I , ·~t:; .. _r:: • I; .\ ., ···(,: Covering the world of competition in the dirt ••
I I I· I GOODYEAR WRANGLER RADIALS MIKE IT FIRST AND TEN FOR· SPENCER L-.AT RIVERSIDE.• For the past two consecutive years, Spencer Low has won the SCORE/ HDRA Class 7S Championship and the Mii:ii-Metal Challenge Championship. But although Spencer is one of the most successful off-road desert drivers, he has never won a closed-course, · stadium-type race. · Until his tenth attempt, this August, atthe Jeep Desert Mini-Metal Challenge at Riverside .. Where Spencer Low, his Nissan.; Hardbody and his Goodyear Wrangler radials charged to victory. . Taking on the mud and the crushed granite, the big, nasty, man-made moguls and the infamous "Off-Camber Hill;' Spencer's Wranglers helped him take the lead on the very first lap. And he n~ver gave it up. The victory at the Jeep Desert Mini-Metal Challenge was Spencer's fourth victory of the year . . And the tires are the same tires that have taken him to so many victories: Goodyear Wrangler radials. · They're the tires engineered to -take on the toughest terrain. The _ toughest conditions. So no matter• what kind of truck you drive, get a set of Goodyear · Wrangler radials. And get what i( takes·to do a land -rush of your own. -The quick way.
Volume 4 Nu~r 10 DDBli ., [. ' .. · .:~TURES· __ -· _ _ ... _ : Page . . I 1$core Riyerside W orldCharnpionship ... . : ....... _. . . . 10 Sugar Camp_Off Road Ch;:illenge . ·· . ; .. , .... ... : ... . -~ 20 <Great Western Racing in Denver· .· ....... ~ .... , ........ 21 VORRA StadiumRacingin Sacramento .· ... , ... -.. , ... 22· I . . . . , . 24 ·_ <Gumbo Buttes Baja, .... ,.: ....... : ...... ... _.· ....... · Bark River U.P. 100 ....... ·•· .. ;\ ..... , ... ; . -, . : . '. ... 26 Editor-Publisher Jean Gal~in , Associate I.>ublisher Brad Goodrow_ Associate Editor Richard K. Schwalm Controller John Calvin Circulation Jerry Lawless Traffic • ·. . , · Frank McCotnbs. Contributors · bai:la Crown Leonard Day Daryl D. Drake. Winnie Essenberg Homer Eubanks Tom Grimshaw Martin Holmes RodKoch-CamMcRae Brenda Parker David R yskamp Walt Schwalbe Wayne Simm_ons Judy Smith · John Sproykin Darlene Thackston 3-D·Photography · . . Trackside Photo Enterprises· Art Birector Larry E. Worsham • .Ty~setting & Production Michelle's Typesetting Services SNAPSHOT ' THE OFFICIAL VOICE Of.· Suh><dption a.,.., d ra $12'.00 per year, 12 issues, USA. F~;eign 's11bscriII fion rates on request. 1 ' - . Contributions: · - , DUS'FY TIMES welcomes unsolicited contribution , but is not reSJJOllS_ible for s_uch material, Un.solicited material will b.e r_ eturned only by request and•with a self-addrelssed, stamped e_nvelope: · _ . - .. . . , Classified Ads will-be p~blished as received,· prepaid~ DUSTY TIMES a_ ssume_s .. _n_ Q liabil!ty for omissionj' s or_ errors. All ads.may be subiect to ed1tmg .. • . 'DUSTY TIMES, USPS-305-690, ISSN8750-1732, is publishedmonthly by Hillside Racing Corp., 5331Derry · Ave., Suite O, Agoura, CA 91301,(818) 889-51600. · Copyright 1983 by Hillside Racing Cqrp. No part ·of this_ . p:ublication may be reproduced without' written pe~mis-sion from the publisher. Second Class Postage pajd a"t Agoura, CA 91301. .· _ · .. . . .j · l'OST. MAS. TER: Se°:d address changes to Dusty 1ilimes, 5331 Derry-Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. , . CHANGE OF ADDRESS: Four weekspotice is required . for change ·of address. Please ·furnish both old andj_new address, and·send to DUSTY TIMES, 5331 Derry Ave., . S~ite 0, Agoura; CA 9130-1. · 'I · r . f oRDA Racing atLakelan~ . , . ·•· . . . •'• • • . -",.' .::: . . ...... 30. Brush Run 101 : ; ....... , ; ....... . •....... : .......... 32 JaUy of Arge~tina .. ; · .... . , '; .... •· . . '. .' ........ ; ........ , 39 -A.D.R.A, Snowflake Buggy Bash ..................... 40 Fsu.zu Trnoperll : .. ; ·•· ......... • .. ; • • • • • • • • • • .' •·: · · · · .A4 Raily of 1000 .Lakes , ..... , .. · . . . '. : .. ... .... < .... : ... 46 'bEPARTMENTS•. . .. . / ' . ' . . $nap~ho~ ;f the M ~nth ... . ' . ,• ....... ; · ........ · .. ·' '. . ... .3 Side Tracks byJudy Smith ....... . ......•....... • ... -. 4 T rail Notes ... .-: .".;, .........•..... : ......... · .. ' ..•.. . . 4 Happenings . . ...... ·. : ....• : , ._ . .-..... • .-· ........... ., . . 6 .:fvfanufacturers Advisory-Board Rt;!pOrt·. ; .. •~ .-\ . w • • --. ; -..... . _ . _ ·8 The Lo~ers by Ju_dy Smith .. : ... · ... ... : ............... 45 . Good Stuff Directory ..............•... _._ ........... _ 48 · , Pit.Team Register and Reports· ..... ' .............. : . ; .. 52. . 't alifornia Rally Series by BHl Moore . -. . ; : .... : . ; '. ... ·. 53 SCCA So-Pa{! Divisional Report.by LynnetteAlhson .... 53 Pony Express ; .... : ... : ..... , ..... ' .. · .•............ 53 Classified Ads · .. : ................. ; ....... • . ; . . ... • 54 Tech Tips by Bill.Savage ....... ..... ; ... _.;: . .' ........ 55 'I. . . . . . . . . .. . f 6N THE C~VER -~he Desert MiniT ruck racers'provide a most . . ,, tcolorful ·v.iew of the second annual last ever Score Rive_ r_side World· ., !Championship, _sponsored this year by Stroh's. Larry Ragland leads ,.-1 th.e pack into_ the tricky,sw!tchbacks here, and Ra~land won~ v __ ery close, , and hard. fought battle w1_th Roger .Mears to )1/.lh overall 1_n . the Jeep .•Desert.Mini Metal ,Challenge, fot Classes 7, 7S and 7 4x4. Larry · Ragland took the lead late ,in the race in the Chevrol~t S-10, and ~e went on to victory in the first appearance of his brand new desert race · truck, to the delight of Chevro_let fans, who did have a good weekend at · Riverside. Color Photography by Mark Chen ofTrackside Photo .' Enterprises. . , . I, , . I. I .. I : . 1· OF THE. MONTH ••• -· I I · 11:··. ,,. t -·: I - --t , tN. ·~ DUSTY-TIMES l :: ·_THE·FAST __ .EST.GROWl,~_G . : Everyone kno~s about ,"quick change" rear ends for r_ace cars, but .this-is· an instaQt change mode; In practice ·at the Brush Run 101 Kevin Eence was flying along in his Class · 8 Chevrolet and cleared one of a serie's of jumps when the ·ent_ire rear secti,;.m, axle·s; wheels, tires, etc., fell off. Pence did ij neat full 'flip in the air, and never touched the ground until he landed on the front wheels and rear frame. He had no flats, front or rear in the incident. Photo by Dan Mainzer Photography. ·busTY TIMES will featu're . pictures .of simiiar ·"funni~~ .. or. woes on this page each month. Send ~s your snapshot of something comic · or · some disaster for consideration. DUSTY TIMES will pay$ lOfor the picture used. ff you wish the photo returned, enclose a. stamped, self:addressed envelope. Only black & white prints; "5x7. or 8x i O will be considered.,__ . . . - . I'/· . I . -11 I---'OFF--ROAD MONTHLY. __ 11'..: 1 ; -1 IN-THE COUNTRY!!.·. __ 1 ._ •• 1.-· _-; . ;.f □ 1 year.:-:-,,$1i.00 . 1 - . . I I 1-; D 2 years --.. -$20.00 . _I 1 ·o 3 years-· $30.~~ · I ~ I I· . ! T;ikc .i~.i~_ta9c of ~ur subsc(iptl~li bonus .• , 111 • 1 Free ~one time c;la~s1fied ·ad up to,45 words. J { (Form on inside back page) : r Name ' 1 · I I I ·1. Address I l I - , - I·• .. r ,Cinr,....:.c..-~:.+--___;;_----------~--:,---------------------·•• _:State __ :_,__+.=-,.---'--'----,-,.,--'---'----,--~-'Zip------- : I ;~ Send. ~heck or money order to: 1 · I I . DUSTY TIMES . ,' ·, ,. _ , 51 31 Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura; CA 9130~. I (Canadian - l-yJaf $15.00 U.S.• Ov,erseas subsci:iption r..ites~uoted ':m request) I ><x, f ' ' ·', ,, ,., a.-
Side-_Tracks~ •• . . ~-·peeledoffthewrapperandtooka , . ·1 N. -··1,.s· -. . bite: It was tough to chew, and -. ·_ . ra 1 : _ O ._ • ♦--♦ By Judy Smith no.t very tasty,. '.1nd Jeff be_gan to . . wonder what kmd of bar 1t was. -----------------------------~ ______ ..,__....;....;.;;.;.. _______ ~: -----.--. ---. -h · He finally found a flashlight, and THE COLORADO 300 results are here as we go to press. Those in Sometimes, when it's time to runnmg w~ll up_ m his class. T · .e discovered that he, d been . attendance viewed the first Score/ HD RA series event in Colorado as ql,\ite a write this column, my brain goes spectators w:orne~ that the ner? munchin on the end of one of success. But,· some of the drivers thought the·coursewas (}Xtreme!y qusry; the · into neutral, does .a lot of wo,uld get m his way, but It his ·emer:ency flares. . . . narrow trails hazardous because of the dustand'gotclia trees', plus there were spinning, and comes up with no quickly _ became . apl?arent that . At the Parker race about four·_ no passing zones in some areas:They'_said it looked like the terrain at Barstow ideas at all. But MS Publisher is G h cl n him m plenty of · - with taller bushes and without the optional trails. The.re; were 126 cars on the . ~ regg a_ se:d .. h. · B. · h .,-y· ·ears ago, Matt McBride ('who · · · · · · 1 · b h 76 f h adamantthattherewillbe.words. t t t ten startingline,andthesmootherthanusua terrain roug t• percer1to t em . , ime · 0, avm · im. u_. . · has also moved on· to simpler home fot.ar;i official finish. · · · : . . . · In order to dirime the pump, so Gregg did a wonderful thmg! He forms of· racing, like the ARS Rob MacCachren won the race overall and in Class 1 in his Chenowth, to speak, I ug · out some old ~lc;,wed the r;ic~ ca_r, pulled over series) who was running in Class Bob Richey drove t_he whole way in his Racecoto win Class. 2,: and Morley notes this month, and promptly · 1~ ba_ck of the mtwitandrammed 2 at the time, flew ·off a hill and Williams got his Chenowth home first in Class 1-2-1600, Among the 4x4s, got lost in a welter of nostalgic h!m m the rear. All up and ~own . ended u arked. i~-the bed of . Richard Bundy won Class 3 in a.Jeep, and teammate Emil Downey won Class nonsense. pit row the-applause and whistles Walker -~!ns'· truck ·which had 14 iri. 'a similar Jeep. Rodney-Hall got the·wiri in Class 4,John Cooley took I found a note, for exai:nple, and cheers could-be heard as · ll d··· h •· Class 5 honors, and Andy DeVercelly won Class 5-1600, while Larry reminding myself that at a Baja Gregg casuaily diove around the' stas e JUSf over ~ e nr. b k to Schwacofer won Class 6. In mirii trucks Manny Esquerra gdt theClass 7 title 500 several years ago, Mike car and went on his way . . -The .ffpmleobomyd°o (rre L "kac the forford,butitwasaJeepComan~heintheothertwoclasses:DaveAshleyih ·. Gau. gh_an, co~driving·· wi.th Lenny th ghtl ss spectator came to a O ICla on ogg es. · 1 e . 7S and-Mike Les le in 7 4x4. Walker Evans won Class 8 in the full size Dodge, ou de . ·· ·d h ed 't1'm· eat Barstow in 1981.when the · · h New.man 1·n a Clas·s·2 car·, arr-1·ved t t t e mov and Rich Mfo.ga won the Challenger battle, and it was the.largest class at t e s unne s op, an . n . ff· . I t , , to· speed things . at his pit, which was on the beach off course. . . ' . 0 . l~la s, rymg . . . race. Russ Welch got the big win in Class 10; and Andy Diaz won Class 11, road, near. 3 Poles, in .a taxi. . At that same race I remember .. ul p lhn. post~race tech_, drtted to We'll have the (ull story next month. . . . . ,. Mik_ e,·· a_lready .. attired . in . his s i ·g S · L · , b" . 18 et t e racers vote on w et er or HARMONY IN LAS VEGAS. For the past few years both the Southern ee n , pence_r . ow s ig . not they'd have to do ·a tear down• Nevada Off Road Enthusaists and the Silver Dust Racing Associati~n have driving S'uit;" stepped _granclly out wheel~r stuck. 10 the soft sancl 1~ in the 1600 class. Thing was, they had a tough time spteading the.ir dates for races around the major-desert series . of one cab, and his personal ~ack of_ the Pl! area. He h'.1d his let onl the first five finishers events, and in the meantime avoiding stepping on each other's races. for some chase _ crew hopped out of l1ttle Nissan ·pre-runner tied to rt · 0 ·s to have months·now,·1:he two Las Vegas, Nevada based groups ha,ve been discussing · another. It made quite a hit with the front of it, trying to pull it vote. ·dwas unamm u combi'.ning their events in October. into o.ne.single event·on·the same day on h r lk · h. ·· E 11 , f II ·no tear own. · t e pit ro . in t e area. o_ut. ventua y 5?meone ma u ·. I th.ink I've figur-ed oui: why the same course: On the eve of our press date, the w01;;d came from Bert Doc Sauers, who drove with. sized 4x4 took pity on them and J ff M r •h. 't h d to Vaughan, Pn:sident_9f the Silver Dust Racing Association, t~ar the deal.had · D I h h' h d · · h b k ·f h · e ac erson swi c e d h SI D 250 ·tt · oc ngram int e same race, was . 1tc e on ~o t e_ ac o t e ng Indy car racing. lt's less trouble. been made. SNORE's Yoco Locq race an t e- i ver · usf : w1 run on a mouritain,i-oad on some part and pulled 1_ t out backwards.. . for him: He ran in Class 8_ in the . together on October 31, ·making for a bigger and bet_ter Halloween meet for of the cour·se, and could see his At one of the 1000s but not · ·everyone, drivers, workers, crews, the lot. . . ·; . · ·· . . · ' . · 1983' 1000 and· running in third . •. ·The. locat1·on 1·s the silt free course off the Boulder Highway. on Highway· pit. He picked up the micro-one that went . to La Paz, I I f • 'T ' p • h · h d b. J ff .·M Ph · , .pace.a ter -res ozos, wit no 93·near.theE1DoradoPowerSta_tion.Th~route.willconsistofsixlaps6na33 P one a_n w_as singing, "l can see· . rem em er e · ac er son d · b · - · d . dd I hara ig· m·1·1e·c·0·urse,wii:htheracestartingattenirithemorriingafrera_nearlierdrivers you now ... 11 to his pit as he went telling me about a rough time he sb.econ gead }' sltuth ent Y ke tu· m to h d h h d h h d H -'S I · II ang, an re e rue • meeting and tech inspection. ~qmbining the· two points coun_tin~ events over t. e si e. T ey .. ear t e :a . . e got past anta nes a the ri ht. He'd hit a stump in the sounds a bit complicated; but itworks out well: Drivers can either enter the crash over the radio. · nght, and up the narrow rocky -d $ · h . d b f d . - SNORE race or the Silver Dust race, or both if they want to pay a double Then there was the time, in road onto the big p. lateau 1·ust at sand·· wThas ,.. an ro .e':1 ahr_a 1~t · r d ti r h Id I ·11 b h f' I · - · h s·1 ·d k Th h . I · . h" ro. ere was one m IS pl entryree,an rea ygo·1ort ego . tw1 et e ma pomtsracemt e 1ver Barstow in . '83, when the race ar en· as e ran a ong m 1s · d · Du.st ser1·es, and the penultimate race in the SNOR. E Yokoha_ ma _Series, with · · 1· ' h _ • k d h truck, butra iocommunications started near-the Slash X. There smgeseater, epic e t ewrong· J 'ffh"t hed ·d thatfinaleventscheduledforDecember5.Don'tcallusformoreinfo',butdo were lots of roads leading into frail, got onto the old .road, ~nd were pooh r ,· ~ eCh.1 c a fr! de call the organizers if you are interested in this .truly double points race. ,Call and out of the start/ finish area, f d ·h · If h · h ed out to t e pits at mero, to 10 the SNORE Hot Line (702) 452-4522 or Silver Dust Racing (702} . d . . . ou':' im,se ig ce~ter his· ·crew. First he hopped on a : 459-0317. . . . . . - . . . an traffic was something of a where the runoff from ram had . . tr k d th h · g· ht a · · · · · problem. At the end .of either the washed out the ruts. Now he . ~dmi uc0 ,.an5. h. enpe.,es caClua· ss S · RIVERSIDE FEEDBAC.I<. While DUSTY TIMES makes-ever,y.effort to · first or secpndfap, along came a · started digging and piling rocks, rH, e otn. athveb. dop .th -. .· · · bring you all the news about.off road racing, sometimes_ we·iu,_st can't get s1ec_tator_ ve __ hide,. i·ust_ doodling and genera II. y'_ working very hard, edsha 1.dm te teh ,don -6e spahr~\ enough facts tq be accurate. While we spent four full days at Riverside during an e on o e own ars 1s the Se0re race, we did not·hear about a serious altercation in the pits until a ong, on the co~rse, which was . trying to· dislodge his cat. b . bo . . h h b . ' mudi later. Apparently t. here were a series of incidents righfafterthe Heavy fairly wide at that point. He was . · Aft · h"l · h · b · utt uncmg on t e u · f ·h-er ad ~ lhe ·d ek ecamede He finally got to his pit and was Metal Championship event involving Walker Evans•· crew and the ~tew o .. in the pit area, and folks hollered-f"uhn_gry, an .. , dm_ t he_ ar , ~tarth ready ·to lead them back-out to Tom Haliburda. 01,1r second hand report says it star-ted with.harsh weirds, and yelled, and waved at him, but IS mg aroun . In IS gear 1or t e his truck, _ but the officials then escalated later i_n the pit areas_ to actual assault. W_ho·started it, who the dimwit either didn't see; or eITlergency rations that he knew Id 't l t th m go · . might be at fault, we don't know. We have heafd ,that Haliburda.was.injured elected to ignore all the signals. . were packed in the kit. Finany, he wbaocukw··anrds . o· en the ecourse. S10· n' . in.the fracas when it got d,owntb fisticuffs. It i_s a shame, but such problems· do Then, here came Gre·gg . f. d f h k b h occur, particularly at shoi:t course r·aces. Apparently this was a similar trouble d oun one O ,t e snac ars t at Jeff, who hadn't ridden a bike for as i:hat between t_he Arcieros and Kevin Pence's people at Riverside in 1986 . . , Sy_mon s, in his two seater, he knew he d brought -along H d d · ' a year, went to a on a pit.an' HAPPIER RiVERSIDE FEEDBACK. The following ~~te from Danry ----•------!1111----------------111!111• borrowed a bike. He. had Steve · Ashcraft, who won the Challenger Class race at Riverside, got misrlaced out CONGRA TI.JIA TIONS .to ·DAVID i\SHLEY ~ Jeep Comanch;e for his victories at the MTEG LOS ANGELES COLISEUM STADIUM RACE and the HDRA·COLORADO 300 in Class 7s· CONGRATULATIONS. to MIKE LES LE .. Jeep Comanche Class 7 4x4 winner at the . HDRA FIREWORKS 250 SCORE RIVERSIDE CHAMPIONSHIP HDRA.COLORADO 300. Pqc4 from LESLIE'S DRIVELINE SERVICE 416 East Valley Blvd~ Colton, CA 92324 (714) 824-1561 Kelley tape his spare radius .rod of the stack intended for the 'Pony Express .column. We think it deserves to his.back, and he took off,ihto . space. "I didn!t get time aft~r our win at Riverside to voice my thanks to my the· wash, to rescue his trucl<. He. r_ace crew, ·engine·b':iilder Kenny Burris and his car prep_ cre,w headed by John said he fell off only once on the Hoffman. It is a special compliment to Kenny that his motor weAt. head W . way. head with Al Ai:ciero's FAT motor, and the second placing Don Hati rnotor He and his co;driver, Todd, in Dwaine Walters·car. Bob Mount and Yokohama furnishei:I our tires·, and fixed the truck and· started back Rick Hasseto at Shock Tech, the shocks. The second half of this season we out, but by n~w it was dark, arid have received some support from Christopher Norris and _hi~ nt!W co.mpany · Moto Colour. This is a company' involved. in children's coloring books_for the the bike had no I ight: So Jeff rode -off road industry. By the way, Al Arciero bei_ng in the Challenger Class for tl,e in front, using the truck's lights Riverside race gave us a good target to shoot at. Thanks Al! My last to find his way• He foll otf three compliment goes w S.al _Fish.and the Score crew for the special spotlight they times on his outward trip. It was gave the·Challeng~r Class by r'unning them by themselves on Sunday. We all rough for him, because the bike · appreciate the exposure". ' ·· .. was so·tall that he couldn't touch DEVOTED DESERT RACERS have.heard a _lot of flack lately abo4t who the· ground. . .· stepped on whose ~oes on a section of racecourse on the east .side of.Baja _ . FiQally . _ he . recognized · his. California. Briefly, Score International has been trying to design a challenging surroundings, and knew that he- course for the 1987 Baja 1000. Orig_inally,.they came up with a_route and an was almost back at the pits, so he ·unofficial map that portrayed a grueling, 900 plus-mile route that had all the went on ahead and rode in,. not · usual trails in northern Baja alor.1g with the dreaded silt beds around -Punta realizing that ba. ck behind" him_; Prieta and a trip through the gun toting population aroun.d El Arrn;Jt wa9 not a course that would attract the· casual racer, who-might feel that· if he. were his race truck had come to a halt f ·s · going to drive over 900 miles through the ·less attractive areas o aja with a broken transmission. He - California that far south, he would only do so if the race.went all the way to La returned the bike, foun_d his pit, Paz .. In fact, the 1986 route to La'.Paz was shorter tha_n the proposed 19137 and, when the truck didn't come . route publish'ed last summer: · · · . · · . . · . in, gathered the crew up· and~ · · Meanwhile LoY1 Peralta and his partners moved aheadwith plans for .headed back out .. His ·crew now their San Felipe .\:,ased race. on Octob_er 3, 1987,·exploring some new trails hustled around ai:id -set tci-' ·well south of San Felipe for-thei, double loop race course. The course was changing the-traqsmi~sion in the ·marked for pre-rum.:,.ing before LabQr Day. "·_ . · · . gravel wash. Jeff was r~ally tired, . So what,' you might say; there is plenty of room in Baja"for_ everyone. and as the weather began to coot Sure there is, but not on the same course at the same time. It seem.s we were . h I d d h I · not alone feeling that the proposed Baja 1000 cqurse was far too severe; going e · _snugg e own in t e grave • · in.a circle. So, last September Score's survey team put together a new route-, a· which had been warmed ·by the couple· hundred miles shorter. The only problem was .they used several· sun all day, and snoozed a bit. · secl'ions of the route already marked for the-October 3 San Felipe race, but While his crew worked and he . Score was traveling in the opposite direction. Score announced that the 1000 cat;napped, · the hours tic~ed course-would be open for pre-running on October l . This surely'portended away., and by the time the truck head 6n confrontations between San Felipe racers and Baja 1000 pre-run·ners. was finished, . rhe 1.8 hour time Accusations flew around town, lawyers werecons_ulted, and so forth. At limit had· been used .up. the present time, late September, there are still sections of a common cour~e Nowadays, wh·en Jeff breaks he for the two races a month apart. But Score says the'cornmon section will not can stroll back ·to· the pits and be marked by them until October 5, and their map cautions early pre-runners· relax. - to bypass the southeqi loop on the 1000 _course until after_ October 5 .. St:iy: tuned! . · < ~~re TRAIL NOTES on page 47 r October 1987 Dusty Tlmcs
I ,· . llEIIII IARIIS 1111S IFF~IIAI 1111 PIii , -AT JACK IIIPIY S111111 .. · -1986 marked the most successful year in Mazda truck racing . . · . · history. So it shouldn't come as a stlirprise tHat Glenn Harriswasted· · · little time· securing Mazda's first win of the 1987 season· in San Diego. Unleashing the ~azda_B2000's 270Jtotary-4fiven horsepower, Harris · flew off the starting grid, grabbed ~he-lead and never lo_o1:<ed back. , . -Obviously, Harris and the Ca.liforriia Gold Racing T~am have_ . . their sights set on :what lie~ ahead< Another. · 1 · 1 · .a•...illLICI>~ · · · successful year for Mazda 1n 198'Z ; . -. . _ ~ . , _ · ..) i •J
" .1987 . HAPPENINGS •••.. A.D.R.A. 4 FUN 4 WHEELERS Arizona Desert Racing Association , 915 So. Zeeb Road . P.O. Bcix 34810 Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Phoenix, _AZ 8506 7 · (31-3) 459-8388 (602) 252-1900 (313) 755-3176 .October 17 Penasco 150 Sonora, Mexico · FORDA ,December 5 Florida Off Roaders Sonoita to Rocky Point Drivers' Association Sonora, Mexico . Rt: 5, Box 944 Brooksville, FL 34610 (813) 996~6)06 (d~ s -BAJA PROMOTIONS, · October 4 LTD; S.A. Lakeland, FL · Lou Peralta November 1 P.O. Box 241 Lakeland, FL ·Van Nuys, CA 91303 (818) 340;5750 · . January 10, 1988 October 2-4 Lakeland, FL Carrera de los Campeone~ · February 7, 1988 San Felipe, B.C. . -· Lakeland, FL March 26, 1988 1987 BRUSH RUN .· Florida 400 POINTS SERIES_ Tallahassee, FL P.O. Box 101 · Crandon, Wl 54520 (715) 478-2115 I (715) 478-2688 FUD PUCKER RA£INGTEAM. CALIFORNIA RALLY SERIES --.250 Kennedy, 716 Chula Vista, _CA 92011 · ·, Lynnette Allison . (6-19) 427-5759 2001 Oakland. Hills Drive Corona, CA 91720 October 3,'-1987 (714) 736-1442 200 Mile Plaster City Blast October 17, . Plaster City, CA . Glen Helen RallysP.rint December 31, 1987 ~an Bernardino, CA 150. Mile Dunaway Dash November 20-22 -EI.Cent_ro, CA East nf Indio VII Indio, CA . GORRA Georgia Off Road" CHAMPLAIN VALLEY Racing Association RACING ASSOCIATION Box 11093 Station -A C.J.-Richards · Atlanta, GA 30310 P.O. Box 332 . (404) 927-.6432 ·Fair Haven, VT 05743 (802) 265-~616 October 25 Winder, GA All races are held at Albany-Saratoga · November 28 Speedway, Route 9, Malta, New York. Classes are 1-1600, JO, 4 WD · 250 miles Class 3 and Class_.4 plus A TVs. Cordele, _GA . October 4 December 5 October 17~18 Annual Banquet TEAM· SANDWINDER CHASSIS CHALLENGE CLASS WINNER Budweiser 250 & 1987 Baja. Internacional rv~0t~~ i/}{;"" .. ,:,~ CHASSIS FOR ALL CLASSES CALL FOR DETAILS 714-825-0583 . 714~888~2703 241 So. Arrowhea~ Ave., San Bernardino, ·CA 92408 Page 6 ,. GREAT I~AKES . FOUR WHEEL DRIVE ~SSOCIATIO_N Boli Moon 915 So. Zeeb Road . Ann: Arbor; Ml 48103 (315) 665-0358/(313) 996-9193 GREAT WESTERN . POINTS SERIES, INC. · Ron.Knowlton 831 So. Jason . Denver, CO 80223 (30_3) 722-5537 HDRA High Qesert Racing Assodatiorf U997 Las Vegas Blvd., South Las Vegas, NV 89124 (702) 361-5404 .· December 5, 1987 Desert Series Awards Banque~ .Las Vegas, NV March 4-6,' 1988 Gold Coast 250 Las Vegas, NV April 29-May 1,'1,988 · Mint 400 _Las V !!gas, NV July 1-3, 1988. · Fireworks 250 Barsto~, CA September 9-11,. 1 988 •· Desert Event (locati,0n TBA) De~eniber 3, 1988 OffRoadsman Aw~rds Banquet · '(-location TBA) · HIGH PLAINS OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION Tom Freeman ·. 3503 Hall St. . Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 342-0331 October.24 Last Chance Baja Wall, S.D . GLEN HELEN.ORV PARK P.O. Box 2937 ' San Bernardino, CA. .. (714) 381-4454 or (714) 880-1733 October 11, 1987 Short Course Race iOK FOUR WHEELERS . , P.O: Box-36. . Cleves, Ohio 45002 (All events staged ·at · the club grounds ·iii --· Cleves, Ohio) MICHIGAN SPORT BUGGY ASSOCIATION · John Elliott .·(517) 835-9923 Bob Ramlow - (616) 345-64;07 . O,ctober 3 .· Mid Michee Sprint _Race ·· Midlan4, MI . MIDWEST OFF'ROAD CHALLENGE SERIES Tommy Bowling_ Rt, 6, Box 833C . , Midland, TX 79702 (915) 332-1537 - (915) 563-9154 · October 3 · Big Sp'i-in~, TX November 7 El Paso, TX . M.O.R.E. · 3513 North West Loop 820 Fort Worth, TX 76106 (817) 645-8843 . MICKEY THOMPSON'S OFF ROAD CHAMPIONSHIP GRAND PRIX -Mickey Thompson-· . Entertainment Group 53 W oodlyn Lane . Bradbury, CA 91010 (818) 359-5_117 · January 23, 1988 .Anaheim Stadiurt) Apah_eim,, CA. NORTH AMERICAN RALLY CUP. · October 24 -. . Ojibwe Pro Rally . .. Grand Rapids, MN Bob Nielsen · (612) 776-4471 · October 9-11 , Defi Ste:-Agathe , . Ste.-Agathe Des Monts, Quebec Andre Lavigne · (~14) 747-3663 October 2'8-Nov~mber 1 P·ress on Regardless -Houghton, MI -Dick -Cole (313) 685-2853 ; November 21-22 · Rally of the Ta)l ~ines Petersborough; Ontati_o·, Ross Wood -(416) 876-1422 OFF ROAD RACING . ASSOCIATION -_. QFTEXAS 1421 Lee Trevino, D-1 El Bas0, TX 79935 (915) 594-8266 ·November. 7 . · Red Sands 150 El Paso, TX . OLYMPUS INTERNATIONAL . RALLY I John Nagel . P.O. Box 4254 Tumwater, WA 98501 ( . (206) 754-9717 -ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF OFF ROAD· RACERS•· · Barry Wannamaker · -P.O. Box 688 Bancroft, Ontario, KOL lCO, -Canada · October 17~18 Kitchener; (?nt. ONTARIO OFF ROAD Barbara Lapointe · .. 4 Bridge St. E. Kitchener, Ontario N2K 1J2 Canada .. (519) 743-8841 · (All events at Bingeman-Park . in Kitchener.) October -10-11 . Oktoberfest Endurance/ Mudb~g October 17-18 Oktoberfest Challenge '8_7 . October 31-No_v·ember 1 Off Road· Endurance Series Finale . O.O.R.R.A . Oklahoma 'Off Road Racing Association Larry Terry · 9220 N.E. 23rd·.' Oklahoma City, ·oi<;: 73141 (405) 769-5-491 . (All races located at Freedom·, OK). Vic Brurnham Freedom Chapter President (405) 621-3428 . .. - October 16-1 7 ' 0.0.R.R.A. 150 ORSA . Randy Miller . ' 407 G Street, Suite F ·· Davis, CA 95616 · _ '(916) 756.-9938 (916} 756~6399 Short Coursi; & Sand Drags, all ev:ents at Sacramento Raceway, Sacratnento,.CA ',: . , OUTLAW MINI STOCK RACING AS~OCIATION . P.O. Box 204 · ... Palos Verdes Estates, CA 9027 4 -(213) 375·_457p '{213) 534-2747 ·, . .. October 24' . Willow Springs Raceway · Rosamond, CA ·,. November 28-29 Pearson Speedway· Pearsonville, CA : POST Pennsyl~ariia Off Road Short Track Shark Saxon RD #J,.Box 9 Towanda, PA 18848 (71.7) !65-3076 . . . . Ali events in Monroeton, ,PA. at the -intersection of R9ufos 414 & 220 . . . October 10-1_'1 PRO.NORTHWEST SERIES P.O. Box 323 . Seahurst, W ashingtort 98062 . (206) 242-1773 ... October 2-3 Millican 400 . Millican Valley; :rnl SCCA J.>RO RALLY SER·IES , • -Sports Car Club ofAIJ1erica, . . P.O. Box 3278 . . · . Englewood, CO 80155 , : (303) 694c7223 October 2-4 . Ojibwe. Rally . Qrand Rapids, MN October 29-31, 1987 · . Press On Regardless · · Houghton, MI November 13-15; 1987 Wild West Rally . Tacoma, WA SCCA DIVISIONAL PRO RALLY SERIES October 3 Gold Rush Westcliffe, CO Regan Smolkovich . (303) 477-9298 Dusty Times
. . . . I Schedule of Events for this race wlll start wilh Aeglstrallon opening on Thursday, November 5, from 10:100 a.in. to 6:00 p.m. Conllngency Verllicalion ·and Technical Inspection will be from 11:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday. The mandatory Drivers/Aiders Meeling will be held at 7:30 p.m., location to be annou~ced at . Registration. .. 11 1,11111 Si,tl.Anlc11;0 · i l., r' P,mlnSunf.,,nat,dn \ ,.,nlo Son( APPROXIMATE COURSE MILEAGE: 716 Tdtal Miles . . . . I Ensenada to Ojos Negros ............ 30 VIiia Del Sol .to Mike's Ski y Rancho ... 60 OJos Negros lo El Rayo •............. 20 Mike's Sky Rancho to El Carrlcilo .•.. 34 El Rayo to Nuevo Junction ...... • ..... 45 El Carrlcllo to Colon la Juerrero ... · ... 22 Nuevo Junction to Tres Pozos .... , .. 65 Colonla Guerrero to SaJo Tomas ... 101 Tres Pozos to VIiia Del Sol . .......... 61 Santo Tomas lo Ojos N lgros ......... 50 I VIiia Del Sol lo Agua Caliente 50 )-Ojos Negros to Ensenadla . . ...•....... 30 . Agua Callenle lo San Rafael ......... 55 San Rafael to San Felipe 40 DO NOT PRE-RUN THIS SECTION San fellpe lo VIiia Del So~ . : : : : : : : : : : : 53 UNTIL OCTOBER 51 I J ,.;;, \ -,.!_ / ··•':::f\\<(Jf>••nlf ~ I . ll Cl 0( SAHi, Toyo"r'A OFFICIAL I, TRUCK OFSCORE INTERNATKJNAI:. BOSCH
Additional Happenings December 9-11, 1988 SNORE San Felipe 250 , Southern Nevada Off San Felipe, BC, Mexico · Road Enthusiasts SCORE ( non-points raee) P.O. Box 4394 Score International La~ Vegas, NV 89106 31356 Via Colinas, Suite 111 (702) 452-4522 Westlake Village, CA 91362 (818) 889-9216 SCORE CANADA October 31 390 Chemin Du Lac Yoko Loco November 6-8, 1987 Lery., Quebec, Las Vegas, NV Baja 1000 Ensenada, B.C., Mexico J6N 1A3, Canada December 5 (514) 692-6171 Black Jack 200 December 5, 1987 May 21-22, 1988 Las Vegas, NV Desert Series Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV Montreal Olympic Stadium Montreal, PQ, Canada December 12 S.O.R.R.P. San Felipe 250 Speedway Off Road San Felipe, B.C., Mexico SILVERBOWL OF Racing Productions (a non-points race) Bernie Weber MOTOCROSS P.O. Box 402 January 29-31, 1988 Roger Wells Temple, Texas 76503 Parker 400 225 W. Foster Ave; (817) 773-3548 Parker, AZ Henc;le~son, NV 89015 (702) 564-2677 April 1-3, 1988 · (All events but the fin ale Great Mojave 250 SHORT TRACK Lucerne Valley, CA held at Las V el(as OFF ROAD International Raceway.) ENTERPRISES · June 3-5, 1988 FORMULA DESERT Baja Internacional DOG SERIES Ensenada, BC, Mexico S.T.O.R.E. Co-Ordinator: SILVER DUST RACING August 19-21, 1988 ASSOCIATION Off Road World Championship P.O. Box 7380 November 4>6 Las Vegas, NV 89125 (702) 459-0317 Baja 1000 Ensenada, BC, Mexico October 31 December 3, 1988 Silver Dust 250 Off Roadsman Awards Banquet Las Vegas, NV (location TBA) COi( DELE, Gil NOV. 2 8114 ENTRY FEE T 0 T A L D U E .Gil Parker 7406 So. 12th St. Kalamazoo, MI 49009 (616) 375-1233 October 3 Indian Summer Sprints Lake Geneva Raceway Lake Geneva, WI PRE-REGISTERED DRAWING TO BE HELD AT: LITHIA AUTOMOTIVE SATURDAY NOV. 14,1987 11: 00 AM $ $ $ 103.00 123.00 148.00 D-CLASS 1-2 1600 CLASS-10 Page 8 DIRECTIONS TO TRACK: PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE 11:-11-87 ALL ·DRIVERS MUST BE G.O.R.R. A. KEHBERS. IF YOU JOINEoiT LAST TEARS "250• YOUR HEHBERSHIP EXPIRED OCTOBER Jl, AND YOU . MUST JOIN AGAIN. -Going South From Atlanta on I-75 Take Exit-35, Turn Right. Interstate Raceway, 300 Yards On Right. *Days Inn At Same Exit To The -Left. FR ID A Y: TECH & REGISTRATION 5:00-7:00 PM SATURDAY: TECH INSPECTION & REGISTRATION DRIVERS MEETING RACE STARTS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT JACK THOMPso·N (404)768-7326 W (404)927·6432 H JOY PORTER ST A A, BX I IO 9 3 ATLANTA GA 30310• (404) 758-0731 (W) (404) 636-9896 (H) -8:00-9:15 9:15 AM 10:00 AM October 1987 SUPERCROSS, INC. Gateway Plaza . 180 Newport Center Dr., Suite 270 · Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 760-1606 SUPERIOR OFF ROAD DRIVERS ASSOCIATION Terry Prevost 1006 Cardinal Lane Green Bay, WI 54303 ( 414) 434-9044 TUCSON AUTO CROSS P.O. Box 55221 Tucson, AZ 85703 (602) 887-8752 October 9 November 1, VORRA Valley Off Road Racing Association 1833 Los Robles Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95838 (916) 925-1702 October 10 Championship·Stadium Race Sacramento Raceway Sacramento, CA November 1 1987 Championship Race Prairie City OHV Park Sacramento, CA WHEEL TO WHEEL, INC. P.O. Box 688, Dept. 4W0R Bancroft, Ontario, Canada KOL IC0 (613) 332-1766 (613) 332-4128 WESTERN OFF ROAD RACING ASSOCIATION · 19125 - 87A Ave. Surrey, British Columbia, V3S 5X7, Canada · (604) 576-6256 . October 10-11 Ashcroft, B.C. FIA WORLD RALLY · CHAMPIONSHIP October 11-17, 1987 San Remo Rally San Remo, Italy \ . November 22-26, 1987 RAC Rally Englancl ATTENTION RACE ORGANIZERS List your coming events in DUSTY TIMES free!. Send your r (}87 schedule as soon as possible for listing in this column. Mail your race-or rally schedule to: DUSTY TIMES, 533 r Derry Ave., Suite 0, Agoura, CA 91301. SCORE/HDRA Manufacturer's Advisory Board Report How stock should a desert off road racing truck be? That basic question is. now before the truck manufacturers involved in the Score/HORA desert racing series. Attendees at the manufacturer's advisory com-mittee meeting on August 24 in Riverside, the day Jollowing the Stroh 's Score Off Road World Championship, were asked for their comments in writing on this and other controversial ques-tions that· must be answered before a 1989 rule book can be written. The request came from Bill Savage,. chairman of the Technical Committee, and from Walt Lott and Sal Fish, presidents of the two racing organizations, High Desert Racing Association and Score International, which combined two years ago to form the unique series. Bob Mount of Yokohama Tire Corp. suggested the sport had strayed from the concept of mini metal (mini pickups) and heavy metal ( full size pickups, four wheel drives). He added that the organizers could simply promote truck classes as two wheel drive production/non-production and four wheel drive production/ non-production. . . Another suggestion was that V-8 engine powered vehicles be · considered heavy metal and 4 and 6 cylinder vehicles be considered mini metal. Driver Rod Hall, a guest at the meeting, posed the question, for which there was no immediate answer: "Do you manufacturers want to see a silhouette truck class or a dune buggy truck class? Or do you want the rules to specify production trucks?" Hall was referring to rule book language covering Class 4 ( 4 wheel drive production, long wheelbase), but discussion at the • meeting indicated concern about the direction technology may take in all the truck classes to increase the cost of off road racing-. . Other topics for which Savage sought written comments within 30 days included guidelines for technical r-ules governing Classes. 7 Emini pickups), 7S (stock mini pickups) and 7 4x4· ( 4 wheel" drive mini pickups), and how to· deal with the loss or merger of Classes· 3 ( 4 wheel . · drive production, short wheelbase), 6 (production automobiles) and 14 ( 4 wheel drive modified) into other existing Glasses. · Frank . DeAngelo,. Uniroyal Goodrich racing executive, displayed a handful of responses from Class 3 competitors to queries about "the reasons for a shortage of entries in their class, and he commented that they felt handicapped by current rules. Statistician .Danny ·. Cau con-firmed that Class 3 total entries took a plunge in numbers from 72 in 1985 and 75in 1986 to 34 so far ·in 1987. •. Savage said it seems likely that Classes 3, 14 and 6 will not reach the minimum number1 of total entri,tj\S save their classes from extinction in 1988. He also said there was some question about how Class 6 vehicles might be combined with another .class. Sal Fish reported a presenta-tion made by Bobby l!Jnser on behalf · of · the Pikes Peak Hillclimb organizers for HORA and Score to administer a Class 7 division of competition next year at Pikes Peak. Fish asked for comment. The next meeting I for the Advisory Board was sbheduled for Friday, December 4, at the Gold Coast Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, one day prior to the annual awards banquet for the desert series. Dusty Times
"FINAL . SHOWDOWN" ''Who Will Win . The Crown?'' I .OCTOBER-31, 1987 ONE DAY EVENT . Six 33 Mile Laps · Henderson, NV 1987 Nevada.Triple Crown.Off Rbad Championship THE SILVER DUST 1$0 AND ·.. \. -THESNOREY0KOiLOCO · . . HAVE\ BEEN COMBINED INTO ONE MNT. IN SOUTHERN NEVADA . · Two Separate Races for Separi 1te Prize, Funds and Points· but Running at the. same time, sam day, oj the same course. Enter One or Both Races -eelter Your Odds of Winning . ' ' can for complete, up to ithe min te details. I • Silver Dust Racin . . Association Phon~: (702) 459-0317 [~ . I PO Box 7'380 • Los Vegas NV 89125 •~\ . I I
I ' I i I I i I I f ·1 STROM'S SCORE OFF ROAD WORLD CHAMPlc;)NSHIP backed teams. . Practice began early on Friday morning, and there were some changes in the track configura-tion. Course designer Dick Dahn lengthened the run on the By .1 ean Calvin One More ffme Down by the RiVerside Photos: Trackside Photo Enterprises Frank Vessels was a happy man at Riverside, as he took the lead in the late laps of the Hungus Heavy Metal Challenge and Frank won the last race at Riverside overall by a huge margin in the Class 8 Chevrolet. famous Thompson ridge, the only real straight on the track, and also eliminated most of the hazards of the Oklahoma land rush sytle start by running the cars only half the distance as before, while all abreast, then funneling into a much wider gentle left turn behind turn 7 than the former right angle turn that used to put a lot of racers on their lids before they even got to the spectator areas. ·While some of the knife edged jumps in the "esses" seemed more suited to motorcycles than cars, and turned out to be tough on equipment, most of the drivers liked the new start design and the longer ridge run, especially favored by the heavy horsepower folks. The pits were buzzing after the first truck practice. The talk was about the incredible lap times Walker Evans was turning in his • new Dodge Dakota powered by a 440 V-8. The flipping on track and frantic repair work iri the pits started almost immediately. Roger Mears· broke his desert Nissan in practice, and then rolled the short course racer in the same hole. And Spencer Low got his yearly Riverside flip done in practice this time. Rod Hall's Dodge was hauled back to Long Beach to replace both the. trans and transfer case·, and so it went. There was a. good bit of damage among the open wheel ranks as well. It was billed as the second The water trucks kept the annual last ever Riverside Race, course very wet on Friday, and which was the first event ever the mud was both sticky and organized by Score International, tricky, especially for the desert way back in 1973. The lSth drivers on desert style tires. By edition provided all the action the end of the Friday practice and then some the faithful fans of this mid-summer madness have most had done plenty of practice laps, but some, who wrecked come to ex~t-More classes early, spent the day working on than one cou d count were on the their chargers. The truck racers roster, some, albeit, with only a had plenty of time, since they'did few entries. But, the entire range not race until Sunday, but the of desert and stadium cars were other pits were very busy scheduled, along with Odysseys replacing suspension and drive and all the motorcycle engined trains in various classes. classes that run in Score events. After short prnctice _sessions It began · quietly on the for the classess running on Thursday late in August, with the . Saturday, the racing started tech and contingency inspection midday with Qualifying Heat 1 all afternoon, and the all for the Stadium Class 10 cars. important pit set up went on in With close to 40 on the entry list, the infield. Moving the race bqck this class was split into two heats a week on the calendar to accommodate the CART race at for qualifying, and 16 made the first heat start. · · Pocono seemed to have coSt Young Rob Gordon grabbed Greg George won overall in the first Championship race on Saturday, leading every one of the ten laps in his potent UltraStock Mazda. some out of state entry this year. the lead off the line with veteran But, the pit area was. full of Frank Arciero, Jr. on his tail and hopeful privateers as well as the dad Bob Gordon in third. They regulars in their fenced off finished the first lap in that order enclosures typical of the factory with Al Arciero fourth, followed David Kreisler did a few nose stands in his Mazda powered UltraStock, but the car builder kept his design on track for second in the class. Page 10 · Dave Parsons charges past the 5-1600 of Dave Hendrickson en route to the _victory in the rather slim Class 5 contest for a Riverside run. . October 1987 by Larry Noel and Danny Rice. After two. laps Frank Arciero was ahead of Rob, but only by inches, Bob Gordon had about a foot lead on Larry· Noel, and Al Arciero was just ahead of Rice. The field had thinned consider-ably. Rob Gordon flipped on the next lap, handing the lead to Frank Arciero, and the others held in tight formation. Midway in the eight lapper Frank Arciero had a good lead on Bob Gordon who had Larry Noel right on his tail. Al Arciero held fourth in front of a tight battle between Jim Fishback, Jr. and Danny Rice, who were followed by Kevin Probst and Rob Dusty Times
Gordon, who had lost a couple of laps .. Out early were Oreg George and Scott Taylor and a couple others. Frank Arciero won the heat, followed ·by-Larry Noel, Bob Gordon, · Al Arciero, Jim · Fishback, Jr:, Danny Rice and Kevin. Probst_. In all, eleven were running· at .the checkered flag. Almost : all the motorcycle engined classes raced. on · Saturday, interspersed with the car events, The first of the World Championship car events held - five.classes; 5, 5-1600, Desert l-2~1600, UltraStockarid 11,with three, eleven, thirteen, four and four srari:ers· ·respectively. This was a ten lap dash, and not tnany were running at the finish, 'and few covered teri. laps wii:h'a delay start for some classes. In UltraStocks Vince Tjelme-land grabbed the early lead in his Nissan, but by the end of a lap Greg George had his Mazda out front. George led the race all the . way to finish first overall as well. Midway, Tjelmeland faded back,· and Dave Kreisler moved his· super iong Mazda into' second, and he finished second overall as . well as in Ultrastocks. Tjelmeo.. land was back in the .pack, but did all .ten laps for third in class. The Class 5 action started out fast with Ed Mailo leading Pete Sohren and · Dave . Parsons. Sohren took over'the lead on !he. - second lap, but during the third · · round his manifold broke and the carb fell off. Mailo fell back among the 1600s, and Parsons carried on to win Class 5 and take seventh overall. Mike Williams got the hole . shot .iri Class .1-2~1600 action, and he kept the class lead all the way to' victory in · the two seat Chenowth. However, Jim Fishback, Jr., a recent convert to desert racing but a veteran -motorcycle and .short course driver, stayed with Williams all the way, his · Racecb finishing second in class·. By .our count the . pair were second and fourth overall. Rick Frisby got his Raceco in third in class and sixth overall, followed by· Jim Fishback, Sr., Raceco. Roger Mears, Jr. came in fifth in class, · the last of the ten lap 1-2-1600 finishers. · The best dice of the-entire race was in Class 5-1600, although two, Robert Jones and Stacy Fay vanished on the first.lap. Locked in close combat all• the way were Mike Lesle and Cameron Steele . . Lesle led the early laps, but Steele got past h_im on lap 3, and these · two drivers used to race the de~eri as a team. Further back Richard Kent; Daniel Drake and . Max Razo were having a good battle. It was hard to f9llow this · bunch as they got well mixed in with 'the other classes. At the finish Cameron Steele won the 5-·· · 1600 honors despite losing second gear on the sixth lap. · Lesle hung ,on in second place,, just barely ahead of Max Razo. · Kent . finished· fourth and Drake . was fifth, both on the·same lapas .the w'inner. · · .. . · · Kathy Fay and Kerry Rauch three. wheeled . into sixth in 5-. 1600, as l<;ithy and her .sister Stacy. 'collided on the first' lap, Colorado racer Ed Mailo started out in .the _ Class 5 lead, but late breaking troubles dropped hil7! back in the pack to second in the clas~. . . · . . Hopping past the Baja Bug traffic, Rick Frisby drove his RaceGo h.ard in th1; -five . class race, and:.Rick finished a strong third in desert 1600s. I -Cameron Steele won the tightest fight in the first event, taking the 5-1600 lead at one ti1irdWstance and holding on tight to win the race. · I .1 Mike Williams got the hale shot in.his Chenow_th in·th_eDesert 1-2~1. 60.0 bash, a.~d he.kept the two seater out front altthe way to the victory. · . ~ngine on. lap 4. •. . · .. • . the dµd, bui: only by a few yaids • 1 L Although four start~d in Class over Mark DeNu.nzio and David ~ I, only two coinpleted the first Fidley. . . ' !ap. The mixed speed potential of . There was fome discussion i:he five classes . in the race about the post race. tech for the portended some early on course · restr_icted engine classes '.in this collisions. The· surviving pair, · race, as the Chief Tech Inspector Jack Zandbergen . and- Mark . was not at the track on Saturday DeNunzio, had their own race afternoon. However, the P & G going and were never far apart. check and regula.i-inspection was , ]fhe-y both conw_leted seven lap~ done on all the n;1oney winners, µnder _the ch_eckered flag. Jack as usual. . ·· . . Zand bergen, · with his son . ' I herl' were 19 ·starters for the .· Hendrick ridil)g shotgun, wori St'Con'd ~ . -This is the system -run bJ( most . off road race win,n!!rs TRl•MIL BOBCAT • · CHROME · · DUAL CAN BOBTAIL FOR BAJA BUGS . ·· 2740 COMPTON AVENUE. · LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90011 . (213) _234-9014 . WHOLESALE ONLY ., ·-:DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED · which put Stacy out: Next came Norman Francis, the last Bug running at the .. flag'. Among the missing were favorites . 'Eric Arras, out on lap 2i and David Hendrickson, who grenaded ari · · Mike Lesle fought-hard with his former racing partner, but-this rou_nd .L~sle had:,~~~: to settle for second place•in the wild Class 5-1600 action. · · I . .: . :,··,_ Dusty nines· October 1987 I I 1 • Pase 11 I I
; . . ' . ' ~ -Stadiu~ Class 10 heat, · and this bunch really flew off the . start with·Gary Dircks iri. the lead . · after the first tum, followed by Lee Wues thoff and Larry Noel. Af.rer two of the eight laps, Eric Arras forged ahead of Dircks, who had Jerry Whelchel hot on his bumper, W,uesthoff was next with Mitch Mustard only inches behind,· Dirc:ks spun on the · pavement on, the thi n;I lap and dropped back, and the battle formed. between Arras and · · Whelchel, with Dircks in third· fighting off Wuesthoff, Mustard · . and Billy Beck. . On lap 6 Whelchel passed · Arras for the lead, Dircks held third, Mustard· was next, Wuesthoff dropped i:?ack after a rollover, and Beck vanished. Attrition was high as Phil Carter lost a wheel, but drove on just like his uncle Ron often does. · After eight la:ps Jerry Whelchel ; won the heat, Arras was second followed b~ Dircks, Mustard and Wuesth.off: Only these.five plus Jeff Probst; Randy Rinehart and Jimmy Nichols we.re ori the lead lap 'in eight laps. The Rough Driving Committee set Whelchel back. to third, for something we . sure didn't see, giving Arras the · official ,win and Dircks the officia,I second. To be fair, one can only see one third of the Riverside course from ariy ground level viewing.position. The final rac·e on Saturday was for both Stadium Class 1 and Stadium Class 1-2-1600. The ·combo worked we,,11 despite the :vast· difference ·in speed ·potential.The big glitch was that a halfdozeri · of the cars in one class wore the · exatt . satne . number as a half dozen in the other class. It made -it tough on the scoring. team ·and the spectators. · Max Razo kept up the pace in his.5-1600 charger, and.stayed with the leaders all the way tofinish a very close third in; the keen contest. · · · Mark DeNunzio and David Ficiley kept the ieaderin sight alt'the way, but they ran ~econd most of the time and also at the Class 11 finish.· Roger Mears, at the helm of Jack Wayre's 'V-8 powered Chenowth, took off fast, like he always does in this car, to lead Al· Arciero, Greg · George, and . Danny Rice off the 'lirie:in the ten . . Roger Mears todk_ off like a r<icket in the V08 powered .Chenowth, but a rollover . car Class 1 dash 'for. ten laps. In .or the last lap put him down to'secbnd in Sta?ium Class 1. the 1600 starting drag race, · despite the dupe numbers, \ve . think S~ott . Taylor led Jeff Probst, Mike McCrory, Jerry Whelchel, Rick Frisby and Paul Shaver into the esses. ' · After one lap Me.ars boomed around in. the Class l lead, Al · Arciero held second, f91lowed by -Greg George, Kevin Probst; -Danny Rice and Bob Gordon. Al Arciero flipped out .bf conten-tion on the chi.rd lap, al)d, after a . bad start,' Frank Arciero moved up. to dice for third with Kevin Probst and Bob Gordon. Soon· Roger Mears had a hefty lead over Greg George. Probst held third over Gordon and Frank Arciero and' by now the .1600s were mixing. it up with the unlimited back · markers .. Also . missing were. Ed Martensen and Larry Noel, but Max Razo was going strong. All but Probst, in a Berrien Laser, were driving Chenowths. Midway Mears was .unchal-lenged, George held second, and Frank Arciero was now third ·. ahead of Probst, and Danny Rice was next. Then.George lost his left front wheel on lap 7, but carried' on to finish the lap, and Probst vanisheJ on the next round. Arciero was closing in on Mears, who was losing his brakes. Rice was now third, but Pagc11 Jeff Probstf/naily'got his long sought Riverside Championship, as he led the later laps in St;;idium .1-2-1600 and·scored a great victory in the Berrien. Jerry Whelchermade a rare appearanc~ in 1~2-1600, driving his funco fast enough to score a solid third place in the Stadium side of the class . . October 1'987 Jack and Hendrick Zand bergen had to run hard every inch 6f1hewayito scor~ the Class 11 victory·-in a surprisingly 'Close race in the class. F;ank Arciero, Jr. ran second in Stadium Class 1 until the final lap when the .Chenowth took over first place and the win, despite a flat tire. Colorado racer Danny .Rice . raced hard in Stadium Class 1 ahd ,drove his . Chenciwth to a gp'od third place is this fast mov;;•ig, s,eldom:seen class. Mike McCrory-moved.into second place in'Stadium 1-2-1600 midway)n the race and tie hung on to finish second in the nosta/gic·looking Hi Jumper. L~rryR,agland gave t~e,;Ch~vy fans sqmething to ~heer about as hewon the v,ery close race in_ Desert C/a5.~ 7, with Roger Mears right behind him. . · · Dusty TlffiC! \.
didn't go much fa~ther. Arciero blew:a front tire in the · wanirig laps, but on the white flag· lap Mears '.completely ran out of brakes and flipped in the· swi.tchbacks. Frank Arciero; Jr. _hobbled in after ten hps to win the race .overall and win Stadium Class 1. Roger Mears was second ,in class, with nine laps done, and Danny Rice covered eight laps for third place. Greg George was fourth and Kevin Probst fifth, both getting in seven laps. The 1600s had · a ·. better finishing rate, but after the early clo§e fight between Jeff Probst and: &ott Taylor, who retired on lap 4 with engine trouble. i't was orily_a matter of Jeff getting to the · finish line, or neadyso. Midway, •· . with some of the traffic down, Mike. -·McCrory . moved into second; fol•lowed , by . Andy Anderson and Jerry Whelchel. Anderson and Whelchel had·. a short.dice, then Jerry went past. · At the flag ,Jeff Probst w.on, his , first Riverside title, ;ind .th'e · Ulinois Berrien driver has spent several years · trying for that honor-: Jeff was-second overall in the· race. Mike . McCrory also .finished ten . laps . fot :a' solid · second in class, and third overall. With . nine laps · done,·· Jen:y ·. · · Whelchel,. was third in· class, · Andy. Anderson · was · • founh,' Scott Douglas tried very hard. in his Ford Ranger; bui he could at get by.L;o;,.,,, . followed ~ · · · · __ and Douglas took a very clo5._e second place i~ Class 7S actio!?j \ . .. ':1 · Pete Sohren dro~e his Mitsubishi to a fine third in c·1ass 7S, ·and. here moves over. \· ' ' . . •,• . ' . ' ' . . . ~~ the Rag/andaMears battle .comes d_own the race course: . . . . Sherman Balch drove John Deetz's brand new Nissan very well, breaking it in right and also scoring a fine second place in Class r 4x4. · Danny Ashcraft took the lead /n ChaliengerC/ass midway iiifhe race in the 24 car class, and Ashcraft scored a resounding victory this year. Dusty Times I-. · · ·I . · · . I · , · More· ·off-road :races . I . . , .... · . are ·.won on. Bi>lsteins · tha'n. a~y .• othtrshock so_ .. ~~er,, p,riod. . ·· ' · •BORN TO PERFORM'" . I . . . . . .. . ·--BILSTEIN CORPORATION OF AMERICA 11760 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego, CA 92121 619/453-7723 .-! . . - ~ . -~---~-i : lf~r additi?nal techriical _information ~nd a complete catalog, SE!~d $2.50. ,. . . .I . . . . ·, .. . · ··e R-CARCARE ... _ PflOOUCTS , October 1987 I Page 13 . l t I I i l i i I ' i -. J: .l '! i ' . '' 'j l l I I ! l ' ' . ' ' i . I 1: l
-~ . by Jesse ·Rodriguez,'. white flag lap. But-somewhere in with Dougl~s on his bumper all of Riverside next on Sunday . .A Midway· Ashcraft took th~ lead . Rick Boyer, Mike Goodbody, the lap Mears lost time, but ~e the way. Pete Sohren· kept his surprise entry was Al Arciero, · from Arciero; who then r.etired Paul, Shaver and Carlos Z,uniga, held his second overall and m Mitsubishi· together for a good ... driving Nick Gross' TsMag tliat on the next round ·with a bent ;ill covering nine laps. Ten of the Class 7. Larry Ragland went on third in class, ninth overall, · had a fresh paint job. Arciero. axle. Walters moved -i_n on· 17 starters were running at the to give Chevrolet its first of .followedcloselybyDaveTurner, sped into the lead off the start Ashcraft through the eighth lap, · flag. . · se'veral. wins at Riverside. Mazda, the last one running in and stayed there through.the first · and third running Rountree was A husky wind bl~w in late Although he has led races many Class 7S. lap. Following_ in tight were back some distance, ·tra_iled by Saturday, and cleared away the times at this track, this was · Mike Lesle led every lap. in Danny Ashcraft,· Race co,. -Frank Evans,, Dii-trix, and JQel worstofthesmogonSunday.AII Larry's first ever Riverside Class T4x4 in his Jeep, and he Dwaine Walters, W .R., Don Stankovich, Sandhawk .. The weekend .the weather had b..een championship. Roger Mears, Jr., came in fifth overall to boot in Rountree, Sandwinder, and Russ leaders.stayed d9se through nine surprisingly cool for the area in in dad's older . desert Nissan, the mixed bag of mini trucks. At· Winkler. Arciero got a clear lead laps. August, but the smog had been finished . third in Class 7 and the flag Sherman Balch had the · in the next lap, but, after four ·· On the last. lap Walters heavy uhtil the winds came. The seventh overall, doing all eight brand new, never run before rounds . of the · terf lappet', . dropped back from Danny wind lasted all · through the laps in a well paced race. Nissan right behind the Jeep for 'Ashcraft was back--on Al's rear · Ashcraft, who. 'took the Sunday events. _· · · . The 7S battle raged on the second. in class, sixth overall. A cage, closely tagged by'Walters. · checkered flag to win the The Sunday morning Pf'\lCtice entire distance, but Spencer Low lap down, Jerry McDonald got These guys hadagreatracegoing. Challenger honors. Dwaine produced some casualties among won the · class honors, and · the Chevy home third, followed . There had been some t~~gles Walters, driving in just his the truck drivers. Walker Evans :finished third overall, with Scott .by, Carl Jackson, Nissan, and in the switchbacks in the early second. off road race, was ~n easy crashed the Dodge Dakota in the . Douglas close enough to take Wayne Detnonja, Mazda. _ laps, putting several cars out of second. Don Rountree was all switchbacks, Jack Johnson broke fourth overall and · second in A Juli field of 24 Challenger the race, including contender alone in third, followed by Frank a tie roq on his Nissan, and . class. Low said it was a tough run cars tried the lumps and bumps Rich Minga, who lost· a tire. · Evans and Joel Stankovich, _all usually steady Larry Schwacofer flipped 'the '55 Chevy. Steve "Kelley Jost the Chevy's drive shaft, and Walker Evans lost oil pres~ure on the Dodge Ram 50, but 1t ·turned out to be a bad . gauge. A!I the damage wa~ fixed by race. time. . · . There were a pair of Jeep•Mini Metal Challenge events this year, one for the three Desert Class 7 categories, and-one just for the -Stadium trucks·. The first race on Sunday was. · for the ·aesert · runners in Classes 7, . 7S and 7 4x4, and nearly twenty · trucks were on the grid. Each of the C . three class winners would receive identical $ 1000 bonus checks . . Dwaine Walters stayed with the Challenger leaders,the entire race, and finished from AMC Jeep along with the a fine second in class in his first outing at Riverside. regular payback. Roger Mears got his Class 7 . Nissan off the line first and led · Larry Ragland, Chevy S-10, by a few car lengths, followed by • Dave Ashley, 7S Jeep and Scott · Douglas, 7S Ford. Mears had Ragland right oil his bumper after one lap.,-Spenc~r Low, Nissa_n, w_as now:, third overall, leading Douglas and Ashley in 7S. Sixth on the:road, Mike Lesle was leading 7 4x4 in his J~ep; trailed by Roger Mears,Jr., Class 7 Nissan. Then came Sherman Balch in John Deetz's brand new 7 4x4 Nissan, and Carl Jackson, Nissan. · This championship race had been shortened to eight laps, and after three rounds, Mears had Ragland alongside half the time, but Roger held the lead. Spencer Low was having a similar dice with Scott Douglas, while Mike . Lesle_ had a good lead in 7 4x4 . over Sherman Balch. Further · back Carl Jackson, Jerry McDonald, Dave Turner and Pete Sohren were.all nose to tail,' but in two different classes. · Midway Mears opened up a_ good lead as Ragland lost ignition, but after a shori: delay the Chevy S-10 restarted. Low and Douglas were still locked in close combat, and the others strung out. Paul .Simon and Dave Ashley were among the missing, _ and Mike Horner, retired on lap 6. · After five laps Ragland cal\ght up to -Mears again, and was. challenging. Only nine trucks remained on the lead lap at this point. On lap 5 L;my Ragland whipped p-ast Roger Mears to . take. the lead, but not bymuch .. Just behind the two leaders Low ;md . Douglas were still close enough to touch. Lesle was now fifth on the road and leading the 7 4x4 action. The 'two ·pair of class leaders were ~till tight ht:ading into the Robby Gordon borrowed his dad's desert Chenowth, and fie shot intbthe Desert -Class 2_ lead off the start, held it ali the way to win overall and in Class 2. Al'Arciero is,having a good summer, and he.drove his Desert Class 1 Funco to a • strong second overall and the Class 1 victory at Riverside. • John Hagle won his first time out at Riverside taking the hard fought for victory in Desert Class 10 in his championship winning Raceco. -October -~,a1 Don Rountree favors his mid7engined Sandwinder for Challenger racing, .and -the Riverside resident drov~ this Sandwinder to a fine third. . Mike Cun<;J brought his Class 2 Chenowth out for the Riverside rim and he took second in class and foµrth overail in the_ desert class, ranks. ' Larry Noel stayed close for the ten laps, but h_e had to settle for second in Dese;t Class 1 and third overall in the spiffy Chaparral. Bill Sallenbach-stayed with the, Desert Class 10 leader for over nine laps, . dropped a bit of tipw but still got second in his Raceco. Dusty _Tlancs.
that completed ten laps . .Ashcraft said at the finish line, "This race . is one third start, one third racing, and one third tech inspection after the • race. I'm going to try to win the tech third right now," which he'did. Danny was disqualified on a fan shroud technicality last year. Desert Classes 1, 2 and 10 were next on the schedule with seven in 1, six in 2, and nine in 10, as most desert racers were saving their cars for the desert, apparently. Off the start Rob Gordon, in Bob's championship winning Class 2 Chenowth, grabbed the lead with Mike Lund, Chenowth on his tail. Next came Al Arciero in his Class 1 Funco and Larry Noel, Class 1 Chaparral, plus -Jim Vanzant in the now wingless V-8 Chenowth driven by Roger Mears the day before. Bill , Sallenbach led John Hagle in the Raceco contest in Class 10, and to the rear the field strung out fast. · After three laps Rob Gordon had a decent lead, but Al Arciero, Mike Lund and Larry Noel were nose to tail fighting for second. Brad Person moved his Class 10 Dirtrix in to challenge the Class 10 leaders, and Hagle was now in front ofSallenbach. Missing already were Marty . Lerner in Danny's big Raceco-Porsche; John Say, also in Class 2, and Bob Austin and Ron Carter in Class 10. Danny Thompson scored anotherS-10 victory for Chevrolet, taking the lead in Stadium Class 7 midway in the eight lap run, and-he won by a good margin. I Sherman Balch held up the honor.of Nissan in the Class 7 Stadium race, taking over third place on the last lap and holding it to the finish. Bob Gordon made a late pass on the last lap in his Chenowth to take the second place glory in the huge main event for Stadium Class 10 cars. Home town boy from Riverside Eric Arras had a fine time in Stadium Class 10 as he won the second heat race and took fourth in the busy main event. Dusty Tlma Midway in the ten lap run young Gordon had a good lead over the trio to the rear. Noel was now right behind Arciero, working on second, and Lund stayed ·close. Tim Kennedy stalled his Chapparal and was out of it. Hagle and Sallenbach still fought hard for Class 10 honors, followed by Brad Person, the last one on the lead laJD. After eight rounds Gordon had a hefty lead, but Arciero, Lund and Noel were · nose to tail, and the1 Class 10 trio were hard at it also. Rob Gordon, .with his friend · Todd Hays ·riding along~ took .a most convincing wi1n overall and in Class 2. Rob graciously thanked his fathe~ for lending him the car. The three way tussle for second overall continued all the way to the checkered flag. Second overall and the Class 1 victory went to Al Arciero in his Funco, his first win at Riverside. Larry Noel nailed third overall and second in Class 1, followed by Mike Lund, second in Class 2. John Hagle won Class 10 and placed fifth overall in his first race at Riverside. Bill Sallenbach felL back a good distance' at i:he finish, but· still held second in class, a lap • down, followed clbsely by Brad Person, third in Class 10. Only five ·completed th,e ten laps. The radical Chenowth Arrow of Phil Blurton started out looking good, but the rear suspension collapsed on this v~{Y different Class 1 car, arid he Ivan Stewart tried hafd in his Toyota, sur~ived all the traffic hazards, but he finished second in the Mini Metal run for Class 7 Stadium trucks. Frank Arciero, Jr. had a super weekend, and he won not only the first heat but also the main event for Stadium Class 10 in his Chenowth. Tommy Croft got a slow start in the heat race, but he came on strong in the Stadium Class 10 main\event, taking third in {he Chenowth. Tom Haliburda kept his new Ford tidy and together in the Heavy Metal bash, and he sailed in to finish second in Class B and third overall. October 1987 was fourth, a lap behind Jim Vanzant. An even dozen started the Stadium Jeep Mini Metal Challenge, all the factory folks . plus privateer Joey Moore. Off the line Glenn Harris led in his Mazda, followed by Steve Millen, Toyota, Danny Thompson, Chevy S-10, Walker Evans, Dodge 0-50, l'van Stewart, Toyota, and Roger Mears, Nissan. At the end of the first lap Evans was missing, and Harris led Millen by bare inches. Jeff Huber was out in his Mazda on lap 2, a~. was Roger Mears, Jr:, Nissan, and Al Unser, Sr., who had an ·engine failure in the Jeep. After two of the eight laps, Harris, Millen and Danny Thompson, in that order, were running in a train and well ahead of the pack, led by Roger Mears. Harris stretched out his lead on the third lap as Millen rolled in front of Thompson. In the melee Ivan Stewart passed Roger Mears, Nissan, Al Unser, Jr. was next in his Jeep, and once more upright, though battered, Steve Millen held down seventh place. Midway only seven were running, as Harris broke a wheel on lap 4, and the defending champ was out for the day. Not much changed in the next laps, and by the white flag lap Danny Thompson had a big lead over Ivan Stewart, Mears was a long third, followed by Balch, Millen and Unser, Jr. At the flag Danny Thompson scored an over-whelming victory in the Chevy, Ivan Stewart was a strong second in the Toyota, and Roger Mears' engine gave up on the last lap. So, Sherman Balch was third in his Nissan, followed by Steve Millen and Al Unser, Jr., who was down some on power. Only'five were still running among the stadium trucks. It was i massive herd of 35 on the line~ ~~~K VESSEL~ ... A------~ACING FRANK VESSELS RACING ORDER FORM Available items are as follows: • Vessels Racing T-Shirts ($10.00/ea.) (100% cotton, pre-shrunk) • Vessels Racing Hats ($10.00/ea.) (Black corduroy with gold embroidery) • Vessels Racing Pins ($4.00/ea.) Name ________ ____ _ Address ___________ _ City, State _______ _._ip __ Phone ( Please specify quanity per size: Totals • T-Shirts __ Child's large (10-12) _ _ Small __ Medium __ Large __ X-Large _ _ Hats _ _ Pins 6% Sales Tax ____ _ $1.50 postage & handling _ ___ _ Total Due ____ _ Please make c~k or money order payable to: Frank Vessels Racing P.O. Box 415 Bonsall, CA 92003 • Allow 6 weeks for delivery P•sc-15 l j
~ for the Stadium Clitss 10 finale, the one that paid. Rob Gordon led the mob into the first turns, then got a flat and limped to the pits for fresh rubber. Second off the start was Frank Arciero, Jr., Tommy Croft was next followed by Jimmy Nichols and Jim Fishback, Jr., but they got well scrambled on the first_ lap in the esses. Coming around first was Frank Arciero, then Croft, Fishback, Nichols, Jerry Whelchel and Bob Gordon, a tad ahead of the pack. Running hard in the switchbacks Al Arciero flew, literally, into Gary Dircks when Gary rolled in front of Al. The two Chenowths executed a double tandem roll, tires hooked together, and it.put both of them out of the race. Luckily, neither driver was seriously injured. Several more turned up missing, and just 28 covered one lap. But neither Jerry Whelchel or Billy Beck did another lap, and Larry -Noel was . parked after two rounds. Out front and sounding strong, Frank Arciero led Fishback, Croft, Nichols, Bob Gordon and Danny Rice after two of the ten laps, and the pack stayed tight so far. Fishback moved in very close to challenge Arciero on lap 3, with Croft, Nichols, and Gordon now tagged by Eric Arras. The leaders stayed close until midway in the race. Then Frank Arciero had a good lead on Croft, still dogged by Bob Gordon. Arras was up to fourth, followed by Mitch Mustard, Lee Wuesthoff, Nichols and Scott Taylor. The ranks were slimming down. Also missing at this point were Jim Fishback, Jr., Kevin Probst, Randy Rhinehart, Phil Carter and more. Wes Elrod did a violent roll on the next lap, and Ron Carter went missing on the seventh lap. After seven . rounds Frank· Arciero had a firm lead on Croft, who was a goodly distance ahead of Bob Gordon. Next came Arras, Mustard, Wuesthoff, and Nichols, who seemed to be . slowing. On lap 9 Bob Gordon moved in to challenge Croft, Arras held position and Wuesthoff had a deflating tire, allowing Mustard, Arras and Marty Coyne to get past. On the last lap Bob Gordon passed Tommy Croft about fifty yards from the checkered flag to take second behind victorious Frank Arciero, and it was an exciting finish to a hard fought race. Tommy Croft held third spot, Eric Arras was fourth, and Marty Coyne got fifth in the parade of Chenowths. Mustard had a flat and dropped out, and Scott Taylor survived to finish sixth in his Pro~Tec, followed by the Racecos of Jimmy Nichols and Kent Castle. Lee Wuesthoff nursed his flat tired Chenowth into ninth, followed by the Funco of Craig Durfee, the last of the ten lap finishers. Getting in nine laps were Colorado racers Mitch Mustard and Tom Schreivogel. Butch Arciero had no time to savor his victory as he had to rush off to his Chevy 4x4 for the grand finale, the Hungus Heavy Metal Challenge. In "this field were seven Class 8s, five Class 4s, a pair of Class 3 Jeeps, four in Class 6 and four in Class 14. The Page 16 Don Adams drove the older Jeep CJ 7 hard enough to take fourth overall in the truck ranks, and Don was the winner and sole finisher in Class 3. Giti Gowan takes to the air ih his highly modified Toyota, and he kept it together at Riverside to finish second in the Class 14 contest. Rod Hall flies the heaviest of metal, his Dodge pickup, over the sharp jump, as he Jed the Heavy Metal until his truck just stopped on course. field of 22 lost six after just one was missing after one lap, and it · lap, mainly to collisions in was on the second lap that traffic. At the green flag Walker Walker Evans flipped coming Evans shot the Dakota into the out of the switchbacks. Jack lead trailed into· the esses by Flannery was out also when an Wisconsin's Jack Flannery, in a -alloy wheel broke. Class 4 Ford. Ken Kincaid hit the The second lap leader was the wall at Turn 6 on the pavement, Class 4 Dodge of Rod Hall, and got punched a couple of followed by Frank Arciero, Class times in his Class 14 before 4 Chevv, Frank Vessels, Class 8 getting underway, completing Chevy, and . Jerry Daugherty, just two laps in the race. Class 14 Blazer, plus Steve The one lap leader was Walker. Kelley, Class 8 Chevy. Don Evans, followed by Jack Flannery Adams 'was next in the surviving and Rod Hall, Frank Arciero, Jr. Class 3, his venerable CJ 7. Larry and Jerry Daugherty. Missing Schwacofer led Class 6, and the was the Class 4 Nissan of Jack Heavy Metal race was turning Johnson, who got hit in an· early into a Chevrolet benefit. After turn by John Randall, Class 4 four laps Hall had Arciero on his Jeep and neither completed a lap. tail pipe, Vessels was moving in, The Class 3 CJ 8 of Jerry Bundy and Kellev was out with what October 1987 Doing his best ever at Riverside, Jerry Daugherty won Class 14 and drove the Chevy Blazer to sepond overall in the Hungus Heavy Metal Challenge. Despite problems in practice, Larry Schwacofer drove the old Chevy sedan to yet another victory in Class 6, and he was fifth overall to boot. Former desert racer Denny Merrell came south frQm Washington to race his Ford pickup, and he ended up with third in Class 8 at the flag. looked like suspension trouble. Midway in the ten lap fracas it was a tight fight between Ha II and Arciero. Vessels was strong in third, Daugherty the same in fourth, followed by Adams and Tom Haliburda, Class 8 Ford, all that were running on the lead lap. Frank Arciero passed Rod Hall into the lead at the end of lap 6. The Dodge just quit and Rod horsed it off the track sans power steering. Now Frank Vessels was right on the leader's bumper, and the pair ran away from the field for another lap. Then Arciero, who lost front drive off the start, lost third gear and finally the transmission .on la,p 8. Passing the white flag, Frank Vessels had a tremendous lead o~ Jerry Daugherty, the only other rig on the lead lap. They stayed in formation to .the checkered flag. Frank Vessels was a happy man in victory circle, having had a long developmental period with this Chevrolet pickup, and he won overall and the Class 8 title. From Colorado, Jerry Daugherty was second overall in his Class 14 Chevy Blazer, and also very excited to have done so well at Riverside. With nine laps done, . Tom Haliburda was · third overall, second in Class 8: Don Adams ,was fourth ~verall, the Class 3 winner, and Larry Schwacofer won Class 6 and was fifth overall. Despite covering only seven laps, Frank Arciero Dusty Times
I V I ii I -. I. I I Roger Mears, Jr. hustles along in Art Peterson's ORC en route to a fine finish in the Desert Class 1-2-1600,,fifth at the checkered flag. Richard Bob Kent stayed with th~program in Class 5-1600, and he came in fourth in class on the same lap as the winner./ • I Greg George had his ups and downs in Stadium Class11 action, but he flew the Funco into a fourth place finish. Kevin Probst got good altitude in his Berrien, running hard enough A winner at Glen Helen, Andy Afderson drove his holnebuilt two Young Jesse Rodriguez drives a one off Puma car, and he survived to finish a strong fifth in Stadium·Class 1 competition. seater into fourth place in Stadium Class 1-2-1600 ranks. all the traffic hat ards for fifth in Stadium Class 1-2-1600. completed the Chevy bonanza, the race track is booking events classes. Still, the combining of not doing the inassive destruc- bet on one more time at having gone farther than any through June of 1988, so look for classes for racing did provide tion in the overnight camping Riverside International Raceway other Class ·4 entry, and thus he an_ other grand finale to off road exciting events fonj' t_he spectators, kreas that has happened in other for the off road scene, maybe won the class. racing at the 30 year old race and the program didn't drag on rears. The 1987 crowd came to earlier on the calendar next year. The curtain rang down on the track next year. The spectator past dinner time is it sometimes see racing, and they saw plenty, The Raceway directors are still 15th annual Riverside race, and count, appeared to be way up has in the past. t heering their favorites and planning to build a similar it was billed as the second annual from last year, while the entry The spectator~ seemed far kiving standing ovations to some facility a few miles down the last ever Riverside. Rumors say was definitely down in many more civili'zed this year as well, ofthewinners.Rightnowwewill Interstate in the next few years. tll;,7 for ordpring into"·contact: McKenzies --Automotive),.: 12945,Sherman Way, · ·,,. North Hollywood, CA 91605 (818) 764~64~f4,{818) ?65:~~i;L Dusty Times . I I . October 11987 Page 17
Roger Mears, Jr. was nearly as busy a racer as his father, and Junior drove his Nissan to third place in Desert Class 7. Joe Stankavich got some good flying done in his Sandhawk, and he flew right into fifth place in the Challenger Class. Brad Person had his Dirtrix in the three way dice in Desert Class 10, and at the flag he finished third in the class. Marty Coyne had some trouble in the Stadium Class 10 heat 2, but he came back strong to take fifth in the main event. Jim Fishback, Jr. soared to a fine fifth in heat 1 for Stadium Class 10, but he didn't get far in the finale for the class. Page 18 Jerry McDonald got a slow start in the Mini Metal Challenge for desert cars, but he drove the Chevy S-10 into third in Class 7 4x4. Mark Lundell plowed through the sticky mud in his Dirtrix to climb up to third in the Desert Class 2 competition. Looking tidy here, Steve Millen rolled his Stadium Class 7Toyoia in the race, but came back to take fourth place anyhow. Scott Taylor had troubles most of the weekend, but he drove the Pro Tech to a fine sixth in the 35 car Stadium Class 10 main. Gary Dircks had his Chenowth second in Stadium Class 10 heat 2, but an on course collision put him out of the-main event. October 1987 Frank E,vans gave Challenger Class racing a 'try at Riversi,de, and he.put the Dirtrix home a fine fourth in the big class. . -. Jim Vanzant drove the wingless-on-Sunday V-8 powered Chenowth in the Desert Class 1 contest, and he finished third. Obviously su ifering from lack of comparable horsepower, Al Unser, Jr. soldie,red on 1n the Jeep to fifth m Stadium Class 7. Larry Noel scored a fine second in the Chenowth in the second Stadium Class 10 heat, but did not finish the feature race. Colorado's Mitch Mustard scored fourth in heat 2 for Stadium Class 10, and kept it together for 11th in the hectic finale. Dusty Times
THE SNO YOKO LOCO' OCTOBER 31, 1 987 ·. Celebrate Halloween Racing in the Jevada Desert , Fifth Race in t~e - · · ·· . 1987 SNORE/YOKO AM1 Points Series ._ l YO~··~MA· I . [· -. For-serious P rform ©1984 Yokohama Tire Corporation Entry Fee -$200 plus $65 for Insurance · , Six Laps on a 33 Mile Silt Fr-ee Course. .. · ,,Start/Finish near the El Dorado Sub Station off Highway 93 near HenderSOI). . I , ONE DAY EVENT . D. ··,M . I 9- · I rivers eet1ng - . a.m. Race Start -10 a.m. Awards - Sneakers - Sunday,Morni9g in Las Vegas Quaker State Cas~ Bonits - $500 Every driver that starts the Yoko Loco is eligible forlthe Quaker State Bonus Money Drawing. Must be present at the drawing at the awards. I IT PA·YS TO RAC I . WITH SNORE· . I . ~ , I ' ' • · SNORE Ltd., P.O. Box 4394, Las Vegas, NV 89106 , SNORE Hot Line - 702-452-4522
Sugar Camp Off Road Challenge By Deb Freimuth and Jim Wollenzien Photos: Deb Friemuth Dave-Vandermissen Sr. won the first race of the day, Class 10, and also took second in Class 2, behind his son in a similar "Green Machine". Phil Freimuth ran hard in 5-1600 action trying to catch the leader, and did, and Freimuth won the title and the points among _the Baja Bugs. In northern Wisconsin there are a few traditions for Fourth of July Weekend ... parades, fire-works and The Sugar Camp Off Road Challenge. The first event in the Meister Brau sponsored race were the Class 10 buggies. As the green became visible, nine vehicles headed into the hairpin turn, leaving Terry Seversen sitting on the line with a broken CV joint. Dave Vandermissen, Jr. didn't realize Terry wasn't moving, and BANG, ran into Seversen's rear end, backed.off, and BANG, hit him again, before he finally figured out Seversen wasn't going anywhere. Race promoter Scott Schwalbe had grabbed an early lead with Brian Adams running second until lap 11 when mechanical problems forced him into the pits. Dave Vandermissen, Sr. slid up from third to second with Dave Jr. taking third. Sr. really put the heat to Schwalbe, pushing until the pass came, leaving Schwalbe in what Terry Seversen refers to as the "Vandermissen Sandwich". As the checkered flag came out, Dave Sr. strolled in for first, Dave Jr. second, with Schwalbe no where in sight. Jeff Probst and Brian Adams came in for third and fourth. lead ciff the first corner, until Jeff Therriault passed to take the lead. Two laps later a broken CV joint also left the Therriaults on the side line_ and re-opened the ' door for Wolfe. Phil Freimuth was running a hard race to catch Wolfe, and after missing a . corner, getting stuck, and having to be helped out by track workers; Freimuth knew he really had to drive to catch up. After several laps, the gap 'narrowed, and after Wolfe had braking problems, and slid sideways dow11 the hill, Freimuth took the lead, leaving Wolfe sliding in to second place. Curt Gerald led the pack for seven laps_ in the Class 11 race until problems left him out of contention. Jeff Jones, who ran a good consistent race, worked his way though the hordes with Dwayne Walkowski pushing for a win. Glen "Crazy" Cummings had maneuvering problems, and found himself off the track, and stuck. With a little help from track workers he was back running again, but only for a few more laps. . Chad Ramesh, the · current points leader, rolled his buggy on its s\de, and before the "Stump Jumpers" could get to him, another vehicle ran into Ramesh, pushing him further into the hole. Cliff Holiday lost a front left tire three-quarters of the way into the race, and ended up four laps short as the checkered came out. Jeff Jones and Walkowski came in with 13 laps each to finish first and second respective-ly, with Dennis Riemer finishing third. . . Shortly after 3:00 p.m., the roar of the 4x4s got everyone's attention, as _Ken Kincaid set the pace with Jack Heidtman and Mark Seidler putting on the pressure. Thirty minutes info the race Heidtman overcame Kincaid with Bill "Fuzzy" Schirm moving in to take over second, pushing Kincaid down to third as the . checkered flag appeared. The fourth race of the day pitted 19 buggies in the battle for the coveted first place win. After two restarts, the over-anxious 2-1600s took to the track with Scott Taylor leading flag to flag. Kevin Probst ran chase for second place with the real battle The 5-1600 and 11 race proved to be a real thriller as 19 limited suspension/engine vehicles stormed onto the track. Terry Wolfe took the 5-1600 Scott Taylor kept his Pro-Tech together in fine style, leading flag to flag in Class 2-1600, the biggest bunch at the race with 19 starters. ' Page 20 October 1987 The Class 11 s always run close, as here Dwayne Walkowski, #1132, puts the pass on Chris Rhode. Walkowski was second in the points race and won the Showdown. being for third place. Dave Vandermissen, Jr. started the third place battle, but was unsuccessful in - keeping his position with Jeff St. Peter and Chuck Williams, Jr. taking third and fourth. Jeff Probst was number one off the line in the Class 1 race with Schwalbe grabbing a one lap second place, before mechanical problems plagued the Sugar Camp Enterprises special. Meanwhile Lee Wuesthoff, who showed his patriotism by ~porting an American flag, pulled into the pits early with Dave Vandermissen, Sr. following him in. Barry Kline moved up to third, and then · up to second, Wuesthoff exited the pits into third, then Kline went into the pits, with Wuesthoff mo~ing up to second, and Dave Vandermis-sen coming back onto the course for third, with Kline back on in fourth. The weary pit personnel cheered as the checkered flag appeared, and Jeff Probst took another career win. The first race of Sunday morning was the Class 2 event, with a classic Vandermissen vs. Vandermissen battle waging. Dad led for 13 laps until breakage forced him out, and son relinquished the second place spot for an easy win. Dad finished second, with Tim Lemons tallying up enough laps for third. Greg Smith powered his General Tire clad buggy away from the rest of the pack for the early lead in the 1-1600 race. With the track being overly dry, dusty was the key word for the weekend, and especially the 1-1600 race. As the dust cleared after the start, there sat Guy _Crump, Duane Pierson, Wayne Lemons and another driver, who managed to get untangled. · Then the others got out, until the only one left was Guy Crump, whose front end had suffered severe dama,ge, and was not about to go anywhere. Meanwhile in the back winding corner John Kaczmarek flipped his buggy, but after being righted, continued on to eventually take over the lead when Smith lost momentum on lap six. At the end of the 45 minute ri.ui", Kaczrrtarek had kept his lead, with Chuck Williams, Jr. and Jeff St. Peter · finishing second and third. Three Class 6 American Stockers took their turn for. the SODA points with John Znidorka outpowering the rest of the troops by three laps. William Grabowski tallied eight laps for second place winnings. ( continued 011 pap;e 23) The Class4-14 V-8 rigs are very popular. Jack Heidtman got the lead late in the run to win the combined class in his Class 14 Ford Bronco. Dave Vandermissen Jr. stayed with his dad to take second in Class' 10, and then came back to win Class 2, putting Dave Sr. down to seconq. _ Dusty Times
1GRIAT WEStERNrPOINTS 51,alES-Warm .Weather Sparked the A~tion Last June in Denver Text & Photos: oanne Blair Flying high_over the mile high race course in Denver, Paul Shaver won it all in Class 1 °2-1600, taking both the heat race and the main event, after passing everyone in the class. · I put him out of the heat. During the break he was able to make repairs and ran in the main event. The Volkservice car driven by Chad Bertram and Scott Cline, both from Arvada, had the front end go out during thJ fourth lap. They also were ablb to repair their car and start the[main event. The results for th1e: 1-2-1600 qualifying heat saw faul Shaver win the dash, Shaw1n Whitney was second- and Brian Liska, from Loveland, took! third. Robbi Smith led from wire to wire in the combined class main event, his Dodge powered Bronco heading the entire field, rare for a Class 4 machine. The 1-2-1600 main event held more action. Right! after the green flag in the first turn, Shawn W hitney went into the guard rail. A flat tire and two brdken cvs put him out of the runnirig. The lead was held by Mike I Diers and Kailey Gee from Lov~land. They held their lead for [ four laps. Then Paul Shaver carpe up from A very warm Fathers Day was the date of the third Great Western Points Series event of the season, back at home base at Raceland in Denver, Colorado. During the pre-race drivers' meeting, it was decided to invert 50 percent of the field for the remaining season races for all classes and events. A small track change was noted. Instead of the 0.04 mile course, the route was lengthened to a half mile, and a dangerous jump was modified. The drivers drew numbers to determine their starting positions for the qualifying race, and the points leaders for each class were announced. Points were being given for each race today, the qualifying heat as well as the main event, since no money was involved in the qualifying rounds. Also, once again, Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5 would run together, but separate. points and monies would be awarded. Eleven entries in Class 1-2-1600 kicked off the ~ompetition for the day. Both races were action packed. The start of the qualifying heat saw an explosion of cars bidding for positions. By the·second lap, Paul "Pee Wee" Shaver, of Colorado Springs, grabbed the lead, but giving him a challenge throughout the. race was Fat powered Shawn Whitney, of Littleton. Both drivers gave the spectators a race to be watched. Some. mishaps dl,!ring the qualifying were notable. Dave Dusty Tlma Jennings, Loveland, got into the second turn of the second lap when one of his rear wheel assemblies came off the car and The Cl:1ss 10 cars get a lot of altitude at Raceland. Mitch Mustard did some fancy soaring in his Chenowth en route to winning the heat racel Danny Rice flew the fastest in the Class 10 main event, and gained the lead in the third lap and won the race in his always handsome Chenowttj. October 1987 . I Bi\! .Coffey won overall in the CJass 2-5-3-4 heat race, but a traffic tangle drorped him back in the pack in the hectic main event. . beh~nd passed them and was passed the team of Diers and I I I I d able to maintain the lead through Gee. Then, the already appe the frest of the race. Coyle hit th~ side of Diers and Quring the sixth lap Jon Gee, destroy1~g the brake drum Mullhollin, of Thornton, drbve housing, causmg the wheel to fly hi~ ~aja style car well until he had off. Diers and Gee were out of tranny problems and was forced the race. to d!rop out. In the seventh lap • In the next lap Bowers and · Die~s and Gee were fighting to Brian Liska had a minor tangle, keep second place with Gerry but no damage was done, and Ba'wers of Fort Collins close. Bowers was able to keep second BeHind them Dave Coyle, place, with Liska iri a strong LoVela:nd, was in-between Diers third. The only other mechanical andj Bowers, vying for a spot. As difficulty happened to Dave they approached the turn before Coyle. Not only was his car the I start/ finish line, Bowers ( continued on />age 23) Ed Mialo had a good day in his Class 5 Bug, taking third overall and·the Class 2-5 f onors in the main event despite an on course colli~ion. I tJvest Coast Distributor fOR HEWLAND . . OFF ROAD GEARS ALL GEARS I AVAILABLE SE-PARA TEL Y NEW RATIOS A VAi LAB LE 1 alley Performance ~700 Mead Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89102 I OUR PRICE $695.00 Per Set 2 Ratio's Available Mc Kenzie Automotive 12945 Sherman Way #4 . North Hollywood, CA 91605 818/764-6438 i/102/873-1962 DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 11
VORRA Night Racing at Sacramento Raceway cf oud of smoke the chase was on action kept the flamnen busy all . again. But Don German won the during the race. At \the tlag0Max heat, although Banks finished on Halliday won the Heat, and the the same lap. , points, with ·a perf.f1 c. t score for There were six in the Class 2 the night. Randy Miller was and 5 action. As the green flag second in the heat aid on points, dropped Jeff Elrod jumped out in and Shawn Nibbe Ii k was third the lead in his buggy 'bodied in the race and on points. UltraStock. Jeff extended 'toe Finishing fourth in the race and lead as , the race progressed. on points was Ho~ard Ra_nkin; Battling hard for second spot in a followed by Micke~ Cochran. real tight race were Jimmy . · All seven return~d to fight it LawrenceandToneJordan,with out in the 1-2-160~ finale. This Sam Berri just to the rear. This was a very tast race a:s early leader trio at times were trying to all get Ken Seale fought "'[ ith Dennis into the same corner at the same Kordon0\\'.Y, who was being time, with room foronly one,car. pushed hard by Bfll Norgrove This stadium is well lighted and it and Frank Madrid.I Kordonowy gave · the crowd very good blewa rear tire on tHe seventh lap viewing of the action that •and went out of th~ race on the brought them to their feet many \ hairpin cqrner. !The battle times. At the flagJeff Elrod won continued with MJdrid passing the heat, Sam Berri ended up Norgrove with Ti~ Riordan on second, follewed by Tone his back bumper. Ken Seale held Jordan, Jimmy Lawrence, Harry the lead to win the r~ce, followed Crawford and Dick Wielandt. by Madrid, Riordah, Norgrove, Text & Photos: Les Paulson Completing the first round of Bo Stout, Danl!, Va+ Noort, and motos were Class 1 and 10 .. Wes Kordonowy, in seventh on Elrod jumped out in the lead in points as well. Rioraan won th~ , his Class 10 Mirage with Fritz points followed by Madrid, Kroyer in hot pursuit. Donna Seale, Norgrove, $tout and,Van Kennedy , and Don Miguel were Noort. '\ In Sportsman action Fred Happich slips up' on Bob Shermer around one of the tight challenging turns on the new track at Sacramento Raceway \ fighting for third place. After six The, second round duel in laps Keith Robb was black Heavy Metal saw a rematch of the flagged by VORRA's crew when first one, with the two very fast It was stadium racing at its best help steering on the muddy by Ed Robinson and the turns. Max Halliday won the heat VORRA crew for the first off in a Class 5, Randy Miller was road night race at Sacramento second, followed by Mickey Raceway. It was a great success, Cochran, Scott Vian, Mike even though only 35 car entries Devlin, and Chris Vian. showed up. The general opinion In the second Sportsman heat of the racers on hand was that the Jeff Eachus rolled his Bug on the course was a real challenge to first lap after finding out the large drive with its numerous jumps tractor tires lining the course just and tight turns, However, the don't move. Shawn Nibbelink obstacles made it a spectator's led until he was passed by course, with all the action that Howard Rankin. Fred Happich brought the crowd to its feet worked his way up to third spot several times during the twelve for a time, but there was some moto type races. mor('. lead changing. At the flag Due to having twelve entries, Nibbelink won, followed by the Sportsman Class was split Rankin, Happich, Bob Shermer, ,into two qualifying races of six Garry Johnson and Jeff Eacnus. , ' cars each. Only ten would qualify The third race of the first moto for the first race. The first heat featured the 1-2-1600 class. saw Chris Vian rolling, and Dana Van Noort got the lead off Mickey Cochran eventually lost the start, but soon Tim Riordan a front tire, which appeared to passed and extended his lead as Always a tough competitor, Dennis Kordonowy did not have a good night a,t Sacramento, f1n1sh1ng well down the ranks in Class 1-2-1600, Wes Elrod fought hard with Fritz Kroyer in Class 1-10, but Wes got his Mirage home for a second and a win in the finale, and the win on points, Page ii the race wore on. A real battle for they spotted the loss of an engine Jeeps driven by Don German and second place developed between valve cover, · which probably Wes Banks. Banks got the initial Yan Noort and Frank Madrid. saved his engine. Don Miguel lead, onJy to find out the Jeep Yan Noort broke down on the found out earlier in the evening wouldn't fly around rough last lap, the ninth, which gave that this course is rough on corners. Banks ended up being Madrid third place behind Tim shocks, and this and other minor uprighted again by the then tiring Riordan. Bill Norgrove was a problems kept him out of the VORRA comer crew, but the strong second, Bo Stout took front running as the race went Jeep's steering was broken. So , fourth, followed by Ken Seale on. Fritz Kroyer won the heat, Don German won it all at and Dennis Kordonowy. Wes Elrod was second and Sacramento in Heavy Metal. Only three showed up in the Donna Kennedy was third, all The Class 2 and 5 finale turned combined Class 3 and 4 entry, doing ten laps. In fourth was Jim out to be a wild affair. Sam Berri .and Dudley Tranuin had Kozourk, followed by Don, decided it was fla_g day, and electrical problems and had to sit Miguel and Keith Robb. pulled YORRA's flags around out the evening competition. But Eleven started the Sportsman the course in an effective the crowd got an exciting display final showdown of the evening. manner. Harry Crawford rolled, of driving as Wes Banks tried to When the green flag dropped the and Dick W.ielandt was running show his father-in-law Don herd charged into fhe first turn. well in his Baja Bug. The German the way around the Mike Devlin rolled, and Fred beginning of the flag · display track. Wes found himself upside Happich picked this time to appeared to have resulted when down on the hairpin corner. momentarily stall his engine with Tone Jordan, Wielandt, and Assisted by many of the the whole pack on his back. Berri all decided to come out of VORRA flagmen, the Jeep was Working against nature, Jeff the same corner at the same time., uprighted, restarted, and in a Eachus rolled again. The heavy Something ha.cl to give. --- --------- - -----------~--Meanwhile, out front in the race Tim Riordan gets the checkered flag in the first 1-2-1600 heat, and with his fourth in the second round, Riordan won the class on points. · Don Miguel tried all day to get his suspension sorted out, but didn't get it handled and failed to cover a lap in the Class 1-10 main event. October 1987 and the winner was Jeff Elrod, who also won the/oints. Jimmy Lawrence finishe . second, and second on points. Dick Wielandt got third in the race, fifth on points, and Berry salvaged fourth . in the race, third on points. Jordon ended up fifth on the track and fourth on points. In the finale for Classes 1 and 10, Wes Elrod led the first laps with Fritz Kroyer just inches behind. Keith Robb stalled out at the now famous hairpin corner, giving the other drivers an added obstacle in that already tight turn. Kroyer passed into the lead, but was repassed by Elrod before the flag, and Elrod also won the points and Kroyer was second. Third in the rac·e and on points was Donna Kennedy, while Jim , Kozourek was the final , one in motion at the flag and fourth on points. Last on the program was the Dash for Cash which fielded nine entries for a purse in excess of $200. This race was considered one of the best of the evening with cars of all classes bidding for the checkered flag and the winner take all purse. Wes Elrod.seemed to have it all under control until the sixth lap when Fritz Kroyer . slipped by for the win. It was a good finish for a great evening of short course racing. Dusty Times
Sugar camp Off Road Challenge ( continued) Also on the agenda were the Class 13 front engine buggy creations. Sam and George Konitzer battled back and fourth and showed no relatively love as George finally came out on . top· with Sammy pulling second place ahead of Tom Jenson, Pete DeBeukelar and Lowell DeGreef, who made up the rest of the entries. The last SODNSTORE race of the weekend was 2 wheel drive Class 8. Seven entries lined up at the start, as Ken Kincaid of Crandon took the early lead· and stretched it out as he has in many races. Mitch Dumask and Dave Hockers were the race-of-the-class as they dueled for second and . third. Kincaid kept running strong in his General Tire Ford and-took • the checkered as Hockers passed Dumask for second after one heck of a duel. The first showdown race was Class 11 as the Sugar Camp Off Roaders kicked i_n $20 per entry Subscribe to DUSTY TIMES See Form Page 3 Terry and Roger Wolfe ran first in Class 5-1600 uritil·brakd problem~ made them slide off course, and they held on to finish second in 91ass. for the purse. The 20 minute race was a shoving match at the start as seven of the limited engine and suspension cars fought for places throughout- the race. Dwayne Walkowski· of St .. Germaine came out the victor with Jeff Jones placing second. Twelve entries showed at the starting line_ in the Limited Engine Showdown. Greg Smith of Hopkins, MN, who had to beg, borrow and steal to get enough parts to get his buggy running, after breaking down in the earlier 1-1600 race, jumped to an early lead and held on 'till the checkers appeared. Terry Friday, in the Friday Off-Road Special chased hitn for the entire 20 minute race fdr his best finish yet, second. The Sugar Camp club kicked in $70 per entry for the purse. I The Heavy Metal Challenge was next as. one Class 8, two Konitzers and Chiss 6 victor John Znidorka in his BLiick showed up for their $ 100 an entry, no fee, challenge. Like in his Class 8 race, Ken Kincaid proved he had finally tuned in ~is big Ford and took the lead I and held on through the twenty minute race as Sam Konitzer placed second, and Znidorka third. The Unlimit~d Showdown brought three to] the line. Dave Great Western Points Series ( continued) Mialo. Points le~ders for the separate classes as well as the combined group are the same as damaged from the impact with Diers, but he smoked .during the entire main event, forcing him to drop out in the last lap. The results from the main showed Pa~! "Pee Wee" Shaver winning agam·, Gerry Bowers was second, and Brian Liska, from Berthoud, took thi_rd. When the points standings were announced, the same three in the same order were leading the points in Class 1-2-1600 at mid-season. Eight started in the combo event for Classes 2, 3, 4 and 5. There were a pair of two seaters, a single Clas~ 3 and Class 5, and four in Class 4. Both races had the spectators on their feet. In the qualifying heat, · Jim Olson, Class 3, started in last position, but hit the treasured first slot after the third tum in the firs! lap. Close behind was the Class 2 of Bill Coffey, and the .Class· 4 Chevy of Jerry Daugherty, with co-driver Kenny Olson, hot on the leader's trail. All three vehicles challenged each other·for the entire five laps of the qualifying heat. Right before the finish line in the last lap, Daugherty pulled to the right side of the ~rack, trying to pull away for a better position. Daugherty caught the side ofJim Olson's truck. The impact ~aused both vehicles to fl~ right m-front of the checkered flag and the spectators. Olson landed on all four wheels and rolled over the finish line backward to capture second place. In the meantime, Bill Coffey managed to bypass both rollovers and went over the finish line first to win the heat. Jerry Daugherty stayed on his lid and wasn't able to finish. So it was the Class 2 of .Bill Coffey, Colorado Springs, that won the qualifier. Jim Olson, Edgewater, captured second place, and the Class · 4 of Tim Briscoe, from Denver, was third. Dusty Times The main event for this mixed bunch of race cars wasn't disappointing either. Both Olson and Daugherty were able to get their trucks race ready for the feature event. As soon as the flag dropped, Robbi Smith, in his Class 4 "Donco" Special (Dodge engine, Ford Bronco body) bolted off the line and maintained first for the entire event. Not far behind. was Jim Olson in second, which he also maintained for the race. During lap 2, Bill Coffey and the Class 5 of Ed Mialo tangled and gave the spectators a thrill. They separated without mishap, and continued on to finish the race. In the third lap, the Class 2 of Doug . B'ath and Larry Christman,. from Loveland, had tranny failure and they were out of the event. The remainder of the laps went smoothly, except, once again on the last lap in front of the start/ finish line, Daugherty again tried to gain position by passing vehic Jes on the side of the't:ourse. Just as Jerry approached the line to pass third overall winner Ed Mialo, he veered off the track, caught some tires at the edge of the track, and spun out causing great clouds of dust in front of the spectators. The crowd was on their feet . with suspense, but when the air cleared Daugherty was still on all four wheels. He managed to back over the finish line to be the last place finisher. The results for Classes 2 and 5, gave first place to Ed Mialo, of Lakewood. Bill Coffey was second and Doug Bath and Larry Christman took third. For Classes 3 and 4 it was Robbi Smith, of Arnold, NE, in for the win, Jim Olson was second, and the Class 4 of Rich DeVries, Wheatridge, was third. In the combined results for the race, Robbi Smith was first overall, followed by Jim Olson and Ed the winners. I Last on the• racing schedule were the seven·ca~s in Class 10. ' The qualifyin1g heat was uneventful. All the cars that started were able to finish. Jumping right off the lin.e and running away with the lead-in his Fat Rabbit powe~ed Chenowth, Mitch Mustard left the pack behind. After the first lap, all seven cars maintained their positions. The qualifying results were first, Mitch Mustard, Arvada, second Scott Galloway, Lakewood, and\ third John Evans, Littleton. The Class 10 main event had action from the I start. In the inside corner of the first turn John Evans hit so111e tires which caused a spectad1lar spin out. Evans almost roll~d the car over, but luck was on His side and he kept the car down and was able to finish the race. Id the third lap Danny Rice and 14:enny Bracelin had a small. tangle! At this point the two drivers were vying for first and second place. Rice took , the advantage and grabbed the lead in his Chenowth, and he kept it for the remainder of the race, but Bracelin wasn't far behind, giving him a constant challenge. · During the fifth _ lap Mitch Mustard dropped] out. He had started from the back of the pack and was just aboJt to pass into fourth place wheti he drove off the course. A burned out motor was the culprit. Th~ remainder of the main ·event wint smoothly. Danny Rice, Lake\.}'ood, won the .:vt:!nt, Kenny 8racclin \\'U£ second, and Tolil. Schreivogel claimed third. I · Anyone wishing more infor-mation on the Great Wes tern Points Series and its events can contact Mr. Ro:n Knowlton· (303) 722-5537 or Ms. Shelly Gunther (303) 669-1069 during business hours. 1 October 1987 'Ken Kincaid set the early pace in Class 4-14 in his Ford, but he slowed and dropped back to third by the time the checkered flag flew. Vandermissen Sr. and Jr. of the Marshfield drove Dale Borge-Michigan tJ.P. and Tim Lemons moen's 1-1600 for her first out of lower Michigan in a Class buggy ride, be~ting Karen 9. The twenty minute race Jenkins of Dune Buggy Supply, proved to be an endurance test as who said she needed the practice lfirst Lemons experienced trouble to beat Deb this year. but kept going forward and the Although dry weather caused a !"Nutcrackers" Jr. and Sr. had tremendous dust problem forthe mechanical problems and retired drivers, the winners went home 1to the sidelines. Lemons took -an happy, as did the spectators as early checker to the $375 purse. the fourth race of the Superior Only_two women showed for Points Series and Formula Desert fheir class, so there were no Dog Series ended with a Fourth points. Sally Wellner of of]uly Bang! I 00 rn CW CPD (]J 00 DESERT LOCK OUTER 3.000 WIDE OUTER FOR SUPER STRENGT 8-1.125 HOLES TO REDUCE DIRT BUILD-UP. Standard Lock Outer Red Anodize Constructed_ of all Aluminum 6061 T6 For light weight and optimum strength * At last,a quality bead lock designed for Off-Road racing * All parts are available separately *In stock -Ready for shipment For Todays' Sophisticated 15" 13" 8"-10" UNLIMITED MIDGET· MODIFIED MIDGET SPORT TRUCK MINI STOCK QUAD RACER BAJA BUG MODIFIED MIDGET ATV WE HA VE DEVELOPED THE TOUGHEST, MOST DURABLE BEAD LOCK FOR YOU ! SIMPLE TO ORDER Prices are Per Bead Lock-installed on your wheel, fully machined and trued 8" ........ $69.95 1 O" ........ $84.95 13"/15" ...... $125.00 15"Desert Lock ..... $132.50 o o o CALL OR WRITE TO: ( 00 (]] ~ CPD [[J 00 0o o 3447 W. University· · Fresno, CA 93722 . (209)275-5183 Same Day Service Shipped U. P.S. Calif. Res.Add 6% Sales Tax Page 13
Gumbo Buttes Baja Text & Photos: Darla Crown Daryl Dressler flew over the South Dakota turf in great form, and he not only won Class 10 at the Gumbo Buttes, he won the r~ce overall in his swift single sea ter. _ I knew by the time we left on Saturday evening on the 120 mile journey to the Gumbo Buttes Baja that this weekend was not going to be the "same old thing" as far as Baja races go. I was right! We decided to take a different route this time. Instead of going on Highway 14 through Philip and Midland, South Dakota (the shortest, most direct route from Wall to Pierre) we decided to go north on the gravel road to see some different country .We were familiar with the first 60 miles or so, but when we turned left, drove about ten miles farther, and then crossed the Cheyenne . River, we knew we were headed in the wrong direction. So we turned around, and went back and tried the right turn. After one more wrong turn we finally got on the Highway and into Pierre. As we entered Pierre and drove by a motel, we spotted a truck and trailer painted with · bold letters "Professional Off Road Racing." "Wow", I exclaimed, "who is that!" There are some good raters in the High Plains Off Road Racing Association, but this is great. We found out later that Don Roemer, of Mill Valley, California, after reading aqout the Badlands Baja in DUSTY TIMES, decided to combine a vacation in South Dakota with the off road race in mid-August. Roemer and co-driver Dave Spangler do most of their racing in Washington, Oregon, Nevada and northern California with ProCanAm and VORRA. Normally they prefer the longer races, 100 to 400 miles, but they thought they would give the Gumbo Butes a try. The Gumbo Buttes course was four miles a lap, and the race a total of 60 miles. Twenty-six entries lined up for the start of the event. Don Roemer got off to a good start, running a strong second behind eventual Class 4 winner Chuck Heimes. But bad luck struck Roemer when the Chevy's shifter cable broke, and Page 24 he could only run in second gear. After a pit stop, they got back in the race, but eventually the transmission got hot, started a small fire and they had to drop out. That was the end of the vacation race for the usually strong Chevy 4x4. Meanwhile, there was action among the other Class 4 participants. With only one more race left for 1987 points in the High Plains Off Road Racing Associ<!tion, the title could go to any one of the three top contenders. Pat Roberts of Deadwood was leading the Class 4 points going into the Gumbo Buttes race. Jim Kitterman of Wall and Chuck Heimes of Sioux Falls were tied for second place. Things were tense. Pat Roberts and co-driver Gary Todd had engine problems on the start. They nursed it around for two laps, but Pat said, "we had to pull it in" , and they dropped out of the race. It was a tough break for Roberts, who has.been a tough one to beat this year. Chuck Heimes took a great lead on the first lap and never let up. This made it four years in a row for Chuck and co-driver Steve Miller to take the checkered flag here at Gumbo Buttes. "Two years we won this race because other racers have run out of fuel," said Miller. They credited their win to their good crew helping make a pit stop on the eleventh lap for fuel. "This time," Miller said, "we Stuart Dahlin runs his Baja Bug in Class 10, and he does very well despite the extra weight, and placed third at the Gumbo Buttes. Chuck Heimes took the lead in Class 4 on the first lap, and his Bronco stopped just once for gas en route to the win and first place on points. October 1987 Brad Blore drove his tidy rig to the win in Class 2, and he may well"have been the sole survivor in the class at the race near Pierre. ' Mike Baenen and Skip Calkins came from Jamestown, North Dakota to claim second in Class 10, and Baenen is leading the points race now. · wer,en 't going to take any chances." Their victory places them, now, in first place on points, with Jim Kitterman only three points behind in second. Kitterman finished second in Class 4 behind Heimes. Gary Logan, another strong runner from Rapid City, was third in the Class 4 race with Al and Cathy Wacker taking fourth. Phil Swaney was fifth after he did a spectacular roll on the last lap in front of the spectator hill. Swaney was going hard, hit a bump, landed sidewise and rolled his 4x4 machine. "It was a soft roll," said Phil, "we landed on my side, so we got out, tipped it back up and finished the race." The results put Pat Roberts in third place on points, only four points behind Jim Kitterman. Roberts had been a strong competitor all year since buying his Bronco after the Bandlands Baja last February. He is putting a new engine together and will be ready for the Last Chance race at Wall in October. Pat says the Last Chance track is his favorite. '\It's a fast track, not too long, and the spectators can see almost the whole course. I also like the Saturday races. Most events are on Sunday, which makes it real difficult for people who live a long distance away, and have to tow half the night to make it to work on Monday morning." While he did not win in Class 10 at Gumbo Buttes, Steve Comer is well up in the points race for both Team TIA and HPORRA series. · Jim Kitterman flew into second place in Class 4, and he is now a mere three points out of the lead for the year end honors. Dusty Times
Gary Logan came from Rapid City to race his Jeep, and he took a fine third in Class 4, one of. the biggest classes in HPORRA. Greg Iverson had engine trouble in his wild looking Class 8, but he still managed to take second place in_the two wheel drive class. Class 4 had another partici-pant competing at the Gumbo Buttes. Harold. Johnson, who usually competes in Class 2. He drove his Toyota in Class 4 just to see if he could run with them. Johnson, the 1986 overall winner in the BFG T earn TI A points, normally dominates Class 2. But, trying his luck in Class 4, he did~run with them, and was trying to gain on leader Chuck Heimes. "But, down the fast straigh~ they came up behind some slower traffic. ''They were running where we always ran," Johnson said of the other vehicle. "We needed to make up some time to gaip on Chuck a little bit, so decided to go on the left to pass. We didn't realize there was one big bump there, and nothing we could do. We hit real hardp n the left front, and it was everywhere but straight." A . fitting broke off the master cylinder and threw out the clutch, a ten cent part. But Johnson went" to the pits. Class 8 will be another group to watch at the Last Chance race in Wall in October. Doug Crown has been driving Burt Dartt's Bronco this year, after Burt suffered a back injury last winter., Crown, from Wall, with co-driver Joe Feller, drove the Bronco tovictory at Pierre and is now leading the T earn T I A points race. Greg Iverson Charging through the wide open spaces in Dakota, Dave Richards kept the second place money in Class 3 right there, home in Pierre. Californians Don Roemer and Dave Spangler brought their Class 4 Chevy with them on vacation, but went out with mechanical problems. Dusty Times Doug Crown drove Bu~t Dartt's Bronco to a ~een victory in Class 8, and Crown, from Wall, SD, is now je,ading the Team Tli points r~ce: Local racer from Pierre, Stan Schwellengaeh had no apparent problems en route to winning Class r, the unlimited bug* y class in HPORRA. finished second herd,1 but went woh the class is also-running first home with a blown ehgine in his for\ Team TI A and HPORRA Class 13 look-alike I-acer. Curt points. Dave Richards crossed Willuweit had mechanical the1 finish line second, and problems, but is in a ~lose second Harvey Wald was the third Pierre for the Team T I A prize money nat/ve in, w"ith third place . that will be awarded when the <rlass 10, for 1650cc and BFG Tractor-trailer hew attend under racers, went to veteran the Last Chance Rae~ in Wall. driter Daryl Dressler of Rapid The home town \boys from City. Dressler was the first one i:o Pierre did well in Glass 3, the cross the finish line in the 60 mile over 1650cc buggy class, racb, and won the whole thing finishing one-two-three in the ov~rall. In seconcl place was Mike class. _Stan Schwelle9bach, who Ba~nen, from North Dakota, and ' he is leading the points races in both-BFG and HPORRA stand-ings. Mike. Baenen and his brother-in-law Skip Calkins, from Jamestown, are -always tough competitors in this class. They have been racing about six .years, and are very dedicated ' racers, having misse9 only one HPORRA event in the last four years. Baenen and Calkins have a classic Story about their start in racing. They began in what they call the $1500 _class. Skip said, "Instead of going to races like this, we would load up and go to the Badlands and go on the Old West Trails and camp out. We would run road rallies and a few races, and there were about 15 of us. Then one year Mike said. we should go to Interior to watch the Badlands Baja." They must have gotten hooked, because they have been competing ever since·. Last year at the Gumbo Buttes, Baenen finished the race on three wheels. After a6out five hours of searching in the tall grass, they did find the fourth tire and wheel they had lost during the race. Lots of· friends and relative_s accompany them to the races, and coming from large families, · the Baenen/Calkins crew is plentiful. Skip's brother Tim is the only other racer in the family_, and he was. first in the race at Chamberlain, South Dakota in May. Mike Baenen is leading now in Class 10 points in the HPORRA and BFG series. · Joel Fricke, another North DakoJ~ racer, is in second place on points. Only one point behind Frici(e is a third North Dakota buggy 'owner, Steve Comer. While Daryl Dressler won the Gumbo Buttes in Class 10, all ~yes will be on the North Dakota folks in this class at the Last · Chance Baja in October. In NEVADA t:;a1 · OFF-ROAD it's... BU·G G Y N ,.. :., Street -Stock - Baja Race or Sand Whate~er Your Pleasure I flay or Pay ~e've G,ot Your VW Parts See Blrian . See Dave ~,\H.-\H,\ I 2 Locations I\ to Serve You Better! NOR-~ . WEfT 3054 Valley View 871-4911 • ~71-5604 1541 N. Eastern 642-2402 • 642-1664 NOW 2 LOCATIONS z 0 I-" ~ J: cJ) ~ N I Page 15
FORMULA DESEIQ DOG SERIES Rain at Bark River, Michigan Causes the Supcr-1·,so Drivers to Scratch By Brenda A. Parker Bark River is 30 minutes east of Escanaba in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and the race here i~ sponsored in part by the local Lions Club. The track at Bark River is laid out on a mink farm and, because of this, there is only a two week period during the ·year that the noise from the cars will not disturb the minks. Originally this race was more of an endurance race, each heat running fo_r one hour. Although the heats this year were shortened to 45 minutes they were still too long. The track itself covers two miles and on several .occasions after approxi-mately eight to 10 laps there were only three or four cars left in a heat. They were spread all over the two mile track, and this had · to make for a pretty boring .race from the spectators' standpoint. Saturday's temperature was in the 90's and the sun was high and hot. Anyone who didn't have a tent or an awning to get under really cooked. Under these blazing skies, the Class 10 cars got under way first and Dave Vandermissen, Jr. went flag to . flag for the win. He was followed very closely by his Dad, Dave, Sr. who finished in second, with the number three spot going to Tom Lohf. Scott Schwalbe, who is new to this class this year, was having some engine problems and was out early. Brian Adams flipped over just past the fir~t turn and retired without completing a lap. _Classes 3, 4, 14 and 6 were next and at the end of lap 1 it was -Ken Kincaid, John Heidtman and Jack Flannery running 1, 2 and 3. Greg Gerlach, usually a strong runner in this class, was having some problems · and wasn't running good at all. Taking the checkered flag and the win was Ken Kincaid followed by Terry Bell, Jack Flannery and Bill Page 26 on-Sunday Schirm. In Class 6 the winner was John Kaempf with Bill Grabowski second and Thornton Schultz third. Classes 11 and 5-1600 were next. Class 11 is a growing class in this part of the country and this race was no exception, having i6 entries. Curt Gerald was the winner with Bob Schwartz, Dennis Riemer, Darrin Parsons and Jeff Jones following in that order. Phil Freimuth was thr 5--1600 winner, and· taking Photos: Walt Schwalbe second and third were Terry Wolfe and Jeff Therriault. In Class 1, Jeff Probst beat everyone off the starting grid followed by Dan Baudoux and Scott Taylor. Scott Taylor didn't take long to catch .Baudoux and got around him by the end of lap 1 to take over second place. Scott Schwalbe was in the pits . early when his engine went sour. Probst in the meantime was pulli~g a big lead on. the rest of the field. After five laps, Taylor went into the pits with a broken Ken Kincaid led all the way in the combined 4x4 event, winning handily in the Ford based Class 14 _Special, originally built by Curt LeDuc. Curt Gerald survived the battle of attrition in the big ranks of Class 11 racers, and Gerald finished and-wen, dragging.a broken tie rod-to the flag. October 1987 Dave Vandermissen, Jr. flew over his home track at Bark River right into the Class 10 victory, and also placed fourth in Class 1-1600 action. power steering ram and this moved Baudoux into second spot with Art Schmitt in third and Dave Vandermissen, Sr. in fourth. Schwalbe got back in to the race, but by this time he was a lap down. Schmitt put pressure on Baudoux and got around him to take over second place by lap 4. Baudoux who stopped just shy of the timing tower in the last lap, got moving again and managed to · hang on for second place behind Jeff Probst. Baudoµx was followed by Art Schmitt in third and Vandermissen in fourth. In the 2-1600 class Chuck Williams pullt:d a hole shot and / beat everyone to the bridge wnich is only 2 ½ cars wide. Coming off a starting line 20 cars abreast, it gets pretty hairy by the time they reach the bridge. W illiam·s stayed in the lead for five laps and was looking good when he suddenly started to slow allowing both Scott Taylor and Kevin Probst to get around him. By lap 7 he, was done with a hole burned in the head.Jeff St. Peter, a strong competitor in this class this year, rolled on lap 3 but the·_ track workers got him back on his wheels and he got back in the Dave Vandermissen, Sr. chased his son all the way in Class 10, but came in second, and also dropped out of Class 1 racing with engin_e woes. Terry Bell soared to second in the 4x4 race, and he was also second in Class 14 for points, driving the Ford based race car. It was a fight all the way in Class 5-1600, but Phil Freimuth stayed on the track to take the victory, after a very tight race for the lead. · Dusty Times
race ~ithout losing a position. Scott Taylor went on for the win followed by Kevin Probst and Jeff St. Peter. Dave Vandermis-sen, Jr: was fourth and Steve Tsarpalas was fifth. On Sunday morning the first class on the track was Class 8. Pete Vandehey was the first casualty of this heat when, after only six laps, he pulled off with his engine on fire. James Hansen_ lost his left rear wheel and was parked after running fourth for several laps. At the checkered flag it was Ken Kincaid, Dave Hockers, Mitch Dumask, Dennis Ferdon and Tom Hockers. The rain started just before the Super 1650s were due to take the track. It rained for only ,20 minutes or so, but hard enough so the track was a mud bog. Since the track is laid out in a field which is nothing but clay or top soil, the rain just makes a mess of everything because it does not $Oak in very fast. , Class 9 drivers delayed lining · up hoping that things would dry out because the· clouds had moved on, however, the officials would have none of it and they got pretty belligerent ~t this point with one official informing one driver that he could either line up or be disqualified. The driver in question comes from .the East coast and needless to say. he was Jeff St. Peter has had a very good season in 1600, racing, an9 in Michigan he took second in Class 1-1600, and finished third in Class 2-16 0. I Dave Hackers stayed in the leader's mirrors all the way in the Class 8 race, but he had to be content with second place, just before the downpour. Mitch Oumask followed the battling duo in Class 8, but the pace was very fast and Oumask ended up in third place at the checkered flag. not too happy about th~se circumstances, especially since they didn't disqualify any of the other dirvers whol also still had their cars parked and covered. Finally four cars g9tl in line and at the urging of one of the drivers the officials allowe8 a 15 minute qelay. · I When the 15 minutes were up there were still ffour or five drivers who did not want to race under the wet, ~ uddy condi-Ken Kincaid had a good weekend at Bark River, and on Sunday he drove his 1ord pickup to the Class 8 victory, his second win for the weekend. tions. You have to remember delay, the officials scratched the that most of these cars are Rabbit entire race for lack of enough powered. The _mud on these cars to take the field. · water cooled engines is bad n~ws The Class 1-1600 cars were once the radiators are plugged next. Scott Taylor managed to since the motors cook in a big take the win with Jeff St, Peter h/urry. The four drivers who were and Jeff Probst in second and in line decided they did not want third. Jeff Sakovitz was fourth t6 run unless there were at least · and DaveVandenElzen was fifth. five cars because the contingency The track conditions were a programs only pay when there · factor in this race since it had are five cars in the class. Needless rained for the second time before t~ say, after another fiv.e minute these cars took to the track. KC HAS SHINED THE WAY TO MORE OFF-ROAD RACING VICTORIES THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED! At KC HiliTES, we're serious about competition lighting. So why take a chance with anything else? -=-=---Bill Schirm usually tuns in Class 3, put put his Jeep into Class 4 at Bark River, and finished fourth among the mixed bag of 4x4s. KC HiliTES,I Inc. ~ Williams, Arizona 86046 • 602/635-2607 Dustvnmcs
. . -· BFOOODBICB BACINO UPD.ll . I . © 1987 Uniroyal Goodrich Tire Co.
~~SIDE WITH 9 l1CLASS T/ICTORrJES! I The ground's still )baking at Riverside International Raceway where BFGoodrich TIA® Radials won an unprecedentedninelclass victories at this year's SCORE Off-Road .World Championship. No other tire manufacturer had mbre wins. I Early thunder canie from Frank Araiero Jr. and his BFGoodrich-equipped Chenowth-Porsche. Frank took first place in Stadiuzp Class 1 during the first day of competition, for his ~irst of three clas~ victories in this two-day event His 1inning ways coqtinued the · following afternoon when he defeat7d a huge Stadium Class, JO field and then dro:ve his 4-wheel drive Chevrolet to th~ head of Class 4 for his third class win. Meanwhile, Frank's younger brother Al was making some big noise of his own by winning Desert Class 1 in his BFGoodrich-equipped Funco single-seater. 1 · Saving their best for last, BFGoodrich drivers shut out the competition hy sweeping the Hungus Heavy Metal Challenge, a ~rueling JO-lap rbce that pitted Classes 3,4,6,8 and 1~ against each other. When the dust cleared, Frank Vessels took the overall victory and the Class 8 title in hik1Chevrolet pickup. BFGoodrich teammates Don Adapis, Larry Schwdcofer, Jerry . Daugherty and Frank Arciero Jr. completed the sweep with victories in Classes3,6,14 and 4, respectively. If you want your truck to perform like a champion, get the tires with proven championship potential. BFGoodrich TIA Radials. For more information see your. local BFGoodrich TIA specialist] I . I BFGOODRldH JYA® RADIALS . . I WE MAKE YOUR TRUCK PERFDRM:.M I I
I • FORDA Action at Lakeland Interstate Speedway T ext & Phoros: Juhn Sprovkin Marty Pounds, leading, and Sam Pace fought hard all the way in the first heat in D Class, but Pace made the pass on the last lap to win by a slim margin over Pounds. It was a hot and sunny The rest of the pack made their morning on August 2 at way along the course with Bob Interstate Speedway, Lakeland, Bohres leading the way in his 10 Florida, as FORDA officials car in Class 1. J .R. Taylor was were re-routing the race course in heading Class 1600 with Chad order to· get around one large Peterson and Joe Cunningham mud hole. Meanwhile Alan side by side right behind him. Brumley, Tech Inspector,, was Gary Groce stalled his Class 7 checking out the entries that out in the far tum and was unable were scheduled to }?articipate in to get it back into forward the day's activities. There were motion fo r·the rest of this heat. nine entries in D Class, eight in Jerry Allen made a good move 1600 Class,. three in Class 1-7, in the 1600 ranks as he made his and six Novice Bombers. way aroundJoeCunninghamand The racing age-nda called for Chad Peterson. Robbie May had two six lap heats and a twelve lap the leading edge on D Class for feature for Classes 1-7, 1600 and the first lap, but gave it up to Sam D, all running together. The Pace during the second. Then Joe Novice Bombers had two five lap Cunningham and Chad Peterson heats and an eight lap fearure, went into a jump side by side.Joe and ran their own course which was out front when they landed. was about half the distance of the Marty Pounds was on the move buggy track. To insure everyone in D Class as he made his wcfy was familiar with the track, a few -around Gene Windham, who practice laps were taken. John also slowed down when his oil Cory blew his D engine during light came on, .then overtook this time, but he had another one Robbie May and then Sam Pace, with him and was able to change and Pounds was on the leading it and be ready by race time. side for the class after rwo laps. The pack on the starting line During the third lap Bob for the first heat had.Class· 1-7 on Bohres, the only Class 1 left in the front side, 1600 in the middle competition, started losing and D Class covering the back ground when water got into his side. With a ten second delay distri·butor. J.R, Taylor, who was between classes, they were on now the overall.and 1600 leader, their way! During the first lap had his hands full with Jerry Mark Bickerscalleditquitswhen Allen at-his rear bumper. Mike he had shifting problems with his Hester and Robbie• May were in 1600 car. Butch Brickle dropped constant battle for third place in out of Class 1 before completing D Class, exchanging that spot one lap with rocker arm trouble. with each passing lap. Dennis Ard and Dean Priep came off a jump together, but Dennis burnt up the generator a lap later, and Dean drowned out his distrib-utor. Jerry Allen, still in hot pursuit of J.R. Taylor, the leader, made a quick move and rolled his machine, putting him out for the rest of the heat. During the fifth lap Chad Peterson was able to get around Joe Cunningham for second position in Class 1600. As they came down the final stretch there was no question as to J. R. Tay !or. taking first place. But it was side by side for Chad and Joe. Chad Peterson managed to keep the edge right down to the finish with Joe Cunningham in third. In D Class Sam Pace had a smile on his face as he went by Marty Pounds during the final lap to lock up first place, with Mike Hester coming in behind Marty for third. Doing six laps Bob Bohres was the Class 1 winner. Novice Bombers were ~ow in "readv" for their first event of the day. At the green flag, six Bombers were on the move down the straight towards the first turn. Don Hall was leading the way with Terry Sloan and Dwayne Hinson right behind. Brian Doss, in high speed forward motion, made his move around Chuck Blakeney during the second lap, while Judy Cory was bringing up the rear. In the fourth lap Terry Sloan maneuvered his Bomber around Don Hall to tak'e over the lead. As they went into the final stretch on the last lap it was Terry Sloan all the way for the win, with Don Hall a close second and Dwayne Hinson was third. The second heat for the buggies saw the full field back in action, going down the track in mass formation. Bob Bohres was still having problems and dropped out after one lap. Gary Groce did the same when his engine died after going through a mud hole. So Butch Brickle had the leading position for Class 1, with J.R. Taylor right at his rear bumper and leading the 1600s. Joe Cunningham and Jerry Allen were hard at it again in close competition, wheel to wheel and bumper to bumper. Dennis Ard was quick on the stick and was leading the way in D Class, followed shortly by Robbie May. Chad Peterson dropped out after thre laps when his engine got waterlogged and died. J .R. Taylor 1made shifty maneuvers and got around Butch Brickle to take the overall lead. Still having mechanical problems, Butch dropped out on the next lap. Dennis Ard left the lead in D Class to go into the pits with a left rear flat. Robbie May, who was in second place for this class, did not move into first spot, for he was added to the list of dropouts when he threw a rod and put a nice size hole in his engine. During the fifth lap it was still J.R. Taylor leading the way, but not by much as Joe Cunningham and Jerry Allen were at his back bumper. Mike Hester was in first place now in D Class with Sam Pace right there with him. During the final lap Sam showed his skills as he got around Mike to take the class win. J.R. Taylor · drove the first buggy across the .finish line in this heat, followed by Joe Cunningham, then Jerry Allen. The Bombers were on line, ready to do their thing for the second time, side by side with the stock engines roaring. In tight formation they moved along th_e track towards the first·turn with Don Hall and Brian Doss fighting for the lead, and with Dwayne Hinson, Judy Cory and Chuck Blakeney right behind. By the fourth lap Don Hall had a good lead on the rest of the group, while- Dwayne Hinson did it his way around Brian Doss, gaining second spot. As they went into the final lap to the checkered flag it was Don Hall all the way, followed by Dwayne Hinson in second and Brian Doss was third. It was Fearure race time now for the buggies as the starting signal sent them on their way: Class 1 racer Butch Brickle was the · first to complete · a lap. However, his engine overheated and he called .it quits for the race, which left Bob Bohres in the only Class 1 machine on the track. Ed Chambers was flying high as he led the way in 1600 Class, and Dennis Ard was on the front side of D Class. Mike Hester, during the second lap, hit an immovable concrete pole that was camou-flaged in the grass, causing a left fr9nt flat that put him out of the race. During the fourth lap Ed Chambers, going around· a hairpin tum, rolled over on his side. Quick reaction by the spectators ·and yours truly had him right side up and on his way again. During the sixth lap John Cory accelerated and made his way around Sam Pace as they were bumper to bumper in D Class. Dennis Ard · developed some ignition problems and 'left the leading position in D Class as he was sidelined after completing eight laps. Bob Bohres dropped out during his eighth lap, still having distributor water problems, but he won Class 1. J .R. Taylor was in total control as he led the way towards victory overall and in 1600 Class. As the final lap was in progress, it was a close race between Taylor and Ed Chan:ibers. John 1Cory and Sam Pace were bumper to bumper down to the line in D Class. As the checkered flag came out J .R. Tavlor was first to cross its path, The Unlimited Class was strictly a battle of attrition. Bob Bohres won the first and third heats by lasting the longest, and also won the Showdown finale. Joe Cunningham kicks up the spray in his 1600, and Joe got a second and a third in the heat races, but dropped back in the main event with problems. Mike Hester took a second and a third in the heats, here running with #69 Jimmy Keys, but a course obstacle and a flat put Hester out of the feature. Brian Doss was in the middle of the action in.the Novice Bombers events, and his best finish was third in the second heat in the mud. Page 30 Octobcr1987 Du1tv.nma
Ed Chambe-rs ran middle of the pack in 1600 Class in the heat races, but he came forward in the main to take a good second place. Dennis Ard had problems with hisb car in the first heat,11got fixed and took second place in class inlthe next two rounds. I . Chad Peterson, #611 , got a good second in the first 1600 heat, and Joe Cunningham, behind, was second in the next one, in a good even race. J.R. Taylor had a great day at the races, as he won all three events in the 1600 class, and all the points. He did drop out of the Showdown race with oil problems. Don Hall, leading here, and Terry Sloan had good dices in the Bomber races. Sloan won the first heat and the feature, while Hall was second in both and also won the second heat. John Cory didn't have too much luck in the D Class heats, but he came on strong in the feature and won the class honors. · Sam Pace, leading Gene Windham here, not only wori the first and second D class heats he came ina close second in the Feature event. Dusty Times followed by Ed <Ch~bers and Jerry Allen, first !through third overall and in 1600 Class. John Cory was the victor in D Class with Sam Pace a clbse second and Dennis Ard place~ third. The Feature fot the Bombers saw Terry Sloan l~ading the way from the flag. Dµring the second lap Brian Doss qropped from second place to the rear of the group. Chuck Blakeney was on the move as he made his way around Dwayne Hinson. In the fourth lap Chuck 1made another good maneuver as he passed Don Hall_, gaining second place. · It was close competition as the leaders Terry Sloan, Chuck Blakeney ·and D6n Hall were headed towards the finish line. As it came dowd to the final I , . · seconds, Don Hall, with a smile qn his -face, his hands gripped tight on the steering wheel, tiloved his Bomber into the second place spot by overtaking c;huck Blakeney at the finish. so· the results were Terry Sloan in first, Don Hall was. second and Ghuck Blakeney was third. \ The last race of the day ~as a fi~e lap show down, winner take all affair. This race was sponsored by the Bug Hut and . Florida's VW Premier Accessor~ ies ,Store of Orlando. With a forty second delay between classes, the three buggy classes 'Mere on their way. DClassdriver Marty Pounds picked up the e:irly lead, that lasted two laps ~ hen his engine started to seize . up and he had to drop out. Sam 11 · I Pace then took over the lead. By the completion of the third lap Pace· was still leading, followed closely by Dennis Ard, but after making up time on the -delay start, Joe Cunningham had his 1600 close now. -As they went through the fourth lap Joe Cunningham gained the lead getting a'round both Pace and Ard. It didn't take much longer before Bob Bohres out powered the 1600s in his Class 1 machioe, and took over the lead from Joe during the final yards of the last lap. When the checkered flag dropped, Bob Bohres was in the first position, followed by Joe Cunningham, then Dennis Ard.J .R. Taylor had dropped out · early with oil problems. · J pproved by: FIA, IMSA, NHRA, S1CCA, SCORE, USAC and·HDRA f .Custom Fuel ~ladders f Standard Fuel Bladders • Budget Fuel <!:ells • Fuel Tanks • Refueling Equipment "Let u1 know what you want. We can do it." (714) 962-0027 or (714) 968-4463 I (800) 433-6524 (Outside California) Call or write for free catalog I l . - . 10925 "K" Kalama River Road, Fountain Valley, CA 92708 I I Page 31
\.. WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP OFF ROAD RACE On Labor Day Al':Roads Lead to the Brush Run 101 ·Leading off the line here Kevin Probst and Scott Taylor are fierce on track competitors, and dominate both 1-1600 and 2-1600 classes: Taylor won 1-1600 at Crandon and Probst won the Limited Championship race, and Class 2-1600. Jack Flannery realized a 17 year old dream when he won the Heavy Metal Championship. The Crandon native also won Class 4 in the tidy Ford and two other races during the weekend. · generous paybacks on race days, parking space, 35,000 on By Jean Calvin but a series points fund of Sunday. The entry number Photos: Dan Mainzer /Jean Cali1in $20,000.00. soared to a giant 648 in the The Brush Run 101 begain 18 years ago with a loosely organized race . through the woods of northern Wisconsin for fun buggies and stock trucks. The evolution was slow initially, but moved fast into the 1980s. In 1984 the organizers bought a 240 acre farm and promptly carved out one of the best 1.8 mile off road race tracks in the country, if not the best. Last year a two race series was formed with the Spring Run 101 and the Brush Run 101, offering not only Page 31 The entry in the Labor Day numerous classes, over 200 event grows yearly, and by 1986 alone in the Good Old Boys it also attracted some heavy ranks. sponsorship from Budweiser, The Brush Run 101 is part of Pepsi, General Tire and True the S.T.O .R.E. Formula Desert Value Hardware. They were all Dog Series, and all the regulars back this year, for the Labor Day on the midwest circuit appeared happening in the tiny town of to do battle with the more casual Crandon, Wisconsin. The runners that yearly fill the entry sponsors came with their lists at Crandon. Most of the retinues, the racers came in motorcycle style classes run on droves, and the spectators, Saturday, so-the racers can go to enjoying the first rainless Brush other events throughout the Run weekend in years, came in weekend. almost countless numbers, a New last year and gaining in good 10 to 12 thousand on popularity this year is the Hot Saturday, and a jammed, out of Lap runs on Friday afternoon. A October 1987 . good many were ~n hand to try for the prizes, $100 cash to the fastest lap in class for the buggy and Baja Bug runners and a pair of General Tires to the·fast lap holder in the truck classes. The second fastest in all classes won a case of Budweiser Beer. It is a keen way to get t~e competitors in shape for the weekend of racing. The first car race on Saturday held nine 5-1600 cars, and after a delay start, the pack of 24 Class 11 s stormed down the hill. Class 11 . is for two seat buggies with sundry restrictions, and it is a popular entry level class. Terry Wolfe was out front on the first lap in 5-1600 action, and just . behind him Jeff Therriault and Phil Freimuth were side by side, followed by Ron Karlman, Jim Rolefson, Paul Dallman, · and more. All the races were 20 minutes long, and midway in this dash the leader was still Terry Wolfe, but now Ron Karlman was right on his bumper. Back a bit was the fight between . Freimuth and Therriault, and they lost some ground to the leaders. On lap 7 Karlman got his brand new Bug around Wolfe to take the lead, and that is how they finished, still Ron Kar/man flew his brand new Bug to victory in the first race of the meet, Class 5-1600, and Ron came back the next day to take the victory in Class 5 in the same car. Terry Wolfe led the early laps in 5-1600 action in his tidy Bug, but he dropped to second, a yery close second, at the checkered flag. Tom Godsell survived (he early close infighting in Class 5-1600 and his Bug carried on to place third in this most competitive class. Glen Mathews was in and out of the lead in the 24 car Class 11 contest, and at the finish his Chenowth won the class by a huge margin, one full lap. Dusty Times
in close quarters, almost side by side. Both Therriault and Freimuth were missing in the last laps. Tom Godsell moved into third followed by Gregory Arft and Paul Dallman. Half of the 24 buggies in Class 11 did not appear on the ~ntry list, but they had a dandy contest. Glen Mathews led off the line with Chris Rhode right · on his bumper, . followed by Dean Hauser, Dennis Riemer, and Curt Gerald. After four laps Rhode had the lead by inches over Mathews, Hauser was back a bit defending third against Gerald and Riemer, and others were moving in as well. As the race continued, attrition was heavy taking out Rhode and other contenders. Glen Mathews was back in the lead and he stretched it out at the checkered flag, the only 11 driver to complete ten laps for the win. Mathews. and co-driver Mark Steinhardt finished dragging the rear skid plate, but they won. In second was Dennis Riemer, followed by Curt Gerald, Jeff Jones ·and Darrin Parsons. Dennis Riemer corners hard 1n his fancy bodied Class 11, and he won the very close battle for second in this keen Wisconsin style class. Similar to Riverside, the races start with all entries abreast by the pits, a good quarter mile beyond the spectator areas. They funnel into a wide, sweeping downhill right turn into a series of jumps before heading up hill, and down into a sand pit. A 180° The Class 11 racers are getting better looking every year, and Jeff Jones drove his to fourth in class, and Jones leads the points race in SODA. \ In his second year of racing John Koran is a coming star, taking second in 2-1600, third in 1-1600, and fourth in the Limited Championship. Chuck Williams, Jr. had troubles in two of his three events, but he drove the Berrien to a fine third in the tight run in·Class 2-1600. · Peter Karempelis was muddy but moving fast in Class 2-1600, and he finished a fine fourth in the 28 car pack in this class. Dusty Times turn takes them back up a hill to the timing shack, a ne1 building complete with plumbing. Then it is onto a long fast stretch, into the woods, and back around to the pit area. I A massive 28 starterslappeared in Class 2-1600. Off t~e start it was Scott Taylor, Pro Tech, and Kevin Probst, Berrien, side by side down the hill, an8 around the bends out of sight into the sand pit. They stayed close into the woods, but Probst emerged in the lead with Tay !or just to the rear with a tire going flat. After two laps the order ~eftled into Probst, Chuck Williams,Johnny Koran, Dave Vandermissen, Jr. and Taylor pitted fo~ a tire. There was a monumental herd running the winning Race, and many of the fast one I do not - appear on the entry ]is . Midway Larry Ma1ske haJ done a spectacular roll pver, but the pair inside were 0~. Chuck Williams had moved up to second with Koran ri1ght with him, but Williams spu~ on a rear flat and Koran took over second, as Kevin Probst opened a good lead and Vandermissbn faded back. While the infighting never stopped back in the ranks, Kevin Probst led all the way t<!> victory, followed by Johnny Koran and Chuck Williams, all driving Berriens. Peter KaremAelis took over fourth, followed i::\y Jeff St. · Peter and Duane Pierson, and 13 of the starters finished on the lead lap. With five starters -in Class 4 and seven in Class 3, the 4x4s were combined in one heat with a delay start between I classes-. Hometown hero Jack f lannery, Ford, and Greg Gerlach, from Minnesota in a Jeep Honcho, jammed off the start lin close combat in Class 4,. triailed by Herb Rosborough, Jeep Com-mando, Dennis Che~charick, Jeep CJ 8, and Rick Witt, Jeep Honcho. After two laps Gerlach had a couple truck len~ths lead October 1987 I Curt Gerald plugged along through the man made mud at the Brush Run and finished a close third in the Class 11 competition. Kevir!I Probst took the early lead in Class 2-1600, stayed there to win tt,e big class, ·and the Limited Championship in the same car his brother won with at Riverside. on Flannery, and the rest held positon. On the next lap Flannery got past Gerlach into the lead, and Greg now had nis mirrors full of Herb Rosbor-ough 's Jeep. At half distance Jack Flannery was si:r-etching out his lead in the tidy Ford, and Gerlach was just barely holding off Rosborough. Further back Rick Witt had a good I lead on Dennis Chenchar-ick. Jack Flannery extended his lead to a safe distance and cruised home to win the race. Meanwhile Rosborough got by Gerlach to THE take over second spot after a side . by side duel. Chencharick got .· · alongside Witt, and made the pass in the sand pit. On the last lap Witt 's Honcho just quit in the sand pit, and Gerlach slowed, allowing Dennis Chencharick to take third, but not far ahead of Gerlach. In Class 3 Bill Schirm, driving the ex Riverside winning CJ 8 he bought from Geoff Dorr, shot into the early lead, and Schirm led every lap to the victory. To the rear Rick Rogers, Jeep, and fJ;i Vt' ·(@f' . WRIGHT PLACE~ C~IL SPRING YOUR FRONT END! The coil springs you are seeing on cars in magazines and at the finish line, are products of The Wright Place. You cah use them on Fox, Bilstein, or Rough Country's Nitro Charger. Springs are available in 1, 2, or 3 stages, and variious lengths. Easy to install and adjust. Wrenches come with the kit for adjustments. Another great idea from the front end experts of off road I. racing. I 9420 FLINN SPRINGS LANE, EL CAJON, CA 92021 (619) 561-4810 Page 33 ,,._.
Up and coming driver Jeff St. Peter flew his Berrien to fifth in Class 2-1600, and finished an excellent third in th!:) Limited Championship. Bill Schirm moved from a Bronco to a Jeep this year, and he won Class 3 handily and finishecf fourth in the wild Heavy _Metal Championship. Don Gregoire drove his Bronco through most oft he pack in Class 3 to survive the traffic and finish third at the flag. ~ Gray, Bronco, had a good Jin: going for second, followed hy James Miller in a Ford. After a couple laps Gray was up to second, and Darren Van Oree! had his Toyota in third. But, soon Don Gregoire got his Bronco past to take over third. BIGGER IS BETTER Upgrade the C. V.s and torsion axles on your pre-runner, IRS Baja Bug or limited horsepower off road race car by letting us convert your stub axles and transmission output bells to accept the larger C. V. joints. _Convert Type I stub axles and output bells to accept Type II or Type IV or 930 C. V. JOJntS. Convert Type II stub axles and output bells to accept 930 C. V. joints. All axles and bells for Type II or Type IV C.V.s are threaded 3/ 8-24. All axles and bells for Type II can be threaded 3/ 8-24 or stock 8 mm threads. pitch threads. 10 mm - 1. 5 is slightly larger and is the size the Porsche factory uses on their cars. . FIT YOUR OFF ROADER WITH UPGRADED AXLES AND BELLS Dnly $49.95 per flange on your supplied parts. MARVIN SHAW PERFORMANCE PRODUCTS 29300 3RD • LAKE ELSINORE, CA 92330 (714) 674-7365 SHIPPED BY UPS DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Page 34 Herb Rosborough drives a nicely updated Jeep Commando, and Herb took a great second in Class 4 and a well earried third in the Heavy Metal Championship. Dave Gray had to fight hard for.second place in Class 3, but he came home second despite a flat tire on his strong running Bronco. Dave Vandermissen, Jr. stayed ahead of the pack to win both Class 2 and Class 10, over his father, in the two seater he built himself during the /ong Michigan winter. At the finish Bill-Schirm was all alone, doing ten laps for the -v,ictory. Despite a deflating tire, Dave Gray nailed second with nine laps done, followed by Don Gregoire and Rick Rogers, both with nine laps covered, and not much else was in motion. laps that this class covered in 20 minutes, a very fast pace, and he was- a . happy winner in the Magnum. Not far back Art Schmitt claimed second, and he towed from Pittsburgh, PA to race. Dave Lofland held third, followed by Tom Swartzburg, Dave VanDenElzen, Dean Fisher and Rod Attig. , Class 2 held six entries, and the class has become the special province of the V andermissen family from Wilson, Ml. Sure enough Dave Sr. led off the line with Scott Schwalbe just behind, followed by Dave Jr., Terry Stotzheim, Jerry Jandt and Ken Noard. After three Ia1s the Vandermissens were ~el ahead of the pack, and midway Dave Jr. passed Dave Sr. to lead. The pair put on a gr:_eat show, just inches apart all the way, and son led father to the flag. The rest of the class was gone by the sixth of the 11 laps. Sedan Class 6 and Class 7 were up next on the program with 14 sedans, mostly Chevies, and a single Ford ~ruck of William Hawley that covered eight laps for the win. Hometown favorite Fay Statezny led rival John Kaemph off the line, and this pair soon ran away from the field. Midway Statezny had a good lead that he held through nine laps to take the victory. John Kaempf kept him in sight and was second.· Doing eight laps, G.B. Bradley was · third, followed by Bill Graboski and Thorton Schultz in an event that was more of a parade than a race. The final race of the day was the Pepsi Challenge for Class 8, with 18 starters on the line, V.-8 engines roaring. Side by side off the start were Crandon racers Jack Flannery and Ken Ki~caid, both in Fords. Kincaid went wide up the bank on the first turn and Flannery emerged in the lead. Kincaid was second followed by Frank Hood, Dave Hackers, Tom Vandehey and James· Hanson. There was a three truck collision j4st before the scoring area, but the only damage was to Class 9 (single seat Class 10) and Class 2 were combined, with the 15 Class 9s starting ahead of the six Class 2 racers. Off the start half the field was up on the grass banks on the first turn. When the dust settled Scott Taylor had tne lead in his Pro Tech with Lee Wuesthoff, Chenowth, right with him, followed by Todd Attig, Art Schmitt III, Kevin Probst, Jeff Probst and more. This bunch stayed tight, as T~ylor held the lead with the Probsts and the Dave Vandermissen, Sr. drove his heavily reworked Funco to second in both Class 10 and Class 2, and drove the same car to fourth in Class 1. pack in hot pursuit. . Midway Kevin Probst was out with a loose flywheel, Jeff Probst was parked with a large hole in the side of the Rabbit engine block, and Scott Taylor headed for the pits with a sick engine. Lee Wuesthoff was now in the lead with Art Schmitt pushing him hard, followed by a pack that included Dave Lofland who came all the way from New Jersey. Lee Wuesthoff hung on tight to the lead through the 12 October 1987 It all came tog~ther for Lee Wuesthoff in the fast running Class 9 race, and Lee drove the Rabbit powered Chenowth Magnum to a well deserved class victory. Dusty Times
sheet metal. Flannery continued to lead Kincaid, but not by much. Hood, Hockers, Vandehey, Hanson and Gary Coburn were having their own close battle to the rear. Kincaid rolled out of the race on lap 4, Flannery extended his lead, and now Hood and Hockers were nose to tail having the best race in the bunch. They battled side by side all the way home. At the flag Jac.k Flannery took his second win of the day, Hood was merely one second ahead of Hockers in second, and the pair had more than a minute on John Chaney, Ford, who was followed by Dennis Ferdon and Steve Zelten. Immediately a mud bog pit was dug and water-ed. In the remaining daylight the spectators tried their hand at Brush Run racing. But, the more prudent watched from the balconies of the Barn, the social center of the complex, when~ the party. went on until the wee hours. · Sunday weather was overcast, but still dry, and the course was watered a bit too heavily in some spots, making the race cars instant blobs of mud on the'first lap. The midwestern associations · allow entries to "bump" into another class if their vehicle fits the description. This is why there were a number of Class 8 trucks in the opening Sunday race for Class 13. Class 13 was designed for home built specials, requiring a front engine, rear drive chassis, and the rest is open, giving rise to many odd looking rigs in this class. Of the 1 7 starters, 11 were bona fide Class 13s, the rest came from Class 8 and 6. Off the line Jack Flannery had his · Class 8 Ford out front, pursued by his cousin Joey Flannery in a 13 rig, and Joey stayed close to the halfway point. Tom Jensen was third, followed by Gary Heidtman, Lowell DeGreef and George Konitzer, all in 13 style racers. Midway Jack Flannery was still chased by cousin Joey, who now had Jensen in fairly Pennsylvanif!. racer Art Schmitt gave his Berrien a real workou/, and Art won the Unlimited Championship, and also placed-second in Class 19 and third in Class 1. Tom Schwartzburg stayed in the hunt to finish fourth in Class 91, and his wife Ruth won overall in the Ladies race in the same single seat Berrien. John Kaempf kept the leader in sight all the way in Class 6, and he covered all nine laps to finish a solid second in class. close in third. Fighting for fourth were Dave Hackers in his Class 8, and Konitzer, and [this was the best dice of the race. Jack Flannery claimed his third victory of the weekend in Class 13. Driving a Ford t~uck chassis with a Chevy engine, Joey Flannery was a close ~econd. Jim Bradley was third followed by Lowell DeGreef, land Dave Hackers, who ende<ll up a lap down from the lead~rs. · Wisconsin is Ford country, and Frank Hood drove his clean racer to a very good finish in Class 8, second at the flag .. It was a similar situation in Class 14, with more t~an half the field comprised of standard Class 4 machines. It was a r,vild start as Ken Kincaid, in the ex LeDuc Ford Class 14, swupg wide off the bank and took tHe lead from the homebuilt 14 of Brad Mihalko. Jack Flannery had his Class 4 Ford in thirtl, and Greg Gerlach and Ray Jianusz were running close. Ser eral were missing after four laRS, including Jack Flannery with\ too much mud in the radiator. Ml ihalko had taken the lead from Kincaid on lap 2, but they were stil very close. Gerlach was a distant third, followed j by Jack Heidtman, 14, and Herb Rosborough, Class 4. . Dave Hackers' Ford always looks ;,eshly painted and tidy, and Dave took a very close third, one second behind, in Class B. Dusty Times Halfway Mihalko was out with mechanical woes, I and Ken Kincaid won the race in the fancy October 1987 _) To1wing all the way from New Jersey, Dave Lofland fini~hed a keen third in the Class 9 race and also took third in the Unlimited Championship. Crandon's own Fay Statezny ran awa,y with the 14 car Class 6 battle in his tidy C~evrolet, then skipped his other rac'es to fill in as the finish line flagman. Jack Flannery's potent Class 8 Ford never missed a beat all weekend and Jack drove to victory in both Class 8 and Class 13, and had to fighi hard for both • I • . wms. • ' ' Ford in front of his hometown crowd. Greg Gerlach got second in lhis Jeep Honcho, and the winged Bronco ofJack Heidtman claimed third ahead of a similar machine driven by Mark Seidler. Herb Rosborough was fifth, the last~ CALIFORNIA PHONE ORDf:R HOUSE K & N FILTERS __: RAPID COOL TRI MIL-BUG PACK BILSTEIN -CENTERLINE -CIBIE ~ HEWLAND -PORSCHE TURBO C/V ,JI 1110•11•,061d"'R•••c•"'ca",~ \))I" BEARD SEA TS -PARKER PUMPER ' Parts & Accessories _ YOKOHAMA TIRES -SUPER TRAPP GEM GEARS -KYB SHOCKS -SWAY-A~ WAY TRANSAXLE PARTS - KC HILITES - McKENZIEAIR I FILTERS -WRIGHT PLACE -DURA BLUE · ULTRA BOOT - NEAL PRODUCTS CENTER LINE ·a0 ~ ~ ,EJ••■I ~Y•A•WAl".coo• . c1l:ID;:/llw,-RflCI.,(; IIIIHIIIS OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK Monday - Friday - 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Saiurday - 8:00 a.rn. - 1 :30 p.m. IPF ,BEFORE YOU BUY -TALK TO THE PROFESSIONAL! · 12945 SHERMAN WAY -NO. HOLLYWPQD, CA 91605 (818) 765-5827 • (818) 764-6438 Page 35
Joey Flannery flew high in his Class 13 creation all the way. and came in a tight second behind his cousin in the race. -Lowell DeGreef lost most of the front body panels on his Class 13, but the extra drag didn't hurt. and he was fourth in the race. -Ken Kincaid had his ups and downs in the Class 14 contest, but he led off the start, anfi when it counted. at the checkered flag driving his Ford based Special. · Jack Heidtman drove his Ford based Class 14 to a great third place in class, but was sidelined after a collision in the Championship run. ~ , ll ,~· r urn1 ing after 20 mmutes. The Budweiser Challenge for Class 1-1600 brought out 28 starters, including some 2-1600s running with an empty seat. This was another wild start with ten cars abreast and all over the banks on the first turn. Scott Tay !or came out of the dust in the lead with Jeff Probst, John Koran and the pack whipping along in formation. After three laps Taylor led Koran and Probst, and to the rear Dave VanDenElzen, Dale Borgemoen and Greg Smith were very tight. Jim Bradley lost some bodywork on his winged Class 13, but he stayed with the program to take third in the class. Mike Falk kept his single seat Class 13 clean and out of trouble in the race, and he finished a strong fifth in the 17 rig field. Greg Gerlach had just one race where luck rode with him at Crandon, and he drove his handsome Jeep to second place in Class 14. Mark Seidler has an extra long nose on his Class 14 rig, and he came in fourth in Class 14 and a fine sixth in the Heavy Metal Championship. ·· VanDenElzen werefightinghard for second. Behind them Borgemoen and Smith were also nose to tail., and these two close dices continued for the entire ten laps. Up front Scott Taylor held the two seater together and won Class 1-2-1600 going away. On the last lap Dave VanDenElzen passed John Koran for a well deserved second place, but Koran was close on his bumper. Dale Borgemoen and Greg Smith arrived nose to tail in fourth and fifth spots, followed by Chuck . Williams, Jeff St. Peter, Dave Walling and Steve Krieman. About half the entry in Class 1 were Class 9 cars, and 14 took the green flag. Jeff Probst, with an . 1800cc Rabbit in the tail of his Berrien, took off fast in the lead, trailed by Dan Boudoux, Mirage, Lee Wuesthoff, Art Schmitt, Dave Vandermissen, Sr., Scott Taylor, Todd Attig, Scott Schwalbe and Kevin Probst. It was a herd of heavy hitters. The front four held formation through the second lap, Taylor -was up to fifth, with Vandermis-sen, Attig, Kevin Probst and Schwalbe close. After four laps Jeff Probst had a good lead. All close enough to touch and fighting for second were Taylor, Schmitt, Boudoux and W uesthoff. A similar battle to the rear held Kevin Probst, Vandermissen, Attig and Schwalbe. Out front Jeff Probst was leading by a good margin midway, Scott Taylor was solid in second, followed by Schmitt, Boudoux, and Kevin Probst. On lap 8 Schmitt snagged a front flat, and Taylor moved in tight on Jeff Probst, while brother Kevin retired with lifter problems. At the flag Jeff Probst won Class 1 by about a foot over Scott Taylor. His tire gOne, Art Schmitt held on in third. Dave Vandermissen was fourth ahead of Todd Attig and Dan Boudoux, who was a lap down. The final points race was for · Class 10, with seven entries, and a hastily assembled Class 5, all the 5-l 600s doing another round for , the Sunday crowd. Class 10 was another Vandermissen show as Dave Jr. led Dave Sr. right from the green. Brian Adams was third, followed by Terry Severson, Scott Schwalbe, Steve MacCauley and Terry Stotzheim. The leaders stayed tight through three laps, and then Severson lost a wheel. After five laps Jr. still led Sr. by inches out front, Schwalbe was settled into third, followed by Brian Adams, and-that is the way they finished, all doing 11 laps. In Class 5 Ron Karlman took the immediate lead with Terry Wolfe and Phil Freimuth fighting · At mid point Probst faded back, Taylor increased his lead, and. John Koran and Dave Scott Taylor got it all together in the 1-1600 contest, and he led the field of 28 from flag to flag, with a tough fight to stay in the lead in his Pro Tech. Dave VanDen El:ten is coming on strong this season in his Berrien, andDave took a fine second in 1-1600 and in the Limited Championship race. Page 36 October 1987 Dusty Times ..
hard for second. Jim Rolefson · was next, followed by Tom Godsell and Gregory Arft. Midway Karlman had a big lead, but Wolfe and Freimuth were still nearly side by side, followed by Rolefson. On lap 9 Wolfe · dropped out with a cooked engine, · and Ron Karlman led . Phil Freimuth and Jirn Rolefson to the checkered flag. Traditionally the midwestern race · meets conclude with a no entry fee championship run, done in three categories. · At Crandon the sponsors purse was generous, and the action started with the Valvoline Limited World Championship, all 1600s except for one Class 11. This was a hectic run dciwn-the hill, and one buggy rolled a number of times and a few more were parked. Dave VanDenElzen led Dale Borgemoen on the first lap, followed by Kevin Probst, Johnny Koran, Greg Smith and . Chuck Williams .. In two laps Kevin Probst had closed on VanDenEizen, · Borgemoen was third with both Koran and Smith in his wake. Midway, after two more laps of close combat, Kevin Probst could not make the pass, Koran held third and Jeff St. Peter was fourth ahead of Williams, who was slowing. · On the eighth lap Kevin Probst made the pass and went on to win the race; with Dave VanDen-Elzen solid in second in another Berrien. The pair were well ahead of Jeff St. Peter in third, and Johnny Koran held fourth ahead of Greg Smith, Dale Borgemoen, Chuck Williams and Steve Tsarpalas. Next was the General Tire Heavy Metal World Champion-ship with 29 starters in assorted water pumper classes. Favorite-Jack Flannery stalled at the start, forcing Herb Roseborough to go around and get a late start himself. The early leader was Greg Gerlach, followed by Ken Kincaid, and this pair streaked away from the p·ack , Flannery was 22nd on the first of ten laps. Gerlach and Kincaid staged a ·close dice for three laps, then Kincaid made the pass. Ray Janusz and Jack Heidtman were in a tight fight for third, and by now Jack Flannery had his Class 4 Ford up to seventh in a remarkable drive through the traffic. Gerlach and Heidtman. collided near the Barn on course, leaving Gerlach sidelined with a missing rear tire and a flat front tire. Kincaid led, but now Jack Flannery was on his bumper, as Heidtman dropped back. The · dice went on for a couple of laps, then Kincaid half spun the Class Dale Borgemoen drove this zoomy looking racer to fourth in lass 1-1600, and Dale is currently leading the class on SODA points. Greg Smith stayed close all the way in Class 1-1600, but he finished fifth, about i1wo feet out of fourth place at the flag . Jeff Probst kept his Berrien out front from flag to flag, by me1re inches, in the very tight battle in Class 1, and Jeff took a well deserved victory after a very fast race. Scott Taylor had to come from behind in the Pro Tech in the Class 1 race, where he was second, and he was also second in the Unlimited Championship. I Jeff Probst, left, and-Scott Taylor rela x in victory lane after their close contest · After doing well in 1600 class last season, Todd Attig moved into Class 9 action in Class 1, that Probst won by less than a car length. I whPrA h R did well, and a/80 took fifth in Class 1. 14 in the sand pit, and Jack - · I• _ J · . · ~:~;~~\iC:i~h~~:}de!i~:~ THE 1987 OFF ROAD RACING HANDBOOK left front flat on the Class 4 Ford. Jack Flannery has won many events at Crandon, but this was his first Heavy Metal Champion-ship title in 17 years of trying, and he and his family were overjoyed in victory lane. Ken •'Kincaid held second, also with a flat, and · Herb Rosborough . worked up through the traffic for third; followed at length by Bill Schirm, DennisChencharick and Mark Seidler, all that ~ Packed with Racing Lore ~bout the Top Driverl? and Rid_ers, their Records, and a Brief History and Re.suits of Off Road Racing over the Years. . ONL V $5.00 PER COPY "OFF ROAD FEVER" A 14 minute action packed video for the new devotee or seasoned enthusiast! · · · "A ~;-1o~s~;Y~~;~s~~:t~E" 15 minutes of reliving thJ snows of Parker, the heat of Baja, the bone and car crunching of the Frorttier 500. The entire 1985 SCORE/HORA season! I $17 .50 (Specify 3/4", YHS or Beta) . Order Now While the Supply.Lasts HDRA Send Check or Money Order to: DUSiYTIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite 0 Agoura, CA 91301 S1CIIE INTERNATIONAi! Cham p ionship Off-R:,ad Racing The Vandermissen train in action. Dave Jr. led Dave Sr. in close quarters in both the Class 1 and Class 10 contests at Crandon, and they gave the crowd some exciting racing. HIGH DESERT RACING ASSOCIATION *DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED Dusty Times l Page 37 '-.
~completed the ten laps. The True Value Unlimited World Championship was for Classes 1, 2, 9 and 10, but most of these cars were broken. The field held just eleven cars, and Jeff Probst never made a lap. Scott Taylor took off in his usual swift style in the lead, and by the second_ lap he was well ahead of second running Art Schmitt, who was followed by Rod Attig, Lee Wuesthoff and the herd. After four laps Taylor had a ten second lead on Schmitt, who was alone in second. Wuesthoffwent out on lap 5 leaving the fight for third to Todd Attig and Dave Lofland, who were very close. From the Upper Peninsula cf Michigan, Dave Vandermissen Sr., left, poses after a hard battle with his son, right, and daughters, who ride in the swift two On lap 8 Art Schmitt closed in on Scott Taylor, and by the white flag .lap he was right up his tailpipe. With a quarter mile to tgo Taylor blew a head gasket, Schmitt went around to take the victory, another happy man. Taylor salvaged second in a cloud of smoke, Dave Lofland was now dose in third, and Doug Bils was a lap down in fourth, followed by Tom Schwartzburg. sealers. The Ladies race was next as the shadows began to lengthen. The rear engine class left first, with 15 on the line. Ruth Swartzburg got in command early in the race and led the bui;ich all the way to victory. Vicki Paulson was in contention all the way, but had her hands full later in the race. At the flag Ruth Swartz burg won the dash by six seconds over Jo Ann Karempelis, Vicki Paulson was third, followed by Donna Maniche and Deb Freimuth, who did all nine laps in her Class 11. Brian Adams had been doing well in Class 10 this season, and at the Brush Run he flew to a good fourth in Class 10 competition. There were eight girls driving in the Heavy Metal class, and Beth Heidtman took the · lead from the .start in a Class 13; Beth led all the way to victory. The heavily watered track was hard on the ladies in the big iron. Ann Mihalko, in a Class 8, pressed close most of the way, but dropped behind Ann Renzler to finish third at the flag. The grand finale at the Brush Run is the .Good Old Boys, any junker sedan one can find that· runs. Entry has escalated in recent years, and there were 240 of the GOBS this year, sp_lit into two heats. The first heat went off well, with steaming radiators and Driving a bona fide Class 1 machine, Doug Bils had troubles in the class race, but finished a fine fourth in the Unlimited Championship. broken cars littering the course. after one lap. Midway in the second heat a grass fire . from spilled gasoline put an early end MINIMUM EFFORT .......... : .............. . MAXIMUM EFFECT!!! CA3 -COMPETITION BRAKE WITH BALANCE BEAM MANUFACTURERS OF THE FINEST IN OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Page 38 Contact your local JAMAR dealer or write 42030-C Avenida Alvarado• Temecula, CA 93290 (714) 676-2066 to that race. No, we don't know who won, and we sure wouldn't want-to score that many slow moving cars. We do know that the GOBS, at a minimal entry fee, have more fun than anybody at the Brush Run, and half of them leave their cars on the course for the salvage man. . The participants got deaned up and went to the Barn for the Sunday evening awards. The race presents a host of trophies, some over five feet tall, and checks well down the ranks in each class. This is a most enjoyable three days of racing in an improbable locale way up . north in the Wisconsin woods. The paybacks are good, and the winners in many classes earn a cool, guaranteed $ 1000 in addition to the otherrrizes. One o these days the west coast racers will discover this super track amorig the trees and the super hospitality of the entire town of Crandon. They just . might tow out_ to Wisconsin to perform in front of a huge crowd and they might go home with some extra cash. Look for some exciting news about the Brush Run Series in 1988, already in the planning stages as the track · clean up started the day after the 1987 race. October 1987 Sugar Camp promoter Scott Schwalbe had mixed luck at Crandon, driving to a clean third place in Class 10, but having troubles elsewhere. Phil Freimuth had troubles in the 5-1600 race, but he came back strong on Sunday to post a very c/ose second in the Class '5 contest. The Good Old Boys bang their way off the start, and try to imagine over 100 cars on a less than two mile track. Some are already in heavy body contact. It is still the first lap in the GOBS race, and two pieces of heavy equipment are already in the middle of the track to pick up broken sedans as the others try to get through the traffic. Every event seems to have a mobile course hazard, and in Class 8 Mike Newljn shed body parts for laps, and dragged the flapping front bumper most of the distance. Dusty Times
· ------· Erwin Weber and Matthias Lemos: These· cars were fitted SEVENTH MARLBORO RALLY ARGENTINA Felts brought the VW Golf GTI with 1.6 liter gasoline engines. 16v into third overall and in Fuehrer had front suspension Lancia Wins the Championship, 1 · Gr~up A. Still on only his first .. trouble on the first day and season of front wheel drive overturned. But Lemos and M.ki a· . Wi th Rall rnl'l~ing, Weber drove consis- Fleck finished well, sixth and I 1as1on ins C y tent!ly and with far less problems seventh overalLTheir problems th~? Eriksson, although he had were limited to shock absorbers twb1 accidents eh route. On the . and punctures, while Lemos had Text & Photos. M rein Holmes first day he overturned and lost an accelerator cable jam as well. Lancia's win in Argentina gave them their . fifth World Rally Championship for makes, and success for them came earlier in the season than ever before. Only Miki Biasion out of the team's three regular drivers went to South America. He took over the lead from his Argentine teammate Jorge Recalde and held this to the end of the four day event. The Italian now heads his Finnish teammates Juha Kank-kunen and Markku Alen in the World Drivers' points series with four rounds still to run. Behind the o.ne-two results for the four wheel drive turbo-charged Deltas followed two official VW Golf GTis driven by Erwin Weber and Kenneth Eriksson, the latter surviving a rally fraught with many problems, but retaking the l.ead in FISA's two wheel drive challenge. The rally saw the return to World Championship comgetition of the Mazda team; having been fitted with a new, stronger, six speed gearbox, their single entry, driven by lngvar Carlsson, retired following problems with broken drive-shafts. The two Lancias led all the way. Carlsson put up a series of third best times at the start of the event, gradually learning how to operate the new gearbox that he had not tested before. Then came the broken driveshaft, and more problems later put the Mazda QUt of the rally. Disillusionment was not restricted to Mazda. Volkswagen · were upset enough in New Zealand when a new type driveshaft failed on the second stage after it was fitted. So, imagine their feelings when · Kenneth Eriksson broke another just six kilometers into the first stage in Argentina! VW entered two cars this time, and while Eriksson was having troubles, Erwin Weber had a relatively untroubled event and rose to third, after ,Carlsson 's demise, where he stayed all the event. With Eriksson reaching the frnish of a rally for the second Miki Biasion and Tiziano Sivier;o were in command for Lancia most of the distance, and the win boosted Biasion into the lead for the World Driver's Championship as well. · J . his !windscreen; on the third day 'Lemos was persuaded by the consecutive time, Vj? attempt he I collided with a Pirelli German VW management to on the FlSA two wheel drive supervision vehicle on the open help Eriksson by staging a challenge is fin ally ~oing right. roatl. On the final day he suffered phantom puncture at a control This, however, has b1een helped sorr\e ovPrheating troubles. on the last day, thus letting the by Renault's absence from the I<ienneth Eriksson and Peter Swede run through the stage a world scene. With su1ch a strong Diekmann barely got the VW dust free four minutes after the Renault competition presence in Golif GTI 16V off the iine, when previous car. _ Argentina, it was amazing that the tiriveshaft broke, so Eriksson Jorge Bescham, the current France's Jean Ragnotti was not and Diekmann · took turns 1600cc national champion, and· taking part. . pusring the car to the end of the Jose Garcia made the first World In addition to many local stage, the breakage happening Champion~hip appearance of a Renaults, there were other South just! six kilomet~rs into the stage. Fiat Regatta 85. This 1500cc, American produced!, •cars in '.This put them down to 55th 138 hp car was eighth on the attendance. From Brbl came a position, with more problems to second day, then .delayed on the team of three VW j Gols (not -co~e. On one stage Eriksson lost third day with a double pum:rure Golfs) which finishe8 steadily -three minutes being balked by and a nine minute road penalty and beat the Fiat Rt~atta (not ano~her car, althoug9 by the end_ taken while changing a clutch. Regata) w.hich tjad been of tpe second secti_on he was up However they ,climbed back to homologated the mo~1th before.' torynth. On the third day the_car finish eighth. , . There were no cars entered in misfired after a water crossing, Ernesto Soto, the Argentine Group N, and apa t from a and I t_he driver hit a ban~, national rally champion in 1984, visiting Citroen, all t e Group B knor king off~ rear wheel. This was consistently the best cars were Fiat 128s or 147s. damaged the d1fferent1al, and the Argentine entered driver. He and Miki Biasion and Tiziano then newly fitted transmission . co-driver Martin Christie were Siviero won the rallyl by over a would only work in third and going well in the Renault 18GTX minute in the Lancia Delta HF · foutth gears, which in t~rn in fourth place until he rolled on. 4WD. They took the lead on the da"1aged the _clutch. The ttme · stage 19. This cost less than two , fourth stage and helH it to the ta~9n to rect~fy that, coupled minutes, but_ as they continued finish. Biasion's m:ain problem w1tHil an electncal problem cost down the . stage the engine was suffering a stiff g~r linkage 12 ' minutes delay at a time overheated. Fortunately they on the first stage of the third control. Amazingly, the team were able to find a friendly section. This was his nhird world finil hed fourth overall. spectator who lent them a Championship vicltb ry, his I~ ~ifth overall was the radiator_ and a water pump, but second in \s uccesls ion in Argentme team of Gabnele Rates this put them down to fourteenth Argentina and the fi1st time he and I Raul Campana in a Renault place. In the few remaining stages was . not taking bei efit from 18GTX. Raies, the current before the end they rose.to ninth LanC1a team orders. Argentine national champion, overall. Argentine drivt:rs Jorge wasiunabletomatchthespeedof OfthenotedDNFs,lngvarand Recalde and Jorge Ipel Buono Ernesto Soto on the stages, but Per Carlsson were going well in took second in a similar Lancia. he was the only leading .18GTX thi,rd place when a rear driveshafr Local fans hoped Redalde could driv1er not to crash during the on the 4 WO Mazda 323 snapped win, as no Argentine! driver has event. His car was locally . as they started stage 9, and for an ever won a World f hampion- prewared, and his problems in unexplained reason this brought ship rally. Although he led on the the !rally included punctures, a the car to a virtual standstill. first three stages, Redalde could broken lim_ited slip differential, Carlsson lost nearly an hour on not maintain the pacb, spinning and! engi_ne problems that twice- that stage, then the other rear on stages 3 and 4, I and then cau~ed htm to run out of fuel. On driveshafr broke on stage 10 and suffering two costly punctures. the final day he stopped in a ford, he retired. Last year Jose Celsi Recalde caught up t0 almost a and: this helped Eriksson finished eighth on this event and half minute behind Bi~sion when overtake him into fourth place. was the Chilean champion. He the Italian had ge~r linkage Three VW Gols came from was the highest seeded South problems, but was hever in a Bradil and were driven by Edio American entry in the Subaru position to beat hi m. I Fuchter, Jorge Fleck and Paulo R:X Turbo, with Elvio Olave co-'---------:::.-{l;,;_!;._'!._:.=_~E-:-:;--------''-c:-::-c"'---------:--driving. After some tire woes, they were doing well, but a turbocharger failure put the Subaru out on the second day. Kenneth Eriksson pushes his VW Golf G Tl after breaking a drive shaft on the very first stage. He and !co-driver Peter Diekmann alternated pushing; and ended up in fourth overall. I Of the 64 starters in the rall y, onl y 23 finished the over 2000 km route that held 26 stages. While Lancia has run away with the 1987 makes title, theDrivers. title is still up for grabs, as only the best seven scores count. Biasion has 74 points (6 scores), Juha Kankkunen is at 72 (5 scores) and Markku Alen has 60 points (4 scores). Kenneth Eriksson leads Jean Ragnotti by nine points in the two wheel drive challange. Catching a little air for-the cameras, Jorge Bescham and Jose Garcia drove the Fiat Regatta 85 1.5 liter into a fine eighth overall. Even the marshalls displayed Renaul\ signs in Argentina, )and here Ernesto Soto/Martin Christie get a time in the Renault 18GTX. I . lngvar and Per Carlsson started out in third in the debut of the evolution Mazda 323 4WD, but eventually went out with trans-mission trouble. Dusty -Times October 1987 I Page'-39 9 " .}
Dwight's~Dirtrix, A Dust Devil at 10th Annual A.D.R.A. By Daryl Drake , Buggy Bash Photos: 3-D Photography Dwight Lundell ran consistent laps •to lead Pro Class 10 throughout the race, and he also grabbed first overall in his red, white and blue Dirtrix, the victory a long time coming. · For the· tenth anniversary of Arizona's first mountain-forest off road race ( held back in 1977 ), the Arizona Desert Racing Association returned once more to the \pine and juniper near Aripine, Arizona for -the "Snowflake Buggy Bash,:' And the "Local Boy Returns to Conquer" story saw Dwight Lundell, who grew up in nearby Springerville, take the overall and Pro Class 10 honors. This year's event had a two day format and distances were longer than in the past. Pro classes would run eight laps over the 30 mile loop for 240 miles Sunday morning, the Sportsman fiv~ laps for 150 that afternoon. And the Begiriners got a once-in-a-season (maybe!) chance to hit the course first, running three laps for 90 miles on Saturday afternoon. From its inception, the Buggy Bash seems to have .had its fits and starts but has kept growing - and this year's event drew 108 entries to vie for over $45,000 available in total purse, prizes and continge*cies. The race course was very similar to last year's (due I to land use restrictions) with one big difference: A.D.R.A. prez Phil Auernheimer ran it backwards - and snuck in a few surprises as well. The junipers here seem to ·~ rJl~(i] CA WHERE DO YOU RIDE YOUR TOY? Your favorite riding area may soon be closed if the Wilderness Bill.is passed! INVEST IN THE FUTURE OF OFF ROADING ... BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE. JOIN CORVA-:-:, li=aoo-237-5436! CORVA. The California Off Road Vehicle Association Inc., is a non-profit corporation dedicated to preserving the land use rights for off road enthusiasts, and companies in California and the rest of the country. To Join: $20.00. Call Toll Free 800-237-5436 to charge on Visa and Mastercard or request a membe.,rship application. 111!1"'!1-• 1601 10th St Page 40 jump a lot taster than the pines in Flagstaff! As always, A.D.R.A. allowed no pre-running, but did have its usual "jetting loop." About two- · and-a-half miles long, with a fun jump, straightaways and various turns, this loop lets·racers tune their machines for the 6000-feet-plus altitude and gives sponsors, crew members and hangers-on a chance to experience an off road ride. Perhaps some variation of this could help alleviate problems of a no pre-run future for SCORE/ HORA. I sure get a kick out of riding the jetting loop - it's full race speed (well, al-most) and no more than a mile's walk if the worst happens. Conditions were dusty this year despite a brief thunder-shower during the Beginner race. At least the mud baths of the two previous years never material-ized. Despite the dust, or perhaps because of it, there was ·lots of clean racing, and most of the hot laps were the first or second in all three divisions. · Saturday's action got under-way at noon when 18 Beginners hit the trail. In the Unlimited class, with 12 entries, lap one saw Dave Kuhn out front with a time of 40:05 and a 41 second lead on Bill Krug. Then . came Gene Barkdoll, Steve Calvelage and Tom Murray, all close. Krug moved into the lead by seven seconds as he and Kuhn both clocked sub-40-minute second laps. Barkdoll stayed in third. Murray moved into fourth and Paula Jones took over fifth . Krug continued to lead until a mile before Check 4, the last check before the finish line. "l took my eyes off the road for a split second and one of the trees Octobcr1987 John Kelley was second overall, and in Pro 10 class in the Eastside Cycle Chenowth two seater. That is dust, not fog, in the background. got me," Bill related later: "We slid into it, and ended up on top of it, breaking our torsion housing. Also ·knocked the coil wire off, and by the time we found it and got going we were ·third and had to cruise in. I'd like to · thank the Beards and Regal Homes." Kuhn then saw the lead, sailing in the · overall and Unlimited winner with a time of2:00.24 to average 44.85 mph in.the Bandit Racing/Glenn Hennessey-backed Sandhawk. "Pretty smooth and fast. Never passed or got passed," said Kuhn. "We saw· the guy ahead's dust about five minutes out but we never could catch him. I figured he was still ahead ofus. Twenty miles out on the third lap we were still chasing his dust. This was my first race and this has been my play car for five years. It was great and a lot of fun." Next in just over seven minutes back was Barkdoll, who runs a Winston Cup racing team. He was pumped. "I wanted to try th'is off road because I just ... well, it's so g.d. exciting and so much· fun! · "I think it's something a lot of people can get into, it's not ,real costly ... and I've never had more fun in 90 miles in my life! And at my very. first off road race! Where are the bandages?" (He's still learning the "off road grip" ... ) · Tom Murray ended up third 31 seconds later ahead of Krug and Calvelage, who'd come back from eighth. All but one car in class finis~ed, and all in a span of 26 minutes. In 1600 Limited competition, six racers started aF\0 five finished. John Miles led Merilyn Brown, Mike Huckeba, Mike Viola and Scott McKay around the first two laps with Huckeba closing in on Brown. Miles ran progressively faster but Huckeba charged the last lap and grabbed the win with a time .of 2:13.25, good for fifth O/ A and a 40.47 mph average in the Preferred Foam Systems Sandhawk. "I like this course!" declared Huckeba. Brown also beat Miles by the clock, with a seven-second advantage. "It's my great little car," laughed Merilyn. "Ten finishes out of 10 starts!" Her ~n Scott co-drove, comment-ing, "She only scares me when she goes off the track-:-no, she's an excellent driver - it really surprises me." \The Beginners all really liked the fresh course -but also Dan Foddrill looked like he had the overall win for most of the race, but he had to settle for third overall, but he did win the Pro Class 1 honors. Rick Geiser built the Pro 10 and Pro 5 winning engines, then pulled an all nighter to get Jim Henry's car together, and Rick drove it in fourth overall and third in Pro 10. Dusty Times
Flying over the high desert of eastern Arizona, John Gardner had a good race,· and he won Pro Class 2 in his Chaparral and took fifth overall. · Riqhard and Oaleen Mann finished and won their first race together, taking the Pro 8 honors-in the Chevrolet, and placing eighth overall. found the trail harder to find since it wasn't the ruts they're used to! The two who DNF'd broke early on. Sunday morning dawned bright and clear for the 7:30 Pro line up.· Forty-seven cars were entered (nine down from Flagstaff) - a great turnout with the Craig race just six days away. The drivers' meeting at 8 a.m. clued the racers in on the course and announced that due to the low lap times expected and the large field, start times would be 30 seconds apart rather than the usual minute. All classes would go the full distance with an eight hour time limit. Starting at 8:30 the Pros left in this order: 1, 10,5,2,8,5-1600, 1-2 1600 and Challenger. Class 1 yielded five starters, but Danny Foddrill had no trouble building up a good lead with his first off starting position. He would hold the overall lead as well until the start of the seventh lap. Al Bright in Doc Ingram's Chaparral was 1 :07 back at the end of lap one. Tom Wood was third another · , 2:02 back, and Steve McCann in his first Pro race was fourth, seven seconds behind Wood. And eating a lot of dust was Ron Gardner - the California Ron Gardner - in his V-4 Chevy. Ron's prep man, who shall remain nameless, apparent-ly forgot to put the pumper system in, and Gardner was forced to use borrowed motorcycle goggles at what was probably the dustiest Buggy Bash on record. · · -Bright fell back on the second lap suffering fuel delivery problems while the rest picked up speed. Foddrill set hot lap of the event, a 34:27, on his second lap. McCann was now tied on time with Wood for second, and Gardner was 36 seconds back. Wood lost his engine on lap three and went out. Gardner got some clear air and moved up to second, eight mi_nutes behind Foddrill. Foddrill had started catching Challengers on lap three, and· the whole class was now in traffic. Positions remained about unchanged -except for McCann regaining second on ·the fifth lap while Gardner pitted for a new set of goggles. Next lap though Gardner moved out two minutes ahead of McCann. Power steering woes cost Foddrill seven minutes in the pits on lap seven, and he fell to tnird 0/ A and second on the road right behind Dwight Lundell. "The power-steering troubles Overcoming adversity, a loose front end, brought Larry Dimmett and Dave Anderson into the Pro Challenger winner's circle in the high flying T-Mag. Dusty Times Lundell was 28 seconds ahead of Ed Beard after one lap. Jeff Sanders was just two seconds . ,back, Rick Geiser was fourth 25 seconds later, and GregOswskey was fifth, another 21. seconds · back. · Lap two saw John Kelly power his way into a close fourth and Geiser fell to fifth. Beard had to. park aft~r the next lap with engine trouble, and Kelly took over second for the duration. Pete Sohren kept his Baja Bug toget/wr in the 7igh country.and he smoked Pro Class 5 again, and finish1bd seventh overall inlhis Dirtrix. Sanders and Geiser traded third and fourth until near the end of the last lap. With a 1:30 advantage, Sanders' throtde cable broke and he fell to fifth behind Oswskey. Dwight Lundell had already finished to claim the Overall and Class 10 wins with a time of 4:45.31 to average 50.43 mph in the DirTrix/ ·BFGoodrich/ Complete Performance DirTrix Rabbit. "Everything went fine," said Lundell. "This is as rough-and-rugged and as dirty a race as there is, and I just want to thank DirTrix, Complete Performance and BFG. We had a good victory. "Good track, all kinds of terrain, and I obviously had a great time!" Asked about a radio report that he'd passed in a no-passing zone, Lundell replied emphatically, "l did not pass in a no-passing zone!" (A five-minute penalty was ultimately as.sessed -but it did not cost him the win.) Charging past tlie sticky Juniper trees, Jim Borel had no troubles taking the Pro 1-2-1600 victory in the Raceco sporting a/new flame paint job. took the overall away. Dwight was doing real well, and I knew he'd be hard to get around," said Foddrill, first across j the finish . line, "but he got caught behind Cook for a moment. I got both of 'em. We'll see what the clock says .. .l'd like to thank Jerry Finney -and . extend the challenge this time! to Bob Gordon and family to come race with us." Foddrill 's class winning time was 4:52.19 for a 49.26 mph average in the Trick/Yoko-hama/ KC HiLites/ Fox/ Fly-N-Hi/Mid-Valley Transmissions-backed Palmer's car and a third O / A finish. Gardner would finish just shy of 10 minutes later to claim second. "I found out Saturday night that the pumper was out. That sure threw me fdr a loop," he said. "I had fun but[I wished I could see! Fun course, well run, low key. We got right down to racing. I didn't know what to expect, andmy eyes hurt, but I'll . do it again. Thanks[ to Ron Trainer and R.E.F. UJnlimited. We had a good time!"I . McCann rolled in eight minutes behind Gard tier. "Fast - . I .. - superfast! I was tapped out in spots and looking for fifth gear. This was my first Pro race and first 250-miler ... a real blast!" said McCann. Bright and.Ingram werelplagued with problems but still finished, exactly 90 minutes behind Foddrill. With 11 starters, Pro 10 was the division's largest class. Kelly was in 6: 18 later for second in class and 0 / A. "No problems at all .:_ great time -just lots of dust." Geiser was third, fourth 0/ A, two minutes later and nine minutes ahead of Oswskey. Sanders got going to take fifth, 25 minutes later . . David Ludtke, who ran an extra lap~ Jim and Gail Allison earned their second consecutive Sportsman overall victory, and also won Class 10 with a hard charge in their Hi Ju_mper. prep for all classes, including Candy Canes We do our own machining in our own shop. Pickup and delivery available. ~ OFF-ROAD RACING TEAM ~rec2 0l~ad ~mp~c;;;; 678 Unit C, San Bernardino Road, Covina, CA 91723 (818) 915-3847 • (818) 915-3848 October 1987 Page 41
·/ ->..: ''.~ \ =. ~. ,, "' ..... . .. { ···-:-.. T.U.F. Off Road's Donny Weiser broke a rear trailing arm along the way. but he went for a finish after-repairs and won Pro Class 5-1600. Art Roper was 1st in Sports/nan 5-1600, but due to lack of entry he was scored with the 1600 Limited cars, where he was 3rd in class. Bill Krug looked like the Beginner overall winner, leading on the second_ lap, but a last lap tree episode dropped him down the ranks,{ but he did finish. Texan Rick Vasquez got good altitude in his single seater, and he went on to win Sportsman Ciass 1 by just three seconds after a last lap flat. ~ when a flagman mistakenly waved him on, was sixth ahead of Greg Diehl, who, first-time-out in the 10 car, blew a CV joint 100 yards off the start. Stan Calvelage filled out the day's finishers. It was the Pete Sohren Show again in Class 5, despite the ..., return of Doug "The Cat" Sylvester and four other competitors. Sohren was 35 seconds ahead of Mike Longley on lap one. Sylvester was another minute back ahead of Bruce Wittig_ and Pete Wekel). Pete Dunshie was parked with no motor. Longley ·broke an axle on lap three and Sylvester took over second 'til the end. W ekell and Wittig fell victim to spindle troubles on lap five,•and Longley finished seven laps before retiring. Sohren turned in a 4:58.38 for the win and seventh 0 / A averaging 48.22 mph in the Sohren Ceramic Tile/Yoko-hama/ Complete Performance/ Bilstein DirTrix DT-5 converti-ble. "Real smooth -no troubles," beamed Sohren. "Fun having more competition. Fast course - superfast. Thanks to all my sponsors and especially to Craig Parks my engine builder. And thanks to my honey for letting me race. I ran some new Yokohama radials. They seem to be the hot ticket." · Sylvester was 6:4 7 back for second. "I just lacked horse-power. It was too fast for this sled," laughed Doug. "We just washed it and knocked the cobwebs off. Had fun." Pro 2 , with 10 entries, was next off. Steve Godfrey led John Gardner on the first two laps, and was ahead only a slim three seconds after two. Frank Thomas was third 4 7 seconds back, and Gray Hendricks was fourth in his first Pro race, two seconds later. Dick Patterson ran fifth, and all but Gary Anderson were running. Godfrey• increased his lel\d on three, but Gardner got around for good on the next lap. Hendricks was now a close third ahead of Thomas. Gardner went on to win with a time of 4:57.41 for fifth 0 / A and a 48.37 mph average in the C&G _Contracting/Gardner Refrigeration/Siei:..ra lnterna-tional/Van 's Trading Co. Chaparral Tandem. "My throttle stuck wide open on the last lap. COLLECTOR'S SPECIAL A Full Set ., 12 Issues ., of the First Volume of DUSTY TIMES unmarked by mailing labels Early birds will receive the bonus of the Preview issue -Sept.· 1983. NOW AVAILABLE-AFullSet-12 Issues-Volume2&3 GET YOUR FULL SET WHILE THE SUPPLY· LASTS Send just $10.50 for one set or $20.00 for 2 sets o r $30 .00 for all 3 sets, check or mo ney order to: DUSTY TIMES 5331 Derry Ave., Suite O • Agoura, CA 91301 SHIPPED PRE-PAID VIA U.P.S. Page 41 mph average and a 26th 0 / A finish in the Dimmett Const./ Neice Const./Raley's Big 0 Tires/Black's Dynamic Engines/ Tucson Oil/ Anderson Trans-mission T-Mag. Dave Anderson, who drove the last laps in Dirnmett's car said, "Lots of little problems, front end coming loose, but we made it." Dimmett · said, "Well, my first three laps felt great!" Thirty-two Pro racers finished out of the 47 starters. Grabbing his first off road rac_e victory, Keith Alger kept his Sportsman Class 2 Brandwood out front all day, finishing fourth overall as well. Sportsman entries were up from July with 43 starters taking the green flag for 150 miles at 2:30 p.m. in this class order: 1, 10, 2, Challenger, 1600 Ltd., 5-1600. Four racers in Sportsman 1 hit the trail, and Gil Feldman putthe Ninja-powered Harden Mini-Rail into attack mode to take the lead with a six-second jump on Stuart Calvelage. Rick Vasquez was third ahead of Robert Gayton after stopping to right Gayton, who had flipped on his side. Vasquez roared into the lead on lap two with a 2:29 margin on Calvelage, now running with no rear brakes. Gayton fell further back with a flat, and Feldman was not seen again. Took on three different riders. Had a blast," said Gardner. Hendricks was second 44 seconds back. "Fast, tons of dust, but everyone raced real polite," said Hendricks. "I love my new car, and we ran as fast as we thought we would for the first time." Godfrey was third, ahead ~f Jerry Foley, Bill Cook, Gary ("I Wish Those Crybaby Class 8 Guys Would Let Me Run My Ranger With Them") Dircks, Thomas and Jerry Everett. Class 8 fiekfecl five entries, and Frank Turben led lap one until just shy of the pits when a tire blew. Greg Holman, Richard · Mann, and Larry ("I'm Saving My Class 1 Car For Craig") Noel got past him. Nels Tomlinson was fifth, two minutes behind Turben. Mann took over the lead on lap two as Noel moved into second and Holman fell to third. Lap three saw Holman regain second only to fall 56 seconds back behind Noel on four. Noel's last lap was long, Holman had rolled on his side, and Turben finished second, 18:43 behind Mann. · Richard Mann took his wife Daleen as co-driver for his last two laps, and so they had their first race and win together, running the distance in 4:59.37 for eighth 0 / A in the BFGoodrich/ Air Comm/ How-ard Racing Chevrolet. Newly married, they were unavailable for comments after the race. Noel had this to say about the trucks: "Twice the weight with half the travel! I had to hold myself back. All in all a fun day, but I'm ready to get back in· the Class 1 car." · Three 5-1600's turned out. Pete Gannon held the lead for the first two laps with a 1 :25 edge on Don Weiser. Mike Gomez was third. But Gannon wadded up his ride on the next lap, and Weiser sailed in the winner after Gomez fell hours off the pace. Weiser did break a rear trailing arm on lap seven but was able to repair it and finished 31st 0 / A at 6:45.53 with a 35.48 mph October 1987 average in the T .U.F. Off Road/ Rick's Fibercraft sedan. "I've been ·concentrating on finishing this year," said Weiser. "Thanks to my crew and Fox Shox we kept the rear end together. Long race." Only two cars ran in 1-2 1600 again, and Jim Borel beat Chuck Kieffner by almost 18 minutes, turning in a 5:31.22 to average 43.66 mph and finish 23rd 0 / A in the as-yet-unsponsored Raceco. "We had a real good race. No problems, thanks to Terry Palmer's prep and his crew's help," said Borel. Five Challengers were the last to leave in the Pro race. John Imbriale led ihe first two laps with a 1 :24 advantage over Larry Dimmett and Keith Randel, tied on time. Then came Donovan Morrow and Vic Evans. At the end of lap three, it was Imbriale, Dimmett, Evans, and Morrow with Randel out. Lap four saw Evans move into the lead ahead of Morrow, Dimmett and Imbriale as the equal match racers fought on. Evans held the lead until the seventh lap when a rear brake drum spun on the axle and ended his race. Morrow had been second and briefly held the lead, but Dimmett was in first at the beginning of the final lap, with Imbriale a distant third with unknown woes. _ Larry Dimmett went on to win with a time of 5:53.14, a 40.77 Calvelage often ran ahead on the road and closer on time as the race wore on but came up three seconds short of beating Vasquez at the finish. "It was pretty good except for no brakes," said · Calvelage as we waited for the printout. ~•It's going to be close." When the scoring was posted, Vasquez said, "Whoopee! I hit a cattle guard my first lap then helped Robert., Once I got by Calvelage it was clear sailing until the last lap when I came upon two guys who wouldn't let me by, so I got off to pass and hit that cattle guard again, blowing the rear tire and breaking the caliper. "That was slowing me down and Calvelage passed me, and I just tried to keep in sight of his dust. Good race!" His Total Tan of El Paso/ Ikard Newsom Propane/ Tunies VW Service/MSD Raceco finished at seventh 0 / A with a time of 3: 11.lJ and a Jim Covey streaked to the Sportsman 1600 Limited win in his Sand hawk, and he finished 12th overall as well, leading wire to wire. Dusty Tlma
11 Californian Ron Gardner showed up sans pumper helmet, ate a lot of dust, but had fun and finished second in Pro 1 in his 'chenowth. Lairy Noel gave truck.,acing a go i~ dary Dircks' pre-runner, and Gary Dircks wanted to race his Pro 7 in Pro 8, but couldn't, so he heendedup3rdinPro[J. "Thesethingscoulqbeatybuiodeath!" erided up sixth in Class 1 with a time that would have put him · 1 , ·-· fourth in fro 8. · -· 47 .07 mph average. Sportsman 10 with 12 entries was the biggest on~e again. Last year's Winner Steve B_aker led lap one by 40 seconds over Tom Higgins, with Glenn Hennes~_y third, BrJJce Mills fourth andJim Allison· fifth. Everyone headed out for their second lap. -· · Hennessey -now moved. into first by · five seconds over Ron Fields. Allison had moved. into · . . third,-Mills stayed _in fourth arid _Steve McArthur was·· fifth. Hennessey. increased his lead to l: 19 on lap three, but Allison was now• in second ahead of-Fields, Mills and McArthur. Lap - four saw Fields now leading .by · 20 seconds'over Hennessey, with Allison backin third, McArthur fourth, and Baker fifth. But at the finish line it was Al!ison for his second consecu-tive class win with another first Overall and a time of 3:08.40 to average 4 7 .70 mph in the Allison Aut'omotive/ Trick ·Hr Jumper. "Dusty· and very very fast but a whole lot of furi. I think I. knocked·.a couple of cords of wood off one tree," joked Jim.· Co-driver I spouse Gail had these comments: "Rain would've helped. I got scared a lot a couple of times out there. But Mr. A\lison brought it home. I liked · ~lagstaff better." . Fields finished 4 3 seconds back for second in class and 0 / A just three seconds _ahead of Hennessey. McArthur was fourth 51 seconds later, and Tom Higgins fifth, eight niinutes off - t_he pace. Mills, Ron Howard and . ~u~y Leon fiHed out the class - finishers. · Eleven racers made it to the line in Sportsman 2, but Keith Alger, always in the points but never before. in the winners' circle, had it all go his way as _he led wire-to-wire, finishing fourth 0/ A for his first win ever and • . first finish at Snowflake. But he didn't run away with it. Se_cond · throughout and as dose as . 18 seconds behind was Ron Brown. Alger's 3:'10.01 in the Mary · Alger-sponsored Brand wood put ·him.in 37 seconds. ahead of L~vf Bear_d came from -behind to win the Sportsman Challe'lger class in . Q.ave Kuhn led.the first lap and at the flag in his five yearoldplay buggy, and he Merilyn Br~wn's _Ch.all_enger car, _and ~e was 1;6th overall. at trye 1lag. . - · · . worir the Beginner Overall and Unlimited titlf]s. -- ·. B~own ana gave him a 4 7 .36 mph and 1t sure 1s a competitive ied [ throughout _·to beat Mike their helptn making this· o~e of average. . · . . .. . clas~.' \ ._ · j ·._ . Woods by 25 mmutes and turn the . best, Som~ of the mqst Doug Boe Iman wa_s third after Six _ started Sportsman 1600 in i time of 4:03 .41 to average outstandin_g racing . in years lap one, then Paul Nolte got Limited and three fi~ished: Jim 36,93 mph in the T.U.F: Off mark~d t~IS Bug~ Ba~~-.An?, ahead on lap two to finish· third Covey led wire-td~wfre and Rodd/Ron Brenton/ Amsoil/ even Jet fighter pilots trammg m two minutes behind.Brown-and finished 12th 0 / A fn the Ropers Welding VW sedan. the area made some 300:foot two minutes ahead of B~lman. Pre.fer red Foam l Syst~IT!s: - Since there is a three-cars-to- passes to check out the acnon. Tenth after _lap one, Carl Sharp Sandhawk. ''Dusty ~- fun :-- make-a-class minimum in the · 'Why.don't you (yes you, Bob moved Up to finish fifth ahead of flying - go for it!" . exclaimed Spc,r,tsina,n division, they'll be Gord~n) check~~nhe action~~ Peggy Jacobs,-the last fini~her in C~vey. i'Had.~ little excitement scoraed with the 1600 Ltds. and ·the! 1th Annual Penasco 150, class. . · -. · with a few cows on the course, -be !placed . at · third anq fifth · October 1 ~th in Pu~~to Penas~?• -· A big eight Challengers lined_ but ho _troubles." B~n Pierpont . respectively. Twenty-six racers Sonora. Its fun, its fast, Its up to do battl_e in the Sportsman was second th,;oughout, finishing took the ·checkered out of the 4 3 sandy and a great tune-up run for division, and seven finished lap 18: 16 . back, but 20 ·minutes Sportsman starters. . . Baja. Cai:nP on the beach, en~o;y one: In the lead was Mike ahead of Ronald Colucci. A.D.R.A. would like to thank _ fresh shnmp, and remember: It_ s Kuretich,sevense~ondsaheadof Just two 5-1600'slran in t~e Ap~cbe-:.S.itgreaves Natiynal ·;ust t:,vo~and-a-half hours -from jphn Lee and Ron Dalke, tied on · Sportsman race, and Art Roper . Forest •pers9tmel o~~e ,agam for . beauttful downtown Yuma. . time. Two and a half minutes · · 1 - • ~~~ru~e~~ea~t-~}J~r~hi~ky~ a· ·c1, 1-_t·As'.-s: W-INS PER, ~e moved mto the lead aft~r two ... _ I _L . · -~~reti~h.lb:fk~n~as~h~~~?t~~- ·RAC'IE WI-TH PACE . minutes back ahead of Beard and · DarylKnupp. - . I . IFM 2 ·w'A'YS Lee held the lead until 'the last - - K lap when, troubles slowed him, and Beard took the win with a 16th 0 / A finish and a time of _3:J6.53 for a 41.50 mph average . in the Beard's Superseats/ Xoko-hama/Stroller Engineering Beard's . Challenger, · . Lee was second, 3:22 back. Shirley took third, and Kuretich was fourth;.-three-wheeling across. the finish line. ·· "Definitely different from a 1 or 10 cir," laughed Levi Beard. "Lots · of fun -but' ·not much power: Hardest part waspassihg, · -· · 725' ·Landrn,ster \ \ \ - . I -OVER.400 ON THE COURSE . • · Handhelds . • Rentals · · • Antennas _ • -Intercoms ·.. . -. ~ ~Imel Wired $125 (cf) ·• Amplifiers .. • Official Radio of: HDRA -SNORE• I - - -· • Weatherman Radio Relay Team • . • Emergency Rescue Service • ) - I - - - . -I _ . . , . . . 2888 Grundry Ave. · ---Signal Hill, CA 90806 Mike H_u~keba made a las~ lap charge in his San-dhawk to win the Beginner 1600 Limited trophy, and fm1sh fifth overall in the race. ' . RACE· RADIOS .- . . I . -' (213) 427-8177 PustyTimcs October 198l Pagc43
,The new model seats ha_ve infinite adjustment for any size bo,d, and the upholsterybreathe§ well, comfortable in wafm-or cold. weather. Th~ dash provides full instrumentation, the full range of ventila-tion controls, in fact.all the luxury stuff required of a town car4x4. The standard engine is the four cylinder -2.3 liter old. fait6ful,_' · great dn fuel economy-in all situations, and the new,six cylin_der is coming soon. · ISUZU TROOPER_ II . ·· .. ·it's Come a·Long·Wayfrom the··· Asian Army Vchicl·c · . . , ·. . _.-Text & Photos: jean Calvin Early in the year Isuzu . in-troduced their newest version of-the Trooper II, complete with a bigger, six cylinder engine and a lot more-h:1xury items. The press trail ride was somewhat limited _because of 4nexpected snow on the mountain route. And, the six cylinder ·engine was not due on the showroom floors until later · in autumn of 1987. In order to spend more time with the new model T r(i>0per, . we borrowed one . last summer to expl9re all the new goodies on the dressed up utility rig. While the Trooper lI looks similar i:o its predecessors from the outside, the inside has all the . high trim · stuff ,a_nd full instrumentation that the American market demands. For example, the carpeting is wall to · '~ wall, the seats and side panels on the four door ate covered with a keen, dust resistent fabric that · breathes well in hot weather. The driver's seat is equipped with a pump device, so one can adjust the comfort, height, and go in all sorts of directions, a setting to suit each individua_l physique .. ·Instrumentation is straight forward with a round pair of dials for ·the tach and speed6, with trip meter, under the driv-er's _nose flanking_a panel holding a host of warning lights. In the center of the ·dash over the AM/FM stereo cassette radio system and the heating and air conditioning controls are three more round and real instru-ments, for oil pressure, fuel level and fluid temperature. The standard glove box is comple-mented by a · covered center C-'---~· console storage box, and just forward of that js an open box, handy for coins on a toll road. This Trooper had most-of the expected extras, including a rear ,w~ndow washer, defroster, wiper system, so necessary in the rain on ·the road· and in the dust off road.' There ·are two ventilation vents on either side of the center instruments and one on each end of the dash, so cool air or heat circulates well to the back seat passengers. The Trooper on test was . equipped with the standard four cylinder 2.3 liter gas~line ~ngi~e, a little low on hill cltmbmg power, but great on fuel economy. This rig was brand new with no miles-on it, and in day to day driving it produced well over - 22 mpg, while on the highway the numbers went up to 24.5 mpg. _· The hooper II is lo~ger than most in its class, and it provides.~mple leg room j n,th'e pack seat and-loa'ds·of flat cargo area to the rear:- - -", · arid:With most of the expected extras, this-.unit fits right in with the luxury of most smal1 bobtails on the market today. · Gddly en<;mgh, .this unit had manual . windows ~.nd door locks, and the atitoinatic systems·:· are·· truly , handy when .the rig has five doors. · The rear door arrangement is T he Trooper has a long range on· one of our favorite features on its 21 :9 gallon t;mk. · _ the lsuz.u .. The wider; ·left dex>r The five speed transmission ., opens far enough to load almost' . had a gear for every situation,· _any cargo, but .the ·small door and fifth gear :is really. a good opens wide as well for full width .overdrive for · freeway 'cruising. ··cargo loading. Each· door. has a Right next to .the shift lever on stay so it cannot close on the the center floor is the shorter 4 · ,folks loadipg things until the stay _ WO -lever, easy · to operate, . is manually . released, a great smooth to shift, and, with _ the safety feature . . automatic locking front hubs, 4- · Nice features include the'tear WO is available anytime. Power overhead cargo light, ashtrays on steering and b~akes are sta'ndatd each front qoor that swing out equipment,. as is a full size _real . aircr•aft style, and grab handles spare tire. . . above the front and both rear On the-. road the Trooper passenger doors, The spare tire is affords a bi.t higher than ·normal mounted on the rear door, view ·of traffic, which is keen in providing a~res o~ cargo space in southe.rn · California. The· therearsect1on,mceand.flatand handling bas : been vastly • ~andy for hauling anything improved from. the early models, .including bundles of DUSTY TIMES. O_n the road the T ~·ooper is .. quiet ruhni11g, solid with no squeaks or rattles. The ~omfort . factor is exceptJonal. for a square , r,igged 4'x4 _with, rearlea,f springs. The rear seats have ample room for two full size adults or three " smaller folks, and the rear ·seat passe11gers also have excellent visibility in all directionsiThis is . one of the few bobtails that has · no serious blind, spor frorh the · · center _ rear view · mirror to the · rear traffic. Nightviiiibility is fine with flush mounted halogen headlights: The fancy. J5x16 wheels are aluminum alloy and . on · this rig were shod. with Goodyear Wrangler radial tire&, -· The Isuzu T rooper·U is a good, all purpose rig, sturdy enough to manage any off road ~ituation -and fancy enough inside to make a . fine day to day transport for commuting or hauling the family. The addition· of the . six cylinder" engine option provides enough power for any job on the . 1988 models. · Using the same basic body. the Trooper II hasfancy · The upgraded trim extends to the rear with a similar halogen square headlights, a new grill and aJ ancy. bumper and big, visible t?ilights. The exterior tire . Unic;,ue to the Trooper is the two piec~ rear door that allows partial or full access to the vast cargo bay; with positive st13ys to keep the dooarom swinging shut . new style bumper for the modern ·took. carrier has its own vinyl cover. .. .-:.~·-=-P~a=-gc.:......:.4...:.4_.;,__ ______ ..;.._ _________ ....:.... __ o_ctobe.....;..._r_1_9_8_7 ______________ .;..._ _____ · -_D_us_ty_T_lmc_·_s I l \ I
. j·, .. ·. ·: ·,· .. h·. ·. ···1.o· '. ; ·. . .. .. . there. He said later, he "pumped caF1 had aboui: onlinch clearance... iast, and had a flat rea~· tire . . .,., . , sers· · · and pumped'',_· antf tried the He1kept moving forward though, .. In t~e Challenge Class race; ,,,-~ , · .• ·• ·. · . . · _ ·. · . :-·, By J~dy Smith turning brake ( whit h. works off ancl. goi: a big hand from · the Jack Mi)lerd rolled his car.on the .... ,...._,___________________________ . the rear brakes), and: nothing cr'dwd each time he went through ridge, on the last lap, and ,landed · 1-Iere wi go again - ~eporti~g s~ddled with .• a c:ast a~yway, happened. Finally, 1 one_ bta_ke Tu!m Six. His car \1/aS stiH quick right square on his roof, still on the_ Losers from the - last-ever limped a Jot for the rest-o( the , grabbed, and thac sent him on! the flat parts_ of the course, the.ridge; He was left sitting, or Riverside~race. weekend. He. w~s· concerned · sideways, and overihe went, on but he was reduced to a• virtual more:accurately, hangjng, .there As usual, a lot of folks.looked mainly because it was . -his his lid· hito the turn, There he sat cra'wl, his front . tires sometimes. until the last of his class passed ' Jike Losers. during· the practice ''driving foot", the one he uses to: as the 'rest of theJi~ld went by .. · nc:>t touthiru~, because he was:so · by. Then the co'urse workers · sessions, and then they went of( make HaH_go_ fas,te.r ... · ,: .. . . ·.. Roger didn't e*Jctly .· hav~ a . sqiliatted down in the rear, on the . were 'able to set him upright: ' into -the pits or back home, and O_n S::iturday they wanted t? gooq weekend_.Jn thp!1esei-trhini butnps. He <:lid manage t'c5 get a There were tnany more,< like . did some magic, which l~t them get a good lo,o_k at tbe.course, so, _truckc race on SunHay; · .. he _ lost _ c~¢ckered flag, ;but finished only Steve Millen, . Rob Gordon· and reappear in time to race, Some, . not having a (acetruckto dcrit in, · part of his ·.rear susb~nsion, and eight of the 10 laps. ; , ·. Wes Elrod, who ·all went end-predictably, did serious dama'ge a.nd ··w_. ith -·.Fric.-l<er 't.oo · ?_.a.·ndi-fi_'11ish~d,se_co.nd.·A_ ~~ithe,n.·-',inFh.e; ,Thert· were.lots. more Losers, . over-end at various· tiwes, but. their second time out iri practice capped tn walk, they -<;:hmbed stadium mini. truck Jrace, he .was les~ dramatic; arid Jess apparent' · one · of . the .. most spectacular . also, and some ·then'.continued into Hall's-truck; turned ori the stuck in second gear·and his . to the spectators, bui:justasheart •- incidents of the .weekend was' · the habit right into the race: strange blinking ·green light that truck died on the last iap, close to re9ding·. Pete Sohren, fm such a quickie that tnany folks Probably -the most obvious ' sits on the tool box in the bed, where he'd rolledl:.,the single· example, who had the lead in.the may have missed it. · . Loser was Walker Eyans, in his and .drove down.into the infield seater.•·_. . · . Class 5 race, and broke. a . On the first lap of the Stadium new Dakota. Railbirds with -to look at the -~rack.·-The In the Stadium Class. L race, car1buretor off; and Eric Arras, ··class lO race, which. had 35 St0p'-'!atches on Friday reported subterfuge worked ~o~. a ~~ile, Albert Arciero \{'as chasing - challenging in the 5-1600 race, entrants, (~e neve~ knew .there that his was the fastest truck but a SCORE official fmally· Mears hard in his single seater, · whb 'ended ' up ori his · roof, , '!Vere so many of those guys),, a there. :But he was still a~tually spotted them and told ~hem in no when he rolled dver on the . "s~inriing around'.'., according to couple·of thefront runner!;, Gary testing, because he'.d had the uncertain ten:ns that they had no second lap. That J didn't ~aze · a~ I ~ye witn~ss. And, Gle~n· Dircks andAl_bertArdero, got to truck out at Barstow the Sunday . business there. ' Albert much, an_d hf kept gomg, . H~rns, who Wit~ a~ eady lead m_· thebig.doµblejump at about the . before; and had rolled.it up into a Their: Dodge finally t~tne -but then, as he neared the end of. th(l, Stadium M1m Metal race,,. same time_. Dircks was -in.front ·. little.· baH . . His crew, _who'd . back,. and they did get s-ome. his third lap, he pullled into the suddenly had-a flat:tire because an·d to the right · . . reportedly .built it fri · 37 days, practice __ on Sunday. early, and '. infield with a goodJite fire in his . thd bead lock broke, and was out He took off, and somehow the · went back to wcirk, trying to get then they got a, good start iii the .. engine compartmen~: Fast work • ot k .. , _ . . .• bump tilted .him to the.-left' a hit. it ready in _time for Riyerside. big main ·eve.nt of the day, the by (he flag man had fhe fire out · ·$cott Taylor, who came from•· Righ_t behind him, and just a bit He·was still testing on Su'nday · Heavy Metal Challenge. When quickly, but Albert~as also out. Illihois to race in Class lO and··. quicker; was Albert. As Dirck's · when he went -out for his final Walker , rolled·, Rodney took Then, in a radickl departure chl.ss 1-2-1600, -lost his oil . front wheels were about to tmic.::h practice of the weekend. The over the lea:d,with FrankArciero from . his usual d cing · arena, prJssui:e sender on his Class IO . grcmnd, Albert', on a .straight · ere"' had adjusted something in running second and pushing Albert drciv!:! ,a' Ch~l_len~e c,ar· in earl in_,practi_C,t;: He_ thought.he'd -course, -and in mid-air, helpless the suspension, and when ·.he hard. Hall led through the fifth _ that 24 car eyent. Sw.1tchmg.from-. d1sc,qvered ,'It m ~1me, but must., . to do anything, .tagged his left went over the double jump it •" lap, and then, as. he finished .the · a·n lRS short couise· car with not, because during the-heat race .· side.-·That pushed Dirck's car ' "bounced too much and went . last few yllrds of the lap; his truck lots of travel . anl:1_ load's .. of his! ni.otor began to seize; ai:id he over, 'but 'Albert's_ w~s ta_ngled over". Walkerandhispass'enger, died, and he could not get it.to horsepower, toj a swing ha,dl to park It. · With _It, and as D1rck S hit .the Dick: Maxwell, Dodge _Motor-fire up again. Arciero went. by a_xl~/ balljoint~fr~nt~\end 1650.cc, ·. ·J ~e-n_-he. ran ·seco.nd _ in .the gr.·ound_,_. on the_. _d_ river's, Cllge, sport Manager:, _were unhurt, but into the lead, "'.hile Hall· joined hm1ted · suspension , car, must Stadium l -2" 1600 race for Albert ~- was. s1ttmg on. 1t, and the truck ~s·fa1rly crunched·and the ranks of the Losers. - . have been ;:1, strain. Bu1t Albeit did. seYj~ral; laps, only tobe put once _seconds later_, as the tw~ ta~gled had a flat tire. So .it was back to Frank himself, while looki'ng it beautifully and I)~ grab~d·the ,~gam; when _th~tmotor gave up. ·. cars kept roll mg, Albert s_was on the shop.again. just gteat on the race course, was · early lead;-ltwasn'tto,be his race, · 1<pn Sunday, m practice for the· the bottom. , , Walker's. crew worked their also on the way to being a Loser. ~h~ugh, and h~ pujled }nt() the H~;ivy fyletal S:h.allenge, . Ste~e Both. drivers were-stunne~, . magic and the truck loo_ked- His t_ruck, which ha_d made an -mfield on the fifth lap with a flat Kelley lost a drive shaft, and did and Albert _had a cut on his pretty good -by late after11oon ominous "snap'' justoffthestaft. tire and a bent •axle I' .. · · soihe damage to the U-joints and fqrehead, -· but neither was race. time. He was, as everyone line, so that Butch. put it into '. Phil :Blurton whb drives the • tht! rear_end. l'.he truck was sent. seriously hurt. , Both _·cars were, .-"":"",;• expecte~, the ffrsttruck 'around two.wheel drive 'right away, '1ad ~ingular . looking] 1Chen_ o~rh ba.Jkj6 Hemet (or , ~ew parts. out _<-?f -r~_e. race_; J~r,ry 9arret~; TurnSix,andlookin'good.On · hadonlyfirstandthirdgearsfor·Arrow, had some suspension .Add 1tlookedgoodmtherace sta1:1dmg m the.mfield ;w1th his the second '\ap, as he continue_d the whole race. After Rod broke, failure . on Friday,· during uritil, on the fourth lap,.the,front video camera on his shoulder, to lead with . Rod Hall, his he led only through the. seventh practi<;:e. He did a ldt ofwork on suspension·. collapsed, · and . it got a beautiful shot. of the· .nemesis, chas_ing hatd, .he got' lap, when his transmission finally the front end on S~turday; and · 1opked like a camel trying to sit collisio_n, and ifs been on ESPN. halfway around the lap, got into gave up. Actually; while.he-lost .was ready' for practice again on do~n . . • · •· '· · . Watch for it, but pay attention, the first little stretch of th_e.ridge, the overall lead in_ the Heavy · Sunday. Everythingrorked fine, _ .~teve . McEachern-~came a becau~ it's all over in a big and suddenly-the rear end started Metal race, Arciero did still win and he was optimistic about the Lofr on the .first lap of the . hurry. . . . _ · · to try. i:o catch the front. end. . the Class 4 event, so he's only a desert Class 1 ra.ce .! _He held his·• Heavy Metal Challenge. when he . We could go on for many . Fence hanging spectators report qualified Loser.. . own ·u~til about' thr sixth ,1.ap gq~ si?eways in the fi,rst turn intp 1116re , parngraphs, ,but _ space -that they ·could see Walker's The Class 4 ranks had another \1/he1rh1s rear-suspeps1on s_tarted thB dirt_ and nosed -mto t~e. w~ll, doesn_ t permit._ We II _be back arms move, ,as if he tried to Loser in · Jack .. Johnson, who to, give, way. By _the lend of the O 9cpmmg ·traffic coudn t m1~s next month, with stones from cprrect, 'btit nothing h~ppened. · drives the snazzy new Nissan 4?'4,. seventh lap he had llpsta lot <?f ~1111,-and by _the r:1me they d th.e wide open _ spaces . of The truck gqt sideways, tipped Ja<;:k looked-good jn practice,but ground, and the req~ end ofhts fn:i1shed battermg him, he was Colorado. -over, and dug in, and ro'lledon'ce; on Sunday morning he found h~rd. Then it bounc~d hig~ in t~e himself :snµggle9 up against. the a.1r, and rolled m m1d-a1r., Turn Stx barriers-, when he'd according to witnesses, "four or .. broken a tie-rod and couldn't get Jive times'\ be(ore la1v;iing. \X;'e his righdmnt tire to head-in the have to hope that someone got it proper direction. He finally gotii: ·onfilm.Walkerwasallright,and aiI1_1ed, by kicking it in_to he, had . n:o passenger, but the position, and got,back to his pit _ truck was finally 09t of it .. - for repairs. He had no luck in the Hall, who took over. the lead at race though, .and first collided that point, was actually anothei:. with John Randall, and then with -1,.oser _on-the way. He had had a a Class H vehicle, and ended up rough d,ay. on Friday in practice, out of the race on lap one with a wheri he. lost a front axle, the rear flat. · · transfer case and the transmis-The excitement wasn't all -in sion:: His trµck was·serit back to the Heavy'-Metal · ranks this Long Beach, to Stroppe's ,shop, weekend, as the buggies did their where it underwent· extensive share to entertain the crowds. rehabilitation. In the meantime, Roger Mears, who drove the Jack Hall and Fricker, who were Wayr,e/Karnl Vanzant . VS ·. batching jt in Fricker's powered Chenowth .again, led ,, motorhome, were at loose ends. the Stadium Class 1 race; on - Fricker, wandering around on. Saturday, from · the start. He Friday afternoon, stepped off of really_ looked ,gr¢at, . aqd ,had· an a tire at a funny angle, and heard . . easy halfalap lead·by the seventh hisfootgo}'snap''.Halltook him' · lap~ But he'd brok~n a couple of to see the first aid folks, but they -.. rear shock:s, and .the shocks h_ad· · couldn't r'eally 'diagnose · it. .: torn th~ brake line; and th'efluid Fr.icker, not wanting to· be was leaking out. He kept having less and le!is brakes',' but he could afford to' slow ,down some; as second place was a good distance INFO ON .FIGHTING.THE • ,C~A:NJT.ON/WILDERNESS BILL 1 ::aoo-237-5436 . CORV Dusty Times back. · · ._. Roger took the white flag, and .. then, as he went · into the . first . hairpin tum, he put his . foot on · the _brake and therewas nothing I For the BESW in·Racing- Photography · 'call'Trackside Photo, Inc~ , .. I . -(?1 ;3) 3~7-4493 -• - . . .· ! l .. . -_ - . ·_ TJU\CIC·51DE -. . . ' . / . . 11 . . . . : --, . Photq EnterpriJ,es . · , , . --. . • -! . . . . 18'1:10 S. No,~mandie Avenue •' Suite C Gardena, ·California 90248 · · Phone: (213)i327-4493 ! 'l _ I j I , Pagc·4$
J. t. RALLY OF 1000 LAKES.~. Markku Alen ~and Lancia Win in .Finland Surprising even themselves, AriVatanen and Terry Harryman scored the best result to date for the Ford Sierra.RS Cosworth, in sec·ond overall: · ' Markku Alen and 1/kka Kivimaki cruised to _the big overall victory in the LanciaDelta HF 4WD, anc{the points earned _brought Alen even with Kankkunfm for the lead in points. · · _ · Suddenly Markku Alen has caught a glimpse of a real, lasting world championshil? title, not an eleven day wonder like last year. His fifth victory at the 1000 Lakes Rally has put him0equal with his · fellow Finn and teammate Juha Kankkunen at the top of the world championship charts even though he has entered one less event this season · so far. _ PerEklund and Dave Whittock le¢ an impressive Audi Coupe Quattro team to the finish, and they placed a resounding fourth overall as well. · traditional · stages. These fast, · than their performance. These · wide, hard packed roads with cars were strong and reliable. The their sweeping curves _and -roug~ness: of the narrow q·acks, sudden undulations were what the con_stant -impact against down. It was i~teresti~g t9check disaster for the Japan~e t'~ams. made this an event for the drivers· stones hidden. under the sandy the performance of ·the -l;ords; Mitsubishi · entered· their first rather than the cars. Stretches of surfaces, and constant·transmi_s-. wheri ever¥one was-goin·g -hard world event this season withthe these roads were ,.retained; but sion stressing corr~gation~ l~ to· they were only 1.6 seconds per rear dri,ve Starion Tµroo. they " they were added,1 to most an unprecedented rsenes of kilometer slower than the expected _to be beaten by the unwelcome lengths of. narrow wrecked . suspensions . a~d lost Lancias, 'less than that against more J;JOWerful Cosworths, but ·tracks, ·deviations round wheels. Timo Salonen's Mazda, and had were dismay_ed by many troubles obstacles or farm yards, ai:id the "Anything higher than fourth · been leading Mikkola in the 200 that bit Lasse Lampi .. Surviving a constant inclusion of slow place will, be a bonus;', promised Quattro.. The world's most series of incidents, the car ran junctions. Vatanen before the start. He experienced rally man, Hannu progressively/ worse and retired 'Fo comply '"'.i th FISA 's consi·dered the two . Lancias Mikkola, _hmyever, was soon out in-a cloud of.smoke.-Lainethen stipulations about . total stage unbeatable, and allowed·that one of the event, i.mcharacteristic:ally stopped to change a driveshaft on length(around600km)th_iswas of the two. ·evolution Mazdas··destroying his car on the third a-stagewhichdroppedhimtothe also the longest 1000 Lakes Rally . would head therri as well. But, stage against ·trees. "I cannot bottom of the field. · · since the early seventies. There Kankkunen's car kept having remember when I last wrecked a Perhaps the most impressi':e was one extra ~day of rallying·, problems, and both 323s went rally car", he mused. "M'ayb~ the whic_h ·. gave more sgectating out early with engine_ trouble. last time was when Ari and I opportunities, but the old, hard This latter affair was a big shock. crashed on the same corner in driving, popular close fought There had been so much-hope for those Rothmans Escorts?'' . battles were gone. Markku the evolution 323 with the new If there was any particular Alen's reliable Lancia pulled out. six speed .transmission system, interest, it was w•ith Kankkunen; by halfway a greater lead than any installed only _in the two team th~ workl champion who had winning margin in the history of cars. But, of the eight. Group A never won-his home city''s event. · i:he event. From then on the 323 4 WDs on the start line, only It was Lancia's good . luck that turbo boost was turned down; • one survived, and it had trans-' Kankkunen, not Alen, had all the and the only visual fun · was mission trouble en route. Still, troubles, for apart ,from when watching Kankkunen try . to the performance of the Swedish Alen was delayed by a broken r~cover from· a se-ries of h d Th 6 suspension, every problem for , h . I . h . . c ampion river . or jorn La·nc,·a aff!,•cted the- w·o·rJd The Lancia team has promised, its three regµlar drivers they will aH have an equal chance of the title, and this bodes ill for Kankkunen and the Italian Miki Biasion: "From now on we will not give team orders this season", exclaimed Lancia team chief Cesare Fiorio before the event. "Landa· won the manufacturers' title in Argen-tina, · and 'that had been our primary objective. Now we want to gain the other titles as well." And, by the end of the 1000 Lakes the ,Italian company claimed another, the Production (Group Nf car drivers' challenge won by Fi.orio's own son Aless~ndr:o·,.who at 22 years old . has become · ·one of FISA's · ~--··· 'Youngest ever title holders. " ' Wet and windy Finland had mec amca mis aps. 'Edi' · · · f · h' Ford entered the event with . ,hg was hp?sSivt mis mg ch~pion. It was like Eriksson-in . their two, r.ear drive Cosworth . sbt .dn t cl\ trSt. 'a even~ Arg_entina all .ove,r . ag~iri, ' cars in the field of4 WDs. Guest a rd~ l an Ide ~ame . mh~ Kankkunen just never gave· up. ,1;.;.;.__;_·:.::t notchanged:but the rally had, the measures . which altered the whole character being none of· the making of the organizers. ·, FISA's "re<cominendation" that the UO kph si:age average speed limit should be strictly observed denied the <:hance of running the . . driver Ari Vatanenwasalongside ne~ ·el w~\d ~ ampwns 'P Th"e time~ spoke forthemseJves. regular team member Stig pomts or a a. Fromstage30totheendhemade Blomqvist, and replaced the Alen led the ~vent from start every fastest time: Irn:leed; · the sacked Kalle Grundel. It was to.finish. After fOO km of stages only time both Alen and difficult to ·see how these super he was 68 seconds ahead of Kankkunen were beaten was on powerful cars could,s_ucceed, but Kankkunen; at.the end of the stage 16 when each car . had in fact the Fords finished-second second ·day he was over four trouble. . and third for reasons quite other minute's in front . and slowfng The 1000 Lakes Rally was a Markkt.i A/eh may be thinking about · his championship hopes, or more likely ,about the next ·stage as lll<ka Kivimaki does hi~ paper work. · . · A~tero. L~(ne <'.~P,d.. Risto. _flirtanen __ J,roke a f{rives~aft in_· ~he · -:•Sepp,Haider and Ferdinand Hinterleitner catch some air in 'the · M1tsul:)1sh1 St/il,tton.anddropped to /~st, butcameb{Jc/s to.fm1sh ·' :wooa£in ttie . Opel ·Ka'det-t·GSi,. which later broke' the. front·• 17thovera11.~•n:~,-' .. :1 .-t,,,· ·_:')/usp~nsion.·-· .. ,· ·.;';-,.;,,i,,; ' ';,,.s·_;,?f',,-1• One of Mazdas .'$tars Timo Salonen; with. eppo . ar1anne co-·.drivin'g.' had a great start, ,and th'ffy' were s'ecQni:J when-" qgine ·,,oiible put them 'out.··' ,'. - :· . <··0',:· : .. ·~, '. Pase 46_ October 1987 · .Dusty nmes·. -.. t
Alessandro Fiorio and Luigi Pirollo cinched the Group N championshp for Lancia by winning the class in the Delta HF and taking 12th overall. Plagued with troubles most ·of .the distance, Juha Kankkunen and Juha Piironen fought b·ack each time and finished fifth overall in the Lancia. cars on · the event were the 190 bhp Audi Coupe Quattros, five of which finished in the top ten, three of them prepared in Vienna by Rolf Schmidt. These noisy cars suffered some suspension troubles but were impressively reliable, although Per Eklund's fourth place car had gearbox problems·in the later stages when the Swede fought hard to stop Kankkunen overtaking him. Less happy, however, were the Opels. Once more the front drive Kadett GSis gave problems, this · time the front suspension collapsed on both Mats Jonsson and Sep Haider. . The sight of Markku Alen cruising without emotion round the stages was not becoming of one of the world's most exciting rallies: The organizers efforts succeeded, as only one stage was over the 110 kph limit, just, and most were short of 100. of rallying politics, pbthaps that would be just too mJch. Of the 166 sdrters, 66 finishe~ the 1700 j kilometer route officially. Markku · Alen and Ilkka Kivimak1 1. averaged . 94.97 kph en route" tb victory in. the Lancia Delta HFf WO. Ari Vatanen and Terry Harryman were over five mimi ,es back in second in the Ford Sierra RS Cosworth, followed in three minutes by mates Stig Blomqvist and Bruno Berglund. Per Eklund and Dave Whittotk nailed fourth in the AuHi Coupe Quattro, and thie1 Juhas, Kankkunen and Piironen were fifth in the othe~ Lancia. Alessandro Fiorio ~nd Luigi Pirollo were 12th dlverall and won Group N in the Lancia. In 16th overall the Group B winner was Evgenius Tumalyavichius and Pranas Videyka in a Lada VFTS. After nine points counting events Lancia has th~ manufac-turers' title in hand. Fighting for second are Audi, 74 p@ints, VW, 63 points, and Renaul]f t, 57, and Mazda, 52, still have a mathematical chance. Alen and Kankkunen are tied at 80 points for the drivers' title, Miiki Biasion has 74, Kenneth Eriksson is back too far at 48, although.20 points are awarded for an overall victory. . I Winning a world champion-ship can sometimes be a hard, tiring thing. This was Kankkun-· en's sixth event of the year, so· to comply with Landa's "seven for ev~ryone" decision, he will have to miss either Sanremo'or the RAC. Alen, on account of having missed Monte Carlo, is assured of both while t9 complete Biasion's program of seven events the Italian will doubtless be happy to end the season at Sanremo as well. Before the rally Fiorio was asked how he was going to resolve the race to the title. "I really don't know, we must wait and see. what happens!". But why not do something daring, like at Monte Carlo when the times over the Turini stage decided the _winner of that event. "Yes, but what?" Why not decide the world championship for drivers by the results of one popular, well publicized stage at Sanremo. It would be the biggest publicity scoop in the history of rallying. "Why not," said Fiorio.· "You know nobody has ever thought of that before!" Even for the king Tomi Palfnqvist and Arto Juse/ius corner hard for the spectators !e the Audi Coupe Quattro they drove to eighth overall, one of five Audis in the top ten. Dusty Times October 19~7 ~bre ... TRAIL-NOTES . I SA~D DRAGS IN NOVEMBER. The 1987 Coors Grand National Sand Drags·are set for November 27-29. The Coors 'Sand Blast' .is the final meet of the year for National Sand Drag Competition Association points. The 1987 Gra1;d Nationals will be held at the new, state of the art, Larry Mann Racing facility, located off Interstate IO on Auto Center Drive in Indio, CA, the same plac~ that hosted the April Spring Nationals. The November race will feature all bbckets of competition, including Top Fuel, Funny Cars, Top Alcohol Funny Cars, A-Fuel, Pro Comp, Modified Buggy, Sand Modified, Pro Brac;kets, Sports Brackets and Junior/Pee Wee Brackets. For more information on the Coors 'Sand Blast' 1987 contact Larry Mann at 42-565 Glasf Drive, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 or call (619) 345-7037. CLASS 4 CONTROVERSY. There was a protest filed in Class 4 at the HDRA Cra1g, Colorado race, but it was disallowed. Check it out on page 55 in the Tech Tips column. Meanwhile, we received a letter, signed only by "Concerned Class 4 Teams", with no legible postmark location. Some of the points made iire interesting enough to repeat here. . ,"The Tech Tips in the Augus.t DUSTY TIMES has really got us upset!! Bill Savage was talking about rule changes in Class 5 and Class 8. What he has stated has really ticked us off. They are considering the stock rear torsion housing be changed to allow aftermarket replacements in Clas~ 5. Class 8 has voted on the cast iron engine blocks instead of aluminum or other materials. What makes us so mad is that there were quite a few rule changes made in Class 4 that none of us competitors were made aware of, let alone had a chance to vote on. We are not complaining about Class 5 or 8, where the people voted, or any other class. What we are complaining about is how one person can decide which class gets to vote on their rule changes and which doesn't get to vote. The rules in Class4 were changed three years ago, It seems funny that the rule changes took place about the same time that Nissan decided to build the Class 4 racer. Of course with Bill Savage building the .truck and being the Tech Inspector, he could change and add rules that he wanted to add. Why weren't Class 4 competitors given a chance to vote on ANY of these rule changes?" "Another thing we would like to mention, is a lot of racers in other classes too are upset with the rules and rule changes. They feel it is because of the manufacturers. Stop and think about it for a minute. It is not really them. Whe'n you have someone· in the Tech Director's position that knows how to talk .to the manufacturers and make all the proposed rule changes sound like they could benefit everyone, naturally the manufacturers would like the rule changes. If we all don't start speaking out now, we're never going :to get , anywhere"'.. · . . . "We would like' to mention that the people in Class 4 don't want the Nissan out of Class 4, we just want it to be reasonable. Let's face it, the truck is legal to the current rules interpretation in <;:lass 4, but it is really a Class 2 buggy with a truck body altered to fit. What's next?" What is next is now, apparently. Despite an ov~rwhelming vote by Class 10 racers against the 16 valve engine for 1988, the same man, apparently, decided to make it a rule. So, voting apparen~ly doesn't helJJ. ADVENTURE IN ASIA. The second Hong Kong555 Beijing Rally started on the 13th of September, and at press time the rally is still in progress. The first such event was in 1985, then the organizers took 1986 off. They returned this fall, running once again from Hong Kong north across the People's Republic of China. Sixty-one crews entered the 1987 rally, many factory backed teams. The event is being run to the new international regulations for Group A production cars, with a concessionary class for locally owned Group B cars. There will be twenty-one special stages totaling over 825 kms, and all but two are on gravel roads. Watch for more news and results on this interesting rally in an upcoming issue. AUDI WINS THE ALCAN 5000. Ken Maytag, Glen Bjorkman and Steve Richards won the 1987 Akan 5000 Rally driving a factory sponsored Audi 5000CS Quattro. They held off a strong challen·ge from Gene Henderson and Ralph Beckman who piloted a Subaru backed XT Turbo 4x4 to second place, just nine seconds behind on penalty time. Henderson and his team won the 1986 Akan 5000 by a mere second. · The Alcan 5000 is a time-s·peed-distance rally, with TSO sections timed to the second. No electronic gear is allowed for the navigator, only hand held mechanical calculators, such as the once famous Curta, are allowed. The winning team hails from California and Washington, while the second place runners are from the east. Floridians Harry Ferran, Betty Wheeler and Paul Nowak finished ·third in a Dodge Diplomat, just -11 seconds behind Henderson. From Washington State, Tim Patterson and Steve Roberts were close in fourth, merely another seven seconds ·back in a Mazda RX 7. Jhe top four times are incredibly close, considering the Akan 5000 covered 5400 miles in ten days starting in Bellevue, Washington. The route went north through the interior of British Columbia to Dawson City, Y t1kon Territory, and traversed the Top of the World Highway to Fairbanks, Alaska. There was a two day layover in Anchorage, before the second half of the rally tooklthe teams to Fort Nelson, British Columbia, and on to an overnight in Yellowknife, Northwest Territory. From there the course turned south to the finish in Jasper, Alberta, Canada. . · The Akan 5000 entry was down a good deal this year, as there were some, date conflicts with other events. Of the seventeen listed entries, only twelve started and of that number ten finished. Behind the four leaders, the scores increksed dramatically. While the fourth place team had 68 points (seconds), fifth /placing Don and Jackie Marsh picked up 432 points in their Audi Quattro Wagon. However, sixth place showed 820 points for Louis DeFr~nci_sco and Ron Weir, Subaru Turbo 4x4 wagon. Tenth and the last place/finisher, the Ford wagon of)im and Cheryl Swimmer and Ed Botwick collea:ted 2124 points on the rally. Early in 1988, the Akan 5000 will start againland finish at the Winter Olympics in Alberta. GLEN HELEN PARK is about to stage their final event this year for off road face cars on October 11, and the weather should be just right. The races have r reasonable entry fee, include most off road car classes as well as classes for qdysseys and ATVs, and the payback is 100 percent of the entry fee plus ten percent of the gate. It is a great place to learn about short course racing on a trackf wide enough to keep you out of trouble. Registration and tech inspe1ction starts at 7 a.m., practice starts at 10 a.m., and the racing starts at noon1. It is great spectator fun too. Get all the details on Glen Helen from Brian.Church at (714) 880-1733 or (714) 381-4454. THE CONTEST for Snapshot of the month identity in the September issue wa.s close, as both Charlie Engelhart and Ron Burleson called the same day. It was SJddleback Park, #64 was either Sam Wright or Ken Kazarian, #71 was Mike [Goodbody,and the time was 1981. Each man received a DUSTY TIMES Safari hat as a prize, and the other respondents receive our thanks. I Page 47 -,_ -
I f I L I I ....... a.le-E~ ALL TERRAIN ENTERPRISES MOTOR SPORT PRODUCTS lJ~~'?-' .px' Competit,on Tires 4.0 Offroad & Motorcycle Products P.O. 6ox 2053 Apple Valley, CA 92307 (619) 244-0477 (800) 892-5263 ALUMA-KO TE Aluminizing Sand Blasting Welding Repair 13574 Pumice Norwalk, CA 90650 (213) 802-2328 Mike Matson Brent Miller 619-583-6529 BY APPOINTMENT ONLY RACE CAR SALES • CUSTOM FABRICATION • RACE CAR PREP 6630 MacARTHUR DR, SUITE B • LEMON GROVE, CA 92045 TOM MINGA FABRICATION & REPAIR CUSTOM ROLL CAGES OFF-ROAD RACE PREP FLAME CUTTING M.I.G. WELDING TUBE BENot.NG DISTRIBUTOR FOR: BILSTEIN SHOCKS HELLA LIGHTS. THE WRIGHT PLACE 741 ROSALIE WAY, EL CAJON, CALIFORNIA 92019 • 619-445-5764 KENNY PARKS (213) 802-1477 14920 SHOEMAKER, SAN_TA FE SPRINGS, CA. 90670 SUSPENSION SEATS IN FIVE STYLES BEARD'S ''SUPER SEATS'' EDA BARBARA IEARD Page 48 208 4th Avenue E. Buckeye, AZ 85326 (602) 386-2592 <&rnup ruckmann San Diego <519> 578-1585 6 CYLINDER PORSCHE OFF ROAD RACE ENGINES. WINNERS AT 8626 C OMMERCE A V E . IN MIRAMAR C>< FOR CORKY McMILLIN • DANNY LETNER LARRY RAGLAND , MARK McMILLIN Get the word out about your business, big or small. Put your business card in the "GOOD STUFF. DIRECTORY" and· reach new customen. Good Stuff Directory Ads are merely $18.00 per month. r------------------------------1 . ' I Send $1.00* for 1987 Catalog II and receive $2 off your first order. Cut out this coupon and mail it to: Dick Cepek, Inc. 1 17000 Kingsview Ave., Dept.OT I Carson, California 90746 I O I've enclosed $1.00* I Please send me your I 1987 ·catalog and my I $2 Rebate Card. . • Canad;an & Fo,e;gn requests I send $2.00 U.S. currency. L------------------------------_. 20 YEARS OF BUILDING WINNING OFF ROAD RACE CARS =---la, ■1401 ~ PIONEER WAY #17 ~ "' CHENOWTH DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT 1401 Pioneer Way #17 / El Cajon, CA ~2020 · Work (619) 442-3773 / Res. (619) 441-0938 CHENOWTH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~• lACIN6 PRODVCTS, INC. Racing and recreational chassis and accessories. 943 Vernon Way El Cajon, CA 92020 (619) 449-7100 ... FLOATER REAR ENDS• .FRONT HUBS• AXLES BALL JOINTS• TORSION BARS• KNOCK OFF HUBS. Sandy Cone 2055 Hanging Tree Lane • · (805) 329-2663 Templeton, CA 93465 Octobcr1987 COOLWATER INN "BARSTOW'S NEWEST MOTEL" * Frl'l' /_.,L·,d l'hune ,, * R,xrea tion Room * Free Movie Channel * Swimming Pool uousTY DISCOUNT" $3.00 OFF WITH THIS AD 619~256-8443 170 Coolwater Lane, Barstow MOST DURABLE CUSTOM TOOL POUCHES AVAILABLE -OUR DESIGN OR YOURS SNAP ON • STRAP TIE • ROLL UP STYLE SNAP ON CLEAR PLACTICINE WINDOWS "DESERT RACER" ~~:D l'RODUCTS P.O. Box 2233, San Marcos. CA 92069 (619) 945-0035 Official ContingencyOonor for SCORE /HORA and ADRA. INLAND DISPLAY • POMONA MUNTZ STEREO· 916 HOLT AVE. , BIRT BIB/TS, WjgJl[/ffBllfm}[ff] {818} 882-7808 '"' llOCK NUMBERS WITH $TYll 11.s.A . .J 10138CANOGAAVE., CHATSWORTH, CA 91311 DIRJ · RIX (602) 25~-5289 Championship Off Road Race Car · and Truck Fabrication Glenn Evans 1817 W. Willetta Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 DAN McGOWAN JOHN VERHAGEN PERFORMANCE TRANSMISSIONS ES (818) 381-3033 2022 FIRST STREET SAN FERNANDO, CA 91340 "serving the industry since 1976" , 'DRIVELINE SERVICE J:f,1-Elf. 1, THERE IS A DIFFERENCE. REPAIRING • BALANCING • C USTOMIZING PARTS AND SERVICE ON C/V AND FRONT WHEEL DRIVE UNIT.S . I , (714) 824-1561 416 E. Valley Blvd.I, Colton, CA 92324 SCORE & HORA CONIINGENCY S~ONSORS . 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE I . Dusty Times
' We SPECIALIZE in, vw Cams and . · Valve Train Components 15112 Weststate St. Westminster, CA 92683 (714) 891-8600 TM FREE-STANDING, RUGGED STEEL & NYLON SHELTERS ____ THAT SET-UP IN SECONDS' ___ _ RENTALS VARIOUS SIZES & COLORS RENTALS AVAILABLE 714/627-5727 AVAILABLE 4751 STATE ST., BLD. D, ONTARIO, CA 91761 . ' 1985 SCORE/HORA ENGINE BUILDER OFT.HE YEAR ' - ' ,. VW & Porsche Ra Ca Racing Engines . ~ -P ce . r & T I ., . reparation ransax es PERFORMAIICE Intake & Exhaust System Components for VW Type I, Rabbit, TYPE IV, 911 145D N. Glassel!, Orange, CA 92667 • _(714) 6.39-2833 DRIVING SUITS SEAT BELTS NOMEX GLOVES NOMEX UNDERWEAR GOGGLES & HELMETS \LLE SAFET 9017 SAN FERNANDO ROAD SUN VALLEY, CA 91352 818-768-7770 DENNIS WAYNE PORSCHE PARTS 768-4!5!5!5 (619) 465-3782 ~ aet Your SHIFT Togetherl ====--~\~--------f'OR,TIJY TRAIYSAXLES 3006 Colina Verde Lane JamuL California 92035 Dusty Times ~ Dou9 Fortin (408) 377:.3422 Custom Shocks 1 1 Built to Your . j Vehicle's ·,,c1c:m ,I\C Specifications FOX RACING SH0X 544 McGlincey lane, Unit 8, c)mpbell Calif. 95008 . I ~?~ I . A Prototype Design & Devel?pment Company Specializing In: (619) 449 8322 • Racecars, Racetrucks, ATV' • . • TubJ Bending& Metal Fabrication FRISK BROS. . • Alumlinum & Steel Sheetmetal 10734E Kenney Street• S ntee, CA 92071 Fuel I Bladders Quick ~· 1Fllls Dump Std. Cans FIiis 10925 Kalama River Road Fountain Valley, CA 92708 . (714) 962-0 27 I GARM~N FABRICATION I I ROLL CAGE STRUCTURES SUSPENSION SjYST~MS CUSTOM M,ETAL Flf,BRICATION RACE TRUCK & PRE-RUNNER . . . I DENNIS GARMAN 1436 EAST THIRD STR ET (714) 620-1242 I POMONA, CA 91766 TERPRISES ,~, 3si~3E4s I" ' OFFICE PROFESSIONAL POOL SERVICE AND REPAIRS 362 4202 SPECIALIZING IN COMMERCIAL & CUSTOM POOLS I -LICENSED & INSURED • ACID WASHES• FILTERS• HEATERS• MOTORS• ETC. 3999 GRAPEFRUIT CIRCLE LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89103 I I . ,dr~ WALT LOTT 12997 Las Vegas Blvd. So. Las Vegas, Nevada 89124 I I 702-361-5404 I I October 1987 I HOUSE of-BUGGIES. 3444 Citru~ Ave.• Lemon Grove, CA 92045 ~619~589~6770 MICHAEL LUND Owner , . 6211 Yarrow Drive, Suite C • Carlsbad, CA 92009 • (619) 931-0844 Lee (714)' 522--4600 (714) 522--4602 dliiJlllii!:I , V •. W .. , Service REPAIR 0"PART$ 0 SERVICE 6291 Manchester BlVd • . Buena Park, CA 90621 . JIMCO OFF ROAD RACE CARS ALUMINUM BODIES ROLL CAGES PARTS & ACCESSORIES (619) 562-17 43· "OFF ROAD SPECIALISTS" 10965 HARTLEY RD. SANTEE, CA 92071 JIM JULSON MIKE JULSON . OHN ~aw; PIIOIJUCTS Send $2.00 for Calllor OHNSON CUSTOM RACE CAR PREP FOR WINN ING S05PENSION SYSIBIS PERFORMANCE HIGH PERFORMANCE SHOaS P.O. B()X81 LEMON GROVE, DEPT. 1 . CA 92045 (619) 698-3407 10 Time BAJA JOOO Winner · DUAL & TRRf SHOCK smBIS. flllERQASS 60• V-6 :U MOTOR PAR'IS ACCl!SSOIIES A...I~ lolf' ~t-' ~f 0.., STANDARD ,\\)v 4\yV 'b-0 REBUILDS , ,9 f" <vro '~ ~~ .;:,E;,'t-+-" ~ ~~ ~:-<:"' (619)244-3584 f ,tfi r#0 ,<,_<?' 11435 Santa Fe Ave. East " v Hesperia, California 92345 «-~' Page 49
I I .... ·o ~ . McKENZIFS AUTOMOffYE ·1NC. WAREHOUSE DISTRIIIUTORS FOR ,CENTER-LINIE WHEELS TECTIRA TIRES KC LIGHTS SUPER TRAP SPARK ARRESTORS CIIIIE LIGHTS MCKENZIE AIRf'ILTERS WRIGHT PLACE DJJRA ■LUE ULTRA. IIOOT WIESTl!RN AUTO TIRES 818-784-6438 8 t 8 -76!5-!1827 SWAY-A-'!NAY BILSTIEIN SHOCKS K . Y .9. SHOCKS BEARD SEATS HEWLAND GEARS GEM CIEARS CROWN. NFG. NEAL PRODUCTS . RAPID COOL TRI-NIL 129411 SHERMAN WAT. NO. 4 NO. HOLLYWOOD, CA 9160!1 MENDEOLA RACINC -TECHNOLOCY VW • PORSCHE • HEWLAND RACINC QEARBO~ES ( 619) 2 7 7 -3100 7577 CONVOY COURT. SAN DIEGO. CA 92111 . 5\S_ -C t-1 f>. S Cijstom Built to Your Needs by V-ENTERPRISES 37925 Sixth St. East, Unit 107 Palmdale, CA 93550 Bill Varnes Mike Brown 805/272-3843 INSTANT SERVICE 1-800-331-NEAL . OUTSIDE·CALIF. High Performance Pedals & Hydraulics, Including ... • NEAL Cutting Brakes'"' • Clutch Pedal Assemblies, • Master Cylinders • Hydraulic Clutches and Throttles ... plus much more. Complete Ca1alog, $3.00. NEAL PRODUCTS, INC. 717 1 Ronson Road San Diego, CA 92111 ( 619) 565-9336 "USED BY WINNERS NATIONWIDE" Ask Your Performance Dealer Today - Oil - Fuel - Transmissions - Rearends -Offroad, Oval Track, Drag, Marine Ol,.IALITY GUARANTEED Oberg Inc, 12414 Hwy. 99 So., Dept. OT, Everett, WA 98204 Page 50 OFF ROAD CHASSIS ENGINEERING. 6879 ORAN C IRCLE. 8uENA PARK. CA. 90620. Off Road Suspension Preparation 2 & 4 WO VANS & PICKUPS 8c M INI TRUCKS GABRIEL RACING SHOCKS • BAJA RYDERS PRE·RuN TRUCKS • C uSTOM SPRINGS A XLE WORK • CUSTOM SUSPENSION NO BLOCKS USED • WELDING & FABRICATION Bill Montague (714) 521-2962 Established 1974 Wants Be a Volunteer in a Yokohama Support Pit . Get Involved ! Dennis Rogers or Steve O'Connor (818) 335-7757 ORE OFF ROAD ENGINEERING Offll...ta-Can 9720 Cozycroft Coatsworth. CA 91311 IKE' GREG LEWIN (818) 882_-2886 FAMILY RESTAURANT Over 40 Years -The best in the Desert Coffee Shop -Steak House -Watering Hole Saloon , Mobil 24 Hour Service Station BAKER, CALIFORNIA PORCO PRECISION OFF ROAD COMPANY~ Retail Parts • Fabrication • Prototype 678 UNIT C SAN BERNARDINO RD. COVINA, CA 91723 TONY VANILLO (818) 91~3847 (818) 91~3848 DUSTY TIMES . INVITES YOU TO BECOME A DEALER Each month ten or more copies of the current issue can he in your shop, to sell or to present to preferred ·. customers. Ir is :1 great traffic builder, and the cost is minimal. CONTACT DUSTY TIMES, 5 331 Derry Ave., Suite O, Agoura, CA 91 301. (818) 889-5600 October 1987 Get the word ~ut about your business, big or small. Put your busine55 card in the . "GOOD S1VFF DIRECTORY" and reach new customen. Good St:uff Directory Ads are merely $18.00 per month. PROBST· Off Road Racing Inc. OFF ROAD DESIGN and FABRICATION · BERRIEN LASER RACE FRAMES 1121 EA S T ILLIN0IS HWY. NEW LENOX. ILLINOIS 604 51 18151 48S· RACE 172231 Quality Products Fastener Specialists Heinz (Henry) Buchhardt (213) 633-6971 6845 Eas·t Compton Blvd. 5N\AN ,q . . Zlf!__b.,,..;.~ ~ ALKE'r (213) 515-3570 PERFORMANCE COMMUNICATIONS FOR PERFORMANCE VEHICLES -z. m ::z, Paramount, CA 90723 Telephone : (714) 5354437 (714) 5~5-4438 David Kreisler 920 East Arlee Place A~eim, CA 92805 DOUG FREEMAN (213) .320:.9584 P .O . B O X 3757 GARDENA. CA 90247•7457 RUSS's V.W: Recycling 3317 S, Peck Rd., Monrovia, CA 91016 (BEHIND TONY'S TRUCK WRECKING) (818f 574-1943 • (818) 574-1944 Specializing in V. W. Bugs, Buses, Ghias and 914's Dusty Times
(213) 583-2404 ,,,~,~~o . , RICHARD LILLY L;AURA STOUFFER . Manufacturers SANDERS SERVICE, INC. METAL PROCESSING qt, Quality I Qrive Train . ·components . . . 5921 Wilmington Avenue Los Angeles, _California 90001 SUPER 1001 ~Roouc,s 1 SANDBLAST GLASS BEAD . FLOUAESCENT INSPECTION Mark Smith LOCATION ,·. ·ALBUQUERQUE, NM ANAHEIM, CA . BAKERSFIELD; CA BULLHEAD CITY, AZ COLTON.CA . EL CENTRO, CA EL PASO, TX FULLERTON, GA .HAYWARD, CA. · · LANCASTER, CA' . LAS VEGAS, NV LONG BEACH, CA OAKLAND, CA PHOENIX, AZ RIVERSIDE, CA SAN JOSE, CA TUCSON, AZ· VAN N!JYS, CA VENTURA, CA YUMA, AZ . MAGNETi'C PAATICAL Larry Smith TELEPHONE (505) 84?,6120 (714) 630-3810 (805) 324-9882 (602) 758-5480 (714) 877-0226 (619) 352-4721 1649 W. Collins, Ora"ige, CA 92667 · I 714-997-0766 ·. .If no.answer 714-.997-Q,'~67 . ·. - I . . I . .MEL ,SWAIN . I ·.METAL FORMING AN°i iNSTALLATION · .... ON SPECIALT,Y CARS .I • • . I .• 4392 BLDG. TWO UNIT D BROOKS STREET . MONTCLAIR, CA 91763. -SWAY•A FRI .. SAT .. SUN., MON. SHoP·714·6 2-6 -0852 HOME·818·915'.1126 "" Suspensi1)~ Compo_nenls · . I. . (818) 988-5510 I 7840 BURNET AVE. • . VAN NUYS, CALIF. 91405 · ~~;;~ ~;;~~~;~ .:;;;\jimmmmmmnnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,t~ ((:~;)) ~!t~~~~-1--··~ GET INTO'GEAR'WITH THE WIN~ING NAME IN TIRES \i Baaeball Cap: twill/mesh: one size his all, (702) 643-9200 black and yellow $6.00 1 (213) 432-3949 T-Shlrts: 50/50 blend available rn·S, M, J.. I •, -f~ (415).428-2600 · & XL yellow . $8.00 (602) 252°8923 · Patches: 2"x5'; yellow with black logo $1.50 (714) 877-0.226 Decals: 12" x 3" black .50 (408) 294-4513 · TO ORDER YOUR "GEAR" please mclude item, (602) 889:-6307 I;;: quantity, size and,send check, money ord~r or , (818) 785_0_902 r;:.-MC/VISA# (Ohio residents add s 5% tax) to • ,~ ,. (805) 659-5609 Mic/iev Thompson. . -~~ (602) 782-6543 LJERFORMANCE TIRES ~~i.,-~·· ,,..,,JJ¢1" ~ S:::: P.O. Box 227 • Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44222 ' M"fYJ~ TA~c~· racing 'gasoline . 112 c:>,ctane n-lck_ 118 j)ctane Super-n-rck 100 Octane Unl.eaded· .Alameda County Bakersfield . j4 I 5J 538-RACE 1805) 393-8258 . Phoenix : .. . J602J 952:2575 Po~land/Vancouver j206J 693-3608· Bremerton j206J 377-7951 Riverside ·1114) 787-8141 . Denver j303J 452-5439 Sacramento j9I6J 638-RACE . El Centro 1619) 352-2600 San Diego. 1619) 460-5207 , · Hawaii .j808J_682-5589 Saugus j805J 259--3886 Huntington Beach '17141 536°880B . ~aitle 1206( 833-0430 · tong Beach · . 1213) 979-0198 · . Spokane .. 15.09) 483-0076 . lDs Angeles · 1213) 863-4801 Tr/Cities · 1509) 5·47.3326 Las Vegas f702j871 -1417 .. Tucson {6021326-8770 , Orange County , f7 I 4J 634-0845·• •·· \IVenatchee •· f509f 663-291·2 -~TRACKSIDE ·• .. Photo Ent....,..IN•--"" p O BOX 91767 • LOS ANGELES. CA. 90009 187iO SO NORMANDIE • SUITE C • GARDENA, SA 90248 Jifli-·Ober J. (213) •327-4493 · RACING PIIOTOCRAPHY. SPECIALlffl (iP) UNIQUE METAL PRODUCTS 8745 MAGNOUA,-SANTEE, CAUFORNIA 92071 619/449-9690 i' .... Power Steering - Brackets Alumiriun:i Fabrication - Tabs Louie Unser LOUIE UNSER _Racing Engines. 1100 E. Ash Ave. Suite C Fuflerton; Ca.' 92631 .. P.O. ~~961!a~ :~~!r_~i:a:o~~~•_;,~i~e 202 (2l3) 437-4373 ~i~,;Ji~~~~~i~~l:;;i, :i~~•91'1~,~~~01' ~1'21'1' 1'01' 'u1'1~s1'1!1~1' El' '1~1'1~t.~.~~i:~~i:~~:,iiiiHi~iiJ~ ~---..;;......,.._=aa==----------'-----~!:!•.!J .. !;!••!;!••!!!••!;o!;•~•-~••~••!!ll!!i-1!!:U!!:o!!:1!!--!!--!!l-1:::--:::•~-~--!!1~--!!ll=U:=:H~U!!:l!!■•:!!••:::••:::••:::••~••~•~••!!••!!•-~•~•~~----_;_ ___ .:_ __ ~-~----___:....:._.....,...----l . • : I i THE• WINflERS eHOleE · Custom Race Car Fabrication & Preparation Hi-Performance VW . Engines & Transmissions Check out the WEB:CAM PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS are used by the i sports winning drivers and engine builders. Just ask the top DUSTY. TIMES Our.dedication to performance and quali\y keeps . • 1·r · '. professionals before buying your· next cam. · · you on top. Call WEB-CAM for.your winning-cam . SOUTHERN NEVADA Spcdal Club Sub Offcl'. ;0Ji~;~h~c~~g1!:'edoff-roadorse-nd• ·-,.,, OFF-ROAD ·CHASSIS · (,'.\lmost ha_lf price far grou~ s~bscriptions) , I calalog. · 745 W. Sunset Road #15 · _ Call (818) 889-"80 . 1 • Henderson, NV 890'15 (702) 565-DiRT ~ , .· _ or write I > : ,j ' ., WEB-CAM . RAY CUMMINS Fox Shox · DUS1Y TIMES • \ 12387 Doherty St., Dept. OT -PERFORMANCE CAMSHAFTS . Suspension Special.isl Trackside Serv·1ce· 5331 D A · s··. •· 0 A · CA 91301 ~..;...._----,.----'-----:----------....,.--+,-------'-e_rrv....;... __ v_e_.,_u_•_te _____ ' ....;...T!-o-u_r_a_, ___ ..:...;._,;.l __ -4-..::'~o:::,;'.~~-~:::.:,s.:::~:.!:~:=.:::·;n:~n~/~~n~ori/,o//edveh;c,., . (714)]3S-2200 I • O_FF ROAD SUSPENSION SYSTEMS SHOCKS-RACE CAR FAB,RICATION "AND PREPARATION CUSTOM MACHINE PARTS- KEVIN McGILLIVRAY 28210 AVE,. CROCKER #3_01, VALENCIA , CA 91355 {805) 257-0934 · Dusty Times l(ACE llMNS BYJEiiREiDt' •. . I .· TRANSAXLE _-,;. ENGIN~Nq:1, . JEFF FIELD 998-2739 I 1· '·. ···11 9833Dee"ring I . Unit H Chatsworth, CA 91311 1 ' . . \ I October. 19,7. . I I .I· Engine & Machine · ' VW -PORSC!:tE -OFF ROAD 947 RI\NCHEROS DRIVE SAN MARco·s , CA 92069 . . (619) 74·1~6-173 Pagc51 i, •·
.. CHAPALA-DUSTERS By Duke Perr,in,'Team Taxi If you:were-not.at our reception . <'ma!. Once again we had no ·. A WORD-FROM THEP.REZ will.be tnclud~d in•ne~t ~onth's .. you missed a real good cine, and winnets,-but were right atthe top · Brother' Checker: If yqu have -~column .. CRS." had .· origilially ,we appreciat< all who· came to with .four third place finishers. ' not been to a meeting .latdy, · Jei: maintained . _ai policy . · of not ·· wish us well. Thank you all, .Tom Koch brought his Class rin me give you a quicki undown·on · limiting, v'ehicle eligibility . . · Now, back to the racing. Four · third, while Dave Kreislerdidthe : what's_ been going .on in .the las.t · Several yea,rs. ago, we had· to Riverside has left us a legacy of. events have come and gone since same in Cfos~ 2-. Gregg Symonds · couple fo months and what's exclude-dune .. buggies, vehicles unusu~I and exciting races: I was the last.Checkers report. I 'II try got his first-finish in cJ·ass 7 4x4 coming' up. We'v~-takeO:_a $4000 , wit hoµ( doors, etc.,, to comply · one ofthe fortunate to view most .to catch you all up on what has· in third, and Russ Welch was 1 ½ treasury and reduced it' to well with the insurance· requirements of them as a'specfator. This time- happened_. Once again Checkers minutes out of the lead for third _ unde_r $50Q; bot, wedohavea lot and-rulesoftheSCCADivisional as a Duster. it was even better. dominated'.the entry at the Mint. _in Class l Q.. . . more·· stuff such- as more rear . Pro Rally S~ries,lt is thrcmgh the · Mike Williams and his younger 400 with 28 cars entered,and 13 Next came our three fourth spares, a newwelder/ generator, SCCA sanction that 'organizers· sister made it an easy.waltz·, from were able to beat the desert. tothe I f h G aporta. hie bull horn, a main pit _obtain insurance for their events. -p ace inis ers, eorge Seeley · · · · · · · wfre to wire; in the Desert 1-2- finish. At the Baja Internacional and Howard Anderson in Class tool box, ,new high · lift qwick -.'We-weren't :happy about it, but 1600 ·· class. The M_eco Racing . the dub started-16 cars with ·12 5, Russ Butow ai-ld Dan~y-York jac~~• extra .radio ante_nnas so i._ve we accepti;d it as a condition Team ,COf!1bined with the expert finishing; ,75. percent is-not ·bad. · in 1-2-1600, and Steve Kelley in- can · use mei:nbe~s-ra~IOS, special · necessary to continue putting on wrenches.o .f Jon Kennedy and AttheFireworks250wehad21 CJass8.BobUtgardandourPrez p_1t cap~am Jackets, thr.ee events. . . ... . . ~ade it a great day for all of us cars. leave the line and 13 came Jeff Hibbard were fifth in Class 5: . different s~w-?n patche~. cool In much the sarrie ~ay, the. that were there . .. · :· . · across the ·line three more times · Once ·agafo i:hat put eigh~ out of .cups anq T-shirt~. . _ . . · . ·. majority_._of the CRS Board of Mike reflected 'on how he' got ·to.earn a finish. . our 12 finishers in the top five in . The _ Club . IS. JµSt now GoverI)Ors' have approa¢hed the there with his comments to the Appropr.iately the last racewas ·their 'classes. w ·alter Prince r.ecovei:mg from an· unusually·_ proble~s . Rog~r . Allis6n was <;:rowd,during .his a~ards speech. th_e ~cond . last . ever Score_ " finished an astounding eighth in slow . per'iod; - what . \Vith. the faced with .the Metropolitan. He simply . said, in •this_ order; R1yers1de .. t\t ;that ra~e we haci, Class 2, and this ·may ruin his Riverside break and the .limited· , Wated)isrt.i(c(th! org:lnization · "thank·you Dad-, fa,mily, Jon rporem.eryibersonloantoScore 'reputation . . John Howard, Ch:ib ,activi:ry'•at the Colorado _control.ling-the road-µse permit, Kennedy· _and th~ Chapa la to n1n ther,~ce.tpan racer~. Of th: brought, his 5-l60Q •home for r9~e. most members are offdoing _for Indio ); The MWD perc~ives-,....;.. . Dusters." A t?uchofclass, Mike. three,we did have _runnmg; Lou _ l3th. Bob·. Bertrum a·nd Jorge . . something.· else. Thai• should · the big truck~ as causing more., . The .. Qusters . ~!so were. P eral_ta . bro_ugh ~ _home. a _ Espino finished their first race change shp rtly. since the Snore d~mage to the· roads than sever~l , . rep~esented -. by R_el1abl: · L1,1n:1~ respectable fourt~ m . D~sert l 6th. it\ Challenger Class. :Darryl .250 .ai:td three races in -BaJa . are rallyfcars,; and as. s.uch .~.HI not. ~rs Ch~nowth driven_ by Wtlhe: __ Class· .. 10, Da_v1d, Kr-e1sler and Alan Cook kepr going when . just::fr0und_the·corner. allow tht;rn; (the ;big truc~s} to Higman. When we saw W illy managed secon~ mUltraStock_s, others would. have quit,. and ~-.. The, Checkers are, almost- 15 · partkipate irl the'.eveAt: None of co~mg aro~nd turn 6_ he w:as anq Ra~dy Rhinehart _broke m came home-real late, i?th in 5_ years-·old'; and· Ma~ Norris .is. us are happy' about'ii:; but faced runm_ng a . st,rong. th1_rd and . both -~IS cars; ' but, his future 1600. heading-up a committee that is . ~iththe prospe<:t,othaving or closmg. Unfortunately' .i,. father-!n°law Ron_ Carter .was · putting together.'a '!year book"· nothavingtheeventaspartofthe _ competitor . became a .. little able to come back from a broken •, Our· drought.· of ~first place·, type. _book coverin~ the hi~tory of CR~ calenqar, t. he maj~rity of ... aoxious and -brnke his tie rod._ throttle spring to finish six l~ps in . finisners ·was. finally broken a~ . the Cl.ub from then· up nil now. ~he Board . agreed with the ·· .. Tom Haliburda was the the 33 car Staidiuin Class 10.: If the JiDRA Fir-eworks 250. Jim -On ·•a ·serious note' "once -a . 1mp~rtance .Q,f. Ea~t of ,fndio _ · remain.1ng · Duster, and he yo~' were not.there, Ron,Carter .. Stiks stopped at Hodge Roa-cl for -:~ heckei:, i lw~ys ~ C--he~ker"; hue t~ntinu,ing A,s -long: a:s_sociation -.-. frnished second in Class 8, third and · the Coastline Racing team- 'one light on his last lap .to win 1£ you want to stay on the active , with CR,S-. A lot ofralhests-who . ; _ overallin the He~vy Metal. To~ t~?-ew.. ·a. farewell partY. for Class · w· and f~nish four~h roster you ai:e expected_ tp stay_·. p~rti~ip~te_d i~,Slndi~_ last· year .. wa!i involved m more than .Rwers1de t:hat went tb all hours· overall. Tom Martin and Tevm ACTIV_E.. Check . the .. point d1dn t realize that, aft~r ~he rally, . -racing, which I am sure0you will· With~-Hve band: Many Checkel'.s - Murac:hanian: were able to keep . board! See·' ya at the rj~xt Roger spent sev~r;il weekends on· . • ~ead about· , in the upcoming were ·. in · attendance in varying ·, all · the. wh.~els: ~n ~ om 's Class 2 . meeting ... :Jeff Hibbard._. · . ·• a , road grader r-epairing~ i:oad issues of DUSTY TIMES. We conditions: .When Ron was told al}d c:ame m third m class. _5teve ·.~~~ .- • . ~amage. . ·: , · -· .· _ . . h~pe· to.· :h,ave _the· story from that there was a p~~sibility of one . ,Kelley ran a strong i:hird in Cla~ CALIFORNIA -· The stamdin'gs for ,CRS •Open· ! om'·s pomt of view for the next more final Riverside in the spring 8 . . . . . . _ .. . . , .RA!LY Class_ as 9f September 1 ar.e: ( f) issue. _ . ·~ • o f riext year he said; "How will I _Four club members collected · Bilr · Holmes; '_6,30;- (2.).· lon . Morley . and Mjke Williams, · ever top this." : · . _ . fourfh · places in · class, Dave -SERIES.- Peterson, 484; (3) J an ·Miller; Steve. Barlqw and myself wlll be' · Now 'let . us back µp to a hot Kreisler in -~Jass 2, Jim: Sumners 390; (4) .Ric Belt,., 300; ( 5) repr~senting the Dusters at .•and dusty.day in Las Vegas oh tl:ie-(must be out.of retirement) in 1~. · '·i~llliq~J George Dal~nd, 288. Standings . Cr.a1g, ,Colorado. I fully- se,::ond weekend. in• May. 2-1600,andmanothercloseone II! for tl}eStc:x:;kCiassare:('l:)Topt, ·. understand.the motivation for Although_ we had no first place· Russ Welch in ·Class 1.Q, ;md · Hy11.y1;1en, .620; J2)· Mike.· theffrstt~o.butwhyamigoing! f1nishers, .we were hotoh theii• George.~Seeley: arid -Howard \,;.,,;......,...,;;;;,;;;;;.,.;.:;...J · Biddlirigmeier, - 400; ,(3) ~ill Next, issue _we will print the heels. George Seeley and Howard · Al')derso_n . in_ Class 5. Thi~ .one Perez, 370; (4-)' Hal Haley, 347: results. Several of the southern Anderson were second in Class was· clo~ as seven .out of 13 . ,H:,· Bi/I .Moon: (5) Oavid Burgess, -33_~..::::_: California Off Road Pit Clubs 5, and Willie Melacon and Lou~ finisFer~ were in the top five in will rnmbitie- their pit ~tfor_ts. in Peralta were a hot ~econd in the t~eir cl~s.5es. We had.three i~ Th~ next e~ent 'on the>CRS · Colorad~ to offer all then drivers huge· 1-2-1600 class. Rod· .. · sixth l?lace .~s Tom Koch he!~ _it calendar is. the Glen Helen III SCCA Southern Pacific Division Pro -•ly Report B1 Lynnetfe Allison . . the optnnum support'. It is . Babbert brought· home third ih I together m ,Class . 1, . J Im R,allysprint set for· Saturday • . . always a pleasure to pull into a Class 5 and Jim Stjles was third.io qreenway was put back together October• 17 .. Mike Blore will be · F~I~ pit_ loc?king for~help, and . ,Class 10. Jim Greenway was hot, , in Cl~s 10,_.and Gregg Sym~mds , orga:nizingthe event,: which will . -O.-le_n __ H_e_l_e_n---'R-a'""11'""y-S_p __ ,..ri_n_t this time it will seem a little more· after Stiles with fourth in Class . beat 1t out m Class 7 4x4. Greg be held ·•at the Glen Helen Off organizer Mike Blore reports the · legit. . . . . . 10. J_ohn . Wilson and Robert Heinrich fi_n_is~e_d ninth in Class . · Road Vehicle Park north of Sim p_ossibility of. ·some evening , Pra_do Dam Park ,m ~~mo wa'.' Veltn brought the old Hi Jumper 2 · Dal') ~-lamfmisbed one after_ a Bernardino. The last Glen Helen . stages for his next rally sprint the stte of our clu? r,1cnic, on in fourth in Class 2, while Rus.5 long series · of DNFs, ~enth m ,-event proved quite exciting, with event sc;heduled for. Saturday, August 3_Q. FAI~, co!nc!dentally, · Butow . and Danny York . were : Class, 1. and ~alter Prince was . a ·ck.,,::~ battle. for first place and Octoberl 7 aHhe OHV Park. As· was -h~vmg their picnic at _the fourthm 1;2~1600. . · 11th m Class 2- . , several drivers finding the,:n-the. 1988 SCCA So-Pac same time, same place. A nval ,'Tom. K9ch . fought· hard !O That leaves US'With' the point· selv,.es· "upended ·as a result of Divi!iional Championship · baseball game was planned but finish an,dended_upfifth in Class ' s~aridings.··Our best racier at_.this . chargin~ · too .. hard on. the· opener, the Oc:tobet running of never happened. Instead , we 1,-_That puts eight of our 13 time 1s Dave Kreisler, who _1s on challenging qmrse. The facilities 'this cfiallenging event nei,lr. San . chose , teams,· and · pl~yed ball fm1shers m the to.p five of their . top. of the ~lass 2. points race. ar: the' ORV park are very nice . Bernardino, CA should prove to together. ~hathappmess_; . can clas~es at. t~e ~int 400._ Dav-id Tom Koch is fourth in Class t and contribute significantly· .to . be most . interesting . . Contact you stand it.. .. . . . . ~r~1sler kept h1s car together to. · while Qeorge Seeley is third in • .the Glen Helen rallysprihts being Mike Blore at (213) 425-0984 ~; ~~. · ■ fm1sh seventh m Class 2, while Class 5. Darryl Cook is banging some of -the most comfortable .'for current inforrnatioo. -~ -~ -:;:~, ·: Greg Heinrich brought his new-on to· fourth in·-5-1500, Steve ev.ents to spectate . . · · --' ·•. Confused about vehicle ·.~ll~~~IIS· .. ·. Class2 in f?r:eighthplace._0':1r ~elley_iss~conq in :Class Sand Goodn~ws!Asoft~.iswriti,ng, eltgibility_ for SCCA/CRS. -~.-u.-.:: -~:.-i_.;.~;,._lli,-::_;;ii~ . - •. last three fm1shers were all m Jim Sttles -1s third m Class· 10, Roger Al!tson, organizer ,of the even.ts? The East of Indio VII . OFF~ROAD RACING TE'M • .Pass 1-2-1600, as Gary.. Ba~es _ only ?o points b~hind the·le~der ·~ast ofln~io Rally, ~as agreed to_ Endur.ance Rally_ 'organizers,. . . .· .. came . home 13th, pro&pect1ve -an_d f1_fth overall m buggy pomts. in.elude his event m the· CRS expressed ~concer·n with. a By Nels Lundgren S~ua~t Chase was _17th, and Scott Colorado should make a big calendar . . The manner in which possible m1sunderstand1ng on Hello Racers.· Stephanie and I are now married and set-tied in, and I'm finally back at the typewriter.· Zimmerman and Theo ·Stryuck differ'ence in the poinrs points for the event will be vehicle eligibilityfortheir ev.ent struggled in 26th. _· _ · . standings. If you are not there, scored is·going to be the primary scheduled on November 20-22 Next came the lovely trip we'll see you in Bajano matter subjectoft:henextmettingofthe _in·· Indio, _"CA . . Numerous south to Score's Baja Internaci- . which coutse they run. . .. CRS Board of Governors, and telephone calls · and questions custom. Wheels Baja Bugs Dune .. Bu,ggies_ · Race Cars . _Machine Shop .. _ Parts & Service W~R. ·RACIN:G . Products-, . OFF ROAD PRODUCTS Phone (602) 242-0077 2733 W, Missouri -Page 52 Off Road Accessories Phoenix, Arizona 85017 515 So. Vermont . ,Glendora, CA 9H 40 October 1987 Bill Raybould 818-914-3904 For ~d~e~)ising rates _&_ information contact Wright Pubiish,ing co:, Inc'. PO_ Box 2260, Costa Mesa; ·cA 92628 (714) 979-2560 .· -:: .. · ·Dusty Times
.. ',. ' ,·. 11:1·EAM. · . REG'. IS .. , ER · l 11 , • , ,, . ! \ : .· :Which state, county, or city.in ',I · the USA blocks off· inajor Glf -<1£ BOYS 1<l=A"DY,. ··~·· . . · ........ ·· ·. p. '. on. y ·lx.j.:, .. pres.,-s... ili~t:~ns;l1ttf~;dse~~r1~a~t . MA\./. -1HfRE 's Al /v,,t:,-. · . . . ·. .· . . . _ . · personr(el, so that we ai-e allowed KLVNKER A·COi'v1l~', --,i::; I to roar. in. and out •of town in '' .. I:.·. . ,e,. ·. ✓~ ·· Th~'re were a c~~ple ofletters • ~0!?f of.the bean:i? ~fo;r all, paint . excess 'of 100 fl.liles .· per h9ur? C C~ 2 .. in . the Septembfr :. i_ssu~ ,. of i_~ I added mat!!nal . Thanks for,, The first.·. off road race my . . 1 '4,p2. DUSTY TIM~_pertammgtothe • tht· spaq:. . . . , . . _ •· . brother and •I ever entered "'.as ,a' J · ' Snore MidnigHt ,Speci.al;· .·. ' · ' . . Don Dayton BajalnternaoionaL We got into ·.par .. ticula. rly th·e·. Ch.~llenger GI. as~ . . . •·. · .. : ' _ P.resident, S·N··· OR. E. Ltd. off road racing because of Baja; We welcome all. Support Team news :artides:iTyped and double spacedocopy is accept.able: Deadline is-the 10th of the rrionth. 'CfiAPALA DUSTERS. ·.. . ' LOS OAMPEONES" ' .· Jon Kenn,dy,.President . MalcolmVinje, President 3117. Klllarney 2450 Vineyard Ave., Suite 102 Costa Mesa, CA.9262'6 Escondido, CA 92025-1330 (714)641-0155 (619) 292-0485 (home) _ Meeting - 2.nd Wednesday , (619_) 743-1214 (work) Verdug~>'s Mexican Restaurant· Radio-FM-152.960 Costa Mesa, CA Radio~FM~.15:(77~ CHECKERS · Jeff Hibbard, President · 13237 Sierra Hwy. Canyon Country, CA 91350 (805)252-4034 . CORE . . . • Karen Clark, Race Director 17045 Roscoe Blvd., #11 -· Northridge, CA 91325 (818) 345-3833 ·1 . F.A.I.R. SUPPORT TEAM · P.O. Box 542 Stanton, CA 90680 ·· Jeff; Randall, President --.Teri Nicks/ Secretary . · Dave Masstngham, Race Director (714) 879-7697 , . (~18) 943-1916 .Meetings,1st & 3rd Weds, ; ,' HblldayJnn - Harbor & 91 Freeway Radio-FM~150.860 . . MAG7 . Jerry McMurry, President Bruce. Cranmore, Race Director 11244 Horizon Hills Drive El Cajon, CA 92020 . (619) 440~3737(home). (619) 225-6886 (work)• TERRA Jan Sunderland;: President 2542 Kemper Avenue . La Crescents, CA 91214 (818) 248-9039 - . Meetings 2nd Weds. each Month - Jan Sunderland's house TIGHT 10 153.Llndell Avenue . El Cajon, CA,92020 .!619) 283-6535 {day) .. (619) 447-7955!{night) Gene Robeso~, President . '(619) 466~8722 that require an _ans.,,:er. NormaHy . . ; · , _ . . Las Vegas, NV and ultimately-started to attend : I would obey .· r1 y father's . . . . . .· · . · the Parker . 400, Mint ·400, injunction, "Jhe mar.<,> .you stir . ·,. hanks. s~ much Dem, for Frontier · 500 · and other the 'stuff' the wor~e it stinks," dearmg up :the matter, of why .the American;·off road races. ... but these guys put the bad mouth . Pr9tlst at/he Midnigh( Special wils So, .. , what · can ·oe · done, or. on SNORE too, and that I won't .. d9ueclhaa ter the! race, WllS· over .. It · rather,' "what riuist: be dof!e .to tolerate. I've been liep about by set;m5 t tone O our correspondents insure that we are allowed to experts, and these !two guys a.re wqs. ~,~ware of the spe.ci~l. dpvers .continue to race. in . Baja not even good ama_tr;urs: I Wasn'.t . me,etmg for the Challenger dr,tvt?1's. Cahfornfa? First, Score officials , e~en acc~sed of ty,lf~ cans to, his S~ORE i.s llOt the only as~ocwtwn shoµld clarify' and identify with wife's tail or rn.albng obscene thqt de,a.ls with such proble,ns with a th'e Mexican farmers which gates phone calls to his tat. They did vot,e of:the. class drivers concemed .. must be closed all the.tim¢ during imply thattheChallbngercar that befiore the-race. It has happened_ pre-runnfng, because:some,gates · . won the Midnight Special was a frprn HDRA 011 down, and, as '.)OU might have to stay operi' i:.o allow grossly illegal, .· O\it and out di~, the drivey/o«>ner is wdri1ed.to livestock access to water, etc. ch~ter (2180), iHc:;gal shocks, .· corpp.ly with all rules before tfu:next Second, clearly pain~ and color , .. illegal f. ron.t end; :s~.o.·rt .. toursed, rqc·'· •e ... ·.11} qr. der . .. topa.· .ss.tec~.· ·\¥e. h. a~e . ·code· the gates .to be' -closed:on etc. . . yi · 1 • recbtved a couple more letters, this bothsidesofthegateposts~Signs . If the winner\~as .t~atbad, Pete tiM~ from ,Las y egas, pointiiigoitt. and warning labels are nice,, but Dutton · .must rea,qy be some-the, write~ s · gripes about t~ .way · have the· tendel)cy to disappear, thing, l:>ecause he t':lrned fast lap .S~ ORE org~mzes . their eveilts; Third, priOr . to · _pre-running, for the class. The wmner, though ·. marl eon chea~plg and S? f0:,th. We reql!e~t i'n all letters, maps _and slower, was. rn1uch, more dq ,we. recogmze the wnters name.s _ correspondence to all racers that consiste~t, while D~mon turned . as [active dnvers, and we alswfeel,: ahy •mark~d cattle gate, whether a flashy first lap and then wen,t to J'4t ei_wu~h has been 7aid about the yol;l find it open or closed, must sleep for the rest !of the race. M~dmght -Sp.· ecial .. course.and rul_es be-dosed before you ·leave the When he discover~q it wasn't a ~nfiorcement:: Many people do not areai . . ~ne lap race, he tried a "shift . r~lzzethatSNOREisaclub,none : 'ln ,other words, make knob" protest. Most of you will_ of f s officers or warkers are paid for everybody responsible for the remember the dear;! ?ead ~ays of·.· th~11r efforts, a,nd ev~one makes . neglect • of the carelessness of Class 11 when·the wmner would mwakes sometimes.· . others. · As it stands .. right now, be dis.qualified 'fod nil,legal·shif~ I . . ., · . with the current procedure, . knob. . '. ' . ·I ' ' . ' . . ·:Having Hstened to the urgent ·when we come tb a gate which is ·. The reason the Al'otest at the. a~peal made bY'Sal Fis_h .an~ MS. dosed,. we will .also dose, it Midnight_ ·Sped;i1L w:as nN· MJria Luisa .. M~t'ales de · behiridus. However, if weJinda allowed_, JS .a~ l~~lqws • . The, Arre~!-)ndo, ~~b-Dtr~ctor ?f gate .open, we_ will leave if open·.· ' Challenger drivers 't'ere ask_ed to T9t1;ns1:1., qunpg ~ne .B?Ja unless we hav.e ,·unmistakable· . stay _after the, pre-r~ce d_nvfrs' hW!rnac1onal. · dnvers . meetmg evidence that this gate should be 'me_etmg. At that ·jt1me tt w?s lasfJune,a~kmg_·fo·rollThelpand closed: c;:ertainly, .bY. adopting . pointed out that the· car m uncierstandmg .about th~ cattle this coricept and getting' the have proQlpted them to offer this ' and neat positioning of tools, q~e~tion had illega/. bra\ing on . ga~e issue, it seemed to indi~~~ cooperatibn 'and suppbrt of;the clarification. _ ., . including . the· position· of the shock towers and hen'n: end that we are awful close to a cns1s majority of all the off:road race ,.• ''Any properly equipped rally emergency/first aid items and shocks (which are l,dgal, although a11,1 ,may .be jeop::i,rdizing d1e · fans, we will minimize the time car or mini.Jruck may compete:. their accessability. Inspectors the , mounting . m;ethod . was. ~rµr¢ of of.f road racing in Baja these gates might be lefropen. · . However, iri ordei toobtairi road :check headlights, driving lights, questicrnabl~) . . Tjhe dri_v;ers <JP,fornia.This is happening at a . Hopefully_, duri~g_. the next · permission a·nd have a rally event' suspension, and · emergency• agreed that 1f the shoc:k tower time when $enator Cranston and · Baja race the course once again at all, we must restrict any highly brake functions. Gener.al vehicle bracing ras cut, theit ar would be . ~?:• 'seem to~ engaged i_n,a.~oty . will lead over Mike's Sky Ranch .. modified : large trucks i from appearance may . pjay a part, ajlowed to. compe~~-;The br,-aces wn. t? . d~1ve · us off:. ro_~d .. Pe~son~lly, .I ~ann'?t remember a · competition . in this · evenL The. .especially if there is.an indi!=a_tion. were hack-s::i,wed_ ~hr9ugh, _the en~hu~1asts off the desert sand m. Ba)a• 1000 which did not run past ·large trucks '. are the ONLY ofrust or weaknesses in the main car ran. the race with no bracing.· California ·. and ·· possibly' .else- Mike's, and your announcement vehicles under this restriction." · vehicle body structure. · Check and won., · [. · · w~bre _i~ the U_~A 'Therefore,. la,st 'surnme~ .~bout ·avoiding ~he Entry fee deadlines for East of your 1987 SCCAN;itional Rule . Dutton s. complafnt seems1 to Bai!a s~hforma m1ght be the only . area-,., _espec1~lly. _the .Melmg ~ Indio are October 15, $200.00, Book for all ,the · details and be. that ... • while. he agreed tolet:the plf1·f·.e left,-·for ... desert off road. · Ranch, S?_unded like losmg parr November .15, $22 5 .00, . standards. . carr_ace, .1t shouldnjtf b~~llow.ed rncp~g,_and m te~~h our children ·of·a trad1t1on. H,ow many of us . thereafter $250.00 and cash at .. Th~se inspectors will issue the to wm. Dutton .was [am1h\ir with theJ. JOY, an~ ex.c1~ement we fac~ have enjoyed the crisp, cool air the event. Competitors should newly . required' SCCA. Log thecar, ashe had .sefn:the ·shock while runnn~g aloi:ig·the bea~hes and Mike's friendly ' hospital:ity call (714) 73601442 for more Books for vehicles competing in . set-up .at a prev1~us race, the of the Pacific,, flymg over l.ake every time we were pre-runnmg detailed information. Divisional . and/ or National SNORE T~ilighr.,;\This· i~ •the Dj~blo, or cruising the for~st~d \n ~aja, Just becau~e -of a few ·· National Tech lnspe~tors are a events) nspection sites and dates reason ~h~ _ 2189 1 would have heights • Of El l_l,ayo ai:id M1k,e s,. md1v1duals actmg either out of .. reality. Four rally competitors for formal inspections wjll be· been a hgmmate protest, but the anq, after crossmg the trea.cher- · ignorance or stupidity during the · gave up part oftheir Labor Day announced soon, ,pending final two -si;nall tabs w~lded to. the oy~ tid~ pools· south of San •hist Baja race in June, the reifr of , weekend to meet with SCCA · approval by SCCA. LogBooks to\1/er were not. r ~1n't .wait. t_o lgr)rCIO, not to forgetlobster and us have to suffer. . ., 'personnel . at . the Riverside are required for the 1988 ;he. ar .the n.~xt pro~5st.frorn :this beder for :three bucks at Punta W olfr~m ~.lawmer International Raceway, and Divisional Championship, and group. How aqout Pifptest.mg the . Pe uena. . . . _,;. . R1vers1de:, CA dedicate the.inselves to · proving ·· muit ·be .. presented to the tech , ·. · · · · their mastery of tech insp~ction. inspectors prior to every event. .· Aguirre in his CRS! Si:~k Cl~ss · :fad Azevedo be1s3n th~ 1987 "fhis letter ims «~itten before the Meeting with Steve· Ostrowski, · Carl Azevedo is joinirig with · car, locally, Carl kept his racmg _ PRO . Rally year , cautiously;- . maJor.caurse chan!,!e on the proposed . SCCA Divisional Scrutineering Jaguar on the IMSA trails. history quiecHe Sp!!ni:five years rec:entl¥ putting pressure Ori the Baja 'rob0, 1987 roµt~;·: All, the ·Administrator and Harry Azevedo announced he has taken from . i,979 to 1983 moving C~ S S~~ck Class competitors M_ike's S_ky • Ranch.: fons will be •Appleby, Cal Club Tech _-a- crew position with Tom through the racing heirarchy, wivhafirstinclassatGlenHelen hµppy•t.oseethe fin.al,of[icialmap Inspector, .these four put forth ·Walkinshaw Racing Enterprises, ~venrually working fs ~rew .c~i~f ,#2 din l\fay. _Mov!ng to · Indiana does indicate a checkpoint a.t the Sky · their best efforts. Thanks go to now headquartered in Indiana. m the Can~m Ser11.es, tw1stmg. e11 is his Cah,fornia.competmon. Ranch. , Don Lindfors ariQ Jon Apogee The Walkinsha:w Team recently wreQches with the ·likes-qf Paul phms, but he looks forward to who received their tentative clinched t:Qe European World .Newman a,nd Carl t aas. . . .· . potsible tra~!< racing in Indiana, ~1!1edri_~i:i.f£~~7n ~~~ · !f:~;~~~?:~~\:~Y.ic.t~:~~~ • ~~:_yy J.!!'iQ 1,f;§J\l _~;~~-~,• • ,/4 ,/. " Inspector trainees. . dominating Porsche teams. \: \ : \ Nationally-licensed tech Carl feelsthemoveputshimin inspectors are responsible for on the ground floor, as the vehicle inspections, checking all Walkinshaw team continues potential rally -vehicles for with their three· Jag\lar backed compliance with · the . SCCA IMSA QFf racers. He hints of National. PRO Rally safety major racing . expansion and standards. They look for proper additional sponsorship iri the 'roll :cage installation, safety near future. harnesses and equipment, safe ,Competing with Willie • Dusty ·rimes I. I. DUSTY TIMES welcom~s letter; from all comers of off 1;oad · .activity. The. Pony Expr~ss .column · will feature. all the mail we can fit into the space available. Please keep your wordsfairly brief. Because of . • space limitatio1lS; your pearls of prose may be edited, .but DUSTY TIMES will print your gripes as well as your, praises .. Letters for . publication should be at the DUS.TY TIMES office by the 15th ofthe month in•order to appear iiithe next issue. -P1gc·53 ·
}, ' 1 . I. I_. l ! l Classified~.,. FOR SALE: Class 1-9 ( 10). ·. FOR SALE: 1969-VW sedan. In Wright spindles, ATI fuel c;:ell, · very g6od 'srnnning condition. 20 gal., Wright rack, Woods Clean: Sway-A-Way sway bars'; trailing arms, Mastercraft seat', 1600 . ccs, new brakes, recondi-Swa y-A_-Way, JaMar pedals, tioned seats, new· carpet,, only Neal steering brak,es, AMS disc $2400. Call Judy days, (818) brakes. This car is 'nice -,- -988-5510, eves, (213) 306-reasonably priced at $3500, or 6131. ' best offer. Call Greg at (612) ------'---~- - ~ FOR ·sALE: Baja with full cage, · Centerlines·, . Super _ seats, long aims, KYBs (2F/3R) set .up. . CLEAN UP . YOURAa~ clean out-. ( your:garage._ SeU your surplus parts and pieces RIGHT HERE! FOR SALE: '86 2 seat T-Mag Challenger. Saco Rack Goetsch Tech shocks, Beards, Y oko~ama, all the good stuff. $6000.00 race . ready. $4000.00 less engine and trans. Call Daryl'_N1,1sted (714) 933-1181 or 935-1811. WANTED: Baja Bug ·or pre-runner, street , legal. Link pin front end, Bus Type II rear end, Type 3 repr br,ake?, and possib_ly with skid plates and bumpers, . "Thing" adj. beam, disc .front brakes, woven rear, Sway-A-Way, KCs, full gauges, radio, Baja blower, · flameout, bus trans, · 4:86, by Field, · engine 2276 cc Autocraft.w/ SPG roller crank, 44 . Weber, full tinted glass, trailer and spares. $4500 080. Call (813) 488-0513 . Classified ads· are just $10.00 each month -$5 .00 more t;ath month for a pictur~. · -860-4082, Miracle Muffler FOR SALE: Cl;ss 10 sing!~. seat race car. 1st place winner 1986 at . Lucerne, t_he' Mint, Baja 500, Barstow. O.R.E. frame; Fox shocks, EMS motor,-· Field's trans. Professionally maintained. and prepared-by GregLewh1 of O.R.E. $14,000 complete. Call Greg at ( 818) 882-2886 or Steve at (805) 344-2133. FOR SALE: 1985 Raceco Class 1 or 10. Available with E.M.S. Type IV or FAT Type 1 Class 10 engine. Kreisler trans with Hew-land gears, Curnutt ·Torque Limiters, Super Boot axles, Summers rear hubs, long traveJ suspension front and rear w ( secondary toi:sJon bars in rear. . Four Fox shocks w/ SwaycA- · Way progressive s_prings in front, · U.M.P. power steedng, etc. This car was built with the best of everything. $25,000 race -ready. Contact Jim or Mike at.Harbor Diesel, (213) 591-5665. __ . and some aftermarket suspen-. skm parts. 'Reasonably_ Friced, but NO junk! Cash! Wil travel to Arizona, Nevada or southern California for the right car. Call (916) 343-6224. FOR SALE: ·.26' motorhome · .conversion completed , in '87. Built by ·off roader for that use. Has a full' shower stalt with 100 gal. of water, and enough ground clearance to go where you want. Sound like your next tow rig? Too many extras fo list. $14,995. Call Jerr.y at ( 503) 666-3354. -FOR SALE: Two·cartrailer, w(th large storage area. . Enclosed, electric brakes, _new tires, ,tows great. $4000. Call John, (213) 595-5545. . FOR SALE: Class 8 1972 Fo,rd rolling chassis. Will make good racer or pre-runner. No engine or trans. Rancho. shocks, Beard seats, Summers Bros. floater, 4 · wheel disc brakes,: 50 gal. fuel cell. 3rd, 1987 Parker 400, 4th 1987 Fireworks 250. Must see. · $9000.00 OBO. Kishiyari1a . FOR £ALE: 1986 Race~6 Class Bros. Racing (213) 397-6489_ . . 2. 24" travel car, two stage coil FOR SALE: Class 10 Hi Jumper over front shoc~s, Super Boot-Short Course, 6" wider beam, axles and cvs, secondary torsion 3x3. arms, Wright rack, KYBs, w/ twin shock s/u, p/ s, new 103" WB, 2 bus geilrboxes, play· Wright Place front arms and link m.otor, spare tires·. $2000 .00 pins. SI U for Hew land . trans Plus, new HiJumper, 100", 2 seat . w / Type IV. $18,500 roller. Also ·race frame new glass; aluminum. HewlandtransandFATTypelV $2800.00 for-all. Call (714) available. Call John, (213) 595- - 988-3399. 5545. ---,-_- _-----"---FOR SALE:_ Race motor, FOR SALE: 1985-Raceco Class 2270cc.-Type I, built by 2 truck. First one built, well Leighton, very fast and depend-equipped.· 24~ travel, coil over able, foll fl6 heads, alt, Feramie frm:it end, Hewland gears, Typt clutch, light~ned flywheel, Tri-IV by FAT. Can race or make a Mil, new case and much more. very fast pre-runner. $l3,SOO.- Great for pre~runner. Also:have Call J<:>hn, (213) 595-55,45. . 2180cc jugs, rods & pistons in FOR SALE: '78 Scout SSII. excellent C'ondition. Asking _$2500.00 for engine, make qffer ·on.parts.Call (702) 363-2245. Raced in VORRA and Pro Can · FOR SALE:-'78 C evy pre-Am. 340 engine, Torqueflight runner. Trick 350 4 bolt, 041 trans,· Rancho suspension. One heads, roller rockers, balanced, FOR SALE: 091 gearbox,,for 1-FOR SALE: 1-1600 Hi Jumper, year old fuel cell, Be~rd seats. -etc. 10 ~hocks, full cage, Master 2-1600, perfect for·-Mexico, 117" WB. 930 turbos, combos, Good Firestone tires and wheels. Craft. Great truck, ready'to go. 5.37, 1.48 third, 1.19 fourth. new Yokos, Bilstein's. A~king $3500':00 as is or $4500.00 Mustsell.Only$10,500.00.Cafl Complete with flanges. Call $8500, call after 6:00 p.m. for _ ready tCi race. Call Keith Robb days (818)361-3033, eves (805) (714) 530~3980 aftrr six. details, (714) 530-3980. (415) 687-9529. · . 269-172'8. · --~-----~--= r---•--111111111~-~-~~--~---------~--~---.--:---;~----~-~---------.-.. -, _,., 1· ._ · · · Sell or S"'!'aP your extra parts and pieces in . .. . - I .· I - . \ J (714) 978-2002. FOR SALE:.BajaBug, full cage, 1835 bus. ·8 -Bilstein shocks, Beard .seats, Wright front end; Centerlines, fresh motor and .. traris. Must sell fast: $3900'.00 OBO. Cal1SteveJuµddays(818) 795~2315,eves(818)548-639L FORSALEORTRADE: Class3 or 4 Commando, raie ready; ·professionally built, iell · equpped. Dana 44 front and rear with spool; Art Cai::r transmis~ sion, 360 AMC; Taylor seats, 16 shocks. Call (91,5) 593-4848. FOR SALE: ChapparaJ-Class 1· or Class 10. Single .seat, .125" WB, t.otalChromoJy, extra wide front and rear torsion, outer CV arms; fuel cell, Hew,land trans · . mount, Hewla!ld shifter, Wright tac:k and pinion, power steering, · tie-rods, heavy duty link pins, 4" heavy diity arms. Spindles; 8" rear arms, eomplete body, Beard · seat, hydraulic brakes and dutch, · steering wheel. All ·fabrication complete. All Palmer b,,iilt. $9500.00. Call (602) 478-2344. I . DUSTY· TIMES; 1 .. FOR SALE: 120''. WB 2 seat I Classified Advertising rate is only· $10 for 45 words each month, not including name, address and phone n_umbe~. Add $5 .00 for · I · ·unlimited, built fot pre~runriing, I · use of black and whit~ photo, or a very sharp color print. ·· · · ' ·.. · · I· but_ has race potential. 165Qcc -1 · NEWAND RENEW AL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO DUSTY TIMES ~ A 45 wor-d Classified Ad is FREE if you act now and I _. -(m?t)oBr ,_1bu_s IRRS, , Fo1 x shockds . I subscribe. If. you wish to use a photo in:your free ad, enclose $?.00. All·classified ads must be_ paid in a __ dvance_. _ · · . _. I' air , 1 stem. ec~rft Y preppe { this car works). Desert is back I -~~ _ __:_ ____ --,-__ _:_ ____________________ -,----------,------I yard, come out and ~est it. Call I ----------,-'-----,--------,-~------,-----'-------=------------,----:----I• Terry (619) 252-1233 PM. I I FOR SALE: -Class 2 Raceco. I . 120'' WB, Centerlines, Parker I ----'-----_:::-,-----'--~~--,--~-'---------:-~---;:----'-~~-,--~--'---:----:--:-:------:-----;:-- · Pumper, Bilsteins, power steer-I ____ _:_ ___ .:__ ___ ~__:_------------'-----,----------,-,-----:-::-----------,-I ing. Hewla·ndgears, 4:86 ring and I I ' pinion, Henrys alum. 'diff. I . I ARPM engine case, S.P.p roller I -_ ___ · --'--------------------:-:-'-----'----'----,--:-----:----'-----~----:--I crank, dual Deler t6 carbs, dry sump engine. Many extras . . I Enclosed_ .is$ _____ (Send check or ~oney order, no cash). Please run ad ______ ~ times. .1 $15,000.00 OBO. Call days I · .,• I (714)-956-8891, nites (714) I 361-1851. Ask for Mike . . _ .I, Name£~ - Mail to: I FOR SA V . I., . ., ;~t,. ·.,-~~ °' P-h· o·'ne . DUSTY TIMES . eng1·nesLEZ: 238T6ype ~ 18W35race_ .. ,- . - Addr,1ess_·,,·,. ·. ---~--5331 D A 's • ''O , ~ 1: 1600. ·.. .· . , . ·. ·c~·,, ,, , c,c, ., .. . . -,· ,,.~ : . · erry ve.,! tilte , ·. · · .· · !=-.c~G~l1Billdays(503)686: · . . J '.· Cit~:~~':·· ' ·· "· · Sta~e _____ Zi~-----:-,,----. ' Agouht';CA.9f301 ·:, · -0!'. 3105;eves(503)484-0323. I -Page 54 Dusty Tlma
WANTED: D{iver with 10 years Baja driving experience looking TECH TIPS for a:ride in '87 Baja 1000. I have By Bill Savage pre-run car and motor home. HORA-SCORE Technical Directc➔r Will contribute financially. Call Bill days (503) 686-3105, eves Results of the HORA Craig (503) 484-0323. 300 are in the record books, and WANTED: Pre-runner or 2-the outcome of the class 1600 to be used for pre-runner. elimination process is beginning Pre-runner complete. 2-1600 to clear up. First, in 1988 there will consider w/ o motor and will apparently be a combination C 11 ( 7 14 ·· of Classes 3 and 14, because both trans. a ) 963-5200. of them have so far been unable Leave message if you get tomakethecut.lt'sunlikelythey recording. will have enough additional FOR SALE: Class 2-1600 race entries at the SCORE Baja 1000, car. Bunderson Chromoly based on the classes' perform-chassis, long wheelbase, Fox .ance this season. · shocks, Wright combos, power . How this combination will steering, Neal, Beard seats, work is being studied right now. Turbo c.v.s, fresh trans and We are looking into ways to engine. Dura Blue axles, Center- · make the cars competitive with lines, 22 gal Fuel Safe. Must sell, each other with the least amount $10,000.00 OBO. Call Barry at of rule.changes. At this time we (702) 452-0454. are looking at wheelbase requirements. If it turns out that WANTED: Chevy Blazer-2WD, I late model, full size, stock or C ass 14 is simply incompatible modified, well kept, clean. No junk please. Send photo and . description to: Jon Gunter, 4448 Sun Valley, Las Vegas, NV 89121 or call (702) 456-4117 eves and weekends. REW ARD: Info leading to recovery of stolen 1968 Ford 2WD pre-runner. Yell ow, step side, 351 Cleveland, diamond plate bed. Stolen June 8, Cheyenne expressway, Las Vegas. Recovery info could bring up to $1000 .00 reward. Call .'(702) 456-4117 or Secref. Witness ( 702) 386-3213. Collect OK. FOR SALE: Class 1 Funco A-Arm short course car. 1985 points champion. Driven., by Marty Tripes. Has new Hewland 5 speed, P.S., Don Hatz 2332 motor. Paid over $8500.00 for motor alone. Asking $15,000.00. Call Tracy Valenta (818) 765-5827 days, eves (818) 445-2597. FORSALE: Class 1 or 10 Funco 1 l 7"WB, FGAHewland5 speed setup with the latest suspension components. Car is a proven winner. Ready to race. CallT racy Valenta (818) 765-5827 days, eves (818) 445-5827. FOR SALE: 2 car trailer. Double deck, 3 axle w/ winch $1250.00. 3 speed Mendeola transmission, Don Hatz 1650cc engine, FAT 1650cc engine, Don Hatz 2233 wedge mated Okrasa crank, Carillo rods. Call Tracy Valenta . (818) 765-5827 days, eves(818) 445-2597. ' FOR SALE: Jimco Challenger, fresh motor, ITS Transmission, Bilsteins, · Beard seats, CNC pedals, 22 gal fuel cell, pumpers, all aluminum body. Ran 6 races in 1987 only. Moving to 2-1600 car. Many spares, including spare front end. $10,000.00 for everything. Call (619) 475-1904 after 6 p.m. - ask for Kevin. FOR SALE: Two bedroom house on 5 .6 acres with 30 x 60 two story barn ( toy box) Elsinore area. Call ( 714) 6 7 4-7365 - Marvin Shaw. Dusty Times TRADE: 1979 19' Kona V -Bottom, Berkley jet, 455 .Olds. Less than three hours on motor, new interior, dual tanks, sharp looking tandem ax le trailer. Chrome wheels, new tires.Trade for SCORE legal 1-2--1600 complete or ro_ller. Must be competitive. Call Mike (213) 861-4817. · FOR SALE: Chenowth Wedge, Challenger single seater com-plete. Over $10,000.00 invested. Will sell for $6000.00 or best offer. Call Dave, (714) 495-1062 . . FOR SALE: Chen ow th Chai-. l·enger two seat, brand new with Raceco tranny, no engine. 85 p~rcent complete, over $12,000. invested. Will take offers. Call Dave (714) 495-1062. FOR .SALE: Chenowth 1000 single seat with 10 motor. Less than 1000 miles on car since rebuild .. Must sell, $6800 .00 OBO. Call Dave (714) 495-1062 . . FOR SALE: 1986 j imco two seater with water cooled motor, Hewland gears, bus box, Bil-steins, disc brakes, power steering, has all the goodies, ett. Spare_ motor and traile·r. $35,000.00 OBO. Call Dave (714) 495-1062. FOR SALE: Challenger single seater, great first car. Has Mastercraft seat and nets, windshield, fuel cell, etc. No motor, tranny; wheels or tires. $2000.00 OBO takes ,it away. Call Dave (714) 495-1062. . FOR SALE: 1979 F-350 Extra · Cab Ford truck. $5500.00 OBO. Dave (714) 495-1062. FOR SALE: 2-1600 frame with 114 inch wheelbase, all alumin-um body, Beard s_eats, needs torsion housing for rear, bµt has arms and axles, cvs, etc. Has new front beam and more; no tranny or motor. Car raced once. Have $6500.00 or more invested. Will sell cheap! Call Dave at ( 714 )· 495-1062. . . I with Class .3, we mar be forced to phase out Class 14. / -The way the twb, classes are running now, they \appear to be competitive with each 0ther, although Class 14 certainly has ' the potential to belfaster. Input· · on this subject, irp-1 writing, ·is welcome, of course. (Address comments to Bi1ill Savage, HORA/SCORE Technical Committee, 300 N.1 Clara A~e., Santa Ana, CA 92703.) The definition of Ila production body class was not fully understood when a competitor challenged the· legality of a Class 4 vehicle at the Craig race. The protest was lodged on the basis that Class 4 is a \"production class,'' whereas it is a "production body [class." The distinction might seem obsecure, but _it was important enough to · have the protest disallowed .. A production class allows for no modifications, rhereas a production bodYi class by definition allows competitors to change suspension !components from their stock configuration, which was what thd protest was · about. . . "[ _ . , Is this fair? Is 1t right? Whatever the outc11ome of any discussion about stock or modified suspensiorp- in Class 4, the rules will stand at least through 1988. 1, Class 6 is anotherf casualty of the policy that I created ·a minimum entry requirement for every class this seas6n. For Class 6 competitors; the s~d part is that there doesn't seem! to be any ·.other class which can take them in. It just isn't easily homogen-izJxi. There was some in.terest-for Class 8; ·· ··-. a' \time in Class 6S, but not this , '. There is some dispute over the year. There hasn't been a single fairness of allowing a 2650cc etitry in that class, and it has Jeep engine in a class limited by di~p~ared. . . and large to 2500cc engines for Gomg back to the early days of· other makes. The technical ofif road racing, stock automo-committee is studying this bi~es were competitive from-race complaint, and we have just to, race. In fact, Eric Carlsson, in received information from the what would have been a "Class manufacturers to consider. 6" Saab, led the Baja 1000 There is no decision to be made overall in the early 1970s, before yet on this subject, but there may SCORE and its class designa- be something to say by the next tions. We would be interested in is.sue of this publication. any ideas (in writing, of course) Going back to aluminum on how to combine Class 6 with blocks, they will continue to be ady other class that makes sense: legal through 1988 in Class 8, Class 7 survives the cut. The but that is only to accommodate rekson'·is that the ~ariufacturers a couple of competitors who had g9t behind the class and invested in aluminum blocks. promoted enough entries to They will-be illegal in 1989, the preserve it. In theory that way the rule book is set up to be opportunity was available to all-written. That's unless the Class 8 ·the classes that are being . competitors, who were nearly eliminated next year. And it's unanimous in opposing this type trye that some competitors of engine, have a change of heart. regard the preservation of Class 7 (The surl{e in Class 7 entry as !the "haves" getting preferen- referred to by Bill Savage is the tia11 treatment over the '.'have- result of Nissan, and sometimes nots." We don't look at it the Chevrolet, entering their team pre-srupe way. T~e polic~ was ·in runners in the race, driven by team place and widely discussed. personnel who usually drive a few Mbchanics were set up tffhelp all miles from the start before retiring cll~sses protect their existence in-and !{Oing back to pit and chase HIDR'A/SCORE racing. The chores. For example, at the HORA manufacrurers did what they had Craig race four of the ten Class 7 to do, and some other class entries were suspect, with three cohlpetitors did· not, for Nissans being driven by Nissan wliatever reasons. · people and a Chevy S-ro driven by In Classes 7S and 7 4x4, no Clive Smith, who pf,epares Larry alJminum block engines will be Ral{land's S-ro. Obviously, the le@! in 1988. There were some "haves" are the factory folks with alyminum blocks around early in the money to throw away on entry the season, but not now. So far as fees. The. "have-110ts" reasons we[know, there is no controversy uould be lack of funding for all the over e-liminating · aluminum extra entry fees, and .probably the block engines, such as the one in lru:;_k of a suitable pre-runer. ED) I . INDEX TO - : I Coming 'N;ext Month .. HORA COLOR~DO 300 STADIUM RACI~G 1rr LAS V,EGAS I SNORE 25io ADVERTISERS STADIUM RACING IN CHICAGO . I SUNRISERIFOREST SC~ A PRO RALLY GREAT WE TERN RACING IN KANSAS . .· I I .;.plus all t' e regular features Ma~d1DUSTYj TIMES .a Stocking Stuff er for Christmas ORDER qIFT SUBSC~IPTIONS FOR YOUR FAVORITE OFF ROADERS NOW. I . DELIGHT YOUR PIT CREW -FAMILY HELPFUL NEIGHBORS -EVERYONE. I _ D1USTY TIMES IS A BARGAIN GIFT WITH NO SHOPPING HASSLE ··1 . I $12.00 - 1 year•· $20 - 2 yerrs • $30 - 3 years • $115 (US) 1 year to Canada I . . SEND YOUR CHECK AND CHRISTMAS LIST TO: . jDUSTY TIMES . 5331 Derry Aye., Suite O • kgoura, CA 91301 I I I October 1 ?87 Bilstein Corp. of America . . 13 Candy Canes . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Champion Beadlock Co. . ,. . 23 Fuel Safe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 . BFGoodrich .. . . . . . . . . 28-29 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. . . ; . . . . . . . . . 2 GORRA Thanksgiving 250 . . . 8 Ja Mar Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 KC Hilites . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Leslie's Driveline Service . . . 4 Mazda Motors of America . . ·5 McKenzie's Automotive . . . . 35 Nevada Off Road Buggy· . . . 25 Nissan Motor Corp. US~ ...... , . . Back Cover Off Road Racing Handbook -Videos . : . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 PCI Race Radios . . . . . . . . 43 Sandwinder Chassis . . . . . . . 6 Score Baja 1000 . . . . . . . . . 7 Marvin Shaw Performance Products . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 _ Silver ,Dust Racing , Association. . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 SNORE Yoko Loco . . . . . . . 19 Supertrapp . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Trackside Photo Ent. . . . . . 45 Tri Mil Industries . . . . . . . . 11 Valley Performance-Hewland : . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 , Frank Vessels Racing . . . . . 15 Wright Place . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Page 55 ...1. I l
I -t / . I It was an otherwise normal Sunday afternoon on August 23rd at Riverside International Raceway Then Spen~er Low blew into town with his Nissan Hardbody™The ~me stock Hardbody you would drive yourself. And the competition never kney; what hit them~ The Low-piloted Nissan blasted out of the hole and led the 7S Class of the SCORE Off-Road World Championship &om start to finish.Leaving a trail of bent fenders, broken axles and bruised egos in his path. _ -aa.rr:Fl\ YDURSB.F'-' -Now if a Nissan Hardbody can do that t9 a pla~e like Riverside, imagine what it could do around your town: __ To find out, just visit yow.: local Nissan dealer and ask · to test-drive a Hardbody We think it'll blow YC?U away -. . I "e" I ~ n:-1-1■3 ~ I Hardbodyliucks