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1987 Volume 4 Number 11 Dusty Times Magazine

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/ . ' ! Covering the world of competition in the dirt •• I ~ I

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GDODYEAR WRANGLERRIDUILS 1.1t,VE THE COMPETITION IDGII AND . DRY IN THE ·cOLORADO ROCKIES. David Ashley and his Jeep Comanche dust-off the Class 7-S competition. Tires: Goodyear Wrangler radials. Over 100 years ago, Craig, ,, Colorado was the romping ground for Butch Cassidy and his "Hole-in-the-Wall" gang. -In mid-September, Craig was the romping ground for a different breed of trailblazers: off-road racers. · Located some 210 miles north-west of.Denver, and over 1100 feet higher, Craig was the site of the · , inaugural HDRA/SCORE Colorado 300 off-road race. . No pre-running was allowed at this event. So when the drivers and their vehicles lined up to take-on the wilds of the Rockies, the course was a mystery. · After racing began, the course remained a mystery. Because the thin, ,flry Colorado air was so thickened by dust and silt, some drivers had to "feel their way through:' ~ -In Class 8, Walker Evans gripped the course and took his big Dodge Ram to victory on Goodyear Wrangler radials. As did Class 7-S winner David Ashley. His Jeep Comanche also ran on Goodyear Wrangler radials. The same tires you can buy for yourtruck. - · They're the tires engineered to take on'the toughest terrain .. The toughest conditions: -So no matter what kind of truck you qwn, get the tir~s that will take you through thick and thin. Goodyear Wrangler radials. They're the tires we race. And the tires that win. Take me home. The quick way. , _ . . i At::_ ?·.,,r i ,,..: ,,_t :-l ,. ,_,;, '.·•::• .. ; ' '_,._ \

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Volume 4 Number 11 Novemt?er _ 1987 I I,, In This Issue •••. ,1 ' , -F.EATURES Page \. l -·. ._ - -HORA Colorado 300 .... : ........ ...... . . . · . .............. 1Q _-'Texas Baja Cross . ... , ; . ... , -... . ..... _ .......... .... : ....... 20 Stadium Racing in Las Vegas ... . ·. : . . ; ........... : .... : . . : . 22 I - . ]fep Cup Rally ...... , ...... _. . . , . . , .. , .................... 27 SCCA Sunriser Pro Rally ...... : ......•.•.... . ........... -. 30 Gliffs of Gorman Rally . . . ......... : . . . : ....... : ... -.. : ..... 33 1/he 18th An~ual SNORE 250 ........................ : ... 34 Editor-Publisher ,V.ORRA Y enngton 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 FORDA at the Crowder Pits ...... ......... : ........ . : ....• 40, , Jean Calvin Associate Publisher Brad Goodrow Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Controller John Calvin I IHE OfflCIAL VOICE Of Silver Dust 250 .......... : . : .......... . -: . ·. , .... : ........ 4 2 · B-1 '"'87 · ·s · · · -43 ,aJa m _pain·,:·············•-•'·••'••·············· ···· •· ijong Kong to Peking Rally . · .. -.... : ., . ............ -... : , ... . 44 lfhe Chicago Classic .. · ............ ~ .-......... .. ... . .... ; . 46 -,. DEPARTMENTS -I .. . ~na:pshot of the Month .... .............•. .... ·. : . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Circulation t·_ ·11----Sub~riprion ..:, • ., d ra Soap Box by Geor-ge Thompson. . , .. .' ...... - . . . ; ...... : .... : 4 · Jerry Lawless · ' Traffic · . . Frank McCombs Coritributors. Darla Crown Leonard Day , , Daryl D. Drake Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubank$ Tom Grimshaw $12.00-pe~ year, 12 i~sues; 'USA. Foreign subscridtion rates on request-Co~tributions: . ' . ., ' \"., ' . DUSTY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contributions but is not responsible for_su,,ch material. Unsolicited matfrial will be returned only by request and with a self-addressed, .. stamped envelope. · ·' 1 J:~~~;~s~:::::::::::::::: :·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; ~ide Tracks by Judy S~ith ..... _ .................. , ...... .... 8_ ,,The Lo~ers by Judy Smith ................................ 32 The Yokoh~ma 6-50 Club .....• _ ... : ... : ...... , .... : ..... '. 37 <Christmas Goodies Galore .............. , . . . . • . . . . . . • • . . . . 4 7 6ood Stuff Diredci~y ....•.............. -................. · 48 Pit Team Register & Reports ... : .... : .-•....... , ....... : .. : : 52 <Caliornia Rally Series by Bill Moore ......... . ..... ; . : ...... 53 . Martin Holmes -RodKoch -Cam McRae , Classified Ads will b~ published as received, prepaid. DUSTY TIMES assumes no liability for omission~ or. errors_. All ads may be subject to c;diting. · ·· · 11 · SCCA So-Pac Divisional Report , . - -.. . . . I by Lynnette Allison, , .... '; .......... : ..... : '. . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 . :~ules Dialogue .....•........... : ...... -..... ; .. , ....•.. .--. 53 ' Brenda Parker David Ryskamp . Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simmons · Judy Smith· John Sprovkin - Darlene Thackston 3-D Photograp~y T rackside Photo Enterprises· -Art Director • Larry E. Worsham Typesetting & Production Michelle's l:ypesetting Services SNAPSHOT DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN 8750-173t, is published monthly by Hillside Racing Corp.,, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-560(). Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Corp. No .part of this • publication may be reproduced without written pertriis-sion from the publisher. Second Class Postage paid at Agoura, CA-91301. _ ;. .I , ,POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Dusty Times, 5331 Derry Ave,, Sui~e 0, Ago!-lra, CA 91301 . ' I · · · CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weeks notice is required for change of address. Please. furnish both old and new address, and send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. . ' 1 I . r, l I Of ;THE MONTH.-.. l ===..,,...,..;-====~=-=-..,.. I I I I -I I . I , -I , -. -I -I <Elassified Ads . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Tech Tips by Bill Savage_ . : . ; . , .-........• , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Score/HDRA Points Standings ....... ; ; .............. : . . , . 55 Index to Advertisers .......... · ....... ..... ; ....... ·. . . . . . . 55 . ! . . ! . ' . ~ ,([)N THE COVER ~Two of the best of the dust eaters that raced in the . IjIDRAColorado 300 were Russ Welch, top, artd Bob Richey. Russ -Welch drove his O.R.E. all four laps alone to score his first Class 10 _ f ictory this· year. Russ won the competitive ~lass_ by over five.minutes and he placed eleventh overall as well. Bob Richey led most of the way in Class 2, and he also drove the entire distance. But, his margin in victory was a narrow 44 seconds, and he came home sixth overall in his · ~-aceco. Congratulations to · aU . the winners in Golorado. Color '.Pihotography·by Trackside Phot~ Enterprises. _ .. ~ · . . • ~ _., DUSTY:TIMES . TH-E FASTEST0GROWING --OFF ROAD MONTHI.Y -_IN THE COUNTRY!! □ 1 year -$1 i.00 · -□ i years-· $i0.00 ~ · . ~I D 3 years ...C: $30.00 . · ! Take aW19ntagc of your subSQiptlon bol'lus •.• "Out! Out!_Let me out of here!" mightbe a good caption forthis picture from the -. HORA Colorado 300 at Craig last September. But, who would want to \:,ail out of a winning truck? The. ii~hide is· Dav_e Ashley's Class 7S winnin~ Jeep Comanche,· arid co~driver Wally Kaiser is no doubt making a hasty exit to assist in the pit. stop chores. At least he knows where there is an ample supply of tie wraps. Photo };,y Trackside , Photo Enterprises: · · . . ' . DUS,TY TIMES wlll-feat~,re pictur~s of similar ''fun~ies'.'.-or woes on this page ea<;h month. Send us your snapshot of something comic or some disaster for <;onsideration~ DUSTY TIMES will pay $10 for the picture used. U you wish the photo returned, enclose a stamped, self-addressed envelope. Only black & white prints, 5x7 or Bx l O will be considered. · _ - . I-Free onr1 tia:ne classified ad· up to 45 words. _. : , , · (Form on i_nside back page)· I Name ___ -;.... __ _.__~---,-----"--------I I I ·. Address --'--;..1--------------,--,--------1 • I _ l --Ptv -----,-!--------=----'--,------'---;__ __ ;__ __ I , .I... State ___ .;__~(-.. __ ;__ ____ _._ _ _ Zip----'-______ _ I· ·r s.nd~~-;~•o, -.. I • 5331 Derry Ave.; Suite O;_Agour,a, CA-91301 _ -,_ '· <-. _ -( Canadian - f ;e~t $15 .00 U .s: • Overseas subscrip,tion rates quoted on request) -l-- - , -' I I I .I I l I I I , I •• I -1 I l -_-1 T I I I I I I I I I, I I I I-I· I I I-I · Dusty j_ -_,_ 3 •'•. I

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I · I I i j l Soap.·.aox •••. · was to take place a"~ the first ~o .. I · 1 N t s· -Saturdays -of October to make •a 1 . O 8 .-.. .-attendance· possible for ·all · ■'1 ·• _ • concer.nea. After these meetings ____ 1;.· , ___ """'" _______ ...., _____ ....,...., ________ _ By George R. Thompson Managing-Directpr Independent· Desert Racers Association Mike Church, the Class 10 ANAL BALLOTS for th~ HDRA/ SCORE Off-Roa:dsm~n Award~ have _ priver Rep., and I we_re t~re-JX>_II · been mailed to all CURRENT members of these organi;atioris, If you have · ·•. the class to determine 1f their- . riot received your ballot/ perhaps your rp.embership. has· expired!. Oive · UNANIMOUSLY NEGATIVE HDRA 702-361,5404, or-SCORE, 818-:889-92'16, a callifyou need to . ·attitude. on this. matter :had ~eriew: Membership fee is $50 per year for e;ich organization. ·. ' · .~, . • changed. . . . . OFF ROAD-ENGINEERING 'to the'.publk'on the first ot . (The tuu · following notes u,ere', sent to. Bill Savage, Technical Director of the Score/HDRA Desert Series early in October. Jhe subject matter is of interest to all associations who use. the Score/HORA rule book as a guide. ed,) . Well, Bill, here it is the second Novembe,r. The;well known offroad,.prep shop and chassi~. building firm in' · our~ right to EFFECTIVE input, · week in October . . Mike arid I Chatsworth, CA is p.ot .closing fot lack of business or reasons. we will continue to lose stand r·eady ~o carty 'out our'part Rather it is because of a new business that PresidentGregLew\nhas become competitors and ··• sponsors_ to of th_e 'agree~e,nt _but, as usual; heavily involved with,.the l:oyotaRacing Oevelopment.ofCalifornia firm; other forms;of motorsport where . ~othmg has, been done. on· your . The. new company, headed. by I.JcSyd and Chet Huffman; will be a major that input has i:neaning! . . . _ · end! -Why is that, Bill]? Ir is• ·. distributorof all manner of parts, both performance and cosmetic, toToyota The· IDRA. stands . firmly extremely difficult to poll the ·s6 . dealers and other shops. Lewin will COI).tinue to oversee the-race readiness of behind the vast majority of Class members of Class 10 . oil the the Huffman machines as well as _the Toyota truckofCam Thiedot. Racers all 8 competitors-in strongly urging results of this meeting, when no over the San Fernando Valley will rriil?S Off Road Engineering, )::,ut ~e aU wish · Score/HORA to terminate the meeting has· taken place. Once Greg·we!Lin his new venture. . . We; at IDRA, as well as our , use of aluminum engine blocks .. again. our input has been THE SNORE RACES around Las Vegas, NV: this season_hav.e, a Class 8-membership, are all very. effective -January l ,.· 1.?88, . as IGNORED by your· office, uniquedrawingfor a crisp $.500 bill at their aw~i-ds cer~mony, Th~ Qualm concerned with your , latest originally agreed.·, , · - · _ perh~ps: on the theory that this State Oil bonus of$500 is awarded via this drawing to.qne lucky,dnver. The -posjti~n;re~arding the aluminum · . · *See rule. CR 22, . Class 8, · • problen,-i ~ w_jll just._.:go · away. ·. cars are required to wear'a Q.uaker_St;ite decal in the race, the names in the block 15.5ue. . . . 19tn~I988 rule book.:·... -.. Well,it_ isn't go __ ing· to w_orktbat_ cj.rawingareallthedtiversofrecordofthe1·starthingentryI,am~thedr_iverhmust EVERYONE in . Class 8 ~ , bepresentatthe~wardspresenta!Jo1H9c aim,t eprize. twasa~usmgt atat Und-erstood that the use of these . . . Id . 2" h ·way• Bill!!,~ · . ·. . · ·• •. : th~ lavish awards brunch, which _was virtu;illy free t~ competitors, for the ltwou · app~ar. tuat y~m . ave . It may be thatthis is going to , SNORE 250 last September at the Gold Coast Hotel~ Casinp that the.first engine b!()J::ks would NOT be ·forgotten the text of ourJuly be the new rule because YOU threenainesdrawnfound.not one driverpresent. Firsttomiss.the$500was allowed aftev January 1, 1988. 1987 discussion rega~qing the arid , Score/HORA have · man-Mike.Willi~ms, next it was Mark Temple, -and third it was Jack Ramsay: This understanding was arrived CLASS _10.· FOU~_ · V ALY~-.. ·dated it -i:~ be that· way. Thei:e is, ·. Fiiially, on the fourth t;ry, Shawn Lee;·who placed second in Class 5-1600in at after. a· vote in that class IS?UE: So, I ~ould like to take admittedly, little I _or IDRAcan therace cameforward"toacceptthe$SOO.Nodoubtheisver,yJ1appyhecame demo-nstra.ted that a vast this oppo.rtumty to. refresh yo':'r do about that: What 1. can do is to theb~uQi;h todaim his trophy, as he went ho~e $5()0 richer . . - . -majority of· the members· were. memory. As you may recall, :m make . the :en.tire off road· _-THE CONTINENTAL RALLY organizers have a flyer cjrculatfng on an opposed to the use of these late July, Score/HORA met with .. community aware of the way this · event scheduled for July 30; 1988. This is··billeg .a~ ,a 20;000 mile route blocks. Now you tell u~ that the IDRA, repre&ented by Rod Hall, matter has been handled and the through 48 states and seven Canadian Provineis. TheOflyer promises a million use of these motors will be Mark McMillin, Mark Milleron. · apparent lack of regard ;ou have , dollar pr.ize fund too: We know n9tqing more aboutthe event, J:~ut ifit sounds permitted until January 1, 1989, of C,O.R .E. . and myself. for the 86niembers of Class 10! interesting to you, ~rite·to, Co~tinent~l Rally, 154~9 53rd A'le; Smith, due to your "commitment to the Al!hough we: t~mched · . Of1: . a . I appreciate the effort that Seattle, WA: 9.8) 88. . · · · --, . · , · ·. · . . . -two yea:r rule book", in spite of ... number of topics m that meetmg, ._. Score/HD RA put forth-in PARTY TIME! The year .~nd 6;nquet produced for the HDR:A/ SCORE -the fact that their · use is the ClassJ_O, four valve ~sue was ·order to-pot on-thdr ~eries of De.sertSei-ieswillbeheldonDecemberOSthisyear,amonthearlierthanusual. specifically prohibited in that . -t~~-s~bJect _ .. of . considerable events, and the IDRA is ready _ Also tli~ party has moved from Anaheim to the Gold <;::oastHote~ & very ·same bookL* . ' d1scoss1on, and I thoui:;,ht that we. and :willing to assist them i~ any inLasVegas;Nevada. A reservation form is 17 in this issue. Seatingis Where your· true commit-had ~eached ·_ ~ _cert~m under~ way. we.can. But, when our input· limited, so don't delay in getting your reservations in to HDRA, wh_o,are ments actually are seem to be the standing on this matter. . · . ·is· totally ignored; and, for no· organizing the entire affair thi~ year. . . · ,. su,bject of considerable specula- . _To r_ecap t_he . e\'ents pf that a~parent reason, it make~ us ask · · · · · · ·. · · · · tion la_ tely, but they are_ clearly d n S r /HORA agreed Id WHY · THE 1987 TOYS FOR TOTS OFF ROAD POKER RUN happens on • ·· ISCUSSIO : _co._e .. , · · - t question.;. _ ?. ··.Novembet14and15nearBarstow,CA.This_is_thesec_ond_annu_a_ltwoday not wi_th the·so called two year that commumcat1on between h · · . · . - . • I. put t at que_stion to you now• meet tnat has something for everyone. On Saturday there is a 32: mile course rule book, or this matter would them ( you} and the membe~s of Why has nothing been done? we. on familiar ground to area offroader~. starting and finishing behind.the.Slash have been resolved when the vote ·· Class 10 had: not been effecuvely have· discussed this ·matter five X Cafe, for the Poker Run. The. b.est five hands plus Lo-Ball hand receive was tabulated. · · • · ?1rried out, · and __ you were· separate times, and y~u have · prizes. The entry fee is $·10.00 and ii: is open to aHtwo,thi;ee or four.wee! off Sooner or later Score/HORA •nst_ructed l;,y Sal Fish; at that assured me that these I details road vehicles: At the same time there ill a Kidero; kids enduro; run open to will have to . realize that we all : . time, to ga.ther t~e necessary data . were proceeding on_ schepule, . . klds-12.or under. a twomi_le course,'l:iest matchedtimes for _two laps want the sport· to grow .. and · and hold a meeting, at your shop1 Where I-come· -from ; a . man wins, no clocks or watches allow~q. There are trophies (or first and secqnd mature in t'o the national . with in~ei:estedm1e1 mb~_~s ofC1!1ass ; does what h~ sayshewill do·. It's a place in age group, a$5:00 entry fee; and it is open to motorcycles arid Prominence that it deserves. But, 10 t d uss the advantages of 1..c r I ATVs -only. Add in a riffle with lots of prizes that will be held during the · . · O, I~ · . · · . · 1 very uasic criteria ,or su,rviva' awardsforthePokerRunandKidero,andthereiia.fulldayofad:ivityfora , until the promoters recognize using th1s·motor. This meeting-. but has servedm:ewell. Toi~ore minimal cost; and a worthy cause.All proceeqs go·to Toys forTots.-· ' _· -----------------------------""'-. someone is an insu'lt: to ignore86 The Sunday events include another Poker Run on the same.course but in 'people is, quite simply, foolish. the opposite direction, ·ai:i-d another Kidero. There is .lots· of ~pace for . ' ·westCOOst Distributor fOff HEWLAND .. OFF··ROADGEARS-· AL·L GEARS AVAILABLE SEPARATE-LY NEW RATIOS AVAILABLE. Valley Performaoce 3700 Mead Ave: Las Vegas, NV 89102 702/873-1962 .· . Page 4 OUR PRICE $695.00 . -.Per Set -2 Ratio's . Available _ McKenzie Automotive -12945 Sherman Way #4. North f:lollywood, CA 9·1 f;05 · 818/764-6438 Think· about it, Bill. I anxiously overnight camping. Green Stickers and approved sparkarrestors are required await some sort of answer. . . . on all non street licensed vehicles. All activity, i11cluding sign up will be held DUSTY TIMES wiU print any behind the Slash X Cafe,.12miles south of Barstow on Highway 247, For informaticir1·on this serious series of more information call Tom of Bev Moessner at 619-252-2169 or call the rule problems from the official -side Slash X Cafe at:. 619-2.52,-J 197. . . . . of the fence, from Score/HDRA THE VALVOLINE0AOI>ITEAM won a~ civerwh~lming victory at the· , and/ or Bill Savage, as soon as it is Mid Ohio 24 hour Escor.t Endurance Championship, last$ eptember. It w.asa~ available. In.4 racderies_where the . qnique combo of drivers, Jeff Andretti; John Butfo.m,Jon )V09dner, Gene entry fees provide the entire race _Felton and Michael Hoppeli. They won by leading all.the way and had an purse; it does seem t~t the rnle : eleven lap advantage over second place at the_ finish. It seems a good idea to makers should be obligated to.listen put rally drivers, road racers, and series regull!rs on an endura_nce team, and it to· the opinions and wishes of the obviously worked in Ohio, as the 500 CS Turbo Qua_ttro took its seco'nd ~iority of the comp~t_"ttors~ . . vict~ryi11 a row in _the seri¢s: · · ·· · · · THE THIRD ANNOAJ.., BAJA -1000 ENDORANCI;:-SAFARI Vol~nteers are invited to climb on their "Soap Box" arid fill this spq.ce: with. their thoughts about what is -good and what is. not so good aqout the state of off road racing. . . . Call or write DUSTY TIMES . with your ideas for a Soap · Box . column, and get oh the schedule. HELP STOP THE CRANSTON/WILDERNESS illl -· JOIN: · RALLY is coming' soon. _As. always it runs in conjunction with the annual Score Baja 1000 ·race, which is November 6-8 this year.The Safari route provides a wide variety oherrain in Baja ,California; while keeping speeds down due ·to the format patterned after a time0sp~ed-distance rally. All· aspects of the·Safa,i:i are safe, .yet challenging, with control points, food ~nd, . fuel readily accessible, and a-sweep teamto insurethat_fl:obody is left behind. The con.trol poin~ will bf linked through an amateur ra4io network for hoth progress reports and to direct.medical teams, should therl:! oe ~n em1crg1:ncy. The Safari teams ·will start on Friday' !ll6fning, November q, after the -professhnal:tacers have departed; ~ci,ver parts· ofth.1:. race cou~se; a_nd be _back iri Ensenada before the first of the:race v~hicles'returris, The Safari entry fee is $200, plus membership',jnsutance and land use fees. GetaJl theAetai~ on this ' fun run fromScordnterhational. Call 8.18-889-9216. ·_ ·· , · "· · -THE CALIFORNIA DESERT COALl'I'IO~ ~as t!staplishedj n resp~rise 0'to Senator Alan Cranston's"California Desert'Protection.Act,"·SB 7.The .· CDC serves as a clearing house to· over ·.100 orga:riizatiqns and entities . . opposing the J:,ill. The Coalition has aq ,~ffice-in Riverside anc,l can_ supply handciµt materials, maps arid speakers for various functio~s'. Through the generosity. of w alt T rygstad, three 'inch, ;round stickers 'art} avaHablt:!' for promotional purposes. The -stickers' feature·'.' S. 7" in .black· i_nk wttl:i a, red circle and slash. Say no to--S,7 _in°a'visible and distinct way_by putting this . sticker on your car,; truck and racer. The stickers· can be ·obtafned· frotn the . ' CDC office, an_d a orie dollar.:donat_ion per sticker i!i':recoriuri.ended. These . stickerstshm1ld pe in every race rp-try packet i~ ~he soudiwe§t. S,et tours and . : -,., . ., · ·.an. information'. from the org;imzatton· br wntmg to the Gahfot:ma Desert 161J;l~10JH st SACRAIIENTil..·CA 95811 : : ·G,SJ~littpn1f.:9 - B~~}_~6'f, Riverside; ~A'925lq; ~r call ~hern:_;3.f,7~4j .~4-: , __ ·_;,:: ;j .. ~F-0.1 _8~_00,_ -~2.,7_~54, · 3--6_;.""', ,· ~-· 64:GJ9, t'o:see what ypu ·can do t9 help fight S.7. .1i· , 1.1 . .._.,.;;_,._5. _ - ·. . -.. , '" ~ • .._, ., . --, ·c. , (more · "a ""-·~ _-onpage 55

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- - I -. - - ; . . . - . . -·, I .. - . .J . . . , . . . . , . -_ -- -.·THESNClRE···•·i· .. ·.··.B[J\CK\ .. JAG·K~·.•20.0· ... ~ . • . , . . , . . . . . - . I . -! , - . . -· .. · · ·. DECEMBEJR 51 1987 . .· .. ·· ··. ' ' I , ' ' If ·vou Are Coming to the ·Score/HORA AJ ards Banquet -Bring Your Race Car - · · .. FINAL RACEIN J"HEl987; 5-No~E/Yo14.0HA,MAPoints Series .. ·. ·. Far !ierious·.,._,o~ - _ · -· ©1984 Yokohama Tire Corpora.tio~ . -1988 SNORE RACE SCHEDULE 1. . · The Bottom Dollar -February 13 · The Twilight Race -·June 11 The-Midnight Special. --July 30-31 _ · The SNORE 250 -·September 23-25 The .Yoko-Loco-:October 29 · • The Black Jack 200 -December 3 • ., I ' Entry Fe_e -. $200 plul $65 for lns,urance . _ ONE DA y--EVENT · . , ~ ~ . ·. t Regi~trati~n & !~ch -7:00ia.m. Dr1ver:s Meet1n9 -9:00 a.m. · - 1· ' Race Start - 10:00 a.m. · Awards --s ·unday Morning at Sneakers in Las .Vegas ._ Start/Finish - Spe~-drome - n~ar NelHsf-Air Forc_e-Base • .• • . I • ' Race. Distance ;. 200 miles· . . . . · Quaker State caJh Bontlts - $500 · · · _ Every_ Driver that starts the Black Jack 200 is· eligi~le for the Quaker State Bonus Money Drawing.:--. ;uostbepRTese~.tAa_t ·t.ChedrE~wingQ._t;h-~l wla_,:;:H_.· .·.· ·.s·· ·N. ' ;o· •.• _•R·.· E· . .•... IT.PA'YS __ i . 1 r1 vv; i j , . - . . . . -. I . . . - . . . . _ SNORE Ltd., P.O~ Box 439fl-, Las,Veg·as, NV 89106 · SNORE ~lot' '[~i1ie -~ 702-452-4522 - . . I . . . .• . - . . . . ' . ·I -

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i. 1987' HAPPENINGS ••• A.D.R.A. Arizona Desert Racing Association . P.O. Box 34810 Phoenix, AZ 85067 (602) 252-1900 ·December 5 . Sonoita to Rocky Point Sonora, Mexico BAJA PROMOTIONS, LTD.S.A. Lou Peralta P.O. Box 241 -Van Nuys, CA 91303 (818) 34-0-5750 February 19_-21, 1988 Gran Carrera l.riternacional San Felipe, RC. Mexico July 29-31; 1988 Gran Carrera ·de Tecate T ecate, B:C. Mexico · Ocfober 14-16, 1988 Gran Carrera de Campeones San Felipe, B.C. Mexico '1988 BRUSH RUN POINTS SERIES P.O. Box 101 . Crandon, WI 54520 . (715) 478-2lf5 I (7.l5) 478-2688 June 25-26, 1988 Spring Run. 101 Crandon\ WI September 2-4, 1988 . Brush Run 101 Crandon, WI _ . FRANK. VESSELS RACING-ORDER·FORM Available items are as follows: • Vessels Racing T-Shirts ($10.00/ea.) (1()0% cotton, pre-shrunk) ·• Vessels Racing Hats . ($10.00/ea.) (Black _corduroy with gold_ embroidery) CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES Lynnett{' Allison . 2001 .Oakland Hills Drive Corona, CA 91 720 . (714) 736-1442 November 20-22 East of Indio VII _Indio, CA C::HAMPLAIN VAI:..LEY RACING ASSOCIATION . C.J. Richards P.O. Box 332 Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-8616 All races are held at Albany-Saratoga Speedway, , Route 9, Malta, New York. Classesare_l-1600, 10,4 WO Class 3 and Class 4 plus A TVs. 4 FUN 4 WHEELERS. 915 ·so. Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, MI 48103 (313) 459-8388 (313) 755-3176 FORDA Florida· Off Roaders Drivers' Association Rt. 5, Box.944 , Brooksville, FL 34610 (813) 996-6306 ( days November i Lakeland, FL January 10, 1988 Lakeland; FL February 7, 1988 Lakeland, FL March 26, i 988 Florida 400 · Tallahassee, FL FUDPUCKER RACING TEAM .· 250 Kennedy, #6 · Chula Vista, CA 92011 (619) 427-5759 December 31, 1987 150 Mile Dunaway Dash El-Centro, CA·-GORRA Georgia bff Road Racing Association . • Vessels '"Racing Pins ($4.00/ea.) · Box 11093 Station -A ' Atlanta, GA 30310 (404) 927-6432 Name----~---~---Address ------~----City, State -------~ip __ Phon~ ( · Please specify quanity per size:· Totals ~ T-Shirts -,'· __ Child's large (10-12) __ Small __ Medium __ Large __ X-Large · __ Hats· _· __ Pins 6% Sales Tax ___ _ $1.50 postage & handling ___ _ . Total Due ___ _ Please make check or rnoriey or<~er payable to: Frank Vessels Racing P.O. Box 415 · Bonsall, CA 92003 November-28 250 miles Cordele, GA . DeceJI}ber 5-Annual Banquet GREAT LAKES FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ASSOCIATION Bob Moon 915 So. Zeeb-Road Ann Arbor·,.MI 48103 ' (313) 665-0358/ (313) 996-9193 GREAT WESTERN POINTS SERIES, INC. Ron Knowlton • Allowi6 weeks for delivery , ,! l-.' , :-) .; · 831 So. Jason Denver, CO 80223 -(303) 722-5537 .· . · . __: ,! 1'> .)."" / ~ 1 ,L • ';. .: i .• : .I;--:l t' I • • '. ·; ( -·' ·, • ~ · , I _,-, ... , '., • Page 6 I l HDRA High Desert Racing Association 12997 Las Vegas Blvd., South · ·Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 : December 5, -1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet · · La~ Vegas, NV Mah:h 4-6, 1988 ·. Gold Coast 250 Las Vegas, NV April 29~~ay 1, 1988 Mint 400 Las Vegas, NV July 1-3, 1988 Fireworks 2.50 Barstow, CA September 9-11, 1988 · Desert Event . {location TBA) December 3, 1988 OffRoadsman Awards Banquet__ (location TBA) HIGH PLAINS OFF · ROAD RACING.· -ASSOCIATION Tom Freeman 3503 Hall St. Rapid. City, SD 57702 (605) 342-0331 GLEN HELEN OHV PARK P.O. Box 2937 San Bernardino, CA (714) 381-4454 or (714) 880-1733 ICE CHAMPIONSHIP ENDURANCE SERIES P.O. Box 14824 Minneapolis, MN 55414 (612)'639-0801 (612)890-8693 Dece~6er 19-20 Eagle River, WI -January 2-3, 1988 Driving School • January 9-10, 1988 Detroit Lakes, MN . January 16-17, 1988' · Duluth, MN January 23-24, 1988 · LaCrosse, WI J;1~uary 30-31, 1988 Mankato, MN February 6-7, 1988 St. Paul, MN February 13-14,' 1988 ,Eau Claire, WI February 27-28, 1988 Bemidji, MN March 26, 1988 -I.C.E. Awards Banquet IOK FOUR WHEELERS P.O. Box 36 . Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged at '· the duq ·grounds in . Cleves, Ohio) - · MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION John Elliott - (517) 835-9923 Bob Ramlow0- (616) 345-6407 MIDWEST OFF ROAP . CHALLENGE SERIES . Tommy Bowling . · , Rt:·6;.~qx·~33c ,·· ;. · ,.-_ -' '•Mii::11::i'·d:TX 79.?0'l,, :,: (915) 332-•l ~ i/ (9''1'5} 5~329 i54 November 1987 November 7 El Paso, TX-M.O;R.E: 3513 North West Loop 820 . 'Fort Worth, TX 76106 (817) _625-8843 MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX Mickey Thompson Entertai_nment Group 53 W oodlyn Lane Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5117 · Januart,.23, 1988 Anaheiffi. Stadium Anaheim, CA NORTH AMERICAN · . RALLY CU,P -October 28-N ovember 1 ·. Pre_ss on Regardless Houghton, MI Dick Cole (313) ~5-2853 November. 21-22 · Rally of the Tall Pines Petersborough, Ontario , Ross Wood -(416) 876-1492 OFF ROAD RACING - ASSOCIATION . -. 'OF TEXAS . 14il Lee Trevino, D-1, El Paso, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 November 7 Red Sands 150 El Paso, TX. OLYMPUS INT.ERNATIONAL RALLY John Nagel P.O. Box 4254 Tumwater, ·W A-98501 ' (206) 754-9717 ONT ARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD RACERS - Barry Wannamaker . P.O. Box688 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL lCO, Canada ' · ONTARIO OFF'ROAD Barbara Lapointe 4 Bridge S~. E. Kitchener, Ontario N2K 1J2 . Canada· .(519) 743:.8841 (All events at Bingeman Park in Kitchener.) October 31-No~~~ber 1 Off Road Endurance Series Finale O.O.R.R.A. Oklahoma Off Road Racing Associatio·n Larry. Terry · 9220 N.E. 23rd Oklahoma City, OK 73141 . , ( 405) 769-5491 ... (All races located at Freedom, OK) Vic Brurnham · Freedom Chapter President . '(405.) 62L~3f28 ORSA Randy_ Miller 407 G Str~t, ·suite F . Davis, CA 95616 (916) 756-9938 (916) ·756-6399 · Short Course & Sa~d Drags, all events at Sacramento Raceway, Sacramento, CA r OUTLAW -MINI STOCK RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 204 Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274 . (213) 375-4570 (213) 534-2747 November 28-29 . Pearson Speedway Pearsc;mviHe, CA , , POST , Pennsylvania· Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon · RD #3, Box9 Towanda, PA le848 (717) 265:.3076 All events in Monroeton; PA at die· intersection of Routes 414 & 220, PRO NORTHWEST SERIES . P.O: Box 323-Seahurst, Washington. 98062 (206) 242-1773 SCCA PRO RALLY SERIES Sports Car Club of America · P.O. Box 3278 Englewood, cb 80155,. · (303) 694-7223 October 29-31, 1987 · Press On Regardless Houghton, MI November 13-15, 1987 Wild West Rally Tacom~, Sil A SCCA DIVISIONAL PRO RALLY ·SERIES . - SCORE . Score International 31356 Via Colina~, Suite lU Westlake-Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 November 6-8, 1987 Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banquet .Las Vegas, NV · December 12 San Felipe 250 . San Felipe, B.C., Mexico ( a non-:..points race) . January 29-31, 1988 Parker 400 · Parker, AZ April 1-3, 1988 Great· Mojave 250 Lu,i::erne Valley, CA Ju_ne 3-5, 1988 . Baja lnternaciona_l Ensenada, BC, · Mexico · Au~st 19-21, 1988 . . Off Road World Ch!l,mpionship November 4-'6 Baja 1000 · Ensenada, BC, Mexico · December 3, 1'988 Off Roadsman Awards"B(lnquet (location TBA) December 9-11, 1988 San Felipe 250 .San felipr, .BG, Mexico , ( non-:'.poi~ts race) . Dusty nmes . I.

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Pony Express ••• : .we really enjoyed our trip to beautiful Colorado. For once we had a trouble free trip both ways. We'd like to thank. the friendly -people of Craig for their warm hospitality and their support. After the pre-run, we thought the race would be an easy "road rally" contest. By the end of the race we definitely knew Walt Lott had been at it again,,.some-how we had a new course every lap. We thought the course markings were great, especially ' the new mile markers. They were very helpful. There was so much silt and dust in this race that we had to come to a complete stop several times because there was zero visibility. The water truck at the start/finish was truly appreciated. On t~e third lap I did something -I've. never done before ... I put theJeepon its side. . On the fourth lap, darn ifl didn't do it again, This time in slow motion. My co-rider, Marty Pollard, thought it was an "E ticket ride", but he didn't think it was fun! We'd like to thank Rich Minga for gas at Checkpoint 1, and Jack Johnson's crew for yet more gas at·_Checkpoint 2. Thanks also to Frank Vessel's crew for the power steering fluid. Our pit crew, headed by my brother, Louie, did one heck of a job clearing away brush for our pit. Our entire team says thanks to my wife Gayle, her mother, Bernice and Aunt Margie for SCORE CANADA 390 Chemin Du Lac Lery, Quebec, J6N 1A3, Canada (514) 692-6171 May 21-22, 1988 Montreal Olympic Stadium Montreal, PQ, Canada SILVERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS Roger Wells 225 W. Foster Ave. Henderson, NV 89015 (702) 564-2677 (All events but the finale held at Las Vegas International Raceway.) SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 7380 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 October 31 Silver Dust 250 Las Vegas, NV _ SNORE Southern Nevada Off Road Enthusiasts P.O. Box 4394 Las Vegas, NV 89106 (702) 452-4522 October 31 Yoko Loco Las Vegas, NV December 5 Black Jack 200 Las Vegas, NV February 13, 1988 Bottom. Dollar Las Vegas, NV June 11, 1988 · ' ' Twilight Race Las Vegas, NV Dusty nma providing all that _great food . ouring the trip. Having good sponsors sure helps make racing easier, and I'd like to encourage all you readers to try the products of mine, they are some of the best. They are: Conejo Off Road and RV, General Tire, Kreider Welding, Coast Machine ( driveline ), 4 Wheel Parts Wholesaler, Smittybilt, Explorer Lights, Control Masters, Sports Racing Gas and Mr. Sticker. Hey, Mears! Could you tell your crew to schedule the ,prepping of your truck to a little earlier in the day? All that welding and grinding at midnight before every race keeps the old Sandman away! The race at Craig was a real good one without many problems, but I do have one complaint concerning the videos. · If there are going to be videos made of the course, they should be made available to everyone, not just a select few. One last thing. As much as we enjoyed the beautiful scenery in Colorado and the friendliness of the people of Craig, it was such a long trip we wouldn't want to see it an annual event. See you at the Baja 1000. Mike Schwellinger Conejo Off Road Racing Team I am concerned about the equality of different cars or engmes in Stadium Class 10 racing. Being a drag racer for July 30-31, 1988 Midnight Special Las Vegas, NV September 23-25, 1988 SNORE 250 · · Las Vegas, NV · October 29, 1988 ·Yoko Loco · Las Vegas, NV December 3, I 988 Black Jack 200 Las Vegas, NV S.O.R.R.P. Speedway Off Road Racing Productions Bernie Weber P.O. Box 402 Temple, Texas 76503 (817) 773-3548 SHORT TRACK - OFF ROAD ENTERPRISES FORMULA DESERT , DOG SERIES S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: Gil Parker 7406 So. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 SUPERCROSS, INC. Gateway Plaza '180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 270 Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-1606 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Prevost 1006 Cardinal Lane Green Bay, WI 54303 (414) 434-9044 t~eral years,'I _ runn'ing· in ~"'!RA's Junior I,uel, Pro Comp and now TA/DAI' classes, r· -am familiar with the systems which are used to eql!lalize different engines in the cla~s-This is done -by weight per cub:ic inch for each specific engine type. That's a total of car and driver, so as not to handicap us fat guys. They are also adjusted as nbcessary, as one type engine bbcomes more competitive. 1· --. Now ... my big complaint ... when the water !cooled Rabbit was placed in Class 10 no one said anything rbout having equality between the horse-- powers of the I {vater cooled . engine and the airj cooled engine. My current en1gine sponsor makes his living t1otally from air cooled type engiis. This places me in a position of losing my • . .1 • mam sponsor in my racmg progra':11.• 1so II might stay competltlve. · I feel something should be done to let the ait cooled engine be competitive ag~in. From what I've read and tHe people I've talked to, the Rabbit has about 130-140 H.P. !While it is proposed to limit the 4 valve water cooled tt> about that horsepower, I f~el something should be don~ Ito let the air cooled bring its. 9orsepower up to the · 130-140 lej~lel. My engine sponsor suggests dual carbur-etors with resfrictors, if necessary, or a larger motor size. I feel a lot of CI!ass 10 racers around the couritry are being forced into a cor?er by the way the rules are being handled now. At this time t~e addition of weight to the water rnoled cars to I TUCSON AUTO CROSS P.O. Box 5!5221 Tucson, AZ 85703 (602) 887f 752 November 1 I VORJ A Valley Off Road Rading Association 1833 Los Ro~les Blvd. Sacramento, 01A 95838 (916) 925 (702 November 1 1987 Champio~Jhip Race Prairie City OHV Park· Sacrament : , CA WHEEL TO WHEEL, IINC. P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 (613) 33271766 (613) 332f 128 I R'-X~~~~RfsfJ~I~~M'N 19125 -87~ Ave. Surrey, British ~olumbia, V3S 5X7, O:anada (604) 576,256 I 1 FIA WORLQ RALLY CHAMPIONSHIP November 22t26, 1987. . RAC Rally Englarid I I ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your coming e~ents in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your 19/37 schedule as soon as possible fbr listing in this column. Mail your racJ i>r rally schedule . to: DUSTY, _TIME$,. 5331,Derry Ave., , ~t,tite:Q, ~g<.nfrp, CAf 91IJ0,1., . , , · November 11987 .~low them down would not be £air because of the expense of ~aving to work the suspension ·Jystem after adding 150-175 i;,ounds to make the minitnu_m of around 1675 pounds with driver for the water cooled and 1500 - pounds for the air cooled. The addition of two carburetors or -the adjustment in engine size would be the most fair and the 11east expensive for everyone. j I would also like to hear from ©thers about how to equalize the ~orsepower in all three types of Class 10 engines, as long as we ,Jre concerned with equalizing the 4 valve water cooled to the 2 . t alve water cooled engines. Let's r ake all three types of engines equal. . , f Fair is fair! · Al Mallory I Joshua, Texas Your comments about the air cooled engine losing out to the water cooled in Class ro is certainly tbpical; not only in stadium racing qut in the desert as well,. now that the more costly 4 valve engines •will be legal in 1988. Adjusting the air cboled horsepower, by whatever ,+eans, would certainly save a lot of frustrated Class Io racers a lot of tjor prob~s. _ _ I My husband and I attended the ij.iverside: Off Road Races early Sunday morning, and ended up 1¢aving about noon, dµe to all the hassles. The first shock was that it cost us $30.00 just to get in the gate, which was more than half the price of a three day ticket. Then, in order to see any racing from inside the track, you have to buy pit passes, which were $10.00 per person. Now we have $50.00 invested in seeing some racing, and we are told by the Bob Gordon pit crew that we J ere not allowed to stand .in ftont of their pit area along the f~nce. We proceeded to argue ~ ith them over what their rights -Jere as racers and what our rights were as spectators, but it could not be resolved so we I -moved to a different area long the fbnce. We found a place where rtiy parents and friends were standing, however we started ghting pushed around by people who had roped off areas and o'thers who started pushing their chairs up to the fence so they had alspot to stand for the races. in front of the so called "big guys" pit, but they can stand where the small time racers pit area is located. I've been to the off road races at Riverside since it first started- in 1972, in fact my father raced the first race run there, and our family has been in attendance ever since. It's unfortunate that off road e~thusiasts support the Score association all year round, with the Riverside race and many desert races, because they love off road racing, and all _ they receive for their support and money is hassles. Deanna· Hammerli Los Angeles, CA To /Je fair to the racers, they pay dearly for pit space at the Score Riverside event, and while the majority of pit spectators are true enthusiasts like you, there are same who buy the pit pass just to see what goodies they can steal. Security in the pits is a groo!ing problem. Since the pit area at Riverside is highly · congested anyhow, we have never been in favor of selling pit passes to the ·general public, although it is done in many other types of racing without problems. It might be of . interest to you that' at Riverside there are a number of "big guys" pits where even those people with bona fide press credentials are denied access. After ou~ recent phone conversation I would like to request a year subscription at the annual rate, and my check is enclosed. I will be anxiously anticipating the arrival ·of my magazine! George M. Ibbotson Denver, Colorado Just a quick note. I've been a subscriber since 11-84, and you published my letter at that time. I just looked at that torn issue, and I keep them all. Every issue has been a treat, and also, every issue has been professional in every way. I now attend most Score/HORA races, and do wish · to -get involved in this series in some way. Enough for now from your subscriber for life, and thanks for my monthly fix. See you at _the races. · David W. Bowman Arcadia, CA Just a quick note to let you know I sure enjoy your unbiased reporting of the off road arena. Keep up the great work! Due to a few problems, I've been absent from the ranks lately, but hope to go again, 'starting with Fud'.s December 31 race at Plaster City. Vince Wavra Brawley, CA Thank you all for your kind words about DUSTY TIMES. We make every effort to be accurate, but of course, we sometimes goof too. DUSTY TIMES welcomes letters from all comers of off road activity. The Pony Express column. will feature all the mail we can fit into the space available. Please keep your words fairly brief. Because of space limitations, your pearls of prose may be edited, but DUSTY TIMES will print your gripes as well I Finally, we got fed up with the '"r'Y racers. were acting, and proceeded to seek a Score Official to find out the rules. S~eve Kassanyi, who was running tne race, informed my husband t~at the fence area in front of Bob Gordon's pit is his a.rea. However, we could stand attywhere we wanted along, the fJnce, as long as it was beyond t~e Checkers pit area. It just so . hrppened that the pit area beyond the Checkers is where all the so called "little guys" in r~cing were pitting· their cars. When asked what a pit pass was good for, Steve replied that it was only good for looking at the race cars in the pit area, not to watch the races. If a pit pass only permits you to look at race cars, then Score _ should -either post this rule at the pit gate, or have it Jrj itten on ~he pit pass itself. It's a sad day in racing when a Sfore Official tells another racer tqat they are not allowed to stand· . as your praises. Letters for publication shoul.d be at the DUSTY TIMES office by the 15th of the month in qrder to appear ill'the next issue; Page 7

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Side Tracks ... By Judy Smith \ THE ODYSSEY -TO CRAIG & BACK We weren't going to go to wobbles or vibrations. We Craig for the Inaugural Colorado settled in to enjoy ourselves, 300. It seemed too far and too amused by the attention we drew costly to go just to observe, because of the candy cane hc"ever historic the event. But decorated race car on the trailer. then we learned that there were a Since we'd all had an early start, couple of seats available on we opted to have lunch at Walter Prince's Candy Cane bus, Barstow, where we made our first problem, they• first blew out the which had mercifully not yet gas stop. We felt that Barstow lines, which didn't help, and then been painted to match the race was preferable to the next lunch decided to bypass the solenoid car. We would be enough bodies possibility, which would be between the two gas tanks. They to let us drive straight through if Baker. After all, who wants to ran a direct line from the rear we wanted, saving a night's stop in Baker in September if its tank, gave it a quick check, and lodging expense, and letting us not necessary? · there was gas, so we fired up leave a. day later in the week. So The van checked out OK so again. We had 760 miles to go, we signed on. far, and we took off again, the air and it was really hot now. As we It was an '83 Ford van that had conditioning on, and some of us were doing all this, a Japanese been modified to use as a nine trying to snooze in anticipation bicyclist pedaled up ( this wa.s the seat Dial-A-Ride bus in Big Bear. of needing to drive later in the Baker Grade, remember) and In fact, it still bore the "Dial-A- day. We passed Baker and asked us if we had some water to Ride" legend on its raised roof. It started up the grade, wondering spare to refill his water bottle. !lad two passenger seats on one how the van would like the long We did. And we all admired his side, single seats on the other, uphill. It didn't. Our speed gumption and stamina; but and a long seat across the back. started to drop off seriously, and wondered about his sanity. · There were big windows all it finally quit. At 1: 15 we were Just before we took off again, around, and a zippy full length parked at the side of the road, at 2:25, we noticed a small bus air door just behind the front , about seven miles beyond Baker. puddle of transmission fluid on passenger seat, complete with a Then we found that our air the desert ground, and made a couple of steps and a handrail. conditioning had been .working note that we'd have to have that The bus, which Walter bought just fine, because it was HOT out checked also when we reached at auction, had been sent to a there. As the mechanically Las Vegas. shop to be checked out, and had inclined amongst us (almost all) By 2:30 we were stopping had new belts and hoses· -poked their heads. under the again. This time the motor was installed, been pumped full of hood to find i:he trouble, I glumly running just fine, but the the various fluids, received new watched other racers on their transmission had spit out all its wheels and tires, and declared trouble free way to Craig. We fluid, leaving a trail a couple of ready to drive to Craig. The saw the Toyota race truck hustle • inches wide along the pavement. addition of the trailer hitch by, and the Vernon Car Wash . We took the race car off the van finished it off, and, striped race truck, and Bill Donahue, who now, and attached it to Bob car in tow, we took off from tooted and waved. Meanwhile, Renz's truck, figuring that downtown LA. at about 9:30 the crew moved the ice chests without the extra load we'd get to Wednesday morning. and various luggage, to unearth Las Vegas and have some There were six of us; Max the tool box, and tore into the transmission shop fix things up. Norris, the Captain·, and the fuel system; . the suspected Willie Valdez and crew stopped crew, consisting of Judy, John, culprit. Sure enough, there was to see if we needed help while all Mark, another John and Brad. rust in the fuel filter on the this went on. We told them we And all of our luggage, including carburetor. So they cleaned had it handled. sleeping bags, since we were all things out, and put it back We had two quarts of ATF going to be staying at the Golden together, and a half hour later we fluid with us, and, since we had Arms Apartments, rather than a took ·off again. no funnel, we created one out of motel, and had to bring our own It ran well for about five roadside trash (an • empty oil sleeping equipment. Even with minutes, and then it started to bottle and a McDonald's french all these seats, there was no room fade. With our hopes pinned on fry container) and dumped it in. to spare, and we had to climb Las Vegas, we nursed it forward We took off again at 3:05. -over the two ice chests. But, not as long as we could, and then At 3:10 we stopped again, all to complain, they were handy to pulled over again. By now we had the fluid blown out, and the guys put the feet on . . · company, as a couple of friends, in the truck in back of us With some 950 miles ahead of toting Bob Renz's race gear, and signaling frantically for us to pull us, we felt fairly secure as the van some of Walter's, stopped to over. So now we sent them back demonstrated its ability to help. They had a 12 volt down the road, toward Baker, to handle the legal towing speed of compressor, and this time, with Halloran; to buy us some more 55 mph, and evinced no stra~ge seven heads working on the trans fluid. We had come to the DAVE SHOPPE RACING is now taking applications for an EXPERIENCED PREP MAN. Page 8 Please send resume to: DAVE SHOPPE RACING 658 West Esplanade San Jacinto, CA 92383 reluctant conculsion that we wouldn't get to Vegas that day, we 'd have to turn around and go downhill, back to Baker. In · September. They were back 20 minutes later with two quarts of fluid, for which they'd had to pay $2.50 each. We poured it in and took off, making a big U-turn through the shrubs on a turn-around that happened to be fairly close, and , not far enough uphill to give us grief. Since it was mostly all downhill the rest of the way to Baker, we-had no problems at all, though we coasted part of the way, for insurance. We were now 'down to five people,. since Brad had elected to go with the race car (he was supposed to be in the pit crew) not knowing for sure if the rest of us would ever get there. November 1987 We pulled off the highway onto the long road into Baker, and pulled into the very first business establishment at that end of Baker; Arnold's Market and Garage. Arnold and his mechanic each had a quick look at things and then Arnold gave us an estimate of $750. to make the repair ,1 which included an exchange rebuilt transmission imported from Las Vegas. We bought three quarts of ATF, dumped it in and went in search of a telephone with an air conditioner, so our Captain could call the owner of the van. The air conditioning was at Pike's, where the waitress plied us with iced tea as Max gave Walter the bad news. Walter was philosophical, authorized the repairs, instructed that we have a trans cooler installed also, and offered to send his plane to ferry any of us back to L.A. if we'd grown tired of the enterprise. We all re-enlisted, and headed back to Arnold's to get things going. The plan was that Arnold's guy would remove our dead trans, and take it to Las · Vegas that night, so he'd be on the rebuilder's · doorstep when they opened in th~. morning. He would be back in Baker early, and we'd be on our way,'"before , checkout time." We settled into the Royal Hawaiian Motel (in Baker!) and walked across the street to Pike's for a nice dinner in the steak house. The outside thermometer at Pike's had said 113 degrees at 4:30 p.m. The balance of the evening was spent bench racing poolside at the motel, and occasio.nally fishing out the chairs that the stiff desert wind blew into the water. · In the morning it was breakfast at Pike's and then watch the Pope's arrival on T.V. before calling Arnold's. Bad news. The mechanic wasn't back yet. Checkout time was 12 noon. We packed and watched the Pope some more (nothing else was on, Baker apparently has no cable T.V.). As noon drew closer we explained our position to the motel's desk clerk, and he told us that "".e could stay until about 12:30, but that we'd definitely have to leave then. However, he unbent enough to let us store our. luggage in his office. Exiled to the rigors of Baker's climate, we did some casual shopping, and actually found one store that carried A TF and funnels. at competitive prices. We store-hopped down to Grace's Oasis, to see what was there. And we found good air conditioning, uncomfortable· seats and a variety of snack food purveyors. It's a haven for the busses traveling from L.A. to Vegas and back. There was also a, lady who grumpily dispensed hot fudge sundaes, grumbling good naturedly as she put together three of them for us. After killing some time there, find having seen all there is to see in Baker, we took a vote and decided to walk to Arnold's, feeling that our presence would encourage good work habbits. Arnold's proved to be a long way down the road. It took a half hour to getthere, and it was hot, We all collapsed in front of his swamp cooler and sat in sweaty silence while they · finished up the van, had been found to have a trans cooler already in residence. Feeling a mite suspicious now, we poked around some more, looking closely at the van to .see what might go wrong next, and we discovered that we had no spare tire. Oh well. After a short test drive, then an embarrassed tightening of the pan, which was about to fall off the rebuilt trans, we were back in ·posession again, a little nervous about our prospects, but game to try. Luggage now on board, along with about five quarts of ATF, we left Baker almost exactly 24 hours after arriving. There was one question in our minds, "Why is there a 'Chet Huffman Park' in.Baker?" Things progressed satisfactor-ily and we got to Las Vegas at 5 p.m. That was when the air conditioning quit. So we opened the windows. We got to St. George just after dark, and after refueling, took off into Utah, and discovered that the high beams would work only for five or ten minutes at a time, and then they blinked off. So we used our low beams for the rest of the trip. Other than that, the rest of the way to Craig was uneventful and we got there in time for a fast breakfast on Friday,. just before Contingency opened up. The van was pressed back into service to take the race car out to the race course, and performed very nice! y indeed. But coming back into Craig, the fuel line problem cropped up again, and it took four stops and ·a lot of finageling to get back to town. Once there, Max headed for the auto parts section of K-Mart, where he bought an assortment of T-fittings and filters. Then he made arrangements to have someone else tow the race car back to L.A. It took only a few moments to install the filter and new fittings which would allow us to use both tanks once again, and the van ne..v,er gave us a moment's tropble on the way home,. We even installed a new fuse, and had air conditioning, and the heater was enough to cook the occupant of · the back seat during the chilly nighttime. But we never did have high beams. It took us 18 hours to get from Craig to Los Angeles, stopping only for fast food type meals and gas. On the whole trip we travel1d a to~al of 2153 miles, and sl~rped up a total of 213.9 gallons of gas. It used up 37 hours, both ways, (not counting the 24 h.our layover in Baker), and consumed about 12 six packs of soda pop, a gallon or so of water, about six bags of assorted ·munchies, and one can_ of "cheesf' dip. It's not a trip to be taken lightly. Dusty nmcs

Page 9

• • • -------==..L:.......:....D ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTORSPORT PRbDUCTS I Distributor for YOK·OHAMA OFF RPAD AND MOTORCYCLE RACING TIRES >~YOKOHAMA ForSerlou•Pertonner • Complete Yokohama line •1 ~TV Tires • Performance Tires • Industrial Tires • Bus and RV Tires I • ATV - ITP • Off The Road Tires '-• Heavy Equipment Tires STOP AND SEE US AT CONTINGENCY ROW · WE ARE AT ALL HDRA, sboRE lNo SNORE RACES * . . I . . . WE ARE THERE TO HELIP YOU WIN . . * NEW LQCA1f/ON ~· * 22264 OTT AWA UNIT 1 I, _·---~ ~O'J!i•':.~:!L : . .18 .. il ... JL .. -~!-~~ nsoo APPLE V A~LEY, CA 92308 . (619) 240-3186 · So. Cal. (800) 892-5263 * COMING On November 1, 1987, we will have our Retail Store; Tire Shop and Warehouse open NOV. 1 St to serve you, the MINI-TRUCK driv,r, OFF "'.ROAD RACER, LIGHT TRUCK driver, MOTORCYCLE rider, 4 x 4 driver, etc. We will be carrying· a complete line of YOKOHAMA TIRES, CENTERLINE WHEELS, KMC WHEELS, AIKEN TIRES & WHEELS, plus many more products and accessories th~t we are lining up at this writing. · 1 We are setting up to do Lube jobs. loil changes, lilire & wheel mounting anc liAlancing - more good things as we get ro,li~g! · .· .· . I . . WE ARE HERE jf O S~RVE YOU!

Page 10

HDRA'S .FIRST ANNUAL COLORADO JOO. MacCachren Makes it Three By Judy Smith Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises One portion of the course, declared a "no,passing,zone" was carefully pointed out to the pre,runners, so they'd know where it was. It consisted of 10 miles of a section which one racer called, "the one place where you could pass." Officials told racers that it was a no,no to go out around a competitor in this area. If, however, a slower or damaged czar should pull over for you, it would be legal to pass. There would be spotters in this area to assure that no one forgot. The race site itself was approximately 45 miles, or an. hour's drive, from the_-town of Craig, wherein the Holiday Inn, which was Race Headquarters, lay. Altogether the town had about three motels, all of which filled up months before the race, and a big apartment complex, which opened its doors to the homeless racers at good prices, and "bring your own towels and sheets." In general, the town folks were very hospitable and welcoming. Little details like coffee shops which stayed open 24 hours starting on Friday, were · really appreciated by the race folk. The local gendarmes kept a wary eye on the roadways, and some of the racers collected some official paperwork they could have done without, but that's a Rob MacCachren fought his way through the heavy Colorado clust in record time, and the young driver from Las Vegas not only won Class 1 honors in hazard at any. race. the Barbary Coast sponsored Valley Performance Chenowth, he also won the race overall by ·over four minutes. The 8 a.m. race start time After gingerly feeling his way concerned that traffic in that area no pre,running. That seemed a reminded them of Southern meant an early schedule for around the track for two laps, would spook the . horses and bit too bad to most rac'ers, but it Nevada, and which they knew most, since they had to allow an Rob MacCachren took the bit in cause them to bolt outward, may have been for the best after immediately was going to hour . just for the drive to the his teeth, made a couple of toward the race track and a all. The HORA folks managed to degrade into t:ilcum,finesilt. Tn'e start/finish line. Any pit crews chancey passes in the dust, and possible collision with a race car. get permission to have a one lap pre,run progresseo at · roughly planning t<? ~o to an outlying pit got himself his third overall win It seemed a sensible precaution. conducted pre,run on Friday 25 to 35 miles _ per hour, and had an addmonal hour or so, and for the year. On a course which The race itself had met with afternoon, after everyone had some folks complained of having · needed a pre,dawn start, because many racers callee! the dustiest some strong opposition in the finished contingency and tech trouble seeing the course because the two lane roads could become they'd ever seen, MacCachren area, even though the city had inspection. Some.folks also took of the dust. jammed up easily. One side drove his Chenowth single seater been the instigator, inviting a quick plane ride around the -------------------------~ ~ to the big double point victory in HORA to come to their back course, to familiarize themselves just five hours and 15 minutes. yard to race. The BLM had with the geography and general A full 1000 miles from the Los strong thoughts about how the direction. One racer came back Angeles area, the race course sat racers and their crews should from such a ride and declared it in a portion of the northwest conduct themselves, and the was "just like California City." corner of Colorado which is conservationists and sheep The one lap pre,run turned oddly labeled the "Sand Wash" farmers in the area had tried to outtobesomethingofapartyfor site. Situated on an alluvial fan, get an injunction to stop the race. some racers. We heard of a the course started at about 6000 A federal judge wisely noted that Suburban with 10 racers and a feet above sea level, and went as the'35,000 to 50,000 sheep that big cooler full of beer heading high as 8000 feet. It was a 65 mile graze in the area from November out into the Colorado wilds, . loop, and most of it was silt. through April, are probably no among others. It was reported Either the Coloradans don't more -concerned about saving that station wagons and stock distinguish between silt and endangered plant life than one vehicles of all types were able to sand, or the racers missed would expect, and allowed the make the pre,run. ,What their something. race on the grounds that it is a drivers· saw was 65 miles of Off roaders who looked multi,use area, planned to mostly smooth terrain, with just forward to seeing some of John include off road vehicular traffic. enough sharp turns to keep it Denver's Colorado at the race But there were some constraints. from being a big motor rout. course were disappointed to see One was that there would be They also saw terrain that Mark McMillin ran first on the road for some time, but his Porsche powered Chenowth was second on time all the way, in Class 1 and overall. what could have been a part of Southern California. Low shrubs and cactus grew right up to the edge of the trail, which wound its way through low hills. There were none of the snow topped mountains or burbling brooks that one sees in the Colorado vacation ads . . There were, however, deer, antelope and wild horses in the area, which delighted the urban racers. They had an impact on the race in that, as the horse herd had dibs on certain parts of the terrain, the whole inner part of the ~ourse w,as off limits to spectators, pit cr'e:lvs, .racers, ph,ot9graphprs, e_t al. The powers,that,be were Rob GordOIJ,.Started out with-great verve; leading ovJra/1 ;or the first _tw'o "laps ,n· • " Gorky MqMil/ir.1rq11',s_econd ail pay·in,Class 2,,·very'near iy won, -but a very latii stu1f' his Chenowth, but troubles dropped him and Malcolm Smith to third at the flag. in the ditch put the Chenowth/Porsche home in second. Page 10 November 1987 Dusty nmes

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Bob Richey led every lap in Class 2 in his new Raceco, but his /ead narrow.ed on thelasf lap, and he ' 1uss Welch took the Class 10 lead midway in the race, and Russ got the job done, scoring his first ended up winning by a scant margin, iu,st 44 seconds. · • victory of the season in his very.tidy O.R.E. single seater. . · . • . I . • . . . . benefit was that dawn was when suspensiqn sagging. Except for third .. Stewart hJd moved to Jim Stil,es and his Raceco to_ok and then replacing his· spare, the deer and the antelope played, Gordon, who'd passed _one .car, · fourth and Chet IHuffman was the early lead, followed by Bill while'Church's throttle cablefell off to the side of the road. thev ran in the order in which fifth in his Toyota · powered Church in another Raceco, a ·off and he had to inake a fix with The start/ finish area had been they'd started (other than the ORE · ' · . minute behind him. Dave Wood a bolt from his coil; and Wood watered to hold down the dust, · couple . who'd had mechanical On the fourth lap, as McMillin ran third in his Fun Buggy,_ had a fl~t. and had no spare. All but it was crowded and tricky to trouble). The dust was very . ran into the dust µfa couple of fbllowed by Russ Welch in his these miscellaneous problems move around in. A number of thick. - Class 6 cars; Macpachren, who QRE, arn;l then Dick and Gary' moved Wekh rightto the front, racers found it impossible to get On the second lap the lead cars· later said, 'The more I race the Weyrich in their Raceco. . followed by the Wey-riches, then staged oq time, and missed their ,were still following the leader, more patient I ~t", went by i I On the second lap Stiles had a Craig· Watkins and Greg . assigned start position because of except that the _Arras/Snook car them all, braving.· l~he dust,: and fllat tire, and lost time changing it Aronson ~ ·. . it. But, in general, the start went had. dropped back. Gordon still using up just a . few of Lady well, with HORA µsing a big led, . McMillin was_ seconcl, ;md Luck's - favors iii the blinding . "Christmas Tree' type. electric then it was MacCachren,, three · stuff. He then proceeded to wind - · - -a1II lightasastarter,ratherthanalive minutes and 55 seconds later, his way through a bunch of . . · . --,· --,o· I• " human being. The lights blinked with Noel right behind him and . traffic, each pass a. potential . ' · ti ·. . e from red to green at 20 second Ivan Stewart, buzzing the Toyota, disaster, to finish first. Rob was - , . _,,-p• .... pro~ • intervals, sending the 126 racers in fifth. MacCachren stopped for surprised to find tHat the fine silt . (i O _ . _ . _ _ out into the dust. - . . gas and an air filter change anhe . had even worked inside his Class 1 started first and Mark end of that lap, while Robby · pumper.' helmet. , It . was three McMillin, with number 100 on Gordon _got out and Malcolm minutes before McMfllin . his Chenowth all this ·year, got Smith cli~bed into the lead car. finished: second; apd then S~ith This is the system. the first green light, and he was. Midway through the third lap and Gord0n we_re1 third. 1:'Joel, run by most still the first car on the road wherl Mac(:achren lost . his power after a long thmll lap with a off road race he finished the lap an hour and steering but he decided the race broken brake ca'liper, . moved... . winners 18 minutes later. But Robby . was too close to allow stopping · back to fourth, and Stewart was · TRl•MIL BOBCAT• CHROME ' ~ord?n, . running right behind for repair~, so he just hung <?n, fifth. him m his Chenowth, had the and on this lap he passed Smith Class 2 was a close battle, with lead by rwo seconds. Then there physically, and took the lead. He Bob Richey, in his Raceco, and was a gap and Larry Noel was had 23 · seconds on . McMillin driving all the way himself, in the•· third in· his Chaparral, three when ··he came into the lead all day. Corky McMillin had minutes 57 seconds later, start/finish area, threading his his Porsche power1ed Chenowth followed by MacCachren in five · way past an overturned truck, very close behind Him;and at the seconds, and then Eric Arras and with S[l)ith still right on his heels, end of the first lap )twas only six Frank Snook in their Raceco, 26 also without power steering, and se~on~s, . with qa~my Letner seconds later, with .their rear only 16 seconds off the pace, in th1rd, m his Raceco, two seconds Dave Kreisler a,nd Curley Nobles had early minor woes, but David turned up _the wick on the ta_st two laps to finish the-Raceco pickup a strong third in Class 2: later. Dave Kreislet was fourth in his 'pickup' Raceco, another six seconds back. Bob Gordon ran fifth in °his Chenowth, and Walter Prince ran sixth in his Raceco, and that was ~II the Class 2 cars there were: I Richey continueH to lead, with McMillin holding[ second, but now:Gordon moveH to third, and Kreisler fell back ~-·little,.~as he Stopped several times to replace throttle return spt'ings, but still held fourth . . Richey,, who had absolutely no problems, and made only one · fuel stop, ran a I steady pace . toward · the finish line, while unbeknownst to him: McMillin was pouring on t~e gas. As he neared the finish I line, corrii'ng into the pit area, McMillin was close enough thJt he · almost . certafnly had the le~d. But'he.was behind a Challenge car I and in one rash move, lost his· chance at the win. He moved right. to pass,~ .and stuffed his rwo-seater into a · hole: He couldn't:get oµt, and "Waved frantically f@r help from a nearby 'pit, but! , they were reluctant' to walk @ut on to the course until the dust cleared;and the oncoming car tf!iat they could hear, had _gone by. Then they cheerfully went out ar:id lifted l \ [-I I ·Craig Watkins and Greg Aronson cli,,;bed from sixth to third and-then to second at the finish in Class 10, also driving the Raceco into first place on points. ' · · Corky out of h,is .. hole: He finished second to Richey by 44 ); seconds.' Kreisler Jas third.' - . Dusty nmcs Clas!dQ was ne~t to start, and' Noftmbcr 11987. I l L . I DUAL CAN BOBT.AIL FOR BAJA BUGS 2740 COMPTON AVENUE-LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 (213t 234-9014 .WHOLESALE ONLY DEAL.ER INQUIRIES INVITED · , Page 11

Page 12

Mike and Morley Williams led the first lap in the Chenowth, dropped back after a flip and other troubles, but came on with a fast lasf lap to be the surprised winners in Cla_ss 1-2-1600. John Cooley and Mark Fox survived.the tighl°first lap.dice in Class 5 to take the lead, and.they led all . the way to the victory in th~ spiffy Jimco built Bug. . ·. ·. First lap Class 10 leader Jim Stiles lost time with a flat,mademostof it ba·ck, but· his Raceco was tf1ird, about.six minutes out of thewin. · · . Bunderson, was ·. ·fourth . . Bu~ .Barlow had run into a stopped Class 10 car in the dust, and had broken his · front shock tower, · and · while stopped, ·he'd· been ' rear. ended himself, •by Coan, ·which knocked a valve cover loose: .. .. .. . Williams arid Scott both changed drivhs, -W.illiams putting his dad,lMorley, in, and Mike Voyles taking · over for Scott. This third lap was-tough, as th~ silt got really deep in spots. Voyles, leading' the_ pack, came <.,,into a ·slow turn., drifted in the stuff, and · tipped 'over. He couldn't right the·car, and there Per!y and Jeff Coan started out sixth in Class 1-'2-1600,-climbed up to lead on the · h · third lap, but ended up second at the finish in the Bunderson. · • · "':'ere ~o specta1t1ors 0I?-t. edcoSu_rseh' -~ in their Raceco, Stiles, . and l\cx.i Everett in his ORE. They 'Were close en:Ough that it . was still anyone's race. Welch stopped at the end oLthis 1ap to . take on gas, change his air filter ·and check a new steering knuckle ~hat was making him nervous. - ' . . , , ~tnCe It.was a . restrtcte . 0 e , moved into second place, chased first win with his ~ew car. Stiles, Art Peterson, ORC,. and Jim · stoop there helplessly: Along closely · by Stiles, who was . who finished next, was bumped Fishback, Sr;, and all withiri-45-'; came . Peterson I. · who · was in .running quicker laps, .but having to third by the Watkins/ Aron·- seconds. This class had had--a · second place, anM, whoops!,over a hard time getting through son team, with whom· he'd had nose-to-tail traffic jam in a· · he goes, rightthJrewithMike.So traffic. Church ·moved back to some wheel-to-wheel racing on canyop, and apparently it had they helped each other get back fourth place, .and Wood was the last lap. Church finished · c_losed things up, because they , on their wheels, and went on. In -back in fifth, but now behind a fourth, and Wood, still behind were closer at the end of the lap . the meantime, at about mile 52, · Class 8 truck, and havfrig trouble the Class 8, was fifth: ' than they were at the statt. . : Morley Williams got himself in with his dust. The 1600scamenext,and they Williams got stuck in a .wash · trouble, and landed on his head, It continued to be anyone's race, except for the Weyriches, who broke a link on the next )ap. Now Watkins and Aro!)SOn . Welch, still not too sure about ran a tight race. Mike Williams,· for a couple of minutes, and . but his car is a two seater, so they · that steering knuckle, main- coming off his Riverside win, · dropped back to fifth place on 'just hopped out and righted the . tained a steady pace, and got his took the lead on the first lap in the secon9 lap, while· Bob Scott, ~ar themselves, ,and went · on .. · · . his Chenowth, with Steve Barlow in his ORC, took over the lead.' Barlow was struggling on thisfap, ,...... _____________ _..;. ____________ · only seconds behind in his ORE,. Peterson was-. 'now second, stopping for oil eight tim~s. until -TH.E WRIGHT PLA.CEf COILSPRING YOUR FRONT END! I . The coil springs you are seeing on cars in•n'] and at the finish l.ine, are products of TheWright Plac~, You can use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro· Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, .and · various lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches · come With the kit for adjustments. , . · . . AniJther great idea (rom the front end experts of off road racing. .. '- . . . 9420FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON.CA 92021 ·• . 'C ~~~ 1 ~ 1}~61-,4.'3;,lQ, > ·-' -. ' :. »H !, f ' :,:s !•, ;, then Rich- Fersch, Starfighter, BarlowthirdandPerryCoan,ina · someone finally spotted _ the . · tweaked valve cover, and then he ·. • had a pit · stop to· replace the · gasket. · · .·. · ·· · · Ai: the end ofth~ lap Coan was· ·· in the lead, Williams was second, · Fishback, Sr.,· was · third, Peterson fourth-and Fersch fifth. The last lap. was fairly trouble. free for everyone except Scott, wh6was backinhisowncar, and broke•the clutch pedal off·•With traffic thinned some,· and a breeze ·. pic_kirig · up in · some · places, several of the drtyers did their • fastest . laps 6~ . the-· fourth time .· around;' Atthe'finish -it was, to his 'great surprise; . W~Hiarns in first, then Coan-, a minute and.a Jim Fishback, Sr. and.Sam Castro ran very-co~sistent laps, moved intothird. half~ ,later,. rhen ,Fishback, midway and finished third in Class 1c2-1600 in the swift Raceco. ·. Peterson and Fersch. In Class SJim Cocpres was qut Otl the ffrst lap, with . a blown .motor, .and th .. en Richard Llewe)lyri, who is always a front . .runner, losf his transmission at · about mile 6 l: George Seeley was · .. the first c_ar. to ,inake it around, and had ·a slim lead, but lost it as . he p~lled. in to pit; wanting to measure_ his gas consumption on this ·course. John Cooley took over the lead, with less than a· . min,ute on him. Ed,Mailo and Bill. Coffey, a .couple.· of_. Colorado racers; ran thir-d ... , : .· · • • Seeley, who was itill first on . the · road, p:ushea ·hard, . took a . . . _ . . . . . .. turn too wide, and en~ed . up . C>eriveri'acers Ed Mailo and Bill Coffey des'ertcproeted·{,_hort,c.o.ur-~e, Q/a~s 5,: ,l ·'. parked d n a t~ee .. Sinc_e the 1ttee and stormed, through th(;J finish in_ second place.Jn class.:' / ... _. ·, ; - . ',c' : ,was· all there was between hini November· 1987 -Dusty nmci _

Page 13

I Driving with a cast on his wrist didn't slow Manny Esquerra down, as he _took the lead-in Class 7 on the ·, ,i1e ,Class 8 tru9ks··ran1 in_ a dust blanket for most of the distan_Cf!, buto'! the last round Walker Evans second lap and-won another class title-in the: Ford.Ranger. : · ·' · · -got the full size Dad~~ m the lead an,d _he won by less than two mmutes. · · . ·and a big.drQpoff, he was lucky, -but it cost him an hour, as it was difficult to get loose. Meanwhile, Cooley sailed on- with no problems at all. Mailo was also having no trouble, and ran strong in second place. They both changed drivers, Mark Fox getting in for Cooley, and Coffey taking over for Mailo,. on the third lap, · Fox kept on· moving well, with. no trouble, but towards the end the Mailo car suffered from clogged filters, and was down to using first gear on ' the hills. Cooley·-~nd Fox' took -Ragl~nd had his t:tbw Chevy ou't ' ~~d less than a min_ute lat~r it was -the win, while Mailo and Coffey, for its first desert !race, :;ifter his ~ike Falkosky in his Toyota. getting the first desert finish for victory. at Riv1erside, and Mike; whowantedtorunin7Sas the car, came in. second 11 everyone was excited at the idea usual, found hi_mself with some minutes later. Seeley and co-of a ·three way dud iri this class. · . technical illegality on his truck, driver, Howard Anderson, were . B1,1t_Ragland misse{l a turn on the and no time to fix it, so he went third almost an hour · Jater, first lap, then triea to go over a ahead and switched to Class 7. ln recording the two fast laps for the" square ~dged ' ditcrh, ·: imd g?t · · · fc1urth place on: the fi_rst lap ~as class on the third and fourth lap -stuck. Hts front 1 heels ,hung m Lee Alderman, ma mce lookmg as they tried to catch up. - · space;and hehadtotakei:hetires Chevy, who was out on lap tw.6 Class 7 was fattened up with a off, to use them aJ a base for his ~ith a broken trailing arm. _ he could catch him in th~ .rough, but that Esquerra rah away on the straights. Mears then lost his power steering .about halfway through the last lap, t@ slow.him a . bit , more.- Manny, with no problems, beyond :. finding the course really dusty, finished- in five hours and 48 minutes to rack . bunch of pit vehicles, to keep the jack, losing about 40 minutes in . Mears_ pitted _. briefly on -lap · class eritry average · up, but it the process,_ In the meantime, two, and Esquerra went by hif!l boiled down to a race between Roger Mears had .his Nissan in to take the.,lead. He stayed in just a few trucks anyway. Lariv .fro_nt 'o_f ·Manny. Esq~erra's. f~ont for th~ rest of the day,.o~t ------------~-'------------'---'-----'-Ranger oy a couple of mm_utes, horsepowermg Mears; who said ·· up anoth~r ·win. Mears i:ame _ in _ just under five minutes later, an9 falkosky was third, · about 17 minutes later. R_agland, with the fast lapfor the class-on lap tour, finished fourth, 4 7 minutes after Esquerra. · · ~ George Seeley, Jr. and Howard Anderson were going well until they literally got · stuck in a tree, and the mishap dropped them to third in Class 5. _ · Roger Mears looked strong on the first lap, but an early pit stop dropped him to . second in Class 7, and that is where he finished the wild jumping Nissan. Mike Falkosky'.s new Toyota was not quite 7S legal, so he ran'-in' Class·7•and ·. surprised himself by taking a clean third in the close running class. ' · Dusty Times ' ' \ " :·\·· ___ . . \ More OtFro8d races . 8re won·on.Bilsteins th_.n a~y other shock . ab~oriber, periOd. -·1--~ ~■ORN TO PERFORM;: , . _ BILSTEiN CORPORATION OF AMERICA _ -~ . 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 , - - For ~dditio,na! techn,ical information and a complete catalog, sena $~.50. k . , . , ,_ t· - . .• . . . ., • ------- - . .. - . Hoftmbcr 11987 Page 13

Page 14

-Rod Hall and Jim Fricker once agan won Class 4, leading all the way in the older Dodge, and the desert wise team beat back the challenge of the new, state of the ar.t machines. · 1 The racing was tight in Clas~ 5-1600, despite the low entry, but Andy Devercelly led every lap, often by just seconds, and he and his family won by just ~even minutes. Dan Beaver almost made it a double for Parker racers, as he led Class 8 for two laps, but a quick, late stop for repairs dropped his Ford to second place at the finish. · · Class 8 started right behind then Frank Vessels in his Chevy, these guys, in fact, right behind a · Dan Beaver in a Ford, and Bob very nervous Falkosky, with n\ne .Seivert in another · Ford, a of the big fellows running. In -Colorado truck, in fifrh. Seivert general, the racers from down was just 35 seconds behind the south hadn't figured out how to leading Kelley. Close as they make . their cars run at were, the dust was incredible. altitude, but some of the Class 8 Part of the reason for their tight trucks obviously had solved the situation was that they couldn't problem, and they took off with pass-slower vehicles in front of their usual vigor and noise. Like them because of that dust, so the 1-2-1600s; this turned into a they all piled up together. really tight race, with Steve The. lead trucks broke free of Kelley taking the · lead in his the traffic on lap two, and their . Chevy, followed in four seconds times were quicker for it. Now by Walker Evans in his Dodge, Beaver led by eight- seconds, Dave Shoppe started at the tail of the tight running Class 8 pack, and he worked up to third place in the Ford, and stiff flolds the points lead. while Kelley ran second, Evans third, 10 seconds later, and in fourth, John Gable 10 Jim Venable 's Ford, only about 45 seconds behind Walker. Dave· Shoppe was now fifth · in his Ford. Gable, who'd had a · late start, and took off last in the class, was apparently not-being timed from his "scheduled" start time, as used to be the case in these instances. That would have had him behind Shoppe. On the third lap Bob Jenkins of ESPN got in Vessels' truck, to see at close hand what off road racing ·· is all about. Jenkins learned the hard way that he's subject to motion sickness in an off road race vehicle, and beat a hasty retreat at the end of the one lap. He says he has a greater . , appreciation for off road racers now. and · fifth; But on the fourth hp Beaver 's spare tire-carrier broke, . and he was afraid it would tear up his fuel cell, "SO he stopped and · had. his co-driver getout to check it: That was the end of his lead. · Kelley, who'd run behind Evans most of the day, had passed him · on lap three when Evans had to slow for a traffic jam and Kelley got a clean shot around it. ,Now it looked like Kelley's race for sure, but then he stopped to fuel at· Check 2 on the last lap, and Evans took over the front position again. Kelley· left the pit feeling ~at he'd have no trouble catching up again, but then the bolts that held the rotor to the hub on: the rear brake broke, and his brakes stopped working:_fle had to slow, and never did.catch . Walker, and in fact, was caught by Shoppe. ' . . - Even the finish was exciting for the fans, as the front finishers, Evans; Beaver, Shoppe; Kelley and Oable, all finished within . scant seconds of each other. The spread, on ela~ed time, was only a tad over three minutes. . . Class 4 was .next off i:he line, and.Rod Hall took the lead with his . Dodge, followed · by John Randall in his Jeep Honcho, just under two minutes back. Jack Johnson had the Nissan in third, Frank Arciero, Jr., was fourth in his Chevy, and Matt Pike was fifth in hisOodge, with only five minutes between first and fifth place. Beaver held the lead through · the third lap, but it was still suspensefully close, with Kelley less than a minute back, and . Evans 27 seconds behind. him. Gable· and Shoppe held fourth Jack Johnson had his Class 4 Nissan going strong in the dust, had some.minor problems, butfinished a close second in the newly competitive class. : ~ Dave• Ashley was less:than a-'Seoond oufof:tHe Clas!i 7S leacJ on ttie 'fi;stlap;'took over the lead for goocfon thfJ se'cpnd · round and won the class in, his Jeep Comanche. · · · ·: ' .. ' ' · · · Page 14 November 1987 Dusty nmcs

Page 15

'i Jerry Bundy had a race long dice with Mike Schwellinger in the battle of the Jeeps in Class 3, but at the flag the New England bred Scrambler won by over an hour. Rii°h Minga ran a very steady pace, plann(!_d the race well, and moved into the Challenger lead at mid-distance, and he stayed out front in his Chenowth to win the race, and take the overall series points lead. Tom Strong and Steve Bordon stayed close to the leaders in Class 4, and their Chevy climbed up the ranks to third midway, and they finished third. Dave Anckner had to drive the entir1 distance in Colorado, but he stayed right with the program all the way to finish a close se1cond in Class 5-1600. Chuck Johnson· and Scott Douglas kept their Ford Ranger right in the game all the way, but they finished second in 7S, less than four minutes back. Hall, who's been teaching a series of classes on how to drive off road, was doing the smoothest driving that Jim Fricker, his perennial co-driver, had ever seen. Fricker said he thought, "He's been listening to himself." And it paid off, as Hall continued to lead. On lap two Randall ran second, but as he came into the start/finish pit area,. he veered right to go around Bob Seivert's upended truck, and got stu-ck in a hole which he liadn't seen in the dust. It took about 20 pit people, but they finally shoved him out, _ · and he got to the start/ finish, only to learn ·he'd been disqualified for passing in that no passing zone. It seems he'd caught a vehicle in his own class up there, and just let his race brain take over. There w~re approximately 25 spotters out on the course that day, to see that the racers behaved. Unfortunately fo~ John, there was one right there as he swung out to go by.· Some feel that things might have gone easier for John if he hadn't taken out the observor's folding chair on his way around the other truck. In any event, Randall ·was now a spectator. On lap three Arciero lost a fan belt, and hopped out to repair it. Back at the start/ finish area it got very quiet in his pit when he could be heard over the radio saying that, "The. belt seems to be about an inch and a half too short." In this restricted area no one could drive out to help, and Frank lost about two and a half hours. Hall continued to lead, having a flawless race, and now Johnson was second, while Tom Strong, his Chevy's left front fender torn up by a tree, moved into third. John Dyck was fourth in his Jeep and Bill Donahue and Buddy Renoe r1m fifth in their Dodge. That was the way · it went to the end of the race, ,with all of them finishing within 35 minutes. ·., Only f~ur 5-1600 ca·rs went to. Dusty nmcs Colorado, and one of them, the new car of Jim and Patti Pfeffer, from Illinois, couldn't be made to run right, so it didn't start. Andy L. and Andy R. DeVercelly co-drove their car to victory, leading all the way, and having no problems. In fact, they got a lucky break when Andy L., on lap two, found a "dust window", and had almost a full lap with clear visibility. In second it was Dave Anckner, who drove all alone since co-driver, Henry Arras had fallen off a ladder and broken his heel a week before the race. Anckner ran second all the way. The DeVercellys finished only seven minutes in front of Anckner, but Lothringer and Bartolotti, with a longish second lap, were about a half hour later. Class 7S was next and Spencer Low put his Nissan in fro ht early, followed by Dave Ashley in his Jeep, then Tom Ebberts in a Toyota, Paul Simon in a Ford and Chuck Johnson in his Ford Ranger. This was another close group, with only a . little over three minutes separating the five trucks. But Low tried to go out to pass some slower traffic on the next lap and took a stick in a tire. He didn't lose much time, but lost about three places, · as· Ashley took over the lead. Johnson was now second, Simon third, Low fourth and Willie Valdez fifth in his Ford. On the third lap Ashley lost the panhard rod on the front end, and elected to drive that way, which meant he had a lot of bump-steer. Low tried another pass, got another stick, and another flat. It was still Ashley in front; with Scott Douglas, in · for Johnson, in second. Simon was still third, and Low fourth. But now a new face moved in, as Cam Thieriot, his Toyota finally finished, (well, almost finished; • I Aij>roved by: FIA, IMSA, NHRA, SCCA, SCORE, USAC and HORA •1 Custom Fuel ,ladders • Standard Fuel1 Bladders • Fuel Tanks • Refueling Equipment • Budget Fuel !ells "let us know what you want. We can do it." (714) 962-0027 or (714) 968'..4463 (800) 433-6524 (Outside California) Call or write for free catalog it had no third gear) moved into fifth place. I Ashley, with no other pr0blems, and fueling only once, 109Q1 5 "K" Kal~m, _1a1 River Road, Fountain Valley, .CA_9,.,2 .. ?_.08 led1 ... to~ fin\sh Jin~_.,,Po,t~gl~s,,,. "'·""'·""'-------+-----""""""""!""'·~;-,,--,;,.,i,.-------;;...---.;..:.,;,-;..· ilii.· ..;.._.;._~-.J Cose_ u.::ra ~ f:,' '. ' : ... } ,\ '\ \ I $.,._, Ir . ,. ,' -·\'':.' ' / November ~987 · 1 Page 15

Page 16

Mike-Les le put his Jeep Comanche out front from the start in Class 7 4x4, and Lesle led the class all the way to the victory, and he took the lead on points as well. Larry Schwacofer and Sid Spradling took the Class 6 lead on the last lap, and broughf"the '55 Chevy home a class winner again, and they now have a solid points lead. Paul and David Simon took over third place in Class 7S on the second lap, and they kept their Ford Ranger in third place all the way to the finish. Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson had their CJ 7 in tight in Class 3, until a flip slowed them, then they flipped again, but still took second. Chuck Guy and Rhonda Walsh had a good second half in the T-Mag and they moved up to second and finished $trong in second place in Challenger Class. -------------------------=---------------------' ~ behind him, and a tad quicker on a couple of laps, couldn't get around some slower traffic, and lost a little ground, finishing second, about three and a half minutes b~ck. Simon was third, seven minptes later, and collapsed, perhaps affected by the higher elevation, shortly after the finish. He was1handed over to the first aid folks for a quick check. Low, also stuck behind a car in a slower class, finished fourth, while Thieriot, driving his first race in a ~ruck, was fifth. There were only five Class 3 vehicles at Colorado, and Don Adams, who started at the back of the pack with his Jeep, passed them all, to be in front at the end of the first lap. But that was the end of it, because on lap two they reported broken valve springs, and never came around again. Jerry Bundy, who'd been second in his Scrambler, now moved to the lead, with Mike Schwellinger and Les Erickson, in their Jeep, a half minute behind him . .Allan Wacker and Stuart Dahlin, from South Dakota, were third in their then Schwellinger and Erickson, geared he couldn't use third gear, Jeep. and in third, Wacker and Dahlin. a minute and a half later. That's the way it went to the The Challengers had them-On the second lap, with Lesle, end, with Bundy, who'd been selves a tight race also, with Billy Randall and Conner still leading apprehensive aboutthedustafter Bunch and Kevin Conlin taking the group, McDonald began to the pre-run, having a mechani- the first lap lead in thefr slow, and his passenger, Joe cally perfect race, except for a Sandwinder, only 31 seconds in MacPherson, finally diagnosed clogged fuel filter which he front of Gary Schneckenburger the trouble as carbon monoxide · changed on lap four. Schwel-and Don Rountree, in the other poisoning. So Jerry got out of the linger and Erickson stayed close mid-engined Sand winder. Rich • car and Sal Fish, signed on to ride until lap three, when they set Minga, in a two seat Chenowth, in a two seater later in. the· day, their Jeep on its side, and lost was third, only 10 seconds later, got in and drove the ·truck to about 50 minutes getting righted and Danny Ashcraft ran fourth Check 3. Meanwhile, McDonald again. At the finish it was Bundy, in his Raceco, some 50 seconds was given oxygep, and then flown who hails from Connecticut, behind him. Fifth was W .H. back to the main pit, where he i"as I NEVAD~ . . Vegas OFF ROAD Vander_grift, from Colorado, one was given more oxygen, and of the .few local entries. settled in to rest, looking peaked. Bunch and Conlin held the When the truck got to Check 3; lead through lap two, while the medics_ were waiting, with a Minga moved to second and couple of other folk, to convince Schneckenburger to third, with MacPherson that he should get Mike Ward and Mike Free now out too, so they could check him fourth. in their T~Mag, and out. Clive Smith, crew chief of Chuck Guy fifth in his T-Mag, Larry Ragland's truck, who was and "cooling it", until the traffic also entered in Class 7,·took over thinned a bit. On the third lap the driving, with the windows Minga took over the lead, finally open. N ~ ~ 3 ;,. ,c ;,.. it's ... BUGGY Street ~tock ·_ Baja Race or Sand Whatever Your Pleasure Play or Pay We've Got Your VW Parts See Brian See Dave ~,\H,\H,\ X 2 N l·,\'-ill:HN '-,fKI! •'-, -Locations fX z -0 to ... I--(.? ~ '-,f-'KI'.\<, ~1 I":\ Serve You ::t: (/) Better! ! WEST NOR 3054 Valley View 1541 N. Eastern 871-4911 • 871-5604 642-2402 • 642-1664 NOW 2 LOCATIONS e / N getting by the mid-engined cars, It was more of the same for the which he says are faster than his, rest of the group, as Lesle, 'in the turns. And Rountree was stopping every lap to change air now second, Ward and Free filters, held a strong lead, third, Ashcraft tfl ur-th and Guy • followed by Randall, who lost his fifth as Bunch d Conlin lost power steering. Randall stayed 20 minutes. close, but found it very dusty. Minga, having o stop only for Conner and Jackson, feeling too fuel, had no tro hie at all, and tall geared also, ran a consistent came in to the inish in front. third as Symonds moved into Rountree, trying to catch up, fell fourth. At the finish, that's how way back when the left front it was; Lesle, Randall, Conner spindle, crunched in a first lap and Jackson, Symonds and then collision, broke, and he lost 20 the Jerry McDonald truck, back minutes. Guy moved up to finish up into fifth place. second, Vandergrift came back Class 6, with just three . up to third place, Bunch and vehicles, was plenty exciting for Conlin had ·a good last lap ro get the spectators, since they ran the fourth, and Ward and Free were major part of the race right fifth. together. Or.l!h.~Jirst lap Bill and The 7 4x4s ran next, and their Steve Russell had the lead in their small group was in a tight pack Chevy, with Larry $chwacofer also, at least for the first lap. It and Sid Spradling second by two was Mike Lesle in front in his seconds in their '55 Chevy. Wes Jeep, but he had only about a half and Ga·rson Moser were third, minute on Mike Randall in about 30 seconds later in their another. Comanche, and then Ral)chero. The second .lap went CarlJackson and Jim Conner ina the same way, and the third was Nissan, and Jerry McDonald in more of the same, exceptthatthe his Chevy, who was 42 seconds Mosers -lost almost three hours .. behind Lesle. Gregg Symonds, in with a broken "rocker girdle". the Tovota, was fifth. so tall Schwacofer, who was driving ----~---------------------------------....a.....;.. ___ ....;.._.;.......,;.;.....;..;.;.;.;;;;.;..;....;;.;;....;;=. __________ ..;... _____ ....;~ .. Page 16 November 1987 Dusty nmes

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'. Emil and John Downey, the other half of the New England Jeep team, took the Class 14 lead midway in the race, and drove the Scrambler to their first big desert victory. Andy Diaz and Brian Smith climbed from third to first midway in the Class 1 i battle, and the team led t~e rest of the way ·to rictory, closing up the points gap. . Colorado racers W.H. and Marla Vandergrift surprised the desert regulars as they drove the Chenowth to a very close third in Challenger racing. It was Comanche day in Colorado a~ Mike Randall and Bqp Bower drove this_ Arizona built beauty to a fine second place in tbl e close dice in 7 4x4s. I Jim Conner and Carl Jackson started out third in Class 7 4x4, and they kept the Nissan in third spot all the way to the checkered flag. Bill and Steve Russell led three of the four laps in their Camaro,. but a clogged filter on the last lap dropped them to second in Class 6 at the flag. HORA staffer Bill Dickton and Scott Silagy charge out of k hole in the big Dodge, and they moved into second in Class .14 midway and stayed there to the finish. I ·_ Riverside winner Jerry Daugherty_and co-driver Ken Olsen put the Blazer into the first lap Class 14 lead, but spindle woes dropped them to lthird at the finish. with no windshie Id wiper to clear the dust off the ..vindshield ( it fell off on the first lap) had to rely on his buddy, Sid, to point the way. They finally charged around a · Challenger car, and then, there was Russell, who pulled right over and let them by, Schwacofer came in to the finish line the winner, with the Ru~ell car, possibly having some trouble, in second place just 10 minutes later. The Masers finally finished, almost three hours later, to make it 100% for the class. Class 14 was led by Jerry Daugherty, Colorado resident, who'd just won at Riverside in · his Blazer, -but Jim Olson, another Colorado native, was only 11 seconds behind him in a very fast Jeep CJ. In third it was Emil Downey, from Connecti-cut, wbo shares pit people with Jerry Bundy, the Class 3 winner, in his Scrambler, followed by Bill Dickton, in a Dodge, and Richa,rd DeVries and Richard Fraisher, also from Colorado, in a Bronco. Daugherty had a spindle come apart on lap two, so tl:iat only the brake caliper was holding the wheel on. That boosted Olson . into the lead, foHowed by John Downey, who'd replaced his dad in the driver's seat, and then Dickton, DeVries and Fraisher, and George Gowland in fifth in his Toyota. The first four were · Dusty nmcs within five minutes of each Daugherty was cat~hing up and other, and any one could take the ran fourth, while Gow land was lead. still fifth. Daugherty's third lap, · Downey picked up the pace a which put him bkck with the bit, and he and his dad decided to leaders, was the fah lap for the forgo their planned driver class, at an hour an!:l 27 minutes. change, because the race was very On the fourth 1ap Dickton's close. And it was just that, as they fuel cell was falliqg out of the now led by only 23 seconds. metal can, and he Jost about 10 · Dick ton was second, and Olson minutes, as Downey went by, was third, three minutes ·later. having no mechaniJal troubles at I . all,,' to take the win. Dickton salvaged second place, while D1augherty, now limping in to the · fipish liile in fits and spurts, because the foam from his fuel cJII had clogged the filter and liiltes, came in third. De Vries and J;'{aisher were fourth, as Olson's co-driver, Terry McDonald, btoke a corner of the car, and d~en rolled it. They fixed that, I I . but he later broke a ~ear corner, and · rolled again, to end. their race. In fifth place it was David Bryan, who'd had a couple of flats and a lost fan • belt, in his Jeep. · Not many Class 11 s came the long 'distance, but those that did had a good race for a while. This class had to complete only three laps.~ LAS VEGAS. NEVADA COCKTAILS • d1NNER • 1 AWARDS • DANCING I . HONORING THE HDRA/SCORE-POINTS CHAMPIONS • 1 and the _ WINNERS OF THE OFFiROADSM, N OF THE YEAR CATEGORIES -~----------------.-------------------r·-----------i-~----------~;~;o~~~~~~~~~~~-;;;,~~-;;;;~~----FOR BEST SEATING MAKE YOUR RES ... RVATIONS TODAY! NAME ADORE ss CITY_ TELEP HONE Payment must accom an NOTE: p y of receipt of payment, not order! ~ -' STATE ZIP I g order to uarantee reservations. Seatin _g will b•• based on date I , . I November 11987 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. S. Las Vegas, NV 89124 D Please reserve __ places at $35.00 each. □ Please reserve ___ tablesat$350.00each. (One Table Seats 10) MAKE CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO H.D.R.A. · (702) 391-5404 Page 17

Page 18

Larry Noel had his Chaparral.flying for a time, but broke a brake caliper on lap 3, and Jost time, but came back to finish fourth in Class 1. Trying to hold his points lead, Bill Church. suffered from throttle woes on the Raceco, and his 4th in Class 10 put him 2nd on points. Arizona racers John Dyck and Jerry Sterling g_ot some good laps in on the second half, and placed. a good fourth in Class 4 in the Jeep Honcho. South Dakota racers Allan Wacker and Stuart Dahlin did well in Colorado, and they drove the Jeep through the dust to a fine third in Class 3. ' Don Rountree ran second in Challenger action for two laps, but he broke a spindle on the last lap, and the Sandwinder finished sixth. Page 18 Ivan Stewart raced hard in his Class 1 Toyota pickup, but in Colorado the "Iron Man" had to be content with a fifth place finish. Steve Kelley led the 1st lap in his Class 8 Chevy, stayed close until the last lap when brake trouble COf>t him time and he dropped to 4th. Spencer Low started out as usual in the Nissan, leading Class 7S, but flats and other woes dropped him back in the pack to finish in fou,th. · Bill Bunch and Kevin Conlin led the first two laps in Challenger Class, but lost time on the third round, and were fourth in the Sandwinder Midi. Gregg Symonds and Warren Miller had scant trouble with their Toyota, and they kepi ll~:a goo.d ,pace to finish fourth in the 7 4x4 ranks. Noftrnbcr 1987 Larry Ragland got his new Class 7 Chevy stuck on a cliff on the 1st lap, got going strong, but ended up 4th in the tight running class. Art Peterson and Roger Mears, Jr. were going well in Class 1-2-1600 until a flip in a restricted area cost some time, and they were 4th. It was the debut of the new Toyota 7S truck for former buggy racers Cam Thieriot and Greg Lewin, and they kept it moving to place fifth in class. Mike Ward and Mike Free had their T-Mag up·to third in Challenger · dicing, but a long fourth lap dropped the two seater to fifth at the finish. Colorado short course racers Richard Devries and Richard Fraisher desert prepped the Bronco, and raced to a fourth place finish in Class 14. Dustyflma

Page 19

·~ ' ' • • • l HORA.COLORADO 300 Septemb~r 11~1a; 1-987 ~ -Resul•ts .· - . . ; . . . . , •• •i· ·O/A 'll@f' ·o ·n tht· firJ·t· time around they wen· very l:lose together, with Ramon Casfro ~nd Vktor Preciado in the .!eacl by about;two . minutes. Mike j I Abbott and Fau·sto Parisotto lwere se~ond, fol lowed by And~ Oiazand'Brian Smith, just 11 seconds later. • POS.CAR # ORIVER(S) . . . VEHICLE -TIME POS ... CLASS 1--:-UNLIMITED'SINGLE SEAT.-, 13 START - 9 FINISH L 105 . Rob MacCa.chren (solo) - .. Chenowth 5:15.13 2. · 100 _ Mark· Mc Millin (solo)·. . Chenowth/Porsche 5: 19. 16· 3.' · 103 , Rob Gordon/Malcolm Smith Chenowth 5:28.54 4. 106 · Larry Noel (solo) . Chaparral 5:29.35 5. . 108 • · 1van Stewart' (solo) Toyota . 5:30.07 . CLASS 2 -UNtlMITED TWO SEAT-6 START - 6 FINISH · L · 201 ·Bob Richey (solo) · · . Raceco · 5:30.1 O 2. · ·206 Corky McMillin (solo) Chenowth/Porsche 5:30.54 . 3. 203 . Davi~,Kreisler (solo) -Raceco, 5:33.41 4, 200 Bob .Gordon/Tim Crabtree • Chenowth 5:34.22 5. 202 Danny Leiner /Ike Bruckman Racec6 6:00.41 6. 204 Walter Prince /Brandon Steele Raceco • : 6:46. 5 i 1 2 - 3 4 5 6 ' 7 9 10 25 67 But· Abbott[. broke. his . transmission .on [ lap two, and now it was Diaz. in the leaa and . Castro,' leaking oil from an axle' " tube,, was losing h me'\veldi~git . l1 over and over. Diaz moved along .; at.~_steady pace, \to ~et the win,-~ while Castro, stt;ugglmg thr~ugh .· his third lap, -got to within 10 CLASS 1-2-1600 -1600CC SESTRICTEO ENGINE -:- 9 START - 8 F!NISH miles of the finisH line and broke I ! , · a spring ··pl~te. iHe,. ended' u.·P . , Ra'mon , Castro and Victor. Preciado_ '?UQht the good,tighrin ~Jass 11, but a seco~d, but with po ,po.ints; for 1, • . • . . . . . . . . • . . . · [ 1 l!,.broken sprmg plate demed them a fm1sh, but they were seco_nd m class. 1. 1610 !l,1ike/Morley Williams Chenowth 6:06.05 2. 1604 Perry/Jeff Coan . · Bunderson 6:07.35 3. 1609 Jilli Fishback Sr./Sam Castro Raceco 6: 12. 29 4. 1607' Art Peterson (solo) ORC 6;15.35 5. 1608 · Rich Fersch · Starfigh'ter 6:17.44 · . CLASS 3.'-SHORT WB 4X4 - 5 START-HINISH ·J. · · 304 1 Jerry,Bundy (solo) Scrambler 6:48. 58 2. · · 301 · Mike Schwellinger/Les Erickson Jeep CJJ. · • 7:50.56 . 3. ·303 -Alan Wacker /Stuart Dahlin . Jeep CJ · 7:5 7.43 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3 .. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. CLASS 4 _ _: LONG Wil 4X4-'- 9 START.- 7 FINISH 400 Rod Hall/Jim Fricker: Oodge 5:53.27 449 · Jack Johnson/Brent Foes Nissan 6:07.08 403 · Tom Strong/Steve Borden. Chevy. 6:13.47 404 John Dyck/ Jerry Sterli11g Jeep J-JO 6: 15. 17 40i "' · · Bill· Donahoe /Buddy Renoe Dodge· 6:28. 37 549 503 502 504 CLASS 5--:-UNLIMITED BAJA BUG - 7 START'-, 4 FINISH John Cooley/Mark Fox · Jimc·o Conv ·6:06. 33 Ed Mailo/Bill Coffey . '72Conv VW 6:17.29-George Seeley/Howard Anderson VW. 7:12.18 Lyn/Mike Mocaby . '67Conv vw:: 8:56.5.7. CLASS 5-1600-,-1600CC BAJA BUG - 3 START-3-FINISH · 551 Andy L. & Andy R. DeVercelly '65 VW 6:18.39-599 □.avid Anckner (solo) . . VW, 6;25.56 552 'Kent Lothringer/John Bartolotti '71 Baja . 7:02.25 CLASS 6 -:. PRODUCTION SEDAN ....::. 3 START--· 3 FINISH 600 Larr,y Schwacofer/Sid Spradling '55. Chevy 6:35.50. 601 Bill/Steve Russell Chevy Camara 6:45.03 614 Wes/Garson Moser Ford Ranchero ~ 9:34.48 ·finishing. < . ' r ·. '' I • .•. i; !race;" ' ·. ' ' didn't like s~nding"his son oufon Th~ 'tac~:,was .ap over ea:_rly in I And, ."It's r:eally too dusty: a course he diqn't know. Some the day, with the ;la&t straggler~ tT~en you get ~i~ck _be~in?, so~e .said it_was simply too_far todrive., coming· in by ardund'"f<;mr p.m. 1slow guy and Its history. , Some said we could fmd the same 68 There were• do incidents ! Walker.Evans, while accepting course in Lucerne Valley or Baja. · 84 requiring the _sdrvices· of t}le·· :'Jh is· · .. trQph v·, pf a ised . the An9 a couple ~ai_d. the,y._hadfon, 85 . :C,oi:npetfrion · d,mmitt~e, no', ' hospitality of ·the townspeople and would be sure to cpme back 28 33 35 , 41 43 complaints from the checkpoint ' and the organization of the race; next· year. 22 . personnel, no setiious accidents, and asked fot a different course if But everyone agreement 31 and .only, the oqe disqualific!}- . the race was to come pack next _ that the people in Craig were very ~~ . tion, (Randall). · The tech year. . , · . . · . hospitable and -nice. The race , 54 inspection was h~ndled . quickly Many folt that. the tr~ils' w~re course itself will provide the and efficiently in J roped off area - . too narrow, the course •too conflict in coming discussions: 29 to the side of the finish line, and. short, there w_asri't enough tough Meanwhile, the series draws to-a 42 · no co_mplaint~ ensued fromthere,. (some said•there :was no rough), close, with . th~. Baja -1000, -so either. All sin . kn; · it was a . !' there.-was i:io·_room to pass;-and another double point_s race, 91 , smoothly, run racb, ..... ·· · · ., rthat the continuous dust made finishing_ up .the racing in _early But many'raceti51 didn't like it. . the course dangerol!s. Oner.acing November, and then the Awards . 46 . ·. They said . things like, ·"This parent _said they wouldn't come Banquet w'illdose the season oi:i . 50 just i1?n't. an off rbad course." back next y{'.ar unless· pr,e-Dei;;ember 5, at the Gold Coast 7~ - · Or, "It's really ljus~ not a good - : running was allowed, because he Hotel iwLas Vega~. · 57 65 95 I . . -. . . . . . . - . .. ,. i ; I · .... . . . . . -. : CLASS 7...:... UNLIMITED MINI-MIDI PICKU'P--' 10 START - 5 FINISH . PARKER· RUM PER 1. 'i. 3. 4 . . 5. · 700 Manny/Tudy Esquerra · Ford Ranger 5:48.44 702_ Roger Mears/Tom Alvarez Nissan · 5:53:29 .7081 Mike/ Pat Falkosky · Toyota Xtra Cab 6: 1 0. 13 701 Larry Ragland/Dave Beck Chevrolet S-10 • ·6:35.42 · 703 . Russiluke Jones · Ford Ranger, 6:56.10 1. 2. 3. 4. CLASS JS -STOCK MINI-MIDI PICKUP-11 START-10 FINISH 722 Davi!' Ashley/Wally Kaiser Je~p Co.manche 6:03.47 · · 728 Chuck Johnson/Scott Douglas Ford Ranger 6:07.28 748 Paul/Dave Simon . Ford Ranger 6:14.31 . 720 Spencer Low/Paur Delang Nissan Hardbo_dy 6:17.45 5. 726· · .Cam Thieriot/Greg Lewin · Toyota SR5 6:19.40 . CLASS 7 4X4 -STOCK MINI-MIOI 4X4 - 7 START - 6 FINISH . ~ 1. 2. 751 Mike ·Lesle/M[i<e Bakholdin Jeep Comanc~e 6:14.27 755 Mike._Randall/Bob flower Jeep Comanche 6:24.~3 3. 754 · Jim:Conner/Carl Jackson Nissan· . 6:25.21 4,. 5. 753 . Gregg Symonds/Warren Miller · · ~oyota: 6:39.39 . 150 • · Jerry McDonalil/.Joe MacPherson . Ch.evy S-10 . 7:23.23 . " . CLASS 8 - 2 WD STANDARD PICKUP - 9 START .,- 8 FINISH 1. 800 · Walker Evans/Randy Anderson Dodge' 5:4 7'.58 2. '3. 4.· 5. 805 Dan Beaver/Randy Hoeft:' Ford F-·lpO 5:49.25 • · .807 Dave Shoppe/La'rry·Maddox Ford F-150 5:49.56 801 Steve Kelley/George·Eckardt Chevrolet 5:50 .. 18 : . 802 John Gable/Vince Collins . Ford . ·6:00.37 CLASS CHA~LENGE ::__ RESTRICTED BUGGY -14 START ..:.....1QflNISH .1. 999 Rich Minga/Tom Ray. Chenowth 6:26.09 2. :l. .4. 906 Chuck Guy /lflonda Walsh T-Mag . . 6:41.18 902 · W.H./Marla Vandergrifi • Chenowth 6:44.05 998 Billy Bunch/Kevin Conlin Sandwinder, · 6:46.35 5. 986 Mike Ward/Mike .free T-Mag ' . 6:53.26. CLASS 10-UNLIMITED 1650CC-.10 START:.:_ 8 FINISH 1. • 1004 Russell Welch (solo) · . ·oRE 5.:34.49 2. 1007 :Craig-Watkins/Greg Aronson Raceco.. 5:39.52 3. · 1001' Jim Stiles (solo) Raceco 5'40.55 4. 1003 Bill (solo) Raceco 6:02'.22 5. 1010 Dave Wood/~arit Wood Fun Buggy . 6:06.41 CLASS 11 ~ STOCK VW SEDAN - 3 START - 1 FINISH (3 laps) 1. 1196 . Andy Diaz/Brian 'Smith VW ., , 5:26.01 2 .. 1100. Ramon Castro/Victor Preciado VW •. · 5:11:19 CLASS 14-' UNLIMITED 4X4 - 7 START....:.. 5 FINISH 1. 1406 -. 2. 1499 Emil/John Downey- • ·' : :< Scra'mb'ler . . 6:36.55. Bill Dicktori/Scott Silagy Dodge ... 6:51. )7 . 3. 1402," 4: 1403 5 . . 1401 . Jerry Daugherty/Ken Olsen .,Chevy Blazer 6:59.38 · Richa[d DeVri~s/Richard Fraisher Bronco 7:26.48. David Bryan/Debbie Keefe· Jeep 7:41.03 • ·, r'" . • · Starters -126 · . · Finishers -· 96 · 76.2% finish ratio 4 laps ·01 a 65 mile· course_;, 260 iniles AffENTION DESERT_ RACERS . -17. 23 34 56 72 27 32 38 44 47 37 48. .49 -59 81 16 18 19 20 21 '51 . ' 62 63 66. '70, ·11. 13 14 26 30 97. 106 .58 69 74 . .82. . 83-DUSTY TIMES has contingency.mont;y posted at all Score and HDRA desert races: Ctieck it out on contingency row - Two different Classes each event. . . . · . --.~. , Dusty nmcs I ' ' ' .. · . · , ANN.OUNCES , THEIR Llr' E OF NEW HELMETS I< ¥andard Vo1raQer W/90° j;lo~e Fitting * Deluxe Voyager w/molded Air Inlet. _ ,. *-~!Jper Delu~t Voyager Red/Silver or Bla~k/Silver w/molded A1rj Inlet . · __ - . , ·. -. AJL NEW·STY~E HELME~S _..,85 SNELL A~PROVAL .. RACr1 ~E: SH~E. ~D :1• MU.CH LIGHTER -MORE.NOSE ROO_M . , .... , . ALSO.AVAILABLE URINKERS-KOOL PAC'S-MRA000 LEXAN SHIELDS GL4ss O~~RLA,iSHIELD$.:.. 4' ·&·8-'· HOSES. - FILTERS . l+>iUMPER ~OJORS~- C~STOMER __ C?NVERSIONS .· . P!~;i;! A Full .L·ne of Simpson Safety Products. . . ·1 . , ·· . 'PARKER PUMPER 'PAR:KER , HELMET co. ·_ n 11 &f n -r D 9371 .Kr8.m0r St., Unit .G & ·H =J'-= =='f ( = == ·. , Westminster, Calif. 92683 ~ c ! i • , , p · , : ,,7,14/894-8332 J Page, 19.

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TEXAS BAJA CRQSS Mallol'J~Simback in· Control at·.· Grayson. ~unty Sp~cdway! Text & Photos: Jim's Action Photography David Adams flies past the competition en route to his win in the first Stadium Class 1 Oheat race; Adams p/aced second in class in the series points chase. -Stadium off road racing is alive and the "rough section", a man fourth place with a bunch behind and well in North Texas!! If you . made mogul mania that will _get him wanting to get to the front don't believe it just ask anyorie you real out of shape if you aren't also. · who was in Sherman, Texas on on your best behavior.· Several Meanwhile Cherry was 'still September 5th ·,uid attended the · drivers have found out the "hard running hard up front with the "Texas Baja Cross Champion- : way". One of whom is· David Melton-Sim back battle going on. ships" at Graysop County Adams who was leading the right behind him and sometimes Speedway. Track owers Ben, and Stadium Clas~ 10 main tonight , in the rough it was hard to tell Faye Busby put-on a great -until the "rough section" caught who was in front as the cars stadium sty le off road race with up with him, removing several attacked . the terrain and each lots of action· all nigl;it long in important transmission pieces other! Tommy Cherry would both the Stadium Class 10 and from their proper location and come out ahead most everytime Stadium Sportsman classes. stopping Dave and his Mallory as the other. two were usually To start off the evenin13on a and Adams sponsored Chen- - I · fighting _among themse ves so positive . note ·prom9ter usby owth Magnum dead in its tracks. h announced . a Championship But more on that later. . hard they probably forgot ·ewas · · · in front of them. Melton finally points series for the 1988 Texas The racing began . with the b k r · . put the move on Sim ac ror Baja Cross races to be run at Stadium Sportsman heat race second place and was determined Grayson County Speedway once and Tommy Cherry jumped out to make it stick. He was able to a month from April through to the lead in his Cherry Bros. do i·ust that but by then it was too September. Busby. has ·also Racing, Lyle Cherry sponsored h h d od announcedhewillbeworkingon Chenowth, with Mike Melton's latetoStopT.C.w O a ago -. several new track layouts to keep Pro-Tech - Service sponsored lead by now and the white flag the drivers very busy on his · Berrien and Bullet Bob was out. Joe Nelson's Southern Vo/ks sponsored Chenowth was fourth in the Stadi11m -10 heat race, but fell to fifth spot in the hectic main event. - · E~ing, with Nelson, Mallory and As the cars made their. way . Perry all fighting for fourth place. into the moguls the first fpur When the checkered flag fell it· were all bunched up and they was Adams, Welborn, . Ewing, shot through the moguls faster Nelson, Mallory and . Perry than, they had all night knowing rounding out the top six. • if someone . else bobbled · they As road racers began to. could move up quickly. Melton service their cars for the mains was pushing hard and went'into the circle track cars ran all of · the next turn side. by side with their heat races and those guys Simback. Simback held him off gas it real hard and do some good with a good inside ·. line but racing on the 3/ 8 mile oval! Melton was right on him.As the After all of the -heat races were- · cars came into the moguls on the; decided it was _ time for the ·next lap T.C. got the line and the stadium cars to do some serious drive . out of the tum as Mike main event type racing and that is Melton slid a little · too wide exactly what they intended todo. entering the rough section; this ·. In the Stadium Sportsman put · T.C. in second, but . he main-Mike Melton, from wanted first, especially ~.fter his Lewisville, TX, had the pol~ by. heat race problems and he moved virtue of Tommy Cherry's faulty in on first place Simback, with ignition in the heat race; and Bob Melton_ ·in hot purs_uit wanting Simback was on the outside of second place·back. _ .. row one. Jeff Knight, from Lake Jeff Knight ,pulled up on · Dallas, TX was on row two inside Melton and · there was a great with Mike Bernardo on the battle for the ftrst four spots', that outside. As the flag dropped Bob had T. Cherry trying everything Sim back, took the inside· possible to get around Simback advantage and led Mike Melton· for. the lead, and the same was into the · first . turn. Tommy true for Melton apd Knight as Cherry had snuck ·past Knight, these four pulled·away ,from the Bernardo, and Keith Miller on rest of the field, . handily. '·'Texas Style" off road course. Simback's Volks Folks spon- , Melton tried hard pushing his · The .course now consists of sored Berrien following close car to the limits and T.C. was · 7/ 8 of a mile of jumps, sweeper behind and · fighting hard for · pushing just as hard; but· it was turns, 180° turns, long straights, second spot. Jeff Knight held not T orµmy's night because as he the inside, and, from his third . Simback · began to pull away and row start came out in third place' built a good size lead over Cherry right on· Melton's heels. Jeff and Meltot} who had pulled from AL MALLORY RAC.ING AL MAL~ORY DAVID ADAMS Wis.h To Thank These People For A Successful 1987 Texas Racing Season Lyl_e Cherry Enterprises · Chapparral Trailers Super Boot Products Paul Peyton Chassis Champion Bead Locks Beards "Super Seats" Bug "E" Warehouse Saco·' ~~Quality T QOls & Trucks . Ooetsch Tech Shocks Adams Off Road SPECIAL THANKS-TO J_ames. Ludden Ethan Mallory Blake Mallory~ Lyndon Hill Eddie Stivers rounded the last turn heading for the checkered flag his car· quit running and rolled slowly to a stop 20 feet in front of the checker.ed flag. Mike Melton · won the heat race and Bob Simback was Second followed by Jeff Knight, third, and Mike Bernardo came across in fourth in a. very good race that left most of .the drivers ready for a cold drink and a _ little rest while watching the Stadium Class 10 heat race. · Weldon Welborn got the holeshot · in Bob Simback's Houseworks,·_ Yolks Folks sponsored Berrien with Da,vid Adams trying hard to take the lead. Joe'Nelson ran third in his . Southern Yolks sponsored Chenowth with Steve Ewing's Charger a very close fourth. Adams and Welborn tangled-in · the ·rough section putting Ewing in second behind Welborn and dropping Adams .back .to third:--Ewing, who' was having : · transmission problems at that time, was passed by Adams when he missed a gear going irito the front straight. Joe Nelson also pulled up on Ewing to challenge . for t~ird and he · was being pressured hard by Al'. Mallory and Benny 'Perry. David Adams got by W elbprn going through the moguls ;i'nd began to build a good l~dd tight·away~whiie being --------------llllllllli .... ~ .. -.. -.,•-•·•~--~-.-,.· .. · .,· .i.·• ··' ,.•·•" •' ,;,· . ,, 'thasetl• •li;trd·· ·by· •W"elborn a nd Page iO · November 19•7 Knight · had fourth place and Knight and Miller. . . ·' Bernardo was fifth. . As Tommy Cherry blasted Al Mallory sailed to victory in the Stadium 1 O main event, and the win gave him . the year end points championship, 'driving the Cherry chassis race ·car . . , Tommy Cherry flies off the back jump in his Sportsman racer, and Cheuy, who . stopped snort of the win in the heat, was third in the main ev~_nt. . " Dusty. nmcs ,.

Page 21

through· the . moguls he got pinched sideways and through · the course markings allowing Melton to get by for second but Melton wanted first and he reeled Simback in quickly to challenge him at the last corner and follow him across the finish line a very close second place. · Tommy C herry, from Ft. Worth, was third with Jeff Knight fourth. · As the Stadium Class 10 cars rolled on to the track the crowd · was anticipating the close racing action that the Stadium 10 cars always provide. David Adams . moved into the lead as the cars came through the 180° fir_st turn to begin the 10 lap main event with Steve Ewing's A&R Service sponsored Charger hot on his heels in second, Al Mallory's Mallory Western Wear, Lyle Cherry R acing sponsored Charger was in third, with Joe Nelson's Southern Yolks-Ace Performance Chenowth in fourth. Ewing and Adams tangled in the rough section and slowed each other down somewhat but were able to hold position allowing Mallory and Nelson to close up on them considerably. Beginning the next lap in the first turn Nelson had problems and slipped up allowing Benny Perry's Yolks Folks-Holloway-Perry sponsored Chenowth by for fourth spot. As Perry began to catch the leaders, the moguls got another car in the form of Steve Ewing's broken tie rod end, which allowed his left front . wheel to flop freely in the wind, but somehow he kept on going although Mallory was now challenging to pass into second place with Perry closing fast. All this time David Adams was building a big lead with no one even close to him to threaten his win. Al Mallory took second spot from Steve Ewing and Benny Perry began to close in on Ewing's partially disabled Mike Melton, in his Pro-Tech, leads Tommy Cherry dur(ng the Stadium Sportsman main event, and Melton held off Cherry to take sefond place. Jeff Knight, from Lake Dallas, TX, was second overall in the year end points in the Texas Baja Cross Series Stadium Sportsman Class. . 1 . Charger and pressure him for the wrecker had to ~emove his car third spot. Mallory began to because it wouldn't roll forward close the gap on Adams, and or backwl_lrd. Al fyiallory went by Ewing was able to keep Perry his teammate Adams about two behind him with some daredevil seconds later arid didn't even driving tactics, especially off of slow down to help because he the jumps and through the was behind in points and it was moguls. Joe Nelson was in fifth Adams that was ahead of him; so behind Perry with Kevin Al just drove on to victory and Cherry's Cherry Bros., Lyle the year end points. Ewing was Cherry sponsored Chenowth in · able to hold Perry off for a well sixth. earned second place on a very With the white flag due out on rough and demanding course the next lap David Adams got a especially with a broken front little too friendly with the mogul end. Perry kept Nelson behind section and it bit him so hard in him to round out the top five. the ring and pinion area that the - In the year end points for the Stadium Sportsman racers Bob Sim back's Houseworks-Yolks Folks sponsored! Berrien, from Bob Simback flew through the moguls in traffic, to bring his Vo/ks Folks sp_onsored Berrien to the front and win the Stadium Sportsman main event. Ben Brown wheel stands his Vo/ks Folks Mirage in the moguls, and Brown finished third overall in year end points in the Stadium Class 10 ranks. Grapevine, TX, took first place Brown,· from Irving, TX, was overall! Jeff Knight's O-C Boring third in his Yolks Folks sponsored Racemaster, from sponsored Mirage. Lake Dallas, TX, was leading the The 1988 Texas Baja Cross ·points until the last race and Championships Serie~ will be Simback beathimbyfourpoints, held at Grayson County so Knight ended up second Speedway · 'with plans already · overall. Mike Melton, of being made to provide some Lewisville, TX, was third in his great Stadium racing for the Pro-Tech Service sponsored Texas off road fans. A full Berrien. schedule of events will be posted The ·Stadium Class 10 points in DUSTY TIMES Happenings were won by Al Mallory's Column A.S.A.P. If you are Mallory Racing-Lyle Cherry coming to Texas next year bring sponsored Cherry chassis, from your race car and enjoy some Joshua, TX, with his teammate great racing at the Texas Baja Pavid Adams, Saginaw,. TX, in Cross Series in Sherman, Texas, his Mallory & Adams-Lyle located one hour north of Dallas Cherry sponsored Chenowth on H\ry. 75. For information call coming in a close second. Ben (214)892-3157. THE 1987 OFF[ROAD RACING HANDBOOK Packed with Racing Lore about the Top Drivers and Riders, their Records, and_a Brief· History and Results of Off Road Racing over the Years. ONLY $5.00 PER COPY I - - - -"OFF ROAD FEVER" A 14 minute action packed video for the new devotee or seasoned I enthusiast. Mike Melton drove his Pro-Tech Service sponsored Berrien to second in the Sportsman main event, and he was third overall in the 1987 points. $17 .50 (Specify 3/4", VHS or Beta) Steve Ewing fights the rough section, and despite a broken tie rod, he kept moving and held on to second place in the Stadium Class 10 action. Dustvnma J "A YEAR O.F CHALLENGEr' _ - · · 15 minutef of reliving th~ ~nows, of Parke~, the heat of Baja, the ~one and car crunching of the Fror t1er500. The entire 1985 SCORE/HORA season! $17 .50 (Specify 3/4", VHS or Beta) !order Now While the-Supply Lasts _ -Send Check or· Money Order to: s c 11 E I DUSTY TIMES S · Q INTERNATIONAi! HDAA HIGH DEl~EAT RACING . ASSOCIATION , ' . . " NcMmbcr 1987 5331 Derry Ave., uIte .Championship Off-R:::,ad Racing Agoura, CA 91301 l· *DEALER INQUIRIES INY_I;~~ ' ' , Page 11

Page 22

MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAN PRIX The Cham·pionships Finalized at Harris sat in their Mazdas on row two. Millen knew he was out of the hunt for individual points but had the pressures of winning the Manufacturer's Cup and with the two Mazdas of Jeff Huber and Glenn Harris sitting behind him '--the pressure cooker was about to pop. When the green flag' was thrown, Roger Mears, sitting on the front row took the early lead, but Steve Millen challenged in turn one; and appeared to have it, then Mears retook the lead. Mears developed tranny problems in the following switchback, and Millen took the lead with Jeff Huber second, then the Mazda driven by Rod Millen. Points leader Glenn Harris tangled with Al Arciero's Jeep and suffered a flat tire. By Homer Eubanks · Las Vegas' Silver Bowl Steve Millen sailea· into the victory in the first truck heat race, and the points earned were valuable to Toyota aiming for the Manufacturers' Cup. Round eight of the Mickey Thompson Off Road Champi-onship Grand Prix was the final event of the 1987 season. The Silver Bowl stadium in Las Vegas, NV proved to be a great place to stage a final show down. A total of 24,167 paid to see "The Wildest Show on Wheels" and this event deserved such a title. Six of the eight class championships were up for grabs. Not only the class honors but manufacturer's titles would be decided here. A complete points run down accompanies th is article. The SuJ?er 1600 Trophy Dash started off the show with the six fastest qualifiers. Once the gate was opened it was Larry Noel who took advantage of his pole position to jump out front. Noel was never headed as he went all Jeff Huber had a super night ofracing, as he won the second truck heat, nailed a second in the first round, and beat back all comers to win the main event in his Mazda. The points earned gave Jeff thlj/ 1987 Graf'!d Na(i9qal ,Truck Driver Championship. ,., : Page n November 1987 Photos: Tracksid~ Photo Enterprises the way for the win. Frank Arciero Jr. - followed Noel's . Magnum across with Rob Gordon third. Heat race one of the Grand National Sport Trucks brought out 12 starters with Roger Mears and Steve Millen on the front row and Jeff Huber and Glenn On the following lap Ivan Stewart put his Toyota inside of Rod Millen's Mazda for third place. Rod Millen was able to retake third briefly but Stewart managed to get back around. At this point Steve Millen was leading with Jeff Huber second, then Stewart, Rod Millen and Walker Evans. Steve Millen gained a comfortable lead with Huber five lengths behind. Steve Millen was able to put his Toyota across first with Jeff Huber finishing second. Third went to Ivan Stewart in his Toyota and Rod Millen was fourth. Walker Evans managed fifth. With Toyota taking first, third and seventh (Frank Arciero ), and Mazda capturing the second, fourth and sixth (Glenn Harris) spots·, it would appear the two teams broke even on points, but due to Mickey Thompson's scoring method no one would know the outcome until the final race of the evening. Thompson awards points to the best two finishers of each team and disregards the other. Even though this eliminates factories flooding the event it makes it difficult to keep track of the score. Greg George had traffic on his tail al/the way in the first 1600heat, but his Funco Jed from wire to wire to score the victory over a dozen other chargers. Jef( Elrod flew his VW to a perfect score, winning the UltraStock heat race and the main event by inches, and he finished the year second on points. Dusty nma

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Larry the fast qualifying time in his Chenowth, and he led the 1600 Trophy Dash from wire to wire, but his luck ran out later in the program. Last year's Super 1600champion1Tommy Croft got a goodseco;f§' in the Chenowth in the second heat, but this year he finished fifth on points. f Lloyd and Pudgie Castle were the hit of the UltraStock racing in Vegas, as Lloyd gave his wife quite a ride finishing very tight in second in both races. Rising star Robby Gordon got through the traffic neatly to win tbe 1600 main event handily, and he was second in his heat as well, driving the super sano Chenowth. When the nine Odysseys lined up for their first heat race it was points leader Ron Pierce that had second place Don Archibald on his mind. Pierce wasn't worried with a 53 point. lead but wanted to show the crowd why he managed to lead the series so confidently. Once the race started it was David Thomas that jumped out front but he was to turn the lead over to Bill Goshen on turn two. Rory Holladay managed to get into the second spot. Holladay read Thomas' every move until lap four when he was able to hold the gas on, and take the lead at the start/ finish line. Holladay quickly put several car lengths between himself . and Thomas. Thomas had his hands full with Goshen and Rennie Awana on his tail. to Don Archibald and Bill Goshen fell to fifth. Points leader Ron Pierce finished tenth. Eleven Odysseys made up the second heat race, which consisted of six laps, and it was Frank Chavez that used his front row starting position to take the early lead. Chavez got wide in turn one and James Cook took the lead until he flipped over and Terry Peterson took over. Mike Lovelle moved his Triple E into the second spot · and John , I Hasshaw settled Into third ahead of Dan Chittenlden. Fifth was John Shultz. When the checkered flag flelw they were still in that order. The 4-Wheel A TV heat race # 1 had 18 riders entered to race the six laps. Track Steward Ron Crandell looke9 as if he was going to be run over by the over anxious q. uads a~r the start, but somehow all 18 riders managed to weave around him. Coming from the outside of row one, Jeff I atts put. his Suzuki in the lead and left the other riders to fight over second. place. Watts appeared to have the race in the bag until the last lap when Mart¥ Hart slipped-a round second place Rick Ruppert and began his challenge for the lead. ljlart stole .the · audiences' heart with his attempt, but had to settle for second at the ch1eckered. Third went to Ri'ck Rupert, fourth was Don Turk and Bobby Wilson managed fifth. The second bunch of 4-Wheel A TVs got off to a more conservative start but appeared to be a replay of the heat race. Carey Jones pulled his Honda When the white flag came out it was Holladay, Thomas, Awana and Goshen. When they came around fot the checkered it was Holladay taking an easy win with a hard fought second going to Awana, by a small nose length, at the finish line. Thomas had to settle for third and fourth went Ivan Stewart gave Toyota the points for the 1987 Manufacturers' Cup by winning his heat race and taking a s/rong second in the truck main event that was a dice all the way. · Frank Arciero, Jr. drove'his Chenowth right into the Super 1600 Class Championship at the Silver Bowl. Frahk was second in the Trophy Dash, first in his heat race, ·and second in the main event to take the top points count in t1e huge class. Dusty nmes November 1987 put front and looked to be headed home. Jones lead the f ntire race until the next to last 1turn, when Roger Burman came by hirri leading two other riders. Roger Burman took the win with Toby Ashley second and third going-to Sean Finley. Carey Jones was able to hold onto fourth ahead of Donny Wilson. Nine UltraStocks lined up to battle in the first heat. On the pole sat Oavid Kreisler with Greg George next to him. As the green flag came out it was Lloyd Castle that moved in from the second row to steal the lead in turn one. Kreisler held onto second for a brief period before tangling with a hydro barrier. Greg George was third but got stuck behind K.reisler. Jeff Elrod missed the jam up and managed to slip into second place. -Castle had/ulled away from the pack an was enjoying a •comfortable lead. He felt so comfortable, in fact, that Elrod was able to move within striking range by lap three. Series leader Ken Kazarian was tailing a distant third. . [}{] []] ™J CJJ D [[) 00 DESERT LOCK OUTER 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8-1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP. Standard Lock Outer Inserts ,,___ Tire Located Red Anodize Constructed of all Aluminum 6061 T6 . For light weight and optimum strength Off Inner Ring * At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing * All parts are available separately *In stock - Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" 13" -8"-1 O" UNLIMITED MIDGET MODIFIED MIDGET SPORT TRUCK MINI STOCK QUAD RACER BAJA BUG MODIFIED MIDGET ATV WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on you·r wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 O" ........ $84.95 • 13"/15" ••.•.• $125.00 15'~Desert Lock ..... $132.50 CALL 0.R WRITE TO: 3447 W. University· Fresno, CA 93722 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. . (209)275-5183 Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Page 13

Page 24

I I I I I f· 1 I ! Toyota Tops Manufacturers· and Mazda's Jeff Huber Takes the Top Driver Award By Homer Eubanks The 1987 Mickey Thompson and Grand National Sport Truck Off Road Championship Gran divisions. Mickey Thompson Prix can now be recorded in the tires took top honors in the history books. The season was UltraStock class. full of action packed off road The Super 1600 battl e ended racing excitement. The profes-up. to be a battle between the sionalism shown by the racers Arciero brothers. Only 23 points competing in this year's series separated the brothers as they should be noted. In their quest to went into the final event. Al succeed, we the audience were Arciero suffered traffic problems treated with eight action packed all night long at the Silver Bowl nights ofracing excitement. Eight and Frank was able to win the nights of racing dqesn't seem like championship. Greg George that much, but the impression trailed Al's 215 points with 201 left by these racing events stays for third place overall. Fourth with us for a very long time. went to "Go for it" Rob Gordon. Ivan Stewart attributed Last year's champion Tommy Toyota's win of the Manufactur-Croft finished fifth. Ken Kazarian in his tidy VW played a conservative game in Las Vegas staying out of trouble and placing third in the heat. er's Cup to the consistency of the Ken Kazarian captured the ·and fifth in the main event, plenty of points to secure the series UltraStock points title for Ken Kazarian. Toyotas. This year's win makes UI S k 1 d th h tra toe c ass ivision wi f1·n1"sh tor Al 1·n the heat race t e fifth Cup in a row to be 85 h d f d d h T 2 points to is ere it. Not ar could continue the fight until the awar e to t e oyota team. beh d J ff El d h 249 Toyota totaled 743 points to win in was e ro wit main event. A poor finish would with Team Mazda nipping at points. Tim Maples was right on cinch the title for brother Frank. their heels with 715. Nissan had El rod's tail with 240 points. Greg And with Al sitting on ·the front h f bl h George finished fourth ahead of row with Greg· George thi'ngs its s are o pro ems t is year V T 1 1 d but managed to get third ·in the ince je me an · looked promising for Al. series. ·Next were Chevrolet, Ron Pierce will wear the When the gate opened Greg Dodge, Jeep and Ford. number 1 plate next year in the George jumped out front. Al Mazda played the bridesmaid Odyssey clas.s. Pierce totaled 219 landed hard coming off the first in the Manufacturers' title race points with 196 going to Don jump and fell into third as Rob but captured the overall Archibald for second. Third was Gordon took second. Gordon individual driver's honors. Jeff Rory Holladay and James Cook · quickly began climbing all over Buber totaled 326 points to take finished fourth. Fifth was John Greg George's. tail. In the home the championship. Hasshaw. meantime Larry Noel, running Huber's closest competition Jeff Matiasevich (Kawasaki) third, got sideways .in the last came from his team manager, took home, the gold in 250 Pro tuFn and this held up traffic Glenn Harris. Harris totaled 303 Motorcycle (UltraCros.s) racing. allowing George and Gordon to points and led the series going Top manufacturer went to gain a huge lead. Gordon was intb the final event. Ivan Kawasaki as well. Second was able to pull alongside in every Stewart's consistency·gained him Mike Kiedrowski (Kaw). Third corner, but George had the third place honors with 285 place overall was Jon Nelson power to pull away for some points. Danny Thompson aboard a Honda. Tyson Vohland quick breathing room. Just as (Chevrolet) managed fourth and was fourth and Tommy Watts intense of a battle was happening Walker Evans drove his Dodge was fifth . between Al Arciero and Brad to fifth. . Top 4-Wheel ATV rider was Castle for third place. Mazda's Nye Frank was Don Turk (250 points) with Greg George was able to pull awarded the title of Mechanic of Marty Hart (239) taking second. away from Rob Gordon and the Year. He was awarded a Third was Roger Burman with enjoy a comfortable win after custom made ring for his efforts. 206 points over Jimmy White's Gordon tangled with a hydro In the tire wars it was 200. Sean Finley finished fifth. barrier. Rob Gordon managed to BFGoodrich that captured top Congratulations, 1987 Champ- hang onto second with Brad honors in both the Super 1600 ions! Castle taking his smoking Raceco _________ _,;_...;. _____ .;._ _____ ...;.___ across third. Fourth went to Billy A classic battle for the lead but when the dust cleared in turn Beck and Mitch Mustard took oc:cured at the final turn. Castle one it was Robert Naughton that fifth. · Al Arciero's sixth place left a little room open inside, and came out first with Tallon finish meant that brother Frank Elrod managed to slip · his Vohland right on his tail. In the · would have to do real poor not to Scirocco up to challenge. This second lap Naughton lost power win the series. caused a drag race to the finish and Vohland took over. On the Tommy Croft and Jim line and the two entertained the final lap Tommy Watts took the Sandefer shared the front row of crowd with the closest finish of double jump to land into second the second Super 1600 heat race. the evening. The officials took a place. Third was Mike Kiedrow- Behind these two' sat ten other look at the video and awarded ski. Tommy Watts managed to anxious drivers. One of these-Jeff Elrod the win. Lloyd Castle take the victory with Tallon drivers, Frank Arciero Jr. sitting experienced as close to a win as Vohland second and Mike inside row two, knew that any racer has ever experienced. Kiedrowski third over Frankie finishing this heat would make Third went to a distant series Brundage. Tallon 's brother him the series champion. When leader Ken Kazarian and fourth Tyson Vohland was fifth. the flag flew it was last year's was Tim Maples. Fifth went to The Super 1'600 series series champion, Tommy Croft, Vince Tjelmeland. challenge had become a feud that pulled out a commanding The UltraCross heat race drew between the Arciero brothers. lead. Sandefer held onto the 13 starters to race seven laps. Frank came into the Silver Bowl second place spot briefly, then in Ken Arnold sat on the front row, leading Al by 24 points. A good turn two he saw the current points leader fly by. spot. Tommy Croft kept his When all was said and done it Chenowth way out front ,until · was Ivan Stewart that came the fourth lap when he and Frank across· first. This win most likely Arciero tangled in• the last captured the Manufacturer's corner. Croft appeared to be able Cup for Toyota for the fifth year to hang on until he fumbled for a running. Jeff Huber finished gear and Arciero managed to slip second and third went to Glenn under him for the lead. Jerry Harris with Rod Millen finishing Whelchel was running in third in front of Walker Evans. Evans · with Jimmy Nichols fourth. was later sent back two positions Arciero was able to pull a. for excessive nerfing of Rod comfortable lead and went on to Millen., win the heat and the champion- , Twenty cars lined up for the ship. Tommy Croft held onto Odyssey main event and John second, and third went to Randy Hasshaw used the pole position Rhinehart. Jimmy Nichols was to jump out front: Rennie Awana fourth and fifth went to Marty settled into second and David Coyne. Thomas third. It was ·Rory When the second Grand Holladay back in fifth place that National heat race lin~d up there · started things happening. On the were 12 starters. On the pole sat next lap he_ muscled his way Mazda's Rod Millen and aroundRussellEastandstarteda Toyota's Ivan Stewart. Behind charge for the front. On the next them was another Mazda driven lap Holladay passed David by Jeff Huber and beside him sat Thomas at the start/ finish line to Steve Millen. Walker Evans and move into third. Going down the Glenn Harris made up row three. back straight Holladay let it all Rod Millen jumped out with hang out and slipped into the ·Huber squeezing Stewart out for second place spot. second. On the following lap Hasshaw was out front with a . Stewart managed to take second comfortable five car length lead." but was pli\gued with his hood Things looked good for Hasshaw flying up obstructing his vision. until the final turn when he came Stewart must have used his radar up on lapped traffic. Hasshaw to help guide-him around the lap chose to go to the outside of the until lady luck tore the hood off. two slower cars and at that time Once Stewart had clear vision they seemed to pull bver· to let he set his sights on Rod Millen's the faster traffic by.This blocked front position. By the sixth lap Hasshaw and Holladay saw a hole Rod Millen and Stewart were as big as Highway 1 O 1 in front of making 'a race of it. Stewart tried him. Rory Holladay took the win going around at the sweeper but with John Hasshaw h·aving to be exited the corner with Millen in ' bridesmaid. Third went to the lead. Just before the white Rennie Awana and fourth was flag came out Stewart (vas able to Russell East ahead · of David get under Millen and muscled his Thomas. way around for the lead. Millen The 4-wheel ATV class had 24 went wide and teammate Jeff starters lined up for the seven lap Huber slipped into second. On main event. Sean Finley took off the next to last turn of the event first with Marty Hart settling into Millen's team captain Glenn second, Toby Ashley was able to Harris stuffed his front fender move by the pack and take the inside to drop Rod dowh another lead 'On the second lap. Brad Castle flew his Raceco high over the course that the drivers really liked, and Castle scored a close 3rd in the 1st 1600 h~at race. Mazda team leader Glenn Harris got fast qualifying time in trucks, and was third in the first heat, came to grief later, but still took sec.9.'!_d pl~!3_ in driver points. Randy Rhinehart looked strong in the second 1600 heat, placing third in the A Arm Funco, but he had tra,ffic troubles in the hectic main event. Page 14 Dusty nmcs

Page 25

Roger Mears had /roubles in both heats with his Nissan, but came back nicely in the main ·event in.'the older truck, and took third at the flag. · Sporting a. keen new paint job on th~ Mazda, ·Greg George got it . Teenager Phil Carter,_Jr. kept cool in the heavy traffic and drove sorted out for the mafn event, and drove to a close third anp fourth his Funco to a very impressive fourth place in the 1600 main fi/vent. on points. · ·, . . Rally star Rod Mil/en kep.t his}r1aida ahead of Ivan Stewart, left, tor many laps, but a(the flag, the Toyota was in front tor the pQints. Danny Thompson had the main eveht pole in the Che~y. led most . David Kreisler drove the Raceco'built Mazda UltraStock hard o;er of the way, but'steering failure put him on his side· sho'rt of the the bumps, and scored a good finish in the main event, 4th place. Sean Finley's trouble was not -over as he ended· the event in fourth. Firs.t went. to Toby Ashley ·with Marty Hart second. · Roger Surman managed fourth .,and Don Tu_rk finished fifth. Only nine of the expeqed 10 cars lined up_ for the Ul.traStock main event. Tim Maples had WOI) checkered flag. · · · · the pole position but was unable. to make the grid. This left his spot vacant and gave second row starter Lloyd Castle a clear shot at the inside of the first-turn. When the green flag flew Castle· jumped inside with Jeff Elrod second; Ken Kazarian ma'naged . ·third and fourth went to Vince Tjelmeland. going into th~ last corner: H~ a~d . . A .total of 21· st.arters made up Elrod tried to go wide in turn Ca~tle • banged into one another . · the Super 1600 main event • to one and swing undf r -Castle h~t anp Castle ended · up a distant race 10 laps. Randy Rhinehart bogged down and let Castle gam second. Once out front Elrod . and Brad Castle made up the several car lengths. However, prbgressively gained ground and· fron.t row with Tommy. Croft Elrod. was able to Jnake up the we'nt on for the win. Third place' and Rob Gordon on the next lost ground quickl">1] to challenge we1~t to (;it~g George and.David row. Brad Casde looked like the for the lead on the next lap. Krf1sler-fm1shed fourth ahead of early leader but stalled m turn ·Elrod slipped irside Castle .. · Kep Kazarian. • ' one and ~ J Town MCIZd.a-Califomia Gold Racing pongratulates JEFF BUBER .·Overall Gnlmd National . . . . ._ ... . Sport 'Iluck Point~ Ch<illlpion :;l , . . " \ . . ~.·.NYE.FRANK M~~hanico~theYear~ Dusty TI~s . . I Rod Millen• Tom Jobe• Danyl Drummond• Ken Magi, Dave Clark• Martie Moore • George Klotz• J 'ohn Fascerida Dave Akazawa • Frank Trifiletti . 1 · · . Mazda Motors ofAmeli~a ·(Central), Inc. • Bill Wolf• ~e McClelland Performance PR, Ine. . ·. . . I ' I . . . ' Gina Harris• Lesley Burke• Lee Frank• Les!fe-Huber , I _. . . _ . . Generai' Tire • Pennzoil • Fox Shqx • Ch~pion ·• Perfofuiance Plumbing Products K&N • Pro Gas· Centerline Wheels • KC HiLite~ · .. I . · · PRODUCTS . . . . • I . . "Thanks for your championship effort in The 198Z M1EG Gran Prix Series:' · .f . · · GlennHarris CAIJFOR·NIA <DOLD. 11.'ACING-~ . I · ' I 1390 FLYNN RD.: UNITG., ·, 1P.f.:· BOX 1933 9~ARILL~, CA ,•1·1,. • ~ f.~;I..._ · I '!",,f~ 93011 (805) 4$4-0629 November 1987 Page 25

Page 26

\ Walker Evans had·a· good time in the main event, despite a poor. .starting spot, and he flew the Dodge Ram 50 right info fourth place, ' Jimmy Nichols got good atmude in• his Raceco, and his pace ' A/Arciero: whowa.ssecondin 1600poinis, made his truck debut in ' brought him a fine fourth in 16Q0 heat 2, t~ntti on year.end.paints. the Jeep Comat,che, but he had no good luck and disappointing and he was fifth on points. . · L • • • • • results. . . . Marty Coyne had his best season yei Jn ,stadium 160_Q racing, ... Texa'h Billy Beck raced the Be.rrien to~ 4th in the 'heat and 5th in' Mitch Mustard came tro°'m Colorado· to sample Jtadium racing, and . taking fifth in his heat, thir_din the main event, a,:,dhe was fifth on the ,riain event, and he cam_e in-9th in the 1987 1600 points·tally. , . his fifth in'the heatrace was impressive, and heplans'to do the full · "overall points_. · series next year. ;: · · · ~ caused a traffic jam. Rob and weaved .his way through. second on the four-th lap but Gordon'wasabletogetloosefirst Rob Gordon stole·the show Tyson Vohlaod managed to take and take the lead · followed by . and later claimed ''!'knew that we · second on th~ seventh lap. Tyson points leader Frank Arciero, . were· going to do: it all day long. I Vohland managed to take home Marty" Coyne•· th·en Randy· just felt it.'' Frarik Arciero Jr. · the mo~ey. Robert Naughton. Rhinehart. . ,crossed over s.econd but cinched was second after Jeff Matiasevich · Mostoftheotherracersdidn't the class chambionsh,ip. Marty , dropped his-bike. Third get going until Rob Gordon had Coyne was third arid fourth went T o'mnw Watts. Fpurth place was .gained a half a lap· lead. This to Phil Carter Jr •. · ahead of Billy' Russ Wageman and Ray Soi:nmo or Glenn Harris w.ould be the for second. Th'en goirig i~to the '• driver's · champion and their last corner Thomp~n got.up on. Mazdas or Team Toyota·woulq two wheels and dtd'one of the take· home the cup. Toydta had . slowest rolls ·we've ever seen. Jeff th~ points advantage and Mazaa· Huber slipped inside and Stewart would need a 1]liracle to_ pull off: had · to go .. outside.-This gave the cup championsqip. The irony Huber a c,ouple of seconds lead. meant that Gordon would be Beck. was fifth. facing lapped traffic· soon which The UltraCross main had 14 The- Grand Na ional main should _ give Arciero a chance to, starters to race nine laps. Robert event was truly a "main event". · · close in. Rob Gordon· was able to Naughton jumped out front with An event li~e this could only pick his way through the traffic Russ Wageman second ahead of happen in Las Vegas. The lik~ only·a young teenager racing · Tyson Vohland. Series p9ints' . i11dividual championship wo_uld the last race of the seasori could leader Jeff Matiasevich . moved be . decided along with the do. He simply held the gas down into third on lap two and up to . Manµ(acturer's Cup. Jeff Huber PerformancePublic Relations,· Inc. _ would liketo congratulate Jeff Huber Overall Grand National Sport Truck Points Champion ' , · Ny~· Frank_--. ·Mecfian,c of the Year Glenn Harris arid the · · entire California··-Gold Rac~ng Team · Mazda Motors of Americ:a (Cent~alJ, Inc. on their championship season_iri the 1987:·Mickey Thompso'n · Off-Road Gran Prix Series -Ill PERFQ . . CE. JI■■--PUBLIC RELATIONS~JNC. 4529 A~g~les Crest Hwy., Suite'21JB, ea 'canada, Califon1ia·9]011-(818) 952-1622 . ~ .) .;', .l 'i ,:I . .:. .J --: .J -. ~t 4"..: \ ! f t . ' \: '--.> Page 16 November 1987. of Walker Evans being penalized Glenn Harris was running fourth for -bumping into Rod · Millen · but had two flattires. He was able (Mazda), made matters worse. to run and keep his poi;;ition, for Setting ·Evans· back two spots several laps. But another veteran caused Toyon~ to get the front that was amazing. the crowd was,. row advan~ge. . Steve 'Millen . Roger Mears:" driving the truck would have been , on- the front · he won ·'the·_ championship with · row anyway o'ut Rod . Mille~ backin.1985.Meatsw.asweaving would.have shared the front row. through traffic unscathed. :In an , As the 12 trucks lim~d up the unusual action,• Harris was black · tensioh ·i~ the air, could be. cut ' . flagged. I say .unusual because he w_ith a knife. Dani:iy Thompson wasn't holding up traffic, his · sat on the pole with Steve Millen truck looked like ''.8.ig Foot''. had • _ ne',(:t to him. · Rod Millen . and walked over it a coup!(! of tim_es, . Glenn Harris came next with·J~ff · but he was holdirig a gaod·fourth Huber and Ivan Stewart ·on row SP9t .. In this race, where rules three. Walker Evans sat oil ,the seemed to mean little, the black inside · of row four with Al flag seemed .unnecessary. · Arciero beside him. David · When the white flag'came out Ashley sat on the .last row with Huber was leading Stewart but as Joey Mocire. Behind them sat· they-entered the sweeper Frank . Roger M~rs all alone. , Ardero was about to be lapped Once the ice was broken·itwas in his Toyota. Huber said lie saw it1sider, D"nn:y_ Thompson . Arciero looking .over ,his: · leading the pack with Jeff Huber .shoulder, and feared he would be taking -second. Glenn Harris. blocking for . Stewart' but, managed third but was suffering Atciero stayed in .the race and · from a hood flapping as a result Huberonly had to wor:ry about of the turn one push, and shove Stewart-' and he was all over'his matc_h. ,Everyone · ,thought of - tail.'A gooci drag race occurred at Harris' per,formanc:~ a couple of rhe finish line but Huber·wasable years ago when he droye most of to take the win. The win gave the · th~ San Bernardiho. race blind; . individual pain~ championship due to a hqod_ blocking his to Jeff Huber. Ivan Stewart got vision, anti, realized that he was second arid, cinched · the part bat and would be able to Manufacturer's Cup for Toyota .. handle a simple thing like no Roger Mears who had · started :visiol). But, Harris was lucky t~is fifty feet behind the field.ended tinie as the hood let go and he was . up third. Walker Evans finished . able to stay in th.e hunt. · ; fourth and ·fifth went' to Steve Th()~pson was holding onto ,. Millen, ... ,, · _the lead but . suffering _ from ' The main event was a fitting strering problems. Huber looked conclusion to this yeafs Mickey .. :to.;be sitting back waiting for the Thompson Off Road Champ-·• rig~t moment. of the · ionship series, with many of the . field ·looked . like a demolition . . championships being decided at derby,Noonewasgivinganinfh. this final event. Thompson has Thompson'·had some breathing been a.wared an- exclusi've .. .· room ·but everyone: else h_ad· contract with Anaheim Stadium · . someone climbjng all over tnem ni::xt ye~r., the show will · in an attempt fo'r position: · ·. apparently go _back east for a f~w . At the halfway m:irk Thomp~ race~! but Thompson , should_ son. cquld -feel the heat from have a suitable stadium to host !"luqer:•and · Ivan ~tew~rt's ,battle ~ -his off road series. . . Dusty· Times

Page 27

1· The·Jeep Cup Rally Series - . I . I Rallymaster Bill Lanthripp points the way to Jeep Cup participants at the Rlacerville start of the only Jeep Cup rally in California in 1987. I . f!miliar with the rally game. . Martin, from Sterling Heights, Michigan, and Fox, from Dayton, Ohio, are veterans of rallies run by . the Sports Car Club of America, one of the sanctioning organizations for the Jeep Cup. Earlier in 1987 this team took the top spot in the Touring D_ivision of One Lap of Ready for the road, more than 400 participants lined the streets of Placervflle, CA to begin the second annual Jeep Cup rally last July. The California event was one of five Jeep Cup rallies in· the USA. The Jeep Cup Rally Series is a rally schedule. Drive Club. I I The top three teams won the all expense paid trip to Reno, Nevada and the right to compete in the Jeep Cup Championship on August 28-30. Because JJmeson and Broberg placed first in another Jeep Cup this year, the fourth place team of Holmquist and Withers qualified for the finals in Reno. And; it was the second place team of Hill and • Richardson who won the qoodyear tires. Sixth place finishers Mark Perry, Sacra-niento, CA, and Brenda Parker, C~rmichael, CA, received the Brahma camper shell. After the . rally a picnic, hosted by S~ider AMC/ Jeep/Renault of S~cramento, ~as held for __ the drivers, navigators, families, winners and losers alike, to . complete the weekend· of fun. . America. The first place finish earned Martin and Fox the use of a 1988 Jeep Wrangler for one year. Second place went to Howard Hill and Ron Richardson, with a total error of 38 seconds. They were also second at Sacramento. And, winners at both Denver and Sacramento, Dave Jameson and Karl Broberg were third with a total score of 49 seconds. Gary Luke and Mark Williams were fourth with an error of 55 seconds, as the westerners dominated the top spots. But, it was close running all the way down the ranks. More Michigan ralliests, Greg Netter and Dave Dannemiller were fifth, with a 58 second error. unique competition that The night before the The Sacramento Jeep Cup provides four wheelers the Sacramento Jeep Cup Rally there Rally started at 9 a.m. from the chance to try their skill at Time- was a dance at the Placerville Victor AMC/Je!ep/Renault Speed-Distance rallying in their Town Hall. Teams were advised agency in Placerville. The route own area in their own vehicle. to bring along a stop watch, covered more thJn 75 miles, The concept started in Canada, calculator, shovel, tow rope, fire traversing elevations from 1500 and grew to include events in i:he extinguisher, first aid kit and to 7600 feet. Plac~rville is also United States. In 1987 there some drinking water in their rig. the town where I the annual were ten qualifying rallies, five in There was a short tech inspection Jeepers Jamboree starts. So, this the USA and five in Canada, for each vehicle to be sure the rally group, that numbered over spreading the series out all over necessary equipment was on 400 participants, was in for some North America. The top three board, ·and that the lights, horn, rugged running through some finishing teams in each event wipers, and directional signals spectacular scenery. At the 7600 became eligible for the grand worked. All the competing 4x4s, foot point, McLaughlin AMC/ finale Jeep Cup Rally, where 30 of course, had to be street legal. Jeep/Renault of· Auburn 1 teams competed in identically · Among the extensive plans for provided food and drink to equipped Jeep Comanche_pickup the Sacramento Rally were extra participants as the~ took their trucks. prizes. The first place driver and r~st break and enjoy\ed the scenic The Jeep Cup Rally comperi- navigator would each receive a views .. tion is not a race, although the set of Goodyear tires, and the For the second ti~e this year, route does cover rugged terrain first pickup truck to finish would Dave Jameson and his partner suitable for the use of 4x4 earn a Brahma camper shell for . Karl Broberg, both of Tucson, vehicles. The Jeep Cup is a time- the team. The top ten teams Arizona, finished first in a Jeep speed-distance rally where received Shell Fire and Ice 2000 Cup Rally. Not only did they win competitors are given detailed Motor Oil, and a special drawing the Sacramento event, but they route instructions, which tell was held for' Turbo Wash also won the Jeep Cup held them where to go, when to turn, pressurized washing systems. earlier in the year out of Denver, and how fast to travel. · The The Jeep Cup Rally Series-is Colorado. The expert rally team instructions tell one everything sponsored by Jeep Corporation, had a total error of 1·ust 43 · but the location of the Sports Car Club of America, seconds. Also regular_ral y folks, checkpoints. So the successful United Four Wheel Drive Howard Hill and Ron Richard-team must run on time all the Association, Shell Oil Company, son of Rancho Cordova, CA time. The object, of course, is to Goodyear Tire and Rubber were second with a store of 1: 11. compute a precise time of arrival Company, the Stroh's Brewery, In third were Gary LJke, Morgan at each checkpoint, using a stop Turbo Wash, and Brahma, Inc. Hills, CA, and Mark Williams, watch.and a calculator. Normally · "[he Sacramento area Jeep Cup San Jose, CA, with J total error that is an easy task for an was hosted by the California of 1 :32. Fourth we11e Southern experienced navigator, but Association of Four Wheel Californians Ne t Withers, bouncingoverdifficultoffroad Drive Clubs, and the Sierra Fountain Valley, and Ty. terrain rriakes for some Tresure Hunters· Four Wheel Holmquist, Mission Viejo, also interesting calculations. The Jeep 1 Cup Serie.s is open to any licensed driver with a four wheel drive vehicle. This year the American rallies w took place il,'l Arizona, Michigan, .Color:ado and Georgia, and last July the action ran out of Sacra-• mento, California. Sacramento area resident Bill Lanthripp served as rallymaster and general coordinator of the event, and he said that the Jeep Cup off road events have achieved near "cult" status. Entrants came not only from the Sacramento area, San Francisco and Southern Cali-fornia, but some came from Arizona and Colorado. Many competitors . planned their vacations around the Jeep Cup Dusty nmcs Participants in the Sacramen,tQ area Jeep Cup Rally got to sample1some of the rugged trails in the Sierra u;;ed_ q,;i the annual Jeepers Jamboree. . · Noftmber 1987 Moving on to · Reno for the final, the Jeep Cup Champion-ship Rally, the 30 teams faced a more than 60 mile route, complete with rocks, sand and sage brush. It was the best of the northern Nevada desert. Rallymaster Randy Meusling stated that the trails used would not be found on a Rand McNally m~p. Meusling and his staff are members of the "Fun On All 4's" four wheel drive club out of Satramento. The club is part of thJ California Association of Four Wheel Drive Clubs. The route covered elevations up1 to 6800 feet. The speeds ranged from three miles per hour . when the going was particularly rough to 50mph. The course was estimated to take about seven hours for the on time teams, all driving 1988 Jeep Comanches. It was a veteran rally team that won the Jeep Cup North-Aniterican Championship in Reno. Fighting their way through •thel Nevada desert, Bob Martin and Martin Fox finished just 18 . secbnds off a perfect score to win the\ second annual Jeep Cup · Championship on August 29. I The best placed Canadian teain was Jim and Pam Strausz, . from Kamloops, British Colum-bia, eighth overall with a time of 1: 18. Last year's Jeep Cup Champions Chris Donald and Peter Partridge, of North Vancouver, British Columbia, were a disappointing 24th, with a 3:51 score. The Championship Jeep Cup Rally started at the Nugget Hotel and Casino when the Nugget's world famous acting elephant, Bertha, flagged off the first cars. The rally finished over seven .hours later. in Virginia City. The Jeep Cup Rally Champ-ionship has grown remarkably in scope and participation in just a few years. Watch for the announcement of a 1988 series soon. In the past the rally series has started in Arizona as early as February, so news of the 1988 Jeep. Cup should be available before the end of the year. All p~rticipants in the national Jeep Cup finals drove identical Jeep Comanche pickups, and this one is· passing through a precise time control. . Page 17

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THE BUDWEISER SUNRISER SCCA PRO RALLY John Buffum Wins His 98th. Jean Paul Perusse gave fellow Canadian Martin Headland quite a ride as he did the bicycle act ona tight turn in the forest, putting the Volkswagen G Tl up on two wheels, then almost on its side, before gravity took over and the caF landed back on its four wheels. The team finished third overall and second in Group A. Championship Rally in Ohio and Bruno Kreibich, all within a minute of each other. of the stage, but the Audi losi: all oil pressure on the way. By Lynne Gray Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises There were anxious gazes at the sky next morning, as dust is always a~oncernatSunriser. The forecasted rain didn't really happen until Saturday evening.' However, the dust didn't seem as bad as in previous years, when the rail y was won or lost depending on who was running first on the road. The day started badly for some. The Krowlikow-skis were accidently time barred by a misinformed official, and though they argued their case, they were not allowed to restart the event. By the time the organizers caught up with the error, it was real! y too late to make amends. The demise of many proved to be Stage 10, Buckeye Trial. Here Jon Woodner got a little wide on a corner and slid the Peugeot down a bank, for once on the driver's side. It took two trucks and a large winch to dislodge the car, which escaped with only a dented roof and a broken windshield. . Just around the corner from tcye Peugeot, Dan Coughnour's Dodge Omni was also involved with a tree, which put an end to his charge. John Buffum and Tom Grimshaw did their usual act by winning overall in the Group B Audi Quattro; despite an extra trip After running the Y octangee Park stage again, the rally headed for the forest. Paul "Thumper" Choiniere surprised himself by rolling very slowly and gently onto the roof of the Audi on Stage 8, while going, he said, about 16 mph. Paul and co-d river Scott Weinheimer managed to turn the car back on its wheels, and drove to the end Jean Paul Perusse, who was driving hard and sitting second in Group A, broke a half shaft, but continued- through the stage, losing only three minutes. Zach Thompson had a slightly more bizarre story; with brake problems ·bugging his Dodge Omni, he went off on a· comer and put his car down a ten foot embankment, in what appeared to be an irretrievable position. Zach said, "I saw an opening in tqe woods and drove down to it, about 150 feet off the road. Then I put my foot down and somehow managed to get the car into the Ohio woods they won by a minute and 41 seconds. · Long a staple event on the SCCA Pro Rally scene, the 1987 Budweiser Sunriser had more than the usual_ troubles gettrng off the ground. Dick Paddock and his organizing committee had a mere three months to put the rally together, due to ongoing problems with road use permits. The FISA timing system posed a good deal of confusion as well, as the working crews were not at all familiar with the system being used in the series for the first time this year. The normally most accurate route book • contained more than a fair share of errors, and transit times were reported to be pretty tight. The Sunriser stretched over two days this year, . also, instead of the traditional one day rally. The event was slated to start on Friday night at 7 p.m., after various pare fermes that started in the early afternoon. The first stage was the traditional Yoctangee Park stage, and this year the "Jump", usually a great spot for photographers, was well . and truly roped off, even to the press. No good pies there this year. Rod Millen won the stage by a second over John Buffum, who once again had the Group B Audi Quattro out among all the · Group A cars. The drama started on Stage 2, a pavement run made tricky by a -<>-short gravel section in the middle of it. Jon Woodner' stalled the Peugeot 205 after going off, and took 30 seconds to get restarted. Page 30 John Crawf9rd slid off, losing three minutes after making a bad tire choice for the Dodge. Paul Choiniere lost six minutes when he went off in his Audi. He said, "Just one of my Ohio moods. I won't do it again." Nelson Shepard spun spectacularly in his VW GTi. Gail Hoult and Gary Gooch both took the wrong road, and the Watanabes went out with engine trouble and retired. Wrong-slots (off course on the wrong trail in rallyese) were a common. occurrence that first night with both Rod Millen and Cal Landau succumbing on Stage 3. Millen lost a scant nine . seconds, but the unlucky Landaus lost six mim1tes after they accidently dropped into a ditch while. backing out of the wrong road. On St~ge 5, Thunder Road, Doug Shepherd drove his Dodge Shadow straight over a bank on a corner that tightened unexpect-edly. Fellow competitors said they could clearly see where Shepherd had hit the brakes and slid onward and off. With Shepherd out, Millen, who was next on the road, had a dust free four minute gap. He tweaked the boost on the Mazda and took 15 seconds off Buffum. The last stage of the night · finished without incident, and at the end of it, Buffum was two seconds ahead of Millen, who was nine seconds ahead of · · Woodner, Millen splitting the two Group B cars with his Group A Mazda. Two minutes back was Jean Paul Perusse, then came Dan Gilliland, Chad DiMarco, Guy Light, Scott Child, Niall Leslie, Bruno Kreibich and Clark Bond got going well on the second day in t_heir Audi · Quattro, and whipped in fifth overall and second in Open Class. • \ • • • • ! --,~' . ... • Ncwcmbcr 1987 Dan and Betty Ann Gilliland kept the Dodge Shelby Charger on track all the way to take the victory in Production GT Class and score a fine seventh overall. Despite his spectacular act in the · woods, Jean Paul Perusse and co-driver Martin-Headland-brought,the VW GT/ in. for a third overall finish and second-in Group A - -·, ' · ' 1>111ty nma

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Rod Millen and Harry Ward romped all over the Group A field, winning in the Mazda GTX 4 WO, and Millen ne,arly caught the Audi, but he came in second Ol(era/1, first in Group A. • ' I : . • • . • • • • ' • • ' - -Niall Leslie and Tom Drake had !I fastrun in the Toyota Corolla, and they finis_hed_an amazing sixth joverall, as well as winning the Production Clas_s honors. · · · back on the road. Actually, I hit ran back d9wri. the:road t.o tnli~t harder getting back on i:hen going the aid ~f some spectators, and • off!" Also off on this. stage was while he did this, ·Buffum drpve a Troy Sika, one of the new, littk further into .the hole to a young, quick drivers who IJ.ave ridge that; amazingly, he was able . appeared on the scene. He lost to r'everse out from. The· team· nearly 30 minutes and a·chance at lost a minute, putting them just a good resµlt, 30 seconds ahead of Millen and Up to this point Buffum an.di co-driver Harry Ward. Millen had been battling it out, However, Stage 13 was later Millen usually only a few seconds cancelled when complaints were off the pace setting Quattro. made that there was ··non..:rally Things could have been traffic in the stage. Orga~izers different, however. Stage 13 saw stopp~d the stage and drove irl, Buffum caught out on an finding e_vidence of a number of instruction. · The Quattro went heavy trucks that had come out over'.t:he edge of a very large hole. of an unmanned entrance onto Tom Grimshaw hopped out and the stage. The following stage, Scott Child and Steve Laverty are getting closer, and this round their Toyota FX 16 was fourth overall by just 45 seconds, and third in Group A. ' I . Cooper Hollow, pecame a transit when radio contaJt between the start and finish couldn't be made. · The rally \:hen paused for over an hour in Jackson\ where service crews were able to work on the cars and drivers coµld · assess their progress. The battle was on in the · Production class, where Niall Leslie was ju'st ten seconds behind Guy Light . .In Group A, apart from Millen who had an . lead, there _ was a,lso hot competition. Perusse . smoothly, with. the tight transit had.· made,, up · time and held times keeping ·competitors on second. place by th~ skin 9f his their "toes. There was a mild teeth. He was six seconds in front· fiasco in McArthur when an · · df Scott Child,who was' being . arrival time control set up late in_ .t \losely pursued by Chad themi_ddleoftheserviceareajust · DiMarco in his immaculate as Buffum came around the Subaru RX Turbo. In Ptoduc-cor~er heading .. for his se,;vice tion GT, Dan Gilliland had a · crew .. Uftder the rules, J.B. c,ould, firm; two min.Ute lead over next not pass by the control unti.l after in class, David .Lapham, in his his car had been serviced, and Mitsubishi Station. .since his crew was beyond the The final . nine stages ran A JC, ~ · KCHAS SHINED .THE WAY TO MORE OFF-ROAD RACING· VICTORIES THAN .. · ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED!-t KC 1-filiTES, we're ·serious about ompetition. lighting._ So why take _a hance with anything els ...... ~-Iii ' ,,. -Guy Light and Jimmy Brand had a good rally in the VW G Tl,' coming in eighth' overafl, second in Production, only 1:18 out of the class win. ' , , , , 'Dusty nmes. KC HILiTES, Inc. _• Williams, Ar!zoil~ _86046 •-602/635-2°607 Novem~r-:1987 ,,r,i_ ',' .. ; '. ::_ 't Page· 31.

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. . . By Judy Smith ' -_--D~)C_ Ingram,, in Class 1; lost a-< .--, head ·on Lookput Mountafn, the highest point of the C!:}_Urse; on:: . lap _one. And -Dick-' and Gary The inaugur~l Colorado 300. Albe~ Arciero also had t~ans · Weyrich broke a link combo on turned out to be pretty easy on trouble in his:_Class 1. ·car. He the third lap'and were out. Lee the race cars, and the finish rate finished-lap t;wo ;~ ith··<;mly t~ird Alderman, in a·prettynew.Chevy . was a -high 76%. Nevertheless, gear, and decided 1t must be time Class 7 truck, broke one of his there were some Losers. One was to park. Albert says he did i:eal nic•e looking chromed -trailing Henry Arras ( qr maybe he didn't ___ · well until then. In fact, he said he arms on the second lap, and was Lose a thing), who fell off a "passed Boq__ Shepard before the · out. Frank Arciero was out when ladder a week before the race, - start." This in reference to· the, -, .his new high teth Class A Chevy andbrokehis.heel,sohecouldn't · fact that they were both latt: t~. tossed· a fan belt and the .spare drive. Henry didn't mai<e the staging and-Albert was able to:get was too small. ' : - -long trek porthward. in line, while Shep;ud was sent to · Jim o 1 s On and Terry 'Incidentally, ·while we're on the back of the pack. Shepard . McDonald lost second place in the subject of broken feet; you lost a good start position (#101) Class 14 when their vehicle lost will remember that I wrote about in the· process. · _ . ' _ suspension parts and rolled, Jim Fricker injuring his foot at Qori Adams-got in a good first _·twice.The second time it wastoo Riverside when he_ stepped off a lap and then disappeared for.the ·ei far away from t~e pit crew and tire. He limped around that rest of the day. It seem~fne Jeep they couldn't get help. _ · -; weekend, but rode with Rod Hall had ·brohn some valve springs. While Don Rountree isn't anyway, in the Heavy Metal AndMattPike w~s reported out exactly a Loser, he did break a Challenge. Well, Fricker showed.-of gas in a restricted ar~a (whkh spindle on the las~ lap and fell up at Craig in a cast. It seems that was· most of the course) and:no d h 1 d the little bone along the outside one could go in to help him: He fr9m secon to sixt P a.ce. An John Daubenmeier and Stanley Rosen were one ofmany Michigan teams c;m the rally, and they ~ere third in Production GT in .the Dodge Shelby. . . · ~ it was a deaalock situation. of the season in an SCCA Pro After some shouting and muc:h Rally. I!lilling about, the local police John Buffum and Tom. insisted on movipg the contralto Grimshaw won overall and in-where it should have been in the Open Class in the Group B Audi first place' - beyond the service Quattro. Less tha!!,two minutes area. back in second- overall, Rod we needed an excuse to bring him . of his foot had been broken. _ completed only one lap. into the conversation~ · · Another Loser was the team of . In _ Class 8 the i:eam of Bob Jim and Ratti Pfeffer, who came Sievert and Jim Wheeler were Don it seems; decided to make· all · the way out frqm' Ilhnqis to . finishing their second lap and. 'the trip to Craig a .double race their new 5;1600 car.-B_ut tvere having severe rea·r purpose_ excursion; so he 'even with all the expert ,advice s1;1spension troubles when 91ey stopped off in LlsVegas and got they got, they just couldn't get · hit the bump at.the beginning· of· married. Don and his bride-to:. the _ car to run properly, and pit tow.-They took.itjustwrohg, be, Barbara, took -along . with. didn't bec9me an official entrant,: and· toppled over on the-ir si?e,,_ them an entourage of frl.erids and 'Jim Cocores, , had · p~e-r:ace Jdhn Rah?~11, - coming right pit people; including Bans Kerri, troub~e too. His1 came. on race behind them~in his Jeep,_ tried to who's been pitting with Don for mommg when -the 011 ;:,ump go around _ and nosed ·mto the:. ages. So, since· Don and-Barbara cover blew off his Glass ·5 car; , sq~re·side·of the hole and stuck , wer~ doing it, Hans,arid his Lady and the oil ran out .. He tried a his Class 4 truck: · Fair decided to do it also. A couple different way~ of sealing _ The Cla'ss~s i:eam was being chapel was reserved, andr they it, left several puddles of oil on dm1seq with gas from· their big planned c_onsecutive weddings, the Colorado . landscape, and · tank,, so · they climbed out right during a quick stopover ori the finally got it fixed in time for away. But their truck couldn't be way to the race. A lot of friends, staging. But Jim never finisp.ed righted until Randall was moved wer_it along for the· ceremonies, his first lap. The motor quit, and out of the hole. Luckily, there and, · carried away . PY· _the surpris~ngly, it wasn't because of- were lots , of pit folks and rornantidsm of the moment, the 9il pump coyer. Cocotes spectators available. So,. while Jack Schlaman and his lady also reported-that he thinks he broke some directed onc_pming traffic · got in line, and made- -it three the ca_m. _ _ ,· around the mess, ·a big group weddings. -The group had a post In the same, class Richard pushed Randall back out of the -nuptial brunch, some went back · Llewellyn haq a good ffrst lap,~p -hole, and then · righted ~iey~rt. to Riverside, and a whole mess of until about- mile 61, when•his Th~; truckers, doused· -with -themwent,onthehoneymoonto--transinissiop broke. He figures · gasoline, and with a skk vehicle Craig. After the racing Don and he was , leading at the tirrie. anyw;iy, decided to call it a day_. his honeymoon group took the Llewellyn was within a few miles · And Randall was stopped ;it' long · way hom_e, winding 1of the · start/ finish area,. and ·thefinishlineandtoldhe'dbeen ,southward-from :steamboat started to go out in a mini truck , disqualified for passing in ,the Springs· and enjoyed the to get his car, but then went back speciaLlO· mile 16rig no-passing · beautiful scenery, . though they to double check with the BLM. zone; The story is he'd ·become a · never_ did find qufre the fishing They told him that he couldn't litde racy and had ·gone.around they were looking for. Congratu-tow his· broken car in _ with Tom Strong, another, Class ·4 lations to all the happy couples. · anything but another race car, racer. The · BLM spotter took _ We mean' no discourtesy by during the race. That's a bit offense and DQd him. It seems putting you all in the Losers difficult to arr~nge, so Richard there I was th~ matter of his column; it's a matter of space.' waited 'til it was all over to go out folding,.. chair . being run - over . . We'll · be back next month, , and get i_t. _ - . -- during the incident... -' after Baja. Leaving the start: line of the · Millen and Harry Ward won final stage in a -last atte!llpt to Group A 'in the Mazda GTX: In pverall, second in Open in their catch · Child's Toyota, Chad third overall, Jean Paul Perusse Audi Quattro, just another 34 DiMarco's Subaru lost a turbo and Martin Headland were seconds down on time. hoseclipandthe·teamcouldonly · second in Group A in the VW. ·Niall Leslie and Tom Drake amble tl::irough, losing a precious GTi, about 11 minutes back but w~re sixth overall, 39 seconds three and;a half minutes, but still _ only 45 seconds ahead of Scott back , and the big winner iri finishing within the topten. Niall Child and Steve Laverty; foorth . Production Class in the Toyota Leslie had pulled in, and passed . overall, third in Group A in the Corolla GTS. Dan.and Betty Ann Guy Light. Brunq Kreibich and Toy.eta FX 16. Bruno-Kreibich ,Gilliland won Produation GT ClarkBond,_ who had started out and Clark Bond scored -fifth Class in the Dodge · Shelby Charger, seventhoveraU and just the Subaru RX T rbo. David another 29 s_econds. out,. - Lapham and Susan erretti were follpwed .in 49 seconds by the t~nth overall, second in. VW ·GTi_ of Guy _Light and Production GT an ther minute Jimmy Bran·dt, s'econd-in out in the Mitsubis i Starion. Production Class and eighth -(Our thanks to L nne Gray of overall. . Chad ---DeMarco and Stage Times for her story on the Giriny Reese salvaged ninth Sunriser Rally. I it. sounds overall,' fourth~ in Group i\, a similar, it is, as we were ,caught couple more minµtes down in short o~ coverage fqr tll,e ev~t. )" quite cautiously in· the Audi :: . . Quattro, had found their footing and turned some good times in -the last two legs ofthe rally. As ·competitors waited.for the scores, some of the glitches surfaced. Stage 13 was not cleared by the lead car, because in _ a ·-previous stage Paddock's vehicle had hit it, rendering it" · unuseable. Results were-a bit of a problem, -blamed by the mganizers _ on · computer prob-lems, errors by contro,l workers, due to the unfamiliarity with -+,--1 FISA timing, etc. However, when the scores did come out officially, 4 7 of _the 66 starting -cars had finished the event. That Oiibwe ia/ly organizers Bob Nielsen and Brian Jacobsen tuned up -by taking · must be one of the biggest entries third in Open Class in .Ohio in the Dbdge Shelby Charge; . . . .. Page_32 November 1987 C~l~orr ian CJ1,appiMf(~~ a,nd. G'i{iriy Rf!eSe raise a'littl~ dpst as they-head for fourth in Group A, ninth overall in the Subaru RX Turbo. ' · · '. · Dusty Times

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The SCCA/CRS Cliffs of Gorman Pro Rally . 1 -Photos: David Rambaldi/ Paul Bowman/ Trackside Photo Ent: Bill Holmes and Jim Rogers won the rally in the big Ford pickup, and they won the SCCA Southern Pacific Divisional Rally chaf!1pionship too. They hope to bring the national title home from Michigan as well. · Bill Holmes in his high ies taken care of on Saturday, your eyes off the ro~d for a split h?rsepower 1987 Fo_rd V-8 Sun~ay,w~s devot~d entirely to second or make a slight error in pickup truck powered his way to rallymg, with the first car out of judgement and you'~e either high th~ overall victory at the 1987 the Cara~an Inn . at 8:45 a.m. centered or over the edge. Ch~fs of Gorman,. an SCCA/ Twenty-mne _vehicles · actually Nine cars made I it through Cahforma Rally Senes Southern started. These included 18 Open Power Line North· but due· to a J>acific Division Pro Rally. This Class machines and eleven very steep climb a~d soft surface win also cinched · the So_uthern California Rally Series Stock a half mile off the sdrt the other Pacific_ Divisi_on title _for Holmes Class cars. . 20 didn't and th~ ~tage was and his navigator Jim Rogers, Stage 2 was Stage 1 run m thrown out by the organizers. ~ho now plan to go to Michigan reverse, an? :'we saw Holmes/ Stage 4, North Boundary, a m November for the SCCA Press Rogers run it m 1.62 minutes for three mile, smooth and fast on Regardless National event. fast time. They were followed by section with · sevebl · hairpin 1:"h~ fastest Divisi<;>nal team, to the Open S:lass Toyota Corolla expo~ures, seemed I to be the fims~ the P.O._R: "'.ill take th~ 87 of Ian Miller / Bart Godett at favorite of the <rompetitors. Nat1onal-D1v1s10nal title. 1.71. The Jensen/ Silsbee Mazda Holmes again set Best time of J:Iolmes has vowed to return ~~e RX-7 did a 1. 74 and right behind -4.?1 minutes, follof ed by Ian title to the Southern Pacific came the Datsun 240 Z of Paula Miller at 4.75. Topi Hynynen Di"'.isionandtheCaliforniaRally •Gibeault and Jim Jacobson, and navigator Brad Miller, in Sen~s. , . turning a 1.75minutetime.Dave T9,pi's Stock Class Toyota Bill Holmes cl'?s.est !ival for Poston and Mike Nitz, RX-7, Starlet, turned a 4,76, and Jeff the Southern Pacific tttle, and turned fastest time for CRS Griffin/ Camille Barnett Volvo last year's SCCA .So-Pac Stock Class on Stage 2 at 1.76. took fourth fast time 'on thi~ Divisional champion, Lon The next fastest Stock Class cars stage with a 4.84. Peterson, was aga_in sidelined at were the venerable Datsun 510 Stage 5 was a repeat of Stage 4, Gorman d11;e _to ~is recuperation of Carl Azevedo/ Willie Aguirre · but with Topi putting in fastest from back, mJ_unes. a~ 1.78 and David Burgess'. Isuzu time at 4. 74, followe? by Griffin, Holm~s wm at Gorman was pickup at 1. 79. . Miller and Holmes. Stage 6, not without some tense_ " Those_ of us who ~?ve run Power Line North I again, was moments, as a faulty starter at the The Cliffs of Gorman be{ore, shortened to four miles with a beginning of the first stage knew that playtime was now over route change to J delete the brought Holmes/Rogers within and Stage 3, Power Line North, impassable hill climb section. 30 second~ of being time barred. was how "Th_e Cliffs" got its Topi's smaff-Si:ai-lei:fconquered After a qmck starter change, they name. Power Lme, although only the tight, twisting tl!lrns with a storTI},ed through the 1.36 mile 6.86 miles long, is a real E plus fast time of 7 .09 minutes fast first stage in 1.68 minutes. ticket ride! Colossus II would be followed by Bill Ho~mes, 7.31 '. . Gorman org~nizer Gary a more appropriate name for this Ian Miller, 7.38, and Jeff Griffin English .held registration and stage. Tight, twisty, narrow, 7.46. I ' . technical inspectio':1 at the :,nean and nasty, barely describe Stage 7, North Bol\ndary was a modern Caravan Inn m Gorman 1t. The surface of this stage is repeat of Stages 4 and 5, with Bill on Saturday, September 26. actually quite smooth, being Holmes showing his skill in With these necessary preliminar-_QCCasionaUy_ graded, but, take handling his powerful truck, CA WHERE DO YOU RIDE YOUR TOY? · Your favorite riding area may soon be closed if the Wilderness Bill, is passed! . INVEST IN THE FUTURE OF OFF ROADING ... BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. (1:sJOIN CORVA 1-800-237-5436! CORVA The California Off Road Vehicle Association Inc., is a non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving the land use rights for off road, enthusiasts, and companies in California and the rest of the country. T? Join: $20.00. Call Toll Free 800-237-5436 to charge on Visa and Mastercard or request a membership application. . 1601 10th S Dusty·nma l • I turning the quickest time of 4.62 minutes. Ian Milled was close behind with a fast ~.68. Pepe Olaya, in another Toyota Starlet in Open Class, set third fastest time of 4.91,. with Jim Love's Mitsubishi Arrow in at 4.94 minutes. -, All . the competitors then returned to the Caravan Inn for the main service. break and half way halt. Holmes/ Rogers had the overall and Oped Class lead so far, but with Ian Miller/Bart Godett not far behin4 in second, followed by Leona~d Jensen/ Steve Silsbee in the tfuird overall slot. Topi led the Sto~k Class by a good margin. Da~e Poston's RX-7 and Carl Azevedo's 510 led the rest of the Stock 1Class field. Only two cars had D~F'd so far, but with "Power Line" I scheduled to be run · twice as Stages 11 and 13 in the reverse direction, positions·cbl tild easily change. . )~qiges, 8 and 9 w:e~e Stages 1 and 2 run again. Bill Holmes t'ook · these s~age~~_asily ah_ead "of the Noftmbcr 1987 ...... 1· Topi Hynynen and Brad Miller won stages in the tiny Toyota Starlet, and they finished second overall at Gorman and won the CRS Stock Class. I ' • next fastest cars which were Paula Gibeault's 240 Z and Ian Miller's Toyota. Stage 10 was Nohh Boundary run in reverse. Topi found some extra power in his Starlet and set fastest time on this stage, just 2/ 100 minute ahead of Holmes who ran a 4. 70 tim1e. Ian Miller and Paula Gibeault were next quickest with 4. 75 and 4.82 minute times. Stage 11, Power Line South, ate J competitors right and left, stauting with Ian MiHer who high cenltered on a berm and DNF'd. Jeff Griffin's Volvo also high centered, but fortunately didn't go over the edge. Dave Poston's RX-7 got stuck in a soft turn for several minutes, putting him out of tontention with Topi for the Std ck Class victory. The Lahghlin O'Sullivan/Ken Eklund RX-3 rolled over. Two other competitors also SU!=-cumbed on this stage to a DNF. Bill Holmes simply ignored the soft berms or flew over them, winning the stage by 5/ 100 minute over Topi who turned a fast 13.93 time. From this stage to the finish it was a two car show for 1the lead between the. "David and, Goliath" vehicles of Bill Holmes and Topi Hynynen. . Holmes/Rogers won Stage 12, Notth Boundary South again, follbwed by Topi's Starlet. Stage 13, I Power Line South had definitely gained the respect of the remaining field. However, the !Jensen/ Silsbee RX-7, trying to improve or just maintain their third overall position, lost it a thir1d of the way into the infamous stage, and rolled off the mountain! Luck was on their side as they only dropped about eight feet or so to a ledge below, and suffered no injury, except to their car, and egos. Back at the Caravan Inn, the final results showed Topi Hynynen finishing second overall and first in CRS Stock behind Holmes/ Rogers . . Mike Biddlingmeier and Ray Thurm came in for a surpr:ise third overall in their Dodge Colt, and second in Stock Class. Clint Heuring and Bill Gutzman, in an · Open'Class 1600cc Dodge Colt, took fourth overall and second in Open Class. These two .drivers recently acquired a 1926 R.E.O. truck; which they are now preparing for the Great American Race in 1988. If they do as well in that event, we'll be reading a good deal more about this team. Cad Azevedo and , Willie Aguirre's Datsun 510 finished a · · fine fifth overall and third in Stock. The Pepe Olaya Starlet took the-third ()pen Class'slotand sixth overall. Seventh and eighth overall were CRS Stock Class cars as well, and included the Isuzu pickup of David Burgess, fourth in Stock, and Hal Haley and Jim Hancock, Opel Manta, fifth in Stock. Fourth in Open Class and ninth overall was the VW Fastback of DUSTY TIMES ;., reporter Rod Koch and navigator Todd Bane. Rounding out the top ten overall, that tenth spot, and fifth in Open Class, went to the Datsun 240 Z V-8 of Paula Gibeault and Jim Jacobson. All told, 20 teams finished the tough event. . The Cliffs of Gorman was an excellent and much improved event this year. The idea of having a two day_ affair, with the registration and tech on Saturday and the raUy on Sunday, turned ii: from a former rally sprint into a true Pro Rally. Having the rally headquarters and the main service at a modern Motel ( the only one in Gorman) complete with bar, coffee shop, spa and pool was pleasant. And the other two service areas had, at least, Port-a-Johns! Special 'thanks should go out to organizer Gary English and the <> many non-competing CRS members and volunteers who came out and donated their time to help, out on a good, and certainly challenging event. Thanks also to Score competi-tion manager Steve Kassanyi who came out to observe the rally. I wonder if Steve got a chance to drive the Power Line? Leonard Jensen and Steve Silsbee had the Mazda third overall starting tage , but the RX 7 tipped over, and barely escaped rolling way down the canyon. Page 33 I

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....... 1NE 18TH 'ANNUAL SNORE 150 Brian. Collins Wins the Racers' Race by Miles Photos: Track.side Photo Enterprises Brian Collins drove all the way in the Class 2 Chenowth to the overall victory, leading the herd on the road from flag to flag and winning by a full 22 minutes. ~ It is the longest running, continuous off road race in the country, happening every September from 1970 to date. The SNORE 250 is the premier event in the SNORE/Yokohama Series, and this year it bid fair to have a husky entry, a side benefit of the HDRA September race moving from the Las Vegas area to northwestern Colorado. However, this year SNORE lost its major sponsor for the event, · and the organizers let some of the prerace hoopla that encourages entry slide as they devoted efforts to finding another sponsor, which proved nearly fruitless. It was a great feeling to see the contingency line in front of Pop's Oasis in Jean, Nevada, the site of so many nifty races in the glory days of desert racing in southern Nevada, the 1970s. But, the <> times are truly changing. Along with the familiar tourist court style rooms and the small casino in Jean, ari enormous edifice is now building across the street, a multi story hotel and casino, and it will be finished, and probably full by the next season of off road racing. Since the start/finish line for events at Jean have been at the end of the light plane strip, a mile or so down the road from this new hotel. the dust fall out from an off road race could no longer be bearable, once the place is inhabited. This year the contingency row held more donors than in the past, and a few visiting fireman strolled through the line as well, the folks who were in Las Vegas for the Saturday night running of the Mickey Thompson stadium race. Contingency and tech went on Friday from two in the afternoon to around 10 p.m., and, for the most part, it was a steady stream of cars filing through. The entry topped 100, and of that number 91 took the green flag, starting at 8 a.m. on Saturday. One 5-1600 was parked because the driver was missing, and a few otbers suffered incurable early morning mechanical woes. The course headed east from TEAft~ SANDWINDER CHASSIS ◊ Page ,34 714-825-0583 714-888-2703 241 So. Arrowhead Ave., San Bern;irdino, CA 92408 the airport, then south, almost to state line, skirting the dry lake, then east around the back side of the foothills and then north again past Jean. From there it was under 1-15 for a fast run to state line, then north again, back under the freeway and north to the start/ finish line. Four_ laps were required for most classes of the course that was considerably longer, about 15 percent longer, than the advertised 60 miles. In SNORE racing, Classes 1 and 2 are combined, and there were 19 in the bunch, nearly all two seaters. It was a heavy hitter field with the Californians challenging the Nevada drivers. On line from Las Vegas was Brian Collins, Chenowth, Ed Herbst ·in one car and Troy Herbst in its twin, Douglas and Roger Gaskill in ' their new Raceco, Jim Temple in one car and his son Mark in another, Tommy Ford, and the single seaters of James Barbeau and Kenny Krumme,. among others. The RCR Plumbing ·ream brought two cars from Cali-fornia, for Bob Richey and Lance Barron, and Tom and Steve Martin were on hand in their Raceco. This was going to be some horse race. Although Brian Collins was first off the line with a dust free first lap advantage, Bob Richey, starting 13th, turned the fastest lap on the first round, a 1 :22.58. Next on time was Tom Martin, 1 :24.53, followed by Lance Barron, 1:25.41, Tommy Ford, 1:27.24, Brian Collins, 1:27.31, and Mark Temple, 1 :28.48. Others were in the low 1 :30s. First to retire was Leroy Van Kirk, who broke all four motor mounts, damage from a Friday' pre-run flip .no doubt. Also missing on lap 1 were Tom Lawson, from · Oklahoma, and November 1987 Ed and Tim Herbst got a sfow start in Unlimited class, but they had a fast second half and finished second in class and a fine fourth overall. Troy Herbst and Bob Richardson had a steady, rio problem race, and they made it a hat trick for the team, taking third spot in Unlimited Class. Mark Cameron, from California, along with Jim Temple who pitted at the end of the lap with terminal engine woes from a blown spark plug and tie rod breakage. A radio report said that Brian Collins had rolled on the first lap, but that was never~ confirmed, and he held his first on the road position. Bob Richey did a keen 1:24.17 on the second round to hold the · overall lead on time by just nine seconds over Torn. and Steve Martin. Brian Collins was about three n:iinutes back in third,Troy Herbst was 14 minutes back in fourth with Mark Temple just five minutes behind him. Lance Barron had rolled at Whiskey Pete's, got towed into the pits for repairs, which didn't stick, as h~_ was back and on the trailer soon." Tommy Ford was also out,as was Dennis Lee. · The third lap killed a bunch of cars. Richey put his co-driver behind the wheel, and the engine blew, the Martin brothers lost a trans, and the Gaskills were out with a destroyed blower housing. Close on time midway, Kenny Krumme vanished, as did Aaron Hawley. Only seven covered three laps. Out front now on the road and on time was Brian Collins with a 19 minute lead over Mark Temple, who had stopped for front end repairs. Troy Herbst was now third, another 13 minutes back and leading brother Ed by exactly a minute. James Barbeau was ten more minutes down, with Wayne Morgan another couple minutes in arrears. Only five survived the four laps in Unlimited Class, as both Mark T ~mple and Kelly Collins went out on the final round. Brian Collins ne~er looked back, doing his last three laps all iri the sam~ minute, and he won the class and won overall by 22 minutes in -a beautifully paced performance. Collins reported running out of gas on the first lap, just minutes from the finish line, but no other troubles. His o_verall winning , time was 5:36.15. It is interesting that Collins and the Martins tied for fai;t lap of the day, both teams doing a 1 :22.31 on the second lap. Ed and Tim Herbst claimed second in Unlimited Class, fourth overall, with a total time of 6: 13.59, while Troy Herbst and Bob Richardson whipped home third in class, less than six minutes behind. James Barbeau soloed his SS into fourth and Wayne Morgan was fifth, and all five got prize money. Class 10 was nearly as hectic, the second group off the line and 14 strong. Starting fourth, John Ellenburg shot his Desert Performance single seater into the lead with a keen 1:27.16. But, Jack Short was only 49 seconds behind him after one lap, and just 15 seconds ahead of Bob Stockton. Less .than six minutes behind this trio was Mark Mark Whittington drove a fine race in his new Class 1 O single seater, and he had no major problems en route to a solid second in Class 10. / Dusty nmcs ..

Page 35

John Ellenburg led every lap in his Class 1 O racer, stopped only for fuel, and he won the hard fought class by a bunch, and finished a great second overall as well. Rob 'r"facCach(en won tw6 races in two weeks in September, driving the Valley Performance 1600 to first \n class by 11 minute~ in Nevada, and finishing a smart third overall. Whittington in his new SS, and · right with him was the Raceco of Jack and Scott Irvine. Among the missing were Buddy Yates, Jerry Lockridge, Larry Gilmore and Sam Arciero-;who blew an engine · early in the game. The radical single seater driven by Kevin Bunderson, who designed the ·car, did one slow lap and no more. ·Midway the front runners were a duo as · Stockton lost nearly an hour. John Ellenberg still led, but now Jack Short had his SS a rriere three seconds behind, and nobody else was really close. M_ark Whittington moved into third while Bill and Michael Poe had their new ORE up to fourth. Irvine lost half an hour, but Keith Schindler was coming on strong, back from a very long first lap with a good second lap time. The order seemed set after three laps. Ellrnburg did another 1:27 lap while Short dropped about five minutes with a broken link pin, but still held second place. Mark Whittington held on in third, and the Poes were alone in fourth spot. Nine Class 10s covered three laps. Although his son Ron was standing by to drive relief, John Ellenburg stopped only for gas, slowed to a 1 :32 on the final lap and not only won Class 10 but finished a great second overall in a remarkably consistent performance. He won Class 10 by more then 40 minutes. In his first season in the car, Mark Whittington took a fine second in Class 10, and Bob Stockton came back the second half to finish 18 minutes later in third. Jack and Scott Irvine were only another couple of minutes back in fourth. Bill and Michael Poe lost about 15 minutes stuck in the silt just minutes from the finish line, but got moving to finish fifth. Jack Short, apparently having an on course collision with something, In the lead minute on the first lap, Bob Stockton lost an hour on the second round, but came charging back up the ranks to third in Class 10. I Californians Dominic Borra and John Basso broke up the NevadJ drivers by putting their O.R.E. home a strong third in the 1-2-1600 competitioh. came in on three wheels to gain leader and· positions changed sixth, and he was the last four lap every lap. One of the (avorites, finisher in class. Keith Schindler Brent Bell, was out on lap 1, was seventh, followed by Lloyd along with six othe~s. James Painter, then Jeff Akins. Gross was holding sec9nd place, As always the largest class was about three minutes behind 1-2-1600, with 31 starters. But, MacCachren, but ~hly 30 all most of them saw all day was seconds ahead of Sam Dunnam, the rear cage of the single seater with Bill Cannon a mere 40 more of Rob MacCachren. Rob started seconds back in a very ~ight dice. 21st in the pack, and he finished Hal Flippin was nei t, three the first lap the third 1600on the minutes down with half the field road, with an incredible 1:34.57 along in the next few ~inutes. in the heavy traffic. MacCachren Two more vanished on the · I . . settled into a 1:31 to 1:32 pattern second lap, and Gross did a for the next three laps to bring 1:36.30 to increase hiJ hold on the Valley Performance car home second place, now with ~ minute, not only the 1-2-1600 winner by 24 seconds on third rutining Sam 13 _minutes, but Rob placed a Dunnam, who was a minute, 17 keen third overall as well. seconds ahead of Dominic Borra, Many stayed close to the while Hal Flippin was b~ck about --------------------'-~-'--------three -minutes. Anotrer. two min.utes back caine Bill Cannon, with Russ Butow five minutes behind him, and so it went midway in the 1-2-1600 race with 22 making it this 1far. After three laps MacCachren had over ten minutes onl the field, but Mike Williams h~d almost' equaled his lap time. G~oss, who ' decreased his lap time ~ya good minute each round, was solid in second place now, ~ ith over eight minutes in hand over Borra/Basso, who werJ only 31 seconds ahead of !Dunnam. On home ground, Bill Dickton and Danny Gau had major carbure:tion woes on ". About four minutes back Flippin the first lap, but got moving to take second place in Heavy Metal. · led Williams· by 12 sec~nds, and 1 Dusty nmcs November 19,;7 James Gross started out a close second in Class 1-2-1600, and he held second spot f hroughout the race in ·a fine an(i consistent performance. Art G;ajeda had a long middle lap, but he kept his clean and tidy Toyota moving to finish the race, second in the mini truck/sedan class. nobody else was really close. race. Dominic Borra held onto Both 1cannon and Butow went third in class, over 13 more out on i:he third lap. minutes back and just four At the finish Rob MacCachren minutes ahead of Sam Dunnam. won ~Y · 13.26 over James Gross Hal Flippin took a fine fifth, eight who ~id a fine, very consistent minutes n'= I . ~ CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDER.HOUSE K & N FILTERS - RAPID COOL TRI MIL-BUG PACK BILSTEIN -CENTERLINE -CIBIE !:Mu HEWLAND - PORSCHE TURBO C/V ~d11111,o .. ,d~R,•cil,cal1._llllr -y BEARD SEATS -PARKER PUMPER arts & Accessones . YOKOHAMA TIRES -SUPER TR1\PP GEM GEARS~ KYB SHOCKS-SWAY-A-WAY , TRANSAXLE PARTS - KC HILITES - McKENZIE AIR FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE - DURA .BLUE-UL TRA BOOT -NEAL PRODUCTS CENTER LINE R/JCl.,I, lltHIII \ -=-· . ' ..•.• , ·swAY•A ·WAY,oo, ~ cif:Utv+e-OPEN 6 DA VS A WEEK Monday - Frid,ay - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00. p.m. Saturday - 8:00 a.rn. - 1 :30 p.m. IPF BEFORE YOU BUY-TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! l·.1294S:SHERMAN WAY -NO. HOL.LYW. 00D,CA 9160S . (818} 765-5827 • (818) 764-6438 ,I Page 35 ..

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.. Darrell Smith and the Circus Circus crew dominated Class 5-1600, as their Bug led all the way, winning by over two hours after covering the three required laps. Mike Norton and the.Snortin' Norton team from Parker, Arizona ran the Chevy Nova with the mini trucks, and they wori the mixed class by 20 minutes at the checkered flag. ~ out, followed by J.D. Ward and company, ·then Dick Trimble. In all, 14 cars saw the checkered flag. The wild new Meco car, driven by Morley Williams, placed tenth with a long last lap. This new design is most interesting and includes horizontally mounted front shocks, among other innova-tions. Although six went through contingency inspection, only four 5-1600s started the SNORE 250. The class was required to cover three laps. Darrell Smith, in the Circus Circus Bug led all three laps and won the class by over two hours with a fine drive. Duane Eldred vanished on the first lap. Barry Slatter ran a close second for two rounds, only about 13 minutes back heading into the last lap. But -Slatter did not finish the lap. Shawn Lee ran a steady pace for all three rounds to take second place honors. Les Carnahan got faster each lap in his Challenger car, and after the three r-ounds, Carnahan scored a close fourth in the competitive class. The Heavy Metal group contained two Class 8 Fords and the Class 4 Dodge of Bill Dickton. Gregg_Holman led all three laps handily to win the purse. Dickton had a long first lap with carburetion troubles but came back with fast lap fo; the class on the third lap, 2:02.54, to finish 45 minutes behind in second. Losing most of the body panels along the way, Thomas Coon pitted and then went out on the third lap, not Mark Temple got his Raceco up to second in the Open Class contest at one time, but serious problems dropped him out of the race on lap 4. knowing that SNORE had already called in the· checkpoint workers, so he may have finished, but got credit for only two laps. BIGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. ~~nvert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. 1omts. Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C. V.s are threaded 3/8-24. All axles and bells for Type II can be threaded 3/8-24 or stock 8 mm threads. pitch threads. 10 mm· 1.5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory u·ses on their cars. FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Only $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 . SHIPPED _BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 36 . In SNORE racing, when a class winner finishes, all the re~t of the cars in that class are flagged in, which often costs some competitors a finish and a possibl~ better position. This was not the case with. Coon, however, but his pit was beyond the finish line, so he boomed off on the third lap, not realizing his race was over. SNORE put a mixed bag of two 7S trucks, one 7 4x4 and one Class 6 into a four car group for prize money. Mike Norton and company drove their Parker, AZ built Chevy Nova fast, led all the way . and won the class. Keeping them honest, was the 7S Toyota of Art Grajeda, who was just 30 minutes slower for the three.laps and placed second. The Nissan 4x4 of William Taylor complet-ed the run for third, but the 7S Toyota of Marty Pedi only covered one long lap. . Also required to cover just three laps, the 16 car field in Challenger Cla$S was the last . group to start. Driving the old, but completely refurbished Hi Jumper out of Valley Perfor-mance, Bryan Pennington took off with fast first lap for the class on round one, a 1:53 flat in the car that is now completely legal according to Score/HDRA-rules. Dennis Chizma-was-.secbrid-Mcwanbcr 1987 Forest Ellis survived late breaking problems in his Challenger racer, and he finished fifth in the class that is really popular in Nevada. One of several father and son teams, Jack and Scott Irvine had their disaster on lap 2, but came back to finish fourth in the·Class 10 Raceco. here, at 1 :59.33, but Pete Dutton Ellis close behind him. was right there with a 2:00.51. Three more retired on the Just over another minute back . third and last lap, including was John Mills, with a 13 minute . Bryan Pennington, who suffered lead over Bruce Mangold, who a hard hit from a Class_ 10 car, was less than two minutes ahead which took out the valve cover of Forest Ellis. Five were missing and put the car out of the race. , on the first lap, but only one Up front both Dennis Chizma more went out on the second lap. and Pete Dutton turned a Pennington's middle lap was 2:21.24 on the lastlap, both with 2:06.54, which held the lead for apparent down time. But, Dennis him. Chizrna was about eight Chizma won. the Challenger class minutes down in second, with a total time exactly three followed . in . three minutes by minutes faster than Pete Dutton, Dutton. After a long first lap, who was second. Kenny Freeman turned fast lap of After a tough middle lap, John the da:y for the class, a 1 :52.49, to Mills did a 2:00.50 last round to climb into fourth spot about climb into third, just 37 seconds eight minutes ahead of Mills, behind Dutton. Les Carnahan who had both Les Carnahan and also had a fast, 2:03.35, last lap Bill and1Michael.Pbe and a·host of1amily hadtfrleirnewO.R.E in•contention, until, , . they sat in a ~ilt bed for a time and·dropped;to'fifth.· • \ Dusty flma

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. I I I I . The Yokohama· 6·50 Club ' :-. Re.Ort 1 and Bob Westfall finished thei~ next with 134 points, Jack Irvine third laps behind the winner in· has 118, followed by· Walter· th~ class, so were flagged off to · Prince with 99 points. Rounding r i111pc,und; taking 17th and 18th· out the top, 15 in 6~50 club. spots. · • . standings, Wayne Morgan has Ther;e were a pair of Yokohama 6;50 -Club poihts races in September, the BORA Colorado 300 and the SNORE 250.-There were ·twelve mature drivers who started the Colorado' race, _and not only did eleven of • them cover the distance for an official finish, three or them were class winners, Jerry Bundy in Class 3, Andy Devercelly in Class 5-1600 a'1d Emil Downey in Class 14. It wa_s a · great performance by the 6-50 guys; and several more were in the ·money.They didn't do as well at In the Yokohama 6-50 Points 82, · Jerry Bundy, 75, Dave Class 2 . finishe'd,, with Corky at . the · race. Poin_tsl leader· Bill Sehes, only the best_ six QUt of Fessenden, 74, Andy . Felix, 65 McMillin t~king . a · very close Church drove his f Raceco , to niJe eligible races count for year and Emil Downey has 62 points. second, only 44 seconds behind . fourth in Class 10, to round out en~ points. So, some drivers are These standings reflect the in the swift group. Danny Lerner the 6-50 finishers at1 Craig. . · in ithe discard mode as· eight of best six e'vents for each driver, was fifth in Class 2, and Walter At the _ SNORE ZSO Jim the nine events are in the record several of whom:· have raced Prince finished his four laps for Temple broke on thb first lap in bopk, and only the Score Baja seven of the el_igible eve!}tS. After sixth. Jim Fishback Sr. drove his I 1000 remains on the calendar. the Baja 1000, the final .points Raceco to a neat third in Class 1- his Class 2 Raceco, and,Buddy Bill Church- has finished seven will be tabulated, and the top. 2-1600, only six•minutes out of Yates did the same lact'in Class e~ents, for total points of 357. three ~ill receive their handsome the win. · 10· But,-Wayne M9r~an t_urn~d Di~, ~ard. ing· his · Wcrest score, _ go __ ld_, silve_ ran_· d bronze me.9als on, some good laps to ft,nish fifth m h G Id . Jerry Bundy came but from the Unlimited· ·Class that eigpt~ at the God Coast, gives Decembei: 5; ·1987! at t e _o _ New 'England to .race.his Jeep b d Cl \ d 2 d him the lead -with 324 points. CoastHotel&Casmosomet1me Scrambler to the Class 3 victory, com ine _asses l an . an An_ dy De._vercelly also., ha_·s .duri_ng the_ Sc_ ore/l:-1_ DRA started · 19 cars. Jack: ,lrvme and h .. and his cohort, Emil Dbwney, his son Scott can:ie -10 fourth in finished seven events for a· 322 ·· Awards banquet. T e pmes are " , won Class 14 in a similar Jeep, the 14 car field in Class lb, after , polnts total. Discarding hi~ nin~h neat, put there are goodi~s for all Andy Devercelly and company at 'the Gold Coast,-.he 1s still 6-50 club members, pms and won Class 5~1600, to give the6-some problems on the second qf secbridwith305 points:ln third, jacket patches. All we need is the SNORE 250, as only three of the eigqt starters finished, and only one, Wayne M~rgan, was in the money. , · · SO' club a real haJ trick in. the four laps. · . \. · · · Co~ky McMillin has 273 points your address, if you have not · Colorado. Congratulations to all · fo Class 1-2-1600, the four in ~ix races. · . · gotten the souvenirs:If you think _. three teams, . ' - starters split with two finishing Frank Snook must discard -a you are missing. outon the 6-50 · At; Cqlorado, two 6~so members :started in Class l , and Frank Snook, who had:'troubles for sure, finished ninth. Bob Renz got in just three of the four laps in h/s Raceco, to be the lone club DNF. All three yiejos. _in : Bodi el-igible on age for the 6- fo~r laps and _the j ~wo others. rac~, agai1_1 the Gold Coast, giving · ._ fun; there is noth~ng to join nor 50 points, Gregg Symonds and ·domi _three laps. Da\j'e Fessenden,. · hin;i 2_02 points to date. Also dues to pay. Just ltst your age on Warren Miller took a fine fourth and _hts son placed 11th', after a dropping a DNF, Danny Letner . the entry form for the races, ~r in their Toyota in Class 7. 4x4. big tiine loss on lap 2 'from a stout is f~fth with 176 points. In s~th is .drop a note to Jean Calvin, 5331 . Daye Girdner made the long haul hit i~ the re~r .. J !m. jVan C!eave . thej 6-50 .c<;>mbo o~ Jim Ven~ble , Derry Ave.,. ,Suite . 0,, Agoura, from Barstow to place-eighth in was nght behmd,Justonemmute and Stan Gilbert with 167, pomts· CA 9130J with the mfo . It starts Ch_alleriger Class, the l?rgest class .. back; in 12th. Both 8ert Vaughn in five races. Gregg Syrponds is all 9ver· again at Parker in 1988. -Dennis Chizma and family stayed close ·ati the way in the Cna/lenger contest, taking the lead on the third and finallap, _and they scored the 1dctory in the 16 ca~ group .. It was ali in the family in Victory lane as two generations of both the H;;b;ta-~d Cb/fins clans celebrate · ~ a 1-2-3 finish. These days the youngsters do all the racing. (Photo: Be,tty Rivers) Hard charging Jack Short was within three seconds of the Class 10 lead midway, . but a last lap mishap d_ropped him to sixth at the finish line. to _take fourth· in class about Norm Lester and · Kenny seven more minutes back. The Freeman, who gotthe flag despite other three lap· finishers were - a 3½ hour last lap. Forest Ellis, in fifth, followed by · The SNORE 259 has always ·Sam.Dunnam turned in k,ur consis.ten,1,/ap_times in Class• 1r~2-1600,.sfayed with' 1 ttie leaders most of the way and•fini8hed fourth ·in class. · .. • '· 1 , 1 ,. •. , · Du~w Times had a lavish awards jbrunch on · · The checks were generous'and Sunday, and this year they got a went deep' in each class. Despite lot of help putting on,the brunch . the . lack of _a sponsor, many from staunch off road ~acing supP.orters of SNORE·· donated supporter Michael j Gaughan, to /the cause so that · th~ wbo hosted the hungry crew at traditional money awarded . t9 his Gold Coast Hotel and ov¢rall placings, 'in addition to Casjno, and it was as lavish as the . class payback, could be ever with _a wide !variety , of 'awa~ded. So, Brian Collins got an brunch goodies on I the buffet · extra $ 1000 for his first overall, ~bles. While the class ·,winning plus a free_· entry ·to all the trophies . were the I usual ·· tall SNORE races in 1988. John _ numbers, the other _tr<t>phies were Elle-?-burg ·· received $500 for · aniceplaquewithacd>lorpicture second overall. and Rob , of the car in action inhalled. It is MacCach-ren ' earned an extra a nice trophy idea We haven't $300 for. his thi_rd _overall. Bob seen use~ in a long tire. ·: Leig~ton was.on hand to present the perpetual overall trophy to, Brian Collins, and this award is in memory of one of the founders of SNORE, Russell Job. . SNORE plans to get an early start 'cm, the. 1988 race sponsors,· and get back on track with both the Midnight ~pedal., and the. SNORE 250. We think some club members now have a handle on how early these tasks must be done. ·while the 1987 SNORE · ·. ·. 250 got some extra ent.ry because of the HORA move to Colorado in September, next year they may have · nearby competirion for e,ntry in the same month. · prep for all classes, including Candy.Canes We do our own machining· in our,own shop. Pickup and delivery available. ·~ OF.F-ROAO fl ACING TEAM P 'bRCO . Precision Off Road Company ~ :. 678 Unit .C, S~n Berna~di~o Road, Covina, ,CA 91723 · (818) 915-3847 • (818) 915-_3848 <:

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'' V.O.R.R.A •. Yerington 150 Desert Race Text'& Photos: Ken'Vander~oo{(Focus West) Bill Landon and Rick Frock, of Sparks, Nevada, took.the Class 1-2-1600 lead, and the overall lead in the last miles to score big in the Bunderson. The overall winning time was 6:28.25. As. 'the raging forest fires scorched the Sierra Nevada _moun-tains on Labor Day· Weekend the racing was sizzling hot un.der the smokey Yerington skies. Bill Landon and Rick Frock, qf Sparks, Nevada, doused the fires of the big horsepower buggies by taking first . overall with their 1600cc • Bunderson. Several · vehicles took their, t4ms leading the race which was dubbed "Mini-Mint, only a little worse" at·the post race gathering. 'The course itself, 45 miles in .,length started out as many of the other Yerington races, leaving . north from the Old Anaconda Copper Mine on fast well defined roa'ds, only this course looped west and then south to "the canyon" where quick reflexes, . good suspension and a little luck let the racers exit back to the Mason Valley floor where the finish line was easier seen than driven. The last two miles were filled with thick dust, sharp rocky creek beds and a long uphill with knee deep whoqp--de-doos. Class-I left the start first with one. car every thirty seconds instead of the advertised one -minute intervals because of the number· of cars entered. Only one Class 1 car made the first lap in under an hour, Phil LaPlante at 59:40, and not far behiiid him was John Winkes from fa1erett, Washington, with 1 :01 :03. The next group was a trio of Class 2 cars headed by recent Virginia City overall winner Tim Bell of Reno, Nevada, who made thefast lap of the day with 58:38. Just a couple of minutes behind him was Tone Jordan of Arnold, California, with Sam Berri, also from Arnold, right OQ his tail. These three racers passed a lot of cars in the first 45 miles. The fast times didn't last very long. though. The second, lap . meant more traffic and dust and the rugged Page 38_ terrain between checkpoints 3 Smith/ Dave. Hinz of Placerville, . and 4 put a lot of racers out of California, and Chris Cash of. action.Tone Jordan was the first · Boise, Idaho. . front runner out on Lap 2, with_. • The.last few ~iles of the race . John Winkes breaking his were very busy with Chris Oberg suspension . and Tim Bell leading a tight pack of racers crumbling a cv. joint on the third towards the finish, including lap. ' · · several from the 1-2-1600 class, · Meanwhile, · the Class 1-2-but Chris (I coul9 see the finish 1600, which started later,-had an line) Oberg wasn't going to make extremely tight race. ' At the it. One 'of' his CV. joints halfway point any of ten cars had · disintegrated. a chance to win on elapsed time. He wasn't · even unbuckled · Class 10 cars also had a trio of when Rick Frock, who shared racers that were in the hunt with driving chores with Bill Landon, Chris Oberg of Reno, Nevada, blazed by to take the Class 1-2-setting a hot pace . for Rob 1600 win arid the overall! Second Kevin Ohnstad and Mike Ganshorn had early troubles, but covered five of the six laps in the Raceco to take a clean second in Class 1. Garen McCune and Larry Zimmerman,broke a tie rod on their firsUrfp.thlough · "the canyon", but came back to capture second place in Class 2-5.· · · · .. ' 1 · ·· · November 1987 Bill Norgrovewas very close to vktory in_ Class 1-2-1600, finishing·seconp just_a minute, 25 seconds b.ehind the class and.overall winner. · Roger Sh'uinan gets the checkered flag after a hard run to third in Class 1 :2-1600, and-his.times.were _close, finishing_in 6:43.43·total time. . , , Phil LaPlante.flew handily-into victory in Class 1,' the only six lap finisher in class, and LaPlante did a great 6:44.23 en route tq his big victory. . , Bob Lemos and Bob Smith; of Modesto, CA, wrestled with flats; but their -new, ex Penha/I. racer did we/J'on its maiden voyage, taking first place in· combined Class 2 and 5. Ace-Brad ord~came from Seaside, CA, to, his• tandem -two seater in the desert, and his team finished a goodthird'in class 2-5 competition. -Dusty nmcs

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overall, just over a minute behind, was Bill Norgrove of San Mateo, California. Bill has been racing·with V.O.R.R.A. for 14 years now. Third · was Roger Shuman from Quartz Hill, California, who was actually ahead of Landon/ Frock on Lap 5 by elapsed time, but needed 15 extra minutes for the last lap. Phil LaPlan.te came in to claim first place in Class 1, although he did have a passenger, Chris Oberg. Second place in Class 1 was Kevin Ohnstad and Mike Ganshorn who had problems early on, but kept pushing. Third was taken by Ken Sanislo. In Class 10, Rob Smith and Dave Hinz, who could smell Chris Oberg 's exhaust all day, took the 'win. Second was Virginia City_ class winner Chris Cash, and third was Dale Smith of nearby Carson City, Nevada. Class 2-5 had afew problems this time with a large percentage . of the drivers dropping out. Bob Lemos and Bob Smith of Modesto, California, had three flats, but still pulled off-a win in their brand new Chenowth. Second plq.ce went to Garen McCune and Larry Zimmerman who broke a tie rod on their first trip through "the canyon," and had to play catch-up for the rest of the day. Third place went to part time leader Ace Bradford of Seaside, California. The last ten miles of the course took out a number of heavy metals also. The first was the always fast Don German who broke a spindle on his second lap. Taking over from there was the Dodge truck of Kent Bullock and Bill Kennedy of Reno, Nevada, who pulled l!Way to become the only heavy metal to finish the entire six laps. Kent and Bill have raced in the desert three times on the same set of Yokahamas without a flat. Second 4x4 was Richard Hampton o( Carson City, Nevada, who passed a troubled Don Roemer of Sebastopol. . Ca~ifornia, just after the halfway pomt. Rob Smith and Dave Hinz, of Rescue, CA, thought they had seddnd place in Class 10, but when the leader broke late in the game, the team flet to the finish the class win_ner in 6:47.59. . \ Reno racer Kent Bullock had his Dodge tuned for the desert, and he covered all six laps in Class 3-4, to take the victory in class by a full two laps[ f pon Roemer had problems with his handsome Chevy pickup mid'f1ay in the race, but he got in four laps before time ran out, good for-third in cli'lsl f · The Sportsman Clk~s could be a whole event in itsW, with 23 race teams. Mike Langmack's team from Cos\ta Mesa, California, using La l?lante's pre-runner, took 1:he winJ Mike had a little help, five other tlrivers one e~ch lap. They had ~ very hw;y pit. Bob Shermer o~ Modesto: Bob Shermer of Modesto, CA, and sometimes DUSTY TIMES reporter Les Paulson teamed up to drive to second place in the competitive Sportsman field. California, and Les Paulson teamed up to take s~cond place. They pushed L~ngmack's talented bunch fror start to finish. Jim Duncan ,and John Foody of Carson qty, Nevada took third place Sportsman. They also were the fii'st Baja Bug , to finish so the.yf I pocketed $200.00 in side bets between Baja Bug drivers. F~urth place Sportsman went to the Baja Bug of Mike Long from Sacramento, Chris Oberg could see the 0hish line, had the overall in ·hand, theri ·brbk~ a cv joint, and his was the last car to cross the finish line. Dusty nmcs California. I . One of V.O.R.R,4.'s unwrit-ten rules is "The class of the overall winner will be!first off the line at the next yea(s event." That should be very interesting. Chris Oberg's disappointing finish was not completely in vain. He received $20.00J from the Mason Valley Merchant's Group for a fourth place finiJh, $100.00 from . Performance ljire for the ~~t. ·.-har9 , luck story, and a beauti(ul "First to il.ast" place I . Ch is Cash came·from Boise, Idaho to -race, and he finished a strong second in thel Class 10 ~attle, with a time of 7:12.41 for six laps. Rictard Hampton had troubles with his Heavy Metal Ford, but he covered four laps anyhow, good enough for second in the Class 3-4 category. I . Mike Langmack's entry had a different driver for each of the six laps, but the soJthern Californians strategy paid off and the team won the Sportsman honors I • . ' in 7,22.24. · trophy. 'on Saturday night, and · as V:O.R.R.A. has gotten rid of spectatorsthenextday.Thisyear the/ chit-can slips at the the Log Cabin Restaurant gave checkpoints and gone to the stop free well drinks, beer, and soft sign on a stick with a clip board drinks to all the racers, their on \:he hill. It seems the modern families, friends, and crews. day wide wheel based race cars November 1st is the and lots of racers in a hurry have V.O.R.R.A. 1987 Champion-been using the scorer's toes for ship Race at Prairie City O.H.V. traction. Park near Sacramento. There 1he Robinson's (V.O.R_.R.A.) shouldn't be much dust, but I'll sure know how to pick the towns bet there's mud. This is about the to' tun a race out of! Yerington only time a desert car and a always produces a huge crowd stadiurn vehicle can mix it up. for! the parl;lde lap through town Don't miss it. I . . . ljl"'S SUMMERS BROS. FOR THE l 'NES_T IN OFF-ROAD PRODUCTS! I SEND $3.00.FOR YOUR DIRT RACER'S CATALOG! ~g;~\)~ ~ 0 · ~OTH~-~-sao South Mountain Avenue Ontario, CA 91762 (714) 986-2041 Page 39

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, .. F.O.R.D.A. ENDURANCE RACING , The Labor Day 150 at Crowder Pits Text &Photos: John Sprovkin Joe Cunningham drove a flawless race, stopped once, on the last lap for gas, and drove his 1-1600 right into the overall victory, winning by over one full lap. · It was a gorgeous mo,rning in Tallahassee, Florida, as man and machine prepared for the heavy duty off road competition at Crowder Pits. This one hundred and fifty mile, or three hour endurance race would unfold with twenty-six rail buggies ready to• go. There were t_hirreen starters in the 1600 Class, nine in Class 1-10,butonlyfourintheD Class. The track was in great shape considering the amount of rain that had covered this area for the past few days. There were a few mud holes that were sure to provide the opportunity for some creative maneuvering. With twenty-six bodies on the starting line, one hundred and four wheels ready to turn, and_ fifty-two eyes looking ahead, the starting signal put them in forward motion. Each class grouped in tight formation, and moved steadily along the track seeking to get on the front side of the pack. Carlton Jackson, Class 1, was first to make it over the only jump on the course today. Lindy Herrell was next, but when he landed, his race car went into-some heavy concentration of mud and bogged in. With a little effort he was able to get out and back on the road toward victory. Georgian Jack Thompson was less fortunate when he came off the jump. He slid into the same mud hole, sunk to the point of no r~turn, and finished _his race day JAMAR SUPER SHIFTER JAMAR JS3 - A super shifter designed for use in sand rails, buggies, off road race cars, and custom street cars that utilize a VW transmission. This unit may also be utilized in Baja Bugs with a type 2 tansrnis-sion. The offset shift lever and lock out knob provide room on top of the black powder coated shift box for switches or the Jamar Park-Lok if desired. This neat, com-pact shifter also works well with the Jamar Side Shifter, or Jamar Mid-Engine Shifter. It is also available with a chrome plated box in addition to rods and linkage. e t I • Short shift stroke • 3" x 4" .mount space required • Positive reverse lock out • 1000/o posit"ive roll • Features spherical heims • Chrom-moly shift handle • Brass bushings with grease • Easy installation fittings • Bolts to stock VW plate MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST.IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado • Temecula, CA 9;3290 (714) 676-2066 before completing a lap. As the 1600 Class and D Class racers made their way over the jump during this first lap: everything seemed to be under control. Gary. Groce, in his Toyota truck, decided to join -Jack Thompson on the side lines, submerging his rig next to Jack's after completing only one lap. By the fourth lap the pack was pretty much split up. In Class 1-10 Carlton Jackson was the front runner with Rick Dicken.s in hot pursuit, followed by Bob Bohres who had just passed Scott Haire. In 1600 Class Dennis Aiken, Jerry Allen andJ.R. Taylor were pouring it on as they were bumper to bumper (in that order) coming around a turn going into the straight-a-way. Darrell Stedman, the D Class leader, had Kelly McMahon right -on his tail as they went into the hairpin turn. Butch Brickle almost rolled when he came off the jump. During_ his next lap the engine started knocking, then quit. It transformed a Class 1 driver into a Class 1 spectator. Also out was George Receiver, who lost a throwout bearing after complet-ing tw0 laps, and Martin Neri, who gave it up after completing two laps when he developed engine problems. There is nothing like consis-tency, as shown by Rick Dickens. During his fourth, fifth and sixth lap when he came off the same jump, he landed on the same spot and spun around the same way. Perry Whitehe_ad, a new addition to the 1600 racing scene, around the track four times before breaking a hub while cutting the jump short. It shortened his race day too. The 1600 Class leader, Dennis -Aiken, while trying to avoid a non-moving D Class machine that had the track partially ;, Page 40 November 1987 Racing in his own back yard, Carlton Jackson led overall from time to time, lost time with a broken shock, but got the Class 1 car home first in Open Class and second overall. blocked during the sixth lap, was hit from behind, which put him into the roll over position and caused him to give up the lead to Jerry Allen. Dennis lost the fan belt and _ broke a top · shock mount, but he got back in action later on. J.R. Taylor, who was at the point of overtaking Jerry Allen for . the 1600 lead, developed engine problems forcing him out of competition after completinl! only six laps. D Class driver· Bill Prout spent a lot of time on course, but most of it was trying to get himself out of a mud hole that had engulfed his racer after six laps. Bill was able to get out in time to complete the last two laps of the race. . The Class 1 competition was narrowing down as -Scott Haire · spun a rod bearing, putting him out after eleven laps; Lindy Herrell picked up the Class 1 lead from Carlton Jackson, when Jackson broke a shock. Lindy stayed the front .-runner for awhile, until he got a right rear flat. Kelly McMahon was what yciu would call hanging on the edge, as he slipped off the track while going around a sharp turn. Kelly was on his thirteenth lap when . this happened, and the D Class was down to a pair of racers. By the half way _point Darrell Stedman was in high gear leading the way for D-Class with Harold Cordell right on his tail ppe. Harold later had a left. rear flat, and was also hit in the rear, breaking an oil line and knocking off a header pipe. Carlton Jackson1was back on ·the leading side for Class 1. Lindy Herrell w sn't holding anything back as jhe was right there with Carlton in a good competitive modeJ Bob Bohres and Rick Dickens I were side by side as they were moving along the straight-a-way. I . At this point Joe Cunningham had not been to the pits yet and was the leader for the 1600 Class and was also the overall leader with Jerry Allen right on his rear bumper. Ray Whigham made his way into the pits with gear box problems. After repairs were made·, his brother Ronnie took over as driver. Ronnie had been driving his own 1600, but had pitted just before Ray to repair the breathers that broke. Then he turned his car over to Bobby Bramblett. Bobby inade it to the wHite flag lap, then the engine qu1it. Ronnie followed right in Bdbby's tracks and did the same thi,ng. . . - . Darrell Stedman led most of the way in D Class, but he had to fight for the position in the early going, and ended up winning the class by the huge margin of four laps. Jerry Allen was in the hunt all day for overall honors as well as 1600 class, and when the time ran out he was third overall and second in class. Dusty nmcs

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Rick Dickens had a little trouble with the jump in the early laps, but settled down to good racing and he finished third in the Open Class. Despite a damaging roll over late in the race, Dennis Aiken got repaired and came back to cover 27 1Jps, and place eighth in the 1600 class. I I Jack Thompson's luck was all bad in Florida, as he sank into the big mud hole on the very first lap, and never did get back on the Georgian Bob Rule was a slow. starter today, but he worked his way up in the 1600 ranks throughout the race. About midway Bob had a right rear flat tire, which was quickly replaced by his pit crew, sending Bob on· his way again with the glare of victory in his eyes. race track. \ Travis Hurst and Jerry Allen were hard at it while alternately trying to maintain the second place position in 1600 Class, and striving to overtake the leader, Joe Cunningham. Sammy Herrell, with only one other race under his belt, was doing a fine job in his 1600. Sammy made only one· pit stop for gas about the halfway J?Oint. Bob ule moved stea(jily Up the charts in his 1-1600, had one flat tire along the way, and finished a fine fourth overall and third in class. I Runhing well in D Class Kelly McMahon slipped off the track to a DNF as Travis Hurst races past en route to a fine, fourth in 1600 class. As the race wound down towards the last few laps, the competition was heavy. Joe Cunningham, Carlton Jackson, Jerry Allen, Travis Hurst and Bob Rule were still striving to be the· first across the finish line with the most laps completed. Travis dropped out on the white flag lap when he lost his ring and pinion. Joe Cunningham, the leader, who had not had a pit stop all day, ran out of gas during his last lap, just after the start/finish line. His pit crew had some fuel handy and Joe was back on the track in no time. Carlton Jackson and Jerry Allen were bumper to bumper right down to the wire. Carlton Jackson was first across the finish line with thirty-seven laps completed, taking the Class 1 victory and second place overall. Jerry Allen was' next to finish, also with thirty-seven laps, and he was third overall and second in 1600 Class. It was Joe Cunningham who came in with thirty-eight laps completed, which gave him not only the 1600 Class victory, but Joe won the race overall. Bob Rule crossed the line with thirty-six laps done for the third place spot In the early battle in D Class Harold Cordell, right, and Kelly McMahon had a good dice, and Cordell carried on to place second in D competition. Lindy Herrell noses off a jump in his Class 1 O racer, and he kept it moving well to finish a strong second in the combined Open Class ranks.• Dusty nmes in 1600 Class and fourth overall. way around the track 32 times to Travis Hurst covered[35 laps for pick up the DClasswin. Between fourth in 1600 Class and fifth Darrell and Sam Pace, both overall. I drivers for the #3 car, it was the Lindy Herrell made it around fifthl time in a row that the car 34 times for secontl place in won the class. Harold Cordell got Class 1, followed I by Rick, . in ZS laps for second in D Class. Dickens, with 25 laps and good SJmmy Herrell got in 34 laps for third place in !class. Bob · for a strong fifth in 1600 Class, Bohres did 28 laps in his Class 1, followed by Clint Hurst, 33 laps, but he was disqualified because and Ronnie Whigham, 3Z laps. of a non F.O.R.D.1}- member Dennis Aiken covered 27 laps driving his car for part of the- for eighth place, followed by Ray race. Darrell Stedmap did it his Whigham, also <:_ompleting 27 laps. · The next endurance race in the southeast is in Georgia. The Georgia Off Road Racing Association would like to extend its invitation to all to participate . -,. • in the second annual · Thanks-giving 250 (six hour race) at Cordele, Georgia on November 28, 1987. Theracefeaturesa 100 percent payback after trophies. Check the Happenings column for contacts on this and all the races in the area. 8 CLA$S WINS PER RACE WITH PACE . I IFM 2-WAYS Land master I I I - $725 • Handhelr1 s • Rentals OVER 40.0 ON. THE COURSE • Antennas • .Intercoms I . -• Helmet Wired $125 (cf) • Amplifiers • Official Radio of: HDRA --SNORE• • Weatherman Radio Relay Team • • Emergency Rescue Service • 2888 Grundry Ave. Signal Hill, CA 90806 RACE R~DIOS ~ (213) 427-8177 November 1~87 Page 41 I I. •

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SILVER DUST RACING ASSOCIATION Larry Webster Wins ·the Nevada ·-150 at Pioche By Charlie Crunden It has been a long time coming for Larry Webster, but the California driver had no problems in Pioche, and drove his single · seater all six laps for a resounding first overall finish. Sagebrush flats, dry washes, Jeep trails, silt beds, mine roads, abandoned railroad grades, fast stretches of graded gravel, dense forests of pinyon pine and juniper, U-turns and city streets, it was a real race course. The Silver Dust Racing Association's Nevada 250, six lap, 40 mile course had it all, and the start/ ., _ _. finish area was in front of the Overland Hotel in . Pioche, Nevada. The race took the 21 competitors through some of eastern Nevada's most scenic and historic mining country. At one point on the course, west of Pioche, an observer could look north to Wheeler Peak, at 13,063 feet, in the nation's new Great Basin National Park·. You could also·look east to the state of Utah and south past Caliente almost to Las Vegas. The course taxed the ability of even the most experienced drivers, permitting only nine of the 21 entries to complete the laps required of their classes. Three of the eight starters finished in the Open Class. Five of the seven starters covered the distance in Class 1-2-1600, but none did in Class 5-1600, and only one of the four in .,. Challenger Class covered the route. That is 45 percent, which in reality is about the same, and perhaps even better, than a lot of other desert events on today's calendar. Larry Webster, the only entry from California, drove a perfect race in his Open Class single seater. Larry took first overall and first in class with a time of 6: 15.50. His win placed him in a tie with Tom Bradley, Sr., of Las Vegas, for first place in the Nevada Triple Crown Off Road Championship Series. Bradley, Sr. finished in third place behind his son Tom, who posted a 6:22.40 in Open Class, only six minutes and 50 seconds behind Webster. Tom Jr. suffered front end damage early in the race, but continued with an almost flawless performance through all six laps for.a solid second place. All did not go that well for father Tom.Ten miles from the start on Page 41 the first lap he lost a cv cage and with the ingenuity of most off road competitors, repaired it himself in about an hour's time and continued on his way. Father Tom finished third, the last finisher in Open Class. Larry Gilmore got in four laps for fourth in class, and LeRoy Van Kirk also covered four laps for fifth place points. Joe Bishop of Tonopah, who for two Silver Dust races in a row has drawn the first starting position, made only seven miles of thef irsflap. Then he got mired in a silt bed, with a dead engine, and, while waiting for the dust to clear, he was hit by another car. The result was two entries out shortly after the green flag was dropped. · Dan Bradley, brother to Tom Sr., turned in an exceptional performance in his 1600 two seat car in spite of a humorous but rather serious incident on the course in Pioche, less than a guarter mile from the start/ tinish. Bradley piloted the car for three laps, and turned it over to his co-driver Hal Flippen. On the fourth lap, Flippen punched a highway patrol car, reducing its front end to junk. -With no damage to the race car other than a scratch on the front cage, Flippen and Bradley were forced to park for 20 minutes by the officer until he could take stock of the situation and let them proceed. Twenty minutes subtracted from this car's time would -have placed them within two minutes of overall winner Webster on time, and could have resulted in a different outcome. It seems this officer was contesting Silver Dust's authority to stop traffic on the secondary road leading into Pioche, and '¥as ignoring both the. flagman and the signs when the incident occurred. At any rate Bradley and Flippen won Class 1-2-1600 with a time of 6:47.29. Howard Ringe, of Henderson, in a brand new 1600 single seater, shared the driving chores with Jack Short, top SNORE competitor. They brought their car across the finish line only three minutes and change behind class winners Bradley and Flippen. Herman Salaz, of Las Vegas, took third place in the 1600 competition, finishing with a time of7:03.30. Silver Dust race promoter Bert Vaughan donated the use of his 1600 two seater to Lincoln County's bar owners who · supported their effort with driveri,, riders, mechanics and money. Represented in this group were the Shamrock, Northern and Shenanigans bars in Caliente, the Y bar in Panaca, the Overland Hotel and Nevada , . Club in Pioche, and the rubs in Ash Springs and RacheL Driving . and riding chores were shared by several persons, with Dave Wadsworth of Panaca credited with a fourth place finish in the 1600 class with a six lap time·of Howard Ringe had trouble on the first lap, but then ran 'very well and he ,was second in Class 1-2-1600, only three and a half minutes behind. 't 1 ·..-' -,. ._, ,, ,,,. " \ " ' ' • ~ ,.. " I Noftmbcr 1987 Tom Bradley, Jr. had fast lap in the race, 57.04, but front end damage midway put him back to second overall and in Open Class at the flag. 7:58.12._ but a clip from a ballpoint pen There were no finishers in was used as a substitute, and he Class 5-1600'. Both cars were still continued for at least two more running when the time ran out. laps. On the first lap of the race, a Las Vegan Greg Ewan completed part df his front suspension went four laps of · the required five away .I But, undaunted in his rounds to take the win. Dave desire to continue, Rogerson Hermanson covered three laps. used his seat belt to support the Tim Crain, of Boulder City, • suspension, and went on to post winner of the Challenger Class at a' secbnd place finish, covering the Delamar 250, took first place four of the five laps, with a time honors in class at Pioche too. ·of 8:31 .18. Crain now sits in third position Ste\le McCroskey, operator of in the Triple Crown points, only the YII· Garage in' Panaca and an eleven points behind the tied entry in most of the Silver Dust Webster and Bradley. Race events, finished only three laps promoter Bert Vaughan says this but managed to take third in situation illustrates h0w a 'Challenger Class. McCrosky sits Challenger car, considered by 19th_ in the series points many to be a lesser breed, can competition, only four points seriously compete with the hot behind his Uncle Dave dogs for top series honors. (At Wadsworth, who manages the this writing in the Score/HORA bar at the Y and _piloted desert series Challenger Class Vaughan's racer to fourth in the points leader Rich Minga is also 1600 class. leading on points overall in the Pioche went all out for the series. The class is definitely Nevada 250 and benefitted competitive, and definitely in the greatly from the racers, crews overall points hunt. ed.) and spectators that swelled the Billy Rogerson, the second town's population to more than _place finisher- in Challenger double its usual size. Accommo-competition at Pioche, is a good dations were at a premium, with example of the pitfalls facing an some participants· lodging in off road racer, and the ingenuity Caliente, 30 miles to the south. that is employed to overcome all Bars were full and there were obstacles. During his prerun a bottlenecks at grocery stores, day before the race, Rogerson restaurants and gas stations. ·Bill lost the points in his distributor, ( continued on pagq5) Dan Bradley and Hal Flippen had to battle the police as well as the desert on their way to first place in Class 1-2-1600, and third overall after the delay. • Greg Ewan survived the longest of the 5-1600 Bugs, ,and Ewan took the victory ·. f!.fte~ completing f(?Ur of the five /aps required in the class. · Dustynma

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1AM '87ARAGON Desert Racing .Around~ · lar-goza, <Spain l I -~ere familiar ~o me from reading has two 'hours to -prep his ) bout world wide racing over the machine before it is due in years: Names . such . as· Hubert impound, with a heavy · time Aruiol, Gaston Rahier, Patric · penalty ifone is late by a second. Ta,mbay, J.P. ,Gahreau, L ·· Saturdaymorningat6:00a.rn. · :paSilva, and many more. There the first bike left the start line at were no Americans, however. the Feria de Zaragoza with a one Hey guys, we· c~n beat these hourdmetogettoPene,some25 •people. We need to go over there kms away for the off road and show our stuff;•not a cherry. · portion of the race. At seven the pick,. but they would know that · first car left for Pene, with one .we had been there. and a half hours time limit. Each J h h ' . · . entry started accor.ding to how T e. tee in_spection was on Thursday in a huge building, they did in the . Prologue, f 8 lo · regardless of class, So it ~as· a rom a.m. to . p.m., except ed b f I ff h · for two hours off for -lunch,. I mix ago c asses o t e start, inean · it doses down for two · dccept that the bikes all started _, hours! Tech is about the same as before the cars. · ·6urs, ·seems to have ·the same There were press .and TV 1Jrguments, only in Spanisn or people all over. the place French 'or both. The Shuttle was· recording everything. Ou.r press ihvolved in a two hour argument · pass and a large decal for the car 'over fenders, that Hubert h·ad got us anywhere we wanted to go. cleared -in France with the FIA . On Friday the press·people got a · reps prior to arriving in Spain. map showing the pit or. work · After a two hour time allowance areas around the course, but no 'i:o make .the needed corrections, . road book. So it was a chase situ-ation to .each road crossing or tre car was -placed in ii11pouncl; one of the seven pi_t areas. There !another huge building that held is no work allowed on. the race all· th~ cars and bikes with room . machines. e~cept in thepit areas. . . . tb spare. They were parked in the If a driver has a problem. along· . Jrder they would start the rowdsofspectatorswatched u er urioltakefasttimeovera/1 orcarsintheProloguedrivingtheO.R.E., whichearned I d the course, he has to repair it him the number one spot on the road starting the race. . .. . . . ·. . I . . . . pl ro ogue on Fri . ay. morning. . himself with rio outside help, · I · The Prologue .is a run for under penalty of disqualification The Shuttle has landed! From in the crew spoke any English. 13 entries, mostly Suzuki SJ-starting position, over a four if caught. What would some of desert racing in America the · Everyone speaks either French or · 410s, plus one Toyota HJ 61. ~ilometer course, with the fastest our high buck chase crews do? Class 1 . O.R.E. went racing Castillian_ Spanish· in this area, Class 43 had by far the most -time earning first starting After a caravan -with the European style at the Baja '87 but we didn't miss a niealfor-lack entries, 99 in all. These are the i-k>smon. The bikes ran the Shuttle crew to Pene, we wei:it to Aragon, which took place in of speaking the language. . high perfo.rmance, specially course30 seconds apart, with the the first road crossing to wait for Zaragoza, Spain last ·July. But, Wednesday ·after noon we built, big horsepoter, high buck cars going one minute apart off the car. The.first car was not it, first a little background. went ourto the·race headquarters 4x4s, like the maohines that run the line on_ a very tight schedule. nor the second through the When Malcolm Smith won and_ start/finish and couldn't . ~e _ Paris-Dakar. \ This bunch fiast time on the Prologue seems fourth. What had happened? At the Atlas Rally in Africa in a. believe our eyes.. WOW! included 18 . Range Rovers that to be vety important, and gets a · last, the fifth car was the Shuttle. Class. 2 car last sp ,· h h d Approx·1·mately· f:1•v k'I t e· fat r t ff: t th lot oflV and furess coverafe. It La· te·r·weroundoutthatthelocals ___ .. . r ng, e a . e. 1 ome ers •-wer s , ras , as , on e r• -.. many , inquiries about buying . out of the city was an enormous smooth trails. There- were eight was headlines or the Shutte, as had turned the arrows around, ·so open wheel race cars in the USA. · sports complex of buildings, Mitsubishi Pajerds, faster, ten Hubert set fast time for the cars that the eady bikes and cars went Among those interested was parking areas, all · paved, Lada Nivas, and that is Russian ~ith a three minute 52 second off course into . the hinterland. Hubert· Auriol,-· the French fountains, _pools, etc. In ' the for faster yet: There were various run, about 12 seconds behind the Shades of Mexico! With no pre-national hero on motorcycles, . complex-was the race registration Toyotas, a smattering of Nissan fastest bike of Patric Drobeck, at · om, it takes about five miles to' who had broken both legs on the . and press rooms, tech inspec- Patrols and Mercedt$280s. Most -3:40 over the course that· had realize the shunt is on. So, at 30 last 35 kilometers of the 1987 tion, impound, and even a Score of these cars looked · like panel been set.up the night before with kms, . we were fifth instead of Paris·to Dakar race in January. type show. After we signed in at trucks, and the bodies seemed to no pre-run allowed. first. To add to the excitement it But, he still finished the race. the press room getting a great be fiberglass or probably · ·There is no pre-running of the had rained . buckets the . night Through Malcolm Smith, dealofhelpfromMontseBla:nes, Kevalar.But,ldidn'tseeonecar race· courseeither. lnfact, you before for the £irst time in Hubert got in touch. with me who spoke English, Ilooked over with more than , bne shock on don't get the road book ( course recorded history ~in the area, regarding my single seat Porsche the entries. The bikes and riders each corner, and !probably not map) until Friday night at the· · making it a dust free run; but powered · O.R.E., dubbed the· appeared to be the same as our more than six or seven inches of drivers meeting, to be sure that producing lots 9fmud. . Shuttle by the Checkers Off entries in the desert, Honda, wheel travel. I · all drivers make the meeting. Oneofthechase·crewswentto Road Club. · KTM, Cagiva, etc. They were all Many of the drivers' names After 'the Prologue each driver • (continued on pagqs) A deal was made over· the engine sizes, \vith two riders each telephone, and I shipped-the car in five classes, plus there were to France onJune30. Auriol told two Honda Quads and two side me he was going to race the car in cars for a total of 70 entries. the Baja de.Spain on the 25th of The cars were another story. July 'in Zaragoza, Spain; and atthe Hubert Auriol had the first . time I -had no. idea where that number for Class 22, of which was. . . ' · there were seven buggy types in Just before rriy wifeDee and I class. The numbers are provided · were to leave for a trip to the east - by the promoter and are huge; at coast, Dee said, "we will be half least'l8 inchestall. Hubert had to way there, so why don't we go to add to the rear panel on the car in Spain and see how the car does?" • order. tq get the numbers on it. · So, off we. went to find out how · Each of the seven cars had a the rest of the world races, with a different engine, mostly wat~r letter in our pocket from Score pumpers. There were no air l11ternational and press creden- cooled engines and no sospen-tials from DUSTY TIMES. sion as we know it; except for the We arrived in Madrid on Shuttle. Most· of the people had Tuesday for an overnight gop, never seen anything like it, and it then went on to Zaragoza, about really drew-a crowd every place it 320 kilometers down the road. stopped. Zaragoza is northeast of Madrid, Buggy Class 23 had seven on N 11 on Spanish maps. We entries also, butlcouldn'tseethe h~d a pl~asant trip in the rented basic differences.between classes .. Peugeot 305 sedan, and landed at Buggy Class 46 had si.x entries, the Palafox Hotel where I.· met · m,ostly four·wheel drive. Class 25 - Hubert Auriol in person for the seemed to be stock cars with 12 first time. . · · · entries I including a Porsche 911, Auriol showed me the minor Mercedes 560 coupe, BMW 635 changes he had made on the car CSi, Peugeot 504, Dodge Dart, . and we discussed how to make Chevrolet pickup, and a Mini suspension adjustments to suit Morris: A Mini Morris against a his style of. drivih_g . . Although Mercedes 560 coupe in the .same Hubert speaks excellent English, dass? Class 31 had seven entries, - and his co-:driver Xavier Lapeyre ·.ame mix withatancia0elta4x4 ,,,. speaks good English, else and a' Panda',,43i:4_ Class ;4Z: h-ad Dusty nmes _ ·' Baja Coverage sin-ce 1970 Tracksia1 Photo, /nc.-1 '!{e w~re there then, we'll be there this time Trackf ide Pf oto, Inc. Photos for Public R~l~tioris, riro_motions, Ads · ._ ,~9~:~r~i~!l!1,~:~d~~\~~~t~~.r:~~-~: ,~ ·:., __ . 1871,0 s. Normandie_Ave #C Gardena, California .90248 · {213) 327}493 November I 1987· Page .43. · _________ ....;. __________________ .....:, _____ 4-_..;,_ ______ ,:_ _____ ..;_ ______ ...,,__...;... ____ ■=.. ___ ·,.;,., l

Page 44

555 RALLY HONG KONG-PEKING Toyota Wins· the 111ird ~nual -Trek 111r~ugh China · -Text & Phoios: Martin Holmes Eventually a oody of local police Mansson. Actuallf it was his co-officials waded in to retrieve the . driver at the whee of the Corolla car·, but the delay meant it was · on theselectives, none other than unable to continue. former Australian Champion · "If we are going t:o retire, I · Ross Dunkerton. hope it's now,'' said Blomqvist.- · On the second day Blomqvist "At least we can escape from the had taken 27 seconds off country . via Canton without -Waldegard and overtaken · going with the others all the ,way Eklund to second place while al) .to Peking." . He -was .already ·. unhappy Vatanen, ·also plagued _ unhappy because the fuel pump ._ with fuel pressure.problems, had failed-and running on the reserve fallen -behind Kirkland to fifth . . tank, he ran out of fuel just Top Group S car was the Celica · before the end of the first -GT~Four; while taking the sel_ective, dropping over a minute Group N -lead was the American to· Waldegard. Then came news ·_ Pierre Honneger. with a private · that Torph was out. "We were Mazda 323 4WD: "This has been .· going so well, we nearly caught a·· ·four wheel drive day," Vatanen who had started two . Waldegard commented. "We minutes before us, ~hen the can immediately tel11if Stig will differential broke, just like_that." beat us or the other way round." Exit Torph and co-drivet Benny . . On the third day the rally lost Melander, via theCal)ton escape two top drivers. }:irsdy Eklund · ad disappeared with engine trouble; ro . . . Vatanen was driving .. · to Mike Kirkland was, however, ,accustom himself using someone having no troubles. Iwashita was else's pace notes and to the having his first full works drive strange dusty surfaces. "It can_be and keeping out of. trouble, . just like driving on loose snow," driving the selectjves without any he said. Waldegard had made . notes. Vatanen, however, was best time on each selective and pushing on, also in an unfamiliar ied by a minute; 42 seconds from · car over unfamiliar s.electives and Eklund who was 18 seconds in slidofftheroadintoatree."This · front of Blomqvist. · The bent the rear right suspension; re111ainirig Japan~se S.tarion we tried to carry on but it was 4WD was seventh and leading useless." The car was taken to the Group S. Best Group N was an resL halt at Wuhan ·to await unknown enthusiast Harry recovery by the officials in due - . Last minute ill luck at the selectlves total 840 kms, with all Celicas failed to finish. Last/year Hong Kong-Peking Rally for save the final two on gravel we came a lot more wary and still Swedish driver· Stig Blomqvist surfaces. The selectives are he1d did not finish.'.' This was the final brought fortune 0twice for Bjorn · on public roads closed for the run for .the normally aspirated · Waldegard, with whom he had rally, and called selectives to Supra.3.0i cars, and the Swedish been battling throughout the six justify them being up to 119 km duo of Bjorn Waldegard and day event. Inheriting the lead in length. . -Lars-Erik Torph were at the . thrown away when Blomqvist's Rally cars m_ust always be wheel. Little had' been done to Ford Sierra XR 4x4 was collected and brought to the them since their last appearance inexplicably delayed on the final halts, for it is vital that drivers at the American Olympus Rally. gravel selective, his fellow stay on route. One must buy fuel The Nissan 200 SXs showed . c<;mntryman took over and at · .pre-arranged depots, ·entry · that· little development had " became the first works Toyota visas · are only issued by the happened all year. Drivers Per · driver to finish this event in three Chinese, and if you go missing in Eklund, · Mike Kirkland and . years. Waldegard drove a Supra China you are as lost as in the Yoshio Iwashita had the same 3.0i on the final official middleoftheTeneredesert!You cars that competed in · the appearance of this rear drive car will soon run out of fuel, you Olympus Rally. Because this in competition, the first time this cannot sp_eak the language, you event allows non-homologated model has won an international are banned from holding Chinese cars to take part in a Group S rally. Works Nissan 200 SX cars currency, and the long list of cla$s, the rally has become very driven by Mike Kirkland and ,recommended health · require- popular for them. One was a four Yoshio Iwashita finished second ments suggest unwelcome wheel steering Honda Prelude,: and fourth, straddling the ailments await a visitor. and another new -model was the luckless_Blorriqvist. But, on the The only serious non-Japanese Corolla GTV in Group S, plus a 3800 km event Toyota,_Nissan · cars entered were two yellow CelicaGTFour,themodelwhich and the private Ford XR 4x4 Sierra XR 4x4s prepared Toyota Team Europe announced team all lost one car. privately by Andy Dawson but as their new rally ·car for 1988. The '87 Hong Kong~Peking driven by Ford's two lOOOLakes Ot,her rarely seen cars Rally- offered competitors the drivers Stig Blomqvist ( winner included a 160 bph Nissan Pulsar experience of the two previous last year) and Ari Vatanen. Both 1600 front drive car. It was a rare editions ·of this unique. event. were sponsored . by 555, the · . occasion · to watch two of the Outside the World Champion- event sponsor whose cars had · · stillborn Starion Turbo 4WD ship in scope b~t '!sing similar won the past two events, and · cars, originaHy intended to . rules, . parallel m its sense of whose brand of cigarette the · become Group. B cars before the adventuretoParis-Dakarthough BritishBATcompanywouldlike project was dropped by . less physically demanding, ·this the Chinese to smoke. Vatanen Mitsubishi. ,, rally has its own Special had not rallied an XR 4x4 before, --The first day saw an amazing -'character. Commercially moti-but soon found that his car was number of rally cars suffering vated to help create brand · considerably less powerful even accidents. · Of the 60 starters, identities in a country which' than Stig's, so the chances of a only 48 reached the rest•. halt at-until recently was closed to third win for Dawson's cars Tsung Hua after 75 competitive foreign trade, this is a rally in seemed remote. kilometers. The accidents began which Japanese car manufactur- Toyota have been bemused by just one kilometer into the first crs are greatly involved. . China: "Each year we have been selective; splash went one of-the The event takes the form of a here, something unexpected goes · Starion 4WDs into a village si:' day trek up through Chin~, wrong," explained team manager pond, but despite the entreatjes with stages hel_d mostly · m Ove Andersson: "The first time of the Chinese drivers, the daylight. The I _21 competitive ·. we . were shocked when the villagers were rooted to t~e spot. Bjorn Waldegard and Fred Gallagher drove the_ Toyota upra 3.0i to tf!e overall victory in China in the-model's final appearance in cor:npetition. Mike Kirkland ~nd Robin Nixqn If/lid into second Ol(erall ,ln the finai miles, and it . was the best international result for the Nissan 200 SX. . -. . . . Stig Blomqvist ani:J Bruno Berglund led almost alf the way, until the last morning, then the Ford Sierra XR 4x4 sank to a third overall Playing . the waiting gam~._-AiJstralians Harry ,Maf)ss_on a17d Ross Dunker-ton won Group ,N, in ,the Toyota Cdrolla,GT,,and,p/aced· seventh overall._ · ' · · Plenty,of spectators watch tr,e pit stop to. the Toyota Celica GT Four-'ff ,1'akemi,Mats4no anci lchiro Naka .o, that was secord'jn , Group S, · . · I , I · · finish. · Page 44 November 1987 I Dusty "mes ..:,,., _ _;;,, ___________________________________ __,, ________ ~----------------;,-----,--r---

Page 45

c~urs_e;: Blomqvist had~ lost 12 selectives Were not-abrasive, Frcim the Cheng ~ho"'. halt the :i' and defied effor~s to restart it for ' and Robin Nixon Wer~ over half ~conds__,to.the. Toyota through Blomqvist said, "I.have never 25 remaining crer.s hea~ed off -khalfhour: Waldegard won the .· an hour back in'.the Nissan 200 the day, obviously a two wheel drivensuchaslipperystageinm.y on Thursday morµmg with only j ~aiting game, as·did Dunkerton SX. Stig 6loinqvist and Bruno drive day. The rally was halfway Jife as thefirsdong one._ The r?ad a three hour brea\< at Shithiach~ pjn the Group N Corolla.His rival Berglund were just over. three throug.h, buuhe long .. selectives had been regraded and 1t was 1,ust uang ~c:;fore the ~jnish at Pe~i~~- ffonneger was lucky to escape a ·more minutes back in third in the near Peking remained. : ·. like driving on ball bearings!' on Friday mormng. Bl0rnq,v1st nbig'.accident when the Mazda ;.Ford Sierra XR 4x4, and about · Oistance was • the keynote of · Splendid conditions for his XR was fastest on all ~hree selectives posed off the edge of the road, 8½ minutes ahead · of Yoshio thesecondhalfoftheevent.The 4x4,anddespite.allWaldegard's on 'Thursday and increas.ed his · • and the American ceded -the lwashita ·andi Yoshihiro Naka~ · road sections across the northern efforts ·in a much more p<>Werful lead to .49 secontls as the rally . l Production Car dass ,to. the. hara in another Nissan 200 ·sx. · plains · were . long and very car, Blomqvist went into a 16- headed 1ntothe94kmsection.A .'}\ustralian, The 555 ·team, 'Toshiaki Endo and Masashi tedious, and the two long second lead. The GT-four had g?od , · performanpf here'. :i11d .· lJorme? with. ~oi:npetiti~_n on _this Umintf .Were sixtn overall arid selectives ( 119 km on the·fourth been ·off . the road for '. five Victory was assurf~· as the two one event ' specifically I!) mmd, won Group $ in the Nissan '240 day and 91 km on the fifth) · mim:ites., Endo's Nissan 240 RS final selec:tives om I asphalt were had finally beeri beaten' on their · RS, fo,llowed in. seventh overall brougbt.c:ompetitors back to the had .a flat and transmission too short i:o·•; m~ke a material 1'home" ground. , · 0 ·by Harry Mansson and Ross · days · before FISA's · limits on. problems, and Kirkland was now . difference, ··• I · ··• ·. ·Bjorn · Wal~ega,rd an_d . Fr~d · Dunkertoni i:he .. Group . N . special stage lengths. The rear over 22 minutes behind in third Fou:r or five ki~ometers from ,'Gallagher won. ov'erall. ,arid - winners jn ·the Toyota Corolla --drive team· cars were worried place. . · .· . . . the end. of the se~dnd'marathon :i¢:;roup A in· the Toyota · Supra . GT. Of· the 60 starters, ,23 -·about tire-wear, hut in fact the The final run was the longest. .selective the For1 i just stopped . JOi. In &econd, . Mike Kirkland , finished the rally. , . . . .. Right with the leaders in the early going the Mitsubishi Paj(Jro of Andy Cowan slipped to sixth at the flag, after Cowan rolled it late in the race. · · ·. · · · · New owner Hueert Auriol, left; fbrmer owner, Gregg Symonds, At the-finish line,ihe. muddy Shuttle came'in to win th'i!, class, but and co-driver Xaviar Lape,yre posr .with the' O:RE_a(tel surv,iving' ... how on earth'tiid Lapeyre see t6 drive the. last legs In the;sumrr:,er the usual hassles m tech·mspectl(pn. . . -. , ·, storm. . ZARAGOZA,· SPAIN (h'am pagq3) . taken .its toll. HLlberi:, · being a' ~ ~bert sfopped for gas, whereas Hubert Riga), and second place biker, had an extta can of gas iri most of the cars went on •past. Patric T ambay and Patrick . i:hlfirst pit area; ;bout 75 mil~s seell!ed to be hard packed. the car, but it took time to get to · Andrew Cowanhad toldmerha.t Zaniroli, whose Range Rover into the race, while we elected to Fortunately the pit areas are it ·and refueL Opt of the pits most of the cars carry atleast400. arrived first, but the Pa,jero w_as go to the second road crossing, laid out so the pit people come in . Hubert was now eighth, but still liter fuel tanks; somewhere about 12-minutes ahead on There we watched the ·middle one way _anqleav~ .another way, · leading.Class P,.··•l'f ·. · ' . a:raurid 7,0 ga)lons. The Sh~tde elapsed time. ' .· · group of bikes come down the so then; ts no coniested two way . We hauled to the next road Jfas·a usable 32- gallon capacity, . The tenth . car out :.of the trail. One of the chase·crew came 'traffic. AH entries are'serviced by: cr'?ssing, . but missed Hube.rt . ,. L S~me. of the chase cre~s Wei:1t canyon and aeross the grain field along to_ tell tis that the ,Shuttle chase crews, _ so there are . no - gomg through. The chase crew to pit 6, and some to:p1t 7-,,the. to the finish was a wet, was running third at the-pit atea, . ·, permanent pits .ih any area, but _said the Shuttle was now.running final pit wh~re Xavier planned to bedraggled, dirty, muddy single ..,. and was going well and .had not there is lots of traffic. . . . ·without brakes. Apparently mud _ get ·back .in and (inish: .We wen( .seater from the'- USA. You .stopped. As the first .car, the .. The Lada was the first car into had gotten into the rear pucl<:area from pit 5 ·to .the finish, as you couldn't see out of it for the mud Lada, tame into view some two·. ~he .pits, driven by Pierre· and starred the s~al, so it was a cbuldn'.t make both'.pits and the · · on the windscreen. But, driven krns ,down the valley, w'e could Lartigue. Then _it was . · the leaking cylinder ahd no b,rakes, ·. finish. While the. weather had by two world class drivers . in see the Shuttle right behind it. Mitsubishi Pajero of Andrew . We knew we sauldn't geqo 1:leen nice, now it _started t<? rain, their first outing in an 9ff r:oad Talk about -excitement! They Cowan, followed by Gaston the next pit area in time, so we sb hard the wi_ndshield wipers" car, the. final. scor'e w~s 17th were bumper to bumper through Rahier .·in .. anothe.r 1:ajero, the stop.p~d f~r lunch!en r<lute to pit cpul~n't keep u. p,_ Al!the/rc;m~ overall arid first in .class: .-. the road crossing. Range -Rover of Patrtc Tambay . 5. This ptt area over looked a . runmng cars and bikes had tg run -·. My eyes have been opened to We hauled ~c;,thenextpitstop, and a. couple more. But, where large canyon and! vaHey, ·where i~. this 'sto~., .· . - . : . _, •· world class racing. I believe it is a driver change and gas stop, was the .Shuttle? I ran up to you could see tne , course (or., '! As we w;uted at tl,te fm1sh lme, · time for some of our Amer.ican some 20 kms down the road for Cowan, a Scotsman, and asked several kms as it came ·down the- . about a mile from the Fairground. - cars . and drivers to try ra<;:ing in us, 70 on the coµrse. The parts of him if he had seen Auriol. He canyon and acros~ the valley to. building in Zaragoza; I thought Europe. The. Baja :de Spain in' the ·course we. saw were farrri said he saw . the car a few kms the pits. The firsb car was the -How smart Hubert Auriol was to. 1988 would be a good place to . roads, power line roads, pipe line ?ack with the cl.river outlooking Lada again, and how t~e , cars · nut his_ eo-,dri"'.er into the 111ud , try European racing, , as the trails, and some Wer.e graded and mth,_e back. Then someone yelled _were spread out; bemg some 375 Jnd . rau1. port1on of the race. format is similar to oui-J3aja some were not. In the. hills and thatXavierwas.'cin his.way in,as· miles into a 500 ritilerace;Next However,l would havechanged .. races, where you run until you canyons it was tight and twisty, the co-dri;ver had started the came a Range ·'.Rover, thretf' pl'aces with. Xavier .without a' are done. Most of the rallies or. andalloftheroughwasthei:esult race. As H_ubert got in ,the car, Mitsubishis, the Toyota LJ:73 sbcondthought:Asthefirstcar~ Ja~es in Europe run250;300 of wash outs and·'disuse; not Xavier told us thai: he ran out of arid one of the [diesel Nissan · · ahived it was close between the : miles a day for several days, . overuse :of the· ro;ids. I saw no ·gas, not far out, whilerunning Patrols, which gJ fast. _The _qverall ~inniµg M_itsubishi instead of straight through to the sand washes, and. (]lost roads first. That fen mile side trip had Shuttle came in \ •eighth, : and Piajero of Jean Da Silva, and finish. · · . : V~ug~an _cites ttjemany form,s'' uhbeatable outdoor i:ecreation~I beencombined i~to bne event in ' of wildlife m the area., some of 9Jpportunities that· can 'b~. southern Nevada. The two rac:es -;:B:-r-o""'w-n-,-o-w-n'"'·e"'"r""'o""'f:,,,.-tr-h-e--:0"'.:-v-e...,rl~a-n...,d~. -.-:-b_e_g_a_n_a_t.,;.v,...' e.;.n-,-t""h..,;e_g_r_e_en--,fl ... a-g-_w_a_s whic:h were observbcl adjacenn6 cpm bin ed with the racing wi II have separate prize funds and Hotel, · pro111ises additibnal dropped at nine; and al.I the the · course during the pre-run e~perience .•. And, . .last .but no( points, but they will run at the 'MEVADA:250 (from page 42) .. acc_ommodations for·next year's awards and ·checks w'ere and - on race day. WUdlife , kast, for those w11lmgto travel same time on the same ~ay and. race in_Pioche, which is expected prese11ted at the Overland Hotel includes Pronghqr,n antelope, arother 150 north,·:there is· ori .the same course, near to attract a. great ,many more barbeque. and dance that same mule deer, coyotes' and even a. Nevada's first and the nation's ·. ,Henderson. E'.nter' one. or both .. entries. . . . _ · . . . evening. The, one day schedule, few ducks. Good ttout fishing is -• tif west add.itibn to the Naticnal · rates and· better your money ·· The Si)vd Dust· Racing according to Vaughan,. permits :nearby in several str'.eams, and at P;irk System; the . Great Basin winning odds. ,Call Silver Dust Association has achieved' a contestants adequate time for three reservofrs within 30 miles National Park. Racing Association at(702)459-schedu.Je< which , permits all trayel and _the opportunity to of Pioche and Caliente. Add to .{The . final , race in the Silver 0317 . for complete, up to tlw ' activities related to the event to enjoy the area's scenic beaurv: th~t: _several stat~: parks ~ith. Dust Triple Crown points series mi1:lUte details' on this unique take place in one day's time. Tech and otitdoor re<;reation, oppor-· unique -scenery and imprs:ived i~ n~xt, and the Silv,er, Dust 250, : event· happening on Halloween, inspection for the Nevada 250 campsit~s. _and!: you have.· f!fdt~e:SNOREY.okoLoco_have October 3l, 1987._ · · · (µ1'1,~. ' ,-' . Jorn Bradley, s;. nailed down ~rd in Open Class after a.Jong 1 stlap; . ana 'h'e' is novNiedfor:·ovetal( Yea( ehcl polnts3with' Ui.Jry' Webster.:_ \ Herman, Salaz ·had 'his•onfy troubl~s 'on•'the fourth; lap} an.d he,· . 'covered all siiMi:>un'cis:ifi good iimtdo take thircl.'ih <J/a!,s' io:231'6(90 _ . . competitiqn. I -::Jr · ,-.-· · · Novcmbc,[1987 .. f ! / t Dave' Wadsworth an{hoi,t of-other Lincoln Co1.mty bartenders ' -dro•iifBeri 'iliiughah's';v~nerable 2-_;1600 ali sixlc{p_s fof•.a -ke'Em'. fburthin class. ' . .· ,, , . . · . . . • Page 45_· • I J l · \

Page 46

Chicago Cla$sic Held at Santa Fe Speedway By Brenda A. Parker Photos: Gil Parker Jeff Probst drove his much raced two seat 1600 to victory in the first 1-2-.1600 Action in Class 9 is always tight,in the Formula Desert Dog Series. Here Lee Wuesthoff, left, and Rod Attig run neck and neck off a jump on the tight track at Santa Fe Speedway. · - . . · The Chicago Classic was held at Santa Fe Speedway southwest of Chicago on Friday · night, August 28, 1987. It is a very short track utilizing a portion of the asphalt stock car track and the infield. It is a fast course with· little room for passing. The drivers who are used to short ~· track racing definitely have ao advantage at this. race. , The first heat of the ev~ning · was the Limited cars, Classes 1-2-1600. They were off the line like a shot with Jeff Probst in the lead where he was never headed and he took home the bacon. In heat 2 Jeff St. -Peter, a·n up and coming driver in this area, took . the checkered flag. In the semi-main it was Gar.y McGowan and Dwayne Pierson moving into the main event. For Probst the main event was a repeat of the first heat as he went flag. to flag for the win . • There was.a battle for second and third between St. Peter, John Kaczmarek, Steve Kreiman and Dave Hameister. By the end of the race it was_ St. Peter, John DeYoung, who had passed Kreiman on . lap 11, and Hamaister. · The Heavy Metal was next. There were twelve entries consisting of Classes 3, 4, 8 and .14. Jack Flannery's Ford was never challenged in heat 1, while Brad Mihalko won heat 2. In the main event, Brad Mihalko was leading for two laps · but soon dropped back when Jack Flannery passed him. Jack led. for two laps only when he went out with a flat tire. This ·mov.ed Mihalko back onto the lead on lap 5 and he went on for the win, followed by Robert · Flannigan, Bill Schirm· and Dennis Ferdon. The Unlimited heats were next and were all Class 9 cars. Jeff Probst moved out in first place and stayed there • to take the checkered in heat 1. In heat 2, it was Lee W uesthoff in Chenowth taking the win. · The Unlimited Main Event . .,., .. , was the last race of the evening. Lee was putting the pressure on Jeff but by lap 9 he was out because his car caught fire. By the end of the 15 laps Jeff was the only one on the lead lap. Finishing in second was Kevin Probst, third was Schmitt and fourth was Tom Arthur. · Lee Wuesthoff flew his tidy Chenowth Magnum to the victory in · the first Unlimited heat, but an engine fire put him-out of the main event. · Jeff Probst had a pedect night o; racing, as he followed'his Limited wins with a heat rac_e and main event victory in Unlimited action in the Berrien Laser. heat, and he went flag to flag (or the: win in.the main event also:_ Jack Flannery bounced his Ford over the tire markers to the first Heavy Metal heat win, but retired with a flat tire in the main event. contest. Brad Mihalko suffered a lot of sheet metal damage on his Class 14, but he won the second Heavy Metal. heat, and went on to victory in ihe main. event -also .. · -The feature race for Unlimited cars held mostly Class 9 machines, and it was a tough. field on the starting line at Santa Fe Speedway. · Wuesthoff had the lead by the end of laJ') 1 with Jeff Probst in second arid Art Schmitt in third. Jeff St. Peter is having a great rqo~ie,year, and he won trie'second 1600 h1;Jat t;1/2<i '. , . Herb Rosborough diove. his Jeep Commando into a solid third in the first Heavy placed second in the big field i'n'the main event. · · · · • Meta., heat, and went on to a top finish in the main event. ,.. Page 46 November 1987 Dustvnma. ..

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CHRISTMAS Goodies Galore ••• • . I Alloy Front Hub for Rangers Attention 7S Ford Ranger owners. This new, aluminum front hub is made of 7075T6 aircraft aluminum construction, hard anodized finish. It is five pounds lighter than the stock hub and has larger bearings, 60 fin brake rotor, stock bolt pattern, or five on five bolt pattern. All bearings and seals are included. Get full details from Cone Industries, Dept. OT, 2055 Hanging Tree Lane, Templeton, CA 93465. Make Your Bed! That is what these new products from the folks at Desert · Steel will do for your truck! Mini or monster, these items will dress up your pickup truck. The combination bed stiffener with lights built in is new and hot. The lights are available with red yellow or clear lenses. Als~ shown is the spin,off tire mount . featuring all size fit and pad lockable security. Contact Desert Steel, Dept. OT, 1863 Commander Drive, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86403 for more . information. Dealer inquiries are invited. Simpson Super Race Bag The new Simpson Super Race Bag has been specifically designed to carry all your safety equipment, and whatever else you need to carry to the races. It is made from nylon 400 material and features a removable quilted and padded ny Ion liner that has a waterproof coating for protec, tion. A weak point has always , been the zipper, so a leather_ reirifoiced heavy duty zipper has been added for extra strength. · Dusty nmes Order this perfect gift today United, they receivh an entry in from your local dealer or direct the contest. The, wlinning name from Simpson Safety Equip, will be drawn ihen new ment, Dept. OT, 22630 S. membership reaches 5000. For Normandie Ave., Torrance, CA each ten new membh s a sponsor 90502. enrolls, they get a "Four W~eeling Down .!Under" T, Shirt. There are maq.y benefits to being a member, oHscounts on parts, magazine ~ubscriptions and so forth. for . further information contact the United Four Wheel Drive Associations, Dept. OT, P.O. I Box 3841, Downey Pre-Runner Bed Bar Give your pickup the off road race truck look with Downey's. new Pre,Runner Bed Bar. Made from two inch steel -tubing, the bar features a main hoop contoured to the cab for a clean appearance, and mounting tabs to accommodate two off road light_s. The extra long support bars extend to the back of the bed and are fastened in place with race type poly urethane bushing · mounts. The new bed bar is available for all 1979 and newer Toyota pickups, and it will also fit most other popular_ compact trucks except Ford Ranger and Chevy S~ 10. For more informa, tion contact Downey Off Road Manufacturing, Dept. OT, 10001 South Pioneer Blvd.-, Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670. · Filter Wrap The Filter Wrap by Uni Filter is the filter for your filter. It is designed to fit tightly over your gauze or foam air filter element . When oiled, the filter wrap will stop all dirt and sand, and provides excellent protection against water and ·mud. When used dry, it is an excellent pre, _filter, stopping some of the dirt, and extending the life of your original filter between cleanings. The Filter Wrap will not restrict air flow, and can be easily washed as often as necessary. For details on the full filter line, write Uni Filter, Inc., Dept. OT, 13522 Newhope St:, Garden Grove, CA 92643. Four Wheeling Down Under Denver, CO 801551 . New Cosivorth Catalbg I Cosworth Engineering has jusc releas~d their latest )ca~alog and techmcal product gmde, that includes details on the entire line of premium qualitY,11 Cosworth engine components and com, plete racing _engines. Find out . why Coswoith pistbns are the strongest, most dutable avail, able, and so precise that any style piston in a set can be replaced "ofhhe,shelf" by Jn identical Cosworth piston. THere is much more technical infdrmation in the book, and a cortiplete listing of Cos worth produt\:s . . To get your copy of this cata~og and tech guide, send $3.00 to Cosworth Engineering, Dept. bT, 23Z05 Early. _·Ave., Tor1•.nce, CA 90505. New Oil Filtration from. Sh · Shaver Specialties has a new 90° oil filter adapter and filter from Fram. The dew Shaver The United Four Wheel Drive adapter is a direct I conversion Associations has just announced from the older uni~s available, . a 'membership drive program and it bolts on withobt extensive that will give some lucky winner pan or chassis m6difications. an all expense paid trip to You can convert from the Fram · A~~tralia. In order to become HP4 system to the ne{v HP6 filter ehg1ble_ to be entered, the person adapter , without , ma~,ing major must _first be_~ m~111ber ($25 or chahhes:-"·The .new' HP6 'svstei;n $50 'level) df•tJ!litecl: 'For' ~it2If . redufes' flie·-i,{Js:stire'titd~~b-9~s ;•, new member they get to join the filter frorn 14 toi 3 pounds, thfreby increasing the . oil available to the engine. For cotnplete details and prices send $31'.00 to Shaver Specialty Co., Dept. OT, 20608 Earl St., Tdrrance, CA 90503. Leakproof, formed,in,place R 1iV silicone · gaskets can ·be m~de easily, every time, with the Ev~nbeat precision· dispensing system from TaylCfr Made Products Company. The Evenbead line includes a full ratlge of R TV instant gasket mJkers, including red high temp, blJe and blaek low volatile, as well as adhesive sealants in clear, -w~ite and black; plus a special windsh(eld and glass seal. The Ev~nbead system is a unique, self,dispenser which operates under internal pressure to di:spense contents in a constant bead patternwith uniformity and control. Sounds like a handy itein to havein the pit box. For all th~ details send a self,address~d, stamped envelope to Taylor M~de Products Company, Dept. D~, 3200 _ West Market St., Aklron, OH 44313. j · Bugpack ' W edgemated · C 1ank and Flywheel Bugpack Performance Prod, uc~s, leaders in the automotive performance parts industry for over .20 years, have just intro, duc_ed their factory modified W edgemated Crank and Fly, wheel set that insures against flywheel dowel pin hole distor, tion. Under severe conditions, such as-"drag race starts", this special machining modification keeps the crankshaft and· flywheel together, according to Dee Engineering, Inc. The . interference. tapered. fit of the Wedgemated Crank and Fly, . wheel make this trick modifica, tion ideal-for any racing situation. Get all the details on this item and the entire Bugpack -line from Dee Engineering, Inc., Dept. OT, 3560 Cadillac Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626. · VDO Mounting Bracket VDO has a new Modular Mounting Bracket line designed for a wide variety of cars and trucks. Made of sturdy ABS. plastic, these black brackets are ideal for grouping 2, 1/ 16 inch diameter gauges to fit a variety of applications. Each modular -mounting bracket pack comes witl:i one panel and the fastening clips and screws. Designed to be used with all four lines of VDO instruments, the clips allow the brackets to be grouped either horizontally or vertically. For details on the complete line of VDO products, contact VDO, Yazaki Corp., Dept. OT, 980 Brooke Road, Winchester, VA 22601. I Make DUSTY TIMES a Stocking Stuffer for Christmas I ORDER GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR YOUR FAVORITE OFF ROADERS NOW. DELIGHT YOUR PIT CREW , FAMILY HELPFUL NEIGHBORS , EVER)'ONE. DUSTY TIMES IS A BARGAIN GIFT WITH NO SHOPPING HASSLE $12.00, 1 year• $20, 2 years• $30, 3 years • $15 (US) 1 year to Canada . SEND YOUR CHECK ANb CHRISTMAS LIST TO: DUSTY TIMES .~(SJ3t Derry f,\v~.LSuite Q • Ago_ura, CA 913_01 Page 47

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al e.sfttJ ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS ~~,I'"' Compelltion Tires ~o~ Offroad & Motorcycle Products P.O. Box 2053 Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 244-0477 (800) 892-5263 ALUMA-KO TE Aluminizing Sand Blasting . Welding Repair 13574 Pumice Norwalk, CA 90650 Mike Matson 619-583-6529 (213) 802-2328 Brent Miller ' BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR., SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF-ROAD RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. WELDING TUBE BENDING . DISTRIBUTOR FOR: TOMMINGA BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 BELL MOTOR SPORTS, INC. m:w AND SAFETY • PRODUCTS KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER, SANTA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' EDA BARBARA IIARD = ·Page 41· 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592, <&rnup ruckmann San Diego 16191578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF ROAD RACE ENGINES, WINNERS AT . 8626 COMMERCE AVE. FOR CORKY McMILLIN DANNY .LETNER LARRY RAGLAND MARK McMILLIN IN MIRAMAR r------------------------------1 Send $1.00* for 1987 Catalog · I and receive $2 off your first order. Cut out this coupqr.i and mail if to: Dick Cepek, Inc . II · • 1 17000-Kingsview Ave., Dept.OT I Carson, California 90746 I I D I've enclosed_ $1.00* I Please send me your I 1987 Catalog and my I $2 Rebate Car·d. • Canadfan a Foreign requests I send $2.00 U.S. currency. L------------------------------20 YEARS OF BUILDING WINNING OFF ROAD RACE CARS =""-""'I"' ■1401 ~ PIONEER WAY #17 ~ CHENOWTH bESiGN & DEVELOPMENT 1401 Pioneer Way. #17 / El Cajon, CA 92020 Work (619) 442-3773 / Res. (619) 441-0938 CHENOWTH -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"J-t lACING PRODVCTS, INC. Racing and recreational chassis and accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 1221 West Morena Blvd. San Diego, CA 92110 (619) 449-7100 (619) 27S-1663 (CNCJ Manufacturers of Quality Hydraulic and Automotive Products Send SJ.00 for 1986 catalog FLOATER REAR ENDS• FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• T0f3SION BARS • KNOCK OFF HUBS . Sandy Cone (805) 329-2663 ~ \ , 20~5 Hanging Tre~ Lane • Templeton, CA 93.465 November 1987 COOL.WATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Free Lical Phcine * Recreation Room * Free Movie Channel * Swimming Pool "DUSTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619-256-8443 1 70 Coolwater Lane, Barstow MOST DURABLE CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE -OUR DESIGN OR YOURS SNAP ON • STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE SNAP ON CLEAR PIACTICINE WINDOWS "DESERT RACER" ~~:D l'ROOUCTS P.O. Box 2233, San Marcos, CA 92069 (619) 945-0035 Official Contingency Donor for SCORE /HDRA and ADRA. INLAND DISPLAY -POMONA MUNTZ STEREO -916 HOLT AVE. BIRTBIC/18 fPlJ]!iJf!JjJl[!]{l}{ff] {818) 882-7808 BLOCK NUMBER$ WITH $TYlE U.S.A. 10138 CANOGA AVE., CHA TS WORTH, CA 91311 DIR[. RIX , (602) 253-5289 Championship Off Road Race Car and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 PERFORMANCE TRANSMSSIONS <••> ae .. aoaa DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 "serving the industry sinc·e 1976" \ i DRIVELINE SERVICE ' . ' THERE IS A DIFFERENCE "' £, ~ /1 £,~L,t.,. ,.Y REPAIRING • BALANCING • CUSTOMIZING PARTS AND SERVICE ON C/V AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNITS (714) 824-1561 416 E. Valley Blvd .. , Colton, CA 92324 SCORE & HORA CONTINGENCY SPONSORS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE Dusty nmes

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We SPECIALIZE in VW Cams and Valve Train Components 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHEL TEAS ____ THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS! _' ___ _ RENTALS VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE , 714/627-57·27 . AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST., BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA 91761 1985 SCORE/HORA ENGINE BUILDER OF THE YEAR VW & Porsche /lUl Racing Engines ~ & Transaxles ._ _._ Race Car Preparation PERFORIUJICE Intake & Exhaust System Components fcir VW Type I, Rabbit, TYPE IV. 911 1450 N .. Glassel!, Orange, CA 92667 • (714) 639-2833 f\LLE ORIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS SAFET 6A 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 RE-UCA8L£ V. W. PAffl 11623 SHEL.CON ST.• SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!55 (619) 465-3782 .l'I/II IU/.:-=.~ , Get Your SIIIFI' Together/ -~s=--~\~--;...__ ____ _ FORTIJ'Y TRAJ'YSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane Jamul, California 920:55. Dusty Times ~ Doug Fortin ( ,. 4; . ~ .·,,., (408) 377-3422, . C1-1stom Shocks Built to Your · j Vehicle's 'AC'O?V •NC · Specifications IOX RACING SHOX . 544 McG/inc,y Lan,, Unit 6, dmpb,ll Calil 95008 . I . ~~~~~ . A Prototype Design & Develppment Company 1 Specializing.Ir . (619) 449·8322 • Racecars, Racetrucks, ATV's FRISK BROS. • TubfBending&MetalFabribation . . • ''"T"m &5""" Sh.,tm.lta1 10734E Kenney Street• Santee, CA 92071 Fuel Bladders Dump Cans Q!u#ck FIiis Std. !FIiis 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, C.A Q2708 I (714) 962-0027 GARMAN I FABRICA~ION I ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SNSTEMS CUSTOM METAL F-1-BRICATION · , RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER 1 1 -DENNIS GARMAN 1436 EAST THIRD STR ET (714) 620-1242 I POMONA, CA 91766 I I ' I . . 1~ERPRISES I I BEEPER 381-3148 OFFICE I 362-4202 ldra I . WALT LOIT 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 : . . 7~~-3~1;~~~1~4 . , ., , , ..i· ·' . ' ·-· ,J I November 1987 I I -HOUSE of BUGGIES 9027~Carnpo Road• Spring Valley, CA 92071 • 619-589-~70 . MICHAEL LUND . . -Owner 6211 Yarrow Drive, Suite C •Carlsbad.CA 92009 • (619) 931-0844 . \I . . . . Lee (714) 522-4600 (714) 522-4602 · 1 c!l@l!Jiil::J/ . V. W. Service REPAIR O PARTS O SERVICE 6291 Manchester Blvd. Buena Park, CA 90621 JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES . (619) 562-1743 , . "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON OHN .CIIVC PIIOIICJCFS Send $2.00 for ,c.talofl OHNSON CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP · FOR WINN ING SUSPfNSION mnMS PERFORMANCE HIGH PERFORMANCE 5HOC"5 P.O. BOX81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 CA 92045 (619) 698-3407 10 Time BAJA 1000 Winner DUAL & Tim"lE SHOCI< ns1BIS ~ IC)• V-6 :u MOTOR PAR'IS ACCBSOIB Page 49 I I -! !

Page 50

,._ <.... \ McKENZIE'S AUTOMOTIVE INC. WAREHOUSE DISTRIIIUTOA8 FOR CENTER-LIN.I: WHEELS TECTIRA TIRl!S KC LIGHTS SUPER TRAP SPARK ARRl!STORS CIIIIE LIGHTS MCKENZIE Alllf'ILTEIIS ~RIGHT PLACE SWAY-A-WAY IIILSTEIN SHOCKS K.Y.11. SHOCKS IIEARD SEAT■ HEWLAND Ql!AIIS GEM OEARB CROWN Mf'G. DURA IILUE ULTRA _IIOOT Wll:8TERN AUTO TIRl!S 818-784-64:!18 818-78!5-!5827 NEAL PRODUCT■ RAPID COOL TRl•MIL 12·9415 SHl!IIMAN WAY. NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 91809 MENDEOLA RACINC TECHNOLOCY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC GEARBOXES (619) 277-3100 7577 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92111 S5\S. C t-1 {). Custom Built to Your Needs by Bill Varnes Mike Brown V-ENTERPRISES 37925 Sixth St. East. Unit 107 Palmdale, CA 93550 805/272-3843 INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL OUTSIDE CALIF. Higll Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • ·NEAL Culling Brakes'• • Clutch Pedal Assemblies • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clutches and Throttles ... plu~ much more. Complele Catalog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 7 I 7 I Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 (619) 565-9336 Offi· FILTERS "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer Today - Oil - Fuel - Transmissions - Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine QUALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc., f241'4 Hwy. 99 So., Dept. DT. Everett., WA 98204 I Page'° OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING 6879 ORAN C IRCLE. BUENA PARK. CA. 90620 Off Road ·suspension Preparation 2 Be 4 W 0 . VANS Be PICKUPS 8c MINI TRUCKS GABRIEL RACING SHOCKS • BAJA RvoERS PRE·RUN TRUCKS • CUSTOM SPRINGS. AXLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION NO BLOCKS USEC • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 Established 1974 Wants Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit. Get Involved ! Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-7757 The REP FIRM (818) 991-3014 Bernice Sanders 5331 Derry Ave. • Suite O • Agoura. CA 91301 KE' FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 Years • The best in the Desert Coffee Shop • Steak House • Watering Hole Saloon Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER, CALIFORNIA PORCO PRECISION OFF ROAD COMPANY~ Retail Ports • Fabrication • Prototype . . . 678 UNIT C SAN BERNARDINO RD. COVINA, CA 91723 TONY VANILLO (818)91~7 (818) 916-3848 DUSTY TIMES INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DIALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can be in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred customers. It is :1 grrnt traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. C0NTAO DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91 JOI. (818) 889.:5600· . ·, ·,! -., : .. , Nowrnbcr 1987 Get the word out about your business,' big or small. · Put your business card in the· "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $18.00 per month. PROBST Off Road Racing Inc. -OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES " 1121 EAST ILLINOIS HWY. (8151 48S·RACE 17223) NEW LENOX. ILLINOIS 60451 . I -Quality Products Fastener 1pecialists Heinz (Henr~) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845 East Compton Blvd. I Para~ount, CA 90723 AL KEY Telephone: (714) 535-4437 (714) 5~54438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place _ Anaheim, CA 9280S DOUG FREEMAN (213) 515-3570 (213) 320-9584 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES P.O. BOX 3757 GARDENA. CA 90z47.7457 RUSS's V.W. Recycling 3317 S. Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818). 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W, Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914's ~ , -._ \ I . f ) ., ~ I i '. /' I ' I . t ' 1 - 1 ::, t • ! • Dusty Tlma

Page 51

c -~[f!JJf!!fJB . (213) 583-2404 SAND-ERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING 5921 Wilmington Avenue · Los Angeles, California 90001 _ $AND.BLAST GLASS BEAD MAGNETIC PARTICAL -. FLOURESCEN_T INSPECTION Mark Smith Larry Smith .r(' '--'1:-:--. .:.-.c...,. ___ ii,;,,_. Sa1e 'Je,,uta":!'. ,,._~"999 ~ · • · 1533 Truman Street San Fernando. Ca. 9i340 . Phone: (81$) 361-1215 ~::;:::=:::;. -------------..._~----=------.._ -------~--.. --~-......... -._, -_.__._ RACING PRODUCTS ,~ Anaheim, CA ... .' ...... ........ , . ....... , , : (714) 630-3810 ' Bakersfield, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 324-9882 Bullhead City, AZ , ...... .................. (602) 758-5480 Cott.on, CA ....... ........• · .... : . . ........ (714) 877-0226 Denver, CO ................. ; ......... ; .. . • (303) 750-9617 El Centro, yA ...•... , . ...... , . ........... (619) 352-4721', · El Paso. TX ........ : : .................... (915) 533-5931 Fullerton, CA ..•......•..... . . . ..... ...... (714) 635-5533 Hayward, CA ...•........ . . . .... ....... _,_. (415) 783-6500 Lancaster, CA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 948-6044 Las Vegas, NV .......... : . ............... (702) 643-9200. long Beach, CA ......................... (213) 432-3949 Los Angeles, CA . . ; ...................... (213) 531-0192 Oakland,.CA . .................. . . .... . ... (415) 428-2600. Phoenix, AZ , ............................. (602) 889-1324 Riverside, CA ................ : ........... (714) 877-.0226 Santa Barbara, CA ...... : .. ..... .......... (805) 963-9366 · ·. San Jose, CA . : ........................... (408) 294-4513 Van Nuys, CA . . . . . ., ...... ·. , .... . ...... ... (818) 785-0902 · Ventura, CA . . : ......... , .. · . .-~ . . . . . . . . . . . (805) 659-5609 . Yuma, AZ . • . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (602) 782-6543 ·.,P.O. B.ox 610:333.Wes!Broadway, Suite 202 (21.3) 437 __ 4.373 •.· Long Beach, California 90801-0610 Custom Race Car · · Fabrication & Preparation Hi-Performance VW Engines & Transmissions . . S.OUTHERN NEVADA · OFF .. AOAD CHASSIS . 745 W. Sunset.Road #15 Henderson, NV 8901-5 (702) 565-DIRT ' ' RAY CUMMINS Suspension Specialist Fox Shox Trackside Service OFF. ROAD . SUSPENSION SYSTEMS - SHOCKS RACE CAR FABR.ICATION AND PREPARATION . . CUSTOM MACHtN'E PARTS'-KEViN MtGILLIVRAY ·' . 28210 AV~._(;ROCKER #,301 , VALENCIA;CA !91355 (805) 257-0934 _Dusty Times. RIC,HARD LILLY LAURA. STOUFFER I . Manufacturers . of Quality · : f Drive Train , _ jComponents . SUPER aoOT r1oouc1sl 1649 W. Collins, Orange, CA '92667 1 . I . 714-997-0766 ·· If no answer 714-997-0767 I . . I MEL-SWAIN . 1 · - . ' . - I • JIIIETAL FORJIIIING AND INSTALLAT,ON / ON SPECIAt CARS ii . 4392 BLDG. TWO UNIT D FRI.. SAT .. SUN.! MON. -BROOKS STREET . . · SHoP·714·6261oe52 MONTCLAIR, CA 91763 · HoME·818·91!Hl26 I . I . ·SWAY •A• WAYc~RP. · .-. - - . . I . . ~ -~· •.. ' . Suspen.] ':" Cor~ponents I · (818) 988-5510 . j , I 7840 BURNET AVE. • VA . NUYS, CALIF. 911405 ,Ir , !'1 Ge- .t th . d . L..: . . b .. l e wor out a~µt your · usaness, · big or small. · j· · . -· Put your businea'.1 card in the.· , · ·· · . .. . I - . , "GOOD STUFF DIRECTORY" 1 and reach new '1:11 ustom_ en. _1 . . , I · Good Stuff· Dir"Ftory Ads ·., are merely $18 . . : ''per month~ , · I ·Checkout the . I DUSTY TIMES . Special Cllib Sllb Offer ; (Almost half price.for gr<{up subscriptions) ' .. Call (818) 889·5600 • J -orwrtte . . . I DUSTY TIMES I 5331 Derry Ave'., Suite 0, Agoura~ CA 91301 · . · .· I · I I I l(IICETT(ANS BY✓ilf RELJ)Y' -. ,.J _ · TRflN.Sfl)(LE . ENQINqRING November I 1987 I 'ii;.. ; ,.._ .:T' a.·· ··_l.r ~ .. ·. ~. 112 Octan.e Trick . ~-11 L, 17 118 Octan.e Super-'ll'lck racing gasoline . 100 Octane Unleaded '----.....;;;..;;;,......; __ _,, Alameda County f4151 538-RACE . Phoenix f602J 952-2575 ~-Bakersf.iefd fBOSl-393-8258 Portland/Vancouver ·120~ 693-3608 Br~rj,ert~~ (2061 377-7951 Riverside (7141787-8141 Denver (3031 452-5239 ' Sacramento f9 I 61 638-RACE. -El Centro (6,19} 352-2600 ~n-Diego (6191 460-.5207 HaWaii f8081 682-5,589 S~ugus (8051 259-3886 1-juntington Beach: · /714) 536-8808 · Seattle· /2061 °833-0430 lDng Beach /2131979-0198 Spokane· i /509) 483_-0076 lDs Angeles /2 I 3) 863-4801 TriCities /5091 5~7-3326 Las Vegas (7021871-1417 Tucson • /602) 326-8770 Ora,nge County /714) 634-0845 ~natchee /5091663-2912 . I ~TRACKSJDi· Photo· .Ent111rprlsa . · · P'.o . BO~ 91761 •[0S ANGELES. C'A'. 9()009 . -18710 SO NORMANDIE • SUITE C • GARDENA, CA.'90248 Jim Ober·-(2131327-4493 aACSNG PIIOTOGIIAPlrt SPECl~Llffl · li@P] UNIQUE.METAL PRODUCTS. 8745 MAGNOLIA, S~NTEE, CALIFORNIA9207l 619/449-9690 · Power, Steering - Brackets Aluminum Fabrication -Tabs LOUIE UNSER Racing Engines 1100. E. Ash Ave. Suite.,C '. · Fullerton, Ca. 92631 \ Louie Unser . (714) 879-8440 rH& WINNERS eHOIC& WEB;CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the sports winning drivers and engine builders. ·Just ask the top pr.ofessionals before buying your-next cam. · . Our dedication to gerformance and quality k_eeps /grusfr~!~~-;;i~ ~~ .;:1-~~~o~;Yi:~tnni~g cam $3 for the complete , catalog. , vw·-PORSCHE.-OFF ROAD Engine & Machine 94 7 RANCHEROS DRIVE SAN M!"Rcoi;, CA 92069 Page 51 1 I -l I I !

Page 52

.... . . PIT-TEAM REGISTER and number .. We'li be glad to -_- August:· Larry-had a terrific race, of BBQ chicken and ribs, d~rt, -· -_ _ have you. · · _ . · - taking first in class and first mqsic, dancing, awards; door_ The price of rallying is going overall.outofthe21 carsentere& prizes, and an open bar. Send · up. Both SCCA memberships There-weresix40milelapsat·this your reservation· and ·check to ~ and' the Divisional License fees race, and a big party followedthe · Rich Stout, 7522.)amies,;m Ave., h ~ wiH be. increased for 1988, ac- competition with free food and Reseda, CA 91335~ · - : _ "4c. ~ cording ~o a 111emo published in dancing. These are ·really fun · CORE's next · meeting , is . C',qb ~ SPORTSCA~. While I can't races. - . November 10; postponed a week 1/,1/ ,, e th,,mge the pnces, I can save you_a -CORE- had 13 cars on the list because of the 1000 r'ace. The few greenbacks on the compeu- · for the SNORE 250 late in meetings start promptly .at . 8 ~ tor . license. Bee a use the September, but only halfof them -p.m., at the Duizout, near the · ~ Divisional Championship year is ·_ showed up. Bill Poe .and family intersection of Hailetine and · -split in October, rath_er than weredoirig very we_ll in their new Oxnard in VanNuys; Ouestsand ' continuing into December, the Class 10 - car, among the 14 prosepc.tive members· are al~ays Divisi_onal licenses issued_ starters, lying around third welcome • to attend, and betweer:r October 15, 1987 and . heading into the. final lap.· But, participate in our µsual raffle. - December.31, 1987 for the 1988 the car 'got stuck in the ·very -last I'-~--;•~• '""=.......,~ Championship_ year will be valid silt bed before the finish line, and l?i, until December 31, 1988. So, _it_ took twenty minutes to get ·-W.._e_w __ e_lc_o_m_e ___ a_ll_S_u_p_p_o_r ..... t_T_-e_a_m._--n-ew_s_a ... ·rt_ic_l"""es_._T_y_p_e_d_ano doubl~ you can pay now or pay later. But · unstuck, so the team dropped to· you'll probably pay a bit more. fifth. in class at the' flag. · · · CALIFORNIA RALI:,Y SE,UES spaced copy is acceptable. Deadline is the Wth of the month. later. _ _ -_ Doing the best in the 31 car _ CHAPALA DUSTERS LOS CAMPEONES A Logbook te,h is scheduled herd in Class 1-2-1600 was the Jon Kennedy' Pre-sldent Malcolm Vin1·e, President b r · 1nd· Th J fD· · · ·. B · dJ h · erore _ 10. ere are curr~nt y . : team o -omm1c. orra an _ o _n 3117 Klllarney 2459 Vineyard.Ave., Suite 102 -three' options -available to Basso. They did four consistent Costa Mesa, C_A 92626 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 l · 1a - h d II · , · _ competitors needing the newly aps to p ce a strong t ir , we _ ; (714) 641-0155 (619) 292-0485 (horn~) . h - -J D W d d By Bill Moore (619) 743 121 · require_d_. SCCA_-PRO -_-Rally in t e money. . . ·_ ar an Meeting - 2nd Wednesday • 4 (work) Verdugo's Mexican Restaurant Radlo-FM~152.960 - - logbook~. The fee is $5.oo: First Terry Jeffers had some troubles Costa Mesa, CA there is a tech inspection on on the_ dusty course, but they Radlo-FM-151.775 MAG 7 - Wednesday; November 4; from . -stayed with the program tofinish CHECKERS Jerry McMurry, Preildent 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at Allison's in the mo_ney, in sixth place:Jack The California Rally Series Bruce Cranmore, RaceDlrecto, Im ed c p c R d R· k M'll · d"d B d ·-f G · h ,Jeff Hibbard; President port.. ar -arts, orona; a_msay an 1c _ 1 snever 1 oar - _o overnors met t e _ 13237 Sierra Hwy.. 11244 Horizon HIiis Drive CA. Call (714) 736-1442_ for a . get a strong challenge going; but night previoµs to the running of Canyon Country, CA 91350 ~~1~~'=o-~:3~2(~~me) time slot. Second, tech on Fri~ay had a good third lap then lost an the Cliffs of Gorman Rally. One (805) 252-4034 · (619) 225•6886 (work) · · evening, November 20, 1987, at hour on the fourth round· to · of the _ agenda items was the CORE _ . Indio VU. Endurance -Rally in place ninth ·in the Bunderson method of j:,oin~ accumulation KarenClark,RaceDlrector TERRA · Indio,CA.Call(714)736-1442 single - seater. Dave Fessenden for East of Indio. The 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 Jan Sunderland, President for-information and to arrange a was· doing well until the second Metropolitan Water District has · Northrldge, CA 91325 · 2542 Kemper Avenue time slot during the plly's lap,, when he was rammed and dictat~ that no large trucks may (818) 345-3833 La Crescents, CA 91214 designated tech time. Third, you . flipped by another 1600, and it run th~-rally, due to the amount F.A.I.R. SUPPORT TEAM <818) 248•9039 can contact Don Lindfors, took him an hour-to get back on_ of road damage ,they· -are-' ·-P.O. Box 542 Meetlngs2ndWeds.eachMonlh· Lindspeed Motors, (714) 544-theroad,butheandsonDavedid perceived to:cause.: The· Stanton, CA 90680 . ~ Jan Sunderland'S house 1688, for an evening appoint~ _ finish, in 1 l ~h spot. Bill Canon ograniiets of the event are also Jeff Randall, President ment. _ got in . two fine laps_, . then denying entry to Grouh 'B' type Teri Nicks, Secretary _ ,✓ TIGHT 10 h d fr h h · h J h h h Dave Masslngham, Race Director 153 Llndell Avenue ·CORRECTION: Ir\. a recent vanis e · om t e c arts , · ve ic es, w ic ave t e· power (714) 879-7697 El Cajon, CA 92020 article about Carl Azevedo and CORE was part of the lash up to weight ratios ~o contribute to (213) 943-1916 (619) 283-6535 (day) his new position with Walkfng:.. between several ·pit clubs that, signii\cant road ·damage. The Meetings 1st & 3rd Weds. (619) 447-7955 (night) shaw Racing, the group was had members racing at Craig, C.R.S. has accepted the position Holiday Inn-Harbor & 91 Freeway Gene Robe~on, President called an American team. lt is; Colorado, and apparently this that individual organizers. may Radio-FM-150.860 _ (619) 466-8722 rather, a British team, with a base brought mixed results insofar as .have to deny_ e~try to certain · in the United States. · --manpower for the pits was types of vehicles · doe to· the SCCA Southam Pacific Division Pro Rally Report By Lynnette Allison · Holmes and Rogers take the 1987 championship, and claimed the lead through most of the championship year. Jim Rogers and Bill Holmes are headed for the Press . On Regardless (POR) National Rally in Michigan on October 24-25. Competing with the National teams as well as other Divisional Rally teams, pressure is on these two to ~ring the winners' trophy· back to California. · · SO-PAC has dominated all the US~ Divisional Rally Champi-onship runoffs since their inception. Mike Whitman, in a stock Datsun 510 won .in. 1984; Scott Child,· driving one of the few rally trucks on the National - scene won in 1985, and Lon Peterson, with trusted co-driver Jim Love in the Arrow, took first runner-up in 1986. These three · · ~uperb drivers created a tough Page 51 a~t to follow .. Congratulations, concerned. CORE· apparently - dictates of those who: issue the Jim and Bill. But, watch out for 00· 0 ·!-OJ R_ _ had just two starters at the event. road use permits or the insurarice the snow, ice; mud and rocks; Q LJ\j L:J Craig Watkins and Greg carrier. POR has "eaten". the best. Aronson did a good job and We did not want.this decision SO-PAC is starting a school ·-CJ(:\ LJ R r;;J_ finished a dose second in Class . to affect the 7 1987 points -for new rally organizers. Did you · _ \!:_} LJ Ls /::_;)· 10. Cam Thieriot, and Greg championship; .As .such, Indio ever drive through an area an<;! Lewin got a good finish in the will be the first event ofthel988 think, "this is the perfect rally CX)RE had a few teams out brand new Toyota pickup, fifth competition season, and points road?" Do you know ofa great ear!'y .in August at the inClasstSoutofelevenstarters. willbeawardedinbothopenand-place for. a -rally or rally sprint, _ Superstition 250.near El Centro. · CORE is making plans to find stock classes. Under the current butdon'tknowwhototalktoor The night race saw quite a few supportfor.itsrriembersr:acingin points accumulation system, a how to get started? Do you think. who did not finish out of the Baja, perhaps pro,viding pif he~p competitor's lowest score is you'd like to· try getting an event large group that started. Among to one of the clubs that does BaJa dropped from the year. endtotal, together, but· don't know of a those were Dave Fessenden, J.D. · on a regular- basis. Ai: the last · with non-participation O t>9ints: location? Well, here is your Ward and Brad Inch, who was . meeting scheduling regular pit If a competitor is unaple to chance to get the answers. · . fourth · in the 20 car 1600 class service· for the races in Mexico p~rtici_pate for ~ny reasqn, -it is in SO-PAC has now created the after one lap, but went ol,lt on the -was discussed. CORE has; for hts or her best tnterest r __ o enterj as first school for Rally Organizers. second of four laps. · years, declined to take its teams many of the other_ events . as Experienced rally organizers, CORE's star at Riverside was and equipment across the possible. Competitors ent~ .tHe· workers, and the Steward will John Hagle; who won the Desert border. Now, the Board of 1988 season . with the under- · guide you through _ all the . -Class 10 race after a ten lap battle Directors feels the policy could standing that 'there -is . no planning and paper work, giving with Bill · Sallenbach. It was be costing the club some racing guarantee of vehicle eligibility, you step-by-step assistance with _ Hagle's first race at Riverside, members. This change in policy and that the way to overcome a your • entire· event during the and the last race for -the car, will be reviewed after the low score is. to_ enter as many coming months; INTERESTED? which has since been sold. In the upcoming Score Baja 1000. _ events as possible, . · I Mark your calendar for Saturday, same event Chet Huffman CORE's Christmas Banql,let , The Cliffs of 'Gorrril!n Rally December 5, from 10:30 a.m. to - finished fifth in Desert Class 1. and installation of officers for came off successfully. Many ·-2:30 p.m., for-SO-PAC's Larry Webster and Shelton 1988 ishappeningD~cember12 ~pledonotrealizetheamount introductory meeting for new Lbwery were -the · only CORE at the Cheyenne Supper Club in of-work that goes•into organWn_g rally organizers. Just call ( 714) members to race the Silver. Dust Arcadia, CA. The $22 . each an event. I would like to thank 736-1442 and Jeave your na01~ mountain run in Nevada i!!. tic:kets include a sit down dinner Gary English, his _ organizing Custom Wheels Phoenix, Arizona 85017 Baja Bugs Dune Buggies. ~ace Cars __ Machine Shop Parts & Service W.R.RACING Products c• 515 So. Vermont Glendora, CA 917-4C)'i'. -November· 1917 BilliRaybould ' ·arn-~14-3904 -For advertising rates & lnformatlori contact . ' . 'Wright Publishing Co., Inc~ -\ t I , it• • . , ' ,'", • • 1 .•• PO Box 2260, Costa Mesa, CA 92628 (714) 979-2560 . - .. Dusty nma-

Page 53

I .. . practi~e~rimarilr1·1'due to'~'few' J~iver~ide _ineet!~g ·o( .t~e . IDRA suggests that yo~ arrange shortcomings _of 1the particular qnanufacturers adv1~ry counc1L to meet with them and consider block' built- and supplied' by _Havitlg discusse? this concept, at their input relative to the short Rules Dialogue Between the IDRA .-and the Technical Director GMC: I · _ some length; with the members term changes_in these classes. We The problem· that has bti:heseclasseswe,atlDRAhave c--an, ·more properly, align these presently:. arisen with .the· n_p argument with this solutio_n; classes · at our meeting for the aluminum block~ in Class 8 .is: Howev~r, we. do have · some 1989 · rule _ book which will · due to a new policy adopted by suggestions as to how this convene · 'in mi,d-Dea·r George . . Thank you for your letter dated October 3, 1987 regarding aluminum-blocks in Class 8. As you know, this issue is not a new one by_ any means. Aluminum -· blocks have been legal in Class 8 for several years and have been . used by different competitors .. Aluminum blocks, in the past· .and present, by the existing CR . 22 rul~. have not been and are not prohibited as long as all the . criteria under CR 22 are met. CR .. 22 states, "Engine must be of the same manufacturer, basic design, arid type, as the one· installed in . the vehicle by .the manufacturer and readily · avail~ble · to the general public in the q.S.A. Any displacement engine may be used · as . long as the -original . block casting rem;iins . the sam_e·: Carburetor. restricted to a rnaximurn of one { 1 ), four ( 4) . barrel. ~fay use stock factory fuel injection . . Items with. no restrictions include, strengthen-ing and balandng, valve train and camshaft, pistons, blueprinting,_ GMC. GMC · recently - made · '·tqmbining of the classes might February. .· . oil and water cooling systems, air -arrangements with ·Rodac best be carried out. Enclosed .. you will find the -cleaners, fuel pumps. Water and Manufacturing · for Rodac · to ., i As you pointed out these· ;iddresses and phone nu.mbers vapor injection not· allowed · 1 h supply GMC wit.h their classesareindeedcompetitiveat. fortheseclassreps.ltismy ope unless originally equipped." ·alum .. in_ um.blocksl·.to wh. ic_h GMC t.he, __ .. ent _ .. time .an_ d a. lt __ h. ou~h that' · you will meet with these · Once again, you. seem to be · 1 misihformed.abounhehistoryof sta~ps -~ factory! :part ~umber. I rhere IS the capacity, Wlthm t ,e racers and arrive at a mutually h This policy was a<llbpted m order n1les, for an advar1tage to Class aoreeable -solution.-· to the t is issue. Let. me· attempt to + · - f " to allow GMC vehicles in. other . '14, thus far in the evolution _o · ."pr_ oblems · which confront us. bring yot,1 up to date as to the · 1 hi.story and the future of -this forms of racing:tp legally -use t:his that class this superiority has yet concerning the fate of these part as a1;1 origirlal GMC part.• -1:o make itself felt. In an effort to classes. particular issue. In the past Since theuse of Rbdac blocks has · tnake the transition_as painl~ss as These 'are serious matters and· seve_ral years OMC has built and 1 1 • come into use in off roa:d racing, possible and cost SCORE/ will effect a 'number of supplied an aluminum block Y-8. there .has be.en·a1 ·problem with HORA th. e fewest competitors. compe.titors. W e ate anxious to which meets the r 8 · f• some _racer_s who run ma.nufac- possible we suggest that 1or 198 _._participate and we o 1er our. criteria according to our rules: L h I b rr Engine is--of the same manu".. turers. vehicles that do not have the changes to t e ru es e input iri an en Ort to. arrive-at r · the_-availability··of a_n .alum.inum. _minim_ aL--· · . reasonable solutions to this racturer; 2. It is the basic design - · -as the one installed in the vehicle . block of the s~me ~uality as the f Gale Pike an1 D~vi~ Quill are prpblem. · ·. · · ·-by the manufacturer; 3. It is the Rodac.block: supfhed by GMC. the Representat1yes of CTasses 3 . INDEPENDENT DESERT. same type as the one installed by Wee.agreed, :·uPpn writing the' · ~nd 14 and are ver~ knowledg~, .. RACERS ASSOCIATION the manufacturer; 4. The original rules m · 1986, that the . rules able 'about the ·desJres of their George R. Thompson· block casting does remain· the would re.~ain the same for a two ;· fespective . cla·.ss. memberships. Managing Director s;ime as .. _ supplied by . the year · period .. It 1s SCORE/ .,_..,... ___ -..,. ______ . ------~---=-------manufacturer. HDRA.'s pol-icy to-maintain this · 1 - . ~. ··. . _ ·· : -. - As, you -ca'n see, ah:.iminum agree~ent_· with\ the racers, Comin_ g Next M_. onth ... block '. engines -as built · and manufacturers, a9d wh~ver else . . . . . . -. . ._ . · . , . . • .. ·-1 d b GMC d · 1 d . may be affected by keepmg these · -· ·.. _ _ . . . . supp ie Y - ; an uti ize in · rules for ·that two. year- period.. .· .SCORE. BAJA 1000 . GMC and/ or -Chevrolet prod-ucts have been dermed legal .for Upon taking a I vote of the . . - . , • .-· · competitors inClass8ama1·oriry·. _·11 M. _· ILICAN: 4_00 IN .OREGON several years. There has been no t .Pr_oblem _ in the past with this are i~ agreement! with ~annirig .. _, alummum blocks from th1sdass. However, there are still a few committee, and an· the people sleep, the sleep we missed from competitors whd bave already who helped, for making this . driving, partying, pitting and purchased these bloc:ks-who-wish event a reality. I would also like driving home. Thanks Craig, the to continue •n!mning them to thank the S.C.C.A.-Steward, Yokohama Support Team had a through. the 1988' race season'. Lynnette Allison. Without all of· really good time. The .only way. that SCORE/ ADRA J,>ENASCO 150· -SCCA. bJIBWE PRO RALLY PLASTER CITY BLAST GLEN HELEN OHV PARK FINALE . -these people working together it The course l9oked fairly e~sy . HORA will change a rule (in a 1 wouldn't have happened. . but' looks can be and were mid-rule book sit'uation) that is . IVORY COAST INTERNATIONAL RALLY · There was some tremendous deceiving. DUST,DUST,DUST more restrictive than originally competition at. Gorman, with and more DUST. was the big stated is if ·the· class involved Topi. Hynynen's stock class problem.on the course. agreesi11itsentire~y. If everyone .. I. . -DIXIE SPRINTS IN MICHIGAN •, .7: .• •• .· TOyota eventual Winrier .CouldseethroughirOrwerecrazY in .the class_is .not in _agreement ·. · · Bill Holmes' open class truck a ·enough to charge through it you · with the charige, but a majority · · 1; ·· pl~ all the regular features ·nm for the honor of first overall: -won or crashed. First overall was wishes for a change, then the. rule .:..--------------------------It is interestingtonotethatthree won by this type ofdriving,so will be ch;mged at the beginnir\g ... 1_· ____ ...;i.;.'.,-...;;.. ___ ....,... ___ ....,._ ...... _____ .. __ --, · of the first five cars were stock congratulations to the guys with of the _ next two[ year. period. st('TEMENT oF:OWNe:!tt~-.;'~t~,NT ANo ciR~uLArtON class cars.' It was. also greattb see X-Ray vision,' and, a job well c _~anges within c/ass ru~es that :1 IA.Tl•LIOfPUOLICA••"" , , • . ,..,.., .... ,OHNO, 2.DA •• o .. ,uNG ·two very competitive drivers, done to the ·really ,dllsty pit · openuparuleorJmake_1tmote ,,. llu8tyT.IJll!s,.•-3i•ol5J619~1· 11~-:29,1901 G_eor,g· e Daland a_ nd Lon crews: l.enient that doe.s, .nbt •cause a uo1ou1NCvO,·•-• . ,..o.oF1ssunPU11•15••0'j""·•"""••-•"1"" " . I ANNUALLY l'IUCE Peterson, volunteering their time_ Yokohama had two pits on the _ , competitor to bac)< up·. from the " ltJnthly · · -12 . - · $12.00 to -work' a controL · For more course, ·the first at start/ finish · printed rules may be charigecl by.~ ... ._....;..~··-••""'-... °'-·Of.,CEoFPue•:CAr10N1s.~.,.0,.,.<-•"·'•tt•"",,,...c .... " __ , details, check the article in this and the second at Check t. The a majority vote.within the two· ' 5331 Deny Ave., SUite 01 l\g:JUra, CA 91301 · issue on the Cliffs of Gorman start/ finish helped four vehicles, ·year period. Saferr rllles can be IO.-;::•·_:· __ ..,... ... Of •••••• DO<J ...... ()f •••••••• Ul.~ESSOFFICESOfTH•.'"•LIIHIR/Jllo•-J Rally,. , , we mainly just poured gas. Oh~e .changed at any time. · 1.-,,.,,.,..,,;~==~=""""'""==·~==-:a=a-====;.;;.-=====.---1 h h I r II b II d I I . t: .,,uLL"fAMUANDCOMPLETEM"'•L1No"'DDR1uoFPU■L1sH1R.101ToR.·ANDMANAG1NGe01TOA,.,.,,,,..,,u,rNor.,.....,..1 By ·t e time t is co umn is in ,our a ut one ro e • at east You stated in yqur letter that i-t · ,..-----•-'· . · publication,. the 1987 C.R.S. - once and luckily no one was hurt. was understood that the ·use of 'Jean caiv.i.,, 5331 Derry Ave. , SI.lite o; llg:JUra, CA 91301 season -will have ended at the Check 2 was a. little quiet,--they, aluminum blocks would not be Glen Helen III RallySprint. We only changed two tires on the allowed after-January 1, · 1988. IOl"TOR ,,,_._.~....,,..._, , Jem\ Cal~, 5331 Derry Aw., ~te o, AgOUra, CA-.91301 · can look forward to the same car, Dave W9od'sClass 10. Since SCORE/ ljlDRA nevei: · '· --:--:-'"°''"" __ c_ .. _ ....... , -beginning ·of the 1988 season at But the dust was so bad at Check made.• a commjttnent one way or ~=:--:::-=c=-=-=-=========:;:c:;:========:-:--t h E f I d R 11 · 2 h h I h h" Id h d I k~ f. 7. 'OWNlflfl/•_..,•.,•CGtPON1to1t,• 6uf«l•Nd.S.O,,,.,,..c,,-,-,y111,,_,..,_,,.._._,....,,_.ofnOC~ · t e aSt o . n io·-a · y, · t at t eon y t ingt· at"Wo:u .anot_ er we ~:r:1'-t1, ~.ow .w~'~r~ _1 ( .:.-=-.-,;:=:~:=:.:,:;-.:~::;i.,z~~~:~:::.-::'.,!f~:":,"::;,:~,::.-;;=.~~-:=.-'!i::~~-November 20-22. For complete - wash it down were~Strawberry that understandmg came .from. . :' · ·-• .. -•,.-•--•u_.., __ ... ," . .._"''"H""·"'_' .. , · · information·,·. contac,t event Margaritas, next time I'm As to my int, in the sport·-FULL NAME 5331 . COMPLETE MAll . .:IHG ADORES$ ·Ave~ Su1.te u, a, LA a,.... n CA Ql)Ql • ,on = ·• ~~ ·-· ~-•-•-• .CA 91301 "'\n ·-ii , • .....__._ 11. ......... -.. • n.-..~ 11..--, ... ,. 'CA. 91301, 1 ..,i:,., u •• ~-i--... 1.. ~ :-~ f'A o,-,nt:c:: !, a. KNOWN IOHDHOLOE.AS, MOA.TGA.GEES, ANO OTHER SECURITY HOLD~RS OWNIPi!G OA HOLotNG 1 ~EACENT QA IIIORE OF TOTAL ..: AMOUNT OF aoNDI. MORTGAGES OR OTHER SECURITIES flfdr•,..,•"""°"''· '°',.''I · · · : . . FULL NAME: COMPLETE MAILING ADORUI organizer Roger Allison. Also of keeping the blender. All in all it of off i:oad racing, it is in its interest to .rally folks is the . was a good race, hope we.worked . continued growth and the upcoming 'Score International ' well for those who needed help. enjoyment anc;Leehefit for those Th1rd -·. Annual . I3aja moo The Baja next; we wil! involved in it. The\grnw_thofany EndlJ.rance Safari, · T.S.D., type have at least two pits, the first.•at -sport, or business for that. event which is held -in Villa Del Sol and the. second at - matter, cannot accelerate if- it conjunction with the famous Camalu. If you wish us togas you·· does not stick ti) its -original 1-------------_.-+--------------1 · Baja 1000. For--m_c::>re•information . or take down special tires for policy. · Therefore, since it _was •· ,011..-..rn""ov""""'OF'•""••••ZAnONS.-.u•-•z•o•n ... , ..... ,0,.,, •• m,,.._,.,_,...,. ... ,, on .I3aja, contact Score at. (818). you, contact me. Dennis Rogers.· every·one's·wish in Class 8 to _____ _..__., .. u•w•'"'• ................... _, ..... , •• , ..... , ......... __ ."" ... _,, 889-9216. i .· ' at(818)335-7757 or write to my delete.aluminum blocks in 1988, ,-1 ·O~c'~'/,I,?a'~~f:''"~ o~:c~':i~:~~~i~:~·.i :tc:::t-:.~::-::.:::::::, .. -!.,,;.., •• .; ' address, 307 s. Vermont Ave., SC_· ORE_ I_ HORA ~1-' ill' have to ' 10. ' . . , •v•~ ...... ~ .COPl•H•c• ACTUA•NO COOIEIOFll•G• J. ~ · Uni.t I, Glendora, CA 91.740. • •. stick· to -its word.- · . . ix:r•!J::»!:.!!::!..0!;:!~~tnoN ' . ·. ,ssuto~:~~~cEolNG •uu•PUJ~lt.=tlt:""TT& . YOKOHAMA · WE STILL NEED VOLUN-·. Again, thank you for your no•ALNO.coo,u,-....... , 8400 9000 -. - _ SUPPQRT :rEAM. TEERS SO if you wish· to ·get letter and your cl nl cern in this •. ~~:::::=.·:.·=~.~~~ ... ,w ...... ;;. •,, 1604 , 2349 involved call me.•. , · · matter. -·._· · ,._,_,.,,... · .5542 - · By Vmiiis Ho~cr., Thanks again to the peopl~ of · '. Sincerely, c. ,:;::::.=~•au•moc1•cu1.Ar,o• . ::::-7891 A Big.High Country Hello to. Craig, HORA.DUSTY TIMES, · - _ Bill Savage ~ 1--'~"'·-.,~'-0"'-""-·'-0"~"--·---~--,--~+--- - ~ ~-+-------.---1 11 Lo I d d I d V I I . h h _;_: o. =~c=n=~A~.L~':,'VH.1~R~:Ri_~~~.·-·~~~NS-:. . 1632 1050 ·a _ you . . wan ers an o . a vo ihe, Lot ringer Electron-Tee ical Director mean high country, 6000 feet to ics, Custom·& Commercial and SCORE/HORA_,· · ... -•••in••IUT'°"'"""'.,c .... o,- .· ... ,. 8236 · ·994i . ;ea~~~d ~h:ig~~il;r~1°c~~; TlAct~nirck 11iiy:·~~~~· . ··~:::.::-::--·~~ ..... ~m•;.. }64----'"-,---~-.---.~5~9-----l l were super, and made the· NIE, PHIL, STEVE, CREW. Bill: _ . . · . . . . . . . o.TO••.:, ..... , •• ,, .... ,:_~ ... ~~· .. ·~•~••, · 8400 9000·.:: l Supp<;>rt dTeam ·an1 lall_ ohther, · .. cANHIDEYF_ JAdYR,_ICGHITI'Sd CRE'o/ , hlt appears bth,aup~sh0Clult1on,to3., "·,1a.11fy-11te11111m1n11modtby:N"/"i~u••.~•or1rlE?'~.01To•.•u,.1SH····"""'ss;.,;,. ••••. OR.,_ ••.. ' ,!jl teams an ~acerst}e}, r!,g, _t, a5.. _ .. 1 an . . . an.•· my wne, _ J e e[)try _Pro em flt . ' a_sses . ; __ ; .--.. -.-...,,,p1e1a, t,?11 'c-'I'_;.'" ·?,>i C , .,~...,.,,_; .. · '.,;i,,,_;;,, L~. - : . porn~ .. B~~! l* ,r ~~~r~;;t p_f-you~~ -_ Q_EBt~oq~utpng up Wtt,h me:_S~e-, .:cl.PQ.i¾-4 wd_l be a con,~hdat10n of, ,,:,~--~.DK.IHI , '' . , , IS'!'"'"'"''°""""''"'"'' ' , . . . ' - l . 1 are still ·trym:g .to ·catch' up on ·'_y<:>u_!!_\Mexico. thesedas_ses, as we agreed ar the • 1 • 1 ., -~ J '.j Dusty nmes.

Page 54

1-: I / Classified ••• -WANTED: Pre-runner or 2-· 1600 to be·used for pre-~runner. · Pre-runner complete. 2-1600 FOR SALE: Cl~ss 1~9 (10). Wright spindles, ATI fuel cell, 20 gal., Wright rack,' Woods trailing arms, _ Mastercraft seat., Sway-A-Way, JaMar pedals, Neal steering brakes, AMS disc brakes. This car is nice -reasonably priced at $3500, or best offer .. Call Greg at (612) 933-1181 or 935-1811. · FOR SALE: '78 Scout SSH:-_-,_ Raced in VORRA and Pro Can Am. 340 engine, Torqueflight trans, Rancho' suspension. One year old fuel cell, Beard seats. Good Firestone tires arid wheels. $3500.00 as is br $4500.00 · re;:idy to race. Call Keith Robb (415) 687-9529. FOR SALE: Class 8 1972 Ford rolling chassis. Will make good racer or pre-runner. No engine or trans. Rancho shocks, Beard seats, Summers Bros. floater, 4 wheel disc brakes, 50 gal. fuel cell. 3rd, 1987 Parker 400, 4th·_ 1987 Fireworks 250. Must see. $9000.00 OBO. Kishiyama Bros. Racing (213) 397-6489. WANTED: ChevyBlazer-2WD, -:, late model_, full size, stock or modified, well kept, dean. No junk please. Send photo and description to: Jon Gunter, 4448 Sun Valley, Las Vegas, NV 89121 or call (702) 456-4117 . eves and weekends. FOR SALE: 3 Type 1 VW race engines. 2286cc, 1835cc', 1600cc. Call Bill days (503) 686-3105, eves (503)484-0323. FOR SALE: Class 2 Raceco. 120" WB, Centerlines, Parker Pumper, Bilsteins; power_ steer~ ing. Hew land gears, 4:86 ring and pinion, Henrys al_utn. cliff. ARPM engine case, S.P.6 roller crank, dual Delerto carbs, _ dry sump engine. Many extras. $15,000.00· OBO. Call days (714) 956-8891, nites (714) 361-1851. Ask for Mike. . FOR SALE: _ ;86 2 seat T-Mag Challenger.-Saco Rack Doetsch Tech shocks, Beards, Yokohama, all the good stuff. $6000'.00 race ready. $4000.00'less engine and trans. Call Daryl Nusted (714) 860-4082, Miracle Muffler (714) 978-2002. . will consider w/ o motor and traris. Call (714) 963-5200. Leave message if you get recording. FOR SALE -Two seater chaJsis, 11 r WB, 12" wider torsions with adjuster. Complete aluminum body and pans. Rear arms included_ w/ wrap pivot· points. Set · up for secondary _ torsion bar. Must sel-1, best offer oi trade. Call 714-996-4936. . . .· HELP WANTED - Predsi9n _ Preparation, Inc. is looking -to hire a young inclividual -to be placed in-an entry level position FOR SALE -Class 10 Chenowth Magnum. Gr_eat Western points champion, Clean car, performs awesomely. Best of everything. Sell car complete or less motor and trans. Also one Class 1 motor S.C. and - Super 1600 air cooled 120 HP. Both FAT Performance. Call Mustard Racing, days (303) 423-8204, ·eves (303) 421-5553. for the end of the 1987 and all _of _ FOR SA E - 1 evy 1 ton·· the 1988 racing season. Job_ Crew Cab Dualie, loadedi 1982 duties to indude; auto painting Holiday -38½' 5th wheel -car · helper /parts_ rupner / partsrrian · carrier and live,in trailer. Sleeps FOR SALE: Racecci 117" WB, - helper and general shop/ race.• -6, bath, generator, roof A/ C, FOR SALE - 1981 Chevy'one ton, four wheel drive, crew cab. One owner, new factory engine (454 ), new trans, PS/PB, A/C, _ single rear whe_els, immaculate _ condition. Perfect for pulling • -trailer-. $12,500 .. . Call , Daye -Shoppe Racing (714) 6$4-3683. FOR SALE -'-1986 Mitsubishi . 7S truck, brand new. Built by Dir'trix. 5 speed or B&M auto, · Summers 9" flC>l:lter, new motor, 42 gal. cell. Complete, ready tc;, run. $23,000.00 · OBO. Call -Glenn (602) 253-5289.<. -FOR SALE - Steel Services Raceco single seater. -Coil-over front end; Micro Stub rear end, Type IV 1650cc, Kreisler trans; · best of every.thing. Alsq, Raceco ,,· 2 s~at pre~runner, FAT · 2000cc _ Type I, Kreisler · trans. _ Dico tandem trailer, 24' enclosed trailer. _AU spares. $25,000._00 Call Bill (213) 560-1430~ Toyota 2 TC, Wright,, Bilstein, support. This is a tough, time stove, fridge, TV, outside flood secondary torsion, Carr disc consuming job and requires an lights, shop area," work bench, _ brakes, Hewland Bus, Duke's enthusiast. Salary approx. compressor, storage, r.ear drop FOR SALE _:_ ·5-1-600 Carrier,coilassistfront,power $1200.00 per month with ramp. door·. Must s·elL-_ chassis,lessthan1200racemiles · st eering. New motor, race_ insurance' disability. Call Chuck $29,500.00 OBO: Call. afte,1: 5 · _since built.:Wrightrac~, spindles prepped, turn key. $8700.00 · WadeorB.obSprow,(714)894-p.m. (805) 524-2607,'Don or and trailing arms: Sway-A-Way · Call Bow Won, (208)345-645 L 7341. _ Steve.. torsions and spring plates. Dura ·· - · · · · Blue stubs. Trick rear ) railipg · r------------~----~-lllilii_._._.._ __ _... _________________ -----.·,- F I 'IS Bo •• . . 1 arms. ue eel , uper ot t.v.s. I _ . · · Sell or swap your extra parts and pieces in ·_ I Best of everything.-Must see. · · · I $4600.00 Call Brian ('213). 928-; DUSTY TIMES. ·J _0421 days; (213J493~5113eves. - - - h b · dd-$5. 00 £ -_. · I FOR SALE - Buy a wJnner! '73 I Classified Advertising rate is only $10 for 45_words each month, not in~luding name, address and p onenum er. A . • ior _ Toyota Corolla; CRS stock class I use of black and ~hite photo, or a very sharp color print. · _ _ · " . _ I · rally car. Only $1000.00 cash. I NEW AND RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES-A 45 word Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and _ · I . Call Topi (818) 7,64-9013. I subscribe. If you wish to use a photo in your free ad, enclose $5 .00. All classified ads must be ~paid in advan~e. _ -._ I I ~--'----------~--------:;:-'-----------,-------,-------,-------'-----~----::-I -I ,I. I I I .-1 FOR SALE:. 1-1600 Raceco,. I 114nwB, Bilsteins, combos, Neal -Enclosed is $. ____ _ (Send check or money orde_r, no cash). - I pedals, Sway~A-Way, Parker-Please run ad ________ times. I ' Pumper, Beard, power steering, Turbo cvs; 19 gal. fuel cell, fast :. I West engine. CompJete w·ith I I • Name--------'-------__:.___~------------~--~----Address _______ __:.___ ___ --='-::--'--------,--Phone-------~ , 1·1 ~-... I• J ·,. ,. '1 ' ' . City -------------'---------State _____ Zip ______ _ ., Page 54 November 1987 ~ail to: . -1 · engine and trans, $10,000.00. · DUSTY T~~~ , __ , - I _ Wfr,hout en,gine and trans, 5331,Derry A-1ie,•, Suite O , , , , • $7000.00, C,allRick at 619~747~ Agoura, CA.91301 · ' I. _3366, leave message. • Dusty l"lmcs .I

Page 55

1110,c ••• TRAIL NOTES GORRA reports t\lat their late August race at Winder, Georgia was dusty, and their letter says it wasn't racing, it was just following in the dust. That song has a familiar ring, except this is short course racing! The heat races were five laps, and Ray Whigham hit a stump in the dust on lap 1, and his brother Ronnie found a tree and broke a c. v. joint. Dennis Aiken led flag to flag in the 1600 heat, followed by.Clint Hurst, his dad Travis Hurst, Bob Rule, Bobby Rramblett, and newcomer Sammy Herrell driving his first buggy race. He looked good in sixth place. In the Class 10 heat Lindy Herrell was first into the woods, then had fuel problems. Bill Gaylord led all five laps, followed by Lindy Herrell and Tate Thackston. . The 1600 feature was relatively uneventful. Clint Hurst ran off the track in the dust on lap 9. the rest of the field played follow the leader. Dennis Aiken won, followed by Bob Rule, Travis Hurst, Bobby Bramblett and Sammy Herrell. In Class 10 Lindy Herrell jumped out front at the green, led the first ten laps, then had more carb problems and finished second behind Bill Gaylord, and Tate Thackston was third. After this dusty run, the drivers voted to move the.October race from Winder to Cordele, saying the dust made for unsafe driving conditions. The big season finale for GORRA is the double points Thanksgiving 250 at Cordele, which should be a dandy way to spend the Saturday after Thanksgiving for off road racers. · THE FINAL FLAG. Henry Liddon, Manager ofT earn Toyota Europe, was among the victims of an airplane crash during the Ivory Coast World Champsionship Rally. On board also was Nigel Harris, and a local pilot and co-pilot, and all four were killed instantly. Liddon customarily coordinated the movements of his team from the air during African events. The small plane in which . he and Harris were riding had refueled and · took off on Wednesday, September 23 for the second leg of the rally, when it developed instant engine trouble and crashed within 15 seconds of taking off. Team Toyota withdrew from the event. · Henry Liddon's rally career spanned three decades and included nearly every facet of the sport from being the winning co-driver at the Monte Carlo Rally in the 50s to becoming Toyota's African specialist and guiding light in the 80s. His lon1;1evity in rallying came from true love ohhe sport and the people in it, as well as his considerable capabilities. Henry Liddon was a nice man, and one to be admired. He shall be greatly missed. · THE PIKES PEAK AUTO HILL CLIMB elected some new members to the Board of Directors on August 31:Bob Donner Jr. was elected President, a~d he has serv~d as_Director on ~he Board for several years, as well as racing vintage and h1stonc cars. Blakemore McCarty· was elected first Vice President, and Gary Palmgren is the new second Vice President. Peter M. Gruitch was elected to the post of Secretary IT reasurer. Wally Dallenbach, Chief Steward of CART, and a well know former Indy driver, was appointed to the Board, and Ted Foltz, who ran his 30th Pikes Peak race this year, was also elected to the Board, as was L. Douglas Beatty. Nick Sanborn was appointed Director of Operations and.will handle the day to day operations. Sanborn is a five time winner of the Pikes Peak Hill Climb and has served as an official in many capacities at the event. He also serves as Chief Communicator for CART. JEEP CORPOR'ATION is an official sponsor for the 1988 U .S. Olympic team. A fleet ofJeep vehicles already is in use by the U.S. Olympic Committee as part of Jeep's sponsorship of the 1988 U.S. Olympic effort. Most of the four wheel drive vehicles are Wrangler and Cherokee sport utility models, but several Comanche pickup trucks are in the fleet. In conjunction with its sponsorship, Jeep will offer special edition "Olympic" model vehicles for public sale on a limited basis in its 1988 model · line. These will sport appropriate "U.S. Olympic Team" graphics.Jeep will also make a substantial financial contribution to the 1988 U.S. Olympic Team and will be a major network television advertiser for the 1988 Winter Olympic Games to be held at Calgary, Alberta, Canada, February 13-28. RACE AND RALLY ORGANIZERS TAKE NOTE! In the next month -we will be putting together the 1988 center spread ca1endar, a tradition with DUSTY TIMES, and Off Road Action News before we existed. We need your 1988 calendar of events as soon as possible, as the whole thing will appear in the January 1988 issue, which goes to press long before Christmas. So, get the info' to us as soon as possible: Of course if you can't make that deadline, we will continue to print your schedule as soon as we receive it in the Happenings Column each month. But, since the January issue calendar is a pull out and put-on-the-wall-in-the-shop type thing, it is keen if all your events for 1988 are included. JOHN BUFFUM is well on his way to establishing a world record. In September Buffum won overall at the Rally of the Voyageurs in Canada with his stepson Paul Choinere navigating the Group A Audi Coupe. A few weeks later John Buffum and Tom Grimshaw brought the Audi Quattro Group B car home the overall winner at the SCCA PRO Ojibwe Rally, and that win marked John Buffum's 100th Championship Rally victory. Surely it is a world record! But, our super international rally reporter Martin Holmes reports that the Belgian rally driver Gilbert Staepelaere is boasting of having 101 career wins. His claim is presently being checked out. Still, there are two more SCCA Pro National rallies on the calendar as we go to press, the Press On Regardless in Michigan, and the Wild Wild West in the state of Washington. Buffum plans to finish this season with the Group B Audi Sport Quattro as his machine, so, if his current luck continues, he could possibly surpass the claims 6fStaepelaere, and e_nd the season as the man who has won the most <;hampionship rallies in the world. Good luck J.B. RACING IN TEXAS. Short course racing has returned to Texas through the efforts of the people at Yolks Folks in Irvine, TX. Check the story on page 20 in this issue. A following.event has bee·n held at Devil's Bowl in the same area, again reported to be quite a success. The group is planning a full schedule for 1988, all short course races. Don't call us for the most current information, contact Ben Brown at (214) 438-5610. THE GENERAL TIRE FORD RANGER TEAM took all the marbles at the Coors Race Truck Challenge at Mid Ohio Raceway late in September. Pete Halsmer took the fast qualifying time, and with the inverted start, he came from last place to second in the race. T earn leader Steve Saleen edged his teammate for the victory in an identical Ranger. Points leader Max Jones, in the Spencer Low T earn Nissan, broke a tie rod but still maintains his driver points lead. In thema'nlifaaturers p'oin:t's, Nissan now,leadsJ eep oy six JDoin'ts/ and Ford is one point back followed by Toyota, three mofe points down in a tight battle with only two events left on the 1987 calendar. Dusty nmcs Tech •ps ... ' 1988 RULES; UPDATE I By Bill Savage, HJ?RA-SCORE Technical Director After reviewing fnput from the members of the Manufacturers' Advisory Board, the following will be in effect starting with the 1988 SCORE Parker 400 and will remain in effect throughout the 1988 HORA/SCORE season. 1. To clarify the issue of the minimum entries !required per year for a class to sustain itself, it has always been th¢ understand-ing of HORA/SCORE that this requirement could be used at HDRA/SCORE's discretion as possible criteria for discontinu-· ing a class. 2. As of]anuary 1, 1988, the Jeep 4-cylinder engine which is presently allowed to be 2650cc will be required to conform to the 2500cc engine limitation in both Classes 7S and 7-4x4. NOTE: If we find that the above displacemfnt formula during the racing season has given an advant;age to one particular brand or make of engine, we will equalize the power band of that engine by the reduction of cc's, the use of a restrictor plate or possible weight increase. This would be worked out by the manufactu£er involved. 3. As of January 1, 1988, Classes 3 and 114 will be combined. See #1 above. The AMC Jeep Scrarribler will be allowed to run a Y-8 engine configuration. The rest of the Class 3 rules will remain the same. Note from W. Voss/ American Motorsports: "Should the majority want to preserve this class, Jeep would offer c6ntingency money to CJ vehicles that are modified to W rangier sheet metal as well as production Wranglers. We also could probably arrange to sell CJ owners sheet metal conversion kits or offer a special low price to raters on a new Wrangler." I "We would make our factory-sponsored Jeep ineligible to receive contingency money to attract more privateers. We think it is a good idea for all manufacturers to make their factory teams ineligible for contingency payment in all classes. I am referring, of course,· to contingency funds offered by the manufacturer." 4. Presently it looks as if Class 6 will meet its minimum require-ment with the running of the S(COREBaja 1000 in November. 5. This will become CR Rule 56 as of 1/1/88. As ofJanuary 1, 1988, any class that has been deleted from previous rules and · is not included in the 1988 rule book may continue to run if a minimum of six entries are entered and leave the start line f~r any single race. The rules that will apply to that specific class (~[ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HORA/SCORE 'lli-iioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiAmer/ca's Foremost Off-Road Racing Serie, Points S,ndings thru 'the Colorado 300 CLASS 1 CLASS 7 Mark McMillin ............ 517 Ivan Stewart .... .I . .. •...•. 457 Rob MacCachren I-... .. .. . 430 Tom Koch ................ 403 Frank Snook .... . 1 •••••••• • 393 Chet Huffman ... ......... 347 Manny Esquerra . ......... 442 Reger Mears , ............. 376 Lfrry Ragland ....... .... . 233 CLASS 7S Spencer Low . ............ 535 Chuck Johnson ........... 504 CLASS2 Paul Simon ............... 392 Bob Richey . ............. . 532 Willie Valdez ..... . . . ...... 359 Gorky McMillin .......... . 511 Dave Kreisler ............. 489 Bob Gordon .............. 450 Danny Letner ............. 384 CLASS 7 4x4 Mike Lesle ................... 392 Jerry McDonald .......... 318 Mike Randall .............. 299 CLASS 1/2-1600 Jim Conner .......... ; .... 253 Bob Scott ................ 518 Art Peterson .............. 506 Morley Williams . . . ........ 493 Steve Barlow ........... , . 469 Jim Fishback Jr. -i-••••••• • 436 Perry Coan ........ ........ 435 CLASS 3 Mike Schwellinger ........ 360 Don Adams .............. . 300 'CLASS 8 Dave Shoppe .... : ........ 487 Walker Evans ............ . 440 Steve Kelley .............. 411 David Westhem ........... 303 CLASS CHALLENGER _ Rich Minga .............. . 650 Mike Ward ........ . ....... 555 Don Rountree ............ 467 CLASS4 Rick Johnson ......... -.... 456 Rod Hall ................. 498 John Dyck .............. . 374 Tom Strong .............. 348 Danny Ashcraft ........... 447 CLASS10 Craig Watkins ....... . .... 573 CLASSS John Cooley ... · .. 1 ••••••••• 488 Jim Cocores .... . I ••••••••• 373 George Seeley, Jr. . ....... 359 William Church . .......... 560 Jim Stiles ................ 512 Dick Weyhrich . ........... 501 Russ Welch ............... 409 CLASS 5-~600 Andy L. DeVercelly . ...... 494 CLASS 11 Ramon Castro . ..... ...... 355 David Anckner .... . ....... 424 Gary Brading . ............ 340 Andy Diaz ................ 269 Mike Abbott ......... ..... 188 Darryl Cook .............. 310 CLASS14 CLASS!& GiTi Gowland ............ 252 Larry Schwacofer ......... 344 Wes Moser ...... l ........ 218 Bill Russell ...... ! .... .. .. 196 Emil Downey ............. 150 David Bryan .............. 143 RIVERSIDE INTE*N ATION AL RACEWAY has just announced that races ar~ being bookb:I through June of 1988, the dates of the NASCAR event. It appears that there will be a third annual-last ever Score Riverside off road race next summer,-but it may be a bit earlier than the announced mid-August dates. November 1987 will be the same as the last printed rules in a HORA/ SCORE rule book. If, by following this method, the class is capable of maintaining its minimum entry, it will be considered for reinstatement in the following year's rule book . . 6 .. This will become CR 57 as · of 1/1/88. As of January 1, 1988, any new class wishing to run in HORA/SCORE events that is not and has not had any printed rules• will be required a set-up fee to be determined· by HORA/SCORE. The first year running of any such class will be considered probationary. If a class is able to main.tain the minimum entry requi~ement of 48 cars during that probationary year, it will be considered for installment in the following year's rule book. . , 7. As of January 1, 1988, 4'." valve motors in Class 10 will have the following restrictions: 1600cc or smaller motors will be allowed to have a maximum venturi size of 28mms. Motors from 1600cc to 1650cc will be allowed to have a maximum venturi size of 28mms. The following note will be added to Class 10 rules as of January 1, 1988. NOTE: If we find that the above displacement formula during the racing season has given an advantage to one particular brand or make of engine, we will equalize the power band of that engine by the reduction of cc's, the use of a restrictor plate or possible weight increase. This will be worked out by. the involved manufacturer. · INDEX TO ADVERTISERS All Terrain Enterprises . . . . . 9 Bilstein Corp. of America . . 13 California Gold Products . . . 25 Candy Canes . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Champion Headlock Co. . . . 23 Chevrolet Motorsports ........ 28-29 CORVA ; ............. : . 33 Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . • . . . 15 General Tire Motorsports . . . Back Cover Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co ............. 2 HORA/SCORE Banquet . . . 17 JaMar Performance · ProHucts . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 · KC Hilites . . . . . . • • . . . . . 31 Al Mallory Racing . . . . . . . . 20 McKenzie Automotive ..••• · 35 Nevada Off Road Buggy . . . 16 Off Road_ Racing Handbook-Videos •.•... 21 Palmer Custom Speed Equipment • • . . • . .. . . . 14 Parker Pumper • • . • • • • • • • 19 PCI Race Radios .. .. .. .. 41 Performance Public Relations, Inc. . . . . . . . . 26 Sanilwinder Chassis . . . . . . 34 Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Dave Shoppe Racing . . . . . . . 8 SNORE Black Jack 200 . . . . 5 Summers Brothers . . . . . . . 39 Trackside Photo Enterprises ...•.....•• 43 Tri-Mil Industries . . . . . . . . 11 Valley Performance -Hewland .... , . . . . . . . . . 4 Frank Vessels Racing · • • • • • • 6 ~ '· Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Page 55 -; 0

Page 56

Ragland scores on the infield at Riverside. On General Grabber MT®radials. --. The specially made compe-tition course gave drivers a qufck hit at the \.1orst of off-· road racing. Punishing bumps. Bone-jarring jumps. Pain at every turn. . It was the perfect place for Larry Ragland to test his new Chevy S-10 4x2. Sporting General Crabber MT radials, the truck not only passed the test, it won Class 7 overall. ·, Beating out some tough competition; . .· Crabbers' outstanding traction Call'l-800-255-2550 for the and handling characteristics - . one ~earest you. proved ideal for the driver, the truck, and the turf If you're looking for the same . kind of performance for your-vehicle, you need a set of Crabbers. The Grabber AP® for' all around on~ and off-road use .. The Crabber AT® for tougher territory. Or the hard-charging, afraid-of-nothing1 Grabber MT. They're on deck riow at your . -General Motorsports Specialist. Associate Sponsors: . • '# [=~1 {f'.1.-u) I 1r] FORMIJJ I Montgomery:.,~ .-.~ • .-. r