Open Class at. 2.29 drivers concluded were-leftovers minutes. Close behind came from the previous weeke_nd's Pepe Olaya 's fast Toyota Starlet, short course offroad-races. redlined at 9,000 rpfn, _with if · Twenty"-rally teams · showed 2:34, . ~nd Rod Koch's vintage up: a somewhat smaller entry . -VW Fastback with a 2·J9 time. than usual. But, for this event, · Roger- Hull's new Open Class SCCA log books wern required Ma.zda RX:7 turned in a for technical inspection for the creditable 2 A 7 minute time for firsttime. lhiswasamovebythe its first tirrie out, 'despite Roger. SCCA to unify the National and not having had enough time to Divisional Pro Rally require~ install competition springs: -ments under ti:te same ),afeiy The, CRS Stodi Class times standards. However, it meant were ·extremely close·; Topi that a competitor had · to have Hynyneh, ~riving N . . Gomez's Ian Miller was in and out of the overall le_ad all day in the Toyota · Jim Love drove_the Plymouth Arrow to a fine third in Open Class, Clint Heuring clears one of the off road lumps on course )n his Colt, and kept it all together to finish fourth overall and in Open . Corolla, and ended up second in Open and overall by just 4/ 100 and John Rosse/lo drove the same car to fifth in Open and overall minute. as v,,e/1: · · Class. ------------------------- -Hal Haley had the Stock Class lead midway in the action, but a bad oil pump put the Opel Manta down to second in class and Danny Topjian and Rick· Bau·com finished well in ihe ,four cylinder Capri, placing sixth in Open Class and a fine seventh overall in the tight run. · Roger Hull drove hi.s not quite rally prepped brand new Mazda RX-7 for the first time to seventh in Open Class and eighth overall sixth overall. · · ' 11 Jqhn Morris hustles through some soft stuff in the Toyota Corolla, en route toa good finish, third in theC.R.S. Stock Class standings. Page 44 Jeff Griffin and Camille Barnett had only first and fouithgears in the Volvo after three laps, but they pressed on to finish eighth in Open. . . . - . Dece~ber 1987 . foithe day. Willy Aguirre had a ·good day in his Datsun 510, a still popular, rally car, and Willy finished all the legs for fifth _in Stock Class. ' ,, . . . ' '· Dusty nmes
. SCCA Southern Pacific . . Dhiisiori Pro_ Rally Report By Lynnette Allis~1, Steward · I created -a , unique doubfe l~op Prescott Rallysprint, co-efficient'•· course with an incredible yump 1, and the Prescott Forest Rally, to 1keep teams' attention. Teams Co-efficient 2 or 3. Theieshould declared .it an outstanding event be a full sch_edule by next issue. and one ·of the best rallyspririt The Neophyte Club is starting courses ever. this month. Naw,· it's not what The 1987_ Chapipionship Cliffs of Gorman expanded its you're thi1;1king .. The Neophyte Season ·. · . usual format to include two da:ys Club· is intended, for riew, · Seven diverse tally , events and offered three stages of tough, beginning, wet behind. the ears presented tremendous challenges winding roads at the Hungry rally enthm!iasts who would like to Pro Rally c1ompetitor-s V~lleyOHVareaatGorrrian.So-to get some new rally. events throughout So-Pac's 1987 Pac's only totally daylight rally, organized. The first meeting .is championship year. Indio VI -. Gorman presents tremendous . Saturday, December 5 at i0:30 opened the season last Novem- challenges every year. Gorman at the home of Lynnette Allison: ber as the division's only co- concluded the So-Pac . 1987 . There •is no· cost, just your efficient 3 eve_nt, 1 offering a cal~ndar. . attendance is necessary. Come National format rally · for More than one hundred and ·and find out just what. is divisional. teams. Indio, often · twbnty competitors partkipated involved. And you can always attr~cts many of th:e National in !the six fo~ 1987, .an te~m up with sorn.eon:e in getting teams for their -one last rally .increase of almost 30 percent your new event together, '.It's before Christmas. I .. · · sint e 1986.' Eath Pro Rally team your chance for some behind-GlenHelenOHV Park was the br6ught its own unique style; the-scenes information, . and site o,(two rallyspriri} events, on.e · fin~sse, and daring to the events, should .be lots of fun. Call (714) in Jatfuary anc;l one in May. The and made the series richer for 736-1442. · courses demanded good vehicle .~ th~ir. participation. .· On Divisional licenses, -I preparation and true "press-on- 0rg~nizers spent 1,mtold hours received a note from SCCA regardless" rally spirit for· all of their time coordinating radio · headquarters ·about. pro-rated teams. Glen Helen fS· a .favorite · crews, completing safety plans,. · divisional licenses. It-seems you ~pot' for the service 1cr_ews, with traveling miles and miles over pay a fee according to the its grandstand seating and hot trahsit and stage roads to.create .. expiration date on your SCCA foo~s. . j ' : . . . ,th~ · final routes, , telephoning mempership card. For -most of High Desert· Tra\lS · m Apr1l la9?~wners and state and. you it is the same dat~, so there is followed the BLM roads around _ national personnel to get no problem. If you've. received Ridgecrest. One of the finest pe~mission for their events. They · your SCCA license letter; be sure rally events in California, · this• deserve more than a thanks from to read carefully. No sense in rough and tough event is one of me! Next time you see one of paying extra, and the new price .the · competitors' 1 favorites. the'm, take the time to shake their for.1988 is a hefty $35.00. Compact, smoothly organized, . hand, give them a pat on the · About National licenses, this event keeps the pressure on back, · and say a few words of ·-rumor has it that there. will be The last car to finish all the laps on time was-the Datsun 210of John West, that service teams and competitors . app. reciation. They'll. love you changes in• requirements. A looks a little low on suspension for this lump in the road. . l k · a i e. . • .· for:ii:. And they may, just may, healthexamisakeadyrequiredat Toyota ec;rolla, exchanged· fast - announced the de~isi~n--t~~u~ May • featured Rim of the feel the effort was worth it and the time of application, verified times over the first four laps with five laps .in ,the reverse direction W odd, one of: sou therri - decide to put on the. event again. completion · of a National . Hal Haley's Opel Manta. Haley rather than four for. a total of California's most ~ell kriown The 1988S0-Pacseasoniswell · Licensing School, plus the gained a sli~ht lead at t~e end of . nine ·1aps. While in t~e lead, on . events. Cable chann~ls continue under way, It started October 17 completion of two ·divisional . the fourth lap. . . lap 8, Daland's Stanon blew a to show their video tapes, and wi_th the co~fficient 1 Ole11 events, one of the co-efficient .. ;i. . . Pepe Olaya 's Open Class turoo intercooler · line.·· The numerous new ralliests have now ·· Helen Rallyspnnt. Next the East two leveL Remember to check""' Starlet dropped out in the third resulting slower time for the joined with us on the fun, thanks· oflndio VII endurance Rally was the SPORTSCAR memo pages lap with a broken differential. · Starion allowed Miller to tak.e to this excellent program. Rim: C d-efficient 3, happening for .Pro Rally information George Daland and Ian · Miller . the overall lead on time by 5/ 100 roads are famous for their No~ember 20:22. Coming up on updat~. · You're responsible for had agairi tied ori the second lap minute, with one lap now left to twisting coutse·and water bars. . the, calendar 1s a· full schedule, knowing all the changes with a 2.27 time; but Daland go. · July brought the Carlsbad but only one other organizer had throughout the year, whether fot took over the lead ori lap 3 when George Daland was able to · Rallysprin~, an event rained out a verified event for 1988 at press national or divisional competi-Miller spun, losing a few make a fast pit stop between laps earlier in the year.' Organizers time. On July9 and 10 it is the tion. . . . ' . seconds. . , ' and repair the Starion. Daland H0LIDA Y GREETINGS! At the half way servic~ break then must have put all 250 hp to lap. . . desert stages to ·contest, over a December is a time for families Daland, and navigator-· John the dirr as he rocketed around · · The next and last C.R.S. event tigl-it, · two day schedule. That and friends to get together arid · Elkin, were first overall and in. setting fastest lap of the day a; 'iri 1987 will be the 400 mile East eveht heldNovember 20° share memories arid traditions. I Opeh Class. Ian Miller's Toyota 2 .10 minutes to Miller's 2 .19 of Indio VII Rally, rumored to be 22,1 and it is ori.e. rally the west wish all of you a pleasant holiday' · held a close second with Dusty · Dafand-took. the overall and the best·Eastoflndioeventyet:lt coast performance ralliests ·will time, and look forward to seeing Times reporter J.3..od Koch's VW Open by just 4/ 100 will include both m9untain and not, waf!t to miss. _you _o~ce again at our next rally. in third overall and Open Class. minute over Ian Miller. ~=~====~======~===~=====~===~~~~=====~~ -CRS Stock Class leader Hal Jim Love captured third Haley was closely followed by overall/Open behind . Miller's.._ Topi Hynynen in a Stock Cla~s second spot. Clint Heuring took -~u~I that was to carry on to the fourth overall/Open in his Colt. fmtsh. . · . . · John Rossello, alte.rnately On lap 5, the first to be run in driving Jim Love's Arrow, took the · opposite direction, your fifth place in Open Class and tied reporter Rod_ Koch quickly • Topi Hynynen for fifth overall. discovered that an inside turn, Topi won the Stock Class after run in. the opposite direction, Hale·y•s Opel suffered oil pump be~omes an <;>utside. turn. Now, troubles. Hal Haley still put his this usually 1sn:'t--a ·problem in Opel into the sixth overall slot performance rallying, .as · the · and second in Stock Class: . required navigator tends to Danny Topjian and -Rick equalize the weight on both sides Baucom finished well . in their . of the car. But, a na'vigator isn't _ four cylinder Capri by taking required in rally sprints, and Rod sixth· in ·open and seventh didn't have a navigatorthistime. overall. Roger Hull's new RX-7 So, while_ pitc_hing the VW into took the seventh Open and the tight 180° right hander at the -eighth overall position. John end of the long straight, over it Morris, driving a well prepped went on the dhver!s side, sliding. Toyota, Corolla, finished foµrth along to finally rest on its roof. in Stock and ninth overall, F<:>rtunately, the only· harm was having successfully avoided crumpled bodywork and maybe, hitting a · startled deer which a bruised ego: On second · Crossed his-psth in the wooded thought, that strict SCCA tech section of the course. Tenth· inspection wa:sn •·t such a bad idea .. ove.rall and fifth in ·Stock Class aft~r all. · . . ' was N.. Gomez in a Topi prepared Jim Love and John Rosello, in Toyota, out for his first C.R.S: ~ve's Atrow,,moved. into the· , event. The "press-on regardless" third over_all/ Op~n spot,,but the effort had to go to Jeff Griffin oyerall wm eontmued. to be a · and · Camille: Barnett in Jeff's battle between: G.eorge Daland's Volvo 142 that finished eleventh Starion and Ian Miller's Corolla.. overall despite having .only first Afrer lap 7, organizer Mi~e Blore _and_ fo_urtb gears since th~ thirg . Du$ty nmes· • For the BEST in Racing Photography call TracksideJ>hoto, -Inc. ·· . . .·' (213}327-4493 . ' .. .TRACKSIDE Photd Enterpris~s. 18710 S. ·Normancile Avenue • S~lie C I ·· Gardena, California 90248 . Phone; (213) ~27-449$ . . December 1987 Page 45 ·
.FORMULA DESERT DOG SERIES . . Mother Nature .Provides a Beautiful Day for the Dixie Autocross By Brenda A. Parker Photos: Gil Parker Art Schmitt had a busy day as he placed second in both Class 1 heat races, and · ran ihe same car in Class 9 where he won both rounds of actfori. Ric Tichbourne finished second laps. Jeff St. Peter, who has been and third. finishing well all year, was a Classes 9 and lOwere next. In strong third, with Chuck the first ·heat. Dan Baudox, WilliamsJ inishing in fourth. In. driving a Mirage, was the leader the second 2~ 1600 heat it was until lap 2 when Art Schmitt, Taylor and Probst doing battle from · Pennsylvania, · moved into again for first place. But, by lap 6. first and stayed there to take the Taylor was . dropping off the win. Dan . tried to keep the pace, and he had to_ settle for Jeff Probst dominated Class 1 in his Berrien Laser, leading from flag to flag iri the first heat and winning the second heat · pressure on, but he was soon out third place behind Jeff St. Peter, after 8 laps when his engine went as Kevin Probst went on to· the away. Meanwhile, Keyin Proqst .victory. • inherited second place and was The Class 1 ·cars were the last ·doing battle with Todd Attig, · races of the day. As is usual in McKinney led for. seven laps, but while Dave Lofland was trying to this series,-the entry. comes then gave· way to James Miller, hang onto fourth place. At the mainly · from Clal;JS 9 and 10 who went on to take the victory.. checkered flag it was Schmitt, drivers. Jeff Probst managed to Robert Gierke, a driver out of Probst, Attig and Lofland. ·.grab. first place off the greeri flag Ohio, finished third. In the second heat Art Schmitt in his Berrien, and he was never. as well. · For the past three years the weather. has been a factor at the Dixie Autocross, held late in September near Flint, Michigan. Last year Michigan.had its.worst A_ugust on record as far as rainfall goes, and the track had to be redesigned to avoid the standing water. This year; although the day dawned cloudy and nasty looking, by 10:00 a.m. the skies + had cleared and the day was just beautiful for the penultimate race in the 1987 Formula Desert Dog Series sanctioned by S.T.O.R.E. The first race. of t:he day was for the 1-1600 cars. Scott Taylor drove flag to flag to win. There was a battle for second between Chuck Williams, Jeff St. Peter and Jeff Probst. They continued to change pl~ces until lap 8 when . Jeff moved mto second to stay. At the checkered flag , it was. Taylor, Probst, Williams, and Canadian driver Joel Croft. In the second heat for Class ·1-.1600 Taylor again jumped to an early lead. But, on the white flag lap, Jeff St. Peter, who had been running in ·second for most of the · race, got ar.ound Taylor to steal the win. Taylor had a flat tire and, although he got in and.out of the pits without losing a lap, he had to settle for third JJlace. Jeff Probst finished second,· and Joel Croft again was fourth. The Heavy Metal classes took to the track next. The group included,Classes 3, 4, 7 and 8. The Class 7 truck of the Canadian Gary Hammond moved into the early lead, and he was never· headed. · Hammond was followed closely by Brian Case, another Canadian, also in a Class 7 truck, and Roger Lindsey, , from Wisconsin, driving his big Class 8 machine. Roger soon dropped off the pace and had to settle forthird spot. In the meantime, in Class 3. Bruce · The Class 4 trucks were also was never headed as he drove to headed. He was followed closely the victory. He was pushed very by Art Schmitt and Scott Taylor · doing battle in this heat, and hard by Kevin Probst and Scott who were doing battle for second Herb Rosborough finished firSt Taylor, but they couldn't get place-with Schmitt finally after leading in the class for all around him. Art was· running coming out on top. Dave but one of the ten laps: strong all day, and, in fact;.hehas · Vandermissen's Class 10 car was ·. The second heat for the Heavy be.en doing well all year. Todd close behind in fourth spot, Metal drivers was a near repeat of ·· Attig managed to hang on. to followed by Scott Schwalbe, who the first. Gary Hammond again.... second place after fighting with was making• his first appearance showed what the Canadians . Don Ponder ·for several laps to at this race, in fifth. · • could do by taking the victory, hold the position. At the flag it In thesecondheatProbstagain with Cas.e and Lindsey, in that was Schmitt again, followed by took the victory, with Taylor and order, behind·. him at the • Attig, Probst and Lofland. Schmittagainfigntingaiightduel checkered flag. The Class 3. Probst, however, was penalized for second place. Scott Taylor . trucks had a good battle, with . one position for rough driving was out after seven laps when his McI<;inney . taking the win, when he ran into Taylor while carbroke.JeffProbstsweptonto followed by Miller. Gierke did attempting to make a pass on the checkered flag, -with Art. not make the second heat, having him. · -. · · · Schmitt taking second. Scott 1 broken in the first round. Class 4 In the Class 2A600 action Schwalbe dicta fine job of driving was also a repeat of heat 1 with Scott Taylor moved to· an early , to finish third, with Dave Rosborough taking the win. l!!ad, and he had to fight off Vandermissen again in fourth Canadians Milan Mazanec and Kevin Probst for all of. the ten place. Sc9tt Taylor ranhis2-1600 in both 1-1600; with a first and a third place, and in 2-1600, where he won the first heat and was third in the second. Bruce McKinney had a good day in his tidy Jeep CJ, _taking . second in Class 3 in the first race, and he came back to win the second heat. Kevin Probst drove hard in Class 9, but this event he hadto settle for a. second and a fourth in the often winning Berrien· Laser single seater.. · ·~ Scott Schwalbe came !rpm northern Wisconsin to race in Class 1, and was fifth in the first round, and moved up to third .in the second heat. Page 46. Roger Lindsey did battle with the visiting Canadians in Class 8, , · Qave Vandermissen. Sr. didn't have his usuai good day in his and the Wiscon·sin driver finished third in the 7 and 8 action both gre.en_ Class 2 racer, but he did finish fourth in both heats for rounds. Class 1. December 1987-Dusty Times
I I 1 CHRISTMAS Goodies Galore •• 1~ The Ironman's Air Force Ivan Stewart has developed a wind deflector to solve the problem of dust boiling up and obscuring the rear window on his Toyota 4-Runner while pre-running. He designed the device himself, and after a few tries came up with a deflector· that really worked, tested while pre-running the Baja race l,ast June. The low pressure area behind any sports utility vehicle with a flat rear deck can be greatly reduced. The "Air" passing through the deflector ''Forces'' a high velocity air flow across· the rear window area, which reduces-the fumes, dust and dirt problems. The "Ironman Air Force" is made from light weight, durable . 060 aluminum. It features a "wing" approximately 40" long by 5" wide, two supports and cad plated mounting hardware. The Air Force is available in either natural silver or black anodized finishes. For more information contact: Ivan Stewart Racing, Dept. OT, P.O. Box 1698, Lakeside, CA 92040. Fancy Floaters Cone Industries has just introduced floater rear end assemblies, 9" Ford, Dana 44 and 60. The unit has chromoly tubes, alloy aluminum hubs, any brake combination, solid or gun drilled axles. Prices start· as low as $1650.00. Get the details from Cone Industries, 2055 Hanging Tree Lane, Dept. DT, Templeton, CA 93465. --Explorer Auxilliary Lights De'signed for off road use, Explorer Lights have a competi-tion type shock mounting system and vibration proof bulb mount. The 14 gauge wiring is protected with flexible chrome conduit. The Explorer Light line includes a complete selection of installa-Dusty nmcs tion kits, illuminated rocker switches, and ATO fuse holder, p~dded vinyl covers, and chrome wire mesh rotk guards. Explorer Off Road Lights are the first in a series ofoff road products manu-factured for T ransamerican Auto Parts. Explorer Lights are available at Four Wheel Parts Wholesalers retail stores. Get the complete, 208 page catalog of Truck & 4x4 Accessories from · Four Wheel Parts Wholesalers, Dept. OT, 1900Wesr-135th St., Gardena, CA 90249. Bilstein Racing Catalog Bilstein has a new 16 page catalog featuring their full range of motorsports shock applica-tions, including those for off road -racing. It features specific car model fitments along with part numbers and technical infor-mation, including rebound and compression valving figures, plus a cross reference conversion chart for Bilstein applications from other shock ma"kes. Recommended installation and mounting procedures are in-cluded, and the catalog covers everything from NASCAR to formula cars, along with off road fitments. The catalog is available , for $2.00 from the Motorsports Department, Bilstein Corp. of America, Dept. OT, 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121. Odyssey Number Plate ·Team Roll-Em Racing_intro-duces an exciting and functional Number Plate-Windshield combination for Odyssey type vehicles. This new product is manufactured with the highest quality aircraft materials, includ-ing light weight aluminum and super tough, crystal clear poly-carbonate and aircraft hardware. The product has proven itself in competition by deflecting rocks, mud, sand, and everi other cars! Race cleanl!r and safer with the . . -- - I . new Number-Shield, just $82.50 plus shipping. Dealer inquiry invited. Get yours fiom Team Roll-Em Racing, Ddpt. DT-J. P.O. Box 33059, Riverside, CA 92519. Samuri Suspension St~fj Put an edge on your Samuri with the complete set pf suspen-sion reinforcing devices from Desert Steel. New to tHeir line are the front and rea\r spring shackles, front and rear axle trusses, traction bars 1and front dual shock kits. Dealer ir.\quiries invited. Get all the ddtails, from Desert Steel, Dept. lj)T, 1863 Commander Drive, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403. I' 930 CV Co~lers Dissipating the heat build up . in your 930 CVs can be a big problem in all types of off road · E · h 1 racmg. xcess1ve eat can cause failure due to exceeding grease drop point temperatur,es, which reduces lubrication and increases harmful friction. These new aluminum-flanged coolers bolt right on, and can pt-oduce a temperature drop of up to 100°F. The surface cooling area is six times greater tha~ the 930 CV by itself. For full information contact Station 1, dept. DT, 1826 No. 27th Ave., Phoenix, AZ85009. Type I Racing ifters Engineering a,nnounces the Type I super light racing lifters. The 52 gm lifters, compared to the 100 gm stock lifters, allow. increased valve control at high rpm. The Arao superlight lifters ac~ieve this with no problems of wear or reliability. An added feature is the crankcase never needs lifter bore clearancing, leaJing extra material and strength in an area that is prone to cracking. Get the details from Arao Edgineering Co., Dept. DT. 21400 Lassen St., Unit G, Chatsworth, CA 91311. I Al RACER'S "NIGHT BEFORE CHRIS'TMAS t> TWias the night before Christmas and all through the shop, not a worker was stirring, all projects were stopped. Ch1romoly tube was left on the bench with care, in ? opes that the elves w0uld bend it there. The tools were all nestled and snug where they laid, wh~le visions of sparks flew from a saw blade. Then up on the roof there came such a clatter, I rolled up the doors to see what was the matter. And there on the creaky tin roof did appear, a fine tube-frame sleigh drawn by ten dusty deer. With a sparkly-eyed driver as spry as a goat, who went by the nickname of "Old Saint Offroadl'. He 1was dressed in_Nomex from head to toes, dust everywhere else, even on the top of his nose. A bunch of tools were in a box on the floor, and a bundle of tie wraps were taped by the door. On his face he wore goggles and a dust mask fit tightly, his cheeks were like Bondo, his hearing shot slightly. His skills were the sharpest, the best around, as ,he still had both sleigh runners touching the ground. Then quick as a blowout his trusty pit workers came, an9 he hooted and hollered and called them by name. Now Gasser, now Oiler, now Greaser and Bender, on Welder, on Hammer, on Wiper and Mender. All, ~an from their coolers then leapt to his call: I . "Now get to work, get to work, get to work all!" So (hey sipped no more brew and jumped to their task, and1 jacked, taped, wiped and pounded ti/ at last, the jobs they were assigned were finished, perhaps? The1 sleigh looked again able for more laps. Headers were tightened, belts checked too, a shock mount was cracked but not all the way through. Add oil, wheels straightened arid fuel filled to the top, carb adjusted, wires twisted, more is broken than not! When all was tidied the crew moved back, and! "Old Saint Off,:oader" jumped in the race hack . When fin ally strapped in he let out a yell, and they roared from the shop like a bat out of hell. But these words he exclaimed as they vanished from sight: "Merry Chris"tmas to all -must keep racing tonight!" <> -J. McMurray (with apo logies to Clement C. Moore. author of "A Visit From St. Nicholas.) . . MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL FROM ,:HE McMURRAYS OF J & J RACING. . mor~ •• ~TRAIL NOTES TH~ ARIZONA DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION has announced a · tentafive schedule for 1988 Buggy and Truck racing. It starts with the 11th · Penasco Twilight race on March 26, goes on tci the .Western on May 14, the High Country at Flagstaff on July 16; the Snowflake Buggy Bash on September 3-4, and finishes with a pair of races·in Mexico, the Penasco on Oc_tof er 15 and the Sonoita to Rocli:y Point on December 3. MONARCH HELMETS, INC., providing helmets for motorcycle riders for s~me time, are now entering the pumper helmet market with two models available early next year. The new helmets will be reasonably priced, between $13d and $150 for the complete helmet, excluding blower motor and hose. Look, for the Monarch folks on contingency row at Parker. If you can't wait for 1ore information, write Monarch Helmet, 14½ East 2700 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115. A PEUGEOT TURBO 16, Group B style, won the 3,152 mile Pharaohs Rally learly last November. Peugeot driver Ari Vatanen, -who had the.fastest qualifying time at Pike's Peak, Colorado last summer, piloted the winning ,""' _rally car. Based in Cairo, Egypt, the Pharaohs Rally is becoming a favorite of Europe[!n car manufacturers. This year .a Mercedes was second, a Toyota third, and a Peugeot P4 took fourth place. The entire Pharaohs Rally route was in Egypt, and it ran for 11 days. The course started and ended in Cairo, winding its way south through Assouan. The Peugeot Turbo 16,. winner of the 1987 Paris-Dakar and twice world rally champion, competed in the Pharaohs Rally for the first time. The Pharaohs version of the Peugeot rally car was tested in early September. Modifications included increased front ground clearance, installation of a third rear shock on each side of i:he car, and shorter gearing for better traction in soft sand. Readers might recall that this car was slated! to compete in the recent Baja 1000, but after a test accident near San Felipe last June, the French folks changed their plans. · . AMERICANS are really getting interested in the Paris-Dakar Rally-Raid, starting January 1, 1988. Check the story on page 27 about Malcolm Smith driving a Range Rover in the event. Overall desert points champ Rich Minga is 90 percent sure of a trip to Europe and Africa with a Range Rover team also, and Gregg Symonds has a good.chance to go on the three week enduro as part of theJHubert Auriol team. Auriol will be driving the ex-Symonds, Porsche powered ORE open wheeler in Africa. We will have full coverage on the event and the exotic creations built just for it starting in the February issue. I . THE SCCA 1988 PRO RALLY SCHEDULE arrived too late for the Happenings column. Although listed as tentative, plan ahead on these dates. FebruFY 26_-28, Chattahoochee Forest, March 25-27, Barbary Coast, April 2-3, Oregon Trail, April 14-16, Sunriser 400, June 4-6, Susquehannock .,.,. Trails, June 23-28, Olympus, September 10-11, Centennial, September 24-25, Ojibwe, November 5-6, Press-On-Regardless, November 12-13, Wild West. I . Pase 47
a.ler$S¥l ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PR.ODUCTS ~~~'?-Competition Tires · ,6.._o{)· Off road &_ Motorcycie. Products 22264 Ottawa, Unit 1 Apple Valley, CA 92308 (619) 240-3186 (800) 892-5263 ALUMA-KO TE Aluminizing Sand Blasting Welding Repair 13574 Pumice Norwalk, CA 90650 (213) 802-2328 Mike Matson Brent Miller 619-583-6529 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF-ROAD RACE PREP FlAME CUTTING MJ.G. WEI.DING TUBE BENDING DISTRIBUTOR FOR: BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE TOM MINGA 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 BELL KENNY PARKS ,IIMOTORi5 RACING , AND · SAFETY • PRODUCTS (213) 802-1477 ,¢ --··· -14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' ED a BARBARA· BEARD 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 Page 48 <&roup ruckmann San Diego 16191578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF ROAD RAC E ENGINES. WINNERS AT 8626 COMMERC E A V E . C>< FOR CORKY McMILLIN DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK McMILLIN IN MIRAMAR car Custom OFF-ROAD RACING DIVISION SCORE & HDRA MEMBERS RECEIVE SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON : ............ HIPr-- lilliliHllill w /JNJ!l7 ,.,.~., .. -@s) ~ ~ -IV Y~ = ~-• . ~.~ /llltil'MK. TWO GIANT LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU SUPERSTORE #1 915 W FOOTHILL BLVD AZUSA CA 91702 818-334-4951 PH RS 969 SUPERSTORE #2 12451 WESTMINSTER BL VD GARDEN GROVE CA 92643 714-554-9260 Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen . . Good Stuff Directory Ads _ are merely $18.00 per month. car Custom VW SERVICE DEPARTMENT • RACE CAR PREPARATION • HI-PERFORMANCE ENGINE WORK • COMPLETE INSTALLATION & ELECTRICAL • HI-PERFORMANCE TRANS WORK • COMPLETE TUNE-UP-STOCK OR HI-PERF_ • COMPLETE SERVICE & REPAIR (l,g~;:::1::::::«ielltt~:::l::::;11111:::::tt:t 11:::11:itill!J r--------------------~---------1 ~end $1.00* fo.r 1987 Cat~log JI:, and receive $2 off your first order. Cut out this coupon and mail it to: Dick Cepek, Inc. 1 17000· Kingsview Ave., Dept.OT I Carson, California 90746 I I O I've enclosed $1.00* I Please send me your I 1987 ·catalog and my : $2 Rebate Card. * ~:n'::'~:.~o• ir•~~~.~~~~~••• L------------------------------~ 20 YEARS OF BUILDING WINNING OFF ROAD RACE CARS CHENOWTH CARS WIN Seven Out of Eight Overall Victories in 1987 CHENOWTH DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 1401 Pioneer Way #17 I El Cajon, CA 92020 Work (619) 442-3773 / Res. (619) 441-0938 December 1987 CHENOWTH oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~f tACING PRODVC'(S, INC. Racing and recreational chassis and accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 449-7100' (619) 275-1663 [CNC] Manufacturers of Quality Hydraulic and Automotive Products Send SJ'.00 for 1986 Catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS (805) 239-2663 Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • Templeton, .CA 93465 COOLWATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Free Local Phone · * Free M ovie Channel · * Recreation Room * Swim.ming Pool "DUSTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 6J 9-256-8443 170 Coolwater Lane1 Barstow MOST DURABLE CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE -OUR DESIGN OR YOURS SNAP ON • STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE SNA.~ O.N CLEAR. Pl,ACTIJ;INE WIN!JOWS. "DESERT RACER'i ~~:D PRODUCTS P:O. Box 2233, San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 945-0035 Official Contingency Donor for SCORE /HORA and AORA. .INLAND DISPLAY - .POMONA · MUNTZ STEREO -916 HOLT AVE. BIRT BIS/TS WlllfJllJf!J~m llOCK NUMIEII$ WITH $TYlE u.s.A. {818} 882-7806 10138 CANOGA AVE., CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 Dusty -nmcs
DIRf. RIX (602) 253~5289 · Championship ,Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZB.5007 PERFORMANCE TRANSMSSIONS (818) ae1-aoaa DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 "serving the industry since 1976" DRIVELINE SERVICE ' µSt£ 1-REPAIRING • BALANCING • CUSTOMIZING THERE IS A DIFFERENCE PARTS AND SERVICE ON C/V AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS (714) 824-1561 416 E. Valley Blvd., Colton, CA 92324 SCOR!c & HORA CONTINGENCY SPONSORS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Components Bob Cassetta 825-0583 888-2703 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 . Don Rountree 241 S. Arrowhead Ave. SAN BERNARDINO DUSTY TIMES . INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies o f the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred cu_st? m ers. It ts a great traffic builder, and the cost is mm1mal. CONTAa DUSTY TIMES, 5 331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91 301. (818) 889-5600 Dusty nmcs I FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STqEL & NYLON SHELii ERS _ ___ THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! ----'---lvE,.~[:~~E VAR~1u:1~~~SJ~~~ORS lvE,.~Z:~~E 4751 STATE ST., BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA 91761 1 I 1985 SCORE/HORA ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR VW&Porsche tMJ· - I . 11 · R . E . Race Car acing ngmes ~ & Transaxles -.._._ .. ~ _• .... .,_.._.1111111,, Preparation PERFORMARCE Intake & Exhaust Syste1m Components for VW Type I, Rabbit.I TYPE IV, 911 . 1450 N. Glassel!, Orange, CA 9266 7 • ( 714) 639-2 33 I \LLE SAFET DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-r7770 I . I ~~ DEN')"IS WAYNE I r~~~½·\ ·~lt~1:-'--::·····~ I PORSGHE "' :.. ,.._c,ol-'••· PARTS ·=:;~::-:.... ., , , --~ .. -·-I 11823 SHEL.CON ST. I RE-1.ICABI.£ v.w. PAffll SUN VALLEY. CA 913l5i 768-4!5!5!5 I I (~19) 465-.3,82 ..t1fu"~,,..!."'ll£,-1 ~ Ciet Y~ur SIIIPT _ . Togetherl ::::::--, ~~~:;.,'-------PORT I IY TR~IYSAXLES ~006 Colina Verde Lane ~ Jamul, California 920:35 -W Doug Fo n (408) 377-3422 C , stom Shocks Built to Your I Vehicle's Specifications ,ox RACING SH0X 64,4 McG/incey lane, Unit 8, dmpbe/1, Calil 96008. December 1987 f?-:::fk--11-7 ?~~ ~ ~~~r A Prototype besign & Development Company Specializing In: (619) 449·_8322 FRISK BROS. • Racecars, Racetrucks, A TV's • Tube Bending& Metal Fabrication • Aluminum & Steel Sheetmetal 10734E Kenney Street• Santee, CA 92071 . Fuel Bladders Dump Cans R,e CELLS 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 GARMA FABRICATIO Quick FIiis Std. FIiis (714) 962-0027 ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SYSTEMS CUSTOM METAL FABRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER DENNIS GARMAN (714) .620-1242 1436 EAST THIRD STREET POMONA, CA 91766 TERPRISES PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & CUSTOM POOLS LICENSED & INSURED • • ACID WASHES• FILTERS• HEATERS• MOTORS• ETC. BEEPER 381-3148 OFFICE 362-4202 3999 GRAPEFRUJT CIRCLE, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 WALT LOTT 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 702-361-5404 HOUSE or BUGGIES · 90211.,;ampo Road• Spring Valley, CA 92077 • 619-589-6770 MICHAEL LUND Owner Page 49
6211 Yarrow Drive, Suite C • Carlsbad, CA 92009 • (619) 931-0844 McKENZIFS AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAREHOUSE DISTRIIIUTORS FOR CENTER-LINE WHEELS TECTIRA TIRES KC LIGHTS SUPER TRAP SP'ARK ARRESTORS CIIIIE LIGHTS MCKENZIE AIRFILTEltS WRIGHT PLACE DURA ■LUE ULTRA SOOT WESTERN AUTO TIRES 818-784-6438 818-76!5-!5827 SWAY-A-WAY IIILSTEIN SHOCKS t<. Y .II. SHOCKS SEARD SEATS HEWLAND OEAlt■ GEM OEAltS CROWN M .... G . NEAL PRODUCTS RAP'ID COOL TRI-MIL 12949 SHERMAN WAY, NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 9190!5 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6879 ORAN CIRCLE. BUENA PARK. CA. 90620 Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 8c 4 W D . VANS & PICKUPS 8c MINI TRUCKS GABRIEL RACING S _HOCKS ·• BAJA RVDERS PRE·RuN TRUCKS • CusToM SPRINGS AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION NO BLOCKS USED • WELDING 8c FABRICATION . Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 Established 1974 4"~-------------------.J--------------------+-----------------------, Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 rll@llJlf1::i V. W. Sel"Vice REPAIR O PART$ 0 SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS · ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-1743 "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON OHN ~CMC l"IIOIIUns Send $2.00 #or CafalV OHNSON · . . CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINNING 5USPENSION fflTEMS PERFORMANCE ltlCH PERFORMANCE SHOCKS P.O. BOX81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 (619) 698-3407 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner Page 50 DUAL & TAR.£ SHOCK SYS1BIS RIIERGI.ASS· to• V-6 2.1 MOTOR PARIS ACCBSOIIIE!S MENDEO.LA RACING TECHNOLOGY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC CEARliOXES (619) 277,3100 7577 t:;ONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 V-ENTERPRISES ~7925 Sixth St. East, Unit 107 Palmdale, CA 93550 Bill Varnes Mike Brown 805/272-3843 INST ANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Cutting Brakes'" • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clutches and Throttles ... plus much more. VW TRANSAXLES OFF ROAD/STRIP/STREET Complete Catalog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7171 Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 565-9336 OFF ROAD SUSPENSIONS NEVER LIFT ENGINEERING JEFF HUBER (61 ~) 242-5840 13952 HUDSON CT. APPLE VALLEY, CA 92307 Olieig· Enterprlm, FILTERS "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer Today - Oil - Fuel - Transmissions - Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc .. 12414 Hwy. 99 So .. Dept. OT. Everett, WA 98204 Dccanbcr 1987 Wants YOU Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved ! Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-7757 IKE' FAMILY RESTAURAN ver 40 Years -The best in the Oese ee Shop -Steak House -Watering liole Sal Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER. CALIFORNIA P O·R C 0 PRECISION OFF ROAD COMPANY~ Retail Parts • Fabrication • Protoiype 678 UNIT C SAN BERNARDINO RD. COVINA, CA 91723 TONY VANILLO (818) 91S.3847 (818) 91S.3848 19000 Bagby Dr. Canyon Country PREPCo RACE CAR MAINTENANCE RICHARD PARCELLS (805) 251-9631 PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY. NEW LENOX. ILLINOIS 60451 1815) 485-RACE . 172231 Dusty nma
-Qua1ity Products . . . Fastener Specialists -Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 . 6845 East Compton Blvd. · Paramount, CA 90723 ALKE't (213) 515-3570 PE$'1FORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES The· IIBPFIRM ' Telephone:-(714) 53S-4437 (714) S~S-4438 . Davia Kreisler 920 East.Arlee Place Anabein;l, CA 92805 . ' DOUG FREEMAN -(213) 320:..95g4 P .O . BOX.3757 GARDENA. CA 90247-7457 (818) 991-3014 · Bernice Sanders 5331 Derry_ Ave. • Suite O • Agoura; CA 9.1301 _ RUSS~s V. W.:. _ -_Recycling 3317 S; Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818) 574-1943 • (818) _574-1944 · . Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias, and ·9_14 's (213) 5~3-2404 _ /~" ~~l©©O 1 _: SANDERS SERVICE, INC. _____ METAL PROCESSING 5921 .Wilmington Avenue Los Angeles, Cali(ornia 90001 ' SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD_. MAGNETIC PARTICAL· . · FLOU.RESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith . Dusty Tirncs r( I . . · . ~-··· . . . ' Sa# 7~ ~Z'~ -~ · • · ~ , ~ 1533 Truman Street . . · · · . · ~!-I San Fernando. cal. 91340 · · .· ;:{l· _ _ ~1-Phone:(81fi)361-b 5 . (Vi I • .........-·. . . ' ' ...:::::::::=:::. =-~~-_-==-=~-=-=...:::::::::::::::::;. _. ---~-~~ -.... ~ -------~-..... ------- ----~ RACING PRODUCTS TM Anaheim, CA . . , . . : ..... : :·.·: . .. .\: .. -:-: . . _ . . . Bakersfield, CA .•.. . . . •...... ... [. . . . . . . . . . (805) 324:9882 , • I Bullhead City, AZ ...... ·: . . ; .. · l · ........ (602) 758=548~ . Colton, CA ........................... . . . (714) 87~ 022 benver, CO ...... _ ............ .I .. ·: ....... (303) 75q-9617 El Centro, CA ............. ·_ ... ·I· •.• ••.. . • (619) 352-4721 El Paso, TX ......... . . ................ ... (915) :533-5931 Fullerton, CA . ......• > ........ .I. ..... .... (714) '63~-5533 Hayward, CA ...•. . : . ....•.... -[-... , . . . . . (415) 783-6500 L~ncaster, CA .. : ..........•..... ' . ... , .... (805) 948-6044 Las Vegas, NV .....•. ................ ; .. ; · (702) 64~-9200 Long Beach, CA .. : . . : . •....... .. .. ·. . . . • . (213) 432-3949 Los Angeles, CA ... . .... ...... ,I ••••••••••. (213) 531-0.192 Oakland, CA·· .... , .............. 11 .. ........ (415) 428-2600 P~oen_ix, AZ . ~ .. _ ...... . . . . .... · ...... ..... (602) 889~1324 . R1vers1de, CA ........... . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (714) 877-0226 Santa Barbara, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 963°9366 · San Jose, CA . ... , ........... , . . .' .. : .. ~ .• (408) 294-4513 Van Nuys, CA . . ............ ~ ......... : ... (818) 785~0902 · Ventura, CA . : ...... , . ....... : . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 659-5609 -Yuma, AZ ............... : ... i . . -.I. .... ; ... , .(602) 782-6543 P.O. Box 610, 333 West Broadway, Suite 202 '(213) 43.7-43·73 Long Beach, California 90801°0610 Custom Race Car · Fabrication & Preparation I' ' .· -1 . · Hi-Performance VW 1Engines & Transmissions I SOUTHERN NEVADA OFF-ROAD CHAS$1S 745 W. Sunset Road #15 Henderson, NV ,89015 (702) 565-DIRT .I RAY CUMMINS Suspension Specialist · Fox Shox Trackside Sef"ice . I OFF ROAD SUSPENSION S)'STEMS - . SHQCKS RACE CAR FABRICATION AND PREPARATlbN CUSTOM MACHINE PARTS ~ KEVIN McGILLIVRAV . 28210 AVE. CROCKER #301 , VALENCI~, CA 91355 (809.) 257·?934 RICHARD LILLY LAURA STOUFFER Manufacturers c!>t Ouallt~- · Drive Train Components I . ' _ SUPER' aoot. ~RODUCTS l 164$. W. Collins, Orange, CA 92667 _ I 714-997..:0766 If no answer 714-997-0767 · Dece~i' 1987 -I < Suspension Cm:nponenJs (818)988-5510 . 7840 BURflET AVE. • VAN NUYS~-CALIF. 91405 CHUCK TAYLOR PREMIUM_ PETRO~EUM LUBE 349 MAINSAIL--RD. OCEANSIDE, CA 92054 -· (619) 433-8777 Lubricants Specialist· • ~ SOUTHWESTERN PETROLEl)M CORPORATION SINCE1933 !Mel Tl(ANS BY JEFF REIJ)'S ·mfiNSflXLE · ENGINEERING JEFF FIELD 998-2739 Alameda County Bakersfie_ld Bremerton Denver · El Centro Hawaii Huntington Beach Long Beach Los Angeles Las Vegas Orange County· 9833 Deering Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 11 Z Octane n-lck 118 Octane Super-n-lck 100 Octane-Unleaded (41_51 538-RACE Phoenix · {6021·952-2575 (8051 393-B258 Port_land/Vancouver f2Q6) 693-3608 {206)} 77-795:1 Riverside ·{714) 7B7-B141 {303) 452-5239 Sacramento. . • {916) 63B,-RACE (6191 352-2600 San Diego (619) ~60-5207 . (B0B1 682-5589 Saugus·. . (BOS) 259-3886 f7'141 536-B808 Seattle (20~1833-0430 12131979-0198 Spokane (5091 483-0076 (2131 863-480 I TriCities (5091 547-3326 17q21871-1417• Tucson .. (6021 326-8770. (7141 634-0845, . Wenatchee ', (5091663-2912 ~TRACKSJDE Photo · Entnprlsa PO BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 18710 SO. NORMANDIE·• SUITE C• GARDENA. CA. 90248 . (213) 327-4493 ' R~NG PNOTOGIIAPHT SPECIALISl'S .UIPJ UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNQ_LIA, SANTEE, CALIFORNIA 92071 619/449-9690 Power Steering - . Brackets · .. , .Aluminum Fabrication - Tabs · Page 51
-The Losers f?y]udy Smith The Baja 1000 proved to be first part and then, wheri . he really tough this year; with lotsc>f leanedinW_the second part of the . mud arid puddles to add t<) all the turn that loaded the right side cif usual challenges, but an amazing the truck, the right front corner 53'¾, of the-starters brought their came off He watched his tire vehicles back to the finish line. bc,unce up a hill and fly so far Scime of them ran into trouble away that. it took two hours to very early in the race, indeed, find it. Vessels' truck is a one0M-even before they got to the mud a-kind item, and he had no spare and dirt .. -Aboutfiv'e miles int,1 spindle assembly for it. because the race, ;till on the highway, our each such assembly wquld cost. roving reporter spotted Charlie him between $4000. and $5000.: Woodard's Class 14 Rronco, in and Frank thought thilt was too tr6uble for just the first time that . much to spend for spare·parts for · day. Then a couple of turns past a truck that will he outlawed next the dump it vi-·as Terry Lottes' year. So his fine race was at an Mazda, with the pit crew, He got end. · · . only to Check Two, ultimately. George Seeley and Howard · And .about 100 yards beyond · Anderson got their Class 5 car to him it was Lel' Alderman and Catarina where they .took on. _ Dwight Lur;-idell's Chevy, · and fuel, but the pit crew dumped it 'that was the end for them. About · too quickly, and they didn't get a severi miles out it was_ Andy Poff full klad. They took on only and Jerry Stengler's Class 10 car, 'about three gallons, and were out parked ·all alone, and going no of gas:by Nuevo Junction .. They further, . and just around the were able to buy SQme there from corner, ahd up on the bank, was .· Bill.Stroppc, for$20, and headed Limy Ragland's Chevy. Ragland out again, only to run out-one continued, but his old car, which more time, at San Rafael. This .was there wit_h him, apparently time they had a s·pare gallon in sacrificed a balljoint to the new . the car and dumped it in., which car, and itbecame:1 non-finisher. got them to their next 'pit. With· Not far beyond them was.Tom the gas replaced, they took off Strong, peering under the hood into the whoopies north of the of his Class4 Chevy. · · Zoi:.), and' lost their rear Up where th_e road to Ojos suspension . . They··· decided a Negros intersects with the torsion bar was broken, and highway, a couple of cars had,.· radioed to their pit crew. Richard also come to the end of their race. Llewe.llyn, who races in the same The Class 5 car of Mel Vaughn class, , heard them, and vol- · and Lloyd Sukut was already ori unteered a spare torsion bar, thetrailer,andtheClasslOcarof which _they-\=harged off to the Jacques de Roquancciurt and Jim neighborhocxl of 3 Poles to get. Sumners was pojnted towards Then they tore their car apart and· Ensenada. d'iscovered that it was;an adjuster · Out on the tourse a whole . finger that had broken, not the gang were making Losers of . bar. They had ,i spare finger; but · themselves, and we think the didn't really wantto weld inside biggest Loser was Frank Vessels ·· the car right under their gas tank, in his Chevy. He led the truck so-they packed it in. class for miles and miles, and had · Rob MacCachren debuted his the distinction of having as new six cylinder Pcirsche motor passenger; Jack Arute,.the ABC for his race, but .was already announcer, who was really down on time going ciut of Ojos ·enjoying his ride .. It kioked as if Negros. He\:! had a flat front tire,. Vessels would have the fun <)f which had hoogered up the winning his class tmd finishing · brakes and. power steering. very high in: the overall ranks While his_ crew was fixing that · while being film ed for national they'd discovered an oil leak that t.v. had happened because the oillille . But it wasn't to happen. As was too near the exhaust. They Frank chargeddownthefastroad fixed that too. But· when before Santo-Tomas, he came to MacCachren came into Check 4 . an "Si,tum.He, went through the he was s'moking from the oil that was leaki_ng agajn, and as he .sat when the crew got to the dry lake the truck was trying to pass·.the there, big flames shot up from - to find .them, and they had to front. At about that time·. he, the engine. He was pulled out of light off a couple of their flares to. -noticed that his oil pressure had his car, .an'd the flames show'themwheretheywen,'.,,But dropped,andhestoppedtotake extinguished fairly quickly. After · at• least the wildlife had gbm:. a loo,k. Malcolm d_isccwered that repairs were made, he took· off away by t_hen .. ., .. ·. ,-· the oil filter housih'ghad broken, again, smoking from a!J the·spilt Michael Horner was down'on and the Ol)tcpouriOg oil had oil; only to lose a rear seal; and the dry. lake at about the· same slicked0his rear tires, giving them catch fire again further cin .down time, radioing for his pit crew to the scary ride. It took an hour to course. The team decided not to bring a differential to hfm_. redo i:he oil system. They bought chance burning the whole thing Apparently it coµldn't get to m:i oil filter from a Mexkan up, so MacCacbren was d<jne. him, . because he never . got any spectator for $20,: and dumped Butch Arciero was doing well further. . · _ . . . out all.the black oil that came in in Class 4 when he lost his Sid Spradling, who·usually co" it. They told the Mexican several steering box, He pulled into the drives with Lart_y Schwac:ofer in times not to drive his-truck home pit at Villa de! Sol.'.and sat there ·-Class 6, was all by himself this until he replaced the filter . and for three and a half hours'while time in a '69 Rambler, left ()Ver they :hoped he . underStoo_d. they changed to a new · box. · from one ofNORRA'sold races. · .Malcolm got going agaiA, betting Finally, they got 'it all together, · It was. part of Jim-Garner's team · tha't the motor hadn't been put Butch back in; fired it up, and of racers at that time. Spradling damaged in its .· short time it still wouldn't steer. So now was to drive it all the way, but got without oil. Bui/ it was a vain they changed the pump, which · only to Catariria before he broke hope, as the engine spun a took another half houi: or so. . ? spindle. He said that -Subith · bearing just out of T res Pqios. Butth finally took off, a full four ('the car's · builder) had warned Ron Gardner came-through. . •hours down. He g~)t ·toabout him about th:e_ · spindles. Ojo~ Negros in his· half-ii<:-Chevy ,_ Matomi Wash and went to· rejoin· powerecj Chenowth sounding sion let go, setting his truck on S·ch~acofer's group. . . . very unwell. And he continued fire in the process.They useg up · Gregg Symonds, was running to run badly for as far as he went, • five extinguishers and a bunch of · well in his 4WD Toyota and got never getting things fo dry out sand, but were ·able to get it ov_er the Summit and down into again. He said the water-killed stopped. . . . . the . ~nd,and s4ddenly the car him; he couldn't pull third gear .. Meanwhil·e, 'up on the __ wouldhardlygo.Hetrieogoing MartMcBride,drivinghisnew Summit, Russ Jones, 'Nho,drives ba~k'wards, and that didn't help . all ¢oil-over . suspension two-a .Ranger in . Class 7; felt his much either. Finally, he got to . seater, lost two fan belts earl,Y, engine cough once, and ·' then where some people. :were and and then ran 6,k., to. Check . 4. quit. When he tried_to restart it, aske~ someone to. tak,e a -look His dad; Don, .got in; and as he it smoked, and then \vent up in underneath, and the fellow wld started to head back to Check4 flames. Russ jumpcd out and him he didn't have a rear again it got dark and he turhed on · used both his extinguishers, and · driveshaft. Now Gregg under- his lights. Something was wrong it ,still ·flamed, .SO he started stood what was going on! S9 he electrically, and caused . the throwing mud on it. Rut just then radi6ed h_is crew to bring the . batteries i:o boil dry. B_ut he got to Lowell Arnold drove up in his spare and "."'hen they finally got . the pit, and they fixed things by Class- 4 truck, and Russ. there hechmbed·underneath to puttinginahewbattery,andscnt commandeered Arnold's exting- install it, only to find that the Matt towards. Mike's. But uisher, which was enough to flange was broken off al~o, anti whatever had been. wrong _was out the fire. All the wiring was. there was no way to fix it. Still wrc;mg, and.that battery died burned however, and he wasn't · BilLChurch · led Class 10 for a · too, leaving •Matt without lights -able to go on. He waited until the · long way, and then broke a c.v. _ or a difficult part of tht; traffic.had died down, and then · on Diablo. He had a spare, but he ·course .. He had to be towed out. rewired it so it ran on four•. decided against going on, because . Daxe Kreisler, with a new six cylrnders and drove out. . · he'd also lost reverse gear;and he cylinder Porsche. _motor in 'his MikeFalkoskyledClass7Sfor di_dn't. want to. get stuck ·camouflage rwo seater, was otJt awhile in his newToyota, and as somewhere and be unable to.get of things just 12 miles past Tres . his father, Pat, fook off from out. 1.t seems that had happened Pozos,·when .the cam broke: And Check4things seemed great. But to him in a Baja.race sometime in Don Adams broke the steering. his dad hadn't been gone 20. the past, and it left-him with gear off the frame of his Jeep minutes when he was radioing unpleasant memories. . about 20 miles past the Summit. back thatthe motoi- was gone and Malcolm Vinje was still on the · He needed a . welder to make he needed a tow, Of course, ·it pavement, driving what he felt -repairs, · and .· there .were ·non·e meant going on course to get to was a steady but competitive close by. And Mike Randall, in him, and that meant waiting for pace, and his co-driver began to his 7 4x4 Jeep, ran well through traffic to die down. Meanwhile nervously tell him to slow down. Mike's, and then; four miles: Pat and his passenger . watched The · co-driver . felt things were _ the resort, the front nervously. as a herd of horses getting a little slip'py in the rt.~r housing broke into two pieces. milled around, and then climbed end. Malcolm thought, "Nones· Ca'm Thieriot :i:nd-Greg Lewin back into the truck when a pack sense, I'm driviAg the way . I were running their Toyota in 7S, · of about six coyotes came by to always .drive!", until . suddenly;--~ and a report went that they'd· check them out. It.was after dark he realized that the hack end of rolled. It turned .o.ut they hadn't, .THE WINNERS CHOl~E-vw -PORSCHE -OFF ROAD LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C Fullerton, Ca. 92631 Louie Unser · (714) 879-8440-Custom Wheels ·OF,F ROAD PRODUCTS Phone (602) 242~0077 Off Road Accessories 2'733 W. Missouri Phoenix, Arizona ~5017 · , Page 51 wEs-cAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports wjnning drivers.and engine builders. Just ask the top profession~ls before buying your next cam. Our dedication to performance and quality keeps you on top. Call WEB-CAM for your winning cam for street , strip and off-road or send $3 fqr the complete __ _, catalog. · Baja Bqgs Dune Buggies Race Cars Machine-Shop Parts & Service W.R-~ RAC.ING Products 515 So. Vermont Glendora, CA 91740 Bill Raybould 818.:.914-3904 -1 December 1987 · \. Engine,& M~chine , 947 RANCHEROS·ORIVE SAN MARCOS, CA 9,2069, (619)741-6173 For adveriising rates_ &.information contact · Wright Publishing Co,, Inc; PO Box 2260, Cost_a Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 Dusty_·nmes
-but were i'n trouble nonetheless: Greg had got in at. Tres Pozos, and · a·s he " ;i:nt around a mountain, he brokt: a balijoint~ The mountafn got in the way of radio ··transmissi<m, and they couldn't gei: word to their crew. · By the time the pit finally found them it was too late .to go on, s(1 they just put the spare balljoint on the truck so thi:y ·could drive it to the highway.Andabout four miles . before they · got tq the pavement, it broke too. · .In Class 5;1600,. Boh Hummell took over for Brian Goodrich at Tres Pozos, and was having a :good time, enjoying the hew car's performance. As he got . into Matomi Wash· ( slightly off course), he saw a friend, .Tom. Minga, who'd broken the transmission in Ray Gastelum's 5-1600 car. So Bob pulled up to ask Minga ifhe_cmild give him anything, or take.a message in or something. He . J;urn_ed off· his motor as he talhd to Tom. When he went to re-start his car, it wouldn't start. He tried everything he knew; then he tried using Minga's distributor, and Minga's ··carburetor. : He · had spark and fuel, and the starter worked. But nothing would mak~ it run. Finally ht: and M inga settled in fc;,r the night, budding a big fire and stretching out a tarp . as a sort of te.nt. But they didn't . have a ni~e quiet night, as might be expe¢ted, • because they became ·traffic directors. It seems they were just off the correct frail,· in the spot where al.most . · everyone • got lost in Matomi, Wash. So many people had gone that way that the berm led to the right, wheri the trail actually went-the other way. As cars came along every single one of them took the wrong trail, and . Tom. and Bob tried to direct them t_he right way. Many refused to believe them and went on up the wrong way, which led to a dead end. They'd come-back in 10 or 1_5 minutes, asking for help to find the course. Minga spent much of. his . evening boynding across the desert, leading the errant cars to the right· trail. Bob admired his energy, and says he deserves recognition for what he did. We . admire his · helpfulness . also,• ang can i.magine that the early racers, those that started in front of the 5-1600s, and found themselves lost for · a couple of hours, probably wish. he'<;i been in an earlier class. . While they-sat in the de~rt,' a Class 5 qu· with a broken c.v. pulled up and used their fire for · light to make his repairs. He has one of the saddest stories of the day, and; unfortunately, Bob didn't get· his name or car number, so we don't know who. it was'. It seems that this poor fellow lost track of where he was as he passed the double pit at Villa del Sol, and turned right when he should have turned left. The result of that was that he • found himself up at Mike's_ when , he hadn't yet peen to Matomi Wash and·theSan Felipearea.So he apparently-.came back down the course ( against traffic!), and retraced his steps, to pick up the course. and head south. What a discouraging mistake! We had our Uni den radiowith us on this trip and heard lots of frantic crie~ for -help, a.swell. as' some not so· frantic. Like "the passenger in the 1-2-1600 car Dusty_ nrnes I . I who was asking the relay to senJ trying to firiJ his ca~. After some irltetested in giving your input on s~ctat~rs who l)eeded ·a hand, ~:, a. message to his pit to have the 15 hcmts it had given-up the the Stock Class rules should send THANK YOU! : . Rolaids rt:ady:. Thetni:ssagecame ghost somewhere b~twei:n Santo them to the Stock Class And now. thanks to t}te Baja back that his "Relief would be · Tomas (Chi:ck l([)) and Ojos chairman; Mike Blore or to me, · 1000 volunteers, at Sari Rafael _ ready';. Negros. · r · s<i> we .can finalize any rules th_ey were Charlie, Qale; David; We also heard about car 904, Dick Johnson, 1~wi}o graces changes for the 1988 season. Earl, Stan,. Ilene and little Brian Stewart's Challenge car, these pages more often than he ~ike, Blore; 5943 Harvey Way, Matthew'. Calllalu volunteers -whichwasbrokenandwastrying -likcs,hadabadwc¢kcndinBaja .. Lakewood,. CA 907lJ; Bill were.Crew ChiefJay; Bonnie, to limp back on the highway. First of all, .his rented ~oore, 8414. Orion, #20J, Phil,SteveO;SteveGandTracy. Ho',1/evcr, he \\-'as running low on motorhome ·leakeJ at all three Sepulveda, CA 91343, _ Thanks to my wife Debi for 1,,>as, and the radio relay folks vents . during . \Veµnesday and I , letting me go when l should be were _ asking' pit crews and Thursday's downncmr. But his ]' ~i·~-· · · . - working on the new house and a spectators to eye out for · Challenge car was in good shape · · YOKOHAMA very Happy Birthday to Bonnie, him, to be sure he got back all and he had great hopes for the . su·ppo· RT TEAM. Matthew and Lena, the gal who right. race. He ran well · through the lets Steve G go to the races. And the message from Dave piney woods, but seemed to he B)· Vi:m1i., Hu;,u ., . Thanks also to the companies Richardscm, in Steve Sourapas's losing his bri)kes as he neared that make life a lot easier in the Class I. car, which had hcen Nuevo Junction. A Class 10 car i The ZOi:h running of the Baja pits, Cu.stom & Commercial, running second, was that he had came up on him, anJ Dick pulled HOOO started out under very wet Lothringer Electronics, . Perma . · big moror problems rup course over to ler him by. 1But as he did, c;6nditionS, with rainfallingmoSi: Cool, German Auto and from Camalu. He said he, hesawthatthecou~scvccrcdleft, dof cohntingency dahr· ~utbo~hrace -Valvoline; Thank you DUSTY ''Could spend the night there, and. that there was ~ ledge right at •· ,y t e sun was s. lhtng ng t as TIMES for allowing me to write but I. don't really want to." his side, so hi: couldn't go any competitors took the green flag, article throughout the year. . -.. furthe_r -right, and h_aJ_ to hL-ar left Pit crews were prepiu:ed and T b . I t . h d . k We heard two general wkiting,readytoaidthedesert. ,o eavouneer.1s ar wor messages on the radio.warning with the·trail. The!Class 10 car, . r I but something ·_that is very whoever might h.ear that apparently not seeing this, hit . warriors. Unrortunate y some rewarding, knowingthat"YOl}" him, and they touched whL>cls warriors would fall prey to the may have helped a .rac_er win. a spectators at · Catarina were k d · · l:i · b ·k . and Dick rolled over. He muc a.n mire mt eir race ac race because of yo_ur hara wo_rk. 'throwing rocks at the ca_rs, and · ' E d I ·· h · had broken at.· least one couldn'rgetout,andthcClasslO to nsena a. wis to· Soifyouwishtogeti1;wolvedand · drivi:r Jack Irvine had a hard time congratulate all the competitors be a pa.rt. of off .road rac1·ng, windshield. Then, lati:r in thi: day I d th · r ti · · · · · · h getting him back pn his wheels, aq · eir crews, ior a •rave it.·· co·ntact Denn1·s Ro_gers at.·(818) · we heard_ tha_t spectators on t e I u · b · h · Co · but .h. t: finally· did 1it,· and thi:n· tne1r est s ot. ngratu anons 335-7757. days or (7· ·14) 599-beach stretch nonh ofCamalu 11111 · , • - · b . h • b b Dick was on .his way again. t9 a .. . · 5 29 I evenings ·GET IN · were using re- ar m t e1r 00 Y I Yokohama Sup· port had three · · · -traps-for race cars. · As he got closer to Nucvo he to· '.cati'.ons at the lOOO, San.Rarael, VOLVED you· will not regret it! had to move over orice more, this 1: ~ - · ~ ·· ~£::i~fi~e~h~:~1.~~7~~~ ~f~f:~~::;~~~:~:~•~~~· tf~~~~z~~~=1i':-E· =-·ga·~· ~ -_· , __ · ...... . Felipe, and Walker Evans· lost his into Dick •s car.-rui;ning his ncrf start with San Rafael. . . i i ~ · transmissiori just past th'c bar. He made repairs at Nuevo, San Rafael was the fortlfest ... · OFF-ROAD RACING TEAM · . Summit, while Ivan Stewatt bent and took-off, only to. have the .point south on the course and the .By NcL~ Lu,1dRTL'I; or broke a drive shaft in Matomi steering shaft come loose on the. -.worst for radiocommunications; Wash. Efforts were made to get way up the Summit. He fixed tha( wf sooQ became Weatherman' Here we are again,-back from. Stewart going again, but to no himself, and then ,made it .tp S~n Rafael relaying as best we Baja and still dry.-Let's recap the avail.JackJohn:son, in the Nissan Cohabuzo, where he .had a· could. Our -day started. at 12 last'cotipleof races. The club had Class 4 truck, lost a 'transmis-brdken shock' rrio\!lnt repaired. . n~n · with the first bike arid eight cars go · to the Colorado sion, arid then thought he might As he ran down theiroad in third ··eqding at_S:23 a.m. with the last 300, or, as Uncle Ma:ic called it, spell .MacCachren in the Class 1 gear, thinking he was on his way vehicle thr-u our location. We The Colorado Dusty Road Rally. car, until they ·heard that he'd to a finish, the motor k>st a rod · helped a biker with .a dislocated • All eight members crossed the lost the rear seal. just as Tres Pozos came· inti:J shoulder with aid from Frank finish line, with Russ Welch We followed Tom Koch and sight. Just to make,his day even -Vessels' chase crew and gassed a winning Class 10 after so inany Larry Bolin 's progress on the Ion g er, when th c radio mimber of vehicles we didn't · dose and consistent · finishes. radio, and late at night we heard a· information went out that he was . ev,en have gas· for ( we had to beg lbree. members garnered third report that Bolin had left a pit, broken, they r:eported his for gas from other_pit crews): place hc:mors, Dave Kreisler in · with major clutch trclublc. lo_cation incorrectly, so he spent Ard after all-was said.and done Class 2, George · Seeley and About 15 minutes later we heard many hours waiting for his -pit -we towed out car 915 who was Howar.d Anderson in Class 5, that Bolin had come back, and _ crew to come pick tip. ·. .27.rniles back in Matomi Wash . . and Jim StHes in ,Class 10, ,they were working on the clutch. A ,~d Richard itlewc~llyn:: H{was one busy day and night keepi_ng his points ,t'acein the After a couple of hc>Urs of silence -who d been so-hel~ful to Seeley _ . that l could not have done if not class alive. Gregg Symonds was we heard their chase crew trying ;md Anderson, blew' his Class ·5 . ·_ fof_my four volunteers. fourth in Class 7 4x4,while Steve to track him dowri, ~nd finally, motor in Matomil Wash, and iVilla Del Sol was the next -pit Kelley was fourth in Class 8 . we heard Koch himsdf, sounding t·ater. blew the motor in his chase that.racers saw on their way back Torn Koch was Class 1, tired and sad, at Ojos Negros, •. truck. · . 1 • • tc;,, Ensenada, actually they had butto tell you how much passing seen it ·once already because it was done 'out there, Toin was was a two. way pit, but who's also eighth overall. Walter Prince counting. The pk was run . by Js moving up and finished six~h in Dave Clark and David of A.T.E. Class 2. Of course there were faine; better known as MAY - only seven cars in Class 2 and one 'CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES By Bill Moore ' ' ' . took third Open . and third overall by cine point" over Clint Huering. Topi Hynynen· took first in Stock Class by seven · points over Hal Haley. In all.-some very close ,ra<;:ing went pn · all day, For more details check _the article on the Rallysprint at · ·Gli:n Helen in this issue ... · . Thi: unofficial ye~r efld_ res_ults for C.RS points arc as tollows: Bill Holmes won th~ Open Class Th 198. 7· CR S · .. ch_am_pio_ nship for 11J,rivcrs with e . ·· . . . season came to a close with the running of the • 830. points, followed by Lon Glen Helen III R~llysprint. The Peterson, 484, Ian !Miller, 470 .. · event came off smoothly as usual George Daland,, 388, and Clint with the exception of several Hu.ering, 325. Jim !Rogers w<m competitors who were turned the co-driver .dtkt in 01-x,n Class <}Way due to the lack of a Spor,ts with 640 points, folilowed by Jim Car Cluh of Americ_a loghook. Love, 479, Bart Godett, 290, These logbooks arc not a C.R.S. Maite . Bell, 220,' and Steve requirement, but in ordcni) run · Silsbee, 200.. IA; the Stixk SCCA sanctioned events, the Drivers points race,· Topi vehicle must.have a logbcx)k . If Hynynen took it all with 840 you don't have one, make points. Next came· Mike arrangements with the SCCA Biddlingmeir, 560, Hal .Haley, steward, Lynnette Allison well in 490, David Burgess/4 36, and Rill · advance, ·as ·there is no guarantee Perez, 370. Tops ~mong Stock that they will he .availahle at the Class·co-<lrivers wal Ray Thurm, events. 460, then came Ja"l'es Hancock, . George : Deland · took first 330, oger Ralls~!_ 280, Mini 'overalland fi_•rst in Open Class at Lundqvist,240, an~ Bill Moore Glen Hel~n. just edging lan and Brad Miller tie~ at 200. ~-Miller bv ifive points. Jim. Love Those -of · you who are December 1987 T,j\G MEN of th.e desert, The broke: · two did gas a few cars but for the Lou J>etalta put on his second mhst part you saw 'them with Gran Carrera race, and f~ci'm thbir heels high in the air watch-what I heard, it , was a great in~ cars race into the-setting sun. weekend . in. San Felipe. Loµ . Last but not least. is the seemed to fo'll'ow Score's lead, Gi,malu pit, who also became a and he. used a lot of Checker help \X,featherman Radio sta~ion to put on the race. Gregg L relaying for other pit crews that . Symonds decided he wanted to could not receive the Weather-go a little fasterthenhe has been. · man.-This. race was to be th~ true So, he broke out the Class 2 car test of my Crew Chief Jay King, ·and went out and won overall in fof as racers came to Camalu, his . cars. The old man has ·still got it! . . authority was· te.sted by another N9w, back to the wet and dry pitcrew using our pit. I am proud ·Baja. If you . went down before toisay the title "Crew Chief!! fits · the race, you got soaked geqing. Jay King and things ran smoothly there, and dried out the two race · fopm then on. In our preparation ' days. The mud that was left for cold weather a smudge pot · behind the storm was not too · was. taken, which kept many · kind to the' _dub, ,~nd we only chase and pit personnel warm in · finished four out•· of our 16 th~ cold Camalu night air. · starters. Stuart· Chase got Lou ffhe · 1987 . HD RA/SCORE _ ~eralt'.1 i:o run the San Felipe loop DJsert Series has now cbme t~ a m hfs 1-2~1600, and they close, it has been a great ~ason brought the c:ar to· .the · finish an~ I hope all have enjoyed it as tenth in class'. Russ Butow rolled much as I. Thanks to all the ' his car, then gave it -tO Danny vqlu~teers, .Yokoh,ama Support .York who screamed for Rolaids has given o~tstandmg support to half way · around Baia:. Still they racers, . their crews and.· even (continued on page 55) ,Page·s3
Classified ••• FOR SALE: Racec~ 117"'. WJ3, Toyota 2 TC,· Wright, Bilstein, secondary torsion,. Carr disc brakes, Hew.l;md Bus, Duke's Carrier, c9il assist front, power steering. New motor, race prepped, turn key. $8700.00 CaH Bow Won, (208) 345-6451. FOR SALE-33' 1984 Class A motorhome. Interior· gutted by fire. 15,000 miles on Michelin -tires and engine. One owner, runs like new. Holding tanks; water tank, 2 gas tanks; 6.5 Gen, $2700.00 .levelers. Cost 44M ~-,, Sale $6000.00. Make a gpod hauler or rebuild. Call Don (818) 882-3163. FOR SALE-1979Chevy 1 ton Crew Cab Dualie, loaded. 1982 Holiday 38½' 5th . wheel · car · tarrier and live-in trailer. Sleeps 6; bath, generator, roof A/C, stove, · fridge,· TV, outside flood lights, shop area, work. bench, .compressor, storage,· rear drop ramp _ door .. Must sell -$29,500.00 OBO: Call after 5 p.m. (805) 524~2607, Don or Steve. · FOR SALE - Challenger car; -1987 Riversid~ world champion, driven by Danny Ashcraft. Super fast, Shock Tech, Rino trans, radio and Combox, Jamar pedals, plus all spare tires, trans, etc. Too much to list. Sell $8500.00 or trade for ,Stadium car. (619)941-1497. FOR SALE - 1986 B~nderson 1-1600. Wright, Super Boot, Neal, Centerlines, Fox and - Bunderson shocks, Field trans. 120" wb, 18 gal. fuel cell , power steering. Prepped, ready to race. Spares ;ind Aros trailer. $10,500. · obo. Call eves afters: ( 408) 724-542 L ' FOR SALE. - Desert motor, · Type 1, built by -Leighton, .2270cc, t_rick heads, Alt., lightehed flywheel, Ferramic 13,acing clutch, ne4, case, IMPI . roJler bearing crank, Zenith, fast and dependable. $2500.00 . . Also, 2180cc jugs, pistons, rods, IMPI roller crank w/lightened fl'ywheeL All excellent condition. $600.00. Call Sandy (702) 363-2245. - . FOR SALE -,-'86 Mitsubishi si es; Very competitive. , n Doctge ~os0-7S race truck; fast Score '87 Great Mojave 250, 3rd• 2 .5 motor. w /Mikunis, auto Score Riverside chaqipionships, trans, Summers 9" rear end, Mitsubishi contingency $1000.00 Strange carrier w/spool; Henry a race, just for finishing. Must front ball joints, trick Bilstein- sell. $11,000.00 Call Pete (602) shocks, 22 galfoel cell, flared bed . 843-5953. FOR SALE - 32' Wells Cargo 5th wheel enclosed trailer, 5th wheel incl. Carpeted inside w./ cabinets. Perfect for -your 'race car. FlO Stadium race car also available. c;u Jerry at MTEG (818) 359-5 i 17 days. FOR SALE-2 seat, 120" wbHi · Jumper. 2180cc, low hQ\l;S, Art Carr 3 speed frariny, Wright front end, heavy. duty . steering, KYB's and·-Bilsteins, K & N, ,Mes .. a coolers, Be·ard seats, Simpson 5 point belts, Neal pedal, 22 gal. fuel cell, Sway-A-Way, Centerline~. Older Class2 <;ar, make a good pre~runner. $3800;00; (602) 667-2052, ... - -r-~~----~--~--.~-----llii-~-----~-------...,;•---------------~-~----~.-.------~~-"" I · . . · · Sell or swap, your extra parts and pieces in - · /. · . · · ·. I 1, _ DUSTY TIMES. ,/ · . -.• FOR SALE '-_11966 Baja Bug pre-runner ~ show .car. Lee -_. -'I •· Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45 words each m9n'th, not, ;ddress and phon~ number. Add $5 .00 fo; I . Leighton 2180cc roller cr.a~k I< use of black and wb.ite photo, or a very sharp·colot print. - _ . · .-.. . ·_ _ ·. I engine, Zenith, }(&N's, all, · 1 NEWAND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES -A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and · ·I - chrome braided l!ines, heavy duty I subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5.00. All classified ads must be paid in advance. . trans, tilt-front; end•· 8" wider I · · / · -· .j · · - - 11 front end, KYB's, VDQ, Sway-' I · A-Way, Taylor seats, 3 seater,-1 --------~---------------'-[ _;_--~--'--------:---'-----'------~--' Simp'son belt&: _ Street· legal, I · 11. IMCO ·. tank, ra,ck and piniorj. . steering, polishe.d Centerlines, I --------,---------~--~-------'---'--:-~------------'-----~.;__-I . custom cage and frame, custom I ' I paint inside and( out: ~Must see_. ... - I j i I $sooo.oo.-c602)j667-20s2: , -I ------.--,--,:,-:-----'-----'-----,-'------.------.-~------,---:---'--~--c___:_-------'-..;;__-- FOR SALE -P~I'ts, -2 Class 10 . ' I -,--------'------,---,----_;_--,,-~------------:--------------_:_-'--,,_..:.__-,--__ ·_,• .· vw engihes and transmissions, _ best of everything. Fox shocks·s . I Enclosed is$ -----(Send check order, nb cash). Please run. ad times. I and fO", K&l'f air deaners,, · I I , Centerlines, tires, misc. 1983 .. 1·-.. tandem trailer, diamond-plate . Name ------'----~-------'-----~--~---~-----_:___ M. I 1- floor, side railing, electric brakes, • ai to: .1. , new tires, comes -with jacks to. -. • Addre··ss ---'--------------------Ph.one________ DUSTY TIMES · h I 2 -E 11 - d- . I au cars.. xce ent con ition, I 5331 berry Ave., Suite O ·.• _must sell.CaHGene(602}831-. City ---------,----'------''-------State _____ z1p __ ..;.;_____ Agoura,CA91301 I 8166. ' I Page 54 Dec~mbcr 1987 'Dustynmes
FOR SALE - Class 10 Chen-owth 1000, lengthened to 117" wb, clean job with race ready Type I motor, 4 wheel discs, Wright front trailing arms and spindles, fuel cell less than one year old. Complete roller without trans, shocks or steering. $4000.00. Call Ted or Ed (714) 893-5530. FOR SALE-Chapparal Class 1 orClassl0.Singleseat, 125"wb, total Chromoly, extra wide front and rear torsion, outer c.v. arms, fuel cell, Hewland trans mount, Hewland shifter, Wright rack and pinion, power steering, tie rods, heavy duty length pins, 4" heavy duty arms, spindles, 8" rear arms. Complete body, Beard seat, hydraulic brakes, clutch, steering . wheel. All fabrication complete. All Palmer built. $9500.00, call (602) 978~2344. FOR SALE ...'...: Class 7S S-10 pickup. Chassis fab by Cal Wells PPI, Hi Tech 4 Eng., 700R4 trans, too many items to list. This is not a. pre-runner. All spares and sponsor leads included. All items used are the best available. $30,000.00. Also '84 31' Winnebago "Elandan" motor-home, rear bed, non smoker, like new, $35,000.00. Matching 21' "Pape" race . trailer, one piece fiberglass construction, like new. $6900.00. Air travel furnished w/purchase. Also, delivery available. ·Sale due to injury in family. Call Jesse, (817) 488-6868 days, (817) 481-4540 eves. • FOR SALE - Unlimited Class 5, top of the line car. FAT motor, Hewland gears, etc., etc. Over $30,000.00 invested. Will take $12,000.00 cash or consider trade for motorhome or boat. Call Casey, 8-5 Monday thru Friday. (209) 952-5500. FOR SALE -1-1600 Hi-Jumper, 117" wb, 930 turbos, combos, new Y okos, Bilsteins. Asking $8500.00. Call after 6 p.m. for details. (714) 530-3980. Dusty nmcs FOR SALE - O.R.E. Class 10 single seater. Colorado 300 and Baja 1000 winner. 25 gal . fuel cell, UMP power steering, Fox Shox, Wright, 3M bars, Sway-A-Way coil over, Centerlines, turbo c.v.'s, Vanagan trans w/Dukes carriers, Cornutt Busters, air-cooled engine, 126 dyno hp. All i:he best. $16,500. Call days (818) 574-1944, nite (818) :357-7241. FOR SALE -2-1600 Raceco. Fox Shocks, Neal pedals, turbo c.v:'s, 22 gal fuel cell, Sway-A-Way, Hatz motor, Fields trans. Call John, Rick. or Ralph M-F, 8-5, (805) 987-3887, . FOR SALE - Class 5 or perfect pre-runner, built by Wayne Demonja. Complete tube chassis, Chromoly, 8" travel front beam, 1 0" wider; tie rods; rear arms 4" longer, 3" wider. Sway-A-Way, Porsche 930 cv axles, torsion bars, bushings. Wheel travel 16" front/IO" rear; close tranny. Wright front_ trailing arms and spindles, raising rate rear suspension, new tires, much more. $7500.00. Call Gary ( 303) 4 72-4581. . FOR SALE'-Class 5 race ready. 1 Great for pre-run car, still competitive 5 car. Trailer and all · equipment. $9.S00.00. Call (619) 728-0837. FOR SALE - DIR TRIX Class 10, 119" wb, outboard c.v..'s, Wright coil-over, P.S., 091 trans w/Hewlands and carrier, Rabbit motor. Motor and tra~s fresh. Best of everything, $16,000.00 obo. call Glen or Steve at· DIRTRIX (602) 253-5289.- . FOR SALE -Class 5-1600 Baja, never raced, 90% complete.' New parts include: factory frame-head, Quick-Adjuster, 5 lug drums, Wright Place, Sway-A- . Way, T-Mag, Dura Blue, Super Boot, Type II c.v.'s, 20 gal Fuel Safe cell and more. Complete rolling 1969 body and chassis, w/ Type II trans, 11" rear travel, 10" front travel, front and rear bumper cages, lite mounts, seat mounts, fiberglass, dual air filter box, Parker Pumper and more. · Extensive roll cage using 1 ½" x · .090 mild steel. SCORE legal. Must see: Ran out of money. Must sell $4500.00 obo. call (213) 372-3000. FOR SALE - Etjgle·-Raceco Class 2, 420hp 291 cid alum block Chevrolet Yt6 powered, "State of the art" in construction· and equipment. Carf was built to be the most reliable and fastest car in the desert ~many spare parts included). Sef ms inquir-ies regarding pur~hase of the complete car ( or as a roller) are invited. Call Dick (213) 426-1912 days, (213) 49~-7812 eves. ' I . . . FOR SALE -'-2 seat 1983 Class 10f Mint winner. 1983 Raceco, 118"wb, 1850FAT(pumpgas) prJ-runner motor, Kreisler trans w ~Hewlands, Super Diff, new coil-over front end, Parker Pulnper, P,S., Bilsteins, KC Litbs, Flame-Out, speedometer, 2-way ·radios, green sticker. Excellent condition. $9500.00. Ca)!Dick (213) 426~1912 days, (213) 498-7812 eves. 1PIT TEAM REGISTER' I • . • . . FOR SALE-FlO Stadium car, ready to race. FUN.CO A~Arm Hustler, power· steering, FAT,,,, __ · motor, spare glass and nerf bars, tires, wheels, c.v. 's, misc. parts. 32' Wells Cargo trailer also available. Contact Jerry at MTEG (818) 359-5117 days. . FOR SALE -40' Freuhauf 2 axle semi trailer. Carries 2 cars. Complete shop in front of trailer. Wired for 110 volt lights, plugs. Drill press, grinder-, work bench, 2 enclosed cabinets, tire rack, 130 gallon water tank, built-in radio antenna;insulated roof, new tires. Excellent condition. $6500.00, Call Dick (213) 426-1912 days, (213) 498-7812.eves. _CHECKERS. . (from page 53) ,._.. Gl11U~ f;l)YS kAt>Y, MA\./! -1'HE:REl's A KLVNKER A·COMIN'f I ~~ : ~ crossed the (inish line fifth in h ~ Class 1-2-1600. . 'f'4' I'~ · Lenny Newman and Michael <:;g C~ ~ Gaughan ran strong all day, and \ _,f)c? · finished fourth in Class 2. Our I big winner of the day looked like ~ 1 a loser at the start. Russ Welch ~ . ........, .... -~ · was lining up a·t the start when his We welcome all Support Team news articles. Typed ~nc.l double spaced copy is acc:1;:p11table. Oeadline i~ _the_ 1 Qth of the month. CHAPALA DUSTERS LOri CAMPEONES Jon Kennedy, President · Malcolm Vinje, President 3117 Klllarney. . I ~450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 (714) 641-0155 I (619) 292-0485 (home) Meeting - 2nd Wedn,esday (~19_) 743-1214 (work) Verdugo's Mexican r estaurant Radio-FM-152.960 Costa Mesa, CA I Radio-FM-151.77,5 MAG 7 . IJerry McMurry, President CHECK~RS . IBruce Cranmore, Race Director - oil filter blew. Quick work by a few friends by-passed the filter and got him to the start on time. Russ went out and won Class 10, and ended up finishing fourth - overall. Our best non-finisher was Tom Koch, who got third in Class 1, as only two in the class finished this grueling race. INDEX TO AQVERTISERS Armstrong Tire Co ...... ·,. . . 9 Bilstein Corp. of America ·. ; 13 · Candy Cal'!es, .. -...... : ... 39 , Jeff Hib!>ar~i President \11244 Horizon HIiis Drive · · 13237 Sierra Hwy. El Cajon, CA 92020 ·· Can.yon Country,.CA1~1350 1(619) 440-3737 (home) · Car CustQm·· .... ·: ..... ~ . . 7 Champion Bead Lock Co. . . . 16 (805) 252-4034 . ; . · 1(619) 225-6886 (work) C~E I Karen Clark, Race Director. TERRA . . .. 17045 Roscoe Blvd.~ #11 iJan Sunderland, President Northridge, CA 91325 ,2542 Kemper Avenue '(81~_) 345.-3833 _I ;. 1La Crescenta, CA 91214 F.A.I.R. SUPPORT TEJM 1(818) 248-9039 P.O. Box 542 1 · 1Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month Stanton, CA 90680 1. Jan Sunderland's house Jeff' Randall, President , · Teri Nicks, Secretary f ·TIGHT 10 · Dave Massingham, Race Director -153 Lindell Avenue (714) 879-7697 1 El Cajon CA 92020 (213)_ 943-1916 (619)~83~65_~~ (day) Meetings 1st&_ 3rd Weds. · ·.(619) 447~7955 (night) Holiday Inn-: -~rb0!_I1& 91 Freeway ~ene Robeson, President Radio-FM-150.860 (619) 466-8722 • I I . .·I' ,I Coming Next Month.I •• · . - I ·_ I · . · SALUTE TO THE DESERT CHAMPIONS · I I · . SNORE YOjO LOCO & SILVER DUST 250 I . SCCA PRESS o_ N REGARDLESS PRO RALLY I · , I INDI!AN SUMMER SPRINTS I . . WO~LD CHAMRIIONSHIP s1AN REMO RJALLY I I . LAND O'LAKES SHORT (COURSE RACING I . I . F.O.R.D.Al AT LAKELAND, FLORIDA . .)Plus au the lgular Features I ' I December 1~87 I I I Co11ejo Off' Road .Racing ... _ 12 CORVA ................. · 6 Douglas Bros./, Johnson Racing -...... . Fudpucker RacingTeam .. . Fuel Safe ........... .-.. .Bf Goodrich -15 14 19 lire Division .... . , . 28-29 JaMar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 K.C. Hilites . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 "' la Plante Performance .. -. . . 8 Mazda Motors of America . . 5 McKenzie Automotive ..... 21 ·,-o-McMillin Racing Team . . . . 17 · Off Road Racing Handbook-Videos . . . . . . 26 PCI Race Ra~ios . . . . . . . . 43 Score San Felipe 250 . . . . . 35 Marvin Shaw Performance Producis ...... ~ ..... 37 Toyota Motorsports Back Cover Trackside Photo Enterprises ......... ~ , 45 Tri-Mil Industries ... : . . . . 11 Valley Perfo.rmance -Hewland ............ . Wright Place .......... . Yokohama Tire Corp. . .... . Page 55 \ r' -l l l !